1 A Form of Prayer with Thankfgiving, to be ufed yearly upon the Fifth day of ember ; For the happy de- liverance of the King, and the Three Eftates of the Realm, from the moft Traiterous and Bloudy intended Maflacre by Gun-powder. ^ The Service fhall be the lame with the uiual Office for Ho- lidays in all things h Except where it is hereafter other- wife appointed. ^ If this day fhall happen to be Sunday, onely the Colled: proper for that Sunday, fhall be added to this Office in its place. ^ Morning Prayer fhall begin with one of thefe Sentences. tottip face atnap from out lini0i,SDiLo?Di ano Wot out Pfai u all out offenccsi. Cojtect U!5, 0 to^ti, but luftb jubgntent, not in jer y ia > t&tne angct; left tftou Wing uo to not&tng. ^ i 31bJiiigo to m? fatbet, aub totii Cap unto bfm, iTa^ s Luk yy tbEt,3i babeanneb agatnft beaben, anb before tbec 5 anb i am no mo^e too^tbp to be calleb tbp fon. ^ ^ •IT Proper Pfalms, Xxxv, Lxiv, Cxxiv, Cxxix. ir Proper ^ In the Suffrages after the Creed, thefe fhall be inferted and ufed for the King. Fricfl. ' €)lo?b,rabetbeElngi People. inbo puttetb bfsf ttuif in tbee. Pricfti @enb blm belp from tbp bol? place. People. anb ebetmo^e migbtilp befenb bim. Pricft. Let bW enemieio babe no abbantage againff bltti» People. Let not tbe ujicbeb appjocb to butt bim» fP 3 IT In Gunpowd. T reafon. ^ Inftcad of the firft Colle6t at Morning Prayetj (hall thefe two be ufcd. ©oOjUifio fjafl fnall apsi ajEUieU tw poinet: anti mercp A micaculoud aiiD gcactou0 Delihecauces of t&p Cfjutc^, p?otE(tto!i of ciffpteou? ann reliBioug iatngg ano g)tate05 p?ofE(rm0: tOvjolp ann etecnal tttttn,ftom tOe micfeed £onrpicaciE0, ann malicfoug p^attlcen of all tpe enemieg tpeceof j mz piein tpee ouc unfeiffnentnanfes ann p?atfc, fo? tlje toonnecful ann itiigStn neitnecaTjce of out late Bcactou0 ©onctcignilitnB janies, tlje ffiiUEcn, fee I p^iiice^ ann all tne Eopa! Ci^nclje^, antn tnc Jf^oTOp, Ctetfi:p,ann ! (lottimon^ of tfjis JBlealm, tnen aircmblen in patlianient, Poptfli I ^ twac^etp appointen a0 Hjeep to t&e flauBpter, in h jnoil narba^oug ann i ' ' fabatie manner,beponn tpe etampleo of fo?mec aBc^* J^com fern unna^ c?ct«cai confpicacp, not our metit,but tl^meecp; not our foiEOBPt, but tijp . p?ooinence neiibcren u$ j ann tbetefoje, not unto 00, C) lo^n, not unto psy ff u0 5 but unto tpp I3arac be afctiben all ponour ann slojp in ail Cbtitc^s ^ oftpe fainto, from senetation to senetation, tbiougb 3!eftt0 fCfeift ouc ■10?n* Ameu. - i • ■ ; - '-r.n:. ' it M ffap nifcobet tpe rnare^ of neafp tfeat mere ? n ^ bun ninif monnecfullp neltbeif 110 from tbe fame i I5z f tpou If ill our miBbtp p?otetto?, annfcattet our enemieo tpat ne? f liBbt in bioun» infatuate ann ncfeat tpeir founfelo, abate tpeir I pjine, aifioaBc tpeir malice, ann confounn tpeic nebiceo* ^treuBtben tpe i)anO0 of ouc Btaciouo mins Chaiks, ann all tpat ace put in autbo?itp un^ i nec pirn, toitp jubBment ann julfice,to cut off all Cucp iuoifeeto of iniquitp, I ao tucn celiBion into rebellion, ann faitp into faction; tpat tpep map ne^ ber p?ebaU aBainft U0, o?tciumpp in tpe cuine of tpp