: i\. ■ X ,;;4'.;C:'v n's.: ■S. v^i' ^yr;- :: '.y 1j'':?.y.''C^-^\ . ",S-?y' j1; ' -' -n' - .. ■ • ' sfe ■'"" .• 1. ;■ •->. ; • ;-AV- . ; :Z-: $vaE: % ■ -9 •-■-iy X, ;7! 'u- A A.; ,.; I, ■■■'i. 'S;'v ^•>Vl / MESSAGE Seat forth from the RifenSeed Of GOD. Being OiFait^ful Sxpojlulation and Ti?- flimony concerning the t njutt and Hard Dealings of the Rulen and Pesfle in ENGLAND^ WHO Hav e a Hand in the Cruel Oppreffions and Suf- fcrings Of the People of God called QJLl A K E R S. William Bayly. printed in the Year 1675. HI message Sent forch from the Rifen Seed of God. HEarken and give ear ye Sons of Men>and coiifidcr what ye are doing in making Snares,, Traps and Gins for an Innocent People: What have we done againft the Righ- teous Holy God, or againft any of his Laws, ot againft any Righteous Juft Laws of Men (fincc we were a People, called and chpfen of God out of the Wayes and Vanities of this World; that you ftiould thus Opprefs, Abufe and Perfecute us, as if we were not worthy to live upon the Face of the Earth ? Why do ye thus hunt us, as a Par- tridge upon the Moanrains, and as Sheep for the Slaughter ? What Evil have we done, or what is our Offence, that you, like Saul, purfue us ? If you pretend and fay. We are Breakers of the Kings Laws, or ^lueens Laws, or A^s of Parliaments, ojr the like-, il this be the only Caufe, then let rae query or rcafon with you in God 's Behalf: What are thofe laws or Adis of Parliament, and the Ground of them, by which a Harmlefs and In- nocent / 1^6 fent forth from noccnt People are thus caufed t® fuffcr,who break not the Lawot Chrift and of God, but worlbip him in the Spirit and Truth, with our Heart and Underftanding, Mind and Strength, and love out Neighbour as our felves, as God is Witnefs; and even pray, That God would of en the Eyes of them that bate and defptghtfulij ufe us. Had not them in Dawfi's Time, and in the Jews lime, and ia Sbadrach^ Mefheeh and Abedmge's Time, Laws and Decrees fealed with King^Seals, which were a- gainftGod, and his dear Children (which wor- ftiippcd him in Spirit and Truth, as we do nowj who fuffered luch things for the Tryal of their Faithand Patience for a feafon: Yeajhe fufFcred Cain to Kill his Brother Abel about Sacrifice and Worfliip 5 he fuffered ^udas to Betray Chrift,our Elder Brother, and the Rulers at^d Prtefis to Cru- cifie and Murder him by a Law: But what Law was it by which the Son ol God was put to Deathf Judge ye : Was it not made in Man's Will, by that Spirit that profeft the Good Words, and had the Sheep's Clothing, that did (ay^ and not do: And were not the Scribes., and Pharifees, and Ru- lets and chief Priefts Hypocrites, that did fo f And had not they their Portion in the Lake that burns ? And did not he fay to them, // you ^ave dene the(e things to the Green Tree, what will they dote the Dry? And was not he had fr m Prifon to Judgment, andnumbred amongfl: IranfgrelTors^ And is it not fo now between you and us as it was then, the Enmity between the Two Seeds and Births? the ^fen Seed of God. 247^ Births ? Read', and let God's Witnefs,which re- proves you in fecret,anfvver. And did not he fuf- fer the Prophets to be ftoncd by the great prolef- fing City and People ^ and Prieft P^ifhur to fmite ^ermuh on the Mouth, and to be put in the Stocks and Dungeon for fpeaking the Truth, and ZtchAriah to be Slain between the Porch and the Altar, znd Stei.heti to be Stoned for wit- neffing againft Temples made with Hands j and many fuch things God did iuffcr that Evil and A- dulterous Generation toii fiidl upon his Servants and tender Children, who fay to their OpprefTors in this Age as- he did then, FU! ye up the Meajures ef jeur Fathers.