V STt ^ A £4 ^ liwjl JT v O Or a Brief R *«Mt «* «f f * * •/ \ -% ; ■••. —. - - ;r' >: wherein / r *>«* Arff ' #> the Kins 5 ! ,., '.. . ; ■'' A JiU JK i I V,' .5! n t>f*~? * k -ir~\ •■' i : u 2; V >11? table the Earl of Shaft shun and oj ■n •, vt .v«i i J a <■ w - r ^ » - «k^ fc" ' Hli A.Jfl > w <» 0 ■ ■ . I • "1 • < I . IP* x.;-.' ... • * .» r :ope of , and turn j> J« v *■ ► • "• ^ * P* H ■* /%>. )$. « . ► V. k-t' cr r> r* ■ f J c >; The Scarlet-Beaft (tripped Naked. He Reverend Matron after a tedious ftrugling with the unmannerly Fates, having broken through the bottom of the Meal-Tub, is become a mere terrible Champioil in the behalf of Rcman-Catholicks than the moft ac- complilhed of their Saints; or all the Sturdy Pillars of their Church, fince their Females-Prelate dropped her untimely Baftard in Procelfion to for cloaking her felf in pretended Innocenfe, the Devils own Mantle, -fhe ever fince has carried an Olive-Branch in her Mouth, as a lure Pledg of her being at Peace, and wiih- ing well to that Infernal Potentate; promifing faithfully by her Motto, nevermore for to difpleafe him, or negleCt his grand Affair: but to nfeher ptmoft Intereft conti¬ nually, to lend good ftoreof gueft to his Tartarian Manfion, fince he has been fo kind as to inftruft her bow to guild over the blackeft Crimes, and make them feera moft plaufably fair, thereby to deliude the Ignorant, and by bereaving them of their Wits, pofleis them with a Catalogue of her Vertues andharmleis Life (Honeft 1 might have laid) bnt'tis no matter, that wec'l refer to Mr. Danger-field, her late dear Intimate, though now ungrateful as fhe is,ihewill not own the kindnelTes received, but falls foul upon him at a grievous Rate, becaufe that he would do no more. - But! to the purpofe, Firft let ns begin with her Gim-Crack, and take aferious View of the-fine Frontispiece that adorns the work, which ftands }uft as the Antierits were ufed to paint the Porch or entrance of Falfhood, Fair and Beautiful, the better to delude or draw the ignorant to gaze upon, till all iufpicion of the Evil lodged therein was Banilhed from their Minds, that lb they might the boldlier enter. C: Firft then thcMifteryof the Meal-Tub that has defeated all this Mallice, and made To-many Lyars, -is dedicated to all the lovers of undilguifed Truth, which indeed is feldome or never cloathed, unlefs it be in a Roman Drefs, or wrapped o're Head and Ears in the Relid of Equivocation, till it grew invifible, or in St. Francis Cool of Mental-Refervation. Thefe indeed are things that often make her walk ii Mifts, who otherwife in her naked purity looks moft decent and ftill Triumphs in her Innocence. The next we arereprefented with,.is the Emblem of the fweetfae'd Gentile woman, or rather (if fhe dould poffwade us to it) her prog# fel f tranfabftantia;edix.to a Do^e. But fiow the Difpirte is, whether it be a Turtle-Dove Or not, .for they are held the Chafteft Birds Created. therefore moft unfecmly, for this place, if Mrs. Safari her'own Servant fwore the Truth* But I# that pafs, fiuce the Pope allows fuch Venial Sins, — ■. .w.-by : The next his Holinefles Crofs, that heretofore Was Wollt to fright the Devil from the Dead, on which the pretty innocent Tcm-Pigion Pearches with an Olive-branch in its feill; not altogether unmindful of the ufage late in Newgate, for abbut his left Le ; a Rope is faftned, and to that an Anchor, refting on Roma feven Hills, as not remem- tf >g how fatal /ritmefe-Bilihzs been.Next fiveLitter-Crefies more,to the dear memory of the.five Crofs Adorers in the Shecp-Pens,between Weftminfter and Ltmus, with (| ne¬ ver Change) the fame lnlcription that the kind Matron fent to Danger fteld, during his Confinement, to give thereby to underftand that fhe was no Proteus, but had rather fre- what fhe was than an Elephant; and round about.thfc pr.etty whimwhams,incerted this