TWOFRVITfVL SERMONS, NEEDFVLL for thefe times: whereof v THE ONE MAY BE CALLED, A i t^arhge Prefent j, ^ THE OTHER, A SICKE- mans ClaJJe, Compiled by Roger Hacrht,Do<5lor in Diuinitie, *■*" > 4- AT LONDON, Imprintcdby Fbeix KYNostoNjfbt Cuthbert Burbj.i6o'j, A MARIAGE PRESENT. Genes. 2.22. ty4rid he brought her to the man; then the man/aid, this now, is bone of my bones, andfleflj of my fle/h^ O R the bettertopcningand vndcrftaB- ding of this Scripture, you may ob- fcrue:firftj who brought her; God, which a little before, had made her out of the rib of ty^dam. Secondly, whom he broHght;£«eetc,ceolwg,cer- ^nd low growing VioUt: for yoiTTHe Bride, and for ail you women, which tHher are, or would bee ioyned in matiage with man. When GOD favv that it was not Gf»#/!, meetc for man to line alone, he made hegaue ber, te be an hefper meetefer Remember 6- ye daughters of £«f, that you were made for man,that you were giaen to X man,not to be hurtcts, but to be helpers meete for them, I - Shew by your obedience, that you are low growing Vio- lets; by your louely carriage, that you arc fvveetc ; by your y milde patience,ihat you are cooling ;by your loyall faith- ■1 fulnesjthat you arc cordial; by yourgratioiis helpe, that you are like this fvveete,cooling,cordial and low growing Violet, the flower that God hccre commends viuo you. / The lad is the Ro^femary, the flower of men ; for you the Bfidegrome, and fot^you maricd men, that arc ioyned in holy wcdlockewithyour wiucs-ralthougbthe Roicma- ry oucrtops all the flowers in the garden, and thcteby / /- boafls his rule; yet remember thatRofcmary is good foe 1 ' the head, rule with w ifcdomc ;,hclpfull to the heart, rule > with loue : that it is alway grcenc, be alwaieslouefv and loyall to your wiues. When God had gtuen Ene to Adam, jidam takes her.andofherhcjihuiiboneofmy.bonety andflefh of my flejh, there Is his loue: he cleaiies to his wife • and. they two become one flefli,therc is his loyaltte: this. God infpired in him,tbcre is his wifcdomc. Smell fwcct 6- ycflowers,inyounaatiuerwcetnes;benotadulr8ratC(rwiih. the water of this world : 6 iTicw your felucs inyour proper TfaePrime. beauties, and be nor gilded with rheidle arte ofman. sofafbralL The fiiflofthcfcflowcrs>b tbcprime-rofcjof thit Iff fiift A Mdruge Prejent, j firfi fpca1(e,and as in the firfi of the yecrc, the Primc-rofc is dcfiroufly gathered of all, fo let this with the firft be ac- cepted of yon all. God gane Ene to Adam,let all your insw riages begin in the Lord, Let God gine the w oman to the / man, and ioync mat> vnto the woman : for ifhe ioync nor, how can the marted couple look for a blcfling ofthe Lord? It (hould not be with you,6 ye yong men and maydens,as it is with the hearts, that eucry one fhould take his mate, and after an vnfcemely manner come together: but God murt giue E$u to Adam-,ofyo\i'\t fhould befaidjthatGod hath toyned you together. For what is tl>c caufc that the bed of many matied couples is defiled, that many buf- ^bandsandwiues,iarre, as inltrumentsthat arc out of tune, and want the fwcete content of that blcffed eftatc ? Goti gauc not Ene to eAdam, they were matied, but yet not in the Lord. Wherefore let this Ptime-rofe, be in the prime of thy dcfircsjfecke for a wife at the hands of the Higheft, Prou.ig.i^ fceketobemaricdintheLord. Forfurelyas wife Salomon S^cakc%\\,htMfes andriches are the inheritance of the fathers • but an vndersianding rvife eommethfrom the LerdJThis made Gtnefjt^.