*Tanacea Chr'tfiima* o R ACHRISTIANS SOVERAIGNE SALV15 FOR EVERY SCARE. . DELIVET{EV 111 Two feuerall Se rmons, andnovp digejledinto one tife ipubltjhed for the yfe of all difirejjed Chriftium, Efaiah 50.4. v TheLordhnth g^uenme a, tongue of the Learned^ thAtijhould knoro how to Minlftcr a word in time to him that is weary. AVGVStlN. Tarn hontfy eft Veus vt nullo modofermitteret ma* ium niji inde mjpt elicere bonum. liOKDOti, Printed by Jfaac laggard for Robert Birdy and aretobcloldachisShop in Cbeapciide, at the Signe of the Bible. I 6 z 4- TO THE RIGHT Honourable Sir Edward Cooke, Knight^ one of his ' Makjties moU Honourahh ^riig CouncelL Right Honourable; Efides thofe common enducements which pre- uaile with others (your Honours more then or- dinary zeale and afFeith the Good, Is lAiqt now high time to miniftera "^ord of comfort to them that mourn in Sion f-What greater comforlj&en this Oracle from Heauen^ Tt^orke to theBeJlofthem thatloue uod ? Of which number, the Church laf God hath good caufe to efteer^ your Honor, who haue tafted with ' your Brethren, this hitter (up, aniji^ ^ therefore can rdlilh" thefe Sipeet'e^ . the better. For my partjl know nbich was intended foly for the Tulpit, I know there is great dif ference hef^eene a Ituing <^oyce,and a dead Letter, as hetl^eene a hody anma- ted,and a painted hody. Iknow this CrU ticaU and Qnjbrious jige, willgme hut harjh Totlie Reader. harjly entertainment toJuch a rude and njnpol}fJ?cd Treatlfe ^ and deeyne it more fit to hejiipprejfed in a cornerjthen to hepubliffyed to the World^yet my coyji' fort is, A Widdowes Mite willfnd ac* ceptation with the Searcher of the heart. fBeftdes, J had ratherfeeme too forward in putting out yyiy Mafters iyuniey to the bankerSy then to undergo the Dootyie of an euill Seruant^forfmothering his "Ta* lent in a ISlapkin. AU Star res are not of the fame magnitude y et euery Starr e f?ines in hit oUrne Orhe . Iffome heames of Comfort conueyghed in thefe curjorie Meditations^ may warme and enliuen any poore drooping difconfolate fhriFli^ an J J haue my ayme, let God haue the Honour and Glory , As all things, fo this (J^ei/jejChall worke to the Beft. Tlead^and confder^ Vareloell. <^1? ini mi it I) mi' f'ttddc. ebim. wwiri ^ W t^f Daominj unot ■J Sim ikmis curfrii I dim 1 (Ir/i?*' ^amcea (^hr i[liana * OR A CHRISTIANS foueraigne Salue for * euery Sore. 'oP't eBell ROMS. 28. For rpce know that all things rosrhe to- gether for good, to them thatloue God, to them ixho are the called at- cording to his^urpofe. lOweuer the whole ^ScriprurefasS./'rf»/fo 2.Tini.3, 'his Schollcr Timothy) begiucnby diuinein- ' rpiration, and is pro- ficabiCjto teach.to improve,to cor- ' red, to inftrud in righteoufnelTe, ' B " that 1 A Qmftiansfouerat^ne that the man of God, may be madd ^ perfeci to all good worker. Yet as in the large folio of the booke of Nature, though euery Creature car- ry-in it the fparklesof thcpovvc fj goodneife, and prouidcnce of the Creator^ th )fcraycs ihine out more brightly in fomc, more dimmely in others J fo in the IcfTer Eptome or the Scripture, albeit all the parcels of facred Writ, breath forth one and the felfe fame diiiine truth in a moft fweete and heauenly harmo- ny; yet in fome paff ges the Spirit of God takes to hrmfelf ef as it were) thewingesof an Eagle, foartng a- loft aboue the capacity of the high- eft : in others hecrcepes(as it were) on the ground,ftooping to the ftial- low conceit of the meaneft. Some- times he couers himlelfe with thick 8,12.1 clouds, & darknes is his Vauillion.^ o- fher whiles he fpcaks to vs familiar- Fxad.j 7, 11 .IV' as to his fcruant Mo/es^ face t$ J^'Ce^mouth to mouth. ThenesvTe- ftament by the confent of all,in this fefpvCl carries the prvheminence bcvond thcold. muftbec C? clearer ^ ik^it . Yrs bookeof iraear- icpvtr, ;c ofk loutraore mtncly ia o( Sciluefor euery Sorh tlexrer then the text. Aniftng the A- poft!es, Pau/outftt jps his fcJJowes ; who/or his labour,'Of his learning, waseuer held ih.^ chieffji of the A- fojlles. Among the Epiftles ofPaiily his to the Romans{\{fuch invaluable lewtU riiay be valued one with ano- thctjif one ^nr may differ from an- , other in glory/"bea' s the name from the reftjwhether we refpcft cIoo,tbtbffe^xP^»/ addrefies jfi]sddc.Qmfe iniSbis chapter, where- in like a valiant champion,expert in 'tfie Lords barta}}cs,hauing muftred Yp-.hi« forcesy and marlhallcd them ial34tf'liie arrayi in the Fore-front, hc afronts fipne,, the head oj this in the^iRercwardy h.in;#i%t:j^4^^{ n, ik tui^Afte/tres^ and vdepfmiferfPi. b loos'i :j(,f ji Ipp^ ■ In Q-eating heercdj^cfaat' X mif p(|/cQti'd acquaint you with my i;iahod5.«^€ cbnfidcrtbe cofinexion'firfti the propofition. In thcpmpo? , ^3 fition;, Ckf'! I A ChfiJlh)isfoH?rai^?ie fition the' Circumjlaifccj fht fnh-: Jlxnci.fs objerftfable. The, Circum- fjianccsvvill lead vs intothe conh- deration of the peifons to whom this C5rV^4//'is intended rcfirained; manner how it isde- iitiercd^euidbntly^ confidently (ffee kwrp:)^ot the fubftance in it you hauefirft-thegeneraliry (4// tbwgs) them the Harmony;(wr^e together:) thirdly, the fcopc or drift ot their working .{ for good:) laftly,the de- fpniption of the 'parties whom this concerns, from their inward affedi- ^ a (mithey that lone Godihomthc'ite^- fisftual vocatiian '(fbit they are^eallM (f^od:)ivcm-1heir eternall cledtion }jhu they Are cdled acconimg tslxit yurpofe,), '•'Tnofe be the rude lineaments of our prelent difcourle, which wee intend ^tfstjlance) to ftrofectite- and pollilh ouer with a fecond,& more accurate draught. That which^rfl: ofiT:rs itfclfe to our Meditation, is the Connexion, whfch ihall bee difpatched m a word {Alfo:)i\:{it copulatiue particle like Salue for euery SOre. t'lt jsi jtfcc n -mc corner ftone in a curious Cite®.» ftruCiurc, knits this verfc to the ver- the coi fes imracdiarely preccding^as if the towhoir, Apoftle had dcliucrcd himfelfe. tcfitaincdj more pbinely and fufiy,- If this bc;, w kisde* not fulicicnt to ftrengthen your, iently W feekle knees^ to ere£f your dcieilcd t in It you IpiritS; tliat fuffering is the way to [i tkn^s] glory, that by the Crojfe you doQ,- but cjimbe to this Crorrne^ that dnbUki: Mount Calst^ry lies onely in the- Wipkk' rhode to Mount Talker, that hcerc- Kulionitliii inftands your confermiPie to hi*n\ WJrdaft®' 'vvas confecrnted your H/ght romtheiref- frffi by Affittlion: If the fwcete meditation of the glorie to com?* [ull f/fto cannot digeft the prefent^bitternefle of the CrofTc^ ifthe prefence, the adiftance of that Spirit of CenfU- liflcairnitso fbat. Comforter, who.is Com^ itWffC fort itfelfd, Cannot.chpare your.difr eonfolatpdfpirits,nor afifwageyour %cf with' f )rrow j adde to the formerheapea tedraifhr. ferious meditation ofiht>power ("jlfftaoui Guer'tuling Prouidence: of your :o/iirxiot> heaucnly Father,whercby all thiog? ched iti, fo wifely difpofrdt-fo fweedy punningly lit J5 4 that g' AChriJliaHi'fouerai^ne' ^ tbat whac eucr happens in tnc world, all vvorke togcchtr' rhe' btft of them that; louc God,&c. All things abd theVcft^yoer atfliclions which a^c^fofar fro p e-' i^isfng your lakia'ion, thot , adl^nceit^fo'.farre trona bdng fasl ydii'dctmc irtyfiUr wrake diitcni-' per9}cJi§^fS to wedgl; yoi^ to the c^arth, thaethQV proue after a fort ^ w-l5e''eby you loaVe aloft to heaiien; fofarre from bfihg Sea.- lA^ynfcrni-^i. ^*0 cjpicc from whence yoiir- foalcs 'flaould bee turribled h^adlong rnthl the infcrn-all Lake, that indcedthcy prouetobe zSca.' U caii\^'^Wkk^pladder^oti \vhofc ftaftesthc Attgelsof God ar§c6no • o » tmually aft^nding and defcehding,- ^ which fteps the Eleift mount in- to'^riitt^JiVbyfotne. Thcfe talM- Wikmis fenie not -to trbad you as* mite vTid^'t their feere, 'i>iit' to lift ^UA'p(4s-]^i i^sfand Prindi ^vporf Iheif lliould'eflS Reefer heaueni, He that i hath ^ftKt Halfe an eyc,^ may ^ow-fei ^he' d]^ oi» the Apoftlej .^ivWth'fe^totVcachfoortha ftrhng' Cx. 3!if[ S^lue for euery Sore.:' •• p CAhle of CenfoUtion , vnto thOfS poareSaints and (eruants of Godj \»ho fay ling in the troublcfome Sea of this lumhltuous world, ha- uihgeticoimtredwith^reat ftormsi and -nhw almoft oucr-wh'elmcd with'rite fliccefiion of many hide- ous Avaues one pccfling on anotheri are labouring for lifc,ieady-to he plunged into the gulfe ofaefpaire. Aftfo.ig Cable ifi$, eompo(ed of many threds, f> twifted together,- that alf cheDiuels rn hell (hall neuer be abldto breake i'c. TiwCfayth Sdo^ Eccie,4.9» vim}Are hethr th'^i^ne \ a threefold cdrdeahnpt ca'fily be brok^'h; In tihat biir Apoftle contents not him^ ielfewith one Argument Iblatidri, but,to the firft addies a ft - cond,'■ and ^ftrcrigthcns tbe ftcbnd' .7;, with'a thirds, the obftruatfon plaine ahdeuidsnt. As, nrsmy are the CrSfS 'S' of the 5 ■ foV <-theit C^forh Ate the Afftf^IIons bfrile iufl: goc^hbf'llingle,- butby & trbopes; brte fbllbMring '4fi(ofGod, fo many Carpenters were appointed, fb mapy hamn^'^i's lifted yp tobreake thole homes in iohn.ifi,33. pioces,; In the worldyoiffjall haue there's the crcire.) In mejou fhxllln^^ fieace; there's the comfort. through ntany trihuUtions you^ tnufi enter ft^o the kingdome of heaueft^ Tribulations, many Tribulatiops 5 tUfre\many croffes; thefe tribpigr, tibfis^iniftera paffige by-which W€ geffeuen iJ;,hc|-^'s^many copi- forts, Salue fof euery