ftclenVerfc, that was written by the well-meaning Author to a better Intent. Bat vemam corvus vexat Centura Columbus) InEnglifll thus, The Guilty go free, and the inno¬ cent are oppn(fed. But how the overweaning Female came to chufe this to ftrike her felf fo hard a Box on the Ear is not certain; or perhaps it is to be laid backwards, as the Friers ai d M( neks do their Mattins for Roafted Apples ina Winters Morning, or moft likely, that her Father-Con feffor ftuft it in the better to ingratiate himfelf into her good Opinion; andfc keep himfelf warm between the Sheets when the old Man is packed away to France. Thus far of the Frontifpiece, or out-work, now let us enter in and fee What fine Trumpery the Prieft has packed together and fathered it under the Prote¬ ction of the:r ilie-Saint. ' I 1: ■ 1 The.fii ft,we meet with, js,a long Apologv of faithful Service good wifhes and Pro- teftation of L yalty which like.the Syrians Songs, or Crocadiles Tears is pre%ited to allure and take the Ears and fancies of the unthinking Vulgar, when all Rational and fober perfons know, that there is no fuch thing as Loyalty appertaining to the Pcpiih Religion, that is, as Loyalty to any Proteftant Prince : For the Church of Rome hold? thofe moft accnrfed, that will not to the utmoft of their powers endeavour to Ailafli- sate, Murther and Root out all that aw oppolite to their fuperftitions arid Idolatries •iJ- - ) Killing of Kings, being accovnsted bytRera, merkGrioti£;and MafTaeries the only means to ga'a Heaven j and that they arc to oijiit rto opportunities to raife Rebellion againlt ah irecital Prmee •, as they moft etroniouily call the befit of Kings,, if tney can do it without prejudicing-their ownCaufe or Intereft. " ? :. The next thing to be oolervcu is, alter they have made their Apology to turn their flings againft the firft difcovetetx of the Plot, thinking theteby to Ufljo and impiir the credit of their Ttftimonies with incredible lyes, as of D; ry/ittihis being robbed by Captain Btdland that he oot being content with that, but he muft rail up in one ol Kmes bald pated Priefts and rob him of his Bread and Chefc: And another ot their Tib; of Eight pence5 the former ot thefe A nions the Do&or utterly deny*,ana the latter how true,-eve¬ ry ore that hath but any fp irk o' reaf in m>y judge : (o (hallow is their foolifh Malice that it betrays it felt. In the next place, the good Matron would have the World believe that flie was wonderful Charitable, and that (he almoft ftar- ved her felf, to relieve thofe (he never law before, or had the leaft concernment with} and then again, how that (he went about a beging for them, but whither with a Ba'< Algiers live iii Patadice to what the Perfecuted Catholicks do in En' gland. When every one knows, that they devour the fat of the Land, and feed ther Di\;$ with what a thoutand betfer Chriftans then themfelves would be glad or. Ii the next place to make fuftice more odious, and to Affront his M'j'ft-s benigne mercy and good nets rowans his poor m if er able Subye&scon. demntd at fever a! times tor their offences: this PopitbRomanccr would makepeo- pie believe, that his M?;eftles pleifurfe is not in the leaft obferved therein, and that Ccptain Richardfn- if he pleafe to H#og them or Tranfport them will do it in d< Een;e ot his Ma/tfties gracious Pardon, and that to extort Mony out of thtrrf he often goes to them telling them, That if they will raife fuch a (urn of money, he will prevail with the Recorder to get them included in a general Patron: ,< uc if they have not the mony, nor cannot raife it, tlfey fliall be forelyi Hang d; and all this is devifed only to ft iff e cruelties jjy magnifying or relating what wis never dbne or thought. Such a Collection of horrid ingines '.andinftrumtats for Tortures are in this admirably piece incerted, that I believe the T/sC/y. , , - u o v "* — )-y . ^ . the