A:L; COL. GEORGE WASHINGTON FLOWERS MEMORIAL COLLECTION DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY DURHAM. N. C. PRESENTED BY W. W. FLOWERS THE CYMBAL: A COLLECTION OF BE YMISrS SABBATH SCHOOLS, AUGUSTA, G-A..: J. T. PATERSON & CO. PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS 1864. HYMNS FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS. L OPENING HYIUN. 1 How pleasant here again to meet; How joyful thus to raise Our tuneful notes in songs so sweet, To our Redeemer's praise. To us he has been ever kind ; 0, blessed be his name ; He iDears us still upon his mind, His love remains the same, His love remains the same, He bears us still upon his mind ; His love remains the same. 2 Then let us strive, while we have breath His precepts to obey ; For soon the solemn hour of death. Will summon us away. The dear delights we now enjoy, Will then have passed away; But heav'n affords more wsweet employ, Tlirough one eternal day, Through one eternal day, But heav'n affords more sweet employ, Through one eternal day. L^ H'- t3 i^i i ■ » THE CYMBAL. ^rS'RE GOING HOITIE TO I>I£ NO ItlOKE. We go the way that leads to God, The way that saints have ever trod; So let us leave this sinful shore, i For realms vv'here we shall die no more J CJionis. We're going home, we're going home. We're going home to die no moiej To die no more, to die no more, We're going home to die no more. There is a land beyond the sky Where happy spirits never sigh, Then, erring souls, jour sins deplore, And sing of where we'll die no more. Choi'us. — We're going home, etCr Come, sinners, come, 0^ come along, i And join our happy pilgrim throng; Farewell, vain world, and all your store, We're going home, to die no more. , Chorum. — We're going home, etc. 3 ^VE ARE PASSING ATTAY. 1 To-day, if you will hear his voice, Now is the time to make your choice; Say, will you to Mount Zion go? Say, will you have this Christ, or no? THE CYMBAL. Chorus. — ^We are passing away, "We are passing away, We are passing away, To the great Judgment Day. Leave all your sports and glittering toys, Come, share with us eternal joys ; Or, must we leave you bound to hell, Then, dear young friends, a long farewell. Chorus. — We are passing away, etc. Once more we ask you, in his name, For yet his love remains the same, Say, will you to Mount Zion go? Say, will you have this Christ, or no ? Choirs. — We are pa?sing away, etc. O, COinE, JLET US SING. . 0, come, let us sing ! Our youthful hearts now swelling, To God above, a God of love ; >, come, let us sing! Our joyful spirits glad and free, With high emotions rise to thee, In heavenly melody — >, come, let us sing ! r\ /■^ ••- o r, *-v <> THE CYMBAL. The full notes prolong ; Our festal celebrating, We hail the day with cheerful lay» And full notes prolong. Both cheerful youth and silvery age And childhood pure, the gay, the sac These thrilling scenes engage, Full notes to prolong. All full chorus join, To Jesus condescending, To bless our race with heavenly gra« Ail full chorus join I To God whose mercy on us smiled, And Holy Spirit, reconciled By Christ, the meek and mild, All full chorus join 1 5 1 HAVE A FATHER I^ THK PROmiSED L.AN». I 1 have a Father in the promised land, I have a Father in the promised land. My Father calls me, I must go. To meet him in the promised land. Chojiis. I'll away, I'll away to the promised-land, I'll away, I'll away to the promised land. My Father calls me, I must go, To meet him in the promised land. 6 THE CYMBAL. I have a Saviour in the promised land, I have a Saviour in the promised land, My Saviour calls me, I must go, To meet him in the promised land. Chorus. — I'll away, I'll away, etc. I have a crown in the promised land, I have a crown in the promised land, When Jesus calls me, 1 must go, To wear it in the promised land. Chorus. — I'll away, I'll away, etc. « IVAI^K IN THE lilGHT. 1 'Tis religion that can give — In the light, in the light : ■ Sweetest pleasure while we live — In the light of God; 'Tis religion must supply — In the light, in the light : Solid comfort when we die — In the light of God. Chorus. — Let us walk in the light — Walk in the light : Let us walk in the light — In the light of God. 2 After death its joys shall be Lasting as eternity : Be the living God my Friend, Then my bliss shall never end. Choi'us, — Let us walk, etc. THE CYMBAL. I I KN01¥ THOU ART GONE. 1 I know thou arc gone to the home of thy rest ; Then why should my soul be so sad ? I know thou art gone where the weary are blest, And the mourner looks up and is glad. Chonis. 1 never look up with a wish to the sky, But a light like thy beauty is there ; And I hear a low murmur like thine in reply, When I pour out my spirit in prayer. 2 In thy far away home, wherever it be, . I know thou hast visions of mine ; And my heart hstth revealings of thine and of thee. In many a token and sigh. Chorus. — I never look up, etc. 5 In the hush of the night, on the waste of the sea. Or alone with the breeze on the hill, I have ever a presence that whispers of thee. And my spirit lies down and is still. Chorus. — I never look up, etc. 8 THE CYMBAL. irOUJLD YOU BE AS ANGEIiS ARE. Would you be as angels are, Sing, sing, sing his praise ; Would you banish every care, Sing, sing, sing his praise ; Like the lark upon the wing, Like the warbling bird of spring, Like the crystal spheres that ring, Sing, sing, sing his praise. If the world upon you frown, Sing, sing, sing his praise ; If you're left to sing alone. Sing, sing, sing his praise ; If sad trials come to you. As to every one they do, For that they are blessings too, Sing, sing, sing his praise. For his wondrous, dying love. Sing, sing, sing his praise ; That he intercedes above, Sing, sing, sing his praise ; Thus, whene'er you come to die, You shall soar beyond the sky. And, with angel choirs on high. Sing, sing, sing his praise. THE CYMBAL. 9 HAPPY GREETING TO AL.&.. 1 Come, children, and join in our festival song, And hail the sweet joys which this day brings along ; We'll join our glad voices in one hymn of praise, To God who has kept us, and lengthened our days. Chorus. — Happy greeting to all, Happy gieeting to all. 2 Our Father in Heaven, we lift up to thee. Our voice of thanksgiving, our glad jubilee Oh, bless us, and guide us, dear Saviour we pray. That from thy blest precepts we never may stray. Chorus. — Happy greeting, etc. '^ Kind teachers, we children would thank you this day That faithfully, kindly, you^e taught us^ the way, How we may escape from the world'.s sinful charms. And find a safe refuge in the Saviour'* loved arms. Chorus. — Happy greeting, etc. THE CYMBAL. 4 Dear Pastor, we ask thee, as lambs of thy fold. To teach us that wisdom more precious than gold, Our footsteps to guide in the pathway of truth. To " love our Creator in the days of our youth/' Chorus. — Happy greeting, etc. ». 10 'IVATCHinAN. 1 Watchman, tell us of the night. What its signs of promise are. Traveller o'er yon mountain's height, See that glory beaming star ! Watchman, does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy foretell ? Traveller, yes ; it brings the day : Promised day of Israel ! Traveller, yes ; it brings the day — Promised day of Israel ! 2 Watchman, tell us of the night, For the darkness seems to dawn. Traveller, darkness takes its flight, " Doubt and terror are withdrawn. Watchman, let thy wanderings cease ; Hie thee to thy quiet home. Traveller, lo ! the Prince of Peace, Lo ! the Son of God is come ! THE CYMBAL. JUBILEE. Here we throng to praise the Lord : Listen now, listen now, Here we throng to praise the Lord, With our infant lays. He who once lay in a manger. Now enthroned, our blest Redeemer, With a father's love has said, He'd accept our praise. " Let young children come to me," Jesus said, Jesus said ; "Let young children come to me. And forbid them not— For of such," the Saviour told them, "Is composed my heavenly kingdom. What a rapturous thought it is, Christ forgets us not ! Let us love, and now adore ; Love him now, love him now ; Let us love, and now adore, In our youthful strength. Let us never grieve our Saviour, Who hath died to win us favor — Ah ! this tho't should melt our hearts. Children's hearts can melt. But we'll have a joyous song, Joyous song, joyous song ; THE CYMBAL. But we'll have a joyous song For our jubilee. Jesus lives and reigns for ever; This will make us joyous ever. Saviour, hear this praise to thee, Who remembered me. ■ 12 THE ANCHOR. 1 Days, and weeks, and months, returning, Bear us gently down life's way ; Still their lesson we are learning, With each anniversary day. Chorus. We'll stand the storm, it won't be long. We'll anchor by-and-by ; We'll stand the storm, it won't be long. We'll anchor by-and-by. 2 Glad for classmates and for teachers. Guiding us with gentle rule ; Glad for all the gifts that reach us. Thro' our own loved Sabbath School. Chorus. — We'll stand the storm, etc- 3 Let us not forget the meaning. Days like thee for ever wear ; One more field has had its gleaning, One more sheaf our arms should bear. Chorus. — We'll stand the storm, etc. THE CYMBAL. 13 THE SABBATH SCHOOL. 1 The Sabbath school's a place of prayer, I love to meet my teachers there, I love to meet my teachers there ; They teach me there that every one May find in heaven a happy home, May find in heaven a happy home. ('horus. — I love to go, I love to go, I love to go to Sabbath school : I love to go, I love to go, I love to go to Sabbath school. 2 In God's own book we're taught to read. How Christ for sinners groaned and bled: That precious blood a ransom gave, For sinful man, his soul to save. Chorus. — I love to go, eto. -■] And when our days on earth are o'er, We'll meet in heaven to part no more ; Our teachers kind we there shall greet And oh ! what joy 'twill be to meet— f'horus. — In heaven above, in heaven above. In heaven above to part no more. 14 KIND l¥ORDS. Kind words can never die, Cherished and blest, God knows how deep they lie Stored in the breast; .:> THE CYMBAL. Like childhood's simple rhymes, Said o'er a thousand times, Go through all years and climes The heart to cheer. Chm-m. — Kind words can never die. Never die, never die, Kind words can never die, No, never die. Sweet thoughts can never die, Though, like the flowers. Their brightest hues may fly. In wint'ry hours. But, when the gentle dew Gives them their charms anew, With many an added hue, They bloom again. Chorus. — Sweet thoughts, etc. Our souls can never die, Though in the tomb We all may have to lie, Wrapped in its gloom ; What though the flesh decay, Souls pass in peace away, Live through eternal day, With Christ above. Chorus- — Our souls, etc. 15 THE CYMBAL. SUNDAY SCHOOL AKITIY. 