Sore. forts, if V7kh Paul w^^haueterrort:. n-itl'iout^ ana terrors within^ we fhal findc comforts without and com- foi ts within: if we be diftreffcd on aUiCdLS.withhim, with him wee fhall be comforted on all fides No- tabic to this purpofe is that of the fame Apoftlc, 2 Cor. 4.8,9. \\'eare offlined on euery Jide: there's crolTe' vpon croffe; yet not in d/ftrejje, there's comfort. Heegoeson, vee are in. douht Jbut defy Mr e not; xve are ferfecutedy but not forfakeny cafl downcy but weeyer/Jh noty^c. It is very remarkable to obferiie how^ the crofics &comfbtts,with which that ehofin vclTtll was Udedypoifedy and balUncedQ2x:\\ Other; yet in the cnd,verre ly.thc comfort infinitely weighs downe the croflTe, and ther- fore he Cals it alight afficlion, hut a weight ofgtory. Letmec Ihut vp the proofe of this point with the Ept- phenema of the fame Apoftlc, Blef Jedhee the Father oj our Lord Jefus Chrifiywhff comforts rus in all our trim hulationSy that as our.fuffering for Chrijl hath aboundedyV Jo ot^r iosf might ^ .10- A Qfynfiiant foueratgke might abound much more. • I You haue flcme God doing his part: our parts now mufl: follow. This Itrues (ihat I may defcend fro' the confirmation of the point \-4i to application, v/hich is the life of all teadiing) to.miniftcr niancr of Thankfulnefle,. of Inftrudion, of Meditation. OfThankcfulnes firft. HowniouId".eQcry Chriftianshart be rauilhed with this confideration anditraofported ^ eucn beyond it ftlfr, ,with"'theigrafefuiracknow-. lodgement offd high a fauour.^ The God of Confolation is no niggard* ofhis CordmJstAas. pinches not, he. (pates not,but giuesVs into our bo-' fbmc a good meafure Jhaken toge- fber^jfre^ffeddotaBe, running ouer: &> wilt thou fhciwfjchy Iclfc a niggard in rhc>retribut«^ of Th.ihkcs?ls Gods hand opened,dithirielhut? Is Gods heart ehlargGd^and are thy bowels flrgitned ? Shall the Crearor'giuc vi^cfvthc Creature a • Cup. of Corife- Iation,aCi^ btimfoUian our rrflow^ ingC»/,an(hflra:JinQt'tbe prcatnr© take vp(withihe Princely Prophet) 'H' » the Salueforh4ery Sore. if I hi) ; fhe 'cup pff4lmticn / , tPill ye thus rtr- low. ^tsite the Lord^, Oye foolijhpeopli and ifro 'ViJthiukfull ? St ingr&tum dixerhs I'Hto emnix'dixerts, Gtue vnto the Lord aU of ail ye his^atnta 5 Giucvnto the Lord. I of What will yon giuc? thankesivths^ 1, of IcfTc canyc giuc ? notverball oniy* lirft. but milnot in word .alonei but in isVoit deed and in truth, as the Ap'ftie raiott ' vt'iih.sihc Ephefiavs.^toTPAlkev:>(tr(hy pud it ef,their ■vocxtiort'. fuch is my counfel inow- to alhthat haue tafted of this fweete Ep{,er.4,i, i^lhc marrovv.and farne{le>^Wke worthy jsgard tffo great C onfolkttcn. iot,he Itforuesfecandiy^' foi ihflrutSir tirbo- on, to hiakc vs enamored with the (D^t- bo6k^ of God, that rich voardrohi, and aboundant ftorc-houfc of di- gjrdis ninje comforts. Ifatty he merry.^kt^^'^'^^'')^'^f> s Gds htm fiHg ■ pfalmes, if afjlieied let htm Cols p^4y,md read too. Whether ftioufd wee go -for light but 10 the Sunne f ^ ^ giuc forvyatcrbutto .tbcVYcl-head.^Lo here that fountaine of conrolatf ^0. ort a the Hart hrayeih after the tuic riuers of water., fb letxhy difconfo-. )\\n) ^oiile pant and third after tbefe Chtift^l fijeames of liuing t' fi water, (hop^ cJffcd? iji'lijilyM ikW oorfsra I Mm p::[ilK Prop.k m:'p pfe totbrol Ik ca.lftl W\' t to Wlli; kk 'ICIK bttl W H the ku r AChrlJlansfouerAigne water, which iifuing from the thre. Pfai4';,4. ^ftjoldofthe Sandiiary, the Citty of oiir Cod Hecrebce C.mr.2,5, thofe J^fplcs of Paradiji'^ thfe flagx gons of Wtne^ the true Ac^ha vitSy which can fetch sgaine in our deepeftylw/Wejj which alone can rcficfti vsinour greateft Agonies. Htere is the oylc of gladhcffe, the halnte of Gilead'^ heerc wee may fucke,and be delighted jhcere wee may milke and be fatisfied. As for all other waters,either they arc but ftreames iifuing from this foun- tainc, & howeuer pure in the head, yet may bee corrupted in the chan- nels or through which they are conucycd vnto vs ; or if they flow from any other fpringy they are not liuing,but dead waters :not fwcete but bitter ftreames, corro- dingnot comforting the bowels' in- to which they deicend. All thefc comforters are miferahle comfir- ters^ fhifitians of no ^'<^/A^e,drl'gges of no vcrtue. Thtfe facred volutnes are not vnfitly refemblcdby one of rbe Ancients,:tQ an Apothecaries Salue for euery Sore. - i ^ {hop, richljT furnifhed with falues for euery fore, with receits and fc- mcdi $ for euery maladyX^ur carc and wifcdontie muft induce vs fo fa- milijrly to acquaint our fclucs with the feuerall campofi:ions,tIiat in all our cjttremiti'. s,we may be able on a fodaine to fetch and cull out pro- per falues for any for es^ fit receites againft any diftempcr.//;^^fainted^^^'^ inmyaffliliion ffaith the Princely Prophet,' if thy reord had not fayed me vp. A wife man will haue his plaiftcr feadyyhough his head bcc not broken as yet. The laft vfe femes for meditati- on. If there bee fuch ftorc of com- forts fuggeftcd to vs on earth, what thinkeyou is rcferued for vs in hea- uen? The greateft mcafure of confo- larion we can haue here, is nothing in comparifbnof what wee Ihall haue ther.The difproportion is on- ly not infinite: hccrcwee haue but thefirfl fruites^ there is the haruefi - here our comfort is but in the feed^ there is the full croppe j hecre wee ^ haue but the earnej}f)[\crc is-the in- heritance j f ^ A Chrijlam fouerai^nt hcritancej becrc but a fc/w fparklcj, there is the flame jjiecre bur a few (drops,'ithcie is Ocean. Now it isdiifillcd into our. narrow piou- thed bottle, as wc are .capable to rc- ceiuc.it, drop a-fter dropi then .wcc Pjiall bee baihe(i^'ydrenched o- uer Jhead and eares in a S.raofcom- . fort.This ioy is fo grcar,tbat it can- • noienter into vs,but wcc muft cn- terinto it. So much that phrafe of *iatv2j,zi, implyes : IVfll done good oind feiithftiU Jcrnant, enter into thy maflers ioy. There is fuIneflTe of ioy, there arc riuers of picafurcs for e- uermorc: fuch comforts ascie hath not feene,eare,hath not heard; ncir ther euer can the.heart of man con- ceiue ; Lord^ Cine vs euer more of this Comfort. So much, if not too much of the connexion. We come now tq thc words in themfelues confidcred; where thccircumflan- cesffrft offer therarelues to our me,, ditatipn; the firftTs, the perfon to wbpm this priiiiledge is ^entailed} Wee that arc made partakers of . the Sahefor euery Sore. irklQ, fhe Diuine narurej rce'e tfiat arc afew borne not of watei but of ihe Spi- 'owi: ricj that arc aduanced to bee a niou- holy Nat'ionj a peculiar people, a tore- Royal! Prieft-hood : We that hauc o-wce tailed of the bitter waters ot'jYa" It'll 0- rah,fVehow (jrc. There lies a no- "com- table EmphafiSi (if, you maike it) itcan- in this particle Wee; it is a word of reftrainr, and (huts vp the doore a- Weoi gainftall carnall "VVorldlingS; anti tvill not allow them the apprehen-^ fion of fo Diuine a'truth. This iofioj, Chriftian Aphorifme cannpt bee concetued; rhuch lelTe Crribraecdj - niuch lefle digcfted by a Nar'ura- • (J.;, lift. VVilcdome hath bid thcle ifflcoii' things from the of this mrtd.. , liuwu o , j , J J ? Luke. 10.21. iTWtrrj reueAled f hem- Unto Babes ^ and fnottoo ^^^hlif^stzo fuch Babes as d-ftre the fincere ihiike of the word,that they may grow thereby* The narurall man perceiueth not the things of ") Godj neither indeed can hee : So Vaule^t.Corinth.z.i^. W^ pcrcei- tieth not? the things of God; there is his inability; nehher can hee, there yjjaf is an vtter impoffibility. Asfoone ■ tltf C may thiIIp.4--7' I.Pec.i.g. A Qmflwisfoueratgne may a brui:c beaft concciur, dif- cufTe, rcafbn,and difcourfc ofthe things of men, as a man in his mecr naturals,comprehend the things of God. This knowledge Is bey end the fphere of Nature-^ and wcc arc guided to it by a higher principle. This is one of thole deepe myfieriei ofGodlmeJJe^ into which the z>ery gels dejire to pry 3 an 'unwife mtn knoweth it not^ a. foole cannot 'under- fiand it, Thefc Ccleftiall thoughts,rranf- tend his dull Capacity: tell a world- ling of the Veace of God which paffeth all vnderfianding-^ mind him of a ioy which u glorious and vn. Jfeakedle : adiire him, there is a royBll priuiledgc peculiar to the chofcn of God J that ytU things Jhall TTorke together to the left of them that bus God^cfc.You fhal ieemeto him a "Barbarian^or {as the Athenians cen- furcd Pauls,) you muft pafle for 3 habler and broacher oft new'Dotirine- nayj left us 'uerdiB will be your lor, much Deuotion hath made thee madi If hcc hiraftlfc difcourfe of| thcra, Sake for euerj Sore. J if. fhern,k is but Parrot-likc,he ipeaks oftbt' by rote, he know's not whatj vtte- ;mee! ring the Sentence, when he vnder- gs of ftands not the fenfe. Let his Wiw Kyni and Oylc encreafe ; Let hii Cowes cc are Calue and ceafe not 5 Let him ham iciplc. his portion in this life^ Efaus Patri- )feriii fnonyyhe fatnesof the earth,fieful- nes of bread; like the Cocke in the i|tM Fable heewillprefcrreoncB4/-/(f'y- )t 'vnifl. t^^rne before the richcft leweUwhich the earth can afford,Giue him Hay, itSiM! Prouender, Huskes, and Accrncs, thcZ,ce,^ei: and Onions of ^^gyfty I jj'fe he wiil not fficke to bid much good may your Spirituall confolations ttivf! do you; let rhcc inioy the prcfent comforts ofthislife.