^ thdt upon jou may, come the Fengeance^ for all the Fighteotts Blood-fhed.from Zechariah to this day. Arc not you in the Way of Cain ? Arc rot you in the Way of the ^exvs ? Arc not you in the Way of the Heathen that did rage, and the Pco- pie that did imagine vain things, who tQokCoun- icl together againft the I ord 8d his anointed-Ones, , faying, Let us break their Bands ajutsderj and -cajl away their Cords from us ? And arc not you -now faying within your felves and among .your fclves,' Let us break their Meetingsy and cajl away or banifj} their Strength Jron-Fus, that thar Name may-be blotted out, and their Rementbraneefrcm amongfi us ? But In''' that fits in Heaven hith you in Derifion, wh« will laugh at your Calamity, and mock whcr your Fear and-Dcflriidtion coraet h as a. Whirl: wind. 24^ A 3iejjagef9nt forth from Arc you not like (that fabtil Fox j who fought the Young Child's Life as foon as it was bornf And was not he prevented, though he flew all the Males in that Region about two years old, or under ^ And are you not like Pharaoh, and thofe dirk i/E^yftiaas., Enchantersj Magicians and Wife Men, who faid, Let us deal rvifelj voith them, lefl thej multiply, and, become great in number 5 and fo injoyned the Midwives to kill all the Males of xhc Hebrews ? But was not Mofes then born, and hid from them in an Ark of Bull rurties, whom God had appointed to be the Leader and Delive- rer of his People out of ^^gypt f Even thus arc you deceived 5 and God will prevent you and your Intents, as he did them and theirs, whole Decrees were fruftrated, and Laws and Counfels ofnoncefFedf •, for God hath fworn byhimfelf, and he will perform it,Th .it noWeapon formedagainfi Jacob or his Seed (hall proffer, nor any Inchantment or Divination again (I his Ifrael (ball prevail ; for he hath determined to exalt Truth and Righteoufnefs in the Earth, and throw down Wickednefs, Op- prelfion. Idolatry and Qngodiincfs- and he will take the Wife in their own Craftincfs, and Jay low, even to the Duft, all the Powders of the Earth, who exalt themfelves again!!: him and his Heritage : HerefpccSs not the Pcrfons of Men, ■5t will trample the Ungodly as in a Winc-Prefs, a his Fury, for his Seed's fake; who hath faid to js his Babes and Children, concerning our Op- prelfions, Fear ye not the Face of Man, nor the Re- vilings the ^ifin Seed of God, 3.4^ and Threatnings of the ^ens of Mstt, tvhgfe Breath is tn their Nofirtls^ that fkaB he made as Crafp the Methjhik eatthemssp ItkeWooll'^ and I'le flead my Caaje mth them, in their Cenfeiences, by my evsn fVttnef jwhieh feeth in Secret,and oehoidi all their Hard Speeches and'Ungedlj Deeds, vohish they haveprettdly Jpoaken againfl me and my Fecple % for rengeancess mine, and irvillrepayit, faith the Lord. There'ore hear now,ye Rulers^PrleftSjSouldiers and People this day in E KG L AND, who are Brewing your Hands in the Blood of the Inno- cent, and let mc reafoo with you concerning thefc things^ What was Cam and his Way, to whichtlie Wo brelongs to this day f Was he not of the Wicked One, who flew his Brother about Worfliip and Sacrifice i And are not they of the Wicked One (the Murderer from the beginning) that do fo liowj* Let God s Witnefs in you anfwer. And what was Btlaam and bis Way, who loved the Wages of Unrighteoufnefs, whofeMadnefs and Folly the dumb nfmth Man's Voice repro- ved.^ If you have Ears to hear, hear^ for many that have been as dumb, rode upon by yea and your Predcceflbrs, begin now to fpeak with Man's Voice, And are not you and, your Teachers found in Crf/»'s Way, and Way ? Will not you Murder, and Rob, and Banifli, and Im- prifon, and Perfecute about Sacrifice and Wer- fliip ? 