1 0, do not be discouraged, For Jesus is your friend ; 0, do not be discouraged, For Jesus is your friend ; He will give you grace to conquer, He will give you grace to conquer, And keep you to the end. Chorus. — I am glad I'm in thi.s army, Yes, I'm glad I'm in this army, Yes, I'm glad I'm in this army, And I'll battle for the school. 2 Fight on, ye little soldiers, The battle you shall win. Fight on, ye little soldiers, The battle you shall win ; For the Saviour is your C;iptain, For the Saviour is your Captain, And he hath vanquished sin. Chorus. — I am glad, etc. 3 And when the conflict's over, Before him you shall stand, And when the cjnflic+'s over, Before him you shall stand ; You shall sing his praise for ever. You shall sing his praise for ever. In Canaan's happy laud. Chorus. — I am glad, etc. THE CYMBAL. 16 AROUND THE THRONE* 1 Around tiie throne of God in heaven, Thousands of children stand ; Children whose sins are all forgiven ; A holy, happy band. Chorus. — Singinp;, glory, glory, glory be io God on high. <#■ 2 In flowing robes of spotless white, See every one arrayed ; Dwelling in everlasting light, And joys that never fade. C/iO^-w-s.— Singing, glory, etc. ?> What bronpiht them to that sforld above ? That heaven so bright and fair, Where all is peace, and joy, and love : — How came those children there ? Choi-US. — Singing, glory, etc. 4 Because the Saviour shed his blood. To wash away their sin : Bathed in that pure and precious flood, Behold them white and clean ! Chorus. — Singing, glory, etc. 5 On earth they sought the Saviour's grace, On earth they loved his name ; So now they see his blessed foce, And stand before the Lamb. Chorus. — Singing, glory, etc. THE CYMBAL. 17 HOL.Y BIBIiE. 1 Holy Bible, well I love thee I Thou didst shine upon my way, Like the glorious sun above me, Turning darkness into day. C?iorus.—Just as the sun rolls back the night, Breaking forth with morning ray, So does the Bible's spreading light Chase the shades of sin away. 2 Holy Bible, mines of treasure In thy precious folds I see ; Earthly good would know no measure. If this world were ruled by thee. Chorus. Just as the sun, from morn till noon. Stately climbs the eastern sky, So over all the earth shall soon Beam the Day-spring from on high. 3 Holy Bible, thou wilt cheer me, When I lay me down to die, Christ has promised to be near me, Can I fear when he is nigh ? Chorus. — Just as the sun descends at eve, Soon with fresher beams to rise. So shall the dying saint receive Life eternal in the skies. THE CYMBAL. 18 1 \rANT TO BE AN ANe£t.r I want to be an angel, And with the angels stand, A crown upon my forehead, A harp within my hand ; There, right before my Saviour, So glorious and so bright, rd wake the sweetest music, And praise him day and night. I know I'm weak and sinful, But Jesus will forgive, For many little children Have gone to heaven to live. Dear Saviour, when I languish, And lay me down to die, ! Bend a shining angel. And bear me to the sky. ! there Til be an angel, And with the angels stand, A crown upon my forehead, A harp vsithin my hand ; And there, before my Saviour, So glorious and so bright, Pll join the heavenly music. And praise him day and night. 2 THE CYMBAL. CO]M£, liET US SING OF JESt5», Come, let us sing of Jesus, While hearts and accents blend, Come, let us sing of Jesus, The sinner's only friend ; His holy soul rejoices, Amid the choirs above, To hear our youthful voices Exulting in his love. We love to sing of Jesus, Who died our souls to save ; We love to sii»g of Jesus, Triumphant o'er the grave; And in our hour of danger, We'll trust his love alone, Who once slept in a manger, And now sits on the throne. Then let us sing of Jesus, While yet on earth we stay, And hope to sing of Jesus Throughout eternal day ; l^'or those who here confess him, He will in heaven confess ; And faithful hearts that bless him He will for ever bless. THE CYMBAL. BIBLE TRUTHS. 20 1 Come where Bible truths are spokt-n. Where the blessed gospel's taught, Promises of God ne'er broken Rest with holy injfluence frau^i^ht ; Children may partake the blessing, Freely offered, freely f»;ivon. Through the Sabbath school are pressing Many to the gates of Heaven, Many to the gates of Heaven. 2 Christ, in all his invitations. Made on earth, to children gave Special care, and all the nations Trusted in his power to save ; "Suffer them to come unt"> me," Were the words said every where, "God shall hear and answer through me All that come with praise and prayer,'' All that come with praise and prayer. 3 Hark, the Sabbath bells are ringing — Children listen to the sound — Gather where sweet anthems singing, Followers of "the Lamb" are found ; Haste away, the morn is smiling — To the vS'abbath school repair. Let no worldly thought beguiling, Keep you from your duty there, Keep you from jov.v duty there. THE CYMBAL. 21 FliEET STREET. 1 When the morning light drives away tho ^night, With the sun so bright and full, And it draws its lino near the hour of nine, I'll away to the Sabbath school, For 'tis there we all agree, All with happy hearts and free, And I love to early be At the Sabbath school. (.' horus. — I'll awa3% away, I'll away, away, I'll away to Sabbath school. 2 On the frosty dawn of a winter's morn, When the earth is wrapped in snow, Or the summer breeze plays round the trees, To the Sabbath school I go. When the holy day has come, And the Sabbath breakers roam, I delight to leave my home, For the Sabbath school. Chorvs. — I'll away, eic. Z In the class I meet with tho friends I greet At the time of morning prayer ; And our hearts we raise in a hymn of praise For 'tis always pleasant there. THE CYMBAL. lu the book of holy truth, Full of counsel and reproof, We behold the guide of youth, At the Sabbath school. Chorus. — I'll away, etc. 22 HAPPY DAY. 1 Preserved by thine Almighty power, Lord, our Maker, Saviour, King, And brought to see this happy hour, We come thy praises here to sing. CJiorus. Happy day, happy day, Here in thy courts we'll gladly stay. And at thy footstool humbly pray, That thou wouldst take our sins away. Happy day, happy day, When Christ shall wash our sins away. 2 We praise thee for thy constant care, For life preserved, for mercies given, 0, may we still those mercies share, And taste the joys of sins forgiven. Chorus. — Happy day, etc. '>\ And when on earth our days are done, Grant, Lord, that we at length may join Teachers and scholars round thy throne — The song of Moses and the Lamb. Chorus. — Happy day, etc. THE CYMBAL. 23 OH, WHO'S IwIKE JESUS? 1 Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone : He whom I fix my hopes upon ; Ilis track I see, and I'll pursue The narrow Avay, till him I view. Chorus. Oh ! who's like Jesus, who died on the tree ? He died for you, he died for me, He died to set poor sinners free, Oh ! who's like Jesus, who died on the tree ? 2 This is the way I long have sought, And mourned because I found it not; My grief and burden long has been. Because I was not saved from sin. CJiorus. — Oh ! who's like Jesus, etc. 3 The more I strove against its power, 1 felt its weight and guilt the more ; Till late I heard my Saviour say : " Come hither, soul, I am the way." Chorus. — Oh ! who's like Jesus, etc. 4 Then will I tell to sinners round, What a dear Saviour I have found ; I'll point to thy redeeming blood, And «ay, " Behold thy way to God." Chorus. — Oh ! who's like Jesus, etc. THE CYMBAL. 24 HARK! THE ANGELS SINGING. 1 Hark the angels singing, Wake the happy morn, Joyful tidings bringing, "Christ, the Lord, is born ! In a lowly manger (This shall be the sign) See the new-born stranger, Hail the Babe divine !" Chorus. Glory ! Glory ! Glory ! In the highest sing I Glory ! Glory ! Glory ! To our God and King ! 2 Where's a chorus meetcr For his advent here ? Where's a carol sweeter To his gentle ear : None can come so near him, The Holy, Undefiled, None so love and fear him, As a Christian child. Chorus. — Glory, etc. 3 In the highest regions, Now upon his throne, All the blood-bought legions Claim him Lord alone ; But of all who adore him, With triumphant song. Children stand before him In the greatest throng. — Choi'us. 27 THB CYMBAL. HOITIEirARD BOUND. 1 Out on an ocean, all boundless, we ride. We're homeward bound, homeward bound ; Tossed on the waves of a rough, restles> tide. We're homeward bound, homeward bound. Far from the safe, quiet harbor we've rode. Seeking our Father's celestial abode. Promise of which on us each he bestowed. We're homeward bound. 2 Wildly the storm sweeps on as it roars. We're homeward bound ; Look ! yonder lie the bright heav'nly shores We're homeward bound ; Steady, pilot ! stand firm at the wheel, Steady ! we soon shall outweather the gale, how we fly 'neath the loud creaking sail. We're homeward bound. 3 Into the harbor of heaven now we glide, We're home at last ; Softly we drift on its bright silver tide, We're home at last ; Glory to God ! all our dangers are o'er, We stand secure on the glorified shore, Glory to God ! we will shout evermore, We're home at last. THE CYMBAL. OQ ^'E ALL LOVE ONE ANOTHER ^O [Infant Song:.] 1 We all love one another, We all love one another, We all love one another, And keep the golden rule. Chorus. Sing on, love on, a little band of loving ones: Sing on, love on, a little happy band. 2 We always love our parents. We always love our parents, We ahvays love our parents, Aa children ought to do. Sing on, love on, etc. 3 We love our little sisters. We love our little sisters, We love our little sisters, We love our brothers too. Sing on, love on, etc. 4 We love the Holy Bible, We love the Holy Bible, We love the Holy Bible, Which tells us what to do. Sing on, love on, etc. 5 We hope to get to heaven, We hope to get to heaven, We hope to get to heaven, And sing the songs of love. Sing on, love on, etc. 29 THE CYMBAL. THE PRODIGAI. SON. 1 Afflictions though they seem severe. In mercy oft are sent, They stopped the prodigal's career, And caused him to repent. I'll not die here for bread ; I'll not die here for bread, he cries. Nor starve in foreign lands, M}' father's house hath large supplief*. And bounteous are his hands. 2 What have I gained by sin, he said. But hunger, shame and fear: My father's house abounds in bread. While I nm starving here. I'll not die here, et-^*. 