fe*~ <» V • f V-? KM 'iZ'W'- ' T- * -rsZ? f f-fv y- fU ij * V '■< 'iff, ji. , ^ 1 * ^ „ ,,s«s i *' "S^ :'"A.«j ■••>•■ 1 .5«'r.-..\.J. ;3 :n r 1 il4^-V '*?' ts,, ■ i '■^ ' ■> ' ' ^ V . ~ \ 5« ».V> VA.V'^Jij^ ,,3 ■" *■> m -1 " ■ xMM «n \ m' m^~' '*•. -K*-r J "■??!>•> *,-.>>4;9Ji'wfe^ ' "" ' '^M ' ' rs.^f ^ P' *3 ^ 1 •1' V i r .t >.; .. @S- ... ife »-u-- M' '' m:-. jw . • 1 Tpl K •' * ''>^iOT5Xv.'«5&#fSs$L.™ V#®Sp3i^s:as^ liS ®i •'h-S'is ■"* v'^ i^y, \_ "t I : THE FRENCH KING'S EDICT Upon the r- DECLARATION Made by the Clergy of FRANCE^ Of their Opinion concerning the Ecclefiaftical Poweri wherein it fet fortht That theKifig is Independent in TUngsTemporsd, That General Councils are above the 9ope. 'f hat the Popes Power is to be limited by the Antient Canons* That the Popes Decijions are not Infallibk without the Confint of tho Church. Together with the fald^ Declaration of the CLERGY^ As they were Regiftredin the PA RLlAMENT of PA RIS^ the 23 of March i582. BV S N BV RG B, Re-printed by the Heir of Andrew* Anehsfin^ Printer tO cred Majejlyy ^^82* ^ ( s) The KING'S Edia i upon the De- claration made by the Oe^^gy of France, of their opinion concern- ihg the Ecclefiaftical Power. LO V I S By the Grace of GOD, King of Fravce and Na- •varre^ Toall preient and to come. Greeting. Although'it be a certain and uncontefted Truth, Eftablilhed upon the Words of Chrifi: Himfelf, That Our Crown is Independent of any iPower but that of GOt) alone , We have however received with Satisfaftiori the Declaration which the Deputies of the Clergy of France, Affembled by Our Permiflion in our good City of Paris, have prefented to Us containing their Opinion touching the Ecclefi- aftical Power : And We have lb much the more willingly heaikned to the Requefi which the faid Deputies have made to Us, to caufe the faid Declaration to be publifhed, for that, it being made by an . Affembly compofed of fb many perfons equally recommendable for their Virtue arid Learning, and who have with fo much Zea.l employ, cd themfelves in whatever may be of advantage to tlie Church , and Our Service, the Wifdom and Moderation with which they have expreffed the Opinion that ought to be had on this Subjed, may very much contribute to the confirming Our Subjefts in theRefpeft, which they, as well as We, ought to have for the Authority which God has given to the Church , and to the taking away, at the fame time from the Minifters of the pretended Reformed Religion the pretext they take , from the Books of fome Authors, to render the power of the Vifible head of the Church, and the Center of Ecclefiaftical Unity, Odious. For thefe Caufes, and other good and weighty Confldferatibns, Us thereunto moving, after having cauled the laid Declaration to be examined in Our Council. We have by this Our prefent, perpetual, and irrevocable Edift, Said, Eltablifir.cd and Or- dained, do Say, Eftablifli, and Orda'in, We Will , arid it pleafeth Us, That the faid Declaration of the Opinion of the Clergy concer- ning the Ecclefiaftical power, hereunto affixed, under the Seal of Our A Chan- c 4:> Chanceryj beRegiftred in all Our Courts ofParliamcnt, Baillhvicks, Senechalfies, Univerfities and Faculties of Divinity, and the Canon La-w, in our Kingdom, Countries, Lands, and Sicgncuiics under our Obedience. I. WE forbid all our Subje(51s, and all Strangers being in our Kingdom, as well Seculars as Regulars, of what order. Con- gregation, or Society they are, to teach in their Houies, Colledges, or Seminaries, or to write any thing contrary to the Doftrine con- tained in the lame. I I. We Command that thofo which (hall for the future be cholen to teach Divinity in the Colledges of every llniverfity, whether theybe Seculars or Regulars, fhall before they