s DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Treasure %oom ttl?i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Dul7 »3 30 ?<5 73 76 103 34 37 43 48 57 <53 PfaUn. 4i Like as the hart 68 Let (rOd arifc 72 Lord givcthv €6 Lord how thine 88 Lord God of 130 Lor.l tothcc 140 Lord favc rr.c 1 43 Lord hear my M i?\ /fYfhepherd 4S iVf My heart 6i My foul to God 71 My Lord my God (OjMy foul give laud ro4 My foul pr-^ifc the 146 My foul praifc thou N II? X.TO^untou$ U4 rN Now Ifrael O 3 /^ Lord how arc 4 kJ O (}od that 7 O Lora my God 8 O God our Lord 15 O Lord within thy 17 O Lord give ear 18 O God myflrengrh II O Lord how joyful *z O God my God 31 O Lord I put my 44 0urcaiJh;iVC 5r O Lord conlider 5^ O God give car 60 O Lord thoudidft 63 O Gcd my God 04 O Lord unto 70 O God to me 79 0GodihcGent- 94 O Lord thou do« 95 O come let us 9^ O Ting ye now tC2 O hear my prayc/ io8 O God, my hcnc 1170 all ye nations 118 O give yc thanks 113 O Lord that 1190ft thrynow i?i O Lord I am not 13? O how happy a U^O pnife the Lord 136 O laud 'he Lord 139O Lord thou haft 141 O Lord upon thee P 38 T>Ut me not '106 i Pr^jfcyethe ijfiPraifeyethc 1 147 Fiaifc ye the Lord Folio. Tfdm. 17 43 47 59 60 94 99 100 14 29 40 46 73 104 81 3 4 $ 5 S 9 10 iz 13 18 18 34 39 4r 41 4(5 54 He man is bleft that hath not bent, ■ To wicked read his ear : m nor lead his life as finners do, —^ nor fat in fcorners chair, I But in the law of God the Lord doth fet his whole delight J And in that law doth excrcife himfelf both day and night. He fliallbe like the tree that grows fail by the river's fide. Which bringeth forth mo(l pleafant fruit in her due time and tide. Whofe leafe fiiall never fade nor fall, but flourifli ftill and ftand : Even fo all things fliall profper well , that this man takes in hand. I). So fliall not the ungodly men , theyfhallbe nothing fo: But as the duft which from the earth the wind drives to and fro. j;. Therefore fhall not the wicked msh in judgement ftand upright : Nor yet the finners with the juft fliall come in place or fight. 6 For why ? the way of godly meft unto the Lord is known : And eak the v/ay of wicked men fhall quite be overthrown. ^are freynKcrunt. Pfal. ii. T, S, \?[ 7 Hyd of their doftrine and their law • let us rejeft the yoke. 4 But he that in the heaven dwells, their doings will deride : And make them all as mocking-ftocks , throughout the world fo wide. 5 For in his wrath the Lord will fay to them upon a day : And in his fury trouble them , «ad iiii«B th« lord wil] fay. ? I have anointed him my King upon my holy hill : [ will therefore (Lord) preach thy lawj and eake declare thy will. For in this wife the Lord himfelf did fay to me I wot ,, rhou art my dear and only Son, T-^day 1 thee begot. 8 All people I will give to thee. As heirs at thy requeft : The ends and coafts of all the earth by thee fliall be poffeft. 9 Thou flialt them brufe eveh with a iAttti as men under foot trod : And as the potters flieards, flialt breai^ them with an iron rod. 10 Now ye, O kings and rulers all. Be wife therefore and learn'd. By whom the matters of the world be judged and difcern'd, r I See that ye ferve the Lord above in trembling and in fear : See that with reVerence ye rejoycc to him in like manner. 1 2 See that ye kifs and eke embrace hisbleflcd Son, 1 fay, Left in his wrath ye fuddenly perifli in the mid-way. . ., a 13 If once his wrath never fo fma'tf-^^i fliall kindle in his breaft ; ^ ^ O then all they that truft in Chrift fliall happy be and bleft. Domine quid.. Pfal. iii. T. S, OLord, how are my foes increaff^ which vex me more and more ? 2 They kill my heart when as they fayi God can him not f eftore . 3 But thou,0 Lord, art my defericc, when I am hard beftead : My worfliip and mine honour both> and thou hold'ft up my head. 4 Then with my voice upon the Lot« 1 did both call and cry : And he out of his holy hill did hear me by and by. 5 I laid me down, and quietly I llept and rofe again ; For why ? I know affuredly The Lord will mc fuftaia i ■ h » i i=? mhv,v,yt 5 Hear me bctimf , Lor^, tarry nofr for I will have refpe^. My prayer early in the motn" to thee for to direft. _ ^ If ten thoufhnd had hem*d mc In, - I couldnot be afraid": lor th6u art ftill my Lord and God, I my Saviour and mine aid. Hife up therefore faye ine, my God, ■ 4 ^nd I will truft through patience for now to thee I call: m thee my God alon. i 7 For tho« haft broke the cheeks aftdtccth ; fhou art not pleasM with wickednefj, and ul with thee dwells none. of thefe wicked men all. % Salvation oncly doth belong to thee, O Lord, above : Thou duft beftow upon thy folk, thy blc fling anc ! - tpvp Cirn invQctfrem. Pfal. iv. T. S. OGod, that art my right oufn-vTs, Lord, bear me when I call : Tliou haft fet me at liber;y, when I was bound and thrall. a Have mercy (Lordj therefore on m?;, and grant me my requeft : For unto thee unceflantly toery 1 will not reft. 5 O mortal men, how long will yc my glory thus defpifc t Why wander ye in vanity, and follow after lies ? 4 Know ye that ^ood and godly men the Lord doth take andchufe : And when to him \ make my plaint, he doth me n'>t refufe. J Sin not but ftand in aw therefore, examine well your heart : Md in your chamber quietly fee you your felvcs convert. Offer to God the facnficc of righteoufnefs, 1 fay : \nd look that in the living Lord you put your truft alway. J The greater fort crave worldly goods, and riches do embrace : But, Lord, grant us thy countenance, thy favonr and thy grace. For thou thereby fhalt make my heart more joyful and more glad. Than they that of their corn and wine, full great increafe have had. In peace therefore, lie down will I, taking my reft and flcep : For thou oneJy wilt mc, O Lord, alone in fafety keep. Vtr\'A mca awibits. Pfal. v, T. tS". Ncline thine ears unto my words, O Lord, my plamt confider : And hear my voice, my Kinj, my God, , toth€C 1 make my prayer. ^ 5 And in thy fight ihall never ftand I thefe furious fools, O Lord : Vain workers of iniquity, thou haft always abhor *d, ^ The liars and the flatterers, ' thou fhalt deft-roy them than : I And God will hate the brood- thirfly, and the deceitful man. 1 7 Therefore will 1 come to thine houfe^ trafting upon thy grace : ! And reverently will worfhip thcc toward thine holy place . 8 Lord, lead me in thy rightcoufncft^ for to Confound my fo s : ■ And eke the way that I fhall walk before my face difclofe. "j 9 For in their mouths there is no truthy [ their heart is foul and vain : 10 Their throat an open fcpulchrc, i I their tongues do glofe and fain, \ 11 Dcftroy their falfe confpiracies, , that they may come to nought : !Subvcrt them m their heaps of fin, \ which have rebellion wrought. | \ 1 a But thofe that put their truft in thcf^ I let them be glad always: | ,And render thanks for thy defence, ,: i and give thy name the praife. ' 15 For thou with favor wilt increafe the juft and righteous ftill : 'And with thy grace, as with a fhicld, defend him from all ill. ' I Domtn(^nt in furore. Pfal. vi. T.S, ) TOrd, in thy wrath reprove mc not, ,' V though I deferve thine ire .' Ne ycc cor reft me in thy rage, O Lordjitheedcfirc. a For 1 am weak, therefore, O Lord, of mercy me forbear, And heal mc. Lord ^ for why "> thou know'A i my bones do quake for fear. 3 My foul is troubled rery fore, and vexed vchcmen'-ly : But, Lord, how long wilt tbou delay tocurcmymifery 5 i 1 4 lor^if lr5/<3, turn thee to thy wonted grace, my filly foul up take : O fave me, not fox my deferts, but for thy mercies fake. 5 For why ? no man amon'» the dead remembreth thee one wiiit : Or who fhall worfhip thee, O Lord, in the inf.rnal pit ? 4 So grievous is my plaint .and moanj that T W.1X wondrous faint : All the night lon^ I wafh my bed with tears ot my complaint. 7 My fight is dim and waxeth old witli ancjuifh of my heart, For fear of thofe that be my foes, \ and would my foul fubvert. s8 But now away from me, all yc that work iniquity : por .why ? the Lord hath heard the voice of my complaint and cry. ^ He heard not onely the requeft and prayer of my heart : ^t.it received at my hands, and took it in good part. jTo And now my foes that vexed me the Lord will foon defame : And fuddenly confound them all, j to their rebuke and fliame. ■'Domtne Dew mews, Pfal. vii. T. S. OLocdjmy God, I put my truft, and confidence iu thee : •Save me from them that me purfue, and eke deliver me. a Left like a lion he me tear, and rend in pieces fmall, | While there it none to fuccor me, and rid me out of thrall. j 3 O Lord my God, if I have done the thing that is not riaht : Or elfe if I "be found in fault, j orguilty in thy fight : | 4 Or to my friend rewarded ill, I or left him in diArefs, | Which me purfu'd moft cruelly, I and hated me <:auflef£. j 5 Then let my foes purfue my foul, j andeke my life down rhruft ] Unto the earth, and.alfo lay J mine honor in the duft. I 6 Startup, O Lord, now in thy wratj?, J and put my foes to pain : I Perform the kingdom promifed I 10 im whif b wron^ fuftain, I ^■- 1*;^ ■ — " PraJ.\i(>viu. 7 Then fhall great nations come tc thee, and know thee by this thing, If thou declare for love of them, I thy fclf as Lord and King. j 8 And'as thou a-rt of all men judge, O Lord, now judge thou me J According to my righteo^fnefs, > and mine integrity. The fecond f/rrt. $ Lord, ceafe the hate of wicked meu, and be the juft mans guide : ' lo By whom the fecrcts of all hearts , arefearched anddefcry'd. n 1 take my heJp to come of God, in all my pain and fmart. That doth pxeferve ail thofe that be of pure and perfeft heart. : la The juft man, and the wicked both,' God juigeth by his power ; i So that he feels his mighty hand, ; even every day and hour. ; 1 3 Except he change his minde, I die j j for even as he fhould fmite, I He whets his fword, his bow he bendsj ' aiming where he may hit. I 14 And doth prepare his mortal darts, [ his arrows keen and fliarp, Por them that do me perfecute, whiles he doth mifcheif warp. •! 5 But lo., though he in trivel be * of his dcvififh forccaft, And oi his mifcheif once conceiv*d, yet brings forch nought at laft^ 1 6 He digs a ditch, and delves it deep, in hope to hurt his brother : But he fliall fill into the pit that he dig'd up for other. 1 7 Thus wrong returneth to the hurr ef him, in whom it bred. And all the mifcheif that he wrought Ihall fall upon his head. 1 8 I will give thanks to God therefore, that jiit'geth rightcoufiy. And with my fong will praifc the name of him that is mjoit high. o 'T>07nbte Deusvojier. Pfal.viii. T.S, O God our Lord, how vvonderfid are thy works every where, Whofe fame furmounts in dignity above the h-cavens clear ! a Even by the mouth of fucking babes, thou wilt confound thy foe^ : Per in rhole babes thy might is feen, thy orace* thty difclole. Jl± JJ5a yjl j^ And when T Tee the hcav«ns high , " the works of thine own hand j HThe fun, the moon, and all the ftars , I ' in order as they ftand ; i% What thing is man. Lord, think I then I that thou doft him remember } |-f)r what is mans pofteriry , that thou doft him confider. 5 For thou haft made him little lefs than angels in degree : .'l^nd thou haft crowned him alfo I with glory and dignitie. '0 Thou haft preferr\thim to he lord of all thy works of wonder ; ;^nd at his feet haft fet all things, that he fhould keep them under. ^ Asilieep, andneat,andallbeafts dfe, that in the fields do feed : ^ Fowls of the air J filh in the fea , Ad all that therein breed. P Therefore muft 1 fay onca again. O God that art our Lord/ pow famous and how wonderful are thy works through the world ! Confitebor tilt, Domlne. Pfal. ix. T. S. T ;\^Ith heart and mouth unto the Lord ■ ^ *' will 1 fing laud and praife : jflnd fpeak of all thy wondrous works^ and them declare always. I?. I will be glad and much rejoyce In thee, O God moft high : And make my fongs extoll thy name above the ftarry skie. 3 For that my foes are driven back and turned unto flight : 5'hey fall down flat and are deftroy'd by thy great power and might. 4 Thou haft revenged a]l my wrono-, my grief and all my grudge : ° DThou doft with juftice hear my caufc , moft like a righteous judge. Thou doft rebuke the heathen fclkj and wicked fo confound , That afterward the memory of them cannot be found, f My foes thou haft made good difpatch , • and all their towns deftroy'd : Thou haft their fame with them defac'J, through all the world io wide. ^ Know thou, that he which is above for evermore fball reign 5 ' ^nd in the feat of equity. ° ?r«e judgement wili maintain. •pTaiSn^iT 8 With jufticelie will kwp and ffuidc the \vorld and every wight : ° And fo will yield with equity to every man his right. 9 He is protedor of the poor what time they be oppreft ; He is in all adveriitie their refuge and their reft. JO And they that know thy holy namCj therefore ihall trnft in thee : For tliou forfikcft not their fuit in their ncceflity. The fecond f d>'f . 1 1 Sing Pfalms therefore unto the Lord that dwells in Sion hill; Publifli among all nations. ' his noble adls and will, li For he is mindful of the blood of thofe that be oppreft : Forgetting not the affliaed heart that feeks to him for reft . 13 Have mercy, Lord, on me poor wrcte^ whofe enemies ftill remain , which from the gates of death ate wont to raife me up again. 14 In Sion that I might fet forth thy praife with heart and voycCj And that in thy falvation, LorJ, my foul might ftill rejoyce. 15 The heathen ft ick faft in the pic that they themfelves prepared , And in the net that they did fet their own feet faft are fnared. 1$ God fliews his judgements which were for every man to'mark 3 (g^cd When as ye lee the wicked man •, lie trapt in his own wark. 1 7 The wicked and deceitful men go down to hell for ever. And all the people of the world , that will not God remember : 1 8 But fure the Lord will not forget the poor mans grief and pain : The patient people never look, tor help of God in vain, 19 O Lord arife, left men prevail that be of worldly might : And let the heathen folk receive their judgement in they fight. 20 Lord,ftrike fuch terror,fearjanddrca into the hearts of them. That they may know affuredly they be but mortal men^ " ' • • - ik Plalmx. XI. w Vt quid Domtne.V^ah k. T. S^ Hat is the caufe that thou, O Lord, art now io far from thine ? And keepeft clofe thy countenance from us this troublous time ? Z The poor do perifii by the proud and wicked mens defire : Let them be taken in the crafty that they themfelves confpire. 3 For in the luft of his own heart th' ungodly doth delight : So doth the wicked praife himfelf, and doth the Lord defpight. 4- He is fo proud that right and wrong he fetteth all apart : Nay,nay, there is no God, faith he, for thus he thinks in heart. J Becaufe his ways do profper ftill_, he doth thy laws negleft , And with a l^laft doth puitagainft fuch as would him correft. 6 Tufti, tufii, faith he, I have no dread , left mine e^ate fliould change : And why ? for all adverfity to him is very ftrange, 7 His mouih is fr.Il of cnrfedncfs, of fraud, deceit, and guile : Under his tongue* doth mifchief fit , and travel all the while. 8. He lyeth hid in ways and holes to flay the innocent : Againft the poor that pafs him by his cruel eys are bent. S> And like a lion privily lies lurking in his den, If he may fnare them in his net , to fpoil poor fimple men. IO And for the nonce full craftily he croucheth down I fay : H So are great hopes of poor men made, by his ftrong power, his prey. Jhefecond ■part. iz Tufli, God forgetteth this, faith he, therefore I may be] bold : His countenance is caft afide , he doth it not behold. r 5 Arife, O Lord, G God, in whoitj the poor mans hope doth reft : Lift up thy hand, forget not, Lord, the poor that be dppreft. 14 What blafphc my is this to thee. Lord, doft thou not abhor it, To hear the wicked in their heart > Tufli; thou cay'ft not for n ) %; 15 Eut thou feeft all their wickednef?, and well doft underftand i6 That friendlefs and poor fatherlcis are left into thy hand. 17 Of wicked and malicious men then break the power for ever ; That they with their iniquity, may perifh altogether. 1 & The Lord fliall reign for ever more as King and God alone, And he will chafe the Heathen folk out of the land each one. ipThou hearft,6Lord,the poor mens plaiatt their prayers and requeft : Their hearts thou wilt confirm, until thine ears to hear be preft : ao To judge the poor andfatherlcfs, and help them to their right ^ That they may be no more opprell by men of worldly might . hi 1) amino confido. Pfa!. xi. T. 5, ITruft in God, hov7 dare ye then f;iy thus Riy foul untill, Fly hence as faft as any fowl, and hide you in your hill ? 2 Behold the wicked bend their bowes, and make their arrows preft To flioot in fecret, and to hurt the found and harmelefs breaft, 3 Of worldly hope all ftays were flirutikj^ and clearly brought to nought : Alas, the juft and righteous man , what evil hath he wrought ? 4 But he that in the temple is moft holy and moft high. And in the heavens hath His feat , of royal Majeftie. The poor and fimpic mans eftate confidereth in his mind , And fearcheth out full narro^'Iy the manners of mankind. 5 And with a chearful countenance the righteous man will ufe : But in his heart he doth abhor all fuch as mifchief mufe. 6 And on the finners cafteth fnares as thick as any rain, Fire and brimftone, and whirlwinds thick ^ appoynted for their pain. 7 Ye f^e then how a righteous God doth righteoufnefs embrace, ^nd to the juft and upright men ihewi ibrth his pleauat face, A 4' ■' S'ilvm rr rral.xiia^iii.xiyjjtyj Salvtm mtfdc. Pfal. xii. T. S. Hfilpj Lord, for ^ood and godly men, do periHi and decay ; ;And fairh and truth, from worldly men, 1 is parted clean away, a Who fv) doth with his'neighbor talk, , his talk is all but vain : E6r every man hc;thinketh how to flatter, lie, and feign. 3 But flattering and deceitful lips, j and tono^ues t'hat be fo ftout, Tofpeakprou's words,& make <;ixat brags I the Lord foon cuts them out. 4 For they fay ftill ; We will prevail, our tongues (hall us extol ; Our tongues are ours, we ought to fpeak , what lord fi:a!l us controml ? 5 But for the great complaint and cry of poor, and men opprelt, Arife will I now, faith the Lord, and them reftore to vel^ . 4 Gods word is like to filver pure, ' that from the earth is tride, iVnd hach no Icfs then feven times, in fire been purifide. 7 Now fith thy promife is to help, I T-ord, keep thy promife then : lAndlave us now, and evermore, I from this ill kind of men. 18 For now the wicked world is full of mifchie fs manifold, 'When vanity, with worldly men, fo highly IS cxtuld. Vfqtieqio D'>ni:ne. Pfal. xiii. T. 5", TJj Ow long wilt thou forget me, Lord ? * 1 Ihall "i ne'r be remcmiued ? How long wilt thou thy vifage hide, as though tliouwert offended ? In heart and minde, how long fhall I with care tormented be •* How long eke fliall my deadly foes, thus triumph over me ? Behold me now, my Lord my God, and hear me lore oppreft : ighten mine eyes, left that 1 fleep as one by death po(Teft. rLcft that mine enemy lay to mc, Behold I do prevail : tt^eft they alfo, that hate my foul, I rejoyce to fee me quail. K But from thy mercy and goodncfs^ ) my hope fhall never ftart : I(Jn thv releif, and faving health, j rijhi^Udih4Ub€IPyijca«t ^ I will give thank? unto the Lord, and praifes ro him fing : Becaufe he hath heard my'requcft, and granted my wifliint^. Dixit injrpiensy Pfal. xiv. T, S^ THere is no God, as foolifli men affirm in their mad mood : Their drifts a):e all corrupt and vain, not one of them doth good, a The Lord beheld from heaven high, the wliole race of mankinde. And faw not one, that foujiht indeed the living God to finde. 3 They went all wide, and were corrupt | and truly there was none That in the world did any good : I fay there was not one. 5 Is all their judgment fo far loft, that all work mifcheif ftill, Eating my people, even as bread, not one to feek Gods will ? 5 When they thus rage, then Suddenly great fear on them fhall fall : For God doth love the righteous men, and will maintain them all 6 Ye mock the doings of the poor, tothcii reproach and fliame : Sccaufe they put their truft in God^ and call upon his name. 7 But who fliall give thy people health } and when wilt thou fulfil Thy promife made to Ifrael from out of Sion hill? S Hvcn when thou (halt reftorc again fuch as were captive led : Then Jacob fhall therein rejoyce, and Ifrael Ihall be glad. Domtne quvs . Pfal. xv. T. S, OLord, within thy tabernacle, who ftall inhabit ftill ? Or whom w ilt thou receive to dwell in thy moft holy hill ? 2 The man whofe life i^ uncorrupt, who-fe works are juft and ftraighr s W^hofe heart doth think the very truth, whofe tongue fpeaks no deceit. 3 Nor to his neighbor doth none ill . in body, goods, or namCj Nor willingly, doth move falte tales, which might empait the fame. 4 That in his fieart regardeth not maliciouswicked men i 5^t thofe that love and fear the Lojd> iM:^ His oath, and all his promifts, that keepeth faithtuliy, Although he make his covenant fo, that he doth lofe thereby. 6 That putteth not to ufury his money and his coyn, Nc hr to hurp the innocent, doth brihcj or elfe purloyn . 7 Who fo doth all things as you fee, that here is to be done. Shall never pe nor in the TTaT ^^I^Z erifh in this world. world to come, Confervit me. Pfal. xvi. T. S^ Drd keep me, for I truft in thee, > and do confefs indeed, jrhouartmyGori, and of mygoodj, O Lord thou haft no nced.^ I give my ^oois unto the Samts that in the world do dwell, And namely to the faithful flock, in vertue that txct\. Thfy Ihallheap forrows on their heads, which run as they were mad^ To offer to the idol-gods : alafsitistoo bad. A$ for their bloody facrificc, and offerings cf that fort, I will not touch, nor yet thereof mylipsfliall malce report. For v/hy ? the Lord the portion is of mir.e inheritance : And thou art he, that doft maintain my rent, my lot, my chance. S The place wherem my lot did fall, n beauty did excel ; Mine heritage afligw'd to me, doth pleafe me wondrous well. 7 I thank the Lord, thatcaufedmc to underftand the right : For by his means, my fccret thou«»ht|l do reach me every niqhr. • 1 fet the LordftiU m my fight and truft him over all : " ' For he doth (land on my right hand, therefore I fliall not fall. 9 Whereforcny heart and tongue alfo do both rejoyce together T My flefli and body reft in hope, when I th^^ thing confidcr, 10 Thou wilt not leave my foul !it»r«vC> for, Lord, thou lovcft me : ** ^or yet wils give thy holy One* (orru|)tion for to fee^ A » But wilt me teach the way to !ifc j for alt treafure and ftore Of perfed joy, are in thy face, and power for evermore. Exnudi Domine. Pfal. xvii. T. S^ OLord, give ear to my juft caufe, attend when I complain. And hear the prayer that I put forth, with lips that do not feign, a Andlet the julgmentof my caufe, proceed always from thee : And let thine eyes behold and clear this my fimplicity. 3 Thou haft well try'd me in the niwht, and yet couldft nothing finde. That 1 have fpoken with my tongue, that was not in my minde. 4 As for the works of wicked men and paths pervcrfe and ill, For love of thy moft holy name, 1 have reframed ftUl. j JT Then in thy paths that be moft pure, ] ftay me, Lord,andpreferve : That from the way, wherein 1 walk, my fteps may never fwerve, € For I do call to thee, O Lord, furely thou wilt me aid : Then hear my prayer, and weigh right well the words that I have faid. 7 O thou the Saviour of all them that put their truft in thee. Declare thy ftrcngth on Lhem that fpur» againft thy Majcfty. 5 O keep me as thou \vouldeft keep the apple of thine eye : And under covert of thy wings, defend me fecrecly. Theftcond pnrt, 9 From wicke.-l men that trouble me, and daily me annoy. And from my foes chat go about, my foul for to deft toy ? !o Which wallow in their worldly wealth,' fo full and eke fo fat, That in their pride, they do not fpare to fpeak, they care not what. U They wit And mu tocaft^ II Much like a lion greedily, that would his prey embrace « Or lurking like a lions whelp Withm fomcictv^tj)Ugc, Ipeak, they care not what. ;y lie in wait, where I fhould pafs, th crafc me to confound 3 j jfing mifcheif in their mindes , i caft me co the gronnd. j r JJJI] lO PfalmxviijXViii, ]' ' !i 5 I mean fr om worldly men to whom j all worldly goods are rife, ^hat have no hope, nor part of joy, 1 but m this prefent life. %6 Thou of thy ftore, their bellies fiU'ft, with pkafiire to their minde : ^hcir children have enough, and leave to theirs the reft behinde. 17 But I fliall v^ith pure confcicncc, behold thy gracious face : So when I wake, I fhall be full of thine ima^e and crrace. *Diligam te Dom. Pfal.xviii. T.S, D.God, my ftrength and fortitude, of force I muft love thee : Thou art my caftle and defence inmy neceffity, i My God, my rock in whom I truftj the worker of my wealth : My rcfuc;e, buckler, and my fhield, the horn of all my health. k When T fung hud unto the Lord, moft worthy to be ferved. Then from my foes I am right fure that I fliall be preferved. f. The pangs of death did compafs me, and bound me every where : frhe flowing waves of wickednefs did put me in great fear. :^ The flie and fubtil fnares of hell were round about me fet : {^d for my death there was prepar'd a deadly trapping net. J^ I thus befet wirh pain and grief, did pray to God for grace : JA.nd he forthwith did hear my plaint out of his holy place. jjr Snch is his power, that in his wrath he made the earth to quake, Bfea, the foundation of the mount of Bafan for to {hake • And from his noftrib came afmoak] when kindled was his ire : nd from his mouth came kindled coals of hoc confuming fire, i; ^ The Lord dcfcendcd from abovff. I and bowed the heavens high : I And underneath his feet he caft j the darknefs of the skie. ,10 On cherubs, and on cherubims, * i^ full royally he rode : And on the wings of all the winds, I came flying all abroad. |i Thefcco7ulpitrt, 'i 1 1 And like a den moft dark he made, « his hid and fecret place : With water; black, and airy clouds, environed he was. 12 But when the prcfence of his face, in bri^htnefs fhall appear, Then clouds confumc, and in their fte^d, come hail and coals of fire. 1 3 The fiery darts and thunder-bolts difperfe them here and there : And with his often lightenings, he puts them in great fear. 14 Lord, at thy wrath and threatnings, and at thy chiding chear. The fprin^s and the foundations of all the world appear. 1 5 And from above, the Lord fent down to fetch me from below, And pluckt me out of waters great, that would me overflow. 1 6 And me delivered from my foes, that would have made me thrall : Yea, from fuch foes, as were too ftronj for me to deal withal. 17 They did prevent me toopprcfs in time of my great grief: But yet the Lord was my defence, my fuccor and relief. 1 8 He brought me forth in open placC whereas I might be free, And kept me fafe, becaufe he had a favor unto me. 19 And as I was an innocent, fo did he me regard, And to the cleannefs of my hands, he gave me my reward. Jto For that I walked in his ways, and in his paths have trod, And have not wavered wickedly againft my Lord and God. The third pitrt. a I But evermore I have rcfpe^ to his law and decree : His ftatutes and commandemcnts I caft r,ot out frqm me, 9} Sue T! aim t\\u: m 22 But pure and dean, and uncorrlipt appear'd before his face, And did refrain from wickednefs and fin in any cafe. I 5 The Lord therefore will me reward, as 1 have done aright : And to the cleannefs of my hands, appearing in his fight. 24 For, Lord, with him that holy is wilt thoii be holy too, Aud with the good, and virtuous men, right virtuoufly wilt do. 25 And to the loving and eled, thy love thou wilt referve : And thou wilt ufe the wicked men, as v/icked men deferve. 2 for other there is none. Dr elfe who is omnipotent, faving our God alone ? The fourth ^,irt, 5 1. The God that girdeth me with ftren'^th, IS he that I do mean, ° ■ That all the ways wherein I walk did ever more keep clean, 52 That made my feet like to "the hart's in fwiftnefs of my pace, And for my furety brought me forth into an open place. J 3 He did in order put my hands to battel, and to fight : To break in funder barsV brafs he gave mine arms the miaht. 34 Thou teacheft me thy favin'^ health, thy right hand is my towef; Thy love and familiarity ^' . i^th Hill incrcafe my power, 35 And under mc thou makeft plain the way where I fhould walk. So that my feet fhall never flip, nor ftumbleatabalk. 16 And fiercely 1 purfue and take my foes that me annoy'd : And from the field do not return till they be all deftroy'd. 37 So I fupprefs and wound my foes, that they can rife no more : For at my feet they fall down flat, I ftrike them all fo fore. 38 For thou dofl: gird me wir.h thy ftrcn<»tk to war in fuch a wife. That they be all fcattered abroad that up againft me rife. 35> Lord, thou haft put into my hands ' my mortal enemies yoke : And all my foes thou doll divide in funder with thy ftroke. ■40 They calPd for help, but none gave car^ nor help them with relief : Yea, to the Lord they call'd for help, yet heard he not their ^rief. The fifth part, 41 And ftill like duft before the wind, I drive them under feet. And fweep them out like filthy clay f thatftickethin theftreet, 42 Thou keep^ft me from feditious folk, that ftill in ftrife are hd: And thou doft of the heathen foL^t appoint me to be head. 43 A people ftrange to me unknown, and yet they fliall me ferve : And at the firft obey my word, whereas mine own will fwerve. 44 I fhall be irkfome to mine own,' they will not fee my light : But wander wide out of tlie way and hide them out of fight. 45 But blefled be the living Lord, moft worthy of all praife. That is my rock, and favino- health : Praifed be he always. " 4^ For God it is that gave me poiver revenged for to be : ^nd with his holy word fubdu'd h ■ the people unto me. i 47 And from my fo delivered me, i and fet me higher than thofe ^ Th^f cruel and ungodly were, «■' andupa^^initmerpfe, j '' ^g ftnd M. Pl4l.xii:>xx,xxi. ^f Andforthis caufe, OLordmyGocf, to thee give thanks I fhall, ^nd fing out praifes to thy name among the Gentiles all. 4^ That gavcft great profperity unto the king, I fay. To David tlwnc anointed king, and to his feed for ay. Cteli enarrant. Pfal. xix. T. S^ ^pHc heavens and the firmament, 1 do wondroufly declare JfllC glory of God omnipotent, his works, and what they arc. The wondrous works of God appear by every days fucccfs : Tiic nights likewife which their race run, the felf fame thing exprefs. } There is no language, tongue, or fpccch, where their found is not heard ; Ja all the earth and coafts thereof, their knowledge isconfer'd. In them the Lord made for the fun a place of great renown. ||Vho like a bridegroom ready trim*d, I doth from his chamber come, r I i ButjLord, whtt ^ ^^^ <5cJ'' y*^ of that he did require. 5 Thoudidft prevent him with thy gifty, and blefTings maiifold. And thou haft fet upon his head a crown of perfeiS croid, 4 And when he asked life of thee, thereof thou mad'ft him fure, To hare long life, yea, f ttch a life, as ever Hull endure. 5 Great is his glory by rhy help, thy benefit and aid : Great worfliip, and great honor both, J thou haft upon him laid, 1^ Thou wilr give him felicity, I that never fhall decay, fAnd with thy chearful countenance, I wilt comfort him alway. p For why ? the king doth ftrongly truft f in God for to prevail : jWherefore his goodne fs and his grace, I will not that he fhall quail, P But let thine enemies feci thy forC^, \ ^ and thofe that thee withftand : rind out thy fees, and let them feel the power of thy right hand, 1^ And like an oven burn them. Lord, ;' in fiery flame and fume : ^hinc an^cr fhall deftroy them all, f and fire (hall them confumc. lo And thou fhalt root out of the earth ■ their fruit that fhould increafc : And from the number of thy folk I their Cetd fhall end and ccafc. 1^ t Fof why ? m'-'ch mifchief did they mul a^ainft thy holy name : ^Ct did they fail, and had no power I for to perform the fame. f 2 But as a mark thou flialt them fct in a moft open place, jAnd charge thy bow-ftrings readily againft thine enemies' face. i 3 Be thou exalted. Lord, therefore I in thy ftrength every hour : fo Ihall we fin* right folcmnly, praifing thy might and power. I Dew, Dew mats. Pfal, xxii, T. S, bGod my God, wherefore dcvft thau forfake mc utterly, lAnd helpeftnotwheni domake, i my great complaint and cry > p To tbee, my Goa, t ven all day long I ceafc not all the night, and yet thou heareft not at all, 3 Even'thou that in thy fanSuary and holy place doft dwell. Thou art the comfort and the joy, and glory of IfracL 4 A-nd he in whom our fathers old, had all their hope for ever : And when they put their truft in thee, thou didft them ay deliver. 5 They were delivered ever when they called ©n thy name : And for the faith they had in thee, they were net put to fliame. 