-I fhallneither jj (Ik enuy your hopes for the future,noi: nm dcfiretlKm. Letmehauc the Pes^ the pofleffion and fruition of my totmi dc/ircsj take you the Spes^ the ex- pe(5iation of I know not wha^^<'/- e for! which yourcrackt braines promife to themfelues.0/;i' hand^isbetter thentm^ it tk As our Sauiour fpake fometiraes to the woman of them ^ ^ 20 A Qmjliansfoueratgne lohn. 4.10. kncwrft the gift of Go^, and who it is that fpeakcth vnto thee,thou wouldfl: haue a^ed & he would hauegiuen vnto thcc of t-hc water of the Well of life to drinke freely. Sofay I vnto thee, O thou filly fottifh M^uck-mrmey if thou couldft but tafl: the delicacy of this hidivinnna^ this Angelicall pvouifi- on,thisfuper-coelcftiall and foule- rauidiing confolatio% with which the Kightcous Man is dayly,hourc- ly.fblaccd; how wouldfl: thou loath the dirt "and dung of this world How wouldfl: thou (with Da'vids Worthycs ) breake thorough a 2.Sam.z3. T'hole hoajl ofphiliflimsio get but a ftw drops of the water of this Be- thel-, which now iS powrcd forth vntotheeCasir weFC-)by filefuh^ and thou fuffercft it to bee fpilt on' the ground jnay,tfampkft it as rnirc and dirt vnder thv feetc. But what "do I wafting my fpirits.and abuftng your patience,while I direift my dif- couifr^O the t^Uy y which hath m fares ? k will how sddreflTe my fclfe -to thehungry empty foulc^ Is thefe any Goi, vnto &ht if the rinke I thou 'thou ifihts Salue for euery Sore. any hcere who/e bowels are kind- ledjWhofcafFeiitions are enflamed ? Is there any, that longs to hauea hiarcin this ineftimabie Treafure ? That longs to fip of this cup ? I know no furer way,no better coun- fell can bee giiien him,then to inte- reft himfelfc in the ficiety of the ^Saints. Labour to bee of that whkli munion'^ bee one of that Incorpom^ hmt-fjo/t, and this praerogatiiie granted uloathto th.m, will not bee d^^nyed to ■odd^thee. If thou bee involued in this )iiv!is (IVe) if raadc partakers of this Di- luahauine nature, thou (halt bee made tf butpartakcrs of this diuine Confolatt- tisBf-on: the Saints are indeed theonc^- ^ iortily true Goed fellewes which hauc all ilt-fiii^ings common. ThisC^feejis not /piltoi^nelv an excluftfte particle, to ftiut 'jijiirchc do Jre againft the wicked and what^rophane hand that would be fnat- jujjngihing at thcfe dainty morfelsi but lydifjlfoan /w/ujt/xe particle, opening fl, fithc doorcwide ta the feeble hand ,(f)fj»f all weakcpalfic .Cbriftiansj for (jifrej^bom God hath fpred (this jnyurniflaingit eucn ioithe wildernes. Cs Leaft A Chrifliansfoueraigne Leaft anyfhould tliinlfe this Table common for all commers, taggc andragge : appropriates k, points vs to theguekinuitcd, and wee onely:) Leaft apy flioald thinkc this lable proper to VauU onclyjhce cnlargcth himClfe to (hew how it is comtoon to all . ^ ChriQLins and all wee.) Hi-ifc{( therto ofthc particsto whom this! k truth is intended and entailed j it is ■ more then high time that wee pro- j imjj, (wk Ifks filyob rowJiii' ccedto the manner how itisde liucrcd, implycd in the next word {KnawJ {^'eeinoTV: )a word that im- ports both the pcrfpicuity and cer- tainety of this diuine Ayhorifmt, Thisknowlcdgc was no barejjx' culation^uia pradiicall objermtio, hot a meere Notion or naked co ception of the braine, but a we ptof 'grounded and fetlcd periwafiono inj the heart. Wee knffw not thcor/ cally oncly,;but real lyj not ipecul; iiiiciy oitelyjbut expetimentallyv' uery day,J'eucry.'moment is-tbi fcW Cffli tap (oi bee wli & M SjDripturc- folfiUcd in vsj and vpoj Saluefor euery Sore, ^ V^,that a/1 things ■xrcrke^^c.Aga.lnc^ iTablc» knoTf) that is ^ wc may know ir, we muft know ir,we fliall know it. itcs It, We may know^ if we doe not wilful- 1) ly fliut our eyes; if we do but care- (houlc fully obfctue the carriage of God opd towards our fclues, or any of the dfe ti SaintSjtiacc him in all his paflagcs, to al you may cafily fcnt out the print of his footfteppcs; Things reueded^ Horn lb belong to vs and our Children . \^'ee rWit oughty we miift know it. E uery track wcepii and profcifion of life, Cittizciis, tfitisi Schollers, Souldicrs: the Gentry, crtwoi Com ninalty, Nobilitj^, hauecef- tain prcrogatiues annexed to them rkit (not to touch vppon the highcR j audct ranke.) What man fo fimple.as to ji^yjn bee ignorant of thofc pnuiledgcs ) barel which are granted by cuftomc or fauour to the meaneft occupation f ltd CO What a fliamc were it then for any it a profeflTcd Chriftian to bee vtterly vaCon vnacquainted with fo maine a pri- rico' uiledgc proper only to thofe of that fpecv coatc ^ Proprium Quarto modo (as Schoolemen dcliucr it) omni Soli nt is' /a-- ty. If any thinkc i haue dwelt ^ oq long Salueforeuery Sore, long in the Porfall^ let this con- tent them, we are now in the Pa- /ace :v/chzvc beene long incrac- king the fliell,that your appetites might bcc whetted to /o^gforthc kernell. {yill things:) Not,few not rainy; but (All) none excepted ( rrorke to- gether.) Many and fundry Agents are found in the world, whofe courfe dnd fcope, whofe aimeand ends, and a£lions are not the famcj they coinmunicate not their fe- crets each to other; yea, their in- tcntions are aduerfe^ one thwarting, crofliing another; yet the ouer-riiling Prcuidence of that fupreme tdoderatlir and fole Monarch cf Heauen and easth^ fo fwaies all fubordinate and inferior inftru- ments, that in the midft of their mutuall iarres and oppofitionSj theyconfpire ina facred Harmony* as if they were entred into a holy leaguefbme facred combination fo r the good of his chofen; where cucrthey beinrefpeiSoftheir pla- ces, whofoetfer in regard of their per- ■^b. ^AChrlJlansfouerdtgne perfons. howfocuer dif-ioynredin regard oi thdr afic<5iions,- all their pioicds and practices tend or ftiajl turne to the good of the If I were difcourfing among Phitcfo^ me thinks they might excel- lently be fliadowed out by the Re- uoiution eft he Heauens ,Y^ic.ry Planet moucs in it ownc proper Orbe-^ their motions are not all alike, but vari"- ou&j nay, oppofKeeachvn'ioothen ' Hence thole different ConieinlHons^ Oppofitions^and AfpeUs^ the PU- fjets^ yet by the wheeling round of the Primum lAohiU^ they are brought about to one determinate point,If I were, to (^ircourfe among Statif men} I woui4 wifh thetn to obferue the'wile f:nd polkicke car- liage of a Prouident Prince^viho meeting with oppojlte faliiens in his State, while each man- takes his owne way, one feeking to vnder- mine another} he fcrues-his ownc cndes of botli, lb wifely managing the good, Co powerfully ouer-aw- ing the bad, that, all turoes to the commort good1 leaue the V- ^ to Saluefor euery Son, 5 * to the iudicious Reader, then 1 (^por good: Jfo fomc Interpreters; for the BeJ^fo others; the former expohtion is good andwarrauta- tkfn- [jiej the latter, I take is Bejl and moft EmphathafL There is a foure- fold incident to mankinde. 'bnct Nit until, Ciuiil^ Spirituill, Etermll, their which refped^s the good OTi* of our bodies; the Ciuill^ the good sotha of our dates; spiritually the good fiiini!, ofourfoulcs in this life Eterna^'^ itFk- thehappinede of body and foule tuodo! both in the life to come. The 2\^4- ;y art turall good is common to man and mkatt beafl:; the Ciui// is common to the raorg wicked with the Godly; onely the cm w SprirituaS and Eternally aduances kc3i' the righteous as much aboue the r^jwlio prophane, as the C/»/^aduanccs a 'intis Man aboue a Bead. Itisapparanc ■5 tis enough what Good the Apodle idcr- driucs at,not euery g^jo^/but the WDC gWjnot the Naturall or Ciuill gi/j^ gfiod: (both thcfe vanifh as droflc 2W- in the furnace of affli(dion:)but the )tbe Spiritual!, the EterftaHgood^which abides the fiery triall, and as pure to Gold Gold is refined,rather then cmpar- red by it. AH things /hall worke for • qjcto theirgood-^ that is,fliall make for the good of their foules, for their cter- nail good j (hall fuither their £iiJication^ih^'\t Saluation-fhd\ make them more holy hcere, more haffie hereafter, more gractons on earth, moxtgloriom in hcaucn. i.— A Paradox which foundes harflrj J fate and muft needs gr ate th c eares of a ^ wafar:, Wmli f«toni to ma' For thii £if Gut toato Ww; carnal! Nichodemus^ a conceitmoft abfurd in the iudgcment of flefli and bloody contrary to fcnle and experience • no me? uaile if a wrld- lingvfiW not fubfcribe to it. Who more bafe, who more contempti- jfrwo/ ble.in the eye of the world, then the Generation of the /ujl? No men more raiferable, fo beroundcd and enuironed with euilles, that the)' cannot lookc b fide their miferies; all .things confpire to mifchiefc them. Whit a (fraunge affertion, bcyt^d all belecfe is this of our A- pottlCi-that all things worke to their good, all things {hyxhihe Fa- thetc?) what, ^Unill} what,_yf»«ef what. Sahefor euery Sore. ^ ^ inpi't' what, AffsCiion ? ^Herhat puts (s"/*'* ' q .icftion, afn)yles irJYcj^a//things. 3rtte A large word, of a wide extent,ycc etei- nottoolargp. CenerallaJJerticns a- to' uaile little, the whole waight of our make comfort, lies in the induciion of kfpt Particulars. Glue inee h aue there- ;anh, foreto run through 4//and to cxtraiflthis^«z/;rf//ewfof con- Vjftv, folation from eut ry thing, lescfi For Method-fake, we will range jitnioj them into two Heads j either they if del arc Good^ot E»/7.That ai Good things ifeani turneto the^Wof them that are wli' Cood^ will eafily be granted of alh" Wlij Briefcly then, all Gf'<7i,whrthcry«- r "fflpti- ffome orfubordinate. SupretneQod himfelfe, whether we confider him in his Nature or workes. For his at- yjivl tributes. His Wifedome hxhtit Pi- itthef liis Power thcit Bulwarke^ his cries: Pfith/u/nefe their Anchor^ his Pro. Iiiefc ttidence their Purueighor. His lufiice tjoD; Jccpes them from his [. ^ Merc^ from Dejpaire. His Omnifci- Ut ferues as a Bridle, to cui b them .