3 I'll go and tell him all I've done, Fall down before his face, Unworthy to be called his son, rU seek a servant's place. I'll not die here, etc. 4 Ilis father saw him coming back. He saw, he ran, he smiled, And threw his arms around the neck Of his reljollious child. I'll not die here, etc. THE CYMBAL. •> 0, father, I have sinned, forgive — .Enough, the father said : Rejoice, my house, my son's alive, For whom I mourned as dead. I'll not die here, etc. B Now let the fatted calf be slain, And spread the news around ! My son was dead, and lives again. Was lost but now is found. I'll not die here, etc, 7 'Tie thus the Lord his love reveals, To call poor sinners home, More than a father's love he feels, A.nd welcomes all that come. I'll not die here, etc. 30 BLESSED THINGS. Blessed light of day! that comes, Like God's goodness, ev'rywhere — Into high and lowly homes. On the foul and on the fair ! Bright! bright! bright! Happy sunbeams, always shining. Doing good with all your might. Till the day's declining. Blessed light ! Blessed light I THE CYMBAL. Blessed drops of rain ! that tall On the parched and thirsty dust, Messengers of love to all — To the evil and the just ! Rain ! rain ! rain I All the earth is glad to greet thee, And the fainting flowers again Lift their heads to meet thee — Blessed rain ! Blessed rain ! Blessed little bird and flower ! Well ye know God's love, that brings Food and gladness every hour, Till all nature shouts and sings — Sings ! sings ! sings ! Bird and flower are both our teachers How to dAvell beneath God's wings. Happy little creatures ! ])lessed things ! Blessed things ! Blessed'Work ! with all their might Thus for God to act and live ! Bird, and flower, and rain, and light, Bid us love, and work, and give — Work ! work ! work ! Brave in act, in spirit fervent, Kept by faith from snares that lurk, Blessed, faithful servant ! Blessed work ! Blessed work ! 31 THE CYMBAL. nOlV HAPPY ARE THEY. 1 0, how ha|Dpy are they Who their Saviour obey, • And have laid up their treasure above ! Tongue can never express The sweet comfort and peace- Of a soul in its earliest love. 2 That sweet comfort was mine When the favor divine I ftrst found in the blood of the Lamb ; When my heart it believed, What a joy it received, What a heaven in Jesus' name. ."» 'Twas a heaven below My Redeemer to know, And the angels could do nothing more Than to fall at his feet, And the story repeat, And the lover of sinners adore. 4 0, the rapturous height Of that holy delight Which I felt in the life-giVing blood ; Of my Saviour possessed, 1 was perfectly blest, A8 if filled with the goodness of God. THE CYMBAL* 32 THE ANGEI^S TOLD MB SO« \ Though they may lay beneath the ground The form of AUe dear, I know his spirit hovers round, And mingles with us here, His home may be in heaven above, Yet oft to us below He will return to breathe his love, The angels told me so ; The angels told me so, He will return to breathe his love, The angols told me so. 2 His form reposed upon the bier. In sweet, cherubic rest, When others came to shed a tear, And ease his aching breast ; But Willie felt no throbbing pain, As he repeats, " I know Dear Alio Avill come back again, The aiigols told me so ; The argels told c^e so, He will eturn to breathe his love, The a-: ;;els told me so." 3 And as hv gazed his eyes grew bright, And j«',' o'erspread his brow. While he exclaims in rapt delight, " 01^, there is AUe now !" THE CYMBAL. 1 knew he would return to see Those he so loved below, And be a brother still to me, The angels told me so ; The angels told me so, He will return to breathe his love, The angels told me so. 33 ZION. Beautiful Ziou, built above, Beautiful city that I love. Beautiful gates of pearly whit^, Beautiful temple — God its light ; He who was slain on Calvary, Opens those pearly gates to me. Beautiful heaven, where all is light. Beautiful angels clothed in white, Beautiful strains that never tire. Beautiful harps through all the choir ; There shall I join the chorus sweet,. Worshipping at the Saviour's feet. Beautiful throne of Christ our King, Beautiful songs the angels sing, Beautiful rest, all wanderings cease. Beautiful home of perfect peace ; There shall my eyes the Saviour see. Haste to this heavenly home with me. 3 34 THE CYMBAL. FESTIVE $OIVG« 1 Oome, join the festive song, Wake voices all ; Chime with the vernal throng. List to the call ; Hear we in ev'ry breeze, From vale and n.ountain treee^ Glad notes of nature say, Join ye my lay. 2 Lord of the rolling year, Round and above, Boundless thy works appear-— Boundless thy love : All, all in earth and sky, As glide the season h by, New glories of thy name Ever proclaim. Joyous we swell the strain, Thankful to thee, Watched by thy care, again Spring tide to see : Still in this gospel land Throngs forth the Sabbath band. Under Truth's canopy, Tiappy and free. THE CYMBAL. 4 Onward for ovor flow Truth's mighty wave, Soon ev'rj' climo l^elaw Conquer and Have. Sweet as the voice of Spring, Then ev'rj tona;uo shall sing, Glorj to God on high, Glory for aye. 35 STAR O^ TfiSE EVENIlVfi. 1 Beautiful st , % in heaven so bright. Softly falls t:.y silvery li^-ht, As thou move -f from earth afar, Star of the o- 'nino;, beautiful star, Star of the o'f ning, beautiftil star. Chorus. — Beant'iul star, beautiful 8tr the evening, beautiful star. Star, sttiir of the evening, evening. 2 In Fancy's '-.ya thou seem'st to say. Follow me, '•cme from earth away. Upward thv Spirit's pinions try To realms < ' ^ve beyond the sky. 3 Shine on, ir of love divine, And may (■■iT- :-r\;:,s' affections twine Around thro ^ .. :)u movest afar. Star of the ' '1' ';lit, beautiful star. 38 THE CYMBAL KEVER FORGE r flHE SABBATH TEACHERS. Never forget the Sabbach school, The lessons taught you here, The gentle Avords of kijidrjess, The true and earnest care. Remember, too, the teachers, Who oft for you will priy. That Jesus, by his gracious love, May keep you in the ^Yay. Chorus. — Never forget, never forget, Never forget the Sabbath school. The lessons taught you here, The lessons, etc ClIILDREX, Can we forget the Sabbn'h school, The place of light and l)ve, Place whore we I'^arn of M-isdom's ways.. That leads to homes al^ -ve ? Wherever we may waiul ■ •, Where through the week we roam, We'll not forget the teach(>rs Of this, our Sabbath li While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyelids close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown. See thee on thy judgment throne. Rock of Ages cleft for me. Let me hide myself in thee. 41 FHEOERICK. I would not live alway ! I ask not to stay. Where storm after storm rises dark o'er the way ; The few lurid mornings that dawn on us here Are enough for life's woes — full enough for its cheer. THE CYMBAL. 2 I would not live alway ! no, welcome the tomb ! Since Jesus liatli lain there I dread not its gloom ; There sweet be my rest till he bid me arise, To hail him in triumph descending the skies. ?y Where the saints of all ages in harmony meet. Their Saviour and brethren transported to greet, While the anthems of rapture unceasingly roll. And the smile of the Lord is the feast of the soul ! 42 VESPER HYMN. 1 Saviour, breathe an evening blessing. Ere repose our spirits seal ; Sin and woe we come confessing, Thou canst save, and thou canst heal. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen. 2 Though destruction walk around us, Though the arrows near us fly, Angel guards from thee surround us, We are safe, if thou art iiigh. THE CYMBAL. 43 1 Holy angels in their flight, Traverse over eartJi and sky, Acts of kindness their delight, Winged with mercy as they fly. Chorus. Don't you hear them ? coming over hill and plain, Scattering music in their heavenly train! 0, don't you hear the angels coming, singing as they come ? 0, bear me angels, angels bear me home. 2 Though their forms we cannot see, They attend and guard our way, Till we join their company In the fields of h.eavenly day. Don't you hear, etc. 3 Had we hut an angel's wing. And an angel's heart of flame, 0, how sweetly would we ring Thro' the world the Saviour's name. Don't vou hear, etc. 4 Yet methinks if I should die, And become an angel too, 1, perhaps, like them might fly. And the Savicmr's bidding do. Don't you hear, etc.,. 44 THE CY?-IBAL. O, 1'l.L, BE A GOOD CHILD. [Infiint Son?.] 1 0, I'll be a good child as ever I can be, I'll mind what my tea';her says to me, I'll read my Bible and keep the rule, Aud early come to the Sabbath school. C horns. ^ 0, yes, 0, yes, I love my teacher still, I'll be a o-ood child, indeed I will. 2 When \Yicked children tempt me to plaj, I'll ask my Saviour to .send them away ; And if they want me to do any wrong, I'll go to the Lord with my little song. 0, yes ; 0, yes, etc. o On the holy Sabbath day I love, I'll raise my song to the God above : My childish feet shall tread the court Where happy Christian flocks resort. 0, yes ; 0, yes, etc. 4 When all my journey on earth is done, ' I'll quick to the arms of my Shepherd run. He'll fold me close t) his gentle breast. There safe for ever will I rest. 0, yes ; 0, yes, etc. 47 THE CYMBAL. HOSANNA. m When, his salvation bringing, To Zion Jesu? came, The children all stood singing Hosaniia to his name. Nor did their zeal offend him, But as he rode along, He let them still attend him, And smiled to hear their song. 2 And since the Lord retaineth His love lur children still ; Though now as King he reigneth On Zion's heavenly hill ; We'll flock around his banner, Who sits upon tlie throne ; And cry aloud, " Ilosanna To David's royal Son." 3 For should we fail proclaiming Our great Redeemer's praise , The stonef^, our silence shaming, Might well hosanna raise. But shall we only render The tribute of our words ? No ! while our hearts are tender, They, too, shall be the Lord's. 48 THE CYMBAL. LIGHT IN THE WINDOW. NoiB, — When a boy, but twelve years old, I worked hard to support my mother and two younger brothers, and usually carried my earnines home every evening. One night, it being very dark and muddy, and having three miles to travel, and a heavy bundle to carry. I did not reach home until late: my mother, feeble and weary, had retired, but she quickly aroused when she lie.'ud my voice, and soon met me at the door, with a warm kiss, and warmer tears, an I a "God bless you. my dear boy." As she received my bundle, she exdivimed, "After this, my son, I'll set a tight in the window for you;" and. true to her word, the l:)right light in the wmdow appeared, and oh! how it chet-rcd my heart ever after for years. Health failing me, 1 left home (after my brothers could help mother), and went to sea. When three years from home, and on the Pacific Ocean, my mother died; but just liefore she expired, .