6 But I am now become a worm more like than any man : An outcaft whom the people fcorti, with all the fpight they can, 7 Ail men defpife, as they behold, me walking en the way : They grin, they mow, they nod their hctd^ and on rhis wife they fay, 8 This man did glory in the Lord, his favor and his love. Let him redeem, sjvd help him now, his power, if he will prove, f But, Lord, out of my mothers womb, I came by thy requeft : Thot* didft prefcrvc me ftill in hope, while 1 did fuck her breft. > I o I was committed from my birth, with thee to have abode : -Since I was in my mothers womb, thou haft been e'r my God, The fccoHd pt^rt, I I Then, Lord, depart not now fromraC in this my prefent grief : Since I have none to be my help, my fuccor and relief. I a Somany buUsdocomjpafsme that be full ftrong of head : Yea, bull s fo fat as though ihcy had in Bafan field been fed. 1 5 They gape upon me ^rcedily, as though they would me flay -. Much like a lion roarin«T out and rampint^ for his prey. 14 But I drop down like water fhed^ my joynts in funder break : My heart doth in my body melt like wax again'ft the heat. 1$ And like a pot-fhe.irdc^ricthmy fl:ren«ikj my.teuqu-^ i* dejivc^rh fuft ; 1$ , Unto my jaws, and I am brought to duft of death at laft, ji i6 And many dogs do compafsmCj^ and wicked councel eke Cpnfpire againft me curfedly, they pierce my hands and feet. 17 I was tormented, fothati might all my bones have told J Yet ftill upon me they do look, and itiU they me behold. 18 My garments they divided eke y in parts amon^ them all : >*» And for my coat they did caft lots to whom it might befall. i^ Therefore, 1 pray thee, be not far from me at my great need : [■.ipBut rather fith thou art my ftrenath, to help me. Lord, make fpeed. Pfalmj^ii, xxlii. ^ nd he fhall be their governor and kin^ for evermore. I f zp The rich men of his goodly gifts fiiall feed and tafte alto : And in his prefence worfliip him I and bow their knees full low. ^30 And all that lliall go down to duftj i of life 1 y him fhall tafte : My feed fhall ferve and praife the Lord while any world fliall lafl^ 31 My feed fliall plainly lliew to them that fhall be born hereafter : His juftiee and his righteoufnefs, and all his works of wonder. Domnus regit mc, Pf;il. xxiii. ■^He Lord is onely my fupport and he that doth me feed : W.Wo Mo And from the fword,Lord, fave my foul j^ow can I then lack any thing i|] by thy might, and thy power 5 " |!^And keep my foul, thy darling dear, 1:5 from dogs that would devour. And from the lions mouth, that would me all in funder fliiver. And from the horns of Unicorns, i;i| Lord, fafely me deliver, ij5 ia Then fliall I to my brethren alt ' thy majefty record ; !r And in thy church fliall praife the name L of thee the livinj Lord. f^^ The third fart. All ye that fear him praife the Lord, thou Jacob honor him : fAndallyefeedoflfrael . with reverence worfhip him. to flow beneath the land. 3 For who is he, O Lor d, that Ihall afcend into thy hill ? Or pafs into thy holy place, there to continue flill ? 4 Whofe hands are harmlefs,& whofc heart no fpot there doth defile : His foul not fet on vanity, who hath not fwom to guijie. Him that is fuch a one, the Lord fliail place in blifsful plight. And God his God and Saviou'r, fiiall yield to him his right. € This is the brood of travellers^ in feeking of his grace : As Jac ob did, the Ifraelite, in that time of his race. J Yc princes ope your gates, ftand ope the everlafting gate : tor there ftiall enter in thereby the king of glorious ftate. % Who is the king of glorious ftatc ? the ftrong and mighty Lord, The mighty Lord in battel ftout, and trial of the fword. f Ye princes ope your gates, ftand ope, the everlafting gate : For there fiiall enter in thereby the kin^ of glorious ftate. to Who is the kmgof glorious ft;\t€ $ the Lord of hofts it is ? ^The kingdom and the royalty of glorious ftate is his. *AAuDomine. Pfal.xxv. T,S*. J Lift my heart to thee. "w Now fuffer me to take so fljame, forintheedoltruft. a Let not my foes rejoyce, nor make a fcorn of me : And let them not be overthrow© that put their truft in thee, 3 But fliame fliall them befal which harm them wrongfiilly t Therefore thy paths, and thy right wayf^ unto me. Lord, defcry : 4 Direft me in thy truth, and teach me, I thee pray : Thou art my God and Saviour, on thee I wait alway. 5 Thy mercies manifold, I Dray thee. Lord, lemcmbcrj. And eke thy pity iplentiful, for they have been for ever, € Kemember not the faults, and frailty of my youth : Remember not how ignorant', I have been of th^ truth, j Nor after my deferts let me thy mercy finde : But of thine own benignity. Lord have me in thy mindc;; 7 His mercy is fiill fweet, his truth a perfeft guide : Therefore the Lord will linnerstMcSi and fuch as go afide. • S The humble he will teach his precepts for to keep : Et will dire ft in all his ways the lowly and the meek. 9 For all the ways of God are truth and mercy both. To them that keep his teftamcnt^ the witnefs of his troth. The fecond fart, I o Now for thy holy name, O Lord, I thee intreat To grant me pardon for my fia, for it is wondrous great. u Who fo doth fear the Lord, the Lord will him dired To lead his life in fuch a way, as he doth beft accept. '« 2 His foul fiiall evermore in goodnefs dwell andftandi His feed and 'his pofterity, inherit fhall the land. % }, All thofe that fear the Iord|^ ts And unto them, he doth decUrc his will and tcftamenc. 14 Mine eyes, aid eke rny heart, to him I \^ill advance,. That pluck'd niy feet out of the fnarc of fin and ignorance, 15 Withmercy me behold, to thee I make my mone : For I am poor and defolate, and comforclefs alone. 1 6 The troubles of my heart are mulcipjy'd indeed ; Irfng me out of this mifery, neceflity and need. 17 Behold my poverty, mine anguifli, and my pain : Remit m^ fin, and mine otFcncc, and make me clean a^ain. „Pj[aLx3«VixXXVii. 18 O Lord, behold my foes, how they do ftill increaie, Purfuing me With deadly hate that fain would live in peace, ip Preferve and keep my ibul, and eke deliver me : And let me not be overthrown, becaufe I truft in thee. So Let my fi\nple purcnef: me from mine enemies fhcnd : Becaui« I look as one of thine, fhat thou fliouldll me defend, Ji Deliver, Lord, thy folk, and fend them fnme relief, I mean thy chofcn iiVacl, from all their pain and grief. fudicn me D amine. Pfal. xxvi. T. S. Lord, be my Judge, and thou fhalt fee my paths be right and plain : I truft in God, and hope that he will ftren»th me to remain, a Prove me, my God, I thee defire, my ways to fcarch and try : As men do prove their gold with fire, m;i reins and heart efpy. 3 Thy woorlnefs laid before my face, I durft behold always : For of thy truth, I tread the trace, and will do all my days. 4 I do not luft to haunt or ufe with men whofe deeds are vain : To come in houle I do refufe with the deceitful train. 5 I much abhor the wicked fort, i their deeds I do dcfpifc ; I do not once to them rcfort, that hurtful things dcvife, 6 Myhandsl wafh, and do proceed in works to walk upright : Then to thine altar I make fpeed, CO offer there in fight, 7 That I may fpeak and preach the praifc I that doth belong to theCj I And fo declare, how wondrous wayfi 1; thou haft been good to me. p O God, thy houle I love mod dear^ [ ro.nie it doth excel : il have deliijht, and would be near, whereas thy gtace doth dwell, ^ O fliut not up my foul with them iin fin, that take their fill : Nor yet my life amon^ thofe men that feek much Vlood to fpili. >•• VVhofe hand's are heapt with craft and I their lives thereof are full : (g^^]^^ [And their right hand with wrench and wile, for bribes doth pluck and pull, 1 1 1 But I in righteoufnefs intend I my time and days to ferve : Have mercy, Lord, and me defend, fo that I do not fwerve. 12 My foot isftaid forallartays, . , ! it ftandeth v;ell and rio;ht i •Wherefore to God will I give praifc, I in all the peoples fight. DomviMS illuminatto. Pfal.xxvii. J.H, ; 'THe Lord is both my health an^l light j , ' Ihall man make me difmaid ? ' Sith God doth give me ftrength andwight, I why fliould 1 be afraid ? 1 While that my foes with all their ftrctigt^K I be»in v/ith me to brail, [ And thmk to eat me up, at length I themfelves have caught the fall. j: I Though they in camp a^ainft mc li?, Ti* my' heart is not afraid : • In battel pight, if they will try, Itfuft inGodforaid. 4 One thing of God I dojequire, that be will not deny : I For which I pray, and will dcfirc till he to me apply : 5 That I within his holy place, my life throughout may dwell> To fee the beauty of his face, and view his temple well. ! 4 In time of dread be fhall mc hid#^ [ witflitt his place moft pure J | PfaL \xvii u Tcxlx kn^ keep mt fecrct by his fide, as on a rock mod in re. 7 At length I know rhe Lords good <»race, fhall make me ftrong and flout, My foes to foil, and clean deface, that compafs me about. ; Therefore within his houfe will I give facrifice of prai^ : With pfalms and fongs I will apply to laud the Lord always. The fecond ^art» 9 Lord, hear the voice of my requcft, for which to thee I call i Have mercy. Lord, on me oppreft, and fend me help withal, o My heart dorh knowledge unto thee, I fue to have thy grace : rhcn feek my face, fay'ft thou to mc, Lord, I will leek thy face. 1 1 In wrath turn not thy face aWay, nor fufferme to Hide : Thou art my help ftill to this day, be ftill my God and ^uide: 12 My parents both their fon forfook, and caft me off at lar^e : And then the Lord himfelfyet took of me the care and charge . 3 Teach me, O Lord, the way to thee, and lead me on forth right, For fear of fuch as watch for me, to trap me if they mif ht. x4 Do not betake me to the will of them that be my foes : Forthey furmifeagninft me ftill fdlfe witnefs to depofe. 1 5' My heart would faint, but that in me this hope is fixed faft, The Lord Gods good grace Ihall I fee inlifethatayfhalUaft. i6 Truft ftill in God whofe whole thou aft, his will abide thou muft ^ And he fliall eafe and ftrength thy heart, i{ thou in him do truft. his law ne yet his lore : Therefore will he them and their feed deftroy for evermore. To render thanks unto the Lord how great a caufe have I, yly voice, my prayer, and my complaint that heard fo willingly 1 r He is my flaield and fortitude, my buckler in diftrefs : Vly hope, my help, my hearts relisF, ' my fong fliall him confefs. ? He is our ftrength, and our defence, ''' our enemies to refift : The health, and the falvation of hiseledbyChrift. P Thy people, and thine heritage, Lord, blefs, guide, and prefervc t Increafe them. Lord, and rule their hearts^, that they may neve r fv/erve. ^jfe.ie Domino, Pfal. xxix. T. S* CI Ive to the Lord, ye potentates, I ye rulers of the world. Give ye ^H praife, honor, and ftrength unto the living Lord. 2 Give gl'^ry to his holy name, and honor him alone : Worfliip hini in his majefty, within his holy throne. I His voice doth rule the v/arcrs all,"; even as himfelf doth pleafe : He dorh prepare the thunder-claps, and governs all the feas. 4 The voice of God is @f great force, and wonjrous excelltnc ; It is moft mighty m effed, and moft inagnificer'- J The voic?. of Ood dCa rend and break the cedar-trees fo long ; The cedar-trees of Lebanon, whicii are moft high and ftsong, 6 And makes them leap like as a calf, «r zK% the MflKorn : j J^ ;5^i Pfal.xxx, XXX IJot onely trees, btit mountains great, whereon the trees are born. y His voice divides tbe flames of fire, and fhakcs the wildernefs ; S It makes the defett quake for fear, that called is Cades. ^ It makes ihe hindes for fear to ealve, and makes the coverts plain ; Then in his temple every man his glory doth proclaim. 10 The Lord is fet above the fiouds, ruling the raging fea : So fhall he reign as Lord and King for ever and for ay. 1 1 The Lord will give' his people power in vertuc to increafe : jfhe Lord will blefs his chofen flock, with everlafting peace. £xaltaho te Domhie. Pfal.xxx. 7. W. A LI laud and praife,with heart & voice, O Lord,l give to thee. Which didft not make my foes re Joyce, but haft exalted me, i O Lord, my God, to thee I cry'd in all my pain and ^rief : Thou gav'R an ear, and didft provide toeafeme with relief. 5 Of thy gootl will thou haft call'd back my ioul from hell to fave : Thou didft revive when ftrength did lack ; and kept'ft me from the grave. 4 Sin*' praiie, ye faints, that prove and fee tRe goodnefsof the Lord : hn memory of hismajefty rejovce with one accord. U For why ? his anger but a fpacc doth laft, and {bick again : Bat in his favor, an>^ his grace, always doth life remain. Though gripes of grief, and pangs full fore ffiali lodge with us all night, hrhe Lord in joy fliall us reftore before the day be light. 8 Wherefore again yet did I cry to thee, O Lord of might : My God with plaints 1 did apply, and pray'd both day and night, j> What gain is in my blood, faidi, if death deftroy my days > Doth duft declare thy majefly, or yet thy truth doth praife ? I a Wherefore, my God, fome pity t^c, OLord, I theedefire : Do not this fiimple foul forfakc, of help I thee require. I I Then didft thou turn my grief and wo^ into a chearful voice : The mourning weed thou took 'ft me froj and mad'ft me to rejoyce. 1 1 Wherefore my foul unceflantly fhall fing unto thy praife : My Lord, my God, to thee will I give laud and thanks always. ^ In te Domhte. Pfal. xxxi. /. H. OLord, I put my truft m thee, let nothing work me (hame : As thou art jnft, deliver me, and fet me quit from blame, a Hcarme,0 Lord, and that anon, to help me make good fpccd : Be thou my rock, and houfe of ftone, my fence in time of need. ' 3 For why ? as ftones thy ftrength is tryM I thou art my fort and tower : ,, For thy names lake be thou my guide, and lead me in thy power. 4 Pluck thou my feet out of the fnare which they for me have laid : Thouart myftrencTth, and all my carc is for thy might and aid. 5 Into thy hands. Lord, I comnvit my fpiritj which is thy due : For why, thou haft redeemed it, Lord, mv God moft true 8 1 hate fuch folk as will not part from things to be abhor'd : When they on trifles let their heart, my truft is in the Lord. 7 For I will in thy mercy joy, 1 fee it doth excel ; Thou feeft when ought would me annoy, and knoweft my foul full well. 8 Thou haft not left mc m their hand thiit would ni€ avw-chargc i J?fal. 'n ndi: ISL But thou haft fct me mit of band, to walk abroad at large. The fecond part, 9 Great ^rief, O Lord, doth me aflail, fome pity on me take : Mine eyes wax dim, my fight doth fail, my womb for wo doth ake. o My life is worn with grief and pain, my years in wo are paft, My ftrength is gone, and through difdaiit my bones corrupt and wafte. Among my foes I am a fcorn, my friends are all difmaid : My neighbors, and my kinfmen born, to fee me are afraid. 1 2 As men once dead are out of mind, fo am I now forgot : As fmall effcft in me they findc, as in a broken pot. I S I heard the brags of all the rout, their threats my mind did fray ; How they confpir'd, and went about to take my life away 14 But, Lord, 1 truft in thee for aid, not to be overtrod : For I confefs, and ftill have faid, Thou art my Lord and God. 15 Thelengthof all mylifeandagc, O Lord, is in thy hand : Defend me from the wrath, and rage of them that me withftand. 16 To me thy fervant. Lord, expwfs and fliew thy joyful face : And fave me, Lord, for thy goodncfs, thy mercy, and thy grace. The thhrd part. 7 Lo rd, let mc not be put to blame, for that on thee I call : But let the wicked bear the flianae, and in the grave to tall. iS O Lord, make dumb their lips outright, whijch arc addid to lies. And cruelly with pride and fpight againft the juft devife. r p O how great ^ood haft thou in fiorc, laid up full /afe for them | That fear and trult in thee therefore, before the fons of men ! 19 Thy prefence fhall them fence & guide^ fiJjtfi ail Pioud brags ^id ^yrongs ; Within thy place, thou fhalt them hide from all the unfe of tongues. 2 1 Thanks to the Lord that hath declared"* on me his grace fo far. Me to defend with watch and ward, as in a town o^ war. 22 Thus did I lay, both day and night, when I was fore oppreft : Lo, I was clean caft out of fight, yet heardrt thou my requeft. 2 3 Ye faints love ye the Lord, I fay, the faithful he doth guide : And to the proud he doth repay according to their pride. 24 Be ftrong,andGodmall ftay your hearty be bold and have a lult ; For fure the Lovd will take your part, fith ye on him do truft. Beati /[uorum. Pfal. xxxii. T, THc man is bleft, whofe wickedncfs, the Lord hath clean remitted : And he whofe fin and wickednefs ' is hid and alfo covered. 2 And bleft is he, to whom the Lordj ' "■! imputeth not his fin : Which in heart hath hid no guile, ^ nor fraud is found therein. 3 For whil'ft that I kept clofe my finj infilenceandconftraint , My bones did wear and wafte away with daily mone and plaint. 4 For night and day thy hand on mC fo grievous was and fmart. That all my blood and humors moid to drinefs did convert. 5 I did therefore confefs my fault, and all my fins difcover : Then thou, O Lord jdidft: me forgive, and all my fins pafs over. 6 The humble man fliall pray therefore. and feek thee in due time : So that the flouds of waters ^reac fliall have no power on him. 7 When trouble and advcrficy do cnmpafs me about, Thou art ir.y refuge, and niy joy, and thou c'o'ft rid me out. 8 Come hither, and 1 will thee teacfe how thou fnalc walk aright : I will thee guide, as I my felf hflvc l?arn*dby proof and figkt. . ILL- zJiS. :aO m y Be not fo rude and ignorant as is the horfe and mule, Whofe mouth without a rein orbit, from harm thou canft not rule, r o The wicked man fliall manifold forrows and griefs fuftain : Jut unto him that trufts in God his goodnefs fhall remain. 1 1 Be merry therefore in the Lord, ye juft lift up your voice : And ye of pure and perfeft heart, be glad and eke rejoycc. Exultateptjli, Pfal.xxxiii. J. H, YE righteous in the Lord rcjoyce j it IS a feemly fight. That upright men with thankful voice, fhould praife the Lord of might. ^ |i Praife ye the Lord with harp and fong, ' in pialms and pleafant thmgs : With lute and inftrument among that foundecH with ten ft rings. 3 Sing to the Lord a. fong moft new, with courage give him praife : 4 For why? his w^rd is ever true, his works, and all his ways. 5 To judgment, equity, and right, he hath a great good will : {And with his gifts he doth delight I the earth throughout t© fill. \€ For by the word of God alone I theheavensall were wrought : tTheir hofts and pewers every one \ his breath to pafs hath brouglit. The waters great gathered hath he on heaps within the fhore : And hid them in the depth to be, as in an houfe of uore. Ail men on earth both leaft aud moft, fear God and keep his law : 3fC that inhabit in each coaft, dread him and ftand in aw. What he commanded wrought it was at once with prefent fpeed : What he doth will, is brought to pafs, with full etfcd indeed. o The counfels of the nations rude the Lord doth bring to nought : He doth defeat the multitude of their device and thought. But his decrees continue ftill, they never flack nor fwage : motions of his mindc and w: aL xxxiii, xxxiv; The take pUce m every age. j .ill, ThefceoftdpArt, ti And blcft are they to whom the Lori as God and" guide is known : Whom he doth chufe of meer accord to take them as his own. I 3 The Lord from heaven caft his fight on men mortal by birth : 14 Confidering from hiis feat of might the dwellers of the earth. is The Lord,Ifay,whofe hand hath wroujh' mans heartland doth it frame : For he alone doth know the thought and working of the fame. 1 6 A king that trufteth in his^ hoft, ftiall nought prevail at length : The man that of his might do"ch boaft, fhall fall for all his ftrength. 17 The troops of horfmen eke fliall fait, their fturdy fteeds flialbfterve ;• The ftiength of horfe fhall n»: prevail the r:der to preferve. 1 8 But lo, the eyes of God intend and watch to aid the juft ; With fuch as fear him to offend, and on his goodnefs truft. i^ That he of death and great diftrefs may fet their fouls from dread : And if that dearth their land opprcfs, in hunger them ro feed, to Wherefore our foul doth whole dcpenrd on God our ftrength and ftay : He is our fhield us to defend, and drive all darts away. 21 Our foul in God hath joy and game, rcjoycinfr in his might : For why ? in his moft holy Name we hope and much delight. 1 2 Theretore let thy goodnefs, O Lord, ftill prefent with us be : As we always with one accord, do oncly truft in thee. leHedicam Dom, Pfal. xxxiv. T. S» % Will give laud and honor both «■ unto the Lord always : Arid eke n\y month for evermore fliall Ipeak unto hi*^ praife, a Idodelight to laud the Lord in foul and eke in voice s That humble men and mortifi'J may hear anil fo reioyce. I Therefore Tec that ye magnific with me the living Lord, And let us pow exalt his name tcethcr with cne accord. 4 For f my.fclf befought the Lord j he anfwered me again. And me delivered incontinent from all my fear and pain. 5 Who fothey be that him behold, fliall fee his light mcft clear : Their countenance l"hall not be dafht, they need it not to fear. ^ This filly wretch for fome relief unto the Lord did call ; Who did him hear .without delay, and rid him out of thrall, 7 The angel of the Lord doth pitch his tents in every place, 1*0 fave all fuch as fear the Lord, that nothing them deface. S Tafte and confides well therefore, that God is good and juft : happy man that makethhim his oneiy ftay and truft 1 •p Fear ye the Lord ye holy ones^ above all earthly thing : JFor they that fear the living Lord are furc to lack nothing. X o The lions lliail be hunger-bit, and pinM with famine much : 3ut as for them that fear the Lord, no lack flwU be to fuch. The fecond [art. 1 i Come near therefore, my children dear, and to my words give <.ar : fliall you teach the perfect way, how ye tbe Lord fhould fear. I a Who is the man that would live Ion**", and le?i a bleH'ed life ? i 3 See the refrain thy tongue and lips from r .1 deceit and ftrife. 14 Turnback thy face from doing ill, and do the godly deed : Enquire for peace and quietnelsj and follow it with fpeed. 15 For why? the eyes of God above upon the juft aie bent : His ears likewife to hear the plaint ©f the poor iiinocept. *f But he doth frown and bend hi^ trow a *ij»n tke wicked uaiu 3 And cuts away the memory that fliould of them remain. 17 But when the juft do call and cry, the Lord doth hear them fo. That outof pain and mifery forthwith he lets them go. 1 8 The Lord is kinde ;and ftraight at hand to fuch as be contrite : He faves alfo the forrowful, the poor and meek in fprite. ip Full many be the miferies that righteous men do fuffer : jBut out of all adveifities the Lord doth them deliver. 20 The Lord doth fo preferve and.kec,p his very bones alway. That not fo much as one or them doth peri{h or decay, 2 1 The fin fliall flay the wicked man, which he himfelf hath wrought : And fuch as hate the righteous man, fhall foon be brought to nought. 22 But they that fear the living Lord, the iLord doth fave them found : And who that put their truft in him, nothiag fhall them confound. fudicdmeDomtne. Pfal.xxxv. f.H, LOrd, plead my caufe againft my foes, confound their force and.might : :Fight on my part againft aH thofe that feek with me to fight. a Lay hand upon the fpear and fliield, thyfelf in armor drefs .- Stand up for me, and fight the field, to help me from diftrefs. Gird on thy fword, and ft op the way, mine enemies to withftand : That thou unto my foul maift fay, Lo, 1 thy help at hand. 4 Confound them with rebuke and blanr-e that feek my foul to fpill : Let them turnback, and flee withfliam 5. that think to work me ill. J Let them difperfe and flee abrca^, as wind doth drive the duft : And chat the angei of oHr God, their mi^ht away may thruft. 6 Let all their ways be void of lights and flippery like to fall : And fend thine angel with thy mi;^ht, 1^3 coperf^C*tcthemaU, A 2ft: 'Pfal cxxvi. 7 For why? without my faille they have in fecret fet their gin : And for no caufe have dig'd a cave to take my foul therein. S When they think leaft,and have no care, O Lord,deftroy them all : let rhem be trapt in their own fnare, and in their mifchief fall. ^ And let my foul, my heart, and voice, in God have joy and wealth : trhat in the Lord I may rejoycc, and in his favin* health. 10 And then my bones fliall fpeak and fay, mv parts fliall all agree : 1 Lord, though they do feem full gay. what man is like to thee ? The fecottd -^^trt, 1^1 1 Thou doft defend the weak from them I that are both ftout and ftrong ; And rid the poor from wicked men, that fpoil and do them wrong, 1 1 My cruel foes againft me rife, I to witnefs things untrue : IVnd to accufe me they devife of things I never knew. 1*1 3 Where 1 to them did ow good will, they quit me with difdain : That they fhould pay my good with ill, ! my ^ul doth fore complain. >I4 When they were fick, I mourn'd there- and clad my felf in fack : (fore, I With falling I did faint full fore, 1 to pray I was not flack. "S5 As they had been my brethren dear, ; I did my felf behave : i|^s one that maketh woful chcar I about his mothers grave. \^6 But they at my difeafe did joy^ r and gather on a rout : Yea, abjed flaves at me did toy, with mocks and checks full ftout. 7 The belly-gods and flattering train, that all good things deride, jjAt me do grin with great difdam, 11 and pluck their mouths afidc. « 8 Lord, when wik thou amend this gear ? why doft thou ftay and paufe ? O rid my foul mine onely dear, out of thefe lions claws - %p And then vviU I give thanks to thce> before the church always. And where rtfeft of the people be, ■ there will I fliew thy praife. 20 Let not my foes prevail on me, which hate me for no fault : Nor yet co wink ox turn their eye, that caufelefs me alfault. The third fart. 2 1 Of peace, no word they think or fay, their talk is all untrue : They ftill confult, and would betray all thofe that peace enfue. 21 With open mouth they run at me, they ^ape, they laugh, they fleer : Well, well, fay they, our eye doth fee the thing that we dcfire. 2 5But,Lord,thou feeft what ways they takc.» ceafe not this gear to mend : Be not far off, nor me forfake, as men that fail their friend. 24 Awake, arife, and Air abroad, defend me in my right : Kcvenge my caufe, my Lord, my God, and aid me with thy might. 25 According to thy righteoafncfs, my Lord^God, fet me free : And let them not their pride exprefs, nor triumph over me. 26 Let not their hearts rejoyce and cry. There, there, this gear goes trim : Nor give them caufe to fay on high, we have our will on him. 27 Confound them with rebuke and fhame/ that joy when I do mourn : And pay them home with fpight and blame, that brag at me with fcorn. 28 Let them be glad, and eke rejoyce, which love mine upright way : And they all times with heart and voice fhall p-raife the Lord, and fay, 2P Great is the Lord, and doth excel, for why? he doth delight To fee his fervants profper well, t'hat is his pleafant fight. 30 Wherefore my tongue 1 will apply thy righteoufnefs to praife ; Unto the L^ord my God will 1 I fing laud and praife always. ■ Di-x'itinjujitis, Pfal.xxxvi. f. H, THe wicked with his works unjufl: doth thus perfwade his heart, T hat of the Lord he hath no truft, his fear is f<«c apart, » Yet Pfal; Sofiial f Yet doth he joy in his cftatc, to walk as he began, So lon^ till he deferve the hate of Godj and eke of man. 4 His words are wicked, vile, and naught. his tongue no truth doth tell Yet at no hand will he be taught which way he may do well, - -- . 4 Whenhefhouldfleep, then doth he mufej Or elfccanftwifh mall the world, his mifchiefs to fulfil : So fiiall their great profperity ~" foon pafs, fade, and decay. 3 Truft thou therefore in God aio'nC, to do well give thy minde : So fhalt thou have the land as thme, and there fure food Ilialt finde. 4 In Goii fet all thy hearts delight, and look what thou wouldft have. No wicked ways doth he refufe, nor nothing that is ill. 5 But, Lord, thy goodnefs doth afcend above the heavens high ; So deth thy truth it felf extend . unto the cloudy skie. Much more then hills fo high and fteep, thy juftice is expreft : Thy judgments like to feas moft icei^, ' thou fav'ft both man and beaft. 7 Thy mercy is above aU things, OGod, it doth excel : In truft whereof, as in thy wings, the fons of men fhall dwell. 8 Within thy houle they (liall be fed with plenty at their will * Of all delights they fiiall be fped, and take thereof their fill. p For why ? the well of life fo pure doth ever flow from thee : And in thy light we are full fure the lafting light to fee. 10 From (iich as thee defire to know let not thy grace depart : Thy righteoufneis declare and fiiow to men of upright heart. 1 1 Let not the proud o n me pr e vail, O Lord, of thy good grace ; Nor let the wicked me affail, to throw me out of place. It IBut they in their device fhall fall that wicked works maintain : They fliall be overthrown withal, and never rife again. NoUxMid^ri. VCil.Tixxvii, W,W, GRudge not to fee the wicked men in wealth to flouri Oi ftill : Nor yet envy fuch as to ill, have bent and fet their will. % For as green grafs, and flourifliing hcrW arc cut^ and wuhej away t thou n eedft it not to crave. 5 Caft both thy felf and thine affairs '; on God with perfeft truft : And thou fhak fee with patience] th'effed both fure and juft. 6 Thy perfea life, and godly name, he will clear as the hght : So that the fun, even at noon day, fhall not fliine half fo bright. 7 Be ftill therefore, and ftedfaftly on God fee thou wait then : Not flirinking for the profperous ftatc of leud and wicked men. i Shake off defpight, envy, and hate, atleaft in any wife : Their wicked fteps avoid and flee, and follow not their guifc. p For every wicked man will God deftroy both more and lefs : But fuch as truft in him are fure the land for to pofTefe, lo Watch but a while, and thou fhait fe« no more the wicked train, No not fo much as houfe or place, where once he did remain. Tk fecond ^nrt, n lut merciful and humble men, enjoy ftiall fea and land : In reft and peace, they Ihall rcjoycc, fornought ILall them withftand. 1 2 The leiid men and malicious againft the juft confpire : They gnafli their teeth at him, as men which do his bane defire. 1 5 But while that leud men thus do think, the Lord laughs them to fcorn : For why ? he fee's their term approach, when they (liall figh and mourn. E4The wicked have their fword out-drawn their bow eke have they bent, To overthrow and kill the poor, as he the right way w?nt. , % 4 15 Bt^ n Pfal. : xxYif; 5 But the fame fwori {hall pierce their which was to kill the juft : fheart;, .ikewife the bow fliall break to fhivers, wherein they put their truft. 6 Doiibtlcfs the juft mans poor eftate is better a great deal more Then all thefe leud and wicked mens rich pomp and heaped ftore. 7 For be thei^r power never fo ftrong, God will It overthrow : IVhcre contrary he doth prefervc the humble men and low, l8 He fees by his great providence the aood mens trade and way ; [fiind will give them inheritance which never fliall decay. p Tbey flaall not bedifcouraged, when fome arc hard bcflead : ^Vhen others fliall l^e hunger-bit, rh-y fliall be clad and fed. to For whofoever wicked is, and enemy to the Lord, Shall quail, yea meic, even as lambs greafe, or finoke that flies abroad. The thi d pa: 1 Behold the wicked borrows much, and never pays again : Whereas the jult l^y Liberal gifts, makes many glad and fain. (ta For they whom God doth blefs, fliall the 1. a i for heritage, Chavc nd they whom he doth curfe, likewife fhall penfli in his rage. II The Lord the juft mans ways doth guide, and gives him good fuccells : ro every thing he takes in hand he fendeth good addrefs. (^4 Though tl at he fall, yet is he fure rot utterly to quail : fccaufe tl e Lord ftretcheth out his hand at need, and doth not fail, 15 I have been young, and now am old, yet did I never fee The jurt man lefr, nor ye t his feed ro beg for mif^ry, i.6 But gives always moft liberally, and lends wherc>is is need : His children and poftcrity receive of God thcir'meed. Ij Flee vice therefore, an.: wickcdnefs, and vertue do embrace ; So God fliall grant theclon* to have on earth a dwelling place. 28 For God fo loverh equity,' and fliews to hi s fncli o-ra'ce That he prefcrveth them alway,' but 'flroys the wicked race. 2<> whereas the good and godly men inherit fliall the land. Having as lords all things therein m their own power and hand. 30 The juft mans mouth fliall ever fpcak ol matters wife and high : His tongue doth talk to edifie, with truth and equity. 31 For in his heart the law of God his Lord, doth ftiil abide : 50 that where ever he goes or walks, his foot can never Aide. 32 The wicked like a ravenin'^ woolf, the juft man doth befet, ° By all means fe eking him to kill, if he fall in his' net. The fourth pftrt. 5 1 Though he fliould faU into hij hantls^ yet God would fuccor fend : Though men againfthim fentcnce give, God would him yet defend. 