1 snot this Cain's Way and Balaams VJ ay Do not flatter your felves, nor daub with Untem- pcred Morter 5 but let the Witnefs of the Jnfl I i God i^o \4MeJfage fent forth from God arife and aiifwer,which will fpeak the Truth 5 which will be as a VVorm and Moth in the Heart and Bowels of the Ungodly and Hypocrites for- ever, if you Repent not with fpeed: If your Common-Frufers^ znd Homilies^ Organs be the Truit of your Ground, can you nor offer it to yoar God, and be Gdntent i Or, will not your God accept it at your Hands, without you Murder, Rob and Persecute us, who offer unto our God Male and Firftlingof our Flock, which opens the Womb holy to tnc Lord f if fon do mil, ^dl yoit not be accepted i but if net. Sin Ikth at yetur Doory like Cain^ whofe Counrenance fell, who was wroth, and flew his Brother : Confider thefe things; for you have either a wicked God. ('the De vil, the God of this World) or your Sacrifices are wicked and abominable, or you offer it with wicked Hands 5 for, Godfaid unto C^w, Why art thou Wroth ? and why is thy Countenance falen ? if thou dofl Well J (halt thou not be accepted ^ but if not. Sin lieth at the Door ; and your State now, you that can Sing, and Pray, and Murder about it, and make Laws againft the True Worlhippersof the Living God in Spirit and Truth 5 and fee what you are doing, and how far you arc out of Caids SSl3.y and the Tharifees Way, who could pay Tythc, and Fafl twice a Week, and make Long Prayers or Common Prayers as well as you (and Kill Chrift Tefus and his Difciples) who had the Litin, Gretk and Hebrew as well as you; and fee what you differ from them^ and whether you are net the^ifen Seei of God, J not of the fame Seed of Evil-doers; and let the Witncfsof the Dreadful God judge in this Mat- tcr, who will not be mocked with your Sacrifices, and Prayers, and WUl-worfhips, and Feigned Humiliations, its all Abomination to him : Therefore Repent, left while ypu rejoyce in the Sound of your Organs, he fwecp.you down to Hell} and be awakened to Judgment, andarife, and behold the Great Contrpverfic, which is at this Day between and ChriftandAn- tichriftj Light,and Darkncfs, Righteoufnefs and Unrighteoulnefs, Truth and Deceit and Wick<- cdncfs } what fhall I fay of it ^ but in plainncfs, between God and the Devil, the Lamb and the Dragpp, M/Vi&rfe/the Arch-Angel and the Devil and his Angels} andconfider and fee, of whofc fide ye now are, and whether you are not them of w'hom E»0ch^ the fcvcnth from Adam^ prophefied, and ^ude declared. Ungodly Me/ty Rdging Waives of the Sea, foaming out four own Shame y caking Evil of things you knew not ^ filthy Dreamers y walking after your own ungodly Lufs-jheMockers and Seoffer^s tn thefe laf dayesy (peaking Evil of Dignities y and DeJ^iJing Dominion fcven thefSons & Children of the Moft High God .and their Kingdom & Dominion,which hath no End, of which Abel and Enoch were,wbofe Life and Kingdom you know not) who of old were ordained to this Condemnation'^ Heady j High-minded, ■Self-wiSedy Lovers of Pleafures more then Lovers of Cod- And whether yon are not thcfc Wells with^ I i 0ttt 251 jiMeffdgtfent forth from mWdter, dndclouds without Rah, carried about mtB aTempefij having a Form of Religion, but denying the Fewer of God, and perfeeutc them that live in it.? And whether you are not the that live atEafe, with whom God is very Tore difplcafcd, which helps forward the A'lBi^ion of his People i read your State and your Portion, Zaeh. i. if, Zeph. i . i ') ,t6, 1 7, i8 j &c. And whether you are not them that chant at the found of the Vial, and drink wine in bowls, and eat the Lambs out of the Flecks, and anoint jour [elves with the Chief Ojntments, in- venting to j07irjelves Inflruments of Mufiek like Da- vidj and are not grieved for the AffiiFlions of Jofeph, putting f ar awaf the Evil Day, and choojing