Cl '»..' 150Q ' 1 /Z rne #i3^ Duke University Libraries (Circular.) To Conf Pam l2mo #234 Savaunuh, 1862. Sir: As required h^ 3d Section of t)u' Act to alter and amend the Act foi- the sequestration (;f tlie estates, property and elVeets of Alien lonejnies, T di-- mand of yon r.t once to |>ay over jind deliver to mi" the money, property and elTocts jind evidences of delH of Alien Enemies in youi- .lelual possession, oi- I !;dcr \ ■'!;!■ cntrol, as specified in your Hetnrn, an- ■^^^''^ill. 'iarnislm'cnt is.sue ii on-tfe^' day of 1S(; troiu tiic, /\.nF^r1prnl.(^ Stat>^ <-'oiirt for the District of Georgia. Upon such payment and delivery, von will receive my Receipt for the pro})erty, &c.. delivered. W. (J. DANIKLL, Receiver. tit pH8.5