*he said to those around her, " O, give Edward my dying blessing, for he has been a good boy. Tell him I have gone to Heaven, and I will set a light in the window for him." 1 There's a light in the window for thee, dear brother. There's a light in the window for thee ; Your mother has moved to her mansion above, There's a light in the window for thee, 'i There's a crown, and a robe, and a palm, dear brother. When your labors have ceased to be ; For Jesus has gone to prepare you a home, With a light in the window for thee. THE CYMBAL. 3 watch, and be faithful, and pray, deal" brother, All your journey o'er life's troubled sea ; Tho' aliiictions assail you, and storms beat seTcre, There's a light in the window for thee. 4 Then on I perseveringly on, dear brother, Till from conflict and suflPering free, Bright angels are beckoning you over tiie stream, There's a light in the window for thee. 49 BBYOND THB RIVBR. i Shall we meet beyond the river, Where the surges cease to roll, Where in all the bright for ever, Sorrow ne'er shall press tho soul? Chorus. — Shall we meet? Shall we meet? Shall we meet? Shall we meet? Shall we meet beyond the river, Where the surges cease to roll ? 2 Shall we meet with many a loved one, That was torn from our embrace? Shall we listen to their voices, And behold them face to face ? Shall we meet? etc. THE CYMBAL. Shall we meet with Christ our Saviour, When he comes to claim his own ? Shall we know his blessed favor, And sit down upon his throne? Shall we meet? etc. 50 SHINING SHORE. 1 My days are gliding swiftly by, And I, a pilgrim stranger, Would not detain them as they fly — Those hours of toil and danger. Chorus. For now we stand on Jordan's strand. Our friends are passing over ; And, just before, the shining shore We may almost discover. 2 Should coming days be dark and cold. We will not yield to sorrow,. For hcpe will smg, with courage bold. '* There's glory on the morrow." For now we stand, etc. ,'< Let storms of woe in whirlwinds rise, Each cord on earth to sever. There bright and joyous in the skies- . There is our home for ever. For now we stand, etc. 4 51 THE CYMBAL. RBAPING TIME. 1 Jesus, we thy lambs would be, Humbly we would follow thee, Waiting for the joyful day, When all care will pass away. Chorus. When the reaping time shall come, And angels shout the harvest home. 2 Now the field with grain is white, Now the day is dawnin;^- bright, — Brighter far the sky will be. When our Master we shall see. 3 May we wait, and watch, and pray, For the coming of the day, When the wheat shall sifted be, And the chaff be driven from thee. HOSANNA TO THE I^AMB. 62 1 Come, my soul, in jojous lays Attempt thy great Redeemer's praise ; But what tongue can speak his fame. What verse can reach the lofty theme ? Glory, glory let us sing, While heaven and earth with glory ring, Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to the Lajmb of God. THE CYMBAL. 2 Enthroned amid the radiant spheres, He glory like a garment wears ; To form a robe of light divine, Ten thousand suns around him shine. 3 Raised on devotion's lofty wing, Do thou, my soul, his glories sing ; And let his praise employ my tongue Till listening worlds shall join the song. 53 CHlIiDHOOD'S HAPPY HOURS. 1 In childhood's young and happy houirs, I wander free o'er hill and plain ; I gather bright and fragrant flowers, And love the sunshine and the rain. And love the sunshine and the rain. In every scene of nature free, In garden and in forest wild, I look to God who blesses me, And thank him that I am a child. 2 I love these childhood's hours; they bring On every moment some new joy : 0, who can half the rapture sing That crowns the happy girl and boy ? That crowns the happy girl and boy. I see in every thing in life, A beauty on which God hath smiled, And turn from care, and toil, and strife, To thank him that I am a child. 56 THE CYMBAL. SPEAK CIBNTI.Y. 1 Speak gently, it is better far. To rule by love than fear ; Speak gently, let no harsh words mar, The good we^might do here. Speak gently to the little child, Its love be sure to gain ; Teach it in accents soft and mild From evil to refrain. Speak gently to the young, for they Will have enough to bear ; Pass through this life as best they may, 'Tis full of anxious care. Speak gently to the aged one, Grieve not the careworn heart; The sands of life are nearly run, Let such in peace depart. Speak gently, kindly, to the poor, Let no harsh tones be hciir J ; They have enough they musr endure Without an unkind word. Speak gently to the erring ones. They may have toiled in v God wlio lights the skies. The nightingale Wakes hill and dale, Loud singing as she flies ; The light that falls From God's blue walls, Shall lead us to the skies. 2 The brooklets shout Their welcome out, To every child they meet ; Unwinding rills — From spools of hills, In accents low and sweet- - Say, " come, my dears. Wipe dry those tears, . The sun laughs, so will we." The woods once more, Our songs encore, And clap their leaves in glee. THB CYMBAL. £iK SOFTI.Y SLEEPING. v>«J [Tune—*' Yates."] 1 In the graveyard softly sleeping, Where the cypress branches wave, Lies our little schoolmate keeping Silence in the narrow grave. There she sleeps, and no to-morrow Wakes her in that silent home ; There she rests, no sign of sorrow Clouds with grief her rural tomb. 2 There the daisies, and the roses, Pour their incense at her feet. On the spot where she reposes. Where the grass is green and sweet. There the wood lark, sweetly singing, With her music charms the air; And the busy wild bee winging, Hums a hymn for flowerets fair. -' But they cannot wake our sister, On her bed within the tomb ; . Angels up in heaven missed her, So they came and took her home. Took her where the wondrous glory Fills her happy soul with love. Where her heart can feel no sorrow, In her blessed home above. 66 THE CYMBAL, [Infant Song^.] 1 Hail, or rain, or wind, or snow, To the Sunday school we go, Summer's heat, or winter's cold, Cannot keep lis from the fold. Chorus. Winds may blow, and waves may roll, We will go to Sunday school, Winds may blow, and waves may roll, We will go to Sunday school. 2 When the bell rings off we start, Quick of step, and light of heart, Happy, too, as birds can he, No fair-weather children w«. Winds may blow, etc. 5 How the minutes grow to hours, When these joyful hearts of ours Beat the tune the teacher singa, Like young birds that try their wings. Winds may blow, etc. 4 In the bkssed Sun-day school We are taught the golden rule. Here we sing, and read, and pray, Every holy Sabbath day. Winds niay blow, etc' 5 THE CYMBAL* 67 A nOinE BEYONI) THE TiDl&i; 1 We fire out on the ocean sailing, Homeward bound we s-vveetly glide ; We are out on the ocean !?ailing, To a home beyond the tide. Chorus. — All the storms will soon be over, Then we'll anchor in the harbor ; We are out on the ocean sailing, I'o a home beyand tte tide ; We are out on the ccean sailing, To a home beyond the tide. 2 Spread your sails, while heavenly breezes Gen'fcly waft our vessels- on ; Ail on board are sweetly singing-^ Free salvation is the song. All the storms, etc. 3 When we all are safely anchored, We will shout — our trials o'er I We will walk about the city, And we'll sing for evermore. All the storms, etc. 88 WAtCH THE lilTTIiE *'EET. 1 Teacher, w^atch the little feet Walking through the meadows fair, Wandering through the crowded street, Scarcely heard or noticed there. THE CYMBAL- Never count the labor lost, Nev«r heed the pains it cost, Little feet will go astray, Teacher, watch them while you may. 2 Teacher, watch the little hands, Busy, busy all the day, Making forts with straws and sands. Plucking roses by the way. Never deem the labor lost, Never heed the pains it cost. Little hands hereafter may Nations and their history sway, 3 Teacher, watch the little lips. Lisping sweet aiad pleasant words, Sometimes their soft utterance trips Discord in the notes of birds. Never deem the labor lost, Never heed tho pains it cost, Little lips " sometimes proclaim Blessings in a Saviour's name," 4 Teacher, watch the little heart. Pulsing h«re with hope and lov-e, Truthful lessons here impart, Leading to our home above. Never deem the labor lost, Never heed the pains it cost, Little hearts hereafter may €on.trol the children of to-day. THE CYMBAL. 1 I think, when I read that sweet story of old When Jesus was here anaong men. How he called little children as lambs to his fold^ I should like to have been with them then. 2 I wish that his hands had been placed on my head. That his arm bad been thrown around me, And that I might have seen his kind look when he said, " Let the little ones come mnto me/' 3 In that beautiful place he is gone to pre- pare, For all who are washed and forgiven ; And many dear children are gathering there, *' Tor of such is the kingdom of heaven/' 70 A HOmF. IN THS: SKISS. I When the time of our earthly sojourning is o'er^ The home that once knew us^ will know us no more ; But why should weleave it with lingering eyes Since Jes-us will give us a home in the akies? THE CYMBAL. Chorus^ Home, home, sweet, sweet home, Far better than earth^'s is this home in the 2 Its dooTS are of pearl, and its floor paved with gold. Its altar a diamond of lusti«e untold 5 No sun rules the day, and no moon crowns the night. For the eye of the Lamb «f that home is the light I Chorus. Home, home, sweet, sweet home. For the eye of the Lamb of that home ia the light. 3 The friends that we loved of this earthly the light, On the wings of bright angels, have taken their flight — They have gone to the heavenly — the home of the blest, In the arms of their Saviour for ever to rest. Chorus. Home, home, sweet, sweet home, Oj there's no home -on earth like this home of the blest. 