S.ips.i ontaj^d not when' they came, fraught vvith all the malice-of Hell and Rome to truuthcra rightful Prince, and to deftcoy two Kingdoms j but thefe afperfions and fcanJals fceipmg too little, their gall (wells higher, and to ftrike fare (he pitches upon the right Honorable the Earl of Shafsburj, and by lb doing betnys her Poptlh Spleen,firft that his Lorcfhip (hould by his Ser¬ vant tamper with one Strouda Hrtloner in Newgate condemned for jV/urthcr, offering vaft fun-p of Ateney, if he would Swear againft the Catholicks right or wrong and not only by him, but by <-3 blftft ur.rule our the good opinion of all tree Proteftants Jhavp worthily concei¬ ved of his Lord,(hips high ddfercs, the which the Popes Chickens can never race out of true Englilh Bteafts, his Lord(bips Integrity and Zeal, being ever for the pr-efervation of his i/aiefty, and the proteftaut Religion : Xo that though the >,cadets beaft himfelf who fits fweating on his Afoontains, and fends Wives opt to reap his Abortive Crop, (houU come himfelf to. lay a blemifh on'hit Candid Reputation, his Infallibilityfliip will be laughed and hooted at by each Oyfter Wench and Liak-Boy^for fiwe it is that all their adverfe contriving to ftifle this •OOtoriout Pk>t, have hitherto been fo weaif and filly, that their Cob-Web V^il, rather give fufpition that there it, more yet remaining, than ha/5 been dif- cdveted to the World, then aay way extenuate or leffen, for were not people guilty, they would never put thetnfclve* unto fuch (hiftj to (hake of or turn ano¬ ther way the thing that never wt/, uor offer Bribe/, fo large a/ ha/ been fworn againft them to corrupt Eviuenceif they were lonocentt MflTbap Komc has fayd many t Jots agaiuft this Nation hereto, fore, I hope few or none are Ignorant ? And why (hould Roman Catho'.icks be thought more concious and tender than hereto¬ fore, that CWeh holds its Supremacy by Tyranny not Law, is: palpable, may many of their Do&ors, have themfel ves confef- fedythe feme, n.av this Offices not, but our Wonderful witty thing of a Mid-Wife, or a prieft got into her Belly,and fofpeak- . - * ft ft ™ irjg through her, as the Li)evil through the Heathen Oracles, of old, has produced fuch a rout of EmSrion Pupils or St.Qmertans. to maJ^e 'Shot againft the Kings Evidence, that any one would think (he had robbed half the Register Books in twenty Pari(hes tp furnith them with Names, tis well (he tells us (he found moft of them in feveral Goals, or elfe we (hould have doubted whe¬ ther (he would have been forced to have gone as far as Row, ere to have culled the Monafteriesand Abbys, for Pickled ogues, eic Cbc could have found any convenient for her turn, firJft againft Captain Bedloe , (he mufters up a rout ofdefpera- Bpgw , °y tom-t,. ., > * , ; • /,. , dees, I stni Mt 5*)SiQ 2I&1 tlvt tiflJ Hrdl* CjlBnOI UPr.t T CV ) does, lying in Newgale and other Goals under Condemnation, as that to joyn him with Mr .Jobnfthe Earl of Sbaftsbnry'$y tnan, as a party in endeavouiing to bribe Strodand to bring him over to unite his Evidence with his whether falle or true, and that thereby he fliould be highly advanced, giving him thereupon feveral Guineys for incouragement, bur if hercrfufed he was to be hanged and not to have die benefit of his Pardon that was then granted b in by his Maicfi-y, hh fiifi work being to undermine Anderfnn sradK'emijh two RomifhPriefts.how this can agree is hard to be onderftood, for fir ft it Teems pretty odd that Bedtoebeing one of the Kings approved Evidence, and having given his Depofirions not only before rhe King tind Council, but alfo in the high Court of Parliament, would venture to un- bofome his thoughts to a rot< ripns Murtherer, a fellow he had never feen before 'tis fure he would f if he had any Sence and Reafon in him all Nations is well latisfyed he had ) have been more cautious what ever olcEWomcn fancy to