(O A NARRATIVE OF THE Proceedings and Tryal (jf Mr. Francis Johnfon a Francifcan, at Worcejler, laft Summer-Affizes, Anno Dom. 1^7^. Written with hk mn Hand as followeth. To which is annexed His S P E E C H at his Execution, Angnfl 22. I 6" 7 IBetn^ at London on All-Saints-day, when the Prsclamation came forth to command all Catholiques to depart from thence bj the Friday following^ I obeyed, and came to a Friends hossfe in Worcellerfhire, not intending to fiay there j bat the Kin£s fecond Proclamation being prefently publijhedy That no Catholique fhould watk,above Five miles withoat being Jiopt,and carried before a fufiice to have the Oaths tendted, I asked Comfel of the wifefi / could, both of Ptoteflants ( whereof one was a Lawyer ) and another a Conflable, as alfo of Catholiques, Whether that Proclamation did fo fitongly oblige,that it per- mitied me no longer to go further't They all concluded it was not fecure to go, fi J refolvedto obey, and fay where I was,and with good reafon. Firfi, Becaufe all Catholiques are obliged to obey the Kin£s Commands in all things that are not againfi our Religion and Conference, and His Commands in this nature are againft neither. Secondly, Should 1 have difobeyed, and have been taken, in Penalty IJhould have fuffered,which would not have been fo direSily for my Confcience and Religion fake, as for difabeying the King's Command-, betsaufe in cafe J Jhould be taken fy flaying there in obedience to the Proclamation, and be carried before the fufiibes to have the Oaths offered, whatever I -aias to fuffer for refufmg them, 1Jhould have this double comfort before God, and the King; before the King, becaufe I rather chofe to flay there, than remove agaitff His Command j before God, becaufe I ra- ther chofe to go to Prifon, than to remove from his Law, by taking the Oaths againfi my Confcience—-therefore I was taken and put in Prifon* The manner of my being taken was as followeth. Tlje Sheriffs Deputy came to the Houfe where I was with fx or eight men, to airreSi. a Gentleman in the Houfe for Debt: Tne Officers coming into the Houfe in the mornings and not finding the per [on they came for, broke Uown all the doors and among the rePl mine, before I was out of Bed, and by a mifiako Arrefied me A iffiea^ ("O inflead of the other Gentlemaw, and although the Deputj, coming into my Cham' ' looking on me, told them they were deceived, for I was not the man they came for 5 yet other Soldiers coming into my Chamber, one of them faid he knew me : It feems he had been a Servant inthe Houfe [even Tears before, therefore he faid he •would have me to the 'fufiices, and hid his Companions Jecure me , and fo they did, and would not let me go out of their pght, until they carried me before the y jd fufticei u4nd this they did. Without either Confiable , or PVarrant ^ Law or ' ^uftice, when I came before the fuflice of Peace,! told him the occafion that had brought "" ' ■ me to him', and if I would have taken the Oaths, I had beenprefently freed : , Put I told them that perfuadedrne to take the Oaths, That it was againji the -yv jpaith and Religion I profeffed, and againfi my Confcience, and / would never of- fend againfi either, by fo complying^ whatever I fuffered for the contrary. The fuFUce's Wife was compajfionate towards me,and defining to fpeak^ private- ly with me,Jhe ufed her befi perfuafions to me to comply with what was defired of me concerning the taking the Oaths, for fear of further trouble or danger, I an- fwered her with thanks, and told her. That'I was forry Jhe had no better opinion of me, than to think, d had profefi fuch a Faith and Religion all my life-time, and mw upon the trial could be moved with any fear or danger {which God forbid.^ J told her it was fuch a Faith, that in 'it I depofed my Soul,my Confidence,Hea'Ven and Eternal Life, and therefore I neve rdid, nor ( by God's grace ) never would fear to fujfer for it what pleafed God ; For who could fear even Death it/elf of the Eody whefe life is momentary, for ProfeJJion of that Faith wherein he^depofeth the Eternal life of his Soul? This ^nfn er fatisfPd both her and my felf, for I was refolved to makp a pub- lick_ProfeJfion of my Faith and Religion; upon which I returned to thefufiice, who thought fit / Jhould go to another fufiice, who was Sir John Packing-ton, whither alfo he went with me. When I came to John^ he asked me who I was ? I anfwered him, I was a Gentleman jufficiemly known for thefe 2,0 Tears in WofcCfterfliire to all forts of people. He asked me of what Calling I was ? I anfwered him, of none. He askpd me what Efiate I had? I anfwered, I was no Landedreffed, they wandered about in Sheeps- 'jrleathing and Goats-cloathing, Fleb. 11. Therefore I fay then mufi be an unity of Faith. I defire allCatholiques to confider this,That it is better to be reviled by man now in this World, than be reviled by God in the World to come. Mat. 16. it is The Catholique Church is built upon a Rock. And Mat. i8. He who will not believe the Church, let him b^as a Heathen and Publican. This Faith mufi be efiablifht fo tn every one, becaufe Chrifi faid. He WOuld fend the Holy Ghoft, and he will ihew us ( or them ) what to do. This is the Rule of Faith; This Faith was publijht at Rome. /And St. Paul writing to the Chrifiians there, refoyceth that their Faith was renowt^ in the whole World. Go ye () ye therefore. Baptizing all Nations in the Name of the Father, this is the Faith I confefs and he Li eve in, and vthich I dye for. I ceme «cu' to fpeak^^of the fecond Virtue, which ts Hope, J hope I Jloall have fuch Reward, that neither eye hath feen, nor ear heard, nor can it enter into the heart ot man to conceive. Toofe that have Hope, Jhall be as Aiopsnt Sion, that Jhall not be removed ; Thofe that have firm.Hope, there''s nothing can