By the King, A P R O C L AM A T I O rFor Continuing the Collection ofth« Cuftoms and Subfidies of -Tonm and Poundage. JAMES R. € Date uport itiatut^ Confiheration, uf - r ' Can a ?^ai:Uament, fpeeDilp to he :aiTe«ibleo, u. XPl)icl) (ine niaHe no oouPt, hut Cate thtU he taften fo? S>etlin5 a (nfficient Eehenue on tljt Ctothn foj the S)ttppo?t of the (Pohetnnsent; Xhe il5creCitttes of l[hhich> t« maintenance of tljejliahpfo? Defence of C^ttt istinghom, anh the :^hhantages of Xrahe 3Re« guiting, IChattheCttllomsanh i^uhShteo of Xott= nage anh i^ounhage, anh otijet of fii9onep, papahle upon ^^etchanhijes Ctpo^tehanh 26e continuehtohe CoUerteh, as in the time of !©ut: Deateft 2i5 ?othet latelp Deceafeh. OTe ho thetefo?e hp anh ihith the ^hhice of €)ttt l^hhp Council IScgnite, ^nh £)ut: Mjill anh#leaCttte is, IChat the fa^ Dnties he Colleaeh acco^hingi^, h|i all anh Cngulat the €>fiicets anh Colleao;is ihithiu all anh ehcrp 0oits in anp of o:^c, Printed by the Affigns of fohn 'BiU deceas'd : And by Henry Hills, and Hhomds S^momb, Printers to the Kings moft Excellent Majeftv. i6S.