34 Wait thou on God, and keep his wa^ he fballpreferve thee then The earth ro rule, and thou flialt fee deftrcy'd thefe wicked men. 35 The wicked have I fecn moft ftrong, and placM in high degree : Flouriflimg m all wealth and ftore, as doth the lawrel-trec. 16 But fuddcnly he part away J and lo he was quite gone : Then I him fought, Lut could not findc the place where dwelt fuch one. 37 Mark and behold the pcrfeft man, how God doth him increafe : For the juft man fliall have at length great joy with reft and peace, 38 As for tranfgreflbrs, wo ro them, deftroy'd tliey fhall all be : God will cutoff their bidding race, and rich pofterity. 5P Bur the falvation of the juft doth come from God above : Who in their trouble fends them aid, of his meet grace and love. 49 God doth them help, five, and deliver, from kud men and Mnjuft : ,,, Aftd Pfal. xxxvu] , xxxix. And ftill will favc them, whil'fl; that they in him do put their truft. Dmint ne, Pfal. xxxviii. J, H, Put me not to rebuke, O Lord, in thy provoked ire : i Ke in thy heavy wrath, O Lord, correft me I defire. Thine arrows do ftick faft in me, thy hand doth prefs me fore ; And in my flelh no health at all appeareth any more, 3 Andall thisisby reafon of thy wrath that I am in : Not any reft is in my bones, by reafon of my fin, 4. For lOj my wicked doings, lord,? above my head are gone : A greater load then 1 can bear, they lie me fore upon. My wounds '"ink, and arc feftercd To, as loathfome is to fee : Which all through mine own foolifhnefs betideth unto me. And I in careful wife am brought in trouble and diftrefs : That 1 go wailing all the day in dolefjil heavinefs. 7 My loyns are fill'd with fore dif.afe, my flefli hath no whole part ; I feeble am and broken fore, 1 roar for grief of heart. Thou know*lt,Lord,my defire,my groanr are open in thy fight : My heart doth pant, my ftrength doth mine eyes have loft their light. (faij 1 My lovers and my wonted friends ftand looking on my wo : \nd eke my kinfmen far away, are me departed fro. 2 They that did feek my life laid fnares, and they that fought the way r© do me hurt, fpake lies, and thought on mifchief all the day. The fecund -part. 13 But as a deaf man I became, that cannot hear at all : 4 And as one dumb, that opens not his mouth to fpeak withal. t $ For all my confidence, O Lord, is wholly fet on thee : Lord, thou Lord that art my God, thou ilult give car 10 me» JLi. 16 This did I crave, that they my foes triumph not over me : For when my foot did flip, then they did joy my fall to fee. 17 And truly, I poor wretch, am fee in place, a woful wight : And eke my grievous heavinefs is ever in my fight. 1 8 For while that I my wickedncft in humble wife confefs : And while I for my finful deeds my fdrrows do exprefs. ip My foes do ftill remain alive, and mighty are alfo : And they that hate me wrongfully, in number hugely gro^v. 20 They ftand againft me that my ffood with evil do'rcpay : ° Becaufe that good and honeft things I doenfuealway. 21 Forfakc me not, O Lord my God, be thou not faraway : 22 Hafte me to help, my Lord my God, myfafcty and my ftay, Dixij cj l5 Pf: $ Now,Lord,(ith things this wife do frame, I what help do I defire } Of truth iriy help doch hang on thee, I nothing clCc require. The fecond ftirt. p From all the fins that I have done. Lord, quit me out of hand : And make me not a fcorn to fools tharnothing underftand. ixo I was as dumb, and to complain no trouble might me move : jlBccaufe 1 knew it was thy work, |i my patience for to prove. l\ii Lord,take from me thy fcourge & plague I can them not withftand : fl faint and pine away for fear I of thy mod heavy hand. p I When thou for fin doft man rebuke, I he waxerh v;o and wan, jAs doth a cloth that moths have fret, fo vain a thing is man. '« J Lord, hear my fiiit,and give good heed, f regard my tears that fall : il fbjourn like a ftranger here, ' as did my fathers all. ili4 O fpare a little, give me fpacc, li my flrength for to rcftore : flkfore I go away from hence, I' and fhall be feen no more. i Expeti^^ns exp^avi. Pfal. xl. J. H, jW Waited long and fought the Lord, iX and patiently did bear : At length to me he did accord, • my voice and cry to hear '» He pluckt me from the lake fo deep, I out of the mire and clay ; 'And on a rock he fet my feet, 5 and he did guide my way. I To me he taught a pfalm of praifi-, ) which I muft fhew abroad, 'And fing new fongs of thanks always I, unto the Lord oi:r God. "4 When all the folk thefe things fliall fc, as people much atraid, Tkcn they unco che Lord will flee, and trufl upon his aid. O bleft is he, whofe hope and heart, doth in the Lord remain : That with the proud doch cake no part, nor fuch as lie and feign. I5 For, Lord, my God, thy wondrouS dccds in grc4cnefi far do pafs : i.xi; Thy faver towards us exceeds all things that ever was, 7 When 1 intend, and do dcvife thy works abroad to fhow. To fuch a reckoning they do rifir, thereof no end'l know. 8 Burnt-offerings thou delight'ftnot in,"" I know thy whele defire : With facrifice to purge his fin thoa doft no man require, p Meat-offerings and facrifice, thou wouldlt not have at aU : But thou, O Lord, haft oprn made mine Cars to hear withal, lo But then faid I, Behold and lo«k, I come a mean to be ; For in the volume of my book, thus is it faid of me 5 n That I, O God, Ihould do thy minde, which thing doth like me well : For in my heart thy law I finde faft placed there to dwell. 1 z Thy jufticc and thy righteou fnefs in great reforts I cell : Behold, my tongue no time doth ceafe, Lord, thou know 'ft full well. The fecojul -part, 1 3 I have not hid within my brcftj hy goodnefs as by ftealth : But I declare and have expreft thy truth, and faving health. 14 I kept not dole thy loving rainde, that no man fliould it know : The truft that in thy truth I finde, to all the church 1 Ihow. 15 Thy tender mercy. Lord, from me withdraw thou not away ; But let thy love and verity preferve me ftill foray. 16 For I with mifchiefs many a one am fore befet about : My fins increafe, and fo come on, 1 cannot fpy them out. 17 For why ? in number they exceed the hairs upon nw head : My heart doth faint for very dread, that I am almoft dead. I g With fpeed fend help, and fet me free, O Lord, I thee require : '^ Make hafte with aid to fuccor me, O Lord, at my defire. If Let tkem fuftain rebuke and Ihame, that feek my £bul to fpill ; Vm Drive back my foes and them defame, that wilh and would me ill. 2o For their ill feats do them.defcry, that would deface my name : Always at me they rail and cry, Fie on him, fie for fliame. z I Let them in thee have joy and wealth, that feek to thee always : That thofe that love thy faving health may fay. To God be praife. 2 2 But as for me, 1 am but poor, oppreft and brought full low t Yet thou, O Lord, wile me reftore to health, full well 1 know. 3 For why ? thou art my hope and truft, my refuge, help, and ftay : Wherefore, my God, as thod art juft, with me no time delay. Eeatus qui hiuUigtt. Pfal. xli. T. 5. THe man is bleft that careful is the needy t j confider : For, in the feafon perilous, the Lord will him deliver, i The Lord will make him fafe and found, and happy in the land : And he will not deliver him into his enemies Land. 5 And in his bed when he lies fick, the Lord will him reftore : And thou, O Lord, wilt turn to hcahh, his ficknefs and his fore. 4 Then in my ficknefs thus faid I, Have mercy Lord, on me. And heal ny foul, which is full wo that 1 offended thee. 5 Mine enemies wiflit me ill in heart, and thus of me did fay. When fluU he die, that all his name may vanifli quite away ? 6 And when they come tn vifit me, they ask if 1 do well : But in their hearts, mifcheif they hatch, aind to their mates it tell. 7 They bite their lips, andwhifper fo, as though they would me charm. And caft their f tches how to trap me with fome mortal harm. 8 Some grievous fin hath brought him to this ficknefs, fay they plain : He is fo low, that without doubt, rife C4n he not again. Pfal.xl xlii: ^ 9 The man alfo that I did truft, with me did life deceit : Who at my table ate my bread, the fame for me laid wait. 10 Have mercy. Lord, on mc therefore, and let me be prefervM : That I may render unto them the things they have defcrvM, 1 1 By this I know aflurcdly, to be belov'd of thee, When that mine enemies have no caufi; to triumph over me. 1 2 But in my right thou haft me kept, and maintained alway : And in thy pre fence place aftign'd where I fliall dwell for ay. 1 5 The Lord the God of IfracI, be praifed evermore : Even fo be it, Lord, will I fay, . even fo be it therefore. ^lucmadmodum, Pfal, xlii. J.H, T Ike as the hart doth breathe and bray ■1 y the well-fprings to obtain : So doth my foul defire alway with thee. Lord, to remain. 2 My foul doth thirft, and would draw fi^^t the living God of might : Oh when fliall I come and appear in prefcnce of his fight ? 3 The rears all times are my repaft, which from mine eyes do Aide : When wicked men cry out fo £ift, where now is God thy guide ? 4 Alas, what grief is it to think what freedom once I had ! Therefore my foul as at pits brink moft heavy is and lad. When I did marcii in good array, furniflied with my train. Unto the temple was our way, with fongs and hearts moft fain s- 5 My foul, wKy art thou fad always, and fretft thus m my breft ? Truft ft ill in God ; for him to praifCj Ihold itever beft. By him I have fuccor at need agaitift all pain and grief : He is my God, which with all fpecd will hafte to fend relief. 6 And thus my foul within mc, Lord, doth taint to think upon The land of Jordan, and record cbe little hill Hermon. • ml J^hUlmxJiML. The ffcortd pd)-i, r One grief another in dotli call, as clouds burft out their voice ; The flou<^s of evil that do fall run over me with noife, t Yet I by day felt his goodnefs and help at all afluys : i-ikcwife by night I did nor ceatc I the living God to praifc. f I am perfwaded thus to fay tonim with pure pretence, f!> Lord, thou art my guide and flay, ! my rock and fure defence. ]Why do 1 then in penfivenefs hanging the head thus walk, While that mine enemies me oppiefs, I and vex me with their talk ? f o For why ? they pierce my inward parts l' with pangs to be abhorr'd^ ,iyhcn they cry <^ut with ftubborn hearts, I where is thy God, thy Lord ? I I So foon why doft thou faint and quail, jf my foul with pain oppreft ? jATith thoughts why doft thy felf affail fo fore within my brcft ? [il Truft in the Lord thy God always, ' andthourhe time flialt fee ("o give htm thank with laud and praiife, ' for health reftor'd to thee. * JudicA me Domine. Pfal. xliii. T. S^ ^lUdge and revenge my caufe, O Lord^ l-l fjom them that evil be : ('^rom wicked and deceitful men, i: O Lord, deliver me. h For of my ftrength, thou art the God ^ I why put'ft thou me thee fro ? A.nd why walk 1 fo heavily { oppreffed with my fo ? •\ Send OMt thy light, and eke thy truth,! [ and lead mc with thy grace, Vhich may condu(S mc toVhy h'll, and to thy dvvellmg plac?. Then fhall I to the altar go of God my joy and chear : \nd on my harp give thanks tothce, O God , my God moll dear. Jl Why art thou then fo fad my foul, I and fret'ft thus in my brcft ? 3till truft in God, for him topraife ij I hold it always beft, i By him 1 have deliverance' i»|ainfl all pain-^nd gnefi, ^— He is my God which dothalwaf,' a'- need fend me relief Tfeusauribus. Pfal.xliv. 7.5", OUr ears tiave heard our fathers tell, and reverently r cord The wondrous works that thou hall done in older time, O Lord. a How thou didft caft the Gentiles out, and 'ftroyd'ft them with ftrong hand j Planting our fathers in their place, andgav'il to them their land. 3 Thev conquered not by fw.ord nor ftrCngth the land of thy bcheft : Put by thy hand thy arm and grace ; becaufe thou lov'dft them beft. 4 Thou art my King, O God, that holp Jacob in fundry wife. 5 Led with thy power, we threw down fuck as did againft us rife. 6 I truftcd not in bow nor fword, rhey could not fave me found. 7 Thou kep'ft us fro n our enemies rage, thou didft our foes confound. S And Hill we boaftof thee our God, andpraife thy holy name : p Yet now thou goeft not with onr hoft, but leaveft lis to flume. I o Thou mad'ft us flee before our foes, and fo were over-trod : Our enemies rpb'd and fpoil'd our goods, wheji we were 'fperft abroad. II Thou halt us given to our foes, as flieep for to be flain : Amongft the heathen every wl ere fcattered we do remain. 1 2 Thy people thou haft fold like flavcs^ and as a thing of nought : For profit none thou hadft thereby, no gain at all was fought. 1 3 And to our neighbors thou haft made of us a laughinjr ftock : Axd thofe that round about us dwell, at us do grin and mock. The fccond ^art. 14 Thus we ferve for none other ufc, but for a common talk : They irock,thcy fcorn,fhey nod their heads where ere they go or walk. 4 5 I am afham'd continually, to hear thefe wicked men : Yea fo I bluftij that all my face svuh red is boYCjed wi^# ftO(K — TTJiTtrr i6 For vvky?wc hear fuck flanderous words, fuch talfc reporcs and lies ; That death it is to fee their wrongs , their threatnings^ind tkeir cries. 1 7 For all this wc forgot not thee, nor yet thy covenant brake ; 1 8 We turn not back our hearts from thee, nor yet thy paths forfake, 1 P Yet thou haft trod us down to du ft, where dens of dragons be : And covered us with fliade of death, and great adverfity. 10 If we had our God*s name forgot, and help of idols fought, (out ? H Would not God then have tryM this for he doth know our thought. 11 Nay, nay, for thy names fake, O Lord, always are we flain thus ? As Iheep unto the fhambles fent , ri«ht fo they deal with us. 23 Up, Lord, why fleepeft thou ? awake, and leave us not for all : 24 Why hideft thou thy countenance, and doi\ forget our thrall ? ij For down to dufl, our foul is brought, and we now at laft caft : Our belly, hke as it were glu'd, unto the ground cleaves fall : 26 Rife up therefore for our defence, and help us Lord at need : *• V/c thecbefeech for thy goodncfs, to refcuc us with Ipecd. Erntfavit. Pfal, xlv. f. H. My heart doth take in hand fome godly fon^ to fing : The praife that I fhall fhew therein pertaineth to the king. a My tongue fhall be as quick his honor tocndite : As is the pen of any fcribe, that ufeth fall to write. 1 3 Ofaireftaf allmen, [ thy fpeech i s pleafanr pure r For God hath bleffeJ thee with gifts '1^ for ever to endure. ' 4 About thee gird thy fword, O prifice of might ele^ : With honor, clory, and renown, thy perlon pure is deckt. 5 Gp forth with godly fpeed, wish mceknefs, truth; ^nd right : And thy right hand fliall thee indruft in works of dreadful might. .^ 6 Thine arrows fharp and keen, their hearts fo fore fhall fting : That folk fhall fall, and kneel to thee, yea all thy foes, O king. 7 Thy royal feat, O Lord, for ever fliall remain : Becaufe the fcepter of thy realm doth ri^hteoufnefs maintain. 8 Eecaufc tliou lov^ft the right, and doft the il! detefV, God, even thy Go.^, hath 'nointcd thee with joy above the ref^. 9 With mirrhc and favors fweer, thy cloaths are all befprcd : When thou dofl from thy palace pais, therein to make thee glad. 10 Kings daughters do attend in fine and rich aray : At thy right hand, the queen doth ftani in gold and garments gay, 1 1 O daughter take good heed, inchne and give good ear : Thou muft forget thy kinred all, and fathers houfe nw)fl dear, z Then fhall the kmg djefire thy beauty fair and trim : For why ? he is the Lord thy God, and thou mufl worfliip him. 15 The daughters then of Tyre, with gifcs full rich to fee. And all the wealthy of the land fhall make their fuit to thee. 14 The daughter of the king is glorious to behold : Within her clofet fhe doth fic all deckt in beaten gold. 15 In robes well wrought with needle, and many a pleafant thing ; With virgins fair on her to wait, flie Cometh to the kin^. 1 6 Thus are they bronght with JOJ*, and mirth on every fide, Into the palace of the king, and there they do abide. 17 In Read of parents left, (O queen, the cafe fo jiands) Thou fhalt have fons whom thottiray'il (ct as princes in dlUadj, ' 1% Whej 1^ Pfal. xlvjj xlviJ, xlviii." ^ 1 8 WHerefore thy holy name all ages fliall record : 'he people fliall give thanks to thee Jor evermore, O Lord. Deus Jiofler. Pfal, xlvi. /. H. He Lord is our defence and aid, the ftrengch whereby we ftand : hen we with wo are much difmay'd he is our help at hand. Though th'earth remove, we will not fear, though hills fo high and fteep e thruft and hurled here and there, f within the fea fo deep. • I No, though the waves do rage fo fore, ' that all the banks it fpills : d though it overflow the Ihore, and beat down mighty hills. :|. For one fair flood doth fend abroad 1 his pleafant dreams apace, 'fo frefli tke city of our Goil, and wafh his holy place. 'I; In midft of her the Lord doth dwell, fhe can no whit decay : XU things againft her that rebel the Lord will truly flay. ; The heathen folk the kingdoms fear, > the people make a noife : [jThe earth doth melt, and not appear, I when God puts forth his voice. I f The Lord of hofts doth take our part, ^ to us he hath an eye : fur hope of health, with all our heart, on Jacobs God doth lie. $ Come here and fee with mind and thought the working of our God : '.What wonders he himfelf hath wrought f in all the world abroad. 1^ By him all wars are huflit and gone , i which countreys did confpire : rhcir bows he brake and fpears each one, ; theirchariocsburnt with fire. ''O Leave off therefore (faith he) and know I am a God molt flout, •Among the heathen high and low, and all the earth throughout. The Lord of hofts doth us defend, he is our ftrengch and tower : Dn Jacobs God we do depend, and on his might and power. Omnesgentes. Pfal. xlvii. /. H, "E people all, with one accord clap bands, and ck« rejoyce^ Be glad and fing unto the Lord with fweet and pleafant voice. 2 For high the Lord and dreadful is, with wonders maiifold : A mighty King he is truly, m all the earth extold. 3 The people /liall he make to be unco our bondage thrall : And underneath our feet he fliall the nations make to fall. 4 For us the heritage he chofc which we pofTefs alone, The flourilhing worfliip of Jacoh his wel-beloved one. 5 Our Godafcendeduponhigh with joy and pleafant noik : The Lord goes up above the skie with trumpet's royal voice. 6 Singpraifcstoour God, fingpraifej fing praifes to our King : 7 For God is King of all the earth j all skilful praifes fing. 8 God on the heathen reigns, and fits upon his holy throne : The princes of the people have them joyned every one To Abrahams people : For our God, which is exalted high. As with a buckler doth defend the earth continually. G Magnus Dommus . Pfal. xlviii- J.H. Reat is the Lord, and with great praift to be advanced ftill Within the city of our God, upon his holy hill. 2 Mount Sion is a pleafant place, it gladdeth all the land : The city of the mighty King on her north fide doth ftand. 3 Withm the palaces thereof God is a reilige known : For lo, the kings are gathered, and together they are gone. 4 But when they did behold it f'>, they wondrcd, and they v/ere Aftoniedmuch, and fuddenly were driven back with fear. 5 Great terror there on them did fall^ for very wo they crv. As doth a woman when Ihe fhall' go travel by and by. C As thou with eaftern-wind the fllipJ upon the f^^do'ilbieii]^.; Tm So tncy were ftroyM, and even as we heard our fathers fpeak. ^ So in the city of the Lord we faw as it was told, Yea, in the city which our God forever will uphold. 8 O Lord, we wait and do attend on thy good help and grace ' For which we do all rimes attend within rhy holy place. p O Lord, according to thy name, for ever is thy praife : And thy right hand> O Lord, is full of riffhteoufnefs always. I o Let, for thy judgments, Sion mount fulfilled be with joys : And eke of Juda, grant, O Lord, the daughters to re Joyce. Go walk about all Sion hill, yea, round about her go : And cell the towers that thereupon are builded on a row. I J And mark ye well her bulwarks all, behold her towers there : That ye may tell thereof to them that after fliall be here. 1 3 For this God is our God, our God for evermore is he : yea, and unto the death alio ourguiderfhallhebe. A L! people hearken and give ear jC\ to that that I fliall tell : 2 Both high and low, both rich and poor that in the world do dwell. 3 For why ? my mouth fhall make difcourfe of many things right wife : In underftanding fhall mine heart his ftudy exercife. I will encline mine ear to know the parable fo dark : And open all my doubtful fpecch in mcetre on my harp. J5 Why Ihould I fear afflidion, jT ' or any careful toyl ? I DSrelfe my foes which at my heels m are preft my life to fpoil ? For as for fuch as riches have, wherein their truft is moft : And they which of their treafures gre;it ihemfftlyej d» brag ^ad loaiti srarr TT 7 There is not one ot them that can '■> his brothers death redeem. Or that can give a price to God fuffieient for him. 8 It is too great a price to pay^ none can thereto attain j Or that he might his life prolong, or not in ^rave remain. 9 They fee wife men as well as fool* fubjed unto deaths bands : And being dead, ft rangers poffefs their goods, their rents, their lands, 10 Their care is to build houfes fair, and fo determine fure To make their names right great on earth for ever CO endure : 1 1 Yet fliall no man always enjoy high honor, wealth, and reft : 12 But fiiall at length tafte of deaths cup* as well as the brute beai>. Thefccondpnrt. 1 3 And though they try their foolifh to be moft leud and vain : (thought Their children yet approve their talk, and in like fin remain. 14 As ftieep into the fold are brought, fo [liall they into grave : Death fliall them eat, and in that day the juft Ihall lojdfliip have, 1 5 Their image and their royal port fiiall fade and quite decay, when as from houfe to pit they paCSy' with wo and wel-away. 1 6 But God will furely preferve mc from death and endlefs pain : Becaufe he will ot his good grace my foul receive again. 17 If any man wax wondrour rich, fear not, 1 fay therefore : Although the glory of his houfe increafech more and more. i8 For when he dies, of all thefe thinf* nothing fliall he receive : * His t^lory will not follow him, liis pomp will take her leave. ip Yet in this life he takes himfelf the happieft under fun : And others likev/ife flatter him, faying, AH is well done. 2o And prefuppofe he live as long as dia his fathers old , Yet muft he need-is at length give place, f^ud be biou{;hc to dQH,\& fold. a I Thuf u. PfnlJl; bx Thds man to honoi* God Iiath broti^hr, yec doth he not confider : !ut, like brute beafts, fo doth he livc,{ which turn to duft and powder:. *J)cusdeor:4rA. VCil.l. iV,W. THe mighty God, th'cternal haththHS fpokc. And all the world he will call and provoke : B Even from the eaft, ! J and fo forth to the weft. From towards Sion, ji which place he hkethbeft, I God will appear J in beauty moft excellent : ■Our God wiU'come ij before that long time be fpent, ||3 Devouring fire y Utall go before liis face ; i'lA great tempeft fiiall round about him trace. 'B4 Then fliall he call / the earth and heavens bright, ^Tojudge his folk ' \ With equity and right ; % Saying, Goto, and now my faints aflemble : jlMypaft they keep,, their gifts do not difTemblc. ^€ The heavens fliall declare his rightcoufncfs : l^flForGodis judge ||. of all things more and Icfs. IJI7 Hear, my people, |; j for 1 will now reveal 3 MLiftlfrael, \ I I will thee nought conceal. fj« Thy God, thy GocT l{ j am I, and will not blame thee. I I For giving not \\ 1 all manner offerings to me. if it 5 I have no need I to take of thee at all, I; Coats of thy fold, or calf out of thy ftall : [10 For all the beafts are mine within the woods : ; On thoufand hills cattel arc mine own goods. Ill know for mine all birds that arc on mountains : 4 I All beafts arc mine , which hawnt the field* and fountains ^—^ ' 12 Hungry if I wcfe, 1 would not thee it tell ; For all is mine that in the world doth dwell : 13 Eatltheflefli of great bulls or bullocks ? Or drink the blood of goats, or of the flocks ? 14 Offer to God praife and hearty thankfgivingj, And pay thy vows unco God ever-living. 15 Call upon me when troubled thou llialt be : Then will! help, and thou flialt honor me. X ^ To the wicked thus faith ch'eternal God, Why doft thou preach my laws and hefts abroad 5 17 Seeing thou haft them with thy mouth abafcd. And hat'ft to be by uifciplinerefarmcd > r My words, 1 fa y,^ thou doft rejeft and hate 5 1% If that thou (tt a chcif, as with thy mate. Thou run'ft with him, and fo your prey do feek. And art all one with bauds and ruffians eke. 19 Thcugiv'ft thyfelf to back-bite and to flander : And how thy tongue deceives it is a wonder, 20 Thou fitteftmufing thy brother how to blame. And how to put thy mothers fon to fhamc. ai Thefe things thou didf\ and whilft I held my tongue, Thoudidftme judge, becaufel ftaidtolong, Like tothyftlf : yet though I keep long filence," Once flialr thou feci of thy wrong's juft rccompencc z% Confider this, ye th it forger the Lord 5 Andfear nor when he threatneth with his word : Left withciut help I fpil you as a pr«y. AA-J^HJH TTiifrr a J Butjhe that thanks ofFereth, praifeth me av, 8akh the LorJ God : ^ arid he that walketh this trace, I will him teach Gods favin^ health to embrace. Another of the ftmCt by f, H, THe God of jTods, the Lord, hath call'd the earth by name : From whence the fun doth rife, unto the letting of the fame, a Prnm Sion his fair place* ^is dory bright and clear, The perfea beauty of his grace, from thence it did appear. Our God fhall come in hafte, Co fpeak he fhall not doubt .♦ Before him fhall the fire walk, and tcmpeft round about. <^ The heavens from on high,* the earth below likewife He will call forth, to judge and try his folk he doth devife. 5 Bring forth my faints, faith he , my faithful flock To dear : Which are in band and league with me. my law to love and fear. 6 And when thefe thin^^s are trv'd the heavens fliali record, ' That God is juH, and all muft bide the judgment of the Lord. 7 My people, O give heed, Ifrael, to thee I cry : I am thy God, thy help at need, thou canft it not deny 8 I do not fay to thee, thyfacrificeislkck : Thou offereft daily un^to me much more then I do lack, 9 ThinkM thou that I do need thy cattel young or old > Or clfe fo much dcfirc to feed on goats out of thy fold > o Nay, all the beafts are mine, rm woods that eat their fills: ftd thoufandsmoreof neat and kine, that run wildc on the hills. The fccond part. I I The birds that build on hi^h- Jn hills and out of fight j"^ \ And beafh that in the fields do lie-, ^ arc r t fed to my might. . •~-^ 1 2 Then though I hungrcd fore, what need I ou^htof thine^ Sith that the earth with her great ftorCj and all therein is mine ? 13 Tobullsflenihavelminde to eat it, dbft thou think > Or fuch a fweetnefs do 1 finde the blood of goats todrink ? 14 Give to the Lord his praife, with thanks to him apply : And fee thou pay rhy vows always unto the God moft high 1 5 Then feek, and call to me, when ought would work thee blame ^ And I will fure deliver :hee, that thou mayft praife my narne^ t6 Buttothe wicked train, which talk ©f Go(^ each day. And yet their works are foul and vain^ to them the Lord will fay, 17 With what a face dar'ft thou my word once fpeak or name ? Why doth thy talk my law allow^ thy deeds deny the fame ? -^ 1 8 Whereas for to amerrd thy life thou art fo flack : My word, the which thou doft prctefi^ is caft behinde thy back. , The third parU tp When thou a theif doft fee bv thefr to live in wealth, " With him thou run'ft, and doft aotct likewife to thrive by ileakh.°» 2o When thou deft them behold* that wives and maids defile, Thou lik'ft it well, and waxeft bold - \ to ufe that life moft vile. I Thy lips thou doft apply to flander and defame : -- •■ Thy tongue is taught to craft and litfj and ftilldorh life the fame. •; ii Thou ftudieft to revile thy friends to thee fo near : With flander thou wouldft needs defUe ' thy mothers fon moft d&ar. »? Hefeatwhiie 1 do wink but fpeedily my torments end : ' Take not from me thy fpirit of grace, I which may from dangers me defend, i| 1 2 Keftore n e to thofe joys again ' which I was wont in thee to finde ; And let me thy free fpirit retain, which unto thee may ftir my minde. 1 3 Thus when I fliall thy mercies know, I Ihall inftruA others therein : And men that arc likewife brought low, by mine example lliall flee un. 14 O God that of my health art Lord, forgive me this my bloody vice : .' My heart and tongue ihall then accord J to fing thy mercies and juftice. 1 5 Touch thou my lips, my tongue untie, Lord, which art the onely key : And then my mouth Hull teftifie thy wondrous works and praife alway. 1 6 And as for outward facrifice, 1 would have offered many a one .• But thou el^eem'ft them of no price, and therein pleafure tak'ft thou none. 1 7 The heavy heart, the minde oppreft, O Lord, thou never <^oft rcjed : And to fpeak truth, it is the beft, and of all facrifice th'effeft. 18 Lord, unto Sion turn thy face. pour out thy mercies on thy hill. And on Jerufalem thy grace, build up the walls, and love it ftill. \9 Thou flialt accept then our offrings of peace and righceoufnefs, 1 fay : Yea calves, and many other things, upon thine altar will we lay. ^ Another of the fame j by ].H. HAve mercy on me Lord, after thy great aboundincr grace : After thy mercies multituae, do thou my fins deface, 2 Yea wafh me more from mine offence, and cleanfe me from my fin : For I do know my faults, and ftill my fin is in mine eyn. 3 Againft thee, thee alone I have offended in this cafe : And evil have I done l->cfore the prefence of thy face. 4 That in the things that thou haft done upright thou maift tc try'd ; ' Afl< K^mm And eke, in judging, that the doom may pals upon fhy fide. J Behold, in wickednefs my kindc and fliape 1 did receive : And lo my finfiil mother eke in fin did me conceive. 6 But lo, the truth in inward parts is pleafant unto thee : And fecrets of thy wifdom thou revealed haft tome. 7 With hyfTop, Lord, befprinkle me, I fhall be cleanfed fo : , Yea, wafh thsu me, aud fol (hall be whiter then the fnow. t Of joy jMid gladnefs make thou mc to hear the pleafant voice : That fo the bruifed bones which thou haft broken, may rejoyce. 9 From the beholding of my fins. Lord, turn away thy face : And all my deeds of wickednefs do utterly deface. I* OGod, create in me a heart unfpottcd in thy fight : And eke within my bowels. Lord, renew a ftable fpright. I Ne caft mc from thy fight, nor tak« thy holy fpirit away : The comfort of thy faving health give mc again, I pray. 11 With thy free fpirit eftablifh me, and I will teach therefore Sinners thy ways, and wicked fiiall be turned to thy lore. The fccond ^art. 1 1 O God, that art God of my health, from blood deliver me : That praifes of thy righteoufnefs my tongue may fing to thee. 14 My lips that yet faft clofed be, do thou, O Lord, unloofe *. Thy praifes of thy majefty my mouth fiiall fo difclofe. 1 5 I v/ould have offered facrifice, if that had pleaf&d thee : But pleafed with burnt-offerings I know thou wilt not be, i5 A troubled fpirit is facrifice delightful in Gods eyes : A broken and an humble heart, Ood, chou wilt not^fpife. 1 7 In thy good will deal gently, Lord^ to Sion, and withal Gf ant that of thy Terufalem uprear'd may be the wall. iS Burnr-offerings, gifts, and facrifice of juftice in that day Thou /halt accept, and calves they fhalj upon thine altar lay. §iMiglormrs. Pfal. Hi. f. H. WHy doft thou, tyrant, boaft abroad, thy wicked works to praife ? ^ Doft thou not know there is a God, whofe mercies laft always ? :^ 2 Why doth thy minde yet ftill devifc fuch wicked wiles to warp > Thy tongue untrue in forging lies, is like a rafor fharp. 3 On mifchief why fct'ft thoii thy minde> and wilt not walk upright ? Thou haft more luft falfe tales to finde, than bring the truth to light. 4 Thou doft delight in fraud and guile* in mifcheif, blood, and wrong. Thy lips have learn'd the flattering ftile^ O talfe deceitful tongue : 5 Therefore fhall God fer ay confound, and pluck thee from thy place. Thy feed root out from off the grouad^ and fo flaall thee deface. 6 The juft when they behold thy fall, with fear will praife the Lord, And in reproach of thee withal cry out with one accord : 7 Behold the man that would not takc^ the Lord for his defence : But of his gv)ods his god did make, and truft his corrupt fenfe. 8 But I as olive frefli and green fiiall fprii^g and fpred abroad : For why? my truft all times hath bectt npoa the living God. if For this therefore will I give praifi: t© thee with heart aad voice ; 1 will fet forth thy name always, wherein thy faints rejoyce. "Dixit infifiens. Pfal.liii. T. S, THe foolifli manj in that which hc within his heart hath faid. That there is any God at all hath utterly denaid. 