dijlarV them-, as Davidpit^, God is round about thofe that do hope in him, as the Mountains are round about Hiernfalem. I come to the third Virtpie, and that is Charity. iFs true, now this Body of mine in this pipwrack, is fall of fin, bat when thatpipwracfi is over,!pall come to inherit th^t Racfi that pall never jail. Now welcome pipwrac^ that makes the Body faffer, bat brings the Soul to that Haven which is jojfal. Now many there be that tapmach of Charity, few underjl and it, and fewer that prabtife it. This is thegreatefi Virtue, i Cor. i J. Though ye ipeak with tongues of Men and Angels, and have not Charity, it availeth nothing. Bo then we ought to have Love and Charity, or elfe it prevaileth nothing. ^Tis expebled Ipould fay fomethingof the Blot, As to this, ! pail declare two Faints of my Faith. Firjl, I believe that all are bound to obey the Kin£s Laws. Secondly, I do declare, Ttoat thoje that do breakjhe Law in word, or any aSt'ion, or that do act any thing againfl His Majefities Life, that i's -a Sin unto damna- tion, as much as h was a Sin in Judas to betray Chrifi, An Oath is a taking God to witnefs, and is as much as if he took, his Life and ^ufiice to [lake. So that he who takes a falfe Oath, is guilty of deflroying the Life of God and his fujiice, and of his own Da'nnation. And ij 1 were but guilty of this, 1 do declare, Hh.tt allthe Sin of Damnation would fall upon me, btcauje / denied the Truth, and fo Jlruck^at God by my Sin, in denying the Truth-, that's one Damnation. A fecond Damnation is. That if any man know of an Evil againfi His Ma- j'ejly. His Kingdom and Nation, and to hide and not difcover it, he pall anfwer for thofe mifchiefs that come thereby 5 fo that a man would have made and com- mitted as many Sins, as there be men in England that had fuffered. A third Damnation, is to dye in this Lye and with this Ferjury in his mouthy whereby he lofes Heaven, and all its enjoyments, and dies in greater Sins than the Devils themfelves. Fourthly, Ipould have been guilty of my own Death -, For that Judge Atkins offered me my Life if I would confefs what I knew of the Flat, which had J known, and not dijcovtred, would have made me the caufe of my own Death, which would have been a fourth Damnation. I would have faid more, but that I cave my Speech to a Friend to be Printed. Mr.Sberiff. I pray 5ir fpcak on vThat you have to fay, and'none fliall inter- rupt you. Mr. Johnfbf7» Now I have no more to do but to make my Addrefs to Almighty God, With all the powers of my Soul, that I may have his mercy and pardon of my 'Stnsj And therefore I begthat all Catkoliques who join m union of this pme Faith, would make an addrefs unto God for me, that we may receive pardon for our Sins.-1 have nothing now bht wipes left.-I wip I may imitate David in his Repentance, and that my eyes may run down with tears, becaufe I have not kept God's Law. I wip with the Prophet Jeremiah, l hat Rivers of waters may fall from my eyes, by reafon of fin. Lam. 3. 4^. But Tears will not be proper for me at this time-,I nave kypt my felf from them, iefi by pedding Tears, fame might fay I was unwilling to dye, or feared Death : But tnjiead of Tears, I offer all the Blood in my veins,and I wip every drop were an Ocean, and I would offer it up to God, I wip I miglot become a man tike Da- vid. I wip I had Mary Magdalens penitential Tears j 1 wip I had her arms to embrace the feet of mercy. I wip I had all the graces of Saints and Angels, I would offer them ail to God for the remiffien of my fin. This is my defire, and this I wip for as much as^ in me, J offer ('■i) I offer firj}- my Ljje, and I bsfeech and defire of God to turn- Lis ¥ ace from my Sins, btit not from me. I ojfer up my Lije in fatisfatlion for my Sins, and jor the Catholick^Catsfe. ^nd I beg for thofe that be mine Enermes in this my Death, and I defire to have them forgiven, becanfe I go to that world of happim-js yooric-r than IJhoald have gone. And I humbly beg Pardon from God and the itorld : And this I beg for the merits and mercy oj feftts Chrift. I befeech God to blefs His Adajefiy, to give Him a long Life,a nd a happy Reign in this world, and in the world to come. I befeech God to blejs all my Benefactors,and all my Friends,and thofe that have • been any way under my charge. I befeech God to blefs ail Catholicky, and this Nation, and His Afajefiies Privy Council, and grant that they may ACl no otherwtfe than what may be far the glory of God, who will bring to light and to judgment all both good ana evil, Luke 12. So I befeech God that he will give thtm grace to jerve him. I befeech God to blefs the Parliament that is now in EleCtion, that theymay de~ termine nothing, but what they themfelves do hope to be judged by at the lajl; day. I befeech God to blefs all that fuffer under this Ferfecution, and to turn this our Captivity into ^oy ; that they who now fowe in tears, may reap in joy. J bffeech God to accept the death of my Body, and to receive my Soul. I have no more to fay. Mr. Sheriff. I give you no interruption ; but only whereas you faid, that you dyed for the Faith, that is notfo, you do not dye for that, but becaufe you, being His Majefties Subjeft, received Orders from the Church of Rome Beyond the Seas, and came again into England, contrary to the Law. Mr. Johnfbn. That was pardoned by the Kings ACt of Grace. Mr. Sheriff. That A€t pardoned onely Crimes committed before the ma- king of it, but not thofe done fince, as your continuance in England was. Mr. Johnfbn. / am forty if / have given offence tn any thing I have faid j my reafen for it was, becaufe when I was fent for to the fudges upon Sunday night, fudge Atkins told me, I dyed not for being concerned in the Plot, but far being a Priefi. Mr Sheriff. No, but for your continuance in England againft the