themfelve*, oj would have others to believe perhaps as many others did ; no doubt this Strode to get feme of theCatholick Coin might tell mother Midni ght fome fi-ch pleafing tale as knowing,her great * Zeal to bring the Plot to Bed, or perhaps (he might Dream of fome fuch thing lying alone poor Hearr, but not contented her, having got her dear beloved Dangerfeild out of Prilon,and pay¬ ed as (he fays five pounds for hi' difcharge (he is refolved to ul'e him night and day, and at the vaft expenceof three pound ten (hillings or thereabout, new riggs him and ,fends him as a Scout about the Town, intending by h;m to forge a new device and turn the AnMbfiftian PIot upon the. Presbyterians^furnifhed him with Coin diped in Holy-water, for the felf fame piirpofe to make him lets fufpicious ordering him to frequent Clubs and public^Meetings not only in London, but in and feveral other places*, and robe very diligent to hear how affairs went, and to write down what Difcourfe he heard about In- treaguc s of State,in this particular the reverend Matron has broak the Cockatrices Fgg, and let the PoiJonous Serpent out*,for what can be more p'ain then that her main end in this was only to learn Intelligence how people ftood affe&ed and to be fully fa- thfied how they relished the proceeding s of the Roman Catho- licks, by that to be berrer inftru&ed how to Moddel their De- ' m/ ? fignsand lay the train where it might fooneff take for what elfe would (he perfwade us that (lie fhould disburfe fo much monies, and keep a Man fn continual Pay, to loiter up and down and do nothing but fpend,. 'tis true, file tells yoa if you will be¬ lieve her, it was to find out the Plot the had on B . Foot, ( 1 ) Foot, out of a Zeal-and Loyalty ro difcover them to his Maje. fty hut fure ic was hard to find what never was,for by thefe (lo¬ ries, each one with half an Eye may plainly fee that no fuch thing was ever intended as fhe preambles out i that (hould bring her word,that he had made a Difcovery of a Rifing in the City, that was (bortly to be, and that Mr. Godwin, ^nd Mr Alfop had made a great Gathering to maintain Forces pri¬ vately, and that many of the Old-Army-Officers were kept in Pay, and that Sir William Waller had quartered three hundred Horfe in a Village near London, the which were to Head the Rabbel and bring them to feize on White-Hall. Now as to' thefe particulars, can it bethought that any fuch Defign can be oh Foot, and neither his Majedy nor any of his Council (hould have the lead notice of it ? That none but fhe and %erfield(hould know of it, befides thofc that were concerned in it,very 'tis flrange/ This was a thing that would have brought Jupiter into Gemini without her Star-Gazers content ; but had it been fo, where was the Loyalty the (hewed in a timely difco¬ very, to prevent the Danger ? could hiding it in the Bottom of her Meal-lab any ways keep it from breaking out ? No, 'tis cer¬ tain, had not that Mta! been (ifted by Sir Care, it ha d by this time turned to as many Infc&ious Plagues to have d dra¬ fted the Nation, as ever Vand^ra s Bex contaii e l. Vet fa: then, fogteat a Cornfpondence held our Matron with feveralRuna- gado Spies, that nothing was done but, if (he declares Truth,ic was prefently conveighed to her by her Familiars *, who like the Penny-Pods went up and down to fetch and carry Letters fraught with all the Talk of Fa&ious Ccffe-Houfes: fo that (he feems the only woman Living, by her own Talk, that minded the fu¬ ture State and welfare of the Government. For lays (lie, fome of the eminent men that kept Company with theFa&ious as (he terms them, gave meto underdand, that they had drawn For¬ ces into the Ciry, during his Majedies Indifpoficion at Windfor, with an intention, if his Ma)edy had died, to have fubvertedthe Government, and that the Lord-Major, and fuch Aldermen as 'would not Conform were to be made