" J" <"'■■-^/ ■ • ;/>•.■•*.rf-y> ■ X .• ^ t i *■iSk^ ^ -f iisJt?' ^v<-|?° ' ■"■■ ' 'v "'V^ M'-'J" gaff' •^'- ,4? fSi 4^. ■M. IV 'fS ^ '•VN N ^tJI> i 'V" ^ ^ 'T' f^. Sji -•iP'- "t ^'•i^ <*-? #i -t-' ' " " -' «Ce «.fT^ i •- f ^ t ■' ' ,2t r '-^ ;■ , 'M-isllSi' ^ X* ^ ■* ^ «"^S?^ -i*' ^ ' 3: ^ "V A «■ V • Jv ^ -v ^■v & y -.. :-jL- ■ - \ Si^ & • s. -i <" '-r [i-* .M- ' '. V '^'rV ' C ^"-<"x ^ r 's-it^w ^^..■;--..i'ii£-;i^»..- "3 ?^'v:?l::£i?'"*4--.^ >\t. i-JiS i* ■iiiJMfea*-., -- > ■ ~,','-.~tr'-^|^':_ .^■^a < ■<, f Lfv -• ^;>+' • V?A rt"^ }%i^„ 1 . . ; r ^ " THE Pope's Cabinet UNLOCKED: CATALOGUE Of all the POPES INDULGENCES Belonging to the Order of S. Marj^y TOGETHER With a Lift of all thedaily, yearly, and forever, to be hadatiJtfWf, S.James of Calatia in CompoftelUj Jerafalemy and all places in the Holy Land. Written in Italian by Fr. jlrcangtlo Tortelloj of the laid Order of S. Mary: And now Tranflated into Englijh by John Sidwajy late Seminary Prieft, but now of the Reformed Religion, and Vicar of Selling in Kent^ and one of the Difcovcrers of the horrid Popifli Plot, with the Caufe of his Converfion- Whereunto is added' ari: APPENDIX by the Tranflator, ia which the grounds and foundation of the faid Indulgences being examined, are utterly overthrown, and by confequence Indulgences themfclves apparently proved to be meer Cheats. And alfo (hew- ing that the Church of Rome doth lay the chief Bafis of their Rc- ligiou on indulgences. Dedicated to the Right Honourable the Earl of Shaftsburf* hON DO Ny Printed fo /pic atthe Star next to SerjeantS' Inn in Chancery-Lane. " - -X >»iwwa—m ^ ^ j^€> €> fT'lL ^S'Z , - / G9?^j m + A ^ i \ :• i'iOl .-r '■#1 - vV^; :' x?.'i.' c\ •t. -A I i I - . : ■ 1 }. \ J- 'O v"*':» 'o ' v- J "■ * • * i .. jj ■ i U:^ , - i -Tr,- -7 ^.1 x!nC hi::i 'f: r; -I; oVkj ../(H 7I , M X ni ^^-.,.,7/ 37! , -V cr- {;■ V -: i X- : - A '}(. ■ Wk ! 'JliF ,' ' "7:;';. : ^ij; i.•; i : ■;. ■ ^ 1;; .-^'i- • •» ■- ' : •* 1 * i\ i -■ , 7 mi/ .' ■ i' ■ .. V : 'J, ' , , . 'i ^ ii, ... " ' : ' n: : -■. - itf -•■rd- ■ J. / X •. :?!• i: ^ .fU- jUA lo llAI >'-.-3l»,..* met '|I/1: .,- "5 .OSil v.. ikc ^ :.z.r:i.7 - . j.. v:-si? -.; ^ , x7 C ;i7i -. 1 >. TO THE RIGHT ,HONOURABLE ANTHONY EARL of Shafrsbriry, t ^ Baron AJhly of Windonrne S, Giles, Lord Cooper ' -lu:; of Fmkt^ iste.. My Lord; The Jignal Favours received from your Honour^ and. the- cmfidencer lhave of your Lordjhips Endeavours to conferve Religion in its true purityy imloldeneth me to prefent you voith this worthies Prefent, de- Jigned for you ever fince it was in the confufed Mafs of my thoughts^ which if your Lordjhip pleafe to perufe, and receive into Proteilion, and the pious Reader reap advantage hy my intendment, my Defign hath fucceedeeTto my wiJB. The matter contained in the Tranjlation is a Catalogue of the Popes InduU gences, or Inventory of the Romifli Treafure; which Treafure, or Indulgences, being grounded upon meer FiEions, and confe- quentiy at befl but Cheats, I have in my Appendix endeavour^ eet to deflroy, overthrowing the very Ground-works, both by Scripture and Fathers, whereupon they are founded. My De- fign herein is to unmask this grand Deceit of the Romifh Church, conceiving that they that trufi to the faid Indul- gences, rely oi^ ivorfe than Reeds, being thereby expofed to A X the 7 ' I the greatefl danger • and meerly guld, not onely yf their Mo- ney, but their Expe^atiom. Thus humbly craving your Lord- fhips Pardon for this my boldnefs hefeeching God daily to increafe that ardent affe^ion yow hear to Religion; and that his Grace and Goodnefs may ^always fupply you with meet gifts and Priviledges to do him Service, and increafe your Comforts here and hereafter, I adventure to fuhfcrihe, and rfieem my felf happy, in' the honour of being - ; ■■u.-d "■ i, • f.'i' Your Lordfliips mofl: humble -i and moll devoted Servant, fOH. SIDWAJ. • v .- i iA-A; Ci-J vl^ A ^i.ys 1 V' V i . ■ • t': iViV'i A "'' "xv. "'H y' A'-v"'A ^ nA ■"- A .. . aV a',< Av=,.Av.-.\A 'A ■>-:■< f\ 'i'X', V> ■.. -^A v,v>;\.Aa-^A A, ' > r 'jxV Av.A-.h rf'iiTIOii A.w-i V v.v. ,'<.WVvi-y.\ M'-iW V'iV'.WOJ, -x?* "VAxvjAK "(W W\ VU\ y A -V'. !'\ ti ^ . -A^ 'A, .-VtxVf. . • v-, Wu Vxk^«>V\-)A ■;;;r, O . sA\ i ' \ vA\ rl *.vA x'v\ 4-1 ■Va5<^j--=> ,''VAA V>'5x4A A". ■ A-. ■ r A TO THE R E A D E R. . ? Courteous Reader^ ;, Hatfoever thou art, great is the .Wenefit that thou mayeft receive by this little Book. Art thou a Romariifit knowing thy Religion to be grounded in all Controverted Points upon thofe Indulgent ces, thou mayeft by the Grace of Gjod (fteing them here overthrown) be brought to relinquilh thy Erroneous O- pinioris. Art thou a or any other diflenting from the Church of. Romey here thou mayeft difcov.er a great part of the Roman Ecclefiaftkki Policy ^ and by what means fuch abfurd Te^ itents as are held in the Roman Church are introduced into the goculGpinion oE-the people, and admitted into their, Faith, ne- verthfilefsnoctothe end they may by thee be imitated, but .abhor- edand avoided. Would'ft thou know by what means they came to fo many Religious Orders, and why lb many enter (as they call it.l/.into Religion ? 'tis becaufe of the many and great Indulgences which they arc poflieft with a belief they obtain tllereby^ Would- "eft thou know who'efore they .ihvocate . and adore. Saints. the Holt, the Crucifix, Holy Rellcks.; and Images,u'tis hocaufe of In- dulgcnces. Wouldeft thou know the realon of their ftriit ob- fervance pf thefe ah4 ptl]ejf£heir Churches Ceremonies, their pre- feringof one Church'and Altar before another, and of all their Pilgrimages /. 'tis bg.caufe of Indulgences. In fine, there is no- thii4g.Q6oiQ:Qterj:fed'i betwixt the Roman and other Churches, bur, left the fame (hould be utterly overthrown, they are fome way un- derpropped by Indulgences: which although but meer Cheats, and therefore; at beft but rotten Polls, yet fmce the people are brought to have fd good an Opinion of them, ferve as moft liable and firm Pillars. In the overthrowing whereof, though 1 have ufed much the Fathers, yet'tis not with an Opinion they are more infallible than tlian others, or that weare to regard any more theli" Tcfl.Iinony,but becaufe fdealing with the I deal with an unreafonable people^ wliQ believe no othcr^ no not To much as the holy Scriptures^ unieisastheFatiiera expound them, 1 iiave here produced themj- mongfl; other Teftimonies. For ray part I was brought up, and con- tinued until about three years fiiKe, in the Church of Kome^ in which I was of no fmall repute and eftcem, but Confcience did fo accufe and torment rae, being Confcious to my felf of lb many grAnd Ahfurdities^ grofs Idolatries^ and fuperjiitious Prallices^ which I foundl rauft of neceility be guilty of dayly, continuiiw therein,that utterly relinquifhing that of ^cwe,I adjoyned with theCnurch of£«^- land-, in ray coming unto which, although I was put to beat out the way as it were through Fire, and have been fince by rnany thereof very hardly dealt withal, which I pray God forgive, IhavereCeiv- ed the greatefb joy in Spirit and Coofblation in. Confcience iraagi- nable •, verily believing,Tfaat amongfl: alteftabdifhed Churches in the Whole Univerfe, which 1 have feen,and blefled be God I have feen all, or moft, that there is not any nearer to Scripture and Primitive Pradice, than is the Church of EngUtd\ and rather than I would return to the Church of Romcy ad&iit my felf, or condefcend: to maintain any one point of the R^fnifit pecniiar Dodrine, there is not a Torment fo great, nor a Death fogrievous y which I would not gladly fuffer. The faid Indulgences amongfl! other things were ene rcafon of my relinquifhing of the Church of Kcmey having m- deed been at moft of the places where the faid Indulgences ace. oh- tained', and know the enfuing Catalogue to agree with the Etecord's and Reports of each place, and conceiving that thofe that are cured of a dangerous Malady ought, not to conceal the means conducing thereunto, from thofe that either are or may be fick of the fame Difeafe, 1 have thought meet to puhlifh the fame to the World, which if kindly accepted, may iuduce me-to many other Works of the like kind, and of Ihewing my felf / THE AUTHORS EPISTLE DEDICATORY. To my illuftrlous and venerable Brothers and Sifters of the Company of the moft glorious Virgin, t • t . * ' BT how much the more I know^ ray Jelf tohli^d in geve- ral, and in particular to your mofl noble Country, and the more I go about accufing my fehf a Debtor for fo many Favours and Benefits in the fame con- tinually received, fo much the lefs I have always hitherto found my felf in a Capacity to exprefs that great and inward defire I have to do fome All that may be grateful to you; and con- fidering ivith my felf I ought to give you fome little [ign of fty good Wilf, and of my great regard and good Bernemhrance of you; and that the longer I defer it, the more it ought to anfwerthe debt I owe: Newly returned from his Holinefs'^s the Popes Pallace, and fearing I might feem to he like the e- vil Servant, in the Gofpel, who hid the Talent' received at the Courtefte of his Patron, I here prefent you with a Lijl, (/ there obtained^ of the pub lick Treafure, that although it he yet fo much unknown in many other Cities^ it may be now known to you, tvho are the holy Company of our habit, given by the ever Virgin, the Mother of the Son of God; the which you accepting, as I hope you will, and Conjure you that ye fo do, you have all the Indulgences, may he gained by the Brothers Brothers and Sifiers of our Company^ in this little Book; which gi'ving to you, together I dedicate and confecrate to you, hefeeching you to place this laudable Infcription in our Church of the Servants, accompanying the fame to the Altar of the mofi holy Crucifix with your Society; to the end that in Life and in Death you may obtain a double Treafure and Patronage, and fo Precious as thefe two are; the which joyntly in the dangerous Navigation of this world, the one will be the Ship, and the other the Star, to the port of Sal- vat ion. The gift is not fmall, becaufe it is a gift Spiritual; neither ought the rtfpe^ to be fmall that is had thereto, in regard of the great Benefit that may accrue thereby. And for a Credit and truth of what is therein contained, I have caufed the fame to be confirmed with the great Seal of our Office, and have fubfcribed the fame with mine own hand. Dated at Florence in our Convent della Nonciata, tije ninth day cf February, 155)9. \ Fr. Arcangelo Tortello. • -v; \ ■ ' A \ t 'jrv. \ . VT-' V.'"i 'r- Vs\ ... The Treafure of the Trothers and Si^ Jlers of the Holy Order of the Ser- 'oants of Saint Mary. C L A S S E I. The Indulgences which they obtain by reafon of the Habit of the Servants of our L A DT- P" B O them that receive the Habit of the Servants, /«- B mcent the Eighth granted that the Prior General, or B any other conftituted by him, might abfolve any, whether He or She that (hould have that Habit, not only at his or her Entrance, but at any time whenfoever there fhould be need, from any fin or Cenfure whatfoever. And Sijlo the Fourth granted a Plenary Indulgence to any when they received the Habit of the Servants. To thofe invefted with the Habit of the Servants, Innocent the Eighth, Alexander the Eleventh, and other Popes their Succefibrs, granted, that once in their life time, and once in their death, they Ihould obtain a plenary Indulgence of all their fins. And Sifto the Fourth faid, that they Ihould obtain a Plenary Indulgence when they dyed and wanted a ConfelTor, becaule they dyed in the ftate of grace. And Leo the Tenth granted to any one invefted with the Ha^ bit of the Servants, that Ihould fay the feven penitential Pfalms once over, or five Pater-nofler'^s and five Ave Maria's before an Altar of the Church where he or Ihe fhould refide, that he or Ilie that faid the fame, Iliould thereby releafe any one Soul out of Purgatory, what Soul the party that faith the fame pleafeth. To thofe which to the honour of the blelfed Virgin Mary B Ihall {hall devoutly kifs the Habit of one of the Servants, ^oh/t he twenty third hath given five years, and five Quarantenes (one of which is forty days fpade; of Indulgence. To thofe which (hall ferve with the Habit under the Servants, Clement the Fourth, Nicholoi the Third, and 'Vrban the. Fifth, granted a forgivenefs of the third part of their fins^ ^nd Siflo the Fourth, and Leo the Tenth granted them a plenary Indul- gencc- To thofe invefted with the Habit of the Servants, and fhall fay five Pater-nofter^s, and five Ave-Maria's^ Paul the fecond hath granted all the Indulgences which are at any time within or without Romey as well as to thofe that vifit the Holy Churches, where they are to be obtained. And Leo the Tenth hath granted, that faying five Pater- TioJler\ and five Ave-Maria s, and at the end of each Pater- nofier and Ave-Maria, one Gloria Patri, all entire , and after- wards another Pater-nofler and Ave-Maria fingly, with the Glo- ria Patriy &c. That is to fay in the whole, fix Pater-nofier''s, fix Aye-Maria's, and fix Gloria PatrPs', five whereof with an intention to gain the Indulgence, and one for his Holiaefs the Pope, they gain and obtain all the Indulgences in the Stations at Romey ^t St. James of Galitia in Compofiella^ and at Jerufialemy and other places in the Holy Land; And moreover this Pope hath laid, that in whatfoever hour of the day or of the night they will, orinwhatfoever place they will, to wit, in theChoire, or in the Church, or in the Cloyfter, or in the Cell, if any can fay the faid Pater nofier''s, Ave-Maria s, and Gloria PatrPsy they fhall.obtain the Indulgences. , ' ^ G L A S S E IL The Indulgences at the Holy City of Rome, which are gained not only by devout PilgrimSy and fuch others, as vifis the facred places where they are to be obtained, but alfo by the Brothers and Sifiers of the Servants of our Lady- IN the famous City of Rome where commonly refldeth the _ Pope, the Vicar of Jefus Chrift, the place where fo many Saints,and Saintefles have been martyred, and fandified the grouud (3 ) ground with their moft holy blood, there is hot a Chiipch in which there is not any day moft great Indulgences •, but a- mong the reft there are feven called'for their Excellency, The Seven Churches of Rome^ the which are every day very devoutly, with great adorations, by great numbers of people vifited; and as they have been, fo they are daily by his Holinels the Pope, priviledged and benefitted. The firft of the Seven Churches is the Church of Saint fohn Lateran^ the which was built by the Emperour Confia?itine, and dedicated by St. Silvefter the Pope, who at its dedication gave fo many Indulgences thereto, that is, to thole that devoutly vi * lit the fame, that none can number them, but only God. Firft at the great Altar they gain an Indulgence of forty eight years, and of forty eight times forty days fpace, and more- over a forgivenefs of the third part of their lins. Saint Silvefler gave to whofocver Ihould come to vifit this Church, at what time of the year foever he came, a full remif. lion of all his fins. In this Church of S.John Later an yVi}\zxzzx\ Image vifibly and rairaculoully appeared when S. Silvefter confecrated the fame, there is full rcmilfion of ail their fins. Pope Boniface hath faid, that whofqever comes for Devoti- on's fake to vifit the Church of S.John Later an., lhall be clean abfolved -from ^all manner of fin. ■ j Within this Church there is a Chappel. of S. fohn Baptift, into which no Woman is permitted to enter, and there alfo they have full remilfion of [all their fins. In the Chappel of S. called SanBa SanBoram., (where- in the Women alfo are not permitted to enter) there is painted an Imageof our Lord and'Saviour Jefus Chrift, at which they haveian Indulgence of twelve years, and full remilfion of all theiriflriSi . . -i. r v ,0 Over the Altar Papal are'referved the Heads of S.^Peter and S. Paul, and every time they Ihew them, to them thk inhabit in and about Rom there arctTiree thouland years of Indulgenee y but to thofe that live a confiderable diftance from Rome, as a days journey, fix thoufand years •, and to thofe that come from a far Country, there is given an Indulgence of twe{ve thoufand years, and of twelve thoufand times forty days fpacy, and moreover a forgivenefs of the third part of their fins. ' t B 2 - In Inth: Church of St. join Later an there is a Chappel between the Oratory and Baptiftory, in which every day they have full remiffion of all their fins- Moreover, near to this Chappel is the Ladder of Tilate\ Pa- lace, by the which Chrift our Lord was faftened to the Pillar; the Ladder hath twenty eight fteps or rounds, and whofoever goeth up the fame, for every ftcp he afcends thereof, he hath nine years, and nine times forty days fpace of Indulgence, and alfo the forgi venefs of the third part of his fins. And in the Head of this Church is a Chappel in which are the Ark of the Teltament, the Rod of Mofes and Aaron^ and the Table upon which Ghrilt fupped with the Difciplesan4 there are very many Indulgences. In this Church of S. John Later an, at the Creation of every Pope, there is (if they Ihew the holy Vault) a plenary Indul- gence. The fecond of the feven Churches, is the Church of Saint Fe- tery where at prefent is the Seat Apoftolick: At this Church any day they gain an Indulgence of fix thoufand forty eight years, and likewife of fix thoufand forty eight times forty days fpace, and moreover aforgivenefsof the third part of their fins- Alfo in the Fealt of the Annunciation of the blefled Virgin Mary, there is a thoufand years Indulgence. Alfo from the faid Fealt until the firftdayof Atigufi, ther« is. an Indulgence of twelve thoufand years, and of twelve thou- fand times forty days fpace •, and moreover, to thofe that gain the Indulgence a forgivenefs of the third part of all their fins. Alfo whofoever devoutly afcends the fteps or ftairs of St. Fetcr, there are granted himhy Alexander the fixth, for every ftep or ftair he afcends, feven years Indulgence. At every Altar alfo of the Chnrch of S. Peter there is ftn.In- dulgence of eighteen thoufand years-, and amongft thcireft, the feven'pfincipal- Altars are priviledged with greater Indul- gences. , At the Feaft of St. Peter^ or the Feafts of any of the faid AI- tars, or the Feaft of AH Saints, or the Feaft following, the In- dulgences are all doubled. In the faid Charch when they Ihew the Holy Vault,which for the moft part is in the Holy Week, Eafler-day, Afcenfion'day,\ S.nd the Sunday before Sf. Anthony Abbotbeudes thofe that follow, there ^hcre is an Indulgence to Strangers of twelve thoufand years ; to thofe that live near of fix thoufand years ^ and to thofe , that are Inhabitants in Rome of three thoufand years j and more- over to each, of as many times forty days fpace', and likewife all have the forgivenefs of the third part of their Sins. Moreover in this Church of St. Peter, they have every day, from Afcenfion to the end