71 THE CYMBAL JACOB'S I.AI>I>ER^ 1 As Jacob on travel was weary by dar. At night on a stone for a pillow he lay f A vision appeared — a ladder so high, Its foot on the earth and ita top in the sky.. 2 This ladder is Jesus,, the SaviouF of man, Whose blood, richly streaming, from Calvary ran; And through his atonement to heav'n we may rise. And sing in the mansions prepared in the skies o. Z Then let us ascend, and be bold,^ never tear. It has stood every tempest, and always will bear ; For millions have tried it, and reached Zion's hill, And thousands, by faith, are climbing it stilL 4 Our fathers upon it have mounted to God, Have finished their labors, and reached their abode •, And we're climbing after, and soon shall be there, To join in their rapture — their happiness share. THE CYMBAL BKAVTIFUIi WORI.D. 72 1 There is a beautiful world, Where saints and angels sing ; A world where peace and pleasure reigns, And heavenly' praises ring. €horiis. — We'll be there, be there, O, yes, we'll be there. Palms of victory, crowns of glory, We all shall wear ; We shall wear glorious crown-s In that beautiful world on high. j2 There is a beautiful world Where sorrow never coraes ; A world where tears shall never fall., In sighing for our home. We'll be there, etc, 2 There is a beautiful world, Unseen to mortal sight ; And darkness never enters there — That home i« fair and bright. We'll be there, etc, 4 There is a beautiful world Of harmony and love ; 0, may we safely enter there, Aad dwell with God above. We'll be there, etc. 73 THE CYMBAL. WAVING WlLIiOWS. 1 Down where the waving willows^ 'Neath the sunbeams smile ; Shadowed o'er the murm'ring waters^ Dwelt sweet Annie Lisle ; Pure as the forest lily, Never thought of guile Had its home within the bosom Of sweet Annie Lisle. Chortts. — ^Wave willows, murmur waters^ Golden sunbeams smile ; Earthly music cannot waken Lovely Annie Lisle. 2 Sweet came the hallowed chiming Of the Sabbath bell, Borne on the morning bre^^fis Down the woody dell. On a bed of pain and anguish. Lay dear Annie Lisle ; Changed were the lovely features. Gone the happy smile. Wave wilbws, etc. 3 Raise me in your arms, dear mother^ Let me once more look On the green and waving willows^ And the flowing brook ; THE CYMBAL. Hark, those strains of angel music From the choirs above ; Dearest mother, I am going, Truly, " God is love/' Wave willows, etc. 74 T1¥INKI.C: I.ITTI.E STAR. [Infaui. Song:.] 1 Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are, Up above the u-orld so high, Like a diamond in the sky, Twinkle, twinkle, little star^ How I wonder what you are. 2 When the glorious sun is set, When the grass with dew is wet, There you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Twinkle, twinkle, etc. 3 In the dark blue sky you keep. And often through my curtains peep For you never shut your eye Till the sun is in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, etc. 4 As yon bright and tiny spark Lights the traveller in the dark, Though I know not what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star, Twinkle, twinkle, etc. THE CYMBAL, dO BEHOIiD A HOST. 1 Behold a host, with rapt emotion, Before the great white throne are bow'd; Their hymns swell up of deep devotion, Like many waters breaking loud — Like many waters breaking loud ; All worthy is the Lamb, once lowly, To be exalted evermore, The Lord our God whom wo adore, As ever crying, holy, holy ! Chorus, — Amen, amen, we sing — To us the hope is given ; » Press on, press on, the conflict o'er, We'll join that host in heaven ! 2 Arrayed in shining robes of glory, All numberless those throngs appear, An Elder, versed in sacred story, Asks, " Whence are these thus throng- ing here V Asks, " V/hence are these thus throng- ing here V Ah, these come up from tribulation. Their robes have wash'd from ev'ry stain In his rich blood who once was slain, For every kindred, tongue and nation. Cho. — Amen, amen, we sing ; That precious blood was given : Press on, press on, that fountain's near We'll wash and enter heaven. THE CYMBAL. 3 Ah, blessed land ! where eyes are tearless. All pain is past, and sin unknown — Where every joy is pure and peerless, And rapture breathes in everv tone — And rapture breathes in every tone — There Jesus reigns who once was lowly, And soon before him we shall stand, Among that host, with harp in hand, With angels, crying holy, holy ! Cho. — Amen, amen, we sing ; That such a hope was given : Press on, press on, we're going home. To join the host of heaven. 76 TEI.L, ME SHEPHERIK 1 Tell me, Shepherd, from above, Dearest object of ray love — Where thy little flocks abide, Sheltered by thy bleeding side. 2 Tell me. Saviour, all divine^ Where I may my soul recline — Where I shall for refuge fly, When the burning sun is high. 3 Claim me, Shepherd, as thine own ; 0, protect me, thou alone; Let me hear thy gracious voice^ Make my flinty heart rejoice. THE CYMBAL. 77 I.IXTI.K SAMUEL. When little Samuel woke, And heard his Maker's voice, At every word he spoke, How much did he rejoice ; 0, blessed, happy child to find The God of heaven so mild and kind. If God would speak to me, And say he was my Friend, How happy should I be ! 0, how would I attend ! The smallest sin I then should fear. If God Almighty were so near. And does he never speak ? yes ! for in his word He bids me come and seek The God whom Samuel heard ; In almost every page I see, The God of Samuel calls to me. Like Samuel, let me say, When'er I read his word, ** Speak, Lord, I would obey The voice that Samuel heard ;" And when I in thy house appear. Speak, for thy servant waits to hear. 78 THE CYMBAL. 'TWAS I.ONG AGO. 'Twas long ago, when Jesus dwelt Upon this earth of ours ; He walked among its moving fields, Amid its blushing flowers ; And. then those gentle words ho spake. So kindly, lovingly — "Let all the heavy laden ones. And weary, come to me." 2 Some heard the call, and came to him. With weary, heavy heart — And never did a single one Uncomforted depart ; One touched his garment in the crowd, And found a balsam there ; One washed his feet with joyful tears. And wiped them with her hair. 3 And now, although we may not see The Saviour's beauteous face, Nor hear his voice until we leave Our earthly dwelling place ; Yet, if we love him here awhile. And serve him till we die. We shall at last go up and dwell With him above the sky. 79 THE CYMBAL. COIWE, YE CHILDREN, AND ADORE HliU. TEACHERS. 1 Come, ye children, and adore him, Lord of all, he reigns above ; Come, and worship now before him, He hath called you by his love. He will grant you every blessing Of his all-abounding grace : Come, with humble hearts expressing All your gratitude and praise. CHILDREX. 2 On this holy day of gladness, We will join in praises meet; Every bosom free from sadness — All with happiness replete. 0, to feel the love of Jesus ! 0, to know that from above Still our heavenly Father sees UxS With an eye of tender love ! TEACHERS. 3 Dearest children, now adore him ; Swell aloud the joyful strain: Let the nations bow before him — Echo back the notes again. While he will accept the praises, E'en from every heart and tongue, Those to him an infant raises, Still are sweetest of the song. *HE CYMBAt'. TEACHERS AND CHILDREN". Praise to thee, Lord, for ever, Gladly now we all unite ; Praise fo th(e, God ! the ^iver, Ble'ssed Lord, of life and light ! Ransomed nation, spread the story : Rescued people, ne'er give o'er ; All his grace and all his glory proclaim for evermore ! 80 REAl.iyiS Oli* THE BLESSED. 1 We sing of the realms of the hless'd, That country so bright and so fair ; And oft are its glories confess'd — But what mast it be to be there ? But what, but what, But what must it be to be there ? And oft are its glories confess'd^ But what must it be to be there ? 2 We speak of its freedom from sin,. Prom sorrow, temptation and care, From trials without and within — But what must it be to be there ? Do thou Lord ^midst pleasure or woe, For Heaven our spirits prepare ; Then soon shall we joyfully knovr, And feel, what it is to be there.- 81 THE CYMBAL. CHARITY. 1 Meek and lowly, pure and holy, Chief among the '* blessed three :'' Turning sadness into gladness. Heaven-born art thou, charity. Pity reigneth in thy bosom, Kindness reigneth o'er thy heart, Gentle thoughts alone can sway thee, Judgment hath in thee no part, 2 Hoping ever, failing never, Though deceived, believing still ; Long abiding, all confiding. To thy heavenly Father's will. Never weary of well doing, Never fearful of the end, Claiming all mankind as brothers, Thou dost all mankind befriend. 82 THE SPIRIT OF PRATER. 1 The Lord attends when children pray — A whisper he can hear ; He knows not only what we say, But what we wish or fear. 2 He sees us when we are alone, Though no one else can see; And all our thoughts to him are knoWD) Wherever we may be» THE CYMBAL. 3 'Tie not enough to bend the knee, And words of prayer to say ; The heart must with the lips agree, Or else V^e do not pl'ay. 4 Teach us, Lord, to pray aright — Thy grace to us impart, That we in prayer may take delight, And serve thee with the heart. 8 Then, heavenly Father, at thy throne. Thy praise we will proclaim ; And daily our requests make known, In our Redeemer's name. 83 tOVING KINDNESS. Awake, my soul, in joyful lays. And sing the great Redeemer's praise He justly claims a song from me. His loving kindness, how free ! His loving kindness, loving kindness, His loving kindness, how free I Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale. Soon all my mortal powers must fail ; may my last expiring breath His loving kindness sing in death. Then let me mount and soar away To the bright world of endless day ; And sing, vrith rapture and surprise, His loving kindness in the 3kie3. 84 Tll-E CYMBAL. WHEN SHAI.1^ WB MEfi-T AOAIN 1 1 When shall \vd meet again ? Meet ne'er to sever? When tvili peace wreatlie her chain Hound us for ever ? Our hearts will nevef r^fpose. Safe from the blast that blowsy In this dark vale of veoe's — Never^— no, never ! 2 When shall love freely ftdw Pure as life's river ? When shall sw^eet friendship gloW Changeless for ever ? W^here joys celestial thrill, Where bliss each heart shall fiil^ And fears of parting chill—- Never— no, never ! % Soon shall we meet again^-^ Meet ne'er to sever: Soon will peace wreathe her chaiii Round us for ever : Our hearts shall then repose Secure ftom worldly woes ; Our songs of praise shall close) Never^^no, never \ THE CYMBAL. 00 PARTING HANB. n 1 Mj dearest friends in bonds of love, \ y Whose hearts the sweetest union prove, ( Your friendship's like the strongeet band, ( Yet we must take the parting hand. Your company's sweet, your union dear, Your words delightful to mine ear : And when I see that we must part, You draw like cords around my heart. How sweet the hours have passed awaj Since we have met to sing and pray ! How loth we are to leave the place. Where Jesus shows his smiling face ! 