a A V '-o. 7 - v-' i ^ ^ . - 1- > n p Hereas ia Nouembcr^laft, by Our Proclamation Wee cominan- neDftomCotKtaiitDieperrons/antiotDet; Pnnefiiitie SDepentiants, as tntug tenpins to t!)e pii^ononr of jDnt ponft; ppDfttl tnm nae fint^pg not Daae tioU) taken uttoiDieose, ann auoU)eDofameetennnt:i btt of :Srti6ctts> and otDtts to foiioUi one ponfetn tDe feneeau piates,anD trakeiiitbkereto tDei^ areaOKsneo, t)ponliecogni5ancekr(ienrtektotlll£; U)ttD cotnnttonfoa.tpek; jSookkel^amDur, ann pevfo^minsfucl) otDeei^rtti: tlesi a0 tQeeein t^ailbe containeD > ifPtlofe roomer ano places Pecommmg boioe, €>ntplcafnetis, a^ailbefupplieobpottiersttietenntonamepbp ^ne %inigl)t ^at^all fo; tltt time being, naee boe.tDetefoje araitip tgaege anb tommannb, ail Sent i@icepees,;2lttifitees,anb otDet ible petfons, and l)attgets on ^nt l)onfe (otDer tkenfuci) tbDofe partlcnlat: names ate entteo tn tke Boll ^0 Ggneo^as allotoeo to foliotb Dm:ponfe)G)ai mit^ln fouteand tident^ pontes after tDls Dur ^^ocianmtlon departfromDurcourt, and notretnrne tDUDeragaine, Pponpaineof^mp^lfon- nient,at)botbeeto;poiaUpnni(bments, anb penalties to beeinflietebfo; tbeie contempt in tpisbe^ Halfe. :Snbit9eeeeqnite, anbOtaitlp tltaege £>ueBnigbt^aea)aH, anb all i)Sftees,anb^ini« 0ers dnder Dim, tyat and tDcp do e take a dailp,and conkatu furuep of offenders in tDio kind, to tbeenb tDattijepma^be eonbignelppnniibeb; anb tiiat tbep tabe care ti)at ^nr pleafnre iieereinbe fcom time to time ilrlctlpodferued, d^ reGra^nlngaiiotDers (fauefuclj as are licenced and ailomeo as afojefaib) to foHott), o; Dane bepenbance bpon £>ur bonfe. 2tnb fo? futb Xents as are alloibeb to follotd WiSMtt tblll tdat tde^ de appointed and placed dp tde direction of D ur Bmgdt ^arfljail o; dis Depntle, in Cued manner as tdcp map dee no offence, o^annopauce to mt perfon o;idou(Dold« :^nd iddcreas steat inconuenlences dapip dappen dp mt oidne feruants,^ fo!loiders,dp tljelr em tercapnlng of perfons to folloid tdem in times of Dur ^lournepes $ |^;:ogre{re, iddicd aftermard de« ingturnedoff, doeneuettdelefTe lopter.andlingeradoutmn Court, to tlje greatdlldonouroftde fame: jfo;red?efretddereof,!iaeellkeidlfe(lraitlpp;:ol)idlt, andfo;ibidaiiandeuerp our feruants, andfolloiders,and otdcrsofiddatdegreefoeuer, £dattdepdcncefoondp^efumenottooffendin tbat%inb.astf)eptenbers>nrbifplearore. :3nb aUb ,tbat no tbamber-beeper, dsroome of tbe stable,o? otber Dffieer (bail gine entertaines ment to anp perfon tddatfoeuer to folloid, o; depend dpon dim, o; tdem, dnt onelp fucd as Idail dee aliotbeb anb entreb in tbe Boil fo? s>nr boufe. ;Snb tbe betterto mpp?eflie tbe bifo?bers,anb abnfesbappening in iSDnr Court bp reafon ofianb?p tdomen, dauing danp acceffe into mt doufe; mtt doe tderefo^e nraitlp cdarge and Commaund, tbat no iannb?efl'e (bail bane retonrfe to anp oStte. o? iobging tbitbin cDor bonfe i 25nt tbat tbe £>f« Gees, and Cdamders dnto nidlcd tljep idaO), doe fend tdelr feruants out dnto tdem idltd and fo; tdelr fLlnnen: :^nd tdat all Cued ftaund^elfes as are alloided to Colloid ^ur doufe, aCldell tde Haun^ d;ie(re to mt dodp,as otders, a)ail folloid tdemfelues in perfon, and not Cupplle tljelr places dp tdelr feruants, and mapdes, iddo lining idltdout gonernement,are tde caufe and occaGon of fo great difo;^ deramongG tdem tdat folloid Bs* :^ndtotdatend, iioeeidlllandcommaundonr)do;tersat our gate, to fee tdis ^ur pleafnre to de duelp odferued and kept* :$ndiaGlp,iioeeGraitipregnlre, cdarge and commaund all ^alo;s, ^uGlces ofideace, ^di^ rlffes, 2iSalllffes, ConGadles, i^eaddoiougdes, andailotder€>urDfGcersandfpiniGersiddatfoe(^ ner,to be apbing anb alIii(ling,to tbe eretntion of tbis «nr Siopai naiii anb commaunbementas tbep ibfli gine account to bs tbereof, anb tenbcr 0nr i^igb bifpieafure fo? neglect of tbis Cernice fo attepta- biebnto bs. . t GiuenatOur Mannour or Greenwich, thelaft day of lune, in thefeucnteenth yecrc of our Raigncof England, France, and Ireland, and of Scotland the two and fiftieth. at London by Bonham Norton and lohnBill^ Printers to the Kings moff excellent Maieftic. Jnno. aS^.DCXIXi J T* • I J ■« -•! 4- «. J" i I ^ -f * H „ ! i A !1 rv - > * > ■': »' s • # /V » * , rfT^ >1^'^ * -n '••IT - ,* ♦ r. ^ • y ^■r . ♦ k ^ ' -r i A. - \i > ^ p. i. v* * ^.f ,, •-? i '^i i J*?'?"} fi ^ ; t # «• f < «-* , fi' ^ ^4 • i >• W li V » ^ f If '] n T JL ^ « -WS # ♦ *># < i "w* • -^ *1 4 « ' »4 »% ^ •» I ^ f,a>. ^ ^ ;»r- ^*j *4 "J -f ^ '5 . ? V' •> I ' r J * .■ r V " «^ V ' ;>'»■ !rjn(f5-l0i f* . < ? .»•« k ^ *.? rt :. ■ -' - = '' I 1 ♦.* •• f j f'i- ;» « i I 9 . 'V ■ } # V V i.'? » ■f - t' » ii T j ♦ f 4 ^P <> 1 •»:'- e» « 1^ ? • •i I * ■ \ : 8- I '«► •• • ' i i • > -y .«: *. <•. * / : r^■ i -jn^oC ^ t ^ *•# '> *" A > «* s^ * 'i '•< * ' r *: O J"J»« V' ^ » » ' s 41 ^ / r' > ^ «A % 4 -< .; r *«i*. •"« ^ ♦ «P «» » S'W*^# V ■* * ^ » ■# f iiE" V • ^ iP'f' V * 1 rs.5^ol]$3fiBiH:^a^^naqa "rl -•v. *-4 ^>m \ *. »* ' # • ^ «# ■.■» i. i V i ^ ^ 41 i ^ V i' ^ A*- *' A* ■« ki -i . T t --, ik ^ -t r ' =V.ii-». 4^' 0 ■ V V ,'i •'A-.* ' r« - . •* *; .- 0! S . ^k*- a ■ VK V-.. 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" • i- \h • 6 . - ■<''% • . ^ ^-,.^v* . J- ' -t- -■^.A Vs*-- * v t ^ i-.uJa «;%iv =^., *■-' ihStt'" tS './:.■ •■^.■'i.*i i. :• >= "f ■ . > r,. -"'I •♦ \ yvA- .-. • » 4H. > . •* 2 i i ■ p J ,».•'. -f < i . ; < ■•. .-■ i - i - * . ' ■ . *-f ! #?' • 4^ 4» « -t i . ♦••< •■■■>; ',S»?A ^ ... i >i . -^i - ^ V ^ 7 i •- , i .V .■* .ft A. * ' - ■ ■ -* 1 j-v..ir P rr ■ .. .•y ■* f&Vr. i;. r r> 'A r ■ .-' _ . |h-^'' i .., -^ • • '■.'. tf -V. .- i^ •. • '. . S n, . '4.« l^~ •. *C % Z* ■.. -y -i 'Jf ■Hkt' i .J •4/% ^*"if */\ *''• <».p* »»j-^^».}»' »v! if* • • J * ' V •• *•» *"i -•. } ",»"ii i. '", \ J^* 1 - 2 A'"''4* i f V./ /\ 5 ' ^if' h' r! ^ 1^ J r r» TO Drn iLyl IwO .:0 w x.p'J f j3: >. ^^i-^Lij K. . .4.vJ ♦ !. .' * * •* o»4v i V-/ iv> .^,,v>.. X. pp..». i P7.* u f \ X . . _ . • ..- * »-'..• ''_•.. - ■ •.fi' . .■ ■ At.*-- - / V .rh-pir^tCii cvv.:;'hi J:..'of^^cibrif; jLnr.i;ni l>nn .bnilz-'j'h- - - — -. * ■ - VV , #w. ... . ■ ■ -• r-. ■ -- /' Ki r '■ d o rtfj-. riuj i--j i T ^ f,- t r ft 'k'^r^Z Iilh \ » I y f h -i « A .y' i '■ T h'. ' ,-■ -/v.. ,4 • '*., ' -r-'-^ _■ *n.. . V ,- -- -It * - A V ^ 4I T r ■i m -* -v ff 4"» *A . . ^ •A * r ' > \ ■aV / i •; .-y : ' * ? »• jt .^4ax ♦•% ^ ""V •••^' * Hh '*• *■ -♦■■ ^ f '"• i3s-.2^ J Li, x. krX.| ,1 xiv A .# • 0 t " •V «• ■i.t *•? # k Ih. • V, «-1 n ■■ ? f*" ^ ' n ''" '*>—■■ h n' { t ^ IJ y.. 1 .J f i. » . . 7 t V >A V J' P -S..-. i I « j . nr ^ • r « A •. ♦ ^ A »• *.4. f \' \ * \ X. ^ J » I ■ Sk. •# * \ " r< Ar> . '• - 4 jIm,*' a i 4. -*• p * A ..• V A». > v* 4 * « ' Vw .liici n.i-ol k. / lii f / - AA j" V - ■ • - . - •■. -• .:: -.••■?•> :.-7c.',. •.■•■■■r V- •A."^ '..- .•>. i\»- V:. THE NEW t- - f f UOTES OF PARLIAMENT THE'FVTHER SECVRING OF THOSE OFFICERS THAT ARE APPOIN J ted for the Ordering of the ^5\fay \6^i\ %jfohe(l. Flat this Houfe doth declarej thatif ariy perfon vvhacfoever fliall arreft, or Imprifon the perlons of thofe Lords and Gentlemen or any of them, or any other of the Members of either Houfe of Parliament that lhall beeimployed inthefervice of both Houfes of Parliament, or lhall offer violence to them or any of them for doing any thing in purfuance of the commands or in- ftruftions of both Houfes, shall bee held difturbers of the procee- dings of Parliament and publicke enemies of the State: And that all perfons are bound by their Proteftation to indeavour to brirng them to condigne punishment. That this Houfe doth declare that thofe of the City of London, and all othar perfons chat have obayed the Ordinance for the Mali- tia, and done any thing in execution thereof, haue done according to the Law of the Land, and in perfuance of whac they were Com- manded by both Houfes of Parliament; and for the defence of King and Kingdome, and shall have the afsiftance of both Houfes of Par- liament, againft any that shall prefume to quelhon them for yeelding their obedience unto the faid commands in this necelTary and impor- ant fervice : And that whofoever shall obey the faid Ordinance for the time to come, shall receive approbation and afsiftance from both Houfes of Parliament, That this Houfe doth declare that they are refolved to maintaine thofe Lords, and Gentlemen in thofe things they have done; and ishall further doe in defence of their Commands for thepreferving the peace of this Kingdome. OMeredhy the Lords and Qommons in Tar liament ajtembled^ That the Terjhns intru^ Jled Kfpith the ordering of the Militia of the (jtieofhoniony(hall hayepoiperto dra^p \the trainedTands ofthe Qtieintofuch ufttali and convenient places tpithin three miles ofthefaid \(jtie,as to them from time to time jhalljeem fit for the training and exercifingofthe^ouldiers,^ it hat theffid Soldiers upon Jummonsfhalfrom time to time appeare (st not depart from their Colours yspithout the confentoj their Officersy as they tpill anfsper their contempt to theTariiament, DieMartis Mail. 1^42 lAndtn. Printed for G,W* loh- Browne, Clcr. Parliam s I f ^ - > » ^;. ir\« y^ 4f ti* *• vv'" Jn J M mw i. pi V ^ r J { »• * -»A _* .1 V, y '*■ ^A «. ' N i 1 V ■i f r-f / ; } r -\ ri « I - r i c r'\ ■# «*' i •A pr 9 H - •«./ • i- t « ;] ir7- f Pt V 1 ^v .'