2 They are corrupt and they alfo a neiaous work have wiowaht : C I Am ^ OCkl, fave me for thy holy Name, ' ani for thy ^oodnefs lake : Unto the ftrcngth. Lord, of the fame, 1 do my caufe betake. z Regard, O Lord, and give an car to me-, when I do pray : Bow down thy lllf to me, and hear the vvords that i do fay. 3 For ttrangers up againfi: me rife, and tyrants vex mc IHII : which have not God before their eyes, they feek my foul to fpill. f. Eut lo, my God doth give n^e aid, the Lord is ft rait at hand : l^'ith them, by v;hom my foul is flaid, the Lord doth ever Hand. With plagues repay again all thofc tfor me'that lie in wait : _ J in thy truth, dcftroy my foes wkb eh^ro^ViV4lfiatc and bait. Among thfim 111, thtrc i« not one of good that worketh ought. 3 The Lord looked down on fons of men, from heaven all abroad : To fee it any were that would ■be wife, and feek for God. 4 They are all gone out of the way, they are corrupted all : There is not onqdoth any goody there is not one at alh 5 Do yot all wicked workers know, ' that they do feed upon My people, as they feed on bread ? j the Lord they call not on. J 6 Even there they were afraid, and flood with trembling all difmay'd, Whereas there was no caufe at all why they Ihould be afraid. I 7 For God his bones that theebefrcg^d,' 1 hath fcattered all abroad : Thou haft confounded them, for they rcjefiedareof Go4. 8 O Lord, give thou thy people health, and thou, O Lord, fulfil Thy promife made to Ifrael, from out of Sion hill. p Whtn Cod his people piallrcftore^, that erft was captive led, Then Jacob ihall therein rejoycc, and Ifrael fhall be glad. Dcus hi nomifK. Pfal. liv. J. H, 6 And offering df free heart and will then I to thee fliall make. And praife thy name, for therein ftill great comfort I do take. 7 O Lord, at lenj^th do fet mc free fr«m them thaf^ craft confpire r And now mine eye With joy doth fee on them my kcarts dcfire. ExfiudiDeiis. Pfal.lv. f.H, OOod. give ear, and d« apply to hear me when I pray : And when to thee 1 call and cry, hide not thy felf away. 2 Take heed to me, grant my requeft, and anfwcr me again : With plaints I pray full fore oppreft, great grief doth me conftrain. 3 Bccaufe my foes with threats and crycs-, opprefs mc through defpight : Andfo the wicked fort likewifc to vex mc have delight, 4 For they in counfel do confpire to charge me with fomc ill : So in their hafty wrath and ire they do purfue me ftiU. My heart doth faint, for want of brcatfi,- it panteth in my breft : The terrors, and the dread of death , do work me much unrcft , 6 Such dreadful fear on me doth fall, . that I therewith do (^uake : Such horror whelmeth me withal,, that I no Ihift can make. 7 But I did fay, Who will give mc the fwift and pleafant wings of fome fairdove,^ that I may flic, arid reft me from thcfe things \ 8 Lo then I would go far away, to flic I would'not ceafe : And I would hide my felf, and ftay in fome great wildcrnefs. } I would be gone in all the hallc, and not abide behinde : That 1 were quit and overpaft thefeblaft of boifteious wind. I o Divide them, Lord, and from them pulf their deviliih double tongue : "or Ihave fpy'd their city full of rapine, ftrife, and wrong. I Which thills, both nij^ht .and day do clofc lie»- as a walk (thiou^hout. [n midft of her is mifchei f ftour, andforrow ekc^wirhal, 1 2 Her inward parts are wicked plain, her deeds are much too vile : And in her ftreets there doth remain all crafty fraud and guile. The ftcond i^art. 1 3 If that my foes did feek my fliame, I nii;:;ht it well abide : From open enemies check and blame, fome where I could me hide. 14 But thou it was, my fellow dear, hich friendlhip didfi: pretend. And didlt my fecret counfel hear, as my familiar friend. 5 With whom I had delight to talk in fecret and abroad. And we together oft did walk within the houfe of God. 6 Let death in hafte upon them fall, and fend them quick to htli : For mifcheif reigneth in the hall and parlor where they dwell. 7 But I unto my God will cry, to him for help 1 flee : The Lord will help me by and by, and he will fuccor me.- 1 8 At morning, noon, and evening tide, unto the Lord I pray : When 1 fo inftantly have cry'd, he doth not fay me nay, ip To peace he fliall reflorc me yet, though war be now at hand : Although ihe number be full great, that would againft me ftand. to The Lord that firft and Uft doth reig) both now and evermore. Will hear when I to him complain, and punifli them full fore. i 1 For fure there is no hope that they to turn will once accord : For why ? they will not God obey, nor yet do fear the Lord. 12 Upoii their friends they laid their handsJ which were in covenant knit : Gf friendfliip to negleft the bands they pafs or care no \yhit^ 2 J While they have war within their hcartsj as butter are their words : Although their words were fmooth as oyl, tkey cut as iliarp as fword s. .Ivi. I _J2 24 Caft thou thy care upon the Lord^ and he Ihall nourifli thee : For in no wife will he accord the juft in thrall to fee. 25 ButGodfhall caft them deep in pit, that thirft for blond always ; He will no guileful man permit to live out half his days. 26 Though fuch be quite deftroyM & gone in thee, O Lord, I truft : 1 fliall depend thy grace upon, with all my heart and lull. Mifererc ■met. Pfal. Ivi. f.H. HAve mercy, Lord, on me, I pray, for man would mc devour : He fighteth with me day by day, and troublethme each hour. 2 Mine enemies daily enterprife to fwallow me out-rieht : To fishc a<:ainft me many rife. b thou moft high of might. 3 When they would make me tpoft afraid \vith boafts and brags of ^ide : I tru.ft in thee alone for aid, by thee I will abide. 4 Gods promife I do minde and praife, O Lord, I ftick to thee : I do not care at all aHays, what flelli can do to me. 5 What things I either did or fpake, they wreft them at their will : And all the counfel that they take is how to work me ill. 6 They all confent thcmfelves to hide,' clofe watch for me to lay : They fpie my paths, and fnares have tide, to take my life away. 7 Shall they thus fcape on mifcheif fet ? thoH God on them wilt frown : For in his wrath, he doth not let, to throw whole kingdoms down. 8 Thou fceft how oft they made mc flee, and on my tears doft look : Refervethem in a glafs by thee, and write them in thy book. p When I do call upon thy name, my foes away do ftart : I well perceive it by the fame, that God doth take my part. 10 I glory in the word of God, to praife it I.-accord : c I ...wttsi :il ?Mtll ii. Iviii* ^ith Joy I will declare abroad the promife of the Lord : I I truft in God, and yet I ay, as I before began, he Lord he is mylielp and ftay, I do not care for man. I z 1 will perform with heart fo free, to God my vows always : fAnd I , O Lordj all times to thee ; will offer thanks and praife. I J My foul from death, thou dofl defend, and keep'ft my feet upright : That I before thee may afcend with fuch as live in light. JUifereremei. Pfal. Ivii. f.H. TAke pity for thy promife fake, have mercy. Lord, on me : for why ? my foul doth her betake unto the help of thee. Within the fliadow of thy wings Ifetmyfclf fullfall: Till mifcheif, malice, and like things be gone and over-paft. I call upon the God moft high, to whom 1 ftick and ftand : mean the God that will ftand by, the caufe 1 have in hand. From heaven he hath fent his aid, to fave me from their Ipight, That to devour me have aflay'd , his mercy, truth, and might. I lead my life with lions fell, all fet on wrath and ire : And\yith fuch wicked men 1 dwell, that fret Hke flames of fire. Their teeth are fpears and arrows long, ^^ as fbarp as I have fcen : They wound & cu: with their quick i 1 o Awake my joy, awake, I fay, my lute, my harp, and ftrinc : For I my felf, before the day, ° will rife, re Joyce, and fing. 1 1 Among the people, I will tell the goodnefs of my God, And fhew his praife that doth excel, in heathen lands abroad. li His mercy doth extend as far as heavens all arc high : IHis truth as high as any ftar thatfhincthin the skie. 1 5 Set forth and Ihew thy felf, O God, above the heaven's bright :• E,\tol thy praife on earth abroad, thy majefty and might. Si vere jitique. Pfal. Iviii. J. H, YE rulers that arc put in truft to judge.of wrong and right. Be all your judgments true and juft, not knowing meed ar might ? 2 Nay, in your hearts ye mark and mufc in mifcheif to confent : And where ye fliould true juftice ufc, your hands to bribes are bent, 3 The v/icked fort from their birth-day have erred on this wife : And from their mothers womb alway have ufed craft and lies, 4 In them the poy/on and the breath of ferpents do appear : Yea like the adder that is deaf, and faft doth ftop her ear. 5 Becanfc flie will not hear the voice of one thatcharmeth well : No though he were the chcif of choice, and did therein excel. 6 O God, break thou their teeth at once withtn their mouths throuo'hout : r wouna a: cu: wuntneirquiCKtoneue, ^. i , : , --^-v^^v . like fwords and weapons keen. ■ ' The tusks that xn their great ,aw-boiic$ ^ like lions whelps hang out. 7 Let them confume away and wafte, as water runs forth right : The fliafrs that they do fhoot in hafte, let them be broke in flight. 8 As fnails do wafte within the fliell, and unto flime do run : Set up, and fhew thy felf, O God, above the heavCRS bright, jJExalt thy praife on earth abroad, thy majefty and might. They lay their net, and do prepare 2 a privy cave and pic . |(Wherein they think my foul to fnarc. but they are faPn in it. My heart is fer to laud the Lord, in him to joy always : y heart, I fay, doth well accord to £ng his kud and praife. As one before his time th« fell, and never faw the fun. $> Before the thorns that now are yong» to bufl^es big fhall grow : The ftorms of anger waxing ftrong ihall take them ere they know. • 10 The Pfal.mx. 10 The juft fliall joy, it doth th«m good that God doth vengeance take : And they fliall wafli their feet in blood of them that him forfakc. 1 1 Then fiiall the wx)rld fliew forth & tell, that good men have reward : And that a God on earth doth dwell, that juftice doth regard. Srip vte. Pfal. lix. f. H. jjQEnd aid) and fave me from my foes, O O Lord, I pray to thee : Defend and keep me from all thofe that rife and ftrive with me . O Lord, preferve me from thofe men, whofe doings are not good : And fet me Aire and fafe from them that thirft ftill after blood. For loj they wait my foul to take, they rage againft me ftill : Vea for no fault that I did make, ' 1 never did them ill. \ They rufi and do theinfelves prepare, when 1 no whit offend : ^rife and fave me from their fnare, and fee what they intend. ; O Lord of hofts of IfracI, arifeandftrikealHands : \nd pity none that do rebel, and in their mifcheifs ftands. > Atnight they ftir and feek about, as hounds they howl and grin : V.nd all the ciry clean throughout, from place to place they run ' They fpeak of me with mouth alway, but in their lips are fwords : rhcy Vreed my death,and the» would fay, What? nonedothhear our words, i But, Lord, thou liaft their ways efpy'd, and laught there.tt apace : The heathen folk thou doft deride, and mock them to their face. The ftven^th that doth our foes withftand O Lord, doth come from thee : Ay God, he is my help at hand, a fort offence to me. o The Lord to me doth fhew hie grace in great abundance ftiil : 'hat 1 may fee my foes in cafe fuch as my heart doth will. T/;c fecond part. Deftroy them not at once, O Lorcl, IcA it from minde da fall : \ M But with thy ftrcngth ^rive them abroad, and Co confume them all. 1 1 For their ill words and truthlefs tongue confound them in their pride : Their wicked oaths with lies and wrong let all the world deride. 15 Confumethemin thy wrath, OLord> that nought of them remain : That men may know throughout the worli that Jacobs God doth reign. 14 At evenihg they return apace, as dogs they grin and cry : ThroughoHt the ftreets in every place they run about and fpy. 1 5 They feek about for meat, I fa/^ but let rhem not be fed : Nor finde a houfe wherein they may be bold to put their head. i6 But I will Ihew thy ftrength abroad, thy goodnefs I will praife : For thou art my defence and God at need inallaflays. 1 7 Thou art my ftrength,thou haft me ftaidj O Lord, I fing to thee ; Thou art my fort, my fence, a«id aid, a loving God to me. Deus repulifti, Pfal. Ix. f. H, OLord, thou didft us clean forfake, and fcattercdft us abroad : Such great difpleafure thou didft take , return to us, O God. 2 Thy might did move the land fo fore, that it in funder brake : The hurt thereof, O Lord, rcftore, for it doth bow and quake. 5 With heavy chance thou piagueft thus the people that are thine : And thou haft ^iven unto us a drink of deadly wine. 4 But yet to fuch as fear thy name a banner thou didft (hew : That they may triumph in the fame, becaufe thy word is true. So that thy might may keep and fave thy folic that favor thee : That they thy help at hand may have, O Lord,<;rant this to mc. 6 The Lord did fpeak from his own place, this \yas his joyful tale, I will divide Sichem by pace, and mete out Succoths vale. C4 y Ciica hy mercies far furmount thisliT and wretched days : My lips th.:i :;foiC fiiall giv. to thee due honor, laud, and praife, { And whikft I live, I will not fail to worffcip thee alway t And lu thy^name, 1 flialllift up •-0V hands when 1 do pray. i My lOiil is fill'd as with marrow, wnich is both far ind fweet : Vly mouth therefore fhali fmg fuch fongs as are for thee moft meet. f When as in bed 1 chink on thee, and eke all the night ride : r For under covert of thy wings, thouartmy joyful guide. { My foul doth furely ftick to thee, thy right hand is my power : } And thofe that fcek my foul to 'ftroy, them death fhall foon devour. lo The fword fl)all them devour each one their carc-jies fliall feed The hungry foxes which do run their prey to feek at need. I I The king, and all men fliall rejoycCj that do'profefs Gods word : For liers mouths fliall then be ftopt, which have the truth difturb'd. Exav.di Dens, Pfal. Ixiv. /, H, OLord, unto my voice give ear, with plaint when I do pray : And rid my life and foul from fear of foes that threat to flay. Defend me from that i'ort of men which in deceit do lurk ; And from the frowning face of them that all ill feats do work. 5 Who whet their tongues, as we have fecj ^icn whet and flisrp their fwords ; They fhoot abroad their arrows keen, I mean moft bitter words. 4 With privy fleights flioot they their fliafr the upright man to hit : The j.uft unwares to ftrike by craft, thfcy care or fear no whit. 5 A wicked work they have decreed, in counfelthus they cry. To ule deceit, let us not dread, what ? who can it efpy > 6 What way to hurt they talk and mufc all times within their heart : They all confult what feats to ufe, each doth invent his part. 7 But yet all this dial! not prevail , when they think leaft upon, Cod v/ith his dart fliall fure aflail and wound them every one. 8 Their crafts, and their ill tongues withal, l]iall work themfelves fuch blame. That they which then behold their fall, fliall wonder at the fame. P Then all that fee fliall know right well that God the thing hath wrought. And praife his witty works, and tell what he to pafs hath brought, lo Yet fliall the juft in God rejoyce, ftill trufting in his mi^ht. So (hall they joy with minde and voice, whofe hearts are pure and right. Tr decct byimus. Pfal. Ixv, J. H. I np Ily praife alone, O Lord, doth reign j] I in Sion thine own hill : It Their vows to thee they do maintain, and their behells fulfil. 2 For that thou doft their prayers hear, and doll thereto agree : The people all, both far and near, with truft fhall come to thee, 3 Our wicked life fo far exceeds, that we fhall fall therein : But, Lord, forgive our great mifdeeds, and purge us from our fin. 4 The mm is bleft, whom thou doft chufe with'n thy courts to dwell : Thy houfe and temple, he fliall ufe, wiUi pleafures that excel. 5 Of thy great juftice hear us, God, our health of thee doth rife : The hope of all the earth abroad, and the fea coafts Ukewifc. t^ 4t Tsr t With ftrength thou art befet about, fc and compaft with thy power : fThou mak'ft the mountains ftrong & ftout, to ftand in every fhower. , f The fwelling feas thou doft alTwa^e, I and make their ftreams full ftill; rhou doft reftiain the peoples ra<»c, and rule them a«t thy will. 9t The folk that dwell tull far on earth fliall dread thy figns to fee : 4Vhich morn and even in great mirth do pafs with praife to thee. f When that the earth is chapt and dry, ^ and thirfteth more and more. Then with thy drops thou doft apply, iand much increafe her ftore. i:o The floud of God doth overflow, and fo doth caufe to fprinjT ^"hc feed and corn which men do fow, for he doth ^uide the thin2. i; ^ ° 1 With wet th(Ju doft her furrows fill, whereby her clods do fall : rhy drops on her thou doft diftil, and blefs her fruit withal, 2 Thou deck'ft the earth of thy good grace with fair and pleafant crop : hy clouds diftil their dew apace, • great plenty they do drop. 3 Whereby the dcfert fhall begin full great increafe to bring : he little hills Ihall joy therein, much fruit in them Ihall fpring. 4 In places plain the flock fhall feed, and cover all the earth : ';hc vales with corn ftiall fo exceed, ■; that men fhall fing for mirth. fubtlnu Deo. Pfal. Ixvi. T S. ^E men on earth, in God rejoyce, [jH with praife fet forth his name : ixtol his might with heart and voice, «y give glory to the fame. * How wonderful, O Lord, fay ye, . in all thy works thou art ! ^%j foes for fear fliall feek to thee * j ftxll fore againft their heart. I AH men that dwell the earth throughout, fhall praife the name of God : lie laud thereof the world about is fhewed, and fet abroad. All folk, come forth, behold and fee what things the Lord hath wrought : Hark well the wondrous work* that hc for man to p;i(3 hulk brought. 5 Hc laid the fca like heaps on hi<»h, therein a way rhcy had, ° On foot to pafs both fair and dry, I v/hereof their hearts were glad. 6 His might doth rule the world alway, his eyes all things behold : All fuch as would him difobey, by him fliall be control'd. 7 Ye people give unto our Goi due laud and thanks always : With joyful voice declare abroad, ancf flng unto his praife. %f Which doth endue our foul with life, and itpreferve withal : He ftays our feet, fb that no ftrifc can make us flip or fall. 9 The Lord doth prove our decds^with fire, if that they will abide : As workmen dp, when they defire to have their metals try'd, I o Although they fufFer us fo long in prilon to be caft : And there with chains and fetters ftrong; to lie in bondage faft. Tf>efe4:ondpnrf» I I Although, 1 fay, thou fuffer men on us to ride and reign : Though we through fire and water run, of very ^rief and pain. 1 2 Yet fure thou doft of thy good grace difpofe it to the beft : And bring us out into a place, to live in wealth and reft. 5 Unto thy houfe refort will I to offer, and to pray : And there I will my felf apply my vows to thee to pay. 4 The vows that with my mouth I fpake ifn all my grief andfmart : The vows, I fay, which I did make, in dolor of my heart. 15 Burnt-offiings 1 will give to thee of oxen fat and rams : Yea, this my facrifice fhall be of bullocks, goats, and lamb$. i^ Come forth and hearken here full fooflj all ye that fear the Lord : What he for my poor foal hath done, to you I will record. 17 Full oft I call to mindc his grace, this mouth to him doth cry : And thou my tongue make fpeed apace to praife him by and by. iS Bill ^■L iS But if 1 feel my heart within, in wicked works rejoyce : Or, it I have delight to fin, God will not hear my voice, ip ButlurelyGodjTny voice hath heard, and what I do require : My prayer he doth well regard, and granteth my defire. Jo All praift ro him that hath not put, nor cafi: me out of minde : Nor yet his mercy from me fhut, which Ido evcrfinde. Dew mifereatur. Pfal. Ixvii. 7- ^• HAve mercy on us, Lord, and grant to us thy grace : To fliew to us, do thou accord, the hr'ghtnefs of thy face : i That.all the earth may know, the way togo'ly wealth : And all the nations on a row may fte thy faving health. 3 Let all the world, O God, give praife unto thy name : O let the people all abroad, extol and laud the fame . yea, if I weep and moan : ifet in my teeth this jear is caft, they pafs not thereupon. : » if 1 for grief, and pain of heart, in fackcloth ufe to walk : Then they anon will it pervert, thereof rhey jeft and talk. 5 Both high and low, and all the throng that fit within the gate, rhey have me ever in their tongue, of me they talk and prate. 4 The drunkards which in wine deli<»ht, it is their cheif paftime ° To fcek which way to work mc fpight j of me they fing and rhime, 5 But thee, the while^ O Lord, I pray, that when it pleafeth thee, or thy great truth thou wilt alway frnd down thine aid to me. 6 Pluck thou ray feet out of the mire, from drowning do me keep : 'rom fuch as ow me wrath and ire, and from the waters deep. 7 Left with the waves I flvould be drowjti*d, and depth my foul devour : lind that the pit fliould me confound^ and iliut me in her power. ^^^^' . lau 28 O Lord of hofts, to mc give car, as thou art good and kmde i And as thy mercy is moft dear. Lord, have mc in thy mindc, ip And do not from thy fervant hide nor turn thy face away : '" 1 am oppreft on every fide, in hafte, give ear, I fay, ao O Lord, unto my foul draw niah^ the fame with aid rcpofc :; * Bccaufe of their great tyranny, acquit me from my foes. The third part. 1 1 That I abide rebuke and fliamc, thou know'ft, and thou canft tell . For thofe that feck, and work the fame thou fceft them all full well 2 i When they with brags do break my kcai I leek for help anon : But finde no friends to eafc my Hnart, to comfort me not one. 2 3 But in my meat they gave mc frail, too cruel for to think : " And gave me in my thirft withal, ftrong vinegar to drink. 2 4 Lord, turn their table to a fnarc, to take themfelves therein : And when they think full well to fare, then trap them in the " Ml glory, honor, laud, and praife, be given to thee, O Lord, 6 But 1 am weak and poor ; come, Lord, thine aid I lack : Thou art my (lay and help, therefore make fpeed, and be not flaek. In tc Domine. Pfal. Ixxi. f. H» MY Lord my God, in all diftrcfs, my hope is whole in thee : Then let no fliame my foul opprefs, nor once take hold on me . a As thou art juft, defend me, Lord, and rid me ont of dread : Give ear, and to my fuit accord, « and fend me help at need. 3 Be thou my rock, to wh©m 1 may for aid all times refort : Thy promife is to help ahvay, thou art my fence and fort. 4 Save me, my God, from wicked men, i and from their ftrength and power : From folk unjuft, anolini men, I grudgM and did diflain, Tbat wicked men all things Ihould have without turmoil or pain, 4 They never futftr pM\

and : But yet the labor was too great for me to take in hand. 1 7 Until the time I went into thine boly place, and then 1 iin ierftood right pcrfedlly IDC end of all thefe men. .18 ABt Ti'aim itxW. tS And namely, how thou letteft them upon a flipper/ place : And at thy pleafure and thy will rhou doft thcDi all deface. ip Then all men mufe at that ftrange dght to fee how fuddenly They are defttoyU diTpacht, coafum'd, aad dead fo horribly, ao Much like a dream when one awakes fo fhall their wealth decay : Their famous name in all mens fight fliall ebb and pafs away. The third part, ii Yet thus my heart wa* grieved then, my mind was much oppreft j iz So fond was I and ignaxant and in this point a bcaft. S3 Yet nevetthelefs by my right hand thou holdft me always faft : a4 And with thy counfei doft me guide to glory at the laft. »5 What thing is there that I can wi/h but thee in heaven above ? And in the earth there is nothing like thee that I can love. 2 more might in thee doth lie. Then in rhe ftiongeft of the world, that rob on mou ntains hi gh . ^ But now the proud are fpoil'd through and they are fall'n on fleep : Oh«C Tlirough men of war no help can be, themfelves they could not keep. f M ^ At tky rebuke,- O Jacob's God, i when rhou didft them reprove : ?As half on fleep their chariots ftood, ^ no horfe-mcn once did move. 7 For thou art dreadful, Lord, indeed . what man the courage hath To bide thy fight, and doth not diead when thou art in thy wrath > Cheard 8 When thou doft make thy judgments from heaven through the ground ; Then all the earth full foxe afraid, in filence fhall be found, P And that when thou.-O God,doft (land, in judgment for to fpeak. To fave th' afliiacd of the land, ] on earth that are full weak. lo The fury that in man doth ceign fhall turn unto thy praife : Hereafter, Lord, do thou reftrain theft wrath and threats always.' it Make vows and pay them to Out God ye folk that nigh hfm be : Bring gifts all ye that dwell abroad, fot dreadful fure is he. li For he doth take both life and might from princes great of birth : *i.nd full of terrour is his fight to all the kings on earth, Vocemea. PfaJ. Ixxvii. J. ff, I With my voyce to God do cry with heart and hearty cheer ; My voyce to God I lift on high, and he ray fuit doth hear. 2. In lime of grief I fought to God, by night no reft I took •. But ftretch't my hands to him abroad; my foul comfort forfook. 3 When I to think on God intend, ray trouble then is more ; I rpake, but could not make an end, my breath was ftopt fo fore. 4 Thou holdft mine eyes always from reft that I always awake : With fear 1 am fo fore oppreft, ray fpeech doth me forjakc. 5 The days of old in mind I carf, and oft did think upon The times and ages that are paft full many years agon. ^ By night my fongs I call to mind, once made thy praife to (how s 7F ray Ipirits do fcarch to know. 7 Will God, faid Lat once for all caftofhis people thus, So that henceforth ro time he fiiall be friendly unto us? 8 What? is his goodnefsclfian decay 'd for ever and a day ? Oris his promife now dclay'd and doth his ttuth decay ? 9 And will the Lord our God forget his mercies manifold ? Or fliall his wrath increafe fo hor, his mercies to withhold ? 10 At laft I faid. My weaknefs is the caufe of this miftruft ; Gods mighry hand can help all thij, and change it when he luft. The fecond part. 11 I will regard and think upon thewoikingoftheLord : Of all his wonders paft and gone I gladly will record, iz Yea, all his works I will deciarcj, and^hat he did devifc : To tell his fafts I will not fpare, and eke his counfel wife. 13 Thy works, O Lord, are all upright/ and holy all abroad. ' (might What one hath 'ftrength to match the of thee, O Lord our God ? 14 Thou art a God that doft forth Hiovir thy wonders every hour : And fo doft make the people know thy vertue and thy power. 15 And thine own folk thou doft defend , with ftrength and ftrerched arm : I The Tons of Jacob that defcend, I and Jofeph's feed, from harm. 16 The waters. Lord, perceived thce^ the waters faw thee well : And th(iy for fear away did flee, the depths on tiembling fell. 17 The clouds that were both thick an? did rain full plenteoufly : (blaci The thunder in rhe air did erack, thy fhafts abroad did flie. 18 Thy thunder in the air was heard, , thy lightnings from al»ove With flaflies great made men afraid,' the earth did quake and more rhi ffalo! Ixxvirl. 1 9 Thy ways within the fca do lie, thy paths in waters deep. yet none can there thy tleps cfpic# nor know thy paths to keep. 20 Thou ledft thy folk apon the land as fh«ep on every fide ; Through Mofes.and through Aarons hand thou didil them fafcly guide. '^ttenditepo^uU. Pfal.lxxviii. J. H. A Trend my people to my law, | and to my words incline : 2 My mouth (hall fpeak ftrange parable* and (entences divine : (learn'd, 3 Which we our felves hav^e heard and even of our fathers old ; And which for our inftruiftion our fathers have us told, 4 Bccaufe we fhould not keep it clofe from them that fhould come after : Who fhould GDd's power to their race and all his works of worder, (praife* 5 To Jacob he commandment gave how Ifrael fhould live. Willing our fathers fhould the fame unto their children give. ^ That they and their poftcrity that were not (prung up tho, Should have the knowleilge of the Xrjr* and teach their feed alio. 7 That they might have the better hope in God that is above : And not forget to keep his laws and his ptcccpts in love. 8 Not being as their fathers were, rebelling in God's fight : And would not frame their wicked hearts to knew their Gad aright. 9 How went the people of Ephiaim their neighbours for to fpoil : Shooting their darts the day of war. and yet they took the foil 3 JO For why ? they did not keep with God the covenant that was made, Not yet would walk or lead their lives Thefecwd ^art, iz What wonders to our forc-.falh«5* didhehimfelfdildoVc In Egypt land, within the field, that caird is Thaneos > 1 3 He did divide and cut the Tea, that they might pafs at once : Atid made the waters ftand as ftill as doth an heap of floncs. 54 He led them lecret in a cloud by day when it was bright : And in the night when daik it wasi with fire he gave ihem light. ij He brake the locks in wildcrnels; ana gave the people drink : As plentiful as when the deeps do flow up to the brink. i6 He drew out rivers ©ut of rocks that were both dry and hard. Of luck abundance, that no flouds, to them may be compared. I7 Yei for all this againft the Loid ihcir fin they did incrcafe : And ftiired him that is moft high to wraihin wi't^emefs. i8 They tempted God within their h«arti^ like people of miftrud : Requiting fuch a kind of meat as fcrvcd to their luft i ip Saying with murmuration in their unfaithfulnefs, What ? can this God prepare for us afcaftinwildernefs. so Behold he ftrakc the ftony rock, and flouds forthwith did flow : Bur can he now give to his folk both bread and flcfli alio ? 11 When God h«ardthis,hewaxtd mot* with Jacob and his Iced ; So did his indignation on Ifraci proceed. The third part. according to his trade : XI Bat ptit into oblivoin his counfel and his vrill. And all his workt moi\ magnifick^ which ht declared fiill. it Bccaufe they did not faithfully believe, and hope that he Could always help and Tuccour them in their neccfllry. ^3 Wherefore he did command the clowdfj forthwith they brake in fundcr, 14 And rain'd down vmanna for them to a food of »icklc wcmdcr, (,<^t 3jWhc» fl^ImT : xvtn. 5J , ^5 When earthly men with angcUs food were fed at their requeft : l<5 He bade the eaft-wind blow away, and brought in the fouth-weft. 37 He rain'd down flefh as thick as duft j and fowl as thick as fand ; 28 Which he did caft amid the place where all their tents did ftand. i^ Then did they eat exceedingly^ and all men had their tills : Yet more and more they oid defire toftrve their lufts and wi"- 30 But as the meat was in their mouths, his wrath upon them i^ll, 31 And flew the flower of all their youth and choice of ifraei. 32Yet fell tlicy to their wonted fin^ and ftill they did him grieve : For all the wonders thac he wrought, they would him not believe. 3 3 There days therefore he fliortcncd, and made tkeir honour vain ; Their years did waftc and pafs away with terrour and with pain. 34 "Bur ever whei he pagued them tkbey lought him by and by, jjRemembring that he was their ftrength, their help and God moft high. 3<5 Thou£;h in their mouths they did but and flatter with the Lord : ('glofe And with their tongues and in their hearts dilTcmbled every word. The fourth part. How did they move and ftir the«Lord to plague them with his ftroke ! 41 Yei did ttiey turn again to fin. And tempted God eft-foon ; Prefcribing to the holy Lord what things they would have done. 41 Not thinking of his hand and power, nor of the day when he Deltve»ed chem out of the hands of chc fierce enemy. 43 Nor how he wrought his miracles (as they themfelves beheld^ In Egypr, an ^ the wonders that he did in Zoan-field. 44 Nor how he turned by his powec their waters into bloud : That no man might receive his diinfc at river nor at flood, 45 Nor how he fent them fwarms of flieSj which did them fore annoy : And filTd their country full of frogs, which did their land deftroy. Theffihpart^ 46 Nor how he did commit their fruit* unto thecaterpiller : And all the labour of their hands he gave to the grafhopper. 47With hailftones he deftroy'd their vines, fo that they were all loft : And not fo much as wild fig-trees, bnt he confum'd with fro ft. 48 And yet with hailftones once again the Lord their cartel fmotc. 57¥orwhynheir hearts were nothing bent And all their flocks and herds likcwife to him not to hU trade Nor yet to keep 01 to perform I the covcna.it that was made. 338 Yet was he ftill fo merciful, when they dcfeiv'd to die> That he forgave them their mifdeeds, and would not them deftroy. Yea, many a time he turn'd his wrath, and did himfelf advife: And would not fuftcr all his whole difpleafure to ariie. 39 Confidering that they were but flefh ; and even asavvind That pafteth away, and cannot well return by his own kind. 540 How ofrentimes in wilderncfs did they the jLord p invoke .' with thunder- bolts full hot. 49 He caft upon them in his ire and in his fury ftrong, Difpleafure, wrath, and evil fpiritsj' to trouble them among. 