0, could I stay with friends so kind, How would it cheer my fainting mind ! But duty makes me understand That we must take the parting hand. I hope 3^ou will remember niP, If you no more my face should see : An interest in your prayers I crave, That we may meet beyond the grave. 0, blessed day ! 0, glorious hope ! My soul leaps forward at the thought.. When in that holy, happy land, We'll take no more the parting hand. ' THE CYMBAL. 86 CIIII.I>RE\'S HOSANNA. 1 Children of Jerusalem Sang the praise of Jesus' name ; Children, too, of later days, Join to sing the Saviour's praise. Chorus. BOTS. GIRLS. Ilark ! hark ! hark ! while infant voices sing, BOYS. GIRLS. Ilark! hark! hark! while infant voices sing ALL. Loud hosanna, loud hosanna, Loud hosanna to our King. 2 We are taught to love the Lord, We are taught to read his word, We are taught the way to heaven, Praise to God for all be given. 3 Parents, teachers, old and young, All unite to swell the song ; Higher and yet higher rise, Till hosanna reach the skies. 87 PRECIOUS PROITfflSKS, 1 How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his excellent Word ! What more can he say than to you he hath said, You who unto Jesus for refuge hath fled ? THE CYMBAL. 2 In every condition — in sickness, in health: In poverty's vale, or abounding in wealth — At home and abroad — on the land, on the sea — *'A8 thy days may demand, shall thy strength ever be. 3 "The soul that on Jesus still leans for repose, I will not, I will not desert to his foes : That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, ni never, no never, no never forsake.'^ 88 S\«rEET REST IN HEAVEN. 1 Come schoolmates, don't grow weary, But let us journey on, The moments will not tarry. This life will soon be gone. The passing scenes all tell us, That death will surely come, These bodies soon will moulder In the dark and dreary tomb. CJiorus. — There is sweet rest in heaven, There is sweet rest in heaven, There is sweet rest, There is sweet rest, There is sweet rest in heaven. THE CYMBAL. Our friends have gone before us, They beckon us away ; We never more shall see them, 'Till the fearful judgment day. But we've ^listed in the army, We've ^listed for the war, AVe will fight until we conquer, By faith and humble prayer. There is sweet rest, etc. Our Captain's gone before us, He bids us all to come ; High up in endless glory, He has fitted up our home. The world, and flesh, and Satan, Will strive to hedge our way, But we'll o'ercome their powers If we only watch and pray. There is sweet rest, etc. Then glory be to Jesus, Who bought us with his blood ; And glory be to Jesus, Who gives us every good. And glory be to Jesus, Who will keep us to the end ; All glory bo to Jesus, The sinner's only Friend. There is sweet rest, etc. 89 THE CYMBAL. THE SABBATH SCHOOL'S TBJ£ F1.ACE. 1 I love the Sabbath echool, the place My youthful feet have trod, Where I have heard of ^Yisdom's ways, That lead to peace and God, That lead to peace and God, That lead to peace and God. 2 I love the Sabbath school, 'tie there The praise of God we sing ; 'Tis there we bow the knee in prayer, To God, our heavenly King, To God, our heavenly King. To God, our heavenly King. 3 I love the Sabbath school, where we The holy Bil>le read, Which tells of Christ, who came to be A Saviour in our need, A Saviour in our need, A Saviour in our need. 4 that, when life's few cares are past, Our teachers we may meet, Upon the blissful plains, and cast Our crowns at Jesus' feet, Our crowns at Jesus' feet. Our crowns at Jesus' feet. THE CYMBAL. 90 THE CHII^DREN'S FRIE.XD. 1 There is a friend we ought to love, More than all friends beside ; His name is Jesus — and his love For ever shall abide. Come, children, then, for now he lives, And praise from little ones receives ; With lip and life we'll praise his name, And not forget his laws again. What-— not forget again ? No, not forget again ! What— not forget again? No, not forget again ! With lip and life we'll praise hisnamej, And not forget his laws again. 2 There is a Word we ought to prize, More than all words beside ; It tells how Jesus from the skies Came down, and wept, and died. Come, children, then, for now he livc3, Sinners from every land receives ; 0, let us spread the tidings round, And publish wide the joyful sound. What — spread the joyful sound? Yes, spread the joyful sound ! 3 There is a Land we ought to love More than all lands beside ; The land of glory, light, and love, Where all the saints abide. THE CYMBAL, Come, children, for this land prepare, Tribes of all nations shall be there ; 0, then we shall with Jesus reign, And never, never part again. What— never part again ? No — never part again !, 91 GOD 1SI.ESS OUR SUNDAY 8CIIOOI.. 1 God ble^s our Sunday school, Increase cur Sunday school God bless our school ; Send down thy grace divine, May every child be thine, And love all hearts entwine, God bless our school. 2 AH our dear teachers bless, 0, grant them large success — In winning souls ; May they encouraged be, And oft around them see, Their labors crowned by thee — • God bless our school. 3 So may our school increase, In knowledge, love and peace — • God bless our school ; And when death's arrows fly, And useful teachers die. Their places still supply — . God bless our school. 92 THE CYMBAL. THE COII.B5S THOUGHTS. 1 Oh, I long to lie, dear mother, On the cold and fragrant grass, With nought but the sky above my head. And the shadowing clouds that pass. And I want the bright, bright sunshine To play around my bed ; I'll close my eyes, and God will think Your little boy is d«ad. 2 Then Christ will send an angel To take me up to him, He'll bear me slow and steadily Far through the ether dim. He'll gently, gently lay me Close to the Saviour's side. And when I'm sure that we're in Heaven My eyes I'll open wide. 3 And I'll look among the angels That ptand around the throne, Till I find my sister Mar}^ For I know she must be one. And when I find her, mother, We'll go away alone, And I will tell her how we've mourn'd The while she has been gone. THE CYMBAL. 93 CREATION. 1 The spacious firmament on high, With all the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heav'ns, a shining frame, Their great Original proclaim. 2 Th^ unwearied sun, from day to day. Does his Creator's pow'r display. And publisTies to every land The work of an Almighty hand. 3 Soon as the ev'ning shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale. And, nightly, to the listening earth. Repeats the story of her birth ; 4 Whilst all the stars that round her bum, And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll. And spread the truth from pole to pels. 5 What though in solemn silence all Move round this dark terrestrial ball; What though no real voice nor sound Amidst their radiant orbs be found : 6 In reason''s ear they all rejoice. And utter forth a glorious voice, For ever singing as they shine, *' The hand that made us is divine.^' 94 THE CYMBAL. THE I^ITTIiE FEOCK. ' ' - Saviour, who thy flock art feeding, With the Shepherd's kindest care ; All the feeble, gently leading, While the lambs thy bosom share. Now these little ones receiving. Fold them in thy gracious arms : There, we know, thy word believing, Only there, secure from harm. Never from thy pasture roving, Let them be the lion's prey 5 Let thy tenderness, so loving, Keep them thro' life's dangerous way : Then within thy fold eternal. Let them find a resting place ; Feed in pastures ever vernal, Drink the rivers of thy grace. 95 JOYFUL BE OUR NUMBERS. From the hill and valley, far away, We come with merry greetings in our laj. Joyful, joyful be our numbers, Bursting forth the soul enlivening lay, Swell the strain to music's sweetest murmurs, Every heart now hail this happy day, Bursting forth the soul enlivening lay, Hail ! hail ! this happy, happy day. THE CYMBAL. Often as our festal day rolls round, We hail it ever with harmonious sound, Joyful, joyful be our numbers, etc. (iolden hours are fleeting like a spell, We meet, too soon to part and say farewell. Joyful, joyful be our numbers, etc. Give the hand of friendship, ere we part, May heaven now embalm it in each heart. Joyful, joyful be our numbers, eto. 96 THE SPIRITUAIi CORONATION. 1 All hail the power of Jesus' name ! Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him Lord of all. 2 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race — A remnant weak and small — Hail him, who saves you by his grace, And crown him Lord of all. 3 Ye Gentile sinners, ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall ; Go, spread your trophies at his feet, And crown him Lord of all. 4 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball. To him all majesty ascribe. And crown him Lord of all. THE CYMBAL. 5 that, with yoiider sacred throng, We at his feet may fall ! We'll join the everlasting song, And crown him Lord of all. 97 ANTIOCH. 1 Joy to the world ! the Lord is come ! Let earth receive her King ; Let every heart prepare him room, And heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to the earth ! the Saviour reigns ! Let men their songs employ ; While fields, and floods, rocks, hills, and plains Repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground ; He comes to make his blessings flow Far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace. And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love. ISE dYMBAL. THE I/IOIST IS REAiniNC»4 Fading still faditig, the last beam iS gbin= ingj Fathei* in beaten the day is declltiirvg, Safety and innocence fly with the light, Temptation and danger walk fofth "vvith the night, From the fall of the shade till the morn* ing bells chime, Shield me from danger, save me fVonl crime, JPather have mercy, father have merer, Father have mercy through Jestla Christ (mr Lord. Amen. Father iri heaven, hear when we call. Hear for Christ's sake, who is Saviour of all ; ^ Feeble and fainting wo trust in thy might, In doubting and darkness thy love be our light, * Let us sleep on thy breast while the night taper burns, Wake in thy arms when moftlin^ i*^ turns, Father have mercy, father have mercy, Father have mercy through Jesus Christ Ghrisfe our Lord. Amen,- THE CYMBAL. 99 COMK AND REST, YE WEARY. 