-T 4 •~-fr /• r-b. yr-lt f X r ' • r • K * T ¥ \ •! \ r^ $ T t- J lO 1^ f r J/ i *-. r r' i « - V. t- J ii t f ^ V..W- V. JD'i\.J Oil J " ? /- .Ju, 11 J*'*l ( i * jr*^ * * ^ V" U-., i ) ^ ? ;• f irv ; } *. ^ ' i r?n r f r r I V A •M i .} i-t • ^ f / ?> y I » > -J - * V , -^ , Ji \ J ¥ •>■ f '> A : t '■ y i fi f n'>r\.« • !i "<' ■ 'i •■ -T i V i ^ .i ■ ' *' . * '* Jk "w' > i. y ' -«> ' 1 sy I '■ r- • f+ • i A, *y''r "-'9- I I A- ir » # -f'"- ? I t K A £> J1 ' o ! J i vy ) f-y :-r i 1 »i» i ■»• . 'A ^ 4^' > 'V. -•< -n / .i- ?. \A 1 i n • 9 V -5- r f 1 M i .1 .» r T r^V •" > rf'x r y -IT I * A » /■ } 1 I -* J. i i QJ V . ^ - ! t »••• 1 * ■»•. ♦ f i-A t. 1 t-' iT'O-) !.)xij \o V- rr L A '••'J i A A. * -< i. ii:' r"\ f' ■ r x: V *«- »• ^ 4 t. ' •b ♦- i-X J>4 f* r ? ■y i t y \ r A-^-9 •A f ) ^fm i : % t' nC i 1^ A—4 *,ri' f'•» ■»• ' ■;.?' ■<«-w' - ' ■ V i-1 J ^ • i A."*,- 5 1 iT 4 .) J f 'i f. ■t y 4 y A I A 9 : A- 'A.I *v* ■-••' i. »,"■— 5 * 41 < ' ,' ' ■. • f . f: r\ rf^ .iw , i^' 1 s> . ku : ■ 1- D;. I e -rx. Sw « »S»b* ; I'' i i , ^ V -•* ■« -■ ■-. » X »'#. »• .^' A ■ \ >■ ■? '■ '• » ' f 'fc- - i - •■' -♦ ^4 ^■*' Jk -1'^^ y .*• W-" ^. '■ ' - - ■ r f ■- v[ » r ' "' ¥ '*"♦ -A V J . r " r '9r J r > y » f « ~ -•*■ <■ ) '-■^ jf N- 4 U !f> I f y- \ -? f> V « .r . • «,* jy jys ■ '/Irjr • " » ** ■> n -X , ^.1 A ' '"-■ !• r*''' 9-4' , ) < i • . ' » : ' yy/e f - - •■ ' ' f ■ ,t - A- ,-i-v .. '. •-.. i «. .-V -! ^ r* :t A > ^ .• < * t' V m- 3. .*. w -4. A i A ■^-' 9.-9 ■ 'm i >■ • } .i, .#-n- A' / V A •f i ^ ■ V • ( . ^- A, *•■ ■^' Av 2"^ i *-¥rirs : X I . v/i V ' rr~ lOi' ♦VifS < • f * ■ » ,-i 4^ I J > 4 n-» -r^ f * -1 r J'"' *^- Vi^ *-i? ^ -I it pi;, w.^' Jt >■ y J - y 04 y. f - J ' ■M ^ > -f / . • i •y . r t J:. - ' Lv k A ^ > r.:', A 1/ ■• ■ * I ^ 1 v^t «f^ ^i ! r\«^ \ •' A * ■■ ■'^\ ■■' - f /N-v ' ^ ^ » ^AN- \ a- -W. - r ? V ; J " - • ]| A- > ' -- t'""* " ^ ^ --■ - -' ■ ■-. * • ^r'' * I-■ ■ *■ • / . ' " . ' k n*^.-r»' -f' "•"' f ■- '>i- '-.'r. i- ^ " - ■ • " ' ' ■ 1 . i. » r y ' :y ' I t a; ^ . . y M »ri' f ^ ■ ^ ...2 t .; • ■■•■ f n ft r "15:^1 n-? ^ 7' \j \ i I' 7 i i IJ ^ '-> A r T ] \x r ^ ■ r 5^-' I •« - -• ■ 4 i f ■ -4 "■ I f ; A. I ; > ■>'- ■J" 1^ ^ ^ ■'' 9 P9. I ■»».,. -'by"' -' 7;-Mf y1 •|r4 ■•*>'Avr'AJ- ^r'•^-■;ry hrrr • fHr O A ■\,..AV,,.. 1._,f ,.L^.. AAv.--< '7. .■ ^ , - ,... cy-.-j ::^ -''-.A ^--AA.'Ah . i >h J .- y.' J, J'- M I ih.rAj /c.;/-uh n\ % ■' rV ' ■ A'-y .r, - r ^ , r ft ■ •'■■.! , nKXJio 03ri'y;y;r; iicr!/ 0:;;: yfno;-;^;iiyy oy;; ryiii .k :?"y r i ' yAj-X::i''^"y'C OjaiAxT !Tk;-f .;j •X^t.-nr>i(y.A--!--."-y! y 'iinibf? :'Hi :..c:.l'^!'!xc zi'i-irrn ^T'i' -:;.r.) xrxf;r'if.'''r • ■ *■ ■ ' ■ . 1 ' ' - " -V .. < -V ,' \ n ~i ■:- '4. i 'i •V / ■ 4 : » *'. '1 i \ f~ /■ ■ .--'"^V- ; .1 : ^ y-:^ • ? w* i '• % i 4 ■.-X 3 :, -X tY^nr-r-X . f r ' ^ 4 ^ r -\ ' ■ * * "i S'-i f'r. r f aa^AQ m'« t >a- , .• I , i — r ; -x ^ ■ . « , , ^ M , *" - '** -9 y ^ • t jf* 7^ ♦ -r A&O . -TT -i. -!.,^». -< ' i 4-4 y i ■ ' > "" if' -„4 I iqof; U7i'- ' A ^.'1^4 %-y, 2*(>/ ? ■ ■#• 4. ■ X .. 7 , : k' ■ y ''. b'v f 7 ■ V ? \ Jk * , ♦ a'* aiinb- K /': f > i #" - ■ f i > - f bCK^ a r * rs - V f: .' • *^4- > 4 . ^ r ^ : ^ yx J A A Y i ■. '-'7 Y kti. f . i J J rd C. ;^ r "i ■44i? A' '1 - i. 1 A » i ..J I ? A ^ A A Yl,. i ' •;■ J J ■ , ?- "S j"£fi.i^/urx Aorij 'fa irXiiy," .. 7 ;v>:r/* olcic'xb ;inl 'AxryxcO li'jrh '-^o A ).b ': ■ V ■ .' A ' ■:, • ' ■ ■ .. . . X{ ^ .-*/'• Yi 5 Y A-:. I Y-' .AA.-■: ;• A y . s -x j ^ ■ t » H Y' " f ^ > :5. VV:'. ^ \ *•; '•, .,. ^ - \ *. ' 'f I -t.i 4' Y' Several 0 fSJD S of the-GoMmons ajfembled in Tarlidment * viz, I. For receiving Complaints againil fuch Members,, their Clerks or Servants, as have received any rAv ,UkvI \^* * \ \\ r; . >\'h iv^i'-uuivv*") ^si T: ♦'. /13 C I t *1 . . - ' ^ N - "f •■»*'> ' i ^ \V^-♦ -1 !if-: ■ :•,- . / Yr ?v;- y ■., ».. > V'!■*',•''• ^ • - M'^ S> k* . pm Hres<, , 2)riivi!>?^ TO Ei'hsl^ e, n*,; .'! >tii * I * . r ' ^1 # ■ - r—^ ./ V : i'X". f ; r i jOi TC .■jIoxh] io --or/ !:]! l!nV/TY =»• *• » I * f f « !■ ' ■• rj % I _ *• * ♦r • • , I 3\? • ' i" ^ i s i i J . Vvr-V" i' O'V"i. ' • U- '^v" P - >. V-r >> ^ t . . -*. . >f '; ^ ^ si-r •^- •■■■<' .*1 Js'Tr? -• -■ '• ■ vO ■•■ T;V;r . ; y-Y" ■" ... J Tt* .-^ vr-'-'-'-V f* -4'. * ^•J ..*"7 « ir* -> • ^ -*■ ,1' vd L'.'fbR 'to,)ii3/nfiihfcl «fh Anin;:S lrr>7.^] ^ :;•?]? ncion i '• « f" • K. i '■/ ? I ' f : « ': 7 4 J I.' i i v r' } • -< TT ^ ; ji < - * ' ^ . -7' ^ ^ r ; .- ■ -' i 'i- 5.; --^ ^V':;Y"'52X^:-' '« V ir ♦ I . •.-■'rV. ,-tf ^>,-: r 77vV.., *'. 'i^- I--: p;:Y}v:;.; >7Ji ;7 - i®: Y;:'r T—^ •\ f Jl 'i-s V V. 1 7 ( *■» v>''V ^ ^ ^ i- V <4. ' r • . ■" o I ♦ f . ^ ■ U A . i '' V kn r^\ ' 7 ■ V r .' > ^ f rt i r> ^ /'■.in': "I *.'■ , 1 T <- •" s- '^ jt * i . - - _ i-raiifi '-^iis. svio'Di OJ iii Jy^ni/'- r. j'.;':l';■'jff'ji* TijdiT?-^' tb'?' jKri^:; f' f r • I .. •. *» ■;/ aJ bna. • LD'n\- r. •: ! ^ * t'.bab c • bp*; ,t»diT!5-r[ -,'- 8- ^ i Ji- ■ •'' -= >.•<■ !»*'»<■ .-t. . / I :-■ V a'-<■ \ :;'.v 'V ' '■ •->'f- »«'> I V ■*«. - -; ^ -A. >. ^ ■ I. •f-o... • N.*^: ' •- -!__., -.a'-^ / \ • ' n n I ■ a * ... i a f » •■ } ' ; .-' * 4 * * , I i X ' • ^. a . /» ' . -" - a/-, n J ■- ■'» a/ J r i f - ''a . .-i?...^^ . -V , i--V''.- .'• • >Q »» 3 7"- \ /'"I. ' s: Ha.a^i»Vv- •-;. v-r ;',( •■^ ^ // > J > . ' V <" « fc~ o ?.,Jni' Iqrrio'J Sfb •<•>;,>. ,; A .*o giDrirn^M yns io TYraarb • J-'i.v.ft"'r>-. ■ » #•■•»- •» *!*•'''/• -• k i" * . i J - 7 f • ;^ . C; lab.* V? J ' ■ • i 4 • 4* 4>. * <. 7 ♦ i jiif. ->V ; ^ / V-.a' • * ^ - r '•' ■ r.'t f ** • V : J ■■■ ^7 ^ i : •■; &T 'a •;. . "oil ■.•.> ^'^arp.'.d/ .«': )!>7 ne Ij 4. *•«.._ •. ^ . '. A • * f f ■ - ♦ !'f . ... .AV- . \ 1 H a ■-■■^ 7 a-:v ■'' ■ ■■ 4 - 'A- 7..-aV.-T«>: - ■• -^"^ ,V •-'K-> ,5 i" . V > i . ' 4 . ' V4 ••-■ i-..j ;■ • TV -b-' • *' ■»- • itj ' vi,t ■,'''-^~-A . ■ 'i •-f '*".■■ 7 -•'•■-■ -:■ f? i 7t i ■r, I-.•..' ■■■ y 7 ^ S" - |B& t . iO Lt H ab. i i r* .• 1 • I i / Y. t * V. * >/ t . 4.. .4- ▼I f »r \ } ^ ■ ■■?♦•■- < \.* i d f -t , t i >, , ..>•/$ J ■ I ii:'>C-^?;T:a' . c n o b e v i. fi A I- a; .71. p) i-jinr:: vr:/: bj-7 i-''; I V- --7% a . t f ■. (a - 4 t < 4 » '■\ • ' J a .; } -♦r ra-^ ; 7^ 4 J.>i i A 4 - ^ - i ' ..... t I >. J ? fc a> ' .:-' / i nf' lO . ^ •' 'r- ■■ 3^ -vm ^ ' ■• .•«, #■. *. r- . . J,^j» ^■q£d'^< t , ' ,'r»,".''+1«Vv.4 >7"^ < *'-9 ■: ,';.,.a L.' 'T/ci mp I ■ . ■* *'■■ ■'? r ^> "• '1 "' -*• •* . I- ..' • ^ >. j... 7 ;, . ( i ; i v.-d .a ' V i f.'' .< • i . 1 { ■ .* • .\..x. r a .f ■■» 4 '\ 'i 1 -f i > bnoio '.> bu.CT v\ r - .iM oJnu v.'isiu'.: C t 4 » •< \ Iv) 17m 4.. .* i 4.. * .4 V : i i * ^ ' A I u ""i M * ' i *~ ' ? *1 *7 p: f . r r i 1*T t '• /A «• -f r '■ '• ■• 4 #, ( 9 . 1 ^ a I A *'- t V , \ ^ / \ , ; M M . ♦ . 3/fJ. IIa UftT' , t-AA:. -rfiiT/Tort ,5lfioH srb TO S:3irJ3l5j -.a. 'If i'iw/b'iol b'5pyf)b>.i "M.. r.a 7 ? 4 ? j%- 1>S io 3-iTOP 7filuDiT>£r| 5vag oJ rt'Sflt i \ ■ , ) : M ■ S f ; 4 . : i M.7 1 t I .Tn3fTir.tr;;7! ?.ir!{fH ,ii k • Ji >• ®k f -* *; >4 i t i lb>- i'.pa 1 ? / —> i * i- ; * C ^ ^ 4" ♦ . 1 - ^ * ^ '»' • •• t' M': • » ffMar I'M, t ' -ar -. I f d'-' \ T * ^ « ■jT:^t:0 ai;0 Yl^iT r? Mai TO fefScl.n^M- J <> ■■■ '7 1U O al t; «■ - f4 y; v ia » . , . 4. ^ * ; A..,;, M«,. , .41 , 4 '.?v ■4v ^4 * ^ V r »/ 7 :L7"^ T'PS'?'fipa'i7r ' i j' ' ■■ rth . m*^f;i-r--i ,,0..,.:+ - f .^iiJ J i fo i i V / ii i iO t * »"~T * fc. . • ^ '--f ■■i.rj '/y- biiji-/v:iiiuq '.Hi oTTsbiO^tiffiLu:)! chivf "i 'a ». » 4 t , ' *1*^ ■'>- '' , • - / A A .. 4 #■ - 7r. •..'•^;f - 4 * f jr 1. .t a ^ i I •* . t-- -:* J * I 4 ?dr 05 ub O if' o 3 4. rJ'*' V*a r^i 'iiVj 1- "• t I \\ I • > \ L * c-n:-;r/7 3fh vd 7-;oirn.uP 3.^:r0f}u b:nt>o7I| ^ * f P.t "t 7 f .u:7a nt fhjxi '^- .5.4 ij \ » . ". .■ ' •* ■ • \ . ♦ V .• "^ V iW^ \ o4 ^ f / w ^ » Hrsfhsai ^nbiiaq on ir " T ,in5Pi,f.ih-,1 pi f.cfiorrunoD snj yd Y -nafaf lu Vi ■ A i ) fua ■■:, ^ ;,r7 ad • ' 7 ;: - ,d' ': a a p : >' ,d , -7 f ;■' >; Ikrd j-n:;:a 7 i.d ; ^ • ? ' 77 /- M ' ■•a9. • .* '» ■ > i ' i . $ * i ; - 4-* f » « » Va Mi M'. a' ^ 4 > b r » M'J I fa P. . 1 1. ■ . : "[- + . , - . , .4 - 4 4. y , ■ A" / ."-t ■ *f • o f . (f T " ' ■' dJ J t . > V-. . i . I, : » ' . I 4 ■ .. f . .J5r].'j;io7> [n^.':;! :/■ •t ^ 1 o r » ' ^ ^ ^ 4»* ^ MoA ■ M T- •* • e » 0 i 11-.- ; { •* "'' -1 .Vao3 X.^' .\-\TXY ) ^77'.IT ^ o - y • t ' ^ ■ A A . V z r.- ( - -t f i «r . * f li.it J ^4 - * f5.7 bns ,-Drtn;.:;c d a ..al .> f. ii .lAdiiba; omiip ■d V f 4 1 \ ' ) d- T "r V5 7d y-'c'' .K f'.ob; .' ] .n-i.) ,t)*jfTvtl,':! ;II ■yivu.'avd'A'i tiUai'pO ja-'-'ib ' ': .v^.a .-.' A/^1 ry ^oK\Aie«\\ 7. .U V- i i \ / it • ' 14 ? / / / 3 v^/ i / / f A vX/ -1 ' 'V ?3 .-:yOi .11 WiAtZ'icTrunoX I Ad. ofMi: Tif'i oi 'isTgitA ■hb..vt.7\ roc.aAdl Toi MifinA j -naio.i ♦'1 If dm. •#:•■ li d'S-a-O i^a77 [AvA- -r./:*] t... of Rt.H- '7,- .