Law (be- ing a Prieft.) Mr. Johnfbn. God receive my Soul. Mr.Sheriff. Sir,You may take your own time,and you fliall have no inter- ruptioJi; Sir, will you be pleafed to have your own time ? faylor. Sir, pray give the Sign when you pleafe to be turned off. Mr. Johnfbn, / will give you no Sign, do it when you will. And fo he was Executed, Mr. fohnfon was of an Honourable Family ( in Norfolk,) born to an Eflate of yoo /. per Annum, ( All which he left for the fake of Religion ) his third Brother now enjoys the Eftate. F I N I CO ) Which he deliver d to his Friend to be Printed (as he mentioa 'd ac the place of Execution.) advertisement. Mf- JohnfonsV Tryal.and what he (poke at his Executlon^heing fnijfjt^there came to the Printers hands his Speech at large Qof which his joregoin^ words are only the heads) as the Reader willfee, and as Mr. Johnfon alfo mentions, vi7» (1 wonld have [aid more, but that 1 gave my Speech to a Friend to be Fruited^ therefore his Friend has mw faithftdly fublijhtit accordingly, being written by Mr. Johnfon himfelf, as followeth. O D Almighty (honoured Friends) having been pleafed of his infinite mer- cy through th-e merits of our Saviour Jefus Chrift, to beftow on all Chri- ftians the Theological vertues of Faith, Hope and Charity, by vertue of Faith all are to believe whatever God hath revealed to us in this world, & by hope all are to expeft what he hath promifed wei fhall receive in the world to come. And becaufe, where God beftows fuch a Faith and Hope, it is in order to bring all to a true charity and love of him ; for who can have Faith to believe an Infinite Good- nefs, in which he hopes, but he muft love that Infinite Goodneis in whom he hopes, which beftows on him fuch gifts ? therefore all ought to honour God, and fliew their love to him by a due profeffion, and a due praifice of this Faith, this Hope, and this Charity, otherwile they cannot be faved, becaufe, as Sr. faith, fVat) the heart it is ^°* believed to rightecufnefs, but with the mouth confejfwn is made to Jalvation, Rom. lo. lo. For thofc that will not (hew their Falth,which is a light not to be hid under a bulhel, but to be fei in a Candleftick, to give light to all, fijch can never have neither true Hope for themfelves, nor true Charity towards God, or their Neighbour, nor God to them, becaufe our Saviour faith, 12. He that Confejfeth me before men, him will the Son of man confefs before the Angels of Gcd; but he that denieth me before men (as thofe do that aft of fwear againft their Confcicnce) him will the Son of Man deng before the Hngels of God. And as all are bound to confefs him,and his Faith; fo likewife all are obliged to own and protefs that this Faith can be but one only Faith, as we are taught, Ephefi^. where ^fhtf. 4. St. declares, "There is one Lord, one Faith, one Baptifm, one God, even as you are^T called, faith he, in one hope of your calling. This being moft true, let every rational Chri- ftiao, in his moft retired thoughts, confider how this Unity of Faith, and this Hope of our Calling can ftand with fuch multiplicity ofSedlsand Opinions, all fo divers one a- gainft the other, with which the Nation now fo abounds: For according to the Text, a man may as well fay, there are diverfities of Gods, or diverfities of Cbrifts, as that there are diverfities ofFaiths, becaufe Faith is nothing but the truth of oneGod,which Truth or Faith he hath revealed, which none can »lter. We aieall therefore bound to believe alike, in one Faith/and in one holy Cafholick Church, as cur Creed teachethus; we are all obliged to believe in one Cathhlick • Faith, as the Creed of St. .^thanajius in the ProtcftantCommpn-Praycr-BooJt declares, faying, Whofoever will be faved, it is neceffarj before all things, that fe-b~etteve in the Ca~ tholick^ Faith, which Faith, unlefs every one keep whole andundefiled, he Jhitll without doubt perijheverla[lingly: All and every one are to keep this Faithwho!e,be€aufe as it is writ, St. jam.i.v. I o. Whofoever keeps the whole Law, and yet offends in one point, is guilty of all. fant 2 All are to keep the whole Faith, becaufe our Saviour faith, Matth. i6. ly. Go ye in- tp the world, and preachthe Gofpel to every creature x All are to believe alike the whole Faiih of the Gofpel, elfe they fhall perifh everlaftingly; becaufe our Saviour faith in the ^me place, v, i6. He that believes jhall be faved^ but he that believeth not /hall be (O damned. We all muft keep the Unity of Faith whole and undefiled, becaufe our Sa- r ij'iaf.5.16. faith, St. Matih. 5. 16. Heaven Mid Earth Jhall pafs^hm me jot^ or one tittU ; j' of the Law fkall tn no wife pafs, till all be fulfilled ; as Well the Law of Faith, as the Law ;■ of Works. if' In confirmation of this, I appeal to the Faith, and Works, and Sufferings of all the jf; Saints from the beginning, who to keep theirFaith whole and entire, have made fuch profefTion and pradice of it, and confir'm'd it by fuch works as are recorded in St.Paul, fifieb. I r. Hcb. ir. where lirft he regifters the Faith and Deeds of the Believers in particular, and : then in general, of what they did and fuffered by vcrtue of their Faith, as there you , read ; By faith they flcpt the mouths of Liens,extinguifhed the force of the fire, repelled the f edge of the fword-, they were racked, they were tryedhy mockjngs and firipes-, they were, in j| chains and prifions,they were fioned, they were hewed, they were tempted, they died in the flaughter of the fword, they were fo perfecmed and impoverifhed, that they were fain I f:: to go about in Sheep-skins, and Goat-skrns, needy, in difhrefs, affHEled, wandring in defarts, t jj in mountains, in dens, and caves of the Earth. fi j Dear Gatholicksnowin your prefent perfeciition, think of this, and be willing to Iji follow thefe examples, that you, as in the fame place it followeth, being appointed,as ;j they were, by the teltimony of your Faith, may receive, ere long, thofe better things tf which God, as Vis there writ, provides for you : Happy thole that have this Faith, but /| thrice more happy thole that luffcr thefe perfecutions for Faiths fake, becaufe by this jl Grf/. 