lAa' 6,/\A trv (XAx^ CXAC^ PtS\^CXA/^S. ? '* Ti'l ■<•■ . i^-crrt £ 4. x/^lo (?4i^ c^x^^^.'rnnrycurCKy CfinftU.£L^ f'^t^ '^^XS^tX OcieLArQ «VZ!^ /jZ, t^/ <^tr:Qjii ^ Z- ^ ft c?/ dc^^— r^'^ux^y^ fcrr> t^'%C^^ /liy txi o /^l ^ • 'r- '. ' J^OCfX // Joi'ttt ^fuL' t-f^/Y14 £i^:hk.tL kkl-n^Ayrf «7 j gu£in M^i-kd^ k.tkyn d'ri e,,cA^n,jdf4.y^ ■i J i V 0"^, 1 N 5 gd ^Os. |] - _ \ ^jf' S i 'i^'^ 1 k%- IHK A . CKvonicle^ ox iLii^ land, Collected onto tlae moH ad-till evrtical re coyd^.-v^ittfJior^. andolKeVg mo.ntyinorjt^ of ardicjlu H e. C oiy e cfed^ i n cvca - ject ^ confintLed from flie rirft jnfiabilaHon tin till ye V^ctr ''mo -By lolm StoNve, y " y /V y V , A, . •< •y Imj At- the afli'grvj^c-nt i/Heviyv.%Ain^mavv_ Cliw Fcftuite^fo ^s'0K?'"A\-ai '6^Xil'li'i ' •tSze V T6 cKe riglic Honorable rbe Lord ^bert^udley^Qxlt ofLeiccflcr, Baron of Dcnbigh,Knight of the mofi: no-- ble Orders of the Garter, and of Saint Michaellj one of hir AiaieHies moffe Honour able priuie Counfell, and Maifter of hir Horfi. He good acceptutio of my Summarie dedicated to your Lordjhipfiueyeares ftnce Qright honorable (y* my fingular good Lord^ bathe fo emboldened this ' ^featife, grortmeno'Vp to a greater Vllume, ' f§atitprefumeth xiptfh ajfured hope of lik^ acceptance yo prefentitfelfe toy our Honor^ ynder the proteBio therof to ventur^n^ to the rtorldy and viei^e of meniandthat the mOre boldly^ being an HiBorical T)ifcouyJi of this oure natiue Countrie, fetting before our eyes)to ourinUruBion profte^ the in^ credible inconflancie^ (y^ continuall altera^ tions of this tranftorie yporld^ toyth the ivor- thieexploites ofourlQngs and fouernorif,. ^dif * Wl^ The Epi'hle Dedi'catoriei what lhaue performed herein to the com* mon commoditieinfearchingoutthe truthi and v^hat yarietie ofwrthy matters 1 ham recouered^ith no fmall coHe and care^out of the graue of Ohlmon;tyherein they haue laine hurtedjreferre toy our honorable cen^ fure, and the indifferent ^B^ader^not doub^ ting but your Lordjhipy vphiche hath gotten grounded experience by the admini'siration of moUvreighty affaires^ ft^rnifhedyour lyifedome ypyth diligent readingof fundrie Historiesy vpHI botheyiouchefafe to acceff^ this Monument of my affeBionate minm^ mthyour ypontedcurtefiCyandfhieldit vn-^ der the autoritie of your name againB thofe, vphiche in this age requite honeft endeuours tpith ynhoneftjfeechesSfhe Almighty Cfod preferueyour Honorffith continual en* creafe of his benefit s^to his glory y and your aduauncement. Your Lordfhips moft humble to comnuund. IO H N S T O w. if To the gentle Reader. JlfengFi other Beokes which are in thU ow learned age ^ubltjhedingreat numbers there are few,eyther for the honeFlte of the mattery or commodttie which they bring to the com- mon wealth,or for the pleajantnejje oft he flu- die and reading, to be preferred before tl^e Chronicles and Hy^ortes. What examples itf \ men de/erutng immortalitie, ofexploites worthy great renowne, of vertttotu listtng of the poHerttie to be embraced, of wife handling of weighty affatret, diligently to be marked, and aptly to be applied.' what incouragement ofnobihtieto noble feates, what difcourage- tnent ofvnnaturallfubieSlsficm wicked treafons,pernitiom rebelli- ons,and damnable doclrines;te conclude,what ptrfwafon to honeftie, godlynejje, andvertue of allforts, what d'Jfuafons from the contrary is net plentifully in them to be found? So that it is as hardamatter for the Readers of Chronicles, in my fanfie, to paffe without fome co- lours of wtfedome, inuitements to vertue, and loathing of naughtie as it is for a welfauoured man to walkc fp and downe in the hot Marching Sunne, & not to be therewith funburned. They there-* .,for^hich with long fludie, earneflgood will, Cr to their great coHes and charges haue brought hidden JJiilories from duskte darkeneffe tothepghtoftheworld,andhauebindiltgent obferuers of common wealrhes,and noted for the posleritie the fleeting manner sof thep&e- pie,and accidents of the times:deferue(at the leaflJthankesfor their paines, and to be mifreported of none,feeing they haue laboured for all. I write not this to complayne of fome mens ingratitude towardes bickebiterflaf me (although iuslly I might) but to floewe the commodities which by enfue of the reading ofHtilories,that feeing they are fo great andfo his owne many,all men wouldfea, fcituate rigtjt oner a» ^JjJgaintt France: one parte of Ujtjttf) ngltfbmen bo 55^tnbabite, another parte ^\^&cottes, the thirbe parte WlalQjme, anb the fourth partcojnithmen.ail thep ^:^epther in language,conbi# fionSjO? lalneSjbo btflEer among themfelues. England (fo calleb ofCnglithmen inhifhe bib tninnethe fame)is thegreatcllparte, anb is biuibebinto rl.Counties, connt«so» fohichWJefail&lit«sJtohf^rwften(thatistorap) K:ent,Suf- sbitcs. fex.Surrcy,Southampton,BarkcOiire, Wjltlbire, Dorfctftire, Somcrfctlliire,Deuon(Eirc ailb Cornwal, boe Contepne ^ firft part of that aianbt iDh«h part bounbing totoarb the ^onth, Ifanbeth bettoane the 2Chames anb the $>ea. iPromthence to the riuer of2rrent,UJhtch paffeth through the mibbeff of England be.)rt)j.thp?es,U)herofthefiraCre(aaj bing eamDarb)are Effcx, Middicfcx,HartfordiEirc,Suffolk, Northfolke,ano Camhridgcihirc: theother ten tohiche ttanbe mo;g in the mioole of the Counfrp are thefetBcdfordc, Hun- .» I _ , tjugdoxy. A defcription of England, t'lngdon,Buckingham,Oxfordc,Northampton, Rutland,Lei- ccftcr,Nottngham,Warwjke, anD Lincolne. 0ftcr ffjCfe fl^lEre he.tjj, bojoer toefftnarDe bppoit W ales,as Glouccftcr, Hereford,\Vorccftcr,Shropfhire,StafFord,Ciicfl:er,atiD Men- mouth.^bouf tl)t mlbblc of fbc blPSton Ifo Darbiiliire,York- fhire,Lancal}iirc,an5 Cumberlande.£)n fbe left battO totfiarD tbC Mctt tS Weftnicrland. 0jjat«ff flj^ fame 10 t\)C IStfbop- pjicbe of Durham, anil Northumberlandc, tobicbC bouttUf bpon tbe ijiojfb tn ftje ^arcljos of$>fotlanli> SDbcfc fljpjcs be DtuiDob into.nttf* BtlbopjikeSjlDbtfb bp a (S^rkbe Uiojfte, befalloo Diocefes. j©f tobtd)^ ^tocefes, Pantcrbunebatb!icnt,RochcfterbaflbparfOfl^enfXondon jljatb <^(rc]t:,5^ibiilefep,ani> partof^artfojb, Chkheflcrbatli ^uflfcp.Winchcrtcr batb I0amplbtre,^urrep, anb ^fle of Migbf^SaUfburie batb i!5arHelbtre,anlJ SHIilHbire. Excetcir bafb ©eiwnlbtreano Cojntoaf.Batb and Welles bafb^om^ incrfcflbtr^* Worccfterbatbs^Mojceffcrlbtrc, and parte of ?2ttartoicfiIbtrc.Gloucefl:erbatb dD'tottcetferlbire. Hcrcfordc batb part of ^b^oplbp?^, and ^|erefo?dtbpje. Coucntric and Lichfield batb &taffio?otbp?c,2r)arbjlbire,part of MartotfU'' lbp?e,and partof^b?op%?e» Lincolne tobifb ts tbe greteff, Ipmgbetboanetbe S^bamcsand ^^umb?e, jjatb ILtncoIne, iLcpcc(fer,l^untington,liBedfojde, i5ucHmgbam,and tbe re* Cdue of ^&artfb;d(btrc ♦ Ely batb Cantab?iogelbtre, and tbe 3fleof<2;tp. Norwich batb ^uflfolbc, and iSojtljfolbe, and partofCantabjidgelbPje. Oxfordcbatfii^icfojdetbtrc, Pc- terborowjbatb ^o,ubanTptontbtrc,and ikntlandc* Bnftowc batb 2>o?fcttbirc, ^ndtljisis tijepjouinceoftbe^rcbbilbop of Canterfaurie,Ujbl?fb tbe ^jtmate of aU (England, tovtb t£Iales.2nbe^rcbbilbop ofYorke,batb |Jojbelbire, Jjo^# gbamlbtre, and a piece of LancafbireXbOSitbop of Durha batb tbell^itbopjibefo cominonlp calico, and ^oj^umbtr* landc.Chefler batfi Cbeflbire,ttioCpart ofi^ancalbire,lJicb* mondc, part ofi^Iintfi;)tre,and part of SDenbtgblbirb.Carlilc contcpnetbCumberlandeandWettmerlande: andtbpsttf tbe otber J^?ouince of tbe ;3rcbbi(boppe of ^ojfee, tobicbe is anotbec Scotknd,\ii^aIes,S(rc» ? jinof!)er pjimaite of cSitglanii, aiiD toa« of long time alfo pv mateofal^cotlano:but t^efe SDiocefestaiketbetrnameoof t|>e Citico tob^rc be piaceD,tbe tbtcfe tobcreof,i£t London,tubere til tbe beginning teas tbe ^Ircbbilbops §>ea, but aRertoaros tranfpofc& to Cantcrburvja Cittie in j^cnte, places in a fople amiable ans pteafaunt. London dvansetl) in spiDOleiee, on tbe ii^ojtbcfftieof .fbc2Cbameo.2Cbat mott excellent ans gajblp riucrbatb fir® tbe name of /fi, ano beginnettj in CoteCmoloe in (I5locc®cr;» Ibire,about a mile from 2nitberp,ani) ao mucb from tlje big^ toane calleo i^roffe r ano it tabetl) firffe tfie name neerefoSDoicefierbjioge, tuficrc tfie riuer Tumr ano tbe fojfapbe /fi mate, anoTo tnitfia maruelloirs quietcourfe it palietb bp Lonbon, anb tljenbjeattetb intottjeiTrencb €>ce? anbp maine tpbes,tobicbe ttoice in nriitr. boures fpace boet^ ebbe anbflotomo?etbanfr.mples, to tbe great commobitie oftraucilerojbp tobtrb^ alt fiinbeo of^arebanbicebeeafilpe conuepeb to Lonbon,tbe pjinripal ®o?ef ttaple fo;t al como« ttitieo luitbin tbis realm. tiSpo | fame riuer is places a frone b?ibge,a toojli beep rare anb maruellouSjtobicb b?ioge batb (retkning bjatn b?ibge))nc.arcbfs mabe of fourfquare ftone^ of beigbt.Ir.ffflte,f of b?ebtb.)cir]r.tote, biffant one fro another ff, fcote, corapacte f iopneb togitber Uiitb baults anb cellerc^ tilppon botb fibes be bonfes butibeb, tbat it fometb rather a contittual frrate than a bjtbgr, SChe flDcefi tea both boimb c&nglanb, the fir® part of Bjp^ fatne,Ca® t &outh,'cI^aales i Cojiitoal lE2ae®.2nh^ www ^ T wcdc beuibethcDnglanb f ^cotlanb j|5b^th:.2Che fength of fitie Blanb beginneth at^^oitrmoutb in ^outh parte,! em beth at T wede in tbe^ojtb, contapning.jao.mvfes. Chps l^ealme aboue other is mofie fruitefull on thps f^Humbrc : foj beponbe it is fuller Of ^cuntaines.ilnD 'flithongbe to thrbeholbers of that Cbuntreuatarre ot^ it mape fame plapne, pet it is full of manpehiUes, anb thofefoj the motte parte hopbe of tras, thehallcpcsUjhere^ of beherpehelettable, inbabiteb/o; the mo®e part bp noblie ; a.h. 4 A defcription of England, men,tD^o ncco^oms to auntiente ano old DeOr^ not to oloel tn Citteo, bat noare bnto ballereo ano rtiipro in Ceacf rail btllageojfo? atiovbtng of bebcment iatnoeo^bicaufe tbat 3lano natnrallp to fio;anie* Humbrc bai^ l)iiEt begtiimng alittleontbioltoe po^be, f bp ano bp runnetb &outbtnaro,ano tben boloctb bto courfe c^aOtuarOjano fo into tlje mainr ^ca, grratlpo cncreafeo bp tbC Uiuers of Dune ano Trent. Trent begtnnetb a little from Staffordc,running tbjongb DarbifhYre,anO Leiccfterlliirc, paCTingbp Litchfieldc f No- tingham onf rtgbtljano, f Dune on tb^ IcftbaOtfo tbatbotb tboferiuera oo makean3|lelano inbicbcts calleo Auxolmc, ano tben iopning togitber on tbis fioe Kingftone bpon Hul, a gtnOlp marcbaunt snotnne, tbep fall into Humbre:bp Inbi* cbe riuer tbep map ariue out of frauncc,Germanic ano Den- marke. ' England is fruttefull of bealfes, ano abonnoetb toitb cat* felrioberbp tbc inbabitanto be ratber fo? tbe moll part grafi* c ers ^an plougbmcn, bpraufe tbep giue tbemfclues mo?eto fdtoingjtban to tillage. &o tbatalmotte tbe tbiro part of tbe Countrepioemplopeoto Cattell, iDare reoanofalloUje, tiD^otes, (lioberof tb ere be llo?c in tbc i!io?tb parte; f Conies, fe?euerptDbcretbcre isiollp maintenaunceof tbofebinoes ofbealles, bpcaufeit iefullDfgreattD®oe:tobereof tbererp# fctb pallime of bunting,grctlperercireO,rpedallp bp tbei^o^ Andteermaine fea,tbat IS fo fap, from tfje monfb of ig Hiuer of Dec to tbe 3 rilbc fea, euen fo fbe ILaahe of Lomundc, ix)\)ki)t Ipefb beftofrncfbat Counfrep ano fbe fame bil» SCbe riuer of T wcdc (tobmb fjpjtngcfb out of a liffle bpl, not far bepono Horbomu^^) is mingles mifb fb" dD^ermaine £Dcean, iopning^oufbioaro toifb fbaf Counfrep tobirbe is ralleb fbe ^arcbes,being fbe eaft bonnos bettofrn Cnglano f ^eoflanfi, SCbe faib riuer of I wedc feparafefb f ^arcbes from j|5o?fbumtorlanb,fbe ftirfbeft Cot^ifrep of CSnglanbe, bauing pmlpefr fo tbe (0ermaine ^ea,fbe ebiefr foltm Uiber" of is Bartoicbemotoe in poffrftion of fbe d^nglifb* 2Dbe Mefterne limit of ^cof lanbe fobilom toas Cam# berlanoe,tobftb"fbeUiuerof Soiuc beniDetbfrom^nnan^ bale.]15eftDfrn,fbere ftoo i^egtons fbeCbeuiof ^its appere. j^cFt to fbe ^arebes JButlanbe bomerefb, nobie fearmeo Loughdean, bounbtng bpb fbe Caft,a berp billie Counfrep, barren almoft of anp frets. Cbemoft famous fotones of fbe lame beS)unbar,l^abingfon,ilcifb,i^o3fbbertDilt,f Cben# bsmugb; fbeiaingsfeafe, luberealfo is fbe Caftel of^ap# > bens,a berp ftrong ano oefrnftble place. 2Dbe fame Ctf ie fbe riuer of Forthca(commolp calleo fbe iPrifb) bofb binfer anO palTe bpjtobicbe being carieo info tbe €^ermaine£>rean,ma# befb greafe armes 0^ meres, commonlp calico fbe ^coffilb feaitobereinbefioesofbertsfbe 3|lanOof Saint Columbc, bp name calleo *y£monu. SC^ofame riuer agapneoeuioefb from Loughdean a Counfrep aOiopning (abounoanf ofatl fi)in3S) calleo f fifo^n tobpcb Counfrp are manp fotones, as ^onfermile, Cup;e, but fbe notable fotonof^ainf^n# o;etoe,rpeciallpe famous fo:i tbe fianiuer0fie,ano beaufifteo toifb fb" fen of fbe 0rcbbilboppeano p?imafeof all^cof# tanoe. ;0ntbeofber fiOe totoaroesfbe3|rifbeftoei^o?fb« ;3.ii), toaroe A defcription of England, toartie, is Nidifdatu, ffl caUeo oft^c l^tucr tljaf paflfetij bp, iD^crc bee t^e ffrong fotonco of 'jDoagL^jfc ano X's®? fitefe. v3pon rtje ^outb aoiopnefb Galloway,ms^t abonnbaunfe flfi^ooo^r fo? Cattcl, tban of SlfiJbtate, tob^r is tboCotone 0fCaKdidiCafi,tWllJC3llelf Whithcrnc, anO t^C aunftcnt Iff ipit at Saint Ninian, aooumcti alfo luitb an C^piftopal ^ea. In tbofc parts bc0Dos iljc tomne of ceiigbfon to a laafee of a iDonOorfuU nature , b^aufc tbc one Itoc in ^xaintcr Doetb ffafe, ano tbc otljcr not. i5p tbat ffanoetb tlje Countrep of {ariEia, oiiccrenoumeo , toptbtbctoiijnec.?r/(5?cof# lanDjtahingbitf name of a llaahefrom tobcnrc tt rp?ingetb> fr;birl)Cfallctb bp .^tboUaanD Cahdoniahv manpplaces, but cbicflp bp Perthum noto callcD Sa'mtlohns tDtonc,anD laftlpc bp Dande in timc pafr calleD Alcftum,anD tbcrc bjeahetb in# to tbe dDcrmainc fca, ano at tbe moutb fo^ctb great elf uars o^nrmcsoftbefea, tobrrcof racitiismabclbmention. gainGe Twt is ^ngmje, tobicbc bp meanes of tbat riuer is fertile anD p,iorpcrous,anD is DeuiDeo from Fife. S^o t Tame bpo tbe ^o?tb aoiopnetb tbe barren Rett Scotlande, Wales, SCc* ntd Countirep, toell fo? tnater aa fo? jjlcnrtc of ropfo. ;© n tljeotljer 000 yir^w/eCbetoettji itfelfe, tofjpcbo being full of Iaafeeo,paloetb greater plentie of foooertbanfruite, tubofc bttermott bonnoo ttretcfj fo farre, ao ^relano ie not oilfante paff.^j.milc0,aboat tobiclj tfje pjomontonc oj fi)?clanD,fati« leo Lands hdd ftanoetb.SCbat coaff toljilom Stbtres oio irt> |>abife,a0 Polidor gatberctfybu tboreU)0;Deoaf Plinie ini)?« 4.bcjfeej tbe.T <5.cbaptcr. Ireland being fituafe ouer agam0B?pfatn, to Otffant fro fl)e nation of Si/ares bp tbe ibojteftcuf.rr.uiples. I^otobeitv fome otbcr,foj that it k mantfeft bp tbe fame Piniie in f fame Chapter, ano alfo bp other Uj?iter0,that 25;ptaine toao not in hps tpmeUjeUbnotoenfofarre i!5o?fh, fuppofe he mente not bp this, that the 5//»re/ihoulocinhabitc ther ^outh^Maleo, firoiu luhence the paCBge ouertoas bct^ ter hnoton (ano ao hr mightehauc bnoerlfanoing)Tho?tett,. ^h^r alfoas Antoninus fame to'place that people, Wtttjmte Argils ana oigouu ^iSTctttoaroe Ipeth the^ €>o\vaXxt^ at Sterling, focalleobpatotonethere, ^ereth^ fojrefl otCalydoniA bcgaii on the left Hoe, tohich toithin ffrctf theth farre ano bjoaoe. SChis ffljreftromeftnies bjeo^t^ito j^ufleo, longmaneo lihe IlionoV tohtehe toete fotoiloeai^ thep eouloe not be tameo, but bpratife the flsttj toao pleafant ano oaintie to the mouth, thc tohole race of themalnioffc is frtinguilhco.SE^rclihetoifeisthe Cattclof gtu^ •te bp Tatti cafleo Doudieldinc. ^rom a tittle hit ofthefojfc reff ivfeth cintd, tohith bpa baooechanetfatiefhfhftr the3Irithe;aDcean : fo?ttapeo in a manner bp the banhcs of the mountaine Grampiw, it flpoethinfo the fea bp greats fpoes, ro(as toitneireth'Tacicus)" the Komaines thought it to DO another Jlanoe. C^that riaer the 2l)aletDascall^.(J/d(<'^ wA,'iDhpche Confttrep'that Uiuerruhneth bh: amitif the fitme is the Citie of Giafcogt gooipc tSJnitternriOd ' 3gapne totoaroes the Cattc is iopneO'the Countrew of i^hgHiib bppon the §>ea coatto, iuherein 'J'' ^.iih* Fordunc A defcription of England, Fordune b? 0fuatton 10 berpe Srons, and t^e reltqnef 9t S.PaUadius tf)e ^cottiib 0poQle famou0. fame fpde of Scotlandc, to Countrep of Marre, garntlb^d Initb a CittecaUeo Abcrdonc, aanotns bcttoesne tbetioo Htuero of Donamti Dea, tottb a ^cbolc alfo ado?^ ned» SDbenfoilotoetb Morrcy, fb^ notable nera doe compaffe aboute, called Nejpttum spea. sit tbc moutbeoftbpolaSUtuer, SandetbtbeColoneof £lgi$> a* boute tbe bancHeo bibereof be buge bnodo replentlbed toptb all footed of toildebeaSea. ^Tbere to a ILaabe alfo called Spi- «<«4foared inttb plentieof^toanneo: buftn t\)t middle part fiandetb tbe b;toad Countrep of RoffU notn called Beane Ko" }en,Cretcbin0 to tbebttermolf angle euen to bctb ^e &eao, and tbe fhrtber it goetb C^aaidarde,tbe better it to inhabited* 3|n tbe fame to a bofome of tbe ^ea, notoe and tben To contie* nient fo? &ailero,ao cbmonip it io called the port oFHcalth, (o? tbe l^auen of ^afetie)and tbe tobme Tba»a. SDbe bjeadtb of tbe 9|land io berp lbo?t,fb?falUng into ^ fomteof a toedge, it io fcant.rrC'mile oner, tnbicb defended toitb t1)^ee paoinon^ to?ieo libe totoero^repelletb tbe greate toaueo and furgeo of tbe^ea: and inuironed biitb ttno gulfeo, iDbicbetbofep^o^ utonto;ieodoeinclore, tbe entrieo be quiet and calme, and tbe luater peaceable. STbe Ifraite of tbat lande io at tbio dajf called cfountaineo, berpfull of l^f, and nronntaineo>bpon tbe topo tuberofbe pleafantplaineo^ palding great tto?e of gralfe,and plentic of fodder fbj Cattel, tootddeo libeiuifefull of loilde beattco. Cbat part of tbe land io toell fudained toitb commoditieo, and tbercfo?e tbe peox pie barde to be banquilbed at anpe timCi bp reafon tbe itHodo and ^arlbeobeatbande foKefuge, and hunger eafeoUiptb tSenefon and Ji^ilb* 3lbout Scotlandc in tbe jjrdbe i^eao, are lcl,3lIandeo, of Phnic tearmed , otbercall tbem Mfmni*, otlitt Hthidts, ^anpe Of tbcfe in length at leatfe arc ScetIand,Vales.&rc. we mtlee,but in b^eaotb not aboue.e$- ^mongeft 10 IonabeauttfieDit)ttl)tbeSDombe0oftb^&cotttlb ^ins8» STbeJUnDerogenerailp rpeahejrtlbe, tobicb^ oectaretb tbcmtotahetbeir ojigtitailoftbeBlt^^natton. IBeponOe fecotlanoetotoaroe tbeipo?tbe, be t])e%le6 of Orchadcs, tDbttb^(a« Ptolomc faitb) number, fome Iptng in Qe 3)ucaItOon ^ea, ano fome in tbe CD>ermaine ;^cean,tbe p;incipaH ofbibicbe Bl^nitsisPamovfa, bpcaufeitioaHOp;' hiops fea, ano to bnoer ttje gouernement of Scotlancie. £Dbe Jlanoerobfe fbeC^otbeo fp^e, tobieb^ arguetb tbemto P?ocsoefromtbe(l5>ermaine0. Cbepbetallof Sature, but berie beitbie ano lultie of boop ano mmt>e,lming berp tong, altbongb tbeir cbiefett fcsbe is fi(be,fo? tbe lanbe almoS cotv tinuadp befet toitb coloe, in manp plareo is not able tb bear rome,ano generallpalmoStoitbout tree o;t bulbe* Beponoe tbe Orchades (lanoetb Thule, in tbe i^rofen fea notoe called 3 felanoe, to lobttb onr mar^aunteo repatre fo? filbing once euerp peare in tbe ^ommer. i^b tbuo mucb b^ue 3 to fap of tbefciteof^cotlanoe: noiue of tbe nature and manero of tbe people, Cbe &cotte0 tobieb^ inbabite in tbe Southern parte, bet iDelnurtnreo,anbliueing(DOciuilitp, < tbemoSctuile,bfe tbe 0ngltlb fpiscb,:^no fo? tbat inoab tbere to geafon f fcant, tbeir common fetnel io of a blacke ftone, tobicbe tbep dig out oftbec^arrb.SCbdotberpart i^o?tbern,f ful of mountaineo, a berp rune and bomelp btnde of people dotb inbabite,h)bieb are called tbe redlbanlteo ojluildc ^cottee. STbcp be clotbed a mantel and lbp?te fafftoned,after tbe 3rilbe manner, ^oing barelegged totbebn^, Cbeir toeapons are botoeo f darte0,mttbaberteb?odetiDo;id andadagger, Ibarp onlpat tbe one ltde.iSU fpeabe 3rilb,feeding on 6lbe,mtlbe,tbeefe,f ^lbe,baninga great number ofCattell. Xl^e^cottes differ from tbe (^nglilbe in latoeo and cuSomes, bicaufetbepbfe tbe ciuill latne aoalmoU otber Countrpes doeXb^ Cnglilb baue tbep; obm latoo and eduto.jn certain otber conditions jfbep be not fgrre bnli^but tbeir language is one, ibeir ba« ;a,bt bits J • A defcription of England, bite f fflmplepton Iihe,oneco?a0e in battel, anb in bilitie one bcfire anb piegnancie in bunting. ICbe countrep boufeo be narrotD,tonereb toitb Crato f rabe, Inbercin tbe people anb bcatts bo lobge togitber. aCbcp? totonobefibeu S.Iohns totone arc bnUjaUeb,tnbitb is fb afcribeb to tbctr animoHtic i barbinelTe, ftring all tbcir fuccej f b^ Ips allnan in tbe baliancic oftbeir bobp. SCbs ^cots are bernc tDife,a0 tbeir learning beclaretb.i^oj to tobatfoencr Hi t ibep bo ap* pip tbenirelucOjtbcp ealTlp pjofitc in tbe fame. l!5ut tbepblc f flontbful,anb fucbcbteflp as Ibun anb anopbc labour, line in great pDncrtie,f pet toil not fticbe to boall of tbeir niobtlu tie anb gcntric, ao tbougl> it toere moje f«mrlp fo? t'jc bu® nelt to laclie,tban comelp,(bp ercrcife of fome boncS Hrtc,) to get tbeir liuing.Butt^ i&cots gcnerallpfae bewcntcob# feruero of Religion. Hnb tbus mucbe of^cotlanbe. vv»iM. Wales tbe tbirb parte oflSjptaine Ipetb bppon tbe leffe banbe,U)birtie Iilteai02oinonto3ieo.tfo?elann,oj an 3ifle(a« it toere) on etterp fibe io eompaffcb toitb tbe maine S>ea, epf cept it beonf ^utbeatl part toitb tbe riuer of eom* monlp calleb SeM f t main fea io rottd about it:it to aberp barren foile, priding fruite ttto^e tb?ongb trauel of p tillero f bufbadme, tban tb?ougb tbe goDdneOe ohbe ground: but tbere to greate plentieoftlead f2Din,in tbe mining! diggingtnberofdotb fpectallp confiS tbe lining and fudentation of tbe tnbabitato. STbeir tong to far diOOnant from Cnglilb,but it to mucb like to tbe tuaiallbtong, btcanfe tbep bane manp iuo?do comon to botb tongo:pet tbio difl^rence tbere to bettuan tbem,tbben a Mallb matt rpealtetb,tbeComtib ma ratber bnderdandetb mante ivo^Ds fpohen bp tbe Mal(bman,tban tbe tobole tale be telletb,tbbtrebp it io mantfed,tbat tbofe tb;^ people doe bnderdand one anotber,in Itbe maner ao t ^outbem ^roto doeperreiueand bnocrttand tbe i^ojtbem.Bitt it io a tbing berp rare and mameltons,tbat in one 3| land tbere ibould be fueb barietie of fpdrcbeo. Cornwal io in tbe SDiorelTe of ^rce^ ter, tobitbt Utao once too;tbp to be counted tbe fourtbe parte X Scotlande, Wales«6^c# office 3Ilanli,fo?ftieco«frarwtpofft>e laitj;aa00.0ffcrtoarbs t^e j]^o?maa, conttituteb a btngboine ofal ttjofettijce parts,recKeneb Co^ntoal to be one of tbe Counties o; Hires oftbe Countrep. Cbns mucb oftbe particular befcription of )6;ptaine,tbat tbetnbblsbobieoftpe Uealme (bptbemeni^ bers) mape be tbe better bnotnne to foine perabuenturc tljat neuer bearb tbe fame befoje. SCbe fo?me of tbe 3lanbe is T riquetra, oj tb?a co?ncreb, t, bauin0 tb.:(ecorners, o;(tb^^ Cbes: ttuo Inb^i^^bf^ tbatis to rape, tbe comer totnarb tbe CaSe, anb tbe otber toiuarb tbe Meatt(botb ertenbing jj5ojtbtDarbes)are tbe longett. 2Dbe tbirbe 0be Inbieb^ ie tbe ^outb fibe, is tarre fbojter tban ^e otber : fo? ^e 3Ilanbeis greater of length tban of b?ebtb. :ano as in tbe otber ttoo partes is contepncb tbe length,eutn fo in ^ Iatt,tbc b?ebtb,in tubicb place the b?ebtb beginnetb : ano fo continuing from the &ontbc parte to the ^o?tb,it is but narro\iie.2nbefirttahbeigbt comer of tubicb 31 lano Calftoarbe,is in !ient,at SDouer anb ^anbtoicb. j^ro tobence to Callais o? ISoloigne in jPraunce, is the bilfance ofrrr.mples.i'^rom this ^ngle, lubteb t® againtti^rance,to the tbirbe single, tubicbtsintbci|5o.2tbein^cDtIanbe, the maineluberofbounbetbbponcl^enhanie, but no lanb f^ne, (anb there the 3 lanb is libebnto a toebge eucn at the bcrpe 0ngle oftbe lanbe in ^cotlanbe,) tbelengtbe isfeauen bunb2Cb mples. Hgaine, the length from this co?ncr at Do# uerinlient, to the bttermoffe parte ofCo3netualI,being^. ^icbaels mount(lubicbe is the ®aie£t parte 02Metti3ngle) is fuppofcb to be tbtee hmtbereo mples. JFrom this Icfte Hn? gle being the SJHeff part anb the bttcrmott part of Cojntoal, tubicb b^ib a pjofpea totuarbes ^paine, in tubicb parte alfo ffanoetb 3rclanbe, fcituate bettu^tie HE^itaine anb ^paine to tbej^ojtb ^ngletn the further part of ^cotlanb,in tubicb parte the 3lano both etro, the length is eight bunbjeb miles, in tubpcb part there be berp goab bauens,f fafe barbo?ougbes fo2 tbippes, anb apte pallages into 3relanb, being not pattc one bapes ikpling: but the lbo?ter paifage is Irom Males to • " Matei^ H A dcfcriptioti of Englandj&Tc* Waferfi) jDe,a fotDtic in Jrelaniie t pon t^c ^ea coaff ,muc(>e like to ttjat palTage betlo^no SDoucr and Calapo, o^ fome^ lol^at mo;ie:but tije (bojteli paOTage of all,to out of Scotland. iProni tbis laft^ngle to ^^ampton,tDbiclj to a ITottine bpon t\)e coalf jtottb a batten fo called totoard tlje S>outb, and tberfo;te called ^outbbarapton, bettoeene tbe angleo of l^ent and Cojntoall, tbep doe meafure bp tfratgbt tb^ tubole length of tbegiande, anddoefape, tbatttcontapnctb.8oo» mpleo, ao the bjcdtb from Afenena 0} feaint E>aindo to ^ar^ mouth, tubwb m m thebttermottpart of tije aland totuardo the (3l;aIfe,doetb contepne. 2oo» mileo, fo? the b?edtij of the aiande to tn ttje &outli part, Utbicb part to the front and begtnntng of the lande, and endetb narrotpe, o? ao it toere in a tfrapgbte . feo the ctrcuttc o? compalleof the aiande to«i8o o, mpleo, inbltb to»2oo. lelTe than Cxfar doth reclten o? accompt* (V) Of che firft habitation of this ^landc,a fhort note to the Reader^ J{ere it is recorded by the /acredand mo/l aUH' 1 tient Htfiorie, that s/ier the vniuerfalfloHd^he , Ijles of the Gentilesrvere diuided by the fofleri' tieefliphcththefoHHe c/Noah, wee doubt mt but this Jjle ofQryt^nz was alfo thenpeo- ' p/ed by his progeniejthe Hiflorie of whom,as it is to be wi[heda»d appertinet to this purpofe,fo fith it is irrecouera' hie,not onely vnto vs, but alfo to other nations,!thinke it better to fay nothing therein, than to Jet downe here Samothcs, Magus, SdiXtonf^xviyi/tnd^itA\x%for his fuccej/ours, which are vphol" denandbeulftered onely bythe crethteaatd authoritie efanewe fmal pamphlet falfely forged, and thrufle into the worlds vnder the title of the auntient Htjlorian Bcrofus.Fw that is the cenfure of althe bejl leamed,as concerning our comon Bcrofus, which at his firll appering,about one hundred yersJinccjWas partly fuffeU i^Lodouicus Viucs, afterwards conuincedte be fabulous the lerned Gaf Varrcrius,w a feueral treat t/e, and now vniuer- /ally reieEledof allsmfisl Antiquariesas, a mere fable vnworthy the name i^Berofus. Therefore I dare notgrounde the beginning of our Hiltorie vppon the credits therof vnle/fe Iwoulde be pre- iudicial to the trueth wherevnto Ileuel al my endeauotsr . I hope it Jhal bee fu/fcient in this Hisborie for the Brj'taincs time, to follow the aufhoritie of the receiuedBrytifi Hijlorie, which Gcf- frcy Archdeacon of Monmouth tranjlated out of the Brytijhe tong about.^oo.yearesfines, beginning with Brute,jpAo after the progenie of laphcth feemeth to be firUe difcouerery namer,and Ruler of this land. Tet before we enter into the Hi fiery <^Brutc, ft Jhal not bee impertinente to note here that where as Porapo- nius Mela mctioneththat one Hercules killed hWivaa a Giant stbout I L-Uius Gi' tatdui. Soli(u»« %o nioHte the mouth ofRhofte in Truuuce, muuj/e learned men haue tudgedtheptideto hmie ruled here, (Jitb the Creeke Nicot.Petotui monumets do always cat this A L b i o n,) and after his detn that Hcrculcs came hither, Lilius Giraldus writeth. An aunti- ent aultar alfo conteyning the infcri^tion of a vme founde in the Vttermofi North fart ofBritaine i^oo.yeares pnce, at Soli- nus reportethyflainelieproued that Vlilles the renott~ med Cracian in his tenneyeares trattailes, after the facking 0/ Troy , arriuedin this our Countrey. And thus much is fostnde only in approued Hiitories at co~ reming Britaine before the nmwdZf ^Brutus. CO I V. »7 The race of the Kings of Britaine fince Brute:ancl m the margent are placed the yeares bccfore Chriftc his byrth, when cueryc Kyng begannc then- ratgnes, til Cunobclinus, tn whofe time Chrtfi the Sauiour of the world was bonie, and ^ then followyng , the yeares from Chryfte hys byrth arc placed. I I o 8 Gaufndt, Rute tf)c fotinc ofSiluius, foitne of Af- canius tfjefonneofe^neasjafterttje ocatl^ of fatl)er,bom0bamfl[)eD into bcliucrob tljcrc tiie romnat of tbc SDroias from ^ long capttuitie,U}bcrin tbcp locre octoincb bnocr tljo (ID>redao,lDttb tobtinic bcbcpartebtbencofo^to feebe fomcbabu tation: ano aflfociating to bpntfelfe ConneH} toptb bps STro# fans iobome be founbc in tbe toape, after a long anb ioearp tourncp, anbmanpcnotableactes atcbieueb inHquitaine, be arriuco intbis^Hanbe, tDbpcbetoascalloD^/^/fw, at a place noboecallcbSCotneB in EDeuontbirc, tbe peareof tbe boo?Ib.28<) 5. tbc perc before Cb?itts natiuitie.i loS.toberctf in be firlf began to raigne,anli nameo it Brytaine, (as fome iD?ite)ojratbcraftcrbisotDne name Brutaine, nQf tome mo;c aunttcnt,t3fe ttje mofie aunticnt name of Coun# trepa anD peoples. 0nc fomcCngltd^e lojtters abouean bwnb,2eD peares fince, bfuallp ooe name it 5r«/4^,anti not o^ tl)criDife,tbJougb a large biftojie of tljps lanoe, tranflnteo oute of irrencljc. Brute bnilceD tl>e app;ocI)eb , to biitibeb tto totoi^ 3ilanbc among t^a fonnes, toltoto to bab bp Innogen l)iStuife>Locrinc, Camber, anb Alban»c\. ^nto Loerineto gane the mibble parte bcttmrne Hnmber anb Seuem, toljicto of bim hjas calleb Loezria. Ko Camber to gaue all tbe regi^ onbepenbe^e«fr«,tobiil2ofbwwtoftetto name of c^mbna, anb is noto callcb n^aUs. SCo Albanaft toS^nc all tto hmbs beponb HHmher, tubtoto of bts name teas callcb AibnKia: aff ter tobicbe partition be beccaffeOjtotott to b^b raigneb. 24» peares,anb teas burpeb at netoe Tr^^. T Ocnne, tbeclbeftfonncofBrute raigneb. re. peares tb^ 9*uf,ui<. -^cbafcb tlje //»««er,tebicbe inuabeb tbis realme: anb pur^ fuebtbcmfoibarpclpjtbatmanpof tbem toitljtbetrSipng terre b:oteneb in a riuer tebicbe tben parteb €nglanbe anb ^cotlanb.^nb fojfomucb as tbe bing of namebHu- ber, teas tljerc b?cteneb, tbe riner is til tbis bape nameb^ Ho^tHnmher Uumber.CbiS fetng Locnncbab tOteifcGuendo!ine/»a«gb< iQo el atrwK ferofCorineus,JEDukeof(Tojntealljbptebometo bab afbti nameb Madan. ^^e alfo bept as paramour, tbe beautifulL llabp Eflrilde, liPtebow be bab a Daughter nameb Sabrme. ^nb after tbe beatb Coriucus, b« putte ftrom bl'»» tbe faiba I ''V f I ^ I «* ii j! io54 TheBrytans» J!? faitSieGuendolinc, nnS tUC&DcO Eftriidc; but Guendoline rcpau?EDtoCo?n\ijall, gatfj^rcb a erf ate po^ tocr, anb fmigijtc iuitlb BingLocrine, antjflcioebi'm.l^^ toas buricD at nctue Th^. S>b^D;oUineD tlje ila^p Binkie, luitbbir oaugbterSabri'ieinaiXpuer J t^at after t^c poung scuemc: inapwna name is calleD Se-ierue. GVendoIinc tlje Daugb^^t ofCoiincus anDioifeta Locrine io'<4 (ftjjfomucf) as Madan |)ir fon inas tf tbefe bjetb.Jen bao C0>crmantc tbe name, a CermAnufratrtbHi, tbat bao fub# DueD tt.CbbjanbetDasafounticrofmanpCities (faptb^^?'- Dnfibretitn, gom^) 38^llclutO lU Albania (notu^COtlauO) tobtCbC tS af# Bim'b!.rghf inj Heilor 5aint Au^uftmc. ;at tobicb^ time tljc llBitboppe of Rome intcrbitcb it foj fj^re? fics tbat fel among tf)c ^arong anb iSjptong togitljcr mirt, fo faptt) Harding, ^ebuilbeb Caier Badon QlBathc.XiW'il mabC tljercaSnempleto Apollo,ano placeb tfjcre a iFlaminc: fje The King af. alfo tljebotc Batf)cs, anbpjanifcb fjps i|5ccroman^ icmptcthto flie, fie: l)^ becfecb bimfelfc in featberg,anb pjefumeb to ffie, but bp falling on bis Cemple, be b?atte bis nccbetoben be bab raigneb.rr.percs. EirefonneofBladud fuccebeb bis father Al^ebuilbeb Cnter fvtanitoril an ViiiueiCtie. John Hardlnr. J. Rou/e. iohii Bale in bys Votaries. Bathe vvyththe bote Bathei buUt S44 L Lairb^m tbe twiner Sore, notn calleb Leycdier trnt mabe JLeycefler built. tberc a s::emple of lanus,placing a iFlamine fo gouerne tbc tiotcsiiflonaru. ^^0bab tbiOEbaugbferS,Gonorel,Ragan, f Cordcilc, lubpcbe Cordeilc foj bit bertue anblxjifebometoinarbesbit fatbcr/uccebcb bim in tbe hingbome.Mben be bab raigneD pU peareg be beceaCfeb, anb t»ag burpcb bnber tbe cbannell oftbe Hiuer^ortf.toptbiHiLeicelfer. SCbpsbaulttmber tbc eartb inas builte in bonour of lanus Bitrons. SDbere all tbc aaaojbemcn oftbat Citie, tnben tbe folemnitie of tbe bapc camcjbegun al tbingg tbat tbep b^ fo bo tbe pcre fblotoing* COrdila,p pongetl baugbter of Ueirc,r«cc0eoingbir father, toas foje bepeo bp bir ffoo nepbneg, Morgan of f Concdagius at Camber aitb Cornrvat,\X3li^ti at length fOlaC f catt bit in pjifonttobere the being in bifpap?c ofrecbuerinj^ bir cltate,fletoe bit relfe,tDben the bab raigneb.t)>erei5',attij foagburpeb atlleiceffcrin lanus jKemple,fapbit father* V 4 Organ, tbe elbettfonne of SDame Gonorell, cispmeo ' ^^Stytame, aitb fnatteb on bps nepbeUie Cdiicdag'ras, tbaf toaj$ 80; Soo TlieBryfans^ '3 ijons iiing of(ti(>afiiotDe is tMaless) ant) of (Tojn^ Juall: but Conedagius mcttc tuitb Morgan in fVa/es, anD tbcrf flCtDC bpm : tD|)pcfjC place is calico G/amorgAKtill tbis Oavc. 0nD tljen Conedagius Juas Japngof al Brytaine • fhatnaaie. l^cbuiioeOaCcmplcofMars at/'frrz&f, tbatnotois^atnf 31obns STolnnc in ^cotlanoc ,ano placco tbcrc a i?lamine; tovvJfunjej. builoco anotbcr of Mincrua in Males, lobpcb^ nolo is naincoSDbctljirOebcttiatic of Mcrcune in Cojn? BangorbuUt. toalljtubcrebeluasbDjne. ^Beratgnco.nrrib.l'carcs, ano toas burpco at nctue Trcj. T> luallojfonne ofConedagius/uccccOcobi^'intbci',in tobofc ■^tme it raincD blouoc tfj?® oapcs: after inbpcbf tempeft enrucOagreateinultituOcoftjenemousiTlieSjtDbpcbfletoe mucfje people: ano tijcn a greate mo?talitie tbjougbout tljis lano, tobicb ranfeo almoflt oefolaticn of tt)e fame. K\)is Ri- uallo raigneo ctt?t tgis ioljole 3 lano.jclbi.peares, ano tben OeceaJTeD, ano toas burpeo at Caierhan^, tljat nctoe is Torke. toaS builOeO in Italy bp Remus ano Romulus RomcbuiIded» 5 5?apeaws,aiiOtdaj| rlortt Hiftori^rii. *^burpeD atneUic Tro^. 49^ pErrextoitbbtSbjOtbfrPorrcx, rulct) B>y/a/»e SuC^etCSt The brother " -^faut ittoasnof long ere fijepfellatciutlltiifcojoefojtbe foueratgneDominion, tntobPcbeFcrrex toasflaine, anD miltthcrcahit Porrex aftertoaroes bp fjps mofljer, tobofe name toa« ovviu fonne. jcruellp U)as Ibe bloube Enitet line ex- attD Ijoufe of Bi ute oeltropeOjtob^n tbm rcalinc fan tlje fpace einguuhed. of di d. peareo bab banc gouerneo bp tljat Ipnage. lifter tbts tb^ realmeiuas biuibeb Inttb eiuU boarreSjfoj lacbe of one foueratgnegouerttoj, bntil Dunwallo rebuceo tbe fame into one S^onarcbie. •* i Vlmutius Dunwallo,tbe fott OfClotcn, SDufte OfdTOJH^ ■^^•*^iDaU,rebuceb tbisKealmeinto one ^ponarcbie, being Firft King^h®^^ bcfojc fapci uil tDarrcoanb billfention fcuereb anb bjougbte orgoid, Vvuo into biuero bominiono: toas tbe firltc tbat toare a crotmi vvumubof solf ^conftituteb gob latnes, lubpcbo long after toerc Thefecoiids ealleb Mulmutius Lawes. STbcfe latoesbolp Gildhs to^ote MnUi" wj"* of tbe )15?ifi(b fpacb into Jlatinc. I^e gaue p?iiiilebgetf livvej. tntoSCemples, anbplougbb, anbbeganneto make tbe r or,f H'j »rw«, notable inapes in Brjume. gn netoe T'oy be.builbe& a greateSCemple ealleb Temphm Pacu^M^it\^ fome fuppofe tobe&aintpaule5,fome)15lackt»ell^all, anb toptboute boubte, tbe olbeiuo?ke of Blacktoel !^all noto remapning, toao tbe3!otoeg ^pnagogue. ^^e raigneb.rl.peares,leauing after binr ttoo fonnes, Bciinus anb Brcnnus.!^e toas barpe& in tbeCemple ofpcace tnbicbebobabbuilbeb. • Qj "D Elinus anb BrcnnuSjfonS of Mulmutius anb Comouen- ^na, biuibeb tbioinboi^ 3lflo of%f-«»t,% Ferona,M^xi\)z \)Z calleo after bis olune name Brenom. lifter lufl tl)i0(a0tojitetb Trogus Porapeius,ab?iDgeO bp luftinc,) b® raifeb anbolfeofi5oooo,f(Dtemen, ano ijooo.bojfemen,? inuaoeo Mucedone againe. ^ISIbsn Sollhencs faUie bob) tbep toalfcD ti)z (Tountrep ano billageo, f^z mette tbem toitb b?s bolt of Maccdoncs tuell appoittteo. HBut bp reafon tbep Inerc fetoe, ano tbeir cnemico manpe, tbep toere fame put to tbe idb?rcr»Mberefo?e tubils tbe Maccdoncs being beaten,feept tbembjitbin tbe toalleo of tbeir Citieo, Brennus lifteacon* querour,againll inborn no man ourS (beb) bis bsao to mabe rerittauncc,fo?agcD al tbe Hies of Macedo»e.2ini from tbenrc as tbougb tbofe bcotiesano rpopIesfameirtoBbareanoOm* pie in bis epe, b^ tourneo bis minoe to tbe SCemples of tbe dDioOOes immo?taU, malapertlpe fcoffing tbat tbegoooeff bjcrc rifbe, ano ougbt to oeparte liberallp to men. 2Dberfo?c be tohc bis iournep tobiaros Delphos, fctting mo?e bp t gain of tbe golo tbat bao ben offcreo to tbe d^ooozi^j tban bp tbepj bifpleafure. SCbeSCempIc of Apollo at Delphos, is 0tuate in ^ mount T'trnajfm, bppou a cliffe ou euerpe fioe falling ff^e Ooione.- Ki)zrz tbe confluence of inen batb maoe a populous Cittie. ^ojeouer faotb tbe Cemple ano tbe tobme are enclofeO bjitb tbe ffapeneCTc oftljc totkz,Xf)Z mioole part of tbe rocbe inioaroeisinfi^lbionlibea Cbeatre, \ivmza.nzB lobereof toben men mabc anp tbouting,o? anp Crumpet is founoeo, tbe fame b?eakctb f reoounoetb in fucb ioife bpon tbe if ones from one to anotber,tbat tbe CDcbo is bero oouble ano treble, tbe nopce refounoing farrc lotooer tban it inentc fo;tb. ^Tbs tDbPCbscaufetbtbcisnojaunttoIianocin mojefcare, tbin* feing it to be tbe pjefcnce of tbe <25oObeaoe. Hntbeiuinoing of tbe rod^e,almofl ntio^toap to tbe toppe of tbe l^il, tbere is a little Plapue, ano in tbe fame a Oape bole into tlje grouno, 515,tu- Uibifb The Brytans^ toljtcl) feruet!) to giue £)jatle0: uf tijc a cerfai'ne wlDc b?cat!) afccnoingtiptDarDe, llirretl^ mmncB af ifje |^?opbcte0 into a maoneO'e, anb fo contpolleti) t^mt to 0iue atinftuearc to fucij as come foj counfaple. 3in tijc fame piace tl)crefo;o,tfjere are to be fdrne ntanp anb ricfje gifts of bpngs anb pcoplcs.MbcrcfojetufjcnBrutusramettnttjin t^cbieto of tl)e 2remple,!)e toas in bonbt a greate tobpl^j totjetfjer Jocr better to attempt t^e matter fo?tI)U)itl), ojgtue Ijis fouB biours tfjat nigtjts refpitc to rett ti)cm. Eundanus anb Thcf- falonus, tn^o fo? ronctoufnellE of tljep?ape, fjabbeiopncb tfjcmfelnes tDitt) btmjiuilleb to cut offal ielap, tofjile tt^ep? enimies U3erebiTp?cuibcb, Intjere as bp gluing tbemtijat nigbts refpite, tfjep? enimies tljoulb percbanec get botfj con« rage anbruccour:but tbe common foiribiours of t-be i^rencli^ men,Ujben after long pennrie, tbepfoanbea Conntreprea plenilbeb UutbUjinc,anb all otbcr hinb ofbictuals, tbep bifa perfeb tl)cmrelues in tbe fielbs, making bauock of al things like conquerourSjbp Inbicb meanes tbe Ddphuns bab refpit to lap fo? tbemfclues, anb manneb tbe totone bp tbe belpe of tbep? nepgbbours, 0? euer tbe iFrentbmen cculbe be calleb from tbe Jnpne fat to tbcir Ifanbarbe.Bremius bab tb?afco?c anb fine tboufanocbofen fcotemen of tbe belt in al bis ^oftc, tobere as tbe Delphians mere in al but,4o 0 o.figbt"^0 Bin bifbapnc ofinbifbe ftnall banbful, Brennus to tbe entente tofliarpentbcminbes of bis men, tbetocb tbem all, tobata rifbe anb plentiful p?ap tbep fboulbebaue.SZbc i^renrbmen being bp tbtsboucbing oftbcir Captainc, o? rattjcrfap tbep? oUmc bebDlbtng,ftirreb bp,anb alfo toounbeb luitb tbe toine tbep bab poureb in tbe bap bcfo?c, toitbout refpite of anp ba^ ger ran beblong to tbe encounter.^Dn tbe contraric p_art^ tbe Delphiansputting mo?etrutte in 0co tbanin tbeiroionc ftrengtb,rcritteb tbep? enempes,anb tubat iuitb Ifoncs, anb tdbatUjitb tbeirlueapons, tb?etotbe i^renebmen^astbep rcaleb,)beablongfromtbcfop of tbe mountain,. ESSbile tbe tlDo partes tueretbusfiriuingonetuitbanotber, fobainelp tbe ^?iettes of al tbe JSTemples, ano tbe i3?0pbetes, toptj The Biytans». "7 aboute fl)eireares, fc.Ufec men ffraugb^ f of tljeir toittcsSjCamc running into rtjo forefront of battaile,' crutng out, tbat tootle tl>cu toerc al mafeiitg ttjcir fuppUcati^ ons to (£5oo foj apoojttjcp met a pong ma of beautic ano per? fonagCjfar cpccUing anp mo?taI creature, anb in bis compa> , uie ttoo tairgino in armour, tuborcfoje tbep befougbt tbcm, feeing tbs C?oDS OtD garbc tbeir ttanbarDc, tbev tboulbc not fticUe to oifpatcb tbeir enilnieo. anb tijerctoitbali tbcp fo?tb'' tuitb pcrcepueb tbat0ob toas pjcfent on tljeir ribc.i?oj bo^ a pieccof tbc mountainebeiitg bjoUen oifjbp a fobaine eartb^ guahe, ouertDbclmcb tfje iPrencij IjoJie, anb tfjc tbicbett of tbepj cnitnies ''not toifbout gret Oaugbter,)toere openeb anb put to flight. 31 n tbs necbe tubereoftbere enfueb a tempette, tuitb f)aplc,tbunb2r,anb ligbtning, confumingao manpc as tuere anpe tbing foje tuoimbeb . SCbe CaptaineBrennus bimfelfe not being able^to afapbC tbc fmartc of bis toounbcs, B.-f.-n-ianeeii tobe a (toojbe ana billeb bimfelfe. 2Db«s farrc abjibgeb out of luftinc, Bdine infb*5meane time faotbein ciutUiufficeanbalfo HcUgton,greatIp encrcafcb bis Iteatm.^e mabe ti)^a2lvt\)^ flamines, iJ3\)OtC^CaStoCVCntm\}XTro]f,Kaj^rl>ra>i^,f Kayr- . /f^/«».^cfimlbebtbefouregrcateiDapcs begonfap bisi^a^ Foure notable tbenbs fubbneb anb mabe tributarie bnto btm 'Denmark^, vvxyenmarke,tQm^t\\m^ tbciit to coittinue t^eir tribute, anb in bis returne borne, iiiettetoitbaflateofBafdenfcs comming from tbe parts at Sf awe, tobtcb toere fatting foj babitations, brcaufe tbeir Countrep toas fo populous, anb not able to futtaine tbem,to tobom tbe king graunteb tbe Jfle of Ireland to tnbabite,anb to bolbe tbe fame of bim as tbeir foueraigne 3lo3b:2!5ut tbe ^cottes i»jtte,tbat g>paniarDs arriueb befo?c tbis time in IreLwde. SDbiS Gurgunftus bUtlDeD Porchelier anb yvarwtcke in tbe mibblc of tbe Uealme,(raptb LRoufe.) I^e raigncb.trir.peres, anb toas burteo at Qteriheon. GVmthelinus.ftnne of Gurgunftus,toas Crotuneb Iting of ' i3?ptaine.a p?tnce fober anb quiet,tobo baf to topfe a no# ble tooman nameb Mcrda, ofcrtellent learning anb knoto# fio,ts.Hiji»rkru. icbge.$)b^ beuifcb ccrtaine latoes, tobpcb long time among Marcian la 115?ptaines toere grcatipe eftamcb, anb nameb Marcian *h La wes Cbis pjince raigneb.ricbj.peares, anb toas burpeb at itetoTr^. CEcilius tbe fonne of Guinthdin anb Marda, peares (as tbe ^cottes to?ite. )3intbofiifttp^are of bps ratgne,a people calleb Pi(fts,arrinebberetn ISjptaine, anb poffeOeb tbofe partes, tobicbe noto be tbe fl^arcbes of botbe Alaichca. Kealmes ^nglanbc anb ^cotlanbe. Cecihui toas burieb at (^aerlheon. KImarus fuccebeb Cccilius, tobo beinga totlbe pong man, f lining after bis otone iu(te,raigneb but tb?ee peares, anb ' toas flaine as be toas bunting of toilbe bealtes. Lanius, calleb alfo Danms, toas king of 3!5?ptatne nine 'peares. ^ 11 \/I Onnclus,tbe halfarbe fonne of Danias, beganne to raign —— ■'•^•'•in Bjptaine: be fougbte toitb aking tobo came out of <5ermanie, anb fletoe bimtoptb all bis potoer. ^ojeoucc, out of tbe 3lri(be &eas in bps time came fo?tbe a toonbcrfitU inonltcr, tobpcbe beltropeb uiui^e people: Mbereof tbe l^tng bearing, tooulbe of bis baliauntcourage,nabs figbt toitb T,1l 30- C-ixt«n The Brytans* hjit^ tfjbp to!)oni Ifjetoas clean ocuonreo lofjen be bafi ratg^ neoetgbt peaces. ^Oibomannus,eloell foitne of MorindusjCatgneD elcauen ^Jperes: a |3;^mcemaeanD religious: berenucotbeCenu pies of bis dhotis,ano gouerneo bij' people in peace f toeltb. SCbis Gorbomaniuis fauilDcD dDfrantbam in ilincolnelbire. £)ur (Snglilftc efc»n of Caporus,a iuft and dertnouo prince, go^ 1—— -'--'ttemedtl^lSealniefDurepeareo. - ■ ^ ■ IjElius kid Tonne, raigned not fuUponepere J)f ^pnnce, 70 •^tke3|Ieof£//f toketkcname. T Vdtl^eldeff fbnne ofHcly,fucc»ded kid iattjwrk^ame# 66 •^ded kid latoo, and tokc atuapal tjfages tkat toer nougkt: mojequer ke replied tkcCitie of neUi Trc^lmtkfairebuil'' foitiscdi^on- dingo and toalleorand biuldedontkeSMeaftpartetkereof, a Ilrong gate,tnkifb knto tkio tune retapnetk tfje name of kim and io called lludgate.i^inallp, ke dped, leaning after kpw flua fonneo Andogius and TheouMntius'; toko not being oftkeagetogfluerne , tkeir Uncle Ofsibelan obtapnedtke name of king CrotonXondon toketke nameofLud, and toao called Liid- Ron. l^e toao buried nere to tke faim LudgatCjin a SEemple-: toktrfj k^tkerebniideb. CAfsibclanus, ttfz foune Of Hcly,after tketeatke of kio bao^ — tkee Lud,tDao made gouemonr ofB?ptaine,tokick Juhus C^farhi^ rir.peareo. 3!ntke.kiij.pearcof kiftaigne, lubus coinnimg Unto tkat parte idkw® Calcpo and Bpioigw^""<'p"*'» noto 32 The Bry tans*. tutrofii^. note CatiDjDetcrmineD to make toarre info B?t>fatne,tDl^tcl) Imtil tljat time rematneo bitfrcquenteo ano bnknotun of tlje mfnurnT' omaiiis.i^ts quarrell toaOjbiraufe t in H;c toaro of i^race, j^e perccpucD tfje i^^renc^imen to banc mucb fufccur anD apDe from tbcncct^nb bncaufe coulb not bnocrftanb no? Icarn ttje grcatncHe ojllate of tbe3lao,ncitbcr tobat nations tben ' ' iocre iobicb^ inbabitcD tbc famc^no? tobat latocs, cullomes, ojkinDc of goncrncmcntetben bfcD, no? pet tobati^ancns tbcp Ijab, able to recepuc ano number of fljips, b^ i^nt Cains Volufenqsbefo?etDitba(l^alIep,to bifcouerasmucbeasb® coulDCjConccrmng tljofc matters, tobo toitbin fine banes af# ter retourncb to Cjcfar, Declaring fticb tbings as be bab lear# neb bp coatting alongff tbe fijoic, fo? be burlfe notfo? fcarenf tbe l!5?ptaincs lltrre out of bis (fallen. 3n tbe meanc fpace tbere came C^mbaflkbours from manp Cities oftbe3fie,anb behuereb bim i^offages, toitb tobom be fent Comius of ras, charging bim to ejebo?t anb pcrtoabe tbe rette of tbe €u ties ano Cotmtws to bo tbe like. 0nb l)c bimfelfe lbo?tlp af» Two voyigej fetbauingp?epareb.lirre.ftit>s,rapleb into3i5?ntaine,tDbere ot c<>fir. ^J toearieb toitb an barbe anb Ibarpe battaple, anb after toitb fobainc tempelt bis nauie almolf belfronebrbe ! retournebagaineintoi'=raunce,tberctotDinterbismen. • 2i;beneetS>p?iitge alone fougl^te agatnil man? oftt;eui,anD b^en l)elnao bot^ tocarte i toou^ Deo,anbl)ao loff bis ijelmetano lbiclDe,tDttb tino itgijibar^ iteffes, l)t ranne to Cxfars tents,ano aftcD paroo of ttjc peroj foj fjis ouerbolonclliej toljo not onelp fojgauc l)im, but bonojeo bi»n tottf) tfje £)fftcc of a Centurion tapon lano Cx- tars bo?lRmen at ttjc firtt encounter Ujere banqnifl)cb, f La- bcrius Durus tbe Tribune flatne in a plate notu calleD CheSto tucoD nearebnfo Rochester, (as fattb tbcCbJonicle of Wyg- ^,0 inorc.)3t tbe feconb confltrt, not Voout great baunger ofbt£! men,be put tbe Bjptaines to frgbt,fi:om tbencc be tuent bnto tbe riucr Thames, on p further fibeinberofCafsibelanus tottb a great multitube of people inas beeping tbe banlts,tiJbo bab fet all tbe fapbe banUes,anb al tbe Iballotu places, bnber tbe luatcr iuitb tbarpe ffabcs,eKerp one of tbcm as big as a mas tbigbe, bouiiDc aboute toitb leabe,anb b^iuen fo faff into tbe bottom oftberiuer,tbattbepcan neuer beremoueb,(fo faitb Bede, anb Ailer,) tobo affirme tbat in tbetr times tbe fapbe M''. Cakes toereeafilpeperceiueb to remaineas afoiefarb, li5ut Cafsibelanus anb bis Brytaias not being able to refiff tbe tito^ lence anb fotce oftfje Komatnes, bib tbemfelues in to5c bs, f loitb fobaine eruptions oftentimes inuabeb tljcmtbut in tbe ineane time Loyi ^o^tbeirffrcngcffCitiefubmittebitrelfc, f beliuereb boffages to Ca:far,tubo at tbeir requett piaccb Ma- dubratius to be tbeir goucrnour, tobcfe i^atbcr callcb Ima- nentius,beingcbiefcLojbOJruler of tbeTrinobants, Cafsi- belancbabbefojcQaine, tobcrctoitbMandubratiusfieb, anb comming to Cxfar.not onlp fubmitteb bpnifelf, but alfo tons a great meanes (as manp boe to:ite) fo? Cxtar to fubbue tbe reffmet bib Cafsibelane fenbc meffengers to tbe foure liings tbat ruleb in tbe quarters of i^ente, tljat toitb al tbep? puift fance tbcp Ibolb fet on tbe Homaines tbat lap nert tbertbcir names toer Cmgctorex.CaruiliuSjTaximajulus, | Scgonax, tobo obeping bis requeffe toere bifcomfiteb, anb Gngctorcx ^ taken, tob^rstoitbal Cafsibelane being bifmapcbaffer manp ioObs, liuks conffrapneb to giue plebges, atib to agr^ tbat C» Brytaitsc :;4 The Romanes f /«?;<« Brj/taine fl^oulDe bccomc f rtijutcirte to ^omatncs, STtjen Cae- conqncriiig the far itt?c a coiiqiicroiir, toit^ a great nnmbcr ofp?tfoiter0 fap# vtrth" led info Fr.imce and fo to Rome, Uil^crc after bis retnurne out rTHoZ', of)15?|>tatne,I)cconrctratco to Venus a furcotteofUBjntaime loh'i Lyr/^.itr, •pearleg, tljc Defiretoijorof partin mcucD btni to inuadc r^is Countrep : fliojtinc after be ioas bp tbe Senate flame in t\)z Thecafichof Coanfcl boufe. lohn Lydj^ateJohn Rouieand ctbcro Injitc, hury"iochXr Cxfat blUlDeD lit tbio laiide tbe Cnflcls of Douer, Lo^'o'^r'i"CmtHrbHrie,Roche^ler:Q\\t tfle S^oUlje Of Le>u^o»,t^C (Caftell Salift3 j;y, Chi- an^! toijxnc of c,efirs Bf^rie, tafluig b^o namenftcr Cxfar, tb? cea«bW?cT noixi CaUCO Sa/i/bur/e. ^eairoCCtfpeJjCsrfarsCliei ft:er,tbat ItclO tS railed ChkheHer.mO tbe cauc! QfEkceflreiKU C*firs Cornen* Caefar m flto dotiimeittariee faptb,tbe %?;■«/ copne tuas chbgthe bTrl, Dfb?aCre, Djelferingsof 3ironfl>cdataccrtameteaigbt-. in batouctiefre of jfjjaOe ofmoiTep: tbep tbougbft it a bepnouo tbing to tafle a ^^are^a Bcn,o? a diJiDrettbep clotbeo tbemfelues in ^ct'oer: tbep DpcD tbefelueginitb tocade, tobicb fettinga blcintfb co? lour bpon tbem^ made tbem mo?e terrible to bebolde in bat^ tcf ftbep toare tbep? boife long,and Ibaued all partes of tbeir bodpcSjfauingtbebeaoandtpper Itppe: tbep bad tennc o;i tlDelue toiucs a p{cce,common loitb tbemfelues, fpectallpe bmtbers toitb bjotbers, and parcmcs luptb tbrfn cbtldjen, but tbeitTuetbat came of tbem tons accounted bis tbatfirlic marie5tbem0tber. 'i-'HeomantmSjtbe fonne of Liidjaild ncpbcto to Cafsibelan, fucccdedintbeKealmeof and ratgned quteflpc ]CFttj,peares:betuas burped at Lofidon. ^xCtaums Augullus deflrtng to be ItficTulius Cxfar bpS — ^i^atber (fo? fo be altnapes tearmed bim) p?i^ared an eic^ Dm.cafsM. peditton in B?ptaine,but being come fo.iloarde into Framce, tmderffanding tbat t\)c PaKomam iafelp fubDucd,rebelIcd,bo tourned bis potoer againftc tbem,and altered bis minoe as toucbing our Countrep. ^ qrl^efourtbepere after,boopenedtbeCempleoflanusat ^ io7»(?,fuiip determining to tnuadci5?ptaine,butinbcn be bad marcbod onbis Ujan,a$ far qs. iArimmm, itmbalTadoJS Of TheRomaneSf 3^^ ofX5?rfaiiie met fjnmblp fnittg foj peace,f fubmtftrng . ,» tbemfelacs tjnto fjie obebienccatiDpjotcition.OTberfojebe Gc/f^w. ffapcD aijatn to fettle fome troubles tben raircb in Fmancc. peare folIoUitng, bpcaufe tbc couenats bettoixn bum 74 "* ar.o tbe B^utatns coulb not be agrteb tjpon, b^ mabc pjo# utfton fo? a tbtroe erpeoitton into tbps Sile, but an atfual re« beltion tn ^X^'^ranD s^oy toitb bcibebtm tljenalfo» But str.b,.1,1.4.- tbe.Jtlu after HmbatTabcufs camcfrom Bjptaine to in^ treatingfo: pcace,QDeartng filtbilu in tbe ^einple of Mars, offeringgtftcs intfje CaptoHtotbc"€'08sof tbe l^omaines x ano fubmitteD part of tbe Jte bnto Angunius. ^otu tbe tatncsbeganncfirfttopaptollesanbtribute ivitbout grtio^ ging/ojalttuarcstobicbtbcptraDeD, tubitb^ toerefoj tbat tiine, juojie bores,tongcs, oucbcs, 1 otber trincbcto ofaim brransglaJTc ^nb all bcreiuercfo quiet, tbatonebanoeof foulbiours anD a fetoc bojfemen toere fuffictente to bepe tbe 3lein tbeUomaincpoOretlion. ^ Vnobdinus tbe fonnc of Theomantius raigiicli htng in J ^ ^•>B;ptaine.rrrb.pearcs, aitb toas burieb at London.-^n tbe riitj.ueareofbpsraigne tuere taben, anb bcflptng to Cnrtifma- irit oj countenancejjfpafee after tbts fo?t to Claudius; 3|fmp moberation ofpjofperous fucceffcs bab bin cojre# fponbetto mpltateanb nobilitie,! migbt bane come to tbis Cttie, ■ ratber a frienbe tban a Captainc: neptberuou bane bifbapncb to abmitme into league, being befccnbeb of noble parentage,anb foueraignc ouermanp nations.2rbts p^efent ftate of mtne,as it is tillanous totuarb me,ro it is honorable to P0U.3 baib bo?lIie, men,monep, tnnnition,f tubat tuonber istbere,tf3l bab lofttbemtrntuillinglpfiPo? ifpou toill rule anb raigne ouer all, of neceflitie all muScome into flanerie: if 3 bab p^lbeb at tbe firtt,neptber mp fo?tune no? tbp giojtc bab bin renoumeb,f tbe obliuion of mebab enfueb immebi^ atefp after mp erecution:but if pou fane mp life,it (ball be an euerlallingerample ofpourclemencp»3ttberei»o;bs Clau- inoii««wfime diusrcmitteb bis 0ff£sncc,grmmteb bittt life,t tbe^enateab^ vvtrTgiuen t" tubgcb Oftorius tuojtbp to triunqpbttjttt in mean time tbe Sh'tn "'a'nd 7 ittbabitaunts of South-vodesXti reuenge Caratacus captiuitie C*lanie of Ro- intercepteb f bifcomfiteb certain banbs off Komans,amiblt JfiMtd i7?e. tobicb ttsto toars, Oftorius tireb tip trauel,bepartEb tljis life. Claudius The Romanes* ^Laudius fent Didiusfo fupplp.t^ place ef Oftorius ttflioe ^DcparCeOjbut in t|emca« tiuie^ Silu-res fougljt foitimatlp aaainff tfjc legions tofjicbUjasbnecrtfjeconDiKt of Manlius Valens. jn tfjis time Uiar bjafee out bettoanc Cartifmanda £5.of tbe Brtgants,% Venutius bic bufbano,tDbom flit refufeb, t matcbeb bir felf toitb Vellocatus bis Cfquire: Uibcrebpon Vcnutius fauojeb of tbe people^aflapleo bir territo,:p,anD tbe fuccourcb bp iSomains,after tbe bao interccpteo bp trecbc# rp Vcnutius bjotber f allies, fougbt toitb bi'W-^iJJber after a Ibarp figbtjfbe tbe apue ofp Uomaine0,p?euapleD,as alfo Caellus Nafi. a oio Xo bis Icgiott againlf tbe Btytaus in an otbcc placetfoj Didius bfeo others in tbefe matters,bicaufe be inas agco,f onelp bept ^ tobicb others bab beretofoje conquercb, CLaudius being noU) popfneb bp Ai^nppma bis tDife,Nero bir fon obtepneb p Uomain Cmpire,? about tbe.y. peare of bis raigne V erennus toas appointeb lieutenant bere,Ujbo bieb toitbinipfirtf percof bio gouernmet,raping^ bctooulb bauefubbueb pjouinces,babbeTuruiueobut.g.peares, but about tbis time great flaugbter toas bere of tbe IJomaines. c Vctonius Paulinas toas tbe fent bitbcr,tobo at bis arriual '^purpoting to fubOue^'s'^/fyc/.tubitbermanplS.jptains b^^^b t^bialnne tbrfelues, be inbcHiels Xo flat bales fcrricb oueq bis f(ntme,brmging ouer bis bo?feme bp fomefourbeSjfeber as on p (bo.:es Ifob clofelptogitbcr great nubers of ISjptas, f among tbe toomen gabbing bp i boton franticblp in mour# ning loabesjtbeir baire banging about tbeir ears,f fljabing firebjabs:^ Drttydes alfo catting bp tbeir babs totoarb beaue tbanb?eb out cruel erecrations, Xo tobicb bncomelp figbtes IJomaines at firtt ttmbe bifmapeb,but after encourageb bp f C^enerals perCajaCon,tbep bjutt in among tbe, mabe greate ® flangbter,gotp poCDeffion of^ 3le,f felleb boton^ tocbs c5> limrateb to fupertticious bfestttoo Citties beloging to Uo^ mains ftier tabe.8oooo.of tbeir people Qaine,f tbetoboleB!^ lab reuolteb,! to tbe {Romanes rep?ocb,tbe0augbtertDascb^ mitteb bp a ioomS,being £o:etolb tbe bp manp ttrange ttgnes f toHfDtfo} in t conrt toas b^tb a noife bo mucb Haugbi^i^- C.ii^» ' 3l« 4'5 The Romanes* 3(itflje SCfjeafrc a greatc funiuUe attn mutlje toottserittg, toljcn tijere toas no man f^cr, tljat either fpake o j mournco. 15cfit)cs,tntl)CriucrotThdmesccrtainclfioufes o?bntlDingo iocre fceit.SD^e 31niage oftl)egolJDcire Viftom in t\iz Ktm? pie of CumulodHmm tonmeo ^itbatke as ffjouglj tbe P^- oeo to ljp?enimies: tl)e toomm' ranne as maooo ijetcano; t^ere,faping, ano (ingtngjSD^flhrurtton is at banse. iFinaUp^bctloiFtt^e 3!lanD f F/-;7«w^, tbe^Dccanfcaap-- pcareD as it flotoeb luitlj bloub.lCfie occafio of t^is tear tons a cofifcation oftbe)il5?ptains g®0S:, iobtfl) being rcmittcti bp Claudius tljc (iSmperoore, Decianus Catus tljeu^?oniratoj oftbclle, faioettjat it oiigbtto bane bene rcnucD. SDStbis; caufe toas aboebjtbat mberas(againft tbep? toils Seneca bao lent tbemfourtie SeHeraes^ji^m great bfurie) be note toptb? greate fo?cc ano allbinoeof btolence compelleo tbem to pane all tbe tobole fumme at one panmcnt, ano alfo pcrfua^ oco tbem to mabe toarre on tbe laomaines. Bunduka of Brytaine, a looman of iioble bp?tb, not onclp * loptb mucbe bonour ruleo amonglf tbem, but alfo toas tbe foueraigne in tben? tnars, f bnb in o^o a ffomacb mo?e m&i Ip tban toomanlibe: tobo bauing gotten togntber an armpe of 12OO0O. men, gottebirt>ponbP?featematie of ^arrifbe turues, after tbe manner of tbe omaines, ano being a tall iDoman,of comelp lIiape,ano fcuere countenace,(borp botce, toitb pealotoe baire banging Oolone to bp? ftp?tes, (Ponti- T^iKusrnMAm cus virunius faitb tg btt t^PSljes) tbetoarc a great cbapne of goloe, aho baooe on bp?bacbe acoate of runo?pe colours, fapiapteoiiirtle. UMbetbe toas tbusapparelleo, anobao in bir banos a gret rpeare,(lbe fpabe bnto tbem to tbis effert. iFirff (be commenoeo libertie,lbelomg tbem,botD poueri tic loptb libertie, toas farre better tljan great ricbes in mife# rie ano bonOage:on tbe otber Coe, tuptb great eloquence lb& oeclareotbemifcbiefiesanO calamities tbep fuffereo at tbe banoes of. tbe ISomatnes, lobo erartpng UTributes of papmentes, fo oppjeffeo tbem, tbat mucbe better it toere once to Dpe,tban long to Ipue in fucbe ertreame flauerte. ^econolp. Tlic cs* 41 feccon5lp,fl&e rcpjouea ti)em,fo? itof ejfpellms tpeir mu WliC0,a0tbcir ftj^cfatljers tjati Oplie lulius Cacfar, Claudius, atio Ca i.,i i ; ;anti againe,fll)e p?aifeD tljcm foj t^eir pjefcnt reaoinetts lofjelpe^jir, anDrecoucrtl^eirauntterttllatc. 2Cf)irolp,(ftc DifableP tbeUomatnc0, foj tijat ttjep tocre feUj0,combjcD toitb arinoiire, ano fo faint of courage, tbat tljcp bab ratljcr figbt a far off,tban encounter luitb tbem bu bano tfrokc0:fl[)e comenbeotbe i!5jptainc0,to be moje in nfi# ber,ofgreaterbaIo;,anbfarremoveable to abibc bnnger, colDe,tbirftc,ratnc,tDtnDe, b5ate,fc. Ibaabbebtbebantage oftboplace,a0 being at borne, lobfr^tb^^ ^boeoanD Up# uer0,ilaHe0, aiib allotbertbingoUieretDeU knotuneto e# nerpone oftbem, iLalflpjlbe erbo^fcD tbemto Ibettrc tbemfelneo ao SDogo# anb S^JoIucoamong fearefiill ?^are0anb i^oreo: toitballjtbe let out ofbir lap a quiche !^are, tberebp to learn- tbeeuentof bncnterpjife. SDbc^^arebauinga pjofperouo paCTage, all tbe multitubc gaue a greatelbotote, anb Bmi- duica clappingbtrbanbeo, gaue tbanheo to bit ^eeremrco allbinoe of mteltie onfacl^e men MOik • fcobe, 00 fojtbe noble Ujomcn tf)atlbE0at,lbcban0CD tbem tppe,anD cutte off papo, anb fetoeo tbnii to tljetr mou^ tbeotbcftbeo tbio^fbcffretcljing tbcir bobteo oute at length, f!)?utte Ujarpe ttabeo cleane tb?oughe them:al iDljicf) things toere Done in ocfpighte, tohcn th^P facrifecti anb featteb ttt tfjcir Cemplas, bnt fpcctallp tn the toflobbeeallcb ^ndates. Paulmus, U)ho Ijab noU) fubbueb Anglefey, hearing of the fojefatbc flaii0bter,returneb to Brytaine, pet tooulbe l}k not nbuenture the fojtune ofbattailc toitfj them, fearing th^^« number, but tohcn hetoanteb fairtual,anb that his enimics app?ocheb,he tons compcllcb to abibethe battcll.Bunduica, feho hab in hit armp 130000. men, toas htr felfe placeb tn a Chariot, anbojberebhirmen at length:but Paulmus coulbenot aretchehi0companprolong,fo?that thcptoere not ofanu fuche number, but at length hi^beuibeb hi^^armp into fhJte partes, fo that at one time thepmightefighte in funb?p p(aces,e]rho?ting them not to be abalheb at the mul;* titube of their enimics, foj bothe thep anb their fojefathers, habbctupthleflenumberatchieneb greater matters, anb gotten greater birtones. 0bbiHg,that nolo ioas the time to plap the men, to eniop that in quiet,Uihich befoje their aun# ceffours hab tooin, anb recoucr that iohitht thep hab lotte,o j elfe to Itue fijj euer in miferp anb lhame. 0gaine,he thetoeb iohat cmeltte their epes hab fane, bp thofe barbarous peo^ pie, to fuche as thep hab ouercome, erho?ting them in re# uenge thereof to fighte manfullp, anb there iuas no boubte but the^obs(tDhb bierealtoapes fauourableto fuch as hab fuffiereb crueltie) iooulbe helpe them: anb better it toere to biefighting baliantlp,than toith repmche to be tafeen, anb bie in their enimics hanbes liSeSDogges. iPinallp,(rapeth he) tohether toe liue oj bpe,5;j;^w thai be ours,fo?7though the other Homaines lofe if ,pet fhall our bones continuallp bap it. Mhen he habbe thus fpoben, the Cgne of the battel toas giuen,ano ech part p?epareth himfelfe; the }13?ptatnes The Romanes* » tottf) grwf aiiD ff range notfe, f^e ttomamcsm ftlencc catne fo ncarc, t[)at tfjey niigljt t^ioiDCtijctr oartcs to tl>em: ano pcrcetinng tfjei? cnitnies to appeoc^c, toit^ grcate btolcnrc, ruflieo in ainongcft tfjcm, ano b?afic tbetr arape: but after being conipalTeD loitb tbe multituoe of tbcir enimicst, t^e battel tnareQ DoubtfulK 2Dbe ligbte barnclIeD men faeganne tofmiteeacfjeotber, anotbofe ofbcaup armoure togitbec toitb tbe cncountreo, and tbe Homaine cbero fougbtc againlfe tbe Bjitilbe iZ^mots,Kt)tv tobicbe fougbtetoitbontebjeaft plates, torreflaine tuitb SDartes. SCbiseneounter tnas made in tbm feueral places, and voas fijugbtc toitb grcate courage on botbe fides. 3t tfie lalfe tbe iSomaines departed Conquerours,manp toere fiaine in tbe battaile,auO manp toere tabcn.d^reate numbers tobpcb ef# £aped,p;tepared to figbt againe,but in tbe meane fpace Bun- duica died ofa dftTeare tobicb Ibe bad,and tfiep mourned,and buried bir bcrpe bonojablpe. tjfter, tbofe ^at remapned toere eafilp ouercome and difperfed. Tacitus Ciitb, tbat Prafuta2;us i^tngoftbe leeni, ap?ince of grcate toealtb, appotntcd,i^atC3elarand bis otone ttotn daughters ibouldc inbcritebts landes, berebptbinbingall bis life to be quiet: and being deceaQied, bie toife and daugbfcrs Ibouldc be tbe moje fafcr bp mcanes of fucb p?oc tettiort, but it fell oute farre otbcrloifc,foj tbe Centurions gaf bisUealme,tbep?reruauntes fpopled bps boufe , beat bpfr lDife,and deflotojed bis daus^crs:bcCdes,tbe cbiefeff met* of bis lande toere difplaccd of tbeir inberitaunces, and bandied ertremelp. 3|n reuenge tobereof, Bunduica rap» fed tbe toarre, and committed tbe flaugbtcr before remem« b^ed, and-atlafiebirarmponcc ouertbtotone bp Pauhnus, being afiraidto fall into bir enimies bands,(be poifoned bit^ • Policlctos tben a Cemaunt of NFcro, tDasfentcbitberfa ftmtep tbe ffate of/f7/'«« 0reo to fee tub^ttuas in tbeir neloe (0ouerno?. Agncola,al? tbougb tbe ^ommer toere notoe toell fpent, tbe banoes dif; perfed all aboute tbe p^ouince, tbe fouldiours bad determi# ned to rette foj tbat peare,tbe timebeing late and tncommo*' dious to commence tbe hjarre,tbinbingit tooulde be better to mannc tbe paces moffe fufpeded: pet be determined ne? uertbeleffe topjeuent daunger, and gathering togitber the standards of the JLegionSjlnitl; a febj of bis fojraine aides, fo? that the Ordouiccs durtt not tabe the field,marched fcjtb agapnffetbembpmfelfemtbebaubjarde of bis armpe, that others might take like courage in the fame danger, and put almottetbattobols nation to the too?de : tbenfollotopng bpsgcDdfucceffe, bstnuadede^w^^yf/, (tnbiebb Suetonius bad beftije attempted) caufingcertaine I3jptaines tbatfers^ ued bint,and knetoe tfje Iballotns and maner of toimming, toptb bo?fe and barnellie to palTe ouer into the 3ifie on a fo? daine. The Romanes* aatne,tDl^crcti3itMl)cinl)abitauntegtoere foamajeti (to^o frareDnotbui0bt>catife tbcpfaUicno nauie) tbat tbcpfub? niittcD tbc 31letj»ito ljim,tmmet)tateli>. i^oioeb IanD,fo aa ftmetimc in tl;e famcCampc^bc bojfcmcn, fcotemcn, auD S>2amf3n, IoD0eD togitbcr.^t tUii0 rcp0?tcD Iw fufbe n0 lucre tahcn pjifoncrs, tbat Ibc ftgblc o? tbc nauie mud) a(JonicD tfic Bjptatncs a0 men from lubcui all rcfu0Cbja0 cutte off, tbc rccrct0 of tbctr S>cas being Dtf# couereD,lyt)vrcfo.:e Determining to trie it luitl) IjanD bIoU)r0 tf)einl)abitantc0 of Ca/id-w^toitt) greate pieparation, al# tf)oug') ti)C repo:tc thereof lucre greater (a0 it often bapnetb in bnlvnotune niatter0,) oftbeir olun acco?De,atrnp!eD fome iuarbe, rcmapncb notiuptbtfanbing, firme in bis firlfe re? folution, caufingbisbattaile to be fcmeiubat ojaiun in len? gtbe, bimrclfcaligbtebfrombisbojfe, ano ffccbc onfote bclbjebis^tanberbes. ETbofirfffigbte luas iuitblbotteof :3rrotDesanbSDartes, buringtobiebetime, tbe ffijptaines, botb ikilftillp anbcouragiouflpeiuitb tbeir buge ^iuo2bcs f fntall llBucklers,eptber bare oj bjake tbe Homaines fljotte, anb anCtuereb tbem iuitb an infinite number of tbe like, bn? till Agricola iuas pcrftunbebbp banbcsof//o/Ww,anb Brabanders, tbat tt)e matter migbte be bjougbte to taiojbes anb banbUrokes, lubicbe kinbc offigbt tbep iuere acquain? teb iuitball,bp long banting tbe iuarres,anb tbe fameioas berptncommobtousfo;ttbcir enimies , bearing but fmall Ibtelbes, anDbitmeafurable ^tuojbes: i^o? tbe pointlelTc ^iuo;bsoftbel5?ptapnes, tuerebitfittefo?a ttiiong, anb tubere tbep tuanteb romtb. Mberefo?e tbtHoUnders ifrake tbicketogitber,anbtb?utttbs»n ouertbeiBucklertt, tooun? 2), bins The Romanes^ liinsttjcm m ffje faces, anutjaupngbjoftcH fbaf batfell, paflcDfo^tuaro totoarbe tbemtobtebebeptcbiil,lDbt£be feenc bp t^c rcfte of tl)t Homatne banoes, tbep partelre mo« ncD bp enupe oftbe others glojpe, ano partcipe bphwfs of their oujne courages, cutte m paces thofc that thcp firCe encountreo , leautng nottopthSanotng, fontehalfe beaoe, ano others not toucheo,fo?haSe,tookatneaper:> fctte bittojte. 3!n the meane tohple, the troupes of the Brytai^e ho?fenicnne , opooe tabe their flighte , but the Chariots putte themfclues pacc-meale among the ffljte baitocs, iohpeh^ of fifihte , (at firlte) fameo fomeiohat terrible to their entmies, but it long ferueo not their tournes, being affapieo topth a thitUe pjeaCe of their ennimpes, ano the grounoe not commooious foi the Chariots , no; their rpoers all of the beSe. ^o as at the la(le,thep; Chariot ho^fes, courling bppe ano * Ootone the fielo ioithout guioers, ouer-ran tnanpe of their oUmecompanp, as thep tleo fo; fcare from one place to an other. 2Dhe B;ptaines,lJDhiehe al this inhile bepte the hill^f came not to ^ fight,mabing little reconing of the fmal num« ber of the Homaines,beganne bp little ano little to oefceno, entenoing to hem them in, in the miooelt of their eonquelt, tohich furelp thep hao oone,if Agrkola, fufpetring the fame, haooe not oifpatcheo foure companies of ho;remen(tDhteh^ heUept&;aUroOaines)toencountertDiththem, tohO;* iho mojc fiercelp thep affispleo, fo much the mo?c Iharplp repul« feo them, ano rent them to flight tiuhcrebpon the oeuifeof the liBjptaines turnco to their otonc harmc. ^ojeoner, bp Agncola his comanoemenf the toings of hojfemen toere ta# ben from the front of his battel,f ioeremaoeto charge bpon the battel of his enimics,lfanoing ouer- againfl them.SChen might pou beholoe in the open fielo, a granons ano lamem table rpertacle,rome fblotoeo the chace,rome tcDbe p;ironers^ ano after billeo them to tabe others.^oto the enimies as t* nerp one thonghte belle; fleOhS; fome in heapes ano amieo fleooe The Romanes* fitfibe fromafmallcr number: otber, (f)ou0tie bnarmeb, tarrueb anb lucre flaine : euerptoberelapetucapouB, car# ca(lic«,anb Iwnmcst, out of tbe grounb all bloubp: fomcttmc t\)t banqtii^eb app^oclitng neare to ^cDbeo^tuouloe make bcb, ano entrap tbc b^blelTe follotuero, foas, tfAgncola babbcnctcaufcb ccrtapne lulln banbes in tbe manner of a Ccarcb, ano alfo bojfeltibcrp tbe saiojbDea toere tl)icbe, anb otber on bojfebacbe, luberc ttfe Mffibbea looulb fuffcr, to raunge tbem all aboute> tbere migbt banc ban fome betrimcnt receiucb bp toa mucb barbmefil.lSutlDb^n tljeB;ptatneo falue tberafclues pur# fncb tn ojbcr ofbattaile, tbep tojfee againc tbetr fligbt, not in companies, as before, no? tarrping one fo? an otber, but bere anb tbere,euen as men glab to ercapc,rougl)t long, an& bptoapes.iiiigbt f tuearineffeofflaugbter enbebtbe cfjafe* " SEbfretDereflaincoftbe®?ptamesabout tenne tljoufanbt oftbelitomainearmp , tb?abunb?eD anbfo?tie, among tobomc Aulas Atticus, Capitaine of a banb,lDbom tbe beat of bis poutb,anb co?age of bis bo?re b?ougbte into tbe banbs of bis enimies. SDbat nigbt tbe bi(to?s mabe merp toptb tbe fpople,but tbe 26?ptaines toanbcring bppe anb boiDHe,meii anb loomcn lamenting tDgitber,rclaueb,anD fetcljt aluape tbeir burte men, alTembleb togitber ii)t lubole,fo?fcDbc tbeir boufes,anb fo? anger fettc fire on tbem,cbcBfmg tbe mfelues; lurbingplaces,iobicb ffraite tbep fo?rcDhe againe:fometime concepuing gcub bopt > lubpeb® Ifraigbte loapc quapleb- agapne : ano fome toerc bnotoen to hpll tbep? tupues ano cbplo?en, astbougbetbep baooe tberein tabencom# paffionbppontbem . Cbc ncrte oape mabe tbe bi(to?ic mo?cmanifeff,intDbicbtbtrelDa6notbingfaut blence, tbe ^illcB beins tben fo?raben > aub alfo tbe boufes fmobing s Agricola fenOpng ab?oaOe bis efpiallect, couloe bnoe noennimpe to make beo, toberefo?e ^ommer being tto ferrerpentetop?ocaDe anpfurtberintbetoarre, btbabbe bis ^onlbioures into tbe coaGes of tbe Moref}/, miotbere faking The Romanes* tatting fjoffages, caufeo Ijts nauie to conlie aboufc Bryume, lDt)if f)c at lalle arriucD at tl)c ^auen calico Trutuienris^z^ttzv, loaroc bautiig 'ocltotoco rouloioureo in ttteir hitntenng places,Dcparteo Icftc tljc pjouince in quiet to ^ts fuccelToj. Firfle Chriftiini S)iucrs :^utf)ours affirme, t^at about tljis timc,tbe ro^.?«oiopublittjetbe C-ofpell: Another cbofe ano LybU: another tbe bttermottc coaffes of tbe;©cean,toitb tbejles fc» Doroclieastojp^ OMothtue. tetb tbus « Simon Zelotcs patting tbtougbf pjeacbeo Cb?itt,at length toas cructfieo, flaine ano burieo in Bryraine.^lfo l)t faith, Ariidobulus, tobom 0po# ftle to the Kom. remebjetb,toas maoe a li5ifbop in Brytatne. Gcori^c Maior to?itetb in a preface, that immeoiatelp after CbJitts rcfurrection bnoer Claudius the CmperoMbe light of j> (t^Ofpel toas kinolco in Brytaine bp lofep ll of Aremathia that bttrpco the boop ofCb?iffe. Tcrtullian tojiting againft the Jetoes of tbofe times,faptb; K^z 315?Ptaines inbabitfits ■ of N The Romanes* 5^5 of places biibnoteii fo tlje i^omaincs, pef Die obcp and lucre fubicct to tfje hpngootnes OfCb?ltf« Wilham ofMa/mefiurj, Antiquifie? af in bis iBoife offbeHntiqutttes afcUHcuhwie, allcagctb Frc- culphus to Ujjpteinbis fecono JlBojIianD fourtlj Cbapter,ac foUoluetl): Philip tlje^potfle, pjeacljtng tbcUjojocof^oo tit GauU (notoe calico FrauKce) tbofc outc. rb* amongcll bis SDtfctplcSjlubonie i)k fent into Brjiame to ptcacbe tfje Ujo^o of life, ano bpon eucnj one oftbem, be molt oeuoutlp ffret* cbeooutbisrigbtbanoc: oner tbcfc be appointcofo? cbtcfe, bis Oeare frienoe lofcph of^rar»athie,t\)atburieo our Jlojo. Ginftenbcnr iCbefe(raictbIohnCapgrauc, lobo allcagctb Mclkin anO cifr^i*"fiti^ Merlin) came into tbis lanoe tbe peare ofCb?iffcs incarna^ Bryttinc. tion,63.intbctpmeDf Anhragus, lubo 0^100 to tbem tbe 31leof^«<«^«, U»bcretbcpbuiI0£O an iD?atc;ie ofto?ptben toanoes, ano after tbcre lucre burpeo: tnbicbe place bcpng MerUn. Cnce encreafcO, ano nctulp builoeo bp Diners princes, luas ttameo c/arrcK^urtt. confirmation tobercof, J^png Ben# rp tbe fecono bauingoiligcntlp pertifco tbe J3?iuilege6 ano Charters, lobicb be caufco to bepjcfentco ano reaO,not on# jlp of SHJilliam tbe firJf,8f Milltam tbe feconoe, ano l^enrp fljefirtt bis (0ranofetbcr:butalfo tbe Cbapters oftfie pjin# ces bis pjeOeccITourSjOf moje anticnt time,to to^te, of Ed- gar,Edmond,EdwardjElfred,Bnngwalthius,Kcnthwin,Bal- drcdjim, Arthur,ano tbatnobleman Cudred, anomanp otbe.rCb?iffianiyngsbetioe,airoofKcnewalla, fomctpme al^eatben anoi^aganJipng, conccrniugtbeboufe of6y<^- fienburie fotmo,tbat in fome oftbofc Charters it is calico tbe i^otber ofS>aintcs,ofromcDtber,tbe0raueoftbe faints, ano that tbe fapoe place teas firlie builoeo eucn bp tbe bcrp HOifciples of CbJitte tbemfclues, ano bp tbem oeoicateo to oare iLo?oe,as tbe firtte place tobitbe ^ Cbofe to biwifelfe in tbis Mealme: al tobicb tbe fojefaio to ing Benrp cttablitbeo bp bts Charter. ■jk ^.AnusfonneofAriiiragus,anercellent inifeman, teas 7? ■i^^^ojoapneo toingof^7f/n'«p.i3f tbisfcafonBodrike totng c»ifndu,.t %ti^Fiaes;i (tobwb^ toeropeopJejjf S(ytlm) accompanpeo 54 tltres llifiorUtUt Henry RrndjJyitf, Chtfterte- p.ijieJ. 94 Suetantut, tuUm Sfueru*. I 20 SparUnntH, 1^24 Calfrtdus, ColchelUr buiMet]. CnfiteAmm. l6l The Romanes» loif!) f!je &cof5 muaftco Bryuine, f fpopleu tlje eounfrp toiffi aDo?D f fire,agatnff tol)om Marius toit^ \)is hing^ts affcbleo in al fjattjf gaue tfje (barp battel,to^ertn Rodrilce iDa0 flaiitj a great number of bis fouloiojs bpon 5/"4«y?woron,no^ calleb chefier. l^e raincb.lib.peres. pvOmitianus tbC CSmpero? Cd Saluftius Lucullus into Byy- ^tafne,Uj\)om\)t Ibojtip put to beatb,foj tbat be futfrcb rer# tainclatoes to be calleb after bis name . ^ome todfe,tbat Cncus T rebullius tuas nolo (^ouernojb««fe» ?Mbat Jlieutenants toere in Brytaine foj tbe time of N^ema f T raianc,§ finb not.reco?bcb:but toben Adrian toas po(Iief=» feb in tbe empire,lulms Scucms gouerncb bcrebnoer bim, tnbo Adrianus calleb out of BrytaineM feiaragaintt ^ BteUjs, - f came bitber bimfelfe in perron,pacifieb tbe tumults, rta^ reDatoall,U3bicbfbbulbefcparatetbe barbarous from bps fubiccts,anb retnrneb to Retne. ^Oilus ^ ronofMariustDaso?beineb!^ing,beiDasl^ou# " ^gbtebpcuefrobis poutbin Rome among ^ ^omaines^ f tbcrfoje fauodng tbe,paib p tribute trulp: be bnilbeb CoU cheBer, anb pearcs,anb tuasbiirieb at A Ntonius Pius fuccebeb Hadrianus in (Smpirc, f goiter^ - "^neb fbis pjouincebp Lollms Vrbkus, tubo ouercamc tbe ^;ptaines, anb rapfeb another Inall of turfbes to heepe out< tbe inroabcsdbe j^ojtbcrn liB;iptaines. 179 Vhrtnt.fipt'ni, . A Ntonius Phiiofophus nolD ruleb tbo Komaino c^mpire, •"anb Calpliurnius Agricolatoasfentbptbertoitb autbo# ritie againlt tbe )!5dtaines tben repining at tbe i^omaines, but initb Inb^f fncceOb it is not fpeciiiieb., T Vqus fon of Coilus,iDa6 ojbatneo !^tng,tobo in all bus *-^tfcts f baos foUotwb tbe ffeps of bps fi>?e^crs, in fucb ill V\ ■' I't i ThcRomanes> ' toift as 1)6 toas of al men loueo f ojeao. fef ttoo faallat)0?sEluanus f McdumnusiftDO) lenmeo mem? ffrlp^ Engimd ferey- furcs,toitl|^ ^is loutng letters to Eluthenus iBtflgop of Rome, oeOring ^im to fenoe fome oeuout f learneO men, bp fjji,,,,,.- inftrurtton botlj be f bt« people migbt be taugbtffaitb f re# k Tcotd of^iini Itgio of Cb?iff**tnbf rof Eluthenus being berp glao, baptijco tbefettDometregerSjniabingEluanus a35tll;cp,f Mcduui- sceiu,, nus a teacber,f fent alfo toitb tbf into Brytame tU)o famous ClarbSjFaganus f Dcruuianus.bp tobof*^ Oiltgcnce Lucius f bis people of %M/«eiDere baptijeb f inffruttco in? faitb of Cb?iff. zS.JCemples lucre mabedatbebjal cburcbes,f Bp> Ibops plateOjlobcre i^lamins before ban bintat LUonjorke. f CArletn, (tobicb is uolp s.DMtds in fVales)ijoex6 placcD 0rcb bilbopstf noUjfolotuetbanCpillle of Eluthenus, fcnteto Lucius li.ofz^7/^/»,as 3 fino ? famcrccojoeb in aUBcohe of? Archbishop's. Conftitutions Of LoWw pertaining to ? Gutid Hall of LoKdoK. SCbepeareafterCb^itfsbirtb 202. pope Elutiichus bio tnjite to Lucius hing of amcnoment of (> feings Elerthctiusto f tl)tno\ii\iti6ofBrjtai»et[0 folotoetb-pou rcqutreb tbat fee (boulo feno pon tbe ISomain f imperial lafcus, ^ pou migbt conji„uu i»». t)fe tbe in pour feingbcm of Brytamc: but tbofe latos toe map liirp?oue,f not tbe laloes of (0ob.|Poubauereceiucb latelp tb,2ougb ©00s gfflOnes in pour hingbom, ? faitb anb lain of CbJittipoubauetbereinpourtiingbom botb SCelfamcnts, outoftbcbp(I5Dbsgrace,f tbeabuireofpourrcaime tafeea lalUjf tberebp patientlp gouern ^ bingbom. ^ou are {' car oftlD'ob in pour ltingbom,accojoing to ip hinglp pjopbet. Cbeeartb is Lo2bs,f bis fulnelTe is]^ toboletoojlbjf al btoel tberintf again,iCbou bait loueb rigbteoufnes,! bateb tmquitie,lDberfo?e (0ob (eue tbp <5ob) batb annopnteb tb® foitb § oile ofglaones aboue tbp fellolus. STbep are ? bings ^ cbilD2en,rb?ilfiannations,f people of pour feingbome tbat line f confia bnber pour p2ote(ticn,peace,« bingbom acco2? bingto tljeScripture, as an l^engatberetbeljicbcns bnber bir U}ings,tbe people,! nations of tbe bingbome of Bry tame fspoures, fucbc as are biuibcb pou iboulbe gather tbem SDai^, togitber The Romanes* Cl)urcl^e,fo peace f tonco?De: anD c^erifl^e, matiitainc,pjotect, j5ouenic,an6 De« feno t^em from tfje tninrtou0,inalt£iou0,anD t^etr enimie0. tuetoebe to tbat kmgoome, t^e iititg tobereof <0 a cfjilDe, atto t!)c i9?tncc0 eate earelp in tljc mojntng. 31 Doe not call a ^tng a cljilD foj ])is poutlj 0? mtno;ttie,but foj bis foUtDjint' quttie,anD maDneire,acco?otngto tbefHinglp^jopbetXbe blouD'tbirdp ano Deceitfull menne (ball not out-ltucb^de tbcir Dape0.216p eating toe IballbnDerdanDed^luttonie, bp C^luttonie,!Lupurie, bp JLn]curie,all filtb, toicbeDnetTe, ano mifcbiefe,acco?Ding to king Salomon: ©mifeDome ioill not enter into a fpitefull foale, no> inbabite in a boDp fubiecte to ftnne. 3L Biitg batbe bis name of gonerntng, ano not of bps ^iiingDome, fo long pon fbalt be a iiing,a0 pou rule tuelljO? tbermife, poii fball not be fo nameo, aiiD lofe tbat name, (tobicb fbat^ tbcp iuoulbe baue nominatebUfmc otber (Emperour againtt bim,anb namelp Pcrtmax.but tbefe tumults toere appeafeb bp tbe 2SaifDome of Pertinax,to bis great banger,fo2 \)t toas tuelmere flaine in tumulte, anb left among tbe beab,tDbicbc^ iniurie be after feurrallpe reuengcb,f fiieb fo? bis bifcbarge, being aftertnarbc p?cferrcD to tbe (Ejnpire. Clodius Albinus UJ3S tbeu fcute bptber bpComodus,tobO at tbe flrff fo greatlpe effermeb of bim, tbat be bono?eb bpm feitb f title of a Cxfar,mbicb Clodms refufebifaut aftertuarbs feben afalfe rumo? teas bifperfcb,^ Comodus tuas flatn, be mabe an ^?ati6 to tbe legions of 15?ptatn>impeacbing § go? uernementof (Emperours,anb p?eferringtbe ^enatc,tobcr bpon Commodus being ibarpneb againtte bpm,rente lunms Scuerus to mle b^re,anb lbo?tlp after Comodus toas flaine. flaine. SD.b. Pertinax 194 194 5^ ThcRomancsv pErtinax ftjeit toas djofen dSmperour, f * toaa flaine tljjoug^e tl^c pcrftoationg of Didius lulunus, tu^oentotjCDt^e (Empire ttoo monttjeo, andti^epjatttceof Clodiui Albuius.uj^tcl^ tljen retnrneD into HSjptain, anti (as itfainctlj)mouereo fo?mer0ouerncment. oEuerus after tl^eoeatl^ of Pemnaxtuas faluteti (Emperoj: •^fje immeoiatelpfletoe Didms lulianus, ano bpcaufeicfea^ rco Clodjus Albinus initl) i^is BrytAin iegions,t)e created bim Cxfar, anD partaUer of tbe (Empire, ano fcnte Herachtus to gonernetbio Sic: but after ije Ijab fttbbueD Nis^er loijoalfo bfurpeb ttje (Empire, ije moucD loarrc againft Albmus, to^o pairing bence into FraHnceimt]) tt)e%/(/Z'armp,encounterel) JnitbScuerusneareZ'Ww.anDtuas fbercflaine. ^^encefojtije Scuerus quictlp cittopeO tbe iXomatne (Empire,f maoe ibarp tears into ttje (Eaderne partes of tlje toojlD, toiti) jpreat glo# rie. 209 But reftnrning to Rome, ije tnberlffflOe of a tear rapfeb in B?ptaine. be baffeo bptb^ r toitb ftoo fonnes Bafsianus.anb Geta;at bis arriuall peace teas oflfereD,tobicbe berefufeb, anb teauingbis ponger fonne Getato gouernc tbep?omnce,(betngtbebptbfc partoftbe SIe)bctettbBaf- lianus bps elbeif fonne cntreb into tbe i^ojtbe, anb paDTeb ^ furtbcr parte of tbps Slanbe toitboutanp rcfiffaunce: pet bp ambufbes, bitficuftie of tbe tean, f otbcrinconueniences, be lott., anb tben returneb, enforcing tbe enemies to conclube a league, anb p^lbe fome parte of tbep? Coum trep» Htcondufi'on of tobicb league, feben be anb bis fonne rib to treatetoitb tbe O^Udonum oj ^oitbern Bjptains, Bafsr- anus bis fonne D?atotng bis toojbetntbc Cgbte of tbe ene^ jnie,tuasrcabpto baueflaincbtm,anbbabboneit, babnot fome of tbe companp raabean outcrp: pet tbts lanlt teas re# mitteb. after tbts ieague,tbe B?pfatnes of tbe jl^ojtb refojteb to tbe (Empercnrs (Eourte,tobcr Iulia,Scucrus teife,obie(teb to a teotna of ^^-r^wjtbe teife of Argcmorix tbe Caiedoma»,^tii. tbe The Romanes^ 5^* fl^e Bryt.fh iDomen nccompanycD topf!) men fitfl^onclf fpe, pea quot^ tl)e Bryttpje tooman, loc faUffpt^enafurallluftetn better fojte tban pou Uomapnes, fojtoe accompanpe our fellies openip toptij t{>e belle inenne, anD pern fontmitteab^ ulterte clofelp toptb molle bple pcrfons. IBut after tbts^ league tbrre iuas a generaU reuolte of tlje B^ptapnes agatitlle tlje Uomatnes, tobicb prt tuas paci^eo tuittj great flaugbter, aiibtbenbc builte a ^Idall ofSCurfe , to tnbt''x™«wv7»u- bite tbe ^:tbern iBjptatnes, trom iubencetobrn be retour# nea, attbenerteloaging-, ablacbe ^iBjetbatferueD bt»n> a notable ftoffer, mette btm taJptb a Crotone of Cpp?es: b® ittoueb tDitb tbecolour oftbe man, ano tbe Cpp?es (tobicbe ioas tbcn bfeo at all burials,) as toitb ftgnes of eutll lucbe,, wminaunoeD tbemannetobefcnteatoape, toberelnplbb^ rrpeb :Cbou bade bene all in alt, anDbadbanquilbcballr ant) noto of a couquerour be tbou a (ID* ;0 H>» icben eom^ mpng to tbe (tttteofisojUc (as it is ruppofeb,.) be toas bp; mittahing bjougbt to tbe Cemple otBeiiona : blache faeaffff alfo being oiiDapncb fo? facrifice, folloboeb bitn bonte to f)^s> gallace: tobtcb things tbefe tben Dpb accept to be ominous* g>bo?tlp after be oeparteb out oftbis life at ^o;lte,partlp fb?ongb Ockncire,anb partlp tbjougb griefeconceiueo of bb« Connes eutll bemeanoure. ^t bis lad gafpe be bttereb tbefe tuo^bstj foiinb tbe date troublefomeeuerp lubere,anb leaue it quieteuen to t^ Bjptaines. : Hcrodian tDntetb):tbatin tbefe toarstif.5euci:us againd^s HtroJhni. ^?tb 3i5?ptatns,befownbe tbeir Countrp ftillof Uiatrp ^a» riObesibp ^ofe marilbes bib tbe )li5ntatns ftniiu anb fbitmilb toitb tbeir enemies, being couereb toitb toater bp bnto tbe ^anell, not caring tbat men fato tbe p;iuie partes of tbepi nafeeb bobipes. /^eptberbpb tbepfenotoetbebfe of apparel, butaccndonieb totompalfe tbe^ bellpesanbnecheponelp t5 3Jron,tobitb fbep edfemeb an ojnsment f tolien of ricbes, as otberbarbarous people fuppofeb otdSolU*. Cbep papnteb tbeir bobpes toitb binerfe pictures anbfo;mes of beades, anb no narmcnti^leade tbepainting ibonib The Roiiicihcs» bcfjiODeitjbettTg a natton berp balmunf ,anD tDarIpfee,gral»b ofQau8ljtcr,anD content onlp tuitl) a fmall target, a fpeare, nnD a ftapne banging bp tbeirnaheo fioes, igno?aunt of tbe bfe oftbp?tes of iimple ano tjelmeto, foj tljep rechneb ^ fame comberous bnto tbem, tobcn tbep ftoiilue totmme oucr tbc iabes f c. 0 graiious Dtreafe came bpon Sencms, being fo?e appal# leb toitb age,ro tljat be ioas conffraineo to bape bis chamber aiiD fenoe Antomus bnto tbe toarreotbut Antonie notregar# Ding tbe bufinelCe of )15?ptaine, enbeauoureb bp all meaner becDuioe, to tuinnctbebarteaof tbe rouloiouro bnto bpm, 0ep?auing bps b?otber, to tbe intente tbep lljoulDc onlpaiDc l^tm to tl)e attapning of tbe foueraintic. ICbe long malabie of bis i^atber, caufco btm to pcrftuaDe ^bibfiows to rib tbe olbe manoutof tbeb302lbe,bntil tbatScusms, beingconfn# ineb,enbebl)io Iife,b)bo loao tl)t moltefamouo of all C^mpe# roursin tearltbc affap?cs: i^o? none otljcr bab obtapneb fo inanpbicto?ies anb conquefts,ettberciuilagainttbis abuer# farieo, o? fojrapneagatnll tbe barbarous nationo. 2Dbus be# eeafeb be,after be bao gouerneb tbe (Empire tlje fpaceufrbib. peareOjleautng bis fonnes fo? fticceflDeurs in tbe fame i bnto tobombe leftairogrcateabounbaunceofrtcbeo^ as none of bis p?ebiceQjours bab bcfe?ebpm bone. Mben Antony bab gottentbe fupieme autbo?ttie,beputto beatb tbe |Bbiitfios, bpcaiife tbep obepeb not bis commaunbemente in baCnpng b?J^i^atbcrsbeatbe:anbfletDe alll^isotmie, anbb?ofbers b?ingers bp anirtnttrurterS:,. fa?tbattbep toentc about torb# conctle tbem,leauing none altue,tbvit bias eptber of bignitp, 0? baf reuerenceb bis iFatber, SCbeCaptaihes oftbearmp, beenticeb, to perfiDabetbe fottlbtours to p?ixlapmebiiHott# Ip c^peroufitmagtn^g baplp manifolb mifcbiefes agaiHfi^ bis b?c^er:but be coo^ot toin tbe foulbiourSigcBblotllevi aaaberefoje Antoof, bauingtatien trucetoitbt^ .!X5?itaiis, remoueb totoarbcsbis mdlber anb b?otber ♦ S^beir motber laboureb to bjing tbem to afia'cemeitt^ toberein alfo, manpet p;ttbente Connfellours eifuiii»tltptr|gielUb;AiuiAiy'^rebp Itjas TheRomanes^ Ci iuascniinceti, ratljerof fojce, tljan goDhjtll, to rountcr^ faiteloue. Sifter totjicl) tone, t^eitoo bacttJen gouerning? C^inptre tottlj equal bonotir, launcljeD out ofBjrtainc, ano fapleb tDitlj tbe reltqueg of tbcpj i^atber totuaro Rome.fQ\ ioben tljep baf burnco tbc faobpe (as toas tbc cuffotne of tb« iKomames;tbep carrpeb tbeafljes, Cintermcblcb loitbplea^ faunt obourSjiu a !ll5ore of Sllabalfer)to Rome, tbat it nitgbf« be tber euterreb amongU tbe monuments of otbcr ^jtnces. SCbcmfelues leb tbus tbcir arum,as conquerors ofISr^tain, f paCTebouer t^?ceanbntotbenertcoa3coffr^««ff, anofo baffeb totoarbs RomeWi):^zn tbep toereentreb into Rome, alt tbe people croloneb toitb ilaurel, rccepueb, anb tbe Senate luelcomeb tbem. iFojuioIl roabe tbe Cmpcrors tbemfelues, clotbeb in Cmpertal purple. Sinb nerte bnto tbem folloiueo tbeConfulSjbearing tbe beffcllDitb Scucrus reliques.Mbi" cbebeffel, tbe people, after tbepb^bf^luteb tbe netoe Ccm* perour,btbreuerentlp toorlbippe. 2Dbe€mpcrours f Con# fuls being tbus accompanpeb toptb pjincclp pompe, rarpeb tbe fame into tbe Cemple, loberetbe beuine monuments of Marcus,anb otber Cmperors, are fane. Sifter tljepibab ftnt? ftjeb tbc folemne racrifife,anb acco jbing to p aunticnt bfage, celebrateb tbe i^unerall ceremonies,botb tbe bretbre bepar# teb into tbe Cmperiall palate: iubicb tbcp beuibeb betJuanc tbem, clofeb bp all bathe bo?es,anb priuie pofterns,f mettc togttber onlp at ^ outtcr gates. STbep cbofe bcfibes eptber of tbe bttto bitnfelfe a founwp guarbc, % ncuer tame togptbcr bnlclTe it toere fomcttmefoja little tobple to be fane of tbe people. i|5cucrtbclclie,firttc of all,tbep attomplilbeb tbe buc iPunerals of tbeir i^atber. i^^oj tbe Komaines attuftome to confctrate Ibttb immojtalitie, futb Cmperours, as at t^evi oeatb,leaueebtbercbilb?en,orfticteCfoures tn tbc empire bebinbe tbem, 0nb tbofebjbicftareenbueo toitb ^at betwr, tbep ranomjenmongtt tbe ^obs.Cbcre is tb?o«fib tbeCif< tie,a tertaine bolefull lamentation, mircbtoitb fearefull iop.Slnb tbrp bfe to enterre tbebeao corpfe berp futnptnouf# Ip. liBnttben, tbep b^ue an Image; intaboas Uhctbob^oe Cmpero?) ThcRofnanes* C&mpcrour,af{ ma^ be. Kfje fame, tuitbin tIjepojcbe,oftbt of 3uone, touereo ouertoitb clotb ofgolti.a:be fameHmage Imbetb be? rp pale,UUea otfeafeo patient. 0bouttbcbeooneptber0De, a great part of tbe oapjto certapne perfons fit.Cbat is to toit on tbe leftrioejtbe Senate,clotbeo in blacUe garments: anb on tbe rigijt rtoe,manp matrones. ^one of tbefe are fane to iDcareanpoucbes, ojcbapnesofgoloe, but being clao toptb tbinne tobii® beffures, tbep Ibeto tbe countcnaunce of mour^ Iters, ^no tbns fioe tbep continue tbe fpace of feauen bapes: During tbe U)bicb,euerp Dape tbe (HimperourspbiCtiotts bo repap?cbnto tbebeD,ano,as tbougbtbep bab felt tbe patiets |3ulfes, Declare tbatbe toarctb moje ficke tban before. nallpjbaben it feemetb tbatbeis beceafeb, certain oftbemoff noble anb U)o?tbPe pong men, of tbe o?bers of iinigbtes anb ^enato?s, boetabebp tbebebbeon tbep; iboulbers, anb cau rp it tb?ougb tbe ffrate,caUeb Sacta via,)anto tbe olbe matltet place,b)bere tbe Uomain inagiffrats are accufitomeb to rem ber bp tbeir£)ffice6.2Cberc on botb fibes,are certaine Itages mabebtitblfeppes, bppontbetubitbe, ontbeoneCbe, is a queare ofBopes, being noble mens ronnes,anb on tbe otber fibearemanp beautiful Utomen, Hnging^imnes anb 15aU labes, in p;apfe of tbe beabecEmpcrour, meafureblDitb bn nerfe lamentable berfes. Mben tbefe are finitbeb,tbe pong men bo taftc bp tbe bebbe againe, anb bcare it out of tbe Cu tie, into tbe fielbe calleb CAwpw Afartiw, in tbe b?oabeft part tobereof, tbere is erecteb a STolujc foure fquare, toitb fibes of equall beigbt fauilbeb of great 2nimber,like bnto a Caber? nacle. Cbefameioitbin fo;tbe, is0llebbiptbb;pecbippes, anb Uabes:;3nb on ti)c outter Cbe,it is bangeb toptb arras clotbesofgolbe, anbbecbebtoitb Sniages of 3|uo;ie, nnb funinppointeb piuures . ^itbin it alfo, is another leOle Coto;e, but libe in fb;me, toitb bco^es anb |3o;tals openeb* 0nb oner tbat, tbe tbirb anb fourtb,tDitb manp otber romes afcenbingcontinuallp, bntiUtbepretcbe bnto tbebigbeS? tobicb^ts lefTe tban alt tbe otber.;^ man mape compare^ps builbing The Romanes* bmlouts1)nto£n^citDK0 9tQf)i?c|[)e arerettembanend, fire on t^e toppcs, to Oireite ^tppes tobul)® faplc bp nififttc on tbe ^eas, into tljepj pcrferte pojteo. SC^e fame are com* monip calico Pham . J^ohjetolicn tfjepbane putte tbe beo in t^e' fcconoe 2Cabemacle, t^ep gather all bpnoesof fpi# ces ano perfumeo , ioptb Otuerfe oOo.:tierou0 frntteo, l^earbco, ano iupceo, tfje io^pdje t^ep t^jolue on fjeapeo in tf)e2Cabernaclc. i^cptberto tbercanpe i^atton, Citie, oj JBerfonjtoliprll^ eecciletbin Ijonourc, o? oignptie, but at tbattpmcjlippll to t^e Ottermofie of bpo potoer, mofi i)o» no;ablpe celebrate tbe lafie i^uneralles of t^e (tmpe* rour. tCJifbtnlb^baae coucbco agreateb^ape of §>pice0fogl* tber, anofiufl^o tbebutloiiigtberetop^, all tbe lAomapne Urntgbteo Ooe rtoeaboute tbe H^oluje, lottbatufie courfe ano 0?oer to ano fro tCbartoto are^lfo ojaloneaboute, tobcrein manpe ooefittc, clotbeom pu^le, rep?efentpng tboperfonoof all noble men being #agt(lrate0 ano Cap^ tainesofT^wf. W^e Ceremonies being tb?ougblp enoeo, tbe fuccefiOur intbe^mpire^ taketb a b?anoe of fire in bio banOe,ano 6f retb tberetoitb tbeSCabernacle.after tobome, allotber tbat are pjefent, ooe tbmtoe fire liketoife into tbe fame, ^no im« meoiatelp , all tbe builoing being filleo toitb ibof<^ b^pe fiicbes anofpiceo, beginnetbtoburnebebementlpe.SCben out of tbe bigb^ff ano leatte2notD3e,as outofabPfib C^le, io let fb?tb an Cagle, tbetobicbtb^P bclaue^ ooetb beare tbe €mperouro foule into i^eanen;> « iSnofromtbeiice' ffD;tbeis tbat€-mperourtDO?(bippeoa0tbeotbcr(!D>oO£t» i^rom tbio tunc to tbe raigne of Diodefian, foj tbe fpace of.73. peareo, tbere is notping reco^o in our i^ifioneo thereto publilbeo concerning Brytawe.,: but tob^teaoitio Cmperpura ai <1^ fpace, Bl ^ ootone fttccef* fiuelp. Hetodixn, t.ampridtm \iSior. 2-^6 ill 2^0 faine,anti ap# p^afi^O bp Vlitonmis a Moore, bp tDboii^motion Probus bao maoc bim regent of 215jptain,febicbP iuaBcaufcr of tbis trou^ ble. SCbps Probus permitteb tbe 216?pfaineB ano otberojtbat tbep migbt bane bines anb maUe tnine. Met b^ bab raigneb fine peares, be bias flaine bp tbe foulbiours* C'Aiustbcn faccabebbinXjUjitbbi® tbjofonnes Numcria- 282 > nus,anb Cirinus, to tubieb® be alTigneb Bryutne y GAule,(tdi\\t'QFramce)IllfricHmJt4lie,mtiSpaiiie, butalltb?® toitbin tb?a peares fpacc lotf tbeir lines. VAlerius Diodefianus toas tben cbofen (Smperoiir, 2R4 iDboabiopnebMaximianusbntobpnt in Ipbe gouernef ment. aboute tbps tpmc, belp Alban fo? pjofcffing CbJiff? be# MUm. tnglebbe from tbe Cittieof Verolamium, bntO HolmehnrH, Inbere notoo tbe totone of Saint ttAlbans is builbeo, fuffereb martpjbome, b)bo is fpecifieb to be tbe firii ^artp?e of tainetmn fljojtlp after to tbe number of one tboufanbeCbJi- CiaSjtuere martpjcb at Lichfteide,\j)li)zxe AmphaboIc,inffru^ liber Ikhjitldf^ iter of Alban, toas tahen, bjougbtc to •nroUmmm, anb tbere tojmentebtobeatb. Caraudas inas appointebto beabmirallof tbe Brytaine ^eas, Inbpebc toerefojctroubleb bp tbe ppmcies of tbe FranckesaubSaxons; but fcubeitbe bab oftcntimes app^cben# beb tbe pirates, anb neptber referueb tbe p?ijes, oj ioas accountablefojitjneptbcrtotbeCDmperours, no? bis bepu# tics, it Uias rufpectcb tbat of fct purpofc be pcrmitteb tbefc Kouers to bane reccurfe tbiongb tbofe &eas,to tbeenbe b® migbte rifle tbem,ano inricb bnnfelf. Maximianus tberfojc fent part of bis armpc to fuppjeCTe bim, in Inbicb toere ma# npe of tbe Thebme legton, tnbo in tbps iournep mere flapne, bp bis commaunbemcnte, anb mabe martpjes bpcaufe tbep p?ofeirebCb?ift. Caraufius bnberffanbing of tbe p?eparafio mabe againU bim, paflTeb out of Gauie intoBrytawe, iuberebringing tbe Countrep to b?s obepfaunce , be bfurpeb tbe i^oabe of an 19X The Romanes* anCmpcrotir ttoJicrebppott t^cptoljicibeloere ftnfefo fur# pjifc ^tm, refourncD to Maximianus, U)l)o ttjen toag en# fombereD toitb netoc ioarre in Ganie agapnile t\)t gca# fanteo. 3n tbe meane time Caraufius built 0)tppes in 115?ptapn, intercepted certapn copanpeg of foulDiours,airembIcD a 0ref number of barbarous people Inttb fpople, toitb bopc oftoljo f)C purpofcd to trouble tbe fea coatteo of GalUa f spaine. Ho/- land (aifo tt)cn boldcn bp ccrtapne Tranhes) reuolteb to Carau- fius. '-p©en purpofeb Maxtmianus tbe feconbe tpmc to ma!;e liarre agapnffc Caraufius, but^ bp ftojmpe ftoeatber^ and toante of '^ilotes, b® iuas enfojcca to beferre bps ptirpofe , leaupng tbe souernement of tljps 3lle to Carau- fius. ^bojtlpe after, tbe ttuo d^mperours elected ti»o Cxfars, Valerius Maximus and Confiantius Chlorus, to tobieb Con- fcantiustbep committed tfie reconerieof )3?ptainc.l^atm# mediatelpe pacing tbJcugb cw-rbptbeitoarde, fodapnelp furpjifed Geffenacum, notOC Called Bullen, (tobicbe Caraufius bad manned,) and fo ttopped tbe ^^auen,tbat it could 0andc Caraufius innoffadc. iSbenbtnldinglbippecto paffeoucr bitber,befirff affaptedluchilptbe//i?// ^9 llomatnea tlljat mer turn: and at ti)e ende t]^ereor,to 1) e refembled to ftwb as toere of tbe meaner fojt. teas mutb Siuen to purcbafe pjapfe and fame bp feates of cb^Alne: ^ad gcDd fo?tnne in battatie, and pet not To 0Od, but tbat bis indoQrpe excelled it farre. 0fter bs b^b rep^iled tbe etui it toarres, f)t banquifbed t^zGothes indiuerfe places:andUjanne greatememojieof pjapfe among tbe BarbtorUw^^z applpcd bimfelfe toboUp to tbeSudpeof tbeiliberalartes: beendeauojedtogapnetbe Jone of tbe people, tb^ougb bis fueil derrrnings, tehing tbe fame bp bis great liberalitie. SU^e Cittie tobiebe be butlte, be made it able to compare (in manner) ti>itb/^o»»'itrelfe. conainanopie 0nd as be made p?e^tion fo;]battaite againlt tbe Batthians, be died at Nicomedta. Eufcbius to;itetb tbat Conftantinc toas baptifed firlfe in tbe lafldapes of bis life in GrtcU^ixi tbe Cittie of Nu emedta, €ftbe)15i(boppetbere* 0iro Sozomcnus f Thcodoritus U)3ite,tbatbetoas bapti# fed in bis latter dapes a little befojc bis dcatb,UJben be toitt be (boulddpe,in tbe j^j.pere ofbps empire. ^z left bebinde bim tb?a fonnes, to toittc Conftantinuf Conftans, and Conibntius, to futcadebimtntbe Cmpire. xheodorkna Helen '§ mother of Conftantinc tbe great^at lertifaletK foud tbe Croffeon tbe tobtcb Cb?itt fu®ered bis pairton,lbc repaid red tbe Citie oUerHfrUm, and ado?ned it Ujitl; manpe fapje Cburcbes.'&bebuildedtoalles aboute LoKdenmn Coicbe. fier. ;Sllfllt tbis time 0gyr- ? ? 7 irf/wto bim bis i^atber Conftantinc bad appointed bp bis iaftetoill, tbat bps ttootoetb^cn Conftansand Conftantius tboulde participate and bane tbep; portion of tbe Cmppk^ €£,ib* but The Romanes* ftufnot Ions affpr, ioljeit Conftantintis aftempfeD foarre agapnffcl)rsb;otl)cr at anD bcmcaneb j^pmfclfe bnabutfcDlpc tljcrctn, l)« toaa flapna, anD tben tuastbc empire reDuceo bnDer t^e gouerneuient oftf)e ttoo b;et^jr tinlp. /-NOnftatis fptt rnleD 1I5;pfam,tofHcf) f>e aDmmtifreD luif^ '—^ ^grcate iufltce: but after tubcn fapIeD of bps b^altf), \)t alTociateD bnto bini inffceDe offrienDC0,euil Defpofeo p^rfos to affiUljim, tbJougbc int)sfc counfell i)e Dctrpneir into bo?rible bices, bp meanctobsrsofj Uiaringfcant tollcrablc oftijc inbabttantes of tbe pjoutnccs, b^as fiainebp Mag- nentiustobo bfurpeD tbe empire inFraKfff^, S^ahe^^-Brjt-aixe alfoasfomctDjite- ^Onftjntias tben b^D tbc regiment of2!5jpfatne,tDbo feitt .—— ^-^bifb^t^a Spaniard.' calleD Panic, a notacic bp p;ofcflion,to jtmUnui. out certaine men of toarre bibicb^ bab confptreD loptb Magncntius: but be bpon falfc furmifes grieuouflp mclefteo tbe guiltlefTc, fettering anD manacling toboine b® pleafcD, Mattihiij. MberebponMartmus, tben lieuctcnant iiTi3jptaine,being inoueD iuitb compairion,DertreD bpm to fo?beare tbe barmen lelle: butf)e teas fo rigojouSj.tbat be alfo rbargcD Martmus bimfelfcof confpiracie teitb Magnentius,anD teas earnettto b?ing bim before tbe Ctmperour^'tobercbppon Martnms Dja^ teingbis &do;d teiit at bim, anD bpcaufe be coulDe not fiape biwt, be foDainelp fletee bimfelfc, anD Paulc emb?ueD.toitb blouD, buioD agretcompanp(linbeD in cfj^pnes; to tbe Cm? perours pjefence, tefjicb teereeptbecbanilbeD, ejcecuteo, o? attainteD, Conftantius after tbts appointcD lulianus to goucme Gaule(oi Frawice). at Uiljicbe time greatc Jpopte teas maDe in JS^ptainebptbe^fof/'ftranD/'/i'ic/, teberefojc lulianusbuReo teitb toarre againft t\^Aimat»s, rente Lupcinus bpfberteitb ^ an armpe, in tobofe abfence lulianus bfurpeD tbe C-mppitct tebercof tebcn' Conilantius bearoe, be rctourneD from tbe tearre (againtttbe againftluliamis, anD DpeD in- tbetaap,. N lulianus. The Romanes# 7^ TrVlianns(calIet) ^;«i7rf/rf)begantjt0 raigtt oacr JIBjptain tl}z empire, a ma fen pafftng toel in t^e ^Liberal fdwcs,—^ but an earned abuerfarie of Cbndtan religion: be bantfbeo Palladms a gret anb bonojable perfon into 515?ptain, bpon a fufpitiontbe fent Aiipmstubo ban bin lieuetenaunt of taine to ttpairc fcru/a/em, but terrible flaOjes of fire iffuing outoftbeeartb, toben tbenlapoctbefoimDation6,enfoKeo tbem to leaue tbep; purpofe. SDi)is iuhan luitb great p?epa« rations maoetoar bpon tbe PAnhtam, be fpoplcD Affirta.m^ retonrnpng from tbence a contiucro?,be tuao flainc bp bi'f e# nimie5,as be pjeafeb bnaouifeolp into tbe battels.^fter bint fuccdbeb in tbe empire iemmm,d.n^ belb itir.montbc«. "^Alentinian Uias tbencbofen enipcroj bp tbe foulbiours. * SC^t Pines,Scottes,Attacfts,unli Saxons, grieUOUflP lilOie^ ' deb tbe Brytatnes. Ncfiartdius tobo b«fl tbe cfiarge of tbe ^ea "SiarceUtnut, eoades bere, toaa flaine bp tbem.ano Bulchobandes a greate •Captain boas enciofeb bp tbem:U)berfo;e after biuerfc Cap^ taine«,Theodohus teas fent bitber, lobo bifcomfiting tbe a nimic,anb recoucrmg tbe fpopIe,entreb triumpbantipe into London,mn tbenert peare tort into tbe i^odbjlupp^efeb tfic enemie0,recouereb tbe p^zouince, anb repaireb Cities t fo?^ treiTesib^ oppjefleb Valcntmus an Hnngarian,)ao\^Q being ba^ nilbeb bitber,pjaaifeb neui tumutts,beliuering bim to Dul- citus to beerecuteb,U)itboutanpenquirie of bis confebcrats, bpcaufe be tooulb not reneiu tbe tumultitobitbe bone, be re^ turneb to Rome.^\^Qit\p after Valeiuimanfcntebttber Frao- marms (tnbicb be bcfoje bab ojbapneb feing of tbe Buccenohats in Germ.w e) to be marlfiall of tbe Almames tobiebe ferucb in JBjptain. 0nb not long after Valentmian bpeb. GRatJan toitb b'® b?ofber Valentinian toastbeu rreateb emperour. i^e to tbe entent be migbt better repairetbe becapeb date of tbe Cmpirejmabs T hcodotius a copartener toitb bint in it, M Aximus a baliaunt ftoojtbpmantoas ibojtip after foj# ceb bere in )16;ptain to tabe tbe Cmpire bpon bint, tobo lpa^bitUoFr^r^,ano immebiatoip ni tbe GerrmftjU%\on& _ . . ^ 0 7* The Romanes* anti foulDiourfi renolfca bnto ^jpmfrom Gratian,' fo tijat!)» being Deftitute of men of toarre, fleDDe fo Lyons, tol^ere^eUiasftapnebptrearon: foiiMaximusgaueontt^at Gratians Ujtfe Uia's commtng to bt'r fjufbanoe, Grati- anintierlp iotungbt)Oii)tfe, ligbtlpecrcDitcD, anDtberfo?e accompan^eD ixiptb a fein^ioente foitbe to mkteljp^: bat tntbeCoacl[ie tobere bs fuppofeo to bane founoebpo tatfr, teas AndragatiusaDefperatcman, toba leaping outof t{)e Coacbe hilleb Gratmn. 2ov«a»; SCfjcn Maxitnus creaf CD bis fonnc Vi^^or a Caefir > anD bfeD fomemicltie againft Gratians ii:aptaincs. Va'entinian being berctoitb temfpeD,fent S. Ambrofc bnto bim fo freate a peaccjtobicb Wacccpfeo,anD Thcodotms pcrmittcD bim to bfc tbe title of Aujuitas. Cbe^t be fctlcDbimfelfe at 7r/Vr in German/f, cmpoactifibcD tbcCountrpes rounDc about bpm^ crccutcD certainc l^creticfes calleD PrifctlltaHifts,mti tben en* trcD info /f^//oiilf Opoures in Brytaine, fearing tbe inuafion oUbtFavdaUs, but immebiatetp tbcp fletoe bim, ano clecteo Gratianus, tobonie alfo tbep mnrtbereo loitbin foure monetbe*!. SCben Conltantine, aS>oulDiour of bafc eJfatr, onelp bp^ onconfiDence ofbistmrne , Isias electeo b^e c^mperoure, InbO patfing bencc into France, toitb all tbe pontb vXBrytatnt, gote all tbe men of toarre thereto take part toitb bit". Ho- norius fent tberefoie Sarus to toitblfano bi^tjlDbo in a fougb^ tenffelolleto lutbruan, Conlhntincs Captapne^ ano fo ptit^ fueo Conftantine, tbat maOc bimtake VaUnUa, tobereitt bo Ibatpipbofageo bim, bntill Gercntias toitb bio Brytaines, anb Edebnchus tiitb tbefranckf! rapfeo tbe fage, SE^en Conftantine fojtifpeO tbe Alpes, ano Rhene toitb Cfarrifons, ftnt Conftans bio fonne (tobonie of a ^onke be baO maoe a Cxfar) toitb agreat airmie into Spayne, tobere be fa)ke,anoaftertoarO fleto certapnenobloperfonageoailpeo to Honorius, ano returning to bio i^atber, left Gcrontms to goueme sp^ne. Conftantius bimfelfe tben craueo paroon of Honorius fb? Wurping tbe (Empire, faping, tbat be oio it bp compol0on,tobicbtoben Honorius bearO,be fo tuel likeO, be fent an BImperialt Uoabe Onto bint. Hntbefetronbleo, Brytame toao greatlp enoangereo bp fiaesmbSc9ttes,mti fueo to Honorius fojfnccoure, but be Ming tbetn onlp luttere, tnilleo tbem to tioHe to tbeic r C.b, atone 74 ThcRomancs* otonc ffatc. after Conftancc, fl^at Uiafli teas flam bv Gerontmsbis otone tbinbing tfjercbp to fauc bmifelfe, but tuao bja# tnen out from tbence, ano flapne. Gerontius toljo bao trap# tcrouflp ftilleo bis ^aittcr, tuas bcfettc rounoc aboute tuitb Spanyards in bis iloOging, lobrrefoje be firftfleto Allanus bis trpeo frienO;,tben Nunichia bis ivife, ano ta(f!p binirelfe,ano noUj Hononus recoucrco 3nbistime(raitbBcadc) Fameiuas oelfropco of tbe Gothes, tbe 11 6 4.peareafterif loas buploeO:after tobicb time tbe Romattet left to rule in Bri^ ra/Bc,after almoflt 47o.peares,tbat luUus Carfar firttentcreo tbe fapo 3!le, STbs Romanes otoelt toitbin {' trencb,tobicb as foe baue fapo, Scuerus ojeio ouertbtoart f ^lano at ^ ^outb partjtubicb "tap appeare bp | Citiegja::cmples,lB;iO# geo,t paueo Crates to tbis oap remaining, notmitbCaOing tbep bao in pofletTion^ f bnoer tbeir oominio f farther parts OfBritawe, anO alfO tbe BllanOS tobicb ttre about Brytame. J5p meanes(as is afo?e fapO)p Romanes bao bfeo to trafpojt toitb fbtni oucr into France tbe flourc of al tbe poutb afBrytMMe,Ul feme tbe in tbeir fojaigne toarres, tbeir men of toarrc toere eonfuineo, f toas not noto able to oefenoe tbefelues againC tbe inuaflons of tbeir enimies: luberebpon many yeares to' gitber tbey liuco bnoer tbe opp?eirion o f ttoo moC cruel tions,tbe Scottes,% PtEles, tobicb toere of ig circuite of Bntaine, but oeuioeo from tbe Ianoeof^n>,f free from tbe mifcric Uittb tcbifb tbep iuerc befoje fo grreuwiRp ouercbargcD, counfcllcb tfjem to make a toall bettuane tbe tUjo ^eas, lubifb migbt be of fojcc to keep outtbcif euill nepgbbours: ano t bone,tbep returneo bouie iuitb great triunipb.lSut tbe Brtumes builDtng f toall tubicb tbcp toere bio to make, not ofttone as tbep iucre tuilleo, but of turflfe,aB bauing none amog tbe tbat bao (kil tbertn,maoe it fo flenoer, ^ it ferueo tbe to little pwrpofe. SCbis toall tbep maoe betiuene ^ tU)o (kio armcs oj crakes of tbe Sica,manp miles long, tbattoberc tbe fence oftbeluater lackeo, tbere bp tbc bclp of ^ trencb tbep mtgbt kape tbeir countrp from j b^eakingin oftbetr eniurirs, oftobicb pttcc of tuojke, tbere remapnetb euen bnto tbis oap nioff affiirco tokens pet to bt fjkae.W1)is trencb beginnetb aboutttoo miles fro tbc mono? ttervofyi^ercf/rm^, in a place tobicb in tbclanguage is ealleo PenuAhilmt in C!;nglt[b is calleo /'i^»^re/^ano running p„u»hi8' out tMefftuaro,is enoeo bp Ibe Citp QtAl'clHith. l!5ut tbe foj? mer enimies, tolje tbep bao once percetueo t\)eRomane %z> gion ioas rcturneo borne agmne,fo2tbtBitb beingfeton lano bp boates, immoco tbe bojoers, ouercamef countrep, f as it toere beate ooUme all befo?e tbertoberbpon CDntoafTaoojs be fent again to ^o^wf.facfacbing tbe tbep tooulo not fufrer tbeir miferable countrep to be btterlv oeCropco. ;againe, tbcre is frnt anotber legion, tobicb coming bpon a fuDDaine,maOc a great flaugbter ofp entmies,f cbafeo tbe ouer into tbeir o ton countrp.Sben f RomMestoliit^ Bnuwes,^ it tons not tbeir eafc to fake anp moje fncb trauellous iourneps foj tbeir oc? fence, ano tberefoje baOe tbe to pwctife tbeir armoure tbem* felues,ano learne to toitbfrano tbeir enimies. 7(J The Romanes* bntltieo bp a 2^all of ^arb Ifone firom fyea to ^en, rt0bt^h]}eenetbe tioo Cttteo^tobtc^e tljere ioeremabeto tt^oont tt)e (!^mmte,tntbe felferamo place tob^reSeucrus before babcaff bi^ SCrcncb initb publtbe anb p;tuate cbar^ geo: tbe Brymnes alfo putting tin tbeir b^Iping banbe«, tbep tbcn butlbeb it epgbt foate b;oabe, anb tbielue ftoto Iii0b} tisbt ao it lucre br a line, from C^aS, to McaS, aiit botb to tbio bapappeare, tobicb being perfecteb, tbep giue tbe people Sraigbt luarning to Icobe luell to tbrmfelueo, tbepteacbtbem to banble tbeir bacapen, anb inlfruct tbem in luarlibe feates. :Slfo bp tbe &ea Soe^outbluarb, tubere tbeir ^bipp^a lap at barbo?,teaS tbeir C^nimies Iboolb lanb tbereabouteo,tbep mabe bp ^ultuarbeo along, onefome# SMfifiu. tubat bilfant from another,anb tbio bone, bib tbem fareluel, as mmbeb no nio?e to returne. kt tbis time almoS all tbe treafure of Brytawc luas bibbe bnber grounb, o; tranfpojteQ oner into France. Hs fconc as tbep biere gone, tbe Scenes anb PiHes bauing intelligence tbattbepb^b mabep;omifetbep iuoulbecome MO mojc, tbep tatting beart of grace, returne agapneto tbeif bufineCTe: anb firft, all tbat bias luitbout tbe toall,tbep trobc foUbeirotone*0fter tbat, tbep gtuc aCTaulttnto tbe toall, ^ tuberetbe Bmaynes lucre toitb (0raples pulleb bolune, anb otbertoife fo airaalteb,tbat tbep leaning botb tbe Cities anb tbe luall alfo, tuere bifperfeb anb putto flight, tbeenimies folloluing,ltilleb anb flapeb mo;e crnellp, (ban enertbep bib before, luberebpon beingb;ioen out of tbeir otunebon^ fes, anb poffeCTions, tbep fall a robbing anb fpopltng one tbe other of tbem, fo farre f^tb, that all tbe tuboleConntrep toas bjougbt to that epigent, that tbep bab nonr other fuffe* nance, bat that tbep gotc bp bunting, anb billingofluilbe iBeaftes. I^Hcodofiustbe ponger, fonne of Arcadius, fncceebcb bitf , tHJncle Honorius, anb appopnteb Vakntinianus bis Con? ltn,Cmperonr intbe dir call partes. sigfbmif, kt tbis time,Tjmoiheus b«rc in Btyta/nefintitv a pjefence of The Romanes,. 77 tif^eU0ion,aiiti0rcafcontmenctc,i);eto maitp tnfoa Dait# 0erous!^creSe. Chrifanthus, t^C fottlte of 3!5lpfljop Martian, a Confullof5o»Mi«i/i.7. Italy, maoe 5iltcerop,anD £ojo2?eputieof5n/^wf toas aftcrtoarP maDe Bill^op of Confiantmopie. j]5oU> tJje pcBjc remnant of tfjo Brytames oirctteli letters fo Aetius,lo^ereof tl^is tuast^e be0tnnm0: Tot^«^thricc aa^ Confull, the mourning of the Brytaines. 3|n tbepjOCeflfe Of pttifull effate.Thc barbarous enimie dnucth vs vpon the Sea the Sea agayne vp- on the enimie : betweenc thcfe twaync rifeth two manner of cleathcs,eyther we arc killed or drowned ^nO pct foj all tfjeif futte,fbep coiiloobtapnenoaplrcofljpm, aofje iuljtcljeljab tben bot^ l)is banbo fttll of buSnelTe anobattapleatbonre luitb Bleda anb Attila,lyings of tbe Humes. Cije |0ela0tan l^ercliES being bjongbt in bp Agricola, tlje fonne of Seuerianus, a pelagian JBifljop, about tbis time bib foje tojrupt tbe faitb of tbe Brytames, but tbe Brytaines b®# tng neitber iuilling to recepue tbeir letobe SDoctrine^as blaf# pb^ntous againlletbe grace ofCC'Ob, neptber able fo refute tbeir toilie anb ioicbeb pcrfuafions, tbep beuifeb tbis tobol^ fomecounfeiljto f®be foj apbe of tbe JlDilbopb ot France, gainlf tbefetbeir fpirituall enimies.^nb tbep calling a com? mon counfell, confulteb among tbemrelnej^,ii)bbtn^ of tbem allittoere befffo fenb to belp tbeir neigbboursfaptb.ll5p tbe aHent of tbem all tbere teas cbofen ttoo tntajtbie prelates, Germanus Altifiodorcnfis,anb Lupus, jiStlbop Of tbe Citic 7>er/»j7^,i»bicbeflioulbepaireouer intoBritasne^tQconfirme tbem in tbe i^aitb, inbitb^ toifb reabie obebience,accepting tbecommanbement of tbe fe>inobe, tcobe Ibippingtbitber^ toarb^anb bab pjofperouo iuinbeo, tobicb fet tbem albo^e in placetoberetbep tbemfeluesbefireb.Cbitberti great muL titubc of people being alTembleb, recepueb tbe p?iette«of 0ob,anb tbe toojb ofcontenDtng not long after to returne. PtEies tbcn,anb longtimeafter,hepttbcm fclues qnict at borne, fane onelp tbep ioonlb noUj anbtben inabe inuafiono into tbe lanb, anb D?iue atoap bcoftes of CattelU lifter tbat tbep bjeto to a quietncffe , tberc enfueb fiicb plentie ofgraine, ao neuer teas fane tbe libc befoje, as farre as anp man couia remember, tobereof tbe people greto to lojfe anb ioanton Itutng, tobstrof all manner of letobe# ncirefoltotDco,fpectallp crncltie, bate oftrutb,anb loueof lpmg,tnromucb,tbatif anp mere gentler anb mojegiuen fo triitb tbanotbcr,tbeotbertooiilbtDo?bebim all tbe bud Riot ana «nat anb fpitetbep coulb: tbts bib not onlp tbe fcculars, but alfo 'Aton o/the'"" tbe Cleargie,anb tbe bcabs thereof, giuing tbemfelucs oner Bo^niu to bjuntienneire,p2ioe,contentton, enuie,anb fucb otber, ca? Cing from tbenr tbe pobe of Cb^iff. Bjntbemeane feafon a bitter plague befell among tbem fo? tbeir cojrupt liuing, confuming in ll)o?t time fucb a mul# fifubeofpeoplc,tbattbeqiiicbe toerenot fuflficienttoburic tbe beabtanb pet fo? all tbat,tl^ remnant remapneb fo barbs neb in linne,tbatncptbertbeirfi-icnbcs beatb, no? feareof tbeir oton, coulb cure tbe mo?rein of tbeir routes,tobtd) baps Ippertlbeb tb?ougb tbeir CnfuU liuing: toberebp a greafe ffroltcof(0obsbengeancc enfueb bpontbe iuboleOnncfull Ration: fo? being note infetteb againe tuitb tbeir olb neigb# bours tbe Smtes anb /''<^w,tbep beuifeb tuitbtbcmfelues tobat toas beff fob0,ana tuberetbcp migbt fabereifeuefo toitblfanb anb repell tbe feareof tbe jj5o?tb?en nation: anb i^ep agrfeb all toitb tbstr JUing Vortigcr,to bemano apb off Saxohs 83 Brytans and Saxoiisil Snxam bepottD &eag,tDbicl) tbins t)oubtUire(fapfb BcJe) tDSSbonebp dl^otig olune appopntmente, tbat t^e people migbtc be t^rebp piajgueb, as bp fnbe it manifefllp aps peareD, s-»:oHffyrai^:cs.2D^cfc Saxoxs, £/;^///7?,anb tbat Came from beponbe tlje ^eas, Jnere tb^a ohbe ttrongeft nations in Germany, SUbat is, tbe Saxcns, Engltfh^ aUb tbe ^'tes, CJ Imtes. Cf tbO ftfites, came people of /cbieb tbingtDasnofboneinbapne,fojastbe l^ingtuas alioapes befirous to bebolb tbe beautie of Momen,fo loas be (traigbt loapes taHen ioitb tbe beautie anb elegant bebaniour of Brytans and Saxons# mai)Den, ano tottbout farther oela^, oeCreti fo baue btr tobtaMtfej anti looulDe compel! btr i^atber to confente tbcrcbntOytobom bta b<^stt ioaototUrngpnousbtottball, but fo; a fubtiltte fapo nap, aileagtns tbat fo bafe a martage toao not mate fo? tbe l^tng, anb bolbtng btntfelfe as agrees iteo anDnottDtlling»;SUiCmr Inaogtuen btmfo?areU)arb, to content tberebnto, in Inbicb^ountrep, all equttte anb iu< tttcetDasbecapebjbnber gouernement of one calleb Gno- rongus,tobo nottoitblfanbing toas fubicct bnto V ortigcr, as all tbe relf of tbep?inceo of tbe 3|lanb toere. iFo?tbeloue tbat Vortigcr bare to Rowaync t^cSax/yv, be teas beuo?ceb ftom bio lainfull tl^ife, bp tobome be b^b tb?a fonne«,fo? tobicb babe, tnelnare all tbe £r/f4»j fo^fcfee bim. Vodinc aircbbilbop ofi.(?«i?»,a man of lingular beuotion anb g®blife,bp tbe abnireofVortimcr,tDenteto Vortigcr.ue^t^rKin^ anb fapb to bim,tbat be bab not bone ao a Cb?i(tian ^?ince, in beparting from bis latofnll Ujife,anb tabing another too# man,toborei^atber toaa an enimie totbeCb.ulftanfaptb, anb alfo toente aboute to conquere tbe Crotonc ofEntawe: SCben fapbe Vortigcr,3i toasnot toifctoben3i b?ougbttbe Saxonsto})tlp tnt agaiiiffmine enimteo, but 3|toasmo?e t)ntoire,toben 31 toao tahentoitb tbe ino?btnate luft of tbe baugbter of Hcngift :3| hnotoe tbat mine empire toil! b« terrible,ercept 3i bpent me tottb fpabe anb turne to (£}>ob. Hengill bearing Vortigermabe tbio lamentation, bla« raeb bim, fo? tbat be beleeucb tbe jperttoafiono ofap:ofane man,offapneb life (ae betearmeb bim) anb fojtbtoitl) fietoe tbegfflb sircbbilbop Vodinc,anbmanp otber^Djiettes, anb ]$eligiouo perfons. 011 tbe Cbutcbeo in toercpollutebSSjL!' toitb bloub,tbe 3;^unne£E,toitb otber religiouo perfons,toere bpfo.iceputfrom tbeir beufeo anbgc3bes,anD conlirapneo to polation of tbeir bobies. SCbe Brttatnes confibering tbe baplp repairc of tbe Saxons into tbi0i^ealme,lbetoeb to tbeir Ibing tbe ieoperbptbat migbt thereofenCue, anb abnertifcb bim of tbe banger, but < all 8a Brytans and Saxons* all U)as in t)atne:fo; Vortigcr,bp reafon of Ijis tDife,bojc fuc^ fauoure to tljc Savons, tljat tooulDc in no inife Ijcare tlje counfell oftjio fubiects, toberefoje, tbcptuitlj onemmbe Dc^ p?iuetJl)im of bis ro|>aUoignitic,Uiben i)t Ijab raigneD0|:e pcarfo.f o?DeineD to betfjeirlting Vortimcre l)i$ rlbeft fon. ^Ortimcrc purfuei) t\)e Saxons, ano bu Ijis inartiall Itnigbt^ — * bmDefongbtagainfttbeinfourebattaileOjbeCDestiiucrs ftirmtlbeo, bntill at lengtl) be toao popfoneo bp tlje meaneo of Rowaine bis ttepmotbcr,after be bab raigneo bj.pearee. V4ri,.„u,Ss,tu,. s:bcfirttbattcl,ilegeit f Hoifcfougbttoitb Wirtigcrre (o? iiorUcc,.w>£orf Vortiincr ao otbers baue)tuas in a place calico i^gleflrop, f nottoitbttanoing tljat Horfc toas flapne in tbis battell, pet HengcRcarieo atoap j bictojie. SCbc feconO battell Hcngeft f Eskc fougbttoitb V -Sm-j/w^in a place calico CrecaKford.^t fbc Britames manp peri0)eo bp tbe (toojo, tbe re0 of tbe aban? ooneo Kent altogitber,ano toitb great fearc fleo bnto London. Cbe tbirO battell Hcngcft f Eskc fougbt toitb tbe Britans nocre bnto a place calleo fVeppedespere,tl)(lt is to fap, ^ F/eete of wcppcd.tobere tbep fleto rij.^ultes oj Captapncs of tbe Britaines, toitb manp otbec, bjbcre as on tbe part of p Saxons, tbere bias one onlp man flaine,tobofe name bias Wcppcd. S^befourtb battell toas fougbt bp Hcngeltf Eskcagainff flje Brttaines, bjbo obtaining tbe bicto?p gotc an innumerable fpoile, in bJbicbc battell tbe fleooe from tbe Angles. ■^Ortiger obteiiieo againe tbe liingOome,ano tbo?tlp after V HengclEbjljicb to^s cbafcD into tbe 3le of Tbanet, entrco tbe lano toitb a number of Saxons, but toben be bearoe of tbe great affemblp tbe Britaines bao maoe againC bim,be treated fo? peace,tobtcb in fine toas cocluoco. ^bojtlb after Hcngeft (bp a guile tobicb befoje be baO oenifeo) bio bis fon in lato, f iij.C.of bis gobies bnto a featt o? banquet, tobere toben be bao ouerlaio bis gueSs toitb ouermucb ^ine, be fet to qua« relling,f toitb taunting talbe,pincbeo euerp one of tbe,ano ffraigbt fel to figbting,tobertbjougb tbe Britaines toere flaine euerp one. l^ing toas taken pjifoner, ano forced to giue foj bis ranfome, Kent,Sujfex,Suffoii^,% Northfiike. 2Cbis marp tber of tbe ^r//^^toas on f plainc otSaiej2nt^x^$tt^en^cCt btgnn 4^o gr.ilJme. TheBaransof the ffxiaeitibut. quet. The King ta* ken piiConcr. Brytansand Saxons# 83 bejjantjis bominton ouer Kent, f Vortigcr flcD info wdes,% bailoeo tbcrc a Caftel,of tobwb builotng,! log let of fame, K^tT atlO ofbiO pjopb^t Merlin, Geffrey Monmoutli, aitD fpcahe manp tbtng)S.<0rcat copantes of p Saxes oaplp flochcD into tbis 3lano,f greU) fo tfrong,^ tbe people ofp countreg JDbicb rent fo; tie, ttcotie in great feare of tbeir puififance, fo; tbofe Saxons ^30 tafeen league bjitlj tlje PtUs,i^ began to turnc tbeir fo;ce bpo tbe Bntaines • ano to be Ibojt, tbe fire once htn^ A miferjbtc oleo in ^ lanos of tbe ^aganeo tfiere, tofee tuft reuenge of§ it)tcfietine5oftbepeople,ragingfirftbpo tfiecttieof Coum treg nert aDtogntng,after from tfie (^aft fea to tbe Meaft, o« uerlnbelmtng all tbe Inbole 31 land toitfiout refiftance; botb publifie f p;iuate boufeo toere ouertfijotune to t gtouo: tba 3d;teft0 toere fiaine ftanotng at tfie aitarertfie }15tfbop0 inttb tfjetr flothe toere murtl)creD,tottljout refpect of tfieir oignitg, no; tfiere toas ang tbat toouloe burg tbe fiatne: fome o£>t^ mtferable leauings being taltr in tbe bi Ueo, toere tbere ktf' leb:otber being fterueb toitb hunger, toere faine to crocpe out of tbeir eaueo, t bug tbeir bictuall at tbeir enimiee baos toitb fale of tbeir libertie fo; cuer, if get tbeg toere not killed out ofbnno:otber fieo ouer tbe^eao toitb an beauie bearte: otbertargingftil in tbeir coutreg in feare ofoeatlj, f lackeof faiDe,liueo ful miferablg in § ^ountaineo, to(o05,f Clifteo. Aurclius Ambrofc^anb Vther (bjatbjcn of Gonftancinc ^ ^ toas bcfo;e flainein France) lanoeo toitb a jjiauie of ^bips at 7«fw,mabe toar bpon Vortigcme, and buried biu^ iu bis Caftell in fFa/es.ijjl^en be bad fecondlg ratgned bj.geares. A Vrelms Ambrofc toaO o;0eined king ofBr>ra/ne,in tobofc •"timejtbe Britawes fag little t little began to take ftrengtb 4^6 and courage bnto tbe, comming out of tbeir caueo in tobicbc ^ tbeg lurked befo;e, and toitb one confent,calling fo; beauelg - belp, tljat tbeg migbt not fo; euer be btterlg deftroped, tbeg bad tben fo; tbeir Captainc a Romane,calico Ambrofius An- rclms,agentle natured man,tobicbonlpofalltbc bloudof tbe -K£'ffl»4««remagncdtbenaliue(bt0parent0being fiagne) tobtebs bare tbe name of t^ing of tbeCountreg. ICbts man being tbeir Captagnc, tbeg Sffembled tbem - fA}* fclucft ^4 Brytans and Saxons* relucs fogtt^)cr, ant) tijottohing tl)t tjttfojfi fo tljc figljte, tljjoiigl^ C?oD« afTiffance atc^icueo t^e fatrtone, anofrom t^at Day fojlnarD, notu tfjc men of t^c Counfrep, noto tlje r? nimte ftao t\)t Di(to?ie, Dnttll ttje neare tljat Bathe teas faefa^ gcD, to^ere tl)cy gatie tljeir enimtea a greate ouerf^jolue, tofjtcf) toas about ttje eliitf. peare of tbeir commtng into tl^e • IanD:but of tljis tue iball fpeabe moje lurreafter. 2Dl)ts Ambroiius caufeD tlje C^jurcbes fo be repatreD, tDb'clJS baD fain fpopIeD bptbe *S'^Are»/.l^efaufeDtbe greate Hones to be fettc on tfae plapne of Saupmne, w caJleo Stonehiuge, in remembjance ottb^Brttames tbat ioere Qatne aiiDbu^eD tbere in tbe time of Vortiger, at fbe banquet anD communication of Hen2;ift tuitb tbe Saxons. 5l^<;fwnameD Cella.toitb bis tb?afonnes,anDafoni* panp of5'?anquin)eDOitaanD Ozaat wind- gate bp Coifnet Hiusr, %)e toas enamojeD bppon Igren, tbe SDukes Mtfe of c«r«w^//,anD to obtapne bis bnlatufull luff, maDeioarrebpo birbufbanD Goilen.anD fleto bim in battell at Duviiioc. £»n bir be begat Arthurc. ^^e raigneD epgbi«ne peare,anD inas burpeD at Stonhinge. KlS A tbe fonne of Vther bojne in Carnervall, at tbe age -^offiftanepearestoas crotDneDBingof^r/c^jMf.asfome fap at Caerieon, otber at fvinchefter: one olD nameleffe pam* flet faitb at Ciiicefler,bv Dubritms ^rcbbitbop of Jtegions. Cbis Citic of CtltceflerinW^itiib is CalleD Caterfegentl anD ipas fcitnate nare Reading . ^t teas fo caWeD, foj • • tb«f fruit Boeke, Slonehenj^e be- itclcs SuLefburif, C*dt-fuis Jiiit nntfn. KingiJome of Che South Saxons. Se%t, £rureCuoke. KingJome of *he Eatt Angles. 498 Gafnd, .Arhtr Sutttf, Brytans and Saxons.. Con{lantiiJS,tl^g fonnc of Conftar.tine ffje great OpOO S(j,Cr«, tt)ere:i)ig Sepulture mtg^t otice ^aue btn ftsne ttjerc befiocs Cttte, as t^ie ^letters engranen on it in Qone otooe« dare. I^etohc totBSife Guinoucr.Confinto Cador^Duke OfCerrj^a//,anO SDaUgbtCr to tlje ISing QtBifiay. )E!Df t^ts lt$ing tbcrebe manp fabulous rcpojfes, butccr# fapne,kf toas ap?ince(as Malmesberie rattb)mo;ebDO?tbp tokaueaouancement bptrnel0tSo?tes,tt)an falfe i^ables, being tbe onip p?eppe ano bpbolber of tbis bis Countrep. 3(n tbebeginning of bis raigne,LothoanoConradusbis ^uruHijit^, allies, enuping bis p?orperitie,maoetiMarre againif bint^ but b^ baliantlpe banqnifbeb tbem toitb tbeir P>nes ano ScettfsMt bis pleafure, ano appopnteo tbem a C>ouernoure nameo Anguifdl. fOugbt ttoelne fieloes againft tbe Sax- MS, ano altoapes bare atoap tbe bictojie, of tobirbe, tbe laS teas fougbt at Bath, lubere bp bio otone pjotoeflie anO man^ bosoe, be banquilbeo nine buno?eo. ^ftertoaro be rapfeo tbe fsge iobicb tbo Saxous bao planteo about Ltncoine, ano Qeioe tbem in great numbers. 2Dbusbauingabateotberageoftbe Saxofis,nnii reouceo bis Conntrep to quietneffe, be conttituteo tbe ojoer of tbe rounoCable,intalubicbo?oer,beonlprecepueorurbofbis ' nobilitie as mere moS renohmieo fo? bertue ano cbtualrie. SCbis rounO Cable be kept in oiuers places, but efpeciallp ^ ^ at Catr/eon,svwchefter,anD Camalet in ^omerfetftbire. ^ Cbere is pet to be in Denbigh ibire, in tbe paritb of uyuni. riten'j LUnfanan, in Coeof3 ttonie biHja place compalIe,lubere# is ^ inbefbnre ano ttoentiefeatesfo? men tofitirt,fomelelie, ano fome bigger, cut out of tbe maine Hocke bp mans bano, mbere cbilo?en ano pong men, comming to fske tbeir Cat# telly bfe to fitte,anO plap: tbep commonlp call it Arthurcs rounoCable. ^0 bauing eQablilbeOalltbings iuell at bome,bemitb bis nobilitie maOe an rrpeoitioninto A^<'rB'.»>',mberebeat# Kcn^fvbJati cl^meo funo^p notable,ano maruellous e]rploptes,ano fub^ Oneo tbe fame, toitb all tbe l^egions thereabout, tgRsifta, ^ ^ i^.iif# placing 8o Brytans and Saxons» placing ti)t limfte of Ijts clJmptre in Lapland. caufeo tl)e people of tljofc Countreps fo beiSapfiO fcD^nno rccepuctlje CtiJiffwniSsIision. alfo obtapneo of tbe Pope to baue Nom-ay confirm ntcD to tbe Crotoneof tljis Ucalmo, calling it tbcCljam^ aT«b«of OfBritaine. Truamt. SCbcn fapling into Francf, i)tfontii Fiolo(€foucrnouro tbcre fo? t Ije Romaynes) to fligbte,ani) afterioarD in Combatc manfttllpfleto f)int. $)f)ojtIp after, aODjcffcD oeaolpc Marre ajgainffo CAufndut, Lucius Hiberus, tobo clapmcD a SDributc of Arthurc fo? .ffm4wben relation came to Arthurc, be fpeebtlp returneb info Britawe, anb at "Ruhborew nare to Sandrvich, gaue battell fo biwr, anbtoannetbe fielbe. hnvm^cWotScotland, GawinanbCa- dor toere tbere flapne: tbcn purfiiing bnn into Cornewall, gaue bim battell tbere agapne bp tbe Miuer of AlauMo, of Wdl.Conut*. 'fotftfe bittsjiwtalleb Cabian, tobere Mordred toas flapne. ynicifcir'' ArtWure baing beablp ioounbeb , toas conuepeb to GiaUenhmie, tobece b? Upeb, anb is burpeo, alter be bsb inofl bitto?iouflp gouerneb tbts Mealmc Are anb ttoentie peaces, ^-^Onftahtinc, feinfman to Arthurc, anb fonne fo Cador 54a ^SDuke of Corneivaiij toas o?bepneO &ing ofBmapnc, anb uuuMie. raignebfb?«peares. , Ws Brytans and Saxons* Sni)PS man ioas bp ttoo fotme« of Mordrcd gra^ uou0pe boceD, fo? tb^P riapmeb tfje ilanoc bp tbc dgbtc of tljevi , but after manp 3l3attaplea, tbep ficofie, tbe one to iLontJon, tbe otber to CSaincbcIfer , tubprb^ lt)ben be btib raigneb tb?a peareo, anb toas burpeb at Stonehinge. AVrellus Conanus, ^epbeto tO Arthure, toao Croiuneb ^4? Sling of Brttaine. !^e cberiibeb fucb s$ loueti ttrite anb bioentton iottbtn ffis Healme: anb gaue Itgbt erebence to tbem tob^b accufeb otber,toere it rigbt o: tojong. ^^e cmp?ifoneb bp ffrengtb bt« tmncle , fobitb^ rigbt bep?e to tbe Croiune, i^e raigneb tbjee anbtbirtie peareo. Wt}e iiingbomc of /Vbrth»ml>er/af7dbtS?in firtt in Britawe The Jifth tmber a Saxon namcb Ida, !he'i«°«' V rOrtiporus, tbe fonne of Conanus, toao ojbepneb feing of ' V BritAjne, a tjtcious iiing,anb cruell tp?ant,tobo put trom « bim bie Mife, anb Iiept bir baugbter fo? bis Connibine.Jn biuers battels be bifcoinfiteb tbe Saxons. raigneb foure peares. 1^ Algo pulchcr Canonus of i^ojtbUialcs, begamie bis _ -i^^raigne ouer tbe Bntapes, anb gouerneb tbem fine peares. SCbis Malgo teas in pjopojtion of bobp, greater tban all tbe E^uHes of Brjtawe, but be beligbteb in tbefoulefinneof 47.iii;. ^obo; 8r Sc*.Cf, isS Brytans and Saxons» O'.um. g>otiomte. fletoe fird anD t^en tcohe to iotfe l)td olone b;ot[)ero oaugbter. ^"«Areticus began to rulct})e Bfytaines. maitloucocu ^utll Marre,ano tDOO ooiblebotb to(!D^ob atio tobtofub^ iects.Cbep moueo tbc Saxo^is(btins accompanico toitb Gur- mundus Itling of Ire/and) tO mafeC toarrO bpon Careticus, in fucb Ulifc, tljat tje toas fapne to take fbe SCotone of C$ce^ier, tobero tbep adanlteo btm To ro;e, anb fireb tlje Co;ne, bp tVf ingfireto tbe intngo of ^parrotDco,tbatbetDttbbt{(nien flcbbe from tbence into^f^aies.- bp iobfrb^ meanes^^Jf a great part of bio bomtnion, anb enbeb bio life, tob^n })t bab raignebtbjcepeareo. CbioGurmund bumebbp tbe lanbof ffom ^ea to &ea, anb tbe mo?e part of tbat 3 le calleb r^eo^rea be gane to ^ Saxo»j.%btBr>tai»es gauc place,anb fleb into tbe ®2Ieaft partO of Cernewall, anb IVaUs. T hcanus 0rtbbilbop Of L odon,% Thadcocus 0rcbbilbop otTorke, tobe tbeir Cbnrcbeo toere al bettropeb to tbegronnb, tbep toitb tbeir Cleargie flebbe into Wales,% inanp of tbem into little Britaine. 2Cbio plagne came on tbe Britames foj tbeir couetoufneffe,raHine, anb lecberir> Gunnund bnilbeb Gurmondchejier. ^ Adwane JDuke of jjiojtbtualco, toao mabe foueraigne of ^ -^tbe5y/M/w/,U)bo ganeffrongbattell to Ethclfridcfting T^im DMtoim. Qfthumperia»d, ano fojceb bim to intreatc fo? peacetafter tobicb concojb being mabe, tbep continneb al tbeir life time lolling fricnbo.^e raigneb wti.pearco. sixtxingdomc 2^(10 l^ingbome of tbe (2;alf Saxons beganne tmber Er- ttisaiitnu chenuinrs,about tbepeareDfCb?itt)<5i4» scaoenth King litngbome of Mercia, o> mibble England, began biv 4ome ofs-'^ow. bCT Pcnda,626» iufmrmtbtfttp buyUed. <51? (55? ^ Adwalin.tbe fonneof Cadwanc^aigneb oner ^ Britalnest betoarreb ttronglpbppon tbe Saxons, mb mabe Penda iiing of fributarie to bimtl^e raigneb rlbiij. peareo, anb ioaobarpeb oX London, in a Cb«ecbofS.Martinc nare bnto liubgate, tobicbe Cbnrcbe loac tben neUi founbeb anb buplbeb bp tbe Britay»esX\{ itAmo.Syj, Brytans and Saxons#- CAdwalladartDajs o?Bapnc5 b{n0 oftfjeBjpfatites, atiB rulco onlp ycaresjlje Banqutf^cD anD fieto Lothicr - bmg ofl^cnMnD Athel wold fttng of font!} ^aicons: ana t^e fojfabing hingl? aut!)o?ttte,^e tocnt to Rcme, to be t^^tSeneOjtobo became a ^onbe,anD tuao bnrteb in S. Peters Cljarcb at Rome.^t Ujao latte fting of 15;ptatn. 3ftcr tobtcb time tbe B^ptaineo toere calleb Malltjmen, toijicbe •name toao giuen tbem bp tfje (!l5ngli(bmen,o? ^Fons,l»bo fefeotocall all men MaUbmen, tbat be Sraungerobnto are ioe come to f time tnbm'n (l^obftobo tbll {'fins «< V of tbe people tranQatetb bingbomes) oirpoOeiieb tbe S5;ptaineo of tbep; anntient babitation, f rule of tbis lano, tobo bp tbe bicto?ie of Karons toere enforced, eptber to mp ferable feruitube, 02 b^iuen into tbe MeSerne partes of tbe 3le,noto calleo llinaiales i Co2netoall,(tobere tbep noto in« babite,) 02 elfe to tbeir countrpmen tbe HBjptains in Fra/tce. }i5tit tbe Karons enioping tbe fertile fopleof tbts l^ealme, partebitinp2oce(ieof time intofetienbingbomes : Kent, Southfex,Eaft-angles,Eaft-faxons,Mercia,Norchumberlad, anb Wcft-faxons, tobpcb tbe leameb call tbe Heptarchu of tbe Karons,oftobicbbingbomes,3 purpore(fo2 auoibingof confufid) to treat feuerallp, fetting boton tbe limits of tbefe Conntries,toitb tbe fuccelTion, a(tes,anb ciuil battaples of fbeirpettie!4inges, bntil tbe time tbattbis Heptarchie, 02 gonemement of feauen^toas rebuceb to a ^onarcbie, 02 xtf igimentofone* K^entijh Saxons^ ^CSnf tbe flrtt tiingbome,poffieireb bp ^ Saxomxontaintn £Ctbat conntrep tbat Qretcbetb fro tbe CaQ £)cean to tbe finer of JTbamis, bantngon tbe§>ontbtoett0bei'f»/^r^. on tbe LsmifHj f bpon tbe ^o?tbeaff tbe fatb riuer of i?.b, SCbamio 90 Kentifh Saxons* STfjamtd. ffje ^rcfjbilliopjuh of Ceinf^rburp tropolttane ano primate of all Cnglanoe, ano t^e ]s3t(l)op< pjiclte of Rochefier.zinn ban iitngo as follotDeflj. HEngsflt^efontteof Widgils, tbcfDniicofVi^^a,fl)efott ofWcaa, lljefirftronofWodcantiFica,toas tfjcfirttof SiixoKs t^at maoe btnirelfhtn0 of Kent,as bcfojepa baue ijcaroe, cpgljf peat cs after bis firtte entring into tbps 3lani)e,ut tbe pcarcfrom CbJittcs !jp;tb 4 5 5, rapgneo Fppitt;. percs, f opeobonojablpffaptb Mar)anusScotus)but Peter dc Ikham anO Otfjcrs fap, tbat bp tbc COtinrel ot Eldad hUritnut. 3!BilboppCOf6'/ S). 3i5p tbps meancs tbe barbut alfo tohe to iotfe l)i9 mother in latoe* ^e toas oftentimeo grteueo toitb tocDOneO'e anb bifiranobf* but bp Laurence tbe ;^rcbbilbop of Canterburp,b^ com uerteotoieauebio 3|0olatrie aniibnlatDfulfinne,anOiuaa turneo again to tbe i^^aitb. fonnoeb tbe i3?io?p off»%- in , ano raigneo.rrb. peres. n Rcombert tbe foitne of Adbold bp Emma btO toife, b« - '^firttfuppteffeo tbe temples of tbe31oolo, anobpcanfebi® people toeregiuen to ercelTe, eommaunoeb a folempne fait of. rl. Dapes long, to be obferueo tbjougbout all bis !atngd borne, anb raigneb rrb.pearcs. ;Sbout tbis time Henorius :3rebbiIbop of Canterbnrp be^ uibeb bis p20uince into )Bari(bes. p G bert bis fomie fuccabeb, tobofe qniet gonememenf fojt -^along feafon teas after befhceb bp tbecruell murberof Ealbcrt,anb Egelbright bis coufins 0ermas, tobom ept^er be flelne bimfelfe, 02 p;ocureb to be Oaine: be raigneb nine pcares. T Otharius fucceebeb bis bjotber Egbert, inbo being alTanl# ^feb oftentimes bp Edrikc tbe fonne of Egbert, in a cruel figbt tbas (bot tb2ougb toitb a bart, lobereofbe bpeb bnbec bis burgeons banbes, toben be babbe rapgneb tbir^dtne peares. p Driclce tl)t fonnc of Egbert, tbitbtn tbe fpace of ttoo peres ^lollbotb life anb l^ingbome.^fterbio beatb bingbome being rometimegonerneb bp bfurpers, anb fometime bp fo2reners, beganneto becap. ^bel^entilbmen, bp calling of tfrr, bib cruellp burnt Moll Kentifh Saxonst Moll rtje bjotbf r of Ccdwal tog of &flwiw,anii ftuelue of bis llnigbtstDitb t)i»"'tobcrctoitt) Ccdwal being moueD to fiirp, OiQ niiferablp fjarrp ano fpoplc all feent, fo tbatbptbefpaceofnjeepeares, tbereioasno l^ingintbat Countrp. T rvrlclircdus fbcfoimeof Egbertporcbaffngpeacetoptb ' V nionep,ttiastbcneffablilbeObin0, inlnljifbftatelje bcbaueb bintfclfcberp bono?ablp,botb in peace ano Uiarre. founbeb tbe |3jio?p of Samt Martm ^xDoHer, ano raigs nc9 jcrciti«pcrc0,tDitl) tuljo btng Swcbhcardc raigneb iopnt# Ip in one part of tjis hingbome, IjDbcrttbefonneof Withrcdtoalfeeb in bis fathers o;tbi# -'naunces, anb bab like ruccelle,anb raigneb tb?a % tinen* tie pcarc, EDclbertbis bjotber fuccfltbebjintobofetimetbecitie of (Canterburp as is to be tbougbt)tDas burneb bp cbance: be ratgneb.rj.pearcs» \ Lnclce tbe tbirbe fonne of Withrcd ruleb iient after bps ■^fa?etb?en, anb inas banquitbeb in a fougbt fielb againfle tbe Mertians:\^t raigneb rrriitr.peares. pDelbcrtoj EgbertotbertDifecallebPrcn,tbebrarpeb tbe ■^hingbome,anbleaupebtD3rreagainlf tbe>i/cr/M«/, bp - tobom be Uias taken pjifoner, anb not long after rcfilleb, but tbe JientitbmentooulbenotreceiaebinijCuthred tfjen bfurpcb,! bare a title of a ikentilb king fo? tbe fpace of.bii)» peares. D A-lbrcdc tben toke on bim ]^?incelp bignitp,but Egbcrtc ^ ^ikpng of tJSleff ^aron fo bifcomfiteb biw in battaple, tbat baflcbanbfo?rokebpsiaingbome, tob^nbsbabraig^ neb r?.peare, toberebp tbps kingbome of l^ent boas bniteb fo tbe Jiingbome of tbe SSIett Saxtm. South Saxons, 'Outhfex tbe fcconb litingbome,cofatneb tbe Counties ^of^outbfef anb^nrrep, tobicb on !ltent. South Saxons^ Kent,on Ooc t\)t &ea, on t^e fi'sc Hamp- Hiire, anfi ontlje j^ojt^t^criucrofThamys: it con ainct^ tfjC DiOCCtTCO of Chichester , anO part of fVtncheSier. Alilc t^c eig^tfrom Wodcn.toitl) l^io tijja fonneo, Gmc Plcncing, f Gfla, came into 3i5?ptaine toittj.itr* i^tpo, f lanDeo in a place calleb Ktmetiefore,% ttjcrcfletomanp oftlje 3!5?ptatnes, anofo;iceotljerell tomafeetfieir fligljteinto a tncDDDelDbicljeistallcD zyfndredjieage. j^ftcrUjarDc fig^jting lopt!) t^e ISjptaincs in a place nare bnto CMarcrodes bume, fleto mann of tljcm, ano put tlje refte to fligljt.JT^en i>e anb QlTa ijifs fonne after long Cege,b;alte into tlja Citie of a^«- dreds Cesier,mti flctue t\)c inljabitanteo from tbe greatcft to tbe fmalleft, anb fo beganne tlje laingbome of Southfex .• i)a raigneb.rrrbj.pcareo. ^ Ilia bps fonne fuccabcb, b^builte tbe Citie of Chiche- ^sier, anb namcb it after bps otone name, bsrapgneb Irrbj.peares. p Thelvvulfus(iDbom Bcdc nametb Eflcl wach) toas cbn'fte^ ^neb in t bep?ouince of tbe Mercies, in tbe p2erence anb at tbeerbojtation ofiaing Wulfhcrc^tobo alfo at tbe font teas bis gobfatber, anb in ftgne of tbat aboption, gaue bim ttoo pjouinceSjtbatis to rape,tbe3le of mght, anb tbepjonince of M^mres,in f\)t Mett part of England. Wilfi ide tbe UBilbop came to tbe pjouince of tbe S>outb« Papons, bnto tbem bib be minifter tbe toojbe of i^aitb, bp tbe permilTion anb gret reiopftng of tbe laing.Cbis IBilbop Cb?iltenebtbecbiefe llo;bes anb lanigbtes of tbe Coum trep: anb tbe reft of tbe people at tbe fame time, 02 fone af« tertoere Cb?iftfnsb bp otber ^?ieftes. 2nbe ^iurene Ebba Uias cb2tffeneD in btr 31 le, tobicb toas in tbe pjouince of tbe Ftcctans : foj IbC toaStbC baUgbtCC Of Eanfridc, tobO toaS Eanhcresbrother, tobicbetoerebotb Cbjifttanmen, anb all tbeir people. 113ut al tbe p;ouince of ^outb Karons bab neuerbefojetbat time bearbeof tbe name of 000,no; tbe faitb. South Saxons* SCl)i5Wiirridcp20acI)ci)tlbe(S?orpen, anD nofondpe ZieUuereD ti^e people from ttje pcrtll of Damiiaftott, but alfo from an bojrtble mojrainc of tcmpojall Deatlj. in ftjja pearcs befojc, it tjao not rapncD in all tljoYc quarters, toi)erebp a famine oeQropeD tbc people bpljcnp^s > mucf) tbat Diucrfe tpmes fojtpe oj fiftie in a companpe,ba^' injf famifljeD foj fjuns^r^ toouloe goc togptljer to fomc roche 02 ^ea bancUe, anb caQe tbemfelues all botnne, eptfjer to be hilled toitlj tljc fal,oj djoinned in tlje &ea: but on tlje fame dap tljep reccpued Baptifme and iFaitb, there fell a plentifuU fhoure of rapne, toheretoitl) the CDarth flou^ rilhedasrainc. IDhps Bifhop alfo taught the people there to get their futtenance bp filhing, Edilwach gaue hnto Bpfhoppe Wilfridc the lande of fourfcoure and feauen tenements, tohere he might place his companpe, the name of the place teas SeoUfey. gn thpo Moneft»^ place he founded a ^ponatterpe, to be hpt^ ^pifcopall CBad wall a baliauntpongfUanne of the Mealte j&ar^ ons, being bantfhed from hps (Eountrep , came topthan hotte of men and fletoe liing Edilwach,toaffcd that p2oufnce,crucllp murdered and fpopled euerp tohere, Edil- wach raigned.rrh.peares, ^andfooneafter Ccadwall toaodaiuenoufbpttooCap- taines of the Jiings, Bcrtham and Anthun, tohich from that tpme dpdholde andhcepethe Spominionofthat p2o# nince: thechiefe of tohpche ttoo, toao aftertoarde flapne of the fame Ccadwall, (being then 5hing of the WLeaft^ parous,) and the province fnbdued; and the latter toas Uaineb^lna. ^c>ea. 96 49^ 499 5}9_ JF.Mufcnf. Eafi Angles. /^01tanslet( t^etf^troe l&tttgDome contapne& tfje Couit- }^ma of ano S>ufiiolk,t£amb;iD0C,ano tf)eBIle of bat) on t^e CDaH ano ti)t Tea, on tije WettjSaint Edmondcs 2Dike,U)itl) a part of !^crtfo?0Ibp?e, ano on tije ^outl) aoeC^ITeir. Bit contapnetb t^e otocedieoof /^ojlntcb ano CDlp. VFfa t\)c ctgbt fro Woden,firft feing of (i^att Angles,raig# neotjtj.peareo. T<4 566 Eaft Angle? bsptifed. REd waldus tbe ntlj from Woden, ao men tojite: f|!)is is fjetbatfojtbefauourofEdvvin, iiilleo EdelFricie king of B^ojtbubcrlano. 2Cbc fame Rcdwalde Uias bp f perftoafion of Edwyne baptifeo, but after bp bto toiues coufel fjo fell fro tbc faptb agapn, but pis fonne Dorwaldus in pure ano bn^ co?rupteo Clj;ndtanttie toao flaine bp tl^ebeatben Rodv belt. Redwaidus raigueo jrrb.peareo. Gerpenwalde ratgueo eb«?^are£i« olgebcrtus being bjoug^te bp in France, fofjen 5e fleo tfje •^cnmitie of Rcdwald.bjas tbere baptireO,tDberebpon after tjioretourne commingtot^eCrotoneof tbeCaft^ngleo, ano oedring to follobie tlje goolp o^oer Inbicbe be bao fane in FraunceStffs^ a fe>cbole to bjing bp cbllDjen, bp tbe belpe ano apoe ofBplbop Felix, tubombetoke out of !&ent fo; tbat purpofe^appointeo tbem maidero ano teacbero, after tbe manner of !^enti(bmen« Cblo Felix bojne in 5«r^ow<«,foas maoe Bllbop of!?»»- w<''f4,nobJ calleol><'w/4^,anauntienteCitie, fometimcof great fame,gouerneo bp a ^JBaio? ano tb?a li5aplifeo,noU)e foare oecapco ano toalleo bp tbe §>ea: be fattc ilBpfbop rbb". peareo ano toas burpeo at Ramfcy. Sii];ebeit rcnouitceo tbe toojlo ano became a iponck,anO left i)is iStngoome to bio kinfeman Egricke,biitb bobom b® (being adaulteo of Penda iking of tbe yT/erc/>j)iopneo bim^ felfe in battaple ano tons flaine. ^ Anna X The South'Saxons* <»7 ANna tht fonnc of Guidojfuccefetico Egnckj, anD toaa fphe* iDtfenainefaptljefumofPcnda. Ethddrcd oaugfjtcctG Anna, fouriDCDtlje^DftUtC^Cof^aintfePeter(n tbC^Hcof By. Af>no.67^. Athclhcrebjotbccfo Anna fucco^DeD, anobotlje beaiiD PcndaUjjrcfiatncbpOfwinusJimigof tbc iiiojtbumbero, ano tbat otfcraeolp, bpcaufcbe baODcapOcD Pcndaagaintt b!0 oti}ne b;otbet;,ano bis hmrman. Adclwaldus bps bjotbcrfuccaoeb bpm tottb Uhc fojfune, ano left tbcitiinstiom to Aldulfus, Elohwoldus ano Hisbcr- na, fonnes of tbe fame Athclhore. Ethcrcdus fuKaOcb bim» EThelbertus biS fonne, tobome Offa liprig of MercUs De# CCitfnllp flCtoe 1 lbs UjaS burpcO at Hereforde. —— tiaerp fetomcn ofmigbt bio raigite after bim in Edl-An- ^/baftes,anb tben fmote off bis beabe: after UJbicbe time tbe Angles ccafeb to raigne in tbe EaTi. Angle,^vA tbe fame Was poffelTcb bp Da nes, til a fif# tie pcarcs after, tbat Edward tbe fonne of Etheldrcd bio er# fulfe tbe Danes, ano iopnco tbat p?ouinre,anb alfo t}3tEaj}~ Saxofts,tQ bps jSingOomc of tbe fVeafl-Saxons. (0, Eall- EaU-Saxons. p Sfcx tl)e fourtlj fetttgDome confapncfi Ejfex.jihdlefex, anu ^Hartfordfhire,]3nn^hmXitti OH t^t Gemtfime £Dcean, on tl)e §)outlj Uittlj ti)t riucr Thamts, on tf)C ^Klcall toitl) CoirnejxYiX} OH i^ojtl) toitl) Stowre, to^ic^ at tfjis Dav partcif) Sujfoike from Eft^xitcontannrt^ tl;c Oioccffe ofLe- don. ERchcnwine,t{)c oigf)fe from Woden,fromfcoltjoine all tfje Saxons DeriueD tljcir gcttcalogies,firff ercctco t!}is Couo# frenfoaBingoomCjtn^icO neuertl)eleire^el)clD as ifeoDa? ncto tlje lungs of/Cw^mijo ioere as net tljc tjern foueraincs of tl)c iu^ole countrp fro r&afnss to Hamber.^'o as toe Ijaue fpccifteo, Vortiger pMoeD feafon to Hegell foj l)ts oeltucrn, to^en t i^^es oftljc Brytaim incre flatii on 5acra< mente,tbep erpellea bpni from \)is ^ea at Lo»don,but fljojt^ In after Serred encountring toitb tlje Saxons, teas flaine toitb bot!) bis fajetbjen bv bing Kmcgls. Slgcbertfurnamcatbelittle, fonneof Scwardc fuccffaeB in tbis bingaome, ana Icfte ttft fame to Sigcbeit bis binff man. SIgebcrt Tonne to Sigcbaldc,b?olber to Scbcrt,tben rulea in Eaflfex, be bp tbepcrtoaffon of (.)Kvy ising of ^w, abanaoneaall fuperftition, ana became a Cb-iiliJ^"> ana tobe an bolpe mannc Ccd tuptb bpm, tobo bia migbtii' Ip beatcaoton errours, % man manp bp pjcacbing tbe CljJi" ftianreligioninbisjEDominiono, toberebpon Ced mas bp Finan confccratea )!5ifbcppe of tbe EaFI Saxo»s,mii tben pjo^ cdearamitb mojeautbontie in bpsfunctio,o3Bering^3?ieffs ana JDcacons in all places of Ejjex, but erpeciallp at ithance^ y?er,ana Ttlhene. Sbps Cittie of ithmceHer, CajBc on tbe bancbe of tbe riuer Prf»rf,tbat runnetb bp CAUidme in tbe bunaerea of nom tbat Citic is ajotnnea in PoMeXa t nothing remainetb but tbe mines of tbe Citie in tbe Tapaeriuer, Tilbery CanDCtb OU tbc 7humts fiOc. ffdjh Cc^JM. 3n tbc gcoa .pjof^cings of S i c e b e r t, be mas flaine bp a htnfinan of bis omne, bponnone otber occarton,but fo^ tljatbcbfeatomucbe eUmencie tomarars bis entmics, as tbe lOO 718 m.G'mctlh't, 748 The Merdans* ftc muttbercw tftemfclues confellcD. Swidhclin foiwe cf Sexbald,fac(aticD tlbcii in flbtsrfgniilf, totjo toas baptijCD bp Ccd in RendUJhttm in EA^-EngUnde. SighcrtbcnruleD toitbSebba, ujbpcbc Scbba became a S0onhc,anDi3 burieaat^aintiBaules in London. SigchardtbettcaigncD. . Erkcnwald Bilbop of Eafiangie founoeD tbc S^onaffedca iof Chartefey (n Surr(y,&ttl) BArking in EJfex.^^nno.Gyy^ Seofridc necte fucceiTtuelr, of mbome 3 finoe noHjpng re^ co.:i>eD. Offa tbc fonne of Sighcr tben rulcD fbis i0jonincc, br en* lacgeo toitl) buiioing, anocncicbeo toitb ianoes tbe Cborcb of Meftminttcr, anotbcn fo?fahing bps toifedanocs, hinne aitO Countrep, be lOCnt to Rome Vnitb Kcnredc J^ing da, ano tbcre in a ^onhes coule enbeo tbio life, leaning Sd. red to rule bio Countrep. oElrcd(U)bom otbcc call Colred)peaccablp after Of£i raig* ' *^neD in E^ex tbirtp peaces,ano at letigib toas flaine. oVthred after Sclrcd toas flapne, raigneo in Eafffex:- ' "^bnt Egbert iiing of tbe fVeaft.Saxons, tbc berpe peace tbaC beconqucreo iCfwrjuboucoalfotbis Suthrcd, ano anneceb Efex to bps i^ingbomc: pet London ujitb tbe Countrep confix ning about it, came not in fubiettion to tbe M^eaTl-Saxons,hnt obepcD tbe J^ing of Merda,^s long as tbat J^ingooine conti* nueo. Sigchrickc ano Sigchard aftcctoartic afpiccDto tbe Suig# borne of EaEtSaxon, but toitb no gob fuccetle. c5M^ercian^. njfErda tbeftftb itingcome ano grcateif of tbe otber," COntapneO Glouccrter,Hercfora, Chefter, Staffordc, Wirccfler.Oxforde, Warwickc,Darby, Leiccftcr, Bucking- ham,Northampton,Notiiigham,Lincolnc,Bcdforde, Hun- tingtoD, ano parte of Hartfordc ^ires. Jt bao on tbe tKlealS fiDe,tbe riuer Dee fait bp CheUer, anO Seucrne faft bp Shrewf" burie bnfo Brisiow: in fljc CSatt, tlje Q^att fea: in tbc^ctitb:^ Thantit The Mercians* Th^mu tinfo Lo»doM,\\\ ^ rtuer Humber, f fo toarDjDotun to tbc riucr Merce, tnto tbc co?ncr tiiivyrball, 2bbis fetngoome of Mcrce in tlje bccummg teas Dcpartco into tb?® parto,into A^erda,tniii^lc Meraa,anii Calf A feraa:it rotapnctl) t^JO DlOCCflCS Of LiMcolKeJVircefh-r, Here - jvrde^Couentrie aitD Lichfielde. CRcda(tfjceleuentbfrom Woden) firttciSing of tljc Alcr- ctes, ratgnco ten pearco. ^ ^ Wibba!jt0 fonnc 5 4 CeorUis bis fomto ratgnco.r.peares. pEndatfje fonnc of Wibba.amannoattrue in foarrfs, bnt — 4 franticbcanomoffU)ichco,'toUconl)imtf)cUingOomcof — tl)C MeraesMym fjC UiaS fiftic pcrcS olO : ffjcobc tbc ;■•:!/ 0.19', Ethclrcd lOJ Ci~j6 Bi'hopi fea Jl "V Vorctfter. Ix CattMi Eueshatu. hbtr 7ttr!;f Tttvlte/hury. J^loiiaStry of ClQ:*cclhr, Jfifcrtftionu Cltuctjiri*, 706 The Mercians^ pTlidrc<.!bjoft)crfo VlfcrusfuccttDCD intfje iimgoomeof ^t\)C Mercians: \)iz ObtilPllCD n l!3p(bop|)C£S §>fa tO bC W tljC Citieof^^'c;wf/i?>'.-borcllus toas firltell6in>oppc ti)cre;IiSivM- iuisU»aS f!)CfcC0!lD,2Cbi6 Egwmus.fap tbC ofKenrcdus Jaingof.^/fmifAfounDgotbefl^Dimiicrte of Eutpjam, in a place tbcn calico Eouefhamy of tlje ll)cpbcrbc0 ftcloe ano ^boufe,purcl)afeo bp tlje faioe 3!5tlI)op.2rt)c tolunc in tlje Sax- onstiim toas calico Hoththoime. aboufetl)c Tame time ttuo noble men namcoOdo anoDodo founoeo tt)z |D?io?ieof Terrkcfiftr/e. ;3lf0 Ofiickc OllhC OfGhacefier founOCO tljC ^0' itattcric of GUacefter tbcn fittcc tljc fame is a Bilbops S>ca. EtlieldredbecarneaSponkeat Bardoney, tobcn IjcbaO ratgneo icpp.peareo. T^Inredus fonnc to vVolferus, ttt tlje fiffb of f)t3 raigne ^tocnt to 'Rojne, ano became a ^onUe. C->Elrcd tbe fonnc of Ethelrcd, tol)o as ba leas maraellous ^in pjoloes againtt Ina of tbe JVeft Saxons, fo toas b^ ferable bp bntimelpoeatb,fojb^faineo notpalf.bitj. peres, ano toas burieo at Uchfielde. • Thel baldc raignco in continuall peace manp pcares,anO 'tben bp tbe procurement of Bcruredus, toas 0aine of|ps fubiects.tknto tbis Etiielbald, Boniface, ^ fecoO IStlbop 0f ^rche in HollarsOf Mens bpon tlje RijMf, flfil Siuid. >"a boriijtDbo toas aftertoaro martp;eo,rent an ' c^pittle, of tbe tobicbe 3 toiU bere fette Ootone a pace to be fccnCjfortbatitlbetoetb partlpetbeffateoftbattime, ano fcructb fo? eramplc in time to come. bio »«oft oeare iio?oe,ano to be preferreo in tbe loue of Cb?itt aboue all otbcr hingo of ^nglano, Edbaldus, Bonilke ^rcbbilboppc, tbe Germame Iegate,perpetual beltb of cbaritie f loue in Cb?itt' ®Ie achnotoleoge before <000 tbat toe oio rciopce to beare of pourprofpcritic, pour iFaitb ano g(DO toorbcs: ano toe be forp toben toe beare anp tbing tbat goetb againltpou,eptber in fuccellb oftoarre,ojin oan^ ger of pour foule, for toe baue bearo, tbat pou forbio tbefte ano robberp ■, tbat pou loue peace;, oefenoe tbe toiootoenno > tb« 710 718 F X The Mercians* f!)e toe gtue 0oD ffjanfesiLuf fit ffjaf pou reftifelatofull marriage, tol)tc^ if it toere totlje preferring of cfjaftitie, it toerc comenliableianD lit!) pou iDalloin in lea# c!)erie ano aoulterv Initb tiairgino conferrate to 0oD, it to bott) IbamefuUano Damnable, foritDotb confounDepour tenotome, botbcbcfojeCD'ODanDman, placingpou among 35Dolators,bicatifepoubiolate tbe temple ofdl^oD.C^lbcrfojc mp Deare fonne repent, anD remember boto filtbp a tJjing it iojtbattbou tobo bptbc gifte of cJD^ £D rapgnett oner fo manp nation«,a)oulDeft to tbe great Difplcafure of <2^ £D S), mahe tbpfelfeabonDe flaueto tbpneotoneHelblplult. Wee bane bearDe alfo tbat tbe more parte of noble men anD pea# pie oftbe Mercians, bptbpnecuillcpamplebaue lefttbep? latofull toiueo, anD bane DefileD tbe totueoof otber, anD alfo tairgins , tobicb^ bctue farre it Differetli from all gcDD orDer anD b l^t tbe latoeo of ilraunge nnti# ons toucbe pon: for in tbe auntient Countrep of tbe Saxons (tobere toas no fenotoleDge of C^oD) if eptber a mapDe in bpj fatbero boure,or being marrieD to an bufrjanDjtoere become an aDuontreffe, tbe IboulDebe ttrangleDbp bir otonbanDe clofeD to bpr moutb, anD tbe corrupter IbonlDe be bangeb bpon tbepitte Irbere tbe aDnoutrelTe toao bnrpeD. 31f lb® toere not fb bfeo (bp? garmentes being cntte atoape Dotone 'hed by death, to tbe gprDle#IleeDe) tbe cbatte matroneo Dpo fconrge anD tobip bp?> anD priclte bp? toptb lmine£f,anD fo toas fentfrom SCotone to Cotone, tobere otber frelbe anD nctoe fcour# gero or tobippero DiD mecteanDtobippe bir, bntpll tbcp baDDe billeD bp? • ilibetoife tbe womedems, tobo arc tbe mode bncleane binDe of people, baDDe tbpo manner of bragetoptbtbcm,tbattbebufbanDebepng DeaDe, tbe too:- man togptber toptb tbe DeaDe boDpe IbonlDe caSe bpr felfc beaDlonginto tbe fiereD ffacbeor pile oftocoDDe prepareD fo? tbe burning of tbep? boDpes . 3f tbereforetbe GcntiUs (not bnotoing (I5€)£D) baDDe fo greate jealeto cballilfe, botoe mucbe tbe more (mp Deare fonne; it io to be requireo at tbp baitbeo, tobo arte a CbrtSiananD aiding, ^aue <£>,iib, tbtreforo. 10-f TheMercians» fljcrcfoje fompalTion of tl^rncotoitofoulej anofparo ffto grcatc number of people , tljat bp tbp i^atberlpe«eFani« pie pet map bctoarc to offcnbc f mptb tljep; tuiclieD qualitiesPnOoetbe Countrep, as it came to paffe to tfje Burgundtans , t^e people of Prouance-, auD tbC Spantardes, tobomtbe5«r^3:.?wb^uemanp pearcs afTaultcti fo? tbepj finnes tobicbt in times palf tl;ep IjaD committeD. BefiDes lt)is, it is tolD P3,tbat pou tahc aUiap pjiuileges of Cljutcbcs J aiiD tljerebp giue euill crampleto pour noble men to Do tlje libe ^ but 3 pjape pou remember botue trrri' Lie bengeaunce (5oDtobebpponfbe taingspourpjeDeccf^ fours, Uibiclje committeo fucbe offences astue rebuhepon fo?. ^ toicUeo fpirit came bpon Colredus pour pjeDeceffoure,^^ tobif^^ toas a Defiler of tdirgins, anD a bjeaUer of ecclefia^ fticall jajiuileges, fo? fitting ropallp amongljis bartons at a Dinner, tbeSDiuell pluckeD atoap bis foule tnitbout confeP * fion of bis finnes. SDbeDiucllalfo Djetoe in fucbearage. Ofrcdus king of i\)%Northiimbers, tubicbc toas guiltie of tba famecriincs,tbatU)itbabileDeatb \)t loftebotb kingDcmc aiiD life in bis luffp pong age. 0lfo Charles king of Frattnce tobicbs oucrtb?elDe Cbtircbes, auD altereD tbe Cbtircbo monep to bps otonc bfe, teas confumeD mitb a long tojmet anD fearefuil Deatb . 3t follotuetb tberefoie mp Deare belo>- ueD fonnc, tljat mitb i?atbcrlpe an® earneff pjapers toe be^ ftecbe pou tbat pou toillnot Defpife tbe Counfel ofpour fas tbers tobicb Diligentlp Do aDmonilbc pour bigbwsffe, fo? no; tbingismojecommoDiousto agroDking, tbantoillinglpe / to ameiiD fucb faultes toben be is toarneD of tbem, as Salo- mo faptbjtobo fo louctb DifcipUne, lonetb toitoomeitberfojc mp The Mercians^ mv t5are fon, 6cdarut0 our aDutcCjlue bct&c^) ucu Du fl)c lu uiti0 C5c0,bp ^jisfojuis SJcfus our JlojO^, anD fa? ^?s Ijolpfpiritjtfait ?ou toill remember fjoio tranfito;te tfais pjefentUfci3,a»DboU}cft}o;tcani) momcntane tfac plea^ fureoftljts filtfate flelfaets,an5faoiofaileano (faamcfulla tl)ingiti3,tf}at man Ifaallleauc eutllerampleo fanto faii3 pottcritiefajcucr: begtnjK tberefojc to frame pour lift in better U]apes,anti amenfa tfac errors of pour pontic,tfaat pou map ofatapncpjapfc tuitfa men in t^is lifejaiiD etcrnall glo^ ric in tlje life to comerlue tuiffa pour l^igbncfle toell to fare, anoto encrcafeinallgtDtmefljt. Htheibald tuas flapne at Seegefo'ald, auD UJaS faurpet) at HrefmdiMe. BErarcdustfacmurtbercr of Ethclbald,jjiD notfjingtuojtbp 749 to berememb?e!),but being ttraigbtUjap flapnebpOfEi, ' bat) an eno meetc fo? a SCraptouc. OFEi.ijiepfaeUjto Ethel ba!d fuecafaeD i 1)0 iopnefabattaple 749 luitfa ICmculfus ising of tl)e tveaH 5<«.vf»/,anDgote tbe " btrtO,nC.t>C fentfo? Ethelbcrt ding of XlfC Eaft Angles, pjo^ miringgrcat tl)ing£tbpflafteric,but tofacn bo btib 5of i^int to bis i^alace, bo caufeb bim to be bcboaoeb, anb tbon bm iultlp inuaoeb tl;c aingbome of tbo Eafl zA>^gigs. l^c caufcb tbo reliques of S. Albon to be taben bp, anb piu jUhtni. putina^biitto abomeb tuitb goloe anb precious anb builbeb t facre a piincelp ^onafferie. founbeb tfae ^bbep of Bathe. l^e tranflateb tfae 3^rcbbitl>bps S>ca to Ltchfierd. ^emabe a bike betiuajne i-vaies anb tbeltingbomeof tbo .^fm(f/,tobicbbitcbe]rtcnbetbbp&putbfromtbeparts about Bm7<^?',oacr tbe iT^ountapnes of ti^a/es, ano fo i^o?tb tobjarb vUnt. anb bnbcr afaill of coale, euen fo tfao moutb of oj tfae j^o.Jtb ^oa. ^ raigneb rrrir. pearca, anb bpeb ntpfliy,m^ bias burpeb in a CbappoU tobicb tbon (tojbe on offuj. tbe bancRc of tbc Ktucr o«/f,U)itbout tfac SDobjne of Bedford. C Gbcrtus oi EcfnJe bis fonne,raigneb one peare. Alqmnc iuntte to Osbcrt of tbo Mercians, tfaaf tbO nofalC POUg Ec- fride bpob not fo ftsno fo? bii5 obme faultes, but bpcaufebis . ' Cf.b^ ^atbee lorf The Mercians* U,7AAlme» ff^ivc'jelcomb foundtd. Ktjhops Sea at lU-refttd foun- dcd. «r? 820 821 fUtem Minut. i^afljer tDa« a great (ftealjcr Of blouo. 7^9 ^ Enulfus, j^epOeto tit t\)e fiftb oegrabnto Pcnd.-i.Ujarrc^ ^on tfje tientitft ^-?v(»«/,puntfl)eD t^ctr Count rp trrn foje, ano carpet) atoap faoiinb t^eir !)itng Egbcrthus, but not long after,tDl)en tjefjao builbeo aCfjurclj at M^wche/ccm^, on ttje bap ofbebication tbcrof,f)c ocltnertD fjim, berlartnga Itjojf ttjp erample ofcleniencic. ©efounbcb tlje Cljurc^ of S.E- thelbcrt in Hereford,mti raigncb Frut).pearcfi. EnclimisTonne to Egbcrtus a c^tlb of feauen peare«,tuas ■ ^innocentlp flapnc bp fjts pilferQuenda, io^erebp Ije ob# tapnea tbenameofa^artpje. ^ Eol wulfus.b^otlicr to Kenulfus, ratgneb one peare, anb ^iuas erpulfea bp BcrnulEis. T> Erniilfus tn tlje tljira peare of^ts ratgne, inas ouercome •*^fap Egbertus ^tltg of JVeaJl SAXOfts.^i Eljndune. T Vcanus after tje tjab ratgneb ttoo peares, tuas opp?etteb ■ ^ bp tlje Eafi ayEng/es. Wlthlafnus being at tfie firlf fubbueb bpEgbirth,raigi> neb rttt.peared,pptng to l)im ano bis fon a tribute. TiErchulfiis raigneb riii. peares, in tbc fame effate, till at - ^tbe latt Uias cbafeb bepono tbe fcas, bp tbe rca'rouers of Drnmarke. Tj Vrdredus papiitg flje 2Cribute, entopeb tbe fame ttoentp. ■'^peares, ano tben be being bcpofeb, anb b?iucn out of bis Coutrep, fleb to Rome, anb tbere teas burpeb at tbe c!;nglilb fcbole. Cben tbat feingbome toas bp tbe Da^es belinereb to Ccol wolfus.anb in feto peares after tbat, Alfred ^ ^epbeto of Egbirth gate it.&o tbe feingbome of tbe Meraes fel atoap in tbe peare of Cb?t®« 8 7 5 ♦ 824 826 8?9 •Ai./mr, 852 ^J\(orthnmbers. ^ 0rt l^tngbome luas of tbe Nortl}unil'ers,h)^i(})e cons^- t^/w,tDbicbc bjap focucc latiig Edwmcs Dominions lap, tb?U aU)eahcU)omanmigbtebaucb)alHcDb)itb bic ncUjc bojnc babe oner all tbe 3ilano bJitbout anp comage. Spojeonec.foj tbe rcfrefbing of luapfartng men,be ojOatncb cuppes of p?cn cuppetof braft 0; be falfncb bp fncb cleare HKItcls anb. jfountaiiics vvaycj!"^'' as bib runnc bp tbe toapcs (ibe.tobpcb Cnppes no man our ft fowcb fnrtbcr tban to bis clone pjcfcnt bfe f tbc lone I gujb vuil tbcp bare to tbcir pitncc,lobo toas foj f time of bis raigne To bonojcb anb knieb, tbat tbc triampbant ban^ ncrs mere bs,nic bcfojc bbibnot in tuac onlp,but in peace to, tobcrcfoeucrbe toent abjoab. lifter tiicbeatb of Edvvine,fbc£n!0bomcof no The Kordiumbcrs; Und ioas agafne DtaiOeD - <5?' ^Srichc t^e fonnc of Elfrikc,yjj!)o toas Edwins iinchlc, fac< WcaDrt in ibc gouernante of D«><«.!anD Eanfiidc tf)c fonnc of Ethcltnde, rulcD ^ Bernictans: but bOtJj tfjcfe fojfahiUg tljC Cbjittianpjofcffion, toljcrein tbci'Uicrc inftruacD, prelcca tbemfcluco to be ocfilcti tuitb tbefiltbof 3oclatrp buttbpo ^poftacic baas rcacngco bp Cedwall Jiing off BtytAns, ujijo fleiDc tbem botbe^ano bottl) tragicall naugbtcr fpopleo Nor. thumb erlaud. dM ^Swaldbjotbcf to Eanfndc, tl}en gouemcc tbts lititgbem, ^ taJbo toitb a fmall armp oucrcamc ihtBrytans, anD Qetnt Ccd vvall tbepjliing at Demftbume.x^t fcnt fo; Aidan a scot to aouanrc f Cbjifttan religion among fcis pcopICjaCfigning to bim ttjc 3Qe of Ltudisfame oj bolp Slant), fo; Ijts &ea l^ec greatlp cnlargcD Ijioiiingbomc, reroncilcb tbe Dch-uns ans tobpcb tsto ccaulp bate one tbe otbcr. anD toljen bcbaD raigncD tJig-pereo,toast flaine in a cruel battel at Ma- j-erfielde,\i^Pcnda Jiing tsUMerau, ano cancniJCD a §)ainct« wine bjotbcr to Ofwald,fucccecet: be buricD tbc beaoc ' ■ wanDarmesofOCwald, tobpcbePcnda ccminaunDcDtofae bangeb Upon polcsi. l^is gouernmcnt toas greatlp DifquictcD bp inuafion of tbe Mercians, rebelbo!! of bis oteti fonnc Acl- tndc, anD infurrcction of Adilwald fonne to Ofwald. ^de mnrtbcrcD 0fwy, tbe fonnc of Ofrikc,tobo rulcD Detra, ba^ nierhcbfitid. tcaitcrouflp DelincreD bntobim at ingethUug , tobere Ti.R.udh,r»t. aftcrvoarDc a^onafteric toas crecttD. 3!:ut at length be De* liuereD bisCountrpfromfojrainc inuaflon, banquilbcDtbe Merctans toUb Penda in a fougbte ficlDc ncarc tbc rincr /e- 4rfr,b;ougbt tbem to bis fubiettion,anD caafeD tbem to be in^ ftructeD in tbe <£b?iltian jraetb Lichfield C!«ur^ butlDcD 3 Cburcbc among tbe MercianscalleD Liche- SobS?' fielde,^^ pjocttreo 11)5 fame to he a IBifbops fca,m A»no.6'^ 7. Duina toas filtt iSffl)oppe there of Aicrcu, anD alfo of ZL/W/;there toere tbcnfofctoe\Bjicffa, that one IBp' fhoppe toas compellcDto goucrnetteopjoamccs. llingOf- wine cnDco bis life quictlp, toben be bab raigtwDpyril.pcres. Egfedc The Northumbcrs» * 11 ■p Gfriclc Ijis latDfuU fonnCjtfjen inljcrifco NortUHmherlwd: ijcDepijrcD WilFridc of tljc IBtO^opjiUc, anO nppopntco '1—^ ttoo 113iil)0pfi cucr tljc Nmhamhers, IVlildrctl , Oti^CrUltfC calico Ethc!dred,l)i5lnirc,0}oulD bp no racancs accompaim l)!r bufbanO:,but contwucD a lairfftne, ano after flje fjao bin macico tlneliic peaces, toihe attbcfjanocs ofvvilfiidftbe bailc ano Ijabite of a i^imnc, ano builtc tlje fponalfcrie of iv^.tofj^rc 0)0 teas Sbbcffe. E^tndc bir bufbano fougbt a battcll toitb^Eddfridc of/^\)\t\) |:?ea be greatln abtianreD, anD founDcD tbere a mott toaj?tbl? ilibjaric, rcpleniiljeD toitb ail g©D Hatbours, OSwuUc fucccrDcD bis i^atber, tobo toas Oapne bp tlje people in tbe firtt vcare of bis raignc. ■j^Ollo ibcn tffilic tbe regimciU, anD after cleuenpcares -^^^toas frapteroufip murtbereD bp Akredc. A Lercd raigncD after bim cleuenpcares,anDtDasenfo^ •^ceD bp tbe people to leaue tbe Countrep. A Thelredo? Etheldrcdtbe fonne of Moilo.jcss aDuan^ -^ceDto (be regiment of ATmA/rwi^ff/Wbp tbe people,anD tbe fiftb pcarc after tuas bp tbem Dep?taeD, }J7 Lfwold tben teas pjOClapmeD iking olNorthtfmberUnd^ •^anD tobsn be baD raigneo eleuen peares, teas flapnebp bis fabicctstbc Ipctb burpeD at HanguFtaU. OSrcdcjtbe fonne of Aeleicdc tben fuccaDeD,but tbe firlfe peare be tnas DepnneD. rn Thclrcd 0? Etbcldred.tDbo tnas befojeDepofeDjnotu re<' -^ccpueDtbe J^ingDome, anD iuben be baDruleD foure peares, toas alfo miferablp flapne. ilfter bis Dcatb, tbps ilingDcmeDeciipeD, anD teas pitifiillp ranfacbcD bp ciuill fcDition, anD fs?aigne inuafions,foj tbe fpace of 3 o.peares, tn tDbtcbefpace^tbere ruleDbcre toitbonte titleoflttings Eardulfc, 4 Alfwold, ^j[ Eandrcd, Ethelrcd, ^ Rcadulk, 4 Osbcrtjlobtcb ttno latt,tDere flatne at Tor^.hv tbe ©xww, «i a place pet to tbis Dap calUD £////* times put tbcm to fltgfjt,anlj raigneo wb.ueares, Cliaulin tlje fonne of Kcmikc t0hc Ppontjim tbelting# \iQ\nZQU])ZJVefl Saxons. 3jn tijcheginntngof f)is ratgneb^Difcomfiteo Ethclbcrt ®ing at Kent anp flei»f)i« ttoo SDukes Ollauc anirCncbban at mbbandnne. ^ftcrtoaro l)is b?otljer Cutholfc Pantiutlbeo tbe Brttaines at BedfordmxXi tuapne froHT tpcm t\)Z toUmcs of Ltganbarge, Ege!fburge,BenJt»gton,tA\ti EtgntPsam. ^tfe pcres aftcr,Ccaalin fleto t^Jre Uings of t^c Britaines, CoiTMTicailc, Condid.-uv f Faricincilc,at2?.j»j^nP't0t\e Cities from tbcmi Gloeefler,Qrencefter,m\lBathANct' fier. differ be^fougpt toitl) tpe Britaines at Fethanleah, ttt tobtcb fft bao tl)€ birtojie, but lott \)is ronneCutba.foj noto bis fo?* ttmecbangco,ano fcubenbe b^b raigncDjcjriij.peares,!^ toas ouereome at IVodnejbeorhe, oj Wannes ditch tH Wtlfnire^ afto erpelteo ouf of bis feingoome bp tbe Bntames. A^Eainketbe foiine of Cutholfc riileo tbefine ^peares. CEolnulfc fonofCutbabefojenameb rucc(ebeO,iDbobab eontinnali ioarres either toitb tbe Englishmen, tuitb Bri- uines, Ujitb tpe Scottes, oj Ujitb tbc PtBes, aito laftlp moutb foawe agatnff tbe Smth Saxons^ anb tbetjc bgcb ioben be b^b raigneb fonrtcene peares. ncgilfus tbe fonne of Ceolrikc htccabeo.if^e bjctigbf bis _ ^boll againff t))t Britaines into Beandme, anb tberc CetD of tbem tlno tboufanb eibf. i^e alfo fougbt Initb Pendaiitng tiiMercians nare tmfo Cirencefler^ uttb after mabe peace tuitb bi>«» 3nb tbo?tlp nf» terintbepeareof Cbiiff <5^5.bp tbc p?eacbing of Bcrinus, liing Kinegilfus anb all bis people reccitieb tbe CbJiftiam faitb,to tubome,?fiin0 Ofwald tuas ©obfatbcr at tbc iront, of tufjicb IliingSjfbc faib Bermus bab granteb to bim tbcci# tie otDorchefSer, anb boilbeb tberc an beufe of Cajions foi bi« * The NJTcfl: Saxons* "5 Ills ISilljops ^£3. Kincgiifus raigiicD ntjt/.warfs. Dorcitei^tra ^Vichihnc t{)C fonnc Of KincgiKus toaSbaptifCD bp Beri- BisiiopjSca. ^imstbc iBtfijop tntbcCttie of Dorchfter, auD ficccafefi fijcfnniepcarc. C-^ Vtlirccius tf)( fonno of!atiig Guicliclinc, toas bapttftb yat Dcrchejler^hv Berinus tbe3lDtfl>0p,lOl)® toaS ^iS0OOf fdtbei" at tbo font l^erai^neo fcurc pcares. t/ Enaewalcus tbO fontto Of l^ltng Kincgilfus, tfllUe OU bWlI ^tijciiinstsonKoft^ofreJSMc^f. f$e founoeb tbe Catljeojal Cbnrcb in j-Fwchefer^^latins Bishopi Sea. ti)crc a SiBiOiDpsfra. QOnt A/e)^dtilfM liMrghtO Aldclmus 0bbot, fn*^UclmL to iwiiOe a ^onaffcrie. "0fterUjar&e baing infcftcb Uiitb iuarrcs bp Pcnda iimg of tbe >3/i:'r«;i*i,bpcaufc b® bat» fojfa-i bCJi bis hjife,0tf0r of tbe fapD Pcnda,teas bp biw bJiuett out of bis iitngbonie, ano flcboefo Anna iiing otEart Angles, Ujljere be teas baptirco of llBifljop Foehx, ano after foas re^ ftojcb to bis bingoomc bp tbe belpoftbcfojenameo Anna. ^eraigneDFiT.pearrs.^fteriDbomSJueneScxburgcobis ioift gouerneb a tobiie.&bs fouOeb a i^oiiaSerp of j^uttnes mtbe Jle Qfshcp:Dw.. tbat pjoiiince bnoer granoiis bonbage. after tbatjbe f bis b?otber Mull inalleb iCe»f, 9 fufabncb tbe 3 le of PVtght,\3)bicb till tbat time toas gtne to Jbolatrie, toberofbe purgeb tbem,giuingtbefourtbpatttbcroftoBi? tbop Wilfridc.tobo appopnteb l^^eacbers to conucrte tbe f jEsopleoftbatslleto CWianitie.GcadwalUoneeagapne ^.i/> fj?Pi;UOi 116 The Weft Saxons» fpopIfiTgt^e Connlrep otKent,\)is blotter Moll, anb rt|> oft)ts!&nts'0(^£( flame bp fire call bpoit tobicb time,cuen before be tons bapttreD,bc 0aue fo; titbe fpoples b^ bab gotten to bttf otune bfeun tobomc(fattb M^/mejh»rie)alti)ai\sl) iuc pjapfc btoaffectton^tue alloUi not tbo example:fo?tt toU);rttten, tbat tuba ra oSPeretb tbe facrtficc of pco^e folKcs goob^botb as it mere facrtflce tbe fonne in tbe flgbt of bis ii^atber. SCbts being bone,be inent to Rome to be baptifcb, tobcn be bab ratgneb ttoo pcares oner tbe Saxo»s. 6Sj |Nc raigneb ;ainongtbe^fy?^AVfw,a noble man, of great 3*/'^ 'potoeranb iuirebome,anbtberetDitbbaIiantanbbarbie, infeatesofannes berp erpert:be matnteinebfucbtDarre again® tbe Keatijh Saxons, tbat bc confftapneb tbem to fabe anb intreate meanes of peace, giuing to bitn fo? tbe fame jgfceat giftcs 30000. Mancas (paces of (0olb fo nameb.) Ki)i& Inc bias tbe fonne of Kcnred.tbefomte of Cead- woldc, bJotber to Keadwold, anb fonne to chcnlins;, fonne of Kcnri,fonne ofCcrdicdbcfirttfeing oftbe Weafl Saxons. coiiedge of SCbts man builbeb fir® tbe CoUebge otfVelUs. Abb'""foL builbeb tbe Hbbep of Giansnhune, anb papbe tbe ftenbury buU- J3eter |3ence fir® to Rome. ?J2Ib«^n be bab gouerneb tbe weafiSaxons bp tbe fpacc of feauen anb tbirtie pcares, bp tbe earne® laboure of bp» loife Ethcldreda, iobicb toas ^bbefle tjUBarhlng in Effex^ be gauebp bis ropall bignitie,anb toentto Rome. pThclard hinfman on fathers fibe to Inc, fuccabcb tit — ^'tbe ftingbome, nottoitb®anbing Ofwald a pong man of bloob oio bi®urbe tbe beginning ofbis raigne, fo? be®irreb bp Rebellion among tbe inhabitants, but not long after be bieb, anb tben Ethclard raigneb quietlp fourc* tane peares. pNtlircdcbis binfman mabe Inarreon Ethelwald fting ^of LMercsa anb again® tbe Bhtatnes, anb bab of tbem tbe birto?ie. 3|n b?e tpme tbere appeareb ttoo ^laSng ^rres, casing The VTcfl: Saxons» "7 catting80ittofrc burningfajanOc Bi»Eiigstm«. raigneD firtene pcarw. SDb^CDngUtbtticn burpeu nottbc faotit'es offfjcir oeao in CitieSjbntill tije time of Cuthbcrt ^rcfjbifljop of Owter- i>une, toho ojofureb oftbe Pope, ffjat in Citiw tijcre Iboulo Buriiu in I / I ^ ^ ■ Church-vardei; bepopntcbCburcb parbes. Slgebertloas m0.fSZ^iaZ0ff\itJyeanes arriueb intbe^Ie calleb Port- TteUancjfita land, but bp tbe puiffance of Bnthricus, anb otber iHings of tbe Saxons, tbep toecs ouercome at Donmonth, b?iuen bacbe, " i^.iiji. anb II' The SaxonsV The King pay. toned by his wife. aitti compcllcli fo aiioi'iic f Ije lana. BnthricusUjaS popfonCD bpl)tSi«tfcEt^e1bui2a,fe)^e« Ijc bat) rntgncfi fcauctfienc pearcs,# Uias burpeb at ivarh^int. jpo? tl)ts UffOc, tbe i^obleg D?bcpncD fbat ftcm tbetsmgs toiucsfboulo not be rallrD ©uanea, no? fuffercD to Ctte Initb tljcm hi place ofcOate. Eadburgctottf? uifinitetrcafurc flcD into tobere offering a greate pojtion of {jirC^olbeto tting ( harlcsof France, pC faPb blltO pir, CbCDfe Eadburgc ^^OU UltltC baue to tbpi)ufbanD,me, o? mp fonnetaiiD fbe anfiDereo,tf cbopfcbc granteome, 3 cbfflfepour fonne, brcatife bo t« wicked voungcr tbon pouUbcn(quotb Char!cs)iftbou babtt cbofen mrrirawrend ^ Hi^jtbou fbouttjeft bauc bao mp fonne,but bpcaufe tbou baft cbofi^n ntp fonne, tbou Ibalt baue ncptber bint no? me, ano fben gaue to bir a ^onaftcrie,tDb^rctn Ibe p?ofeireti birfelfe a 35unne,anD became tbeir Hbbefte a fetn peares,faut after* toaros committing abulterie initb a lap man, anb caff out of tbe ^onafterie, (be enbeb bit" lift in pouertie f mtferic, as ofmanp tbat baue fcene bit ine boarb,faptb mine ;3ntbo? tyfjfertus. P> Gbrichus obtapueb tbe gouernement of tbe fFeaJ} Saxons, '^b^e tameb tbe 5MelcbmeH,banqui(beD BertulpKus iiing Mercians HelkMdme,m^ fubDuel) to bio obepfancc tbe Kentipj Saxons, Eaji Saxons,nnl} Northumbers. ^e Caufeb tbe b?afcn3mage ofCadwalinej&ing o(t\)eBrrtamestabet tb?oiuent)oiDne,anD tbis llanbeno mo2ctobecalle0 5r^ After a ^ to Qneenc Hadburge tienedeH, 8oi jr.yuitHt, Sctl.CroHi. ^ed"Engfjnd. o^noBa 0? England, ioaS CrotoUeU at IVtnche- Jler. djm. arrutd gjn fbe:? ?. poare of bis raigne tbe Danes ariueb at Un- st*.0$. disferne, ailD (bugbte toitb ti)C Engltflsmen at Car ham, inbete tb9o 3i5i(bops,tiDo (Varies, anb a greate number of tbe c^n; glifb people tnere flapne. kino peares after j Danes ariueo inOTeff SSJalcSjtobcre Egbnghtouercamc tbemat ftendon.^^z raigueD ouer tbe moffpartof£«^/^»«itbei|)ace of feauen anb tbirtic pcares anb feauen monetbes, anb toas burpeb at " • Add- The Weft Saxons. ADelnulfus f|()C fontlC of Ejbrichns bi^3<1lin0 IjiS TOtgltO 0* ^ uer V)e mo2e parte of Ej>gU»de. tcoUc to toife ludith, — Daogbtcr to tbe iSing of Fr^ce, ano fjaD bp ^ir four fonnea, iD^tcb toere &tnga after t)tm« 31 n bta time,tbere came a great armte of tl^e Pagan Danes jtMut r;um. toftb ^ 50.^btp« into tbe moutb flf Thamis,mO fo to London^ anb fpopleo it, anb put to flight Bcorthulfe iiing of A ferda, lZ"o»° ioith all hia potoer tohirh rame to bib them battel,anb then the Danes ioeut Uiith their armie info Southerte .• then Ad- hclnulfus toith hwf fonne Ahippf s* Atlhelnuifiis fent his fonne Alfndc to Rome toith a great number ofnoble men anb other, attohifh time|8ope Leo •conflrm.ejb the faib Alfndc, anb teoke him to hib fonne bp at boption,anb alfo confecrateb himl&ing. SChis Adhclnulfus bib make the tenth part ofhts fling# Tenehgtne„fa bomefree from tribute anb feruice to the iSing, anb gaue it fo them that bib ferue ChJitt i" the Churthe: anb the fame pearehetoentcto K'"»''tohrre he repaireb the Cnglilhe English Schoole |)chole,tDhfrb toasfirllfounbebbpOAa feing of the Mer- ties. 31n the meane feafon, his fon^e Adhelbald rebelling, hfurpeb the iliingbome,fo that tohen Adhdnulfus retur# neb,he toas foiceb to beuibe the llingbomc, anb to taflc the ino^fe part, ll^e raigneb eightsne pearee, anb tnao burpeb atJ^mcheiler fapth tyifer. ADhelbald raigncb after his i^ather: agalnff Cobjf the toojthineffeofCh2illianitie,pca,anbc6tiarictothe cu# — ffome of all Paganes, he pjefnmeb to hps i^athers mar# rtage bebbe, anb tuith greate infamie, marrieb luduh the /rench icings banghter. f^e raigneb after his father 3^,iii|» ttoo i:o t6o Dines inuad< andfpoyle "V Viischeftt'* Danes nwlcea league, and bteakeit* ^66 BatiayU a< AHendune. The Weft Saxons» ttoo pcarw,ani) teas burden at shtrhonte. AThclbncljbjOtbef to AthelbaLcl,t(Dbe tnOOt bOttti^ ntOlt Kent,SoHthery,^XiQ Suffex, 3lntbts time, ttje greate;3rmie of t!)C PagA>ies innaoca ano fpopleO tfje €itittifyvtHchefier, tofjo tljcpretur* nco toitf) a great p;ap totoarlis tfjeif Ofnkc CDarlc of//^»»f^o«,anD bis folfee, ano Adhclnulius tbe Carle, toitb Barkefhtre men,met tbcm, ano farre ftom anp Cotone tbep topnco faattell, tnbere tbe Paganes tnere flapne in cuerp corner,ano tbe Cb^iifiono kept tbe fieio. • STbe ano Danes maoe a firme league toitb tbe Ke»tt/hme»,i33}io pjomtfeO tbem monep to hdepe tbe league, butnottottblfanotngtbe/''«/^»«b?abep?tmUeout of tbeir Calfelo bp nigbt, ano fpopleo all tbe Caft parto of Kent. Athclbna raigneo Sue peareo, ano tnas burpeo at SHr- home. " i«l ' . pThcldrccl b?otber to AdhclbriftjrccepdcO tbefeingOomc ^of tbe ypeafl saxons. 