Cpuccp amoiiB uo: TBut tpat ouc Btaciouo S>obeceiBn ann pio Eeaim^ Peins p?eKcben in tpp true Eeligion, ann bp tpp merciful BmnncQs p?otctten in tpe fame, Uie map all nuip ferbe tpee, ann gibe tpee tpanbo in tpp polp CongteBation, tp?aUBp 3ierU0 Cp^ift ouc jLO?n. Amen. j. "IT bi the end of the Litany ( which lhall always this day Be ufed ) after the Col- ' . le^St /Fe humhly befeech thee^ 0 Fathet'^ &c. 3 ifaall this be fkid which'follewetbi SiiJLmigptp @on, annpeabcttip ipatper, topo of tpp gcaciouli, pjobi- ^ nence ann tenner mercp toioacno tio, ninff pjebent fet malice ann imaginationobf our enemieo^ pp nifcobecing anb coitfoun- ning tpeic po?ciPie ann tnicfeen enterpjife, plotten, anirtniennen tpio nap to be erecuten againit tpe Eing, ann tpe tnpole flate bf tpio Eeaim,fojtpr fbbberfion of tpe ©obernment, ann Eellglen ellabiffecn amongll up j SJHc mott pumPip p?atfe ann magnifie" tpp gloudu^ Bame fo?tpt0 tpine inbnite gracious gcoOnefo totoarns uo/ anc confefOjit tuao tpp mercp, tpp mercp alone, tpat ine inete not then confumeO. foi our fino ccieO to peaben againft uo; ann ouc inlqumeg I'ulflp callen fo? bengeance upon U0. TSut tpou paftnotnealt toitp U0 after our finsi, np? reUJarnen uo after our iniquitlebi no? gibenup obeii,a0 ioe nerecben,to be a p?ep to ouc enemieb; Put nintt in mercp neliber up from tpeic malice, ' ann p^efecbe no from neatp ann neflcuctiom let tpe confinecation of tpi0 tpp gronnefo, © lo?n, tuo?k in uo true repentance, tpat iniquitp map not be our ruine. ann increafe in u0 moje ann mo?e a libelp faitp, aim fruit-- fui lobe in all poip obentence, tpat tpou mapelf continue tpp fabour, uiitp tpe ligpt of tpp ©ofpel to U0 ann ouc pofferttp fo? ebermo^e; ann tpar fo? tpp near ^ono fabe, 3leru0 cpjiff our oneip ^eniatout ann anbocate. Amen. % In .1. Gunpowd. Treafon. IT In the Commuaion-Scrviccj inftcad ofthe Collcftfor theday,lhall this which followeth, be ufed. anu our mott migttp p^otecto?, toe m untoo?tl))> ^ 4k # feroantjs oo ljurablp p^eCent our fclbe^ ljefo?e tpp ^aieftp, ac« X E3! feitotolECffinfftbPpatoetjtoifoom auDgiDimErg, in p^eferOfuff -X tbefiung,arnitf)e'C6?Ee Clfatesof tbt0 Eeaim afTembleii in ###T parliament, from tlje oellruition tbijs tiap mteitOeD againlf tbem^ ^afee 110, toe befeecb tbee, trulp tljanfeful fo? tljio tpp great met' CP totoaroo Piotert ano oefcito-our ^obereign lo^u tlje i^ing, anb alitbe Eopal ifamilpfcom alltreafonb ano cottft)icacie0 j pjcfersjetbem in tbP faitb,fear, ano lobe; wofper pig Eetgn toitp long pappinefg pere oneartpj ano croton pim toitp eberlafttng glo?p pereaftecin tpefeing. fiom of peabenj tp^ougp aeCug cpjiil our onelp ^abiour ano Eeoeemer^ Amen. The Epiftle. ebetp foul be fuPi'crt unto tpe ptgper potoero* jTo? tpere ig Rom-xiij X X "b Pbtoer Put of #00: tpe potoerg tpat be,are otoaineo of ®oo» X SBljofoeber tperefoje cefilfetp tpe potoer, teflilfetp tpe oioi' Xifc "ante of €500: ano tpep tpat retitt, gjall ceceibe to tpemfelbeg Oamnatlott* ifo? rulerg are not a terrouc to gmo too?feg, but to tpe ebil* ClKilt tpou tpen not be afraio of tPe potoer f 00 tpat topicp ig gcoo, ano tpou ajaitpabe pjaife of tpe fame: foi pe ig tpe mtnitter of (Soo to tpee fo? gojo. 