-afj i i^ingOom, o? anp i^i9» i^pajeftiesi nions, into anp tbtir pjobintes o? SDominions, upon gveat^l&tnaltits ^ l^iS J3^ateftp hfith tfjercfo^e tijcught fit, and bp and touiitfie :acibice ot J&is i^?ibp Countil, doth htrebp jsublifl) and ®ttlare, and alfo ftratgbtlp Charge and Command, $bat no 00000, ii^erthanDi3es 0? Commodities totatfceb cpanu= factiiro of il)t dominions of ttc faid states of tje United Provinces, oj! of anp of fiieir t^lantations OJ fattojies hobertfotber, (ftall at anp time o? times bereafter be bjougit 02 impo'tcO into ann of ipis apajeQies SXtalms 02 imminions, 0? anp !B02t 02 Creels of tbe fame, 02 ifbereafter im- po2ttd, n)aU not be tbere retailed, uttered, bartered 02 fold bp anp perfon 02 perfons^topatfoeber upon pain of confiftation and 5F02feiture thereof to IbisspajeOies ufe: iDftobitli Confiftation and 3Fo2ftitures li;is apajeOpis pleafed tbe 3nf02mer fl)aU babe one Spopctp. 'i^nd berecf Ibis ®a= 1 efties pleafurc is, Sibat all bis lobing ^ubfetts, and all others bobom it map tonrern, do tafte notice at their peril: and to that end doth be«bp Orafgbtlp Charge and (tommand, as toell all andeberp the flbffiters of tlje laomiraltp, as alfo all and fingular f armP2S, Cuftomers, Comptrollers Searchers, aaaiters and other aDtficers, in all |S02ts, Ibabens, Crttiss and other plates, tbattbep and eberpof them refpettibelp taSe fpetial tare to fee tbisbismopal pleafure and Command ntrt in Due ejcecution at tl;eir peril^P * Given at Our Court at IVhitehaH the Fifteenth day of in tbe Seventeenth year of Our Reign. God fave the Kin LONDON b b Pni^^dbvfobnBil^x^^hrilhpbeHBiv^e^ % mm ip 5' Vi- h't ^3h 11 . / f : V'l:. ■.^ / :a. i'r f. ;'f ('■:'rV: : -* • f > • -T V, d,'^" > y ^ i 1 4- ^-r V 1: i f ■'*.^'-'4 ;-w----4,'-vc -'' i >- Mll> I V _-• i :<1 !k#-^ - iS^'e > i) '< '/ \ - .-. -r^; -- ..v "» S\ . v • « * V. H V'".• /" f) i •-'<. J,A .ft J f v j'-r -■ ^:-i ^jfi: 4.W ■- ■'• ;:?• ^ ■ . :l -t' \ ^ d «.• h - - V ■ '♦ •• ■#/ 1'- fi: - .It- i > > •I'l -■ \ - . -•" - "7^ # /■'. -\ 'W. r? 4 ■ii ■ V- y ■-..a \ y 1; ^ • ■. _i > - % '■"H:A ',-'d \ , t -\ v,v ^4 -ti ^■<" '■'^-' ?*-■ •■'-■» *-*' .. . v' y •'.■ - \ "% u ■:«^ J ■• 4' 'i^ A' • ". i ^ ' ' 1^-^. < w • ^ ■. ^ ■:■ i -f A. r . w-y ^ V - y. 4, - •> w . I . ^ I I ; . .,/■;, ; ; * -.■ -, > j-t- •.•. ..,. 7 -J - "■ ^ "■ f ^ { ■■ ■> ^ ■•<'<: t' r>" ; •. V -4 • -,».• t # ^ ^ ■* » i i .n - rn •* ?-'■ 1 ^ 4 rv-- r rf'-.' f r' V:-~- .•>!#.• I •t.S 'ij -5 •:>i' - '/.V « '• - ''• -.^v-. \ . o : •' - ^ .■f-y :.,- *^F. ■ -f '%1 M-)^'. • -V .'• : -y-. ■ ' « l!?«l- :/-.';'i.-:> i«i ■, >); • ' . ■ • • - f-.tU ' . - ' • f.v •v'V,# r' * ■ 1 >-v ^ y- f* *.$.%,■■ ': V ' i ■ 1 ?- i ;■ .. 1 ;■ / - ■■ •" ?; , !•. ^ .. v' -d:.rr-' •i \ ' 9 -v "»' i ■■\ h -,. " -'.■ At .•V- » -V .V ; .' I .. 'f'" ■ . V. "A ' t • t' • ••• . ,.• ■ V. - "7. • . V '^ . -. J'T '"? . i ^ V > • ■ i ;< ,, i. ^ 1 :.■ ■; t 7 ... 4",. -'^. ri \ ■y ■. -- -4'; ■■ ■ ' - 4,V"'^-7 " ^ ~ A 1 ■■<■ ■ ■-•/ mVh'-W aa^A :■• f- .L » ' A. ; ■ , Am ^ ^5-1-' kJVfe :y. Ji 1 . :2i'.'l o rT -• '■■ Vll • 7^ AA." '1 ■ ,.'■'■, x^MAlAA'i^rm 'A- A A ^ ^H AAiAAmAA AAAA ' -::^ ■ ■ ^. I- ■'-": i • AA::A^i:AAA -''-■' ''. ..A- ■ '-■ €* lAx-y-A - p i ^; >■ ■ -A ^"-f *f IL .* i - '.>-v"n ^ , :i ■'*0 ■ . c 1. ,>-£ » .-.-.4^ .. '? --.v " '■' " .4 . . - • ^3 ''■A-\-M^A>^ ic-' 4' A'AAAAA. A' "; A r*" - * . 1' -v -•-•■• ^ '1 i!- «i J V • i- V -. ? : '. < •--. •- '■*• - ' ■; .'» 4- ■i ;V, : -■• r .. ■ . ■' V •« >•?■ ■4 I •if..- ..f'' 4 . ..• • i».4 - i ' y: I v. 'T / •''J.. If' ^. <••■#• 'X i"* * ^ rT • ?" ■ -> , ». 4 . A * tt'f tAI. f- ^ * ■ r' •- i* vf 9 • e A / 'f i.._y f .« '■ i . 4 ' i .» /y J- ■t -v- X -.^ , r .S ■ ' .--■ ■ K r- : f 4 ^ »• • : i • V • r . s- I" '. -< . A" i ''^ ,■ f ■'•••>' -,-> "4 <-V ,' , • / f V 4 - '.l.;;h ' "im A-^-A ••■■,■• ' :. V,--' y< ^A'^i ' A ■ .a ., i- ■ J ■• ■;• 4. ■ -.v - V.' -f:, ^ 4 "t <' 4. p.. ^ ■ ■■?■ ■ '.. . ■■•'( f>- *v '' < 7; <' >/ A-.A fA: - i ■ . .J * ' Vvt *■■^4 ■ Y i;. -: /-.- -4^ A i ' ^ n ,> -■4 i ^ '4'4*'"!•'"?■• ' .'i ■ •' ■ ■ ' ^ ^ ■> .. ;- 4 .. . ' t - . : :■ •■; .d A-'Vi ■-'■■- * 4 > • . •? s'. i 5- ■• 4V / •■ ■■4 -7^< - - ■ . ^ v» ■V ■..^. ■; -i. ■ s - r- > ■■ 'ifi '-'rxf, r 4'-f 4 .• ■;• ; -1 41- V- ■ ■ -, i ■ •. .; * ^ 4. V 4. ., „ » i «■ ; , •. , ■ )' t'SV .-.sf ^ riu;,. ,r I •• : ' Aj A ' - i Xr- i- ♦ . # ■'•'1- ■. • *■•: I- ^., ■>] .V £ •i *,. •'■; ■? ■ ... f ^A- :n *,^ ^ ' .f ,7 *'■ ■fc. ^ > "4 1 ■ s ; -I .0 ►■t -•■ ' . V . 4„ - ;I'V' ' ■;;;7 -i ,7i . ' ■• f ' A - V tf r-» 5 . f. : -; -.. { ^ -A ^ - -l/.* •»• • .A? .4;..'.^ V 'r' ..y a.-, " t. t > •. VC: ^ ■? • t' ^ 'i-- * ■ p» S -'f' 4" f ■ r •V-- ...r * " 'n ,-. .i' MC .» ■I -r ■« ?' - ? ..x j ^ /-tC'f y. T. . S-- ■ r; H ♦ .-, ^.44'■ v..f. <* V ? «i. • .- -*■ r^r • i 3 '■ 1 ■ .1-0.',. . 7 :i » V • ■ t » aA )■ . - i ^ I* r J ! ^ i I t-'-H- 0 O N For Banifliing all Popifla Prieftsand Jefuites, and putting the Laws in fpeedy and due Execution asainft POPISH RECUSANTS. CHARLES R. )ur ^ii!3|e£t.i tlie 1 hahe humljlp , of all auD 3^efuites out of otijec tijeu fuel) (not Deiug €)ur natural Mi IRopal Conf0;tt tf)t ^u^n> ot tlje c At Xtinpo;ral, auD Cominottsi in tl)e Jnfoleitcltsi of tl)t #aptfts;, l^^oclaniatton fot the 26anUl)niettt l>m Xhittv MvSy to be therein llmtteb, ibljo are obltgeb to attenb upon £>ur ^Pother^ ^nh that if anp ot ) Xhat the ^arbo be put in bue erecution againft ^ ^Dciaination, ftrift £>ihtt be giben to the ^etuite 0)all happen to be talten in. England after the i^ieru; :lnohabefurtherhuntblpbefireBHIg, ; ^ Mt^y anb2Sarongof theCrcheauer, anbtoail£)ttr3ttticeiof i!>eace,ahbtoaliotW#inJftersof n the putting' the I^atbo in Due erecution againft all #opil!) ^ecufantg, anb fuch ao are CnCpecteb fo to ije, iii o?Be?to ConlJictioii; ane ttjat tf)e faiti juogts, batons mffl jSuflices, be reauttei) at their relpectibe :^Cfi5es!5 anb ^uarter'.^efC!Ous:j to gibe t'heltarbs; in Charge agaiuft ^opiH) ^ecuCanto^ :^nb tmehabingCeriottgyconriberebthereof, anb accepting Bith ntuch coutentinent the great care of £>nt Spiritual anb Coiiiincing in :^gembleb, fotthe picferbation of the true ^Religion Citablilljeb in thig Bingbom 5 SDo therefore bp thigs2)ttr ibtociauiation 3Rr autre, Charge anb Commanb all Jefuites:, anb aift^^l i^tiefts ibho hRbe tauen X>inm from the ^eaof Rome, 0? bp the :^tttho?it^> ot pzetenbeb :^uiho^itp thereof) anb are not fmce, anb fo continue, reeoncileb to the Church of England; Xhat thep anb eberp of them bs befete the Xenth bap of December nert enfuing, S>e^ part out of this €)ur Bingbom of England, anb Dominion of Wales, upon pain of habingthe #eiialties of the ; ^^aibs anb Statutes of this Our Healm inftiueb iipm theiiu :^nb fot their better miasis to bVpart accotb- ingip,- ^le bo herebp Declare aub #ubM® £>ur further f^leafiire, Xhat if at anp time before the faib Xehth Mf of Deeember nert, thep btanpof them, 0)ailreCbtt to any poit^Xoibtt of Due faib Biitgoom or England, Ot Domiuiou of Wales, anb there beclate him ot thenifelbes to tlje ®agiftrate of the Xofbn, ot other £>facers of any idott, to be l^tiefts ot J tinimy anb that he ot they ate there to tabe ^hiPPi^S fot his ot their paCtoge, fuel) ®agitlrate anb Officers 0)ail fufer him ot tljem quietly to bepart, anb fltall fef them ^hip== peb anb Cent arbay fot iroteign parts, anb gibe them their furtherance fot their beprtureJ :^nb to the enb that this Our i^toclamation may be the better obferbeb anb obeyeb, Mt bo hereby ftrictly Charge anb Com= hianball OnrXieutenams, Deputy-Xieiitenants, Commigioners, Juffices of the i^eace, i^ayots, ^he== riffs, 26ayliffs, anbaii other Our Officers Xbhatfoebeber, Xhat they be circumfpect anb bigiiant, each of them in their feberal Charges, from anb after the faib Xenth bay of December, in Searching fo), Difcober^ mg, anb ::?lpp)ehenbtng all fuch Jefuites anb i^heffs (as afojeCaib) as ffiall pjefume to remain tbithin this Our Bealm of England, 0) Dominion of Wales, contrary to Our XatbS, aub Our ^oyal i^leaCure anb Com-« manb herein Declareb, to the enb that the Xams may be put in bue erecution againff theuu t^zobibeb aimays, anb Our intention io (ibhtch ^L^e bo hereby Declare) Xhat this Our i^zociamation 0)au not ertenb to i^nefts (not being Our natural bom Subjects) that bo o) 0)ail from time to time attenb upon the ^erfotts of Our beareft Confo)t the Ouctn, o) of the Oucen Our bear Mother, accoming to the Xrcaties of their feberal ^0arriages, (the names of tbhich1^^ieffs0)ailbefetbo)ibnanb fignifiebbythem un- bet their C^zeat ^eals refpertibely, anb fuch ^igniication Cnrolleb in Our Court of Kings Bench.) ^ub dtae bo alCo further ^Require, Charge anb Commanb, Xhat allOur Jnbges, zBarons of our (Srche^^ quer, Jufticesof ^eace, anb ^inifters of Juftice in their feberal places, bo nbtouelydbferbe Our SKUill anb 0ieafure herein befoze erpzeffeb, in all anb ebery the l^zemiffes; but alfo bo fozifubith put all other Our Xams in bue erecution agamff all t^opi0) IRecuCantS, anb fuch as ate Cufpetteb fo to be, in ozber to their fpttD? ConWttion. :atii) siiille no furtljet ©aill ano ConmianP, ILftat all jOut faio Jlnnses, iiBaronsi of i)ut ® rcljequet, 5 uftices of tfte i^eace, anp fi0miftets of to Biljom tpe fame fljall appettain, at anO tn tpeit tefpectibe Courts, :^{ti5es, ur JUbges of ;S(Ii^e, at their returns out of their refpectibe Circuits, bo from time to time hereafter, gibr a true anb (Irict account of their pzbccfbihgs therein, unto ^ur Chancelldur foz thr timtbeing: ^ - - - Givert at the; CoUrt at Whitehall the Tehth day of November, in the Eighteenth year of Our Reign, i oooi In the SAVOt, the Afsigns of^ohn ^ill and Chrijlofher ^artery J V, - r-sr' ' i ^k' •% -/■■■ - 1 ) M ■ ; "■!