^ aged to charge his fcruant,and that by oath, to fceke a wife for his fonnef/aai^. not among the daughters - ofCanaan, but among the people where he was borne, This made his charged feruanr, to pray to the God of his xnail}etAl>rabam,foti\iCC€ffc:andCo6heard his prayer, Vctf.fS^ and fo moucd the heart of Rebecca to giue confcntjthat her y^jp^ broiherL. After yong Toby maricib, com- tnetb her,and liueth; maikt the reafons noted in the A 5 ftory. v- Tthy 8^. A LMariagt Preje/ft. ttory,he came not inio her for fornication, but vprightly: he prayed to the God of his fathers,God gaue5wer is the Maydens-blufh, a flower for dens. yQU maydcns; Eue comes not ofherfclfc, nor giues her felfe to zAdam, this doth not fland with her maydcns mo- deflie: but God brings and God giues her to Adam: cuen fo ftiould you attend your fathers pleafure, till he brings and giues you vnto man. For you fweete maydens beare your fathers name, he gaue you life, and from him you haue whatfoeuer you fcerae for to enioyrwill you then rob your father of his child, and vnkindly defpife the au- thor of your life ? fhall the flattering fpeeches,and baynfull bates ofone,butafewdaicsknowne, more prcuailc with you, than parents words,ihanallth3tthcy haue done,and NaJWLjo J. arc likely to doc for you hereafter? Ifthouhadeft made a vow to God,yet vnlcflethy father approued it,thou flioul- tkfl not perfornic it to the Highcft; flaall God go from his right,to maint;ainc thy fathers power; and wilt chou,tothe vvrongofthy father,hurt of thy felfe,kcepetouch with thy fuppofed loucr,that kcepeth no touch and faith with God? Ill the old Law it was faid, if a man had entifcd a maydcn, which was not promifcd.and had laync with her: If the fa- ther -xould netgtue her to him, the effetuier woe togiue a dowry to her, (whom he had humbled) and he mtght not take her vntowifeMzite oye maydens,your parents confent is not -only required,as Peter Lombard(^tzktt\i, adhoneffate,fed adnecejfitatem, mot only to grace and honcflyour maria- conc'iLLeteren ggj^ make them lawfull and good. Thctefoic in the Comccllo{Luciin,thofepriHiemarMges ^ich are made, 'Without the parents ceafint, are pronounced as vnUwfuR', as they that aremade,within theprjjibiteddegrees of confangui- nitie, & v.Whcrfoxc 6 yc maydcns,take at my hands this Sxed.i%.\6., V /■ A CMarkgePrefent, j this fweetflowcrofthcMaydcnf-blufh, it will grace your maydcn-hcads, picafc your parenrs,and make you be be- loucd both of man and God. And when in your efpoufals, itfiiallbeaskedjWhogiuesthismaydenviito wife; caufe not thy aged father to withhold his hand, but caufe him rather to fteppe forthwith loy, and before God and his Church, to performe for thee that bleflcd worke. Now as to ti^arejtjGod hath giuen power to beftow I • his daughter; fo alfo that he do it well and wifely,God re- Deut.y.i, quires at his hand. God {mh,T^oitJhaltHatgtue thy daugh- ttr to a CaHanite. There he giucs thee power to bettow thy ^ daughter in mariage, but yet no power to bellow heron a tXor.j.jT-. Cananitc.