of the Calends of jiugHft, eighteen thoufand years Indulgence ; and from the Annunciation to the end of the faid Calends, they gain an Indulgence of twelve thoufand years, and alfo of twelve thoufand times forty days fpace, and moreover a forgivenefs of the third part of their Sins. And in the faid Church at the Papal Chappel, they have every day a Plenary Remiflion of their Sins. The third of the feven Churches of Rome is the Church of St- Panl, in the vrhich any day they gain an Indulgence of fix thoufand forty eight years, and likewife of fix thoufand forty eight Quarantenes, (every of which is forty days fpace^ and moreover the forgivenefs of the third part of their Sins.. Alio in the Solemnity of the Converfion of St. Paul, there is an Indulgence therein of an hundred years, and of an hundred times forty days Ipace. Alfo in the Feaftof the Holy Innocents, many of whofe Bo- dies are buried in this Churchy there was Fprmerly an Indiil- gence to be had of forty eight ""years, and of as many times forty days fpace, but now there is a Plenary Indulgence. Alfo ill the Dedication of the faid Church, which is'the, O- dave of St. Martin, they gain an Indulgence of a thohfand years, and a thoufand times forty days fpace, and moreover the forgivenefs of the third part of their Sins. Alfo if any one enter jinto .this Church of St-. Paul upon n Sunday, he gains thereby as many Ilhdulgencb, ns if he' w,e,hj; to^ the Holy Sepulchre in Jernfalem., and,to St, Jamirs, '. Alfo at this Church, amongft the raariy other Al-tarsy ther^ are feven particular ones, as there are zt St.'Peter'% at every of which there are twenty eight thoufand y^rs Indulgences.' ■ Moreover in this Church of St.'j^aul are many Holy Reliques, as an Arm of St. yinne, the Mother^ of the Blefied Virgin Mary, the Chain 'wherewith St. Paul was bound, all which are moft carefully preferved, and had in very great veneration •, and and as often as they ftew the fame, to thofe that live in Rome^ there is an Indulgence of three thourand, to thofe that live near Rome of fix thoufand, and to thofe that come from any far Country of twelve thoufand years*, and moreover to each, of as many times forty days fpace *, and likewife to all the forgivenef- fes of the third part of their Sins. In this Church alfo is an Image of the Crucifix that fpake to St. Bridget^ and there is alfo a Plenary Indulgence. The fourth of the feven Churches is the Church of St. MarU Moiggtore^ in which they have any day fix thoufand forty eight years, and fix tllouiand forty eight times forty days fpace alfb of Indulgence, and moreover the Remiffion of. the third part of their Sins. Alfo in the Solemnities of the Conception, Nativity, Annunci- ation. Purification, and Affumption of our Lady, they have each'uay therein ten thoufand yeap Indulgence, and full Remit fion of all their Sins. Alfo in this Church there are very many Altars, and at every Altar there are eighteen thoufand yeats Indulgence. Near the High Altar alfb is an Image of the Bleffed' Virgin, painted by St Luke^ and there are infinite Indulgences. Alfo in this Church there is a .Vault under ground, in which iskept the Crib or Manger wherein ouV Saviour was laid at his Bjrth, and there they gain an Indulgence of twelve thoufand years, and of twelve thoufand tifhes forty days fpace, and more- over aforgivenefs of the tjhird part of their SiHs. , In this Church alfo is the Sepujchre of St. GiroUme, and there they have twelve years Indulgeiicei and full Remiffion of all their Sins. The fifth of the feven Churches of Rome is thcChurch of Sr. Laurence^ intfie which they have any day an Indulgence o^ fix thoufand forty eight years, and of fix thoufand forty eight dimes' forty daysTpacej'and moreover the forgivenefs of the third part of their Sins. " ' ' Alfo in this Church is the facred Body of St. Step^ten} ah'd on,e of the Stones with the which he was ftoned, and there they have eight thoufand years Indulgence"., ' •" ' ' In the fame alfo is thcraoil: holy Body p,f th^fai(^-.Sti '''Vdnredc'*^ and'thcrctheyjiailea PlenaryIndulgcrfce. ' ' • ^' Here ( 7 ) Here alfo is the Stone whereon that Blefled Virgin, jbeing ta- ken off the Grid-Iron, yielded up the Ghoft, and there'they have full Remlffion of all their Sins. The fixth of the fevcn Churches of Rome is the Church of St. FabimandSebaflian, in the which they have any day an Indui- genceof fixthoufand forty eight years, and of as many Qua- rantenes, one of which is forty daysfpacej and alfo the for- givenefs of the third part of their fins- Alfo there is there in any day a thoufand years Indulgence, granted by Pope Felagio. In this Church alfo, near to the High Altar, is the place where at firft: repofed the Holy Bodies of St.Petcr and St.Pauly and there they have as many Indulgences as they can have at the Churches both of St- Peter and Sc. Paul. ■ In the fame alfo, who-ever cauleth a Mafs to be faid at the Al- tat of St. Sebafliatty delivereth a Soul from Purgatory. Alfo Silvefter, Gregory ^ Honorioy Pelagio, Nicholas^ and Johriy Popes, granted to every one that Ihould^ac what time of the year foever) vifitthis Church, a thoufand years Indulgence. Underneath this Church, within the Earth, is the Cemitery of PopeCaliftoy into the which whofoever enters confefs'd and contrite, by. the Merits of the fame Saint, and of an hundred feventy four thoufand Martyrs,and of forty fix other Holy Popes, who were there buried, of which eighteen were Martyrs, gained a Plenary Remiffion of all their fins. There is another Cemitery in called the Cemitery of St. Calefodioy Martyr, in which whofbever is buried hath a plenary Remilfion of all his Sins. ^ The feventh of the feven Churches of Rome is called Santa Crocedvi yerttjalmj in the which there are any day fix thoufand for- ty eight years, and fix forty eight times forty days fpace of In- dulgence, and moreover (to thofe that obtain them) the for- givenefs of the third part of their fins. Alfo inthe Dedication of this Church, made by St. Silvefter^ which is celebrated the Vigil of St-BenediEl Jlbbot in the Month of Marchy there is a plenary Remiflion of all their fins. Likcwife in the Invention of the Title of Holy Crofs, .which was there found in a Wall in the time of Alexander the Sixth, the twenty fixth day of Jamaryy and more over any day in the Chappel of St.Elmy (wheieia Women .arc not .permitted to (8) to enter, nnlefs once in the year ) there is a Plenary Indnl- gence. Alfo in this Church, every Sunday in the year, they have three hundred years, and three hundred times forty days fpace of In- diligence, and likewife the forgivenefs of the third part of their fins, and moreover every Fryday in the year there are very many Indulgences. More-over in the fame, any day throughout the year, they have a plenary Remiffion of their fins. Note alio that in thele theaforefaid feven Churches of Rome^ which are the feven Lamps of the Holy Roman Church, be- fides theabovefaid Indulgences, there are others in great abun., dance, both plenary and not plenary, which they which come thereunto from any place to gain, do obtain any Day, any Hour, and any Minute", all which are alfo communicated to the Brothers and Sifters of the Society of the Habit of the Ser-' vants. And becaufe that in this Holy City of Rome are found many other Churches, where there are alfo granted moft great In- dulgences, appertaining as well alfo to thofe invefted with the HaMt of the Servants of S. Mary, as to any others, it is re- quifite in the next place I fliould put down them, which are as follow. The Particnlar Indulgences at many Churches o/Rome, hejides the Seven before mentioned, granted by divers Popes, and are daily to be gained, not only by Holy Pilgrims, and others, devoutly vifiting the fame Churches, but alfo by the Brothers and Sijlers of the Society of the Habit of the Servants of our Lady. IN the Church of the Holy Ghoft, any day, there are Six thcKifand years Indulgence. In the Church of S, Anaflatio, any day, fix thoufand years. At S- Vito and Marcello, any day, fix thoufand years. At S. Agnes, fix thoufand years Indulgence. At S. Praffede they have any day twelve thoufand years, and twelve thoufand times forty days Ipace, and the forgivenefs of the third part of their fins. At S. Maria Scala Coeti, where are buried ten thoufand Mar- tyrs, there are any day loooo years Indulgence. At - (g) AtSt.Bibiam, where are buried nine thoufand Martyrs, be- fides Women and Children, any day there are ninety thoufand years Indulgence. At St. ^leffio, any day there are an hundred years, and one hundred times forty days fpace. At St. Balhma, any day there are feven years Indulgence. At St. Gregory, any day forty years, and forty times forty days fpace, andlikewife the forgivcnefs of the third part of e- very ones fins. At St. Matthew jifoflle, in Merala, any day a thoufand years, and a thoufand times forty days fpace, and the forgivenefs of the feventh part of every ones fins. At the Chappel del Salvatore in San Luigi net Bion di St. Sufla- chioy any day they have a plenary Reraiffion of their fins- At St. Lucia delia Chiavica del Rione di Pontes there is any day a plenary Indulgence granted by very many Popes. At St. Cofmo and DamianOy any day as many times as they enter intothe Church, they havefo many years Indulgence granted by Pope Gregory the Firft. At St. Girolamoy near the Palace of Monftgnor JllHflriffmo Far- nefcy any day there is a plenary Indulgence. At St. Mario -del Pianto, any day is a Plenary Indulgence. At St. Catherine de Fornari^ the Monaftery delle Citelley any day there is a Pardon. At St. Peter'*s, in Carcere Pullianoj any day they have a thou- fand two hundred Indulgences, and the Remiffion of the third part of their fins, and in Feftival days they have twice as ma- ny. At St. Clemtnty any day they have forty years, and forty times forty days fpace of Indulgence, granted by Pope Ce- lafioy and Alexander the Third, and the forgivenefs of the third part of their fins, and in Lwr they are-all doubled. At St. Rocco a Ripetta, any day there is a Plenary Indulgence granted by Pope Pius the Fourth, and many other Popes. At the place where St. Peter faid Domincj quo vaduj any day there are many Indulgences. At St. Eufebioy any day there are feven thoufand eight hun- dred years, and feven thoufand eight hundred times forty days fpace of Indulgence. C At ( lo) At St. pHdentUna there are more than three thoufand Bodies of Holy Martyrs, buryed in the Cemitery of St. PrifcilU-^ and there for each body, any day, is one year, and once forty days fpace of Indulgence, and the Retnifllon of the third part of every ones fins, granted by the blefl'ed SimpUciane Pope. At Madonna delh 'frinita in S. Salvatorcj there is any day a great pardon. At Madonna di Monferratoy near Corte Savettaj there are any day infinite Indulgences. At S. Maria libera nos d poenis Inferni, S. Silvefier the Pope granted any day eight years Indulgence. At the Chappel of S. Mary Imperatrice towards S. John La- teran^ there is the Image of S. Mary the Virgin, which fpake to S. Gregory, and he granted to each one that Ihould fay there three Pater-nofter'^s and three Ave-Maria^Sy for every time they Ihould fay the fame, feventeen years Indulgence. At S. Maria del' Hortoy near Ripa, is an Hofpital for the fick, and there is a plenary Indulgence. At S. Maria de miracoli d canto le mura delta Porta del Popolo^ there is a plenary Indulgence. At S. James in Aagufia every Saturday in the year they have the forgivenels of the third part of their 'fins; and upon the day of the Annunciation, and the firft day of Mayy and the Anniverfary of any one dead, they have a plenary Remilfion, and many other Priviledgesk At S. Maria del Rione ^ella Piena to any one that vifits it, is a plenary Indulgence. At S. John Ainoy near Corte Savella, every fecond Sonday in each Month, and many other dayes in the year, is a plenary Indulgence. M. S. Maria Liheratione which is ittForo Romano there are any day eleven-thoufand years Indulgence. In the Church of the Order oif the Minimsy alias S. Francefco di Paula, called the Trinity y from die twenty fecond day of Lenty until after the Olfave of the Refiirredion, whofbeve^ fays three Pater-nofier^s and three Ave-Mdria's to the honour of the holy Trinity, doth obtain any day athouland years In- dulgence, granted by Pope Leo the Tenth. And any Sunday of Lenty vifiting the faid Church, and fay- ing three Pater'twfier's and three Ave-MarirPsy they gain a pie- nary nary Indulgence, granted by Lto the Tenth: And from Eafier^ Eve at night, until Sun-rifing the next Morning, faying there Tater^nojler^s, and three jIve^Maria's, to the honour of the holy Trinity, they obtain a plenary Indulgence granted by the fame Pope Leo-. And from Whitfon Eve at night until Whitfitnday at night, and from the Evening before Tritiity-Sunday., until T>/- nity-Smday at night, faying three Vater-mfier's and three Ave- Maria's in honour as aforefaid, they gain a plenary Indul- gence. Moreover in the faid Church, any fecond Sunday of the . Month, every month throughout the whole year, there is a pie- nary Indulgence granted by Pope Sifto the Fourth. In s. Maria de gli AngioUy there are granted by Pope Tio the Fourth, the fame Priviledges, the fame Stations, and the famfc Indulgences, which are to be had at Santa Croce in Jerufakm: and moreover there is given to all that (hall vifit the faid Church, in the days of the Nativity and Refurreftion of our Lord, and the day of Pentecofit and the days of the Nativity, Purification and Affumption of our Lady, and in the day of the Dedication of the fame Church, a plenary Indulgence. Here follovpeth a Summary ef the Indulgences and Stations in the Churches within and without Rome, hejtdes the Indulgences of the . Seven Churches, and of the other before mentioned j We which In' dulgences and Stations are ayfointed from day to day, from month to month, and from time to time, according to the Circle of the year: And the Indulgences are commuificated, not only to devout Pilgrims, and others vifiting the Churches^where the fame are to he obtained, hut alfo to the Society of the Hadoit of the Servants tf S. Mary. » -I ' ' J A N V A RT. TH E firftday, to wit, the Solemnity of the Circumcifion of our Saviour Jefus Chrift, is a Station to the Church of St. 'Jhfarta in Traftevere ad Pontes Olei, and there they have twenty five thoufand years Indulgences, and a plenary Remiffion of their fins, granted by Pope Celefline the Second. C 2 The The fame day there is a plenary Indulgence at thefefonr Churches: to wit. The Church of S- M^rU Muggiore^ The Church of S. Maria in tAraceli^ The Church of S. Marl^ And the Church of Saint John Lateran. The day of the Epiphany of our Saviour Jefus Chrill, which k the fixth day, there is a Station to the Church of S. Peter, and there they have twenty eight thoufand years, and twenty eight thoufand times forty days fpace of Indulgences, and the forgivenefs of the third part of their fins: And thus it conti- nucth during the OBave. At the Church of S. Spirito in Sajfia^ are the fame day ten thoufand years Indulgence: and thus it continues alio during the OEhave, granted by Pope Boniface the Seventh. At the Church of S. Maria Maggiore, the fame day, there is a plenary Indulgence- ,, The " day of S. GiuUano Martyr, which is the feeenth day, at his' Churc hthere is a plenary Indulgence- The day ofthe03-<2wofthe Epiphany, which is the thirteenth day,is a Station to S. Peter\ and there is a plenary Indulgence. Alfo the fame day is a Station to the Church of S. Mark^, and there is a plenary Indulgence, granted by Pope Paal the Se- cond. The day of S. Martyr, which is the fourteenth day, is a Station to the Church of S. Sebafian) and there are ten thou- fand years Indulgence. The day of S. Patd the firft Eremite, which is the fifteenth day, is a Station to the Church of S. Trinity, and there is a plenary Indulgence. The day of the Feaft of the five Holy Martyrs of the Order of the Minors,zadi. of S. Macello Pope and Martyr, which is the fix- teenth day, there is at the Church of S. Sebafiian ten thoufand years Indulgence*, and moreover every one hath the remilfion of all his fins. , .The day of S. Anthony'Pshhoi, which, istheleventeenth day^' there is at his Church a plenary Indulgence. At S. Maria Maggiere, the fame day, they have remiffion of all their lins.. The (J5) The day of S, Peter's Chair, inftituted by Pope Paitl the Fourth, in the year 1557. which is the eighteenth day, is a Station to the Church of S. Peters and there is a plenary Indulgence, and they Ihew the Chair, and the Holy Vault. ^ The fame day, it being the day alfo of S. Pri^ca^ is a Sta- tion to her Church, and there is a plenary Indulgence. The fecond Smdny after Epiphany is a Station to San Spirito in Sajfia^ and there they have three thoufand years Indulgence, and three thoufand times forty days fpace, and the forgivenefs of the third part of their fins. The day of S. Fabian and S. Sebaflian^ which is the twentieth day, is a Station to their Church, and there is a plenary Indul- gence. The day of S. A^nes Virgin, which is the twenty-firft day, is a Station to her Church, and there is a plenary Indulgence, At S. Maria Maggtore they have remiffion of all their fins. The day of S. Vmcenz.o and S. Anaflajio, which is the twenty fecond day, is a Station to their Church, and there is a plenary Indulgence. The day of the Converfion ofS. Panl-, which is the twenty-fifth is a Station to his Church, and there they have an hundred years, and an hundred times forty days fpace of Indulgence *, and moreover a plenary Indulgence. The day of S. John Chrifofiom, which is the twenty fixth day, is a Station to his Church, and there is a plenary Indulgence. Moreover the fame day in the Church of S. AFaria fcala Coeli is a plenary Indulgence. The day of the fecond Fealt of S. Agnes^ which is the twenty eighth day, at the Church oi S.John Lateran^ is a plenary In- duigence. The day of S. Giro and S. John, which is the one and thirtieth day, at their Church there is a plenary Indulgence. Moreover the fame day is a Station to the Church of Santa Croce in JerMfalem, and there is a plenary Indulgence. The lali Sunday of the Month of January is a Station alfo to the fame Church in memory of the invention of the Title of the Holy Crofs, and there is a plenary Indulgence granted by Pope Alexander the Sixth.. , At theChufch of S. Maria degli AngiolL the fame daf, isthe like Indulgence.'