3jn tbe flrffe peare ofbis-ra^gne, a great i^auie of pagones came into England, anO'remapTieO all tbe tointer in tbe iaingoome of Eafl England. ty^nno'i-ji, tbe Pagones came tO Re^ng tn Barkefhire, tobere tbep catt a great oitcb ano toall bettoirt tbe ttoo Viv mxs-Jharnes ano Kynetan,on tbe rigbt tioe of tbe faio totone. Adhelnulfus Carle of Barkefhire ano bis armie, mette toitb tbe Paganes in a place calleO EngUfield , mbere tbe Paganes bao tbetoojtf, ano manp of tbem flaine,anotbe reff jputtofligbt. Ethcldrcd feing Of tbe JVeafi Saxons, anO Aclfrcdc btS bjotber, came to Reading, tobere toas fougbten a fierce ano f rnell battel I, but at tbe laft tbe chriflians fleo, ano tbe Pa- ganes])niitl)et)i(to7ie, STbe CbJiffians toitbin four oapee fougbt a battell toitb tbe Paganes in yifendnne, but tbe Paganes OeuiOCO felueo into ttoo batfel£t,foj tben tbep bao ttoo ISingSjtobicb tobentbeCb^iffiansfatoe, tbep liketoife OeuioeO tbeitar# wie into ttoo companpeci. • r 3t ^ The.eft Saxons,. - 3(t toaft Defcrmmpo tbat Etbclrd tuit!) bw bat' felly fljouloe go? agajnUe tbc tUio tuitbtb^'f battcll, atio tbat bis bjotber Aeifrcdc toitb bw armpc, (bouloc fet on all tbeS>uftcs ano tben? arm?c. ail things Ibus o.Jbereo, tob^n tbe femg farrtcD long in bi'5 p?aper , ano tbP I'agAns. being rcabilpe pjepa* jfeb , came tja iC^fc^^rfwrtob^re tbe baltel tnas pitcbeo, Aclfredfmng bemuttecitbcr retire oKettiJon bis enemies«. befo;e bis bjotberoto come,bel{raigbt toans Tetbpon tbem, tbougb fbB place ofbattel bias bncqnall, fo? tbe P^gMs ban gotten tbe bigber grounbe, anD tbe Cb?iitinns b?ougbt tbeir battel from ^e ballen,: ^ere Inas in tbat place one onelp •tbojne tree, bcrp lbo?t,about tobicb fra tbe battels met anD iopneD, tober tobentbenb^o a longtimefougbtjHubbaone oftbebings fine Charles, anDmanptboufanDesmoeof tbe fagms being llaine,tbe otber toere cbafeD, a great beapeofttones teas lapD coppeDbp tobereHutw bab)a3burieD,anDtbeplacecalleDH»^^fyZm HubbeBor*. •'.r SCbis being Done, taing Ethddrcd anD bis b;otber Ad- frcde ibonip after gatbereD tbeir pobjer againe to figbt tnptb f be Pagans at Bafing, toberc after a long ano foje battaple,tbe P^i^t^/baD tbe bictotie. after tbis battaple, came another armpe of T4g4»s from teponDcreas,anoi(>?neirtDitbtbefirll, quu«. : lEKben liiing Ethddrcd baD raigneD fine peares, be toas flaine of the Pagans at jvhimgham, anD burieD in tbe^ona? Cerie of Ar/«^«r«r,toitb tbPSCBpitapbt , , ■ In hoc loco (fPtiefctt corpus finPls Ethddrc.di Weflfaxo- sc*.Cr». nti.martyris,c Batiesrame to chifingham, a manner of tbc fetngs,fcituate on tbe left fioe QVvihpotre ano tl)ereU)intrcD,compeIlinii: nianp oft^efre^ffSawKj to leaue tbcir Countrep ano to goe bcponoe tbe fcasttbe rcff tbat re# mapneo tljep fuboueo . Uing AcUrcdebimfcIfe'tDaooft# titiieo bjougbt into fudj miferte, ^ none ofbte people hneto iolfttc be toas become, ^Dn a time,being fojceli to bibe bpnt^ toitb a Cotobpatbc tn Somerfetjhtre, 30 b^ latte bp tbcfire, sCdrX preparing bis boUieo anofijafteo, tbeCotnb^cDeolnifeba# king bjeaoe on tbc coaleo, tbjeto tbe fetngs botoeo f Ibafteo afioe,ano raio,tbou fellota tobp boll tbou not turn tbe bjeaO tobicb tbou burne, tbou art glao to eate it ere it be balfe babeo.^bis tooman tfiougbt not tbat it baobin III. Aelfrcd, tobo bao maoe fo manp battels againft^tbe Diiww.anlJ gottr fo manpe bi(to;ieo.i^o? 0ob bib-not oneip boucbfbfe to gine bim bidojie ouer bis enemies, but alfo tb be mearicb of tbe in tbe figbt of bis otone peopbCi^to tbe enbe be Iboulb Imotne tbere is one (ID>ob ofall, to tobomall Itnecs ^all botD,anb in inborebanbstbebeartsofiungsconSllctb. Cbeb;otber of Hinguai anb of HlealBcn.tnbo bab lointereb in MercU, f tab mabe great fiaugbterof tbe C^ians, fapleb fi)itb.2 fbippes into Deui>»/hire,bj^cre botng great mif^ef>1)e f tbe The BnSgne oc moll part of bis people toere flain,tbe rett crcapi» bp fleeing» **** to tbep? Dbippes. jn.tbis battaple amon^manp rieb fpoples loas taken a banner o; enflgne calleb Re^ftn, tobicb among tbe Danes\33M fiaoin gtcate ettinration, fo? tbat it teas im» bjobereb bp tbe tb?«fillersof Hinguar,ano Hutiba,^ baagb» tors of Lodbroicc.jiing Aclfrcdc mabe a Callel in c^theUn- Ethetfngef,tti» /«,from tbcnce be toent to Fetram Ar/r^n al tbeiinbabitantsof//;*/'- tobtebetoben tbepfatoe tbe king, reiopceb as tbougb )iebab bene rifen fram btatb to life.-. - S^be m 124 SfthntnUn; of Danes clvt> ftenej. Chichefter. Fulhim. %i4ri/, and B«B(i«ec Mari-tnae Scttut^ fioes toere Qaiue,but tije CbJifiiano b^o tb^ btitoitc. 31n tbe pcarc,Sg j.tbetointerci) hi a little JlecaU ^ty.VmenTut ."1 tbc (Soff pact of £j^v,fcituate in tfjc fca,anD tbe then b^re ships fame pearc tbep fapleo bp tbe riuer of Thamid^sttev bp tbe rh ucr of Lt>M,ano tUsentic mplco from LoWo.t began to buila a i^^ojtrclTc.Hn tbe ^ommer foUoh)ing,tbc LonDoncro ana otbernii:rc\iaiopning,DiDfabetoaeftrcptbcfo?trefleoftbe Da»es, but tbcp beingput to fligbt, bing AcUjcde pitcbeo a ficlae not farrc from tbe (Title, leatttbe P-t^^w/lboulatabc atoap tbe !^arueft of tbe Countrcp, ana tjictuiiig tbe riuer one aape, perccpuea tbat tbe Cbancl migbte be in one place aammca bp,tbat tbe Danes iboulo not get cut tbcir Ibippes, befo^tbtoitbcommaunaea on botbfiaes tbe riuer a aamme to be caff,ana acuioca tbat riuer into tbJattreamcs, fo tbat tobcre fljippesbefojcbaafaplca, nctoafBiaUfaoatecoulae fcantip rotoe, tubicb toben tbe Tagans percepuea, Ibep Ica^ Novv called King tbepjtoiues ana Ibipo, flaafa3teto tberc wiJtiilainga ii=^D;trcS'c, loagea tbere tbe 5K3.intcr follotoing, baidgc. iubofr Ibippes tbe ^lonaoncrs bjing, fome to London, tbe o> tber tljep b?aUe aoUine ana aeltropea. ^nno.%^y.X}^Z Pagans cauie hrOUl Quatbridge, parte intO Call £'?^W:part into Northumberlandgot tbem tbips ana faplca into Fraunce.^fitx.tA tbefe t)eration0,bp tbe cruel Danes ccmniittea, folobos^ farre greater, tbe fpaccof tbja pcres,bp aeatb ofcattaile, ana mojtalitie of meu.C^. Damfh IbipotDeretaheiibeingl^irateo, ana tbc j|0p;atejs flainco; bangea on tbe gallotueo. Alfreddeeeafad bictojious |3>ince, tbe ttuaiouo p^ouiaer fo; " toiaolnes , o:pbanes ana pcoje people, niofle perfect in ^'rayfeoTKiig Saxon^octxit ■, moffc libcrall, inaucD iL'itb Mtfaome, Aiucde. fojtituae,iuftice,ana temperaunce, tbe moU patient bearer of fickncHejtobereinitb brtiJasaaplpberca,amo(fcaircrefe fearcber oftruetb in erecuting.iuagcmcnt, a mollebigilant. ana aeuout^^jince in tbe feruice of (S^oa, AH rede, tbe.rrir* puxirCiina ffrtbmontbafbti rai0ne,aejiarteotbh? life, tbe icybit^ The Weft Saxons# ^ 2^ Fjcbtf). 6weof ^Dctober, anD ts bnrteD at fvincheTttr, inf^e net)) ^onalterte, ofbt«t founoatton. founoeo a S^omtte* rieof ^onlteo at Etheiwgfij, ano anotbtr foj i^nniteoal ShaftJbune.^t ojDaptieD tf)< f)«ni»?ci's,ano tcntbes, tD^icfte )r,i.v.^n,*. men call Centuarico ano Cupings t be fcntfo? Gnmbaldc, rurilcnf.' to come into tljatbpfjw at)atce» b^nugbtertttf ffm Otc of0050 Icarnmg, cleane 0ecapcD»i5p ttjc counfell ofNco- tus ije o?oapneocommon fcljoleo of otucrfefcience&in Oxe- Vniucrfitie in. firde.nm tourneD tl)e ^ajtron latocs into Cnglilbe, toit!) ot? '^uZ»'i''scttw. nerfeotberbcDbcs. i^e cffabltib^o sob tatos,bp tfjc tobicf) t)B bjougljt fo fiftt aquictnelfetotljeCountrep, tljat men migbtbaue bangeo goloen bjacclets ano^ctoelo tobcrrtljctoapes partco, ano no man Ourtl touclj fbem fej fence of tbe lato.^^e carico euer f pfalter in bis bofome,^ tolj^ fjao anp Upfucc Ije migbt reab it oner toitb biligence. t^e Denioeo tljc mib-boutts oftfjcOapeanO ntgbte info tb?® partoJb^ fpent.Oig.boures in 0)?iting,reaDing,f pjap* "** ' ingreigbt inpjaiiiiion of bis boDp: f bearing anooif^ M4ri,nu,sc*ti„,. patci)ins Wc matters of fyisrabkcts, !)9e beuibeO bis perclp reuenncs into tloo partes,ano tbc firabsbenibeo into tb;at one part be gaue to bis feruats, feconD part to bis tDojfef men tobicb toere occuppeo in builoingjtbe tbiro part to ttrS' gers.SCbf fecono partof {'U>boIe,be oeiiioeo into, fbe firli part toberof be gawe in almes to tbe pffl;e,tbc fecono to S^onattcries bp bim founoeo,tbe tbtro to fcboles tobicb b« bao erecteo, ano gatbereo of manp botb noble mens f otber mens fons ofbts nation,tbefonrtb part be oilfribnteo to tbe ntirt^onattericsinalltbeCi;nglilb'^'»f»». Alhfwido toifc to kins Alfrcdc founoeo tbe monaflerie of ^ans in wwchi' fter. Ed ward furnameo Senior,tbe fon of Aclfred,toas annoptt# 90a tco bing, f tbojtlp after Adhdwoldus, couCn germainr srcuiumhuu. Onto king Edwarde, renolteo ano toente to tbe armie of tbc J PagoMs, tnbo fo;tbU)itb cbofebinttobc ttltir J^png in Nor- ,euou«h! fhHmhtrliWtU, ' lolianncfc * ^ ^ The Weft Saxons* Tfhiuu*4tf. loanncj Lcoafer tfi fafljfeeof tfjeDeftripfteitaf ab«ut t^w time(to fap)about t^c pcre of ourilojbe. 9 o 5. tbe C^ttgitibmoii at tbeporCmaQonoftbe G9ti>ej,\jtQefitti tf)c graat citie .4rgi/ia m Burbane, U)bicb tbc ^ffricanes call ^>-^/^,facing.7o.tnples btlfanf fro tljettretgbf of AUrrocho ^outl)toarb0j boptng tljcrefap to tDttljbjaU) tlje s*raz.e»s out Qf Europe, toi)ere tfjop fougbf ^ottlj fo great tou^ rage ano gooD fueceGTe, tbat tbep loanne tbe fapoe totDite,anb fo ranfarheb it bottl) fire ano toojce, tbat fcant one efrape!) tbere j anb tbe totone lape befolate anb toitbont inbabitants fo? tbe fpace oftbirtte peare. tI2Ie account tbpo to bnue bap^ neb in tbe fojefapbe peare, bpcaufe tbe auctbour after tbe fa^ (bion of tbe SarAz.ens, botl) teferro it to tbe. 314. peare of Ma- hornets Hegira,tDbicb bpcofcrence of tbep? places botb fame tobeginnein tbe peare of our llo;b.59i. tobiebi^uinberbe' ing abbebjbo bjing fojtb .905, Adhclwoldus iiing of tbe Pagans bjougbt a great armpe from £/w«,bemgl^ojiremen,toere rent into Han- fordefhtre^tQ\xi^K\iti Legeto»yxiit\) U)l)ont tljc men of ^ Coun* trep encounterea,ana Haping manpe ortbem,put il>i^ rclt to ftigbtjtahingtbcp? tjojDTes ana armour, tottb a great pjape. Iring Edward leaning certaine to builae a Citie in t S>outb WalJontf partoft^eriucrZ-*^^''*, InitbmojeparteofbisarmpetDcntc into Ejjex,iiat} encampea at Mea/d»»e,ii}])tre ^le'tarriea til a ^Cotone toas buiiaea at 3n tljepeare.91 j.agreat^auicof Daws faplea aboiite t^c SltneS Countrep, ana lanaea in aiuerfe places, tahing gret pjapes, ana tnent to tbeir (bippes againe. tiing lb;ttrengtbningoftbeConntrep,maae a Cattcl jit p moutb i)f tbc inater of ^«<»«,ana another at Backi^gbam,^ the tbirae fall bp,that t0,on eptber fiaeof the riuers ceurfc one, f then toentc into ana Bedford/hires, anb fubDuea t^K Daws tf)ere,tDttf) tbeir Jeaaercallea Turkenis. liing Edward builacDo?netorepap;catbetotons of To- Toceaer. ceJler anO Wigntore. V V igmor*. 3|n tbepeare.9i8.tbe K'nti(h,Southrey, ana Eafl Saxom}ati iiegea Q'^che^er,m^ toanne it bp fo.:cc,ano flcto all tberein, f'sM a fetoe CFccptea,tbat efcapca bp flight. S^be fame peare Uing Edward toente to Colchester tnitb an armp,repap;ea § taals, Eirex.' " ana put a great garrifon of fouiaiottro into it. 2Ebe nept peare aica the noble |3jinceirc Elflcda (tnifc to Ethcldredus^uUeofc5if;Tc;.i) attb Uias burpeb in the ^0? nafferie of Saint Peter, tubicbebir^ajbeanaflje befojebab builbeo in tbeCotone of GioceSter,\3s\M^z £ponafterie toas after tbjotoen to tbegrounaebptbe-D^»ies^ after toboft beatb, Edvvard bclbe tbat ^joutnce m bps otone banbe. !^tng Edwaid butlbeb a netoe toion agatnS tbe olb tolnn of Notingham on t\)t &OUtb fibO Oftbe MtUEr Of Trent,% maDE w'T.nTrlT'"' a bjiogeouertbe fapoeriuerbcttoanetbetUjototDncs : be UtnijS of Scotland f Wales \^Z builOeb 3 totolt in '§ Thilwil bJilt, j^ojtb enb of A/erda,by y r iact of Ader/e,f naineb it Jhtlwal, piyrcT^" anb repap?cb tbe SCotone of Alanche^ier:o.ftzx al tnbicb babs bp bt>n botie, be beccafeb at Farmgdon, ano tuas btirieb at «^/«cA.-i?54/>;f/'^/w/«at5oan/yb 0tnnt, m ^caoe, neare bnto coibtoad!'' Winchester. AthelftancraigiteDfiftanepeares, anb Uias bnriebat ■ AfalmeJbHrie. pDinunde, tbe bjotberof Add flan, tffifee on fjint tt)t 0a> 940 ^nernaunce of tbps realme, iobofe tbojte raigne tcobe from bimtberenoiime of moQebngbepjapfeotbatlboulb bane rebonnbeb to tbio pofferttte:fo;i be tons a ma birpofeb ofnaturc to nobleneflie anb 3|uffice:ba tobe out of tbe E>a»es banbeO tbe STotuneB of Ltncolne, Notmgham, Darbte, Leice- fler,zxiOSta*tforde, anbbjongbt all tobl'bSDomInu on: be erpuifeb tbe ttoo btngs Anlafustbefonneof Sitbn- /o.r-ww, cus, anb Rcginalde tbe fonne of Cuthbcrtc out of Northnm- beriaude, aub fubbueb tbe Countrep to 1)vb SDominion. grantebtbe p^iuilebge bnto Saint Edniund tn tobicb tbe UmitB of tbe CoUme otEdmundes Bune arc contenneb. ^Dn Saint Auftms bap, m tbe btnga totun nameb Pitckel- church, tbcl'iing (tobileff be tDOulbcbauefaueb bis S>ehjar from tbe banbeo ofa tntcbeb tb^fe calleb Leofe)toas 0apne, toben be bab ratgneb btie peareB,anb ^as burteb at GlaSienburie. ELdrcdc fticretbeb Edmundcbw fajotber: fo? bl?^ tenncB 945 Edwyne anb Edgar tocre tbougbte ten pong to taheon ~ tbem fo great a cbarge.^^c tmbc on btm but ao p?ote£to?,but ^c'b.oroi. nftertoarbeo be toae crotoneb at Kmgnone. The Weft Saxonsi Eldrcd earneQ fauour of t!)e commons,bp# raufe be loao a great inatntapner of boneSte, ano aifo moff abbo^reo naugbtP ano tjnruclp perfono : foj bis erpertneffe in feates ofarmeo, be toao mncb comiiienOeO, toberebp be quicteo anobeptoinone obepfaunce tbe Northnmbers ano ^ mo?4e,fox one bepnous acte bp bim committeo in tbe be£in« ntng of bis raigne» 3|n tbe felfe oape of bps coronation, be foOainelp topfb# oretDebimfelfefrom bis iioroes, ano intbeHgljtofcertaine perfons rauiibeo bis obone kinOoDoman, tbe boife of a nobie man of bis realme, ano afterboaroe fleboe bir bnfbano, t bat be migbt baue tbe bnlabofuU bfe of bir beautie.iPor bobpcbe acte, ano fojbanntlbing DunHane, fje became ooible to bps {vdiitdtsxmtiafW^tN^orthnmbersy ano people ofmiOOle£»^- Lwde, tbat rofe againS bint, boas 0epriue0,boben be^boo rai>^ gneO fbnr peres. l^e opeo anO boas burieo in tbe nebo abbep^ of iVincheUer. _ pDgarfbr peaceable, farotber to Edwyn vboas croboneO at l^eboas foercelleiitiniuffice, ano (barpe inco;' rectionofbices,asU>elinbismagi(trates,as otbecfubifcts^ A vicious Kng. W.Malmt. Speculum HtJU Iff. Cirtcf^i The king (Je- priued. • The Weft Saxons* 133 (fjat itcuer before f)is Dapc« loas tfeb icCfe fclloniebprob^ bcrs, 0; ertojtiotijO? bjtbertc,bp falfe officcr0.!^0 cbafttfeD y Jtljridtu BtUCtU, great negligence, couetoufneCTeanD bictous lining of tlje tlergie, ano b?ougl)te tbem to « better o?Dcr. £Df Uatnre \)k teas but little: pet ofminbc baliauntanb barbie,anD berpc frpert in martial pollicie;^e pjepareb a gret nauie of, ^ ^ 00. y,tdu,muai £bip«, tobtcl) i)t Depofeb in tl)?a parts ofl;is realiiie.anb bab foulbiours altoap p?eft anb reabie againll tlje inrurfions of fotrain anb ffrange eniiiiies. iSing Edgar bailing relfojeb f netofounbeb.rlbij.^ona&eries, tobitb before bis time bao bin beffropeb,anb intenbing to continue tbat bis intent tpll tbe number of.5 o.tuere accomplilbeb, be confirmeb tbe ^o=» naSerie 0fW?rr(r/7 tlioiriineof teOmanP* Cattaile. ex/»w.9P4, feing Ethclred erecteb a Bplboppes fcaat ExceFier. %%t famepeare Anlafe iipng of tlje NonvMjes, f Sweyne feing of D4w/,ontt)cbapeoft^e/jiatiuiticof ourilojoe, in ebi^. (0alleps came bp to LWw, tobicbe tbep attcmpteo to b?eabeinto,an6torefonfire, but tl^ep mere repulfeo , not mif^ont f^eir greatc Detriment anoloffebp tbe Cifncns, tolierebppon tbep being D?iuen miti) furie, leaning fet bpon £4f}/?xanD JCe»r,bp tfje fea coalfes,bjent Cotones, anD tDaSeD tbe fielDs,mitbout refpect offer o; age ItilleD al,f toaSeD tuitb 6re f &do;d al iubat tbep map not carrp atoap. 0t length being pacifieD mitb aCributeof.i<5ooo.pounDs, beparteo to tbep; Ibpppcs, anb tMintereo at Southampton. tAmo.g^'^.a Cometapcareo. 2Cbeli6i(bopjicfeof£»«<5(i- Bishops f«» at fer 0) Holte Hand JuaS remOUCD tO Durham. Uurhoni, 3jn tbe pcare.i oo2.i!nng Etheldred caufeo al tbe Danesiw The Danes mut £«^/4Wtobeflapne,bpontbeDapofSaintBncc. 2Dbe fame'j^crcd. peare Vlincus SpotefouiiDeba i^onalferieat£«>'/f»bppon Trent. 3ln Anno.i oo^.Swavn ^inQOf Denmarl^iDltl)aQVtt armp inuaoeb Eng/dd initb fire ano toojD.i ooa.tbep fongbf a great batfell at Thetforde againft Vlfekcttd Carle at Eafi- jjp*. Angle. 2Cbe pere.Toop.fbep fougbt another battel agafnlf Vlfc- kcttcl at Rengemore 3Ebe pere, toil, tbep DClfropeD Cantur- burie, f foj tfiat ^ arcbbilfioppe Elfcgus uioulDe not peelDe fo fbem, be toasfirH impjifoneo tbere,f after carrieD to Grene- viche^ anb tbere ftoneb to oeatbe . chnHes Cfjnrcbe is %ii^f fpopleb Tiviiiyoftlie Di;)cs'ia Eng liiiile. Tloriiictnfii, Tl^e^57e^l; Saxons^ fpopleu anti bjcuf x t^c ^onbcs toifb all ofber men are ttnt tl)eli,mnc of eucrp ten being put to oeatlj, tbe tentb fufftreo toliueinmifci is: tbe number of tbemtbattoere left aliuc ioas four «!9onhes,anD of lap people eigt)t IjunDjce, fo tbat ^ number flainc teas 36. ^onUcfijano.Sooo. ofiljc lap peoc pie.«J taben out of the biCo^ riograpbers of that age, out ofGemeticcnfis, a mott oiliget tojitcrofdlJenealogieg, ano one other autbo?, iwhoinhps Commentarie lojitten in pjaife of Emma the ^uanc,affir# metb that Edwardetoag the eloer brother, itbom3 ooctbc better belaue,bpcaufe it ig not lifee,tbat be faing the tbingg toptb bis epeg, ibouloe miffabe the matter, efpcciallpc tojw ting to the ©uffnc,tDbo Inag mother to them both. Swanusintbemeanetimefuboucoal Ergiande, ano the people fo? feare peloco bnto bpm on euerp floe, ouer tubsmc mpff cruellp be trpumpbeo. But not long after be oepartco tbig life at GeyKefinrge^mfi left Canutas big fonne,fuaetrouE in tbetbingoome. Etheldredc bearing that Swanus toag ocao, leaning tn Normandie toitl) S>Ube Richard big fillerg fonne, Emma big lDife,ano tbeebiio?en tbatbe baooe bpbp?,retnrneo toitb al fpaOe into EKgUnde\mt\^ Edmundebig fonnebpbps firtte t»ife,being then at mag ffate, f bp the truttinelle of big olim luett. The Weft Saxons* * ^ 7 men,ant) ffje avue of f^e Normoits^ iiiouco toarre againff fjtff ciumic. Canutus finoing fiuiifclfe tnablc to matclje toitfj !)tm, luent into Derimarke,mm'iii\\z to returne fjit^cr inimcotat' Ip againc. Etheldrcdbemgcontrariefo^is cjcpertatton tbus relfo^ ret) to })i& Uingoome, tbcbjeo great crueltte tjpon tbc Da^es tbat rcmatneo in EngUnd, fparing neither man no? tooman, pangnojolo.2C!jerefo?e being berp oefirouo to re^ uengc tbe fame, p:epareD a neU) armie, anb came into £«- glmd againtt Etheldred toitb al fpaOe be coulb,raging toioe ano fioe toitb fire ano fcoojD.Hthcldred in tbe meanc feafon, iub^tber bp fichneffe oj fo? ro;troU),Dpet), toben b^ bab raig^ neb eigbt anb tbirtie pearcs, anb teas burpeb in tbe j!5o?tb JfddJBcunt 3 le of JBauIes Cbntcb in EoKdon abotie tbe fjigb Slulter. El Ditiond tbe fonne of Ethcldr3d bp bis firft Inife, faccabeb ^ ^ 'in tbe ltingbome,tobo (tnbstber it inerefo? tbegreate — Crengtb of bis bobp,oj foj tbat be altoapes bfeb to go in ar# iroXe. inour) tuao fnrnameb ^ronfibe. r.M^w. ©ebabffre battels againff Canutus Jitng of tbe Dmcs at Penhum barb bp Gtllingham in Dorcetfhire. ^^e put tbe Danes tO flight after tbat at ShireFiene. belb euen banb toitb tbem in tbe fielb, nottoitblfart# bing tbat tbe C^nglilbmen at tbe firfl beganne to fla, bp tbe policie of Edricus SDuke ofLwco/«f, anb of Merce,)33\)0 Crpeb EdrUcea runne atoap tojcfcbeo,Edmond pour laing is flapne. Trajwr, Sifter tbiSjiaing Edmond came to London, to beliuer tbe Citijcn0,tobomepart of tbe enimiesbabbeCageb asfoone as be toas gone from tbence, i^e bab mabe a bitcb alfo rounb about tbe Citie, tobere Ditch about tbe Kiuer of Thamis both not runne. Cbe Danes fl^g, tbe liing foUotoeb tbem, anb palling ouer Brentfird,^t banqup flbeb tbem toitb a notable bicto^ie. SCbe red ofi^ tobicb remapneb toitb Cnutc(tobilcs London btcte, Edmond relfeb bim,anb fet bis matters inojber) bib ged both by game befoege Ls>»doH, botl) bptoater anb bplanDe,buttbc |.b. Citijens x^S Ct^Pidl. S(*.Cr», Coaibate for the KingJoiiic. England dc> uuicd. Edritas a Traytor. Sfeeuhtm hijtt, K'-Cnecejl, The Weft Saxons* Ctttjens fffluff Ip intt^ttfljije,anD «pulftD f^cm, toficrefoje t^zv fl^cUjcD f^etr anger Ijpon t^e (Tountrcp of tl)e Merges, fpopUngSCotDncfi anP HHiUages toitfj robbcrp, burntnga, ana murtbcr, ano carpeb tbtir pjap to tl)t ^b^PP^® tobifbc tljep bab gatbereij togitber in tbc Ktucr of Medway, tobtcb runnetb bp Rochefler, from Vobcnce tbcp toerc Djiuen bp tbe l^ing,tobo taUing tba fcD?be of^f«?r/<>r^bcfo3e tbcm,put tbcin to fltgbt,ano fieto ti great number of tbem. Cbe firt ano latt battelitoao at Efendove in Ejfex, narc to Rocbford, in iobicb battcU Edmond bao gotc tbc btrtojie, but Ednkc agapne plaptng tbc SCrapto?, grcate flaugbtcc of tbc 6ngltlbmcntDas mabe, tbcrc tbc \)WQ%otErgUKde ioao oucrtbrntpcn , anb Edmonde tuente almoft alone on fote to Giocefler, tobcrc b® gatbercb a nctoe fo2cc to ftt Pponbts entmtco , but Cnutepurfueb bittt ac bcQcbbe, anb bautng p^cparcb tbetr armtec, botb tbel^tngatbcm^ felueo attempteb to fij^tbanb tobanbfo; tbe rtgbt of tbe btngbome in tbe 31 le of OUnu in ScHerncjin tbe tobicb Com^ bate, tbcp botb being toetrpeb, felltoaeouenantto beuibe tbe fame, fo tbat tbe one balfe of tbe i&ingbome (boulbe be bnber Canutus.anbtbe otberbalfc bnber Edmond, tobfe^ Edmond not long after bpeb Oxford, tobereas it ie faibe betoasOapne bp tbe treafonofEdrikeof^fr^xw, anb boas burpeb at GUsienhmy, leauing Edmonde anb Edwardc bis cbilbjenbcrppong. Cbis Ednkc toao not long tmrelnarbeb acco^btng to bis befertes, foj bPnifelfc m^tng baunt tbereofbnto Ca- nutus.tben being at B*yitardes Casiell til London, fapbClll tbtb toife, STbus b^neSlbone Canucus fo? tbe (one of tbee, to tobottie be anfcoereb, raping: anb tbou (bait bpe as toell tbou art tD(D?tbp,bpeaure tbou art giltie of SDreafon againff 00b anb me, in tbat tbou baft Oapne tbine olone iLo?b anb feing, Uibirb toas iopncb to me in league as ali5?otber, bis bloubbebpontbine otDnebeab:anb ftraigbt toapes, lea(( tbere Iboulb be anp tumulte, tbe STrapto? (oas in tbe fame Chamber to?menteb to bcatb tnitb £lreb;aubs anb linbes, ano The Danes* andt^cit IjhtkU bein0 bouiiDc fogtt^er, ioait bjatone tb;ou0b of tb^ ditie-, nnu cad into a bttcb) cal^ ieD Houndes ditch, fo% tbat fbcCittjenotbcrecafftbctr Dcafi HmiWitch. iDoggeSjanD fucb otbcr fiItb,atcomptmg btm tomjtbp of no vv^del"' better buriall * SD^^Ce ^mcce ratgneo togptber ttno pearec* CAnutustbc Dave,taking an ocfa0on,bwaufetntbcco# io^8 uenant tbat Inaa cocIuDeD concerntng {' oeutotng of t\)t Kealme,no affurance teas madefo? tbc Cbilbjen of Ed- nidnd, i)c cbalengcd all England to bunfclfe alone bp lain as Engund. tbcpcall it, of growing to, tobicb toas a mod eafre tbing foj btmfodOjbpcaufe tbere inas no man tbatourd erect b""'' felfe as patrone to defend tbe cbild?ens rigbt and title, and bptb^ futtleandcraftie interpjctattonoftbccouenantitbe Dave gote tbe fl^onarcbie of £;7^/W.and flcU) tbe bjotber of Edmond, and conuepedtbe cbUdjcnfarre alnapoutoff^- lead tbepdjould at any time be b?ougbt agatne and recetue tbeir rigbt. ^ome fay, tbep toere fent to a certapne man tbat toas a JS^ince in tbere to be difpatcbed lenJdnutyed" out of tbe bjaye : and tbat tbe }0?inccbndcrdanding tbep tntoswcthen. toere things cbild3en,rpared tbem, rotrarie to tbe credit and trud tbat toas committed bnto bim:tobicb appearetb to be true, in tbat tbe fame fo^aigne llo^d bept and brought bppe tbe (^ild;en bonourablpe, tbe ponged of tobiebe lobofe name toas Edwardc.did" aftertuardes inarrie Agatha, tbe xgathathecm# daughter of Henry tbe fourtb,Cmpcrour of £<>»>?,of tubome peror« daughtc» be bad many cbtldjcn, oftobicbe toedjallfpeafeebareafter, 0no tbe otber,lobtcb toas ^ elder bjotbcr,tDbofe name loas Edmond, dped Ulitbout cbildjen.3intbemcanereafonCa- nutui, bpcanfe be bad no beire tbat latofullp migbt fucceede btm in bis btngdome (foj Harold % Swainc toere begotte of Hiroiae and a Concubin) partlp tbat be migbt edablilb in time to come tbekingdome tbat be bad gotten bnto bis otone ltmd;ed^ eamebp lalofull fuccediontand partlp tbat be migbt pur^* cbafe to bimfelfe tbe friendlbip of tbe EngUfvmev, and of tbe iVbr/»4»/,p}oatreo to bane giuenbim in marriage Emma, tbo 140 The Danes* iottyolD of l&ttig^o af fijaf ti'motoaotoifi Edward attO Alured l|)tr fonnes in eptle toitl) SDiifee Richard in ATsrwWrjUjljtclje mariage fametl) to be maoeeuenbp €>00)5 p?ouiOence, tobo bab oetermineo to reffoje tbecom# mon toealfb in England, toberebp, as bp tbe lato ano title of reconerie, ano retnrnc out of epile, tbe monarcbie of all £«- ^/rfWjtubicb tbe Danes bat) taben from tbe Cnglifljmen, ano bat) poOedieD fire ano ttuentie peares ano mo;e, oio returne againe to tbe Cnglilbmen tbattoere tbe rigbt beires. i^oj MuugemiJe Emma concluDeo mariage toitb tt)e Dane, \jpon conoition vi>o« conJuio. isingoome of England iboulo remapne Onto none o* tber but to tbe CbilOjen tbat toere begotten of bir, if anp of tbem DiD remaine aliue: bp reafon of tbis mariage, tbojtlp after tbe oio bcare Canutus a fonne of bio oiune name,comi monlp calleO Hardycanutus. Horr two fecoito name mas giuen bim bpcaufe of bis great ium« vvtr»gi- courage, libe as bis bmtber Harold mas nameo t^arefcote, ucn o wgs. ^jgjfgfgp^^g^jfgjfg^jjpfgufgflfj^iguotablefroiftneireof f®te. Bp tbis affinitie ano aliance,tbe Danes became of tbe mo;e firengtb ano pomer. t^e feept dJngliimen in bis feruice fo long as be liueo. Canufm King fubOUCO tbe Scottesfuf^tXtfi^ ])C maS iiing of England, Somcf * Scotland,Denmar^,OY(ti Nenvay. 0fter tbat, be ment to Denmark^, ano fo to Rome, ano re# turneo againe into England, mijere be beptgoOiutticeall bis life,ano oio manp charitable o^oes. !^e maoe a faire Cburcb at Aflsendume in E^ex. Saint Edmund*- ^e founoeo a#nem tbe a^onatterie of Samt Edmondefistry, tetfojiug t^o oonation mbicb Edmond Jiing of tbe wefi Sa. iurunu,. A^baO gtueit to ^oint Edmund tbe Jiling ano f^artpj, mbo Ipetb tbere burpeo. UirUnm. ^0 oppopntco to bo Itiing of Norway Swanus bts fonne (as mas fapbe) bp Alfginc oaugbter to Althelme E^uHe of Northampton,mti bis ILaOp Vultruncibutotber faiOpbe ioss a^Msfomtn, Harolde. ^^ealfoappomfCD Tonne HarJycr.nutusbp Emm.i, fofaCJatng of Denmarkf.^Wtt tittt:it[tti?,tShaftejhurie\iA)Zn ratgneD ttoentie peareo, ano tuas buyteo in S.Swi- tlicns tit fVinchefler. TigroidfojbtOtolflneirecaUeDHarefootctDbonTCCanu- g ■^tus bao bp a Cancubtne Ahcc of ffampto».a — bausbtcr (affirming btmfelfe to be Tonne of CanutusanD AlTjina tl)e CDarle of North-hamptons oaugbfer) flept not bp ? TAaruHUf, pon fbe occalton anbopojtnnitie oflEereb^ bnt bOng tbe fojre oUljtDaf^es tbatoUjclt in Englmd, inuaceo tbe Keatme,. iubile \)is bjotber Hardycamuc gouerneO in Denmarke. l^c tokefrom bis motbcr m iato Emma, tbe moff parte of tbe rtcbcs ano treaTure tbat Canute bis father bab left bir, anbtben toitb content of tlje great -iLojbs began to raigne, but not To migbtilp as bib i^atbcrCanutus bib. To? a mo?c iutt brirc Hardycanutus toas loilieb foj, Uiberebpon tbe iungbomcbjas beuibebjtbe i^ojtb part to Harold^nb t^e l&Otttb to Hardycanutc, Edward anb Alfred Tonnes to JSing Ethelredjtbitb ma<« nplSnigbteSjCame out of fbetr mother at wtnchejler, Ujbtcbc Tojc troubleb tbe minbts of manp greate men, toljo bare moie fauour to iStng H-irold. c^TpectaU^ Godwinc ^arte of Kent, feigning to receiue Alfred as a frienb, came to mate bim,but iff tbe enb pat bim in pjiTotr, parte of bib companpe be put in fetters, anb after put out tbeirepes.£)fTomebecauTeb tbeir (kinne to faepluckebo^' tier tbeireareSjCbopping offtbeir banbs anb fate. d>ome be commanbeb to be folbe, anb biuerotuere murtbereb at GtU ford'. ©uane Emma bearing of tbis bealtn0,lbeftnfbirfonne Edward backe againe into Normandy. ;3ftec tbia, Afr'nde tuas conuepeb to tbe3lle of £f/r,tDberr bis epes being firteepluckeb out, be boas belinereb to tbe 4^onckesto be kept p;iToner tbere, toberefbo^ttpafterbtt bepartcb tbis life, anb tuas bncpebintbe^outb 3|leof tbo ^JETelf part of tbe Cb«Kb» *42 Hardy canutus» 15Pfaufe Hardycanutus OflawcO to COtttC oticr bctttg feitf fo;, l)c teas tjtterip rcterteo, atiD Harold, hi^o bcfojc toas laing of t^c Mrraes aiio Nortlmmbcrs, toas cboff II iSmg of all England, Ujljo ftojtip affcr erpelUD mother in lata Emma out of t^c Uealme. raignco tpj® pcareo, opro at Oxford,mti toao burpco at fVesiminj}er,wnti after at Soint cu~ mtnts UlitbOUt Tcmflebarre at Lon^n. T 04I tJ A.rdycar.utus,tl)e lalufull begottctt fonnc of Canutus anb Bmraa as fajne as be bab gotten bio fathers liingbome, fcfcbcb borne bio mother out of crilc: anb in reuenge of bif^ pleafure that tuas bone to bir> nnb oftbe murtbcrofbis b:otber commanbco the carfeasofHaroldtobe btggeb out of the earth, anb to be tb^otoen into the Uiuer of ihAma, tobcre bp a fiQ^cv it teas taken bp, anb b?oogbtto Thisu feppa- the Danes, tobo burveb it in a Cburcb-parb, tobicb tbep b^*b mt?s chLT'' London. czHbifb ooiic, ftje iiing appopnteb epgbt markes rvithout Teai. to be papbe to etierp g>apler in bio name, f ttoelue markes pic birre. qj ipaifter,lDbifb tribute teas to be papb of al £»^/W,fograuou0 jtbat fcarce anp toao able to beare it, &bo?tlp after,be fent foj Edward the fonne of Ethcldrcd,bis b?otber of the mothers ftbe, fo come into England, anb em# b^aceb bim mitb all loue anb fauour. Beingatamariage feaS pleafantlp b^incking toitb the ^^ioef other perfono, intbemibbeft of bio cups be fell fubbapnelp boUmeto^e grounb. f fo remaining buinbe, beparteb this life the tbirb pcare of bio raigne,f bias burieb bp bio father at mnchefier. 1047 pD ward bojne at ijbf beftbes Oxford, the fonne of Ethel- ^'dred.iobom Hardycanutusbabrentfo?into£»^W,toas u.Ko'ufc.' crotunebativmcheflcr.Cbio Edwardfojbioepcellctbolp# neire,is bntill tbio bap calleb Saint Edward mho fo fmnc as be bab gotten bio fathers kingbome, of bio otDnefrciuill releafeb the tribute Of4oooo.pounb,callcb Danege/i,tol)icfy Dane gelt, Cuglilb pcoplc, cueu from the berp beginning of the The flrft com# tcigne of the Dana, tons compelleb fo pap to their ikings e# nimgvp ofthe uerppcare.l^e bias alfo the cbiefeautbojanb caufe,tbaf cwmon Livv. gjg b?OUgbf bp, Edward Confcflbr* i4j tp, bem0 gafbereti fogttb^r ottf of rb<^ faioo^ aitb o^btttaces of four nations, tuljicf) Ujero rccciiicl! tobcn tfjcjllani) foas fubied: to Diners regiments f goucrnances, to ioitte, of tfje Aftrrcw,of t^CfV£^Sa.vo»y.of t^C Danes^^ oft^e Northumbers. jvjtrcics.vvca $9eltias barD to bis inotI)er,bpcaufe (be tons barD to bim in Saxons, Danes, bio minojitie, ano alfo fufpedeD ioitb Alwmc 3iBi(bop of wtncheHer,\xif)omz\^t}^\xfin p?iron,bpconnfcIl of Robme ;arcbbilbop ofCa»turbwry; but after bio mother baD purgcD birfelfe, Alwmc ioas DelinereD, anD Robert tbe ^rcbbiUjop ronuepeD bimrclfc out of England, tffllie to iuife Edgitha, tbe Daughter of Carle Godwinc, tobo fapraufc (befajougbt bimfo;fbnocbilD?cn,neptber tuao there anp hope that (be baticyneT^" ^oulD beareanp, tube be DiD f® that manp DiD gape after {» itingDome, be began to be carefull fo; one that (botilD iu(flp fuccdDe bim, anD tbcrfo;e foUoUiing the reafon of ^ commo lauj,be rent fo; home into England bis ilSepbeiD Edward,the fonne of hing Edmond bio b?otber,tDbo bp reafon of bio log nbfence out of (be CountrepjUjas comonlp calleD i outlato. 2nbis is that Edward, tl)5 founeofiiiing Edmond furnameD SronffDe, tubicb remaineD aliue, tuboiwe Canutus toben be baD gotten England, baD rent into Swethcn tuitb bio b?otber» ^e bnotoing the aDuife of bio tancle, came againe into £«- ^/W anD bjougbt tDitb"bint Agatha bis toife, f Edgar,Mar- garct anD Chrillian btO CbilD>en,fao?ne in PanoniaXn hope of the bingDome,lDberc be liucD but a tobile. JCbuo S.Edward being DifappopntcD, both of bio iiiepbcU) anDbiobfire,fo? that Edward the outlaUi toas both bp narenclTeofblouD, anD faplatofull ruccelTion rightbeirc bnto tbeiiingDome, toitboute Dclape pjonounccD Edgar the outlatoes fonne, anD bio greate ijiepbeiu, to bar beire of (be iHingDome, anD gaue bim to furname Adding, tobicb name in tbofe Dapes toas peculiar onelp to tiiingo Cbiibien, tobicb biere bo?ne tnbope anD polTibilitieoftbe IHingDome: fo? tbps too^De Adding, in the Cnglilb tong, is as much to rap,as J^ince, 0? 3lo?De, the contrarp oftobicb toojD is Vndcrling,tbat is to fap, a feruant o; bonDmait: o? aecojoing to tbe Malcbe AdeUng. rpacb. *44 Edward Confeflbr# fpacl), Adcling ffgnifiet^ ^jeirc:fauf bpcaufe ttjis Edgar ton but pong of pcarcg, ano toitbin age, bp bist^ttantcntebe maoc Harold t^e fonnc of Godwinc (a tfoute man botb in toarre ano peace) Uegent, bntill tbe pongEdgarOjoulObe of age to recepuc tbe toingcome, ano tbat tben be IboulD be tnaoc itingttobicb tbins Harold toitb a folemne otb pjomi« fco to fa fo pcrfo?nieisanD ocne.j^ottoitbtlanoingjbe libe a SCraptour (bp fojcc of amies) immeoiatelp after t bcatb of ji'fricfut Btutri. Ed Ward, refttfeb tbe name of Kegent, ano pjotiounceo bim^ STcflf'' tobtcb^ tbing lbo?tlp after bjougbt Oeffruction «««/ kijii. botb to bimfelfe,ano to all EngU>id. cyifiMo I o 51. Euftacc (i!;arle of ^«//»j^w,tobirb fo toife f tnaten, Goda,liifer to laiug Ed wa; cl,arrtueo at Do^er, tobere one of bis men quarclling aboute bis loOging, (letoe one of tbe SCotonefmen, in reuenge tobereof, notonlp tbequareller, butotbcr ofbiscompanp,ano manp of fbo SDotone tocrc flapne, tobicbo ootng fo mucbc offcnoco Godwine Carle of Kent, tbatboaCTcrableOn great potoer,tobwtoitb bo mar# cbco totoaro GloceflerM^txt t^e bing tben lap,bnto tobome be fentmelTengers to Denounce toarre, ercept bctooulo be# liuer Euftacc anb bio felloto Normans tiXiti BohgniMis, tobtcb ' bolo aCaffell in tbe Dominions of Kent. ^ftertbis, Godwins armte entereb tntoC7/»cc/ toitb bis Kuefonnes, to be banifijeb, tobo ttraigbttoapes toitb bis toife, anb ttoo of bis fonnes came to TBomej', tobere bis ^bippe being laben toitb Coibe, ^iluer, anb p;ecious things, be faplcb totoarbe F/Wcr^.-bis otber fonnes tcbc ^bipp^ of ^n^sB',anb fapleb into /re/and. in tbe HCf t pcare,Haiold ano Lcofwmc,fonnes fo cBarle GodY\^» Edward Confeffon J45 Godwine, rcfurntltij out of Ireland, ClltrCO Seuerne, arrutfft toitfj manu §»l;ippcs in Ssmerfet auD Dorfetfljtres , ipoplf 0 iiianp Sotoncs in ttjcCountrcp^floUj manp people,an0 rex turncDiuitij p3ap,t^cn tl)ep faple about Portefweoutku. Carle Godwmc lanbeo in Kent, gatljercD a poforr, (avf lebtotbejlc of ^F^A/.toafting along tbe ^eacoaffcs,tiU Ijts fonnes Harold ano Leofwme came toitij n ^aup,tj3!jifb being come togitber,tl)eptatietl)eir cottrfc bptijeiUtucrof Thamu, came to Southrvarke, an0 Ujcre aapeD fa} t{;e Cibc, auD tbentoepeDtjp 0ncbo?, ano finoing none tbatoffcreo t? refig tbem ontbc iSjioge, tbep faplcb bp bptpe ^cutb CDC oftfjc Utuer, anb bis armie bp lanb, placing it felfe bp# pon tbe banclies fi0e,ma0e (beto of a tbicbe anb terrible bat# taple. Bftce tbiSjtljc iliauie turnebtotoarb tfje i|5o?th tbo3e,as Here «te tbougbittooulb bane compaffebintbei^ings'iSauietbut ^ lbfbtbattDereb)itbtb^i^tn07anbb)itb Godwmcabbojreb,'^''^': "i to Sgbt againfte tbeir oUme binojeb anb Countrcpmen,' liiberefoje a peace Uiac mabe, Godwine tuitb b'J" fcnnes tocre refiojeb to all fo?mer boooj, anbtbeA'crw^jiuere banilbebtbelanb. 0s Wilham of Malmefbtiry tmttctb,a CertapnC pottg tbO# rrMslme. man being terriblp bifeafeb, bp reafon of bumo?s gatbereb ud'gtheKwg. aboutbir necUc into great aDcllinghcrnels, came to i^ng Edward inbo toitl) bis rigbi bawb bippeb in toater, banblca bir nccfec,anb fojtbbjitb b b^rbn^ifc I5ib b3eahe,tbc bjojmes ioitb tb^ matter rannc out, anb all tbe nopfome ftticlling afCtoageb, fo tljat flje toas perfectlp bds, anb faire Ifeinneb ere tbe tuabetoere enbcb :anb tbcp tbatbnebjebislift^j rapb,bc bab oftcurcb tbis plague in Normandy. SCbts Edward ratgncD tb.:ieano tiaentiepcres, lire mo# , „ ^ *' 1, Rucipom^ netbc0-,anb obbe bapes. 4)ebjas burpeb on tbe bap oftbeEpipbanie, tntbe0b# bap of SamtPeeter in ITeilmmierlo^ic^ b^O nctolp buil# bcb. 3ntbe fame ban Harold tbe elbeC fonne of Godwine 1HaroIdc» Garleof AV«.%anii bjot^cr to Edgitliaflje^uanejfjaamff obtcpneo faptb oftbe nobtUtiMffit^etbe Crotone. Leofrikc CarU of Mtrcta, anD of Hereford, founOetS f^e ©oiialfcrie of Couentrie \x{ fcauen bapcs. Tothis enupingfas men farb)tbe pjofpedtic Tm^D'i'ci. of b;otber,airrcD bp troubles in tbe Uealme, foj be iop# iaZlfr coucn. nittg bimfelfe to Harold tbe !aing of Norw^, affhulteD En~ gland in toarlike fojt, both bp fea anb lanb. SZSbofe attempt tobilcs Harold qXEngland pjepareb to toitbltanb, William 3bDube of Normandy nottoitblfalitng be bias a Battarb, 57roa?cS"* feas of Hmnc to Saint Edward in tbe tbirbeano fourth be# vvrfrd b nhe confangutnitie, faing a conuenient time anb occa# ZZLt lijt!' 0on offereb to tabe tbe aingbome in, gatbereb a ^Saure of 896. ^bfpp^a.anb came into £«^Wh}ttb a berp inell ap* popntcb armie, allebging, tbat bp all rigbt anb title it toas Due to btnijbp tbe gift of King Edward bis binrman,attb al# fobptberouenant tbat tuas mabe,anbbpotber0abli(beb bettoirt Harold anbbtm !^c lanbebatPtfw/i^.ntncmilcs eutUrrccum. fjaJlings, tbc 28. of September. Harold itotlDitbffan# Ding be tnas bare of men,bp reafon of tbe battel tbat be bab fougbt agatnll Toftus.anbtbe men of A^frnv^-, ret bearing of Williams comming, toente ffraigbtUjapes againffe bitn. J5otb armies being bjougbte into arap, tbe battelltoaa England con- fougbtjbibcrtn great flatigbter afEngitp^men teas mabe,anb «juercd bf tbc AWrfwgotctbebirtode, efpeciallp bp meanes oftbeir IJlSvv«r" UjoOben botoes anb arroUies (tobicb Engitfhmth bab not tbfw Harolcfe* H7 f^cnlntjfc) fej SDuIteWilJhm commanftet) fjts meitjtfjaf Tome of tljcm Il^oulO Cjofe Oircttlp fojtoaroe, ano foiiie tjp' tnarOjfap reafonlD^rrccf,f^e arrotofbottjpioarlJjDclfropcB tt)t Enghfh as t^ep ffoupeB,anB tl^e arrofculftotOtrertlpa# fo^e^ano luounoeo f^em t^at QoiBe i}p;!i0tjt:anD !^tng Ha- rold ^imfelfr (baliantlp fighting) toas fijottc t^jougi^t^c H»rotdflay«e. 6japno0,tD5ereof BpeO, teljcn^c t)aB raigneDnincmo« net^jes^anD toas burpe'o in tlje jtojic otJ-vaitham lutjicb Ijao fbunDeo. SCI^is batteli toas fougljlatHaUingsni^w/- fex, bppon tl)e fourtffntb bap of £>£tobcr being featcr^ oap,tnt^e pcare ofoure3lo?b'io66. Cljeretowflapncof Engli(hmen 67pj^,qn1} o{ntrma»s 6oi jvh'^' s' r t t j^odbriet^e. SC^is teas (fatib Paru) tbc bolcfuU bcttrnctton oftbtsftoate anbplearantlanbjtbeliingstob^r^of Thedtfcriptio- ntng t^eSAxo^i) at tbcir firffe comming, tottb barbarous countenance anb getture,in tuarlibc fojt,pjouobeb all men ^ to malice anbbatrebtotoarbstbem,iDboouercameal men bp loarre anb fubtiltie: but after tpep baf recepueb tbe Cb?ilfibnfattb, anb bp little anb little applpeb tbcir bilu gencebnto iJeitg{on,tbep ncglcttcb tbe crcrcife of armour, fo? tbe ft ings bib change tbcir babtte,anb fome at Pome, anb fome in tbeir ottme Countrcp, fougbtto change their tern# jjo:aU ftingbomes fo? eucrlaSing ft ingbomes: anb manp tDbicb ail their life time emb^accb toojlblp things, bib pet biffrtbute tl)cir treafurcs bnto all the luojbes ofmercp: but aftertoarbs toben cbaritte tbapeb colbe, all their Ifubie anb tranailc of Ueligion flabeb, anb then came the bettruction of the inhabitants :ftrff at the comming of the anb itobo in the erpulbng of the Erghfhmen bp the Normans: fo; gulling, ano fpentbotlj oa? ano ingbt in fuclj tilt tljcp tjomiteo. SiCi)e SaxoKs tbare tljeir garmenfcs to fl^c nitODefena?, tbeir bearc rounoeo, ano tbotr bearoco Ibauen (all faue tbe ouerltp) tljeir armeo aoo:uieo toitf) goioen bracelets, ano ttjeir (Uinne papnteo ano p}tntoo.f c. Thtu endeth the Reigne of the Saxons, who. werefrflfent for by Vortigcr, about thejeare of our Lord.^") o.and hadncrwe continuedfomettmet fn. Twarfes with the BritatneSy then with the Danes, an^ now with the Tformans, the Jpace ofjtxe bun^ dred yeares. A thoufand fixe and fixtie yearc it was,as vvc do reade, When that a Comete did appeare,. and Engliihrncn lay dead: OfNormandic Duke William then to Englandward did fayle. And conquer de Harold with his men, and brought this Land to balev if'King VVilliamConquerour. lUiam Duke of Normaiv ^mo. ote,rtirnamed Conqnerour,Ba^ ffaroc fonne of Robert t^jcOjcfe, E)uke of ti)at ]5Dut^te,aiio Co30n germane tmto fetng Edward on t0e motfjers 0oe,beganne bts oo^ minion oner t0e Kcalme of £«- gUfid, ftje fonrtantfj bap of £)(t0J ber,being ^aterl)ap,in peare reg.i^ O of our ILojD 1066. after ttje battaple at H*ntngs, jDube William came ttiL9ndon^\3i^txt toitb great iop^etoasre* cepneo, botb of ttje CUargie ano people, anti ioao p?oclap^ meoiitng. Mbentbe Citieof/-w^f« loas t^uo palbeb bnto ^im, Iffe tokej^iB iotirnep totoarbeo tbeCaftell of^Doner, to fub;> bue tljat, anb tbe reff ofKe»f alfo: ioljwli tbe ^xt\}bu (bop Stigand, anb Egc-lfin tbe abbot of ^aint Auguftincs (being ao it inere tbe cbiefeQiiojbo anb gouernoursofali Ke»t) bin percepue anb conftber, tbat tbe \xii)b\z Uealme l^fiij* tuao ^5^ illiam Conquerour» toasin anciuIlKafe,anD ttat luljcrcasm tbtsUealmeof lingUnd, bcfo.:c fljc fomming oftl;e fojcfapo jDulic William fljcrc lucre no l;onDmcn,noU) aU,a5 luell noble men,as tbc fcmmon people, lucre luitfjout refpcd: mabe fubtectebnto tf)cpcrpetuall bonoageoftbc Norm^Ksja^in^an occafion bp tfje peril! ano banger tljat ttjetr netgbbo?s lucre in, to pjDuibefo? tbc fafegarb oftfjcmfelues anb tbcirCountrep, tbcpcaufeb to allemble at Canterbury all tbe people oft^c Countie of AV/i/, anb beclarcb tot^emtlje perils anb ban# gers imminent, tbe miferic tl)at tljeir neighbours luere come into, the pjtbe anbinfolencicofthew«r/w^/,anb the harbnelTcanb gricfe ofbonbage anbfcruile effate: Inhere# bpon all the people rather ehcoHng to enb their bnfojtunate life, than to fubmitthcmrducs to an bnaccnltomeb pobeof fcruitube anb bonbage,luith a common confent betermineb to mate JTufte Wilham, anb to fight luith h"n fo? fhe lalus of their (inountrep, 0nb ^ fo.zcfapb Stignnd the ^rchbifficp, ano the i3bbot Egclfm, chcofing rather to bie in faattell,than to fee their nation in fo euill aneffate, being encourageb bp theeramplesofthchoIpMachabccs, became Captapne of thearmie.Unb at a bap appopnteb, all the people met at Swanefcombe tluO lUilCS lueff from Grauefend.mH being hiO' ben in the Uimbs, lap pjiuilp in luaptc fozthecommingof thefozefapo SDufie William. ^Inb bpraafc it can not hurt to beberp luarp in ftirh cafes, thep agrab befoze hanbe, that tuhcnthe HDufieluas come, anb the palTages on euerpfibe aoppcbifo the enb he fljoulb no tuap be able to ercape,euerp oneofthem,asluell l^ozfemen as footemen, Qjoulb bcarc faoughes in their hanbs. SChe nert bap after, iuhe theSDuKe luas come into the fielbs ano tcrritozies ncere bnto Swanef combe,dittti falu all the Countrep fet anb placcb rounb about him, as it hab fain a ffirring f mouing luioo, anb that toith ameancpace thep appzocheb anb bzelue nare bnto him, luith great bifcomffture of mino he luonbereb at that fight anb as fame as the Captapnes ofthe Kentijhmen(niDtti)nt SDufie William luas enclofeb in the mibbeit of their armie, theif Conqueroiir*' *5* fiicpcanftti tlieframpcJs fo be founzjeo, ttjcir bantters fo be btfplapeD, anD tb2e}0 boUine tbetr bou0b^£*:> tpt'tb tbetr botoes bent, tbeir ftDojw bjatone, ano ttjeir fpcares anD oo tberbtnbe ofloeapond(h'etcbebfo?tbe,tbep lieU}ebtbem« felues reabie to figb^ flDuhe William anb tfjep tfjatiocrc toitb btm, l!(Dbe(ao no maruell tttDao)ro2e a(fonteb,anb a< majeb,anb fj^febtcb thought tbat fje bab alreabp all EngUnd fait tn bus fiS, btb nolo btfpatre of bto otone life. fUberefo^e on tbebebalfe oftbe K^ntijhmeh,\xit(e fentbntoDuUc Wil- ham tbe ;9rtbbtlbop Stigand, anb Egclfm Sbbot of Sk'M Augu^wes,\xibQ tolb btm tbctr meflage in tbto fojt: 3102b DufeCjbebolb tbe people otKem conimetb fo2tb fo mate pou, anb to receitie pon as tbetr Uege 3Lo2b, rcqni* ring at ponr banbs tbe things Inbicb pertapne to peace,anb tbatbnbertbis conbition, tbat all tbe people of i lnm',remiyne maimc tnuiolafalp obferueo tntiU tbts oap, onclp intbe OiKent. SCi)US farrO Thomat Spror^iHtZX tjttn fVtllnim W^il.Tbome. 7 home. iSffcr SDube WiHiam tualtol) Snfex, Hamppiire^SoU' FlorHc^'wissr, therj, MiMlefex, aUD Hertfortpjtre , UOt CCafTiUg tO bUCUO E^otunesf-, ano flcp tbc people, rill be came fo Barkehamfteed, toberetlje :^rcl)btlljop Alredus, Wolftan IBilbop 0tlV«rce- y?ifr, Wilfcrus 15ilbop of Hereford,C\\to^d^AV,X\)t (l!;arlr£( Edwinc ano Morcare,ano cuerp one of tljc noble men about Londoncauteto l)tm, ano giutng pleogeo, fubmitteb tljem? felaes,anD Craarefcaltie to Ijfm, toitl) toboni^ alfo be made a league, f ncucrtbeleffe pcrmittcD bis armp ttill to burns chro.!.jibM. 2;oU)nes,anD to take fpoples. s'^cderiVe A.b. S^bcre 1000 at tbat time an ;3bbot of Sa/nt ^Alhons cal# bot of S.Albans led Frethcnkc iubo bearing of tbe comming ofS^uke wiHi- gamrtOuVe HartfordJJnre, caufcd tbC tOOODO bettoilTt London ant> V viiiiam. §>aint aydibons to fae felled, tbat no man could eptber ride o? go tbat tuap foj tbem: and tbuo tbe abbot kept bis ^ona* fferie, tbat Duke William migbt not cometbere, but toas faunC to COall OUCr fo tbe Cattell Ot Bark^bamfieede, U)bo tbere, bnder furetie, fent foj Frcderikc Hbbot of ^aint ake William fobemucf) of fift Itaelo&eef S*tmt Aibons. ait Cljuttmartie fje tooulo faccroiuncD at Gioa^er, at t.Ctl)itr3atiDcat;rf/7/»/^i7fi', attSaffcr ^{ivwcheH-er tijefe fcaftcs licpt toitl) great ropaUte,but be maoe bto comons bare,anl» fjintfelfe ricbe. teas pjouoe of po?t,anD bab a great belh',balDe beaoe, anb a biggc man tn all tbe parto of bis bobp, bctoas a gcob 3rcber,anD rigbtfebDemigbt benbe !;is botoe . l^c b;ougbt tb® from Rhone to mljabite berc. W3,\)i CbJtffmatfr appjocbeb be marcbcb luitb al bio amip i^ave vviiij- to Lo««7dte,sxi}^i(\) at tljat tiinc toas bent to fbJink from bnn.l^a tObctDitbbiniEdgare Ethchng,Stigandus 3l'fbbifl)0ppe of W.dcWdunu ^anturhurie^YxcAcnkt ^bbot of Saint Aibons^ Egclnothus 2ibf bot of Glafbenburie,^dvtyne Oulie of Mercta, Morc^rus OullC of NorihHmbsrLxnde, Waldcn CarU Of Northampton atlOof Roger late Carle of ffer/^^^jRenulphc Carle of Can7brtdge,Go{p>dXnkz Carle Of CumberUnde, Gualtcr t^O fotl of Siward, ant) manpe otber nobles of England tbtnhtngtljep buouloe be truer to Ijiui i" a fojratnc Countrep tban in tbeir otone: bp tbep; Diligence fje fuboueD tf)z rebelling Normans. l^Jljen dairtter toas at banD,diing William retourneo,anD fct an iinpojtable tribute on the Engitfhmen. xctfter b • fifing into Dehonjhire be belrcgCD Excesitry " '' tu^iel) tbf Citijens ano otber Cnglifl) men bclfe againttc bim, S^bf CounteCTe Githa mother of Ising HarolJe.anD filter to S'.vanujbingofli,an5 on toao confecrateo SJnaite bp Aldrcd i!rcbe# bpfijop W illiam Conqucrour* * biflEjOpof ^tttt\)is Marlcfwin.GofpatrickCjanP Of^er noble menneof to auopbe king Wilhams roug^e anb bopfferous Dealings, taking UjitI; tbcm Edgar, Ethclmg.anD bis molber Agatha, tnitfj fjis ttuo filters Mar- garctanD Chnrtian, toentebpfea into ScotUnde, toljwtljep loere receiueD anD toell cntertapneD of Makolmc king of Scott es, tufio ttoke Margaret tfie fitter Of Edgar tO tDife« t»bn tfiufe, luting William toitfi fits armpetDenteto Notm^hamnrn tbcrc builDcD a Catteltfie inent to roA^<-,anD mabe ^cre ttoo Cattels, anDputintbcmgarironstberomaunDeDalfoCa; anduncoine. OelstobcmaDeatZ/ww/wanDotberplaces. - SCfiis pere Hcnrie tlje kings fonne iuas bo?nc in Engldd, r.KuS^me. foj Ijis cIDctt fons Robert anD Wilham llutus tuer-e bojnc in ■« r I . - . ^ . 1 thumbcrUnde Nirmandte, betOje fie dDonqUCreD England. flaine. ?^ing William gane to Robert Commin tfie (il;arleDomc tt MirthamhrlandMiQ entteD bP fOJCe iwtQ D are fine, bUt fo? bis outrages tfjercDonejficanDpoo.oftjis mentoereflainc bp tfje men oftijatCoiintrep,intbeli5il]boppss palace, tfiat tct.cr9, ^ baD binifelfe recepueD bi»n fionotirablpe, ano king Willum 5, came aftcrtoaro tpon tfjem anD fletoe tfiem euerp one» ^ Agelricus bilbop of DKrA/rw,being accufcD oftreafonjtoas 10^9 impjitoneD at iveslminfier. 0nD fits bjotfier Egelwmc be^ tng maDe llSilfiop tbere,U)as fosne bantlficD. ^ STljc Engifjhmen t})at iuere ttcDDe out of EngUnde, ^aupng Edgar to be fljeir Captaine, returneD out of ScotUnde, anD foDainelp fet bpon tfic garifons tijat iiing W ilham IjaD fette at put tfiem to fligljte, ficfcoe tfiem, poflTclTeD the Citte, anD pjonounceD Edgar to be Jiing: but not long after i^ing William came initl) a great armpe anD rccoucreDtfirCitie, . conttrapntng Edgar to retourne into Scotiandc. Edgar ffeing becoulocnot make bis partpeg0DU}ttl) king William, aD> , iopncD bnto fipm Canutus king of tfie i9-2«f/,p,:omiring bpn* fialfe of tfic kingDomc. SDbus tbep cntreD EngUnde auD came to Terke. f'% 'ZX)t Normaincs tfiat tncre Icft to DefenDe tfie Citie, fette Y orke brsjrt, tbeir fuburbesonfire, tbaf tb^tr enimiesffiouloebausno conv 1^2 W illiam Conqucrour» rommoDttte oftt, but tbe tDtnbeb^otte tbc fire on nnb fct all tlje €ittie on fire, fo tljat tbe gnrifons toere fojceD to fiaemto tbetreniuueobanbo. 3ln tbe&trmtff) toere fiatne iooo,Normans, UJbercbppon all tbe iflojtb parte of England fell from William to Edgar. (Edbcn wdham bao tDo?D,oftbe flaugbter men,ba toitb great trauel came to Torke, mbere be fougbt toitb bpo enimico, ano put tbem to fltgbte. Canutus toitb a feto Danes got to tbeir ibtppes, but Edgar anb tbe «tobicb ef'' capeo,retourneointo William fpopleb all tbe COUntrep bcponbe Hnmber. ^ S>ucb a bcartb toas in Engimdx^vAmen bib eatebojCTeo, ^ MiTifllfif cattegjbogges,anb mans fletb. gooil liing William bcrcaueb all tbe ^onalleries anb 0b» iob>,uxw.^ faapesin EngUnde of tbcp? golbeanb filuer, fparing nm ^ tber cbalice no? ll)?tne, app?op?tatjngtbe fapb ^onaCert^ riaTa!'^"'" anb ^bbapes td bimfelfe: be alfo b?oagbt bnber&ntgbtes ferutce, alltbofe Btlbop?tcfiesanb iSbbapestbatbelb^a^ rontes,tobtcb b^b bin firee from all fecular bonbage,appotn« ting tbein botoe manp foulbtours tbep (boulb finbe btm anb bis fucceCTours in time of toarre. sffindlpofcj 3!na counfelat wincheHer Stigand toas bepofeb as an ^pofiata^rcbebilbop, tobo fo? monep got bis Bilbop?icbe: Annoxeg,^. anb Lijnfranke toaS Cbofen^rcbbttfiop tsXCanturbwie. loyt Ed wine (0;arleof.^fr'«««,MarcherusScotland, anb ^^g-7' fojceb Malcolinc to DO bim bomage ano fealtic» litng William Uittb a greate potoer otEngiifhmen, toente Amoreg.'i^ into Nermtmdte lobtcb rebeUeD,anb fubbucb it, fpopling tbc Cities,toU)ncs,binepartieo,co?ne,fc. Gregory tbe feauentb pope, ercomnnnnicateb all com^ \ o 74 mitters of §>imonp, ano remoueb marico'pjieftes from ep# Mwed prufte» ecutingofoeuincferuice, tobereofrofegreats troubles England. 2a*ihnr?.tru. Ranulph Crle Of Eafl-Engbjh,h^ ^^couufel of t\)Z Crles Wolthcopus f Rogcr,tranelieb to eppel fe.Willia outofbiiS kingbome. SDbe cdfpiracie boas conclnbeb at a mariage ini^ Citie zXNorwich, f fajtbtoitb tbep rente to tbe feing of Den- confp'""*- markt, befiring btsapbe, anbbauingconfeberatebtoitbfbo waichmen, euerps ous tobore tbep came, robbeo tbe japngs tohmes. feing William came fobainip out ofWorwW/>,anb toiie tbo CBarlcs,committing tbem to pjifontbuttbew'^/c^/weKb^ caufeb to baue tbep? epes put out,anb tome to be bangeb. KanuttberonneofSwayne,anb Hacon tbe Carle, rame^^^^ out of Denmarke,\oi^ 200 railc,but loben tbcp boarb ^ tbep? ^ fauto?s toere onercome,tbepfoarneb into Elamders. feing William caofeb acattell to be builbeb at Dirham, f jq_ tommaunbeb Walthcothus, Carle of Northamfton anb of ^ — Hnntindon,XontZ Siward bUbe tANorthumbcrlandf,Z be hZ\)ZHf beb atfVinchefier,\jil}0 loas burteb at CrowUnd. SC^e king fapleo into B>jt4ine,anD beCegeb tbe CaQei of i?<»/tw/,bHtp?euapleo nof» if'4 William Conquerour» Bishop murde. Walter }lBtC&0|jpe of D«rW,bougl^t of king William tl)e Cl;arlcOonie of /Vorthumi>irr/a»tle,[]3^ti:in \)t bfcO futb crueltp, (jjafatt^c leii0tfjt^cinljabifantoQefcoc^11" anoanbunojeo ofbis men,bp ti)c riuer of Tt»e, tubcre tbe IBilbop tjcloe bis (ourteo. STbcdJartfj tDasbarbefi-ojen,from fbeCalenoeo of jjSo# —7" _ tiembcr,ttU t\)t miooeff ofi!p,nll. i^ing William gaue tbc caftel totfb t\)e foton o(Po»tfrait, limore/.i i about,tO Hilbcrt Lacy a Norma».X\)e catteltoton f laO0 about Pi'w/rsi/V^Jonget) before ^ Coquert to one Richard AlLnaldc,tDbO Ailnckc ^ toljObaO Swancjtobo bab Adam.offajbom cauie ttoo oaugbfcrs, one oftbemmaneoto Gaulh-ide Ncuilc, tbeotberto rhomas Burgh, but ncptbcroftbcmbabanpcpart oftbe Suotone oj lanbe about Pontfrait.Kohcxt fonne to Hildebcrc Lacy.foun" Deo tbe 13?t0Jl' of Pomfiaite. Robert tbe firtt fonne of iitng William, bpcanrcbecoulD notpoflTeflfe tobitll ftis fatbcrb'ibfiiucnbtmbe^ fojc bis coming into (in tbepjefence of Phillip titng tAFraunce) be tuent ittto Tramce, anD tb?ougb apDe of f^png Phillip befetcbeo pjapes in NomiAndte, b?cnt toUmeo, fletoc men,anD fajougbt bis father into no fmall perpleritie, t!Itpon|3almcronoapeabouten(Dne, appeareoallBIafing ffarre neare tmto tbe funne. Amo.reg.i 2 jVlalcoline f^ing 0fb'c<7rj,iDaIfcb NorthHTnberla»d, fletn nia>' '°7^ ■ np,anD tobc a great p?ap toitb bim into Scotk»d. 2Dbe Catbeojal Cburcb of Fderefordijjas bjent bp Grifin anb Algarc fonne to Lcof icke c&arleof^/erce. Mobile!^ing William gaue battaple tmto bis elbcff fon Robert, befoje tbe Catfell of Kcrbothcad,U)bicb t^ing Phi- ?vou^yd."""' bp bab lent bim, be tnas Inounbeb bp bpm in bps arme anb catfe faefibes bis bojffe, butao fone ae Robert bneto bim bp bis bopce, be itraigbt aligbteb, anb requtreb bis i^atbcr to Amo. mount Oil bis bo?ffe,anb fuffteb bim to bepartrmanp of hing Vi/iiilams men tnere flaine, anb bis fon William tottb manp otbcrfojctuounoeb. Truftin William Conquerour» ^^5 Truflin 5ibbOf otGbfleKburyXQ^wiiith ti ini)^ aCtC ill \)ilt j ,_p Cburct), foj be caufcD tbJa a?onHcs to be Qaine tofjifb it-cre lapbe bncertbe ^Itare, ano rbigi. men to be tDounQcb, tbat %UthrieV-'ru, tbetr blouD ran from tbe alter boton t ffepo to f paiiemcnt. Kt)is pcarc toao a great toinc on CbJittmao bape. Hnb Anr.a.Yeg. \ 4 a greate dartbquake anb roarings out of tbe eartb,tbe bj.of iq^q 0p?iU> A{ino.rev. I J Henry (Srie Ferrers founbeb a pno?p tottbin bps Caffel J og f tiXTutfinry,t\^t late neto Cburcb mas builbeb in^ww. 1407. ^ toben tbe Normans toete put out. ^ ^ Alwin Chilcl,a^»^.iS. ties, Caffels, i®armes,(S^ranges,2Cotoncs, ISiuers, ^ar# lbes,anb 5l?a mbs, tobat rent tbep toere bp peare, anb botoe a gre»te ta^e, manp iinigbtes oi ^oulbiojs toere in euerp lbire,all tobpcb toas put in tojiting, anb remapnetb at fveftmwfier. fiing Wilium tmfee bomage, anb otbe of allegiaunce of all EngUnde.of teno? 0; ffr fceucr tbep toere, anb tofee ■^»»o.reg.\iy of euerp bibe oflanb fire Cbilliug6,anb tben fapleb intoTWr- mandy. ®(a:ben tbe Normans bab accompUlbeb tbeir plcafure bp# on tbe tfiat ttjere toas no noble man of tbat na# tion left to beare anp rule ouer tbMt became a repjocb to be calleb an Enghfhman. tciicfeeb cuffomcs fpjangbp, anb tbe niojc tbe people fpafee of eqiutie,tbe mo;e tojog toas bone: tbe^ufticiers toere tbeautbojs ofal bnrigbteoufnes. Jiailbo fo bib tafee a UDeare 0? a 0oate, b^ib l)Ps epes pntte oute.Bit toas William Conquerour» ^uthcwT.»u. toas bjoufe'bte to palTe, tbat foj tbefpace of mbjc fbmr.rrr^ Sir" pjofttablccojne grouno toao turneo into a tbatc fo; Ixjiloe beafcco, Afme W.20. Rcmingus liSlC^Op of DorchefierXtVRmtl biS 3 tO Lin- coheM^m be butloco a nets) Cburcb to be bis feate. Tlori.Wismtri. iatjig William Ucpt bis fcaft of Cbjitfinas at ClouceHer^ tuberc to tb^ie of bis Cbaplafncs be gaue tb?^ Jottbopjibes, toMawrice,tbc215ttbOpjiche aiLondontQ William, tbat Of Thetford:di\\D tO Robert,tbat cf CkeBer. ^ Cbere teas a grcate toatcr fiouoe, fo tbat bils tocre mabe ———foftc ano confumeDji toitb tbeir fal oocrtobclmeo matip bil^ aur ou ®-|jjj,jjYVilliamfDunDcotbeSlbbcpsof5^//e/,tobcreba BatteU Abbey. OUet'Caine Harolde of Selhe tn Torkefhtre, anO Of Cane in Nor- tKAndy, in tbttobicb be boas buricO-t^e fcimDeo tbe pjiojp of Saint Nicholas at Excefier. gaue greate P?iui!FBgCS to u Gwunde""* Marttfis legrand in Lo;r^^»,(lnb!Cb CbUfCb iDHS fcuntCO vbtr s, Mxr. befoje tbe Conqucft bp Ingclrkus ano Ewardus bis b?otbec udnno reg.zx couQiis to bing Edward tbe Confeiroj)be alfo gaue to !p Col' crce lef ate of appeatctb bu bw Cbartcr.intljefc iDojDsiSi do gme Loiidon,buc a aiiD gcaimt to tbe fame Cburcb al tbe lanD ano mc3e toitbouf JI,rgVom.S! l^slfscne tobicb is calleD Cnp/ejgate on ettbcc parte of tbe ioyning was z poaerne,tbat is to fan,from tbe jjiuitbrojncr cf tbe toall, as uooreorMa^ (net: of tbc CSitcUs tbcrc ruiining, Departe tbe fame mo2e from tbe ij)al,to p riming inatcr tobicb entrctb tbe €ttie,f r, 1087 SDbis pece toas a great Dtatb of Cattel,an5 fo;c ttftcmpe' rancieof ap3e,manpDpe5firtttif frufrs, ano after of famine. Frmilnc sud 3n tbe mean time.accuouring fire fpjcaii oucr altbcpjim peftUence. cfpallCitiCS of Eng/Ande.W^}it CbUrtb Cf Saint Paule \XiLon- London and ^333 bjciit Uutb tbe mojc part of tbe Citie,tobicb fire be* bf°1Ir ^be tKmetf gate f confumeb to Cafi gate. /^"rjir%«»'./ ded all pjifoners fo be releated, f his treture to be diCribn# tedtmto churches. 3l,iitf. . William tAn»9reg.\. IlIi'amlcRowleor Ruflis, tfje ttjiroe fonneof William Con- qucrour, begannc bts raigne tfte ntntbc oape of September, tho ilo?Des thereof, euer fince the tointiingof the fame,otoing their obebicnceonlp to the Crobme,htttic bfeo therein rura rega/ia,ijjit\) the triall of all actions,as toell re^ all as perfonall, ano pleas of Crobme, Inith authontie to' paroon all o^ces^H^reafon onlp ercepteb. taing 17? lopi •<'I jii f 1 lii New CalUii. Siruburie. tyfmoreg.^ IOp2 Sreit bVofl. Titxihfir P^ru. d»JAtilmc, Abbey of Che- fter. itUlhcn'Tari), Anfeliiie Arch, bishop. King of Scoctct flsync. Bishopricke at Bathe. l.cvvcstrt- SII (Tex. c^nno reg.6. I op? CsrelUe repay* red,and the (.'ailcUbuildsd. i'aaiine. lo.KeucrU. Thtmtf Rttdbutti. VVcichmcii vvon Anglcfey, William Rufus» litltg William toeuf into Krorthutnberla»d,\xt\}tXt\^tXtf paireO fuel) Caffcls as tl)C Smtes l^aD impapicD, ano ijuilis 6C0 tl)C netoe CaSell on Tine. Ofmond 115t(l^0p of Sanfiurie fDUnOCDtl)Cer»7rf/ew,Peter tbe thermite being 1095 tbeir firtt leaner, ano after Godfrey otLorrame, calico God- txt)'OtBollcir,e. Robert S>ufee of Normandy ta^t bis ioumcp totoarOs Hterufdernmo lapOe Normandy to gage tO biS bjotbcr Jiling William foj6t65.ponnoesoffiluer. — SCbeSDukeS, Godfrey Bcamondc anO Robert, befdtgeO pawned. tbedTitie of A7 mon ttrnete* ?^ing Willinm being a bunting in tbe neto i?^o?eff,toojD toasbjougbt bin* tbat bis people toercbefageD in Mayne: be fo?tbtoitb toUe Ibipping, tbougb bs tocre bebementlp pcrfcoaDeD to tbe contrary, foj tbat tbere toas at tbat time a great tempett, to tobomebeanC£DcreD,beneucrbearDtbat vvorJof anpitiing toas D?otoneD. 2it tbis time be gotemoje bono? V viiuam Rtt. j ^ j^ enemics, utthcwv^ris. jjno rcturneD toitb birtojp. . 3!n tbis ^ommer, blouD fp?ang out of tbe eartb at Fin- ^Anno reg. I 3 chamFiede in Barkejhire. !iiing William oil tbe mo?roto after Lammas Dap bum Tiiere^it°.?jet.. i^Ajrctt of Hamffhtre, in a plate calleD cho- ac"3ppau"" rengham,^it Walter Tirell ibotittg at a E>eere, bnatoarcs SncT^"''^" tbe Idling in tbe bjelf, tbat be tell DotonelfarkeDeaD, w.iMdmt. anD neuer fpake too?De t bis men (fpeciallp tbat J^nigbte) RuMpb^^Nigrr. gate tbcm atoop, but fome came backe agapne, anD lapDe bis bopp tpon a Colpars Cart, tobicbe one fillieleane kmco^jjkl beaff DiD Djato bnto tbe Citie of JVincheher, tobere be toas burpeD on tbe mototo after bis Deatb^at tobofe burpall men coulD not toixpe fo^ iop. S:bis Jaing toas taken out of tbetoojlD in tbemiDDeU of bis bnrigbtcoufncire, tobo being toitkeD to bis otone people anD tolfrangers, toas mofttoickeD to bimfelfe. SCbeCountreps about bim bepjouokeD toitb toarres: r anb England toas fo mtferablp oppjefleD bnDer bint, tbat it toulD not recouer, foj b^ a«b bis trapne fpopleb anD fubuer# tfD Willi'am RufusV 175 feo all reisneo ttoelue ^earea anti eleuen tnoitelijea lacHlng eye^t Da^ea* gaae ijnto t^e 5ponbea,caUeD D foj tlfjja,lf)e l^atJ tljja not table t>ices,couefoufncCfe,crueItte, anfi Icrberte. inaryeoMawdc t^c oaugl)ter of MalcolineJitiigof 5m/wwr^, but bp inebiation a peace iuas mabe, on conbition, that Trn,„teto ko* Henry thouID pap thjde thoufanb markes pearclp to Duke bert Shjrthofe. Robert, anb if the one bpeo toithouf ilTuc, the longer liuer Gio^ce'^er Ihouib inherit. .^'>«^^«?ith Sibcll his toife, founoeb a neto the Church of J 7® Henry the firft# J J Q3 of Thetikejhery^mXi toao t^erO faurPCD. Y^oocrtd/nt. I^obert dc Bclafinc C^arlC O^ShrexvJhurie, elOeS fottttetO irftu rtbeiud. Rogcr Mountgomcry tfrctigt^Heu tfjo^DoluneaiioCaSeU ShrewpHrj,io DtO tlje CallelO Of Bridge«ertb,Ttchile,mii tyfrundell toitfj tjitfuals, 8110 armcO men a0amlf tetng Henry;but bem0tDartieothereof, 1)0 0atf)eretb bis potaer, ano befff0et() Brtdgemnh, tebtcbo Xoixjnt teas p®tDeo Onto bint.^no tbis being hnotDne tatbcm ofy4r»n. dell, tbcp fojtblmtb fubmitteo tbomfelueo , tnitb conot# tion, tf)at tf)elr 3Loj6c Robert de Belafme mtgbf be per? iniiteo fraln to paUe into Norm/wdj. HI fo tbCP of shrevcjbury fcnttbc bepeo of tbeir caffoU, anoplcogesof tbeirrtep? fance, ano tf)eii Robert, Ujitl) bio biotber trnulfus, aiio Ro- gcr of Poytiers abiureo tbio laiio foj euer. Minder o£ jj^bo Catbeojall Cburcboof Ncmich feao founoeo bp ^ZlZU. H«b=r£lBiaopofMn.iA Kcgilicr ofSttint SCbO l^jiojie artO 1.^0fpifaH of Saint Bartliclmcwe hf Smithfie/dims fotiHOeo ^ a pleafant feller oj ^t'nlfreU of S.Barthelinevv> tbc Jiin0O ,nanieO Reior,tobo became firif Jp?io? tbere, IBefoje tbifi time Smithfieid toas a lapttoUi of all oiOure Aukoreg. 4. ano filtb: ano tbe placetobecc fellong aiio otber tranfgreP fojfl Ujcrc put to erecution» Robcite SDuhe of Normiwdy COmmilig XXAtyE'^gUnde, btoHLTlcsr- fubteltp of &in0 Henry bts pon0cr bjotfcr, re# Icth the eUtr. leafeo to bim tb.e tribute of tb.i^ tboufano £)9arKeo of ^it# uer. liJihZ^TrlT^ Hugh Lacy foimoeo tbe iponalferie of Saint lohn at i^aMhony foan, Lmhspy, t}^t Cbanoiw of tobicb placo toere 0nce tranflateo Chro.Downor^, bp Miles bigb Conneftable,ano €ar lo of Hereford to a p lace ndcrebnto Glecflfer,tl)CncaUtti HtdeMmcalkH LAnthony. luga Baynard llaOp of little Donmow, caufeO Maurice 15i# SwhSex"' lbopofi^<5«t^«fa oeoicatetbe Cbnrcb of Oow^jajj^tobicbtbe founded by the 1)80 foimoeo.^ ano tbe fame Oa^ 0^e gaue to it balfe a bioe of VViddovvof Bjynardthat laUO# nTd'r Baynard, tbat firtfc i^oudonV "* bavkt^Bay^Ards CAfllcimLoKdoH,. Creat Henry the (ffreat maltte toas U^n^)leD bctlnane tht ttoo bjaffjjm ,,04 Robertaitfi Henry,iDfjCretjpon DCaDip ioarrcCnfUCD. AnKoreg.'^~ K^trt appcareo about tbc aunnc fourc rirtles;, nno a blafing&tarrt. Jaing Henry remapttcb tn Normandy, mahfng tfrong j, ^ ^ toarrea bpati }}(& bjotbcr Robert,anb Ro'rfi;! bis toifc. Annord^. Eudo Dapiterc, 01 fcluef tO Utng Henry, fouflOCD tl)^ svm ioi.f» ^onaffcrie of Saint lohn tn Ce/c/?ef}orofbliukeC^uuion0j wcoichcacr. ano tbofe iocre tbe firtt in England. Simon Carle at North-hampton, mb Mawdc {)tS UrtfC, founbeb tfjb ^onatfcrie of Saint Andrew in Nonh-hampton. in Nortu-haaip- Robert £)ube of Normandy fame tO t)is bjOtfjCT at North- ^fdc.,rtt. hampton.anb fticnDlp befircb bitn to beare bjotijerlp loucto.< 'o. Ro,.fi. toaroTjinijbut iaing Henry filing big conffImte afcufmg n q bim, fo? obtepning tfjciSingbomebp befratibing oftjiscl^ y^nnoreg.-j. fier bJotijer,attO fearing men moje tfjan Cob,fira rcco"' ftek"i!'fru'orr cilebtbe i^oblesof tbe Ucalmc toitbfaire p?omife5,tbin# of Ihc yong«t. king afterloarbg to make amenbg fo; great tp?ongg, bp founoingofan ^hbtv. 2Cbe 2)«fee returning into Normandyl^ing foUoUjcb toitb a great potoer, tobtre bettoeene tbem toere manp fote battapleg fougbt,but at tbelntt tbetialiant man Roberta loao taken. 2Cbis peare appeareb a blaCng &»farre,from tbJa of tbe ^ clocke till nine. 3nb on tbe ^aunbp ZCbnrfBn? luagfcene ttoo full ipioneg, one in tbe Catt,anb another in tbe iEZffelf. SCbeftrlf cnbanons cntreb into tbe Cburcb of our in SoHthwarkrXOWtb Saint Mary Query, foubCb bp William Ssint MmV Pountlargciinigbfjanb William Dancys Normans. Alge- tlus Ujag fird |3?io> tberc. Jo.BcuirU. ^b^iting Henry babfct in o?berA7»rw^acco?bing to bi«pleafure,b«frtwni"g uito£»^W,bjougbt tuitbbim -^""oreg. 8. big ij^otber Robert, f W illiam of Morton, f put tbem in pcr# petuall pjifoa, fto iubf te tbojtlp after, E^uke Robert becei^ uing bio keperojfougbt to cfcapfjbut be loao fake as be fleb, £«h«p?uttthi f bp bis b;otbers comanbement bab bib cieo put out,f kept ftraigb^ - Henry the firflr* ffrctgl)fcr fill Dap* j jq3 K\)is yearc, tl^ej^nojie of t^je ^olp JTrtntfie, toitj^in PftoFii^ihT" ^/^g-^tcof Lond'y»,\jja{i fouttOeo bp MatildtbeSJaanOjtti Trinititin tl)0 ]^arin)06 of Mary Magdalen, Saint Micliael, Saint Ka- thenne.attd tbe bolp ^rtmfic,aU tobtcb^ arenotoe baf one |3art(b ofChrill: Church, tnolo time calloD holy Roodepa^ W.DuHikmf. {Q ^jiojte tbe pojt of Al(igAte^i\\ f be (focke tf>erebnto belogtn0,tobicl) toas of ^jir bemapney, anb io notu calleb Aidgate SMarbe. iiing Henry tuitb fiinb^p erpebiftons bjougb^ bnber wTnlS?' ^elchmen, anb to pull boUine tbeir tfouteneffe, be GerusuOoro, fentall {\itFlemwgs tbat inbabiteb f^^^/Wtbitber, lubtcb ui't» bf iafc toere come bitber, tobe" 0reat part QtFUnders Uias^ b?otoneb, anb alfo in time of bis father, bp aliance of bis mother, in fo mucbc, tbat tb?oiigb tbeir greate multifube tbep fameb grauous to tbe Uealme, iobcrcfojc be fente tbem all toitb tbeir fiibllance anb kinb?eb into Refe,^ Coun? trep of jvaies, as info a fincke, tbat be migbte clcnfetbc l^ealme of tbem, anb alfo fuppjeffctbe toilbnelfc of tbee^ nimic, anb not long after be mabccrpebition tbitbcr, com^ pelling tbe TVelchmento giuc bim fo3 plebgcs tbe fonnes of tbe jjiobilitie, initb fome monep, anb mucb Cattell, anb* rcturneb. Henry c&mperour of %omeUwtt meCfengers into En~ 1109 gltind, requiring to bane Mawdc tbe liings oaugbter gt# 'An^ bilwin mariagc,tobicbUiasgrantcbbptbeiiinc^,tDbff tben tojke tb?c ^bifti«0S of euerp bibc oflanbe^b?on0b A Taxe. . England. Syl^Chop. trannatcb tbe i:!fabcp of£^/7intoai5itbop:> rick. ricke,anb mabe Haruey Craft 3!5iibotf t^Fkncor^ JlSilbon ^Uthew Fan's. ■ tjb(in>on.iii(^ iqere# 0 Comcte appeareb affcr a lfrange'fafbi6n,foj if tpas. 1110 rifen out oftbe (ialt,anb afcenbeb bptuarbS; ^ • Anno reg. 11 great dSartbqnake Inas at shrewefburiir,f!f^Xi tbetnafet' -rrent"dr?cd' Nottingham luas bjpeb bpfrom one of tbfe clocke, fleriaftnfir. tiutb;«^ • . ?^iiT0 Henry the ^aittgHenr^'marpcD Robert fjtsbil{l3rDfonfoM.iwdc, ritritten. Daughter ano ^ctre to Robert Fitzham,anomaDel)initIjo firtt earlc of Glocefier, UjIjO aftftbullDeO t^c Cattclo QtBn- cu. flew anO Cardejfe,\Xii{\) tbc|3?io;tC Of S. latncs inBrtFlowt, dtu. to^eretito boO? toas burpeo. ano fjis fonncCi;arle William |'|ftovr,'Ken- began tbe 0bbep of Ke>ifham. shim. iiing Henry toent into N'orm.tudytQ maftc tnar agatntt fbe Carle of .^"'"fagainactljei^ingo Amorfg i^. tDilljanofpopleotbetobolcCountrep. vuthr«>par„. William Baynard, bnOer tobom^ Riga fjelOe tbe c,d.Di">. titliiofDwjmorv,bv mtffojtune lott tjts JiSaronp, ano J^ing Henry gaite it tobollp fo Robert t^Z fonne OfRichard tfjO Robertas fonne of Gilbert carle atciare, ano to fjw togitber ' ioitl) tbe bono? of Baynards Caflelltn London, anO tbe appur^ tenances. JTbts Robert toao Cupbearer o?115utlertotbe 3^ing. 0boufe tbts time, Geffcrcy Clinton, STreafourer ano j ^ ^ ^ Cbamberlapnc to taing Henry tbe firlf, founoeo tbe|9?io^ ^ rieat Keneimrth ofregular Cbanons. Getfcry Clinton tlje Kench'x4uh ^ ponger,confirmeo to tbe Cbanono all tobtcb Geflfery bis fa? tbergauetbcm,crcept tbofelanoes tobicb bi® father refer? ueo,to mabe bis Calfell ano |3arbe on in Kenelworth. K\)is peare toas a great mojtalitie of men,ano mo?eine u,th,» ?aru. ofJScalfes. SCbeCitie of tvorceFler, t^z ti}izfz Cburcb, tbe Calfell, ano allotber builoings,oneoftbe^onbes,lDitb tluo fer^ uants, ano fift^ne Citi^es, loere all b;ent tbe ttoentitb oap of gulp. ' Cro. Uiutntfrice, ICbe I'ling fubouco tbe Walchmen. SCbeiiing caufeo all b floriacen. 1114 j^nno r(j^. 1^1 fleWike' U^alttr Count, lohnlixlor. lifMiirtt Shi I ft* be tel. tihcr CUic'iieller brent. Ablalingflwre III-? Henry the tnncr t\)t 3152ioge,nofonlptoit^ ^^02fe,buf alfo agreafc number of men anb cbtlb^en btotuabe ouer on fcste^tobttbc Oefccte oftoater bio enbure t^c fpacc of ttoo bapco. chichesier toitb tt)b pjincipall ^^onafferie teas fajent SCbere tuas manp tto?mes,anb a blafing ^tarre. SCl)is pcare tb?ougb an barb Minter, alniott all tbc ' bjtbgeo in England toere bojne botone tnitb ^fc. yinno rea. 16 fometiine 5^1110 of England granteb bnfo fljirfane libtr ttinttuii), iinigbl'^s a portion of grounbc fajitbout tbctuallca of tbe Cittc London, leftc bopbc in tbe Caft part of tbe fame Ct» novf port^ii''' togitber tuitb a gilbe, tobicb be nameb Kmghten Gild, Kch vvarJ. tbat nolo 10 calleb Portfeken inarbe, anb notu tbc Cbutcb of tbebolu Trinitk being fonnbeb initbtn Aldgate cf London bp Mathild tbcn €2uane,a010 afoje tbetoeb. ICbe ruccciro?0 oftbefe iiintgbte0,to fceete,Raclulphus fitz Alg;eclc,Win'iarcl le Doucr!hc,&c. gauC tbC fojCfapbe 3lanb0 calleb Kmghtm CtldjtQ tbe fame Cburcb t but Othowerus, AccoUnillus, Ot- to, anb Gcffercy c^arle of Efffex, Conffablea of tbeSDo? tuer of London bp fitccelTion, tnitb-belbe bp fojce a portion of tbe fame lanbe, tbat ia to tap Eafi Smtthfieid, nare to tbe Cotbcr, to make a tEineparb, anb tooulb not bepart from it bp anp mcanc0,tilltbereconbe pcare of i^ing Stephen, tuben tbe fame luaa abiubgeb anb rclfo;eb to tbe Cburcb of tbeboluT'in'tie. Iking Henry bailing greate loarrca foitb Lewes iking of France, tbC HealniC Of England U)a0 fOJC OppjefTCb tOltb ^7 eractiona. Cio^ittr. II T7 Anno, reg.ib Tempcft and Earthquake, fkritcrt. SCbe SCotone of Peterhorim toitb tbc ffatclp Cburcb® tbere,b)aa burneb bobme to tbe gronnb. 3!n#arcb toaa ercabing lightning, ane in jDeceinber tbunberanb baple: anb tbe ^coneat botb timea fecmcb to beturnebintobloub. Cbtapeare in Lombard^ feaa an (Earthquake, continu# eb fo2tie bapca, tubUbe ouertb^elue manp boufea, anb that tibube toaa maruelloua to be fane, a Cotone maa moneo from bio feate^anb (et a 00b ioap of^ Mathild Henry the firft* 183 Mathild tfjt S^aane,tDtfe to liinjj Hcnr)' of^ ^ ^ g DeceaflTeo at ivenmrriner, ano toao t!;cre burpco in t\)t lXe> n ■ ^ » ^4ir,iore^.ig. n ... V..,hr.pL. fOUnDeD tt)e ^?l0?tc of Chnltcs Church Ullfl^tll tf)C Ccatt gate of Lo»dm, calleo ^idgAte, anD an l^ofpitall ofMathndiHo* Saint Giles tn ficlot, iDit^outtijc Mtall part of tl;c famccitie. STfjc o?iitr oftlje SCemplers began. Kn gbus orti.e ^any foje battaples toerc fougbt tn FraKce aiiD Normeabetng calme. i^ing Henry marrped Adelizia, tbe £)ube of Lonans 1121 daugbfsr, at London: ftom tbence tbe feing toitb a great ar# Anne reg, i ~z. mie toente toinarde fVaUs, but tbe hveichmen met bim bum# blp,and agr^d toitb bim at bis pleafure. K^z Citie ofG/oceBerioit1)tl)e pjinctpall ^ponafferte, ioos bient againe,as befo?e, and Lmco/ne tuas burned, 1123 Sing Henry fapled into iVw-w^rwa^.tobercbe remained Annore^. 27 Iong,trauellmgto quiet tbatCountrcp. Gioceftrr brent Henry CSacle of fVanvike, and Margaret bts toife, foun# HSZ'Lu. Deo tbe Colledge of Saint Mary in ^ totone of fVarwi^. 0nd U 2 3 RogerdcBclemound biS fonntuane in bir Chamber, bpcaufe flfje tuao fufpett of bir bufbanbo oeatlj, but fome afftrmeb bim to be long after in Engknd,i'^\xinz as an ^^ermite, ano in tbe cnb to be burp# rO at Chesier, l^ing Henrj'belb bi« (tourte Initb great magnificence in bis Caffell of iv/nfire, ano tbere affembleo all tbe nobili# tie of bis Healme, tobere tobcn tbe ^rcbbiCbop of Torkg InoulDebaue Crotoneo tbe feing equallp toitb tbe 3rcb^ Archbishop of of Canturhury, bp iuOgement of all menne bo Yorkc yrith toas repulfeo / tbe bearer of i)is Crofle , togitber tuiflr out of the Kings tbe CroCTe, toas tbjotnne out of tbc lyings Cbappell: chappeii. foj it jjjag aflfirmeo tbat no ^etropolitane out of bio otone ^Bjouince migbt baneanpCroffebomebcfojebinu K\)t featt being enoeo, tbe iiing ioitb all tlje states of tbe Mealme togitber came to London, ano tbere at tbe lyings commanOement, William tbc 0rcbbifl^op, ano tbe negate oftbeKomilb Cburcbe, ano all otber Bifijops of tbe Cn# glilb Ration,tnitl) tbe ^obilitte,ta3fee an otbe, to Oefeno a# gainlf all men tbeiSingoometobisOaugbter,iffl)erurui# uco bir father, ercept that before bis occealTe be begate fome fonnc tofuccaOebim. Cbe liing alfo granteO to the Cburcbe of CantHrhu- rie, ano to William ano bi« fucceiTojs, the cuttooie ano Conffablelbip of the Caffell of Rochefier foj euer. "^7 2Cbc ^rcbbilbop of Canturbury affemblcO a connfell of Bt# u4f^wr^^.2S.ibops,^bbots ano other ia?elates 9X}Vejiminjier,\sif)m tbep oefer# Henry the firft* i8j tcfcrminei) manp caufe« conccrntng c^ccleOaft/cal bnffnclTc: anDttje liing Ujittjtjis counrcUconfinneDtbem. Uing Henry tueiit loitb a Ujarlilie armp ifUo Fnwnce, ^ caufeLodowikc ti)c jFrenclj ijfng DefrDjo tl)c Grlc of FUm- ^>jho re^.29 ders tbc iafngs j^cpbeir) ano cnimp. at tf)is time men baD fact) a pjiDe in ttjeir bairc, tfeat tbep S"ue "4. contcnDeDUjitbUjomenmlengttiofbaire. " i!itngHenrybelOcaCounfcUatLWo«,\ui)emn it toasf graunteD bim to banc tbc cojrection of tbe Clcargie,\ul3in)c i;iui lu vwui; vi;i; iu^it^uiuil Ui l\)K wyu»;v reir^o came to an cmll purpofe, foj tljc Jaing tcoUc infinite fummes u>Zlp£f:' of monp of ]^jieao,anD fuffreD tfiem to 5o tofiat tfiep inoulo. ' Pvobert Dcollcy ianigbt,great Conetrable of tl)c fivtt fonnoec of 0/«^. iaing Henry gaue bis Daughter tlje d&mpjclTe to Geffrey 1150 Plantagcnct arle Of Angiou. Amoreg.-^ I 3In tfic S^onerfi of ^ap,tf)e laing bcpng pjefcnt, tbc Citie 1,31 of Rochester toaS fojeDCfaccD Voptb fire. ■^„„g reg.T,!. 2nbe laing mabc a ffiil^opjicfic at CttrUtl. Rochefter brent Mawde tbc mpjeCTe OiO beare to Geffrey Plantagenet Dmutfis <£arleof Angienafonnc,anbnamcbbimHenry,lubicbtobcn - — tbcfiainghnetoc,b®calleb bps noblestogptbcc, anb ojoap-' ^ neb, tbat bis oaugbter, anb tbc bcires of bit bobp,lbonlbfac^ shopricke. cd?bc bim in bps iaingbome. g"^ZTcou»,. 311 tlSHbitfontoahe.a great fire beginning at Gilbert Bee- w. kets boufc in tlliilllcafi chea^e, eonfumcb a greatc parte of Lon- Thim!^mZZ dtH, from tbence to Aigate tnitb tbc \0,uojie of Cbannons of tbc bolp 2Ctinitic,anb manp bonfcs of ^Dfficc tbcteto beloiv ging. ain (£ actbquafec in EngUnd. Earthcuuke. Henry Bloys Bitfiop v^WincheUer, butlbcb tbC l^ofpitall of Stunt Crop ncarc bnto wmche^ler.^bt fame babbc beene a tnnltAtu^ i^ofpitall in tbc Saxons time,but after fpopleb bp tbc Vanes. JCbcre toas greatebarfeenelTe in £«^W, anb tbc ^unnc became lihetbe spomc in tbe tbp?b quarter. fvorceffer,^s it bao oft btfojc cbauHceD, toas foje befaceb toitbfiWt Mawde is Henry the firfK Mawdc fl^c CtmpjeUe bjougljf fojtb a fownc named Gcf- 1 I ;?4 frcy,fo? tobtCb Caufeiaing Hennc toent oucr into Normandie. \A»Hore?.7< Robert Sliorthofc bmg Henries bjotljer DtcD in t^e Ca# Robert Short' flel of Cirt6/e,ano teas burieb at GloceHcr. hofe dtco. Henric remaining in Normmdie^ bpo a bap bib eat —1111— 3iamp}aies,toberof be tobe a furfeite^anb beceafeb tbe firife ^mortg.^6 bapofE»eccmber,y^««<».ii;?5.U)ben bebabraigneb ?5.peres Henwe®^ 4.montbe£!: bis botocis, bjapnea anb cpe«, toere burieb at hiAthr^paru. tcCt of bis bobio teas poubereo toitb falt,anb tojapf peb in 115uUes bpheg^bpcaufe of tbe ttincHe, tobicb popfoneb tbem tbat Scob about bim. Cbe jjbbifition tubicb being bp:ieb U)itb a great retoarb to cleauc bis bsabe to take out b;ain, tuitb tbe Itinck tberof bieb,ro tbat be eniopeb not tbe retoarb tbat luas couenaunteb.lDbus among a gretmanp tbat king Hennc fleto^tbis ^biitiion toao tbe ialt. !&ing Hennc inas burieb at ^e^/«^,iDbieb be bsb founbeb* ^e alfo founbeb tbe )3;io;ie zXDunnAhui^t conuerteb a ricb Cbllebge of |a;ebenbs in tbe SCotone of Cirencenerjcckt i.L,yUnd. to an 0bbap of Cbanono regular:be alfo builbeb tbere an l^ofpitall of Saint lohnranb netoe builbeb tbe CaSel of mitb a Collebge tbere. i C»0 1" KjngSteph en. Tephen Earic of Morton, attD of Boloigne, fonnftotlje (Bade HfBlojs, f Adda, William Conquc- Florueccftci^, rours oau0^tcr,anti ncpl^to fo btn0 Hcnrie flje firffc, tlapmco tlje Spng# oomet^e feconoeoape of December Anno.i 155* !^e commin0 info E»gUnde^ toas repulfeo bp tbem OfDouerfiintte out bp tb^nt 0tCa»tnrhHrie, but rccciucB of ^ Londmen, anB l^areB of tbB lanO,aBmittot» lti«0,ano crotDUco at wenmmsler on Saint Stephens oapo bp William 3rcbbilbop eXCAntmbwie. Xljis ioao a noble man an& hatbP) of paflrin0 comelp fa^ nonr ano perfonacje, be eecelleb in martiall polltcie,0entle' neOieanb liberalitie totoaro all men,erpeciallp in tbe be0in> nin0:anD altbou0b t)e bao continnall Inarre, pet Dio be ntf ner buroen Ifis commons tuitb eradons^ISnt bnioKlp an& contrarpe to bis otbe mabe to Mawde tbe but ft length buh^" tbrp tottijin the CaCel toam teo necelTarie things to line bp,thc]p fcmpcnnDeO.Bald wine mith \)^s loife ano chilo;ten are oitheriteo ano erpulfeo the lanoe. Si faattanle toas fought at Goher, bctUjirte Normans ano Inhere a hunojeoano.rUi. perfons on bothe fioes toercflaine,lDhofebooieslapeinthefieloes, anotoerehoj# rtblp tojneano oeuoureo of koines. 0ftcr this inas maoe grcate eruptions bp the ivakhmen, inho oeffropeo Churches,2noU)nes,CattelB,(n?ne,cattaple, flelue men/aiomen ano chito?en,riche ano p(Dje,o? foioe the in fojraine countries. Sn £)ctobcr a foje battapletuas fought at Cardigan,in the tohich fuch flaughter of men tnas maOe, that the men ercepf Uihifh toere leo alnape captiue, there tnere oftoomen taben ano leooe alnap,that there remapnco to the tenth a tljoufao, their hufbanos tnith their fmatl chtloien partelpe o^oUineo, partip b;ent,partlp flaine^fo that the b?ioge being b?oben o* tX»»oreg.2. uer the rtuer of Tsnde, there tnas a b?ioge maoe of mens bo* Otes ano hojlTes ojotnneo. IM7 31" Sparch iitng Stcuen palliCO the feea to fubOue Norma- tpod.^m^ ^ bisTonne Roger; tbe iBifbop of cfcaping'.if cnt to tbe Caltdl of P^esatjb Kept it agailitt tbe 5^ing,t3at at len* gtbeitmasDcUacreb. JCbe fame time Robert cSarle of GlouceUer rcnonnrcb bis' allegeaunte to iiing Stcphen,fojtiGeb Briflow ane otber ^a<» fiells.aifo Miles tbe Bings,Coneftablereuolteb,^beffo;c tbe J^png beGegca tbe Calf ell of BriHm'^\i\xt at .ten^tb bciiig' tDcarpcb,betourneoto otber'oftbeCarlcsCattelV, .iiio fee« ing bps emmpes.ttill enrreaGng : be calleo out of Tkmders men of toarrctoptb Wyllumdc Ypen tbcir leader , lobofe counfellbecbicflpfoUobDCO/ ' ' • . ■ Cbe famc.peare Roger isplbop a fittdihuib^Gfrwrim Ds*a, beeofCattellesanbl^oufeSjOeparfebtbisiifc. ^ber^e boas founbe in bps Coffers fojtic tboufanbe £parKes of G»ucr, be# gbes mucbgoloe,anb opuers ietoels tbat came to tbe Kings ' ba:tDe» Mtihervfant. i^oblcfi fcnt fo? Ma wd t^c dJuipjeire^pjcnuffitg f)it mZ^iu'oi the poCTeffion ofreafme arcojomn to t^eir otbe maoe to btr:3Ht tfjc mcane time,Dauid fetng of&coto, p;omiltn0 to cro.iuuttnfnce. fgcQyjf crolDitr of£'?^Wfo3 tifc CEmpjctfe Mawdc bpo ^lXCC,tn molt cruell toifc tnuaDCO NorthHmberlMdSxAflXZ bp Thruftonc^rtbbifl^opof r«r(^,tbo Scottesl)Ati anouertb?ot» atCw/twimojetbanfourc mplea ^ojtbtoeattfrom Alnmon ano mere flatne abouc r>tbouran&. J J, n 3 w tbe monetb of 3|ulp Robert Carle of GloceUer retour# — ncD into £»^W,mttb bis filter tbe CmpjelTe, ano a grct ar^ i^t? inie,l»I)icb arruieo at Ponefmouth.Wc^z CmpjeCfe boao receu ArMKclelttSttl, bp Adelizc latC UJlfe to feittU Henry, ^ ' ao tbcn toifc o; Concubine to William Carle of Armdei. Carle Robert toente to iVAlUngferde, ano tbence to Gkce. /?er^no ratfeo tbofe Countries. Riaruborougii feing b^'u^is ficge befoje A/Ar/eborff/^/?,bttt aBuer^ kefiegei. fjfgj ofCmpjclfe arriuall, be totoarBes Armdeh lobrre being bp faire fp^cb pacified, b^ commanoeB bt0 fber JlSilboppe ofmficheHertQ bjingtbeCmpjeCfebnto^r/- t?7we,anb b^ btmrelffollotoeo Carle Robert toitb bis armp» J^be CmpjeCTeltapeD at BnFtow till ^Dctober.ano tben toent to GloceFier, bit commingtbitbcr beingfenotocn, Miles tb® bigb Coneltable ano manp otber nobles toke part mitb bp^ againlthing Stephen. V Vatui"fora ^^3 befiegeo wAbngfordt Caffell, but p?ofitcc not, 'Caftclb^lieged. ano tberefoje rapfing a snotoer of tooooe before it, fluftfeo it inenof toarre,ano toentto toin tbe Calf ell n'iMalmef- bftrie. Cbearmpeof Carle Robert tuanne tbe Citic of ivorce- /?er,b3ent tbe molfe part of it,ano laoen toitb tb^ fpoplc, oe# parteotljcnce, ' ^" £:bc ^birife of tbaf Citie in reuenge fjcrcofy oclfropco tbe toioneof Sud/^, ano toitb tbe fpopletbcreofretoumeo to l^^neUer. 3ffer King Stephen After fibw toitfj a oreat armp canic from Ox/vri^ to fyarct{Jer,U}l)erc t)c gauc t[)t honour of Coneftablf' fljtp, (bein0 taken from Miici of G'/om7he of tbem mo?c riclj tljan tl;c otberotoas taken, ano leo ^ fobisolone bonfc bp bis takers, tofljetoetbemtDberebps Nounahibie^ f reafure lap,be bjinging tljcm into a loto reller,tobtlcft tbep toere buCe to fajeak open lockes f Coffero, be conuepeO bim felf atoap,f ftjutting tbe Otojes after bim.fet Src on p bo wfe: ano fo tbe tb^ues to tbe number of tbirtie toere b;ent, ano bp reafon of t\)is fire all tbe totone toas fet a fire ano toent* jkpwg Stephen beftegeo Uncoine, againlfeRanulph Carle of Chewier, but Robertc Carle of GloceUer, camc toitb agreat ^ potoer ano refcueo tbe fame, cbafeo tbe lipngo armpe, ano Lincoliie be- tfflke bim pjpfoner on Canolemas Dap, firfte be toas bao to King supheiv ctoce!ler,m^ after fo Bnfiowe, f tbcre rommitteo to pjifon. STbe CmpjeCTc rciopcing at tbis bir gaiO bappe,oepartcO from GloceHer anD catjie to C/fe/7f,rtoitb Bplbops, Barono ano otber in greate number, from tbencc Ibe tocnt fo^w- bp Stephen* Robert Ac Oily: (Ijen iDcnt fiit to Saint Albons attO tD2)l receyueo lottl) all !)onour. t^erc t^e Cttijcno of Lo«^i»«xamcanl) paloeo tlljetr Cifte to l)ir,tDl)erebpon ibe toent to loKdon, ano fo to fven-mtvUer, iDljere flje being reccpueb ioitb p^occtfion,remaineo certain oapeo tafeing ojoer fo; tljc llatc of tbe Uealmc» ^^ing Stcucns toifo, ano ntanp |0ares oftlje realm,mabc hltrUctnfu, fuitc to tljo (l!;nip;clfe to bane tbc l^ing rclfo;eD to libertpe, nno not to tljc hingoome, pjomifing to perCcDaoc toitf) f)?ni to become a ^onketfant Ibe tooulDe not Ijeare. SCbe Biftop of fVtncheiler requcftcD bir,to giue bnto Eufhcc ijio nepb^ tOs liting Stcucns fonnc, bio fatbero (Sarlcbome, but it tooultfc not be. Cbe Cititens ofLo»do>! requireo bir to refiojc tipng Edwardcs latDCO, but Hjc being puffeo bp toitb p;ioe,tDonlO not graunte tbep; requefte, luberebppon tber confpireb to take bir p?ifoncr, but Ibe eouertifcD bereof,flco toitb Ibame, leauing bebinoebir all bit (itrnitnre ofboulbolOe ano apptu rell. Henric Bilbop oVVmcheFler , calling tobicb toap tO bCli* uer bis b;otber,pcrCa)aDeD tbe Londoner! to apoe bim. 2Cbo tftdigm*. (^nipjeffe got bir to Oxforde^ano fro tbcnce to C/oHceBer,anli GtrZjim.'' tbe toitb bir alTureo frieno xMilcs.again to Oxfirde.-f fapcaufe (be truSeb molt in bim, (be to bo bim honour, gaue bim tbo CSarleoome of Herefirde, anb noto bauing got a great armp, about Jlammao toenfe againetorF/«f^fi?cr, anb lobgcbiii tbe CaCel tbere. acbe Bitbop abalbeb of bir fobapn coming beparteb out at one gate ao (became in at another, beget# ting a great armp toitb tbe belp of tbe Londoners,beUtzeo tbe vvinchefur Citic,anb tbe feconbeofaiuguffcommitteo tbe Citie to tbe brent. firo, toitb tobicbe tbe j^unrp anb boufeo ofobfice toitb fhZ^Tpf. mo;etban ttoentieCburcbes, fometo;iterl.anb a greate part oftbeCttie,toitb tbe ^onafterie of Saint Giinibald, f tbebanfeo tbereto belonging, toere b;ougbt to a(beo.0bout tbe eraltation of tbe erode, tbe ca to GeftVey Carle of Anw-ve, tobom be founb occuppeo in tears againffe certaineof bis fubiettes of Amovre, fo that l)C coulo not come into Eng/sadioit^ taking Henry, elbeCTon ' to ^ «■> .... . I t94 Stephen* fo Geffrey (SadC of Aniowe,^\\'Q Mawdc {{je C^mpjeCfe, certainc c()ofen men of armes,retourneo into Eng/ande. Tbt Timpteire ^^"3 Stephen ^carjn0 t^at Carle Robert toag gone out biii.geii. of tl)c rcalnie and tlje Cmp?eac to Ipe at Oxfordf,Mt\) a gret poloer,cameana bcSeged Mr a ftoo months fpace, Carle vvarhim Ca- Heiuic foii to t})t CmpjcOTe and otfjer Ms com« pliceSjIanDeo atfrarkim,VD])m M bcScgeo tbecaffei,tDMcl| Uias defenoeobn Hubert de Lucy, tnl)o at Icngflj p^locd lljc 3!n tM incane time tlje Cmpjefib f^ing l^at Ilje toao tjoide ofall Ijelpe, mitl) a toomannifli) fubtiUtte dcccujeb tfje kings front toatcb, clotbing btr felfaiiD btr companp,fiue in number all in toljite,t)pon a nigbt toetttc oner tlje Thamu a ffflte,tDl)ifbkja6 tijenbaro frozen,and tobitevoitlj fnotottbat nigbt tbetoent to wahxgforde, and tbe Cattell at Oxford toas pecldcd to tbeking.aftertbetoinning of^^r/MOTfaffcl, Ro- bcrt toentto UiSt bis filter tbe Cmpjefre,tDbo teas not a lit# tic iopful to ffie bint and Mr pong fon Henne, tubnbo Hcnric reniapncd at Bnsiowe fo? tbe fpace offoure peareSjOnd tbere Annoreg.:, toas b?ougbtt>p in learning. J, ^, !!itng Stephen after tlje robbing ofmanp cburcbes, b?cni — mngand robbingoftotones and Milages bp tbebandcs of^ i^lemming fouloiers, bo and bis b?otber Hcnric SSilbop of winch:Tii;r,h\xi\iitn a caffcl of tbc ij^uurp at^//f««,torcp?eire tbe incurlTons of tljem QtSahJburis. Carle Robert tbe firtt of vviitonbrent. ^ulp fcl fodainclp bpon fbem in^///r?«, and fet tbe toton on fite.SDbe king toitb tbe JBtlbop fled toitb lbame,tbc Carles Amo re-T.^. fokc tbe kings people,? farkt bis plate and otber tbtngs, Boxley. MilcsCarlC atHerfordetVtti-dXXili btS eldCff fonneRoger fuccadcd bim.William of r/Ji e,founded Boxiey tJbbap in i^Kt. TT44 jaing Stephen tokc Geffrey Mandcuile Carle t^Epx, af s. Albom MbicI? Geffrey could not be fet at ribertie til be bad deliuered tbe CoMer London, toitb tbe Caff els of jvaiden f piecy. Mbo" tbe Crlc toas tbus fpopled of bis boldes,be toke tbe Cborcb ofand fo?tiffed it: as bebeffegcd tbe Caff el QtBurwel, bc toas fniitten in tbe beadc toitb a &artp, tobttofbt died,Robert Marmon tuas alfo flainc at Cowmrir, ant King Stephem and Ernulfias CSrld Mandcuilcs fort, t^jaf fjelDe R^wfey us a fb;tre(&, after ffis fathers deat^e toas tal^cn and dannt> fded. AisfioregAo iitngStephen beffeged could notpjeuaile. i r4^ 2Cl)e©arIeofCAei?ertDa0rcconctIcdtotbei^mg, andiuao vviutngford at tbto 0ege luttb btm,bat (bo;tlp after toben b^ came to tbe beliegeil. Court, tbe fting Iping at Northampton, be toao taken and Aftnoreg. 11 kepte p;ifflncr tpll be baddc rendered tbe Caltel otUncoine and otberfo;tre(re0,toberdpon beloao tbe kings enimn euer after. Geffrey (Sarleofv^wcwfent fonre noble men toitbfur^ ^ niture of toarriours to Crie Robert, requctting bini to fend ouer bia fonne Henric,and ifn^dc required,be iuould fcndc bim backe agatne toitb all fpade.SCbe Carle agraing to bis requeff, bjougbt tbe pong Hcnric to tyarham,\3i\itxt be tcokc tbippingtoiuardsbis fatber,oftDboni be toas iopPullp retei« lied, tbere be abode ttoopeares and fouremontbes , in tbe meane time Carle Robert oeceafed, and toas buried at Bri- n,anD maocknigfjt.Mtien king Stephen i^earD thatDauidjtipngofS'ff^tf/, totthhis ttrcngth? ano Henne tonne to the (!§mp;e(re Intth tmettern ^o^oo, toere togt^ ther at Car///t,^e came to toith a greate armp, foj feare ti)ep thoulo attempt anp thing agatntt that Citte,ano to lap there the moneth of 0ngull: at length theone partpeas toel as the other oeparteo: but Euftacms the icings tonne baing inai)eknighte,erercireo manpe cruelties in the lanoesof the Carles, that tmke parte topth Henric the CmpjelTe tonne. Annorecf.i < Henrie the CmpjelTe ton tailCO fntO/VemW/>.0l EnglU J Q tuasful of trouble ano nopte of iDarre,tetfo?th to fire ano ra«J -^^^j^:p^ppne,th?oughDifco?oebettDirtkfngStcphcn, ano certainr I* cb^rufr^i*.- Carles thattoke part toith Henne the ton of theCmpjelte. 11 ^ r Robert CarlC ofF^rrfr/jfounOeO the^bbap OfMeritial. GeffreyPlantagenctCarleOf^^cw, anOSDukeofAV- ci>-aafiHf. «i4W/f,oeccafeo,ano left his tonne Henrie his heire. vvorceftet ^inff Stephen befiegeo the Calfell of Arulte Of /V<^r'^^»diefatni(^ct) toitb an arinp came t 1 ^ ? info anb atbiofirlfcomming toantbeCalfellanb ^ totone of Mdmtjburie, froui tbencefo?tb Kobcrte the noble Carle of LeicencrheQan to take the SDuhes part, anb fo fur^ mtb btm mitb tbingo necelTarie, a tbirtie Calfels 0? moe (tb?ougb bio counfel toitb them that hept them,) fubmittcb tbemfelues fo tbeSDuhetat length ittoas becraD ^ tbeiiing Houlb falhe toitb the SDuhe touching peace fo be babtano fo tbep met inaplacetoberp toas moil narroto,the one ffanbing on the one libe,f the other on the other. 0fter long tallte tbep returneD,tbe S>ulte to bio men,f the bing to biOj anb fo taping botontoeapon, euerp man beparteb in peace. Euftacc the Itings fonne toas angrp toitb bpo father, fo? agraing 29^ Stephen* niicrxtkox. asf to tftio pcace,nno f ^erefo?e in a rage DcparfcD from lohn Siriibut'lOI. tlje Court totoaros CAmbridgf,xo oelfroi? tfjat Country. Co^' '£b/Jparu. niins to S-Edmmds Burie, t)c tuao tfjcrc Ijoiiojablye rcrrytieft anD fraileo, but iutjcn \)c coiilDg not bane fucb money as boe DcnianDcD,to beffoU) among (jis nicn ofU)ar,l)C tucnt atuay tn a rage,fyoyltng tbe cojne in tl)c ficlos belonging to y bay, ant) caryeD it into ijis cattcis thereby: but as b^ fat btm cotonto Dinner,b!J fel maDDe bpo rcceiuing tbc firtt mojfel, anD mifcrably 0icD,nnD Uias burieDat Feuerfinm. stamforJc Mo'- ^uUc bcftegcD Sum fort Caltcl, anD tuanne if, anD ip\vv"'u b" - tljcn be iuent to Noimgham anD iuan tbaf. 2Cbe iStng in tbc meanc time beSegeD l^frvich anD tuan if, 0t lengtb,tbo^ rongb tbe great labour of tfje 3rcbbi(l>cp of Camurburie ano Ex ,hx,u «c.^. tbe otber lisilTjops, tbe btng commanDeD tbc nobles to m^f Annoreg.i 9 atmncheUer,tubcrctbe Dtifee beingrecciucD luitb grettoy. King sftphen tbcjiiiag til figbteofall men aDoptcD bimbtD fon, anD con? ftrmcD to bim tbe pjincipalitie of all EngUnde. 1154 s:beDultcrcceiueDbiminplaccofafatber,graunftngfo bim al tlje Dayes of bis life to entoy tbe name anD fcate of tbc Uings pjebcminence, Dube Henne ill tbc £)(taacs oftbeCpbtpbanyc, came togitber luitb tbe bing to Oxferde,bibtxt tbc Cries anD Ba? rons by tbe Uings commaunDcment CcDcarefealtic to S>uUe Henne,fauing Tbc Uings bonoj fo long as be ItucD. SCbis af? furanccbeingmaDCjtbey DepartcD afunDcr,butn)03tlyaftcr tbcy met againe at Dunrtfihie, tbereto entreatc of tbe ttatc anD peace of tbc UirigDcme. ^bf Jtlye after DuUeHenrie luitb Uing Stephen atiD cetf taine 3Lo?Ds of Engi/iMd came to Ca»t»rh^/,tubtcb enuicD botb y DuUe f peace:butbebolD foDainly Hingsyo? ger fon WiiUa pjiuie luitb tbe conrpirnto?s, on Barhdno^n fel King Steplien* ftl of ^)isl)o?ire,f b?5abuig^tj5 leg, be gaffjcrefi all f compa* ttp about btm in fojroto. SCtje tiuhc in tbe mean time bnoer# ftanotng tbe appointco treafoiT,got f)im to Cmtm-bHrie, ano fo eftapeo bl's enimtes banoo: from tbcnce bp tocheUer ano Ltndo?f,^e came to tbe fea,ano pafleo oner into Normandte. ^rcbbifljop of Torke going to Torke in tbe feaOEe I ■ of^entecoff,toas popfoneo at t^aCfe, ano tspeo tuitbin fctoc jN bapeo after. 7 3|n £?rtobcr t^eWng met tbe ^arle of again at Dofter, ano talfecD toitb bim.0fter tbe (iDarle toao DifmiflfcOf tbe bing fcoao tahen toitb a fooatne paine of tbe 3 liabc pallt^ y, on,ano toitb an oloeoireafe o? runningof tbe Ctneroccs, Ger/*4.Dorn. ano tberein{'boureoftbei^onkes opeo tbe ]£)c» tobetjtoben be bao raignco rbib.peres.r.montbcs ano oooe oaps.i^e fouoeo tbe 0bbaps of Co^Jfja/ in EJfex,ofFftrties in Laticajhire, tilHurgm- / I 15 4, iuas CroVuneD at ''VsUminhir tljC. pbtf. DaPC Of l^tccnibcr, bp Thcobaldc of Cantmhurie : {}£ loas fomctobat rcD offac£, fbo,2t of boap,anD tbcrboitb fattet of fpcacb reafonablc,tDCl Icarncb,noble in f{)uialrp,attb fo> timate in baftaple:lDire in connfel,onc that louco peace, Iv* berall to ttraungcrOjbut tjaro to Ijis familiars: bntteofna of p?omife,ginentoplearurc,anOati)eDlochcb?eahcr: bptjiu nianb330c ano policie tfjecrotone of EKg/a»dluas mucbaug* mcnteD^toitl) tlje aimering of Scotland,Ireland,tt)C 3 Ics of Or- cadcs,Bojtta;ne,Pejtrrs^Gujen,onJJ Otbtt pjOUinCfS OtFraunce. Thomas f Henrie thefeconde. Henry the fecond* Thomas Beclcct 0rcl)tieaCOn of C(tf!turl)urj, tua« maoc ffje lyings Chanccliour. 1$e Ijclo {jis at Bermonfy, iuhcrc hnutrtg con# Geruajlw fcrence toitl) f)ts i^ohleo foj tt)e Ifatc of the iiingDouic, h^ pjomifcD to bantiT) alt&traagero. SSHhercbponWilliam ^ of Iprcs.ano all theF/.:;??^^/ thatfjalJ G^ocb^binto fearing the tnoignation of the nciue tiling, oepartcD the lano.^no the Caaclo that hao bin builocD to pill the riche atnD fpoplc the pcoje, tuere bp the things connnanoeniente, ano counfell of Ijio Chancellor throtone ttotone. gn sparth, ^u®ne ElianorDiobeareafonne at London tallco Henry after his father. Bing Henry toas foiine to Mavvde the Cmpreirejtnhof^ mother toas Mawdr £I>n®ne oiEngknd, Uiifc to Idling Hen- xon^° ry the firft,anlj Daughter to Margaret ©udene of ■S'mreAtDho ^2% toas Daughter of Ed ward, inhich h^ hegat of Agatha, the (u dlc"u!"' Cer of Henry the Cniperoure. Edwardetoas thefonneof feing Edmond nameD Ironfide: fuhofc father ioas iaing E- thcidred: Uihofc father tuas the peaceable t^ing nanieD Ed- gar, the fonne of Edmond, the fon of Edward the feigniour, thefonneof Alurcdfc. ^ counfell loas holuen at tv^llngford, tohere the /gobies iy4mo reg.i. toere toorne to the iling ano his ilTuc. ccr.ooroh'-. iaing Henry toent oner into Norn»andj,io'ljtvc luith long ^ ^ ^ fttgehe tcDlie Diucrs Caflels, tiiMirahle, chmon, anD other, . anD obtepneD the homage anD pleDges of all ^Aqniume anD Cafcoyne. William the iaings elDcll fonne oieD, anD ioas bttrpeD at Reding. laing Henry retumcD into Englandmb then toith an ar^ inieiuentagainllthe^^'r/c-Ww.lDherehefdleD theirlooDs, kui^hI.v'^ fortifieD the Caltell of Rutland, anD recouereD manp ttrong vvtnt agiiiift holDes. Ipe rceDifpcD the Caffell of BaHngwhl^ fc, but he ^ IoItmanpofhismcn,foj Henry of£//fw that bare the Idlings ^tanDcrD,ashelDas alTapleD ainongff his eniniies,letfall Hent'yofE-Tejj. fhe,S>tanoerD to thegrounDj tDh'rh encourageD Wyzweich. rnen^ 101 loetlyn efrne^ Uni, jimoreg.^^. Girdim Camhre. 1158 Eatthqaalce. Amor eg. 5 ICpodigrnx* "■TP CcruAjifH* Ainoreg.6. 1160 Henry the fecond* mcnm"^ put f^)C Effgiiflmen in fcarc^fuppolins rijaf tfjc IjaDbiitflai'iic, notu>tfl)ffmiliin0 got of a rcrtapne liuigof ivAesattH Dtl)cr 213aron0 liomnge ano l;ottage0, ano fo re!» rcturiicD. illluanoElianorbjougljtfojtl^ a roittte namcD Richard,at Oxford in tljc Ifittigs ^^allace t^crc. WiUiam CSarlO of G/oceBerioM tahOlt bp t1}C fVe/chmea in tbc: Cattcll of Cardfe. k>n CI;?ifttna3 oap^^tng Henry foaroijto Crotoneat JViKcheffer, tobere after celebration of btuine feruice, be fet bis Crotone bpon tljz 3[Itar,anD neuer toare it after. l^ing Hei^ry tucnt into France,at Paris tnaS iopfullp recepueo of 5iing Lewes, tufjo requireo to bane bifi baugb* ter Margaret to be marpeo to \)is fonne Hemy, tobtcb fuite be obtermco, ant) iiing Hcmy obtepneotbatas^enelbaU to tbe French Iting ttUgbf i^fO Britawe, ant) Call Hf fore biin fucbe as maoc toarre one againft another, toap* pcafe tbew, mberebp Ij^ brought the Citie of Namts to hi® dominion, ^n C!;artbquabe bappeneo in manp places through nnD tbeiitiuerof ThawB inas orpeo bp, that at London men might toalbe ouer the fame orplboti. sru©ne Elianor brought forth a fonne nameb Geffrey. 0 ncto Copne inas mabe in England. iling Henry t(Dbe eftuage of the Engliflmen,\\^t{X(XMXit ~ tuhcreof greU) to 12400. pounbsofrilucr.iSDfotherCoum treps fubica to htm he gathercb alfo an infinite ejraaion, f then patTcD totoarbs Thoioufe lutth an huge armp,anb bef^# gcb that (Sittc from t^ibfomer til i^allontibe, Chere toere luith hit" Malcolinc j^ingof Scottes, aiib a ccrtaine iifng of Wales,vm all the (Carles anb liBaronS nf England,Normandy, Aayiitaine,Angeo-tr,% Gafcoyne; but Lewes the French feing fo bcfcnbcb that Citie, that the lyings purpofe tuas fruffrate, anb the f^ge rapfeb. lung Henry rctumeb from Thoioufe, anb Henry j^ing of England/ fonne,not feauen peares olbe, marieb Margaret the Hen^ the fecondf 203 V^tVrtnchMnQ& 6a«gl)ter,tljat t»as not pet tl)}kvems Cerui.Doto, OlO. Amoreg.-j. Mathcw dearie zXBolonU ttiarricu Mary ^Ibbcffe nXRum- ^ ^ fey, oaagljfer to i^tng Scephen. Theobald Hrcljbtlbop 0? CaKtarbury beccaCTcD, ailD 11)0 TkomaflU'ikef, Cburcbe of Cimtwbuiy Ujas boP3eonepcare,oncmoneiO, nno fourtitnc oapcs. iting Henry caufeD all bis fubtcrtjj fofitiearefiDditiefo Ijifi fonnc Henry concerning bis inbcritance. Thonias tbc lyings CbancelloiirtcBbc bi5 0tbc,firC,fanmgbis6Delitie ' toiling Henry tbe fatbcr fo long as bslit'CQ. ICbis Tho- mas tnas clectso Jtrcbbidjop of Cuntv.rbHry.^xw^ tul>cn be iuaa confecrateDjbe fojtbUjitb refafeo to tealc anp inojeluitb matters of tlje Court, renouncing tbe Cb«unceUo;(bip f c. SHbere came into Englandrrr. Germayms, as Uiell men as toomen,tDbo calles tbemfelues PublicanesetbcirbcaDano wMnauoimr. ruler namcD Gerardus toas fometobat learneD, tbe relibue tjerpruoe. aTbepDenpeti ^afrimonp,an8 tbc^acraments of 2!3aptifme, and tbe iLojDs Supper, tuitb otber Articles. SCbcp being appjebenocD,tbe i^ing caufeD aConnfell to be calico at Oxford,loiijm tbe fapo Gerard anfcDcreo foj all bis felloiueSjtobs being pjeffeo tuitb Scriptures, auntoereo concerningtbcirftiitb,astbepb33bintaugbt, ano tuouloe not Difpute thereof. 0fier fbep couloe bp no meanes be b?ougbt from tbcir errors, tbe Bilbops gaue fentence a^ gainff tbeni, ano tbe lung commanoeo tbat tbep tboulD be marheo tuitb antubote 3|ron in tbe fo?ebeaD,ano tobippcO, ano tbat no man Iboulo fuccour tbem tuitb bouferome oj Of tbertuife t tbep teoHetbeir punitbment glaolp, tbcir Cap^ puf,ricans= fapne goingbefoje tbem, Cnging, BielTed arc yc when men whipped, do hate you: tbcp tucrc uiarbeo in tbe fo?ebcao, ano tbepj Captapne botb in tbefo?ebeao ano tbe cbinne. SCbus being tobippeoanotbmtt outmtbetomter,tbepopcotDitbcolD, no man releeuing tbem. Robeit dc Mountfortaccufeobis narc ItinrmanHcnry uf£j^arofbigbfr^^fo« bcfojetbe^obilitie, affirmingtbat 204 Henry the fcconc!» fjcm an rrpcDitton utfow^-i/w.tna narroto ana fjarftpaf^ fage at CaiUfheie, moC frautulentlp ttjjetoe atoap ttjc ?itng3 0tant)arD, aiiD a loluDe tjopce p;onounccl>^tm to be bcao, ano turneo bacbe tbofc tbat came to ^ titngs fuccour. (^noit&e tl)e fo?efapDo Henry of £#vtx)aspcrf£DaDei)tbat feing Henry fcoao flapnCjiDbicbebnOoubtcDIpfjatJ come to palTe, if Roger Carle of Clare tjao not toitf) quiche fpabe come totoitb bto retinue, anb rapfeb agapnc ttje icings ^tanbarbe, to tlje cncouragingoftljetDbolcarmp.) Hen- ry bjitbttcDbe tf)c fojefapb Robert, anb bcnrcb all bisf accup fationo, tobercbp in pjoceCfe oftimeUje mattercametofae Combate a( trpebbp Combatc. SDljcp met at to figbt,inan3flc Kcadmg. jj, 0t)ijcp. SCbitbrr alfo came mucb people to f® iobat cnbe tbc matter luoulbc come to. 0nb it cbanceb tljat tobrn Robert bab manfuUppotojeb out manp anb beanie Croheo,Henry turning reafon into ragc,fc!hcbpcn bim tbo part of a cballcnger anb not a befenbcr , tubo iobileffbo inanfullp ftrohe,tuas mo?e ffoutclp Crihen agapne,anb en? beuojingtoconquer,tua£! conquereb bintfelfetbe being o? HenrrofEfltx uercomCjfcU boiunc fo? beab, anb toben be toas tbougbt to ouercomc. flapnc, at inSance of fucbe of tbc nobilittc as tuuswfiorLru, toere offeinnc to bim,it tuasgranteb bnto tbe^onhs tbere tbatbiobobplboulb beburpeb,faut aftertoarb bereuiueb, anbbauing rccouereb bisbealtb, bccamca^onheintbat place,^.l o LandoK Bridge fcaS nctu mabC Cf timber, bp Peter of CoU' mr^^T^i'ib^r 3 pjicffCbapIepne. ^ i°i64 ^ Malcolinc tbe .S'fpmyJBing, anb Rctus^jince of£2 tv ana ftoenfifb Day of 3|aitaarp fuaa a srcaf <^arff># j j quafte trt Ee/)/, Norfolk, atio Shffo/ke, fo tfjat it ouertt);clt)e j j ^ - tfjem tijat aooDo ijpon tl^eir fate, ano mm tfjc Belles to An Barthq,uke. ring in tfje staples. c^luriLZ"' snije i^ing fealeo info ^is ^anoes all tljc arcl)bilftops w.12. gcDOesano rents, anDfaamOjeo all bis binojcl). 2Cf)e liing IcD an innumerable armp againlf t\)tfre/ch- men ntFlemings, Scettes,Picles, An'tmrans, anb Otljer, but luitl) fogreata mulfitubebecoulb not ouercome tbcm» SC^e Welchmen tfflhe tlje Caffell of Cardigan. 3in a certapne aCTagc at Bridgenonh, againlfeHughHc Mortimere,tuf)entl)e!atng toastbotfe atbponeoftbeeni^ mieSjabaliant man Hubert de Saint Clcrc Conffable of Colchester, oio tfjjuff btntfelfe bettoiirfe tlje liing ano tlje banger of tbe ttrobe, ano fo recepneo oeatb fo3 biwtj tobofe onlp oaugbter tlje iiingtahing intobtsculfooie,begaae t)ir in mariage to William dc Languale, tnitb bir fathers in* beritance,tDbo begate on bir a ronne,bearing tbe name anb furname of bis C'ranofathen ^Duane Elianor fa^ougbtfojtbafonnenameo lolm. SCbeliingpaireooucr into Normandy,tm tbereboioing acounrell,appopnteo a colleetion to be maOetb?oagball bio Countreps, ttoo pence of tbe pouno of mouable gooes fo; tbe Srtt peare, ano one pennp tbe pouno fo; foure pearcs after. RobertXonnefO William (Sarlc of (j/ccf'i^frbefeaireO. Annoreo X-} snbeloarreteas renueobettoirt tbe feing ctEngUnde, ^ ano tbe French iriing, fo; tbe Citie of Thoiofeano Mathewe — ^— ©arle otBuiloigne, b;otber to Phihp (iSarle at Flanders man* nco 0]ee buno;eo ^b'ppos to baue come into £»^Wf,but bp fucb p;eparation as Richard Lucy gouernour OtEngland }naoe,betuas Soppeo inellpnougb. Mawde Jiing Henries Oaugbter toas marpeo fo Henry Anno reg,i 4 ^{XkZOfSaxon. ij6S ' Conan c&arle of little Britaine Dpeo, ano left fo; bio bt'tre Tohn a oaugbter nameo Conftancc, tobieb bab bp tbe Hing of Scottex io6 ^nno reg. X y 11 6p Sz.i^Qron, Citrendon. I-cycc(ler anil Baton. . Sca.Cto, CirMus Crmhr, Annoreg.\6. 1170 GirtUCumbr, Englijnmcn traiifporttd in- to Ireland. Henry the kings fonne Crowned. Guilt Htm Cftutn, Henry the fcconcf^ Scottes fitter J Conftance Henry ittarrved to (jifl tonne Geffrey. Robertdc Bofcuet^arlO of Lej'cefftrtiyelJt^C founOCO t^c ^pona^fertes ofGere»de» of^onheo: ofL^cei?frcaUeD Saint Mary de Prate ofCtjannonO regular: ant) Eatoft of ^nnneo/toao founoeo Amida l)is toife. Daughter of Ralph Montfbrdc. ing Henry raufeo tl)e Caltcll of fvanvike to be btttlDeb. Deruntius t^e fonne of Morcardus, callCD Mack Murgh l^iing ofZ'<7«/7er,bemg erpelleo out of IJfingbome, tame intoC?«;wfo i^ing Henry, bnmfalp requiring apDcfo?bw reffitution , tobo bnbcrttanoing fullp ttje caufe thereof, gaucfra licence to all£«^/(/^we»tbat iiioulDe,foap6etl)C fapoe Deruntius: toberetjpon \^z returning into £»^WQf Annorew \- H^eccmber teas flarnebp William Tracy ISaron of ti7x ' Rcignolde Fitz Vrlc, Hugh Moruilt, anO Ricliardc Briton j^m'gbtcs. SEtj^re toast fcsne afS.Ofythcs m FAfex a ^sason of a cbro.aicheUcr. martiellotto bigncCTc, tol^pilje bp motiing burnca ban? rc0, £x Record, wg Henry returncD from bepona t\)t ana lan^ aea at Portefinoutkin tbe monetb of 3uguff. Nicholas Breakcfpcare ait E>, b0?nc at Lar.gley m tbe conntpof Hartford, fonneto Roberta ponger bjotber^ oftbcboufc oflBjealtefpcares, (tobicbt^ Robertc after tbe aHEngii/tok aeatbof bto toife pjofe^a bimfelfe aJponlteof^^'»^ c^/- ho?7s, leaning Ijis fonne to pjoiuae fo.: l)i& otone pjefcrment) tbis pong man paOTeD into Fra»ce, toao (bojnea^onke, ana after cbofcn ^bbot: toent to Rome,\x)as confecratca Wv fbop of maae Carainall, fente Tcgate to tbe Nor- tpoyes, tobere b« reancea tbat nation from paganifme to CbJiffianitie,ana after returnea to Anaftafius toaoaeaa,br toascborenJ!3ope,bp]§^name of Adrian tbe 4, SDurtng bis ]^opeaome, grantea tberegimenfeof ire- KingHtntr land fo tbsRing QtEr.giard, toberebpon iiing Henry bautng ranfea Richard cSarle ofchepstoiv to gine into bis b'lnaes alltbclanatobicb bs baa conguer^in tbatUealme,tobe Ke^lflru mefj, ^bippa at Penbroke,m'Q fapleo tbitbtr, tobere tbefetngof Conach, Dcruntius tiUig of Corke, Morice fetng Of tbe cimfhriut. &ing of Hriell, Duvenald !&tng Of Oj^?7, Duvenald 5iing -^ntioreg. 18, OfUmerikf, Machachelin, Ophelon, Machaleny, Othnc- thely, Gillcmchelmach, Ocadcci, Ocaruell , toitb ot^C{ |3?inceg, ana tbe UBifbops , fubimtting tbemfeUies ana tbeiro to tbe i^ing ofEftg/a»de ana bis fucceCroto, builaea fo? bint a greate itiallace at dMk, tobere be beiae bps s:bje Henry the fccon(}. C&urclb of Norwich, tnit^ t\)t ijoufce t!)crefo brlon^ ging luars b.«nt, aito fbe5ponhcs Uscrc Difpcrcleo. ^ ^ Kl)t ittng returned into EKg/aKdon ^cnDap in ffer toake, t about tljc ^fcentton tiDc fapleo into NermaKdj. j^t Andouer a pjapingbofo?c tlje 0Uare, teas ffri* ken Ujitb tljunbcr, ano flaync. Jlikciuifc one Larkc anb fjio Cro.Colciflu. b?ott)er Uiaobjcntto Ocatbiuitb tljeligbtning. iaing Henry tlje fotinc, loitb f)is toifo, tljC French J^ingg baugbter, inere botfj togitljcr Crotoncb at wwcheFter tijc feauen anb tluentitk of 0iigitlt, by tlje l;anDes of Rotr(^ ^rcbbittjCp of Roane. ^Innorea- ^n Henry tfjeclDcrtuas aCfopIcb oftlje tieatb of Tho- . n.w eg. ^ ^rcfjbt.ljop, bps bis otl) mabe, tbat be teas not pji? uic to it. liing Henry marrieu tbe clbctt baugbtcr of Hubert ri'oJ/rmai' Of Morton, bntO bisfoune lohn, fumamCO without land. ^[5c alfo niaOeMar) tbC fitter of TliomasBecket^b# bette of Berklng. Henry the yon- Henry t})^ yottger rebelling in AWwandj againtt J^ing ger re e le. fatbcr, many (Carles anb Barons fleboe ouer to !)im,tDbereby biuers ttrong battayles ioere fougbt,as iuell in Englandin Normandy,Poytow,Gnyen,t{\Xti Britawe. STfifrO tcDkc part againtt tbe fatber,Lcwcs lung ofFr^«£-eptembcr,Cb?iffesCbnrcb in Cmtmbu- Geruufim Doro, rye toas burneo,toitb certapne boufcs of £Dffice in tbe court. ZiJnilZ'i Jiing Henry tbe fonne,toitb bis b?atb2en,f otbcr,tocre intent. reconcileO to iiing Henry tbe fatber. SCbe^rcbbilbop QtCanturbtiry belo 0 Coiuifcll iu S.Pee- tcxsmxtvesirn-n^ier Oil^iinoapbefo?e tbeHfcentionoap, at ^"'"oreg. ai tobiebCounfell toereptofent all tbefuffraganJlBilbopsof ^^7^ bis p?ouince, creept,tbattoas Itcbe, ano fo ercu^ feo bimfelfe, anO § liBifbop aXNorrvtch tobicb toas oeceafco. k btotber oftbe Carle Ferrers toasintbenigbtpjiuilp flapnc at z,W(7«, tobicb tobc tbe Ibing bnoerltcooejbe taiarc tbatbe tooulo be auengco on tbe Citijenstfoj it toas tben a common pjactife in tbe Citte, tbat an bunojeo 0? moje in Night waikerj a companp of pong ano olo,tooulo mabe nigbtlp inua&ons in London, did bpon tbe boufes of tbe toealtbp,to tbe intent to fobbe tbem, ;©♦ ano Henry ttie {econd» ana tfrijnjfouna anpman ftirringin r»ig|)t,t^ep iuoulti pjcfcntly muitljcr fjtm, tii fc murij, tfjat to^en ntgV ioascomc, nomanDurftaDuenturctotoalhe in tl)t ^tr^tea. Mfjcn tijis Ijab continueo long, itfojtu# neD ffjat as a crcUj of pong ant)l«ealt(;pCtttjEnsaircm« bling togitbrr in tl)c nigljt, affanltea a Gone fjoufe of a cer^ tapnericf) man, ano tafeing tl)?ougfj tlje Iuall,tl;egaio man off^at boufc bauing p?epareo totifj otljer in a comer, tnljcn Ije perccpueo one oftl;eSCljirucs nameo An- drew Bucquintc to leaDc t\)c toap, tuitl) a burning bmnb in tl)C onebanoanb apotte of coales in tbeotber,tDbGl)ebe aGapco to hinole tuitfj tbe bjanb, Ijc Gcto bpon bim, ano fmote oGbid rigbt banoe, ano tben tnitba lotDOeOopce crpeo SCb^ues, at tbe bearing tobereof tbeSTb^uestcohc tbeir Gigbt, allfauingbetbatbao loG bis banoe,lDbome tbe gc50 man in tbe nert morning ocliuerco to Richarde de Lucy tbe iiings 31uGice. SCbis Cb^fe Opon toarrantof bis life, appeacbco bis confeoerates, of tubome manp toerc taken, ano manp toere fleooe , but among tlje reG tbat tocre appjebenoeo, a certapne citizen of greate counter nance, creoite, ano Inealtb, furnameo lohn thcoldc, fejbcn be couloe not acquite bimfelfe bp tbe toafaroqme,iiitoeo. tbe iking fo? bis life fine buno?eo ^arkes, but tifje iking GtmUer Cwen. commaunoeo tbat be G)ouloe be bangeo, tobieb toas Oone, ano tbe Citie became mo?e quiet* Anyioreg.1% ikiugs of EngUnd botb fatbcr ano fonneoto eate 1176 ano o?inhe at one Stable, lap in one Chamber, ano tuente togitbertobifitetbe Combe of Thomas lateHrcbbiibopof CaKturbtirie, accompUGjing inoaoe tbe peace iobicbe tbep bao pjomifeo. Cbelktng caufeo to be rajeo ano ouertbmtone tbe Ca# Gels of Humington^ IVAlten, Groby, Tutfburte, Hny, anO Trefi, Cartels rasetf. toGb nianp otbcc, lit rcuengo of tbe b^rme tbe ilojoes of tbembao oone to bim* founoation of Saint Mary " Query cs Henry the Cccond* ^ ^ ^ Oucrycs tn SmthwMrke, ffje Hone bjiDgc outrf!jc Theftone Thamis at Londm toas btgoniic to b® founbco, Car# jonljgonw btnati, aitD tbe ^rcbbifljop of Canmrburie gaue a tboufanbe ^ ^arHeo toUiarD tl)t famefountiatton. Wjf;« dt South* 3Ht ^parcbtb^ iainccailcDaConuocafton of tbc Clear# gic at LoKdon, uiben tlje |3opes ILegate toas fct, anb ttjc jarcbbiflbop of CAnturhury on bts rtgbt tjanne, as pjimate of E*)gU»d, Hrcbbtffjop of 2«r%i)ifbcrnmgtofitteonfbe lefte batiof, came ano &Dapt {jtm bourne to banc tt)?uS bis taple betUjtpte tbeile^ate anb tbe0rcl)bp^opofc<«»- Jurbftr/e, Ulblcbe ;^rcbbtn)Op of CantHrburte beetUg lotfjC fO remoue, tljc otber fet bis bnftoche ttt bis lappc, but be bab bnneatb toucbcb bpm toitb bis buinme, tobeii tbe JBi# ^ops anb otbcr of tbe Clcargie anb JlapticCcpte to brin» pulleb bpni, tbjctoe bv»u to tbe grounbe, anb begannc to lap on bpm toitb fittcs anb battes, fo tbat tbe Hrcbbt# Ibop of CAnturburie (poelbtng gtob fo> cutll) toas faptte to befenbe tbe otber 0rcbbi(bop, tobo toitb bia rent Coape gotebppe, anb aloap ffratgbt to tbe liing toitbagrcatc tomplapnte : but toben tbe truetb of tbe matter toas once bnotoen , \)k toas toell langbeb at fo) reme' bpe. Richard Strangbovv Carle of ci#^/?^3beceaCfeb,anb toas ,, burpeb at Dublm m Ireland. William Carle of ArmdeUt\{ii becealTebjanb toas burp# eb at Wtmendham. William Carle of Gloceiier, bpcaufe be bab no fonne to J„,^o ye^. % ? tnbertte bis lanbes, anb bcetng lotbto oiaributetbem Tpodl^ma, mongdbis baugbters^bemabe lohn tbe lyings fonne bis fucceflbj. 3L lboto;e of bloub ratgneb tn tbe Bjlle of fvighte ttoo boures fpace. cron.rttmouih SCbe Cburcb of feculac Cbannons at waltam, toas bp tbe totngs commanbement netoe builbeb , anb regular — Cbannonsplacebtbere. Gtruajlm^ l^er i 1 ^ Henry tlie fecond^ Koraamiid. Dcafl^ of Rofjmuncl t\)t f^airCjOaus^fer of VVal- tcrJl0?D Clifford^ CDoncubtnC to Henry tl;e rcconJj at Jioke, l)Z tffiUc pjtuilp i^ing Lewes Daughter of France, (t^at toac marrpeD to \)i3 fonnc Richard cDaile of Poj/torv) foj ^ig ileman,anD ^ao pjaaifco foj a Diuojce bcttoipt fjtm ano ^is iQuane Eleanor,tDbcrebpon foUolocli great oifcojD bcttoirt tbe lyings of %Wano but meeting togit^cr,t^ep agrao bpon peace fo? a time, Richard Lucy tlje lltngs ^ntt^ar lapbe t^c founcation tiyS oftbecouentuallCljiircb in tfjebono? of SaintThomas,iti a place UifjicI) is caUco f^ye>irvoo^,otptt\j)i(e t\)z ter# ritojie of Rochejlcr,va tfje ncU) jBarilb of Southfieete. W4lt(rCff:ien. SCljiS Richard LucybuilDcO tbS Caftellofin Ejf. Ctrui. r,\htnm. fex, itt tljC bfOCelTe of IBifljOp of London. SDbe Citie of Torke loas fa?ent. uiuno reg 2y cfjjiUmas Dap at Oxenhall, in tfjs territojic of Der. hngton, in tl)t 515ill)op?ickeof Dftrefme, tlje eartb Itftcb bp if cton.Tmmomb. manner of an Ijiglj Sotoer, ano fo rcmapneb fromtbe Tpjing of the bap bnmoueable, bntil tlje eticning, anb then fell toitt) lb bo^riblcanopfc^tljatitfearebtbein^ babitantcs thereabout, anb tljc earth toallotoeb it bp, anb mabe there a bape pitte,b)hi^ is fecne bntill ihis bap. foj. uhn ityUnJ. A teKtmouie thereof, Leyland faptl;, he fato the pittes there commonlpcalleb Heikettic. 2the tenth t)ap of Hpjill the Church of Saint Andrcwe in RocheUer tuas cottfumeb toith fire. Richard Lucy beparteb thisUfe infhcHbbcp of Lefnes, hauingchangeb his habite^ Anno reg, 26 S:he Clfurers in England toerc grauoufip punilheb foj 1180 corrupting tl;e Copnc, the tohich^ befibes other bejrations Viurers puiu^ " Ujerefettereb tbjo arib ttob togithcr, anb carrpeb in Carter to the tilings Court. Gerua.Dort, , , 0 iieto Copne toas ojbepnob m Annoreg. 27 Getfrev the tsittits IBa^tbe foniie, fefigtietr the thopritheofLwco/wir, anb Ujas mabet^ fc'ings ChaneeD lour, ' ' Kfait Henry the feconch 3 JCl^l'sptarC GiraldiisCanibrenfis Ujjofc offl)^ Itiner.triu'n C<>r^' aefcription Qty/ales,Mitxzm fjc notctfj to t)me IjappcneD i in l^to time in tlje ^jouince of Kemmeu, a pong man (bojnc in tljofe partes) to be perfecuteb toitb 2i:oaDes,as all unttj^ mtbatCountrepbabcon^e cratoling togitbcr tobepebim, ano toben innumerable numbers of tbem tocre billeo bp ted by Toades, tbofe tbatfeeptbim,ant) other ofbis frienbs anb Hinfmen, pet came tbepttill astf tbepbab fp;ongliUe Hydraes beao numberleffcmt length loben bis frienbs Inere to^riefi feiib toatcbing, tbcp caufcb bim in a Coffin to be bopfeb bp into anbigb tf® tbatioas fb?eb of all the bougbes, ano mabc fmatb:but there toas be notpjcferueo from bis benemous enemies, tobicb aJTanlteo bim creeping bp into the tree, till tbep bab eaten bim to the bones that be opeo,bis name bias Scifillus Elker her (tbatts) lOlTg legge. BarKerpell\3)it]) tbeJ3?io?ie, neereblltO C<«w^r/^f,UiaS A>:norcg. 28 reo ano b?cnt« uSa Roheit Harding a iiSurgcde QtBriHow, totuhomefeing Henry gaue the Baronp of Barkeley,hwi\^t\i the ^onalferic sijnt AuSins OfSaint Augulbncs in Brifiow. ^Anlorer. 29 fiing Henry theeloertoent into ano theremaoe 1187"^ bis telfament. SCbep of (^AfiitayHe batcO their E)ubc Richard fo: bis crueltie,ano bjere minoeo to onue bim cutoftheCarlc^ Oome ofF^-^wano SDubeoome at zAqmayae, ano to tranf» pofetbofe elfatesto bis bjotber Utng Henry the ponger, but tuben all men Icjlteo fojbictojp tothepongiiingjje King Henry fell miferablp Sche, ano Opeo in the Caffell ^lUmouicen, a« bout the beginning of June,ano bsas burpeo at Rf^e. Giralduf Camhr^ iiingHenryretumeointoEngUnd,ano fcntmanpmen ^'S4 oftnarre into wdes, foj the weichmen emboloneo bp lyings abfence,bao bjohcn fojtb ano flapne manp men. SCtje Hbbep of GUsienhury inas bjentjtoitb tbe Church of Guaenbury Saint lulian. brent, Hcraclius jaafriarch ^XHierufdem came to i^ing Henry, )©.i9» bearing ' Henry the fcconcf» Ucfirfitg Ijtm cf nffic agapnitflje TmhesMi^t ®i{ngby# caafe of tlje cracltio of fonncs, teas counfelleo not to leaueljts )©omtmons tn f)a?arD,anD to goe fo farrooffr tobcrcfoje pjcmtfeo tljo j[patriarhe. 50000.i^arhes of ^iliicr. SDtjijj J^afrtarljc DcaicaicDtbcneto E^emplotljenbuil# DCS in tfje CTelipartof/^Ww. i^tng Henry fgntC fjis fOUnc Iohiitnto/re/W,tI)af migbt be inaac ilojoc thereof. STtje |Dope fentehima: Crolonc of pearocho feathers fatapbeb teittj (a^olDe; SCbiS pcare bpeb Hugh Mortimere faunBer of^^^wcr#' 3bbep. jviawdc the (Snipjecre, pother fo ItitigHcnr)' the fe* cons becealTcotthe fonnbeb the ^bbep ofBordepy. Geffrey C^arlc of Bntaync thc feingS fonne ^»mrrg.'^2 00atabout the beginning ofanguff,ano ioas there burpeo. ^eleftiffue ttoo baughters tohich hehabbpCon- fiance (Baughter to Conan (£arlO of Britawe) tohO SlfO fit the thne of his bcath toac great loith chilbe , ano after brought fo?th a fonne namcD Ardmr. great Earthquake th^eto botDnemanpbuilbings^a^ mongffthe tohich the CatheD;iall Church of Z-^Wwetoau rent in paces the fine and ttoentith of0pntl. 2Che Cathebjali Chur^ ofchuhefier ano alt fhetohole Citie toas bjent the tioentith of October. jimoretr. ■> Orfordiw Sufoike, certapnc i^tlhcrs of thr 1187 ^ hsuing the fljape of a mait in all popntes, fohichs i^ithc toas kcpte bp Barthelmcw de Glaunuilc, Cutfos ofthe Calfctl oWrford, inthe fame Ca# 214 1185 TpetiTcluis tht Pjtiiiilce. New Temple, Toll 1 the Itrngs fonne 1-o.rd ^ Ireland- The EnipreiTe dcceafed. I 180 Getttey Parle »f Britaync dyeth. C'ral.Cumbr. Ma»fcfirP.irM, Jaeger Iloutden, lebn Chichefl:* brenc. A Fislr like a 9do»;i>nmf/h CeU Hell, bp the fpace of Cee monethes and itto;e fo? a toonoer: hefpakc not atDo?t>. 0U manner of mcates he glablpbid cate,butmottgraDilpratnfithe,aftcrhehab crnthed outall themoptture. £)ftetttimcs hetoas brought fo the Churche, tohrre he^ th.etwed no tokens of abojation.^f length tohen he toas not tocU Imked to, he Hale atoap to the ^ea,ano ne# uer after appeared. Henry thefecond. ='5 STfje Sings otE^gUndem^ at France meffc bcttoitf Amori^ fors ana Trye, \n\^zxt tfjen ftuficon tljcm tfjc CroOc, ana an^ „ ucrs otijcr taitb tbcm.Cfjo Sing of Bigiund lanaing at ivm- chelfea, Ijattea tohjaras Morth-hamfton, toljcre at Gedw^tofj, ^,rh.r^,so'kr>'cl about cigl)t ojtenne miles from North-hampton b^ibca JBarliamente aboute tbc bopagc info tljcljolp lana,iubcrc Gud. CoueH, manp ^Irticles concerning fbat borage foere conciuDea,ano tbetoboIeHealme troiiblea bjitb paring of titbcstotoarae tbat borage. S^be chriUtoulr)poures fauourabic: bountifuU to bis frienbsito strangers a grauouo cntmie: Ijarbtobcplcarcoroefirouo oftoarre: abfjojring poleneffe: cncltneo to p?tDe,l?cf)ern, ano auarice. Cfm.rn» Do. ^}c fomming from beponoe tl;e ^cas, lanbeb at Souths utti,twTot„, t\jt ttoelftb Dap of3[ugutt,anD toas Crotoncii at mnmmner on tbe tbtm oap of^eptember, bp tbe banns of tbe £?rcbbt(bop Baldwine. l^c commanben tbatno/f7r« nojtdomenlbooloebeat bisCojonation, fo? fcarc of encbantmcittes tobicb^ tows Ujontto be p?attifeD: fo? b?eatttng of tobicbe comnimanoe^ mcnt,manp lewes ujcre flapne tbc fame nap. Elianoe Ri'cfiarcl the 317 BUanor olde tpi)o at t\)e comma uttDcutenf of Ijtrbufbanoo^ao bene long fecpt clofepjifoncr, tuao noiu fcf atUbertte» 2Df)e 3[rcbbilT)op of Cdntudurie being fo?e offenorb toptb ^rle lohn tbe hingo bjDtbcr,foj tabpng to inife Ifabcl conn? telTe QtGloce^ier,\^is coSn in ti)e tbiroe oegrne.tujote a tbieat* ntng letter to tbe fame lohn, commanbtng bim not to toucb tbe birgine, ano to appearc at a pcrcmptojp bap befoje bim to auntoere tbe matter. iiing Richard gauc tbe Catlelo of Benvikg anb Rokefbwgh to tbe Scottijh king, foj tbe fummc of r.g^.pounbtbe alio folb to Hugo dc Puteaco I5ttboppe of Diirkim,l)is olon pjoutnce fo; a great pace of monp, ano createb bim (Erie of tbe fame,. anb tben fapbe in game, 3 am a voonberous craftefman, 3 bane mabc a netoe (Earle of an oloe ISilboppe. folbe tbe ^jiOjie of Couentrie, tO Hugh i5itboppe ^XCheUer, foj i^.C. inarfeeo, tobicb Hugh toitb a potoer ofarmcb men iniiabeb tbe 53jiojp,cbafeb tbe pnoj atoap, beat tbe ^onkes,lameD fome,raa fome info p,itfon,anb fpopling tbe otber,b?ouc tbe atoapjbjake tbe l^utcbeo oftbe tbeir Cbar# teroanbpjiuilegeo. 2Cbe !iing alfo fapneb to bane loii \)is 0gnct,anb mabe a netoe, anb tben caufebtofacpjoflapmcb, tbatlobofocuer iMoulbe fafelp cniop tbofe things iitbicb befojc time tljep bab tnrollebjfboulbecome to tbcnctoe feale, inberbpttcameto paire,tbat manp lubicb coulb not finbc bim in England, Uient oner fea to tine toitb bim at bio plefure.l^e gaue bio bjotber lohn tbe pjouincco of Nottngh.m, Denanfinre , anb Corne- wal. 3n tbio time tocre manp robbers anb ouf4atDes,among fbeU»bicbOjRohsrt Hoode f little Iohn,renolDmeb tb»uc«, England, continucb in toajbs, befpbpling anb robbing tbegcobO oftbe rieb. l^b^?i^iii(^ononebntrucbastDOul0inuabetbem; o> bp refiifance fo? tbeir oton befcnce. Cbe fapbe Robert entertapneb an bunbjeb tall men,anb gCDb ,^rfbers,lbitb fncb fpoples anb tbeftes as bo got, bppon gD.b. tobom 'I il Magiftrites of the Citie of UonJon.fince beforcthe Conqueft. Kihcrt fiilbirVU : d :ii" t'i' $! 1 : V'.. I w.. Pat/gtant. tihir trinltitlif. i^.Ditntheme, Pioueif. Richard the ffrS:* lD&5jmc foiirc IjtmojcD (tuerctfjcpncaerfi}ffron0,)6ttr1c not gtne t^^efttfltreotio ixiomsnrobeopp;e(reo, tiiolatcD, 0} ot^ertDtfe moleScD: ptDje mens goiDs Ijefpa# reo , abounDantlpe rcitemng tbemteitb ttjat, iDbtctjeb? tbeftbegottefrom ^bbapes anb tfje boufts of rtcb Carles: iDboine Maior blanietb fo; bi^ rapine nno tbefte; but of all tbeeues be affirmetb b?tn lo be tbe ]0;ince, ano tbe moffe gentle tbafe* Kill tbis fir0e prate ofliing Ridiard tbe firlle,tbe €itU jens of babbe bene goucrneb bp Portgraucs, as Fabi- an fomettine an Alderman London, in bis Cb^onicle affir* metbitubofe names toitb tbe laloes anbculTomes of tbe Cittie tben bfeb, (be fapetb) toerc reco?beb in an olbe bcDbe fcbjitten in tbe S>aj:on tongue, callcb Domes daye, fometime remapning in tbe C-nilbe l^al of LW««,but nolo embe^cleb. Xo tbis acco?betb tbe Charter of tbe fame Citie,granp teb bp William tbe Conqucrour,anb biuerfcotbcr Kecojbs, tobercin 3 finbe, tbat tbccbtefe ^pa0t^^rate of tbe Citie of London, in tbe time of fting Edward latt befojc tbe Conqueff, calleb tbe Confeflbr^toascalleb Portgraue,U)bcfcnamelnas Wolfgare. 3n tbe time 0? William Conqueronr, anb WilliamRu- fus, Godfrey Klandeuilc o^MagnauiletoaSf Ri- chardedc Pare |9j0U0ti. 3n tbe time oflMuig Henric tbe frrlf, Hugh Bouch j3ojt# graue,ano Lcofftamis C^olDrmitb l^^ouod. iJftcr tbcm Avvbmic de Vere J3o?tgraue, anb Robert dc Barqucrcl|g^0U0!l Bfn tbe time of ii.ingStcphen,Gilbert BccketJBoitgrane, anb Andreyv BiichennetJB^ouOlf. 31n tbe time of i^ing Hcnnc tbe feconb, Peter Fitz Wal- tcr j^ojfgraue.; , , 0fter bi^n lohn FitzNigclIy pc?fgratje» ;3fter biin Emulfus Buchel ^ojtgraue. ;3ftf r bitn William Fitz Ifabel jBojfgraue. SCbefi Richard the firft* 21 f jC^iefe arc alfo tn Dtucrfe UcrcjtiearaUrti Vicectmites OJ Sherifes, foj tftatfljeP farinrO tfjC tDifte oft^e l^tng, ac t|c ot London Docat f^is Dapt iobHB»»K anQ fomc aut^.j0,as lohannis Bcuar aitD oilier, Do cal tllCKl ^omc0 !ncn,o? 3luDgc0 of tfjc fetnga Coart. 2ni)t0 pcarc tfieCittjcnaof London obtapneD to be go^ ncmcD bp ttoo JlSaptifea, iDbicbctiiDtucrftaimttcnterci' CO2D0 arc alfo calleo &f}frifc0,foj t^at tbcp(ltkc as t^c po2t# grauc0) farmcD tbeS)b^rtfeiDthc, snijcp alfo obtaineD to bauc a ^aio? to be tl)ctr principal goucrnonr, anD licuctcnaunteoflb<^Ctttc,a0oftf)clktng0 Chamber. 2Cbe namc0 of t^c firtt Bapitfco 02 S>l)irife0,tDbo cntrcD at tbc fcatl of Saint Michael tbc^rcljaiigeU, tocrc a0 folloto" ctb* Sherifet. < Hcnrie CornehiT. Richard Rcincry. Maior. ^ HcnricFitz Alwyne. Fitz LeofftanCEfolDflHttb* Thefltawwor. firttc^pato2 of London , anD continueD i^ato2 During !>t0 life, tbat toa0 fotirc anD ttocntic pcarc0, aa appearctb bp a tjcrp anticnt3Xcco2DcfamEttmepertapnmgto tbo^nnrpc of Clerkenwel, COntapntng 30 3 pCrfitC rcgtllec, all fucb cufklnvd- grauntca of lanDea as toaa maDc to tbem bp aupc, tobtcb " * l^atf) Diuerfe d®D0, inborc bnto Hemic Fitz Alwync firft ^ai02 si London 10 a toitnClICjDatCD tbo Richard tbcfirlf. 3nD fo2 a mo2c p2fl3fc,3! flnDc rcco2DcD in tl^c GmldeHM, ceHfuttmOtii. in a boskc callcD tbc Cullomea at London, a conflitntion 02 t2DerbotoeCiti^en0lbalt p2omDc in builDinga bcttndtne Citijcn aitD Citizen , tnbpcbc confftfution bcgpnnct^ tbua: 3511 tfjcpcre of our 3lo2D,i I Sp.tbc firtfpcrr of tbc raignc ofkfng Richard,Hcniyfjtz Alwyne being ^ato2,tobo Uja0 fbofirlf£paio2ofz:^«^^», ittna0p2omD0DanD 02DapneDfc. jaDtbcr p2(ofe0 might be flhs^tocDoutof DinerlbauntienteKCA co2DC0,but tbefc arc ruf&icntt 3Sn^ |t! i I 220 I'TQn Goiitftioiif ol BngUniU V ilUam Bi« shopofEly. ]Ci ij Robert toke his voy- age oner to leruhlcht. Gcru.ijlrif* 'ip(xl:gmt. lerr'cs flctrv tlieaifelues. Richar(3 the firft* Rm0 Rtdiarc! bstoke guiDtng oftbis lattb fo William Longlhampe 315i(bop of £/7.ea coaffes to ba loatchct) ouer againil Fiamders, but nottoithlfanijing-CSrlc lohn came fccroetelu into England;, to rapfcthe^<4/f/^«»i'« ano^wrrw, but thei&ing of tuoulbe not apoehpm. W>^z FFalchmen partCO about KtngShneHnifF'/ndfirf iobep;apeoab?oDe. Che Frenclieiiins etttrcD Normandde, founoe fmall n6f Caunce, toannc biuerfeCotoneo, oclincreoto him,then he Ijatfcb totoarbs Roanf,^ beOegeb it,bnt thJough the great inbufrrie of Robert Carle ztLncenen he p^oSteb little there, anb fo returneb into Framce. Carle Tohn percei# utng \)i3 treafon boao bifcouereb, fo;ttifpeb 1)V3 CalleU anb palteb oner into Framce, anb iopnebtoiththe Frencke l^tng. ShenfesA Roger Duke. Richard Fitz Alvvyne. Aiaior. < Hcnric Fitz Alwyne. Jiing Richard fentfo^hismother anbthe^Irchebilhop of Rhoane tO COIttC tmtO hpm itttO Almayne.htinQWti^t in greatehope to boebeliuereb, anb in themeane tpmethe ;archfailhoppe of Cantarl^me tuaa mabe regent of Eng- land. * 34 Richard! the firffc* The KlMgs Cl)e icings fricnfieg entreating fia; f)i» 5eltueraunce,lj£fl 'o»«. t'tinfometoasfetat iooooo.ponno,totoitto ttjeQEmperour Rtddxcgihd. 1 ooooo.marhcOjto tlje Cmpjeflfe ^oooo.marUes: ano to ^ SDuUe vKAuUrtch 2oooo,markejj:tol)erebpDncottTmaunlie^ met toag otrerteD from tljc hings 3tifrices, tljat al 3ii3ill^op0, pjelateo,Charles,}15arons,abbots,anD p?io?s,tbou lt> bjing in tbe fourtlj parte of tljepj reuenetoes totoaroes tbefetng® raunfome, ano beftoo tbio, tbe cleargie b?ougt)t in tbeir gol# oen ano GUicr cbaliceo, ano Sfrceo tbeir (buneo, all tubicbe toascopneo into monep» CfhercenciesM^ giue tbop? tD®ll fOJ One Rc^^rHolTdln. peare ft. alltbc monep gatbcreo fo? tbeicings raunfome,to rematne in tbc cufrooic of Hubert ^rcbbitboppe tiiCnnturbu- rte, Richartie 115i(IjOppe OtLondon, William ©arle Of Arundel, Hamclinc Carle of ?#'«i''^f»,ano t^e ^aiojofi^<'»'^f''. 2nbe luting toasrcttojeO to libcrtie,tf)e moft parte of bps raunfome being paiDe,ano pleoges left fo? tbe refioue. |n tbe mean time letters toere infercepteo of Crle lohn tobicb be baO rent into Engiddto\x^iaQ treafon, one Adam at Saint EdntundiiUsivii, being fent bp Crlc lohn,to p^ouioe tbat bis Calfel migbt be fo?tifieo againtt iaing Richard,came to Lon- don, ano opneo toitb Hubert 0rcbbi(boppe of Canturhurie, tobere be b?aggeo of Carle lohns pjofpcritie, anO familiars ttcMdm cunoru, French !itng,fo? lubicb bcing fufpcteo, be toas after Dinner appjebeoeo bp tbe ^paioj of Londo, Ujbo tobe fro bim bis letters, ano oeliuereD tfjem to tbe^rcbbitboppe of Cantmburie, U)bD cn tbc ncpt mojroto calleD a Coufel of tbe Carles ano lldarons, ano ibctoeo tbem tbe letters, tnberef bpon tbep al confentco tbat Crlc lohn tbonlD beoifpolTcIfrD of all bis lanoe in ano tbat bis Callels IboulD be be# fiegeo. SCbe fame Dap tbe fame 0rrbbifl)op anD Bifljoppcs ercommunicatcD Carle lohn ano all bis fauoiircrs, tnbicbe troublcD tbc peace offbehingDome.3nDfo?tbUjitb tbeHrcb' ——billjop beSegeD tbeCaffel tsXMarleborough, tobicb bclongeO to Carle lohn,ano tche it,:^crtbis b^'beCegeo Nomgham Cafrell, SCbc Richard the ® * 5 C()e IHing (aking fl^ip at AntwerpeAmtf^ nt Sandwichm t^)j.i2.of^arcl),fl)DjtIp after l^cbcfic0cDtIjet,Cor»twal,Dorfet,Somerfet,]VotiiighAm,Darby, f Lancafire;^ Caltela of MarUborough, f Ltith;gc tnarheo fo; \)is mantell of tu^ub fjis p^edccoHburc tucrc iDont pearclp to Ijatie 0iuoji tljem bp tfjc J&tng, Sherifes. < Robert Bcafaiint. lolec dc lofuc. LMaior. ^ Henric Fitz Alwyne. VV.rviththe WilliamFitZ Ofbertja CtttJCtt Of London,ttt DCgnt, Fo^er Houid, euill fauflurco of Ibapo, but pet tjcrpc eloquent, moueo tbe TohnrtZ'f ff "'5Won people to falte libertieanb fraDoine,anD not to ba fubiert to tfje rtcb auo migbtt^ ■> bp tobtrb nieancs be D?ciue cTu!co,"»f!^''' ^0 J^^sinp great companteo, anb un'tb all bts poiuer De^ fenoebtbe ptoje mens canfe againtt tbe rube. ^ 2000» Londo- ww/b^allureo to bttn to be at bisbeaoticnanb commanDetf metXbefetng being toameo of tbio tumult,comanoeo bim to ceafe from tbofeattempteo, but tbe people Gill follotoeo btm,aotbepbefojebaDDone:bc mabeto tbeinojations, ta^ IKitig fo? bis tbcame tbis fentence, Hawietis acfUM tngxudio de fanttbtufal!uteri6,Ws^it}^z tS tO fap Ye flial draw in toy, watcrj ibrth of the wcls of your faaiour.^tlb tO tl)is abbeb t J Sni (fapobe)f fautour ofpojje men,p® be p bis pjeferment. ^ct after tbe beatb of tbis inicfieb ma» lefacto?,tbefimple people bonoureb bim as a martp?e, in fo mucb tbat tbcp ftale atoape tbe gibbet tobereon be toas ban^ geb, anb pareb aicap tbe Cartb, tbat toas be^bleb icitb bps bloube, anb hepte tbe fame as bblpe reliques to beale fichc men. Jiing Richard grauttteb licence bnto Phillip ioilboppe of Durham,tQ copiie monp in bis Citie of Durham.;isi^u\) liber# Houcden, tie none of bis pjebiceffours bab entopeb of long tpme be# fo?e. Sherifes.r Gerard de Antcloch. Robert Durant. tJ^taiorX Hemic FitzAUvync. jaCbe yvalchmtn b?ahe fojtb anb bib mncbe burf bp fpop# 1197 ling of tbe ^arcpes. IDbe tjrcbbilbop titCaKturhurie callpng togitber an armp bafteb tbptber,befiegeb tbe Cafiel of Polte, anb tofie it,anb ^areb tbe emmieS;efiabli(beb peace,anb re# tnmeb- Riic tbe fvaich fiing beparteb tbis life, y , ; 1^4* ' 5^utg Richard the firft* Anno Richard anft tpt dearie of FUmders conftDereo fo^ gitljer, X\iZ French MnQmXxit[%tXi\XiWCt\vmttiFUuHdtrs, toaa iitfcrccptcD nno tahcn bp t\}e (^arle ofF/a^nders, btitgi« utng pleDgea tipon couenaunt to make peace, l)e toao fnffec rebfo bepart.SCbebiij.Dapof^eptembertbepmet at Lfjle, tob^rc bp mebiatioii of tbe aircbbilbop of Ca»turi>Hrte, tbep fobe a truce. Xf)t Hrcfjbilbop of Roane retnrneD from Rome, tobwe be bob complapneo on JSing Richard,foj taUtiig from btmaplot ofgrounD,UibereonbebutIbeQaftron0 (DafreU, but at l^e requefr of tbe ;3rcbbifl&op of Canturburie, tbe lipng gaue bint in recompence tbe totnne of Deep. .Sherifes. Roger Blunt. Nicholas Ducket. C^^ier. Hcnric Fitz Alwyne. 1198 SCbe jvaichmen on ff)t S^otcf)ts tolie bootteii, f bfb inucb bnrtjbut Hubert tbe^rcbbifl^p of being JLo?oc cbiefe Julfice, llieuetenannt, o? ?I2Iari)en of England, fbuno meanea to reftfr tbem, fo tbat tbep being fougbt initb, toere ounrtb^otnen, anb fiue tboufano of tbem flaine.Cbe 0rcbe« bitbop baninggottbta bictojie returnetb to London, ujbere calling togitber a great number oftbe jjiobles of tbe lanbe, Amoreg. 1 o be rcfrgneD bio office of being bead ruler, in Uibofe place tbe Bl02b GefFrcy Fitz Peter fuccetOeb in 0UgUff. !iing Riciurd tobe of euerp plough lanti,o2 bibe of lanb tbJOUgb Englandfiue ibillingS.2Cbe French bing loas intcrceptcD bp tbe armp of Ibing Richard, fo tbat toitlj mucb aboe be efcapeb into bio armp tDasbifperfeD, anbal« moffan buno^eb K^nigbteo taben,benbe otber common fot» btours,toitboutnumbcr.CbeCbartero tobicfrtbe bing bab; befoje maoe Uiitb bio neto feale toere cbaungttr.. Sherifes. Conftantinc Fitz Arnioldc. Robert de Beaw, CMaior. Henrie Fitz Alwync. Hubert ^(bebiflbop otcasttssrbarifii^ion^ tbep^cure^ went . Richard tlie went of Cavttirl>Mrie fljiD bp tb^ cSmanficmenf firtbe^ope,b;abe Dotone eu^n boitb tbe^rotino tbecbaprl caiicdge tt «; Collebge at LMmbeth ujljicb bta p;cOmtro;s bai> fountreb, anb b^bab fimflbcb in tbe bono; of Thumas ^rrbbtlboppe of C4ntHrh$trie, fttng Richard foumcb bio armpo againff fbc Barono of ——. PciElofw tbat rebelleb againtt binijbo fot tbcir Cities f foiuns L^to onfire,rpopIebtbeirCotmtrev,f fleUj'manpofbisabuerfaj ries craellp,at tbe laftecame to tbe SDubeoome ofAcfmtM»e anb befitegeb tbeCattel ofCWw.anb bjougbt it to tbat,fbat tbep toitbin otbreb to pslb bpon conbitions, but be tuouibe not To receiue tbetii,but tconlb baue tbem bp fo;ce: toberbp; on a certain pong man nameb Bertram de Gordon,Uanoiitg on^ Cadet teall,leuelleb a quarell out of acrodebotoe ano fmote bini toitb a benoineb )3Darte,iobicb deipe tbe king lit^ tie regarbeb,bnt inuabing tbe cadet toan it, anb put tbe fbl^ biours in p;iron. ^ftbis toounbe afo;erapbe, be bpeb tbedptb bapof0p;itt,intbepeareofourlL'o;b.ii5is?, . Mben be bab raigneb v, peres anb ijr. montbes, ano toasburieb at FwrwerWatbis fathers fate, fobom bo confet&b be bab betrap^ eb,bis beartUias burieb at RoAve, anb bi0 botoels at tbef9;e' fapbO Chdne, ^moreg.x Bidfbt CtnJuUnd ie iS, Shtrife rvike of Londo!! O H N brother to Ri^ chard afojcnanuo, bcganne btsratgneonertbe IXcalwe ti^Englande ti)C bj» tiagC OfSl^ tbe ptarcBfflur itojo 1199, £Dfptrfon bt tonsuif oiffierentMt of melambolt^ an&aitgr« completion, being noto in NormaKdieS^i) !eb oner into E^gUnd, f uiao crotoncs at WeflminHer on t . — HfcentionOape.^nbaf^iti^ fomer 1)0 rcturneo again into Nw.inAftd^e toitb a great armp, U)l)icb al tbt^ommer feafoncontenoingagainttf i^renc^, p?oneD tbe toojtbpnetfe oft enimies to be fufficient pnougb: foj Phillip king of Fr/imce,in i\)t qnarrell of Arthur tie fon of Geffrey,lohns eloett157otber,Duke of^r^M/W, maoe Inar bppon Iking lohn in NomMndie, anD toke from l^im oiucrfc Caffelsanototones Iking lohn granteD tfje gibitifetnike of London anb Mtdie- [ex to tie Cifijeno thereof fo?.3 oo pounb pereig to be paio, (of Kiriglohm ^3* of auntient time ttitao bene ro«rctil!omeb fo be fero meo>ao htng Hcnric t\)t Sr& before be geaunteo to tbe fame cittfcns,fo3.? oo.poanoe mrelp. ^ICo be gaue tbem fuU amtbojttte to ano oep;tue tbetr ^bertfeo at tbep? pieafure. t Sheriffs. 5 Arnoldc Fitz Arnoldc. Richard Fitz Barthclmcw. ^ LMttior. c Hcnric Fitz Alwync. femglohn maoe a latoe, fbat no tunne of tSUine ofnoa ters,(i)ouls be foloe Dearer tban ttoentte Ibtlltngotof ^we/e Pnct of Tvin«$ foureanD tiDentietbiUingatanD'of^Vfw^totnefiucf ttoenf tie tbtUhtgsfjbnlelTe tbe fame French tome toere fo gcoDjtbat fometoouloegiue to? it, 0Fe anDttoentietbillingsepgbtc pence, but not aboue. ^ ferter oftoine nfPouers, no Dearer tban ttoelue pence,no? tobite toine aboue fire pence, iSing lohn bauing maDe peace beponDe tbe fea be requi# reD aiDe of bis Kealme ofrrr.^.markes,toberefo3e an eDict toas maDe,tbateuerp ploto ianD tbeuID paptb?^(bfilingSj tobicb troobleD tbe lanoe berp fo?e, confioering tbe efcuage fbattoentafojefojeucrpiinigbts fattoomarfees, tobicbe befo?e neucr papDe aboue ttoentie tbilling. 2Dbe bing being DeuojceD from bis toife Ifabehtbe (Sarle of Gioceners Daugbter,be paflTeD ouer tbe fea,paiDe tbirtie "Mutbew Variti marbes to tbe French^inzy banquiflbeD bis enimies,anD re* turueD into toitb Ilabcl bis toife, Daughter to tbe C&arle of AngaleJme,onti crotoncD bit ^usne at Weilmin!ler, on tbe eigbt of £)ttober. Sherifes. ? Roger Dorfet,Tames Bartclmcw. y Hcnric Fitz Alwync. liing lohn toenfto Uncoine, toberebemet tnitb William Kingorscoffs iiing of&cottes, Rotland TiojDe of GAiiowst^mn manp otber noble men,tobo DiD to btm bbmage on tbe one ano ttoetitb bapofj^ouember, ' Si. King lohm 3 noble man of ^f«/#i»wnamctiH«ghBrunc,rebenfinf • " ^— agamttlfetng lohnjnaabeo of tiers parts of tl)ep?oumfc,bu tcbeutj raafe tbe i^ing bao marieo tbe oaugbtrr of tlje (Earle of An- goiefme, toljom t})t tJipo Brunc bao affieo, ano bao in bis cu-' (foOte, inberefoie tbe paOTeti oner, ano reSratneo tbe rebels from tbsir attempfes. T/oAi'n4. 2 5. of 3iunc tbere arofe a ftnell Cempett of fbun^= baple, toitb a bebemente raine, tbat oe# ftropedcojue, cattell, menne, anoboufes, bpfajenning tbem f c. 2Cbe-1 3ulp, another Ccmpetf macb libe to tbe foj* merjbapneo/o tbat tbe ^eootoes coulo not be motoeO, ano tbe bap tbat mas oobme tuas earrieo atoap bp tbe outrage ouscourfeoftoaterstbat ouerflotoeotbe grounbe, greatc numbers of filbes tb?ougb tbe cojruption of tbe maters op# eo, manp b^toges borne Oomne,eome anb bap earieb amap, f manp men momnebifo tbat al men tbougbt a nem beluge bab bene come. Sherifis. ^ W alter Fitz Alis. Sim on dt Adcrmanbury ► (JMiior. \ Hemic Fitz Alwync. t^a^ Sting lohntbarplpe marrebtippon tbe dearie of . c Hugh Brunc, anb tbe C&arle of Em bps bjotber, mbo batng not able to refittjtbepcomplapneb to Phillip btng of as to tbeir foueraigne ano cbiefe Jlojbe, mbo fcnt ofttimes- to litng loht), mouing bim to ceafe from bering tbem, but jinnoreg,^, tbatmotilbenotfcrue, mberefojcbemasfommonebbptbe i^obles tiiFramce aS ^Ufee 0? Carle of AquitAineWXX^ Antoy, tocomebntotbeCourteof tbeFrf«ommer folotoing,a quarter ofMbeate toao Dearth of come foloe foj 8 ^^arlte of ^iltier in inanp places of Engiande, tobicbo fo? tbe ino?e parte in tbe bapes of fting Henry tbe feconbe, toas folbe fo? ftoelue pence: a Siuarter ofJSeanes 0? I^eafe fo? balfe a ^parfee: a€iuarter of £»fesfo?fo?tp moAreg. 7. pnice, tbatUiere tuont to be folbefo? foure pence,;airo, tbe ttwneg Ki'nglohn* #35 motie? toad fo foje cUppeD, ttjat t^ere toad no remoDtOj but to bauett renueo. fling lohn gatfjcreo greafe armpos of mcnnc fo banc gone oucr tbe ^eas , but baing fapleo oniuaroe of fjis t)opage,b^ returned agatne,and tooHe ercuage,tb)o niarbeo and a tjalfe of euerp iinigbteo foj tbjougb EMgUnde, p^e# tendiiTg a quarrell agapntfe l)vs Barons , fapcaufe tljep lobii Taxlort loouldnotfoltoto bpni into tbe partes bepond tbe^eas. SherifesS lolin Walgrauc. Richard Winchelier. CTf-t/sr.^ Henry Fitz Alwync. Cfjc (!i;arle of SAhjhune, tbe things bjotfjer, Geffrey fbe^ings fonne begot on a Concubine, andmanpotber x^oS linigbtcs, toere gone ouer before, but all in bapne;tbCi?^//fcc<.^/Wi" tbarges toas ineffimable tfjat bad bin lapde out aboufe tbe preparation made for tbis iournep« C-reate SCbundersand iligbtnings, bruiting out of tbe Cloudes toere fane, fo tbat men tbougbt tbe dap of S>omc an^ihayu. bad bin come, manp men and toomen toere deSroped, be« fide Catteil, and boufes tbat toere duertbrotone, and bur:: ned. Cbe Corne in tbe fieldes toas beaten dotone toitb bapleltones as bigge as C^cofe egges. 0bonte AUyde^ione in Ketite, a certapne 55onIfer toas A firange founde,lIricben toitb tbetligbtning,tobicbe ^onflerbad an brad libe an Sifte, a bellp Ipbe a man, and all otber partes farre difcordante firomanp one liuing tbing. 2Cbto deade bodp no man migbt bnneatb come nare bnto for (tencbe. SheriftsA lohn Holyland^ Edinond Fitz Garrard. (^Uior.\ Henry Fitz Alwync. i^ing lohn toibe tbe tbirtentb parte of all mouable godes, botb at lap and religious tbrougb Englmd, at tobtcb all men murmured. SCbe feauen and ttoentitb dap ofjanuarp a great toinde j ouertbreto manp boufes and tras, and a great ^noto de^-- — Itroped manp bealtes. Cbs iponHes atCMturhrj, bp tbe aduife of tbe jaope, eletted ' King lohm ^Piro rei n Stephen Langton to be t^eit ^rc^jbffliop, anb hiMhiwrZi,,' |9ope Innocent ititenoing to obtepne tbe fauour ofliias Johnfotoarbes tbioelection,bpcaufebe hnetoe tbatbeoio make Diligent fearcb fo? pjeciouo ffoiieo, fent bim an elo* quent (jjpittle, toitb Diuero pjecious ietoelo, mbicb toere of jiing lolin tnell accepteo: anb Stephen Langton Ujas con# ferrate at /iomr.SLIjtn tbe ^3ope fent iLettero to ifting John, buniJilp erbojting bini to recepue tbe fapb Stephen airtbbi# ^op ofc>t»fur^»ne,beins tberebnto canonicallp electeb, tbe ratberbpcaufebelwaoan boine, anbaSDoctonr af )i>tuinitie f c. but laing lohn being greatip offienbeb toitb tbe promoting of tbe fapbe Stephen, fent men in armour to erpell tbe fl^onkeo of CammbHrieM tbe number of Iriib.ouf. of tbe Uealme, anb conbemneb tbem of STreafon, tbe ^onkeo toent into Flanders, anb tbeir geobo, anb ianbea of tbeir Cbnwb^ loas confifcate, aifo Iking lohn fent tbJeat# ning lettere to tbe J^ope, loberbnto tbe J0ope mabe a large anCmere. fiuatne Ifabell toaa beliuereb ofbirfirti Tonne at f^fi?er,anb nameb bim Henry* SherifesX Roger Winchcr. Edmond Hardcll, iJFLaier.i Henry Fitz Aiwync. STbe triii. of ^arcb, William iBilbop tit London^ Eufta- chius ^il^op of anb Malgor SBifbbp titfvinchefler bp tbe JBopeocommanbement cicecutebtbetnterbigionbpontbe tiicholiu Triurf^ tobbleiSealme , anb tbepceafeb tb;ongbaU£»^WfTotit mintlfrmgof Cl;cclcfiafiicaU Sacramento, Tauing to tbem tbat toere in periil of beatb,anb Baptifme to Cbiib?en. 011 tbe bobpeo of tbem tbat bpeb, toere burpeb like jsDoggeo ttf bitcbeo anbcomero. ^anp ]i5i(bop5,erpecia((p%ptbat pjottounceb tbetnterbutton,flebbetbe Ikealme.CbeIking fet all tbe ]15i^op;tckeo anb0bbepo in tbe Ikealme info tbe culfobp of lap men, anb commanbeb allCcclegaflNcallre# uetiueo to be confifcateb . 0iro boubting lead tbe )9ope ibeulo King Iohn» *3fs O QionlD ercommuntcate |)im bp name , o; nffcbarse t^e gobies af £w^Wof tbctr allegiance totoaros fjim, be laifi bolbe bpon tbem, rpcctallP fucb as be b^D in fufpition, ano fofecpleDgesoftbeim S^bis peace luas graunteD tot^aziti^cns ofLondoKb^ Maior ofLoH' Ibe ftings letters patents, tbat tbep IboulDe pcarelpcbofc totbemaspaio;. PetcrDukc. ThomasNcale,the 28.ofScptcmbcr. Sherifes. Henry Fitz Alvvync the zS.ofOftober. Ulfam. Richard tbe laings feconlJ fonne bp Ifabcll bis toife ioas 12 09 bojne. iSptbe pjocurement ofStcphcnLangton^rcbbilbopof CantPiUiirte, itccnce toas graunteD to tbeconuentual Cbtir# cbes in T^ngUnde to cclebjate biuine Ceraice once euerp but tbe tobite ^onbes bab nottbis p;iuilctige, bp^ caufe tbep bab Difobepeb tbe intertiiction» HTbe ^rcbequer toas remoaeb fro iveHminUer to North- ^ ^ W;>/fabptbe laingscommanliement.^calfogatbereba ^mpton. great armie,anb toente totoarbe ScotUnd as farre as tbe Caffellof tobere tbe litingof^e^^rrwcametobim, ano treateo a peace, foj tbe tobicb be gaue 11000 fparhes or^iluer,ano oeltttereo bis ttoo Daughters fo} a pleDge. Wp tbe lyings commanoement, tbtougb out all tbe relics of EngUKd, all tbe Ditcbes toere made plapne ground, Cro, Dud:, and tbe hedges bjcnt. after tbis,be t®lie bomage of all free^ bolders,and itoareall men to bis allegiancefiromttoelue freeholderf. peares old bptoard.SCbc yvekhmentmz to tvoodnockemb did bomage. SL ClarKe of Oxford bp cbance killed a tooman,and tben A»»oreg. 11 ranneatoap, toberefoje bis tbja cbamber fellotoes tobicbe knctonotbing of tbe matter,toerebangedattbc2Cotones end, tobicb caitfed tb;ee tbonfand ^apQers and ^cbollers to tojfake tbe tSniuerfitie of Oxford,Gi tfjut tbere tarped not one. ^3 8 Kinglohtif Cog- 0pjoDi0ecu3 0si^t to«fi fane oncmo?iimg in tfjebr# ginntng ofllent, fbc dlolnticjj famco to figbt^ toitfj tljc ^unnefromtbc^unnenfing ttUone of tbeclocbeoftljat Dap. K\}C 0rcbcs ailD Hone fajtDgC ouer fbe Thamu tA London Lwtaofftoae toastbtspearc6ni(bcDbp tbelDOjlbic^crcljants ofX-w- fxi:bropomi/ don,Scrh £perccr, William Alman.anD Bcnnct Botewrighc. sTm".™ oliety ^papffcr Fowlc a learneD man, laff of Saint Mary O- ueryes Cbntcb t" b^s life time,rcpojfcDjtljat at tbefirlf, bt* ingno BjtDgc at Lw^«,buta iPcrie,tl)e iPerperanDljis toife oeccaCng, lefte tlje fame iFeric to tljetr SDangbtcr, a mapDen namcD Mary, tubo boitb tbe g®Ds Icfte bp bir rciifo, anD tbc p?ofites tobicb came bp tbe fapD i^erte, buil* DeDaboureof^tller£e,bDbicb iotbe bppermoSenDofSainc Marycs cbutcb aboue tlje ©uter, iobcre Ibe Ipetb barpeo, bnto tbe tobicb bDufc Ibe gaue tbe ouerfigbt anD p;ofite of tbe fame i^eric: but aftertnaroe tbe fame boufe of differs tuao conuerteD tmtoa CoUeDge ofpnelted,tDbobuilDeD tbe ^jiDgeofCimber, anD from time to time beptctbe fame in reparations: but confiDering tbe great rbarges in repap?ing,laftlp bp tbe great apD of tbe Citijeiis of London, f otberSjtbep builDcD p fame ofttone. laing lohn gauecer^ tapnetjacant places in London to builD on, foj builDing anD reparation of 215?iDge. Z ^afon being ^apCer of tbelB^iDge boufe, builDeD from tbe founoation tbeCbap' pell on LaWawjlSjiDge,of bis ottme p;opcr erpcnces. , Peter Ic lofue, William Blund, the 28. of September. ^M^ior S Alwyne,thezS.ofOftober. cj? nm.), srije jitng commaunDeD all tbe laves botb men anD too# itvvesrwfo- jq be imp?ifoneD,anD grauouflp puntlbcD,bpcaufebe tnoulDbaue all tbeir monep, fome of tbem gaue all tbcp 121 o baD, anD p?omifeD moje, to tbe cnDc tljcp migbte efcape fo manp binoes ofto?meuts:amongft toljome, tberetoas one tobicb being tojmenteD manp toaprs,tooulD not raunfome bimfelfe, till tbe feing Ijao caufcD eucrp Dap one of bis great tatl; to be pulleD out bp tbe fpace of feaueuDapes, anu King lohttf 259 anufj^enl^cgauefliciiingteime t^oufano ^arhesct^i!^ uer, to fl^e enoc tfjcp fl^oulo-pull out no moje. jn t^e moncth of June, t^c iHtng Icaoetf) au armic tn# ^ ^ to/r^/iW.CFpiilfctb Hugh Lacy, anob^otigl^t all/rtf/Wtjn* oerljto fubiedion. l^e caufeo ttjc llaiocsof £«^/Wtflfaa CFCcutootbere, ano monei? to bo copneo acco?omg totbo ■ toaig^t of (iSnglttlje monep, ano maoo tfjm botbbalfc# Am-minite. Ijcncc, ano fartbings: be rcturnetb totfb grcattriumpb in tbemonetb of,September, ano tbcn rapfeo agrcat snajce bponalltbe religious in £»^/4W,U}bomcbecaureoto pap fucbearaunfome, ano tofpople tbep? Cbnrebes, tbat tbe fumme came to an bunojeo tboufanoe pounoe, befioes fo?^ tie tboufano pounoes of tbe tobite #onlies, Slnotberfigbt bettoirttbe^unne ano tbe CClotDOes toas fane. Matild a noble tooman, loife to William dc Brawfc, ano fohn Beuer* bisfonne ano beire William, perilbeo mtferablp tottb fa# mineat^FW/or tbe &ing ano tbe Biftop zXC/wtHrbury, toitb tbe Conches iobicb toere faanilbeo, but tbe iiing granting tbeir retorne, oenieo to mahe tbe anp ameos fo; tbeir lolfe iobieb tbep b^o fuffepneo, 0? to relf o?e tbeir gcooes Iobicb b^ bao cofifcateo, fo tbat ^ (£mba(raOo;0 returneo toitbout anueno cocluoeo. . after King lohrt# grot Tax«. 0ftcr t\)t Jiiitg f ©fee of cuerp toao not tottl^ ^im in ^yales,t\330 ^arUeo of filuer of cut rp fbiclD« jBope Innocent abfolucD nU,bot^ 53?tnf!?5an5 otbcr, tobnb pcrfapncD to tbc Crotune ofEng/aKdJrom tbcir fiOfx ittte ano fubtcitton to I^ing lohn, ano commanoeo tbcm to efcbucbt£( companp. aijcaro of^arto comnnnsfojtboftbc i?o>eff,leptaU info tbe ^ea at tljo moutb ^tSeheme. Sher'tfes lo^m Fitz Peter. lohn Garland,thc iS.ofScptcmber. iJMator^ Henry Fitz Alwyn the 28. ofOiflobcr. itherBetHeivcii. William of ScotUnd botng a0c6, toas not ablo to quiet tl)C inner parted offjis ISealme, troubleo toitb fetiiti« on, toberefo;e f)c fleooe to the !&ing of £»^Ztf«d,ano commits ~ teo l)iinrelfe,l)is l\ingDome,ano onlp fonne bnto bis p?ouu fion,tobo mabing the pong manl&nigbte, toente into tljofe partes toitfj an armie, ano fenoing fo?tb bis men into tbe inner partes of tbaif i5iingDome,bs t©I(e Cuthred Mr.c Wil- ham Captapne of tbe feoition, ano bung btni on a pairc of (Efallotnes/fo? b^ toos of tbe olo anticnt race of tbe ^cottilb liings, tobo alTifteo toitb tbe apOeoftbe/rt/J ano Scettef, Oio ererctfe long enmitie againft tbe moocrnc l^itngs of Scot/and, as bis i^atber Donald ban Done before bint, fome>» time fecretelp, fometime openip: fo; tbe moOcraine Icings of Scotland confefTe tbcmfelues to be ratber Frenchmen, as iit Ifocbc 0? Itgnage, fo alfo in manners,Ianguage, anoappa* rell, ano batting bjougbt tbe Scottes tjnto ertrcme ferni^ tuoe, tbep aomitte onelp Frenchmen into familiaritie anit feruice, SCbe iveichmen tcobe Dtuers Caffels oftbe litngof yajedElTgbnd.' iradsxvAof^^t boaos ofolt tbe ^outotoures, burneo manp 12 T 2 SCotnneSjajto toitb a great p?ap returneo. SDbe l&ing gatbcreo a great armie, minoing btterlp to oetfrop all tbe coatfes tiiJVales, bift toben be eameto No- FJcJ^-cj IianrcJ. b^ CaUfeO tbS- Wbilj. plCOgCS of tbe r/eichmen to be bangeo. King John* l^angeDjanc fo; ftare Icattfjfsnoblcflfl^ouItis'cbcHjbcrt^ turnet) to Londott, Sin ^^crm^te inTorkefhire name!) Peter,pjopbcQeO open# fttrce tfTmfict Iv of iiing lohn, ano fapo t^at bpon tl)c 0fcention Dan nert commtn0,bc flbaulD be no iiing, but ti)c (iDrotoa^ iboulD be tranfpofcD to another ittjia Petci Ujas app?ebcnDcD, aitD putinpnrom SC1)t tentb ofSluIpafnigb^ amarucllouoanD terrible A>--aoreg.i^. cbancc bappeneo, fo? tbe Citie of LfW»«?»efb,tbw difcojd arofebef ttoietetbe fiing and bw^Barons, bpcaufc ofMawdccai# led tbe i^atre, daiigbferto Robert Fitz Water, lobometbe ^tng loued, but btr father inoulde not confente, ano tbereii tjpon enfucd toarre tb?ougbout EngUni. %\^z j^iugfpon^ ledefpectallp tbe Cafiell ntBaymrd in London, and otber boldes and bonfes of tbe Barono^ Robert Fitz Walter, RogcrFitz Robert, and Richard Mount Fichet pafi'edouer tntoF?-4we,fome alfo toent into and fome into u»d, and did great damage to tbe Idtng. ©Kbitefi^lawdc tbe j^aire remained at Dmmow, tbere came a meJTeHger bntobtr fromi^ing John about b»s futteinilone^butbp^ eaufe Ibe toould not agr^, tbe mefidn^r popfonedabop# ledo^potcbed egge againfifbe Uiao bnngrie, tobereof (be Jrpcd, and tnas burped in tbe ©uier at Dmmorv. 0bout tbpe tpme, fbeliing ztFrance tnaffed tbe Sing of ErgLwdes landes beponde tbe ^eas, and tbeJ^ingof £»- libelnife toattedbts^ but at tbe length a truce inae taken, and an armc of tbe §>ea being bettnirteeptber bolt, tbcrc toas a fenigbt in tbe c£ngli(b boU (b«t ftped to tbem of tbe otber lide, tnilling fome one of tbeir fenigbtco to tufi a coiirfe oj tloapne: toberebpon toitbcnt (tap, Ro- bertFitz Walter made bimfclfe readp, ferrico oner, and gotte cm bps ©o?ffc imfbontc anp manne to belpe bpm, anobdeing readie agapnlfe tbe fate of bts en«me, at tbe firff courfe be IJrofte tbe otber fo bnrde toitb bps greate ^peare, that l^ojCTc ano ^an fell to tbe grounde, anb tuben bps ^eare tuao broken , bd^tocntebacke agapne to tbe iCing of France: bp and- King Iohn» littis liufir/e,nnnt^t ^oitfees tmto tl^etr ^bbep: thefiing calf Itngto mtnoe the manpfaloe oaungero he toao tn, made p;omto bpothetobeobebiente toi^t€Q\xxtatRonte.Wc^is toao bone the ^onbap bcfoje the ^fcention bap. Pan- r^ico^ui dolph toith the iliobles of the Kealme came togpther at thehonfeof the SCemplersi bp Doner, bpon theafcentton C^owne, euen,tDhere the mtng, accojbtng ao fentence toao gtuen at Rome, bib reffgne hw Crotone, toith the ISealmes of ^Wanb/reW-f into the jaopeo honbes, lohofe taicege# rent toao Randolph afojefapbe, anb confirmed hpo stfte toith a Charter, bafeo the rb.of ^ap,in theriuj.peare ofhio ratgne. QSJhentheHfcentionbap toao pad, he com? nianbebthe fo^efapbe Peter the ^^ermiteto \itktitmXat Amoreg.\$ the Caffetl of Cw/f, to be bound to a^oife taple, bjatone thmugh the ^trateo to yyarhnm,^nxi there both he and htofonne to be hanged. SChe feauentcnth of ^ugnff, Stephen Langton Hrchbif Stephen Lang* (hop of Camtnrhurie, and all the Other that toerc bantlhcb, arrtueb at Doner, and tncnte to m»chefter to thelatng, toho mating them in thelnap, fell flatte bpon the earth before their fate, anb tuith tearco befacheb them to tahe pitie on hpm, and of the Kealme of EngU»de. arthbia Ihopo and JSilhopo liftetoife , toith teares tabe him bp from the ground, anb brought him bnto the do?es ofthe Cathebjall Church,bJith theJpralmeofAf/^rfridfey,\i\x^\it'ti attf)oure (agatnSe Hof'iuiU "" off^c faiD houfc of Bermondfey) calleO fl^e^ImO^tO '' oj ^^ofpitall of conucrto and chtlojen, in flje Ijono? of Saint Thomas, Gilo de Brawfe, tl)t fonno Of William dc Brawfc, reccp# tied all his iPatljcrs inheritance into his ctiffodic, togither Inith his j]iephcU),till the childc came to latofuU age. Henry Fttz Alwync, Fitz Leofftani, jpaio? of de# Henr^ts Ai- cealTed, toho h Martin Fitz Alis, Peter Bate, the 28. of September (J^Lvar. ^ Roger Fitz Alvvyne,the aS.ofOftober. tihScrmond, 2Dhe fiftenth of £Dctobcr, toas begonne bp the hondo' London.'"'"' ' the SDitche toithoute the tMalles of London, of ttoo chr.ofDu^juw. hnttdjethfffltebjoade, cauSng no fmall hinderance there# bp to the Ch^nnons of Chrillcs Church mere bnto Aldgate, fo.2 that it paired through their ground. Bi^iao Ch efe Geffrey Fitz Peter dpeth, chitfc 3!ulfice otEngtande, anU luft cc.*^' the 115ilhop of yEtncheUerixy that cfftce is placed,the gobies iat4 QtEngUnde muruTuring,that a$>trangerbo?riefhouldefae made Huleroucr them. pope Innocent fent his fletterS tO Nicholas ISifl^Opof SiVirid.'®" TnJcMla»e\)\B JLcgate, to releafe the interdiction, tuhiche Kie.irmk h«b contiuued fire peares, th?^ monethes, and fourtane dapes. 2nhe feconde dan of 3lulp, ?&ing loim fapled totoardc Britetne, intending to befage Nannts , in the tnhichc toarrcs,hehadthe aideofOthe the (Smperour, andofthe of LoHatnir, Brai>ant,iinO Holland, of Reignold ClJarle tit Boiotgng, and Fcrrahdis cDarle of EUndsrs, fo tih^f fhete tuasagreat fielde foughte, in tohiche the i^renche iling efcaped narrotolp, but b^ng refcued, h® taihe t^c foje# fapde cBarlcs , put Hugh de Bones toflighte, and djoue the d^mperourc out of the #ielde , and then a truce ' * icag Kins Iohn» M5 ioaj taken bcttotrt I'ltng lohn anb fbc i^^rencb l^ing, foj fiuepeares, SCbc Jitiig refurncb ftrom Poytarv, anb tbe Jloarons of t^c ^ (; Hcalmc came to bi*" EdmondjhMrte, requiring to Ijaue tbe Cbarter of Hem y tbefirftconfirmcb, tf)e tobi^b if oue ljwcs berefufcb to bOjtbepCmarcbp tbcbisb 3lter tbepluoulbc make iuarre againft bim. i^iibeo of bntoonteb Itjape tocre taken in foj tbcp toere armeb fasitb b^lnicts! anb fijiclteo, in outtuarbc Ibapetbep rcrembleb,anb Uiere likebnto armeb timisbtct!, fauing tbattbep lucre farre greater in pjopo;tton. SalamonBafing, Hugli Bafing the aS.ot September. . Scarle Mercer, the 28.ofOdlober. aimott tbe lubolc SColUne of Sam Edmondfeurie tuaC sxmtVdmonds eonfumeb toitb fire. Cbe !aing being lobgcb in tbe nctu JTcmplc at Lo^do^, Th" e^r^ns w tberc came to bim tbe fojcfapb noble men in toarlike o?ber, bemaunbing of bim to conbrme tbe liberties of fcing Ed- wards lain aub otbcr:tbc iting requiring refpite till (Sa# lfer,tDas fapnc to put in furetiee tbe Hrcbbitljop of Caumttr- bftry, tbe 2!5ilT)op of £/;, anb otber,to fatiffpe all men in tbat bebalfe,ano tljen tbe noble men returneb. ICbstkingin tbe Cburcb of S. Paule at London, at tbe banbCS of William Bi^ ^ tbopofZ-fWw,tcDUe on bim tbe ffgne of tbe Croffe of tbe crofcd to bolpJLanbjbp meane tbereoftobeintbebetterfafegarbe: tbe (IDarlcsofC/l>tf/?franb Dttr^^oib tbe like. 3n tbe (Waller todeke tbe noblemen in armour met at Stamford, anb after at BarkUy, Uibctbcr caute to tbem from tbe I'ting, tbe ^Ircb" . bitbop of Cantnrbury, William MarlBall, loitb Otber, to be? ^ maunb of tbem tobat tbep toonlb bane confirmeb, anb tbe j|5oblea beliuereb to tbem a fcebule, contepning tbe doe IatDeoanoeuftomes,U)bicb ercept tbe iking luculb graunt, tbep iDoulb take tbeCatfels ofbis lanbs^f fo ccmpell bim, ^beHiii. bapof^apbeing ^unbap, tbe iSarons came fo London, anb cntrcb tbJougb Aidgate, in tbe feruice tpme, tbep toke furb as tbepkneio faaoiueb tbe iking,ana fii.iij, rpop> lohiif levf'S fpoyled rjpoyleti fl)eir gcDaes. Cfjep bjabe info tftc fjoufc^i of fijc fcardjco tljcir coffers, to ffuffe ttjcir otune pur^ fes tljaf fjao bin long empfie, 0ftcr tbio, Robert Fitz Wal- VVaiies o£L5- ter, linD Geffrey de Maiicicuill C^arlC tifEJfex, anO Q^Cloce- djisfe Icabers of flje ^rmic, applpco all Diligence to re# pairc tbe ioallcs of tbe Citte, toitlj ffones of tlje leaves bjoUen Ijoiifes. Cfje Cotoer of London pet b^lbe out, tbougb tbere toere fcto toitljin to oefenD it. Mljen it teas nopfcD tljat tijc IBarons bef/ iitng lolm deuioed bts^rtnip? tbe onebalfctobtr^of^^'''''^''-i""'^' ^sput bnder tbe leading of SauahkcdcMaulion a Potcio- ui»,F\i\cosiNarma>},t1jt (0arle QfS((ltft)arie\^i9 faaffardbio^ tber, Gerard dc Sotingbain a Flemwg,^t\,1i Walter Buc a Bra- ^av^r.J0et)tmrelfe toent againfftbei^ojfbrrnmen.Saua- rikc befieged tbe (laffell of Plajhy, tbat belonged to Gef- frcy Maundeuill, t\)z otber gaue tbemfclues to toaffe tbe Countrep abotit. £Dn Cbttffntas dap tbep fpoplcd tbe ^Ibbep of TUtey, and carped alnap mucbe treafure tbat tbere toas lapdc bp tntruffbp diuers of^b^ifCountrep* £)n i|5eU)'pearesdap Ibep did tbe lifie at Cogfhaii abbep. irrom tbence, tbep toente ta Sawt Edmondjburie, andfo to tbe 3!le of£/7,bjbicbe31le tbep bcfaged, bpcaufedpners neofseif janigbfes and iiadpes toere fledde tbitbt^t tbeir fub# Cance: and fbofe robbers entring tbe 3jfle, fparcd neptljer fere noj^ffate, but bp to?mentes compelled tbem to tell tobrretbeirtreafure lap. 0bout tbe dSpipbanp, Sayrc de Quincy (^arle of win- chePler,m'ti otber, tetumed ftom beponde tbe ^eas, bringing Initb tbem one and fo?tte ^bippte: laden toitb |g»oaldtoures : and aboute tbe feaff of tbe j|3urificatioti €f 248 |l li Colchf Her be- feeged. The Barons cx- communicate. The Barons fent for Lodo- vvike. Ill 6 Cofchefle? taken. King lohn* ofonrHaUpffjep befagcD Colcheter CaSdl, butl^earin0 t^iat tl)t IBarons ttiat toere at Lmden made Ijatt to coine^no facconr tfjat Caffell, t\)t^ tocnf faackc to Sam EdfKOKdjbHrie. 2nf)e!itngiDitf)^is armie toao long time on tije&cot# till) S>eas,anD oft-times inuadeB tlje ilanos ofl)is IBarons in tljofe coattes, burningtljeirCattels, and fpoplingtljeir g(DBs,iuU)I)icf)e crpedition be tuent fo farre,tl;at it toas not JneU Imolnen tob^t toas become of bim^-in fo mucb, tbat ba Idas nonfed to be deao,and fecretelp burped at Geffrey Mandcuill dPCd Ht Le^da^otH lUOUnD recejPUed in 3i tiffing: be toas burped in tbeJBjiojieoftbc Trimneat London. Cbe^Bopc ercomnumicated tbellBarons bp tbeir pectin liar nameSjbut tbe Canons of S.Paule in London, andinanp otber Ccclcftafficall perrons,tuttb tbe Barons tbat remaps ncd at appealed againff tbis fentence, tatting cjccep^ tions againtl it,as pjonounced bpfalfe fuggeftion. 2Cb^ Barons fent Sayre dc Quincy and otber, to Philip f^ing QtFrance, camelflp requeuing Ijim to fend bis fonnc Lewes into tbis Iflcalme, pjomifing to malic bim iiing thereof, tobicb fb^ i^rencb feing refufed to do, til! tbe Ba* rons bad rente bim M'Pi*^bges of tbe bed mens fonncs in tbeiaingdomc, and tben be Tent tbem apde. Gwalo tbcLe^ gate tnas fent from tbe ^ope into FranceM fo?bid Lewes to go into Englande, but bis pcrfuafionef nothing p?cuapled> toberefoje be errominunicated tbem. ailfo tbe 0bbotoM^- ^/y^^/o«renuedtbeercommunication againd tbe Barons, tbe Citijens of London,mti tbe ifrencb,tDbicb came to tbeir apdc. ^Ibout^pid^cnttbelting befeeged tbeCaltell of Co/- cheflermti aftcr a feto dapes it teas dcliucred to bim bp tbe Frenchmen tljat bcpt it,U)itb coditiou tbat tbcp migbt depart free, UJttb all tbat belonged to tbem,and tbat tbe Engiifhmen Ibould befufCered to depart bpoti reafonable ranfome, not* tuitbdanding ^ Engbfhmen be put in draigbt pjifon. Hfter tbe Jiing bad tafien Htdtngham Cadell, beloging to Robert dc Vcre Carle of Oxford,\}t made bad to befage Londo,]mt § Londenert King Iohn» 249 Undoiters (et opeii 0ates7anii locre reaDte to lottl) t^eamstennemilea of tljcCitte:t^0fttn0 tnocrffanoing ffjepj faolDnelTe ano multtfutie, Ije toitljDjetoe tjimfclfe, but Sauanc de Malionc , facing foDatncIP fct fapon fap tfae LoWs- »fr/,loofing man? offais men, toa$ fo;e beaten ano tDOunfaefa almoflitoDeatfa. aCfac jj>o:tljjen 3L0J0CS recouering tfjeir (frengtfa, faefie# YotUb.-rejtj gcb TorkeM tengtfa recriutttg aboue a tfaoufanD marfecs gra^ teb truce to tl;e Citijcns,till tfac ^Daaues of][3entccoft. LondonersoXtototoo. irfa.lfatp toitfa fome Difficultie,bp> caufe it toas a fioe toinDe,fae labeo at stana,in tfae 3le otTha- »f/,tfaeriF.bapofflpap. jainglolm being tfaen at bp# caufe fais fouloiours toere ftraungers, burftnot go againlfc Lcwcs,bnt fleb totoarbs Gtifirde. Lewes tocnt llraigfatto C.?- ittrburie, tofaerc fac recciueb botfa Cattell anb Citie into faps fubiettion,anbafteralltfaeotfaerCalfelsini^e»^,D.jwronlp erceptebjtfaencamefaetoLsWw, tofaere fae toas faonojablpc recepueb of tfae i^obles anb Citijens, tofao altogitfaer toare ftaltiie to faim,anb bib faim faomage at wefimmHerMtx tfais taking 25® Ki'nglohm fa^tns f^e€affe!« of GuH^crdc aito FerKeham ftcDfojtoaro to taketl)elRtng,lutj!j as fjcaro toas utmn. ehef}trr,m\3 ^aO ratfeo Up tt)C ftanoartsc of tf)e j5D?agon,as f;e tjao mcantto gtao battel to Lewes,if became to offer it, Wut febon ftitig lohn bearb tbat Lewes aptwccbeb, bo lapb Doltm Doner Caftei bis SDjagoH^fet fire on foure parts of tbe Citie ano fleD.2Dbe n&s'o''. Citt?ens quicfilp quencbeb tbe fire ano tocnte fo?tb to meete Lewes, recciuiitg bim iopfullp into tbep? Cittie, ano toarc fealtie to bim.^^ere came to btm in maner al tbe CErles ano aSarons of tbe realm :tben tailing tbe CaMof OMam,nnti i totoer ofLWw,beretnrneointo^e»Mftberrb.of3|uIpbe befiegcD tbcCaffel ccntinneo tbe fame till tbe tiifi.Of;0rtober: tben Hubert de Brugh f Gerard dc Scoting being not able longer to abioe tbe affaultes,obfaineO truce, tbat tbep migbt feno to fiing lobn foj futco?. IMbileft tbps fiege remainco,fiing lohn toent abouttbc lano, confuming loitb fire ano toojO tbe poffeffions of tfie Barons. Alexander fiing of ^corjanOtbeBarousoftbc ^o?fbe came to Canturl^ttrie tmto Lewcs JDbe feing marcbeo tbjongb Nor folks ano Suffoike til be came to Lm, anof appointing Sa- fxi'ilcc7Sr' Maulion to beCaptainc tberc,began to fojtifp tfic ' folr)n:bnfbere(asiti6rapo)filtingbisbellpta3mucb,asbe tnas thereto greatlp giuen, be got a furfept, ano tbertoitbal fel into a laffie,after bis la&e left bim be tnas let blouo at a 7h».gm>ibome. fotune ill Ltndfey callco Luforde, belonging to tbe Bitbop of LtKcolne, ^ere alfo Uiben tbe meffengers of tbem tbat toere beftcgeo in Douer toere come ano baO Oeclareo tbeir cafe,tbe Oifeafe toifb griefeconcepueo tbereatencreafeoimojcouer, fll^tcJcQYvncT Sf eat fojroU) cppjeffeo bt"m,foj tbat in bis iournep be baooe loff tbe omamentes of bis cbapels, toitb otber treafure ano cariagesat tbe panageofw^-?/^??'^*^^, tubercmanpeofbPS boaiboloe feruauntcs toere Ojotoneo in tpe toater ano qm'cbe fanoes, bp reafon tbepbaooe Unaouifeolpe entr^ befoje tbe tpoe toas gone fottb.l^is oifeafeencreafing,tDitb' in fetoe oapes be opeo in Newerks Caffell, tobicbe belongeO to tbe fapoe Bptboppe of Lfnceht, on tbe rie. of ;©ttober. Anno, King Iohn» 'ty4nn9.\i\6, feriiaunte0 fpopleo al ttjat (je fyatDc tljcre ^im, f fleo atoap,leaning not fo mnc^ as tuoulD coucr 1^10 oeaD carkaDTetbut tlje Captain oftbat Caftcl canting fjis "^touTwjhyLn. boDptofacfaotoeUeli(bptbe^lbbotofc>o.v/f;z, tubo babbtn^ hings ]|3bitition,bot{) fo? tl)e foulc anb bobp) pjouibeb fo? it fp l)ono?ablp as \)t migbt^e teas burico in tfjc Catbeb?3ll Cbnrcb offvorcefter. SCjje CnglitI) CbJontcle p?inteDbP William Caxtoii,anDotl)er,repo?ttbat king loimtoaspop? foneb bp a toljite ^^onke of Smttfteede ;3bbap in Idncolnefhire, fo? rapingifb^migbt line balfc apcre,betnculO make a tjalf penp loafc U)o?tl) ttoentie killings. SHo conctuDc,t)otoro>' euer bieo, ccrtapne it is tbat l)se raigneb toptb trouble p^ nougb (as bp § pjeemiffes map appere)]rt)b-Pf r»?s.t3).niontbs anbobbe bapcs.l^ebabitTuettDofonnes Hcnnc f Richard, inueofK iohn, anb tb?abaugbters,irabcl^ CmptctrejElianor ^l^nane ot!rmj,anb lanc.-be founbeb tbe ^bbep of fb^ netn fo?cIf in Southampto»/hire.-i)t btttlbeb tbe i ^onatferieofF4r^»<3to«,anbfbe®onatteric ^ ^ 1 nt n ' t ^ Ftrenaon.mlei of HaUs Orven in Shropjhtre,^ reebtfpeb GocWovv.mid GodsloTve, anb Wroxhall, anb $tU iTch^ur'e^ ereafeb tbe Cbapel of i«. ri(bor$mh, (V) %^ttforeg.x^ iilubr»P /?'<'4<",William CricFerrers, lohn Marfhal, nnb manp otbcr,bemg crotanto rcraatneb in tlje cuHoOtc of William Marfhal Carle of/'e^^rip/^.bptubofe meaneo al tlje nobles fcrueo iiitig Hcnne mncb mojcfaitbfnllptfjan tbep babljisfatfjcr. BennctSeinturer,WiIliamBkint!Ucrs.thc.28.Scpt. lames Alderman,the.2 8.olOftober,foj part of tbepeare, and Salomon Bafing fcJ t^e refibue, Lcwcs ^ third(L^ Hcnric Ac thi'rdc* ^ 5 ? Lcwcs (olte f^C of BerkhamUeede HUD TJert forde, f ^ ^^ after rcturneo into Fran»ce to fctcf) mo?c fucrour, anb at tjpo Z— returne beRegeo Doner in tjainc: fo? tbe iBarono of England, tbaf bao taUen part toitb l)tm,going to L-.ncoine toitf) a great armp,tDere tberetaken on tberr.oap of June,twbifb'ntffo;^^^^ ^ tunetDbenLcwesPntJcrftcoDCjb^raifcDljiflftege from Do. IZcUL""' »fr,anD came to Londonmn tbutte tap all tbe gatee faue one, but tfje Londoners at tbC Coniming of king Henries tjoftc porl# 6eD tbeCiticto bw > tobft^fojcb^confirmeo all the libera ties tbat tl)e Londoners {)ao 0? toerc mate to fjaue: at lengtlje tlje barons of Fr^wweluitb one Euftace Ic Moync a gret man of Frvi«»£-f,fjauing paepareo a nauie of. lr» ibips, fet fojtoara to come into Engladto § aibe of Lcwcs.but Hubert de Brugh Coneftable of £><'««-Callel tuitb a multitude of armeo men anb tbe tbips of fine ^^ojtes, met tljem on tbe S>ea,tDberc tbepfletu Eurtace tbeir IcaberHbere efcapeo butfiiftanlbips f al tbe otber toer taken anb b?objneb. 3Mben Lcwcs bearS tbiSjbe totit not tobat to boe,tDberebppon compelleb bp nto ceffitie,be ftieb fo? peacerat length,tbe Jlcgate,2Btlbops anb nobles of mating in an Jlenarcbnto Kmgfione, tbcp bab a treatie of peace togitber, tnbere tbe fapbe Lewes in pjefence oftbem all Iras rcleafeb of tbe ercommunicati# on, anbberenouncebfbe Healme of anb fo peace toasrettojebtbetbirtantbbapof&eptember. LewcsreturF neb into France, ^ro tbe benefit of tbe abfolntion anb peace nur" SDercrempteoll5ifbops,3ibbots,|B?po?s,anbofal^clcargp tobpcbe bab borne anp fauour oj gcob mill to Lcwcs anb tbe JSarons'toere al bepjiueb from tbe benefices bp tbe iLegate. Hugh llBtlboppe ofLincoine gatie a tboufanbe marke fo tbe }0ope,anb an bunbjeb marhe to tbe3Legate,U)bofe eramplc .^hnoreg.i.. manp otber bib follotu. Thomas Bokerel.Ralphc Elland,thc.28.ofSe{>teinbcr. Sherifes, p Searlc Mercer,thc.aS.ofOflobcr. Cdfaior. ^ Simon dc Montfort bieb at t af ThoLufe, being bnrt... , tottOtDcttroteofaffone. au-TSi Randulph(SarleofC.4'c/?fr, SacrdcQuincicCl;rleof/Fi«- chefterp. Hcnrictlicthir^lcl Shertfei. ? OHaior. i 121(5 Sherifes. J OWiww. S King Henty «OVV>ltJ* f(?» Richard Rengerilohn Viell,the 28.ofSeptemb. eJMaior. ^ Searle Merccr,thc 28. ofOftober. 1231 aCbci^rieriajeacljers, tljirtane in number, Soere fenfc Hicho.ircu: "ttO £w?W<-,and bauing to tljeir^jto? Gilbert deFraxine- .Antic,. Calcnd. in to tncompattp of Peter de Roche UBilljOp Of fVincheHerXHtttt enftoiu canuabury, and tljcre pjefenttng tbemfeluco befoje tfje HrcbbiQioppe Stephen, becommaundedtbefaide |9jio? to p;eacb before btm,and Ipkcd bim fo Uiell, tbat be euer after ioued tbeir ojdcr,;©n Saint Laurence dap tbep came to Lon- doff. Hcnrie tlie tfiirdc* ^55 iotiMH ft to Oxford OH f^ie Dap of t^c ^ffumpftoit. 111 tufjofe liono; t()ep butlD^D an ^Duatojtej anD alft tboft tobftb 0nc0tMcr0ca!lcD Sawt Oxw^rds rcbffllsdjtnUibaftpa^ tittit tbep tcDbc a place, anD tljcre fo; a time remapneD, anD after t^at rcmoueD to t^e place toitljottt t br InalleSjtDljpfb^ tfje fting alTpgneD tbem. fetng Henry fubDtieD tljtJVekhnteftfjjifiidj rcbetleD. 