//e thatgmeth his daughter in mariage, doth well: tHe^^nt hath power to glue his daughter in mariage, Verf. j 9. y. faith the Apoftle; but yet he mull doe it well, he inuftdoit^''^^^^^'''^'" yint.hel.ord. He that hath mariedhis daughter, (faith lefus the Tonne U6S}nTch) hath performed agiod worke.Thou haft power to marie thy daoghter,but withall performe a good "5^ /- worke,her to a man of ynderflandirg, as in that place it followeth.Mariie not thydaughteTtdw'calth and woifhip, ^ but marry her vnto a man: for a man may get wealth and worfhip, but wealth and worfhip neiier gets a man.For on thce,thy model! daughters eyes are fa(!ned,thou art vnto her that pillcr of light, when thoumoueft, Ihe moueth, when thou ftandett Hill, ftiee fiandeth; well petfw-aded of thy fatherly Ioue,and prouident wifedomc, fhce rcftgneth ouer her will to thine,and yeeldeth her fclfcto be difpofed chryfofl. tn ^by thee.' Seeke therefore for a man for thj daughter (ssChry- pist. adcolojf. f fpeaketh) which in hue (hallchertfh her, in wifedome Homil.i z. Jhall rule her: now thou art to rtfigne thy power of her, "^hich once refigned,thou canfl not reclaime:no^ thou art on her der felfe to fet an head. Wherefore do not as Frban Bifhop of Rome wrote to SanElioiYdn^ of Arragon inSpaine,ci- / ther by fatherly authoritie oner awe her; or bj the decii- Ming reafsns of wealth and worfhip,Jeekf ioperfwadeher,to 9'^" amwn \if>hejhecanot lofte.¥or although thou waft the father ofher body,yctGoditwasthat gaucher her foule, whofe only 1 Marl{C lo.p. J I ^ A Mar/age Trejenf, only it is,in a true liking louc to icy oe ma & wife together. Do nottherfore wrong God in his right,in fccking to ioyne thofc together, whom the Lord neither yet hath nor would haue ioy ncd:for if thou doert,& thy daughter loath to giue any farther nay,yeeldeth ith her woe, to thy dcfitc; thou haft not pcrfornncd a good workc, thou haft not done wel, thou haft not maricdher in the Lord, thou muft beare the blame of their after-varyings, and whatfocuer other their fouler faults.Heare 6 ye maydens, how fvvcetc this flower is, of the Maydenf-blufh, how in ioyning youinblcftcd mariagc,itrequiieth Gods,fathers,and alio your confents. Wherefore if your parents.or they that aie in place of pa- rents, will not call you as Betlweldid Rtbecotf and oike of yenyenr free confents; yet mayeft thou in thy maydens mo» dcftie, without offence giucn vnto thy father, deny to like where thou canft not loue,or to giuc thy hand, where thou canft not giuc thy heart. And with this muftall parents reft contented; for to ioync the hearts ofman and wife toge- ther,is not the workc of man.butofGod.OchcrwifCjif con- trarie to thy liking, thou fuffcrctt thy felfe to be ioyncd to another; it may bee, 6 ouer modctt maydcn, thou wile ftaine this Maydenf-blufli with thy vviuifti tcarcs.ihou wile be the caufc oftihineownc future troub]cs,which now may be llancd, but then cannot be remedied : thou muft cate the bread of difconicnt, and lie in the bed where thou wouldeftnotbc;yourafter-varyings, if it proceed not to worfe, will be a trouble to your friends, and griefc vnto yeurfclfe. Wherefore with you,6 maydens, Ictmelcaue this flower, it is the Maydcnf-blufli.As the father is to giuc Esse to Adam, fo muft he do it in the Lord, and with Euet free confent. The next flower that coramcth to my hand,i$ the fwcet, wiues, firfl i^cooling,cordial,and low growing.ViolciJEhis commends hclDtuU. it felfe vnto the Bride, and CO cucry of you that cither arc, or would be maticd wiucs. It is the fwceteft flower in the garden of Eden, and me thinkes it beft bcfccmcth you. When God faw, that it was not mete for man toli/tea/onf. The Violet fortnaricd wiues, (ir helptull. Genef.i.ii. Verf. lo. A Mmiige Trefint, ^ hentMdeEat, andhegAfieherto KAixn, to he oh helper meet g for him.forget notoyc wiucs why Ene was made, why Hie was brought and maricd to tAdam: fure not to be an