^a- from dooing «■«///. The Face of the „gif Lord is againji them that do euill j aS pfai.^^,, ^ M} ^ ^ a Spurre to encourage them to all JMat.(j.4: good Duties. He that fees in fecret^ willrewartithem openly. In a word, they loue him for hhgoodnejjeyf are him for his greatnejfe^ and imitate his HolincJJe. -As for his VVorkeSy if towardes them in particular, fometimc s hee fpeakes out of the whii Iwind • The Hofeaj,?. roarcs, the.n all the Bcaftcs of the field tremble; This rough ling.^ howeuer it perplexe them for a time, yet makes them more care- full to pleafe him, more fearfull to offend him. V-fually he fpeakes to J King. I p. 12 ownc in a. gentle ftill voice,and 13-'. difcourfeth with them in a familiar.. Language: Then they rralke with God as Envehy taWiC with him as fvUfes^ conucrfc with him as bram.^iivp^\ita.\ic to him, as Jo/ftah^ Samuel.paniel. If tmardes Othergeneraltj: Sometimes hec workes by ; then his (bines fu^ciently; they afcribethc. praife to hhn, who both appointed the meancs, & gaue the blelfing to that meanes he had appointed. Some- Sake for eUery $ore. • vSomeiimes hce workes tvithoui tncAnes-^ and thcrthis Glorie giues a farre grcarcr luftre; they crie out Digiitu Dei eft. Sortitimes he works Jer'of dhue.^ agaittfimexnes^ then indeede, Exod-S-ip^ his Giorie fliines out moft brightly this fils them with wonder and a- mazementj caufingthcfti to breakc cue with the Apofilc: O the deepe- fteffeof the t:Jfed'm ^ power ofGod^ ho)v vnfearchxble are his iudgemtnti and his wayes pdflfinding Out] Rom.- 11,43 God the Father is their Crea ard F refer tierGod the Some^ their S&uiour and Redeemerfiodthe holy Ghoft^xhth Sanciifter and Com- forter. AsGoiiftheruprcme fball Creatures in fubordination to his \<'i'l, workc far the good of his Cho/en, hether Men or Angelles. Lowcrwemay notdcfccnd, leaft Onr difcourfe know no limits. Angels; what's their officc?arc they not fcnc forth as Mini firing Spirits for the good of the Q\efMHeb. 11,14 Inp«rlnfancie,thefe heauenlypeeres catry vs in their Armes as Nurfts^ D z leali 56 A Qmfltdm fouera 'tgne Pfa.pl^afiwefl^ould daflj our feeteagainJia fione. In our Nonage,they feruc as Tutors or Gouernours, Iccrctly infti- gating vsto^W, diiTwading from euill. Are wc inprifon ? they caa knockeofFour Fetters, open tiie Afts 12.7. Brazen gates ^ and fct vs at liberty to fliift for our liucs. Arc we cnuiro- ned with an innumerable Hoafi of ^rmed Enemies ? they can flay a alung.i9,jj jjundredandifourefcore^ jiue thou" Jandin one night. At our Veath^ they rtand ready to receiue our flk- ting fouics, and to carry them into X-uice Abrahams bofome. At the Rcfurre^ cfi9n,\hcy gather tlie Bodies of the S jints from thefoure Corners of the Tcorld. (Men^) All Ordinances among Men make for them, whether C/»// OxEcclejiaJlicall. CiuiH lAagifrates ffay 49.23, are Nurjing Fa thers ^ nurjing Mo~ thers to the Church:^ as the jhadovo »f A great rocket ofhroud them from the rage of the wicked. R om.4,44 Heeis the Minifter efGodtothee^for Good, What Good ? That we may leadc a quiet and peaceable life, in algod, linep Salue for euery Sore, " it*t rU3 I ^ » lineffe mdhoriffty^ iX\vs\.Zyi. As J^ngiflrates ferue for their Tempo- rail, fo Minijlers for their Eternall Good. Thefe are leading thera togreene Pafiures^ rchefe vene J '>7* 1 tlie Bedutifnll^ becaufc they bring the glad ty dings of Salmtion^Guides^ Luice. i .75. reducing thofe filly flieeye^ wande- 'I' 1 ring in the by-pathes of firrfr, into ^ the way Watchmen,vfhich ftandingonthc Lords watch-To- Duti, keepe Centinelj & when they (iri- thpy fgo a plague, giue warning • uniio being (gr^snfoniti) forewarned^ tfmt- they mi^the (pr^nsuniti) foro-ar- oftk nied. jm The Tjp0y^oj"Qod^ is to thera that are fauedjthefweetfauouroflife vn- 2 Cor.z.itf. ®0I1S to life J the Arme of Cod to Salmtion • tC;«' Alight vnto their fete, a Lanterne^^*-iio,i-oi Sriid 'vnto their fleps'^ the two- edged, Jwtrd of the Spirit, piercing eucn to the diuiding afiimderof the Soule and ' Spirit,and of the ioynts & raartow. yiit 7/e^ 4,i2. Thatheaucnly fAtnnay 'wL Diuine NeSiar and Jmbrofa which nouriflaeththemvp to Immorrali- ty^ as Oracles for Direllion^ as apples 4 •. Dj, 'f A Chnjiictnsfoueral^m of Varadife^ And FUggons of I'Vif/es for Coatolariori: a Lor-ifiuc to catq out the proud flefi) ; a CordiAll to ftrengthen them iu thcyr grcateft Wcakcnefle.Thc SAcraments are the BroAd Seales of the great King ot Kings, to ratifieand confirmc that MAgfiAChartA^thciv Great charter^ whereby they lay c'ayme tq that Jmrnortdl inh.critange. For OutTi-ardgood things^ whether "Bona Animi, Bona Ccrgoru^ or Fortum^ euen thefe become trueiy good.Thtgifts of thcmindyAattems of vfipy is to them as that fword of A- Icxandcr^ by whcfe keen edge they are made able to vntie or cut afun- dcr the Gordian knots of all Sophi- fticall Fikinzn^es. Depth ofiudge- ment fo gtounds them in the know ledge of the T ruth, that like Trees which hauc taken dcepc root, they cannot eafily be toifed too and fi o vvith cucry blaft of Dochrme-g^^z the gifts oi Reprobates aduance the good pf the Eleci.Who may faue othersfut themfelues they cannot faue; like iVo- 4hs Shtpyprights^ that builded ap 1 ' Ark'e Salue for euery Sore. At kc for the fecuring of the Patri- aichs, while rhemfelucs were fwal- w lowed vp of the Deluge. Jtcil The Ornaments of theyr Bodyes, tthe The beauty of Efler made the vvhol jol Church of ih.e levees fare the bet- tlwt ter. Sampfons ftrength was Ijraels 'rter^ Bulwarke, and the wracke of Phils- iliat Jlims. T\\q Gifts of For commonly .tcrmc them) are nota- ktki bly emproued by them. If they be- )r Jjji come Fauourites to Great mtn^Lot ittiiek iofiphy Dauid^ Nehemiah^ Mordecai^ Mit rife and climbe. ffhen the righteom n-'o* lofi sire exiltedyhs Cityjhdlflourifh. If e tkj their Cup oucrflow, their Brejls bee sfiia- fiV'Of Milke, and their Bones {mH of Marrowthere worldly Wealth makes them rich \ngood Wories^ to i.Tiw. cJ-iS. 'liCOW ^ifribute they forget jrffs w/'.No w they arc Eies to the blind^ il)(y Clothes to the naked^ Fecte to the Jfio lame', their Morfelsare neucr eaten ithc alone, the loiaes of the poore fnall pui hleffe My promife was not to dwel on Nd. this branch, which requires not I ap ^<»*fiytnationfs\3!i onely illujlration, flrkc D 4 Why A Chriftiamjouerai^m Why ftiould 1 wafte the tittie, if\ proiiing wliat nonedcni s? Hercs the mainc Scruple^ a Qnjere not ca - fily aflbyl d : what do aileuilthings turne to their good ? I, All euil too by accident, whether of Sm or Vunijh- mcnt o^Sinne ; whether that of our firh Parents, or what flowes from thence. That ofour fir (I Parents^ Our Apoftjcie from God in the fir [I Aditm^ made way for the tncar- nation oj the Second. Had wee not fallen in Adam.^ wee cculd neuer haiie flood in cAr/}?. OurHappi- nefTc at the firfl was pur into cur ownc hands 5 but how esfily were we beguiled by that wily Serpent flike little Children, that will part with Gold for a Nut fhelh) toleC goc God^ Heauen., our Soules^ and all {ovm Apple. Whereas now, this Jervell'is kept vnder locke and key, in the Bofome of God,conueighed to vs by our Head Chrifl Icfus^and as fbone may Satan pull chrifi their ■Head put of Heauen, as fnatch a riby a memberlintbe from his body, J,pehowvyehauc gayncd by our ' lofTc: Salue for euery Sore. Ipfle: our HappincfTcis enlarged, confirmed,& we may triumphing- ly conclude with the Philofo^her: ' b« fVee hxd perijhed, tfwe had not peri' jhed. That whicli flowcs from our Jitjl Parents^ whether Origindl Corrup- tion^ or Adiidnr^^nfgrefsion. Ori- gindlCorruption, howeuer it ftickc c-lofe to ail the Tonnes of Adam^ as an Hereditary Leprofie bred in the wil not out of the bone.SNcl may it bee fubdued, rooted out ic cannot be. Ifitdoenot it will Inhdfitare. So hath it fret- ted into our Nature, as the Lepro- fiecate into the walles, that it can- not be fcraped out till the houfc be pulled downe jlike that poyfoned p'ejliment which the Poets faine was ilitp ^mcntoHerculesy that would'not gW offtill it had torne the skinnefrcm ;.ai«i theflefti, and the fl fh from the bone. This fieges on the xehokmmva the vnion of the Soule tot\itBcdy^ and therefore cannot 6e extirpated, cradicated^till the fi- nal) ' 4^ Qorljlknsfoueraigng nail reparation of the Wj- from the Stule, This Fomes yinloiHrn, workes for their Good many waies. It ferues to humble them; it lets them fee, that they carry in them the Spawtte of all Sinne^ the Iburfcof all Impic' ty lurkes in their vile Nature • that by NAtnrethey Are Slaues to JlnnCy VAffals toSatATi, FirebrAnds of Helt^ bey res ofCondemmtion j that they A"S- * are naught, ftarke naught, worfe then naught. Now the firft ftep to Chriftianity, is Selfe-DemAllM any man will be my Difdple, he mufi de- nyhimfelfe^AHdfollo'wme, If there- cognition of thispoyfon and venom which lurketh in the Nature of Man>aHd renders him more odious in the fight of God then a toAde^ Sn t^e^ or Serpent can be hateful to vs, doc not make him out of iouc with himfclfe, I know not what ,f will- Certainly,'was not ena- ' mored with his owne worth,when he cryeth oat^lnme (that is)in my flefla, there dwelleth no good thing, Rom.y.ver. i8.It driues them to Chrift Salue for euery Sore. '4| Clirift with lamentable fighes and * groancs j O miferable man that I am des TCfthojhall deliuer me from this body of rue? Beathfthankes bee to Cod thorough ifee, jefas Chrijiour uitM vetfes ■ Thefedifeafedcreatures, fickc that as life can hold, how eagerly doc , , - \mi, they run vnto the Phyfitian ? ac- IWll, counting it a moft fingular Happi- ittht] neffc, if they may with the poorc ffoifc Woman in the Gofpell) but fteale (lepio a touch of the Hemme of our Saub .Ifanj ours Garment^ that fo this Iffue oflvk. 