3. 11. Faith, as St. EaulSzwh, Gal. 3. 11. the juft man lives, and thole that have not this l\Heb.ii.6. faith, are dead to God, becaufe,as 'tis written,Heb. 11. 6. Without faith'tis impoffible fj, to pleafe God-, and yet though we have this Faith, except we joyn,when God requires, [ji our works of fufferings to this Faith, both we and our Faith are dead to God, becaufe, i Sx..^amts Piith,chap.y.ver.iy. Faith is to be (hewed by W'orks, becaufe Faith I Jam.i.zy .without works is dead. And he further ftiews us in his firlt chap, v. 25, 'tis the works make a man happy, although there can be no g'ood work without a firm Faith in no- thing dotibting, as he faith, wr. 6. Chriftian Faith is a.firm, eftablilhed, and an infallible Faith, becaufe it is grounded upon a Rock, againft which the gates ofHell (hall not prevail, Matth. 16. v. 18. This Faith is firmly eftablilhed by fuch Authority of God and his Church, that he that will not own the Authority, is as a Heathen and a Publican ; God hath declared him fo i and what the Church binds on Earth, God binds in Heaven. This Church and Faith Mat. 18. is firmly eftabliflit, becaufe our Saviour hath promifed. That the Holy Ghoft, the Spirit of Truth fhould teach the Believers all Truth, remain with them for ever, (hew Jdm 14. them things to come to be believed, and (hould caufe the Believers to remember all things which Chrift had already taught, which you read in fohn 14. and 16. chap. This Faith is firmly eftablilhed, becaufe it was believed and publifhed from the beginning, throughout the \vhole wmrld, as St. Paul proclaims, Romans the firft, where he fpeaks thus to all' that be in Rome 5 Beloved of God, called to be Saints; firfi I tharfmy God through fiefus Chrift for you all,,that your Faith is publifhed throughout the whole world. Finali}', this Faith is eftablilhed and infallibly confirmed, that it can never decay till the worlds end, becaufe our Saviour hath promifed to be with the Mat .'iS'. Believers unto the worlds end, Matth.2^. 19,20. Go ye therefore and teach all Na- 19, 20. tions, baptiz.iKg them tn the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Floly Ghoft, teaching them to obfirve all things whatfvever L have commanded you, and behold I am With )ou alwaies even to the end of the world. Thus much briefly concerning my Chrl-_^ llfan Faith in which I truly believe in all points infallible, and in confirmation of which one only Faith and Catholick Church, I will and do lay down my life ; and who- foeverwil! as he ought confider the Text that proves this Faith and Church of the Living God, to be the pillar and ground of Truth, as 'tis evident it is, i T'im. 3. ly. 1 queftion not but who 1 fay confiders this, will believe the fame, our Faith being af^ (ifted by our fecond Divine Vertue, which is ourChriftian Hope. This Hope is that Vertue which aflures us, that for the reward of our Faith, and the profcflion and due praffice ofit, as we ought, there are thole heavenly gifts laid up for the Chriftian Believers, which neither eye hath fccn, nor car hath heard, nor t he heart of man can conceive or comprehend, as St. P.huI declares; This Hope gives luch coniidence, that death cannot overcome ir, becaufe, as the Prophet faith, At- though he pall kill me, yet 1 Will hope in him. Why then fliall any fear to die for his V Faith, having this Hope? 'Tis for want ol making due reflfftion and ulc of this Hope that caiilcs lo many to be fearful to fuffer, and makes them fly the field of pe^fecution, anu Tcrlakc the banners cf their Chriftian Faith, that all ought to fight undeijj and . Would C?) I would {llll fight under, would they make ufc of the divine hope of Gods promifes; j which are fuch, that as^)i?wW faith, P/i/. 1^5. That he that hopes or \rufls in pur Lord, 1 foa'd he as Aiotint Sion, which cjtmot he removed, but r email} for ever, yls t,he Aioun- tains, faith God by the mouth of David, are about Jeru!alem,,/a the Lord is round about , I • his people i that is,fuch as wili-place their hope in him,as the Prophet did, and exhorts ' us to do the fame, faying, Tfal. 130. 5,6. A4j Joul hath hoped in our Lord-, from the y morning watch, even until night, let lHvic] hope in our Lord that is, from the beginning of the day of our life, till the night of death ; as well in the morning of profperity, as in the evening of adverfity : becaufe 'tis alfb writ, God is mj Hope for ever ; and ' whofoever can truly fay with iDaifzW, Pfal. 31. i. In thee, O Lord, have I plac'd tny Hope, fhall be aflured of what there follows. Not to be confounded for ever, becaufe, as || St. Paul faith, Hope confoundeth not. L There is a contrary Vice to this Virtue, a worldly Fear that brings all things to con- ij fufion ; it makes Worldlings fwear, and forfwear, and perjure ; For which Perjuries, j| and Falfe Oaths, as the Prophet ri\th,fudgment Jpriugs up asHemlock^in the Furrows of I the Field. And therefore Dr. in his Book of just Nelghts and Adeafures, I faith. That CoaBion of Oaths is the crying Sin of this Nation, to call down the wrath of God upon the Kingdom. 1 What better remedy than to fecure our felves againft all worldly Fears , and thefe j enfuingDangers, but by relying on the hope of future blefiings,which God,if we fight j and fuffer for his fake, hath promifed. God is tht God of Hofts, and we fight under I Iiim,and ifVe truft in him we are happy, as David faith, Pfal.8^:.