■ -i -': t . -. (■ - k- ,-. r " ' i ■ • .'- » .'i;- V ; . / / y- • y, •^1 ■ <. - / 'V. , :?y'; Y S V 1 'k : / >€ *-• V •t/ '. .-f / ( rV ( ■ u / '•! ■ y ■ •f A i\ -V * ■ s V .V ' i I / / I ■kd Y: / X ^•.7 .■ ' ' t i V*"' 5"' •.. - Y: . < .. ; ', - ~i. " ■ f?,. . 'i', * Y I '.,• f . Y :A> < ■, oYV.. J.:,. « J V. >, Y- ••.-■, '« . & 2 > . s' ■ . • V ,;.4 / • • '. •> ■- I ■'I I < ;. .1 V I > ^ . i' ' <■> Y %■". - ■ ■ A''' V y ■■ 1- - . ^ "( ' J.. » • . i ■ <■ y '• 111: : ',,„r ;/■■ ■A'A 4 •', i--*' ■* • ■ *.•»' f \ I - "?■ Y . ^ .s > ..,Y t .Y V. ■ .f ' i,::: . - -i' •% ' ' ^ 1. V • ,r. < '■' •,* kk '\ ■; M k .iW >■ . V, , y i. # ': -i . \ ■■ ■ ^ I' K . . ^ ' <* I - .. . ... ¥ ./ . « .• ■ *- i K- - ' \ • * •'• J n - "" »■ ^ U :, - ' K •, .A. ■ V '■■ r i St ■' ; ■'. 1- 1- I-• " 4 i'.. y rtii i * s V > . - ,»!■ A f ; ■ c , YM...- y. •. Ci' r- • , * >' ! '■ ; .. / V . "y .* ^•4' ■•-.<■ ■ I- /% t^si^ . Y By the King. A PROCLAMATION For making Currant His M AJ ESTIES Farthings ^ Half-pence of Copper, And Forbidding all others to be Ufed. CHARLES R. ' 0 /• ereasi of laf e rears feijeeai i^erCons ano Corporations, npon pretence tl)at tftere manteo fmall nioneps to pe currant in loiP ano orotnarp payments amonsft tt)e poojet fo;t, t)aPe pK(nnicDtocattCec»tat» [T P^^tes of 2i5raf5, Copper, ano otlrer i5aCe ipettais to oe ftampeo XPttt) titeit p;ibate aampSi ano tOen tmpoCeb tt)o(t pieces npon £)nc poor ^ttOjects for #encc, !^aif pence, or 5?artfjings, as toemauers thereof mere pieaCeo to call them, mftereor £>ur ^uOiects OaOe Oeen greatip oefrauoeo, ano !©ur lElopal :^tttt)orttr ano tl)c Hams of ^ur l^tngoom Oiolateo^ :^no m^ereas Itne, for preOention of tlje liOe aOufes for tOe time to come, SDio. not onelroirectafeOere^roCecutionof tpe ^ffenoers? rsutoio liUe^ mtfe Commano tpe €)^(cers of i^ur i®)mt to cauCe manr Xl)oufanos of pounos of gooo fterling ^llOer to be Copneo into Single pence, ano Cmo:pences,f tba&Co tbere migbt be goDO moner currant amongft tbe pooreftofiDur ^ubiects, ano fitteo for tbeir fmaller %rafficb ano Commerce J hoping bp one or botb tbeCe means, to babe totallp fuppreffeo t()e nniatbfnl i^?aaices of tbefe i^Senbecs •. ^tnce tbhtcu time ilber moneps bought in anb boaroeo up, that fd there mtgbt be a fearcitp tbtreof in common papmenis^ 2iout cbteUp bp the ban Ciatn anb profit mhicb tbtCe hampers mane to themreibeSi ano for motel) tbep tboofe to run anp 0a5aros of Ham, ratOertbenguit tbe OOpes of tOeir P^i^ bate lucre: (Me therefore taUing the premises into Our l^rincelp confioeratioh, ano be= liebin3ebatC>nt;S)ubfectS][bonlb not eaQlp be ttnonsbt upon to accept tt)e 5Fatc()ings ano i^alf=pence of thefe pribate Stampers, if thtre tbere not fOme fetno of neteffitp for fiich Copnes to be rnaoe for lOubligue ufe, mbith cannot mell be Oone in ^ilber, nor fafe® tp in anp other :^ettal, unlefs the intrinQcb balne of the Copn be egual, or near to that balue for mblch it is rnaoe currant: l^abe thought fit, bp :?lObice of Our ^ribp Council, to caufe certain iFartbings ano i^aif^pence of Copper to be ^tampeo at Our i^int, accbr® oing to fuch form, anO mith fuch Jmpreffion as Mt habe OirecteO 5 Mnn Mt habe giben fpeciai Cbatge to ^ut Officers tftece, Xbat tbep canfe fnci) i^alf-pence anb 5Fattt)ings fd to be Copneo, to contain as much Copper in meight,as firall be of the true tntrinficb balue ano morth of an !^alf=penp or SFarthing refpettibeip, the charges of Copning ano utter^ ing being oneip oeoutteo^ :^no mt 00 further bp this Our IRopal proclamation ciare, pubUfh, ano :^.uthori5e the faio i^alf^pence ano Jarthings of copper Co Copneo,ano to be Copneo, to be currant monepj anb that the fame from anb after this fnllant oaj of Augufl:, drail pafs ano Oe receibeo in all papments, nsargams, ano Crchanges to be hao or maoe betmeen Our ^ubfects, mbtcb fhall be unber tbe balne of ^tr pence, ano not othermife, nor in anp other manner* ^no ifanpperfonorperfons, JSoOies politiQue or Corporate, firail after the fir ft oap of September nert, prefume tomafte,beno> orntter anp pence, l^alf=pence, farthings, or other pieces of 2i5rafs, Copper, or other ssafe ^et== tal, other then the fealf«=pence ano farthings bp this €>ur Iftopal proclamation :^utho^ ti5eo ano ailomeo i or ftjall offer to counterfeit anp of Onr l^alf-pence or f arthings, OTe Hbaii hoio all fuch Oftenoers utterlp inercufable, ano (haU caufe their Contempt of €)ur H ams ano c^obernment to be chaftifeb mith Crempiarp ^eberitp* Given at Our Court at WhinhaU, the Augufl^ in the 24^" year of Our Reign. 1^72. t God fave the Kins. In the S AVO T Printed by theAffigns o/t fohn^iU and Chrijlopher^ar^fy Printers to the Kings moft Excellent Majefty. 1^71^ IJ/'X T-/ r< % "V - \ '*j » ; ar- 'i1 y ^Vn, 1 I 1 If / I ■J ''> if : I* 3 "-.f - *» i >T e Ai ciACif -< ti % _ A V, • > h J2, » •« If a ■ira i i)^' A n ?-'4 I ••^, V s* i 'il ■ ^ K I.. w>i "f ry ,»-. f . V 1- ..• * 5 T i I . * s> a 0 <•.# M 'i> •■ , ■ k*^'* 0 t ' ^ i^- u €a i<. V, . A, ^ 3* * •/ k ' * ■y A* 4 »•< ^ * J> C * J ♦) i t ; < A ft M' t'. * ./i ^7 '«*.. .'i 1** ♦ ^ *«r a . -v ^fc t '1 ^ ■* A « 3 * , J % r ^'^si ■«» # ;■ -5^ ^ Itl .,F'> fr'>- • y. .Sc. ■ - ^f.JI i^A\ # J r^ j» Vi f •» ^>' Ul.'li f f &«-• "i^v'" «•. 'sr • > ^ 4 Si. f av . ♦ 4 U < ' .■^' 4.' ^ i^y cr' ^ 31 < »# ■r^, S" a? r ■ y ■-twf S'ir < ■ ? J -Op^ M o/.c # n ri 1 p V t i ' ^ i1^ ■ 44W y ^ 3m •fe Va 5 T ...f. t ^ .irif r rt -.«• ^ t r: 'fs** A.? I*.* v i ( ; k 1^- i ii 4. f -' A > fi _ # 4 ^ f ■ J . ? JT ^ ^c ' > ■■■ ft H m V r f > , ki \ ' y % -ft !%•.• # t t m: . _ A- t » *-' -■->■■ J V < t \ r T ». ^■J ^ 'W a.^j \ I •, % f & 1' > *> > >■ »Ay;',*i. i' . w ;; 'f m 'J S£ ''I * f •fi!'i¥S^ '> 4^' ^ "i • . wW^ « '% . ■ . TTTfc r- O CL / - , LES R , - • ■-■; I ^ i jr ' BitigiBimoft Crcelient i^aieft)> taliingittnto i^tS conSBera^ ticn, b]^ rrafon of cl)e great Ditiance of #is Citv of ranger fcom tljis Bingoom, nianv ^crcfjants of 5fo?reign ifiationsf %xa^ Ding tliuljttniap app;te!jenDj tDatiii cafe of a ^^upture oj ^Kflar De^ ttbeerr j^ts ^aieftp anD aup i^imce oi ^tatc ibfiofe ^ttbicas map ftabe (!5coDs!OiCftatesi ttjere, fucD tftcir €ftates map at tfte piea= Cure of 1^10 i^aieifteofdfoPetnottt anD £)fficer0 fo^ tt)t time being, De liable unto ^ei5ttre0 before ii^oticeanb conbenient time giben to tbem fo) tOe IKcmobai tbeceof, vbbict) mapMconrage tt)em anD b^ing great p»fnDlce to tbr Xtabe of tbat Citp, toUicb noib tb^ougb tbe bleOfing of (15oD io in a flourifbing conbition« l^io iH^aleftp foil tbe p^ebention of ailfearO of tbat bino, batl) tbongbt bt bp tbe ^Dbice of #i0 0nbp Council, aiiD DotI) bptbJS l^io 3Ropal l^^ociamatiou i^ublifll) ano De* Clare, Xbat if anp i^nptarcoii Mar lliall at anp time Ijercaficr happen betibeen l^io ij0aietlp anb anp other l^^mce at ^tate tbhatfocber, pet the dD^ooDS o? Cffccto of the ^ubfetto of anp fuch ll^^mce o;i ^tate at Tanger d^all not be ^ei^eo o^ liable to anp ^ei^nrc bp reafoit of the fame, until ^ir monetho after fuch i^upture (hall be there l^ublifljeD; ^nD that it 0)au auD map be latbfulfot all perfoiis conccrneD,Xbithoatanp fear oz appitehenfiou to continue their XraDe anD Cftateg at Tanger, until ^ir monetho after anp 3&upture (hail befo i^JubliQieo as afo?efaiD> ^ig iipaftftp Doth herebp ftriftlp Charge anD CommanD (0obernour of the (aiD Citp, anD all other l^io Officers anD^iniftcrs tbhatfocber both Cibil ''^ -T:, t. ~ .r -yt-: i * < I— V- - ^✓- ' f y ':«(Rk-». - ir ■■^- ' tjof^ >T r^i-iv. < .• \ • "■ ■' .f . % .^■•- . *•*^^ 'liiw ' -t i' •->;<■? ' I . ^r- ■ \ ! . ^i; I - ^ S.ts . ■«. iH"^ ^ r.r5„ ■ e"' "f' t ,a;.' • '• > • .A - ^ . J- - I : ,v '^' •^- r 12^ (Y ■%, % v:.- »t - #■ r,; ;p ■ #3 !> f 7-V ***• V Jv-^j ■ rc : \. - .>. .VL-' i<.;" •- Ti_ . ^ V <"• -r - "A \ Ai ' % i ■ A" • '^ ■' 4 J v,,-4 > ■>( ' ■ - ■■A ■ •,-%>-; ,-. A ^ AIAv . .•■:«.• :■ % - el Vi ^-a- - >■ '-^- A.^.: - . , - All «h \ '4, -J > I ; ^ -»M,v ■ 4^,' K " v;-. .j; ' 2^% C * A tp X ^ J -■ 4".'' I' ^ *.'''• 1* ; : A ■ A. X 4. A ■'•AIa -■ •-■ '.A; V sT •\- V'-; ;'rA ■ 4 ?. ■ !i»- ' V ., ■ K. '%ar^^k' ' -■ A. . -.-Sv •-• i. •<■-■ '■ - j; 7 '■- « „■ '' ' ^ ■■.- -"'■ ' .'■ "^- r '""• .'X - . vJa - «• •■ K' ■ -J" - " .' . iia X ^ .A ^ V "'1!^ t •. ; • 4 "■••, " i.A-' • f.. tv . '• f-. * _ ^7" ■ -' g. ^j^ar ■ >V ' ■ ■- -, 'tf-' ' .■ '-r A Av:A -A A -' -• AAA'A:A^AAA4- 'S^-- ■ ^ v- ' A' •. -^A7 :".' ■ i -A .: r * V 's*^ - ■> . '' • TIJYv. ^ ^ -^" , : i^A.:' -■ ■ - '• . ■ * -'T-* -t-.-*' ' i-'- • • •'<'■' "4 •i'- » "A • ■^'A ' ■ . . A * •'■ ** -■•,*. . -U^. . ,.X ■-•,;» > 7 V ■J-^, ;i S i ■ .JwiS;' ■•■■A'^irf. ■»,--s. ^ . » .' ' . . ,'•■ ■■ ^ .. A".-.A:/•• •, ■ f .■^A,--. ; .7 . ^ , * f ■ ^- . . ".-i ^.-■ "v . .A..,. , ■'• V 'A^ >'v-^; ^^ \,:x., /-1 - i ?' •^l- *" 4 .'. ■ *f f ■ 9 '. t 'M( ^ 9 ; ^ - .t-:% f .^-. i i ■ P.W J, 4' • t- » • «•• !• J. ^ ' i. —. -. r. -;* A ,5 •. .