8^4.3,44 bloodmdcy bee ftanched, and this thert spring of Corruption dryed vppe, 'itm which of it ielfe like ^<1/, 0? h euer fending vp a filthy Scumme, ciioii, and like the raging Sea^ is euer fia- fidi, ming out myre and dirt, Eta-57j2o>2^ ■/ilto APiualtranJgrefsionsyhecux£edi?x\.\ii 'lost fprowting from that roote of Bitter- vhit neffe^ whether Leffer or Greater^ are cna' made vfefull to the Elect. Smaller, ifheii in the Vnderfianding; Errours and H17 occafions them to get a. fiircr refolution,a fcrupulous mind; tiito (Imeanc not of fuch as are more 'toift ' nice ' 44 AQhrlJlUnsfouerat^iie nice then wife,which makes doubts where none is, and feeke knots in i, BttlmJh,)L\kc thofe trees which are (hakcn of the Northcrne windes take deeper root and ftands firmer. The doubting of feme few, make for the fatisfaflion ofmany. The CorinthUns ibggering in that high point of the Kefurre^ion-^ gaue a hint to for the wiping out of all fcruples both in themfelues and others. N o truth s more clcare now then thofe which haue beene here- tQ^otcmoQ.controuer/all. In the jffe^ions. Their proane- nefle to anger, wrath, diflcntion, .Emulation, fccret heart-burning, open diftafte .* Thefe humainc frail- ties make them more wary, more Watchfull. Baule and Barnabas fall at variance,their difcord breakes in- to a rent or reparation; this fepara,. tion tended much to the fprcadihg of the Gofpcll. Howfoeuer, thefe flips let them fee their owne weak- OoTe, now they know they are but mcHjnow th^y learne to curbe their exorbitant paffions, and will not be J1ets.15.3p. Saluefor euery Sore. \k\ he n5t fo fooliih as to lay the reincs Jim on the ncckes ofthoft vnrulyhor- bait fcs, which if they once get head [jdes will indangertheir owncneckcand tner, theic Mafterstoo. I but what (hall we thinke of the greater cuills f Xbt Grofle finnes hovvfoeucr they higb f cme to make Hauocke ofrhc graces 3 of rhc Spiritj like a 7htefe in the Candle wafting all, or like fome biazing Comets prcdigioufly per- fUDO) tending ruinc and dcfoiation to that Soulc which isfofoulyouer.taken .• yet out of this Ranke foifonxhz jQjuj Grand Phyfician fetches a Soue^ tntioi Treacle^ vftng the blood of the Scorp/on to curethcy?/>igofthc S corf ion. This turncs to their ffwne 0 nor. the good of their Brethren. To is many waycs,ma- king them more humble, more mcekc, more wife, more caute- ,^0 lous, more wary, and more Zca- lous.Thefc foulc Enormities where- by they become Fuhlike fcandals to God and Man, are thole flinging ^(^ Coraziues which eatc downe that ^ ^ Pride of heartf and felfe-conceited^ bt A Chrljians foueraigne t(y too much ouerrveening their ortne reorth. A finne which though it make little noifc in the cares of the world, yet appearcs farrc more odious and abominable in the fight of Godjthcn thofc Carmll fleplyjins whieh the world ccnfurcsfo decpe- ly^ Secondly, as it make them more humble in thcmfelucs. To it renders them more gentle to their Brethren^ if any man befallen by occafon into a- ny fault^refiore fuch a one rcith the Spirit ofmeeknejfe is the Initindion of the Apoftle. Thofe Phifitians W hich neiier felt painc themfclucs, handle their wcake Patients more rigidly and more roughly. God fuffers fomctimcs eiien Famous and Eminent Men* {Starves of the frf 'Magnitude) to fall fearcfully into groffefmnes, that they might put to their helping hand, to laife vp o- thers more willingly, and inftrud' them more feelingly. Thirdly, it makes them niore wifcand wary.Thc Burnt childeml" dread the fire. No wit fo goodas that 1 Saluefor euery Serf. [fifif that which is deere L ought, nd^ti ti 101:5;. f'Tnxtyrc,,^ fucH foolcs by fuffeiing res c are made wife: he is a Foolctind a moi- Mad-man both, that will ftumbJe ifigli twice at the fame ftone. TheiLM?- cume/tta 3re to them Dooumo/^ta i If iecpe they learne wifcdom by o/Z'fr immes^ much more by their Orene* norE Such fallcs and ihrcwd knockcs, teach them to looke before thcra, and euer after to take furer footing. As thtkgrojje efcapes tend to their owne Good^ lb to the Good ©f their iodic brethren, for their Comfort Cah^ njt'm iiffki ' Comfort: How many thou- lands had beene plunged into the Gulfe cfDeffaire^ had they not bene vpheldby the mifcarriage of fomc \jxk Saints? Haft thou bene an Adulterer^ a Murtherer^ viola- ting the 5 4^ A Chrijlans foueraigne JTalme 32.j. fiofj, Iconfeffedmy Jin^and the Lord forgaue mine miymty. Haft thou bin z griping Extortioner^z proling Catch pole^ grindingtheftces of the poor, and felling the needy for ftioocs f ZacheHs comes to thee, Repent^ Be- Ueue ^ and dtj^ aire not ^ fori was an fcuke jp.p. Opprefsing'Exaaor^zn ExaLiing Op^ prefer ypci Saluation came vnder my Roofe, and I was made the Childe ciAbram. Haft thou bin a Bloudie PerfecutortZn hoirible Blafphemer? Tattlcomes to Repent^ Beleeue^ difpairenot^ I worried the tender Lambes of Chrift (cruell Woolfe and Tyger as I was) & made much bauockc of the Flocke ; my foulc mouth belched out hideous Blaf- phemies again ft God and Hcauen i yet I found mercy, and became a Chofen loeJfeU^ of a Saulyi Faulty of a Perfecutor, a Preacher of the 2^ame ofchrifi. Haft thoubeenea fpoy- ling Caterpillar^ a Robber by the Highwayi whofe whole Cccupatu f/? was a Trade of viienejfezv\d vii- lany; oncth:^t had fold thy felfc to " ' werhtiekednejje all the dales of thy life. l;si Salue for euery Sori^. 4^-. ^1'!' life, and now art gafping out thy lafl: breach, thy heart-firings rcadic Citil cracke aftiind r,thy alfnoft poor, rorne from thy • the Theefe on Wesi the Crojfe cx'\^% to thee. Recent^ Be- leeiie^anddifpatremt^ 1 knew noO', iwsaii jiue by^but/voile and rdfmc; this I pradifedjtil the hand lermy of I'flrice faftcncd my hands and 0\\\i5 fcctcto this.woo i 5 neither felt I JW any renlorfe for my lewde courfe, pkitr rill 1 came to the point of death,yet- J •. Mitnt. was 1 recciued into Paradife, tdr VVhereforc are thefe things Try/f-Rom,i 5,4. iVocli ten but for our InflruCiion and Com' .; ieifflicl fort^ Thele foule Crimes are rccop- vfovk dcdnotin hatred tothtm, but in L''UcrovS. Afailfii For c^af/(j»fec6ndly. Who are we that we ihould prefume of O: a: 0/;oii owne ftrength, wh. n wee fee the ■1^01 weah^cifc oi thoCc Braue Worthies!^ , ipoy- Let him th.it fiandeth take heed leufi ^ o* 12 I the he fall. If the tall Cadars of Lebanon mti' bee thus toiled, and in a manner ffi/- torne vp by the rootes; what fhftll . (c to become of ihefliruhs ? If the fiHar^ )f thy be ihakendlow fliall the rafters hold Ii((, E out ? Jo A Qhrijliansfouerai^Jte but ? Thus yoii fee, how the eu/S of ^ rm-f fiff, whether great or (mail; IcfTer or grofltr, workesto thcgoo^/ of Cods chofen; no meruaile thcn,ifthee«;^ of the conlcquencc of Jinne^ haue the fame effcds,whether InvoArd or Oufward.Inivardj whether Sfiritmll defercion, or anguifli of itnindc. Thcfc bee the vnhappy ^ twinsofthar curfcd dam, Defertion. A fad and do!tfuli condi- tion it is, when the Father of lights fliall withdra w the Light of his court' I'faT,4,<, temnce^ vphkh is better then life it fclfe- when the Almighty fhallbc« ^comeour enemy, and fliall fetvs as a Markc or But to ftioote at: w hen Hh G 4. Arrowcs fliall ficke fafi in cur ribbeSt and the vertome thereof jhall drirrk vf our blood.when theterrorsof Oodfght againji 'vs. when the Lion f)all teare vs in peeces^ and there is none to deliuer vs. When the Lord fhall turnc the deafe eare to our roa« Pfii.i5.4,, rings,fighs,and groanes: WecaOand cryjbut none heareth-^ yea euen to the Lordjbut he anfwereth not. This for- ccd I# mok abljGw viipc' r; I Mm hv codifbi idtti jfwj !i!C( };«• k gro Sahe for etiery Sork 51 ccdthofe fad complaints from the rm/t after Cods orptse heart, Hajl •flcro thou forgotten to bee htercifuii ? HaJl thou lhut'vp thy louing kindneffe.in euetlafling forgetfulneffe i How long {LordJ how Long^ wilt thou abfent thy 13 * ffkik: felfefor euer c'This madea/cr- fktk yor to himfelfc. But,oh the vnfpcafc- 01 able Good which redounds from this vnfpeakcable griefe! Firft, this Ham. SfA wer brcakcs our flinty hearts. A il con: broken andd contrite(pririt ( O God) pf-j. j j, j loflicl! thou wilt not dejpife. None more 'him comfortable, then fuch as hauc wa- wife ded through thefc vncomfortable yk JlormeSi Ifetvsi Secondly. Therefore doth hc^^~- fcnt himicUc for a moment^ to en- fil'" dcere his prefence, that wee might W/f grecte hira with a doi.bl^ welcome, ttrtft!:, and nor too eafily forgoe what