50 Then to his wrath he made a way, and fpared not the leaft : But gave unto the peftilence the man and eke the beaft, 51 He ftrake alfo the firft- born all that up in Egypt came : And all the chief of men and beafts within the tents of Ham. 5Z But as for all his own dear folk, he did ptefetve and keep : And carried them through wildcrnefs,' even like a flock of (heep. BUL. aJMsi rlSlm IxxufT J J Without all feat both fafc and found ^ And put them then unto a fhame h- brought them out of thrall IViicreas their foes with rage of Teas wctc overwhelmed all. ^^ And brought them out into the coafts of his own holy land, ivcn to the mount which he had got by his fttong arm and hand. '55 And there caft out the heathen folk, and did tiieir land divide : And in their tenn he fct the tribes of Iftael to abide. 5» Therewith his. wrath began agaio lO kindle in his breaft : Joe naughtinels of Ifrael he did lo much deteft. ^o Then he fotfook the tabernacle of Silo, where he was Right coovecfant with earthly men, even as his dwelling place. 61 Tiien fuffeted he his might and power in bondage fot to ftand ; And gave the honour of his Ark into his enemies hand. And did commit them to the fword, wroth v/ith his heritage : 55 T licit" young men were devour'd with maids had no marriage. ^ (fire 54 And with the Tword the piieftsalfo did perifh every one ; A.nd noc a widow left alive their death foe to bemonc. 55 And them the Lord begjn to wake like one that flcpt a time, \nd like a valiant man of war ref ellicd after wine : With emrods in the Kinder patts Cit ih3,k5 his cpemics ail : IP f ' ' 1 , I I ■ ■ that was perpetual. 67 Then he the tent and tabernads of Jofeph did refufe ; As for the tribe of Ephraim, he would in no wile chufe : ^8 But chofe the ttJbe of Jehuda^ whereas he thought to dwell : Even the noble mount Sion, which he did love fo well. 6cf Whereas he did his temple build both fumptuoufly and fure ; Lite as the earth which he hath made for ever to endure. 70 Then chofe he David him to fcivc, his people fot to keep ; Whom he took up and brought away even from the folds of fheep. 71 As he did follow th' ews with youngs the Lord did him advance, / To feed his people Ifrael, and his inheritance. 72 Thus David with a faithliil heart his flock arid charge did feed. And prudently with all his power did govern them indeed. m "Dens, venerunt. Pfal.lvxix. J. H. OGod, the Gentiles do invadd thine heritage to fpoil : Jerufalem an heap is made, hy temple they defile. 2 The bodies of thy faints moft deaf abroad to birds they caft : The flefhofthem that do thee feat the hearts devour and waft. 3 Their bloud throughout Jerufilera as water fpilt they h.we : So that there is not one of them, to lay their dead in grave. 4 Thus arc we made a laughing- ftock alm.oft 1 he world throughout : The enemies at us )eft and mock which dwell our coafts about* 5 Wilt ihou, O Lord, thus in thint ire ag ainft us ever fume And (hew thy wrath as hot as firr. thy folk for to confume ? 6 Upon tho'e people pour the fame which did theenever know : ji^ll realm* whicli call not on thynaniC confume and ovcrtVow. 7 fQl. Pfalm 7 For they have g«t the upper-hand, and Jacob's feed deftroy 'd ; His habitation and his Und they have left wafte and void. 8 Bear not in mind our former faults^ with fpeed Ibme pity (how : And aid us, Lord,in all alTaults, Fox we are weak and low. The fecond part. O God, that giv'ii all health and grace, on us declare the fame : iVeigh not our they Itugh and jeft it our. 8 O take us, Lord: unto thy grace convert our hearts to thee. Shew forth to us thy joyful face, and we full fafe fliall be. 9 From Egypt where it grew not well thou brought'ft a vine full dear : The heathen folk thou didft expell, | and thou didft plant it there. 10 Thou didft prepare for it a place;, and fet her roots full faft : That it did grow and fpring apace* and fill'd the land at laft. The fecond part, 11 The hills were covered round about with fhade that from it came, And eke the cedars (trong and ftQ'Jt, with branches of the fame. 12 Why then didft thou her walls deftroy? her hedge jpluckt up thou haft : That all the folk that paffe thereby thy vine may fpoil and wafte. I J The boar out of the wood ib wilde . doth dig and root it out : The furious beafts out of the field devour it all about. 14 O Lord of hofts, rerum again* from heaven look betime : Behold, and with thy help fufla'a this poor vineyard of ihine. 1$ Thy plant, 1 fay, tlane Ilrael,' whom thy right hand hath fer ; The fame which thou didft Jove fo well. O Lord, do not forger. j5 They lop and cut it down apace, they burn it eke with fire 5 i> - Ani 51 i^^alm hxxUxXKu. And through the frowning of thy face wc perilh in thine ire. 3 7 Let thy right hand be with them now whom thou haft kept fo long : And with the fon of man whom thou to thee haft made fo (hong. 18 And fo when thoa haft tec us frec> and laved us from fliame : Then will we never fall ftom thee, but call upon thy namCo I5> O Lord of Hofts , through thy goo( convect us unrochec: {$^^c Behold us with a pk-afant face, and then full iale are we. Deo exfult-ate. Pfal.lxxxi. J. Ho BE Iiy,hr and glad, in God rejoyce, which is our itrength and ftay : Be •o)tul, and lift up your voyce to |^igob\ God, I fay. 2 Prepare your inftruments moft meet, fome ioyful Tfalm to fing • Strike up with harp and luce fo fweet, on every pleasant ftring. 3 Blow as it were in the new moon, , with trumpets of the beft: As it is ufed to be doiic at any Jolcinn fe.ift. 4 For this is unto Ifrael aftatutc and a trade,: A law that muft be kept full well, which Jacob's God harh made. 5 This claufe with jofeph was decreed when he fiom Egypt came, Thar as a witnefs all his feed (Inouldftill obfeive the fame. 6 When God, 1 fay, had fo picpar'd to bring him from that land : Whereas :he Ipeech which he had heard lie did not underhand. 7 I from his fhouUlers rook (faith he) the burden clean away : And from the fir. nacc quit him free, from burning brick of clay. 8 When rhou in grief didft cry and call, I holp thee by and by : And I did anivver ;iiee withal in thunder fccretly. p Yea at the waters of difcord I did thee le.npt and ptove } Whereas the goodnefs of the lord^ with muttering thou didft move. JO Hear, O my fqiik, O llrael, and I aflurc it thee : Regard and mark my words full well} if thou wilt cleave to me. The fbcond part, 11 Thou fhalt no god in thee re(crve of any landabioad; Nor in no wife to bow or ferve a ftrange or forrein god. 12 I am the Lord thy God, and I from E^j^ypt fet thee free : Then ask'of me abundantly, and I will give it thee. 13 And yet my people v/ould not heat my voyce when that I Ipake ; Nor Ifrael would not obey, but did me quite fotfake. 14 Then did 1 leave them to their will^ in hatdnefs of their heart : To walk in their own counfcis ftill, themfelves they might perverr, 1 5 O that my people would have heard the words that 1 did fay : And eke that Ifrael would regaid to walk within my way. 16 How foon would I confound thelifoc and bring them down full low. And turn my hand upon all rhofe that would them overthtow ! 17 And they that at the Lerd do rage, as flaves fhould feck him till : Bur of his folk the time and age fhould flourifh ever ftill. 18 1 wouM have fed them with the crojf and fineft of the wheat : And made the rock with honey dropf that they their fills fhould ear. Dtmfiem. rial. Ixxxli. J.H. A Mid the ptefs with men of might the Lord himfelfdothftand. To plead the caufe of truth ar^d right with judges of the land, i How long (fa id he) will you proceed falfe judgment to award. And have rcfpeft for love of meed the wicked to regard ? 3 Whereas of due you fhoulil tlcfcni the fathcilefs and vrcak, AOi Pfalxn, And when the poor man doth contend, in judgment juftly fpeak. 4 If ye be wife defend the caufe of poor men in their right : And rid the needy from the claws oi tyrants force and might. 5 But nothing will they know or learn in vain to them 1 talk : They will not fee or ought difcern, but ftill in darkncfs walk. ( For lo^even now the time is come that all things fall to nought : And likewife laws both all and fome for gain are fold and bought. I had decreed it in my fight as gods to take you all : And children to the moft of might for love I did you call. But notwithftanding ye fhall die as men and Co decay •' O tyrants, I fhall you deftroy, and pluck you quite away. i UpXord>and let thy ftrength be known and judge the world with might : For why ? all nations are thine own^ to take them as thy tight. Dens quid. Pfal. IxJfxiii, J, H. DO not, O God, retrain thy tongue, in filence do nor ftay : Withhold not, Lord, thy felf fo long, and make no mote delay. For why ? behold thy foes, and fee how they do rage and cry : And thole thar bare an haie to thee hold up their heads on high. 3 Againft thy folk they ufe deceit, and craftly they enquire : For thine eleft to lie in wait their counfel doth confpire, -t Come on, fay they, left us ejrpcll and pluck thefe folk away ; So th bow thine ear to my requeft, and hear me by and by : With grievous pain and grief oppreft, full poor and weak am I. a Prcferve my foul, becaufe my ways, and doings holy be : And fave thy fervant, O my Lord* that puts his truft in thee. 3 Tiiy mercy, Lord, en me cxprefs, defend me eke withall : For through rhe day I do not ccafe on thee to cry and call. 4 Comfort, O Lord, thy fetvants foul that now with pain is pin'd : For unto thee, Lord, I extoll and lift my foul and mind. 5 For thou art good and bountifull, thy gifts of grace are irec 5 And eke thy mercy plentifull to all that call on thee. O Lord, likewife when I do pray, regard and give an ear ; Mark well the words that I do fay, • and all my prayers hear. 7 In time when ttoubie doth me ipove, to thee 1 do complain : For why ? I know and well do prove thouanfwereft me again. J Among the Gods, O Lord, is none with thee to be compat'd : And none can do as thou alone, the like hath net been heard, Thefecond Tart. y The Gentiles and the people all which thou didft make and frame, Before thy face on knees (hall fall, andglorifiethy name. !o For why ? thoj art fo much of might, all power is thine own : Riou workeft wonders ftill in fight j f«r thoa art God alone. II O teach me Lord, thy way, and I (hall in thy truth proceed : O joyn my heart to thcc fo nigh that I thy name may dread. It To thee, my God, will I give ptaira with all my heart. O Lord : And glorify thy name always ! for ever through the world. 13 For why ? thy mercy fhew'd tome j is great, and doth excell : I Thou fetft my foul at liberty \ out from the lower hell. • 14 O Lord the proud againft me rife, andhe^psof menof might : They feek my foul, and in no wife will have thee in their fight. 15 Thou, Lord, art merciful andnacek," full flack and flow to wrath •• Thy goodnefs is full great, and eke thy truth no meai^ure hath. 16 O turn to me, and mercy granr,^ thy ftrength to me apply : O help and lave thine own ferrant, thy handmaids Ton am I. 15 On me fome fjgn of favo* (how, that all my foes may fee And be afham'd, becaufe.Lord, thou doft help and comfort me. fundament*. Pfal, Ixxxvii. J. H. THat city fhallfull well endure, her ground work (iill doth ftay Upon the holy hills full fure. It can no time decay, s God loves the gates of Sion bcft, his grace d-oth there abide : Pe loves them more then all the reft of Jacob's tents beGde. 3 Full glorious things reported be in Sion, and abroad '. Great things, I lay, are faid of thee, thou City of oar God. 4 On Rahab I willcaftaneyc, and bear in mind the fame ; And Babylon feall eke apply and Icain to know my name. 5 Lo, Paleftine and Tyre alfo, with Ethiope likewife, A people old, full long ago were born and there did rife. 6 of Sion they (hall fay abroad, ihat divcis men of fame Have . 14 But I. O Lord, to thee always do cry and call apace : My prayer eke ere i t be day fiiall come befoie thy face. 15 Why doft thou. Lord, abhor my foul, in grief that feeketh thee ? And now, O Lord, why doft thou hide thy face away from me ? 16 I am atflift, as dying ftill from youth this many a year : The terrors which do vex me ill with troubled mind 1 bear. 17 The furies of thy wrathful rage full fore upon me fall : Thy tctrois eke do not aflwagc, but mc opprefs withal : 13 All day they compafs me about, as water at the tide : And all at once with flicams full ftout befet me on each fide, ip Thou fetteft fat from me my friends and lovers every one : Yea, and niy old acquaintance all out of thy fight ate gone. MfcricordUi. Ffal. Ixxxix. J. H« *^0 fing the mercies of the Lord X my 'ongue fliall never fpare *- And with my mouth from age 10 age thy truth I will declare. 2 For I have faid that mercy fhall for evermore remain : In that thou doft the heavens flay, rhy truth appeareth plain. 3 To mine ele.T:. faith God. I made a covenant and bcheft : My fervant David to petfwade, I lwo;e and did proteft ; * Thi ^ fFalm IxtKix 4 Thy feed for ever I will ftay^ and ftablifla it full faft ; And ftill uphold tby throne alway from age to age to laft. 5 The heavens fhew with joy and mirth thy wondrous wocks.O Lord : Thy faints within thy church on earth thy faith and truth record. 6 Who with the Lord is equal then in all the clouds abroad ? Among the Tons of all the gods, what one is like our God ? 7 God in aflembly of the faints isgrea-.ly to be dread : And over all that dwell about in terror to be had. S Lord God of hofts.in all the world what one is like to thee ? On every fide moft mighty Lord, thy truth is fecn tobe. The raging fea by thine advice thou ruleft at thy will: And when the waves thereof arife, thoj mak'ft them calm and ftill. I* And EgyptXord,th9u haft fubdw'dj and thou haft it deftroy'd ; Tca.thou thy foes>with mighty arm haft fcattered all abroad. The fectnd [>art. iiThc heaven* are thine and flill have been iikcwife the earth a,nd land = The world and all that is therein thou foundedft with thy hand. :iBoth north and fou:h,v.'ith eaft and weft thy felf didft make and frame : Both Tabor- mount.and eke Hetmon* rejoyce and praife thy name. 5 Thine arm is ftrong and full of power, all might therein doth lie : The ftrcngth of thy right hand each hour tnou lifteft up on high, 14 In righteoufncfa and equity thou haft thy feat and place. VIercy and trtj=.h are ftill with thee, atid go befo^re tiiy fate. [ - That folk is bleft that knows aright thy prefent power,0 God : '@t in the favour of thy fight shcy walkfuU faff »bro|i JJL i^ For in thy name thtoughont the day they joy and much rcjovc« : And through thy righteoufnels have they a plcafanr fame and noifc, 17 For why?their glory, ftrcngth,and aid^ in thee alone do.ti lie : Thy goodnefs eke that hath us ftaid, fhall life our horn on high. 18 Our ftiength that doth defend USWcU the Lord to us doth bring ; The lioly oneoflVael he is our guide and King. Xi? Sometimes thy wjH unto thy faints in vifions thou didft fhow ; And thus then didft thou fay to thena, thy mind to make them know : 20 A man of might I have ercft your king and guide to be. And fct him up whom I elcfl-, among the folk to me. Tha third part, 21 My^crvant David I appoint^ whom I have fcarched out : And with mine holy oyl anoint him king of all the rout. 21 For why ? my hand is ready flill with him for to remain : And with mine arm alfo I will him fttengthen and fuftain. z I The enemies fhaU not him opprc^j! they fhall him nor devour : Ne vet rhc Tons of wickedncfs on him (hall have no power. 24 His Iocs likevvile I will dcftroy before hii face in fight : And thofe that hare him I will plagiic, and ftrike them with my might. Zy Mv truth and mercy eke wlthall fhall ftill upon him lie : And in my name his horn eke fliall be lif C-iup on hi2,h. ^6 His Kirrrdom I will fet to be upon the lea and land : And eke the running floods fhall he embrace with his right hand. 27 He fhall depend W'th all his hcatt on me.ard thus fhall fay, JA-Y Father and my God thou art, my lock oi health and ftav. 2IA1I 4; 4^ — . lialm [a8 As my firft-born 1 will him take I of all on earth thar fprings : Hi$ might and honor I will make above all earthly kings, 251 My mercy fhall be with hin? fiill* as I my felf have told t My faithful! covenant to fulfill my mercy I will hold. 03 And eke his feed I will fuftain far ever ftrong and fure ? So that his feat (hall Aill remaia while heaven doth endure. The fourth fart, 31 If that his Tons forfakc my law,' and fo begin to fwerve-, And of my judgments liave none aw» nor will not them obfcrve : 32. Or if they do not ufe aright my ftatutes ro them made. And fee all my commandments light, and will not keep my trade. 3 3 Then with the rod will I begin their doings to amend : And fo with fcourging for their fin, if that they do offend. 34. My mercy yet and my goodnefs I will not take him ffo '• Nor handle him with craftinefs, and fo my truth forgo. 3 5 But fure my covenant I will hold, with all thar I have fpokc : No word the which my lips have told fhall alter or be broke. 36 Once fware I by my holinefs^ and rhac perform will I : With David I fliall keep ptomife, to him I will not lie. 37 His feed for evermore fhall reign, and eke his throne of might : As doth the fun, it fhall remaia for ever in my fight. 38 And as the moon within the skie forever liandeikfaft, A faithfuU wirnefs from on high, fo fha.ll his Kingdom laft, 39 But now.O Lord^thou doft tejeft, and row thou changeft cheat : Yea.thou arr wroth wirh thme cleft, thine own anointed dear. 40 The c»vcnant with thy fejYant made, UniL L_. toBd,thou haft quite undone : And down upon the ground alfo haft call his toy all crown. The fifth part » ♦ I Thou pluckvft his hedges up with migh^, his walls thou dpft confound : Thou beatcft eke his bulwarks down, and break'ft them to the ground. That he is fore defttoy'd and torn of comers by throughout : And fo is made a mock and fcom to all that dwell about, 43 Thou their right hand haft lifted up that him lb fore annoy : And all his foes that him devour lo thou haft made to joy. 44 His fwords edge thou doft take away,^ that fhould his foes withftand : To him in war no viftory tliou giv'ft,not upper hand, 45 His glory thou doft alfo waft, his thtone,his joy.his mirth By thee is overthrown^andcaft full low upon the earth, 46 Thou haft cut oft'and made full Qiort, his youth and lufty day s J And rais'd of him an ill report with flume and great difptaife^ 47 How long away from me,0 Lord, forever wilt thou turn? And Ihall thine anger Hill alway as fire confume and burn ? 48 O call to mind,reii>embcr then,' my time confimieth faft : Why haft thou made the Tons of men as things in vain to warte ? 49 Whatman is he that liveth here, and death fliall never fee ? Or fiom the hand of hell his fout (hall h^ deliver free? 50 Where is,0 Lord, thine own goodncfii fo oft dcclar'd befoin. Which by thy truth and upiightnefis to David thou haft fworn ? 51 The great rebukes to mind I call that on thy fervants lie: The rai'ings ofche people all born in my breitt have I. jz Whcrewitb,0 Lord, thine enemies bUfphcmed bavc thy oamc: Ffalm fin ^ps oF thine anointed tfne ihey ceafc not to defame. 55 All praifc to thee.O Lord of hofts« both now and eke for aye : Through skie and earth.and ail the coafts, Ainen^ainen, I fay, Domine refugittm.V^^\.xc JtH. THou^Lord, haft been our Ture defcncC/ our place of eafe and reft In all times paft,ye^ fo long fince as eannbc be expi'Sv a Ere there was made niountain or hill, the earth and world abioad : From age to age and always ftill for ever thoa a-t God. 3 Thou grindeft man through grief and pain to duft or clay^and then. Arid then thou fay'ft again,Return arain ye Ions of men. 4 The lafting of a thoufand years, what is it in thy fight ? As yefterday it doth appear, or as a watch by nigtit. 5 So foon as thou doft fcattet them, then is their life and trade All as a fleep.and like the grafs whofe beauty foon dorh fade. 6 Which in the morning fhines full bright but fadech by and by : And is cut down ere it be night, all withered>dcad.aad dry. 7 For through thine angtr we confume, our might is much drcai'd : And of thy fervent v/rah and fume we are full 'i'citc ah aid. 8 The wicked works that we have wiough thou fettt before cUlne eye: Our privy faults, yea eke out thoughts f thy counrenance doth fpie. $co: vhrough thy wrath out days do wade thereof lorh nought remain : Our years ronlume as wo ds or blads, ' and are nor catl'd again. J o Our time is threcfcoie years and ten that we do live on mold : If one fee fourfcore/urely theti we count hiin wondrous old. Thefecond part, IX Yer of this time the ftrcngth ana chief ikc which wc coim^iipon. [$ nothing elfe but painfull grief, and we as blafts are gOne. ^therc^ 2 Who once doth know what ftrcngth i» what might thine anger hath? 31 in his heart who doth thee fear according to thy wrach J 1.3 Inftsuft us,Lord,to know and try- how long our days remain : That then we may our hearts apply ^ true wisdom to attain. 1+ Return,OLord.howlongwriic thOtt forth on in wrath proceed? Shew favour to thy fervants now* and help vhem ar their need. 15 Refrefll us with rhy mercy foon^ and then our joy (hall be |a11 times fo long as life doth laff, in heart rejoyce v/ill we. 16 As thou haft plagued us bcforc» now alfo make us glad : And for the years wherein full fore aftliftion we have had. J7 O let thy work and power appear, and on thy fci vants light : And fhew unto thy children dear thy glory and thy might. 1 8 Loidjlet thy grace and glory ftand on us thy fervants ikus: Confirm the works we take in hand* Lordjprofper them to us. ^lUlitat. Pfal. xci././/. HE that within the fecrer place of God moft high doth dwell? In fnadow of the mighticft grace, at reft fhall keep htm well, a Thou art my hope and my ftrong hold j I to the Lord wiil hy, My God is he.in \\nx\ will I my whole affiance ilay. 3 He fhall defend thee from the fnarc the which the hunte^ laid '■ And from the deadly phguc and care whereof thoa art afraid. 4 And with his wings"]!:^.!! f overt tbce and keep thee lafciy tiicrc; Hii faith and rrutk ihy Uacc fhall be* as lure as fhicldandrpear. 5 So that thou flialt nst oced,I fay^ ' to feat or be atV!ii;hr. Of all tlw fiufrs that tiic by day,ft t t. ^ JiM m<.ji(£u< 6 Nor of the plague that privily doth walk indatk fo fail : Nor jrct of that which doth dcflroy. iand at noon-day doth wafte. 7 Yea at thy fide as thou do^ fl and a thoufand dead fhall be : Ten thoulandcke at thy right hand, and yet fhalt thou be free. 8 But thou flialt fee it for thy part, thine eyes fhall well regard. That even like to their defcris the wicked have reward, 9 For why? O LordJ only lulU to ftay my hope on thee : Anthe floods dp rife, they roar and make a noife ; The floods (1 fay) did enrcrprife, and lifted up their voice. 5 Yea, though the ftorm< arife in fight, though fcas do rage and fwell : The Lord is ftiong ai^ more of might, for he on high doth dwell. 6 And look what promifc he doth make his houfhold to defend : . For juft and true they fliall it take, all times without an end. Dtiu ultiomm. Pfal.xciv./.f/. OLord^thou dort revenge all wrong, that office longs to thee/ S'ith vengeance doih to thee belong, declare that all may fee. z Set forth thy felf/or thou of right the earth doth judge and guide ; Reward the proud and men of nvgUt according to their pride. 5 How long (hall wicked men bear fway with lifting up their voice ? Kowlong fhall wicked mcn.l fay, thus triumph and rejoyce ^ 4 How long fliall they with brags b«rft oui and proudly prate their fi I ? Shall they reioyce that be fo ftottt, whofc worki arc ever ilU Thy flock^O Lordjthine heritage "^ they fpoil and v he is my ftrength and rock. 2j And he fiiall caufe their mifchiefs all themfelves for to annoy : And in their malice they fhall fall, our God fhall them deftioy . Veniieexfultemiis. Pfal. xcv. J.H. OCome let us lift up our voice, and (Ing imto the Lord : in him out rock ofhealth'rejoyce • let us with one accord. 2 Yea. let us come before his face to give liim thanks and prail'e : In fingiii? Pfalms unto his gtace : let us be glad always. 3 For why ? tlie Lord he is no doubt a great and mighty God, A KiH» abo e all gods throughout, in ill the woild abroad. 4 The (ecrcts of the earth To deep, and corners of the land^ The tops of hills 'lull are To fleep, ". he hath them in his h.nd. 5 Th: ftra and waters all are his, for he the fame hatl* wrought j Thccarth and all that therein is, • his handha'h made of nought. 6 Come let us bow si>d prailc ihe LOld^ before him let US fail J afcv,xcvi. And kneel to him witfrone accord, ' the which hath made us all. 7 For why he is the Lord out God* for us be doth provide : We are his flock, he doth us feed ; his Oieep, and he our guide. 8 To day if ye his voice will hear, then hatden not your heart : As ye with grudging many a year piovok't me in defart. 5> Whereas your fathers tempted me, my power for to prove : My v/ondrous works when they did fee yet ftill they would me move. JO Twice twenty years they did me gdcvc and I to them did fay, They ert in heart, and not believe, they have not known my way. II Wherefore 1 rware,when that my wrath was kindled in my breaft, Tlut they fliould never tread the path. to enter into reft. Cantate Dam. Pfal. XCvi. J. H. Sing ye with praife unto the Lord new fongs wirh joy and mirth J Sing unto him with one accord, all people on the earth. 2 Yea, fing unto the Lord, I fay, praife yc his holy name : Declare and fhew from day to day falvation by the fame. 3 -Among the heathen eke declare his honour round about : To fhew his wonders do not fparc in all the world throughout. 4 For why ? the Lord is much of might, and worthy piaife alway : And he is to be dread of right above all gods, 1 fay. 5 For all the gods of heathen folk are idols that will fade • But yjjt our God he is the Lord that hath the heavens made. 6 All pia fe and honor eke do dwell v jj for aye before his face : | Both power and might likewife cicccll ' v/uhin his holy place. 7 Afcribe unto the Lord alwaj* yc p«ople of the woild. rfalm 3^^Y I. xcvui. All might and worfhip eke, 1 fay, afcribe unto the Lord. 8 Afcribe unto the Lord alfo the glory of his name : And eke into his courts do go with gifts umo the fanve. Thefeeondpan, Jjfp Fall down and worfhip ye the Lord within his temple bright : Let all the people of the world be fearful at his fight. 10 Tell all the world, be not agaft, the Lord doth reign above : Yea, he hath fct the earth fo faft, that it can never move. 1 1 And that it is the Lord alone that rules with princely might. To judge the nations every one with equity and righr. I.Z The heavens fliall great joy begin," the earth eke fhall rejoyce : The Tea with all that is therein fhall fhout and make a noife. 13 The field fliall joy, and every thing that Ipringeth on the earth : The wood and cilery tree fhall fing with gladnefs and with mirth. X4 Before the prefcnce of the Lord, and coming of his might : When he fhall juftly judge the world, and rule his folk with right. Z>omims regnavit. Pfal. xcvii. J. H. THc Lord doth reign.whereat the earth may joy with pleafant voice ; And eke the ifles with joyful mirth may triumph and reioyce. 2 Both Clouds and datknefs eke do fwcU, and round about him bear : Yea, right and jufticc ever dwell and bide about his feat. 3 Yea, fire and heat at once do mn, and go before his face : Which fhall his foes and enemies burn abroad in every place. 4 His lightnings eke full bright did blazC; ^, x '!,'!;^ u T uf "^ "^-^ Vi and to the world appear : ^^1" ^°^'^ '^'!'^ ^^^ ^^i »»ft"=' ^^^ appea Whereat the earth did look and gaze with dread and deadly fear. The hills like wax did melt in fight aad ptcfeace of the Loxd ; They fled before that Ruler's might, which guideth all the world. 6 The heavens eke declare and (how his fuftice forth abroad, That all the world may fee and know the glory of our God. 7 Confufion Pure fhall come to fuch as worfhip idols vain : And eke to thofe that glory much dumb piflures to maintain. 8 For all the idols of the world* which they as gods do fail. Shall feel the power of the Lord, and down to him fhall fall. 9 With joy fhall Sion hear this thm^," and Judah fhall rejoyce ; Tor at thy judgments they fhall fing, and make a pleafant noife. 10 That thou, O Lord, art fet on high in all the earth abroad ; And art exalted wondtoufly above each other god. 1 1 All ye that love the Lord do th{f« hare all things that are ill ; For he doth keep the fouls of hi.$ from luch as would them fpill. 12 And light doth fpring up to the juft with pleafure for his part J Great joy with gladnefs, mirth, and luf^# to them of upright heart. 1 } Ye righteous in the Lord Tcjoyce, his holinels proclaim .- Be thankful eke with heart and voice,' and mindful ot the fame. Cantate Domino. Fial. xcvlii, J. H. OSing ye now unto the Lord a new and pleafant fong ; For he hath wrought throughout the world his wonders great andftrong. 2 With his right hand full worthily he doth his foes devour. And get himfeli the viftory vfiiU his own arm and power, 3 The Lord doth make the people kxiOW his faving health and might in all the heathens fight. 4 His grace and truth to Krael in mind he doth record : Tttat all the earth hath feen right WtU; Cxc goodnsfi C f tUt Lord. pT fras" cxix, e. ci. mmm 5 Be glad in him with joyfiill voice* all people of the caith ; tiive thanks to God,fing and rejoycc to him with joy and mirth. S Upon the harp unco hum fing, give thanks to him with pfalms t Rc|oyce before the Lord out King with trumpets and with fhalms. 7 Yca.lct the fca withi all therein tbc joy both roar and fwcll ; 1 he earth likewife let it begin;, with all that therein dwell, 8 And let the fbods rcjoyce their fills, and clap their hands apace : And eke the mountains and the hills, beFoic the Lo:d his face. For he fluM come to judgie and try the \A ot|4 and ev.'ry wight : lAnd rule the people mightily \virh jufticc and with right, ■Oombntf regvavh. Pfal. xcix. J, I^. TpHe Lord doth ralthough at it: ' X the people rage full lore ; Jfcajhc on cherubims aoth fir, though all the world doth roar. The- Lod that dorh in Sion dwell is high and wondrou . gt^at : Above all folk he doth escell, and he aloft is l«r. ^ Let all mea praife thy mighty narr^e, for it iS fearfjll fute : An J Icr ihem magnify the fame, that holy is and puic. ^^ The princely power of our King oorh love judgment and right - JT.iou lightly •uleft ev^ry thinj in Jacob through thy might. ; To ^jife the Lord our God dcvile, all honor to him do : Before his fooi-ftool woifhip him^ for he is lioly too. ^ Moles, Aaron, and Samuel, as prieils on him did call ; iVhen they did ptay he heard them well, and gave thsm anfwcr alL VV.thin the clouds to them he fpake, • ....did they labor ftill **' cp fuch laws as he did make* >od poiaicd|hcin uatill. 8 O Lord our God,thou didft them hear; and anl wetcdft them again : Thy mercy did on them apoear, their deeds didft not maintain. ^ O laud and praife our God and Lord within his holy hill: For why ? our God throughout the world IS holy ever fill!, JtiUlate Deo Pfal. c. J. H. A LI people that on earth do dwcIU fing to the Lord with cheerful voice: 2 Him Icrve with fear,his praife forth telU come ye before him and reioyce, - 3 The Lord ye know is good indeed* without our aid lie did us make : • We ate his fiockjic doth us feed j and lor his fhcep he doth us take. 4 O enter then his gates with praife, approack with joy his courts unto : Traile,laud,and blefs his name always, for It is feemly fo to do. 5 For why ? the Lord out God is good,> hi? mercy is tor ever fure : . .'' His truth at all times firmly ftood^ and fhall from age to age iti4uie. Another cf the' farfitj /j'J.'Vl. IN God the Lord be glad and lighc, piaife hiin thioughout the eaith : 2 Serve him and come before his fight ' with hnging and with mirth. 3 Know that the Lord out God he is he did us make and keep, Nor ^xc our felves : for w.c are his own flock and paQure fllcep. •'^ O go into his gates always, give thank'' within the lame : Wi'.'^in his courts fct fortii his ptaKe," * atid hud his holy name. 5 For why, the goodnels of the Lord for evermor* doth reign : From age to a«(; ihrounhout the wotl<| his truth doth fiiil remain. J^tfericordtam. Pfal. ci, N. I Mercy Will and judgment fing,. O Lord God.unto thee : ;, z And wifely do m pcifeft way, untill thou come to me. Andin the midd of myhoufe walk in pmeneis of my fpritc i " vM^ TIZ 3 And I no kind of wicktd thlng^ will fet before my fight. 1 hate their works that fall away, it fhall not cleave to me : 4 From me fhall part the froward hc^rf^ noac evil will I fee. 5 Him will I 'ftroy that flandereth hit neighbour privily : The lofty heart I cannot bea.r^ nor him that looketh high. <5 Mine eyes fliall be on them, withm the land that faithfuU be : In perfeft way who walketh^fliall be fcrvant unto mc. 7 I will BQ guileful 1 perfon have within my houfc to dwcjl : And in my prefence lie fhall not remain that Hes doth tell. 8 Betimes I wUl deflroy even all the w.icked of the land ; That I may from Gods city cut the wicked workers hand.j Do/nine, exaudi. Pfal. cii. N, Oiiear my praycr,Lord,and let my cry come unto thee : 2 In time of trouble do not hide thy face away from me. 3 Incline thine ear to me,make hafte to hear me when I call ; For as the fmoke doth fade.fo do my days confunae and fall. 4 And as an hearth my bones are burnt my heart is fmitten dead j And withers like the grafs that 1 forget to eat my bread. 