hur- ter, but to be an helper meet for man. Ofall the fiowers in I y' thegardcn,none is fo bglpfuilas is the Violer : of all the creatures, none fueh helpers mcetc for man, as is the wo- man.If man fwcll with pridc.nnd lift vp his noieamong his neighbours; I}je with iier iowiy and humble cariage, re- members him, that he is no better than his fore-fathers which arc returned to the earth from whence they came. If man burncs in the flames of his flelblic lult; fheisthecoo- let ofthbIclIam«,/<> anerd for»icatio»Jet euery man haue hu ixor j z wtfe: "it is better tomarrie than to hnrne.Umin fparklc with ' angcrUothar vnfeemelyheate; fhe with hcr/b^^d picafing rpcech.foonc abateth that heatc.aiid maketh hin.) CO fee, that ther^rath of man nenerfftlfiiUth therighteenfres fames, -of Cod. If man be heauie, and vnquieced within, either for wrongcs impofcdjor fuHaincd lofle; flic as a cordial] com- forccafeththofchisforrowcsjandfatiifiethhis foule with fwectecontent. Whatman gettcthabroad, fliecfaucthat ^ home, and vnder him,with his gaine and credit, gouerncth his familic and homc-afFaires,being as AugnShne fpeakcth,^ infirmitatis remedium, humanitatis folatmm; a medicine of'^ug"^. adu. mans maladies,^ fireete procurer of his besl content. So help- full vnto man is cliis fwect,cooling,cordial,and low grow- ing Violet. Wherefore6 ye maricd wiues, rcmembcrn&e top of their coronstSjhaus Vir^i. the hgnc'oTthe foot; in token that the top of their gloris muftftoopcjcutn to their husbands fect.Tncy hiliremcm- ber the aunciciit decree of i^ha/huerofit ,md his Princes, that aW^omengreat andfuaH, muBgiue honor to their huf. bands; and that cuerj rnun muB beare rule in his ovrne koufe. Masi IV. They acknowledge that Queeuc Vafbiy, for refufing to ices ,a»d all the pet^ple.' >» Ifdumjr ^ herfilfe an tUexample, to allothtr tvcmen to deiftje their buf- • bands. Thus by the firtt Law of God,nature,and of nations, this is iinpofed vpon women, that they be fubicCf to their •husbands; the fame is required in the Gofpcli. Therefore Pautfiyiites hefttbteEl tajoHrhnjbandf astothe Lord, for the / hitfband u the head of the wife, as Chris} is the head of the Church, tAs the Church to ChrtU,fo let thewife be fubieblte her hufiand, m all things. VVhei e markc, wiues be fubicifJ to / your husbands, there is the precept; he is your head, there is the reafontas to the Lord,as tiic Church is to Chrilf,there is the manner. In what flaQuidthcy befubie£f?in the end it / isfaid,ina!i things. It isnoicnoughfor you to be good to your husbands, butyoumulibccl'ubiebl:too ; a&S^.Paul ^iptskethfTeumu}} begoed,a»dfubierc toyottr hufi.tnds. mongrt many other rcafons alledgcd for this requited fub- ieftioB; S.Taul faith to the Coloflians, It is meete. Indeed meet,that the Moone Hiould giue glory to the Sunne,from whom fhe rcceiueth all her light: the woman fubieiSton to her husband,from whom flie dcriueth all her worfhip. S. Peter, that by their fubmijfe cr reuerend cartage,they might ^ ^ wiuue their hu/bauds to the faith. l^o:h\ngTnoicpTcua.iles ' ' * with man, then the fubmiifccariage ofhiswife.S^.T-ia/T/nwi.f. addeth a third reafon,/ef? the H'^erd sfGed be csitljfeken of for yourfakes.