2Cbc il^Dblemen graunfeDto t\)e jatng tfto ^arbes of ftluer of enerp btDr of lanDe. Iiabell t\)z i^pngs motbcr, toitbout making bit fonne oj bio Coanfell piinp to btr purpofc, toente oner into Fra»»ce, aiiD tbere marrieo mitb tbr ©rle of M^trch Hugh Bronne. liing Henry gauebiofiftotl^"^ fo Alexander 5i.of5fW/, fobo marricD bir at rerke:m^ Hul>ert de Bmgh marrieD tbe Sing at Scots fitter ♦ William de Albcneto ©rle of Armdei DpeD comniing from tbc bolp iLanD,iobo tnao comiepcD into £«^/<4»danD burieD at wimondhcm^tk |a?io?p of bio fouDation, reg.6 Richard Renger : Thomas Lambert,the aS.ofSeptcmb. Sherifes. > Scarle Mercer,the 28. ofOftober. cJ^/or. J 0 }0jouinctall dDounfell Inao bolDen at Oxforde, bp Ste- 1222 phenLangton Hrcbbtfto? ofC!i»r«r^«7,anDbioS>uffiragan cmmfcu?'' J5pftops anD otbero in tbe conuentuall Cburcb of of»ey rb, cff^coZn"^' fiapo after Catter,tober tuer DegraDeD a ]^nt(t f a 3S>cacon, lib.BtrmonJ, fbc^ajieff fo? bomtciDe, tbe SDeacon foj facriteDge anD tbcft committeD, an otberSDeacon offenDing mo;e D^elp,Denp# cDtbep?oftcrion ofCbJiftian Religion, aiiDfoj tbc loucbde bare to a HetoKb tooman, caufeD btmfelfe to be circumcifeD, folotoingtbc aetoiflb rptco anD cuttoinestbetDao Dcgraoeo, anD bepng left as a lap perfen anD 0pottata, toas conDcm? t," ncD anD committeo to tbe fp?c,bp tbe feruannts of Falcatius, a counterfaite tobercin be miferafalp eiiDeb bio life. 2Dbere Inao alfo a pong man anD ttuo toomen bjongbtc befoje tbem, tbe pong man iooulD not come in anpCburcb, no; be partaker of tbe &a^ craments,butbaD fuffereD bimfelfe to be crucifieD,in inborn fcaro of a! inouDo inere to be fane,in bio baDs, beaD,fiDe, Htdulfhut Cogt f fitt^f be rciotceo tobe calleD 3|eruoof tbefe Inomen t otber. ^Dne Henric thethircJc# Htdulfhm Co^, ^nl.Couentren. tiicholat Triutt, Coiinterf)iti MirieaiU Chriil. VVrtftling. ^UtkewPMU, Sue of tl)e tuomen bems oloe, Iduo accnfeb fo; belulf< cbtng ttje pong man bnto fuel) maDiicffe, ano alfo (altering btr oUjne name,) pjotureo bir felf to be ralleo Jvlary tbe mo» tber ofCbJitt* ^b^P b^ing couirt of tbefe crimes and otber, loere adiuOgeD to be rlofed bp bettoecne tloc toals of (tone, \)A)ZXZ tljcp ended tbeir lines in miferic. Cbe otber tooman being (lifer to tbe pong man, toas let go, bpcaufe (be reuca* led tbe Uiiched fact. Sn Saint lames dap, tbe Citifcns at London bept games of defence and tujeftling, nare bnto tbe l^ofpital of Matild, mbere tbep got tbe maiHerie of tbe menne of tbe ^uburbes* S::belBapUfeof^«f>7/»/«i? taine,([5od beipe and tbe ilpjd Lodo vvike, ^ feme dapes after tbis tumult, tbe £lbbot of weUmmner came to London to Phillip Dawbncv, one of tbe Uings coun* put to tlLS shift,. fel, to complainc of tbe iniiirtes done to bim, mbicb tbe hon- t/(?«mperccpning, befettbeboufeaboute, and tcoliebp bio* lence tmelue of tbe ;^bbots bo?fi^es amap, cruellp beating of A tumult in Loiuioii. Crs. D«»>. Abbot of V V eftin'.nfter Henrie the thirde* ^57 meitjf c.^Baf turtles fo;cfapDe Daubncy,laboa«d fo pactfie 0bbot gojte oat at a bacbe oo;e of tbc boufe, and fo bp a boatc ontb^TArfw^bardlpe cfcaped, tbe Citifono tb^oUitng (tones after btnt m great aboundSce. Cbefe things being thus done, Hubert dc Burgo.jtilliciar run.vt e„ of £«^W,lDith a great armpe of men came to the SCotoer of treJ the Citic of L<»»' (tante in the anntoeare, affirming, that ho h^b done it,and that he hsdde done mm^eletfe than he ought to hsue done. jaChe 3 utticiar toibe him and tfcuo other iuith hit«» ddb in mo?ning earelp fent them to Fakatius bp toatcr, toith a gret number of armed men,tDho b?ought Conftantinc to the gal# lotoe8,and tuhenhefatuethe rope about his nccKe, heoffe#"'*'"''^"^'' red fo? his life 15000.marbs, but that tuould not fauehim: fo he tuas hanged tuith Conftantine his nrpheto, 9 Gnlfrsde, that p?otiapmed his p?oclamation on the Grtsnth of 0u# gulf. Chen the 3ulficiar cnfring the Citp tuith a great armp, caufed to be app?ehended as manp as he eoulde learne to be of nunr catof. culpable, tuhofe ^t and hands he caufed to be cut otf,tuhich crueltie caufed manp to the Citie. Che !Jttng fobc of the Citifens do.pledges, tohieh he fet ' to diners Caffelles :he defpofed thebaic?, appointinga Cfardieno? beeper oner the Citie, and caufed a greate gp# bet to be made, and after heauie th?eatnings, the Citt# tensluere reconciled, papingtothebtnginanpethoufande matlteS. ' Amereg.-j ^Dn holp Mode dapetuas great Chunder and lightning th?oughoat all £'?^/W,and fuch great flouds of tuater folio# tued, tuith great tuindes and tempeff, tuhich continued tpll Candlemaffe, that thepeare follotuing tuheate tuas fold to? rti.thillings the quarter. Richard Rengcr.Thomas Larabcrt,die aS.ofSeptember. Sherifes.-f S'carlc Mcrccr,thc 28,ofOtflob:r. ^JMaiorX ajo Hcnrie the thirde* >227 <5re»tt;itipeaj. ^Dii Saint Andrcwcs cape a great Cljunticr o»erft)?etDe CI}urci)es,CaQela,aii9 ^oufea, fo tl^at fcantlp nnp boDp er« capeo free from fjariue bp tijfs SDempeae. 0 IHntgbt loife anb cpgljte mmne of fjpo , toitb tbe fall of bis boafe mere Elaine in PiUrdtftme a billeoge Qtirar^icke- JJjire. ^"aCounfel bolbenaf/>«»<^«fbt^rcb^tlbopofcVf;;/«r- hurie attD otljer tbe ttobiliftc aiti) Barono oftbe Uealmejre^ qiiireo fbc Hing to confirme tbe libertieo fo? tbembicb^ fb® toarre loas moueo againU bis i^^atber, anbtbat bimfelfe at tbe oeparting of Lewes out of EngUnde: ftoare to obferuc tobercbppon fojtbUjitb tbe Bing rente bis letters tc all tbe §>bsrifcs of tbe realm, tommanoing tljem to inqntre bp tbe otbes oftinelne latofnU men in euerp Countie, tobat libera ties mere in £«^ Win tbe time of tetng Henrie bis grano^ father, anb to fenb tbe inqufition fo mabe to Lmdon fiftane Oapes after (Matter. lohii cic Brcnncs bing of lerufdem, anb cbiefe matlfer of tbe t^ofpital tberc, came into England, anb reqiureb apbe to toinne ierHfaiem^im.X%% retnmeb toitb fmal comfojt. Leolyn |0?tnce otfvaies, fonnbeb tbeCaSell t^Mountgo^ merle, anbtberetDitbcertaine£«^/(/^«»roke,mt> otbcr, to pttlbo to tbom: but tbe toboif Coaiv trep rofc in armour,anb oucrcame tbem. lolmTrautfrs.-Andrcw Bokcrel, the. a8.of September. Richard Rengdr,the.28.of Oftober. X\)t Carle QfCheHer anb otber, rofe agatnff tbeltmg^ anb b?s 3uaiciars, foj tbe cuttobpes of tbe Calfelleo anb lanbes , tobpcbe tbe l&png bemaunbeb of tbem* ?;®berefo?e tbe :arcbbilbbp of CanturhteriemXi tbe Bp;» ibops ercommunicateb al tbe perturbers of tbe l^ing anb tbe Wcalme. SCbe Carle of c^ff?tfranb bis complices, percepuing tbat tbe Bing bab agreater number of men of nrmes tben tbep> K.oIIeruraUni, 71/0, Wiker, dinner egM Sherifes. idHaior. 1224 JP.ircV, Henrie the thirJc* ® 5 9 ana alfo foanng tbeeircommnnicatto^came to tffo htng tXNertUm^ton, palDingf^cir caffcle t |>ono;0 ixitfUt) appep fapitcD to t\)t Crotonc, tfje king lapeo Oege about tlje cattel otBedfirde, tljat Falcatius baD loiig kepte bp ttrengtb, btfilgel"'^ tobtc!) tiege becontinueb bp tbcfpace of cigbt toabes, ana toke tlje Caffel on tbe fiftantb ofauguff, on fcbwb bapc b® cauf^D to bebangea to tbenombor of B?. men of armcoanO otber fonlaiouro, Falcatius de Brent, inbo toao flcaoe into bearing tbat tbeCaffel toas takcn,ana bio men Oain: bnaer tbe conaatt of tbe Bplbcppc of Couenme, tame to Bed- forde ana fel at tbe kings fate,rtqmrirtg merrp. 2Cbe tipng belinereabintto EurtacciSiibop otLondon, ana tbeCaftell inas maae an beapc of ItoniJs . STbere toas graimtea to tbe laing tbjougbcut EngUnde tioo Ibillings fo? euerp earn# catoflana. S^bei^riers ipinonrs firff arriueb at Doner nine in num^ Regijiriftn fiat rum ber,fiue or tbem remapnea at CAKtHriH}te,ontj aia tberc buiia tbe fird Ccuet ofirries ^inours tbat turr toas in EngUrJ; tbeotbcrfourecameto London, ana loagra attbepjeacbing i^iers tbe fpace of dftane Daies,ana tbcn bp?eD an boufe in Car«/w,oflolin Traucrs oneof]^ ^berifes,tbep builaea tbere little Cellcs loberein tbep inbabitea, SCbe aeuotion of tbe Citijens toloaraes tbem, ana alfo tbe multituae ofirricrs fo encreafea, tbat tbep loere bp tbe Citijens remouea to a place in Saint Nicholas ^benwbleS , tobl?ebe lohn Iwyn ci» ti^n ana ^erter of London app;op?iatea tmto tbe comunalo tie of tbe Citic, fo tbe bfe of tbe fapae friers, anabecanic bimfelfealapbiotber. . yinnoreg,^. William loynar buUaeatbeirqnirejFIcnric Wales fome^ time^aio; ofLo«td!,i toas ItiaOf (2;arl0 QtComer^al ^XlVeTlmtnsler, Hubert cleBurgo toas maD0 (iljarle tlKent. §>bo?tlp after the 5I5aronsDecIarclit)ntothehittg, tfjat ejrccpthetuoulD rcttoje the Charter ofllherttes of the reftjtDhich IateIphehat>t»nteleoat Oxfordxiiz^iamWitmX' pel htm bp theCtDojDc. ylnno reg, i z Stephen Bokcrel.HenricCochamthc sS.ofSeptembcr. Shenfes. 7 Roger Duke thc.28.of Oftober; ^ i 2Che Rtttg cojreftcb the meafurcs anb tuepghtesatiD 1228 niabc thcui biggcr.^jn the ^oinmer Uias often greate tljun • ber aiib Ughfntng,tohtch b?ent manp houfes, anb fleU) both men anb bcaaco. Stephen Bokeiell. Henrie Cocliam the.28, of September. Shcrifts. > Roger Duke thc.28.ot 0atnt |0aules Conuerfition, tohen i2-;o Roger Niger Biihop ntLondon loao at ^^alTc fn the Cathe# t)2aU (Ehurth of ^aint^0aule, a greate multitube of people DarkenefTe in facing there, fobainelp the toeather toareb barhe,thatonc coulbe fcantlp fee another in the Churche, anb fobainelp an ho?rible Xhunber clappe lighteb ontheChurchc, that the fame toas lhahen as though it Hjoulbe hauefallcn, anb out of a barUecloube came fuch lightning, that all theChurche fameb to be on fire, anb fuel) a fiincbe that all men thought thep Ihoulbe haue bicb. Choufanbcs of men anb tDcmenne ran out of the Churthe, anb being aSonieb, fell tppon the grounbe hopbe of al bnberttanbing , none of al the multituse tarieo in tlje Churche,faue the iSilhoppe anb one 2Deacon,tohtch Hof s Utl at tfae hi0h Pilfer atoapting the toil ofCD'ob, Annoreg,\^ Jitng Hemic tbitf) a great arnrp fapleb info %/^rw,toher after Henrie the thirde* A>jy!orrg.\<^ afterfpopIpngtl)c',late iuifc to Gilbert dearie of 6Vo«/?i?-lafeip cccca^ feb, nnD fitter to William MarJRal diJarle aiPe»ljrok^:div(ii tlje niarrtagc being feantlpfinifljeD,the farbe William 6ieD,anD luao buries in the nctu SCcmplc at Lofidon bp fits father, bjother Richard fuccfeses hint in tlje dl^arteicioine. Leolin ^Ojince off-FAes, fpopleD tfie lanss oftfie JlBarons Annorcg. 16 tfiat locre on tfic bojsers of tvAes toJtjcrefoje tfiefiing gattjc^ res a great poUier at 0.vfW,anD Uicnt againft the iva/jhmen^ ano bnilocs the Cafiellofv^^/.?r7^«^,tDhffhbcfo?ehaS5ebene fietfropco. levies (trtigogC SChe Vetoes bntloeo aj&tnagogeift Lo»do»ttx^ curious lobn shefcp^d. the ChJiftians obtapueftofthe fijng t it tfioulD be oe* aicates to our bleffcb tlaop. Sherifes. ? Michael oiSaint Helen: Walter clcBuflfel,the.28.ofSept. (JM^ior. S Andrcvv Bokercl Pcpcrer.the 23.of Oflober. T 2 -> 2 Ramilpli dlJarle of Chester anO Z./w<7/« OpeS ^t fFa/mgford, ' ano luas buries at chefter. 2Ch?ough fitanpe complaintect maSe againti Hubert de Burgo,chtefe iullice of Eng/a':de,ti)e fapBC Hubert fles tO tljC Chappel of Brendwoodin Effex, IXJheC he toao tafien,ans the king fent him to the totoer of London. Kfjt mo?roto after Saint Martins Dap began SChunbere berp ho3eihle,U)hich laffes rb.sapee, <0reafe hartne Ujas Done in London, bp fire tohtch began firSe in the houfe of Dauid lonet jr/iorM J"-'''- Lumbard. A-.iioreg.ij Ela COimtelTc of SA'jburie\aitiO\Xitjfo\Xti0t0{\^tS^om* fteric of dDhnnonOat LacokixiWUfhire ,fo% William Long, fpeye fip? late hufbanse ans William thep? fonne nnb' hepje. Sherifes. Henrie of Edmonton. Gerard Bat.thc.28.ofScptcm. tJMiior S Andrew BokcrelPcpcrer,the 28.ofOvtober.. Wot Henrie the thirdc* SCf)e fiing remoucn all ofiKccra ano coanfellcrfli, at j j ^ toell JBi^ops as rlcs ana Barons, ano fentfo; PiclMians, to&ome l)e rctameo into fjis faruic e,ano c ommttteo to tl^em re d about (h« t^e^aping of tfje CaOeis ano ^is trcafures. p,„v. SC^e bir.of^pjil tljerc appeared as it tocre foure funnes befiioe tae naturall funne, of a reo colour,ano a great Circle ofCrillal coIoar,from t^e fioes toljrreoftocnt out Ijalfe cp?« tleSjin tljc oeuifions toljcreof,tbe fcure ^iins tocnte fo?tbe. jSCberefollolueo tfjat peare greate toarre ano crucll blouoe# ibeos, ano generallp great oiaurbanccilj?ougl)oct^'^^''''"'^> fVales,^na Ireland. Btntbemonctljofluneintlje ^mt\)^axtQtEnglandehv Dragons. ff)e &ea cott tuere fane ttuo great S)jagons in tlje apje, fip' inganofigljting togitber an tubole oape, tljc one cbafing tbe otber to t^e oape &ea,ano tbcn toere no moje fane. ICbe &ing being at Oxfirde, Robert Bacon openlp p?ea; 5^er aa'cU. cbeO againff Peter Bplljoppe otfvtnchefter, fo; tbat be e'RB Ipcounfelleo tbe bing to fpople tbe Uealmc toitb Pttlauuns. Silfo Roger Bacon bis fajotbcr faotbeameftlpeano pitbclpe perCtoaoeo tbe bing to leaue tbe counfcll of tbe fapoe Peter. :airo tbe Barons rent meliengers to tbe hing, reqneffing^ be tooulOe put from biin Peter Bitbop of ano tbe PtHauUns.tii elfe tbep toolo oepofe btm from bis bingOome, ano create a netoe. SCbe tiing builoeo a faire Cburcb ano manp boufes aO-' Houfeofcon* ioyntng tbercbnto in tlje Citie of London, notfarre from"""* tbe €)lDeSemple 13511 tbe tobfrbrbonfr all tbe 3letoes ano 3lnfioels tbat oio conuert fo tbe faitb ofCbJifrc migbt baue bnoer an bonett rule of life fufficiente Iputng, lybsrebp it came to palTe tbat in fbojte tpme tbere tons gatberco a great number of Conuertes, tubicbs toerebaptifeo ano in# ffrurteo ititbe latoes of CbJitt, ano oio line lauoabir bnocr a learneo man appotnfeo to gouerne tbem. ©ealfo builoeo Horpitaiut tbe ^^ofpitall of Saint John toitbOUt tbe Caft gate af Oxfirde &; 0cbe folbe ano Ifraungers to be relieueo in, a4h»oreg.i gi iUiiib, Simon'•♦a#"/'. 2 mtniJing to haue cructfico Ijii" at (ilJaff cr, fo? the tohich facte —1^15— tfjeptocre conuicteobotlj boopeo nnngcooco at tbcitings plcafure. Frecleriketbe(ll;mperour mnrieo Ifalxll ffj?hut00 fitter. Walter Briine a CttlJCH Of London, ano Kofubistutfc, founBcD the l5ofpttall of our Lady toithouflBilhops gate sputcu.'"^ Ot London,tk houfcoffuche grcatc rcUcfo tothe notOte, that yinmreo.zo there toas founo ttanotng at the fuppjelTton i So.faeoDco foj thepoje. Gerard Bat. Robert Hardell the 28.ofScptc;nber. Sherifes. 7 Andrew Boleercll Pcperer,the 28. ofOrtobcr. CA'tniorX lltng Henry tdjlie to tuife Elianor,Daughter to Raymond ^ Carle of Proumce, fljc toas marieo at Canturburie, ano croUj# \t:,ihe>v Pa,{,.~ neoat iveftmt»fierti)t ttoentith bap oflanuarp. Ko this Hiflo. Auffx* Coronation reforteb fo great a number ofalleCatcs, that the Citie of XoW^wtoas ftarce able to rccepue them. 2Chc Cttietnas aborneb ioith ^ilhes, ano in tlje nighttoith Jlampes, Cretrets,f other lightes, toithout nubcr, bettoes manpl^agcntcs, anbttrange beuircstuhichtuerelheloeo. SChe Citifens robe to mate the Siting anb€iuanc,baing clotheb in long garments,emb2oOereb about tuith golb ano fillte ofbiuers coulouresitheir t^orfcs finelp trappeo in ar^ rap, to the number of 5 <5 o. euerp man bearing goloen oj ttluer cuppes in their hanbs, ano the tetngs Crumpetters before them founoing. Che 0rchbifhop of CamurhnrieXiiti erecute the office of Coronation. Che CifijensofZ.Wff» xhecitirew bib miniffer e33ine aslSutlers.Che Citizens oiwitiche- of London fiertmiiz charge of the t^itchen, anb other Cttijens atten# oeb their charges. loanethe J^tngs fitter, toife toLewlin prince of Oteb at Httuering in £;^.v,anO toas burieo at Tarent in Dorfet. about this timefcllfucheabunoance ofrapnetherpace Hfgi«vvat«r. of ftoo monethcs, that the Thamis ouerflotoeb the bancfies, K.bu fo 266 Amor eg. 21 Statutes ot Matron. Shertfes. ^ i^Litor. i 12^7 Amor eg, 22 Kic. Triuti. SohnBtt4tr. Shertfe i^lAtor, ifes.? tier. S Kieholtu friuet. l0^eutrlat 12^8 yfottf^nu. Legate put to his sliiftes. Scholets did penance ;ie London. IsbnEeucr, Henry the thirfat! tlltfO of Morton. Henry Cocham : Jordan ofCoucntry, the 28.0?Septcm. Andrew Bolccrcll Pcpcrcr, the 28. of Ocfober. fljc fringe p?ocuremcnt,Oftobon a Cardinall came into Engiandoo JLegafefrom p pope ttjc fccond dap of 3!ulp» JCbis pcare patTcd a (fo?nne and tronblefome toratber, and berp bnbealtbfiill, Co tljat no man coulde remember tbat ener fo many folbes locre ficbe of tbe ague. John Scot faff ^arle of Ghcefler dffcalTeDjand tbe Coun^ trep returned to tlje Btng fo? lacbe of beircs. John Tolafon: Gc-ruas the Cordewenor.thc aS.of Sept. Andrew Bokcrell Pcpercr, the 28. ofOftober. Simon deMountfort, Tonne tO Simon Carle of Motmt- ford,Coi doubt tbatffiuane Blanche, mother to tbei^rencb feing toas offended Uiitb biiWj fledde into England, and fuas made Carle of Leyce¥ler, and a>tctoard ot England, bp fetng Henry, and bad tbe fitngs fffter Ehanor, toiddotu of Wilh- am Marfhall giuen btm to totfe. Oftobonc being lodged in tbe0bfaep oCOfney, tbe^cbol^ Icrs of Oxford nctubts mapffcr Ctobe, iubo tuasairotbc Jlegates bJotber, ajm tbe Jlcgate foj feare gate bim into tbe ^t^Ic of tbe Cburcb,tDberc be beld bini till tbe bings officers romming from Ahngdon, ccmiaped Ijim to walUng- ford,\}}\)txt\^c accurfed tbe mifdocrs. Odode S>tandcrdbenrcr oftbc^cbcllers, Inas taken tnitb tiuelue otber, and caff in pMfon, and long after toenf from Samt Panics Cburcbin London to gates boufeCtobicb toas -Dwr^/jwplacejbngirdedjinitboute goU)ne,barcbeaded and barcfa)ted,toberrbp tbep afked bim fojgiueneflie, and tbcn tbe negate reffojed tbem to tbeir niuerfitie. 3 poller of Oxford tapning btmfelfe madde,ettferpjt' < ^ fed Henry the thi'rde* 2*^7 feu to fjattc flarno t^C lltuginfjis C\m\btXtitlVodsioch^: Kmsmda.ger. but be tuao takeu,ano after long emp?jfonmcnt,pIuckeD in Amo reg. paces Ujitb t^OjfleS at Couenvne. lohn Coders: lohn de Wilehale,the aS.ofSepteinber. Sherifes.\ R'tchard Rcngcr, the 28. of October. Oituer. > Simon de Mountfbrr>tobomc tI)C tatngbaO maOe (Saric Hicho.7ri,un of Leyce^tci- (after be baf agrao loitb bis clDer bjotber 1279* (Sarle Almencusfo? t'os fame Gaiieaome) beingalfo ^ttJ taaro of Gafcome, tnOucfO tl)t i^ing n^ErgUndto recogntfe, tbat be InOUlD bolo of tbc t^ing of Frayic: tbe lano of tbc Ba- files, t\)t rbiefe ^otnne tubrreof is BayoK, ano luas in times pall a Eingoome ofttfelfc,anD fobp achnoUjIeDgingtobc oftbef®cftbeEingofFr^«f. 2Cbe SColuer of Londofj loas fojttfieD,tDbicb tbe Citijens fearing leaH it inereoone to tbeir Detriment, compIapneD Lo«don?' to tbe Etng, t»bo antoerea tbat be baD not Done it to tbeir burt, but (faptb ¥) 31 t«ili from bencefottb Do as mp bjo# tber Dofb, inbuiloing anDfojtifping of Caffels, tobo beau' H retb tbs "ame to be toifer tban 9I am. ©udene Eiianor bare a fonne nameD EdwarJc at JVefi- 22.Dap offline. Roger Bongyc : Ralph Af}nvye,the 2 8. of September. Sherifes, ? William loyner, the 28. of October. (J^Uior. S Riciiard (Saric of CornewstU, tbe iMngs b?otber, t®ke bt^^ 1240 lournep totoarDes lerufilem, tottb manp otber noble men of Englmd. tapon Saint Georges nigbt,tbcftone gate anD bub ■zuthtwVmu toarke tobtcb tbeEing b^b caufeD to be builDeD bp tbe toer ot London, toastbakentoitbandSartbquake, anD fell Sxovvlrt^ Dotone, but tbe Eing commanDeD tbe fame to be fauilDeD a^ gaine, ttronger tfjan befoje. Lcwlm prince Qtwales Decea^ feD, anD tben bettoirt bis balfarD fonne Gnffin, f bis legitb mate fon Dauid,nepbeto to {> E.of Engiddbp bis fitter, great f greeuous Delfruttio rofcfo?tbep^incipalitie,butatlengtb Gnffin being taken ofbisbtotbrr.toas comitteDto p?ifon» ^anp flrangeano great/il^es came afbojejtobereofici.. toecc 2(58 Aloiiftrou* Fishes. jiino reg. 2 j AlJcrnien in l-omtoii. Sherifes. 1241 !oh>i Ecucr, Kic. TriucU Bnlrvarkesbf the Tovver. ^Uthew Puru, ^woreg. 26 Sherifes. 7 ijiiiior, 1242 Hic.Tnact, Tpotiigm-i, Henry the thi'rde» tocrc ^ca Bulless, ana oneof {jugcbigncflfcpairclitpfljs Uiuer of Thxmu, tb?oug!) tfjc iSjtoge at bnfjurt, till 1)0 came as farre as tf)e Jiiitgs fjoufc at MonUk:, ^Ijerc tf luasbtUcD. 0lDcrincn cftofcit m tDl)ttl)0 l)aii tb0rulc oftlje tsaiaros of 11)0 <£ttie, but toere etierp pcarecbangeo. IohnGi!"crs. Michisell Tony the 28.ot'September. Gcr.irci Bat the 2 8. of October. 2ri)C3eU)cstDerc ronttrapneD topaptioentietljoufano fl^arUes at ttuo tearmcs in t^epearc, ojelfe to be kepte in perpctuall p?ifon. , Gilbert iViarlliail Carle of Penhokf, DPCO tDtt{)OUtti)e STolunc ot HerefordMim bjufoo iu S:urnfam0nf,ano hjas burpeo at intbenein STeinple, Walter bis b?otber barolp obtcpneD tbc Carleoomcjbpcaufebepjocurebtbaf £::urncainent,contrarie to tbc iaings mill anoplcafure. STbis Walter Oping ioitbout icrue,bis b£rita0ctoasoiui^ oeo betmirt tbc fonnes of bis fine fillers. Ki)e bjallcs ano ffiultoarhes tbat toere netolp fauiloeo about tbe SCo\xjtt oiLofido-i (in tbc builoing tobereof, tbc Jitngbab bettotoeo mo;e tban tmeluetboiifano^arfies) mere agapne bnrccoucrablp tbmmne ootone as it toere iuitl) an Cartbquabe, foj tobicb tljance tbe Citijcns of Lok- dm nothing fojp, mere mncl) amajco, fo? tbep mere tb?caf? neo, tbat tbc fapoe malles ano buimarbcs mere builoeo in oefpigbt of tbcni, to tbe enO tbat if anp of tbcm mouloe p;e# fume to contenoe fo j tbc ilibcrtics of tbc Citie, tbep migbt tbercbe impjifonco, ano to tbc enoc tbat manpmigbtcba lapOc in oiuers pjifons, manp loOgtngs mere maOc tbcre, tbat no one fitoulO fpcabc mitb anotbcr. lohn V lell. Thomas Durelmc the 28.of September. Roger Bongcy the 28. of October. Bing Henry mitb a great arJUiC faplco info Normandy^ purpofing to rccouer GmKe,mXi otbcrCoimtrcps, but after manp bicttcrings,to tbe lolTe trea? teoapeace. Elianor, Henry the thi'rde* Elianor.baugljtcr fo Geffrey (Carle tit Brit epe, anfi filler ffl Arthure,en6eD |)trlifc p?ffoncrfn tl)er. Atmoreg.z-j John Fitz le'in : Ralph AlRwye, the 28. of September. . Roger Bongcy, the aS. of Oftobcr. tJi'uucrS Hugode Alb'cncto (Carle Of v^rWe//lipe6,atlO ftis ill* ^lerttancetoas DttuocD among fourc fitters :aifo Hubert dc Burgo (Carle of aw opcD at Ijis ^ano? of Banstede, ano toas burpeD tn tfje Cburclj of tlje i^riers J9?cacbcr« at do», bnto tfje toblcbc Cburcl;e be gaue bm noble JSallacc at TtUthm farl). weftminiler, tobicbe aftertxjarbcs tbe ;3rcbbilbop of Torke bougbt of tbem,anD mabc ft bts anne, fince commonlp cal^ leb Torke J)lace, notO ti'^hite Hall. 2Cbe "Hamis ouerflotoeD tbe banhes about Lambeth, anb bjotnneD boufes anb ficlbes, tbe fpace of fire miles, anb in tbe great ^all at tvesiminiier men toke tbefr ^^ojfebackes, bpcaufetbeiDatersranneoaerall. .^»»oreg.2>i Richard (Carle of Corww^//marpeb tbe tbfrbe baugbter of tbe (Carle of Preuence. Hugh Blunt: Adam Bafing,tbe 28.of September. Shcrifes. j Ralph Afhnye Pcpercr, the 28.of Oftobcr. CMaior. j Gnffyne tf)ttlDtitfontttOfLcolm^:^ince of IVorthwales, fobfebtoas fiept pjtfonerfn tbe ^otiitr of Lo»do», beulfeb ivi ' fnbtfllpbotD toefcapettDberefojeonc nigbtbanfngbecep^ ueb tbe ?Matcb,mabeoftbebansfngSjlb®tes,totoels fc a long line, anb put bfmfelfe botune from tbe toppeoftbe 3^otDer: but as be luas Qtbing a gob pace,U)ttb tbe iuefgbt ofbfsbobp,betng a berp bfgge man anbafatte, tbe rope b;ake,anbbefellon bfsnecke, lubofemfferablecareare in tbe mojtttng being founbe bp tbe SCotoer toall, teas a piti# full figbt to tbe bebolbers, fo; bie benb anb necke toere b^u nen into f)i6 bett bettosne tbe (bonlbers, tbe &ing beac ring thereof, punilbeb tbetnatcbmen,anb caufeb GhfHns fon ^ tnas tmp^ifoneb toitb bib i^atber to be mi^e ttraigbt' ip kept. 2Cbe5ti«gf«keof tbe Citijwi of lyoo.^arkes, loijtbaftbepbabrefepueb intotbeir (Citic «gapHe Walter ■ ' BokercU, Difcor J at Cwbttdgr, ^7* Henry the thirdc* iom fo; tibt moS ^art all infetteb and stuen to f^auerie t but tbe itiparcbants contmuins tbetr fuite to tbe !&tng,ra^D, tbat tttbe^ could not Ijaue lulKce, tbe^ inoulde Oa^ To mucb of C^nglt^e^^arcbanto goideo in Brabant. Ws^zxi t^e l&tng caufed ttoeluc men of tvinchefJ-erto be cbofen, tobo alfo did quit tbem tbat tncre accufed, tubicb^ Ibing toben tbe l^ing did (ki l)t caufed tbofe tiuelue to be imp^ifoned, and fipare, tbat in (1)0^ (pace tbep (bould be banged ao xifkaeo fade and periured,and caufed otberttoeluetobeempane^ led,tubnb lad qued found and confeded ail, and appeacbed manp, efpeciallp of HamfhireMiitti Inere banged. (HJreat diffention arofe in CambndgfbttiDirttlje^c^olf lets and Cobinefmen, fo tbat boufestDerebjobendoiune and fpopled,and manp men toounded and flapne. ^nf2oreubpjioj, trode it bnder fate, and tbmd bim againd a filler of tbe cbancell, tbat be bad almod billedbini, butf cbanono faing,tbattbeir^ub^ Sherifet. ? (jMatar. S I2JO Mj/ifW furit. 9/Utbf» ?4Tu. Arthbishopof Cantitrbiiry vi- (iteth Saint Bar- Henry tIictIiirtI)ep ranne ano f Ittcheo bUl^op toitij fttcb a biolence, tbat oaertb;etD btnt barks' iparti0, tD^ercbp ti)^P nit0{)t tbat be iuaa armed and p;e^ pared to figbt* ^be ^^rcbbilbops men feeing ttjeir marifer dotone(being all Strangers, and tljeir mapCers rountrep# men bojnc in/'rw'wwjfell dpon tlje CbancnSjbeatc tf)cm, tare tbem, and frode ttjem t)nder.tbeirfate:atlengtbtbe Cbanong getting atnap as iuell as tljep could, rannc blou^ dp and mtrie,rcnt and to?ne,totbc iSilbop ofLfv^o»,to complapne, toljo bade tljem go to tfje liing at tveftminster, and tellljwn thereof: toljerebpon foure oftbcm tDcnttbi# tber,tbe rett toere not able tljep toere fo fojc Ijnrt: but tobcn tljepcame at fVcFtmmiler, tbeltingtoouldeneptljer beareno? fa tbem,fo tbep returned toitjSjontredjetTe.Sln tbe meanc feafon tbe lobolc Citie teas in an bpjoje, and readietobaue rong tbe common belt,andtobauebcb.:ed tbe ;3rcbbi(bop into fmall paces, but be toas fecretlp gotte atuap to Lambeth. 2Dbeii^riersoftbco?derofja?eacberstb?ougbCbJilfen« dome,ano from///«/'//s/f»2,iDere bp a common conuocation „ atfembled togitber at tbeirboufe in Hoiburne hpLofido»,to cntreatc of tbeir cffate, to tbe number of foure bundjetb. Cbe l^ing taking ineSimable fummes of monep of all tberi^ me in bis llealme, tcokeof one Aaron a ieto bojne inTorie i4ooo.markesfo?bitnfelfe,and 1 ocoo.markesfo? English itwe*. tbe ^Suane, and befoje be bad taken of tbe fameBleiofo Moffihurlvvw mucb as amounted altogitber to ? cooo.markes of^iluer, t'shtoun';". and ttDO bundjed markes of goldc to tbe ©uane, 3in ^Dctober tbc^ea flotuingttDiceiDitboutebbe,'made fobo?riblc anopfc, tbat it tnas beard a great toapinto tbe '' land. ]15e0des tbis,in a darke nigbt, tbe fea famed to be on a ligbt firc,ano tbe toaues to ftgbt one ioitb another, fo tbat the Mariners toere not able to faue tbeir $>bippcs: and to omitte to fpeakcofotber, in one l^auen called beSdes fmall be0els,tb?a noble and famous ^bipsinere Itoalotoed bp of the toaues. ^no at mncheifea, beGdes cota' y vincht ir«a ges fo? falte, f fiCbermens bokfes, bjidgcs i milles^ aboite arownest, 3oo» Henry the thirdei. ?oo. %oixki in tlKit Cotnne, tDtt^ ceria^ne tl);ou0b t)iolent rtfing of ttje ^ea,toere ojotoneo. ^fino re?. 5 < ^ C^artljqaafee at Samt Albons on Saint Lucies oap. cL.y,f,f \ Humfrcy Bcas: William Ficz Richard, tliciS. of Scptein. ej^llior > lohn Norman, tiie 28. ofOifobcr. J ^ ^ j feing Henry grantel),tl)af iB\)evt before time § Cttijrs M;uoro{x>oa- ofLondon oio pjefcnt tbcir £^310? bofoje tbc ming tobcrefoo^ aoafvvorne, utv'^z tuerc,f fo to beaDiiutteo, noto Ijelboulo come onlt» Amo re?.^ 6 Bacos ofy CDftbequer, i tl)ep (bonlo aomit bim', Shsrifes. ? Lawrence Frowikc; Nichol as Bat, the 28. of September. eAiiuor. C Adam Bafing, the a8. ofOftobcr. 0 great D?oiigbt from C!;afferto£ptcbaefma3,fo?from tbe firff of £^arct),ttl tbe asTumption of Our iLaop,tbere fell not fo mucb ao one D?op of ratnc. West ^frepebearoo of . Trance f England fcobc fbctr toumep totooroo tbc botp fano> to t nubcr of 3 00 o o.but tbeir nuber banilbcD in ^o?t rtmei iitng Henry mabe Alexander itfng Of^ror/e/|iiitj0^tat 9iitb»,7riueu Shepheirds aiTembled. W.fuck'm^ioi*. Anno reg. 3 7 7-^^^ ggpg jj j,jj Daughter Margaret tO iwfe. S'nerifes.7 William Durham: Thomas Wymbornc, the 28. ofSept. iAfaior. J John Tolofon Draper, the 28. ofOftobcr. 1253 2Cbe iitng 10^040. |,ofeuerp l^nigbtes f®,fo mafre bio lobn jhxio,. eiDett fon ftnigbt. ^e purcbafeo tbe tentbeo of all fptrttnall linings at tbe popes banos fo;t Sue peaces,as it bad bin in apo of tbe bolp land, but in d^de it loas to mahe bis fonne Edmond ifeing of Maples and Stcill. JCbe JLiberties of Z.b«rifrs of London in the SCofnera monetb andmo?c,and after depofedtbemoftbeirofficcjbpcaufeof the tfcape of lohn Oflfrom that toasbnder theirinarde in Newgate, foj the death of ap?iour that mas the fcinp allp* 0 great jploud bapned in Holland, Lwdfey, and Holdemes, Anno reg. 3 8 Coutitreus of England,tenth of j©ctober,tDbfrb Came btto fo^/OT;f^^iw,tobere4bJOugb, agreatpojtion oflandjtoitb Robert Gro# bsufea mtd people mere dmtofieo, Robert Crofted Bi# • ibop Vpodi^on. Great floud. Henry tlic thirde» "75 fl^op aLineoltieXn (lE>rabe, ilattn,ano ot^rr langaxges. Die bp mi cBptttle repjone |0ope Innocent, afftrmiiig, t^at tbe huhi*4 |3?eac^tng iPrtcrs, f mmojite/ricrgloere inftitcD ioitb |iere0ea. SUtjis Robert Groftedc bojne t« Suffclke,t\^is prarc occeafcDtl^c gaue al \)is bojbes to ^ friers ^iitojs at Oxford lohnNorthampton:Richard Pickard,the28.ofScptem. .. Richard Hardcll Draper, the 28.ofOftober. > Edward^ j^iiigs elDcff foitnetDCbbeb theHiings baaglj' ferof^jt'^»eEhanor.bis father gauebim tbedSarlebomeof 557^^, c6e/?er,anbfhegcuem8nceof6^«7f*anb/re/W. ofvvaui. K^eWiC^op atHerefvrdinV^t Court of feigning hintfelfe J3jocuratour fo? the Cleargp af England, bouno tfje fmallboufes ofHeligionin loo.oj aoo.marhcs the pace, the greater houfes in 5 00.0? 5 00. marbes tlje pace, ^aint Edmondjhttne\sins bouub inyoo marbes,to bepaifie tocer=« tapneMerchant ffrangers, anb alltbismoneptDascolle/ A»»oreg.'^9 rteb to erpulfe Manfred mtot Naples. Ralph Alhwye : Robert of Limon, the 28. of September. Sherifes. ^ Richard Hardcll Draper,the 28. ofOffober. tJALator. ^ itplijt/fres toere brought to JVefiminfterXxt^vi)) tuere acnu T2^y febof^ crucifpingofacfjiltinamco HughatL/wf/'re.rbiij. iAntbew I'aris. oftbetocrc Djatonc through the ftrates at anb af? -Annoreg.^o ter bangeb,^ offjcr remaineb long p?ifoners. Cbe Carles EwJ iXt, f iSarons of £«^W,Ujith a0entoftl)c|9jelates,caareb pjo^ clamatio to be mabc tb?otigb all England, that the Charters of liberties f fojetts Ihoulb be bept: f at their inttance,Bo- nifacc 0rchbifhop QlCanturburyaccurfeballthofe thatIhulb bjeabe the. Lcwlm pjince of/^'«/^'f,gathcringa mightp bab of me,inuabeb chefhireMi\z\^ t bab latelp giue to his fon Edward, aub beffropeb all things toith fire f ftoojb, till he came to the gates of the citie of chefler,to rep?effe lohofe tiolece, a baliant f famous fenight calleb Stephen Bancan toas rent of thelii. toith an armp, ioho entring § lanbs of a noble ma otivalescalleii Rire,furnameb Vaghan,^ is,little, being circubenteb f befet of his enimies in mari^ groubs, toas flain,the remnfit of his armp libeioife cpther fiaine, 0? tab«n aliue^f put in banbs^feio ercepteb ^ efcapeb bp flight, ' ^.i;, Steplicn Henry the thirde* poo. in t^at Cototte, inttl^ cerfa^ne €f)ttrc^t8', t!);ou0^ Violent rittng of tiie ^ea,toere b;otoneo. ^ - a 0reat d^artljqiiake at Smki Albons on Saint Lucies oap. rf\ Humfrcy Bcas: William Fitz Richard, thciS. ofScpteiii. tJ^Mor > I^hn Norman, the 28. ofOcfobcr, 12 ^^"5 Henry granteo,tl)af fc!)«e before time i Citijrs MJorot-L,on-' of London oio pjofcnf tbciT ^ato? bcfojo tlft tiitng io\)mioto aonfvvorne. ntr U)erc,f fo to be aDmitteo, noio \)z tboulo come onln Anno re^.j 6 fj^g iSacos off Cfcbequer, f tl}ep Ibonlo aomtt btm'. Sh Afes. p Lawrence Frowike; Nichol as Bar, the 28. ofSeptcmlxr. iALuor. S Adam Bafing, the 28. ofOftobcr. 0 great o?oiigbt from Chaffer to ^icbaelmaOjfoj from tiitht.Triun. t\)t firff of £parcb,ttl t^e SflTumption ofour 3LaOp,tbere fell not To mucb ao one D?op of ratne. K\jt ^b^pebearbo of France f England tcobc tbcfr toumep totoacos h)c bolp fano, aSie""!' f 0 ^ of 3 00 o o.bat tbeir nuber banitbcb in io?t time* u^.Ptckf^ian. litng Henry mabe Alexander J^iltg of Scottes^ntgbf Anno reg. 3 7 -g-orke, aiib gane bim ])is baugbtcr Margaret to toffe. Sherifes. ? William Durham: Thomas W ymbornc, the 28. of Sept. lAfaiar. > John Tolofon Draper, the 28. of Oflober. 1253 SCbe iiing t(Di{e4o. ^.ofeuerp linigbt^s fa,to mafee bis iobn thxio,. eioett fon bnigbt. ^e purcbafeb tbc tentbes of all fpiritnall linings at tbe popes banbs fo;i fine peares,as it bab bin in apo of tbe bolp lanb, bnt in babe it loas to mahe bis fonne Edmond ifetng of Nap/es ano SiciJi. K1)c Liberties of Lo»- i J of meanes of Richard (Sarle of Comewal, hoaJoataieU, tnbo cbargeb tbe i^aio? tbat be loheb not to tbe 115abers lb; tbeir pTes of b;eab,ro tbat tbe Citte inas fo^ceoto pleafe tbe dearie toitb 600. marhes, anb tuere rcffojeb. STbe fttng empjifoneb tbe S>b^^rifrs of London fn tbe STotoera monetb anbmojc,anb after b?porebtbemoftbeirofftce,bpcaureof tbe efcape of lohnOfifom tbat toasbnbertbeiruiarbem 5>k4;j»4. Newgate, fo? bcatb of apjiout tbat u>as tbe ftings allp* Great flonJ. ^ jf^IOUb bapnCO in Holland, Lwdfey, anb Holdernes, Anno reg. 3 8 Conntrcps of £t^/W,tbe tenfb ofj®£tobcr,iDbfrb tame bn# •fo Alnigham, tobere^bjougb, agreatpojtion oflanb^tnitb Robert Gsv boufes anb people Inere b;otofieo, Robert; (^^rofled WU * • • Ibon Henry the thirhoufc3,bzibgcs,anb trees tncre bojnebotone. 2nhb i^ingcaufeb the toallesofthc Citie of tohichetoere fo?e becancb, anb befiitute of BuIUnrbes, to be repaireb tn mo;e fntmelp toife than afoje thep h-^b bin. Richard Owell: William Alb wye, the 28. of Septemlxr. Richard Hardcll Draper the 28.ofO(n:ober. i^^o?fomuch as thel&inghab oftentimes p?omifebtho refiitntion ofccrtaine antient latues tnhich h^ uencr per^ fojmeb, the lLo?bs murmuring againfi hiob helb a parlia# ment at Oxford, inas after calleb themabbe|0arlia^ ment, bpcaufe manp things mere there enacteb, mhich tur# neb to the beatl; of manp nobles. 3ln confirmation of thefc actcs mere chofen tmelueiaaies, mhtche hab authojitie to fo?reft {' bjeafiers of them,the!^tng his b3ecth?en, the noble men anb ISarons, taking their oth to fk the fame obferueb. glhojtlp after, thepbanilbeb WxWxnm of Vale»ce, Galfrede, Gwydon, anb Aylmer the elect offVtncheitffr, all foure thien to the J^ingon the mothers fibe, anb other fl^angcrs^ €»reat bearth follomcb the mctpeare paffcb. ^ ^^uar;? terof?2SIheatemas folbefo? fiftocne^hillings, anb ttoent|> gihillifi^Sjbut the mojll toaSjthere coulb be none Ponnb fo;^ monep,mhere4h?ongh manp pajje people toerc coffrapneb to Henry the thi'rde^ ^7 to eate ^ojfe flcilj, ana barUes of trees, but maitp ffariieO cn.uucp,m. foj toant of ffflOc ttoenttc tboufano in Londofj as ittuas fapo. 2LIei»S.t Tewkefburte fzW tltfO a pjiufc bpOll tbe A fcvrdrow- fcroap, ano tooulac not foj rcucrcncc of Ijis ^abbotlj be pluckeoontjtobfrcfojc Richard xA Clare^tiXXttAGliccller, feeptbtmtberetiU£pimoap,attDbtc!) timebctoas founoc DeaO. Richard CUre C^arlC at Gloceslcr Dpct), aUO alfo bi^ bjotbcr William bp popfon as ions tbougbf* Robert Cernchull: lohn Adrien, the 28. of September. Shcrifes > Richard Hardell Draper, the 28. ofOtffobcr. ^tinior. S Wc^t iiingcommanoeti agenernll affcmblp at|DoUj!cs ' CrolTc in London, iotjerc be in pjoper pcrfcn cominaunhcD Am.kcmote:"' tbe^aioj, tbat tbe ncrtOapfoUotDmg,b^lbo«l5 caufc to bef£Do?nc facfoje tbe aiDcrrncn, euerp Ifripling ofticduc pcarcsofagcojbpU)aroes,to be tructo tbeilingano bps beiresiaings of£«^/W(r,ant> tbat tbe(25atc6 of tbeCitic tboulo be kept toitb barnelTeo nicit, SCtDO Romaynes ifriuiltg fo? pjebenDS in potulc^ Cbwreb A»no rerr, 44 atz,«Wtf«,fbeonekiIleD tbeotber tbcre. lohn Adrian : Robert Ccrnehill,thc 28. ofSeptember. Skerifes. 7 John Gytbrs Pcperer, the 28. of Oftober. CMaier. > lohn SJuke of Britemo niartieO Beatrice,§king Henry tf^C j 260 fbtrbs baugbter,anD tons maoc iSnigbtc, anb toitbbitw ~ Baldwine Carle oftbe ^flc of IVight. S^bis peare Ujas ^ir Hu^h Dirpencermfioecbicfe^ti^ Hngli Bigot Hire of England, ano Nicholas of£^ Cbanrellour to iiing, ano tbe 3bbot of Pet erhorcrv SCreafourer of tbe Cfcbequer, bp ojoinance of tlje 15arons. feing repenting tbat be bao at OxfordgtcinUo fucb large Jlatoes ano ^Liberties to tbe gobies ano people of tbe UeaIme,bpcounfcIl of Edward bis fomie, ano Richardc bisbjotber, be rcntetotbeConrfof^cwetobeabfoIueoof bis otb. Cbe 115arons ano jpobIesoftbeKeaIme,beloeap„n-,„,e„t. parliament at London in tbe neUiSDcmple^anOtbeiiing b.elo bimfelfe in tbe SColoer of London. Reignold de Moun, Carle of Somerfet f iLO?0 otDmflere- ^ ..e AT /. T\ founOeO tbc;3bbep of Newham in Deuonfoire. Adam 7"]% Shsrifcs. ? OMiior. y I 25t King H;nty abfolueJ. Henry the thirdc» Adam Bi'owninj : Henry Couentry, the 2S. ofSeptCffl. William Fitz Richard, the 28. ofOftober. !iing Hcnr)-- pRblifl^cu at potoles CreCfe the popes ahrolutionfci; htmanD all his that tocrcfiso^nc to maptio tepncthc articles maoe in tfje parliament at o.r/(rrr William T racy, tohrcih sobniofGUteji. jt^ptng (fourthpott abapin fheSTotoneor G/orofteryMicy the Frencfjmanyijjit}) a numbcr of armeb men came foacinctp bpon him,b?cto him to the groimb,anb fo to^ the Cattcl,anb calf him in p;ifon,lDhereof U)he the Barons t)nber5a)be,thep fent Ro^cr Clifford, anb j&ir lohn Gifford ioitb levvesfpoytcJ for Vfutie. Shcrtfes. > tJMmr. 5 I25t Mi;/ I I'rencli nun Conne- flabU of Glocc- Henry the thirds ^79 toftl^Sjireatpotner (o c7/«rr/?rri& belonging to Richard feing of Almayne, loas burnt bp Londoners. S^b^P aifo bumeo anotber boufe of bra nore to WeTlminfler. 3[n tbta meane bobile, tbe JSing anb Siuane re^ The Qtieene matneo in tbe snotner of z.o«dij»,anb toben ^ Siiioene tuoulo bane gone bp mater bntafFmdejorc, tlje Londoners Qetting tbem to tbe Bjtbge tn great nnmbero, bnbcr tbe fcbifb muS paflTc^iCrteb out on bir, bfing nianp bile anb repmcbfnl too;bo, tb?eto burt anb froneo at bir,tbat (be Inao conirrep^ neb to retnme againe to tbe STofoer. SCbe Citt^eno fo?ttSr ebtbeCiticteitb tronCbapne«,b}atoneouertbb)arttbeir si«efejofL6. lfrateB,munifeb tbe Cttte,anb bib marucllouo things, SDbere tnas a peace conclubeb bettoirte tbe lling, anb tbe Karons, ioitb tbefe conbitions , tbat Henry, Ibnne to tbe i&png of oydlma^ne, tbat toobe tbe IBarons parte, anb loag in pjifon, (boulbe be bcliuereb, tbat all 2^^® Henry the thi'rd» all tt)C livings Caffcla fljjouc^ bcpnf info tljcllSarotts 1)^1153, tljat tbcpaouifions ofOA;/J»-^/(boulDebe kept, an& tl)at all strangers toitbtn a certatne time fljoulo Depart tbe lanD,tl)ore crccpt, tubofc aboDe tije faitbfull prr^ fonsoftbcUcalme lottlj one aCTent (bouloe accept :laftlp, tbat t'oe Enghfhmen bo;ne,anb fucb as toere fattbftill men to tbc!^ingDoinc,(l)oulDe ojDer anb rule tlje bufincffeoftbc lanbbnoer tbe i^tng. 215ut tl)isnotb3tt!jlfanDtng,ccrtapnc l^ntgbics of t^e lyings part fojttfieb tlje Caffcl o^mndefire iDitl) tjittaples anb armour. Edward tbeicings fonnecamc tQBrtHowMW^ bifcojbe rofe bcttoirtc bislnnigbteoanb tlje Cotunefmen, fo tbat tfje Cotunefmen toero minbeb to bane bef^gcb tbe CallcU: tobicbe toben Edward bnbcr^ ficobe, be fcnt foj Walter liBiibop Qifvinchefier tbat tcofee tbe 15arons part,tbat in bis companp be migbt go to tbe Court of bis father, p?omiiing to perftoabe bis father to peace. 5^arebp6 going fojtb toitb p 315itbop,til tbcp ttmtiafvwd- fore,\)t entreb tbe Catfell, to tbe great mitliltingoftbelBif Ibop: but Edward tbo?tIprcturneb,anb loentetomeeteSu mon Carle of Leicester, tbat bc tuitb bis abbereiits toere c2^ itting to bcfeege JVi^defore Caffell. Edward tbe ^ings fonne met toitl) {' favb Simon about KwgFlon, anb offercb meanes ofpeace: but Simon trutfing to Isitbop Walters counfcll, betepneb Edward toith bint, anb Uioulbe notfufferbimto Depart till tfje Catfell Utaspalbeb, tbep tbat toere toitbin bauing libcrtic to beparte tobitber tbep tooulbe, anb tbe Strangers tbat minbeb to patTe tbe S>eas,bnb fafeconbucts granteb tbem. Lewlin |3?ince of f'Vaks confeberate toitb Carle Simon, in tbe meanetime,toaffeb tbeCountrep of chefhr, aiib tbe ^arcbcs of tbe fame, anb ouertb?eto to tbe groimbc tbe cattels of Difard nnti Ganmkf. 0fterfbts, a |3arliament toas bolben at London, in tbe tobitb,manp tbtit bab belb toitb tbe Carle,toent to tbe Kings part, as Henry of Almn'tne, fontte to Richard King OfanDotber. 2Cbe Kings partie being encreafeb, be toente to Douer, anb enbetiourcb to bane gotte tbat Catfell oi!t of tbe Carles Anm reg.^^ banbSpbut b? trauelleo in twpne* Robert Hcnne the thirdc; « Kobcrt MountpUer/Osbert Suftblk,the.2P.oF.9eptembcr. Shrrifij.r Thomas Fitz Thomas Fitz Richard tl1c.28.ot' October. CM.iior. > Lewes ofFr^juncir, tl),:ongl)e pjocurtng of Bonihicc , 264 ^rcbbifljop of Cii>}tftrl>fine(ir)\)o in politicUc^ermons ntP't- ~ toell at tbeiFricrs ]3ject)cr3, a5^pmcn0,D(!clarc& tlje Doings beftoitt tfje Tting of E«»y-W(r,anD tfjc (Sarle of Lsice-' i?fr)tobeDponf)i«itfo mabc a peace betloijcte tfjem: Ujbttc# Dpon tijci^ing of Enghtmle, iDttb bis fonne Edwardc,anD Di^ uerfc otber of tbe Engitfh nobilitie, came to P^maboute tbe but tbe (Baric of Le-ccUer, fearing § Erench lyings Dtfplearnre fojbis niotbers fahc, o? foine otber caurc not fenotoen, ffapea at borne in £«^WanD pjocaDcD in bw3 bufineflfc: U)bcreft.:e Ro'^er Mortimer began to Deffrope tbc poCTelTions inbicb tbe (Barle wfLeicesier bclDc,againfte tobo tbe ^Bjtnce of ivaUs luent.anD befiegeo tbe Cattel of Rad»orcy , ano bjougbtittopalDe. Edward tbe lyings fonne,after bis refurne from ParU.vLt bout iLentjtobe bis iournep totuarD tbe AUrch, anD pairing The scboiie« bp Oxford, tbe BurgelTes Ibut bp tbeir gates againfte bpm, toberebp l)e bias fozceo to Ipe at tbe hings l^ail toitbout tbe the one fpoyle: tobjne till tbe nert mojrotoe anD tben Dcparteb. Cbc fcbol!' lers of0.v/^r«ibetng(buttDitbmtbe 2CotDne,bjaHebppe tbe gate tbat ieaDetb totoarD Beanmome, fojlabicb b®be tbe ^pa^ iot fent fome of tbem to pnfontanD not long aftcr,bjbple tbe ^cbollers mere at Dinner, tbe ^aio? anD Commons toptb banners DifplapDe, tbougbte to baue fpopIeD tbe Ctearbcs er e tbcp b^D bin atoare,but being cfpieD, tbe§>rboller0 ran togitber, anD toitbbobjes anD otber toeapons fleiue anD toounDCD tbe IBurgeUbs anD Commons , bjabebpmanpc boufes, fpopling tbe gcoDs, anD fct tbe boufes of tbe pojtri^ nes (William SpiceranD Geffrey Hcticlcy) ott iSicr, on tbe ^outb nDe of tbe t otone. Spojeouer, bpcaufe tbe^aio^rNi- cholas ICiftgrtoncjtoasa CUintener, tbep bjakebp tbe tain;' ciarv«sofOx trp,D?anke" tbe iilSJines,anD fpopIeD tbem,fo? tbe tobicb forae b»nuhel. tbelaingcaufeDtbe ClearkesatiD^cboUerstobebanilbeD tbe taniuerlitie. i i.. r* ' &,b, Edward • Hcnric the thircfe* Edward fttngs fonne tolie t^e€tiQels tXlUy f //««. ir/>^rte(pil)0 tOfeO part tOltb Ctlc Simon) btBC* gjj, fvorcefler, anb cntring bp tbc olbe Caflel, fpopleb tbe Giocescrbe. Cttijcns of tbcit gffibs.ano compelleb tbe 3|ctDC£i to be cb?i# fiegej. tteneb.2Cbe totoue ofciocefler, tbat befoje toao taftcn bp tbe ]10ar5o^tDas noUi aOaileb bp Edward tbekingo fon^iobo en« treb raff el bp great fo.2ce,f in tbe nept moaning bp nteaneo of tbe IBifbop of fVorceller, anb Reignald ^bbot of C/ocefter, a truretoao taken betlnirt tbe l!5arono in tbe toton, anb tbe fringe fonne in tbe CaSell: but(bo;tIp after, tbe !l!5nrona fleb, anbtbe^nrgefreofubmiftingibcnirelues, tberefome of tbem bangeb, tbercfibne raS in p^ifon, grieuouOp raun«> romeb,anb tbe totone belfropeb, from iobenretbe ikings fonne beparteb, fpopling anb inaffing tbe Conntrpfcontra* tie to bio otbe tnabe to tbe Barono) till be came to Oxfirde, tobere be lobgeb in tbe boufe of tbe fvUt |0;ecber0,anb io^n neb bio polner toitb tbe Iking bio i^atber, tobo li^oo latelp come tbptber to make bio offering to Saint Frirwidc(notfea# ring tbe foperlfitioao opinion,^ if anp Iking entreb f tobm, tbe ti^irgin tbere tooulb be auengeb on bim.) 2Cbe Ikpng ba« uing notoUiitb bim bio b;otber Richard king of Alm*ineX^i% fonne Edward, William dc Valence biO b;iOtber On tbe 1110' tbero Cbe,anb lohn Cumyn of Scotland, Uiitb a mnltitube of Scottifhmen, lohn dc Bailliol ILOJb of Robert le Brute lOJb of Anandale^\o^tx Ac, Cliftord, Phillip dc Marmi6,Iohn de Vallibus,Roger dc Laborne.Henric Percy,Phillip Baffct, Notfiamtojibe# Rogcr dc Mortimer, toitb an armp fjjentano beOegebA^'r, ««ged. th4mfteK,tm tbe (burtb of 0pjiU bjeaking tbe Mall, toke ^ totone anb in it llltane Iknigbteo bearing l5annero,Simon Mountfort tbe ponger,William dc Ferrers, Peter de Mount- fort, Baldwine Wake , Adam dc Ncwmarche, Roger Bar- trandc, Simon Fitz Simon, Bercngario dc Wateruilc, Hughe Gubion, Thomas MaunfoU, Roger Bonteuilcyne, Nicholas Wakci Hcnnc the thir(!e» j Wake,Robert dc Ncwcnton,Phillip de Derby, Griinhald dc Paunfcvcnt:Ofto^om Simon tfjepongcrtoas fCltffO iVinche- fler, tl)e refiDueto ot^cr places to faefafelpkeptc. £)tf)er Sntg^tcs of meaner Degree toere faben,to the nnmber of.icl. anonot afeUjecgfqmres : from thence thehingtoentetc» toarDcs JVjtitghafK, Ujatttng loith fire anD toojDe the maner places of the Barons , ano there hcgathereohisitojDes anD great men. ©arle Simon toent to L5.W(7«, anD from thence to Rocheftetbe- /?«rojts. S^efirll boas leD bp Edward the bings fon, ha# ningbuith htm William de Valence Crle xA?enbroke^% lohn de Warcn Carle of^wrr^^anDi'w^A-. snhefeconDebuasgutc DeD bp Richard fe.of Almai»,\o htS fOtt Henric.SDhe thirD tht St.himreifhaD ingouerning. SDhe Barons armp buas Deni# DeD into four tuarDes. ChefirQ led Henric dc Mountfort the Crle of Hereford. SCffe feconDe leD Gilbert de Clare bupth lohn Fitz lohnf Willia dc Moutchancc.SDhe thirD in iuhiti^ the Londoners bDere,Nicholas Scgrauc SChe fourth Ctle Sim5 hitUfelfieD buith Thomas dc Pcluefion. Edwarde the Hfcings fonnt ^^4 Hcnrie the thirc!c» fonnc tottf) \)V6 battaplebjafee on eiutiucgmalic tijciif to giue backc, of Ujbom many mere omUjncD. 2Cl)e Londoners tucre put to mbonitobtlcflffie liings fonne purfueD fo? tbe fpace of foure mileo, be maDc great flaugbtcrj but being fcparate fro tbc rctt of tbe army, be meabenco bm pa)^f 3n tbe mcane time manye of tbe i^ingo battayle toere The King of Cainc,anD tfje iHing of Almame taken in a StUinD mil by ^yj Ainmiiieuktn. lohndcBcuis, fotoaS Robert IcBrutsailD lolin Commyne, inbieb bak bmugbl tbe Smtes iking Hcnrie alfo bauing bys King Henrie ^^aitte buDer bim, tyaloeo to tbe (Sarle of GlonceUer, tahen. Uibo feiit btm pjifoncr to tbc |p?io?y. Edward returning, is receyueb mitb tbarpe battayle, ano tbe (Sarle/^^rw, Willi- sm de ValencCjGrey de Lefniute,tbelking5 balfc bjetbJeiT, Hugh Bigod mitb me of armes to tbe nuber of.4oo,t^aber- ionogottctbentbe Cattel of/'e»{/9',aniitobenmany toerc Oayne on eytber fioe, tbc ilojoc Edwarde ryoing aboute tbe toUme,founD bio father in tbe piioiie. 3|n tbe meane time an aifanit being giuen to tbe Cattle, iubicb tuao baliauntty OefenoeD, tbe llBarono tuitbb^eto tbe: toberebpon tbe iloib Edward being greatly incourageD,anD bauinggatbereb bio peopleaboutbim,moulDebauematiea neto battayle, fo tbat tbe IBarono fueb foi pea(e,tDbtcbe by § mcancs of tbe J^riero i^jeacbers anb Spinous, toao bjougbf to patTe, tbat on tbe i^rieay follotoing, tbe ilojbo,Edwarde f Hcnrie, fo? t bOy? i^^atbcrO, of England a!lb Almajne ktUgO, Ea^rvsrd the beltucrcb tbcmfelueo to Carle Simon, bpon bope of quiet# ingsfontjfcen migbt beconcUibcb. £)n tbe^ater# baye tbe king licenceb tbem tbat mere aboute btm to be» part to tbey? boufes, f m?it bnto tbe tbat mcrein Tcnbrtdge Cattel,tbat tbey tboulbe not motctt tbe iSarons,a6 tbcy xz* trirncb bomemarbeo : but tbey notmitbtfanbing being in armeo, mben tbey bearb tbat tbe Londoners mbicb ioere fleb from tbe faattaile mere rcceiueb into Crojdo'.,t\)t^ bttffeb tby# tber, anb flaying many of tbeni got great fpoy les. iFrom tbeme tbey ment to BriiiowM^zx tbey remayneb til Edward Hcnricthethi'r(Jc# xSj f^cktngs fonnetoas DcliucreD.SCljerctoaa flatnui t^jebaN taple at Leiv^f,(tubicb toas fousbt on tl)c rti.of^ap,)nboute rot,,/ cfG/ot<-A 45'oo.nien.aboot ttjat time a 0«t part otfVeilchcdi'.e in Lon- bfcV" » boas b?£nt bp trrafon. Crle Simon led tbc ia. f bio fon Edward about tuitb bint w.T,unto». till b^ b^tb 0ottc all tbe ttron0 Cattels of tbc lanbe into bpo bands, and tbcn put Richard iatn0 of Almame, in tolurr of London, aild Hdwarde tbS i^in0S fonilC in Doner Cattle, 3|n tbe mean time,Roger Mortimer,lames Audcley,Ro- gerLcybornc,Rogcr CliffordcjHaymo Leftrange, Hugh de Turberuilc,tDitb manp otb?r, rofe aljaintt Simo, bobo to re? Crapne tbep? boldneffe, airociatin0 to bim tb^ i^jincc of WAes tniXtii tbe Cattcll atHeref/rde,mti caufed Edward tbe fcin0S fonne to be b2ou0bt tbptber from Dw/w-.-after tbps bo trannc tbe Cattell of Hey, tubicbo belon0ed to tbe Carle of H*refordem'Qta\^ztboCattel ziLudloTv,nnti afterboattpngp caieioflb^- landes of Roger Mortimer,goetb tottjardes Mottntgomerte,% 'ov/taktn. tbere fabing pledges of peace oft' fapd nobles, be turnetb to fbefoutb partSjto mate tbe potoer,tDbicb toao fapd to come out ztFramce to tbe ftings apde. laopeA^rbancfentaiLegateand Cardinall, tbei5ilbcp tt Sahrine,into Engiande,hut tbcp migbtttot entcc tije tcalm, tbe flue ^3ojfs pjobibiting tbemttoberebpon tbep called cer? tain Cnglilb llBrttjops firtt to Amknce, and after to Bullotgne, to tdbom be committed tbe fentence ofercomunication to be pjonounced againtt tbe Citic of tbe Sue pojtes,and al tbofe tbat troubled tbe ?iing QtEngldds peace: but tbe llDp# Ibops dittembled tbe matter. 2Dbis pcare about tbe so.of 3une a notable blattng ttarre appearedjfucb a one as bad not ben fane in tbat age, iubicb rittng from tbe Call initb gret bjigbtnelTe tnto tbe midtt of tbe ^emifperie djeto bio ttreame,it continued till after ^i? XitrcfLccjif, rbaclmas. Anno reg.4,9 Gregory Rolccdey,Thomas of Dcford,thc zS.of Scptcm; Sherifes. > ThomasFitzThomasFitzRichard,the.28-ofOftober. CMaior. > ^ettoijCt Simon titLeiceBer,and Gilbert of GloHcesier ttrife aroCej Hcnrie tlic tliii dc* arofe,fo? t^at Simond not onln ftept t^e bins f of 5er,af p?> Vio^t"!rfJr. alfo toke to bimfcif t^e reneneiocs of tt)e bins* rovl'tht Eztic Oonte^fc. tobicb (bonlD banc bene eqttallp beutbeo amongS i^euefter. ^ Gilbirt of Glonceihr fieparting, iopiwD to btm in league tbe noble iinigbts of tbe Marches,'to\)'o (Srlc Simond t)ab commanbeb to anopoe fl>c Uealme,bat lohn dc Warca Carle of Surrey anO SttJJex,% William dc Valecc Crle of hrol^, bab b?ongbt a great potoer bp fea in tl)e Meaff parts oVvaies,wxti arriuing at Penhroky, Carle Simon leabing tbe king toitb bi»w>tocnt to Herefirde tnbere be gatbereb a great potoer, to opp?eSre tbe fapb knigbtoibnt tobile tbe |^?elatea labonreb fo? peace, Edward tbe bingo Ton being in t Caltel Bdtrr*t. bapeo after palbebit, anbbepartcb ♦ Stbe Carle of LeicePier toan tbe Cattle of Monmouth, anb lapbc it flat foitb tbe grounbe, anb entring into tbe lanbe of tbe Carle of Uth GlocePier calleb Glamorgan, mating tuitb tbe P?inCC OtiValei «gut. race (gmjuf^g f0 bto apbe,fbep beftropeb al toitb fire anb toojo, Edwardc tbe toingo fonne bearing tbat manpe of Carle Simonds partakers toere come to tbe Cattcl of Kemiworihe, tabpng toitb bt^n tbeCrle of GlocePier be bcparfeb from wor- anb came bpontbem at afobaine, toberebetobetbe Carle of Oxford, fir Wiliiara Mountchalfie, fir Adam New- march* HVnric tbc thi'rJc* s *7 march,fir Walter de Solcnlc anD otfjerranD Simon fotine of C^arle Simon harDip efiapeo m tt)z CaSellXlje ^arle of LeiceTter ^auitig 11)0 iJiing toith fjini. reltirneD oul of South. Wales, ano on JLamntao oapecauic to iCemfy, a place of the JSilhop tifWorceFier,mli 11)010 lacrieO 11)0 nejCl Oap,Edwardc tl)0 icings fon relurnco from Kenelmrth taworceller, tohofe relnrne being hnobjne, C^rle Simon oeparlingfrom Kemfey, bp bnbappp cbaunce Ifapeo in tl)c lotone ofEuefiamfy} on ^ tnojroUj being Ibe of ^agnffjEd ward tbe bings fon oepar* feo from worceBer paffing Ibe riuer ncare to ibe lotone caU leo cime, clofeo bp Ibe paflage bcltoirl CSarle Simon anb Si- mon bis fon, tobo toas at KiiUugrverth. ^n Ibe nejrt mojnpng ILojo Edward appjocbeonare to on Ibe one 0oe,anD Ba«»«e rf Gilbert dJarle of G'ocefter OH Ibe Olbef fiDe,anD Roger Mor- timer on Ibe itoo olber Goes, toberebp CDarle Simon loas fo enclofeOjlbal be muft eplber figbl o: paloeion iFrioap iber# foje toas Ibe Gftb bape ofiuguQe, tbep? armies enconnlreb eci) olber tn a large fielbe toilboul ibe lotone, iobere ibe fons carrying tfje fame fubmilfion totoaro fvmdfir, metric Roger Ley borne kntgbt at ColbrookeXobQ tumeO tljem bacltC againe, and after tbep Difeourfeo tbe inbol^ matter toitb bun, b^ tutllcD tbem to oeliuer to bim tbeir fubmilTton, anb be Uiouloe mone tbe 3Sing in it, tobifb^ tbing tbep DiO.0ftec fire Dapes tbps iinigbt returneo to tbe Citie, ano fapDe tbc fiing bao recepucD tbeir tojitings, totlltng tbem firtt to tafee atoap all tbe cbaines tbat inere in tbe fireetes of tbe €itie, ano {uilltbepofies out of tbe grounoc tbat tbe fame toere fireo in,ano b;iing botb cbapnes ano poltes to tbe SHotoer of London: tben tbe ^aio; toitb fo2tie Citizens tboulo tbe nerte oap following attenoe bpon tbe bing at tvwdfor to confirme tbep? tojpting, ano tbep tbouloc goe ano come fafe: in toit* neffetDbfreofbc ocliucreotbemtbebings letter ano feale, fo^tbefpaceoffoureOapes . Cbenertoape tbe Citizens being at wmdfire, attenoeo at tbe gate bntill tbe bing came from bunting, attobi^be time be toouloenotoncelcobeoti tbem. 0fter fbe iiing tnas entrco, tbep toouloe baue folio# tneo, but tbep toerefo2bioocn ilbojtlp after tbep toerecal# leo into tbe Cafiell,lnbere tbep mere locbeo bp in a Cotnje toitb bomelp entertainment: tbe nerte oap tbebinggaue bnto pjtnce Edwarde tbe ^aio? ano foure ^loermen, p relB Anxo reg. 5 o toere committco to feueral pjifons. Sherifes. ? Edward BlundiPeter Aungcr,the.28.ofSeptember. CMaior.^ Thomas FitzThomas Fitz Richard,thc.28.t){ O^ftobcr, 12(56 i{iingHenriecamet0i^Fe/?/w/«i?fr, ano tbere gauebnto furcricsioff. biuerfe of bis boulboloe feruauntes aboutc tbe number of Hfibert Brunt, tb^^rco^eboutboloesanoboufesmitbintbeCitie, fotbat tbeotonerstoerecompelleoto agree f rcoeemctbepjboures ano gcoos, o; elfe to auopoe tbem : tben be maoe Cuifos of tbe Hcnric the thi'rdc> tl^e Ctttr, 0r Othon ConeflEable oftlje STotoer^ to^o c^ofe JSapItfeo fo faeaccomptableto bim, lolm Adnan, ano Wal- tcr Haruy. Slittt tpis tbc lltiig tohc pleDgcs oftbc bcft mena fonties oftbecitte, tbe tobtcb^toere put in tbe Coioer of LomJo»,tin^ tbcre bept at tbo colics of tbcir parcnts.lSp srcat labour anb futc mabe, al tbc fo?efapbc perfons tobicbc lucre inA^/w<^rCaffeII,ctgbtonlpcrccpt,tDcrc beltuercb,anbtbc king agrab toitb tbe (Eittjcns fo? ttocntic tboufaub marhcs fo be papb,fo? tbelcaupingoftubicb fine, lucre tarce as tuel fcruauntes as boulbolbers, anb manp rcfufeb tbe liberties of tbe Citie to be quit of ttje charge. SCbcCattcIl otDoutr tuaspalbebto Edward tbc kings Tonne, into tbe lubicb be put Guy de Mountfort to be hcpte. SCbeCOUntClTc OfZ-««/?fr,luifC to Simond Mountlort,pab beb tbe Catlel aiPemfty to Hemic bir b?otbcr,tDbo fojtbf toitb faanitbcb bir tbe realm utEngUndtai euer.,3bout 0lba^ Ioluntibetbc€luancof£«yW returncb from faeponbc tbe ^eaSjUjitb bic came a lLegate,namcb Othobone iubo Ibojt^ Ip after bis comming,in counfel bolbcn at Northampton, ac curfeb al tbe UBilboppes anb p?iells tbat b^b apbf b CDarle Simon again® tbe i^ing, efpeciallp be curfeb bp name, Wal- tcr of Hcnric 0(London,f Stcplien ofChiche^er.anT} tbe JlBitbop QtLsHcolneWorcefter IbOJtlp after bCCCarcb, tbe 0^ R tber tbjee luent to Rome anb tucre affopleb.IDbe ilcgate alfo publilbcb tbe Popes IStill, fo? tbe tentbes of (Tbnccbes to bee papbctotbekingfo?tbenertpeare. Sir Simond tbe pongcr flebfromiCffw/ivar/^Caffel to tbebitberiteol'inigbtes,U)bo fben tucre in tbe Bile of Oxho/me,ix)\)et be remapncb not log, fo? tb?ougb mellengers luitb fatre p?omifes, anb bottages giuenbp Edward tbe kings fonne, be fo?fakingtbem,luent to London to tbc king f bis nobilitie, but being p?iuilp luar^ neb of tbcir guile,be mabe an efcape f got oner into Frawce. SCbe keeper of Guy Mountfort about drafter being b?p« bebjletbimgo,t luentUjitb biminto Fraunce.^iB Guy luet into Titfcane anb ferueb ©arle Rufus, in lubofc tuar luaping fiimons^be sktaineb to b^ue bis bangbtcr in mariage. 2C, Robert Henric the thir A-*. Battiiieof Cht- RobcrtFcrrcrs C^arlC of-Dre, t^erc came agaittlf tljcm lolm C^arle Warcn, fir Henric of Almnine, fic Waren of Bafingborne, atlD maitPO Ot{)Cr Bntg!)fC0, icljO OH tan^itfott cuen met toit^ouf tlje foton on l^unting.Cr Baud- wyn Wake,fir HenryHa[l:ingS;fir Gregory Caldwcl,fir Tohn Clynton,fir Roger Maundcuil.fir Richard Cald ,vcl,anD tO 1^ number of.rr^.^ntgbteo al bnber one fpearc,al t^ep ctjafeD ano put to fltgbf Cr I"'"' Danuil being in tfje totune bab bnbcrftanDing,b^ toitb a fmall companpe robe out,picrceo tfjjougb tfje l)oftc,tDounDing manu anb ef# capeb.Erlc Warenentcing tfje touine flcU) manp a man,ana toUetbeC&rle Ferrers,tuboUjvisficbe of tljegoute, anb tjaa f bat bap bene letten bIoua:bim tbep fente to tbe SCotoer of Loidy>i,kom tobbnce but latelp b^ (jab bin beliuereb. Henric HaRmgsanb bis companpcomming to Kemixvorth, founbe tbere fir lohn dc Eynuile anb manp otber baliant tinigbts* ^ir William de la Knowc,anb fir lohn de la Ware,bab toell Cafterbeficgcd. V Caffcl of all tbiugs ncceCTarie.feing Henric baffpng tbptber, beganne bis fiege tbe mojrotue after ^ibfommer bape, tubicbe fiege continueb til CbJitJmafTe after, foj fbcp tnitbintbeCaftell, not fearing bis fojcetobiebUjas great, fet open tbcp? gateo, anb neuer clofeb tbcm bape no? nigbt, come bubo fo moulb, tbep came to tbep? cofi,ro tbat manp a man inas fiaine on botb fibes, anb manpe tuere taken anb raunromco.aitlengtbtbeilegate,tbc3[rcbbitbop, t ttoo o* tijer 113iibops, came to make acco?be betto^e tbe king anb tbe bilberiteb,anb alfo tfiem of tbe Cattle: but tbe bitberits, no? tbep of tbeCattel tooulb grant to tbetkings toill,tDber« fo?e tbe legate accurfeb tbem anb all tbat toere of tbep? ac< co?b:but tbep of tbe Cattell, not regarbing tbe negate no? bis curfingjin mockagetbcrof,clotbeb a p?iea tbeir furgeon Ph U.p Porpeis,in a cope of tobite, f fettingbim on tbe €0!^ ttcl toal,as a tobite negate againtt tbe reb,mabe bim to ac* curfe (' ii.tbc negate,f al tbeir partakers.iSSlbiles tbis bm finelTe latteb at Kemii^mh, t'be bilberites toke 3(le of Ely, % H enrfc the thirJc# *9. i 0reit0l)tlf)iTeti it tn fuc^ toife t^at ti)tp ^el&e 0 rob' boo Norffolk^ Sujfolke f Caml>ridgefhtre,t}^t^ fpOPlCO ^ ClttC of Norvpich,% ranfomcD^ rub men at tbetr pleafure.:at Bardiol- mcwtide,^ ta.bolo a parliament at Ktiim^onh toberetn bi? bio ISarono toere,h)bubo being Cmome, cbofe to tbe otber bi.tbefe.rb* to maUe an accojo bettoeen tlje Ja.ano tbe oifberita:]^, Walter GefFord ilSifijop of Nicholas Of Off^^rcefleryf Walter 313.Off-vcir- /Fer,Roger dc Sumcrcy, Roberte Walronde,! Alayne dc la Souch Baros:tbefe bj.cbofe to tbem Gilbert (£. of Gioceiicr, Humfry CSrle Of Hereford,t\)t ^.ofS,Datiids,G\L lohn Bailiol, Or Phillip BaBct, anD Or Warayn dc Baringborne,tf tbtfe rt/. coulo not agra,tbe 3legate,f Hcnric fon to Richard feing of u4/mitine,ft)olo be t2lmpiers,tbefe met ano agruo at tbe laO. Hmo reg. 51 lohn Hinde:Iohn Walrauen,the. iS.of September. Shenfes, > William Richards, thc.aS.ofOftobcr. (J^Lmr.^ tbehingscomanoement, p 3i3ilbopo,0bfaofs,p?iD?s, ©rIeOjiBarono f bnigbto of p realmc tocre aCfcbleb at AV- thAJMpton on •§ ttoefoap ncrt befo?e 3[lbaIotonDap,tbcr to bn« berffano $ to confirm bp Oatute tobot tbe fojenameo ttneluc Oats bab Oecrito foj tfje ttate of p bingoomc, tobicb toas foj t Barons,:^ none Cboulo be oilberite, but j Mountfort f tbe Ferrers,^ Otber tboulo reoame tbeir lanes Xo monep, at tbe banos of tbe fcobo bab p fame in poOetfionoftbel^ings gift, fo ^ none ppOeabouebb. pcres balue, nojbnbcr itj.peares balue,tobicb toas tbe lctt,f tbis fbal be aOTetrco accojoing to t quatitp of tbetr trefpalTe.SCbs ficge of Kemlwonh pet conti# nuingjtbcp loitbin tbe CaOel began to be fo?e troubleo ioitb f Aire, ano alfo toer Ujitbout bope of fnccour to come to tbe, toberbpo on S.Thomas oap befoje CbJittmaffe tbcp pctlceo f Calfel to tbe toitb conoitio to Depart io life f lims, caftei7«'=we-i out lolle ofgtoDSjO? impjifonmentjano not to be DitberiteO. ^ucb of p oilberiteo perrons,as liKeo not f cjoinauncc of Kendrvorth,\j)f)o(e Captaine inas lohn Cimllc,after tbep bao taken tbe citie of Lmcoin f fpopleo tbe lewes tbep fleo again to tbe 31le of toboiie comming abmoetDben tbcliipng Ixiitb Hcnrie tfic tliir a!c» n great armpl^aODeltoppeo. Edwarde f^e hfnga fonne iDtt^ b;togea maoe of l^ttroiea ano bo;oe0, in place conue^ nient, as t\)t tnbabitaunts f bereabout bab inOfrncteb btm,be entree bpontbeHie, Tome oftbem tottbtn psloeb tbemto The Eru of btm, t otbw Difperfeo bp fligbt' ®3IIbiIes tbefe tbtngg tsiocefteMok: tpgfg 3 3 ^0^0 troublc began, foj tbe CSarlc of Gioce- London." ^er faWng part toitb tbe oilberites, came toitb an armp ga^ fberea in ^^/aint 0nD?otaes tioc to Canl)Iemaffe,tbat men ano beattrs palTeo 12(59* on ffflte from lAmheth to weHmmiier: tbe i^accbanoife luao Kic.Triaet, " tarpeo from SoKdrvich anb otber l^aucns to London bp lanoe. 2Dbe S.bap of 21p?ill, Edmund tbe iliings fonne marrpcb tbe baugbtcr of William dc Albemarle Oracle Of Holdernejfe, nameb Audina, tobptbe toao brp?c to bit fatber anb motber batbjbp reafon iDbcrrof,bc mas to baue toitb bir tbe douiv fie of-D^«f»;^r<',anbibeiLojblbippeoftbe 3llc of flight, but bebeceallebbefojc faotb fatber ano inotber, ano loftcall. reg.^^ TliomasBafing .'Robert Cornhil,lhe aS.ofScptemb. Shnifes. ? Hugh Fitz Thomas the 28. ofOftobcr. ^JMaior. > SCbc i^oblcs of £«^/4J?<3?,bp tbc lipngs tommaunbe ment, alTcmblfb at London, to treate of bvucrs matters, amongclt hZtnUumpL tbe tobitbe,onc InaSjtbat all men fboulb facfojc tbe lattices ^cbje bp tobat rigbt tbepbelb tbrlr lanoes, mbptbe matter bib mucbcmolcft tbe people, tintlU lohn Warrcn cBarlc of— S/mrey appcarcb, mbo being aOico bp inbat rigbt be belbc bis lanbcs, bcbjcme fobainelp out bis fmojb, anc fapbe,bp tbis 31 bolce mp d^ranbfatbers lanbs, anb mitb tbis 3 mill tidcpc tbem. tiapon multiplping of mojbes, tbe dSarlc Acme Allen dc la Zouch, JLojoe ibiefc Suffice of /ro^fnd,btfo}e tbe otber Suffices of tbe li5encb.0nb fbojtlp after tbc fame lohn cSric of Surrey,bp tbc otbc of 2 f fiinigbtsat wwchefler, afftrmco, tbat be bib not commit tbat facte bpon avip pjetcnccb malice, neptbcrincontempteoftbefeing, anbfofoj tbe fummc of 1200 macbes mas reroncFiCb. Sir Stephen Edefworth, the zS.otOftober. Thomas Wimbornc. jn.iii. Edwardc lihigs fflinieiDitl) ^vf„b?ot^cr Edmundc ano mtViipoibernoblesfapltnginto-#rf^gainfttbcinfiaels,bp b?s poUctc ana mani? aictcs fo aemcanea bnnfclfe, tljstof# tcntiincs Ije put tlje Tfirkes to great Dtfiiiojfbip, foj Difpigbt lub2»«Jof ii)cp fubo?neD a ^araOne to toounscbtmtDitba benemousDart, lobfreofbe tots long fichc, Hcmie fonne to Rich.ird iliing of Alfmyne nS toent tlliciigb Tufcang, at Vitcrbe iuas llainebp G«y dc JVlount^oi t. Shgyifes. 7 Walter PottcriPiiillip TayKKur,the,28.o{ September. CA'liigr- S lohn Adrian Vinteiier,thc.28.of0^tobcr. 1of Boil) in cheape fell EtoU)neanD fletu manpe Wii.r,ijhw£er. pcoplejincnanbanDlDomen. SOije epgljte anottuentieof 3|an«arieRicbarcleiyngof Almame auO Carle of CorndwaH, bjotf)er to iatng Hennc op.^ reafeD in tlje CaJicl of Berchamfieedc,% tuas burieb at Hajkt Annoreg.'S^ fin^bbepofl>i3fotinDatton, Sherifes ? Grejoric RokeflcY:Henrie Watcyj,thc.28.ofScptcinbcr. U\Uior. > lohn Adrian Vintencr,the.28.ofOftobcr. SDiucrfe bournes foDatnlp bjeafee out of tl)t bollotu pla^ tho.dc iFikc: Qf fjjp f(j^ aoD oncrflotueb a great parte of Cantarhu- rie Citie,tl)c lireame tutjerof teas fo toift anb btolent, tljat ttbarcbotonebuilbingsanb Ijoufes, anb bjotoneomanpc people. 3!n 3lune beganne a great rpot in tbe Citie of —I IZt— tbjougb tlje tubtcb t')e ^onafterie of tfje SDrinitie tuas bur* mofuWox. ifbct^bpon t\)C t^ingrobe botDne,anD malting enquirp vvich. for tbe cbiefe boers thereof,cauCcb.jrrjr.oftbem to be conbem* '■^^•57 nemneb,DjaiDen,!jangeoanbb?enf. Shsrifcs.'l Ricliard Parisilchn dc Wodeley,the.28.ofSep.tcmbcr.. UlfiiorA Sir Water Haruy,the.28.ofOflobcr. ' iiiitgHcnricibcmglichc, callcbtefo3"ebpni Gilberts iibixtrimuin cUre ,(^x\t of GloceHer.mxti caufcb hint to be ftDOjn to bepl5 the peace of the lanbe, to the behoufe oPiid warde Ijis fonne, anb then bpeb the fittdcnch of j^oiieniber,tn thc.p£ye, * I iiohcn Henrie the thi'rde* 5 tnl^enIjcl^aD raigneDlb/, pearcsandprbttj. tnvte, ^cfoas buneo at Cfjurcfj f>c fjaf neiolp builocd: left iffue, Edward btaclDcttfonne, bntotDfjom^ababDe i.rnWtn. fiiuen tbe Carleoome otcheH-er, tobo fttccadeb bi»" in limgbome, Edmund bis fecoiibefonnc bnto tobow b^ gtuen tbe dSarleoome of LancaHer, and alfo aftertbe deatb of Simond Mountfbrt and Robert Ferrers, tbc c^rledomes tALeiceUer and i>mo reg.z. Cbis pcare fell a great fiariaunceat Oxfarde, bettoant 1274 tbe Northren-SXi^ Irtjhmen, mange IriJhmen\sitXt fiaine. SCbc feconb bap of 0tiguff,l!tfng Edward came info /4»#iftom tbe Holy Land:^ anb on tbe fiftantb of 0uguffe, b» toitb ^Mnongii >27? EdvvarcJ the firft# ip7 Blianor toifc tocrc Crotoncb at JVeUminHer bp Robert Kilwarby arcbbltbop Of CamttrburU. Sit ftjis COJO# nation fiue bnnbico jsrcat lucre turneo Ioafe,catcU tbem iubo COUlD. Asjxandcrj^mgof 5'«rr«5iObomagctO Jitng Edward. S^b^i^ingcatffco Lcolin to be fommoned to bis parliament at wefiminHer, but bo tooulD not come, taping, bo rcmemb;eD tbe beatb of bis fa^ tberGntfcn. Nicholas Winchcfter;Henry Coucntry,thc aS.ofScpt. Sherifes.l Henry Welles, the 28. ofOftobcr. (JMmot, i £Dn Saint Nicholas eucn tuas great c&artbquakeo, ligbt# reg. 5. ningo ano tbunoer, tuitb a buge SD;agon, ano a blafiing ^farre,t»bicb maoe manp men foje afrapoe. 3|n a parliament at iveftmm^er, tafurpiuagfojbiDben vf«Tforbij. to tbc /espe/jano tbat tbep migbt bofenolunc, tbe fcingcoim /mW'. manoet) tbem to tueare a Cablet tbobjeaotbofapalme, tjpon tbeir outmoQ garmento.t^e alfo ojoepneo tbat 315a' kero malting bjeao lacltingtoeigbt atTigneo after tbe p?ifc of CumbereU ■ , 0 ricb man OtFrance brought into NmhumberUndtH Spa-\ nijh Clue as biggc as a Calfe of ttoo peares, tobitb tStoo bO' 1275 tng rotten, infetteo fo tbc Countrep, tbat if fpjeao oner all fbel5calme.Cbis plague of mojen, cotinueo rjrbib. peares Hen.ef leycejliiif fare it enoeo,ano toas tbe firtt rot tbat euer tons in England. ■ Lucas Batccourt: Henry Frowikc, the 28, of September. Sheriffs. > Gregory RokcHey Goldfmith, cbicfe mapftcr of iiingS CMaicr. S ^intes, tbc 28,of £Dttober. &tng Edward fauflOoO tbo Cattcll of ffrcngtbnco lo^Rot/fr. tbe Caftell o^Rw/and,mt} otber,againa tl)t fTe/chmen. Amitu CounteSe erfl>cirr' SI^Dtocr of MoKmfichet to be DeCrmjcti, in tljc tobtcij berore v-,'li:chc pfacc,tbe fapo Robert bailsco tlje late netoe CI)m"cb tbat iuas tben bp cbance of fire DecapeO. Sherifes. > lohn Home : Ralph Blunt,the zS.ofScptembcr. (JMaior.\ Gregory RokcncyGoldfinith,the 28.ofOftobcr. Annoreg.'y. ^tatutt Of Mortmain f fjjas MichacllTo- 1277 nyioasbangcDjOjatDneanDquartereofojSnreafon. JohniiMrfden. Robcrtdc Atat! Ralph FeurOjthe 28.of September. Sherifes.l Gregory Rokcfley,the 28.of Oftobcr. uvtator. S EJvvard gaue bnto Dauid,b?Otber fo Lcolin p;itnce Anno reg.6. ^py^les, flje ll.O?0tbtp Of Frodtjham, iofittb Dauid attenOCO ^ in tbe tiings'Coart,ano oib !}t»« picafant feruice,! c. ^icfiaclmas tearme fcoas hept at ^ lohn Adrian r Walter Langley, the aS.ofSeptember. L/rSiior.S Gregory Rokeflcy,the 28.of Oftober. . Annareg.-j. {juiloeo a Crong CaCeHtn^wiif?F/»/«,a( ^ "79 Llhampaternevaler. uvvti exe mation teas made fo? clipping of tfie J&ings copnc, cfiud? fo? toljicb oCvttce 2 67./^^ hjcre put to erecution. 2Dbe tDO?tbie ^ottlbiour Roger Mordmer, at Killing-' Round Tjbit it worth, appopntcu a Snigbtlp game, tobtcb toas calleotlje Kounb Cable, of anf)un6?eo jSnigbtes,anO fo manplla«! Opes, to tbe tobicb, fo? tbe ejcerctfe of armes, tberecame inanp tnarlihe lanigbtes from diuers i&tngdomeSf Robert Edward the 299 R.ol>ert Baling: William Mazal)uer,the si of September, y Gregory Rokefley, the 28.of Oclober. tJAfator.\ ^KUljrre as bcfo:e t!)is ttm0,fbc penp teas toont to banc a Double erode, toitba creatt, in futbe fojtc tfjat fame niigbt be enfilp bjofciit in ti)cnnDd,05 into four quarters, nnDrotobe>naDeintobalfepenre,o.:fartbintt0,ittuasiioln " i^gb. mDerneD tl/at pence, balfepctice- anc fartbings fboulDebe p'wio«2»cjj. rn.iDe rcur.De, mljcrebpon tuas maoe tbcfc clerfcs follow foing. . Edrvarddidfmiterotfndpem:,h('.lfepeyiy farthing, ^ i{tbcrinm»e^ The crofegajTes th'^ hond of all throughout the ring. The Kfrigs fide wut his head,a}id hie name writteh, . 7h e crojfe fde,rvhat Citie tt wM vi,coyned and fmttten. Tofoore'nan,ne toprieJl,thepenyfrayfesholhihg,' Afengiue God aye the teash, theyfsaH him rvith a farthing. yi thouftnd two hundred fourefcorejenres andime. On this money men wioftdred,wheh tt firft began to go. jat tbis time, ttueniie pence ioapcD an ounce of 7V^' .. tDeiobfjtoberebp tbe penp, baJf^P^oPjanD ^tbing,tuere of fioiD quantitic. , Thomas Boxc :Talph deJLamere,tl;c 28. of'Septen^jber. shertfes. ? Gregory Rokcflcy, the 25.dfOL^'bcf'.. tJALuor. > Dauicljtbe bjotber of tew lin i3jtnceof.frrf/^jr,rofe agatnd y^^tnoref-y. fbeiaing, auD in tbenigbt feafon bjafee intotbeboufcof Kogec Clirtbrcl, ioben tuas in.b,ie ¥0.a Q«pie, orr C^dcr, Dap"at nigbt,'anD feiit bint fettereD in'p^ns as a tbafe faiuo. SndwdonXs bts bjotbcr Lewlin. i^e aifo raiCfDahD.laiD ^tta on tbe grounDe,tbe CadellofF/'»cbelonging"totbciiing,. Wilii.nrj Farre-ncton : Nicholas ■Wjmchefler^thcaS.of Shertfes. ? Gregory,Roke{ley,.the^&rofOcl:ober. , cJJid/or. ) i^rcmCl^tffmas^ti^rtbo P«ri&^^ of oufiLaDpjtijer^^^wf reg. 10 inas fucb great irrofi asiDi^JiotD^^ tbe olbe liien^iauia remember tbe like, toberetbioiigb^j fine ar(^y 'ofLcm^onyil°i^i(ofi,jpr. ^5;iDgc, anD ^It Rochester BjiDge tiws bo?ne Dobmc, ana'Br°age,1mi aic rarp'eD alyap, loitb manp Sjtbges moje, %en gijO srches of JLo.i. fv.' f.. -donbrui;;e OUCr boine dovvn'j 3*0 12^2 lo.Eutrfden. Y ermouth and Donvvich fpoyled. Sheriffs. 1 iJl€uor. •> ^moreg. 11 Corne fold by vveight. The Tonne in Cornehill. BadtJ.BuldoJie. The Stocket market. Cufltmef tfloH, JTiL Edward the oucr tfje TloAmis bcttQffne Wefbni»^er ailD Ldfr.hth, 8115 UHetotfeoucr tljclxiucr of Mediray, bettuane Stronde anD RocheJlerfii\iiiQ\i. jFifl^co w ponDS,ano btrtio in tooibo oieD fo^inantoffcDbe. )dtrat£( of Zeland$X\,ti Holland anD Dw*- mch, DID fpople anD robbc tobofoencf ttjep met, fleto inanp men,anD carpeo atoap not a fcto ^))ippc0 toitfj all goDos in fb^ni. William Mazclyuer: Richard Chigwell, the 20.ofScpt. Henry de Walcis.thc iS.of Ociobcr. SC^is pcare f Ijc IBabcro of London toore 6rlf Djainne Dp# pon^^erDlco, bp Henry w.deis ^ato?, anD Co;nebDa)e( tben hrS folD bp inetgbt. SnijiS Henry Waleis ^atOJ ofLondm, catlfCDtO bOOff# ctcDaccrtapnebonfc in one cftljebigb^ffplacesofZ,e«t^», tofjicb boufe toao calleD t^c Tonne bpcn Cornehdi, to be a pji# fon fo? nigtjt U)albcro,anD otljcr fufpitions perfons. al# fo bp tbe iliingo licence, caufeD to be butlDeD an boufe calleD tl)e5/#c/^r,0nflje j]50jtb Cbe ofSaint Mary Wolchurchin London,xoht a market foj flcID anD filb intlje miDff oftbc Citie, anD certapne Ijoufeo nare bnto Powlcs Church, tbe p;ofitcs tberof to be recepueD bp tbe ^aplfers of tbe 315?iDgc ofz.#W#»,totDarD£; tljc maintenance of t^e fame 15.:iDge. JlingentreD ^-«/^rtottljanarmp,appDpntingbi«f fcDtemento occupp tlje entmteoin figljtjiDtjtlesljisljoJft' men in a totng fet on tlje rcre battaple: tjimfelfe toitb a po# foer kept bts place,tDl)^rc be pigbt bi« golDen 2!>3agon,Dn# fo tlje tofjicb as to a Caltcll,tbe inounccD anD tnarie mtgljf repaire: but Dauid flatng, tbe Sing toitb bis potner folio# UjeDjanD as be paffeD bp a Ujcdd, tbere ilTueD out oftbe fame a foure tboufanD ivdchmen, inbicbe inuaDtng tbe Sings ar# mie, maoe great flaiigbtcr, but at length tbe Sing mar# cbing fbiougb, bp IfrongbanDe entreDtbe (Tallell otOxe, anD toketobere be lolf William de Awdley,Ro- gcr Clifford tbe ponger, anD ftoelue otber of bis cbicfett Coptapnes. ' loha Edward the firft* 3°* lohn Peckham Hrc^btd^op tsXCantHrhurh fentfCtl) COtttf j jg manDcmcjttfot^e llSilbop ofLWf«,fofieffroy all — nagogucs oftfje /rtPtfioit^infjisoioceg, Bfter tlje^rciibi^ nciervct ifjopio}itet^tobitn to toUrato tfjem to butlDotte Cfjurclj infome open place in tbeCitie ofZ.Wff»,U)f)cretljeiimg ' ' (bonlo appoint, fo tijep beSoln no great coS, no? bfe tbcir fonti ceremonies. Ralph Blound : Ankctin dc Beteuile, the 28. ofSeptcm. sheriff. > Henry de Walcis, the aS. of Oftobcr, LMahr. \ Leolin ja^ince ofw«/«,came Dotone from tbe ^oon;< Annorer.n fapne tiXSnmdon, to MoHntgcmerie, auD toas at (engtl) taben no. atBweith Caffell, lobtrebfing repjocbfuU toojoo againffe ^ 284 tbe Engiijhmen, Roger le Strange ranne Ppon btm loitb tbe ^&tDo?o toberetoitb b^ toas girt, ano cut oflp i)is beao, leac uingbis beau boon ontbegrounoe, ^ir Roger Mortimer caufeotbe bead of Lewlinto be fet bpon tbe Cotoer ofLo;/* torrc tbenput inpjtfon,anb afterU)aroe0mo?e, tuboalltoere b?aUjne anb bangeb,faue tbetuoman^tobo toas burnt: t^efe toere of tbe poster fojf, but tbe ricb of tbat malicious company efcapeb fo? money. 2Dbs Cburcbetoas interbirteb by tbe^rcbbilbop, anb tbe bo?etoitb tbetuin? botu toas fioppeb bp tuitb tbojnes, tben tbe faib Laurence toas tabcn bp,anb buryeb in tbe Cbnrrb-paro. SDbe great Conbuit in Cb^ape bjas begon to be builbeb. Sheriffs. ? Stephen Cornehiil: Robert Rokcflcy, the 28. of Scptem. > Gregory RolccOcy , till tbe feaff Of Peter anb Panic, yimore^. 14 anb tbat bay toas tbeCitiefcifeb into tbei^ings banbes, X^ibtreics of anb Ralph Sandwich appoynteb Culfos bntill Canble* Londonfeafed. tbentuag cbofon lohn Bhton bntill Saint Marga- rets bay. 11^6 iulfes toas pjoclaymeb at BoHoh, in tbe faire time, tob^r^ofone part came in tbe babiteofsponcbes,tbeotbec F*j««Bofton intbefuiteofCbanoSjbjbobab couenatebaftertbeSlultes w^o^A'urfo. to (poyle J^aivc. tbe atcbieuing of tbeir purpore,tbey 2bo. iifjfixs. gfgj, sDotune in tbJa places. 3t is faib,tbat ttreames of Ciolbj&iluer, anb otber mettall molten, ranne into f fea. SCt)c Captayne of tbis confeberacie tuas Robert Chamber- lame cSfquier, tubo bias bangeb, but tooulb neuer confeCfc bis fellolues. t^bcatc £uas folbc fo? rbj. pence, ? rii.pence ^©narfer. Sheriffs. ? Walter Blunt: lohn VV«dc,the 28.of September. Cstsloj. > Ralph Sandwich. Anno reg. I y ^ctopcarcs bay at nigbt,as tucl tbjougb V bebeme# b5inb,as biolenceof ^ea,many Cburcbes toere .ipfvvich peri. oucrtbJoUjne anb betlroycb, not only at Yarmouth, Donwtch, Itbn ^crfden, anb fgfwich, but alfo in biuers otber placesi ufEvgUtsde, ano otber E Jward the firft* ottier Ue5t0H« aniopningto t^c&ea,efpcdallp in f^atparf ^ CtEnglandloljlCl) IS CallCO Mem land. 3il t^e UjfjOlC p?OUince —• feaa foj flje moft part turncc into a ttanomg pole, fo tljaf intollcrable inultitnbc of meitincrc oncrflciUjcD, aiiDoe* ffropoD Uiitb tbe toater. 313p rcafOH of UJJonga Oone bn Paine Tiptot, Rice ap Me- ridcth rcbcUeo in f-ya/es, ano oiD mtul) ^urt, againU tofjomc came Edaiond tije lyings fa?otber,ani) at tbe fage cfDurfe- lommer inas fo epcobing bote, fbatmanp men bpeb tb?ougb tlje ertremitie thereof, anb pettuboatetoas folbe at L»Wo«fo?tb?aS>billmgs four pence tbe Quarter, 'TzsT*' anb fucbecbeapenes ofBeanes anb JBeace, as tbe litre bab notbinbearbof. William Hereford: Thomas Stancs, the z8. ofSeptcmb. sherifes > Ralph Sandwich. Cuilos. '\ dD" reat baple fel in EngUndmx^ after enfueb great ratne, ^ fbat tbe peare follotoing, tobeate teas rapfeb from tbJa 12g|' ' pence tbe faulbell, to ficteene pence, anb fo encreafeb peare# —■ ip, till it mas laSlp folb fo? tmentie ^btllmgs £I^uarter. STbo Citie QtCareiile, ^e 0bbep, mitb all tbe Ijoufes be# longing to tbe iFriers ^inojs, mas confumeb mitb fire» William Bctaynerlohn of Canterbury, the 28. Skerifes.} Ralph Sandwich. Mbicb Ralph befoje Canbelmas Ctislos. i toas bepofeb from tbe Conffablelbtppe of tbe SComer 18 of London , anb in bis place mas putte Ralph de Bamc- iiers Rnigbte , mbo mas agapne remoueb on fbs i^oiioap' after Canblemas bape , from tbe cnttobieofthtTovvS of /ln»o reg. I Inflicts p^ufi' shed. Cr0* Rueful,Baldo^c^ ScaU Croni. lohnl^oufe. Edward the firS» of tl)e CitiO; ano in t)to place toao ^ir lohn dc Briron. Rice ap Mendctli toaO bP tlje (Sarle of CerKetra/l m fl^o Bingo abfence fabciij Djafconc, bangeo f quartcrco at nr^. William dcBicofacaUeD t^C fcntOJ, btceafeO tAFindon^ aitO toao burpeo in tije iponaCcrie otSeU. Falkcof S. Edinond: Salomon Ic Sotell,the 28. of Sept. Sir lohn Briton, p Bing Edward returning out of Gafcome, tob^rebcljab remapneo ib?® peares, ttoo monetbeo, ano eUuen oapeo, toao fjonourablp recepueo of tbe LondeKen. Bing Edward belD a parliament at H'enmin^ier,^\itxt* in tfjc tranfgretriong of oiuero Binfticeo toao trpeo out, and punilbeD acco^oinglptfome lott tbeir giotieo, anb tben toere baniibeb: fome, as toell of tbe bencb,as of tbe aHifes, tuere rent to tbe SDoioer, Inbieb ^itb Steat fummes of monep ob^ tepneb Ubertie. B>ir Thomas Weylandbab all bis goibes, botbmoueableanb bnmotteable confifcate, anb toas banu tbcb: ^ir Ralph Hengham, cbiefe Sutticc of tbcbigb^r bemb, ofifereb 7000. marfees t feir lohn Louetet Suffice of tbe loUjcr bencb 3000, marhes : B>tr William Bromtone Blulfice 6ooo.marhes. €)f tbeir ClearKes foj tbeir rebemp# tion ? ^f Robert Littclbunc I ooo,niarkest£)f Roger Ley- cefter t ooo.marfees: £)f ^ir Salomon Rufx, cbiefe Blultice of 3!ITifeS, 4000, marbes : ^f^ir Richard Boylond4ooo. marbes:£Df &ir Thomas Sodcntonc :ooo. iiiarbest^ic William Hopton 2000, marbes t £Df Robert Prefton 1000, marbest^ir Willia Saham ^ufticc 3 ooo.marbes: jaDfacer^ tapne Clcarbe of tbe Courfes, calleb Adam de Stratton, 32000. marbes ofolbe monep anb neiue, befibe ietoelles toitbout number,anb pjetious beCfels of bluer, tobicb toere founb in bis boore,anb aBings CroU)ne,tDbicb men fapbe toas Bing lohns. ^ojcouer, tbe Btng ccnttrepncb tlje im ttices to fmcare, tbat from tbencefojtb tbep iboulbe tabe no pention,fdt, 0? gifte of anp man, ercept onlp a bjeabefalf, oj fucblibepjefent. ^e bani(beballtbe/taplc toao o?tiepnetJ to be fecpt at Sandmch. Ralph Blunt: Hamo Box, the 28. of September. S^serifes. 7 Ralph Sandwich, Cuslos. y SCifc eightenth of ^ouember, iiing Edward fate in hto ^mo reg. 21 fribunatireateati?e>-j?"/te,anD hauing hearothe aCTerticns of the competitojo of theCroUine titScotUnd,\^t aoiuDgeo Scotland, lohn Bail liol to be truc heire of Scot/and,ann thercfoje to ens Hiordes. iopthe fame tohoIetaingDome,tDith the appiirtcnanceo, ano affigneo him to bo him homage, Inhirh toao pcrfo?meo oXtvorham the ttoentith of ipouember, ano alfo on Same Stephens Oap foIIoVtling at NerocaTlell. ©ueene Ehanor opro at Herdeby, a SCotone nare to Lin- cotne, hir boinelo ioere faurpeo at Lincoine, hir boOp Inao —— bjought to H^eBminfber, ano there burpcO:the tling maoe at euerp place tohere the 0apeo, a co0lp Croflfe, toith the flJuaneo image bpon it, channg Crojfe, the Croffe in fyeA^ cSc. ChiApe of London, 'DmJlAble, Saint eyilbons, Waltam Crojfe.janfi t^hro.Dun, Others. C'reat oifcojo arofe bettoirt the Mariners of France, ano them of Portefmouthanti toherethJough the Eng- /tjhmea fu0epneo great Io(lie,buf thep complaining to the thtFicneh. jaing, 3"^^ Edward the firft* Sing,obfet?nct) licence to reuenge rijelr etone fojotrgeij an6 toiffjcut a|>De eytbcr tXWAles, ScotUnd, OJ IreUnd, itjcnfe to tljc ^ca h)itf) fire fiuntj?ei) ^fitppes, ano fct tjpon tljeir c# niniic0, nna tche tino fiunojelf) ano fiffdene French ^fiips, ano ojoue tbcnifo tlje 3lc ofGfWf/9',aiiD afterp?efeiite& tijcm to t\)t iiing. cn.bri!ge: SCijcntiUlj of0gccat part offfieSCotoneotCam- T,h^'iucrfdtn. Cljnrcl) of our Lady, taao confumcD ioitlj fire. CbegmOeo as loell Scmpojall, as fpiritiiaH of all re# Itgious people in £''^W,iDere tareo, to pap tfjc tentfi part totbcl^mg. TI.e Miaoricf. Afinortes, a j^ttimeriC toltbOttt Aldgate QfLondon, ^^Mnddo'-, fonnoeD hp Edmond c&arle of £fr«y?fr,b3ot(jer to htitg a,r. sDfie fame pearetfic fame Edmond anD fits Intfr ano all the Engitp>tnen toere banithco oat of the French hings honttnton. Sherifes. > Henry Bole rElias RulTcll, the sS.ofScptGmber, CuFtos. S Ralph Sandwich. ~Annoreg.22. Nichobi Farrengdon luaS the firfi.3l0erman. i'irft Aldcimii 2Ch?a men hao their right h^hs cut off in M^eaFl cheApe,. w Loudon, refcuing a]|>jifoner, reffefi bp an ^Officer of the Citie of London. Gilbert (Sarle of GloceFter opeo, icauing tlTue thja — Daughters, anD one fonne toithin age, begotten of lane htstoife. Sherifes. ? Robert Rolccflcy the yongcordcr: Martin Ambrcsbcry CuFios. > Ralph Sandwich. (the sS.ofScp. SChe thirtcnth-of ^Dctober, being ^onDap,all the Clear# PSittAEngUnd granteD a ^ubfeDie ofthc one halfe of their fruites anD reuenues fw one peare to the liing. Anno reg.ri 31"tfic quinDencofS.Martin, tfie 31ufficeS'///»«*^^jfate W.pMfhin^ton. toithout London in tfie iSilfiop of Couentries honfO, at § ffonc Croffe. Roger Pmelcfdcn.Captain to the ^e/chme, fpoil^ f burneD the parches, d^reat ^notoes f toinDs did great h^hte in England. to.iter of Thamss onerflotoeD the banhes. Edward the banhe«,f a great bjcacb at Rotherheath beffaes Lo»de>f,m\t loto jjroullbe about Bermondfejf,tMti Tothill\aRQ ouerflofeeD. Hcnrjr Box: Richard Gloccftcr,thc 2 8. of September. Sherifts.' Sir Ralph Sandwich.. Cufies. j SCbe i^ing paDTing f Inatcr of Co>t(nvfy,mt> fo fojtb info ylnnort^. 24 /Frf/ej-Ujttb anarmpagainStbe wtlchm:n, builDeotbeCa^ cadeiofBtv/ Besppmavifh, int\)e 3fle of Anglefey. WiytWelchmen Ivihn ioerecofumeb bp famine: tfjcir tomos toere fcUeD,anl» ma? npCaQela fo;tifieo, tbeir Captapne inaa taben, f b;ougI)i to LfW<'»,anofofoj that time tbeiuarresfeafeD. ^ ^ SCfje Fremhmtn arriUCD at Doner, fpOPlcD the ICofonC, ' anobjente a great parte thereof, amongtt other tljepfleUjc Oouerfpoyied. Thomas of Doner,^^onbe ofgreat fjoIpncCe. SC^e Sing caufcb nil tlje ^onafferies in £»^Wfo be r/7.p^t«. fcarcbeb, ano the moncp in them to be bjoughtc bp to Lov- don. alfo feifeo into hie hanos all their lap fkSj bpcaiifc ^-sbcipcficd. thep refufco fo pap to hint furhe a SCare as he oe.manoeD. ipojcouer, he caufeb the imollanb leather tobeflapeoin £«^/W,ano there foltotoeo great Dearth ofcome ano mine. 2Cherc rofca greatc Difco^De at Oxfirde, bettoanc the Clearbes auD 3lap men, ano allbpcaufeofttuobarletsof tvvixte the Diners Countreps,UJhich fell out about a fmall matter, foj xo"v'l"nn"l af bpon thatoccaSon, fome tcobe one part, ano fomc another, oxiotde.'" anD fo all mere DeuiDcD into partes,in fomuch that learneD anD lemocbpflocbmcalerannetothe fight, ancmhenthe fechollers oj Clearbes mere gone cut of ttjeir l^oftles, the ^itie percepiitng either none, oj elfe berp feibe to be re.« maining at home,entreD the Clearbes loDgings,anD carp^ 0D amap a great Deale,? manp binDs of tf uffe,f 0 the great f bnrecouerable Damage of the ^chollers. Bin this feirmilh mas fiapne ^ir Fullce of N'eyrmon[h,psit(on otPicheleilhsrne, anD manp other on eptherfiDe.IHhe l^ing hearing there^ of, rente ^alliciaries forelfoje the peace, ano to eonDemnc the murtherers, mhich Inhe thep came, fojccD the SDomnefx men to pap the ^cholers ttno hunojeth pounDes fo; oorna^ gesDonetn^em, ta.ij. lobn 10^5 Edward the fir(L Sh rifes ? ofDunflrabIc: Adatn dc Halingbcry, the aS.ofScp.' cJf}L *> Breton. tKJas made CuQois of re^.2<, ^iiin0jRalph Sandwich betttg rcmoued, atto the mo2roU) af# ter SaintBarnabes dap, all tf)c Jltberticd tdere reSojsdto tljc Cttie of Lo»dof>,ti)e ^atraltie erccpfed. O^iU Pachm^ttn. lohn Bahol Jiing ofs'^s/^^jcontrarp to bis alegiancc rc» 7fo9.r«i>i. belled, Uiljerefojc Itin^ Edward batted bim tbitber, and ^ tnonnc tbe Cattelo ofBerTvtke,ano Dmbitrre; be Getoe of tbe Scottes fine and ttoentp tboufand:be conquered Edenbonugh^ vvoii Bervvike. be found tbe regall enOgnes of S'm/ Crotone, seoainj?^ ^tepter,and clotb ofettafcic. 3inbisreturne,becalleda J3arliamcnt at z? Sirlohn Breton. Anno reg.26. iitng F^ardc Ottered to Saint Edwarde at IVefiminHer^ tbeCbapje, ^cepter,and crotmieof CToide of Vs^Scotufo litng. Cbeiiing encreafed tbe fribitte of tbe tnrolleSjtafttng fojeuerp ^acbe ftijtie &btllin0e>tobwe befojc tbattime tbep papde but balfe a martte. %\\tSeottes bp tbe tnttigation of William Walleis,rebel# Ied,and put tbe Engitjhmen to mucb trouble, and lolTe of ma# up men. tiing Edward fapledinto Fla»ders,to refcue Guy tbeir 129^ Henry Waleis, the 2S.ofOctober. CMatirrX l^ing Edward bclDe a great parliament 0? counfell at chro.Dun. StepenboAth hv London, in tfiC bOUfC of Henry VVrdeis£paioj Annoreg.i-j of London. Certapne perfono of tbe Citic of London bjake bp tbe SConne in ComMl, ano tmke outrertapnc pjifoncrs, fo? tbe tobicbs nine of tbem tocre punitbeo bp long emp?if fonmentano great fines, ^t cotttbe Citizens moie tban *^"^99 20000. markes to purtbafe tbe J^ings fauoure, ano confirm mation oftbeir liberties. 2Cbe rrir.of ^arcb, a bebcment fire being ktn&leD in tbe letrei" ball of tbe pallace at JVe^lm^n^^rer, tbe flame thereof being Djiuentoitb njinDc,fireli tbe sponaffcricaOiopntng, and thl King! tnbtcb initb tbe pallace fijere botb confumED. Pauace confu- n- -E / • 1. ' -r J ^ € niecvv'irhtirc. Saint Martins Cb«rcb t\)t tauitrie at London toas neU) rMokt. bailDeD,bp tbe erecutojs of Mathew Columbers. king vwmc toent to r<»-/^e,anD fo into Scotland toitb a great potoer. new buildeJ* 0 certapne ricb Citijen of London occeafing, a great nua ^ ^ ber ofpc;e people inere alTembleD to receiue bis charitable t!il,ii;. ooale. 3 X o Edwardf the firftj i^n.Bcggirt iJoale,amottgff toljomc funoapnclp rufl&ea in tl^e fonnefi ef miirthc^dis Bclyail,coucttng tofnatc^ t^emcnep from tl^c rrecuto^s Ijanos, but railTing of tbcir purpofe, tl^ep fell on tl^e pccjc people, murtljering 12c?.anD ojotoncD 30. oftljem,bpcanfe one of tbembaD betD?apeo tljeir former InsrUeo purpofes. Price of Palter £Cf)»s j?cm toas maoe an 0rte of common connfell fo? pjiccsofbtrtualofoberolfiaf Lo*r^^«,bpccnrentoftl)cl^tng and il^obilitte, concerntng tl^ep^tce of J^otuUerie. :^fatte Cocke fo^ t^?ec l)alfepence:ttno pulleto fo? b^t'^'^P^nce; a fat Capon fo? tUio pence balfepenp: a C'cofe foure pence; a ^allaro tbJa balfe pence: a JBartriOge fo? tb:a balft pencetai^^eafant four pence: a^^eron Ore pence: aj^louer onepenp: agjtoanne fo? tb?a : a Crane fojpb* pence: tino ?ll2IoDcocko fo; tb?ee balfe pcnce:afatte ^ambe from Cb?tffnra£( to <&b?ouettDe Ojct^ne pence, anb all tbe tobole pearc after fo? fonr pence. Sheriffs. V Armentcr: Henry Fingric, the zS.of September. ejiiaior. 5 Elias RufTell ,the 28. of Oftober. ^morf£.28. 2CbeftmginaoecrnellU)arre bpontbe^'mce/, anbb»t» oftbema great bicto?te, anb tben tbep p^lDeb tbemfelnes to bis mercie. Faife Money. Healnw toass tronbleb Jmtb falfe monep, Inbtclir 1:00 tDascallebCVo^rif«,anb/'f/W,copnebiHpartesbeponbtbc — ^eao, anb btfereb fo? fferltng, fo tbat manp tberebp toere becepueb, tobitbc bpon Saint Stephens bap Inao clotten tti tlno,anb tnao accompteb but balfs tbe balue.£)nCaQer euen tbe fame moneptDa£tfo;btbbentb?ongb all anb after calleb in, anb netucopneb,to tbe Iktngs great ab^ uantage. H fobeine fire enclofeb tbe iponafferieof GieceUer, (i;iopfficr,llBelfrte, tbe greatcbamber,toitb otber butlbingff tuasconfumcb. i^o? tbe ellablilbmenf of tbe peace betf ^ane £»^ W anb- miTAmx- France, tktUg Edward tmke tO toife Margaret, fitter tO Philip Ic Bew tben iking of France: tbep toere marriebat Cantur' bttrie,. Lucas Edward the 311 130T Lucasdc Haucring; Richard Champcs,theiS.ofSepteni. £ijgy.jfgj ^ EliasRuflclhthc 28.ofO ' jnIiefabDaeDa0reafpartofttieIam),ftDhettjeCaftelIof£- ^ fireuelmMti) otl)er,f Hiabe t^e HojDS (tocare to btnifealtic anb bomage. 3n t\)Z meane lobtle, t^e ^u^ne toaa cott^ nepeoto Lontlon, agattifietDboin^) Citizens to tbenum^ ber of^oo.roOc m one liuerte of reo ano tobttOj toitb tbe to# gntthitceoftbetr tntdertefi bjotbereo bpon tbetr iietueo,anD recetueo btr four mtleo toitbout tbe Cttte, anb fo tonuapeo bir to Wf Robert Caller: Peter deBofcnho, the 28,of September, cl a Sir lohn Blound.the iS.ofOftober. (jn/ior's SCbe tUtng gane to Edward bio fonne, tlje pjtncebome of ^ «f''«/w=anDtopnet)tberbntotbe£DutieDomeofCor»«r^//,anD " tbe(i£ar!eoomeofCAberifFes, armed in tbeir armeSjtball come out of tbe fapd Cburcb of Saint Panic bn# to tbe fapde dfl.:e,liiitba banner in bis bande, all on fccte, Xubicbe banner Iball be Cueles, tbe linage ofSaintPaulc C-olde: tbe face, bands, fate,and f£Do?d,of ^iluer: and af^ fcone as tbe fapoe Robert (ball fa tbe ^l5aio?,3ldermen,anD ^berif&s come on fcote out of tbe Cburcbe armed toitb fucb a Banner, be lljall aligbt from bisi^ojCTe, andfalnte / tbe ^aio:,and fan to bim: ^ir ^aio?, 31 am come to do mp ferutcc Inbicb 31 otoe to tbe Citie, and tbe ^aio? and ^Idcr^ men Iball anCxoere, toe giue to pou as to our Banerar of fa in tbis Citie, fbis Banner of tbe Citie, to bcare f gouerne to tbe banc? and pjoSt of tbe Citie to pour potoer: and tbe fapd Roberte and bis beires iball recepuc tbe Banner and (ball goe on fmte out of tbe gate toitb tbe Banner in bis bands,and tbe ^aioj,aldermen,and ^beriffes Iball folloto to tbe do?e,andb?ingal^o?refotbe fapdeRobertc too?tb ttoentie pounds, tobicb 5^o?fe iball be fadled toitb a faddleoftbs armes of tbe faide Robert, and iball be couered toitb fendall of tbe faide armes. ^Ifo, tbep iball pjefente ta bim rr.f .ifcrling monep, and deliuer to tbe Cbamberlapne of tbe raid Robert fo? bis erpcnces tbat dap.SBben tbe fapde Robert ibal mount bpon tbe bojfe tobicb t ^aio? pjefented to bim>toitb t Banner in bis bad,ano alTone as be is bp, be iball Edward the 313 C^al fa^ to ^ato;, t^at caufe a ^arfl^all fa 'jecl()oraii foj ffje f)oft, one of tt)e Citie,tol)tc^ ^arlftal being cbofen,^ fapde Robert Oiall commaimb fbc ^awanoiSurgcDresof fbe (Title, to toarne tbe commoners to affemble togitber, f tbep Ibal al go bnocr tbe Banner of Saint Paul:anb tbe fata Robert (ball bearc it btmfelfebnto Aidegate, ana tbere tbe fapoe Robert ana s^aioj (ball acliucr tbe fapae Banner of Samt Paulc from tbence,to toboiw tbep (ball allent oj tbinbc gcoa.^na if tbep mutt mabe anp iffiie fmtb of tbe Citie,tben fbe fapa Robert ougbt to cbofe ttoo fo?tb of euerp U)arae,tbe tnott fage perfonages, to fojfa to tbe fafe baping of tbe ohcmanrp be impleaaea in p Gwid /f4tf,ofanp thing that toucbetb not tbe boapof tbespaio;^ fo; the time is, 0; that toucbetb tbeboaue of no^bsrife, it 314 E^vvard the it fs not laiofiiU to tfje&otteman of t{)e&ohemanrtooftt)0 fapo Roucrt Fitz Walter to ocniano a Court of tlje fapo Ro- bert,ano tl^e ^aio;t ano t)to Citijono of Lo>jdo>i,ought to grat ^tm to ^ane a Court ano in hto Court ougijt to b2tng bi< iuDgemcnt HO it is aOPentoO ano agroeo bppon in the GuUde //^/,tt)at(balll)egiucn bim.Sjfanp tt)erefo?ebe taken in hvi ^okenrp,be ougbt to bane his Sockea ano impjifonment ia his ^oken^ ano be tbat be b;ou0bt from tbere to G»i/d mil before tbe^aio?, f tbere tbep Iballp^ouioe bim bio tuOge«: ment,tbat ougbt to be giuen of bim-.but bio iuogement ibal ' notbe pubtilbeo tillbecomeinto tbe Courte of tbefapoc Robert ano in bio libertie,0no tbe iuOgement (ball be fncb* tbat if be b^ne oeferueo oeatb bp treafon, b^ be tpeo to a poS in tbe at MfflOtobarfe, tobereboateo arefaCeneo, ttuo ebbingo ano tUio flotoingo of tbe Mater. 0no if bt£ bat conoemneo fo? a common tb^fe, bo ougbt to be leooe to tbe Clmeo,ano tbere futter bio iuogemet ao otber tbsueo: ano fo tbe taio Robert ano bio bep^eo batb a great bono? tbat be boloetb a gret ftanches tuitbin tbe Cttie,tbat tbe ^aio? of tbe Citie ano Citifeno are bounoe to Oo bim of rigbt,tbat is to Tap, tbat toben tbe ^aio? mill bolOe a greate counfel, b^ ougbt to call tbe fapo Robert ano bio bep?ed to be toitb bptn in Counfell^ano of counfell of tbe Citie, ano tbe fapoe Ro- bcrt ougbt to be ficDo^ne be of counfel iottb tbe Citie againS all people, fauing tbei^ing ano bio bepieo. :^no toben tbe fapoe Robert commetb to tbe t^upllings in tbe Gwide mil of tbe citie, tbe (i^aio? o? bio lieuetenaunt ougbt to rpfe a« gainltbtm ano fet bpm ooton n^rebnto bim,ano fo long as be ie in GuUde mil, all tbe iuogemente ougbte to be giuen bp bio moutb accojoing to tbe Ueco?oe of tbe Hecojoera of tbe fapoe Gttiide mil, ano fo manpe toeifs as come fo long as be is tbere,be ougbt to giue tbem to tbe Baplifes of tbe toton, 0? to tobom he toill, bp tbe Counfell of tbe ^aio? of the €u tic. Cbefe be tbe rancbifes tbat belongeO to Roberto Fitz Walter in London,in time of peacc, tobicbe fo? tbe antiquitie I b^ue bere noteo out of an olo Ueco?oe. Wjlliam Edwardc the 5 * S William Combmartin.-Iohn Burforde, thc.zS.ofScptcm. 1 Sir lohn Bloundthe.iS.ofOvTtobcr. Ctiftot. > Richard Grauefend JSpI^op OfDCCCafC&,lDljO 15 W pojte&bp fometobauc purcl)afeDtfje(S:hartcr5 anb iLibcr? GrtZ^lndBi* ties fO} tbc Citic at London Ut tbC peare of our JlO?t). r; 9 r.ilt o?l-onbat Cent tbem p^ifonero into England. %\)e i^ing returning onf of Scotiande bp tbcCitie of Torke, commaunbeb tbe Courteo of tljebinge 20encbe anb fbe Exche^/ter,iifyk^ fjbb "btb remapncb at Torkelotf.^ems, to be remotteb to tbep^ oloe places at London. Roger Pares-lohn de Lincolncjthe.aS.of September. Sherifes. 7 Sir IohnBlound,thc.28.ofO(ffobcr. ChFIos. S Jitng Edwaide belbe bio CbJifflWalTe at Lincdne, tobere Amo regA 7, ^eo;bapneb ^uSiceo of SDraplebalfonagainQe intrubero Draw rhy ftafFe iitto otber meno lanbeo, truce bjeabero, erto2tionero,mur;> berero, anb fucbe like oflenbouro, bp inbpcbe meaneo tbe Jkingo treafttce Ixrao marnelloullp encreafeb.Roger Braba- fon anb Robert dc Reucr fatte at tbe Guilde Hail in London to beare tbe cmnplainteo mabe concerningtbe fo;tfapbe0rtp cleo of CraptebaQon. Cbe Citi?eno of Nonvkhe mabe peticion tmtb tbe Norwicf* Jiing, fbat Ipke ao itbabbepleafcb bpni btretofoje, to grannte fbem bpo boipe anb Ipcence certapne pearee Co; tbetoallpngafaouteoftbep;SCotune,tobicbetearme kiao notoe ejtpp;eb, to graunte tbem a longer tpme, tbe 5 ^ ^ Edward the firft* flje fame being not pet 8ni(beD:U)Ijfrcbppoit b. pcares tnere granteD bp b"" anD bis |0arUainent at iveHmmner. i.ifjlMd. John Leylaiicl iu?ttctb tb^t a ^arcbaunte of Norwich, rinbom be nametlj not)builO0O a great partjalmoftbalfe of tbatS2laU. Friers of the Robcrc Fitz Walter requeffeotbebingtbaf tbeif^riesof S»cke. tbc &iacfee(c5monlPcalleD de Pcmtenna IejH)in London mtgbt tile levvfs affigne to tbe fapoe Robert one CbapprI of olDe timecaUco c"Mm L""d- of tbc hewes, itcarcaDiopntngto tbe place of tbe fame Robert, usbtcb reqactt foas graunteo. Cbefe i^rters liucDaltogttberbPbeggmg, anbbatiof late maltiplpeb in number greatlp, ibntili tbc counfcl at Lions, toberein it toas occraii, tljat iT^rters beggero iboulD recepue none into tbeir o;bcr,crcept 0rep ano ssabite i^^riers. Cbep toer alfo Iicen» feu to enter into religion of larger rule,from tbe tobicb time fojtb allmenoicant iFricrs began to occreafe, anotoere in tbojttimebjougbtto nothing, ercept tbe p;ccbtngiFrier£f. VV.VValcsin William Wales tobtcb baO ofttimCO fcttc Scotland in gret Scotland. trouble,U)as talten ano bjougbt to London toitb greatc num:» bero of men anb toomen tuonDnng bppon bim: be toao loOi> jidamM^nmo. William Dcka 3CittfCn OfLondon, in 7h<,.Dd4mott. Ifrate. ^n tbe mojroVn being tbe eucn of Saintc Bartholracw, be fcoaS bjOUgbt Oil bojflefaacfee to fVeftminUer, lohn Segrauc ant) Geffrey, J&nigbts, tbe ^aioj, ^borifcs f ailocrmcn of London,tme manp otber,botb on bojlTebaclt ano on ffflte accompanping bim, ano in tbe gret ball at fveHmin- ^ler,\)t being placco bppon tbc S>outb bencbe crobmeo tuitb ILaurel, fo? ttjat be bao fapb in times palf i> br ougbt to bear a Crofame in tbat l^all(as it bias commonlp repojteo) ano being appecbeo fo? a traptour,bp fir Peter Malloric f ktngg Suffice, be attntoereo tfiat be bias ncucr traptour to f tiing of England,butfo? otbcr ctimcs bJbrreof be bias accufeo, ba confelfeD tbem, ano teas after beaoeo ano quartcreo.Cbere bias openeo to tbe i^.aconfpiracie, tojougbt bp tbe0rcbbi> Ibop of Cant»rhnr/e ano oiucrfe cl;arles ano 3i5arons againli bim,at fucb time as bo bias in FUmdert. SCbe C^arle Mar- Edward the firft* fliall being crammeD oftbis, ano being not ablefopnrge bimfelfc^maoe tbe bing ijis b^ir^jano put bint in potTctrion * of bio lanocs to bane bio grace, ano tbuo Doing, tbe ferng gane bim again. i ooo. pounD iano bp tbe pearc During bpo life. Williara cofinc:Rcignalclc Thunderlc.28.ofSeptcmbcr. Sir lohn B!oud,t1ie.28.ofOftober. Robert Bruce an E»giijhman, pjefunitng bp tbe rigbte of l)io ioife to bfurpe tbe iiingoome Scot lid, calleo a ][aarlm^ ment of tbenobleo of^'wr/Wuittbtn tbe Cbnrcb of tbei^ri# ero^pinojsin Domfrus, tobcrebefletDelohnComm, bp- caufe bo toouIDe not agr^ to tbe trearon,anD lbo?tlpe after, to foit in tbe featf of tbe anunciation of our JLaDp,in tbe 0b* bap of5ro»ff,be caufeD bimfelf to be folemnelp crotoneo bing bp tbel5i(boppes of Gl4fco,nnii Sum Andicwes fir(te,anD tbe tbiro Dap after bp tbe Counteffe QtB(nvan,\iitm{z bir bjotber tbe C^arle of F//f to tobome bp rigbt of inberitaunce tbat of* ficebelongeD,U)as tben abfent in EngUnd. 31 n tbe feaS of penttcoS bing Edward bono;eD bio eloefi; fonne,Ed ward of CarmrmH toitb tbe Oegra of Jbni^tbfflDe, ano toitb bim alfo moe tban a buno^eo noble pong men, at JVeftminher. * 0bout tbe featf of tbe jj^atiuitp of our iLaDp,tbe bing ioet againe into ScotlandMt\\ a great armp, bautng fent bio fon Edward toitb Aymer de Valence (JarlC ztPonbroke, Rc berte Clifforde,Henrie Lacy, anD manp otber noble bnigbtcfl ano gentlemen,at ZMbitfontioe befo?e, alfo be fentc bcfo?e bpni bio Jutticeo of scrapie Baffo, ttoo ano ttoo togitber into e* nerp (£itie ano place into tobicb be toouloe come.giuing tbe potoer to bill traptouro,o;atoe ano bang periureo perfcno, burn fuel; ao toojbe Dcccite,oettrop tbe toicheO, ano fct Eng^ lifhntffi in tbeir placeo, ano tbere tocre taben bp tbem in tbe fpaceofttoomontbeo bp inquitition of 3|urieo,!^uno?eoo ¥ CboufanoSjbjeabero of peace ano confpiratoures,amongff tbetobieb Migellus dcBrufe,brother to Robert dc BrufcjtoaO 5;aUjnetb^0ugb ^^nr/^anobangco, ^ojeouer Chnito- E(Jvvararc^:LadjrMa- n& w.ilBi(bops,Irj.3[bbots, f tji(f, 5^;io)s, bcfioes mane jSDeanes, Srcbbeacons f otber infert? mir (Tlearhs ofp Conuocation. 2Cbe maiffer oftbeianigbts fif tbe 2DempIe,of cuere tbirc ttoo Jinigbtes, of euerpe Citie ftoa Cttifens,anb of euere bo;ou0b tloo )i5iir0efies,ic» Archbiihop ofYorkc* J^ocEeftcr. Bifhopt: OfLincoinc. London. Chicheftcr^ Durhani. Carlile. Elie. Worceftcr. Excefter. Hereford. Salisburie. Landaff S.Aflafc./ Bangor. S.Dauids. Abbots* . Of S. Auguftinc in Caterbuiy. Of Saint Edmundc. Saint Albane. Weftminflicr. Waltham. Eueiham. Coucntric and Utchficldc. Saint Marie at Yorkc. Bath and Wcls. Norwich. Pctcrborow* Kamfe/. Winche* Edwardc the firfiv Winchcombc. Gloccfter. Briftow. Malmcsburic. Glaftonburie. Selby. Cyrccflcr. Reding. Furney. Sawlcy. Alnewilce. Saint Ofith. Barlyng. T upholmc. Bylcy. Dale. Newhni. Croxton. Cokcrfande. Saint Radcgound. Tichficld. Torre. Holmcolthratn. Wclbcckc. Hales. New Monafteric. lereual. Foun'taines. Bella Land. Mclfa. Kyrkcftcd. Rupe. Rughford. Vaieden. Grendon. Stanley in Ardcn, Pipwcl. Combe. Bafingwerke. Crokefden. Croyland. Werdon. Wimondhara. Wauerley. Coertcfey. Quarrera. Lotolcy. Hyde. Wendon. Saint Agathe. Swinefliede. Stanley in Wibbirc. Barons« Edward prince ofWales. Henrie Lacy Erie of Lincolne. Ralph Mountherraer Earle of Gloceftcr and of Hereford. Thomas Erie ofLancafter. Humfrcy Bohum Erie ofHe- reforde and Eflex." lohn Warren Earle ofSurrey. Edmund Eric of Arundalc. lohn Brytaine Earle of Richc- monde. Guy Bello Campo Earle cf Warwike. Robert Yere Erie of Oxfbrde. Gilberte Vnafraravell Earle of Anegos. Henrie ofLancafter. Aymcr EdwarJcthe ill AymerofValcncc. lohn Ferrers. Henrie Percy. Hugh Spencer. Robert Fitz Walter. William Latimer. Robert Clifford. Robert mount Alto, lohn Haftings. lohn le Marc, lohn de Ripaurs. lohn de Mohun. Petrusde Malolacu. RupartFitzPagani. Hugh Curtney. Edmund Dcycourt. lohn Saint lohn of Lagcham. Galfride ofGcynual. Thomas Furniual. Robert T ony. Thomas Berkele. William de Brufc. Peter Corbet. William Martin. Thomas Multon. lohn ap Adam, lohn Ky me. John Segraue. Robcrt'Fitz Roger. Hugh A^eer. Walter Fauconbtidgc. Ralph BaflctofDraiton. Roger la Warrc. lohn Paynel. Alexander Walliclo. Hugh Points, Roger Montnomere, William Rithrc. Reignald Grey. Walter Muncy. Robert Scales. Adam Welles. Almarice de Amando, William Cantalupo. lohn Engaigne. Gilbert Pechy. John Glaucring. William Lcyburne. lohn Bello CSpo of Somcrfct. William Grandftonc. lohn Extuens. lohn de Infula. lohn Sudley. Simon Mountacutc. Walter Tey. Edmund Haftings. lohn Lancafter. lohn Saint lohn. Henry Treygoz, lohn Loucl ofTichmerch. Alan la Zufche. Hemic Teycs. Nicholas Segraue, Fulco Fitz Waren. lohn Fitz Reignald. Geffrey Camuile. W illiam Vauafor. William Ferrer. Robert Grendon. Edmund Baron of Stafford. Ralph Fitz William. Thomas dc la Roche. X. Thcobaldc J® ® Edvvard the Thcobildedc Vcrdonthc William Tuchct. yongcr. Hcnric Hu0ec. 3!n 11)13 i^^arliamcnf man? complavntes lucre mafic of? opp^cfTion ofCljnrc^cs f ^onatteric3,b?tl)c|Dopc£! cbap* Icincnamct) Wiliia I'cfta ^rcljucacon of Arawetni^ niCoHsntrte. 2DI)5 fAmeClcarUcluao fojbifificnto bfean? moc fuc^e crtojtisns , anofiiucrfc ftatutcs lucre 02fia?ncn tqaf!)in0 rcligtouo pcrfos luljttf) Ijafi tlje?? principal fjoufcs in ot'oer Hcalmes. SCfjcrc came fo lljto J3arUamcnfe fcnfe from fbc |3ope, aiTarfiinaU callcfi Petms Hifpanus, to trcale a ma# The courfc of CtSgC btt'coivtc Hdwarcic 33)tnce of fVaUs, anfi tbe French £on Wore Baugbtct'^^^ amoHgH man? otljcr futes mafic ibcr, dcc"y°u"vvhich Carle o?L/«cofo.-compIa?ncB,tf)at lubercao in times S"oTfm W of asuatcr running at London,Mw^iZt Holbome den toHoibora b;iB0canfi bjtcgc iitto tbc Theimis, fjafific bin of fucbc large bjeafitb anfi ficaptb.tbat ten ojtlucluflbips at once ^crcbaunfiifes lucre tuonfcto cometoti)efo)fa?fie b?tfige of Fleete,mb fomc of tbem to Ho'bome b;iOge,nolue famecourre(b?filtl) of tbc SCaners anfi fucb 0tbcr)luas foje fieca?efi, i^lfo b?ra?fingbpof Mbarfes, buterpcciall?b? turning of tbe Mater, lubicb tbe? of ? nelu Cemple mafie to tbe?j mtUes luitbout Baymrdes Calfcl, anfi eiuerfe ofber' perturbations, tbe fapfie Ibippes nolue coulfie not enter as tbe? lucre tuont anfi a3 tbe? ougbte, luberefcje be ficfirefi, tbat tbc ^aiflj QtLondon tDitb tbc febcrifcs, anfi certain 6il> Crete 31fiermen , migbtbebeappointefi tofectbcconrfe of tijefapfie Mater, anfi tbat b?otbeof boneffmen all tbe fb)ra?fie biitfijaunces migbt be remouefi, anfi to be mafie as it mas mont of olfi time,¥c. Mbicb mas aunimerefi anfi re< cojfiefi, tljat Roger le Bfabazon, tbc Concttablc of tbe 21^0# mer, miib tbe g^berifs are aifigiufi, tbat tailing mitb Edward the firft* 5 j ? ftoneffaiiD Dtfcrefe mcii, fIjfpnaiteDtIt# gentc fearc^c anD inquirie, Ijotoc tlt)C fapoe riurr toast iii o{a time, ano tljatt^ev notljing tl^at map fjurt o; Hop it, ani) to bape it in tiie fame Hate titat it toas toont to be. iaing Edwardc remaining all t^e aauinter ano ^om# ntWM-i: mer at CArUie, oifpofto manpe tbpngst of ScotUnde at bps pleafurc t but in t^e meane tpmc Robert dc Bruis go^ ins aboate tbe cotintrep, Oetoe manpe tijattooal&e not obep bpin, ano f^nte toitb parte of fjps ar.mpc ttoo of bps bjetbjen , Thomas tbat toas a Janpgbte, ano Alexander a J0jicfte , jsDeanc of into another parte of tbe Countrep, tbat tbep mpgbtc allure tbe people Onto tbem bp gentle pcrtoaSons , tobpcbc (bp comming.of EKgitfhmen pppon tbem , tljep) toerc ta« ben, leooe to tbe |uHiccs,conoemneo, bangeb, ano beaoeo at Carltle. lipng E D vv A R. D E rente melTengcrs into E>}g~ Unde, commannopng all tbat ougbte bpm feruice to bdj reaOpc at CdrUie, toptbin:tbja toabes after tbe fealtc of Saint lohn Baptiftcj:'but bimfelfe being tjcjreo toitb tbe bloaOpciPltre,be fcntcto bio fonne tbat be Ibouloe come toitb fpaoeto beare bps laffetoojos,tobomeamong otber tbpngs b® counfelleo to ba mercifull, ftiHc, and conttante in all bps toojoes anO OaOes: b® commanm oeo bpm not to bcc to battpe to tahe on bpm tbe Crotone of EKg.Undc, tpll l)k baooe rcnengso tlje iniu? ries Oonebp tt)e Scottef,'bi\tto Cape in tbofepartes,ano to caufe bps i^^atbcrs boanes (bepngclofcoinaCDbeaHc) to ba bojne aboute toptb bpm, tpll b® baooe gone tbo* roto all Scotiai'.dt anoouercoms bps aouerfaries. ^^ealfo commatmoeo bpm to beaonre bps mother, ano loue bps ttoo bjetbjen, T h o m a $ c^arle cMarjhxii, ano E o- M V N D E ctarle of CevKewall . ^o?eouer b® cbargeo bpm on bps curlfejtbat be tbonloe not pjefume to rail ^,ijf beme Edmrd the firliL l^ome Pierce of GlauafVon, bp cSmoti tinctk bantflbeo j totfb' out common faaour:uo;to rpenDe.n;):^,^.f.offiiner,otber' toapeo tban in tbe bu0neaic of tbe Hoij> LmU, fo; tboiobtcbe purpofcbe bat> prepared it,ano milieo btB b^art to W bnrieo. SCbc bing alfo calleo bnfo btni Henrie Lacyc&arlcof LincelMe,Q\xy C^arlo of fVarrcicke, Avmer dc Valence C^arU ti(PeHl)roke,mfi Robert CliflFord 25aron,0eCring tbcm to ba gcDb to bto fonne,anD tbat tbep (bonlo not TufiF^r Pierce of Gauafton to comc againe into xT»^W,fo fet bio fon in riot:i tbe b^.of 3|ulp b^ oeparteb tbis life at Brughbpo ^ fanoo, in tbepere 1507. ix)})m bo b»0 raigneo foure ano tbirtie peare0,feauenmontbe0, anoobbe bapeo. !^e loao bnrieb at fVeHmmHer. i[ Edx^ard ofCarnaruan. Dwarde the fecond fonnc to tfje firtte £d wardc.ljojne at C4r- ttAruan, faeganoe Ibw ratgne tl)e t>t|» Dap of 3alp, in tbe peare of Ctjjitt r 3 o7.^e toao fair ofboDp;but bti' fieaofaH ofmanrro, anD bifporeb Cro. Duiu to ligbtneffejbaanting tbe compa^ np of bile perfono, anb gtur lobOi: Ip to tbe pleafure of tbe bobpe, not regarbtng to gonernebto common ineale bp bifcretion anb tuSice, tobitb caufeb great bartaunce betlnsne bitn anb bpiS JlWbs.l^e tohc to beof bps Counfell Patrkkc dearie otLtn- colne,mti Otho de Granfon bjitb otber.^^e ojbapneo Walter Jlcignald to be bw Cbanncellour,ano canfeb Walter Lang- ton Jlgliboppe of chefier,tQ bjing tbe i^ing bis fatbtrs bobpe from Carhie to fvaltham Crofe, anb tben to be arrelfeb bp tbe Coneffafale of tbe Cotoer anb fent to fVAibt,gfrrd,^txt to ba ^utbppe in pjifon, anb bib gtobb confifcate^bpcaufe inbpb /atberb life time b^ rep^oueb bttn of bib infolent life.ic» 32^ Edward the fecondt ^2 alfo callca oaf of erilo Pierce of GauafioKti flfraungtr bo;ne, tabtrtje latelp m bio i^atbcro oapeo, ijao fo; ceriatne caufeo bene banilbeo tbto lano. !^e gaue to t!;e fapoe Pierce tf)C^atltDotmo{Coraerva/,tl)e^(leQ{S^m, anbtb^JLoJbc# uf ^^//w^yvr^(?,offjcrtDifeaffigaeo to ©ueencKabel. Nicholas Pigot:Nigellus Druryjtbe.zS.ot September. Sir lohn Blunt,the.28.ofOftober. a^^arUamentetoaobalbpnaf NortUmpHn, tubercinif loao o?DapneD,fbatbto i^atbero copne,ft)bic^ tDaorounteo bace,(boul0 not be refiifeo t)pa patnr of life anb lim,anb tbat a fiftantb of tbe Cleargie,! ttoentitb partoftbe goiDo of tbe Jlapetie tboulD be giuen to tbe king. Snbe.i/ of £D(tober Sing Edward tbe firlf toao bnrpeb at i'Venmtnner,vXVcfi Ijeabc of Henrie tbe tbifO bis i^atber, bn? to tbe tobirb Cbnrcb l)t bao gtuen lanDo to ^e balue of one bunojeo pouno bp pearc, tbjcntic pounoc fbereofpearclp ta be biftrifautco to tbe ptojo, Anthony Bcckc^atriarke of le- rnfilem anb liSpIboppe t^Durh4m boing tbe eeequieo. Mer tbe (!!;pbipba"»e of our ilojbe, all tbe SCempIero ^mp^rpprL^' in£«^We tbcre appjebenbeb ano commifteo to pjifon iit VXuuorc btberfeplaceo. SCbc sing toent oner into France ano marrieb Ifabel tbe F/-e»ch ftingo baugbfer at f .rpij.ofjfanuarie.SCberc iDercpjefcntattbatmarriage, Phillip king of bps ronneSingofA7k«rtr, tbe Sing of anbtbeSingof o«-//e,toitb manp ofber.3nb on tbe reit^. bap of iFcbjuarpe, Sing Edward toitb bis ©uane toere crotoneb at PVeFimw- /?er,bp Henrie 15i(bop Of^/«c^e/?er,bcing aOmittCb fufo bO bp Robert 0rcbbi(bop QtCdKterlpurte. Cbe Singofferebftrtteapoanbeof €foloemabe like a Sing boleing a ring in bis banbe, anb afterbeofdereba markeof(0olbe (Inbtr^eioeigbtounreo) mabelikea|0il:) grime putting fo?fb bis banbc to recepne tbe ring.S>ir lohn Bachaueli Supgbte toao tb;nlteto beatbeat bps Co}o« ; nation. -' "1 iiu ^' ■-/!' spbs r'.pjfeojj;. Sheriffs. 7 (Sytiior. S Edwarde the fecond* ? 27 2Cf)e!itng0auct)nto Pierce of GmHond\\ fuc^> giftwaiia Chrt.Dim. 3!eloel0 as !)a& bin gtucn to bim, ioitb tbe Crobbneo of bye iPatbcr, bis anceftooro treararc,anD matip otbcr tbinga, af' firming tbat if be cotilD, be Ibonib fucc^tie Ijim in tbc Jiyng* Dome,calliitg bim b?otber, not granting any tbing uiitbout bio confent.Cbe ILojdo tberfo?e enuy ing bim.tolo tbe hing, tbat tbe i^atbcr of tbis Pierce toas a 2Craytonr to tbe iiing of Fr^«w-r,ano toas fo? tbe fame erecutefl, f tbat bio motbcc toao bnrneo foj a Mitcb, anii tbat tbe faio Pierce Jras banin tbeo fo; confenting to bio motbero iuitcbcraft, ano tbat i)ce bat) noU) betoitrbeo tbe iaing bimfelfe. 2Cbey bcfougbt tbe iayng fo beare fberefoje tbeir petitiono, tobicbe Qjouioe be botb fo; bit! otone t^onourc ano fo; tbebocaltb of biopeo- pie. iPirtt, tbat be toouloeconfirme ano bfefucbe auntiente i ILatoeo ano cnltomeo, aoarecontayneo in tbe Cbartcro oftbciayngobyop;eoeceCronro : ano fo; tbat tbcy luouloe graunt bim tbe tioentitb part of tbeir gaoo, anO be bio true Atbiecteo. §>econoly,tbafbetDou!Oefafeenotbrngofanyman,buf z at tbe p;i^ of tbe olamer tbe fame tobepayoefo; totbebt- termott. 2Dby;olye tbat tr>baf foeuer toao alycnafeo from tbe 5 Crotune,fincebpoiFatbero oeatb,migbt be rcCoareotbcrCi' bnto again. i^ourtbly, tbat be Inoulo obfernetbe otb be tnaoe befo;e 4 bio i^atber,ao oftbe reuohing of Peter Gauafton, tbe p;orc# cuting of tbe Scottijh ?Marre, anO tbat all tbat tone amifie ibouloe be amenoco, leafie bfo enymieo reioyce at it, ff. SCbat iulftce ano inogementc migbte. be oone in tbe j iLanoe, ao toell totberycbe ao to tbe p(D;e, attD;Dyng to tbe auntiente ano oloe app;oucoilatoeo anoCufiomeo of Engiande, ano tbat no man fijouloe b« reflrayneo by tbe Styngo toaitte from p;ofecnting byo rygbte, 0; to ai.ui). ^ oefenoc Edward tlie fecond* defend ^imfelfe bp ilaUi. Cben tbe fting fafeing eonnfell of Pierce, Hugh Spencer tl)€ Creafurer, t Cbanc^Hour and ofbf rd» be appointed to an tocre t!je J5arons at tbe ^Sarliamet on ffocdajf. Cbe JBa# rons being Departed out of LsWw.tbe Citie gated toere Abut dp and cbapncd,great toatcb bepf,anD Hugh Spcnccmiade Conettabte of L(?»^/p«.Cbe feing tuitb Peter of Gauafton diet totoarde WAlUngfordmhti bim again to rife in pjide, tto;ning tbe ipobied ortbeUealme,and to abnfe tbe ^ng, " as Amoreg.z. Sherifes. ? C^Eaior. S I SCO U Mere, loh7i Trokloire, jinnareg.i. Edward the fccond# 3 ^9 ia btfttte bad done, in conuaptng tl)t freaforeof - atealme into (djraine conntrepo, amongti tbe tobirb irea^ fare^b^ conuaped tbe table and treSleo ofgotdcftomtbe treafnrie of fVefimt»f}er, and deliuered tbem to one Arme- ry ofFrifconband to betouaped into Cj^iycs/^^f.SCbelBarons cra-pet. cdtff^t, fbercfoje declared to tbe liing, tbat wept be toould crpell tbe fapd Pierce from bis company, tbep Uiould rife agapnlf bim,as againtt a pcriured prince, tobercdpon, bp tbe ad# nice of Pierce of Gaualion, tbe fctng fent fo? apde into Gaf~ chro.V'o. tbe Cparle of Foys, andi naicount of Heney, and tbep came toitb tbjee bundled bo?femen tbjougb France, but Phillip tbe Frew^ j^ing empjifoned tbe cbiefe,and fleio and banged tbe otbcr. aiiro,tbel'itngof£»j:Wbad toojdfrom Robert Brule ^Scotland,^ from Robert Fitz Thomas of Ire- /W.tbattbeptooulde not tabe part luitb tbel^ingagainU bioBarono, toberebpon tbe l^ing being tojotb,fo;tiiped fywdfare€nMl, and beganneto build Cotoero and otber ttrangetbingo. SCbe 0bbot of Saint Denii m France, b^ing fCJlt ^Legate fVom tbepopeto demattndtbeiegacie tbatf^ing Edwards father gane to tbe bolp land, did earneQlp requeft fling Ed- ward to remottc from bim Peter Gauafton,toitb tdbofe con# nerfation all tbe too^ld toao ao it loere infected. Ki)tn tbe fling appopnted a parliamcnte at North-hampen, determi# ning from tbence to page into W tbe HBarono came to tbio parliament tocU fnrni(bed,but tbe fling rente tbem toojde be tooulde not come tbere, pet at tbe lag be came tcr Sto?^ Stratford, toere fenfe to bim bptbcBarono, tbe C&arles offvanvike and Clare,tali^a requetted bim to como £o; 1)i8 otone piofite, and tlje commoditie of tbe Rcalme: at length betoent in tbebabiteofa^quire,and the Barons met bim toitbout armour, and in the ende loninglp embja# ced,and toere madeltiends,and the bopage to Fm/Wtoas reiourned tit another time. :Sfter #icbaelmas,tbeparlia# menttoas \^(i\nznt!ALondon,\intQ tbetobicbeparliamente came Lewes tbe i^^rencb flings b?otber,ioitbtbe Bilbop; %.% at 5 s ® Edward the fccond* flfpojttenr, from t^e i^png ofFrsmce, f0 titfreafe tmffio ttotrt t^e fcins ano Ijto 3lo?Des: ant fljere toere t iuerg 0fft ojtmaunccs mate. :ant onceagapne, t^onglj fojeagapnC t^e flings mint, fjc canfet Pierce to obturc, toitb contition attct bp tl)e 2!5arona,tbat if be Inere founte agapne tn-anp (ante fubtecte to tbc thingo tomtntonj (boulte be taben as a common enimp, ant contempnei. 2Cbis bepng tone, b^paCTet into F/Wrr/.ant b:om tbence to otbercountries, iWbing reffe,ttibid) bo coulte notfinte. Sherifei. ? lames of Saint Hclraond:Rogcr Palmer,the aS.ofScpt. Alaior. S Thomas Romainc,the 2?.of October. I, lo Pierce of conceputngatruttin tbe frientibtppe ^orff.4. of tbeiiing ant tbe Carle of G/oucef}er, tobofe 0tter bo tmt marrpet, tabing toitb bim manp Craungers, returnet m tuEngiande. j^nt a little befo?e Cb?ittmas bo came to tbe 3ipngs p?efence, tubo fo? iop of bis comming fo^gettpng all otbos ant p^omifes, recepuet bpm as a beauenlp gift* 2Dbe Jliingbeptbis Cb?itt»tasaf Uibere Wal^ ter Langton JlB.iibop OtChefter, ant tbo315t(bop Ah" dr^s in Scotland, toece releafet outofp?ifon. STbefeconte tape of g>eptember at nigbf, an bo?ribIe temped of tbunterbappenet, fo tbatl^etgesantSCr^s lotfe tbeir granencire,ant tbe Cbor^ of MtddUton in Dor- ff/yZ'/re.ujptb tbe &tffple,31Belles,€)jnamenfes, ant allo> tbormonumentsof tbatplace, loere confumet Inptb tbe ligbtning, tbe ^onbes being at ^pattins. Henry Lacy Carle 0fL/»co/*r,ant COUedable HtCheBer', nvtHdXLondon, ant teas burpet in tbe netoe too}beof Paules. Simon de Corpc:Petcr Blackncy.thc 28. of September. Richard Rcf&m Mercer,the 28. of Oftober. Blackeney teceaffet J intobofe place fiiccatet lohnof Cambridge. Tcmftc:tBerf)c lot iti bps bsiiDes t\)t CcarleDomes of Lancaster, Lincohe, Sahjhurp, LeyceHer, Ferrars, t\)t tlU berticof/''^"»^, anD the ^^onoure of Cokermcre, beODcs greate lanbes in ^vaUs. anb in the Carlebome of Anhoys in France. iaingEdwardctuptb Pet" Gauafton fjvs companion, ioent to nrke, hil)zvc the tiing toao loDgeD in the JBalace of the ^rchebpilboppe) ano Peter in the CaSlet tbep caufeD the Citie to be fo}tifieD,anD the toalleo to be repap?eD, ano fent to Robert Bayliol of Scot lande fo) auDe againtte hiS JLojDeS, but Robert maDe anOfljeare,he tooulbe notfojth of Scotland, nepthertoaulDeheoirquietannman: the Ipheaunfmeare loao inabe W^t^eUhmen. Carles atiembleD at Bed- ford,Gi\hcn Carle of Ghcesier being one of them, thep came to London, anD o?Dapnc& the §)eas to be ftept, leatte tfraun^ gers IhoulDe enter to apoe the tapng. 2Lfitv Calfer the brother of Pierce of Ganafton toas tahen toith greate treafuretohiche he haDDe conuepeD oute of the l^pngsCreafnrie: hie (hippebepngtoireDtupth tempeSe on the&ea, toas Djiuen Inhere it toas taken, anD the trea^ fure toas bjought to London in Cartes. about this time iking Edward foi f)iB recreation tfflke the^ea, leaning Peter of Gauaflonot rori^e,tohcrebpon the IBaroiis baought their potoer,f entrcD the citie of rorke,}i\xt Peter fleD fo ^'ffrfr^orw^/rthen theliSaronS bcOegeD Scarbo- rongh,ij)^ere thep tojk hi»n? anD committeD him to p cuff oDp of Aymcr dc Valence Crle of Pe«i^ro/^e,tohO bjOUght him tO: the ^anoj of Dedmgton tohich is bettoirt Oxford % tVarb)ske, f there left htnteo be kept faferbut nept Dap in p moming^ 3 3 * Edward the fecond* Guy ClJarle QtfVanrtke a company of artnefi wen, falte ijjtui from tl)cnce, ano bjougfjt bint to f-yArwike Cattelltafter T«fe» Trfkhip, oelibcratioit tahoi, tbe (l^arlro iitLancaHer,QtPVarwike, anD u^^on o^Herefordtm^tXi tit tbcir pjefetico in a place calleb CMhejice ded. Q%BiackeLowe,x\)t rijc, ofBlutie bisbfaoto beSrtcbenofft Anm reg.^. boOp bp tbe if'ricr l^jcacbcrs toao comiapeb to Oxford, ano tbere bept mo?e tban ttoo pearcs, till tbe J^tngcaufei* tbe fame to be tranflatcb to bio mano? otLangiey, anb tbere in tbe iT^riers Cburcb (tobitb be bab builbeb) to be burpeb» oi -f J Simon Merwood: Richard Wilford, the 28. of Septcmb. CMlhr \ Sirlohn Gifors Pcperer.thc 28.ofOftobcr. J J €5iiane Ifabcll toas beltuereb of bit firft fonne named tbo.j a longtime after. Cbio ISeligiontoas greatip pjeferrebbp tbe fail of tbe Cemplerst, tobofe potTetTion itiao giuento reg.6. tbem bp a Counfell bolben at Robert dc Bruce gote agatnealmolf all Scot/and, tbeCa< (felo tnitb munitions (tbe Cnglitb dS^arrtfono being calE out)betcDKcagapne into bio potocr.Cbiopearetberefoje H^gh'?p^7i bp confent of tbe j^jelatcs, anb certapne noblco,Hugh Spc- tht yo"s". cer tbe fonne fajas appopnteb tbe I'ltngs Cbamberlapne in place of Peter of Onuefion.tDbome tbcp tbe ratbcr pjeftr* rebjbpcaufe tbep bncto tbeBingbafeb bini intaertbeletTe, not long after, bp bio great Diligence, be b?ougbt bintfelfe into tbe iiingo fauour. 2Cbe i^atber oftbio Hughbaing olDe, toao pet lining, a tenigbt of great bertue, in connfell tutre,in armes baliant, tobofe confuQon anb (bameftill end be toanne bnto bimfclfe bp naturall lone tbougb bifojbt* natetoinarbeobporonne,tDbo inas in bobp berpcomelp, in fpirite pioube, anb in action molt toicbeb, tobofe coue^ toufnelTe anb ambition,bp tbe bilberittng of tDibbotoeo anb ftrangers,b)?ongbt tbebcatb of tbe gobies, tbe fall of tbe f^ing; tbitb tbe titter beSruction of bitnfelfe anb bio father. lohn Edward the fccond» 3 3 3 lohn Lambin: Richard Wilford.thc zS.ofScptcmhcr. Sherifes.} Sir lohn Gifors Pepcrcr, die aS.ofOftobcr. dfator. V Edwardc gathering a gwatc potoer, marches to* j ^ ^!, ioarDs Scotlmi, fo b;eaUe fegctlSmueimgCaffcII, anb lobgeD anb people ttjcre about in tljc fieloe on " ^ fbe enen of Saint lohn Bapti(t:ncuerafojc tljat time Inao Bitt»yieat fdene tfje lifee preparation,p^ibe anb coft in tbe time of toar, ao affirmetb Robert Pafton, a Carmelite ifrier,betng pre^ ^4*''- fent, anb faben of tJje Scottes, lobicb forotofullp bctoap# Icbin bis t^eropcall USerfe inbilesb^ tnas prifoner.SEbe firtte ttigbf (fanetb bO P® »n0bt bane {knttt^zEngliPimen batbingtbemfelnesin ^pne, anb calling tbeirgorges: tbcre tnas crping, (bolnting, tna(raling,anb brinbing,lnitb otber rioting farre about meafure. £Dn tbeotber0be,p« ntigbt baue feene tbe Scottes quiet Hill, anb clqfe, falling % tuen of Saint lohn Baptift, labouring in loue of tbe lis bertieof tbcir Conntrep, ;©n tbemoroto,tbe Scottes bas ninggottentbemoHconuenientplace in tbe fielbe for bis ftoiiCt mabt Hitches in tbe grounbc tbra ftote bape, anb fbelifteinbreabtb,fromtbe rigbttoingoftbe armp, bnto fbe leaft ,coaering fame tnitb toeahe ttoigges or l^erbles, anb agapne ouer loitb CurHe anb (H^ralTe, bobirhe toas not of ftrengtb to bearc borfemen. SCbe armie of tbe Scottcs bktng benibeb into certapne troupes, Hosbe not farre off from tbis bihe, tobicbe tnas bettoirt tbem anb tbe Ettghjh- mm.£Dn tbe otber fiibe, tbe 3rmie of tbe Enghpimcntom* tningont of tbetoeall, tbe funne ri0ng,callingbiabeames ontbeirgolben SCargets, bright belmets, anb otberars moure, gaue fncb a reflection, as tnas botbtoonberfull anb terrible to bebolbe. Hn tbe firff toarbe inere tbe ligbt borfts men, anb beanie courfers. ^n tbe feconb toere tbe arcbers, anb otber fcotemen, tnbo inere appopnteb for tbe cbafeof fbe abuerfaries. Bin tbe tbirbe inas tbe l&ing initb bits fbops,anb otber religious, amongll inbome tnas Hugh Spcnccr. 2Cbe ^orfitmen of tbe firff front mafling bpott tbeir entmies, fonnbereb initb tbeir foref^te into tbe bitcb, anti Annoregqt Edward the fccond* ant) lapet^icrcfambltng, abiBtngtbecrueUn of W^tScotte!, tobo fomming bpon tbem, flciue fomc, ano foche a groafe inanp rubctnenfioj raunfonie. St^cre tons flapnc Gilbert tic Clare Carle Of Clcccsitr, (tobome tlje Scotus toouloe glablp banehrpt foj raniifome, iftben babbol^notune bint, but btt bat>t>5 fojgotten to plltte on bPS coate of 0rmes:) biptbbPtWtoaSflatne^JtrHcimonclManlr, &PJ Robcrtc Clifford, ^ir Paine T)ptofte,fe>nj Wyllyam Marfhall, Giles Dargcnton, aub manp otbcr liintgbts anb Cfquiers. Kl)tt€ toas fafecn Humfrey de Bohun Crie of Hereford, lohn Segraue, lohn Clauefingham, William Latimer, Roger Northbroke, bearer of tbe lyings ^btclbe oj ^ealc, butRauf JVlcunthermer tbat bab niarrieb loanc cf A' cres counteffeof c/erei?er, tbc i^itugs ftfter,bcpng tafeen, founbe fucbe fauour,tbaf bis raunfcme teas parDoncb,anb ba returning into EngUnde, bjougbtc bacUetoptb bpni tbe feings ^bielb o? §>eale:but Edmond Manly tbo Uingiet ^tetoarb,b?otDneb biuifelfc in Ba»ocke/horne. ^imode tb;)dtbunb;etb men of armeo incre flatne tif tbat place, our artbers billing manpe of tbem, tobo fapng tbe cruellp bentbppon our bo2feincnnc falne in tbe bitcbe, Ibottc tbeir arrotoes toptb a bisbo compaffie, tbat tbep inigbtf fall bettoirte tbe armoure of tbopj ennimpes, Inbptbo toao all in bapne: anb Inbon tbep (botte rigbt fo^tb tbep fleU>cftUicoftbc5fcwej.-, bpreafon of tbeir armcb b?eattes,but manpof tbe EngUfhemen, bp reafon of tbepj na* beb bacbeo, djeiiingUjitb tbeilBitboppeo anb Hughe Spencer bee# tcDbetbemfelueo todigbt * in tobicbo baunger of fleepng, tbelitingbo\nebto(0ob,tbatb^U)oulbe buplbe bnto tbe pffi?c Carmelite ifriers an boufe , in tbc tobpcbc b® Inoulbcplarefoure anbttnentiebjetb^en, to be^tubents in SDiuinitie, inbpcbc b^ afterloarbee perfo;meb in Ox* forde. Ralph Ec!war(! the fcconcf» |jp« Ipfetpmcgauette© t^oufanae^arhrstotl;ebutlDing flftljjenetuclDojkcoftbeCbappclI on fbc&sutljs fioe of N«\'ve vvo'.le tljc Cf)ur<:bcofS)amtPps tettament to tbc fame toojbe. ^nbiggingtbefoimfiatton oftbis toojhe, foerefbuntie tnojetbanabunojetbboabcsof iDrenanQtaiire, tobpctje tbtng conSnneb grcatlpc tbe opinion of tbofe iobpclj tjfinc rcpo;tco , tbat of olDc tpme it fjaobe bane calleD The Temple of lupiter, anbttjat tljcrc inas tl;e ^acriSce of !6eaSe0. Nicholas Farendon Goldfmithjthc 28.of October. STboiitngcaufeDbPStCIritoto bapnblitbeb fojpjtces ^SH ofbtctualles, that no £)pe UalleD ojcojn^fobbe, befoloc Viciuaiipruej., fbj nioje than foure anb ttnentie (billings: no graCTc febbe . £>xc fo? moje tljan (iptane (billings t a fatte (falleb Coboe ' ' attlDClue(billings : anolberCoine attcnne(billings:a fatte button cojne febbe, 02 lobofe MojU is Uiel grotone, at tloentie pence: another fatte button (bo2ne,at fourtdene pence: afattei^oggc of ttoo wares olbe, at tbteelbillings foure pence: a fatte C'iDre,at'ttDO pence balfepenp, in the Citie attb2cepence: a fatte Capon at ttotopence , in tbo Citie ttoo pence balfepenp: a fatte ©enne at one pcnp, anb in tbe citie tbiee b^lfp^hce: tiDO) CbicKens a pennp, tntbe citie tb;^ balfepence: foure )3igeons fo2 one pe« ti?,intbc Cittie tb2ee )3igeons fo2 a pennp : foure anb nioentte egges a penp,intbe Citgitoentie eggesapenp, , Stephen Abingdon: Hamond Chigwell, the28.ofScpt. Sherifes. ? Sir lohn Gifors Pepcrer,the 28.ofOftobcr, rJAUw. S ^ottoptblfanbing tbe grtatutes of tbe laOEe ^arlia# mcnfjfbe icings Mrits f things toere folb bearer than i^02e^ no M coulb be b^bjCapons anb C^etfe tooulb not be 3 3 Edward the fecond» ViAualldcuc. befounbJjCSggts tocrebaro to coi«ebp,fi>b«pf bpca oftbe ^ ^ ^ J rotte,&tDine torn ontoftbctoap,affiaart£rof®?Hb^af^j chro.s.MMh 3!geaneo,anoj9eafe,tor« folDefoj ttoentie * £[iuarter of^alte fo;a ^arbe,a^uartor of ^altfo;fiue ant) tbirtie ^btHtngo ft. A Tanner. - Poydras, 0 CanncfO fonnc of ExceHer, in bfutrtf fonne cUymed pIaccoof£w^W nameo btmfclfe tbe fonnc of Edward tbe to be King, tbat bp a falfc iiurffc bc toao Ifoinc ontofbi« crao{c,ano Edwnrdtbatnoln boas f&tng, putmb^s place: but (bojtlp after be tnao connict of bis bntrutb^, ano confefir fed tbat be bto it bp tbe motion of a familiar fpirit toblt^ be bat) in bis baufs inliUeneife of a Catte,£Dbomebsb&o ferueb tb?(e peares:fo; tbe toblcb feruicebe toao banged at J^orth-hamptoff. SCbe tiingln a^Barllamenf sXLincoine, gane tbe roddc ant) office of ^artball tmto Thomas atBrttherton ttwtltei u'oplifm Norjfoike l)is bjotbcr. ^c alfo reuohed tbe pjouifions befo?e 'made fojCelllng of dirtualleo, and permitted all men to mahe tbe bett of tbat tbep bad: neuertbeleffe,fbe dearth en^ creafed tb?ongb tbe abundance of rapne tbat fel in ^arueff, fo tbat a ©uarter of^Mbeate, o? of§»alte, boas fold befoje ^idfomer fo.i tbirtie &bllll"9S,and after fo^itie ^blUlnss* Annoreg.g. SDbcre fbllotocdtbisfamine, a grauous mojtalitie of Mortiiitie of peopIe,fo tbat tbe quicbe migbtdnneatb burp tbe dead. ^tje HBcaffeo and Cattcll alfo bp tbe cojrnpt graflfe bDbereoftbcpfedde,dped,tDberebp it came to paffe,'tbat tbe eating of tleii) boao f::fpected of all men, fo? flefb of fl5ealfe£t not corrupted boao bard to findc: !^o?ffeflelb boao counted IJoggcs flesh great drlicateo \ tbe ptnje ftale fatte SDoggee to eate: fome onilirTnTvete Compelled tbjougb famine,in bldde places, eaien. did catc tbc flelbe of tljeir obonc cbild?en, and fome ffale o^ tbero boblcb tbep oeuoured. Cb^nes tbat boere in p?ifons, Jlfond'enoure ®lf plucbc w paccs tbofc tbat bocrc nebolp bjougbt amogtt one unociier. tbem, and grsdilp deuonred tbem balfealiue. ;SCD>alloti of fmall aie toae at tluo pence^of tbe better tb?a pence, and tbe bell four pence* STbe Ei^vvard die fccond» ^ ^ ^ Wf^tLondoncrt wnfiDertitSjtljatW^eatematcfn i^alf iDMmuc^ecoiifumeD,o;oaineii,t^atfrom tbencefojt^e it nuii( into .MaU ftoulfiebemalieofot^ergrapne, anoalfo, tljataCljallon of better Hie IftoulO befolbei.& anonotaboue. SCbeiitng accojbing to tbe statute of London, rente Ijpg Mrits tb?ougb tb^ Kealme, commaunbing , fbat ao ioel toitbin tbe libertieo as tottbout,tn Citics,Bo?cugbs, S^otones, anb tEtllages, a (Station ofHletbouloe be foloe fojt.w. anotbatfromtbencefo?tbnoMbrafe tbouibe ba tnabe into ^altttDbPcbMfbcbab not tbe fcoiier faufeu to be pjoclaimeb, tbe greateff parte of tbe people (boulD bsuc perilbeb tb?ougbe fam'ine. toleWarcntoascrcommantcafc bp tbe ISpfljoppe Chicheiter fojHoultrep, tob^fft'ppon tbe fapbe (Earle came to tbe iBilbop toitb armeo men, and fonrc nio?e battp tban tbe rede, tb?catneo tbe llSi{boppe,toberebpon tlje llSptbops men fell on tbem,anl3 tcofee tl)z Carle. HamondGoodnieapc; William BodeIc;the.2i§.of Sept. Sherifes. > Stephen Abindon, the. 28.ofO(n-ober. LMaior. J SCbere arrtueb in EngUnd bp tbe lyings rcquelt Gauftc-*ir»'x- linus and Lucas de Fiifco, tlno Cardinalles, to malte peace facttoirte tbcltealmes cf Eng/andanu Scot/and,mu to recon# cite bnto tbe JSing Thomas Carle of Lancafl-er.^i)tp bjou* rrcMo„ gbtel5ullesfrom tbc^opeto ercommunicatc tbe Scottes, ercept tbep returned bnto peace toitb tbe luting of England. S^b^fs Cardinals toente into tbe j]^o?tb partes, to enfiall LodowilccBconiond,tolobo'nf tbe|dop8 (at tbe&piigs indaunce) baddegiuentbe IBpflbopjicbc of Durham.-nno toben tbep came neare bnto tlje ^oiune of Derlington, tapne robbers bjeabtng out of a ballep, Gilbert Middletoa and Walter Sclby bepug tbeir Capitapnes, fodapnelpe tette bppon tbe familp of tbe Cardinals and of Lodowikc xin mgciefden More, robbed tbem of tbeir treafure, and car> Ijil^obue rpeO Lodowikc J15plboppe of Durham tO Morpeih, tobero p* tbep 5 ^ ® Edwardf the (econ conttrapneo fs pape a greafe l^aunfome ? tlje^ bjoug^te Hcnr^-c Beaumont (o tl)e Caffcll of Rwtforde , flUD t'jerc Itcpfe fjpin tpll tjk baooe papDea greafe raunfome: but t^e Caroinallcs came to Dur- htm, Ulijcretbep tarrpeo a fetoe Dapes foj auntocare of t])cScones, auo fo tuDcc t\)t JaiitgstouDuttetbcptetOUCo neb to Tor^, anblcfttbcicbufinelTe tobpc^e tbep camefo? Amore^.io. bitbouc. Gilbert Middlcton after maupc Douiages bone fotbc|32iojpof^;w«r^ anb ott)er, teas tahen in fyisotone CaQell ofiV/r/or^e,bpWyllyamFckon, Thomas Hetton, anb RobertHorneclitc, carrpcb fo London, attb tijerc in tljepjcfence oftfje Cacbtnalles b?atoiieanbl>angeb. Slbc Carbinalles bnbcrcertapne conbttions , mabt peace bettoirte the iiing anb Thomas ctarle of LancxHer,, tobpcbe fonbitions fljojtlpe after tocre bniuttlp bjoken, Tiijcats Ijke Gollclinc Deinuilc anb ^16 bjOtbCF Roberte, tOPtb fhjo biinb?eb in tl)€ tjabite of jFriers bib manp notable rob bcries, tbep fpopleb the ^pfijoppe ofi>«r^rfw/§3aliace5y leauing nothing in tbcm but bare toalleo , fo; tbetohiche thep toerc afterhangeb at Sherifes.} Wiliiam CawftonrRaufc Balancer,the 28. of September ALiiior. i lohnWcngraue,thc 28.ofO£lober. Margaret baugljfrr to Philip, fonneto Lewes J^pngof FrMnce,\joi{^to Edwardetljefirffe, bectalTebt^c fourtttnth of i^ebkiarpe, anb toao burpeb in the mpbble of the ©utre joh.rHciu^i. Of <^rap ii'rpers Churche at London. Etlrvinlcde Edwardc de Bruis the Jiing of Scotta bjofher, Inho bp Btufcbchrided f^efpaccofthjde peareshabbe aDfaulteb/reWe, anbhao crotuneb hpnifelfe Itpng, toas taben bp EngUjhemen that toere the Hiing of Engixndes ^ubiecteo, anb boao behea^ beb at Dmdalke. 3ln thatbattel tnere flapnenine anb tlnentie Baronefj DfScot/a»de,mti fiue thoufanbeanb eight hunbjethother, the 15;iniate of ^rmakh b^png chiefe Capitapne fo; thr E««3 5^PnS0f£«^W cucipe corne. pcaro toas an earipe l^aruell, fo tf;at all the co;ne ioaa Edward the fccond* 3 S9 toiiginneDbefae&aint (^ilesbape, j j tftat taas befojc folDe fo2 tennc IbiUiHgsi, teas folbc fo; ten " pence: anl>a^u(belIof£)ted t^atbeforeluas etQljte UnsSjWaif CoWe fo? cisbt pence. C^arleWarrin tCQkCtbcUjlfeoffbeCSarlC at LMcaHer, anofl)ut btrbppeinbptf Cadell, fo;tbatbefapDcfbc fajas betrotbco to bpm befoae (be Ujasi marrpeb: tfje Garico Ijaa eptber of ((jem a toife, but neptfjcr of tijem careo fo; tbent. Xolm Prior: WiUbmFurneys, the 28. of Sept. Shertfcs. ? lohn Wcngr.iuc,thc 28.of October. L^O.wr. > Siboute Violent tbeSnoUjUcof^frw/r^ftoas faetrapeb Barv^kebe. fo tbe Scottes , tbJDUgb^ fb® trcafon of Peter Spalding, * ano other E»glifl^er»e», tobofw^ fba J^pnij ofScoites caafea to be bangeD fojbapng SCraptojo to tbep; Countrep, Ki)C CaHetl b^tboute, ttUfo?itianteof bitfuallestbep toptbui foerc conttrapnco to Dclpuer it into tije Scotnjhmens banos, TheScoftest'n< tobotnannealfo tbe fame tpme, tbe Calfellcsof n'tirke, anb Mydfo-fde, ffl tbat tbep poOTelTco tljc mo;c j ">c'dawt parte Ofa(( NonhumberUndi, CUeilto Neveecafieii Tyne, failing cerfapne GaSels tbat lucre oefcnoeo agapiitt tbem. 3ln tbcp cntrcD furtber into tbe lanoc, bjenning a( tbem, tpll tbt^came to Rypo», tobl'cb'^ H^otone tbcp fpoplcD, aiiD tarrping tb?£c oapes, tbcp rcccpuco a tboufanoc ^arltes oftbofetbat lucre gotc into tbc(£;bur;« cbe, bpcaufetbcpfboulo not put tljcKoian to tbcfp;e, as tbep baObe Done tbe STolunCS of NorthAllcrto», aXiO Borough Bridge,^C, 3in tbcp? returning bacbe, tbep b?cntKmrejhurghe, aito Skipton xxiCrMtm, anoallotbcrafojctbcm,carrpingiiiiO ScotUrrdc amarueUousrauUituDeof Cattel, bclftieg pjp^ Toners, men ano luoinen. Torkefhtremcn gatbcreO togitbcrto tbe number of ^ tentboufabpf met luitb tbeat tbe totun of ten ' m^lee 54® Edward the {ccond» uwlea bp^liojffjtDcatt from Torke, toljcrc loffe ft>J^ tljoufaiioe, ano toere oucrcome bp tbe Scones, tobptb tobm tbe 5^png tell of, Ij® of Bannke, ano 5 to i«®te t^c Scones, but tbcp returneo an otber toap, |3ope ojoapiicD, tbat ^arfono Qjoulo ijancbut one Benefice tlje pace: tuberebpon patrons ttraigbt p;efentco netoe j^arfons to tbe refioue. a greate mojrepne of lainc bapneo, tobtcb toere fo mo2# A inorrtyne of tallptitfcctcD, tbat 'SDogs ano Uaucuo eating of tbe carrion Kyuc. of tbe l^ine,toere popfoneo ano Dto toel to t>eatb,ro tbat no man Durtt eate anp liSafe. Sheriffs. > lohn Pointelhloha Dallyng,thc 28.ofScpt. S lohn Wingraucjthc iS.ofOftober. ^iTfubulbs"? SCbe i^png being at Torke, tbe Scones cnfersb Engtande, .Yotkt. came to Torke ,mo bjenttbe Suburbs of tbe ea, tbepfletocmanpein tbe parties of ThoUfe, anb Gafcoyne, tobtr^fo^o manp of tbem toere taken, anbputtobeatb- Sheriffs, p Simon Abindonilohn Prcilon,thc 28.of Sept. fJ^Uior. ^ Hamond Chick well Pepcrcr,thc 28 of Offobcr. at Yorke. ^ SCb^ fiftantb of £5ctobci' tbe Clearkes of tbe Cjrcbequer wd.Puiioi. tocntc totoarbcs Torke toitb tb^ Bfflhecalleb Domes Day, anb otber recojbes ano pjouifion tbat labeb one anb ttoen* tp Cartes, but toptbin tbe fpace ofbalfe a peare in tbe iia# lenbes of ^arrlje tbep bpbbe retourne agapne to Lon. don. fame peare tbe !ktngs indices fate in tbe STotoer of London, lobercbpon lohn Gifors late ^aio? of London aim manp others fleutbe Citie,foj things tbep bab pjcfumptn^ onflij EcJvvard the fccond# HI cufli? Done, ano Sneioe tfjemfclues 0ue faioc grounO oftl)0 faio Wilham Brais. Hlfo tlje 3lo?lie view bray, toljo bat) marrico tbo oaugbfer ano beirc of tl)c fapDc William, clapmcD it bp inbcritaiue of bt® totfc. 3latt ofal, Hugh Spencer tbc pbngcr,baD bought tbat laiio, anoputtctbcmallout, tobcre-tijjougb tbc fojcfaitsc ^o^ bleo lucre fo?camoucD, ntiDHumfrey Carle of Herefirde complapueo to Thomas Carle of Lancaiier, tDbt?rbr ttUCD Carles allurcD alinott al tbe otber Carles anb XSarons to tabetbeir part.Thomas Crleof z««5fwr/f^ tbcpbnrtcnot aman, fo? tbe BurgelTcs ano Cannons t> pose rcbamc tbe fame toptb foureb"nb?ctb pounoes offterlingmonep. amrTotbe 5c«rre/bprearanof Minter matie retourne, being laden Ujitb fpoples, SCb?^ I'^arC tbeiUpng made g>pj Andrcwe Hcrkiey Carle of C/jr///e^uaitef>p»foe ilingo fonne, toente ouer Uiptb a competent boufljoloe aboutetf)cfcaffc of Saint xMathevvc, ano Bio \)0f mage bnoer ccrtainc pjotcaationo, to bnclc tl>e Frewhe Jiing. BenncC of Fulham.-Tohn Cowfon.tliCxaS.ofScptember. Sherifes.-r Hamon ChickwcTT'cpcrcr,the. iS.of Oftobcr. ^^fniort S tSdfjtles t\)t tHueene toptl) Ijp? fonn^ remapnco in ^5^? Fraufice longer tbantbe !^ing0 pleafurctoao, anoiDouli» not come agapnc toptbont Roger Mortimer ano otfjcr i^oblco tbat toere fleo&eout of Engiande, ano efpcciallp fOJ tlje batreO ib® bare to tbe ttOO Hughe Spencers , tbe l^png in oti^leafUre banilbeo tbem botbe, ano all otber tbat tobe tbep; partes, lobereOppon manpe fleooe ouer tbe ^eas to tbe^Hu^ne > amongd tbe Inbpeb bias one a fubtill fenpgbt,S>ir Robert Walkefare, tubo flaping tbe e, (mbicbe tbe Frenche fting coutraric to couenauntes , Opooe toptb# Amorcg.x^ boloe) ano b;a(tgbte itinboll? into tbeoomimon of isnd. ^o^eouer tbe bingo i^auie tcobea bnnoteo (btpo of tbe N5i. KlfO ikpng toas committeb to HcnnetEarle of Lancasiey 35 ® Edward tlie ftcond* The K fcntto bjOUflljtC bPHI tO Ktllmgwsrthe i^tSlzW, KiiUtigvTo"th. Hugh Spencer , Robert 13a!dotkc, anO Ss'inon Rcadynj, tDcfc b;oug{)t^ to tbo Ouane at Hereforde: 0arlc of -r4r«Wf//iohn Daniel anb Thomas Muchcldcn, bp pjO^ curcment of Roger Mortimer toerc bcljcabcb bcfoje ticpj C8uimin0. Hugh Spencer tuns conbcmiici) tottbouf aimtocreat E«e"ecute]f' . tJJWz f)t toaj Djalijen anb bangco bppon a <4?aUolDes tbirtpe fmtc bpgb, anb tbcn bcabcb anb quarto* rob on tbc foure anb ttocntitb of ^j^ouetnber. Simon Reading toas bjatocn anb bangrb on tbe fame (^allotoes, but ten fcote lotocr. . - Robert Baldocke bpOb in NewgAte ioiflj manPO tO>* mcnts. JTbofc tbmgs bcpng bone, tbe ©uanc toptb \)V}. fonne Edwarde , Roger Mortimer anb Otbfr , tocnt tO ..ivailtKgforde Caftcll a Uttlo bofojc CbJiflmalTc, anb be* fo?e tbcttoelftboapc tbepcauicto London, U',bcre tbep Ujcre topfullprcccpucb. £)ntl)cmojrDtDe after Hjefapbe featte, tbep bclbe a ^^arltamcnte, mbrrc bp common bccra, tbcp cIcctcbEdwardebps clbcffcfonne, anbfbrnfentem tboname of tbotobolei^arliamcnttbJffXBtiboppeSjlolm cijn epo c Adam Tarieton 3i5p- IboppCOf Hereforde, anb Hemic BpfljOppe Of Lw«/wtf,tU)0 (garico, tlDO ^bbotfcs, foure Barons, anb cucrp Coun- tictb?£el3ni0btcs,fc. bnto tbc lipng at Kemiwonhe. A- dam de Tarlcton Bpfljoppcof Hereforde, bClHg in malice, bpb tbc mclIage,tDitb manp greate tb?cates, be* daring bnto bpm tbcpj election, anb requircb bim to re* iiounce tbe iitpnglp bignitic anb Crolone to bps fonne: tbe irpng auntocareb toitb teareo,tbat boeloas berp fojie tbat b® babbe bebaueb bprnfclfc fo etiill totoaroes tbe people of bps tiingbome, but fccpng tbe matter Uias fo bnrecouerable , \)e p:apeb tbem all to fojgiue bpni, anb tbanhcb tbem tbat tbep bab cbofen bis elbeft fcmne. Cbe meifens^ts renounce all bomages anb bueties sue to Edward Edwardc the fecond^ J y* Edwardc Of Cngo hautboloehao free Ubertte to oeparte, ano then returneo loitb the l^tnga aun^ &Dere,ano maoe the people topfnU. toao thus beo pofeo, tohen he hao raigneo iitntarie peares, fire monetheo,ano oooe oapeo.l^etuao oeliuereo to the CUfioOie of Henne (iUarle of Leice- ^ter,mo one hunbjeo markeo the moneth allotoeo fo; hto char.^ geg tn Ktiimgwonk Caffell. (♦.•) 35* Dwarde the thi'rde borne tAm»dfor, aboutetl^case of.ruil. pcares, after tbeDcpoOng of bps iFatber, begannebis raignctbe rrtJ.oapofSiaRaarte, intbepeare of our iojoe. i; 26, toao croto# neb at weftmwsier, on tbefirtt bap of if^eb?uarp,bp W alter Reignalds .. ^rcbbt0)oppe of C/?«/«r^«r/ beCgeo tbe 0bbcp of 5«w,fajent t^e gatec, bet f tDounoeo {» ^onbes, bare out of tbc^lbbepal tbc 0dIo, filuer,o?namentes,b(Dbeo,Cbarter0, ano otber U)?tting5, tottb tbe alTap of fbeir copne,aampes, ano all otber tbpngs pertapningtotbetrmtnte, ano all otber gtobg, as BjalTe, j^etDtcr,3lron, Leabe fc. SDbep alfo bjent manp boufco a# bout tbe 0bfaep, ano tn tbe Coton, pcrtapning to tbc !lbo , bOtjtuitbbi^tniinOlirsinBerrev, Pac^x^am, Rugham, Old- haw, Hcrnigejbtirte, Newten, fvhipfled, fVell/e , Rtfebj, In- gbam , Ferneham , Redivel, Haherdon^ ailD OtljCrS , tOltl) all tbc cojnetn tbc fame manours, ano ojoueatuapetbc bojlTcs, oren, bine, toinc, tbapc ic.SCbcp ojclne f nionbs out of tbepj abbcp f put tbem in p3tfons,ano after bjougbt tbcm againc totbep? Chapter boufe, toberc tbcp fojccO tbcm to fcarcb Charters attbep? pleafure,fc.i?oj the fubt^ cbe factes the malefaftours toere this peare bp bcrtuc of tbe Ittngscommtirion DirerteOto Thomas Carle of conmionsofBa ^arlball OfEngUnde, Thomas Bardolfe ailD OtbcrS,app?e:! tie executed, beoeo ano conutttcotninteene of tbem fuer bangeo, ano one pjeltco to ocatb* ^fter this the tobolc inbabitauntes of tbe Cobjne, foj that tbcp bao not Ifapoe tbe nialcfactours of tbetr enterpiife tn ^ beginning (as tbcp might baue oone) toeramcrccO to pap f ^bbottoUiarO bto oautagcs. 140000, pounoe. jScuertbelelTc the 0bbot anO Couent at the btngs rcqueff, Inbotoas there pjcfenttoith bis ncfailitic,fo3gatie ano remttteotothem.ia2:?;?7,pounoerirefi)tllings ctghf p pence of the fumme, anO foj the reft hfeo furbe fauour, that """" ' iftbep truelp papoe 2000. marbes in ttoentie pcares fob lototng, ano obfcruco their couenaunts fo; g©o o?Der anO quietnellejtbep fotgaue tbcm all the reft, about tbps time, tbeltbefftrtoasmaoeagainftetbe Kfcord. eecltfut of Canterbme, InbSrCOf 3| fpUOC rCCOjOCOaS fol# lotuetb, « Htng ? 54 Edward the thirde* Edward p?cpr.ring art arinp iitto ScotlandccmmS* DcD ti)c iSapUfes ano citizens of furnifl^ tU)elucI)o;ffcincn, anofcnDcf^cmto totuarce tol[)ic.') charge, t!)c Citrjcns requireD apfic of t!)c^onfec0, to^o aunfracrcD tljern, ttjatUiitljoatt^e aCTcnt oft^e iirng ana tl^cp; 3!rc^iji{l}oppc,t^ep IdouId not agra t^ercbntojfo; fo mucljas tljeiiings of £«/Wf ijao founoro t^ep; ctjurc^ic wfraanopcrpetuallalmeo. ©m^crctjpon, WilliamCinl- ham ilSapIife, anD manp commons oft^c Cttie, alTcmblcD tbcmfclucs tn tbff^J^acbtng i^riers Cburrf)parDe,confpij rcD ano fasarcagainft tbe ^onbesas follotuctb. 1 IIDbat tbcp tooiilD oucrtbtotD t^e penttfcSjtotnDoUrcs, anD mt!itc,belonging to the ^onbes. 2 SCbatno CtttjoniboulbOUidl in anpboufebelonging fotlje^onbs. 3 Cfjat all rents belonging to tbe J^onbcs of Canterfn- rie fljoulo be gat|)creD to tbe bfc of tbe commons. 4 S^bat no man Ibouloe fcnbe o; fel to tbe tponbes anpt ttctuals. 5 2Dbaf tbep tboulb fell all tbe bojUies anb bealfs t came into tbe Citie toitb cariage to tbe ^onbes. 6 Cbatal fucb i^onbs ascamefo?tb oftbeirboufellbolb be fpop let) of tbeir garments. 7 l^bat a trencb (boulbe be caQ^to (fop all men fromgo' ing in o; comming out. 8 snbatenerp^ilgrime (bold at bis enlring,ftDcretbat be (bonio mabe no offering. 9 ^Ifo tbat enerpe of tbofe commons afijjefapbc Ibonli} Jweare on tbeir finger,a ring of golbe of tbofe tbat bctongeO to Thomas Bcckct. fr».Prt. cdtdif. lohn tbe Charles b?otber tXHenait, came fo beipe Edwardc tfic tbicfie againttc tbe Scottes, foitb fiue bunb;eO men of armes, tobtcbe Hmawders and tbe Engit/hmcn fell ont bp cbaunce on Crinitic g>ondap at nrke, tubere. 8o.of tbe jjneoinfbire men tocre Ilaine, and buried bndcr a ftone in s. Clements Cb«rcbpacde in Fofegatt, SCbe Edwar'Ic the thi'rde^ 3 5 j Clie fetngtoente agamffetl)e5'fo//«tl^atl)DerccnfrciJ rouri,erapeffapel>. lames Douglas fine nigbt fecrctlp cntring tljc Engitfh campe, cainc netre to tf)t kings tent to baue taken Oain i}im,but bis Cbaplein being a bolDe man ano toell armeo^toitb fome otber bepng llaine,b( Uiitb mucb aboe got backe bnbnrte. ICibcl tbe ^uecne being pcrCcDabeb tbat tbe (^arle of Leieeftertco mucbe fauonrcotbcolDe iiiing bp? bnfknnDe, tb?ougb tbe fiibtilc beiufe of bp? fcbclenintter Adam Tarle- ton i5iftop of Hereforde, appointCO tbat Thomas Gornay, anD lohn Maltraucrs l^jnigbtes, baninst^fcpn^b bim info tb^P? cnSotip,(bonIO cnrric bim abont tobetber tbep toouio. To tbat none ofbps tnell millers (boulDe bane arcelTe bnto bim,o;bn&erQanD mbere be mabe anp long aboDe. Cbefe b?ougbt bim out bp nigbte from Kemlrvorth, anD firtte be is bjougbt to tbe Caflell afCorfe, tben to Bnsiovo, mbere foj a feafon be luas kept (but bp clofe in tbe CaScl, bntil fiicbs time as it iuas bnoerlfffiDe of bp certatne IBurgedes of tbe rameCotone,tDbo fo? tbe oeliueraunce of tbe faiD Edward, conuepeD tbcmfelucs oucr ^ea: tobofe Determination bee> ing knoUme to bis k^pcrs, in a certaine Darke nigbt tbcp fomiepcD bimtbence to Berkeley. CbcfetojinentoursfojccD bim to riDe barebeaoeD: luben be tooulDe dcirpe tbep luonlD not fulferbpm jneptbcrtobenbcUjasbungrpbJoulDtbep giuc bim fucbe mcate as likeD bim, but fuebe as be lotbcD, CDuerpe toojDe be fpakc iuascontraricD bptbem, gluing Dutmoffeflaunocrouflp, tbatbetnasmaDDe. 3nDtocon- duDe, in all matters tbat tbcp coulDc imagine, tbcpbierc contrarie to bps bjpll, tbat eptber bp coIdc c: toatcbpng,o? bnbolerome meates, o; melancbolp o; otber inSnnitie, be mpgbf langtiifbcanD Dpe. l!5iit contraritoife, tbps man be^ ing of agcoD Difpolition bp nature, Coutc to fuffer, ano patiente tbjougbe (2i5oDs grace to abpDe griefes, bee cn« PureD all tbe iuickeD Deuifes of bps enpmies , fai as toucbingpopfons mbicbe toere miniarcD to bim^ bp tbe . Edward the thir(3c* t|)e bcncfif of nature be Difpatcbeo tbem s,'i33&v.X\)t(e Cfja# pioa6(a0 3; fapD)b?in0tl)e olDe lung totoaroes Barke/ey, bCf tug guarbeD tiittl) a rabble of ^^clt)ouuDC0, along bp tbc graunges belonging to tbeCaltcll of BriBow, tubere tljat tuicUeo man Gcmcy making a croton of l^ep,put it on bps beabc, ano tbe foulbiours tbat mere aboutebimmochcD bim, taping, SCpjut, auauntfiriaing, making akinbeof noife tuiib tbepj moutbes,as tbougb tbep bab fartcb.Cbcfe Doubting to nnrte fomcof bps fricubes, benttbepj iour< ncp oucr tbe ^arilb grounbs, Iping bp tbe riucr of SeHsme. ipojeoucr biutfing bp all meanes to oiffigure bim tbat ba inigbtcnotbeknoluen, tbcpbetermincb to (baueas UjcU tbe bearcofPbpsbeabe aoalfo off bisbearbe , iobercfoje comming bp a little ©Uater lobicbe rannc in a bitrbe, tbep commaunbeb bim to aiigbte from bis bo?ne to be lba> uen:toU)bomebeingrctona^olcbill, a Barbour came loitb a Bafon ofcolbe Mater taken out of tbe oitcb, to iobo EclwardcrapD,fl)all 3 bauc uo luarmc tuater:' tbe Barber anftoereb, tbtsUipllfcruetquotb Bdwjrd,Ujill peojnil pa 3 toill batie tuarme tuaterjanb tbat be migbt kape bis pjo* mife, be beganne to toapeanb to (bcD tearcs plentifullpe, (asitujas rfpO?tcDbpWilliamD)'lLop, toQr riiomasdc la More knigbt.) at length tbep came to Berkeley Calfel, tobere Edward toas Qjutte bppe clofe like an Slnrber. Ifabel bis toife taking it grieuou3p tbat bir bufbabs life toas tbus pjolongebjinaaecomplaint to AdamBifbopof Hereforde^ fapning tbat Ibe bao certapne D?eatnes, tbe interpjetation tobereof fl)e miflikeD. 3!n like fojtc tbe Biftop being in bps confcicnce gut Itie of trcafon,lla)De in feare :tbe like feare aN fo ttrokc tbe bcartcs of otber foj tbe fatne offence,U)bom tbe SMuel bab gatbereo togitber to tbat effect. Mberfoje it fa? meo gffiD to nianp ofgreat Dignitp t blouD,astoel fptritual as tempojal,^ al fucb fear fboulD be taken atoap bp p Deatb of Ed\varde, tuberbppon letters Inerc fent to bps kapers, blaming tbem fo? fuffering bim to eniop fo mucb libertie,f nourilbingbiwt fo belicatelp» f^o?eoaer EcJward the thi'rde» 3 J7 ^ojcouer tfjercisapjiuiemotionmaocfof^em, ffjaf S 3phi8ic>! Icf- fftcoeatNfEclwardctooulDcnDtbe im'lltbeo bnto tl)cm tt"pro«r'ns ■ . . X ^ ^ m 'tt. n. ^ • the miitijtr of a«6 lii tijis potnte,tbc great oeccpte of &>opbi"erfl irtDbe ut the oue kms; f02ce, fet Dolonc bp tbc 2i3ttboppC of Herrfsrde, tobo UjJOtC t\^ViSlEdrt>ardum occidere mltte timer e bomm eU: ICy L lid ward do not fcarc it is a good thing. OJ tbUS t To fcekc to Oied king Edwards hloud, Refufe to feare I countc it good, snbps raping ts to be refolucb into ttoo pJopoCtieits, fobercof tlje firtt conSaing of tb?a Ujojbea, totottte, Edrv^r- dum occtdereKo//te,^nt)tl)C ((conic ofotbor tbJ^jtbatlO, 7/" mere borinm eff.tio fame to pcrCxDabe bcrpfubt illp:but tljc re* cepuers of tbe letters not being ignojant of tbc^cpbillical lij;iting,cbaungeD tbe meaning thereof to tbps fcnfe, Ed- TVArdum occidere nohte ttmere , anb aftertoarDe tOpncO tbcfO ioojbes bmumtn. i^otoetoben tbcolbehtngiDas biougbte to tbe Cattell afojefapbe, be toas berp curtconflpe reretucb bp Thomas iLojbe Barkclcy, but after tt}c tojmenfois bab recepuefi letters concerning tbe goucrnemente of tbe Caffell/Thomas 3Lo;b of Berk!e]/ is commannbeb to be# partefrom fbence,b)bercfoic taking bie leaue toitb figbes, begoetb to bis otber Dtuelling places. :aftcr tbis tbe oloe king teas Ibutte bp in a clofe 7^/a»de,ano bias bebeaDcD on tbe g)ca, leaft be tboulDe ac^ cufetbecbiefe Doer, lohn MaUwuers (rjepenttngbinifelfc) lap long biD in Germanic. SCbispcareDieDCharlcs king of tbe tbtrorbjo* icEdv^rards ti- ^er,bjbitbe toas bjotber to tbe llaDp Ifabd iUuane of £«^- tutotiaunce. ttiotbcr to l^ing Edward tbe tbitDe, faptobofeoeatbc tbe rucccffion of tbelltingDomc of Fraunce came to tljc faio Edwardc: but it bjas bfurpcD anD polTeCreD bp Philhp dc Valoys bnclc to tbe fapDe Charles,bjbo DpD intruDe bitwfelf bpfojcsi EdvrarJthe iStng Edward marrieD Phillip tbe c£arles Daugbter of thudniamed. jjej^aide ,bX Torke tl)e fiue anD ttoeutitb of i^ebjuarte: bjas fitters Daughter to. Philhppc de Valoys afo2e^ fapDe, j, Sherifes.'i Hcnrie Darcyrlohn Hautcn the,iS.of September. . C^Luor. S Hamond Chilcwd Grocer,the aS.of Oflober. 1 uinnoreg.z. 0 parliamenttuasbolDen atin febicb^tt' j Nolirwipton. Ibameful peace toas maDc bettoirt tbe Enghjhmen anD Scots, i 1:^28 fo tbat Dauid tbe fonne of Robert Bruis, fcarcefeuenperes- p«ce wuhthe marricD loan of tbe JEotoer king Edwardcs fiftcr,at scDues. Berwtke,{^^ ttoelftb of3«lg>,.3lfo tbe king maoe tbe Scotteu cbarters,. Edward the thirde^ 3 5 9 c^arfcrSjt^efcnour lulf)ereof toas bnhnotDcn fo t^e Enghlh- mcK'.but al Ujas Done as it pleafeo tljc olDe ©uane, Roger Mortimer,anD lames Dowglas. SC^e tliaDC IlKinne taunting rimes againft t(jc E»gitihmen,tQl tfje fonD DifguifcD apparel bn tbcm at tljat time bfcD, amongtt tljc Usbitb teas fetteneD bppon tljeCtwrci) oases ofSamt Petet toUjarDcs Stangate, Lona beardes hartlelTe, 1-v , I I 1 . 1 rp S.cott.'sh uui'.ts. r ainted hoodes vvirlellc. Gay coates graceleffe. Makes EnoTand thrifdeffe, O Adam Tarlcton loaS maOS BiCbop of fVoraslcr. 3ln a \0arliament at Sa/ififine, tije is. maoe tbja CDrlcs , Pirliametvt H — lohn of E/tam IjiS bjOtljer CDarle of Coynnval, Roger Mort'«i SiUsbuns, raer tapne letters tobicb tnere founDe about bim, toas there be? krn?^^ncu beaDcD.Cbe ofber,fo tDit,f prouincials oftbepreDicants i beheaded at Carmilites, toerc banitbeD rbut tbeliSitbopofLWw.tuas YViBciiciitr. libcrtie. Robert de Taunton prtell,anD fome certain Carmilite i^ricrs anDpreDicants,iuere conDemneD to pet' petualprifon. 2Dbe Death of the fapoe Carle tuas the leffe lamcnteD, bpcaufe bis familpe anD feruauntes bab aboue mcafure af? flifteD the commons, in tahingbp things (as then trauap? IcD,) at the feings price,paping nothing orhcrpelpttlefor it* ' Richard Edward the thircfe* 5 to take bppe lobgings To nigbe bnto tbe £Iiudtne, luptl) ixil)vc^e Ujojoes tbc Conettable beepng greateipe fca^ reD,appopnteb lobging fo; tfje CDarle of Lancaster one mple oute of tije SCoione:ana IpketDifctoereloCgeb tbe Carle of Herefor de, John dc Boliunc of Estfex, f)igbe.Cone(tabIe of EngUndemfi otiiera. Bp inb^cbe meaneo a contention rofe among tbe j^oblemen, ana greate murmuring among ftje common people,toI)ofapae, tljat Roger Mortimer tfje ^uaneo J0aragon, ana tlje ©pngs ^^apffer, fougbt all ttje meano l)e coula toaeflhrop tbe Ikpngo blouae, ana tobfurpetbe Uegall ^ateSie : tabpcbe repo;te troublea mucbe tbe&pngs frienaes, to toatc, William Mountacute, ana otber, tobo fo? tbe fafegarae oftbe Ikpng, (toare tbem> Celueo to be true to bis perfon, ana a?cU) tmto tbem Robert de Hollandc, tobo baODe of long tpme bane cbiefc ka^ per of tbe Caffell, bnto tobome all recreate comers of tbe fame toere knoUme, Cben bppon a certapne nfgbt, tbe Ikpng Iping initbout tbe Caffel, botbe be ana bis fricnaes taerebiougbtbpCoicbUgbttbiougb a fecreteuiapebnoer grouna,beginning far off from p faio Calfelljtil tbep came euen to tbe £Uuanes Chamber, tnbpcbe tbep bp cbauncc founa opemtbep tberfo?c bepng arm^ toitb nakcafcDoias in tbeir baas,tucnt fo?toaros,leauing tbe ISing alfo armea toitb? m. S; i ! m -^w-acTv. - -V. z6z Edward tlie tWrdc* tDttI)o«t tl^e Dojc of tl)c Cl^nniber, Icaff fijnf l^ig mother fboiilD cfptebtni:tlK?tobtcb cntreD iii,flciu Hugh Turpm- ton iinigbte, tDljfl rcfifteD tijcm, ^apttcr lolm Ncudl of ■Hornehj giuitts l)t0 Deablp UjounD. jFrom f^eiife,ff)ep tuent totoaro ^Kuanc mother, tobomo tfjcpfouno toit^ Carle of March, reaDic to baue gone to beooe : ano \)u* ning tahen tbe fapbe Carle, tbcp leooe bint out into tbe ^t^all, after toljottic tbc ^ucene follotueD, crping Beiefits, belt fits, ayesptie degcntil Mortimer,Goo6.{ci\\\t.»,\yiQA {on, take pitie vpon gentle Mortimer, foj (bC fufpetfeO tbatbtt fonne toao tbere, tbougb tbc fato bint not. acben are tbc itepes oftbe CaCell fent fo5, anoouerp place toitb all tbe furniture is pctloeo bp into tbe iitngs bands, but in fucbc fecrct b)ife,tbat nonetoitbout tbe Cattell,e]rcept tbe icings friends bnoerdcode thereof. Cbe neet dap in tbe moaning berp earlp,tbep b?ing Roger Mm timer,and otber bis frieos taben toitb bint^ toitb an bo?riblc Ibout and crping (tbii Carle ^{Lancasitr tben blind, being one of tbem tbat made tbe (boute fo? iop) totoards London, tobere be toas commits ted to tbe STotoer, and aftertoard condemned at vre^imitu Her, in pjefence of tbe febole |0arliament on Saint An- drewcs euen neirt follotoing, and tben d?atone to tbe Elmes, and tbere banged on tbe common gallotoes, tobereonbe bungttoo dapes and ttoo nigbtcs bp tbe ttiings comman# demcnt,and tben toas burped in tbe Crep i^riers Cburcb. I^e toas condemned bp bis pares, and pet neuer toas fajougbt to anCcoere before tbem, to? it toas not tben tbe cu« Come,after tbe deatb oftbe Carles of LnncaUer, mncheUer, GioceHer, and Kent, tobcrefojc tbis Carlc bad tbat lato bini felfe,tobicb be appopntcd fo? ctljer. ^be caufes of bis deatb laid againlf bim toere tbefe. irirlf, tbat be toas confentingto tbe murtbering oftbe Jiings father. ^econdlp, fo? tbat be bad rccciued a great fummeof moncp, toljerebp tbe fiingsbono? toasgreatlp abated at Stanhope Par he,bC gaUCaCgnC bntO tbC 5'w/frtbat tljep Edward die thirde* t^e^n^onlo flte. Cfjirolp, foj f^af caufcii ccrtapn« aoirttcnf D^t^ana Charters to be fajent, Uibcrcin tlje iking of Scots ttojD oouno tjntofije liing ofEngUnde.- ano efpeciallp fo? tbatijebaa canfeo a contract to beuiabe bettuijct tbe i^ingo fitter, an^ Dauid tfie fonnc Ofilobert le Bruis. iT=onrtbIt?, tbat bcfiab bnpjofitablpconfumeiia greafc beale of trcafore inbicb iiiunb in tbehingo treafurie,ano in tffc treafurie of tbc Carles ofwmcheHer ano Gitcefler. iFiftlpjfoj app?opjiaf ing bnto bimfelfe tfje toaries antr mariages of all England. S>iictIp,foj being ancutll counfeller ftrffje feing, anir fo tbe Sliuane motber, ano fo? being ouermucb familiar toitb bir. SCijm Dieo toitb fiim bis frienbs Simon dc Bur- ford ianigbt, b?otber to &ir William Burford tbaf ioas Bin# nice, f lohn Dcucrell Cfquier, inbo toas befirons to bane maoeopen confeOrion of tbe laings fathers cruell Death, but be coulD not be fuffereD. iliing Edward, the Bitbop ofmn- chefier, Wil. Mountacute,attD berp feU> Others patTeDoner giea, lifie as then haD bm Merchants, banm0toithbpm! ofEithamf^io brother |0jo-» tettoj of the Healme. l^e retnrneD againe about the begin# aing of 3pjil, anD then helDe a great SCurniament at Den- firdia Kent. 2Cherb.of31unct«as faojnc bnto fiingEdwiud,, hisfirff fonne oXyEodnobeMW^^Q after nameo Edwarde the blachet9nnce„ tcohe info his hanbs all (> lanDs affigneD to bis motber, anD onlv left Ijira i coo.pounD the peare. 0bout Michaelmas there teas berp folemneiu# If ing of all the tfoute Carles,Barons,anD gobies,at Eon- don in cheape, betloiict tbc great CroUe, anD tfie great Con# Duit nigh feoper ilane, bjbicb lafieo th?a oares, tohere the i25ii bJhrrebg 3^3 No lurtice." udnKo reg.^. Turniamentit Dertford. Edward the blacke Princ* borne. Turnomentln; Cheape ac London. 7vffr}» Ro»^u€sbery^ Sherifes. ^ Saint Law* rencc Pultncf. Kc^iJl.Ctrm'il, Late Harucll. WShtefep}td, jinnoreg.<^, Edward the tmrde» tDl)ercbv purcbafeo greate loue of t\)t people. l^bcrtol: £ly:Thomas Whorwode,thc 28.of Sept. ^ lohn Piiltney Draper,the 28.ofO(ffobcr. STblS &tr lohn Pultney, builOCl) tl)CCollclige in Lo»' calico Saint Laurence Pultney, anO little Aihallowes, a paritb Cbnrcljc inThamisJlreete, ano alfotljcCarmelite i^ricro Cbnrrb t" CoueKtrie. ^utb aioet ^ommcr, loitb crcetOing rapncUias tbis pcare, tbat tbe Come in tbe Sclo coulo not ripe^ fo tbat in nianp placee tljcp began not ^aruett till spicbaelma5. SCbe boufe ntCroxton got not in tljcir Mtjcate tillH^al# lontioe, ano tljeir pcafc not befom S. Andrewes tioe. 2Cbe ^onheo on ^Iballotoen oap, ano ^artelmao oap, toere reraco ioitb J^eafe gr^ne in tbe coooeo, in fteao ofjaearetf ano 0ppleo. !aing Edward fjclo a folemne Cb^tffntao ^tfVeUesM)k}f be continnco till tbe feaff of tbe Epiphany, luberc teas ma* npe ttrange ano fumptuous ibetoes maoc. 3!n tbe beginning of 3ugiitt, Edward Bailioll,ronneanO beire to lohn^inQO{Seottoulbi* oures 5 5 a place bp Berwike, calleb BethH!l,nmz bnto Haltd'.n. 31n tbc meanc feafon the Scottei bab bcfageb tbe Cattell tiiKtimhrHgh.xxi tobicb at that time the €iuane toas: but Inbcn tbep bearb of the bi(to?ie afojefaib, tbep lefte the Kin Edwjrae flcbbc. Wc^t IColDncfmen zXBermk^ palbeb to the *v»nBirVvie! Jiiitg zt EngUndhz^ tbcCaflcll aub tbeCoUmc, tobo pla* ting garrifons there, be fent Edward Bayholi,anbother nobles to kape the Ifiealme of Scotland. Carle Patriims, in the nert ^aarliament bolben at Torke mabefealtie, ano bib bonrage bnto tfie i^ing bp otb, tobo recepueb of tbc liing fo? palbing bp of bnto bimi tnanp bonojs ano pjefermentsmotbjitblfanbing this Carle returneb againc to Itcbellion, tobo bolbing DuKharaQointt tbei&ing,toas befeegeb bp William Mountacute Carle ztSHhfm-ie. sienr.Spittle. SDbis pcare, William Elfing ^percer of LoW<5« (obfep* I. Ltjiand, ntng the Sings licence) mnbe k nelo ^^ofpifall ofan olbc eitff trhuHif ^unnes bp CreepUgatt, toitbin the toall ofLo»do», r trmtuie. pfacing Cbanons Regular there, be became tbetr firff )9nour, enbotoing the fame toitbjtanbs fo;tbereleefeof tbc poojeanb impotent. Sherifes } Nicholas Pike ; lohn Husband, tlic 28. of September. ieb* lohnHamond: William Haufard, the 28.ofScptembcr. Sherifes. ? Sir lohn Poultney Draper, the aS.of Oftober. 3 liing Edwardc iDcnfc totoarb tbe ^arcbesofy^i/W, anblnintereb intborecaa!feo,but bnberifanbing tbat tbe Carle Dajfeis trapterouflp turneb to tbe Scots, f Henry Belle- 3 Edward the thirdc* Bcllemount citfrco Scotland, Amorez-^' repfcD tf)e foegc,anD tbtn Hcpt bis Cb?ittnia£s at Roxhroix-. jajcfcntlvafter tbe feaft of tbe Epiphany, tbe French^inz rente meffengers to liitng Edward, to toate, tbc llBitbop of anD ccrtapne 3lo?l)C5» to treate a peace foj tbe Scottes,^\iQ toapteD fo) an antoere in EngUnde till^iD^ lent, anD tbcn at Nottingham a truce Inas granteD Ditto tbem Dntill t^e feaft of Saint lohn nert contmtng, tfjat tti . tbcmeane time a parliament migbt be bolDen of matters • ^ concerning peace, anD tbe ftate of botlj tlje ItingDomesriti tobitb parliamentbolDenat rorke,it inas Decr^Dtbattbe !liing fboulDe palTe toitb bis .armie tl);ou5\)Scot/ande, be* ponDtl)eS>cottifb S>eas, tl)e tobicbtbingtuasquicblpper# fo?meDanD Done: but tbe S'mrwDeftroustofigbtafielDe, tbep fapneD tbat tbep toonlDe Ijaue peace", to obtepne tbe U>biclj, manp came aboute tbe feaft of Saint Mkhadl, anD cbiefelptbe ^arleof Dafceis,iobevebpon it came topaQD, tbatafterUjarD tfje Carle otMorefe being tabcn p?ifoner at EdenboroHgh,biiZi feittc to beltept pjifoner in £«^/W, anD Richard Talbot teas ranfomeD foj ttootboufanDfiuebnn# DjeD S^arhes, but tbe Carle of-D^/cf/jtuilling to Ibetu tfjaf be teas trulp rcuoUcD to tbeiiing et England, roDe againfte tbeS'forrir/attbe fageofacertarne Caftell, anD falling in# to tbe banDs ofbis enimies, bpcaufe be tooulDe not pslD, bctnas Qapne toitb tbirtcene of bis men. 0ftcr tbe feaft of Saint Michadl.tbelttng continuing fftll in tbe^arcbcs of Scot Undo, tons Daplp entreateD bp mellengcrs from tbeiting, concerning fome peace to be maDe. ;9b0llt tbe feaft of Saint Martinc, Edvvardc Bohune, a noble man,toas DjotoncD in tbe marches of Scotland, foj as be teas Djiuing a bmtie of Cattell ouera Itiuer, be felte bimfelfe in Danger, cauftng bisguiDeto riDebefojebpm tb?ougb tbe toater, toberctb?ougb tbe rmojtbnclR of tbe ftone inbereontbe tnater ranne, bis guiDenotbeingable to tabe fure fcoting fell Dotonebiitb bis mapfter being ar# \ meo. Edward the thirdcf tiKis, mto bcfojc mv brip toulo come, t^cp tocre 6;otoneD in tfje botfcmc of tbe Cb'inncll. ' lohn Hrcfjbilbop of Canterburie lucnf OtlCf t\)C §>Ca fO Phillip de V aloys ISitng of F?--i«r tljte of bts frienofbtp, fo long as conttnueb toaires a? gaintttfje Smtes bis frienDes,tDbome be fapoeIcereiulf men. tanto tbe feconoepetition b^ tuouloe notofberfuife confente tberebnto, tban if all charges iuere repapoe a^ gapnetobicb bis father Charles deValoyslapbc out in the toarres of Gafcotgne. snbirblp , b^ fapbe, that be toas a frieno ano louer of iufliceanD equitie,iDbicbcbeUiou(tie neuertoarue from, neptber fo? frieiiDtbtp, no? affinitie, butbeUjouIbe bp all meancs becoulo,inolcftanti bejrall bjeabers of tbe peace oftbei^ (faith be) there (ball ncuer be pcrfecte peace anb quietncErc among CbJii^i^ns, bcfoje the t^ing of Franwe fitte in place of 3u5gement fo? the right of the i^ingbomes of France^England. anb Scotland. lohn Kingfton: Walter Turkc, the 28 ofSeptember. Sherifes. > Reignald at Conduft Vintner, the 2?.ofO(fl:ober. Uld'a/or. i part of the Mniuerfitie of Oxford tocnte to Stamfirdc, bpcaufeofabariancetbat feUbettuanetbc ijJojtbcrneanb ^outberne^cbollers. tilpon Saint Clements night, tbjougb abunDanceoflua# Anmreg.^. ters, but fpectallp in the Thamis, all the Cattcll anb faeattesnaretberebnto toereb30Umeb,anb tbelanbmaoc J' ^ ^ _ 0at bnfruite^ Edward the thirde* tnfi'uitefuU hv falfctoafcrs. i^tns Edwardc fjaa a tentlj oftJje Clcarsic, anD alfo of tljc burgcUcSj ano a fift^ntl) of t{)c conimono. ^bout tlje feaJf of JBcntcccS, tjs btl^^^^alJatijamcnfat Parihment at NcrthamptoK, iolierc Icauino the pjclatcs, Cateo, anD com# Js'orthaniptoii. , , '7. . - ^ i- ' i ^ x 7ho.df LtM<,rf. mono oebatiiTg about niattcro, bunfclfo ferrcrelp robe to Berrfikf,d.nt} tfetre tahing iuitt) bim a feto men ofarmeo, be toient to Saint lo'ms snotoue, tobtrbb Ijo ffrengtbuebiovtij trencf) anb ramptre, anb fentc bis ©arles, ioitbtbciung Conqucrour,to niafec antnrobcbpohtbe Countrep,anD Hs.^e Jliteslery, to fi^iobat Scottes thepcculD finbetuoulb refitt tbem: but none burlt abibe tl;etr comming, but hibbe tbemfclucc in bUle3,locDbbes,anb mariJbeo, anb in tljc incane tyme ma^ HP (Sarlcs ano Barono came,anb fubmitteb tbemfeluco to l^ing Edward,tjpon conbitiono as follotuctfj. SDJjefe betbepoyntcs agrsrb bctloirt tljc coanfell offbe ?iings at England anb Scotland OH tbo 0110 partio, anb Alex- ander Movvbrey,Geffrey Mowbrey, Godtrey dc RoosAVil- liam Bulloke,anb Euftace deLorcyuc, Ijautng ftlllpoiucr from Dauid StrayulgECSarlC of Dajfels, anb Robert Steward at Scotland, ta troate, accojbe, anb afSrme alipopntesen# tcrparleb, anb to be enterparleo betmirt tbe faybc^^ings, anb tijc (Sarle, anb Stcwarde, as appearetlj fay t^eir letters patents of cptfacr partie. iFirtS it is accojbeb tljat tfac fayb dearie Dajfels,^t great men, anb all otfaer oftl)ecomnumaltieofSm/We,tnhicbc (ball come in tl;e fame conbitions, tfaal ^atte life anb mtm* ber, lanbs anb tenements, f^s anb offices tuitljtn Scot/and, liil)icl)tbepoi5gl)t tofaauebytnljeritance o? rigljt,tl)orecp^ ceptjtuljicl; ffaall be furpjifeb fay common afTent. 3item,tbat tfaep ffaallbe parboneb of empjifonmente, anb of all manner trefpaffes by tfaem bone in tljeHealmes of Engiandmti Scot/andMm tlje beginning oftlje too?lb,t)n# to tfae bate of ttjefe pjefents. 3tem,tl)e©arle-D'?//f/r,anb Alexander Mowbrey,(ball lanbes, tenementeSjpolTeCrionSjanb f^s in Eng/ande, Edward the thirdc* ? 7'' tol)icM^cp fjaD at fl)cir Departure, after tljc ljomagc Done at NewcAHell^i^Qn Twi. 3(tem, ffjat tlje francljtfeD of t^e Cfjurcfje inScotUnde t^all be inaintepneD after tfje aunttcnte bfatje of Scot- Unde. ^tem,t!)at tbc latocs otScotlandm Bojotin;]^ E^oltsnes, f &b?tueU)tftes,U)itt)ni tlje lanDco of tbel^ing of SmUndc, be bfeD after tbeanttentbfageo auD cuttDmeof5'ktt,^ix EdwardMountacute,Thomas Soinaitoii, Wil.she(eituti. Iflc.^ir Darcy Richard.^tr Damuory, ^ix lohn Pouitncy, ^irdc Mere, Roger Banant, Roger Hilary, &tr Boling- brolccj^ir Buttcrcll,&ir SimonSwanland, William Scottc, William BalTct, Robert Sodington, William Zouftcs, ^ir CoslEall, Roaier Sangrauile, Thomas de la More mine ZU" »/.» ^ , tboure, anD lohn Strachc. 3ln tlje fame parliament if toas ena£tcD,tbafnotDolI groining Initbin tbcUealmeof£»^/W, n)oulDbetranrpo> feb out of ttje fame, but that it tbonlb be mabe info clotlj in ujyed oueTrte Ev^/A»d,ant) tbatall i^ullcrs, ^KIcancrSjanbClotbtDoj# feero ofcuerp begra, being fuffirtentlp inffrurtcb, anb cum ning in tbeir arte, from Inbat Countrcp fo eucr tbep came utn ro ciotli* into Erg'AHd, fljoulb recepue anb eniop ccrtapnc pjiuileb* geo,pca anb mojeouer (boulb line at tbe laingo charges out of tbe Crcbequer/bntill tbep b^b pjouibebcommobp ouOte to hue bp tbeir art. aitbougb tbis Statute fdtmeb at tbe beginning to be nothing p;o6table, pet in (bo;t time I the arte of clothing increafeb fo mticb tberebp, that it teas t> tloentie times mo?e bfeb than befojc. Hlfo it Inas enacted, that no man (boulb after that time bup anp cloth that Inas made bepono the ^ea, and that none hjoulb tneare anp i^urres, but fucb as might bifpenij one hunojebponnb bp peare. ;9[a.iii. lohn 5 74 Edward the thirde* Sherifef. > Clarke: William Curteis, the 28.of September. CMnior. C Poultncy Draper,the 2 j.ofOclobcr. T&o. rff U "More. 0ffcr Vgt fcatt of Saint Michael!, a jBarliamenf toas }}oh Annoreg. 11 i>cn nt Londoyt, aitD a Conuocation teas affcmbleo bp tljc I ?"7 arcbbtflboo, toberdn tljc Cleargie grauntcD a tmtb foj rbJ^peares, ano tbc commonsa conftoerattoii of tljc iiinge toarreo U)!)tcl> tuao Ijote in ScotUvdi, ano alfo to refill tt>e Frencf} i^ing, tobo inabe great b?agges, ano ll)cU)20 great cructtie, foj fie cutlatDeo, Octo, anb cmpji# foneDall Engitfomen, aiiD confifcafeo tfje goDeoanbCat# taples of all that iDcrc founo in l;is JStngbome of France, tb^catning, tbat be tooulb be rcucngcD fo? bis frienbcs tbe Scatter. j^o?eouer, be left not fo inticbc ao one Cotone o? Catfell in tbe Counties of tA^wfayKe, 0? of Pcyters, tbat ioas not feijeo into bis banocs .•toberebpon i&tng Edward fentc into to taltcbpall tbe tooillestobifbe^er# (bants bab b;ougbt tbitber,anb mabe fale thereof fo; reabie monep. alfo tnjote iletters to tbe French i^ing , erbQ?' ting bim, tbat be looulbe rontlnue bis olbe amitie. ^ir Walter Many baing tbc CmbaCTabour fo; tbe teing of EngUnde, anb befitous to reucnge tbe Woub of tuio E»g- iifhmen tbat tofte flapne comtning a lanbc fo; frclbc tua# tcr, in a ccrtapne ifianbe , calleb tbe 31e of zAgnet, iiigb bnto FUnders, be taufeb all tbat ba founbe in tbc fapbe Biflanb to be put to tbe too;be, ano ttobe p;ironer tbc Carle ofF/a»dersb;ot^tt, tobo toas Captapne of tbc ' 31le. Certapne of tbe 3|flanb men beeing fleb info a Cbwcb, jjpgfg number of tb;a tboufanbe, toitb tbe CburtI) SOiJ all,bp tbc Wekhmen. , SCbe loarres bdeing tbus as afo;erapbe begonnc bt* timptetbc tluo laingbomes, tbc rumour thereof came bn» to Edward the thirdc* 375 fotlje €ovixttitRome, toljerebpon tbe^popefcnfffooCar^ Dinallw fo? tbc reformation anoojDertng of peace be# ttoijcte tl)c tUJO Bingoomcs , tobo commms to we^mw- /tfr.oeclareo before tbc iiingtbe caufc oftbetrconimtn0, toberebnto tbeiaing anCarercOjtbat altboiigbtoi^bontaH reafon fbep bpb foemc to rettrepne bpm of rigbt anb c# quttie , for tbat b® ongbt to fuccaoe info tlje borne of bps forefatbers , tbc tubpcbe bps aouerfaric Phillip dc Valoys opo oenpe bpnt, erpelUng , murfbe# ring, anb emprtfomng bps people , nnb taHing atoan tbe ^ubebome of t.4cjHitayne, anb (Sarlebomc of Poy- ters toitbout canfe, mapntepning tbc Scotres anb otber ISebellcs agapnUe bpm, pet tbefc iniuries notluitb- Canbtng, ba toas contenteb if tbcp coulee tabc crber for tbe quiet entouing of t^ijuitape anb otbci* fdcs bc^ longing bnto bpm , bobitbo bps prebecetTourco bib eiu top. iporeouer,for tbc birnnffingofallapoetbat tbefV'w^ liing Iboulbe gpue bnto tbc Scsttes at anp tpme of ISebel# lion, for tbe lobicb bs ofifereb bis moncp, anb alfo tbe manage of bis elbeG fonne, anb alfo to rcHgne all ftic^ rites anb intcreGtbat be babbe to tbe l^pngbome of France. JTbe Carbinalles bapng greatelp comforteb ioitb tbis annCcDcre , beparteb , bopin0 tbat all toarres Inere notoe enbeb . 