* ' FEiflV, (14) P 'E B R V A K X, The day of S. Bridgit^ which is the firft day, there is a Station to her Church, where is a plenary Indulgence. Alfo, the fame day there is a Station to the Church of S. Cle- ment^ in which is the Body of S. Ignatiof and there is a plenary Indulgence. The day of the purification of the glorious Virgin Mary, which is the fecond day, is a Station to S. Maria Maggiore, and and there they have a Thoufand years Indulgence, and a plenary Remilfion of all their Sins. Moreover the fame day, is an Indulgence in thefe four Church- es, to wit, htS. Mariadeti Angioli granted by Pope the third. At S. Maria in via Lata^ At S. Maria della Pace, and, At S. Maria del Popolo is a plenary Indulgence grantedby Pope Sijlo the fourth} and thus there is daily during the Odave of the Fcalt. The day of S. Blafe, which is the third dayj at his Church there is a plenary Indulgence. The day of S. Agatha, which is the fift-day, at her Church there is a plenary Indulgence. Alfo the fame day at Sarita Croce is a plenary Indulgence. The day ofS. Apollonia^ which is the ninth day, at the Church bfS. Luigi, is a plenary Indulgence. The day of S. Peter'^s Chair at Antioch, Which is the twenty- fecond day, in the Church of S. Peter, there is a plenary Indul- gence, alfO an Indulgence of a thoufand years, and moreover an Indulgence of five hundred fifty eight thoufand nine hundred fixty eight years, and two hundred eighty five days. The day Of S- Maihias Apollle, which is the twenty-fourth day^ there is at his Church a plenary Indulgence. Moreover in the Church of S. Peter, and in the Church of S. James and Philip, in all the feafts of the Apoftles, there are full remilfion of every ones Sins. The lame day is a Station to S. Maria Maggiort, where is the Body of S. Mathias, and there is a plenary Indulgence: And more- U5) moreover ati Indulgence of one hundred fifty fix thoufand two hundred and fixty years, and two hundred fixty five days. The day of S.Cofianz.aj which the twenty-fixth day, is a Sta- tion to the Church of S. and there is a plenary Indulgence. MARCH. Every Fryday\'a.thtMon\hoiMarch, is a Station to the Church of S. Peters and there is a plenary Indulgence. The day ofS. Thomas o^Ac^uine, which is the feventh day, at his Church,there is a plenary Indulgence. Alfo the fame day at the Church of S. Maria Sofhra la Miner- va^ is a plenary Indulgence. The day of S. Gregory Pope, which is the twelfth day, is a Station to his Church, and there is a plenary Indulgence. The fame day alfo, inS.Pfterj Church, there is a plenary In dulgence. The day of S. which is the nineteenth day, at the Church of S. Maria Magpurty is a plenary of Indulgence. Thedayofthe Vigil of%. BenediPly which is the twentieth day is a Station to the Chappel of S. there is a plenary Indulgence. Alfo the lame day there is a Station to the Church of Santa Croce in fernfalemy and there is a plenary Indulgence. Moreover the fame day a t the Church of 5. Maria de gli An- gioli is the like Indulgence. The day of S. Abbot, which is the twcnty-firft day, at the Church of S.Pftfr there are an hundred years of Indul- gence, and moreover an Indulgence of one hundred fifty nine thoufand one hundred fixty four years, and fourty days. The Annunciation of the blelfed Virgin Mary^ which is the twenty-fifth day, at her Church there are Infinite Indulgences; and moreover Stations with plenary Indulgences during the whole Odave of the feaft. Alfo the fame day there is a plenary Indulgence at thefe Churches following. ^ to wit, S. Maria dedapacty S. Maria delpopolo. And S. Giacomo in Angafia. Allb the faid day of the Annunciation in the Church of S. Petef are a thoufand years Indulgence. The 7he Indulgences which are doyly in Lentf and Eafier- Week^ I. H E firft day of Lenth a Station to Santa Sahina, and A there is a plenary Indulgence. 2. Thefecondday is a Station to the Church of S. Cregoriof andthereareathouland years Indulgence. J. The third day, is a Station to the Church of S. Johnj and Paul, and there is a plenary Indulgence. 4. The fourth day is a Station to 5. Trifone, and there are eight thoufand years Indulgence. 5. The fifth day, which is the firft Sunday in Lenty is a Stati- ontoS. John Lateran^ and there they have eighteen thoufand years Indulgence, and full remiffion of all their fins. 6. Upon Monday is a Station to the Church of S. Peter in Vin- cula^ and there they have a thoufand years Indulgence, and moreover a plenary remiffion of their fins. 7. Upon Tuefday is a Station to the Church of S. Anaflajla^ and there is an Indulgence of ^ years, and of as ma- ny times forty days fpace, and the deliverance of a foul from Purgatory. 8. Upon Wednefday is a Station to the Church of S. Maria Maggiorcy and there they have an Indulgence of twenty-eight thoufand years, and of twenty-eight thoufand times forty days * Ipace, and the remiffion of the third part of their fins. 9. Upon Thurfday is a Station to the Church of S. Lawrence in PaUfperna, which is the place where S. was broiled, and there they have ten years Indulgence, and plenary remiffion of their fins. 10. Upon Fryday is a Station to the Church of S. Apoflolo, where inhabit the Fryers Minors^ and there they have twelve thoufand years Indulgence, and theforgivenefsof all their fins. 11. Upon is a Station to the Church of S. Pfffr, and there they have an Indulgence of eighteen thoufand years, and of eighteen thoufand times forty days fpace, and moreover a plenary remiffion of their fins. The fame day at the Church of S. Maria del Popolot and at the (17) the Church of S. MarU della Pace^ there is a Plenary Indulgence, and the fame there is every Saturday in Lent. 12. The fecond Sunday in Lenty is a Station to the Church of S. Maria della Navicelluy and there they have eighteen thoufand years, and eighteen thoufand times forty days fpace of Indulgence. 13. Upon Monday is a Station to the Church of S. Clement, and there they have eleven thoufand years Indulgence, and the forgive- nefsof the third part of their lins. 14. Upon T'liefday is a Station to the Church of S.Balbina^ and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence. 15.. Upon Wcdmfdayha Stntion to the Church o^ S.Cecilia, and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence. 16. UponThurfdayhzStataontothoCAmtoixoi S.MariatnTran- fievere, and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence. 17. Upon Friday is a Station to the Church of S. Vitale, and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence- 18. Upon is a Station to the Church of SanPietro, and Marcellino, and there each hath ten thoufand years Indulgence, and the full remiflion of his finsand moreover, the delivering of a Soul from Purgatory. ip. The third Sunday in Lent is a Station to San Lorenz^o, fuori della Mura, and there is an Indulgence of nineteen thoufand years, and of forty eight times forty days Ipacc, and the deliverance of a Soul fromPurgatory. 20. Upon Monday is a Station to the Church of S. Mark,, and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence. 21. Upon Tuefday there is a Station to the Church of S. Poten^ tiana, and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence. 22. Upon Wednesday is a Station to the Church of S.Sifio, and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence. 2 J. Upon Thurfday is a Station to the Church of S. Cofmo and Da- wianoy and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence. The fame day at night, at the Church of S. Maria del Popolo, and -S. Maria della Pace, there is a Plenary Indulgence •, and the like is there every day to be had, until after ihe OBave of Eafler. At the Church of S. Maria del Pianto, upon the fame day alfo is a Plenary Indulgence, granted by Pope Julio the fecond. ■ Moreover, at the faid Churches of San Maria del Popolo, andi della Pace, Pope Sifio the fourth granted, from the midft of Lent, until after theU^^w of Eajler, any day, a thoufand years, and a thoufand times forty days fpace of Indulgence. , D 24. Upon (x8) 24. Upon ^rid^ is a Station to S. Laurence in Lucina^ and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence. 2 5. Upon Saturday is a Station to S. Laurence in Santa Sufana, and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence. The fame day at the Churches both of S. Maria del Popolo, and S. Maria della Pace, is a Plenary Indulgence. 26. The fourth Sunday in Lent is a Station to the Church of Santa Croce in Hierufalem, and there is a Plenary Indulgence, and more- over, they deliver a Soul from the Pains of Purgatory. Alfo the fame day at the Church of S. Maria degU An^ioli, they have a Plenary Indulgence, and likewife they deliver a Soul from Purgatory. 27. Upon Monday is a Station to the Church of the Q^atri Santi Coronati, and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence. 28. Upon Tmfday is a Station to the Church of S. Laurence in Damafo^ and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence ^ and more- over, the remilTionof the third part of every ones fins. 29. Upon Wednejday is a Station to the Church of S. Paul, and there they have ten thoufand years Indulgence, and the forgivenefs of the third part of their fins. 30. Upon is a Station to the Church of S. Sylvefler, and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence. Alio the fame day at the Church of S. Martin in Monte, there are ten thoufand years Indulgence, granted by Pope Paultht fourth. 31. Upon Friday is a Station to the Church of S. Eufebio, and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence. 3 2. Upon Saturday is a Station to S. Nicholas in Carcere, and there they have ten thoufand years Indulgence, and a Plenary remif- tion of their fins. The lame day both at the Church of S. Maria del Popolo, and at the Church of S. Maria della Pace, there is a Plenary Indulgence. 3 3. The fifth Sunday in Lent, called Pajfion Sundi^, is a Station to S. Peter\ and there they have an Indulgence of twenty eight thou- fand years, and of as many times forty days fpace, and the forgive- nefs of the third part of their fins. 34. Upon A/Wrfy is a Station to the Church of S.Grifogono, and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence. 35. Upon there is a Station to the Church of S. and there are ten thoufand years Indulgence. 36. Upon Wednefday is a Station to the Church of S. Marcello, where are the Brothers of the Servants, and there are ten thou- fand years Indulgence. 3-7. Upoa ( 19) IJ. Upon Thurfday is a Station to the Church of S. ^poff{»are, and there are ten thouland years Indulgence. 38. Upon is a Station to the Church of S. Stephen in Monte CeltOf and there is the deliverance of a Soul from the Pains of Pur- gatory. 39. Upon Saturday is a Station to S.John ante Portam Latinamy and there are thirteen thoufand years Indulgence, and the delivering of a Soul from Purgatory. At the Church of S. Maria del Popolo , and at the Church of S. Maria deUa Paccy there is the fame day a Plenary Indulgence. 40. The lixth Sunday in Lenty called Palm-Sundayy is a Station to the Church of S. John Later any and there they have twenty five thou- land years, and twenty five thoufand times forty daysfpace of In- dulgence y and moreover, a plenary remiffion of their fins. The fame day at the Church of Si BarthoUmtw nelTIfola, there ar« two hundred years Indulgence. Alfa the fame day at night, at the Church of our Lady de Ara* eeliy every day until after the Oflave of Eafier, there is a Plenary Indulgencei 41. Upon Holy Monday is a Station to the Church of S. parajfedcy and there they have fifteen thoufand years Indulgence, and the for- givenelsof the third part of their fins, and moreover a Plenary In- dulgence. At the Church of S. Markj, from Hol'j Monday until after £4- fier Tuejday, any day there is a Plenary Indulgence, granted by Pope Paul the fecond. 42. Upon Holy T'tefday is a Station to the Church of S- Prifca., and there they have eighteen thoufand years Indulgence, and a plenary remiffion of their fins. 43. Upon Holy Wednefday is a Station to S. Maria Maggiorcy and there they have twenty thoufand years Indulgence, and likewife a plenary remiffion of their fins. The fame day in the morning, after they have fang High-Mafs in the Church of S. Peter, they ffiew the Holy Fault. 44. Upon Holy Thurfday is a Station to the Church of S. John La- terofty and there they have eleven thouland years, and dwen thou- fand times forty days fpace of Indulgence j and moreover, twice a plenary remiffion of their fins. The fame day the Pope wafheth the Feet of twelve poor People, and there is read the Bull concerning the Supper of our Lord. 45. Upon Holy Friday is a Station to the Church of Santa Croce D 2 in in HUmfalm, and there they have a plenary remiffion of their lins. . , ^ , At the Church of S. M. , The day of the Dedication of S. Maria de gli AngkUy Oi deSa Tortiunculay the which was thefirft Church of the Order of S.Fran-, (is, at the Church of S. is a Plenary Indulgence.. The day of the finding out of S. Stcfhetty which is the third day of Aiigiifi, is a Station to the Church of S. Lattrence without the Wall, ana there they have a plenary remilfion of their fins. The day of S. Dotnedko, which is the fourth-day, is a Station to the Chur^ of Minerva^ and there is a Plenary Indulgence. The day of the Feaft of S. Maria della Nevt, which is the fifth day, at the Church of S. Maria Mag-giurehzPl^n^v^ Indulgence. The lame day, at the Church oTS- Maria degU Angioliy they have a plenary remifiion of their fins. Moreover alfo the fame dayi at S.Maria della Pace^ they have a Plenary Indulgence. The day of the Transfiguration of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, which isthefixth day, is a Station to S.John Later an, and there is a Plenary Indulgence. ^ ? .. The fatne day at,?^** Croee in HierMfalem, it being alfb the Feaft of S. Siji-p, there a'tjC very pany Indulgences. Alfo the fame day, at Si. Maria degU Anghli, are the like Indub fences. ,o !; ^ TIte (SPl- Theday of S. Cinncd^ Largo^ and Smaragdb^ which is the eighth day, at the Church of S. Cmacc, they have a plenary remiffion of their fins. The fame day, at the Church of S. Sehafiiam > are a thoufand years Indulgence. The day of S. which is the tenth day, at the Church of S. without the Wall, they have an Indulgence of an hun- dred years, and of as many times forty days fpace, and a plenary remiffion of their fins} and it continueth thus during the oUofvc of ■* the lameFeafl:. Moreover, in the faid Church, they have daily, during the faid one hundred fifty eight thoufand, and fix hundred fifty eight years, and two hundred eighty five days, and any day, a thoufand' years, and a Plenary Indulgence, and the remiffion of the third part of their fins. ' The day oi S. Clare , of the Order of S. f rands ^ which is the twelfth day, is a Station to the Church of S. Sylv^er, and there they have plenary remiffion of their fins, ' ' The fame'day, at S. Maria Maggiore., is a Plenary -Indulgence; -and at Santa Croce an hundred years Indulgence. ■ Theday of S.£«/e^»oConfefror, which is the fourteenth day, a{^ his Church there are a thoufand years Indulgence. The fame day, at S. Maria Maggid-e, are a thoufand years Indu!- gence. n. ; " . 'Th6 fdjgil of the Aflumption of our Lady, at S. Maria del Pofolof at is a Plenary Indulgence. The day of the Feaft of the faid Aflumption, which is the fifteenth day, is a StaxXoa to S' Maria Magghre^ and there they have a thou- fand years Indulgence, and a plenary remiffion of their fi^s ; and thus it continueth the whole AtS-M4riadd Pe^olo\sa'?\<2mrY Indul^ncei and the fame'con- tinueth daily as above, granted by Popfei^^^thefpurth; Moteovcf, the fanie'day Hehhfy"fndhfe^ceat S. Maggiercf - .nei! At S.MariahifkoeUt ••.'nBiT filt io (i.b jiiT Mariade^li^t/ingfoli',^ '^ ^ tVl- ■ ibAn£i,."td f- iffW AndatS. Maria de/la'Face. nsujlH eji 3r i:s ' Mdrebver> at 5. Sftrih W Sajfla.,' the latft^'d^i'aretwothou^jid years Indulaence •, andthus ftctetinUfeth, durinM;the whole<>^/«t^, granted'by^P6pe-/^w»wcf«f tliefi}fth.- \'ih:a^, which is the twenty eighth day, at his Church there is a Plenary Indulgence. The.fame day,, at S. Maria Maggiore, are a thoufand years Indul- gencc. • The day ojf.the Decollation of S. John Baptifi, which is the twenty ninth day, is a Station to his Church, and there is a Plenary Indul- The fame day, at the Church of S. John Later an, is the like In- dulgence. S E P r £ M- f '■(fz') SEPTEMBER' THe day of S. Egidio Ahhot, which is the firfl; day of Septemhrl is a Station to his Church, and there is a Plenary Indulgence. The Ffgil of the Nativity of our Lady, which is the fevcnth day, there is in the Evening, at Church of S. Maria dd Popelo^ a Pie- nary Indulgence. The day of the Nativity of our Lady, which is the eighth day, is a Station to the Church of S. Maria Maggiore-, and there they have a thoufand years Indulgence, and a plenary reiniffion of their lins. Moreover, the fame day at 'st. Maria Kot or day they have an Indul- gence Plenary, and an Indulgence of one hundred fifty nine thou- land feven hundred and ninety years, and of one hundred eighty five days. AlfolJthere is an Indulgence Plenary the fame day at S. Marine de Araceli. 'At S., Mafia in Via Lata. At SrMariadtUa Pace.