'But if tpou 00 tpat topicp ig ebil, Pe afraio i fo? pe Pearetpnattpeftoo^oittbain t foipe ig tpeminifter of (©00, a cebenger to erecute tojatp upon pim tpat ooetp ebiu oaperefoae pt mult neeOg be fubi'ert not oneip fo? to?atp, Put alfo foj confcience fake* iFoi, foitpig caufe pap pou tribute alfo: fo? tpepare (©oogmtnilfecg,attenDing continuallp upon tpig berp tping* Eenoer tperefoieto all tpeir oueg i tribute to topom tribute ig one, cultom totopom cullom, feartotopom fear, ponout to topom ponour. The Gofpel. tpe mototngtoag come, alltpe cpief p?ffl!gano elOerg of s .Matth. tpe people tojk counfel againll jleCUg to put pim to oeatp. 3no xxvij* i. ^ topeii tpep pao Pouno pim, tpep leo pim atoap,ano oelibereo pim :f to pouting l^ilate tpe gobernour» Cpenjuoag topicp pao be^ trapeo pim, topenpefato tpat petoag conoemneo, repenteo pimfelf, ano p]OUgpt again tpe tptrtp pieceg of Olber to tpe cpief piielfg ano eloerg, raping, 31 babe finneo, in tpat 31 Pabe PetrapeO tpe innocent blouO^ ano tp'ep faio, iKElpat ig tpat to ug f fee tpou to tpat. ano pe catt Ooton tpe pieceg of filber in tPe temple, anO OeparteO, ano toent ano pangeo pim= feir. ano tpe cpief pjielfg tmk tpe filber pieceg, ano faio, 3it ig not latos fill fo?to put tpem into tpe treafurp, Pecaufe it ig tpepuceof blouo. ano tpep tmk counfel, anO bougpt toitp tpem tpe potterg fieio, to burp (Irangergin. ^(tlperero?etpatnelDtoag calleo, Cpe fielo of blouo unto tpig oap. CPen toog fuifiiieo tpat topicp toag fpoken bp 3iecemp tpe p?0' ppet, faping, anotpeptcoktpetpirtppieceg of filber, tpe p^ice of pim tpat toag baliieo,topom tpep of tpe cpilo^en of 31frael oio balue i anO gabe tpem foi tpe potterg fielo, ag tpe iLo^oappointeome. ^ After the Creed, if there be no Sermon, (hall be read one of the fix Homilies agaiiilt Rebellion. ^ This fentence is robe read at the Offertory. TT7 "5)atfaebecpe tooulo tpat men ipouio Ooto pou, 00 pe cben fo to &Matc.ti VV tpem 5 foa tptg ig tpe lato, ano tpe pioppetg. n f P 4 A Form of To be ufed yearly upon the xxx. day of fanuarj^ being the day of the Martyrdom of K. CHARLES the firft. ^ If this day Ihall happen to be Sunday, this Form of Ser- vice fhall be uled the next day following. ^ The Service fhall be the lame with the ulual Office for Ho- lidays in all things i Except where it is hereafter other- wife appointed. The Order for Morning Prayer. t[[ He that minillreth, fhall begin vpith one of thele Sentences. SDitett usf, © 6ut ttjitf! jttUffmeittj not fn tfilne anger: lefl tfjou lj?mg ug to not&mg. J^ent pour eeart,anD not pour garment^,anii turn to tfje loiii pour <®oD x foj ig gracious ano mer- crai; gam to anger, ano of great feinonefOi ann teprntetfj l)fm of t&e eoil. 3ltt!S of tiie lo?iio mecciesf, toat me are not con» fuaeo s hecaufe Diis compalTtono fail not. If In ftead of exultemuSy fhall this Pfaln following be ' ^Med, one verlc by the Prieft, and another by the Clerk j . .ad People. ai.xcv .5. Come, let uif moifijip, aiT^ fall Ootont ano fe'jeel before tl&e :ij. 19. Let us repent, and turn frQHi our -s^ickednefs: and our fins lhall be forgiven. US. lah 3.84 Ltt ;;0 turn eoerp cie fromD10 cbil map: anotfie 3Lo?ti mill turn from 9' &lsfiert<^attget5anrimefljan notpertnn. il. Ij. 3. We acknowledge oiit faults: and our fins are ever before us. bi. iij.42, Mz gaoe p^ohokeo tfjfneanger, © ILo^o: Out tOere ti5 mercp mitlj £l)er, acxxx.4. tOerefoie fl)alt tljnu Uz feareO. o Gunpowder T reafon, k afraiB; fo? U beacetlj not tlje ftuo?ti fn ftafn: fo? Ije is tlje mintRec of 45oD, a rebenijei' to erecute iu?at(i upon ijim tljat tJoetb eUil* C21ljecEfo?e pz muR nceoo be fubietf, not oneJp fo? iB?atbj but aifo foi confcience fafee. iToh fo?tbi0 caiife pap poll tribute aifo j fo| tfjep are #000 mintiter0, attenbing continually upott t&i0 beep tbinff* Kennec tberefo^eto all tbeir bue0 5 tribute to tnljom tribute 10 tnzi cudot^ to toljom cuRoni, fear to tobom feat) ijonour to toljom bonour* The Gofpel. 9l35l#en tlje tno^nins lua0 come, all tbe cbtef pdelf0 anb elbeco of tije peo's. Matth pie toob counfel againil 3!Efu0 to put bim to beatb* Snb toben tbep^ab xxvii. t. bounb bim, tbep lec bim amay, anb beiibereb blm to Pontm0 pilate tlje fiobernour. Cben jubaoiobtcbba'obetcayebbtmj toben be fata ^ ^ ^ tbat be tnao conbemneb, repenteb bimfelf, anb bjougbt again tbe tbirty piece0 of Olbecto tbe cbtef p^iefto anb elDec0, faying,31 babe fmneb,intbat 3 babe betrayeb tlje innocent bloub* anb tbey fain, aCibat t0 tbat to uo ? fee tbou to tbat, Snb be cait boton tlje piece0 of filbet in tbe temple, anb beparteb, anb toent anb ijangeb ijimfelf, anb tlje cljief ppello tooife tbe filbet pleceo, anb faib, 3it 10 not latoful fo^o put tbem into tbe tteafuty, becaufeit (0 tbe piice of bloub, anb tljey toob counfel, anb bought toitb tbem tbepottet0fieib,to bury ftranger0 in, caiberefoje tbat fielb toao calleb, Cbe fielb of bloub unto tlji0 bay, Cben toa0 fiilfilleb tbat toljicb tua0 fpoben by 3!eremy tbe piopbet, faying, anb tbey tcob tbe thirty piece0 of filbet, tbe p;iee of bim tbat b)a0 balueb, tobom tbey of tije cbiib;en of Sjfrael bib balue; anb gabe tbem fo; tbe potter0 fielb, a0 tlje iLojb appointeb me, 5 After the Creed, if there be no Sermon, ihall be read one of thefixhorhiliesagainftRe- bellion. f This Sentence is to be read at the Offertory. Wlbatfoeber ye loouib tbat men ^ouibbotoyon, bo ye sbenfototbem; Matth. _ foi tbi010 tbe lato, anb tbe P2opbet04 ?"• Sf 5 A Form James R. ByH is Majefties Command. U R. Will and Pleafure i^% That thele Two Forms of Prayer and Service, made for the Thirtieth of fanmrjy and the Sixth of February, be forth- with Printed and Fublifhed; to be ufed yearly on the faid Days refpe- dively, in all Cathedral, and Col- legiate Churches and Cliapels, in all Chapels of Col- leges and Halls within both Our Univerfities, and in Our Colleges of Eaton and JVtncheJler, and in all Parifh Churches, and Chapels within Our Kingdom of 8ng^ land. Dominion of Jrales, and Town of EerwJ^ upon Tvpeed. (jiven at Our Qourt at W^hitehall the Fhree and tieth day of December, 1^85. in the Firjl year of Our F^gn, MIDDLETON