2Cbep toabe toitb tbem lohn tbc 0rcbbilboppe of Canterburie, Richardc JlBtlboppC of Dure ham, anb Geffrey iLorbc Scropc, iobo altogptbcr iucntc on meffage toitb tbe fepnges atinfmere to tbe i^rcncbc ^png, bauing full autboritie to treate anb conclube a peace, HTbefe b^ing fo reafonable oflfcrs, coulbe not pact^ fpe tbe furious minbc of tbe i^^rcncbe !!iing, tobo re» pofcb greate truG in tbe Scones, boppng bp tbem, anb tbrougb tbepr meaues, quite to bifpoHeGe', anb to ;aa.iiii, biOie^ Edward the thi'rdc* Sherifes. (Jlfaior. Difl&crtfcti^cftiitg of £»^Wof all fijo title fjefjao. Walter Ncalc : Nicholas Crane,the 28.otScptembcr. HcnrvDarcy, thezS.ofOftober. SCtje !&tn0 caufeo to confilirate all t\)t gooeo of tlje Lew- l>Ards, ano alfo of tlje ^onlieo of ojOcr of c/«^, ano o- fieatix tb^ougl) tl^e tofjole Hcalme. Amo ref, 12 lo®II, to a ccrtatne number of^acKeo, at a loin pjtce in cuerp Conntrep: t^e number tbat tuas fct Upon Sufordjhire, toas Cro bunojeo faclies , pjtce nine marbeo tbe fache ofgnii) mmll: but notbtng iuao papoe. tfjcUifflll inas bntuerfallp taben. &econtiIp,fo? tbc balfe,in toljofe banoo foeucr it mere founbe, ao toell ^er^ cbats as otbcr. 0nD tbe tbtro time tfjc l^tng tabc a fiftentl) of tbe comminaltp, to be papbe in tDffllI,pjice of cuerp ffone (contapningfourteenepounD)ttDotbillings. TC^e l^ing appointeo alfo all tbe Come anb glebe lanbs toferuefo? bis toarres. 0bOUt Saint Margarets bap, Sing Edvvard,toitb ©uant Philip bis tuife, anb a great armp paffeb tbc S>ea0toitb a i|5auie of 5 00. faple of ^bippfs into F/aKiiers,mii foto ChIUH. STbe fourth of£)£tober, fiftie (^allcps toell manneb anb furnilbcb, came to Southampton about nine of tbe cloeUe, anbfacbeb tbe SDotone, tbe SCotonefmcn running atoa? fojfearcjbp tbe b?cal»eoftbe nertbaptbeptobicbuebbeb^ beipe of tbc Countrep tbcre about, came againCe tbe ^01* rats, anb fougbt toitb tbem, in tbe tobicbsfltirmitbtocre flapne to tbc number oftbjee bunbjeb |0irates, togitbcc toitb tbeir Captapne a pong ^oulbioure tbc Sing of Si- cils fonne. jCo tbts pong man, tbe i^renrb iiing bab giueit tobatfoeuerbe get in tbe Singbomc England, butbeba# tng beaten botone bp a certaphc man of tbc Countrep, crieb Rmcon, nottoitbfianbingtbebufbanbmanlapocbim on toitb bis clubfae, till be bab Oapne bpm,fpeabingtbefe toojbs, pea(quotb be) 3 Itnoto toell pnougbtbon art a Fran- anb tbcrefo;e tbalt tljou bpe, fo; be bnber(i®be not bi^ 12^8 Ho.^ueshtry, Son»h-hampton racked and bret Ijy the French ruaM, sen. Edward e the tfiirde* 5 77 » ^is (pkc^f neptf^er ^ao \)e mvt (l^tU to taHe gcnflsmeit p;t!« (ontvs f fo Itape t\)cm foj tljcir raunfome: Ujljcrfojc tl)C re# lioue of tljofe Ge»Mo.vAyes, aftei' tljcp IjaD fct tlje tolunc a fire alio bjent it bp quite,Qebbe to tficir (0allcpc0, ano in tljepj . flaingcertaincoftfjem tocre o;oU>neD,3ftcr tljto tfieintja# bitantes of tbc totonc compaffeo it about tuitf) a ffrong ano great Mai. 2Cbeilingffill uiapntapning bi® toarres in Fraunce.wi fbe euen of tbc^nnunttationofour Jlabp. jrj. gallepes ap# pjocbiiigtotbctoitjueofw^/w/c/j tbepcaafirctbcrein, tfic fo?ce bJberof bp a confi'artc toinoe toas ffapD,ro tfiat no grct barmetoao oonetbcrebp.irurtbermoje, intbefamepcare about tbc fcallc of ]^cntccolf,certaine pirates ofNormandie ano Geno4, fbippeo in (25allepe0 ano ^inacefi,maoc a fbetn on tbc fca about SoHthAmpto», as tbcp bjouloe bauc come a# lanoe,ano tbJeatneo foje to fpople tbe totone againe, but percepuingtbe toUmefmen reaop to refifitbcm,tbep retur# neo to tbe 3|le atfvtght, but entreo not, being put bache b? tbe inbabitauntes, tobcrebppontbep faplco about tbc fea coattes, faking to lanoc in places leflc oefenoeo, ano after' tame to Hamngi, tobcre tbcp bjcnte filbers cotages toitb tbcp; boates, ano flctuc manp men. ^^Ifo tbep maoe grente fbctoes raanp times againll tbe 3 le of Bontr, ano iv William Pomfict:Hugh Marbetcl, the aS.otScptcm. AUior. 5 HcnricD.ircy,thc.28.otOftobcr. i^ing Edward lutnterco oXAntvtcr^ tobere^uanePhi- lip teas ocltucrcD of bir tbiroc fon Lionel after ^rle of VI- ml!deviceg«a ftcr* ^Cbe btttg tobo bppon bim to be Iicuetenauute of tbe of the Empire, djuiptre from tbe SDubc of Baudre, tobo belocbtmfelfeas Cmpcrour. Srl/ii?' fobaine inunoation of QSHater at Newca^ie bpon Tme drowned. bare Ooiune a p®ce of tbe CoVone Mail, a lire pearcbes iii length ncare to a place calleo wdhenew, tobere. 12 o, men f inomentuere Ojoioneo. 35n tbe tUigil of Samt Matthy ,bing Ed wardc beganne to rpOc toitb Banner oifplapeo^ ano ttoelue tboufano men of armes, againff tbe Fre«c^eiiing, burnpng Sl^otones ano Caffclsmbcrefoeuerbecame . 31n tbe firffnigbt being be# rpe Oarbe, Geffrey i.o;o Scrope one of tbe icings Suffices, (eo Edward tficthircJer 57P IcD one office Cardinals, foluifBertratid de Mount Fauen- tvne, of tfjc title of our iLabre, tjpintoaiiljialjS^otoer, ll^ctDing f)pm tfje toijolelauOe about toUiaiDe^a«;jirr, foj t^ecompaffe offfftane leagues ,to be in eucrp place on Aire, (taping ttjete toojDss,)iir, ootlj not tljis filbcn tt):ao toljcr# toict) Frautce ts corttpaflTc 0, fdcme to pou to be b2ohen: tbc CarDinall aunfinering noticing, fel boione as beaoe fo? te^ robie ano feare. 3ln tbps fojt hing Edward maoe iotirnepes into PrMce Daplp, continuitigtbe rpaceoffiiuetDitkes,ani)caureo bps armpc to traucll'in fuel) foat, tljat tljep bettropeo ttje tDbole COUntrep of CambrAy , Tourney^ V^rmoden, anD Lttndeneive, epcepting tbofe Cities tobitb i»er too?n to bim,lD cljurcbes anOCallels. Cbe inbabitauntesof tijeCountrcpfleObc, neptljertoas tljere anpe mantbat ourttrcltttljisenterpjp# fes, altbougbe tbe ^ing bao gatbereo greate ar* mies tnitbin tbe SIS^alleD Cities, bintfelf Iping in tbe Srbg SDoUine of Saint Quintincs, tobat tiinC tbe Brahanders^^d.tx tietermines to returne borne againe, ano Inere entreo in» to tbepj iotirncp, being fojceotbcrebntOjpartlpc bp toantc ofbinuals, ano partlpe bp tbe colonelTe of Minter lobpcb^ greto on fall. French king tjnOerCfanoing tbereof, beganneto inoue bimfelfe toitb bpsarmpe totoaroe tbe campe of tbe king ot England, tnbo glaolp loking fo? bio comming, calico back again tbe Brabanders^ bailing rccepueo letters fro tbe Fz-tfwrAfiiing^tbatbe tooaloeiopne battaplcagainffbpnt> be tent bim too?oe back againe, tbat be toouloeffap foj bint tb?« oapes, tobcrefoje on tbe fourth oape tbe ikpng lotting fo;tbef>'^r^fiktngs comming, tobitbe Inouloe come no nearer tbem tban ttoo miles off, fajealting bjioges ano fcU ling of tras, tbat tbeiiing of migbte not follotoe l^m,bc 8e0 to toberebpon hingEdwardc retarnco bp in Brabrttnt, tobete be continues almoff tbe bobole , iSHtnter* William L '■ Edward the thirdc* Sherifes.l WilUani Thorncy:Rogcr Frofhain,the,28.of fcptcin. i^aier,) Andrcwc Awbeiy Gi'occr.thc.aS.ofO^lobcr. 3in t^i« SSatntcr time btng Edwardc grelue into grrafe frtenDfl[)tppc toitlj ttjc i^leminings, iuljo p;eparcDtt)cmfel' ues at all times to l^etue tfjeir fclncs as goD fabicrteo Pnto t)im, ftoearing to Hoe Ijcmage ant fealtte,t}ppon contitioii tljat Ije UjoulD calll)imfclfc!^ingof Fr7c-f:but tuber* as in bis feales ant letters patents be nametb bpmfelf as lucll iklng otFngUnde, as of Frounce, ant ootl) fet tbe firlfe quarter of bis armes toitb JLeopartes, bcfoje tbe quarter of ililes, it totb grieuc bs berp muclje, mabing apparaunt to tbe bebolters, tbat tbe little Jflantc of F»^W^,is to be p;eferret,befo;e tbe great bingtome ztFranceMn\Q tobom fir lohn otshordich briigbte mate aunfroere, tbat ft tuas tlje cuftome ofmen in tbofe tapes, to fet tbe title ant armes of tbepj pwgenitojs, befoje tbe amies ant title of tbe rigbte Annoreg.\^ Defccntingoftbeirmotber t ant (bus of tutie antreafott (fapte be) totb mp itojt tbe iiing of EngUnde p;eferre bP0 armes, l&ing Edvvard the thirds liing Edwarde being tbus fauiieo, ffjc spariners of fb^ Cinque mbarbco tbrmfclucs in JDinaccs ano fmat faoatcs toel appoinfeD,tDbo after tijc fcaS of ^.l^iHaric cr- riucD at BoKowtjpo tlje fcacoali, tlje iueatbrr being fo rlou- oieano Darke tbattljepcoulDfcarfcIp be percepufD to be in ttje fjauen, tijep bjcnt in t\)c lotuer totune nintane gallrrs anD four great tbippes, anD ttocntie fmali boatestoitb all tbcp? tackling, ano all fucbe fjoufes ao incrc frituatenpgljc to tbefeacott, amongfi tDl)ici)to vvXil"ftcr. liainentatyvenminsler, toberetn tbe'STempojaltpg'ranteD 1340 bpm euerp nintb flarcc ofsaiojl, euerp nintb lambe, anDc? uerp nintb (beafe of all fo^ts ofcojne, anD tbecleargie gaue I;im a netue tentb. 3|mmeDiatctpafter CaHer, tbe Carles of Sahflurie anD Suff'oikeMiM accompanpeD but tnitb a fetoe men, gaue an aOTault to tbe S^otone ofLtie in F/*«We. SCbe Enghpimen bautng tbuo ouercome tbe firif anb fe# conbe parte oftbe i^leete, ano noio bauing nigbt ojatopng on Edwardc the thirde^ 3 o«, parflp foj foant oflig^f, aito parflp foj n;af f^cp ferre Uiearie,f^cp oetermtncD fo fahc fame reff till tijc nrpi- nroj^ 111113, tD^erefo?e mgljtrrr. fiiipprs of tljet^irDe trelue fleoaUjape, nnoa grcatef&ippecalico t{;c Lni>:s of Dc(/;e tt)inkins to Ijauc carrieD atoap a ccrtainc OfSandivtchf, belonging to tlje ^Buoiof Canterhurie, toas ffapDeifojtljc Rapiers fo If ontclp Dcfenoeb tbemrelucs bp tljc hcipe oftljc t^orle of ti)(it tl)ep faueo thcmfeliies anD tljcpj ff)ip/roin tlje Frenchmen, SDfjefigbtcontmuco al tbenigf/t, atiD in tljc moining tl>e Normans being oacrcomc ano fahe, tfjere loer fouiiD in t^e Ibippe abouc.4oo,men flaine.^poje# ouer f be Iting bnocrSanbing tljat rpjc. Ifjipo ioere flcOlie, fjae rent fojtie (bips toell appointco to follctoe tbem j oucr tljc tobicb t)c maoc lohn Crabe goucmouribut totjat goo fpaiie bebao isnotUnotDcn, 3n tbc firlfe companpc of flbtppeiJtbat tocre tabcn fbep fotrnoe tbefe conquereo ibippeo^tbe Dcmfe, tbc George, tbc Chriftopher, anD tbcblachc Cocke, alltobtcb^tbipo tuere tahen bp Frenchmen at Since, ailD CacricD into Normandte. SCbc number of ffjippss of toarre tbat lucre taken,luas a#^o.bargeoitbenumbcrofenimicsflaincanD ijoUmcD tocre aboue fiuc anD tluentie tljoufanDc^anD of Enghjhmen about foutc tboufanD, amoug iubom tucre foure fem'gbtco, fir Thomas Mortimer tbc i^ingo couRn, fir Thomas Latimer btO fon^Rr William i3uttckrof-S'e >?inigbtes , William Killesby anb Phillippc Wefton ]^jielfcs :earelp in tbe mo?ning, be fcntfo; bis cba# ccltour, treafurer, anbSluftices tben being at anb tbe 215i(bopDfC/;/r/:7(rf?erbeingbisCbaunccIlour, anb tbe XBitbop otCn(ientrie\yiQ Crearurer,bcputoutofoffice,min- Ding alfo to baueTcnt tbem into FUmders, Xq baue ben pleb# ges fo? money be oineo tbere: but tbe JBilboppe of Chiche- fier beclareb bnto bim tnbat baunger migbt infue to bpm, fay tbe Canons of tbe CburrbftfaJberiJpon tfae Jaing bifiniB feo Edward the thirdc* 3^5 ftb f^em out of tfje SCotucr: but as concernmg ffjc Q(COS,tO tuittc, lohn HojDO Stoner, Robert ilOjO Willow- by,William ILOJOeSchar/hcl, aUOCfpCCiallpNicholas JIOJO Bech, totjo bcfojc tbat time tons JLicntcnant of tbc JCotocr qXLondon, auD fir lohn Molcns iiinigbt, toitb certainc mar# Cbaunt men, as lohn Poultncy, Wiliiam Pole anO Richard bisbjotber, ano tbe Cbauncellours toitte, ^aiffcr lohn de Saint Paule, Michael Wathe,11enric StaflForde, anD certatiie of tbc Exchecjucr, as spaiftcr lohn Thorpe, toitl) maim otber moe, tIjebtngcomuiaunOeD to be impjifoneJ), fome in one place, fome in anotfjcr, nep# tberlooulDcbe fuffcr tfjemto be oifcbargeo tf)ence,tilbde loere tb.:ougblp« pacifieo of bis anger concepueo fo? not fen# opngtbemonep tobicbJ^tboulDcbaueferueDattbe Cege of Borneo. KtfiB peare about CbiiUnias, Hemic IBtlboppe of Lin- colnc, ano Geffrey JiojD Scrope, c^iefe ^ufiiciar to tbe fepng ano bis cbiefe Counfeller opeo at Gaum. Anno reg.x 5 l^ing Hdwarde fecpt bisCbiil^t^siTeat Gddforde, anD af# ter tbat a great puffing at Reading. 0ifo at CauDlemalTc ba kept a greateiuffing atz:.w^/f7,fojtbebono;of tbenoble men Qttdafcoma.M^uX) be trapneD bp tberc in feates oftoar. I^emaDc Robert de Bourfier j^nigbt ilojD Cb^ncellour of EngUnde, auD Robert Parnikc JiuigbtC SCreaftircr, tbe onetofuccaDe tbcctber. ^Hfobercutcutjufiiciarstbat fijoulDefetineuerpe Ibire, to cnqupjcconcerning tbe coP leaours of tbc tcntbcs auD fiftitntbes, ano of tocols, anD to ouerfeealofficers. 0nD bicaufetbe Citic oftooulD not fuffer tljatanp fucb off cersfboiilD fetas lufiiccs toitb# in tbsp? Citic as inquifitours of fucbe matters contra# rietotbepjliberties, tbe iiing pjouiDeDtbattbofe 3iuai> ces fboulDe bolDe tbepj ^efiions in tbe SColner of London, to make inquifition of tbe Domagcs of tbel-Wwm.-but bp# caufe tbe Londoners tooulDc notaimOojerc tbere,bntill tbepj liberties toere fullp confirmcD, neptber anpe fucbe conftr# ii5b. mation 385 T Parlumsnt ac IvOildoii. -}f^- Edwardcthe thi'rdc^ iiiafton foulDcbe ^ao tvti)tv oft^e iiiitij, o? fiio CfjauitccI# lour toucf)Uigv!ElrtfonnD€ljaitci-0 ill tl)c E^cUijo, ttjcre rofeifjercof fncljp a create tumulte, tljattljcjuflicico np^ pointcD tf)crc to fit, fapneo tfjat tljeg ioouloc Ooloe no fcP hontl^ere, till after CBalfcr. Mtjerebpon tbcUinc being f)i0l)lp affenoeo fo? fbe fapbe tumult, nnD Celircus (o iuiclu ti;c names of tfjrm tljat Ijao rapfeo it, cDutDenotbnticr' ftanoe but ttjat ttjcu iucre ccrtaine incane pcrfons, toljo elapmcotfjep? liberties : iofjcrebpon tbe litng bcingpnci# fiebofljis troublcDminDe, fojgaucall t^e offences ccii^ mittzt\iv{\)zLo»do}iers, tfjc SuUices bjeaEiug bp all tljep? fitiing toucljing tbc fapuc place. SCfjis pcarc bjitt)in t^e quinbcne of Calfcr a J^arlia- mcntcUiasbolDcnatLf^^^ow loljerctn tljc Ccarles anonos^ blcs of t^e Ucalme, biitl) tljc contmonsano others, a« Hiongft other things rcqueftco, thai the Charter calleb Magra Carta, anD Carta ForetiaXnHX) all Cthcr UbCCtieS ba< longing to the Chnrclje ano htngoomcflioulD be obferueb, ano that the officers ano chiefe Hulers oftheiaingshoufe ftjoulde be chofcn bp the ^ccrcs of the Uealme, in the par#: hament: but thefc petitions the hing tooulD not confirme, iioj coulD not abide to heare talhcd off. a;faout the beginning of the moneth of ^ulpe, Spng Ed- warde recepUCD ICttCl'S froHl Lodovvikc jaDuhe of Bauarie, bfurper of the Romatne Cmpp^e, in the inhprhe p?etcndpng frienDlhippebethjijcthimand Phillip the Fr^^r/f-iaiiig, h« fignifped that tljofe ioarres tohpehe theiling of£»^Whati legonne in Framce, did gceatelp miflibc him, and therefojc bcfired that there fhoulde be concojde and amitie bettuirte thcfeingsofbothHeatmes, the tnhpch^foh®performed, he offered to beffotoe fome labour, requelfpng f^png Ed- vvardes letters of auctho?itie"thereof to trcateaud to coii;# elude a truce fo? one peare ojttoaine, totoardethe ende oftohiche letter,he addethiheretoojdes t SChc deputation, and 3Lieute"naunt(hip tohiche toe gaue bnto pou, toe do fo? diuetfe Endge to ® lohniLo.iD Henaultjbncle to laliuKne Phillip,ano after Kept Aworeg i6 bio feali ofSaint Katherine at ano bis vEb^'i^Kias alfo. tllntiti tbts time Dauid King of Smtes tbjeatneo to leuie an armte ano to enter tbc Ianoe,U)bsret)pon King Ed- warde entreo Scotland, ano follolueo after Dauid, tobo fleo before bi'n beponOe tbe Scotttfh rea,tnaaing ano fpoplingal as bs tDcnt,eccept CaJels ano f^arilbes, in the isbicb tbs togitber toitb Dauid tbep? King bpo tljemfelues. J3[n0 William Mountacnte (t^xXtOtSahfoHrie, bailinggot^ ten a greate flate, entreo an 3|lano belonging to Scot lands, U)bcremottbigo?iouflpebsconquereoit, ano tbc fame 31 le being calleo tbe 3jle of span, tbe Kpag gane it to tbe tljatCtbtbc Cburcbea of EngUnde bad benefoundcd and endued bp nc fale and tuojtbp men,to tbc cnde tbe people migbt be tnfiru? ctcd bp people of fbctrolune language, and tbatbcfaepng fofarreoff, couloenottjnderllande tbe defaultes, pet bps p^edecelTouro and be, moaetban bad bene bfed, bpdtuerfe referuattono, p;outGono, andcollattonomadetodtuerre perfono, fomc ttraungcrs, pea and fome entmtes to tbe Uealmc, toberebp tbe monep and profits toere carried fojtb, tbep? cures notpjouided foj, accojdingtotbefoon« ders mindes, tbep tbcrefo;e bpon dueconfiderations tber# of figntfped to bim, tbat tbep couloe not fuffer fucb enojmif ties anp longer, and tberefoje befougbt bim to reuohe fuel referuattons, p;outGons and collations lubolp? fa auopde fucbe flatinders, mifcbieues, and barmes, as migbte en* fue, and tbat tbe cures migbt be committed to perfons m^t foj tbeerercifes of tbe fame: bcfacbing bim further, toptb^ out delap to fignifp bio intention, Otb tfjep ment to bettoto tbcir diligence toremcdietbe matter, and fde tbat redjeffc migbt be bad. ($• iuen in ful Jparliameiit rbigi.of^ap in tbe peare. 1347. lolm Stcvvard:lohn Ayleniam,thc.28.ofScptcrabcr. Shcrifei. 5 lohn Hamondcjthc.zS.ofOftober. Afaior. ^ ^anp being called to apde tbe laing agatnff tbe Scots, but not being readp, tbep contributed tbeir monep, Jobere^ toitb tbe king migbt bp?e fouldiours in place of tbcm tbat remapned at bome. Iking Edward caufed to be called togitber a great manp Anmreg,\% of artificers, to tbe Cattell of m»df«re, and began to builde an boufetobicbetuas called tbe Ikotinde Cable, tbe floure Ro„nd toberofjfrom tbe Center oj middc point into tbe compaCTe, at v vindf«r4 tuas an bundled f(ote,and tbe lobole SDiameter. aoo.foite f t^e Circnnference thereof is. doo. fcote and tb;^ quarters. Cbe EJvvardthe thi'rc!* K omul Tibfc STOcftintC ftmtPhillipde Valoysfetngof ivX'crwu!' ^ i'iotinDe enable tn lt)ts Countrey, to cnbc Ije mtgbt^ allure tljc mcnne of ESfarre of Germame anb itahe, ano fo to Uape tljem frointije of E^iUtides i^ounbc Kti> ble. Tboidelt TAorft. Jlpitg EdwardetttfufCOUr of Tolin Mountfort^DufiCOf Brytawe, aito of{>10 Ujtfc fltto ctjilojeu, tofjQ fljf" renmpitcD in tlje lungs eulfoDte, ft nt tlje Charles nfNorth^iffjpton.m^ of Oxfordi, Hugh Spencer ano Richard Talbot !antgbtCS,anD matCer William Kilcsby cicarUe, euerpcone ofltjcm Klngbmcrtbemmanprne ofarmcsanb arcfjcrs, into Bru tiVKe, Uil)o entree thereunto,in Dcfpigfjtof al then? cmmieif tubl'fl) rcfiftes tl)ein,maUtng manu conflttfes.SCbcp tobc as iicll toallcb SDolrrncs as ot^er, tnitfj Dtucrfe i^o^trclfts^ anb vTaftclles, bott) bp aCTaulte anb furrcnbcr, bptobtcbc^ meancs tljcpb^tb tb^tufjolrConntrepbnbcr tl)cp2 fubtccri^ on, conqucrtng till tbcp came to ttje SDolonc of toljere Charles dcBloysmettetbem UjptJjagreatearmpe. Battayie at SCbcrfojeiH t^s Cljantpton grcunbe npg!) bnto tlje Moiuys, ttuoarmpesmabegreatcanbmofteftoutefaattaple, tDljcr^ intbcUjojtfjinciTe ofbotb fo?tes bpbfull focil appears : foj' tbep fougl)t fo ffout on botb flbes, tbat in tbe firC conflirt it cbaunceb as tljc liUc Ijab not bene fitnc: fo? t^e cljicfc Cap# taines, CliarlesdeBloys, toU)bDnTtbeFre«(r/#e!ung!)abbe- giucn tlje SDubebome oftljat Countrcp, anb William dc Bohunc Carle of Northamtoy>, U)ijo fo^ fb® bcfcncs of]^ rigbt of lolin de Mountfort, natural! i)tive anbSDuhcoftbat fanbe, tbe King of E^gUnde bab mabeagenerall ouertbe armpoftbc£;?^/(/^ men, tobo fougbte fo long toptb banbe CroUes in tbefielbe tbat bape, tbatnamanne butalpar coulbe giue nio?e p?apre to tbe one tban fo tbe otber. 2Cb?a tpnies tbat bape tbepbcpngtncaricbonbotbfibes, feptb# b?ctoe tbemfelucs fo tahe b?eatbc, anb tben fell to it again toitb ^peare anb tljielbe, anb toc?be anb Cargejbut"in p enbe tbe rigb^ toojtbp ano ftoute Charles de Bloys, bis men flying Edward thethirde* 0mns atoap, teas alfo fojceD to fla fjtmfelfe, toljcretjppoti after manp flaine on botfj fioeg, tbc tJUtojic fell to tfje Itpjtnen. Geifrey Wichinjham.-Thomas Lc^-^c, thc.28,ofScp. Shcrifes. i lolm Hamond,Clic.28.ofOi5lober. (JMMor. ^ f^ing Edwardcfcntc oucr Henric C£nrle ofDarbie, fen fotljc earle of Ijiocoufin, toittjmojetbanfiuB Ijunoerco men of armcs, amonglf toljomtoastb'^tSarlcof pon ttje totone of Dagmlcnm bp aSauUe, to tljc keeping tob^rof tljep appointeo Ralph Stafford, after;- toaro tbep appointeO tbJee tourneps tofearD otber totanes, as efpcciallpto^r/^ ereckf (fo calleD foj tbe ftrengtb thereof, ano alfo calleo tbe Chamber of Framc^j ano alfo to p totun af SMHt Tohn de L, ano fearing, tfaat be Ifaoulbe come berpe late to 1 fae apbe of bps iFatbcr, b^pwo tjppetbc fiege, fetting all bis tenfeo on fire, anb fleb in tbe barfte, but tfae Carle of ^w/fr^/fftoptb bps potoer purfueb tbem, cutofPfbep? faple, tobe a greate inanpe of tbop? bojfffs , anb p;ironers, anb rctour# neb. 0ftcrtbts ccrfainc bolnmen are muffercb in England, appointeb to be rente ouer fea, Inbb rs^nipng oner, are lapoe in garrifon fojbcfence of tbe Countrep. jaifo ttotntp tboufanbe fackes ofssaollaregraunteb to tubing. ^o;e'' ouer Geffrey dc Harccourtc a Norman,tmiz to tfae feing,re^ quiring apb againtt tbeFre«c^btng,tDbo tojongfullptoitb^ belbe bps lanbeo frombtmtat bis firfi comming be bib feaU tie,anb ftoare bomage to bing Edward,but aftertoarb be re^ uolteb. Thomas of tFatfieide tbe ilings ^ecrctarp.bp meanes of tbelltpngs letters to tbe )aope mas abmitteb HBpifaoppe tiS Dnrham, anb lubencertaineoftbe Carbinalles fapbc, tbat Edward the tb'rde» tl^af flje fapd Thomas toas a Uspt perfoit, atiD a lap man, f^e ^aopcanCcDcreDjtrtilp tfthe hntg ofir^j^/Wat tfj!0 time Ani-wert oi l^aO maoe his rcqueCfoj an nnre,f;cnjcuiD h^uc obtctncD tt. SCfje fame pcarc opeD Tarleton, Bifhop hafi bin long time bltnb.after Ujljomc fuccaoca William Edendon, SDrcafourcrof SC^is man founaeatbe^onatlerteof^^/^^i?/;, therein a»tdcn,ii„^ gioua b;at()?en tobercof lucre caMea SDfje fame peare apea Henry Carle of La»c4sler, father to Henry Carle ofano uias burpea at Leycener, tn the^onaderie of Ch^nnons, thel[^ing,ana boththsolae ana pong Sinames being pjefent, Uiith Srchbilhops, WU (hops, Carleo ana Barono, in manner ofallthelanae, tDhafsfonnetoas then in C7/«yf2eaoing chiualrouo artco, Chts peare, the Scones to the number of thirtie thou^ fcnae, William Dowglas bein]^ their leaaer, entrea into IVeHmerltind, anb bjent Carelile, Penreth, Ujith manp Other SSCotones, inhrrefoje the 3IBithopofcW//e,toithThomas Lucy, Robert Ogle, ano a great number, compatTca them t'n the night feafon, ano toith lightes ana nopfe fo aifquie# tea them, that thep neuer aurtt go out foj hitfuals, no? giue their faoapes to flape, but at the laff Alexander Stragan 0outelpp?eparea to go outfo?biaualteo, iohometheBt? 0iop ano Robert Ogle mette, ana toith a fpearethjuff him through thsfaoap, fo that the ^c'^wr/toerefone after ouet^ come ana Oapne» Edmond Hcmcnhall: lohn ofGloccllcr, the zS.of Sept Sherifes. > Richard Lagct, the 28 ofOiTfober. CMaior. y SDhis peare" toas the firff cogregating, anofirff Cuffos fij garatan of the fraternitie of the Croceret in the Citie of " ' LondoHtXtdLZO. 2Che Carle of N'orthampt9», ana the other 3lo?aes in Brs- ^moreg. 20 teisie committeO certapne Caffelo toonne bp them in Bri. teine, fo the fafebceping offaithfiiU Captapnesano ^fcouiai* »ttreo,ana then returnca into England. fiingEdward pjepareo to mafee a bopage into Normandy, 154^ Bh.b. hi« 394 Edwaid the thirdc» KingP-dvvatd 1)13 iJiautc bcuis teafitc to tranfpcjt^ttit from Portefmauth Porchesler,\iii{^t^Z (Ii;arlC3 0f NorthamptsM, tyiry.Mdfll^ ' JVarwike, P/arecourt, Hfi>}ti*:gdon,Oxenforde,([t\Xi Sujfc/keytl^t ffiilbop QtDurhanj,mh i^apttct William Killesby Clttfte, cuerpone of tbcfc lenDinsasrcatarmteof^0ul£iioure3, loell appopnteD , tucre cmbarqueo, ano toaptcD fojtbe iVJorffc iutaDe, from ttjefirtt of BJune, to ti)e fiftb of 31iUPnCnD tbcn bautng a gccD toinoe, mv bcganno toiitaho&aplctDit& tbc number of one tboufanoe ^bipp^® ofbnrtbenano^u jiace3, ano on tbe tijirteentb bap of^ulp, tbep lanbebaf jiogges in Norm(i»dj, tobcre on tbe Iboje of tbe ^ea,i^tng Edvvarde matiebib elbeft fonnc i^nigbte, anoalfoj^jince flf ivcJcs, anb inunebiatclp tbe ^ajince inafie !iiugbte3, Moitiniere, Montacutc, Rofe, ant) Otber. ICbitf nigbt tbe taingJobgeb in tbeSCotone ntHoggest SCotDne toas b^ent bp tbe 0rmie. SCbenigbt follotoing, J^tng Edward lobget) in-4/frr?//, tobere be ftapbe Sue iiapeb, During tDbtcbe time, all tbe Countrep, toitb tbe STotone of Barhefleete, tone bp bte men tonfumeD toitb fire, i^rom tbencc tbep DepartcD to Velty- ^w,tobtcb tbep toSenetcombede Mount, tobiebe 13 ntgb tbe &ea, ano to Garantam, tbence to SeriHi, anD to Satnt Lewes,T^viSin% along bnto tbe ^olune nfTurney, toaffiitg all toitb fire, anD tbat nigbt tbe J^png loDgeD at CarntAitn, tben to G";rw, being a Iteligious boufe belonging bnto Cune, leaning notbingbebinDe tbem bn» fpopleD. Cant in Nor- 0ftertuarD tbcp maDe an afTaulte, ano enfreo tbe Cifie gedbyEd"'' of malting tbeir entrance bp a Biioge tobicbe toao ward the third. ttronglpDcfenoeo. snbete tuas fiapne an bunojetb tbJ® nno fojtiei^nigb^ teo, among tbe toljicbe teas tbe Carles of£irtf,anDC?w- herhndeTmkcrmll, feitb DpuCrO Otber CaptapttCS, tobpCbe Jncre rente into EngU»d: ano tbe ilaop ilbateKe of Cane.-mti of tbem oftlje Cttie,Ujere Qapne aboue one tboufonDe tbja bunD;eD« Edward die tliirde* ' ^ J flji'd dtfic f^c annic rcniauitcD Sps Da^es, anD fpoyle thereof ri)Cpfo I DC fo tl)orc^arrincrslt)^!ct)efoh*2>=' tocD tl)e coaff as die Bins i»cnt STfjrn ffjc{) iucntc to tfjo ipoiiattcrte in ti)c SDotonc of a bcrpitrong tljpng, anD locll DcfcnDCD« ^ftcrluarDCj tijcp canrc bnfo bp ntgbt^j burning ftillas tbcp toentCjtill tbcpcamctottje CiticofL/^«Atobcrc fb^fonnb^ fb^ CarDinallesofC/^- rtmoufit,mtya^Naples, auD oucJ^rcbbtlbop,toljoofffcrcD tbe ®ing a treafic of peace, ano tljeretbe tomgcontinueD tb?dJ Dapes, refufing to trcatc of peace. fbtp inente to Lelts>it»oia»d, aitO to tljc SCotoiie of Brme, anD loOgcD at New Barge, auD after at Seiehfe bpou %w,anD tijcre tbe ivclchme»tcammc tf)2ougb tlje toaterof^f^<«A?, anobaing rcfilfeD bp tbe inljabttantes , tijcp Qctoe manp of tfjcm; SnijentbtppalTeDnigt) totbe SCotone ano Caffell of/'«««? Darch, baing ttrong places , ano not faiitafalc. K^\}0 nigbt^bt loogeo atL«7 bpon Segaa, nigb bntofbegco SCotone ntLmars, tobicbstbep oio faiirne,3ffer,fbcppar^ fto bp tbe STotonc ano Calfcll otGayion, tobicbc tljcp tcohe,, ano b?enfe,ano loogco at Ungeuie, tobicb^ is nigb tbs groo 2Doione ano (Calfcll otVeryion, lubicbs tbtp toucbeo not, ano tbere tbep 8rlf enfreo info VrAnce, ano tbe fame nigbt- tbep biente tbe Cafiell of Roche Blanche, tobicbclfanoetb* on tbe otber fioe of ano loogeo af Frm^/^bpon St- gA». after tbat, tbep paffeo bp tbe ^oVont de Mamt, loo> ging tbat nigbt at Opome. jSDn tbe nerte oap tbep palTcO to Frigmas, mto tbc ncpte oape to tbe gcao SCotnne ofF^^av, toberc bapng a l!5?i0ge to patTc oucr tlje Hiucr titSegan^ tbe iFrencbe bao fpopteo it, but tbe t^png caufco if to bee reeoifpeo : ano tbe ncpte oape tbep came bnfo iDbere toere tb:«e grcatc armies appopntco to kfcpe tbe l^ing from patting tbat tnap : but ba nraUing a greate fonflicte tuitb tbem, acmetbjee bunojetb of tbem at tljc firfltc charge, put tbe reOoue to fligbie, ano r}3cp!cD (beir StenteSjburning ibieebnnbjetb ano tluo Cartes ano Ma# gens laoebjitb CroSTcbotoes, £EiuarelS;^rino?,f bictuals: tbp. ;9<» Edward the thirdc» t\)t iiing ffaptitg ffjere fUjo tiapes, tl;ep iuettf to Grej?/e nfg^ tnto Fomtcys^ tijeii to Antell: t\)t ticft Oap f^cp paHtD Op t^e Citieof tonc^co not, anD (ohvTrofi- lours at tfjc Ujatcr ofSof?)e,ijj\)txt tfjep loOgcD. Ctje ncrt Da? tf)cp tnan aCotonc of Pojs, ano bjcnt t^e Caftell. iFrom thence tfjc? toentto Are£Hsts,ti)m to Ac(}r»,)a3^tvt tlje? loO* . gcD. nert Da? t^ep came to A^n tbe otber CDe,fting Edward commanoeD bis Bait^ ner to be ererteD of tbe Djagon, tobich CgniSeD fierceneHIe, anD crueltie to be turneD againff tbe JLillies. Klfz(z armies being tbus appopnteD,ffo}De in tbe fielDe from Edward the thirde* 397 from one of t\)t clotfee, tmfiU tfjc cuenmj. 0boufc tfje &tmne retting, after tbcarmtw tjaf uifteD,f!)rp begannc bp fonno of 2Druuipettce to giuc figne of battavlc, but tljep tbemrelues felt tl)c fojcc of tbc Gnglitb ^rcljcro, nnoao foj tljeir QuarclSjtbei? fell Ujojt a great iuap. fl5c3coucr, tbctr fcDtcmcn being placco among tbeir olune bo^femen, locre bptfjem (Ujl)r»tl)eptuerc gaullcoioitbtbc (^nglilbfijotte ofarroUjcs) ouerrunnc ano troDcnbpon, tfjat a great out;" trie toasmaoc ao it Uicre to tlje ^tarreo, anbtljelDbofr fojmeofttjearraptoasbjokcn, no tl)ep figfjtingtuitf) tl;c Cnglillb armeo men,arc beaten Ootunc toitlj JSolcares. 3|n tfjis fo terrible a bicbering,tbe J3?incc off'Va/es being tbenbut firtdenc pcares oloe, Ojetoeo bis tuonoerfull to# luaronetTe, laping on berp botelp tuitb ^peare ano ^bislb. SDbisbattell Oureo tb?^ partes of tbe nigbt, intbetobieb timctbc Frenchmen gaue fiue greataCfaultes againlte oure men, but at tbe length tbep being conquereo,ranneatDap. )©n tbe mojroto, tbcre came four armies offrelb feoul* Oioures totbe/rf^f/^fioejanomabing femblant as tbougb tbeir part bao fufFcrco no barme, tbep come againll tbe En- ghfnmen, ano gauc tbcm a frclb batfaple. £Dn tbe otber ftoe, tbt Enghfnmen toitbtfcoOc tbcm bccu ftoutclu, ano after a Ibarp conflict tbep fojceo tbeir foes to flic, anO in cbacing of tbem togitber iuitb tbcm tbat toere flavne in tbe conflict, tbep fleU) tbJce tboufano men in tbe fapo ftoo oapcs. SCbjirc toere Qapnc in tbe battaplc of Cr^9', tbe icings of ano of tbe arcbbitbop nfZanxinn^, tbe 113ill)0p of Noyone, tlje E^UbeS Qi Lorry ne, ailO Bur ban, t[)C (SarlfS Of-r^- lanfin, Hurecomt, Awmnrle,S(iuoy,Nois, ABounthilliard^N'imrs, mb tit Flanders,tbcgcauno^jiour oftbetj^ofpitallof France,mb fotirc tboufano men of amies, bcfloe common fouloioures toitbout number. 2nbc tbiro Oap after, tling Edward palTeo bp tbe 0bbep of ano tbe nert oaptbepcame totbeSCotoneof Mountney, ano from tbence to tbe i^unrie of Saint locc, ano after tbep patTeo oner a i^ojoe, ano came to Newcasieii, tobere 49? Edward the thirde* Sherij^ei CMaior, iir WaUtr VVike inJhij fonnes cruelly flayiic by the Scoctes. tof)cre t^cv ttapDe tioo DapcSjano from tl^encc came fo KingBJvvarde Ca/ess, U)tjic^ p?cfently t^C{) entrCHC^CD to befOPgOj facing fourtfa Dap of September. lohn Croydon: William Clopton, the 28. of September. Geffrey Witchinghani, the 28 of October. SCfac Frirnch i^fng til tfaig mcanc time fcnt a number of Gemnvajs^ anD offacr faircD &ouIDiours,tmto Damd Jiltng o( Scottes, carneftlp requeuing fatm tfaat fae tooulD imiaDe Eng- iind tDitfa all fais foicc; tDl)crcfo?c about t^ic feaucntfa of £Dc* tobcr,l)C iuitfaa migfattc potocrentrcD£'{^/W,paCring«t» \mQ\i)>Berwtke, iufaicfa Uiasi ffrouglp DcfcnDCDbptfjc£«^- li[hmen,mti fo ranging oucrtfac i^^ojrctt tAcAinerptke, tt)cp toonncaccrtapnc^annourplacc callcD Ludm, belonging to t^e 3lo>D Walter Wake, ttjijo pdelDcD faimfelfc on conDu tionto be ranfomeD, tefaere Selby alSnigfat, baingoefi* rou0 bp latD of armes fo faue faio life, fae tuas taben, tofaicb tofaen it toao hnoUme to Dauid, fae commanoeD faim to be flapneifaut Selby intreatcD fojljtm, tfaat fae mougfatba bjougfat aliue to tfae pjefenceofDauid, tofao faauingobtep^ neD fais requeif, fae falletfa Dotune befoje Dauid, requeuing faislifefoiraunfomejbutfaeUjas agapne aDiuDgcD to Dpe, kifae malice of tfae Spirant tua0 futfae, tfaat faecommauns DcDtUjo oftfaecfailDjenoftfaepoieJinigfat to becltrangleD infigfatoftfacir fatfaer,ano afterUiarDc faimfelfe boring aU luoftmaDDefo? foirotu, Seas faefaeaDcD, i?rcm tfaence tfae Smtes palTcD fo;UjarDe,toaCing along tfae vlountrep, fefaerein tucre manp i^armcs belonging to tfae cponalterie of Durham, auD comming toitfainttuo miles til Durham, tfacp tmbc ccrtapne of tfae i^onbes,tofaicfa tfaep bcpt pjffoners foj tfaeir raunfomc, mahing couenanf tottfa tfae refiotte fo? a certapiie fumuie of monep ano cojne toreDamc tfaep? spannoures from fpopling. ICfae wf«of tfae i^arcfaes fleeing befo?e tfae face of tfae cninne, William de laZouch, ^ircfabilfaop Of Tor'ke, tClhcgerent to tfae iiingtn tfae ^^arcfaes, calling togitfaer tfae llBilfaopof QarclUe,X\j,Z CDarU Of AngUtfe, tfae^O?D Movvbrcy, tfae JLO?ll Percy, Edward the thi'rde* ?PP Percy,fl)e iLo?6 Ncuel!,an5 offj^r of tfjc loi'fl^all tfjcir apDe, toijitijcr toit!) tijc IlrcOcro of La>:c,^pnh-e, Uient foUiarDstlje arnue oftlje Scoties,m\ii cnt^c CHcn ofSainc Luke, mtitc ftjem at a place calleo Betvre Parke, nd're Ne- uds Crofje. TkCift Scottifh jDation notaccuDtomcD to Act, ijjitiff ftffloe t^em ttoutlp.anij Waning l^eaopdeces on tfjctr ^eaOs, anDlCargetson ftjeir amies, pjeafuig fo;c bpon t^e /ip)me>7, t^tv abooe tf)eb?unf of tbc^rcljers: but tfjc men of armco tofjic^torrc t" tbc fo;efronts, gaiie f^ctceiumies manp bcablp tuounbes. ici)e ^arfball of t^e Scones, ©arle Pati ike, tul)o baD tlje cljarge oftbe reretoarb, tofjen l^e per# ccpueb Yfis men to be beaten botone,bcflebbeaUjapl»itf>' of^er tljat toere pjiute to bt« cotoarbltneire: i)t being fleb, tlje refibucoftbe^'mre/ continuing faitl)fnllp feittj tf)ep^ iiing,(t®be about l)im libearounb 2:otDcr,'!iffping^)pm tn tlje mibble, tuljo fo continucb till t^ere toas fcarfe fo?tie eftfjemleft aliue,oftIje iol^iffj not one oftbem coulbeef? tape aUiap. :3t length, Dauid tt>eir feingbdeingfai?enp?t# foner bp loim Copland, tfje retibue aboutefjimbdingta-' Iteno? flapne,tbe EngitflimeM purfueb tl)e cl^ace after tijein ioljicfje tnere fiebbe, Qaping anb taking tijem asfiirreas TrsidthotvtmCorhr-dge.%ntl)\& great batfaple toeretakenKin^ofscoffte Dauid dc Brufe i^ilig of Scottes, tfje Carle Of.'t/i;»c//e,f{je Carle of F//e, tije 3Lo2be Malcolm Fleming, tlje Carle Wixton , William Dovvglas , William de Lemmgltonc, Walter dc Halliburton, lohn Dowglas, Dauid de Anadc, lohndc Saint Clerc, William Mowbray, Dauid-FitzRo- bert, William dcRamfey, Adam Moygne, lohn Stewarde, Roger dcKirkpatrilce,lohn Hume, f-Wil.Morrcy knigl)ts, lames Sudelflour, lames Loren, Henry DclkerJlSaroiietS, C^eretnere flaine in tbisbattell tlje Carle atMortfe,t\)Z' Carle of'S'rroulD{oure®, neptber tbeptoitbinre* cepue anp bictualles bp toatcr. STbe Norman j^irat® at fun;« dip time® tcDhe fiftcene of bis gtbippe®, tobereof fomeof them tbep carted atoap foj their otonc occupping, the other tbep b?ent, and ^ir Thomas Hadut, toitlj ^ir William Borton iinigbt®,as tbep toere failing into toere fa# hen piifoner® on the ^ea. Jiaing Edwardbauing foitifiedtbeffrge,lap toitboufgtd uing anp affault, hitotoing that it toa® not poCTible to figbf toitb Edward the thirde* entintes tuitliout great lolTeofmen, conCDen'ng tfje Deaptl) of tfje Ditc!)es,aitO Ijeigflj oft^e tDalleo t neptfjcr tDonloe fje erect aiipengtnsagnm{fet^eSDotDne,fo? tt)erc tDanteofirmcgrounoc totjcrebpon to place ttjcm.liScriDcs tljat, if Ije t^oulD faeate Dotunc t^e ioallcs, pet ioere tijc oit# c^eo fo ocepe, aiio full of fait toater, let in on cuerpfior, t^at tfjep tuerc able to toitljltanDe all t^c toojlp, loittj little Ifrengtl) ano Defence, ;0n tbat fiDe of tbcSDotuneontuljicl) tbe^o7wmU>cre tuont fo faictuall C;«/m,tl)at io along on tbe^ea fiDe,ano cf* peciallp ioljcn tpe S>ljippe0 coulD not be fuffereD to paffc bp S>eaj but alonglf tbe l^o?e Uutlj finall boateo, tljc Garle of North.tmptofi maDe a iSampire, iuljcrelisitlj be bept aUiap A R jnipire anD beatc bacbe fucb faoateo, anD afterUiarDe fob^n tlje ^ID.- ttiirall ofFA-,*«uhe of Detetjej,mii tlje Carles of Buhne ano Darminakg , tuljo parlcitig toitb tljc SDuUe of LAnca^ier,a\\^ tbC Carles of Northampton ano Hun- toucbiitg a truce, coulD not obtepnetbeir confente, tpbcrbpou after tbepbao erercifeo a little toarliheiulfing, Cc. tbcp 4oi The French King profiled batiajle. TheFtetteh King decth. Wil-KonftlU CaUisis yeeU ded. Tie order how Caleii yvas yetlJed. Edward the thirde* refurnefi fo tijcir SCcntcs. Kl)t fccoiiD oa^ foUoiDmg:,' ti)c"French JUtng cffetcD ff)c ofEKgLKda oap ofbattell, toljtc^ t^c Jiing on ceifaimc r onoitions acteptcD facrp glao# Ipc. t\)e meane fcafon, t^er> Uif)tcl)lucre facfeegcD, mauc fenoUine ttjrir fiatc to tfje FreKch i^tng, bp fignco ano to? ken3,fo?atl;iofi[rtt commtng, tljcp luittitnfbeSnolBnefct tpbts nunticnt on tljc c^icfcftCoUicrof t^c CatfcH, ano alfo ttjep fet out ISanncrs of tl)e 2)ut?e0 ano Cadco of FrMce, ano a little after tlje tljutting in of tfje eticning,tf)cp tnnoc a great ligfjl on tljetoppe of oncoftl)cl)t0t)cft2no'# lucrs, luljicl) loas totuaros tfjc armte of tlje Frenchmen, ano tberetuitbali tljcp maoe a greatc Iboute anO nopfe tont^i SCrumpetfi ano SDjoramesttlje fecono ntgfjt tl)cp niaoe tfjc lihCjbutfometubat lelTc t tbe tfjiro nigbta berpfmall fire, gluing fojtb tl;erelottl) a fojrolufull bopcc/ignifping tficrc"' bptbat tfietr ffrengtl) toucfitng tbeliffptngoftljeSrotune, toas quitefpent ano oonciano tfic fame ntgbf tbep tohe in all tljeir flaggcs anO anticnts, ercept tbeir ^tanoarf. at tfie latt, tbe oap of battaplc ojctu on, agatnff luljicl) tpme, tfjerc came out of Eng/andantj Dmchianu totuaro ttieijelpe of i^ing Ecivvarde, feauentanc tljoufanoe figging men, lofierebpon tfie French Jitng betimes in tbemojning of tl^e fecono oap of ^uguttmiaUing fire in fits ;Centes,fie flcooe, lufiofc taple tfie SDufie ofZ/^«rateroap foflotoingjTohn d; Vienna tfieir Captapne, a man berp MfuU in tuarUfee affap?es, opening tfie gates of tfie s:otone, came out fo tfig j^ing of England, fitting on a little nagge, fo? ffiat fie being fame on fiis fate coulo not meflgoe, luitfi an fialter about fits neche, luitfi tfie otfier bnrgeffes ano fouloiours folio* tuing on f£Dte,bare fieafleo, anO bare fcoteO, fiauing fiqiters about tfieir necfics.SCfie Captapne comming tfius bcfojc tfie IHing, offereo fiim a iuarUfie Ccuo?o,as bnto tfie cfiiefflt i^^tnce Edward the thirde» p^tnce of amies amongff aUCl)?t(ltan ^m0S,atiDasone t^iat^aofaben t^at JCotone fromtfje itiigljtteftCfiJtSiaiT ilitng bp noble cbeualrte. ITben b^ oeltuereb to btm tbe iiepes of tbe SCotone. STbirl'IPi be requcHtng of bun pitie, nffeco parDon,ano oeltuereo b'*" tbe too?o of peace, tuberc^ toitb be ibouio gtne rigbt tubgement, fpare anofojbeare tbe bumble ano lotvly, and rbatten tbe pjouoe barted. SCtie laing receputng tbat Inbicb toue ofiered bim, fentc tlje Captapne toitb fifttonc Enigbtes, and as manp biirgcD fes into Btglmd, cnricbing tbem toitb large giftes.S^be common rojt of people, and fucb as be found in tbe totone, being fonictobat refrelbed toitb tbe livings almes, be com# mantled to be fafe condurtco to tbe Callell of Gwf^ies. Guifrtea after tbe taking of tbe SCotone of c^/wijtbefiioulDi# mirsattbe Jiings commandementetcDketbe^^annourof Markfs,mti of Hoy, and toitb great difftcultie tbep built in ho". tbem iPo?tc6 , fetting in ojder tobere toalles toanted ^ioggetbeads filled toitb ffones againll tbe enimies, tobi# lelttbe toalles'toere a building toitbin. SnimcDiatelpaf# tcr tbe taking of tbere began in tbofc partes a gene# rail pefftlence of tbe jPUr, coming fro tbe Calf partes, info manp otber partes of tbe toojld,toberebp6 it came to pafle, tbat a great multitude of people died, fi^bie pcfiilence gaue occafion p certapne Cardinals toerc fcnt on § bebalfe of tbe French ikiug, to craue a truce from tbat time, bnto tbe fealf of Saint Barnabe nept follctotng, tobtcb toao agrad bpott on tbe 2 8.of September. Adam Braplen : Richard Bas,tlic 28. of September. Shertfes. > Thomas Leggy Skinner, the 28.of Oftober. U^fofor. S S^be truce being take as afoje is raid,ia.Edvvard builfa ^ Calf el at ^'y2"i«ie,bettoirt g totone of c.«/gEdt'vard boiiic of rail, tnfeffingtbemibbleregion of tbe ap?erogreatlp,tbat ' " it beffropeb tbe Surajins, Turkes, Strians , Paiesti»ians, anO tbs Gretttvis, luitb 3 toonberfnll, o? ratbcr increbible beati), infomncb tbat tbofe peoples baingejecabinglpbifmapbc tuitbtbe terrour thereof, confultcb amongtttbemfelues, anb thought it gob to recepue the Cb?iffian i^aith anb ^a# cramentes, foj tbep bab intelligence that the CbJittians tDbicbe bluelteonthis ffbe the C'rahilb^oa,luerenotro greatlp (moje than common cuffome luas) troubleb toptb ffchnelTe anb mojtalitie. at length this terrible flaugbter paflTeb ouer into tbofe Countreps tubttb are on this ftbe the ^ipes, anb from thence to the partes of France tubicb ar« calleb Hefperta, attb fo bp ojber along into Germany anb Dhtchiand. anb the feauentb peare after it begannejit came into England, anb firff beganne uttbcJTolunesanb jaojts iopning on tbe§>ea coaffes,ini><'ry?ryz>ire,iubere,euenaB in other Countreps, it mabe theCountrep quite bopbc of inbabttantes, Co that there tuere almoff none leftaliue. Iteconis of the Ctntr, Edwardf the thirdcf i^rottl ffjcncc it palTeD into DenonPiire, ana Somerfet- fl>ire, men ahfo Bnnowe, ana ragea in fuc^e fojf, tljat tfjc Cloces}erp}irtmen iuoulae nof fuffcrtl^e Bri^orvrneKtH^mZ anpe accetfe bnto tijem , o? intottjeir Countrep b^'anpc meanes: but at Icn0tl> it rame to Glocefhr, pea ana to Ox- forde, ana London, auD finally it fpjeaa ouer all England ana fo tuattea ana fpoplea tljo people, tljat fcarce tlje tentb pcrfon of all fojteo toas lefte nliuc: tobcn Cfjurcb paracs tocrc not fufftcicntc ana largepnottgl) to burie tbep? Deaa in, tfjeprljofeccrtapneifielas appopnteafo; tbatpnrpofe, Gualtcr Mayny, itOJO of Afayny, bojne iu Cambray, tobO feruca in companp of Henry jsDube ztLancaflerm bis grraf aanbotbcr places, foj a feafon ceaffeD. taerp fetoe noble men opeb, among tobomc beparfco lohn Mountgomcry,anQb'S3laDp:tbe iLOJO Clifteles Cap? iapne of CaUps bpeo at CaitU, anb teas buryeo in fbe tDfjite jf^ricrs at London. £)f tije common people, togitljci- toitb IJeligioas anb Clearbes, tbere bpeb an innume rable fojte, foj no man but (S^obonelpImetoebotD manp. SEbcrebpeo from tbc firtt of ganuarp, to tbefirttofglulp, in tbecitic of Nenvich 5 7:? 7petfons, bcfibcs CalcfiaCicaU £l5cnbi/ cants anb^otninihes. Cberc toas burpcb in tbc Cbtircb anb Cburcb'parb eXTermouthXw one pcare 7052. men anb ioomen, befo;e tobicb time tbe if^crfonage tbere tons too;tb 700. marbes bppearcjanb aftertuarbesloas fcarfctuojtb fojtie pounoetbc peare. Cbis note toas ccrtificbtoiiing Henry tbe feauentbUn tbe 2 r,of bis raigne,anb tbe fame is tujitten on tbe gates of tbe Cborcb Qtiermomh. s:bis great pcftilence began at London about tbe fealf of 011 S>ainstcs, in^ peare i ^48.tnbat time tbispeailenccbab luaftcb all EngUnd,y_ Scots grcatlp reiopcing,mocbeb 1 ftoare cftftimcs bp tbebiicbcatbofp EnghfhmenXiWt^ fU30JbOf<25obS U)?atb beparting fro tbence,flelD 1 cofumeb tbe Scon in no IcflTc nu? bers, tljan it bib tbe otber. at alfo tonlfeb X\)t}Veichmcnmti tuitbin a iobilc paiTeb ouer into /rf/Wiobere it beliropeb a great nuber of people tbatbtoelttbere, butfucbcas toere rigbt infurnen bojnc,^ bUiclt in tbc bill? countrcps, it fcarcelp toucbcb, fo tbat feto of tbe bieb tbcrof.Cbis plague cotinueb Tometime in one place, fometime in another, bn? till tbe peare ofoiirllojb 1957. SUbe fame pearefo? a truce 0? finall peace fo bcconclubcb,tbeB.of tbe(£arle QtMorth^mpton,t\)Z Carle Richard Talbot,Walter Mayny ittnigbtes^fapleb ouer tbe^ea into France,^ CCtiiiji^ Frenchmen 407 Nc^'v Abl3e7 by tbe Tovver of L'Ondon foiiiidei]. Iihcr trmiU tanil. tib.BnftmHiJlcr, ICorv^ncli. of Kofirich Jtnii.tcrlcftJn. Y cruioutiu 1 Edward the thirdc* F>YKdmf»met pcaceablp, but tfjcptoonib nofaffrafoaft^ nalt peace, bnleflb Ca/m toere retto?cbfo tbfagaine, tobicb UjcuId not be 0ranfcD t ano tl)e truce tobtclje toaa ta# Ken fo? a pearc toas fo continuco.liBut t^c Carle ot Flanders, tobo InoulD not tn anp cafe recepiic conbitions of peace,bn^ leffe tbe FrenchMn^ tuere quite fojraUen,notteitblfanDing bis folcnine otl), not Ion0 after entreb into Flanders toitb a 0reatpoiDcr QtFrenchmen,h\xxtmQ anbhillin0 tobereeuer be camc:but tbe people of tlje Countrep toitb a feVu Engitjh- wf«tDitbfffflbebini ttoutelp, anb 0auebim a fojeCliirnntb, intbetobicbjbefibe tbat Frenchmen ioereflapne,tbe Carle binifelfe toas fo?ceo to flie, fo? tbe lubicbc too?tbp aae,manp feni0btcs tocremabe, amon0tt tbe tobtcb tons lohn dc Filebcrt,an Cn0lilb man. 3n tbe feaff of tbe ijiatiuitie of Saiat lohn, tbeSiuanc toas purifieb at ivindefire, tobere toere folemne 3luttes, anb. lufttj at runnin0 at tbe SCilt, at tbe tobicba Dauid jsing of Scottes V vuiJfote. pjefent, anb tbe Carle of F.we, tbe ?lD2b Tanlccruill, 3lo?b Chailesde Valoys.anb ttiaiip otbcr ^tran0erscap? tiucSjtobo bp tbe icings licence toere permittcb to runne alfo at tbe 2riltc,at tbetobicb paCimetbepjiceoftbefiellr toasabiub0eb to tbe Carle of£w. after in g>ommerrea^ fon, tbefe ^tran0ers paCfeb tbeir time in buntin0,tntbe companp of tbe I^in0, anb otber nobles of tbe Healme, at Clartngdon in F/iltfhire ni0b Sahfiurie, anb ilt biuCrS OtbeC. i^o?reffes. t'SIbileS tbe liin0toaStbUS OCCUppeb, Frenchmen nottoitblfanbin0 tbe truce, entreb tbe marches atBritaine, but tbe fonncs of Sabater,tottba feto otber, tobo toent out a fD?ra0in0,tobc T homas Dagworth ?Ani0bt, a man of 0reat erpericnce, tobo but toitb a feto men, to to®fe, firtane ar* ineb men, entreb tbe tombbe a0aina tbefe robbers, anb im iiabeb tbem,-flapin0 fo tbe number of tbJa btmbjeb, but at tbe length being ttricken fiue times in the face toitb ^Ziua^ Da^STth biniftlfe toas tbjulf: tbtougb the bobp toitb a to]o;o, Adam> Edvvardcthcthfrde» 4op c Adam pfBurie:Ralph of Linne, the. 28 of September. Sherifes, ? William Turkc Fifhmongcr,the.28.of Oftobcr. t.Mtior. > 3boutfcalofSaint Michael,mo?etf)ait 12o.pcrfon0 Ko.^»e.,be,y, ttS;Alande, an&tljJDUgh TUufiders\m\i\'^'^"*^^"'' London, fometlmc in f!;c dhurcfj of Saint Paulc, fometpme in other plateo of tlje Citic,ttotce in tlje Dap, in the tighte of all people,from tlj? lopne3,tjnto the hale0,coaereo in Ipn# ^ woudy pro^ nen clothe, all the rea of their boDies being bare,hautng on "(fionofpub. thep? hwDes hats lotfb reo croffeo before anD behinbe, eue? rp one in their right hanbeo a tuhip toith thJ® co3Des,eache co?De honing a hnotte in the miDDeS, beat themfelueo on thep? bare blouDie boDic5 going in p?ocelfion,foure of them Cnging in thep; oinne language, all the other aunfcoering them. Che fame peare theGlJarle QtLnnca^er, the Baron0 of Stafordt anD GreyHoc^^x^Q t\)t heire0 of the JlojDeo Percy anD Neuel, anD the iLO?DBurniual, totth Barthelmew Bur- wafh,anD Diuerfc other,about the fcalf ofi^hfaintco, paffeo ouer fea into Gafcoi^n,to Delap the furiouo tpjoje that lohn de Valoys fonnc to the Frend fting haD maoe in that Duhef Dome, greatlpfpopling anD Uialfing the fame . aifothe hings counfci ojDaineD,that none of tt^ feingo Juliiceo Du# ring the time of their office0,(houlDcrerepue anp fce,giff,oj reUjarD of anp man,erccptit inere of the htng htmfelfe. ;3lfothp0peareintheCountieofOxfirde,npghebnto ASetpemrviih a totone calfcD chippingnenon, there toao founDe a Serpent ox°oSl*" hauingtioo heaDe0,anDface0 Uketuomen, anD being llja^ peD after the nelne tpjc of that timeranother after the mam wer of the olD attp;e,anD it haD great toing0,after the mam ner ofa iFlpnDermoufe ojBat. ;3[boat thefeali ofSll faindes, hpngEdwardcbepngac^ K-Edwarde companpeD toith the ©arle ofL^i«r^]?ifr,anD Southfoikt, anD FuunlcZr"^ Diuerfe other0,paOeD ouer the feao into FUmders, anD there ieaDing hi0 armie totoarDco France, xfytFrenchvxm maoe meaneo hnto him to rcneine their truce : anDnotoethe ' iarle otFlounders AlbmittcD huiifelfe the thirDe time hnto Cc,b, th^ 41 o Edward the thirde* f!)e feinsfl mercie ano tiominton. SCljcn tl^e Iiinc rtfurntng totuarD Engiande, to folcmtiijate t^e tranflatton of S.Tho- mastljcdonfcffour anO JBiftoppe of Herefirde, DpDhjPtfj l^to pjeftnce atiD ij^obilttpe bo "cure tl^e fame, totbe greate ejrpenccs of Nicholas Cnntulupus 15aron, ano cou» fin to tbc fapDe Saint Thomas: Daring tubicbc feafte ano fo# lcmnttte,tt teas 0gni£leD to tbe lltng bp tbc Secretaries of caiitis livcta Emcricus of Padua, Uibo fcas 8 faD Hianne to tbcUtng of 1'^," ej'" E^giandt, tbat OH tbe fourtantb bap of SEanuarie nejrte com* ' ming, Geffrey Cherncy jantgbt, ailb manpe Otljer Freuche men Ibotilbebe recepuebinto Caieu, bntotubomtbefapO totone iuas folbe bp tbe fapbeEmericus: but tbe SCotone bepng pjerentlperefcuebbpfetngEciwardc, tbefapbeEmc- ricus of Padua toltb otbcr Geuorvajs COtinuCb in Centictbonranbe Fre^c^crotonesbctboulbe lette in tbe Frenchc menne to tbe SEoUme, anb as mucbe as lapcin bpm, belpuer bppeto tbe Fremhe menne botb tbe SUotone anb Caftell. SUbis bargains being moft trapto* rouflp,maDe bp otbe anb bjeabing of p Sacrament betinirt tbem, pet all tbis notUjptbffanbing, be liijote letters bnto tbe iipng tombing tbe ffatc of tbe inbole matter, but berpep;iuilpe, botoe tbat b^toasreabieto (betoefrienb* (bip Edmrd the thirc3e» 4* * (l&tppeto ff)C Fymchi mcnnc, vet mcatiPtiff fo mabc fru# Crate ftjcpj purpofe , toljercbj? tfj?p fi?cnlDc be fontit» tteD of bjeakpng t^e truce , anb a!fo manrc of tfjeni tkoulbc be taken to hcz raunfomcD, tuljcrefojc kpnij tcivvarde fpoeDilpc paffcDoucr, bepits accompanpeblDPtlj bps eloeff feonne, t^c CDarle of Marche, ano a fctue otbcr, contmpnjj befo?e tlje fume appopitteir fo? tlje palDpng of tbc CoUHie certapne Dapes . Annoreg.^^ fbje b^bepng come to Call^tyej, b® lapbeccrtapnemem of armeo Ujptbiu tbe tSanltea tobpcbc tocre faettDijcte tbe outter gate anb tbc inner parte of tbe Caffell, buplbpnof a tbinne anb fienbcr tISEaJl befojc tbein netoe? ipe fette bppe , notmabc of l^IapCer, but of countcrj fapte matter, tobpcbe iopneb to tbe otbcr Mai, crafti> Ipe beuifeb anb mabe like tbe olbe U)o?ke , fb tbat no tiianne tooulbe ^ubgetbat tbatanpe tocreenclofcbtber* in « Hlfo be caufeb tbe mapnepoCea of tbe b?aUie b?ibge to bee fatneb almoCe in funber, pet in fucbe ro?t, tbat armeb bo;(remen migbfe rpbe otter it: anb fo? tbe purpofe bebabbeagreateCone, tabicfje toaa lapbcbppe in a boie mabe in fo?me of an Hrcbe , bepng in tbe fo?eparte of tbe SCoto:e bangpng ouer tbe B?ibge, in tnbpebe bee appopnteb a i^aptbfull ^oulbiour tboulbbds in bue tpme to tbtolne boiune tbe fapbe Cone bppon fbe Bjibge , tbat toptb tbe fail tbereof, tbe B?ibge bepng balfe cutte in ttoo, Ctoulb be b?oken in funber, anb fo tbat boletubere tbc Cone tuaa lapbe, tboulbe bee toiougbt in rucbcfo?tc, tbatb® toptbin tboulbeperceiue tb?ougbe tbc bole boinc manpe bpb enter in : feinetoere mabe p?iuic to tbia pjactife, neptber bib manp knotoc of tbe binga p?ercn£e o? of tbe p?ince of ^^/w.tobo toben tbep bab iD?ougbtetbpafeate, fecretelp conuepeo tbemfcluca into tbe ZCotone ♦ 2Dbe bape befo?e tbe tpme of bclpuerie ohbpa SCotone, Geffrey Chcrncy fentcfift^ne ofbis faitb- fiilleC menne toptb tbe greater parte of tbegolbetobicbo 4naa to be papoe , tobo Iboulbe alfo tcpe tbe faptbe * 4* * Edward the thirdc* ofEmcricus, anDt^eo^tieroftljcCaffcll, fo^offarcfjinge# utrp tD^crc, in eucrp Xotocr nno cojner U)^)u|)e tt)cp conlO finoe open, couloe percepue nothing contrnrieto hpng,tof)crebpon on tfjc ncrt oap in tf)C mojning, ttjep fe( bp ttje French htngs ftanoeroc in ttje btsb^ft S^olwje of tljo CattcU, ana tfje aunticntcs alfo ofGdfrcy, ana of otbcr llo;aes bpon otber STotocro ana ptareo. ^l)tn fb^ people ofttje Coinn tabo ^ept common toatcb ana marae,notbno« toing of ibis fccrete aeuicc, tocre grctlp ferrifpea tberU)itb> in fo mitcbe tbat tbep takinglneaponin banae, beganneto giue a charge againtt tbc Caftcll: bp ana bp tbe French men tobo baaae entrea tbe bap befoje,tofee Thomas Kingftonc, tben Seeing atuape, quite igno?aunt of tljat tobicbe toao ae« uifea, anafojceablptbepfctbimintbeffocbcs. iuben cer# taine of tbem being rent out to tbc French mm tbeir Compaq ntons ana maiSero , tuba lape tuitbout in ambutbee 0)etuea tbem tbe aiintients ana Sanaera fet bp, ana all to betuell, euen aotbeptpoulaebaueit, baSningtbemfo^ tuarae to come to tbe Defence of tbe Calfell, againSe tbe totunco men: toberfoje tbcp rpfing from tbeir lurbing pla^ ces,aauauncea tbemfelnes in p?iae ana bragging,ana came bpbeapeoinattbegateo of tbe CaSell. SDbe totuneomen percepuing tbio, baa mucbe aboe to fo^ebeare tbeir banbeo from tbem, baa not tbeir cbicfe leaaers luitbajatuen tbem from it, leaftfome Daungcrlboulabauebappcneatotbem tbat lape bib : bp ana bp tbofe tbat lape bib clofea bnaer tbc arcbcs of tbe SMalles, pjeparea tbcmfclues to bjeabe out bpon tbeir enimtes. 3!n like fojte aifo be tbat luitb tbe great Cone tuao (but bp iiitbc bole, after tbat be fa fo manp en# trea in, elfaming tbat bis fellotucs ioere fufficient to ouer# tbjolue tbem, toitb tbat great ftonc put to bis cuffobie b« b?ake tbe ajatoe bjiage, bp tbe bubicbe tbe enemies baa en- trea in, but being once in, coulae not goc tbat tuape out a# gaine:tubentbctfonc toastbus aotone,anabaD aifrbargeo tbe tbing fo> tbe tobicb it toas lapbe bp,f tbe French men ac# seiuea bp tbatpollicp,tbep luer enclofea fafe pnougb^at tbc itopfc Edward the thirde* 415 nopfe 8f t\)i6 Cone ano tfjebjicge ffjaf bjafee^ tbefe armed inenofU)bomfaefo;e3ifpaHe,t)?caUtn0Dotonc tljetr coun- terfaCe mail, bebtnoe t\)t tDbtcballtbeoeceptetoafiib^b^ tbep pjefcntlp fet tbemfelueo tn ojber to tnuaoe fbe French mcitjbtoocn to a birter bJcakfaff.2Cbc confltrt toao (I)arp fo? a gob feafon, but at tbe length the eninues being ouer^ co!ne,palDeO themfelues to the plefiire of thetonquerouro. tohich mere loithout ano had not entreo, as fone as thep percepued thepj companions to be decepucd,Qed,after tohome the king tuith fcarcc firtdcne men of armes and as inanp Hrchers foUoUjeda pace, therunnaluapesnothno? toingtahat companprnouldefollotoethem: manp in thps chafe mere mearied, ano manp moe flaine, and in a fmall time the feing ouercame daungerous and great labours: but at length,mhcn it mas bndcrftcode bp them that Oedoe^it home feme there mere that chafed them, fourefcoje armed men turned them again® the King. 3 dare not afcribe thps WSlore, boldnetie ofths king in chafing of his enimies, to hpo mife# dome, but onlp to the fioutneffe ofhis minde, the mhiche is melknomenthmugh €>ods gracetobebmughtfogojdcf- fc.tbp his meanes,though the daunger mere neucr fo gret: fot mhrn he pcrcepued that the French men had turned the# fclucs fo mithCandc htm, he caffe amap the fcaberde of hps Cmojo, and comfojtinghio men about htm, fetting them in goad ojder, erho'tcd them to plap the men luttilp. HCheHr# chers being placed in the tparcheagainCthefidesofthce# nimtes ffoode on dtpBilles, mhtch mere compaffed aboutc tuith quag mpers and foggie places, that nepther hojCfe* men no? fotemen might appjoch them, but thep thould ra# ther be djomned in mud than comsneere to hurt themtthefe alfo did the king comfojt,raping to them (doe mell pouijr# chers) plap the men luttilp ,and knome that 3! am Edwardc titmndfor. SChenthepjcfenceofthcking, andnecettitieof the matter, ttpmed bp thepj hartes to doe melltthe archers bncoueringthepJheades, ttrippingbpthep;flaues,bente tftemfeliies tofaettomthepjarromes in fuchfojt that thep might 4^4 Edward the thir<3» migl)! not be lode: anD n& tbc French men o?ctoe fofoarbes tbe,tl)apfaluteDtbcaffertoitb ttjeir arrotoes, Cbearmeo men of botb partes dcooe in o;(Der to tipponatong anD narrolDe caufetoape, t^e bjeotb bobsteof mas not able to recetuc fcarcc ttoentie men of armes tn a fronte, batiing on bott) 0oes thereof the ^aridje, tn the mbnb^ the 0r<* cbcrs mere placeD, tobogauleD ano toounoee tbep? eni^ mies on the fioes, flatng as tf)tcbe as Ijaple. Ebe hpng ano bt£( men before, Inptb tlje Archers on the fioe. Heme ano tcoUe a greate inanpe: ano manpe of them dtoOedout^ Ipc to it, till at the length bp the comming of thr^Bjince of i^Fa/es, the Frenche toere putte to flighte : after a long chafe in purfuing the enimics,thep returning bachc againe to CaieU^mm\iitXi thofetohtch toere fleBDe,as mell as thofe tohiche toere taken,ano thep founoe, that fojthe taking of the Cadell (as the pjifoners repo;teo) there came a thou> fano men of armes, ano fire huno;eo armeo men, but thep tohich ferueo,toere aboue th?ee thoufano:among the tohicl) toere taken,loas Geffrey Chamey ano his ronne,Edwarde EliE de RciUy, RobertDanquile, OttodcGulo, thelSaroitOf Miirtingham^^XAyne. Saylly.Henrie dc Prccs, Gannus Bay- lofc,Peter RencbPcter DargemoIc.Euftacc de Riplemount ano manpe other, tlojoes, iinightcs, ano Baronets, toho toere chafeo ano ranne atoap toitl; thepj auntientcs, as the itOjOe dc Mountmarice, alfo Laundas,tohO lliarteO the La- dy Saint Panic countelTe of in £»^/W,airo I llojO Fenas,thc iLOJOC Planckcs, anO another Euftacc dc Rcplc- mount.iChsre toere flaine in the flurmilh the ilojO Henric dc Boys,the 3l.o;o Archibaldc,« manp others,tohore names the Conquerom toere not able to certifie. Cljus bp pollicie ano oeuifeo treafon the autthours therof tame to oeath ano Ocdrunion; neither EuRachius himfclfc cfcapeo fcotfra fro the fnares, fo: he toithtn a tohile after being taken bp the French inen,toas burneo aline loith a hotte pjon,ano oegra^ oeo fro the o?ocr of Iknighthtoo bp the cutting od his hales, ano oepjiuing of his tong bp aldtiotaftertoaro, he toas ha- 0eo Edward the thirde* 5 se) t)p, anb laSe of all be^cabeb anb quarfereb, rcctputn^ lull punt(bntcnt foj bis ireafon anb fiitfe fo^CtDcarlng. ^bispcaretbc 3Lo?b Fiirniuallgmtngaradjcntcrpnfe bpon bis enimicSjlDas taken pjifoner in Gafcot^^.^ot long after king Edwardc p?epareb to make a tjopage into Fra»£-e-, but tbe (£arle of returning out of Gafcotgne, flgni# eb tbat tbere tuao a truce taken bp bi^^ bp reafon tob^rsof t\)t palTage p;epareb bp tbe king Uiao lapbe aftbe. peare on Samt Georges bap, tbe king bslb a great t folemne fralfc at bis Calfel of^/«<^yor,iDbere be bab atig# Lwt inentcbtbeCbappcUtobicbHcnrictbefirtteanbotberbps pjogcnitojs kings of£'?^Wbabbefo?eereeteb ofeigbtCa^ nons:be abbeb to tbofe eigbt Cbanons, a SDeane,f fiftane Cbanons mo;c, ano. rrtib< pcoje anb impotent Iknigbtes, toitb otber mintfters anb fernauntes, as appearetb in bis Charter, ©ateb tbe ttoo anb ttoentitb of bps ratgne. JBe^ r/r tibes tbe king,tbere inerc otber alfo tf^at toere contribntojs the nobu "Atx to.tbefounbationoftbisCoIlebge,as foUotoetb. 1 foneraigne !^ing Edward tbetbirbe» 2 Edward bisclbeft fonneJBjince of J Hcnric ^Ukt of Lancaffer. ^ offF'arwickt. J Captain dc Bouch. 6 Ralph Crle ofStajforde. 7 William Montacutc Ctle OfSali/bwiff. 8 Roger ILojb Mortimer Crle of p Sir John dc Lifle. 10 SirBartholmewBurwalh. 11 Sir lohn Bcauchampc, 12 Sir lohn dcMahunc. 15 Sir Hugh Courtney. 14 Sir Thomas Hollandc. 15 Sir John Grey. 15 Sir Richard Fits! Simon. tj Sit Bf cords tf tbe Gurttr, * 4^^ Edward the thirdc» I,7 " Sir Miles Simpleton;; ' i;' V- iS Sir Thomas Walk. 19 Sir Hugh Wrothcfley. ■20 SirNekLering. , . ' - 21 SirlohnChanJos.' 22 "Sir lames deAud ley. 23 Sir Othcs Hollande. 24 Sir Henrie Erne. 25 SirSechetDabndgccourtc. "■ 26 Sir William Paneil. Thi. dt U Tiiere, of KulTctjpotiDmo in gartiero bleto, toearing ti)c lifec gar^ tors alfo on tt)oir right loggcs, ano mantels of bletoc, tuith S/oforge. fcutcfjcons of Saint ttjis fojt ofapparcll tljcp be> ing barohsaOcD, h^aro^affc,tohtfh cclebjat bp Simon IfltpLC 3ircbfai®0p of ano tfjeiBifhopS offVfKche- i?fr aiib f^xxefier, anD:aft)erU>arDts tljep luent to the feaffe, fetting themfciues ojoeripe at the SCable foj.the honoure of the fcatt, tohich th^P nameb to be of Same George thes^ar' tp?e, anD the chafing of the iinightes of the (barter. 3n the^ommer foUotoing, tariaunce rpfingbettoane thefleetesof EngUndetix\iiSftu»e, ttje befefte the )i3jptaine ^ea, toith foure ano fojtie great thips of Warre, tDiththctohichethepronheten Enghjh^i^B comming fro Gafcotgie totoarDes EngtMde,B.tttx thep hao tahen anofpop^ leo them,f thus their former iniuf ies being reuengeo,thep entrcointoSAccinF/'iiiiy^T'A i.. ' feing Edvvarde hnoerfianbtnghereofjTilrnilhcbhisna# uie of fiftie fijippes anD pinaces, forecaffing to mate.topth tl)C sp^i'ardej in thepj rcturne, hauing in his companpe the ]|pjince of/^^►r/e/jthe Caries of LatiCJi^cr^Nort,ha)ppto»,}Vaf-^ tnckcj Salijburie, Arundiile, Hnntingtor.,GloC(ft:r.^ anDOthet ISarons anD fenightes toith their fertiauntes anD Slrehers^ /?p 7g/i{hemzn pjepareo(but in baine; to a nebj battaple, but bjben tbe fumte began to appeare , tbcp bieiuing tfje feas, couloe percepue no Qgne of reliffaunte, foj rrbtj. tbippes fleeing atoap bpnigbte, Icfte rbb. fpopleo in tbeeuening, ,to tbe hpngs plenfurc, but agapnlfetbcp; toil. snbeiSingreturneo into EMgUndiiiiX) bicto.Jieano trt» umpbe, tbe liing pjcferreo tbere.^'o, noble pmprs to tbe ojoerofiinigbtbcDOe, greatlpebctuapling.tbeloCteofone, to initte fir Richard Goldesborough jji'nigbt. STbPS pcare Phillippe dc Valoys Frenche i^pttg, Phillip the frccK oeceafco, ano bps eloefi S>onne lohn toas crouneo. lolinNottciWilliam Worccftcr,thc.28.otSeptcm'jer. Shertfes. ? Richard KUlingburje,the.28.ofOftober. i SCbJo bpjeo fouloiours of tbelhpng ofArmen/a, came into EngUnde, into tbe pjefence of tbe feing,tDbere tbcp tbe^ toeo tbe letters of tbe afojefapoe ling oiArmc»M, luberein ^ ^0, it 418 Edward the thi'rdc* if toafi flgnifielj ffjat fijc one of tfjem, to tDiffe,Iohn dc Vif- count, a man bo;ne in Cipres, ^ao flanocrotifln tfjargeo tlje otfjer, tfjat is Thomas de la Marchc,a man bo J lie, aiiD battarse fonne to Philhppc Iatei^inoofF/'/e«««,faj>ing fljat tfjc fapoe Thomas flfjoulbe bane recepueo of tfjo lurkes accrfainc fome of (II5oloe, fo?tbebctramng tbearmpcof tfjc CbJiffians bnfo tbe (Smperour of tbe 7«r^?/.anD foj fbe pjofe of tbio flaunber, tbis lohn cbaicngcb a combat topfb fbe fapDe Thomas, fo be trpeo bp tbe iuogement of Edward Sing of EtigUnde, aito tbat bp bint (as bp a molfe boojtbp |0?ince,)all ffrife fbouloe be enoeo.if^o? tbis tbcrefbje toere tbiTe tUio tDo;tbp fonlOiouro appointeo to figbt^tobicb tb^l^ perfojmeti toitbin tbe liftes oftbe laings Wallace at mincer, ott ^onbape ncjcte follotoing after tbefeatteof Saint Michael, Uibere Thomas, in bcclaratton of bP« inno# cencte, in tbat be mao accufeb of, ouercame bio enimpc, but pet tiitleb bim not, fo? be cotilb not, bpcaufe be toao not able to toounbebpm bcpng fo armeo, toitb anpe fepnbc of piercingtoeapon, erceptittoere in bps face, tobi^e toas bare. iFoj after tbat tbcp babberunneattbeSCilte , anb fougbte on fote , as tbep toere ftrioing togitber on tbe grounbe, toptb certaine pjicbeo botbe (bojte anb tbarpe, tben callcb ^ablingo, being clofeb in tbe iopnteo of bps rigbte€»auntlet, tbefapbe Thomasttruchc tbe fapbe lohn in tbe face, anbrojetoounbeb bpsi: butontbeotber 0be lohn babbeno fucbelbojtehinbeoftoeapon , toberetoptb b® mpght burte Thomas face, anb tbcrcfote crpcb out {oitbe motte bo?riblp, luberbpon bp tbe bingo commatinbe^ mente tbecombattetoaoenbeb, anbtbebtcto?ieabiubgeb to Thomas, lubo gaue tbe fapbc lohn, being tbueoncr^ come, to tbe ^jince of fo? a (Captiue, anb offercb bp bis Obme armoure to Saintc George, in Saintc Panics Cburcbe at London, bjptb greatc b^uotion, STbcfemaf^ ters bepng tbus finitbeb, tbe opres maniomannmitteb anb fette at libcrtie as a fr« man againe. ^nb Thomas tbinbinjjp Edvvardc the thi'rde* 4 ^ 9 f^tnhtng bolDdptogoetnfot^ep;rn?nceof litjt b?otb^rtbs Frti^cheiiins, tohebv^ iournep anD atbwcom* nttng, fouiiDetbe fapDe i^in0 anotbenobilitta of greatlpe ofiEienooo, ano m mot^nafton agatnlf bnti) fo; tfjat beagraotbattbe combat tbouloc betrieo bcfcjctbcliing otEngland. Mbcccfojo Thomas tbtrtbttig fccrctip luiri; Ijim fclfe botoc to tuinne tbe falfc fdenoibtp of bis b?otbcr, be^ ing DcfirouB to fljeUic t^at tbcrembabai)bcbonelocli,a- mongaltotbertbnigs bcgreatelpcpjapfcotbc nobtlitteof Hdwardc ano biB Ujojtbp fame fp?eDDe otier al tbc tuojloe, ano alfo tbe tuffice tobtcbe be bfeomiuoging, not accept tmgtbepcrfonoftbemanneof , (peatbougbebelo? ucotbci^pngbtmrelfe berpeioeil) neplber fufifereobim to be pjeferrco before me, tobicbe am a h-enche manne, ano bjotber, antj frtenoe to tb® mp 3to?De i'tpng of Fraunc'ey tuOge oner tbe fapOe&mg Edwarde mp atiucrfarie. i^lfo tbe CBarle of ^jy^bPSblpepjapfeii tbe iimgof England, fo: fbatb®ba5De rccepueo greate comfoiteanorommooitpe at bpsb^nbeo During tbe tpme ofbps Cnptiuitie in Bug- lande, flbeUjingalfo botoe farre tbat gcoo fepngbaODe ba;' niiljcD enuieanDbatrco from bps bearte, toboatatime of iulfpng , bcpng in tbe fielDeat tbafcrercife, anD tbe iipng alfo, toao commaunoeD bp tbe ISpng bpnifelfe to bcare atoape tbe pdce ano p?icbe from tbcm all. JEbefc commenDationo did tbe Frenche i^png enufeaf, aiiD fo? inDignation, be mofte fnicbcDIpc ccmmaunDecfbe fct^ terB fojtbeoftborepjapfeBtobefaebeaDcD. 3nD foj to tot lour tbe matter tbe better, be fapneD tbat tljc Carle bfeD toj mucbefamiliaritielnitb tbei£iu®ncbiBU)ifc, anb tbat bis bjotber inafi guiltie of treafon againSc tbe Uing of Fraunce, fapcaufe be committeD bis caufe anD tbe combat to be trpeD bp tbe iuDgcment of tbe King of EngUnde. ^ftcr be baD tbuB muroereD bis bjotber, be tomientcD bis luife to oeatb bp fa# mine,tDbo foas Daughter of tbe noble J^ing of Boheme, late# Ip flaine in battaple bp Geftrcy. j&D.()f» William» 4'o Edvvardthe thirds Grontcsn-id William Edington JlStll^oppcofW^/^r^f/?!??*, anPfrCSru^ i.aifc groa cj. Qf EKgUnd, a Uufc iitan, caufco a netoe ccpnt tallcP a (I5roatc, anb t)alfc(SJroatetobc copncD, buttl)efE\Derecf Il'fie.jluTu, . IclTe toapgtjt tban fljc pence, calleo (Jtterlitijjs, bp reafoti luberof ibtrtualles anb ntercbanbtce became tbe bearer tbo# rousb tbe tobole realme. aftcrtbe£)ctauc5of tbel^uriftcaftonofourilabp, tna >'vXilnftcr. ^^arliament {jolben at H^eflminFler , Hcnrie 0arle of Lav- caller UjaS createD CBarle of Lwcolne, LeiceFler, Derby, Grof- mount anb Ferrers,m^ Duke QtLancafter, tmtO tobome alfO toas giuen great pjiuilebgeo, fiub^ ^^P Cf baf befoje i)is time.0lfo Lionel of ylntwerpe tbe kings fonne is mabe Carle aXVlslar inlre/ande, lohn of Gaunte ijis bjotfjer is mabe Carle of Richmonde, anb Ralph )!5aron of Stafforde, is" mabe Carle of Staffer de. 3!n tbe JLent following Walter dc Maine, anb Robertc Herle Captain of Cakuyo^ into France, making gret pjaes A fat cov7 0omage,b?ougJit aiuap gret fto?e of beatfs, iixieenfpence. fi)(epe,anb ftDinCjfo tbotat a fat Cotoetoasfcarcelpe ■ folbefojCrteenepencefferling. 3boutCaffertheSDtikeof Lancaster from marcljcb alonglf tlje ^ea coalfes of ^rtoys,ano Ficardfe,b}ent tlje fuburbes ofBulloign, but alTauIting tlje ICoUjn be pjctiapleb not/o? tbat onlp tbe labbers toere toi fl)o?t. Sberefo?e be icatteb tbe Cities of Tinvin, anb tbebauen,airotbe %Q\3H\t& of Fauconbridgeoxfti Staples,mxi in tbe fame bauens be brent abouc. r 20. (bips of biuerfe moulbo. ^fter tljis brenning tbe Champion Coun^ trep,be robe tjnto Saint Omers, anb fcoinning bp force manpe i^ortreffes, toitb a great pjap anb manp prifoners be return neb to c^t/e«.0bout tlje feaff of Saint George things profpe? reb iocl in Gafcome,foi tbe e^arlbal of France, fe)itb agreate number of armeb men fpopleb tbe Counfrep about s.Dan- tubere EdmondRolea A^frjffZ^emantuas Captapne, inbo tuitb tbe gariron,fjaliaunflp cncountreb tbe enimies, 8cU) manp of tljem, anb toke tbe fapbe a^arfljal anb manpe other nobles ofFrrf»wf4jfiQngaboue4oo.?knigbtes. Edwardc the thirde* 421 fame pcarc tl)e Sp4«fjh fttppcs bp a freafte of peace came into E»£u»dc, tobcrc fbe latt pearc tbep locre rettrap^ neo j-fautnoiDeatrucetDas taUcnfojttoenticpearcs, be^ txoict EHg/Mdanb ano a truce bcttoirt EngUf?de ano FrauMce foj oue peace, tobiclje tbc French mcn bjahe, bp rea^^ fon of taking t^e Cattel of Gmfnes,ns tn tljc nctt pearc fljall be tbelneo. loha Wroth.-Gilbert ofStemelhorpe.the.zS.ofSeptcm. •% Andrew Auberic Grocer,tIie.28.ofOclobcr. (JAlitor J Sbonttbis feafon tbcolD come of goto tuas cbangeo tiT? to a nctD,p otOi^oble luas &)o;tl) mucb aboue tljc fajreo rate oftbenetDctuere, ano tbcrfoje tfje ^arcbauntesbougl;te tfje oloe ano tonuepeo tbem out of ttje Kealmc to tbegrcate loffeoftbc king ano kingoome, totbeUifjitiKfbcreUjas a remeote p:ouioeO, bp tbc cljaunging of tlje fiampe. about tljc beginning of 3 anuarie, French menba^ tng occupieo about tije repapjing of tbe eCTaltes of Guifres srotone,being afo^e tbat time oetfropeo bp tbe Enghfh men, fome men of armcs of Caieis bnoerffanoingtbeir Doings, oeuifeo boto tbep migbt oucrtbJolD tbe toojke, in tbis fojt. ^t)mluas anarcbcr nameo lohn Dancaiter, in pjtfon in ^»nereg.iS tbe (Taffel of Gtnfnes,btfo2e tbat time fake,U)bo not bauing tobertoitb to pap bio raunfome, teas let lofe, luitb conoiti^ on tbat be fljouloe toojke tbcre among!! tbe men. The gefd'tigof SCt)iB fclloto cbaunceo to Ipe Initb a iLauno?es,a tfrumpet, f learneO ofbirtuberebeponOtbepjintipalDitcb,fromtbc bottomc of tbe oitcb, tbcre inas a C^Iall maoe oftlno fotc bjoaoe ffrctcbing from tbe rampiero, to tbe bn'mme of tbe oitcbe luitbm fojtbe, fo tbatbeingcoucrcoluitb^Leiater it couloe not be fane,but not fo ojotoneO, but tbat a man go^ ingaloftetberon, fbouloenotbe toette paCe tbe knao, it bepng maOe fo? tbebfe of i^ifbers : ano tberefo?e in tbe miooeft it toas oifcontinueo fo? tbe fpacc of ttuo foote: ano fo tbe a:rcber(bps l^arlot tbetopng it to bpm?) be mea» fureo tbe bepgtb of tbe t^all toptb a tb?®oe. Cbefe things tbus knoUjii,onc oap flippmg boUm from tbe 2isial,be par- )K:)0.ib. fek Edward the thi'rde* fca tlje Difclb^ bp tbat bpDDen Mall, anb Ipi'ng bibb® i" ib® ^aritb fill (iuentng, came in tbe lugbt ti®are btifo Caku, Ujb®r® tarrpiiig foj tbe clcare Dape, b® tb®n tomte into tbc 2noU)iie(fo3 clfe f)e migbt not!)b®re be inffrttaeB tbcnt tbaf tocregfabteofpjape anb fo fcaletb® CaHell, boto® ib®P migbt enter tbe famettbep cayfeb labbers to be mabe to tbe length bp tlje ^rcber appointeb, SUbirtie me confpp?ing to« fiitbcr, clothing tbemfelueg in blacbe annour tuitboot anp bjigbtneCTe, tbep toent to the Caltell bp the guibing of the fapbelohn de Dancatler^anb clpmingtb® Malltoitb their labbers, fbepfletoe the tDatcbmen,anb tbJetoetbem bottiii beablong beiSbe the Mall: after this,in the ^all tbep fleUi manp Inbom tbep founbe bnarmeb, plaping at the Cb®ffe anb^ajarbe . S^ben tbepbjabe intotbc Cbamber0anb 2Currct0 bpon the !labpe0 anb iinigbtco that lape there a^ H^pe, anb fo InercmabemaiSero of all tbatUia0tDitbin: anb Ibuttinfif all their p?ifoner0 into a ftrong Chamber,be^ ing bereft of all their armour, tbep toke out the E^ghjh men that bab bin taken the peare before anb there kept in paifon,^ anb after tbep babbc retieueb them tuell toithmeatc anb b2inke,tbep mabe them guarbena ouer them that bab them tn cuffobie: anb fo tbep tuanne all the i^ojtreffeo of the Cattell, bnknotoen to them that mere in the STotune, (np? pointeb to ouerfee tberepap^ing of the broken Mal0)mbat bab happeneb to them mitbin the Caffell, ^nthemo?# ning tbep comrnaunbeb tbemojkemenin the SCotune to teafe from tbepj mojkea, toho therehppon percepuing that the Caficll tuas toonne, ttrepghte toapeo flebbe, anb the netoe CctiHitans, fuffbreb the ILabpes fo bepart on hojiTebacke, lopth tbep? apparcll, tojifingo, anb nimenteo, toherethep oughte to halbetbep? fees : anb the fame bap^e there came from Ca/eis to tbep? apbc fuche perfono ao tbep fentefoj, bp mbofeapbe tbep kcpte the Ca&ell t anb aboutetb;^ of the clocke there cametma iinight®i53 rente from the Carleofcwy^w, t«ho bemaun^ Ding Edward die thi'rdc* 4- 3 Uitig n frttce, tai llcD to fenoto of tljem tfjaf tocro ffjus otifrea tl)C Caagi,toija tljcp iocre, to to^om bcIon0eD,ano bp lobofe auttbontio tbep hept tbe CaScIl fo tahcn tn t\)t ttiue of trncs, toberebnto aan(iDoareo,tbaf bcins tnfruDco, tJjcv taouloc not Declare to anp man tbcpj purporc,til tljep baD trpcD a longer paJreffton: ano tbercfojeon Samt Maw- ncc nap, tbc abfaot(tbe i&tng being buffe in parliamentc,) tS;efVrw^ men being rente from tbefapDc Carle of Gaifies, beclareo, fjolo in pjeitioice of tbe fruce,tbe fapo CaSei tuas taUert,ano tljcrefoje bp rigbt of mutuall faptb it oug^t to be reCfoJco bnto tbcm.SCbe Kingauntoerci),tbatU)itt)outbP6 bnotciebge tbat cnterpjicc luas mabe, anb tberefQ;cb® gauecommaimDementc to bio rnbietteo, tbat none of tbem tboulDc betcpne tbc Cattell of Gmfres, but oeliuer it bnto tbelalnfuUtLojaeothereof. CbsmelTengersbeingretur# 17^2 nebbowc, anb reporting tobattbepbaD bone, tbe Carle of ^ Gutfies commetb to tbe CaQ£el,bemanbing of tbem bjitbin, as atotbertimes,inbJbof^banietbep bcpteit. E2ilbo wn# tfantip affirming tbat tbep ftepte it in tbe name of lolm Dancafter, be requireb to bnotoe if tbe fame lohu toere tbe jaingof Engiaidcs licgcman, oj bioulbe obep bim: tobo aii< toearing tbat be bnebjc not Inbat mclTengers babbe bin in Engimde, tl)e Carle offerebfoj tbe Cattle, beCbes all tbc treafiire founbein it, manp tboufanbs of CroU)nes,o? pof? feffions fo.J ejrcbaunge,anb a perpefuall peace luitb ttje hing of France. STo tbis tbcP auuftDcarcb, tbat facfo je tbe tahpng of tbat Cattel tbeptoere Eng//jh men bp nation,butbp tbepj bemerites banniibeb foj tbe peace of tbe hing of Engia»de^ tobercfoje tbe place Inbicb tbep tbus bribe,tbep tooulb iuilf Itnglp Cell 0? crcbaunge, but fo none fconer tban fo tbep? nafurall king of£«^Wuhe ofBautre, t^af intriiDeb tjpon ttje maiie stane,. full faacUes to tbeir enimieo, of toljicb number of i^nigbtco, tbere toere among tbem flapne and taUsn, numb?ed rib, iFrom tbat dangerous encounter fetoercape5bnbttrt,and among otber, tbe fojefapd Walter BentleyCaptapnetoa^. foje tooundedjtobo commanded tbirtie arcberstobecon^ SDd.b. dcmned;. 4-^ Edward die dii'rde* jjemnco, foj ffjat in i^c grcatett Ijeatc of tfje 00^)f fleDOc. SCije dearie of i'M/^'r^s^alfocnfereO info G4fcc>rgfte,h3'^m oncotintcrtng toitl) a greatc armte of tljc Frenchmen t^af tocre tOuco fojtlj of tlje fo?trcffc ztGagent, j)e oifcomfifeo, tcoke, ano ctjafeD ttjem: aboutj^aftutftoofourlLnDi? tbcrc inas tahon fljat baliant J^ntgbf Brufe Gaudc, ana ftauen ilntgbtes of tfjc ^farre. ^fjojflp after, opca lohn Dediafclcs, anO Thomas Wale, i^nighfeg of greatC t)aIo?. Sherifes. ^ Pcethc: lolm Stotlcy, the ^8, of September. -a ipar touching the fapo Article. SChe ^.etters toere not fea# lea, ana therefore, ieatt it might haue bin thought follie to haue gincn crcaite to the letter, aeliuerea bp a feruant, the ^ube fent bnto Otto ttoo iftnightcstolearnethecaureof the chalenge, ana to aemauna thereof his letters patentes, ii^alea boith his' reale of armes, bohich l^nightes accompli# thing Eclward the thir^c* 4^7 (btng t{)t tftcct of fljeir I'oarnep, ano wfurmng toiffj fpaoo, tfte2?ukefcttffotIjcFr<'«c^iitmg fo? afafcconOurtfoj^fm# Celfe ano t)is mcti,anD Init!; mttc!) aoo obtepntng it,i)c Isent to Paru,iol)ercintt)cli{fe0,in p^efmce t\)t Jiing of Nanarrc, anD tl)2 SDahC QiBurgoigue, aUO litatlP |0aics,aiio otfjer off()eKcaIinoofFrd:»fe,jj)emautitc5oa $is ftaeoc in femelp totfe, reaoic in all Cgncs, luttbout oe# fault, to friet{jcCcmbate,anD fotfapDe titl Ijis aDuerfario toas rtabte,anbtbcfaopceoftf)Ol^raulta»Tt) Canton to be Ijao bp tbetr common otbe, fo? tbc aOfurance of bis too?bj anoto obep tbe itato. £Dn tlje contrarp parte, tbe fapbe Ottofcarcelp toas fetonbtsl^ojfc,! toas notableoecentip to fct on bis belmet, no? to tooeioe bis ^peare (o? elft be fapneo) bubofe bnablenctTe b^ing percepueo bp tlje Wrench i^ing, tbe ^^ing of Nnmrre, anD Dtber, tbe !lipng foke tbe quarreil into b*?s cs? tobsrsbpon Otto toaa commaunoeB firS to Departs tbe tides, anD fo toente bps inapjbut tbe jSDube aboDe lfiiltDttbintbem,Mcrtbis,bp commanDemcnt of tbe Wrenche Jiing, Otto froare tbat be IboulDncuer after tbat Dap appeacbtbeDabeofZ-<<« loa.CollcDge of tUielue fecular Canons, ttoelue tillicars,^' otbec Saint Steplieni Clnppell at V Veliminfter. Hx Carta. 111? Staples of V Voll to bs kept in Eng. land, , 4z8 Edward the thirdc* ottjer 05tnittcrfi accojutnglp, and endetoeti it tcm nctoegjto t^e fummc of Sue ^undjed pound bp ptare. SCf)C niojrotu after Saint Matthics dap began a parlia^ nicnt,U)bercin it toas o?detned tbat tije staple oftoeill be* fo?cbept in FWwat Fn%f/,fi)outd from tbencefojjtb be boldcn in diners partes otErtgland, f-vaies^ and Ireland, as at Nervcaliell, Tcrke, Lmcolne, Canterbury, Norwich, IVesiminHer, ChtcheIler,WmcheUer,ExceUer,BrtIiow, and Carmarden. Cfje CBarle of Northampton toent into Scotland Itjpf^ a great companp of armed men, and 0rcbers, tobere fje rode tb?ongb tbc marches, and enfo?ced f CaffeU of Loghmaban, and other fojtreffes to pMo, and toibe the that toerc lapde in ambnlhes. i^ealfo held a treatie ofpeace toith the Scottes, toho gladip iuoulD haue redeemed their i^ing, and made a perpetuall peace tuith the Engitjhmen.hntvztiQtL^ thelting tif Scottes ihould not hold his land oftheiSingof England. » William Weld: lohn Little, the 28.ofSeptember. Adam Francis Mercer, the 28. ofOftober. Innocent the 6, foj the defire of peace, fent the Cardinal atBonom to Caieu, to heare the treatie of the finall peace be* ttoirtthe iStngdomes ofF»^Wand Frrfwe,totohomere? paired theCoimrellours of both lfiealmes,bDith full autho* ritie to treate and conffitute the conditions of the fame peace, and at length thep agreed bpon this popnt, thatthe filing utEngiande refigiie all hts tight that he had to the Itealmc Qt France, and remitte it to tt^cFrenchMn^, and ftjould haue therefoje the 2Dutchieofa^^wre rr.o^oucmbcr^ .Edward fjrlo a parlfamct nt iveiiwMlerdn tobith graiitcO f oiuaros tbc rtro< uerte of bis title in Fr,ii»ce,mit ^billings ofeuerp fache of toiollto bo tranfpoiteo oucrtbc ^eao fojtljefpaceoflTre pcareo tljen nert folloluing, bp meanes tobercof, tlje feing might bapip oifpeno ouring the fato 0i:e peareo, moje than I ooo.marKes flerltiig,fo.: bp tbecomon opinion,tbcr toerc moje tba an 100000. fachrsof UwoII pearelp into fo?aigne ♦ JanDs tranfpojtcb, fo that During tbofe fire peares, the fapD , grant ertenoeD tofift^nebubjeD tboufaiiD ponnDofierling. tting Edward belDc agreat3luffingat;f'ofiif? tbat tbe pong Roger Mortimer, fonneto Edraond Morti- mer, toas rettojeD to tbe title ano poflfeffions of tbe (Jarle# jome QfMarch,m €o\xfxn ano beire to bis CE^ranDfatber. ?iing Edward being about Sandwich, on bis iournep to# King tnarDeS France, aUD tbe P?ince of IVaks at Sutton in Deuon- Jhire, on bps tjopage totnarbes ny^^uhajme, lojbing fo? a p?o# fperottS iknbe, bp tbe fpoce of fo?tie Dapes o? mo?e, all things Edward the thfrdc* fljittgs elfe bc^ng reaote, fbc French sutg Ijab bfarmies ociitDcD in funD?te places about in tlje ?^aucns titNormm- -a!?-?, aiiD Dtljer partes, toempeacb tbe lanoing oftbcjaing ano J9?ince,and folong tljep Frenchmen toitb tbeir bireo ^ouldioures did folnlp inaflt tbeiroUine Countrep, and confumed fo manp tboufands of Croloncs out of tbc French feiugs cofl&rs bapnelu, tbat in tbe cndc be being n^die, papde not bis people, and fo be toas fo;(raUeii of tbem, tbat tuben Iting Edward toatfcd France, tbe French ?Sing bad not men to encounter btm, but fledde before btm, as be followed, b?enningbis oUmeColunes, and detfrop^ ing bictuals, tbat tljeiaing 0)ould find neptber barbo?ougb no? meate. lifter tbe monetb of 3!uguff, tbe lu'ng of £»^/W,and tbe SDuUe QtLanca^er,)33\W^ reauentbourandarincdmen,and tbeir retinue, entered France, and bp tbe fpace of nine dapes iourncp,as tbep toentjtuafting all bp fire tbat came in tbeir map, and returning to Cahis,t\^z iiing beard tbat tbe^m^ entred bp Ifealtb, and bad tafien tbe Comne QtBerrrii^, tbc br"L^SM««? 315aron zXGrayHoke being in tbc armietoitbtbeiting,fo iobome tbe charge of tbat SDolnne bad bin committed, toberebpon tbe i^ing balled tmto Bern ike, and toitbtn fif^ Bervvikefaken tfljue dapes recoucted tbe SCotune againe, being deliuered by the Ensush. biuijllfe attd liberie to depart,being giuen bnto tbem tbat mere found tbereih, ^fter tbis, be paired tbjougb Scot/ande tjnfo tbe Scottijh., ^ea,but bpcaufe bictuals fapled foj bis armie, tbe iiing gtuing tbem licence, tbep all returned totoarde EngUnde. S^bere follotueo on tbe taple of tbe armic, bp tbe fpace of ttoelue miles, Robert Heilc, Almeiike de faint Edmond, Robert dc Hildefley.and Otber, iubome tbC Scoitesint^c nigbtfeafon found afl^pe and at reft, doubting nothing of anp mifaduenture, toberefoje tbep gaue a cruell atlault bp* pon tbcm,mitb an hideous nopfe and crp,tebere after long refiffance,Robert dc Hildeflcy^and lohn Brancerter Jiinigbf testoeretaUenp?ifoners, Pvobcrt Herlc and Almcnkeba# ning WCil, Edward the thirdc* 45,^ aing mticl^ atio to eCcape, fo} tfje fato snifiFjfes pcrcepuiirg ttfe Scones to be toj ffrongfojtbem , tfjoug^t Ujttb t^cnb felnes,tl)af tbetr ILojDs being Baron0,ofiD{)ome tfjcp brio in fx, tooulb reb^me tb<^ii^anb fo Incite toiibbjatDtng^ be^ liuereb tljem from tbe Scenes captiuitie. SCbe SDuKe of La»caffer being appopntebcbiefe^bmi# rail of tbe j^aufe, lanbcb it at about tlje fealf of Saint Barthelmew,anb from tfjcnce, robe totoarbs AV- maviiie, being accompanieb toitf) Philip,bjotber to tbe Siing ofA/}e«^rrf,tobo befireb aibeoftljefapb SDuhe, anb reque^ tfeb bim to come to b^lp bim. :at tbis feafon, tbefrrw^ ISingbauing tbe Iting of Geffrey Harecourt,anb biucrsotber noblemen ingreate fufpcction, toucbingtbc Kealme anb liingbome, bibbe tljem all to a feaff, lubere be tcohe tbe faibc iiing of A/iiw^rre,anb calf bini in pjifon, anb murtbereb tbe rett of tbe noble men, fauing Geffrey Hare- courticDbome be caufeb to be bebeabeb toitb an arc. STbe i^ing of ATi^^^n-e being tb us cmpjifoneb, bis b?o» fber Phillip feafcb manp Calfels anb bolbcs into bis babs A^fj^^w/j^^anbtbere about, ftronglpfojtifpn ingtbem toitb men anbbictualles,tb2ougbtbcbeIp of tbe SDube ofLiiKcafler, facing manneb as toell tuitfa Efigit(hme>f, asUjitb tb^ W2en of tbe fame dCountrep, to toitblfanbe tbe Frenchmen. Walter Forefler: Thomas Brandon, the 28. of Scptera. Sherifes. > Simon Frances Mercer, the 28.0! Oclober. (JMaivr, ^ 2Dbe fame time, fobsn tfac 3^ing palTeb ouer to cdek anbFrnnce,fais clbcil fonncj^jince of fvaies,bam\\g toitb bim tbe Charles of IFarmke, Suffolke, Sahjbnrie, anb Oxferde, ttoHe Ibipping in tbe beginning of j©£tobcr,at Sutton Hauen in Deuonfhire, anb lucfeelp fapleb, anb lanbeb at Bmdeaux, tubere bz inas bonourablp recepueb bp tbe IBifbop anb Cleargie, being accompanpeb iuitb all tfae common people in tbe firS ^onbap of tbat monetb. %bt ^onbap follow loing, tbeJ32ince going out,lobgeb ttoo miles from Burde- etuxAntbi €aM^o^FrfJo^^».^S>tt tbe nerte bare, b« palTeo . C-e. tbjougb 434 Edward the third'c^ tljjou0l) a llrcigljf toronoc, ana fo t^joug!) t\)t mtaaie of fljc Ko\Jont of Loti^.w, fomctimcs toaUca,but notoeaefacca: ana fo paffing on a long iourncp,f)c lolf manp ?^03ircs,ana tame at Icngtl) to tfjc ftrong Cattcl of Dandert. ^n SCfjnrfc? aapl)Ofametot{)cCttieof5n i^riDap^Bjo.^ clamationtoasmaac in t!;earmic,t{)ateucrpmanfl)oula bearc tljc acmes of Saint George, ana it inas faia t!;at Ijis c# nimicsbarctljc fame alfo. 0n §>atcraav fj^ patTca to tl)c Callellof tobcre ttana tljJccCvaffelsof tb?ailo2aEs, lobe reef one lljcUjctb a farrc off. £Dn i^riaap t^e tlnelflb of tbat monctb, \)is armie paffea tlje lanao of f^ordmx, toljicljo are belonging to ttje (£arlc of Fhx, tljis aares icurncp be* ing long ana teaious, bo loff manp of bisb^ojffesintbe toaff grounae cnllea tbe Jlannaeo. ITtuo miles from tlje SCotoneof ^w jajincCjtu^crin loogco l;is armic, f retting tberc ttoo bapco, as manp as bjoulb toer fiifftrcD to go outjf tfflhc butuals, anb bjenncb tl;eir cnimies coutrep. £>n snuefbapjtljcp lofigco in t totonc tXMoum ciere.Wc^ut V Cattcl belonging tbercbnto ioas giue bp to tbe ^iintc, f after tje left it againc to tbc FrenchmcK, bp tlje reafon of fire iobict) bjabe bp in tbc tctonc, iobcrebpon, tljc ?3jince inent out into tbe ficio, f lobgeb in fjis tentcs,cucr after rcfuSng to lie in anp toinne.SCtjis bap bauing tahen tbta Soiuncs, f banning tf)cm,f)e mabc iinigbtes Gilotus dc Straton anb biuers otfjer. aiftlolmde Ldc ttricken toitlj a sQuarellat )0n SMebnefoap | Sburfebap be lap ttil,f on Jrribap be came befoje tbe ttrog toton of Loegero^, tubere be lobgeb in bis tentes.£»n ^aterbap be came before PUce^ce, a bcrp fairc toUine, f a ttrong,tbc inbabitants tobereof fleb atoap into ^ CattcU,U>bere tbe ^arle ntMoiefm, anb manp fenigbtcs bjsre take bp Captaine de la Bouc!i,ana tfje ilojD, f de Lo jcliis, ujIjo ioas f bap mabc itnigbt. £>n ^onbap S. Lulccs bap, tbep ttaib at Ewant, f tahing tbe foR otGA/at bp foKe, tbep fct it on ftre,t b?cnt it. £>n spoil!' bap catting fire in tbe totones QtPlacenct,x\)tv paflTeo along, leaning tbe totone QtPeal Marchtm tbcrigbtbanb, f lob!" geb befoje tlje SCotone oftlje ^rcbbittjop of A^^fer, calico Le Bafc.£)n tbis bap, Richard Staiford.fajotbcr biito tbc arle aisufford, Icb bio men toitb bio 0nttent totoarbs v toUme, f on tbe nert Dap being Suefoap, p tolon ioas peelDco bnto birn,f bicaufe itbelogco to f Cburcb,tbel3?in:eUjoulo not i^ffer anp ma to enter info it, crccpftng certain perfons ap^ pointeb of purpofCjfo.i tbe belinering of bictuals.^Dn tl^eb:! ncfbap tbep leaning p faire toUm of EfcamouKt^n p left bab, tbep came befoje tljc noble totone of belonging to ^ (Zaxlcof Commege,\3j})ki) toasful ofarmcD roulbiourff,¥ tbe jajince lobgeb in tbe great ^onatterp of Bano»s,ini tobitb Ittbbep; tbcro toxs not Co mncb as one lining creature foub. Ce.ij. ^Dn 43 ^ Edward the thirde* £)it 2Cf)urfe6ap tOej? la? ftill. Doing no fjarme fo tijc fa?Dc iJbbc?.£Dn i^rioa? tlje? toent out of tfje faire anD ricfj Coii# trc? of ^rmi»ake,^ge, tDhere teas a couet of friers ^ino?s: i burning thisfobjne,oni^onDa? theppaCTeD through a gtoDlptniDe tountrep, ber? plainc,f fo came to the totones of an& s.L^rz,. SCuefDa? the? relfeD, ano on MeDnefoa? facing the featt of Simon f ludc, the armie palTeD thjough Uiuer of onOap,thc f^-att of ail &ain£ts,thc armic relleD,out of the inhifh armPj ccr> taine going to tahe bootieOjthep troke a little toinne, the in* habitanto tngereof to be fpareo from rpopling,gaue them r. J^lo^ens of golor. ilDn monoap, then marcheo along bp theSCoinncs of s.yi/M/jt/o Fort,anh thegreatSTobnecallco* Vilk^pnch,axf^ fro thence, thep entreo the Countrep of Ctr- hfo»,an^ the ^a?inccloOgeOata little Glillage talXtnAlfe. On SCuefoap thep came to Cark^fon, a fatre toinne, rich ano toell butlt,biggcr than London. StUithin the iualleSjbetinirt the toinne of-S'e^;^»r^onDap tbe cpgbt of jiJouember, tbcp paf» fcbtbetoater of i'rfw^^'.partlp at tbe i^ffl?b calleb chMde Terrs, anb partlp ouer a 115?icgc, anb fo trauapleb bctibirt bigbbilles, bnto tbegreat citieof A^^^^^o«,tobcreof tbat Countrep taking ftis name, is calleb Gallta Ndrbonen^Si SCbib Citie toas berp ffrong, anb toell toalleb, bauing in * filming baclie totcarbe G>ifco^^f7e,tf)tv Icfte onlbeirrtgbf fjanD tlje great poalc of £yZ'f« tDljeretbcbatDarbcUias lobgcb ^ nigbt. £Dn ^onbap tbep trauellcb a long iourncp, bpcaufetbe pjiure ITjoulb be lobgeb in tfie great 3bbep of our Lady tie Proiion, tDbcre infeuerall ClopCerg, bib line loo, p?ebtcants,h)Ijcrebnto, tfie pjincetoasbeuoutelg receiueb.3|n ^ bap, tbearmp fct on fire f foUme otLemeins, luberc tfjere fcoao far greater Coucnto ofiAeligions,tban af Cay'kafon.tljep bjcnttlje faireSTotunecallebPaU-Ages, bato tufiiclj totune belongeb rri. ^ISSinbmtlles. 2Et)ep b?ent alfo tbe totoncs of Vrjiard,% 5eryr,iottb all p tuljole Cofitrcp Iping tfjerabouteo. £Dn ©onbaptlje mibbleUiarb loogeb at ffie goab totone calleb Dea/puMon, toljtcb long tinic tuas be^ fenbeb,but at lengtfi gotten bp fo2ce, tbe Cafielllnb^reof pitlbeb,bnto fbetobicb STotone anb Cattell, tljc|0jtnceco^ jnanbeb tfjat no barmc fijoulb be bone bp fire, £)n Cuefbap earelp pairing ouer ■§ riucr ofBefetie, tljep cntreb into a cou# tr(y toliicb toas b?oabe.;^bont one aclocfee,tbcp came befojc a great Edward the thi'rde» a great 0bbepcalleD 5o«rj^(j»5 foberc t\)t of F/uvens ,lutib great toi? rcccpueb tfje pjtiicc, \)e bring netuln rfra? prD outofpjifonfroni/^^m^tobfrr bcbab lainebp tbr fparc oftU)o pcarcojano tbe faiD (Saric rcmainrD from tfjat time faithful to ti)c p?ince. SThis Dap tljrp roDr in thcl.o?Dfl)ip0 ana fcigniojirs of tfjc fame Carle, bp the SCoUmes ofM^ell anD Coimon, anD on the right hanD thep paOTeD bp the grrafc STotDUC of Saint Canole, anD thc high Caffcl CallcD Hautrife; but on this Dap thep fa?ent nothing fo? reuerenre ofthefo?c# faiD Carle aiiD his iiaincparDs,faut pafTcDagapneouerthe toater of Arage, leaning alfo Toiom as thep DiD at the firff: but then one mile on the left hanD, anD nolo four leagues on the right, anD the niiDDle InarD tuas loDgcD in the great SColxmc of Mermomt^ tuhtcb togithet tutth the Caffell teas bjcnt. ^n McDnefDap, thep palleD bp the Calfellsfthe Carle of fIhx. eallcD AFotmhane, at the f(Dte tehereof,all the hojfemenpaflrcDoucr the great teatcr of (JwW, anD there: tfflbethc ICoteneanD CaCell of North,t\]tn leaning the uer of GVroWon the left hanD, anD fo palTeD bnto the totonc ofAdarcomrv^ tohich thep tcfee: then thep returneD oner the Hiuer againe, anD tojfee thettrongCoteneof SIhurfeDapfarmiereffcD. )©n i^riDap toojD teas bjought fothe IBjincc that theFm;r^teerebp,anDhaD gathereDa great fo?ce, tehich thep has DeuiDeD into fine great battels, being in the fielD not far from the?n, toherebpo our men fef themfclucs in battaplc arap, about one mile from the place tehere thep loDgeD, aiiD baing note reatic to fight, fome one of the ^oulDiourcs bp chance Hart a l^are, teherebpon a great teout teas maDe, tehich the cnimies hearing, thep fente out fojtielight ?^ojremen,tofi2tehat toasthccaufc thereof, teho Djateing nigh to the Erghpj arnsie,anD percei^ ning them to be fet in battaple arap, returneD bacfie a» gaine,anD DeclarcD tohatthep haD fane: teherebpon pje^ fentlpthe tehcle armie ofFrefichmentto teith great feare. S^hS fame Dap, Barthdmew Burvvafn, Tohn Chatidos, anD lames de Audley,te,ith wii|.light ho?feme,feere appointeo > fcoutes,. EcJmrd the thi'rde* 44 i fcoufeSjf fomunng to {»fauleofi^ VrenchmfK, tijev foftepjt^ foncrs FrFtj. fenig^tcs f grntlcmcn, atnongdUjIjomc, tfjrp tolt£tf)e Crle ofRo>f3e»:e, alfo ti;c»'fleU)e inaiip Carters anO tlSJagoncrs. p^tnce ioDgeo in § totane of Mmrofi. £?ii ^aterDap ftjep marctjeo to tfjo CaHcU of Oradru, in loljicl) Cattell t^cjajince loDgcl),ant) in tfje mojning tfjep bjont it. ^Dn &onDap tije tioo anD ttocntitlj of ^oucmber, about euening, ft)fp pcrcepucb tijat tljcp; mimics tocrc on ttjc 09 tbcr Qbc of^ grct l^il baroc bp tlje great tolnnc of Gemomty fo tbattf;e E^gHfl) men being be nigbteD, fcntout.Ip. Ipgbt^ bojOTcmcn, a'nocertaincbolDmcnbntotbcrigbtc banbc of tbetotunecatlcD Auremomt, tobcrefinDing,4Go. mcnnc of armesoftbeConcffablc of Framce, tbcpcbafcD tbem out of tbc Cotonc, ano Octoc ano tohe manp: tbc mibolc Marbe loogcD at Afiremou>tt,anu tbe3aaU)arDeatCo//woA?/,(iI;arcIp? in tbe mo?ntng tbc Magonersbctngcommaunbco to re# mapnein tbcCotoncof Auremomt, all tbc rcfioucbcing DcuibcD into troupes, Ujcnt into tbc Seloc, Inapting fo? tbc comming of tbep? cnimies, all in Paine: fo; tbc i^jpncc ta^ binstl)eXotont of Gamomt, toas toloe tbat biscnimics. flco atoap at mionigbt. £>n SntDCfoap tbc armpe loOgcO it* tbc ficlDc, anD fo; lachc of Mater,tbeir bo?irc tocrc fainc to D;inhe Mpnc, U)bcrcofitcametopaflre,tbat tbeneptc Dape tbcir bo?ffes toerc fo D;unhc tbcp coulDc notgoc rigbt fo?tb, anD manp of tbem DpcD. £Dn Saint Katbcrmes Dape, toptb, mucbe a Doc tbep came to Mater, anD leaning tbc SCoUjne et Florence on rtgbtc banDc, tbcp paCTcD to tbc greate totonc calleD s,/ard,ano tbc mioDle UtarDc toas loDgcD at a XotonccalleD ReAimoH»t, tcbicb tbcp toltebp mainc fo;cc, anD tbcrefo?c b;cnt it. C)n SCburfoap tbcp reftcD. £Dn i^rp- pap tbcp trauaplcD a long iourncp, bp MallcD totoncs anO tlrongCaffcls, tbc miDDlctoarDc loDgcD at Serde. iDn &a# fcrDap tbcp palTcD oner a certainc Mater toftb great oiflfi^ cultic, anD fbtougb tooDs, till tbep came to a gooD Cotone cafIcD Mejin. j©n ^onDapc tbc |3?incc rcffcD, anD toke bos mage anD otbcs of tbc STotoncfmen. ^onDapSamte An- Ce.tU- drewcsi 44^ Edward the third* drcwcs tian trauelUnga long iournep, tl)cn ranie fo f^je STolune of Toiom, toberc lutrc tl)?a Callelo. SLtoefcag tfjc pjince trauelleo to tljc Cattcl of \)e loDgeD, ^n SHeonefoai? tlje ^Bjtnce tame to Regk, Uiber bis bojfffJ5 Annoref.^o anoMagons patrcDlbJougbctbcrtucrofCfro^ci. 3in tbpfi totonc dtRegia, tijc |)3incc appointeo tiiuerfe 5Barons anj> fucbe libe to Mtntcr in Diuerfe places of tbc-^?artbc0, to tbe intentc tbcp Hjoultic Uapctbe tnlano parts of GafidgKe againfi tbe Freftch men. SCbe |33fnce of fFuUs toncbtng tbcfematfcrs nfojefapD, ano fc? otber confiDerations alfo , taufeo a netoe tonne of gol&e to be maoe tn Gafco/g>fe, htinQ bufteb bimfelfe aboute tbcrcpanjing of fucb tbings as loere Decaneb ano tb?oUicis tJcUmc.Hno in tbis feafon, tbere fpjang bp a faililb fantaCc in tbe mens bcabes, tbat ibe iringof toas come into A^orma>fdie,t\)c catife of tobicb rumour rofe bppe, fo3 tbaf tbe jEDube ofafter tbat be bao fojtifpeo tbe (trong plates belonging to tbe fetng ofA^atiar, tobicbe toere in tbe ile of Connance ano otber places, OiD btrett bis iour- ncp totuarbcs Brytaine, tobtreof be tuas netulp maoe tbtefe ___2il^_.Captatne. :9notber caufc toas tbis, PhilUppe bjotberto tbe J^ingof Namr, tame into England, anb earneftlpcra* iieb apbeoftbe^ing, agatnttttjeFr<-»f^fiung, tobo feept bps bjotber in pjifon, tbat be migbte bp fio?te of armcs trelfoare all fucb lanbs Onto bnn as toere tojongfullpUjitb' bolben from bin:, toberebpon b® offerpng to boc homage anb fcaltie,bcbaboe (of tbe lyings appopntmentc,)Milcs Stapleton,a manneDf great intcgritie, anbin martiallaf# fap;es terp ffetlful,bttn (3 fan) tbe feing appointeb to be bi^ faitbftil felotu. SCbefe men iuitb ttoo tboufanbe menluell appopnteo trauclling tbjougbe Normardte, tofee totones anb ii^cjtrctrcs, burning biuerfe of tbem , patTIng along fpll tbepcamcto aCaflell nine leagues biffaunte from tbe Citie of ; neptber bio tbep aflaUctbcn? trauaple, bntil -ii)epbatibefo;ceD tbep? ennmtes to enter into.a^earelne truce. Edward the thi'rde* 443 truce. t\)is meanes a great repo;t ano no htCe fear fiKeO tlje ^eartea of all French men, toljicfje repojf at lengtlj came tot^e eareaof t^e pUncelpingat Fe^/^, tofjerefo^e^ega^ tiering all tt^e poluer f>e f)aD Imt^ tn Ijpa BDuheootne, to tljB intent to nwcte iPat^er, Ujljirf)e fjc mulfc Doe bp trauelling tfjjougb Frannce, ije came at lengtlj x^'Brngetat, tof)crebeU)fl0ccrtt{veDtl;attbeC-arleof Armenia, toouloe after l)is Departure fjanc fpopleo tfje Countrcp, ano foj tfjat intent Ijaap^ouiocD a greate banoe of men : tofj^rijfoje ijte fent backe to tbe gouernour of Gafcogne, bnto Bamardc dc Libret,anD otber. iprointbencetbepjiitce tuent into France, tbjougb tfje coalf eo otBamj aiiD Lymon,^i\ encouragiug bis men againtt tljeir enimieo, fenoing before bim lolm Chan- d.)s,lames Dawdeley, anD-otbcr compltce^, to trpe out tbe ftateoftbeirenimies countrep, leattperbappesfomecraftp ambnfljment migbt foDainelp alTaulte otir men, afojc tbep loerelDare. i^ebimfelfremouingbia campe euerp Dap,anD nouj being entrcD into PiSiatiU, bio efpies bjougbte toojDe tbat tbe French king bab gatbereo a greate armpe, bepng notD in AnreiianM^Q alfokueUje of tbe J^jincescommingj fo2 be fente out efpiea to Difcoucr our armpe, amongtl tobo Griffin Micco cAChambiy, pctieCaptaineoftfcDo btmoereD meui mating toitb otber e^tes,came to biacoatfc:fo? oure efptea toke tbirtie of tbe, ano flcUi tlje reSoue,fo tbat tbere toasnotoneof tbem lefteto carrpe loojoe tobattoas be^ come of tbep; fcllotnes . ^Dur efpies pjoceeoeo totoarOes Romerentine,1aji)m mating toitb ti)e3l0?D Crone, ano JLojO Brifgande, tbep fettetjppon tbcm ano 0eto tbemitbeircbief Captaines being fo?ceo to fla to a caffle,ano bauing takeir tbeir looging in a tomn, tbe pjinte commanoeo tbat on tbe momingagreat aCTaultlboulo be giucn to tbe of ^Cattell. SCbe Dap folotmng our men being alarmeo,paa'eo tbjougb tbeoitcbeSjf came Onto p toalo oftbe Catfel,fome applieo to fcalef toall toitb laDOers,fome burne tbe gates,ano em tring,fleUj a gret manp oftbe cbief men,but p liojos befoje nameo-aeo bntotbe principal totoer of^ caaeltfauti' p;inc& octermineo.. 1^ The Ratiyte of Poyte^t. Edward thethi'rdc* Dcterminci) not to ucpart, ftl tljcp tfjatUjercboCf0Ct),tDcre cptfjcr taUcn oj palocD: at lengtlj t^c Cattell being bnber* mpneo, tbe men beitegeo, initb all bumilitie parlbeo bp tbe Cattell. after tbiotb^fp^^^beclareotbattbe Frenche iting Inao come bobme to Turon, to p?outtie armteo to go agatnft tfje 53?ince, of tbe toljicb tpDings t^e pjince being glaooe, be pigbtebiotenteoagainlfetbe FrencbeMnQ, butcoulD not palTe tbe riuer of bp reafon ofgreate flouties,anD tbe Frenche j^ing baODe bjoben all tbebjtOgcs,to tbc intent tbere Iboulbe be no paftage bettDtpte tbe )0nnce anb tbe ^uUe QtLancaHer, inbofe acmpeo migbt toel euerpenpgbt percepue eacbe others fiers in tbe Campes:bat tbe pnncc folobjing alongff tbe riuer of Legers tSaftbjarDe, be ppgbtc bps tentes nearebnto Tmon, tobere lobing foj tbe Frenche lapngfourebapes, bcpingfo figbtetoitb bintr fojtbatb* tnas biffauntebut one league off, be bnbertttDbe tbat tbe Freuche ibtng toas retpjeb bacbe to Blamta, ten leagues offt pafKng ouer bpaBjibgetbe Kiuerof L-r^mataplacebrcb betbjirt ttoo ftrong 2nolbnes,anb fo totoarbe Poyt ers. SDbiS retp?ing of tbe Frenche bing certifpeb, tbe |3?ince rcturneb bacbe, inteubing to banc mcttc btm in bis Inape, tubpcb be coulbe not boerpet crotfing ouer all,as be imagineb tbe ne^ rer loap, b^ f^tte bpon tbe taple of bis enpmies,anb cut fto tbem tbe (Varies ofhym anb winters, anb alfo tbe ^arlball of ^^r^ow^tbefe being fabe,bteo, as toas tbougbt, tbjougb tbe great fople tbep bab tahen t nigbt bjaUjing on,our men gauc tbem fellies torefteinatocDb, intenbingtbencptbap to take tbep? iourncp totuarbc Potters, anb bp tbe toape tljcp tuere certifpeb ibat tbe FrenchcMvi^M^^^ greate p?ouilion p?epareo btmfelfe to faattaple,anb b?cin nigb to our tents x tbe ^3?tncc fberefo?c committeb tbe balnarbe of tbe armpe to tbe ©arles ciWarwick^ anb O vj^rti^tbemibbleluarb toas guibeb bp tbe ^?ince, anb tbe reretuarbeinaslebbp tbe 0arles ofSah/hurtemti Stiffoike. jn all tbe tobole armpe of tbe 13?incc tbere toas notaboue foure tboufanbemenneof «rmcs,one tboufanbearincb foulbicurs^anb ttoo tboufanb marchers. Edward the thirde» 445 3[rc^er«» SCfje pompous nobiUtie of fljc French men Djctoe nvshi gr^atlp otfoapntng tlje fmall companp of tfje F.ngitjhe men, foj t^ep ban in number eigbt fboufanoe figbting foul- DtourSjtbcpbaD alfo fcucu fljis nuittcr a gret manp of our men murmureOjbpcaufe of iatc,a great part of our armp toas fcnt to Defenoe Gafcoig»e.K\}zxt luas among V^tFrench mett accrtaitie-S'c-ff/fcaUeO William Douglas, a mancfgrcatfojceanopjactifemtbeJMarresttbi's mannc bto tbe French htug make !kntgt)t, ano bpraufe knetne fje ioouloe be a ocaolp cnimie to tSje Enghjh men, l)t glaolpe fjearkneb to bts aDuiccs. Cbis William toas Captain ouer tlxjo fjunbjeD Scottes. tl^tfe men bnberlfiDtie toe! tijat it toas tf)e cutfome of tbe Eng/i/he men in tbofe bapcs to figbte on fojte, in to'oicb point tijep follotoeo tfje Scones, anb tfje Scots alfo pjouoheo tlje French king ano otber French men to figfjt in like maner.2nf)eFrcD Ijim tljat bp com« mon reafon it coulDc not come to paffe tbat tbe Engitfh men iftoulDe at tljat time p;cuaple,anD efpeciallp, bpcaufe tljep tocre but fclDe,anD in a^raunge Countrcp, f toearpeb out miferablp tuitlj tbeir tople in trauel,f tberefoje not ableto inbure fo great a number of tbe Fretjch men tAFramce, toljo Itooo in Defence oftljcpjoton lanDe.^t)ep;inceof wdes\^zt ing ccrtificlijtbat tbe Captaineo of tbe Frcrefo?e folloto ^our annttcnfs, atio toftolp be titfenfme to follotD tbe commaunoemcnt of your Captatnrs as toeU in mtnocao inboOp,tbaftftn'cto;tcromciDtff) Itfc,tucmay ffill continue in firniefrienDfbip rosittjcr. bailing altearw onctoill, aiiD one minor: but ifcnniou^i?o:tunc (irbycb (2»o0 fojbiooc) tbouloc tctbs at tbispjcfentCj to runnctbc raceofaliaclbc, ano tbattucenocbot!) lifeanb tabourtO' gitbcr,be you fure tljat your names tball not toant etcrnall fame ano beauenly ioy, anb toe alfo toitfj tfjcfe gentlemen oar companions, toyUDjinbc of tljc fame cuppc , tbat yon Ibal boe, tjnto tobom it tbal be an eternal glojic nnb name, to bauc toonne tbe nobilitie of Fr^f^c-f.but to ouercomc (as Cl^ob fojbib) is not to be afcribeb bnto tbe baanger oftime, but to tbe courage of tbe men. ^[)auing fpoken tbcfe tuojbs, bcperceyucbtbattberetoas ab^illbarbcby, tobicbc teas planteb on tbe toppe toitb bi^bgesanbbitd^es, tbeinQbe tobereoftoas bery plaync, anb a palfure Seibe on tbe one Cbctbereof, luitbmanyerougbcbuflbes, anbontbcotbet 0De it tuas all planteb toitb bines, anb tbe reSbue toas. plaync, in tbe top tobfrof bib imagine tbe armyc of tbe French to lye bettuipt our men anb tbe !^il.Ebere toas gref anb loiue ballyes, anb a pace of maritl) grotinb. £>ne com# panyoftbe JDjinccfinbingout anarrobjepalTage, cnfreb tbe bailey anb tohc tbe l^yll, bib^rc among tbe butbes tbey bibbetbemrelncs,taKingtbeabuantagcoftb^place. fielbc tuberein our men laye, to toittc , tbe batuarbe ana mibblciuarbe, toas beuibeb from tbe playne tob^r^ fb® Frencheaxmvz lape, toitba long bcbgcanb bttcbc, tbcone enbe tob^teof byb reacbc bobmc to tbe ^arilbe afojefaybe t tbaf of tbe i^pll nertc tbe £paritl)c, tbe 0arlc of ^ar~ reicke ftcptjdCaptaincoftbcbabjarbe. 3|ntbebpperparfof • tbe bebge,fohjarb tbe banging of tbe 1^1, tberc toas a gref gapjfrom tbe tobicbe a ttones catt ttobc our rcreb3arb,ouer tbetubicbctbe d^axXzat Salifiurie UjasCaptaync . £Dure enymies perceyuyng oure |3jinces auntientc to bee bif# ^Japeb, anbofttymes to ba remoucbfromplaccto place,. ana. 4^7 Edward the thiV3» ant) bp reafon offbel^ill to bo fome time quite out of C0bfo, tbcptUDgCl) tbat tbe i3?Mice flcDOe , pet Douglas tbc Scotte auD MariTial dc Clarimount, fapoc tl)at it toas not fo, but MariTialDawdenam being DcceiucQ in Ijio otone opiniotT, tboiigbt otbcrtoife, crping out ffill to foUotoe anb cbafe tbe |D?ince noU) fleeing, ano uiitb bim alfo Douglas,to tbe intet to get pjeferment ano a toojtbp name of bio neto tnarfare: butClanmount to toalbe atoapc tbe cuill opinion tobitbo toas concepucD ofbim toncbmg bis fioelitte, inas mo?e bebement to perCcoaOetbem fo?toaroe, fo? bntotbemtbo tbarge of tbe batoaroe bsao ocpuf co: faefo?e tbefe tuent out, as tbe fatbton mas, certaine to cbafe ano to iofte, againlfe inborn certain tbat merbnoer tbe t^ill of our bamaro came to mcieteMarhal Dawdciiam, mbo ffapiiigto fatbeenO of tbe iufling, bept bimfelfe from enccuntring. 33n tbe mcane timeClearimount tbinfeing to come out bp tbe gap in tbe beogc, anofotocomeattbebacfteofour bamaroe, ano to compafle tbcm in, met mifb tbe ©arle ofSalifinrie,to\)o per^ cepuing bis camming ano purpofejCufpecteo bis mboletn# tent, ano fo tbep mbicbe gouerneO our rcremarO, mahing bafle to tabe tbe gap,ano boepe tbe enimie from pairing tbat toapjfulfapnco tbe firff charge of tbe battaple. lEben began a terrible mating bcttoictc tbe armco menne,mbo laioeoii loaoe mitb ftDo?bes ano fpeares, ncptber opo tbe Hrcbers flacbe tbep? Ouette,bat Iptng in fafc trencbes,flart bp aboue tbe oitcbe ano fi)ot ouer tbe beoge, p?enapIingmo?e mitb tbeir arromes, tban tbep oio tbat fougbt in armesttbtis our reremaroe Qaping tbe enimics, mbo came Ifragling to tbe gap,ano tbcbamaroc mbicb lap on tbe banging of tbe ©il, tomaroe tbe ^arilb, -being goucrneo bp tbe (ll;arle of fvar- wtcke, mere aimapesreaope ano met mitb tbe men, beating tbem oomne. 2Cbe ^rcbers of tbe bamaroc mere placeo in tbe ^parilbe, out of oaunger from tbe bo?ircmeH, pet fo? al tbat tbep oio p?euaile tbere fomembat^fo? ^ bo?fe^ men mere appointeo to no otber purpofe but to ouerrunne tbe arcbers. m\)t c£arle of conffoering tbe oifcom* mooitie Edward the thi'rde* ttiodifp t^at nit0!)t cnfue tfjerofjDcparfeti front tijc ^ajuttcs toarDjano Icaoing loit^ f)tm ttjc ^rcbcro, fcfte t^cfii on tl;2 one Cde oftfje French nicn,coinmaunDtng tljem to lljoote at {' Ijtnoer partes of tljc l)o?ircs,bp meanes tobereof tbc bo^Cfes being gaulcano tnounoeOjfel to tumbling toitb ttjein ffjat fat on tbeir bacbes^o; clfe turneb bachc anb ran bpon tljrm tbat foilobteb after,inaliing great daugbler bpon tbeir oirni maimers. Cbe bo^tTcmen being tbus beaten batbe, tbe cbersretpjeb toioarbes tbe place from tpbence tbepcame, (boating f gauling tbe Cbes of tbe French men Uibtcb fougbt rigbt oner againCc tbem: bp tbis time tbe foicc anb beate of tbe faattaple beganne to be in pjime,U)ben ae tbe Carles of warypicke anb SMijhnrieM\\z ficrce Ilions enbeuo;eb of pui" pofcUJbttboftbrmtbolb bung tbe lano at Powers mofttoitb French mens bloub.^ctber Inas tbe tuife Counfcller Tho. mas Dallbrcl of Snjfolke pDlc at tbat feafOH, tUljO rtgbtC UJOJi tbplie in all bib aacs bebaueb bimfelfe, being erpcrte ano ISilfull in actiuitie. iroj be continuallp running from luaro to tDarbe,anb into all troupes anb compantcs/omfojteD f (tpjreb tbem bp toitb gob toojbs to boe bjell^bauing a gret regarbe tbat tbe poutbfuU roMeoflufiiefoulDioursbepng to bolbe bppon tb?ir gcab bcartes ano courage,Iboulbe not ioitljout regarbe go out to farre, ano placeb tbe 3rcbcrs at funbjp times to great abuantages, anb oftentimes as lcn> fure tuoulb futfer btm,be tooulbe enco?agc bp tbe minbs of tbefoulbiours. Clanmountbjas Oaine, Willum Dowglas alfo being tooimoeb 0eDbe,bauing b3ifb bim a fetue Scots of bps banbe, toitb ArchibaKl Dovvglas bpcbjotber:our men retiring,put tbemfelues in gcob arrap,anbour batoarb anb mible4uarbe iopneb tbemfelues togitber, bp anb bptberc marcbetb fojtb a nebjearmpcoftbei->(?«r6 incn,tl)e libicbc tbe elbett fon of tbe French king. Dolphin OtF'teijna,\j%m^{)t fojtb. 2Cb5 ojber anb arrapoftbis armptoas inoje terrible f fierce tban tbe ibeloe of tbat lobicb bsas lalf opp;eCieb, pet fo? al tbat coulbe not it make our men atVapbe, tobo toere (bsrp fet^anb berp befirons ofbono?,f alfo of reuenge,botb i?f. foj 45 ® Edward the thi'rdc* fo> fljcmfelueSjf fl)c{r fellotDf3,t»f)tc^^a Hftle befojefoere flavne aita toounaeo ♦ 5lnD tberefo?e bo IDclp tbepgoo to it ottbctJ) fiDC5,niafepng tbototo ana noyfest,criming out,Sainc George to bojrotD,o; :"aiiit Denis bc foj bs.^itbtn a tofjtle tbcp tocrc tome to ftgbt man to man,f cuerp man roabpe to bPjfigbtHoto to fauc tljepj lpuea,ncitl)cr Dotb ^ 3Lton mafee tbe Jfillolf afraio, oj tbc Cegrc ts moje terrible to t^e tim# pic bcalljtljan our luttp gentlemen lucre to tljetr enimies, tubo cbatcb tbem,f fleiu tbem Ithe as tbe lilllllolues eb^cef btl ^tib tbougb tbnt tbts battel tuitbltoab cur men tno?etljantl)efirffc,pct,after tfjep bab loll a grcatmanpof tbeir men, tbcp ban fncbc a ccuife, tbat fbep faueo manpe, anb pet, not bp running alnap, but bp a fairc rctreate, tubi* cbe tbc Frenchmen arc accuffomeb to bfc. Ii5ut our men conf fibering, tbat tbe bittonc of tbe fielb luas boubtful, as long as tbe French King migbft be in p?cfence toptb b^ armpc> lobo lap tbcrebalfe bib in a taallep,tbep luoulbe not afteri» fa)arb,tDben tbep bab cbareb anp tbat flco,go out of tbe filelbi but tbe toOJtbp man Maurice Barkley^fon of Thomas Bark- ley, bab no regarb tbcrebnto,tubo fo; ^ l^ce of ttuo boures togitbcr tuitb bis men,neucr fparcb, but luolb be Cil in tbe foje(rontoftbcbattaple,inuabingbis enimiesi:6tbefirlle. fCbts Maurice being mf^nribll of^^ Dolphcns guarb rotoeb blbiDcs among t^nr,firll luitb a fpeare,tban toitl^a toojb, 9 at length tio being al alone compaffeb l6 tbc multitube, f fojelp U)onnbcD,be tuas fahen pjifoner. 3n tbemeanetime our mccarrpeb tboCe tobicfy lucre toounbcb oftbetrcamp,f laioe tbe bnbcr buOjeo i bcbgcs out of]^ tuap,otber bauing fpenttbetrtoeapons toltei^ fpeares 9 too;b0frotbemlDbo tl;ep bab oucrcome: 9 tbe aircbers lathing arrotees, mabe baa to b?aU) tbem fro poje tojetcbes ^ toere but balfe beab: tbcre luas not one of tbe all,but eptber be toas tooimbeb oj quite loearieb toitb gret labo?,ej:cepf.4oo,me tobohaping ^ cbiefftanbart, luer appointeb to mate ^Frwc^hing.Cbo Dolphin being tbus put to flight, one came to Frenche ft, 9 fapb,mp Hojb ft.tbe fielb is fallen to tbe Enghjh men,an& pour tlbefi Ibn bat^ bHtbb;aU)en bimrelfibitto lubb t Edward the thi'rdc* feittg antoercu iuitf) an offje, ^ f)c Ujoal9 not ^ Dap fojfafec i fielo bnlcffe ioere tahcn o? flatn, f fo bp means carr (D atnap bp fo;ce:iiiberfo?e tbeaunttentc bearers arecoma< Deo to marcb fojUiarDs, after tobo foUotoeD ttoo gret ccpa< npcs of armeo me into a toiDc fieloc,lIjeU)mg tljemfclues fo our men,f ttrucb a grct fearc into tbctr bearte5,tn fo mucb ^ tbep toere out ofI)ope to conqutre anp mo?e.2Df)e mljpcbe tbing a ma of great fcuifeoome ffanDing bp j p?ince Cgnifij eo ):6 a boioltng bopce, (raping alas iue poje Injetcbes are ouercome,) but tbe p;ince batting a great trul! ano fait!) in Cb?ili^)Cb^t^^l> bini,raping,tbou liett tbou DaltarDlp fellom, fo; tbou cans not fap^toe can be ouercome as log as 31 line. Captain de la Buchc, a noble man in al affap?es,as fconc as bepercepueD tbe armes of tbe Frf«c/:7i\ing,marcbtng fojtb oftbeir tentes,ailing licence ortbe)0;ince DeparteD alnape toitb lt:.roulDiours,anD a b(mD;eD Hrcbers, mbom manp of our men tbougbt to baue SeD aU)ap:lnbrrfo;eour fouloio^s (ercepting tbetijiefeCaptaines) being quite out ofbope of t)icto?ie,committeD tbefelues tobolp to tbemercie of C^oD, SDben tbeJ9;incecomanDeD bio ^untientfaearer Cr Walter Woodland,to iitarcb fojeluarD totoaro bis enimies,anD lo6 a feto frelb men be iopneo battaple toitb ^ grct nrmp of tbe Fre»c^ bingibp f bp tbep founoe tbeir trumpets,one giuing anCojere fo another,tbep maDe fucbe a nopfe^ tbe liilEals of Poyters fouoeD Xo tbc Eccho tbcrof like a UjojD, in fucb fojt ^ a manUJOulD baue tbougbt ^ tbe bils bab bellotoeD out to § talleps,I tbatp clouDs baD giut fojtb a mott terrible tbu^ Der,to ^ tobitb tber luateD no cruel lightnings, tobpleft the ap;e flbone on ^ b;igbtarmourf fpears DaCbing againSlbi# ntng barneis.SCbe came on the cruel copanp of crofboUime, mabinga Darkneffe in f ffeies toitb t multituDe of quarels tobicb tbep ibof, againC tobS came a toojtbp copanp o(£>-£- hjh botomcn:out flpes alfo ©arts of 01be tobicb met to the cnimp afar ofSJaut^ Freeh armp> being ful ofDiuers troups, f manp armeD me oefe&ing tbeir b;eSs,toitb tbeir tbielDs, p;of«be fojtoarDe againSe tbeir enimies t toberefo;e oure i^f.b. lurchers Edvvard the third* ^vc^r& ^auuT0 emptteb f^ctr qutuers m tam^bemg armeo onlplDitb CtDo?0s anD £Largt:t0, arefapnto enconntertoitl) tl)cm tfjat Uirrc laccii tuitl) armour, 2nt)cn brftirretl; Ijpm^ fclfc tl)c too?tt)PC pjtnccof fraUs, cutting anD bftoing tfte FreKc^ men iDitt) 3 fijarp CxDo?D.3ln tljc mean time daptain de la Bucli iiiarcbetl) a compaffe about, bnbcr tbe Ijangpng of tbc l^il, tobicb \)c U)itb tf)t ^Sjincc a little before fojfcbe, anb p;tiuilp compnlTtng about tbe fieioc, at tlje length eom=> inetbclofebnber tbe place iBbere tbe Fre^che catnpelape, from tbence be afceuDeb to tbe toppe of tbe ^ill tbat boape, tobifbe tfje French mcn bat) beaten toitb tbep? trauaple,ano fo fobainelp bxalung fo;tb bnlobeb fo?,anti (bcluing bp tbe cntigne of Samt George tljat be tuas our frienb, tbe 5^?ince toitb great courage giuetb a fretlje charge on the French ar» inpe,being Defirous to b?eafee their rancbts,bcfoje the cap^ taine afojefapbe, tboulbc fet on the 0be oftbe battaplc.lUbe^ ^ }d?ince lufltilpe encountring toitb hie enimicogoetb into tbemiobleof tbetb?ong, ano tobercbefatb moCccmpa# npe there \)ee lapctb aboute bpm on euerpc fioe. 3ln the meane time on the other One, bis frienbs tobtfb^ ferueb toitb Capfaine dc la Buchc^toere at the baches oftbe enimies,beating boton anb hilling toitbout pittie,ant) the 0rcbers vatfo placeofo? the purpofe tbot fo tbich, toounbing the baches anb fiDes of tbeFre«'^a«ff3 roeuer,that tuere toilling to plap at Wice anD 3pajarD.3|n like maner the Ha* Dp Margaret his toife DiD alfokope hit Chamber, to the fameintente. SCItie Hiing of opres plaping topth Henric Picarde in hps 3pallj i>ps tupnneof hpm50.markes, but Henric being berpe fkilfull in that arte, altering hps i^f.iih, hanh 45"^ Edward the thirdie* IjaitDe Dto aftfr toin of t^e fame fent0,tt)e, ano 5o.marUc3 ino?0, toljcn tfje fame began to fake m til parte, altbougb oifrcmbleb tljc fame, Hcnrye faioe bnto ( iLojD ano i^mg be not agrieue0,3 couet not pour goloe but pour pIap,fo? 3! baue not bio pou bptber tbat 3 migbt grieue pou, but tbat amonglf otber tljings 3 migf)t trie pour plape, ano gauebrnibts monepagapne, plenttfullp beUolDing of bis olune amongft tbe retinue: be# Coeo, bs gan^ nianp ricb giftes to tbe i^ing ano otljcr jjSo# bles ano fenigbtes, tubifb^ luptb b?nijto fb^ greate glojtc of tbe Citizens of Lo»don in tbcfe Oape^. Sheriffs. ? Stephen Candilh.-BatthelmewFroftling.the.zS.of Sep. UHaior, i Sir lohn Stody Vintencr,the.28.ofO£i:obcr. Cbis fir lohn Stody gauebnto tbs ^ainteners of London all tbe quaojant tob^reijt tbe tiainteners l^al noUj Ganoetb loitb tlje tenements rouno about, from tbe lane pet calleo Studio Lane, bibetc ts founoco tbittane boufes fo? riq.po^e people iobicbe are tberc kept of cbaritie rent fra. 0bout !^alotDntioe,Dauid Ic Bruce king QiScots ioas oe# liuereo from tbe long impjifonmet of a.rj.peres, in tbe ca# l!elofO/di;^^w,bisraunromebeingrctte, looooo, markes tho w*irm ^ peares follotoing. Snno rfr.T,:!. Normandie ailO Brjtatne loete foate fpopleO anOiDaSeO KoUKnavWcs bp Plhllippc tbe iktllg of ATiwer/bjOtbet, lacobde ia Pipe, ano RoberteKnovvles, luptb manpe Otber menne tobpcb^ lohnQtGAHiittljcUings ronnc('jp Dirpcnfattonjtckefo Annoreg.i i tDlfC Blaunch, Daughter of Henry S5. titLa>icaJicr \)\^ ktufs iDomatt. SCfje French iting bnocr codour of peace, oflpered fo f&tng Ed ward FU>7ders,Picar4ie, ATjuitayne, atlD Ot^er latlOO, iD'otcf)tl)cEngh[hme»\)titi tangeO ftJougfj alio fpopleo, foj the perfourmate toherof, meflengcrs Uierc fent info France, but the Frenchmen iDoulo Hot perfoutme tlje offct, tobtrfoje iftmg Edward faetiig aiigde, toifh a ijiatrte of^btpp^s paf- feotbe ^ca to Caiet^, tohcrefoje oeuiotngbto armietnto t!)2aparte0,conimttteo one compantebnfo Henry £Dulie titLancoFler, another to ^jince Ed Ward, ano the thtro be re^ Sc'd fcrueo to btmreIfe,ano fo patfeo into Bnrgundte. sun toing Edward Ulitb b^ pOiUCr roOe tbJOUgb FranceAnnoreg.iOf, Picardie,Artois,Roan,Champatne, anO fO tO Brtteine,tltStOVinQ I160 tbeCountrep befo?e btm. :3no boere Is to be notco, tbat tbe fourtantb oap of apjill, ano tbe mojroto after Ccafter oap, !4ing Edward toitb bt« bolt lap befoje tbeCttte of Parts, tobicb bap tnasfull oarke ofmtff ano baple, ano fo bitter coloe,tbafmanpmenoieoontbeir l^ojlTe backes toitb tbo tolo, toberefoie bnto tbis oap it batb fain calico tbe blacke ^onOap. 2Dbe l^ing of Nauarre bcreo fojc tbe marcbes of Normandie. SCbns toas tbe Hcalmc ofFr4>?c Con, tiy^COVlWtttVSOtGafcoine, Grvycn,Poytters,L!mofn,Bale- i^ (tiki 45 S Uc-W-ilf. Frcncli King relcifTed. Sherifes. ? LMater. > Anmreg.i'^ laff ofianuade cauftDftisgobies totoearc to bolbeano 16i kape tbe fapbc agramcnt,cfpectaUp tbofe as tucll i^jelats as otljer tbat lucre not at CaUus, toljere ^le (toare, ano ot|)cr tijat lucre tbcre luttlj bt'n. ja.grcat Dearth f pcffilence hapneD in £»^W,iuhtch1»as lonaS'"'' fCCOnD peftilcnce,tn luhtcb blCD Henry s>. of Z.4«- aiorta itic. ^atC^ at Lo»alo», atlD luaS blirpCD at LeyceHer, in the colegtate Chmch luhtcl; fl^b founbcD, lutth a SDeane, tlueluc Chanons, ISjebenDaries, as manp tmichcrSjanD o^ thcr mtntSers accojDtnglp. hbiichficld^ DpcD alfo Reginald llojD Cobham, ailD Walter Fitz Waren ,t)altant atiD famous Sinighfcs, ano fiucJlBt# IbopS, tOlUfftC, Reginald of(Vorcefler, Michael of London^ Thomas of Eelie, John of LtKcolne, anD Robert of SCo hVorcesler loas pjCfcrrCD Ichn ofBarnet.-tO Lo«i^w,Siinon Sudburie:to £/7,Simon Landiam : tO Z/i«fo/«ifJohn Bokinz- C7 ' O bam.'to C/ref/er, WiUiani Linlinere. Lconcll cSarlc of HuiJler bp hts lutfe, auD fonnc to Jitng Edward, lucnt iltto Ireland to rccoimtcr tljC Injhmen thattJC# reD the Enghp}. Edward ^JtUCC of Wales tajfeC tO lUlfC bp DtfpCttfattOn tf)t ^rcuntctfe of/Cm, Daughter bnto Edinond^Sarleof/Cm, bjottier l^Tt. iJl- •• -fc—* Edward the thi'rdc*. title,Ex-antes,Calels^Grv>fnes,nm DttlCrS OtljCr JlOjDthl'pS, Ca* ftcls,2noluncs, anD all the JlanDcs to them belonging, luithout hnolulcDge of anp foneraigntie oj fubtettton fo? the fame. Chio peace being confirmcDbp lu2ittnganDb|> oth,fetng Edward camc uito a.nD folfreighttothe Torver to fee thcFrmi; JSing, Inhere he appopnteD hio rann# foine to be th?a millions of islojenccs, anD fo DeltucrcD him of all impjifonment, anD bjoughthimluithsreatho^ no? to the S>ea,lDho then faplcD ouer into France. loiin Denis: Walter Berncy, the 28.ot September, lohn Wroth FifEmonger, thezS.ofOftober. fitng Edward ihe 24. of 3ianuaric bcganne a parlia? inent at inhere the fo2me of the agreement luas r0DDe,anD allotucD of all etfatcs, Inhere the Sing on the EdwarcJ the thirdc* 45P bjofl^er fo fttitg Edward tfje fecono: Gte Ijat) bin bcfo?e tuife tnto Thomas Holland, anu befoje fbat, ^ teas iDift to tlje C^rle cf Sahjh.'irte, aito DttJojfcD froni btfn. SI routcof t!jc great company) tocre ro^ manoeo to Depart out offrMc^.ans tl;cu DifcomfiteD tti Heme t^e Frenchmentffilte DtUCrS pjtfOllCrO Of tfjC UOblCS of France tl^at baD bin afo;C tafte of tljC Enghjhmen, anD there teas Qapn laques de Burbon,anD tfje Coiintte afSa/hri^.i^Ko a route of Britons, part of the great companp afo,:efapD> lucre UtfCOfiitCD in Limoftnalias Garet,\3V Wil.Felton l{nigl)t,Of £«- £Janci,% at that time ^tclnaro of ^ (Eountrcp fojiS. Edward. William Hclbech : lames T amc,the 28 of September. Sherifes ? John Pechc Fil>iraonger,thc aS.ofOtlober. tjAtator S sntjc iSing belDc bis Cb^iffnras at windfire, anD tbe rb. Sore rempcft Dapfolotoing, a foje anD bebemct ^ontbtoeaff tuinD bjahc of^vwac. fojtb, fo btDeouOjtbat itoticrtbjetu bigb ©oufes, STotoers, ^tdtpIes,anD srrd;0,anD fobolucDtbeih, tbattbereffDuc tobicb fell notjbut remapncD ffanDtng,tuere tbe luealter, sJbefirftfiueDapes;of5^ap,at£W5«inS'«(/>/^e/j^apDea# gainffe tbe Pagans tbat baD inuaDeD their confines. SDbe fiaple ofiuajls, notiuitbffaDingtbe otbrecciucD oftbc?iing ^ of England, anD otber great men ohbe IanD,is fcnt to CaUts. stapu of 3|n tbe featf of tbe apottles, Peter anD Paule, iiiingEd.''''®'"'"^^'"'' ward at fVeslminffer bpbis Charter, gaue to the 3bbotof wePimmUer, anD Cooent, ttuo ^taggcs of bis tHenifon, ^earelp to be taUen in tbeirojell aUvindfore. Edward ^jince QtiVales, about the featt of Saint Marga- Edward the ret,at weFlmtnner,w. pjefcncc of the great men of p Healme, Sprtnce oe recepucDofbts father the pjincipalitie of Ac^magne,tt^\tiz Aquitayne, anD homage firff maDe to \}im, but pet be left not the pjin# eipalitie of fvales, the iSDncbie of Corr.mall, the Countiesof Chtslcr anD Kent. Simoiii 4^o Pricftes became theeuesifor ' lackcofliuinj^ Sheriffs, p L^faior. ^ "Iho.Wdfw^. Subrcdit of vvooUes. Set. Cro, Cobtiam Cot- ledge. reg. 3 n Three Kings ^ameinto England, The French King dieth. Edward the thi'rde* Simon Iflip 0rc!jblfljOp of DtO ojCCPHe, fbsf mo?e (boulD not be gtucn to pjiettes foj tbetr pcarelnttu penDjtljan tb?apounD,fire tbiUingo, epgbt pence, caufcD manp of tbem to tfeale. lohn ofSaint Albons: lames Andrew, the iS.pfScpt. Stephen Candifh Draper, the 28.of Oftober. STbe fijrtantb bap of £)d:ober, beganaparliamcnfeaf London,coittinueb till t^e feaft of Saint Brice, tbe tbtD faentb ofi|5ouembcr,ontDbicb bap tbei^ingtoas utngnoto acconipliibeD tbe5o.peareofbtsage,iDbcret)p# pon, b^ par DoncD fucb ao toere giltte of Creafon to bt0 per# ronjeleaiTeD p^tfoncro, retioheb outlatneo, anb at ttje pett# tton of tbe comnion0,b^ commanbeb pleas to be bfeb tn En- gitPo^mfi not in Fretrch,^ tbep bab rontinueb Once tbe Con# qtidl. De inabe Leonell bis fonne, Carle oftben being in h eland, SDuhe of Clarence.dx\b bis foH li?hn, Carle of Richmond, be mabC SDube of Lancaster .-anb Edniond biS fonne,be mabe Carle Cambridge. 3in tbe faibe parliamente teas granteb to tbe JSing foj tbjeepeares follototng, fire anb ttoentie (billings, epgbt pence, of cuerp g>acbc of toaill to be tranlpojteb beponb tbe ^beas. loanc Siuarne Q^Scottes, anb ioifc to D.mid Brufc, anb (i# (fer to ifting Edward tbe tbirb, bpcb, anb teas burieb in tbe grep ji^riers Cb«rcb f-t London bp btr mother. jajicft in ions murtbercb, anb being cutte in four quarters, teas caft contemptuoufltc in fcure partes of P Citie, p boers toberof toere not Unotune tubat tbep toere. g>ir lohn Cobham &nigbtc, founbcbtbc Collebge of Cobham in Kent, SClje French i^ing, tbe i^ing Qiapres, anb tbe feingof Scottej,(mnt all into England to fpcaUe loitb t'^0 Ed wardc, tobo receiueb tbem toitb great bonoj, anb gaue tbem great giftes: tbe icings of dfresmb of Scotland returncbbome ^o?tlp, but tbe French jking fellficbcat London, tobercofb® ibojtlp after bieb. 0 Edward the thirdcf 4^' 0 ftott in En^/oHd {aSeo from mioS of ^rpfembor> Gr»t rtofi. fotfjomonetl^ofapjtU. Mamyitrmo. Richard Croydon John Hiltoft, the iS-of September. Sherifes. ^ IohnNotPeperer,thc 28. ofO(fiober. Mjiier. i> STfjis poaro, tfjc CalfcU of QwnboroHgh toas bntlDcO bp «*«. !ifng Edward. STbe nintfj bap of^pjtlljOtcD Ichn tsing ofFr4«fraf fbe S^my beOOO fVeUminsler, tbJOOgb OWfC Of mtnOC, ffjat t^C ^ Bu^eof^»g'oirom ofbiopleb0rs IjaD bcfcpneo l)im,ano — came not info £;?^/W,accojOing ao fiaO pjomifeO ano toome.teis cojpo toao fjonourablp contiepeo fo Douer, ano fo to SatKt De»u in Fra»ce,\Si\itXZ b^ toOO burtCD. John dcMitford: Simon de Mordon,the aS.ofSeptem. •S^e2"'y<"r. ? Adam ofBury,Skinncr,thc 28 ofOflober. L^laior. > Ingram, 3LO?0 0tC John Louekin Fifhmonger,the zS.ofOftober. (JMaior.s JCbio lohn Lcuekin ^tochfilbmonger, four times toj of L<»7do», tiuice bp election, anb ttoice bp tbe Kings ap^ lohnleyltndi potntment,fo>fbatbbtoa6bo?neintbc£nobDneofiir/»^f/5« ^ bpon T^^w/^,be biiilbcb fbere a Cbappcl callcb MAgddems, ">^00" vJok to tbe tobifb bf iopneb an I^ofpitall, tobcrein tuns a ^ap# Thimis., Cer, 4^* E dvvard the tliir Jcl Michaelf ffer,ftoo i3jtcfles, ana ctrtavnc poaje men: ana faj ffjaf Soaked Lane partfft Cfjutcl) of Saint Michacll bp Crfflbea Jlane of Lo»tlo», buuicd. tn to^tcfje |0artlb fjet^en atoellea, toaa aberp fmallana Ijomelp tl)mg(lfanatng in part of tljat grouna, toljere noUi oflatc t^eiaerfonagcboufeisbuiiaeOjana tbe groua tl)er<» about a filt^ic plot,bp reafon of t^e ISutcljcro tn EaHcheapr, In^o maae ttje fame t^etr lleS ^am,^e on ttje fame grounae builaca tljcfaire neto paritb C|)urcb of Saint Michacll,noUi flanatng, ana hiaa tl^ere burtea tn tift mtaale of t^e ^utre, tnaer a fatre Combe of &tone,tDit^ tbe tmagea of ^tm ana Itta inife granen tn ;Sllablatter bpon t^e fame Combe. alfo (aatntttetb lohn Leyland) founaea aCoUeagetotbe fame Cburcb n^re tberebnto aaiopntng. Cbc fapae parilb Cburcbe of Saint Michacll, batbbtnfince cncrcafca Catff t»arDe,toitb a neto Sinter, ana ftce Cbapprls, bp ^tr Wil- ham Walworth i?iibmonger,ano ^aioj ofz.Wo«(a0 (ball betbetoeain tbe fourtbpcarcof3Stng Rich.ircl tbe fccona.) 01fo, tbe Combe of lohn Louckm tDa« remouea, ana a flat ffone of grep garble, garnilbea toitb plates of 3Latm, ana an C^pttapb, toas lapae bpon btm, as it pet remapnetb. no.ufdi. Edward J0;ince Qffvaies, taking compalTion bpon Peter Annoreg.^ii Of SpayKt, Vobo Ujas ajiucn out of bts!lttngDomebp broth«'dbhcri. Batfara b?otbcr, cntrea sp4yKe biitb a great pn# te(htlieh7vful. itTance.ana in a faattell at Naz.ers, tbe tbira of^pjill, put to flight tbe fo?efapae515atfara,onerfamebijspobjer, anafleto Are tbonfanac of bts men, tobere tberc tnas taken tbJa^ fcoieperfons of name, ana ttno tbonfanac of tbe common §)oulaioures, tubtcbe bone, be rettojea tbe fapae Peter to bis fojmer aignitie, ana returnea borne toitb greate tri# timpb anabi£tojic,but not long after, Henry tbe515aflarae, Jroth«mule. luttg Pctcr fate at 3 Cable, foaeinlptbmff btmtbo# tctluhclivv- rongb teitb a ^penrc, ana inuaaca tbe Jlanac bpCreafon, tobicb bp open Inarrc bo cotila not Do. Sherifes. > lohn 1 ornegold : Wilium Dikeman, the 28 of Scptcrn. ^f4i«r. S lames Andrew Diaper,the 28.0! Oftobcr. Cbe Frenchmen tcoke oiuers Coiones ana Calfels in PojtOWi E Jward the thirdc* 4^3 Poytevf.W^^t beloitgcD to f^e iifng of E^igimd, anD fo f^c cnoc fbcp migfjte tbc tnoJ« ofPctfuallp Occepue flje l^tng off"- gUnd, ti)e French jaing fciU I)t»n UiojD, tl;at be Uiag reaote to paptberefiDuc of bis fatbei's raunfome, anD topcrfeurnic fbc conDitions of peace. Hlfo, b® fentebtm Mines out of ^ Boheme^ anD otbet pjefents, in toben of lone, but it fojtuneo ^—— tobilcs tbe C-mbatraoojc iuere in tbe ibings pjefence, tbe lamentable nciues mere bjougbt of tbe fojcible innafion of tbe Frenchmen in Poyttnv, tDbicb? tobcn tbe fting beJirbe, be SuKeiticof commatinDeD tbe CmbanTaoo^s to gette tbem borne tuitb Fter.dmiciN tbeirDeceiptfttllp?ercnts,to tbeir Deceiptfuitllo?D,ttibore inorbes belDooulDe notlong leauebnreuengeD. baffaDonres returning borne, toeremctte bp tbe menneof Ca/eis, tobo tobe tboir Mines, ano otber gcoDes from tbem. Robert Girdler: Adam Wimondham, the 28.ofScpt. Shertfes 7 SimonMordinStockfifhmon5cr,thc28. ofOiVober. tJMatar C 2Dbe tbiroo mojtafitte oj }0elfiIettce teas tbis peare, ^„„orgfr.Ay tobereof DpeD Blaunch, ^ucbes ofl'i»«"'<^7r^anDiua5 hvt* ThhdPeai rieD in Paulcs Cburcb at London. Dearthof SCbis peare teas a great Dearth of Cojne, fo tbat a Bu^ Come, flbell of Mfjeate at London toas folDe foj ttoo (billings fire pence,of Bartie ftoentie pcnce,of £!tes ttoelue pence. " ICbe rb. of^ugulf DieD ©uane Philip, toife to Edwardc tbe tbirD,anD toas burteD at iveHminBer. QfuneJborough,KingBon\3pQn H(tll,Qnli Saint Botohphes,aliat BoBcwneymXit staples bp ^Barliament. STbe !iitngs fonne Iolin2Dubeofz.4wi^fr,anD Hum- freyBohan cSarle of Hereford,\aiV^ agreate^Irmietoeiite into France, tobote tbep little p?euapleD,bpcaufeanbuge 0rmie of Frenchmen baD pitcbeD tbeir 2Centes bppon tbe toppe of Cb^lbe bill ■> n^te bnto CakU, fo (tronglp, tbai tbep coulDe not be fette on iuitboute greate loiTe anD Dammage , but lbO?tlpe after , Thomas Beawchampc, I0arle of ivarrvike, arriueD at CaleU toptb a number of cbofen &onlDiecs> at tobofo comming, tbe Frenchmenne Uaoing 4*^4 Edvvard?E!c thirc!e«r leauins tijcir tcntcs ano ijirtuaUfS,flcf JJe atonp, ncwcrt^c^ icirs,^EpatrcDfo?tl),fpo5luiganDluafting ttjc ^HcoiCam tDitf) fire anD finojD, but ad Ije returneo totuarbe Ca/os, fell ficHc, Ujfjereof fie bpcb.ani' tljc ot^cr Captaunes retur# nebloit^outbonoJ' , ^ i John Piel: Hugh Holduch, the ?8.of September. Shcrtfes, ? Chichelter Goldfmith.the 28.ofOaobcr, AUior. S ^Edward bojotoeD oft^)e ^?elatcs anb otl)er,ntanp great fummes of mouep, fauing^fjc tooulD bcfioto tljc fame tovveJ g.eM j,| Defence of tlje Cburcb anb Ucalme, but about ^ibfomec (umniej. agceatc armtc into France,ixj^tttof ^ir Robertc —U22.— icnowlcs teas generaU, a man, tofio befoje time fjab fo?fu# natclp tjanbleb tljc beponb fea toarrcs,fo long as t^ep txjere rulebV Ijio counrcll,but totoarb Minter, tbe pong Jlojbd fapbc tbevj ought not to be fubtert to him toljo teas not fo no"ble of birth as thrp, ana fo biutoing themfelues into bi^ uers companies, &ir Robert Ivnowles beparteb into Brt- teine to hts oUjue CaCcls toh«h h^ hsu conqucreb. Sthe jLo?bs being fobiuibcbjtheiFrefff/^weKretbpon them,t(Dbe pjifoners tohome thep Iiaeb,anb fletu the refibue. SL greatpart of G^/w^wfelltrom the^Bjince, bpcaufc of the ftrange eraaions he lapbe bpon them: alfo fichneflfe en? creafingbponhiinjh^ returncb into £»^/*i«<^U)ithhistDife anb his fonne Richard, anb refigning into his fathers habs the gouernemcnt of Gafcotgne. SThe sponatferie of Abingdon, fiue miles from Oxforde, %uth:r^ Parker, toas fpoplco bp thcm of Oxford, tcgithcr iuith the Artificers of Abingdon. Sherifes ? Wiiliam Walworth: Robert Gayton,the 28. ofScptcm. cMAior.\ John Barnes Mercer, the eS.ofdaobcr. JThis 1"'^" Barnes gaue a Chetl iaith thJ^ Iccfees, anb ACheft with a thoufanb sparUes,fo be lent to pong men bpon fufficientc gage, fo that it patTeb not one hmib^cb ^aitsB: anb fo? the penie. Dccuppiug thcreofjifhe tocre learncb, to fapathis pleaftire Annareg.^) Deprofmdts, fojthefOUlC Oflohn Barnes.ifhe iOCrC UOt Icar# "71 to fap Pater noHer: but hotb fo ettfr the moiiep is lent, at Edward the thi'rde* 4^5 at tljti cap t^e C^jsll Ifanoef^ in t^t ClSjambcr of Z-W lohn Piel Mercer,the 28.ofOiflober. (JXEa/or \ lohnJDuheof entrca Ffjin^. l^ojCTestn ffjaftnlucUie tjopagc. s^tiaasagreatmirene to fde the pojje ftafe of fljc men of toarre, fuc^e as toere ©ntgljfro of great tocaltt) tn tfjeir CDoimtrep, l;auingloff men ano i9o;Cree, lucre glao tobeggc IVcm Dojc to Do^e, nno fonno no rcUefe, foj the Countrep luas DeffropeD, an& notmanureOjbprearon tuljcreof, fucfj Dearth teas in tljat Countrcp,tljat bictuatles muId fcant be gotten fo? anp mo^ ncp. 2CbciDube pet tointereD» SCtjc tmtb of 0p?ill folio# UiingjOOap ofbattaple luas appopntcD betlutjrte btm anQ tbe S?uhc of at Tholonfe. 3;n the meane time, truce tons taKen till tbe ttoentitbof^ap ncrt follototng, but tbe 3Atngof£«^/«Wl?netonotbmgofit. Mbentbcbap came, a great poiucr of armco men fo? tbe French nppeareb, tbe tobtcbtbe £Dtil:eof Aniowhao affembleD^bntpct tbatoapc paCTeb toitbout battaple, to tbe great Ojamcanb rep?ocb of tbe Enghjh, foj tbe Frenchmen fapD, tbep tocrc teabp m fieloe tbe bap appopnteb to loabe fo; tbeir commtng,tbatcame notatalljtoberefojetbep ^ahe manp repjocbfnll toojbes againflt tbe EngUjJjmen.tailirtg tbcm falfe cotoartis,ant! bait# leCfe. a:no fucb toas tbe cnb of tbat ioornep, lohn Nortluvold ^efcec irf London, toas Oapneat tbo l!5lachebeatb?fa?toborefafee, began great Debate amoi^ tbe Craftes otLorJongit the SSlbite i?ricrs in flccteSr^te, to; btm,anD ^ir William of fFmdfore. cieargie granteD to tbe i^ing tentbei , ami tbe iaptieaftftantbi , - lohn Awbrcy : lohn Hfhcd, the 28.of September^ c Adam of Bury Skinner, the 28.ofO(ffober. lohn SDuheofit'^wr-^i?#')'came againe out of tbe aibermen inere bepofeb, anb otberfetmtbeirplaceo, f SirlohnMmftcrworth finigbt, anb otber,tDere b?atone anb bangeb. jabout tbw time, rofe bp in Oxford a certapne ^ojtb;en itiTv m man calleb lohn Wicklcffc,a SDoctour ofS?tHlnttie,tDbo In ufe. • ^cboleo, anb elfeinbere, b^lb certapne concluSon0,contra; rietotbepubltbe Qate, efpectallp asatnQ ^^onbeo^anbo' tber Heltgtouo men tbatbabpolfeinon0:btb companions btnelling togitber, Inere apparelteb tn long garmentes bolnneto tbe b^les ofruiret,gotngbare(ioteb fc, fttng Edward enbeb bis life at ^anour otshene, tbe Ki„gEdvrMj Wkj. bap of June, in tbe peare i n?* ioben be bab ratgneb d«eafred. yo.pearesjfour monetbes,anb obbe bapes,tDbofe bobp teas burieb at wciimi»ner. l^e btiilbeb tbe ;abbep of our Lady of Grace bp t\)tTower of London, l^enelnlpbutlbeb S. Stephens cbappell at fvefiminiier. t^e CaSell of fVindfore.anti t\)t il^unrie Otnertford.^t alfo fonnbeb a ^afonbieu fo? tbe p(D;e in tbe Colnne of CtiUis, "^chard 470 f ^B^hard ofBurdeaux. ^ Icharde the (econd, borne at \Anw,reg.\. Bmrdeaux, t\)t fotnte of |3^tnC0 Ed- ward, being but elenen pearrei olbe, beganne bt< ratgne tfje vxU i>ape of 3!une,tntbcpeare ofoariloj&tiC'OD 1377, ano toajs Crotoneo at fveff- tfje firtantl) t>at> of3ulp,fan t^eb^ltdO OfSiniofl Sudbuiy,^rc^bi» ^Op of CanterbKrie. Before ^ts Coronation, fet agmmentbettoe^netbo S>ube of Lanca^i-er, anO Cltt^enO Qf London, ano fct at Its bertie ^ir Peter dc la Mere,tub0 ss 15 aforefaptijtoao bp in* Cigation of Alice Perce caff iitpjifon. 31nbeaafic,faounfie,anD liberalitie, be farrepalTeball' bio progenitour5,but Uiao ouermncb giuen to rcff anb qni* etneffe, louing little becoeo of armes, ano for tbat be tnas pong,Uja5 moff ralcb bp pong ccunfell, anb regarbeb no# tbing tbe counfels of tbe fage anb fcoife men offbe tSealme, tobitb tb^ng tnrneb tbio ^anb to great trouble, anb bim# felHr to ettreaino miferie^ao to bp tbefe Merfeo beclareb. WHea Richard the fcconcI» ^7 * Wlien this Kinff firft bcpanne to raignc, the Lawcs neKle£Vcd vrere, cUmrnU, Wherefore go od fortune him forfooke, and th'earth did quake for fcare. lolMGowcr, The people alfo whome he pollde, againft him did rebell, The time doth yet bewayle the woes, that Chronicles do telL The foolifh eounfell of the lewdc.and yong he did receyuc. And graue adiufe of aged heads,he did reieft and leauc. And then for grecdie thirft of Coyne, Ibmc fubieftes he acculed, To gaync their goodes into his hands, thus he the Realme abufed. iHmg af Cojonafwn itiafie fou«<£arles, Tho- m^sQtl'VoodHocke, 1^1110 HdwardespottgelB fOlttlCjCBarle Of Bucktnfham f /VorthamptoK. 2Co ^tin 1^8 gaUO i ooo ^arltCS pcarolp ont of 2nreafarie,til l^ao pjouiDcD ^im lancs totfjattjalac. Thomas MoubrayCEarleof ford An^ohfme, a Gafce'gne, CarU Of Hu!itt»gto»,tO ty^oino %z Itfeetotfe gaac i ooo.sparhes tlje peare,ont of Ijis STrca* fude, till ^ao p?oaioco fjtm llanoeo to ttjattalue: ano Henry Percy CDarlC Of NorthumherUnd. £Dtl S.Pctcrs DaPjfl^O Frfwimefiioitf) 50, fefjipS arrtuCO TheTovvne at R/e,ano fpopleo t^eSTotone ana bjent itSCt)e fame time tfjc Scottes biient tbe ^otone of Rokejborovp. 3n tije bnletibeo ^v'gnt taken. of September, tbeFrw^werrfajhe tl^e of wtght, fauing tbe Catfell, tobicb S>tr Hugh Tirell fegpt manfullp.^isaticii lA^tFrenchmenf^dJi fpOgleO tlje COUUtrCp, tbOPftDbe looo. iparfees of tbe inl)abifanto,to fpare tfjeir fjoufeo bnbjenf. aiftertahing ofV^tfoin^\Zyt\^zFrenchme»tntxinQt\^zixc €>alleps agatnc,coaff eD ttje §>ea ttronb,ttll tfjep rame ouer lye before agamatbeaCoiDne of ^mchelfea, anb bnocrttanoing tljat vvmcueifea. tbe abbot of ^nrrW/toas cometbitbcr to Oefeno it, tbep fent tobim,tbatbc Iboulo reoametbe STotone: tbe abbot ait» toereb, tbat be nabeb not rebame tbe tbing lobtcb t)e baf not lott, tbe Frenchmen tben fequettcb tbcre migbt be fentc fojtb to figbt ma to man, a moje number,to trie tbe mat* fer in bieto of armeOjbut tbe abbot an(xoereb,be toao a IJc* Itgious man, anb tberefojc not latofull fo? btm to abmittc anpe fucbe petition, anb tbat be came not tbitber to figbte, but to befenb tbe SCotune f Countrep. STbefe things being Cfgaiij, •f?® RicharJthcfccond#. Ijeard, tfie Frenchmen fiippoCng t^af fl^e abbof atrt bttf P^Of pU ioanteb courage^tbep alTapIeD tbe SDolone lottb fncb Cruments of toarre as caff fo;tba farreoff> tob^r^oftbep p!entfe,not ceaOHns from noone till oueningtbut bp tbo pjotocCfe ofp abbot, ano fuel) as toere toitb bitn? ttjc French pjcuapleo notl)i«fi. 3|n tbemeanetime,tobileCtl)cpUierc The roTvne fVtncheifea,t})e^ foitt part Of tbotr companp lavtf of Haftine* . to Hafiings, tofjere finoing tbe totunc almoff cmptie, tfjep it.^b^ Frenchmen perCCpniltg tl)ep COUlD DO 110 gOD at mncheifenfitpwcUn from tbcnce,anD left it as tljep founD it* Sherifes, ? Andrew Pilccman: Nicholas T wiford,thc 28. of Sept. LM4icr. > Sir Nicholas BrembarGrocer,thc 28. of Oftober. K\)t fame peare, tlje Frenchmen comming bp at f fobme Iho.JFilfms. of Retingdon in Snjfex, Hare tO tbe SDobme of Lerves, h)t)ere The PHot of Lerves Mt\^ a fmall coHipanie met tbem,anb bp Lev vet taken! amultituDe of Frenchmen ttioXtomz bpoH biw, bias fa^ byfteiuhwen,. ano leDDe to tbeir ^bipp®s, toitb ttoo!iinigbtes,to toate, SirlohnFallefley, anD Sir Thomas Cheynie, atlDa ^qaire,calleD lohn Brokes. Cbcre DieDin tbis battaple almoS an bunDjeD EnghJhmenXi^t Frenchmen tbcrefOje toifb all tbeir^auie returneD bome, being 37. (0alleps, epgbt Caruales ofSpajne,nnt> certapne 3!5arkes:lfreigbttDapes therefore as tbep came to lanD, fome of tbem toent bnto tbe fage,tbat toas about ^rde, anD bp treafon, tobicb albiapes is familiar to tbem, tbe Kaper of tbat Cattell being an mayne, to biate, tlje lLo?D of Gmney, Deliuering to tljem tbe JCotone, tbep llreigbt got tbe Catfell alfo, foj tbe tobicb tbe fame baper being taben bp Sir Hugh Caiuerley, baper of C4/eis,\u{is rent into £»t^W,anD committeD to pjifon. SL parliament toas bolDen at £0W<7»,tobicb enDeD about ^aint anDjeloes tiDe^ in tbe tobicbeparliamente, Alice Alice p»r»« Peres toas banilfteD tbc lanDe, anD all bir moneablegoDes banished. jng fojfeiteD to tbeBings bfe., tenthet toas gcaunteD to tbe Iking of tbe Cleargie ttoo gramedbjthc fontbes to bspapDo tbat peace, toitb conDition^ tbat front fkinglbotilD not eptoft from bis fubiectes bp fucb, Richard the fccotid* 473 fuc^ e; oemannors but line ofbt'e oiDiTe,'anb eon^ tinue l}iB luarre,fo} ae it tuas anntoeareD tbere, fjig otune 0001)0 pertaining to tbe crofa)ne,rafficet) bofb to finbing « ofbia boute, and mapntapningofbie tuarres, of fomie ^ tDerebeltoioebbpfitteminiSere, anofo; tbeberpingoftbc monepjttooCitijcnoofLffWffwtDereappointeb , William Wal worth,ano lohn Philpot.JCbe E»£/ijh men bearing of a number of spamjhe fljippeo to remapneat 0ucefo; toante of tDinoe,a(&mbling agreatrompanpe ofarmeo men, and a great naoie,meant to tabe tbe rea0,tbeir cbiefe Captapnea tuere Thomas of Woodftocke C^rle of Buc^Kgham,t\}t dUbC of Bryt4iue,tf)C ilOJd Latimer, tbt 3L0}d Robert Fitz Walter, Or Robert Knowlcs, and manp otber baliaunt perfonagea, lubo being entred tbe &ea, taOed iFo;tune diflbuourable, fo} bp a tempeOuoua toinde tbat rofe, tbep; (bippea iuere fcattered in funder, tbepi maOea are b;oben dotone, tbep} faplea rent, and manp of tbe fmall bcOelatbattderebiau^ allera toere d^otuned, at lengtb^tbe (bippea got togitber a* gaine,and arriued in and being notoe rigged are eftf(Dneafi:eigbt toitb men,and to tbe &ea tbep go.O[bout $ fame time,fir Hugh Calucriey making a iournep totoarda found a Barge in p bautn of^ toiDn,f baref name of tbe totone,# another tbat loaa tbe French jiiinga f a )Rrb|. otber beOela mo;e and 1000,011 tbe tobicb tuitb a great part of tbe fuburbea of5«&/j-w,b^taured tobedifpopled, taking Initb bint tobatfoeuer Uiaa tbere to be de(trod,b)itb certapne piifonera :be dioue afoie btm alfo a grot bcDtie oflbspe and beaOea, iobicbe be founde paOuring n^re tbetoh)ne,tubieb migbt loell forue tobutnall C4/ nnofome being fa' hen,amongft tbc tobitb fir Hugh Courtney a nobU ftnfgbf tnaa one. 0bout fbe fame time lohn Mcrccr a 5fo» foil. lobn Bofeham.-Thomas Corncwalis,tbc.28.of Septcm. Shsrifes. ? Sir lohn Philpot Grocer.the.a 8.of October. (Junior. C 2CbtS lohn WxX'^ot 3^0X0% of London, gaUC tO tbcfame lohn Philpot Citic certaine tenementes,fo? tbe inbicb tbe (Cb^mberlain papetb pearelp to pit), pco^e people, euerpe of tbem feauen pence tbe in^be fo? euer, anD as anp of tbofe tbirt^ne per' fons Dpetb, tb^ ^ato? appointetb one, anD tbe Heco?Der another. SCbe Scottes beganne fo Hebcll, anD a Squire of tbeirs, 17.79 talleo Alexander Ramfey, tnitb fojtpe perfons,in a nigbte no.r^ijioi. " toUe ii» fhc Norrh. Taxe. \An»o reg. 5. ■Wheat and VVwc cheape. fes.r to-/-. J Sherife (^Taitr. ThoJi^MiX S.lohK^ruJale dtovvued. ■Cfo^M-iio/ii ton, Richard the feconcl, toke t\)t Caffcll Ot BerwickeMxt ffjC ttllltl) Da? foIlDtdtltg,ff)S CrlC tii Nor thumb erland rcCOU^tCD it, ailD OcU) tljCScott tljat tuerctljcrcin. 2ut)c ^arc^auutcs of Lofidon toichcDlp tleto a ricf) mai*^ cbaunt of GemaXoi ti)at l)t tDoulDe carr? to a better market tl)e fpiceo tbat l)c bao p;omtreo to bnng into tt}io Countrp, tbe Doers bjfjfrof toere after app2ebcnDcD,anD fomc foj tijat fart erccufcDjas after Ibal appcare. ^0 areata mojtalitp of men bapneD in tbeiliojtb parts of England,neiier baD bin fesne befoje, tobirb tbc Scots fa# ing raimgeo tbJougb anD fleitie loitb tbe toojDe, tbcm tbat luere ficke of tbe plague, anD fo purfueo tbem t^t baD not tbe pIague,tbattbe?D?ouc out of tbe Countce? almstSali tbe able men. 311 a Jdarliamcnt at London, it ujas DecraD, tbat eucrpe jSDuke il)oulD pa? ten markes to tbe iiing, tbe^Ircbbitbops tbe iike,Garles,Bi(bops anD mitereD ^Ibbots n)oulDe giue fire markes, anD euerp ^onkc.rl.pencc, no religious per# fon,man oj tuoman,53arron, nicar, oj Cbapleinc efcapeD tl)iB tare.lohn Mountfoi tS)ukeof^9'^irT.Ba- ntllci-jfir Roger Trumpingtoivfir Nicholas Ki ncl, fir T ho- ims Pale,fir lohn Sentcler auDfirc otbfr kuigbtcs per-itfieo tbere Richard the fccond^ i79 f^jere tl^e ofS)«ember. 3n a jaarliamentc at toas uraunfeb fa fbc japng i?^o a trntlj of tljc CccUnaCicat pcrfon0,anb a fifteentb oftije Ce^ cular, f)pon conbttton t^at no otbcr ]|3aritament (boulbo be bolDcii from tbc Calcnbco of ^partb til ® icbaclmalTe, combat toasfougbfr^if ^Ff/??ww7fr in tfjc bingo p;e> fcnce,bettoane lohn x\nllcy hnigl)t> fnb Thomas Catnng- ton e£quire,to!jmn tbe fcifapse hnigbt bab appcalcb of trei fon, fo} Celling tl)c Caftcl ofS/:m Sauwiirs, lubicbc tb^ i.ojb Chandos IjaQ faUtlbOb in tbe '^IZtiCConCi/tntirje mTyaftce,mii tbe knigbt oucrcame tbc<£fi]uire. Thomas of Woodtlockc ^arlC Q.tBuckingham■, Thomas Percy, Hugh Calucrley, Robert Knowlcs,ilOJDeBanet,nr John Harlcfton, William of fVindfire, appjOUCb anb trpob ISntgbteSjbjere fent toitb-a grcatpoltjer to apbe tbc SDube of Brytaine, toljO tOtrO COHUapeD tO Caleis, attO fCOm tljCnCC robe abonte tbJougbr Braund, fpopUng tbe Countrep.aniK flaptng tbe peopletotb^bojbersof^jjr^^w^, antJenfrebtbe* fame Ujitboat lD(re,eptber of man oj bcalf. 3n tbis iournep fir lohn Pliilpot, citifrn of London beferueb great commcnbations, lobo Ijpjeb Ibipo foj tljcm of bio otone tbargeo^anb toitb bio oton monep releafeb tbe armour tobirbtbe foulbiouro b^bgagebfo^tbeirbicttialOy mo?etban atboufanb in number* SC^e Scottes entreb Cornberlande,WeClmerlande, anb § foj^ reff of Engeiwood, fletoe tbe inbabitaimteo, bJoue atoap tbe Cattle,anb robbeo tfiesparfiet anb SCotone ofPenreth, anb Uibiles tbe Carle of pjeparebto baue bene reuengebjtbe fiing fent letters to tbe contrarie. lohn Vian ^„t,o reiT.Al knigbt toitb tbe French ktngsgalpefi toke tbe foton of F«n(h rj&f^4,pat tbe ^IbbofofStt/^/tf to flight anb toke one of bis ^ iponkes* K^e alfo b;ent tbe STotoneo of jipudar anb Rd about tbe fraflt of Saint Laurence. SCi)t cigbt of September foure Caleps of Fraunee came to GrHHefende,mi bumt a great-part of tbe Cotone* " Walter. ipp Richardcthc fccond*. Sherifes. ? Walter DuckctcWilliamKnighthooclc,the.28.ofScpt. Af^i'or. > William Walworth Fifhmonger,the.28.ofO(5tober. GiinsimienteJ. ]^bout time mahtttg of uniteo toao founoe, bp flcertatitc Ijautng ti)t poaoer ofiSjimffonem . , a^ojtertDfjicbbcbaobeatcnfojamcmdne, aiiDconerca ■ . Jottb a ttone, as jje ttroUe ficr, a fparhe cbauncco to fal into Ij, pouDor,toh^rbp a flame out of the mojter raifco tbe flone a great betgbfjtoljicbe after be b^ib per£cpueo,maoe a ^appe ofp?oii,anD tcmpcrea tbc pouacr tottb otber, ano fo fini^ Ibeb tbat DeaDip engine, as repo?tclb Blondus, ano R.Vo- latcnanusjtbe firff tbat bfco lbot,to tbetr bebalfe ano pjofit, Inere tbe VenetUm againfle tbe inbabitauntes of Cenom SJnring tbc parliament at NorthHne, aiiD Cbaunccllour of EngUnd.- STbtS ! A Ri'chardc the fecond» 4^' Xtfit rebellion began at Dertfirdin aw, in manner as Rebellion bej foUotoetb. Ebe Collertours appoinfcO to gather the fojc- fapD groats 0? pole monp, comming info tfjcfjonfcof loi.n a XUtr, benianccl) fame foj ljtm,bt3 tuife, bp^s Onnght^r, $ other bps familp:but the Xilns Wife senteo to pap to; bi r fiaugbter, raping tbe tuas bnocr age.SCbe fapo p CoUcdjj, tbatlbalil rfljncU)it,antJ to!tetbemapDcbtolcntlp,ant) Dif# bonettlp fcarcb^f tob^tbcr (be toerc of age o; no, U)bcriu«tb the motber maoc an outcrp,bP? b^fbanDe being in p tolune at Uiojbe. ®2lben ttopngs came to bim, btcaugbte bis la- tbtngttaffeinbisba»be, ano ranncrabing borne, lubere be reafoning toitb tl)c Collcctour tobo maoc bim fo bclDe, tbcColIectourbeingapmabcfellonj, let flpc at tbeSiler, buttbe Sutler bopoingtbeltrohe, rmotetbcCfillectour on tbebeaaetuptbbis latbtngltaffe, tbattbeb:nrnesfcl! out, iub-f^ tb?ougbe great nopfes arofe in tbe (trcatcs, vT.ib tbe pmje people being glab, euerpe man arrapeo bpm to fup^ po;ttbis iohnTyler, ^bnstbcCommonsDjctuctogitber anb (went to M^i'dHone, from tbence baclje againe to BUck; Heath, ano fo fojtb to Lwiw.anfi cntreo tbe Citie on Corpf^i chrfff/t}ap,b)l)ctet^ev oeffrcpco manp gojolp places of tbe nobles anb other,as tt)tSauoy,Sa//}t lohm bp Smithfielde, tljC LondoV"'"^*'' S^anonr of HighbHne bp rfeldo», anb tbe SCcmple lubere tbe sai.oy i'roims, jajentifes of latu lucre loogea fo? tbe cncreafe or tljep? (fuf bie. SCbepfct outof tbeSColner of London (tubcrctbeiaing luas then lobgeb) Simon Sudbime^lrcbbi^oppc of The Srchb.of bi4rie, iLojOC dDb'tuneellour ofEnaUnde, Kobeit rialles IDjl-- Tre'pHa""rof S our of'^^'^^/o^'^-f.anb STreafurcrof William Apel- lohneaFricr-ii ton a ifricr^itto? tbe things confeCTour, anb Iohn Lcgge a ^ergeaunt of tbe things, anb bebeabcb tbem on tbe tio^ toer bill" tbep bebeabeb biuerfe otber in manpc places, as fir Iohn CaucndiiLe liojoecbiefe 31ufiiceof£«^(W«', tije j[9?ionr of Same Edmundejhuriey anb OtbCr. Rytharcl Lions q famous JLapibarie of Aw^i7«,tDas b?atoen out ofbis boufe anb bebeabeb in chepe.Xf^zv bebeabeb all men of iLato, as loel pjcntices, anb btter 3i5aretters,as 3!ufiiccs,ano al ju' ^ 3^b» refiS 4^ i Richard the fccond» rcrs fl)af mig^t get info tlieir tianss, fpareU itonc tol^om tfjcp t.^oog^t to be learneD,toere it neuer fo little, e# fpedallpc iftbcp founae anpc to baue penne anD pnUc, tbe? puUeDoff;pg tobcjoe, ano alltuitb onctiopccofcrmngout, as tbep biib bin fo inanj? 0iuels, l;ale ^im into tljc Urcrtcs ana cut of bis bcaa. Ffcmming? be- SCb^natfo bcb^aaeaall Jl^Iemnittigs, notfparing anre heaj:d. fg, jrcucj-eiice of tbc cbuccl) 0? Dtber place, tobcre ft)cp founo ttjenntbep fct tbirteene fojtlj of tbc i^rier AuHhics Cburcb, nna feauent^ne out ofanotb^r Cbnrcb i" LondaN;t\)tv tohe ttoo ana tbirtie in tbe Ftntne, ana manp otber brre ? tbere in Vc^tiZi^itm^Southwarkr, allUibicbsif tbepconlaenot platnlp pronouncellB^eaa ana Cb®fc>but iBjot ana Cans, tod tbcir bcaacs,£Cbfn fpoplea all bcobcs of latu^recojacs, ana monuments tbcp coulae m^tc Initball, ana fct al pji*" foners at libcrtie- EiTexmenpici. SCbe feittg to pactffc tbsirfutie, offerea tbem peace, on liej. conaition tben tooulac ceafc from burning of boufes ana flaugbter of men, tubicbe tbe Efex men toUc, ana returnea borne, but tbe Kenttflje men rcmapiiea burning ana flaning as afoje . I'Sabt^t^^PPO" ^^i"0 fent fir lohn Ncv\ ton yv^TUu!* J^nigbt, to wat Tiler tbetr Captaine, to intreato btm fc come nna tnlUe btjitb bit" about bis oUme acmauna es: tbe llnugbtaoingbismeflage, Wat Tiler auntoerea tbatb« fcuouiae come at bps oUine plcafure, ncuertbeleffe be folio# tocDfoftlp, anDiubenbecamcneare5?w/r/a/i>/i^, tobcretb^ king aboaDc bis commtng, tbe fame t^nigbte toasfcnta# gainc to mate bpm, ana to hnotoe bis requcffes, but Wat Tiler faing tbe kiiigbt come neere bnto bim on bojfieback, fapae it baaae becomebpm better to boe on fcofe in bis pjc# fence:tbeiinigbte auntoerea tbat itUias nobarme, fitb bimfelfe teas atfo on bojCTcbacke, tberelnitb Watte Tyler Tht ftoutneiTe bHCger, ana offiering fo ffrikc, callca tbe Snigbf of Vv» xacr. fraptour. 2Cbe knigbte aunftoearea tbat be Ipca, ana a?etD bis bagger. SCbe 5iing feeing tlje iinigljte in aaungcr, comatmaca bpm to aligbte one fcote ana to aeliuer bis aag# Richard the fecond. 4^3 ger bnto Watte Tiler, ano tofjen i)iif pioulic minbc luoullie notbepacifpcD, butinouloe n^oesrunneontb'E^ll^mgbtt, tfjcrecametotbeliingtbe William wal- worth, ano manpc otbtr isnigbtcsi ano ©fqutres , aO firming it to be a (bamefnll rcp?ocbeiftbcptbouliicperi' mittc the linpgbtc to be nmrbcreo : tE^fberetippon the I'lpng tafemg bolDcnelTe bpon bpoi ? commaunDeDtbcSpiv to? to arreffc tbc Kcbell, tobicbc $}9aia? being a man of in-' comparable bolbenefie, firepgljt arrefieD bpmon tbc brab, in fucfjc fo?fe that be affonpeb bpni: aiiD fo?tbtoptb tbep ioi)vcl)c attenbeb on tbe iipng tnutroncD tbe l^ebcll, ano tb?uffe bim in, in aiucrfe places of bis faobpCjlDitbtbcp? toeapons, ano tben i>?etoe bpm from among tbe peoples fate, into tbe i^ofpitall of Saim Barthimewe, tobifbfbbcn tbe commons percepuea, tljcp crpco outtbattbcp?Cnp''r^Jej taine inas trapterouQpc flapnc, but tbe living robe to tbem, ano fapbe, tubat meanepou to Doe, 3 am pour Ming,3 foil be pour Captalne, foUolLc me info tbe ficlDe, tberc to baue iDbatfotuer pe iuill require. 2Cbep tberefoje foUoUieD bp»i into t^e fielDes tuptbout tbe fuburbes toluarDs ano in tbe mcane time tbe S^aio} roD into tbe Citie, rapfeo tbe Citijcns,ano ll)02tlp rcturneB loitb a tboufanoe toeil armco men,§)ir Robert Knowks being tbep?leaDer. S^bel^tngt th e Cir-ensof Dtbcr in bps companpe reiopfing of tbis bnliHeD fo? apoe, foDainelpe compaCTcbtbcmuItituDcoftbctommonstoptb fighting men, lubicb commons fo?tbUjptb tb?oli'ing Dofctme botocSjbilles, ano all otber tbeirU)eapono,feltbemfclucs fo tbegrouuDe, bumblp crautngparoon,lubicb iuas gratm# feD,ano Charters oeliuereo fo tbe Captains ofcuerpfijire, lubo tben DeparteD borne. 2Dbe ruDe multituoe being fbus DifperftD, tbei^ingniaDcWilliam w. rpeake,fpcndc, and fpeedc, quotli o^Bathou, and therefore finne fareth as wildc floude, true loue is awayc that is fo good , and Clearkes for wealth wurchcth them woe: God do bote, now i« time. 4*^^ Ridiard thcfecond* One oftftere* f!)cfe rebtls burnefi fl^e 5/i»or, oHeoffj^cmffioItc fovV''J,Mft?mo s S®f I? Cluer pace atiD bto it in bis bofome, but anotbcr the Hre'. ^35 fppcD bim aiiD tolDc i}i& fellotDCg, Inbicb br'n f fbc pofcp ofplate into tljc fire,faping:b)e be jealous of trutb ano lutticc,an5 not tfjaues and robbercs. jtvx- ofthe re- tf)irtic of tt)cm entring t^e feller of ttje Satfoj, bcli: muted vp. Djunke fo mucbe of Onate Mlines tbat tbcp toere not able- to come out, but toerc ibattc in ujitlj turDti ano ftones tljat mareo bppetlje 0030^ tljep called and crpcd feauendapes, and tuere beard of manp,butnone^came to brlps tbem and fo tbep dped tbcre. nftcr a number of tbeiu b^ddefackcd tbe netd SCcmple, tDbattoitb labour,andtobatiDitbtoine, tbep lapootDndn»i der tbe tuale and boU}fiiTg,and toere flaine like frdine^ and one of tbem. killed another fo3 oldc grudge and baircdj and others aircmadequtckcdifpatch ofthem^ Watte Tiler being killed, lackc Strawe and other thep> pjincipal Captaines hanged, the hope and confidence of the commons decaped, butfapcaufc the mtndes of the toing and il^obles toas pet toauering, faing the people readie to mif^ cbiefe, thep graunteotothem Charters of manumilTioti and fuffcrcdthcm to departs, ttje iuhichs being done, the king caiifcd an armp to be attemblcd from rrnd fente into al Countrpcs that thofe tuho tocre his friendes Ifiould make haffefo come to hpm to furnilfied ioith boJCPe and armour , and it came to palTc that iupthintbjadapes be had a .rl. thoufande bo?iremcn about him in faemelp fojt ^ armed, he mattered them on B/ac{e Henth, himfelfe rpding anagreate courfer, Ujitbhps ttandardcbo?nefaefo3ebpm, tohcn therefoie fo mpgbtpe an armpetoas attembled ,"the &png toas aduertifed that the Ke»tijhemtn hadeftrmnes confpp^ed, toberebppon ha fojthtopth fette fo3etoaroe,but bp the mediation of the i^ofales and greate men of Ke»te that bnocrtmke fo? them, hs toas ttapdcand pacified toptfi thrni, and thcufirtte 3uttices toere rente to fake and in? quirsL RkFiardctlic fecond. 447 qntre ofmalefactourS) nnD t^at Conntrep became qtiief at Gg^t of . ^C^en Wo of Lp»^o»Gttmsiti tuogement, caufeb tbe malefatfours to be tryeb, aa toell of Wc Citieas alfo otKeme, EJfex, Southfex, Norffolke^OX^O Suf- foiki ano otljer Countrpea, tbaf migbt be fafeen tuitbin Wt liberttea oftbe (tttte, anb all tbofeiDbomebefounbe gutl^ tie of tbefo^efapbeCreafon, be caufebto boppebeablelTe, among tbetobicbtoeeelacke Strawe, lohnKirkefty, Aien Thrcdw-r. dkc. alfo lohn Stading of Efox , Wat glojpeb to bane bebeabeb tbe ^rcbbtlboppc, toaa bebeabeb ^ymo felfe. STbehtng rcmapncb notoe at i:aWo«,noU)C at wahham, toitb a greate arrape of armeb menne, eonGbering tobat toas to be bone fo? tbe commobitieof tbe realme. length ibe Counfeli tbougbte grob to fcnoe tbe litngs commilTion into euerpe Ibtre, foi tbe reCtting of tbe btf# qutetcro oftbe peace of tlje bpngbomc. 2Ubefe comtntlTu onsbto mucbe comfojtetbe faptbfuU fubiectes, anbtrom bleb tbe falfe, foj tbep Uierc notoe compclleb to fabe co?# nero, tbat before tobe bpon tbem to boe all tbtnge ab;oabe, lainpero notoe burG come fo;tb oftbeir benneo, anb tbofe lubtcb befo;e flebbe from tbe tpjannte of tbe time,laj!teb fo; tbo&tbat notoe fcareb msementmoiuGuc to bee bone on tbem. ^be eommons being tbusfearcb, bntnof in allpla# ces alike, tbep ofgathering anctoc multitube togio tber at BylUnca, abillage ncareto HatfieUle Peuerell, be" n'dcb eptber fo iniope Ipbertpe gotten bp fo;ce , 0; fo bpe in fpgbting foj the fame , tbep fente to tbe l^png then beepng at ivaitham mctfengers to knoUse if ba tbougbtegojb to permitte tbem to iniope tbeir permitteb Amoreg.'^^ Ipbertie , Ipke to tbep? llojbeo, anb that tbep (bouibe notbecopeileb to come to Courto but onlptogretlk.^teo ttuice in tbe peare,t)nto tbe tobifb tbeteing antocreb thus, £)b miferable anb hateful both to ^anb anb ^ea,not too?" Richard the fecond» rt)P to lute} SDo p® require to be equall to pour ilojbeor'pa toere U)o;iti)p to be put to moSe Ibame full Oentb: I5ut Dtb p® arc com^as s^effengcrs, p® Iball not DpeiioUjc, to tbe enbe p® map Declare pour antoeares to pour fcUotuest be# Clare to tljem tberfoje on tbe fepngs bebalfe, tbnt as tbcp Inerel^urbanDmenanD botiDinen^fo Iball tbeprematnein bonoage, not as before,but ino;!e bile, tuitbout comparifon far,bntotbps.?iMbilettluelpue, anbbpdD'ODs fufferauncc fijal gouerne tbe iitngDome tuitb Mit,&trcngtb, f gmDS, toe toil enbeuour our fclues, to b®pc pou bnDcr,fo tbat tbe buctp of pour reruice,map be an crample foj polleritic, ano tbat pour matches botb p?efcnt,anD tbat fball fucc®De,map eucr baue befoje tbeir eies,anD as it tocre in a (lDlaire,vour tntfcrp,anD to pou matter to curre,ano fearc to commit tbe Iibe,Mbentbe£peffengcrs tuere gone, tbcre luas fentc firaigbtloapes into f/^A-, Thomas of Woodftockc cSarleof ano fir Thomas Percy bjotbcr to tbcCDarle of A^or/W^fr/Wf,torep?eiretbeboiDneire of tbe fapoecom# tnons. Commons baooe fojtifieo tbemfelues topffi Oitcbesanocarriagesmeuertbeleffe, altbougb tbcretoasa great number of tbem,Ujitb fmall bufineire,tbep Uicre feat# treo into tbe IdcdDs, tobere tbe ^ojbcs cnclofeo tbem, Iraff anpoftbemmigbtefcapetf it came to palTe, tbatb. C.of tbem mereflain,f bitj.C.oftbeir bojfrs taken, tbeotber i efcapeo tbis flaugbter,beinggotte togitber, bafieo to CW- chefter,aiu£te£(,a iparliamente luas be# gonne, tobicb enoureb long, to fmall purpofc, bp reafon of contention among tbe llo^D«,efpectallp tbe^uheofi^jw- caffer, anb tbf ©arlO of Northumberland, tubofe quari'ell ill tbeenbe tuas tahen bp bp tbe Sting, ano tbcn tbe llojbes p?octebco to freatc of tbe lyings bufinctTeano tbel^calmeo, but tbep lingereb fo long in bapnethat notbing tuao btougbt to effect, fo? bearing of tbe ncto ©udtneo comming to Caieii, tbe^Sarliamcttcao pjotogeb. SDbere toere biuers ofp gobies tent to mate tbe IBjibe, anbtbetono conuapoc toitballtbeglojieof tbe toojlo bnto Dosier,mmr> both of bir Coimtrep, ano alfo of£«^ W.attenbing on bir. after tl)cfeadcftbeCpipbanp, all the j^obilitieoftbe Mealme affembleb at London, to be pjefentattbcllingg tnariage, anb to bo tbcir feraicc acco?bing to tfje cuffome of euerp one in auntient time bfeo. SCbio tciirgin nameb Anne, tbe Daughter of Vddmi^m^ofBoheme, isat^ manp articles are p;oponeb anbbecr^b,to bD^te,ofabmit' ting §>trangers to fell perfonallp tljeir toares, toitljouf impeacfjment oftbe ©crcbantsof oftbcabjoga* ting of irurres,anbftluer garnilbing of girbtesfc.oft^e pjiceoftl^XineSjttjat is, t^att^e ^nnel^onlbnoteircffbe fire ^arkes f c. William Y fford (garle tifSufoikein tl^is parliament,be# tng electeb bp tbe f^nigbtes oftbe S>bires, to pronounce on tbeir bebalfes tbebultnellje oftbe Mealme, tbe berp bap anb botire in tobieb be (boulb bane erecuteb tbe bubnelTe be bab taken in banb, as be Hias going bp tbe daires tbat lebbe bp into tbe Chamber Inbere all tbe i|iobilitieDf tbelSealmc late, be fobeinlp fell boUme, anb among bis mens banbes tbat Uiere about tobolbebim, bep^lbebbp tbe gboft, aU tboiigb being berp merie,anb filing no euill, a little be# foie, as euen at tbat indant be bab entreb weUmmner mil, oftobofe fobeine beatb, not onelp all tbe ijUoUles of tbe Kealme biere greatlp ama?eb,fcut all tbe meaner fojt,fo? in all bis life time beb^b fbeUiebbimfelfe amiable to al men, 0fter bis Deatb,tbe parliament Uias cnb£b,'after tbe;^er? a.fionie of fbants of bab granteb Jo tbe l^ing a fubfebie, tbe vvBoius. cuftomes ofioffiU fo; fourepcares nert cnfuing, tobitbe tbe commons calleb Lc Maitot.^n tbis parliametjbe ILojbs anb commons requeuing it,Sir Richard Scrope j^nigbt teas Q.;bepneb as tbe man tobteb tn ercelleut knotnleoge anb in# flexible Richard the fecond» Mble tufftce, bab not Ijis Ithe fo? f)iis ratltnig: trt rcalm.Sir Hugh Scgraue fentgljt toao nwoe iL.SElreafourcr. Edmond Mortimer (Jarlc of A f-irch, DeparteO t!)is UfC ill iteimde, after l)t fjao b?oa0l)t tljat laiiD all hi manner bnfo peace f qiuetnelTe, bnuing floucrneo it mofi: nobl? f totfelPi, ^OUt tljefcaG of S.Iohn Ante port Iatine,aIHf)^ MOblCS oftbe l^ealnte Suere caileo to LoW ftome toere tootit to be calleo, ai».jOugb^ ilcnt before tfjer bat) bin another parliament, as befoje lye bane fljelyeb, in Jtrfjicb, bp-^e petition oftbeiinijfjtes oftlje Shires, Ibhn Wraw piiell, tbat Ixjas leaber of them that oio rife at M>/' ienhaie ano Bane, toas aoiuOffet) to hanging ano b2atoinjr> though many belaueo that he luouloehauebin rebeemet) luith monep» SDhe wj.of ^ap lyas a great arthquabe in Eatthquak., £:»?^Wat nine of the cloclie,fearing the hearts of manpjbut in Kent it toas mott behement,Inhere it Ibncbe fome ChuD ches,an0 thjepj the Dolyne to the earth. Sphere foHotoeb al> ujio.j^ru, ft) another (Earthquake the rriiij.of ^ap in the mojning be# foje the gjurnie riling, but notfo terrible as the firlf. Sir Ri- chard Scropc is oepjttieD of the Ch^ellojilhipstDhtch he hatt gouerneo lalyoablp,! Rob.Braybrokc 'B.of London,is mabc Chancelio?. Chere arriueb in a great tejiipeff, a fi>htppo calieo a Cartke, at Sandwich,mt)\xge heffell, anb fo fraught toith rifheSjthat the mighthaue furnilheo the Inant of al the lan&,if thoenuieof the inhabitants tyoulo haue permitteo, but ^ sperchfits of Lodo» hauing much olo loares, as frutes, fpifes,oples,f fuch ttke,thepcopounDeoinith^ /,p loholeHealnt fufteineD great htnt)erace». Adam Bawmc : lohn Scly, the aS.of September. Sherifes, > lohn Northampton Draper, th: 28.of Oftobcr. tJMaior, > about the featt of S. Thomas the^ipotfle, greafrapne? ano inunoations of toaters chanceD,fo that the lyatcrrofe fburc times moje in heigth than faefoie, bjolnning hp taiU lages anb Cattell, bellroptng ISjiDges ano Q^illes. iFithW-ongers in Z/ff«^«,th?ough t counfellof lohn Northamp'' m Stirre igainft Fulimongers, I jS? Amo Teg.-j Sherifet. XAfaior. Parliament it Londgn. Richard the fccond» Northampton f^cn ^aiO?, William Edexjolm More, anU Richard Northbune,UJCre grcatl? troubleD, binbJCD of tbcic ltbrrttc6,anoaImottDc(IropcD,bp consrejsattonc mabea^ . gainfl: tbcm: but in a }0arUamcnt at Lo»iio», bv tbc fiinga Charter patent,tbcp toere rcffojeo to tbeir libcrtte0. ilbout tljE monetb of ipap,tf)e llBit&op of fapIcD ouer tbe S)cas into j initi; a greatc potocr, lobf re Ije iuanne tfje SCoUineS of Graudtng, Brugh,Dnr.kerke,diX{Xl New port. ?I3lbiIrtt tbefe tbings are tfjus boing in FUr.ders, tbo tiling of anb bifi^uancjtoitl) tl}cirFoAers,t\)C Ctaric ofNorthum(;er~ land Henry Percy, pjcparetb to tnuabe Scotland, anb tfl tCt quitebomage fo? bomage,tubicb enterp?trcaccomp!itbeb, tbc dearie tuas no fmner rcturneb,anb fent bonic bis armp, but tbattlje^corrw came againc, anb bcapeb bp bomage bp^ on bomage in tbe Countrep. SUbis §>ommer, Sir lohn Philpot, Jiinigbte, anb a tnoH noble Citizen of LffWw, tbat trauelleb fo? tbe commobitie pot^eSd" oftbeHeaImemo?etbanallotber,anb botb tuifb crpenres Iaibefo?tb,anb gob affertion bo?ne, bab oftentimes relo?# neb tbe tiling, beparteb tbis life, leaning none bcbinbc bim bis libe in garb affeetions. about tbe beginning ofangaff,tbe SDuljeofLrfw^/?^^- toent into France, tO treate tuitb tbe Fretichnien of peace, 0? elfe of truce to be bab,tbe SDufee mifb bis companp of noble inenremapning long tbere, tubcn it teas tbougbt tbat be Iboulb baue b?ougbt glab anb iopfull netoes to bis Coim# trep,be returneb tuitb hnotulebge oftuarres,to follotuc tbe beginningoftbenert^ommer, tbe truce to enburc but til tbe firtt bap of ^ap, anb fo be returneb, after be bab fpente jooooo.^arbes ofSriluer. ^panp of tbe i|?obtes alTcmbleb at ReadingXo rcp?eire tbe febitiotw Iturres of lohn Northampton, late ^aio? of Lon-1 don, tbat attempteb greate anb bepnous enterp?ires tbe tobicbe be bias conuirt , bps otune Cbaplepne btte^fo"^'""®'^ ring manpe tbpnges tbat b^ toente abonte anb babbe fieuifebv Sherifes. OiUior ^9^ Richard the fecond#- ceuircD as tiiell to t^e litnlierattcc anD Marine oTffjc 5Sinff, asi of tl)c€itic ofLentilof}, anu to^en fentcnce l^onicetiane {jilt pjonotmcel) agatita ^inijtfje fting being pjcfcntc^t^c InicftcD man maoe erclamation, ano ntaintcpneD tbat fuclj iutigemente ougbtnot to pnfifc in abfence ofbisJiojbe tlje SDuUe of pet tfje Suffice bfeb fucb too?Ds,Iohn (faptb be) tbe naugbtic DiiDcs tbat are obiectcD agapnffc tb0e,tb Ju ougbtcit to refcll bp battapic, oj elfc bp tbe latocs of tbe lanD to be D;atune, bsngco, ano quartercb, anb luben betfcjtie mute, no? tuculD bttcrone tuo?D, it tuas cacreeoe tbat be fboiilD be rommitteD to perpetuall p?tfon, anb bis gojbes to be confifcate to tbe liings bfe, anb tbat be Ibculbc not come toitbin one bnnb?eb miles ofZ-fWo^^buringbis life, be tons fente tbercfo?e to tbe Caltell of T/»/^^i?/.'in tbe confines of Comcwall, anb in tbe meane fpace tlje iaings fcr# nantS fpopleO bis gtDbeS, lohnMorc, Kichard Northbcry, anb otber, toere lifietoife tbereconnict, anbconbemneb to perpetuall p?ifon,anb tbeirgccbcsconfifcatetotbcliing, fo?certainc congregations bp tbem mabe againll tbe jPitb^ wcngrrs in tlje Citie of London. Nicholas Exton : lohn French, the : 8. of September. Sir Nicholas Brembar Grocer, the 2S.of Oftobcr. 0bout tbe featf of Saint M artine, a parliament toas bol' bcnatLw^o^, in tbe tobicbe nothing toas bcnctoo?tb tbe memc?ic, but tbat tobtcb Hill toas in bano, anb cracting of monepoftbe Cleargicanb ccnimon people, to maintcine tbe men of toarre. Hub befiDes tb(s, tljere toas a Combatc fougbt in titles bcttoirtc an CfqinrcDf£';£^ W(r,anb one of NMarre,x\)t\,t\',oXiaccufcDtficCfquire, tobofe name toas lohn Welch,ofSCreafon to tbeiiinganb ifvcalme,but tbe ctFcrt toas, tbat toben be toas Captapnc of cherbrughd^z to;ceb tbe toife of tbis Natnroys, as tfie fapbe Namroys being -f- aftcrtonrb oucrcome.anb bring reabie to fuffrr neatlj,bib Of penlp confeflTc, fo? tbe tobifb fatife, bp tbe liings iiibgcmet, be toas b?ntone anb bangeb, altbcugb tl;e iSiiocne anb ma^ np otbcr bib mabe earned intercctTio to tjauc bis lite faueb, ~ S:be fes.! ' or. $ A ConibJtc loiight. Richard the fecond* ' SCije |3afliamciit toag not pet enDcD, loijen neinwcame BtrrviVe loS, cut of ttje of tl^C fafeuig of Bervrtke CaficH bp Scettej, t^ie cultotlie in^creof, tl)e CSarle oiNorthumherlaKd, ^tr Henry Percy DID potScffC, bprtgl)f OffjtOpjCOCCCflTojS. K\\tScottes bp meoiationofinonep, got entrance into tbat Caffeljbp one tijat Ujas put in truff toitlj beeping of it. Ctje 2DuHe of LuficAsler tfjat loiieo not tije C-arte, laas glaD of tljiobappetofjen b^ bneto tt. gtcante to paCfetbercfojc bp tbc ©ubeo p;ocurcment, tbattbe dearie Ujaoconoemneo bp iuogemcnt of tbe JlojDo tbere pjefent, tbc iwbicb erecutP ontoas toitbina ftojttobil^ after releatrcD.STbr dearie of NorthimberU»d, tbjougb tbc l^ings fauour rctfojcD to bts life ano poflTcffionfi, luitbout anp long Delapefi,pjcparctb al furniture of Ujarre to befege ano Iwinne tbc fapD (EaKcII of tbe tbat tocrelnitbin it, ano after be bab gatbcrcD a migbtp armie,be fobeinlp befageb it, anb after be bab lapne about it a certaine time, it toas compounbeb bcttuiirt tbem toitb' out, anb tbem toitbin, tbat tbcptuitbin fi)ouIb fojfahe tbe Catfell, anb banc tbeir liueo anb moueabic goibco, anb fo; furrenb?ing tbe Calfell, tbep Iboulb baue of tbc dearie ttoo tbotifanb marbes of Engbjh moncp, anb bp tbto mcancs bib tbe dearie rccoucr tbe Calfell fojjtb of tlje Scotupimerts banbo. Sb^ous^ certapne pong men bjougbt bp toitb tbc Ring, wo.r-;/: , tljcrcarofe great bilTcntion bettoirt bim anbtbeSDukcof Z.«Krh^pe7 anb th?a hunb^eb heab of great bcaIfe5,luhir(J thrp b?aUj fo their holoeo. 3bout the feaff of Samt Martine, there bjao a parlia# mentat London, in bJhifh? the J,aptiegrantcD to the t^inga fiftanth anb a halfe,b3ith cobition,that the Cleargie (houlb giue a tenth anb a haife, William Courtney, Srchbilhop of _ Canterbhry ffanbing there againtt,raib, the Church ought to»-''''\^ be free, anb in no toife to be tareb bp the il avtie, luhichc an? % toerefo moueb the commono, thatthcp fojthUiith pjcrcn^gWfith" tebtothefeinga bill againlt the CIenrgieoftheMealme,t^R"®|^^^^^ mouing him to tahe from them their tempojatitieo, anb "«• therebp to abate their pjibe, but the liing hearing the in? ojbinate crpings out on thio fibe, anb the iull anftocrea of the other, he commanbeb that the 5i6ill ihoulb be cancelleb, anb fuch ino?binate pet itioo to ceafTe, raping,that he tooulb p^efesue the Churche buring hi® time, in ao gojb (fate 3!i.i). ag Richard the (ccond^ as Ije fount) if, o? in better. SHlje 3rc!)btflEiop t|[jcrero;e Ija^ uing maoe tije Cleargte p?iuie, tucnte to tbe iitng, ant) oe;» clarco to tjim tbatbe tottb bis Cleargie oftljeir toljolc ron^ fcnts ano free ioiilcs, bat) pjouioetifoj l)i6 bfesaSTcntb, tobtcb graunt tbc fting fo tbanhcfullp recepueo, tbatb® openin affirmeo, tbat tje baDratbri'bauetbisfragraunt, tban anp otbcr foiire times oouble, tbat lucre conltrcpneo, created. Kf)C ClCUCntb OfijiOUCmber, Robert Verc,Carle of Oa-- fird, loas maoe i^arquclTe of Dimlin in Ireland: Thomns of WoedSlocke, SDutlC of GloceTler: anObt^ bjOtbcr Edmonde, Carle of Cambrtdge, SDukC of Torke; Michacll de la Poolc Cbanccllour of ¥.ngUndMo.o mate Carle of Stifoike, ana bao gtue bim bp tbc lltng a tboufana marlies bp tbc peare« SDbc Carle of A/<«t^erA,Mortimcr, luas pjoclapnieO b^ire ap# Lih.Tcttraoi. parant to tbe Crolune. 