- AtS. Maria de gli AngioU' ' At?is. Mafia del Popolo; And thus there is alfo, during the CSlavt of the fhm^'Eeafl:,, granted by Pope Sifto the fourth. At S. Spirinv^Safjia^ the fame day, there are eight thoufand eight hundred year^Indulgence*, and thus there is daily, during the faid OBave. ■ , Moreovejr, ti]e Came day is a Station to-S. Mayia di Ldreto in Rmey inhere thery is a Plenary Indulgimo^.both for the Living and Dead. '* Tht dsfy'^of Martyr, which is the' eigfith day alfo, at the Churchof S. Maria Maggiore, there are twd hundred years In- dulgedcei. ' * , . The day of S. Nicholas da Tolertinoi which is the tenth day, is a Statioh to S. Maria del Popoloy and there they have plenary remifllon of their fins ... I^he fame day, at the Church of S. Auguftiney is the like Indul- gehce: Moreover, the Sarday between the day of S. Nicholas da Tolertiro, and its Odave^ "at the Church of S. Aagkjimcy is a Plenary Indul- gence, granted by Pope Boniface the feventh. . TheFeaft of the Exaltation of the Holy Crofsy which is the four-' teenth'day, "is a Station to Santa Croce ixi fernfalemy and there they have a thoufand and forty years, and the remiffion of the third fart of (3J) bftheir Sins, and one hundred fifty fix thoufand fixty four years,and forty five days of Indulgence, and moreover the forgiveneisof their lins during the Octave of the fame Fcaft. The fame day at S. MAria, degU A^ngioliy they have a plenary Re- mifTion of their fins, and thus they have dayly during the Oftave. Moreover the fame day at the Church of S. John Laterm in the O- ratory of Santa Croce^ is a plenary Indulgence. Moreover the fame day alfo, at the moft holy crucifix in the Church of S. Marcello, is a plenary Indulgence granted by Pope Gregory the thirteenth. of S. EHfemia Lucia, zvAGeminiano, at the Church of S. John Latera thoufand years Indulgence. The Wednesday after the Feaft of the Holy Crofs, which is Ember- Wednefday, is a Station to the Church of S. Maria Maggiore; and there they have an Indulgence of eighteen thoufand years, and of eighteen thoufand times forty days fpace, andthefoxgivenefsofthe third part of their fins. The Try day after the faid Wednesday is a Station to S. a^pojlolo, and there they have eighteen thoufand years Indulgence, and a plenary Remiffion of their fins. The Saturday following is a Station to S./'fterj,and there they have an Indulgence of twenty eight thoufand years, and of twenty eight thoufand times forty days fpace, and the Remiffion of the third pm:t their fins, and each deliveretfa a Soul from Purgatory. Theday ofS. £«y?4cI)»oand his company, which is the twentieth day, at his Church there is a plenary Indulgence. The fame day at the Church of S. SebafiUn are thirteen years In- dulgencc. The day of S. Matthew Apoftle and Evangelill:,which is tte twenty firftday, is a Station to his Church, and there they have a plenary Remiffiion of their fins. The fame day at the Church of S. Laurence they have an InduU gence plenary, and an hundred and thirty years Indulgence. Moreover the fame day at the Church of S. fettr, and at the Church of S. Philip and James, is a plenary Indulgence. The day of S. C^mo and Damiano, which is the twenty-feventh day, at their Church there is a plenary Indulgence after the manner of Jubily granted by Pope Leo the tenth. Tne fame day at the Church of S. Sebafiian is an Indulgence of feven liioufand years- The day of S. Mtchael^ which is the twenty-ninth day, is a Station F to (S4) to his Church, and there they have a plenary Remlfhon of their fins. At S. Jngelo in Pefcaria the fame day they have alfo a plenary Re- tniflion of their fins. Moreover the fanae day at S. Ma^giore they have an Indulgence plenary, and one hundred fifty four thoufand nine hundred ninety one years, and two hundred and nine days of Indulgence. ThedayofS. Girolamo^ which isthethirtiethday, atthe Church of S. Maria Maggkre they have a plenary Remiffion of their fins, and two thoufand years of Indulgence; and moreover two hundred fifty eight thoufand feven hundred and ninety years, and two hun- dred eighty five days of Indulgence. OCTOBER. THe dayoftheFeaftoftheblefTed Father a holy Fran- cifcan^ which is the fourth day of OMer, is a Station to the Church of S Francis in Tranflevere^zrA ■ here they have a plenary Re^ milfion of their fins •, and thus they have dayly during the Oftave of the Feaft. At the Church of S. Paul the lame day they have one hundred eigh- ty-five thoufand nine-hundred Jixty-eight years, and two hundred eightyfive days of Indulgence i and thus they have daily as abovefaid. The day ofS- Califto Pope and Martyr, which is the fourteenth day, atthe Church of S.Sebaflian, becaufe of the Cemitery of the faid Pope,where are buried one-hundred feventy four thoufand Martyrs, of which eighteen werePopes,there is a plenary indulgence. The firfl; funday after the Feaft of the above-faid S. Califto^ is a Sta- tion to S- Maria in Tranfievere. The day of S. Luhe Evangelifl, which is the eighteenth day, is a Station to his Church, and there they have a plenary remifllon of their fins. The fame day at S. Maria Maggi$re are a thoufand years indul- gence. g The day of Theodora, which is the twenty-third day, at his Church there is a plehary Indulgence. The day of S. Simeon and Jude Apoflles, which is the twenty- eightday, is a Station to the Church of S. Peter, and there they have a plenary remiffion of their fins, and the fame they have in all the Feafts of the Apoflles. The day of 5. Pbdip and fames^ is the like Indulgence. NOrEM-: (35) N 0 V E M B E R He day of the Commemoration of all Saints, which is the firfl: dzy of November^ is a Station to S. Rotonda, and there they have one hundred fifty five thoufand nine hundred ninety two years, and an hundred days Indulgence, and moreover an Indul- gcnce plenary •, and thus they have daily during the Odave of the lame Feaft. The fame day at S. Sprite in Sajfia theyliave an Indulgence of three thoufand years,and of three thouiand times forty days fpace,granted by Pope Boniface the twelfth, and tiius they have daily until after the dayofS, Leonard^ Which is the fixtday of this month. Alio the fame day at the Church of S. Prajjtde they have an hun- dred and twenty thoufand years, and an hundred and twenty times forty days fpace, and the Reraiffion of the third partofthcii fins. And moreover at S. Babianathete are fixty thouiand years Indul genCO. The day of the Commemoration ofall the dead, which is the fe- cond day, is a Station to the Church of and there every , one hath a plenary Rem ffion ofhis fins; and tnus he hath every day during the Octave of the Commemoration, and moreover he de- livereth a Soul from Purgarory. Tn' fame d^y alfo, and at the fame Church, there are an hun- dredfifcy four thouiand nine hundred ninety one years, and two hund :ed days of Indulgence ; and thus there is dayly during the Oftave. Moreover the fame day alfo at S. Maria Ma^giore, is a plenary Indulgence, ard thus there is daily during the Octave •, and moreo- ver each one taketh as aforefaid a Soul f om Purgatory. The farae'day alfo at S. James in Aagufla is a plenary Indulgence. Upon the Oftave of any S. there is at S. Peters a plenary Remiffioa of their fins- Tne day of the four Santi Coronati, which is the eight day, at . their Church there is a plenary Indulg -nc ". The day of the Dedication ofS. Salvatgre^ which is the ninth day, is a Station to S- Later an., 'and.there they have a plenary ^Re- minionoftheir fins,v an hundred years, and three hundred days;, and fnortoveFonchundred fifty four thouiand. fix hundred eighty thtee years, and two hundred eighty five days of Indulgence.^. F a The The day of S. Tripho»e, which is the tenth day, at his Church there is a plenary Indulgence. The fame day alfb, they Celebrate the Feafl: of S. Refpicio and Nin^ in which at the Church of S. Laurence there are very many Indul- gences. Tneday ofS. which is the Eleventh day, athisChurchi there is a plenary indulgence. The lame day at S. Sebajlim are three hundred years, and three- hundred times fortv days ipace, of Indulgence. At the Church of S. Peter^ the fame day, they have a plenary Re- miirioa of their fins. The day of tne Dedication of S. Peter and Paul, which is the eighteenth day, , is a Station to the Church of S. and there theyhavea plenary Rcmiffion of their fins, and an Indulgence of an eleven thoufand years, and of an eleven thoufand times forty days Ipace, and the Remffion of the third part of their fins •, and more- over one hundred fifty nine tlioufand nine hundred fixty four years, and two hundred eighty five days of Indulgence. The fame day at the Church of S. Paul they have an Indulgence of a thoufand ytars, and of a thoufand times forty days fpace, and a plenary Remiffion of their fins. The day of S. Elizabeth Daughter to the King of Hmgary^ at Sa,n- taCroctTivc ten thoufand one hundred years Indulgence. The fame day atS- Maria de gli Jbigieliare ttn thoufand years Indulgence. The day of the prefentation oftbebleffed Virgin Mary in the Tern- pie, which is the twenty firft day, is a Station t® S.Maria Margiore, and there tliey have a thoufand years Indulgence, and moreover a. plenary Indulgence. At the Church of S. Maria della Pace the fame day is a plenary In^ dulgence.. The day of S. Cecilia., which is-the twenty fecond; day, at her Church there is a plenary Indulgence. The fame day at S. Maria in Araceli, are twenty years Indulgence, and moreover an Indulgence of one hundred fifty nine thoufand' feven hundred and ninety years, and two hundred eighty five days. The day of S. Clement which is the twertty third; day, is a Station to his Church, and there is a plenary indulgence. The fame day at S. Peters are one hnndred'fifty eight thoufand nine hundred fixty fix years,, and two hundred and fifty. days of In- dulgence. Alfoi (57) Alfo the fame day being the day of S. Martyr, at Santa Croce are forty years Indulgence. The day of S. Crifogono^ which is the twenty fourth day, is a Sta- tion to his Church, and thererthey have plenary Remilfion of their fins. The fame day at S. Maria Maggiert are a thouland years indul- gence. The day of S. Saturmno^ which is the twenty ninth day, at the Church of S. Sebaftian are an hundred years Indulgence. The day of S. Andrew Apoftle, which is the thirtieth dayjis a Sta- tion to the Church of S. Peter., and there is a plenary Indulgence, as there is alfo in all the Feafts of the Apoftles ^ and moreover they bavetherea thoufand years Indulgence, and the Remilfion of the third part of their fins, and alfo one hundred fifty nine thoufand nine hundred feventy nine years, and forty five days of Indulgence. At the Church ofS. Jameszxi^ Philip the fame day they have a pie- nary Remilfion of their fins. AtS. Andrews vi\t\\QXiX. Porta del Popolo, a Church built by Pope the third, is a plenary Indulgence both for the Living and the Dead. Moreover the fame day at S.Catharine de Fornari there is a plenary Jubily granted by Pope Julio the third. The Indulgences in the four Sundays of Advent. THe firft Sunday of Advent., is z^ StZiXoxi toS. Maria Maggtore^ and there they have twenty eight thouland years Indulgence, and moreover the forgivenefs of the third part of their fins. The fameday at S. Fererithey have a plenary Remiflion of their fins. The lecond Sunday of Advent is a Station toSanta Croeeiojerufalenif and there they have eleven thoufand yearsindulgcnce, and a plenary Remilfion of their fins. The fame day at S. Mariadegli AhgioU is the like Indulgence- The third Sunday of Advent is a Station to S. Peters, and there they have twenty eight thouland years Indulgence, and twenty eight thoufand times forty days fpace,and a plenary Remilfion of thdr fins. The fourth Sunday of Advent is alfo a Station to S. Ptters^ and tee they have a plenary, Indulgence,, The 38; The lame day at S. yipoflolo they have twenty eight thoufand years Indulgence, and a plenary Remiffion of their fins. D E C E M B E R. THeday of Virgin and Martyr, which is the fecond day ofDfCfw^frr, is a Station to her Church, and there they have a plenary rcmiinon of their fins. The fame day at S. Mori* Maggiorc are nine thoufand years Indul- ^ence. The day ofS. Virgin and Martyr, which is the fourth day, at her Church there arefixteen thoufand years Indulgence. At SantaCroce the fame day there are a thoufand years Indulgence. ThedayofS.5<«^<« Abbot, which is the firft day, at his Church there is a plenary Remiffion of every ones fins. The fame day at S. Peters are an hundred years Indulgence. ThedayofS. ATiVW^/Biffiop, which is the fixt day, is a Station to S. Nicholas deUe Careers, and there they have a plenary Remiffion of their fins, and moreover three hundred years, and three hun- dred times forty days fpace of Indulgence i and alio an Indulgence plenary. The fame day at Santa Crcce in Jerujalem is a plenary Indul- gence. The fame dayalfo atS. Maria de gli Angioli is the like Indul- gence. The day of S. which is the feventh ^y, at his Church there is a plenary Indulgence. The fame day at S. Peters are a thoufand years Indulgence. The day ofthe Conception of the blelfed Virgin Mary which is the eight day, is a Station to S. Maria Maggtore, and there they have a thoufand years Indulgence, and a plenary Remiffion of their fi IS. , The fame day at S. Maria Rotonda, and alfo at S. Maria degU An- gioli, is a plenary Indulgence. * Moreover likewife there is a plenary Indulgence the fame day,and likewife daily during the Odave of the fame Feall, thefeat three enfuing Churches •, to wit, S. Maria in Araceli. S-Maria del Popolo, and S. Maria delta Pace> The day of S. L«(r;'4 Virgin and Martyr, which is the thirteenth day day, at her Church they have a plenary Remiffion of theirfins. TheWednefdiiyzfKcS'LHciabeingEmberWeiinefiiay is a Station toS. Maria Maggiore, and there they have twenty eight thoufand years Indulgence, and twenty eight thoufand times forty days fpace, andthe RemilTion of the third part of their fins, and moreover a plenary Indulgence. The Fryday [ollomngthe (aid Wednefday^ is a Station to S.Jfuf- f(j/o,and there they have ten thoufand years Indulgence, and a plenary Remilfion of their fins. Saturday m the fame week, it being Ember Saturday^ is a Station to S. Peters^ and there they have twenty eight thoufand yearsjUnd twenty eight thoufand times forty days fpace oflndulgenee. 1 he day of S. Thomas Apoltle which is the twenty firft day, at his^Church rhey have a plenary Remilfion of their fins. The lam. day at the Church of S. Taul is a plenary Indulgence. The fame day alfo at the Church of S. Peter, and alfo at the Church o^S. Phtlip and James, is a plenary Indulgence ■, and thus there is alfo in all the Feafts of the Apolblcs. The Vigil of the Nativity of our Lord Jefus Chrifl, which is the twenty fourth day, is a Station to S- Maria Maggiore, and there they have twenty eight thoufand years, and twenty eight thoufand times forty days fpace of Indulgence, and the RemiOion of the third part of their fins. The Night of Chrifts Nativity is a Station to the Chappel of Trefepio \n the Chmch of S-Maria Maggiore, and there at the fing- ingofthefirllMafs, they have a plenary Remilfion of their fins. At S.Maria in Jraceli the fame Night they have a plenary Re- million of their fins. Upon the day of the Nativity of Chrilb, which is the twenty fift day, at the feeond Mafs, is a Station to S. Anaftafia, and there they have an Indulgence of twenty eight thoufand years, and of twenty eight thoufand times forty days fpace, and a plenary Remilfion of their fins. At the third Mafs, upon thedayofChrifb's Nativity is a Station toS. Maria Maggiore, and there they have one hundred fifty nine thoulhndfeven hundred and ninety years, and two hundred eighty five days of Indulgence. Alfo upon theday of Chrills Nativity is a Station to the Chap- pel o"" Prefepio in S. Maria Maggiore, and there they have an Indul- gtnce of twenty eight thoufand years, and of twenty eight thoufand times iorty days fpace, and a plenary Reraifiionof their fins. In In each of the three Mafles upon the day of Chrifts Nativity, at the Church of Marin Mag^icre, \s an Indulgence plenary, and moreover a thoufand years indulgence- Alfo the fame day at S- Maria in Araceli^ are all the laid Indul- gences. And at S. Maria de gli AngtoU is a plenary Indulgence- The day of Martyr, which is alfo the day of Chrilbs ' Nativity, at the Church of S. Maria Maggivre are a thouland years Indulgences. The day of S. Stephen Proto-Mzttyr, which is the twenty fixt day, is a Station to S. Laurence without the wall, where repofeth his holy Body, and there each hatha plenary Remiflioaof hisfins- The fame day at S- Stephen \n Monte Celio, they have one hnndred fiftyfourthoufand nine hundred ninety one years, and two hundred days of Indulgence, and a plenary RemifTion of their fins. Alio the lame day at the Church of the faid S. Laurence^ they have an Indulgence of an hundred years, and of an hundred times forty daysfpace, and the Remiifion of the third part of their fins.- and thus they have daily during thoOftave ofthe Tame Feaft. The dayofS. 7ofe«ApoltleandEvangelrft, which is the twenty feventhday, is a Station to S. Maria Maggiere^ and there is a plena- ry Remiifion of every ones fins. The fame day alfo is a Station tothe Church of S. John Lateran, and there they have an Indulgence of twenty eight thoufand years, and of twenty eight thoufand times forty daysfpace, and a plenary Indulgence, and the delivering of a Soul from Purgatory, and more- over Infinite Indulgences. Moreover alfo the fame day, both at the Church of S. Peter^ and at the Church of S. Philip and James, they have a plenary Remiifion of their fins . And at the Church of S.Paul there are an hundred ' yearsindulgence. The day of the Holy Innocents,which is the twenty eight day, is a Station to andthercthey have an Indulgence of fifteen thoufand years, and of fifteen thoufand times forty days fpace, and aplenary RemifTion of their fms and moreover there are one hun- dred fifty five thouland two hundred ninety one years, and two hun- dred days of Indulgence. The day of S. Silvefier, which is the thirty firft day, is a Station to his Church, and there is a plenary Indulgence. The fame day atthe Chmch of S. John Lateran is an Indulgence plenary, and moreover ten thoufand years of Indulgence. Alfo the fame day at the Church of S. m Tranfte'vere, there arc — ^ (41) »re one hundred fifty eight thoufand nine hundred fifty eight yean and two hundred eighty five days of Indulgence. 1. Mortovfr there are many ether great Indnlgences any day in divert places attdChHrchesofKomtyondin the Dedication of the AUarty and of the ^hftrchety and in divert times^ placet, and Feafit of the SaintSt which do greatly increaf? the afore/aid Jndalgencet. C L A S S E III. ^he Indulgences in the holy Land, which are gained not only by deveat Pilgrims, and fuch others as vijtt the facred places where they are to he obtained, hut aJfo by ihofe invejled with the habit of the holy order of the. Servants of our Lady. The Indnlgences at Mown Sion. IN the place where Chrift made his laft Supper, is a plenary In- dulgence. 3' • In the Chappel of S. Thomas Apoftle, where our Lord appeared to him, is a plenary Indulgence. In the Chappel where the Holy Gholt defcended the Day of Pen- tecoft, is a plenary Indulgence. In the place where our Lady died is a plenary Indulgence. IntheplacewhereS. was eleded Apoftle, there are fe- ven years and fevcn times forty days fpace of Indulgence. In the place where S. Jametth.^ Apoftle was chofen the firft Bifhop of Jtrafdem, there are feven years and feven times forty days fpace bf Indulgence. ' . In the Chappel where S.fohn Lvange/fjt faid Maft tObuf Lady!,hre feven years, and feven times forty days ipace of Indulgence.. ," . In the place^vhcre the holy Apoftles feparated themfelves for to gotoPreach theGofpeltothe whole world, are feven years and feven times forty days fpace of Indulgence. ' 'V' In the place where wasTranflated the body of S. Stephen Proto- martyr, are feven years, and feyeji times , forty days fpace of In- dulgence. ^ in the Chappel," that fdrmeirly was the Kitchen in which the PafchaV tainb was roflcd for Chriflr,' arc feven'years, and fcveit times forty day s fpace of Indulgence- In the entrance of the houfe of Caiphaf, where a Maid Portrefs faidtoThonyvafi'tfith Jtfns Ckrp(t' of Gatileej afCfevcn years and feren times forty days fpace of Indulgence. In the midft of the feme Hoirfe, rfhtre Pettr denied Ghrift, are leven years, and feveti tinies forty days fpn >,of Indulgence. Near to that Houfe is a place where the Cock Crew, and there are feven years, and feven times forty days fpace of Indulgence. In a certain place in the faid Houfe of Caiphas, wb^re Chrift: the night before he fufFered ftood after he was taken till morning, are feven years, and feven times forty days l^ace of Indulgence- J^ear to the faid houfe is a place unto which our Lady came,and uit- defftanding that her Son was taken, fainted, and there are feyea y ears, and feven tinies forty days Ipace of hidulgence. Near to the fame Houfe is a place where the would have took the body of our Lady, when flie was carried to burial', and there are feven years and feven times forty da'ys fpace of Indulgence. Upon the faid Mount Sion is the place in which they Ixheaded S- James the great,and there is a plenary Indulgence- ■ ■ ■ ■ ) . . The Indulgences at Moms QcAssS"} ^ At the pilaCe where the Crofsof Chrift was. planted} and" where he was cruci&ed, is a plenary Indiifgence. At the place where ^'/cfcyi^fci^.6heredfireEd and Wine, arefe- ven ye'^rs, arid feven times forty day s fpace of Indulgence. , At the place where would have fecrificed his Son ifaacy are feven years, and leven times forty days fpace of Indulgence. ^ At the-plat6 where our Lord was taken from the Croft anftput iri^ to th^Bpfpni of our Lady, is a plenary Indulgence* At the hoiy Sepulchre is a plenary Ridulgcnce. At a certain Cnappel, near to the place, where Chrift: was crBcified^ IS a certain Ladder,arid there is a plenary Indulgence* Urider the Rock where our Lord was crucified, is a Chappel, in which S. Helena found the Crofs of Chrift:,. and there is a plenary Indulgence.