By tke Committee df Safety Of the Common-wealth of England^ Scotland^ and Ireland, A PROCLAMATION Touching the Summoning of a EJ^LIAME l^e CoantilofDffteerfioftJe^tmp.ttponcotifiBeratton of tljcpjeftnt tonwtton * Of affairs I'n ttifs Comnion)Lbealt|),ano tije great offtractions notb fomented bp theenemfes thereof; anbbeingfatisfieb t!)at ei)e inoH probable means unoer <500 appeating of aUbifcontentSjauicting the people^t minBS.anb prefers blng of tbefr Spiritual anb Clbil Itltghts anb HibertitS, rbill be,that a iBarlia^ mentjttrttjout a finsio l&erfon as t!)(ef s@agifti'ate,®tft!sO)(p oj toufe of liters, map fpeeottp be tallei!,tt)Do,£|!?ouel) tlje grac(ous afsjftance of our ®oo, map p?oceeo to fact) a fettiement of d^obernment of this Commoniibealth, as map be foj the leeiintp of the Caufe ibh^i^^fn th^ scoi) people of l^at^ons h^be been^anb ffiii are engageb 5 :^nb that tljt^r I'n^ tenti'ons of fetting tip the Cibfi ::^atho^itp, anb being fubfetbient thereunto map be bjonght to effect, %l)tv habe l)t\h it thefr Datp bp allf oob means ibithin tWv poiiber to be inffriimcntal in p^ocntmg the faiiiejanb in otber thereunto, ijabe mabe bnoibn to tlje Cciimnttee of ^afeip theff befireshereinianbthatthe Committee tboulb tabe fpeebp dD;tber that the fame map be put m eicecutlon fc^ the cnbs before mentloneb^ naherenpon thia Committee being contribute their utmoft enbeabours Info goob a iboib,anb fo much tenblng to the fatlsfactlon ofallgoobmen,anb to the pteferbatlon of the ^eace, ^liberties anb 3aights of this Com^ monpbealth, 5^abe thought fit, anb bo herebp publi^ anb beciare, iChat mim unber the 0ieat^eaiof England, a)au fo^thfblth belffuebfotthefummomngofai^arllament, as a= f otefalb, to be heib In the nfual place at Weaminfter, upon the four anb tibenticth bap of January ncpt enrntng; tD(s Comnifttee so Ddctbp tjclio^e ans ccqutre all petfons of iptiat consitlon foeber,that in the mean time thep bo not act 0^ promote anp thing to the blfturbance of the pub- llqueideace, but that thep bo bemeanthemfelbespeaceablp acco?bing tothefLaib, ejrpectlng anb refolblng to fttbmlt unto tt)hat the parliament lhallln their fblfebom tljlnb fit to£)^bec concerning the great affairs of thefe blftracteb illations, ibljereln thep hnmblp pjap anb hope that the ftojb fblll be pleafeb to bonchfafe h^a gracious p^efence anb affiftance^ Given at Wkitehall this 14. day of December. 1659- ^^Rdered by the Committee of Safety, That this Proclamation be forthwith Printed and Publiiied. Will.Rol^infon^Clerk of the Committee of Safety. London, Printed by Henry Hills^ and John Eield^ Printers to the Committee of Safety.