0lfo, iMng Richardc at tbc eainctt requett oftbc ilStlliops, reffojea to tbe JStlbop of bis tempotalitics lubitb be bao bolacn from bim manpe pearcs. taing Richard, luitb £Juane Anne bis tuife, feept tbeir Cbiiittmas at tubctbcr came to bim tbe liing of Ermony, bnOcr pjctcncc to rcfojuic peace bcttuirtetbo !iings ot England, but tubat bis commtng pjofiteb, be onelp bnaerCtDbc, fojbcCac innnmerablcgiftes tbatberecepnca oftbeiiinganoof tbc gobies, tbe Sing grantco to bim a Charter of a tboufana pounas bp pcarc auring bis life, luas (as be afifirmea) cbafca out of bis iicalme bp tbe 7«r- rar/4ns,ant) foj tbat caufe begot great giftes of tbe Cbnttian pjiuccs. 0bout tbc fcattof Catfer, John S)ube ofLanca- fter, luitb a great companp of Snigbtes, Cfquires, ana ar# cbcrs,p?eparetb to go into s^uyne, tobicb loas aueto bim bp tbe tnberitable rigbte of bis loifc tbe 3iLaap Conftancc, Dangbter fometime to Peter, sing of CaUiU ana Uon, fo tbat nolu be meant tocballcngeiteptber luitb confentcof tbe inhabitants, o? bp lalu of armes. ^e luitb a greatepoo luertcDbetbe S>eas, ana lanaeo in at tbc ^auen of Greyne, on tbc CHcn of Saint Lawrence,U)itb all bts ^auie infafetie. m Richard the fecond» 5°^ SLt tl^e fnfe of tfje liing of sp4j>ie,Mns Richard releeffeD out of pjiCon lohn Northampton, lohn MorCjanO Richardc Norburic. Cfje Londoners faring t commtiig office French^, rauue to t^etrtoatloo^f pnlieo Ootone tioufco n^re about ^ Citio. about i^tcbaelmaojtlje J^obleo came to tt)e JBarltamf t at London, fnitbetcat uumfaoro ofarmeo men, to tbe cnfic tfjepmigbtbe reaoieto tDitbttanb ttje frenchmen tubo tone commingjbuttbJoufibcoutrarie toinljcs retiirneo. ITbe liing createo Robert Vcrc i^arqueffe of IreUnde, Robert vtre 2)U{teof/rrW t)ukeofI«U«d i^ot log after tbto,Michacll de la Pole toas bp p !anigf)ffi of tbe parliament fiepofcb from fjiss Cb'^nccHojajipjanD a# mereeo to pap to tt)e &tng 20000, ^arkeo, but t^e liing caufeb tbts to tahe fmall efPett. William Stondon: William More, the 28.ofSeptember. Sherifis. 5 Nicholas Exton Fiihmongcr,thc iS.ofOftober. tJAUior. ^ Richard Ccarle of Arundell, anD Tho. Mowbray (Sarle of NoimghamSx^ewt to tfjc §)ea,of tf)^ tDtficbyttJC firft toas mabe 3[bmtral,f bpon tStgill of our llabp tbe :3nnunttatton, a great ^auie of Flanders, France,^ Spayne, fraugbt Ulitl) me of I87 tDarre,f biuers engins, teao bifcouereb, toitb iDbome, tlje ~~ * Carlea cncountreb, anb ttolic oftbem i oo.rbips anb nioje, tbe tobtcfj conteineb rtr.sp.SConnes of Mine, tobtcljc tbep Kocheu vvmc brought to biuero parts of Eng/and,\i}btvb^ CSaine iuas tljcn folb foj tbirtane ibilltiigs four pence tlje Conne. Robert de Vere DuHe olIrelandfo^foihc {jio tuife,a POlTg ilabp noble f faire,faojne of tbe iLabp Ifabdl, baugbter to § noble la.Ed ward,f marieb another tbat came tuitb £Uuane Anne fo;tb Of Boheme: fljc Uias callcb in tbc bulgar tong of birConntrep Lancccrona. Kb^^ioiots fcohe inbignatioti b«retDitb,erpeciallp tbe S)ulte of G/oce^ier,unkle to f pong iabp tbat Ujas fojfahen. 2Cb^ H>uite of/re/^wfi/ffubieb boUi to take tbe SDufte of Ghceiter out of p toap. (Sailer teas nolai pad, tbe time, in is)l)id)e tbeH>uke of Ireland (tioolbebmie tranrpo?teb into irt/and, but lead there Ihoulbe be tco mucbe 3i,iii. Curre 1 JOZ Richard the fccotid* 0urre tn tlie Uealme among t^e lLo?os,t^e l^tng «f tt intre to bjtng f)«" to tfjc toater Coc,goetb toitl) bttn info not to leauc l)tm,but tberc to feape l)im,tbat tijep migbt be* nifc !)oU> to fahe atoap ffjc 2>. of G/ocester, tfje (EarUtf of A-,JVainvikf,Darhy.% Notinghttm,\3ii\\\^ Otbtt. SCfjerCtoere iUttb tbe tfjC Ccaric of Suffo/ke, Mtchacll at Pole,Robert Tre- filian Suffice,! uwiip otbtr, tobifb no mojeOotolp tban tbe SD.of/reW.confptreD tfje ceatb oftJje fato noble me. Sifter a great time ioasi paCTeD^tbe Ring, as if tl)0 SDiibe of ire/acU ionrnep IjJ'l' bin fojgotten, rcturneD tottb bim anb fbe otfjer Amore-r.w Acs, to tlje j, tbat Uiere tH Ukc banger of CO* bemnatio ,if tbep p?ouibeb not tbe mo?e fp^bilp, be bifcoue* retb to tbe tbe matteritbep tberfo?e gathering tbeir armies togitber,bctermine to talke Initb tbe Ring tipon tbe p?emb fes. Contrarplp tbe Ringfo? bis partp bio beliberate boine be migbt take eacl; of tbe bp tbemfelues out of tbe toap, ano firtt be rent to tbe Cattell otRigAte, tubere tbci^arle ojftyf^ rnndeS Shertfes." tinier.' Richard the fccond -/undellXW-jX^^t X^W[\tQfNorthnmherLwd\x>it\) tttaW OfljCr fo arreff l?im, pcrctpuiitg a great nuber of me of tnarre a« bout btm, fearing to ootbatbetnaocommanoeb, beparteo Juitbout Doing bio erranb fo? iobtcb btcnnte, after iobonif, tberetocrefentmanptbat bp mgbtlbonlDbauc fabebint> ojbaue Qainc biiw, but a meuenger fcnt fro tbe SD.of G/acc-- A^'.pJcueteD tbcir coming, tbatcaufeb bim to ribeal ntgbf, fo tbat in tlje mojningbe toas come to //^rw^^'.bnuing paf^ feo toitb bio armp a rrr.mileo, not ioitbout great frauapie, tnbere be foune aflTcmbleo tbe D. of GhceHer, f tbc Carle of toitb a great potoer of mcn.SDbeli.bcing enfo?meD of tbis aQTemblp in H'tmefe^ tD(Db,as io faiQ, oemaoeb of bis familiars tobat toas fo be bone in tbis cafe, but in § ens, bp tbc mentation of tbe tbat came bettoirt tlje, tbc matter toas b:ougbf to tljis ilTue, tbat § ilo^bs tltoulb come to lVefln!tn~ Jler to recctue anCujerc bcfo?c p iting oftbofc tbittgc tbc 'Bu Ibop of £//,toitb manp otbcr me of tooitbp creDit,tahing an otb fo? ^ iitngs part, tljat no fraubc,l)ecetpt,o? peril,tboiilD be p?epareli. Wilje tbe aio?O0 b^f p?eparc0 tbcfelue3acco?f 6tng to p coucnant,tbe fo?erai5 meoiafo?0 fo? peace fent (be too?0, f treafon toas oeuifeD bp an ambtid^ laio fo? tbe, in a place calico tlye Meives,nkre to chann^ Crojfe,^ tberfo?e toil# leo tbe not to come,but toitb fure bano,toberbpb tbep t!apQ f bere,f tbe li.oemanoing tobp tbe iLo?Ofi feept not coocnat, tbcB.of £/y anCa)crcD,bpcanfc(faitb be)tberc is an ambufli laio of a ip.armeo men o? mo?c,in fucb a place, contrarp to tbe couenant, ano tbcrefo?e tbep neptber come, no? repute pou to be faitbfull: tbe !itng moueo fo?tbtottb, toarc be bneto of no fucb tbing, ano tbcrefo?e cctnmanoeo tbc a>be# ritfes of London, tbat going to tbe Mowes, tbep fbouloe hill, if tbep founoe anpalTembleotberefo? tbat caufe, but Tho- mas Trcuit, ano Nicholas BrcmbarlinigbteS, bab fccrctlp fente atoap tbearmeo men to LcWow. tbe Bingtberefo?c fentagapne to tbe ILo?O0,tobo Sreigbttoapcs came to fveff- toitb a ffrong potoer, agapnfftobofecomming, tbc King aborning bhnrelfe toitb taingip robes, toitb Crotone 3!i'iii; ano 5®4 Richard the fccond* «n*i ^cepfer,eiifretib fyen:min!ter Hall, toljere flje ef Elu, iLojO Cfjancellour, fpeafetng foj tljc IStng, DemanneD ffje caufe of tljetr alTcmblmg of fpclj a potoer, toberbnto tijc { antoercD, tfjat it toaa bone fo? ti)e lyings profit,anD tbc Healmes, to pluche from bim ttie i:::rapto;8 inbicb^ kept about fjim, to^ome ttjep nameb to be Robert de Vcrc jDulte of/re/W,-Alcxandcr NeucU ^rcbblfbop iSlfTorke:'^)\- ^ chacll at PolCjdJarle of^/^/p/i^f.-Robcrt T nfilian, a falfe 3!tl' ttice: Nicholas Brcmbar,a falfefenigljf ofZ-o^^fwanbtbcre# Upon ttjep tj^^eine bobone tbeir gloueS:. Clearing tbat then iooulb p^ofecute it bp battaple: nap faptf) tbe laing, it (ball not be To,but in tf)C nert )3ar Uament tobicb toaa appopntco to be bolben tbe mojroto after tbeipurification of our 31 a# bp,aUtbio tuns pacifieb fo? tbattime» Strange iike< 3 matter of erbalatiott in tibenclTe of fire,appcareb in ^ "£i!y%'er. qXEngland, tuljicb toEttt Uiit!) mftt as tfjcp tDent,anb tlapbc as tbep bib, fometime Ubea fometime lihe a Barrcll, fometime libe a SDimberlogge, but iDbbn manp iuent togitber, it appeareb to befarre off. Cbb 3Lo:bsbepartingfro tbeta.nottDitbSanbingbept fogttber,tobicb f®meb great toifbome in tt)em,fo? tbeSD.of Ireland in tbe partes QXCheiier f ivales^l^dji atfembleb a great nuberjtobofe Captaine teas f Conneftable of cl^ejler,Tlw- masMoleneux, amaofgreattnealtbjf barbp* SCbbSD.of Ireland iottl) fucb a multitube baffeb toiuarbs London, ^ iop# ning luitbibe Londoners, f)e migbt mabe tbe botb as it tocre an inuincible armp,but f S>. of /r^Wribing fojtb in ffatc* Ip f glojious arrap toitb p armie,tbinbing none burff bane encountreb bim, fobeinlp as be loheb on tbe one fibe,be be^ bclb tobere tbe boll of tbe 3lo;bs toas reabp not far fro tbcm tarping bi« coming, in tbe mibff of tbe ballep, toitb tobitb figbt,bis beart ffreigbttoapes fapleb,anb be faib, frienbs, 3( muff flie,fo? agreater puilTance fametb to bep6ber,againff pou tbep baueno gtiarell,ro^3l being toiftebatoap,petoall' tfcape toel pnougb,f fo?tbtoitb fetting fpurresto bis bo^fe, befl»tbatoap.Cberetoas tbeni^ fo;efaio Tho.Molcncux|^ pjepsf Richard the fccond; yoj p^epsreti to t^e batta^le, fo; t^e iLo^beit teere not yet al come to t^at piace^fo^o toijen fje ^ao fought a toljtlf, being atDearieo,entreD ti)e riucr tobtcb toaa tljere bp.amog otber fir Thom is Mortimer hnigl;tc, rr'oojtcD f)tm to come bp, oj elfe fie inoulo lb ute Ijini tbjougb in tlje riucr: if 3 Do tome bp faptfj Thomas Molcncux, bjitt tfiou fauc mp life, 3 Doe mafie no fucb pjomife (fapctb b^) but eptfjer come bp oj^ IbaltffeigbtDicfo.ut.snotobo (beantoercD)fafftrmc to come bp ano letmefigbt eptbertottb lb^<>}fbmeotber, ano Dpe like a man. ^0 be came bp, tbe finigbt caugbt bim bptbel^elmet, ano pIucfieD it offbisbraDe, anofireigbte toapeo toitb bps bagger ffrucke bum into tbe bjapnea. iCbs2Duhcof/rfWflaing,cameto tberiuer otThamis, anb fo;!ceb bis bo^lTe to entcr,in tbe tobicb being mabe of an bo;ireman a ODimmer, be gotte to tbe otber 6De:bis bo^^s, pelmet, gauntleta anb b;ea plate came to tbe (bare of tbe ilo^bea, fo tbat be toae tbougbte lonf after to be b;obmeo, but be got ouer into fUukcUts. Cbe 3rcbbi(boppe of forh flebbe,anb Robert T rcfilian, anb Michael de la Pole got bim tO Ca/eis. SDbe iLOjDS baing returneb from tbe battapIe,tDbicb bab bin nere to Burfordct fatt bp 215ablack,mabe great top foj tbe oaertb?oU)e of tbcir enimieo, butmucbe lamentebtbe efiape of tbe jSDuke of Ireliwd. ^ . ^ beabe of (iSartbe toas maoeat bp ^rte of^e# gromanciCjtbat at a time appointeo,rpake tbefe toojbs,Crf- i he head lliall be cut oflF, Cafut EleHabitHr^bt headc fhall be lift \"^'.PedeselemlfMntnr The fectc (hall be lift aboue the heade. SDiffention.fclat Oxford men,on tbe one parts, ano Nonhtme SchoUtrs on tbe otber, tobere tbjougb manpe lucre fiaine,anb tbe mo;e part luent to tbeir »f7fr,tofjec be b^D latne bio in ranctaarte,ano toaa tbe fame oap tnaton from tbeSCotoerof London to Tihorne, anO tbcrejloitbil great aooe toas b««3eo:confequenflp bp iuogemente of tbe 3lojo«, Nicholas Brcmbar i^nigbt, toas put to 11)0 Ithe ere# CUtion.2ftCr tobicb lohn Salisburic,f lames Barnes fenigbf®^ mere bp iuogement of tbe )0ar liament Djaiun and bangeo, tben lohn Bcauchampe of Holt tbciiings ttetoarOe,tobome tbe tiing purpofco to baue made ISaron of 5r/<^tf««-/^,|tDa8 d;amen and banged. lolm Blake d^fquireinao banged and d)amne,and lohn Vske a^ergeannt at armeo teas djalmi and bSgeo. ilattlp on tbefiftb ofi^ap fir SimS Burley 3io)d Cbamberlapm to tbe liing, ano Coneffable of Douer, toa® •bcbeadedjaltbougb tbe C^arle of T)*rl>ie did tobat be coulde to fauebidtifoJ tbe tobicb great dilTention rofebettoirt bpn* and tbe SJubC of Gloceiter. Cqere toao condemned alfo in tbe lame parlinmente tbefe 3lltfiice®i RobcrteBelknape,Iohn Holte, Roger Ful- thorpe:and William Broughjlohn Lo(flon,RichardeGrayc, Blufiiceo, loitb tbe §lo)deo before fiedde, mere all bantlbed. SDtjere Inas granted to tbe laing, of tbe Cleargte bait® tentb ,and of tbe llaptie balf a fiftantb ,and of tbe Sgiarcbats ttuelue pence of tbe pounde, tbxe (billings of tbe Cunnej lib'lbillings foure pence of tbe fack ottMcol.Kltt E>uke of Glocesler.ann fir John Cobham,allied pardon of tbe 0bbot ot lyeftmiMflerfyi btolcnce done in ^ fanauaric otfveflmw^ler, in tbe taking of tbe Suffice Trifihan. Xbe lalf e faue one of spap tbcrelnere deliuered out of tbeSCotoer W. Elmhamc, T.Trcuct,an0 Nicholas Dagworcli l&nigbto. 01fo tbe firll oflunejlohn Holand tbe tilings b;otber mas created c^rle of Hmtmiton, acbs: foS Amareg,\^ Biitailext Ottcrborne. John BtUttdint, Ithn Maicr. l.Frofcrl. | Palijititnt »C CarabriJgct Richard the fecond* SClje tfjirde ef 3lune, tl)t hing in tfje Cfjurcfj of wenmin' Jfer renctDeD t^e ot^e,U)^tc^ l)e toke to^en Ije toaa crotoneo, and all tije iU.'OjDes Ccoare pontage and fealtie to fitni, and all flje BtIlEioppe0 did ertommuntcate all tfiofe tljat toonld go about to binder tbe (tatutes of t\}is lad )darltanient,o; i great Charter. ^iterSKKbitfontide Rkliardc Carle of ArundaU, toitb a rompanpe of baltaunte men inente to tbe fea, and fougbte tuitb certain (bipa of bia enemies,tafatng>d;ob)ning,o; b;e' ning.lrrr. Ibtppes, beentredintobe fpopled,and b;ent. 2Dbe fame peare tbe Scottes prepared tbemfelues tbat as fcone as tbe truce tuas ejcfpired tbep migbte be readie to in^ uade tbe ^o?tb partes, and Initb a great armp entred £»/- /4«<^,committinggret0augbtcrs of people and toheboties in euerp place, and ledde alnap manpe pjifoners, and bnr» ned Cotones, and app?ocbed to Newcaiiti\ii^m Tjnt, and jpicbt tbepj SCentes not farre from tbence. JCbere inas tben in tbe fame Cotone fir Hcnnc Percy tbe pongcr, and &pj Ralph bis bjotber, botb ceCrous of toarlihe renolnme, and foje enimtes to W^tScattcs. JCbpslirHcnric rame tipon tbem on tbe rodapne,and aCTaplcd tbem in tbecampe, mafeing greate flaugbterof tbem : Willmm Dougl.ns alfo cbiefe Captaine of tbe Scottes, bebolding tbetbing tbat a tboufande times be badde Jnilbed, tbat is,fir Hennc Percy iuitbin bis Campe,rpoctb againltc bim,but tuas Qapne bp tbe fapde Hcnnc, and tben commetb tbe Carle of tuitb an erceflfiuc number tAScottes, and tobe tbe fapd Hen- ne,U)itbbio bjotbcrRalphe, flaptttg manp E^gi'Jhemtnnt in tbat place: but pet tbe^«//cHolfe manpe of tbepj beffc men. E:bps battaplc tuas at Ottetl>orKe,x\)t foarca fougbt tbaf euer luas betluane Enghpse mcnne and Scottes (fapetb Froyferf ) ICbe feauentb of September a parliament tuns bolden Cambridge, in tobicbo tocre ncloe ttatutcs ojdapnedfoj fernantSy Richard the fccond* yof feruannfe« hjagesjfo? beggers, fo? tocapoHfl nef fo ht bom, of plapeo oi games none to be bfeo but lba)tmg,of tbe Ifapic to be b:0!igl>f from Middlebormv to Caleis,%t, atiD tu tljo eiioo a tenti) of t^e Clcargic ano a fifteenth of tbc JLaptie. Thomas Aullmc: Adam Carlehul, thc.28.of September. Sherifes. ^ Sir Nicholas Twyfbrde Goldfm'uh,the.28.ofOifobcr. LA't^or. v 2:1)0 firtl) of 2)rtober as fir lohnTrcuctroDetopff) tbe l^tng to the kings loogtng, tobicbetoas at Bemavei, as tjc fojccD bis boJiTo toj mucb U)itt) tye fpurres, t^e bojffe faN letb ano bjeaketb tbc inner parts of ttie rioer,tDbo liuco tpt tbe nert Dap, j^ing Richard DifcbargeDtbeolDe officers of bis Courte, auD alfo bis Connfellours, appointing otber at] bis plea^ fure:bctokctbe^ealefrom Thomas Arundalc^rcbbifbop of anD DeliuereD it to William Wickam JBplboppe of w'/«c/?;-,anD maDe bim Cb<»ottce]Iour : tbe3i5i(boppeof Excefler bis STrcafuter^anD Edmund Stafford iiapcr of tbe p^iuie ^eale. atrucetoasgraunteDfojtbaapeares bettoirt EngUnde anD FrauKce, jafigbtingamong (I5natsaffbelitngsmanerof iDbere tbcp tocrc fo tbicke gatbereD,tbat tbe apje toas Dark# ncDtoitb tbem:tbepfongbtanDmaDcagreatbaftaUe.2:tuo ' partes of tbem being flapne, fel Dotone to tbe grounDe, tbe tbfrbe part bauing got tlje t)i(to;ie fleto atoapmo ma knetu iobetber. Cbe number of tbe DeaDetuas rucb,tbat migbte bee C(oeptebppek)ptb}15eromes, anDBufbels SUeD tu^tlc^ yi»»oreg:i^ tbem, Michael atPole foutcftme c!;aile of Sufolks, anD Cbaun# cellour of EngUnd DeceafeD at Pans. lohn Walcottcilohn Loucncy,.thc.28.of September. Sherifts.'T Sir Willi^rmVener,Grocer,the. 2 S.ofOiRober. (JAUier.x 3h tbe monctb ofi^ouember, lohn SDuke othancaHer tame from tbe parties bcponoe tbe teas into E»gU»de, after be baD abiDDen in spatue anD Gafcoigne, tbja peares fpace, tobottt'S^/'^'WfirlftaffeDgreatmtrfo;tunes, petintbeenoe # b?ougbt' 5^0 Richardc the fecond* bjoucljf matters to terp gon cafe, not tnit^ fl&e fojte of men,but bp ttje fauour of (2^oO: fo; to^en cnmefirSe to $ partes of^p^/w toltlj an armpe raffictentpnougl)e,tl);ou0^i toanteofbi(tualles,tbep firff bpeo tl):ou0b l;un0er,anDaf^ ter tb.:ou0f) Aire, fo tbat i ooo/famous feni0btes offjps ar^ mpe opeo mifcrablp, t^e refioue lcainn0 t^e jDufee, fleb to tbc French nriJip, iain0 Richard UJitl) ^ts ©uane Anne ^elb tfjei'r maffe ^tfvoodsiockeM tbe Dubc of L/uke of Lancaster teas uiabo jSDukeof Acfuitame^^) tbe ItooD ano JBonet, tobicb tbe Jtiing gaue bim,ano Fdward tbe SDuke of JVi^e/ronnetoasmabe ©arte of RutUndeXo tobom tbe king gaue tbe CaffeU of O- Annoreg.xa^l^yfj^ SH great J3eff tience in tbe i!>ojtb parts of England,fo tbaf tn a little fpace a.t i oo.tuere burteo in tbe difitofTorke. aj^ercbantof-Dmwo^r/jtoageo tbe j^autcof Ibips, of tbe iao5ts,of bis oton charges,34.1btps laoen mitb Mne, to tbe fummc of.i joo.SCunne. ^UjofuU bariaunce rofetn Oxfsrde, foiff^tiyelchem'ti 5'oA'r>6rrw^cbollersairaulteD tbe NorthcrneXxXoexeh'^^mow^ murbcrs toere bone on eacb fibe, ano a fielbc tnas appotns teb, but bp belpe of tbe SDukc of GloccHer it tuas appeafcb, anb tbe ^f/c^men bannitbeb. Sheiijcs. ? John FrancisrThomas Viuent,the.28.of September. \jXfAto'f. 5 Adam Bawme Goldfmitiijthe.iS.ofOftoher. snbe.e rj.anb.rtj. of £Dctober tbe iaing belbe agreate Courte at LorMn, in tbe )25itbops palace ano a greate iu* fling in Smnhfieid, to tbe tobpcbc Courtecame manpttran* gers# Richard thcfeconc!* 5 r r gffi 0tFraitKct,^Im4i»,Zea^»(i.^nl) UlflHJ) fit fjf f puVtB, b;tngmff toitb tbem fjojlTes atiD armour^in tobicf; paaimes fbmUjasfitucn m-atbeiSaDgeof t\)t mJ^ite^arte toptb golden cbatnea and crolnnes.anD tapon Samt Ed wardes oan t^eiSingljclw bis fcattc in bis RegAhbiu, fitting crotoned at malTctottb bis Scepter. fc.anDliketDtfetbeSiuan,anti fbcp fat Iikeloift at tbe table at Kenington cri3tDnel),at tobicb folemnitie tocrepjcfcntetbe (Earlcofi'^j*^ PW^ano bPs topfe, filler to tbe lapng of EngU»de, and tbe CDarte zWsireumnt tobo toas madc inipgbte of tbe 0artcr. 2Cbe SDuke of Giocefier toke bps iournep totoard s^ruys, i, ^ j but being toffed toitb tnfo?tunatetto;mes, d;iuen notoe bp» ~ t bcr, notoe tbptber, toao fo farre dillant of bope.tbat be diP pap;cdofUfe, and at length after be babpaffod tbe BarbA. rofis coalles Qt Denm^trke^Nonvay and ScotUnde., be arttued tn NorthtmbsrUndegiWQ cante tO tbe CaffCl Of Tinmouth tubsri bauing refrelbed bimfclfcertain dapes? be toke bis iournep tflluardo bis waner afPlecy. &ucb a mojtalitic increafed in Norfolke,mn manp otber Countrieo, tbatittoaeinotdnltketo tbegreatepefiilence, toitbin nrj murdered in tbe nigbt time bp a tb^tbat came in at a gut# ter totndotue,as it tuas knotune long after bp tbeconfeHion of tbe fame tbafe, tuben be tuas at tbe (^allotues to bee banged fo; fellonie,but tbe ]!5;etuers tuife tuas fir fie b;ente tbcrefoje, and tb?a of bis metr d;atune to Tibor»e and tbero; banged tujongfulip. lohn - 512 Richard the fccond* Sherifes. ? John ChaJvvorth:Hcririe Vamci',thc.2?.oFSeptembcr. i Sirlolin Hindc Drapcrjtlic.^S.ofOftobcr. parliament began at Lon^n en tbe i^rioap nerf after t\)t feall of A1 Saintes, totjrrin fjalfe a tenttj bp t\)C Ccargie, ano balfc a ftftantfj bp tbe Jlaitie inas grantcD to tlje king, tobitb monp ftoulD feme fo? ttje trcatie to be bab fo? ^aec toitb tbe French inCtt, lobtcbr trcatie tbc SDulte of Lancaster fl)oulti pjoferute. iiing Rkharde toitb sSmsnc Anne bis toife, foure Ojoppes, asmanpCBrles.tbc&ukeof ror/^^,inanp3lo?os, anb fiftane ilabpes, bribe a ropallCbJiffmaffe vALangUy neare to Saint Aibons. STbe fame Cb?iffnialie bap a SDol^ pbtncamefojtboftbefea anb plapbe bimfelfe in tbe Tha- mis at LondonAQ tbe Bjibge/oj^ctoing baptlp tbe tempers tbat mere to foUoto toitbin a toarhe after, tbe mbicb being fdene of tbe Ctti^enjei anb follomeb^mas toitb mucb bififtcul# tie intercepteb, anb bjougbte againe to London^ tbetoing a' fpettacle to manp,Df tbe beigbt ofbisbobpe, fo? be boas ten f£Dte in length. Cbefe SDolpbins arc fiflbes of tbe fea, ^ fol# lotoetbeboprcsofmcn, anb reiopccinplaping of inttrn^ mentes , anb aretuontto gather tbemfelues at muftcKe. SCbefe Inben tbep plap in'riuers, tot^ baflie fp;ingings o? leapingSjbo fignifp SHempeff to follolu. Cbe feas contains nothing mojcfCDiftno? nimble, fo? oftentimes toitbtbep? ftippcs, tbep mount oner the faples of fljippes. SDbeiyngfentto tbeAoWo»mrc(juetling tcbo?roiDeof Tbo. WAifi'>£. tbem one tboufanbe pounbc, tobicbe tbep Itoutelp benpeb, anb alfo euil entreatcb,bettc-anb narc banb fleto a certain Lumbard tbat bDoulbc bauc Icttt tbc iJirrg tbe fapbc fumme, tubicb tuben the l^ing bearb be mas marucllou0p angrieb, anb calling togitbcr almottall the nobles of the lanbe, ba opcneb to tbem the malitiourncfle of tbe Londoners, anb co# plapneb oftbep?piefumpfton, the mbpcbe noble men gaue counfelljtbattbeir infolencie tboulDemitb fpecbebcoppjef? feb.anb fbcn? p?ibc abatcb.JiBp the iaingsiubgcment tbCrc^ fo?e mas the (pato? of London anb tbe ^bcrifes, mitb other of Rkliard the fecond, V? oft^e beff arrcffco,tbe i^ato; toas fente to CaSel, ano tb« otber to otber p;iro»is,ttl tbr Sttng luttb bis coutifell iboulD Determine,tobat (boulo be Done toitb tbem, anD tbere it toa« DetermincD,tljat from ttjcncefojtb tijc Lok- doners ftoulDe ttot cfjofc no? Ijaue anpe ^aio;, but t^at tbc %mg IboulDe appointe oncofbm l^mgbteotoberulerof tbe Citiet tbeir pjiuileDgeo mere reuobeD, tijeir liberties aDnulleo, anD tbeir latoco ab;ogatcD. Kb^ king tben ap^ pointeD to be ?tJaaroen of tbe Citieacertapne iiinigbte callcD 0r Edwardcdc Dalm^nje, »nit be luas qtiichlpc oe# pofeD bptbeliing, fatcanfemenraiDbcfauoareD tbtLo^do- fsers, anD Baldwin Radinton toas ronffituteD in bis place* 3|n tbe meane time,tb:ougbe fute ofcertaine tinigbtcs, but J fpeciallp of tbe SDuke of C7.f<^i?f?r»-,fbe iiing is fometobat pa* tifieD, anD bp little auD little abatetb tberigoj of bis pur* pofe, eallingto minDetbe Diuerfebono^s, anDtbegreate giftes bs baD recepueo of tbe Londoners, loberebpon be Dctcr» minetb to Deale moje milDelp toitb tbem,anD to call tbcm to fome bope of grace anD parDon, be fcnDetb commaunDe* tncttt to tbem to come to mndfire, tbere to fljctoe tbeir p.:p* viteoges, Uberties anD latoes, mbpcbe being tbere IbelueD fome of tbem toere ratifpeD anD fome conDemneD, but tbep eoulDnotobtainetbelliingsfullfauour, till tbep ba® fatif* Heb p i^ing of tbe tniuries mijicbe toas fapD tbep b^^b Done, tbe i&ing at tbps affcmblp at ^Vlnc^for, baDDc got togitber aU mott all tbe lLojDe0,anD fo greatc in armp, tbat tbe Londo- ners baD caufe to be afrapDe thereof, aboute tbe tobicbe pjc* pirationbetoasat grcate charges, fo? tbe tobicbeitinas ftire that the Londoners mu0e pap.SCbcp tberefo2e not igno* raunte tbat the eriDe of tbefe things teas a moncp matter, fobmitfeD tbemfelues to the liiings plcafure, offeringteii tboufanD pounD* Cbep toerc pet DifmilTeD home to returnc againe, bncertaine bob^t fatiffaaion anD furn tbep IboulDC pap. tbe C(t(ien$ toere retarneD,anD that tbe nobles anb RicFiardc the fecond. aim ofl^cr toere gone ljomc:t!)Cliingftcan'ng Loh- doners tDctc ill {)auens,anD oifmap5c,l3if fayDe to tjig »ieii,3( lutl go (fayt^ l)c) to London,comfojte ti)C ucD ioitb pjoceffton of Rob.Bray- broke 15ifl)cp London, aiiDall btsCtcargteoftbcCiltt, tobo conuaycb bim tbmugb London, tbc ditijensj men tDO» men aim cbilDjeiiin cmer mating tbc iaing, anoDoing bim bDnoj,attetmcD on bim towedlmmsier.'^B be palTcD tbc Citie tbc Urates toerc bangeb feitb tlotb of golDe UUier ano ftlliE. 2Cbc ConDuitc in chepe ran Uiitb rcO f tubtfc f2a:ine,ano bp a cbilDc ^ngcMibc be teas pjcfentcD toitb ijcry coUly croUmc of golDc, and tbc £!iuanc toitb another, table oftbcSCrinitie ofgolD teas giucn to tbeiliing, ba^ lucD bjojtb eigbt bunDjcD pounDe,anD another to tlje quan sf Saint Anne.byraufe bir name Ujas Anne, tcitb Diucrfc (it> tbergifteSjasboJffes, trappers, plate of goloeanDfiUier, clotbcs ofgolDjtilfee, belucts, Jisafons anD c&toers ofgolD, alfo golDc in coyne,pjetious IfoneSjana ieiucls, fo ricb,cr^ cellcnt,aim beautifull, tbat tbebalue ano pjire migbtc not toeli be EltamcD,anD fo tbe Citizens recouered tbeir auntie cut cnUomes and liberties,anD tben tbe ItingsBenrb from TorksAnn tbc Cbaimcerte from Nottnghafn,h}^B returnee to London. :3nd it toas grantee to tbem tbat tbep might chcofe them a i^aio: as befoje time they h^e eone, Londoners belauee ^ bp thefe giftes tbepb^O efcapce all eaurtger, ane that from tbenrcfojth thcp fijonle be quiet, but they tucr Oeo ceiucOjfoj tbcp tocr copellee to gtue theit.after this i ooco, pouaejCoUcttee ofths. wmons in grct bitternelTe ofminee. Richard the fecond» 5 ^ 5 anO fo flje froublcs af {rditijcnsi came to quiefnefie, ioFjicfj trouble ti)t 2)8lpbm in T^amu at CbJiitmalTe laffe gaC oiD ljapptlp0gntfic a far off. W.Caxton $ Robert Fabian rcpojf tbefe troubles to happen through a fVap in about anbojfTeloafetaUenout of a l!5ahcrs kftet, bpaueoman of the 15i!l)op otSahfbhries, anD tfjac the fame troubles lucre paci6eli,anD liberties again retto?eb bp ineanes of Richard Graucfend iisifbop of retuaroe tuberoftbedithes repairs to tbe place of burial in tbe mtole ^le of Saint Panis Cbnrcb f c.but all tbat is tut rue, foj at tbis time Rob. Bra- broke tuaS JSifbop OfLoKalo»^anl) Richard Grauefed baO bin i5ilbop,anl) beceafcD in tbe time of Edward tbefirff, in almoff9o.pearesbefoje tbis time, ^ojeouertbc place of burial in PmUs, luberbnto tbe ipaioj auD Ci^ tijens of ^f«^I^^l«bauerepap?cD,is of William,tDbo luas IBi^ Ibop otLondon in tbe time of William Conqueror, U)bo puc cbafeti tbe firtt Charter of the faioc King William,fo? p (iime Citie as 3 bauebefo2eDeclareD. Gilbert MaghfcldeiTiiomns Newinj^ton, the. 2 8. of Sep.- Sherifa. >" Sir William Stoudon Grocer,thc.28.ofOdobcr. ^^ater. > 0lfactt V ere mascreafcD Crie otOxfordedn a parliamet atfFinchesier^ aiiD William Scrope tzitjccbainberlatne, the fame Scrope bought of William MountacutcCrle OtSalijbH-ne the He ofAIan,)3iit\) the Crotune, fo? tl)t iO?0C Of thistle is calico hing,anD it is latoful fo?himfobecrotUf neo tuith a croUme of 0ol5cmr lohn Huers li nighf.e Cone# ' =* fiable of I'^'^er-anothc liings tteluaroe oieo ro5ainelp,ano T.Percy b?other to the C.of iDHS maoe the hings tteloarO in Ijts place ^ tuas bcfo?e the bingo Imoerchainber# latne.T.Beamond fuas maoc Conettabie oi Doner, certain tbcencs b.2alte into the Chappcl of our flaop at the peluc at ^ 7 weHminsiery f tohe out of it iiianp tetucls f mufhc trcafure. ^lfofl^o?tlp after § fameth^ues b?abetntopChurcheof5. lehn of Clerkenrrel.'SL'bt OUlteS ofLanc.^ Glocesier palTeO OUCC into France,tQ tuabe fomeluhat of p truce,o? to concluoe a fi# «al peace befluipt { bingoomsibut it loas not fo b?ought to paffe 5»Richard the fccond* paire,ai$it toss reafoti QW'^tFre»cheM\i%& Cciu> nciTe. 3!n ^epfember.Iigfjtntngg nnb tbt)n0eris,iti matipe pla^ ces ofFuj^/av^oiQ mucb fjurte, but cfpcctalipe in CamMge- fi}ire,t\)z fame bjent bonfca anb co?ne ncare to ToUeworks, f in tbc totone it bjent tcrriblp. Sherifes.} Drewc Barcntine:Ricliard WhUtington,th(;^.28.ofScp. tMahr, S Sir lohn Hadlcy Groccr,the.28.ofOfto!)cr. &ucl) afaounbauiice oftoatcr fell in ;©rtober,tbat at Burj in Suffoike,i\)t Cbnrcb bjvas fnl of 21Iater, ano at Newmarket it bare boton tualo of botired^fo tt}at men anb toomen bacb« 1^94 Ip efcapeb bjotDninij . CbefamepcarcaLojbeT.deilos, as be returncb fa;tb of tl)c Ho^ La»de,in tbe Citte of Paphos in tfjc 3lc ofG/)r£taues of5. iMene^npM* liament toas bolbcn at London,in tobicb^ a fnbfibte toas be* maunbeb fo? tbe iting tbaf toas minbcb to go into irelande, Uiberefoje tbe Cleargic graunteo tobinia full tentb if be iDOiilo palTe tb»?tber,anb if be tocnt not, tbep grannteb bin* but balft: a tentb. (Tcrtainc ilojbcs QtScotUndecame into EngiandtQ gettoojlfnp b{? fojceofarmes.SCbe eric of Marre cballcngeb tbe C£arle of Notingham, to iuttloitb bin* jSn® fo ti)ep robe togitber certaine conrces,but not tbe fat cbalfge, fo; tbe (^rle of mas caltbotb bb?ll^^nnb man,anb tibO of bis ribbes b;oben loitb tbe fall, fo tbat be foas bo;ne out of\Smtthfieide, anb conuapcb totuarbe ScotUnde, but bieb bg tbetoapaf ror^^^trWiiliamDaircl Jiinigbtjt^iings 51Ba* ucr bearer of Scotland, cbaltegeb fir Pierce Courtney knigbt tbe kings 3!5anjier>bearer of £»^We,anb tobtn tbep bn" rii certain courres,tbep gaueouer toitbout concludo of bicto;p» SCbcn Cock borne Cfqutre of 5«//Wcballengeb 0r Nicho- las HawberkeiS^nigbtjf robeb^COUrfeS, but Cockborn toa5 bo;ne ouer bo;0e anb man. SDbe ftauentb of 3|une€^u«ne \Sm Yeg,\% Anne bpCb at Shtne in Souther te,onft toaS btiricb at WeHmtH- fier. Cbe . toke bir beatb To beauilp, tbat beCbes curflng tbe place foe bpeb, b^ bio alfo fo; anger tb?obi botpn Richard the fccond^ VI tt)e bmlbtnas, bnto t^e fn\)iclittiit former ^uipbe^ns toear^eD oft^t Citie, toere Ujoitte fo; pleafure to fojfo. abont t})e monetb of auguQe proclamation load mabe ffjat all irtjhmen ilboulDc auopDc titt realine avib gctts tbcm bomo befoje tb^ licall of tb? nanttio of our ilabpi on pain of Itfr. William BraiTi(lonc:TliomasKnowlcs,thc.28.ofScpt. Sherifes.y Sir lohn Froyfh Mctccrjtiic.aS.otOctober, (JM-tior.S iitng Richard loent oucr into Treland,m'^ y SDufee of GU- «/7(rr loitb bim, aiiotbo(I5arlcdof/i/'«rc^, Notit:gh4im qx\^ RutUnde. SCbo Mfh mcn bciug afrapOe of fucbc pjeparatton ad load mabe,bnrli not ibcloe tbemfclned openlp,but lotfb recrete alTaulttngd tbcp often troubled tbo llitngd armr, pet tobrn tbe £»^/'72'w^«pjenapleo,manp i.ojbd of tbclanb fub# mttteo tbemfelued to tbe latng, of lubnb fonie tbe lapng beloe loptb bptn, leaSe tbep (boulbe attemptc fcntc neio ifpjre. 2Cb^ ^itng bribe bid CbJittmalTe at BuhHn tn lreUnde,% after tbat feaS brib a JDarliamcnt tberetalfo tbe fame time tbe ilojb 'rVarden of EngLiKdc^MtJi a ^arliamet|ftt tbe lobicb came(being fent fwtb at lreUt>d)t\^ SDuke of fJ/o-.; ceHcrXtiz lobicb befoje al tbettated tbeloeb tbe t^ingd naeb, lobo bab nolo fpent bis treafurc amongtl tbe rrtjhmiSa tbat atentblDadgranteDbptbeClearste,anbafifteentbbptbe i rpj aiaptieXbis botage being chargeable to tb.e t^ingicamc tq finall effect, foj after ©after be loas fojccb toreturne again into EngUnd, to appeafe certatnetroubled,begon bp fir Ry- chardc Scurry, fir f homas Latimer, fir Lcvyes Cliffordey fpj lohn Montacute anb Otbcr. Sfbispeare£»^/Wrufferebgrfat;loircbppirafed, of§ ^ ffiudene of Denmarke, lobo fpoplebS^arrincrs^^crcbatd, efpeciallptbetnenof tbataffemblebamultitubc ' ' togitber^f toltebppon tbem to figbtboitb tbem,buttbe eni' mied p?euapling,manp oftbem toere fiaine,anb berpe tna« np ta^Rp;if9nerd^lMre refrrtttb tagrienond rebemptioni 5x8 Richard the fccond* Sherifes. y (J^fawr.S T>0'^ lotfb loffe of ftoenftc fljoufatiDc poanocg, toljub t\)t^ fjaO a bo;0e tuit^ t^em to malic f^cir mercfjanOKc. Ro Jcr EllestVVilliamShcriiigtonjtlie.iS.of September, Sir William More Vintcner,the.28.ofO£^ober. 3n tl)t montf) of i|5ouembcr Jiinj Richard faufco tl;c bo# Dp of bis Deare fricn o Robert dc Vere S)ullC of /rulieofZ^^c^h^er,totobomtboJli.bsD gittcn tbclDucbie of ^^Mitame, tobr» b^ tobpc b^D laioc fojtb an ettimablc fum A'mre^^zo uffreflfuv^ parfes,to purcbafc tbc gcsD toils of tbofc Countrepmen, f (boulD bane bis oefire^botoas foDainelpe callcDbomcbp tbcia. tDl)o returning into fw^Wcamcito LA>]glej,\33\)txz t\)z ii.belD iRS CbJitttttalTe, f toas rcccpucD' of tbe t^.to itb bono2,{^ter tahing bis leaue of tbe Courts bs maOe bait to Lincalne,'bi\\tXZ be folic to toifc Katheren S win- ford. Cbis pcarc accojoing to tljc coucnaunf bcfojc maoe r ClfablillteD bcftoirt tbc llings ZXEngUnd f Framce,tl)Z fapDo iiings mcttc at tbe place bp Ca/^ii tobicb toas appointeo fo? fbcm to talkc in,tobcr tbepconcIuDcD a pence, foke a co?p.o# ral otbe,to pcrfojmc tlje lame. i!nD ^li.Richard toke to topfe Ifabc! tbe little Daugbter of tbe French king,being but fcncn 0? eigbtpeares olo. 3n a p^arliamentat x^e/?w/«/?er,Ro- bcrt Bolgnopcjohn Holt,Will jam Brough Ikitigbtes Of tbe Sathe, toercrenokcD out of/r\hUhi Shp^'fig'Z r, J fTJ Richard'the fccortd* 5^p fuel) a mnUifntis of people tDenffofaEf)fr,<%ftfbpo« j Lon.biitiSt nine perfono Ujerecroiuoeo to oeatfj, ofioOotn p 3a;to.2 of Ttptor in Ejfex ioao one,? a toojfl^tpfall mafronc of Cornthiibymmaib^x, 0fferCl)2ttttttairea|parIi3tiiftloas ^olDcn at LWin luljicl) tf)e HD. of LMcaHer caufco fjis tffuc fje ^ao bp Kathcrcn Swinford,fo be inaoc Irgitimate* 3lfO rhomas fanoffl)ej©.OfZ'<««f'J^fif''f t^CfatOKathercn, U)as createD (t.QtSomerfetXtiz SD.pue l)tm to furname Bd- lo Fortic 0? Bcwfort. SCborc tpas graunteb to'tlje ii. fjalfc a tenti) bp tbc Cleargte.Cbto peaix Uil^cn tlje rcaline of Eng- /Wf^meo to iniop cbtefcff peace j? migf)f b? reafoti of tbc iitngo marriage,f tbe great ricljes ^ iucre Ijeapeo bp fogttbcr bp tlje fame,? bp fbe reafon oftruce of.;; o.peaces cltablitbeo f tbepjefenceoffo manp noble men as p litre no fojratn realtne toas able to lbebJ,fobaineip all things toerc troubleb ano bjougbt into a turinople, tobiles the l^ing at ,, p/.tyjj'inf^ar, bponafoDainetofeebisbncletbeS?.of(?/<'. bp fo2ce ofarmes, be fufpetting no fucb tbing,f caufeb 1;pik to beconuepeo to Ca/ets,ti)m to be bept in pjifon, anb cau« feb tbe dearie of ivxrmckf to be arrelleb anb impjifonebjtba famebap that be bviglH, tberc to be imp2ifo» neb bntil p l^arliamcnt.^nb to p enb tbere Ibonlb be no coj motion among p comons fo: t'ge impjifoning of tbe nobles be caufeb fo be pjoclapmeb i tbe app.:eben8on of tbem,U)as not fo? anp olb bifplcafure, but fo?nch) tranrgrelTious com;' mif feb againU § b.(bo?tlp after be caufeb p faib nobles to be inbiteb at Notingha, f fuboinebfucb as Hjolb appeacb tbe in tbenert|9arliament,fo fcuit Ed Cerleof/?«?/W,T.Moube- ry,(l£,Marllial,Tho.Holland d^.cf iCf«c,Iohn Holland 0rle of Huntington,Tho-VtC^N^OXii C^rle Of .-^<>zwtfryff,I.Mountacute Irk iibf Carle S ^ ® Ricfiard the fccond* Thomais Spcnccr,f William Scropc» t^e icings Cf)ambcrlRvne.3rt& m mean ^ Ceafon t^e i^png a&'cmbleb togitb^ r fo guarbe ^ig parfon, manp malefactors of tbc Couiitic of cheUer tDl)t£{) hcpt Ujafcf) an& tuarbe botlj bap anb nigbt about \)im,K'\)zn tfje raufco a greafe anb genera! I ^3ar!iament to be fummpneb at w?i?w/w/?tfr,toben be caiifeb a great ^i^all to be fautlbcb m tlje nuol! of fbe ^aN latcebetmirtetbcClofUefoiDer, anb tbebcDjeoftfjegreate ©alLS::i)ts?3arl»ament began aboutetbeftftantb of ^ep- tember, at tbe beginning tobereofEdwardc Staffordc fbop of Excef^er iK.cbanceller,maDe a propofttion 0? fermo, in tbetobteb b^affirmcD tbat tbe potncr of tbefe^lnas alone anb perfect of ft relf,f tfjofc tbat impcacbeb it loece too? t bpe to fuffcr pain of tbe latot to tljis l^arlianientaltbe^oblcs cameUntb tljeir retinue in arnies/orfearc of tbe l^ing itlje prelocutours toere l^nigbts,in tobo no gaabncfTe at al coulb be founb,but a natural fouetoufneffe,bnfntiable ambition,, intollerable pribe,ano batreb of tbe trutb, fbeir names tucr lohn Bufh)',William Bagot;anb Fhomas Grcne. Snijefe rs? quireb cbtefelp to baue tbe Charters of parbons reuobeb f biflTanullebtanb Bufliy fapbe to tbe it. bpcaufe toe are cbar^ geb to fap tobat tbepbe tbat baneccmmifteb anp offence a# gain® pour maieffic,f regall auitboJitie,iDe fape tbat Tho. buhe 6fGloceBer f Richard (t,Of ^rmdale,in tbe.pbitj.peare ofpour raigne,baue trapterouflp compelleb pcu,bp mean of tbe neU) 0rcbbilbop of Canterhune tben ilorb Cbancellour, to graunt to tbem acommtttion to gouerne pour Healme, anb to bifpofc of tbeffatetbercof, totbepjeiubiceefpoure maieffie anb ropaltte.2Cbc fame bape liias tbatcommiffion biffanulleb toitb all Articles bepenbpng tbercbppon. 0lfo tbegenerall parbongrauntcb after tbe grcate^^arliament bp tbem pjocureb, anb onefpectall parbon for tbe Crle of Armdais toerereuohcb. 1 fo tbere tuas a peticion mabe bp ^ commons,!. Budiy fpealttng fo? tbcm, tbat tbe generallparbonprocureb an&: gottefojtbe, tbe^rcbebpfboppeof c<<»rfr^»r/ tfjietofuffcrpunilbment to be appopnfeb foj fucb oC&ncc, aifo it tons enaaebjtliat criminaUcaufesfromtbcnce^ fojtf) Iboulb be betermincb in euerp J0arliaraent, ano ttjen iiccnce being bab to bepart, a great Qurre loao mabe ao ig bfcb, tob^rebpon tbe laings ^rcbcro, in number four tbou< fanb, compalTeb tbe parliament boufe, tbinhing tbere bab bin in tbe baufe Tome b.:opie o? figbting, tuitb tbeir botoeo bent, tbeir arrotues fet in tbcm, anb ojatuing, reabie to tbfflte,to tbe terrour of all tbat toere tbere, buttbeiaing bitreUittb comming, pacifieb tbcm. £»n tbe nert bap, tbe pjelateg loere iniopneo,bpon papne oflofing tbeir tempo# ralitieSjtbattbepfboulb tbe fame bap agrabpon fomepjo# curatoj, to confent in tbeir names to nl things in tbat par# liament to be bifpatebeb, anb tbe lung bab tbefe too?bs:Sic lolin Bailiy, bpcaufe manp befire tbat ^ tooulo erplane tbe fiftie perfons erempteb in ^ general parbon,?; toil bjiefelp, tbat tobat man foeucr beftretb tbie, is too;tbte of beatb: firlljbuaufe be flatb:fefDnblp,fapcaufe 3 banc crccptcb tbofe tbat are to be impeacbeb in tbis parliament ttljirblp, bp# canfeotbcr of tbeir atTociatcs bearing tbe oppjeirco,tooulb beafiraibetobereno fearets. tbe nejct bap,tbe ^rcbbi# Ibop of Canterbury commctb to tbe palace to appeare in tbe parliament, but tbe J^ing commanbeb bimbp tbe^i(bop > of CarelUe, tbat be iboulbc returne to bio boufe, anb from s tbencefojtb be appeareb not. HCbe prelates mabeTho- mas Percy tbe fiings ^tctoarb of boulbolb, tbeir p?ocura# to?, to confent in all things in this parliament to be bone, aifo ^ir John Burny bab tbefe too?bs, our foueraigne ILojb iilt.t). the. Richard the (econd* t^0auts,bpcaufc fecotiD Article in tbcjp arftamcnf is fo; punt^mente to be appopntcD fo; fucbe no btoiate tbe feings ropall autbo;ttic,3 faefetOpoor grace tbatpou loill autbo;ice me bp toap ofappealing,of accufing, ojtmpca* cbtng, Iptlf) licence to mahe oeclaration from one to tbe refl^ fo often anb tomeanb tompfellotoesitmapfamc erpebient, ano it ioag grauntcb, tljcn Bufhy b^o tbtfc U)D;DS i 31 accufe Thoinas of ^rtindell, ^rcbbitbop of C(tM' Cirr^wryjOftbJafolD frenfom iPrffjOftbe commiffion in granting tbe regiment oJ go^ iierncment of tbe Kealine to Thomas 2>uUe tAGloceiier^ ano to Richard dearie ofa^^««fl'W/atbisinttnnce,tobora# tberbpcauCe beUiao pour Cba««llonrj tboulb b^"5«fa<' feott. ^econolp, Ibj tbaf bnoer p?ctert of tbat trapterous com^ mitrion, tbcp trapterouQp bfurping tbe iurifoiction of pour regalitie, o^ ropall autbo;itie, brio a folemne )3arliament trapterouflie in p?ctuOiceofpour regalitie. kl^birbl? J bpcaufe tbat bp tbe fapoe trapterous bfur# ping. Sir Simon dc Burlcy, aUO Sir lames Barnes anofaitbfull liegco to pou, turre trapterouSie miirtbereo, anO put to Oeatb, of lubtcb tbingo,toe pour commons oe* mauno iuogcment,t»D3tbic of fo btgb treafoiijto be terriblp pmnoimceobp poti, ano bpcaufe tbe ^rcbbitbop is a matt of great confanguinitie, affinitic, potoer, ano molt politibe initfe, ano crucll nature, foj tbe pscfcruation of pourc# fiatc,ano tbe tobolr feingoomes, bp tbe petition of tbio pjefcnt ^Sarliamcnt, 3f require tbat ^ map be put into fafe» cuRooie,bntill tbe finall crccution of bis iuogcmentc. ICbr iiing barebnto anfmerco, tbat fo? tbe epcellencc of bis oignitie be iooulo tabe ocUberation till tbe neirt mo?# rotD,ano all otbcr tbat tucre put into tbe fame commilTion, bep?Dnounceo tbem to be bis faitblTull liege people, ano bcpo from tbat trraron,ano efpccialLp Alexander Ncudl, late-^rcbbitbop of rcr/^f,ano tben Sir Edmond of iE).Ube of 2^crkf} Hmnble to tbe lung, ano Sir William Wikc- ham Richard the fccond* ham JBilhop titwiMcheHer, tijat \am put info fl^e fame fomi miifion^lottb tearea fell Ootune ontije grouno befo;etl^e !^tng, ant) gatic l^tm fmmble tbanttes tl[iatgrace auD be^ nefite beSotoeb on tbtm. 3iro on Saint iMdthsvvcs oap,tbe C&acle of tbe CBarleO Q\Kent,HH»ttKgton, Notttighim, Sevfterfet, auD Salijhti- r/?,lDitbtbe ilojDcs Spencer ano Scrope, hrafutcofrobOe ©olDrtes ofS>Ubc garoco, anD bojUereOtDitij Ujl)itc §>ilfte, ano emb?ooereD toitb tLctteroof c^oloe.pjoponeo tbe ap# palt bp tfjem to tf)e lling at Nott»gheas. SCbcnfaiD Su lohn Bui>iy,tbatparBon to reuoheD bp ttje ISing, ttje 3lo?Bc«, anB bs bio faitfifnU pcopIc:tbe Carle anCn)ereB,toberc be tbofe faithful peoples 3HnoUj tbee toell anB tbp companp.bempcaregatbereo togitber,notto Bealetaitbfullp,fo? the faithful people of tfie iSealme are not hare, anB ttjerefoje the people Bo lamciite fo? me, ano toell 3 ftnoto that thou hall bin eucr falfe. Sno then BuiBy anB his felloloes cricB out, IBeholb fcueraigne iLo?B anB King, hoto this Craptoj gseth about to repfc fe^ Dition faetltnrtbs,anB thofe people that arc at home. Che Carle anftDerco,pelpe, 3 amnoCrapto?. Chen rcfc the Carle of Darlfy ano fapoe, BiBft not thou fap thus to meat Huntington: tohcfe iDC iucre firll alTembleB togither to rife, that it tuas the bell afoie all things to tafie the filing. Che Carle fapB to the Carle of D'f^7,thoulpell onthpheaB, 3 neuer thought ofmp foueratgne flojBe the Bing, but that thatiuas g?^/WjuDgethatobea Crauf fo.:,ano 3 ronBcmne tha to be Djafune ano hangco,to be beaffrbap» Sir Tiiomasdc Mortimer teas fommoneii, tpon papne fo be banilbca as a UTrapto;, toitbin fire meneibs fo come fo be fricD in tubge# ment: anb tben faice tbcStng, peraouenture tlje Garle of M^rch can not take bim, and tberefo?e a toill fo long (fa? fo? bis certificate out of WW. 0iro, a Declaration toao maDe,tbaf all beneficea 0? gifta, granted 0? alienated bp tbofe tfjat toere alreadp condem.» nrd,o? after toere to be condemned in tbisi^arliamcnf, and otbertobatfoeuer, graunted fitb tbe tentb peareoftbis Sings raigne , fbould be reuohed. 0iro, on ^ondap following, tbe certificate giuen in of tbe (a;arleofA/ffr/«x- hAm,tbtn Captapne ofin tobofe cuffodietbe2>uhe of Gloceiler tuas, tbat tbe fame j8Dube migbt not be b?ougbt to be tried in indgement, bpcaufe b^ inns dead in bis cnSo^ die at CaUu at tbe petition pet of tbe faide appellents, tbe fame fentence toas p;onounced againfi btm;, inbirb b<^^ bin p?onoimceD earff againft tbe CSarle of AruKdell. illfOjtbc ^rcbbilbop of Jrff bis tempo?alities being confifcated,toas banifbed tbe Healme. £)n tbe ^Dnefo dap, Rilcell, on of tbe Sings 3!ultices,bo?nein WW, read certapne confeffions d?ahme in tD?iting bpon tbe faid trea« fons pat fo?tb,affirming,tbat tbe fame toere tbe confeffionis sf tbe faid SDube, bpbimputfo?tbo?difcouered, andtd?it^ ten Initb bie obme band. aifo, tbe c^arledome of cheFler teas aduanced to tbe bo> no? of a S)ticbie,bp annering thereto tbe Elands of tbe fapd Carle of ^r/fj/ifZ/confifcate. 0!fo tbe fame dap, tbe Carle o^SAltjhHrte made requelf Ubsixt^ Scire fAcias graunted tobim againtt tbe Carle of Mxrch^ fo? tbe ito?dfl[)ip of Denbigh in h^aUs, and tbe Sing antoered tberebpon tbat be mould take deliberation. 0lfo on tbe Mednefdap, it mas o?depned, tbat tbe Hands of tbe lapde Carle of Armdeli, annered to tbe E^ucbie of chefier^ ibouia 5^^ Richard thefccond* li&otilo enio? tlje Itberftes of tfje famo iDucfitc, ercepfco tbatto f^c fveichvicf} of tfjofo partes, tbeir oloe llaUies ana tuftomes tbonlo tttll remapne,anD be conttnucD. i3lfo,it Uias o?DepneO, tijat fntb as gauceptfjcrcounfell, apoe, 0? fauour to tberfjilojen of tbem tbat toere conoem^ iieo, o; ttiat QioulDe be conoemneD in tbis |3arliamente, iboulo be punitbeo as SCraptojs, £)n ^rioap, tije King appopnteb aptefireo baptotbe 0rc!)bit6op QfCanttyhtrj.XQ toatc,tbe tbiro of tbe fiyt teahe, toDepvirt tbelXealme. i^ifo it toas o;0epneD, tbat all tbe !Lo^bs Spiritual ano Ceinpojall, Ibouio toeare inuiolnblp to obferoc Uibatfoe# eucr in tbis l^arliament toere enaitcD, ano tbat tbe cmt fures of tbe CDbnrcb lboulDtcp?onounceobptbej[p?elate5 againff all tbofe tbat tboiilo go againff tbe fame. aifojtbe darle of ^varwikc boas arrcigneD,anb bis toboU being taken off, ano tljc appeals reao, as bsbkObinfome iniferable olo tuoman,confeffeo all things contepnco in tbe appeals,topping,U)apling,ano boboling,to be bone traptea roiinpbpbim, ano fubmittingbimfelfetotbefeingsgrace in all things, fojotoing tbat eucr bcbao bin affociatc Onto tbe appellants. ^i)tn tbe !iing oemanoeo of bim bp tobome f)t toas alUirco to iopne toitb tbem, ano bo antoea reo, bpTliomas 2)uke of clocefter, ano tbe Hbbctof5'<«/»t Alhons,oxi0 a S5onke rcclufc iW^Vefimi'isler^mXti euCr bCi fougbt tbe iiing of grace ano mercic, ano tbe Iiing grantco bim life to belcoin pcrpctuall pjifon outoftbcHealme, bisgcDOrs moiienblc ano bnmoucable to be £onfirrate,as tbe ©arle of Ar uncle Is bao bin, ano tbe iking commanoeo tbat be iboiilo be bao to tbe Tower of London, ano after, to be conuapOe oner to tbe Caffell toitbin tbe jjfle of A/a»,tnt)et tbeloaroibip of William Scropc, tben jlojo of tbe fapo 3ile, to rcmapnc tbere in pcrpctuall pjifon, ano on tbe mo;rotu, tbe iking granteo to bim f bis toifc fim C. ^arkes pearelp Ouring tbcir liues. a[lfo,tbe tojit of Sore faacu toas granteo to tbe «/{/2'«?'^^againff tbe CtarU of Mwch, foj tbe fapij Ri'chardf the fecond» 5 ^7 fapU llojDflitp of Denbigh, fiftttue 63^05 refpffe being gtuen to put in nn antoere. 31tem, it toag ojoepneo, t^at tfjofe lubicb ougbt inonepfo Rocketer 313;iDge, l^oulobeputm eeeciifton fo.J tl)C papmcnf, to t^c bfe oftl)c fante 2!5?iOge. 0iro, Henry IJolcnbiokc (BilVlC Of Derby, fOMUeanD IjrirC Cf DuketctfaUd. lohn of Gmnt S). Q^Lmcdler, InaO CreafCO E). Of Hereforde. Edward Carle of createt)2i^uheoi^«'»'?r/ . Sir Richard VVhitington Mercer,the 2 8.ofOcVobcr. LMnior. S ' iting Richard caufeD tfje great l^all at iVeflminster to be Hmfepairc". TepaireD, botb tbetoalleo, UjinootDCS, ano ruffe, tDitlj a maruellous toojke, ano great coffeo, tDf)ifl>e bo leuieoof Strangers faamffeOoutoftbeirCoimlrcps, tobo obtepneo itccnce to remapne in tbis Coutrep, bp tlje Itings Charter iDbicb tbep bao purcbafeD iuitb great fomnies of moncp. JSingRichardbept bisCb?tlli"as atLiech^e/d,onotf)en r^pS tcake bis tournep totnartics shrewjbnrie, tubcre tbe parlia^ tnent latelp p3o?ogeD,began againe,in tbe tobitb it luas oi> ireineo, fbat all statutes o?oepneD at M^e^mmfierin tbe vj* peare off Itingo raigne, tboulD be reuoheo f bifanulleo, f al f articles of tbe fame, anb tbe beires of tbe tbat toere ab;> tuogeb in f faib parliament, lIjoulD be recocilcD, anb redo* reb to all tbeir lanbs,tnberrtancfs,f poiretrionsrercepteb,f tbep [boulb baue no clapme againfftbeJnirb>boloersoftbc pjofires,anb rcucnues oftbofe lanbs in tbe meane time. ilMi tbe mojroto it luas o?bepneb tbat tbe beires of tbein ;S»bicb< toere iubgeb anb conuiiteb in tbe foure ;3rticles 5 Rfchard the fecond* cf frcafottjfijoulD not cntop t^e JLanoSjitoj an|> poffef^ fionooft^ctr progenitors, but tboulD bcctctuueDfromall ano cuerp action anti clapine for eucr. SCbe firtt Article of btgb treafon toas tbts,if anp man,of tobat conbition foeuer betDere,oto tmagin tbe dings oeatb* fecono Article toas, ifanp man (boulb b^neani^ magination to oepofe tbe&tng. 2Cb® tbtrb, ifanp man did rioearmco totfbin tbe?SeaIm tliEngU»i,\x\ manner oftoarre againft tbe iling. iEbc fourth toaSjtfanp ma oifclapmco ^ kings bomagf* aifo tbe fame Dap,tbc JLorb Cobham toas arraigneb, to make anCiuerc bnto ttoo Articles of bigb treafon. 2Cbe firtf loas, tbat be tbe fapbe ilorbe Cobham tnas in eounfell to make onecommittion againlt tbe ffate of tbe Jamg,ano liketDire,tbat be bfeo tbe fame commitTion in oo^ ing^iuDgement againtl tbe lyings toill, anb to tbe prciu^ bice ofbitit. Cbefeconbe, tbat be fate in iubgement to tubge Sir Si- mon dc Burlcy,anb lames Barnes^&nigbteS of tbe kingS,in bis abfence, anb agatntt bis toilhanb bpon tbts,be luas coi> uictanb iubgcb to perpetuall prifon toitbin tbe3!te atierfey, iSDn tbe morrolri, Henry ^ukeof//ere/3?-^s?accurco Tho- Hcre?o°d\cL- Mowbrav SDuke of Morffcike, ofcertaine Uiorbs bp bini ferh tlie Uiikc rpokcn,as tbep robe betUjcene London anb BrAjneford,tm* wfNorffjike. bitboiTor of tbo lutings perfou, tubub tbe SDukc otNorffolko fatterip benapb to banc fpoken, toberebpon, a ACambiufj Combate toas granteb tbem bp tbe i^ing to be fougbtat gnottd. Cohentry, bpon tbe fcaucnteentb of'September. 213fteentb anb a balfe toas granteb, anb tbe cudomes of torolles, fiftie ^billings ofeuerp&acke ofeuerp EnghfhmM borne,anb tbr® ponno ofeuerp fetranger. 2Cbis l^arliament enbeb, tbe liing biCtcb manp places in tbe S2teall part of EngUnd, as JVorce^ler,Hereford,Brfilotv, anb otber places,to \3iktt,GiMonhury,m^ Buth. ■ jf 0ftertbisairo,tbefeingcaureba2rbcatretofaemabeaf . ^nne reg. - j Combate 10 be fougbt bettoiict tU)o Scottes, to to^tr^ Richard the fccoridA '$rf ti!idrfe,tt)e one btttns an ^fijutre appellant and tbe otbera Ent^bt defendant, and t^e appeilant toao onertome ano liangeo: bnt after ttjts time, b^ s 0fwf marncl* lotto Sron0 ICb^afte at Coue»trie foi tbe Combate bctUjirtc tbe^nbe otHerefir^i.tinti tbe £)nbeofA^#"jf<'%ani3 gaue tbem Dap fo> tbe figbf? fb^ Crtantb of September, to toate, tbe feaft Dap of Saint Editli, at tobtcb f ap and-place, a great concourfe anD aCfemble of peijple tuas tbere gatbercD out of all parteo of EngUnde. ts^b^n tbe fapDe Cbamptono ap# peareD mtbe Jltlfeo, reaDte tofigbte, tbe iSing command deo tbem to be quiet anD not to figbt, anD tbentbciapng fitting in bpo ropal! apparell toitbin bio ^ente girttoitb bio ^tDojDe , b® commanDeD bpo Decr» to bee pjoclap# meD, and tbpoUiaotbe fetngo Decree, tbat HcntviDube of Hereforde, foj bPO DtfobeDience tofijarDes tbe feing, Dutif 1 bin<- fboulDe bee banifijeo foj tenne peareo , and libetoife tbe j9Duke of to be bamlbedfomer outof £»^/W,ta^ king of bio reuenueo a tboufand ^arkeo bp peare, till tbe JECotone of tuere repaired. lohn Wade: lohn Warner,the ig.ofSeptcmber. Sherifet. > Sir Drew Barrcntine,Goldfmith, the iS.of Oflober. LMsior, i - at tbe feaff of Saint Michael!, tbel&tng caufed feauem feeneCountieo in EngUttdto ba indited, and lapde to tbep> cbargeo, tbat tbep bad bin agapnffe bim,ioitb tbe SDuke of Glocefi&r^ tlft ^arleo of eAruM and loberefoje, b®fentebonourablemen to induce tbeJLo?do, botb ^pirituall and Cempo;all, to make a fubmifiionbp tojiting, fealedtoitb tbep? otonebandco, acknotoledging fbemCelueo to bee Crapto?s to tbe littng, tbougb tbep ne# uer oflBenoed bim in l])o?d o? deede. ^o?eouer, be compels led all tbe Ifleligiouo €>entlemen and commono, to fet tbeir&ealeoto blanckeo, to tbe ende bemigbtaoitplea# ®?,""^*^''*'- fed bim opp?eire tbem fenerallp, o? all at once: fome of tbe commono papde a tboufande #arkeo,rome a tboufando poundefc. o;depned t{i;ou0b(nerp ia;ofilncein£«^/'<»^> Richard the fecondt VnicuftomeJ <[!f»tt!eritni]ani) me of fhbiXancc, (bbulb •thes. firmelt» tomayntepne accojdtng to tbetr pofftbic poU)er,atl iljft 0rtttleo,ano ConSituttono o;l)epneo in tl^e laJi parliament. ■ £Dn U^etopearcfi dap, narc tmto ^f^«r<^f,atjerpDape iuafer wi;itb ranne bcttoirt tbe Colunco vXSvpeinone^ and Har/cfn.64eM^tit foDcinlp fttli, and deutdcd it felfc, fo tbat bp tbe fpace oftb^eeinileo^tljebotoinereniaincd d;ie,tDbic^ toondcr, manp one tbou^bt, did fignifie tije deuilicn oftbe people, and falling amapfrom tbe J^ing, In^ir^e I)apned Jbo?tlp after, - f '■ tiriebf March i^ogcr Mortiincre (Sarle of March, and of Vlfiar in Ire- fi line in Irela J. W,ipingtl)creinaCaftel ofl)is,tberetameonl)imagreat multitude ofluilde Jnfhmen to a{Faplcf>im,and'beilIuing out,fougl)t manfulIp, till be teas bp tf)cm beteen topeecett, lubofc deatb tbeiaing determined to reucngc. iSlbOUt Candlemas, dpcd loim of Gaunt 2D. of LmeaHcr, Miler al«"ecl tb® Bltbop Of Eljts %U llC, ttt Holbtrnt bp London.^ aild feaS " "1x99 '' bmwurablpbarpedinS.PaulcsCbm'cb at^^'»<=^'"''bt5fotine Henry 2Duhc aWerefcrd being tben bepond tlje teas. 0bout Mbitfont ide.l^ing Richard loitb a ^anie of i o o» ftyucH.ito"''' ^bipSjffiplrb from MUfordHanen^ totoards ireloKd, and ar# Ireland" tilled ut iVaterfird ott tbe laff dap of ^ap, from tobence, \)t martb^b feifb bis mmie oftbtrtie tboufaiide, Xtx Kilkenny, fourefco^e miles luitbin tbe Coimtrep,and tbere remapiied riiij.dapeSjtarping foj Edward 2Duhe nf oiumarle. £Dn ^id» ^nnoregA'^ fommercucnbetocntfromtbcnretotoaro Mackmore,tob» remapncdamongtttbetomds toitb 5000me, rigbtbardp, and fucb as feemed but tittle to feare tbo Enghp^men. stt tbe entring oftbe tncods, tbe ^ing commanded fires to be bfed, fo tbat manp a boure,and manp a tillage boas b;rnt,f tbere tbe tiling made tbe a)ubc of Hereford! Canne Snigbt, toitb ten otber.2;oo.pioners tocreappopnted to fell tbe toods, and ihatie toapes Enghphmen. SCbe/r'y^fWf feared great* Ip tbe (bot of tbe Enghjhmen, but pet toitb tbeir SDartes tbep aMedjOnd fietoe diners as tbepcaugbttbtmataduan:> f tage» Richard the fecond»' 5 3 ^ fage. 2C%e ^nhle of Mackmo.rc tame m and Tiievniuof leife to tl)c aiitg, ioitl^ a toit^iic about bm neche, anb man? otbernaheb attb bare leggeb, otb tbe Iibe, all tobirb? lb? King Riciutd. laingparbonco. aiftcr tbto, tbe iiitHg lente to Mackmorc, p}omtfing btm, tbat if be tooulb tome tn as bt^^ H^tihlc bab bone, mttb tbe mitbte about bte netke, be Iboulb be parbo^ ncbJbut be btterlp refu0ng,fapb, be looulb figbt to bcatb tit bcfenbing bt« rigbt, fo? be bneto tbe E^gitjhmen loaHtcb bi^ ttualle5,anbmo;etbantbepbAbb?ougbttDttb tbem toulb not be bought fo? (H^olb oi ^tluer. Habere tuas alreabp fucb fcartltie, tbat tbere luere fome four, fpme fite, tbat bab but nfmall lofe ofbieabto lute bptbebap-,anb fometbafcate not a grapne in 6uc bavcs togitber. Cbe King tbcrefo;c bcparteb tbe 28. bap of §unc, toU)arb £>/«f/<»,atU)batttme Mackpiofe fent a beggar, toitb notice to fbc fiing, tbat Ivoulb bebio (Vienb,anb adtebtm mercp,i^^eire,irit pli^fea bim to treate of peace,to fenb fome noble nil to btm:tiD.ber<< bpon tbe CSarle atGloceUer^M rent, Inbo leb tDttbj&ittt fb? rercgarbtDberofbelDasceptapne,beutgtU)o.C,|^iceB,^| ^ a ^Ircbero: betlnitt tkio tpojbo farr^frciHi Jb^^a tbeg !»' -'s- mette toitb tbe ^3ack1T^(Kc btmfelfe robe qua tobtb? l^D?{re,toitbout rabble p; otberfurniture, tbat cott btm (as good h«fnu». toas fapbe) foure butibieo iHotoes, Uibicbe Ij^o^lPc be rannc botone tbe bill, tbat the bcbolDprs r^pojteb tbcp neuprbeb feenc J^arc no? to bW? runpe fb (^tftig<^ rigbte banbe be bare a SDartp. gr^gij? anb tb?etoc erccebtng toell, ^e a nugbtie' fironj hian of ^ perfonage.SCbere tbe 0arle anbba talbebagajb tobple, aboute tbe mui tbcring of tbe Carle of o^W,,anb .after qf otber tb?«ses, but agr^ tbep coplbe, iiotj ly^b fo bepar# feb. . v f-'-,- iftrj} jis ,|Ebe C^wle^buectifeb tbeiiing.tob^tbebab foub„tobieb toas notbing, but tbat tbe enimie;tooulbe rrte niercic, fo ast be migbt be fure to batte peace toitbbiiff otber gricfe^ otbcr# toifc,betooulb(fo long as be liucbjbe^iyibin»felfe;tobcre# tbo.l^ing (m bis to?atb} not- b^ing to^at. lette^ 5 5» Richard the fecond* !rapp^n» toare, f^at^e toonlo ncuer beparf Trtianie, till ^cl)afi tiin eptiier aliue0Mieao;^f)e btflobgeO(b; lach(^'6f tm^iaU^, t^ep toere a ttiiMt tbouranbc att^ctr cflmining oitfeifjttiat lap tbtfivat Dhi^/wfiit^nt Dapcs^tbe , iUng fojtljtDttl) beuifiing l)ij5 annie into tl)?a partes, fcnte < tbem out to feke Mackcmorc, pjomiftng an fjunfijetb I ^arkes to f)tin ttjat coulD bjin^bi'tt in, Uiljicl) offer loas tocll tj^arUeneo bnto, foj it founoeo iuell, but l>« coulb not be caugbt: anb tfje fame Dap, Edwardc ©arle of RutUfide, SDuke Qtitb b^ute netoesr, botoibb SDukc of anb noto bp tbe beceaffe of bis ; ^refcrdte/ ot LancMfter,1aiM^'lXi\Xt^W EnglandsXRtuen- ! 9iirn«diiito jpore beSbe fVadlingtoH, ttt Tor^fR^e, anb b^D bebcabeb Wil- I £jiglai^«, Scr'o{M: Of Efig/andeyJchn I . .Biifhyi Heniy Greene, anb dtber, anb b^f wufeb Tho- 1 mas Amndcll, ^rcbbilbop of CamerUry^ to pjeacb againffr King Rithar?!e, tobo alfd'^em'eb'a iBuU pjocnreb frdm ^ p;romi0ng remiSion of 0nnes to all tbofe inbicbe Ib'onlbapbetbefapbt'HenryiinconqHeringofbiscnimies, < anb after tbeir beatb, tSBepldtijb in garabife, tobitb PJba« ebing, mo0eb man^ fef eieefbe to tbe'SDuke. tEpon tbis netoes tbe liing being perltoabeb to make ball oner, tbe i SDuke \it t^Mmnrle fapbe, it tnas better to ffap till bpst ^>bippeS migbte bee bjougbt togitber, foj tbere toere bnt an bnnb;etb reabie to make &aple, toberebpon, John { Mountacutc 6« toere got to kim^tuttk tno?e tknn tt)?opffoje fkou^ fanD men. SCfje dearie of Saiejburie canfeo to fonimoit tjjc Welchme»,m^ t^em Of Chefhire, fo tomC tO l)nn,fO t^at (tuae;! ntng t!)t J^ing kin arrtueo at Conwej) fourc Oapcs t^erc ioere come togitfjer fojti'c t^oufano meii,reaJit> to goe againS tfje SDnke of Hereford, tokere tljep tfapo four^ fane Dapea^ but tobcn tbep fato tfje ^^mg came not, tljep Cealeo aUja?,ano left t^e Ctarlc of*S'reat fojrotu ano lamentation iuas maoe bp tbe iking ano tbe dearie at tbcir mating, fo? tbat tbe (Sarles boS tuao Oif^ perfeo ano gone, fome to tbe ^uke,ano feme otberUiapes. SCbe SDnkc of Aumarle, <2:onnetlable,aiiiJ cbtefe goiiernour of tbe ikings armie at Miiford, immeoiatelp icbe tbe ikings bejparture tnao knotone, be fapoe to tbe ^otiloiero, let bo (bift foj our felueo mapttero, fo; tbe iking io flcooe, tobcre* bpon enerp man trntfeo, ano atoap. Jfeir Thomas Percy ^tetoaro of boutbolD, talking toitb tbe Connettable, alfo U^arteo, ano take tbeir toap tb?ougb Wales. W^zweifhmen Ctemjj fucb DiCo^oer, adi^mbteo tb^ni togitber^anbrpopico __ Richard thefecond» WfiEyigUthmen offlUiftei'r0(dDc«, attD fenftf)rmpacltmgtii t^3tr6ublets,toitf) tuljite tfaac0 intljcir fjaiiDSjfo? tbcre robe fjarc tcnn0,l)are tUientie, bare fiftie, bare an bun* lijeo, anD fo tbs? n^eichmen comming botone tbe £poun* tapncSjtbeCSnsUJblofffbattbcp bab. S^bc J^ingbabnia* np l)o?{re0 of faeponb tbe ^ea b?a)bc,anb great ricbes in ap# parcU anb ieujel0, tubicb tons in tbe haping of&irTho- jTias Percy, tobo toitb fb^ Conncffable came to SDnhe Hen- xy oUiereford,mti niojctban fiuebnnbjebof tbrir compa* npc,aUnabcb, tobome tbe welchmen bab befpoplcb, anb beaten toell, £Dbe !iing being tAConwey in great bifcom* fojtjfent tlje SDubCS of Excester anb S'wrrey, to Henry jDubC of Here ford anb Lwc^Her, to knotb tobat bis nseaning Uias, bimfelfe reniapntng Itill at Conwey in great perpleritie,nnb toitb bini tlje 6arlC O^SaliJbtme, tbe ISilbop of CarehU, ^;r William Ferebc limigbtj &ir Stephen Scropc nnne0UtbO?, anb another Fre«cWa, in all but rbj. pcrfons, tben toas netocsbjougbt io tbe t^ingbotobis ConncRablebabbc* meaneb biin,anb liUetotfe bis ^tetoarb,tbat bab raufcb bis ricbes to be bjoiigbt alanb, anb going tb?cu0b ^riles toitb' it, tbe iveichmeij bab taken it. Cbe lling tben bp tbe abuife' of tbe c!;arle of beparteb from Ccnwty bntoFe^rw- mareis,^ tcn nulcs o8f, aitb from tbence, betocnt to unn. Benvptnnru toaS a ttrong ii^o?tretre if it bab fain manneb' anbbietualleb. Camarmnis a faire STotone, anb aUrong Cattelljbut tfaefe toere bnp.touibeb of all tfaings, fo tfaat fo; fiuc o; fire nigfates be lap berp barb anb faafe, anb fo? bidu* alleSjtbere toas none, toberefo?e be returneb againeto Cfmrej', toberc befo?e lamentebbis eftatc. 2EbeS)ukesof £vee/?er anb Surrey mtring tbe Citie of C^f7?er,tobifb ^uke Henry bab takcni toere fa?ougbt areigbttotbcCaftellto tbe2Dnke,tobotoasglabtofa tbem, anb fo?tbtoitb affieb tbe jDukc of Excefler tobat netoes, tofao tolbe bim from popnt to popnt, tobat Ibame anb bi^onour it tooulbe fae to bim, if be bealt fo bniuftip totoarbes bia i3?ince,anb tfaat tbJongb bPto ¥ toere bepsfeb ; b^ tfaerefoje bemaunbcb aoitoere: Richard the fccond^ antocrc fpadetbut tfjc Dulic of Lube Henry ffillbcpte in bpo companp, fauttbc SDuhccP Surrey Ujas coraiijitteD to fafefeecping Uiitbin tbeCaHetl of CheTler. Jtbcre is a Calfell 0re'miles from c^eiJer, calleo Beffau Cartell, bniloeo on a Uocbe , bcrpe ffrong b? Xcifuation,tbercin tocreanbunbjefimen of amies, cbofeti anb able men, but not biligent,fo;tbm beliuereb it to tbc ^ube, tobere tbep migbt toell pnougb bane hept if, tbc af# cenbing is fo rtapciit teas bictuallcb foj ffpe pearcs^SCbcre Uias founbetoitbin it Copne better tban an bunbjeb tbou# fanbc^arhes,bcfibe otber Heloels, tobicb ilingRkhdrd caufeb to be bepte, to tbe balue of tmo bunbjeb tboufanbe a9aries,ail tobicb SDubc Henry trnhe toptb bim, anb re# turneb to cheHer, anb tbere fabing counfell of bis frienbcs tobat toas belf fo bre bone, tbe 0rcbbilbop of CcmterbHrie fapoe, fbat 0tb tbc iipng toas in ^eatobcn b® tooulbe, bailing re# iapneb at Comvey ^bippcs fo? tbat purpofe. 311 tbc otber ^o?bs alTenting to tbis counfell, tbc ^ube Jll.iit). appopn# 5 3 J Ki'chard the (ccondf appopttfeb f\it (l^arlc of NorthumyerUnd f0'00 fO toitf) four I)uD?eii Jtaonceo, ana a ffjottfaiio archers, toFjic^ Carle, lu^cn came to Fhnt Cafteli, fjao it ocltuereo to ^is Ijanootfroni thence fje ^affco to RMd/oftd, tDl)icl) toas alfo qu iienoufrto^im:t^cn laping tmOerarochcttooorcat emf ljufljmcnto ofljts people, tottlj commanoemcnte to hape tljat patlii0c,!)e toent tott^ fiuc otl)er tn fjts companp bp tbc ^ca coalt, till be came bcfojc tlje HCotone, ano tbea Ije an ^^erault to tbe iiiiig foj a fafcconDuct,to come to l)i« P?f» fence,to Declare bio meffage from tbe S^ulie about an agree* mcnt, Ujbicb fafeconourt being grantcD, be palTco tbe toap tcr,anD entreo tbe Callcllofc«>wo',l»berebefounDc tbe 3i4ing, ana tbe Carle otSMifourie. \yz acclarea to tbcm tbat peace tooulae be maae if beluoula beagcea 3uageanaa true,ana caufe tfjofe tbat Iboula be be triea bp iu# tfice at acertapne Dap of^arliament at wcBmiHHer, tubicfy be ana tbe H)ube Iboula Ijolae togitber, ana tbat tbe HJufec migbtb^pebio place of bigb Bfuogeas bio father ana otber aunceRero befo?e bim baa 0one,fo? tbe fpace of one buna?eo peares. SCbofe tbat be bjoula baue to be triea bp flje Jlalo, toere tbe SDuUe of Exce^er^ttyz S>uUe of Surrey^, tbe Carle of Sal/Jhftrte,tl)ZWi^op Of Care/i/e,m1i Thomas Marke, tobtcb' fine,baa giuen tbe Bing counfell to put bis tanhle t SDufee ofGioceffer to Deatb, auD tben if it Iboula pleafe bim to par^! Don tbe SDuHe bis lD?atb,be Inoula be reaaie to come to bint on bio bndeo to afhe bimmercie,anarotbep migbtgoeta London togitber, 0? tbe one one toap, ana tbe otber another* Kf)t Carle offerea to toeare tbatalltbislbouiaebepcr*' fourmca,ana tbat tbe H)u!te baa alTurea bim bp otb to Sana to it. Sing libing tbat it Iboula be at bis libertie to go eptber in companie toitb tbe 2bube,oj alone bntoZ-Wow, purpofea to tabe tbe ofBer, ana fo to p?etena fome ercufe foj bis going alone, after be Iboula m^tc toitb tbe SDube, as lacbe of bictualles, o? fucb libe, ana fo to tabe a bptoap tbo* tougb ana tbere to rapfe a potoer,^ be acco?aea to goe totbejaDube^ana tben (ipaSe being celebrate) tbe Carle of Llerlhnm* Ri'cfiard thcfecond* 537 JCorthHrnherUnde ftoarf bpoit SDaSe l^OUlD ijalDe all tl^at lie ^ati toloe king. C^arle l^aSeo tlie htn0fo;toaroe to t)o;a'eba;ke}l)ut ttje latiig p.2apco tbe ci;rle to go faefojg tjfito tfjere to pjspare omiter. SCfjc erle rooe a pace till t}!? cams tubsrebcmigbtc Hie l;t£! people biv Pertl)e mauntatne, tobom fje mucbe commeiiDeofo2 obfer^ tting lits commaunoement. Ki)t ^iing paffiiig tlje loafer roDe a four miles before lie ranietofbei^ock, tobsr^lDbenberaUictlieamfaulftestuas K.R.faetMyej. foje abadieOjknoUjmg loell f>e mas befrapeD bp tbe (^arle, fo2 l)z Uias in fuel) a place as be coulbc not cfcape.Cbe ^ea beating on tbe one riDe,anDfbe IflocU liaping bim in on tbe otber, ano ifbefliouloe baucfleo bache, tbcptooulDebaue caugbt bim, 01 be coalo batie come to Cwa'^.fo; be bao not palt tb2dE anotloentie in all of bie companp. 2Cbe oiffe# Ding tbe lloche^tbe (ll;arle came ano linaling ooton ercufeo tbe matter, faping, be baooe caufeo tbofe people to come to guaroe bie pcrfon, but tbe hing toloe bim,fctoer toolo baue fcrueo.ano tbat if mas confrarie to bta otbe, fo3 be bao pjo^" mifeo ta baue but See in bie companp, ano. fapoe tberefoje tbat be tnoulo goebacbe to Cm^a/, but tbe (Sarle auntoea^ reo, tbatnotuefitbbebaObtm, be mouloicaoe bim to tbe- ^ube as be bao paomifeo ten oapes Qnce, ano fo be caufeo B^eaoe ano Mine to bee bjotigbte ano offereo tbe hing tDbo burS not refufe it, ano after leaping on bojlTebache Uf gaine tbep rooe to RutUnde to oinner, ano after to i^^linte,, tobere tbcp lap tbat nigbt, CbespojrotD being tbe tlno ano ttoenfie Oap of ingulf,, tbe laing got bim to tbe caHell Mals,mbere be bebelo tbe SD^mitb al bm beS of an buno^eo tboufano men camming bp tbe fanos.fbere came befoje tbat mere oeparteo from tbC' armp,tbe0rcbbiibop of Cmterburie, fir Thomas Percy anOt tbe ©arleof RutlandfromlnbomtbeSDuhebaotahentbe oflfic$ofConeaable,mo2e fo2 a colour,tban fojoifpleafure, fo2 tbep bare tbe SDnhes O20er, ano not tbe ?^arte, Uibpcbe toas tbe hings,tbe ^rcbbil&oppc entreo firtte,ano after tbe jLl.t). atbes Richard the fccond* ofI)cr tDit^ a great tratne,t^tp tocnt tip to t^c Jjungeoit, an5 ttjcn t!)e liing canio coUine from tl)c toallc^ ,tnto tcljo tlieg CiD rcucrcnce lotolpe on tljrir bnas, tfje i^tng tofee tfjcni t)p,anolijein tfje^lrcljbiftop apart,ano t^cp ttoo talheD log fogit*oer,biit tbe CDarIc of/?«r/<»Whept bmi alcaf. STbep toltc bojCTe againe,antj robe totoarbo tbe S^uHe tbat noio appjo- cbcb neare.Cbe iiipng toent bp againc to tl)t toal Ies,lamff ting fo;ie tob^n fab) tbe SDubea boffe toitbin tbjo botoe ibcDtea of tbe Catfell,b)bo ccmpaffeb it rounbe about boton to tbe fea.^b^ dearie OtNorthumberlandiXitntt fo?tbe to tbe 2Duhe,b)bo after long talbe,contIubeb tbat tbe bube tboulO •not enter tbe Caltcl befoje tbe iHing bab bpneb, fo? b^ fatltng:fo tbe CDarle rcturnebjanb tbe l^ing toaa fct to bpm ncr, toitb tobomc fate bis aCTureb frienbs tbe Carle of Salts- hriemts tbe iBitbop tiiCarhle^X Stcucn Scrope,anb Ftribc, tbep fat long anb eafc little,fo? tbep bab no baffeto rife, 3fter binner tbe SDuftc entrcb tbe Calf el all armeb, bfs iBafenetejrccpteo, i^ing Richard eamebotone to mate tbe 2DuIie,tDbo as fame as be fato tbe i^ing, fell botone on bps iinas,anbeomniingneare bnto bim, be hnaleb tbe feeonb time toitb bis bat in bis banb,anb tbe bing tben put off bis bfflbe,anb fpahe firll,faire confin of LancaHer pa are rigbte loelcome. SCbc SDubebotoing lotoc to tbe grounbe antoea« reb,mpiLojb, 3 am come beforepou fentfoj me, tbe reafon lubp 3 toiltbcU) pou. IDbe comon fame among pour people isfufbe, tbatpabaucCo; tbe fpace of tluentie o? tiwoanb tluentiepearc6,rulcbtbem berp rigojouHp, butifitpleafe our ilojbej luill belpe pou to gouerne better. STbe fepng aiunftbcreD, fap3erouCn ofZ-4tf^/?rr, 0tb it pfeafetbpou, it pleafetb matuel, SCbe SDubc fpaJie as pa banc bearb to tbe feing,be fpabt alfO to tbe }lB{(bop of CarltleXo fir Stephen Scropc^atlb tO Fc- ribe,but to tbe Carle otSahflturtc be fpabc not, iuberebp tbe Carle pcrecpucb tbat tbe ©ube bafeb bim beablp, Cbe bube Vuitb an bigb ibarp bopce, bab b;ing fojtb tbe Ibitigs bojifss, anb tben titoo little nagges not tnojtbe fo?> tie Richard the (ccond, ' tU frankji,ii)tre b;ongf)t )^tn0 ttt on one, ano tlje Carle ofSAHfiune on tfje otfjer: ano tljao tfje S)nbc b.zou0ljt ti)t liing from F/wte to Che^er,^j)l)m Ije ioas Oelp^ uereo to tbe SDukc of GioceHers fonnc , ano to tljc Carle of ArundAles fonnc tljat loueD fji'm bat a little, foz Ijc Ijao put ftepzfat^iers to oeatlj, toljo leooc Ijpwttrapgbte to tlje Ca^ flel. 2Cf}c tljirbc Dap tljep tucnt to Naf}twich,mfi flje ncrt oape to neloe Ca^iicy ano tljere tlje Carle of fF^rmck^j fon mettc tbe,anor0iournpingfoztl), tbenertbaptbepcameto Suf- ford, uiie came toitbin ttoo milco of tbe Citie, tbe bube caufeb tbc bottr to tlap,anb tben faib to tbc commono of tbe Citie, ^pmaittero bebolbe bere poureJaing, confioertobatpae toill boelnptb btm. Cbep anfcoereb tbep ibooibe be tboulb be iebbe to tveHmmfler, tubecebppon Ijc toas beliuereb bn- to tbem,anb tbep lebbe bim to^ff/?w/«/7#r,anb from tbencc bp Uiater to tbe SCotoer otLondon, Cbe- 5^r) Richardc the fecond^ SD.entreD into Loftdon bp c^tefgate, i roue f^jougl^ cheape to Samte Paules, tobete tnao after locgcD in tbe 315i(bop8 i^allace fiueoj lire bapco, ano after at SatKt leh^s, tuitbout Smithfieid, toberebe rematnei).rb.bans,from tbecc lj$ remoueo to Hertforde,\xi^txt be aboaoe tbJ® toafeeo, and tben came bacbeto London^xo belf tbe |3arltatnent,tbat be* gantbefirtte Meonefoapof gDdoberin^»^«/?«-lpaU, tbep ban bwng ano trimmeo fumptuouOp,anD babbe caufeb to be let bp a ropall cbap?e,in purpofe to cbofe a netu liing.neare to tbc tobicbe tbeJ^jelates toere fet, anb on tbc otber fibc fat tbc 3lo?b5,anb after tbe commoo in o;ber,firff fat tbeSDufee tsf LaMcaHer,t))tn tbe ^ufee of Torkf, tbe &ube of ^«Wfr/e,tbeSDufee of Surrep, ti)e SDnfee of Excefler, attb a ^arques , tbcninojbertbeCarleoof^rW^j/f, Ncrfoike, March',Stajf0rd,PeKbrokey SaltJbHrie anb Demt.ptrre^iX^t CrtCS Northnmbrrlande ailO fVeHmerUnde fat not,but tDCntbppO anb boton, anb oftentimes bnaleb as it fell in boing tbepj cflft'ces. E^be 3rcbbifbop of Cmttrbune mabe a Sermon ano tOhe fo? bib EbeamC; H^bnit lacob benediBtom a pre/ho, fernion being enbeb in Iatin,a SDoctour of tbe IaU),Cffibc bp anb reb an inttrument,in tbe tobicb tnas containeb,fbat 35. Richard bab bp bib oUmc confeffion bifableb bimfclfe to be tucntbp to raigne,anb tbat be tooulbe rcfigne tbe crctone to fucp a one as Ijuas fufftciente to rule, tbis inlfrumcnt being rcOjtbe ^rcbbitbop pcrtoaocb tbe to pjocabc to tbe elcctton of a ncbj 35.f percepuing tbep tue re al c6tenfeb,fc? tber iuer not patt four perfons tbat tuer of king Richards part (f tbep burtt fapnotbing(beafbebeafb of tbe it bo tbep IdoId Ijaue to tbeir 35ing,U)betber tbeJDuUe of c: not f anb tbep aimCcDcreb no,be atkeb if tbep tooulb bane bib clbctt fon ttje of Anmarle,mo tbcp fapD no^be afiicb if tbep tooiilb bane bis pongeft fon,anb tbep fapb not'anb fo of binerfe otber,tbe flaping a iDbile,be afteb if tbep toolb bane tbe of Lmca- f?or. > Enrie the fourth , fon to lohn of Gauntc QtL4KcaHer, toaS OjDavntD fetng of Engiad, nioje bp fojce tban bp lab^fuU fuccclTton o; ele(tion:be began bis raigne tbe ip.of^cptembcr, in tbe pere of our 3LoiD C>oD r 395?. 0nD teas croioneb at mtnfier tbc rib.of^ctober,bp Thomas Arundale^rcbbifijopof CAnterhune. SDukCS Of Torke,Surrey, Aumarle, and tbe (Satle Htdccefler batC tbO Canapteouer bint,0r Thomas Dimmockcioastbantpioft, and rode t\)^k times about tbc !^all. Cbis toas a noble f baliannt ^jincc, and after tlje CiuiU toarrcs toere appea* fedjlbetocd bimfelfe loningto bis fubicttcs. made Hen- rie bis fonnC'l^jincC of of Cormva/,fOtd\it gaue tbe Coutie of Richmond SiXfo 3|ubgcmentUjas giuen agamfttbe3ppel« lanntea of tbe 2i)ukc of GloceHsr tjt tbis maner: ^Cfje 5Lo?os in tbis pjefent |aarliament bp-tbc lings affent, iubge tbat fbe^uhes of Aumerl;,Surrey^ anb Exeefiernoi^ pjefeilt anO loere appeUantes,fbal lofe tbep; names of SDukes,anb bO" tio;s from becefo?tb,togttber toitb tbe bignities of SDoKeS;, f ^at tbe Marq ICS Dorfet.tbat is pjefent, lofe bps name of ^arqucs,f tbe CS.of Ghcesier inbicb is pjefetjlofe bis name fo; bint anb bis beires,as]§aboue nameb perfons bo tbeirs, % tbat al tbe caSels, potTetrions 0; manors tobitb tbep bab of tbe tbat belongeb to tbofe Inborn tbep appelleb fro | bap off arrctt of tbe ii>.of Gloceiier,% tbe otber ilo;bs,o? after at anp time, 0mplp,f tnitbont fauour 0} mertie, tbep (bal lofe tbetf tbat al otber cadets, poiIie(rios,manours,llo;tb(bipb, dominions f liberties, Utbicb tbep beloe of tbe lings gift, tbat 544 Richard the fccon^» t^af 6ap 6j after fliolo rett in tfje binge grace from ^ ^jourei ano tbatnll lettero patents anD charters , totitcfie ttiep 0} anpoft^cm,fjaD of^ faiD names,CatfelSjJDomtniongjpof" fcCfions ano liberties ibolo be furrenccreo bp,tnto f Cban* eerie fbere to be canceleD, ano tbat tbep flanb in ffate tobi* cbetbep bab in name anb poflfelTton before tbe faibebapeof fbe fagbe arrett. lUbc iaing to Ibeto to all men in all Countries about bp iDbatTigbt anb title be bab taben bpon bim tbe crotone anb realme,fent;3mbairabours to /^owe, lohn Trcncuant^Bp* (bop of Hereforde,\o\\n Clieynciantgbfe, anb lohn Chcync (5rqutre.3[nf0 Framce^^z itni Walter TiicklowelBplbflp of D«rAj»w,Thomas Percy CrleofWormTrr.anb WiliiamHc- ron.3|ntO Spaine lohn Trcnor ^tlbop Of Saint DaMtds,iint) Qr William Pur iinigbt«3|ntO tbe ISilboppe of Bangor ioitb otber. 2Cbe Scots in time of tbe ^Barliamcnt tabing occafion bp tbe abfence of tbe ^ojtbJenJlojbes, anb bpcaufe tbe fame tpme tbe iplojtb parts toere fo?e oppjelTeb bp a great j^etti# tence, entreb as enimies into tbofe parts, anb tobe tbe Ca« ffell ot^Farkc,tinJ} hept tbe fame a certain time, but at Ifgtb fpopUb anb btterlp ruinateb it,anb manp otber mifcbieues tbep bib in tbe Countrp.Thomas Maubcry bufec of N'orfo/l^ fcbicb toas erileb,opeb at Fe»tce,in bis returnc from leru/k- lem.ZMo tbe Ducbes of GioceTiet opco,anb bit fonne f beirs Humfrcy Dpcb of tl}t pettilence tobcn ba Uias fent foj foat^ of Irelands. 2Dbe Sing bdbe bis feaff of CbJiffmaiTc in bis Calf el of Wsndfir, Ulbcre lohn Holland late S^llfee OfExcefter f Crle of Huntington^ Tilomas Holand late SDubC of Surrey f CarlS of Kente, Edwarde latC S>ultC Of Aumerle,OX<^ Carle Of /andeSonnt tO tbe £)uhe of Terko, lohn Mountacutc CrlS Of Sah/hune,Thorms Spencer, fir Ralph Lumlcy, fir Thomas Blunt,fir BenedkT; Ccly linigbtsi, toitb Otber tbatfanoureb Jitng Richardc,c0nrpireb againfi f^ing HenEic,anb appoint teb p;iuilp to murber bim,bnber tbe colour of Hufiing an^ fitbef Henrie the fourth* 5-^ J !■ 1 ot^)cr patttmes pjefcnoeD.^tiD ti)c time appjoctjing of t^)cpj ' purpofe, tljep fcnt tneffengera to toitp letters to tljc . 2Dufteof^»Wr,tliatf)efl[jouiaenotfapIetocouieati§ Cap i ' appointeo toitl) bis companp,to Ijeipe to oo tlje feate iubcr- bnto be tDastoo?tte:bat bis mince being altereo, bdebare ^ tbe letters Itreigbte to bis i^atber tbe SDube ofnrke, u?!; 3 '» caufec a number of bis men foitbtoitb to carrpe bis fon to || tbeHing, tobere be.tbetuingbis letfers,tbe&ing iuouloc not belttue tbem:buttbe fame mojning came tbe S^aio; of London to tl)t Court,anD info?mec bim of tbe matter,Ujbcri' bpon tbe taing mace no tariance, but got bim fo^tb toluarc London,in companpe of tbe ^aio? anc otber. ISut befcje tbe London on bis bacbe, bis enimtes tucrc tomefo^/W<-/orr,anc entree tbe Cattell foitb anarmec banc,on tbe fourth of 3|anuarte at nigbt, tobcre fmcerSancing tbat tbe taing toas efcapeC tbcp;: bancs, be^ ing fojeamajec, tbeptoitbcaetoe from fvindefirc, bnto Sun^ ning, a certainemanour neare to Hoad/ng,Uj^ere tbe ©udene toifie to taing Rkharde tben lap, tubere tbep perfuacec bP? boulbolc, tbat jaing Richarde tuaS efcapeC out of Pomfi-Ote Cattel,anc thcp t»joulc go to binnfrom tbcnce tbep tuent to walhngforde, auc after to Abingdon, moutng tbe people to tafeearmes bppon tbem, anctogoemeetetbeiriaingRi- charde.^fter tbts tbep came to Farmdon, in tbe bale otivhne Horfe in Barkgjhire,mti tbe fame cape to CtrceTter^nw tbepb'. cap late in tbe euening, anc tbere barbojec, toitb a greatc number of men of amies anc manp ^rcbersitber tbep bju^ tec tbat ia.Richard boas efcapec fojtb of pjifon, anc tbat bee toas tbere initb tbem, anc to mafee tbeir toojcs to baue tbe moje crecite, tbep bab 0ot a Cbaplaine ofiaing Richardes calleC Madeleine, fo lihe to bpmin all pjopojtionanofa' «o?,tbat one coulc bnnetb be cefcernec from tbe otbertmaf np times (faptb mine auitbour) 3 baue fane bim in Ireland ricetoitb tbcfeingbis spalfer/ofiaire a J0?ielf anc g®clp a perfon,bc bac not ligbtlp fane, SCbfp put bim in armcure tcitb a Cromne on bw ^^elmet, fo as all men migbfs tabc biuJ Hcnn'e the fourths l)im fojSmg Ridiard. £)n tlje mojroto being Mcbnefbap^ tfjc people of t'oat foUjnc miflifelng of tljetr pjocabinga, fougljt agalnff ttjem, ano at length fbbe the thtefett ofthem anD leODe them to the Hbbap there, ano put tljcm in a fap?e rhamber,bniier fafe ca3oop.3nD ciithe Churfoap the faiD 210J0CS fearing the people,riumgincD hoioc ta efrape out of thep?hant)es, ana caufeo fome of their feruaunteo to fette fire on certainc houfco in the SColnne, thinking that there* bppon the people tuoulDcacpnrte from them, ana fake ta ftaunchc the fire: but it rfiaunceo contrarie, fo? the people turneo into a marucllotio rage againtt them, rannc Pppon- them toith great hiolence, ana a;eU) them into the market place, ana there tl;ep beheaacatheSDukcof£Aff5/fr, the SDuke of £«^*-<7,ana the CSarlc QtSatifowte,x\it thirae aap af# terthe ©ptphanie: their feruauntes that toeroiuith them mere bp ana bp taken,ana ao p;ifoncro bouna ana b?0Rght to Oxforde,mti OH ^onoap follotoing toere beheaaea in the Cattell there,to the number of.rrbi»perfons. 0lfo fir Tho- mas Blount linight,toasbeheaaea toith them. SChetoakc itepte follotoing, toas beheaaea Thomas Spencer dearie of GloceUer at BriHow.-mti about the fame time mac bcheaaclr lohn Holland ^^arle tifHuntwgton bjOthcr tcrliing Richard on the mothers fiae,at pupoy in PJfex: not long after toas fir Barnarde Brocasbehcaoeo at L*ndon, nna a |^;!i^eItameb' lohn Maudelen,that toas like feiitg Richarde, ana another |0;!iefi callea William Fcribe.SChelIBifijoppeof CarUU tmpeachea anaconaemnea ofconfp.iracie,butU}as parao* nea. JChe fifth aap of i^ebjuarie iking Henrie caufeaf blank Charters,maae to king Richard,toibe b;ent,at the llanaert in Chfape of London. Bing Richard tuas impjifoneo in Pomfiait Calfel,U)here ph.aapes ana nightes thep berea him toith continuall hun* gerdhirffe ana colae,ana finallp bereft hie iife, toith fuchc akinaeofaeathnsnener before that time toasknotoen in hpca of^ebjuaric, tohereboap toas. bJOMght Henrie the fourth» 5 47 bjflUgl^t (o tfje fofecr of London, JIHD fo fbiOtlgb Cifttc fo Pcmles Cfjorcb batc faceDjtofj^rc fjc fo? all !jebolo<«,anD fjab fcruicc,U)berebing Henne teas pjcfent. iProm tbence toas carrpcb to z,rf«^/fy,ano tijcre btirico in tb^cburcb of I J^riero Preachers. ®p5 bto Dwtb faiiiouo ano ereellente ^ott lohnGo-.vcr, to;otecertainct3crfcs, be eiigliibeb tbu^(. O Mirrour for the world mccte, which fhouldft in Goldc be bettc. By which all wife men, by forcfighr, their prudent wittcs may w hette. Lo,God doth hate fuch rulers, as here vitioudy do hue : And none ought rule,that by their life, doaill example giue. n And this King Richarde witnelTeth we), his ende this plainc doth Ihew, For God allotted him fuch ende, and fent him fo great woe, As fuch a life defervdeias by the Croniclcsthoumayll know. TCf)Z Sing luifb a great armpe tocnt into ^c#r/We,fpop# ieo t\)Z Conntrp ano roturneo to rorke,\D\,eK ttoo Snigbto, — t^Z om& Frenchman,t\)Z Otfjer Ott Tta/ian, CbalengcO tO QQfytZ toitbtn lilies agatnlf fir lohn Comewall, ano lames of Ar- tois,lul)icbtU)offraungersU)creouerromeinbattaile, ano chartn-«of fir lohn Cornewal obtaining tbei^tngs fauour, marico tl}t cobatitVorr« hings lifter, tljatbao bin loife to fir lohn Holland Carle of Huntingdon. ivelchmen taking occafion bp tbe icings abfence ioben be toas in ScotloMde. beganne to rebel ,4)^ tbe fettpng men rcbcL ^ OnofOweGlendouerdevvfan to Gtiflf th Vichaancfquicc of ^vaies^t fo calleb Glcndour,bicaure bio otDelling iuas in a place calleo Gledordwy,foi Glyn in ^Velch to a bale, ano F)or is U;ater,bpcaure tbe place Inas in a bale,at tbe fioc of § boater oi 548 Hcnric tKelourtlii T Sheriffs. ? e^lasor. S ^moreg.2, Geffrey Chaw cer chief Poet ofBrytamc. ?ohtt; Gowera moll excellent S*«ct oi£ngta4 0? Uiuer of Bert w f^iejaariflb of Corxteft, in f!;c Counfie of Afertonethiw Northrtales. ferUODStng Richardc, at tljC tl>me of ^t0 oppjelTion bp Hcnne otLancaTier,^t Fhnt CaQcll. Wc^t iTrS canfe of ti)i0 iftrretDag about ap^ceoflanb in cotttrouerCe bcttoirtc bunano tbelLojo Reijnolde Gray of RnthiHe, fo? tobcn be fall) bt« caufe not fatiourcc, firife ba began to fpopletbelanoes oftbe fapOeJloju Gra) ,tobereof tbe hing being ccrtifteb,U)cnt tuitb an armp into i-vales. but f be weichmen 00000 to tbo mountaineOjtbc liing b;ente tbc Countrep, Csto tbe people Uiitb tobom be mette,ano retur? iico toitb a great pjapofCattailOc lolmWakel: William Ebot,the, 18.of September. Sir lohn Frauncis Goldfmith.thc.aS.of October. Geffrey Ciiawcer,tbe moll crcelleut J9oet of £«^/»We fonnc of tl)e noble Balthazardan, f titflxovz^iert4ptiem, anD alltl)eCountrep rounoe aboufe. ^nobrcaurcbcbauljp grace roouercoineconirarrc to fjta opinion, be became cbJiftcncb ano 6oooo,men of bus fccte. SCfje (Smperour of ^caving fbis,iras tern 1401 glabOc, ano Dcpartco outof£»^/WtKorcg.-^^ T ko.Hocclnt*^ Now luth this Lindc little nccde of Bromcs, To fvveepc away the filth out of the ftrcetc: Sen fide fleeiies of pennilefle gromes, will itvplickebe itdrieorweete. O England ftand vpright on thy fcetc, fo foule a wafte in fo fimple a degree Banilh,or it fiial fore repent thee. William Vcnonlohn Frcmingham,thc.28.ofScptcm. Sherifes.\ Sir lohn Chadwortli Mercer,the.28.of October. LMattr, i y 5 ® H cnrie the foiirthf 2SC()C Conbutt bpoii Corttehtl in London toaJ itiabe,tDf)icl[> before time l;aO bene a pjifon , mWtnV^zTuKneixiCornehill, tobftcbnto, nigbttoaltiers tbatlneretahen in fufpitton of feU3nie,o?otbertrcfpatrc£5, tocrccommitteb. 35n tbe inonetl) of ^^arc!) appeareb a btafing ffarre, firff bctVoipttbe^attanb tbe /?o:tt)janD laC of all putting firtc beanies totnarbs tbe iPo?tf)/oJtlbeU3ing pcrabucnture t^c cflfuQon of bloub,about tlje partes aVvaUsmt^ Nouhnmhr^ lande. T 402 Owen Glcndouerdcw tuitb IjiS A#V/cA»»ir«,U)alfCb {' latlbS ■ Of tbe ilojb Rcijnaldc Gray, tfflfee Ijim pjifontp, aiiD tlelue manp of l)is people. Conrpiracie a- (Tertaine men afPirnieb luting Rkhardc to be aliue, anb giiuaK-Hsnrie (boulb tliojtlplljeU} btnifelfopcnlpjf retoarb tbeni^ toer faithful bnto hini.llBut after a certain pjicli tuas tabeii at i^FarmkcMjQ tojittcn p namcs of maim, tot)icl) toere the aucthours of tfjefe troubles, botl) the hope aiib fearc of tljis confpiracie baniflicb. %\it j^jieft tuas bjatoen bangeo anb quartereb.^lfo Walter w aldocke late |d;ioitr of Laude a ]^?iojie in Leice^lerfnir^,b}?c^^u(t ije confctTcb be bncU) euiU againft the Iting anb bib concealc it, tons libetoife battgcb anb bcabeb. a^ojeouer certainc grapi^riers toere tahcn,of AftoutFtier toljicbb oiieRichard Frifcby, DoftourOfnDtuinitic,being «xecut«u. adtebtobafb^tooulbboifl^.RichardtDerc p?cfi;nt,anC£Dc* rebjtljiat be toouloe figbt in bis quarrel againft anp man, e* uen to tbe beatb,toberfo3e be toas conbemn8b,bjalDert,ano bangeb in bis religious babitanb to^be. ^t DMcburie in Ljfex, bpon Corpm ChriFii bap,tbe ^tuell appeareb in likenelTe of a C'rap i^rier, tobocntring tbe tnfple bias fajoben bourne,anb balfc tbe Cbaancel fcattereo ab^obe. ^bfiJflpe after, fir Roger Claringdon iinigbfs, a faa# ftarb foiinc to Edward tbe blacks J0?ince, ana Uiptb bim a &ci.uire Henn'e the fourths ^qotrc anD a jjeomanne tucrc facIjeatiBeD , anb e|>0bfe 0rape i^rtcrs^angeb ano bc^caueD at Land^, ano tfcoa at Leiceihr, all ^aODC pubUfl^eO iaing Richard to b® altuf. Owen Glcndoucrdcw,tDltb a COtttpanp Of V/elchmen in» uabcD all t^e fijtrca tijat bo?&crcb neare bnto bPm, Usljere^ fojt Or Edmund Mortimer iDPtl) mallPC lalUgbtca anD Cf* » qutrra tocntc out to cncoantrr UJitb bwen, Krongcr tljaii ijctoasof tl)c Countrey :but tubcn it came to martial aP» fapics, tbeir otone ^rcbero turneo tbcyjbanDcsagainOc tbciti, tobometljcp fl^oulbe tjaue oefcnoeo . Cbcre locrc flayne aboue clraucn IjnnbjcD cfour men. &ir Edmundc Mor:i:ncrUjastabcn,anD K\^zivelchirometi,'^\jtv\ f battapfc toas Done, bOng tbe DeaDc carcaCTcs to thamcful Ipc to bft fpoften,tDoulDe not fuffer tljem to be borpeo toitbout great raunfome. iCfj^flyngtoentlDPtbagreatepotaeriiifo^r.i/w, to pnrfue OwaGicndouerdew,U)berefjcp2o6teD notbingjfaut loOcmucbe, fo? tbe ivelchmen coniiapeD tbemfclucs into bnftnotocn places ttoJjcrcfoje tbeJiingconOrayncD fapnc^^ cetrftie,retiirneD into Evgiande, after be Ijab fpopleb f b;ent tbe Counfrcy. SUbe fame time tbe Scottfs cruelly enfreD info EygUnd, fo2 tbey fuppofcDalltbe ilojos beyonb HumherXQ beoccu- pyeD in tbe parties ztH^aUs, but tbe Cries of Northnmba-' lande, Henric Pcrcie, aiiD l)iti fonne Hcnric Ujitl) tbe Carle QtDiinburre, (tbat a goD lobple agoHD bailing fojfahen 11)0 Scottes, baD ftDojne to be true to tbe i^ing of E-^cin»d) tnitb a number ofarmco men f pientie ofarcbers/oCainly came to reOtfc tbe Scottes as tbey toouloe baue rctourneD borne , after tbey baboe fpoyleo ano b?ente tbe Ccirn* trey , but notoe bppon a fobayne tbey? Inayc teas fo?clayDe, fo tbat tbey multe nabes abyDe anD take a place to figbfe bppon : tbey cbofe tbcrefo?e a moims iaineneare to tbe CoUme of ^oiiot, calleD H^lydone Htll, in tbe tobicbe tbey place tbemfelues ipytb tbey? armeu ^m,iiy, men Henriethc fourths men ann afrc^er0,tDl)if^ toijen our men beljelOjIeaufng t\)C toau in agatntt tt)e Scottcs, t^ep clpnie tbe f>ill ttjat ttojDc ouer agatnil tbo Scottes, and hjitbout oclape of time, our ^{rcljers placed in tl)etJallep,fet tljeir arrotoeo againtt tlje Smtcs battaple,tl)at tbrp migbi fonic means fo;cc tbcm to comedoixinc: on tlje otljer fide, t\)t Scotttpic 0rci)er5 let flpe at our mcn,tobo pet after tljep felt tlje grie- uous toaigbtc, and as it bad biii a Iboloer oj tcmpcff of tbt srroUjes fl[)ottebptbe£''^/'')«»s^«,tbepfleDde . 2EbeC£arle Dowglns percepuing bis men fo to fla, fo^ b^ teas tbeir ge^ ncrallleader, tohebps^psare, andmanfullpe toptb a multitudeeamedotDittbel^pll, truSing doubtleflie in bis armour and j armcmr of bpscomplices tbat baPoe bin tb?oe pearesin makpng, and fojced binifelfe torunnetpontbe 0rcbers, tobicbs isbs?n tbs Slrcbers fatoc, tbep Hepped bacUe, and ftottefo fiercelp, tbat tbep pierced tbe armed mens bodies, Crokc tbJougbe tbepj pelmets , rpucd tbeir ^peares, and rente tbep? armourc toptb Ipgbtea# dee. arle Dowgias bpnifclfc leas toounoed in Hue pla# ces, tbe refidue of tbe Scmtf tbat toere not comcbcCde tbe i^pll, turnpng backe from tbe arrofccs tbat fletoe, fledde atoape, but tbep? flpgbte nothing auapled tbem tuljileH tbe ^rcbers foltoined tbem , but tbat tbep tocre compelled to palde tbemfclues . CDarle Dowglas alfa inas taken, andmanpe d?oU»ned in tbe JXtuer of tobpleH tbep knetoe not tbe i'^ourdcs, fo tbe number of Hue b«ndered(asmasrapde.) 3ntbpsbattapleno3lo?dc, no tinigbte, no? g>quire, gaue anpe ttroke to tbe entmpes, but onelp (I5od gaue tbe bicto?ic to tbe Srcb'crs, tbe iLo?oes and armed menne bapng oncipe lokers on ♦ SCbfJt bape tbe floUjer of tbe Cbiualrpo toas taken, totoittc, tbe cSarle Dowglas, Murdakc tbe eldeft fonne of tbe ISDuke of Albame, tbat toas bcp?e ap? parcnte to tbe Healme of ScotUnde : SDbe Carles of C^{nrrej>, nifibt apptafc tbe remmu* naltic, be tojote to tbein, tbat be maruetleb mucb, tbat (m ingtbe ©arle tsXNortlmmbtriafid, f Henry bts fon bob refei* ucb tbemoC partoftbe paymets f fummes granteb to bim by tbe Cleargy f cjomunnltte, foj ^ befence of tbe i^arrbes tiiScotUnd, tobat ofcaCon tbey bab to inabe fucb mantfeff flanbcrs fc. but tbeyong Henry i^crcy puting bis coSbencc - tntbeaybofOwcnGlcncloucrdcw,anb t cimond JVloitimcr CDarle 0f-4/m'^ men blilbeb tbat IStng Richard uias aliuc, anb Uias tottb tbem, iDbom if any ma tooulb fa', tbey fljonlb Initbout belay come in armour to y Caflell oXLeycesier tubifb beclaration mabe biuers bariabic motios in tbc hearts of many, i caufeb tbe tohiaucr. iiiing Henry eonfibcnngall tbingsluifely, ga^ tbereb togiibcr as many as be ronlb, anb came fobeinly in* to tbe parties Uibcre tbe llcbcls hept tbcir rage, anb toben Henry faUj bpcn a focrtn tbc Jiings banner, anb Uias etteii 5hrevvsbutie rcaby to baue fcalcb y toume ofshrevrfiune.ijt flreigbtUiays befdcgca. ticfiftcb fro tbe aflaiilt of tbe toUinc,anD faib to bis men, Uie muff noU) naoes turnc cur Uieapcns Upon tbcm tbat romc againff Us:ye fa ibe J«ings ^tabc rtmeitbcr ta toe, tbcugb toe Henry the fourth 555 toe tDOulti,riK![ttanplIiir(ttigt)oIe,l!atid to itmnnfullpt^er^ fo?e, fo? t^is Dav Iftall eptfjcr biing tjB all to pjomofion anb bono?4f toe ouercome,oj elCe if toe be oucrcome, it tball be# liner bs fro tfje JStngo malice: fc? it is a moje comelp tfjing to Die in battcll foj tb^ comon toealtb^ tijnn after faattcll to Die bp tbc fentcnce of coiiDenination bp tbe cntiiuc: i toitb tbat, I ^oo o.of tbe bcft nie tljat toer toitb Hcnry,niaDe boto f pjomifc to IfanD bp bim fa long as bjeailj tooulb feme, f tbep tojhc tbefielo tbat toas commoDioiis foj tbem, anD tbc iung f bis men lap in tbc SeiD rigbt againtt tbe. SZ\)C boto# men of Henry Percy began tbc battcll, toljofc arrotoes fell not bpon tbe grounb, but bpo tbe bobirs of tbe l>tings foul" biers, anb tbe lyings arcbers tbot as ficrcelp againtt tbeir e^ nimies, fo tbat on botb fibes manp toere Qaine, anb manp tboufanbs flebbe,tbtntting tbe lAing bab bin (laine: but tbe (uarle of toitbb?eto tbe i^ing from tbe place tbat be frcDbein, tobicb toasagoiDturne fo; bim, fo; tbe fo^efapbe Henry Percy,f (carle Dowglas tbe ocet (tban toboine toas nciier man mo;e tloate) ragcb fo, tbat tbe icings ^tanbert no.ira/j: toas ouertb;otone,anb tbofe about it flainc,among tobome toas flaine Humfrcy (Sarle OtStafford,Walter Blunt tbe Sings S>tanbcrtbearcr, S)ir Nicholas Langford, S^irlohn Clifton, anb tbe ttoo b;®tb;en Genetds, toitb inaupotber Snigbtes f (Gentlemen,anb of ibc comons on botb Sbes a^ bout 5ooo.0aine. Henry tbe 5^;ince toas tooubeb in^ face toitb an arroto.3|n tbemeanefeafon Hen.Percy,tobilelfbs toent befo;c bis me in tbe battel, p;ealing bpo bis enimies, toas fobeinlp flaine, tobicb being knotone, tbe Sings eni# mies flcb, but tbe CDarle Dowglas toas take, anb alfo Tho. Percy CBarlC ot fVorce^ter,\x)it\} Sir Richard Vernon, anb tbC iiSaron of Ki>idirto»,ono maiip otber toere taken. SDbis bat^ fell toas fougbt on i^arp ^agbalen cue, nare bnto shrevrf ^nrif,in a place calico 0/dfa/d,3X\is Bttiifieid.^xi tbei^onbap follotoing,toerecobeneb i bcbeabcb aXShrenJbHrte^ (Sarle of tbe 5!5aro oiKtndmon, anO SirRi. Vernon.snbe bobp of Hcn.Percy toaS bCliucreb to tbe ^.OiFHrmuak to be burieOs, 5 5 ^ Henry the fourth^. btirieD, but tJjc iitng tanreb tlje fame faobp to be fafeen bp^ anbtoberepofeo betbu^ne ttoo ^pilSoneo tntbe Cotone otshrevrJbHrte, tbcre to be bept iDitb armeti men, aiiD after# toaroto bebraocoanoquartereb, commanbing bm anb quarters to be carieb bnto biuers Cities of tbe fiing# bome. ^bc Carle titN'orihumheriaf?d toitb 3 0rong potocr luas fommiiig totoarbs bis (as men tbougbt) oj at tbe leall to# inarbs tbe l^ing, but tbe Carle of fVe'stmerUnd, anb Robert Watcrton bab gatbereo a great armie, anb bab entreb to in^tebim robeinIn,but be tabingnone oftbembotb to be bis frienbs,refurneb bntotbe Cattell tiiivercvmh. Mben all thingstocre fetina (tap shrevrjlwie,t%z laing icent toluarbs Terke, toberc, toben be toas retleb,ba fentto tbe Carle of NorthumherUMd, commaubingbimto birmiffc bis compani',anb to come to bim, anb tbe Carle at tbe Kings comnianbement came to bim on tbemojroto af# ter Saint Lawrence baue, but tbe King recepueb bi»t "ot fricnblPjbutas one tbatfueb foj parbon, anb parboning bim of bis life, committeb bim to fafecuffobte. JCbe Britons ^mortkes, tbe 31 ojb of Cajfeis being tbeir lea# ^oykd'by the inuabeb tbe SDotone ztPhmmouth, fpopleb anb b^ent it, Brians. anb toent tbctrtoau fra,buttmmebiateli) tbe 5S!actternc ^more^.^. ^auic,t}nDer tbecotibuctof WiUiamWilford Cfquire,iii tbe coaff of Briton, tcDbe fojtte §>bippe6 labcn toitbBlron, £)plc, S>ope, anb Mine of Rochdl, to tbe number of a tbou# fanb £Donnc,anb in returning faacKc agapne, be bjent fojtp ^bippes, anb at Penarch tbe fapb wilham arrtueb toitb bis men, anb bur neb SUotones anb 3lo?bS)ips tbe fpaceoffirc leagues, anb fet tbe Colone of Saint Mat hew onfixtjoxtii tbeir ^illes about tbe faib STotune. Thomas FalcnnerrThomas Poole, the 28 ofSeptcmber. Sherifes. ? g-•^Yilliam Askham Fifhmonger, the aS.ofOftober. ^ bofOJC Cb^tl^maS, tbe Frenchmen caJKC ittto tbC JdYhriflcof oftvigbt,hoo&mz tbst tbeptooulb fecpe tbeir CbJitt' y vighr. anb tuben a tboufanb of^be Frenchmen luere en# treo Henry the fourths 557 treo into t{)0 3llano,anD tijimng tlocKeo ofCatteU tofoarOe tfje ^ca,foocmjp there camebponthemacompanpoftfje 3llanDmcnah« to;cet} tl;cm toleaue their pjap betjinDe them, anD to get them gone (iuith fljame pnougl;) to tljcp? ^hippcs,toitl) no finall loffe of their men. 3ln a J^arliament holb^n at after the £Dtfaue5 of the Epiphany, the Carle atNorthnmberiand^tiQ refto^eo to his fojmer eftate ano Dignitie. ^nb in this J^arliamente loasgrannteD bntotheiiing an hnaceuftonicb ta&e, berp fjeanic ano papnefull foj the inhabitants, the manner of lohich taflje thegrannfers thereof toouio haue to be ftept fccret fo? euermoje: ano bnoer thatconoition onip it toao grannteo, that it Ihoulo not be anp erample to them that ihoulo come after, ano that there thoulo remapne no recojo thereofjbut the fame fo?thtoith to be bjent. SChc Frenchmen about that time camebefojc the^leof jvight toith a great JS^auie, ano fente eertapne of their men — fooemauno in thename of Ming Richard, ano offfiuane^°:Sy7,Jf/^^® Ifabell,atributeojrubreOieoftheinhabifants:U)hoan(toe^*' reo, that Ming Richard Uiasoeao, ano. the SUuane, fotiie# time his inife, tnas Tent home to hir parents, tnithoute con^ oition ofanp tribute t but if the Frenchmem minoc toere to ftght, thep tnilleo them to come bp, ano no man thoulo let them foj the fpace of fire houres to refreth themfelues, but tnhen that time inere errptreo,thep thoulo haue battaple gi^ nento themjtohich Ibhen the Frenchmen hearOjthep Urent a^ toap, ano oio nothing. ^hetlO^O etCajfeljin'Brtteine,WCXX\Xt1i eLtBlackefooleyfiiiQ Dtrtttiouthiui mile out eiDermouth toith a great ijiauie, tohere of the ru? fiicall people, luhome he ener oefpifeo, he toas fiapne. SDhere tuere tah e that oap th?a 3Lo?os, f tfcuentp Mnightes orname,ano the bplanoi^ people paefenting their captiues to the Ming,returneo toith their purtTes full of golo. in the moneth of:ftp3iH, theCleari^egranteobnfo the Mingatenth. 311 thefommerfollolbing,OwenGlcndo- ^ uerdcweano his wekhmen, robbe^bume, ano beffrop the doBeriev?^' Countreps J 5 ® Henry the fburtfi* ConnfreyiSa&to^tttnstintot^emtijefdDke man^ capfttie^, nno fletD man? Enghjhnten: ke lapDe flatte t crtapne Caffels ri)at f)z kao taken, anD fame Ijc kept fo; kps olune Defence. 2ri;e Flemings anD Brittines tcske certapnc^ktppfs ourealaoen luttk ^erckanDi^ep, ano flcln o; kangeD aU tkemarrtnera. SCije olDe CountetTe of Oxforde, (mother to Robert dc Vcrc ^uke of Ireland, Ui!)o HO toc fapDe befo?e oieo at Lf- UAtne ) DID canfe fuckeao toece familiar lr)itkt)tr,tob;ute tbJougbontalitke partg QtEHfex, tkatiaing Richard tons aliue,anD tfjat be (boulo fi)o?tlp come ano cbalenge bio olo eftate anD Dignitic. ^b^ caufcD man? ?^art0 of^iluer, auD Came of (15olD,to be maDe foj baDgeo/ucb ao liningRichardc teas tuontto faettoto on bio t^nigbteOjCiSfquireo,! frteriDO, tbat Diffributing tbem in tbe lyings name, Ibc migbt tbe ffflner allure tbe linigbtea, anD otber baliant men oftbe Countre?, to be at bir toill anD Defire. :^lfo, tbe fame anD b;utc tobicb® fa?l? toao blajeD abjoaDe b? one Willinm Scrle.fometimes o.fl^ing Richards chamber, tbat tbe fame Sing Richard toas w Scotland, anD tarricD initb a potocr of Fr tbat fomereligious Abbots oftbatCoun^? tre? DiD giue creDite bnto bir tales,tobo aftrrtoaro toere ta« ken at tbe tilings commanDcmcnt.anD emp?ironcD,b?caure tbe? DiD beldtue ano giue creDittotbeCountelTein tbtsbe^ balfe,anD tbe Coiuiteffe baD all bfr gcopes confifcafc,! teas comitteD to clofc pjifontanD William Scrle toas DraUmefird Pomfret,t'^iaug,\) tbCCbicfeffiCitiCS of England, f put foDeafb oXLondon. ^tbout tbe feaft of S.IohnRaptift, at tbe things ^ commanDcment, tbe Carle of Northumheriadtrniz to Pont- brought fcoitb bint bis i|icpbues, f ncpbues fonnes, bpUtbicb ucing be njiti0ateDtbeminDe0ofinanp,tobKbc tbsugbt Henry the fourtfi* 159 t^oug^t fjab gfueti ti)t pong men counfell fo reljell. SCljcrc came alfo toitl) ^im Wilham Clifford iinigfit, to^o t)j0UgI)t toltf) f)tm tljat William Serlc !i$, Richards cljaillber# inm,tx)l)on« fpahcjof bcfo?c,U)l)o bp a laile fje fjao cangOt ^ ano appjcljcnoeo, bp luljicb boing, xi)c !itng Ijelo Ijiwi wn# ' fcD,ano parDoneol)jm,foj tijat Jjcfjab hept tlje tiraacM of Bcrmke agamft tbe icings toill ano pleaf»re. William Louth;Stephen Spilnian, the 28.ofSeptember, sheri^ss. ? Sir John Hinde Drapcr,thc ag.ofOdfobei'. ^iuior. > Hbouttfje fcaa of Saint Faith, the fetng calleii a ^arHa' ment at Conentry^mXi fent pjoceOTc to tfje t^at tljep fboulD ct)CDfe no iinigbto noj burgcHeo tbat bao anp fenotu# ieogc in tlje iafnes of tbe Hcalme, bp r^afon U)berof,it Uias calleo the 5lap mans^^arliamet. JCb^fe pifeeb ont ftnigbto Layn-mp^. ano IBurgeffegjCoulo oeutfc noneotbertuaptorclauetbe''^"'' fcings facbeofmonep,bttt to oepjiuetbeCleargieoftbctr tempojatltanoo anogojoest but Thomas Arundell arcb* }i\^Q^fACmterbHrj maOc autoere, tbat tbe Cleargteoio altoapeo gfue tbel^ng as mucb as tbe 3tap people OiOjCom fioeriitg tbattbep OtO oftnergiue tbeliingtentbcs,fban tbe iapfiegaue fiftdmtstano mojeouer, tbat moje of tbeir 2ne> ' nanfs oio feruetbeiitng in bis toarres, tba oftbeCenants of tbe lap f^tano beboes t\)is, tbep pjapeo fo;t tbe p?ofperu tie oftbeifeing, ano of all tbem tbatfaitbfullp^fcrneJr bim, 0no tobe tbe fpeber of^ i^arltamet faio toitba louo boice, tbat be little regaroeo § p;apers of tbe Cburcb^ tbe 0rcbbt^ (bop of cherburyanftDereo:tben(quotb be)31 bnoto to iubat eno tbe fortune of tbe iiealmc mill come,tDbe tbe fuffrages of ^ Cburcb are not fetbpjtobertoitb ^ d^oObeao is toont to be appeafeo.Tnrelp tbat mingoomc neuer cotinuetb Cable ^ is bopoe of p;aper i oeuotiomnottbitbCanoing, tbinhe not tbat tboulbalttoitboutpuniabmet take alnaptbepoCeCios of tbe Cburcb) fo; iftbe 0rcbbiibop of Canterbune liue, tbOU ' tbalte bane euill taking ofarip tbing tbat is bw» STbcn- tbe 0rcbbilboppe rofe bppe, ano kn^leo oobme befo;e tbeJ^png., oefiring brw to conCoer bolbegratiouflie, ano- / Henry the fourth ano (!5oD« fauour ^efjaD attepncD to tl)C l^injjliomCjlfjaf 1)0 iDonlD cofiDcr Ijis firtt p?omia,Ujltjicf) fcoas^tljat i}t tuoufD p:cferae ijnto eur rp man tfjeir rig^t ano title fo farre as la^ tn bim. alfo totllcD btm to remember tbc otb fte boluntarilp maDc,tot)Wl) toas, tbat \)t toouts bonoj ano oe* fenb tbc sEburrb, anb ^inttters tbcreof, tobercfoje be belt* reb btm to permtt anb fuffer tbe Cbttreb to eniop tbe pjiut# Icbges ano liberties inbteb in time of bis pjcberelTo^s it bib eniop, anb to feare tbat iiing, bp tobome all icings boe raigne. tMben tbe ^rcbbitbop bab fatb tbefe anb libe ttjojbs, tbe 'Sliing commanbeb bim to go to bis feate againe, anb fapbe, tbat bis intent anb purpofe toas to leaue tbe Cburcb in as gob (fate oj better tbanfje fonnb it. anb tben tbe arcbbi# (bop fpeabing to tbe Iftnigbtes anb faurgeflfes, fapbe: pon, anb fucb liHe as pou be, bane giuen fucb connfell bnto onr inEdrvatd the feing,anb to bis p?ebecciro2S, to confifcatetbe^obes of tbe thtr^stimt. Celles lobicbe tbe Frenchmen ailb Normans bib podetTettl England, anb fapb, tbat bp tbem be tboulb beape bp great ri# cb^s,as in boebe tbep toere tucD^tb manp tboufanbs of golb t iiottDitbQanbing itismoft true tbat tbe l^ingattbisbap is not tbe richer tberebp of balfe a ^arhe, fo? pou baue tx* tozteb, 0? at tbe lealtbeggeb tbemoutofbisbanbes, anb baueappjopjiateb tbcfaibegobes bnto pour felucSjfo tbat it map be coniertureb tbat pour requett to baue our tempos" ralities, is not fo? tbe icings p?ofite, but fo? pour otune co< uetournellicifo? toitbout boubt, if tbe Jiing (as0obfo?biD be fljoulb) fulfill pour taicfieb purpofe,be Iboulb not be one fartbing tbe richer the nert pcare follotning: anb furclp, g U)ill foner let mp beabbecutoff,tban tfjat tlje Cburcbc (bonlb be bettitute of the Icafl: right that pcrtepnetb fo it f c. SCbeCleargie granfeb a tenth anb a tjalfe, anb tfie com? mons tlDo fiftanes, on conbttion tfie 3lo?o Fui niuall ifioulb recepue it to fpcnb in the liings toarres. jSEbe fame time fucb abunbancc of iuater b?afee fobetnlp puer the banfics in Kent, as loas neuer fane the lifie in tbore Henry the fourth* 5 tj^ofe parteiS) Uilfjerebp tuere D;otuneo BeaSe^ ano Cattell toitljout number: neptfjer DID England onlpbetoapletbcpj loCPeet, but alfo Zeland, Flanders, snO Holland fuftegneb Uhe,bp tbe great erceffe of iuaters. JEtjis veare oieb William Wikcliam Bttbop QtiViKchcr Coiiedge at 7?ioces. l^e gaue manp things to the fiing, and to his oiunc feruants,and to his Colledgcsrnepther do 9 doubt but ^ hs that thus lined,is noto toith Cod, luhome 3 befach to repfc bp manp likeBilhops in England John Leyknd mjitcth (fap the CCpo.Jte OfSDoCtOJ LW feftip(faptl) lohn Leyland)appearctl) bp touting. site blacfte^Sjince fcantfauoured Wickham,tofjerefoje Wickham pjofureo to h^pe tbe |3jince in battell out of tbe J^ealincjbut at lengtfj lohn of Gaunt 2DuItc of Z-4»?r4h?<'r,and Alice Pccrcs,Concubine to Edward tbe tl)ird, caufed bim to be banitbed tbe Healme, and tbcn be dtoelled in Normandj and featien pcareo, Edward tbe tbirde pet lining, but be inao retto;ed about tbefecond peare of Richard tbe fecondjof tubome be bad a generall pardom Earie ofMaN ^t"3ufe tbo feat! of Saint Valentine, U)t fonneo of tbe cbcsfonner, Carle of Marcb toere tafeen out of tbe Cattell of fvindfire, and ledde aluap into IValcstO Owen Glcndoucrdewe, but Ibojtlp after inere recouered againe. a:be ^rnitb tbat made tbe hepeo, bp tbe tobicb tbep tbatconuapde rtjem got into tbem,bad firti bio b3nd0,and t^n bis beab fut oflf. STbc lladp Spcncei\^itfer to tbe E?ulie Qfrorke, and Uji< dotUOfThomasilOJd Spencer, b^o;e ejcecutcd at Brtfiow, being app?ebended, and committed to pjifon, accufed btr bjotber tbe SDuke of Torke to be cbiefe auWbo?> i" Healing a# Inap of tf^ Carle at Marches fonnes, Uiberefoje tbe fapdc iDufte tons Ucpt bp ^ir lohn Pelham in t^ Caffell of Pew- fej/ till tbe nertiSarliamcnt. ;3fter tbe featt of tbe JBurification of our Jladp, tbe Jiing aOembledbis JCaronsat Lending ireateoftbc gouerne* ment Henry the fourth* 5 mmfoffl)! Kealtne,anb to fjaueapDe oftnoncpfobeg^ uenbtm,buttle gobies tuoulo not at tbattimeobenbta requetf. 3|n tbeitentfoUobDUigtbcrefo^o^tbrl^tngraureo tbe Cleargieanfitbe USarona to affcmbleat SM»ttAibens fb? tbematter afojcfapo, but bp rcafon tbe i^ofalec ffrcuc a« gatnd btni; tbere ioM notbtng bone, ant> To ocpartcb on )3alme TonDap. abouttljefiffantb of^ar£b,ina figbf bettm'jct tbcH«- ^ g/ipjme»tmi fVelchme»,tl)t fonite ofOwcn Glcnciouerdcwe ;— toas taben,ano fiftane bunojeoUjUbb^ toerc tabcnojSmrKl',^^' flapne. Arc",bLhop''«f Henry Pern' (SarlO ofT^orthumhr/iwde, Riclinrd Scropc Yorke &othtr. 0rcljbttbop of Thomas Mowbray cDarlo ^arfljall, Tilomas iio?D Bardolph, anb ott)er, tofplring againff iitug Henry, alTcmbleb togitber tlje Ctttjeno of Tcrke, anb nianp otber, to ffanb iuttb tbem fo? tbe commobttte of tbe llcalm. :3nbto animate tbe commono to be tbe reabter tmto tbio bufinetfc, tbep fetarticles bpo tbe bojes oftbe ^onafferies f Cburcbes oftbe famcCitie, to?ittcn in ^nglilb agapnltc tbe laing, bpcaufe be bab put botone Idling Richard,oflfcriug fbemfeluesfoj tbofe articlesto Iiueanbbie,lubtfb caufeb great number ofpeople to refojt to tbem^outRalph NcuiU ^arIcof^f/?wer/Wtbat luas not farreoflF,togitbrrtoitb IohnS)uheofLrf»f4/?tfr tfje llings fonne, being enfojmcb of tbefe tbings, gatbereo an armie toitb fpdebc to goea# gainff tbe Hrcbbiffjops companp, but all toas in bapne, fo; tbe ^rcbbitbops poUier teas farre greater tban tbcirs, tobtrebpon, tbe ©arle of iveslmerU»d fcnte meffengcrs, to enquire oftbe arcbbilbop tbe caufeoffo great an alTcniblp in armour, contrarie to tbe iiings peace, toberetinto tbe arcbfailbop anftoereb, tbat be tcobe notbing in banb againtf tbe it ings peace, anb be toas in armour anb muniteb inttb men, onlp fo? ftare oftbe !iing, tobome becoulD not fafelp came bnto to rpeabe,but bis purpore(be raib)bt)as gcob anb cbmobious botb fo; ^ l^ing f Healme,if bappilp tbep Uiouib Hnotn itif tbf b^ (belneb a fcebule, in l»bicb t articles toere i^n.ij* con^ .If 5^4 iig> J. p- "■ 5. VI. I ^•i: IK;:': PI., -. •' m ' ■" ' ^'V:i l.;/j. ■ Jtrctibi^hop of Torke behea- ■iti. Henry the fourth* tonfepneii, luljtcl) toljen tfte dearie Qtpyef^merUndl^^ti rea6^ l)c toitl) tuo?D ano cotmtenance pja^feD ffje lIBtr&ops aiiD Pertuou0 intent, anD p?omtfeD, tljat fjeano Ijis tDoal5 pjofecute tijc fame iDit!) tlje ^rcljbifljop. S^c^rcljbttbop being glab of tf)t0,bcl(eneD tljc (Carles toojbs, f peritoaDeo tbe Garle ^ariball,being bniuilling tbcrebntOjto go toitfj l;imtoaplaceappointctJ totalbe togitbcr, to toitb liHc number came, anb ftje iujitingfcDitfjtfje^rticles teas reabouer: ttreigbttoaptbe(Sarle anbtbep tljatUiere iDitbbttn gaue tfjeir affentto tbefe articles, tljenfapbe tbe (Sarle being fubtilier tban tbe reft, bebolb tbe labour tbat toe baue tahl in Ijanb is come to fucb cnb as toe tooulb bane it,an8 tbe people batb notu bin long in armour, let feme of pour me beare toojb bnto tbe people to go tbeir tuap bom?> anb to lap boUme tbeir armour, anb cucrp ma to fall to bis £iccupation,anoacculfomeb labour:in tbemeane reafontue, in toUen ofconcojb mill bjinhc togitber, tbat tbe people on botb fibes fball fee it,anb toitbout belap,after tbep bab tabe eacb otber bp tbe banbs, a iuiigbt tons fent on tbe .3rcbbu fljops bebalfe, to beare toojb to p people tbat it kias peace, anb tocommanbeuerp man to lap botonc tbeir armonr,anb to go to tbeir olDue borne. SCbe people bebolbing fignes of peace, f tbe Jlojbs bjinhing togitber, being ambcrieb tuitb tbe bnaccutfcmeb trauell of tear, turneb tbe reinesof tbeir bjibles bo!nctoarb3,anb fo it came to pade ^ lube tb«^ people of{' ^rcbbitbops ftbe tuent amap,f nuber of tbe abuerfaries increafebasbefojeit teas appointcb, f tbe aircbbitbop bib not psrcciue i; be toas betrapb, bntill fucb time as ^ ci;arle arretfeb bim:be arretteb tbe fparlball airo,anb manp otber iuitb bim, to all lubicb it teas pjomifeo ^ tbep tboulb baue no barme,but tbat pjomtfe mas not hept, foj botb tbe ;9rcb' failbop f tbe CSarle ^partball mere bebeabeb mben tbe feing came to Torke tbe mo?rom after Mbitfonbap. after tbis, mbetbet^ing babpunitbebtbemeofrH'^atbis plcafure, be fetfojtb mitb an armie to purfue tbe <^arle tXNonhum- ierUnd, anb Thomas Hojo Barciolph, anb tdbe all manor of munitiotr: Henry the fourths munition toif^ !)im, ano an armie of s 7. fijoufana %i)ting mon. SCfjo (Itarlo of A7orr^»w^«7Wpcrc0puing f^e iStngs intent, gote Ijimfelfe toB/k£U)itl) tljjtc tjunojea j^ojlTc, ana fro thence into Scotland. ^Cfje ISing being bentagainff t^e Qj^atle of NorthummerUnd, UjCUt tO Berwtke, frOlll lDbenfe tbe dearie fleaac into Scotland,3LO?0 Bardoiph bitb f)un, idbome Dauid Jtoja Fleming tl).e Sccttc recepuca into alliance. SCbo !Xing bnaertfaaing tljat tlje dSarle loao flea, becommanaea tbcmin tbeCaftclito renacrifbntoljim, lubicbetob?" t\)ev refufea to ao, ttje liing raufea ajjRgf^ (Mimtobelbotte, to!)icf)c ouertbJ^toe parte of a STotoer, tobii^pon tbep of tlje Caflell gauc oner, ana fubmitteo fbemreluestotbcKingjtobo caufeafome oftbemtobcbe# i,/ ibeaaca.ana tbc rcfloue to be rent to pjlfons. 0ffer tbis, tbe Caftell of ^inervike,mt> t\)c reff of tbe (2;ar les Cattci£s,U)cre iDitbrmalt aaorena;eatobiobanae£!,tottb tobicb fuccefTe, tfje tiing being encouragea.toent ffrcigbt info M^aies^\^^xt rontrarpioife notbing pjofpcrea toitb bintjtoberefo?e be re# furnea,IcDCng cbareto,Cartes, ana Magons to tbe num# ber of jo.tnitb bis 2nreafurc,ro tbatcomining batbe to wor- ceiier, bc feut foj tbe ^rcbbi^op ana loilbops, ana aeclarea to tbem bis miffojtune, aeliring tbe to Ijelp bimtto lobome tbe 0rcbbi(bop anfmerea, tbat Ije tooulaetalbe Uiitb tbe Cleargie in tbatmatfer. 3ntbe nicane feafontbeFrcwA- WW came to fuccour tbc^Ff/cW«tDitb Mo.&bippes t tbep lanaea in MUferd bailing loff almoft all tljeir bojfles fo> lacbe offrelb toatcr. SCbe 3lo;D Barklcy^ano Henry Pay burntfiftane oftbofcSsbippesin tbe fame pjiuen. Xl)t{o "jfVarmar^^OVlO tCoUe if, < Frenchmen befeCgCO tbe SDotone Otl^rmarci gfatmfUTgTolb^nbabitanfs all tbeirntoueable goaes, anatogoetobetbcr tbeptooula.. 2Dbe fame time tbc fojefapaetLojae Barklcy, Thomas Swinborne, anO Henry Pay, tffllie fourtanc &>bippeS of tbC French, in tbc idbicbc tbcp tolie §)teU)ara of France, auo P figbt Captapnes mo?e. jsc^o Cotone olRej^one in Hartfordjhtre toaS bjCttf. H«yflonbr«nt. ^n.iij. Henry f 5 (5^ Henry the fourths Siierifesx ? Henry Barton j William Groome, the iS.of September? Oitaior. > Sir lohn Woodcockc Mercer, the 28.of Oftober. VVesrwin the Kijis peare,all flje ®srcare5 t'ti Thamti from ffie CotDtie XieTv^rde' tbeMeattjbnto tbc toater of Medrvaj in tbe ftiojed, Catt, bp tbe ^atoj ano commqnaltie of London, toere be# ffropD,am) trancfeco b?eiit,foj ftjc tobiclljgrcat plfa anb btfco?D follotoco bcttoane Thomas Arundcil 0rctjbttbop of C4nter^ary,nnn otbcr 3Lo?Ds atiD one prfp, ano tbe ^aio; ano comiimnaltte on tbe oTIjfr partie, but tbo Citterns p;cuap(co bp bcrtue of tl;etr cj^arter ano ^tatufro. Pxtiiament. ^ l^arltaimnte begannc , tuljtcbe lalfco ntg^j one Agreituskc. tj)i)olcpeare,fojaftertf)ciantg^tc6 oftbc|0arliamtntbaO tong oclapoe to graunt totlje ilsinga fubfcote, pettn tbe enoc being ouercome, tbcp granted tbe talhe Demanded. SCbe pjieftee and tbe iT^riers tbat lined ofalmee^tnere fop ced euerp one to pap balfc a marbe. Henry Percy %ox\t of NonhHniber!itnd,% tbeH.Barctolfe, bp tbe connfell of Dauid Fleming, fled into JVaies,foi be bad declared to tbcm, tbat tbe Scottes badconi^ired todeiiueir tbembnto tbeir otonefting, in ercbange fo? otber p?ifo? nero, and fo? tbis doing of Dauid Fleming, tbe trapterous Smtes fleto bim,and repfed fticb a ciuilt toarre amongft tbe? fcluSfi, tbat in tbe enoe tbep toere conifrcpned to rcquett truce fo? a peare, tobicb toben tbep bad obtepned, tbe Scottet Ki„ of lames, tbe fonne of Robert J^ing of Scottes, being but Siottesfonne nincpeareooIdejtotDardes France, thereto be bjougbt bp, SheSel"^*" andtobe inftriifted in tbe pleafanf eloquence of tbe tongue, iobome certapne marrtnero of cuy in Norffhike tffiUe on tbe ^eas,and tiiitb bim a J15tlbop,and tbe Carle of Orkney, to tdbome bis Jratber bad committed bim;anD tbep bjougbt bim into England, and oeliuered bim to tbe ming, iobo fojtbbjitb burft out into a laughter, and fapce, furelp X\yt Scottes bauc rente bim tDme,fo? 3 can fpeabc French. SHbe JiSiflbop efcapeO and flcdde, but tbe Carle of Otkcney^ Henry the fourth OrketteyM^ fl)5 faptie lames f^jc poitg IaDlie,tuas ftilf to ttie Tmer of LondoK, toljere Ijf remajptieo p?tfoner fill tfje feconD pearc ef Henry t^e Ort^, to^ul^e iuas aboue cig^tanc peares. 2DbO Frenchmen catlte fO IjClp Owen Glcndoucrdew fcitb 5 8,^bipp^s,tDbfreof8.tDere taken, full ofarmcD men, tlje relf efcapeb into fvaUs, but not long after iuere taken fiftene ^bipp^tt laoen toitb Mine anb Mare. Mfjileff tbe parliament petcontinueb, tbe Duke of Torke toao reffiojeo to bi« oloe oignitte, nianp men tbongbt to baue bin oeab in p^ifon. Edmond Holland CUarleof marrteb tbe S>uke of Amtire^X MtlUynes Oaugbter in tbe p.:iO?p of Same Mary Query in Southvrnrke. Nicholas Wootton: Geffrey Brooke the 28. of Septemb, Sherifes. 1 Sir Richard Whittington Mercer,the 28. of Oftober. (JMnior. j lohn Coucntry,anb lankin Carpenter, erecufo^s fO fbtS Richard Whittington,toitb bis goDeS hmXOtJiJ^hhtin^ton coTiedge'^"'" Coiledgein London, anti 8 great part of tbe i^ofpitall of S/mt founded. • Barthclmew in Smithfieide. ©e butlDcD tlje ilib?arp of tbe <5xtvfxitxs, ano tbe C^all enb of tbe Cmid Hall in London, feitb biucro fmall conouites, calico 3!5oireo,anD tbe Meali 0atC of London callcO Hewgate. buUded*'' > ^IfO Tankin Carpenter, one of tbC erecufOJO tO tbC Mo;# fljipfullJltnigbt^ir Richard whittington afojcnamcD, of brio otone coffeo ano cbargeo, caufeotobe papnteoafaoutc tbe ClopSer of Saint Panics Cbni'Cb in London, tf molf excels lent monument, oj rcmembjance ofSDeatb.tbc ojtgtnall patterne tobereofyhjas fomctime oeuifco bp Machabre, jDoCtO} of France, uno tberefO?C CalleO ThcDaunccofMa- chabre, tobtcb SJauttCe luao rtcblp papnteo about Saint In- noccnts cloptter in P^r^,tottb ^etreo in Fr7, toas as afojefapOe ncblp papnteo in tbe fapo Cloptter of Saint Panics cburcfJ» ipn.iit|, ano r M 5 68 I PcIliUnce. Sir Robert Knovvlcs. lobu LejfUnd, tnttdftj. Verftj. Ootlcclce I" J Hofpitill at Pontfraft. Heriry the fourths ano tljcrgfoje commonlp calleD The Dauncc of Panics. Henry Pay, anD otfjtr toitf) hint of the fine pojteOjUjith fiftd?ue Shipped, tcDhe anhtinti?eoano ttoentie ^hipp^^i tohich lap atanckcr in the ^eaof .Br/r««alt,€)ple, ano Acc/W/S(Eline. lEhis ^onimer, through coemption of the ap;c, fo great a ^I31agae tons tljcBDe bpon mens boOi>cs,as toas not fane the lifie in inanp peares in this lano, fo that men mtghi The South windes warme did blow, with heate peftifetous. And Peftilencc did beare great rule in Cities populous. i?o? at L<»7do>7 in ihojt tohile it confumeO abotie thirtie thorn fanb men anb toomcn.ano in the Countrep 2Cotones great ino.ttalitie fell among the hufbanotnenTo that great houfe^ holbs Dpe&cleane bp, ano the honfcs toere emptieb. 0bout the fifteenth bapof^ugutt bcceaffeb ^irRohci tc Knowlcs Jsnight,at his^anour of Sconethorpin Norjfolke, he toas brought to London, anb therehononrablpburiebin the tohite /riers Church tohirh fJt hab nctolp reebifpeb anbbutlbeb. SDhts g>ir Robert Knowlcs hab bin a mott baltanf Cap? tapne in the toarrcs of France, During the raigne of Edwarci thethirb,anb Richard the feconbjtohofefojcetheKcalme of France both fclt anb feateb, fo bib the SDufeebome ntBriteine, anb all the people fronr hence to,spajne. Cif him in his life toere mabe JSlerfes in Jlatin, tohtch map beengliiheb thus, O Robert Knowles,mo{t woorthy of fame, by thy proweflc France was made ume :■ Thy manhoodc made the Frenchmen to yetld, by dint of towne and field. SChis ^ir Robert Knowlcs founbcb in thelDotoneof Pontfiaa a Collcbge to the honoj of the Holy Trinitie,toit!r^ an l^fpital iopneb therebnto. 31n the tohich Collebgc toas placeb a £paptter, anb 6,oj /.^ajiettes, anb in the ^ofpitatl I ^, pojc men anb toomcn. K^e toas once minbeb to haue mabe this CoUebge at his S^moarofSconethorp, butaf the cequetl of Conftancehis totfe (a tooman of meane birth,. anto Hcnric the fourth* ant) romftme of a tn'Oialute life afo;e ^tr markge) fnrneD ^i0 purpofe,anli maoe if in flje btrp place ttje ioas bo;ne,enDumg t^e fame fotfl) 180. pouno iant)c bp peare.l^e aifo butldeo t^e fatre neln grcafe bjiogcat Roche- Jler,mzx tbc riucr at Medeway,\xiit\) a Cbappel ant) a fbaott< trie att^e 0aS eno fberof«3n tbe tobtc^ cbappel ioao fome* time a fable banj^ng, tob^retn U)a$ nofeo fbebenefactours to fbaf B;iDge>a5 follotuefb. ^ir Roberte Knolcs fflunoecof fbe 2Crintfie Cbapptll af Rochester 31Bjt0ge,Conftaunce ttJlfe fO Knolcs. g>tr lohn Cobham Hojo, pjinctpall benefacfour fo fbe ma# bing atRocheHer iBjlOgeiMargaret totfe fo Cobham^ Thomas Boucher (CarbinalU lohn Morton 0rtbbi(bop. Hcnrie Chicheley 0rcbbi(|op*. Thomas Langlcy ^ifbop otDhrhMn, lohn Langcdon iSilbop Of Rochester, Thomas Arundale^rcbbilbop* ^irlohn Cornewal. ILOJO Fanhap. Richard Whittington. cc- ' William Cromer. Geffrey Boleyne ^at02 at London. lohn Darby ]i)?aper, illDCrman CtLondon. William Midleton ^ercer of London. William Martin 3|uSiCf. ^ir William Nottingham tbtefe ^SarrOtt Of fbe (I^JfCbOf qner. William Wangforde. lohn Buckingham ]15t(bop Of Lineolne. lohn Kcmpe JlBilbop of London. S>ir William Richal. i&tr lohn af Pole. ail f befe bab ginen monep 0; lanbeo fotoarbs fbe bntt' Otng ano repap;fng of fbe fapoe ^2t'bge» lohn Warner a ^ttcbaunf Of Rocbefier^ mabo fbo netec #n,t}* coptnj^ '57® Henrie the fourth* toping ofIKBjiUfiC: ano William Warham 0rcb&?» iftop of C4»tethurte,m^nt pjott pikeo ano bars aboute tbe fame coaptng. SCbts fommer Hcnnc |Sjince of ivaUs be0egeD fbe Ca# (fel of AbrHilwtch, but not long after Owen Gicudoucrdew r/r^.p. p jgcej «etD feapers. Shertfes. ? Hcnric PontfraftiHcnrie Halton,thc.28,of September. ^JMatffr. S William Stondon Grocer,the.^S.ofOftobcr. 3(n ^oucmbera|0arltamcntebetngcalIcaatZ.f»<^», a tare of nionep mas leuteo of tbe tobole Ueatme. SCbm peare toas a foje ano (barpe Mtntcr>anb furbo a^ bounoanceof^notojtobtfb cDnttnucD,S>cccmber, janna^' tie,i?ebjuarte ano ^arcb/o tbat almoffe all fmatl llBpjOcs Opeo tbjougb banger ano coloe. Mbiles tbe taing beloe a great Counfell tiX London \xtix\^ tbe nobles of tbeHealme, Henrie Carle Of Nor thumb orLtnAt, anO T hom^.s ILojOe Bar- dolfc came againe into England, tubo after long ionrnping, iDben tbepcame to tbe Cotone of Thriske,t1)tvcaufeo to bee p;orlapmeo,f bat mbo fo mouloe baue libertie,lboulDe take bp armour ano Ineapon ano folloto tbem^ Inberbpon mucb people refojteo fo tbem : but fir Thomas Rocklcy ^bttif® ofTorkejhtre,\jjitt) otber feuigbtcs Of tbat Countrep toent a# gainlf tbem,ano at Bramham i^(D?e nere to Bafewoid,Xti\x^i toitb tbem a great batfaple,ano fletu tbe CarlejtDbofc beao toas Ifrepgbt toapescutfe off.2:beio?o Bai do!ph teas fo?e toonnoeo ano taken aliuc,bot opeo Ibojtlp after.Cbis bat^ taple boas fougbt on tbe rbitj.oap of iFefa?uarp.2Dbe Cries ■ btao mas put on a aake,ano carpeo opcnlp tbjcugb tbe €u tie of London, ano fct on London ffijiOge.STbe HSilbop of Ban- gor mas taken mitb tbe llojocs, but parOoneo of bis Ipfe, bpcaufe be mas not fonnoe in armour. Cbe filing mente to Torkc, ano tbere conoemneo fucb as tranfgreffeo, confif^ cateo fbeir gfflos, pacifieo tbe Countrep, bangeo tbe abbot of//yr.mbo bao bin in armour,ano returneo to tbe ^outb partesagaine. I Hcnric the fourth* 57* ^ tSpon tlje feaent^ of September tlfm loere facile flonbis i of rapne,a0 tbe o!ot men of tbat age bab neuer fane befo;e» Edmundc Hollande c^nrle of tobileff be beCegeo tbe CaffeU ntBri^k^ tn Brytawe, be toao toouttDcD iBttb an ar^ rotoe of a crotTebolne tn tpe beaDe,tiotU)ttbSanOtng be toKe tbe Caftel anb oearoteo it to tbe grouub^anb not long after bio bjaincs rot teo, anb be bieb. re^. i o Thomas Duckc: William Nortoii,thc.28.of September. Sherifes. P Sir Drew BarcntincGo!dfmitli,the.28.oFOi5tober. ;3boute tbe featfe of A1 Samtcs tbeCarotnall of Bwges rame into E*igiande, being fcnte from tbe Collebge of Car# oinaUeo^teinfo^metbet^ingano Cleargie, oftbebnron^ ttaunte Dealing of PopeGregorie, aealfo bebabinfotmeo ti^tFrenche UinganDbio Cleargieanb realme, totbeeno tbat tbofe ttoo l&ingo migbt fette to tbep;t helping banoeo, to inbuce tbe fa^be Gregorie toobferne tbeotbe bebabbe mabe,anb tbat bp tbe magnificence of tbofe tlno ^ng0,cd^ co2be migbte be mabe in tbe Cbnrcb^t^nto tbe tubicbe bull' nelfetbeFrMcAffiSpngbabbeglablpegrauntcb, anb fente meflTengers bnto Pope Gregorie, febo nottuptbffanbpng 1409 toao obffinate . SCbe itpng of Engitmde loben b® bn# berfioibe tbe Carbinalleo mefiiage ^ b^ commaunbeb tbat curtefie anb gentle entectapmente (boulbe be gpuen bpm, anb ofiereb to beare bpe( cbargeo fo long ao b^ uioulbe abpbe in Engiande. after tbe featte of tbe ©pp^ pbanpe, tbe arcbebplboppc of Canterbtirte caufcb to afs fcmbic at London , all tbe Cleargpc of tbe ISealme to. cbofe pcrfonages mate to go to tbe generalcounfel bolbe at F//i,toberebnto toere cbofenRobcrtc Holam JSilbop tUSa- hjburie,\lcnnz Chifelcy bifljop Of Sa/nt Dan/d/, anb Thomas Chillingdon |3no>Of Cbrtsies (HbUtCbt in CanterbHrie, anb . tbeiltpngbabfentebcfojelohnColuilc&nigbfe, anbmap' fkx Nicholas Rixton clearlteo, toptb letters to be ginen to" tbe.^Tnb in ^ letter to tbe |0ope it teas tojitte, moft bolp fa' tberjf c.if § pjoniblce of p ;3pofiolitte fea tuolo boucbfafe to confibec. 572 Hcnriethc fourth*. conltDcr gref Ijarme ano Danger is fp?ong tp f^jong^# oat tt)eUj!joUlDO?loe,DnDer pjctence of&ctfnie^ aiiD (fjtcf# Ipt^eDellruttionofCtjjiftianpeople, UiercaDouetljcna* Per as men fan of 200000. are perltfteD fan tijc raging of Dp* 'J nerfetoarreSjtfaatfaauerifentn runD?p partes of tfae too?ID, nnD eaen nolu of late, to tfae numfaer of tfairtie tfaoafaiiDe, iDfaicfa (fan rcafonoftfaeDiCfentionfaaDfapon tfae ffiitfaopjick / jofLberife0,aHD aiDermen, toere fent foj to appeare befoje tbe ihpng, to auntoearc:at tubpci^ tbe iiing tuttb bis fonneo, anD Diuerfe otber JLo;oes,tDerc bigblp moueb againttctbe Citie, tobere tbjougb William Gafcoigne tbiefelattice, enquireD of tbe ^aio? anD ^loer* men,foj tbe Citijeno, tobetbertbeptooulDeputtbemjn i? iiingo grace, toberebnto tbep auntoercD,tbep bab not offe* DeD tbe i^png no; bis fonneo,but accojDing to lato IfancbeD tbe Debates: tben tbe !hing feeing it toculDe be none otber? topfe,fo;gaue altogitber,anD tbep Departed. Jhing Henric founDeoa Colledgeat BatteifieUein shropfhtre, tobsrebe 0? ^*jkoreg.i 2 uercame fir Henric Pcrcic and otber. Batteifiew lohn PenueiThomasPike,thc.aS.ofScptember. Sherifes ? Sir Thomas Knawles Grocer.thc.aS.Oftobcr. CMaior s about Gatter tbe Guiide Hdlin London, toao begun to ba j j j made netoe bp tbe fojfapde ^aio; and aUdermen.aCbc c«. fios OJ Gardun^33itk tb^ bjetbjr Of tbe (HJrOCero in Lendd,p\XXf Lo(ld5builded;. cbafed tbeir i^all in Cmthope Lane,fo% ^ 2o.marheo,and tbf t^de tbe foundation tberof on tbe tentb of ^ap, lohn Prendergeft J&nigbt^ ailO William Long, fiepf tbe feao f 74 Henric the fourth* fe&s from ^trafes atto Uoaera, fo t^jaf tl)t palTa^e loaa quiet, but by tt)c ill toillero tbey toerc accufeo of t^zft f robberie ttjemfelues, to^erbpon ttje ift nigljt tobc &aitctu< arieat^snD to bane men to toatcb bim in tbe nigbf^ feafon, fo? feare of bio enimie: but bio fellolue William remayneo on tbe fea, bntill tbe i^omtrall bab p}e« pareo flbippeo reaoie, ano boent in perfon to fetcb bim,U)bi' ebb \}t rouloe not ooe, till be pjomifeo bim by bio fioelitie, tbat be ibouloe banc no barme, tobicb p;omtre nottoitbSi^ Ding, William toao imp?ironeD in tbe totocr ofLoKi^o».SD^c dearie of tbe Carle of IOme,Ur Robert Vmfrcuilc, Or lohn OldecafHc IIOJO of Cobbam, fir lohn Gray, anO 0« tber tnarlibe potoer^ano a greate number of 0rcbcro toere rent into Fr in tbe SDukc of Torkes place toitbont SCciupIc barre,anD tuero call into tf)c riticr of i/m- mis, about fbefiffanfl) ofansult fljctitncbp Dcfcrttiinafion of tbc Counfcl appopnting to fcno Ijrip to tb^SDubc of Or- leAH'tceSzXA f)is fcCOnO fonne Thomas ^ufeO QXCUrence, Ed- warde SDubC tiiTorke, aUO Thomas C^aclC Of Dorfet.WMi ma# np baliant men, toptb a ffrong potocr to belpe to tfje SDufec of Or/w«wf,apintt tbe SDubc of Bifrgo»if,oi euer al ^ otijer toere returneD, tubichc a tobile agoe loent oner toitb f rrle of ArundAlt to apOe ti)C SDuUe of Eurgame, fo tljat uianp men maruelleo of tbe fooaine cbaunge, tbat in fo fmall a tpme tljc Engifimen Dpo apoc auD affitfetbo ttoo contrarie parts: nottoptbttanopng the fojefapbc if^oblcs tocnte fojetoaroes and arrtueD in Normnndte, lob^re tob^n tbe SDulte of OrU- AHnce oio not luttte tbem at tbe tpme appointco, tbep b;ent bpstoinnes , anorpopleti bii(( Conntrep, anotcotiemanpc boloes. 0tlength, tbougbelate, f\)t^\x\itSQS cUrence ano ofOrlsAnce, mette ano talbeb togitber. 0nD tbe matter tnas fo entreateo of betiusne tbem , tbat our menne tbouloe ocrpffe from raungpng tbmugbe tbe Countrep, anbreiVapiie tVom robberie, tubtcb tuben our men baooe graunteo, tbep ocparteo into ^cjttnMHc to tiSKpnter tbere, anb tbe ^uftc of Orieamce toentc bome to bF® Countrep. reg.i^ Ralph Lcucnhynd:WiHiamSeucrjoclcc,thc.28.ofScp. Shcrifes ' Sir William Waldrcn Mcrccr,thc. 28.ofO*flobcr. fJMnior * flbonttbiotpmefbeHojoe Hcrlc j^arfball of Frames, Initb manpe otber noble menano men of armes, to tbe number offoure tbouranae,be0egeoacertapnebotbe in tobpcbe in tbe h«ppng of lohn Blunte !inigbf» * f i; li I'i i ' iftif j I 4 U t m (Mi.:. If :Vi( :r i!- I f: VvM. S7<$ Henrie the fourths t^jja^ianDcrcD tfjat ayoeti \)vm,putte to fligljt tfje iu^ole armp of tlje FreKchmeM, anD tohc tUielue of ttjeir men of name, ano otljer gentlemen to t^c number of 1 20» T itm Liutut / S^ng Hcnric kept fjis CbJt®»natie at bts manour of £/- tham, being fo fo?e fick, tfjat fometime men tbougbt tbat be bab bin oeaDmottoitbSanotng it pleat^b oO bauc fo p.:ouiOfO that eucr 3 tball fuccaoe you in tbys laealmc , 3 (ball honour ano Iouemyb?etbJcu nboueall mennCias long as tbey be to me true, faytbfuU ano obeoi;< ente, as fo tbey? roueraignc!Lo?0,butif anyeoftbemfoji« tune fo eonfpyje oj rebellagainlfe ma, 3 atTure you 3 tball as ra3ne cjrecute iuttice bppon one of tbem, as 3 (ball bpon Henne the fourth* t;pon fl;eU)o;tt antimottfimpleffpcrfoniuitJjuUijigyour Kcalme* 2Ct)C Iipitg Ijcarmj t^vs atiii!Vu£are, luas tljrrc# loitl) marucllounpe retopceo tnl;ps mpnoc, aiiDfapDc: Dcarc anotDeibcloucD ^onnc, hjptb tf)l'saunCu)cre tbon batlc DcliucreD mc of a grcatc ano poiiDcrouo ago# npe: ano 3 bcfoecfje tfja, anDbppon mpblcfftng cOarge tbatlibeaotfjoubantefapbc, fotljou mtmdcrtuntcc cqaallp, aiu> in no toifc fuffer not tbemt!)?.t bsoppjeflfcD long to call bpon tba foj 3|uttice,but rcDjeCTe Dpp;cn'ton0, ant) inDiffmntlp, ano toptbouf 5clap,fo? no pcrtoafion of fiattcrcra, oj of iljem tfjatba partiall, oj fucbcas bfcto bane tbeir banPcs replenitbeo tuptb gpftcs, oefcrrcnot 3iutttce PnttUtomo?rotoe, iftbattbonmapttcoocintlice tbpa bapc, leattc (peraoucnturc) (S^£)DDac3!(iIliccon tb® in tbe mcanc tpnie , anb tahc from tb® tbpnc an* tbo;itpe : remember, tbaftbetoealtboftbpbobpanb tbp foule, ano of tbp l^calme, retfctb in tbe rrccution of Curtice, ano ooe not tbp JtiSicc, fo tbat tbou be cal^ leo a£Dp?aunfc, but bfc tbp fclfc meanelp betfcuirtc aire ano mercie in tbofe things tbat belong to tl;a. flno bettoaen parties 00 tuaicc triielp ano crtrcamclp to tbe co* folation of tbppoje fiibicrts tljat fuffer iniuries, ano to tbe pimition of tbemfbat be cjrtojtioners ano oocrs ofoppjef-- fios, tbat otber tberbp map tahe crample:t in tbus Doing, tbou Cbalt obtapnc tbe fauour of } nobif Domms t mnnobU,fednomtnttuod4gloriA{^\^\^ iS tO fap) Not vnto vs Lord, not vnto vs, but to thy holy n.nmc be giuen laiide and praife. Cfiefe f manp other aomonilbments nno Doctrines this birtojious hing gauebnto this noble pjince his fcnnc: toho toith effect follobjeb the fame, after the Death of his fa< fher:bjherebp he obtaineD grace of our iLojDe to attaine to gret bino^ies anb manp glonous anD increDible conqurfis, through the heipe anb fuccour of our 5Lo?D,tohereof he toas neuer Dettitute.Che hing his fatherbjatoing to his cnD,afi« terbuethanbesgiuen, anb fupplieations inaDe to C^oDji gauehis beneoiction to the l^^incehisfonne, anDfo potlDeD to dUoD his fpirit, the.rr.Dap of ^arch Amo. X412,bjhen heh^o raignco.riii.peares,firemo^ neths anb odds Dapes.^e bias conuepeD bp i toater to , anD ftom thence bp lanDe to CAnterbwie aUD there burpeb. ■ (•.♦) SDo.iit.i ^/4n»oreg.\, TitufHuiuf, Enrie the fifth began f)t0 raifliic^wr.lisp of spared in i> perc»i 41^jts |a?tntt etcffioeo mean 0ature of mttij Ijetoaobeautiful of t)t« rage, iis nerhc long, boour aenoeranoieane, and bftt boneo fmalmeuertbelelTe bt luao of maruellous greate Ifrcngtb, ano paffing fcoifte tn running^tn fo mucb tbat be tottb ttoo otber of bio llo;l)ff mitbout boto 02 otber engine, looulD tabe a tuiloe iBucb o> 2Doe in a large 5BarU:be oeligbteo in fogs f muOcal inffruf mets,in fo mucb t in bis cbappel amogft otber bis p2tuafe p2apcrs, be bfco certaine i^falmcs of Dauid tranflateb into beroprall E»g/(/h mater,bp lolm Lydgatc ,^ponbe of Bury. Ql^biiit bie( liueo^bepng accopanpeo Xo fome of bis gong Henn'e the fifth* f genf Umen,l[)e UioiD toatfe tn araye fo? ^10 otone recegucw, ana aiffrcffe tijem oftffcv} mcnci; t ana romettmef at fncl^e enterpjiccs bot^ ana })is compa^ tip U)or furelp beatcntana toben bw rcceiucro maac to bim tbctr complatnto, bob) tbep toe« robbca in tbcir comnung bnto bim, b« toola gtuc tbem aifcbarge of fo nnicb monp as tbep baa Iolf,ana beCacs tbaf, tbep fijoula not acpart from bim toitbont great retoaras fo; tbeir trouble ana beration, cfpeciallp tbep ftonla be retoaraea tbat bett baaae refiffca bpm ana bis companp, ana of tobont b^ baaae rcccpuca tbe greateff f moil ffrohcs. )15ut after tbe aeccafc of bis father, toas neuer anp potitb,o; milanes, tbat migbt bane pivice in bim, but all bis actes bjerefoaainelp cbaungca into graui^ tieanaaifcreation. JCotbis noble ja;mce (bp alTcntof tbe l^arliamcnfe) all tbe eSates of tbe realme,after tb;^aapes offerea to ao feal> fie befo;c be bias crobmea, o; baa folemniica bis otbe,U)el ana iuillp to gouerne tbe common mrale, iubicb offer, boe^ fo;e toas neuer founa to be maae to anp i^jince of England, Cbe Jiing gaue tbem all generallpc tbanbes, fo; tbep? gfflb minaes totoaraes bum, ana tbereloptb erbojtea tbem to tbefeale of tbe publibe p;ofperitie ana bonoure of tbe i^ealme. ^f anpe man baaae offenaea bpm, beparaonea tbep; frerpaiTe, ana aefpjea beartilp of <5£>^, tbat if b» (boulae rule ana aoe all things ioell to tbe bonoure of Ci £D ana tbe p;orperous commoaitie of tbe Kealme, tbat tben C^oa tooulae fuffer bim to be Crobmea. But if bps fo;tune (boulae bde to aoe otbermpfe, tbat tben ftjoulDetahe bpm to bps mercpe, ana fuffer bpm ratber to be bnriea tban to cnterp;ire tbe tbargc of tbe i^ealme. Cbe nintb bap of 3p;il be toas crobmea at j-veHminUer, bp Thomas Arundcll 3rCbebptooppe of Canterburie, aftCt tobpcbeCo;onation, be calleabnto bpm all tbofepoung llo;as ana C^entlemen tbat toere tbe folotoers of bis pong ;©o,iitf. attes, Hcnrie the fifths acted, to euer^e one of ioljomefje gaue rtc^ ano bonnfeottd gifteo, ano tfjen commanoeo tljat ao manp ao tooulo ebage tbotr manero as I)e tntenoeo to ooe^tbouio abtoe lottb btni tn bis Courte, ano to all rbatlootiioeperreuertn tt)cp;fo;# iiier Itgbtconuerfattoti, gaue e]cp;icirccomniaunoemente bpon patnc of tljeir b^aoes, neuer after tliatoap tocome in tjts p:efence. :3bOUt tbis time Thomas S>uhe of CUrence, t])t HiinffS b?otl)rr,came from tlje coaffcs of yi committco to tbe SDotoer of London, out of tbe tobtcb be b;ahe ouer tbe toalles in tbe nigbt anb efcapeOjabout tbe feaft of Sunon anb lude. lohn Stuttonrlohn Michel,the.28.0!'September. Sir William Cromer Draper,the.iS.ofOrtobcr. Richard tbe feconD,fomttmc bing of£»^/W, tobicb toais at tbe firtf enterreo in tbe cburcb of tlje pjcatbing friers of Ltngbim,anba patre ofgilt^purreo inbtsbofome, fb; b^ tbougbt to baue bin mabe ianigbt on tbe mo;rolu bp t\)Z banos of&ir lohn Oidcafteli. K^e tinelftb of ganu^ • arp,tb?arcojcanbntneoftbemiDcreconbemneboftrear£in ^ ati^allotDeo anb all. Cberijc. ofjanuarp, toere bjaione ano bangeb &ir lohhBcucrley pjiell, lohnBurgate Carpenter-^, a STejrt toiiter in Saint lohns Crate,anb a (5Iouer on London bridge, anb tbojtlp after,a>ir Roger Afton fenigbt toas taken,tobcr on tbe tentb of i^ebjuarp,toas b;atone,bangeb, anb burpeb, tjnber tbe ©allotneo. snbettoentitbofiFebjuarpjbeceairebThonus Arundcll j ^rcbbitljop of nttoreg.,., Wc^e ifting taUing compalTion bpon Henry Percy apong ^ man (tobo bp bis (S^ranofatber Henry Percyt^arleofM^ — thumberiand,\xi.ootoxven into -SmAiW, after tbe beatbofbts father, tobo toas flainc in tbe battcll of toben tbis pong man toao tben but a cbilb) eommanbeb tbe tbat toere of bio binbaeb, anb nareC frienbo,to folicitefo^bis jeclapming bome agapne ont of Scotland, minbing net onip fl)o.tu tsr- Parliament at L>eycelter> Portccofthe Tovver execu- fej. Dukes created. The'Queenes Chancellour flayne. Men forefvTire the land. Prifoners dyed. A Skinner Si a Baker brent. Henry^e SltET to ^otio.} ^tm bv calltnx; {)tut !)omc a0apnr,but alfo to tnaH: bilU (^arlC of Northumberland. BUti t\)c monetb of^|}ap,a^3arIwnlcnt^Dasbe0onaf ff/?ft:anD tbercioas a pojter ofp E^obott of Lodon ojatoiw, Ijans0D,anb fjcaDeDjtwbofc bcaD toao fenf to London, ano fet ouer tbe iSUotner gate, fo? confenttng to one tbat b;abe out oftbc SCotocr, nameo whitlokc. 3ln tbis l^nrliamente, lohn tlje iitngs bjotber toas inabe SDuUc at Bedford, Hum- frcy bto bjotljer SDuUcof-,ano Rich.ird, b?otberto fbcjSDulieofre'r/^, toas made dearie of Cotbtfi Iparliamentcamc tbc d;mbaflaiJo?s of French J<»'n0,an6 alfooftbeJDube of.5«r^«/?t^,but notbuitblihe intentcanD purpore,fo;tbe2D.of5«r^«Wy bcfireDapDe againlltbeS>* of Orleance, p?omtfing(as! men rapb)mojctban betuasable to pcrfoiinne, toberefojc tbe iitngof£»^/Wfcnt folemne CDmbaOTabo^sto tbem botb,amongS tubometDeretbelBu fbopo of Durham ano Norwich as cbtef:tberc Ujore oft ttme5 fcnt into France, ano tbe i^rencb timgs ^mbalTabojs toere fentebttber, tuttb great coS onbotbni)ea,butnobapeof peace to be bad. k)n Mary Magdalcns dap, in London,lohn Nunfcr(£rqutre,bDitb nine of bis men, fet bpon andflefo lohn Tibbcy ciearbe,3[rcbdeacon of Huntmgtd, and cban? cellour to S5u^ie lonne, late totfe to Henry tbe fourtb, foj tbe lubifb factjtbe fapd (i£rqture,and foure of bis men fled to Saint Anncs Cburcb iottbin Alderfgate, tub^re tbcp toere mured bp toitb bmjo, and toatcbed dap and nigbt till tbe rrj.of;3uguff,ontbetDbicb bap» tbep fo?ftDare tbe lande, and paired tbjougb tbe citie toluardo Caku in tbeir flnrteo and bjdecbeo , eacfje of tbem bauing a CrolTe in bpn band. SDbiopeare dped tbeCioalours of A/c7r^4/eandL«<^4/ JCfjiS Thomas Fawconar WUfeD fo bjeahC tf)C iMoorcgste tDall of Lo»cion, ndtrC to thcenOeof Caimanfireete, ailD inaDO ^yjUofLsjon. tb^re a <5atc bpon the mcoje ftoe, tDhere tua£t none befo;e. !^e alfo catifeD the Dttcb^s of the Citie to be cleanreo,ano acommon p;tute tbat toaoon tbe tiKojekJitbout tbetoaK to be taben Ootone, ano another to be maOe loitbtn the Ct^ tiehponAf^/^riW),^^, into the tohich fa^tDfeehr caufea theU)a« ter oft citic to be turneo bp grateo of iron in otucro placeo. £>ur CUmbaliaOOJS, the 21Si(hopO of Durham ^ Nomich, returning nolo the fecono time out of France,ottXoxtfi to the JSiing, that the Frenchmen oiDbutbfe fraubeano beteipteo, iDherefo;ethe !^tng being 0trrea bp bnto anger, betermi' neb to abate their fcoaningo, anb to teach ibem to bnberSab their follp, in atoahing of a Qeeping £Dogge: anb fo^thtoith, the King commanbeb all the p;elateo, anb ^obleo of the IXealme, to come to London, there to intreate of toaightp af>» faireo cbcerning t Healme, at t tohich tinie,the ^rchbi^op of Canterbury helb a great countaple,in t tohich toere chofew certapne of tfjeCIeargie of England, to go to the gencrall COUnfcIl that thOulb be hOlbCn ntCenstance, a Citie of Ger~ many, anb fo there toere fent the ffiithopo of Salijbune, Bath, 9xffi Hereford,tt)Mi toith thcm the^bbotof/^FUfee Of Torke, aUb &ir Tho- mas Grey, aianightof the i^D?th, thefc hnb mace Edmcnd Carle of March to fttieare bpon a 1503Ue, not to bifclofc their counfeil, anb then tolbe him that thep thought to flep the Stngjanb to mafte the fapb Edmcnd iiing, the tohifh if he refufeb to tahe bpon him,thep tooulb 0ep him: luherebp* pon,thc Carle paapbe them to giue him one hourcsfpaee to taUe abuifement tohat tuas bell to boe, tohirhe being grantebjthe Carle toent fecretlp anb tolb the ft ing thereof, ibho eaufeb them fo?thbiith to be app?ehenbeb, anb brought faefoje him. Inhere thcp confeCTeb the trcafon, foj the tnhich, on the firth of iSugntl thep toere arretgneb in j ftings p?e# fence,anb the fame bap all th^ec beheabeb. Che Carle Inas burieb heab anb all,but the other heabs tnere rente,the one to Tcrke, the Other to NcKcaUeii bpou Ttne, anb there fet bp. Cn the eleuenth of 0ugntl,the fting tohc thippin0,ano entrebthe §>eatoith a thoafanb^aple, Enguerant fapth 16oo.§>aples,an0 the thirb night after arriueb at Kedecanx in Normandy, tnhifhe tS bCttnirte Hereflete ailb Hnrnfiete, of tnhofe com tiling, all the Cities, anb states of thofe partes being abucrtireo,toere tfrifien toith great feare.Che fting, the SDufieS of Clarence ailb Of Glocefter his fajecthjen, the jEDuke of Torke his Unkle, the Carles,Barons, ftnightes, Centlemen,anb ^oulbiours, c^ their ancHers there, and tfflke Henry the fifth, fcDfecIautitoit^oaf an»» rcRJanfe, anl> falling to tfjc grotino tjpon fjto bnffS, Dcuoutclp pjanoe to tanOarts ano iSanners to furl) nie as be Iinetu to be of great tfrengtb ano piotoeffe. ail tbing being fct in gcod o?0cr anD arrap, fbcfeing toitballbis boaafrcnDcD totbetoppeofanbigb bill tbcre nigb,anD tbsre Ije retteb tbe nert ban, £Dii tbe firtantb bap of 3ugtitf,tbcDnUeof cUreKcs, Icaber of tbcfojeloarb, in gcob ojbinance, entrcb bis iour? . - nep totoarbc a SCotonc calleb Heyepete, bifiant front Kede fcarcelp fb?® leagues, toberc be lobgebbis Ijofttna ficlb befoje tbe totDne.Cbc iaingatbiscomining,lobgeo bimfclfc nigb to tbe fir® toarbe,not farre from tbe SToinne. %\)t Carle of Sftfo/kf,MichnyW at Poole, Cbiefetapne of tbe reretoarb, lobgcb on tbe otbcr fibebcfb?e tbe SDolnne. £D# fber noble men tbat bab tbcconouct of tbe tlno tuings, lob# gcb tbemj one on ti)t rigbt bab,tbe otbcr on tbe left. i^o.Ub# toitb toere fent to tlje S:oU)nc,men of armcs in great num# ber, to f® tbe fcituation tbercof, tobo l^ojtlp rcturneb toitb a great pjap of Cattell, anb enfo?mcb tbel^ing of all bis bemaunbcs. Herefkte is tbc hep Of tbC f® of oU T^ormay!dj,mli iff fcttU^ atetjpontbe &ca fibe, bp tbe Hiner ofbettoirfe ttoo Difcriptioao fjilles, anb tb?ougb tbe mibble thereof runnctb a Hitier, lobieb^ "Of f^t-re from tbc fame SUolune entrctb into tbc 5?4#?f,ano from tbcnce, faotbtbofeUiucrstnonebefccnbe into tbe ^ea, lobere as a great anb gojblp l^auen i6,bclon# ging to tbe fame STotone, tobicb l^aucn, is garnifbeb toitb ibe bcfencc of ttoo faire anb ttrong SCotoers: anb in tbe fame^aucnarigbf 0rcat /jUauic of ^b'PP^s inap ribc iit fafctie?: 59° Henry tlic fifth* fafcticjanDtft^e inljabttants of t\)is SoIdko eiicfofc an^ itdepe Ujitljin tlje IDoione tl)c courfc of tbc fojcfr.po lltuer bptbctrflucc0,as tbcp map rtcbtfcucll Do, tbcn tbe Itiucr rifctb U)!tbout tbe tToione fo bt0l),tbaf it fojcclofctfj all en# tries to tljc malles, fo tbat no man map app?ccb tbc totnne on tbat part. £Cbis S:^ol«ne is alfo DcfenDcD tuitb bis^ anD tbifftc Ujallcs anD tolucrs, anD is alfo cmiironeo tuitb fajoaDc anD Dape Ditcbco. So tbis SoUme alfo belom gctb onlp tlDO (abates fo? entries, tbc one calkb Ca/tura»- cf/, tbc otbcr M}iirontllicr.'^ni\)is Solune, bcftDes tbc in^ babitiints tberecf, fo? tljc Defence of tljc fame, lucre fourj bunDjco men of amies DeputeD in (^arrifon , amongtt lubonifjluerc tberc3lo?D3,3LojD DifcotucuilcjCbiefeCap# tapncoftbe£Coiune,i,0?D Blanailc, i,02D Hnqucuile,|LO?D Haimanuile, JLojD Eancourt, §LO?D Gaillard Bos, ailD DiucrS otbertiojDs anD men rrpert in luarre. SHbcftingcom# Titm I'tuiuf, manDing tbe SDiibe of c/areKcc to alTcifgc tbe UDotone, \)e en* DcuonreDto conuep bis people oner tbe Kiuer,tntbepar» fagelubercof, be bit. Frehc/McKtiiat tuerc befeegcD, fo? tbe cyonnepouDer anD tbotte tbat tuas fcnt bnto tbem bp tbe French fting, tuas en* countreD bpon tbe ^ea bp tbe £*?^//^w^*f.anD tahen,to tbeic great Difplcafure anD Domage. T iliis tiuius, ^ be i^inggaue tbe charge of tbe fielDe to bis b?ofber Humtrey SDuUe of GieceUer. £Dn tbe fame fiDe tbei^tuer tbat tbe Bing lap, Ions t ofr(jrlL',bi0bCDnneaable of Henry the tXEngUnd lobijeb lotf!) faanb. Mfjcir euerj? man iuas {)IaceD,f CoiunetDab Co Cfretstjtlpaff^eeti, t^at ad entries anb tlTucs of tfje ETotone mere ffoppeb, fo p t^cv of § totonc toere in otfpatre to Ijaue anpfuccourfroin tlje Itealme of FrMCf. i^anp cngtns tocrerepfeb bp tfje Cngltllj, iubiclj in fbojttimc t^oiilDbauc bin tf)ebctIruiticnoftbetuadcs,tf tbep oftbeSToiune bao not fbe foner CtoppebtbeHiuerof tbe fame totone Ujitbi n, tobrrbl? tbe toatcr gatfjercb f reifeb loitboiit tbetomnebettutrttbdinganb tbeJD.of c/^rfwr, to tbe femblancc of a little &ea, tobifb caufeb W^tEnghpjKen totoi^bjatn tbeir (0onnes,anb otbcrengins,tobfrebpaf tbattime tbeinallcstDcreraueb, STbentbcfting caufeb to be mabe bnber tbe iuater tb?® great ^inco bnto tbe toades of tbe toume, tobtcb in Illie maner bab bin tbe caufc of tbeir mine, if tbe inbabitanto bab notcountermineb tbcm,anb letteb t'jcir purpofe. Kljt inbatitants of tbe SCoion percep# uing fbemfelues tbus tfreigbtlp aCTagcb, as toed bp lanb as bp ^ea, conuapbe ad tbeir &bippes toitbin tbeir i^aue, anb bounb fbem togitber tuitb rbcpnes, anb in tlje tUjo to^ toers tljat lucre mabe foj tbe befenct of tbe b3auen,tbep put certaine (^arrifons,anbarmeb men, tubooftentimesat^ temptcb to immbe tbe iiings jSauie, but at ad times tbep tuerc bp bis ,S>bippcs beaten,anb con2rcpncb to recule ffill toitbin tbeir ^aucn: at tbe lalf,ibe Captapncs anb inbabi# tants confiberiug tbat bp fucb flvirmitbes (as toed bpon tbe JLanb as tjpon tbe ^ea) tbep gaineo notbing, tsobe tbis ap* pointment toitb tbe i^ing, tfjat if tljcp toere not rcfcueb bp tbe FrcKchmen tuitbiu ccrtapiie bapes limiteb, tbep flboulbc tbcn belpucr into bps banbes tbe SCotonc , toitb tbirtie perfonsof tbe greateflanb mod noble toitbin tbe Sfotone, fucbc as tbe l^ing toonlbe befire , to bee o?bereb at tbe liings pleafure, anb ad tbe retibue, as toed mcnne of Marre, as tbe inbabitantcs of tbe fame SHotonc, toitb^ out armoure , anb leaning bcbpnbc ibem tbep? gcobcs^ tboulbe fralp goe toberc tbep tooulbe, foj tbe Curette of tobpcbe appopnfemente to ba feepte , tbep beliucreb bnto 5P3, Henry the fifth* ftnfo tl)e Mttrjj ttuelue oftljcir greafett pcrfonageg foj ple3^ gcjj. Captapnco ano tnfjabUanto of tfje ^okine fngtbctrtiap ofappopntment to app?ocf), ano tbemfcliies tncrlpocfpcrafe of anp fuccouro oftl)dr people, ojoepnea to pcrfourme tfjetr couenant at tbetr oap pjeftpeo, to^tct)C toas tfjerdj.of September,on tof)Wb iJap came ^ir Lionell ]Jraquemont,goucrnour of tlje SCoUjne, bnto tbeiitng,ano hnaling befoje btm,rapD: ^polf bi'ttodouo JBjmce, bebolbe bare tbc Itcpeo oftbio 2roU)ne,tubtcb after our promts 3j palb bnto poii, toitb tb^ SCotcne, mp felfe, anb mp conipa* ntc. 2Cben tocre bjougbt to tbe it tng tbc 3lojb Cotemlc, fbc 3to;b Gangcourt.anb otber,to tbc number offbtrtic,anb all tbe reftbue,as toell roulbtoures,as inbabitanto, toere fuffic^ rebbnarmebto bepart.SCbo i^ing conffitute Captapneof fljC CoUme ^tr Tliomas Beawford Ccarlc of Dfr/f?bps tilnhle, to tubomebe alfo commttteb ttuo tboufanb foulbt^ erSjCbofen men of bio bott'SCbcn confibermg tbat tointer D?eto on,as alfo tpe loflTe oftbdr men, bp rcafon oftbe tbcn reigning among® tbcm, bp tobicb infirmitie, bieb Mi- yj,. chaell at Poole,dearie of Suffolk!, tbC l!5ilbop ofNormch, tbe 5lo?bBeawmont,anb otbcrs, anb of tbc commons, to tbc number ofttno tboufanb anb abouc. idng Henry createb tbe fonne of Michaell at Poole, Carle of i»jfc%,fcobo liueb not long after. :after iting Henry bab remapneb sAHarefleete fiff^nc bapes, after p oclinerie oftbe SDDiDne,anb oftbe ai^otoers, \)Z beparteb from tbence tolnarbs Caitis, inbereof, toben bis liuius. eniintcs Ujcre abuertifcb, anb alfo bp tobat Uiap be inteii;) beb fopaire,aU tbe people of tbe Countrep, Cities, anb S[:oU)nes,loere marueilouflie cpp;efreb icitb feare, tubere^ fojetbep baffeb tbem to befcnlible places, anb otbertbat lucre apt to luarre,ta)he tbem totbcir bo?ffes,anbairem» bleb tbem togitbcr in great number, toi.tb no fmall compa^ nieof ftDtemcn,anb in all tljattbepmigbttbepoppjeneo t\)Z Enghjhmen. SCbe Bings boff bept an eafi'e pace,toitbout mabtnganp my Henry the fiftfi* 59> 5att,ani) toljenfl^cp appjoctjcD tfjcJCotuneoffiVf, tljcire# ntmies affaplcD t^em in tfjc fielocs fcuitf) great fojceanO nopfc, tofjere on bott) parties if tuasfotigfjfcnfo^c anb bi^ ~ gojouflp: but tbe Frenchmen reculeb to t^c SDolone, tubcre tbep Ujcrc in gtob furetie. iProm ttjence tbe i^ing Depart' feb, anb came to a paDTage of tbe ISiuer ofSeme^Mjitl) tbe Frenchmen call BUnkheHoke^ IJJ Blanch-tache. STbiS paflage,af j tbe camming bnto it, toas fijrcb toitb (barp ttabes bp tbeir enimtes, fo tbat tbep coulbnotpalTe tbere,battuerecon^ Crepneb to go fartber, fabtng tbcir patTage, bnttll tljep came birectlp to bane tbe Citie of Amiens anb tbeCDaffcU of Gorhy on tljeir left fioe, tobere tbep of tbe fapbe Citie be# gantoitbtbema netofigbt: but tbep ioere fffliie fo2ceb bp tbe (Snglilb to returne to tbeir Citie agapne, €)(tober tbe liiing paffeb tbe Hiuer of Some, at tbe palTage of Fienna, anb Bethew-court,m\i toeute tben to lobgebimat Mo»che-legAch,fxo\xi^tv\ttj\)Zd.ti\xdi\\zt'0 btm toioarbcstbe Wuet of Miramont. 3in tbe meane time, tbeF?v»fAliing, anb tbe S5«fte of Gnyen bts fonne, tben S>olpbin,pnrpofmg foreClf tbe Enghflmen, camc to Roane, from U)bence,tbep fent tb?(e i^eraults to tbe itingof£«^W,to gtuebnbetJ' tfanbingtbat betboulbnotefcapetoitbout battaplc t bnto tobome tbe fapbe Jit tng anfcoereb, 311 things be bone at tbs plearureof(5oo,9I luillbtepc tberigbttoap toUiarbesC4- leis ;if ourabuerfaries bo attempt to btffnrbc bs in ourc iournep, bje tbinUe tbep (ball not bo it toitbout tbeir otone great banger anb perill. iProm tbence, luting Henry re<» mouebtoadillagecalleb Force«//e, abuancing bis bolffo^ toarbcs tbe Kiuer of LMtramont, anb tbe nert bap tbep paf» feb bp tbe anb tbe iiing lobgebtbat nigljt vABonyers leflatllon. fEl)t nept bap tbe l^ing remoneb bnto Bangy. 2Dbe . .•. , neict bap late in tbe nigbt tbe lling came to a tillage na# meb Agenconrt, Engucrant fapetb Mafencelles, tobcte tbeP lobgeb not biffant from tbe French boff not aboue tbjo bnnb?ebanofiftie fpaces.Cbe Frenchmen fireb tbeir 2Sam ners anb ^tanberts toitb tbe 25amier 3Kopal I, tob^teof tbe ^p, Conner 594 Henry tlie Cemienablcl^atj f^efont)U£t,tnffjc fieiu bp fljem bcuffeb ano cfjofen jtnbicb toao in tljc Countic of s.Paule,in § grouD TheBittcUof C,izAgeticoHrt,[i\*\xi^i\itX\)t Dap follobjillg, V^tErigltfhiKcn Agencourr. fljOUlD pfllTC tO gO tO 2n^crrb.DapDf£DtfobrrjtfjCi^tngof£«^'WtnibrnToj# ning bcrp carelp fct fojib bis bott in arrap.l^c coinnianDco tbat bis l^ojCTes anD otber rarriagcs (bonlbe be left in tbe taillage tDbcre Ijsbsf lobgcb.Jtbe ojDer of bis fielDluas t\)a&:K\)c miDDIe battell lobPr^of fbc i^ing tuag roncutf o?, tnasfet tn fbemiDft oftbP 0elD, DircftlpagaintttbenuDtile batfell ofbis abucrfartcs. £)n tbe rigbt ftbc Uias tbe firtt faaftcll, anb tbcretoitb tlje rigbt luing: ano on tbe Icftfioc tbe laltbaftcll, anD tbe Icftming.^nDtbefebattapIeoiopf King nigb tDgitbcr,bp tbe pjoiuDencc Df©oD, pjoueb bnto tbtsiatng a Defentible place foj bisboff, fo? tlje tEiillage Ipbereinbetoas loDgcD befoje, befenbed bis bctf from all tnuafions on tbe bacUe, aitb tbe Sclb lobercin be-tuas, tons befenbcb on botbfibes tuitb tUio fmall Hitirrs. SZl)i8 noble Jitng teas armeb tuitb fiire anb rigbt beautifull armour. Cfn bis beao abjigbtl^elmcf,lubcrc# tipon tuas fet a Croiune of 0olDe, replcatc tuitb prarle anb pjctioos Hones, marnellous riclj. Jn bis ^bielbbc bare tbearmes botb England anb France. ^uDtliuts armeb, be , tuas mounteb bpona gcoblr^great l^ojITe, anb after bpm tuerc lebbe certapne noble ^ojOes, tuitb tbeir bjibles anb trappers of dPolbfmitbes tuo?lte, anb bpon tbem'nlfo tuerc beaten tbe Ernies of £«^Wanb of/v.i««,2Cbns tbis Ijirto* rious fttng pjcpareb to battell, encouraged bis people to tbe fielb tbat appjocbeb at banb. SUbenigbtbefoje tbis cruel I batfell, bp tbe abnife anb counrell(as it is raib)of tb.ejEDuhe ofrtfr^^^, tbe J^ingbab gi« uen commanbemef tb^ougb bis bbtt, tbat euerp m5 fbonlb puruep bint a ttabe Ibarp at botb enbs,tubi tnarb toas b;onber anb b;oaber: anb tfaefe ^arp baf tels fet tpon tfje Enghjhmtns mibble toarb, intenbing to Ijaue rimne tfaojoagt) tfae tofaotc fielbe, but tfac Frenchmen Ujete Qa?ne anb toonnbebfa? tfae CEngltffa ^rcbcrs,anb fa? tfae faelpcof tlje ttahes tofaictj tfac Engipimen faab greb faefoje tfaem in tfae groiinbejUibercb? ffae t^ojlTemen toere conffrerncb to re* (urne, o} elfe to runne bpon tfae tfahes, tofacre man? of tfaem Inere ouertfajolone anb toounbeb, anb man? botfa l^ojCTesanb men fla?ne. SDlje battell anb ggfat encreafeb maruelloufl? b? tfae fpace of tfa?® fjoures,in all lufapcfa time no man Inas tahen p;ifoncr, but innumerable Uiere Haine, bpon tofaofc beab bobpcs tfae? tfjat foliotoeb mere ouer^ tfajoUme anb flapne. STfaiis after a long anbrrnellbattell, tfacreappjocfaeb no man to battell,but to beatl),ofU)l)omc, after tfaat an innumerable compan? mere flapnc, anb tfaat tfjebictojie rema.pncb totfae tfae? "fparcb to fle? anb tahe pjifoncrs of tfae Frenchmen. 3n tfais mojtall battel!,tbe noble iiiing of E'^^/^Wfougbt Initfj fais enimics as a fatnilfaeb llion fo? bis pjap, rere?j uingon fats l^elmct, anb otfaer armour, man? anb greatc ffrohestat tfae latt,tbe bictojieobtepneb, anb tfaegreatc faolf of tfae Frenchnen gaptie, tahcn , toounbeb, anb ban^ quitocb, fo?tf)toitfi anotfacr faoa of Frenchmen, no leffe tfaan t^e grtte, fuppoling tfae Engitjhmen noto to be tocrieo, p;epareb t^emfelues to begin aga?ne a netoe battaple. ^96 Titut Lluiut, Titut liuiut. ii'^utrmu \ Titut JJuiut. In^utytuK Tttm liuiut, Shtrtfes. > KMaior. C Henry the fifths IHmg of England fettiis tl)ts fccont) alTemble of fjts uerfarteo, fentc bis l^eraults bnto, ibem, commaunOing tbcm cviijcr fojtblottbtocometo battaiHe,o?clfc tmineoi^ atclp to ocpart: ano if tbop oclapeo to t)cparte,o;iftbcp came to battcll, botlj tbofe of tbeiro tobtct) loere alreaop ta^ ken p?tfoncrOj ano alfo all tbafe tljat after lljonlo be taken, tuitbout reoemption Iboulo be put to beatb, lubtcb mcffage tuben tbe Frenchmen bao bsaro, fearing tbe Crengtb of tbe Engiifhmen, ano alfo tlje oeatb of tbemfelues, f of tbe pjifo# nero taken,toitb b^auinelTe tbep oeparteo fojlbioitb-^bfit tbci^ing of being aCTureo of tbe biitojp, gaue tbe greateC lauDe ano pjapfe (to <2D'0ti) tbat niigbt be. 3|n tbis battaple toere flapne on tbe Frtrwr/; parte, tbe S?UkC0 of AUmfon,Barry, ailO Braban, anO tbC 5lO?D Of Helly, tbe 3Lo;o Labictcbiefc Connclfable of France, t\)t2lnl)\ih lI)op of Saunce, epgbt (Sarlcs, an bunbjeo anb mo HBarohs, fifteene buno^eo iinigbteo, ano abouc tennc tbonfano ofall elfateOjtDbercof fcarcelp fifteene ba»i>?eo tuere^oulbierjs Dj labourergjtbe relf ioere of cote armour. Httbiobattaple tuere taken pjifonersoftbeFri-w^w^w, tbeSDuHeO of OrIeamce,ant} of Bmbon, Artburc, bjOtber tO tbe SDukC of Bnteine, tbe CDacleS of Vandifme, of^w^anD Rtchmonnt, anO §)ir Boumcycault, ^arlball of France, ailO many otber, to tbe number of fiftdene bunojeo iim'gbtes ano ^fquiero. 0no oftbe Cnglilb partic loerc flapne tbe E)uke of r<7r^e,fbe cSarle of Suffoike, ano to tbe number of an C. pcrfons in tbe bantgaro, ano ofall effates on ^ (Snglilb partie,U)ere not founo oeao aboue tbe ftelo. Mben nigbt appjocbeo,tbe iH.of returneo toitb bio boll into tbet CHillage ioberein tbep barbojeo tbe nigbt bcfo?e,tobere be foimo bis l^ojffes f otber baggages f cari^ ages ^ be left tbere befoje tbe fielo, ftolne, i carieo atoap fan tbe Frenchmen. £tn t])e oav ncpt eufuing, tbe !iing toitb bis people entreo bis iournep totoaroc Ca/eu. William Cambridge: Allin Eucrard, the aS.ofSeptcmK Sir Nicholas Wotton Draper,the 18 ofOdtober. me Henry the fifth* Sl^c ittojrotu after Saint Simon ano ludc, earelp tn ffje {{e^ip.nfitUtcrs, mojning, came tioinga to LoKdoM of lljts btttojte, foj top toljereof, Tedenm\sjas fong in all tl)ec|)urct)cs,an£i at nine oftfjeclocfte, all tljeojoers oflXcltgiousmen oftfjeCitie, toent on JdjOCeffion fromSamt Panics, ftntO toit^ tljcneto ^atoj, l)ia 0loermen,anDtbc XQ\x^ London XQWenmmHer. CmpcrourretumeD Ollt England tbe Cctantb of ingulf, after be bao labourcD, bat coulo mafec no peace bettoane England ano France. John BcnctWoolrna lubobaOinLcr^/orcattcreO fccOnleS ihoT^Mf. ful of feoition, toas bjatone, bangeo, ano bcbraOeO on yyooimanbiri cbaelmas Dap,2rbebiii.Oapof£Dctober,toasa^0arcbment ' maber of Mwc/Zltrate, ojatone, bangco, ano beaoeo, fo> tbat be bao barbo;eo ^ir lo!m Oidcaltcil. J^p.iii, Robert L Sherifes,} (JMiicr. y 1417 A frayin Saint Diiniions CtuitUb KecorJ/ efCaunt, The L.Strange & his wife doth pcnan'ce« Henry the Sfth^ Robert Widington: lohn Coucntrie, the zS.ofScptcmb. Henry Barton Skinner,the zS.of Oftober. 3(11 the parliament at London,t^e c^arle of Derfet tons IliatSC SDuUe of ExceBer. She rrhit. of 3pi:ouember,tt)as a ISegger fijatnne nno hangeb foj Oifmembjtng of pong cljilDjen, i)e toao fi^aione in hi^ otone carre from the JleaDen i^all bnto Ttborne. 21 S>ptccra inife ofSai^t ^/bons^ano the ^apliffes toifc of Fmefiune, toero hangen otTtbome, ano 0)o?tlp after, the JBavIp of P^tnejhurie htmfelfe toaj? alfo hangeo ^XTthome. ^n Chatter sap in tljeafter none, at a pennon in Dmslom in the (£aff of London, a great ftap happcnes in the Church, tohere;th;ongh manp people toere foje toounsco, ans one Thomas Petwarden i^ilhmonger, stoelling at Sfrots Key, toas 0apnc oiit ofhanoe, tnherefojc the Churchc luao fufpenses, ano the beginners ofthefrap(bDhbmn55^ 6p ujtjtctj il^wtcs, \\ jfwiu fiftbof^ulp, tljeSDube ofc/^r^wr^tuitb l^pscompa* II 'i tr^ paflfeo ouor fecretlp in great number^ ano t^en bcC^geD J 'ju-i' fibe of tbe 2CotDne:butbpcauretbcl^iucrof^f^'?# ul) Ms ^oil, tobwbp if eprtjcr part fljoulD ^ane ndfCe ofotber, tbcp coulo not come togitljer fo? tlje Kiuer,tl)e j^mu^ iittng taufeb to be mabe fo manp fmali fqnare 315oates of ^ uuJ tbetoicherafojefapbjtbat being tpebto0itt)er,antrcaftinto mabe of tijema 115?ibge. Mljen tf)tinl>abi# tanto anb (^arrifono percepueb tbem tbuo enuironeb in all partes, tijcp agrab toitb tbeiaing, tbatiftoitbin fiftane bapes t^ep Inere not beliuereb from ttips fage, tbep Iftoulb beliuer to ttje laing t\)C IDoltme anb CaSelt, anb tnbot ttje bap toas come, tbep perfourmeb pjomife: anb t^is toas tbe firft 115?ibge ouert^eKinerofi'^e^e tljat tfjc Bting fub* biieb to bis potoer. 0fter tbc l^ing bab tbus obtepncb tbat B?ibge oner tbe Kilter of Sce»e. anb tbat tbcre foas none otbcr Kiuer o? floubmigbte lettebis iournep,lDitballtbcbaftb^nngbt, be entreb \)vs iourncp totnaroes Roa>}e. STbe Citijcns bearing tbe appjocbe of tbeir enimies, anb fearing Icatt tbep (bontbe b^ lobgeb in tbe ^uburbes iobiebe Uicro mucbe larger tban tbeCDitie tnas toitbin tbe toalles, an& toas aifo inncbe replenilbeb toitb f^onafteries, Cbur* cbes, anb SToUjcrs, burneb tlje fame, anb mabe all euen toitb tbe gronnbe. SCotbisCitie ontbetbirtitbhapof^u* Ipe tbps tjitto?ious JSing app?ocbeb , agapntte tobomc came tbe Citizens toitb tbep? (H5arrifons anb men of toarre, tobere tbe mo?c parte of all tbat bap tbep con^ tinuebin battell, anb fougbt fo?e on botb partes, but tbe Fre»che\x)tn fo?cebto fake tbeir fuccourtoitbiufbetoalles of tbe Citie, tobmne in tbep? recople tbe liing purfueb ttill befo?c tbeCtttc, tobcrc bao?bereb bis feege in tbis maner* ^ir(f,tbe ling toitb a noble compmip of pong f b^rbp men: 0 Cd 01' M $Si Sdff> nants ¥ tnm; wl m\ Wii aftf tieai liittii neDti IwIK ilk ijimj poin Eol m riits m N,i tat liM liiiij Henne the fifth* ^oi loDgefi befojc tfje gate ofSawt HHUrie. iT^ielDtifee titcurence Uiitf) potoet fajas loOgco bcfoje tt)5 gate of CAulx.Wcfe SDutte of Exce^ltr^ after be toas came to t^e hwg toaa toDgeo lottb bt£( people before tbe gate off Caftel^caU IcD Muiliil luaa loDgcD befoje §gate caller Mxrkeitile.'iVot dearie offv^irwicke, after bs toas come from tbe Cattle of Do»frgu>ite, toas loogeb bpon tbe l^il, toberc tbe Ifrong i^onatterie ofSainc Kathcne toaa: 2Cbe Cries of Sulifbsrne atio Huntingdon, locre loDgltig tbcr bpoti tbe otbcc ttoe of tbe l^tuer of Scene: bpoH tobom tbetr entmtcs maoe manpaflaults :ano bpcaiifc tbe Hiuerof •S'fWfDiatOel) tbe Engitfh boatte in ttoo partes, tbeliing caufeo to be mabe a Srong b.noge of Kvm'oex ouer tbe fame iUtuer, tbat tobeti naocttjoulDc require, tbepmigbtbaucfrapattageon fote ano boatte: anobpcaufetbeirenimiestboulDenot app;ocb tmto it,to tbcir ttjips oj Calleps, tbe JH. caufeo to be maoe a great cbepne to be ojatoen ouer tbe Hiuer, bettoirt tbe tU tie ano tbe Bjioge, :at tbat tpme tbel^ing ofPorttngaUco^ fin to tbe Mng of England, fent a natite of tbippes tuel man? neo into tbe Icings apoe, tubomtbe^ingcommaunoeo to ipe bettoirte tbe Citie ano tbe rea,to enclofe tbe Citie from all fuccours bp SSlater.SCbe totone of Caudbeke fearing tbe Oaunger of tbe ti'.ne.coucnaunteo toitb tbe JUing of England, tbattoben tbe Citie off^Mwtoerc taben ano ocliuereo into tbe things obepfaunce, tbep in like manner toouloe paloe tbem to btm, toitbout.anp a(rautte,ano bnoer tbe fame ap^ pointment accojoeo toitb tbe thing, xiil^. otberoefenfible Cotones ano Cattels tbat toere nigb bojoerers Onto Roane. Sifter manp cruell battaples ano aflaultcSjtbe Citijens fea# ring at legtb to be famittjeo, Oaplp put.out of tbe Citie gret number ofpcDje people ano otber, but tbe hunger encrea? Cng,tbep toere fojceo to eate tbeir bo?tres, Oogges, cattes, rattes ano mife: ano toben ano otber like things toerecon^ fumeo f eaten. Cben tbe plague of famine entreo tbe Ci' tic, fo tbat tbe people fo? oefaultc of reliefe Opeo, tbat tbo liuing migbt ftarcelp bnrie tbe oeaoe, tobercbp tbat noble Citi^ _ Hcnrie tlic mtET CitutoAjt b;tou9lbt into fo mucbe mirerte,tOat it id not loBi marnavie tban pitiful to bcare. 3ln tt)t0 mean time ourinu tbis Cege of Ro/iKe. Cbe liufec atExcefterbeGeseti tbeCitieof £«^r«^j^iro about tl^irp. of ^uguft King Henrie bao tb?a maruellouo bittojieo in EJcr- fwW/f.SUbe firtt toao tbat one bunoereo Etighfhmen tabetti* :i; great JLojDs at a place calleo £'//^w//tf,ant> put to tligbt tbJ« i- * buni>25DantifottrefcourepcrfonsbeCDes.inbereconotDa5, I foure bunoe.reo of biiS entmieo entreo tuitbin tbe fuburbes oftbe ^otone of Ebrokens, jtut) eleaucn Eyigbfhmen cbaCeD tbcm aloap ano tokefoure of tbem, ano Heto tlnelucf tmke 4o,of tbeir boJffcs.SCbe tbiroe U)as,tbe entmies tooulo in# Dieoe bane taken tbe toton tobtcb toao calleo Leuers, but tbe Captaine of tbe fame tnitb an bnnoereo of oitr men Inente out againlf a iboufano of tbem,ano ouercame tbem^ (toke 180,gentlemen of tbeenimieo . 0boutetbpotpme alfo Captaine dc h Ppuchc toke (be SCoione of Pentojs bg Paru. %\)t jparfon of Wrotham in Norffeike, tobicbe baanteo . Newmar^t HeathmO tbere robbeo ano fpopleo manpjtoao ioitb bis Concubine bjougbt to NewgAte of tubere be Opeotnpjifon. Shcrifes, lohn Bjrian: Ralphc Barton,thc.28.0fScp.I0hn Parncflc, tJie.aS.ofOftober. STbis lohn Brian ^b wtfo, as be camc one a time from tvapping in tbe^fo/fjtbtnking to baue eafeo bimfelfe bepono Saint KatkerifiesB^iW^ttW into tbe Thamu anO loaS OjaggCO bp againe bp bis men ano tbe spiller,but opeo tbcroflnitb# in a feauenmigbtjiu tobofe place teas cbofen lohn Parncflc. , i^Ator. William Seuenokc Grocer,thc.aS.ofOvflobcr. SCbis William Scucnoke, iobeii be toas a netoe bome babe,U)as fonnoe at a Sl^oUm calico Seuemkc in KeKt,to}}tve bpcbaritablc peoplebe fcoao cbJittencO bp tbe name of Wil- liam,ano fo? tbat bps father oj mother coulo not be knoltJit, tbevgaue bim to furname Scucnoke being bp tbe bjougbte bp till be liPas able to ferue^ tbep tben bounoe binr p^entife toitb Hcnnc the fifth* ^©5 a ofI.<»Ww,tDf)cn;after i)i6 gcot) fermcc, <2^06 fitDaeD tDttf) fuc^ ivifetwtne ano U}eaU!}eytt)at fie came to be ^pato; of ffjat Citte : tobo baiirg not bntbanbcfull ta e WowneotSffifKo/^, iobereb^ babbe bin noariibeDjaiFrufcboreanb tbirtsne almeo boufea. M:b^ tbeCitijens of percepueb tbemfeluea / tnaruetloua? aftHcteb bp famine, (aa ia befo;e (betoeb^ano aifo to be in trifpaire of fuccour,f rom tbe Frenchmen , noUie after balfe a pearea fiege ano mo?e, bpon certaine conbitu onajtbep-beliuercbto tbehing of£»^/WtbeirCitie,caftIej 2Cotoer,i3bbapea,Cburcbea,botifea,Citijena,Captapnea, Cfarifone, anb gencrallpealljtbinga tbatUiereUjitbtn Citie, tobatfo^KCf fbtp toer.SCbejcir.bap of Bjanuarie,there bab bpcb ioitbtn tbia Citie (aa teas fapbe; foj befatt of bi- ctttalaburing tbia ficgc mo tban rrr-^oufano peopIe.Cbib ref.j, noble litng tbe ratber to relieue tbia oppjelTcb Citie, op p ' bapneb t\)t (aim to \jBi1)tcljiefe€))nmbtt of all Normandte, anb ojbapncb bpa ercbeqirer, bpb SCreafurie, anb bpa cbp^ nage to be kepte in tbe fame, be aifoebificb aftrong totuer bebinbe tbe Caftle.^bileft tbe Ming ojbereb bia bnSnetSe at Roane, be fettte btucrfe Mojbea toitbftrongpuilTatinceof people, to recepue tbe Caftellea of JSDoUmea bojberpng bppon Roane, amongtt tobotn tbe SDukc of cUrenceXa (bo;t tpmerebufebtotbeMing, tbemigbtieCaftcll of Gaitarde, tbe UDoinne of Vemon, tbe SCotnneof , tbe Ca# Sell of Bandmomte, anb manpe otber ttrong placeaanb bolbea. 2Cbe cSarle of Saiijbnrie, ioptb tbe (J^arrifon to bptn aCftgneb tmbe tbe JECoton of Homjiovee, tjje STotone olMoun- fieftr de Fillers, t^e tofcone OfEwe, t^Z 2Dotonc zA Gurney, tl)t netDC Cattle , ano gcnerallpe all tbe placea in tbat part. SCbia perc ^Ziad?ne lane tbe Minga ffepmotber being or# Sameo bp certaine perfona > of fome tuicKeb practice bp ioittbcrafl Hcnric the fifth*. toifc^icraff oj ^cjcerte, f^at Gjc jfjas Deuifc5 a^autfi S. bjj t^ecounfellof i^ricr Randolph a SDottour of SDiutnttic ^ir ConfclTo?, bauing all Ijir frruaunts put from btr > loas (omnuffeo to tbccuIfoDpof lohn \Vcilani,tobo appopntfo nine fcruaunts to attcno bir, b?oiigbt bit tbcCallcIl of Pemfe^,XQ bo gouemcO tjnocr bis p?ouiDcnce.i?ricr Ran- dolph loas rent to tbe 2CoU)cr,tDbcrc at length,to tDate,tti Amo.i^ig, tbcfifteofBJune, b^ Aaine bp tbs JBarfon oftbeSnolocr, falUngoutattDOjDestottbbit"' 3nO after, ©uoeneloanctoasDeliuereb. Jtipng Henry rente bis b?o# tbcr Humfrcy ^ube of Giouce^ier, accompanpcD Ujptb tb® Carle ^partball, anb a grcate potoer of armco men to fape Ccge afoje tbe STolune ano Caftell of Tmry, lobifb SToUm, after manp affaults ano battaples,tbe SDube tmhe bp fo?ce: But tbe CafteltbercoftoasnotpelocD, tiltbctbirtantbof ipap. CbelttingalfofenttbcCarleof HumingtoH trptb a potoer from Mmm, to tbe ^otone of fontofs, bp tt)bicb,if if toere taken, be migbt bane tbe mo?e fure ano caCe patTage to Paru. SCbofelDbpcbe toere fcnt, at tbe entrp of tbe nigbf toere come npgb bnto Pontois, tobere, in a USEIidO tbep leftc tbeir bojfcs, ano tbat bone, in tbe barkeneflDe of tbe nigbf, tbep toent on fmte to tbe bitcbes of tbe 2nolDne,tDbpeb tbctt toere bjpe, tobere parte of tbem lap on tbe bank® of tbe Dit* cbe®,toitb tbeir iLabbers in tbeir banoeo reabp to fcale tbe toalleo toben time njoulbeferue, anb tbe refibue bpb tbem in tbe taines,tobere tbep migbt be reabp to enter tbe toton at tbe opening oftbe gates. 0t tbe b?eake of tbe bape, tbep oftbe totone cbangeb tbeirtia^attbe, at tbe tobpeb rbange, tbe toalles toere lefte toitbout ^KHatcbes fo? tbe time. But tbe EngLfkmen f^png time fo accomplitbetbeir intfnt,rap# feb tbeir Jlabbcrs, anb fcaleb tbe toalles, ano bp tbat mea* nes, entreb tbe SDctone: tobere, feme of tbem fo?tbtoptb bjake tbe gate,anbmabe entrp fojtbe rette of tbeir rompa# np, tDbicbe,lDbcn tbe garrifons of tbe snoton perfepucb,as me amajcb,tbep turncb tbemfelurs to fitgbt. But not long after,tbep nrmeb tbemjanb aUaplcb tbeir enimies, but to tbe Henrie the fifth* atfco%m fo tift furcour of f^cir firff company,to^creby tfje Frenchmen ns al OtfcouragcD ano in oifpairc to faitc'tiie SCoUmfjat tijc of t^efc nctDC refcucs t^at came to ttjc Eng!t(hmen, ica# utng bctjinOD tljem all tbeir ricbeo ano fttbSaunce enoea^ tiourco tfjemfelucs to cfcape fay fligfate, ano Co tfae tolone t^CPointoii, auoyoeo of all Frenchmenne, toaO IcftC fcdf tO tfaO Engiifh.^fttt tfaefe cnterp?irco tfaus afcl)teueO,tfae bing toitfa all t)ts company came to tfais SDotonc of Pomoii, lufaere fae afaoaoe a certaine time, from tofaence fae fent tfae SDuhc of Clarence Id a Cfaofeil poUJCr of mCIl to Paris, to fateU) ^ fcitu# ation ano ttrengtfa tfaereof,befo3e infatc^ <£:ttie,tt)l)en fae faao tarrieo certaine oayeo ano faao Hsneall tfaat faim likeO, ano tfaat none of tfae Frenche men toouloe ilTue ont of tfae Citie, f 0 fiigfat iDitfa l)im,f)c returneo to tlje iHtng, ano affertayneo fjim ofnl tfaat fae faao fane, £)n tfae.rfaiti. of^ugutt, Jbing Henrie tuitfa all Ijio Ijolfo ocparteo from Pomtois. 0no bycatife tfae Cattell of BoktnvU- BokwviiieM lers faao oonc certaine infaumane crnelticB to tfae Ibings ry3rj,iDfaerof tfaeCadel is mucfa moae oefen(!ble,tfaan tfaeinoUm,U)oulo not fufamit to tfae I^ing, U)faerefo;e on tfae lalf oay of 0ugu(l tfae f^ing toitfa all faio faott tobe fais iournep tfaytfaer,ano en^ clofeO tfae SDotone toitfa faio pauilions ano tenteo.^ettnyet faim ano tfaem of tfae Cotone, Uiere many (faarpe battayles ano cruell aCTaultes, but at all times tfae Engit^men put tfae Frenchmen to fligfat,tofaerfojc tfae infaafaitatttes ano garifons oftfae totone ano CaSel oeltnereo tfae fame to tfae l^ingin ^o5 Henrie the fifth* t^jej:i:ug,of^cptcmbcr. Shtrifes.