Duke University Libraries Message of the Conf Pam #450 D'=nOE735b + HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Feb. 27, 1865.— Referred to Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. [By the Ciiaiij.] MESSAGE OP' THE PRESIDENT. Richmond, Va., Feb. 2-5, 1865. To tJie Sauilc and Jfouse of Represejif.aiives : I herewitli transmit, for your consideration, a commu- nication from tlie Secretary of War, covering an estimate for an addi- tional appropiiiitioii rcipiinMl by the War Department. JEFFERSON DAVIS. COMMUNICATION FROM SECRETARY OF WAR. CONFEDEKATE StATES OF AMERICA, Wak Department, Richmond, Va., February 2:2, 1865. To tlic President of the Confederate. States: Sri{ : I have tiie honor to transmit herewith, an estimate of funds required to supply a deficiency in the apjiropriation for tlie <'onipensati(>n of the Secretar}' of ^Var, Assistant Secretary, (Hiief ol" ]^>ureau, Clerks and ]\[esscMi