5 By reafon of my groaning voice my bones cleave to my skin. ^ As pelican in wildernefs, fuch cafe now am I in. And as an owl in dcfert is, lo.I am fuch an one : 7 1 witch.aod as'a fparrow on the houfc top am alone. S Lo,daily in reproachfuU wife mine enemies do me fcom : And they that do againft mc rage,' againft me rhey have fworn. p Suiely with afhes as with bread, my hunger I have fiU'd : And mingled have my drink with tears ibat from nain? ej?s have lliil'd. [Q Bccaufc of thy dirp!carure,toii, thy wrath and thy difdain : For thou hafi lifted me aloft, and caft me down again, II The days wherein I pafs my Iifc» are.like the fleeting fliade : And I am withered like the gtaf* that foon away doth fade. VI But th6u,6 Lord.for ever doft remain in fleady place : And thy remembrance ever doth abide from race to race. The fecond part. i^ Thou wilt arife^and mercy thou to Zion wilt extend : The time of mercy, now the tima forefet is come to end. 14 For even in the (iones thereof •thy fervants do delight : And on the duft thereof they hare compafTion in their fprite. 15 Then fhall the heathen people feat the Lords mofl holy name : And all the kings on eatfh fhall dread thy glory and thy fame. 16 Then when the Lord the mighty God again (hall Sion rear : And then when he moft nobJy in ' his glory (hall appear, 17 To prayer of the defolate when he himfelf fhall bend : When he fhall not difdain untflf their p'-ayers to attend. x8 This (hall be written for the agC that after jfhall fuccccd : The people yet uncreated the Lords renown fllali fpread, ip Fojt he itom his high fanftuar^ hath looked down below : And out of Heaven hath the Lord beheld the earih alio. 20 That of the mouvnfng captive ho might hear the vvofull cvy : And that he might deliver thofc that damned are to die, a I That they in Siori may declarer the Lords moft holy name» And in Jenilaleni fet forth the pratfes of the farae ? k ^ %% T he ^p^ n ciif. *z Then when the peeple of the land and kingdoms with accord Shall be affcmbled for to do their feivice to the Lord, Thf third part, ii My fotmct'force of fticngth he hath abated in the way : And fhortec he did cut iny dayes ; thus 1 therefore did fay^, »4- My God, in midft of all my days now take me not away ; Thy years endure ereinally, from age to age for aye. 25 Thou the foundations of the caith before all times haft laid .• And,Lord,the Heavens are the work which thi-ne own hands have made. 96 Yea, they Ihall perifh and decay, but thou fhalt tarry ftill .• And they fhall all in time wax old even as a garment will. aj Thou as a garment fhalt them change, and changed fhall they be : But thou doft ftill abide the fame, thy years do never flee. a8 The children of thy lervants (hall continually endure.- And in thy fight their happy feed for ever fhall ftand fure. *Stnedic anima. Pfal. ciii. T. S. 11 /TY foul give laud unto the Lord IVJL my fpirit fhall do the fame : And all the Iccrets of my heart, praife ye his holy name. I Give thanks to God for all his gifts, fhew not thy felf unkind ; And fuffer not his benefits to flip out of thy mind, 5 That gave thee pardon for thy faults. And thee reftor'd again, For all t!iy weak and hail difcafe, and heafd fhee of thy pain. I That did redeem thy lite from death, from which thou couldft not flee; His mercy and compaffion boih he did extend to thee. 5 That fiU'd with goodnefs tb deHie, and did prolong thy youih j like as the eagle cafts her b\l^ Whereby hcs age rcncw'rh. 6 The Lord with juftice cioth repay all fuch as be oppreft : So that their fufferings and their wrongs ate turned to the beft. 7 His ways and his commandements to Mofes he did fliow •• His counfels and his valiant a^s the Ifraelites did know. 8 The Lord is kind and merciful when finners do him grieve : The floweft to conceive a wrath, and readieft to forgive. 9 He chides not us continuafly* though we be full of fttife ; Nor keeps our faults in memory," for all our Cnful life. 10 Nor yet according to out fins the Lord doth us regard : Not after our iniquities he doth us not reward. 11 But as the fpace is wondrous great 'twixt earth and heaven above : So is his goodnefs much more large to them rhat do him love. iz God doth remove our fms from US4 and our offences all. As far as is the fun-riling full diftant from his fall. The fccond part, 13 And look what pity patents dear unto their children bear .• Like pity bcateih God to fuch as worfhip him in fear. (fhape, 14 The Lotd that made us knows OUK our mould and fafhion juft .• How weak and frail our nature Is, and how we be but duft. 15 And how the time of mortal men is like the withering hay ; Or like the flower right fair in field, that fades full foon away. 16 Whofeglofs and beauty ftoimy wlndl do utterly difgrace; And make that afrer their afTauIts fuch bloffoms have no place. 17 Bur yet the goodnefs of rhe Loriv? ■_ with his fhall ever ftand : ; ' Their children? children do receive " lus xighceoufncrs as hand. jLi i i Plalm 1 8 T mean^whlch keep his covenant with all their whole defire : And not forget to do the thing that he doth them requite. ip The heavens high are made the feat and footftool of the Lord ; And by his power imperiall he governs all the world, ; Ye angels which are great in power, praife ye and blefs the Lord i Which to obey and do his will immcdiatly accord. XI Ye noble hofts and minifters, ceafe not to laud him ftill .• IVhich ready are to execute his pleafuce and his will, zz Yei all his works in every placed ptaife ye his ho'ly name ; My heart,my raind.and ckcmy foul, praife ye alfo the fame. '!Benedic,anima mea.Vfa\,c'iV,\V.Kj MY foul.praife the Letd, fpeak good of his names O Lord.our great God, how doft thou appear f So pairing in glory, that great is thy fame. Honor and majefty in thee fhiuc moft clear.' fc With light,as a robe> thou had thee bcclad, HVhcreby all the earth thy grcatnefs may fee i rhe heaven in fuch (brt . thou alio haft fpread, rhac it to a curtain compared may be. His chamber-beams lie in the clouds full fute, IVhich at his chariots, are made him to bear : Itnd there with much fwiftnsfi his courfc doth endure, LJpon the wings riding of winds in the air. He maketh his fpirits as heralds to go : And lightnings to fervd we (ec alfo preft : His will to accomp^ifh they tun to mi fro# Cu:, CIV. TO Tavc or confume things asfeerftethhimbeft. 5 He groundeth the earth fo firmly and faft. That it once to mo,ve none fiiall have fuch powers 6 The deep a fair covering for it made thou haft : Which by his own nature the hills would devour, 7 But at thy rebuke the waters do flee : And fo give due place thy word to obey. At thy voice of thunder fo fearfull they be. That in their great raging they haQe foon away. 8 The mountains full higk they then up afcend : If thou do but fpeak, thy word they fulfill, ^o likewifc the valleys moft quickly defcend. Where thou them appointed remain they do ftill. 9 Theit bounds thou haft fct how far they (hall run ; So that in their rage not that pafs they can .♦ tot God hath appointed they fhall not return The earth to deftroy more which made was for man. The fecond part, io He fendeth the fptinjjjs to ftrong ftrcams or lakes. Which tun do full Iwifc among the huge hills, II Where both the wild Bffes their rhirft oft-times flakesj; And beafts of rhe mountains thereof drink their fill , J a By thefe pleafaiit fprings of fountains full fair. The fowls ofthe air abide fhall and dwell ? Who moved by nature to hop here and there* Ll__™ Atti&ng vs. ^ --.,-... Among the green branches theii fongs fhall cxcclU 13 Thjunountains m moift the clouds he doth ufe : •STic earth with his works is wholly replete. 14 So as the brute cattcll he doth not refufe : But grafs doth provide thenaj and hcib for mans meat. 15 Yea.bread, wine, and oy!, he made for mans fake, His face to tefrefh and heart to make ftrongi 16 The cedars of Liban this great Lord did make : ^hich trees he doth nourifii that grow up fo long. 1 jf In thcfe may hhd% build and make there their ncfts i In fir-ttees the l^orks rema/n and abide. j8 Tke high hills are faccot:* for wild goats to reft : And eke the rock ftony for conies to hide. ip The moon then is fct Uer feaions to run : The days from the nights thereby to dilcern. And b)' the dclccnding alfo of the fun, The cold from heat alway thereby wc do learn. to When darknefs denh come by Gods will and power. Then ci eep forth do all the bealh of the wood. ai The li»as range roaring their prey to devour: Btit yet it is thou. Lord, which giveft them food, 22 As (oon as the fun is up^they retire : To couch in their dens then are they full fain, 73 That man ro his work may^ as right dotli require, TilJ night come and call him to tai^ciell a^ain. ?nim -'^'-■^'-'-^••' The third ^ art, 4 How Fundry.O tord, are all thy works found ^ith wifdom full great they are indeed wrought S >o that the whole world of thy praife doth found ' And as for thy riches, they pafs all mens thought, 25 So is the great Tea, which large is and broad. Where things that creep fwarm ; and beaftj of each fort : 76 There both mighiy fllips fail* and lotnelicat rode : The whale huge and raonfttous there alio doth fport. 27 All things on thee wait,' thou doft them relieve : Andthou in due time full well doft them feed. i? Now when it doth pleafe thee the lame for to give, They gather full gladly thofe things which they nced< Thou openeft thy hantl, and they find fuch grace. That they with good things are filled we fee. 19 But fore are they troubled ifthOu turn thy face; For if thou their breath take, vile duft then they be. go Again.when thy fpirit from thee doth proceed All things to appoint. ^ and what fhall enfue : Then are they createJ ^ as thou haft decreed : And doft by tliy goodnefs the dry earth renew. 51 The praife of the Losd for efer fhall laft. Who may in his worlds bv right well rejoyce. y. His look can the earth make to rremble full faft. And likewife the mountains 10 fmokc a: hii voice, — . HJC* flalS-crT 3 To this LorTanJGoii fing wUl I always : So long as I live, my God pxaife will I. 34 Then am I moft certain my words fhall him plcafe J I will rejoyce in bim« to him will I cry. 35 The fioncrs.O Lord, coni'ume in thioe ire « And eke the petverfc, them root out with (hame * But as for my foul now, - let it ftill defire. And fay with the faithfull, Praife ye the Lords name,' Conftfmini JDom. Tfal. c-v. 7{. •-^ve praifes unto God the Lord^ Vj atrd call upon his najue : Among the people eke declare his works to fpread his fame. 2 Sing ye unto the Lordil fay, and fing unto liim praife : And talk of all his .wondrous works that he hath wrough: always. 5 In honor of his holy name re;oyce with one accord : And let the heart alfo rejoyce of them that fock the Lord. 4 Seek ye the Lord and fcek the fttengih ot his eternal nvight : And feck his face continually : and prcfcncc of his fight. jTbe wondtous works which he hath don keep ftill in mindfull heart : Nc let the judgments of his mouth out of your mind depart. 6 Ye that of faithfiill Abrahana his fcrva^ii are the Ceed •• Ye his cleftjthe children that of Jacob do proceed. 7 For He,He only i$>I fay, the mighty Lord our God i And iiis moft rightful! judgments ace through all the earth abroad, 8 His promvfe and his covenant which he hath made to his. He hath remembred evermore to thoulands of degrees. THi fecanciparr, ; The covenant whicii he hnth made with Abraham long ago, .nd faiihfuU oath which he hath (worn tolfaac alfo. And did confirm the fame for law,' that Jacob fliould obey. Ind for eternall covenant to Ifraclfor ay. A II When thus he faid,Lo,I to you all Canaan land will give, rhelot of your inheritance, wherein your feed ftiall live. 11 Although the number at that time did very fmall appear : Yea.vcry'fmall.aud in the land they then but ftrangej^s were. 1 jWhile yet they walk't from land to land without a fure abode : And while from fundry kingdoms they did wander all abroad. 14 And wrong at no opprefTors hands he lufFercd them to take : But even the great and mighty kings reproved for their fake. 15 And thus be faid.Touch ye not thafe that mme anointed be : Ne do tt;e prophets any harm that do pertain to me. 16 He call'd a dearth upon the land, of bread he 'ftroy'd the Aore : \ Euthe againfl the time ofnced had fcnc a man before. The third parf, 17 Even Jofeph which had once been fold to live a Have in wo : Whofe feet they hurt in ftocks, whofc (ouX • the irons pierc'd alfo. ii Unrill tlie time came when his caufa was kno'.vn apparently t Tiie mighty word of Cod the Lord his fauklcfs truth did trie. 19 The king fenr and deHvercd him from pTifon where he was s io The ruler ot the people then dia free'y let him pafs. ai Aiid over a'l iiis houl'e he msJe hijp. lord to ^ai the hvay ; An w^ Mussx^ds And of his fubftance made him have the rule and all the ftay. ^ 12 That he might to his will inftraft the princes of the land: And wifdomes lore his ancient men might caufe to underftand. 23 Then into the Egyptian land came Ifraelalfo : And Jacob in the land of Ham did live a ftranger tho. 24 His people he exceedingly in number made to flow ; And over all his enemies in ftrength he made them grow, 5 Whofc heart he turn'd^ that tiicy with his people did entreat : (hate And did his fervants wrongfully abufe with falfe deceit. The fourth part. 26 His faiihfuU fcrvant Mjfes then and Aaron whom he ciiofe. He di^d command to go to them, his melTage to diiclole. J7 The wondrous meflage of his figns among them he did fhow : And wonders in the land of Ham then did they work alfo. liS Darknefs he Cent and made it dark inftead of brighter day; And umo his commiffion they did not difobey. P He turn'd their waters into bloud, he did their fifhes flay : 30 Their land brouglit frogs even in the where there king Phaiaoh lay. (place 5 1 He fpake and nt his voyce there came great fwarms of noifomc flies ; And ail the quarters of the land were fill'd vith crawling Itce. 32 He ?ave them cold and tionie hail nl^ead of milder rain : And fiery flames within tiielr land he lent unto their pain, jj He fmo e their vines and al! their trees whereon their figs did grow: ftnd all the trees within their coails down did iie overthrow. + He r^ ake,then caierpiJlars did and grafhoppers abound .• J Which ace the grafs in all tiicir land^ and tiuit of all ihcir grouud. The fifth pari, 35 The firft begotten in their land, eke deadly did he fmite : Yea, the beginning and firlt fruit of all their ftrength and might, 37 With gold and lilvcr he them brought from Egypt land to pafs : * And in the number of their tribes no feeble one there was. i% Egypt was glad and joyful th«n when they did thence depart ; For terror and the fear of them was fall'n upon their heart. 351T0 fhroud them from the parceling heat a cloud he did difplay : And fire he lent to give them light when night had hid the day. 40 They askcd.and he caufed quails to rain at their requcft : And fully with the bread of heaven their hunger he repreft : 41 He opened the ftony rock> and waters gulhed out : And eke the drie and patched ground like rivers ran about. 41 For of his holy covenant aye mindfull was he tho : Which to his fervant Abraham he plighted long ago. /]3 He brought his people fofth with mlttlti| and his cleft with joy. Out oftlie cruel land where they had liv'd m great annoy. 44 And of the heathen men he gave to them the fruitful lands : Tie labours of the people eke they took iiKO their hands. 4 J That they his holy ftatutcs might obferve ftfr evermore. And faithfully obey his laws • piaife ye the Lord therefore . Confitemini Dawiwa.Pfal. Cvi. 'J^- PRaife ye the Lord Jot he is g«od, his mercy dures for ay : J VV'io can exprefs his noble adls, or all his praife difplay ? 3 They bleffed are that judgment ke«p# audjuftly doalway : With favour of thy pcoplc,Loid, remember me,I pray, — — — — 4 Anrf piaimlcvi. And with thy faving health, 6 Lord. vouchfafe to vifvt me : : That I the great felicity of thine eled may fee .• And with thy peoples joy I may 4 joyful mind polTefs : A.nd may with thine inheritance a glorying heart exprefs. Both we and eke our fathers all have finned every one : Wc have committed wlTkednefs, and lewdly we have done. The wonders gteat which thoi^ O Lord. haft done in Egypt land> Our fathers though they faw them all, yet did not undcrftand. Mor they thy mercie* multitude did keep in thankful mind ; But at the Tea, yea the red fca, rebelled moft unkind. 8 Nevcrthelefs he faved them for honor of his name : That he might make his power known> and ipread abroad his fame. 9 The red Tea he did then rebuke, and forthwith it was dri'd; And as in wildernefs, fo through the deep he did thera guide. Eo He fav'd them from the cruel hand of their defpightful foe; And from the enemies hand he did deliver them alfo. The ficond part , 1 1 The waters their oppreflfors whelm*d, not one was left alive.- I Then they believ'd his word,and praife in fong they did him give. 13 But by and by unthankfully his works they clean forgat : And for his counfel and his will they did negleifl ro wait : 14 But lufied in the v/ildernefs with fond and greedy luft : And in the deferr tempted God, theftay of all their truf^. ij And then their wsnron minds dcfire he fuffered them to have : But wafting leannefs therewithal! into tiieir fouls he gave. i6 Then when they lodged !n their tents, at Mofes they did grutch : Aaron the holy of the Lord fo did they envy much. 17 Therefore the earth did open wide« and Dathan did devour .• And all Abiram's corapany did cover in that hour. 18 In their affembly kindled was the hot confuming fire .- And wafting frame did then burn up the wicked in his ire. 19 Upon the hill «f Hoteb they an idol-calf did frame : And there the molten image they did worfhip of the fame. ao Into the Hkenefs of a calf which feedeth on the grafs .• Thus they their glory rurn'd,aHd all their honour did deface. 21 And God their only Saviour unkindly they forgot ; ^yhich many great and mighty things in Egypt land had wrought. The third part. 22 And in the land of Ham for thtftn moft wondrous works had done .* And by the Red fea dreadfuUthing? performed long agone. 25 T herefore for their lo fhewing them forgetful and unkind, To bring deftruftion on them all he purpos'd in his mind. Had not his chofen Mofes flood before him in the break, To rurn his wrath^left he on them with flaughter fhould him wreak. 24 They did dcfpife the pleafam land that he behight ro o\vc : Yea. and the words that he had fpoke they did no whit bdieve. 25 But in their tents wirh grudging heart* they wickedly repin'd. Not ro the voyce of God the Lord they gave an hearkr.ing mind. 26 Therefore a:;ain(l th^-n lifted he his ftrong revenginc^ iiaod, Them to def^-^oy in wilde'-n-fs era they fhould fee the land. iMl I CYIiCYJl. 27 And to r'eftrdy thftir feed among the nations whh his rod : And tluoirgh the counrries of the World to fcarter them abroad. 28 Tc Baal- Peor then they did adjoyn themrdves alfo : And ate the ofTiings of the dead. To they fotfook him tho. ap Thus with their own inventions his wraih they did provoke : And in his fore enkindled wrath the plague upon them broke. ^o But Phineas flood up with zeal the finners vfie to flay : And judgraent he did execute, and then the plague did flay. The fourth ^Art. 31 It was imputed unto hrm for rigiitcournefs that day : And from th/^ncciorth fo counted is from race to race, I fay. 32 At waters eke of Meiibah they did him an^ry make r Yea/o fat forth. that Mofes wa< then puniflit for their fake. 3 j Bccaure they vext his fpirit ^o fore, that in impatient heat His lips fpake unadvifedly, his fervour was lo great. ^% Not as the Lord commanded them, they flew the people tho : )5 Kiut were among iheiieathen mixt, and Icarn'd iheir works alio. 3cad ihe noble pralfS of thy pioft holy name : That we mav glory in thy pTaifc* and founding of thy fame. 49 The Lord the God of Uracl be blefl for evermore : Let all the people fay. Amen, ' " ptaife ye the Lord therefore, Coi'fitemini Dorrt. V fal ,c vi i . W. K . Give dhanks unto the Lord our Godj for gracious is he ~ And that his mercy hath nocnd a'l mortal men may fee. i Such as the Lord redeemed hath with thanks fl\all prai'e his name : And fliew how they from foes were freed, and how h« wiought the fanie, ^4 J22} 3 He gathered them forth of the lands that lay fo far about : From eaft to weft.fiom north to foutb his hand did find "them out. 4 rhey wandtcd in the wildetnefs and Itraycd fiom the way : And found no city where to dwell, that Icive might for their itay. 5 Whole thirft and hunger was fo gteat in thelc deferts !o void : That faiatnefs did them fore airaiiU, and eke their fouU annoy'd 6 Then did they cry in their diftrsfs > unto the Lord for aid : Who did remove their troublous flatc, according a» they prayM. 7 And by tliat way which was moft right he led th i whom thirft had made to faiji^ : j The hungry foul with goodneis fed, ! and did them eke acquaint. j I o iuch as do dwell in darknefs decp^ | 'where they on death do wait •' - | Faft bound to taiU fuch troublous ftorms j as iron chains do threat. • J The fecond part. ! II For that agamft the Lords own wwds , they fought fo to tebell : | Eftecming light his couulcls high, which do lo fat excel!. 1% Bur when he humbled them full low * they then fell down with giief : And none was found fo much to help> whereby to get relief. [ 5 Then did they cry in their diftrefs unto the Lotd for aid : Who did remove their troublous ftatc, according as they pray'd. i4Forhe from darknefs qm them bioughr, and ^rom deaths drcadfull fiiade : Burrtinff with force the iron band* which them before did lade. J 5 Let men therefore before the Loid cpnfefs his kijidacff then ; And flicw the wonders that he doth before the fons of men. i6 For he ihicw down the gates of brafe and biake liiem wiih ftrong hand : The iron bans he fmotc in two> nothing could him withftand. 17 The foolifh folk great plagues do feel, and cannot trom ihem wend : But heap on mote to ihofe they have, becaufe they do offend. 18 Their ibul fo much did loihe all mcac, that none they could abide: Whereby death had them almoft caught, as they full truly try'd. 13 Th«n did they cry in tkelr diftrefs unio the Lorn tor aid : Who did remove their troublous fiate, according as they pray'd. 20 For then he lent to them his word which health did foon teftore : I And brought them from ihofe dangers ', wherein they were before. C^tccp I The third part. 21 Let men therefore before the Lord \ confefs his kindnefs then : j And fhew the vfonders that he doth j befote the fons of men. '' zi And let them ofler facrifice I vviththanks,andalfo fear ; ,, ' ,, I And fpeak of all his wondrous works I with glad and joyfull cheer. * 23 Such as in fliips and britile barks ' into the feas dcfccnd. Their mcrchandife through fcaifull ,floudi ito compafs and to end ; 24 Thofe men are forced to behold ,. the Lords works what they be : And in the dangetOus deep, the fame moft ma. vcllous they fee. > z$ For at his word the flormy wind I aiifetliin a tage, i And flirreth up the furges fo, I as nought can them alTwage. 1 26 Then ate they lifted up fo high, ^ the clouds they fecm to gain : And plunging down the deprh untill their fouls confume with pain. 27 And like a drunkard to and fro now here now there they reeL As men with feat of w'k bcieft, 01 had of fenfc no feell.- JEiklQ.j;m 18 Then did thcj- dry in their diftrcfs unto the Lord foi ayd : IVho did remove their troublous ftatc, according as rhey piay 'd. •'■ jp For with his word the Lord doth make the fturdy ftorms to ccafe : So that the gteac waves from their rage are brought to icll and peace. 50 Then are men ghd when reft is come, which they lb much did crave : And are by him ir) Haven btought, which they lo fain would have. The fourth part. 3 1 Let men therefore before the Lord contefs his kindnefs thea : And fhew the wonders that lie doth before the Tons of men. 31 Let them in pvclence of the folk with praife cxioU his name : And where the ciders do convent, there let them do the fame. 3} For running flouds to dry departs he doth oft change and turn : And dryeth up a-, it wcic dufi: the fptinging well and bourn. 34 A fruitful land with pleafurcs deck't fall barren doch he make : IVhen on their fms that dwell therein he doth juft vengeance take, a5 Again,the wildernefs full rude he makcth fruit to bear ; ll^^ith pleafant fprings of waters clear, though none before weie there. •6 Wherein fuch hungry fouls arc fet as he doth freely chufe : That they a ci-y may them build to dwell in for thcit ufe, ^7 That they mayfow their picafant land, ' and vineyard"; alio plant. To yield them fruits of fuch incrcalc* as none may feem to want. ^^ They mult ip'y exceedingly, : the Lord doth b efs them fo ; IVhodoth alio t!:e brute beafts make by numbers great to grow. 4) But when the faithful are low brought by the oppreflors ftout, And minifh do r hvoi>gh many plagues that compo'« them about. 40 Then CO, h he princes bring to (hamc which did ihem fore opprcfs. And likewifc caufcd them to erre within the wildernefs. But yet the poor he raifeth up cut of his troubles deep : And oft-times doth his train augment* much like a flock of fheep. 4Z The righteous (hall behold this fight, and alfo much rcioyce : Whereas the wicked and pcrvetfe with giief fhali ttop their voycc. 4$ But who is wife.ihat now full well he may thefe things lecord ? For certainly fuch fhall perceive the kindnefs of the Lord. Taratumcor. Pfal- cviii. 7. Jtf, OGod^my heart prepared is, and eke my tongue is To : 1 will advance my voyce in fong, > and giving praife alio. Awake my Viol and my Harp fweet melody to make : And in the morning 1 my fclf right early wiil awake. § By me among the peoplc.Lord* flill prailed fhalt thou be : And 1 among the Heathen folk will fmg.O Lord, to thee. 4 Becaufe thy mercy, Lord,i$ great above the Heavens high : And eke thy truth doth teach the clouds within the lolty sky. 5 Above the ftatry Heavens high exalt thy fclf.OGod: And,Lord,difplaY upon the earth thy glory all abroad. 6 Thai thy dearly beloved may be fet at liberty : Hclp^O my God.with thy right hand, and hearken unto me, 7 God in his Holinefs hath fpokc, ' wherefore my >oys abound : Sichem I will dividc.and mete the vale of Succoth ground. S And Gilead fhall be mine own; Manaifes mine fliall be .• My head-ftrength Ephraim,and law ihalljuiahgiveforme. 9 Moab my wafhpot,and my fhoe on Edom will I throw : Upon the land of Paleftine in tiiumph will I go. liOL W^. TlafiFeixj io Who Ihall into the iityttro'ng be guide to conduct me ? Or liDW by whom to Edom land co-nveyed fliall I be. 1 1 1$ it not thou,0 Locd^ which late hadft us forfaken quite ? And ihou.O Lord>which with out hofts didft not go forth to fight ? la Give us.O Lord,thy faving aid when troubles do aflail ; For all the help of man is vain, and can no whit avail, J 5 Through God we fhall do valiant afts and worthy of renown ; He fliall fubdue our enemies, yea he fhall tread them down. Dem lauder/j tuam Pfal.cix.'J^ IN fpeechlefi filence do nor hold, O God,thy tongue always: O God.evcn thou.I iay.that arc the God of all my praife. z The wicked and the guilefull mouth on mc difclofed be .• And they with falle and lying tongues ' have fpoken unto me, 5 They did bcfet me round about with words of hateful fpig/it : Without all caufe of my deicrc againft me they did fight. 4 For my good will they were my foes, but then 'gan I to pray : 5 My good With ilLmy friendlinefs with hate they did repay. 6 Set thou the wicked over him. to have the upper hand .* At his right hand eke lufFcr thoa his hateful foe to ftand 7 When he is judgcdylct hjm then condemned be therein 5^ Arid let the prayer that lie makes be turned inro fin. 8 Few be his days, his charge alfo let thou another take : 9 His children let be fathe^lefs, his wife a widow make. 10" Let his off-fpring be vagabonds, to beg and Peek their bread •• Wandring out of the wafted place where crft they have been fed, XI Let covetous extortioners c»tch all his goods and Uoie i Jf And let the ftranger fpoil the fruit of all his toil belore. I i Let there be none to pity him, let there be none at all, "^hat on his children fatherlefs will let their mercy fall. The fecsnd p4rt, 13 And fo let his pofterity for ever be dellroy'd : Their name out- blotted in the age that after fhall fucceed. |i4 Let not his fathers wickednefs i from Gods remembrance fall : 'And let not thou his mother's fin :| be done away at all. !I5 But in the prefence of the Lord let them remain for ay : That from the earth their memory he may cut clean away, i<5 Sith mercy he forgot to fliew, but did purfue with fpire The troubled man, and fought to flay the woful-hearted wight. 17 As he did curfing Iove,it fhall betide unto him Io : And as he did not bleffing love, it fhall be far him fro. ig Ac he with curfing clad himself, fo it like water fhall Into his bowels.aod like oyl into his bones befall. 19 Asgarraent Ictitbe tohim." to covet him for ay , And as a girdle wherewith he fliall girded be alway. 20 Lo,let the fame be fiom the Lord the guerdon of my foe : Yea, and of thofe that evil fpeak againft my foul alio* ^l But thou.O Lord.that art my God, deal tliou,I fay.with me After thy name.deliver me j for good thy mercies be. zz Bccaufe in depth of great diftrcfs 1 rkeedy am and poor : And eke within my pained brcaft my heart is wounded fore. The third part. J 3 Even fo do I depart away, as doth declining (hade ; Ani 2a. hxid a^ the grafhopper.fo I atn fhakcn off and fade. ^ With Faftin^. long from needPiiIl food enfeebled aie my knees : And all her fatnefs harh my flcfh cnforwd been to Icefc. 35 And I alloa vile icpiojch to them am made 10 be ; And they rhat did upon mc IoqIc did fliake theit heads ar iwe. 26 But thou.O Lord,that art my God, mine aid aiid fuccour be : According to thy mercy, Lord, lave and deliver me. 57 And they fliall kuow thereby, that this ("Lord^ is thy mighty hand ; And that- thou.' hou halt done ir,Lord, lo fhall they undctftand. 2.8 Although thtfy curie with (pitc.yct thou fiialt bids with loving vovce : Tiiey fhal! atife and come to flunie. tky fervaut ftiall rcjqyce. 29 Let them be clpthed all withfiiame, that enemies ate to me : And wi'ih confuhon as a cloke eke coveted let them be. o But greatly I will with my mouth gi'/c thanks uato the Lord : And I among the muiciiud« his prailes will record. 5: Fov lie with help at his right hand will ftand the poor man by,. To favc him fiom the man that woald condemn his foul to die. -'Dixit T^jniinus. rfal. CJf. 7^. THe Lcrd d:d fay unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand. Till I have made ihy foes a ftool, whereon tiiy feet fluU ftand. Z The Lord (ha'il out of Siou fend the fceptcTofrhy might : Amid thy mortal foes be thou the ruler in their fight. An^ in the day on which thy reign and power th.-y fhall fee : fnen hereby free-wdLoffcrings fhall he people otfer thee. ycA>wifh an holv v/oifhipping then l"h.ill they otfcr all : rbv birth's dfiw is the dew that doth tiom womb of morniog fail. yriliiii[pir nfii \ The Lord hath rvrwii and MCrer will repent what he doth (ay 8y th' order of Mclchiledcch thou art a prieft for ay. The Lord thy God.on thy right hand that ftandeth for thy ftay. Shall wound for thee the ftatcly kings upon his wcathfull day. 6 The heathen he (hall judge.and fill the plac« with bodies dead .• And over divers countries fliall in funder (mite the head. And he fliall drink out of the brook that runneth in the way : Wherefore he fliall lift up on high his royal head that day, Confitehrtil/i, Pfal. Cxi. ^ With heart I do accord To praife and laud the Lord, In prelcnce of the ;u(t. 2 For great his works are found. To feaich them fuch are bound As do him love and truft. 3 His works are glorious, Alio his tighteouuicfs It doth endure for ever. 4. His wondious works he would We ftill remember fliould. His mercy failcth never. 5 Such as to him love bear, A portion full fair He hath up for ihem laid : For this they fhall well find. He will them have in mind. And keep them as he (aid. 6 For he did not difdaia His woiks to fhew them plain, By lightnings and by thunders I When be i\\e heathens land Did give into their hand. Where they beheld his wonderf. ^ Of all his works enfu'th Both judgment, right and truth, VVheicto hts ttatutes tend ; 8 They are d«crecd furc For ever to endure, which equity doth end. Redemption he gave His people £ot to fave. f And j rafm^iijf xiIi,cxiV,cxv 9 And hath difo required^ His proraile not to fail, Eut alwaies to prevail > his holy name be feared. lo Who fo with heart full fj^o True wifdom would attain. The Lord fear and obey ; Such as his laws do keep Shall knowledge have full deep. His praifefhail laft for ay. TIeatus vir. Pfal* cxii. W, ~H 7 The needy out of dult to draw, And eke thepooc which help none faWt K. THe raan is bleft that God doth fear. And that>is law doth love indeed : a His feed on earth God W^U uptear, I And blefs fuch as from him proceed. I 3 His houfe with good he will fulfil. His rightcoufnefs endure fhall ftill. 