^. O Lord of Hofis, hlejfed is the man that trufts in thee, in whom to hope is to be fecured-,- and therefore Da- vid alfb faith, Ffal. 91. Hejhall cover thee with his feathersi and ptnder his wing Jhalt thou hope, efjaecially if we fight for our Faith j and therefore he adds in the fame - pxrUe, His truth Jhallbe thyJhieldand buckler, iT we will hope in him and his reward; For if we hope for our great w^ages,we fhall eafily undergo bur little work ; As for example, if we hope to drink of the torrent of pleafure, as God hath promifed we fhall in his Kingdom, who will fear to tafte now of the Chalice of fome. fmall Perfe- cucion ( If we hope hereafter to be numbered amofigft the Sons of God, as he hath promifed we fltall,and have our lot among the Saints, why fhould we now fear to be reviled of men, or be reputed ignominious, as our Saviour and his Apoftles were ? If they have,fo will they do you alfo ; the Scholar is not above the Mafter,nor the Ser- vant abov-C bis Lord. If they cali'd the Mailer of the Ynrnxly BeeNebubjio will they do his Servants ; therefore we rauft with the Apoftles rejoice, as you read in the HBs they did, becaufe they were accounted worthy to fuffer contumely and reproaches. If con- tumely and reproach feem fb hard for us to undergo now for a good Caufe, as is our Confcience before a few Enemies, what contumely muft thofe undergo who for now: afting againft theirConfcience, fhall undergo at the great judgment before God, An- gels. Saints, Devils, and all the Damn'd in Hell? if for our reproach now we hope that after a fhort forrow, God will honour us fo, as to wipe away with his owrv hand evyry tear from our eyes, as he promifeth in the Revelations he wfill ; and that henceforth there fhall be neither grief, nor labour,nor pain, or theWke-, why fhould any now grieve either to fee himfelf or others fuTer ? It will not laft,thisTempeft will foon be^'over, and if now in this Storm the frn all vcflel of my Body fuffer fhipwrack,or fome others the like veffels, if our Souls can but carry off our goods of Faith, Plope and Charity, all is very well; For as foon as the veffels of our Bodies fink, our Souls will come to . fhore at the Laind of Promife, and we fhall be fecured in the Rock which is Chrift,3nd ever remain fafe in the eternal Hills, where neither winds nor waves of Ferfecution can ever reach to affauic us: then welcome fhipwrack, that finks the veffel of the Eodv, to bring the Paffengers and their Goods fo happily to the Haven, the Heaven of Blifs'. Let us therefore weigh thefe things in a prudential Balance, andff^e which Scale is the heavieft,of prefent Fears, or future Hopes ; of prefent Suffering^r fiiture GIo- ries. Let us remember our Saviours words to bis Apoftles, You are fwfe that remain- ed with me in my temptations or tryals ; for which, faid he, their reward was, he di-fpO- fed the |fingdom of Heaven to them; Partners in Sufferings, Partners in Glories: wjiich it well confidered, we fhall fay with St.. of this prefent time are not condign^ or of equality to the future glory which foall be revealed in tu ; and we fhall vvith his jayfui Spirit fay, 2 Car. 4 17. Our light affilBion, which is but for a mo- ment, worketh in m a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. 'Tis a happy weight that lifts both Sufferings and Sufferers up as high as Heaven,to eternal Crowns,of which we |! we are all affured of as a reward for our Faith, if we will make good ufe of ourChri- '[ ■ ftianhope; which that we may the better dojet us endeavor to help our felves by the I' j third and greateft Virtue that follows our Faith and Hope, which is Charity, i This is that greateft Virtue of which all forts of Chriftians fpeak much, underftand h ^ little,and pradtifr lefs; though without the pradtice of it, 'tis in vain for any to pre- ' |1 tend to have a faving Faith, or Hope; For as St. Paul faith, i Cor. 13. Though he With the tongues of APen and uPngels, and have net Charity, he ts but as founding brafs^ and although he ihould know all Myfteries, and have Faith to re.move Mountains ; and though he fhouid havefuch hope, underftand for reward, he fcouldgive all to the Poor, and deliver his body to burn, and yet not have charity, it projiteth nothing. Charity, as he faith, ver. 7. fuffereth all things, believeth all things, hopcth 'all things, beareth all things. Do all that pretend to Charity do thus? If to fpeak with the tongues of Angels without Charity be nothing but vanity, what Charity is there in thofe that fpeak with the tongues of Detraction, Scandal, Slander, Falfe-wirnefs and Perjuries againft their Neighbors ? If thofe that give all to the Poor may want Charity, fo that '.ill which they give profits them nothing, what Charity is there in thofe that take all from their Neighbors, to force them to forfake their Faith ? If Alms profit nothing without Cha- rity,can fuch Injuries profit Perfecutors, that take all away, againft Charity ? If a man may give his own Body to burn, and yet be cold in Charity, what Charity is there to kill others Bodies, take away their Lives with ignominy and violence, becaufe they will not kill their own Souls, by adiing againft God and their Conlcience? If Charity confilts only in thofe that fufFer all things, believe all things, hope all things,what Cha- rity is there in thofe who will make their Neighbor fuffer all things of Perfecution,be-, caufe they believe and hope according to their Confcience, and profefs their Faith and Hope as they are bound before God upon their falvation fo to do? 