away, and that they were to have le z~d theTtwer, Dover, flymonth and and fevcral other places of Strength •, and that the Scotch were to have help¬ ed them in the Defign ; this is drange indeed, but if we ccfhfi- der the right way, perhaps it was intended, as (he lays, for at that time there was no Fa&ion but the Popifh, and that they de- figned no lefs,'tis pad all doubt, for as I had almod forgot to in- ccrt, where She fays, that the Loyal Party feared his Majedies Deceafc, but rhe Fa&ious hoped it,then which,nothing is plain¬ er. cr, for none can take the Popish Party for the Loyal Party, fee® • ing it has been their whole endeavour above rhete hundred years todeftroy our Monarchy, and fubvcrt the Government, there¬ fore in this (he may fpeak miftically. And then again, that Sir William Waller and Col 'one 1 Manfel fhould offer Com it) iffions to Disbanded Officers, and that they fhould enrer into prefent pay, is as ftrange, confidering not one bf them Officer* are now to be f ound in Ewape j no a! 1 the Fopifli Saints On this fide Purgk- toty, are not able to tell fo much as the Name of one of theni ! Therefore we conclude , they are got into the World in the Moon, and that all the Conjurers , though they fhould pore upon her two^leav'd Alcbaron -feven years together, could not caft a Figure to bring any of them t6 light. Therefore my Friends I muft tell your 'tis a ftrange thing luch a Company of men fhould befo fuddenly blown away. But the next thing She feems to beangry with, is Sir Williams catch® ing her napping at Supper, which put her into fnch a Fright, as had alirioft made her breath her la ft at both eftds; for She de¬ clares, and truely 1 fuppofe you may believe her, that She was quite out of Love with a Stone Doublet, though hot with the Stones in the Breeches. Nay, a greater Bugbear thari that ftood in the way, which augmented that Fear, for She hot long before had delivered Articles in Parliament againft Captain who was now to be her Guardian, in the behalf of the Prifoners. ^, ' * 9 as She pretended \ in which She rendered him more prodigious then a Cannibal, and woqld have the people believe he Eats ho lefs, than half a douxen Prifohers each Morning for his Breakfaft, but coming into his Cuftody, found him more favourable than flic deferved, and has fince requited him by pnblifliing twen¬ ty notorious lies againft him \ (he and Dangerfield had the bap- pinefs to fee each other throdgh the Window, and as flie fays it was the firft tirtie that e're She curft hitii for eating up her Bread and Cheefe*, a very uncharitable thing in a Woman that pretends fo much; Here the Reverend Matron continued (bar¬ ling at the Proreftants f but had no power to bite them) for the fpace of 22weeks, if her own Memorials fay true, often Vifltcd by her dear Acquaintance Mr. D anger ft eld and Sir WtliiamWd'ler whom (he ill Requites for taking fuch peculiar Care to keep her out o£the Carts way. During which time, having feveral times bravado'dthc Coucii when fhe was brought upon her Examina¬ tions, and like a true Roman-Virago, kept Truth fo deep at the Boitom, that it never durft fly in her Face. At laft She recei¬ ved her Trial at the Kings-Bench-Bar in Wejlminjltr-Hall^ where Face to Face She met her Friend the Captain , who' was not as She (>>) She mcert9, obCerved to tremble, but often to fmile upon her for Joy toleeher fo brisk and blithe ; but in concIufion,for want of his good Word (he leaped Scotfree ; but afterwards proved very unkind to her Deliverers, as (he confeffes, by giving two (lips for a Feafter, and leaving them in the lurch. iT bus have you feen Pope-Joan by far out-done, from hee^Popes Jhe has the £\diter won: is hers by Men it, Vs>ho dar ^Argue lefs, When this *Pope dies, [he jhallbe Prelate-Befs: Then loo\ youto't, Romes Foot She*I yer£ your T obies if you cannot 'Plot. ■ 4 it. ;i * F 1 S. v y vi *Y