4 Unto thetighteous dath arife In trouble joy.in darknefs lighr. Companion is in his eyes. And mercy alwaies in his fight. 5 Yea>pity moveth foch to lend He doth by judgment things expend. 6 And furely fuch fhall never faiL For in remembrance had is he ; No tidings ill c^n make him quail IVho in the Lord fure hope doth fee. 8 His heart is firm^his fear is paft. For he fhall fee his foes down caft, f He did well for the poor provide. His righteoufncfs fhall ftill remain : And his eftate with praife abide, ThoHgh that the wicked man difdain. lo Yea,gnafh his teeth thereat fhall he. And fo «onfume his ftatc to fee. LaudAte putri. Pfal.cxiii. W.K. YE children which do ferve the Lotd, Praife ye his name with one accord a Yea.bleflcd be always his name. 3 VVho from the rifing of the Sun» Till it return where it begun. Is to be praifed with great fame. The Lord all people doth furmoirnt ; As for his glory vre may count. Above the heavens high to be'. With God the Lord who may compare, VVhofe dwellings in the Heavens are ? Of fuch great power and force is he. He doth aba^e hJmfelf we know. Things to behold both here belov?. Aid alffy in hsa^en aboys. his only mercy did him move. 8 And fo him fct in high Jegree, With princes of great dignity. That rule his people with great fam^^ ^ The barren h« doth make to bear. And with great joy her ftuit to rear : Therefore praife ye his holy name. In exitu //r/if/.Pral.cxiv.W.W. j'tT7Hen Ifracl by Gods addrefs I VV from Pharaohs land was bent i And Jacob's houfe the ftrangers left, and in the fame train went. 2 In Judah God his glory flicw'd. his holinefi moft bright : So did the Ifraelites declare his kingdom, power, and mightj^ 3 The fea h faw, and fuddeniy, as all amaz'd, did flee : The roaring ftrcams of Jordan's fioud recoyled backwardly. 4 As rams afraid the mountains skipt# their ftrength did them forfakc 5 And as the filly trembling lambs their tops did beat and fhake. 5 What ail'd the fea, as all amaz'd fo fuddeniy to flee ? Ye rolling waves of Jordan's floud, why ran ye backwardly ? 6 Why fhook ye hills, as rams afraid? why did your ftrength fo fhake ? Why did your tops, as trembling lamb?i| for fcai quiver and quake ? 7 O earth, confcfs thy foveraigQ Lordj and dread his mighty hand : Before the face of Jacob's God fear ye both fea and land. 8 I mean the God.which from hard rocSi* doiji caufe main flouds appear ; And from the ftony flint doth caufe gufh out the fountains clear. T^flM mh'u, Domini, PfaL cxv. f?* Not unto us. Lord, nst tons, but to ihy name give praife, Jioth for thy mercy and tliy truch that are in thee alwaies. h Why fhall the Heathen (corners fay, \ where is their God becom*' \ ) Our God in Heaven is, and what b« Will that hath he don*. .u. Tu im cxvi. tbeli Idols filvet arc and gold, works of mens hands they be : 5 They have a mouth, and do not fpcak ; and cyc«,and do not fee, «And they have ears joyn'd to their hcdds. and d^ not hear at all : And nofcs eke they formed have and do not fmell withall. 7 And hands they have.and handle not ; and feet, and do not go : A throat they have,yet through the fame they make no found to blow. t Tho^c that make them are like to them and thofc whole truft they be. J O Ifrael truft in the Lord, theii help and fhield is he. 10 O ^aions houfe truft in the Lord, their help and fhield is he : 11 Truft ye the Lord that feat the Lord, their help and fhield is he. 12 The Lord hath mindfull been of us, and will OS blefs alio : On ifrael and on Aarons houfc his bleffirjgs he will fhow. 13 Them that be fearers of the Lord, the Lord will blefs them aH ; Jvcn he will blcfs them every one, the great and eke the fmall. 14 To you (I (ay) the living Lord will multiply his grace ; To you and to the children that fhatl follow ai yout race. Ye arc the bicflcd of the Lord, even of the Lor«l,I fay : Vhich both the heaven atyl the earth hath made and lee in ftay. 6 The Heavens.yea the Heavens high belong unio the Lord : he eaith unto the fons of men he gave of free accord. ? They tliat be dead do not wiih praifc let forth the Lords renown : I or any that into the place of filence do go do.vn. 8 But we will praile the Lend our God from henceforth and for ay : J ouHd ye the praifes of the Lord ; prai e ye the Lord,t (ay. T)Uexi quamam, Pfal. cxvi. N. Love the Lord^becaufe my voycc . and prayer heard haUi he ; z When in my days I cair Blicffed arc they that pcrfc(fl are, and pure in mind and heart ; ^Whofe lives and ccfuveffations from Gods laws nev^r flatt. , ^ Bleffcd are they that give themfelyes his ftatutes to obletve ; Seeking the Lord with all their heart, and never fiom him Iwerve. 5: Doubtlcls fuch men go not aftray nor do no wicked thing. Which rtcd^aftly walk in his way without any wandring. 4 It is thv v/iil artdcommandmeat, that with attentive heed. Thy noble and divine precepts, we learn and keep indeed. 5 O would to God, it mighr thee plcafc my ways fo to addrefs ; That Tmight both in heart and voycc thy lav k«ep and confel* -' e- So fliould no Hiamc my life attaint, whiia hihus fct minccjtv exix. And bend my mijid always to mufc on thy faaed decrees. 7 Then will I praife with upright hearf,' and magnifie thy Hamc, When 1 (hall learn thy judgmems jufl, and likewife prove the lame, u 1 8 And wholly will I give my fetf. ..... tokeep thy laws rooft light ; . r '■ Forfakc me not for ever. Lord, i, ,/ but fhew thy grace and might. "B ET H. The fccond ^art. ■ ^ By what means may a young man bcA his life learn to am«nd ? If that he mark and keep thy word, and therein his time fpend. loUnfeigncdl^ 1 have thee fought, and thus feeking abide : O never fuft'er'me.O Lotd, from thy precepts to Aide. 1 1 Within my heart and fecret thougljti thy words 1 have hid ftill : That I might not at any time offend thy godly will. II We magnifie thy name^O Lord, and praile thee evermore : Thy ftatutes of moft worthy fame, Lord,teach me therefore. , '^ 13 My lips have never ceaft to preach* and publifh day and night The judgments all which did proceed'.'' ^ from thy mouth full of might; - " ■' 14 Thy teftimooies and thy way* I'r. :•! plcafe me no lefs mdeed -.■'-.'n ■-;^ Tnan all the trcafuies of rhe earth, which worldlings make their nieedk 1 15 Of thy precepts I will ftill mufe« and thereto frame ray talk : As at a naark fo will I aim thy wtrys how I may walk. 16 My only joy fliall be fo fixr, and on thy laws fo let : That nothing can me To far blind, that I thy words forger. , - G I M E L. The third fart, 17 Grant to thy lervant now jluch gtSCft, as may my life prolong ; Thy holy word then will I keep both in my heart and tongue. 18 Mine cys which v/erc dim and filut up, fo open and make bright .• That of thy law and marvel!ru« ^iJ^ 1 ma/ lu ve i lie clcai iight, 1^1 rfaoi fxlx. If I am a (tranger in this earth, wandring now hcre,DOW there : Thy word ihcrcfoie tpime difclofc my footftcps for to clear. 20 My foul is ravi/ht with Ucfire, and never is aj ifi%\ But fecks to Icnowjthy judgmcntl high> and what may pleafe thee bcft, M The proud mea and malicious thou haft dcftroy'd each one* And cuifed are fuch as do not thy hefts attend upon. 2» Lord, turn from mc rebuke aod Hlam^ which wicked men confpirc : For I have kept thy covenants i with zeal as hot as fire. )g,l The princes great in counfci fate, ' and did againft mc fpeak : But then thy fervant thought how he thy ftatutes might not break. 24- For why ? thy covcnauts are ray joy, and my hearts great folace : rhey ferve inftead of couofcjlers. ssx^ matters for to pafs. D^LE TH. Th(fittrthp4rt, 1$ I am>alas,as btought to grave. and almoft turn'd to duft •: Reftore therefore my life again, as thy promife is jurt. 16 My ways when T acknowledged, with mercy thou didft ficar : ricar now eft-foon.aad me inftruft thy laws to love and fear. ly Tcash me once throughly for to know thy precepts and. ihy lore : rhy works then will I jncditate, and lay rhem up in ftore. i8 My foul I feel fo fore oppreft, that it raclteth for grief: According to thy word therefore hafte,Lord>to fend relief. 19 From lying and deceitful! lips let thy grace me dfefcnd : And that I may learn thee to love, thy holy law me ferid. 30 The way of troth both fttait and furc I have chpfen and found : I fet thy judgments me before which keep me fafe and found. } t Since then.O Lord,! forc'd my fell thy cavcnants to embrace ; Let mc therefore h;vc no rebuke not check in any cafe. 22 Then will I tim w;ith jQyfull cheer where thy word doth mc call : Whca thou haft fct "my heart at large, and rid me out of thrall. H£. fht^hpart. 3 5 InftruA me,Lord,iri the right trade of thy ftatutes diviiie-: And It to keep even t© the end my heart will I encline. 54 Grant me the knowledge of thy law, and I fhall it obey : W^th heart and mind and all my might I will it keep.I fay. ^j In the tight paths of thy precepts guide mc,Lord,I require : None other pleafurc do I wifh. nor greater thing defire. 36 Incline my heart thy laws to keep, and covenants to embrace : And from all filthy avarice, Loid.fhield me with thy grace. 57 From vain defiresand worldly lufts turn back mine ey» and iighx ' Give me the fpirit of life and power to walk thy ways aright. 3« Confirm thy gracious promire,Lord, t which thou haft made to mc. Which am thy fcrvant.and do love and fear nothing but ihee. l^ Reproach and fhame which I fo fear* £rom mo»0 Lord.cjcpcll ; For thou doft judge with ei^uity, and therein doft excell. 40 Behold, my hearts dcftreis bent thy laws to keep for ay : Lord,ftrcngthen me fo jprith thy grac« that it perform I may. V^V, The fixth part. 41 Thy mercies great and manifold let mc obtain.O Lord : Thy faving health ler me enjoy, according to thy word. 42 So fhall I flop the flandcrous moutiM of lewd men and unjuft : For in thy faithful promife* ftands my comfort and truft, 45 The word of truth within my mouth let e<^cr ftill be prcft : For in thy judgments wonderful my hope doth ftand and reft, f i ^LAai JS 26 yfaln cxlx. 4 And whirft that brcaih within my brcafl I did cmbrace>and alfo keep doth natural life prcfcrvc "ica^till this world ftiall be diflTolv'd, iii.y law will I obfervc. 45 So walk will I as fct at large, and made free from all dread s Becauls 1 ibuglu how for to keep ihy precepts and thy read. 46 Thy noL>le afts 1 will defcribe, ai things of moft great fame : Even before Kia^s 1 will them blaze, and fluink no whit for fiiame. 47 IwiUrejoycethentoobey tliy worthy liefts and will ; Which evermore 1 have lov'd bed, ai:d I'o will love them ftilt. 4S My liands I will lift to thy laws \v;uch I have dcaily fought : And pia/dlile thy commandcment* jji will, m deed, in thought. 2^4I>J. Thefeventhfurt. 4P Tnv ptomife which thou niad'ft to me thy rervantJ.oid.remembeT : For rhcrcin have I pat my truft and confidence for ever. 5 o Ic IS my comfort and my joy when troubles me alTail . For were my life not by thy word my life w'onld foon me tail. 51 The proud and fucli as God contemn rtill made of me a fcorn ; Ye: would I not thy law forfakc, as he that were foilorn. 5i But call to mind. Lord, thy great works fhew'd to our fathers old ; IVhereby I felt the joy furmoutit my grief an hundredfold. 53 Bur yer,aias,tor fear I cjuake, Iccmg how wicked men Tny law fotlook, and did procure liiy judgments who knows when ? 54 And as for mc, I ftam'd my foogs thy Aatuie* toc«alt, When I among the Itrangers dwelt, and thoughts '^an mc alVault. 55 I thought upon thy name.O Lord, by tti'^hr wlicn others fleep : As tor thy law alfo I kept, and ever will it keep. 56 Tnis grace I did coram bccaufe £^y covei»nt'5.f'A'c«i and dear with reverence and with fear. HETH. The eighth fart. 57 O God which art my part and lor^ my comfort and my ftay, •- ^ ■ I have decreed and ptdmifed thy laws to keep alway. 58 Mine eameft heart did hambly fue ' in prefence of thy face : As thou thetefore haft promifed, . / Lord>grant me of thy grace. 59 My life I have examined, and try'd my fecrct heart : Which to thy ftatutes caufed mc my feet ftraight to convert. 60 I did not flay.nor linger leng, as they that flothful are .• But hartily thy laws to keep I did my felf prepare. ' ^i The cruel bands of wicked men have made ©f me their prey ; * Yet would I not thy law forger, nor from thee go aftray. 61 Thy righteous judgments towards tnt fo great are.and fo high : That even at midnight will I rife ihy name to magnifie. 63 Companion am I to all them '"';"- which fear rhec in their heart ; And never will for love nor dread ' from thy commandments ftarr. ' ,^ 64 Tny mercies, Lord.moft plcntcoufl/ ' ' * do all the world fulfill: O teach me how I may obey ts ihy ftatutes and thy wil'. TST H. The ninth part. 6$ According to thy promilc. Lord, fo hart thou with me dealt : - For of thy grace in lundry forts, liave I thy fcrvant felt. -'ztiA 6^ Teach mc to judge always aright,^ ■-' and give rpe knowledge furc : For certainly believe I do that thy precepts are pure. 6y tre thou didft touch me with thy tod> I ett'd and went aftray : But now I keep thy holy word, and make it all roy ftay. 6i Thou art both good and gracious^ and giv'ft moft liberally : T'line ordinances how to keep, (hcieforc>0 Loid^ccach mc. tf^ Th, Pfalm exit I 6^ The ^toud and wicked men have forg'c againtt racmaiiy a lie : Yet thy coramandmcnfs ftili obfeivc with all my heart will I. no Their Ivearts arc fwoln with worldly as gteafe ^o are they fat : (wealth. But in thy law do 1 delight, and nothing feek but that. , 71 O happy time,may I well fay^ when thou di^^ me correft : For as a guide to learn thy laws thy rod did mc dircft. 72 So that to me thy word and Jaw is dearer manifold Thca thoufands great of (ilver and gold, oc ouglit that can be toUi. yon. The tenth part. 75 Seeing thy bands have made me. Lord, to be thy creature .* Grant knowledge likewifc how to learn to put thy laws in ure. 74 So they that fear thee fhall rcjoyce when ever they me fee ; Becaufe I have learn'd by thy word to put my trufl in thee. y jWhen with thy rods the woilet is plagu'd I know the caufc is juft.: So when rhou doft correft me,Lord, ' the caufc juft needs be muft. 76 Now of thy goodncfs I thee pray, fome comfort to me fend : A$ thou to me thy fervant haft ; fo from all ill mc fhend. * 77 Thy tender mercies powet on mo, and I fhall furely live : For joy and confolation both thy liw to me dorh give, 78 Confound the proud, whofc falfe pre is me for to deftroy : (tence But as for me. thy hefts to know I will my fclf employ. 7j> Who fo with reverence do thee fear to mc let them retire ; And fuch as do thy covenants know^ and them alone defire. 80 My heart witliout all wavering let on thy laws be bent : That no confufion come to inc whereby I fhould be fhent. C^T H. The tUventh part 1 1 My fool doth faint,and ceafcth not thy faying health to ciave : And for thy word* fake ftill I «uft my hearts dcfuc to ha?e. 8t Mine eys do fail with looking for thy word.and thus I fay , Oh when wilt thou me comfort,Lord ? why doft thou thus delay ? 85 As a skin-bottle in the fm»kc* fo am I parcht and dry'd : Yet will I not out of my heart let thy commandments Aide. 8+ Alas how long fhall I yet live before I fee the hour. That on my foes which mc torment thy vengeance thou wilt pout ? 85 Prcfumptuous men have digged pits, thinking to make me fure ; Thus contrary againft thy law, my hurt they do procuje. 86 But thy commandments arc all iruj9,' and caufelcfs they me grieve : To thee therefore I do complain, that thou might'ft mc relieve. 87 Almoft they had me clean dcftroy'd, and brought me quite to ground • Yet by thy ftatutes I abode, and therein luccour found. 88 Rcftore me, Lord, again to life, for thy mercies excell : AtKl fo fhall I thy covonants keep till death my life cxpell. L^M E D. The fwtifih part. 89 In Hc.avcn,Lotd,whcrc thou doft dwell, thy word is ftablifht fure: And fhall for all eternity faft graven there endure. JO From age to age thy truth abides, as doth the earth witnoTs : Whofe ground-work thou haft laid fo furf as no tongue can exprefs. 91 Even to this day we may well fee how all things pcrfevere According to thine ordinance, for all things thee revere. 9z Had it not been that in thy law my foul had comfort foughr. Long time ere now in my diftrefs I had been brought to nouglir. pj Therefore will I thy precepts ayt in memory keep fait : By them thou haft my life tcftor'd when I WAS at laft caft. • 1_1 2ij 11 rfatm ^4 No wight to me can title make. for I am only thine : 5avc me therefore, for to thy laws mine eais and heart incline. j5. The wicked men do feck my bane, and thereto lay in wait : 5But I the while coofidered thy noble works and great. ^6 1 fee nothiDg in this wide world at length which harh not end : ^uc thy Commandments and thy word beyond all end extend. MEM, The thirteenth part. yy What great defire and fervent love do 1 bear to ihy law I All the day long my whole device is only OH ihy faw. 8 Thy word hath taught iTue far to pafs my foes in polbcie; For ftill 1 hold it as a thing of moft excellensle. S9 My teachers which did me inftru£l# in knowledge I excell : Eecaufe I do thy covenants keep, and them to others tell, joo In wifdom I do pafs alfo the ancient men indeed : And all becaufe to keep thy law* I held it ay beft reed. j©i My feet 1 have refrained eke from ©very evil way. Jeoaufe that 1 continually thy word might keep. 1 Tay. toi 1 have not fwerv'd from thy judg nor yet fhrunk any dell : ('mcnts, For why ? thou haft me taught thereby to live godly and well. loj O Lord, how fweet unto my tafte find I thy words alway ? poubilefs no hony in my mouth feel ought fo fweet I may. laws have Hie fuch wifdom CJUX, rhat I will keep thy judgments juff; and them in life exprels. 107 Affiiftion hach me fore opptcfli and brought me to deaths doot : Lord, as thou haft promifed« fo mc to life reftore, 108 The offerings which with heart- and moft frankly 1 ihee give : (voyc^c Accept, and teach me how I may after thy judgments live, 10^ My foul is ay fo in my hand« that dangers me aflail : Yet do 1 not thy law forget, nor it to keep will fail, no Although the wicked laid their nets to catch me at a bay. Yet did 1 not from thy precept* once fwervc or go aftray. 1 1 1 Thy law I have fo claimed alwaf as mine own heritage : And why > for therein I delight , and fet my whole courage. 1 iz For evermore 1 have been bent thy ftatutes to fiilfiU : Even fo likewife unto the end I will continue ftill. SkAM ECH, The fifteenth p4rt, 115 The crafty thoughts and double hcattf I do always deteft : But as for thy law and precepts, 1 love them ever beft. II 4 Thou art my hid and fect€t place^^ ] my fhield of ftrong defence : Therefore have I thy promifes lookt for with patience. J15 Go to therefore ye wicked meo» depart from me anon : For tlie Commandments will I keep of God my Lord alone. 116 As thou haft ptomifed fo perform,' that death me not aflail : '?har^iuLi;'iVate (IcamU K^'T^ ^?'. A^"a ^ ^°; '' - ^ ' that through diftfuft I quail. AUwi#kcd and ungodly ways, in every kind 01 rate. 'l^lf N. The fourteenth part. 105 Even as a lantern 10 my filer, fo doth thy word fhine bright : And to my paths where ever I go it is a flaming light. i;>6 I have both fworn and will p«form moft ccitginfy, doubclefsj gh uiUfult 1 qua 17 Upheld mc, and I fhall be fafe for ought they do or fay : f^nd in thy ftatutes pteafure take will I both night and day. 18 Thou haft trod fuch under thy fcct as do thy ftatutes break : or nought avails their fubcilry^ their counfel i% but weak. taijkA ■pfttw 2 19 Ltlce drois thou caits tne wickea our, where «re they go or dwell ; Theref«re can I as thy ftatuces love nothing half fo well. no My flefh (alas j is taken with fear, as though it were benumm'd .- For when I fee thy iudgments,ftraight I am as one afton'd. ^I7{. Thejixteenth part, 121 I do the thing that lawful is, and give to all men right : Rcfign me not to them that would opprefs mc with tiicir might, m But for thy fetvant furety be in that thing that is good : That proud men give me not the foil, which rage as. they weie wood. 12} Mineeys with waiting are now blind, thy health fo much I crave ; And eke thy righteous promifcXord, whereby thou wilt me fave. 124 Entreat thy fcrvant lovingly, and favour to him fhow ; Thy ftvutes of moft excellency teach me alfo to know. 125 Thy humble fervant,Lord,I am, grant me to underftand. How by thy ftatutes 1 may know b^ what to take in hand. [i6 It is now time,Lofd>to begin, for truth is now dccay'd ; Thy law like wife they have tranfgrcft, and none againfl them faid. I27 This is the caufe wherefore I love thy laws better then gold. Or jewels fine which are efleem'd moft coftly to be fold. [2g I thought thy precepts all moftjuft^ and To them laid in {lore ; K\l crafty and malicious ways 1 do abhor therefore. P E. The feventeenth part, 2p Thy covenants are moft wonderfull j and full of things profound ; ^y foul therefore doth keep them fure, when they are try'd and found. JO When men firft enter into thy word they find a light moft clear i ^.nd very idiots undcrftand when they it read or hear. 31 For joy I have both gap'd and brcaih'd CO know thy commaadmcm ; fit! TK3rr - — 85 at 1 might guide hiy felt thereby, — I fought what thing it meant. 1 3a With mercy and compaflion,Lord, behold me from above, As thou arc wont to behold fu(ch as thy name fear and love. 133 Direft my footfieps by thy word,' that 1 thy will may know : And never let iniquity thy fervant overthrow. 134 From flanderous tongues and deadly prefcrve and keep mc fure : (harms Thy precepts then will I obferve, and put them eke in urc. i55Thy countenance which doth furmount the liin in his bright hue } Let fhme on me,and by thy law teach me what to cfchcw. 136 Out of mine eys great flouds gufh out of dreary tears and fell : When I behold how wicked men thy laws keep never a dell. Z kA D E. The eighteenth part. i?7 In every point,Lord,rhou art juft,' the wicked though they grudge : And when thou doft fentence pronounce, thou art a righteous judge. 158 To render right.and rice from guile, are two chief point? moft highf And fuch as thou haft in thy law commanded usftraightly. I j9 With zeal and wrath I am confum'd and even pin'd away. To fee my foes thy word forger, for ought that I do may. 140 So pure and pcrfeft is thy word. as any heart can deem ; And I thy fetvant nothitjg more do love or yet efteem, :4i And though I be nothing fct by „ as one of bale degree : fet do I not thy laws forget, nor fhrink away from thee„ [42 Thy righteournefs,Lord,is m«ft juftj for ever to endure : Ufo thy law is truth it felf, moft conftant and moft pure. 4j Trouble and griefhavefeiz'd on me; and brought me wondrous low : if et do I ftill of thy precepts delight to hcai and knowr. 44 Tftc 3 144 Therighteoufners ofthy judgments doth laft foe cvermoic : Then teach them me/or even in them tny life lies up in ftorc. KjO P H. The nineteenth^ art. 145 With fervent heart I call'd and cry'd j now anfwet xne.O Lord : Tjiat thy commandments to obfcrve 1 may fully accord. 14(J To thccmy God>I make my fuit with inoft humble requeft : Sa?€mcthetefore,andl will keep thy precepts and thy hells. 147 To thee I cry even in the morn before the day wax light : Xecaule that I have in thy word my confidence wliole plight. 148 Mine eys prevent the watch by night, and ere they call I wake : That by dcvifing on thy word I might fome comfort take. 149 Inclioe thine ears to hear my voice, and pity on me take : As thou waft wonr/o judge me,Lord, left life (Iiould me forfakc. 150 My foes draw near, and do procure ray death malicioully; IVIuch from thy law are far gone back, and ftray'd from it lewdly. i5iThercfore,0 Lord.approach thou near. for need doth fo requuc. Joe all thy precepts true tfeey are, then help I thee delire. ijsBut thy commandments have Ileatn'd j not now but lo«g ago, jrtiat they remain for evewnore, T tbou haft rhem grounded ^o. \ES H. the fwenttefh part, 153 ^^y trouble and afHidion» confider and beiiold : Deliver me.for of thy law I ever take faft hold. X54 Defend my good and righteous caufc, with fpecd tome fuccour lend .• From dcath.as ihou haft promifed. Lord keep me and defend. IS 5 As for the wicked,far they are from hjving health and grace : Whereby they might thy ftatutes know they enter nor the trace, ij'^ Great are thy mercies. Lord, I grant, jA-'liat tongue Can thcraattain ? itlm CKi'Xi And as thou haft me |udg*d G'C now," fo lot me life obtain. 157 Though many men did trouble mc," and pcrlccute me fore ; Yet from thy laws I never Ihrunk, nor went awry therefore. 158 And truth it is,for grief I die when I thcfe traitors lee : Becaufe they keep no whit thy word, nor yet feck to know thee. 159 Bchold.for I do lore thy laws with heart moft glad and fain. As thou art good and gracious,Lord, reftore my life again. 1^0 What thy word doth decree mufl bc# and fo it hath beei) ever : Thy righteous judgments are alfo moft true,and decay never. S CHir^ The xxtpart. 161 Princes have fought by cruelty caufelcfs to make me crouch ; But all in vain,for of thy word the feat did my heart touch. 1 6 J And ceitainly even of thy word I wasjuoic merry and glad, Then he that of rich fpoils and prey great ftore and plenty had. Id) As for all lies and falfities, I hate moft and deteft : For why ? thy holy law do I above all things love bcft. 164 Seven times a day I praife the Lord« finging with heart and voice : Thy righteous aftsand wonderfull fo caufe me to rejoyce. 1^5 Great peace and reft fhall all fuch hav< as do thy ftatutes love ; No danger fhall their quiet ftatc cmpair or once remove. 166 My only health and comfort, Lordf I look for at thy hand : And therefore have I done thofe things whtch thou didft me command. X67 Thy laws have been my exercife, which my foul moft defired ; So much to them my love was bent, that nought elie I required. 1(58 Tay ftatutes and commandements I kept (thou know'ftj anght ; For all the things thai I have done aie prcfcnt in thy fight. X*J11 T^V. The xxn fart, \69 O Loid>Iet my complaint and cry before thy face appear : And as thpu haft me promife made« fo teach me thee to fear .• 170 Mine humble fupplication reward thee let find accefs : And grant rae,Loid>deIivprance, for fo is thy promife. 171 Then fhall my lips thy praifes fpeak after molt ample fort : IVhen thou thy lUtutcs haft me taught^ wherein ftands my comfort. lyz My tongue fhall fmg and preach thy and on this wife fay Ihall, ('WO14 Gods famous afts and noble laws aicjuftandperfeftall. I75 Stretch out thy hand. I thee befecch, and fpeedily me lave : For thy commaadmcots to obfctve chofen.O Lord.I have. 174 Of thee alone«Lotd,I crave health, for Other I know none : And in thy'law and nothing elfe I do delight alone. 175 Grant ine therefore long days to live thy name to raagnifie : And of thy judgments merciful! let me the favour try. 1^5 For I was loft and went aftray much like a wandering fhcep : Oh feck me,for I have not fail'd ihy commandments to keep. ^dDominum. Pfal. cxx. T. S. N trouble and in thrall Unto the Lord I call. And he doth me comfort, a Deliver me,l fay. From liars lips alway, and tongues of falfe report. 3 What vamagcor what thing Gctt^ft rhou thus for to fting, thou falfe and flattering liar ? 4 Thy tongue doth hurt I ween, b?D Icfs then arrows keen, or hot confuming fire. 5 Alas,coo long I Hack Within thefc tents fo black. Which Kedars are by name. By whom the flock elcft Andalloflfaacksfed are put to open lbame< 6 Wi i 1 cam -mJ I Wirh them that peace did bate came a peace to make \ And fct a quiec life : But when my tale was told, Caufelefs I was controld by them that would have ftrife. Uvavi oculoi. Ffail.cxxi: W,W, I Lift mine eys to Sion hill, Fiom whence 1 do attend That fuccour God mc fend. z The mighty God me fuccour will. Which hcavea and earth framed. And all things therein named, 3 Thy foot from flip he will pxefctvc. And will thee fafely keep. For he will never fleep. 4 Lo he that do h ifrael confcrvc No fleep at ail can him catch. But his cys (hall ever watch. 5 The Lord is thy warrant alway. The Lord eke doth tbee covet As at thy tight hand ever : 6 The fun fhall not thee parch by day. Nor the moon not half fo bright Shall with cold thee hurt by night. 7 The Lord will keep thee from difttcfs. And will thy life fure fave : And thou flialt alto have, a In all thy bufincfs good fuccefs. Where ever thou goeft in or out, God will thy things bring about, Littatm fum. Plal. cxxii. W.K. I Did in heart rejoyce To hear the peoples voyce. In offering lb willingly : 2 For let us up fay they, And in the Lords houfe pray : thus Ij^ake the folk full lovingly, 3 Our feet that wandered wide (hall in thy gates abide, O thou Jerufalem full fair. Which art fo fembly fet. Much like a city neat, The like whereof is not clfewhcre. 4 The tribes with one accord, The tribe^ of God the Lord Are thither bent their way to take: So God before did tell Tnat there his Ifrael Their prayers Ihould together make." 5 For there are thrones ereft. M- ^^aim w iili P^m^^ufu And that for thij refpeft, Tofct forth juftice orderly : Which thrones right to maintain To Davids houfe pertain, Hij folk to judge accordingly. < To pray let us not ccafc For Jefufalems peace. Thy friends God proifper mightily, 7 Peace be thy walls about. And prolper thee throughout Thy palaces continually. S 1 wifhthy piofperous ftate For my poor brcthrcns fake. That comfort have by means of thee, ^ Gods houfe doth me alluic Thy wealth for to procure So much always as lies in me. sAdteUvavt. Pfal.cxxiii. T,%. ^^ Lord, that heaven doft pofTefj, V^ I lift mine ey\ to tJicc : Even as the fervaht lifteth his, his mafters hand to fee. a As hanjdmaids watch their miftris hand fome grace for to atchieve : So we behold the Lord out God, till he do us forgive. 3 Lord grant ut thy compaflaon, and mercy in thy fight : For we are fifl'd and overcome with hatred and defpighc. Our miuds be ftuft with great rebuke^ the rich and worldly wife Do make of us their mocking ftocks, the proud do us defpife. Nifi quia Dttm. Pfal.cxxiv.U'. W, I^Ow lltael i^ may fay and that truly, if that the Lord had not our caafe maintained. If that the Lord had not our right foftain'd, IVhen all the world againft us furioufly Idade their uproars, and faid we fhould all die. Now long ago. ihev haddevoutM as all, ^nd fwallow'd quick, fo! ought that we could deem : Such was th»ir rage, as we might well eftcem< .^ 4 And as the flood* with mighty fojce do fall : So had they now ' our lives even brought to thwlf. • > ''^ 5 The raging ftreams, moft p/oud in roaring nCfifc, Had lone ago overwrielm'd us in the deep : 6 Butlov'd be God which doth us fafety keep From bloody teeth, and their molt cruel voice. Which as a prey, to eat us would rejoycc. j' 7 Even as a bird out of the fowlers gin Efcapes away, ^ ^ light fo it fates -with \\%\ Btokeare their nets, and we have fcapcd tl«j«,' 8 God that made heaven and earth is our help then .- His name hath fav'd us from thclc wicked men. .lA Sim eonfidnnt, Pfal.CKJtV. W-W. ^ SUch as in God the Lord do truff. As mount Sion Ihall firmly ftand*- ' And be moved at no hand. The Lofd will couat them right and juS So thai they fhall be furc For ever to endure. o 2 As mighty mountains Huge and great' Jerufalem about do clofe : I ^ So will the Lord do unto thofc ' t V Vho on his godly will do wait : Such are to him To dear, They never n«ed to fear. 3 For thougk the righteous try doth he - By making wicked men his rod. Left they through grief fotfake their God*. It lliall not as their lot ftill be. 4 Give.Lord.to us thy light, Whole heatts are true and right. 5 But as for fuch as turn afide By croaked ways which they out foughf* The Lord will furely bring to nought :* V Vich workers vile they fhall abide : But peace with Ifrael For cvciinorc fliall dwell. PfaUn ex ivi, cxxvH. 