N . RH£2f M Wmm MSB! T ' h i i df*£ H t. (1) ■A I ■» His Majefties GRACIOUS DECLARTION. JAMES R. Dr ConduSl h.ts been fuch in aR times, as ought to have per- fivaded the world, that We are firm ana confiant to Our Refolutions, yet that eafie People may not be abufed by the Malice of Crafty Wicked Men, We think fit to Declare, That Our Intentions are not changed Jince the Fourth April 1687. when We out Our Declaration for Li¬ berty of Conference in the following Terms. His Majefties Gracious Declaration to all His Loving Subje&s for Liberty of Con¬ fidence. y . > * • ■ J A M E S R. IT having pleafed Almighty God not only to bring Us to the Im¬ perial Crown of thefe Kingdoms through the greateft Difficul¬ ties, but to preferve Us by a more than Ordinary Providence up¬ on the Throne of Our Royal Anceftors; There is nothing now that We fo earneftly defire, as to Eftablifh Our Government on fuch a Foun¬ dation as may make Our Subjects happy, arid Unite them to Us by In¬ clination as well as Duty ; Which Wethinktcanbe done by no Means lo efte&ually, as by granting to them the free Exercife of their Reli¬ gion for the time to come, and add that to the perfeft Enjoyment o.f their Property, which has never been in any cafe Invaded by Us fince Our coming to theCrown ; Which being the two things Men value moft, {hall ever be preferved in thefe Kingdoms, during Our Reign over them, as the trueft Methods of their Peace and Our Glo¬ ry. We cannot but heartily wifh, as it will eafily be believed, That all the People of Our Dominions were Members of the Ca- tholick Churth, yet We humbly thank Almighty God, it is, and A hath 4*9 « SkwI • > V>'/ * \ i - C ) hath of long time been Our conftant Senfe and Opinion (which upon diverle Occafions We have Declared ) That Confidence ought not to be conftrained, nor People forced in Matters of meer Re¬ ligion : It has ever been dire&ly contrary to Our Inclination, as We think it is to the Intereft of Government, which it deftroys by Spoiling Trade, Depopulating Countries, and Difcouraging Stran¬ gers ; and finally, that it never obtained the End for which it was employed : And in this We are the more confirmed by the Reflexions We have made upon the Conduft of the Four laflr Reigns. For after all the frequent and Preffing Endeavors that were uled in each of them, to reduce this Kingdom to an exa£t Conformity in Religion, it is vifible the Succefs has not anfwered the Defign, and that the Dif¬ ficulty is invincible. We therefore out of Our Princely Care and Affe&ion unto all our Loving Subjects, that they may live at Eafe and Quiet, and for the increafe of Trade, and encouragement of Strangers, have thought fit by virtue of Our Royal Prerogative, to Iflue forth this Our Declaration 6f Indulgence; making no doubt of the Con¬ currence of Our Two Houfes of Parliament, when We fhall think it convenient for them to Meet. Inthefirft Place We do Declare,That We will Protect and Maintain Our Arch-Bifhops, Rifhops, and Clergy, and all other Our Subjects of the Church of England, in the free Exercife of their Religion, as by Law Eftablifhed, and in the quiet and full Enjoyment of all their Pof- ieflions, without any Moleftation or Difturbance whatfoever. We do likewife Declare, That it is our Royal Will and Pleafure, That from henceforth the Execution of all and all manner of Penal -Laws in Matters Ecclefiaftical, for not coming to Church, or not Re- < ceiving the Sacrament, or for any other Non-conformity to the Re¬ ligion Eftablifhed, or for or by realbn of the Exercife of Religion in any manner whatfoever , be immediately Suljpended ; And the fur¬ ther Execution of the laid Penal Laws and every of them is hereby Sulpended. And to the end that by the Liberty hereby Granted, the Peace and Security of Our Government in the Practice thereof may not be en¬ dangered, We have thought fit, and do hereby ftraitly Charge and Command all Our Loving Subjects, That as We do freely give them Leaveto Meet and Serve God after their own Way and Manner, be it in private Houfes, or Places purpofely Hired or Built for that ule: So that they take efpecial care, that nothing be Preached or Taught a- mongft them which may any ways tend to Alienate the Hearts of Our People from Us or Our Government ; And that their Meetings and Alfemblies be peaceably, openly, and publickly held, and all Perfons freely admitted to them ; And that they do fignifie and make known to fome one or more of the next Juftices of the Peace, what Place or Places they let apart for thole ules. And that all Our Subjects may enjoy fuch their Religious Alfem¬ blies with greater Alfurance and Prote&ion, We have thought it Requifite, and do hereby Command, That no Difturbance of any kind be made or given unto them, under Pain of our Difpleafure, and to be further proceeded againll with the uttermoft Severity. And fbrafinuch as We are defirous to have the Benefit of the Ser¬ vice of all Our Loving Subjects, which by the Law of Nature is inle- par&biy annexed to, andinherent in Our Royal Per loo ; And that none UHkh f SI 41 if YJi*^ vULfl 41U-bAU .^MU i . * Qi the;' • , ,C t c QAfO«A (. t J . Cy-I I 54" ■- : . \ \ • • / O ) / f of Our Subjects may for the future be under any Difcouragement or Difability (who are otherwife well inclined and fit to Serve Us) by realbn of fome Oaths or Tefts, that have been ufually Adminiftred on fuch Occafions: We do hereby further Declare, That it is Our Royal VVill and Pleafure , That the Oaths commonly called, The Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, and alfo the feverai Tefts and De¬ clarations mentioned in the A&s of Parliament made in the 2