- I I I- I . ■ - \ , > /" 4 / i "*c*i~rrr- —- " " " J-11--' 1 • !!■'. - 1 ■ J !..»■ >— rr- ■■■.' i ■■■«.- C\ THOMAS FOX to Print this my Information, Given in Writing to the Honorable HOUSE of COM¬ MONS, the l 5thof 1680. and that no other Perfon Print the fame. EVSTA6E 2iOV. X^. 168o. 1 ■- \ > / ' THE INFORMATION / O F TREASURER To the PAPISTS in of their Mony to carry on this Horrid PLOT; who was Barbaroufly Murthered for Difcovering the lame, and turning PROTESTANT Given in Writing to the HONORABLE HOUSE of COMMONS, the 15^of this prefent Zh(oyember. 1680. ' \ L 0 e5\£ 2) 0 2^, Printed for 7homas Fox, and are to be Sold at his Shop, at the Sign of the in IVeftminfter-Hally r6%Qt J ( / i ' 4 • p, ■i Vj u. \ ' J the ri\ rs. * l r> i. \f x - \ \ »it : i <> • j-# O F • f'x** '> /> if - r • > •-' t ■ .i« His Informant faith, that he lived ' ✓* * with one Igyadagh zfMagher being | his relation in CaYrigntfury in the County of in the King- do m of Ireland for Fourteen „f -• .. ... , - •* — v. -■ Years and. during that time was privy to all his concerns. Saith that he did pbferve and fee one Te¬ rn Jgehow and Thomas Kehoy of Mer¬ chants who dealt conftantly for France, and the faid Thomas conftantly going too and fro between Fra?jceand Ireland> bring feveralcon- fidetable Summsof Money from France, and delivered it to the faid Kyaiagh Francis 'Robert Lo'w3 two fli¬ ft ices of the Peace,that whoever should from -Sufiletting to Sun riling deftroy any of the Diicoverers of that Wicked and Horrid Plot, should have Twenty pound and their par¬ dons, and alfo an Absolution from the Romi/h Church- ■' He faith that there was Two hundred pound, given or fecuredtoSir W Tcter Lynfey, and Tatrick^jQomfor the de- lign aforefaid, he being then Judge at Co¬ rnell , this Informant being an Eye Witnefs how the Two hundred pound, was fecured to be payed to Sir VViUlam lDaVu, and being fatisfyed on what account the reft of the fore- mentioned Siimois, were payed to the fore- named perlbns was touched in Confci- ence, and was refolved to Difcover all their Villany, and in order thereunto went unto the aforefaid Alcot\ and Low being two Juftices of the Peace, and demanded a Warrant from them in the prefence of the Mayor of Clonmelly for to apprehend Primate Tl % \ of i » f C 4 J of Cajhel and "Robert Bovrer the Dean of V Fat er-* ford, the faid B/unkjel and the Hi/hop of ing then at the aforefaid Faith's Houfe* the faid Juftices refilled this Informant, until the faid lull ices fent word to Btunh^t and the other Bishop to be gone, and then gave this Informant a Warrant, who purfued the faid Blunket and the Bishop of to the County of Kjlkeney,to one Mr. Walter Sutlers Houfea Nephew of the Duke of Ormonds, who meet¬ ing with this Informant threatned him at a high rate and asked him how he durit come upon his Land, that the faid Mr. "Butler gave his Piftols to one fjeorge with a defign to Kill this Informant, who narrowly efcaped with his Life. Soon after this Informant came to Dublin, and applyed* himfeif to;his Grace the Duke of Ormond, and informed him of that ... r ^ v horrid and wicked defign of the Papifts, who promifed this Informant a Protedlion. And though this Informant Petitioned of¬ ten for the fame, yet he was refufed info much that he was neceffitated to go difguifed in a beggars habit to the North of ,for the iafety of his life, but being purfued by Sir VFilliamDavis, Blunketand Arch-bishop of Ca~ fhef to all Parrish Priefts for to make a diligent inquiry after this Informant, who finding him at Carrigfergusabove Fourlcore Miles di- fiant from Dublin he was there commit- • -* ted to Qoil by one Captain Da^u a luftice of . \ \ ;c 5 ] ; iff,..; x)t the peace, where he remained for three weeks , until this