^f llichard Whitinghara:Iohn Butler,the aS.ofSeptcmber, fJKaior.i RichardWhitington Mercer,thc.28.of O(ffober. iititg Hcnrie.returneD toitbfjtsarmpfe Mmnt, iofjcre 1)eDeu:Debl)isbo®i"totl)J®battaplc«, tofjwcofbe Dcliuc> rc8 tlje one to tge £Duhe of GloceUer, tofjomc tjc fentcto fub# Me t\)tKoixine of Saint Cermaiftes, tDhtcb aftct tttaiipe bat# tapleo ano affaulteo, in Ibojt time toao peelocc to btnntbe feconoe battaple fje fent to tfje Caffell of Mctmt Oje, tobitfl in tike manner toao p^lDco ttDttbtbetblrDc battapfe 7 tbe ?ain3 in \)vs otone perfon toent to btfiege Mtn-knce, tobicfj aboue al other Uiao moii Ifrong. %\)e iituation of tbio tolrni toao in a plenteono 3;ie betlntrte tino armeo of tbefea f r» notUHtbttanoing tnben tbe inbabitaunteo ano d^arifons fatoe tbe great pjouiCon of tbe taing tbep pkIdcD tbe toton, on tbe latt oap of;2Detobcr: from tbence tbe 5apng refurneb againc to M^HKt, ano fente tbe SDuke etExcepter to faefiege tbe Cattle of GdtArde, tobicbe to bimtyas paloeotbc w; of jSDecember. Itiing Henric kept bio CbJittmatTe in tbe Citie of be fent tbe Carle etS/thfiurte^to take tbe STolone of Frejvej, tobicb in Ibojte time be toke. SCbc CarIc Marilial ano tbe Carle of Hmtingtoir^ toere fentcbptbcl^pngto fobonetbc |03ouince of 5'/jcw»,U)bere tbe iDolpbin bao oeputco a Cap# taine mitb a ttrong poiDcr,tobicbe Captaine mette tbe tUjo Car lea,ano gaue tbem batfaple, but tbe Engbpjmcn remap# neo conquero?s. ano tbuo tbofettuo Carles fuboueo tbe pjouince of5^c«#«,U)itboutanp otber great reCttaunce. SMbilett tbefeano manp otber bittojies lucratcbieneo, tbe Jiing continuing in tbeCitie of Roat.e, tbe ambalTaooaa of Charles tbe French teing^f of tbe jaDukC of Bnrgaigne, camC to tbe feing to treate ofpeace, tobcrc of tbe l^ing tbep ioerc rigbt bonourablp recepueo,ano rent tritb bsm to tbe French Mn3ant) t\)e^ufieof Burgot^ne, bps auibatraoours,tuptb full auttbo?itp toconcluOe tbis long fougbte peacertbe p?tn# cipall ambattaoonr toas tbe Carle of fVanvtcke, in compa# Henric the np ofcerfaine 5!5ti5ops anD oftjw Dtfc«f{ men,afcoi«pan!?# eo lott^ a ffrons potocr of armco men. SD^efo ambaflfabo;^ tocrcfirif bjoagbf fo tbc Duke of/Jw/s^-jf.bucaufc l;a loasi iiei;tt)n'ot{)cm,anD after tbcptokc tl;cir lourncpbntil t^cp fame to t^e Citie ofTro^r, tufjcrc tljcp founbc liing Clui ics of Frauvce tfjC DuiEnC bto totff j auD tf)at bcautlfuU ELabp^K^dKren tl)mbausljtcr. 0nbenfriugintofomum» iticationofpeacemitb tbejatn^scounfell of Fnmwe , tbe toapcofpcacelwaofounbebcttuirttljofcttoo iaingo bpali# aiTco'tbat is to fap,bp a mariagc to be mabc bcttoirt f niott tictojious ia.of tlfc tlabp Kathctin bau0bf^f fo ^ laing f Qucencof Fraunce: but bicauft tl)fp pmepucb tijaf inanp tljings migbtc not be bont bSout tbe pjcfence of tbc kings .as toel foj appoCtion of tbeir fealcs foj p ratifping of ^ articles of tbis peace^as foj tbe folcmnijation of t ma< fcimonp, f alfo ^iaing Charles mas aman ofmanpperes, fbep conbefcenbeb ^ tbe ia.of at arcrtain bap amogtt tbeiniiiihtcb (boulbccoinc to tbe fojcfapbecnitic of as great an armeb potuer as be tooulbc. 0t tobicbe bap ap» pointeb,if be fapleb to be tbcre, al bis comnnicatioofpeace Ibolb be as bopbe^Cbefe things tljus conclubeb i fetboton in iujiting,^ crle of^^jv/^ liotjis companp returneb to Eii.of to tobo tbep bcclaceb bp ojber tubat tbep bao bone,tDbo ioas contente in all things to perfo?me tbeir ap^ pointments, i p;cp3reb foj bis iourncp.E^c calleb togitber knigbtSjinen ofarmes f archers to ^ nuber ofpbj.^p.of tbr the moje part toere ;arcbers*. f toben the time came that be fooulb bepart totoarb Tn)j's(n$ betoas accu(Iomeb)be sent' keb bis people in tljia parts f battaples,f ttoa toings, and in that maner tbc.bib.bap of ^ap, be entrebbistournp tof toarb Tra^s in Campame, tobere betoas met bp tbe Duke ot FHrgoigHt accompanpcb foitb manpe noble me.ttpo leagues^ isout tbetoton, lobo bereceineb gret bono? f buc obfer# nance.Cben this moll b!tto?ious king accompanpcb botbs of Engltp} anb Frenchmen Of cucrp cltate f begr®, entreb tbe &?cfaio Citie of Troys, f Urates loberof toont anp afapbing- bef Henrie the fifth* f)0 {JaflTcD bntil fje came to f Utngs palace, tufjer Charles ano the ^Hucene ht^ U)tfe aboDecomming,oriDbomeIje teas recepucD gmblp ano after a pjtncelp maacr. Wt)en ^ iliing of England toas tfjufi ropallu recciue£i,after tlje Sue re^ foluttons on {jts part mabe to luting Charles f the iSiuane, he Departct) from them, anb bp the jS^uHe of Burgoine ano other great eliates as iuell of England as of Frauncs.yit toas conuepcb to his lobges. SChc Ctttte toas beutbeb into tluo parts, tuherofthe one half toas affigncb to X}^zFreKchmen f Burgonians,mXi the othcr halfe to the Engiijhmen: anb btcaufe that parte alTtgneo to the Englishmen, fuffireb not to recepue them all toithin the toalles,bat that a great part of the mutt be lobgeb in thefubiirbes, theiaing atEngiande, bicaufehP« people on that part (houlbe hane fr^ concourfe togither,ihs canfeb the toall on that part of the Citie tohere he toas lob«s geb, to be caft boton to the grounb. liing Cliarles gaue au< tthojitte anb potoer to Kabel his toife anb snu0ene,to Phil- lip Duhe QtB(irgoigne,^i\n tocortaine other of his Counfell plenarilpto conclube the peace toithiiing Henrie,fojhpni anb foj his realme at France,XinXitx fuch conbitions as tholb be becrab,f alfo to p?oue,ratifp,f coSrme the fame, bp oth folemnijebin theparfo of!i.Charlcs,toithoutfrauoe, in al things to be obferueb bnto the fapb !a, Hcnrie,his hepjes f fuccelToars, bp the fapbe laing Charles,his hep?es anb fuc# cetTojSjf c.l)n the rrj. of ^ap,in the rl. pere of the reigne of iaing Charles, in the Cathebjal Chnrche of Treys,iiing of Engiande toitlj the 2E>uhe of Clarence his b?other anb other DulieSjC'arleSjffiilhops, iSarons, JLojbes ofettaf, anb o* ther ^jelates of Englande,m\ll Ifabel the Siufrne ofFraunce, toith the SDuhe of Burgoigne.mti other of the icings Counfel of Frauncemxi ttt that part hps efpeciall commiffioners, foj anb in the name of the hing of anb alfo fo? themfeN ueSjf in their pjoper names, in a great affemblp of the th* cftates ofFratince, bulgarlpcallcb thepj J3ariiamente,con# clubcb a peace bettoirt the ttoo litealmes of England f Frdce, anb the fameratifieb anb app.:oueb toith the conbitions ann articleis Henric the fifth* ^op in part (^all foItoU),lD^eret)pon io^itinga iuer maoe, fealcD tfje bjaoDc ftale of tbcfapDc king Char- les. SCben tmmebtatelp Ifabcl tf)e ^ue^neanbtb^^utteof Bur£o/gKein the name of i^ing Charles, mace a folcnine ofb bpon tbe fjolp Cl;uangeUJfeo,tbat ? fame Charles bis l)ept5 anb fuccelToars Oioulbe obferue aiiD bdrpe toifbont frnube tbe peace maoe betmrrt tbe ttoo Healmts . Hnb tbe fame otbetbe ^ueene anbtbe S)ubcof 5«>-^«>^»'tntbep}oUmc names anb fo? tbemfelues tbep; f fuccelTours, mabc bnto t\)t t^tng fo? bim bis bsp^es anb fuccelTours , anb a& ter tbem as manp as toere tberc pjcfent botb of tbe fetngs counfeUanbalfo oftbc|^arltament, as £5tlboppes,llo;bs, l^ntgbtes,anb commons, mabe tbe fame otbe to tbe tapng» anbtbejnclij.anb.rrttb'f^psof^ap tbe Cbauncellourcf Frau»ce, aub manu otber Ttojbes, ffiiOjops, J^jelates, anb noble men gaue tbe ithe fantb anb otbe. SCbstbirbeof June, being pjefent tbeCounfell of ft. Charles,Ifabel Siuane of fVrf«we,tbe2i)uhe of Burgotgne,Tinli tbe J^arliament atFraunce, anb alfo tbe SDube of curence, toitb manp i5ifbops,iLo?bs, anb ftnigbtes of £«^W,U)itb fting Henrie, tbe matrtmom'e teas folemntjeb bettoirt tbe moll biitojtous ft tng Henrie of England, anb tbe ejrcellent f glojious Jlabn Kathcrin,baugbter to Charles'Of FrauneenWi Ifabcl bis Siuane.Cbe peace tbat luas confirmeb bettufirfe tbe fapb tlDO bings anb tbeir realmes Uias reb as folotoetb. fting Henrie from nolufojtb buring tbe life of ftpng Charles (ball not name 0J tojitebimfelfe fting of Framce, no; (ball not fuffcr bimfelfe of bis people fo to be nameb o; U);itten.3[fter tbe beatb of bing Charles,bing Henry ibal be liing of Fr^««^ life of Charles, Ibal rule anb gouerne tbe realme of Framce, to tbep;ofitf bonojoftbc famebingCharles.ftingCharles in al bis tojitings (bal name tbe fame fting Henrie our fon anb b^PJf of France, Curing tbe life of tbe faib king Charles. ©q. fting Hcnrie the fifcK iitng Henric iTjall be tDjttten,Henric atEngUnde^ aniH bcij?c ant) Hegent atFrmnce, anD ut tbc lihe mancr b«t fbal tDjite btmfclfc ttt all things that tbaU be aurtbojijco bnctr bts oUinc fcale. !Sing Henric iball call feutg Chsrlcs bps jFatber, ano ujurene Kabel bps motber ano Iball bonsura tbeni.j;5oM,ting Henne Qjal not pjobibitc, U)itb>bol5e,noj Defraiioe&ing Charles bis i^atber oftbsCrotone otFraKce, no;tbetfl"ufS oj renenues tbereof. 5lnD ibe Quoencbis mo# tber at all times During bit Iif« b^ fijall b^pe in Due cltatc as bclongctb to bit" inaieftie,f c. luifb Diuerfe otber Articles tubicbfo? liberties fet not Dolunc intbis place, ^ftcr tbe final eno anD accomplifljing of tbis marriage, coticnanfsanoconDitions,ratifveDina'lpartc6,l>ing Hen- ric.accompanpeD ofl^ing Charles anD of bis rotinfe!, oftbc tUjo sUneencSjlfabcl anD Kathcrin,anD of tbe Dulic of /?«r- goig»c, oeparteD from Trojs^ anD toke bis iournep to Parisy anD from Pans not manp Dapes after tbcp all tocnt to lape fiegeto tbe Citie of ^e»#,tobicbe tuas to tbem contrar{e,but befojc tbe tobolc bo3e toere fetleD in tbeir places,tbe Cap# taine Citizens anD (IParifons fnbmitteo tbeir boDpcs ano Citie toitb all tbaf tbep IjaD to tfic liing. STben ibep bafieo to /i/««/?rf4«,U)bicb CoUine tbep toke bp fojcc. £)n tbe jcb.of 3nlp tbep toent to tbe Citie ofana tnuironeD tbe fame ijoitb a ffrong fiege, foj tbere toere tbe icings of E^gUnde,of France, anD Scctlandcytf^z ^Ufec Of gotgne,Bat4tir, Clarencey P.edforde, ailD ExceUer, tbe CarlCS Of AfarchyfVanxicke,Huntington Somerfet %ty TD)}i5 ficgC CO# tinueD.piiij.toakesanD oDDc Dapes, from tbe fenC of Mary Magdalcivto tbe featte of All Samtcs, not toitbout in a ma# tier euerp Dap a confiict anD foje flurmilfie, but at length foi toante of bictualles tbe beCegeD, palDeD tbemrelues to tbe !^pngsof EngUnde auD Fraunce, from tofience tbe fojfapDe ?^pngs toitb agreate parte of tbenj armpe toenfetoPrj- ris. Sherifes. ? lohn Butler:Iohn W els,thc.28.cfSeptembcr. UVdam, i Wjlliana Cambridge Grocer,the.28.of Oftobcr. Hcnne the 611 Amo rig.Q, 1421 ws fetng Henric feept f)ps CfjJiflEnjaflfe in tl)e Citie of fn tf)e Cattle of Saint Andiotiy. ^tto after 1)0 ^aOfjolDeii a J3arltamenfetl)ere,f)elDettffo^^^'«'f, ntio fberciuittj vuusvuius. Nor mans,9,n^ Enghpomen ^elDo 3 ^arUantenf.^tiD tfje U}^eil ^je fjao ettablifl^co fure 0uarDc foj fijis Hcalme of Fraunce f Dutchie of Norman^ie, f}epn(reOti)<^OU0b^ PscardictO Cxleis, and fo fo Doutr, tobrre toitb Ifis Qtieene ^e lauDeti on Can? felemaCicOap. Ki)t fourfanff) of i^ebjuarte ^urene Katherin toas tsTrer, tjnto tDbomtbeiatngatttgnciXo |)tr DotDjie. I oooo.marheo, alfo be confenteo fo fbe £ieltuc«» rte of fbe I^ing of Scots, tobo ban btn long pjtfoner in Eng. lande,\iiitl) conOition, tbat befojc bts Departure out of Eng. lands,\)e fball tafee to totic tbc iDuUt of Somsrfsts Qtter^nicce fo tbe CarDtnal of . Cbe.rrb.of ^areb tbe Dufee of Clarencs,\xiit% manp ofber 3Lo;Ds Ujere flatne bcpono tbe CSttater ofLshe in Frannce, f tmny 3i;o?D£i loere taken pjifoncro, of tbe inbtcb f be Carle of Huntington anD tbe Carle of Somerfst uiere p?incipal. 31n a JBarliantet at weflminHsr it toas ojDapneD tbat no man ttjoulD p?ofer goto in papment, but if it be|Detoai0lxt» lobcrfo.:c loao ojDaW^DlEalancw anb ioetgbfes'^^Sbek^ fuppjcttco tljc Frsnctf^ix^srWclV^no^oxMs^^ er£f,anDrucbUkein£'?x^'i«'3ff,bpcaurctbcptbougbfilIof tbe / , sg Conqueaoucrfr4«wf,tbep3 lanDofcueregtuenfapbiinano j Henric tbe ttrtb,to^onatterico anD CoUeDgesoflearnetL^'^''' men. ■fis.-co oc^ ^ 3|ntbisparliamenttoasD'emaunDeDrubfiDieXb^2si*'^ ttjop of^ytftchsiler lenttbc king 0000, pounDe to ttraine ^ matter. 2Dbc iking bauing DifpofcD all ttjing in ojDcr cocer? ning tbe realme of£«^WanD tbe toars in Scotiand,\tm\ng in EngUnds 1)18 , toitl) a greate potoer to tbe num? ber (after Engucrant) of tbirtpctboufanDe, returneDinto F/-^««c-f,U)berc,aftcrbebaDDebiCteo tbe iking anD i25uane of Fraunce at ParU,\^Z toUe t'be Cattell ofTdrwex bp attault. 11 I ■J-J ,/ if 1:1 '4 q.^t ^Ino fl H ^ I i Henric the fifth* 0nb Iv^en entmtc«i);epnreo f^emfelneiS "T iius liuius, to battatle,^e app;ocbeb t\)t fionoe of Lo)re, aboute floub it toas fato i;is entmteo biere: but agatnit btnt came no man.Mbcrfo;e tbe t^png le&tie bis boQe to laps fiege to tbc Citp QtSens, conimoulpe callcD tbc^itngs neU) Colon, lobicbs Colone fo; lache ofbtttnalleo paloeb tbcmfelueo anbtbeColon totbci^ing. lohn Mortimer bjaho foJjtbeof t\)t ColOCt Of LondoK, anb bepng aftcrloams taken,bsc loas b;alDen anb bnngeb. Shertfes,} Richarde Goflclin: William Wellon.tlie 28.ofScplcmb. U\£iwr.\ Sir Robert Chichclcy Grocer,the 28.ofOftobcr. SCt)iS &PJ Robert Chichelcy, loben bC DCCeafeb in ydma ^^39* toilleb in bis CeSamentjtbat bppon bis minb^bap, a competent binner (boulb be o;batneo to; 2400, po;e men, boulbslbera oftbe man of Lo»dm gaue Itberallp to tbe aimeo boufca founbeb bpbisbjOlbcrHenrieClnchcley 3rcbebp(bop Carterbu- *7,at Htgham fcxxtxi ttt NothdmftonjhiredXi lObpcbColonC tbeploereboms. nmtiyiuf. 3In tbe ^onetb of iSDctober, loben iitng Henry bab beli* ucrcb tbe Citie of Pam from all annopaunccs,be loitb bis bolfe loent to bcfiege tbe Citie of Meauix in Brye, to tobpcb Citp nigb abiopning,is a place catleb j AUrket tAMeaulx, betloirt lobicb tloo places flotoctb tbe riuer of Mm-ne, tobt® cbs alfo enuironetb botbe tbe fame places. Cbps Citie loas beOegeb all tbe Minter, lobcrein loere fo manpe, anb fo greate ftojmes anb floubs of raine, tbat tbe kings boll loas often annopeb loitb buger f colbe, Cbe Qrtb of December, iLabpKathcrincDuan of£«^- /.i;»iif,b;ougbtefo,:tbbir firtte begotten fonne in tbe Ca# ^ ffell of/^/«<^ySrtd.Hcnry ^rc^btil^op ^tCanterbune, Ootng tbe okict or^aptirme, 3|nfbc monetb of i^cbjaarietbeJltmgbfstbaftot^rcw 0artfott,anD tt)c pjtitcipall of p Citie of Mtdx percepuing tbat tbe ^ommer comuung (bontoe caufe t^e 0egt to be moje Ugbt? anD lellicpainefuU to tfje Enghfhmen, ano Difficil bnfo tfjemfclueo, oeparteo tfje Citie ano Uienteinto tljat Annoreg.\9 place,tbat to called tlje Market otMea/x, ao to tfje 23to?e oe# 142" feitfible boloe,after Utbofe oepartmg tbecbmon people ba« utng none abilttp to refiS tbe things potoer, psloeb tbem^ felueo and tbe Citte to tbe ^tng. ;Sfter t^to tn tbe tnonetf; of^ap,tofjentbetttngbad fojebeaten tbefojfapd Market of Meanlx^kt cottffrapneo tbe Frenchmen tbat toere beCegcd, to condefcende bnto certatne couenaunteo, and to deltuer tbe place bnto btm t and (bo^tlp after loere deltuered to tbe iking tbetotone ofC)'"«^r T''ifceme,not fat ft'oiji Partisan tf)E latt of0u5u5,tn tb? pcare 1422. Volfcn bebao ratgneo nine pcareo Sue monetbeoanb obDeoapeo. Cberetoao p^efcntatbtsoeatbi^tiis^li^t'tcs of Fraunce, anb tbo tiuo ©uanco: but befoje Ifis beatb tffw matt pjubcnt iHing birpofcb tbc guaroe of tbe pong |!>3tn effatcs, ano commons of £»^/W,tbat toere tbere pjefente, toitb alfo manp i;o30s ano great ettates, as tocll of Francs, Norraandts,BHrgondie,WCit Picardse,\D^O bjOUgbt toitb grcatC honour to Parts, ano fettntbeCbnrcbeofour£'»^i/f,tebere tocre Done foj bim rigbt folemne erequies, toitb oitfributio of monp ano greatalmes to tbe pto^e. i^rom tbence be toas^ b;augbis to Roa»e, tob.erebe aboaoe long.Wbrn all things neceOkris Hcnn'e the fifth* nefeOiirie totre pjeparet>fo?t|}eronucpaunce of rtjciKase I&m0 into EMgUKde, boOp toas lapbe in a Cbariot, lobi' ffja toas o;atoen bp foare great bojlleo :an6 aboue tbe Deao mpcB tbep lapoe a figure mabe ofbopleb bpbeo o; leather, repjcfenting b« pcrfon, as npgbe to the femblaunce of bim as coulo be oeuifeD, painteo corioudp to the fimilitutie of a (iuingrreature : bpontDborebraoetDasretan(l!;mpe' riali^iaoem of.goloe ano precious fioncs:ano in bis right hanD he heioe a Scepter ropall, ano in his ie^e hano a bail of goto, ano in this manner aOojneo tuas this figure lapbe in a beboe in the fapoe Chariot,toith hps bpfagehncoiiereo fotoaro the hsanens: ano the coucrture of hps bcboc luas of f CD filUe beaten ioith golDc: ano befiocs thatjluhrn the boop tbouloe palTc through anpe gcco Soton, a Canapte ofmar» uaploiis great balue, toas bo;ne ouer the Chariot, bp men of great loojlhippe . 3ln this manner accompanpco of the king of ano of all j^jinces, iLojocSjanoiSnightcs of hps hcufe , hs toas bjoughte from to fiAbeuUe, tohere the eiwpfe toas fet in the Churche of Same Of- fidne. iFrom itAhuile^ hs toas bjoughtcto Hedin, flno from thence to L^en^reull, fo tO Bulloigne, anO tO CaleU. ^n all thps tournep tuere manp men about the Chariot clotheo nl in tuhife, tuhirh bare in tljep? hanOcs tojchesburning,after tohoni folloloeo at the houtholoe feruauntes in blache,ano after them came the lattices , 3Lo;ces, anoelfatcsoffho Jttpngs blouo, aoojncD in bcfiures of mourning : ano after all thps, from the fapoc Cojpfe the oitfauncecf ttoo Eng- //y^emplcsfolloujeDthe sDuaenc of righte honou# rablp accompanpco. 35n thps manner thcp entreOG?/w, fromtohcnce after a felne bapes thep Ocpartco, anocon^. tinueo thep? tourneps bp toater ano lanoe bntpll thep came fo London, tohcrc thep arriueo about the tenth ofj^o* uember, f fo fncre conuaicb bp London b?iDge th?oogh cheaf fo the Catheo?nll Churehe of Samt Pauie • bppon the roue* ring of the fo?motte of the foure ho?fres that conuapcO the Chariotjtoer imb?ooereb theauntient armes tXEngiU; £l)q.ii^* tjpoti ^ Hcnric the fifth* 1)pon tl)t C0titr(ure af t^e feconde Ijoaflre foere t^e armet or England0115 Franncein OHO (ttielDO quarterly: tjppon fljo CO# nerture of t^effjtroe iio^flTe toao iinb;o5ereBtf)ear}nesof Fr4unceMtiiQ\xt aiip waiicr of otSierenco :antj on tbe fbnrt^ bo^QTe loere t\)t armeo of ]^tng Arthur. Mbon bto etequteo loere felemntfeo eXSam Paulet Cburcb in Lmdm, ^ee Uiao toougljt froni tbfcc fo be enferrca in tbe 0bbap of Saint Pe- ter at fVeiTrminSier amongtt Ijvs nofalo aunceSourco. tbps mod bi(to?toao ana renottmeai&png enirea tbe Uiap aecraa fo} eucrp creature, in tbe flonre f mod Indie time of b^o age, to toitte but fiice ana tbirtio peareo eiae. (V) Enrie the fixth, being an in-' fanf ofeistt moneys olo, beganne bw ratgne tbe latt ofaiagalf, tn fbc ^eare 1422. Contmuingtb^ftme ofbio^ontb, tbe goutrnance offbt a^ealme toao commttfco tof ^nhe of6y tobwb manp, b^ fuffereapatientlp, ano repu*^ febfb^ luojtbelp fent of d^oo fo; bta ofCcnceo.. William Gaftficld : Robert Tatarfale, the 2B.ofScptem. Sherifes.} William Waldernc Mercer,the aS.ofOflober. Uifaier. > SCbe rrj.of^Dctober,Charles !iing ot France palTeb out of tbis Kijl ry tfloyf 2Xil;t c/Or/r.lttff, Charles le bievv King of France 4yed. Henry King of Cngland au4of francj. DoIphm>of Fratiee proclay- nied King of France. Ts'ro Kings oF FraiKe,Hcnfy CtiarlcS, Henry t!]jis U50jt&,ant> toaa burieD at S.Demi m Ff4>tce,a.tfct^e bin Croluncb tiing 46, pcarca. toas grcatlp brloucD of l)is people all Ijia life timc,aiiD tljcrcfoje toas rallcD Le Roy Charle !c hievp ame •• but pct \^t b^D 3 CchnelTe tbc mcje part of Ijis ratgne, tljat being out of bis tDttte,bcbJoulocttithc all tbat came narc bim: it ttobc bt»n fir® in tbe Citte otAfans ibojtlp after br bab bin in Flanders to reoutc tljc Flemings to obcbtence. Cberc teas bp rcafonbareof great trouble in France, bpcauft tljofc tbat tucrc nare to binj in lignagc, fougbt euerp one to bsuetbecbiefegouernementintbcp; banoa. tbuatipeD,tbe l^calmeUjaalefiinmire' rablclfate,fo? people of eacb ffrange nation toere goner# nourcs in tbe l^ealine.i?trft,tbe£«^///Jwf« bab ronquereb a great parte, anb fougbt to bane tbe rcffjanb tbe^uhe of Bnrgoigne,ijoitl) Hiaup otbergreatilojbeo alieb Ujitbbptn, (bugbt to conquere aU,foj tbe pong Sing Hcmy of Eng/ande toboclapnieb tbcnt0beSingpffrbiHings, anb Blans of epgbtpence apace, anb fo in no place of tubere Sing Henry tuao obepeb, anp tber monep tuas reccpueb, but fucbe ao bab tbe^rmesof France anb £»^/4»ritlampeb on it, Charles iDuhe of Twr-j/wir tbc SDoIpbin, fonne to Sing Charles le blew arnc.clapming to be rigbt inberito? to tbc ISealme of France, bp tbe auntient (i!;bi(tes anb cudontec of tbe fapbe Iftealnie as tuas alleogcb, pjoclapmcb bimfclfc Sing after tbebcccaffe of bps father, nottuitbttanbingjbp tbe agramcnt niabc at tljc marriage of bis S»itfer to tbc Sing of it Uias otbertuifc conclubcb (as bcfo?e to recitcb) anb fo tbrre lucre tluo Sings in France, Henry anb Charles, botl; tubub ffriuing fc; tbc Crotone^lbe Healmc teas intuapsfpcrbition, a 1 :r7 r-^.v 61^ Henry the (ixth» 3parltamenf tA London began fbe m'nfb ofi|3ouember, Parliamtnt at teas granfeb to tbe iiingn fnbftbie foj tljja ijearco, r-on'^oa? fine nobles of cuern facke of toojU tljaf tboulo palTeoutof tbe lanD. 2nbtspeare,fbeMealI(iC'afe oflcwfi^wCfomefimecaUeD Ncv,,^afeof Chambcrliime G'i William Crovvimr Draper, the 28. ofOftober. tJifJtor C about tbe fame time, tbe SDukeof.s«>-^«^»tf gaue bis C^oukc of B«d* flertbe JLaop Anne in marriage to tbeSDuke of Bedford,nm Dukeo^'Btu^* (0 tbe alliance tons maoemoje Ifrongbettoijct tbe EngB/b f gotgncj daugh.^ tbe Burgontans. Phillip dc Comincs tojltetb, tbatlohn JD. OfBedford,^m nixtrnk ttegent in France fs? tbe Engiijhmen, bis monctb Ip alloioace in tbat ofi^ce amounting to 2 o o o o, CroUmes at tbe lealf. ^If0,l§ SPttkCS of BnrgeigHe,Bsdford,f Britein,mtt in f totnil of I'r, ! i M If'*! 14 •-'] ?'C i' ! n' mil Wi'\ llf i 1^ Ji» -• ml 111 i 151^1 V'- > tf' ■i*!; . ( I ^20 Henry the fixth* otJmiem,t\)ext toa0 alfotl^e (^a,xu of Rtchmm, b;of|}er to V)t SDuke of Brttemc, ano manp otber great ^o?Dcg, tobicbe Carle of Richmomf^oxi marrieOtbejBDiike Df5r/><-/««eiDelt fitter Margaret, fometime tutfe to t^e E>ul{e of anb S>oIpl)in of FruKce. SCbefe tl)2« SDukeg loere fiue o? fire bapes togitber in Amtens, in great frienoibip ano reuereme eacb to otber, p2onuttng perpetuall amitte to continue. Sif* tertbiOjtbe^ukeof 5r/r«wreturneDinto \)is Countrep, tbe ^uke of Bedford,of Frei?ice,)tO Prfm.anD 2D, of BHrgoigne, to Arroi, but iDitbin a afterit^eCarte of Richmont rcuoltcD to Ihing Charles, bpon fome mifiikmg f>e bao concepueD againtt tfje 2Duke of Bedfm-d. liing Charles recepucD bini iopfullp, f maoe bint Ccnnettafale ofFrrwce. ;9[bout tbe fame time, tbe 2Duke of^f^^rwcaufcl) Crotoy to be befttgeb botb bp boater anb bp lanb, iubtcb after fottre 02 fine monetbeo ftege, bong botb Cobone anb Cattell belt« uereb to tbe 2Duke, bobere be 02bepncb Ralph Butler to bee Captapne. attbattime,tbe2Duheof5f!tieu,om Ptcardy, from P^ru to Rems,Chalons,% Trojies,^^ tO tbe boater of Lyre. a^bout tbe featt of Saint Andrew, tbe Captapncs offtting Charles affembleo tbeir fo2ces about he Fere, anb NeliefOXib tcoke bp nigbt tbe Cobone of Campeigne, anb fpopleb tbe in* habitants of all tbeir goobes. ^be^tlp after came tbe ^uke of Bedford to Mondidter boitb tboelue bunb2ctb fighting me, , anb requetteb tbe iL02b of Savenfes to lap fage to Campetg»e, anb be booulbe finbe btm men ano monep to boage tbem, boberebnto be graunteb, anb after fiftecnebapes roege,bao tbe fame beliucreb, 3it^tbemonetbofifefa2uarp, lames Steward, tbepong SefSfwiV Scottes, bobo boas taken bp tbe Enghfhmen in tfie (>rifgnuicnr> epgbtpeace of i^tng Henry tfie fourth, nnb bab remapneb in Englandp2iroiicr till this time, boas noUt beliucreb, anb marrieb in Saint Mary Oucrycs (tbnrcb in the 3LabpIrinc,baugbter to lohn Carle of Somerfet^ Ccuttnto liing Henry. Six Henry the fixth* <^21 Sir lohn Mortimer Sinigbt toSS DJStone fo Tiborne, anU f^ere ^angeD ano quartereo, but bit bobp toaa burpcb tn , Saint Johns CbUtCb at ClarkenrvelL ' iimg Hcnrycs people faefagmg tbe Caflfell ofDimy tit 14J4 tbe marcbcs of Normandy, tljep luttbtu compouiiDeD to palo at a bap affignes, if tbe Enghfhmen Uiere notfougtjt toitball befojetije fame oap bp tbe F^-^wAw^w.-toberebponaaUjelt latng Charles, a0 tbe ^ukc of Bedford, mabe great leutea of men to tteepe tbe bap appopnteb, anb beeretuttb tbep b;etu both toUjaros Tury: but tobfit Jlitng Charles bearb boUi tbe SDukeof^tf^'r^tDas comtning totoarbeabtmiDitbfucba pui(rance,be Itiaa counfelteb to b^talu backe,anb fo be bib to« Perch*,' "iaaXOOf^ernoleW Perche,\Xi}^omt tbeSDuke of^f^WfoHos tueb, fo tbat be founb bis armie nare to yemoie. :3nb toben eptber armie toas in figbt of tbe otber, tbep put tbemfelueo in ojbcr of battelt, anb tbe Engitjhmen mabe an bebge of tbeir ©ojflTe bebinb tbcir battell, bpcaufe tbe French tboulbe not ffrike in among tbem on tbe bacfee«:anb tbe Frenchmen o;bereb tbemfelueo in battell arrap, making a great bat;; tell offoDtemen, in tbe tubicb, tbep puttbefloure anb cbie^ feff men.Cbep appopnteb tbeir l^ojCfemen to fet on tbe En- gltjhmen a trauerfe, tbe battaplco on fote rame bpon anb topnebjtobereUias a ro?e0gbt betUiirt tbem, continuing tlDo boureo togitber, tfjatno man migbt iubge iobicb iuap tbebictone iooulb encline: but at length, tbe men oft^ing Charles began to b?eake, anb tben tbe began to- tbjutt in among tbem, anb bib fomucb,tbat tbep bifcom? fiteb tbeir eniinies, Cbere iuere flapne tbe (itarle Dow- glaSjSDuke of Tnron, lames Dowglas,dearie of '^tghton ^arle ofBongh4»,\33i\.\^t\^t tuirount Nerbon, anb nianp o? tber, to tbe number of tenne tboufanb (faptb Fabian) foure i^oitei tboufanbe fapetb mine 0utbo? {0. Frenchman) lubo fapetb, tbat tbeH>uke of Bedford bare bimfelfe moff baliantlp, figb< ting toitb an arcfo fiercelp, ao be babtbe pjapfcofallo# tber. 2rbeC!;arIes(of^«/{/Z'«r/f anb 'S'«/o%gouernebtbems ftUiesalfo rigbf0alwnfip« Henry^clStlit Sfjc 3LO?0 UtTorfy, anD Otl)er ilOjDS atN'ormAKdy, before !jaD taftcn parttoitfjtbc EngitfhmenA^if capfurnfli to t()C Frewh , Ijopitig tijat tlje Engltfljmen fijOUlDe Ij^UC loll tije baltell. 2Cruc it is, tbat tbe Frenchmen luoulD neucr fuffcr tfjctr i^tng Charles to be pjefent tn perfon at aiip bat* taj?lc, but toben tijep tbougbt to pttclj a ficlDe,tbep fent btm into fomc Crong SCotone. 5i3p tbe loDTc of tbio baftapic Anmre^r. fougbt OH tbe feaucntantb of iSugull, before FernoU In Perche,^\x\QCharles toas put togreatbiubetance,fo tbat be toao not able in puilTance to giue tbe Engijhmen anp bat# taple, bauing pnottgb to'.befenbe anb h^pe bte: Xohjaes ano fo?trecrcc agatntt tbem. 2Cbe SDube of Bedford returncbtnto A/amW/, tubert bepunidtebmanp tbat flcbbe from bim tbe bnp of tbe bat# taple« 2nben toent be to Par^, tobere befounb tbeSDubeof ThtDiikeof Burgoigne,iobo recepueb. bim, anb tbe 2)utcbes otBedforde amo?cdv"'iri"" bts Ujife, tbo fapoo SDubo titBnrgotgnes fitter, rigbtiop* fullp, anb mabe to tbem great feall, at iobiebe feaffalfo vvhereof cjme iDeretbccSarlesof^^AyZ'/*^ mtiSuffhike, tbe olbe ^u(ene greatdi^TpicaTure ofmotber to l^tttg Charlcs, anb manpotbergreafe •in >1 Ionc to £^tl - ^ , . t ^ ^ • - - gland,by the ollates of btucrs nations, amongtt tbe tobicbe, tbe E>n' b"vvixme''^ Qt Bedford\xidii bolbeii fo?tbemottgallajitell3Labpof EngUsi.,anj all otbcr, uiib toitb bir> tbe CountelTe of Sahfinrie, a berp the Burgomoiit. SDufee of Bedford tbat bab netier iulfcb be# fo?e,tuileb tbere. £Cbe SDuUe of Burgoigne loas a berp gcoblp f amiable ma of perfonage, boing ercellentlp toell tobatfoeuer be troUe in banb,anbefpenallpinbanfmg anb intttng beejrcabeball Dtberofbtsuhe of Burgoigne tatnt into bis Conn# trep of Burgoigne, anb tbere to)lte to toifc tbe SDucbes of A>- «f?v, tobicb bab bin toife to bio H^nfele tbe ^uUeofAV«#r/, ano Henry the fixtli* anl)]f)a& bp b»f ^bjo Dulte titBurhon, but fl[)e lujcD iiot loiij itJttb b""* ^Clje {itBntjo>g^cn\(Q gaueijtsfiller tfjepongrlfj nanicD Agnes Thefcconj inmarrcatre bnlo Charles deBnrbon, Carle of C/erewf«/, oratnit^cne# foi tfjc tu!)tcbjfb«^ Dnt'.c of Bedford, aiiD olficr EKghjhme loere tvvixt Hngbra tojotb, foj tljat beniaoe fuclje nlltance ioitb tbc cntim'cc iutfbout ffictracfojo, SZl)iB pcare, tfie FreKchmen repatrcD tbeCaffclI of/f/s^wtti Champagne, ^bicb IjsD bin a Ittflo befoje DettropD bp tlje Engi:fhmey>, ano noU) it luas tocU Ifuf# feDU)tf!)bictuals aiiEi men, tobtcb began to mabe fo?e toar to tfie Countrep, but lbo?llp after tlje Carle QtSahfiurte be*^ f«geD tlje, anD toitfi Ijim iMefstre John de Luxenburg, tofio' bio fo mucfjjtfiat tbc Calfel! toaa pdeloeo to bf ni. E^be E.of Bedford, tottfi fiis toife tbeDucbetf, lap foj tbc molf parte in Patis, leaoing tfierc a plcafant life toitb tbc llabp tobom be greatlp loueo, ano toas lobgco in ^ bonfc of tbc T oumcls, nare to tlje Caffel Sm-.t Arthory, tobcre be mabefaircbuil< bing0, ano bi^ men tfill maoc foje toarrco againlfe tbe preHch, totoarOs tbc Hiuer otLoyre, ano otber places, bpon bafe Norm.wdymb totoaro tbc Eucbie otAlwfoH. EbiS pcare in Englande, Edmund Mortiniere CarlC Of march,\o({b manp otbcr JLojos,i a great retinue toere fent Eirfe ofMarcf* info freiand, tobcrc tbc fapo Carle of ^/^jcnoeo bis life. Simon Scman : Bythcw.iter,thc 28.of September. Sherifes. ? John Michaell Stockfi hmonger.thc 28. of Ovfober. (Ji^Cvor. > Ebispeare 1424. tbc toarreo began in//eWs bp rea^ fon of laquclinc Eutbcs Of //"wW^oangbter to S?uUc Wil- du- , liam otHemu't, lUnHlC to Phillip EuJtC QtBurgoigMe, aitO al? fo Oaugbter to SDuhe lohn of fitter, toifc totljc fojenameo William, ano fo DoubleCoufin gcrman to Phil- ])p,£)u{ic Phillip noto liuing, Ebis laqucline toas marriei> fo John DuheotBrabmt fiir Coufitt gcrmaiT, f Coufin ger^ manalfo to Dtibe Philip of Bnrgogne, ano bcfb?e tbat, ifie toas inarrieo fo tbe Carle of fon tolling Charles ic bicn aime, eloctt l!5?otber fo liing Charles noto liuing, but nottoitbl^Anoing tbat ibe toas tbus marrieo to tbe jDtt&e ^-4 Henry the fixtfi* toag fi^c fonuapeD ^I'r Robcrfut J^ntflbf.anDfajoufiljHnfo £«^Wtotbe £)ube of Gkce^er, laqncime mar- atio t^erc matrieD to tbe fapD S)ufte of GioctHer .• ano fo Ibe Glocrfler! b«fbanDeS alius at ones, Brabant ailD GloceSitr, a tbing tbougbti)nrsaronable,botI) againfi (ID'oD, tbslDo;lD, auDtbeCburcbjfo; (b^b^i> bin four oaiiuepeareoincoin' panie luitb tbe ^ubc of Brabara, but tbere bao fallen fomc bariance bettuirt tb^tn, anb fo (be toao come from bim into Henauk. 0bout tbe laff of 0p?ill began a |3arliamenf at y/eflmin^ soiertTubUn. lubercin toas graunteb a §>ubfeoic of tUielue in tbt Pvlument at « i. ^ LonJon. pouno ofall manner ^ercban&ne comming in, o; pairing Jafje out of tbis llealme: tb?a ^biHiwss of a S^unnc of ?I2ainc foj tbe tearme of tb?a peareo to be boloen.;3nD furtbermoje it fuao enacteb, tbat all Merchant ffrangero Iboulo be fet to an Cnglifb boff toitbin fiftane napes of tbeir comming fo A" stran|mto tbeit po?t falCjanb to mahe no fale of anp 45trcbanDife,erc It M.fEnglish ti)ev toere fo lobgeb: i tben toitbin fojtie eapes follotoing, hoftes. fo mabe fale of all tbep b?ougbt: anb if anp remapneb bn« folb at tbe fapb fojtie bapes cnb,tbat tben all fucb ^^ercban# bije bnfolbjto be fojfeptcb. 3iro,tbat all strangers tbat ca< rieb anp tuailles out of tbis lanb,fboulb pap.rliij. (billings four pence fo? a faclte cuftome, tobere tbe Enghp} i^ercbants anb ^enifons papbe but fine nobles f c» 0fter tbe marriage bab bin folemnijcb bettoane tbe The DtilceoE laqueline SDUtbeS QtHolkad.M isa^ Gio'ccnirgoeth fo?efapbe,tDitbin amonetb after tbe S)ube o^GlocerterviU into HoiijnJ. femblcb an armie of ttoelue bunb?eb fighting men at tbe leaft, all Eigitjhmen, anb tafiing tbe S)ucbes tuitb bi'tt in co^ panie,palieb otter to c»;w.anb ftreigbtfrom tbenceto Lens in Artois^ anb fo into Henauk, mahing no outrage as be paf^ feb tb?ougb SDufie Phillips Countreps. nt tbeircomming info Henauk, maup totones obepco tbe, anb otber refiifeb fo to botliUetoife mere f gobies biuibeb. SCbe SD.of bearing of tbis,toas ro?e offfenbeb fo? tbe iniurie bone to bis Coufin o(Brabanr,t^(t>i(f)ono} of bis Coufin tbe jDucbes Iaant, fjc appopntcD ^'ioreJbef mant? of fjis Capfapnco,toitt)n|.C.fi0{)fins mc JJ3ichnioo, tvvixt EiiglaM.1 to 00 a0atnff t!)C jEDuftC OfG/oceSlcr.K^C SDuke ot Brakv2t toas a man but of toeabe completion, ano tljerefojc bp tfje many TovyilCs Ccunfcll QtBrabitKt it Ujas ojDepneO, tljat bio pon0£r bjc tbcr Philip, (carle atSaim MiboulD be cbiefe Captapne of tbe toarre,a0ainlf tbeSDufee etGloccHer.^e bao a 0reat 3r^ mpe, as tbe mo?e part of tbe j^obles at Brabant, of HenJt, ano at Burgoigne, in all, 50000, PiercdeLuxcnburge, (iDarle of ConnarfcK,\)is nare ltinfman,bao tbe leaotng of tbe armie,fojbitnfelfetDasbatpon0. SCbs SDuheof Burgotgne bao put of bio menin0arrirontDitbtntbe totone of Bratnr, in tlje Countie of Henauit, tobo maoe foje toarrc to tbe Countrep about, but tbe (^arleof SamtPoi, ano Conmrfin, oio come ano befce0C Braine, continuin0 afo?e it tijuclue oapes befoje tbep toitbin p^loeo, compounoin0 to oeparte initb boopes ano 0(DOes rimeo: tbefe bauing toonne Braine, oeftropoe it bttcrIp,ano tljat Oone,t(Dke tbe /iclo toitb all putQancc, tobicb boas greatrano tbe Duhc of Ghcefler itkc^ ivife came into tbe iieloe, To tbat tbep app.zocbeo nacre togi* tber,anD tbe bauntcurrers Oiirmiibeo, but tbe battaplc toy* neo not. Cbe SDuke of GioceHer bao fent bis l^crauUe, ano Humfrty D.,ke ijDjitten to tbcSDuke of calling bim 2rrapto2,ano °hEengt^f[he Oiflopall to tlje &in0 of EngUndoWi France, foj tljat be baO Conibjte vi'itit fentc men in apoe againlf bim, ano oitcrco Ijim tbe Com* BHrgoi^ne!"'"^ bate, toberebnto tlje SDuheofi5«r^t;/«tfaunCa)crcO, tbatb® tooulo accept tljcCombate, Oenping tbat cuerbebaofap# leo of bio pjoinife, but tbat tbe ^uheofo/fm7«rbaooone great bjjong to tbe SDuke of Brabant, to baue bereft bim of bio toife, contrarpe to tbe o?oinance of dDoO, ano ofbolpe Cbut^^j kno foj otber loojoes tnbicb Ibe SDuke bao btterea againlf tbe SDuke ofBnrgegnes^oimy h*^ gauebtmtbclpe, ano fo farre tbe matter inent in too^Os bettoijrt tljem, tbat tbe oap teas appopnteOfo? tbe Combate, ano tbe SDuke of Burgeigne cbofo fo} H uoge of tbe Combate tbe (iDinperoar of jKr. Almt^nCi 6z6 Henry the fixth* Almajne, an6 £)ufee OtBurgoigne fcnf tlje S^tlfee Of Gloct- fier a faficconsuct, to oeparte fafclp into Er,g!Md, to prepare ^imfelfc of t'^iiigo iiecetraric fo? tije Conibato, toljercbpon, botfj t\)t Campes fajakc bp: ttjc SDuhe of GioceHer locnte to AioKs in HiK4lt,to tI)eSDucl)C3 l)is lotfc (fo tearmeo) f gauo btr to bnbcrffanOjtbat !)c tons Defirous to trie tlje Combate toiff) tbe S?uRe of5«r^«>/^«(r;ani) nianp otfjer tbing? be folD bir,tDbicb l)e perfo?mcb itof,fo? loitbin four Dapes after, f)e tffliieaU bis potoer teitb bt»ijanb retunieo into Ef7g/d4, ano left tbc S)ucbes in finallp accopanpeo tottlj v people of tbat Coimtrep. §>bo?tlp after bis Departure,tbe SDufee of Bmgotgne fcut ttjC JLOJD Lilladam tO tbe lUoiune of Mens, tO rejcpuc laqucline tbe DucbcSjinbo being DeliuercD bnto bim, be fonucpcobir to Gaunt, lj}l)tve tbe )EDnfte auD Jbc iJiaDe great fcmblance of iop togitbcr, Hje pjomiCng to b« goucrneD alluapes bp bis abuife, but to goc to bir o!oe buf" iwnD tbel!Dukeof/??- efcaped. 0ffcrfIjt« &atfell0otebptl[)e2!>ukc ofi?«r- goi^Ke,tiititr8 SCotones oftb^ Countre{? reuoItcD to gainlllaquclinctbO D(!rdrecht,Ser!Ci^e.8Xi8 ma* HP offjcr. fef)>J?tlp after,tljc©ultc QtBHrgoigne leauing gar* rifono in tljofc SCotones tijaf obcpcD bini, to inahc rcfiifacc ngatna tfjc SDucbeo tljat lap in t^e Eotone of Ganut, tisr rc# turncDintoljjs (Countrepof f/Wfr/aito Arto^es,tl)cvc to pjeparc fnclj abiliments ao mere necelTarp foj bnn to Ijfc at tIjeCombateappopnteO betfcuirtljim ano ttjc S^>ukcof 67?- cesfer. SC's)t ^ubC ofGlocefier lifeeiOtfe in England HiaOC tjtS pjoiiiSon of bis babilimentcs anb furniture, but tbcDitfee oiBedforde, briber to t^c SDuhe of G/ocestcr,te)ht grcate papneai to maketijem frienbs t anb alfo tfje counfell oftlje rong iking of England, mere notfjing content toitlj tf)ts bari* nncc, boubting leatt itmigbt be occaSon tfjat tbe Duke of Burgeigne migbte toitbbjatoe bimfclfe from tbeir amitic, ioberebp tl)cirbultneireinf>'*i«f lohn Coueiitry Mercer, the 28.ofO£lober. CMaior. S Dbe mojrolu after Simon anb ludes bap, tuben tbe ^a« ^'>i>.F4bi4n, ia; of London bab bin at iveHminster to taUc bps charge, as tbe cuQome is , at fucbe tpme as b^ mas bolbing bps tvveene the greate Dinner, b^mas bp tbe Duke of GkceUer 3102 b p?o* tedoj, rent fo? in fpabie manner, f mben b® came to bps BtJhop of" pjefence, be gauc to bpm commaunbcment, to fee tbe citie mere furelp matcbeb fn tbe nigbt foUoming, anb fo it mas bone. Dn i nept mo;rom, about ip.of tbe clock, certain feruats oft J15itbop o(irfnMfr,b}ottfer to t fate 3^;oteao?,mouio J^ baue 1 Henry the fixth* ftaue enfreo fijc Cfttc bp t\)t buf flje tDarbcriJ o? Iiffpcrs thereof, ftcpt tfjem out bp fo?ce, ao brfo?e tfjcp tecre commanDcO,U)berUjitb being grixnouflp bifccntenfeo, gatfjf rcD ta tbeni a greater number of^rcljers, anb men of arme£(,ait0 atTaulteD tbe iottb fl)Ot,anD otbcr mcanes of toarrc, in fo muctj, tbat t\)c commono of tbe Citie (but in tfjcir fbcppco, nnb fpebbe tb^m tbittjcr in great number, fo tbatgreate bloubtbeo IroulDc baue follotocD, IjaD nottlje fcireOomccftljc^aiDjaiiD Xtlbermen CapDctf;e matter in time. 2rbe0rtl}bi(l;op ofC<race toitb all mp • anb ao pc bcfire tbe loelfare oftbe taing our foueraigne ilcjbe, anb of bis Uealmeo of En^/andaiio of France,ono pour otone tDeale,tDitb all pours, balf pou bitber,foj bp mp trotb, anb pc farrie long,toe toall put tbis Ilanb in ieoperbptoitb ai^iclbjfucb aiBjotber pa banc bd?re,(!^ob mabe bim a gcob man. foi pour toifebome bnotocf b toelljfbaf fbc pjofite of France tfanbetb in tbe toeU fare of England. Mrttten at London,tf^t latt of ;0(tober. £)nfbe tentbbap of^anuarp ncrf enfuing, fbc fapbe )E)Ufee of Bedford, toptb f)V9 toifC, came bnto London, f toitb fbein alfo came tbe faib ISilbop of fFincheJler,unti tbe ^aioj anb Citijens recepneb bim at Merton, anb conuapbe bpm Jb?OMSb Citie bnto yvenminHerfgof^m be tons lobgeb in tbe Henry the fixth» ^^9 ?^a!Iafc,anDffje 25ill&opof irwcheFler iDa.« Io6# 0ca Ujitititn t';e aibbots loogmff, ^Dn ttje mojrotD follow tutiig, ffjg a^aioj pjofentco t^e iicgenfc luttf) a patre of 25anttgof^tluer,anoouer?gilt,ano intljein a tfjoufanoe ^arfte of golD. K\)Z n:j.ofi^eb?aarp,bc0an a great Coun» faple aXSamt Aibons,\xi\iit\i iuas after reiojnea to Northam^- to»,bat fojtbat no bue conclufton nugfjf^bemaoc^cntbe ^ g Wt). of^arcb U»as calleD a J0arIianienteatLf;c^/?rr,tfjc "— tDbtcb enbureo till tlje rb.bap of 3une.2Ef)ts toa0 callcb tlje Leyceftir. J^artiamentcofBattco, bpcaufc men being fo?faiDDen to bjing&toojDs o? otljcrtDeaponSjbjongbt great ba ties ano ffaues on tbeir nccftea, ano tobe tbofe toeapons incrc faitea tbe, tljep tcohc Ifonca ana ploinets of lleaae. Hearing tl}i3 parliamenfjflje bariance bettoirt tlje tbjo ilojas toaa Oebatea,in fo mucl),f bat tbe SDufec of GioceHer put a li5ill of complapnt againff tbe S5ifl)op,contepning 0re 3rtic[c5,all lubtcb Articles ftjcre bp tbe IBifbopfuflfidcntlpaunfiDcrea, ana finallp, bp fbeeounfell of tbe J,o;a itlegcnf,ali tbe Jiiat* tcrs of bariance bettoane tbe fapa tbjo Jlo2aes,tDcrc put fo tbe ejramination ana iuogemente, tuitb tbe affilfance of tbe 3LojOe0 of tbe JBarliamente, Henry :arcbbifbop of Camerhn- rie, Thomas ^ubp of Excefler , lohn SDubC Of Nerfolke^ 1 homas l!5ilb0p of Durham, Philip iSifljop vX ^y^orceHer^ lolin i3iibop of Bath, Hiimfrey (!!;arle Of iloja Corncwcll,ana s^atffer William Aincwike, tbenbces per of tbe pjiuieS>eale, iubicb ilojae0,maoe a aecra ana a# toaracjfo fbat cptber partptrobe otbcr bp tbebanaetoitb frienalpana louingtuojasjnonebauingamenao ofotber. tapon Mbitfonaap follotoing, leas a folemnefeatt boiaen at Leycefter afo^efapoe, tobcre tbe Uegente aubbea !&ing Henryfenigbt, ana tben fojtbtoitb tbe feing anbbea Ri- chard SDufee of Torke, tbaf after toas father to iiing Edward tbe fourth, ana other, to the number of fo?tte. after the J^arliamente, the iirng ioente to KtlHxgivorth Calfell. Henry Chichclcy 0rchblthop Of Cmterhury, founbeD a Hr.ih* CoUebge ^3° Henry the fixtli. Cotiffigeani (EotlefigC sf Ferrers, in North(mfte»P)ire, tt tVQ})t Sr hirn'rerrers foure'cicarkcs, ano Ore CfjojiOcrs. atfo ^ founocD tl)cre an !0ofpttall foj pmje foihe, tottfj manp p;c^ Annoreg.^. fcnnent0 tot{jefapa2LOtDne,tut)t£l)^)ourcfo?t0cpffije,t)is bjatkjcn PvobcrtanO Williara Cliichely ^iDcrmetl ofLon- (^ffw.aitgnientcD tuitb gmfilp legacies. uh-i juiify. ;©n §>aterDap, tlje eueii of Saint Midiadl tljej^rcbam Ai Earthqiuke f[jg iiiojntng befoic bap, betinirte tlje bonres of one ano ttoooftbe cIocke>bcgan a terrible (Sarfbquake,tDiff>' lightning ano tl)unDer,\nbicb^ confinucb tfje fpaceoftUia boures,anb loas Oniuerfall tbtotigb the toojlb. To tbntmcit baD thought the bob?lb as then tboulo haue enoeo, anbthe genernll boine to haue fol'oiucb.SUhr bnreafonable ©caOs rojcb anb b;eiu to the tCotoneo teith hibrous nopfc. 0tfo> thei^onleo of thr apje liKeiDtfc crpeb Dut:rucheluasihe too^kc of ©Ob at that time to call his people to repentance.. lohn Arnold: lohn Higham,the iS.ot September, lohn Reynwcll Filhmongcr, tiie iS.ofOdober. STIjis lohn Reynvvell, s^aioj of LonAoM, gaue certapne 3lanb3 o? tenements to the Citie oiLondon, foj the iuhtch^r the fame Citie is boimb to pap fo? euer all firch Ottatnes as lhall be graunteb to the Bing (fo that it patTe not thJafif* toenes in onepeare)fojthja toarbes inLo?jdon, totoate, Dovsnegate SxidXtiZ-fiilbngfgiite fuarbe,anO Aldgate tuarbO. Tower on L3# ^\)is peace, the SCotucr at the ^jalu ^?ibge oiLondon donBridge. bcgunbp thC famct^atO? of London. £Dnthe ^etopcarcs bape,ThomasBeavvford,Dukeof Excesier OeceafTcb at Greenejv/eh, aitb UJkS butpeb at Sa/nse Edmonds Bnrie in Suffolk^, a!boutthe ^nrification of cur 3lat>p,the ^tike of ISegent of France, tsith his teifc ans familie, patTcb the ftas tjnto Calcis, anb fo through Ficardy into France: bUt eCC hS 1427 bcpartcbfroiii Crf/«j,totU£ctc,feponthe feattbapoftheSliv nnntiation of our 5labp,thc 513ifl)op Qimnchefhr, toithin theChnrrhof our 3labp of toas createb CarbinalU airD after the folemnitie bone, the liegcntc tcjke him on during two lioures. Sherifes, KjMator. Wardes in London dif- charged o£ fiueener. Henry tfie fixth* i niiD fo connapeo bttfo l)n Io0!« ginu, SCfjifl pcar0,tuas bnfeafonable tDcatfjcring,foj it rcpnco mod part continuallp from Chatter to ^ictjactinaffc. Sbts pcarcjttje SDiihc of tfjat before foao fabrti pjifonerat tijc faattaple at Female intuasDsfiaeiTD foj a rauiifcme of zooooo.^ctittcs ofJcyoIbe, totjicbc Suas Rsb.c.-svm^ joooo.^arhestterltng. pcarc alfo, t^e C-arIc of Sahjlnric accompanpcB foitb tl)e CDarie of Suffoll^,tlje 3loj0 T a!bot,anO otljetbtapDc a ttrong fagebnto tbe Cttie of0r/e4»ce, ano bilbcttjc Citi> jcns bcrp Ifrcigbt, anb matigrc tbo S>«fec of OrUance, ano tbr^artljnlioff^ ■Mce, tljC Engltfhmen tuantIO ftOin tbCHl Di< ucrs ffrongboibcSjaiitopntngto tboCttic, anbfojcco tbem to bjcn a great part of tbeir fubarbcs, but one Dap ao {' fapD Carle ofThomas Mountagew redcD Ijiniatabap tuhiDoU), a ©unite toas IcuelleD out oftbe Citic, inbicb all tofqualfjcD bio face,b3bereofbe DpeD, after tobicb milbappc, t\iZ E.Kgii[i>rrten lott ratber tban bjatuie, fo tljat bp little anD Iittle,tbcp lod all tbeir poiTclTiono in FmKce. Cbis Pcare, Humfrcy jSDuke of Gl«ceJler fffllie fo foife ftetmvrifdE'"' Eiianor Cobham , luljome befo?e b<^ baDOc Uiantonlpe «»nor cobhtoi, ftcpt. Henry Fiowike: Robert Otley, the 2o.ofSeptember. Sherifes. > lohn Gidney Draper, the 28.ofOcfober. L^faior. > 3n a \3arliament at ivesit»i»ner, tuao grauntcD fo fbe iiinga&ubfcDieof euerp 2Cunneof2Sa:metb2®lbilIingo, " ' anDofotbertperc?)anDife,ercepte too3ll,fell,anDclotb,Fii. j^jg pence of fbe pounD,airo,of cuerp parilb tbJoufib I'^ealmc, (ejtrceptcD ©ifieo anD 2So?ougbes) fbe benefice being in ba* luer. garlic, fenne offbaf parifbfbonlDpapbj.^ parilbnero fo pap riij.^.iiij.trt.anD fo rate ano rate lifie of e# uerp bencfice,from fbe lotoeff fo tbe bigbed.HnD fo? tfie in# babitanto of Cifieo anD Bo?ongbeo, euerp ma being in ba^ Ineofjrjr./.aboue bis bo«lbol5ttw®^>^ fbeapparellofbitn f l^r.iit;. bi« 63Z Mitrfher qiiitfe with murther. jimoreg.j. CaTiJinill of V Yinch i^ator. > Dakeof Norf- folke. cfcaped drowning. I45P Henry tHcTixtTfr' " f)t£; (l^oulD pap foure pence, ano To affer t^at rate tinto t[)e rtc^ed. jSDn Cor^tu chrifli Cap, a Brito», fj^at 3 0fflD tntDaoto ano l)flnctt iDoman Ijao c^erilljeD ans bjoug^t bp of almes, Dtoelling in tyhtte chappeilparity tuttJ)out Aldgate, murtl)e<' reD tbe fapo toaman tn a nigbt ptng tn t)tr beobe, anb a(* tcr conuapbe fucb ictnels ano ttuffe as \)t uiigbt carrte, but be tons fo ptirfueb fjpon,fbat fojfeare befabeaCburcbe, anb tbere fojefmare tbeliings lanb,anb tbe Conneffables caufeb btm to be toougbt to London, anb fo intenbeb to banc conuapbe btm (i^eStoarb, but To fmne as be toas come into tbe partib tobere before be bao committeb tbe murtber, tbe tomes cad bpon btm fo mucb Sltb anb otoure of tbe drste, tbvit nottoitbdanbtng tbe refiffance mabe bp tbe Conno* ftableSjtbcp flcto bim tbere out of banb. fiDn tbe firtt ofg>eptember,tbe C^x^imWtXmncheHer being returneb from beponbe tbe&cas, toas mette bp tbe ^paiojanbbib b?atb?en,anb certatne Citijcns of London on bo;fcbachc toitbout tbe Citie, anb fo b;oiigbt to bis pal^ lace in Somhwarke' SCbis peare,toas a great fire at Baynardj Caslellin London. Thomas Dutfchoufe: lohn Abbot the 28. of September. • Henry Barton SIdnner,the zS.ofOftobcr. KfjtUU. ofil5oucmber,tbc£)uKe QtNm-jfoike toas Itfie tobaue bin b?otoneb, pairing tbiougb London lrtdge 15arge being fet bpon tbe piles ouertob£lmeb,ro tbat to tbe number of tbirtie perfons tocre bjotoneb, anb tbe SDube^ toitb otber tbat ercapeb,toereb?atonebp tottb ropes. Cfje rrf .of iPcbmarp,Ri.Neuill toas mabe €arle tASaUfb. " Cbc fiftb bap of3lnne,ifrtcr Randolph, a ^aplferofS5i/ uinitie, tbat bab fain long pjifoner in tbe STotoer of London, toas tbere fiapnc bp tbe JBarfon of tbe 2Dofeer. 3n tbe monefb of June,tbe Carbinall of fvindepr toitb a toarlihe companpe paffeb tbe S»ea, intenbing to baue mabe toarre bppon tbem tbat tben inbabifeb tfae Coun* trep of Pragt, but foj noebe of men tbat tbe Itegente bab m TJerTric the ^33 in Frau»ce,fff6 Cardt'itall cbaunged W an& tarpeti t^fere a feafon tott^ tlfc Ue0ent. William RuflfeiRalph Holland,the iS.oi September. Shirtfei. > William Cafthcldc Mercer,thc.iS.ofOiflobcr. LMaicr. ^ Gvti) of ^oucmbcr, l&tnj Hennc benig about t^c age of nmteene peares tuas folcmpnctp crotonco in Sainae Peters Cburcfjc QtwesimmUer, at tobofe fojoiiatton tocro maoe tecbj.tanigbtc^s of tfje , ano after folemnijation in tt)eCl)wrfl)sftntfbeD, an bonojable fcatle in tije greatc ?^all otiveilmi»sler toas Kcptjlofjcrofpa rnap reaoe a large Jifcourfe in Robert Fabian, ^ftcr tobicfje fcalfe great pje^ paration toas maoefo: tlje iliingo iournep into France. antje.rrii^. of Bianuaric abattaple \aammt in Smith- 14-0 fielde toitbin tfje lilfes befoje tf)C i^ing, faettoane tioo men tt Fenerfham in Kent, lohn Vpton appellauttte, attO loim Downe Defenoaunt, tofj^n tljep bao long fougbt, !fipng tobe bp tbe matter ano fo;gaue botb parties. SCbe.rrbtf.bap ofap?il tbe tiling tohe ibipping at Deuer, f lanbeb tbe fame Dap at Ca/eu, bauing in bis companp tbe jbukes of Terke anO Norfolke, tbe llBitbopS of Bath, Ely, ailD Rochester, tbe dBavlCS Of Huntington, Stafforde, fVahricke,Ox' f»rde,DeHinjhire, Afortaine of £w, anD of Ormonde, anD HBat'' ronSjtbe JlO?De Boucher,Beaumond, T yptoft, Fitz Water, Roos,Arundale,Audley,Fauc6brid^c,Gray,Codncr,Scrop, anO Welles. MbileK tbe i^png remapneb at Caieu, manpe fliirmi# Ibes tbere fougbt betbjane tbe Enghfhmen anb tbe Frenchein Diuerfe partes of Fr4»«,anb tbe Frenchmen p^euapleb great# Ipbpbeipeof a HSUoman tobtcb tbepnamebThe Mayden ofGod. ^0 tbat lattlpcfbetuitbbttcompanpeeame to tbe SCobmc of Champagne, to tbe enb to remoue tbe Cege lapbe tberebnto bp tbe S)abe of Burgeigne anb otber of tbe Enghfhe Captaines, anbtbe.rrib ofi^apc, fbegauebattailctptbe^ Enghjhmen, anb fougbt tottb tbem a long time , but in tbe cnbe bp tbe manbabe of a Burgoman iHnigbt nameb 0r Luxcmboroughjibeloas fallen aliue, anb bir companp bt# Rr.t>. ftretTeb, re£.p. Sheriffs, ? HcnricliTie fixthf 0«0IeD, Il&e toasi commveb fo ffjc Cittc of , ant> f^iere feopt a feafon,U)l)cre tfje fatneo ^tr fclfc to be toiti) cbtlOjbut tob^n"^ contrarte toao hnolou, (be toas conbeneb f b;en(* ^fter tbto &in0 Hemk bp toall tosnepes into Frait»ce, came to ParisM)zx\)t teas Ijonojablp receiueb of ^ Cities ano taken fo? tbep; foueraigne llo;!b anb Iking, vobtles tbere remapncb,(fapetb Gagwinc) tbe Frenchmen ma* np bolbf of tbe EngitfhmenmXi tl)t Burgontans in tbe counttg tilBry. acbotbirb of 3ugutt bpeb tbe tbe Counteffe of^r- monde, ailb tcaS bUVicD at Saint Thomas nf Acres in TSendon, Walter Chcrtefey:Robert Large,the.28.of September. Nicholas Wotton Drapcr,thc.28.ofO»Rober. %>(Dne after CDaSer tbe ILo?& p?otecto; boas ioarneb of an affcniblp of ccrtainc (etobc pcrfono to bealTemblebatv^- ^»^/o»,toberefoje be fent tbptber certaine perfons,anb alfa robe tbptber binifcife,anb tbere arrefieb tbe Bapipe of tbe STotone nameb William Mandeml a 2!2leaaer, tbe tobicbe ii>as appointeo fo? a Captain, inbo bab nameb bimfelflack Sharpeof^/f/ww lande in Wales being ecaminebjCon* fclTeb tbat bementto baue bonemanp mifcbiefes,efpecial< Ip againti^jicas, fo tbat be toouib banc mabe tbeir beabo as cbeape as ^b^ps beabs(tbatis to fap) tb?® fo? apcnp, 0? as fome is?ite,ten fo? a pcnnp: manpc of bis complpceo Inere taken anb fent to bpuerfe p?ifons. Sbcir Captatne Inas bialime, ban0eb,anD brabeb at Abingdon,tm bis beab feias rent to LaWw,anD fct on tbcb?ioge : bis otber faato?s toere erccutebin biuerfc places anb Countrepstotbetero ro?ofotbcr. STbe.ritj'Of Inlpe Richardc Rulle! a CfcSfeDlhman, toas b?aii»n, bangeo,ano quartereb, fc? tijat be toolb baue mabc jDukes anb Carles at bis pleafure. Richard Robfcrt iLo?o Bourciier beceafco.anb tuas burieO' at WeslmtnHer. Iking Hcnrie rcmapningttill wFramce, tbe Carle of rmdalc aCCOmpanpeO toitb tlno tboufano Enghfhmen.^twXz a certaine of bis companp bnto a SUoiune calleb Beaimount, to pmoke Henric the fixth» pjouoke fl^e Frenchmen to tffue ouf of tljc fo ijune,to!)ic5 fttial COpanptD^en BoylTycnnt f Sentrales t\)t (Captains be^elDe, tfjcp toitb tbcir fouloiotirs fpeo t^cm fojtb to tabe tbe fapo EHgl/Pjnte»,^to])it\) bplittict tittle 0aucbacbc,tiUtl)CP tollcD tbc Frenchmen a goji fpHcc froui ttje ICo jjne,anD tben fette tjpon tbem loitb a aoute coura-jc, anb Ijelae tbein on baubjtpll tlje(Cade ojitb bis cotiipanprcfrtieD tboni; tt^n bcttoirt tbentloas a cradt figbf^^batin tlje esiD tbs French- men tp^re cbaffD, ano tbe fapo Sentrayle tuttbinaiip fojtnicn of fbefapDeSCoton lucre flaine. loim Aderle.Stephen Brownc.the.zS.of September. Shertfes. loHn Wels Groeer.tbc. zS.ofOfVabcr. (_Maisr. SCl)PS lohn Welles ^atOJ of LonJon failfcD tl)C Conbuite commonlpcwlleb tbe SuncUrde in che^pe to bee builbeb. £Dn tbe feauentb bap of December iipng Henric iuas Crotoneb in Parie, bptljeCarbinatl of mnchefter, at ttje iDbtcb Cojonation teas pjefcnte, tbs Duhc of BHrgoigne, tbe Dube of BedfordeWztntt, anbbmcrfcotbcr ipoblco of Framce. Hftcr t^c folemnitte of tfjps fealle toas enoeb, tbeJaing bepartcb from?^m, anbfocanieto/:<'rfw,tDb5re beb^lbebps (Cb.uffnraireb anbtbatbone, bsteturneoto Caleit, U»l^creU)bsnbbbabbe fotonrneb a feafon, bstinbc flbipping anb returncb into EngUnde^ anb lanbeb at Do- tbe eleaucntb of if'ebmarte, anb tben rpbpng to# uer, toarbe Lo»dn», betoasmctteon BarhamDowne, betlDi'eto Doner anb Canterhnrie, bpagrcatc companpc of cE'cntlcs anb (Commons of Kent, altciabbe in a liuerietoptb reboc bcDbs, tbc tubtcbe accompanpeb bpm tpll be came to B/ncke Henth,\jy\)i(l) toas ontbe one anb ttocntitb bap ofi^ebjuarp p)i)etc be toas mette bp tbe t^aioj of London, tobo robe in a- golone of Crimfon tiaeluet, ijis ^Ibermen in Scarlet,? tbe Citijcns at in lubite gotones anb reb baibes, Uiitb bitierfo tooiits oj Cognifances b?obereb bpo tbeir flaites after {' fa# cultie of tbeir mitleries oj craftstf after buc obcplace anb fa# luting of tbe bing,tbep robe on before bi«t totoarbs {' Citp. ^6 I I.' 3i ' i ..?ir • 6^6 143? Annoreg.w Shertfes. ? fJVUior. S M?? PaiUanicnt. Henrie tHc (ixth* ano Ujf)en feing toais come fo f^e 3i5jtoge, f^ere foa« DeutfeD a migljtte (5taunt,fltanDing toit^ a &Do;De D^atoen in 1)16 l)anDe, t^auing tontten tertatne (pkc^es tn metre of great retopctng ano toetconung of t^e j^tng to tiie Cttte^on tl^e mtooett of t\)z ^jtoge, ano in otuerfe ot^er placeo of tlje Cttie,toere oiucrfe faire ano fumptuoue pageants repleni^ Hjeo toiti) gmoip ano beautifnll perfonages, t^eojoer ano fpacbeo toljereofjarc fette ootune bp Robert Fabun in Ijps cronirle.SCbus being ccuepcD to bio pallace at }Vcfimi»fier, tbo i^aio) luitb tbe Citi^eno returneo to London^mXi on tbe rriiti-bapof irebjnarie tbe ^aio; ano ;3toermen pooe ft tbe !^ing,ano pjcfcntco btni toitb a tj^ampire of C^oloe anO tberin a tboufano ponno ofnobteo. STbio peare bp reafonof tbe fonloiours of CaUis, a re* ff rapnte toas maoe tbcre of tbe ^ISUcolIes, foj tbep fcocre not content of tbeir loageo, toberefoje tbeHegente atFramce, came ootone tbptber in CaQcr tooebe, at tobicb time manp fouloiours tocr arrctteo:ano rooe again to Ttrmne. ano ba* uing not long burieo tbe llaop Anne bio late luife,fitter to tbe jtDuUe of Burgotgne, be marrieo tbere tbe Charles Oaugbter otSam Paule, aiio tbo?tlp after returneo to CakU tobercbecaufeofoure of tbofe fouloioure to be bcbeaoeo, on tbe.rj. of 3une, ano. 11 o. fouloiours to be banitbeo tbe totonc, befioeo. i tbat tuerc banilbeo before tbat tpme. 3no bpon spiofommer euen tbe 3Lo)0 IXegent toitb bio neto toeooeo fpoufe came to London, ano remapneo tbere till tbe latter eno of 3ug«tt. lohn 01ney:lohn Pcdclefley,the,a8 ofScptcmbcr. John Pcrncis Fi('hnion2;cr,thc.28.oiO>4ober. £Dn tbe.rrU.eap of jpouembcr toas tbe 3lo?o Fitz Water tjotoneo on tbe fea, anomucbotberbarmes toereOonebp teinpetf. £Dn tbeeigbtoapof|ulp, feing Henrie began bio |3ar* liament at i^cHrnin^hr,m\Ximt^ it till 3Lammas,ano tben aoiourneo itbntil Saint Edwards tioe, Sbis i" iijf ^outb'toeatf appearco a blafpng ffar» j^urinjsp Henrie the fixth* ^57 Coring ratgneof fijtg !ltin0 Hcmie fi^e torrc Itentenaunfs.ouci' t^e realmeof ire/andt,V^dmond ©arte of Adarcn.tintt lames 0( Orf^o^fdl)is CcputtO { lohnSiit- ton littigfjt JLOJDC Of Dndlsy, ailO (it Thomas Straun.;c fjpfi depufie: fir Thomas Stanley, anO fir Chnftopher Pianket 1)13 Orpufte : Lyon itOjDO Welles,anO tf)0 CiiJarle of Ormonde ^i3l)eputtejIamesC!;arIC of Ormonde liingg JLtcuctc# liaunf hv f)UliroIfo:Iohn ©rle of ShrervefittrU atio tf)e 3rcfi' i)ifi)opof-D/«if/'»,3lo503|wfitc^inhu5abfcncc:Ilicharcl Plan- tagcnct S>tlke of Torke, iPatfior to Edwarde ffie fourti) ano ' ^ ^ Cl;arleofr/>imeiin, Richardc Fitz Euftacel'liitgbfjf^''^iesti!;arlC0fOrwfl«i:^e,ait0 Thomas Fitz Moris CBarlC O^Kildare: fo t^iO Richard fbcit refiOeitt tn Di- ueltn, loao bojnc tottfiin Caftel t^erc, tfie feconbc fonne George 2E)ubeofGlarence,afterlDarO Djotonco tn a Butte of ^almefep. Thomas Chalton:Iohn King,the.iS.ofScptcrabcr. John Brokeley Draper,thc.aS.ofOdobcr. tM ^ SCtje nintb of ^otiembcr, tfie tojmcnte of tf)e (l^arle of ^ Saint /'We,iFatI)er fo tbcSDutc^effe QtBedford,\osi& folemn* fp f)oloen tn Pmies cburclj at London, to^ere t()e moje parte ofeltateo of fl^to realnie toere p^efent, Cfie mntfi of^arcfie tfie 3lo?De Talbot tottf) a goblpe companpe patTeo tfijoagb^tbeCittcof London, totoaroes FraMnce,\a'i^tXZ fietmOUgbt HtUC^) tDOe tO t^e Frenchmen.%}^t 14^4 SDotone of^<«'»t DenU, tobicfi ts tottbtn ttoo itipleo of PartegOtteU bp t\)Z pjattife of one lohn Notice a fintgftt titOrltance, ffOUl Matthew Gouglyc, anO Thomas Kiricl Captainc0,t()ep flctoe t^ere manp Enghjhmenfixiti folte tnni> ttpp;itroner0, bnt ftone after, tfie fapoe Captatnes tottfi fErengtb taficnlVom/'rfrw, lapoe fuc^affrongficgeaboutc Saint Dents,fiuallp t^tep agrdto fo oeltuer t^e SCobjit to fpe Lngltfhmen. jn tl^pa feafbn alfo tfyt carle of Amndale^ to^ic^ mNer^ mmdiei ^3^ Hcnric the fixth» wnndte\i^^ ttianlpbo^n lf)iin,fjcaring tljaf «ne Hims, a Trtch Captainc, ^lao fojtifpeD a ftrongCaffcIl j naniPD Gerhorym, before DertropeD oft^c Eughpjmen, tohe toitf) biw a ccrtnine number of roulotoura^anb belateo tbe CaSel inttb a (frong Oege,anO aCTauItes) it funojp times manfullpjbut Gagwinc fauetb, tb^ faibe Hirus tuitl; companpe ilTueo out of tbe CaKell, ano gaue bnto tbe fapbe Carle a cruel ^irmifb} tti tbe iDbicb tbe fapDe Carle receiueb a beablp iuounb ano reg.x g eo ibojtlp after, Sherifes, ? Tliom.'is BarnewchSimon Eyrc,the.28.of September. ^JMiior. > Roger Otiey Grocer,the.28.of October. SCbjangbagrcatiKrolfe, tbat lattcD from tbe Sue ana Greit Fro2. (togntitb of jj5oaebcr,bnto tbe tentl; ofi^ebjuarie, tbe Tha- r»is teas fo fro jcn, tbat tbe ^crcbanbice tobicb came to tbe Thumis moutbjtoas tljcre lanoea, ana carriea tb?ousb to Let)don. ^4?^ Mben tbe|0opcEugeny tbefourtb j ana bis Carai# nalles after long labourecoiilae maheno peace bettoirte JiSing Henry otEnglandanO France, aUO Charles alfo named ^insofFra'nnce, tljcv at Icngtb maoc a peace betmirtetbe faia Charles ana Philip 2)uke o(Bf/rgoigne,\j)\}ttebv tbe faia , 5Dukeofi^«r^9';^w became btter cnimptotbeiiiingof£«^- Wjfma fmne after tbe faia E>uhebeganncbi0 ojaer of tbe 3Lillic , ana tbe Coiaen flace , ana ojaapnea certainc lanigbles of tljat ojaer,ano maae tberfanto inanp ^iatuts, mberoffome of tbem mere like bnto tbe Statutes of tbe barter. £Dn tbe fourtanfb bare of S>epfembcr at Roan in 7w.wfi^apca tlje noble l^jince, lohn^uUeof Bedforde, ana Uegcnt ofFr^//«ce,ana boas after toitb great folemnitie bu< rpca UntbtntbcCburcbe tit Nour Dame of tbe fameCif .^nnoreg.14 Sherifes. ? Thomas CatworthiRobert Cloptoni,the. 28. ofSeptemb. 'FrowikeMerccr,thc, 28. ofOctober,' liing Charles Of Framce recoUCrCD tbe Citie of ParU, and Hcnne the (ixth* ^39 and af i^efepeares tide toanne t\)c SToicne of f/^r/wrand ^ ^ SainH T^enis , atiD manvo ot()cr SCotoms and fjolDos, 1L_ erpellpng and mnrdcring tfje Engitjhe people iri grcato number. nintentb davcof 3tv!l»c tfjeDuUe of iDPfb a great multitude aiBurgorj:a»s anO hlcmmirgs appsa; calets bcCe:- res bcfo?e Calek, ans tljerc pigijt bio pauiliono and tcntesf, attobicb feafonton3 iLieutenauiit of Cizkis ^ir fohn l>at- elite Jintgbt.anD of tbe CaHrll luas iltcufcnant ti)Z iSaroti ntDudley: tfjis Cegc ensures about tbJa Icceltcs, in iDbirljc feafon manp Imtgbflp*^ ages tocrs Sonc f ererctfes on botb partes. £Dn tbe fccons Dap of iiugua tbc &abe ofGlocesler, p?o« n^berrrdun. fetfourofE^gUnde, tuttb 5oo,raplcs,(a3 fomc fcojitc,) Ian* ses at Caieism'^ entcnscs bppon tbe tljirse sap fcUotDing to baue iffues out of tbe snotone, ans to bauc gpuen battel tot^cF/ef»mif>gt, (but as tcttifpetl) our Evg/^e'iv^itetSj) fa fame as theSDuheotBurgoigne tuas Uiarc ohbegreat potoer of tbe ILojse pjotcrtoj, \)t toke toitb bim of bis ojsinauncc tbat be migbt Ugbtlp carrpe, ans tbe otbcr tbat tDerecum' berous be lift bebins. Mben tbe Duke tuitb bis bod Inas fbas flesse, tbe iLojse ^a^otertour initb bis people folloio# es bpm into tbeCountrep bp tbe fpace of elcauen sapes,tn tobicbe feafon be bjcntetbetioo SE^otonesof Poperwgmti Bell, anij^rcfurnes to Caleis ans fo into England. Xtfis pcare toas tbe Calfel oj Colone of R»kejhorough in Scotiande belieges bp tbe lapngof Scottes, buttobenba Anm.reg.\ bearse tbat ^p? Ralpli Graye !knpgbte foas commpng ^bptber toitb acompetcnte number to remoue tbe Cege, anone be separtes leaupng fome parte of bps £)jsi« naunce bebpnse bp»t ? to bps greate (bame ans stQ}Oi< nour. Thomas Norftcdc;William Gregory,the.a8.ofSep. Sherifes.'f lohn Michel Fillnuongerjthe.aS.ofOtRobcr. Maim-, S Henrie the fixth* SfjcftcoKfiof gjanuaneSJuancKsthcrinlafetDtfefo Henrie t^c fift^,anD metier to iitng Hemic ffjo firt^, cpco j'.irtoE London at BermoMdfey,{i'i\^ toas butieo at yyeHmmHer^iixt bcitig tahr biUgefd. t)pagaine, mtbsraigno of Henrie tljcfeauentb, tobcnbe lapoe tl)e founoatton of \)is n^to Cbappel tbcte^fbe toao ne* ucr burtto Qncc, but Ipetb (ftU aboue grounb ^tn a Coffin of bojoeSjbcbinDc tljc Catt eno of tl)e f'ricro. SCb^.tntf.of BJanuario at none of tbc Dap,t^e gate on Lo- don bjioge toptb tbo STotocr tjpon it,nerte to Southwarke, fell tKitDn,anD ttoo oftlje futocS^rtljed oft^erameb?tOge,nnO no manpenOjei). RalphJLOjOCromwcl, tXt(tttit\^zCQ\\tt>ZZtitTateJhaIl T iteshall |j| l^incolncfhire. CoHeJge. ^ Henrie put DOtUttC t})t 5^atO? ZtNorvftch, fentOt^O 0loermen,ronieto L/««e,fometo CtwterbuneXG^zWizit fra# cbifcs into bis banDe,anD appointeo lohn Wels ^lioernian, romettmeS^aiojot -LoWow, to be ©marocn QtNorvcich, tobo fo conttnueo eigbt monetbs, no g bane reo on bis ^onui' ment,tn Salnt Antholmes CbUtCbe in Lotidoa, Ulbicbs 50onn# ment to notoe amongett manpe otber bp letuoeperfons befaceo, 2Ebe nintb of 3ulp ©uanc lane lotfe to ^^ing Henrie tbe fourtb bpeo at Haueriug A Boure, ailD luaS burictl at CAHter^ bm:e. ^ Ahm reg,\8 ;3Il tbs Jlpons tfl tbe SCotoer at London Dpeo. Bherifes. ? William Hales:William Chapman,the.28.ofSeptcmb. tJMaurX William Eall;ficlclcJVlerccr,the.28.olOifl:obcr. SCbis William Eaftficlcl iSi^ato?, of bis oton coffeo cau# feo to be butloco tbe UTafcr Conouite i\^Flcetc^ireete^it London, £)n Caller oape,Iohn Gardener toas tahen conuap' ^4^^ ing tbe Sacrament from bis moutb luilb a foule clotb, af? Gardcuci Dtciic ter bsbabreccpueD tberamcattbc(B?ieffS'banije, in Saint Marie tA tbe Axe CljUrcbe OtLondon, foj tbC iubitbOb^ fOaS bjent in Smtthfieide tbe rittj.of ^ap. Owen Tcwthcrfoulpb«rti"0bps bieper^bjafecoutof N'ewgatet Henrie the fixth* <^4^ NewgAte btif ioas ajaine fallen affcrtoarDet tl^vs Owen ^ao p?imlpe(astttDa5fapoe) marpeo Ciuane Kathcrin fate toife to Henrie ti)z fiff^, an0 fjao foure cl)ilo;en bi? (be toaa not knoU)en,tpU (be toas oeab ano burieo. £)n t\)C Haigil of Mary Magdalen, tbe fotDli n^NAyttwich, in tbe Countteof c^e/?fr toas pitifullp confumco toitb fire. ^ great Dearth of co?ne, fo? tobeatc toa5 in fome places Dearth of corns foloefoHlDO tbilltngs fire pence tbei5u(bell. ylmo reg. i y Hugh DikcrtNicholas Y^oo,thc.28.of Septemhcr. Sherifes. ? Stephen Browne Grocer,the.28.of Qcfober. C^Uior. y She fine anD ttoentitb of j|iouembcr a great toiiiDe Dpo mucbebarme in manpc places, 3nLo»tumpets toere fette on the |3pllerpe, strSpcTOrc anDbanplbeotbeCptpe , erccpte tbcp toare tbepj Kape Rayehoodes. bcobcs. „ Phillip Malpas:RobertMarfhal,the 2S.ofSeptember. Sherifes. y Robert Large Mcrccr,thc.28.ofOcS:ober. UHaier.^ ^ Henrie the fixth* Bin a ^arltantenf af , it toas ojDapneU, ffjaf all ®arct)aunt araiingcrfi Il^oulae goe to ^ott toitlj Engitjhmen, anDtomaue fale oftbep? ^crctjaunaifes, ana bup again tobat tl)ei»ir)oulac,tDPtbin tljefpace affile monctljcs, ge# uingtbepjljoflc foj cucrpe ttoentpc tbillings iu0?tf)ttoo onkrfor Efterittsgs. Hnbfl)atcuctpbooHjolacrtljaf ftiauiigea, uias alien, Iboulapaptofbei^ingj:aj.pencetl)epeare,anD eucrp fernant alien bj.pcnce. 1440 Richard Wich, tricar of jF/lrrw/y^or/A in EjT^A-, iDf)0 lj£ib bs?fo?e abturea,tx)as b?et on tbe SDotojel^il, tbe pbtf.of iu!te.:SftcrtDbcfc aeatbctoas greatc murmur among tbe people, foj fome faiae be Ujas a goa man ana an bolp, ana puttoaeatb bp malice t ana Tome fapaefbecontrarie: fo tbat manpe men ana inomen toente bp nigbte to tbe place feberebemaabjentc , ana offerea tljep? monep, images of tuare, ana ctber tbtngs,mailing tbepj pjai'era,bnaling, ana luffing of tbe grouna, bareafcaap tuitbtbemtbe 0Q)es ofbpsboop fojbolP reliqttco.fc: SCbPS enaurea epgbtaaps, tpU tbe spaioiana ^laermen ojaapnea men of armes, to rellraine tbe people, bDboapp?ebenaeamanpe, ana fente tbem to p^ifon, among lubome tuas taben tbe tlicar of Berkmg cburcbebefiaetbe Comer, in mbofcparilbe al fbpo teas aone, tobo baa recepuea tbe offering of tbe ffmple people. :3na to ercite tbem to offer tbe mo?eferuentlpe to tbe fulfil ling of bps falfe coiietoufneffe, be baaae mealeo ^ffjeoUiptbtbe poulacr of fpiceo , ana Ifrctocatbcni in tbe place tubere tbe |0?iett toasbjente, ana fo tbefimple people tuere aecepuea, toeenpng tbe fm^te fauour baa comeoftfje^lfbeo oftbcaeaaeJ^?ieli. 011 tobiebe tbe fapD tiHicar of Barkj-^g (Eburcbe confeffea in pjifon . CbP3 baue 31 notca tbe moje at large, bpcaufe fome bauetoai# ten tbe tElicare of Berkt»g 10 bm bjente, tobicb® falfe,fDj b^ tuas notbjente,tbougbe be better aeferueatban tbe o^" Ibet* Cbceigbf^ntb aap of lulptbepolfernegateof/vcWow bg Hcnrie the fixth* ^43 bp E0J} SmithfieUeM^ninXtt tfjC SJotDCf of J^OMdon faiichC bg fban feauen fiofe into tfje (3;arfb. icbc tlBClftbof 3!ugufte, tl)5^tarreiii5ronoape, Roger Bo- lingbroke, tuptb all bps infttumentes of i^cgrqmancpe, tbatisto rape, acbap^epapnteo tobcrein ba mas toonte to Ctte, bpon tbe fourc comcre of lubicb Cbapje ftQ)Oe foure fn}o;oeo , ano bppon euerpe toojoe an Bimagecf Copper bangpng, toptb manpe otber inftrumenteetba ffojoe on a bigbs&cafFolcetn P^rw/erCbnrcbparoe, ba# fo;e tbe Croffe , boloing a &U)Oj0e in bps rigbtebanoe, ano accepter in bps Icfte, arrapeo in a maruellous attpje, ano after tbe Sermon teas cnoeo bp mapCerLow 2i5plboppe of RocheHer, be abiurco all Articles longing to tbecrafteof jfiegromancpeo? mifltoUjnpng to tbe iFaptbe, Bihnor cobha ^Cioefoap ttept following, ^ame Ehanor Cob- sfptchended. ham SDutcbeffc of fleooc bp nigbte into tbe ^an# rtuarie at tveslminFier, tobicbs taufeo bir to be fufpetteo of treafon. 3in tbe mcane tpme Roger Bolyngbrokc mas eramt# neo befoje tbe tUpngs Counfaple, mbere be confelTeo tbat ba mtougbte tbe fapoe i^egroinantpe at tbe ttpj# rpng anO pjocnrcment of tbe fapo SDamc Ehanor,to bnoto tobat (bouloe befall of bp?, ano to mbat elf ate Iba Ibouloe come , mberebppon tb^ tuas cpteo to appeare bk* fO?e. Henrye Chichelcy ^rcbcbpfljOppS Of CaHrjterhune, Henrie. \ Hcriric the fixth* Hcnric Beauforte Of fVinchtFter COtDiltall, lohn - Kempe ^rcl|bi(bop of ?v|fCarOtnal: William Alwthcbi# (boppe QtSalijbnrie,znti OtbOt tn Saint Stephens Cbappell at fveSim:»^}er,t\)tn to autiCcoearc toccrtaine^rticleo of iSc# oromancie,^ttcbcraftc, &o;cerp,^^crc0e, ano acroafort, toboretDb^ntbe appoareo, tbe ffl;cfato Roger loas bjougbt fo;tbto tDttne(reagatnabtt,anorapoe, that tbe ioao caafe ano SrS llp;reo btm to labour in tbe fapoe ^rte. Sl^b^n (b« toaf cotnmittcD to tbe toarDc of fir lohn Steward iinigbt. ana lohn Stanley <£rqinre,ano otfier, to be conueneo to tbe Cafiell of Ledes, tbcre to rcmavne tpU tb?® toaUeo after ^icbaelmatle . 4bo?tlp after a commtfiton toaa Diretteo to tbe Carles of HHnttngtB»,Stajforde,^'ali Suffb/ke^nnH to cer» tapnejjnoses of botbe 15encbes, to enquire of ail manner of Creafons, ^ojcertes anb otfier tfipngs tbat mpgbtc bde burtefuU to tbe l^pngs perfon , before lubome tbefapoe Roger, anO Thomas Southwcl, as pjtnctpalles, ano Dame Etianor as accefibrte, tuere inoitteo of SCreafon in tbe GttHd . miztLondon. Ann,rti.^o 2E:bere toas taken alfo xMargcric Gurdcmainc a toitcb the vvhch of Eye in Siejfoike, tobofe &ojceric ano OT^tcbcrafte tbe faio of Ere brent. Elianor fiaDDe loiig tpme bfeD, ano bp bp? mcDicines ano 2>}inbes enfojreo tbe S)uke of GloceFler to loue bp?, ano af# tertotoeoDebP?, tubttfojc, ano fo^cnufeof reiapfe, tbe fame Mitcb toas b;ent in Smithfietd, on § feucn i tiuentitb ofC)(tober. SCbe one ano tloentitb of;0£tober,in tbe Cboppel be;> fojefapDe, befioje tbeX5itboppes, vXLondeM Robert Gylbart, of Ltncolne William Alnewikc.ofWorw/cA Thomas Brouns, tbe fapDe Elianor appearco, ano AdamMolinsCIearkeof tbe iitpngs Counfell retoe ccrtapne Articles obiecteo a^ - gainfie bp? of &o?cerpe ano i|^egromancie,tDb(t(offontc (be DenpeD,anD fome (be graunteo. Cbe tb?ee ano ttnentitb of €)(tober SDame Elianor ap« peareo againe, ano luitnefies toere b?ougbte fo?tb anD tt* amines, ano fte tuas connicte of tbe fapoe Articles: tben ibCip, toas Henric the fixth» toM it afbeg if (he foouloe Tape anve ti^itiff asapttfte (he ioit* iicCrc0, tof}erebnto flje auntoeareo nap, but fubiiiitteo (elfe^he feauen anb ttoentitb oapeof jlDUobcr (he abtnreo the 0rticl?0,anD mas abtopneb to appeare again tbe nintb ofjjiouembcr. ^ntbenicanetirneThomasSouthwd opco in tbc Cotoer of London, as bab pjopb^fiPb tbat b« IboulDf ncucr ope bp lufticeoftbe ilato. Sherifcs.? William Coinbis: Richarclc RicIie,the.38.ofScptember. Kj^ittor. > Robert Clopton Draper,the. iS.ofOdobcr. Eiiinor cobhi nmtlj of jj^oucmber SDame Eiianor appeareo hk* dia peniuiice. ^0rcbbiCboppc ano otljcr, in tlje fapoe Cbapp^li sno rccepueo bp? penaunce tobicb (be perfoitrmeo . n S^otio oap tbe.tigi-of i5oueinber,tt)e came fro weHmm^ter, bp toa? terjano lanoeo at tfje Temfie Bridgejkomhalhetitefaith a ta# per of toare of ttoo pounoe in bir banoe, Ibetoent tb^ougbe Flectei}reete,h(Dti\e^((me a bcrrbefc)to /'We/.tobcre (be of# fereo bP? ^Eaper at tbc bigb HuUer. £Dn ^ Meonefoap nejrt Oje lanbco at ^ Swan in Thamis ttrate, # tben toent tb?oagb Brtdgeflreet, Grace Church Streetefivtigh^ tO Leaden Halhonh fo to chrtH Church bp Aldegate. £)n iFrpoap (he lauoeo at Queene /y/«f,anO fO fcoent tb^OUgb Cheape tO Saint Micheh ilt Cornehtl, in fourme afo}efapO:at all tobicb times ihe^^ato?, &hetifes,attO Craftes ofL<»»^/f»,recepueo bit ano accompa# npeo bir.SDbis being oone, (he toas committeo to tbc bjarb offir Thomas Stanley, fcob^fci«lbe remapnco Ourpng bpz life in tbecalfelof c/;'«7er,bauingperelpanbanojE0 marhs airigneo fo?bP? finoing,t»^fe pjiee, faire,couetife, ano Ic# cberie,tDcre caufe of btr confu6on» 2Cbe rbiii.of^ouebcr Roger Bolingbrokc, toitb Cr lohn Hum ^;iiefl,ano Wilham Woodham ^rq{tire,iDas arraig# neointbcGwi/'^/^®// of London, toheto tb< fapoe lohn ano William baOtbeir Charters, bilt Roger Bolingbrokc toas- conoemncO,f bao iuOgemetof Or John Hody, cbiefBfulltce oftbe Bench, ano tbe fame oap be toas bjatoen fro tbe 2Cot»er to Tfhome f tberebangeo ano quartereo: f toben f fato Roger ibolO riiffEr,bs faio^ he toas^ neuer guiltp of anp- treaCon Heiiric the fixth* ^47 treafon agafnO tl^e bttigs pirron^btit be bab&e p^efunteb fat far in bt0 cunning, tobeceofbecrpeo (^oDmercictano t^e giuSice tbaf gane on bim inogemente Ituconot long af' tcr. Hcnric Bcauchampc ruccsOcO tti bp0 fafbero inberifaco, tubo being bept ftuo pearee in fbe^inge bands,toao reSo^ reo fo al bio linings initb greate glo;p, fo? be toas croUincd " liing otHeight,tbe kpngs olone banoes, ano nominateo cbiefe CSarle of EtgUtd. 2i cbalUngc toas bone in SmithfieU Ujifbin Itlfcs,bcfojo -plil! fbeiiling,bp tbeiLojOeBcawfc of tArdgon, and lohn An- flcy Cfquirc of fbe Ibings boufc, tobicbe Anflcy badde tbe fieloe, ano at tbe liJings banbe teas niabo Jinigbt: anb tbe Amo.rtg.n 3L.0?b Aragon OtftceO biS bamcis at mndfir. 31 n tbe monctb of^ugutl toas a great trap in FUetHrecte^ bettoeene tbe pong &tabentes of tbe 3|nnes ofCourte, anb tbe inbabitauntes of tbe fame Srdete, tobicbe i^rap began in tbe ntgbt,anb fo rontinueb tbe atTauttes anb bicberpngs till tbe nert bap, in tobicbe feafon inucbe people of tbe Cp^ tie teas tbptber gatbereb, anb biuerfe men on botb partes Oaine anb manp burte,but laltlp,bp tbe p^efence oftbe ^a« io? anb &berifes,tbis i^rap inas appeafeb, of tobicbe toas cbiefe tiCC&&QntKOmQt CliffordsInnemmtb Herbotd. Thomas Beauraount:Richard Nordcn.the aS.of Sept. Sherifes. > lohn Athirlc Ironraongcr,thc.i8.of Odober. L^[aior.\ lolin Beaufort CBarle of Somerfet toas mabe S^uKe of^»- merfet anb itO?b Talbot Ccacle of shreroejhurie. Cbe ttaple of waltham Holy Croffe in Effex, toas bimtt toitb lightning on CanblematTe bap. 2CbeCitijensofAW/r^- Henric Frowikc Mercer,the 28.ofOftober. 3n tbe monctfj of i^oueinbcr willum dc la Pole ^^ar« quesof^«/f/4e, toitb^otljcrtoent againernto Frauucefo^ttt conoutt tljC fano ILaOn Margaret into EugUnd. S)n Canolcraaffc ctten in oiuerfc places tXErgUnd^xici^ bearo terrible tbunoerstoptbligOtning,Ujberbpt{jecl)urcb' of Buldokt.m HertfordfhtreX^C CbUttbC Z^Walden in Efex, f' oiuerfe otber,tocre ro?e (ljaken.3no tbe ftaple otSaint Pauls in Loudon.aboixt ttoo of tije clockc in tbe after n©ne,tDas fct an ftrc in tbe miooclf of tbe tbaft,bttt bp tbe labour of nianp tnell oefpofeo people tbe fame l»as qnencbeo ano no man perilb^D.snbc fltoeple of Kwgfionf Ujas liketDtfc fiereo bp tbt fame ligbtnings^ i,aii» Henry the (ixth» <^4? Ladie Margaret latlOittg at P$rtcheUer, Ujcnf ffOJll tj^ClTfe ,. bytoaterfo Ham^ton^% tfjrrc tn a place calleo Gods —— houfe,fxmm ffieiicelJjcUienttotbe nfabavof Tuhfii/dt anD Q„cne wargru teas lljereUjeaDcofo iliingHcnry,{7rnj.ofilp:i!. iDljetoas "^cioTvuca. rccepucb at tl)e BUckfheath bp tbc Cti tjcn© of Lonc:o:i, rp# 5ingonl)ojfcbacbc,mb(clue0otDne3 ipitf) bjobcrcb Ocucs anoreb bobs t!>e x^-'.ofi^ap, ano on (fjc c.ofi^apfi)e U)as crotuncoat tveftm;whr: btrbaDgetoaa tbeS?apfie. Wiiti)t\)tfallafKtngneKe lfe|de, one man Ujasflaine Hno manp fojc fyiirt. u4«r Simon Eyre draper, the aS.ofOftober. iJ^Uier. > ^ SntjiS Simon Eyre bUtlOeb tlje Leaden hall ix[ London Ltad«n hiiii» be a tto?e boufe foj graine anb fctnell foj tfjc pcoje of tfje ^XU tie,)f alfo a beatottftill Cbappel in tbe €'alf enb of fame, oner tbe gate tobercof be caufeo to be tojitten, Dextera Do- a nofabu«». >w/w*>ar<«/f^»/r«;e,tbatiStO rap,TheLordes righthand hath"'P''* exalted me: Mberebp be boing fo notable a tnojke foj tbe common boeale, alfo left epample to otber Citizens com^ mtng after ^'mjtobo (2S^ob Itl^etotfe craltetb iuitb fucb feiiiJ po;all blelTtngMbattbep be not bntbanbfull to (!D>ob, anb 7bevvktsiu>y, tbeir common lDeaIe,toberein tbep baue recetneb tbem. ouite oT/var- HenrieSDube 0f^'«»TJ'/^, Cbtefe 0rleof England, 3[,03'be^l''-^K'"fe«* spencer anb Aburgaueny,&ing of tbe 3lQe of fVtght, Carnjey anb Iarnfejf,aXkti ILO^tb of^e Caffell of DriflowMtlt toitbout iirae,anb mas burteb at Tewkjhstrte^ lohnDauid appeacbeb bis mailer William Catur an^r^ ItlOjer blnelltng in S.hunhones |Barilb in Eletefireete,of tXtO^ few\unt» "** fon,anb a bap being afligneb tbem tafigbt in Smithfieid, tbe maiffer being toel belt)ucb,ltias fo cbcrilbcb bp bis frienbs, anb plieb initb mine, tbat being tberemitb ottercome, mais alfo tmlucbilp flaine bp bis fcruannt Anreg^i Robert Home: Godfrey BoJeinc the 28.of September. Baylifes, ^ John Olncv Mercer,the iS.ofOftober. Cufloj, ^ |3ope Eugenius fcnt a golben Uofc to tbeJbinff of£«^W, erpjeCfingtbepjopertieanbaplicatio'oftbc famc,mitb tbe teremouie: ^5° Henry the iixth» Eccicfl. fercmome tl^at ts parelp tjfeu on |0almc&onaap,foufI)ing ttjefameiJofc, ej^ojttng tfjc llpng agapnffe t(jc 7«r^«. G(I3i)tci; iUofO Locloiucus Coi'dona SDoCtO} of ^tUtnitU OtO p;efcnt to iiitng in S. Stephens Chappell at Weiimin^er Dpon s, Aiidrcwes Oap, m pjcfenco of tl)e SDubeS of Torke f £.\rfy?er,CarDmall Kempc 0rcl)btfliop of Torkf f lohn Stat- ford ^rcbbtlbop otCaunterburie C^auncCllO? otEffglimd. pariiiment at 2Cf)ei:.ofi?£b?uaric bcgannc a j|3arltamcnt at Saint Ed^ n-rie, mondejburie tn Sfifo/ke,tit tub'tb f"nC al t?)® toapeS abOUt t^e fameiSDolunetDerc kept Inttb armeb men botb bape ano TheDuiceof toafttng. Humfrcy Glocefter aref. SDuke of Glocefter bCtng at tl)t cattell of tbe f^es in fVHJhirey came from thence to ti}t J3arliament,anD teas loogeb in tbe Hjofpitall, Uib^rc fljojtlp after Ije toao arrefteb bp lohn 3L0JD Bcauniount bigb Conffable,tbe SDube of Bncki*ighant, tbcS'iiheofd'awffr/er anDotber,tobo appointcb certaineof T 447 icings boulboibc to toaitc bpon bim : but on tbe. niitj* bap \jt bico fo3 ro3rotD,as fomc raib,tbat be migbt not come to bis aunftoere t be teas burpeb at Saint Albom. rrjri), of bis pjinctpall fcruauntes toere arreffeb anb fcnt to btuers pju r.wenhsngect fDn0,anD fiuc oftbcm lucre arratgncb at London anb com & after pardo* lJcmnCD,tDbcfC namcS U)ere,ftr Roger Chamherlain bntgbf MlddlctoIl,Hel bertJA! tc^■^^; (SfQluers, anb Richard Ncdam gentleman,tobifb toere al Sue bjatonc from tbe STotoje of London to 1 iborne auo tbetcbangeb, letten botone quttfee, tfript nabeb,marUco Icitb a hnifc foj to be quartercb, anb tben a charter (belueb fo;i tljetr itueo: but tbe poman of tbe crotune bab tbctr ltuelobc,anD tbe bangman bab tbetr dm tbcj5. Henry Beaufbrd carDtnal of^/w^et?er bcceafeb,f af' ter bini W. Wainfletc |3 jouoft of £^/««,toas mabe 3S5iIbfipof An.reg.i6. fr'i^o/jffier,^l)t b, of Suguft btcb lohn Hollad Oube of £ar<-e- ^^er f Ujas burieb at S. (^atherm npgb tbs SCotOJC of London. Shorifet. ? W illiam Abraham ; Thomas Scot,the 28.of September. s'«j^%tDas bonilbeo f lano fo? b. pares,to appeafe f rumoj of f comons of England, jubo ta# kingtbip at iffwich the 3.of5pan,raikii totoaro fm»»ee-but toas dji 1448 An.reg.i'], " Sherifes. V Afater. S M49 Kosne yecldei^ to the French," AM,reg.i^l Sherifes. > tJ^Paior. S B.of Chtcheftef murdered. Blevvberd haiii ged. i4c&,anD ro?ps Uiao calf bp at !>•- tier ano faurieo in t\)t Charter Ijoufc at Hull. Kfjis William dc la pole SDuk? of Sufoike, anD Alice bto Ujtfe, Oaugljtcr to Thomas Chawccr, fonne to Geffrey Chawcer tbefatnoilO |3oet,tranflateoanDtncrearet)tljemanner place of Erveime Godj houfe it til Oxford/hire: t^cp builoeo 8 netoe tljc partite Cburcbe of In o'xfardlhS Eweitne,^ comclp pacc of toojUe ttanbtng on a bpll: ano alfo barb abiopning to tbetMeS enb otEweline parilbe Cburcb uicrfundMtitms. fflunocb 0 ptUt l^ofpitall ojalmcs bourefo;.tj.p?ieff« anb rttj.pooje men to blnell anb be fuftatneb in fo; cner, one oftbep;ic(te0tobemai(ier of tbealnieo boufe, tlje otber pneltarcboiemalter, fmIptotcacbetbecbilb;en of tbete# naunto of tbe fapb iio?blbip otEvceitm anb otber Hojb^ipo pertaining totfje faibalmeobcuf^fb^irf^ramer,! eptbec of tbote.ij.pMo to baae.p.pounb tbe peare.£Dne oftbei^. placemen to becalleb mtniiier,top?erenttbe faulteoof tbe otber to tbe maimer, anb to ring tbeir common bell to fer* nice,anb to baue.rbj.pence tbe tueebe,tbe otber piipmc me to baue euerp of tbem riiii.pence p toitbe. SC^is boufe batb to name Gaels houfe,oi tbe boufe of almes, bnto tbe lobicb b® gaue ii},^^nO^SyRamruge in Hamp/hire, Conocke in WtiPsirCt HofpititatDo. Merfl,eVxBtickmghan>fhire,\aiX\^ tbcicappurtcnaunceO, ningtoa Caftlc. tbep alfofounbeb tbel^ofpitall tt^Donmrgnn caftle. lickecad* inib^inonctbof spap tbe commons of feeiit in great Captaine of the numbers affembleOjbauing to tbcir Captaine lackcCade, KbtU in Kent, naiMCb bimfclfe Mortimer,cofin to tbe S?ube of Torke, 0} as be toas nameb of fome lohn amend all: tbts Captaine b?ougbta great number of people to tlje Blackeheath,^ tljere bept tbe fielbemo2e tban a monelb, pilling tbe conntrep a* boutjtolobomtbe Citieof llonbon at tbat time toiUfuK fauourafale.anb tbe faib Captaine(as 3 finbe recojbeitirenf fo? fncb Citizens of llonbon as it pleafeb bim to commanb torepap?ebnto bitn, bnber letters of fafe conbuct, as fot^ lotoetb: The Henry the fixth» <^53 The fifcgird and figne minuell of the Capcainc ofKent.ftnt to n»mM Cocke Draper of London, by the Captainc of the great a^^emb^c in Kent, tfjis onr tojittng eiifealeD,loe grant atiD toil permit •"O trulp,tfjat Tlioinas CockcofLfWoiD^apcr, I^alromc in gojD fuertic ana in fafegarD to our pjcfcncc, tuitijout anp ijurt of [jis pcrfon,ana fo auopDe from bo agatiie at fjis plea^ fure, toitl) al otljer pcrfos affigneo at Ijis Ornomiiiatio tottfj ^tm comming in liftetoife. Thc cominaundement by the Capitaine ofKcnt/cnt vnto Thomm c'ockt aboue fayd. pour mttruttion, iirapciballcfjarge all Luml>ardes I ^}Lmq,ZX5,\im'^%^'i^Xi\)mnt$yIenerr>ets,re>cetjAns,F/oren- otber, ttjio Dap to Djatu t^em together, auD to o?# Dainc foj bs tfje Captain.rij.l^arnifeo complete of ttje belt falbion, rriitj.BjiganoineOj rij.battaile SLf^cs, rij.^^l^ues, bj.l^ojfcs toitb faDDle anb bjiDlecompletelp barneireD,ano atfjoufanDe marbesofreaDiemonept auDif tbiooureDe^ mauno be not obfcrueD anD Done,b3e (ball Ijaue tlje IjeaDcsb ofao manp as toe can get of tbem. WiW anftuere to tbis DemaunD bias returneb 3 finbe not, butlikeitistberamebjasgraunteo anb perfojmeb, fo? 3 Snbe not tbefaib Captaine anb i^ientiibmen, at tbeir being in tbe Cittie,to baue burt anp ffraungcr. 3n tbe meane time tbe l^ing fent notable men to tbe fapb Captatneanbbisfellob3lbip,tobnotDe tbeir purpofe anb tbe caufe of tbeir infurrectionibnto iubbni tbe Cap taine an^ fttjereb, tbatbeanbbiscompanptoere atTemblcb thereto reb;etre anb refojme tbe tu?ongs tbat Inere bone in tbs iSealme,anb to mitbltanb tbe malice of tbem tbat toere te* ffropers oftbecommon tueale, anb to amenb tbe befaultes Dftbem tbat mere cbiefe counfellers to tbe fctrig, anb Ibe# toeb bnfo tbem tbe art ides of complaints touching the mif# gouernmenf of the realm,toberetn teas nothing conteineb but fameb reafonable, toberofacopie toas fent to tbeidar? liament bolben that time at alfo one other bpliofrcqiiettesbptbem mabe, of things to be cefo;meo, aim Henry the fixth* attD to fjanc ansaiere tfjereofagapnejbut fje ^>ai) none t Kl)C bUlof Mcleo mttrulco Tlie complaint of the Commons of Kent,and caufes of the aflcmbly on the Blackheath. 1 inprimis, it to opcnlp nopfco t^jat KffHt fl^ouloe be be# Cropco luiti) a Uopall potuer, ano maoe a toplbc fo?ett, fo> tbeoeatboftfjeSDubeotSufo/kfjOtiai)ictttltz vTommonoof /few tljcreof luerc neucr gutltic. 2 ^temtbeaingisttp^reoto Ipuconelp on f)W Com# mono,anD ot^er men to bauetbe reuenueo of ti)e CroUm, - tbe tobtcl) botb canfeo pouertte in bio ei;ceUencie,ano great papmenteo oftbe people, noUse late to tbc £iing graunteo in bis j^arliament. ^ ^tem tbat tbc ILo^Oes of bis Mopall blottO b^n put from bis oaplp pjefence,anD otber meane perfons of lotocr nature epalteo ano maoe cbiefe of bis 30jiuie Counfelljtbe lobicb froppetb matters of tojonges oone in tbe l^ealme, from bis crcellentauoicnce , aiiomap not be ret)?e(reoas latoeluill, but if b;ibes ano giftes faemeffengers to tbe bauDcs oftbe fapoe Counfell. 4 =5tem,tbc people of bis Mealme facnotpapDc ofoebts otDtng fo? ano puruepauncc taben to tbe bfe of tbe iaingsbouibolDe, inbnOopngoftbe fapoepeople,ano t^ pcDje Commons of tbis Kealme. «> Sftem, tbeiliingsmeniall feruaunfes of bou^oloe, ano otber peiTonSjaflicn baplp gcoDs aiio lanbs, ofempea# cbeoo?inoitc!)of treafon, tpelubicb tbe jaing grauntetb anon, ere tbepfo ettDanngcreo beconuict. Cbctobitbrau# fetb tbe recepuers thereof to enfojge labours anb ineanes applpeo to tbc beafb of fncb people, fo appeacbeb oj tnbt# tcbjbpfubtpl meancs, fojtouetpfe of tbe fapbe grauntes: f tbc people focmpeacbeb 03 inbiteb, tbougb itbebntrue, mapnotbecommittebtotbeilaloefoj tbeir beliueraunce, but belbe ftil in pjifon, to tbeir bttermolf bnboung anb be# ttruttion,fo3 couetpfc of gobs. (5 3tem, tbongb biuers of tbc paj?e people anb Com# mons Henry the fixth» mon« of fftc l^ealmc, ^aue itcner fo gmt eight, frueffj ana perfife tptle to f Ijep? lanac, vet bp bntrue clapme of onfeflfc^ ment maac bnfo auicrs S>tafes, (E»cntlca, ana the fetngtf meniall feruamites in miintciuunccs agatnitc tljc rng^f?, the trite olunero aarc not{;olae,cIai>mc,nojpurfuotl;£U" rigbt. 7 3!fem, it is tionfca bp common bopces.tbnt the lungs lanaco in Fr^«w^.bcnc alicnca ana put atuape from tfje CroUmc, ana bio lio?aeo ana people tljcre acfiropea tuitb bntrue meanco of ticafon, oflubicb it is aefpjca, enqui# riestbojougb tlje Kcalmc to be? maae bolne ana bp tobom, ana if facbc IEraptojsmapbefounagHt!tic,tbcnt to bane erecution of Jlatuc iaitbout anp paraon,in erampic ofotbcr. 8 Sitem, bcrtfes ana tElnaerlbcrifcs , let to fcrme tbcir offices ana BaplitDibes,tabing great fncrtte tberfoje, tbe tobicb caafctb erto^tions acne bp tbem f bp tbeir Bap* Ufes to tbe people. I o 3!tem,Cmple f poaje people tbat bfc not bunting, ht greatlp oppjelTea bp inaitements fainea f aone bp tbc faiac ^^bcrifcSjtillnacrlbertfcSjBapltfSjana otbcr of tbeir aCfent,, tacaufe tbeir encreafe fo2 paping of tbeir fata JFerme, II 3ltem, tbep returne m names of Cnquetts in twt# ting into aiuers (Courtes of tbe liingesnotfomoneanoj toarnea, tob^^r^ tb?ougb tbe people aaplp lafe great fumes ofmonepjtoelnpto tbe bttermott of tbeir bnaopngtf make leuieofamercementcs calica tbe CBemeWLsee^ moje in fumnies of monep tban can be founae aue of recojae in tbe lyings bcoUeSf Henry ilic iixLh» 3ltem,{^cmtmffcr«officecourfcofj anD arett Dtuero people tl)jou0l) all tlje ^^trc out of Cattle toaroe palTtng tljeir banos ano libertietJfeD ofolbe time, bp biuers fubtilc ano bntrue incanes ano atfione falfelpe faincD, taKing great fa at tbcir lutt in great burt of tbe pw pie on all tbe §)l)tre of AW. 1 ^ 3tem,tbe people of tbc faioe M>birc of Kent, map itof bane tbcir IVa elerttoit tit tbecbofiitg Knigbts oftbe ^bire, but letters bene rent from oiuersettates totpe great Km lersofall tbeCountrp, tbetobicb enbjacctb tbeirtenaunts anjbotberpeoplebpfo;!ceto rbeofe otper perfons tban tbe common mill is. 14 3item,tobereaslntgbtesoftbe ^bir^ IboulD cbofe tbebings rollertojs inbifftretlp toitbontanp btibetahtng, tbep baue fet noto late to Dtuers perrons,nottfptng tpem to be collectojSjtobcrebpongiftes anb b?ibes be talten, anb fo tbecollcctojs office is bought ano folo ertojtionouflp at tbe linigbtes lutt. IJ atem tbe people be foje berebin cottes anb labour, callcb to tbe ^ettions of peace in fpe fapb ^bire,appearing fro tbe fartljett f bttermctt part oftbe SSTett bnto tbe Catt, tbelobifb caufcfb to fomemen.b.baprs iournep, toberebp# on tljep befire tbe faibe appearaunw to be beutbcb into ttoo partes tbe mbicb one part,to appearcin one place,an otber part,in an otber place in reletting of ^e grauaunce anb tm tollerablc labours anb berations oftbe faib people, Tlic requeftes by the Captaine oftbe great aflemblcitiKcnt. Dcttretb 11)!^ Captaiiic oftbe commons, tbe toeU fare of our roiieraignc 3Lo?b tbe i^ing, f al bis true iLo?bs fpirituall anb tempojall, beftringof our faibe foueratgnc ilojoe, anb of al tbe true iLo?bcs of bis counfell, be to tahe in al bis bematncs, tbat be map ratgne Ithe a Iting ropail, accojbtng as be is bojne our true Cb?tttian Btng annopm teb, ano tobo fo mill rape tbe contrarpe, meaUtoill Uue anb Otc in tbe quarrell as bis true liege men. Henry the Gxth* S fern de(iref() tl)t Tato Captatnej tl^at l^e iotU auotDe al f^jcCalfe pjogcitie anD affinttie of f^ie Wuke of Snjfoike, ti)C to()tcf)e b^ncopcnlpehnoitjne, ano tbcp fo be puntlbeD af* ter fbe cuttome ano Ifatoc of fljts 3Lan0,f to taUe about bis noble perfon tbe true ilo^bes of bis i^opal blouD of tbis bis iiealmejtbat is to fap,tbe bisb anb migbfi^i^Jincc § trnhc ofro/^f late erileb from our faioe ^oueraigue 3Lo?ficspje# fence(bp tbe motion ano ttirring of tbe traiterous ano falfe Oifpofeo tbe S>uHe QtSufoike anO bis affinitie) f tbe migbiie princes flukes of ExceHer, Eucl^gbam,^Xi\\ Nvrfolke,Q,Y[ti all tbe c&arles ano Barons of tbis lanorano tben Ibal be be tbericbeailingCbJilfcn. 3tem,0cBretb tbe fato Captaine f commons punifbment bpon tbe falfe traifojs, tbe iobicbcontriueo ano imagineo tbeoeatboftbebigbf ntigbtfulerccllent pjtntc tbc^uhe of 67^£■^0^r,tbeUlbicbe is tco mucb fo rebearre,p iobicb Oukc luas p;oclaimeo as traito;. tiEpon tbe tobirb quarrell, me ptirpofe all to line ano Oie bpon tbat it is falfe. 3tcm.fbe2)ukc of£ vm7fr,our bolp father tbe CarOinal, tbe noble jince £)uke of , ano alfo tbe Healme of /-V.ww^-^-jtbe H)Utcbie of Gafcoy»e,^nJ} Gw'ton, Ah~ toy ano . ?/.?7Wf,tuere oeliuereo ano loa,bp tbe meanes of tbe fapo trapto3s,ano oyr true ilojos, l^nigbts,ano Cfquters, ano mann a gosO poman loll ano folo ere tbep toet, tubicb is great pitie to beare,of (be great ano grauous lofle to our ^oueraigne llojoe ano bis l^ealme. 3|tem,oeftretb tbe fapo Captapneano Commons tbat alltbeertoJlionsbfeO oaplp among tbe Common people, migbt be lapoeOotune,tbat is to fap,tbe d^roene Mare tlje lobicbis faffelptjfco , to tbe perpctuall Oeffruction of tbe liings true Commons ofii:erureb,tbe^ otD not onelp Difalctoc ano conbemnc tbem f tbc autbo?s, as pjoube ane pjcfumptuons.but alfo perCtDaoeb tlje lyng raffjer to fuppjelTe tbofe rebels bp fo?ce , tban bp fapje piOf mifes.t^Ibcrbpon tlje Sing remoucD fvottiPVeBmiKfier bn# tqgrecrjewiche,txnm\d\^mtt\:it UjouIOc baue rent ccrtapnc EojDes fcDitf) a potuje to bane beffreffeb tbe Kentifhmen, hut tbc men fapbc to tbctr Jlojbes tbep tooulb not figb^ agatnS tbem tbat labour to amenb tbe common Mealc: tobercbps pon tbc ilojbes toerc bjtuen to leaue tbeir purpofe.anb be* caufc tbe Ksntifhmen crpcb out agamtt tbe ilojbc Say tbe iiingsCbambcrlapne^betoasbp tbe l^ing committeb to KingHenrie flft CoiWJC otLondon. VUCHt tbC Jitng agapHC tO Lan- «r/Ken^Sunen ^"".aub tDitbtn. tt'fapcs aftcr tDcnt again® tbe KenttfhmeH with a great tDitb.rb.tboufanb meii luell pjepareb fo? tbe toarre, but tbe fapb ire«t#;w.'»flebtbenigbtbefb?e bis commtng into tbe tocDbcountrcpnarcbntO'S'fwflc/^^', tuberebpon tbe Jiitngre* turneb againe to London , anb fent fir Humfrey StafForde llnigbt tuitb William Stafford bis bjotbcr, anb otber 0cm tlemeiijto foUotu tbe Kentifljme,\iiho ftnbtng tbem at Senock, fet bppon tbe rebels,anb fougbi initl) tbem a long ttme,but in tbe enbe botb tbe Stalfordes toerc flaine Uiitb manp otljer of tbeir people. Mb^n lackeCadefiab tbus ouercometbe Staffordcs,bcfo?tbn)itb apparellcb bimfelfInitb Ibe fintgb* tesapparell, anb after be bab refretbcb bie people, be re^^ turneb to tbe BiackehcAih,mh tbere pigbt agapne bio fielbe, anb laptberefromtbe.rjriir.bapcofSiune, tplltbe firllbap oflulpjin tobtcb fcafon came bnto bini tbe arcbbptbopof CaHnterburie , anb tbe 0uUe of Buckingham , toitb tobom tbep bab a long comnmmcation,anbfounbe bint rpgbt bif# Crete in bio aunfcocres. l^otubcit tbep coulbe not canfe bim to rubmitbimfelfeanb lap bolnne bio people^ m porver. King Henries power oucr- come* i I Henry the fixth* ^59 3|nt!jemcanetDlbtle, t^eiiuigano ^uane liearmg of fl^c tncreafing of \)is rebels, ano alfo t^e llojoes fearing KingHtnn'e tfjeir otone feruaunfs, leatt fljep tooiilD false ffje Capfatnes part, rcmoneD from to Ktllwgvponh, leaning tbe Ct* ^ ' * fie toitbout apl>e,ercepf onelp tije JLojbe Scales, tobicl) iuas left to kfepe tl^e Coloje, ano toitt) l)i*n a manip ano loarlij man nameo Mathewe Gowghc. SDljen tbe Captaine of Ke4tt\^\x$ boucring at BUck/^eath, to bjing bimfelfc tlje mo?c in fame, tfjatbefeeptgojl) guftice, bebeaoeo f^ierca petic Captapne of !)is nameo Pans, foj fo mucije as be bao offcnoco agapntt fiicb oaoinaunces as be bab ettabliibeo in opfiincof bis bode: ano bearing tbattbei^ing ano bis ILojoes Uicre n,hmenSd' tbiis oeparfeo, ojeiocbim nferebnto tbe Cittie, fo tbat ^'ccitkot tppon tbe firff of 3Snlp> b^ entrco tbe 215o;ougb of South- yvarke , tbcH bcpng ^eonefoap , ano loogeo bim tbere at tbe l^artc, fo? b^ mpgbt not face fuffereo to enter tbe Cittie. 0no bpontfae fame oap,fbe Commons of Epx in great Robert ' ' number pigbt tbem a ffefoe bppon tfae plapne ofMj/es eude. 0nobppon ,tbe fcconoe oap of tfae fapoe monetfa , tfac ^aio?caIIeo a common Counfell at Guild hall,to pur# on'theMyus ^ uep fo? tbe mitbfeanoing of tbefc rebels , in tobirb aflTem? blp Uiere oiuers men of runo?pe opinions, fo tbat fome tbougbtgcoQtbattbe fapoe rebels fboulobe recepueo into tbe Cittie, ano fome otbertuife. iSmongtlje tobicb Robert Home §>tocUefitbcmonger tben being an Sl!oerman,fpahc fo?e agapntt tbem tbat toouloebaue tbem enter. i^o?tbe fobitb^fb)^Commons toere fomoueo agapnfe bim , tijat tbep ceatTeO not till tbep bao bim committeO to tuaro. ;9no tbe fame afternconeabout.b.of tbe clocbe, ^ Captainetnitb bis people entreo bp tbe b?ioge,ano cutte tbe iSopes of tfae 0?aUj b?ioge a funoer toitb bio C£Do?oe, toben be iuas pafleo into tbe Citie. l^emaoe in funo?pe places thereof J]3?Dcla# mations in tbehings name,tbat no man in papneofoeatb lbouloerobbeo?tatte anptbing iuitbout paping tberefo?e. Bp reafon bs tDanue tbe bartes of tbe Commons, Henry the but all teas fionc to beguile fbem, affer as came bp Loh- don fione be ftralie it luitb bitt ftDoji),anD faib: noto is Morti- mer iLojDe of tbis Citie,and tbeu ibeUiing bis minbe to tbe ^aioj foj tbe o?bering of bis people,be returncb into South- f tbcre aboDe as be bcfo?e baobone, b's people com# ining anb going at latofuU boures tuben tbcp tooulb. ^xi tbe mo?rotoe p tbirb of lulp^tbe fapb Captaine agapne en# treb tbe Citie,anb caufeb tbe ILojbe Say to be fette from tbe snotoer to tbe Guild haii.yjiXytxt be teas arapgncb befoje tbe ^aio? anb otber tbe ftings 3!u(ficcs,anb Robert Home berman befoje nameb Iboulb baue bene libctoife arapgneb, but tbat bis toife anb otber frienbcs foj.b. bunbjeb marbes gat bim retfo?eb to bis Ubcrtie, SUbe iLojb Say bcCring be migbtbctriebbpbisJBares , teas bp tbe rebels fo?ccablp taben from tbe officers,! bjongbt to p fetaubarb in cheape, tobere tbep if rabe off bis beab, pigbt it on a pole,anb bare it befo?c tbem, ano bis bobp tbep caufeb to be bjatone nabeb atabo?re taplcbpon tlje pauementfrom cheapexwtoSouth- warke to tbe fapb Captaiucs 3nne, :airo a ^quier calleb Crowmer tbat toas tben ^berife of Xbire, tbat none of tbem on paine of oeatb take bpo tbem to erecute anp comanoement bp ido?o 0? lD?ifing rent 0? maoe Onto tbem bp tbe faio Cade,calling bimfclfe Mortimer f Captnine,be it to rere anp people 0? to anp otber intcnt:but to arcttano make fo be areffeo fucb as take bp6 tbem to b?ing anp fucb comaunoemet bp to?iting 0? bp tPO?D. Et hoc nulUtenm emtttatis Teste me ipfi apuiWefl- minTier.x.dte Iulij,anw r<^w,28, hftet tobifb i3?oclamatioti tljus publilbco, a amt Thomm af Acres, after be baD bene at Panics. 2Dbe. bj.ofj!5ouember began a jSarltament at weTlmm^ fier,mn tbebril ofSDecembertbcS>nbeofg>omerfcf tnbicb 14? I ioasnemlpcome out of Normandte, toas put bnDer aretf, —^ ano bis gcoDs bp tbe Commons Voas foulelp DefpopleD anD borne atoap from tbe B/acke Fryers, Hfter tobirb rpot, on tbe nerte mojrotoc, ^ajoctamation toas mabe tbjougb tbe Cittie, tbat no man tboulD fpople 03 robbe,bpon patne of Deatbt anD tbe fame Dap at tbe ^tanDarD in Cbeape toas a man bebeaDcD fo3 Dopng contrarie to tbe ^jocla^ mation. 0nD tbus begahne malice to fpjing bettoene tbc JLojDes of tbeiLanDe,anD fpeciallp againtt tbe SDube of Somerfet anD otbcr of tbc ^iuancs Counfcll, fo? tbe ting of Normandte, tobcrcof tbc cbicfc Cittie of Roane toas lotto? gtnenbpbp appopntmcnt tbe peare pjocaDingfas sifitn toitneffctb Gagwynej bpoii conoifion tbat tbeSDube of>?<»- merfet toitb bis totfc f Engitflj foulDtours, IboulDc toitb fucit gcaDsas tbep migbt carrte, Departe ftalp from tbeCtttie: ^ ^03 tobicb fra paffage be tboulDc pape Dnto tbe French btng Ibj.^.^cuts, tobicb amount to fourt^ne tboufanD marbs tterling. X Henric the {ixth» ^ ' fferltng.SnO alfo toas bonnDe to oeltuer tnfo fl^o French §&tn0O pol&iTtoti,aU Coloneo ano CaQclo tbat at tbat Dap tDcrotntbepoireirtoiiof£«j//7^'»ulte otTorke alTitteo toptlj oiuerfc otber JLojoco ano men of name, bao intbofe partes gatbe« reo a tfrong potuer of people, ano toitb tbem mas entring tbe lano,ano fo boloe on bts iournep tomaroe btm:but mbr tbe SDuHe bao toitting of tbe lyings greate poiner,be retur« neo from tbe map mbtcb boas taken bp tbe lyings bolfe,anl> balleo tomarocs London, ano mben be boo recepueo knom# leoge from tbe Citie, tbat be migbt not tbere be recepueo, be ment oucr KmgHone i5jioge,ano fo into Jatb bene fapbe ofme to pourmottcercellente ctfate, tobicbe (boulbe founbe to mp biibonour anb rep?ocb,ano charge of mp perfon: botoe be it tbat, 31 ape baue bene,anb euer totil be,pour true liegeman anb fcruaunt: anb iftbere be anp man tbat topll oj bare fap tbe contrariCjO? charge me otbertoife, 3 bef^cb pour right* toifeneffeto call bim befoje pour high p?efcnce, anb 3 topll Declare mefojmpbifcbargcas a true i^nigbte ought to bo, anb if 3 boe not, as 3 boubt not but 3 Iball, 3 befacb pou topunilbemeastbepcDtoiimanofpcur lanbe : 0nbifbee bee founbe bntrue in bio fuggeQionanbinfo;tmation,3 b^* Cffcb pou of pour bigbnelTclbat be be ptmitbeb after bis be* fert,ineramplcofaUDtber. pieafe it poure crcellence to bnotoe, tbat as toell befo?e mp bepartpng out of tbps pour Uealmc, foj to goe into pour ilanbe of ire/ande, in pour full nolle fcrutce, as 0tb, certaine perfonsbaue ipne in atoapte fo; to hearken bppon me, as John Talbot i^nigbte at the Cattell of •- S>p> Thomas Stanley Jinigbte in .• Pulfoidc at Elton, at Brooke at Gt'aaceHer ; aub Richardcgrome Of pour Chamber at BenHiwsrres: tobi'cbeboDbeincbarge^afl 31 Hcnric the fixdi* €67 31 am cnfojmeD,) fo? to fafee nte ano puffe me fnfo poarc Cattell QtConwAy, anD to tfrifte of tfjc tjeaoeoff §>p? Willi- amOldehall i^nfgtjte, anoto f)auc pat in pjtfon^trWil- Isam Deuereiix !^ntg{jt, attO ^ir Ed-.nond Malfo J^npg[)te> toitfjoufen enlarging, bntal tfje time tl^f pour M0t)"rn"e ^aD appointeD tljep? oeltuerauncc . 3tcm, at fuel} tpmc ao 3 toas purpofeo fo? ta baue arriueoatpoureljaucn of Btaumarres, fo? fo fjatiecome to pourettobfe pjcfencc to ticf dare me pour true man ano fubiccte, as mp Duetic is, mp kmoing toas lloppeo ano fojbarrco bp Hcnne Norres,Tho- xnas Nortcs, William Bulkeley , William GruH, anO Bar- tholincw Bouldc, pour Officers in Northwales^ ffjat 3 Ojoula not lanoctt)ere,nojbaue Pirtualt no? refrctbing fo? mde anb mp fellotollbippcj as 3 Ijaae U)?itten to pour ercellence ^crebcfo?c, fo farrefo?tbetbatHenricNorres beputpe tc^ tfje cbamberlapne of Nonhwaies, fapoe bnto me tbat baboe in commaunbemente tbat 3 (boulbe in no toifc baue lanbing, refretbing, no? lobging, fo?mcnno? fo?bo?ire, no? otber tbpng tbat mpgbte turne toirtp tDo?(bippe 0? eafe, puttpng tbe blame bppon William Sayc tiatber of pour Chamber, raping anb affp?mpngtbat 3 amagaintt poure intentc, anb as a2nraptoure,as3nm info?meb: anbmo?eouer, certaine letters tueremabe anb belpueretr Chester, Shrewejhsirie, tmtJ tO OtberplaCCS fO?tO Ictte mpneentrpeinto tbefame. 3tem aboue aUtD?ongsano tniuries aboue^fapbe bone bnto me of malice, toptbout anp caure,3bepnginpourlanDe of ireUnde, in poure bonou» rablefernice , certapne commiffionstDcretnabe anb bp# rertebnto biuerfeperfons, tobicbe fo? tbe crccution of tbe fame, fatte in certapne places, anb tbe 3urie3 empane# leb anb cbargcb, to tbe tobicbe iniuries, certapne per# fons laboureb inSauntlpe to bnue me enbiteb oftrea# fon,to tbe intentc fo?tobaue bnboneme anbmpnetffue, anb co?rupteD mp bloube, as it is openipe publptbco: be# fiKcbingpour^©aicffic Kopall, ofponrrpgbteoufncffe, to J?oc erampnetbefe matters, anbtberebppon toboefacbc- 3iUli£6L ^68 Henric the fixth» Suffice in Ijrs bc^alfe as t\)t caufe requpjf tt), fo? mine intef iofullpto purfuetopourl)i0bncirefo; tbe tonclufio oftbcfe matters. Anfwere of ^iiDoffn 1x10 f^nc tlje fapll tijat pa tcolxe bs late, ans King Henrj " i^alfo tnoerttattD p gflsD l)ublc obeDtcnce tljat pee in pour Yoike. ^ ° felfe fbetDC bnto bs,a6 melt in luojDe as in oaoe, tuljerfoje oarintentcis, tbcmojepttitP to cafe pcu of fuclje things as mere in pour fapoe 31Bil. t^otu be it that at our nio;e lep' fure me might aunftoere pou to pour fapfie 5!5pU,pct me let pou mit,thatfo? tl)c caufes afojefapbe, me mill oeclare pou nom our intent in thefe matters: fith it is that a long time among the people Ijath bene bpon pou manp flraungelanii guagc,ano inefpecial anone after pour Difojbinate anb bn# lamfull Oaping of the ©ithoppe of chewier, oiuerfe anb ma* npe of the bntrue (hipmen anb other, fapbe in their maner, mo?bs again® bur ettate, mahing manace to our omn per* fon bp pourfaptngs, that pde thoulbc be feteheb mith manp thoufanbes, anb pee thoulb tahc bpon pou that, mhiehe pa nepther oughte,no; as me boubt not,pes mill not attempt, fo farre fo:th that it mas fapbe to our perfon bp biuerfe, f cfpeeiallpe me remember ofone vvatiics mhpche habbe like mojbs to bs.0nb alfo thcr mas biuerfe of fuch falfc people, that ment on f hab like language in biuerfe of cur tomnes of our lanbe, mhiehe bp our fubieetes mere taken anb buelp rrecutebrmherefojcme fentc to biuerfe of our Courtes anb places, to hearken anb to take heebe if anp fuch manner cd* mpng mere,anb if there hab bin,foj to rcCtt it:but eomming into our lanoe our true fubieete as pee bib, our iutente mas not that pe,uojlcffeofcftatcofour fubieetes , no? none of poureferuaunteslhoulbenothauebin letteb no?| marneb, but in gcoblp mife reeepueb: home be it that perabuenture pourfobatneeomming, mithoutcerfapnemarnpng, cau* feb oure feruauntes to bo as thep bpb, conQbering thceau* fes aboue fapbe. 3nb as to the enoitement that pee fpoke bf, methinkeherilp, anbholbe fo?certainemarning,rau* feb our feruaunts to boe as th ep bib, coiiQbering the eau* res Hcnric the fixth* ^^9 tt9 aboue fapbc « 0n& as to tf)c enottemenfe t^at psfpokeof^ toetbrnbeberplpe atiobolDefo;(ccrtatne,tbat ttjore loao none fucbe . Hno if pe mape trnelp p;oae fbat anp perfon toas tfjcreaboutcs, tt)e matter (bah be ce^ meaneo as tbe cafe (ball require,fo tbat be (bail bnoU] it is to ourgreate Difpleafure. iiapon (bps fo? tbc caling of pour bearte in all fucb matters, toe Declare,repute,ano aDmitte pou as our true auD faptbful fubiecte, ano as pour faptbfull Coilin. PHeafe it pour bigbneCTe tenoerlp to conOoer, tbat greate murmur f gruoging, isbniuerfallpin tbis pour realm, of W,keto L in tbatjuliice is not Duelp minilfreo to fucbe as trefpalTe f HenrUagjine. offenoe againff pour lalocs, ano in efpecial oftbem tfjat be enoiteo of trcaron,ano otber being openlp noifeo ofp fame, loberebp greate inconucnicnces baue fallen, anb greate is ItUe to fall hereafter in pour fapbe Healme,tDbicb C^ob be# fenbe,but if bp pour bigboeire pjouilion couenable be mabe fo) One reformation anb puni(bment in tbis bebalfe.SSHber# fore3 pour bumble fubiect f true leigeman, Richard SDube of Tor^, tDillingasefPertuallpeas 3can, anbbefiringtbe furetie anb profperttpe ofpour maflte ropall perfon,anb tbe tnelfareoftbpspour noble Ucalme, counfellanb abiiertife pour ercellencp for tbe conuerration of gmb tranquilitp anb peaceable rule among all otber fubiectes, for to orbain ano prouibe, tbat true iuStce be b^b, againS all fucb tbat fo bee enbitcbjor openlp nameb, toberin 3 offer mp felfe, anb toil putmpenbenour for toerecute poure commaunbemente in tbe premtffes, for tbe puntlbing of fucbe offenbours, ano reoreffe of tbe fapoc mtfrulesjto mp migbt anb potoer. ano for tbe b^itie erecution hereof, lihe it pour bigbuelTe to ao# oreffe tbefe letters of priute feale ano tortts to pour officers anb minifferSjto boe, tabe, anb arrett, all fucbe perfons fa nopfeb anb enbiteb, of tobat effatc,bcgra,or conbition.foe# uer tbep be, anb tbem to committe to the SCotoer of London anb fo other ofpour prifons, there to abpbe toitbout iSaple or mapneprife, bntil the tpme tbep be bttcrlp trpeb:,anb be# termineo Henrie the fixtfe* fcrminefi after tlje conrfc of pour latoes. K^Si^tfthe /^i2)ofmastoucl)ingpoari5tllIattpitf bp fobs, tocbii< Duke of '^i'orke ^ocrftanoe toell t^iat pa of goo bar te,counfaple anb ao# tierftce bs to ^ fctting bp of Eunice, ano to tbe fpabp punf« tbing of fome perfons enoiteo o? nopfeo, ofifering pour fer# utfe to ba reabte at commaunbemente tn tbe fame, fitbe it is tbat fo? mattpe caufes mouing bs to fjaue bctermp^ neb in our foule to (fablilbe a fabbe, anb a fubSancial coun^ fell, giuingtbemmo?eampleauctbo;itie anbpotoer tban euer toe bib afo.:e tbis, in tbc tobitbe toe baue appointeO pou to be one , but fitbe it is not accuSomeD fure, noj erpebient, to tabe a conclufion anb conDurt bp abuife o? counfell of oneperfon bp bpmfelfe fo? tbe conferuation, it is obferueb tbat tbe greateU anb tbe bclie,tbe ritbe ano tbc pQjic, in libcrtpe, taeitue, anb effect, of pour bopces be quail: toe banc tberefoje betermpneb toptbin our felfeto fenbe fo? our Cbauncellour of £«^W,anb foj otber Jlojbs of our Counfcljpea anb al otber,togitber toitbin Ibojt time ripelpctocommon tbefe anb otber cur greate matters, in tbe tobicbe communication, fucbe conclufion bp tbe grace of (!5ob Ibal be take, as Ibal fotinb to bis pleafure,tbe ®2Ieale ofbs anb our lanb, as toell in tbefe matters as in anpo? tbcr. 0t length it toas agrab bp tbe iittng, tbat tbe S>ul5e of Somerfet fijouloe be committcb to toarbe,tbcre to abpbeanb antaiere fucbe Articles as tbe S?ukeof 2V4uhcs of Buckingham, Northampton, anO Somerfet: tije CDarlCd of iVarwtcke,Armdtde,Saltp}irie,Shrop' Poire,DeHonflnre,tVtltP]ire, NorthamberUnde, Stajfordxitiri Dor- y^^.'OtCOUntO QtBcmmonntXiVili iVelles:'!^X[XQ\\6 Fitz Warreiij Sainmoundc,Cobham,Douglas,ano Ot^era J^ifboppeS, tlje CarDinalI,3rcf)bp(l)0ppC0f Torke, ano Canterbunepvmche- fter, £^,ano London, in tfjefe tDO?0ea foUolDtng. 3 Richard SDuhe of Torke, confeffeano bettnoloe tijatj am ano oughts to bee bumble fubiette ano liegeman to pott mp foucraigne JLojOe i^ingHemie tbe fietb, anootoe tberefojeto facarepou iT^aptb ano truetb, aa to mp foue^ ratgne ltegelio?oe, ano (ball ooeall oapea Onto mp lines enoe,t (ball not at anp time topll oj alTente tbat anp tbtng attempteo o?Donc againlte pour mode noble perfon, but tobcrcfo ener 3 (ball bane bnotoleoge of anpe fucbe tbmg imagmeo oj purpofeo , 3 (ball toitb all fpaeoe ano oiltgence polTible to ma , make tbat pourc bPgbo« neCTe Jball baue knotoleOge thereof, ano cuer tbat, ooe all tbat (ball bepolTtbte to me, to (be (nitbdanoing ano lette thereof, to the bttcrmodc of mp Ipfe : 3 (ball not anpe thing take bpponme agapnde ponre ropall date 0? obepfaunce that is one thereto , no? fuder a# npe otbsr man to ooe, as farre fo?tbe as it (bal be in mp poioer to let it: ^no alfo (ball come at poure commaunoe# mente tubenfoeuer 3 (ballfaecalleo bp the fame, inl)umf bleano obepfauntemife, butifBi be letteo bp anpdcknedb 0? impotence of mp perfon, oj bp fucb other caufe as (bal bee thougbicb? foueraigne H reafonable» 3 <5?^ Henrie the fixth* 3 fl&allneuerljereaftcrfahe Upon mc to gather anprotofe, no? to niahe nnpalTemblp of poiirpoople, toitljout pourco# maunoetnent o; licence, o; in mp latofull Defence, tn inter* pjetation oj Declaration of tfie tDljiclj nip latofull Defence, 3 ibali repo;te me at all times to pour tjigtineile, anD if ttje cafe require, to mp pares, no? anp tljing attempt againfte anp of pour fubiects, ofU)l)atettatc,Degra,o?conDition, ^ tbep be. JiBut tobcn foeuer 3 finoe mp felfe U)?ongeD anD a* graueD, 3 Ibal fueljumblpc fojremeDie to pourbig^incfire, anD p?ocaDe after ttjecourfe of pour latneSjanD in none o# tbermife, fauing in mine otnne latufull Defence in manner aboue raiDe,ano otbertoife baue to pour tjIgbneDTe as an 1}U« ble anD true fubiecte ougbte to b^ue bim to bis foueraigne ILo;De.i31i tbefe things aboue fapDe 3 pjomife pott truelp to ofaferue anD kape, bp tbc bolp ©uangeliftes contapneD in tbe btofec tbat 3 lape mp banDe brrc bpon, anD bp tbe bolpc droffe 3 bere toucb, anD bp tbe bleffeD S>acrament of oure 3lo?Dcs boDpc, tbat 3 (ballnolue toitbbpsmcrcpercteiue. iliiD Duer 3 agree me anD toil.tbat if 3 anp tpme hereafter, as bp the grace cfourJLojDOoD 3 neuertball, anptbpng attempt bp luape offeatc o? otbertDPfeagaintte pour ropall Waietlie anD obepfauncc that 3 ouie thereto, o? anp thpng take bppon me othertoife than is aboue crpjeffeD, 3 from thattpmc fojthbcbnableD, beloeano taken, asanbntrue anDopenlpfojefiDojnemati, anDbnable to all manner of lDO?a)ip,eftate,anD oegrdE; be it fuel) as 3 noUi occuppe, o? anp other that might in anp Uiife grotn hnto me hereafter. 3:110 this 3 haue here p?omifcD ano finojne, pjocaDetb of mpneoumc DeOire ano free t)olunte,anD bp no conflrapnpng 0? coaction. 3n tuitnetTe of all the luhieh things aboue U)?it» ten, 3 ilicharde2Dukeof2^r/^e pongcr, Carle of Tenbroeke. 3ln t^e monefb of ^ar£l)e(a£5 UJitnelTetl) Gagwinc,) toas fl;c SCotone of Harfiewe iDOnne bp tbe Frenchmen.^tlD fsDlie after tfjeCitic of^owtoas giuen bppe bp appointment, tbattberouloionreo (bouioe leatte tbep; aruiourcbebtttoe tbem. S^b^one anD ttoentitb of ^uIpIoEn Talbot Carle of ^WryZ»r/i?mptbbtsronue3lO?DcLine,anD ^Pi Edwardc- HulH^nigbt,UjasnainebeQDcs^Wf.f«A-.- anD tlje Lo?De Moiins toas tahcn pjifoner, tobo toas after ocliuercD foj a greate raunfome. ©nBartholins\vcoape,attbe tAlrcflling neare bnto Clexrken'well, a Gentleman belonging to ttjcpjioj offe>aint lohns , maDe a rumour o,Jtumulte,fo?t{)Ciubiebc> bp tljc commauiiDemcnt of tlje ^aio?, be mag arrellcD bp Richard Alley, one oftl)eg>ljerife0, anD DcliuercD to Pans a S>crge;< nnt: but fuclje reOftance toag maDe bp parteg taking, that the ^bcr ife toag fainc to craue brlp of tlje ^aioj, tobo toitb big bjetb^en f be ^loermen arofe from tbc game,f tf rcngtb# ncD tbe ^bi^rifeg,anD fo^ tbe refcue of tbc faiD Gentleman, one nameD CaUcis.camcoataf §>atnt lohns mitb a greate ftrengtb of Srcberg, to rcfifte tbe ^atoj, in tbc tubieb frap, a ^eoman of ^aint lohns mag flaine, anD manp otber foje burte:tbe£patojbtmrelfcercapeDbarDlp, fojbmCaptoag , ftnitten from big btaD toitb an arrotuetbut tbe ^^aioJ mitb j big Citijcng puttc tbe otber to flight,fcntc tbe piincipall of tbem to Newgate,mti tbcn tokebig place again til ■§ games toere enDeo,bp iobtcb Citizens baD gafbcrcD tbem felues in greate nuber,anD fetcbcD btm borne, neucr ^aioj fo lIronglp,no? fo bono?ablp. r^.3 2 Cbig peare tbe !ii tng lap.IongCcke at Clmngdon, i teas tn greate oaunger to biiue enDeD ijts life. m Cbc I4'74 <^74 Hcnric the fixth* Sl^effjirfant^Dape of October, tbe^ioaneaf yvefi' minner toas beiiutreb of btr firQe fonne, U)bo toas namsb Eclwardc. Sherifes.l Waldrcn.-Thotnas Cock:c,thc iS.ofSeptember. C^itwr.j lohn Norman Draper,the 28.of October. Bcfo?efbps time tb^^aiojs, aibcrmcn, anb Commo# ncro of tlje Cptie of LoKdo», tucre toonfe all to rtcc to iveFi-* minUer, toljen t^e spato? IboulCc fafee cbatjje, bnf fbis ^patoj tons roUjebtbptb^rbptoater : fo? tbelubicbc tbe toatermen mabe of b^wi a fong, Rowc the boatc Nor^ Cbe nmtb ofi^arcbe tn tbe nigbfe, toas a greafe fire licrtc tijptbout Lftdgate, in a CordwayKers\^0\X^t , ta)l}V^Z CordtvAjKer ioptb bpslutfe, fb?a pong men anbamapbe toerc all burnte , tbe pjifoners of LudgA%e mere rcmo# ucb to NewgAte, bpcaufc tbep mere almolle fmaulbe# Sherifej./: IohnFielc!c:WilliamTayler,thc 28 ofSeptcmber. Stephen Fofl:erFilEmongerjthe.28.ofOiffobcr. r ^ greate i^rap at LondoM bp tbe S>anttuariemen otSAint M^rtwslegraHKde, tobo ilTueb fojtb anb borte bpiicrfe Ci* ti^etfo, but it teas appeafeb bp tbe ^ato; anb bpe b;e' tbJen. S^be one anb tteentitb of ipap htng Hery tabtng ^ie t03« ■ ntv fvom^rgftmwnerto\aattiSAi?it aii>oks,to mete teitb tbe SDube ofTor^, tbe Charles of anb SAltsburie lob< geb tbat mgbteat IVAteforde OifVadefirde,Qn tbps Cbe SAtHte Aibons, anb on tbe mojning earclp brcamc to Sam Albons, toptb bpm aOTemblcb on bps partpe tbe SDuScs of Somer' yer,anb tbe>(^arleS oXPenbrehe, Northnmbtr^ land:,DeMonp}trc^ Staff or dc^ Dorfet^Otiti fVtltJhire, tbeilOJbeSj Cliffoidc,Sadley,3!5arons,anb Roosjtoptb Dtuerfe J^nigbtSj C-fquters,(2!'entlemen, anb yeomen, to tbe nuber of.2ooo» anb mo?c. SInb at tbe fame time teerc tberr afiemblebRi- chard H)ttite oXTorke, Richarde dearie of^o0,anb in tbe tuap ofCb^titie, tbe true intent of mp commpng, anb to be gtob anb gratious ^oueraigne bnto me, anb all otber pour true liege menne, iubpcb, tbat luitb all tbeir poluer anb migbte toill be reabpe to Ipue and bpe toitb pou in poor rigbt, anb to bo al things as ibal lihe pour ^aiedie ropal to commanbe bs, if it be to tbe tDo;(bip of tbe Crotone of £«^W,anb tbe toelfare of tbis pour noble i\ealine. ^oieouer, gratious tloibe, pleafe it bnto potire ^aicttpe Uopall, of poure greatc gmbneCTe anb rigbte# tuifenede, to encline poure tnill to beare anb fecle tbe rigbttoife parte of bs poure true ^ubiects anb ]Ltege men. iFp^dc, pjaping anb befacbing to oure ^oucraigne, cbiffs lefus, of bps bpsbs aob migbtpe pobjer, to giue tbe bertue of ^jubence , anb tbat tbiougbe tbe pjaper of tbe glojious ^artp?e Sainft Albon gpue pou berpe hnolnlebge of, oure trotbes , anb to hnotoe tbe intent of our alTembltng at tbis time : iT^oj C-ob tbat istnt^eauen hnotoetb, oure intent is rigbtfull anb true, anb tberefo?e toe p^ape bnto tbat migbtp 31 2D C in tbefe toOjbeO • Domnt fs cly^em defenfionis noUrt: Hcnrie the fixthJ tufifrcfojcgractoas 3Lo?De, pleafeitpouri^ateffteropal to Ocliucr fuc^ as toe totll accufe,ano tljiep to ^auc like as t^ep tjaueDefmicQ. aito tbtsoone, pon to bel)ono2abto tooj# tbippcDas moffc rig^tfuU liiing anb our true gonerttotir* ^nDiftoefboulDeitotoc attbistpmebep?omifeD, asafc.:8 Wpo time is not butnioton baue bin p?otnifes bjohen tobi'' clje bauebin full fattbfullp pjomifcb, ano tjjerebpon greatc otbcB fibo^ne, toe totll not notoe ccafe fo? no fucbe p?omi^ fes,no? otbc, tul toebauetljcm tobtcb bauebeferueb ccatf), oj elfc toe to ope tfjerefoje. The aunfwere by the King to the Duke of * ailing Hcnrie cbargc ano conimauntie,tbat no manner perfon of tobat Degree,ettate,o? ronDttion foeuer be be, abpDc not, but tbat tbcp auopDe tbe fiElD,anD not be fo bar# Die fo mahe reCttauncc againtt me in my otonc realm, i^o? 31 lliall bnotoe tobat trautour Dare be fo bolDe to arife anpe people in mine otone lanDc, tobere tbJougb 3 am in great Difeafe anD beauunelTe; bp tbat i^aitb 3 otoe bnto Saint Ed- wardcjaiiD buto ti}C Croton of England, 3j (bal DeGrop tbem euerp motbcrs fon, auD ebe tbep to be bangcD, D?nton, anD quartereD, tbat map betaben aftertoarD of tbem, in cram# pie to mabe all fucbe traptours to betoare,fo? to mabe anpe riling of people toitbin mine otone lanD, anD fo traptcrouf# ip to abpoe tbep? king anD gouernour.3nD fo? a concluOon, ratber tban tbep Iball baue anp 5Lo?De tbat bcre is toitb me at tbis time, 3 Ibal! tbis Dap fo? tbeir fabc in tbis quarrcll mpfelfe line anD Dpe. The wordes of the Duke of Yorkf to all Gentlemen and other aflemblcd with hym. ^-IrSjtbe bing our foueratgn 3Lo?D toil not be refo?meD >^at our befdecbing nc p?aper,no? toil not in no toife bn# DcrttaD tbe intente toberfo?e toe be berc alfebleD i gatbereD at tbis time,but onlp is in ful purpofe to Delfrop bs al, anD tberbpon Henne the fixth* ^77 fijerc ftpot! a great ot^e \)atp ma5c,ti)af f^>i?rc in none ofljer inapebut tbatbe initb all bto poUtertotll purfue bo, ano if toe be taben to gtue bs a (bamefull Deatb, lafiiig cur Iiue» lobeanb gcDDs,anD alfo our bepjes Ibanieb fojeuer.STber# fo?e firs, nob) fitb it b)iU noneotbertoifcbe, but^ Uie(ball btterlp Die,better it is to bs to Die in t^e fielD,tban rcluarD* Ip to be put to an btter rebube anD (bamefull Dcatb, fo: tije rigbt ot England itanDetb in bs. Confioering alfo in tobat perill it ttanbetb at tbis time, anD foj to rcDjeCTe tbe mif# cbiefe tbereaf, let euerp man belpe to bis potuer tljis Dape, anD in tbat quarrell to quite bs libe men, to tbe crotone of £«^W,p?aping anD befeecbing bnto tbat JlojD tbe tubtcb is eternal, tbat raignetb in tbe glorious bingDome celefiial, to bape ano faue bs fbps Dap in our rigbijanD tbJougbe tbe giftes of bis bolp grace toe map be niaDe ftrong to luitbflao tbe greateabbominable ano bo?ribIe malice of tbcm, tbat purpofe to Dcttrop bs ano tbe realme of England, anD put bs to a (bamefull Deatb: p;!ape toe therefore bnto tbat ilo^D to beour comfo^tanD our oefenDour,raping tbefe tuojDes, mine [is cl/pens defenfionis noThi.2it(Q tDbeU tbefe iOO^DCS loere fapDe, tbe SDube of Torke, anD tbe (Varies of wamxicke anD Saitjbarie, U)itb tbcir boffe, bettoane elcauen ano ttoelue at none b?cabe in in tb?a feueral places of tbe fapD ffrate. SCbs feing tbe being in tbe place ofEdmond Wellby i^um DjcDcr of tbe fapDeS^oiunc of Saint Alhons, bearing of tbe faiDe tDnbes comming, commaunDeD bis bofie to fiape all manner ilo?Des,ianigbtes,&quiers,C5entlemcn ano peo# men, tbat migbt be tahen on tbe partp of tbe fojefapD S?ube of Torke. Cbps Done, tbe iLo?De Clifferde fieptc fo ffronglp tbebarriours of tbe fame SCotone, tbat tbe fojfapDcSDuhe aiTorke migbt in no toife toitb all tbe potoer tbat ba babbe enter, nojbjeabe into tbe fapDeCotone. 2Cbe(!!;arleof ivarwicke fenotopng tbereof, tcohc aiiD gatbereo bps mennetogptbcr toptb bP'n» anobjalteinbp tbe (2D>arDeii fiDe into tbe fapDe Cotone, betloecne tbe figne of tbe &epe, anD tbe Bcchequere in Hoiywei firecte: anD anone tSlunb* as ' ,^7^ Henrie the (ixth» ■ J as foerc toitbin ffje fapDe JCotone tl)ep bicto bppe tbc 2Crumpct aito crpcD tottfj an btgb bopce a tvamicke, a ^ ^ tbat maruaple it toaa to beare.anD tplI tljat tpmc fbe . jaDube of rorj^fmigbtneuer bane cntrp into tbe2Doton,anO -r:' tben toitb ffrong banoe tbep b?abe bp tbe IBarricrs, ano > fougbtc a fierce ano crucll battaple, intbetobicbe tocrc flapnc, ILojDes ofname, EdmondcSDubeof tbe dearie of NonhumberUnde , tbO llOjDe Cliflforde , fir Barton Entcwfcll l^ntgbf^ 5 William Souchc , lohn Botrcaux, Ralphc Balithorpc anO [)i9 fonnc, William Coruin, Willia Cotton rccepucr of tbe S>utcbte of Laxc/ifler, Gilbert Fal- dinger, Fveignaldc Griffin, lohn Dawes, Ellis Wood, John Cythe, Robert Woodwardc, Gilbert Scarlockc,anD Ralph Willowby (Sfqutrco, ad^entlcmanof tbeCourte Roger Mercraft tbe ^dufienes me(fanger> Hawbm tbe IStngo ter, Malener Padmgton anO William Butler ^0OnTen,anb fine ano ttoenttenioejtDbofe namee toere not hnotone,anb of tbem tbat incre napne,bene borpeb at Sawt Albom eigbte anDfourtieperfono. 0nb at tbat battapletDereinounDcb 31OJIIC0 of name, tbeBingtoastbotte into tbe necbetoptb an arrolnc. 2Cbe 2Duhe of Buckingham, anb tbe iiojbSud- ley,in tbebifages toptb arrofweo, tbe (Sarle of Stajforde in tbe rigbt b^nbe iuitb an arrotne, tbe (£arle of Dorfet toas fo foje burte tbat be migbt not soe, but toas fapne fo be car# ricbbomcinacarte, anb S>P3 lohn Wcnloke i^nigbte in ^lifeetoife burt anb carrieb from tbence in a Cbapje, anb bt# uerfe otber liinigbteo anb (ll;fquiers fo^e burt, anb tbe Tub# ffaunceof tbe i^pngsbottebifpoplcbof tbepJ barneis, at tbeir ofijne requefte, mabe beliuerpe to tbe SDubes botte fo) fauafionoftbep?liucs anbfl0b.2nbe (I!;arIeof«^///'A'-'',ano The>-pc,\j3itif manp otber fleb,anb cafi ahiap tbeir barneio in bitcbeo anb Uiffib0.a::bis bone,tbe SDufie of rorkiA^e ©rieft offvarwickc own Sabfl)Hrte, camc bnto tbe iiingtDbereba load, aubbefongbtebprnontbep^fin^o, of gract anbfo)# giucnelle of tbat tbep bab bone in bis pjefencc, i befougbfc bim of bis bi0bnefije to tahe tbe to grace,! as bis true liege men* Henrie the fixth* ^79^e feing DeCrcD f [jcm fo ccafe tljetr pt£)ple,f fjaf fbcre IftoulDe be no nioje ^urte Done, ano to obep t)VB commaun^ Demet, did caufc to be pjocIapiucD in tl)e Sings name, tbaf all maner of people HjoulDe ceafe off tl)epj malice, ano not to finite one ttroUc moje, ano fo ceafeD lljc t atfaplc. 0nD bpon tbc Dap nept after, tbe Sing anD tlje 2?ubc of Carles oifVamickemxJj Sa/.Jbur/e, cameto LondiK&nti Ujere loDgeD in t^e iSifboppes ^allaice of London, loberc tbcp beptetbepj ^SUbitfontiDetoitb great iope anD folemnitpe, concluDing tljere to fjolDe a parliament, tbe fame to begin on tbe nintb of 3lulp nept follotuing. SUbio peare intfjemonetbof jnneappearcDa comcfoj ffarre,calteD StelU Cometa, bettoipt tbe i|io?tb anD tbe Call, cpteoDingbis bcames toloarDs tbe &outb. 3|n tbe parliament begun tbe nintb of 3|alp as is afoje faiDe, Richards SDube of ror/^ftoas maoepjotectouroftbe realme. SCb^ Carle of SaltsbmisSx^BB maoe liojD Cbaun# cellour tX^EngUnde, anD Richarde Carle of yvarwicke tons wiaDe Captaine ofCi/f^. Anno.reg.->^ lohn YongiThomas OwlgrauCjthe.^S.ofSeptembcr. Sheriffs. 7 William Marrow Grocei',the sS.of Oftobcr. UlLator. > SCbis pearc bp meanes of tbe ©uane anD tbe llojDes of bir Counfell, tbe SDtibe afTorl^ toas DifcbargeD of tbe pjo# tc£tourfbip,anD tbe Carle of Salisburie of tbeCbauncellour* Clip, anD being callcD bp pjiuie feale to Couemrie, tbep toerc libe to baue bene intrappeD tbere , anD b^tDlpe efcai* peD» Hntbemonetbofspape, an/M/z^wferuaunte toalbpng tbJougbe cheafeof London, ixjptb a Dagger bangpngat bps gp;Dle, a ^ercbauntes feruaunt tbat before tpme baD bin in Italy anD tbere blameD foj ioearing of tbe like toeapon, cbalengeD tbe Qraunger,boloe b^ Durtt be fo bolDe to beare toeapon, confpDering betoasoutorbpsnatiue Countrep, bnotopng tbat in bis Countrep no tiraimger teas fuffe# reD to toear t title, Xo tbe tobitb quefiio fucb anftoere toas . du.iiij, itiaDc Henrie the fixth^ mane bp fbt ffraungcr, tbaf tbc ipcrcerfofeefromfj^mbp^ Dagger anD b;a!te it bpon btfi bcaoe, tobtrcfapon tbc ffran# gcr complapncD to tbc ^aioj, tobo o" tbc mojroU) fcnt foj tbc pong man to ^ GuUde hm :U)bcrfo?e after bis aimtocre inaDcPnto tbc coinplapnt, bp agrctmcnte of a full Courte of ^loerme, bs U»as fent to toarD^ano after tbe Court teas finifl^cDjtbe #ato; anD ^bsrtfeo toalbtng bonietoarDe tbb> rougbc Cheafe,\33txt tbcrc oicttc bp fuebe a number of S^cr# cersfcruauntesanDotber, tbattbepmigbtcnotpalTe, fo? ougbttbep couloe fpcahc o? Doc, till tbcpbaDDeDeliucreo tbe ponug manne tbvit before teas bp tbem fentc to pjt# fon. ainD tbc fame oape in tbc afternome foDatnelp teas aD fcmblcD a multituDe of IctnDc anD po?c people of tbe Citp, jDbicb toitbout beaDe o? guiDe ranne bnto certainc Italians boufes, anD efpectallp to tbe Fioremwes, Lukefes anD f^eneti- A»s, anD tbere tofee anD fpopleD tobaf tbep founDe> anD DpD great burtin funDjp placeo, fautmoIfetnfourcbDufeslfan# Ding in tuarDe,tDbereof tbJee tffflOe in Samt Bar- thoimewef^nxi^t tbc little, anD ottc tnt^cpartlj) of^-fw# Benits Finke. SCbc ^ato?, :^lDcrmen anD toojlbipful Com« moners of tbe Citie, toitb all tbep? DiligencereClfeD tbeni tobat tbep couloe , ano fente Diuerfe of tbem to Newe- gate: ano fpnallpc, not toptbout IbeDDing of blouDe anD mapming of Diuerfe Cttijcno, tbe rumour teas appeafeo* aCbs pong manne beginner of all tbps bufinclTe, tcobe ^mAmxiz BXu'eHmtniier, anD not long aftcr tbe S>uhe of Buckingham tottb otbcr noblc mcnnc tocrc fentc from tbe iSpng into tbe Cptie, tobo tbere cbargeD tbc ajaio? bp HUertue of a CommilTion , tbat inquirie tboulDc ba inaDe of tbps rpot, anD fo calleD an iDper Determpner at tbe GwLde Hall, tubcrc fattefo? SluDgcstbe t^aio5, as tbe tSpngs tlieuetenauntc, tbe SDube of Buckingham on bps rpgbte banDe, tbe cbicfe Suffice ontbclcfte banoe, anomanpeotber men of name, tobere tobple tbep toere enpanelpng tbep? inquclEcs , tbe otber Ccmmons of tbe Citie manpe of tbem fecretlp puttetbem in armour^ anb H cnry the fixth* i nnti m(ttf fo liaue rmng tfje common boll, fo to ffsae rapfeO tl)e indole fo^ce of tt)cCitie , ano fo lo fjauc ooliumo fucb pcrfono as bcfojc foe ttjc robbcric lucre committeo to toaro. 33iit tljis matter teas oifcrctelij IjanDlcD bp t!)c coanfcl ano labour of fomifoifcrcte Commoners, tubicb appcafco ttjeir neigbbonrs in fuc!)U)ifc,tbatall tbis furie loas quencbcc: butluljcnlDOjlieluas bjougbt totbcSDubc of Bucktirghiim, tBattbccommonalticUicreinbarnelTe, bcluitbtbc ot!)cr ILo?oes tcolie Icauo of tljo ^aioj aiiD OcpartcO, auD fo cca^ ftDtfjeinqumefoetbatoap. ttlpoutbo inoerolDtlje ^aioj commaunoeDtbe common counfell Ivitbtbe ^arocnsof fcIlolulljipB fo appcare at tf)o Gwid Hall, lub^re bp tboHe# cojoer in tboicings name ano tljc £l5atojs,lnaB commaun* beo etierp ESSaroen, tfjat in tlje aftcrnojne cptber of tbcm 0)oulo aircb!el)i£!b}bolefellott)(btpattbeircbmon^alIeB, ano tljere to gtue ttraigbt commaunoemcnf, tljat euerp ma fi^ tbe bings peace Hept toitbin tt)t Citie.0ffer Inbicb time tbe Citizens Incrc beougbt to fucb quietneire,tbat after tbat tiap,tbe enquirte Uias tnilp perufeo, ano.ii). perfons foe ttfo faio rpot put in erccution ano bangco at 7>^cr«f, lobereof ^ ioere^anctnariemcn of Saint Mart ws if grau>t(ie,t'l)t Ot])tt An»orei.-lK a fbipman, foe robbing of Hntbonp Mowncmcano otber Lumbardes. loliH Steward : Raph Verney,the 28.of September, Shertfes. > Thomas Canings Groccr^the zS.of Oftobcr. tJMaior. ^ 3intbcmonetbofj^ouember,in tbeBIIe of Portland not far re from tbe totonc of iveymonthe luas fane a Cocbe cont» tning out of tbe ^ea,bauing a great cred bpb bis beat), ano a great reo beam,ano legges of balfe a paroe long t b^ dcooe on tbe toater ano cretoe.itr.times, ano euerp time turned 1457 bim abouf,ano bccitcneo toitb bio beao, fotoaro tbe dj5o?tb,~" tbe &oatb,ano tbe S2a:eff,ano toas of colour lihe a i^efaunt, RctfrtFahUfu ano mbcn be bao crotoeo.itj.times be banilbeo atoap. 0nO (bojtlp after toere taken at Erithe toitbin.rb' niples of London, toonoerfulliFifljcs , tub^rtof one toas called Mors Martna, tbC fCCOnO aSrrorde Ftfhe^ tbe OtbCC Bu.b, 6Zz lohn Mf.or. Rthtn Fuluan. Henry the fixth# tteoiDcretCIfjalcs. SCfje.rrtJiy.Dav of 0ugaff Peter Bricc ^fetoarD of Nor^ mayidte, imt^aflcteof Fronne, anD bolp <0bod, 3 ReynoldPecocke i5pfi)0ppe of Chichester \i\\)a30lX\^iZy of mpne oiuue potocr ano Uiiil tuitbont anp manner coer« tioti R'i'Per •/ T^Ui^r, Henry the (ixth» ttott 0? tofttCe ano hnotoIeDse t^at B! ftmepjcfumtns ofmpnenafuraUtDittc,anD preferring mg iuDgement anti naturall reafon before tlje netne ano tt)t olDeSDciiament, aito tfir autbojitic ano octcrnunation of our motherbolg Cbfrcb^^i bauebribe, torittenf taugbt otberttiifetbantbebol? HomancaiiO tHniuerfall Cb«rcbc teacbetb, preacbrtb? OJ obferuetb. ^liib one to agatnft tbc true CatboUbeanD ^pottles faitb, 31 bane tnrittcn,taugbf, ano publ^eD mangano Dtuers perilous Dottrincs, facobcs, ioorbes aitD U)ritings,conteining l^ereHes atiD errorsjcon# traricto tbe tagtb CatboIibe,*nD aetermination ofbolgc Cburcb:anaefpeciallutbefe!^erefies anocrrours folloto* tng,tbat is to fag. In primis <^Hod non est de Kecejfitate fidei credere queddomttins ■ ttofier leftu ChriHses pofl mortem defcendit ad inferos, \ eTt de ntceffltate falutis credere tnfanUord com- munionem.]Hod Ecclefia vniuerfalls potejl err are in hijs e^ut funt fide/, ltem,ijaod»o» est de neceffitate fahtis credere (fr tenere ilhid quodconftlmmgenerate ^ vniuerfalis Ecclefia fiat/iit,apfrolsat,fe/t determtnatyin fauorem fidei,^ adfalute an/martsmy eft ah vniuer" fis Christ/fidelth/u approbandum (t" tenendum. Mbrrfore 31 miferable Cnner tobtcb brre before long time baue toalbeb in aartmelTe, f notn bp tbe mercp ana infinite gfljanelTeofdl^oa reaucea into f rigbttoap, f Hgbtoftrutb, f confiaering mp relfegr^uoufip baue finnea ano toicbealp bane informcaf infeetea tbe people of(iD>oa,returnei come againe to tbe bnitie of our mother bolp Cburcb, f all bere# fies f errors turitten f conteinea in mp fata baibes,tDorfis f toriting^jb^f^ folemnlp f openlp reuobe f renounce,tobtclb berefies i errors f all otber fpices of berefies 3 bs"^ before tbis time before j molt Ueuerea father in (!5oa,ana mp goDO Blom of Caunterburj in aiuersano lalnfullforme iuaiciallp abiarea,rubmttting mp felfc, faepng then ana alfo notae at this timeberpe contriteanapenitentfinner , to tbe correc* twn of the Cburcbe ano of mp fapa florae of Camterburie,. <5^4 H enry the fixth» ^nDoucrti)ts,eii;^o;tmsnntireqmdnstnffje name ano tertaeofalmtg^tie (0oOjtnt^e faluatton of pcur ponies atiD minue, tljat no man hereafter gtue fapt^i aiiD creoence fompfapopernitiouocoarines, ^erefieo anDerro?6,nep# fber mp fapD JSohee kffpe,^oloc,o? rcaoe in anp toifc, bnt tbattbep all fuel) llSfflkeSjtoojtico, ano to^ttingsfurpectof bcrefieoibelpuer in all gmDlp bad bnto mp fapoe ^o?De of Caunterburte^oi to l)io (CommiCfioncrs ano SDepntieSjin ef" cl)etoing ofmanpinconueniencesf great perils offoules, tbe mi)icl) elfe migbt be caufe of tt)e contrarp. ;^nD oner tbis Declaration ofmpconuerfation ano repentaunce, 31 o* penlpaiTent, tbatmp fapDel3a!bes,boo?bes anD tnjitings, fo; Declaration anD caufe aboue rebearfeD, be DeputeD bnto tbefire,anD openlpbjentin enfampleano terrourof all Of tber,f c. iSfter tbts^b^ toas Dep?iueD of bis 15iibop;icbe, ba^ uingacertainepencionaiTigneD bntobimfo;to Ipue on in an5lbbep,anDfa)neafterbeDpeD. 'I^isidcobes toereinti# tuleD: OfChriftian Pxcligion, andaBookc pcrtcyning there- vnto. OfMatrimonie. luft opprcfiingof holy Scripture, dcuidcd into three 1. 2, 4- 5- 7- 8. partes. The Donet ofChrillian Reli2;ion. __ • ^ The follower ofthe Donct. The Booke of Faith. The Booke filling the.4.Tablcs. The Booke of Worfhipping. p. The Prouoker ofChrilliau men. I o. The Booke ofCouncell. 3n tbe monetb of BJanuarie DpeD tbe (Sarle of Deum- JhtreXn tbeabbepofv4^/»<^«,popfoneD(as men fapDjbetng tbereat tbat tpme loitb €5uane Margaret , to appeafe tbe. malice bettuane tbe pong 3LojDs,tobofe fathers toere flaine oXSaint Albot^s,^t^ox^^■^ tbatbelDe tditbtbeSDubeofTor;^. ^ meeting teas appopn teD bp tbe &ing to be at London, in ebeping Henry the fixth* obepti!0tofjoft commaiin5emenf, fbe S>u6e of Torke came tnfo London oh fbe.^rbj. Dap of ^anuarie, anD toas Iod^co tABAynardsCAiile, aiiD afojo bini,to U)it tfje.FD.of^anuarte came fbe Carle of Salift>!irie,m^ toas loDgcD at bta place CallCD tbe Erber:ti)0^,{\v aftcr CamC tlje Duj^cs of Somcrfct f iubotoere loDgCDIoitbOUt Tempk B.^rre,l■v\^t^33\{t fbe Carle NonhumberUndX\)Z HOJD Egrctnond-.X tl)C pOiig 3Lo?D c/jford, toere loDgeD in § §juburbrs. 0nD on tfje.ritiji. Dap of i^cbjuarie came tbc Carle of (Va-nvrky ftom Calleis luitbagrcatbanDofmcnallarrapeDin reo 3:aiiuets toitb UibiteraggeD liaucoDppontbem jluboluas loDgcDat tljc Gr^rFA'^r/.ainDtbe.rtJtj.Dapofgparcbe tfjeiiingf £iiiane iuitbagreatretinne mxizla London, ano toere loDgcD in tljc ISilbop of Londons ^allace. :3nD pe (ball tmoerttanD, tbat toitl) tbefe 3lojDes came greatcompanico of men,rome ljaD.6oo.rome.soo.anDtt)eleaftf)ao.4oo. Mbcrefoje tlje ^atojb'tt>baplptnbarneire.5ooo.cittjeno anDroDcDapIp about tbeCitie anD ^uburbeoof tbe fame, to ratbeiSingo peacetoere Hept, % nfgljtlpF^ in fjarnelTe, to gpue attenDance Dpon.ttj.^lDermen,Ujf)tcb ftept tlje nigfjt Inatcl) tpll.btj.oftbedoche intbe morning , tbattljeDap tuatcbeo tiaere aircmbleD,bp rcaroii U)l)ereof,ga)D ojDer anD rule tuas kept,anD no man fo IjarDie once to attempt tfje bjeahing of tbe Sings peace,S)uringtf)io Inatcl),a great Coufell Uias bolDcn bp tbe ilo?Des,anD a fapgncD agrament boas maDe, faeth)antbeSing,tf)ei3riuane,anDtbeS?ufeeof Torke^xiit^ 1458 bis retinue: fbj iop Inbereoftbe.rrb.Dap of ^arcbe a gene> rail pjOCelTion toaS maDC in Sawt Paules Cburcb tA London, tobere tbe Sing in Sopall babite toitb bts SDiaDeme on bis beaD bept tbe if ate,before tnbom Inent banD in banD ^ Dubc Of^^owfryS/.tbe Carle of ^^/{/2'«r/>,tbe ^W^tOfExcefler, tbe Carle of fvarmko, anD fo one of tbe one faction, 1 an otber of tbat otber ro?t. ^nD bebinD tbe Sing, tbeSDuhe of Torke leD tbe^uifeneiDitb great familiarttie to all mens figbtes. SCbe.f it), of 0p2il tbere teas a great frape in f/etefiroHe, betlnane men of Courts anD tbeinbabitantes of tbe fame Ju'rnr/faiL Crate, Itifting 111 the Tovvre o( LonJoit. The 'Eitle oF V Varvvike caoke SpxnUh Shijpi. Sheriffs, ? L^iaior.) Printing hill teaciite d« Henry tfic fixtli* IfrafCjtn tofjiclifrnp t^c ©unites 0tfurnep toaeflaine.iPijj t\}i6 facte tl)t Jlimg committeD t()e p;tnctpal( gouernoura of FHrnissalsyCIifordennti Barnardes'^WXlttQ p^troitttt tlje Ca* (lie of Hertforde, ailt) William Taylour, HlDerttian of ttjat toaroe, loitl^ ma«p otljer, locre fcnt to fvindfire^titAt t^e bt;.of£pap, £»n SCljurfDap in Jrhitfisjiokkt, tfje 2D«hc of Somerfet^ toitl) Anthonie Riucrs ano otfjer.tit/. kept Blullee befoje t^e Quane in tl)eCotD?e of London agapntt tljja (Sfquters of flje ©nanco.ano in Ipke manner at Greenrxtche tbe ^on.* Oapfolloioing. ^n tbe Trinitie ^onOap 03 jpunoap follotDing,cerfatne IbippesappcrtapmngtotiieCarle of ivarwike, met toitb a flccte otspanyardes, ano after long ano crueli fpgbt tosko bj.oftkeir j&ktppeolaoenmitb ^jonano otfjer ^arcljan# otes , t)3olmie& ano ckafeo to tke number of.rrbj. not tDitbout Ibeootng ofblouOon botbparteo,fo3of tbe£0/- hjhmen toero Hapite an t)uno;eo, ano manp mo;e toonnoeO anofojeljurt, Ralph lofehnc: Riciiard Medtham.thc aS.of September. Thomas ScotDiaper,the aS.ofOiTiober. SCbsllitngano Siuancbepng at JVenmwHerV^t.itXm of ^ouember fell a great ocbate faetloffne Richard (jjarlc cif fvanrike auo tljcm of t^e I'tings bonfc, iii fo mucfj tbat tbep iootiloebaue Hapne tbeCarletano tmnetb efcapeo to Ijto^arge ano toent after to c.?//eif,f0:ljeiua£i not long befojcmaoe Captaine thereof bp autljojifie of tbeJ3arliai» ment.&ronc aftcr,tbc poung SPuke of Somerfet bp tttrrtng of them that Ijatcotbc earle alkVanvtke, Inao niaoe Cap# tapneofc-f/Zw, anoa^^iute^ealeoirectto tfjeCarle fo3 to otfcbarge htm of the Captapnelbpp: but the Carle fo; ao mticbe ao tuas maOe bp parliament, be toouloe not obep tbep3UUe&eale,butcontinueo fojtb in tbe fapo office. Cbe i^oblc Science of Tz-wrw^tnas about tbis tpmc fonnOe in Germ^'t at ALignnce bp one lohn Cuthembcrgus a Henry the fix^^7 a t ^nt Conradus an Almatne b;OU0l^t if tnffl Romt: William Caxtonof bjOUgbt XtitAH ErgUttd 'J=:^ aboufc ff)e prarc a. 14 71.3no fp?tf pjartifcD tbc fame in tbe^bbavof Sawt Peter at wetimtnPler ^ after tubtcb t^mg it mas rtltetopfc pjartifct) in tbc ^Slbbanes of Sam Angu- fitnevX CAunterbune, Sawt Alber.s, attD Otbet i?9onaCcrie5 of Ergland, 3!na Ipttle Cotone in Bedfirdjime tl)erefell a blonfiie itHignew rapne,U)fjercoftbercl)D?opBappearcDin fl)ete0tl)etobicb a Ujoman fjaD fjangeb out foj to Dju. 3ntf)iB tpnietljc i^ealmc at ErgLwde toas out of gtoD ojocr, as it bao bene of long tpme : foj tbeliing bapng fpmple ana pitifuU , tuas leDDe bp couetons Counfell. Cbe lliing gretue in oebte i)aplp,but papment kias not maoe. 011 tbe poffelTions anb 3LojOil)ippeB tljat pcrtapneo totbeCrotnne, tbei&ingbao giuenfoine to Hojbcs ana fome to others,fucb aBlDoulabeggett)enr,ro tljat tjimfelfe baa almoft nothing Icfte to Ipue on , butfuch impolttions as mere put to the common people, as SCajrcs, SCallages, ©uinjimes, all iohtch teas fpent in bapnc, fo; h^h^lbe no boulhola, no? maintapnea no U)arres,foj tuhich mifgouer* naunce the heartesofthe peopletoere turneafrom them that haa the liana in goucrnaunce. SChe ©ueenc toith ftich as toere of hir affinitie,rulca the ISealme as hir Ipbea, ga* fhering riches innumerable, a^he^^fiftcers oftheiaealme, efpeciallp the Carle atmiprire SETrcafurer at England, foj to enrichehimrelfe,pillea the pcoje people, i ailheritea rights fnll ana aia manp tmongs. 2Ehe a^u(sne toao aefamea ana fclaunaerea that thepoung ]B.uncemas not hir fonne but a BaSara gotten in aaulterie :lJDherefo;elhe a;eaaing that he Ihoulae not fucc^ae hi£< father in the Crotone of EngUnde, allpea hnto hir all the linightes ana Cfquters at cbeflerjhwe, fo} to haue thepjfauonrilhe helae open houlholae among them , anamaae hir fonne the ^jince togiuea litiedeaf Stpannestoull the (Cfentit# men of the Co«ntrep,ana to raanp other th?oijghthelana> tculting Henry the fixth» truffmfl fljjoug!) tljftr ftrengtlj to mahc fjir fomie Sing, nia&ing pjiuic meancs to feme of tlje ilojiics of Englandfo? tottirrettjeliingtljatljelljoultirctignetljcCrotDneto ^er fonncjbut fl)e coulD not bjing t^eir purpofe about* An.reg.i 8. ^l)C,XVh^V Of September Richard ©arle OtSahfiurie ^tlp uing gatbereb a tuell appopntco nrmte fo? t>?eab of bts tne^ mtes,cfpectalIpoftbc©u£icne, toibebts toaptotDarbeL«<^- /orpe,io\)eve at tbat time tbc SDiiUc of Torkf lap,to tbc intent tbattbcpbotb together toou 10 banc rpooento tbe i^ingto Co/jJ.-u/iin baue crcufco tbem ofcertaine arti# cleslapoagaintttbembpinalice of tbcir enemies as tbep fapo.ti^bercbpon tbofe tbat tocre about tbe i^ing, ano alfo tbe£5uanc,UjbDlapeat£^/(/^^//, moueobimto alTcmblea great poto?e , lubereof lames Twichet 3Lo30e e^W/^ iuas inaoe cbiefe,ano bao tbe leaoing of tljem into tbe fieloe cal? leo Bloreheath mere Onto MuckleHoneMv tbe tubicb tljC fapDc SDube ano tbe Carle mull naoes paCTe, f tbcrc botb boftes mctte ano fougbt a mojtall battaile,U)bcrin tbe 3lo?o Aud- leytuasflaine luitbHagh Venablesof Kinderton, Thomas Duttoii ofDnttcin, Richard Mollyiies, William Trowtbek, lohn Legh del Bothes, lohn Donne of Vtkintmi , aUO John Edgertonof£'d^<'r/'c«iinlgbtes , Richard Donne Croton, IohnDuttesCrquicrS,anO mmvcWytXOtChcHerJhlre, tbat bao recepuco tbe |9;incrs litiaie of Swannes .• ano tbere lucre taUe pjifoiters tbc Carle of Sal-fiuries.ii. Tonnes The- mas ano Iohn,anO fir Thomas Harington, tubicb toerc Tent i to chefler,hut fsDUC after ocliucrcD. Sficr tbis oifcomfiture, tbe Carle tdSaltsburte pafTcO fojtb to Dube Richard to Lud- /«r£',ano tbetber came to tbem fo: Callos tbe Carle of war- K ike,\3)\)kl) all tb?a lujit a letter Onto i^ing Hemy,iubcreof ! tbe tenure is tljis. ' i \ yj Oft CbJiftian laing, rigbt bigb ano migbfp JBjince, f -^^lourmoft03ea0g>oueraignello?0, after as bumble re# k commcoations to pour bigb ercellencie as luill fuftice.One ' true intent to tlje pjofperitie f augmentation of pour bigt> cftate,ano to tbecommo ?I51leale of tbio i'iealmejbatb bene fbetueo Henry tfic C^eloeti tnfo vour ^tsfjnelTe ^tt rati) Inntrng nsinoema&e thereof. 0nt) oucr t^at an ^nDentnre figneD bp our ^anos (n tlje C^urc^ic Catfjcojall of ivorcesier, compjebenbing ^ pjofc of tlje trutb f ouettc tbat ((^ob bnotuetbj toe bears fo ponr faioe edate, anO to tfjepjebeminenceano pjcroga^ tiuctbereofjtoefcntbnto poor geoO (Horace bp tbc i3?tojof tbefapocCburcbe, anb btuero otberSDod:o?s,anb among otber,bpM. Wilham Lynwood 2Dotto?ofH)iutnitie,tobtcb tnintdreb bnto tjofeuerallp tbs bicffeb Sacrament of t^e bobp of BfefuOjtoberebppon toe anb euerp of bo bcpofeb fo^ onrfapbe troetlj anb buctie, acco?opng to tbc tenoj of tbc fapbe ^nbenfure. Snb Ctb tbat time toe baue ccrtifieb at large intojittnganbbpmoutb, bp Garter iring of ^rmeo, notonelp to pourTatb bigbne(ie,bnta!ro to tbe gob i tooj^ tfjie JLo?besfaepng about pour mod ipoblc pjefence, tbe largeneffe ofour fapbc truetb anb buetie , anb our intent anb bifpofition, to fercbe all tbe motiono tljat migljl ferue conuenientlp to tlje affirmation thereof, anb to oiir perfect fuerticofrom fucbe incomienientanb bnreuerent ieopar# bieo as to^ tj^tie beene put in biuero tpmeo i^iere befo;e» Mbereof toe Ijaue catife to mabe, anb ought to make fuche erclamationanb complaint,not toithoutrearon,ao is not bnbnotoento all the rapbetoo?thie!lo?beo,anbtoailhi0 lanb,anb toil offir bo to pour high pjefence, to the fame in* tent, if b)c mpght fo boe toithout fapb fuertie, tohich onelp catifeth bs to heepe fuche fellotodjippe ao toe boe in our leefttll manner. ;3nb hereto toe haue forborne anb auop* bcb all thingeo that might feme to theeffiilionof Ch^idb an bloub, of the bjeabe that toe haue of (Boo, anb of pour Hopall ^paiedie: anb haue alfo efchueb to app?oche pour fapbc mod ijioble p?efence,fo? the humbleobepfauncc anb reuerence toherein toe haue, anb buring our Ipfe toill haue the fame. ^Inb pet neucrtheleffe toe heare, that toe be p?o* claimeb anb befameb in our namebnrightfullp, bnlato* fullp, anb fauing pour high rcuerenc?,bntruelp,anb other* toifefaf! cl^ob bnotoeth) than toe haue giuencanfe^ bnoin* ing Henry the fixth* 1113 cerfai'nc!p,tl)af fljefalelTcii auD noble htfenf ofpotir faiS gfflO grace, ano tlje rigbtcoufncffe thereoft0,fo fa!te,repnte and accept pour true ano lahjfuU fubiecteo, anD that it ac? cojDeth nepther intth pour fapD intent, no? tnith pour topll 0? pleafiire, tljat toe thouloe be othertoifc tahen 0? reputeo. itno cuer that, our ILojathtppeo anD tenantcs bene ofhigh Violence robbcD anD fpop!eD,agapna pour peace anD latoeo, anD all rpghteoufnelTe. thcrefo?c,as toe fufftce, be# fecchepour fapDe gcoD dPrace to tahe, repute, anDrecepue therebnto our fapDe trueth anD intent, tohich to (0oD 10 ijnotone, aoto^thetoeit bp the fapDe teno? of the'famc 3nDenfure. 0nD not applppour fapDe bleffcDnelTe ncths great righleoufnelTe anD equitie toljeretoith C^oD hath cuer ciiDueD pour high nobilitie, to § inipo?tone tmpactence anD btolenceof fuch perfons 00 intenDe of ertrewe malice to p?DcaDe bnoer the IhaDotoe of pour high might anD p?e# fence,to our oeUructio, fo? fuche ino?Dinate couetifc (toher# of(i5oD 10 not plcafeD) a0 thep haue to our 3LanDe0,£Dfl?ice0, auD gcDD0 , not letting D?rparingtherefo?c,to put fuche thingoin all lamentable anD tQ3ro?rotofull ieoperDie, as might in all topfetabe effecte, bp the mpffcrie of (H^oss toillanDpotoer, no?nothatnngregarDe to the effunon of ChJifiian biouD, neanptenDernefle to the noblefalouD of thi0ilanD,ruch ae ferue to the tuition anD Defence thereof, nenot toaping the lolTeof pour true liege men of pour fapDe 3Kealme,that <25oD DefeiiD, tohich fenotoeth our intent, anD that to^ hane auopDeD there from ao farre ao toe map toith ourfnertieo, not of anpD?eaDe that to^ haue of the fapDe pterfon0,butDnelpof theo?caDof C5oD ? of pourfaiD high' neffe, anD toill not bfe our fapDe Defence hntil the time that toafaepJouobeDof neceffltie.tohereofto^call heauen anD earth bnto toitneffeanDrcco?De, anD therein befachetl^oD to be our luDge, anD to Delpuer b0 acco?Ding to our fapDe intent, anD our fapDe trueth anD Ductie to pour faiD high' neffe anD to the fapDo Common C32Ieale. ^ottCh?i0ian Ifting, right high anDmightieJ3?ince, anD molt D?eaD ^0# neraignt Henry the fixth* neratgne iocs bef^c^e our bleiTeo ito^oe fo p^eferue pour bonourauD eSato tntopeano feltcttie * SSIritteuat Of£DrtObcr : R. Yorke, R. Warwike, R, Salisburic. ^fter tljoir crcufattou contapneo intbis Ict^ fcr font to tbc iiing, tbcp tuitfjbjeUjc tbem, auD locnt into tiiuers partes bepono tbc ^eas, foj tpe mo?e fuerttc of tbetr perfons. 2CbeH?ufteof T^rk^ tuent into beUnd, tuberebe teas bonojablp recepueo: tbcC^arleof Murche ,Saiijburte, ano ivarvpike, uot toitbout great teoperOie auD pertll, as UjcII on tbc lanoe as on tbc fea, tuent to CaU^ts, auD aboDe tbcre, Cbentnasa J0arliament fjolDen at Couenme, tubcrcin p«Kament»£ toere atfatnt oftreafon,Richard oufte ofTori^tfjEdward cDrle of Marche btS fOltnc aUO » Richard CSarlO Of Warlike, Edmond (^^x\Z0tRtttl(inde,Kich^vA(t5X\ZQtSaltjhHrie,lo\m Duke of Yorke JlOjOe Clifford J itOjOe Clinton,CrTliomas Hanngton, fir ^ lohri Wenlocke, Thomas Ncuill, lohn Neuill fonnes Of tfiO CBarleof SAUfbtirie, lames Pickering,lohn Conyers, Thomas Par, William 01dhall,anD Henrie Ratforde JinigbteS,Iohn Bowfer, Thomas Cooke, lohn Clay, Richard Gyton, Ro- bert Browne, Edward Bowfer , Thomas Vaughan,lohn PvOger, Richard Grey, Walter, Deuorux, Walter Hopton, Roger Kynderton, William Bowes,Foulkc Stafforde,tbC HojDe Powys,ano Ahce CountelTe otSaitfosirie, tbei'r gcoos anDpoDTeCrions ercbefeD,ano tbetr b^ir^s oilberifeD bnfo tbc S> .oegra, tbetr tenauntes fpopleo of tljeir goiOs , bemap# Lndiow fpoy- ineO aiiD Qapne,tbe tofijue of LyJlowe longing to tbe SDufte •'''• of Torke,\3}Qs robbco to tbs barc tDaUes,ano tbc l3Dutc^e$ of fpopleo of bir gcoos. IDbctSarleofAF-^m^baumgagreatj^aufe, feepfc tbe narrofcu reas,anD fougbt toitb tbe spavjards, itpiico mann of tbenijtojtte tbeir great beffelSjfcDttb one Carrake of/^«f,anO got in tbem greatricbes* . lohnPlummer: lohn Stocker,the 28.of September. Sherifes.y WilliamHulinFifhmongcr,the 28.ofO(ffober. LMnicr.i |n tbis monetb of ^DoO f to bia bifii^nciT^ t pjofperttte ano and to the com. toelfarc of bio noble effate, ano to tbe Common Mcale of *11 bi« ILande as true liege men, tbe matters follotoing, tbat is to fap. /«prim^ tbe great oppjeffion, ertojtion, robberfc, mtir* tberanootberbiolencestioneto C>oDsCbnrcb ano to bis minillers tbereof,agatntt Cfoos ano mans lato. 2 3 tem,tbe ponertie i miferie tbat to our great beaui# tieffc onr §)oueraigne JLojo ffaoetb in, not bauing anp liue^ looe of tbe Crotone of England tobereof be map bape bis bo* nojablebou(boloe,tDbicb catifetb tbe fpoplingof bis fapoc liege men bp tbe tabers of bis fapoe boutboloe^tubitb true* looe is in tbeir bands tbat bane bene deffropers of bis fapd effate,and of tbe fapde common Meale, ^ item,botn bis Jlatues be partiallp and bnrigbtfullp guided, and tbat bp tbem tbat Ibouldmoff lone and tender bis faid Hatdcs, tbe faid opp;effion and ertojtion is moff taao;ed and ruppo?ted,and generallp,tbat al rigbteoufneffe and Suffice is ejriled out of tbe fapde land,and tbat no man t);eadetb to offend againff tbe faid Values. 4 3tem, tbat it toillpleafe bis faidegffld (Horace to line bponbis otone liuelodc,tdbere^on bis noble progenitors baue in dapes heretofore Ipned as bsnorablp and as inor* tbilpasanpCbJiffianprinces, and not to fuffer tbe de*> ffropers of tbe fapde land, and ofbis true rubiectes,to Iptie tberbpon, and tberfore to lacbe tbe fuffenances tbat (bould be belonging to bis fapd effate, and finde bis fapd boutbold bpon bis poire commons, tnitbout papment,tDbicb neptber accordetb toitb C>ods nor mans latne. ^ 3 tern,bold oft tbe faid commons baue bene greatlp f maruelloullp charged luitb tapes f tallages to tbeir great smpouerilbingjtdb^t^sfiiiii^ssidbatb eptber groUme to Henry the fi'xtfi* tf)t Uins 03 fo ff)0 faio lanD,ano off!)c molf fubffance t^tve* of tlje liing fjafb left to \)is part not balf fo muci), ant) ot^cr ilo3Dcjs ano prrfono, cntmies to tbe fapo common EEIcale, bane to tijctr olunc t)fe,ruff0rtng all tfje olo poffeCfiono tljat tljC iitngljat) itlFr^rnnce f Normandy, Amarv^^ AfM»e,Gafcoyn f 6V/>«f,U)on f gotten bp t)is father of molf noble mcmo3p, f otfjcr his noble p3ogfntto3S,to be fljamefullp lolf 03 folir. 6 3tem,hoto tljep can notceafc thertaith, but nolo begin a nclD charge of impofition ano tallages bpon the faio peo# plc,U)hich ncner nfo3etDa6 reen,thati5 to fap, euerp totone^ thip to finbe men fo3 fiings (5arD, taking enfample ther# ofjOfouremmiesf aDtierrariesoffr4*««-<',tDhich impofiti*. on anb tallage,tf it be continueb to heire,heire5,anb fuccefo ro3s,iDitl be the heauieft charge ano too3ft enfample that e# ucr greme in EngUnde, anb the fo3erapbe fubicttes, anb the fapbc hcires f rurcc{ro3S,tn fuch bonbage as their aimceto;5 Uiereneuerchargcb fcoith. 7 3ltcm,U)here thciiing hath notn no mc3e liuelobeowt ofhisl'iealmeoffw^/Wi?, bntonelp the Hanbeof Ireland, anb the totone of c^//f/^:anb that noising CbJiHencb hath fuch a Jlanbcanba STotDnetoithout hisUealmc, bitiers 3lo3bcs hauecanfeo his hifihttelTe to iD3ite letters bnber his }p3iuic &eale,bnto his inpje enemies,lDhich ncner Iting of Englande bib heretofo3e, toherebp thep map haue comfo3t to enter into the conquclf of the fapbeianbe, Inhich letters the fame inlhe enemies fent bnto me the fapbe SDuke of r<7r;^f,anbmaruellcbgreatlpthatanp fuch letters Ihoulbc be to them fent, fpeaking therein great thame anb billanic of the fapb iJealme. 8 3item,tn like tuife the feing bp ercitafion anb labour of the fame 3Lo3bes,to:ote other letters to^his enemies anb abucrfaries in other lanbs.that in no inife thep thoulb thetn anp fauour 03 gcob imII to the toume of c^&«,tDhcrebp thep habcomro3tepnough to p3ocffbc to the topnning thereof. Conftbercb alfo, that it is 03bapiicb bp the labour of the fapb i,o;bs, that no Inhere birtuall no; other thing of refre* Henry the (ixth» ^95 fl^mg 0? 6efctt« fl^oulD come out of EngiMde, to tfjc fuccour o; reltffc oftl)e fapoe toUme, to t\)c intent ttjat tijep Uiouioc it f o(l,as it ma^ openip appeare. 9 31tem,itistiameDf ougl)tgrcatlpfobetiamco,fl)af after tbat tbc fame ItojDcg UjouIo put tlje fame rule of Eng- U>7d,if tfjcp migljt banc tljeir purpofe aiiD intent,into ttje lanocs ano geuernaunce of tfjc fapo encmico, 10 3item, botoc continunllp Ctbctbe piteous, Ibame* fuli, anDfAjrotofulI murttjerto all EngUnde, oftfjat j^o* ble, toojti)ie,anD CbJtttian }0jince HumfreyE^ukcof Glo~ teiier tbefeings truetjntle,at Enrie, itijatl)bene labom reo, ffuopet), ano confpireo, to Ijaue ocllropco anD mur*' fijerct) tbe fapoe jZ^uhc of tlje plTuetbatitplea^' fcD (000 to fcnoeme of tl^e i^opall bloiio, anoalfoofbs tbe faioc (Sarlcs of warwtke f SahjhurieXQi iionc otljcr caufe butfoj tlje true Ijart tljat (0oO hnolnetl) lue euer baue bom, ano bcare to tbe pjofite of tlje ISings effate,to tljc Common Meale of tlje fame lflealmc,anD Defence tljereof. 11 3itCm, t)Otoe tbC Carles of Shrewjbwie anO IVilpjtre, anotbe^lojD Beaumount,our mo?tall ano ejctramc rne* mpcsnotoe anOof loitgtpmcpatt, bauing tbeguioing a# boutc tbc molt /^oble pcrfon of our fapOe ^oueraignc 3lo;oc, iubofe bigb^iiffle tbtp baue refirapneo ano feeptc from tbc libcrtie ano fraoorae tbat belongetb tobiofapDc eifatc, ano tbc fuppojters ano fauourcrs of all tbc pjempf^ fcs, toonlDc not fuflfCr tbc ftings fapoe gcoD grace to re# cepucano accepts bs,as be tooulobauc Done if be migbt bauc baD bis oume mill, into bio fapDe pmfence, Djeaoing tbc charge tbat tcoulDe baue bene lapDe bppontbem, of tbe miferie, oeilruction, anD mjetcbeDnelTe of tbe fapDe Kcalmc, tobercoftbcpbccaufesanDnot tbeJ^ing , inbicb is bimfelfe as noble, as bertuous,as rigbtuous ano blclTeD of Difpofition, as anp Jdjtnce eartblp, 12 3Ifem, tbe CBarles otpvtijhire anD shrerrfiurte, anD tbe 3Lo?De Beaumount, not fatpffpcD no? content tuitb tbe lyings polleirions anb bio £a!Ds,fiirrcD auD ejrciteD bio fapD bi0b"enig Henry the (Txth^ ^{gI)neCfefofjol6c^f« parliament at Coueume, tuijere an .- ig maoe bn tbetr p;ouocation ano labour , agarnS tja tbefapoe SDuUe of roy;^, mp fonnca A/arc^e ano /aniJg , aito tf)f (Earlea of tynrwike anO Stiltsbnrie , aitD ti}g feonncs of tbe fapDc c^arleof ano manpotbcr jj&nigbtes ano (H^ftjutera^f Otuera mattera falfelp ano bn« truelp itnagtneo,aa rbeptDtilanCxDereafo?e alnitgbtp<2i^oO intbeoapof2r>omc, tbetoljicl^ tlje fapOe €sivlt8 of Sa/idn- riemiifvtip}ire, ano t^c ILojoe Bcaumount pjouohco tobe inaoe,to tt)t intent of our oeSruftion anO of our pfTue, ano tbat tbep mpgbt baue our Ipuelooe ano gtcoa , aa tbep baue openlp robbeo ano oifpopleo all our placea ano our tenementea, ano manpe otber true men , ano notoe pjoc^oe to bangpng ano 0?aU>ing of men bp tp^ rannie, ano mill therein d3t\joef^ largenel&of their tioo lence ano malice aa bengeabtp aathcp can, if norcme« oie be pmuioeo at the l^inga highnelTe , tohofe blefTed^ nelTe ia neither all^nting no? hnotoing thereof. Metherefojefaepug alltherapoemifchiefea, hiring alfo that the Frenche Sling maheth in hia lanoe great aD femblp of hia people, tohich ia greatlp to ba o?eaOe fo? manpcaurea, purpofe pet agapne tDith€!'00a grace to of' fer ba to come agapne to the fapOe pjefence ofour fapOe ^ouerapgne tLo?oe,to open ano oeclare there bnto hpm themifchiefea aboue oeclareo, ano in the name ofthelano tofue, inaa reuerent anolomelptoife a5tDffcati,to hm tapoe gcDO deface, to haue pittie ano compafTton bppon hia fapOe true fubieetea, ano not to futfer the fame mif' chiefea to rapgne bppon them. Requiring pou in d^oOiP behalfe,anop?apingpou in our otune,therein to atfiSba, oopngalbiap the ouetieofliege men in our perfonato our fapo ^oueraigne S^o?0, to hia eftate, p7erogatiue,ano p?e' heminence, anotothefuertie of hia mod i^oble perfon, toh^t^bnto tuehaue euer bene ano mill be aa true aa anp of hia fubiertea alitte,mherof me cail (0oO,our ilaop s.Marie, ano all the ^aintea in heauen bnto mttneoe ano reco;o. ain Hcnnc the fixth« ^97 t})t meaite time tl)e (Sarlc offr>//iire frcafurw of E»g- The Earieof /Wjt^eilojoo Scales anOtlje !LOJlJCHungerforcie,tDCnf to Nevobsrie, h)l)icl)Z lOJigeO tot^3 0? ant) tfjerC NeVvbcT! maOetnquiQtJon ofalltijcm t^at in auw inifc Ijao fauoureO ffjcfapOeSDuke, UjJjcrcoffomc tocrcfounoeguiltte, ano tocrcDjatnen, kangco, anD quarterco, anDalltfjeinljabt# tauntes offt)e HColone Ujere fpoplcD ofrbcir gmcs. iFront thence t\)z Carle ofiriifhtre tocnt to South.imfto», toberc On# Oer colour to take tlje Carle of iv^nvicke,}^^ armed fine gret y vSk alie Caraks of ronldtoureo , taking bictualo of tf)C ouenheSeas. iaings pjice tuitljoutpapment, and put a great part of fjpo treafure into tbe fapde Carnks, and after fapled about in tberea,and at latte Hale into DutchlMde, fending backe a# gaine Ops fouldiours into EngUnde. 2Cf)en toere tlje feingo pjiuie feales dircdedto allBilkops,;abbots,y)?ioura,and otber (tateo, to lende tt)e i^png monep, tberetoitl^ to ioage fouldiouro to k^pe tbe &ea coaQs: but tbe commons ofKh Oteading tt)e like Oengeance to be taken bpon tbem^ao ioao done bpon tbem of NevubeneSzxA p?iuilp mellkngero to Ca- "!«"»«»« 1 M. ^ f ^ ^ . . 1- . • . .. . -r Kentfentto lets, to tt)e fotefapde Carles, befcecbtng tbem tn all boQo Gaie» for th« polTible to come to tbepj fuccour, toberbpon tbe &id Cries rent ouer into Ke»t tbe loid Fawconbndge to knob) if tbeir deedesb)ouldeacco;deb)itbtbep;b)o?des , andanone tbo people of Kent and otber ibices adiopning, refojted to tbe fapde iLojde Fawconbndgc in greate number, Mben tbe Carles kneb}e tbe iupllingbeartes of tbofe people, tbep prepared lo come into tbpslande, againde tobofeconu ming, a long Ballet teas fired bpo tbe gates of Cant erhurie, made in fauour of tbe 2[>uke of Torke and tbe fapde Carles, beginning tfius t In the daye of faft and fpiriruall afHiftion, The ccleiliall influeiKC ofbodies tran(itorie,&c SCbe CrleS of MArch^lVanvich^^XiO Salisbtme,dXXi\XtO at Sa»dmch,\3a}^tX0 met toptb tbem Thomas Bourcher, ^rcbebplfiop of Canter- The BarletsK ^wrwjtobotoitbbpscfoffe bojne befoje bim , and a greate number of otber people, accompanped tbem to Lo»do», into tbe b>btcbe Citie tbep entred on tbe feconde of 3iulpe: toptb llic.b. tbens Henrie die (ixtli* tbem came f^e popeg Iegate,f o treatc of peace it n&o feer, SEfjen teas a conuocation of tl)c dlcrgie l^olDen in s. Panics C^arct),tol)ere tlje fapoe ©arleo being p2cfent,tf)e C!l;arle of ivarwtcke recitco tljc caufe of tljEtr comming into tlje lanoe, toitl) tbe mtrgouernements thereof, ano tbcn maoe open ottjeppon tijecroffe atCatiterhnrie, tbattbepfjao euerfaojnc true faitb ano alegiaunce to i^ing Henry .jSCbm tbe Charles of March anO fVarwicke,)Xiii\^ t^eJlOjOS Fauconbridge,Chn- toiijBorici pjtour of 5 fleo Incre t>?otDneD in ^ ri^" ucr,^ SDulte tiiBuckingham,t[)Z (Sric zXShroxesburte^ 310200 Beaumont f tbc 3LO20 Egrcmont tocre flain bp f ]^ings tet, iD manp i^nigbts « Cfquirestp Bingo 02Dinauncc of CJunft migbt not be (bof, tbcre tons fo gret rapne tbat Dap:^xabcn tbc field toas done,f tbe (Varies bad tbe t)t£to2ie,tbcp came to tbe fting,be being in bis tent, f faid in tbia toife. ^off noble p2inee, dirpleafe pou not tbougb it boue plenfed (!5oD of bis grace to grant ba tbc bicto2ie of our mo2tal enemies, igtobicbbptbeir benemoaamalieebauebntruelpftirred f moued pour bigbnefib to erile ba out of pour land,f tuoulde baue ba put to finall tbame and confufiontlne come not to p intent fo? to baquiet ne grieue pour fapde bi5bnoire,but foj fo pleafe pour noble perfon,ocriring tenderlp tbe bigb tnel< fare f p2ofperitic tberof, f of al pour rcalme, and to be pour true liegemen tobils our Hues ftall endure. ICbe fting of tbefe toojda bias greatlpc rccomfo2ted, f anonc fcoae led to ivUl) p2oceffion,tobcre bc retted tb2a Dapca, f came fo LmJm tbe ttjetantb ofBlulp, and toaa lodged in tbe i3pfi)op3]3allatce. SCbe nintcentb of Hulpe fbep tbat tuere in tbe SCotbcr QtLondoy}, fo2 lacBc of biituallea palded and came fojtb, of tbe tobicb aftertoard fome toere d?aUm and beadcb. 2Cbe 7®® Henric the fixth* £,o;t)e Scalcslatemait euentngenfreoaCSai^ierrp toitl) tljja perfons, ano rotomg totoarfie fVeHmmBer, tfjere to ^aue taken &an(tuarie,iDas oercrteo bpa h)ontan,ano su none tbe Mberrp men fel on btm, ktlleb f caQ « lanDe beOOe SaiMt MArie Oneries. ^uane Margaret bearb tbat tbe king toao take, . (be inptb btr Tonne, anb eiebt perTono fleb, to tbe (taSel of HardUgh in ^ales,mfi toab tofabeb bp tbe toap in Lattcaptire, i of all bit gcDbea to tbe baletoe of ten tboufanbe markest from tbence Ibe loent into ScotUnd. STbetentb of^ugulf lamcsaingof^wz/wbeHegingtbe Cattle ot Rockejborough, toas llaine toitb a Cnn tbat bjake in bio Campe. SCbe one anbttnentitb of September tbe WukeofSa- jifiMt.reg.'^^ merfet came ftom Gwines into England. Sherifes. ? Richard Flemmingtlohii Lambcrt,thc 28.of September. U^Eater. > Richard Lee Grocer,the.28 ofOftobcr. SCbe bttr.of ^Dctober a J^arliamet Was begun at wenmm- pariumeat. ^ tobttb camc Ri. buke alTorke, tbat a little be* fo?e teas come out aUreUnde, anb being lobgeb in tbe }3al* lalce, tbe tkpng being tbere, \)t b?ake bp tbe bo^eo of tbe Spngs Chamber, To tbat tbe iitinggiuing bpm place,tcDke an otber Cbamber. Cben tbe Tapbe E'uke, ao rigbtbep;e bp Ipneall bcfcent from Richard tbe Teconbe, cbalengeb tbe realme, purpoSng to baue bin crotnneb on ^Iballobm bap nertfotlolt)ing,anb berebppon fente to tbe parliament in tojptingbps farDeclapmc,tifle,anbpebigra, STb^tobpcb tlapme after biiigent bclibcration bab anb appjoueb,bp tbe Tapbe parliamente, peace anb concojbe bcttoccne tbe king anb Duke on tbe tmigil of ^Ibaloto loao eftablilbeb anb co* clubeD,ao in Articles follotDctb. Tte ArticTet (^iLelTeb be loh n in tcboTc banbcs anb bountic reffetb betvvixt King .-^anb ig tbe peace anb bnitie bcttoirte pjinceo anb tbe Duke*ofYo"ke SiCJealc ofcuerpc Hcalme ; gknotoebptDboTebirectiona# grab it is appointeb anb acco^bebasfollotoetb, betijuirte tbcmotte bijjb anb mottc migbtie pjincejaingHenrictbc C]rtb Hemic the fixth* 701 Cpfl) QfEnglandtiXiti QtFrAmce, aill) ILOJO QtIrelandefitl t one part^,ano t^e ano mtg^tte ]3;tnce Richard Platagcnet gDuke of Torke ott tJjat ottjer partp,tjpon certain matters of bartaunce moneo bettoirf them,ano efpectalln Ijpon the clapme ano title bnto the Croumesof ano of Fras^nce.mti Hopall poluer, EtlatcanD Dignitieappertap# mng to the fame, ano lioiDthip oUre/a»d,-,Qpmtt>, (hctoeo, ano Declareo,hp the fapoe S>uke, ato?e all the iLotocs rpt> ntuall ano 2Dempojall, bctngtn thie pjefentparliament, #^irl! Inhere the faioe Richarde SDnhe of Torke hath Oe# clareoanoopeneo, ao abouet0rapoe,tttleanoclapmein maner aa follotoeth: JSChat the right noble ano tooathp pjrnfe,Hcnrie &png ofE>7gUnde the thito, hao tflue ano latofullpe got Edwardc his firftbegotten fonne, bo?ne at kvenmi»^ier thertJ.Sa^ lenoesof3ulp,inthEpeare ofotir 3lojo.i 2: p. ano Edmond his fecono fonne,lDhich toas bojne on Saint Marcels oap,the peare 1200. the tohiche Edwarde after the oeath of Kpng Heririehps iFather, intituleO anocalleo fepng Edwardc thefii"{fe,h'tO iirue,Edwardhis firff begotten fonne, caller after the oereafe ofhis i^ather, lipng Edward the feconoe, y theUJhichehsbitTue, Edwardthethiroettohich Edwardthc 9 V fhirO haO tlTuC, Edward pjtnce ottyalesANilliam Of Hatfieldr / hPSfeconOefonnetLeonel the thirDe,S)ulte ttClarenceAohn Gaunt fourth,SDuke atLanca^er:^AmonA of Langley fifthj jDuHe of Torj^tXhoraas tjilWoodiiecke the Cpth, SDuke Of Glo- ceBer:^ W.offVtndfor feuenth, 2Dhe fatO Edward p^tncO of ^^/w,tohtch Dpeo in the life time of hps iFather,haO iffue Richard,lnhieh fuccaoeo Edwarde the thirOe his granoCre? Richarde OpeO Urtthout tfliietWiUiam at Hatfield the feconO fonne of Edwarde the thiroe,opeo toithout iffue: Leoncl the thiroe fonne of Edwarde the thiroe, iDuke of c/4rwfr,haooe tOtie Philhp his oaughter ano hep;e, tohpch Inas coupleO i» matrimonp hnto Edmond Mortimer (^arle of okarche^ anshno iffue Roger Mortimer (Earle dtMarche^iii ^nno ino tohit^ Roger hao iffue of Edmond er le of March J Roger r: 0 y ^ f ^r' frfi. 'V . ■ / Henric the flxth* RogerMoit'imcrj Anne, attD Elianor:lDf)tC^ Edinondc, Ro- ger ano Alianor BpcO U)itf)OUt tCfue. t^C faptie Anne coupclco m ttiatrimonu to Ric'iard c!;arle QtCamlridge, t^e fonnc of Edmond of Lctngley, ti)e fiftl^ fonilO Of Henrie tf)t tfjirOjaitu fjao tlTuc Richard Plantagcnct, commonip calleo SDutiCOf ?V%.Iohn aiGaunt, tj^C fourtf) fon OfEdward,f ft)e pongcr bjotl^er of the fapse Leonel, ijab tlTuc Henric ^arle oWarby, tnfjtche tiicoitttnont after that JStngRichard rcCg" nco thecrotDtieoofthe liicalmeo ano 3lo?lil5ip of irelande, t nrighteoufip entreo bppon the fame, then being aliue Ed- monde Mortimer CiJarleof Marche, fonneto RogerMorti- mer Carle of ^^r£-^,fonnc ano hepje of the faioe Phillippc, Daughter ano hepjc of the fapoe Leonel, the thiroe fonne of the fapoc Using Edward the thiroe, to the tohiche Edmonde the right ano title of the fapoe Crotones ano lloaothip bp latoe anO ruSome belongeo. ISDo the bphiehe Richard jbulse OtTorke, as fonne to Anne Oaughter to Roger Mortimer, Carle of March, fonne ano hepae of the fapo Phillip, oangh^ ter ano hep?e ofthe fapoe Lcondl, the thiro fonne of ispng Edwarde the thiroe, the righte, title, oignitlellopall, ano eflate ofthe Crotnnes ofthe llealmes of£»^/.?Wano Frdce, ano the 3lo?othippe of/re/W'',perfapneth ano belongeth a- foje anpc ilTue of the faioc lohn of Gaunt, the fourth fonne of the fame taing Edwarde. She fapoe title notUjithffanoing ano toithout pjeiuoice of the fapoe iliciiarde &uke of Torkf, tenoerlp oeliring tljetuealth, refte, anopjofperitieofthps Iano,ano to fet apart all that might be trouble to the fame, anoconfpoerpng the poffcCTionof the fapoe i^png Hemic the Qrth , ano that Ije hathe fo? hpf tpmcbene nameo, tahcn, jmo rcputeo fo? lipng of E»glandc anO of Frauuce, ano 3L £) SD C of ireUnde, is contenteo, agr^e, ano confenteth , that hoe ba haooe, reputeo, ano tsLf hen fo? I^png of Engiande ano Framce, inpth the Kopi all ettate, oignitpc, ano pjeheminenre belonging there* Jjnto , ano 3lo?oe of ircUnde During hps naturall tpfe, ;3no Hcnric the fixthf 005 foj t&af time, ffje raise SDuke toitl^ouf liurfeo? p;e* inSiceoftjisratDengStcanDtitle, l^alltaHe, too^flfjtppe, 805 5ono? Ijimj foj 510 fcueratgite iLo?5c. gtein^tSefatDe Richard SDuUe of rer^^jfi&allpjomttanD bioDe 5tm bp 510 folcmpne otbe, in maner aoD fojmc aa fo# Ictoeib 35n tfjc nameof(2?o5 Anient 3 Richavdc,SDul?eof Tcrkf, The otheof pjomife anD Ctoearc bp tljt faitij aoD fruib fbat 3 otoe to Zh Torke^"^'' migbtie 0oa, f bat 3 Ojal neuer confent, p?ocure, 0? ff irrc, Sirectip oj inoirettlp, in pjiuie oj apcttc, neptber, (ao mucb 80 in me to) tball fuffer to be bone, conrente5,pjocui'C5, oj ttirre5,anptbtngtbat map founo to tbeabjiDgemcntoftbe natural life ofiiing Henry tbe firtb,oj to p botf oJ bimini? (bing ofbi0 raigneoj bignitie ropall,fapbiolencc oj anpe tberluife, againfte bis frabome oj libertic: but if anpe per# fon OJ perfono toolb bo oj pjefume anp tbing to f contrarp, 3 lljal tuitb all mp migbt f potuer toitbttanoe it, aub mabe it to be toitblfcDbe, as farre ao mp potoer toil llretcbe tbcre# tberebnto, fo b^lps m® (1I?£D^ anb bis bslis (Suange# iilfe0» 3tem, Edward CSarleof March, anb Edmund cSarle of Rutiande, fonnc0 offbe faibe Si)ube of Torke, iball mahe lifee fitbe, 3fem,if io accojbeb,appoinfe5. anb agrab, fbaf tbe fain Richard jj)uke otTorke, ibal be calleb f reputeb from bcncc fojtb berp anb rigbtfull beire to tlje crotoneo, ropall elfate, bignitie anb ilojblbippeaboue faibe, anb after tbe beceafe oftbefaibe J^ingHenry, ojtobenbetoilllapfrombimtbc faibecrotoneo, elfate, 5ignitie,ano3Lojblbippe,tberapbe SDube anb bis b^P^so fbal immebiatelp fuccdeb to tbe faibe crotone0,ropal elfate,bignitie anb ^ojblbip* 3tem,tbe faibe Richard SDufec QtTorke, Iballbauebp au# tbojitie of tbi0 pjefent^Barliament, caffel0,manoj0,lanb0 anb tcnementc0,toptb tbe toarbe0,marriage0, reliefo, fer# niceo, fine0,amercemente0,office0,auotoCon0,fa0, ano 0# tber apportenaonces to tim belonging, tobat foeuee 704 Henric the ^ tJjev be, to ttie ^earelp baletne of tenite tboufanbe tnarke^t j ouer al charges ano rep3ifes,li>berccf fiue tfjoufanD marheiS ftall be to bis otoite ttaie, tb?® tboufanbe fiue butiDjek ^ markes to Edward bis firil begotten fonne (Earle of Af*rcb *| to? bis eifate,anl) one tboufanoe pounoe to Edmond dearie of Rut/andijis feconoe fonne, foj bis pearelp fuffentation,tn fucbeconfioerafions ano furbc intent as tball be beclareo bp tbe JLojDs of tbe things Counfell. item if anp perfon o? perfons imagineoj compaffe tbe | oeatb of tbe fapoe SDuke, ano thereof pjobablp be atfapnte, j of open OacDe oonebpfolkes ofotber conoition, that it be i baineo ano aoiuogeo bigb treafon. ^ 31 tern, foj tbe mojc eflabiifbing of tbe fapoe accojOe, it is appointeo and confenteo, tbat tbe 3Lo?oes fpiritaall ano SDempojall, being intbps pjercnti0arliament, fljal make ^ otbes to accepte,take,U)ojftip,and repute tbe faio Richard! SDuke of ano bps bcires, as abouc is rebearfeo, ano ka^pc ano obferue, ano Qrengtb in as mucbe as appertep# nctb bnto tbem,all tbe things aboucrapO,anD rcCft to tbeic potuer,all tbem tbattoouloep?efumetbecontrarie, accoj# Oing to tbeir eff ates and oegras. 3 tern, tbefapOe Richard SDuke of Torkf, carles of March ano Rutland, (ball permitte ano make otber to beipe, apoe, ano oefenoc tbe fapoe ILo?os, ano enerp of tbem,againtt al tbofe tbattopllquarrel!,o?anptbing attemptagainfftbe fapoe 3lo3oes oj anpe of tbem, bp occafion ofagrccmentc oj confenting to tbe fapoe acco?oe, oj aCfiffauncc giuing to tbe SDuke ano CBarles 0? anp of tbem. 3tem, it is agrso ano appointeo, tbat tbts acco;oe, ano cucrp Article thereof, be opened ano notifpeo bp tbe kings letters patents, 0? otberU}ife,at fticb times ano places,ano j in maner as it flball be thought erpeoient to the fapoe Ry- \ charde SDukC Of Torke , toitb tlje aOuife of the iLO?0eS of the i icings Counfel. 2i:beiSingbnoerl!anoetbcerfainclp,tbc ^ fapOe title of tbe fapOe Richarde S)uke of Torkf, iuft, tatu# v full, andfufficient, bptbeaouife anoaUrntoftbcaiojoes, fpiritna} Henriethc (ixthf y 7°? f^irttuall anti Cempo,:aII,anb tlje Commons tn fljis |Ba^ liamsnt alTcmbleo, i bpaual)o?itteof§fttmc|3ay.ltamenf DEcIaretb, app?ouetb, ratifpetbjconfirmetbanbacccptctb fbc fapbcgaO, latofull, anb true, anb tbcrebnto StuetbbisalTcntano agramcntcof bis froetuill anb liber# tie.3nb oucr tljat, bp tbe fapb abuice anb aurtbojitic bcela# retb, entitlctb)CaUetb, ftabUHjelbj affirmctb,anb rcputetb tbe fapbeRicharae S^uUeof Torke, berp true anb rigbtfuU bcirefo tbeCo?one0,iJopal eaatc,aiib bignitieofp realms OtEng/andtLW^ai FrauHce, anO oftbeilOJblbip iAIreUndc IX* fojefato,anb tbatncco?oing totbjojflbip anb reuerence tbat tberfo be tahen,acccptco anb reputeb,in too?# fi)ip anb reuerence, bp all tbe ttates of tbe fapbc Mealmc of EngUnde, aub of all bpo fubicrtcs tbereof, faupng ano o?bapningbp tbe fameau(tbojitie,tbc!iing to bauei^ faibo Cojoncs,l!lealine,ropaleffatc,bignitp, anb pjcbemtncnce oftbe rame,anb tbe fapbc i^ojofbippe of/rf/Wburingbis life naturall. J3nb furtbermoje bp tbe fame abuice anb au# tbo^itie iDilljConfentetb anb agratb, tbat after bis beccafc, o; toben it fljall pleafe bis bigbncffc to lape from bpm tbe fapbeCojoncs,elfate, btgnitic,anb 3Lo?blbippe, tbe fapbc Richarde SDufee otTorks anb bps bep?es, Ibal immebiatelpc furcabe bim in tbe fapbc Cojones, Hopall ettate, bignitpe, anb tDojlbippC; anb tbem tben baue anb iniopc, anp arte of i3arliamcnt,ttatute,oj ojbinance,oj otbcr tbing to tbe con# trarie mabc, oj interruption, oj bifcontinuaunceofpofiTef# Con notVoitbttanbing. knb mo?eouer, bp tbe faibe abuifc anb aurtbojitie,aablilI)etb, grauntctb,confirmctb, app^o# octb,ratifietb,anb acceptetb tbe faib accojbe, anb al things therein contapneb, anb tberebnto frrtlp anb abfolutelp af# fentetb agrrttb, anb bp the fame abuice anb antbo?itic o?