can- iiLi^ nor be obtained,without great difli- thtrti culty. ThcSpoufein tbcC4«//V/ej!, eLoK fuffcis her Beloued to (land knocking lurro) without dooresx though hcc plead his d locke were wet with the droppes of the • I ti It dew : Open my Loueyny Voueyny vn' histe dejikd, The. lazie fit was on her, cf E a lo th 5^ 'AQ^rifliansfoiieraigne loth ftiee is CO ftir oat of her warme hetf, tlicre he rouft waitc and coolc Can. 5.2.3.hcclcs. No fooHct doth thc BrUegroome out of a iuft diftsft dravv taeke, but (he comes to her felfc, fees her folly,cafts off her li- themes, ftarrsvp, forth of Doores fhe gets herifcckini>,enquiring him nvhom her foul loued^^ht purfues bim (as it were ) with heu afjd cry^ re- folues ncucrto glue oucr fccking (though beaten and buffeted blacke and blew) till (bee hauc found him; and thenciafps hands about his jieckc, and will bee furc to hold himfafter then her owne life. The her brat and abortiue conception of th.1t vgly monftcr, is angu/fi of mmde. An infupportable cuilL Tbefblritofa man, can heare all in' ' firmrties-^ but a Txoundedspirit voho can he arc. When Conlcicnce writes hitter things againfi vs,3nd caufes vs lob.i3,2ut thcfe dea^e Adders ftoype theyr eares at the ojoice of the Charmer^ till the Ai:le of Affliciions ccm^yihcn their cares are beared, then they f xke them as eagerly, as he fbuglit him earely. Let mec then for the » General/conclude with leremy. It is bamcn.3,i7. . •, f> *\l ^ heare the yoake from Pnd.11p.7jt. his youth : with Dauid, it is good fr d's that "rve are affliSied: with Paul^ 'Ail things rooirke togetherfor the good ofthemthdt lme God. • For thcPartkuUrs: Pr/uate.^ Pub- f'ike Calamities^ m^tkealifcr the hefl 00. Priuate, - whether in their E- J^ate^ orva their I^ame^ or on theyr ^ • Per- Salue for euery Sore. 57 Terfoa!. In their F.jhte: Arc they pinched with want and penuric ? ^ K , yi ,/. , ^ ■ t Dan.t,i2. fed "iv/th pHiJi' ma PMter as Vamel^ tliis lets them fee, .-. little with the ^ feare of the Lordj^ better to the righ- ^ teouj^ then great riches to the -vngod- ly. Howeuc: poore in thi- vvor'd, yet they are rich in God • and thiscorporall pou ny, fittes them for the Kingdome of God. They hauc a Feaft which the world knows not of Befides, whether (I bcfeech you) hath better exptricncc of the Loue,Goodneire, and Care of his He aiienly Fatherjhethat wallowcs in his wealth, and facrijices to his fftene Net^ or he who is fedde from hand to mouth as it were from hex- uen. Who will net prcfertethe courfe fare brought to Elijas by thole ftraunge Catorers ^tRauem iKings 17,15. before all the dainties which were feroed vp to Kyihabs Table ? Inthc'vc Good •Names. If their rc- putation be blac^ewith infamy j if fome ftinking f ^ be fainc into that fweete Oyntment^ which makes it pLjtrifiCjeither this ftaine isdrawne vpoa the hand of Malice or Emy. What comes through their owne default, they beare it patiently, & improue it profitably Thcfc arc the thoughts where>vith they entertainc tncra^ felucs. What/ is it fuch a hell to bee in difgracewith Men, that a" man , had as good be halfe hanged, ai haue hU credit crackc^ oh what a hell is it to be out of fauour with God,to be fliamed, difcardcd before Men and Angels at the Generail Afsife o£ the whole World I What Malice or Envy cafts vpon them if for a good CSiuCc^they^lory inthat fhame^Qoxm- I Peter 4.14. ting it the greatcft grace in all the world, to fuffer dilgrace for well- doing Euils on their perfons^ whether Difeafes or Death. For Corporal de- formitiesy God often rccompcnces outward defeSls^ with a fupply of inward Grace, If Naaman the Sy.- rian had not beene a Leaper in his body, the Leprofte of his foule (I ^are^ had neuer bccnGCure4.How many Salue for euery Sore. 5^. many flocking to Chrift: for the ^ I cure of their bodies, obtained the faluation of their Soulcs 3 like Sau/, who feeking for JJfes^{[umhkd on 'Je " a Crorcne. As the eatward man de- z Cor.^.td. fayes^fo the inward is firengthened. Could we pcrfoi me in our health, what we promife on our flcke bcdj M wee fhould hue more like Angelles then M-en. Death it felfe,that King ^ to to a natural mm; as the olt Pliilofophcr obferues, of a i 1fear full. things, the moft fearcfuilto them is the but the Gate to Life. The Sting of : M this Serpent is pulled out,and they '" W dare lay it in their bofome. It was lilt' iTrft threatned as a Curfe^ The foule iVt that finnes Jhall Dye 5 it is now tur- d- ned to a Blefsing. If wed had our hope in this life on^Xy^wewcre of all * Cor. 15,19. k men the nhfi miferable. Blelled are ^ ^ It- they that dye in the Lord,for they re (I ^ ^ ^ IS from their labours,^ and theyr Workes i follow them. Their whole life, is a continuall Combate with the world, s the flclh, and the diuell: euery day . ^ j they bring home new Sfoylesy new » Trofhees^ but are neucr crowned til \ thclaff. Theft '€o A Qhriflkns foueraigne Thefc SampfonSy mzkc tmke of their Enemies .-many terri- blc (laughters and ma[]~acres do the Phflijlms fuffer from their hands, during their lifcjbut the dead which they flay at their death, are farrc iureit5 when the Lord (it fhould f.'cme) intends To cut roote and branches^ iraiah.j^i^J head and taile^ and wipe out their name from vnder Heaueni this makes for them many vvaics.Some- times they are houfed before , , the ftormc. Tender hearted lofiah^ \ Kinf.it'M'. good Abijah. vprigkt He^ekiah'^ Were they not all Gathered to their Pa- ther in peace: and ( as the Prophet fpeaks more generally of the Righte* ous) taken away from the euiU to]come. Sometimes^ they ar.e (hrouded from theftorme. I^oah rides lafely in a well-pitch'd when the whole world Hi 6i A Chriftansfoueyaigyie world was couered with the wa- Gen./.ij. f^rs of thc Deluge. Lot clcapes with 6en.if).2i. Ji'S wife, and finds a flieltcr in Zf/tr, 22.' when Scdome and Gomorrah were turned into heaves. Sometimes^ they banc a Calme in the midft of they?cm^.There was light in Bxod.; 16.23. iAgyp^zs clouded with athickc^nd grofTc darkcnclTc. Cide- judg.ekiah fjcke of the ~famepall Jcom^ ' Gen.3P.9, mit this great emit andJlnne againf God Saluefor euery Sor^ 6j ■Gody\\:i God who hiih laden mee 'rvithhiibk^ing^ whole mercicsare re newed fpon mee euery morning^ andcLiery moment I! at any time; they arc left to thcmfelucs, it is bat for probatioii^fir humiliatim'^ to Jet them fee their ov;v),QveaheneJp^ the rear Ids 'vanit-tfiodsgoodneffe. iheir ev:ne Tveakenejfe^ toicane withthe whole weight and ftrcJTe of their bodies, vpon thofcbroken reeds and hollow Canes ofi^gypt.The worlds "iranityi which (as the Wifeman fpeakcs of riches )te.keth toherjelfe the wings of an Eagle: If fhec ftoops not to vs,we cannot catch her, if fbe /erhe from vs, wee cannot hold her. Noglaffefo Wttlc as theglajjy Sea of this world. Gods goodnefjf-^ that held them vp fo long from falling, that kept them from periflaing iri the fall. Bat this is not my condirion,wilI feme wcakc foule pretendj I am no whit bettered by my Crojfes.^ or Comports\ I find my heart too much 1^^"° elated in ray profpcrity^ too racch deieHed in adircrfity;! am ncner wc! F 2 ftdd A Qmjiians fbuerai^jie ■fullmrfajling. Let the Sunne jh/ne^ who more briske ? Let it be ccclip* fed,my iniurious diffidence and di- ftruft of Gods jjrouidcncefzcxtx mur- murines, and open repinings, get ground vpon me,and like ill weeds grow fo faft, thatl feare mec, the feede of Grace is Cin a manner^ choa- ked, hifled, Alas, filly Soule; ludge not thy fclfe zcco\Ain^toappearaKce while the fit lafts. The msf of temptations , haue now clouded thy foulc ; A blind man is notJit toiudpe of colours. The rcater is now trebled, the mud raifcd, it is impoffiblc to fee cleare- ly. The rhjfick may happily work churlifhly, and for a Fit trouble the Patient more then the difcafc it felf. Tell mec, doeftthou not bc wayle thy diffidence,impatience? Docfl: thou not ftriiieandfirtiggle.^gainft them with might and maine ? Be of good comfort 3 we are not to deale with a rigid Mafter^ but with a ten- dzr Father^ that interprets the de^ fire for the dcede-^ and accepts of thQ wsU fox the worke, Striuc Saluefur euery Sore. 6^ fiilly^wakcpat/efit/y^ thou (halt fee and feele, that as all other crofTesi fothis (which ofall other thou c- ftcem. ftto bee the greateft cronTe^ fliail rrorkefor thy Good. Hitherto wee hauefatisfycd the Scruples of wcakc Chriftians; now we are to grapple with a pcriierfe generation. Ifall things, all euill 5 . ^ yea,euillof7M2/7i?: ifallJinnevjoxkz^ -action2* for the of them that Loue God; What doc f thwarting my Corrupt Nature? What do I ftriuing againft the ftreame ? Why (liould I curbc andcheckemy vnbridelcd Appe- tite ? Heereafter, I will let loole the rcines to all licentioufnesjhereafter I will Gratifie the flelli, and humor it in all things: now may 1 follow the fwing of my licentious defires, now may IJinne^ that Grace may a* bounds all will make for my Good. The Apoftlccheckes this malc-Anfwere; part mifconftruiflion,wirh a ftrange deteftation. f^hat ? Shall/doe euiS., ' that good may come thereof ? Cod for- bid. If any fuch hellifh Suggejlions be railed in our hearts; &ib thera, Fs O 7® A nmjlians fouera'igne O fnib rhem,vvich a Get thee hhind Math.id.z?. Satan^fer thou vnierfiandelinot Wilt thou furfct f.njtfi,, Body, that the Phyfician may furge itf Wilt thou quafFc off a cup ofranke bccauie the Anti- doteisd.x.