♦ a.A' Av_ :- "tn* II ^ l>A I ■< .it- ^ /* ■A" !? -■ /jr :! 'i%A r; r -A ^ A- '-fv 'A ;■• ' A» A ' -'^ ■ As- ■ • • ' H > j* t • - : "• A ..■^. 7 . : ■ ' ' - ~V Hit: •-' 'T -' -V. ' • T* *.' r =4' ^ > rr; " s.i -■ '">■ X 'n^Sr v ■ A-i^; .'■ -< ' -'1" A|A|v|a| 4 -5 ,. 4 4 €#|:- -■' - fA #» ■ h .A X* » ; * >^ - 4- <: A xf . r ■■.. .1 ;v ' •> ' .1' 4 • I A' ■ =iL i • "*9^' . # . > ie .^.4 0 f , <■ '' A A ^ ' ' -.« 4 ■V 4 V.'- "A : 7V A i ^ V '3 4 I ■ A ■•: ■•p f.% 7 - - i r' '' - r^. . " * 1 4> " - Ii ',< V ft- .ft • \ ^ ^ .-.f^ il .$€ 4 r C5 ^ ^ ^ ^ ' . V • " '■ ¥ V 4 i^.A ^ f Ai;,. _ ^ -'-A *r• 5>« ■ r. A'" -A I'' .-'*= ' * > 4 % . * i '■ ■ '.. . - ■4«- •# A V .' is. •*,»>• y "• / • AxxS- A -^- " -.4-' ■ .' -'"'1 -■> ■■"•A. k 't .- ^ 1. - \ CO _ -- V «! - I, i ' '■ t- -^1 a '^■r ■ D^^.eu 'f V \. . (; ,« A"v ■S *- r ■V: it tbao £>tbeteDi %^t tlit ^et(eamat attending t|)el^oufe of 00erj$>c^uiotane into cuffoti^ Aron Smith, auo l^tti iniufito 25at of tfte faio i^oufe, there to amtoer fo^ dpeabittff tettain bandetotto anb Itbitiono ibotbs asainS tlie 26ctnjs of tlitti mefent ^Oatuament 5 26ttt the Cain Aron Smith abfconoins in fectet anb nnbnobm ptacto, tonlb not be appt^nbeb, nottbit^lfanbins.ttit nt^ moil enoeabonro of the fato Serjeant ano his^ SDepntieiO nfeo foi that pntpofe j xoh^tenpott the faio Eo;n)s? Spiritual ano Xempo^l habe hntnbl^ befonnht ^^ajeftp, to iHne out 1^15 Eopai ^^joclamatiott foj fei3ln5 ano appteheninttjff the perfon of the faio Aron smith» ibten anb iM^eCwbrt lie i|)au be fonnb, anb btinsing Dim befo^ tDe faib l^ouft of ibeetg (it the i^atiiantent mil be then fitting,) 0^ othetibife that he be fiept in fafe mfioop till De IDatl appear before tDe fbib l^onfe to anfUier fbt Dio foib £>Sence, ^is: ^afeftr i$ gta feiottfip pleafeb (in compliance tbith the faib humble befiteoof l^onfe of ^eetjsi) bpthii^ bo tbithiu their feberal anb refpeaibe ib^iecinajo anb 0laceOj nfe their ntmoft anb moft efieanai enbeabonro fot the app^ehenbing the perfon of the faib Aron smith 5 anb that fnch of them ag ffiall happen to app^ehenb anb tabe the faib Aron Smithj bo hint b^ing, o;i tanfe to be brought befbie tpe faib l^onfe of i^to (if tDe ^tlibment at tDe time of fncD Dts apmeDenQon IDaU be fitting) m (in eafe tDe )batliament (DaU not tDen be fitting) btfoie one of ^is spajiefiieg .^nncipal Secretaries of State, to the intent the faib Aron smith map be fecnreb in o^ber to IjiS appearance before tht fbib i^ottfe of i^jfrs to anfiber fo? htsfaib ^flfence, :3lnb hetennt0 l^is ^aiefir botD teqnite i^Ut faib iSMfiteto, anb otDet SDis loWng ^nbfetto, tb pitlb tDeit veabr bbebience, us tDep ibill annber tDe tonttavp at tDeif ptti!< Given at Out Court at WhitehaU the Firft day of i ^77* in the >liiie and t\Ventieih ye^r ®f Our Jteigrt; LO 00 Printed hy fohn ^iU^Chrip,ophe¥Sark§t^ ThoniasSs^'PocorHb, and Printen tofhefengs ijioft Excellent Majefty. itfyy. \ V'-- !r ' il ill i "■>V, .. J ^ . * -if V . \ n f ✓ 4" ^ f •f^ ' A - V^' \ t. t"' < I '% \ ^ */ -J*/ ^ J * w V t.' '4, - - •' ^ •»** \ 1 ' •* { ■*• * r-: »0 y ♦ X-' - V V t * ■y A T*- ^ ^ i '7* i *' r \i - * < y. ' . /■> \ -4, n<:40. '44 t y-i ■-> ^ . 4'- »■ ;■ ^YY v-''- ^ ' Mr " / f %%■ » ■ ^ . "p ^1'- * y' >• \ "t . f::- . t' ::>/:: *y . ' 4-. yt 4 \ ' ^ V.f 'V. 5 . . ^ 'V; < / v." >4 \ i ' 'V. £ V .*• . J T ir. a- \' i J fix Vs, . i .. n \ 'y?.-' /% _.i*.%-, ,j ;.„ • ' 7 ' T ■■ . ■ , . . ■ V-. -t,-. ... ■ < , > > y t *- r 7Y;\ ~ f t i \" -■ ■ i '. - />--' // ■' : - V .f { ' P .4- • 4 < , . 1 , « #P * ^ . i V . -.. t' ■■ > * V / / N n M ^ • X N "^v., i i :-> I .r. •*- , if- \z- "X N -# M i:. ■f" -? f-?' -4^' :. -4 ^ "(1 •s •fr* ^«-.v W *»■• '\ -■ * / f\ ■' -^ i ~ V ■it. & -» • ... * t ^ P ■; f ' : • ; • 4 >; . .• ! ... -. -. ^ > :v r ,?•> ■-. r- * V ' ■■ " •- ■ ' V- ^ I : -, ;.- V f ' ' V > .. ? is- ^ . ■ * C ■-r? < A '•1 • \: ■<<■ ^ i oi V ^ ^ , f,* h »' ? ■ VI ^ »• fe- ** 3f « ■ i i -• i -■'•■ B-i. 4 - i * I f i- It? • ■ . ' -• ; ?;.v -. - , ^ . ^ * ' i * I > I - t « A -f N.r, e v'^. ■ 5 . ^ ^ ■; B -'. »• ^ 4 f J < r ^ >*« *••. Jf • .< k ■»*' *-• ■»^,r V _>■. . •^4 ■ "»• .;- t if- ';■ ■ .■' .: s r ' ■ ' ^ f* 'v, ' ■* . • ^ ^L.* ^ ■- >di ^ V .' .•' ; .• t, ■?-.'«. ♦ .. ^ " " * -i*-. ^ ■ I ' 'J V,.., ■; 'qy • v,_ ■ ? > '' -. # J' V: - V P ,C ; , . ■ • • ^ • ti . ■ ■ -1-. ^ > 4* i S> ^ ■ - ■* ,r* A' * ■ -. '"■*■ ■ V" f i « B •■ - ■*- '^t » ' % c- V-" f- 'if ,- • J ■4 \'. » .J. >I V .« *, i- • I- ^ - :i » - : K' \ ■ -f i , '}■ 0" -•V ■" 4 ■-...■ .4' f. •' 4. y * ^ 1 *; *. - . %• V ; ■• I- 4. f r * .-' ■; ' f ■? f *-4 ■'*.; i-f *> . -V V^ : •. f-| ^ o, y *.»■• /, ■> «''' i-..'- i' <4- < > y V I ?i . 4 V- * 4 - •* J<« f ii • '>•'' *•> V' 4't" ': A -• . ^ ~r ■ ' '' ' ■:> A i- 4 f- > ,. » i v^... ■ . * ' ' '• J > # ^ . -*••- "»■ i^', *-X »*. V-«4-> ^ "■ ■ ■■" 4 ,.^ ^ ',- ■ "1^ ■.-•-■ '• ■ .'■ .■>• • • , '4.'^ ' ,Sf 4. , -I /iXfe|.'|r ^ '« -S 4 ■ 5, ■ ♦ 4 4 I J, -. . ./">:.vv-%i4*v>.r ^ ■—••V'v, * ■• •+ .»i. v., ■* 4 ■ Jt. ,. ^.,.4 : ..^ .Try', . ^ 7* a- u'r '• i ^•- * •;■ 4 ' '•^' * k- tiL * ^ * 'v,y-fV«.44 Vv k,f. •,?. . , ** i -. ,/. f rpr ';• I . S'' ' > 4 / -J -t .^i. .,- :f 5 u <-■' V - -y. .,.^ i • ^ ks. • J.- ; '.-* S v- <» - ;• ^ ■ if •■■ ."* - fc" J* #' y. ^'" "" ■».>- sj, '", • * •» t t --- J •-. "f i S » * ■> 4c ^ ■ - f .i" I _■♦ . 'V" /• - / H : -r\t:V i <' ;■' ■ t ■t'tj \r' :■ I- » A f v' < : -y 4^ . ? ■ f ' ^ '-J "i'-.- -■^'' • ■ -■' p ,"• > i <• i * • "f—"j^ , /? "* ,' .? - , . i y ■ . ■ 4.- ' : ■? ? 4 •- 4» r- i- 4 * i. "y p ; t\'} r i -■ i * • - i ^'-K 'i^-'- 1 ■ .:iV/- 4r." , »••• 'I t .. ^ :*y ■= v» Nry-. S' ^ • y-J r f ' S V > Kv® * '. <: V • • ^ + ■'V ' f r. • y / •f - 10 } ■ '' t r: r is ^ f r ■• .• >> > . ,# ■: ; i -• .•''i ■ - A ■>■ ^ <.4 v \ :V ^ ■•i -4 f . 1^ ^ * (- f ,4 r f •. 1 ..> .4 if V * •>w» ■< •■» ** - « •<5 ? ^4;. « 4 ^ f ^ ^ i » ^.v-- .-* %•.> V ■ ...^ :a . f-. e t T Jt V I I -i i ■; ? 'i i f J X.A ! t- V '4 t ■' i t t / •• r4- 44 : t 4 ' ? ^ ? I 1 f* # • i * . 4r^' \ 7- i: tf. V B ? ' •y .•* V ' '•» i £ V ♦* . * "1 J I ■:.. i ;■) y f* f»,» f^lIU » *. k ? ^ J, u ■ V7 y. 4> »> i i 4 .i T- < > * .♦ i! ♦• i-: ' . > 1^ •^4 i A ¥ i Jf r? }4 :( ■ ■■ k % :l ^ < i-" i -s ;■ >■ f H ^ . 1. 1 4* ;•- .T- K ■ > - * y" * it • V V t . '\ > V > 4 >• * y ,< f 1 -f; r i rl*7 Y .« , 4 T ' - -«y > «- ij "f ■ = »» * < ^ }■ 4- 4 «• 4 ♦. I rt '■V f * ^ \ ^ ^ A p 4* • ^ V «. i #* * * I — /•'. » ^ % 4^ 0.. t ^ «* ?■% «' > \ i ■5 i I i «« •4 / rf*^ I I I r % r i=: 5 ^ I 4#^ *»..>' T i . • i.k. V- ♦ fsT- ♦ ■'■- 3 o C\^ ^ .n ' 4 \ i %. ' ^ V '-J kV ■■-. ^5» \ \ { \0:i i i ^' - f '* i- ✓ ■' i i > A J >-«-y. K «»%4 ;!• •V. i ^ pi . . 4i. v'Vv( < \ 11 \ ^ ? ■'{)' .rr,| \ "f y i\ • V WS , »Jr. y \ ■ j /t VT 'f lit • ■' ?. 1 ,-.p •t ■ 4 * ? 4 4-X. i H r: . t vV' rA i 7 . \ \ '■' c i tj- e- I' ^ 4 *•■ '.f i I i ' \. 'i. I- ' % * «» •» ■ ^ T 4?^ X »f V .r i jinrYi /<$• 7^4$" 4u. Z^Y/b^c/ 7 si- the Kin OG ATIO For the Difcovery of the Death of j^ohn Vo^ipell, late of London^ Merchant. CHARLES R. !)5eteai» tsatjioieut p^efttmption tjjat John poweii lateof London jpetcl^ant, Voas latelp ^rtpereij bp petfonsi un- - HnotUii, XDe Bings tttoH Cmlimt £Paieftp> out of i^tjSEopal tncltimtiott to ^ttilice, ano to tlje intent tljat fo i^o?riOle ano Crping ^mnce map be IDiCcoPeteo, ano tt)e :^ut^o?o of tl)t fame feOerelp i^untfljeo, ^ot!) Op t!)to Eopaf i^?oclama=^ tion fttiaip Charge atio Commaho all l|to ^uogeo, jJufticeo of the l^eace, i^aglllrateo, ano other l^io £[)fficero aho ILopal ^ttOieao, %^u thep oo ufe their utnioO: enoeaoonro to fino oOer the truth of tlje faio fuppofeo further, ano the Circttmftanceo out ano ^ ^ . .. , . , ano :^utho?o of the fame, ano to giOe fpeeop ^nfo^tmation of lOhat thep (hall fino therein, to one of tio ^aiefiieo lOhucipal Secretaries of State i :^nO In cafe it (hall Oe oifcoOereo that the faio John Poweii mas ^Purthereo, l^is ^aieftpis (^taciouilp pleaCeO hereOp to #?oniife to anp perfon o? perfons mh^> (hall mafie fuch a SOifco- Petp, mhereOp the ®urtherers, otanpof theinnjall he :^pp?ehenOeO, the fum of %tl)D hnnoteo pounos, Xhhtch (hall he inimeoiatelp paio oothn, upon fufFicient Xefilnionp that fuch 0erfons o;i perfon :^pp;iehenoeo, are, o? (s (25tttltp of the faiO !a?)urther. 2lno if anp of the iiPttrtherers iljall 2)ifcoher the reft, Xhherehp thep o;i anp of them (hall he :^pptehenoeo, fuch SXfcoOerer (hall not ontlp he i^arooneo his€)fiente, hut (hall in lifie manner receihe the lifie^eXharo of xmo h»nh?eo pounoSt Given at Our Court at Whitehall, tlie Two and twentiethday-of T^pvemher, i6j%. Thirtieth year of Our Reign. * . ■ In the fave the King. J. • iMU riwOi ■-r t 111' ra Printed by jFohn Menrj Hilis, Printers L 0 7vC© 0 Chi^ /opher BdrJ^er^ 'Tho*&us and : * Kingsnioft Excellent Majefty. 1^78. ■ jty \ I I V- ?? 'T*"« . « • \:» f- rV; -•Sa •» ^l' V' \ :r' $-vV ■• r ri .JK» • 4i ■:i V ■ • ^ ■.k''. A "•'* 5 ^ f- 'i £fe..-^«r," "-f'S Vj •^"V r . :V^ • •k- ."it i 2?; ( It '\ "i . \ . lA •3 J ^■4' ^ ^ ♦ * ..:\>r^ - * 'i, * ■ r •. \U ' f . «: -- •J "A i'• A , V. A.''. .> y*<'i -n -T ■■45y i ■^'f Y-V ■• < *• , > t -* ^ V. ^ * *J • - * Jll •l-.» . ^*j t ' T t ^ , . ., * f 's -i' ■ •. f -: 3 4-n; * % > |,.y.> f # r At f r ? •' > .