Informant fent him the laid Davis word, that he was taking the advice of the Fryer that was ho his Houfe for ro • deftroy the Kings Evidence; Upon which he difeharged this Informant. And this Informant coming at lea ft Eighty Miles diftant, an other way backwards for to (heifer himlclf to one E (quire Lambin the County of Meath,where he worked for his living about a Months time , and underftanding the defign of the Pafijts going on apace went to one Serjeant Osborne one of the Kings Council, and difcovered to him a great deal of the faid Plot, but inftead of afting as the Kings Council or Loyal Subjed, he to the contrary fent this Informant to the Goal of Trim- iri tfefc County of Meath,where he remained for 3 weeks in a fhrving condition in Irons,mntil he was removed from thence to Dublin)and Bis Leggs tied under the Horfes belly, and then was brought before Sir John iDavis iStcfetary of State , whof at the fir ft fight called this Informant a Rogue, and (aid that be was ' * O '' -<■, ^ „ f .j - in Prifon at Carric^fergus; this Informant replied that it was; by the unjuft means of his Brother for difcDvering the I ruth againft hi m ■; This I nfor to ant being brdught td the Council Boards the Lord Chancellor and Sir John Davis came to examine -» this Informant r :who told theto , he was not willing to be examined by them, by reafon the one was Sir William Davis his Brother and the other sii C bis CO his Father in Law; yet however to avoid all that they fhould pretend, this Informant told and di£ covered more to them than they were willing to hear; for which they returned this Informant to Prifon, who was difcharged the next day, but by whofe means he cannot tell, neither could he get any protedion or fafety; but expoled to the Malice of his Enemies, this Informant went to another remote part of the Kingdom in the County of Limeric\, with an intent to take Shipping and to come for , for to dif cover all their villanie , but being there difcovered was apprehended and brought to Juftice , who fent this Informant to Sir William , who committed him to the Marfhalfea at Limmc\> until fuch time as he would fend to Dublin to know how he was difcharged there ; But Sir William Davis coming Judge of that Circuit, and coming to LimericOrdered this Informant to be lent to the Dungeon, where he continued for Eight Months in a perifliing condition, until fuch time as the Lord Chief Baron Hinne came that Circuit, and coming to Limeric\, this Informant could not get a Petition delivered to him, but was forced to tie it on the top of a ftaff, and as the Judge was paffing by reached it to him out of a window, and the Judge having peruled it, and underftanding the caufe of his Commitment was to fupprefs his Evidence,which this Informant declared often, that he L 7 3 would fooner fuffer Death than conceal fuch a bloody defign, though he was often tempted by offering him great Sums of Money to conceal What he knew. The Pepifb partie 3 to profecute their bloody intent, did moft barbaroufly Murther the faid Keadagb Meagher , who was their Treafurer, when they underftood he detefted their defign, and turned Protectant, and was refblved to difcover all their horrid and bloody defigns. This Informant hath more to difcover, but firft humbly dcfires that he may have his Pardon and Security. EVSTACE COMTNE: u \ I I " I II | I .m., » I I ,| , I FINIS ' 1 , »« L . «—nun. 1 ]A 1 ?. •-*" "■ ■ 1 • —Timi. IV f ( Ci, X / »J w r. v. * V < , h tf * i» "J pntupjA qc(JiC2 tp^t ps miX p?AG pi? jjtrtqou snq XH?2 Iw^oLuiauf picp mow to qqcoAGt,* piy /A32 tqOjACg^^O ; qiJCpAGXfU Mpcu itHtuc' qiq iiioy p^tpatonyX ^jnupct tpc j^iq ~ _ pi hi ; vit gnoj.3 pjooqA qqj§u * wo i ] / ~ oiiia ' * v, tpcp, O] ')--|.X C■">!.:■ . -v. ^ \w:' r '»• V I _