perform that Fundion in the Colledges or Houfes Secular or Regular, fubfcribe the (aid De- clarationin the Regiftriesofthe Faculties of Divinity, andpromifeto teach the Dodtrine therein contained ; and that the Syndicsof the Fa- culties ofDivinity fhall prefent to the Ordinaries of the Places, and to •the Atturnies General, Copies of the laid ^ubfcriptions. Signed by theRegifters of the laid Faculties. in. That in all the Colledges and Houfes of the faid Univerfities, where there fhall be many Profefiors, whether Seculars or Regulars, One of them fhall be oblieged every year to teach the Doftrine contain- ed in the (aid Declaration 5 and in the Colledges where there fhall be only one *Profeflbr, he fhall be oblieged to teach the fame every third year. IV. We Command the Syndics of the Faculty ofDivinity to prefent every year, before the Opening of the Ledlures, t o the Archbifhops or Bifhops of the places where they are eftablifhed, and to fend to Our Atturnies General the Names of the Profeffors who ftiall have the charge of Teaching the (aid Dodrine j and We Command the faidProfef^ fors to prefent to the faids Prelates, and to Our Atturnies General the Writings which they fhall diftate to their Schollars, when tliey fhall be by them thereto required. V. We will, That no Batchelor, whether Secular or Regular, fhall for the future be Licenfed in Divinity, or the Canon Law, nor re- ceived a Dodor, till he has maintained the (aid Dodrine in one of his Thef^jwhichhe fhall make appear to thofe that have right of con- ferring the faid Degrees in the Umverfities, VI. We Exhort, and alfo Enjoyn all Archbifhops and Bifhops erf Our Kingdom, Countreys, Lands and Segneuries under Our Obedience, to employ thdr Authority in caufing the Dodrine contained in the faid laid Declaration of the faid Deputies of the Clergy to be taught in their Dioceffes. VII. We Command the Deans, and Syndics of the Faculties of Divinity, to take care of the Execution of thcfe Prefents, on pain of anfwering the contrary in their own and private Capacities. So We give Charge to Our Welhbeloved and Trufty holding Our Courts of Parliament, that they caufe thefe Our prefent Letters , in form of an Edid, to be Read, Publiftied, and Regiftrcd, together with the laid Declaration of the Clergy, in the Regiftries of Our laid Courts, Bailliwicks, (Scnechalfies, and Univerlities within their Jurif didion, and that they lee the fame oblerved, without lufFering any contravention therein diredlyor indiredly 3 and that they proceed againft the Offenders in liich manner as they lhall think fit, according to the Exigency of the cale 3 forfuchis Our pleafure. And that the lame may remain firm and eftablilhed forever. We have caufed Our Seal to be put to thele Prelents. Given at ♦ y 'M' r-^.gi**%*»Baigp^sy?yg.5iew^fcv,-:j^«fcreaQa^^ %• ''••'aKfva^Sif'^' 'V'''^7''''^il3^^mm m^^me y^jti: V- r ^^mmw y-^iiaeff^^j»lWiPW?g^^v> w »'\aif?fflG^-t^!t?1Sv< -"e^S'-'^' V V»ftiPvoB>i.• ■alfc.^f'jw.'- A#S^S<-'>-',i:X^s2e» V'-A-X^aS ^»-w ppi^^ s»&^« frfM mM ^^!^Su5SS5Sti55li»!w ■Miiiii«iriMMUiililiiillM kCj" ' ';*i%M'. v?^TO m ^9 ■•■ . , J »f' < , 7 "'jf' V ^ »v ^ ^ > 1 - » » 1' I-. Xi**" 'A'l* %i. ■-. '''^ ^^a&SsStm' - '/ '^iv MgfesigjigCstoiKOiys 1^ y-fr"y-i/jy'-i'^k-Tg. '■A-' '--Ki-iiifXM^^l^ v.-^^5L'-'*V|i >'^ ".- ,.:" 'Jffc-ai^.^'j WTl T.Wa** cij^^ r. r W S!4 fit fik v^-r A 'i %\r ^&»ti ■'M IV Ml, MiMi jv ?,%. M si*i? V . V^- c *■ En® V Ife iC' 'Jsm ■%i ^acs» iff *■' in*i^-*5 • t • /^*.-7rk ft Igif Pk mmw^^^Wmi fj> X -^'■ rv'/l mm Mmm^ ^Rglw^a^p " ■^^W.MaS^Fii^ 'i' mm '•>" '" 53 W^m \ XsfV^ii -.^ -^-.^ v-^-* -^i: ■ S\>' i\ r V ,1, - i.V -/■■ m:^ j^vi-.?.- • ■• WcXV-'^ i»/ ' I *' , I i- •• - • • '- • . 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