'Tis certain, that though men may pretend perfecution of others for Gods fake, to reduce others to him, yet 'tis evident that for any Kingdom to perfecute any, meetly for Confcience-fake, is againft the Law of God 3 a-nd therefore whil'ft they would fecm fb zcaloufly to keep the firft Command, 0/" loving God above all, and force others to conform to their opinions, they break the fecond Command, becaufe they do not love their Neighbor as themjelves,htcmk they perfecute them, and fo they dafh one Com- mandment againft the other, and fo crack both Commandments together : For where- foevcr the fecond Command is broke,by not loving our Neighbor as one felvcs,thc firft is broke with it, becaufe did they love God above all, they would do better by their Neighbor. But I do not come here to beat down others pretence to Charity, but endeavour to advance Charity in my felf and others ; and the way to do this, is not to reckon what others have npt done according to Charity, but to call to mind what others have done to raile Charity towards God and their Neighbors. We read in Holy Writ, that Mofes love was fo to God and his Neighbor that to repurchale a Peace and Charity'twixt God aad the People after they ha!d offended, he defired that his own name fhouid rather be blotted out of the Book of life , than that the Peoples names fliould not be put in, by obtaining Forgivenefs ; and therefore he faith to God, Either fpare the People, or blot tne out of the Boolgvehich thou hali writ. How fuperlative a Motive is this, to move Chriftians to a perfedl Charity towards their Neighbors ; well may aChriftian be willing to lay down his temporal life for good example fake,rather than offend Cod, and fcandalize others by deferting hisFaitbi fince others fould be willing to hazard their eternal lives, to reduce their Neighbors to Cod by Charity. The like examples of love to God and his Neighbors, we have in St. Paul, in his ma- nifold exprefliions both towards God and men; firlt to God, as Pom. 8. where he makes this Proclamation, Jhall,fd'nb he,feparate us from theCharity of chrifl ? Shall Tribulation, or Diflrefs,or Perfecution,or Famine,or Nakednefs, or Piril,or Sword? As it is written, for thy faks we are kfU'd all the day long, we are accounted as fheep to the faughter. He adds, / am certain that neither Death nor Life, nor Angels, nor Principali- ties, nor Powers, nor things prefent nor things to come, nor heigth, nor depth, nor any other creature Jhall be able to feparate m from the love of God which is in Chrifi '^efm our Lord. And for this Charity in order to bis Neighbor, let what he fuffered to ferve them tcftifie, as he relates, 2 Cor, 11, by being in Labors and Stripes, in Prifon, in Death, in Scourg- 1 Cor. ly- ScourginEfs, in Shipwracks, being day and night in the bottom of the Sea, in Perils, in 2 Cor. Wearinefs, in Painfulneft, in Hunger, in Thirft, in Fafting, in Gold and Wearineft, be- fides what he fuffered through his care of all Churches, ver. 28, 29. where he faith. Who is weak^, and I am noif weak^? underftand by compaffion, as Fellow-fufferer; Who is fcandaUz^ed, and I burn not? underftand by zeal. Let thofe now confider this, who never more rejoyce than now, when they fee their paflive Neighbors fcandalized, and' were never better content in their own apprehcnfions than now, when they behold us fuffering, though before God we are innocent. Were St.P.««/on earth again,he woulcf rather give himfelf for others, to eafc them of their fufferings, according to his wont- ed charity expreft, a Cor. 12. ly. faying, I mil very gladly fpend and be [pent for,yon. and he would rejoyce to fuffer in charity for his Neighbor, as he abundantly declarfes, Colof -jL. 4. faying, I rejoyce in my fufferings for you, and fill up that which is wanting of the paifionsor affliiflions of Chrift in my flefh for his bodies fake, which is the Church, and this example is given for us to do the like ^ and therefore he faith, iCor. 4. 9. We are made a fpeilacle to the World, to Angels, and to men ; and^ therefore God ^ forbid but fome of us, if we be Chriftian men, mould endeavor to imitate feme of his examples, though we cannot all j For he afcended to fb fuperlative a^degree of Cha- rity towards his Neighbor, that he declares to the World, that he Cpuld'be a Caft- away himfelf to fave others ; for thus he faith, Rom, 9. 3- ^ <:euld ypifd myfelf mre' accurfed from Christ for my Brethren, - • ' f , ■°* Chriftians do not then henceforth fo eafily ruine your Neighbors, neither in ^eir Lives, nor Eftates,orCreditSj by Perfecutions and Scandals, the Scripture holds fdttft no fuch Dodrine, nor gives any fuch examples, but,as you fee, the contrary our Perfecutors will not imitate thefe examplesylet iis that are perfecuted ahd fufftr' "' endeavor to imitate them, by choofing rather to lofe all we can call our ovvn in World, and Life alfo, rather than to break Charity to God ahd our Neighbor'] -efthe^' by denying or diflembling our Faith,and fcandhlizing the Church,-ot bearing falfe Wif- nefs againlt our felves, or our Neighbors, to fave our Liv^s or Fortunes, or'^ ebrich ouf felves by falleWitneh. ^ \ , ' ' V ^ And if we will put in pradice the Virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity I have (poke of,we ought to do it thusV what we profefs bywords, we muft confirm by deeds and adions. Our profeflion of Catholick Faith is,this, I believe all' DivrTnie ; ReWlatibns delivered to the Prophets and Apoftles,propiofed by the Cathpfj^' Church General Councils, or by Her Univerfal Pradice to be believed as an Article of Catfio- lick Faith, knowing this to be our Faith, the confirmation Of th*js knowledge, 'pr thd pradice of this by our deeds, is, as St. teacheth, Ephtf 3, 8. To ejleem all 7y things as dirt, in refpeil of this eminent knowledge of Chrift and his Faith ; and'' there- fore for my own part, I now being ready to leave all in the World,ind my Life in tefti- mony of my Catholick Faith, which I profefs I defire jitid hope to manif^eft toall , I value myftpovvledge of Ghrifts Faith, more thairi I value the univerfal World.