- In another Chappefis a deftain pillar upon which Chrift: fet after he had been Crowned with Thorns i and there are feven years and ftvefi tjmds fPrty (fays fpace Pf Ihdalgeffce. Ittahother Chappel, where they did caft lots upon Chrlfts gar- ment. ^ yw) ® TOcnt, are fev^n years, and feven times forty days fpacc of Indul- gence. ^ . efs In a certain Den, where Chrift .was putwlillft his Crucifiers made JfJ feady his Crofs, are feven years, and fcven times forty days fpaceof Indulgence. iie In the Garden where our Lordafterhis Rcfurrection appeared to S. Mary Magdalen^ are feven years, and foven times forty days fpacc lere . of Indulgence. - In the place where S. fainted in the Garden, arc the feven years, and feven times forty days fpace of indulgence. are In the lame place is a qcrtaniiCoctavity, like to a Window, where is a paic of the Pillar at w hich Chrift was whipped ^ and IbS. there are feven years,and feven times forty days fpace of Indulgence. m In the Chappcl where the Crofs was found,is upon the Altar a part ofihe.Crofs, and there are ftveii years, and feven times forty days tool: . fpatc of Indulgence- . t kte In the laid CUappel is p place, in which after they had found the holy Crofs, laying the fame upon a Woman departed, it raifed- her dS- foomthe dead', and there are feven years and feven rtunes forty days fpace of Indulgence. Indulgences in the City of Jerufalem. hit 11 .T the entrance of the City of Jeruf^lem^ the Pilgrims obtain ,Z\. forty years and forty days fpace of Ind.ulgcuce. ale- At the golden Gate, by which Chrftt entrcd npon Palm-Sunday, is aplenary Indulgence. K In a certain Houfe where they fay was born the blelfed Virgin tj, is a plenary Indulgence, tit- ■ In the Poafe where S. J'tffcwEvangelift was bornj are foven years and feven times fortie daies fpace of Indulgence. - In the Houfe bf the Woman called ytronka',' qk foren years, 'kJf and feventimes foptiedaies fpace of Indulgence. In the Houfe ofS/wfc« the Prophet, are feven years, and feven pet, i times fof tie'daies fpace of I ndulgaice. aarj In the Temple of where our Ladic prefented Chrift, is aplenarie Indulgence. isr In the place where die Angeldefoended and taroublcd the waters, ind are feven years, and feven times fortie daies fpace of indulgence. In the place where our Lord had wont to preach, are feten years> and feven times fortie daies foace of indulgcncej 6 z In <.44 / Ih the place where Chrift illuminated the man born biind,are feven years, and feven times fortie dales fpace of Indulgence. Near to a certain Stonci whefe they fay our Lord healed many lick People, are feven years, and feven times fortie dales fpace of In- dulgence. ... In the Tower of DwiW, Chrift being of his Race, are leven years and feven times fortie daies fpace of Indulgence. In the Dining-Room, where Chrift wafted the .Feet of the Apo- ftles, are feven years, and feven times fortie daies fpace of" Iridul- gence.-' At the houfe of S. LAx^ums and his Sifters^ in the way by which they took Chrift to be crucified, are feven years, and feven times fortie daies fpace of Indulgence. Intheplacewherethey fay our Lord fell down under the Crofs, are feven years] and feven times fortie daies fpace of indulgence. Inthe place wh?re they forced Simon tocarrie the Crpfs ofChflft, are feven years,'and feven times fortie daies fpace of in- dulgence. v ' , In the place where are tW6 white Stones, where Chrift being wearied through the weight of his Crofs did make a little paufe or reft; are feven years and feven times fortie daies fpace of Indul- gence. ' v In the plaf:e..wherc our Ladie, feeing Chrift with the Crofs, did 'FalldoWflras dead^ are feVeii yearS^ and feven times fortie daies fpace of Indulgence. . r *' In the place where Chrift appeared to his Mother Mary^ after his Refurredion, are feven years, and feventimes-fortie dales fpace of Indnlgence. In the place where Chrift appeared to-thethree /'f/^ncif, and faid AUHAtli ape&ven yearsj andfeven times-fortie daifcs fpace of In- dulgence., '• " In a Churc-hwhich was the Houfe where the bteffcd Virgin inha- bited after Chrifts Afcenfion, are feven .years, and feven times fortie daies fpace'dC Indulgence. n- In the Oratory where our tadie had wont to do her Devotions,are feven years, and feven times fortie daiesr-fpaceroflndulgence. - .r. f • - ■ Indulgence i inthe VaBey ' f- TN the place called bought with the thirty pence with the which Chrift-was fold, there arc feven years,and leven times fortie daies fpace of Indulgence. in (45) In the place where Chrift commanded the Clouds to depart thence, to the end he might fee, are feven Years, and feven times forty Daies fpace of /ndulgence. In the place where S. Ifiiah the Prophet was fa wed a-funder with a Wooden Saw, are feven Years, and feven times forty Daies fpace of Indulgence. In the lame Valley is a certain Den^ in the which S. Peter wt^t when he had denyed Chrift, and there are feven Years, and feven times forty Daies fpace of Indulgence. In this Valley alft) is a certain Fountain in the which the BlelTcd Virgin walhed the Llnnens of Jefus Chrifl;, he being a little one, when fhe came with him to the Tcwp/f •, and there are feven Years, and feven times forty Daies fpace of Indulgence.i. Indulgences at the 5rocj^.Cedron.. T this Brook was the Wood for a certain time with the w hich was made the Crofs of Chrifl, and there are feven Years, and feven times forty Daies fpace of Indulgence. In the Garden called Gethfemarie^ where Chrifl, the Night he was taken, left eight of his Apofllesthe whilfl he prayed,are feven years, and. feven times forty Daies fpaceof Indulgence. In the place where Chrifl at the fame time prayed thrice, and did fweat Bjood, are feven Years and feven times forty Daies fpaceof Indulgence. In a certain Den, where S.James Jlfheus wept after that Chrifl wastaken, vowing that he Would neither eat nor drink until he faw him rifen again from the Dead, are feven Years, and feven times forty Daies fpace of Indulgence. Near to this Brook Cedron is the place where was born S. Zacha- ry, the Father of S. "^ohn the Baptifl, and there are feven Years,, and feven times forty Daies fpace of Indulgence. Indulgences in the Valley of Jehofaphat.. IN the Valley of Jehofaphat is the Sepulchre of our Lady,and there is a plenary Indulgence. • Between the faid Sepulchre and the City of '^erufMemiithe place where S.Srfpfjfw was Honed, and there are feven.Years, and feven times forty Daies fpace of Indulgence.. lit^. US) Indnl^ences at Mom Olivet ' A T the foot of Mount Olivet is a little Village called Bethphagei, from which Chriftdid ride upon an Afs to Jtrufakm, and there are fifteen Years, and fifteen times forty Dales fpace of Indul- gence. ^ , At the other fide of the Mount, near is the place where •Chrift beholdijig the City wept over it, and there are fcven Yean, and leven times forty Daies fpace of Indulgence. Upon tie 'aid Mount, where our Lord taught the Apoftles to pray, and CompofedtheP^w ATo/tr, are feven Years, andfeven times forty Daies (pace of indulgence. In the place where our Lord Preached the Beatitudes is the like Indulgence. Upon the .fame Mount an Angel fthey fay) declared to theBlef- fed Virgin the Pallage of Chrift, bearing a Palm, and there are feven Years, and feven times forty Daies Ipace o? indul- gence. In the place where Chrift vifibly afcended into Heaven,is a plenary Indulgence. Upon the fame Mount is a place whwe the Apoftles after the coming of the Holy Ghoft, corapofcd the Creed, and there are fe- ven Years, and feven times forty Dales fpace of indulgence. - The Indulgences at Bcthanyi IN the Houfeof Martha who lodged Chrift, are leven Years,and feven times forty Daies (pace of indulgence. In the Houle of Mary Magdalen^ are feven Years, and feven times ' Forty Daies (pace of indulgence. Inthemidft ofthc'famc HoiHe is the place where Mttry faid to Chrift, Lerd^ if thou hadfl been here^ &c. and there are feven YearSj and feven times forty Daies (pace of indulgence. Inthe place where was buried, and raifed from the Dead, "isa plenarie indnlgence. , In the Houfe of Smon the L^per, where Mary Magdi:len anbinted " the Head of Chrift, are fevefi Years, and feVen times forty Daies (pace of inditlgenee. The X 77;# Itidnl^ences at Bethlehem. At the Houfe where Chrift was born, is a Plenary indul- gcBce. ,ln the place where Chr ill being born was wrapt up in Swadling Clothes is a plenary indulgence. At the Altar where JeftsChrift was Circamcired ia a plenary in- dalgence. In the Houfe where the three Wife-men adored Chrift, he being aninfant, are feven Years, and feven times forty Dales fpace of in- dolgence. In the place where the Star vanllhed from the Wife-men, which be- fore they had feen in the £/?/?, and which had .conducted them to Bethlehem^ are feven Years, and feveu times forty Daies fpace ef in- dulgence. In a certain Chappel, where are the Sepulchres of the Holy Inno- cents, are feven Years and feven times forty Daies fpace of Indul- gence. Moreover in a certain Church, entituled,Tji;# Church of the Bieffed 'Vrrgin^ where the Angels appeared to cm? Lady, Ihewing her the way to to the end [he might fly thither with her Infant Jefus* are feven Years, and feven times forty Daies Ipace of indul- genee. In the place where the Angels appeared to the Shepheards finging Gloria in Excel/is Deoj arefevenYears, and feven times forty Daies Ipace of indulgence. Tloe Jrtdulgencts at Nazareth. INtheplace where the Blefled Virgin was faluted by the Angel, is a plenary indulgence. In the Houfe of S. foaehim the Father of the Blelfed Virgin Mary, at which is a certain Monaftery, are feven years, and feven times forty Daies Ipace of indulgence. At a certain Founcain,from which Chrift, being a little one, had wonttofetch Water and carry to his Mosher, are feven Years, and feven times forty Daies fpace of indulgence. In the the Houfe to which our Lady, being a little one, went to School to learn to read, are feven Years, and feven times forty Daies fpace of indulgence. In In thcHoufe where were bom S. Jmes Thadens,^d S.fohn Evan- gelift, are ten Years, and thirty times forty Daies fpace of indul- gence. The Indulgences in the Mcutitainous Farts of Judca. IN a Church which was formerly theHoufe of Zachary, the Father of S. the Baptift, where the Blefled Virgin laluted Eltza. heth, and in which was born S. John the Baptift, are fcven Years, and feven times forty Daies fpace of indulgence. In the place where writ the name of his Son John, and faid, Blejfed be the LordCed of Ilrael, &c. arefevenyears,and feven times forty daiesipace of indulgence. The Indulgences in the f^aliey of Kebron. IN the place where they fay was buried Jdamy ourfirft: Father, are feven years, and feven times forty Daies fpace of indul- gence. In the fame Valley, in a certain Den, in which lyeth buried j4hra- Ifaacy and Jacoby are feven years, and feven times forty daies fpace of indulgence. Moreorer in a certain place therein, where the Wood grew with which was made the Crofs of Chrift, are twenty years, and twenty times-forty daies fpace of indulgence. The Indulgences at Galilee. IN the Defart, wherein Chrift failed fortie daies, is aplenariein- ' dulgence. Ofi-the Mount upon which the Devil conduded Chrift, are feven Years, and feven times fortie daies fpace of indulgence. In the defart, where S. Baptift did Penance, are feven Years, and leven tiraes fortie daies fpace of indulgence. In the River Jordan, where Chrift was Baptifed, is a plenary indul- geiice. U Befide the River is a certain Monafteric, in which is a little piece of the Ciofsof Chrift, and tiiereare feven Years,^and feven times fortie daies fpace of indulgence. There is aifo another Monafterie of S. "^chn the Baptift, and there arc feven years, and feven times fortie daies fpace of indulgence. CLASSE C L A S S E I y. T^Inddgences^atS-Jetties o/ Gaj^tia»« Cpippofbclla, th^ which are gained notably hy holy PUgrims^ a^d,fHch others dtmntly vifiting thq Jhfttt Chmrch^ httt dfo by thofi of the holy otfder, of the Servtt^tt pf S* Mary. Flrft, wbatfoever pqrfoa fhall at any- time go to S. fames of Galitia, obwincth the Repiiflion of the third part of his fins, idly, Who^ever goethtovilitthefaid Cbureh, and going, re- tusning, or Lnhis ftay there, happeaeth to die, lb it be with true Contrition for his.ccrors, hath a plenary Retniffion of his fins. jdly, Everie one that goeth in the proceflion which they make upon Sunday in the feme Church, hath for everie proceflion and confectation fortie.daies Indulgence, and tlje fame he hath each day in the Week, until the next Sunday enMng^ and moreover he hath an Indulgence of three hundred dales, and the forgivenefs of the third partoflusfms. 4thly, Inthe Feaft of the Dedication of the fame Church, and in the.Vigiland Feaftof S. theyhave fix hundred dai^s Indul- gence, and a Remifiion of the third part of their fiDs.j ythly, Every one that hearkchethtothe'Mafs of an Arch-bifeop, or of a Cardinal, at the Altar of S. Jamex, hath fix hundred daics of Indulgence, and the Rehnffion of the third part of his fins. 6thly, Califto the Pope hath granted, that when the Fcaft of S. happenetlito be celebrated upon a Sunday, all the feme year, whofoever goeth on Pilgrimage, tf uly penitent and confdftd, fhall bcabfblvedfromallhisfms. • ' C L A S S E V. The Indulgences grafted ^ divers Popisyo thoJeth^t;fiaU ufe cerUinde^ ' votions-^allvphichyOj well as to others:, appertain to^the £rethers and Siftersof the holy order of the Servants of S-MztY» TOfhofe that fhall fey the Divine Office, and the Cannonic^ hours, for any time they fhall fay the fame, Leo ijhe eleventh hath granted thofptgivenefedf the third of their tin the fifth hath granted an hiindred dates Indulgence. M To To thofe that fhall fay the OfEce for the Dead, or the feven Pfalms, or the Gradual, the tenth hath granted a plenarie In- dulgence. . i - f. To thoft that (hall fay the Pfalmes of the paffion, the which ar« ten, the firft whereof begineth with Deuz Dens mens refpice in me, Dmine fperavi'f. LiothQt^ath hath granted a' a plenary Indulgence. y They are called the Pfalmes of the Paffion, becaufe it is believed that Chtilbfaid tire fame in his mind upon the Crofs, for the firff fpeechofthe feven he then uttered, he fpake the beginning of the firft ofthefaid Pfalmes, Dens, Dens mcHs: and the laft fpeech which he made, which was, In.mams tnas Domine commendo fpiri-' turn meumj is found in the laft of - the faid Pfalmes, In te Domine fpe- ravfi. Ttrthofethatlay the Pfalmes, the Antiphon, the Verfiele, znd the Prayer of the name of the tenth hath granted a plenarie Inddlgenc-e. They.are called the Pfalmes of the name of Jefns, becaufe the letters wherewith they begin,anfwer to the name of Jefus ^ the firft begin.. Bing with .aniy<>thefecond with an jE,the third with an5,d°c.In faying wliereof, firft they fay the Antipbon,to wit,/ff nomine Jefn. AfterwarS they fay the firft of the faid Pfalmes, viz.. jHbiUte Deo omnis Xtna \ next they fay thefecond of the faid Pfalmes, namely, fjcWtW.- te Domimss *, then they fay the third of the faid Pfelmesto wit, Sdvutn me fac Deiis't then the fourth, which is, Vfquecjuo Domine OhUvifie^ xh me \ /^ext the fifth, namely, Sape Expu^navertcnt v^ntfue mea. After the Pfalmes they hy theeAntipboi^.; Kiintt^tfu omnegenu fieSatnr., CcelefiinfniTerrej}rikfn^ Ivfernorum-y ^uia Dominns Jefus Chrijins in gloria efi DoiFjitrill Then they fay tbo verJicUy Sitnomen Domini BenediEinm., afterward they Anfwer, Ante Jokmpermanefnvmen ejus. Then they fay, Oiemtis^ andlaftly they fay, Omnipotensfempiterne DeuSydirige AtUts nofiros in Beneptacito tuo^ ut in nomine DUeEii filiituimereamur bonis operibus abundare. Per eundem ChrifiumDominim»oJlrumi AhJen. n _ ^ y* ( to thofe that IhMl fay one be^foreyn ^inar,4^^^ fiath granted all the Indulgences tHat ary that day . And Julio thefecond 'hath adjoined, ^thk Taying every day'one Mijerere^ with the prayer for the Pope,Zlr«j ommum jidelmm Pajjor PeElory &c. .toll obtain all the Indulgences that are to be had'ih the wholfeworld*.T Ip'thofe that fliallfay fifteen P3tec-Noil:8rs,hncf fifteen, Aw-Ma-- ' i cjIJ--' . 'I' ■ ■' , ■ ' j-wV,in memory of fhe Wounds of Chrift; the Tenth hath ;g#'3nted fifteen thoufand years Indulgence. To thofe that Jhall fay fifteen Tater-NoJter^Sf and fifteen riaVy Tor thofe that are in mortal fin, Leo the Tenth hath granted fo"^ any time they lhall fay the fame, the Remilfion of the third part of their fins. T0 thofe that lhall fay five Tkter-Nojlers and five Ave Maria'Sy praying for the happy Eftate of the Holy Church, Leo the Tenth hath granted all the Indulgerfces that atnthat day in Rome. ; To thole that riiatl fty^vd P4^fr-A^oj?frh and five Ave- Maria's, in honour and memory of the five Wounds of Chrift:, Leo the Tenth hath granted tenthoufand years, and ten thonfanddays of In- dulgence. To thofe that lhall fay once'in the' ^4y one Pater-Nofter, and at the •end thereof three times Jefu, Leo, the-Tenth,hath granted'threc ,'thoufendyearS'lBdplg^nCe.^' . ''' ' . -j.. To thofe. fhat lhalT fay ziPAve- Maria when they F A R T, JoM the Twenty Second hath granted forty days Indulgence., To thofe that lhall fay thie Crown of our Lord, which contain- eth thirty three Pater-,Nofler''s and thirty three Ave-Maria"sy in . memcry ol the^ years of Jefus Chrift, Jdio the Second, .and Z-w the Tenth'i Have granted a plenary Indulgence. ; .J J To thofe, that,lhajl fay the Crown'of our Lady,- tfie'vftiich con- 'taineth lixty thtee" l4w-AZ/ri4V and'feven P^er-Nofitrs, Lee the Tenth hathgranted a plenary Indulgence. This Crown they are wont to fay all over Italy, but out of Italy they ufe to fay for the Crown of our Lady feventy x\\xqq Aye-Maria's, and eight Pater.Nofiers.