# bapnetb anb elfablitbetb, tbat if anpe perfon 03 perfons p# maginc 03 compaffc tbe beatbe of tbeXapbe SDube, anb p3o# babtpbeattapntof open brtbebone bpfolfees of tbat con# bitions , that it be bamebanbabiubgeb bisb^STreafon, ^p, janb Hcnrie the (ixth» SfnD furfbcrnrojc ojoamictl) anfi cIlabU?l&ef^ bp (be fapoe aDatceant)aud:()o;ttte,U)ataUnatutc0, o;tDtttaimce0 ano tiats of parliament, maDc in tl)c time of t^c faio l^t'ng He- nctbcfourtlj, bp tl)ctobtcbe be aiiD tijebepjcs ofbtsboDpe commiug of Hemic latc Jaing of EngLmd fbc fiftb,tbc fonne anb bep?e oftIjprnpi>MingHcmie tbe fourth,ano tbc Ijctrcs Dfjaingflennetbcfiftbjtocrcojboinbmtablo to lljc fatoe (EroVones ano Uealmco, o? to tbe heritage of tbe fame, b® atinuUeD,repElleD,DampncD,canceIteD, bopce, anD of none ctfcet, anb oner fbie, tbe ilitngbp tbe fatbe at5aice,a(rcnt f au# tbojitie,o?bapnctb anb Eiiabliibctb,tbat all otbcr actco an& Catutce mabc afo?e tbps time bp arte of parliamente, not rcpellcb ojabnullcb bp lilteautbojitie,o? otberloirebopbe, beinfucbfojce, cfFccte,anbbcrtue, ag tbcp tocre afojc tbc mailing oftbcfeo^binauncf0, anb tbat no letters pattcntu ropalp of rccojD, no? aetcs 3Hbi£iaI,niabe 0? tone afojc tbis tpmc not rcpelleb;rcnerreb,ne otbertoifc bopbc bp latoCjbc pjeiubiceb 0? burtetp tbis pjefentarte. Hlfo it iras o?bap# neb bptbe fame parliamcntc, tbat tbc fapbc Richarde SDuUeof Torke, tboulDc bcicallcb pjiiicc off^^ii/fj-, SDtilic ofCor»fjW/,anb Carle of chefler, anb p?otC(totir of Imde. 3in tbc mcnctb of SDccember, tbe SDube of Scmerfei anb fbc Carle of Dsuonf^tre, tocnte into tbc iilcjtbc Coun- trcp iuitb cigbtc bunbcreb men, anb anoneafter, (be faibc Dubc of Torke, tbc Carlc of RutLindeiyi^^mwiz -y anb tbc Carles of Sahjbmien little befojc CbJiflwatTc iuitb afetoc perfons tucntc into tbc ii5o?tbc alfo fo? to rcpjeCfe tbe ma* lice of tbc Nonhtrne mcti, tbc tobicbc ioncb not tbc SDubc of Torke, nc tbc Cai'lc of SahpjMrie, anb lucrc lobgco at tbc Caffell Ot Sandnle, anb at Wakefielde . JlOjOC Neuill, fajctbcrto tbc Carle of iveUmerUnde, biibcraco* lour of iFrienbHiippc, came to tbc Suite ofr^r^^-, requp* ring of bpin a commiffion fo; bpmtorapfe tbe peoplefoj ta Henrie the fi'xth» 7°7 to tljatttcc fl^e Kebelles asljefapDc, b»fUilf?etf beljabtie rai'fe'o to t^e number of dgbtc tboufanbc incnne, Ijk bjougfjte tfjcm to t\)0 JlojDcs of t^at Countrep, tijat. is to faPCj tfje (Sarlc of North^mberlande, JLojDC Ciit- forde, anD t^o Dufec of Sonjerfet, t!)at tajsre abtierfartrs to tbe SDuttc of Yorke. auD on t\)z lalfc of SDeccmbei* tljep fell on t^c fapDc SDu'ac ilichardc , bitlco tjpuT sno fjts^onnc ti)C Carle ot/?«f/W, anomanpotbfrhnigljfs anO CfquicrS, to lUtltC tl)C ILOJOe HaringtorijTliomas Ha- ringcionj^nigbtc, Thomas Neuil fonnc tOtbeCarIC of Sa//Jhf/rte, atlD ^PJ Henne Ratfordc J^nigbh ^"0 OtfjCr, to tijc number of22oo. SCbcCarle of Sahjbtirie Uias taltcn aline ano Icbbc bp tbeSDukeof ^fw^r/^/totbe CaCcllof Pomfiaite, anD 1)30 grauttte of bps life fo; a grcatc fuinmc of monep, but tbe common people of tbc Countrep mbpcbe loueo bpm not.tohe bpm out of tbe Cattcl bp.t)iolente,anO fniofe off bps bsaoe. Mben tljc oeatb of tbefe lojocs teas UnoSuen to tbe Jaing, bo conimaunDeo lujits ano commit* Hons to be tent info tbe Ibtres to tbe people, anotogoe a* gaintfetbeHebelles into tbc toruppjeffctbcm,but tbepoftbc A/arr^^came fooainclpe Oolnne to tbe SCoUm of DifnSlap/e, tohbins all tbc Countrep ano people as tbep camc,rpoplingi3bbapes,13jiojies, ano parilb Cbuttbes, bearingatuapcCbaliffes, bmhes, o.mamentes ano otber, tobatfoeuer biasUjojtb tbc carriage, astbougbctbepbao bin Sjinfe»s ano no CbJtftians,againtte tobom, tbe ttoelftb of ofJVorfo/k?({110Sf*fo/ke, tbc Cries Otf'Fanr'icke aUO Aru/idale,ibZ llOjO Bonuile aUO Ofber,luitb tbe King , iDsnte onto! London toboatoeSaint A/i>oxs,onQ tobcn tbep bearo tbat tbep of tbe ATon^e toere to npgbc , tbep ttohe a fieloe beQoe a little Sotone caU leO Sandr'tdge not fatrc from Same Albo»s, on Barnarde Heathe, in 3 plaCC CallCO No mans Lande,\3ibZXt I'ipng tEeoDC ano taUjc bPS menne flapne on botbe fpoes, tpll at tbe latte tb;ougbe tbe topfbojatnpng manpc of " tbc 708 I'J'/.V , Hx hbrt Kinr'if ceiijit. -/ Heiirfc the fixth* tl^e tfjeirCaptaine LoueUice ffjaf toas ffje PalonrD, iaing Hcnnes parte loft tljc ficloe, t\)e llojus fleD, anD tlje iaing toentc to iiuanc M. rgaret t^at leas come to tlje Northerne men anD f)Pj fonne Edwarde. SCtje Carle of Wanvicke UJCnte foluarOe tljC Carle of Marchet\^O.t tua0 comiiung tOtOMUt London out of fVales, K>t)t ILOJD Bonuile loouloeljaueUjit^tijatoentjim, bat tlje feing affareb bym tobaue no boDplpe barme t neuertbclelTe at tbc tnftance of tbe Siuane, ti)e S)uke of ExcesUr, anb tbe Carle of Demnfntre, be toaS bcbcabeb at Saint ^Ihons, anb tuptb bpm Thomas ICynell Of Kente. ^1)15 battaple UiaS fougbt ong>b?oue2ntoefbap tbe feanentantb ofi^eteuarp, in tbe tubftbe toas flatn.i 916. perfons. SCbe fame bap The- mas Thorpe ilSaron of tbe Excheijuer U)as bcbeabcb at High Gate bp tljc commono of Kent. SCben tbe Citizens of Lon- don Djeabing tbe malice of tbe ©u^nc anb tbe E>uke of Somerfet, fentebnto tbcin tbe SDutcbelTe of Uiitbotber., totreatefoj to be bcnenolentto tbe Citie, foj tbe tubicb a fummc of monep toao pjomifeb, ano tbat tbep fboulbecometo tlje Citte tuptb a certapne number of per* fons, toberebpon certapne fpeares anb men of amies toerc fente to bane entreb tbe Citte befojc tbe SDuiics com* mpng , tobereof fomeloereflapne, fomefoje burte, anb tbe remnaimtc putte to fligbte bp tbe Commons tobo tcoUctbe iacpes of tbe gates, anomanfullp bcfenbebtlje Citie bntill tbe comming of Edwarde Carle of Marche^ lobere-tbJougbe liing Hcmie Uiptb ©neene Margaret anb tbe Northerne mm toere fojceb to return again ^ojtb* toarbe. 2Cbe tbirbe of iFebjuarie, Edwarde Carle of Marche fougbtetoptb tbe PVelchmen bifiOOfVigmoreiXGEales, near^ bnto Mortimers Crojfe, tobofeCaptapncs mere tbe Ciafl^ oF2^E^ > anb t^t Earie of mijhire, tobere be putWe'ni to flight, anb fletoe of tlje tveichemen aboute foure tbou* fanbe. Owen Tewther (iobbme lohn Leylande fapetb tbbulbe becalleb Meredicke,} jFatber to tbe fapbe Carle J ,4" - ^ Hcnric the fixth» 7°? Penhroke, U)l)fc5e Owen fjaODe mameb Katlicrln mofljcr fo i^tng Hcniiet^eCrtl), toast^cretaken aiiD beljeaDeD, and aftertoaro burteD in fljctCbapel of tlje Gray Friers cburcfj in Herefor£ie:t\)t fiaj? bcfoje tbfs battaplc,about tenne of tbe clochc befoje none, toere fdene tbja &anB in tbe firmamet, ftpntng a like cleare, tobitb after clofeD togitber all in one. 2Dbe eigbtano ttocntitb ofi?cbjuarie,tclward Carle of ^4rte»j came bp to London, toberc be Inas ion< fallp recepucb,anD on tbe fcconoe bap tit March being ^cn# bap, all bps boffe toas muSereb in Saint Mwfielbe, tubere teas rebbe among tbe people certaine Articles anb pointes tbat l^ing Hcnhc bab offenbeb in,ano tben it toas beiiian> beb of tbem tobctbcr tbe faib Henrk toere toojtbp to raigne ftill, anb tbe people crpcb nap, nape. Cbcn Inas it a(keb if tbep tDoalo baue tbe Crlc of March to be tbepj fting, anb tbeprapocpca,pea:tbencertaine (Eaptapncs toerefcnte to ErieofMncn tbe Carle at 5^w^''dtfjCattel, anb tolbe tbe Crle tbat tbe people bab cbofen bint Iking, Inbereof be tbankeb »,{ntfie^jonour of Gedm'^SMMtPauie, f ffjerean^it^ sell camoDotDnefcenfeo^tmjattDljtc^ time toao fo great a multlhioe of people in 7W dearie of• Henricli-O?D0 Bourcher ©arle of / EJjix.lohn flOJOe of Bucl^M^ham j ^OiHe of Moumoy: fir lohii HeywardjilojD Hcyward-WilliamHaftings,3L0?l) Haftings, ant) aftertbatgreat C^^w^er/^rwf.-Ridiard Woodvilc llo?0 » RiucrstDenham ® fquicr, 3lo;t) Dcnham,f C. j^ot long after tbeCoronation offing Edward, oneiolmDauybao bis Ka°dffl*. bano ffrifeen off,at tbe Suxdard in cheafe, becaufe be ftnote «>"" cheapt. a man before tbe ^uDgeotn JVefimin^ier mil, contrarieto tbe Jlatne. George Ireland: John Locke,thc aS.of September. Sherifes. > Hughe Wiche Mercerjthc iS.of Oftobcr. LM4$ JDbe.tib.of i^oueinber began a J3arliament at wePtmw- Ar,tDberein iiting Henne^bis Siuane,anobtsfonnGtoere bifberiteb of tbe Crotoner Hcnrie SDube of Excefler, Henrie SEHike of5awfr/fr,Thomas Carle of Deuovfljire^^t, fo tbenu^ berof.x4o.t»ereattainte0f Dilberiteb. febojtlp tbe Carle reg.u of anO Awbrey bis foiine, fit Thomas Tudcnham iinigbtjWilliam Tirrcll, anO John Mongomeric CfquierS-i ia6z toere Detect ant) at feuerall times bebeaDeb attbe2Dotore bpll,anD after tbat man? otber. ^bS.nCbb.Of^arrbeliingEdwardinent Northwarde fo. ferreas^x William Hampton: Barthelmcw lames, the 2^.of Sep. (JMater. S Thomas Coke Draper,thc aS.of Oflobcr. £UUffn« Margaret tupfc tO Henric ffjC Cjtf , lanfieb ttt ^oiitl), febcre baaing but fmaUruccour ant) euill fortune, Ibc tuao faino to tabe tbe &ea againe,$ bp tempcft of Ivesf tbcrtoaa 02iucnto^ bdrping of fir Ralph 14^? Grey,anb after againe Itiing Henrk feitb bis ©ndne anb tbeir feloU)tt)ip entreb tbcm anb bcpt tbem, ^bOUt Midfomer tbC Scots feitb manp French f Englijhmen^ laio Edward the fourth.- 7^5 t laid Gege to t^e Cattle tXNorhAm, bnt toere footed to leaue It as tfjep feand Carle otfVanviks toan Ilje totone of made flue ffiantierfea f .pr^. bniflbtd and toent info Scot/a»d, todrre be burnt LawghmAha», ledavorth^ Ga[mey,ar(a man? otfjer 2Dotone3,and returned to Barwtke. Wit iS^intter otTorkc.i tlje ttaple of Cl)?ittc0 Cljurcd in Norrviche toerC bjeilt. Robert Baflet: Thomas Mu{chainpc,thc iS^ofSept. Sherifes. ? Mathcw Phillip Goldfinithjthc 28.ofOcflobcr. (JMaicr. S BIntdcmonetb of Hpjill, StngEdwarde made great Anno.reg.^, pj^aratton againft J^ing Hcnrie, and on Saint Market da? 14*54 Ralph Percie Lojdc Hungerforde, tuitd a great poUjer,pnr* pofing to baue dtttrelTed ttr lohn Neuil,iLo;dc Mountacute, Uias dtmrelfenaine^tDttl) man? ottjer. SCfje rd.of ^a? iiing Henries potoerbcpng at Hexham^ fde ilojde Mountacute toitb a potoercaiiic tditber,and en? clofed tdem round abont.Cderemere taken f Haine man? JLojds tdat toere tottb iaing Henry,but fje fjimfelfteas fled iitt.oa?e0 befoje into Lancap}ire,\xii)txt be and otber liued in caues full barol? trnknotDne moje tljan a pare. j0n Trwitie &onda? iSing Edward made tfjc ilojd iMountacutc Carle atNorthamhcrUndatiti toardCtt Of tfjC Marches. STlje CarleS of Warvpike and Northumherlande tioke Bamhrugh Cattle anO beheaded fir Ralph Grey,at r>oncafler. scbe Carle attvar- rvike\xias Cent intoFratwce, to concludc amariage toitb the French things fitters daughter foj ii.Edward, tobicb be did, but in tbe meane fcDbile,on the firff of ^ap,iiing Edwarde tojke to toife ElizabethSDaugbterto Hquet&ncbesofBed-'^'"^*' firde,Mexto the Carle of Sam PauU, lateUjffc to fir lohn Grey.Qapne at Comon firiDe on !SingHenries parte, tobicb mariage toas kept feeret aluiott balfc a pare. liing Edward tfflke tlje Cbauncellojtbip from the 55?# ttjop of £.vm7^r,b?otf)er to the Carle of ^.®7r%,and gaue if to tbe Bplbop of Bathe. 3ln tbe monetb of ^a?,tbe J^nke otSemerfet,{^t ilojo Roos» 7 * ^ Edvvard rhe fourth. RooSjtljC 3lO?lJ MolynSjTalbois Q^arlf of Philippe DukeofSomer. Wcntworth,Cr ThomasFmdcmc,0atl)CreDBit [)CiGeint^t beheaJtd'" Coiltltrcp, f Cc lohn Ncuill CDarlO tiXNorthumberland '' U)ttt).r.t()oufanD men came bpotf)tni,U)hom the commons fojrahtng, their Captaines inere taken f beheaoeo . I&ins tdward fearing the 3lO?6 Moutacutc X\)t<^ZX\tQtlVarwtke, inhom he hab of late maoe dearie ot Northumberland, he can* feo the men of the connfrcp tobeOrethe rightfull hepje Eirie of Nor- Pcrcic fonno to Hcnric ^ ijoao Oaine at Torbf ficlbe .• f fo Per- mideM^wqucj ^^00reffo?eb,anbMountacute toao mabeaMarejues, f Mountacute. hio fonno SDukc otBedforde, tohtch Ihoulbc toeb the ftittgi elbeO batighler^tohich b? polTibtlitie Ihoulb be l^ing of lande. Hboute ^/f^rfirAwrf/fheJ&ing helba Counfell at Ree^- ^Inetoe CoineVuas maoe, aKofe jflJobleaf.r.njtllings, ^^ewcoynf, tbc Ijalfe j^oble fine (billings, f tb^ fartbtng ttoo fljilltngs """■ fie pence,an angelct fie Ibitlings eigbt pence, i Ijalfe tbere# oftbjafbtilingsfourepencc. £^n tbc.erbj.of ^3ai' ^iu^nc Clijabetb teas Croteneo at WesimmHer bcpng f 'tnnie Sonday, agaillft tl)t tObtCb time l^ing Edvvaitl mabe.ereie.l^nigbtes. fcing Hemic iuastatien in benbeS«>?^fr/(fy Hjp^ingilons in LaticaP}!re,\i^T\\om7iS Talbot fonne f betce tJfen. to fir Edward Talbot otBasjl-dl^mO lohn Talbot Ijis COfprt of CoiebryM)it\) DcceiticD film being at bis bpnner at dington Hull,mO bjOUgbtbtm totuarD Londoyt, toitb bis legs bounce to tbc fftrops, tobercbetoas mette bp tbe^arlc of tVanvike,m0^^XZ^it0Ot Efjldon. SDOUO? ManningSDeanc Of Wildfire.]i>QaQi Ikdle attO poiig Ellcrton being in bis com# panie,tuitlj tbeirfatebouno bnber tbebo?fe bcllpes, toerc b;ougbtto tbcCotDjcofilonCon. a licence loas grautcb to canuep certaimCotefro/d tfiape intoiDbicbbanefi'ncegreatlpmultiplpectbere. few." 3t mas pjoclapmcD thjougbout E>jg/a»d,t[)at tbe beabes 0} pikes of^bameanc Bntes Iboulo not pafie. fi.pncbcs, bpori painc ofcurfing bP tbe Clergie, anb fojfeting.wJ, to bepapoeone ^oble to tbe feing, oneotbertotbeCojbe# toapners olLondin, anb tbe tbtrbe to tbe chamber of London.- anb fo? otber Cities anb Cobones tbe tike o?oer tnas take. Before tbis time anb fince tbe pareofonrHojb.i; 8 2.tbc pikes oftbaoes f boites toerc of fucb length ? that tbep ioere fapne to be tpeb bp to their knees Initb cbapnes of filuer anb guilt, 0? at the leall mitb filke laces. Henrie Wauer: Wdliam Conftantinc,thc iS.ofSep. Sheriffs. ? Sir Ralph Verney Merccr,thc 28.of 0£fober. (Ji^aior^0 , Cbe 7^^ EdvvarctTTic Toifrt^*^ Sfje.rj. ofi^cbjnade ©n^nc Elizabetli luas ficltuercb ^XlVeiimtn^ier of a 2)augt)fCI^ alfO HaillCQ Elizal cth , tObO teas long after mat rteD to Jitng Hemic t^c feucntlj, iuljofc CbJiftcntng toas Done in tlje ^i^tv toitlj § moll folcmpni» tie tl)at migbt be,anD tijc mo?c, bccaiife tbe Iting tca^ aflfu# rco bp bis 53btfftions,tbat tbe ©ueene Uias concepitco toitb a P2ince,iubicb pjoueb otbci'toife as pe baue IjearD. Arino,reg.6 pate tuas tljc ItoJb Hungerfoid bebcapeo at Sa/ff- 1466 i^urie. 01fo fir Thomas Hungcrfoi'd isoigbt, foiine tO tbc ilCJO HangeifordjailiJ Henry Comtcney Of rigbt Carle of D€Ho[})ire,\xitXZ bebeaoel) at Saltjkuric. SCl)Z ILOJD Staflford of Southwike, pjoCUrcD tfie faiD Courtcneys Deatfi ? to be mabe Carle of DenonP}tre,az in o®be be toas lljojtlp aftcr» JohnBrownc: HenricBricCjthc zH.ofSeptcmber. Sherifes. ? loha Yong Groccrjthe 28 ofOiftobcr. Al'iisr. 3 IohnStoifton,tIie 2(5.of Tunc, jlmo req.-i. STbe.iti.oflunc begatine a parliament at TVeslmmsiery 1467 tobetin ftias vefumeo to f lyings bono? all manerofgiffes All the tbaf ^^0 fat" giuen from tbe firll bap be teofie potTelTion off giftes teuoked. jjealuie to tbat tinie,crcept ccrtainc things tben namcb. jCnSCburfbapncrtafter AntonieV/ood- fieideV" mle lto?be Scales, iiilfeb ill Smnhfieid U)ifb tbe Carle of tfio ^ Rocherallcb tbe i5allarD of Burg9jgf7e,anb bab tbe birto?ie' oftbcfielbe. SCbe lilies Inere of lengtb.i 20,Staplers par* bcs,,, bouble bairebjb.fote betUjeene tbe barres.f e. Miners perfons 3iirours in SlTifes falfelp foj&Bojn fo; the pdkry'.' retsjarbSjtDcre iubgeb tfiat tfirp Iboulb ribe front Newgate to tbe pilleric in ComehHl, ioub ^pters of paper on tljeir bcaocs,anb tficre to Ifanb on tbe pillcrie Ific fpacc of one boure,anb tben Icbagainc to Newgate. 0nb tbis iubgcmenf inas giuen bp tfic Saio;. (JAUior. 7 Thomas Stalbroke;HumfreyHeyfbrd,t!ic28.of Sept, Shenfes. S Thomas Olgraue Skianei-,thc 28 .otOctober. Mmreg.% SCbe.biti.of^ap faeganne a|3arliament atwestmwBer, i4P8 graunteb tUio fiftencs anb a bcmp» ~~ SCbe Edward the fourths 7 * 9 3!unc Margaret fpffcr toiilltg Edward f{je LadrMarga- fourtl) btganne bit tournep frcm V^zivardroh in London, tuarO l)>r mariagc Charles SDufec of Bnrgoigne; fiirft fl^c of# ttc Duke of freo in tljeChnrfh ofS.Pau!e,f tljcn roDe tf)?ous!) tbeCitie, tfjc Carle ofriDina:befo:cl)ir,U)itl> Carlcof JBa? tons a great number, tbc^ufcljcs ofA'w/o^, toitbotbcr JLabm aiiD Ccntlcinomen in great number. Sno at bir cntrie into cheape, tl)t spaio? of London ans l)is bjetbJen tlje 0locrm2n,p.:ercnteD l)ir luitl) a panjc ofricbe Bafons, 9 in tljeman.i oo.U. ofgolDc,f that iiigbt IbclobgeD at tf)c :3bbep of Str^.tford,iv^cvz the iiingtljcn lap; from tljencc (be fcDbeljir iournep to Camerbury. 2::|)e Iting rtDingaffer to fee bir lI)tpping,on p ftrff of3ulp, fl)e tsiUe {' fea at /viargc.te, f tljcre toUc Icaue of p iaing bir b?otl)er,f bcparteD.STberc re# turneo bacttc againe tort!) p iatng, tfje E)ul{e of Clarence,\\^z S>uke of Gloceiler,^(^OX\tO off^arrpike,ShrewPjurie, f Nor~ thdberiand. 0nti tljerc aboOc loitlj Ijtr in the Ibip, tfjc 3lojDc ; Scalcs,tbe3lo:J)cDacres{)ir Cbamberlame,Crlohn Wod- vile,Or lohn Hcyward,ano maup otbcr famous Siugbfc0 f Crquier0:lbe toao IbippeD in tljc ncln Ellen of Londd,mfi in bir^auietbe Iu!)nofA/fH'^'^fi^/^, tbeMarieof Sahjburieyxwfi manp other ISopall ffjipo, % the mojrolDe lanbeo at since in Fianders,f 30 fojue 30 t)ir ^ipf copanpof Hjipo Ujcreentrco into ^ l^auen,tbere receiueb btr fir Simo de Lelcyn ano the toater ISatlic, tii biuer0 IBoatco f 215arh0 apparellco reoie fo? bir labtng. SDbe firit clfate ^ rccettteO Ijir toao p UBilbop of rrrtgk toell accompanpeti, f tbe Counteffe of skme ba# ffarb baugbter to SDuhe Phillip of5«r^9;^«f,ftoitbbir ma# up 3LaDpc0 f <5cntleUjome,f fo p?ocoet)ing in at tbe gate of tbe toUine,tbe fame toinne toao pjcfcnteb to bir, (be to be ^oneraigneilaDie thereof talfotbepgauebtra^b'ti^arbo of golbCrop U)aigbt,fbefebitb tuas.2oo.f.of£«^///2' ^onep, anb fo (be paocdebeb tb2ougb tbe totone to bir lobging, c# nerp boufljolber ftanbing in tbe ffreete toitb a tojcbc in bi^ banb burning, ^Dntbe mojroto tljeolbc ^utcbeo of goygne catue to birjaccompanpcb toitb manp great Cttateo, ;©n \ f 7io Fobtrt TM :h, Sir Thomas Cooke. Edwai 3 the fourths ^Dtt 3!ulp came tlje SDuhe otEergoigKe fo Sluce tnftf) j:F.pcrfon0fecretIp,anDtuastn)cre openlp affwmeD fo f^c iLaDte Margaret, "bp t\)e 2!0p^op of Saltpurie ailD f^O ILOJDC Scales, in p?efenceoffbO JlOJO Dacre, flb«^2DuC^e0 of Not' foikiX\)z llaDte Scales,ano all tbc ItntsbtcOjanoCfqaiero, <0entlctoomen enutrouing ffje Cfjamber. £>n tbe bitf.of 3|ulp being ^aterDap,fap ftie SDuhc of ^^«^w/appotntment,rI)e liable Margaret remoueb bp boater to tbe Dame. 0nb on tbe ^onbap in tbe mo?ning bettoipf tbe clocUe,tbe inariage boas folenipntfeb be« tinipt tbem,bp tbe Bitbops ot Sahjburte anb tXTmney, tbere being pjefent tbe olbeSDiifb^s zlBurgofgneX\^t llo?b Scales, tbe 3lo3b Dacre,tuitb tbe fenigbteo, Cfquiers, llabpes ano (II5cntIcluome tbat came out of Engiandxi^z great triumpbOf feaaingSjtbetoes of^dagcantSjioitb otber ffraunge beuifes, anbSuttinggjixjerefucbaoBI bauenotreab tbe like, ano tooulb be ouer long in tbis place to fet botone. ^ir Thomas Cooke late^aio? Lot7do,\xim bp OHO US# meo Hawkins appeacbcb oftreafon , fojtbeUjbtcb be teas rent to tbe St ola3e,anb bis place toitbin LoKdon fcafeb bp tbe llojbe Ryuers,anb bis boife anb feruauntes clearelp put out tberof.SCbecaufelDas tbisj SCbe fo?enameb Hawkins came bpon a fcafon bnto tbe fapb fir Thomas, requeuing bim to lenbatboufanbrnarkes bpon gob fuertie , toberebnto be antoiereb, tbat firft be tooulb bnotn foj tobom it Iboulb be, ano fo3 bjbat intent, at length bnberttanbing it tboulbe be foj tbebfe of ©ueene Margaret,be anftoereb be bob no cur* rant ioares bjbercof anp ibiffes migbt be inabe toitbout to mucb loffe,anb tberfoje requireb Hawkins to inoue bim no farther in tbat matter ,foj be intenbcb not to beale toitball: pet tbe fapbeHawkins erbojtcb bim to remember, tobat be* ncfiteo be bab rcceiueb bp bir inben (be toas in pjofperitie, no bp making bim bir Marojobcr, anb ciillomer ofHamp.. rw.fc bntbpno meanes tbe fapbe Cooke tooulbe graunt gobs no; monep,altbougb at tbe la5 tbe fapb Hawkins re* quireb but an bunbjetb poub,be teas fapnc to Depart toitb* out -J Edward the fourth. I. ouffl[)ef)alaeofapennte, ano neuercame agatnefo moue |)im lDl)tcl) ffl rctteo ttoo oj tt)?0e pcare« after tpll tfje fapoe Hawkins tuas caft in tljc Ko\3)2c, anfi at Icngtlj bjongljt to tfje bjahe,callcD tbc SDubc of ExceHers Daugbf^r.bp meanc oftobicb bctbctocbmanptbingo, amongft^ tofjicb tbe motion teas one, tbat f)t bab mabc to fir Thomas Coke anbacciirebbintrdfero farretbat bblnao put tobeatb: bp mpancoftobicbconfclTiontbefapbcfiT Thomas loas trou* faleo as before is fbctueb. after tb® faibe fir Tliomas bab Ipen in tbe STotoje from H^hnfonttde tpll about AitchaelmM^ in tbe tobi^b feafo manp enquiries tuere mabe to finbe bim guiltie,anb cuer quit, till one iurie bp mcanes of fir lohn Fogge,cnbtteb bi'w of trcafon, after tobicb an otber beter* mine toas fet at tbe GHiidhall,in tbe tobicb fat toitb t ^aio?, tbe SDube of c/«jr Citte QtLondon ccrfarnc fcnc# mcntSjfo? tbc lubiclj {' Citic is bouD to pap fo? cucr,at cue* rpltftanc0raunteDto§Jiiing,fo?alirucbas (ball Dtudlim Cojaiaaincrs Urate tuaroe, fcifeo nt.rbb.a pace oj bnacr, SCbe SDuUeof c/^rwe-ftocntto CaikuA tbcre tucoaco ifa- ble one of p Daugbters to t ©arle of^varmke. ^ir lohn Co- merslinigbt,RobertHiltaicl,tubO namcD bintfelfc Robin of RidfedaleAt Dtbcr,gatbcrcDan boUcf.^oooo.mcin^ i^ojtb, againtt tobo i^.Edward fent w.hicrBeit la^ mabrcarl£^f Ven^r^^iX\).\'?,ooOuWelch mcn^afib "Humfrcy StaUordcTf ''outhmke,\berbp w.l-lerbeit f Richard Herbert bis bjotbcr U)crc oacrcomc f taken bp fbe OftbCi^OJtb>?.5000.(raitbHall)oftbC Wekhmen flame in a plaine callea D.mes mort, nare to {> totune of miles fro B.xnbery,^ 26.of lulp.S^be men ofnameflaine cf]| Welch partpjtncrc fir Roger Vaugha kiligbt, Henry ap Mor- gaiijTho.ap Richard Vaiigha CfquicrjW.Herbert of noche Cfqufer,Watkin Thomas fou tO Roger Vaughan: Ina ap John ap Meridik^Daiiy ap lankin ap Limorik, HarrilHon ap Piktonjiohn Done q{Kidwelly, Rice ap Morga ap Vlftoi lankin Perot ap Scots Burst, lohnEuerard Penbrobelhire, John Courtor of Hereford. SCijC i|50?fb?e WCll of name flain mere, Ur Henry Latimer fonne f betre to § irOjD Latimer, fir Roger PigotJknigbf, lames Coniers fonnef betre to fit lohn Coniers i&nigbtjOliuer AwcUey Cfqutcr, Tho.Wakes fonne Edward'the fourtli» 7^3 fijnnc f fjCtrC fO W. Mallcrie Ctfqut'crt RicliarH Woodvilc 3Loji) lliucrs,i6 lohn Ijis fonne,Uicre taUc in ^ fojcS of D<:ve < b.:0H6bf to North.tmfto, tut)er0 tt)CP luilfj fir W. Herbert f "Kic^aMjbTs b?ott)rr U3crcaU.iiu.bct]caDcD,bp^coniaunDe» menFofi DuKc of Clarence,% tbo CflC of .¥\crhcrX. y 1030 flaiiie at BriHow. HumFry Staffai d taao bp tbc conunSs taben at Brid^ewater, anb bCljCabCD. Eing Edwarde toas ta- fecn at Vlity, a btllasc befioc iVorthamptof!,\3^ ^ arrbbilljop of Torke.^ bjOU0f)t tO ^Vanvicke Cattcll, | tbenCC tO rcr^^.froill tobcncc bp fatre pjomifeb Ijc cfcapctj,f canic to Richard Gardiner. Robert Drope,tiie 28,ofSeptcinber, Sherifes. p Ricliard Lee Grocei^dic zS.oFOclobcr. > SCijC 29. of §>rpt. Humfrey Neuile JSnfqbtG^ttb Charles bt0 bjotbrr, iucre taUcn bp tbc crlc of j-varmke, % bcbrabco at ruhe Of Clarence, anb btS bcirc0;tC« 7 7 2 4 Edward dte fourths t>ap of &cpf. George £Da&0 of C/^rrwe, la (per tsarlcof/'^'?^''®'^^, Richard Carlo of fVannke , t^t(tavlc ot Oxfirti\jDit]) tlje baffarO Fawconbndgeano manj) otbrraru UCO at PlymmoH(h,SX[.\i an Ottjcr fo;t at Durtmouth^ot U>boni0 tlje Carle QlTenbrohe toent into CSIales, t^c otbcr totoarO £vr^/??r,p3oclaiinmgtntlje namcof iaing Hemytbat all men bcttoirt tljc ages of.rbj.ano.ljr. Iboula be reatip to affitt tbo faioc JiojDes on tbc faebalfe of feing Hcnrie, againll latng Edward, ^ilfoflntbc &on0ap nrrt after tbe fcaff of Doftor Godard s^tnt AdtcloAel t^o ^rcbangoll, Doftor Godard pjeacl)ing at /'«''/'?^Croire,DeclareDbptt)crcat)ingDfbpls ano Otueroo' gainfte King Ed fbcr argiimcnts ano p^oifes tbat Hcnnc teas trnc f lalufull rvards. j^tng of£'?^/W,ano not iatng Edward, ^ojcouer ttje ^ar# ques Mountacute U)l)o baD gatbcrct) men in iking Edwardes name,anl) toas come ncere bnto tbe fato Ed- vvardijc tolo tbem boto i^tng Edward baD fcruco bi'ii: firff, making bim Carle of Nonhnmbfr/and, ano aftergiuing tbe famcCrleDoine to T. Pcrcie,maDe bim barques Mounta- cute,alloU)ing bim a |aies nelfe to maintapne it toitb all, tobrrefoje be tooulo leauc to feme bim ano take part toitb tbe Carle of fvarmke bio b;otbcr. Wf[)ttcof Inben iting KingEdwardc Edward? bnoerffcooe, be fleo from bis boft, befioes Nottng. fled beyond, the cf ^ctobcr, belnitb tbe ilojoe, Riuers, ilojoe HalEngs bis Cbamberlauie, tbe ilojo Say ano otber to ^number of. bg.oj.bitf. Carles tcokelbipping at Lrtyie, IT fapleo totoaro tbe ouke of BurgogKe^is b?otbcr in latoe. The Qttee-ie ^ufone bao bcfojo tbat,to mitjon f firtt of £)ctober, fOoVe fanftiiary ftolne fecrctlp in p nigbt out of tbe SCotoje of LoWw.bp toa^ at vvcftm iier. fgr fflf tbcre taken ^anauarp.S^bis time teas Kentithmen P Of/We;y,f0J tbO KenttPmen baO tobbed the Fle< allcmbleo tbemfelucs in great companics,f fobabroiiic to the"nio«e'^of^'^ tbOOUtCrpart of tbe Cittieas to Ratchjpe, Sawt Kathertus, Loadon. Southwrocero in London tloo large pottes of bluer cbaceo balfc gutitCxVuapitig ici^. poumic fiue ounces of Tray toaigbt, to be occuppco in tbcic common^l^aU, ano 'Prince Ba. clfeVubecc, at tbcic Difcrctions, ward borne w ^uesne Elizabcth ujife to Edward tbe fourtb,beiitg in tbe the sanftuane. j,( }VeHmwTter,\yiM Dcliucrco of a l^jincc ott tbe fouctb of ^cuember, tobo toasafter feing Edward tbe fiftb* Edvvarde the ®.ing Edward bjltb tbe iLojO Haftings, tbe lOJb Say.nine RaSenfporne.^ bunojco Engiijhmen,m^ tb?te bnnojcD Flemings, toouloe baue uimoreg.ii lanocbinbuttberctbe(iBrleofQ;rj^ti«b2otbcc putte 1471 tbem off,t after be lanbcD foje toetber-beaten at Rastenpm, luitbin Humber Oil Hoidernejfe, aiio tbero rofe on bim Hoi- derneffemza, lubofe (EapitailieUiaS fir lohn Wefterdalc a /. after catte into tbe Afarjhalfea at London. 0s S. Ed- fiiyt yt*-' J pgjfgj j{j5 countrie be Ibetoeo tbe d^rle txiNorthumber- landes jLcttcrs ano ^eale,tbat fent foj bim, raping, tbat b» fi)uhe^ ^ ^ toottlDc, not baue Done afo>e,but at tbe er* " ^ warvik^e, attO crpeD in cucrp place fcpng Henry,anol^jince Edward, toeacing an (Eflricbe ifeatbep prince Edwards Ipuecie. i^itlg Edward came to Notingham, tobcre fir William Stanley, fit William-Norris, anD DPUerS atbecbjougbtebimmen,rotbat bebaDtbcn4ooo^ ojinojc. 2Cben Edward marcbeD totoarDe Leicefier, U)bere tbe c^arle- of anD s^arques Montacute baDDc foure tboufanoe men, anD tooulDe baue fougbt toitb SitingEdward, but ^ba^ be bab rccepueo ilettcrs from tbe S>ulie of Clarence, tbat ba IbonlDe not figbt bntil be came. Mberebpon be ba?ping Lei- re/7tfrltiU, fufferCbEdwardctO marcbe tQ\0&Xtit London. 01 Uftle out of fvarrvike tbe 3>uke of Clarence mitb feauen tbou< fanDe men mating toitbl^.Edward, agraDeto bim, t bjahe nIUbepjomifesmaDeinfnr««fe. Jipng Edward comnu'ng» to. EtJward the fourth. 7^7 toLo»dm, bp^^aftcrVrfvvilce tlje «ccoj6er£S mcanes ana ot^etSf entrca into tl)« of Lo/jdo»s palatccfap a King Htnty i. , anotberc tofeelitng Henric, anatfje Slrcbbp# fljopef ana fcnt ttjcmbotbto on ape Cfjurfaap. scae Excefiery S0ar* BatnetfleW. qacs Mountacutc, f t^c Carle of Oxford,yjo manp l^ntgbfs cametoiti) tb^irljott foloarae .• 0saf)^rcfoje!ising Edward tfflttC fetttg Henne toitb pjCOtCUptea p tOtDH ofBarf>et.nUtl)zm5'i)t:tl)zCtailzoff^arwtke f Ijts retintie rcmaineo on t^e ptaine luttbout t\)Z totDnc,(a®ttng guncs one at tac otljer. ana in ^ inojning being Caller oap ana t fiiq.ofapjilljtbep fougat in a tbrck mitt from, iiii.ofp clock in tbe morning till.r.f aiucro times tbe Carle of fVarvrtkes men fuppofeo tijat tljep Ijaa gotte tlje aicto?ic of tlje Selae, int it bappenea t^at § Carle otOxferds men kao a ffarre aS . Ifreatnes botb before f betjinae on t^eir litr^ries, ana laing Edwiirds men Ijaa t|je funne toitb ffrcames on t^cir Ipucrpt tokttbpon tbe Carle ofivarwikts men bp reafon oftlje mptt notlnell aecerningtl)ebaDgesrolpke,(botattbe Carle of Oxfordes men ttjattnere on tbcir otone parte, ana tljen tlje Carle of Oxfrde ana fjis men crpea treafon, ana flea toitb eigfjt bunajeo men. 2Cbe barques Mountacute toas piU ' nilpagrao loptbttingEdvvarde , anaijaa gotten on bps lpuerle,bat one of bis bjotbcrs tbe Carle of franxikes mere efpping tbts fell bppon bim ana killea bim. 2Cbe Carle of fVarwike f^ing all tbis, lepfe on a bo?fs fo flpe, ana comming to a ioajaae tDb^rc toas no pafl^ge, one of iipng Edwardes men came to bpni, bpllea bpni, ana fpoplea bpnt to tbe nakea ftpnne . S>ir William Tirrcil liinpgbtc ioas kpllea on tbe Carle of yvanviket part.JDbeS)ufeeof£wfi?r.'fongbtmanfullp ana toas aif» fpoplea, tDounaea.ana lefte fo; aeaae from feuen in tbemoj^t ningtpll.ii.oftbeclockeintbeafrcrncDnc, anbtbcn bepnjj feougbt to a fcruauntes bonfc of bts tbere bp, callea Ruth- ana after tpas conuepea into Edward the fourtfi* m^mwFter^ancttiaHe, JTIiellojoe Cromwell foiineatt5 ^eire to tljc (Sarle of £j7eAr,tlje'^. o?o Barnes fonne ano f)Ctre, to tfjeJlojD Say,Ujerc flame on King Edwardes partie, ano on bott) parteo to tbe number of foure tboufanoe, mere burpeoontljerameplapne, toljere after a ciiappell mao btnloeb. toh., 2ni)C momrn after Eaffer DaPjUierc f faobpes of tbe Star le Dffrarwike,anJitl)e ^arqueo Mountaaite tapbe naheb in Paules^\^\xxt%z tn London, tbat alt men migljt fee tbem, fetng Henrie U)itf) tlje ^tcljbplbop QiTerke, tocre fent to t^e STOlOje of London. 0ttbts time ©uane Margaret, anDja?tnce Edwardefjir fonne bablpne on i^fea^rbp.iiapeo letteo Uittbfoulc toea# ttjer^i on£^i?erbap ateuentljep lanbebtoitbtbeirFrewAr ?«vvk«burie, i^auieat^T^TWij^^A^ano rocameto£AY-ff7fr, fromtljente to TerpkeJhnrie.WCiQ pttcbeD \)i8 ftelbO bp Seuerne. Edwardc tljO libtrTcvx, fourth being come from London,toitb |0?tnce Edward at Tewkejhuriefin t\)t fourtlj Of^^ap^tOlbe ^uane Margaret pjironerloith^^JinceEdwardfjirronne, lofiomcrueUpbs fmote on the face toitfj bis gatuntlet,ano after his feruanto flCto him. Edmond SDuhe of Somerfet,ant flr Hugh Courte- ney flcObc fromj^jince Edward anb loCe him the fieloe. Sphere toas flaine Courteney. (taxlt of Deuonjhire, iiome lohn of So?fjerfet,%o^l3e W enl ockc.flr Edmond Flamdenc,fiC Robert Whittingham,fi'r William Vaus,flr Nicholas Haruie, fir lohn Dcluis.fir William Filding,fir Thomas Fizhony, fir lohn Laukenor.iling Edward entring a Chnrchc in Tevoek^ jburie toith his fiDojCe D?amnc,a JB?ieC b;oaght the ^acra# ment agaitifi hiin, anbtuouiDenot let him enter bntillh^ habgrauntebhisparbontothefethatfollome : theSDube of.S'owfrji'r, the jLojbeof Sam Ichns , firHumfrey Audeley, fir Ceruis of Clifton , fir William Crimcby , fir William Carie,fir Thomas Trcfham,Cr William Newbrough,Ji>nigh-» tSOy Hcnrie TrelEam , Walter Courteney , lohnFlorie, Lewts Myles,Robert lacktbn, lames Gowcr, lames Deluis, fanne anb heirs fa firlolm Dtluis, all thefe Ibhsre thcp mighJ Edward the fourtIi» 7^9 tni8l[)t l[iaue efcapeo, farrpeD in tijecburcl^ (frtiStng in t\)t litngs parooii,)from ^aterDape fpIJ ^onoape, tD^?n t^iep iutn tafeen out anu beljoac D. ^boute tbis time fir Walter Wroitile, anb fir Geffrey Thomas the Gates llnigbtcs, gouernours of Ca/eis, rente fir George Baftarde. Broke iintg'ot from Calet-S tDttb.Joo.roulDtOurS tO Thomas tbeiSafiarbe Faucoabridgc, Captatnc oftbe Garle ttivar- wickes^mi^-) toilltng !)imtorairetbe(Eountrepof/*re«re, anbto goeto London, tljereto take iking Hcnrie out of tbe 2CotDer,anD tbcn to goe againff iking Edwarde. Cbefourtantl) bapof^ap Thomas tbe^5alfarbetopfb a rpotouo companp of fi)tpmen,anD otijer of Ej[ex anb Kent, came to London, Uj^crc being bcnpeo paflage tfjjougbe tbe Citie, fie fet bpon Btjhops Gate,Aldegate, London l>ridge,%t,K* long tbe Thtmii fibe,tfiajting arrotos anb d^unncs into tbe Citic, fiereb tbe a>oburb5,anb bjent moje tban ^o.boufea, toannctbe 115ultoarkesat AidegatemXi entreb tbe Citie, faut^ parcolife being let botone, fucbe as bab entreb tuere fiaine, anb tben tbe Citizens purfueb tbe refi, as farre as Stratfordeaiib BUcke 'tva'l, flapittgmanp, anb tcoke manpe pjifoners.Tliomas tbe 315attarbe luent from LondonW^t^fto toarbe, as farre as A'/«^ ijbbap in a boafe, Uibere be iuas tben burpcb, but fince rc^ moncb to B'indfor,^'^m berefictb. ??• Edward the fourth* ended !^tns tranfito;te life, dnuing iniap ed as great p?dfj)eritp,as fauourablc fortune coulcs afo?de, hndasgreate troubles on tbcc^derfide, as ftefrotonpng coa|oe poure out, pet in botb ttates Ije tuas patiente, and bertuous, tbat Ijc inape be a patterns of mofte pcrfcrtber* tue, as be toas a iDojtbp crample of ii^oituncs inronCan* tie, be toas platne,bp3igbtjfar fromfraude, tobolpc gtuen to piaper, reading of Scriptures, and a(nieS''deedes,of fucb integritie of Ipfe, tbattbe Biftoppe tobpcbc badde bene bps ConfelTour tennepeares, auoincbed tbat bee bad not all tbat tpmc committed anpe mojtall crpme : ^ocon* tinente as fufpition of bncbaHe life neucr toucbed bpni: and baupng in CbJttt'nalTe a (betoe of pong toomemic icpfb tbepj bare bjealles lapdc out, pjefentcd befoje bpm be immediatelp departed, toptb tbefe tuojdes, £ie, fie, fat flbame, foifffltb pen be to blame Jbefoje bis marrpagebe li&ed not tbat toomen (boulde enter into bps Courte, and fo; tbpsrefpect, be committedbpettoob;etb;enbptbemo« tbers fide, lafpcrandEdmondc, to motte boneftandber^ tuous ^;e(ates , to bde biougbte bppe, fofarrebetoas from couetoufneffe, tbat toben tbe erecutojs of tjvs bncle tijelBiQio^ftoffviKchesier, furnamcd tbericbXardi» nail, tooulobatiegiuen to bint 2ooo.pounde,beplapnelpe refufed it, toilling tbem to difcbarge tbe toil! of tbe depart ted, and toottlde fcarcclp condeicend at length to arcept tbe fame fome of monep totoardc tbe endotoing of bts Collcd< ges in crid^e ant} Eaton: be toas religiouflp affected (as tbe tpme tben toas) tbat at piincipall bolpdapes, be toould toerefackeclotbenertbis (binne.iDtbe bebfed none,bat in ntoffe earneff matters tbefe tooidestfo^fcotbe and fojCotbr be toas fo pitpfull, tbatiuben bee fatoe tbe quarter of a k^raptour agapnffe bps Crotone ouer CrtfU Gate, b® toilleo it to be fatten atoape, toptb tbefe toojdcs: 3 topU not baue anpe Cb?iQian fo crnellpe bandcled fo; mp fafie: tnanpegreateoffences b^ toiUinglpe pardoned, andte« cepatng Edvvard the fourth. 73 J At A tim a gteate blolse bp a lupcbeb manne u>bt« fbecompaffebbtabeatbc, b^onclpe fapbe, foarcotlj, ioi0 fetb, pttboe foUieIpe tofmptea^^png annapnteBfo : an otberalfotDbpcbe tb^uffe^min tbc ftoe loptb a &too;i:ic toben be Vuag pjifonft tn tbe Cotocr, tons bp bpm parDcu tjca tobcn be toag rettojco to bps ftatc anb hpttgDonie: not lon0 before bps beatbe, bspng Dcmannbeb tobp b^ babbefolongbcloetbeCrotoneof £»^/W bps jfatber inp (SJcaunDlire teas alfo Itpng of Engiande, ano 3 tucn a cbplse (nmpCrabte, toagp^oclapmco anbcrotDneo inpng toptb' outanpetnterruption, anb fo beloett fo;tie peates, toeU ncare, alltbe (fatesbeingbomagebntoine, as to mpan* teccffojs:®lIlberefoje3 mapfapctottbiiing Dauid: scbc lotteis fallen bnto me in a faire gronnbe, pea, 3 bane a gcblpcbecitage, mpbelpeisfrom tbe §Iojbe tobpcb faactb tbebpjigbteittbearte. SCbpsgob Spng bcpng of bpmfelfealtoapes natnrallpe The Kings enclineb to boe gmo, ano fearpng leatt be mpgbtc feemc bm cambnd 'c tbanheftrtl fo almigbtie <5 bps greatebencfites bc« """ Ifoineo bppon bpm fpnce tbe tpme b^ firffe fooite bppon bpm tbe regimente of bps l^caline, teterminco aboute tbe fpre ano ttoentitb peareof bis raigne, fo> bps pjimee- notable tuo^be (as bp tbe loojoes of bps mpll 3 fpnoe erp^eifeD) to erette ano founoe ttoo famons Colleogesin tbe bonoucc ano toojibtppe of bps boipc name , anofoj. tbeencreafeof dHlertue, OHation of Cunning , ano (tabliibemente of Cbjiltian ifapib, lobereof tbe one in Cambridgey to tfk Callctl ^PS Co/ledge o( OUtlady anO Saint Nicholas ; ttjCOt^CV at Eaton bcStie ff^i»d/c^(r, ta be calleobps CollcOge of oure iBlelTeo Ladye. ^no fo^. tbepecfo?maanceof (bps bps ocuoute purpofe, be enfeffco cortainc 315plboppes toptb otber ^oble ano iUaojtbipfuU pcrfonagcs, bp bps letters patents toitb lanoes anopoCTef^ ConSypartcl of bps enberitanfe of tbe ^uttbie of 73^ Edward the fourth* tott)ecltarel}alueoflneUnearefourc ans tliktie I]imO;ctb pountic bp vmt, Voblcbe Uttcra patetica ba after confirmeo bp bis arte of parliament, octlactns alfo bp bps toiU tnta bis faioe jfeoffes, bis intent anf,'meaning, botoc tbc fame fbonlDbeemplopeObpontbe cotfications of bps faioetlnco coUcOgpSjtobrrof inmp iuogcment tbe Dcuicc is fo crccUent, anb tbe builoings fo p;incelp ano apte fo; tbat pnrpofe, as 3 can not omitte to fet fojtb bnto pou tbc berp platte of tbe toboleCoUcOgeinC^w^r/^^tf, eucnas3 finoc mentioneb, almolf e Verbatim, in bps faioc mil^fuppofins, tbat if tbc reft of tbe boufe bao pjoceeoeo acco^oing to tbe Cbappell alreaop finilbco (as bis full intent ano meaning toas) tbc libc Col# tcDgecoalDcfcantbauebinfounOagaincm anpc CbJiftiatt lanoe. SDbctoojocs of tbe tiKill are tbus. as touching tbe ae Chape. Qf t^|e Cbutcbc of mp faibe CoUcbge, of our La- dy anb Saint Nicholas of 3 bauc bcuifeb anb ap# popntcb, tbat tbe fame Cburcb Iball coutaine in length 288, f(Dtc of affife.toitbout anp 3 lcs,anb al of tbe toibcncffe of rl. The bodr of footc.^nb tbc Icngtb of tbe fame Cburcb from tbc tocff cnb theChutche. tnts tbc Altars at tbc Siuiccboje, fballcontatnc lao.fcote. The Quyre. 0110 fcom tbc pjouoftcs ftall, buto tht grrtcc calleb Gradta chart. po,tiDU,fo} ^6. ftals Oil citbcr fibc of tbe fame £iup?c, auntoertng to Irr.felloUjcs anb ten pjietts Conbuits,b)bi» tbc muftc be deprimaforrna.^m from tbc faib ftals Onto tbc Caft cnb of tb? faio Cburrbc, lvb-f®tc of a{rire.0lfo a liere* The Roodioft. gaffe beating tljc Uffibcloftc, bcpartingtbe ^utre anb tbe bobpc of tbc Cbuccbc, contapning in length rl. fotc, anb i« Theheyghtof bjeabthriiij.fffltc. SDbcloaUcsoftbefamecburcbetobem the chappeu. bclgbt 9 o. ftotc imbattellcb,baU)teb ano Cbarerooffcb,fuffi# cientlp bntteraceb,anb cucrp Buttcrace finco Ujptb finials. The Bad ^bc fame Cburcb Ibal be a cKSinbeto vviiidovve, ofnmebapcs,anb bctluirt cucrp Butteracca Mineotocof fiucDapc6.0nb bct'ujirt cucrp of the fame Buttcraces in the The We Chap, tbcCburcbc, 00 botbc ftocs of tbc fame Cburcbea Clofct toitb an 0ltare therein,contapning in length ttuentp fotc,an5 in bjcaotb ten fa)te,batoteb anb ftnilbeb bnber tbe fopie. Edward the fourths 75 J fo^Ieoft^eHletetnooUics. 0nzit^epauement ofp Cljurcli to bt en^anfeD 4. fcote abotie § grouD tDttI)out.0nb § b^igbt oftlft paaoment of tije il^utre one to to ano a fialfe aboue tbe pauemcnt oftlje Cbnrc^c. 0no tlje paucmenfe of t^je alter tb2afaiteabouetbat.anbon':!)ei^o?tbfiDeof tbe€5utera tactfrpcontapninginlengtbfiftiefiDte, anDtnb2eaDtl).2 2, ' fcDte,Dcparteijinto tU)o boufcs bcnentb, ano ttoo fjoufes a* boMe,ttJbicb Ibal containe in Ijigljt ziMtc in al,Ujitb,an enx trcp from tbe SJuirebauteo. SnD at tbe tHctt enDeof tbe Xhecioiaer. Cburcba ii:ioptfcr fquare, tbe (Satt pane contapningin length. 17 -.fojte ano tbe tJHetl pane as mucbe. SCt)e pane ttoo bunoereo fiite, ano tbe^outb pane as mucbe of tbe Inbicbetbe DeambHLuorie tbtrtane fcotc toioc, ano in bepgbt ttocatie tbe (EojbtU Cable, toptb cleare ffo# rics ano XButteraces ioptb finallcs, balutco ano embatteU leo. SuO tbe grounoe thereof, foure fcotc lotuer tben tbe Cbwrcbe grounoe. anointbemiooleoftbe ScUcttpaiieof 'rhesreepu. tbe Cloptfer a ftrong Colocr fquare, contapntng foure ano ttoentitb fate toptbin tbe ^Malles .3ho in beigbt one bun# tjeo ano ttocntie fcotc , to tbe Cojbill table. Hno foure fmall Currets, ouer tbat fineo loptb i^pnacles. 0nO a Ooje into tbe fapoeCloptfer intoaroe, but outloaroe ncone. 3no as touching the oimenQons of tbo bou0ng of tbcfaiOexhebaCeCourj Cotlcogc, 3 baue OcnifeO anO appointeO in the &outl)> Coeof tbefapOeCbnrcbeaSuaOjaunte, cIoGngtobotbc cnoes oftbe fame Cburcbe,tbc Catt pane toberof thai con# tapne2^o.fcotein length, anOinb?aOtb toitbintbeJMals TheEaflpajie, ttoo ano ttoentitb fcotc. 3 n the fame panes mpoole a Co# tocr fo? a (^atebonfe containing in length tbtrtie fcDte,ano in bjcotb tlDo ano ttoentitb fcDte,ano in height Ir, fcotc toitb in tbjaCbabers ouer ^dJatcencrp one ouer pother, ano on either tioe oftbe fame gate foure Cbambcrs,enerpe one contapning in length Sue anO ttoentie fcotc,ano in b;eaoth ttoo ano ttoentie fectc. 0no oner euerp of thefc Chambers, ttoo Chambers aboue of the fame meafureo^moae, toitb ttoo Cotoers outtoaroe^ano ttoo Cotoers intoaroe. Che A. / 3'T Thefoiith pane The vrcft pane TheLibratie. The difpiitation hdufe. The wardrobe The HaU. ThePantrie andBuctrie. ThcColIcdgc KiteUin, Theproiiofts lodging. Edward the fourth* STfjc S>ouf^cpane IftriUfontametnlcnst^j 238.f(Df6, attS in bcaDff) ttno atiD tUicntic fmtc irpt^tn, in tofjiclj fl^all ba fcucn Cba'ubcrs, cucrp one cofapning in lengtlj nine anb tUjcntiE ftDtE,anti in b?eactb ^" • b)itb a Cbambcr pcriell of tbc pjouoifs loDgingcontap'iiing in Icngtb.;^ 5 .fcote,? toptfj a Chamber in tbe Gaff cojner of tbe fame pane contapning in length.2^.fa)te,anD inbjeaoth.rjrti.fmte, 0nDoucr euerp ofailthcfcChambers tiuoGhambero ^ anoloithfiucCc* iocrs outluaro, ano th?a totccrs intuarb, ©©eft pane fijal contain in length 2; o.fcotc, anb in bjeabth toithiti 24* fastc, in tuhichc at the enbe totoarbe the Chutcb fball bnt a Jlibjarie, contapning in length 11 o. fcete, anb in bjeabthe 24.f{Dte.^nD a large honfefoj reabinganbbifputationsro# tapning in lcngth.rl.fo3te. 3nb ttoo Chambers bnbcr the famcllibjarie, eachecoiitapning --9, fcote in length anb in fajeabth fonre anb tUientie fcote . 0nb oner the fapbeJLp# bjarp a houfc of the fame largenelTe, foj biucrfe ftuffe of the fapb Collebgc. 3n the other enbe of the fame pane a l^all, containing in length i oo.fcotc bpo a baute of 12.f(Df e ojbaineb foj theCelloj anb XBnttrie: anb the b?cabth of the ^all ffre anb thPJtie fcote. C)n eucrpe fibc thereof a llBape Minbolne. Hnb in the ncathcr enbe of the fame ^^all to^ iuavbc the mibbteofthc fame pane apantrepanoButtrie encrpe ofthem in length tluentie frate, anb in bjcabth fea< uentanc fcote, anb oner that ttno Chambers foj ©fticers* 0nb at the neather enb of the l^al tc'marb the ©Jcft, a gob# Ipe ititchin . :^nb eucrpe cojncr of the fame pane thall haueintoarbcttno 2DotDcrs,o?tapnebfo?the tnapcs into the l})allanb Libjaric, flnbincuerpe comer oftljc fapbc Quab?a«nt, thall be ttoo cojner totecrs, one intoarbe,anb one ouiluarbe, moe than the Cotoers abcuc rehcarfeb, Hub at tljebppcr cube of the l^all,thel3?ouoftslobging, that is to toitte, moe than the Chambers fcj Imnaboue fpecifpeb, a parlour on the gronnbe contapning fire anb thirtie fcote in Icngih, anb ttoo anb ttocntic in bjeabth, anb tujo chambers abouc of the fame quantitie* ^nb toeft? loarO E^wardc the fourth^ 73 5 toarbc cloOrig tljcreto a!iitc&mf£)?()im, a ILar&cr^oufe^ ^tables ano ot^cr manp Ijouliitijs aiiD grounos.ano lotfl' The Bake honre toaroe bepontie t})tk boufcs, ana tfje faioe Jittcbin o?Dap^ andBrevrhoufe lico foj a l^all, a BaUeljoafc, a 215jcU)boufe,ano otbcr bou* Tea ofoffice,factU)ane Ujljtcl) is leffc a grouiioe fquarc offoure fcoure fcote in eticrp panc,foj UjqjD anD fucbe llnflij. ^ SlnD tn tfje miODlcoft^e fapoc large tJuaOjaunt fljall ba a yarJe!^" CoaOuite gcDblp betufeD fo; cafeoUijzfameCoilcDge. 0nD 3; lotllj tf)attt)CCDificationp?cc«De m large fojmeof mp fapcc CoUeDgc cleaiie aiiD fiibffaacial, fctting apart fiipcr> fluitie of tcD grcate curious iDOjhes, of cntailcaub bufpe niotiloing, :3no 3 bane Deuifea anb appointeb tbat fbe pje^ The prccmi: tiurtofmpfapbc<2:ollcbge,as luell on botbfises oftbegar# °f'^«couedge. ben from tbe vTollcoge to the 2XIater, as in all otber places oftbe famepjecinct, bcinclofeb luitb a fubffanciall 22eiall, of tbe beisbt of fourteciic fmte, loitb a large SColocr at tbe pjincipalJ cntrie agatnUe tbe mtbble of tbe (iSatt pane, out oftbebigbclfrtete. 0nb in tbe fame SDotoer a large d^ate. The water aub anotber S^oloer in tbe mibble of tbe ESIealf enbe at tbe <2»te. itctueb;ibge. 5lnb tbe fame SSlall to bot crealfeb, cinbat# telleb, anb fojtil^eo tuitb ^nobjcrs, as nianpe as Iball bee fbougbtconuenienttbercbnto. ^nb 31U)illtbatmpfap5e Collcbge be ebiSeb of tbe molfe fubttantiall anb beff abp# btng ifuflfe, offtone, leabe, glade, anb gron, tbatniapc belle be b^>>t)e anb p.toutbeb thereto. Ki)tis mucb 31 ijflue enlargebbp occafionofreabingtbis grob icings Millttbe cunning beuife toberof 3 leauc to be eonfibereb bp fucb as be epperte in ^rcbttecture, bartilp H' firing alinigbtie d!?ob to putte into tbe bearte of fomc nota* ble 10;ince one bap to mabe perfecte tbps p?incelp ibo;lte To cbaritablp begonne. 0no noUie to returnc agapne to Spng fbt8 bps commpng to London , at Bi/hoppes Gate \)(e maDc tbcfc J^npgbtes of :^lbermen, &p? lohnStofton, fepj Ralphs Vcrney^fir Richard 131ee,fir lohn Yong,Cc William Tayler, 73^ Edward the fourtli* Tayler,0r George IrcladjCr lohn Stokar, 0r Matthew PhiU lipjfir William Hampton, fit Thomas Stalbroke, fitlohn Crosby,lir Thomas V rfwikc UCCO?OCt of London. fourc ano tiuenttth of ilitng Edward totffj hps hoftO roDO through Kent.ta CLnterhnrte, aitO fo tO Sandrviche^ luljcrcBattarDe Faulconbridge,fubmitteD hittifelfc ano all hps to Htng Edwarde, anD palDco to hun Itjj. Ihtppes grcf ano fmall tohpch hat» bene hnocr hts leaotng, tohtretoppon Bing Edward parOoneOhto^jWiaoe him tenightano htjeao* miral of the fea.SCh^ 51" Dcnha f Cr lohn Fog,totth othctis tuere leftein to fit in iuogemenf of the rebels, toher* oftocreagrcate number punilheb bp the pnrfe, Nicholas Faunt ^apoj otCaunterbnrie, tuith other,l]Dere h«wgel>,an6 heafieb there, the hraos of Spicmg anb Qumton tocrc fet on Aldegate of London. IChS fourth of June GeorgeNeuill Hrchsbtlhopofrcribr.- anb brother to the Carle QtfVarwtke, toas beltuereb oute of the snotoer at London. 2Chefirffe ofjjulp Edwardc thefonne offilng Edwarde, toas mabe j[3?tnce Qtfrales,^\x'\^t ofLancafter, anb Carle of (^'ornewalL 31 n Steptcmber Thomas the Baffarbe of Fauconbridge toas taken at Southampton, anb facheabeb at the Cattle of Midkham tn Torkejhire , hpS h^^bC toaS fette OH London b;ibge. Sherifes.} lohn Allcin: lohn Shelley, the 28.of September. L^Utvr. i William EdwardGrocer,thc.2 8.ofO(ftobcr. SChe rti.of 3;5oucmber the ILabpe Anne the Kings fitter toas beuojfeb from the S)uke ot ExceFler, bp hP?otone fute. KpngEd. on ChJi'ttmaffe bap toasCrotonebat«^e/?« w/«f/fr,anbthe©uane alfo t likctoifethe ttoelfthbapthe 2 Kpng toasagapneCrotonebf toenfconp?oceffioncroto* 1472 neb, buttheS^uanetoasnotatthattimecrotonebfapcaufc fije toas great toithchilbe. Edward the fourth* 735 Uierefcnte 0mbatraDoar5 from StngEd- warde to tf)C H^Uhe of Burgoigncy tDftO lanDtO at Bridges OW tljefcconoeof tobrrettjeptoere bmtojablyc recev> «e&toptbonttl)c2uot»ne, bptbe llojoeGrantchufc. SCbc names of tbe 3mbaflaDo?s teas, Or lohn Scot jantgbf ^ar« Iball of Ca/eis, ^aptter William Hatclofc ^ecrefatie to ttje !&png, ^apller iohn RutTciSJortourano 3ircbDeaton,ma# fter Richarde Marten i^rcbaeacotl Q{London, Or Iohn Yong; iantgbte,anD ipercbaunfe of London, ontbefourtb ofjapjii tbep mere conucpeo on bo^I'^^bacbe to tbe K>uKes doo^ gmg.fc. George Ncuill HrcbcbitOoppc of being at WfWySr toitb Jipng Edwarde on bunting, tbc feingpjomifebtljc aircbcbi^oppe to come to tbe Oifore (a place in Hartforde- tobicbc tbe 0rcbebiIboppebaODe purcbafeoanobupl^ neb commociouflpe)tberetobuntcanli mahcmerrptoitb bpm, loberebppontbe :^rcbebi(boppe matie greate p?oui^ Con fo? tbe I^png, anD fente fo; mucbs plate tbat bee babbe bPbbe, at tbe tpmeof Bametmti Tert'kejbHrieiae\\}»ym\i be* Ooestbis, bojrotDebmucbeof bP^ifricnbes, tbps bepng bone, tbe t^ing fobapnelp fente fo;tbe ^rcbbttboppe to come to jvmdfor, tobfre be Uias arrelleb of Creafon, tbat be (boulbebelpetbecSarleof Oxfarde, anbfo teas fente to CaieistinbitiHamesy tobcrebc contittueb long after p?ifo^ ncr, 9(n tbPS meane tobple Or William Parre i^nigbt, anb Or Thomas VahanCfqutre, anb otber toerc fente to tbe More to ceafe all bps gojbs foj tbe i&png, tobicb rame tbere to tbcfomme ofttoentietboufanbe ponnbe, JapngEdward at tbps time bjabe tbe Biftops miter, tbat bab manp ricbe Cones anb mabetberofa Crotonefo; biuifelfe. aifo tbe (Sarle of Oxfarde tbat bab tbifbb;aloen bprn# felfe from BametMbe, OrC into ScotUnd, after into France, tljcn getting mncbe gcobs on tbe §)ea, lanbeb in tbe ©CTeaC Countrep, anb entreb SatmMtchaels Momte toitb 597# men, tbc laCqfSeptember, tob^fon be lbas,bp tbe bings ;Caa« appoint; |r ik m I'/f m .1' 5ii It 738 fr :■ I: Skerifes. p aJHoior. > 'Am9,veg.\ 3 M7^ Edward the fourtht^ appotiifmcf ,bt0cgc5 bp Bodrigan ant) otljcr, but topfb fufti fauour, tbat tfjc CDarlc rcuitfualleti tbe Momt. K\)tn toas Fortefcue fcntc tbptb^r to continue t^c OegMi^o Ed- warde fenDing parDons to ttje (Srles men, fo long pjattifeD tottf)tbem,tt)atattbelall iftbe dearie b'lo not fubmitteo bimfelfe to feing Edward, i)C bao bin tnhcn of bis oton me, f fo Forteftueentring p Momt, tbefifttentb ofi^eb?uarie, fouuD bittoallpnougb tbcre to bnue ferucD tbem till fominer after; lohn V ere d;arle of Oxford^, tbe Jtojo Beau- inonde,tluo bjotbcrs of tbc fapDe (2;arle,anD Thomas Clif- fordc toere bjougbt pjifoners to tbe !^ing . lUbe CDarle of Oxforde voas Cciite pjifonet to Gwifjes, tobere be remap# ttcD fo long as tbps Hpng rapgneo. 3 nail Vobpcbe tpme tbe JlaDpe bps loife, mpgbte neuer come to bpnt,o? bab anpc tbpng to line tppon, but Inbat people of tbepj Cb'irttp7de,nnii Seiand^ calleo CHttes^ Ujbicbc^»rcflafteanD loloc, builtcbcrpe com* moDtouflpfo? tranrpo;ttngofbo;(re0,but notboitbSanotng alltbps beipe tfjcp ba5!>« from t\)e SDukc, ano all tbe fcpng of EnglAude coulDo commatinDe bprnfelfe: bee Uias abouctbjatoabeo in pairing betloane hosier ano CaUis, onelbippe of £wf tcDhc ttoo o? tb?a of bis fmall paffcngcro, befo;e iipng Edwardc cmbarqucD, b® fente from Doner totbeiSpng atframce, one ^^eralte alone calico Garters Norman bo?ne, tubo bjougbfc a letter of ocfiannce from tbc feing of EngUnde, in berpe goO language ano fo ercellent* IptDcllpenneo, tbat mpne ^uctbour Inas pertbDaOeo it tua5neuer£'r^///?'fmans oopng. 2Cbe contenteo tobereof tnere, tbat tbe ftpng Ibouloe paloe Onto bpm tbc txealmc of Fraunce, bcpiigbps iiibcritaunce, to tbeenoebemigbt reftoje tbe Cleargpeano jijiobilitic to tbcp?amitient liber* tpe, eafe tbem of tbe greate charges tbep fulfapneo ano oe* liner tbem of tbe miferies tbeptocre in, tubpcbs if b® refufeoto Doe, bs pjoteffeo tobatgreatcmifcbiefclbouloc enfue thereof, in manner ano fojme as in fucbc cafes is accuttomeO. Cbs &png reao the letter foftlpe to bimfclfe, ano afteriDaroe all alone toitbo?etoe bpmfelfe into a toaro* . robe, ano commaunoeo the l^eralte to be baougbt to bpr* pjefence, fo tobom b® maoe tbps aunftoere. i^pjtt^tbat be knetoe toell that the l^ing otEngUnde bao not palfeo the teas ofbpsotonefrtxmotion,butbptbeper* toaOon of the SDuke titBnrgondse, ano tbecomminaltie of England. ^econoelpe that the g>ommer toas notoe almoffe palfe, ano that the SDuke of Bssrgoigne, toas refurneo from Nnnz., as a man oifcomfiteo ano btterlpc bnfarnilbeo of all things. SCbirolpe as touching the Conefrable (of Frannce) be kneto toel(be fapoe}^ the intelligence topth t i^»of bpcanfi^ EcJward the fourths 74* bpcattfe i^abde m.irrteb titece: bat iooulb becepue tbe bts ^apSeradbsbabbtin,nottottbSanbpn0alt tbe great benefits tbatbe bab recemeb of btm,tDbtcb be tbat rcbearfcb,abbtng tbercbnto tbat tbe fatbc Concttable menf toliuemcontinualloifftmalatton, anb cntertaine cuerpe man to mahe bis profit of bim. ilal! of all be alteageb to tbe l^eralte biucrfe rcafons to peritoabe tbe tapng bps jailer to peace,ano gauc bptn toitb bps otone bane.3 co.cro tones, p?ointfing bnn, i ooo.moje if tbe peace toere cocluo cb:fur# tber opelp be gaue bini foj a p^efent a gcoblp pace of Crtm<' fon taelnctoftbpjtic (elles.snbe^^cralteaunfcDearcb tbat be toouloe trauaple tbe bcfie be coulbe foj peace , anb tbougbte tbe lipng bps t^aplfcr toouloeeafilpebetoonnc tberebnto: bat be toillcb tbe l^png of Fraunce, to fence an 4^aratiltc to tbe EngitPie campe to bemaunbc a fafecon* iuite foj certaine ambaffabours, tbat be tooulbe fence to tbe lipng of EngUnde, anc to cirecte bps letters to tbe , Jlojce Hawai-de, ojtotbe 3Lo?ccStanley, ano to bpmfelfe nlfo to comtepe bps ^l^aralte . at one tpnie in a ma« Moure , botbe tbe tiing of Engk»de IanCec atc^/^«, anb tbe SDube of Bftrgoigne cepartec from befo?c Nunz,, tobo in greafe batte rpcce firepgbte to CaUa, to tbe fapce lapng toptb a bcrpefmall trapnc, fojbebaccefentebtsarmpe f to fpopic tbe Countrep ofBarroys anc Lorat»e. SCbe f^png V of EngUnds cepartec from Cakts in companpe of tbe SDube ancpaffcctbjougb BoiUigMe, anc from tbencemar' cbec to Perowe tpbere tbe SDuhe gauc tbe EngUfhe men but colce entertapnemente , fo; be caufcc tbe €>atestobd; Ifretgbtip hepte, anc tooulce fufier but fetoe to enter, fa tbat tbe greatefi parte of tbem locgec intbefielces. 'Sif* ter tbep toere come to Peronne tbe Conelfable of Era.nce fet to ^ SDuhe of Burgoigndie one of bis fcruants, bp toboni b« ercnfecbimfclfefo? tbe toptbbslbpng of s.Quwtws,tiX\tdif gingtbatif ba bacrefiojec it becoulo baueifiaiCebpmtti no ffaoe in tbe Healmc of FMwvff, foj befboulcebtterl? bauelofie bps crecite anc intelligence, butnotoefapng ;Saa.ib, tbe 74^ Edward the fourtli^ teas come oner mpcrfo«, l&epJettlp^ fed to ooe hereafter aU t^at ttje E^nUc O^onlDe commautioe tptti, totjcreof tl)e better to alTure \)vin-, fentefjpm a letter of creoitc fotbe occlarationoftbeSDuhc . i^ur^ tJjer bagauetfjc SDukel^ps i^abtfje in tnjptmg, to feme anofucconrcljpm, f)vs frtcnDe0anoconfcDerates,asiU)ell tfje iSing of Eng/ande as otljers, againft all men none ercep# teo. STfieSDulte ocliuereo tlje Spngof EfigUnde fjrs letter, anb alt t\)z matter ofcrebtte , aODtng fometel^at tf)ereto of fjps otone bcaoejfo? Ije atToreb ttje ?^mg, tbat t^e Cone# llabic tooulbe belmcr into t)ts banbcs botlj Saint ihiiniwesy anb all l)is otbcrplaces, tubicl^ ttje ISpng eafiipe belaueb, partlp bvcaufe b® Ijabbe marrveo tljc Ccnettables ^iece, anb partlpebpcaufc bee fame bpmtn fo greatcfeareof tbo iipng of Eraunce, tbat b^ tbougbteb® Durlle not faple bp® pjomife mabe to tbe S^obe anb bpm: anb tbe SDnhe be* teeuebtt alfo. }15uMbc Conelfable meante nothing le^e, fo? tbe feare bstDasin of tbe Erenche i^png mas notfo greate tbatitcoulbe fojrebpmtbus farre, butbebfebffpl bis monteb bilTimuIation . SC^eMngof Eng/ande reiop» ,cpng at tbps meffage fente bp tbe Conctfable, bcpartea mom Perome, SDutie of BuYgoignt, tomarbe Saint jQwyitins, mberebitto mben b^^ appjocbeb , a greate banbe of Enghjhexmmtxmm befb?e, tbpnbpng tbat tbe belles Ibonlbe bane bene rong at tbepj cominpng, ant* tbat tbe Citijens moulbe bane recepneo tbem mptb CroDfe anb ^olpe Mater , but mben tbep bjcmenderc to tbe SComne, tbe artillerietbotte , anb tbe ^oulot^ ours iflticb fo?tbe to tbe fltpjmplbe botbe onbo2irebacbe anb on fcote , fo tbat tmo o; tbJffi Engitfhe menne mere flapne , anb fome taken : anb in tbps Gate retarneb tbep in great rage totbepj Campe> mnrmm ing againtte tbeConeGable. K\^z nepfe moaning tbe S^ake of BHrgondie moulbe bane ———— Ed[war<3 the foiirth» ^jatjt faltcn hvs Icatieof f&c i^ing of EngUndt foefparfe to araipe in Bun ays, p;cnuCn0 to Do maruapleo in fjps fatiour. Frenche Jipng fcHfcaferuauntcof tlje 51 © U S> Hallcs in tbs IphenelTe of an i^crrauUe, toptfjacoatc maD2 of a SCrampcta IBannfr , to t^e E-^ghfhe Campc, luDcrc lofjcit ijie came, l}k mas b:ou0^te to a a:cntc, ano after Dpnncr talheD topttj tlje l^png : t;pB mcCTnge toas ctjiefelp groanoeo fcppon tge greatcDcOrefbclipng baDDc of long time to bee in peace toPt?} tbc iirftgof£'?^- /aKde, raping ftirtl)cr, tfjat fince bee toas dromncDmpng of Frau»ce be ncocr baDDeatteniptcD aopc tbpngagatnllc tbc iiing of England 0? bis reainie. ^econDlp bccrcufeD btmrclfc,ffl; tbe recciutng in times paste tbe Carle of ivanvtcke into bis SDominions, faping, tbat b® DpD it onelpeagapnttc tbe S>iibeof^«r^«^«eano not bint. i^artber, be DecIareD tbat tbe fapD S>uke of Burgoigne ban foj noncotber caafe calleobpniinto Frannce, but tbat bp tbe occabon ofbps coniming, bee migbteconcIuDeabet^ ' - ter peace fojbpntfelfctoptb tbe ItpngtanD if bappilpanpe otberfiirtbercotbematbr, it toas onelp to amenbe tbe broken estate of tbep; otune affaires , ano fo.: tbeiroione p?iuateconiinoDitie : but as touching tbe tkpng of Eng-^ got) fucceffe,tbeptoercaItogitber carclelle tbercof. ti^de putte bpm alfo in mpnoe of tbe tpme of tbe peare, al^ leagtng tbat Winter app2ocbeD, % likemiretbe great cbar# ges be fultatneo. 5laltlpe be fapDe, tbat notiuitbffanDtng a great number xnEngian'de oefpjeo ttSSarrc toifb Eramcc, pet if tbe topng of EngUndc incipne to peace, tbc fepng fo? b?s ptttfe tooulo conDefcenDe to fucbe couDitions asbeDoubteo not but bee ano bps Uealme toouloe altome of: Snailp be Demauubeo a fateconDuite foi certaine ^mbaffaDours^to come toell sn* 1i9;meo of bu( maiSers pleafure. 744 Edwardc the fourths 2nf)C fitng Qf EnglaKdano part of ^ts UWngffjeti fluertures berp toell, grauntca totbe liarrault o( Fr^ttncd astargcafafeconDiKteaab^ Pemaunoco, anP gauc btm fourei^otjles ofgolPemretDarPD . I^ealfo rente anCn« gitlbe i^arrauU, inttb btm to b^tng tbe Ithe fafe conPutte. iSnP in tbc ncrte mojning in a iSiillage ncare to Amteyice, tbc Commiffioners of botb pjinces met being tbefe. i^o?, t\)t uing of Frcarlet, anP 5 oo« commoners, all clatr in i^arrep, ano fo conuepep to London tbiongb tbe Citie ta iFefimtniier, Qti tbe 2 8, Of ^cp tember. Edward the fourtfi# 745 teas one lohn rurnamet)Gore,b;enton fi^z STotoje ll)tll tn tlje monet^ of 0usu()^. JEdmondShawe: Thomas Hilljthe 28. of September. tMitidr. ^ Robert Dropc Drapcrjthe aS.otOftobcr. Sherifes. J SnijiO Robert Dropc Qf London, inIargCO ffjO COH^ Oite tjpon CorKehill,nKi.^itt5 an (Sad cnoe ttjcretjnto. SChe.rbtp.of, uierctn^aunceD fo ttie honoitrof &nigt)tt)oo after t^e cuffonie ofEng/Md,in f!)e time of peace ^47'? I)i0 elDeft fonne Edward}0jmce of fE^/es, SDnhe of CorMervall b ~ anD©arleofc^c/?cr jhtofeconoeronnethe 2)uhe ofTor^c, ^ anomiththem tfje CDarle of fonne anoh^tre, t^e SDube otSHffoike,t)^z 3Lojo Thomas Grey •§ ^ueeneo fonne, f Richard fjis bjother: tlje Carle of shrewfjurie <. the Carle tiXWtlfbire^ f^alfer Edward Woduile: tlje JlOJOe Neuil I: tlje iLo?De Barklcys fonne ano fj^irc: the iLojo Awdeleys fonne ano heire x the Jlojo Samt Amand: the llojD Stanleys fonne ano ititz: the JLo?oe Stmtons fonne ano h«re: the Jlojoe Haftings fonne f h^^ir^»the iLojtie Ferrors of chanleys fonne ano hetre: fpaffer Harbert b;other to the Carle of Penhroke, ^ader Vaujhon Brian chicfe 3n0S0 t Ljtilton one of the LitnetomscJ 3UO3CS of the Common place, ^aderBodrmgham,^ader Brian Stapleton,Kneuit, Pilkintoiij Ludlow, Charleton, f c» JChe fame oan thei^mgcreafeo the JLo?D Thomas ^arqnea SDoafet befojc Otnner, ano fo in the habit of a barques a^ bouethehabit ofhioltnighibaii)) hobeganne the tableoif ISnighto in Saint Edwards chamhcr.^t that time he o?0aineb that the l&ingo Chamberlaine (houloe goe toith the aunci^ ent ano mell nurtreo i^night to aotiertife ano teache the oif her ofilintghthiDO to the Cfquiers being in the bapne. SThe l^inghimfelfe came in perfon ano oio honour to allf conp panie toith his noble Connfettano his hanoee, Hu^h Brite: Robert Colwitch,the 2 ■^.ofSept. SheriP't 7 Robert BaiTetSaltcr,thc 28.of October. Mait, ChtsipatoJpiodjarpe correction hponBahers,foj ma' feingoflightb?eaO,hecaufeooiucroofthemtobe feton the ^(llo^ie in Cornehtii. ^110 alio one Agnes Daintie a JiSutter* — ^« hiife 74^ Edward the fourth* AgneiDifntie fopfefflj fclIing ofbuttcr nctD ano oloe mpnglcb" fogef^jer, f«onfhepia». ijcjng gj-gt (rappeD tDttl) buttcrfiiftcSjUjas t{)cn fttonfOe ptlcrp. ICljc CounteCTc ofOxfirde, bcccaGco ano ioajs burpeo at JVtndfor. Sherifes. Richard Rawfon: William Home the iS.ofSept. SfjiS Richard Rawfon onc of tljC ^b^rtliDO Of Lendo^tlVit fcD to be bmlocD onc boufc in tbc Cbuttb parbc of S.Mane Heif/r/e \3)iti)0\Xt Bj/h6pfgate of London, tobctC tbC ^3103 Of tbatCitttc ano \)is b3ctb3cn tbe ^iocnncn bfctontano bcarctbcfecrmonotntbc CaftcrboIi'Dapcs, aointpmcs padappcarco bp an tnfcnptton on tbc front of tbe fame boufc,noVu bp toctbcring ocfacco, tobicb H banc rco in tbcfe toojocs : 13?ap fo; tbc fouico of Richard Rawfon late ©cr# ccr ano aiocrman of London, ano Ifobcl bio toilie, of tobcfa gtooo tbiolDOjkctDaBmaocanofcnnoco. Anno Domi.i^s^, Addior, Ralph lofcelinc Draper,thc 28.ofOftober. iop tljc oiligcncc oftbis ^ato3 tbc £2IaII about London PattofLondon^'^®"^^^"'^®^ bCttDtCtC Aldgate auO Crcplcgate: bCfaU# -r^aiuievrvbuLL TcO tbc Moore ficio to be fcarcbco fo? Clap, f tbc 2i??icbc to be maoc f burnttbcrctbc alfo caufco Cbnlfec to be fa?ougbt hhnsomfe, out of Kent, auo iu tbc fame Moore ficlOc to bc b?cnt into 3lpinc,fo? tbc furtbcraunce of tbat te02kc. Cbc a^aio? toitb bis companp of tbc 2??apcrs,maoc all tbat parte bcttoirte Bj/jhopsgateonn Alha^mves cbutcb w tbc famc ?(^aiL SnO Byshspsgafe ByjhopsgMe itkltz iicloc builoco bp tbc iparcbauiitcB Al- nevir buiideJ. ^ of tbC Sttl/yard, ailO from Alhallowes Cbnttb^ totoarO Mooregate a grcat part of tbc fame loas buiioco of tbc gcOB, ano bp tbc crc£uto2s of fir lohn Crolleby late ijlocrman of 7* LWsw, as map appears bp bis armes inttoo places firco, —lJZL__2nbccompantc of^bpnncrs maoetbat parte of tbc toall bcllu^nc Aldgiite ano Burjet M-^rkes, toluarOCS Brfoop't gate, as map appcarc bptbcir armes tn tb?fc places firco: tbc otbcr companpcs of tbc Cittte maoc tbc otbcr ocalc of tbc fapoc SCIaiVtobitb toas a great U)o?be to bc Oonc in onepeare* Thomas Edward the fourths 747 Thomas Burdct an dSfquicrof Arrowe in fonne fO Cr Nicholas Burdet(U)f)0 UjaS 0reat butlar of Nor- ma-ridie in Henry ^ Sft Dapcs) Ujas fcefjf aocD fo? a ftJOJOe fpo# * ' ken in t^i£!fo?t:&.Edward in bis pjosrcffe fjnnteD in The. E^jpr^^w. Burdets parUc at Arrov,^ flcU) manp of f)is Dcarejaniongtt tfje tobicb one toas a buchc,tobi^tof ThoBnrdct mabe great account,f tljcrfojc tubcn b^ bnberllcDOe tberof, be toi' 11)^5 tbe bucfeeo b^^ab in bis betlp t nioueb tbc iiing to ftpll Z^'y",£^ it.JMbicb talc being tolD to tbeliing, Burdct luao appjebe# bcD f accufco of trearon,foj loilbing tbe buckeo beao bojncs f all in tbc things bellp: be Uias conbcnuicb, fijalune from tbe SCotDje of London tO Tyburne^m^ tbCtC bCbtaDCD tbCIt burieD in tbc grcp friers Cburcb at London, Hcnrie CoUct: lohn Stockerghe 28.0!:Sept. Sherifes. ? Humfrey Heyford Goldfmith,the aS.of Oftober. (JMaior, i STbe.rb.oap of 3ilanuaric !E.Edward tbc fourth folcmnijcb tbe ^atrimoniafl feaOt of bis fonne tbe SDuhc QtTorke, aiiD aiabp Anne baugbtcr f folebcire to loHu SDukc o^Norfo/ke. snbe.rbi.oapofjanuaric began a Jdarliament sipven- w/;f/?er,lDbercGeor2;eE)ul>eofC/4re«eult«ofCfa. . toas attatnteb of trcafon: anb p.j;i.of£^arcb after be ban ofs Amare?.i^ freb bis olnne ^atlfc pennp in ^ SCoVoer of Londd, mabe bis enbina belTclI of ^aloefcp, 9oftttbimtDatTewkeJh»r/o^ bp bis toife fomtime batigbfer to (' crlc ofPVArwikeM)ii^ bt> ingteiitb cbilbc oieb ofpopfon but a little before bint. Margaret 2>UtCbCS Of Bttrgoygne, fcnt tO bir bjOtbCr i^ing Edward of EngUnd fo? aibc again® tbc Frenche iHiug, tobicb • be iDOulb in no cafe graunt to bo,but fcnt ^mbaffabojs to ■§ French i^ing tbitb louing letfers,requiring bim to grotoe ta fome reafonable agrament lu tbe fapb llabp of Bargoygne. Robert Harding: Robert Byfield, the sS.ofSept. Sherifes 7 Richard Gardiner Mercer,the zS.ofOctober. Mator S SDbis pcre Inas a great mojtalitie i. beatb of ^ pe®;nof on# Amo'reg. r o Ip in Londd,but in biucrs partes ofp Ucalme,U)bicb bega in j.jf tbc latter enb of tbc pare la® befo?cpa®eb,f conti# tmeb all tbis pare till ibe beginning of^oucmber jtobifb^ boas 74^ Edward rhc fourth* luas ab(3ufe.rti(|.monct^cs, in tljc tobitb bpcb innn^ nierable of propU tn tbe fnio Cttio anD olfe iub^re. pdere tbe ^ato; of ilonDon being in /'^«/«,ftnaIttT0 tn bis Oeuotiono at Saint Erkenwaldes tb?iH0, Robcitljy- £eld one of tbe ^berifes bnaeuifeotp, bn^lco ootone ntgb bnto tbe ^aiojjtobereofaftertoarD ttje spaioj cbargeo bin* to bane Done mojetben faecoinmcb bini, but tbe feb^rife antoering ruDeip ano Subbo;nlp,tDoulo not arbnotoleoge to bane committeo anp offencc,fo; tbe tobteb be boas afters toarde bp a court of ^Ibermenfpncoatfiftiepoun&eto bee papDe totuaroe tbe reparations of tbe Conoites in Len Richard Chawric, the firft ofFcbruarie. Maior J William Harriot Draper,the aS.ofOcT-ober. 2ni^i£5 v^rciiuig Edward toitlj Ijts £JuKnc a iSopal Ci^jiffniafl at pytndfor. :3bouttl)Pcniieof3amiartcticceairc& William Wiking, oneofthe^bsrtfes of L ondoM. 3intDt)ore place toas c^ofen Richard Chawrie,on the firtt of i^ebjuarte. limg Edwarde fo greatip fauoureD this ®atoj that h® Amo ves ^2 (fflfeehinrjiDifbccrfaineofhisbjethjenthe^llbcrmen, ano ' commons Ofthe Citte of London into the folttt of fVAtham, — ^ iDhere mas o.:DepneD fo; them a pleafaunt loDge of gmne botogheSjinthetohich lofS^ib^P 6pneD,mith great chare, and theteing tooulD not go to bpnncr tpU he fatoctthcm fer^ KCb. after Dpnner thep toent a htmtiug,tDith the 11png,ancr fleU) manptieare acHnell reD,as fallotoe, tohereofthef^ing gauebnto the ^aio? and his companp gcoo plentie, f fent bnto the iladie i^atres f hir fitters theaiderinens toiucs, fi.l^artes.tjj.ll5ucfies, ano a tunne of topnc to mafee them ® """ merrte mtthrUihtch toas eaten in the SD;apers hall. Che Scotsbesan to ttirre,againtttDhom theRingfenttheSDube of Glocefier and manp other, tohich returned againe tuith* out anp notable battaile. William WhitCjlohn Mat!iewe,thc 28 .of Sept. Sherifa. } Edmond Shaw Goldfmith,thc aS.ofOftober. LMaior. S Cht3EdmondShaw,neUjbuilded Creplegate of London, Ctcplegitibaii from the foundation,tohich gate in old time had bene a pji# fon,U)hereunto fuch citizens and other as mere arretted fo;t debt,o; lifie trefpalTes mere committed,as thep be nome to the CounterS,as mapappeare bp a m?it of iiing Edwarde the fecond: iuthefemmdes. Rex vie' London fitlutem ex gram ejuereUcApri ex detenti in Rcttrdrj, prifina nofira de Creplegatepro.x,U.ejuas coram Radulfo SandwicOy tHnecHilode CtHttatis noflre London,^lAe BlackeveellcHiture- cognum debitorum/yc. King Edward held his Ch?ittmatf af Eltham and feept his ettate 75 ® Edward the fourth,' effafeallttielo^oie feadtnl^fs great cfiambrr, anD tlje ©uane in {)tr Ctjaber^tofjere tnere caglp mo?c tl^an 2000, pcrfonti. SCtje fame pare on bap, fj^toifb fjw ©u^fene iDcnt on pjoceffion from Saim Stephens Cljappell into fVeft^ minTier A^/f^aCCOmpanieO ioitb ttft dearie UtAngwyfe, l^lLOjb GreVjanb fir lames Liddall ^mbalTatJOJO from Scotland, Annere'T.i-! at b^ pjocaoing Dut of fji® Cfjnmber Ije mabe fir lohn 148? WoodbttbcrCreafurer anb fir William Catct by oneof tbe3|aftices of tb^ common placets nights. '0fter tiling Edwardebab bene long time in quiet in f)ig Kealme,anb bab receiueb parelp 50000. Crotones papbe Ijim in tbeCotoje ofLfW^anb toas grotone fo ritcbc tfjaf richer be coulb not be C faptbrnpne^utbo?) bailing a mar# ' nellous great befire to accoinplilb p mariage of bis baugb# ter toitb Charles Dolphm ofE'''«««'^ejacco;bing to tbe Srtifl ties of truce taben as is afa?e (beU)eb,uias noln bp tbe tlo;b Hey ward (returneo out of certifies tbat tbe Dolphin bab alreabpe iopneb bimfelfe in mariage toitb tbe iLabpe Margaret of Auflrtche,t}aus,^ttt to Maximilia, foniie tO Pre- derike tfie (Smperour. ©Kbicb netoes fo bisbip ofifenbeb ^ing Edward,noto faing bob) be bab bene abufeb toitb tbe bniufi anb bubble scaling of tbe Frenche iatng,tbat be fojtb toitb tffibc counfell boto to be reuengeb, anb pjeparingbis potoer to mahe toarres in F/-<3a«re,tb30ugb melancbolp (as toas tbougbt) fel ficbc,anb enseb bis life at tveifminfhrt^e ir.bap of^pjill, r>y4nno Domini i 4 8 :s.tobenbebae raigneb 22.peares,one monctb and obsc bapes.t^e toas bono« rablp buries at ivindfor: be lefte ilTue, Edwarde tbe J0?ince, anb Richard JDube of anb fine JDaugbters , Elizabeth tbat after toas ®Hane,Cicely,Anne.Kathc- rine anoBriget. T JQj^gEdvparde the fifth, ^fhofc Hiftoric was written by jir Thomoi tSi^ooYe. Ing EcJwarde of that name tlje fourth, after t^at bcfjao ImieD fiftte anD P^reSjfeuen monct^es.ano" fire Dapes, ano tljcrcof rap* 0neD ttD(D fttoentie'parcs, one fponetl), f epg^t Dape0, DpeD at fVeslminiter ^ ntnt^ Dap of 0p;tll, tbe peare of our reDcmptton a t^onfanO fourcl)unDjetlj fourc fco?e f tt>?a,Ieamng mutlj fapje ifrue,tl)at 10 to Initte, Edward t^c prince,of t^itrfeit pearco of aget Richard S)uhe of Torks,t\xifi pare ponger: Ehzabeth^to^ofe fortune ano grace toao after to be ©u®ne,topfet)nto King Henne tbe feucntb, ano mo^ tber tjnto tbr eigljt: Cicelie not fo fortunate ae fap?c:Brigct tobicb rcpjcfenttng tfje bertue of l)p?,U)bDf^ name flje bare, pjofeffeo ano obfcrueD a Ueligio^ifc tn Denfirde, aw loafeof clofej|iaimes;Aiinc,ij^^a0 after fjonourablp- marcieB^ T48? M :':y ! M T ( #1' 11 . ';h ^ I"' r r' M' ■: il 'i: Jjt^ 7J?* EtJwai'd t: people. itiarrieD bnto Thomas^tfjett iiojo Hcyward aitD affcr c^arlf of Surrey: Kathenne, lo^tc^ long time foffeD tn epf^^er fo;func, fomefime in toealt^, oftc in aouerCtie, at tfje iaff, o? elfe t nature cbaugeo bir courfe in bis beginning, tobicb in the courfe of bis life manp things bnnaturallp conimitteo, i^one eiiil captaincboas be in ^ toarre, as to lubicb bis oif' potio mas moje meetclptbafoj peacc.§>uno?p bittojics bao be,f fomtimes ouertb?oU)s,but neuer in Default as fo? bis oUm perfon,cither of baroiues oj politibe ojoer;free teas be calleo ofOifpcnce, f fometobat aboue bis potoer libcralltln large giftes be gat bim tntteofallfricnofbip, fojtobicbbe toas faine to pill f fpoile in other places, f get bim Ifeofaff batreo.f^e mas clofe i fecrete, a odrpe oiirimuler,lomip of Wbb.k couna Edward the fifth* counfenautice,arrogant of fjearf, oiitlnarolpe conmpfnnble iDljereljcinujarDlpeljateD , not letting to feiOTe luljcm !)« tljongljt to hill? Dilptteoug f crueIl,notfoj cntUluil altoap, but offer fo?ambition, f either fa; the fuerrie o: increafe of bis eKate.^rienb f foe lua,5 mutf) tohat incrffiercrit, toljere bis abnauntagc gre5ijc,l;e fpareo no mans tieatl),toborc life tDPtbtfffiOe bis purpofe. b^eneUjetoitb bis oUjne banscs KfngSt?e' 0rt,fceing'p?ironer in tbe SDolucr, as men jkefixte. conlfantlp raio,f tbat luitbout commatintjcmcnt o) fenotn* IcDge of tbe iSing^tobicbtooulDbnooubfeolp, ifbe babin* tcnoeo tbat thing,-baue appointee tbat butcberlp office to fome otbcr,tban bis oinnc bo;ncfajotber, g>cnie iDtfe men alfo toan, tbat bis ojiff coucrtlp connep# eD,lacheii not in helping fo;tb bis bjotber of curerce to bis Deatb?U)bicb be reCaeD openlp,botobeit rcmefcDbat(as men bamcD) moje faintlp, tban be tbat lucre bartilp mj^nbco to bis luealtb.^nD tbep t tbus Off me,tbinhe tbat be long time in ii.Edwai-des Ipfc, foictbougbt to be i^tng,in cafe tbat tbe liing bis bjotbcrftubofe life be IcolicD tbat euill Diet tboulO lbo?tcn)tboulo happen to Decea(re(as in babe be bib) tubile bis cbilbjcn tuere pong.^nb tbep becme, tbat fo? this intent he Inas glab ofhis bjothcrs bcatb§ 2DuhcofcV/?rf«ff,tchorc life mutt naocs hauehtnbcreb him fo intenbing, tuhetljec the fame bnhe of Clarence fjab hcpt him true to his i^ephcUj the pong i^ing,o? enterpjifcb to be Ihing himfelfe.lBut of al this popnt.ic there no certaintie,anb toho fo beuinefhhpon contecturcSjinap afipell Iboitetofarreasto ttjojt. ^olubeif thishauc^bpcrebible infcjmation Icarncb, that the felfe night,inU)hichiiingEclw?.rdDpeb, one Miftlebrooke long eremcHung, came in great hatttothehoufeofonePotuer btoelling infireete tuithOUt Cre^legate in Loxdon : anb tuhen heloas loith battle rapping qnicfelpe Icffen in, bethetoebbnto Pottier tbatSiingEdwardctuasbcparteb* i5p mp trutb man quotlj Pottier,then tuill mp i^aiffer tbe E>uHe of GlcceHer be l^ing. 5Mbat caufe be bab fo to tbinhe bacbeit is to fap,lubetber be being toluarb bim, anp tbing tmeloe Edward the fifch» 7 5 7 itnetoef^at^e^aD fuc^ tj^tng purpofco, 0^ ot^rriuti1el|l)at) an^mkeling thereof: fo;Ije toaisinot likelp tofpeaheitof iiougbt» But noU) to returne to tijr cour fe of tijis fji ff o?to. Mere it tljat tijc 2Duhe of GiouceUer ^aODe ofoloe fo^eminoeo tijto concluSon, anoUjasnolDeaterftetberetJiito moueo , ana puttcinfjopebptfjeoccalionof tbetenoer age of tbepong }3jtnce0,bts ^cpljctoes, (asopojtuniticano IthclibcDOe of rpaoe,puttet^ a man in courage oftljat^e ncuer intenoeD) certaine is it, tl)at fje contriueo tfjeir Delfruttioit, luitb ilje tjfurpation oftfie rega!I Dignitie bponbinifelfc. 3niJ,fojaf# mucbeaOjijetoell toiiic, ano^olpeto maintaine, a long continucD gruDge ano tj^art burning betlocne tbe ©uanes feinreD,ano tbe icings bloube,either partie enuping others aucthojitle, he nofcoe thought their DiuiConlboulDe be (as it toas inoaoc) a furtherip beginning to the puiTuit of hps intent, anbafuregrounofoj thefounoationofalhisbuil# oing, if he might firtte, hnoer the pjetejrte of reuenging olo 6irplcarure,abufe the anger anoignojancc of the one par* fie,to the bettruttion of the other, ano then ioinncto hps purpofe as manp as he couloe, ano thofc that coulo not ba luonne,mpght be loll ere thep IfflUcO therefore: i^oj of one thing loas he ccrtapne, that if hps intent toere percepueo, he fhoulD feonehatiemaDepeace betlo^ne the both parties InithhtseumeblouD. laing Edvvarde in his life, albeit that this bilTention be* ttueene his frienbes fometuh^t irheb him : pet in his gob health he fometohat the lede regarbeb it,bicaure he thought tohatfocuer buftncirc Ihoulbe fall bettoecne them, himfelfe (houlbaltoapbeable to rule both the parties. But in his latt fichnetre,tohe he perceiueb his naturall Ifrength fo fo^c enfcebleb,that he bifpaireb al reconerie, then he conftbering the pouth of his chilb:en, albeit he nothing leiTe miHrullcb than that that happeneb,pet Uiell fojefaing that manp har* tnes might groioc bp their bebate, tohtlethe poutheof his thiifjen IhoulD lac^e bircrotion of themfelues, % gcoo coun* }i5bb4g, fell 75 ^ Edward the fifths feUofff)cirWcni!es,oftdl^k^citl)crparttc ®ouHj connrell fo?t{>ctr otniirrommoOtttc^ rather bp pleafaunt nbutfeto lupn tbemfcluts fauour, tb^n bp profitable aDucrtifemcnt to Dm tbelr cbtlortn gmb,!}? rallcD Totne of tfiem before btm tbatU»cre at bartaunce,ano in efpcctall tbe!lorD ^arqueo Dorfet tbe ©uanes fonne bp bir firtt bufbanoe, f Wilham tbe ilorDHuftings a noble man tbenJloro Cbnmberlaine, agatne tobo tbe ^uane fpeciallp gruDgeD, for tbe gecat fa^ uotir tbe King bare bi»n' f alfo for tbat fbe tbougbt bim fe/ frctip familiar boitb fbo King in manto companp. I^ir bin# reD alfo bare bim rore,aCa)ellfor tbat p King baD mabe bim Captaine of c^/iw,tobicb office tbe HorD Riucrs brother to j ^Jueene claimeD of^ hings former promife, as for Diuerst otbcr great gifts tobitb berecciucD,^ tbep ImbcDfor.Mbett tbefe ILorDs toitb Diners ofbotb tbe parties loerecome in prefenee,tbe King lifting bp bimfelfcf bnDerfet loitbppl# lotoSjasitisrcporteDjOntbistoifefaiDcbntotbem. SSSn ilorDcs,mp Dcare feinfmen f alies,in Inbat plight 3 lie pon hudejthbtd. 3j fale.Bptobicb the IcfTe tobilc 3I Imbe to lo line toitb pou, the more Ddcpclp am 31 moueD to care in lobat cafe 3 leaue pou,for fiicb as 3 teaae poa,fucb be mp cbilDre libe to finDepou.MbicbiftbeptbonlD (tljatd^oDfcrbio) finbepou atbariaunce,might bop to fall tbefelucs at inarre, ere their bifcretion UjouID feme to fct pou at peace,pe fee their poutb, oftobicbSrecbcni^ onclp fuerticto reft in pour concorDe* JPor it ruffifetb not ^ all pou louc tbem,ifecbc of pou bate o# tber:iftbeploereme,pourfaitbfulneire bappilpiwoulD fuf# fife.^utcbilDbmD muff bemaintainebbp mens auctljoritp, f flipper poutb bnDerproppeb elDer courel,tDbicb neither tbep ta baue,but pe giue it,nor pe giuc it,if pe gr® not. i^or tobere ecbe labouretb to breabe that the other mabetb, anb forbatrebofccbeofotbcrsperfon, impugnetljecbe others roufell,there mud it necoes pe long ere anp gmD concluflon go forVoarb.SInD alfo iubile either partp laboretb to be chief, flatterielljal banc more place tb^plaincf faitbfull aDuife, fifhjhicl; mud nmoes infue f euU bringing bp of p JBrince, tobofe Edward the fifths 759 ioljofe miiiDc tn teDcr vout^ tnfert,ll^al rcnilp fal to mffcfjtef f riotjf D;aU) Dotune toit^ Ijts noble Itralnie to rutnc,but if grace furne btm to iDifDomettDbicb if Cl^oD fcnb^tbcn f bpeutl mcaneo bcfojcplcafcb btm bett.lbal after fal furtbcft out of fnitour,fo t f ucr at length cuil Drifts ojaUi to nought nnti 000 piaine toapes pjofpcr.threat faartaunce hath there long bene bettoane pott,not alujap foj great caufes. ^omz* time a thing right tuel infenoeD,ourmircontlru£tio turncfh bnto toojfe,oj a finall oirpleafurc Done bs, either our ofone atfeetio oj euil tcngurs agraueth. i5ut this toot 3 tocil,pc neucrhao fo great caureofhafrco,aspehauc of loue. E^hat toe be almen,that toe becbiftcn me, this thai 3 Icauefoj pjearhers to tell pou(f pet3| toot neare tohether anp p;ea=« chers toojDs ought mo?e to moue pou,tha his that is bp ano bp going to the place that thep al pjeache of.) Ii5ut ihis thai 31 Detirc pou to remeber.t^ the one part of pou is ofmp blouo the other of mine alies,f ech ofpou toith other cither ofhtn;^ reo 0} atfinitiCjtohich fpiritual hinreb ofaffinitle,if the ^a# cramentes of ChJiffes Church, bcare that toeight toith bs, ^ tooulD (23^00 thep DiD, thoulD no leffe moue bs to charif ie, than^ rcfpectofflethlpconfangutnitie. €)ur3l03D fojbiD,^ pou loue togither {' too?fefo? the felfc caufe ^ pou ought to loue ]& better. 3nD pet ^ happcneth, f no toherefinoe toe fo oeaDlp Debate,as among the, tohich bp nature f latoe moll ought to agree togither.^ucl) a pettilcnt Serpent is ambi# ambition^ tiojt Defirc ofbaine glojp f foueraintie, tohich amogtfates inhere he once entrethjcrspeth fojth fo farre, til b5 Dcuitioti f bariauncehcturneth all to mifchiefc. i^irtl longing to be ncpt the beft,aftcrtoarD egall toith tlje beff, f at laffchiefe f aboueipbeS. )0ftohich immoDerate appetite of toojlhtp, f therebpofDebatef Di(rentio,tohatlo(re,tohat rototoe,tohat trouble hath boin thefe feto pares groton in this )$ealme,3( pjap (2500 aftoel fo?get,as toe toel remeber. Mhich things if 31 eotilD aitoel haue fo^efan, 'as 3| haue bo mp moto paine thepleafure p;oueD,bp goDesbleO^eo Hasp tons euer his othe)3| tooulonener haue toon fconrtebe of mens hnas,bS i lollit of Co manp 315bb,iih* }i5ut 7^0 Edward rhe fifth* J3uf fi'ffjcn tJ^ings palTcl) cannot bcgatnecancD^acIj ougfjf toctt)eino?e bctuare, bptobat occafion toe bane taben fo great burtafo?c,tbat toe effffljnes fall not in tbat otcafton agatne. jjlioto be ttjofe grtefo paircD,anD all to ((000 be tban* beo qtuct) f Itbelp rigbt tocll to pjofper in toealtljfull peace bnoerpourcoufins mpcbtlojcn, if(0Dorenotbeinlife ano pou loue.£)ftobicl) ttoo tbingo, tlje leCTe loCTe tocrc tbep, bp tobom fboagb «^oo oio bio pleafurc,pet Ibctilo ibe l^ealinc altoap finoe 11ing«,ano perabiienture ao gtoO Itingo. iSut ifpon among pour felueo in acbiloes raignefall atocbate, wanp a grao man (ball perilb, ano baplp be to ano pc to, ere tbio lano finoe peace againe.Mberfoje in tbcfe laC toojocs tbat euer 3 Icnbe to fpeabe toitb pou, 3 erbojte poii ano rC;* quire poualljfojtbe louetbatpou bane euer bojne tomde: fo?tbelouetbat3baiiccuerbojnc Onto pou : fo2 tbe louc tbat our iLo?0 bcaretb to bo all,from tbio time fojtoaro all griefeofojgotten,ecbeofpouloueotber. Mbicb 3 bcrelp truff pou toilljifpe anp tbing cartblp rrgaroe, eptber (0oO o?pourlting,afftnitieo?binreo, tbiolacalme pour otone countrcp,oj pour otone fuertic.ano tberetoitball tbe feing no longer inouring to fit bp, laio bim ootone on bic! rpgbte fiOe,bio face totoarO tbem; ano none toao tbere pjefent tbat coulo refraine from tooeping.^ut tbe Jlojoeo recomfojting bim toitb ao gcoo tootoeo ao tfiep conlo, ano anttoering fo^ tbe time aotbeptbougbt to Ifano toitb bto plcafure, ibcre in bis pjerence,ao bp tbepj toojoco appeareo, ccbefo?gaue otber, ano iopneo tbcir banoeo together, toben (ao it after appeareo bp tbeir oeeoeo) tbeir bartco toere farre a funoer. as fcone ao tbe iHing toao Oeparteo, tbe noble 59?ince bis fonne ojcto totoaro Lf«unimies» tsippcntbisconclubeb, tbeSDukeof GUucrftcr bnber* itanbing, tbat tbe iio;bestob^cbe at tbat time loere^bont tbe Edward the fifth» 7^3 t^e!^tug,enfentieDtob;tn0^tmt)ptoi)td coronation ^ ac^ compameo Voitf) fucbe poUicr of tfjotr fricnDs,tbat if fIjotilD be fo? btnr to bring bis purpofc to paffe, tDitfjout tbc gatfjcring a greate aflfeinble of people, ana in manner of oj pcntoarrc, totjcreoftijcenocbotDiacUjaoaoubtfull, ano tn tobicbe tlje iitng being on tbeir ftoe,tji£( part tboulD Ijaue tbe face ano name of a rebellion: bo fecretl? tberfore, bp oi# ucrs meaneo canfco tbe i!I5ueenc to be perftoaoco ano b?ou^ fibteintbeminoe, tbat it neptber loere naoc, ano alfo fbonloe be teoparoous, tbe taing to come bppettrong.iFo?, toboreas notoe euerpe Jlorocloueootbcr, ano none otbcr tbing (tuopeo Uppan,but aboute tbe Coronation ano bonor oftbetaing : iftbelloroeo of btr bpnoreo (bonloe alfem^ bleintbo fittngsname mucbe people , tbep;(bouloegiue tbelLoroeo atmijcte toboni anotbcm baooebinfometimo Debate, tofcare anofafpea, teaflietbeptbouloegatbertbi^ people, notfortboliingsfafegaroe, tDboraenomanim* pugneo, but for tbeir oeftruction , bluing more regarOe to tbcpr oloe bariaunce, tban tbeir netoe attoncment. iPor tobicb taufe tbep (boulo ademble on tbe otber partie mucb people agatne for tbepr Defence, inbofe poioer fbe tuiSe Inet farre llrctcbco. 0no tbuo tbouloe all tbe Uealme fall an a rore, ;3no of all tbe burfe tbat tbercoflbouloe enfue, tobtcb toas likelp not to be little, ano tbe motte barme tbere Iphe to fall Uibere (be lealteinouloe, all tbe tnorloe inouloe pat bpr ano bpr kpnoreo in tbe toigbt, ano tape tbat tbep baooe bntoifelp ano bntruetp alfo broben tbeamtiie f peace, tbat fbe Spngbpr butonoc foprnoentlpemaoc, betSoffne bio kinne ano bpro infflto ocatb beo, ano tobicb tbe otber partie feitbfullp obferueb. SCt)e ainanc being in fbio toife pertoaOcDjfacbe Inoroc rente bnto bir fonne, ano bnto bir brother baing aboute tbe fepng, ano ousr tbat tbe SDuke of Giocsfier bpmfeli^ ano o# IberiLoroestbecbt'efeofbis benoe,i»;otcbnto tbci^ingfo reuercntlpe, ano totbe^unenesfrienoes tbcre fo lontng:« Ipjtbat tbep nothing eartblp mittruaing;.b3ougbttbe jhing bp 7 ^4 Edward the fifths. ftp in grcafc ^latte, not in gfoo fpabc, toifb a fobcr rompa^ npe. ^otD toao t^e Jitng in tjps toaye to London gene from North4mpton,\X)^m tf)e S^ul^es Of Glocefter anO Backinghant came tl)itber,U)bcre remainco bcbinoe tljc iiojo Riuers tlje laings bncle, intenoing on ttjc mojrotue to follotoetbc iStng, anO be ioitb at Stome Stratforde , ttf. mplctf tbcnce, earelpe 0? \)e oeparteo. &o U^astfjereinaoe tljat nigbtcmuclje fricnolpe cbeare betUjanetbefettooSDubes nno tI;cilo?li Rmers a great tobplf- HSut incontinent after tbat tbep mere opcnipe toitb greate curteCe ocparteO, ano tbe iLojoe Riucrs loogeo, tlje SDubes fecretclp toitb a fcinc of t\)m moffe pjitiic frienoes, fet tbem Dolon in connfaile, iDbrrcin tfjep fpent a great parte of tijc nigljtc. 3nD at tbcp? riCngintbeoatDntngoftbctiap, tbcprenteoutpaiuilpc to fbepj fcruanteo in tbepj Jnneo ano loogings about,giutng tbc commannocment, to mabc ttjefelues fijojtip rcaDie,foj tbeir 3io?tico lucre to bojffcbatbcUiaroe. tappon tubpclje metlagefiijinanpc of tbep? folbe lucre attent)aunt,lubrn ma# npeoftbc ILo?D Riuers fcruauntco lucrebnrcnbpc. i{5olue bat) tbcfc jsDukeo taben alfo Into tbcp? cuttoop tbe Ircpes of tbe 3lnnc,tbat none iboulDepaHe fortb luitbout tbeir licece. 0nO OUCr tbpS, in tbe bifib^ tuaPC toluarDe Stome Stratforde, tubere tbe tiling lape, tbcp babbe beffolucb certaine of tbepj folbe, tbat (boulbe fenbe bacbe agatne, anb conipell to re# turne, anpe man tbat luere gotten out of Northampton, to* ta^voeStonie Stratforde,tvll tt)tv Iboulbc gtuc otbcT Itccnce. fo;ao mucb aa tbe 'SDubeo tbefclues intebcb foj tbe tbeln oftbep;biligence, tobetbefirKetbattbonlbctbatbape at# tcnbebpontbetaingsbtgbitcffcoutoftbat Colune : tbu0 bare tbcp folbe in banbe. 2!5ut luben tbe tlojb Riuers bnber^ CcDbe tbe CDiates clofeb, anb tbe luapes on eucrp Cbe befet, iieptber bis feriiaunteo no? bintfelfc fuffereb to goe out, pcrceiuing luel fo great a tbing luitbout bis bnolulebge not begun fo? naugbte, comparing tbps manner p2efent,luptb bps latt nigbts cbare, in fo fclue bonres fo great a change, inaruellounp miaibeb,t^olDbeit,Ctb b^ tbulbe not gette a# toag Edwarcl the fifth* l})a^e,an& It^pe Ibimrelfe clofe tooulo not,lead f)t (j^ouID feme to fjpoe ^tmfelf fo? fome fecrctefear of fjis oton fault, fo^erof Ijcfato no fuc^caufetn Ijpmfelf.^^c Detcrmineo bp« on t(je furctie of Ijio oUm conrcience,to go boioeltc to tfem, ano inquire tnfjattbis matter mtgljtcmcaiie, lufjomeas fone as tfep fatoe, tfep begannc to quarrel luitl) btm ano fape, tljat Oe intciiDeQ to fet nittaunce betto^ne tbc&png anb tfem,anb to b?ing ttjem to confufion, but it tboulb not Ipe in bps potocr. Sub toljt" fe beganne(aB be tuas a berp toel fpoben man) in gobip tuife to ercofe bimrclfe,tbep tar# rpebnottbeenbccfbisaunftDeare, butlboJtlptajfeebpni, TiieL.Rium anb put bim in ioarbc, anb tbat bone, fo?tbtoptb toente to bojlTebacbe , anb tcDhetbetoapcto StomeStratforde, iobere tbep founbc tbelsing toplb bPS companpe, reabie to leaps on iL^oifebacbc, anb bepart fojtoarDe to leaue tbat lobging foi tbcm, bpcaufcit toasto ffraigbtcfoj botbcompanpes. anb as foonc as tbep came in bps pjefece, tbep ligbt aboton iuitb all tbeir companpe about tbem. Co tobom tbe Cuke of Buckt»gham{di.'2^,QQ afoje (25entlemen,anb peomen kape pourromes, 0nb tbus in gmblp arap, tbep came to tbe iking,anb on tbep; knees in berpe bumble topfe falueb bis grace, tobicbe recepueb tbem in berp iopous anb amiable maner, nothing eartblpe knotuing no; midruding as pet. ^ut euen bp anb bp in bis p;erence, tbep pikeb a quarrell to tbe i.o;be Ry- ciiarde Gray, tbe Ikings otber fa;otber bp bis mother, fap# S* ing, that be bjitb the iLo;be Marques bis bjotber, anb the llo;be Riucrs bis 21lncle,bab compalTeb to rule the iking anb the Healme, anb to fet bariance among the dates, anb to fubbue anb bedrope the noble bloube of the Healme, Co# toarb the accomplilbingbjbereof tbep fapb, that the iLo;be Marques bab en treb into tbcCobjer of London, anb tbcnce taken out tbe ikpngs Creafure, anb fente mcnnetotbe ^ea. illl bJbicb things tbcfe Cukes toid loell, toere bone foj gob purpofes anb necellarie,bp tbebjbole counfailc at Lon- don^ 'Edward the fifth* dfftXauins fijat fometofjat tljcy mutt fap.tStnfo foojli^ tOeiitn0 aun&Bcrco.efflljat mp blotter Marques ^atf> bone 31 tamiot Caps : But in 00)0 fattij 3l bare tuellauntoearefo^ miitt tjiule Lliucrs anb mp bjotber Ijcre, t^at t^ep be inno' cent ofanp fucl^e matter, ^ea mp Ur0e quott) tbe SDuhe of Jiucktngham, tfjep baue bcpt tljcpj oeaUn0tn tljcfe matters farr e fro t^e lmotoIeO0e of pour 0ffib grace * 3n5 fojtljtopf!) f^ep areffeb tfje tlo?b Richard anb ttr rh.Vaughafentg^t, tn tlje things p^erence,anb brought ttje htng anb al bach bn^ to Nonh^mftoyt, tobcce t^cp tfflhe againe further Counfell* 0nbf?)eretbepfcntatoapfr5 tbeiimg, loljo ttpleafebt^e, anb fet ncto fcruauntsabouti^tmJurNsItltcbbetfertfje tbanbun.!3[tbDl)tcb bealtngi^e toept,anb loas nothing con- tent,but it broteb not.anb at binncr, tfjc SDufeeof Giocefter fente a biflje from his otunc fable to the JLo?b Riucrs, pjap^ ing him to beof goob chcare,all fhoulb faetocU pnongh.^nn he thanlteb the£Dube,anbpjapeb the mcffenger to beare it to his nephcto the ilojb Riciiardjloith the fame metlage fo? hps comfojte, as one to Inhoinc futh abuerfitie toas ffr^, but himfelfe hab bin all his bapcs in b:c therelMtth,f ther* . fo?ecouIbbcare it the better. Butfo? all this cofojtable cur* The #eathof tefic ofthc 2Duke of he feut thc iLojD Rmers, f the Richarde'iuith fir Thomas VaughaiiintO the i^Ojfhe Countrep,into btaerfe places to pjtfon, anb afterluarbe all to Pomfrane, tohetc tficp tbcrc in conclufioH beheabcb. BliithisTDtfe, thc2DukeDf6'/or^i/tf/-toKebpp8nhpmrelfc the ojberanbgoucrnaonreofthc pongi:ting,tuhsmli)ith muchc honoure anb humble rcuereuce, h® conuepeobp* ioarb totoarb theCitte.l!5utanone,the tpbings of this mat* ter came hattilp to the ^Suitne a little bcfoje the mibnighfe follotuing,an5 that in the fojett toife, that the i^ing hir fon toas tahcn, hir bjother,hir fonne, anb other frienbs arret* teb, anb rente no man toitttDhrther, to btebonetoithCD'oa iDOt tohtti.Mith bJhich tpbings, the ffluecne in great flight nnb heauincffe, bcUiapling hir chiloes raigne, hir fricnbcs imfchaunce, anbhiroU»neinfo;tune;, bamningthetimc that J' ■ Edwardc the fifth* 7 ^7 fl(jat cuer fteaiftontica t()e0at|jermflofp9tucraboufefl>e Jipn0, satte felfe hi all t^e tjaffc polTtble tuptlj tjh po' fj) I gcr feonne ano bP2 faufibfcrs , out of tije IBallatcc of W< IVeHmmHir, ill lD!)tCl)C fi}C tfjfU lapC , intO lllC ^anCtlia' ThcQu.meH, o( rie,lcii)sirtgt)p?fel.ctiuD t)Pjcompani'eti;m SunWie. !rs ^ plate. ^3b) came tljerc one Itheioife not long after mionisljte #, from tbe 3lo?C)e Cfjambcilapnc, bntotlje^rcbbllTjoppc of b Torke, ttjen CtjanccllDur off^^W^^.to bis place not far fro ftlL j-veHminJlcr. 0ni) fo? tljat 1)0 IbctocD l)is fcruaimtcs tbat Ijoe t|i, bao tpoingo of fo great iinpo;raunce,tbat bps maifter gaiic (1^ i ijim in charge, not to fojbeare bis rette, tbeplctteonotto ton- iDahe bi'o? "o? bo to aomittc tbis melTenger into bis beotic tiler fioe. £)f toboniebo bonroe tbat tbefc SDukes loere gone .ivj bacKe toptb tbc lyings grace from Stome Stratforde bnto M Northampton. ^otlopbttanDing ^p? (qnotb bo), mp ILojOe «u' fenoetb pour JtojOfbippc toojOe, tbat tbere to no feare: fo? £fj! bo alTuretb poo tbat all tball be Ujell. 3 alTurc bim qootfr tbe ^rcbobiajoppe, be it ao ioell ao it tuill^ it iopll neuer be dill fo toeil ao loe baoe f^ne it:0nD tberebpon, bp anb bp after (ffiK tbe meffenger oeparteD,bo caufeb in all tbc baffe all bis fer* hit ^ uaunteo to be calleb tip,anb fo U)itb bis otone bouiboloe a^ ;(J{' bout bim> anb euerpe man toeaponeo, bo tcolic tbe greate " ^ feale toitb bioi? ano came pet befoje cape tmto tbe iSJuocne. SIbout inborn bo founce mncb boauineflfe, rumble, bafr ano buSnetfe, cariageancconuepannceofbpiftuffr into ^an^ ctuarie,cbo(les,coffers,pactieo,farDelo,truGrec all on mens backeo,no man bnoccupiec,rome lacing,fome going, fome Circbarging,fomecommingfo?mo?e,fome breaking coion tbe ioalleo to bjing in tbe nept toap, ano fome pet ojetoe to tbem to bolpe to carrp a loiong ioap. Cbo ^u^ne bir felfe fate alone alotue on tbe rnlbes al Cefolateanccifmapoe, inbometbe :^rcbobi(boppecomfo?i> tec in tbe belle manner be coulee, (betoing bir tbat bo tru^ Ceo, tbematterloasnotbingfofojeaofbetolieitfo?, ano tbat be toas putte in gob bope ano oat of feare bp p meffagc fcnt Edward the fifth* fent l)im from (f)e llOJfi Chamber'.ainc : 211) foO tUOjf^ fjPtt (qnotf) (lie)fo? \)z is one of t^ein t^at laboureff) to Oeftro^e tneanompblouD. ^aoam(quotl) \)t)bc w ofgcob cbare,fo? 3 aCTurepou, if tfjep Crotone anp ottjer 5iing tban pour fon, toljom f Ijep notoe baue toitb tt)em, toe CballontbemojrotoeCroUme bps brother,tobompoubaneijeretoitljpou. Slnobtrsijt tbe grcatcfeale, tubpcbe inliUetuife as tbaf noble p?mcc pourbufbanoe oeltuereb it bntome, fobeere Bjoeliuer it bnto pott, to tbe bfe ano beboofe of pour fonne, ano tb^re^ toitb be betcobe btr tbe greate feale, ano oeparteo borne a* gatne, pet in tbe oatoning of tbe Oape. 315p lobicbe time,be intgbte in bis chamber touiOoUje, fee all tbe Thamu full of boates of tbe 2) uke of rcruauntes,U)atcbing tbat no man (bouloe go to ^anctitarte,no; none cottlo patle bn« fearcbeo. 2;ben teas tberc great commotion ano murmur, asmelltnotberplacesabout,ao fpeciallpin tbe Citte, tbe people otuerflp oiutning bpo tbis oeling.Hno Come ILojos, §iinigbte0,ano (jD-entlemcnjeptberfo? fauour oftbc^Quan, 0? foj feare of tbemfelnes, affembleo in funojp companies, ano iucnte flockmeale in barnepsrano manpc alfo, foj tbat tbepreckoncO tbps oemeanour attempteOjnot fo fpcciallpe againif tbe other ?LojOs,as agatnft tbe iaing bimfelfe in tbe oiifurbaunccofbisCojonntion . Buttbcnbpanobptbe ILojOes affembleo togitber, tomarDetDbicbemffting, tbe Hrcbbiiboppe of nrkf fearing tbat it toouloe be nrtribeO(as it teas inoceoe) to bis oucrmucb ligbtncffe, tbat be fa ftiOf oainelp baooepcslocobppetbegreate feale to tbe^uofne to tubom tbe cuffoofc thereofnotbingpertepneo, toptbouf fpeciall commauneement of tbe tSing fecrctclp fent fo? tfje feale againe,ano b?ougbtit Uiitb bi'tt after tlje cuffomable manner. 0no at tbis mating, tbeiilo?Dc Halting, tobofc troutb tolnarO ^ king,no man oonbteo no? naoco to Ooubt, pcrCojaOeo tbe 3Lo?0es to belauc, tbat tbeSDukc of G/ocefier toas fureano faftlpfaitbfull to bis |9?ince, f tbat tbe 3lo?0 Rmers aiiO 3lo?oe Richardc, toitb tljc otbcr iattigbtes, loere i iiiillilMb Edward the fifrK 7^9 ioerc fo;^ mafferd attempteo bp t^cin a$atn(! t\)t Dukes of GUceiJer auD Buckingham, put tjuosr are® foj tljctr futctie, not fo? ffje flings ieoparoieiano tfjat tljcp tutrc nifo m fafe^ garoe, ano tbere no longer Ibouloe remaunc tban till lbs matter toere,not bp tbe Dukes onelp, but alfo bp all tl)e o* tber iloJDs ofi^ Ikings counfaple inoiffercntlp erampnco, f bp ottjer Difcretions o?Oerco,ano eptber iuDgeo 0} nppeafcD» But one tbtng \)C atiuueD tljcm bctoare, tbat tfjcp iu!'geo not tlje matter to farre foj?b»trc tbcp kneto tlje truetlj, no? fuming tbepj pnuate gruoges into tbccommon t)urte,pj# king ano p;ouoking men bnto anger , anOOiSurbingtbe Sings cotonation, toluaro tobitb tb^^nkcs toerc coming bpjttjat tbep migbt peraouenture bjing tl;e matter fo farre outofiopnte, tl)atitlbouloencoerbebjougbtein(tamc a^ gaine. Mbtcfje ttrife if it tkoulo bappe, as it mere Ipkclp, to come to a keloe, tbougb both parties lucre in all tbings equal, pet IboulOe tbe auabo;itie be on tbat (toe Inbere tbe Sing is btntfelfe.Mitb tbefe perftoaGons of (be ILojO Ha. ftingSjtubcreofpartbimrclfe faeleeueo, of parte be luiff tbe contrarie, tbefe commotions mere fomtDbatappeafeo, but fpeciallp bp tbat, tbat tbe Dukes of G/ocefler mo Buckin^hX toer fo nare, ano came fa Ibojtlp on tuitb tbe ktng,(n none otber manner,U)itb none otber bopce oj femblance tban to bis coronation, cauGng tbe fame to bebloluen about,tbat tbefe iloros ano Snigbts lobicb lucre taken, boo contriueO tbcoeffruction of tbe Oukes of Gloce^ermo Buckingham,mo of other the noble blouO of the Itealme, totbceno tbattbe'» felucs tuoulO alone oemeane ano gouern tbcSingat tbeir pleafure. j^no fojfbecoulonrablepjfflfetberofJucb of tbe Dukes fcruauntes as rooe tuitb the cartes of tbeir (tn® that tuerc taken (among lubicb ®uflb, no marucl tbougbe fome lucre barneps,lubieb at tbe breaking bppe of tbe boulboloe,mnff nifeoes eptber be brought aluapc, or caft aluap) tbep Ibetoca tnto tbe people all the luapes as tbep luent,loe b'^re be the barels of barneps tbat tbefe Draptours boboe priuilpe con* Ccf» wepea 77° Edward the fifth* tie^fD til fijcp? carriage to fieitrop noble 31 ^ S) luitfja!. SDfjis oeiufe albeit ffjat it mafic tf)C matter to toifc men moje bnlikclVjlDell pcrcr puing tljat tbe intcnfiours of fucb a purpofc tDoulfi ratber banc bafifie tbep? barncps on tbeic bacUep tljan to Ijaue bounfi tbesn bppe in barrels,ret mucb part of ttje commo people lucre tberinitb tjen> lucl fatiffico, anfi fapfi it toerc almopfc to bang tbcm. tXEben tbc fiing appiocbefi nderc to tbe €:itie,Eclmondc Shaal^olfifmitbjtbtni^aioj, toitb William Whitc^f lohn Matthew g»b^rife0, anfi al tbc otbcr 3loermen in Scarlet, tuitb Sue btrnficrcfi l^ojffe of tbe Citijcna in biolct, rccep' ucD bim rcnerentlp at Hxr»efejjmi rpfiing from tbence,ac< ZSgSfonS. rooipanpefi bim into tbe Citic, lubicbebe entrcD tljc fourth fiape of^apc.tbc Srft anfi lalfc pearc of bis raigne. lout tbeDnbe oiGiouceFler bare bpm in open figbt fo re# uerentIptotbep?incc,Ujitb all femblauntc of lotuUnclTe, tbat from tbe great cbloquie in tubicb be toas fo late fcefc;e, be toas fofiatnlp fallen in fo gret truff, t at tbe counfel nert affeblefijbe luas mafie tbconlp ma, cbofeanfi tbougbt moff Theprot«a8urmaete,tobcp,:ote£t3ioff liing anfibps Uealme, fo (tbstf lucre it DcSenic,o? toere it follic) tbe iambc teas faetabcn to tbe l^colk to h0fpe.i3t lubprb crcunraplc alfo, tbeSrrb# bpfbop of Torke, (Dbaunccloj of ^w^/'f'slfjtebpebe bafifie fielp# ucrefibppctbegrcatc&cale to tbe Siminc, tuas tbcreof greatelprepnoucfi , anfi tbe &eatc taken from b?m, ano The Bishop of fielptierefi to S>otto? RufTcll iSpfljoppe of Lmco!»e, a tuife torTcton-^^ mananfiagfoO, anfi of mncbeerpcricnce, anfi one of tbe cciiour. ' bcSe learnefi mennc bnfionbtefilp tbat EngUnde bafi in bps time. Dpuerstlojfieaanfiiinigbtes luere appointefibn- to fipucro roumes. 2Dbc3lo2fie Cbmnbcrlaine ano feme o# tbcr hcptellill tbepj offices tbat tbep bafi befo3e. ^olue all lucre it fo, tbat tbe ^jotcctour fo foje tbir< ffefi for tbe Snilbing of tbat be bafi begun, tbat be tbougbt fuerp fiape a peace, till it boere atcbanefi > pet burffe b« nc Edward thefifch^ nofurtfjeratfempfc, a« long as fjc f)a5 fauf balfcfjps pjap fnl)ts t)anDc:U)CllUiitrtnff, tljatifbcDepofcD tijeonebjo* t^cr, all tlje Uealinc UjouIdc fall to tljc otljer, if Ijo? eitl)cr rcmapneD in &an(taane, ojfboulDc Ijapptlp Ire lljojtdpc conuepea to Ijps fatfjsrs libertie, t^b?rfo;c,incontinent at tljenepte mating oftf3c3lo;aes at tbeCounfaile, tjc P?o» pofeD bnto tl)em,tljat it tuas a Ijainoas 0®Dc ofttjic Siucn, ana p?oc(ieOing ofgreatc malice totoaroe tlje J^pngs Coum failotirs, tljat^efl^oulDekapc in ^anauaric t'gc ilimgs bJotljerfromljpm, icljoff fpeaall plcafure anD coinfojtc Ixjerctoftaucljis b?otlj'erU)itb bpbirbone to noneotberintcntc, but to bjing all tt)c iojbcs in cblo« quic,aiio inurmure of tlje people. tbougbe tljep torre not to be truffeo toitlj tfjs icings bjotljcr, tbat bp tbc aficnte ofttie /5oblcsoftbelanDe,lDEre appointeo as tbe liings nearett frienbcs, to tbe tuition of bps oiune ropall pcrfon. Xbe pjofperitieiubereoflfanoctb (quotb tje) not all in ha? ping from cnirnies, oj ill tjpnnDe,but partlp alfo in recrea# ttoH.anb moberate pleafure, iubirbs bscannot in bps ten-> uer poutbjtalte in tbe companpe of auncient perfons,bat in fbe familiar conucrfation of tbofe tbat be neither far bnfier, iiojfarrcabouebisage ,anb naptbeleffcofeffateconueni" cnttoaccompanpebps noble ^aieftie , tobercfcje, loitb tobomeratber, tbantoprbbpsotDnebjotber:' :anoifanpe man tbmketbisconliDeration(tobpcbs31 tbinUcnomamie tbinkctb tbat lonetb tbe iaing) let bim ronfioer, tbat fome# tpme toptboutrmall things, greater cannot Ifanbe. ^no bertlpe, it rebounDctb grcatlpe to the Difljonour both of fbeikings bPSbnslTe , anD of all bs that bene abiute bis grace,tobsue it runne in euerpe mans mouth, not in this realme onlp, but alfo in other lanbs (as euil luojDs tualke far)^ the kings fa?otbcr fljolD be fain to kepe ^actuarp. i^oj euerp ma tuil Uieene,]? no ma loll fo bo foj nougbt.^nb fucb enil opinio once faltneb in mens beartSjbsrb it is to bDjatle outjf map groto to mojc grief tba anp ma can here beuine, tne tbinketb it ibere not ina;a to fenb bnto Ccc.i;, fo) 77^ Edward the fifth* foj t\)t renjeSfe of tljis maftor,foms Ijonojablc frafltfe maw,' Tncbc as botb tcnoerctb tijc fcpngs tocalc, ano t^e bcnoure ofi)VB counfaple, ano is alfo tit fauour ano crsoence Ippti) bp?, all tDbicb confiocrations, nonefametbmemoje iiiaetclPjtban our reucrenoe i^atbcr b^rc pjsfent,mp JLo?o Caroinall, tobo rnapc iu tbis matter ooc moSl grot) of anp man, if it plcafe bim to taUc tbc papne, tobirb 31 boubt not of bps gDjDnclfcb^ iuill notrefufcfojtbc fetngsfaheano ours, ano localtb of tbc pong ©uHc bimfelf,tbc hings mott bonojablc b?otbcr,anD after mp foucraigne iLojD bimfclfe, mp moff Dare nepbeU),confiDcreD tbat tbercbp fljal be reaf# feD tbc QaunDerous rumo; ano obloquie notue going, ano tbcburtes auopDcD tbat thereof migbteenfuc, anDinurbc relfe ano quiet groluc to all tbe IXealme. i^no if (be be per# cafe fo obSinate, ano fo pjectfelp fctbpon bit oton toil, tbat neptber bis tuife ano faithful aouertifement, can not moue bir, noj anpc mannes reafon contentsbir:tbcn (ball loebp mine aoiufc,bp the lyings autbojitie, fetche bim out of that pjifon,ano bjing bpni to bps noble pjefence, in mbofe con# tinuallcompanpche (ballbefoUjell cbeerill)0O. anofobo^ noiablpe intreateo, that al the U)o;ilO (bal to our bono;t ano bir repjoche perccpue, that it mas onclp malice, frotoaroe# neire,oj folUc, that caufco bir to kape bim tbcrcUhis is mp minoc in this matter fo? this time,erccpt anp of pour 3Lo?o# Ibippes anp thing pcrceiue to the contrarie, fo? neuer (ball > ^ 31 bp (iUoOs grace fo tueooc mp felfc to mine otone toil, but that 31 (bal be reaoie to change it bpon pour better aouifes* ?!®(hen the iaiotectourebaooe fapOe, all the Coun# fapleaffirmeo, that the motion toas g®0 ano reafonafale, ano to the l^ing ano the SDuhe his b?other, hono?able, ano * a thing that (boulo ccafc greare murniure in the Healme, if the mother mighte be fapgaO meanes enouceo to oetiurr bim.Mhich thing the iSrchbilbop of Torks, tohcm thepall agrao alfo fo be thereto mott connenicnt, troke bponhini to moue hir,ano therin to ooe his bttermott ocuoire.l^oto# beit^ if (b^ couloe be in no toife intreateo toitb hP? ttcob toil! to Edward the fifth* 77j to Dclttier !)im, ft)ctt tljougljtfje, ano fucfj otftcr as teerc of t^e ©pirttuaUtc pjefcnt,tt)at it tocre not in anp tcife to be attcnipteD to taketjtni out againtt bir toil, fo; it tuoulD be a tt)tng tljat fbouloe turnc to tbe greate gruDge of all men, ana btsb Dtfpleafurc of(25ot>, iftbe pjiuileoge oftfjat fjoU'e place Qjoullie notoe be b?ohen, toljicbe Ijab fo nianp rcares bene bepte, lobicb botb icings anb popcrfogfflb tjaD gia* tcD, fo manp batibe confirmeo, anb iubicb boJp grounb toas mo.ietbanfiuebttnbjebpeares agoc bp Saint Peter in bps olone perfon in fpiritc accompanpcb toptb great multitubc ofijngels bp nigbt fo rpeciallpeballoUjeb, anb bebicatc to 00b ('ojtbcpjcofelDbercof, tbepbauepetintbc3bbnp S. Peters Cope to njeUjc){bat from tbat time bitberlnarbjUias tber neucr fo bnbeuoute a bing,tbat bnrtt tbat facreb plate biolatc, ojfobolpalSplbop, tbatourilit pjcfume tocon^ fccrate. 3nbtberefoje(quotbtbe0rcbbilbopofranctuaries ^ 0oo appointeo in tbe oloe latoe.iFo? ifeptber necetritie,bis otrni befencEjO? miffoatune Djatuetl) bim to tbat Daoe, a parboil feructb, tubpcb eptber tbe latoe grauntctb ofcourfe, oj tbe Jaing ofpitie map, JCbcn lojke me notu boto fetu feanctuarie men tbere be, tubome anpe fauourable necelTitie compelleb to goe tbp« tber;ainD tben foe on tbe fotber 0oc,tDbat a fojf,tbere be co^ monlp tberin of tbe,tDbb toilful bntb?tftine0e batb bjougbt to naugbt. Mbat a rabble of tbeeues, murtberers, anb malitious bepnous Craptours, anb tbat in ttoo places fpeciallp.Cbe tone at tbe elfaotoe of tbeCitie, tbetotber in tbe berpbotn^ els. 3 baretoell auotoeit, toepetbe go»D tbat tbep boc, Martini? toptb tbe bnrte tbat commetb of tbem, anb vte (ball finbe it mucb better to lacHe botb, tban baue botb. ;Snb tbps 3 fape, altbougbe tbep toere not abufebastbep notoe b^, anb To long banc bsnc 7 tbat 3fearemeeuertbeptopllbde, Ccc.tiM tobils 77^ Edward the fifcL fol)plc mgnne be afrapuc to feffe fbctr banbes to tl)e menb# niente,a0 fljougb 0ot> ano Saint PcterjUierc t^e patrons of bngractwis Kumg. 4 Tht ibuft of ^otD bntt)?tfte£i notjano runne tn bcbt, bpon tf)c bolb'' SanAuanej. gf ptaccs^pea, onD rtcf) men runne tbptber toitlj pcDje mens gceos, tbcrc tb?p bupltic^tbere tbep fpenoe, ano biODe tbeir creDitours go iwbittlc tbem. ipens mines runne tbptbcr luttb tbeir bufbanteo plate, ano fap,tbcp oarc not abtoc Ujitb tbeir bufbaos fo? beating. 2Dboeue3 bing tbitber tbeir ttollen gtoos, ano tbere liue tbcreoiT. snbcreOciitfctbcpnetoe robberies, nigbtlpe tbcpffcalc out, tbcprobbc, ano reatie, ano biil^ ano tome in agapnc, astbougbtbofe places gaue tbem notonlp a fafcgaroc fc? tbebarme tbcpbaueoone, but a licence alfo to Do mojc. !poii)beit,mucb of tijis mifcbicf,if Inife men tooulD fct tbeir banos to it,migbt be nmenoeo, toitb great tbanbs of CUoD, ano no b?eacb oftbc pjiuileoge. £Cbc rcftoucjlitb fo long ago 3 tootcneareiubat pope,, ano tobat^jincenioje piteous tban politiUe, batb gran* teoit, anootbcr men fince, ofacertaine rcligiousfcare, baue not bjoben it, lette bs taUe a pnpne tberclDptb,anD let it a C^oOs name Rano in fojce, as farrc fo?tb as rcafon toil, tDbicbe is not fullp fo farre fojtbe, as map fcruc to let b? of ttje fetching fojtbc cf tbps noble man, to bps bono? ant> toealtbjout oftljat place,in tobpclj be ncptber is, no? can be a^anctuarleman. HS>anituariercruetba!toap toocfcnoe tbe boOpoftljat man tbat Ranoctb tn Oaunger abioaoe, not of greate burte onlp,butairo oflatoful burt fo? againft bnlatoful barmes, netirr jaope no?3^ing intccco to p?tui!coge anpone place, fo? tbatp?!titleOgebatb cuerp placctlmotoetb anp man,anp place,tobcrein it is latofull one man to do an otbcr to?onge ICbat no manbnlatoftillp tahc burt, tbat libertie,tbc IS. tbe latojf berp nature,fo?biDDctb in cuerp place, f mahttb tqtbat regarOCjfo; eiicrpe man cuerpc place a ^anauanc. Eclward the fiftiv ill )!5uf tol[jc« a man is bt? latofiill mcance in pgrpll, ffjcre naoetbbctbe tuition ofromcfpmall p^tiuileDge, \3jl}icf)is tfje onelp grounu anD rnufe of all feanttuarics: from iDbirf) ncccCTiric , tbis noble ^3^tncc 10 farrc, lyfjofc louc to l;!0 iiing,natureaiiD UinD:eD pjouctb, lubofc iraiofciuic to all tijc toojlD, bis tcnDcr poutlj p:ouetb,anD fo ^anmjaric,as foj bim, ncitbcrnone bcni20ctb,noj alfo none ran banc. come not to §)aa:uaric,a0 tbn) come to lSaptifmc,fo require it bp tbep? CDtoafatbcrOjb^mutf affee itbimfclf,tbat matt baue it^ano reafon,Qtb no man batb caufc to baac it, butmbofeconrcience ofbisolnne fault mabetb Ijini fapne, naoe to require itttnbat mill tbcn batb ponoer babe:' inbirb auDifbebaboifcretionto requireit, tfnabeUjere, 3 bare faptnoulonotoberpgbtangriemptb tbem tbatbdepe bpm fbere: ano 3 tooulS tbpnbc toitbout anp fcrnple of tonfci# ence,U)itboutanp bjeacbofpjiuileDge,to be fomtobat mo;e bomelp toptb tbem tbat be tbere ^anctuarie men in babe. iro2 if one 0OC to S)anctuarie toitb an otbero mane gobg, tobp tboulo not tbe leauing bis bobp at llbertie, ratif» fie tbe partie of bis sajbs,euen toptbin tbe ^anctuarie ^ foj neptber i^png nojpopecangptie anp place fucbea pjiui# I,eDge,tbat it Iball bifcbargeaman of bps bebtes,being able to pap: anb toitb tbat,bpucre of tbe Clergie tbat toere pje# fent,mbitbbr tbep faib it fo? bis pleafnrCjO? as tbcp tbougbt agrdeb plapnclp,tbat bp tbe lato of (©ob anb of tbe Cburcb? tbe gobs ofa ^anctuarie man tboulbe be bcliuereb in pap# ment of bps bebtes,anb ttollen gobs to tbe otuner, f onclp Ipbertiereferucbbprntogct bpsltuing toitb tbe labour of bpsbanbe0,t)erilp(quotb tbe SDuhc;3 tbpnbc pou fap berp tructb,anb tobat ifamans iopfc toill tabe ^anttuaric, bp# caufetbelittto runnefroni birbufbanbf 3 looulbctodEneif (becoulballebgcnoncotbcrcanre, be map latufuUptoptb# out anp bifpleafure to Peter, taUe bit ont olSaiKt Pe- ters Cburcb bp tbe arinc. ;3nb if no bobp map be taben out of 3inctuarie,tbat faptb be toill bpbe tbere, tben ifa cbilbc UjplltaHc^,an(tnarie,bccaufebefcare:bto goeto ^cbole,. Ctt.b, bpJl' Edward rhe fifth* bps mate mnft let bimalone. 0nD as fimpleas W fample is,pet to tljcre leffe reafon in our cafe tljan in tbaf, fojtbcrein,tl)oufil)citbc acbplotefeare, pet is t1)ere,af tbe IcalttDpfc feme fcarc , ano b^^rcin istbcrc none at all* 0nD bcrilp,^ b^ue often b^aro of ^anctuarie men , but 3| ncuer beam eartt of^anctuarie cbilfjen. ainb tbcrefoje, as foj tbc conclufion of mp inpnce, tobo fo map baue oeferueo to naoe it, if tbcp tbinke it foj tbeir fuertie, let tbem kape it. But be can b® no §>anctuarie man, tbat neptber batb UiifeOometo Defire it,no? malice to oefcrue it,tobofe life oj Iibertic,can bp no latufull p^ocelTe (tano in teoperote. i^no be tbat taketb one out of^anctuarie to ooe bim 0(dd,3 fape plapnelp,tbatbc bjeabetb no ^anauarie. Mben tbe JDukc bao Done, tbe^Ccmpojall men iubole, aiiD a 00)0 part of tbe fpiritual alfo,tbinkpn0 no burt eartb« lp,ment totoaro tbe pon0 babe,conDifccnDeo in efFett,tbat if be tuere not oelpuereD, be tboulD be fetcbcD.l^otobcit, tbep tbou0bt it all be®, in tbc auopoing ofall manner of rumo;^ tbat tbe ]lo?De caroinall (boulD fir® alTap to 0et bim toitb bir0(oDh)iil.:SnD tberebppon,all tbe Counfeil came bnto tbe ^tarre Chamber at JVennswFter, ano tbe llojDe Car# oinall, leaupn0 tbe Jd?ofc(to? tuitb tbe Counfell in tbe §>tarre Chamber , oeparteo info tbe ^anctuarie to tbc €iueene , luitb opuers otber iLo;Des loitbbim , inerett fo; tbe reinject of bps honour, o; that fljoe iboulD bp p;cfcnce offomanppercepuetbattbps erraiiDe teas not one mans mpnbe; o; mere it, foj that the ^jotccto; intenoeo not in this matter,to trutt anp one man alone, oj elfe,tbj3t finallp tuere Defermpneo to kape bpm,fome of that compa# nic, baobappilp fccreteinSruction incontinent, maa0rc bir mpnoe, to take bim, ano to leaue bir no refpiteto con# uep bim,tnbicb Iba tuas Ipkclp to inpnDe after this matter broken to bir,if bir time tooulb in anp tuife ferue bir. ^bentbci^u^ne, ano tbefe llo;oes tuere come fo0p# tber in p;erence,tbe ilojoe Caroinall tbetoco bnto bir,tbaf it tuas tbou0btetmto tbe^^otecto;^ ano bnto the tobole Conn# Edward the fiftfi# 77P Connrell ^ fliatlitr it^ppns b;of()erfn M place^tDaat^et^ing, to^pc^^tgljlprounoeo, notonelpto ti)0 great rumour of tl)e people ano tijetr obloqute, but alfo to tbe impojtable griefc ano oifpleafure of tfje i^tngs ropal ^ateSte, tombofegracett mere as fingular comfo;te to baue bps natural! brother in compattpe, as it toas tbeir both oilbonour,anDalI tbcpm and birs alfo, to fuffer bpm in ^anctuarie, as tbou]^ tbe one b;otbrr flcDde in danger andperilloftbeotbcr. 0ndbefbetoedbir,tbat{be(!Doun* fell tberefo?e bad fent bpm bnto bir, to require bir tbe deli# uerieofbpm,tbatbe mpgbt ba bjougbtc bnto tbe J^pngs p^cfence at fyvs libertte,out oftbat place, tobicb ibsp rechcM ned as a p?pfon, and tbere (boiilde be b^ demeaned, acco;? dpng to bps eUate, and Iba in tbps dopng,(boulde botb doe great gcodto tbeHealme, pleafuretotbe Counfell, and pjoStetobirfelfe, fiiccour tobp? friendes tbat mere in di? ®reire,and ouer tbat (mbicb be miffe mcl ibct fpeciallp ten* d?ed,)notonelp great comfojte and honour to tbe ftpng, but alfo to tbe poung SDube bpmfcHe, mbofc botb greate mealtb it mere to b^ together, asmell fo;i raanp greater caufcsjas alfo foj tbcp; botb dirpo2te,and recreat ion: mbicb tbpng,tbello2d effarncd no flepgbf, tboiigb it fame Ipgbte, Protcaor; mell pondering, tbat tbep? poutb mitbout recreation and pIap,cannot endurc,no? anp ftraunger,fo? tbe coniecture of tbeir botb ages and eftatcs,fo matelp in tbat popnt fo? an? of tbem,as eptbcr of tbem fo? otbcr. ^plLo?d(^otb tbe ©nanc) 3 fap not nap, but ^ it mere berp conuenient,^ tbis (l^entlcman mborn pe require mere in companp of tbe aing bis fa?otber: and in gcod faptb, ma tbpnbctb it mere as great commoditie to tbem botb ,as fo; pet a mbile, to bein tbe culfodie of tbeir mother, the tender agecon(id?cd of^ elder of tbem both,but fpeeiallp^ ponger, mbicb befides bps infancte,that alfo nadetb god imhing to, bath a mbile bane fo fo?c difeafed,bercd mitb fibencCTe, and is fo nemipe rather a little amended, than mell recouered, that i bare ptil no perfon eactblp in truft mitb bib kapi ng, but Edward the fifth» buf mv felfc oncIp,fonlJiiering tfjat tbere t£e (as tons fapjanOaslucaffofinDc, Double tbcpertll in tlje rrctDiua# tion, tljat toas in tlje ftrtt ficUnclTejlDitb tDt)ifb DtfeafSj/Iia" ~ furs bcung foje laboureD/ojcloarieD anD tccaUeneo, toap* Etfjtfjeleireablcto bearcoiit and fuilame a netoe furfctte* anD albeit tberempgbt be founDeotbertbat tooulD bappi* IpDoe tbeir befte bnto bpin? I'^tis tbcreiionetbateptbet Unobuctb better bo^o to ojocr bi'"i, tban 3 tbat fo long bane hept bpm; 0? is moje tenDerlp Ipbe to cberptbe bpm , tban bi'S olnne motber tbat bare bpni. ijio man Denpetb, gcO ^aDaine,(quotbtbeCarDtnall) but tbat pour grace toere of all folbe ntoH neccCfarie about pour cbPlDjen: (? fo tuoiilO all tbe Counfel not onelp be content,but glaD tbat pc lucre, if it mpgbt ttanDe toptb pour plcafure to be in fucb place as mpgbtGanDluptbtbetrhonour. li3utifpou Doe appopnt ^our felfe to tarrie b£tre,tbcn tbpnhe tbcp it moje conuent# ent tbat tbe SDube of Torke tuere luptb tbe iaing bonojablp ^tbislpbertietotbecomfojtoftbembotb i tljanbare as a §)anctuarie man, to tbeir botb Dtlbouour anD obloquie, Ctb tberc is not alluap fo great necetTptie to bane tbe Cbplbe to beeluitbtbeiSpotber : buttbat occafton map fomctimeba fucb,^ it IboulD be mo?e erpeDicnt to beepe bim elfelubere, lub^eb in ibis lucll appearctb,tbat at fucb time as pour Da# reft fonne tben p?ince,ano noiue iVing, (boulDe foj bis bo^ nour,anDg£DD o?DeroftbeCotmtrep , bapcboutbolDcm SSIlalcs, farre out ofpourccmpanp : pour grace luas tuell content tbcretuitb pourfcIfc. jjUot bcrp iuell content quotb tbe ©iictfu^lnD pet tbecafc is not likc,fo2 tbe one luas tben in bealtb,anD tbe otber is nolo ficbe: Jnlubicb eare,3 mar# ucllgreatlp,tbatmp Jlo2D|J3otetto? is fo Dcftrous to bane bpm in bis baping,tob£^rc if ibe cbplD in bps ncbeneffe mif# Carrie bp nature, pet mpgbt be runne uitofrlaunDcr and fufpttion offrauDc. 0nD lobere tbeprall it a tbmg fo foje agapnftmp cbilDcs bonour,anD tbep2S alfo, tbat be bpoetb in tbis place 2 it is all tbeir bono2s tbereto fuffier bim biDe, tub^f (no man ootibtetb bo (ball be bepte, and tbat is baroa Edward the fifth* 7^' ^ 3 am to^iic^ as pet tnfenfie not to foms fojft),anD ieopert) mp felfe after otljcr of mp frtcnties, tooulo (0oti toere ratfjcr fjerc in fuertic Untij mc,t!)a 3 toere tijerc inieopcroicluitf) tfjcm. ?;jiiljpr^aDamc(nuDtljano» ffjcrJLojD)hnotopoiianpti)ingU)^pt^eptb0u{D be in ico# perbie:' jilaptjerilpfirquDtt)fl!ja,no?tobP tbrp fbonlcebc tn pjifon neptfjer, as tfjep noiu bar. iCut it is 3 troiue, no grcatmaruclltbougbi fcare,lca(ltbcre tljat bane not lef^ tea to pnt tbem in OuretTe mitbciut colour, loiil let as little to pjDcure tbepj bettrurtion toitbout caufe. Cbe Carbinal mabeacoimtcnauncetotbeotber ilo;be , tbat br fbotilbe barp no mo?e bpon tbat ffring,f tben faib be to tbc £Iiuane, tbatbenotbingboubteb,buttbattboreilo;!bes ofbir bono« rabic kpnne,tobicb as pet remapneb bnber arreff, tbouloe bppon tbe matter craminebjboe tuell pnougb * anbas to# toarbcbirnobleperfon , neptbertoas, nojtoaloebeanpe manner ieoperbic. HtS^b^r^bp ITjoulbe 3 trufl tbat (quotb tbe€5u0Enc)intbat3 am gpltlcff^eastbougbtbrp torre giltie, tntbat3amU)itbtbeir enimpes better loueb tban tbep / toben tbep bate tbem foj mp fake, in tbat 3 am fo nareofkpnnetotbelipng f anb boto^ ffltr^ tbep be of, if tbatlDoulbbeIpc,a5(2S'Obfcnbgraceitburt4iot, anb tberc# fo;e as fo.2 me,3 purpofe not as pet,to bepart bence.Hnb as fo? tbis €>entleinan mpfonne , 3 mpnbe tbat be Iball bae tobere 3 am, tpll 3 fa further: fo? 3 alTurc pou, fo? tbat 3 fee fome men fogrdcbie, toitbout anp fubHantiall caufe to bancbpm,tbis maketb me mucb tbe mo?e fearber fo belp# tier bim. Cruelp ^aoame,quotb b^? anb tbe fearber tbat pou be to beliuer bim,tbe feaoer bin otber men to fuffcr pou to kape binijleaft pour caufeleffe feare migbt caufe pou far# tbertoconuepbim: anb manp be tbere tbat tbinkcbe can baue no p?iuilebge in tbis place ,U)bicb neptber canbaue topll to aike it,no? malice to bcferue it,anb tberefo?e, tbep recken no ptiuilebge b?oken, tbougb tbep fetcbe bim out, tobicbifpsfinallp refufe to beliuer bim , 3berilptbinke tb^F mucb o;eao batb mp 3.o?be bis ulnclc, fo? tbe tenbes 7^2 Edward the fifth4. fcnDcr iDuelje beared; {jintjlcatt pour grace fbotiioe f;ap to fetiD btm aluap. The Qiteene. ^ (quofl) tlje ©uatte) batb th^ pjotecto? fo feuBcr jeale, t t)t fearetb notbiug but U»ft l;e (bouloc cfcape bini^ STfjinhett) be tljat 31 tDouloc fcno b'^n btnce, tobpcb neptber to tn tbe plpgbt to reno out, atio in bobat place coulee 3| rec^ ken bPtn fure, if be be not fure in tbe ^anctuartc ^ tcboreof tDastbereneuerSCpjauntpetfo oiuellplbe tbatHurtt pjc? fume to b;eake. 0no 3 trud dDob is as (Irons notn to toitb' Qano bto aDuerfarieo, ao eucr be Inas. ]15ut mp fonne can fieferue no feanttuarie,anD tberfoje be can not bane i't,i?o?* ftDtb tje batb founoe a gcoDlp glofc,bp tobtcb tbaf place tbaf map befcno a map not faue an innocent J5ut be is in no icoperDie,no; batb no naoe tbcrcof :UjduID (H^oo be batJ not. SCrotbtbe^pjotccto; (3 pjap CD^oD be map pjoue a }p;otccto?)troU)Etb be tbat 31 perccpue not toberebnto bps papntei)p?occficl)?aiuetb ^ 311 is not bonojable tbat tbe SDuke bpoe bere: 3!t lucre comfojtable fo; tbem botb, tbat belneretoitbbisb?otber,bpcaufctbc &tnglacfeetba plap^ fellotue be pe fure. 3 ptap C^oO fcno tbem botb better plap# fellotoes tban bpm.tbat maitctb fo bt0b a matter bpcn fucb a trpfelpng pjetcrt: as tbougb tbere coulee none be founoc to plaptoptb tbe Itingjbut if bps b?otbcr tbat batl; no lulfe toplapfojficketicirejComeDutof^anrtuanc outofbis fafe^ garcie to plap tuitl; bi^h^s tbougb pjmces as pong as tbep bCjCoulo not plap but Initb tbcir Jpocrcs, oj cbtlojen couloe notplapebuttDitbtbcirbinretJ, luitbtDbom fojtbemoje part tljcp agree nmcb tuojfe (ban tottb flraungcrs. SSut tbe cbilciccannotrequtretbcp;imleDge:t»botolOEbtmfof (ball beare bimafke it,ant) be Ivtll, ^Joivbcit tbis isasap matter,fuppoCe be couloe not afbe if,ruppore be tooulOe not afhe it.ruppofc be tuouloe afde to goe out, if 3 fap be fijall itDtgfJateetbcpjtuilcOgcbutfo? mpfclfe, 3 fap be tbat a# gainft mp toill tabetl; bim out.bjeabetb ^ ^anctuaric.&er* urtb tbts libertie fo; mp perfon onlp,o; fo; mp gooOs to^ |3e map not bence take mp bojfe from me; f map pou take mp (bilo Edward tEc fifth*. rijUD fro mtf is alfo mp toaro: foj as mp learnri) coutt* fell l^etort^ ma, fitljc lie ^atli iiotlimg bp oefcent bolocn bp lintgbtcs fciiuccibc lata mnbclb bis mother bis garoainc, 2D!jcn map no man 3 rnppefc take mp lyarbcfrcm me out of^anctuarie,U)itboui ibc bjeacb? of ^nnrtuaric. 0no if mp pjiuileogc coulDc not feme bim, no;boa(fec ttfo;bim< fclfejpet 0tb tbo laUjcommittctb to mc tbocuflobicof btm, 3 map require it fcj bim,e,rcept tbc lato giuc a cbiloe a gar^ Oatnc onelpfojbisgQJbsanD lanDcSjDifcbargingbim of tbc cure ? fafchaping of bl?s faoDie,faj tobicb cnelp both lanOcs anD gcoOs fcrtic. C^noiforaplesbcfuffificnttoobtaine pjttnlcOgc fc?mp Tiuithatw cbilt>,31 iiffOenotfar to fake.i^o? in this place in tobicb toe IhTnmkrv"* iioU3be(f U)birbisnoU)inquettt5 tobotbrr mpcbtlDemap anj this marke take benefit of it) mine otfier ronne(noU} king) teas bo?ne,f ftept in bis crable,t pjeferueb to a moje pjofperous fojfune, englisli butU tobicb 3 p.tap 000 long to continue, 0no as all pou knotu, Hifto^e tbis is not tbc firlf time tbat 3 bane tahen ^amtuarie. iroj iDbonmp5lo?OempbufbanoelDasbamtbeO,anotb;utt out of bps iaingOome,3 fleo bitbcr,beinggreattoitb cbiloe,anD bere 3 bare tbc 13nnce, 0nO toben mp Jlojoe mp bufbano returneo fafe agapne, ano bao tbc bitto?ie, tben toent 3 bence to toclcome bim borne,ano from bcnce 3 b?oagbt mp babe tfie JBnncebnto bis father, loben be firfi tcolte bim in bis armes. ^no 3 pjap 0oo tbatmp fonnes palace map be as great fauegaroe Onto bimnotoeraigning, as tbis place teas fomtime to ^ kings entmie. 3n mbicb place 3 intco to hape bis b;otbcrfitb.ic.*snberfojc bere infcno 3 to bape btm,lincc mans lain fcruetb p garoaine to bocpc fbe infant, ^bs lain of nature toil li§ motberbapebircbtlo,0oos lain pjiuileOgetb § S>an£tuarie, f tbc^anctuaric mp ron,fitb 3 3 feare to put btm in ^ jotectojs banos ^ batb W b?otber alrcaoiCjf tDere(ifbotbfapleo)inberitoj to 'pCrotnne.SCbc caufe of mp feare batb no man to ooe to eramine. Hno pet feare 3 no farther than § latne fearetb,lDbicb as Icarneo mc tell me,fo;bpDoetb enerp ma tbe cufioDte of tbem, bp inbofe ocatb 7^4 Edvvar<3 rhe fifth* ceaff) l^e ma? infjerite lelTc lattD tijan a Jtingoome. 3! fan na ino20,buttDljofofuer Ijebe^bjeakctlj tbisbotp&Sauarie, 31 pja?(0oDlbo?tlprenbbtmnaDPDf&anfluarte, tobenb^ ma? not come to it. i^o? taben out of^anctuartc mouloe^ not mp mo^tall enimte tpere. 2Cbe ilo2b carbtnall perccputiig tfjat tbe ^ftuane tua]C< eb cuer tbe longer tbe further off, ana alfo tbat tbe began to htnble anb cbafc,anD fpeabe mo?c bpttng tnojos againft tbe |a2otettoj,anb fucb as be neither bcieeueo,f toas alfo loath to beare,be Tato to hie fo2 a finall concltiiion,tbat be tnoutoe no longer oifpute the matter, but if (Ije tuere content to oe^ liuer the SDuhe to bim,ano to the other JiojOcs p^efent, be tiurS la? bte otone bob? anb foule both in plebge,not onel? fo.2 bis fuertie,but alfo fo; bib e(tate« 0nb if tbe tesulbe giue tbemarefoluteanCffieretotbecontrarie, be tooulbefojtb^ Initb beparttbereti)itball,anb Ibift inbo to inoulb Initb this buttnelTe afterloarbcs,fa2 be neuei^intenbeb mo2e to moue bir in that matter,in tobicb the thought that be anb al other alfo faue birfelf lacfteb cither toit 02 trutb.Mit,if the? tnere fo bull that the? coulb nothing perceiue inbat the p2oted:o2 intenbcb: truth, iftbc?tboulbp20fure bir fonne to be belp# uereb into bis banbcs, intobomtbe? ftoulbepercepueto* toarb the cbilbe an? cutll intcnbeb. Che ©ud?ne luitb tbcfe tD02bcs ffrabe a g(X)b tubtle in a 0reateffubie.;3nbfo2armncbas bir fameb the Carbinall reab? tobeparte tbanfome of the remnant, anbtbe}a20* terto2 bimfelfe reabie at banb/o that the bcril? thought lb® , tonloenotbapebimtbcre,butthatbetb0ulbe incontinent '- yfie tahen thence,anb to conuc?him eire-tobere,neitherbab the time to feme bir, no2 place bctermineb, no2 perfons ap# pointcb, all things bnreabie, this mcCfage came on bir fo fobainelp, nothing IclTe Icohing fo2, than to baue him fetcbt outofS>anauarie, lubicblbetbougbtctobenotueberet in fucb places abcut,t5 be coulb not be conucpeb out bntahen, anb parti? (as (be tbougbtc) it might fD2tune, birfeare to be falfe, fo Inel (be (uiQe it mas eptber nsbelenie 02 bcotleiTe: toberefoje^^ EdwarcJ the hfch^ tu!)crfo.JC,tf flje fl^oulo naoes goc fro fjtm, flje oanicD it bcff fo oeliuer [)tni.;3nD oner tfjat,of tbeCarbinals fait!; ffto no? tfjtng j)onbteD,noj of Come otbcr JLojDco ncitljrr, lobomllje tbcrefatuo. 5ISIi)tcbas(bcfeareD Icali tbop niigbt be Dccet? ueD.'fo toas flje toel aOTureb tbep iuoulo not be rojruptco:tbe ttjougbt Q)e it (boolti pet mahe tbcni p mo?c tuareip to lajhe to tjinij tbe moae circumfpcrtlp to fte to bis fuertie, if (be uS btr otonc banDs bctcohe bw to tbe oftrutf. ;3nD at p lafi tbc tcDbe f pong SDube bp tbe banc, | faio bnto tbe ilcjos: spy llo josrqaotb fl)e)f al nip 3lojDs,3! neither am fo bnUiife to mittrntf pour U)ittes,noj fo fafptcious to nuftrntt pour tru? tbes: £Df tobicb tbins 3 purpofe to maUe pou fucb a pjcefe, asifeitbcrofbotb lacltcoinpou, niigbtctiirnebotbmcto great fojolo,tbeUeaImc to mucb barnie, f pou to great rc^ p;ocb. J^oj loe,berc is(quotb fbe)tbis (0cntlema, tobom 3 Oout not but 3 coulD bere Ueepe fafe,if 3 UjouIO,lDbatfocuer anp ma fap t f 3 Ooubt not alfo,but tbere be feme abjooe fo Dcablp cnimics bnto mp blouQ, ^ if tbep tuitt tobere anp of it lap in tbeif oton bot)p,tbep inoulo let it out. 2Sfe bane aU fo eppcrienre 1? tbe oefire of a feingDom bnoioetb no hinreo. 2nbe bjotbcr batb bene p bjotbers banetf map nepbeiues be furcoftbcir bncle:'0cbeoftbefecbilDjeis tbe others be? fence inbile tbep be a funber,f ecbe of tbeir Hues lietb in tbe others boDp.l^ape one fafe f botb be Cure, f notbing foj tbe botb mo?e pcrillousi tba fo be botb in one place. tubat Inifc sparcbant abueturetb all bis gcoos in one fljip:- 01 fjjis natlnitblfaDtng,bere 3 oeliuer bini,f bis b:ofber tn bim,fo keepCjinto pour banDs,of tobo 3 tbal afe tbe botb afojc gob^ f fbc loojlo.i^aitbful pe be ^ tDote3 toell, f 3 knofcc tuelt' pon be U)ife.|3oUjcr f Srengtb to fe^pe bint if pou lilf, nep^ tljer lack pe ofpour relf,noj can lackbelpe in tbtscafe. 0nD if pc can not elfe tobere, tben map pou leane bim bere. ISut onlpone tbing3 ber®cbepcu,fo? tbetruS tobtcbbis father put in pou eucr,f fo? the truH ^ 3 put in pou noine,^ as far as pe tbinke ^ 3 feare tco mucb, be pou tncll toare tbat pou feare not as far toj little. 0no tbertoitball fbe faioe bnto tbe cljilU ' Edward the fifth* cljilOjfartfeel mine oton toate fon, (!^oD fctto pou fffflU ^eei ptng:lct me fetffe vou pet once ere pou go,foj (0dd bnoiucf^ totje toe fljall together againe. i3nD ttjcrloith fijc In'ffeD bletreo bim,tunTeD !)ir back f toept, f toeiit bit tuap, ieauing ^ cbitD topping ao fatt. JIQlben iLojD CarDmaI,f fbofe otfjer ILojbs to receiueo tl}is pong bukc,tbep bjougbt bun into § fiar iXbambcr, tobcre f |i3?oterto? tajfec bun in bis arineo,? ktCreDbint,iDitbtbofet]coj&0;notulijel< o difshauutioij. come mp JLo?b caen to al mp bcrp bart. ano be faia in ^ of ' iiUelibcDDasbetbougbt.snbcrbpon fojtbtoitb tbepbjougbt bun bnto tbe iiing bis bjotber, into tbc Bifbops palace at j^ar/Zcx, ana from tbcncetb^ougb tbe citiebonojablp into tbc 2roUier,out ofp tobicl) after ^ Dap tbep neuer came abjoDe. This that is c 2;jabentbe |3;oteao; bab bot'b p cbilDJen in bis banDs, ttonmirfbe openeD bitnfelf mojc bolDlp,botb to certainc otbcr mcn,f and this nuf ki aifg chicflp tfl iDiike of3 knoU) (> ma^ v'v"35 not writ " * , ^ tcnbyhir.iin UPtbougbttljisDulieloasputucto al pp>?otectojs cou» tTaniiateroat ^^1,011011 fro tl)c beginning,! fomc of tbe |3?otccto?s friends of this Hiftorie faiDjij tbe Duke teas tbe firll moucr of tbe|0jotecto2 to tljis vvroteLVat- matter,feiiDtnga pjiuic mcrfengcr bnto bim, Srai'gbtafter tin- 5^.Eclvviuds Dcatb.But otber againe tubicb kncto better tbc fnbtil loit ofp J0?Dtecto2, Denie i5 beeuer opcneD bis enter# pjifc to § Duke,bntii be bad b;ciigbt to paKc t things befo?c rcbearfeD.But tobebe bad impjifoncd f ilJuanskinrfolks, 9 gotten botb bir fcnncs into bis olone banDs, tben be ope# neD tbe rettofbis purpofe toitb tclTe fcare to tbem lobom be fbougbt meet fo?matter,? fpeciallp to tbe fl^ake, tobo be# inglofflntobicpurpofe,betbougbtbisl^rcngtbmo?c tbait balf increafeD. SDbe matter tons fajohen bnto^ Duke bp fub# till folkcs, I fucb as mcretbcir crafts matters in tbe band# hng of fucb toickcd denifcsilobo declared bnto bim tbat tbc pang king ioas offended toitb bim foj bis kinffolks fake, f ifbctuereeurrafale be Voouldrcticnge tbcm.Mbotoouldc piick bim fojtoard tberbnto if tbep cfcaped (foj tbep tooutd remember tbeirimpiifonmentjoj ^fc if tbep tocreputto fieatbc, teitbout doubtetbcponglnngtoouldc becarefull foj Edward the fifths 7^7 fo?fI)cirDca{!)es,tDljofetmp?ifonmcitt toaegrtCKons tjnfa l)tm. 0nD tljat toitt) repcntmcj tlje SDufec Hjotilo notfjing ci> iiatlCjfo; tljcrc tDa0 no toap left to rcDamc ^is offence bp be? nefitcSjbut^cfljoulDc foncroeffrop bimfelfefbanfatie ftje ?^mg , U)boUjttl)ljisbjotberanoi)tsKtnffoifees!jefaluenT fuel) places tnip;tfone0,as tlje ]^jotccto,2 mtgfjf toplb a bcclt dcffrop tljrm all: ano ft)at ft toere no Doubt but be tuoulDc Doe ft in DreDe,iftl)crc UjereanpnetocnferpftrcatfeuipteD. HnD tbatit tuas Ipbclp, tbatas tbepjotecto? bab p)oinDco p;tutegarOefo?bV"ftftfs > fobaObsippallesfoj il)c£Dni:e, anD trapncs to catcbe biniftf be Iboulbe be agapnff bpmjanu tbat peraouenture from tbem,tobo'H be leaft fufpectcD j^o? tbeffateoftbings atiD tbeoirpofitions of me lucre tbcn fueb, tbat a man couloe notluclltcUtDbombemigbtetrult, oj tDbom f)s mtgbt feare. Cbefstbinss anD fueb lplte,bepngbeaten into fbcS)tibcs mpnDe,bjougbf biin to tbat pointftbat lubftt^ b^ baD rcpen* teD tbe toap tbat bf ban entreD, pet luouloebe goe foftbetn fberamc,an&finceb^baDoncebegunne, be luoulDcffoiite^ IpgoetbJougbe. 3nD tberefoje totbts lutcbeD enterpjife lubftb bsbelceucD coulDcnotbebopDcD, be bent bpmfelfe, anD luent fbJougb ano DctermineD, tbat fince tbe common inifcbtcfe couiD not be amcnoeD, be UjouId turne ft as mucl) ns be migbt to f)is otune commoDttie. it tuas agr^D, tbat tbe |0?otc£to) (bonlbe bane tbe SDukcs aiocto mahcbtm ?;ung,anD tbat tljs p)otccto)s on^ Ip latofuil fonnetboulo marrte tbe£>ubcs Daughter,! tljat tbe|^)otccto.:n)OulD grauntbimtbe quiet poITcffion of tbe crlcDome of l^ertfo?D,tDbicb be clatmcD as inbcritance, anDcoulDneucr obtapncttiniftng Edwaidcs tume. Idzf IrDes tbefe rcqueffs ofp Dube,^ J^jotccto) of bis olun minDe pjomifcD bpni a great quanfitie oftbcbings treafurc,ano of bisbonlboiDetfuffe. iSiiD lubttitbep tueretbusata popnt bettuflcne tbemfcluesftbep tueift about to prepare fo? § Co.^ ronation qf tbe pong bing as tbcp tuould baue it fame.iino tbat tbep wpgbt turn? botb tpe epes ano minoes of men fro ^DD,ti» prr^ 7^^ Edward rhe fifth* pcrcciutng of ffictr tijiffs ot^er to^ero,tf)e ilojDS being foj from all partes of p Uealme.ramc tbicb to ^ folcmnitie. i3ut tf)c }3?ote£to;,f tbe Ouhc after ttjatjtljat tbcp baff fent ^ 5i.ojl) CarOinal, tlje <3rcljbttbop of Torke tljen ilojO Cbauiv rcUoar,l& iStHjop of £/«,p 3lO?D Stanlcy.f tlje lojo Hallmgs H)en 3lo?Dc Cfjamberlatne, id manp otljer noble men ^ to common % oeuifc about tlje to?onatton in one place, as fall lucre tbep in anotljcr place,contriuing tbe contrarie,anti to make tbe^ajotcctoj iitng. So lobicb Coucell,albcittbcre lucre aObibiteD bcru fclD,f tbep lucre fecretmet began tbcre berc % tbcre about,fome mancr of muttering among ^ pco? plc,as tbcugb all Iboulo not long be toel, tbougb tbcp nep* tbcrtupfflDbattbcpfcarel), no? lDbercfoje,lDere it tbat be^ foje fucb great things mens barton of a ferret inRinct of na# ture mifgiue tbcm. 0s tbe fca luitbont toinlie ftDclletb of bimfelf fomtime befoje a tcmpett: oj lucre it tbat fome one man bappilp fomelubat pcrceiuing, fillco manp men luttlb rurpition,tbougb be IbelDCD fclu men lubat be knelu. l^olo# bcitfomclubattbeDealtngitrclfmaiJcmcn tomufcon tbe matter,tbongbtbeK%inBrJhopsgatefireett.'0)}^tXZt^Z'^lQttaQ'i kcptbis bOUff bolD.Sbc ^jotccto? bab tbe refo^t, tbc!aing in manner oe^ folate. Cabil^fomefojtbcir baCnelTc mabefufe to tbrm tbat bao tbe boing,rome lucre bp tbetr frienos fecrctln luarncD, tbat it migbt bappilp turnc tbcm to no gcjD,to be to mucbe attendant about tbe laing luitbont tbe ^^otectojs appoints ment, lubicb rcmoucD alfo oiucrs of tlje yjinccsolOe fer* uaunts Itom bim,anD fet nclu aboutbim. Sbus manp tljings coming togitbcr, partlp bp cbannce, partlp of purpofCjCaufcD at length not comon people onelp, f iDounb Id tbelDinD,btitiDire men alfo, % fomei.o?Dseke to niarkc tbe matter,! mufe tbErecn,fo farre fojtb, tbat tbe jLojDc Stanley tbat luas after Carle of /^-i^-^/f^luirelp mifa trutteb it,ano fapoebnto tbe llo?oe Haftings,tbat be mucbe iniflikc^ y Edward the fifth* 785 ittidpfeetj ffjefc ftDo feueral Councels.i^oj tootle i*3g(qnofl^ • |)e)talheofonc matter in ]ponepIace, litfleiDoteUielD^jer# f: of t\)tv talhe in t^c otljer place, 3lo?DeCquotl) flje iiojDe f- Haftings)of mp life ncncr Doubt pou: fo; tobile one man i$ tbcre, Inbicl) 10 neiier tl)cncc,ncuer can tljere be tbing once moueb, tbat (boulD founo amttTe tobiarb me, but it (Ijoulbe be in mine cares ere it toere toeil out of tljeir moutljes, X\)iB nient tjc bp Catcsby, tobtcbe teas of bps ndere fe^ cat«bie. J Cretecounfell, anotubombeberiefamiliarip bfeD, nnDin ) bis mott iueigbtie matters put no man in fo fpeciall trnlf, techening bimfelfe to no manfoliefe , litbe be toell topUc tb?rc loas no man fo mucbe to bim bebolben as luas tbis ' Catesby, Ujbicb toas amantoell learneo in tbelatnesof ^ * tbis IanD,anD bp tbe fpeciall fauour of tbeJLojDeCbamber* ;. laine,in gcoo antbojitie,anD mucb rule bare in all p CDoun# fieof tobcre tbeJLo?be Cbamberlepnes potoer cbiefelp lapc. 315utfurelp great pitie tuasit, tbatbeljao not bab cptber moje trutb oj letfe toit. foi bis DitTimulatu on onelpjbept all tbat miftbicfe bp.3lntobom if tbe JLojDe Haftings,bao not put fo fpeciall trutt,tbe Jlojbc Stanley ano be bab beparteb toitb biuers otber §lo;bes, anb b;ohen all tbe bauncc,fo; manp pll dgnes tbat be falne, lubicb be noui coHlfrues all to tbe bell, ^ofurelptbougbtbe, tbattbcrc coulbe be no barme totuarb bim in tbat Councell intenbeb, toberc Catesby toas. t anb of trutb tbe pjotectoj, anb tbe SDuHe of mabebericgrob femblauncebnto tbe JLojbeHaftings, ana, kept bim mucb in companie. ^nb bnboubteblp,tbe p;otec^ to} loueb bim luell, ano lotb bias to batie lott bim, fauing foj feare teatt bis Ipfe tboulbe bane quaileb tbeir purpofe. J^o} tobicb caufe be moueb Catesby to pjoue ioptb fome tDO?bes caS out a farre off,tobetber be coulbe tbinbe it pof> fible to toinne tbe llojbe Haflings bnto tbeir part. 215ut Ca- tesby iDijetber be atTapeb bim,o? affiapeb bim not, repo?tca into fbem,tbat be fflunbe bim fo faff,anb bearb bim fpeaUc I fo terrible too?bs,tbat be burU no further bjeabe, j^ba.ib', 793 Edward the fifth* Hnlioffrucf^tl^e ILo?De cijamberlapne of tjerpe (raff CbctoeDbnto Catesbytbc Dtffrtift tbatotbcr began to bane til tbe matter. Hno tbercfojc b® fearing leatt tbep? moti# on migbt Untb tbc ilojoe HaRinjs mintlbe bie creocnre, Jnbcrebnto onclpnll tbe matter IcaneD, pjocarco tbe ^70f te(fo?battilvtort6biin' 3:nDmurbtbc ratbcr, fojtbat be truIlcDbp bta f^atb toobtapne mutbe of tbe rule tljat tbe 3lo?De Haflin ;s bare in bio Coutrcp: tbc onelp oefire tober* ofjtoas tbe allcttiuc tbat intiuccD bim to be partner anb one fpcciall contriuer ofall tbis beJttble treafon. ®([Iberebponfojneafter,tbatio to toit, on tbei^rpDap tbe tbirtantb oap of 3|une, manp iLojbes alTcmblcO in tbe 2CoUjer,anDtbercfatin(£:ounccn, oeuifingtbe Ijonoura# blc foleinnitie of tlje !^ingo Coronation, of tubicb tbe tpme appopnteotbcnfoneareappjocbcb , tbat tbc pageanteo anb fubtiltpco iucrc in making bare anb nigbt at iveHmw- i?«-,anb mucb bitaple kplleb tbcrcforc, tbat aftertoarbfcoas cafe ainap. SCbcfe ilojbeo fo fitting fogctbcr communing of tbpo matter, tbc JBrotertor came in amongtt tbem firft oftbeclocke,ralufingtbcmcourteDuflp, anbercuCng bpm^ fclf tbat be bao bene from tbem fo long,faying mcrilp tbat be bab bene a deeper tbat bay. 0nb after a little talkyng toitb tbem, befaybe bnfo tbe i5ylbop of • ^py JLojbeyou baue beryc gob ^trainbe' rieo at your (I5arbcn in Hoib6rne,T^ require yon let be bane a mefee of tbem. di^lably my iLoroe (quotb be) tnoulbe ^ob 31 bab fome better tfiing ao reabie to your pieafure ao tbat. ;filnb tberbiitb in all tbe bafe be fent byo feruant fo;a medie of&tratobcrieo. STbe i3?otc(to; fet tbe ilojbcs faff in communing,? tbere^ bpon pjayingtbem to fpare bim fo; a little tobile, beparteb tbcnce.anb fame after one boure, bettoane.r.ano rf.bere# f urncb into tbe Cbawber among tbem all, cbangcb toitb a ioonberfull foure angriecountenance, knitting t b?otoes, feottming ¥ fretting,? gnatoing on iiie Itppeo, ? fo fat bym bolune Edvvard the fifth* 79^ Ootone fit l)is p{ace,a!l t\)t iLo;iris muclt DtfiiiapDe anc ro;e tHarncIlmgoftl)i0 manner of fooainetl^angc, f inljaf tfjtng fl^oulo bint atlc.snben,U)br bad fit ten Stll a Inbtle, tbtm be began: SSilbat toerc tfjep toojtbp to baue tbat foiiipatTe ano imagine tbe oeif rurtton of ma, bepng fo neerc of btouD bnto tbe taing, anb pjotetto? of bis Horallperfon anobis Uealmc tbis queffton,aU tbe ilojDco fat foje aftonpeo, muCng nincb bp tobom tbio queHton (bouloe bement, of tobitb euerp mantoptf bimfeifecleare. S^ben tbe iLojo Cbamberlaine,as be tbat foj tbe louc fae=< tlnanetbemtbougbtebe migbtbebol&etltDttbbint, atm^ ftoereDanb rapDe,tbattbeptocre toojtbptobc punilbcD as bcpnous trapto?3, tobatfoencrtbeptDere. Hno all tbe o# tber alfpjmeb tbe fameXbat is(qufltb be)ponoer fojcerelTc mp bjotbers topfe,ano otljcr initb bir^nieaning i ©wane. 3t tbcfc tDO?bs manp of p otber ilojDs tuerc grcatip abalb^ cD,t^ fauoureD bir. ffiut ^ 3lojb Haftmes toas in bio minbc better content,^ it toas moiico bp bir, ttja bp anp otber Uibo be loueb bctten^lbcitl)iss bart fomlDb'tf gruDgcD,^ be Uias not afo2c mabc ofcounfel in tbio matter, as be tuao of tbe fabing of bir ftinreo,! of tbeir putting to Dfntb,Ujbitb tocre bp bio alTent before, ocuifcD to be bebeabeo at tbpa felf fame Dap , in tobicb be toao net toare}5 it inas bp otber oeuifeo,^ bintfelf IboulO be bebeaoeo ^ fame Dap at London. iDbcn faiDe tbe ^;otcao,i, pelljaU all fa in tobat tuife tbat fo;cere{rc,anD tbat otber 5XJitcb of bir counfell Shores toifc tnitb tbeir affmitic, baue bp tbeir fojccrie auD toitcbcraftc toaffeD mp boDp. 3nD tbcrctoitb be plucheD bp bio Dtiblef flaue to bio elboto bpo bio left arme,tDbere be IbetueD a tne^ rilb UiitbereD arme,ano fmal, ao it toao neuer otber. ainQ tberbpo euerp mano miiiDe fo?e mifgaue tbem, toel percei* ning ^ tbio matter toas but a quarrel, i^o? tbep Uiell toift ^ tbe ©uane inas t© toife fo goe about anp fucb follp.^no aU fo iftbe UjoulD,pet tnoulo Ibe of all folhe leaft mabe Shores toife ofcotmfelljtobotn of all ioomen (be mod bateD,ao tbat Concabine tobonu J^ing bii^ bufbanoe bao moOt loueo* 7 pi Eclward the fiftK alfo,no mantle iDa£!tI)erep;erent butlnell ftnetntltat bio arme toaseuer fucfjc fiince bps bp?tb. ^aptbelelTctbc 3Lo?tie Cbamberlapne (tobicb from tbc oeatb of iapng Ed- ward bcptShorestopfe, on tobombe fometobafboteo in tbe ^ ^ iitngs lpfc,fauing (as it is fapDe)be, tbat tobilefojbarc bit 7 ofrcuerencefoU)arDtbe!ii,o?clfeofacertapnbint) offiocU^ tic to bis frtenD)aunCa)eareD ano fapo: certapnlp mp 3Lo2D, if tbep banc To b^pnowflp f ■> Uiojtbic bepnous puni^ment. ?Hia[bat(quotb tbe J^jofedo?) fbon fcrueff me 3 indne toitb iffcs ant) toitb anDcs,3 fell tbd fbep baue fo Done, anD tbat 3luillmalte0CDDontbpboDpetrapfoutr: anotberetuitbas in a great anger,be clappeb bis fptt bpon tbe bonro a great rappe* Sit tubicb toben giucn,one crieD treafon toitljout tbe Cbamber. CbereU)ttbaDa)?eclappeD, anJ^n come tberc rnOjing men in barneffe, as manp as tbe Chamber mpgbt bolDe. ^nb anone tbe l3?otetto3 fapD to tbe 5Lo;o Hadings, 3 arreff tbd Craptour: Mbat md mp JLojD / (quotb be) pea tbd traitour quotb tbe )S?ote(to^ :^nD another let flie TheLordesta at the iLojDc Stanley,tubicb lb?«nbe at,the ffrobe, anDfcll Hy Yvoun 6. ^ table,o? elfe bis beao bao bdn cleft fo the fdtb: foji ' as lbo?tlp as be lb?abe, pet came the blouD about bis cares* SDben mere tbep al quichlp beSotoeD in Diners Chambers, ejrcepttbetLojDeCbamberlaine, mb'omtbepjotectojbaD fpdDe anD fljjiuc him apace, fo? bp Samt Pauk (quotb be)3 fatll not to Dinner till 3 fd tbp beaD off. 3f btrifeD bim not f 0 a(be mbPjbut beauilp fmbe a ISjieU afauenturcanD maDea(bo?f{h?ift7fo?a longertooulD not be ruffreD,tbe p?ofecto? maoe fo much baft to Dinner,tDbicl^ be might not goe to , till this mere Done, fojfauing of bp» otbe. &>o toas be bjougbt fo?tb into the grdne befpDe the Cbappell mitbin the 2noU)?e,anD bis beao lapDc Dolune bp» " pon a long logge of ICpmber, anD there ffriltcn off, anD af^ tertoarD bis boDp tuitb the beaD enterreDaf ^r/Wy^rbefiDe # boDp of i^ing Edward. ^marnellons cafe is it to beare eptbertbe fnamings of that E(3vvar(le the fifths 79 s tbat \)e (l^onloe (laue i)oyti0ii)O; tije foHens of f^af coultio nottopOe^fo; tl^o felfe ntgliit nctt b0fo?e Ijto O0at!),tl}eilo?o Stanley fcntc a fruffte fecrefe meCfenscr finfo tm at mpo^ nt0l)t in all tt)e lialte, reqatrtng bttn to rife atio rioe aUiape loittj l)pm,fo? be toas Difpofeo btterlp no longer to bpDe,be m Lorde baooe fo fcarcfull a iwcanie, in tublcbe b"" tbougbte tbat a isoare toitb b^ tuflieo fa rafeo tbem botb bp p beaoo, tbat tbe blouo ran about botb tbelr fbouloors. ^Ino fo? as inucb as tbe p?ote£to? gaue tbellSoaro fo? bis cogntfance, tbis U I)?eam0 maoc fo fcarefull an t)np?cinon in bis beart,tbat be ^ toas tb?ougblP betermineono longer to tarrie,but bao bps bo?ircreaoic, if tbe3lo?D Hallmgs Ujoiilo goetoptb bp»n to rioe pet fo farre tbe fame nigbte, tbat tbep ftoulbe be out of Oaunger ere oape, 13a gcoO iLo?D (quotb tbelLo?t)e Haihngs to tbis meSfenger) leanetb mp ILoiOe tbp maitter fo mucbe to fucbe triacs,ani} batb fucb faptb in D?eames, inbicbe ep^ tber bis otone feare fantaftetb^o? ooe rife in tbe nigbtes red bp reafon of bis oap tbougbts:'Cell biiti it is plaine toitcb^ craft to bel^ue in fucb o?cames,U)bicbe if tbep toere tobens oftbingstocome, lobpfbinbetb be not ^inemigbtebeas libclp to mabetbe true bp our going,if toe toere caugbtano b?ougbt bacb (as IrienDs faple fleers) fo? tbe bao ^ HSoare a caufe libelpe to race bs toitb bis folUe ^ fleo fo? fomefalfeba)Oe,toberfo?e eptber is tbere no peril,no? none tbere is in oeeoe: o? if anp be, it is ratber in going tban bp^ Oing. Hno if toe Ibouloe neeos codfal in peril one toap o? o« tber,pet bao 3 lieffer^ menfboulo fa tbat it toere bp otbee mennes falfebcooe, tban tbinbe it toere eptber bp our otone faulte, 0? fainte beartc . jSlno tberefo?e go to tbp maider manne ano coininenoe me to bim, ano p?ap bint to be mtt» rp ano bane no feare : fo? 31 enfure bim 3 am as fure of tbe manne tbat b^ tuotetb of, as 3 am of mine otone banoe. SD fenoe grace fir, quotb tbe mefienger, ano toent bis toape. Cerfaineisitalfo , tfjat in rioing totoaros tbe JTotoer tbe fame mo?ning in tobtcbe be tnas bebeaoeo, bis 13o?ir& a)00,tj, ttoicc . - jF :-,- . ■ t. ■^-m-. 195 Edward thi fifthf ^ ftDice 02 tl)2tce ttumblcD ioitl) tiim»almoffc fo tfjc fallmg:, U)!)icf} t^ing albeit eacbe man tootc tocl oavlp bappcnctb to tijcm to tobom no fucb nufcbance is totoaro, pet batlj it bin oFan oloe rite ano cuttome,obreruct) as a tohcn oftentinictf notablp fo2e0oing fome great miffojtunc. iiJoto tljis ttjat follc^jjettjjtoas no loarning but anenup# ousCko2ne. SCfjc fame mo2ningere be tnas bp, came ai^mgbtbnfo btm, as it toere of curtcOe, to accompanp btm to tbe Coun^ ^ ■ fell, fautoftruetbfentbptbeJ32oteao2tobattbim tljitber# toarbeSjtDifl) tobom betoas of fecrete cpnfeberade in tbat purpofe.a nieane man at tbat time, anb noloe of grcatau^ tbo;itie. SCbisltnigbttobenitbappeneo tbe !lo2De Cbamber* lapne bp tbe toape to dap bis bo2ire, ano commune a tobile toitb a ^2iett tobom be nicttc in tbe Tower Hrectelaid^t bis taIc,ano fapoc mcrilp to bim, tobat mp ilo2De 3| p;ape pou come on, tobcreto talKc pou fo long toitb tbat p:iclte, pou baue no naoe of a pjieff pet: and tberctoitb be laugbeb bp> on bpm, as tbougb be toon lo tape, pa (ball baue frone 15ut to little toift tbe totbcr tobat be mente,an& fo little miCru' dcDjtbat be toas neucr merier, no? ncuer fo ful of g©b bopc in bis life, tobicb felfe tbing is often fane a Ggnc of cljange. 15ut3llbalratbcrlctanptbingpa£rcme,tbanp baincfure^ tic of mans imnoe fo neare bis Dcatb. tiilpofttbc bcrp E^otoer Mbarfe,fo neare tlje place tober bis bcao toas off fonc aftcr,tbcrc met be toitb one Haftmgs a purfiuaimt of bis otone name. 0nD of tbep.i mating in tbatplace, be toas put in rememtoaunceof anotbertime, in tobicbeitbaobc bappcneb tbcm bcfcjc to mate in lube manner togitber in tbe fame place, at tobicbe otber tpme tbe 31020 Cbamberlain bao bin accufeD bnto iiing Edward bptbe3lo20eRmeistbe S5uancsb2otber, infucbctoifeas betoa0fo2tbetobile(butitlaaconotlong)farfallenmto§ ■ feings inotgnation,anO CojOc in great feare of bimfclf.ano fo; as mucbc as be noto mette tbis puriinaunt in tbe fame place Edwar J the fifth* 19^ place f^af ieoparoie fa loeU pafTca, it gatte m great pltm fare to talhe tott^ ^tm thereof, toitt) tu^om ^aDOe before talbeo thereof in the fame place, toh^le he tone therin. 0nQ fherefoje he fapDc:ah Hailing;? arte thou remembjeD 3 met tha here once inith an heaulc heartcr'^ea inp ilojbe . (quoth hO ^ijat remember 3 iuell, anD thanhcs be €>00, ■ tn r' thepgotnogcoD, nojponnoharmetherebp, S^houtuotils Tta.y'^-^ 6cttfapefo(quothhe)ttthouUneloeftasmarha03KnotDe, a fn iDhpchc fetoc hnoioe elfe ao pct,ant) mo thai tho?tIp. SEhat mcnt he bp the HojDco of rijc Siueencs UpnD;eb that toere yj? • tahenbefojeanbthoult) thatDapefaebeheaoct>at PoKfiaite: "y ' tohtch he toell Uiitf, but nothing tuare that tlje 0rc hungo# /i iierhiooUmhcaije.3nfapthman(qaothhe)3tDa0neuerra/A /f ^ ro?ie, no? neuer ftcnoe in fo great ojeaDe in mp life,as 3 bpo toheit thou ano 3 mette here. ;3n&IohoUjethctDojlDei0 h turneb.notDCttanDmincenimiesinthe baunger (as thou -^cck' ^ mapcff happe to heare moje hereafter) ano 3 neuer in mp life romerp,no? neuer info great furetie, ' j j© gcoD (^oo the blinbnelle of our.mojtaIl nature, tohen '' hemottfcareo, heUJasingobfuretie, iDhcnherccheneb frc ---. himfelf rureS,he loQ hio life,f that toithin ttoo hours after« Hl^hus enbcb thps honourable man, a gcob tonight anb a The dercnption gentle, ofgreate autfho?itietoith hpojB;incs, oflptiingH^^"^ fomemhat bi(roIute,plapne anb open to hps enimie, anb fe^ rr^ete to hiofrienb,ea6e to beguile, ashethatofgcobhearte anb couragefojeKubieb no perilles: a louing man anb paf^ 0ng luel beIoueb;berp faithful anb truftie pnough, trntting f o much. i^ob) fleto the fame of this JLojbs beath ftoiftlpc through the Citie,anb fo fo;th further about lihea ininbe in euerpmans eare. i5ut the jaiotectojimmebiatelp after binner, intenbing fo fcffe fome colour bpon the matter,rent tu all halffoj ma' «p fubttantial men out of the Citie into the 2^otDcr» ainb at tljepjcomming, himfelfctoith theS)uhe ©f BuckiKgham, ftaibeharnelTeb in olbe pll faring ^r^^Wm/uch as no man Ihoulbe Iscene that thep btonlb houchfafe to haue put tpon their Edward the fihh» t^etr bachcg,ercept tbat fomc fooatn neccCTitte bau conffrai' neD tbem. ano tl)cn tbc |9?otectour fbetocD tbem. t!)at fljc CfjainberlaincanDotberof bis confptracte bao coiitriueO tobauefoDainelpOeftropetibpi"? ano tb® SDitfte, tbcrc tbe fame Dape in tbe Counfel. 0nt) lubat tbep intenfieD fartb^r toas as pet not toell fenoinnc. £)f tubicbs tb^ir snrcafon ba netierbati bnoUjleDge befojetcnne of tbc clocbe tbe fame fojen(Dne,tDbicb fof ai" afs Djoue tbcm to put on fo? tbeir fiefence fucbc bar^sps as came nert to bantie. 3[nt) fo batbe dUoD bolpen tbem,tbat tbe mtfcbicf turneo bpon tbcm tbat toouloebatieooncit. anotbps l)t requpjeo tbem to rc- po?t. dSuerp man aunCtucrco bimfapje, as tbougb no manne inittrutteD tbe matter, tobicb of trotbe no manne belaueo* ^ct fo2 tbe further appeafing of tbe peoples mintie, be fent immeoiatelp after Dinner in albatt, an^^eraultofarmes. The proteAors loptb a pjoclamatiou to be maDe tbJougbe tbe Citie in tbe prociwuuon. name, contcpning ,tbat tbe 3lo?D Haftings toitb Di^ uerfeotber of bis traptcrous purpofe, bao before confpireD tbe fame Dape,to banc flaine tbe iLojDe JBjotectour, anD tbe of Buckingham, fittingin tbe Counfell, anD after to bane tahen bpon tbem to rule tbe ?aing, anD tbe realme, at tbepj pleafure, anD tberebp to pill anD fpople Inbome tbep litt bncontrolleD. ^iiD mucb matter tbereteas in tbat pjo' clamation, DeuireDtotbeHaunDeroftbelLojDe Chamber^ lapnc, as tbat be toas an eutll Counfapler to tbe isings faf tber, inticing bim to manpe things bigbi^reDounDing to tbeminifbingof bis honour, anD to tbebniucrfall burte of bis Healme bp bis euill companpe,fini(ler procuring, ano bngratious enrample,as toel in manpe other things, as in tl)c bicions liuing ano ino?Dinate abulton of bPS boDie, both toptb manpe other, auD alto fpectnllpe tuptb Shores iDife, inbiebe bias one alfo of bps moSe ferret counfaile of tbps bepnons treafon, toitb lubom be lape nigbtlpe, anb namelp the nigbi inO palt ncpte before bis oeatb; fo that it lDa0 Edwar'^ the fifth* 791 tuas the Icflc maruaple, bngrattous Uutitg fejougljfe fjim to an tjnljappn enoing, Uj^tcl)c fje toas notne putte tnUo, the moffe Djeao commauntieinente of tfje iitngo f)ig{)ncire, ano of 1)10 ^onojablc ano faptbfull counfaple, faotfte fo? hvs Ocmedteo, being fooponip taken in t)P« falflpc concepueo treafon , anb alfo Icaffe tbc oelaping of bis reecution, migbtbaue cncourageo otber mifcbieuouo perfons pait^ nets of bis tonfpiracie, to gather ano affemblc tbemfelues togitber, in making fomegreatecommotion fo?bl's Oelp# nerauiice : inbofe bops being nolwe bp bis Inell oefcrueo Oeatb politikelp repjeCfeo, at p realm IIjoulo bp gooo grace, fett in goO quiet ano peace. j;5olD teas tbis pjoclamation maoe tuptbin tino bonres after tbat be Uias bebeaOco,ano it Inaa fo curiouflp inoiteo, ano fo faire tnjitten in parcbment, in fo IdcU a fettc bano, ano tberelnitb of it felfc fo long a pjocelTe, tbat euerp cbiloc inigbttucn percepuetbat it toas pjepareo befoje. i^ojallp time bettoeene bis oeatb ano tbe pjoclapming, couloe ffeant bane fufficeo Onto tbe bare tojiting alone, all baO it bane ibutinpaper,anofcriblcofojtbi"battcataouenture. tbat bpon tbe pjoclapming thereof,one tbat fcoas fcbolema? tier of Pau/es,o( cbaunceftanoingbp, ano comparingtbe tbojtneffe of tbe time loitb tbe leiigtb of tbe matter,fapo fan^ to tbem tbat ffojOe about bim,bere io a gap gcoolp call,foule call atoap foj ba(te:ano a t^ercbaunt aunftoeareo bim, tbat ittoasix))ittcnbppjopbecic.j;5olnetbcn bpf bp,as it tocre foj anger,not foj couetire,tbe pjotectour fent into tbe boufc of Shores iuire (fojbirbufbanocDlnellco notUjitbbpj) ano fpopleo bir of all tfjat euer tbe bao, aboue tbe balue of ttoo o?tb?eetbouranOemarke,ano rentbpjboOptopjifon, ^no ioben be bao a lubile lapoe bnto bp? (fo? the manner fake) tljatflje Ujcnfe aboute to betoitcb bi«n> ano tbat Ibe toas of connfaile loitb the 5lo?o Cbabcrlaine to oeffrop binnin c6# ^ clulion U)ben tbat no colour couloe fatten bppon tbefe mat^ ters.tben be lapoe bepnouflp to bir charge, ^ thing tbat bir felfc coulo not oenpe, that all the loojlo toift toas tcue,ano that The defcription Edward the fifths tijaf napf ^cIcCTe cucry mannc l(iu0!)CD at,f o ^care it t^tn to roDaincIp,fo f)igl)lp taUtn, tljat ftjc was nou0})t oj^fjir boDp. 0nD foj tbiB caufc(a0 a gcrsD coiitincntjajmcc, clcane ano faitUIclTc ofbtmfelfc, fcntc out of btauen into ttji's bictoiis UiojlD fo? tl)z aniciiDmcnt of mens manners) be caufeo tbe Bifliop otLondon to piit IjPj to opcn penauncc,gotng befoje t\)z (CrofTe in|3?oceiTton, bpon a ^onoap,toitb aSUapcr in bir banoe. Jn wbtcbe flje Went in countenance ano pace be# mure fo toomanlp, anc albeit (be toerc out ofal arrap faue bir hpjtlc onlpe,pet tuente (be fo faire ano iouelp, nameln lobilctbeluonOering of tbe people cafte a comelpruOOe in bir cbttbcs(of Wbicb befo?e bao mod mitTc,) ^ bir great (bmnc toanne bir mucb pjapfe, among tbofe tbat tocr moje amowns ofbir booie,tban curious of bir foule. 0nB maitpe jjcBD folbc alfo tbat bateo bir liuing,ano glao Uiere to fa fin cojretteo: pet pitieo tbep mo?e bir penaunce,etban reiopceb tbcrein, WbentbcpconCoereD tbattbc|3?ot cto? pjocureO itjinoteofacojruptintent^tban anpbertuotis affection. Woman Was bojnc in London,\x}02(t}ipfiillvefnm> •f Shoies wife. Bco^bonefilp bwusfjt bp^auD berp Wei maricOjfauingrcm# Wbat t® rrone,bir buWanD an boned Cititen, pong f goOlp, aiiD of goo fubdace. But foj as mucb tbep Were coupleo ere tbe Were Wei ripe,njc not berp fcruentlp loucD,fo3 WbS (be neuer lcngeo,lybitb Was bappilp tbe tbing tljat p mote eafilp maoe bir incline bnto tbe ritngs appetite, toben bW reqnirco bir.^i)oWbeit tbe refpertofbis ropaltie,tbebopeof gap appareli,eafe,plearurc,anD otbcr wanton Wealth,Was able fisne to pierce a foft tcnoer ijcarte. But Wbcn tbe bing bao abufeo birjanonc bir bnfbano(as be Was an boned ma,f ou?j)ccu!Obisg®D,nofp?efumtng to toufbaiiingsdroncubine) left bir bp to bimalrogitber, GUfbentbe liingoicOjtb^QJb Cbamberlaiii tffihebp?, Wbitbe in tbe liings oapes, albeit be Was foje cnamciireb bponbir,pctbcfojebarebir,cptberfDjreufrcnee, o^fo; a certauic frienolpfaptbfnlnelTe. ]^?oper Ibe Was atiD fapje; notbing in bir booie tbat pon woulo bane cbaungeo, but if pou Edward thefifth*^ putocmlDeljaue fjtr fometo^at^i's^jm SDfjua fap tfjcp tijat Imctoe ^tr in l^tr poutij. Albert fome fbaf noUjc foe btr (fo? vet (fjc ItULHf))D®mc bir ncucr to baue boiic fuel bifagcD, lubafc iuDgcmeut ramctb uie fowclcbaf like,as tl)Ousl) nre" tijoulD gcCTc tbc beautie of one long bc^ fo;c ocparteD, bp bir iralpe taken out of tbe cbarnel boufe t fo? notu is l^c orE)e,lcane,U)itbereD, ano djpcd bp, notbing left but riuclD fiiin anti barD bone.^no pet being cucn fucb: fobofo toel aDuifebir bifage, migbtgeiTe anD Deuire,li»bifb parts boU) fillcD tuoulDe make it a fairc face, ^et ocliteb not men fo mucb in btr beautie as in bit pleafaunt bebaui^ our. i^o; a proper bjit bab flje, anb coulDe botl; reabe toell anb lujite, merrie in conipanpc, reabie anb quicke ofaun# toercjncprbcr mute no? full of bable, fonietime taunting tuitbout birplearure,anb not toitbout bifpojts. SUbc liingbjonlb fap tbat be bab tbJa Concubines,lobi^ Kingcdwaras cb in tbJoe otucrfe pjopcrtics biuerflp epcelleb.Cinc tbe me# riea,another tb'e Inpliell, tbe tijtrbe tbe bolpeH barlat in bis J5ealme,a3 one tobom no man coulb get out of tbe Cburcb ligbtlp to anpplace, but it mere to bis beo. STbc otber tloa mere fomctobat greater perfonages, anb natbeleflc of tbeir bumilitp content to be nainelelTe,! to fo^beare tbe pjaife of tbofe pmpcrties.JSut p merieG toas tbis Shors lDife,in tobo tbe Iking tberfo.ze tojhc fpeciall pleafure. manp be bab, but btr be loueb, iDbbfefauour to fapc tbe trotb (foj finne it mere to belie tbe DiueljJbe nciier abufeb to anp mas burt, battomanpeamannes couifotte anb relicfc : Inberetbe Jkpng fcoke bifplcafure ibc tooulb mitigate anb appcafe bis mpnbc t inbere men mere out of fauour fba moulbe bjpng tbein in bis grace. i?o.:maupe tbat babbe bigblpc offcn^ beb (baobtapncb parbon.!2)fgreatfo?feptureslbegat men remilTion. Hnbfinallp, in manp mcigbticfutes tbe Gosbc manp men in great Geabe, eptber fojnone ojtjerp fmall re;i marbes,anb tbofe ratljer gape tban ricbeteptbcr foj tbat (be toas content mitb tbe bcebe felfe mell bone, oj fo? tbat ibbf belpteo to b^ fueb bnto, anb to (beboe iubat mas able ta Jl'i 4 1 j )}: J ?00 Sir RicUatde Ratclife. Edvvarcl the fifth* fo net toitf) t\)t litngjOj fc? f!)at teanton taomcn atiD focal# t^pbe not alirapes conctous. 3 Doubt not fomc foall tbtnhc f Ijts fooman to flcpgl)fe a tfong to be fojittcn of, ano fct among tbc rcmemb?anceiei of great inatter0:fobp£b tljepfoaUfpeciaUpc tbtnUc,tbatf)ap# ptipefoallcfticmcbtronclp bptbattbepnotocfafor* 313ut nic tenictf) tljc cbauncc fo mucljc t!)C mo?e foojtbp to be re:" membjcD, in bofo muct) Qjc is mwc in ttje mo;e bcggeripc' conDition, bnfrienDeo anD foojnc out of acquaintaunce, af# tcr g£DD fubllauncc, after as great fauour toitlj tbe J^jincc, after as greate fute anD f^hpng to foitb all tbofe tbat tbofc Danes bao biifincirc to fpdeDe, as manpe otber men focre in tfjep? tpmes, tobicb be noto famous onlp bp tljc infampc of tbep?plD»TDs.ti^ir Doings toernotmurblcffe albeit tbcpbc mucb Icffe rcmebjcD bpcaufe tbep toere not fo euil. i^o; ml bfe if tbep b^uc an cuUl turns,to fojitc it in fparble: i tobo fo Doetb bs a g®D turns, fos tojite it in Duffs,fobi£be fo not toojft p?oucD bp birtfoj at tbis Dap Rje bcggctb of manps at tbps Dap lpuing,^at tbis DapbaD beggcD iftljebflb not bin, 35ofo luas it fo DcuifsD bp tfjs pjotcrfour anD bis foun# faplc, tbat tbe felfs Daps in fobprb tbs 31d.:d Cbanibcrlapns foas bebsaDsD in tbs ^otoer stLondon, anD aboute tbs fclfs fame bours,teas tbcre(nottoitboutbfo affent) bebcaDeD at ronfiaite,tl}t fojsrsmsmbjeD llojDs anD iinigbtes tbat tosre taben from tbs Ibing at NorthAmpton ano Stonie Stratforde. Mbtcb tbins foas Done in t'ge pjcfence, anD bp tbs ojDer of fir llicharde Katcliffc i^nigbt, fobofs feruics tbspjotcetouc fpedallp bfcD in tbatcounfcll, anD in tbs execution of furb laUjlcITcenterpjifcs, as a man tbat baD bens long ferrets foptb bun, bailing esperisnce of tbs foojlDe, aiiD a fojeluDs toittCjtbojtanDruDsinfpacb, rongbanD bopHerous ofbs# baupour, bolDein nufcbisfc,asfarrsfrompitieasfromal fears of (1)00. snijis i'im'gbt btingmg tbs out off phfon to tbs fcaffclD, anDfoefoingtotbs prop's afcsntfbattbepfosretraptours, not fuifering tbcm to Declare t fpeaUe tbeic innoccncp,lcatt tbsic Edwarde the fifth* Sot ft)eir toojDS mtg^f fjauetnclpneD men fopifte fi[;em,anD to The Lord Ijate t^e pjotccto? anD Ijifi part: raiifcD t^cm fjattiIp toptlj ; ucrj and Other out tuD0emeiit,p:occs,oj manner of o?Der,to De bcf;caDeo, f fcoitljoutotljer cartblp gilt, but onelp tfjattbep Ujcre gcoD me,ta) true to t^c Japng, anb toj nigl; to tljc Qudcne. /^otoe tofjen ttje 5io?bcCt)amberlatneanD tfjefeotljer 3Lo2Dea anD fenigljtcs mere tljus beljeaDeD anD riDDe out of j tbetoavUbentljougbtetlje }0?otecto?, tljattoljplemen mu« |t feD toljat tbe matter nicnt, tobilr tbe ilojDs of tlje Mcalmc toere about fjtm out oftljep? otone ttrcngtl)cs,U)l;iIe no ma lutQe mijat to ttjtnbe, no? tobome to trutlc, ere etier ttjep (bouiDe tjaue fpace to Difpute anD Dtfgca tfje matter anD ' mafee parties,tt mere bctt ballilp to purfuc bis purpofc,ano I put btmfelfe in potTetTion of tbe Cromn,cre men coulD bane time to Deuife anp map to reCtf. ■ But nome mas all tbe ftuDte bp mbat meane tbps mat« ter being of it felfe fo bepnous, migbt be firtt bjobcn to tbe people,in fucb mife tbat it migbt be mcll taben. SCo tbps Councell tbep tcobe Diuerfe, fucbe as tbcp tbougbt maetlpc to betruffeD, libelpe to be inDuceD to I bat parte, anD able to SanDe tbem in ffeaDe eptber bp pomer o? politic. among mbome tbcp maDe ofCounfaile Edmonde shaa Hdmond sha. _ ibnigbttben5paio?ofLoWo«,mbicbbpon truff ofbis omne aDuauncement, mbereof be mas of a p?ouDe bearte bigbipe Defirous, IboulD frame tbe Citie to tbep? appetite.£Df ^pi« rituall men tbep tobefucb as baD mit,anD mere in autbo?i^ tie among tbe people fo? opinion of tbeir learning,anD baD no fcrupulous confcienee. 3:mong tbefe baDDe tbep lohn Shaa Clearhe, b?otber fo ooaour shaa, tbe^aio?, anD i^rper Pciikcr, p?ouinciall of tbeotto? Shaa luas of counfaple in tbe bc^ ginning,fo farre fo?tb, tbat tljep Betermincb tbat be tboulD firft b:eakc tbe matter in a &erm6 at Pauks CLroire,in tobt* cbe be fl)oulD bp tbe autbo?itie of bis p?eacbing, incline ibc people to tbe p?ote£to?s gboftlp pnrpofe. 3!3iit notD ioas all tbe labour anb ftubie, in tbe benife of fomefonuenientp?etept, f0?ftibpcbe tbe people fboulbc bo content to bcpofctbe}0;ince, anbacceptetbcp?ofecto? fo? iiing. 3n bobicb biuerfc things tbcp oeuifeb, ISut tlje cbicf tbing anb tbc toeigbfe of all tbat inucntton, reffcb in tbps, tbat tbep fijoulb allcbge Baftarbic, eptber in king Ed ward bimrclfe,o? in bis cbilb?en,o? botb.£)o tbat be Iboulb fftmo bifableb to inberitc tbe CroUme^bp tbe E*uhe of r<7r^^f,anb tbe p?ince bp bim. SEo lapeiSarftarbieiniSingEdwarcle/ounbeb openlto fo tbe rebuke oftbe |3?oteftonrs otone mother, tubtcb toas mother to tbem botb: fo? in tbat point coiilbe be none otbec colour but to p?ctcnbe tbat bisotonc mofber toasanab^ tioutrcire,tobicbnotU)itbftanbtng, to further tbpspurpofe be letteb not:but naptbeleQre,bc luoulbe tbat popnt tboulbe be IclTe anb mo?c fauourablp banblcb,not eucn fiillp plaine anb birectlp, but tbat tbc matter Ibouloe be toucbeballope fraftilp,astbougb men fpareb in tbat point to fpeakealtbo trotbjfo? feare of bis bifplcafure. EcJward the fifths *35 55af ffjc ofljcr popnf concerning t^e BaffarOic f ^af tfjep fceuifeDto furnnfeiniiingEdwardes cS)t!5Jcn,t?jatUioulDe Ije IftoulD be opcnlp oeclareo, ano tnfo^ccD to ttjc nttcrmoCf, JCtjc colour ano pjctert tu^iercof,cannot be tuel percepucD, but if toe firffe repeate pou fome tljings long before Done a^ bout iSitng Edwards martage. nfter tbat lling Edwarde tbe foiirtb baDDe DcpofeD iiing ' Hcnne tbc ffFtb,anD toas mpeaccablcpolTcfftocf ^ rrnlrn, Determining btmfelfe to marie,as it loas requifitc botij foj bimfclfc anD foj tlje Healme,be fent oucr in ;3mbafraDe tbc ©arleof^^^wf/iff, tuitbotbcrnoblenieninbiocompanpc bntosp^f'^ir^ tointreatcanDconcluoeamariagc betbjtrnc 5iing Edwardc ano tl)e iSingo Daugbtcr of^/?ame Elizabeth bir felfc ,bcing in fcruiceloptb ©ueene Margaret, toifebntot^ing Hcnne tbc tittbjtoas marpeD bnto one lohn Gray an (H^fquire, toboin iiing Henrie maDc Jknfgbtjbppon tbe fieloc tbat be baD on Bernet Heath bp Satut ttyilbons agaiult ing Edwardc. 0nO little tobile eniopeo be tbat JinigbtbcoDe, fo? be loas at tbc fame fieloc flaine. after tobicb Done, ano tbe (Sarle of wanekke being in bis^mbalTaOeaboute tbe afo?eremcmb?eo mariage, tbps P£D?e 3LaDic maoe bumble fate bnto]& iking, tbat ibemtgbf be refio?co bnto fucb fmall lanoes as bir late bufbanoc baO ginenbp?iniopnture. ^Xlbome loben tbe ikpng bcbeloe, anO bearoc bP? fpeake, as ^e mas botb fap?e ano of a gajo^ lpfauonr,mooerateoffiature,melmaoe, ano berp mifetbc, not Edward the fifth* not onlppiHeD^irjbutalfotoarctJ enamoureDof^tr. 0no takvng bi** ^ftcr fecrctlp aCbe, beganne to enter in falbing mo^c lainiliarlp. labors appetite iuben tbc percepaeD,(be bertuouQpcenpebbpJ"* 215ut tbatoiDibefotuifelp, f toitb fo gcDb nianer,anD tDo?Ds fo toel fct,tljat (be ratljer binbleo Ijis JJciirc ttjan quencbcD it. aiDfinallpe, after manpe a mating, mticbc tumpng, auomanpe greatepjomifcs, ibetuellefppeotbe iliings af- feition toioarbe bp? fo grtenereafeb, tbat (ba burtle fometobat tbe moje bolDcIp fap bir minDe,a0 to btm tobofe beart ibe percepucD moje ferncntfp fet, tban to fall off fo? a toojDe. 3nD in conclufion, Ibe Hietoeb bim plapne, tbat as fba tuplfe bP? fclfe to Ctnple to be bis tuife, fo tbougbte ibe bir felfe t£D g®D to be bps Concubine. Hbc Sing mucbe mar# iielling at bir conttancie, as ba tbat babbe not bene toonfe elfc tobcre to be fo Kiffelpe fapbe nape , fo mucbe cftee# mcbbir contincncie anb cbaflitpe, tbat b^fcttebpjber# tue in tlje ftcabeof poffcffion anb ricbes, anb tbus tabpng Counfaple of bis befire, betermineo in all polTtble bade ts marp bir. 0Mb after be teas tbus appomfeb, anb babbebettuane tbem ftoainc cnfureb bir: tben afteb be Counfaile of bps o# tber frienbcs.ano tbat in fucbe manncr,a6 tbep migbt tbeit percciucjit bojteb not greatlp to fap nap. /^ottoitbttanbing tbe E>ufcbes of Torke bis mother boas fo fo?e moueb tbcrbo, ^ tbe biCojabeo tbe mariageas mucb as tbe poCTtfale migbt, alleaging ^ it toas bis bono?,p?ofite anb furetp alfo,fo ma# lie in a noble p?ogenieoutofbis )iicalme, mberbponbe- penbeb great ftrengtb to bis etfate,bp j aapinifie,anb great polfibilitie ofencreafe of bis potTelTicn. 0nb tbatbecoulbe not UjcU otbertuife boe,(Ianoing tbat tbe Carle of frarmci^ bab fo far moueb alreabpe, lubkb toere not libelp to tabe it teel,if al bis borage toer in fuel) toifefrullrate,! bis apoint# ments beluoeb.3nb (be fapb alfo,^ ittuas not |3?inecip to marp'bii Edward ^05 ^ie otonc fubfe£fe,tto grcate occafion leaDtng fljcrcbnfo, iro polTcffiona, oj otbrr cammotitce Dcpenoitig tljerebpon, but onelp aa it locrc a ricb man tljat UjouIdc marie fjis mapoe, onlp fo? a little Uianton Dotage bponljp? perfon.Hnloijicb mariage nianp mo camenDe tljemapDens fojtune tljan tfje maimers tmfeDome. ^inD pet tberin fbc fapD tljrr toao mcjc Ijonctlie tban Ijono; in tbia mariage.^^o? as mucb as tfjcre is bettDcene no i^ercbaunte anD bis otone mapDe fo greate Difference,as bcttoanc tbe laing anD tbis toiDoto,^ n Inbcfe pcrfoii,albeit tbere mas notbpng to be miflphcD, pet teas tbcre((be fapoe)notbtng fo erceUent but tbatit migbtc ba founbe in Diuerfc otber tbat tocre moje mstlp (qnotb fljee) fo? pour eflate.anD mapDens alfo, tobtras tbe oiilp toiDoln# bcaD of Elizabeth Gray,tbougb ll)C tocrc ill all otbcr tbings conuenient foj pon, (boulDe pet fufficc as me fctmctb to re? frapnc pou from bir mariage, fitbe it is an bnlitting tbing, anD a berp blemi^e anD bigb Difparagemente to tbe facreo maiettie ofa|3:incc,tbatongbf as nigb to appjocbepjielf- . barbaine.3 tDoulb notbea&.toitb ^cobt:* tib,to fojbear mine obm libertie in cboife of mine oton ma? riage.^o fo? polTibilitie of mo?e inberitace bp netn affinitie in ttrange lanbe, is oft tbe occafion of mo?e trouble tba p?o? fite.0nb inebaue alreabie title bp tbat tneaneo, to fo mucb as fufficetb to get anb bape Inell in one mane bapee.fl^bat Ibe is a tMibob),anb batb alreabp cbilb?en, bp 0ob0 blef^ feb 3Labie,3 am a Bacbeler f baue fome to. anb fo eacbe of be batb a p?xDfe tbat netber of bo is libe to be barraine.;^nQ tbcrefo?e(^aoame) 3 p?ap pou be contentc, 3 truff in C-ob Ibelbal b?tng fo?tb apong p?ince tbat (ball pleafe pou.ano as fo? tbe HBtgamie, let tbe iBitbop barblp lap it in mp toap toben 3 come to tabe ojbers.iFo? 3 bnberlfab it is fojbibbe a ^jiettjbut 3 neuertoilf itpet,^ it loas fo?bibbe a pjince. SCb^ SDutcbes mitb tbefe tnojbs nothing appeafeb, and faing the Sting fo fette thereon, tbatlbeconlbe not pal bim bacb,ro bigblp tbe bifbapneb it, that bnocr p?etert of btr bu* ticto c0obtoarbe,lbe beuifeb to biffurbe this mariage,an& rather to belpei^ belboalb marie one iBDame Elizabeth Lu- cy,tobom the Jitingbabbo alfo not long befojegotten ioitb cbilbe.tlSiabetfoje the ibings mother openlp obietfeb againff bis mariage, as it toere in bifcbarge of btr confcience, that tbe. Edwarcl the fifth* 807 tljeaiirg tuas fuicfo SDame Elizabeth Lucy, anafjfrljur^ Eiis»bethLncf banDe before (0ot).)15p reafon of tDbtcb ti}o;De£!,rutb obdatle Suas mabc in ttj? matter, tbat eptljer tfje IBtlbops Dure not, 0; tbe It. luoulo not pjoceeo to tbe foiemni^atto of tbiis loco? Otn0,til tbefe fame toer clearip purgeo, t tije trotb toel ana openlp tettifpcD.vSHbertjpon Dame Eriz.Lucy Uiao rente foj. aiiD albeit tfjat Oje toao bp t\)t mingo mother ano manp other put in gmo comfojte, to affirme that Ihe toaa cnfureD bnto the !ting:pet tohen Ihe toao folemnlp Ctuojn to fap the troth,ieconfcfleD that theptoere neuerenfurcD. ^otobeit Oj€ fapDe hi» grace fpalte fo louingtoojoe hnto hir,thaf ftc berilp hop^b h^ toouloe hane marieo hir.