- And as fotmy Chriftian Hope"! profefs'to have, the confirmatioli of it, or the pra- dical partis to be fulfilled thus, being that, we muft, as St. Peter i Be always ready to give an acdiunti to everjtjone Msoncerning the'h'a'pt''vehich is in MS, 'IV have already by words expreflfed it, arid by deed I ^exprefs it thbs ;- Tfaat whereas I db be- lieve that Cod, as the Scripture faith, kills,'and brings to life again j carrieth d-own to the depth, and bringeth back again j fp npw I do by this my prefent Execut?o!f]Whieh iam now to undergp, willingly give my fiody to be mortified hi death forwFakb, hoping in Cods infinite mercy he will reftoremy Body and Soul to eternar ftfej'ahd I do willingly refign my felf to be ckrried down to my Grave, hbping by my Saviours. Crofs andPaffion, Death and Burial, he will raife me Upagain to'a gidrioas Rfeiuf- retftion. ■ ^ d\vr; And as for the confirmation of my Charity, to fliew by deeds, the fove I oweto-God and my Neighbor,it hath pleafcd my Saviour by his own w'pfds to declare which is the beft proof or praftice of Charity, where he faith, JSTo man hath a greater (pharity^.than he that lays down his life for his Friend. I therefore dd willingly undergo- this death Jamtofuffernow, totettifiellove my Friend, my Neighbor as niy felf • whil'ft I un- dergo this death for my felf and them, that feeing it is for the profefFion of my Faith I dye, they, whil'ft they live,mdy the more happily ferve God in the fame belief; and I teffifie J love Cod above all, becaufe Ifbrfake the World aridmy felf in deatb,ratber than olFend him by doing any thing againft my Confcience; And torafmuch as for theib many years I have had occafion by difcourfing and read- ing the Holy Scriptures with others who defircd to find out the true Faith^ I have by 2 words iPe^.3.11 words declared what Faith I did belieire'j and what Faith they ought to believej I now declare that for every Point of Faith that ever I believ'd my felf, or read toothers, or told them that they might believe as a Point of Faith ; for all and every fuch Points of Faith, in confirmation of them, as well to my felf as others, I here lay down my Life J and omitting all other particular Points, ! believe Obedience to our King to be a Divine Law, and that we are bound to obey His Commands in Temporal Laws j and I believe it too a fin of Damnation, for any Subjeft of His to Rebel againft Him,or His Kingdom ; and I believe it as certain a fin to Damnation, for any Subjeft to endeavor; either by thoughts, words or deeds, to take away His Life^ or aft any thing of that nature, either by himlelf, or any others, or other againft His Sacred Majefty, as Ibe- lieve it was a fin in ludas to Damnation to betray Chrift. And I dp declare upon my lalvation that I never did, nor do know any Catholick, that ever was of is the leaft guilty, either by thought, word or deed, by any Plot or othcrwire,to h^ve any defign or concurrence to kill His Sacred Majefty, or rebel againft His Kingdom, whom God long preferve with his Subjefts in all happinefs in this World, and crown Him in the World to come with eternal glory. , A ■ . . } And now it remains, that with all the powers and forces of my Soul, I make my ad-' dreft to God for mercy ere I appear before him for Judgment; and you, dear Friends, here prefent, who believe in one Holy Catholick Church, and Communion of Saints, be pleafed in charity to make the fame addrefs to God with me, and for me, that we may obtain true forrow and repentance for all our fins, aijd a merciful forgivenefs ; and firft let us wlfli fron^ the bottom of our hearts, that we could exprefl and make good ' our forrow, as David did, Tfal. 119. WhiPfi rivers ef waters run down our eyes like his, hcattfe we have not kfpt according to our faith Gods commands; for which had we that Fountain of tears which the Prophet wifhed for, we ought fpend it all ; we ought with peraw/, Lam. 3.48,49. to weep till our eyes, as his, failed, and as his eye with tears afilifted,as he faith his heart, fo ought ours to do, becaufe we have made fo ill ufe of that Faith, Hope and Charity, which God hath beftowed upon us. 1 But forafmuch as Tears riovVat this prtfent, and in tbefe circumftances of raflfceri- faring times. Tears; I fay^ from me, might feem t-bfome, either the ofF-fpring of Fear to dye, which God forbid I fhould have in fo good a Caufe^is my Religion ; or left others might judge my Tears might fall by teafon of feme other guilt, of which I am free and innocent, I have endeavoured to ftop the courfe of Tears,and inftead of drops, of waters from myeyw, Tit fpend the drops of blood from every forrowful vein of jny heart, and my whole body, that God may pleafe to wafh away the fins of all my life paft, and I wifh each drop an Ocean for my fdf land all the World, becaufe I have nothing now left more than wifties, which I befeech thee,0 gracious God, of thy mer- cy to accept of; and if you will vouchfafe to accept of wifties to fu'pply the deeds, by wifhes I offer up all that's good to you, that ever you gave to any fince the Worlds Creation j I offer up David's broken heart, together with my own, that fo like him, after my repentance, I may become a man according to your own heart. I offet up the fighs of Magdalen, and wifh I could make fuch ufe of them as fhe did, *0 fob out my fins, I wifh her repentant Arms, that I may lay &ft hold at the Feet of thee my gracious God. I wUh 1 had the longanimity of all the Holy ConfefforS. LwiihT had the fufferings of all thy conftant Martyrs.' , 1 wifh I had the lamps of all thy facred Virgins, that I might offer all to thee that in them was pleafant in thy fight. , I wifh I could offer up to thee, O God, the Sacrifices of juft Akel, Lot, lob, and alk other Sacrifices that ever did gratefully afcend up in thy fight; that thou being pleafed by the fight of them, thou mightft