^zx(A John the TWenty-Second, hath'granted to thofe that ftall fay this Crown, a plenary Indulgence. ^ ■ *■ To'thofe' that lhall -fay the Cfowu of our Lady day d f S. John ' ante Portam Laitnam, which is the lixth day of 'May, Leo the Tenth hathgranted they lhall thereby deliver a Soul from Purgatory, and the like he hath'granted they lliall do, faying the faid Crown the day of S. yehwEvangefifti which is the twenty feventh .day of Decern- her" . To tliofe that lhall fay the Rofatyof the Blelfed Virgin, SiflothQ Fourth.hathgrant'ed fofevery fiftieth, five years and five times forty days Ipace of Indulgence. To thofe that ft.all fay the Mafs of the moft holy Rofary, or hearken to one of the faid Malfes, Paidt\iz Third hath granted ns many indulgences as if they Ihould fay the Rofary a whole Week, ' Ha. whlc h vji 7^ . . which would, come to eighty ei^t years, t^nty tWo times forty daysfpace, and an hundred and fifty days*, and Pope the Thirteenth hath granted them a'pleflary Indulgence, and the delive* ranee of a Soul from Purgatory. To thofe that fhall fay or hear the Mafs of the Conception, Lea the Tenth hath granted a plenary Indulgence. To thofe that fhall fay in honour of t le BleiTed Virgin Tome one- of thefe Hiras, to wit, Q^em Terra PontHS-, or, O Cl'oriofa Domi' na^ or the Verficle Maria Mater gratia^ Alexander the Sixth hath granted for every time they fay the fame, ten years Indulgence. To thofe that bow at the name of Jefus, and at the Verficle Glo' ria Patrpy & Filio, & Spiritni SanBoy John the Twenty Second hath granted for any time they do the fame, forty days Indul- gence. To thofe that lhall kneel, or bow the knee, when they fay, Te ergo Qkafitmus fanmlis tm fidrveni, &c. BenediB the Thirteenth' hath granted three times forty days Ipace of Indulgence; and to thofe that fhall bow the Head at the Speech of the Preface in the Mafs, Gratias agatnus Domino Deo mfiroj an'hundred days Indul- gencc. To thofe that Communicate^ Innocent the Eighth,, and if o the Tenth, have granted a plenary Indulgence. To thofethatby reafon of Sicknels, or other )uft Impediment cannot fay the Canonical Hours, ot Ave-MaritCSy or the belonging to their Rule, Xw the Tenth hath granted that faying a Hynme, or a Pater-Noflery or any other thing, according to the judgment of their Prelate or Cor redor, they fhall fatisfie as if they had faid the Hours Canonical. And the fame Pope hath grant- ed that if any one, faying his Office in the Quire, pr in the Paffage, or any other place, did not, by reafon of Idlenefs, Negligence, Malice,, or a wandring mind, fpeakhis words iiitirely out, or in- tireiy utter thenr, faying a P4rfr-iVo/?fr, oran Hymne, or a Salvtt _ Reginay. or other thing impofed by his Prelate and Superiour,he fhall make fatisfadion. To thofe that are fick and infirm and cannot Fall, Sifto the Fourth hath granted that they are not bound. And Innocent the Eighth hath granted they may gain any Indulgence in the Infirmady, in the Cell, or in Bed, faying five. Ave~Ma^ ria'Sy with an Intention to gain the fame Indulgence.. And Leo the Tenth hath granted, that faying a Pfaira, or an Hymne of the BleT fed Virgin, or of our Lord, theyfliall have the Indulgence of the Crowa <53 ) Crown of our Lord, or of our.Lady, and likewife Lea the Tenth hath granted, that if any one be troubled with a Feaver or other Malady at the time of the Canonical Hour,ro that he cannot obferve it, faying the Pfalras, the Hymncs, iheTater'Nofters^ or any other thing,at the judgment of the Superiour, he fliall make fatisfadion^ And Eugenia the Fourth, and Murtin the Fifth, have confirmed the fame, and moreover communicated it to the old and impotent. CLASSE VI. ^he Indulgencesgrantedto the Parents^ Fsunders^ ProteBors, Favourites^ and BenefaBors «f the Holy Order of the Servants of S. Mary. TO the Father and Mother of each Religious Perfon of this Ho- ly Order of the Servants, Calif o the Third hath granted a plenary Indulgence in their life time, and after their deaths the fame in Purgatory, by way of fiiffrage. To the Tutors and Defenders of the Order of the Servants, Nicholas the Fourth hath granted an Indulgence of forty years. Ho- the Third of twenty five years and twenty daysi Clement the Tourth of twenty five years and izo days •, Boniface the Eighth of twenty five years, and an hundred and twenty days Innocent theFourthof twenty five years, and an hundred and twenty days; Vrhan the Fifth of twenty five years, and an hundred and twenty days-, and Leo the Fourth of feven years, and twelve times forty days fpace. To all that are to this Holy Order of the Servants either Advo- cates. Procurators, Phyficians, or their Subftitutes, Martin the Fourth hath granted for every year they are thus, an hundred years Indulgence .• And Innocent the Eighth hath granted to them, their Children, their Brothers, their Sifters, their Wives, and their Parents, faying five Pater-Nojler'^Sy and five Ave-Maria's for the happy Eftate of the Holy Church, the Indulgences in all the Stati- ens, and all other Indulgences granted to the Brothers and Sifters of this Holy Order. To all of the Order of the fervants that are Priefts, or arc in any other of the feven holy orders, lohn the twenty third hath granted the Ommiffion and negleft of the Canonical hours, and Divine Of- fices. Alfo John the twentie third hath communicated all the good works works and fvifTragcs of the Brothers and Sifters of this Order to the Sods of their dead Bencfa(n:ors. CLASSE vir. The Jrtdiil^etwes granted to all that are Faithful and de vout to the Bro- thers and Sijlers of the. Holy Order of the Servants of S. Mary. TO thofe that hear the Dirine Offices in the Church of the Ser- vants, Howom the Third hath given an Indulgence of eighty days •, Boniface the Eighth of eighty days •, Clement the Filth of eigiity days •, Alexander the Fourth of three hundred and twenty days •, Innocent the Fourth of two days; and Gregory the Fifth of two days *, all which make one year and twenty days- Tothofe that ffiall hear a Sermon of a Prieft of the Servants, Homriusithz Third, the Eighth, Alexander t\izT\x\td^Cre- gory the Ninth, Innocent the Fourth, Boniface the Second, Clement the Third, the Twenty fecond, the Fourth, Benedillthe Eleventh, Alexanderths^omth, and Martin the Fifth, have grant- ed famonglt themj forty years und nine Months of Indulgence. And John the Twenty Second hath granted an Indulgence to.thera of ten years and nine Monthes, and of twice forty days fpace. To thofe that ffiall hear the Mafs of one of the Order of the Ser- vants newly made Prieit, Clement the Fourth hath granted an Indul- gence of twice forty days fpace. Innocent the Fourth of an hun- drcddaysi the Third of twice forty days fpace*, Homrio 'the Third of twice forty days fpace^ Vrhan the Fifth of two hun- ■dreddays:, the Eighth of forty days*, and Alexander the 'Fourth of an hundred days, the which make in all oneyear, eighty days, and eight times forty days fpace To thofe that ftand and hearken to the Salve Regina-, or any other Laud that is faid before the Altar of the Servants of our Lady An. a'rowwco tho Cardinal, (Entituled by St-Eitfiachio^ and Legate Apo- itolick of hath granted forty days Indulgence. And the like Indulgence is granted tothofe that vifit the Altar of the BlelTed Virgin in the ChurChof the Brothers of the Servants. To thofe that ffiall any day vifit the Churches of the order of the 'Servants, thefecond, Stephenthebvil., Sergiotbc third, John the tcnth, the eleventh, andthe fourth, have each one granted them the Remiffion of, the third part of their fins. And more- over (ss) over Honorio the third hath given them twenty years and one hun. dred and eightie Dales of Indulgence. Clement the Third, ten years, and forty dales. Clement the fourth, thirty years, and forty daies. Bi>niface the" eighth, twenty years, and forty daies. Bv' viface the ninth, two years, yilexander the fourth, twenty years, and an hundred and eighty daies. Lncio four years. Boniface the ftcond, thirty years, and an hundred and twenty daies, yefe«thefe- cond, ten years, and eightie daies. the ninth, twenty years, and an hundred and twenty daies. Alexander the fourth, eighteen years,and eighty daies. And/wwwwr the fourth hath given forty daies. • To thofe that lhali fay a Tater-Nofier and an ^ve-Maria fot the liv- ingand the de^d,Innocent the fourth hath granted forty d^lcs-,Gregory the ninth forty daies, Honorhthe eighth, forty daies j Benedth the e- leventh an hundred daies •, BenediEh the fevcnth an hundred daies*, and Latino Cardinal, and Legate of Tofcana, forty daies indulgence. To thofe that fhall vifittheChurchesofthe order of the.Servants intheSolcmnitie of the Nativity, Circumcifion, Ephiphanie, and Afcention ofChrift, and upon Corfns Chriftidzy^ Gregory the ninth hath granted an indulgence of an hundred years, and of an hundred times forty daies fpace *, Martmihz'dith. of forty years, and of tea times forty dales fpace. ??the Fifth, a thoufand two hun- I dred ($2) ^ drcd forty feven years, and two hundred thirty two times forty dayt Ipace of Indulgence. The day of S. Dommck,^ by Clement the Fourth, Gregory the Bomface theEighch, the Fourth,the Fourth, Alexander the Fourth, Boniface the Second, John the Twenty Second. Mexander the Fifth, and Sifto the Fourth, feventy feven hundred thoufand years Indulgence. The day of S. Philip our Brother,by Martin the Fourth, and /»w- eent the Fourth, forty hundred years, and twelve times forty days fpace. The day of the Apparition of S. Michael Arch-Angel by Le$ the Fourth, feven years, and feven times forty daies fpace, and by Nicholas the Fourth, the like Indulgence. The day of S.Francis^ by Gregory the Ninth, and Martin the Fourth, an hundred and forty Years, and twelve limes fortiedaies fpace of Indulgence. The day of all Saints, by Z-fo the Fourth, andthe Fourth a thoufand and feven Years, and feven times fortie daies fpace of Indulgence. The day of S. Nicholas^ by Leo the Fourth, feven years, and feven times forty daies fpace of Indulgence. THE THE TRANSLATORS APPENDIX- Wherein the very Grounds and Foundations of the faid In- dulgences are utterly overthrown, and confequendy the Indulgences thetnfcives apparently proved to be a meer Cheat. CHAP. I. tVhereiif is JJsewed what the Ivdal^ences before mentioned are, and npen what they are grounded. TH E faid Indulgences, according to the Doftrine of the Roman Church, are certain Diiiributions made by the Pope, of certain penal ard fa- tisfaftory Works, taken by him out of the Churches Treafury, and be- queathed to fuch perfons, as although dying in the ftate of grace, yet having not firft here in this world fully fatisfied the Jufticeof God for their fins, are after their death call into Purgatory, where they are burnt and tor-« luented in the fire thereof, until liich time the fame be fully fatisfied They are grounded upon certain falle and peiBicious Tenents, whereby Ihe hold- cth • Pirll, that there lyeth a necellity upon all the Faithful ('notwithftanding their Redemption by Chrift) to fatisfie and content the Juilice of God for their fins; which fatisfaftion the Catechifm of the Council of 2fmt defineth thus : Satisfa- ^ Bio ef ret debha integra folutio : E/d compenfatio^ cttm homo pro peccatii """'"'jjis' Veo atiq^u'dperfolvi. Satisfaftion is an entire Payment of that thing which is due, and a recompence which a man maketh to God for his fins. And it is made (they fay) here in this life, by falling, whipping. Pilgrimages, giving f meth ng to the - Church, and fuch like works of Penance -, and after this life, by being imprifoned, involved, and tormented in a fire called Purgatory. a. That many in this life do not only fatisfie the Divine Juilice for their fins, but exceed tUe fame for them, in their fatisfaftions j for there be many, fay they, that ■ " ■ " ' I z have A have finned but Ihtle, yet have fatisfied very much; and confequently have under- feone more Punifhments than their fins have dcferved, or Gods Jufiice for the fame ■lequired •, and this excefsor fupetfluity, wbicUthey Superabu^^dat^t Saii^fiHtoa' That is to fay, the overplus that iheferaen have paid to God, more than they need-, cd to have done, may be given to others that want the (ame. And, thirdly, That the Church hath a certain Treafury, in which are referred ineftimable Treafures j that is to lay, the faid fuperabundant Jatisfaftions j to wit, the fuperabundant fatisfadions of the Saints, Martyrs, Monks, Nups, Fryers, Ere- mkes, and fuch like others, as have fatisfied beyond Gods Juftice, cr thedefertof their fins: Of which Treafury the Pope having the Keys, and being thereof Guar-; dian, turneth the laid Treafures into pay for others, and bequeaths them out by In- dulgences, to thofe that are vvauting in fatisfadlory Works. Thefe Indulgences, (although they are now, and have been of late years, (through the great refort of Pilgrims to the places unto whom they arc given, and the great and ^lendid Solemnities of the Jubilee.s at Rome) had in great venera- tion and efteem among the were never known in the Churches Infancy, Jlph.cotitr. nor for a long time afterward, but as ^Iphcufut d Cufiro confefieth, harum uftts itt iMrej.S. Ecclejitt v'liexuf ferd reeeptus^ their ufe is feen to have been received but lately in 'jerbt Jtt- the Church; and moreover Duraud (another of their own Writers,) telleth us, dulgentia^ De TttJulgentiis pauc4 did poffunt per certitudinern ; quiet tiec fcriptma exprejsd dt Vurand. its loquitur t SaeiSi etiam Amkrojutt, Hilaritts, See. minime loquuntur de Indulgent Sentent.e^, titt. Little can be faid of any certainty of Indulgences, oref their being undoubt- difi.zo, . cdly true, feeing the Scriptures fpcak not exprelly of them; and S. FHhrp, S.Am- qux-i, h)ofey and other Fathers, fpeaknotat all of them. And yet the Council of T' idiu. doth not only teach and command them to be retained in the Church, but alfo con- Sejf 15. demneth all them with a Ciiffe, which either term them unprofitable, cr deny the Decretum Churches Authority to grant them. de Indulge blew, what a bold prefumption was it for a Council to determine a new and uncef- tain Dodrine for a Point of Faith } And what afenfelefs and weak Faith muft it needs be, which wanteth Antiquity, Authority of Scriptures, and confent of Fa- thers ? But I will not fiand to argue this, in regard it maketh not much to our pre- fent purpofe ; neither will I altogether deny, but the faid Indulgences are to fome profitable; For indeed (fince many are ccme to have fo good an opinion as they have of them^ tliey are not only profitable, but very profitable to the Romittt Church. For, fiift, hereby fiie eftabiifheth, confirmeth, and upholdcth all her wicked, new-fangltd. Idolatrous, and abfurd Dodrines, and doth eafily irapofe tlumupon the Faiih of thcf.', that perhaps otherwife might doubt of them j and the People are thereby (as it were"> allured and enticed into a belief of that which betore, it may be, they never heard of, or once thought of, nay peradventure not . ^oulj: doubted, l-ut altogether difiiked of. And therefore when the Pope "would eft^liflt any.new Opinion, or confirm it when called in queftion, he prefently con- trn eth the doing thereof by fume Indulgence that may conduce thereunto. As for Example, tending to the Adoration of Images, and Prayer to Saints departed, vvhofeevcr (being in the ftate ot Grace) lhall fay feven Prayers before the Cru- cifix, and feven Eattt-nopers, and feven Ave Maria's, fhall obtain fix and fifty thiiufand years of Indulgerce ; to wit, fourteen thoufand granted by S. Gregory^ fourteen ihoufand by NUl.oIas the firil, and twenty eight thoufand by the yhefiUiJn- Fourth. InKiiug taihe Adcraiion cf ^Saints Rcliques, apd other like things, be- "(l- . .longing to their Altars, to whofcever, btlcrc an Altar, fliall fay Sipo the ■ 1-oiirth -fcufthltatli granted all the Indulgences thnt are that day in Kme. Tdndlng to Vhifait, Prayer for the dead,to whofoever liiall fay the Office for the dead, Let the l enth Indulg, hath granted a Pienaiy Indulgence, and to fuch as jhall fay one Pater ntl}er, and ■one Ave Maria for them, Iwwefewt the Pourth hat h granted forty days Indulgence j Gregory the Ninth,forty days: hcmriut the Eighth, forty days; BenediB the Ele- venth, an hundred days: and Latina Cardinal, forty days: and in the fame man- ner tending to all fdch like Doftrines. Secondly, By the fame Ihe maketh her felf fat, getteth good fiore of Coyn, and accumulateth to her felf whole heaps of Mo- ney, whereby fhe is able to ereft moft fumptuous Pallaces, build raoft famous Mo- naileries, manage and maintain Wars, and carry on ail her wicked and felf-ended Defigns. For you muil know that thefe Indulgences (although the RjotmniHs would fain have rhcm to be heretofore called Douattones, to wit. Gifts; to the "**'• end that thereby, if itbepoflibje, they may find out feme way whereby to found them upon the Holy Scriptures,) do not at all, when they are bequeathed, come Irtdulg. grafts, but muft be well paid for : Inromuch, that only the Indulgences, with the Bool^ Letters of Pardon, and the Refervatieues, Pedoralrs, Mentales, Regrejjus, Gene- De- les^ and Speciales acceffuiy with other fuch like Trifles, are adjudged to be worth to the Pope of Rome, in only, above two hundred thoufand Crowns a^year j rifien.^t® and In all C^fy?e»»dow to be worth above ten Millions of Crowns yearly; wltich in- P™ Liber- deed is a pretty Sum. But that they are, in the leaft, profitable to the perfons who are fuppofed to cb-. 77? tain them, and to whom they are granted as Indulgences, I deny utterly, For a Man can by no means redeem bis Brother, or gay a Ranfim to Ged for kim ; ('no not for the Body, and therefore much Icfs for tl.e Soul) for the Redemption of the Sottl is frecisus, and it ceajeth for ever, Vfal, 4p. 7, 2. And. the dead have not any more Reward, neither have they any mere Portion for ever, in any thing that is done under the Sun, Ecclef 9.