3 Zimhtr efthe famejy T^W, T^Hofe that do put tiicit confidence JL Upon the Lord our God only, And ftee to him for their defence In all their need and rotfcry : , rhcir faith is furc fltUl to cndwrc, Gioundcd on Chrift the corner-ftone, Mov'd with noae ill, but ftandeth (till >tedfaft like to the mount Sion. And as about Jcrufalem rhc mighty hills do it compafsi So that no enemies come to them To hort that town in any cafe : So God indeed in every need His faithfull people doth defend. Standing thera by affurcdiy From this time fofth world without end. Right wife and good is our Lord God,, And will nocfuffer certainly -'•; ^■"'- rhe finners and ungodlies rod " To tarry upon hjs family t Left they alfo from God fhould go> Falling lo fin and wickedncfs. O Lord defend world without end rhy Chtiftian flock through thy goodncfs O Lord do good to Chriftians all That ftedfaft in thy word abide: Such as willingly from God fall, And to falfe doftfine daily fiide 5 Such will the Lord fcattcr abroad With hypocrites thrown down to hcU, God will them fend pains wuhout cad ; But Lord grant pea<:e to Ifrael, Glory to God the father of might. And to the Son our Saviour, Arid to the holy Ghoft, whofe light Shine in our heart$,and us fuccour : That the right way from day to day We may walk, and him glorify : With hearts defue all that are here V^Vorfhip the Lord^and ray,Amen, In convertendo. pfal .cxxvi. W, W. ITTHen that the Lord i VV again hi^ Sion had fan h brought From bondage great, and alio fcrvicude extream : His worJc was fuch as did furmount mans heart 8t though] So that we were much like to rhem that ufc to dream. Our mouths were wjfhlaughufsftlkdrhcn, And eke out tongues did Ihcw us joyfull men. The heathen folk were forced then this to confcLfs, How thax the Lord for them alfo great things had done, 3 But much more we, and therefore can confefs no left's ^ VVhereforc to joy we have good caufe as we begun, 4 O Lord«go forth, thou cand ouc bondage end : AstodeCarrs t the flowing rivers Ccnd, Full true it is that they which fow in tears ftideed, A time will come when they fhall reap in mirth and fojr, 6 They went and wept in bearing of their precious feeds For that their foes full oftentimes did them annoy : But their return with joy they fliall fure fee. Their fhcaves home bring, IJ and not empaired be. iNifiDom. Pial. cjxvii. W. W. T7 Xcept the Lord the houfe doth makci' , }la And thereunto doth (ec his hand .• i V Vhar men do build u cannot ftar.d, Likewife in vain men undertake Cities and holds to waich and waid. Except the Lord be their rafeguatdt 2 Though ye rife early in the more. And fo ar night go late to bed, Feeding full hardly with brovvu brcaii, Yec we;c your labo: loil and worn ; Eur they whom God doth love a;id kec^- 'Receive all things wuh quice Htep, ^ Therefore mark well when eferyc^te- Tha.t men have heirs to enjoy thcu iaswi,. It is the gift cf Gods own iisn-.l : For God himlelF ciotJi muiuply Of his great liberality Tncbleltingof pofterity. 4 And when the chiidren cone 'oaj,c They grow in ftrength ajid adlivciijiv. In perlon and in coii-idv t^l^ .• So that a fhah flior wuh can; age Of one that hath a mod Ihonj;', atm, F!i?s ncjt fo Iwif^nor c^.h i kc l.a n-'. ^ ■• , Sid I J. "fM m cxxviii. cxxl3tt exx.y, cxxx?, cxxx??. 5 O Wftll is he that hath his quiver Furnifllt with fuch artillery : For when in peril he fhall be. Such one fhall never fhakc nor fiiiver, When that he pleads before the judge Againft his foes that bear him grudge, "Seatiomnes. Vfal.cwui. T. S. BLeffed art thou that fcareft God and walkeft in his way : a For of thy labour thou fiiatt car, happy ait thou I fay. J Like fruitful! vine on thy houfe fide fo doth thy wife fpring out : Thy children ftand like olivc-plants thy table round about. 4 Thus art thou bleft that fearcft God, and he fhall let thee fee 5 Thcptomifed Jerufalem and her felicity. 6 Thon Ihalc thy chlldrens children fee, to thy great )oys incrcafe : And likcwife grace on Ifrael, profpcrity and peace. Sx^e tx^ugiiAverunt. Pfal. cxxix. N. OFt tliey ('now Ifrael may fsy ) me from my yonrh ulfiilM : 1 Oft they aflail'd me from my youth, yet never they prcrail'd. 3 Upon my back the plowcrs plow'd, and furrows long did caft : 4 The righteous Lord hath cut the cords of wicked foes at laft, 5 They that hate me fhall be afham'd, and turned back alto : And made as gra's upon the houfe, which withereth ere it grow.- Wiicrcof the n-.ower cannot find enough ro fill his hand. Nor can he fill his Inp.thar gocth to glean upon the land. Nor papers by pray God on ilicm fo let hi«; b'efling fall ; Nor fav. vYcblcfs you in rlje name of God the Loid at all, De profundi s , Pfal. cxx.\'. \V W . LOid. ro thee I make my mor:e when dangers rr.e opprefs : •all, I righ..p!a>n and <2:'Oiic, ' ruAing; -.o find rcleaie. i Hear now.o Lord, my reaueft, for it is full doc time.- And let thine ears ay be prcft J unto this prayer mine. 3 O Lord our God.if thou weigh' our fins and them perofc .• Who fhall then efcape.and fay, lean my fclfexcure? 4 But.lord, thou art mercifuU, and turn'fl to us thy gtace. That we with hearts moft careful! fliould fear before thy face, 5 In God / put my whole rrufl, my foul waits on his will : For his promife is moft jufJ, and I hope therein ftill. 6 My foul to God hath regard, wifhing for him alway, More then they that watch and wardi to fee the dawning day, 7 Let Ifrael then boldly in the Locd put his trufl.- He is that God of mercy that his deliver mufi. 8 Fpr he it is that muft favc Ifrael from his fin, And all fuch as furely have their confidence in him. OLord 1 am not puft in mind, I have no fcornfull eye : 1 do not cxercife my felf in things that be too high. 2 But as rhe child that weaned i$ even from his mothers breaft ; So have I,Lord,behav'd my felf in filence and in reft. 3 O iCrael.truft in theLord, let him be all thy flay From this time forrh for evermore, from age to agc,I fay. Emembcr Davids troubles.Lord, how ro the Lord he fwore. And vow'd a vow to Jacobs God, ro keep for evermore : I will not come withia ray houfc, nor climb up to my bed : Nor let my temples take thelt ref^ nor the eves in mv head. R ; r\\ ___^^ -Piaim c xxxi 4> cxxxiv, cxyxv 5 Till I have found out f©r the Lord a place lo fit thereon .• Aq houfe of Jacobs God (O be an habitation, 6 We heard of it at Ephrata, there did we heat this found .• And in the fields and forefts there ihcfe voices firft were found. 7 Wc will aflay and go in now his tabernacle thexe^ Before his footftool to fall down* and worfhip him in fear. 8 Arife.O Lordjarife I fay, into thy refting-place : Both thou and the ark of thy ftrength* the prefence of thy grace. 9 Let all thy priefts be clothed, Lord, with truth and righteoufncfs : jjLct all thy faints and holy men ^ fing all with joyfuloefs. 10 And for thy fcrvant Davids fake, refufe not.Lord.I fay. The face of thine anointcd,Lotd, ijot turn thy face away. The ftcond part , 1 1 The Lord to David fwore in truth, and will not fhtink from if, 5aying,the fruit of thy body upon thy feat fhall fit. t2 And if thy fons my covenant keep that I fhall learn each one .• Then fhall their fons for ever fie upon thy princely thronr. 1 3 The Lord him fclf hath chofe Sion, and loves therein to dwell, 14 Saying.this is my refting^place. Hove and like it well. 15 And I will blefs with great increafe her vi(fluals every where : And I will fafisfie with bread the needy that be there. li Yea J will deck and cloth her priefts t' with rny falvarion : ^nd ail her faints fhall fing for joy Cf my proteaion. ^ 7 There ^;i!l I furely make the horn of David for to bud : For there I have ordain'd for mine a lantern bright and good. r8 Asforhisenemies,! will clothe wub fhame hz evermore ,• ^ But I will caufehis crown to fhine more frcfh then heretofore. Eccequanj. Pfal.cxxxiii. W.W4 OHow happy a thing it is. and joyful! for to fee. Brethren together faft to hold thebandof amitie/ 3 It calls to mind that fvveet ^ct^md a-nd that cofily ointment Which on the Sacnficer's head by Gods precept was fpenr. It wet not Aatons head alone, hut drencht his beard throughout. And finally it did run down his rich attire about. 3 And as the lower ground doth dtinlc the dew of He rm on hill. And Sion with his filver drops the fields with fruit doth fill. 4 Even fo the Lord doth pour on tkem his bleflings manifold, Whofc hearts and minds without all guife this knot do keep and hold. Eccenunc, Pfal. c.x.rxiv. W, If. BEhold and have regard, yefervantsof the Lord, Which in his houfe by night do watch : praife him wiih one accord. 1 Lift up your hands on higK unto his holy place. And give the Lord his praifes due; his benefits embrace. 5 For why ? the Lord who did both earth and heaven frame. Doth Sion blefs t^nd will conlcrve for evermore the fame. Caudate }jomen. ?Ca\. CKXHV. IJ. OPraile the Lord^praife him,praif« hJj„^ praife him w;th one accord: O praife him fiill all ye that be the fcrvants of the Lord ; i O praife him ye that ftand and be in the hcu'c of the Lord. Ye of his conn. and of his houfe, prarfc him with one accoid. 5 Praife ye rlie Lord for he js good, fing praifes ro his name ; ,- It is a comely and good thit^j; . | . always 10 do the fame. 4 For why? the Lord h,itUchorcj3C<^ his vQ'v own ye fee i Tol '.1; I Jfalm 6KXCvr,ryvYvi So hath he chofcn Ifracl his tiea(ure for to be. ^ For this I know and am right fure the Lord is very great : He is itideed above all gods moftcafy tointrcat. £ For whatfoever pleafcd him all that full well he wrought : In heaven, in earthy aod in the Tea, which he hath made of nought. J He lifts up clouds even from the earth, he makes lightnings and rain, he briftgeth forth the winds alfo i he made nothing in vain. S He fmotc the firrt born of each thing, in Egypt that took reft : ilc fpared there no living thing, the man nor yet the bcaft. P He hath in thee fhcw*d wonders great, O Egypt void of vaunts. On Pharaoh thy curfcd king, and his fevcre fervants. io^He fmotc then many nations, and did great ads and things : He flew the great and mightieft and chiefcft of their Kings. 1 1 Sehon king of the Amorites^ and Og king of Baian : He flew alio the kingdoms all that were of Canaan : 1 12 And gave their land to Iftael, and heritage wc lee. To Ifrael his own people, an heritage to be. The fecond part. t J Thy name, O Loid, (hall ftill endure, and thy memoiiall Throughout all generations that are or ever fhail. 14 The Lord will lurely now atrcngc his people all indeed : And to his fervants he will fliew favour in time of need. 15 The idols of the heathen are made in all the coafts and lands ; Of filver and of gold they be, the work even of mens hands. 16 They have rheir mouths and cannot and eyes that have no llghr: ((peak 17 They have eke ears, and hear nothing cheii m^uihs be bieathlels quitct »8 Wherefore all they are like to thcnSj that To do fet them forth : And likewife thofe that trufl in them. or think they be ought worih, 19 O all ye houle of Ifrael, fee that ye praife the Lord : And ye that be of Aarons houfc, psflife him wiih one accord. 20 And ye that be of Levi's houfe, praife ye likewife the Lord : And ye that ftand in awe of him, praife him with one accord. 21 And out of Sion found his praife, the great praife of the Lord. Which dwclleth in Jerufilem : praife him with one accord. Confitemini Dom. Pfal. cxxxvi. N. PRaife ye the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever. 2 Give praife unto the God of gods, for his mercy endureth for ever, g ii'ive praife unto the Lord of lords, for his mercy, 8c c. 4Which only doth great wondrous wotkid frame as we may fee. "Ct certainly^ &c. Yea, he the heavy charge f all the earth did ftrctch : nd on the warers large he fame he did out-rearh. Tor certainly, &c, ' ' Great lijhts he made to be? 'or why 5 his love is ay: ' Such as the fun we fee, to rule the light Tom day. : 'or certainly, &cc. J And eke the moon fo cleat yhidifliinethipom fight. ^ And ftars that dp sppear. To guide the darkfom night. For certainly, 5cc. 10 With grievous plagues and fore. All Egypc Imote he than : The firft-born lefs and more He flew of beaft and min. For certainly, 8&c. 23 To mind he did us calf In our moft bai e dt?.rte '. 24 And from opprcflTots au In fafe I y let u? free. For certainly, &c. — « H~kX sL Pfalm cxxxvii exxxviii, cxxxiJT. X J All flefh in earth abroad With food he doth fulfill : 2,6 vvhetefore of heaven the God To laud be it your will. For certainly, &c. Super flumina. Pfal. cxxxvii. W.W. WHen as we fate in Babylon the rivers round about. And in remembrance of Sion the tears for grief butft out : a VVe hang'd our harps and inftruments the willow-trees upon : For in that place men for their ufe had planted many a one. 5 Then they to whom we prifoners werC; faid to us tauntingly, Now let us hear your Hebrew fongs, and pleafant melody. 4 Alas ! faid we, who can once frame his forrowful heart to fing The praifes of out loving God, thus under a ftrange king ? 5 But yet if 1 Jerufalem out of my heart let Aide : Then let my fingers quite forget the warbling harp to guide. 6 And let my tongue within my mouth bety'd forever faft, If that I joy before I fee thy full deliverance pad. y Therefore, O Lord, rcmcmbet now the curied noife and cry : That Edoms Tons againftus made, when they raz'd'our City. Remember, Lord, their cruel words, when as with one accord : They cry'd.On.fack, and lafe their walls, in defpiteof their Lord. 8 Even fo fhalt thou, O Babylon, at length ro duft be brought : And happy fhall thar man be call'd, that our revenge hath wrought. 9 Yea, blefled fhall that inan be call'd, that takes thy children yong. To dafh their bones againO; hard flones that lie the llteets among, Confitebortibi. Pfal. cxxxviii, N. THce will I praife with rwy whole my Lord ray God, alway? : (hcan, Even in the prefcnce of the gods 1 will advance ihy praife. f a Toward thy holy temple I will look and worlhip thee : And praifed in my thankful moutk thy holy name fliall be. Even for thy loving kindnefs fake,' and for thy truth withall : For thou thy name hafl by thy word advaiiced over all. 5 When I did call thou heardeftme^ and thou haft made aHo The power of increafed ftrcngth within my foul to grow. 4 Yea, all the kings on earth they fiiall give praife ro thee, O Lord : For they of thy moft holy month have heard the mighty word. 5 They of the ways of God the Lord in finging fhall entreat : Becaufe the glory of the Lord ir is exceeding great. 6 The Lord is high, and yet he dotli" ,' ^ behold the lowly fprite : . % Bat he (contemning) knows a far the proud and lofty wighr. 7 Although in midft of rroublc I do walk, yet fhall I fland Renewed by thee : O my Lord, thou wilt ftrctch out thy hand. Upon the wrath of all my foes, and rav«:dniall I be By thy right hand : the Lord God will peiform his work to me. 8 Thy mercy, Lord; endures foray, Lord, do me nor forlakc : Forfake inc not that am the work wiiich thine own hand did make. Domtneprobasii. Pfal. CXXxix. N. OLord thou haft nie trv'd and known* my fitting thou doft know, 2 And riling eke, my thoughts afar, thou undcrfland'ft alio. 3 My paths, yea. and my lying dcwtJ thou compafTeft always : And by familiar cuftom art acquainted with my ways. 4 No word is in my tongue, Q Lordj but known it is to tliee : 5 T hou m e behind hold' ff and before, thou lay 'ft thine band on me. 6 Too wonderful above my re ch Lord, 1% thy cunnirg skill Ic is fo high that I the fatne cannot attain untill. 7 From fight of thy all- feeing fg^it, Lord.whither fhall I go ? Or whither fhall I fly away thy prefence to fcape fro ? To heaven if I mount aloff» lo, thou art prefent there : p[n hell it I lie down below» even there thou doft appear. P Yea,Iet me take the morning wings, and let me go and bide, Even there where are the fartheft parts, where flowing lea doth Aide: 10 Yea,even thither alfo fhall thy reaching hand me guide : And thy right hand fhall hold me faft, and make me to abide. 11 Yea.if I fay, the darknefs fliall yet fhroud me from thy fight : LOjCven alfo the datkeft night about me fhall b« light, la Yea.darkncfs hideih not from thee, but night doth fliine as day j To thee the darknefs and the light are both alike alway. The /econd part. 15 For thou pofifeffed haft my reins, and thou haft covered me, When I within my mothers womb cnclofed was by thee. 14. Thee will I praife, made fearfully and wondtoufly I am .- Thy works are marvcllous.right well my foul doth know the fame. 15 My bones ihey are not hid from thecr although in fecret place I have been made>and in the earth beneath I fliaped was. 16 When I was formlefs,then thine eye faw me ; for in thy book y Vete written all,nought was before that after fafhion took. 17 The thoughts therefore of thee>0 God. how dear are they to me • And of them all how palling great the endlefs number be .' 1,? If I fhould count themjlo^their fuin more then the fand I fee : And whenfoever I awake, yet am I ftill with thee* UMM^^ 19 The wicked and the bloody men O that thou wouldcft flay j £ven thofe.O God,to whom,Depart, depart from me,l fay. 10 Even thofe of thee^O Lord ray God that fpeak full wickedly : Thofe that ate lifted up in vain, being enemies to thee. 21 Hate I not them that hate thec,Lord| and that in earneft wife ? Contend I not againft them all againftthee that acife ? 12 1 hate them with unfeigned hate, even as my utter foes. 23 Try me,0 God,and know my heart, my thoughts prove and difclofe. 24 Confider^Lordjifwickednefs in me there any be : And in thy way.O God my guide, for ever lead thou me. Eripeme. Pfal. cxl, 5^ LOrd fave me from the evil man, and from the cruel wight : z And from all thofe which evil do imagine in their fprite. Which make on me continual war, their tongues lo they hare whet $ Like ferpents ; underneath their lip$ is adders poyfon fet, 4 Keep me.O Lordjrom wicked hands^ preferve me to abide Free from the cruel man, that mean* to caufe my fteps to ilide, 5 The proud have laid a fnare for me, and they have fpread a net With cords in my path-way, and gins for Hie eke have they fer, 6 Therefore I faid unto the Lord, thou art my God alone s Hear me.O Lord.O hear the voice wherewith I pray and mone. 7 O Lord my God, thou only art the ftrength that faveth me : My head in day of battel hath been covered ftill by thee. 8 Let nor, O Lord, the wicked have the end of his defire: Perform not his ill thoughts, left he with pride be fet on fire. ^ of them that compals me aboiit, thcchiefeftofihemall, G i Lord j^QO Pfalm ckI >cxliL exliii. Lordjlet the mifchief of their Up's upon themfclves befall. 10 Let coals fall on them,let him caft them in confuming flame. And in deep pitsjb as they may not rife put of the fame. 11 Forno backbiter fhall on eartia be fct ia liable plight : And evil to dcfttuaion ftill flull hunt the cruel wighr. XI I know the Lord th*artii^:d will revenge, and judge the poor : j ThcjuftfhaUpraiie thy name, juftfliall dv^'eil with thee evermore. Doriine^clamavi. Pial, ex Is. N. OLotd upon thee do Ica'l, Lojru,haft thee unto me: An-J heatkcn. Lord, unto my voycc when I do cry \x> tiiee. 8, A» inctnlcic: ray prayers be direflcd in tluneeyes ; And the uplifting of my hands as evening laciifice. 3 My Lord.for guiding of my mouth , fet thou a watcti before : nd alio of my moving lips, O Lord, keep thou the door. That I fi\ouId wicked works commit ipclipe thou not my heart : With ill HKn of their dclicates. Lord Jet me eat no pair. . 5 Butler the righteous fmite me. Lord, for that is good for me : Lct l:im leprovc nie^and the fame a precious oyl flull be. Buch Imiiin,; fhall not break my head, the titne (hall fhonly fail VVhen I Paa'l in their mifery make prayers for rhcm all. Th.cn when in ftony p'aces down their lodges fliall be caft : rheii flial! they Kcar my words, for then they f^a^e a /iloafcn: iliiie. 7 Our bone^ abjut the graves mouth lolcaite ed are tlicy found ; A.S he that neweth wood. or he that dig^ethin the ground. i Bur.O my Lord my Go^.mine eyes do look Hf> tinco itiec : |nthce l^ a 1 my truft.lct nor (Rf foul fbiuken be. 5) Which they have laid to catch ine in, Lotd.keep me from the fnare ; And from the fubtill gins of ihem that wicked workeis are. ID The wicked into their own nets together let them fall ; V Vhije I do by thy help efcape the danger of them all. Vocemea, Plal. cxlii. N. BEforc the Lord God with my voice ' I did fend out my cry : And with my drained voice unto the Lord God prayed I. 2 My meditation in his fight topojt I did not Ipare : And m thfc prefence of the Lord , my trouble did declare. 5 Although perplexed was my fpirit, my path \»as known to thee : III way where I did walk.a fnare ' they flily laid for me, 4 I look'd and view'd on my right haod« bot none there would me know : All refuge failed me.and for my foul none cared tho. 5 Then cry'dI,Lord,to thee.aud Paid, my hope thou only art : Thou in the land of living art my portion and my part. 6 Hcaik to my cry.for I am brought full low, deliver me From them rhat do me petfecute j for me too ftrong they be. 7 That I may praife thy name.my foul from prifon. Lord, bring out: VVhen thou art good to me.the juft (hall prefs me round about. Demne.txaudt. Pfal. cxliii. W. Lord, heat my prayer, heark the plaint that I do make to rhce : Lord, 'n thy native trutii.and in thy iufticc anfwct me.^ z I\ judgment with thy fcrvant, Lord, . O enter nor at all : For jufiiri'd be in thy fight not one that livetli (hall. 3 The enemy i ath purfu'd my feu!, my life to ground ha-h r town - lAnd laid me in the dark like thcna that dead are long agonc. 4 VVitl.in meinpeipiexity was mine accumbrcd fptite : AAd Pialm c iVw, c%W. And in me was my troubled hea?t amazed and affright. 5 Yet I recofd time pad, in all thy woiks I meditate : Tea in thy works I meditate that thy hands have ctcate. 6 To thecO Lord my God,lo I do ftretch my craving hands : My foul defireth after thee* as do the thirfty lands. 7 Hear me with fpced.my fpirit doth fail, hide not thy face me fro : Elfc fhall I be like them that down ^nto the pit do go. 8 Let me thy loving kiidnefs in the morning hear and know : For in thee is my rruft.fhew me the way where I fhall go. 9 for I lift up my foul to thee, O Lord,delivet me From all mine enemies : for I ■ h^vs hidden me wirh thee, to Teach me to do thy will.for thou, thou art my God. I fay : Let thy good Ipirii uiuo the land of mercy me convey. tjFor thy names fake with quickning grace alive do thou me make : And out of trouble bring my foul tven for thy juftice fake. iz And for thy mercy flay my foes, O Lord.deftroy them all That do opprefs my foul, for I thy fervant am and (hall. 'iSenedi^Ui Dom. P^al.cxliv. 2V. BLeft be the Lord mylftrengtlMhat doth inftrud my hands ro fight : The Lord that doth my fingers frame tq barrel by liis might. He IS iny goodnefs. fort, aad tower, deliverer and fliicld : [n him I truft j my people he fubdacs to me to yield. O Lord,what thing is man, that him thou holdeftfo in price? Dr fon of man.thar upon him thou thinkeft in fuch wife ? Man is but like to vanity, fo pafs his daies to end As fleering (hade : Bow down,0 Lord, ih^ heavens and dcfcend. loz «The mountains toucb.Sc tkey fiial ftnqke caft ft)rth thy'lightning flame And Icatict them : thine arrows fhoor, confumc them with the fame. 7 Send down thine hand even from above* O Lord.deliver me : Take me from waters great.from hand of ftrangcis make iri'c ft ec. 8 VVhofe lubtil mouth of vanity and fondnefs doth entreS't : And their right hand \^ a nght: hand of fallhood and deceit, A new fong will I ling.O God, and finging will I be On viol and on infltuoient ten-ftringed unto thee. JO Even he it is that only gives deliverance ro Kings : Unto his fervant David help from hurtful! fword he brings. X iFiom ftrangers hand me fave and filiel«i, whofe mouth talks vanity ; And their righ*^ hand is a right hand of guile and fubnity. li That out fons may be as the plants whom growing youth doth rear .• Our dauj^htecs as carv'd cornet- ftones, like to a palace fait : 3 Our garners fulhatid plenty may with lundry forts be found : Duifhecp bring thoufandsjin out (Ireets ten thoviands may abound. 4 Out oxen be to labour ftrong. that none do us invade : There be no goings out, nor cries within our ftrceis be made : 5 The people blcfTed are that with fuch bleflings arc fo ftor'd : fca.blefled all the people arc whofe God is God t he Lord. ' Exaltahote. Pfal. cxlv. W. T^Hee will I laud, my God ana king» X. and bleis thy name for ay : For ever will I praile thy name, and blefb .!»ee day by day. Great is rhe Loid.moft worthy praife, his grearr-.'-fi tionc can reach : From face lo jace they fhall thy woiks praile.atid ihy power preach* I of thy glorious majefty the beauty will record. And Tsr And fricditate upon thy works moft wondcrfull,0 Lord. 6 And thev (hall of rhy power,and of tky fcactuil afti declare : And I to publifh all abroad thy grcatnefs will not fpare. 7 And they into the mention fhall break of thy goodnefs great; And I aloud thy righteoulnefs in finging fhall repeat. 8 The Lord our God is gracious, and mercifull alfo : Of great aboundhig mercy^and lo anger he is flow. p Tf ea, good to all. and all his works his mercy doth exceed" 10 Lo.ali thy works do praife th«e, Lord, and do thy honour fpread. 11 Thy laints do blefs thee ; and rhey do thy kingdoms glory fhow ; n And blaze tliy power^to caufe the f^ns of men thy power to know. Thefecondpart. I3 And of his mighty kingdom eke to fpread the glorious praife : Thy kingdom.Lord.a kingdom is that doth endure always .- And thy dominion through each age endures without decay. J 4 The Lord upholdeth them that fall, their iliding he doth ftay. 1.5 The eyes of all do wait on thacj thou doli them all relieve : And thou to each hifficing food in feafon due doft give, x6 Thou openeft thy plenteous hand, and bounteoufly doft fill All things whatfocver do lire with gifts of thy good will. J7 The Lord is juft in all his ways, his works are hoi'y all. 18 Near all he is that call on him, in tri! th that on him call. i^ He the defiles which they require that fear him will fulfill : Aud he will heat them when they cry," and fave them all he will. zo The Lord preferves all thofcjto him that bear a loving heart : But he them all that wicked are wdl utterly fubvcrr. Pfal a cxlvi, cxlSS, f 21 My thankfull mouih fhall gladly fpeak the praifes of the Lord: All flcfh to praife his holy name for ever fliall accord. Lauda,anima. Pfal. cxlvi. J,H. MY foul, praife thou the Lord always^ my God I will confefs: z While breath and life prolong my days my tongue no time iTiall ceafe. 3 Truft not in wordly princes then, though they abound in wealth: Nor in the Tons of mortall men, in whom there is no health. 4 For why ? their breath doth foon depart* to earth mone they fall .- And then the counfels of their heart decay and perifli all. 5 O happy IS that man,! fay, whom Jacobs God doth aid* • And he whole hope dorh not decay, but on the Lord is ftaid. 6 Which made the earth and waters deep* the heavens high witiial : VVhich doth his wot d and piomife keep,' in truth,and ever fhali. 7 With right always doth he proceed for fuch as fuffcr wrong. The poor and hungry he doth feed, and loofe the fetters fttong. 8 The Lord dorh fend the blind their fight the lame to limbs rcftore : The Lord, I lay, doth love the right and juft man evermore. ^ He doth defend the fatherlefs, and ftrangers fad in heart. And quit the widow from diftrefs, and ill mens ways fubvcit. 10 Thy Lord and God eternally, O Sion ftill fliall reign; In rime of all portciity fot ever to remain. Lttuiate DomtKum Pftl, cxivii. N. PRaiTe ye the Lord, for it is good unto our God to fing : For it is pleafant.and to praife it is a comely thing. 2 The Lord his own Jetufalem he buildethup alone : And the dil'perft of ifrael doth jadier into one. iJi Pfalm olvlif. His wind he msfees to bIow,and thea the waters flow amain. itp Thedoftrineof his holy word to Jacob he doth fhow : His ftatutes ond his iudgments hs givcslfracl to know. 2» With every nation hath he not fo dsalt^nor have they known. $ He heals the broken In theli heart, their fores up doth he bind .• 4 He counts the number of the ftars, and names them in their Icind, 5 Great is the Lord.great is his power, his wifdom infinite. 6 The Lord relieves the meeic, and throws to ground the wicked wight. 7 Sing unto God the Lord with praifc, unto the Lord rejoyce : And to our God upon the hatp advance your finging voycc. S He covers heav'n with clouds.and for the earth prepareth rain : And on the mountains he doth make the grals to grow again. ^ He gives to beafl: their food,and to young ravens when they cry. 10 His pleafure not in firength of irorfe nor in mans legs doth lie. 11 But in all thole that fear the Lord the Lord hath his delight. And fuch as do attend upon his mercies fhining light. The fecond part, iz O praife the Lord, Jcrufalem, thy God,0 Sion praife : ij For he the bars hath forged,ftrong, wherewith thy gates he ftays. 114 Thy children he hath bleft in thee," and in thy borders he Doth fettle peace.and with the flout of wheat he fillerh thee. 15 And his commandement upon the earth he fendeth out : And eke his word with fpeedy courfc doth fv/iftly run about. 3$ He giveth fnow like wooll^hoac froft like a(hes he dotli fpread : 17 Like morfels cafts his ice,thereof the cold who can abide ? 18 He fendeth forth his mighty word. His fecret |udgments,ye therefore praife ye the Lord alone. Latidate Do7fii7ium. Pfal, Cxlriii. J, Give laud untd the Lord, From heaven that is fo high : Praife him in deed and word. Above the ftarry sky. a Aftdalfoye Hisangelsall, Armies royall, Praife him with glee. 3 Praife him both moon and fun* Which are fo clear and bright i The fame of you be done. Ye gliftering ftars ot light : 4 And eke no Ufs j Ye heavens fair. And clouds of rh* air. His Iaude.xprefs. 5 For at his word they were All formed as we fee : At his voyce did appear All things in their aegrec, 6 Which he fet taft ; To them he made A law and trade^ For ay to laft. 7 Extolland praife Gods name On earth ye dragons fell. All deeps do ye the fame. For it becomes ye well. 8 Himmagnifie, Fire,hail,ice,rnow. And (Vorms that blow At his decree. p Xhe hills and mountains ail. And trees that fruitful arc. The cedars great aud tall His worthy praife declare* 10 Beafts and cattel. Yea. birds flying And worms creepingv That on earth dwell. T t All kings botli move and fefs With all tiieir pompous train. Princes and all judges. That in the world remain, Exalc his nair^e. fi Young men and mald^. Old men and babe$^ DoyethefafKe. f H. \A IS4L. J^i s 5 For his name fhall wt prove To be mbft excellent, Whofc puife is far above The earth and firmament, 14 For fure he fhall Exalt with blifs The horn of hiSj And help them all. His faints all fhall forth tell His praife and vvorthinefs. The ctiildren of Ifracl Each one both more and lefs : And alfo they Thar with goodwill His words fulfill. And him obey. Cantata Doming. P(al.csliy. 7^, Sing ye unto the Lord our God a new rejoycing Song : And let the praife of him be heard his holy faiiws among : J Let Ifracl rcjoyce in hira that made him of nothiag : And let the fc^ of Sioo eke I be joyfull in their king, II Let ihem found praife with voice of lute I unto his holy name : ' And with the timbrel and the harp Sfing praifes of the fame. 4 For why ? the Lord his plcafijre all hath in his people fet : And by deliverance he will raife the meek to glory great. 5 With glory and with honour now let all his Saiats rejoyce : cyHXi ci; -- And now aloyd upon their beds advance their finging voice. 6 And in iheir mouths let be the d&t of God the mighty Lord : And in their hands eke let them tear a double-edged fword. 7 To p'aguc the hcathen,and coircfl: the people with their hands : 8 To biod their {lately kings in chainf, their lords in iron bands ; 5 To execute on then .icdoem that written is before. This honour all his faints fhall have,"| praife ye the Lord therefore. Laudate DomtMum. Pfal.cl. N, "^ Yield unto God the mighty Lord praife in his fanftuary : And praife h/m in the firmament, that fhews his power on high. Advance his name.and praife him id his mighty afts alwayes : According to his excellency of greatnefs give him ptaifc.' 3 His praifcs with the princely noife of founding trumpets blow i Praife him upon the viol,and upon the harp alfo. 4 Praife him with timbrel and with flute, orf,ans and virginals : With founding cymbals praife ye him* praife him with loud cymbals. What ever hath the benefit of breathing, praife the lord: To praife the name of God the Lord agree with one accord. j(i€ end of the FS A L MS. •k^l • JcrfC^ ^Kcr^narv^ ■■/baui^a- tTez:Ua:(^a: VeziJjXx ^a ^7ir>^i^ ^y iPcj Jo ^^/j^yz -fj JZ If ^ s6 n-z t ^, c^^^^^^' l "JL_liLJ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^ i T7U^.'.tJ>i-.^rt. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Si g-M-^M -^^^ ^^^T^^^^ ^ tf^uf/tn^^/T fu^^^ ^ ^^ ^' ^ ^' .' , ' ^- 3^ a=^ P^^^^^:^^:^£Xa^ U^ 4=^ 3:1=9^ ^li #--4 =^?=»-4 €^iP^ga^ * ff ^ ^ fe :l- 4-J-0-,h;llJ l^^^ ^ i ^:^ f^-^^^^=^^^ N^ ?^Fr f [l 'Ll (lL atr-^_i;^r=£ ;Jtr 5r"S Z ^^ ;^^^ia^ ^ ^^^ L.a.^U.^^:.^4^-.^^ -^2^' I £x!'ftz fufi^ S l£ c^ Uriel fyri9— ^=:.AA=A=^ ^ ^_^_^, X iI| V(t ^- i : A I 1 i\-<\ -r-r-f ^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^ S f^ :3^=t i ^ E^iS ^t:j ,1 J j-i^4-w- fFa k t^.'afi iC£> y/iW^^^ t l-,^ I -TT-TP ^r-. ri h 'nM'^ ,f ^ -. "^-^ ■«: T t Ta-^-rL-^ ^^^ E JE^^^Eg^ p ^-^^liE ±^£^EB?ggEl ik i ■ — : — F'i^ 0- ^^ sr^ t%. /;,'.ylnz ^^^^^^^^^^S ^^^^^^^^^ ^^g^E^^ ^ ^^^i^ ^^^ ^^^Bi-^j^c^chM ^^^g r fc^^ pzzj ^^^^^^ ^Z5 E ^^ ;g^^ ^4:^i=±:i=±ij:^ ^ i:U^fc..4==-4^^Jt=t— 7; --ft-^ -^-J:.^-=^-:^dc=.^^ r \ 4 / 4