the Seat of Violence and opprefjion ; come near ye which t'ejoyce - in a thing of naught read Ames 6. and within wit hi God's Witnefs in your Confciences» and then be- kold us in your Goals, Holes, and Stinking Pla- cesof Cruelty, who are a Poor and art Affliiled - People, whofe Truft is in the Name of die Lord: - For, thus faith the Lord God concerning us, who- tremble at his Word,r w/// appear toyour foy,& they thathateyeu (haS be afhamed'i and I will lead Jofeph like a Flock, and fet the Solitary in Families, and they fiad Rejoyce in my Highnef, ai. d Sing for the clory andMi?/tfj, the Inftru- ment, \vhich brought them thither 5 and curfed be they who difobey the Command of God given- tO-Mojes^ which is fulfilled in Chrift the Elder Bro- ther, and them that follow bim, who breaketh not the Commands of God given to Mofes but Fulfilleth them in his Sufferings, which is now making up at this day. Have a Care what you do inFiglulng againff God in his Members, you who profefs your felves the ^fen Seed of God. Telves t© be ChrifUMt, Magiftrates, PerfecutorS of others, who are Members of Chrift's Body, who was perfecutcd by Chief Priefis and Rulers, who profeffed they had mote Knojvledge of God then them they pcrlJi^uted j but their Condem- natioiv^as the grcareVj..|or thatchey were Sajers^ and not Deers^ as tfihny^ ypu arc at this day, profeffing Chrift iii words,-bat ferving an hypo- gritical Generation. wo to the Phanfees^ faith Chrift; and Wo to the Ghrijihm now J. Who profefs Chrift in Words, and in their Works and Praiftices deny him, who make Long Prayers,& their Hands full of Cruelty and Blood, and make their Seat a Place of Vio- Icnce, that Juftice and Truthcannot be heard; but the Simple and Upright in Heart will learn Judgment: And the Prudent in 0.ucea Hiza - beth and Man^ T aws, who refufe the Law of God to bet heir fV-ule, will God cut off, though called ^uftices, chief Priejls or RitUrs ? look ye to it, for the Hand of Juftice and true Judgment is lift- cd up, that the Heritage of God (hall be known, not by theLaw of Qjeen Bliz.abeth ot Marj^ which is now in hand but by J^e//^,thc King of the the Son of the Living God, the higheft amongft men, the greatcft in the Confcienccs of all his People: Srvear mt at faith he who is come to be Lord in the Coafcience, and none elfe lhall rule over his Heritage, though now it feems to be trampled upon by Injufticc and Unrighteouf- nefs, which is ad:cd by Unrighteous Men, who K k a are i6b jiMeJfdge fent forth, arc but as the Drop of a Bucket and Duft before him. Therefore dread the Lord,ye Kings and Ru- Iers,for the Judgment is now fctitng up, which re- fpeiteth not the Wayes of Kings, becaufe the Hearts of Kings are in the Handof the Lordi who can turn them as a River of Water which way he pleafeth, and their Life is in his Hand as a Span: therefore, I fay, dread the Lord all Flefli; for the Day of the Lord haftcns, and is even at the Doofg. T«tk "Truth 0f prhick l fuhferihe, M. B. SEek not by Laws made in Man s Will* The Blood of Innocents to fptil i Fpr if you do, the Law of God Within your Heart Ihall be the Rod» Which fhall you fmite with Stroaks fuH foar»- And you condeom for evermore. For your Decrees, which arc Unjuft, They Ih g'l not (land. God's Counfel muft. Profcflio ns, Words and Prayers lo. g» Hchathno Pleafure in*, ' i" Without the Life of Righteoufnefc AH Sacrifice u Sin. The Day is broak, and God's juftStroak . On Hypocrites muft come; Their Many Words ani Carnal Swords Can't favc them horn their Doom. Amtn, w' ^ t 'C^'tK-.".•*«*;■•.. • •• •'••'-<• •- ■i^.'Jf.vr-*#- .. sr N .u . .'v*'-. •'j . ^ ,'V .TV - . .'.S..'.«<,f„iV.'t^ 4' {A),? ■b.S^J «w V V* C ** 19 8 0 A .V A- .•<■ •■ i -, '. V J I , V/ ■if' 'V' -a-