%, 6. Thefe and the like Tefiimonies are fo plain and manifefl againfl the validity of thd faid Indulgences, that feveral of the Rotnanifis (by the Relation of Thomas A^ui~ tsas) have been of Opinion, (as Grc^. de t/alent, affirmcth,) That-Ecclejiafical In- ^0. Aqai dulgence of it felf could remit no Punifhment, Nee in foro Ecclefa, »e^-, in joro Dei; neither in the judgment of the Church, nor in the judgment of God ; but that it was a pious kind of Fraud, whereby the Church by promifing fuch Remilfion^^ ay, might allure men to the devout performance o^ thofe pious works which were ref y. .quired in the Form of the Indulgence; even as when a Mother to move her Child tCQfeir de run doth Promife him an Apple, yet notwithftanding afterward Ihe doth not give de In-i "Thus you fee that divers of the Romanijis thtrcSthes (as 'tis here acknowledged/ have held Indulgences to be given only to allure and intice men to a devout Perfor*^ manceofwhat is required in the Form of the Indulgence; (which is according to* what I have here before Ihewed ; and that they are not at all profitable as Inouf gehces, but arc in themfelves meet cheats. Neverthclefs this isnot all, they are not only meer cheats, and altogether un- /' profitable as Indulgences, but alfo Damnable ; and the Perfons are accurfed that' , broach and maintain them ; For although they concern Chtift and his Church, and ' appeitain (as the Papilfs tell us) to our Faithand Life, yet they are not received in the Legal and ..vangelical'Scriptufes. , That they, are not received in the Legal and Evangelical SctiptHies,is a truth fo ma^' ryfeft tlwt it is eV^n cphfefled and acknowledged by the Romanifts theiufelves j ' '" ' ' ' " ' iot' (gi) Jfttfi.Part. fotheliie'i DaraHiut] of whom I hace before fpoken, Antpniut faiifi, J3e Jnikt'^ I.Tlt.lo gentfis »il exprejfe habemusin Satra Scriptura, tift. Concerning Indulgences we C.J. have nothing exprefly in the Holy Scriptures, CS'c. And Silvefler Bietiat (aith, /m-' Prifte God for our fins. But this their Dodlrine, firft, ovetthroweth our Faith, deftroyeth our Devotipni and is manifeftly falle j for we are taught to believe the fergivettefs of our fins, and to pray for the forgivenejs of our fins, and God forgiveth us our fins, and that free- ly f whereas God could not be faid to forgive us our fins, did he either here in this life, or hereafter in the other, require fatisfaftion. Secondly, It is injurious to Chiift, for it defaceth the fufficiency of his Death. Thirdly, It is blafphemous againft God ; for foft, it maketh him like a very un« juftand hard Landlord, who having granted an Eftate in a Bargain to a younger Brother, upon a fufficient Fine tendred by the Elder, yet will not let the younger enjoy It, unlefs he Fine for it again himfelf. Secondly, It maketh him like a cruel Creditor, who having the Debt difchargej to the uttermoft, by a Friend, yet cafteth the poor Debtor himfelf inta Prifon, utv; |til he there alfo in part make fatisfaftion. Thirdly, It maketh him like a mercilefs Judge, who having punilhed an offencd With condign punilhment, yet will have the Offender punilhed again, as if he dc- lighted in the torments of the miferable. Fourthly, It maketh men difloyal and revengeful, and miniftreth matter to mali- icious perfons, to the fully fatisfying their malicious humours, feeing as God doth pardon us, la we ought to deal with others j and therefore if God doth lb forgive Us our fins in Chrift, as that we muft ftill either here afflift our felves with the ri- gorous works of Penance, or elfe hereafter be call into the extreme torments of purgatory; then we may alfo fo forgive, our Brother, as that we may yet procure his moft grievous punilhment j and fay, 'tis true, I have pardoned him, but I will not yet ceafe extremely to punilh him j for will you have me to be more patient and merciful than God himfelf, that dealech thus with us ? who after having declared that all our faults are forgiven, either cealeth not here to torment us by our Fall- ing, Whiuping, Pilgrimaging, and fuch like Penal Works or hereafter to burn us for I know not how many thoufand years in a fcorching Fire. Fifthly, It implieth an impolli'diliry, for fatisfaftion for fins ought to be accord- ing to the quali.y of the Perfon thereby offended, and God and the Divifie Juftice being altogether Infinite requite therefore an infinite fatisfaftion, which no finite 'Creati.re can poflibly make, but fuppofe there were a polfibility of our making a recompence to God, and fatisfying the Divine Juftice for them, which there is not, yet, Si.;tiily, It is altogether needlefs, lorjefus Chrijlbfone offering hath perfehhed for ever them that are janbhfied, Heb, iL 14. And what Eftate is thwc beyond that of Perieftion ? ^;1 lii '4 : ^ • - iJ P . :i fii. -n Perfeflion? And what PerfecJUoH greater than that "wh'chabldeth and coniir.uetS for ever? Now the Papifis (to avoid thofe grofs abfiirdities and horrid coiifequences, which ©thcrwife they feemuftof neceffity attend this their Doftrine^ fitlt will have that in fin are two things, Malttm Culpa, ^ Pa nam Culpa, the fault, and the pupilh- ment; the fault, they fay, is taken away, and fatisfied tor by Jefus Chrift j bnt the pimifltment is left behind, and is to be fatisfied for by us. (Thus to take away tfas fufficiency of Chrifts fatisfadion, to the end they may imply a neceflity of outs, they make up fin into a certain Hodg-podge, containing both the fault, and the puniih- nient, as if the fin were not the fault only ; whereas the punifhment is not in the leaft.any part of fin, but the reward of fin, ilofw. 6. aj.) But this Penh being al- together defedive, iseafily defeated, and will not in tlie leaft ferve their turn. F^r the caufe which only produceth an effed being taken away, by neceffity the effqft ceafetb. Now the fault is the caufe which only producethfatisfying punifhrnein j therefore the fault being taken away, neceflarily fatlsfying puniilirnenr .Is uken-a- way. This is affirmed by tertuUian ; Exempto (faith he) reatu, remittitur S? P^etv, the. fault being taken away, the punifhment is omitted : And the fame alfo is. ihani- felled by our Saviour Chrift, who no fooner had forgiven the fick of the Palfie his fins, but his Palfie left him. Mar. z. The Prophet Ijaiah alfo fpeakingof Chrift ^,the work of our Redemption, faith. He hath born our griefs, ani carried our fir- teihSjEfa. jj, 4. tvltich. are not the guilt, but the punjfhment qf our, fins. And 'S.Jugufifne faith, Sufiimenio Chri^ut Pcenam, CS" «o« jkfiipiendo culpftm, Qs" cul- fam delevttiS Panam. Chrift taking upon him the punifhment, and not the fault, hath abclifhed both the fault and punifhment. When they fee therefore that this faileth them, and that Chrift hath fatisfied not onfy for the fault, but the punifliment of fin, then they begin to infill upon the Icindj of. punilhnaent: And fecondly will have* that Chrift hath fatiffied for the E- ...tprnal)punifhment^ but not for the Temporal. As. for the Temporal'punifhment, ''they fay'it rhmaineth, and is to be fatisfied for by us (as if the Temporal punifh- nicnt were not contained itt the Eternal, or that God through Chrift fliould for- giye^. tisan Etfrnal ppnifhineht, but not a Temporal : ) But this alfo Is a meer dg- «;eit, is altogether as.defedive as the former, and will not ftand them in any Head at all: For $. Paul faith, fhere is m condemnation to them that are in Chrift ^ejusg. ,I^oin. 8.1, and if none, then neither.Eiernal nor. Temporal. God himfelf. faith of hij People, I wii forgive their inupttity, anfl vjiU- remember their ftn.no more, Jer. J 1.34. And if Ggd forgiveth our iniquity, and ih fuch fort as that he will remember our fin no more, it followeth that he'will not' be fatisfied for the! fame with temporal punifhment, God is faid alfo freely to forgive us our Trefpaffes, Col. al 13. and if freely, then withorit requiring in the leaft our fatisfadion. Moreover, he is faid to forgive us all our Debt, Matth, i8. 3^. and if all our Debt, then not only the fin, but alfo the punifhment i, and not only the Eternal punifhment, but ■alfaffie-TfmporalAnd S. P/jm/again alfo (fpeakingof Chrift faith, h pUafed the Eather 'that in him Ifiould all Eulnefs dwell, Col. 1.1p.. if allFulnefs, then Pulnefsbf fatisfadion. When they fee therefore that this Wile alfo faileth them, and that Chrift hath ful- 'ly fctisfied for our; fins, then they begin to infill upon the tim of the fins being committed ; and thirdly, they will have that Chrift hath fully fatisfied for fins con;- mitted before Baptifm, but not for fins committed after Baptifm. As for fins com-' nutted after Baptiira, they fay they are left to us, and we ought tofatjsfie, pay, and *, ' ■ ' - . . mak'e. 1 make Kcompence to God for them (as if that God would be more favouraWe to thofe that fin before Baptifmj than to thofe that fin after Baptifin ; efpecially when the one oftentimes fin through malice, and the other through infirmity.) But this Wile alfo is altogether deficient, and ferveth to help them no more than the others before-mentioned: For S. faith, Bloei of ^efus Cbrifl cUanfeth us from all fin, I Joh. 1.7. and if from all fin, then as well from fin committed after Bap- tifm, as fin committed before Baptifin : And S. Paw/faith, byjej'us ChriflGoi fardoneth all our offences. Col. and if God by Chrift forgirethallouroffen- ces, then again as well thofecommitted after, as before Baptifm. When they fee that all thofe Wiles and Subiikies fail them, and that none will procure them fo much as room for our fatisfadions, (rather than their Church fhould be put to a JJow-f/«t) feme will have that Chrills fatisfadions ferve only to make ours available; (as if Chrift died to make our fufferings of worth before God, and to the end we might fuffer a Divine Vengeance.) But this helpeth them not at all,-and is manifeftly falfe 5 for Chrift died not -to make our fufferingsof any worth before God, but to free and exempt us from fufFering. The benefit of his Paflion confifte4 no": w enablipg of us to pay, but in paying and fatisfying to God for us. He gave us not the vertue to pay our own Ranfome, but (as S. Paul hhh J He gave himjelf a Ranfome for us, i Tim. z. 6. And the Son. of GoA hathhy himfelf furgeA our ffns, Heb. 1. j. and if by himfelf, then not at all by our fatisfadions. - Others (perceiving it h'in'vain to imply a neceffity of ours, by le/Teping, of Chrifts Satisfadions) wjll have the remifllon of fins to be altogether a peculiar be- nefit of Chrifts Paflion ; butwithall, that the lame ought to be applied to us by our fatisfadions; (as if forgivenefs were to be applied by payment, and pardon'by punifhment;) But this will not help them neither; for our Penal Works are not the means whereby to apply to us the benefits of Chrifts Paflion. "The benefits of Chrifts Paflion are not apply'd to us by a. Monk's Ceul, or a Hair Shirt, or the yerki of a whip, or the Fire of Purgatory, or by going pn Pilgrimage, (Sc.. Thefe are but weak and beggerly Elements, and yokes of Bondage, from which God hath. fenthisSon to redeem us, Ga/. 4- ?5 4. Chrift hath freed ns, and the, Scriptures have warned andadmoniftied us, G«/. J. i. but the benefits of Chrifts Pallion .are applied to us by Faith in Ghriit; For the end of our Redemption was, that we might receive the Adoption of Sons, G/»/. 4-f. for being Sons, we are Heirs of God through Chrift , Gal. 4,7. And we are the Sons of GoA by faith in Chrifi ffejus. Gal. 5.26. . Others (again) bring in certain places of holy Scripture, whereby tp prove their pretended f^tisfadions y vtz. firfl'they produce the punilhiiients of .the Prophet Da- ■mA , .z Samf Chip. ir. ver.' iS. Chap: i j. ver. 18, Chap. 16. ver. aj. and how that God infiided the fiiipe "pon him'(or certain fins, z Sam. 12. i o, ,i i, 14. which before yvete forgiven him, ' z{Sam.\zi.i^. But this.mikethnothing for their pur- pofe for'the.Cju.eftio.his of; Satisfadory -Puniftiments r whereas thofe inflided up- on the Prophet were only Caftigatoty. • There is a great difference betwixt punilhmshts Satisfadory, and puniftiments Caftigafory i fertheone (asthe^'fay) are brought to pay and make recompence to Qod, and .fatisfie his Divine Juftice, but the other are brought to corred and a- niend the finner( to humble and exetcife him, left he fall any mote into ihe like fin, and to keep others from the likeKjffences. Npw that thefe of the Prophet DamA werefii'ch, is ^rtried by S.JugufHtie, vvh<;>.(fpeakMg of thofe, and other like punifli- ' ■ K ■ ' ments laentsof thfe godly) faith j Nou tnatterht utplaga ptecntisy Jtd t*t txtrdtatiotus f it. rum -, they remain not as puniftiments for lins, but as exercifesof juft men. Secondly, They alledge the counfel given by Datuel to Kehtihadnezztri to wit, Rjietmthy fins by dims, and ilsy iniquhiis by Aeuiing mercy to the poor, Dan. 4. 27. But this ferveth not their turn neither : For Dtttiel fpeaketh here of redeeming and fluisfying before men, (exhorting the King to recompence by liberality all fuch per- 'Kansas he had any way wronged or injnred) and not of redeeming, in refpetS of God 1 befides. Alms are good works, and not puniftiments, or Penances : And •vhich is more, the Papifis would have that Alms and other fatisfaflions ferve not to fatisfie for fins, but for the punifhmtnts due to fins. Moreover, this King was a Pagatt uncircumcifed, and therefore (according to the Dodrine of the Ramaetifis) not only liable to eternal puniftiments, whereas they would have fatisfadions tobe, only f®r Temporol, but his fatisfadions were of no worth. CHAP. in. wherein is ftimed, that the I>o5lrwe of Purgatory averthroweth ■ the Faith of theGofpel, is againfi the Authority of Chrift, defiroyeth the Tefiimotry of the Fathers^ conckmneth ,the PraBice of all Chriflian Churches, rcbbeth Cod of his Jufiice, maketh him a Mocker j and is contradiBcd t/be RomanMts Tenents. Blfliopyf^fT-faitb,. Rx Purgatorioptttdst omnis Iniulgeuthrum of imatio i The whole price of IntJulgences hangeth on Purgatory. Purgatory again hangctlr altogether upon the necefltty pretended to lye upon the faithful, of thck fully fa-- tisfying (through their payment to Qod) the Divine Juffice for their fins. As for the necefltty lying upon the faithful, of their fatisfying (through pay- ttenttoGod) the Divine JufKce for their fins, the feme is overthrown already, and by confequence alfo Purgatory ; ncverthdefs I have not faid (for the doing thereof) fffl much againft the Doftrinc of the one, but as much maybe faid alfo againfi that of the other ; for that the faithful go after this life into a place of fire and tor- ments, and there rem.ain till they are purged with fatjsfadory puniftiments, which is the Papifts Dodrine of Purgatory j firft overthroweth the Faith of the Gofpel. It is heavy news, not glad tidings, that they which believe in Chrift, fhall befides their manifold crofles and puniftiments in this life,, go afterward to. a place of far greater gi ief and forrow. The glad tidings of our Saviour Chrift are quite contra- ry^ who faith, Verily, verily^ IJny unto you, he that heareth my -words, and belie-veth (m hrtf that fint me, hath everlalfirtg life, and Jhall not come into condemnation, but hath: pajfed from death to life. Job. 5. 24. And yet none can deny, but this is the Faith of the Gofpel» this is the gl.id tidings to all true Chriftians and Believers in Ghrrllj and the fame is confirmed by a double Oath, that they which hear his. Word, and believe in God his Father, have everlafting life ; that is, are as fureof it, as if they had it already, and fhall not come into condemnation, either of tefliporaJ puniftiment after this life, or of eternal, but havd paffed from death to life J thath, from hence, to joy and felicity. More- Moreovet the frophet DaviA faithtinto God, If thou lord vji'.t h« txtrenie tomail(_ wfr.tt is dcni'Wnifs, who is abtt to ithidt it ? Pfal. 130. iiitiniating to us, that God will not call his to a ftrict account. Chri.l: will not be afhamcd of thofe that are his, before God and the holy Angels, Lul^.9. it5. "thtrt Jkall be m condemnatioH to them that are in Chri/f J^ejuf, Rem. 8. 1. Almighty God having compleatedin fi* days the Creation of the World, the fe- renthday refteJ from all his VVovks; even fa, Chrift having wrought our Redemp- tlon, all that do here truly believe in him, and are careful to perform good works, at their departure h"nce, lhall enter into reft. They (Itall not need to fear Purgato- ry; but as God reded from ail his labours, fo they lhall reft front all their trou- bles. This was declared to S.Jehn from Heaven ; I heard a voice (Taithhe) fiom Heaven, fayir^ nnto me, write, Hffjed are the dead zuhich die in the lord ; from hence- forth, even'jo jaith the Spirit, jor they refl j'romtheir laborars, and their worlds follow ikerrt. Rev, 14. 15. nit like is t-tftffied by the Pl>ofihe# Ipi.th; who fpeahtng of the death of the Righ- leous, faith, the rrsiheiotei is tai(en away from the evil to come •, he Jhali enter into fence, they (trail reft inthth Beds, edchone walking hihiiteprij^htnefs, Ela 47. i,i. Poor 'Latd>'tts ho fottrttr'depattitjd this life, but was carried by Angels into hrahetm's Rofjih, vthere he Whs domfotred and reffelhed, Iwi^. itf. ii. JefusChrift laid tothego-od Thief at his ddath. This deiy Sfrea /halt be with me ittParadije, Luk. aj.4}. And good old Si*ie9H made ruJ account but to alter into reft after his death, faying, lard, now letstfi thou thy fervant depart in peace, Luk. 2. 26. 29. S. Paui faith If God be with us, wl>o can be tcgainf nt I He that fpared not his Own Son, but delivered him up for ns aU, bow jh.tll he not aljo with htm freely givo ns all things} Rom. 8. 51,51. Here is the Riches of all good Chrlftiarts, God fo kived thern, that he gai-e them his Soii 5 hoW much mote wHl he not give them all things elfe } But they are (iliners, they are Unpr. fitable fetvants, they are Prodigal Children, this will turn away Gods favour from them; but againft this heavy news here is comfortj who will lay any thing to the charge of GoiJs Chofen ? It is God that juflifUth, >who fhall ctndetrm ? it is Chrijb which is dead, yen or rather vjhhh is irijitt again, who is a'fo at%e right kind of God, andmilieih requefl fcOrtu, Rom. 8. 53, ?4. Though we eftCH dilpleafe God, even dally, yet we knovv Chtiftk his beloved Son, in whom the Father {swell ple'afed, and for whde fake we are atcep- ted; And thofe whom he accounteth his, 'tis in vaiti for Satan to ftfive againft j tor they appear before God clad in the righteoufnefs of Jefus Cfarift. '■ Since this therefore is thO glad tidittgs of the Gofpel, (to wit, "thai be that heareth the Wo'd of •Chri/t,and belieiteth inbien th.ai feuthim, bath everlafiing life, andfhaU, ttot conte inia condemnation, but hath pajjid from death to life 5 and is confirmed alfo hyk'll the afotefaid Teftimoniel) let the Deaf Papifts, and- all CoiinterfcitCatho- whi, which will neither hear his Word, nor think they are bound to know and un- derftand it, take hecdilfeft bjf this their oblHrtacy and ftopping their ears, to go, ■notkito Purgatory,bht irito Hell; for S. Pawf faith (and no doubt hefaid it not in vain, but it thai! have its force in foi^e, and therefore mark it well) .the lord '^efus /halt comehimjeif from Heaven, with his mighty /tngels, in flaming fre, rrn- dtfiltg vengeance to thtnt that l^now not God, and thy not the Gojpel of our Lord Je- fits ChtiHyi Thef, t. 3.^ And how can they obey theGofpel, when they know k Trot, and tefnfi to heat it ? neitha-(hall their Ignorance, the blind Mother of their Bci-Dtion, exdufc ihtrm, for Cfcrift ihaH idnder vtngeance to them that know Hot God. K X Se- ) Secondly, The Doctrine of Purgatory is againft the Authority of Chrift*, for li'e faith, iaiher, I will that thtywhich thou given tne be with me, even rtheref ant, that they may behold my glory which thtu ha(i g'ven me-, for iheu loved/} tne before the foutidation of the M-^orld, Joh. ly. 24. This is Cbrifts Will: And what Pope, what Devil can withdand it? and he excepteth none, htll his lhall be with him; all-good Chriftians, as well great as ftnall > all his Members, as well weak as itfong, he will not fuller the lead ot them to etultrre a moment the Fire ot Purga- tory ; And when this lhall be, that they (hall be with.him, S. l^aul plaiidy ex- - ^oundeth, at the hotir of their deaths; and therefore (.no doubt) upon 'he Gofpel .grounding his Faith, he faith, I deftn to be losjed, and to be with Chiji. This was the caufe he defircd to be loofcd out of the bonds of this finful fldh, th't he might be withChrid, as our Saviour here hath proinifed -, and not to him only, but to all that his Father hath given him, to all his. And in another place, i.Paul, fpeaking of all true Chridiant, faith. We l^now that if our Earthly hdouje «f this 7a- iernaele were diffcdvei, we have a building of God, a Houfe net made with hands, eternal in the Heavens, 2 Cor. $. 