•> I . • . . f- 4 i. v .V •>v s '• • • -tA' - • *> A ■ 'A ' f- ■ ' ' .- 7^.. - f ^ 'C •>■ i» •> ■■ 5. / V . '■ kH- > "•, {♦• .. ' 4- I'.' "; •W. ■ #- ^ " W ^ % 5. • •r:;»»r"a--.-. *- -*1* i- * d -, ^ -•V- -^- »" ■ A .7- 7 » V- '« .' .,, .. , > ■• ,,', .'" ■ • ,'* :-',^ S-' ■ •■■^ ^.< , ' - ■ '. *■ '/ '• • ■ *iX ' : r-.^' 'kV-- ?■ w ; "^7. '-..■AsSf "'• . . », ■ t - *i "■' *>■ f T ■Mt i' j-7 - ' ' f 7 *-. '}?V \ ■■[ Vz A „ ?. *? 4 '-;, - ^ f7 *• V .i; A •■ ■ ^ -J V.'-_^_ ^ 7- 'f"?* ^ v . ^ ,r t 'T '*■■7 ii-, •■» . '/ '•'■rs: •- '" i".-l' ..- •^" ' J tS .'A -V .♦* • ■•'■■rt^-i' .- " '7'j, 4'it' i-: ' , 5 ^ >S*< "* .'* U ' - '■ i> . .»*• •■" »' . •»..,. ■•^■t-i-.r'tj'. Jf' r '^t }■ if .u -■Srf I- y vS*®' ' "i •f 'f /■-.!> ''y '* % V y_ . ^ w ■ ? . ; - •»' "{ .« A v- /.'^ ?••. 't ■ ;:'■ ^ " V i - \ ! .La.: r ■„ r ■'■'A' i -'% ^ . 4'- 'A ■ ^ " -t: ■■ r •> -J X.. A J A ».,. I 7 "St / -n 'i •; ? ^St •y "• / > - i ; V t ■- V i» .> V.^.x i #■ i ^ .'f . V- X ' I ^ r M ; w i ■ .■ ^ -if -■^' - v . i .:- ■ 'i?- ' k' '■ I ■' • vS ,k: ■V ^ I'i [i t'U -• • i .> a'> s-v ; 7 CV-^? ■'»' 7 'f ' i _ V't.,? , i V ^ - \ .4 i: r A '■ , A^-A'k. tti i !^r \ -r* ^ \ V -■i^" ■; * «• r •/ X V 7 - 4 ^ k <■%' V 1 i7./'V. q(/Z-OCl<^ (OAlf .-.I'S-T.^ .,xv .'!>. ■i t-iif ■;|P . w ',T -1 ■ "A) ■k .j.A . .y.^ -^' %■ At January the Seventeenth, Prefent, HisHighnefs Prince Lord Chancellor Lord Treafurer Lord Privy Seal Duke of Monmouth Lord Charnberlain Earl of Oxford Earl of Salisbury Earl of 'Bridzwater Earl o^.Teterhorow Earl of Sunderland ^3.y\ 6 ( Clarendon Earl of Batlre w Cnp vj^\ r r!' iptt ^abinig: been latelp to i|is! ^aieUp in Council, viz. Earl oiCra'Ven I Earl of Aileshurj Earl of Carhery Lord V iTedunc Pauconber^ Lord Bifhop of London Lord Bifliop of Burham Lord Berkeley Lord Maynard Mr. Secretary Coventry Mr. Secretary Williamfon Mr. Chancellor of the Exchecjuef Mafter of the Ordnance r- 1 Mn Speaker tfte 3uChcesf of tbe #eace, I. Hether Foreigners ( Popifh Recufants) that are, and have long been here feclcd Houle-keepers, and are Tradefmen, Chirurgeons, Taylors, Pcrriwig-makers, or ordinary Shop-keepers, following Imployments for their own advantage, but not othcrwifc Merchants, but are certified to be Meirchant-Strangers, fhail be cxctiled from taking the Oaths, or finding Sureties, or either of therti ? n. Whether fueh Foreigners being Certified by Ambaftadors, or other Foreign Miniftersi to be their Servants at this time, fhall be excufed ? in. Whether Foreigners ( PopifH Recufants) fetlcd here Fioufe-kcepcfs, but neither ase rradefnien, Travellers, or Foreign Mkiifters Servants, Ih^l be excufed > IV. Whether Native Subjects of Our Sovereign Lord, that are Menial Servants of Foreign Mi- nifters, filial I be exculed ? V. Whether Married Women, being Popifli Recufiants, but their Husbands Proteftants, fhall be exculed ? VI. Whether Popifih Recufants that have taken the Oaths, found Sureties, have appeared, and are Convidt, fhall find new Sureties, or be continued over ? :^ttb ijis ^Paieftp Datjing from tjje Juosesi to tbftom tlie fame tbere l^eferreo, meibeo ^Jtnfiber in Witing in ttie nxnog Motbing. May it pleafe your Majejly, We have met, and Confidered of the Queftions propofcd to Us, and do hereby humbly return Our Opinions. To the Firft Wc are of Opinion, I. Foreigners (being Popifh Recufants) and Excrcifing ordinary Trades, (butnotMer- 1 chants) are not excufed from taking the Oaths, or finding Securities. II. To the Second, That Foreigners, though Certified by AmbafTadors to be their Servants, except they are their Menial Servants, are not excufed. III. To the Third, That Foreigners, though fetled Houfe-keepers, being no Travellers, orFo- reign Minifters Servants, are not exculed. IV. To the Fourth, That the Kings Native Subjects are not excufed from taking the Oaths by being Menial Servants to Foreign Minifters. V. To the Fifth, We find no Law thatexcufes zFemeQoyerty being aPapift, from taking the Oaths, though her Husband be a Proteftant. VI. To the Sixth, That a Popifh Recufant having taken the Oaths, is not bound to find new Sureties, unlefs upon a new tender of the Oaths, he fhall refufe to take them. All which with great Humility we fubmit to Your Majefties Judgment. Will, Scrozes Fra. tLorth W. Mountagu W. VVylde Tim, Littleton Hugh Wyndham Bobert Jtkyns V, Bertie Fr, Bramdm J Tho, Jones VP, Bolben. H3)5 ^pai'eftp d^^aciouflp pleafeD to tfte faiD Eepb?t ano Opinion of JttOgesi, ano oio nap £)^lier> as it is ftereUp £)^oet:eo acco^Binglp, %l)at llje jiiuilices of tl)e ^eace in tpcir tcfpectiPe l^jecinccs, oo, in Cjceciition of tljeir S>ttties tottcpiitg tpe j^atticttlars tjete mentioneo, tane notice of tl)e fame, ano confonn tljetnfelPes tperennto^ ^no tl)is Oiioet is to be fent to tlje cuftos Rocuiomm of eaclj Countp, tljat Ije map gibe information of tlje fame^ ROBERT SOUTHWELL. Vnnttdhy fohn H'lU^ Chriflopher ^arl^r^ Thomas ^^(e,T^coinb^md Henn HiBs, Printers to the Kings moft Excellent. Majefty. 16 ' '^•'6>.-i'>. •"x, K' i- ;"-^';s •» X A Ijt 'ijs-'^" y ^ , t • • 'j * V- t ■» . a ' P-i^ : »T rl .4' 1 ' *• I'Ttl - -V-" /.• -'. 1 "V T \ ^ \'i ^•* vj^- 'i: I i - J \ ^ ' U- A.'' '■k. ' r.y ! / r^i^-' 4 < 9 «■- s^.^% ■» ■ -^ f «- ¥ .'. * Wv-V ■ ^ g' ^1 ■% J ■■«♦» ..iUL, • V ■ » > T* ■ *■ 'i 1 ,. - >-.'>w -taJj •■ ■■■»■•■■ *< ^Jj % ' ■*•. •' iNf9 ^V0' m i r" Tv ^ -v.-. It4i '■ ' • ■• 5 ? I / - ■ *"'- f r '-" ' 'r; . •-J I*" '. -jf"- .k- .ii. i t ,r. ■ i fi. ' : i # .i * - ■■ * ' ^ 1 "k , >, -.f, ' ' i r'J.-^A. , , T > 'H>» .. • - -i?.' fe'C-; -.v ^ ... ■■ G f' ' ^ ... . ,■ .*' ' .■ . ■«*.■■«4;>5-i,-^_ "\fc» ■t' .V i* *«* -jl, . ■ -'■^ ."JJ" ■ ■■ •■,-VjT^'* ■ ■< " ■ w'- „ g".! It' . / —V- T > • T •' • ,.'Y ^ ' I f.,- ■)?. f' t -. ! ■i-'ffm-: ' • »i* » I '« ■' ••-•V « " . '■ - v•^'-'■"'^^ f:-r. J ^ ~ ■ .'•■'g'- ■ -. » I,'—.. *->• i 'J ■ ^ V If-' -) ■ •Vi--'j:.r--..', • f« "' 'r, -', ■ ■•..■-/ T . |J A i '/..: . ■•••'' .' 5:. - ."'f y "* » i > / \ \ •• i' - <;. |j /.,.'■■■ , -4- 4 p' r ■•• -. f .: • i ■ s t r '^ » ■. \J .■,. ' ji r \ S l'?- ■ * r ' ^'..p < \. *' ■[ t vx f ' "Y •Wi H'f-''^ ** * r^ - •■■ 4 ._ y A »• . p# *4 «J t ■■ f s ^ •f ■* r - • -■' ■■. A *- *'!> ; t , '. "i ' .1^4 ', . •< \ :«■ ;;! • - ' : g£'-- ■'>. Wh:- f • M- >, a • *0^ I f A y "" j»'. I 'V '* •■ i • r V. V ^ '>1 - Ifit • «P; ■ ■' -t ^ ^ ^ NA ■#' -r.- ^ . ' ''. ' J *** / ^ ■ 4-. . ti ^ A .-> .IT, ... A ■-. ' , V '■ r ..". ' "■''^ V,. AJ' 1'^ I . 5»— ' •♦ •• 3 •»•:» J -,•' o#»xj>t. C • , -.1 ■ < >x ■\ ^ f M 'J -V >: ^ - .-•" r.' ■ • i ' 11 . t" 'j- ,j » • ■ ' ^ ' • 4 f. i ^ f * K- •• -V . » 4- "4. "S « I Sr A ■* /V - ' V. ; • G Vi -ri .J -T -4^- ^ , W .■ ' . ' ,- •^•■^ ■ •■" « >■ 4K —» • % -«•*•' N ' v . -' i| V*" **« •'■ i-- ■ "■ V" .' * ■ 'f V'ijf' ,'■-'* ■ ^. -w- ■ ti- i. A r ' • f *"■ i ^ ' ''4 ^ 1-4 I ft 'k ■ ■ •■■•«■..■,«, J,-. J a-J II; .s}| ^ ^ ' 1 - 1 ^ V-' #• .4 - ?_ tr-f ;M-'-in:. N. K .^4 :-'i » A r*7 V? boiinirrica ■:,;■ '£ ^ ..u^ y..^-,. ;P 1 i (" •■' '.' '''r *" "tfi' ^ . .,4 w -•. II . • .J » ♦ v.. ;■ **. IT"- *V 4^ .■ ',r.y :m$>t r S^aytit-ri , ,,.. ^ucmsmm \ t c ' - V\,jl4l4h' J d. " •-^ i£ I I- *ygf. * ^ -i # f ^ i 5 -f - '. I j> a r-ii o: j;olc-la : t -Y^.' I '■ ^ '-■v ' 4w „.. > W ^ -• f% -f I *v • • ? ■%/% V t •-'-"l • ■, f I-ft/% J f • •'' £'. 'i.7.# 1 Vji? • ;i -^1 f-> A 4, i ■» KA^-Jf - •4j-~'ac-,v- p t ^ J -T • v' ^ • > ( -- .» ■ f ■-: f). i. T ^ y J1 i .< 4 - »; V .i iinoijnr O' 'imJ rn^ 'r ■*T* ir> |r " . * ♦ •'v /■ ^ ■ ' ■• / v-C V< * V • '■ * -r« • J » ^ 7XSk i - :■ ^ ■ ' ■' ■'. _A'. ■ .-.-r^' t3 •-• 'aYY^r ^DnDiD-r?" \ i - ' .zoiihuD', ''•• Ynrbnii- £.£ •w- I r»nji • r y J 5T r "•: «* • -4 JCfc* I - A-- i *. ■ V*- 1*A *j;4 jJ*. *■ ,.» : ? .. ■ £ - ^"h t W *•- -■» », »-* i.r- > ' I T-t- -r t » ■ d . ,4 i i*■ i - ,d»,. - . - . (4 J ^ -• ' > * .d» • • ^ f 1 • A ...ip ♦W a* -; -4I4 g|k # ^ jcn^xO a£Y ■£>£;■ OY. J JOjJ ^p;i£ fb:;:£^plY£. ■ .^ ' V-' >t/£.n, ■('^ i-'ifUObJ .s^ai'■":SJ01 L~»r- > J''' - • ' ^ ,^4 i. . * - r V 1 ^4...f,/iC>JL J- _ tC 1 V '♦ v*,;, * ' ■'" .._. - - • • ■ ^ • i ' *• ,ip ''V,\ ,t- . I' •A. w- -. .. A V %-.* A A ♦•p- ..•■ 4. i . .1 ■9 ■ ■•■ , ; • o." 4« V. ■ Jk 4 4»' 4 - C • j£^\ f A' ' . 1 4 ' • V Y ■ 4# .» "'A^f » :;iIf/Yr *|f ■ »* s H# A i ^4,1, ^ ^Jikjlf r ' A V- •■ "v f f .1 ' . T&fi I -/ / ■^" f',rN \ v% V. •u MP ^ . »*» nV > - .4 .. y «c ::l: 'D* N.^ * :t f.r.'Y.c: :ori ei fO?:J.£C erb f.iv':.3 g-ii 7 "i ' t i '>) ■ » '4^4' '' ■* ^ '■ ' "t ' ' r f " " *■> »1- ••■ '':;■ i ^ ,t - « S. V-- -J . i*-' X 4 4 4^-* i ft. X J.^ .■ — >i- -> •*■--' ,i - ./ 4 A » IT ^ • pN * • y ^ J' ^ ■■ ♦ -1 t ' ^ ^ \ f \k w A ^ : . J - •r; fr 'x* ""T't: • I-'*'r-^- d, / 1, . »,,». 4 d • - •' d., X4 .■ d f f * p it. ri?s • 1 -rH . r N< % V • A. * r . I • h dv »k , p <1 ^ - *t ' - . 'k sk\-' ,, ':ntf.- ■ ¥ WV-# % X.' J" A " "Ty;-- " < a 'A. ^ -H. r' 4k.^»d ^ 4 * * IP, .•••. 1- • ^ -r * <■• ■• J» , f t' 1 ' yM - '■•»■■ VN'-'t' •?P2f. 5 / •■■ y 4d-. dv «I • ^ i # s- «- »• V % ,■ • .*-» 1» Pi Ml-" ¥4 J. » tN ufitfrnt''- ■■ -£ * - »i '4 4i. ft * rii .4' i ': hQ-x vx V d I if V W s ■ -•? >t fc ' ■ > t \ • "■•4 ^ ' V i £»■ '^ ' '■•> ^ ^ \ .. '-ft . V ■-Xo '.v^:. 