^ot when women makcfhew ot rel'gioii,and yet will not bcfubiect andobcdient to their husbands, their faults in this are afcribcdeo the blamelcflcGofpcli ofour Chrilf. Wherefore hcareoyc maiied wiucs,what S. Hitrant . fpcakcth vpon this phcc: Since lhehufh.tnd is the head of the ^'itS, ^oman, as Chris} is the head of man; what wife foetter is not fubieU to her hufband, ts as much in fault, as mart is, when he isnotfhbiebl vnto Chrtf}. (markc his rcafons) For the firfi fenter.ce that Gedgaue(y;\\ex\n flac is charged to be fubicifl) is defpifed, and Cbriilt Gofpcli infamed^ when a Chriitian wo- ' B z msm lo A Mariage Prefect. mart jvtS not Ja that to her hujbaxd, ^htch the Heatheu Cornell Vulltn^/yperfortne. Wherefore grovv!ow,6yc hclpfull Vio- • lets, bee not oiiiy good, but be good and fubicCt to your Hitrom.Epin. husbands. And as Hterom writ to Ce/a»tia, fo I to yon; i^.cttp.6, the aaihonty of thy hufbandhe vpho/den by thee,a»d let iiU the houle learne of thee to honor httv; do thou ftoeeo httn tn be a y mailer hi thy objetjtfiottjhe.t,to be oreat by ihy humblents ifor irj this thoH[halt be the more reuerntad, by ho0 ttiHch the more thou doeil rcHerence htm. Thirdly the Let not this moue your patieiice,6 ye maricd Aiucs,tbat Violctislweetl prcfcnt vntoyou, this low growing Violet; akiiough ic grovvlovv,yct,vvhichinthcchircj place lobfcrue, the Vio-* • ^Jcnsfwecte. For fuchare ye women, fall of fweetncs, full eanttc lo fpokeii ofChrills Spoufc in the Can- ' t'lchs ^htiiUphccia you: Fa/re t/ thy loue, better then wine, fweeter then the fauor ofallfpices, thy lips drop as honj-combet ffo fwectc arc her words) thy plant s are at an Or chard of Pomcgrandts; fo fweet are her deeds. Although God made ^ £»efubie61,yctGod alio made her fwcct.Swcctiu her fa- uour, fweetcin hcrcariagc; by which lliec maflercththc heart of man,and draweth him in louc,vnto her liking. Al- . though man be hard and heauic as the iron, that will not bow, or hardly moue; yet her fweet loue fball be as the A- damantjthat flial draw him to her,and caufc him to forlake father and mother, thcthings of high price, and toclcauc • to her. Wherefore, forget not your nature, bye Lvccc Vio- Jetstthc Violet alway fmcllcth fwcct.Take view I pray you, ofyoiir dainty fellies, how with fwcct odors you arc de- lighccd,and with ill fauors, yon are nothing pleafcd; and by yourfeluesmcafureyour husbands; icis thefwccteand ho: thefowre,thatis gratcfuil to thcm.f pray you confider, ' ^^^f^^though the CwecteRofc hath prickles, yet the Violet ' hath none; that it is the fweetnesjand not the pricklcs,that pleafethman. 4 Fourthly the ' the Violet is fwecte, fo is it alfo cooling; and fuch Violet is coo- fhould you wiucs be vnto your husbands, for fincc there u ling,. ^arcdfteiitwoynfecmclyhcacsinman, thepngp/luff, the other A cMariage Pre/i^tt. il other of anger: the woman as afweet cooling Violet, is to I afiwagc them both. For to rpcake,firft of the fire of his luf^, 'how il may be quenched, the Apoiiie fhcweih, to.iuoyd ^ formcattonjct euery mM haue hit is the v\lie, aiid i.oc the harlot, that fhould quench tlioic lu(irull flatncs. It is ^ bitter to marry,than to bttrne.Vot to man, the wife is giuen a reracdieofhis luft,a meancsfor him to auoid fornication^a fwceccooler to abate thisheatc. Withdraw not tlKrcfore / this youthclpc from your husbands, but^/«ri/«tor/afw(as ^ the duebeneuoUnee-, for the woman -l-l- ftotpotfcr oner her ovene body, but the w^rw.Thc which cooling • help if rhc rtial deny, w hen he lawfully requircth ir;by that flic may bee in part a caufe, that Satan tempt her husband VerC j. vnto vnclcannefl'c; and for that, make him to blame her as fomc caufe ofhisfolly.Icmaybeafaultinhim, atfomc- ' time to require it; yet is the thy ycelding no fault in thee,if othcrwifc he will not be fatisfiedjthis is as Auousline fpca- ^Hgufl. cooir. '—keth,ve>}!a/ut»vxare,inmeretr'tcedamnabilis, pardonable/""' in a wife, though damnable in an harlot. It was an error oh / the Pope,who adiudged finfull cucry carnall con- iunibionofmanand woman; abufingthofc words of the Apoflle, That they that were in the flefli could not pleafc, God.