1. So that al} the faithful haveJbut two houfes or dwellings, the one Earthly, the other Heavenly^ they have none at ad in Purgato- ry. And he addeth further, God hath pven us the earneH of his Spiritand there- 'fore we always are tf good courage, knowing this, that being at hotne in the body, we are ahjent from the Lord ( for we walk_ by Eahh,^ net by Sight,) yet we are of good courage, and we dejlre rather to go out of the body, and to be at home with the Lord, iCor. 5. <,,6,y, S. Behold here are but two Edatesof the faithful, of thofe that are Jefus Chtids, that have received the earned of his Spirit, either to be at home here in the body, and to be Strainers with the Lord, to walk by faith, not by fight t or elfe to go out of the body, and to fee his glorious Majedy, there fhall be no mid- •die place to day them in the way. And here this their amirance, this their good courage, and (dcLpftct, is twice repeated ; they fear not the performance of his pro- roife, they fear no Purgatory, notoimentintheway 2 let their Adverfary, the De- vil, 00 what he can againd them in this life, hereafter they are fure he cannot hurt them; Behold, faith S. JoiiJ (fpeaking of this, life) the Devil jhai oafi fomeofjgn into prijon, that ye may be tryed, and ye fhall have tribulation ten days^-. Be thoft fait^ul unto death, and I will givexhee a Crown of Life, Rev., 2.10. Thirdly, The Doftrine of Purgatory deftroyeth the Tedlmony of the Fathers j for the Fathers (both Greek, andlnj/w) telHfie the quite and clean contrary : Gre- gory ^latianzen faith ; n« liriixou avipav hoyal'o ac nwoa (gtAiiTS sy ^opihiH iorOt- Jhiy.n si/V oapteCT©- dnay^^ecyn,'eydvo (jciyiy ovvtii^o Stiujiot ^yoy]©- tovjku yiyo{/.iyii, ,^V(M■ jttMsTor, \\icdi orgff rcy icu/vif tNcrowTUu' I believe the words and fay- ings of the wife, that is, that every good foul fearing God, being delivered from the body (which here it hath on Earth) and feparated from it, is prefently admitted to the enjoyment and contemplation of the good which is referved for ir, and pof- feffeth admirable pleafures. Jufiin Martyr in the yj.Qucdion of the Book of C^e- ■ftions and Anfwers to the Orthodox, at the end of his works faith, rny Ik 'i^oJhv eJ-S-uj yiviTcu g.iuv 71 aSimy ditt^>Jn,d.ydvTary' -Csirl ^ dryfiKwy fif 7-Kf Ts-srif tiufffS ^ Jincuay elf -ny >^'^J^esjvy, 0,1 rcau dJisoSy'^yeu elf TKf iv eLhi To/Tisi. After the foul is departed cut (cf the body, prefently a reparation is made of the good from the bad, for they are car- xied by Angels to the places fit for them; the fouls of the good into Paradife, where jhe Angels refon, and are cqnverfant, ^ fouk of the wicked into heU. Chry- foiiotno / /a^ow< in his fourth Homily upon the Epiftle to the Hebrews, fpeaking of Hymns VIA- ZU What lignthe thele burning Tapers, but thatwe bury the Champions of Chrift ? and thefe Hymns, bi't that wcglorifie Gcd, and give hint thank,, becaufe he hath ■crowned the Dead, and delivered him from all pain and grief, Atid iiihis fecond Htmily upon lazarus, he laith ; €»> ctji evTSU^Da « eAvj/a; 's- o^c{V75AS^ |wV c^.h KU£.oi Kosncv [AiTuvo'iOf KK, k d\ 7K7K ryk-n^ »j- fAiv cu7n>vi-]a.,^.i. While we are here on Earth, we have fair hopes, but as foon as we have left this world, it is no mere in our-power to do Penance, or to undoor amend that which w:-have committed and done upon Earth. And the fame is af- firmed by Ephhatiius, in hisfecond Book of Herefics, in the 39. Herefie, which is^ the Herefie of the Novatintis ; and moreover he there addeth, that wben-the Soup bath left the body, 7^ Tttpueict,!^ ^7twAi}f<»re upon the ninth of the Proph t jJwnn faith j ^andt auimavintte- lit laxiita corporis, volatidi qud veUt f tu qu) ire eompeHhtir propter leauiuiem fub~ flatt i^ b.thuerit libittatem, aut ad inferita Duutur, aut eerie ad CaleSlia fuhleva- bitur : When the foul loofed from the Donds of the body fhall be at liberty, becauie of the lightnefs of its fubftaiKe, to fly whither it will, or whither it is coitfirained to go, it fliall Cither lie carried to Hell, cr without fail be lifted up to Heaven. And G>egoty ^Hyffen in the Boot of thcfe that fkep, faith •, Pfv mertein jeluto Btlle qmd in rtebis efi, pactm mens agitxt: The Wiw that is in us being ended by death, our-fouls rell. Yea, tlic Fathers were fo far from believing that faithful fouls are tormented in fire until the Refuriecik)n,Cas the Papills would-ntake men believe,) that very ma' nyof them held, that tJie foul feparated from the body could notfufFer any tor- ment. chtyji/leme in his J?. Homily upon the firfi Epiftle to the Caititbiaaa faith j rSi cTttfzdf ymeii iz A'zo ta ane^^TV. tmirx, nre tie. Refurredion, in regard the body hath been paruker with herbut he will have the body and foul, as they have finned both together, robe puniihed both together ; fayisg, If fitn jhaU be futtijhed before the RejurreBicu, Goa fltad not deal jtefbip tvuh.thi jetti, f»r fre alone vjottid he put to fnffcrtht punijhmeat of thofe thingi. vtlncb flte offended iet tin f'/f, At the per- turbation of the My, dravting hern thife appeiHesattd litottein. Airu according to S. ("in his tenth Chapter of the Moolt ot the benefit of death) all the pii. nilhaient that fouls fuffer, being feparated from their bodies, is, that they remain in great fear and difquietncfs,. atteadiog ihc puahlstiient that is prepared for theih m the lac ter day. .Fourdtly, (7i) Fourthly, The Doftrlneof Purgatory condcmneth the praSicc of all Chriftian Churches : For it cannot be but an exceeding great breach of duty in them all rtmt efpecially in thofe that believe the fouls of the dead may be benefitted by the prayers of the living_^ if they do rtot pray for the fouls therein ; for this is not to d6 by others, as they would have others to do by them ; and therefore is againft both the Lav/attd Prophet-s, arddiredlly oppcfiteto the Ctmmat-.d of Chrift. And that this is the contiiiual praftice of aliChriftian Churches, ismanifeft ; for the and all other Churches, notwithftanding they daily pray for ihedwd, yet they never pray for the fouls inPurgatoiy, for indeed they believe there is no Purgatory; but the prayers they offer up for the dead, ate, that they may be faved.at the Refurreftion. Likewife the Church of Rarre, although'it pray daily for the fouls departed, yet it never prayeth for the fouls in Purgatory, nor once oraveth their deliverance thence. A.xl although this mayfeem ffrange, in regard of the many Maffes fhe daily ^by her Piielis_} undertakcth to fay f r the fouls therein, yet if we confider the reafon , 'tis no wonder at all: for when the prayers ufed in licr faid Maffes were firft hatch- cd, fhe did not believe of her now Purgatory, but the belief thereof ("through the ^cat profit fhe perceived might thereby accrue to her Pope and Clergy^ hath been infufed into her fancy fince- Ard to the end the fame may appear truth, to wit that fhe^rayeth not at all for the fouls in Purgatory, I fhall here give ypu-an ac- count of^ the prayers fhe at any time ufethfor the fouls departed. Thefirffof which is a very foolifh prayer, in the Canon of her common Mafs, the which is this ; Aftmettie etiam, JDetnintj I'amuhrum C? fumuhrttm luarum (here is made a particular mention of certain particular dead Folks, whom it plcafeth the Prieft to name, and after is added) nor prac$JJeruut cum figno Cf d»rmit*nt fcmtio pacts. See. Renaember, O Lord, thy Servants and Handmaids that have gone before us with thefign of Faith, and fleep in the flecp of Peace. Tothefe, O Lord, and to all thofe that refl in Chrifl, wc pray thee that thou wilt grant place of comfort, of light and peace, through the fame Chrift our Lord, Amen, I call, this prayer fooKlh, becaufe it fpeaketh againft it felf: Forfirft it confe/feth, that the dead do fleep in the flecp of Peace, and that they reft in Chrift ; and yet not- withllanding afterward it defircth that God would give them place of comfort, of light and peace; Fotif they flecp in the fleep of Peace, and reft in Chrift, have they not the place of peace? What need is there to ask that thofe that fleep in peace, flaould have the place of peace ? Is it not all one to fleep in peace, and to have the place of peace ? to reft in Chrift, .and to have the place of comfort ? If fouls be tormented in Purgatory, yet they arc not dead in their torment there ; how therefore can they be fsid to reft; Peradventure the Defenders of the Canon of the Mafs will anfwer, that this prayer fpeakcth of the body, when it faith, that the dead fleep, and not of the foul. Well, fuppcfe it do ; for the foul indeed fleepeth not, but only the body : but it faith alfo, that they have quietnefsand.reft 5 which Ipeech . cannot well be underftood of the body, but of that part that may be troubled j for what reft can it be, to reft in that part tliat can feel no manner of thing without the foul j and to be troubled in thatpait which, indeed,'eeleth and liveth ? When they fay in their fervice for the dead, Reqttiejcar.t in pact, let them reft in peace, , doubtlefs they mean to fpeakof the foul, and not of the body ; forafmuch as there- is no need to pray that the bcdy of the dead fhouldreft, becaufe that of necelfity it doth reft j but the foul may (as, they think) have udhbje and pain in Purgatory j and. 72) and therefore they pray that they may have reft, as concerning the foul. S. John hi the ^pocalypje, when he faith, Blcffed are the dead which die itt the Lord : Why doth the Spirit lay, that from henceforth they xeji from their labours? Will we fay, that he fpeaketh there of the reft of the body, and not of the foul? If he fpcakof the bo- dy J what Prerogative have the bodies of the Juft until the day of Judgtnent, more than the bodies of the Wicked, fince the one and other would reft equally, and there would be no difference in this point ? And yet S.yoliM maketh a difference be- tween them, for he calleth them the Dead in the Lord ; that is to fay, the 3t*ft blef. fed. And why blefled ? becaufe that from henceforth they ftiall reft from their la- bour, and be in quiet ; giving to underftand, that the other do not reft from their labour, but have more than ever they had, becaufe they be damned to everlafting pain. So that when the reft of the.Juft is fpokenof, there is meant the reft of the foul, and not of the body. Being then thus, that this prayer, in ,thp one part af- firmeth that the J uft fleep in peace, aiid reft in Cbrift, and in the other part defireth that God would give them a place of peace and comfort, it plainly appeareth, that this prayer fpeaketh againft it felf, and is abfurd and foolifh. But to return to the matter in hand in thcfaid prayer, you fee, is no mention at all of the fouls that broil in Purgatory, but of the fouls that deep in peace, and reft in Chrift. . . Thefecond prayer by which ftte prayeth for the foulsdeparted, is a prayer in her Mais for the dead J and the fame. defireth, that the foul of the Man or Woman dc- parted ^to wit, for whom it prayeth) may not be given into the hands of the Enemy^ fjut be received by the hply Angels, and carried into the Coiintry of Paradife t to the end. that having believed and hoped it may not fuffer everlafting pain, but ppf- fefs everlafting joys. But here flie neither fpeaketh of the pains of Purgatory, nor prayeth for the fouls in Purgatory , for fuch a requeft doth not agree with the pains of Purgatory j for the pains of Purgatory (they fay) are .temporal, but the pains mentioned in this prayer are eternal ? Neither doth it agree with the ibuls .in Purgatory, for the fouls in Purgatory flie will have to be fuch as depaited this World in theftateof Grace^ which (as fhe granteth her felf) are neither in peril, nor pofTibility of fuflPerihg e- ternal pain ; whereas the fouls prayed for here (as the prayer it felf giveth us to undetiiand) are fuch asarefubjeft and li.able to eternal damnation, for it prayeth they may not be given into the hands of the Enemy, nor fuffer everlafting pain, The third prayer with which ftie prayeth for the fouls departed, is alfo in her Mafs for the Dead, and is commonly called the Offertory^ the which is as followeth : Do- mine fefu Chrifle,'Rex glorix^ libera animas omnium fiJelium defutiblorutn, dema- yal of our Taith being muth mote p'O' dous than of gold that perijhith^ though it be tryed by f re, might be found ntilo praij!^ and honour, and glory, at the appearing of Jejus Ch, ifl. Andngaiiij i P£ t,4. ii ij. Afy beloved, account not your fery fyal as though it were fame Strange thing happened to you, but as you are p ntal^ers of Chrifis fufferingt rejoyce, that in the Kev'laitan of his Glory you may triumphing be glad And Chrift fpeaking of the fame, comnare h thei'-heat to the fcorching hear i f the Sun. This place of S. fdw/is thus alio un- derftood by S. dugufiins in his Manual to Laureniiut, Chap. 68. Fourthly, They alledge, R.ev at. 47. where the Spirit of God fpeaking of the Heavenly yerM|d/eOT, fiith, "there Jhall enter into it no unclean thing. From whence they infer, there mufi: needs be a Purgatory. But this maketh nothing at all for them ; for he fpcaketh here (as the words following declare) of the prophane and wicked, fuch as are not written in the Book of Life, bat ihall be calf into Hell: Befides, as for others, they may not be fnid unclean, for they are purged and cleanfed in the Blood of Chrift, ^ev. t. 5. 1 J oh. i. 7. Fifthly, They alledge i M.tc it. where ^udas caufcd Sacrifices to be offered for the dead: but this maketh rather gainft Purgatory, than for it; for the Author of the Book teftifieth, that what therein did, had refped to the Refurreftion, and was that tfiey might rife again to Salvation, and not that they might be taken out h'om the fire of Purgatory. Moreover, this Book is for it is not found in the Original of the Old Teftament, which is the Hebrew Bible; wherefore neither Jefus Chriil, nor any of his Aprollles, did ev: r quote the Books of the M.tcchabees, or any other of the dp cryphn : The Author himfeh fiys, that his intention in this Book is to make an abridgment of the Hiftory of Jajon the Cyre- nran: And fliall the abridgment of a Ffiftory be accounted Canonical, when the Hiftory it felf was not Canonical ? How therefore can it b: fufficient whereupon to ground any poinf of Doftrine appertaining to our Faith ? Alfo the Au har, to- wards the end of his Book, doiibteih whether he hath faid well or no, and fays, by way of excufe, that he hath done it as well as he coulJ. This cannot be the Lan- guageof the Spirit of God, forit neither- doubtcth of its well doing, norexcufeth its felf to men) and therefore the Doftrine of Purgatory may not be grounded up- on this place. Befides, the Greeks do as much as what is mentioned here, and yet they utterly deny Purgatory. And S. duguSline in his Book of the care for the Dead, approveth prayer for the Dead, and yet in all that Book fpeaketh not one word of Purgatory. Laftly, Rather than they will have Purgatory utterly overthrown, they bring in S. Augutline, lib. ii. cap. i6. de Chitate Dei, doubting whether or no, after this a LaBan. Bfe, there be any fuch thing as a purging fire ) and thereby they imply, that there i'2. f, u. may be fuch 3 place as Purgatoiy. But this maketh nothing for them neither; (or ioAmbroj. the fire that S. dugu/iine there doubteth of, is the fire that was held by moil of the Serm.to. Fathers fhould be immediately after the Rcfurreftion, when Chrift comech to judge Jup. Pjal. the World, (a) in which they believed that every mans works fliould be tryed, which t j8. they call a Baptiim of Fire, from which they exempt no man, no not fo much as the c Hilar. (i) Apoftles, or the Virgin (c) Mary •, but the Purgat ry which the Papiji dream of, (up Pfal, they fay is now in being, and endeth at the day of Judgment; and moreover, is not 119. in for all, but for certain perfons which they fay have not here fully fatisfied Gc ds Ju- Par. j. nice for their fins ; which Purgatory S. putteth us out of doubt of,(though d Jug. he doubts of the other) faying •, (d) Purgxtorias autempstnas nc out from thence at ehrifh hiterceffions, and yet come out at the Popes Pardons? Belides, what doth the Pope in this his taking out of fouls fiom Purgatory, but exalt himfelf above God ? for if it be Gods W ill to punuh his Children jji a hrf, why will not the Pope fuder him to puiiilli them as it pleafeth him ? Moreover, 'tis plain, that if the Pope will needlefly take fouls from Purgatory, - he doth it without Authority, for the Power of the K.'ys_(l3y which he pretends to do the fame) extendeth notto thcDijadj fijr it Chrifl tliercby gave hint power to unbind ai.d unloofe upon Earth,' yet he gave him not the pQwer of looling under tfte Earth. If alfbtfaccordingtotlicRomaniftsownDoiiriac; latisfadlionshejijeriroripus, .mdaman muftlirft roe' rit here on Eirth woiat he afterwards hath in Heaven, and cannot iperit here fb much, but he may have a reward there t9 et^ualiee it; what an unjuft thing is it for the Pope, when a Monk op Fryer having watched, fafte'd, wlnppod, trotted to Rotne, yea it may be to Jefufalem,'-')! Pilgrimage, ar,d this to obtain a more than a common reward iuHesVen, isnofcfoiiergbttpHeaverf, but he is diveftedof all his fiiper-- abundant Merits, and is forced to take up there with w.'iat piaoe the Pope (though on Earth; k pleafed. to leave ar.d appoint him, to admit a fh anger (infbme refpedts it may be to God hiipfolf; to enjoy the fruits of his travel. Moreover, what an unjuft tiling (if he have fiich power) is it in him, totye the, remiffion of fins to certain places ? 8° that although a man fhou'ddateH ti'mcs the Devotion tifewhere, yet he fhould not have the fame Pardon. I would fain. know of the Romanifts, who hath put the Saints' fbperabnnda'nt (ufFtrings into their Churches Treafiiry? who gave-the fame into the Popei Cultody J wHjn and wliere this diftribution did firft begin ?- ho.w we ihall fx' afliired chat God will take the- fame for cument payment ? wherefore the Cnief P-refates, mentioned in the Old Tdfamcnt, had not fuch Tr,-?iuii'.;S wherein to referve thefufteringS;of Noah, Abraham, and Mofts ? Vherefore Ciirifl ani^ ■ his a^pofilis did forget to (peak of this Treauire? and why they fuffered'liich furplufage to be loff by itlHuteaiidfj''? or what ihall bvdbme of the, many thoufaiid years Indiilgtnc.s which a man mayqbb 'tain mope than he hath need of ? Certainly thdo tiidulgeiifes are molt Iwrriole Pollutions, yvhexeby thig CharcK 0? Rome is moft naftily corrupted. FINIS. ■ -