1 Come and rest, ye weary, Come where happy voices greet ; While the evening shades surround you, Rest, rest, rest, and be your slumber svs^eet, Rest, rest, rest, and be your slumber sweet 2 Now no care annoying ; Sounds of toil all hushed and still ; Labor sweet reward enjoying ; Sleep, sleep, sleep, and fear no coming ill, Sleep, sleep, sleep, and fear no coming ill. 3 Angel guards attending ; Gild thy couch with hope's glad ray ; Golden visions kindly sending ; Bright, bright, bright to gild the coming day. Bright, bright, bright to gild the coming day. 100 THE SONG OF JUBIEEE* 1 Wake tlie song of jubilee ; Let it echo o'er the sea : Now is come the promised hour ; Jeeus reigns with sovereign power. THE CYMBAL. 2 All ye nations, join and sing, " Christ, of lords and kings, is King,'^ Let it sound from shore to shore ; Jesus reigns for evermore. 3 Now the desert lands rejoice, And the islands join their voice ; Yea, the vehole creation sings, " Jesus is the King of kings.'' 101 UNIVERSAL IIALLi:i.I7JAll4 1 When shall the voice of singing Flow joyfully along ? When hill and valley, ringing With one triumphant song. Proclaim the contest ended, And him, who once was slain, Again to earth descended. In righteousness to reign ? 2 Then from the craggy mountains The sacred shout shall fly, And shady vales and fountains Shall echo the reply: High tower and lowly dwelling Shall send the chorus round, The hallelujah swelling In one eternal sound, 1 THE CYMBAL. 102 ORPHAN PRAYER. 1 I love to stay -n-hcrc my mother sleeps, And gaze on each star as it twinkling; peeps Through that bending willow which lonely weeps O'er my mother's grave, O'er my mother's grave. Through that bending willow O'er my mother's grave. 2 I love to kneel on the green turf there, Afar from the scene of my daily care, And breathe to my Saviour my evening prayer O'er my mother's grave, O'er my mother's grave. 3 I still remember how oft she led. And knelt me by her, as with God she plead . That I might be his when the clod was spread O'er my mother's grave, O'er my mother's grave. 4 I love to think how 'neath the ground. She slumbers in death as a captive bound, She'll slumber no more when the trump shall sound. O'er my mother's grave, O'er my mother's grave* 103 THE CYMBAL. HAIL THE SABBAgrH SCHOOI.. 1 The Sabbath morn is breaking. The Sabbath bells are waking, Our homes with joy forsaking, We'll join the Sabbath school. Chorus. — Shout and sing, Wo hail the Sabbath school ! Shout and sing, AVc hail the Sabbath school ! 2 How joyful is the meeting, Each other kindly greeting, Sweet hymns of praise repeating, "While in the Sabbath school. 3 'Tis here we join in singing. Each heart a tribute bringing, And loud the chorus ringing, Hosanna to our King. 4 Our teacher we'll remember, Ten thousand thanks we render, For thoughts of us so tender, While in the Sabbath school. 5 may we heed the warning. That like this pleasant morning. With all the sweets adorning. Our life sweet pass away. THE CYMBAL. 104: COIWE, YE DISCONSOLATE. 1 Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye lan- guish ; Come to the mercy scat, fervently kneel ; Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish ; Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. 2 Joy of the desolate, light of the straying. Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure. Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly say- ing, Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot cure. 3 Here see the bread of life ,- see waters flowing Forth from the throne of God, pure from above ; Come to the feast of love ; come, ever knowing Earth has no sorrow but heaven can remove. 105 LET EVERY HEART REJOICE. 1 Let ev'ry heart rejoice and sing ; Let choral anthems rise ; Ye rev'rend men and children bring To God your sacrifice ; THE CYMBAL. Ch(yrus. — For he is good ; The Lord is good, • And kind are all his ways ; With songs and honors sounding loud, The Lord Jehovah praise. While the rocks and the rills. While the vales and the hills, A glorious anthem raise ; Let each prolong the grateful song. And the God of our fathers praise. 2 lie bids the sun to rise and set ; In heaven his pow'r is known ; And earth, subdued to him, shall yet Bow low before his throne. For he is good, etc. SHOUT THE GliAD TIDINGS. 106 1 Zion ! the marvellous story be telling, The Son of the Highest, how lowly his birth, The brightest archangel in glory excel- ling, He stoops to redeem thee, he reigns upon earth. Chorus. Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing : Jeinisalem triumphs, Messiah is King. THE CYMBAL. 2 Tell how he cometh, from nation to nation, The heart^heering news let the earth echo round ; How free to the faithful he offers salva- tion, IIow his people with joy everlasting are crown'd. Shout the glad tidings, etc. 3 Mortals ! your homage be gratefully bringing. And sweet let the gladsome hosanna arise ; Ye ang(ds, the full hallelujah be singing, One chorus resound through the earth and the skies. Shout the glad tidings, etc. 107 ONLY 1VAITING. 1 Only waiting till the shadows Are a little longer grown, Only waiting till the glimmer Of the day's last beam is flown. Till the night of earth is faded From the heart once full of day. Till the stars of heaven are breaking Thro' the twilight soft and gray. 2 Only waiting till the reapers Ilave the last sheaf gathered home, For the summer time is faded, And the autumn winds have come. THE CYMBAL. Quickly, reapers, quickly gather The last ripe hours of ray heart ; For the bloom of life is withered, And I hasten to depart. 3 Only waiting till the angels Open Avide the mystic gate, At whose feet I long have lingered, Weary, poor, and desolate. Eren now I hear their footsteps, And their voices far away ; If they call me, I am waiting, Only waiting to obey. « . 108 C^OI> OF THJ^ FATHERIiESS. 1 When the sun gloriously comes forth from the ocean, Making earth beautiful, chasing shad- ows away ; Thus do we offer thee our prayer of devo- tion, God of the Fatherless, guide us, guard us to-day. 2 When o'er the western hills, the sunset tints blending, Show us how quickly fades all that on earth seems bright, When to unfading realms our prayer is ascending, God of the fatherless, guide us, guard us to-night. THE CYMBAL. 109 STRIKE THE CTTIUBAIj. Strike the cymbal, roll the tymbal, Let the trump of triumph sound ; From the river, rejecting quiver, Judah's hero takes the stone. Po-werful slinging ! Headlong bringing Proud Goliath to the ground. Spread your banners! Shout hosanaas! Battle is the Lord's alone. See advances, with songs and dances, Catch the sound ye hills and waters, All the band of Israel's daughters ; Spread your banners! Shout hosannas ! Battle is the Lord's alone. God of thunder, rend asunder All the povsrer Philistia boasts ! What are nations? What their stations? ■ Israel's God is Lord of hosts. What are haughty monarchs now ? . Lo ! before Jehovah bow ! Pride of princes, strength of kings, To the dust Jehovah brings. Praise him ! praise him, exulting nations, praise, Praise him! praise him, exulting nations, praise. Hosanna, Hosanna, Ilosanna. THE CYMBAL. 110 DOXOIiOGY. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, :Praise him all creatures here below ;:y: Praise him above, Praise him above, •.Praise him above, ye heavenly host,:||: :Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. : II : Hallelujah, hallelujah, Amen,:l|: TRIUIWPHANT ZION. Ill 1 Triumphant Zion ! lift thy head From dust, and darkness, and the dead ! Though humbled long, awake at length, And gird thee with thy Saviour's strength ! 2 Put all thy beauteous garments on, And let thy excellence be known ; Deck'd in the robes of righteousness. The world thy glories shall confess. 3 No more shall foes unclean invade. And fill thy hallow'd walls with dread No more shall hell's insulting host Their vict'ry and thy sorrows boast. 4 God from on high has heard thy prayer. His hand thy ruins shall repair ; Nor will thy watchful Monarch cease To guard thee in eternal peace. U2 THE CYMBAL. DAUGHTER OF ZIOX. 1 Daughter of Zion, awake from thj sad- ness; Awake, for thy foes shall oppress theo no more ; Bright o'er thy hills dawns tlie daystar of gladness; Arise, for the night of thy sorrow ia o'er. 2 Strong were thy foes ; hut the arm that subdued them, And scattered their legions, was mightier far ; They fled like the chaff from the scourge that pursued them ; Vain were their steeds and their chariots of war. 3 Daughter of Zion, the power that hath saved thee, Extolled with the harp and the timbrel should be; Shout, for the foe is destroyed that en- slaved thee, Th' oppressor is vanquished, and Ziop is free. U3 THE CYMBAL. JOYOUS HEARTS. 1 Our heaits are young and joyous, 'Tis spring time with us now ; The dew of life's bright morning Is fresh upon each brow. The world to us seems pleasant, We love its joys to share ; God, in his tender kindness, Hath made it very fair. 2 The smiling sun of summer, The blooming buds and flowers, The gentle rain descending In soft, refreshing showers; The love of those who love us • The kindness of our friends, All those good gifts remind U8 God's goodness never ends. 3 And when upon our foreheads The silver locks shall fall : Or early comes the shadow, "Which comes alike to all, Still safe upon thy bosom Our spirits shall recline. And 'mid the joys of heaven We shall be ever thine! U4 THE CYMBAL. WHEN THE SUN SHINES BRIGHT. [Written expressly for the Cymbal.] 1 When the sun shines bright and glorious, And the song bird chants his lay, Over care and its snares, victorious, We have met on this sacred day. 2 We will sing of the home that's above us, And our friends that have gone there before — Of the Saviour that fondly does love us And who stands on its beautiful shore. 3 He will welcome us home to its glory. And the joys that will last there, for aye, And we'll sing of his life's wondrous story In the light of eternity's day. 4 For he died for the young and the aged. For the sinner, the saint, and the sage ; And the fierce powers of darkness engaged, That our names might be wrote on life's page. 5 Then up, and be working, and doing, For this life is uncertain and vain. With bold hearts the race still pursuing. And the prize of our Saviour we'll gain. C. M. C. THE CYMBAL. -|]C THERE IS A REAPER, fltf 1 There is a Reaper, whose name is death. And, with his sickle keen, /He reaps the bearded grain at a breath. And the flowers that grow between. 2 Shall I have nought that is fair? saith he ; Have nought but the bearded grain ? Though the breath of these flowers is sweet to me I will give them all back again. 3 He gazed at the flowers with tearful eye?. He kissed their drooping leaves ; It was for the Lord of Paradise He bound them in his sheaves. 