^oiGod made malt and female, hervilleth them to w.Gsntf.i.jj, creafe and fill the earth; which yet they could not, without carnall copulat!on;hc faid not only of mariage, but ofthc carnall vfcofihc maried. The bedvidefiled u honorable a- tlebr.11.4. mono ail»«tf«.The which Gresortelhc great acknowledged, t_^fenare not thereforeconcetae'din[tane,becaujett is ajtn for^ martedfolkos, carnally tokfioW one another : for that is a chaft vforke,aiidno fault in the maried couple,-, becaufe thenuptiall contrail, is net exorhtant from faith,Godappointing mariage, and the ceniunSlton loo-, in that he made them male and female. Whcrcfoie fincc the bed vndcfiled is honorable, 3 chaft workc, in the maried couple: Ihcwyour feluescooling Violets to your htJsbands, Gods ordained remedies for their luft. "I- The other heatc, which fometimc isynfccmely in man, —" B 3 is v>.' la A liumgt frt^tni^ h the bcacc ofangeriby which all inflamcd,hcis caried be- yond all bounds ofrcalbii, to doc-thc things thacarcnoc good ; this alio by her milde and patient cariagCj the wo- maninuftfccketocooie, and to lay thefiormcsofthofc ^blndcring winds, a!thoi}ghit be with the fliowcts of her . „ tearcs. For although ibe may not,as fpcakcth m ' the praifeofhis mother, either in word or deed rcfili her moucd husband; yet to him fhc mull be a cooling Violet, to aflvvage his anger,& a meanes to bring him to his won- ted quiet- And if to thee owoman, any thing fcemcth may be better ordered; as AugnFline aduilcd a matron. To I do I' ? • ,Reuerently impart it to thj hufltand, jet alway foUo^ his autboritie, M thy heads; that all may blejfe the peace of ycur haufe. Yea if thy lot fhould fall fo hard,as that thy husband sSsm.i. f, J. • to thee fhould prouc a Nahai, churli(f}, euillconditioned,yesi fo'ioicl^ed that aman may not fpeake to him, as the very fer- uants complained oftheirmaifier; yet do thou performc the part of tAhtgail, in fceking to pacific thofe whom he hath ofFendcd; and in all rcucrcnce when opportunity fer- ueth,impart to thy husband his danger and his fault. Thus be to your husbands b yc wiucs, fwcct cooling Violets, to quench the heatc of their luf) and anger. Fifthly the And yet before wee Icauc this Violet, remember that Vrttjeciicor- vehichinthcJaftweobfcrucd, it is cordial. Such is a wo- V mantohcrhusbandjWhcnlbcisloyall.Shcfhoiildnotfuf. fer any lirange fire to burne on her altar; nor in her foylc a- ny bafe flockcs to grow,which her husband hath not plan- ted. Shee mufi remember that cfihcm two, the Scrfpturc Gcntf. z.x/i. . faith, that they are become oneflepf.flje may not ioyne it to anO" If lie be not loyali,norkeepc faith with her, yetmuft &iMtb -X with him;fhc hath vowed it bcforcChrift& his church; file mufi therefore eucrcleauc to her husband, and defpife ^ all other; and as the Marigold that opens and fliuts with the Sunne; fo alone vvlt h him The mull open, and v\ ith him i'hut.Thisisacordiallcomfort,mofip!eafingio the heart of man.For when by her,hc rccciueth children,that he hath --fathered to be hcitcs of his labours, Haffe ofhis oVl age, in whom Veri. 17. v