\\md> Wilt thou breakc thy hcAd^ that the Surgeon may clap on a Platter? Wilt thnu fheaththy fkvord in thine ownc hanke-WVc^ bccaufe there is a Bal- feme vvil hcalc vp the wound?Somc broken Icgges and armcs,by a ftiifc and hard Callus, are made ftrongcr then they were before i wilt thnu wilfully thruft thy leggcor rtioul- der out of ioynt, cxpeding the like fuccelTc ? What is, ifthis be not^ to Tempt the Lord^and to turn his grace into Tvantonnejfe ? Nay rather. Re- member{Oman) how tht glorioua Gofjpel of God will beeftaincd, the Spirit of God^rUv^xa. ^xhat yehom Cod louci once fee loues for eucr, T hat,/;5! 3^^ fits,& terrible Agonies^ but ftillfas Paul Butichtis) their life is k&t.io-iO' in them, whofoeucr is borne of God fnneth not, for his feed remaineth in him : neither can he finnefec aufe he is borne of God. i.lohn.'^.9. Hecan- not fnne the finne -vnto death. I know they may fall fearefully^tiz Daaid^ they may ^^frequently.ys Peter. The Righteous man falls feuen'^^^'^-i-so. times a day. (I fee no ground whj^ it may not bee intended as well of , their falling into Sinne,a4into ffpondo^''^' fliliioH:) but totally, finally, they cannot fall. The Righteous man is ^ euer- 7^ eucrlafting foundation. Be not dif- raiizdyQ^Seleci z>e(feIs vikh. thefc Bugge-be/ires-^ but go on boldly.,cgu- j ragioufly,and in fpight ofalloppO'. fition, maugrc the malice of Satan, and all his inflruinents, hang out the Apoftles^^^^^ ofdejitnce^prc- fentcd in the clozc of this Chap- ter. Htho (h.tU feparxte vs from the loue of chriji: CT verfe ^ 5 .Bepcrjwa^ dedy thxt neither death pier life^ nor Angels ^nor Principalities.nor posvers.^ nor thingsprefenty nor things to come, nor height.^ nor depth, nor any other Creature,floall bee able tofeparate vs from the Loue of God Tthich is Chrifi lefus our Lord. I.inftrucuon. Secondly, as Iron fharpneth /- r6n,2.% the Sunne is feene beftby his owne light; fo Scripture Inter- prets Scripture,and this place giues light to many other places. Many excellent promifcs are made to the Righteous, concerning blcffings, Temporall', that in times of famine they (hall haue enough', that, though Pfal,34.io. fall on their right hand, Pfa.?i,s.6'7' thoujands on their left it be plague fhalt Saluefor euery Sore. 77 Jhall not touch themt and vet hhs ^ ■r, • 1 , Aspooreas penury is gone into a Prou.rb. La- lob. z^arm was glad to begcrums,and yet was ftarucd to death; ft is fcid, ' they that fearc the LordJhailrrant^l^"'^'''^^' iitan ^o^hing^ v/hen as he that was Lord i» out ^nothing: not fo much as a .".f houfe to harbor him^ or a pillow to reft his head on. Wc feeby ex-'^at.s.zoi mtif pctj'"ncehow/^9'are plagued and like other men. The limitation is heere exprefted, which is onely I'' thereinrimarcd.Thc Swordftialnot raze their skinne, nor youerty en- ' ,' croachvpon their eftaiesithe Peft lliall not poifon their bodies ifitbe 'y. for their Good^ as the Pfulmill in ' pregnant termesj They jhall want pra.34,ro.' , nothing that is good for them. If it be ' good for them to bee kept low in J i' their fortunes,ro haue their bodies :» pinched,and their mindes preplex- cdjthey (hall not want that neither, things may groue their hane^ ^ ^ they fijall not haue ihem\ if euill . ' things may do them good theyJhal not want them. Hitherto wee haue fpoken to a «< peo- m VI 7^ A (^hrtHians foucrat^ne people, whofc eares arc beared^ now wee muft charmc the Veafe Adder. As thisDodfine fcrues to informethc Codly^ foto intrude, and withalltoaffright the. l^/cked^ whofe ciirfed Machinations arc Jaydc asdrepeas hell to Ruine the '^Cood Man. Vaine/'^e», why doe ' yougoc about to mifchicfe thofe. whomethe Almighty purpofcs to ' aduance ? Hath the Lord of HoaHes ' engaged hu Honour, and plighted his Faith^ that All thingsfhall rvorke ■ for their Good^ andwdllyee feeke s Cor.io, 22 theif ? Tell me,arc ye ftronger Afts f .3 9. then God ? iVsllye be euerfighters a- '^ainfi (j(?i^?ShaI the potfheard con- - .^^../itend \ltithla\s fAaker f Is there any poflibility ofcrofling his defignes? 1 Is Knowledge.^ Councelfor : Prou.21.30. Vnderflandmg again ft the LORD? Will yon eiie r bee fnatching at the Signet of his right hand ? Will yce euer be raking in the Apgle of his fie? Aeciiar.2,!. therefore f>ye Kings and Learned^ yee thai are Princes of the P(?ime2.io. earth: Touch not his Annvinted, and doe his Prdfhetsneharms.J?hl,2jio He Salue for euery Sore] *JJ He yeill reOuke Kings ^ and oaer-turne^^'^'^^^'^ Kingdomes for their iakcs. Hec will tranflateCrfKw^-r, from!-^^>/'/ to Ajhur, fiom ilie Caldees to the from the Medesto \htPcr' Jims^ for the good of his Church. Well may you vexe his Cho/en for a tim^, but hurt them you cannot. Well may the Lord vfe you as Scul- lions J to fcoure thefc Vejfels of Ho* notir when the ruft is eaten in too farrc jor as Roddes to fcourge his vn- ruely Children, ylfhur is the rodof mine Anger^ and the faffe of mine Indignation: I will fend him vnto aECay diffembimg Nation^ Elay 10,5; 13. But when the ruft is fcowred olf, the Scullion (hall haue his paimcnt. When the Childe is corretfted, the Kod(hall be caft into the fire. O Xe^upfaime 14.4 member this^ye that forget God', that 79*3 deuoure his people as it were Bread, andfhedde their blood as water, in the freetes: He that fits aboue wilfpeake 2. j. to you in his wrath, and vexe you in his difpleafure, ' You doe butrowlea great ftone ypon a fteepcRockc, which will tumble J Qhriiliansfotierat^ne tumble back vpon your own heads and grindc all vndcr it to powder. l^^oe to them that cjfend any of thefe little ones^ it were better that a fAtl- flone were hanged about thejr neckes^ and that they were cafl into the Sea. Would to Cod, that ■Romif}) Strumpet^ that ha'-h djed her Garments in the redde blood of the '* Saints^ would but take this to hart, and confider, whateucr Maflacrcs, and Treacheries the intends for e- 0. uill, fliall be turned (as lofeph to his Brethren, concerning that malici- ous proieds againft his perfon) to their Good»I pcr fvvade my fe!fe,out of very mal'tce^ fhee would ceafe to h^malscioios^ and our of very fpight flice would ceafe to bee fpighifull: Ihee would intend them no Euill^ that/he might do them no' The maiiie vie ofall is for Confo- lation. Is the beft ftill working for Vs till we get Heauen ? What-euer changes or chances befall v? jhow- eucr we be tumbled and tolTcd too and fro as a Leafc fliaken with the winde? or as the ftubble fcattered before )Ml ll) i^fol -euf! ho?'- f:oo itk •joii Sakefor euery Sore. before the Whirlc-winde. How- cucr we may bee councfd the Off- ^ Jcouringof the reorld^ thefcumme of the enrth.^ heere is our comtort,this hard meafure laftcs but for a (hoit fcafon. Wee arc now labouring vndcr the Bricke-ktlles in iEgypt j wee are ^ now trauailing thorow a vaft and BotringWiUernefe'. no meruayle, if we be ftung wirli Vierj Serpents. Euery day will bee better then o- ther J euery day v;c approach ncc- rer Camm then other. Our light may bee ecclipled for a time, the Stmne will breake foorth. Lfght H fowen for the righteom^ md toy for the'Upright of heart, Pfalmcpy,! i. He that leades vs into Temptation^ wil not luffcr vs to be foyled in out Temptations. Our crolfes are San- [iified^ Our flcfli mortifiedfinnefuh* dited^ Grace encreajid^ our Glorie fiiall be perfected. Heere is our Comfort, in all our erodes, lolles J in all troubles and tryalsj in all our dangers and di* G ftrcfles. Sx A Q)rijiiansfoueriiigm ^ - ftrcfles, wc are fure to come offfair'e^ «m.j .13. J gaine by the Bargaine. But it fiiall not bee fo with the vngodly, they waxe worfe and worfe 5 dc- ♦ceyuing.and being deceyued. It is a fure rule in the SchooleSj Contra^ ria. iuxta fe fo^ta magu Elucefcunt 3 Contraries mutually oppofed,Iend . a luftre each to other ; 1 hope ther- lore, it will not be altogether nor much befide our marke^ to (liewyoubriefely and diftiniJt- ly, that as all things turne vnto the good of the Good 3 fo all things work the bane of the Bad. As all things fui'the r the Sduation of the one; fo till things hclpe forward the Con, demnation of the other. The one, like the Seejfucke good out of euill, draw Hony out of the fivprefl Herbe; The other, like the Spider^ fucke venom from the fivee- te(IFlowerturne good into e- j liill. Nothing fo GW which they corrupt hot, nothing fo Holy which they defile nor. God^ho. is the chiefe Goodjyti his Mercy makes them pre- fume I ip Saluefor euery Soi'e. fume I his lujlice driues them to dif fajre. his Grace they turne into IVantonneJp, his Patience encreales their finnc, and doubles theif dam- nation, while they treafure vp vn* to themfelues, Wrath againfi the day of Wrath, Rom.2. verfe 5-They feare him (lanifhly ioi his Great- nefle, and hate him vnfeigrtedly for hisGoodnefTe. Godthe Pather^ offer himfelfe as a Creator, they re- bellagainft him •' \iGodthe Some^ offer himfelfe as a Redeemer, they Crueifie the Lord of Glory (to thefti- fclues) dayly. Heb.6. vcrfe 6. JfGod the holy Ghojl^ offer himfelfe as a Sartclijkr^ they refift dcfpight the Spiritof Grace, Hebrew; lO; verfe The uetngels are vexed with bei holdingthcir abominations, giftrates feme for their Terror: If thou do illfeare^ for he beareth not the Rom. 14.47 Sivord for naught, it is cither to curb thee, or to cut thee off • JAimliers arc euer raking in their lbres,& rub- bing their gall'd which makes G % them \ A Qorijliamfoueratgne | them kicke and winche,ftormc and , Mad men. What enter- , tainement can they looke for , but that Salutation with which Ahalt welcommed the Prophet, i. Kings chap. 2 2. verfe 8. 