1/ • *4 'cC>" ibatp5 xpat tpere fttft caufe to fttfpect> tpat Captain Lavallyati, Kamey, anO Thomas Brahall 0ent^ being alUnflimen, anojamesWiiifond^ent^an EngUfliman, aretpeperfono tpat are gtiiltp tpereof> ano toete pireo to commit tpat erecrable Crime; topereaiO tpe faio Capt» LavaHyan, Karney, Thomas Brahall, and James Willfon, are Qncetleb from baring to abloe tpeit Jtegal ^^tpal 5 %pe BingjO molt Crcellent fl0a(eftp ootp bp tpid i^is itopal i^^oclamatiop ftraitip Cparge anb Commautltpe faiO Captain Lavallyan, Kamey, Thomas Brahall, anb James WiUfon5 Cpat tpep anb eberp of tpem refpectibelp bo before tpe xtbentietp bap of oao- ber, ttnber tpemfelbeo to tpe Ho^b Cpief lattice, o;ifomeotpertpe3)ufticedof tpeBmgj026encp> rbpo are perebp Commanbeb fo^tpxbitp to Commit tpem to fafe Cnftobp, tpere to remain in o^ber to tpeit ICrpaljO foi tpis tpeir )©ffence» Znt^ i^is; i^aieftp botp alfo Cparge anb Commanb all anb eberp ^ufticedof ibeace, i^apo^ts, ;^pcriff5, Bapliffs, Condables;, anb all otper ir^id €>fficer5anb lobing ^ttbiectd, Xpattpep anb eberp of tpem bo nfe tpeir utmoft enbeabouri^ fo? tpe :^pp;iepenb' tng tpe faib Captain Lavallyan, Kamey, Thomas Brahall, anb James Willfoii, anb eberp of tpem* :^ttb l^id #ai'eftp botp perebp ftraitlp 5fo?bib anb j^^opibit anp of l^fd ^ubieito to Ccm=^ teal, l^arbour, l^eliebe Heceibe anp of tpe faib ^ffenbers, unber tpe i^eril of being tpemfelbes p^ote^beb againft (as bp Ham tpep map) fo;i tpe Crime of l^igpXreafon^ :^nbfo?a greater Cn- conragement of all fncp as ipall bo tpeir SDutp perein, l^is tpe Eemarb of One punb^eb pounbs, tbpicp ipall be refpectibelp paib npon tpe SDifcoberp anb :^pp?epettbirtg ot tpe faib Captain Lavallyan, Karney, Thomas Brahall, anb James Wiiifon, 01 anp oftpeiiu ;^nb as an Cnconragement to anp of tpe Offenbers' tpemfelbes to come in anb renber tpemfelbes ^ i^is j®a(eftp botp perebp fnrtper moU (0?aciouflp p;ioiitife> Xpat if tpe faib Of cubers, oj anp of tpem, (pall before tpe XXbentietp bap of oaober afo;iefaib, renber tpemfelbes, anb mabe a full Dif:^ coberp of all tpeir Accomplices, Hpat tpen fncp perfon fo renbnug plmfelf, (Ijall be i^arboneb fo^ pisotbn Offence i but if tpep (pall refufe to renber tpemfelbes as afo^efaib, tpen tpep ipall be piD^- ceebeb againft accojbing to tpe utmoft ^eberitp anb Eigour of tpe Haib* Given at Our Court at Windfor the Eighth day of Scptem^^er 167 9. lathe One and thirtieth yearof Our Reign. GOD SAVE THE KING. .■» t London^ Printed by fohn 'Bill^ Thorns S^ypcoml?^ and Henry 7-1 iUs Printers to the Kings moft Excellent Majefty. 1^79. •:r H 1;) -• SS^S'SSntiSSv^^ *4^31 pTv- '• [jk'' ■ * |A<, r: " K-J : ■ . ;ii f '■-•U - 4^. Jl* jt:-Ji << _ ^ , ,_ <^,v ! .rii;i^;fiif .:> no:l uw aDm^j yn|j ^-UA t' '.r'"- ! * jf- .V^ p' r T ■ ~ ^ 1* .^ -* ,-* A' A y J t *• - i-f > 'i -K- ^.-^■ ■^->1: V> W fl ' ■^;"v-'^---- '^viT-ii# f ■• t i-i-t ^ ^ :i -r ^ -;. > >■ V..- - ,, ^ :f'Afiy Hh .Jtfi i,"^-'" J,V*# ' •■■ ■i - i' -'»■ , •■*" • *» ':''-i . 5 i. ■ i ** '' '•••-■ ■- ^•*'> W 1^- V *' ^ ■' { "■^ i "i . i > fU-^. u > ■rt-■• ' . 4,-! ■«:.^ y i ^ ' -< --,.^ " 5 ' •> t ,.-■» ■ 4!^ ■3 »*: ^ 'P .'"• - # ." •• ■ , ? ■ . ■,:»■' ■ i S - • <-..,v ..^-... ;:-jr.^ w ..y-A:^,>,..^A;, . ^ I ' ■ -« ! V- •■ •. •f." • .■■■ .•:■-.■• r ' » 4» 1*^ ( ^ f i / ' 'V >•. (■■'■ t ■ 7^ ' ^ ' ■- ''^- ,/ -A r,^. i - V ■ '■>-4^, Vf: ^■ it \ i * A' «9 'Tl •^11! tu Jfiay" '0 v'^ > • ' ■ .. * ' I ■s Xi * -A, Hi V-?. *'''#^' ■^.' ■•'-V.-'. .-- • f A' •'^- 1 "'i. *. V? T"' J S "'■ ? I? -X ■' ' ■ " "■ ■ '■ rfs.l. y- - ■ ;i- -■:: V-lVillfC lO-'; A'T", : fx '^W'')'-^ti: ^•. • *• ., .;. ■\;,i>^ '', « .--^ - 4^ ♦'-..rY •'' -^ • .•'Jl ■«»• ■# 4 it , ■ ,. .3 t # -Wt •■■:.- t ., , ... /. "ir *5*-: .. . V-ik v'<♦ -"I^ ■ x,>'^-0- ;■>. rS ■ • ' - fk *-' " - '■ ■ - - ■ ■ " ■ ■ V t. i 4^ r li- 'V? Ai' A 1.^ - ^ f ,^; '^ j H. -y. Is ^"4 >. ■H -it- A/ ^ TL'' ■■ k * ^ ^ V -yf .^-*' V « ^ «■• ' v' ♦ if-t f A ;', : J .' X~ • , ",■ J '--x f i •■ 'r ^' ^ ' % i t 3 S 1 ■■ « 4 4^r . > 1 • f if ■. '^■^ '*■ ;i i ' " ':itl**'^f'''fi\S} -'•S ',. 'f. A". iAf Arfef ■' . '. f ■? . ■ y-s. • ■» * ■ ' ' k > ^ - V ii .XV ia %■- »V i * S- - «> 'it.; ?r' ,»»• ' '^-3^ ,, ^ ^ * *«■ N '' A}/- '•.; r ff-r'.r" ; 5u't ■4- * *■ ;' t -""i. * i^v .- ' ., » -rf i:' ♦ " v J,» ' »,«> y* *1? V I ! I W' Jt . > i..i UjC. t *4 A 'liu * fi f /1 -' f X ., « IS V V- • -I . * , _ 's f i* *. .J*. .1 V- 4= , ■» '' -. r : ? V 4 V V 4.-. r - f. ■, f } >4 V.S // J" : f f- -> V' f fs- J ■' V "4 fi- ^ * v» ■f. ft ■ . ■9 f 'T ■ 1.. — -- ♦ ■V ,> •- is- i' '-* . V ■' f ^ > . X, ' iv, 'A ■« X' - i' V V . . ' 7^ "4 'f i * - .- > r • ' y .,•' .,' ' * ', ■ v" x; Vv "■ ■ r ^ • V- ■'• A ■ X r /■ <• > » ' V' % jji ■If >- •►«•• • » '4» > .« I ♦ ;• - 5X f 1' J V 4 'iH * * * vV ft < 4 ^ - - ■J y f f '■■ f ■ it it% -■ 'f f t t- ' t \ y f * f-.-i «r- •*.'y -sAf 4^. \' * - 1. 'nr r: •4 • ■ ir 1, - # V' f 'f 5f:,"i t'« -f ■< •* **'•'5 i /■ -t ■ -fl** *\)-*ii' _ y %. 1 - • * >^ V • *v»>^ ■:•':■ ». .—■ •■■-:■ v; -^. '*''y/-:^.K 'f ^ .' V ^ i • ^ » $ 4- fr .• V' ^ - '•• '.A : -t'v- .: A,A 'i t *•• •'. ? ■ ■ J - ^ U..' r .-■pliv .... . ■ -fl- ■ ■ » f vf . , • /•! V. > <».. ^'^'r ■ . J- ^ i V ■•■ ?■ >#rk ^ { >: ri? U I */\ -A;--* " v? ■ N.>tv r a W ■f^ '-'v •* '> ■ i-N*) 4. 3 • V f ^ ^ ( V 4* tr f\ ^ -1 I -.■ IP.' ' -sil v' fi®--. .- -t,. v * • i 0 > 4' * I mu I ( » 4 ytj * »f. .f'i'■*! <"''<' 4 144 .•i< a K..A t f y < rx . ' ♦ S . 4. N, / t I J i. / 4 ' U '\ 4^' aup m^^^^ 3lablce of tis l&rtbp Council) i&ubliih ana aaeclare, IChat the faia George carew hath^ott no !^utlioiltt> oz Coittiuiffiou bp bettue of anp fuel) ILetteto of ®att oz ii^epzi5^f> fp ?? y? out anp l>hip 0? Uelfenbhatfoeber, ana Both herebp ftraitlp Charge ana pmmauB, that no perfon orperfons ibhatfoeber ao hceeafter prefumeto be ^n® a®If'attv fnch George Carew, in Setting fortlj aUP fUCh Sth'P. "Or Serbe 5'?^ arL, pzttcttPeP ^ttttiozitp, upon pain of beinij pzoceebep agamS as i^ptats>) accozbiug to tlje utmoft feberitp ana rigour of the itaib. ^ Given at Our Caftle at Wmdfor the 2 6th day of Jugu/A 680. in the TWo and thirtieth year of Our Reign. God fave the King. A •fc' -j "V 1 < 4 4- t* ^•4 !#!•< luO 3& h^YlO / *. /Q % I At the Court at WHITEHALL The Nineteenth of December 1^84. Prefent •*, Lord Kfeper Lord Prejtde/tf Lord Privy Seal Duke (^Beaufort Earl Huntingdon £4f/<^Bridgwater Earl ^Eeterborow The Kings Moft-Excellent Majefty, Earl of Sunderland Earl of Clarendon Eairl of Bathe Earl (f Craven Earl of Middleton Lord Vifcount Falconberg Lord Dartmouth Lord Godoiphin Mr. Chancellor of the Exche- quer Mr. Chancellor of the Dut- chy Lord Chief fufiice Jt&Qys &y Leoline Jenkins. I S Majcfly minding to fecure all His Loving Subjedisin Travelling and going about their Lawful Occafions, is this day in Council plealed to Order i And it is hereby Ordered, That all his Majefties Officers of Jiiftice, ancl other His Loving Subjects, do ufe their utmoft Diligence and Endeavour, for the Apprehending all Robbers or Highway-men , to the end they maybe proceeded againfi: according to Law : And for the Encouragement of fuch as fhall Apprehend any fuch Offender or Offenders, It is further Ordered by His Majefty thatTuch Perfon or Perlbns who fhall at any time from the Day of the Date hereof, till the \^th of De- cembevy which flaall be in the Year of our Lord 1685, and after that Day till His Majelfy fhall pleafe to Recall this Order, either by Proclamation or His Order in Council, Apprehend any Robber or Highway-man, and Caule him to be b. ought into Cudody^ fhall within fifteen days after his Conviction have a Reward of Ten pounds For every fuch Offender fb Apprehended and ConviCted. And all and every Sheriffs and SheritFof the refpeCtive Counties and SlierifFwicks where fuch ConviCtion fhall be had, are, and IS hereby required upon the Certificate of the Judge, or two or more Juftices of the Peace, before whom fuch Perfon or Perlbns fhall be ConviCted of fuch Apprehenlion and Conviction, to Pay unto the Perforu>r^ Perfons who fhall Apprehend fuch Offender or Offenders the Reward aforefaidj within the time aforefaid, for each and every Offender fo Apprehended and ConviCted as aforelaid, out of Elis Majefties Moneys received by fuch Sheriff or Sheriffs in that County, where fuch ConviCtion fhall be, which fhall be allowed unto him or them upon his or their Ac- compts in the Exchequer. And the Right Honourable the Lords Commiffioners of His Majefties Treaiury, are hereby Authorized and Impowred to give fufficieat Warrants to the Officers and others concerned in theExchequer, to give Allowance thereofaccordingly. . And it is alfb further .Ordered, That all Lieutenants, Deputy-Lieutenants, Juftices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, and other Officers and Perfons whatfbever do take notice hereof, and give due Obedience accordingly, and alfo be Aiding and xAffifting in all things tending to the Execution hereof, as they tencer His Majefties Difpleafure, arid upon pain of being proceeded againft as Contemners of His Majefties Roval Authority. ■ . . .pR ANCtS G W YN. ■ LO ND O Nf Printed by the Affigns of fohn Bill Deceas'd: And by Hknry Hills^ and Thomas Nswoomh^ Printers to the Kings moft Excellent Majefty. 