look no more upon my fins: For if thou wilt ob'^ ferve iniquities,* who fhall| endure? let therefore thy mercy hide thy face from my fins, but let not the rigor of thy juftice caft me away from thy prefence; caftme not away from thy Face, and thy holy Spirit take not from me, but turn away thy , Face from fin, and blot out all my iniquities, and I will offer my Body as a Sacrifice tb thee by death to appeafe thy juft anger. I own my fins, and I own your mercies. You gave me Faith to know and believe what was the Will of you my heavenly Maftcr, but I acknowledge my fault, that ab though I knew your Will, I did not fulfill it, and therefore I ought to be beaten with many ftripes, becaufe you foretold me, that many are the ftripes of a finner 5 but be pleafed,' .7 p^eafed, dear Lord, alfo to temember, that in the fame place yon promifed, that not- \ withftanding this, yet mercy fhould encompafs him that hopes j you have given your Divine Hope, vouchfafe to let this Hope defend me; and although I know I have not wiade good ufe of Hope, and Hope not well us'd, of which 1 am gui]tv,makes a Sinner defer Repentance, and fo puts in danger to fall into Prefumption by long negleft, yet the laft hour of calling being not yet paft, and your mercy being above all your works, I hope and humbly beg to be Partaker with thofc who were accepted at the laft hour. I humbly acknowledge with thanks, O gracioofe God, that yo^i gave the Charity as your Livery, in which I always ought to have appeared ihybiir -fight,and tiever to have been diverted of it; but how oft have I been lulled, thrOiigh my own i&Wr, of this garment ? how oft have I, by defcending to fericho, inftead of going up tiV ^erufnlem^? how oft, I fay, have I been rob'd of this garment of Charity.? even as often as I have preferred any fiiblunary objeft, and the love of that before the love of you, and be- fore your goodnefs, which is above all goodnefs, and the objcdl of all Beatitude. Vouchfafe again, O gracious Lord, toreftorein mercy to me this Nuptial Veftmenr, ere I dare appear at the Supper of the Lamb. Mike me, O heavenly Father,a peni- tential Prodigal, and then 1 fhall have put on me again this beft Robe of Charity. This I beg from the bottom of my Soul for his dear fake, who was devefted of his garments out of Charity, that 1 might be inverted in his Charity, who alfo fuffered his garments to be divided, that he might purchafe grace, that we might never be divided from the unity of his Faith and Church, but rather willingly lulfer for his fake the feparation of our lives from our bodies, the feparation of our bodies from our fouls, and the feparation of our bodies into its quarters, that we may the more perfedly by thefc fufferings and feparations from our felvcs be united to him. Therefore in the faithful connlmuhion and perfefl: union of the fufferings of all Saints that wer have been, or now are, or ever will be,in the union of the moft facred meri ts of the life, paffions and death of God and man,my dear Redeemer and Saviour Chrift, I offer fny felf willingly to what I am now to fuffer, begging by all that's good in Hea- irenand in Earth,remifTions of fins for my felf and alj the wprld,particular!y for ajl may appear to have been my Enemies in the concern of my Life, as Witnefs, Jury', Judge, and others, whom I do not efteem as.Enemies, but as the beft of Friends ; I heartily forgive them, and beg the beft of Bleffings for them all, as being the caufe of fending m'e fooner than otherwife I might have gone, to the happy Itate of Hope for the other World. Whither, before I go. T humbly beg pardon of all in this World, for whatever in thoughts, words or deeds I have committed to offend thena,or omitted to do for them, by which any thing might have been mended in them, or my felf, I befeech God to blefs them aill. I befeech God to blefs alfo all Fflends^TpIfitaaV and temporal; all Benefadtors i and all by whom I have receivefPgood of dvil;'by Words, deeds or defires. I befeech God to blefs all thofe of whom I ever had care or charge fpiritually or temporally. I befeech God blefs his Holy CatJioIick Church, and our chief Bifhop thereof, with all other Bifhops, Priefts and Clergy. I befeech God blefs this Nation,and unite all amongft themfelves and to God,in true Ealth^ Hopc,and .Charity, ' I befeech God to blefs HisMajefties Privy Council,and make all the feerets of their hearts and their defires fuch, as that both Charles orr King on earth,and God our great King in Heaven and Earth, maybe ferv'd, pleas'd and honour'd by them, that men and Angels may rejoyce at it now, and be publick witnefs of it at the laft great day, at the great and laft Council Table, where every fecret Jhall be laid o;?e»,Luke 12. as Solo- inon IkithyEcdef, tilt, Vfhen God will bring into judgment every fecret thing, whether it be geodore'Jil, I befeech I befeech God to blefs the Parliament now Eleft, and be fo prcfent with them whitfn they fit to judge and difcufstheCauftsof this Nation.they may imitate theAffembly of thofe that are to fit upon the Twelve Thrones at the laft great Afiembly, that they may now judge or determinate of things no otherwife than they hope or fear then to be judged themfclves, and determined of to all eternity. I beftech God to bleft all that fufFer in this Perftcution, and let thebleffing expreft in the 126th'light upon them Ipeedily, that God turning their Captivity, all mouths may be filled with joys,and tongues with fingings. Convert, O Lord,our Cap- tivity,as ftreams in the South, that thofe who now fowe in tears, may reap in joy i andibr this temporal death, O bleffed Trinity, give me eternal life; let my Body dye to the World for the love of thee, that my Soul may live for ever, ajnd love in thee my God and deaf Redeemer Sweet Jefus ^men. r . , . # -M a