1 hate this man^ * *"52 • • hecaujeheneuerf^eakesgood'vntome^ huteuill. Or, as the Deuils gret- ted our Sauiour, Marke i.verfe 24, Art thou come to torment 'vs before eurtimei The Word of God, is vnto them the Sauour ofDeuth vnto *Cor.2.i(j. Light is as the jhadorvof death^ their fore eyes cannot en- dure the glaring oftheSunne. The beating of thok radiant bcames on ^ ionah.4.8. head, neuer vexed him halfc fo much, as thofe heaucniy Rayes which a'e darted from the Sunne of RighteoufneJJe^XQxmttiX.% their harts, You cannot dcuifc a greater plague then to let them fry in that flame. So it fares with temporal good things. Their Honour prooues but like the i?am.4.i8. Steele of Eli^ as atflcepe Vinacle, from whence they brcakc their neckes. Make ntmi ;gr« Salue for euery Sore] " §5 Malcc5^»/a Kmg^ he will prouc zTyrAnt:mdikQBa!aama Prophet, ^),(j he will proue a Wiz>ard^ a Sorcerer: make ludas an Apoflle^ht wil prone a Traitor^ a DeuilL Shoix firength is pcruertcd, and giues them an ad- uantage beyond their Neighbours, fe 21 powre inJirong drixke,to follow after firmge flefh^ and to (hew ihein jj fclues the Diuels Nazarites^ ftrong jjj toJhedde imocent b loud,Thdx Be aw Uml ''^"(etfoorth as traps and (hares . to catch fooles; By this Beagle they , hunt for the precious Soule of a man. iificti fauour with Great men, is as oitft ® 3 mad mans hand, ^ , whereby they wound themfclues, him that gaue it him, and all that j comes neere them. If thofc Beg' 1;/ ofT Horle-backe, they take ■ a pride to fee their Maftcrs Lacquey ^ ^ it on foot. LctH<<«w»bee promoted, thejEfter.j.s.®, lewes mu ft be cru(hed, Efer 3 .ver^ ' fes8,p. Let Doeg inlinuate into ^ Saul^ Abimelech with his Brethren, ,, 0)aU foonc be cut oflF, i Sam, a2,p, * 5a« *2.p» O3 Their A ChriftiansJoueralgne Their Wealtli makes them as chur- Jifli as Nabal, as crucll not a crummc can bee fparcd for Lusarw., Asfbttifnas AhaJ}:uerojh Eftef.5.is'. znd fate fuifetting and quaffing in the Pallace of5'«- Jhaf$^ when the of 6 0 Dwzxz weeping & niouraing in theCittie, Ejler 5 jverfc 15. Their wit makes them gcering l(hmaelites^ and fcof- i\t\glulianijles-^ They will rather loofe their Friend^ nay their Scu/-e^ nay their GiJijl, then their/e/?; and ^ ' (ifali Trades fayIc) they can Jiiid by their WV/r. Thus all Good things become cuil to them, much more all The i finne of their firft Farents is fet vp- pon their Icore .■ Originali CcrrUg- 7w»,ftrippcs them of ail Grace and Goodneflc j renders th^m S/aikt to SinnOj Valfalles ro Sat^n, Hinde-s them Yasirwcrc)inchainhto demnation,. . ..'^r, : . ■'jlffn. iv Zi!'j^^rjinnis,m3l , ,irrr As foreiiillof Pumjhment. Leti God foiTake them with Saul^ i Sam.28,^, mael 28. verfes 6,7, 8." they will'7' " forfakeGod, and runne from hiV prcfence like Cain^ turne Vagabonds. Genejis If the Buill i'/«» with AchitojiheH. theyflyetoa Halter for Remedie i and for feare of Hell^ leape into HeU. OutmrdCroffes do them nogo0d4 gcay. j. y Ejay I. verfes 5»-7? J- haue fmitteh them, yret they haue not turned rvH-. is an olde Complaint; . ^ much hurt, AUassmhis Afflicdioit tranjgrejpth.more andmore^ z Chro. 2 8322. The wicked King cries our, G 4 This SS A ChriJlUnsJouzraignt . fhii euill comes from the Lord^ fhaU AH JJgyaehim any longer?! Kings , ofS^"^ 6. verfe 3 5. lohs Wif",. will Curfe iob.2.tf. God^andDye, lob 3.9. IsxhdifCredite crackt ? They grow as IhnmclcfTe now, as they ifetoi were gracclclTe before; prcclay- ftlm ming their finnes (as ) and fearing neyther God^ nor Man ? Is theitli their jtate impouerrjhed ? They flick ; lorn; not to put toouh their handes to Tksi ynlawfull fhiFtes, adding Sin to Af~ J)td jUClion, In the Difea/es of their Bo- fdk. dies^ with Afa, they fceke not vnto If achr».i«. God^buitrufttotheP/^/T^/w/#. In ^ds. s>« extreamity cf yame ^ they foonc a'ipt loofe themfelues and theirfjatience-^ tck likethc rag in" Sea, they vomit out ! lUli their owne mame. In Death^xhcy goc away lumpiftily as JVahal^ or tin ridiculoufly, with a Sardonkall b laughter^ or dpfperately, like that ! Q( jM.Perfcins in Gallant, who {purring his HorfTe, ^ jy Kngu"°^"lihee fprang afidc into tlie wa- , ty, tor, as hee was tumbling ouer the ' p T, • J _ cryed out; Horfe^MAn, and j „ ( Salue for euery Sorel Sp All thisj is but the beginning of Sorrow; Death giucs themvp Uiith-og-zii to the Gnming of that xcorme which neuer dyeth : the burning of that i.akc which Ihall ncuer flake, and the Icorching of thofe flames that fhili neuerceafe. Death cuts off ' their Hoye, which cndeth with their Life, and giues life to thofc Torments which (hall neuer end. Thus is their Life MiferabU^ their Death Lamtntable^ their End Dam- mble. The lafl: Grape which I fball pluclce from this Goodly Clufter, and prcfle forth, is. An Exhortation to Patience vnder the Crofle. If all things (hall roorke for thy Good^ why dooeft thou murmure and mu- tine againft God, becaufehee fol- lowcs thee with a Succefsion of Crofles ?Thy Afflidions arc raa- ny and great, tedious and grce- uous, fay not thou with Caine^ liy Gen.f. punifhment is Greater then / tan heare^ Genef. 4. verfe 13. What* euer euill it bee that lyes fo heauic, whether OQ thy Bodie^ Namt, or sme. A Qmjlkns fiueralgne State^Vihcthtv inward Tem^tation^ or outward Trihulations^ is it not for thy Good t Wilt thou be fuch an E- nemy to thine owne Soule as to re- pine at thine GooA'tHhz Cup IS bitter; I but liappily the Jefle toothfomey^xt more wholefome. Thy teeth are fct an edge with eating fowre Crapeshivitx Aloes m\xQL (ct them right. Thoucanft happily make a fluft to tume oucr a draught of mrme-wcod Bcere euery -mor. ning next thy heart. Is it not bit- tcr as GaU c" Is it not diftaftfull to the Palate docft thou drinkc it ^ Oh the Phifitian aflTures me it s formygood. Thou ruffcreft the Sur^ geon to, launce thy craging to lay a Coraziue which , may cate downe ^tdead fiejh. It ftings crueliy,fmarts terribly, yet thou en- dureft it paticntlytWhy f The^«r- geo».i£lls ihcc^it is good for thee. If the Grand Phifitian of thy Soule^ prefctibe ^hitter draught next thy heart, murraure not; if that skilfull Sottk'Surgeon clap on a Corazdue^ mctr- Salue for euery Sorel 'p\ ' mufmure notj hce allures thee it's for thy Good. Stay not here neither j this will teach thee, to vndergoe thy trouble not onciy/'4^ie«/^, but chexrefuHy^ according to that of the Apoltlc, Rehyce in Tribulcitiom why < Tribulation^ brmps forth Ra> _ . , . ^ ° w • Roin'4*:54>5' ticncO'^ Patience-^Experience^ Expert- ence^Hope^ that tnaketh tfot djhdfned. Oh the fveeete Fruite. that growes from this bittiV roote \ S. /^w«le-l^ei'i'23' conds Raul, fiy Brethren'^ count it great toy when you fall into^ diuers tentations i.knawingt that the trying of your faith bringethfoorth Patience'^ and let Patience hauc her perfedl worke. Set before your eyes, that Mirrour of patience; remember lob when crofles came thronging thick and threefold ^oe vpoo the necke of another,'fiia^thowle of hailc- flior-yetthe Holyman poffeffes hisl-^z.zi.ifi foule by hU patience. Set before you, that Mirrour of Mirrourthe Sauiourofthe world-fYyn willingly did hee drinke of that bitter Potion. Bleffed u the man that endurethismti.i.izl A(JhriJlians foueralgne iemftAtion^or vDhen he is tryed^ hee Jhatlreceiue the Crcmne oflife^rphkh the Lord hsth promifed to them that ieuehim. Thou art now in the fttr- naceyN^dxt till the droffe beeconfu- med; thou art now in the Scouring" till the Joile be wiped off: then flialc thou bee tranflatcd from this valley of teares^ to that Region of soji where all finne fliili bee tviped from thy fetde^ all forrovo from thy heart, all teares from thine eyes\ that toy fliall po man take frooi Ithcc; > . FINIS. . t •c us o o o a .£^ <£ O •« O J «e tA C CentCe RciUer, TthoughtgtodnfSyf thh^fdeSM Page With thtt Ti>U. S Nature i Attributes. ^Merey' ^ Either J of "Sludg* VVorkei /went. rCood conE«ier*d in his Subor (.dinate Perlbns. 'Angels. Men in r their or sdinances By tneanes wichaucmeuui,' Aguoftmcaas. Guill Magiftratet^ EccleiioAicali Mi-* nifteif. . {Gifts of Minde. Ornaments of Body. Gifts of Fottune,fo terncd* ' Sinne, whe- ther. LEuill. "That of out firft Parents. ' Originall. That which dowicbcace Jf rVnderftaB Smal-1 ding, lerin | Errouis* the \ Actu Lall. j Win. (.PafiioiU^ j Punifhi iment. 'Inward! Cgroflet 'Spirituall Diilertiom Out- »W«d. Horror of Confcienee. 'State, Poueity,' iNarae, Ignomy, • Publike Nacionall Plagues, ^ Horror of ( Priuat CJ \euillofjr ; r \ Publike N A Poft-fcript. Centle Reader, iflfeeme t» breaie off abruptly,and to doe my rrorke by halues-^the trath isyny dejire tvas tofrefentthumyfirfiand imper- fe5f elfay to the rverld for a taji one- ly. J fit may findefauour ^ accept a- tion 1 (ball be encouraged to perfi^ what u left 'vnfinifbed'ff notfiittU faidfoone amended^ Srrata. For bee, read i$. Pag. i. line ^.for his read thisp3.1.6.read to.p.4.L5.rcad the crowne.p.7.1.1 o.read gafirei.p. ay.line laft.rcad naakc.p.44.1.1. read lockes.p. 51. l.ag.read Him p. iS.thcm l.i^, lead Lo'atnm(,p,6^x 3, .v- X