1684. ■< -1 » • ^crciis tl!E .^&arltament l)atl) been }&?o?05,ueb until tlje ICentb Daj' af Febmaiy nc,rt> sue fo^ inani> l^eaCons, t)at>e tijougljt fit auB to nmlic a fartfiet |^?o?osatiott of tl)e i^atUanicnt, until t!)t %mt\) of May nert enfuing t!)e Date l)eteof: ::^nB tljerefoje oo tl)i0 3Ropal i^^ocla- matlon i^ublifi), jBotifie atiB Declare, 1C|iat tfie i^arliament iljall be idto- tDgueB upon anD front tlje faio Xentb oa)? of February until tlje XentlxbaF of May tiert: rabcreof tl)e Hotns^pitituaianuxenipotal, anotbe JStiigbts;, Citizens; ano iBurgelTeg, auB all otfterjo tbljom it nia^ Concern, mapljerebp tafie Notice, auB C)^Ber tfieir :^ffairs acco;tBingli>: mt letting tbem linotti, tljat mt Bjill not at tbe Cam Xentl) Bap of February erpecc tlje ^tttenoance of anp, but onelp fucb, as being in o^ about tl)t Cities of i-ondon auB w eftminfter, ntap ^tteuB tlje uiaHing tbe faiB 0io^3- eation, as beretofote in lilsc Cnfts batb been accuftomco. 3lnc affile bo alto berebp furtber Declare 2)ttr Hopal ^leafure, Xbat mt (tall uot erpea tbe ^tteuBauce of Dur ^oufes of i^arliameut upon tbe taio Xentb bap of May, put intenb at tbat time a fnrtber jbtotogation to a nioie proper feafou of tl)e pear, unlefs fome €rtrao;tBiuarp Dccafion reciuires tfteir ^ittiug, ibljereof me ibtll gibe Cottbenieut H^otice bp Dur i^opal i^^ociamatiouF Given at Our Court at Whitehall the Eighth Day of January i6%{. In the pirfl: Ye,ar ©f Our Reign. L 0 fiv 0 n, Printed by the AfCigns of John'Bill Deceas'd ; And hy Henry Hillsy and Thomoi Aletpcomhy Printers to the Kings mod Excellent Majefty. i (? 8 | •r t < > * \ I'.-V :'• ;f - y ■> -? , < I \ N f' ^ :. " .■, 1 «k % t / - « , i V ' K • vUv'. '' I ■nf V ^ ^ - * - ^'' . t J/- ^ *" '^>» ^^VV J, • . Vv Xt/-/ ^ f K '»V i k t V V f ' i *'31- ' . I »». - ^ F * r ■\ • r •' t /r «?- t •V. ; ~ j S.; r r rV ■> , V ' y 4. %. V* il* '1^ 1^ 5, msB ■»■ ' y' v^ » -";' > ■-*•"• • - .1 ?-.. •'--i' ■■ . .' N_ " )>A- -,vCi-< -■f" ■ * " '*■" .-a: ?• # »■ ' 4 .#■ >Kf» V- *■ • i t: ► 1 « A ^ VSPf; r .1^ fpi f * ~T .; ' r'l ,? y * r -'f; '"',.i -r'- 'C / ♦V -' jv 'i^ f * A J t J .V ».\ «<<- •v ■• * ' » . ■ • > > y-v /n>> ?|U'.}|^4 ^1 ^ .* < .-rt vH. t . t' *• if V ^.;- 'I r ^ v-_ /J. ',' f -Jf . - . . ^ 'T » • f'- • -; ^ ' "t•» - •*' •> ■■ ^ Wi V# ^ M V . ». ■« ■■«-' 4> ■t-. i ■ 1 ■ r » mih" IV -«• V ^ ♦ 'r f ''1'> ^ *' 3 -* i * * . f- f: •!■ ^ it *1, 4 T. >> '^- * » « » V • , _ -.•%' J . , j *■ " /' f. .7 3i-.-:. r *^7. » ^ ^ :4 y *• • y ■ ■i ; - J '•": -tt ^-•- t % *. » «■ . • V > * < = 4,"g^ ..r; '•r"* .•>?„ € 'r-- T ^ y ., •' v« V"-' y ■ . i « V i. ?rr".- \ v( 1 f 'a ^ V ^ : J % « : V.-'f ■I' '• ' * Ir^ " 'v »,' . — i - A. -if - ^,. -'iiJ"Oyxi ©Or ^•a, A 0 x\:- ■": 0 wl rx '3 OJ ci-::ni-^ t'lL'to;:;:^.. f • • i • Fi A • y ^ ^ 1 '*'•'• * ■ -jf * t» ' t -7 ? ' *■ - 4 • ■ ' ; i.-/- -TT'.-V '4r -y " rn \ , '••'i )" " /' ■y ' --t ^ • ^_» • I ' t ~# -4 ^ Z f ¥2 .(^1^ J7^^^ A Chftrd V - i i : • • " 1 ■ '1 '• ' ">• i * ' 1 ; ^ fl ■- ■ y^-. 7. ' jr — V V J ' « n « >, ^ '- • -■ 1 / * V f » V .«fr . » 1 ' ^ .♦ , -s # ' ' 1 H • ■ % 1 • ■* \l '' (i ■* 1 .. ■■■iiPHIi r;- - ' - ■t- \ / >-■ rr' His Majefty hath been certainly Inforitied of the Killing and Deftroying of the Game in and about ^ His Honour of Havipton-Coiirt ^ Thefe are, therefore to Notice in'His Majellies Name, and by His fpe- Order and Appointment, That henceforward prellime, of what Quality foever (without His Majefties particular Leave) to Kill or Deftroy any Hare, Partridge^''Phealant, Heath Powt, Heron, Duck or Mallard, within Ten Miles round about His Ma- jefties Palace of Hampton-Court, by Hunting, Hawking, Setting, Courfing, Shooting, Tunnelling, Gins, or any way whatfoever, nor to difturb the Game there under pretence of Shooting at Birds ; nor to keep or ule any Greyhounds, Lurchers, Setting Dogs or Guns but fuch Perfons only as lhall be thereunto qualified by the Laws made for the Prefervatiori of the Game ; and that none fo qualified, fulfer their Servants, or any under the Notion of fuch, to Shoot, Set or Courfe, or by any ways whatfoever to Deftroy and Kill any of the forenamed Game, as they will Anfwer the Con- trary at their Peril. And to the end that none may Plead Ignorance of His Majefties Pleafure in this Matter, His Majefty doth further Command, That this Order be with all fpeed Read and Publilhed in the feveral Parilh Churches within Ten Miles of His Palace of Hampton-Court, at fuch time and times, as the refj3ed:ive Parilhioners meet there for Divine Worlhip, upon Sundays or Holidays j which the Reftor, Vicar or Curate of each Parilh, is to fee duly performed accordingly. ^ _ * » Given at Our Court at Hampton-Court the Thirtieth Day 'of July 16" 8 7, in the Third Tear of His Majejlies Reign, By His Majefies Command, MIDDLETON. Printed by Qharles 'BiH, Henry Hills, and Thoma^s lS[ewQomh, Printers to cFie Kings moft Excellent Edajelly. 1687 ^ -;: .--v>v--:'v> ' % ' f f t * * * •> w- z ^ t r T- • •? L V' &-- -•. • -•^ V' -•fLA- •kP J " erd H - I V. (1 ■" \ '< T n- 1 I T r 'Ik HVMBLE fflJNkS of ik Good Peopk of Engbndj To the'l^ight Hpnourahle the Lords' Spiritual and Temporal in VarUntmeht ^^emhled. , A s.- JlTdy it vleafe yont lLordjhift^ IS the Duty of every private Man to Publiili the Satisfaction he receives, when the Liberty and In- tereft of England is rightly afferted 5. elpecially whei] any part of the Legijlature Signalize themfelyes in the Redemp- rion of the People. Your Journals of this Sefflons have giyen a mighty Luftre to the peerage of England; and the People muft acknowledge, that in this Parliament, YOUR LORDSHIPS have Reprelented them as well as Your Selves. Your Ifeddy Juftice and,Zeal have fupported the Spirits of theTeofk; YOURLORD SHIPS Wifdom hath inl lightneh the Nation, and difpos'd us to Judge rjght of the 1 rue In tereft of England ot Europe too, ' Lis You, M Y L O R D S, have cured us of the Falle Notions we were deceived with, and removed the Malque fbme M en had put on to hide thdr Corruption, and the Treachery of their Eefigns, You have fhown us, MY LORDS, that neither the Force of French Money^ nor the Power of its Arms, can wea^ ken Your Authority, nor piake You negleft the Common Safety, or the Publicli Good. Tour Eordlhips have made us eafie; for we lee how you fhelter the Innocent from Danger; ^ and you that are Borri Judges, recommend Juftice to Inferior Courts by your Glorious And novv, my Lords, you leave no room to doubt, but a§ you Proteft the Innocent, loin due tirne youj Funifh the Guilty. The VYhole Kingdom, my Lords, applaud your Fidelity to the KING, and your Affecftion to the People * and the in^ comparable Temper and ConduEl you have ftiewn, makes your Kobes more venerable, and exalts the Iplendor of the Coronets wear. The Court, my Lords, was always yours; but now your are Lord (hips in the Pofteftion of the Qty and of the Countrp too; you have made them 2II your Daily Vptarifs, and your Perpetual Attends, F i N I s. ■T# fr- J. -s-i .•■p/ :X :f .. V> " m ^ . % ° 'X -■a.' ■■^ f^ ' 4r> +•; .r -■•*: V 'X. V . s, Wa-*-' 'v».' ■»'■'■ z' V .- 4 ■ ( ^ • « V _ \ .•» N ■< V-i ; * T- ■r. i / -4~ % If W * ^ i v > .\ 4 r < ■ / 'T ■■ ^ "*«; f ■' f r V ; ■ : r J' .\ w- "*v<' •■.' *C:> . ';. / * .' i >•' ' » '■■* s f i' % " f V 'If '•->f •' .i ,*-. ^''■' t • -■.' ■; ■. ... w ■■: iJ-."'■•*«?.■- ■. ,- :- . ..7>-.'''»»>- fK - ;V If < 1%/,; ■ ■ ■■ . .!r-' 'T--' . V ., V- T ^ ••^- I.:. _,-V f l„-"--~.--: f V- . ■ ;; .'it :v *'' >-■: ■*•:• .''\' . *^-«s '■Jfi ■> C • ' ' '■ * '.'l' t 1 fe- . I.V- ^'■. tji r "V*!- ■ <>» ' ■yCA. g#". 1^ .. »■' tkv » , "ijlfi , ■ .SW -i(' ■,'iV . ^ ; 'VK:-v|g ^ ■••v> ,Arfe]ivli#^p ." ] ■ ■ .1 •p^/ ; ./J- - ^ ' ifif- .r- --Sii-"- f ■■■ '• '. *i1- ■ ■ E" •. -• **' ■ . •> J. • '•^"^''!2i'V ' ' . *■-'- - ' ^"1,: • r ■ -f ,;*■ : t. --f >...:i?-\-..., yf IIS;#;-V.-rv * • - . .j-y "#i 3.¥- :t .'MJ ■?W^ - i X--.-: - -j 'e-: .V ' . • L> "• > . . .{» .vj.." A^'MAyy.-'■ ■ '.nis;- - ■■■ ■• ■. -•v . - - ...'^■r^v L .' -"'..^'c'- Efr., V v-v;. •' : «f ' ■-*: % y -A-'' ■. ' , U •*»> jT* ik ■ ■ yt'.- ■ t.'; ^ ' n V-; >y : 'V •1^ V- '."V •. •,v-' V- ■•. t ,4 ^ ■v*: y. .. V ■'.• JP'.v- * ■ ^ Yi '"4 ■ . -■■ ■-* ' ■.,:r = .-- *- ■■,'t~- ■-.'« •-• ^•y.■■••v^7 ** ■ • •■ ?'•*• '■aM-M ■ w ..>■ • :ff.Af ^ y- ■ '2 ■' rr V -"v.- 1. -X •1 * .ri •- A t i- *Jf I '•?■■'■■ r-' *i4 , ■■ J t-j Ji-A\ vt f • - ■ • T . .... ■ -J . ^ y ' ' ." v^'^X-v' rviiiJf-fT: . y.';. •■■"■/I ■ - -.V' v. "' •: c;, . ' ' -, -f ■ ' . ■ '"m.4 v*r. .-_'v «us^4:. ^ A=-.- I ' :»?■ . • T"' 1 ■oi.navyyn . 'I - '■■'^ T f H- \ y- ■ ■ i. i V y • ^H ^ Si I. :ky-^. y^'AMhil SD IcRt-'bi ■■".-■■• • ■ ■ ■" .. y-i" - • ■- • I ' ^ y-' vVi. ,:, < ,-. .J -. -*: ■'• ■'s'i^.rar A OK ft'^s .W Mill JYJ- f,~ ' ■ • "T . 'i . ' • ■ • ■v"- -.d-"* ' ' , Air - \ w --J" -J. « -»/" -., SH I ■' ^ i:i' • * '4: A\u y :^y!dyp.i:fV ■;v „"■ iv, ;-r TO; /IXC.; J fit,''" ? ...... V ' - .. ■ \ V. ., - J r .'\: . ? > ■» V-' i ■■ 4 V *V" * ^•'^^ •' > 'p .'* ..^4- - ^ ■.V,.v;,..t > -? * X, '«• jj ' .si. ■'fe .. 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