4 My Lord has need of these flowerets gay. The Reaper said, and trailed ; Dear tokens of the earth they. Where he was once a child. 5 They shall all bloom in fields of light, Transplanted by my care ; And saints, upon their garments whit-e, These sacred blossoms wear. C And the mother gave, in tears and pain. The flowers she most did love ; She knew she should find them all again In the fields of light above. THE CYMBAL. 11 n HEAR, FATHER, HEAR OUR 110 PRAYER. [Chant.] 1 Hear ! Father, hear our prayer ! Thou who art Pity where sorrow pre- vaileth, Thou who art Safety when mortal help faileth, Strength to the feeble, and Hope to despair. Hear ! Father, hear our prayer ! 2 Hear ! Father, hear our prayer ! Wandering unknown in the land of the stranger, Be with all travellers in sickness or dan- ger, Guard thou their path, guide their feet from the snare. Hear ! Father, hear our prayer ! 3 Hear ! Father, hear our prayer ! Still thou the tempest, night's terrors revealing, In lightning flashing, in thy thunders pealing: Save thou the shipwrecked, the V03-- ager spare. Hear ! Father, hear our prayer ! 117 THE CYMBAL. THE TIME TO PRAY, [Chant.] 1 Morn is the time to pray, Before the cares of day Steal on the hours. Just when the saffron hue Tinges the Eastern blue, Spangling the early dew On fragrant flowers. 2 Noon is the time to pray, 'Mid busy scenes of day ' We need it more ; Tis then the heavenly dove May test our plighted love, His snowy pinions move, And from us soar. 3 Eve is the time to pray, Just when the tints of day Die in the West; When violets sweetly weep, And weary xephyrs sleep Upon the mighty deep, In quiet rest. 4 How sweet is solemn prayer- We breathe the balmy air Of heaven's clime. Dews from celestial flowers, Odoriferous bowers, Fall on us in these hours Of holy time. 118 THE CYMBAL. THE LORD IS ]?IY SHEPHERD, [Cbant.] 1 The Lord is my Shepherd ; I shall not want : he maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters. 2 He restoreth my soul ; he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake ; yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil ; for thou art wit-h me ; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 3 Thou preparest a table before me, in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil ; my cup runneth over. 4 vSurely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in tlie House of the Lord for ever. 119 TilE CYMBAL. PRAISE OI* ]*I1JSIC. 1 harmony, my heart's delight ! My joy and solace day and nighk : Thee have I chosen for my own, And thou shalt be my love alone. All sorrow I behind me fling, And raise my heart and voice to sing ^ And music thou shalt ever be, A rich inheritance to me. 2 Let those contemn who prove thee not, I leave them to their tuneless lot ; And when distress or cares assail, If thou my solace ne'er should fail, All sorrow I behind me fling, And raise my heart and voice to sing ; For music, thou shalt ever be, A rich inheritance to me. 3 But when sore griefs oppress the heart, When health, and joy, and strength depart, My heart in grateful love shall swell To him who doeth all things w^ell ; To him of life and light the spring, I raise my heart and voice to sing ; Then music, thou indeed shall be A rich inheritance to me. 8 120 THE CYMBAL. THE FOOT TKAVEIiLER. i 1 On foot I gaily take my way, hurrah ! O'or mountains bare and meadows grty, hurrah ! And he who is not of my mind, Another trav'ling mate may find, He cannot go with jne, Hurrah, hurrah, el.;. 2 No snail-paced friend I want, not I, hurrah ! At every step to pause and sigh, hurrah ! No gloomy man to scow- and groan, And over others' sins m.'ke moan, I'd rather trudge a; one, Hurrah, hurrahj etc. 3 l^his is the merry singe's Tfa;Jr, hurrah ! His footpath is with ru.- s gay, hurrah ! In every land where so : i; is known, Where music meets an rnswering tone, That land his own must be, Hurrah, hurrah, e e. Foot- travel to the gay is fnveet, hurrah I Butheavy hearts make )i ;avyfeet, hurrah The man who loves tJK^ sunshine bright, And never peeps behiu-i lor night, That is the man for me, Hurrah, hurrah, etc. 121 THE CYMBAL. «*A IflAN'^ A MAN FOR ALIi THAT." 1 We vr'ill not blush for poverty, Nor hang our heads and ail that : Tho^ wealthy folks may pass us by, A man's a man for all that : For all that, and all that, Our toils obscure and all that, Their rank is but the guinea's stamp, A man's a man for all that. 2 The king may make a knight, or lord, A marquis, dake, and all that; But honesty needs no reward. And kings can never ];uy that. For all that, and all that, The pride of birth and all that ; Good sense and worth, o'er all the earth, Are better things than all that. 3 Then let us prry, that come it may, As come it v •]! for all that; When with the might shall be the right, And truth si ;ili reign, and all that. For all that, ai I all that, ^Tis coming : till, for all that ; When man w h man, the wide world o'er, i Shall brothe -: be, and all that. 122 THE CYMBAL. MY MOTHER DEAR< There -was a place in childhood, That I remember well ; And there a A^oice of sweetest tone, Bright fairy tales did tell ; And gentle words, and fond embrace. Were given with joy to me, When I was in that happy place, Upon my mother's knee. My mother dear, my mother dear. My gentle, gentle mother ! When fairy tales were ended, *' Good night," she softly said, And kissed and laid me down to Bleep, Within my tiny bed ; And holy words she taught me there, Methinks I yet can see ller angel eye, as close I knelt Beside my mother's knee, In the sickness of my childhood. The perils of my prime, The sorrows of my riper years, The cares of every time ; When dopbt or danger weighed me (^Qwn, Then pleading all for me, It was a fervent prayer to Heaveij That bent my mother's knee, ^ 123 THE CYMBAL. TMX: INGLE SIDE. 1 It's rare to see the morning breeze, Like a bonfire frae the sea ; It's fair to sec the burnie ki^s The lip o' the flow'ry lea ; An' fine it is on green hillside, Where hums the bonny bee, But rarer, fairer, finer far, Is the Ingle side for me. 2 Glens may be gilt wi' gowans rare, The birds may fill the tree, And haughs hae a' the scented ware That simmer growth can gie ; But the canty hearth Avhere cronies meet, An' the darling o' our e'e. That makes to us a warl' complete — 0, the Ingle side for me ! 124 MLY OWN DEAR MOUNTAIN HOIUE. 1 Farewell, my mountain home 1 No more shall I behold My bosom friends, they all are gone, My sunny hearth is cold. Far from the scenes of infancy, Tho' distant we may roam, The heart still fondly turns to thee> My own dear mountain home. THE CYMBAL. I gazed on other sunny hills, A tear-drop wet my eye ; I heard soft strains of music float, I heard a heart-drawn sigh ; I stood upon the shore and looked Far o'er the ocean's foam, To catch one parting glance of thee. My own dear mountain home. 125 THE DEAREST SPOT. 1 The dearest spot of earth to me Is Home, sweet home 1 The fairy land I long to see Is Home, sweet home ! Home, sweet home ! There how charmed the sense of hearing ! There, where love is so endearing. All the world is not so cheering ! As Home, sweet home I 2 I've taught my heart the way to prize My Home, sweet home, I've learned to look with lover's eyes On Home, sweet home ! Home, sweet home ! There where vows are truly plighted ! There, where hearts are so united ! All the world besides I've slighted For Home, sweet home ! CONTENTS. *•* Hymx. Opening Hymn ------ 1 We're going Home to Die no More - 2 We are Passing Away - - . - 3 Come, Let us Sing - - . - 4 1 have a Father in the Promised Land - 5 Walk in the Light 6 I know Thou art Gone - - - . 7 Would You be as Angels are - - - 8 Happy Greeting to All - - - . 9 Watchman -----, 10 Jubilee - - - - - -._n The Anchor ------ 12 The Sabbath School ----- 13 Kind Words ------ 14 Sunday School Army - - - - 15 Around the Throne - . . _ iq Holy Bible 17 CONTENTS. Hymn. I Want to bo an Angel - - - - is Como, Let us Sing of Jesus . _ _ 19 Bible Truths 20 Fleet Street 21 Happy Day ----,- 22 Oh, Who's like Jesus ? .... 23 Hark ! the Angels Singing ... 24 Joyfully, Joyfully . - ... 25 The Promised Land .... 26 Homeward Bound 27 We all Love one Another (Infant Song) - 23 The Prodigal Son 29 Blessed Things 2() How Happy are They - - - - .31 The Angels told Me so - - - - 32 Zion 33 Festive Song --.--- 34 Star of the Evening - - - - . 35 Rest for the Weary .... 36 Sweetly Singing -----. 37 Never Forget the Sabbath School - - 38 Bemomber thy Creator . - . - 3§ Bock of Ages . . _ . _ 40 Frederick - - 41 Vesper Hymn ..... 42 Angels Coming ------ 43 C50NTENTS. 0, I'll be a Good Child - Withered Leaves ... Saviour's Tomb . . - Hosanna - . , - - Light in the Window B.eyond the River .... Shining Shore .... Reaping Time • , . . Hosanna to the Lamb . , Childhood's Happy Hours . , Heavenly Father Grant thy Blessin Sabbath Concert .... Speak Gently .... Be Kind Hurrah ! To the Woods We Go ! Jesus, I my Cross have Taken Say, Brothers, Will You Meet Us ? A Song of Hope and Friendship . Dewy Rose of Sharon Song of Gladness Like Gleams of Light Softly Sleeping . . . • Winds May Blow (Infant Song) A Home Beyond the Tide Watch the Little Feet Child's Dosire . . , , CONTENTS. A Home in the Skies Jacob's Ladder .... Beautiful World Waving Willows .... Twinkle Little Star (Infant Song) Behold a Host .... Tell Me Shepherd Little Samuel .... 'Twas Long Ago Come, ye Children and Adore Him Realms of the Blest . Charity The Spirit of Prayer Loving Kindness .... When Shall We Meet Again Parting Hand .... Children's Hosanna . Precious Promises Sweet Rest in Heaven The Sabbath School 's the Place The Children's Friend God Bless our Sunday School The Child's Thoughts Creation The Little Flock . ; Joyful be our Numbers CONTENTS. HVMK. Tbe Spiritual Coronation Antioch * The Light is Beaming Come and Ilest, ye Weary The Song of JuToileo Universal Hallelujah , Orphan Prayer Hail the Sabbath School Come, ye Disconsolate Let every Heart Rejoice Shout th6 Glad Tidings Only Waiting . , God of the Fatherless Strike the Cymbal Doxology . * Triumphant Zion Daughter of Zion Joyous Hearts When the Sun Shines Bright There is a Reaper (Chant) . Hear, Father, hear our Prayer (Chant) The Time to Pray (Chant) . The Lord is my Shepherd (Chant) Praise of Music .... The Foot Traveller "A Man 's a Man for All That" . CONTENDS. My Mother Dear 122 The Ingle Side . . . : . .123 My Own Dear Mountain Honie . . 124 The Dearest Spot , . . . .125 " 1 ^^ ;\»- t.^ ■■■ w :, K // ^t^-^«i^' n"^^.