^nD ^ if it haD not bene fo; fuch Hinoe U)o;De6, (he looulD neuer haue fheloeo fuch hinones to him,to let him fo kinolp get hir tnith chtlD. SChio eramination folemnlp tafeen, tuhen it toao clear? TheVfnjt Ip percepueD that there toas none impeoimentc : the Iiing ioith gret fead anD hano^^ble folemnitie,marieD Dame £li< zabetli Gray,ano crotoneo |i©u«enc that tnas his enimi? es iDife, f manp time hao p;apeD ful heartilpe fo; his loCTe, in inhich (zi5od loueD hir better than to graunte hir hit bone. But tohen the Carle Qt^arrptcke hnDerffojDe of this ma? riage,he tohe it fo highip that his ^mbafTaoe toao DeluDeD, that fo; herp anger ano Difoaine,he at his returning alTem* bleb a great pniflTaunce againlf the IKing, f came fo fafltbpo him 0; he coulDe be able to redd, that he toao fapne to hopD the realme, ano flee into HoJUnde fo% fuccour, toherehere# Thekin^gt*. mapneb fo; the fpace of ttoo peres,leauing his ncto toife in fveftmw^erin^anctame, toherelhetoasDeliuercDofEd. the |a;ince,oftohom toe bcfo;e haue fpofee. 3ln tohich mean time the Crleof^^jw/ci^ftcDfec out of p;ifon, anhfethppe again iiing Henric the ftrth,tohich toas befo;e bp iiing Ed- ward DepofeD, f that much tohat bp potoer of tlje Crle of Sw^tohich toas a toife man,and a couragious toarrioj, ^, . Bch drcngth,tohatfo; his ianDs,his alliance,f fauoure vvJ^tke^ . all people,that he mabe iaings, ano put Doton hings afmod at his pleafnre^ i not impodtble to haue attepneo it Cce.iihf hiwftifs. ^ ° ^ Edward the fifths. fji'mfelftjtf ^)aD not recftcncti if a greater t^ji'ng to iiiafte n iting t[)an to be a tting. But notljtng ladetlj altoap: fo? iit conclufion Bing Edwarde rcturneo, auQ toitlj muctje leffc TheErft of niinibcr tlran fjefjaf at Bamet on tbcCDatlerOapfieloc , flue tbe Carle of fVanvicke, tuitfj manu otljer great eftats of tljat partie,ano fo ftablie attaj^neo tbc Crotone againe, tbat %c pcaccablp entopeo it bntii ])i$ bptng bautano in fuel) plight left itjtbat itcoulbe not be lofle, but bp tl)t bifcojoc of bp8 berp frienoeSjOj falfetKobc ofbi« fapneo frienoe. 3 Ijaue re# Ijearfcb tfjio buflneflfe aboute tbis mariage fometofjat t{>c wioje at length, bpcaufc it migbttbercbp the better appeare bponbotoe flipper a grounbe the |0?otecto? buiibeo bio co# lour, bp Inbicbo bo pjetenbeb Sing Edwardes cbilb?en to be Baflar'beo.ButtbattnuentionflnipIe asitlnao, itlibeb tbcm to tubom it fufficeb to baue fomebJbat to Tape, tobplo tbep bierc fure to be compelleo to no larger piofc tban tbe# felueolifleto mabe. BoftorShiai ^job) tbcn(ai8 3 fatgan to (beto pob) it l»as bp tbe |9jo<# trmon. ^conclubeo, tbat tbts SDcctour Shaa Iboulb ina fcrmon at PWwtrofle flgnifpe to tbe people, ^ ncitbcrbing Edwarde bimfelfe, no?tbek)ufecof toere latufullp begotten, no? bjere not tbe berp fbilb?en of p bulieofror^e,butbegotte bnlatofullpfap otber perfos, fap^ abuoutrie of tbe SDutcbeo tbetr motbcr.anb tbat alfo banie Elizabeth Lucy toas berilp tbe toife of Sing Edward,anD fo tbe 19?ince anb al bis cbilb?cn Baflarbg,tbat ine re begotte bpon tbe uliudjnc. :^cfo?bing fo tbis benife S)octo? Shaa f ^onbap after, at Pan/es CrolTe in a grcate aubienre (as al# iuap aflembleb great nujnber to bis p?eatbing) be t®bc foj bis ^beatne Spana vttuUmhanoM agent radices alt as. to fapjBallarde flippes lhal ncucr take deepc roote. ^bercbppon tobcn be bab ibetoeb tbe great graee tbaf C>ob giuetb f fecrctlp infunbetb in rigbt generation after § latoes of matrimonie, tbe beclareb be ^ comonip tbofe cbiU 0?€n lackcb ^ grace,! fo? ^ punitbmentof tbetr parrts tocre fo? ^ moiepart bnbappp,fobu!i foer gotte in bafe,! fpectal# k \ Edward the fifth* Ip in aunonirie. £>f inljicf) tfioagl^ fomc bp fbe ignorance ot tbe tD0?lo ano trutb bib from ^notoUogo tnbertfeD fo; tbe fcafon otb^r mens lanoc3,pcf 0oD altoap fo p?outoetb> fbaf it continuetb not in ffjeir blouD long, but f trutb com^ ming to ligbt, t^t rigbifuU inljcrltoja be rettojeo, ano tfje batfaro flip pulleo bp ere it can be rcoteO oape. 0nD toben bcbablaia fo,: tfjepjcofeanD tonfirmationoftbiofentencc ccrtaine enfamplcs taben out of tbe olb SCeltament, ano o' tljeraunctcntbttto:ies, tbenbegannetjeto DefccnDtntoflje p:aifeof tfjcilojoe Richardc lateSDuke of Torke, calling bim fstbcr to tbeJLo2tieja?otea:oj, ano DccIarcD tbe title of bis beireo bnto tbe oD,burbano bnto £Damo Elizabeth Lucie,ano fo t)is tbilojen battaroes. ^nb befloe tbatjUeitber IHing Edwarde bimfelfe, no; tbe jSDuke of CU- rence,nmong tbofc tbat mere fecrete in tbe boulbolbe, toere^ reckeneo berie fitrelp fo: tbe cbilojen of tbe noble SDuke, as tbofetbatbptbeir fauoursmo:e refembleo otber knotone^ mentbanbim. i^rom mbofebertuousconDitionsbe fapbe alfo tbat tting Edward toasfarreeflf. 15ut tbc3lo:De p?o# tecto: be fapOjtbe berie noble p:ince, tbe fpeciall paterne of Iknigbtlp p:oU)es, as tnell in all p:incelp bebauiour ao in tbe lineamenteo anb fauour of bis bifage, rep:erenteo tbe berp face of tbe noble 3ai>akc bis father, Cbis is, qnotb be, tbe fathers obme ftgure,tbts is bis otone countenaonce,tbe berie pjint of bis bifage, tbe furc bnsoubteo 3lmage, tbe platne erpjeflTe lUieneflt of tbat noble SDuke. j^ome.Ujasitbefo:cDcuifeo,tbatintbe fpcaking oftbefe b3o:bs, tbe p:oterto: Iboultie bane come in among tbe peo^ pie to tbe Sermon mkbe, to tbe eno tbat tbofe b)o:tis mx* ting toitb bis p:erence, migbt baue bene taken among tbe^ bearers,as tbougb tbe bolp gbo& bao put tbem in tbe p:ea^ Cee.b*. cber^ Eavvara the nrtK c^cr8moutl}e,ani) (l^ouloe ^aue ntDueo tlje {itople enen t^ert to trie, fcingRichardc, Jitng Richarde, t^fat it mpgijt ^aue bane after fapoe, tljat bo toas fpedallp cbofen bp 0oD anb in manner bp mp;acle. }!3ut tbts ocuire quapleo , rp** tberbptbeP-Jotectojo ncgligcnceo? tbe J^jcacbers ouep mucb Diligence . i^ojtobplotbo |03o;etto; founoebp tbe toap tarping,lealt bo (bonlDe p;euent tbofe tuo;Des^anD tbe j^otto? fearing tbat bo (bonlDe come ere bpo Sermon coulb come to tbefe toojoeo, boltoD bto matter tbcreto, tobo hiae come to tbem, ano paQe tbem» an^treo into otber mat' tero ere tbe )a;oted:o; came. Mbom tuben be bebelDconi' ining, be foDainelpUfte tbe matter toitb tobicbbe toaoin banDe,anD mitbout anp Deouction tberbnto, out of ai o?Der ano out of all frame beganne to repeate tbofe tuo^Deo n* gapne: tbie is tbe berp noble prince, tbe fpeciallpatrone ofi^nigbtlp p;otDes,U)birb ns mell in all |adncelp bebaui' our^as in tbe liniamentes ano fauour of bis bfage , repje' fentctb tbe berie face of tbe noble SDuUe of Torke bis father: tbis is tbe fathers ob)ne figure > this is bis oUme counts' nauncc, the berp p2int of bis bifage, the fare bnoonbteb 3(« mage, tbeplapnecrpjeffelpbenelTeof the /j^oble E»uhe, tubofe remembrance can neuer Dpeiobple be Ituetb. ^btle tbefe tooroes toere in fpeahtng, tbe ][3rotector arcompanieb toitb tbeSDuhe of through the people in' to the place bjbere the SDostors conimonlp ftano in the bp# per fiorie,h)bere be fiojoe to bearhen the Sermon, ^ut the people mere fofarre from crpingfeingRichardc, that tbep fi0Dc as tbep b?D bane turneD into (tones, fo; iuonoer of tbis (hamefult S>ermon, after tobitb once enbeo, the l^reacbcr gat bun bome,an9 iteucr after Durlt l®hc out for (bame, but hepte bpm out of Cgbt Ipbe an SDmle. ano inben be once afbeo one that bati bane bis olDe hrienb tobat the people talbeo orbtm,al Urere it that bps obrne confcience tbell fbetoeD bim that tbep tal# heD no groDjpettobentbe other aunDuDcreB bim, that there tbos in enerp mannes mouth rpoHen of hf m much ^ame,tf f0 Edward the jfiftfi* J fo ffrake liim to f l^e ^eart, tl^at toit^m feioe offer tDttl^ereD ano confameo aina^ SC^en on t^e Cnefoap folottifng tl)is fermon,t^ere (ante info t\)t Gnildballivi Lon£>n flje SDuftOOf Buckingham, acCOttl* panpeo toitlj Dtiwrfe llojoea ano ftnigbfco, moje fijan ^ap# ptlp bnctoe fbc meffage tfjat tljcp bjougfjf. Sno tfjcre in t^c Cattenooftfjeball, tufjcre? ^aiojbapefljtfjc^^nfftngo, t^e^atoitanDall t^e :^iO(rmcn bepng alTomblco aboute ^tm, all tbe Commons of tbo CittegafljereD befojetljom t after filencecommaunteobppon great papne in tfje tertoas name: tl)e S^ufee atooe bp,ano (as be toas neptber bnlearneo,ano of nature maruellouOplueU rpohen)be fatD Pnto tbe people tuitb acleare ano alonoe bopce in tbie manner oflotfe. ^^lienoes,fo2 tbe ?eale ano beartie fanour tbat toe beare J**® ■^pou, to® be come to tocabe Onto pou,of a matter rpgbt oruloL great ano toeigbtte,ano no lelTe toetgbtte tban pleafmg to C>oo,ano profitable fo all tbe Keame: nor to no part of tbe )$ealme more profitable, tban to pon tbe Citizens of tbts noble Ctfte. i^or tobp,tbat tbing tbat toe toote toel pe baue long tpme lacbeo, ano fore longeo for,tbat pe toouloe baue gtuen great gcoO for,tbat pe tooulo baue gone farre to fetcb? tbat tbing toe be come bitb^r to bring pon toitbout pour la^ bour,patne,coff,aOuentureorteoperoie « Mbat tbing if tbat: Certes tbefuertie of pourotoneboOpes, tbe quiet of pour topoes ano pour oaugbters, tbofauegaroe ofpouc gcDOs : of alltobpcb things in tpmes pafie pe ScDOe euec more in ooubte« i^or tobo toas tbere of pou all, tbat toouloe reeben bim felfelLoroe of bio otone gooo among fo. manp grens ano traps as toas fet tberfore, among fo mueir pilling f polling,among fo manp tares f tallages,oftobic^ tbere toas neuer eno,f oftentimes no n®oe t or if anp toere, it ratbergreto ofropot,f bnrenronabletoali,tbaanp necef# farp or honorable charge. &o t tb«re toas oaplp pilleofro gtoO me ano boneS, great fubSance of goos to be latbeo out among bntbrifts^fo farre forth that fiiftenes fnfficeo not, no^ Edward the fifths ani)t]rua!I manner of knotone tareo: but tnDer an eaf^e nameofbeneuolencc miogsDtotll, tlje ComimOtoners To mncbofeucrpmantoike, aonomancouloetottb bm gmo totll baae gtuen. tt}ougb fbat name of benenolence, fjaQ 00nt6etitbatenerpman(bouloe pap not tobat btmfelfe of bt5 otone gcoD mtll IpS to graunt, but tubat tbe i^tng of bta gcoD totll Iptt to take. C23bicb neucr atkco little, but cuerp tbtng ioas baufeo aboue tbe mcarure,amerciamentg turnea into fines,fines into raunfomsjfmall trcfpaffeo in mifp?i0# i)n,'mirp;irton into treafon. ^hereof 3; tbinke no man !(o« ketb tbat toe Ibouloe remember pou of eramples bp name, as tbougb Bardct tocre fojgotten, tbat teas foj a tuejD fpo< ken in baS cruellp bebcabeo , bp tbe mircon0ratng of tbe laiuesoftbisKealme, fo;tbe^;incesplearurc: tsptb no leffe honour to Markam tben cbiefe Sluftice, tbat left bis of# 0ce ratber tban be iuouloe affent to tbat iuogement, tban to tbe t)ifbone0ie of tbore,tbat eptber fo; feare 0; fiattcrie gaue tbat iubgemet. ^bat Cooke pour otune tDo;(bipfut netgb^ bour.^loermananoi^aio; of tbis noble Citie , bobom of pou eptber fo negligent tbat be knotoetb not,o; fo forgetful tbat be remembjetb not, 0? fo barb bearteo tbat be pitietb not tbattuo?(bipfullmanslo0e:' tubatfpeake toe of lo0ce bis btter fpople ano bnoerfcrueti oeOructton, onclp fo?tbat ttbappeneOtbofetofauourbim tobomtbe |S?incefauo?eO not.Men^benotBi ruppofetorebearfeoftbereanp mo bp name,atb tbcrebc(3 twubtnot)manpberep?crent,tbatep# tber in tbcmfelues, o? in tbcir nigb frienbcs baue knolnne as tuell tbcir gooDs as tbeirpcrfons grcatlp enbaungereo, eptljcr bp fepneo quarels, o? fmall matters agraueo toptb bepnous names. Hno alfo tbere toas no crime fogreat^of tobicb tbere coulD lacke a pjetert.i^o? 0tb tbe feing p?eucn*> tingtbetimeofbisinberitaunce attapneo tbeCrotonebp battaple: it rufftreo in a ricbe man fo? a p?etert of treafon, tobnuebeneofkinD?cD ojaliauncc , ncarc familiaritieo? longer acquaintaunce tuitbanpof tbofe tbat iuere at anpc tpmc tbe lyings entmics, lubicb at one time ano otber, mo;e Edward the fifths 3 uio?e tljan Ijalfe fljc UeaIme.S:iju« tocre iteiffjer pour golis infuertte,anDpottl)epb}oug^t pour boopoa^jn leoperote, befioe t^e common abuentnre of open luarr^ b)i)tt^ albetf Open wane; t^at it io euerttje ioill and occaGon ofmnc^ mircijiefo, pet ioitneuerfo mtfcl^teuono as tntjereanp people fail atoi» ttauncc among tljemfelues, nojinnone eartfjlp nation fo teaolp ant» fo peftilent,as tDl)cn it Ijapnctb among bs: ano among bo neuer fo long conttnueo Dtacntton,no^ fo manp faatfapleo in tbat rearon,no? fo cruell ano fo ocaolp fougbte, ao toas in tbat iiingo oapeo tbat oeaoe is, tUoo fojgiuc it bis route. 3ln\uboretime, anobpmboreoccafion,Ujbatai' bout tbe getting of tbc garland,ft^ping if,leafing,and toim ning againe,it batb coff moje Engitflj b(oud,tban batb ttoice tbe toinning tiXFrau»ce. 3|n tobicb inioarde bcarre among ciuui wane, our reIueo,batb bene fo great efiPufion of tbe auncient noble bloud of tbis Heatme.tbat fcarcelp tbe balfe remapnetb, to tbe great enf^bling of tbis noble land, befide manp a gcod tolune ranfaclted and fpopled bp tbem,tbat batb bene going totbefieldeoKomming^omtbence. ;^nd peace long af;* ter not mucb furer tban toarre. §)o tbat no time teas tbere, in tubicb ricbe men fo? tbcir monep,and great men fo? tbcir landes. 0? fome otberfo? fomefeare, o? fome dtfpleafure loere not out of perill. i^o? Inborn frufied be tbat mtfiruf' ted bis oUme b?otberflnbb fpared be tbat bplled bps oUme b?otbero? tnbo coulde pcrfitlp loue Ijim, if Ijts otone b?o? tber could not e ain^bat manner of folbe be mod fauo?ed Ine (ball fo? bis honour fpare to fpeabe of, botobeit, tbis tnote pou tnell all,tbat Inbo fo ioas bed, bare altnap lead rnle,f mo?e fute tnas in bis dapes bnto Shores tnife, a bile and an abbominable drumpet, tban to all tbc i.o?des in EngUnde, ercept bnto tbofe tbat made bir tbeir p?ote(to?:tDbtcb fimple tnoman tnas inetl named and boned, tpll tbe l^ing fo? bps toanfon ludand finful aflfcction bereft bir from bir bufband, a rigbt boned fubdantiall pong man among pou. :^nd in tbat point, tobicb t" 0®d faptb 3 am fo?ieto fpeahe of, fa«» ningtbatitisinbaine tofi^pein counfelltbot tbtng tbat *14 Edvvardt the fifth* all mcn!tnottie,tl)e grd?0!C appetite (was infaftable, ana cucrp iMberc oner all tljc I'icaUnc iiuollerable. i^o? ro tuoman toao tbcrc anp luberc, pong o? olDc, ritlje oj p®je, toljom be fct bie cpe hjboin be anp tbtng iibca, ep< fber pcrfon ojfauour, fpacbc, pace , o? countenaunce, but tuitbontann feare of (0oO,o? rcfped: of bis bcno3,niariuure 0? grnoge offbctoo?loe, betoonio tinpojtunelppurfuebts appetite,! bauebtr,to tbe great ocaruaton ofmattpa gmo lnoman,anD great D0I03 to tbeir bufbanoc aiiDtbeirotber frtenbcs,tDbicb being bonellpcoplc oftbentfcluco, fo mutfj regaroetbccleanneffc of tbeir boufe, tbecbaHitieof tbepj tDiues,anD tbeiv rbilii?en,tbat tbem Uiere leaner to feaft al fbat tbep banc bcfiDe^tljan to banc fucb a billanie Done tbe. 0nD alflocreit tljat toptb tbisano otbcr impojtable Oca# IpngSjtbe Healme Utas in cuerp part annopeo: pet fpecial* Ippe beretbe Citi5ensoftbignobIeCitie,a3ineIlfo?tbat ainongetf pou is moi! plentie of all fucb tbings as mtnider matter to fucbe iniurpcs, asfojtbat poutoerc ncareff at banD,fitb tbatnearebere about tuascommonlp bis moQa^ bpDing.ilnD pet be pe tbe people tobom be b^oas fingnlar caufe toel ann binDlp to entreat,as anp part of bis Kealme, not onelp foj tbat tbe JBjincc bp tbis noble Citie, as bps ^cciait fpcciall tuell rcnotoincD citie of c'Sw!'"''' macbbonourablefaiuc recciuetb among all otbernations: butalfofo?tbatpcnot luitboiit ponr great cotte, and funojieperils ano ieoperbies in nllbistuarres, bare enenpour fpcciall fauonr to bis parte, tobptbe pour hinDcmpiiDcsbojne to tbe boufe of Torke, Ctbe ba bstbe notbpng loojtbplp acquiteb, tljere is of tbat boufe tbat noto bp <5000 grace better tball, lubicbtljiug to tbeteepou,is tbe tabole funime ano cffe(fe of tbis our p?efcnt erranOe* 3I1 Iball not 33 mote tuell,naoe tbat 3 rebearfc pou agatne, tbat pebauealreaoic bearoe, of bpm tbat ran better tell it, anOof iDbom 31 amrurepctopUbetter bclfetieit.;3no rcafon is tljat it fo bfie. 3| am not fo p?ouOe to Imkc tberfo?e tbat p® (boulDc rechen mp toojoes of as grcatc auctbojitic as V Edward the fifth# as fl)e )B}eacl^ers of t^t loo^oe of (is>o0, namely a man To cnnnmgatiofotDPre, tl)at no man better tootetb tetat be (bouloe fa^e, anD thereto To gcoo ano bertueuo, that ha toouloe not fape the thing tohtch he toptt he Ihoulo not fa^e, in the|3iilpet, namclp, into tlje luhich no hone® man com# meth to Ipc, lohich honojabic pjeachcr pa loell remember fubllanttallp oeclareobntopou at Pan/rs Crojje,o\y^nnbap lattpaiTeo, the right f title, that the moa crcellent pjince Richarde ^ukc of GUceiler, noto |02otecto? Ofthis l^calme hath bnto the Crotonc ano Ringbome of the fame, i?oj ao thetoojfhipfullman grounblpemabe open bnto pou , the chilbJcnofltingEdwardthefonrthc, toerenencr latofuUp begotten, fo; aa much as the taing (leauing his berp mpfe SDameEUzabeth Lucie) toas neuer latofuUp marrieo bnto the ©uaene their mother, tohofeblouD fauing that he fet - hisholuptuous pleafuicbcfo?ehishonoLtoasfulbnmfftlp to be matchcD toith his, ano the minglpng of tohofe bloiios togither, hath bcene the cffufion of great parte of the noble blouO of this l^ealme. SMherebp it map toell fame the ma« riagcnotlDell mafie, oftohich there is fo muche mifthiefc grotmie. i^o; lathe of lohich latofull accotipling, ano alfo of other things tohich the fapoe too^ihipfull E^octo; rather ngnifieothanfullpcrplaneo , ano inhich things thall not be fpohen fo; ma, as the thing tuherein etierp man fojbea* reth to tap that he hnotnethin auopoing oifpleafnreof mp noble Eo}0 j^;otecto;, bearing as nature requireth a fdialt reuerence to the Duches his mother, fo; thefc caufes 3 fap befo;e rcmemb;eD, that is to bjit, fo; lathe of other if^ fue latofullpe tommingof the late noble i^jinteRicHardc SDuheof ?"or(^tf,totDhorcropall blouOthe CroUme of iande ano of Fraancc, ig bp the hpghe auttho;itie of|0arlia» ment entapleb,thcrpght ano title of the fame, is bp the iutf conrfe of inheritaunce atto;oing to the tommon latoes of thpsilanoe, oeuolute anotommen bnto the moQ eje^' cellent pjinte the 3lo;o J0;otccto;, as to the berp latofullp begotten fonncofthe fo;ercmemb?eo noble E^uhe of 816 Ed ward the fifth. MljicI) tljing itiell conHDcreD, aito tlje great p;o# ives ponficreD, toittj manifolDc Pcrtiics tofjtcl) in Ijts noble perfon fingularlp abeuno, tlje ^obleo ano Conimono al'o oftljie Uealme,antjfpectallp ofttje ji5ojtbpart,notUjiIIinff any baliarb blouD to bane tbe rule oftlje lanb, no? tbe abo* fioits befo;e in tbe fame bfeb anp longer to continue, baue conOifcenDeDanDfullp octermineD to mabe bumble petiti# on to tbe mott puiffaunt jince tbe llojD |9?otecto?, tbat it map IpUe bi« grace at our bumble requeC,to take Upon bim tbe guiDing ano gouernance of tbio Healme, to tbe toealtb anoencreafcoftbefame, accojoingto bps berie rigbt ano iutt tptlc. OTbicb tbtng 3! toote it toell, be toill be lotbe to tabebponbPm,asb^b)bofetDifeOometDcll pcrccpuetb tbe labour ano ffuoie botb of minoe ano booy, tbat tball come tbereU)itb}tolDbemrocuerroU)ill occupietbe rtome, ao 3 bare fap be tniU if be take it. tisabicb rtonie 3 toarne pou toell is no cbiloeo office. 0no tbat tbe great tuire man toell perceiueo, toben be fapo : cuitu rexpuer eFl : Wo is that Rcalme that hath a childe to their King. tKIberefOje fo mucb tbe moje caufe baue toe to tbanke (25oo,tbat tbis 00* bieperfonage tobicb is fo rigbteouHp intituleo tbcrbnto^is of fo fao age,ano tberebnto fo great toifeoome iopneo toitb To great erperience^tobicb albeit be toill be lotb (as 3 buue fapo) to take it bpon bim,pet Iball be to our petition in tbat bebalfc tbe mojcgraciouflp incline,ifpc tbe toojlbipfulCi^ tijensoftbistbecbiefeCitieof tbisKeatme, iopne toptb bs tbe nobles in our faioe requcfl. tobicb fo? pour otonc toeale toe Ooubt not but pe toill: ano natbeleffe 3 bartilp pjap pou fo to ooe,toberebp pou fball ooe great pjofit to all tbis ISealine befiDe,in cbofing tbcm fo gcoO a l'iing,ano bn* to pour felfe fpecial commooitie,to tobom bis ^paiellie tbal cuer after bearefo mucb tbemojc tenoer fauour, inbotoe mucb be tbal perccpue pou tbe mo?e pjone ano faeneuotent? Ip minoeo totoaro bis election. Mberin ocarefrienos tobat minoe pou baue^toe require pou plainelp to ll)cto bs. t^bctttbeE»ukcbao fapoe, anolcokeo tbat tbe people tobom Edward the fifths 7 fol^om I)e ^ope& t^at t^e ^aio; ^aODc fVam^d before,fl^ottlo after t\)i8 pjopoCti'on mane , i)aue crreoifttng Ridurcie, l^tng Richard, all toag ljutbt anD mute, anb not one tDo?& aunCcDercD tbcrebnto: tDfj^retDitbfbcS'ufeeUjasniarucls louflp abafbeb, anb tahtng ti)e i^ato; nearer to bpni, tnttb otber that tocre aboute btnt p;iute to ^bat matter, fapbe bnto tbrni foftlpe, iobat meanetb tbps , tbat tbps peo^ pie be fo llpll? &P? (quotb tbe ^aio? percafe tbep pcr^ cepue pou not toell.M^bat (ball iaet men&e(quotb b^) tf tbat U)hl)brlpe« ;anD bp anb bp fometobaf louber ba rebearfeb tbcm fbe fame matter agapne fnotbcr ojber anb otber too.Jbes fo tuellanb qmatetp, anb naptbelelTe fo eutbentipe anb plapne, toptb bopce, geffure, anb countcnaunre fo come« Ip, anb fo connenient, tbat euerp man mucbe maruelleb tbat brarbe btm, anb tbougbf tbat tbep neuer bab in tbcp? lines b^arb fo euil a tale fo ttiell tolbe. iSut tnere it fo? toonbcr o? fcare, o? tbat ecbe Icobt tbat olbertboulbefpeabefirQ : notoneluo?be toas tbere aun« toereb of ad tbe people tbat dcobe befo?e, but ad luas as (tpd as tbe mpbnigbt) not fo mucbe as rotoning amongetf tbem, bp tnbirb tbrpmpgbt fdcme to commune tnb^t tnas belt to boe.^brn tbe ^aio? fatoe tbis,bd^ toitb otber part« nersof tbatCouncellb?etDeaboutetbe2Dube , anbfapbe tbat tbe people bab not b^ne accuSomeb tbere to be fpoben bnto, butbptbcUeco?ber , inbicb is tbe moutb of tbe €u tie, anb b'lppilp to btm tbep tnpl atmCoere. ^itb tbat tbe Kcco?ber cadeb Fitz William, a fab manne,anb an bonclf, tobicb teas fo netoecome into tbat ofifice, tbat be neuer Ijab Rccotder.""* fpohcn to tbe people befo?e, anb lotbe luas toptb tbat mat# terto bcgpnne, nottoitbfianbpng , tberebnto commaun# beb bp tbe ^aio?, mabe rebearfad fo tbe Commons of ^ tbeSPuhebabtlDtce rebcarfebtbemtobimfelfe. iSuttbe lSeco?ber fo tempereb bps tale, tbat be fbetneb euerp tbing as tbe SDuhes tDo?bes, anb no parte of bps otone.But all tbis noting, nocbaunge mabe in tbe people, bobtcb aliuap after Edward the fifth* after one, ffcoDeaBtljep Ijao bane men amafeD, fofjercbp* pon tlje Dtihcrotonco bnto tbe spatoj ano fapoc: ttjts tea marucllous obtfinate ftlrncc, aiiD tberctoitb be turneo bn# to tbe people agnpne toitb tbefe tuojoea t S^care frtenoes tDaronictomffluepoiitotbat tbing tobtcbe peraOuenture lua not fo greatlpe necDeb, but ibat tbe i.ojOfs of tbps l4ealme,ano tbe commone ofotber partrco mtgbt bane fuf* ficeo; fautng tbat tode futbe lone bearc pou, ano fo mucb frt bppoujtbatUjetDouliienotglaDlpcDoe tottboutpcu, tbat tbing,in inbtcbc to be partnci'fi iBpourtoeale ano honour, idbicb as it fametbjCitber pou fee not,o; toep not. Mbere? fo?e tee require pou giue bs anltocarc one oj otber tubetber pee be iiiinocD as al p j;5obIes of tbe Healm be, to bane tbis iioble Idjincc noU) ]^?otcrtoj to be pour l^ing oj not. ^t tbefe too?DCB tbe people beganne to totifper among tbemfclues fecretclp, tbat tbe boice toas ncitbcr lotooe noj biffintt,but as ittnere tbe founoe of a fxDarmeoflBecs, tpil at tbe lafl in tbe neatber cno of tbe !^all, a bulbment of tbe iDubes feruauntrs ano i^albfieloes, ano otber longing to tbe p?otcrtoj, luitb fonie pjcntifes ano laooes tbat tbjnlt into tbe I9all amongtbe pjeafe, beganne fooainlp at mens baches tocrpcoutaslouoe as tbepjtbJotestuouloe gpue: 5SingRiclurde_,?^tng Ricliardc,ano tb?cluebp tbeircappes intohenofiop. ^notbeptbatffcooebefojccallbache tbcir bcaos marucHiiig thereof,but iiotbing tbep fapoe. 0nob)ben tbe2Duhcanotbe^aioj fatoctbis manner, tbep loifclpe turneo it fo tbep? purpofc, ano fapOe it luas a 0CDOlpcrpe,anoa iopfullfobeare, cucrpemair toitb one bDpce,no man faping nap. frienoes (quofb tbb puhc) fiiice tbat U»e pcrceiuc it is all pour tobole mpnoes to bauctbis j^oble man fo? pour li.bjberoftocfball mahc bis grace fo effertuall repo?t,tbat toe Ooubt not but it fball reoounoc bnto pour great tocaleanorommooptie: toce re# quire pe tbat re to mo?olo go loitb bs,ano toe toitl) pou bn# to bis i;>oble grace , to mahc our bumble requeft bnto bim in maner befo?e remembjeo, 0no tbereUjitl; ib® 31o?D8- ' tame E dv var d th e fifth* ^ ^ 7 came 6otDne,ani) t^c companp Diffoluefi ant) tJcparfeD, f{)C inojc part all faD,feme tDtt^glaD fcmblance tbattoercnot ljcrpmcrrtc,anD fomcoftljofe tfjatcametbitljcriupll) tbe Dulte not able to DilTeiuble rijctr fo?roto, toere fame at bis bacbetctuinetbcirfaccto tbe toall, lobils tbc bclour of tbeir bfart barlt out of tbcir epes. on tbc inojroloeafter, tb^ f^aio; fottb all tl)c 31^ tuc Mnors Dcrmcn ano cbtcfc commoners of tbecitic in tbcir bell nia# BTynaufsci. nerapparellci), aflDembling tbeinfelues togctbcr, rcfojtcb fteu. Dnto Baynardes Ca^iell,\33}^tXC tbC 53?OtertO? laP. STo l»bicb place repapjcD alfo accojopng to tbepj appopntnicnt, tbc SDuUc of Buckingham, tuttb Diucrfc ^oblc ijicn toptb bitn. bcfpDe manpBnigbtes ano otber d^entlcmcn 5lnD tbcrc^ bppontbsDuUc fent tuojDe bnto tbc JLojoe ^jotcctoj of tbe being tbcrc ofa great anO bonc?able conipaiuc,to moua a great matter bnto bis grace. ?Mbcrcbpontbc|i3;otettoj niabc DifFicultie to come out bnto tbenijbut iftje firft bnetue fome part of tbcir erranDjas tbougbc be Doubtci), ano partlp oiliruffco tbe commtng of a number bnto bim fo foOenlp , teitbout anp luarning o? bnoiuleoge tubctber fbep came fo: gcoo oj barmc. Cben tbc Oube iDbcn be ban Ibetoco tbis bnto tbe ^aio: f otber, tbat tbcp migbt tberbp fa botu little tbe |3:otcctoj Icobeo fo? tbis matter, tbepfent bntobimbptbea^etTengerfucbelouing melTage agatne,an0 tbcreteitb fo bumblp faefougbtbim to boucbfafe,tbat tbep migbt rcfo?t to bis p?erencc, to purpofe tbeir intent,of tDbicbtbeptoouloe bnto none otber perfon part Difclofe, tbat at tbe lallbecamefo?tb of bis Cbamber, ano pet not ootone bnto tbem, but lfo50c abouc in a (iI5al=' lcrtcou£rtbein,lDbere tbep migbt fee bim , ano fpcahe to bim^ as tbougb be bjouloe not pet come to) naretbemtpll be toitttobattbcp mcnt. aino tberebpon tbc SDulte Buckingham firli maoe bumble petition bnto bint on tbe bcbalfe of tbcm all, tbat bis grace toouloparDontbem,ano licence tbem to purpofe bnto bis grace tbe intent of tbeir commingtoitbout bis oifpleafurc, \ Edward the fifth,' lutf^outljD^tcIjparoonebtemrti, tbevDurS notbeboldefo moucbinioftbatmatter. 3inb)btcb^ albeit tbe^ mentatc mticbe bononr to bio grace , aoboealtbe to alltbeltleatine bcfioe,ycttucretbcpnotfure botoebio grace mcnloetalie it,U)bO!ii tbep UjoulOc in no lurfe oflfenoe. lEben tbc pjoo tcctoj(as \)C toao berie gentle of bimrclfe , ano alfo longed fojc to tottte tobat tbcpmcnt) gauebim Icauctopurpofe iDljat bint Ipbeb, bcrilp truCing fo? tbe gtod niinbe tbat ba bare tbem all^nonc oftfjem anp tbtng tnoulbe intence bnto btmtuarde,U)brreb}itb b^ ougbt to be grteued. Mbcntbc2)ubcbad tbpsleaue and pardon to fpeafee, tben toared b(^ boloe to (bein bim tbetr intent and purpofe, initb all tbe caufeo mosuing tbem tberebnto aspe before bane beard,and finallp to bef^cbe bio grace, tbat it tooulde libe bim of bio accuHomcd goodneo i fcale bnto tbe realms notoelDitbbiocpe ofpitie, to bebolde tbe long continued didrelTe and decape of tbe fame, and to fet bio graciouo ban« des to redjcCfe and amendment tbereof,bptahing bpon bim tbeCroUme andgoucrnaunceoftbpoKealme, acco;dpng to bio rpgbt and fptle latofullp defccnded bnto bim, anb to tbe laude of (^od , p?o$tc of tbe Cande , and bnto bpo gracefo mucbe tbemojc honour, andlene papne,intbat tbat neuer )3;ince rapgned bppon anp people, tbat luere fo glad to Ipue bnder bpo obepfaunce, ao tbe people of tbps Uealme bnder bio. Mben tbe l3;otecto? bad bcarde tbe p;opofition, be l(o« feed berie ffraungelp tberat, f anCtoered: tbat albeit ittoere f be partlp fenelue tbe things bp tbem alledgcd to be true, pet fucb entire lone be bare bnto ifting Ed. and bio cbildjen, fo mucb moje be regarded bio bonoJ in otber realmeo, about tban tbe Crobme of anp one of tobicbe b® toao neuer dcfpjous, ^ be coulde not finde in bio beart in tfjiff popnt to enclpnc to tbepj defire. i^o? in all otber i^ations tnbere tbetrutb loerenot luell fenotbne,itlbouldeperaduentnre betbougbte, tbat it iuere bio olnne ambitious mtnde and deuife,to depofe tbepjince^and tafeebimfeUietbeCrobme, Sbit^ Edward the fifths lott^ toljicl) tnfamtc fje tooulDc not l^aue I[)otiour0ci^« neo fo2 anp Crotonc, in to^tclj t)t ^ao cuer pcrccpuco niuctj . nioje labour ano paprie, tftan pleafure to bpni ttjat incnlD fo bfe it, ao fjt tbat luoulDe not, tocrc not tDojtbic to baue it, j^otlwitbttanDing bf not onclp parbonro tfjcin tfje mo# fion tbat tbcp maoc fji'ti, but alfo tljanbeo ttjcm foj tbe loue ant) brarfiefauour tljep bare » piaping tfjcm foj bPsfahetogpueanDfacare tfjefameto tijc ^jincc, bntjcr tobom bee iwao, ano tooulDe bee content to Ipue, ano iuitb bpo labour ano counfell, as farrc ao fijoulo Ipbe tbc feing tobfebint,betooulo Doebicf tJttcrmoft tieuopje tofcttbe Kealmc in gcoD flafe, tobpcbe tuas alreaote in tbis Ipttic tobple of bps J3?otcctoj(bippe (tbe pjapfe gpucn to 0oD ) ioeUbegunnc, in tbat tbe malice of fucbeas toere befoje occaConof tbecontrarie ,anD of ncto intenoeo to ba,U)cre notuepartlpbpgcDt) poticie, partlp mojebp (!D>ot)srpeciaU pjouiOence,tban mans p?ouiCon repjelTcO. tappontbisaunOajeregiuen, tbe©uhebpfbe ^3jotec# tours licence, a Ipttle rotones, aCooelltoptb otber jj^cblc men aboutc bpm, as toitb tbe ^aio? ano kccojoer of do>7. ^iiD after tbatbppon IpbeparDon oefireo ano obtep# ncD, be (betueo alouoebnto tbe )a?otecto?, tbatfo; a nail concliifion, tbat tbe Uealme loas appopnteo Iting Ed- wardcs Ipnc tftonlD not anp longer rapgne bpon tbcm,botb fo; tbat tbcp baobe fo ferre gone, tbat it toas notoe no fu# crtic to retreate , as fo; tbat tbep tbougbtc it fo; tbe tocalc bniuerfall to tabe tbattoape, altbougbetbep babnotpet bcgonne it. C2Ibcrfo;e ifit tooulb Ipbe bis grace to tabe tbe crotune bpponbpm, tbepUjoulbebumblpbefacbcbtm tberebnto* 3f be tnoulbe giue tbem a rcfolute auntoere to tbc contra# rie, Inbicb tbep tooulbe be lotbe to beare , tben mutt tbep ndcbes f^ke anb tboulbe not faple to fpnbe fome otber noble man tbat tuoulb. SCbefe U)o;bes mucbe moueb tbe ^9;ofe(tour, inbtcb elfc aseueriemanmaptoitjitioulbc neuerof likelpbcob bane irff.ig, enclpneii S32 Th e ProttAor taketh vpon iumtabc king. Edward tnenftfi,' rncbneo f^fretnfo« But tDf)eni)»rai»et^erel»8^( none o« t!)ertDave,buttf;(iteptt^r^emnatabett, o; elfeb^ anD t^pobotbgocfrom tt, b^rapDebntotbeilojoes ano coin> mona : &ttb bids percepue toctl tbat all ttjc IScalmc to fo fetjtDbereoftDabttberpfoiie tbattbcptuillnot futfer in an^ toife iitng Edwardes Ipnc fo gouernc tbem, tobome no man eartblp can goutrne agapnQ tbctr tonllco, ano toe ioct alfo perccpue, tbat no man tcr tbcre,to tobome tbe Crotone can bp tuli tptle appcrtapnc, as fo our felfe, as bcrte rpgbte bep.:eiamfallp begot fen of tbe booteof our molf oeare fSf tberRichardc lafeSDubeof totobicb^ fptleis notoe fopneo pour eleaton, tbe ipiobles ano Commons ef fbps i^ealmCjtobtcbtoaofallfptl^JS potRblefahefojniott cfifec* tuall : Mee bee content ano agree fauourablpfo cnclpne ta pour petition ano requeS, ano acco;iOpng to tbe fame, bere ioee tabe bppon bs tbe ropalt elfnte,pjeeminence ano hing^ Oome of tbe ttoo noble Ulealmes, EKgla»de ano Erau»cc,\^z one from tbts oape fo^toarOc, bp bs ano onr bepjes to rule, goucrne, ano oefenoe: tbe ofber bp d^os grace, ano pour gajObelpe,togefagapneanofttbOue, anoettablilbe fo? e# uer in Oue obeOience bnto tbps Hcalme of £»^Wr,tbe ao* uatincement toberof loee neuer afbe of di^oO fonger to liusi tbantue inteno to procure. ®2Iitb tbis tberc toas a great iboute , crping jiing Ri- cliarde,fcing Richarde. Hno tbett tbe JlojOes toent bp fa tbefting(fo?fo toas befromtbattpmecalleo) ano tbe peo» pleoeparteo ,falbingoiurrrelpof tbe matter, cuerp man as bpo fantafte gaue bim. But mucb tbep talbco ano mar^ uelleO of tbe manner of tbisoealing, tbat tbe matter toas on botb partes maoefo Ifraunge, astbougbe neptberbaO euer communeo toitb otbec thereof befoje, toben tbat tbeut felues toplfetberetoas no mannefo oull tbatbearoe tbem, but b^percepueo toell pnougbe,tbat all tbe matter toas maoe bcttoeene tbcm. ^otobeit Ibnie epcufeo tbat agapne, ano fapo all mulie be bone in goo o?oer i Hno menne aiuttfomtpmc fo? tbe manners fabc, not be abnotoen tobaJ tbeg Edward the fifths fliephnolvc. irD3aftf;econfwrafton of a Bpfl&op, eoerpe man Ujofctl) loell bptlje paving fo; ^10 aSuUcB, fljatf)® purpofetbtobconc, anotbougljoijepavefojnofbtngdfe. 0nD pet mull bt be ttuvce afecD tubetfjer tviU be 315pfljop 03 no, ano be mnSe tlntce Tape nap, anb at tbe tbp^be tpme taheit, aoconipettebtberebnto bpbi0oUine toill. 0nb in a Hage plap,tbe people ftnoln rigbt U)ell,tbat ba tbat plap? etbtbe^oiobaine, if one (bouloe bnoto To little gcoD, to Ibeto out of feafo tubat acquaintance b» batb initb bpm, ano call bptn bp bio etone name tnbilo be danoetb in bio ^aietlie, one of bio to3mento30 mpgbte bap to bjeabe bio bcab,anb tno3tbp fo3 marring of tbe ptap« ;^nb fo tbep fapte, tbat tbefetnaftero be Stingo gameo, ao it inere Sage ptapeo,anb foj tbe mo}e part,plapeb bpon fcaifolbeo. 3|n Inbirb pa)?s men be but tbe Imhero on. 0no tbep ^ toife be toiU mebble na furtber.i^o; tbep tbat fomtime Sep bp,anb plaptnitb tbem, bob^n tbep cannot {ilape tbep: parteo, tbep oifo;# ber tbe pIape,ano boe tbemfelueono goo. MiW. »24 T the thirde^ 148? ulmo reg. 1. 4 This tint is here bctvveene thismarke and Ihis matke * was not writs ten bf niaifter Moore in this Hiftotie writ- ten by him in englishjbutis tranflatedout of this hiftorie which he wrote in !< at- tin- ' He next day^the Protect to? toitl) a great trapne, iocnt to PVeflmiriBer Hall, ai1D tljcrc tuljetl f)c ijao places ()imretf in § Court offfje icings Bencf), secIareDto i tf)eauDiencc,tiiat Ijc tuouls tahe bppon l)im tl)c Crotone in tljaf i place tljere, tuljere tlje itiing Ijim^ ^ fclfe fittetl) ans miniCretlj p lata, ~ becaufel)econttocreD tljatitiuas fbecbiefettsuettcof ai^ingtq minittcr tbe latues. SCljeii ioitlj ao plcafant an £Djation as becoulo,fjetocntabout to tonn bim tbe nobles^tlje mercbatifs,fbe artificers, ano ill conclulion all Uina of men,but efpecwUp tbe latupers of tbpo Kealme. Hno finally to tbe intent tbat no man fboulQ bate binifo3feare,anDtbat bis seccitfulll clcmencie mygbt get btni tbe gcos Intll of i\}z people, tobm bo bao Declareo § bircommositieofbirco^se^ans tb^cemmobities ofconco?be an® Richard the tliirde> 82 j ano f^e maoe an open p?odamatanrtaurtc (foj tbPtber babbe fleobe fo? feare of bim) in ttjefigbte of tbe people, bb tohebim bptbebanbe, Mlbicb tbing tbe Commo people reiopceb at, anb piapfeb, but toife men tobe it foj a banitie. 3Bn btf returne borne# tDarbe,U)bbin foeuer b^ niet, be faluteb. a mpnbe tbat bnotoetb it relfeguiltie,ia in a manner beietteb to a feruile flatterie. UMbc" bb ban begon bia raigne in 31ime, after tbia moc# hitbe election, tben toaa bb Crotoneo tbe Crtb bape of tbe fame monetb. ^nb tbat folemnitie loaa furnilbeb fo; tbe mod part,U)itb tbe relfe fame piouidon tbat loaa appointeo foj tbe coionation of bia nepbeto.* ^oinfelltberemifcbieueatbuk. 3[nbaa tbe tbing euill sh Thomas gotten is neuerloellhepte , tbojougbe all tbe time of bpa raigne neuer ceatfeb tbeir cruel! beatb anb naugbter,tpl bia olune bedrmtion enbeb it.li3ut as be fiinitbeb bia time loitb tbe belt beatb anb tbe moll rigbteoua, tbat is to loitte,bpa Dtone, fo beganne be loitb ibe moll piteoua ano loicbeb, 3| meane tbe lamentable murtber of bia innocent nepbetoea, tbe pong l^ing anb bis tenberbiotber: lobofebeatbanbt!# nail infojtunc batb natbclcffe common fo farre in queftion,. fbatfomeremapnepetinboubt, tobetbertbeptoerembpa bapea bellropeo oj no. j^ot fo? tbat onlp tbat Perkyn Wer- becke bp maiTP folUca maltce,anb moefolkeafollp, fo long fpaceabuSngtbciooilbe, loaa aa loell loitb iS?ince0 ae tbe pcD?er people, reputeb ano tafeen fo? tbe pongcr oftbefe tloo, but fo? tbat alfo tbat all tbinga toere in late bapea fa couertlp bemeaneb,one tbing p?etenbeb,anb another met, tbat tbereloaa notbingfo plaine f opcnlpp?oneD, but tljat pctfo? tbecomino cullomof clofe f couert beating,men bab it: Richard the thi'rdcf if euer intoaruiri fufjjcxr: aa manw tocll counfcrfapfefi Je' tDCls mahe tljc true nnttrutlcD. laotobcit concerning tlje o' pinion,tDttb tbe occafions motiing crtbrr partte, tne ibalt ^auc place moje at large to intreate,if toe btrcafttr bappeii to to;tte tbe time of tbe late noble prince of fautouo memo^ ncjaing Hciirictbefeauentb , o? percafe tbat ^^iao;ic of Perkin tn anp compendious ptocelTe bp it felfe. 31But in tbe nieane time foj tbis p?efent matter, 3 (bal rebearfe pou tbe Oolo;ous enoc of tbofe babes, not after euerpe toape tbat 3 baue bearoe but bp fucbe men and bp fucbe meanes as me tbinbetb it toere barde,but it (boulde be true. iiing Richard after bis Cojonation, tahing bis toape to cioceUertQ biCte in bis netoe bonour, tbeCotoneoftobtcb bare tbe name of bis olde,deuircd as be rode,to fulfil tbe tbing tobicb be befo;e bad intended.^nd fo2 as mncb as bps ntinde gaue bim,tbat bis nepbetoesliuing, metoouldnot reckentbat becoulde baue rigbt to tbe Healme, be tbougbt tberfo;e toitbout delap to ridde tbem,as tbougb tbe killing of bis Hinfmen cotilde amende bis caulie. and make bim a kindelp iaing.ti2a:berbpon,befent one lohn Greene, toboni John Greene. befpeciallpetruffedbnto Robert Brakcnburie, Cone* we'cfne'tti" to toer,toitb a letter and credence alCo, tbat tbe bleof the fame fir Robert Iboulde in anp toife put tbe ttoo cbildjen ta Torver. Dcath.^CbisIohn Greene Did biscrraudbnto Brakcnburic, knttling befoje otir Hadp in tbe Cotoer, tobo plapnelp an* tooeredjtbat be toould neuer put tbem to deatb to die tbere^ foje: toitb tobicbe aunfmeare, lohn Greene returntng,re' coumpted tbe fame to i^ing Richard at ivarwicke pet in bps toape. ^Mberetoitb be toike fncbe dtrplcafure and tbougbt, tbat tbe fame nigbtberapdebnto afccratpageofbis : tobom toall a man trulftbofe tbat 3 banc b?o ugbt bpmp felf,tbore tbat3 bad tocncd toould moft furelp feme me,e» lien tbofe faple me,and at mpcommaundement,totUdo no« tbtngfo;me. &ir(quotb bis page) tbere Ipetboneonponr pallet toitbout,tbat3 dare toell fap, to do poor grace plea* iure,tbe tbing toere rigbt barde tbat be toould refnfe, mea* ning Richard the thircJe* 827 nittjj tftisbpflrlamcsTirell,tDf)(cfj Ujss a matt of n'slif siriat«esTi«i. Ip perfonagc, ano fo? natures gtftes toojtfjp to ^auc fertico a inuclj better }0;mcc, if be baf fcruea 0oo, f bp grace obtaincO as mucb trotb anb gob tui! a« b^ b^b If rcngtb anb toitte.Cbe man bab an bigb bf^rt, ano fo;e longcb bptuarb, to# not ritingpet fo faff as b^ b^o bopcbj being binoereo i feept ^"^3 Dnberbptbeineancso? S>ir Richarde Ratclife,ano fir Wil. Catcsby, tubicb longing fo? no 1110 partiners of tbe J^jinces fanonr^anb nametp not fo; biin,tDbore p;iD2 tbep toiff tnoib beare no pacre, heepte fytm bp fccrete b;iftcs out of all fecret truffjtubirb tbingjtbi® Poff 0 toel bab marbeo anb bncUjn: tDberfo;e tbis occafion offer eb,ofbcrp fpeciall frienoffiip be tcoke bis time to putbim fo;tDarD,f bp fncb Utife to boe bim ga>b,tbat al tbe enimies be bab, ercept tbe SDioeI,coulb ne< nerbaue bonsbini fo mucbbnrt.iFojbpo tbis pages b)o;bs iiirtg Richard arofe (i^o? tbis comunication bab be fitting at tbe b;aagbt,aconuenient Carpet fo; fucb acounfeQanb came out into a )0aUet Cbamber,on lobicb be founb in beb fir lames f fir Thomas Tirels, of perfoit like anb b;etben of blottb,but nothing of kin in conbitions. Cben fapbe tbe ik» merilp to tbem, tobat firs be pa? in beb fo ftone^anb calling ftp fir Iamcs,b;ake to bim fecretlp bis minbe in tbis mircbe< uous matter. 3|n tobitbe be founbe bim nothing ffraunge. Mberfo;e on tbe mo;ohi be rente bim to Brakcnbuhe loptb a letter,bp Utbicb foas commaunbeb to beliuer fir lames all tbe ikepes of tbe snotner fo; one nigbt,to tbe enbe be migbt tbere accomplifb tbe ikings pleafure, in fitcb things as b(b bab giuenbim commaunbement.:^fter iobicb letter beliue^ reb,anb tbe kepes receiueb, fir lames appointeb the nigbte ncrt enfuing to beffrop tbem,bemfing befo;eanb p;eparing the meanes.Cbe p;ince as fone as p p;otecto; left ^ name, anb tokc bitnfelfe as king,bab it Ibctoeb tmto bim, that ba Ibolb not raign,but bis kncle fbolb bauef croton. 0t iDbicb fuo;M i3;ince fo;eabafbeb,bcganne to figb f faibtaias, % iDoulbmp bncleinoulbe let mebauemp life pet, thought l«re mp Ikingoome. SCben be that tolbbim the tale;tjfco bpmlpptbficbb too^bes, anb putleb?m in the beffecomi ^ 8»8 Richard rhe thirdc* fo?t f)C coulee. 2But fostbtotfl) tuas tfje i^jincc ane l[)is hio* Ujer boti) Q)ut bp,anb all otljer rcmcuce from tbcm, onclp one calleb Blackc will, oj William Slaughter crcepf, fet to feme tbem ane fa tljein fure, 0ftcr tobicbe time t^e p?tncc neuer tpeb bP® pointes, no? augbt rotigbte ofbimftlfe, but toitb tbaf pong babe l)ts b?ott)er, Itngreb toitt) tbougbt ano bcauincffe,til ttiis tiaptcrouo Dcatb beliuercb tbein of tbat U).2cfcbcbncire. jfo? ^ir lames Tyrell Dcuifeo ^ tbep fboulQ be murtbereb in tbeirbebs. Co tbecrccution tobcreof, b« appointee Myles Forrell;, one of tlje foure tbat bept tbem,, a felloto fleajeb in murtber bcfo?e time. Co bim be iopneft onelohnDigluonbis oUmcbojlTcbaper, a biggc, b?ooe, fquare,(!rongbnane. The yongkin* Cben al tbe otber being remoueb from tbem,tbis Miles umKiieS''" Forrefl:,anb lohn Dighton,about mionigbt(tbe felie cbilbje ,^^Ipfng in tbeirbebbeo) came into tbcCbamber,anb fobain- 'T 'T iplappcb tbcm bp among tbe clotbes, fo to bctojappeb tbe anb intangleb tbem, baping botone bp fo?ce tbe featberbco ane pillotnes bare bnto tbcir moutbs,tbat Initbin a tnbile, fmotbereb anb aiflcD,tbep? b?eatb fapling, tbcp gaue bp to C5obtbeir innoccntc fonlcs into tbe iopes ofl^cauen, lea# ntng to tbe to?mento?s tbeir bobpcs beabe in tbe beb.Mbi# cbe after tbat tbe to?ctcbeo percepueb, firtt bp tbe ffrugling tuitb tbe papnes of bcatbe, anb after long Iping Cill, to bee tbjougblp bcabc, tbep lapbe tbcir bobics nabeb out bppoii tbe beD,anb fetcbeb &ir lames to fee tbcm, tobicb bppon fbc figbtcftbem, caufeb tbofc mnrtbcrersto burietbemattbc Cairc fmte, raatlp beepe in tbe grounb, bnber a grbt beape offfoncB. Cben robe &pj Limes in greate Ijaffe to l&ingRiciiarde, anb tbelneD bim all tbe manner of tbe murtber, tobo gaue bim great tbanbes,! (as fome fap)tbcre mabe bim bnigbf. 3Sut be allolueb not no 31 baue bearb,tbe burping in fo bile a cojner,raping,tbat be tooulbc baue tbem burpeb in a bet# ter place,bpcaufe tbep lucre a Jitngs fonncB.iloe tbe bono# rable courage ofa l^ing. fll^P Tap^ tbat a jijielE of Richard the thirdc J0jic(I of S.Robcrtc Brakenburic tfflbC tippe fftC boDPOS a* gain, ano focretip cnterteo tbcm in fticb place,a0 bp t^e oc taCon of bbs Deatb>Uibicb ont? bn^io it, coulbe netitr Gnte come to ligbf'^^rpe trotb is it, ana ioell hnoloen, tbat at fuct) time ao &ir lamci T yrel loao in tbe 2CoUier,fo^ 2Crea» fon committcD againflf tlje moft famous Jaing Hen- rietbcjfcauentljjbotbDijhtonano be lucre craminco, ano conftlTci) tbc murtbcr in mancrabonc lujittf, but Uibetber tbc boDpcs lucre reinoueb, tbep coitlDc nothing tell, ^no thus as 3 baue Icarnea of tbcm that mucbe knelue, ana li» tlecaufcbaatolpe lucre tbcfcttoo noble pjtnces, tbcfein* nocente tenaer cbiia5en,bojne ofmott ropal bloua, bjougbf bp in great tucaltb, Kkelp long to liue, raigne, ana rule in the Kealmc,bp trapterous tiranme taken,aepjiuea of tbeir eSate, ibojtlp (but bp in piifon, ana p^tuelp flatn ana mur^ tljerco, tbeir boaiescaft (!E»oa luot lubere, bp tbecruel am# bition of tbep; bnnatnral bncle ano bia aifpiteous to;men# tojs.stebicbe things on euerp part tucl ponacrca,(25oe ne# uer gaue this luo;la a mote notableeraple,nettber in tubat bnfuretie Qanaetb this luojlalpe lueale, o; tubat mtfcbiefe tuotketb the p;ouae enterpjpfe of an bigb heart,o; finallpe, lubat tuietcbea enae enfuetb fucb aifpiteous crueltie. firff to beginne tuitb the f^iniffers. Miles Forrcft,at &aint MmiKs peacemcalerotfea aluap. Dighton inaabe pet lual# ketbon alius in gcDb poOTibilitie to be bangea ere be ape. But &tr lames T yrcll bpeo at tbc SColuer li^il bcbeaaea fo; treafon.lting Richardebimfelf, as pee Ibal hereafter beare, flaine in the fielae,backea ana beluea of bis enitnies banas, cariea on l^o;irebach aeaa, bib beare in aeTpigbt to;ne ano tuggea like a cur aog. ^na the mifcbtefe that b» toske, tuas loitbin leibe than tb;s peres of the mifcbtef that be aia.i^no pet al the mean time,rpent in much paine ana trouble out# luara,macbfeare,angnilbeana foirolu tuitbm.jlFo; 3 bane bearae bp creaible repo;t of fucbe as tuere fecrete luitb bpo Cbamberlaine,tbat after this abbominable adeoe oone, be neuer baa quiet in bie minae. neuer tbougbt bpmfelfe fure* 8^0 Ricliard the thi'rde* furc.S23f()crc Uient abjoaue, l)vs epeii lubtr ItB aboaf,i^P5 boDicp?iuelpfencco, bysljanoecutr bpon fjis cadger, coimtrnaunn; ano mancr Itfte one,alU)apc0 rcaDte to Crtbc againc,f)c tohc ill rett a npgbtce, lap long uiaUing anD mu' fing, fojc tDcadcD fcoitl) tare anD iratcljc:, ratbcr QumbjcD tban fleptjtroublcD toitb fearcfull DjcanicSjfoDainelp foma- time dert bppe lept out of bie beODe, ano ranne about tbe Cbamber^fotuao bis rcltletTebsarte continuallptotTeOanO tumbleo tuitb il)o teoious imp;e(fionano dojmte rememj b;aunce of bps abbominable o^oe. Shsrifes. \ Thomas Norland:William Martin^tKe 2 8 .ofSeptem. ALtisr. y Robert Bylifdon Habcrdafher,thc.28.ofO*n:obcr. j^oUjc ban bs outiDarOe no long time in red. foi f)tve* bpon/oone affer,bcgan tbc confpiracie, oj ratbcr gmo con< fcoeration,bctlDffinetbeSDulte of B»ck/>f^bat»,nnti tnanpeo# tber Cpcntlcmcn againtl bim. 2^bs occafion lubsrcbppon tbe tStng ano tbe H>iibe fell out,is of oiucrfc follte oiuerfe toife pjetenoeo. S;bpsDuUc (as 3 baucfo^ccrtaine benenfo?mco) as fonc as tbe Duhe of G/ocesicr, bppon tbe ocatb ofIting Ed- warde.camc toano tbere bao fblcinne funeral fer#. uicc foj liing Edward, fcnt tbptbcr in tbe mod fecret toifc be coulDCjone Perfill bis truSie fcruantjUibo came to lohn Vv'arde,ay:bambEi'crof linc fccrcfe trade tuitb tbeSDultc of Gl(icei}fir,jicUnng;, tbat in tbc mod clofe ano couert man^ ncr,be migbt be aomittco to tbc pjefencc ano fpdecb of bps maidcr.Clno tbc SDubc of c.Ws?-??-aouertifeo of bps oetirc, caufeo bim in tbc oeaDoftbcnigbtjartcrnlotbcrfolbauop^ DcD,to be bjougbf b.nto Ijim in bis rccreteCbaniber,tDbcre Pcrfall after bis maidcrs rcc5menoation,tbcipeobpm,tbaf be bao fecrctlp fcnt to (bctu bim in bis netu tuo3lo,be tuoulD tabcfucbpartasbctuoulDc, anotuaptcbpotibpin tuptb a tboufanocgcDOfcUolucs, ifnceoc Vocrc . SDbs mcflcnger rente Richard the thidc* ftntc bacHe toitb tbanbcs, ano fome fecrcafc tnffrurtioii of tbep;otc(to?0mm!5c;potmettc bpntagaj^ne toitbfartbec fto tbc H>.bti3 spatter, toitbrnfctu Dapco after at NotwghS: tobitber tbc ^^jotedoj from Torke, tciti) maiip c5cntlenip of tbe ^ojtbc tcgoj.bimfelf t6tbja bune?eD ^oifco, ano from tbenccCif totinuco toitb bim partner of all bi0 ticutfe0, till ^ after bp0 tSojonation, tbcp Dcparteo as it fameo Ocrp grcatc fricnD0- at G/ouceiier.^tom tpbcrc,a(ra)nc a0 tbc 2?ube came borne, befoligbtlpcturneDfrombim, anofo bi^blpc confpircO a-' gainftcbim.tbatamantDOulDmarucll tobcrcof tbc change . gretDC. 0nt) furclp, tbe occafion of tbctr barHincc is of Dp*' uer0 men Diuccflp ccpojteD. ^ome baue faiD 31 (bearD fap)^ tbe SDuHe a little befoie tbe Coionation,among otbcrtbin* gc0, rcquircD of tbc ^iotectoj tbc SDtiUc of Hertfords lanDS, to tbc lubicb be pjetenoeo bimfelfc tulfe inberitoj. ^nD foj* afinucb a0 tbe title lubirbc be clapmeD bp inbcritancc, U)a0 foinelnbitinterlaccDluitbtbctitfet^ tbetlrotmie, bp tbc line of iiingHeniyfaefojcocpjiucD, tbcpiotcctojconccp* g ncD fucljc inDignafion, tbat be rcicetcD tbe BDuheo rcqueftc bjitb manp fpitcfull ano minatojie rDojDc0,U)bicb fo tooun* DeDbi0 bart loitb b^tceo aiiQ mittrnlfc, tbat be ncucr after fonlDc enourc to l®kc arigbt on fting Richard,but ctier fea* rcD bi0 otone life, fo far fojtb»tbat toben tbe p^otettoj roDc tbiougbeZ-^WawfoioarDcbio Cojonation, boefapiieDbim* fclfcfiche, bpcaufe be VooulDenot riDe toitb bim. 0nDtbc otbcctabpngitinet)tllparte,rentebimtoo?Dctorife, anD come ciDe, o? be toouloc mabe bim be earrpcD.Mbcrebpon, be roDc on toitb euill toill, ano tbat noftoifbttanctng on tbc mojrotojCofe from tbc feaa,fapning bpmfelfeftchc, $l^png Richard fato, it toa0 Done in batccD anDDefpfte of bim. 0nD tbcp faiDe, tbat cacr after continuallp, ecb of tbem liucD in fijtb b^trcO f Dittrutt of otbcr, tbati ^uHc b^rtlploheo to- / > *3 3 Richard the thirdc* Ijaucbtn murtljwcD at cioceHer. from tofjicb «afl)clellif,bc in faire wantn^r tJtpartcD. 215ut furelp fonte rigbt ftcrefg at Ibat Dape ncnp tbts:anD manp rigbt toift «itn tljtnbe it tin# litielp, (tt)( D^pe ttiilembUng nature of tbofe botl) men co» ltDereD,anl) ti)bat neeoe in tbat grsne U)o?lDe tbe ^;otecto} bao of tbc SDnhe.ano in lubat pertll tbe SDuhe liobejif be fel once in fufpition of tbe SCpjant) tbatcptbcr tbepjotectour tijonlbe giuc tbe SDube occafion of oifpleafure 02 tbe SDubc tbe p2otectour occafion of miflrufte, 0nD tierplpe, men tbinfie, tbat if tiling Richard bao anpe fucb opinion toncep# tteo,be moulD neuer b^ue ftifficreo btm to efcape bie b^noo. tmerp trotb it io, tbe 2)uke loas an bigb minoeo man, ano euill coulD beare tbe glo2ie of an otber,fo tbat 39 b^ue bearti of fome tbat fap tbep fatoe it, tbat tbe ©ufie at fucb time as ^ tbeCrotonetijnsfirttfettipontbcp2ote(to2sbeaD,bpscpc Oj ^-1,coulDe not abpDe tbe figbt thereof, but m2peDbieb£atie an# otbertijape. S5ntmenfapc,tbatbctijasoftrotbnottDelat J ufki/y^'y* *»Jpare,anDtbatbotbtot^in0Richaraetoelllinotucn,anonot ' illtaben,no2anpoemaunDeoftbeSDuUe6tincurteoufipre# iecteo, but be botb tnitb greatc gtftes ano bisb bebeltes,in mottlouinganDtrutfie manner,t)cparteD^6'/src;^«o^ljantna tber in cufioDte bp tbe commaunoenient^f Ring Ri^arde 2Docto2 Morton,ji5piboppeof £^,ti3bo(as peefaefoje bearbejtoas ta# hen intbeCounrelattbctotocr,UmrcDtottbbim familiar: tobofe toifeDome abufeo bis p2it)c to bis otone tieliucraunce ano tbe SDuhes oefiructiomCbe Bifbop teas a man of gret natural ti}ttte,tierp tDeUearneD, anbbono2able in bebaui# our, lachtng no toifc toapes to toinne fauour. t^e bab bin fall tipon tbe part of t^ing Hcnnc, tobile tbat parte tijas in toealtb, ano naptbelctre,lefte it not no2fo2fct)he it in tooe, butfieooetbei^ealme ioitbtbe £nueene ano tbe ^^jinee, Ujbple ?^ins hdwarde fiaooe tbe i^ing in p2iron, neuer came borne, but to tbefieloe. 0fter tobicbe lolfe, ano tbat parte titterlp fuboueo, tbe totber fo2 bis faft faptb ano totrc# Dome, notoneipe toas contente to receiuebim, butatfo : tijoeo 'P Richard the thirde^ tDoet) l[)tm fo come, and ^aooe l^hn from tl[)encefo;fl[} bot!) in recreate trnff.ano t)erp fpeciatl fauouc, Uibttbe l^e nottimg 6cceiweo.i?o;ftcbein5 (aspebauebearoe) after i^fngEd- wards Deatb firSe taUen bp tbe tp;ante, fo? bpo trutb to tbe latng, foanbe tbe meane to fet tbis 3>uhe in bto toppe,iop' neo ©entlcmcntogitber inatoe of bmgHenry,oeui0a0 firtt tbcmarciagc bettoffncbim anb Jitng Edwardes oaugbter, bp tobfcb bis fattb, b(^ beclareo tbe gcoo feraice to botb bis imalfecs at once,\i)itb ingnit benefite to tbe realm bp ^ com fanctton of tbofe tmo blouDs inone,VobofGfeueral titles bad long enqnicteD tbe lana,be flcb tbe rcalme,toeiit to ifow^.ne' nerminomgrnojetomeDOlemite tbeboojloe, till tbe noble \0;incciaing Henry tbe feauentb gate bpm bomeagapne, ntaoebpm arcbebpfboppe QtCanterbmy, anoCbaimceloj of £w^/4«^,\i)berebnto tbe pope ioineo tbe bono? of Caroinah |Dbus,lpuingmanpoapesmasmncbebono? as one man migbte boell milbe, enbeo tbem fo gol)lp,tbat bis oeatb boitb (11500O mercie inell cbangeo bis life. ^bis man tberefo?e, as 31 boas abonte to fell pott, bp tbe long ano often alternate p^oofe, ao boell of p?orperitte,as aD>' uers fortune, baboe gotten bp greate erperience tbe terpe motber and miQreffe of t!I(lllifei)ome,a d^pe inCgbte in polli" tiqaeU)o?lolpd?ifteSi Jinabercbp , percepuing notoe tbps H>uHe glad to commune initb bim, fed bim bottb faire boo?" dcs,anomanppleafauntp?apCe6, Hrtd percepuing bp tbe pjocede of tbetr communication, tbe BDuhes pjide.nout and tben balbe onte a little b?ed0e of enuie, totoaroe tbe gIo?pe of tbe !^ing,andtberebp filing bim eaSeto fall oute if tbe matter mere toell bandied: be craftclp fougbt tbe mapcs to p?icltebimfojU>arde, tahing altoapes tbe occaCon of bps commpng, t fo fe^ping bimfelfe fo clofe toitbin bis boundo, ibat be ratber famed to folloto bim, tben fo leade bim.^f 03, tobentbe^ubefirtte begannetopjaifeand boatttbebing, and (betoe botoe mucbe p?ofite tbe l^ealme ibonlde tabe bp iWs raignc; mp 3Lo?de Morton antoered:S>arclp mp Hojd, £oUie it mere fo? me to lpe,fo? if 31 beoulo toeare tbecontra^ " ' ^00» epe. 8H 4 Richard the thirde* rfe,^our ILojDIIitp idoulD not 3 toane bchieue, but ffjaf if§ iuojio tooaIi3b3uogoncas3l UjoID baaciDt0)eo,l^.Hcnnes fon bao IjaD tbe Crolun,f not J^ing Ed.l!5nt after tijat CD^oo IjaDDe ojDercD Ijtm to IcdFc it, ant> iitng Edwarde to raigne, 3 tuas nrucr fo maooe tbat 3 ioouloc toitb a oeaDe manne ftriue agatnff tl)t quicbe.^o tons 3 to liing Edward a faitb* full Cbaplainc, anD glao tuouloe banc bin tljat bio cljploe baDoe fuccaOED bi«n«^^otobeit, iftbe fccrEto itibgementE of CtJOD bauE otbErloife pjouibED, 3 parpofc not to fpurrea^ gainG a pjicke, no? laboure to fette bppe tbat (I?ob puHetb ootDiiE.HnD ao fo? tbc late J3?oted:o? ano nolo iiing.Hno e# ucn tbere be left,raping ^ b^ ban alreaDp mcODlEb fo mucba topfb tijt tDO?lDjanD tooulD from tbat bap mcDble totfb bps BcDbc anb bis bEabEO,anb no furtbrr.SDben longeb tbe S). fo?e to bcare tubat be inoulbe baue fapbe, bpranfe be enbeD toitb tbe l^ing,anb tbcrc fo fobainelp GoppEb,anb erbo?t£D Ijim fo familiarlp faettoane tbem ttoapne,to be bolbe to Tap tob'iifoener be tljougbfe, tobercofbe faptbfullpe p?omirEb, tberelboulbencuercomeburfe , anb perabnenture mo?e gcDbtban be Uioulbe iwsriie, anb tbat bimfelfe infenbeu to bfc bis faitbfalt fEcreteabutre anb connfell, tobicfje b® fapbe mas tbe onip caufe fo? tobicb be p?ocureb of tbe iStng. to baue bpni iti bis cuGobie, tobere be migbt recken bimfelf at borne, anb elfe bab be bin pntte in tbcbanbes of tbem U)itbU3bomeb®lboulbc not baue founbe tbe like fauour. SCbeBitbopperigbfebumblpetbankebbprn, anb fapbe in gob faitb mp 3lo?b,3 loue not to talfee mucb of l£>?tnres,as a tbing not all out ofperill,tboiigbc tbe lDO?be be tupfbout taulte, fo?ae mucbe as it fijail not be taken as tbe partic meante it, but as it pleafetb tbe lB?ince to conttrue it, ener 3 tbinke onTiidps fale^tbat feben tbe ^ton babbe p?0# clapmebjtbatonpfiteofbeatb, tberefboulb nfinebo?ncb bcaft abioe in tbat tocDbtone tbat bab in bis fo?beab a buncb of flctb,flclfaluap a great pace, SCbe i^^ore tbat fatu bim rim fo fatt, afkeb bim tobetber be mabc all tbat baGe f 0nb b® auiitoereb,3n faptb 3 neuer U)ote,noj recUe,ro 3 toer once bence^ Richard the thirde* 8j 5 |ieitte,bicauft of ffjps proclamation maoe of fjornco beads, isaijat fade quotlj tljc i?ojt:e,tl)on niaptf vabpoetocl pnougb> tbc meant not bp tbee, for it is none bo?ne t^at is in ttjinc f)ea8e.i|5o marrp(quotb b^c) fbat mote 3 toel pnotigfj. 3l5uttDbatanobecaUitanborne,tDbeream3ti}en i H)ufee laugb^b merilp at tbe tale,anD faiOjipp JL.3 tuarrnt pou,neptber tbe ilio nor tbe 315ore tball pibe anp matter at anp tbing bere rjpohcn,for it Ibal nctier come to tbeir eares. 311 gcoD faitb ^ir fapDe tbe JBitbop if it oio, tbe tbing tbat 3 Inas about to fap,tabcn as lDell(aB aforeCiJoD, 3 mcant;it conlDc Defcrue but tbanbes. ano pet taben as 3 inane it inouloej migbt happen to turnemc to little gcoo, nno pou to IclTer . 2Dben longeO tbe SDubc pet mucbe more to toitte tnbaf it inas, Inbercbpon tbe JlSitboppe faioe, ingcDO faitb nip LorD,as for tbe late IQrotectorjdt':) be is nolu liing in poftetTion; 3 purpofe not to oifpute bis title, but for tbe teeale of tbis Healmc, iubereof bis grace batb notn tbe gO' uernauncc.ano iDbcrof3 am mp fclfcone poire member, 3 tuas about to intibe, tbat to tbofe gao abilities inbereof be batb alreop rigbte manp, little naoing mp prapferit migbt petbauepIrafeO0oO,for tbe better If ore , tobauegiuen bimfomeoffucb otbcrerccllcntet)ertucs,matefortbcrule of a realme, as our iloro batb planteo in tbe perfon of pour graceiano tbereleftagaine. SDbe Dube fomeinbat maruapling at bps foDapnc Th.s thatfois paufcsjfaioe mp floroe 3 note pour often breathing ano lovveth ij a< foDapne Ifopppng in pgur communication, fo tbat to mp EJvv«aHaU tntelligence , pourtnoroes neptbercomctoanpc perfccte rentence,lnbcrebpcptber3 migbtebauc ImoiulcOge tuljat pour entente is notoe toiuaroe tbe iiing, or inbaf afte# ction pou beare toinaroe me. i^ortbccomparifonofgcDO qualities afcribeo to bs botb, mabctb me not a little to mufe tbinlting ^ pou bauc fome otber priuie imagination, imprinteO in pour beartc,U)bicb pou be abafbco^o oifclofe, ano efpeciallp to me,iobicb on mp bonor 00 atTure pou to be as fecrete in tbis cafe as tbsoeafeanooome. (^gg.ij, being Richard rhe thi'rdc» facing fomctobat boloec, connocringtfae SDnfaw pjomife,' but moif e of all animatcD,bpcaufc fac hncUic tbe 2?ufac Oc0' roHstobemagnificD, anDalfobcpcrccpuco tbc inlDarDe • batrcD UJbicbe be bare toluaeoe iiing Richard, b^ opcneo bps ttomafac to tbc botomc, ana faioe, mp ttngulac gcau Jlojoe, fitb tbctpmc ofmpcaptiuitie, faobpcbc bocpng in pour ©races cutto6p,31 mapc ratfacr call it a Ubertic, tben a ftraigbtimpjifon.nent,, in auopoing of polcncffc motbcr of all fapccs, in rcaoing Bcofecs anfa auncicnt 10ampblcts,3l banc founoc tbis fcntcncc tojittcn, tbat no manne is bojnc frojano at libertie of bimfclfc onclp,foi one part of Dutp be otoetb to bis parents,an otbcr parte to bis frienos ano fainf^ folbestbut tbc natiue countrep, in tbc Uibicb be firife tattcfa tbis plcafauntc ano flattering inojloc, Demaunoetb a ocfate not to be foigottcn, tobpcbc raping caufctb me to tonfibcr in tobat cafe tbis rcalmcmpnattue countrep notue flanoetb> anbinlnbatetfateanoaflurauncebefoie tbis time itbatbe totinueb: tobat goucrnoj lnenom bauc,anD tobat ruler toe migbt baue, fo? 3 plainclp pcrcctuc (tbeUcalme being in tbis cafe)mult n^Ds oecap,! be btongbt to confuflo: but one tope 31 baucjtbat is,tobe 31 conflacr poure noble petronage» pour iuttice ano inbifferencle, pour feruent jealc anb aroent loue totoarb pout naturall ccuntrp,® in libe maner tfae loue of pour countrep totoaro pou, tbe great learning, pjegnant toitte,^ eloquence,tobtcb fo mucb ootb abotmoc in pour pcr^ Ton, 3 muftc lurbcs tbtnhc tbis realme fortunate, tobpcbc batbe fucb a \0jince in Sojc, mate anbapt to be gouernoj. 315at on tbe otber fibe,tobcn 3 call to memojic tbe gcob qna^ lities of tbe late^ajotertoj, anb notoe calleb Jaing, fo biola# teb bp tp?annp,ro altreo bp bfurpeb antbojitie, fo cloubeb bp- blinoe ambition,3 muficnabes tap,tbat be is neither mate to be laing of fo noble a realme, no; fo famotts a realme matefo faegottcrncbbprucb a tpjant : OTas not bis fictt enterpjicefo obtainc tbe Crotonebeganne, bp tbe mortber of bpuers noble perfonagcs^'^ib be not fcconbartlp pjocaeb againfle bis stone naturall motbcr, seclari^ bit openlpe tr Richard the thirde» 7 fo be n tooman giaen to carnall affe(ti'on,an& ({(Toalute Ip utng, oedartng furtbermoje tluo b;ctb;en, atio tuio nepbetDea, to be BaQarbea, ano to be bo;ne in aououtrep, pet not contcnteo, after be baf obtapneDtbe <0arIanDeb® caureb tbe ttno po;e innocenta bta nepbetoea commttteo to btm, to be tbamefnUp murtbcreb, tbe bloufic of UJbicbe ltt< tie babea baplp trp to dJoD, ttom tbe eartb fo? bengcaunce, tDbatfuretietbaltbetntbtarealmetoanp perfon, cptber fo? life 0? gfflOca bnoer fucbc a rruell J3?ince, tubpcb tegar# Oetb not tbe oelfrnitton ot bia olnne bloub, f tben tbe letTe, tbelolTeofotber : butnotoeto concluDetobat 3tneaneto« U»art> poarnoble perfon, 3 fap,! affirme, ifpou louc (15oo, pour linage, o? pour natiue coutrp, pou muff pour fclf tabe bpon pou t Crolnn oftbia Uealme, botb fo? § maintcnace of tbe honour of tbe fame, aaairofo?tbebeliuerannceof pour natural Countrepme from tbe bonbage of futb a SCp^ rante.^nb if pour felf toil refufe to tabe bpon pou f Croion of tbia HealmeXbe 3 abiure pou bp tbefaitb p pou otne to (00b, to beuife fome map boto tbia realine map be btougbt to fome connenient regiment,bnber fome gtob gouernour, tobe tbe B.bab enbeb bia raping, tbe S>.0gbeb,f fpabe not of a grettobtle, fo ^ nigbt tbepcbmoneb no mo?e.^be nejrt bape tbe 2!)ube fent fo? tbe bnto tubom be fapb, mp 3l.of £^3 mutt neebca in bart tbinbe, anb toitb moutb confelTe, tbat pou be a ftire frienbe,a truttie counfaplour anb a berpe louer ofpotir Countrep.^nb Gtb at our laitt communiratib, pou baue bifclofeb tbe fccreta of pour bart, toucbtng f neUi bfurperoftbe Crotone, anbalfo baue a little toncbeb tbe anaunccment of tbe tlDo noble familiea of ror;(ranb Ibal likeloife beclaretmto poumpp?iuieentcnfa anb fecrete cogitationa , anb to beginne, toben iiing Edwardc bias beceafeb, 3 tben beganne to ttubpe anb mitb belibe)> ration to ponber in tobat maner tbia realme (boulbe be qq* uerneb. BiperfiCDaoeb tDptbrnpfelfbtotaheparttDptb tbe S)al;e otGlocester,\3i^Qm 3 tbougbt to be aa cleane toitbouf bilTimulation, aa tractable mitboutiniurie, anbfobpmp (0gg,iti, mcanejJ Richard the thirde* means fjc toas maoe pjofetto; botlj of tbc ftfng anD realm, febicbs aurtboJitw bein^ oit«gotten,be neuer ceafeb |J3hu» tp to require me f otbrr iLo?os,as met fpirttuall as tempos ratl,tbatf;emtgbf mt^stippon bpnt tbeCrotone, tilttbe |0^ince came to tbe age of mitj.peares,ano toere able to go^ nernetberealmc as a raf&ctent kmg,tDi}tcb tbtngjtobcn be faU) me fometobat tficbe at,be tbcn bjougbt tn inflrumcts, autentihe2)octo?s,|9?iMto?s,ancniotaries oftbelato,tuttb fiepofitions ofoiuers UJitnefTes, tettifping iStng Edwardcs tbilD;en to be battaros, tobicbe bepofitions tben 3 tbougbt to be as true, as notoe 3 tmotoe tbcm to be fapneo. SSHbcn tberaPbeoepoIittonstDerebefQ.2e bs reab anb btligentlpe bearbc, bee fftobe bppe bare beabeOjfaptng; Mell mp 3Ls3# bes, euen as 3 anb pou tponib, tbat mp nepbemes mould baue no tcjongr fo3p2apepouOome notbmgbutrigbf> fo2 tbefe toitnetTes anb fapings of famous SDoctours be true: foj 3 am oneipe tbc bnbubitate bcp?e to R i - Plantagehet SDuKe of Torkf , abo iubgebtobe tbeberpebeiretotbe Crotxmeoftbtsreatme, bp auctbo2ttie of parliament . ^bptb^ fbpn^rs, fobp Icanieb men fo? beritie to bs beclareb,raureb me ano otber to tabe bim fo2 our latofut f bnboubteb prince anb^oue? raigne iLo?be: fo agapne bp mp aibe, be of a pjotcitoj toas mabeatting, but tobeti be boas once croUmebHtng, and in full poCfetfion of tbe realine, Ije cafte atoape bis oloe con> bitions. toben S^mp felfeliicb to bim foj mp parte of tbe CSarte of Hereforis lanbes, (ubicb bis bjotbcr lipng Ed- ward bnongfutlp betameb from me, anb alfo rcqupjeb to bane tbe office of tbe bisbeConetfabletbtp of £«^Wf,as bt* uers of mp noble auncelfoiirs bcfoje tbis time bane babbe, anb in long beicent continueb, in tbis mp flttte fttte,b« bib notonIpfl[rllbelapme,anba(tetU)arb benp me, bntgaue me fucbe bnhinb too.ibes, as tbougb 3 bab netter furtbereb bimtal Uibicb 3 fufifteb pacietlp,but tube 3 mas infojincb of tbebeatboffbP tioo innocenfes, £D Jlojo mpbcart in* Uiarblp^ Richard the thirde* toarDIp 0ral}ge6,tn fo mnc^ t^af 3 abfjojreD § Ggfjt of 3 foUc inp leauc of tfje Court, ano returneli to Brecknocke to pou,but in tt)C iourncp as 3 rcturneD, 3 baO Diuorfc tmagi^ natios boto fo Dcpjiuo this bnnaturnl bnde.i^rtt 3 fantifeo i if3 lifttotnketiponmEtbcCrfllDnc, notu toas tlje toap tnaDe pIapne,ano occafton giucn. i^oj 3 fatoe l;e toas Opf* OapncD of ti)C 3LojDs tempojall, ano accurfcD,of tljc 31 ojors fpiritual.after Dtuerfc cogitations of tbis inaftcr,aB 3 rote bttioxne f^'T/'ce^er&ntt Bndgenorth, 3 cncountrco hittlj tbc i^aOp MargaretCoiintClTO ^RichmondetuifO tO p 3lOjO StanisVjtobtfb t® tb^ bcrp Oaugbt^ sou fole beiro, to lohn S^uke aXSomerfet mp granofatbers olbcr bjotbcr:fo tbat tbc anD bir fonnc tbc Carle otRtchmeKd, be botb bcttoane me f tbe gate,to enter into tbci^aicffie ropall,ano getting of tbc Crolone; anb lobcn toe bab a Itffie comoneO, conrcrnpng bir fonne, anb toere bcpartcD:3 tben bcgaune to bifputc mp rclfe,tobctbcr 3 toere betf to tahc bpon nic,bp tbe ciceti# on of tbe nobilitie anb rommunaltie o? to take it bp poluer. tbus ftanbingin p toauering ainbiguitie,3 conCbrreb firOr, t o®ice,butie,anb patnofaikmg,tobicb furelp3 tbinh tbat tto mottall men ran iulHpe, anb truelp obferue, erccpte bs ba elertcbbp €»£>2?aBiiing Dauidtoas : but further 3 rememb^eb tbat if 3 oncetoheenmetbe goueruaunce of tbe liealme : tbe baugbters of liing Edwarde anb tbep? ;SUics , being bo tbe fo; boo Cake niucbe beloueb, anb alfo fo: tbe greatc iniurpe bone to tbem mucbc pptieb , toonlbe nener teafe to barke at tbe one fpbc of mee . ^emblnbpe mp cosfin tbe Carle of Riche- monde bps apbes, anb kinCfolke, topll furelpe attcmpte cptber to bpte o: to picrfe ma on tbe otijer fpbe, Co tbat mp life anb rule Iboulbe euer bang tinquiet in fioubte of oeatbe o; bepofition. 0nb if tbe fapbc tluo Ip« nagcs of Torie anb LawaHer, (boutbe iopne in one a* gainffemde, tben toereBflTorelpe matcbeb. S23bcrcfo:c 3 bauc clarclpc bcfermpneb btteripe to relinquilbc all Cggfii^, tmaginaf. Richard the thidc» imaginatton£( toncermngf^e obfapntng of flje Crofonet iPo? as 3 tolo poujtbc CountelTc of Richmond^in mp rpttirnc from tbc nctoe nameo Etng, mating me in t^e bigb Inape, pjapeD ine firSfo? itinreo fahe, feconolp fo; tl^e loue3 bare fompgranofatberDnhe Humfrev, tobirbc inas froojne bjotber to bir fatber,to moue tfje ISing to be g®o to bir fon, Hcnne (Earle atRfchmonde, ano to Itcenfe bim toitb bi« fa^ Hour to returneagaine into £»^/^«ti,ano if it toere bis plea* ftire fo to JJoeyttje p^omifeo tbat tbc (lartc bir fonne (boulDe marric one of bing Edwards oaugbters at tbe appointment oftbefeing , tuitboutanpctbingocmaunoctJfoj tbefaptte erponraUes,butonIp tbeiaings fauonre, tobicbsrequed 3 ftDneoucrpaCTeOanboeparteD, butafterreruice^ralUo to memo^ieinoire of tbat matter, 3ambente, tbattbeCarle oSRtchmonde Ijeire of tbe boufe QtLancanerSiitA tahc to toifc 3Lat)p Elizabeth ciDeft oaugbter to ft.Edwarde,bptbetDbicl> marriage botb tbe bonfes of Yorke ano Lmcafter, niape be t»' nite in one:ioben tbe 2?ube b^b fapoe,tbe Biibop Morton, tDbicbeff^uourcDcucrtbcboufeof LmcaHcy ^ toastuonoe^ rous iopfuti, fo? all bis imagination tenoeo to tbis cffcae, ano lead tbe ^ukes conragelbouloefmage 0? bisminoe alter, be fapoe to tbe SDube mp ilojO of BttckiKgham, Ctbe bp CD»oos pjouilion, ano pour incoparable loifeOome, tbpo noble coniunction is firt! moueo, it is nereffarieto ronQocr tubaf pcrfons toe tball firlfe make p?iuic of tbis polliticke ronrlu0on, bp mp trotb quotb tbe ^uhe, toe toill beginne loptb mp iiaope ofRichmonde tbe CDarles mother, tobptbe knoloctb tobercbcis i\\Brytai»e, fitb pou toill begin tbat toape (fapoe tbc5i5pll)oppe) 3 bane an oloe frienoctoptb tbc Countcire,falleo Rciq;naide Bray,fo? tuboni 3 (ball feno if it be pourpleafare : fotbe Bplboppe to?ote fo? bint to tome to BreckeKocke, tobo Ifreigbtcamc bacUc toitb tbe ntcf* fengcr, tobere tbc Duke anO 215i(boppe occlarco lobat tbep baooe Dcuireo fo? tbe p?cfcrmente of tbc ©arle of Rtchmende fonne to bPS iiaope ano S^aiftrclTc: toillrng bp? firlfe to compalTe to obtapne tbe goO topll of ^uane Elizabeth Richarc! the thirde» Eljzabctl^,anDaIfoof^)trcl6cIIDaog^)fcr:a^16 afftr furttl^ to rend to i}tr Tonne into Bntame to Hectare tntjat t)tgf;e lf|o^ nour, tnaa p;epareD fo;t ^tm, tflje looulo toeare to marrpe tfte Had? Elizabeth as Tone as fjc toas l^ing of tfje l^eaimc. RcynoHBraytottOaglaDljeart rcturncDto tIJje Coantcffc I)is iladtc. SSIEtjen Bmy toas gone, tfje JBptooppe toloe tt)c Dnlic tljat if Ije toere in fjts 3lfle of £//e,f)c coniD mafec manp fricnDcs to furtljer ttjeir enterpjife. Ctje SDuhe linetoe ttjis to betrae,butpct lotlje to lofe tbecompanie offucb a touii^ feller, gauetbe ^pfl)oppe fapje too?oes>raptng be fboutde too;!tIn oeparte toelt accompanteo fojfeare of enemies, but tbe IBitoop 0} tbe iDubes companp toere a(rembleD,recretlp Hirguifed, in a nigbt departed, and came to £/>£■, tobere be fomide monep and fricndes , and To fapled into FUmders^ tobere be did tbe Carte otRichmondgojd feruice, toben Rey- no!d Bray , bad dectared bis meffage to tbe CountetTe no martiaile if (be toere glad, toberefoje (be deuifed a mcanes boto to bieahe tbis matter to £I2ueene Elazabcth tben being in S)anctuarte atH^e^immFier, and hauing inbirfamitp a ccrtapne ivelchmm catted Lewes learned in pbiRcbe, notoe bauing oppo;nunttie to bir minde bnto bim, decla^ red tbat tbe time toas come tbat bir Tonne (bonld b^ iopned in marriage toitb lladpe Elizabeth daugbter and bepjeto tBing Edward: and tbat iiing Richard (boulde out of all bo# nour and eUate be detected : and required bini to goe to ©uaeneElizabeth,not as a meirengcr,but as one tbatcame friendip to bifite bie, and as tpme and place (bould rerue,tai mabebiepnuie of tbis deuife.Cbis ^biOtion toitb gcod di# ligence repapjed to tbe €5u0enc,and toben be fato tpme con# uenicnt,be faid bnto bir: ^adame altbougb mp imagina# tion beberpe (imple, pet foj tbe entire afl&ction 3| bearc to pou and to pour cbilojen, 3 am To bolde to btter bnto rou a fccrete conceit tbat 3 bnue ccmpaCTed in mp biapne. ^I^ben 3 remember tbe great lolTe tbat pou baue futlapnedfap (be deatb of pour louiug buHjand.ano tbe great fojototljatpou baue fuflfercD bp :be crucll murtber of pour innocent cbpl# Cgg.b, DjCil Richard the thirde» fijcn. HcannolelTczioctlian oaplpc Quote j^oloe fo ^otu'^eart to eomfo;te, ano alfo to reuenge t^e quarrell of ^onano^our tljilDjeu on tljat cruel I fjjjauntiStng Richard, ;3nD&:Qcoii0oer to^at battapleano tutjat intrcbiefe iiatb rifeiifag t^e oiflentton betUiane tbe ttoo boufeo of J^ri^^ano La»caner,\!o]^\i\^ tUjo fauiilteo if tljcp ttiap be topneo in one, 31 Ooubt not but ^ pour line (ball be agatnere(lo;eD,to pour great iopeano cpmfojte. ^oufenotoe i^aoame tbatoftbe boufe of Laucasler, tbe Carle of Richmond is mftc of blouO, a no to tbe boufcof Tork^ pour oaugbfere notoc arc bepjeo, 3jfpe coaioeinucnttbemeane boUieto couple pour clOeQ baugbtcrtoitbtbeCarleof ^atrinionic, no Ooubt but tbe bfurper Il)ou(obs4bo2tlpoeporeo , anopouc betre agapne to bir rpgbtreflojcO. CTben tbeSJuorncbaO bcarc tbpo frieiioJp motion, (b® inlfantlp bcfougbt bpni tbataobebao h^nc tbe firS inucnter of fogtooan enter* p;tife,tbat nolo \)t tooulo not oc(i(t to foloiu tbe fame, requt* ring btni further, tbat be toouio cefo^te to tbe CountelTe of Richemondmother to the Carle Henric,ano foteclarc to bir on the £Duanec behalfe, that all the fricnOes of Itring Ed- wardc iiir hufbano.lboulo affitt ano take partluitb tbeCtle of Ri^i>!^fd^ir tomic, Co t^atl)e toouloe take anotbe that after the Ikingoome obtcpnco, toefpoufethcJlaop Ehza- bcth hirDaiightcr,fc, after Lewes fofpeooe bis bulmeire that he maOe a Qnall eno of this bufpnelTe bettoarne the ttoo mothers? fO the JlaOpCMargaretCounteUeof Richcmond brought to a gcoo hope of the ptefcrment of bir fonne, maoe Reynold Bray chiefc folicito? oftbie' conrptracie, geupng bpin in charge fccretclp to muegle fucheperfons of/^obilt* tietoiopne Uipthhir ano takebitparte^sbe kneboe to be fapthfuU. Shis Reynold Bray luithin fctoc Oapcs bjougbfe to bis lure,fir Gyles Daubciiey.lir lohn Chcinic,Richard Guilford ano Thomas Rame Cfqtiicrs f others. Jn the meanefcafon the CountelTe of Rtchemc^dfuxt ChriftopherVrfwike into Bntameio the Ctle of RtchmirJ,to oeclatc to bwi all agra* Dientes Richard the thfrde* S43 menfeabsttosnebtrf a0rd?&:&uf(be xmm^ bjingtbat tl)cS)uhe atBucktfigham Uiasmie oftl)etlr(tiw uciitojs of tbJs oiiterp:ifc fent Hugh Conway cSfQ-utcr into Brttame Uiitl) n great I'umofmoncuto Ijtr fonnCjgiiipng f;int in charge to Declare to the CDaric the great lone tljat^ inoft part of the nobtUtieofthe tlcafmebar.etotuarD htm, tDvb ling htm not to neglect fo goiD an occafton offercD, bnt toith all fpaDc to fettle his mmochoiu toreturne intaf^^Ws", gining htm dounfell to taUe land in Mhen f Carle had recepneo this tonfull melTage, h^ b;alte to tlje ^ufee of Britay»e alI his fecretes, adnerttfing hpm that he toas ente^ red into a fnre and ftedtaS hepe to obtapne the Crotnne of £w^W,deftring hpm of helpc totoardc the atchiruing of his entcrpzife, tohiththeSDuhepiomifedand after performed. ®2Sherhpon the Carle fenf into England Hugh Conway,anD Thomas RaiTi,to declare hiscomtiiing thojtip inta England. 3ln the meane feafon the cljtefe of the confpiracie in England beganncmanpcnterp^ifes, tohich bepng neuer fo piiuely handled,pet ftnotDledge thereof came 10 lapng Richard, and bccaufe he hnetoe theSHifee of Buckingham to ba the chiefe headeand apde of thtscommination, he thought it molS neceffarie to pliiche hpm from that parte,tohereUppon he a" djeflcd his lotitng letters to the SDnhe to eehojte the S?nhe to come to the Courts: but the SDuhe reqnired the l&png to pardon hpm,erculing himrelfe that he inas notlnell, l^ing Richard not content topth this eiccure,directed to the SDuhe other letters mpth chcchpng ino^des commaundtng hpm topthont delape to repapje to hps pjefence. SChe SDnhc madeto the meirenger a determinate aunflrere, that ho looutde not come to his moRatl enenipe: and inunediate^ Ipe prepared tnarre agapnUehpm , andbp thtsmeanes, Thomas f^arques Dorfet came out of ^ancturie,gathered a great faandc of men in Torkepjire , fpj Edwarde Court- neyano Peter hisbjother^plhoppeof £.vc«fi?tfr,rapreDan armie in .Denonpiire and ComcwaiL ^44 Richard the thirdc# 3n Kent fir Richard Gilfordc ano otfjer gentlemcK rapfeti a companie. llBut femg Richarde in tljc meaite fjao goN fen together a great ttrength,tDit|j totjot" remoucD from London totoarPe Sa/ffiune, to tl)c enteiU fic mpgfjt fet on tJje SDukes artnp,tf)ei^tng teas fcarce ttoo Dapeii tourncpfrom Sa/ifiHrfe:\x}l)cn tt)C SDuke of Buckingham accoinpanpeD toitfi a great petofe of iniloe ivelchmen iw ®tiDc fo^fcDhe Ijtm.CfteSDuketDittj fits pome marcfieD tfijongfitfie fo^ rett of Dene mtcnotng to fiaue palleo tfie rpuer of Seueme at Giocefler,o.Wi tficre to fiaue topneo in armie tottfi tfie Courts neys f fltfier ^aaeftcme men,tofiicfi if fie fiafi Done no Doubtc but l^tng Richard fiao b^ne in great ieopemie. ^nt before fieeoulo attapnc to Seueme fpDe, bp fojce of continual I raine tfie riuer rofe To fiigfi tfiat it ouerflotueD all tfie countrep ab> topningjtofiicfi rage oftoater laSeb.r.bapes, bp Vofiicfi in' unoacie , tfie patTages tocre fo clofeo tfiat neptficr | SDuftc cotilD cotnc oucr Seuerne to fiis cotnplices, no? tfiep to fipm. Curing ujfiicfi time tfie weUhmen ipngering pcle anc toptfi? out monep o; bicttialUfocainlp fcalec anc ocpartec. Cfie S>uketfiusleftalfhoft alone, iDasofnccefTtttecompelleC fo flie,anDconuepeD fiimfelfe into tfie fioufc of Humfrey Ba- nifterfiis feruantbefioe tofioni fie fiaC tencer# ip b.:ougfit bp,U)fiicfi tofir it teas hnotune to fiis acfierents, cuerp man (fiiftecfo? fiimfelfe anc flee, anc fomeoftfiem fapleo into among tfie tofiicfi,Ujere Peter Courtney i5pffiop of anc fir Edward Courtney fitSb^Otfier* ThomasS^arques Dorfet,lohn I^OJC Wclles^fir lohn Bour- chier, fir Edmond Woodvile bjotfier tO Qu^ne Elizabeth, fir Robert Willoughbie, fir Gyles Daubney, fir Thomas Arundalcjlir lohn Cheynie anC fits ttOO bjCtfijen, fir Willi- am Barkerley,fir William Brando ailO Thomas fiis b^Otficr, fir Richard Edgecombe, anC lohn Halwell, Edwarde Pow- nyngs,f c J0joclamation tons mace anc a tfioufance pouno pjomifectoUifiofo coulee bjing out tfieSDuhcof5«c;^»^- Humfrey ham, loficrebpon Elumfrey Banifter beto?apec fiis guett and mlauU"* tnaifter to lohn Mitton tfien ^fierife of Sbrcfpjsrt, tofiicfic tcitfi Richard the thirde. 8 flhrotige poio?e appjeijenbto tf)e |[Dube m a little groaeaoioptimgto tl^e manors ofHumfrcyBaniiter.aiiD in great ^lafte connepeO t)tm fotljc citic of ic^ierc laing Richard t!)an feopt hia Ijout^oloc. Kl)is Bamfter af; Bimfter that be ter tje Ijao betrapea bis niiiii*cr,bt£i fonnc ana bvtrc toarco mao ant) opcD in a Bojcsffpe, btaeloeftoaugbtcr tuna fo# plagued,let the Oainelp firiben iuitb a foule lepcric, bis fcconbc fonne mar# IooVe"orThc uelloutlp oefojmeD of bis Ipmmea ano maoe lame, bis pon# lilteor vvoife' ger fonne in a fmall puDOle Inaa ojottmeo, ano be bimfelfe IheSVvlLut being of ertreme age arrapgneo ano founo guiltic of a miir# tber ano bp bis clergic fauco . a:no as foj bis tboufanoc pomiOe,l^ing[lichardegaaebim notonefartbing, faping tbat be tobicb toouloe be tmtrue to fo gtoO a maittcr, tootiio befalfe to all otbcr. SDbeSDtthc after be baoconfelTeo all tbelubole confpira# Date of Bus>. detjpon tbe fecono of iiouembcr toitbont araignement o? Kd?'"' tuogemcnt tve$ at SaitjbHrie bebeaoeo. „ SMbilett tbefe tbingo toere tbus banoleo in rie (Sarle of Richmond pjepareo an armte of fine tboufano i?r/fow,anofo?tfetDelfurnitbeoibippes. Mlben al tbpngs iDer0p;epareo,ano tbe oap of retting fo^tnaro tons appopn# teOjtobicb l»as tbc.rb'Sf^Dttober, tbe tobole armic bopfeb; bp faples ano tfohe tbe rea,but totoaro nigbt tbe toino tur# itco ano fo bugea tempelf arofe tbat tbe Ibips toere oifper# fcD a funoer i fomc ojiuen into Normandie,(ome againe tn? to Briuine. gn tbe mojniiig after iuben tbe tempelf ioas af- ftDageO,tbe C&arle appjocbeo to tbe ^ontb parte etEngland, at tbe moutb of tbe ^auen of ?<>/eDf quartereo. i^ing Richard confiDering amities concluDcD betto^ne J^jinces are the caufc that their Healmcs are fojtifieb tuitlj a Double potr)cr,that is to fap, toith their oiruic ttrength, f theapDeoftheirfrieiiDeSjpjattifeD a leaguetuith the feing ofi'cor/jfcDhiehJtotlottGbefoje habmaDe Diuers incurlitins f roabes into the IJcalinc siEngUnde, aiiD thcrefoje fueD to haue a truce 0? peace concluDeD. ^herfoiie CommiflToners iDcrc appointed tohich uiet at Notingham, % there in the end concluded foj.ih.pocres on certaine in number, SChis peace thus concluded, JSing Richard nolue doubtpng th?eey"ecrel his oUme people, tuas continually bered tuith feare of the returne oftheCiSarIc of Rtchmondm'S his complices. ?Mher^ fo;e,nothingiuasfo?his purpofe mo?e then once agayne tuith p?ice f pjayerRo attempt the duhe of Britaine in tohofc fcrritojie^ cBrle then abode,to deliuer him into his hands, tuh^tfojs incontinent hefent certaine ;amba£radojs to the 2?nke of BritMne,\xi\^k\i tfflUe bpon them that liiing Richard thoulde yeerely pay and aunftuere the S)ulteof Britaine of al thereaeneUies,re.ntesandp?ofitesofthe landesf poCTclTi* ons as toell belonging to the (Sarle otRichmond,to any 0# ther noble 0? gentlema luhichthen toere in the Cries com^ panie, if he after that time tuould kdrpe them in continual I pjifott and rettrayne them from libertie. 2Che o?ato?8 fur^ nidjed tuith thefe f other indructions ariued in Britaine but could not fpeake the duke,by rcafon t h5 being tueaknefr bR *^4 8 Richard tfic thirde*' bp alonganu baplp infirmrtfCjbegan to tnarc pblrofbftf tu inembjaunce, foj tobicbs caufc Peter Landoytcbto cbtefe S!nrearurer,rulet} all tbtngo atbta pIearure,bnto tobotn tbt Engltjh 0mbairaDo;« mouco to btm tijctr luelTage, o&ering to btm tbe fame retoarbco anb lanbo tbat tbcp tbonlo banc offcreD tbcSDube.snbis Petci faptbttillppjomifcb toaaom* plitbe i&tng Richardcs requeff, fo tljat be bept pjomife toptb bim.but fortune toao fo fauoarable to tbe pabltke liSSeale of £;7^W,tbat tbtc beablp compact toabc none efifcd;, fo; lohn Morton KBplbop of fotourning tbcn in Flau»dersy foao of ,al tbts craftte Dcuife certifiebttob^rfojc be fent Chriftophcr VrfwiUcjto oeclare to tbe Carle otRtchemondall fbe oecepf, giuingbitncbargetnallbalfpoirtfale toitb bis companpto • retire out of into FranHce. tiMben tbefe netoeo came rotbeCarle,be incontinentfcntto Charles tbe Frewc^bing * reqairingtbatbeanbbis mpgbt fafclp palTc into Fraunce, Inbtcb befire toas grannteb, anb tbe Carle toitb tbe reflt bif# patcbebaspjiuilpa8mougbtbeintoFr(E23bcn ttjc Siuan tjearo tell t^at fo Ijo?^ riblc a rumo? of Ijtr oeatlj teas fpjong amongH t\)e commu^ naltic, Ibe foje fufperteD tbc toojlo to be almoff at an cnoc toitl) b^r, anD not long after, Ijotofoeuer it fojtuneo, tbe Quoene oeparteo out of tbis lift, anb toao iuitb buc folem? niiie burpcb at weHminHer. Slje iiing tbus lofeooutoftbc bonbs of f^atrimonp, began fo call afancic to ILabp Elizabeth bps#ftce, mabing mncbfuitc to baucbiriopneb luitbbitttin latofull tJjatri^ monie: but bpcaufe all men, anb tbe ^apbeii bit fclfe moft Dfallbetelfeb tbpsbnlatDfuUcopulation,bft bctcrmineb tobeferretbematter ttllbetoerc inn mo?equiet cafe, fo? alltbpsftafonbelnas oppjcflTcb tuitb tocigbtp affapjcoon cncrp fpbe, confibcring tbat baplp parte of tbc jj^obilitie fapleb into France, otbcr pjiuilp fauourcb tbe ©arle of ^ff^wW,amongff tbc noble men tnbotnebft moff fufpe# Cteb, tbcfc toere tbe pjincipall, Thomas JLojbe Stanley, ^ir VVyllyam Stanley bpS bjOtbcr, Gilbert Talbot, anO fire bunbjeb otber, of lubofc purpofe, tbougb lling Ridiard toere ignojant, pet be gaue no crebence to anp one of tbem, anb leatt of all to tlje ILojb Stanley, bpcauft be toas iopneo in ^atrtmonic toptl; tbe llabp Margaret, motber to tbc CDarlc at RichmondJai tuben tbc fapbe l,o3Ce Stanley tooulD baue bcparteb into bP«« Countrep, tljc iaing in no tupfc t^^moreg.i. tuoulbc fuffcr bpi"fo Departe,befo?ebe b^f lefteaoinbo' Cage in tbe Cour tc George Stanley, ELo?b ^trangc,bto Srff begotten fonncanb Ijeirc. Mbplc ibpngRicbarcie iuas tbuc froublco , fobeprrelp bttbrarbe neloco tbat tbc Cattcll of Hames toas bclpue^ reb into tbe banbcs of tbc Gai le of Rtchmonde, bp tbe mcanesof tbe C5arteof0.v/or<;/, anb tbat not onelp be, but alfo lamesBlunt,c:aptapne of tbe Cafiell, toere flebbe in? te France, tO apbC tbC Sl'lc Of Richmond, Henry Richard the thirdci ^5 ^ Henry (^arle Richmond obfcpm'ng of Sing Charles a fmallcrucofuicn,anD bojDtoin0 ccrtapne fummro ofino^ itep offjpnt, ano of Oijuers otbor bps p?iuate frtcnocs, bo? oeparfeo from tbe i^rcncb Court, ano came fo tbc Ci'tie of Roane. Mbplobcfarpeo fbere, making pjoutfion at Hare- fieete,ix\^^t moutb of tbcKiucr of%«e,fo,: alltbtngsnc# ceffarpe foj bps ifianpe, tpoinss tocre b?onsbfr to bpm, tbatiSpng Richarde bapng toptbout Cbill^^rn, ano a SiKio^ Doloer, tnfenoeo Iboitlp to marrpe toptb ilaDp Elizabeth, bps bjotbcrs oaugbftr, iubptbo nctoes, b« f®ke of no fmallmomenfc, fo? tbps tbpng onelptcokeaUjap from aU bps companponc,tbcp? bops to obtcpne an bapppe cntErf pjifc, bp reafon tobcreof, b® t'uDgcD tbat all bps frienDcs in E»glande Uioullic IbJmke from bim , pet nottoitbffan^ Otilg, Carle Henry QtRichmonde, bpcaufe bO toOUlOC 110 lOll# ger linger ano tu®rie bps fricnoes, Ipuiiig faetto^enc bope i anb feare, octermineD in all baff conucnient to fette foj# laarDc,ani)carpcotobpsS>bippss armour, lueapons,bit* taple, ano all otber ojbinances rrpeoientfo?toarre, tobicb bapng Done , onclp accompanpco toptb tluo tboufanbe men, ano a fmall number of ^Ijpppss, tuepeD bp bps ^nc? fecrs, ano in tbe kalenoes of 3agulf, b® fapleD from Hare- pete luptb fo piofperotis a Uipnoe, tbat tbe feauentb bap af# ter b® arriueo in JVales in tbe euening, at a |3o?t calico KS^dfiln! Mdford ant) incontinenfe fcke lantie, ano came fo a Mufortj' place calico Dunnc rifing, remoueo to He- refordWit% toljcre bs tuas rcccpucD of tbe people tuptb greatiop. irromfbcnce, be remoueo to Cardigan, fine mile from HerefordWLt^t,\X3WW tattlC tO tbe CarlC Richard Griffith luitb all bis men ano pobier. Sifter btm tbe fame Oap came lohn Morgan luptb bPS men. SCbeii tbe Carle aouanceo fo?U)arOe, making no abooe in anpe place, ano fooepnlp bte Inas afcertapneo tbat S>ir Walter Harbeit, ano Rice r appe Thomas, inere ill barneOTe befo?e bpm , reaope fo encounter Ujptb bps ^rmpe, ano to tfoppetbep? paiTage, pjb'b» " Mberc# Richard the thirde* 5I(lltI)C«fo?e lie fii'ff ficfcrmirteu to fet bpon epfl)ct to Deftrope o? to take tt)em into bis fauour ,anl) after toitb all bps polDcr to gpue battaplc to Hing Richarde. JiBut to tbe intent bis frtcnoes IboulDeUnotoe toitb tobat tiertcri# tie l)e attempteD bis entcrpjife fojtoarae, be fent melTen* gers toitb letters ano inttruttionsto tbe Haope Margaret bis motber,to tbe tLo?De Stanley ano bis baotbcr, to Talbot anb to otber. Declaring to tbem,tbat be bolpc toitb tbe apDc of bis frienDeSjintenoeD to palTe oner tbe riuer of Sememe at shrevi jburte^ anD fo to patTe Directlp to tbe Citie of re# quiring tljem as bis fpeciall trtift luas in tbe bopeof tbeic filoclitie, tbattbepiDonlDeniatcbinrbptbe ioapctoitb all Diligentpjeparation.MbentbefemelTengers tocre Dcpar# teD, be marcbeb fojtoarD totnarDes in bis paf# fagetberc mettc anD falutcD bint Rice ap Thomas tuitb a go)DlpbanDof«^(?/ Itoaopng tbcm to Ijaoe tfje btrtoate, fo? tljat tbcp hjerc to fpgbfina futtquarrell, bab fcantlpc finitbco tng, battbconcarmpeerppeotbc otbcr : betbiane botbe arinpestbere toao a great marritbe tobicb tlje Carle lefte onbpsrpgbt banoe, antifoDopng,bebabbetbeS>umie at bpsbacbe, ano tntbeface of bps cnempes . Mbeii tbc t^tngfaluetbe Carleo companpetoaopatTeotbemarrtfbe, be commaunocD toptb all ba®^ to fet bpon tbem; tbe tcrri=> ble Ibotte on botb liDco patreD,tbe armpes lopneD ano came tobanoelfrobcs, at tubicbs incountcrtbe ilojoe Stanley iopneotuitb tbe Carle. ILl)c Carle of Oxfe/rde in tbe meane feafon fearing leaff iDbtlc bis companp luao figbting, tbep tboulo be coinpaffeb of tbe enemies,gaue commaunoemcnt tbat no man ftoiilD go aboue.r.fiBtefro tbe ^tanoaro ,U)btcb commaunbement once imoUmCjtbep bnit tbemfelues togetbcr f ccafcb a litle fro figbiing: tbe enemies fooainelp abatbeo at tbe matter f miftruftmgfomcfraut)e,beganalfotopaure. SEbeCarle of Oxford bringing all bis bano together on tbe one part, fet on bis enemies frclblptagaine tbc aouerfarpes percepuing • tbat,placcD tbeir men flenoer ano tbinnebefo?e,anb tbiche ano bjoaoe bcbpnoe, begpnnpng agapne tbe battaple. tMbpIe tbe tU)o fojc loaroes tbus mo?tallp fougbte, lipng Richarde luas aOmoni(I)CDtbat tbc Carle tit RkhmoMd az* companpeo toptb a fmall number of meii of armes toas not farreof, anbasbe appjocbebto bpm, be pcrfettlp bneloe bps pcrfonagc, anob^png inflameotDitbpje , be put bps fpurres to bps IjoJfe ano robe cut of tbe fiDe of tbc range of bis battaple,lcaupng tbe bauutgarDcs figbting, ano toptb fpcareiniujefirannc foUinrbe bint. 2Dbe Carle percep? iie&i Richard the thidc* net)loellt|ie&{n0ftirtoua^e commt'ng fo{tiarti$|tm,aiio bpcaufe t\)e ol' bts tucaltb ano purpofetDas tobaoetermineobpbattaple , \)e glablpc pjofcrcDto cn* counter Ujitl; l)ini boop to boDp ano man to man, ittng Ri- chardc fef on fo fbarplp at tbc firff bnint, ttjat fjo micrtttjcto tbe©arlca ftanbaro, aiiDfleto fir Wilham Brandon bis fta' 0erDbearer,anD matcbcD Ijano to banbe Untb fir lo'm Che- ny,a man ofgreatfojcc ano itrengtb.lobicf) tooulo bane tt> fiffcp biin> ano M)e faibc lohn mas bp fitin manfullp otirrs tbmUme, ano fo bo mahing open paDTagc bp Dint of toojDc as bo Ujont fo?tDarDe,tbc <£arlc of Rtchmo»de toitbttcDbc bPS Violence ano ficpt btm at tbo fiDo;os point longer tban bis companions tbougbt,lobicbbeingalmofiin oifpaircof bu ttojicmorefooaineiperecomfo?tco bpfir wilham Stanley, tobicbocamcto fuccourlnitb 3000. tall men, atmbicbbo* rp inttaunt,!&ing Richards men more li?iucn bathe and fled, and be binxfelfe manfullp fighting in tfie middle of bis eni« lilies mas flaine.SIn tbemeane fcafon tbe dgarlc of Oxfarde, mitb tbo apde of tbe lLo?oo Stanley after no long figbt difco# fited tbefojo mardofftingRicharde,mborofagreatenunp ber mere flaine in tbe cbafe, but tbe greatelt number ^ came to tbe fielde neuer gaue firohe.BIn tbis battaile died feme a> bone tbe number of a ^.perrons,and of tbc ^obilitie mere flaine lohn S>uhc of Norjfolkfy^ixhzx iLo?d Fen-crs of Chartr lejj&K Richarde Ratclife, and Robert Brakenburie, liucteilSt of tbe 2nomcr,and not manp (Gentlemen moe, fir Wilham Catesby,learned in tbc lames of tbe Hcalme,and one of tbe cbiefe Counfellours to tbe late iaing, mitb diuerfc otbcr mere tmo dapes after beheaded at LeiceHer. ^mongtt tbem i that ranne amapc mere S>p? FraundsVicountLoueland Humfry Stafforde m'b Thomas Stafford bis b?otber,mbicb toke ^anctuarie in 54^? lohns at GloaHer. £)n the ^rle of Richmonds part mcr fiapn fcarce i o o.pcrrons,amongtt mho the pjinctpal mas fir WilhamBrandon fits ttandarobearer, battel mas fought at Bofivonh in L;ce!lrerfbire, tbC 32» of^ugufiRU tbo pearo ofour llojd.i 48^ tbo mholoconflict. induroQ.5 ^5 ^ Richard the thi'rde^ tn&ureD littUaboue rtuo bonrg.tSIbcn fbe dearie bati obtameD tbe bt(to;te,b<^ renoereD tbanbes to CD>oo, ano af# ter to bto fonlDtouro fo; tbctr fiDcIttte: tben tbe people crpf eO King Henry, King Heniy.^IEIbtn tbo i,Oj0 Stanley fatoo tbe scDblDtU of tbe people, ^etcoket^e CroUine ofl&pns Richarde, tobtcbe loas founoe amongett tbe fpotle tn tbe fieloe, anb fette it on tbec!!;arleobeab,a5tbougbeb^bab bane elctf eo l^png bp tbe bopre of tbe people. 0fter tbto, tbe tobole campe remoueb to tbeSTotnne of Leicefier, tobere be relleo tujo Dapeo. 3n tbe meane feafoit, tbe bead co?po ofl^tng Richarde tone as Ibamefullpcarrpeb totbetoiDneofL«Ve/?er, asbe0o?geouflpe tbebapebefojc toitbpompebepartcboatoftbefametolone: fo? b^bobpe toas naheb to tbe Qitnne, not fo mucbe as one clolnte ti* boutebpni, anb toas trnHeb bebtnbea|Burnnantof armes, Itbe a bogge o? calfe, tbe beab anb armes banging on tbe one Qb e of tbe bo^fe, anb tbe legs on tbe otber fibe, anb all fp^inchleb toitb mpae anb blonb,tDas b?oagbt to tbe Grajf Friers Cburcb UJltbin tbe toton, anb tbere bonielp buru eb, toben be bab ratgneb ttoo peres, , be rclfo?eb to bis bignitieanb pofTelTiong, SCbs parliament being biflblucb, tbe iling reooemeb tbo Marques Dorfet, ailb fir lohn Bourcher,U)bom 1)0 bab left ag plebgeg at Paru,fo) monp tbere faefoie bojrotoeb. 0nb fent alfO'intO Flamders foj lohn Morton llBplbop Of Cbeeigbt^ntb bape of 3ianaariefeing Henrie uiarrieb tbe !La0p Elizabeth,elbeff baugbter to Edward tbe fourtb.bp iDbicbc meancs tbe ttoo families of Torke anb Lancaflery tobicb bab long bene at great biuiCon, tocre bniteb f mabe one» 3iing Henne fenfc tbe ILojbe Creafurer toitb ^aitfer Bray anb otbcr bnto tbe ilojsc ^aio^ of London, requiring bpmanbtbcCitijensof apjeacof6;ooo.marfecs, tobere# Loanetoth. fo?e tbe ^paioj toitb bps b?ctb?en anb Commons graunteb a p;eS of ttoo tboufanb pounb, tobicb toas leuieb of tbe co^ panics anb not oftbe toarbs, tobicb pjeff toas repapjeb a« gaine in tbepcarenertfollotoing. " Annore^i" OTbcate toas folb foj ig.lbillings tbe 215u(bcll anb Bap ' * fait at tbc lilte ptice. 3jrt tbc monctb ofS>epfember Siuane Elizabeth toas bC" liuereb of gir fir it fon,nameb Arthur,at lolui ^;l ' '-'7 ; ">1 1 f «I ;! m Henrie the feucnth* lohn Pcrciuall:Hugh C!opton,thc 28.ofSeptemb. Sir Henry CollctMercerj the 28.ofO(rt:ob. SDOebcauftfiiUCtoCfe w cheape\x)aB nelne builfieb, to* iyarbetbebuilOiitfiUjbcrcofThomasFiilier^erttr, gauc 6oo.inarhes. &tr Ritharde Sininn, a tutlp Jl'cff ,Catl!C tO Geraldc crl0 Df/o/^are,{inQ SDcputie otireUnde, aiio pjcfeiiteb to bpin a lab bis §)cboUer namcb Lambert, t»bom be faiiteb to be ^ fonnc of George^oube otckrence, latclp cfcapeo tbe S^otocc ct London. atiCMtbe cbtloo baUDe learncD of tbe fiicb JJnuccIp bcbaiitour, tljat be Itgbil? moueo tbe ([!;arIe,anD ntaare^obIeoof/re/Wt be fffiiteano no^ teii,as be tons furctp an honourable bop to IcoUebppen. In tbps jucans tpine, tlje Garle tiLmcohe, ano tlje io JD EMvi^dluu. Louell, babDe gotten bp the apDe of the fapce Margaret^ a^ bOllfe 2000, Martin Swart a Germatne, aflD in martiall actes berpe crperte, to betbeirCapitaine, ano fo fapling into irelMcl, ano at tlje Citie of Dmelin , caufeD pong Lambert to bffi pjoclapmeo irtng of E»glaKde, aiiD fo h)itb a greafe multituoeof infljemen, oflnbo'neThomas Gcrardine luaS Capitaine, tbep failCD into Bjg/ande iuptb tlje netoc Uing,anD lanoeD at Foi^drey tDitbin a little of caUer , trufting tberc to be apDcD toitb monep bp fir Tho- mas Broughton, one of tfie cbiefelt of tbps cont^piracp. IlipngHenricnotflecppng inbisniatters,U)benbc bao gatbereo \)vs bo® togitber, oner tbe Inbpcb» tbe SDulte of Bedforde,dx\r) tbeCSarlcOfO.vr/or^ietuere cljiefe Capitaines, I>e toent to Coue»trie,'m^zKZ b^ being certifieD,tbat tbe CDrie tXUneoke tuas lanoeo at Lancdler toitb bts netoe i^ing,bc rentoueD to Noungham, fo inborn ifiojtlp after came George Talbot dearie oftbe ^OjDe Straungc, fir lohn Cheyney, toitb manpe Dtber. 3|it tbis fpace tbe Carle of Li^fo/wbepngentreD into Torkefhire, OiretteO btS toap to Newarke fippon Trent, ant) at a littlebillage calleo Stoke,t\)}(e 03 four miles from Newark. nigbe to tbe l^ing ano bis armpe planteb bis dTampe* SC^e ncrteDapefollotoing^ tbehing biuioeb bps nnm;> ber into tb?® battailes,anoafterapp3ocbe6 nigbe tbe to ton of Stoke, toberebotbetbearmicsiopncDanDfougbte egre^- Ipe on botbe partes : but at tbe length tbe iSpngs fojetoarbe fette bppon tbe abuerfarics, toptb fucbe a tiiolence , tbat tbep fletoe manpe, ano putte tbe refte to fiigbto » #0? tbere tbeir cbiefe Capitaines , tbe Carle ./£.^ Sherifes. iJMater. T4S8 S ^4 Hcnrie the feucnth* (SarTe of Lincol»e, anO t^e 3lO?D Louel.Cr Thomas Biough- ton,Martin Swart,aitD t^C Ic?D Graidin,(o? (after Champi- on) Moi ifePitz Thomas) X{)t Infiemen ^ loere flaiiie,anD ot{)cr abouefcurc tljonfanoc.^bi® battailetoag fougbt on tbe Grtantb ofgtmc: Lambert,ano t^e p?tctt iner boti) taken, to tbe no fmall griefc of Margaret ©utcbeffe of Bufgoine. lohnFenke'hWilliam Remington,the z^.ofSeptcm. Sir William Home Salter,the 28.of October. %\)C rrb.of ji5ouettiber,a:iaan Elizabeth toao CrotoncO at Weitminfler. 3]n tbc monetb ofBJtiln Vnas a pjcffe foj tbc ©png mabe " in tbe Citic of LWw,of foure tboufanoe pounDe,ano fljojt# In after toao an otbtr p?e(t of tiuo tboufanoe pounoc,Uibtcbi toere botb repapoc againe in tbe nertc peare follotoing^ anbercfuntmes ofmonep, ano manpe nio;e toere leuteo to apoe tbe ^rcbcouUe of Burgoigne, agapntte tbe SDukc of BrytatKC, William Kiac:Ralp!i Tin!ey,the 28.ofSeptember. Robert Tate Mercer,the aS.ofOftober. taflte of tbe tcntb pennp of all mens gmos ano lanoes teas grauntco to Iking Kennc, to apoe tbe SDufec atBrytaine againtt tbc French tkpiig, tbJougb toljicb tflf e fir lolm Egre- mount, ano lo!maCliamber,toptb tbecoinmos of§ ij^OJtb* _uiaDc an inrurrectton, ano flctoetbe Carle t^tNonhumber- /Wfanocertaineofbpsboulboloeferuauntcs , in a place calleo Coke-lodge \yo 7hurskeXi5\)XknC mplCS from Torke, on tljc etgbte ano tioentitb of 31p?pll . ^^bcrefo?e lolm A- chamber toas b^ngeo at Torkebppon a C'ibbet fettebppon a fourefquareCallotoes, ano tbeotljer bis accomplices toere bangeo on tbe ©allotocs rounO aboute bim, but fir lohn Egremount flcDDe into FUnndert tO tlje JLaOp .Marga- ret ^Dutches of Burgondie. Anno reg.^. 3lt toas ojoapneO bp parliament, tbeipaio? of London to bane conferuation of U)e riuer of 77i.«w>,froni tbe bjiOge of Stones, tnto tbe Mfaters of ?W RozcrShauelokc a^aplour , Lt^dg4te of London, ^ ^ bcinglaman ofgreate toealtf), flcfcoe fjpmfclfe, fo? toljofe °— ficoDes Vu3£s grcafe bufiiteflfe ano (frife betluane tbe lungs Sllmoner ano fbe of Lo»do» .• but in tbe enoe, tbc ^ Almoner pjeuailcD, anogaue to fbetoiDotoefjir gcDbes a? game,bponconbition,tbatrbelboaIDemarrp toitlj one of tjis feruantes nanieb William Flower. Henry Coote: Robert Reuell,thc 2 8.of September. Sherifes. Hugh Pemberton, the i.of February. lohn Mathew Mercer,the 28.ofO£fobcr. ^JMaior. ECbettoelftbof^arcb.&trRobertChambcrlainebnfgbt, i^px toas arraigncb ano aotuDgeo at StrAtforde of tbe LangthorKe, ^ anb after bebeaoebontbeCoioerbtU* Iting Henry rcquireo a beneuolcnce, tobpcb toas gran^ teb totoarbe bps tournep into Fr^we.^bs Citijcns of/-««- Wo«gauctotoarD tbis tournep.9682,5, tbe tobi* Cbs rummeaianp01tiermen gaue 2oo.P.tbepeece,anD fome of tbe meaner foate 1 oo.P. tbe reffe tbecommon people Cups plieo, Henry tbe ilfngS fCCOHb fonnO , toasbojne at Greenwich, Hentr the «,t ttoo, ano toentitb of June. ZTZ'T SDi}e€oniimteinGr^ce-streese, toas begunne to ba bail# conduiteif '* Deb bptbeerecutonrs of0r Thomas Hill (0rocer, late^a« jo; of of tiio gojoco. ^beate toas folbc at London foj ftoentp pence tbe bulbel, lubicbe toas accompteb a great beartb. Thomas Wood ;William Brownc,thc.28,of Septemb. Sherifes Hugh CloptonMcrcer and Bacheler, the 28. of Oftob. i_Maior. SCbfs Hugh Clopton ^apo? of Z-f>«eptcmber,Bing Henry tjoUe bis bopagc into Framce U)itb a grcatc armp to aiae tbe Bmons againtf tbe Frenche J^ing, tuberc be beficgea BolioUe til a truce tuas fafien. Sherifes\ William PurchastWilliam Wclbecke,th.e : 8.of Sept: KjFUior J Sir William Martin Skinner,the 28. of OcVober. iling Henry returnea into tbe frauentantb of ^December. 21EUj(d l^araoners tnercreffeontbc pitlo?tc iijCome^ Mtb?(e market aapeo, foKojging offnlfe paraonojtobere? luptb tbep b'loae acccpuca tbe people anagotc amcb mo# nepjanafoHbotonecftbcmboDacfapncabpmfclfe to bee a iBjielfc, bf7£iov toptJ^ pnougfjc. 2Dtje nintf) of ^Dctober teas a rrot mabe tjpon Uje <2a# 149 > Ifcrlmijrf 0? ^tiliaroc men, bp £percers fcruaunteo, anb o> ngaiuittue tt)eroft^eCiticofLo»i^»,fo} tbc UJbicb man'p oftbcm UJcrc ^'^1'^"^'"' fojepnniCbeD. Robert Fabian:Iobn Winger,the 28.ofSeptcmber. Sherifes. SCbis Robert Fabian g)bcrtfE afojenanieb anb 01berma, inabea CbJoniclcpXSnglandemtipiFramce, befiinntngnt fbc creation of tbe U)ojIbe,anb enbing in tbc tbirbc peace of tberaigncofiaing Hcnne tfjecigbtjtbjjicb bobe is inip?in< teb to tfje enbe of Richarde tbe tbirbe» Sir Ralph Auftry Fifhcmongcr,the 28.of Oftober. CMaior, SL^is fir RalphAaihry rtoffeb tuitb tpmber,anb couercb toitb iLeab tlje i^aritbe C^urc^e of Mamn in trit London, anb alfo glajeb tbe fame Cijurcfje berp beauf fifnllp, aspartelpappearetfj. 2:be ttuo ana ttoentitb of i?eb?uarp, tocrearraigneb in tije GuildhjillQtLondon fouro pCCfons, Thomas Bagnall,Iohn ^ Scotjiohn Kcth, f lohnKenington,tbe fcobpeb® Inere^an* Ctuarpinen ZtSamt Martins le Grand in London, anb latclpc bcfoje toere taken out of tbe faibc ^anaiiarie, fo? fogging offebttiousbilles,totl;erclaunberoft^e Jaing, anbfomc bisCounfeU,fojtbeU)t)tcbe,tb?aofttjemti;ere iubgeb to bpe,anb tbc fourth nameb Bagnall,pleabeb to be rcllD?eo to ^anguarie: bp reafon tohcrof be boas rcpjiueb to the Ka* faicrtill tfje nertc^Cerme :anbontljeftrcanbti»cntitbof i?eb?uarp, the other thj® \oith a Fleming anb a yeoman of the Crolsnc, mere al I fiue erecuteb at Jjborne. 2Che epghte anb tioentith of Hpjtll lone Boughton tu^ 1-494 botoe, teas bjent in Smithfielde, foj hblbm0 certaine opt- ' nions of lohn Wicklife. SXa^h^atc toas folbc at London at fire pence fjje bufheil, 3i5ap ^atfefo?th?a pence halfe penp the ISuthelt, Az;z*rr- voiche g>alte Idas folbc foj fppc pence the ioulhell, tohitc herring ninefhtllingsthebvicrel, rech^arring at Hcnric the (euenth* il^illings f^e cade, red rp?ota (ire pence t^e cadej and Gajceme tphte, fo> 0re poonDefi t^e tunne. Sherifes.J Nicholas Alwinc;Iohn Warner, the 2 8. of September. > Richarde Chawry, Salter, the 28.of"Oftober. &tr Robert Clifford bearing fauo? fo tljc Ijonfe of Torke^ ^ad iongCnce fapled ouer to tbe Jladp Margaret 2>utcbeffe tiBurgoigne, bp Ujao tfjero perfaadedandb^on* gbte in beliefc, tbat one Perken Werbecke, a Flemwg bojn, teas tljeberpe fonneofl^ingEdwardetijefoartl):butafteri» toaroe, bapng fente fo? bp iliing Henry, and pardon p?o» tnifcdbim,beretarncDinto£»^/Wtf, and coinming totfje 3iingsp?efcnccintbe2notDcrofZ-c«iij«, tja, on bps bnas inoSe bumblpe craned pardon, tobirb ibo?telp be obtained, and after accufeduianpe, amongeflt bobotnebeaccufcdOc William Stanley, tobotne tbe !ipng badde made bis cbiefe Cbamberlaine, and one of bps p?iuie Counfaile» STbe re^ po?teis, tbattbistoas bpis offence . Mben communis ration toas bad bettoane biw and &ir Robert Clifforde, as concerning Pcrkcn Werbecke, Cr William Stanley af0r' med tbere,^ b^ toould neuer figbt no? beare armo? agapnlf tbe pong man, if be Hnetoe of a trnetb, tbat be toas tbe bn« doubted fonne of feing Fdward tbe fourth, /o? tbis offence fir William Stanly toas app?ebcnded, araigned,and on tbe rdj. dap of iPcb?uarp beheaded on the SCotoer bill. STbis fir William Stanley toaatbs tbi^ctt b^lprr Ofl^ingHenryc to the Crotune at Bofivorth fictde againfie l^ing Richard the tbirde. (^e luas a man of greafepotoer in bis Coanfrp,ancr alfo of great mealtb,inromucb,as the comon fame ran that there teas in bpsCafiellof Hoite, foundeinreadpecopne, plate,an0 3letoels,totbctjalueoffo?tic tboufand marbes o?mo?e, andbtslandeandffes ertendedto tb?fetbourane poundes bppeare. 1491? 31n 3LentU)bitebcarringbeingga)d,lucrefol0fo?.ib.5 ' iib.ii tb^ barren at z.Ww,^ic w Capci ^iderma of London. toaf Henrie the feucnth» ioM conticmnco fo huic in rrby.C.anu rH^.pcnnt Ccrs CrwitU *f loni. lingjfo? t^e breaking ofcertatn antuts,niaDe faefo?c times, fojtbetobicb be mafic bistnbtDitb tbeiiingfcj.rbj.C.ano fiftsne pounfic lire IbtlUngs eigbt pence. Piertc OJ Pcrkcn Werbecke, U){)icb bP t\)t COUnfatleof Margaret SDutcbCS titBurgoigne namcfi btmrclfc lUcharde of Torke,^ix[z Edwards fcconfie fonnc, airincfi at DeaU in AY/, tbetbirfiefiapeofBEulp, tDberctobenbeanobtfifompanpc fame tbcpcoolfietjaue no comfojte of tbe Countrcp, tljep Uiitbfi^eboe to tbetr Ibtppes againe, at inbtcb To tuitbfi^ata^ png,tbe ^apo; of ^anfitotcb tottb ccrtaine commonsof tbe countrep btcHcrefi toitb tbe reCfitte tbat tocre bpon lanfi, f tobe altue of tbem an btmfijefi tbjee fco^e anfi nine perfons, amongtb,etDbitbtoerefinecaptatnes,Mountford,Corbert, Amoreg.i i Whitbelt,QiiintincanfiGcminc. 3nfi tberb.0f3iull' lolin Peclie b?iae offient, bjougbt bnto bjifige tbofe 169. pjifancrSjtobere tbe &b»aefi of London rcceiaea tbem anfi connepefi tbem in cartes anfi long ropes bnto tbe i^otoer of Ai?«^<»«,anfi to Ner^gate^ inbo toere Ibojtlp after to tbe number of 15 o.bangefi in Kent,Efex-,Sujfex,m\o Norfoi^ tbe refioue toere erecutefi at Ttbume t fvapping, in tbe S^ofe beltfieS London. Thomas Knc'ifworth, Henry Sommcr,the.28.ofScptcmb. Sherifa.'r Sir Henry Colct Mercer,the.2B.ofOftober. C^/w. jT rbj. of i^ouember toas bolfien tbe ^erieants feaS at tbe IBiHjops place of Ely in Hoibome, tobere ainefi tbe ibingjSJudene^anfi all tbecbiefe lojfies of A'/^W.aCbeneto ^erieants names toeremailfer Mordant, Higham, Kmgf- mill, Conisby, Butler, Yakcfley,Frowicke,Oxcnbridgc, anfi Conflrable. :Sn Digging fo; to lap a nelofounfiation in tbe Cbtitcb S.Mary hill\X[ London^ tbcbofip Of Alice Hackcncy,Ujbicb b'tb benebnriefiin tbe Cbttrcb tbe fpaceof, 175.peaces, toas fotiufiioboUoflbinne, anfi tbe iointes ofber armes plia« 3}ii. iiu ble f ^7® Hcnrie the fcuentfi* bl^:b)^tc^e I»pfc aboae grounbe fours bapeil loitbout aiioyancc,anii tben burpro agatne. 3n0p;ttnuia0coiicluDcDanamtttc anb entrecourfebe^ tluane tfjia lanbr, ano tljcCoantrcp of FUMnders,&c. 31 n September, tt)0 Scots cnfreo Ergiand, bp fbe fctting on ofPcrkin Werbeckc, anb bib uiucbbarmetotbebojDcrs: but iubcn tbcp Ijrarbe of tl)e llo?be Neuels conimpBg ^ gatnO tl^enij t^ep fpcb tijem atoap. Sheriffs. > Shawc:Richard Hacldon,thciS'.of September; MAier. > lohn Tate Mercer, the 28. of 0£tobei'. 2C[)ts lohn Tate neitjlp biitlbcb airb oulargcb SAinte An. thonies ci)«rcbc in London, a goblp founbation,toitl> a fxii* ftbtole, anb certaine almes botifes fo; ptnje men. lafper jSDuIte of Bedforde, bncle to teing Henry t^c fca* uptb, bpeb tb^ etgbfsntb bape of E>ecembcr, anbboas bn* Kenjham. iSpmcanes ofa papment tbaf toas granfcbfo ffje bing, — a neU) commotion toaamabc bp fbcfommoits of ComewAy lobitbbbnbcr fbe irabing of lames Tuchet tiSAud/ej, iiojbs Audley, toitb Michacli lofeph, a bojfe farter o> XBlacbfmitb tlBodman anb otbet. Came to BUd^heath, tobrte tbe tepng met toitb tbem, anb bifcomfiteb tbe rebela, anb tohe tbeit Captaina tbe ttoo anb tlnentitb of BJune^lnb^te inere flain of tbe rebels about 3 00. anb talteu aboute. 1 s 00. tbe J&pitg gaue to tbem tbat tobe tbem, tbeir goobes.Cbe JLojb Aud- ley tnas bebeabeb on tbe SDolner bill tbe rtbi^. of 3Iune* £:;b® blacke ^niitb anb Flamokealabopcr, toereb^ngeb, beabeb,attbquarterefl at Tihurne. 3fn3ulp tbcifting renfeanarmpiitfo 5mW,bnber tbe gupotngoftbc€arleofw^,anbtbe3lo?beNeuell,mbicb mabe fbarpe tnarre bppon tbe Scots. Hiile ftoflt* 3[t Bartholmcwtide , in Bedford/hire, at tbe STotunC Of ^wweynehw SsttntNe(desy($u baile Hones tbat mere meafureb cigbtane pncbss Hcnric the fcucnth, 87* ^ncfjwaboufe. Perkin,OiPierce Wcrbecke, Ian50Daf IvhitfanSay, in OmW,tbcfeaucntl)ofS>cptcniber,Ijautnginbi's£ompa^ • ^ npnotpatte a bunDjeb anDttoentic perfoits, ba iDcnfe to Eodm»», tobere bcpng accompanpcb toptb a tbja oj foure tboufano rafcaliea^anD almottcnahcb men7b^p.2ociapmcD bimfeife iitng Richardc tbc fourth, fwono fonnc to Hd ward tbe fourtb*. from tb^icc be toentc to Excefier, ano brfiegcD ft.tobwb Cittc tuas baltantlp Defrnfico bp tbe tnbabitanto, tbe (lEarte of being tbeir (JJenerall, tobo bpmfelf toae burt in tbearine toitb an arrotu of tbe rebcls,but nia^ npoftbeecbellesbapngCaine, tbep tuptbbjelue tbcmto Taunton. but 0r Giles Dawbcncv ilOjDe Chamberlainc ap' pjocbing toitb an armpe, tbe people flel>oe,ano Perkin got bi m to Beudiey, tobete be tofee ^anttuarp, but bppon rouc^ nauntes ofiEereo, be came to tbt iting, ano toas parboncQ bie life. Bartlioloracwe RcdcrThomas Windou»ht 28 .of Sep. Sherifes.% William Parchas Mercer, the zS.of 0£lobcr. ^We,tobicb continueDtpll^pDnigbt,bpbiolence tobereofmucbano a great part of tbe oloe builoing of tbat place toao b;ent,toitb bangingo,betideo,apparell,plate, anDmanpe otber 3le« toelleo. Perkin Werbecke enbenonring to Ifcale fecreaftpe out ,g of tbe lanbe, toao taben agatoe bp bp« bapero, ano bp tbe -' » HikliO, Iking. 87^ Henrie the feuenth* !&tn0S commanoemsnt call in ^Totoer of Loftdon, ano af^ Jimo re? 14 fl^etoCD in JVeFlminfler, ailD in Cheape, ffochCO 0« " fcaffolDcs to tljegreat tDonocrmcnt ofmanp people. SDf)i6 pcare all t\)t €>actien£( tulitct) tjao bene continued time out of mino toitbout Mare gate of Lo»da»,\JOSV oeftrop* eo,anbof tbem toao inaoe a plaine fieloe fo;t i^rcbero to fljote in.%\)tE«g¥je ^ercbants Inere recepueo into iearpe, tuitb general pjocedionjaftertbepbstib^ne long ab> fentfrom tbence. SCf^is peare tuas a great D;ougbt, bp reafon tobereof a loabe of i^ap Inbitb tofis befoje time folbe at London fo; fiuc (btllttigo. toas tbio peare folbe fo; ten (biUingo c? tineluo tbillingo tno}e. 2Dbis peare one SebaiTian Gabato aGcnoas foniiejbojne in Bnhow, p;ofefrtng bimfelfe to be ejrperte inknotDlebge of tbecircute of tbeloo;l0e anb Hjlanoeo oftbefame, ao bp btei Cbarto ano otber reafonable bemonSrations be (bt* inebjcaufeo tbe litng to man anb btrtnal a tbtppe at Bnftow to fearcb foi an gjlanbe inbiebe be bnetoe to be replenilbeb lottb rtcb commobitieo: in tbe (bip biuerfe ^ercbaunteo of London abueutureb fmal llocl{ea,anb in tbe companp of tbio ll)ippe,rapleb alfo out of Bri^ow tbja oj foure fmal lbtppe& fraught toitb flight anb groflfe inarcsjas courfe clotb,Cap0, 3Laces,pointes,anb fucb otber,firHumfrey Gilbert fenight, in bio bfflkeintituleb a bifcouerie fo? a netne paCTage to Ca- crfi<<,tDjifetb tbu£(>Sebaftian Gabato, bp bpo perfonall erpe? rienee anb trauaile,bat^fet fo?tb anb bifcribeb tljis palTage in bio CharteejlDbiebeare pet to be fane in f quanco ^a* iettics pnuie 0allcrie,at //a/i,ioi)0 toas fent to mabe tbio bifcouerie bp i&ing Henrie tbe feuentb, anb cntreb the fame Iret.affirming,^ be fapleb terp far MeHtoarb, toptb a quarter of the i^O?tb, OntbCijiOJtblibecf TerradeLabra- dor,il)t eleuentb of3Iune;bntil became to the fepteiitrial lao titube of 6'; J begra5,anb finbtng the feas Oil open, fapbe,j^ be migbt,f tooulb bane gone to Cataia^, iftbeiuiinitie of the ipaitter anb i^arinerOjbab net bene. Thoxna& Henric the feucnth> ^7^ Thomas Bradburie,Stephen Iennins,thc aS.ofSepfc Sherifcs.y Sir lohn Pcrduall T ayler.thc 28. ofO^Vober. t^Maior. S 21 Shemakerj fonttC bO?tt( 111 Bjfho^Jgatefireetetit London, A Shoemaker* tua5 f)an[0CD at SamtThomas fVatr'mgs Oil Shroue b^eThVE^ieo? n.imtiigt)tnifclfetobcEdwarclCBai-leof fonnc to vvwrvikc. George jbuhO of C/.JWce'jUjbtCb Edward (t^lt Oil^^'irmike toas tben(anD bao fain alltbcraignc of tbis totng) bept kf crct pjifoncr in tbc SCotoer ot London. Cbe fonreanD tinentitb of i^ob;uarp,tbel^ui0fitbirbe fonnc uia«Cb?i3nei>toitbin tbc iFriers Cburcb dX Greene-—L1^EL_ mch,}av tl)t name of Edward. re^. 15 Cbe (J^afgopne SiSJine teas foloe at London foj fojfp ibtl^ lings tbc Cunnc,anD mncb left to tljc ^bip^nc" fo? fr^sbf j uS tbc plcntic teas fo great. 0 quarter of Mbcate foure (billingSjanb bap falte fourc pence tbc bulbell. Cbio peare toas tbc ^aetuers boufe calleb tbe ^loanne^ abiopning to Saint AntonyetXa^m DotonCjfoj tbe enlarging of tbe fapb CbnrcbrUibicb toas after neiu butlbeb at tbe coffo of Sir lohn Tate late i^ailU. lames Wilford Taylcr: Richard Brond,thc aS.of Septcm. Sherifes. ? Nicholas Alwin Mercer,the 28.ofOd:ober. t^Mtier. S SCbe rbj. of i^ouember, toas arratgneb Pcrhin War-P"""^vt^ beckc.anbtbJ0eotber,tbetobicbPerkinjanb lohnaWater, " #aioj ofCorj^', toere crccuteb at Ttbome, tbe witj. of ij5o:« uember. 2Cbejcrbiti. of jjioucnibcr Edward PlantagenetUSarlCOfTheEarieor WarwiJ^eSonnz tO George SDuUe Of Clarence, being abOUt tbC age ofrriib-peares, toals bebeabeb at Tover hili,m^ burped at5/>yrfw>^bp bmauncelfers &bo?tIp after, Walter Blewet and Thomas Aftvvoode,toCre banged at Ttbome. 3(n tbebcgmmngofspap,tbeiiiinganb©uanerapleofo i^oo Caieis,\xXytxt tbcpmettoitb tbeSDuhe aiBurgoigne, tbep re# ti,c King ani turned agapne in Slune. Queene Uyied; 3ln 3|ulp, tbc 2Cotone QtBabram in Norplke toas b?ente. Edward tbie J^ingsfbtrdc fonnebpcb,at a place of tbe 3iii.b. )i5ilbop ^74 Henry the feuenth^ 'S5i^Q^QtEefy,m\\tXiHatJield{n Hartford(hire,mt loaS btl* rpCD at lVeHm:»Her. jinno^etr x6 ® Lo»(iti»,ailll Ot^lfrpar? tesofttitisKcalme. Sherifes > Hawcs: VVilUam Stedc, the 2 8.ofSeptember. lohn Shaw Goldlinith,thc 28.ofO(n:obcr. jEhts lohn Shaw caufcb his b^athjen the;3Ibermcn fo ribe from thed^uilbhall bntothetoater fibeuihenhetoent to fFeBminffer fo be pjefcntco in ^ (^chequer, ©e alfo can# feb the hitfheno anb other hoitfco of oifire to be builbeb nt # SlSkcptnc C-uiibhalljtahrrertnce that time the ^aio?8 feafteshath the Guild hau. bin Iieptjtohich befojc hab bin in ^ (H^rocero 0? Cailojo haL SCheriih ofii3oucmbcr, JSjince Arthurinas marrieb in ■arnt . S.Paulcs Church Ut London, bnto Katlierinc, Daughter to Per- ?^/WechangeO vvoMen dofh thcir habite, foj Inhere of long time before thep hab bfcb to thcToSde b:o\nnc KuITet of fonre fljillings^re thillings,ain> eight the parb,neUj thep toercrompelleo to ine^M-e Henry the feuentl^J ^75 ISttlTef ofttDO fl^iUtn08 tt)t pnr&,ano not abone, tobtrb tons b;OUgt)t to PODfe bp tbe f^ritrS of Grtenewich. ICbts peare, tbc titfec calico Tumemiiibroo^^ toit^ allfb? Dikes of Lon< courfe of i^Iate othe, tocrc fo fcotirco ootone to tfjc Thames^ ti^nfed, tbat boatcs toitlj fiH) ano fctocit tucre roloeo bp to Holbome Bridge, ao t^cp of olo time bao bin accuttomcD, lobtcb toas aarcatcomniooitieto all tbc inbabitantcs in tbatpailcof London, aifo tbc SCotDcr nffifc to tbe blachc i^ricro ujas ta^cn Ooinnebptbecomntanocment oftbc ^aio;. STljctirtb ofj^ap. Sir lames Tirell Snifibt, ILicutcnant OfGV/^wCattcII,an0 Sir John Windham knigbte, tucrc bebcaoeo on ttje l^ouier bill* ano a ^bipntan teas bangeo ano quartereo at Ttbome, all fo? apoing Edmond de ia Poole c^arle of Suffbike. 2Dbp« pearc, totre b?ougbf bnto tbe Spng tb?a men fa> Me„brotight ken in tbeneto fonno Bllaiioo, bp Sebaftian Gabato, befo?c from the new, nameom-4««oi468.tbcre men mere clotbeo in )!6eaffe« ^kinne8,an0eatcratD iPletb, but rpakcruflra language, ^„„gre?iS i» no man coulo bnoerftano tbem, of tbetobicbtbJ® men, ttoo of tbem toerc foene in tbe iltings Court at ^venmt»sier ItuopeareB after, clotbeO like £»^/#we«;anOcoulOnot b® Oifcerneo from EngHjhmen. Henry KcblciNicholasNincSjthe 28.ofScptcmbcr.. ot y ^ Bartholmcw Rede Goidfmith, the 28.0! Oftobcr. (Jt^r V JCbeCboppell of our ILaop, aboue tbe Caff enoe of tbe bigb Slultare of fvefimw^ter Cburcbe, toitb a SDauerne cal« King Henrr the leo tbe tobitc Uofe nare aoiopning , teas taken ootone, in inbtrbe place , a moff beautifull Cbappell toao tben minftet. fojtbtoptb faegonne toibc buploeo bp &png Hcnrye tbe feanentb, tbe charges tobereof (as 3 baue bene creoiblp^ enfo?meo) amountco to tbe fumme of fourtsne tboufanoe ponnos. Elizabeth £15 ueene atEngUud, tnifeto Rpng Henry tbe OsceneEUza# feanentb, bpeo of Cbtlobeo in tbe Coiner of Lw<^»on tbe tinelftb ofiPeb?uarp, ano teas folemnelp burpeoat fveii- !kina 876 Henry the feuenth* I!' 'I' >1 '•'f prior of Shene murtherej. sixe King! of 5in tfae rrfa. of3!une at tfae Bilfaop of SaltJbHries^^Uceixi i^latcttrate,tDas tfae nofale^?ince Henry tfae fcconfajfonne flfJiingFlcnrytfaereauentfa,airurcDin matrimonie to tfae ILafapl^atfaerine, late tfae tuife oftfaat excellent |0;inceAr. thure. SCfae fiftfa of^lugutt faecealTcD ^&ir Reginald Bray l&m'gfaf, E^reafnrer of tfae lyings toarres/ano Inas burpefa at fvinde^ fore. Cfaeepgfaf of^Iugalf, tfae Sing of Scenes marrpeoMar- garet, tfae elDctt Daugfater of !^ing Henry tfae feuentfa. ^ o?pe ^ommer, faauing no notable rapne from iHfait^ rontioe,to tfae later JLaop bap infaarueS. Chriltopher Havves: Robert Wattes, the 28.ofScptcml>. ThomasGranger,thc i i.oiNouember. Sir William Capell Draper,the a8.ot O£lobcr. SCfae riij. of i^ouember, toas faoloen toitfain tfae pallace of tfae arcfabilfaop of Canterhnrj,at Lamheth,the^erseantB feaS,lDfaere oineo tfae Hing ano all fais nobles, ano bpon tfae fame Oap, Thomas Granger, netulp cfaofen ^faeriffe of Lonc{on,\joas pjefeiiteo befoje tfae 5i5arons of tfae things Cj;* cfaeqner, tfaere to tahe fais offa, ano after toent tottfa tfae ioj bnto tfae famefeatt, tofaicfae faueo faim monep in faps pur(re,fo; if tfaatoaptfaat fealtfaaonot binliepte,faemuS faauefeaSefa tfae ^paio?}i:ioermen, ano otfaers Moj^ipfall of Margaret the Kings daugli- termaryed. re^.f, Sherifes. Sergeants feaft. % V ill:" Henry the feucnth* ef CtHe. feaS tDa0 l^ept at t^e cj^arge oftenne learneo men,notDl? aomttteo to be ^erseanto to tbe l&tnga lalOitobOfe names toere, Robert Bricinell,William Grcuill, Thomas Marow,George Edgorcjohn Moore, lohn Cutler, Thomas Elyot,Lewes Pollard, Guy Palmis, William Fayre- fax. a)ntbewj.Oanofi^oaember,atntgbt,besanne a periP Fire on London lousfireat tbe Cgne of j^e panper bpon Lo«<^s»B^ioge, neere to Saint cMagnm cijurcb, lobcre fire tenements toere b;ent ere tfie fame cotilo be qnencbeo. Cbe feauentb of 3Ianuarp, toere certapne fionfes confu* ineD toitb fire againtte Saim Butoiphes cburcfje in ihamu Crate. S^berrb of 3anaarp, beganne a jaarliament at mUmin- Parliament fitr, of tbe tobicb toas cljofen fpeafeer foj tlje commons ^aP CerEdmond Dudley. ]crb^. of #arcb, toas an ^onfe b?cnf againttc Samte jMartms le grand tn London. a netne Copne teas bp parliament appopnteb, tfiat is „ to fapjdD^rote, ano balfe dJrote, tofiicb bare but fialfe faces: tbe fame time alfo teas copneO a (0rote, tobicbe toas in ba^ tue ttoelue pence,bnt of tbofe toere bnt fcto copneo. SCbis peare,3Iume, tobicb manppeares bab bin folD fo; Aiumedeere. Cjre (billings an buno?eo,ano lotoer, arofe to fiueij^obles anbnno;ei),anb after tofoure^arfies ic. ^e fojenameo Sir William Capell, ^aio? tit London Jim* feo in eaerp toarb London a Cage toitb a paire of^tocfes. Anno reg. 2© (herein to pani(btiagabonbs.^Ifo,bc Eo^ck«otde - to be ouerpauebjtbe tobicb manp peaces bcfoje lap full nop* ned. ouflp ano perilouflp foj all tranellcrs tbat toap. »Mfdirchpar Roger Achelcy: William Browne, the aS.ofSeptcmb. Sherifes. ? lohn Wingcr Grocer, the 2 B.otOcfobcr. tJMaior, i about CbJiCmas, tbe moje parte oftbepjifonersoftbe ^Parlbatfcpin Somhwarke bjahe out, anb manp of tbem ba» ^iibnwsoftjie tng (bojtlpe after tafeen, toere put to erecution, fpeciallpe brake out;^ tbofe tobicb bab lapne fo? i^elbnie oja^reafon^ STbe «78 Amoreg.ii. Shcrifes, > tj^iaier. ^ Conduit atBi- shopfgitt buU- tied. Richmond on iite. The King of Caftile landed in linglaiid. - francii Cuiccur, of Paules blown downc, _ .JM " -< III IMIHIII Henric the (eueiith* SCfjetb. of0p?ilI,amonepmaUer, one of tbe Corners of f^e2noUier,laao ojatoncto tbercbai'Luo. SCIjcrctuao great ftrifc in tbe C^uilt! ball about ibroftnff oftl)e^beriffe,fojtbcCai,'lo30 toooloc fjaucbaO^apfter Fitz Williams SCailojjano tbcotbcr commons cbofeiloger Groue C^rocer, Richard Sliore: Roger Groue,the 2 8. of September. Thomas Kiieifworth FiOimongerjthc 28.of Oftober. SDljlS Thomas Kneifworth, OfbtS OtDlie gfOOes, butlOOO fboConouitatlSilbopfgatc. l^egauc fottjoi^ilbmongers certanne tenements, fo? the tobicbc tljcpbe bouno to finoe four ^cbollers that If uDie ^rte,ttDO atOxfird^mn ttooat Cambridge, ciierp oftljein fourc pouno tbe peare. STljep ba botmb alfo to gtue to tluelue ageo poje people of tbeir com« panpjto enerponc of tbem at iBartbelmeUitioeatointer garment fo3 eiicr. ^llfo to giue to tbo p?ifoners oflLuogate ano d)5elngatc,eucrp pearefojtplbtllings fc. Cbc fifth ofSiamiarptntljenlgbtjtbe iSiings Chamber teas fierco at Richmond, the Utljtcb might not be quencheb, fill inanp curtepns,carpets,r»cl) beDs,ano much other CutTc teasconfumeD. ICh;cagh great tempcfi oftetno being at pS>oufhtoclf, tohichbegantherb.of3anuarp,ano continucD till the fire anD tteentp of § fame, Pliilhp Jaing of Cafltle, ano his teire, tecre teeathcr Djiuen, and lanoeo at Falmouth in England, ag thcp tecre palling on thc.rbj. of January out of Flanders ton toartj Sfa)ine,\j)^o tecre honourablp recctueo bp ihc Carle of ^rmdellat p liings appointmet,toith th?de C.ho?ffs,all bp tojch light' SChis tepefi teas ftrange to manp me,bpcanrc ^ biolencc thereof hat! blotenc ootene tljeCgleofbjaffefrom • the rpireof|3aules Church in London,mn in tljefalling,the fame Cglc bjafic anD battercD the blacUc Cagle, tehiche hong foj a figne in j|0au(cs Chm"chpafD,that time being but iote houfes, tehcrc note is the ^chole of paules. 3bout tho cnD of Inarch, Edmond de ia Poole teas fafien in f/Wm, anD conuepeo thjougl; the Citic tothc2Loteer of Henry tJie feuenth# ^19 af fl^crc left p?ifoncr. 3ln tljc begtnnmg of 3|uIp,a(ffi'aloJp ticlwe buploofiaf GMcryatRfcw RfchwoKd ioljcrcm tIjCwinganb tl)2 lajmceljis foimcfjao toalfjcD notoncbotiro brfojc, itfcUfoocinlpcotuneaboutc «iionig!)t,but no cbJtliian man pcrifijsb t(jcrebp. Willian Cop!n2;ai": Fhomai John(on,the 28.ofScpcem. Sher'tfes, being on Uje niojroUi aftcra^idjael^ wao Dap bp ti)t a^aio? anD ailDcrmcn p?cfentcD befoje flje JBarono oftfjeCBpfbcqucr, cnip William CopingarloaoaD# miitcD ano Ctoojnc, but Thomas lohiifon t()CP UJOUlDcnot nDimtfCjtinthepUnclufarfberofthe Bings ptcafurc. SCbe r.of£>ctober,acotnnian5cnifntlDa3bjougljifi*Dmtljeliing fo t'oe lioja ^aioj, tijat tje fijoniDe caufc an cJcdion fo btie inaDc foj a ncty ©bcriSfc, at tobicf) bap, came into tijc GuJ/d JdiiZ/spavdcv Edmond Dudley, tf)e isings p;cfiBcnt,anD tijere f^etocD ttjcicings letters, that iljc commonsajouloe namefojtbeiiings picafurc, William FitzWilham toba ^b^riffefoj tbc peace enfuiiig,tDbicl) Initlj muclj DiCKciiltp, at length granteo, trbicb Wilham Fitz Williams Uept his feaft tfje firtorntl) Dap of ilDctober. Kich ird Had Ion Mercer by the Kings coinmandcmente, A/a/or, the 28. ofOiftober. £)n S. Thomas Dap at nigl)t, afojO C()Ji3inas,U)as a ISalters boufe in SQIartuikc llane bjent, toiti) the a^jffrcs ofp hourc,u.luoincn feruants, f itj.other. 31n itcnt, the iiing Dcliuereo all ^?ifoncrs in Leftdea loyy toljicl) lapfojtljeDcbt of fojticlbillingSjOj bnDcr. ^»Koreg.z^, William Butler : Thomas Kirkeby Merchant Taylor,the Sherifes, 28.ofSeptember. William Browne Mercer,the 28.ofO£lo. ^imijO DecealTcD, Afaior, anD fojfl)U)itf) Sir Lawrence AylmcrS>?aper iDaSchofCII f liDojne,anD toent home in a grep clohe, Ujith § ftoojD bojne afojc him,on the rcbtj.Dap of inarch. />7fli\t his ^hc^ TliomL'Kn^f. riffes, ujcre rent toths iliings 2!3ench tillthepU)creputto;^j°="umpr.f<^ tljetr• Henry tlicfciicntfi«. t^etrSneof fourctsne ^unD;eD pound. 3[nfgo motieflj of Notvrichon 31une,tl)DCttieofiV<'n»'/r^toasfo2operitfteD,and narccon^ fwned toitl) firc,tl)at began in a iT^rencbmanfl boufe named Sheriffs, f Thomas Exmevv: Richard Smithjthe 28.of September. rainmer ^cbole at Wlfrmehamptonin Stajferdjhire, topt^ 51i!Snr coiiucnicnt lodgings fo? tfje ^paplfer and liEltber in tlje fame place tobcre be Ujas bojne. !^e gaue ILands fuflScientfoj lb® mapnfenance, leaning tbe ouerftgbt tberof to tbe Merchant S^aplojs in London, tobo bs"^ bitberto iuttlp dealt in tb^t matter, and alfo augmented tbe building tbere. Mayfter Nichols,iDbo marrped tbeonlp daugbter and bcire of tbe a? fojcfapdStcplienGeningSjgaue ilandestomapntepne tbe pauementsof tbat SDotMne.^lfo, lohnLenefon Cfquier, about ydnno 1556. gaue iLands, tobereof four pound Ibould be dealt etierp peare, on gtod ^rioap,to tbe ptoje people of mifrunehamptonrnti Ojce and ttnentp ^billings epgbt pence ]^arelp,toU)aros tbe reparation of tbe Cburcb tbere. V v"frunc'htLp- #o?eouer, aboutc Anno 15 66. Sn- lohn Lighe a p?ieff, ton,his rare ex, inbicbe bad fertied in tbatcburcbe tbere, tfje fpace oftb?®' ample of clu- peares,fo3 Sue pounds,ftre ^billings epgbt pence tbe peare,UjitboutanpotberaugmentationDfbis lining, tobo mould neuer take anp i3eneficc, 0? otber preferment, gaue tloentpe pounds, to purcbafe tmentp ^biiitngs tbe peare Hands, tbe fame to be giuen pearelp fo? euer to tbe posre of if^lfrunekimpton tjpon gtBd i^ridau, and tiueluc pounds tbir^ tcene S>billings fcurpencc, to purcbafe a ^arke a peare ilande, tbe fame to be giuen to tbe pore otchtfrail, in tbe Countie otSalepeM)zxt tbe fapde Lighe mas borne. HCbis man lined nigb one hundred peares. l^e belfotncd befides bis otone Inboure tobicbeUias greate(in bearing of ffonefc.)aboue ttoentpe poundeon tbe bigb toapes about tbat SDotone Qtfvlfrmehampton. S^bis STotone Qtwifrmehampton,i& notd cortuptlp Called miner- Henric the feiientht pf^olneyhamptm, fo:tn Anm996^X1 Sing Ethcldrcds fpttlC, vvifruntiup. (U>f)o VD;ote ^jinifclfc Rtx A*^glorum ^prmceps Northambro- ton.cornivtiy rumOlmptAdeterUAregmfm^iQlpQ JjC UJjOfC tlje COnntofl)t5 nc»iunipto?J retgne t^cn, tD!)icb loas fijc fiftcentlj pcarc) it uias tfjen calleo w^w»/iroK,a5appcarctl) bp an olDCbarteriojittcn bp fbei]5otarte offapo iaing btheidred, tuljicljc Charter 3 bauet^ne auDreaD:anb fo? that a noble biotnan nainco Wifruiiea s:?lltl)0to, foinctpme totfe to AlthelmeS)tllJeof Nonhamptaii, oto obtepiie of tfjo fapO iatng to gtue iLanoes bnto the Cbutcfjc fb^r^ iobicbelbe bab fonnocti, tbc fapoe SCotone tohe tbe abbitton of tbe fame Wlfrune, fojtbat Cb^tf^t fo nametb bit Wllrunc, anb tbe SHotone Hamptoyi. Su- Lawrence Aylnvr anb biS tibO ^betiffCS iOCre put AylL^7a>lJ'ht^ to tbeir fine to tbe feing of a tboufanb pounb. si.eritfes, SCl)i8 peare, fwas finilbeo tbe gaDblpi^ofpitnll oftlje uojfnme\}ntoChari>^gCrop,to^ic]) luas a notable founba' _ fton fo; tbe piDjc, bone bp tiing Hcmytbefeaucntb, bnfo HaT'itaiiofehe tbeuibttbbepnrcbafebanb ganeiLanosfo;tberelec«ingof sauoy? °' one bunbjeb pc);e people. SDbto teas firif nanieb Sa»oy place, bp Peter dSarle of Sa- nay, iFatljer to Boniface ^rcbbtlbop of Canterbury, aboilt tbc nine anb ttoentitb pcare ofising Henry tbe tbtrbe, tobo ntabe tbc fapbe Petet Carle of Richmond SCbio boufe belong gcb fince to tbe SDuhe of Lancafler, anb at tbis tpmeUias conuerteb to an i^ofpitall. Hill retepning tbe firQ name of Sauoy. iStng Henry alfo fauplbeb fb;a bonfesf of i^ranctfcanc i^'riero, tobnbc are calleb £?bferuants,at Richmond, Greene- wich,m8 Mewarke^mti tb;® otbcr oftbat familieof/ran.' ctfcane iFriers tobtcb are calleb conuentuals, at Canterbury, NewcaHethdinfi Southhampton. SCbis noble )3;tnce Jiing Henry bpeb at Rtchmondx\o Wb.ofap;tll, toben be bab retgneb tb;a anb tlnentp pearco anb epgbt monetbcs, anb Ujao bnrpeb at fve^immficrin tbe neioCbappell tobicb be b?,anD after £15icbaelmas, ^tc Richard Empfoii Inajs arratgucb anD conbemneb tA Norths han3i)toyj,m'ti rent aganne to ttjc S^otocr of London. '^herifes George MoneXj lohnDogct Mcr Taylor,the 28.ofSept. < Thomas Bradbury Mercer_,thc aS.of Oftober. tJMaidrs. Sir William Capell Draper.the i i.onanuary. Sfjc one anb tiuentitlj of 3;anuarp,began a JBarliament at fVeHminUer. 35n i^ebjuarn toas a great fire in Thames fireete, nctrc t)nf 0 wooll Kej,\3j^it\) began in a ii^lare Uiiues boufOjanb bib much barine. STljc rr. of 0p;ill, a peace tuas pjoclapmeb bettofrte ^^WanbFr^«irnarb in London, anb committeb tlje oueri pjjjcsschooie. fig{)tf!)creoftotl)c#apffer anb Marbensoftlje ^perccrs, hvtmic biinfelfe toas bojne in London, aiib tuas fonneto Henry Colet ^crcer,fometime ^paioj of London. 2)11 spibfotner nigfit tljc ?^ing came pjiutlp into Cbrapc in one of tlje coates of Ijis (5arb, anb on Saint Peters nigbf, tfje i^ing anb 25uane came ribing ropallp to tlje itings ijeab in Cbeapc, tbcre to bcljolb tlje toatclj of tlje Citie. Eitipfoti and Richard Empfbn i^nigljt, anb Edmond Dudley lDherefo?ein auopbing theiecperbic uffojfepture of their libertico if thep thoulb not prepare an |)able man of themfelueo to be ^h^riffe tuith that other tuhichthe^paioj parelpchcofeth, thep callebaneto alTem# bicofthecommon0,anb then chofe lolmRell Hlberman, NeweieAio* ^nb (2?rocer, foj the other ^h^tt®fjtheSuhiche,toithlohn Milbornchiofellotu before chofen bp the ^aio?, luaopje# fenteb before the ^arono of the l^ingo Crchequer, anb there abmitteb, anb Ihojtlpafter, fo; To much ao thefapbe William Fitz William iuoulb not fubmit hiuifelfe to the an# fhojitieoftheCitie,hetDa0 biffranchifeb, anbbifmifleb of vvflii«nFite f)ia 0lbermanlhtp,anb fineb at a thonfanb ©arheato b« leupeb.ofhpo gobeo anbCatfapleo tuithin theCitie» '' lohn Milborne: lohn Reft, the 28.ofSeptember. Sherifes, > Henry Kcbell Grocer,the iS.ofOftobcr. tJiiAtor. ^ SChe epghtenth ofi^ouembcr, tuaa holben the &cri antb iPeatt at the ^ilhop of Eiyes in Oidbome, the neto ^eriants s«ri«ane» Fcau,' Sucre ^aplfer Newport, Newdigate, Fitzhcrbeit , lohn Brooke, Pigote, Caricll, Brooke of BrifioWf P.aUTie Senior, ano Prince bonte. A»»o reg. Anitrerir Bar- ton,a Scottish p. rate. mppMM ^9^ Henry the eyght* antJ^a{?ffcrRoo. Henry t^)c i^mgsfirff foitne teas bojnc on pearejj trap, but Dpeo on Saint Mathies Dap tiert foUototng. > 3" tl;c monetbesof3uno anD3uIp,tboScottesm^^z fun# Djpe entrpcs bpon tbe bojDerco of England, toitb iDcll manncD ano btitualleD, iobo itcpt tbe narroto ^cas Portwgaies astljCPfapD) toberebpott, &ir Ed- ward Haward ^O?0 :^DintraU QiEngland, anD JLojD 1 liomas Hawardjfenne (HID b^PJS to tbo dearie of Surrey, \mntt to tbc^cao bp tbo feingoff'i'^/WrconunauiiDonieiitjtDptb certapne ^btppcoj lubo about tbe euD of 3nlp, mctte ioitb tbefapDe Scenes, anD gauc biito tbtm a Jbarpebattaple, lUOUnDCD tbepj Captapne Andrew Barton, tnbOtOOf bODp# £D, Qcto manp of bio men,anD tcoho mauppjifonero^, tuitb tbjo febippco, tbc onocallcD tbe J.ton, tbe otber a IBarhe, calleD3ennp \aefUnne, tobifb &>bippeo toere bjougbt to BlackeVAtllV^Z fcCOnDC of^luguft, OOD tbe ScottesiO London, inbcre tbep bjcrefeeptao pjifonerointbe^ilbopofrtfr^j 5^Iace,anD after fent iwXo Scotland. Nicholas Shekon: Thomas Mirfine, the 28. of Septcmb-. Roger Acheley Draper, the 28.of Oclobcr. Sl^ fift^ntb of latiuarp, began tbe ^arliamente af lfeflminsfer,^ix Robert Shcffeldianigbt, fOinCttnieKetO}i» oer of London, toas fpcaUer fo? tbe commons. SDuring tbis ^^arliamente, in tbe monetb of ^arcb,a ^omanof tbeCroUjne,Qne of tbe icings C^arD, nameb Newbolt, (leto tuitbin tbe Wallace of iveiiminffer a- fernant ofS^aptfer Willoughbyes, foj tbe tobicbe offence, tbe iltpng comanDeD to be fet bp a neto papje of (^allotoes in fame place tobere tbe fapDe fertiante tcft bis life, anD bppon tlje fame, tbe fapD Newbold inasbangcD, anD tbcc^ remapneb on tbeti^allotoes bp tbe fpaceof tloo Dapes^ An e Parliament. Nevvbolt banged. 7<;J2 Henry the eyght» Si?7 31n0ucuff,&ir Edward Poyn'mgs, aaompafipcti h)t(5 tfjcJto?DC Clinton, anD tituersfltfjer, tuas ftntc intoGV/- fiffane ^unojeD Hrcijcrs, to apoc fljc |0jtiue'of Cas7e/i, at tl)C tOqUCtt of Margaret, J©UCl)effC Of atlO HegentofF/w^fw. Edward Haward E^OJO SlDttltrall of Englay.d, tfjjougf) tffl muc^ ^amtncETCjluas flai^ne before Br eft, in BritaynejoditK tof)0me, l)ps bjotbcr Thomas Haward Ums iiuiDe Honniat. about tlje raonct^ ofHugutt, tfje jlJauyeo ofE^^-Wario Fr/t»ce mktins nt Br/teine Bey, (ouQl)t a cruell bati'aptc, in tbctobic^tlje i^egentjOj S»oaeraigne of E^g/aKd, and a Ca< xikzQfBre^tinFraKce,\3zin Wjlliam CopingerFifhmonger,thc iS.ofOflober. tJ\'Uior.* Richard Hadden,Mercer. Cfjc Sitdeplc atiD JLantarnc of BoU) C^urclj in escape, Bow Slecple teas tbio pearc finitbeb. fauuaed. JlSpi^ricro tbis peare,a great parte of tbe Iifngs^aaT Kmgspaiu« lace oflVeTiminsler, auD CbappcU in tbe SolDCr oSLon- «Vtaiiiin* don,mfi manp otbcr places in £«^/WU3erc bjent. Sca.Tmif6t 3ln a i^ailiament at mas granted to tlje Sing tU)o Oftancs, and four demies, and bead monep ofe? »y i ? uerpEDuhetcnne ^arl?es,an cijarle Sue pound, aEojde ' ' four pound,aSnigbtfour ^arke,and euerpman baluedat Great fubfcdi«. epgbtbundjed pound in gajds, to pap four^arkes,anofo after tbat rate, tillbtm tbat toasbalued at fojtie (billings, papd ttuelite pence, and euerp ma tbat tobe fo?tie iilHngs teages jrtj'ij-f cucrp maf toomaaf rb.peres ojbpluard 3n:apnll,tbESingfentagreat jjJauie ofttoeiue tbouf fandmentotbe^ea- ;©n^apeuen, Edmondde laPoolc U)as beheaded on ^9 8 Henry the cyght^ :3irotuer |)tU, ^is b;ot^er Richard ioas aft^rfla^ne in France. KtniHentybe- 5^100 Henry baumg rent ouer agreafant)patirant0r? vv^ne" ^France fo befagC tbC ClttC Of bntlfelfe aC* tompanyeD luitb manp noble men,anD bj.C.^rcbcrc of bttf peares,ano ^ir lohn Pcchy toae btcegouernour of tbe ?^03fenien» 315efo?efbe tiingjtoentc bitf.C. Ainmynes all in aplmnp:after tbem, came tbe ^tan? Ocrttoitbtbe reooe 2D3agon,nept tbe Banner of our tLaop, anonepte oftbcCrinitie, bnocrtbe tobicbc tuereall tbe Iiings boutbolo. Sl^bcn toent tbe Banner of tbe ^mts of Enn/and,hoint by &ir Henry Guildford,bttOer lobirb 31Ban^ ner toas tbe feing bimfelfe, toitb oiuers noble men, ano o» tber,to tbe number of tb?® tboufano me.SDbe SDube of Iifngham,i33iti) .C.mcji, Uias OH f ilings left bano.ilDn tbe rigbtbstitoas Sir Edw.Poynings,toitb otberbi.C.meegall tbe Aimains.Ki)z lL,of Btirgainic Xa,toas toing m Henrietheeyghte^ *99 on rfg|jfi>anDc:0r William Compton toi'fif) i^e reHnne Oft^6l3l?(^Opt)0 of fVinchefterYox, anO^OtSer Thomas Woirey/afYerioarD Carotnall, ofeig^te ^unojoo, toao t'n manner of areretoaroe : fir Anchony Oughtred ano fir lohn Neucll tDitfi tlje llingo fpcarc0tl)atfoll0U)eD,luere foure hunDjeO, ano fo the loholearmpe Uiao eleauen tt)ou^ fanoe ano tt)2a hunojeo men. Che S^aificr of the ojoinacc fet fo?th fh0 i^tngo artillerte, as ^aulcons,S>lpngs,)16om^ baros, potooer, fiones, botoes, arrotoes, ano fuche other things ncccITarpe fa; the fteloe, thetoholc number of the carriages luere thirtdene huno;eo, the leaoersanbojiuers of the fame mere nineteene huno;eo men. Che t^ing lape the firffenightebettoirte Caikerveli mtiFreydo»: the nerte night befo2e the Callel of Gn>tjhes at Bocarde: the nert nighf he lape faefioe Ardt a gcoO toape topthout the Engitjhe^aUy f tohen he toas a little faeponoe Dermme, there came a greafe hofte of French men, that pnrpofeo to haue fette bpon hi>ni but the t&pngmith his hofiehepte their ground, anothotte their greafe o;oinaunce, toheretopth the arap of the French men inas b;otten. Che fourth of Httgufi, the l&ing in gcoo o;oer of battell camefaefo;etheCitieof7'«nj'«^,anD planted hw in toarlitte mife. Che eleuenfh oapof^ugufi, Maximilinn the c!;mperoj came to feing Henrye, toho teas receiued mith greatetrii umph, bettoanc Aire and thecampe. Che Cmpero; ano all hio feruants mere retepned mith^ the iaing (^EngLwde in toages bp the dape,euerp perfo n acs» co;ding to his degree,and the C^mpero; as the Itings fonldi# ourelnarea CrolTe of Saint George tmfh a kofe, and foh® and all his traine came to the lutings Campe thethirteentl; of^ugutl, and there toas recepued topth greate magnifi# rence. Che th;0eand ttoentith^of ^gutt the totene of THnvwe toas gtuen oner hnfo the iipng of EngUad, topth condition, * ~ thrall men in the Cotone mighte fafelppafie topth ho^lTe and poo Henry the eyght» ano IjarntlTc, aiiD fo on fourc nnd tUjenftffj of 0u0u(!c ti^jerc came cute of t^ie totonc foure tfjonfano men cf tuarrc anDmoelneUappomtcii^luljereoffirc ^unoreotnere Uieil ijojfeD, tljcp? ttanoarOes borne befo?c tbem. SCbcficcauDtUjentitbof^uguff, tbe l^tng remoueb fo Swgate, anb tbere tf toas agrab, tbat tbe fcDallcs,0ates,bul^ lX)arbes,anbfoUjerj5 ofT«>-w/«anb fiercb tbc fotone, erccpt tl;e Catbe# wall Cburcbe anb tbe JSalaicc, anb all tbc ojbinauncc Was bpfbeiaingfenteto tobeliepf to bis bfe. iffer tbis, if teas condnbcb, tbattbeBing in perfon fboulbe lape bps ftcgc fo tbe (Titie of Tarwj, luberefoje ba fen tc fo^toarbe tb?a gmblp battaples; fbc firffc toas conbuf rteb bp fb?c!;arlcofshretrJlMne: tbe fcconbc battell Icb tbe Idng bpmfelfe, toptb tobowe teas tbe CDmperour : SHbs rcrctnarbe luas conbuitcb bp tbe ilojbe Harbert, anb fo fbe firflEc npGbte tbep lapc in campc befibc Jire. CbefourtdrntbofgjEpfcmber tbcfeinganb bps armpc came to BsatTvw, anb on tbe mo^romc paJTeb fojUuirbe, anb came fa a flfaitc,U)bere teas a iFo^be, tobifbe Ujitb greate bifficultiefbep paffcb: anb tbe neef bapfbcp pafleba b?ibge Calleb Fount An^tndinv,(^c. SCbe one anb ftocntifb bapc of g>cptcmfacr tlye JSpng remoucb bps Campe foUiarbe anb lobgebtopfb' in tbJamples of fbe Citie, tbe tnbpcbe nigbfe came fo scingHcmy be- bpw tbc Cmpfrotir attb fbepalfgratte, tbe people about iicged Turney. journey toece U)itb tbep? gfflbes flcbbc fo fbe Cifie anb pet fbe (Eiiie b'tJ'bc no menne of toarre fo befenbe if, but topfb multifnbe of Binbabifantcs fbc Cifie toas iecll rcplcnilljco. incrapofbaffellbefoje 7e«r^9',plan^ te4 ■ « Henrie the cyght» 9oi th^€itit, Zipuer0 treti« t^ts toere caSe and rampter^s mate, To tijat no Ctttfons (ouloe ifTuooute, no; no apoe come to t^em . Mljere^ bpon at lenstl), to U)acte,on tf)enpne ano ttuentitl) of^ep> tember tbe Citte toas paloeo. Cbentljc i^ing appointcDt^ellojDe Lifle, tbe ilo?te Burgeyny anb tbc ilojoe WilloughbytotafecpotTellion, tobfcbs toptb ficetboufanbcmenne entereotbe Citieano toihe tbe marketplace anb tbe toaileo , anb tben ^ap? Cer Thomas Wolfcy tbemings Hlrnanercallebbefojebmi all tbe Citijens , anb fibare tbeiii to tbe iipng of En^- Unde^ tbe number ofiobtcb^Ctttjeno loerefour fco;e tbou« fanbe. j2r»n tbe feconbc bape of£)(tober tbe Img entrcb tbe ci? tizotTHrney, anb tfjere o;bapneb fifr Eciwaicte Poynings, ftntgbt of tbe ojber of tbe (tUarter, to be bps lieuetenaunt, toptb Captatnes, bo;remen, arcbers, anb arttllerte con» uenient : ba mabe bps Hlmoner Thomas Wolfey llSp^ Iboppe of Tourney, anb tben retnrneb to CdUatce, anb fapleb vv<1^1L Bi. from tbence to Douer on .tbe foure anb tinentptb of £)cto» shop of Tut- ber. 3n tbts meane tpmc lames iittng of Scottet, notlnttb(fan< bingbeloas toojnetobapetbepeace, inuabeotbtslanbe i toitb a mtgbtpe armpe, bat bp tbe grab btlltgence of tbe % '' ;L ' £[5ueene, toitb tbe polltcieanb manbcobe of tbe Carleof " tbe things iLieuetenannt, be bi'nfelfe toas flaine at Bramn:one\i^OXi Ptperdhill, toitb tb?® JiBptbOppeS ttoO 0b* bots, ttoelue Charles, reuentdene 3lo?bo, faefibco fenigbfs, anb (Ijentlemen, anb feauentane ttiontsmz Scoues ^ ana all tbe ojbinaunces anb ttuffie taken,tbe nintb of ^eptem* ber; tbere toere flaitie of tbe Engbihe men aboute fine tbou* fanbe. SCbe beab bobp of tbe ^ing of Scones, foao, b;ougbte bp^ to London, anc fo conuepcb to sheene, tobere 3 b^ne feene tbe Came lappeo in Jleab> Ipe in an olbe boufe bnbnrpeb. lolmi poi Sherifes, mmot. I ^14 T. V Volfey B. of Ltncolne. jimo reg. 6 Hedges pluc ked vp.Scdit# chci tUlcd. Sherifes. ? Hennc the eyght» lohn Dawes;Iolau Bridges, the 28.of September. Roger Bafford. William Browne Mercer, the 28. of Oftobcr.Iohn Tate Mercer. £Dn CanblemalTe Dape t()e iitpng maDe Thomas Howard €!;arle tit Surrey, SDuHe ot N'orfo/ke: Thomas ILOjDe Howard Carle tXSurrey: Charles Brandon SDutte tXSuffolke: Charles Somerfet Carle of zA Lambeth itlt^e arcl)blfi)Op atCanttrburiesi^zAm, ano HotloHgafter, ijrniaDefirEd-. ward Stanley iLojOe Mountegle. 3|ii ^arclj folotorngjThomas Wolfey tbt fctngs 3Imo^ nerjanoiStlftoppcofTowrw/ toas confccrate SSplhoppcof Ltncolne, 30 fucceCroar to William Smith late DccealTeo. 011 tlje Ijeogeo toptbin one mplc ano ino?e, eucrp toapc aboute London tuore pulleo ootnne, and tbe bttcbeo fplleo Dp tn a moaning, bp a number of pong men , Ctttjeno of London, bpcaufc tbofe enclofureo baobe bin binoeraunceto tbetr (bottng. ITbe ninctintb of ^ap toao rcccpueb into London a Cap of Maintenance, anbatoo^Defentefrom pope luhc tbe feconbe, tobirb hiao p^efenteb to tbetaing on tbe ^onbap nerte toitb grcate folempnitie in SMm Pauies Cburcbe. STbe feaucntb bape of 0ugnll, a peace toao proclaimed bettoijrte tbe taingo of£»^/WanD of Fraunce, ourpng tbcpj Ipueo. Bin October, a marriage inao mabebettusneLewistbe tUJClftb iaing ofFraunSe, aub §lia0pe Mary tbe iltpngo fitter of England. lames Yarford:Iohn Mundy, the 28.ofSeptember. George Monox Draper, the 28, ofOftober. SEbi* George Monox Mapoj of London, of bid gOblp btf' pofition reebifieb tbe becapco tteeple of tbe par ilbe Cburcbe oifvaltham Starve, in tfic Countte otEjfex, abbing tbereunto afibeBletoitbaCb^Pprl, toberebelpetbburpeb. 0nboii tbedl^ortb fibeoftbeCburcbparbe tbere,befounbeb afapre targe ^Imofe boufe for an ^tmofe priette o; ^cbcolemap* tnomen gagg^gggggg^iyjjjgigyy Henry the eyght*. f ffer,ant) tl^irf^nepsjc atmes folhe,dgl^f men, antique iDomcn, appointing to tijc fapoe alnies}3;ieC o? ^rfjole^ maplfer fo? i^ta pcarclp loagcs, anD to eucrpc one of § almeBfoIfeey.iJ.aUjahejf jf.tofaebelloUjeDpare^ Ip among tbem in coleo.ano ojoepncb, tbat tbe fapD almeg ibiefi fboutb on $>onDapeB ano fedinail bapeo be helping f atriftant to tbe taicar oj Curate tljcre in tbe ccleb^ation of _ biuine fcruice, anb on tbe toabe bapco fralie to applp aiiD teacbe pongcbitbjen oftberait)eparilbe,totbenumber of Frte Schoole *t f birfie in a ^cbcUboufe, bp bim tbcre builbeb fo? tbat pur? pofe. ^o?eoner, b^ snue to tije parilb ClearUe tbere fo; tbe time being,a pearlp tf ipeno of; euer,f a Cbam? ber bp tbe fapoe ^lineo boufe, to tbe intent be (boulb beipe tbe fapb ^cbcDleniaplter to teacb tbe faib ebitti;en.0nb batb giuenfairelanosanotenementB in tbe Citie ofLorJaajot tbe perpetual maintenance of tbe pjemiflPeo to (ZD>oob glo;p fo;eaer.^ealfofo; tbe great commobitieof trauelleroon fo9te,mabe a continuall catofep of H^imber oner tbe mar^ Ibes from i^yaltam-floiVytO Locke bridge totoarbO London. 2nbebb£tober, King Lewes ofFF<««femarrpeb tbe llabp Mary, Cffcr to fting Heary tbe epgbt, in § great Cburcb of AbviU. Richard Hunne, a ^ercbant 2Dapio; otLondon, btoelling hangtdin bov» in tbe ^aritb of Saint Margaret in BridgeBreate, Ulbo (fo; bC* Tower, nping to giue a mo;tuarie, fucb ao ioao bemaunbeb bp tbe. Iparfon fo; bis cbiibe being burpeb) bab bin pnt in tbe Low- Urds Towr about fbeeubc of£>ctofacr laS befo;e paOebjloag notoe tbe Sft of ^December founb bangeb toitb bie atone girble of ttIUe,in tbe fapb Cotoer, anb after be toao burneb in Smithjield. K\)is peare bpeb at Rome tbe 0rcbbilbop of Torke f Car# binalljcalleb SDocto; Banbredge,tDbicb toas tbe Jitings Cm# badabo; tbere. ^nb l^tng Henry gaue tbe faib 0rcbbi(bop# ficbe to Thomas Wcltey tben }13i(boppe of Lincoine, tuljo $o;tlp after gate to beCarbinall anb sio;b Cb^ncellour^ illlh Henry the cyght* j3Dn ^tiavmes eucnfipeD tljeiFrendbJn'njjLcwesf^i tloelft^mnD tl)t nint^ of ^p;tl( a neto peace toao concIuOen betloane tlje QlEy>gia»d, ano Francis t^e tieUj i^ing of France. 3ntf)e monetl) of^ap, Charles £)uhe of Sufo/kf\jjetf* EieD ttje i.aDp Mary ttje feings fitter, late £iuane of Framce. ;^n&^QereS t^inl^e got) to fet Ootone fomepart off|e pjocaoings oft^io fo oft nameo Thomas vvoifey :Src^bt^ fi)op,t)t5 afcenOtngbntobono^ioao ettate,anD foOeinefat^ ling agatne from tbe fame, as 3 Ijaue bin enfo?meD bp per# fons of gob creoite. aCbis Thomas Wolfey teas a pojje mansfonnc of/;/^ wich,in tbe Countieof^w/f/i^-janDtbere borne, anb being but a cbilb,berp apt to be learneb, bp tbe meanes of bis pa# rentsbetuasconuapbeto tbe tianiuerfitie o{0xford,to])tr6 be (bo;tlp p^tofpereb fo in learning, as be tuas mabe 25at# cbeler of art,toben be paCTeb not fift ane pearcs of age, anir loas calteb mott commonip tb?ougb tbe tianiuerfitie tbe bop )3atcbeler.Cbus p?ofpering in learning,be toas mabe fcllottj of A/rfWf//«Collcbge, anb aftertoaro appopntebfo be ^cbojlemapfter of Maudeim ^cpcole, at tobitb time, tbe ilojbe Marc]ues Dorcetbabbe tb?a of bis fonnes tbereat ^cboile, committing bnto bim as Inell tbeir ebucation, ae tbeir inffruction. 3t plcafeb tbefapbeJLosbe^arqnetTe a# gaintta dbJittmas feafon to fenb as tuell fo2 tbe^cbcole# inaptter,as fojbis cbilb?enbame tobisboufefo?tbcirre# creation, in tbatpleafant anb honourable featt. Cbenb^ ing tbere, tbe ilojbe tbeir father pcrcepuing them to be right toell emplopeb in learning fo; tbeir time, bebauing a benefice in bis gift, being at that timebopbe, gaue the fame to tbe^cbcolemaitter in reluarb of bis biligence at bis beparturc after CbJittmasto the tainiuerGtie, anb bauing the pjefcntation thereof, rspaireb to the ^i^binarie fo; bps inbuction,anb being furnifljeb of bis inttiuments, mabe fpdebc to the 215eneficc to taSe pottetfion, anb being there fo> thai Henry the cyght» y tt)af tnfcnf, one feir lames Paulet ftntgfjf otoelUng f^ere 6ouf,tfflt?c Qccafion againtt ^tm, anD fet tljc ^cfjojlemapllcr Thomaj bp tfjc Ijales During Ijis picafure, tofitcb after teas ncptfjer fo.3goitcn no3fo3gtucn:fo3U}t)entt)e^ct)a3{emapftermonn^ feD tlje Dignittc to be Cbancellour of EfigiaKd, be fente foj ^apaer Paulet,ano after manp Ibarp tuo?Ds,cntopncD bim to attenD bnttli be luere DirmtlTeD, anD not to Depart out of Lc»idir John Na- phant,a berp graue anD auntient Jinigbt, tobo bao a great ph'jSrrSu're# r(Dmc in bnDcr liing Henry tbe feauentbjtbis iinigbt of thv beeferueDjauD bebaucDbpmfelfe faDifcretelp, tbatbeob^hucL^uJ'ii^ tepncD tbe efpeciall fauour of bis ^apffer, in fomucbe, tbat be comniitteD all tbe charge of bps office bnto bps Cbaplapne, ano as 3 bnoeraano, tbe office toas tbe SCrea# fure^ipofc?/w,U)bo toaoin conQDeration of bps greate ageDifcbargeDofbps ra)me,anD rcturncD agapneinto£«- gknde, anD tbJougb bps inttant labour , bps Cbaplapne tnao pjomoteD to bae tbe ftpngs Cbaplapne, ano toben babao once caff 3ncber in tbc pojte ofpjomotion, bob) chapi/j^irro* beb)jougbt,3)(ballfomch)bat Declare, f^e bauing tberea tuff occafton to be in tbe 0gbt of tbe l^ing Daplp,bp reafott bs fapDe ^alTe before bpni in bps Clofet, ano tbat b»« itig Done,be fpet not tbe Dap in pDlenelle, but looulD attenD bp on *9^^ Henric the cyght^ bpoit ffjofe toliomc fje tfjoug^t fo bcarc moil rale fn f!je Counfelljtfje toljlcf) at tfjat tpmc teas S>ortoj Fox, 5i3tff)op of (yiKchefter,^tciittam,m\ii llojD of ttje pjiuie fcaletf alfo &tr Thomas Louell fage Counfelloj, spapttcr of tbeMarOe0,ano ConneQableoftbe Coli)er:tber0graue Cotinfcl(o;s tn pjoccs of time percepueb tbto Cbaplepne to bauea beep fine lotfte, anb tbougbt bint a mate perfon to be pjeferreb to toittie affaires. 3it cbanceb at a certapne fea^ fontbat tbeiiing baban bjgent occafion to fcnbanCim baflaoo?bnto tbe ^mperour Maximilian, toibo lapattbaf pjcfentm tbc lotoCountrep ofFW(fr/,not farrt from Ca^ UU. 2Dbe 115ifi)0p of fVinch'^sier, aim ^ir Thomas Louell, tobome tbel^mg counfellebanb Debated ioitbbppontbis CmbalTage, fatu tbcp bad a conuentcnt occafion to pjefcrre tbc It ings Cbaplepne, tobdfe tuitte, eloquence, and lear^ ning, tbep bifiblp commended to tbelting, tbe fetng com^ mandedtbcmto bjing bis Cbaplepue befojebmp2efence, initb tobome, befell in eommunication of great matters^ andperccpuing bis toitte fo bebcrpfpne,tbougbfe bpnt fufficientc ,. commaunding bpm tberebpon to prepare bprnfelfetobps iournep, and bautng bpsdepeacb, toifit bps leaue of tbe liing at Richmond about ncone , and fo came to about ftiuroftbeClocfie,toberetbcJ5arge Vv"f' Em^ Cranes ende toaS rcadp tO launcb f02tb, faotb tOltb a pao* bafTadour to the fperous tpde and toinde, ioitbout anp abode be cntred tbe Empereur, Bacge, and fo paCfed fcojtb Voitb fncbe fpade, tbat b® ar# riuedat Craues ettde\33iV^m little mojetban tbja boures, tobere b^ tarrped no longer tban bis poQ l^oifies toere pmuiding, and tben trauapled To fpadilp, tbat b^ eame to Doner tbe ncrtc morning , tobereas tbe paflTengers toere readpe bnder ^apleto into tbc tobicb palTcn? ger, toitbouf tarrping, be cntred, and fapled f(D?tb toptb tbem, tbat long befoje nccne ba arrined at Calleis, and ba« uingpofl ^o?ares, departed from tbence toitb fncb fpade,, tfjat be toas tbat mgbtloitb tbe Cmperour, f dtfclofed tbe iobPie fummc of bis Cmbaf&ge to p Cmpero?,of tobom be reqpicefr "X. Henry tfie eygfitt * p o 7 requfrjJ crpcfiifton, ffje tofji'clj toas granfeu }}im bv tfjeClJmpcrflur, fo tfjat tlje ncrt oap luas darelp oifpat# cljcD all tljc !ims3 requelfes fulip accomplifl^jeo, at ioljicljtnne \)e maoeno longer tidap, but troltcpoff fcstbat ni0bf>ant) roOetotoarbecJf^, conOurteD tbptfjer ixjttl) fucb perfona as tlje ©mpcrour bab appopnteb, a"no at tbe opening of tfje Crates ofCaUu, came tbttbcr, tobcrc tbc paffengerstnere as reabie foreturne info England, tbep mere before at bib tournep fo.Uoaro, in fo macbr, tljat be arrinebat-Dowr bp fcnne oftbedodte before name, ana fjauing pott !^02ttes, came to tbe Court at Richmond tijc fame nigbt, tobere betafeing fome reff bntill tbe mojning, repapjeb to tbe itingaf bibfirtt comming from bis beD;> chamber to tbis clofet, tobome, toben tbe laing fame, bee cbecbeo bini,foj tbat be toas not on b?s iournepr^tr (quotb be) if it map pleafepourel^igbncffe, 3 baue alreaop bin toitb tbe Cmperv. r, ano oifpatcbebpouraffapjes, 3 trntt fo pour Curares contentation, ano toitb tbat pjcfenteo tbe i&ing bis liettcrs ofcrebence from tbe Cmperonre. 2Ebe iaing being in a great confufe ano toonOerofbisfpaOp re# turneanoptoc^oingSjOitTcmbleOall bis toonoer, anooe<« manoeoofbim tobetberbe encountreo notbis|3nrliuanC tbe tobicb be rent bnto bint, fuppottng bim not to be out of Lo>:dof7, toitb JLetters concerning a berp neceffarp matter neglecteo in tbeir confultatio, pes fojfmtb quotb tbe Cbap* lapne, 3 met toitb bi»n petteroap bp tbe toap, ano bauing nobnoerttanoingbppour Craces letters ofpourpleafure, baue nottoitbttanoing bin fo bolo bpon mine otone oifcre^ tion (percepuing tbat matter to be berp necettarp in tbat be^ balfe)to otfpatcbtbcrame,ano fo?afmucbas 3 baue ejrca? oeo pour Cfraces commilTion, 3 mott bumblp require pour C-races parOonttbe Jiing reiopctng not a little, rapo,toe Da not onlp paroon pou thereof, but alfo giue pou our ^Hnce* fp tbanhes, botb fo? tbe p?ocaoing therein, ano alfo fo> pour gtoO ano rpeeote ejrptopte, commanoing bim fo? tbat time totalie bis rett, ano repaire agapne after S>inner, z.iLU.ig. fo2 '■pol Thomis VVoIfcy Dcaiic of colnc. Th'jnns V Volfcy th£ Kings Almoner. Thomas VVolfey ofthe prinie Conn- fayle with King Henry the eyghc. Henrie the eyght^ foj t\)t furtfjtr relation ofljifi Sluibacrase. Clje (^mbalTaCoj tDljcn fje fatoft»m0, repaireD befoje tbe i^ing anb Coun;» faple, U)f}crebe bcdareo tljz cfFcaof alibis affaires fo ep adlp, U)ifb fticb grauitie anb eloquence, tbat all tbe Coun# fell tbat bearo bini, commcnbeb bim» etfaming bis erpei' bitten to be almoQ; benonb tbe capacitie of man. Cbe f^ing gauc bim at tbat time tbe SDeanerie of L/Ww-i^rom tbecc fo^toarb be greU) mo;e anb mo?e into cdimation anb au^ tb02itic,anb after, tuas p?oinoteb bp tbe iiing to be bps' Almoner. 0ftcr tbe bcatb oflungHcm-y tbe feauentb, anb in tbe flotiridjing poutb of I'ling Henry tbe epgbi> tbps Almoner banbleo bitnfeife fo politiquelp , tbat be fcone founb tbe meanes to be mabc one oftbe i^^ings Counfaile, anb to grotD in fauour luitb tbe l^ing, to tubome, tbe t^ing gaue anboufe at Bridewell in Fleeteflreete,{Q\mt^me ^ic Richard Empfons, toberc \)e bept bcufe foj bis familie, anb fo oaplp attenbeb bpon tbe t&ing, anb in bis efpeciall fa« uour,tDbo bab great fute mabebntobim.^^isfentences, anb toittie perfojations in tbe Counfell Cbawbrr,iDerc al# Uiapes fo pitbie, tbat tbe Counfaplc as occafion inoueb tbcm, continuallp affigneb bim to be tbe erpofitoj to tbe J^ing in all tljeir pjocrebings, in tobonic, tbe iling reccp^ ticbfucb a leaning fantaCe, fo? tbat be toasinottearrtetf anb reabpctl of all tije Connfaple to abuance tbe jOiings inill anb pleafure: tbe feing tbercfo?c effameb bim fo Ijigb' ip, tbat all tbe otber op of Tur- totoarbsfipspapnesanbbtltgence fullepneo tn tfiat tonr^ nep, ariD tofien tfie iiing fiab effablitficb all tfiings agra# able to fits toill anb pleafnre, anb furmlfiebtfie famemttfi noble Captapnes anb men of toarre fo; tfie fafegarb of tfie 2CoU)ne,fi(e retiirneb agapne into£«^Wf, taking Uiitfi film biuers noble perfonages of France being p?ifoners,as tfieSDiike ofZ,w^»//^j anb taicount Clariinont,Ujitfi etfier, tufiicfie mere taken tfiere in a ^kirmi(fic :after toljyfere^ ttirne,immebiatelp tfie Siea of Uncoine fell bopCiC Ip tfie beatfi of SDofto? Smith late Bilfiop tfiere, tfie iofiicfi i5enc# fire fiis dD^race gaue to fiis 0lmoner, late SBilfiop or Tmney Thomas loas not negligent to take poDTetTion tfirreof,anb sTo °ofTS)* fpabefie coulb fo? fips confecratiomtfie folem? co!n^? nifation lubereof enbcb, fie founb tfie meanes tfiat fie gate tfie poffelfton of all fiis pjebeceCfojs gcobes into fiis fianbs* Sltioas not long after tfiat SDoctoj Bambiidgc ;^rcfibitfiop otTork^e opeb at Rome, beiiig tfiere tfie llings CmbatTabo?, bnto tfielufiicfi ^ea,tfic feingimmebiatelp pjefentebfips late anb jtetoe IBitfiop oXUncolne, fo tfiat fie fiab tfij^ffii* tfiopjkkes infilsfianbsin onepearcgiuenfipmttfienpjeA v'vXVArch- ^0^ fits tranflation from tfie ^ea of Lwff/wif, bnto bishop of York, tfie §>ea otTorke, aftei* tufiicfie foleiiimjation bone, fie be?# ingtfienan Slrcfibplfiop PrimM zAngiu, tfiougfit fiimfelfe fufficiente to compare toitfi Canterbury , anb tfierebppont erecfeb fipsCroOc in tfie Cotirt,anoeuerpotfierplace,as tuell bjitfiin tfie pjccinct anb iurifoiction of Canterbury, as in anpe otfier place. ;3nb foj as mticfie as Canterbury tlo.'^* metfi a fuperiojitie ouer Torke, as oner all otfier lIBitfiop# tikes initfiin EngUnde, anb foj tfiat raufe clapmetfi as a fenotolcbge of an aunciente obebicncc of r«rh^, to abate tfie I Hcnric the eyghu I t^e aouatinctng of Crod^, in p^efence of iiie Crodo of ' CoKterburie: nottr»ptf)ifontiing, Torke nothing intnoing tooelilfc from bearing tbereofm manner as 35 fapocb^s ^ foje, caufeob?3 Crodbto be aDuannceD, as tocll in Ibc pjefence of CaMterb»rte aS clfciobcre : CMterbu- rie being moueo tbereiuitb, gaue bnto Tork^ a ccrtannc cbechcfojbnfi pjefumption , bp reafon tuljereof, tbere en# genojeo fome grucge bettoeenc Torke ano Camterkme. Torke intenoing fo pjoutoe fome fucbe meanes, (bat b^ loonlbe bee ratber fuperto? in bigniiie to Canterburiey tban to be eptber obeoient o; equal! to bpni, Inbctcfo^e bee obtapneo to be maoe ^jietteCaroinall y ano LegamdeLif terebntoUJbometbepopefcntea Cardinals i^attnptb Thonus yvai ccrtapnellBiilles fo?bPJ8au£tbo?itie in tbatbebalfc. ^et feicardmaju pou (ball bnoerffande, tbatibe pope fente bpm tbpsIro?# tbpe l^atte of oignitie, as a Bleioell of bpo bonoure ano an# rtbo^itie^tbe tobpcb ioas conttepeo in a barlets bnOget,b)ba r^meo toallmennetob^jbutaperfon offmall edimati# on.SSdbwfoje Tork^ bepng aouertifeo of tbc bafenefle of tbis medenger, ano of tbe peoples opinion, tbougbtit nieete fo; bps honour, tbattbis3IeU)elI(boulo notbeeonuepeObpfo dtnpleaperfon,! tberefo;e eaufeo binito bedoppeobptbe loap immcoiatlp after bis arriualin S»giand, iobere be toas r netolp furniibeo in all manner of apparell, topfb all bpnoe ofcottlpe Gibes, h)bpcb®f£5"'5b decent foj fucbe an bPSbe Cmbadaoo;, ano tbat done, be toas encountred bppoit Blacky henth, auo there recepueo teptb a greatc ademblpe of ]a;elates, ano ludie gallant (Gentlemen, ano from thence condurteo th?ougbe London tuitb greatc triumph . Chen tnas greate ano fpoeoie preparation made in ^veHminfter Hbbep, for the conGrmation ano acceptance of thps hpgb or# ocranooignitiejthetobpcheiDasepecutco bp all the llBp# Iboppes ano Abbots aboute or npgbe London y topth thep; rpch ^pters and Copes, and other ornaments,tohifb too® done in fofolempneabuife, ashaonotbcne fane the litre, bnlede it hao fain at the Coronation of a mpghtp J^rince o; i.aill.b, bind li l - ■■ II Ik Henry the eyght» Itms obfaptitng fbps utgnitie. tbougb^^ btwfdff mafe to bearc auttbojitie among t^e tcmpo?all poUjcr,as among tbe fpiritnall turifotrtton: tobrrcfo?c,rcmemb?tn0as loell tbt^ talnntco futtainco QtCantcrbune, as bautng a rcfpcctc to tbe aOuauncement of toojlDipe bono; ano p;omo{ion,fonno Thom« vvot- tbc means luitb fb^ J^tng, tbat bs teas mabe 3Lo;d Cbance* Jour QtEKgUnde,m'iiCay>terhirte\Xi\^ii\)t\JiM€^^mtt\0\XXt btfmtircbjtDbo b^b ronttnueb in tbat roumc Hnce long ht* foje tbe Deceaffc of Henuc tbe feauentb. i^otnc being in potf feirionoftbcCbartcelojfljippe, anDenbuebtoptb tbo p?o# motions of tbe0rcbebpQjoppc, anb Carbinall de Latere, baupng potocr to co?rerte Camerbttne, anb al otber Bptbops anb fpirituall perfons, to affemblc bps Conuocation inben beU)oulbalTigne,batmltebpon bpm tbe correction ofmatf ters in alltbeiriurifbictions, anb bi0teb all tbe fpirituall boufes, bauing in eiterpe 2>ioceIie all mnner of g>pirif uall ^iniSers, as vlDommtaaries, Scribes, 0pparato;s, anb al otber officers to furnitb \)vs Courts, ano prefenteb bp p;e^ tientiontubombopleafeb bnto al benefices tbrougboutall tbps IJcalmc. 3nb to tbeabuauncingfurtberofbis legan? tine, iurifbiction anb bono;, be bnbbe ^aiffers of bis fa* culties, S^aitters Ceremomarum, anb fucljc otbcr,to tbe glo# rifping of bis bignitie. Cben bob be bis ttoo great Crof# fcsof&pluer, tbeoneofbps 0rcbebplbop;icke, tbe otber of bps ilegacie,bo;ne before bim tubptber fo euer be toente or robe, bpttpooftbetallefi^riencs tbat bacoulbegette toptbin tbe realmc: ^nbto encreafe bis gaines,bcbabairo tbe 315pIbopric!-:e of Durham , anb tbe Sbbep of Samt Albont in commenoation: 0nb after, loben SDocto; Foxc 515p0)op SByshJJ^of Durham into tbe Itpngs V Vincheiicr. b^ubes, anb tcjUe to bini tvmchesler. SC^cti boo be in bps banbe(as it mere in i^irmc)tbe ISitbopricbcs otBathe,ivor- cesier, anb Hereford? as tbe Encumbents oftbeni lucre Grangers, anb mabc tbeir abobe confinuallp bepono tbe&eas in tbcirolunc Countries, Drclfeat/? quier: alfo a Cofferer bapnga SDocto?: thJce £par(halles: thJ^peomen tEflhers in the l^all, beQbes ttoo grcDmes,anb Almoners, SChen in the t^altaitchen, ttoo Clearhs of the bifchen:aClearbecomptrollcr:a Siuruepojofthe SDtolTo?: a Clearhe of the ^p icerie,the tohpche togither hcpte alfo a continuall melTe in the i^al. aifo in hps t^all hitchin hto hab of ^paiffer Cfflfees ttoaj,anb of other Cojhes, labojers, anb chil:!?en of the hitchin; ttoelueperfons: fourepeomett ofthe^cullerie:anbfourepeomenof the filuer ^culleriet ttoo peomen of the l^alfrp,toith ttoo other pattelers hnocr the peomen. SDhen in his pjiute ISitchin a ^alfer Ccohe, toho tocnt baplpe in aiclueto? in Baffin, topth a Chapnc of(0olbe,topth ttoo other peomen anb a gro)me : 3in the ^calbing Ijoufe a peoman anb ttora gromes: 31n the j^an." terp ttocD perfons : Jn the Buttrep ttoo peomen, ttoo (S^rcomes , ano ttoco pages : 0nb in the ^etojpe Iphetoife: Bin the feller th;^ peomen anb th;» page's: 3i« *^34 Henne the cyght* SlHtii'fiCtjaunojepfluo : 3Iit t^e Mafartc ftoo: 3|nf&s tMarlijoljc of JlgcDDcg, tljc i^atffcr of tljc tMarOjobe aito.p ot^cr pcrfono : 3jn tijt llaunD?P;a pronian,a gro3mE,f|>tr* tie pagco, ttoo pcomcn purucpo?s, ano one grrome : 3I« tlje JlDafec-^joafe a peoman ano ttoo grcDineo: 3n tfjc JKlffoe paroe a peoman ano a grcome: 3" tta Barnc one: 3it tfje CC'arDen apeoman ano tUio grcDmeo :pojters at t^jeC-ate ttocD peomen ano tUJo grcomcB: a peoman of fipo XBarge: f \ amaifferoffjpsfjojfe: aClearheoft^c§>table,apeomaii oftfje fanie:tI)e&aoler:tt)eifarrter:a peoman ofbpsC^ja# nof:a ^umpter man: a peoman of fjis ^tp^rop:a ^ptilefer: Ceetane grtomes off)ps S>tab(e, euerp oftljem feepte foure Thomas vvoi C'J^lbingo:3ntl)e^Imojieapcomaii, anoagrcome : 3« feysChappeii. fjpg c^appel ^0 ^3000 aSDcatte, a gteatc SDtuiiie , ano a man of excellent learning: a S)ubocane: a Iflepeater of t|ie ^utre:a (JCfofpellerta |Btftlcr:of Onging JBjiefteo ten:a ma* Scr of tt)eCbilb?en:g»ecular£i oftbe Cbappell ringing men ttDClue: ftnging ci)ilo?cn tenne,toifb one feruant to atoaite tppon tbe ctjilcjen: 3n tbe Keuetlrp a peoman , ano ttoo grtomeSjOuerf beCoes opuero reteinerOjfJjat came tljitlicc atpjincipalfealfes. i^o?tbe furniture of bps CbappelJ, pafletb mpcapaciticto Oeclare j tl)e number ofcottip o?na* mentfsanoricbeieVDelotbattDere to be occuppeo in tbe famecontinuallpe: tberc batbe bane fane in pjoteffion, aboutc tbe !^aU, 44* berp ricb Coapes of one fute tuojne, bcfioca tbe ricbe CrolTee anO Canolelfiches, ano otber oj# namentes to tbe furniture oftbe fame: l^a baO tloo croOPe* bearers, ano tloo filler bearers, in bps great Chamber: ano in bps pjiup Chamber tbefeperfons tfpjffe tbe cbiefe CbamberIaine,anot!HijcbamberIaine : of Centiemen H* fljers, befioes one in bis p?ituc Chamber, b^ baooe tluelue oapipe tuapters, anO of (Gentlemen toapters in bps p?iupe Chamber be baooefire, ano ofilojOes npne oj tenne, lt>bo baODe ccbeoftbcmtiDomenallotoeotbemto attenObpon tbcm,erccpt tbe Crle of Dari>j',\o\)o bao allotoeo fiuemen: then bao be of C^entlemen, of Cup-bearers, earners, ano ^etoer^ x Henrie the eygfit» f pi y ^etngrs of fbe pjiuio Cbawbcr^anft of fbe groaf cfjam# bcrUjptfj'S'cntlcmcnDapIptDaptcrs tberefojfte perfons : jaDfpeomeii safljers Qfo, ofgrcomco in f)i« Chamber eigbf, ofKomen infjio Cijamberfiuo anofojtieDapIpe: alfo aimofe men foinctime mojo in nmnber tinm ofbcr rometiinc . SCijere toas attcnoing on Ijis bojDc ofSDoctojo anb Cbapletncs, beQocs tbcm of bis Cbappcll Cjcctane oaplpe: a ClcarkcofbisCtcfot: S>ecrefaries ttuo : ano tloo ClearKeo of bio ^ignet;ano fouro «£;o(inrelIour£t leaD neo in tbc iLaUje j Hno fo?afinu£bc, as it toas neccffaric to baiieopaers officers of tbe Cbauncerie to attenoe bippon bpm, tbat is to tape, tbe Clearbc oftbe Crotonc: a rpoing Clearbe:« Clearbeof tbet^amper: ano a cbafer of fbc Mare: tben a Clearhe of tbe Cbscbc, as toell bppon tie Cbaplems,as of tbe yeomen of bis Cbamber:b^bao ali^o foure fentleman,o; tno;tbp perfon, but be mas allotueo in tbe bouforfome tb2te,ronte tluo, ano al otber one at tbe leaSe, tobicbe grctoe to a greate number of perfons ♦ Cbus far oute of tbe Cbccber roll, befioes otber officers,fernantcs, rctepners,anD futers, tbat mottecommoulpe opneo in tbc;^ f, „ J. ^ Thomas VToB fey twice Em# after tbat be'lnas tbus fttrnilbeo, be mas fente tmice in Cmbaflaoe to tbe Cmpero? Charles tbe fiftb> fo? Oiuers tj;* gent Henrie the cyght«. 0cnt caafes foiuljpng tijc ftt'ngs i^ateffte, if toag fj^oagtjf, tl^at fo nol}lea)B}tnce (t^cCaroinall) Jjaas moQ:c m^teto befenfe ; tot)crcfo?e, being reaDpe to tafeebpponbpnitbe charge thereof, toas furiulbeb in all Degrees anD purpofes, moQe Ipbe a greate pnnce: fo; firflre \)t pjoceeoeD fo;tb fur« nitbeD IpbeaCarDinall: bapngbcrpe ma* np in number, tuere clotbcD in Hpueriecoates of Crimoftn tieluet of the belf, Inptb cbaines of (0olDe aboute tbep; nec« bes, anD bp^ peomen anD meane officers, in coates of fine Scarlet, garDeD toitb blache i!!leiuet a banDe b;oaDe. SCfjus furnitbeD, be toas ttoice fcnte into Flamders fo fbc <[l;mperour tbcn Iping in Bmges, tobom be DiD niott bicblp, entertain Difcbarging al bis charges f bts mes.SCberelnas no boufe toitbin tbe totonof 5r«^«,toberein anp (0entlema of tbe CarDinals toere loDgeD, oj baD recourfc,but tbat tbe otoners toere commaunDeD bp tbe €mperoures officers, tbat tbep, bpon paine of tbeir lines, (bonlDe tahe no monp fo;anpetbing tbat tbe CarDinalles feruantes DiDDe tabe ofanpeliinDeofbictuall, noaltbougbetbeptnere tHrpofeb to mabe anpe coftlpe banquetsrcommaunDing furtbcrmo;e tbeir faiDe boffes, to fee ^ tbep lacbeD no fucb things as the? boncttlp reqnircD fo; tbeir boncttpf pleafure.iilfo tbe« geDjf ferueD tbeir liucrics fo? all night, tobicb Inas Done in this maner.iFirtt,tbe^Dfficersb?eugbt into the boufe a calf offinc^ancbetjf offiluer ttuo great pots toitb tDbitetuine, anD &ugar to the toaigbte of a pounD: tobite lights anD pel# lomeligbtesofSCIarc : a boule offiluer toptb a C^oblet fo D?inhein,anDeucrpe nigbtattaffe-to?cbe : Cbistoastbe o;Der oftljeliucries eiierpe nigbte: anD in the mo?nfng, loben the fame officers came to fetch atoap their fftiffe, then tooulDc tbep accompte toitb the bolfes fo? the 0entlemens coffes fpent in tbe Dape befo?e. the ^mperoure entertapneD the CarDinall anD all biis tt^ine fo? tl;e time of bm ^mbafiage there. Hcnnc tfic eyght* * p 17 0»Df!>a( tone, tcretnrneointo5 greatfrf# «mpf)5» jsoUje off)pe ojoer in going XtiWeflmmiierhall oaplp tti tljcSDerme. jpirtte, ere became out of fjvs pjiuieCljani# brr J !)c I)earOe fcrutcc in ttsClofet, ano tf)ere faio \)vs fcr# nice toptl) X)vs CUapIatne:jEl)cn gopng againc to fjps p?iup Chamber, tetcoulDc eemaunbe, if biorcruants iuercin a reaiipneire,anDfurnirocDl)ps Cfjamber of |0?efence , ano luapgfjting Cbamber,being thereof then aoucrtijeo, came onte of hpo p;iup Chamber aboute eighte of the clocke, ap« pareiteo all in reo, that is to fape, hpe bpper garment ep^ ther of 6ne ^car let,o? elfe fine Crimofin Cafiata,but mott commonlpe of fine CrimoCn fatten engrapneo, hpe pitli# on of fine Scarlet, toith a necke fette in the inner fioe toptfi blacketHeluetjanOaCippetof^ableo aboute hps necke, holDing in hps hano an £D?enge,U)herofthe fubfiance toith^ tn toas taken oute, ano filleo bppe againe topth the part of a&ponge,tt)heretntDao tiSineger ano other Confections a; gainfie the pefiitent ap;es, the tohpche h^ mofie common^ Ipe heioe to hpo nofe tnhen he came among anpe p;eace, oa elfe that he tuaspefiereotDpthmanpe futers : anobecfoje him Uias bojne firffe the bjoaoe ^eale QtEKgkKcU, ano hps CarOinales t^at, bp a^lojoe, o? fome C-entlemanne of C!H^o;(hippe, right fotempnelp: ano as foone as he Inas once entreo into his Chaber of)0;tcrence, his ttoo great CrolTes toere there attenotng to be borne before hpm: then crteo the C^entlemen tEtfiers, going before him bareheaoeo, and faioe: iDn before,inp ilo^oes ano ^aifierS:,on before,make Inapefo} mp ILojoes 0race. Chus toent heootone through the t^all tupth a Sergeant of Hrmes before hpm, bearing 21 greate^aceof&iluer, ano ttoo C'entlemen carping ttooj greate|0inersof ^iluer, ano tohenhecame at the t^alt Oo?e, there toas hps ^Pule, being trappeo all in Cri>; mofin tEeluet Inpth a ^aooie of the fame, ano guilte llp;rops, SThen Henry the eyght» luafi t\)m atfcnamg fjppon!)pm, toljcn^ woawteD, ijps ttuo Croffe-bcaicrs: ano tjis IBiller bearers in like cafe tippon greate bo2fc0 j trappeo all in fine ^cav* Jet. Ctjen warcbeD be fojloarD toitb a traine of noble men ano (25entlemen, bauing bis fotmcn four in number about ^pm, bearing eacbe of tbcm a guilte J^olare in tbeir banbo: and tbus palTeD bs fo?tb bntill became to JVcfifKiniteriiaU 5o;e, ano tbere ligbteb, anb toente bppe after tbps man* tier into tbeCbaunccrie, ojintotbe ^tarrc Cbtintber: bolnbeit, mofie commonlpe b^ tuoulbe goe into tbe Cbsn« eerie, anb Ifap a tobile at a barremabe foj bpw beneath tbe Cbsncerie on tbe rigbte banbc, anb tbere commune fome^ tpmetuptb tbe Blubges, anb fome-time luitbotberperfons: anb tbat bone, be tooulbe repap;e into tbe Cb^^ncerie, ano ntting tbere bntill elcauen of tbe cloche, bearing of fiiteo, anb beterminingofotbermattero, fromtbencebelnoulbe bpuero times go into tbe ^tarre Chamber as occafion fer* ueb. Sphere be neptber fpareb bigbe ne lolne, but iubgeb cuerp Itate accojbpng to bis merites anb befert ; ©c bfeo alfo euerpej^onbape to refojte to tbeCourte, tben bapng foj the motte parte of all tbe peare at Gret*iewiche, tuiti) bps fojmcr triurnpbes, tahpng bps Barge at bps oton llapjes, furnilbeb tuptb yeomen fianbpng bppon the Bailes, ano bps C»entJemen bapngtoptbtn aboutebpnt, anb lanbeb a# gaine at the three Cmnes in the Vmne: anb from thence b® robebpon bis ^uletoitb bis CrolTe, bis pillars, bis l^af anb bjoabe ^eale carrpeb afo?c bpm on bojfebache tbjougb bntill be came to anb there tohe bis Barge againe,anb fotoas rotocb to Greencxvtche,\xi\)txz be tuas recepueb of the Hojbcs anb cbiefe officers of the jaingsboure,astbe Creafurer, Comptroller, anb other, anb fo conuepeb bnto the things Chamber: then tbeCourt bias toonberfullpfurnilbeo toptb tablemen anb C>entle« men; anb after binner among the iio;bs4iauing fome con« fultation toitb tbe Ihing, o? tnitb the Councell, be tooulbe bepartebomeUiarbc tnitb the lihe triumph' %%\xt I I Hcnrie die cyght^ 919 Sn^ua ill grcate {)onour,(riamplj,ano glojp, fje ratgnco a long reafon ruling all ttipnges Uiit^tn liealuic ap^ prrtapntng tinto tfjeiatng . I^t0 liourctDasaltoapcsre^ fo?teo to tuttf) noblemim ano (B^entlemen.reaQtng ano ban^ quettng (^mbalTabojo bpucro timeo, ano al otber rigbt no« blp: ano iuljen it pleafeb tbo l^tng fo; bi£! recreation, to re^ pap^eto tbeCarDinalle0boufe,a0bc£iiti{>e Dpuers tpmeo tn tbe peareitbcre toanteb no preparations, or furniture : banquets loererettefortblnitb^anieo ano ^unKiicries, in To gorgeous a rorte,ano coQlp maner,tbat it luas an bea^ aen to beboloe. Cbere loanteo no Barnes or S)amoirel0, mate or aptc to oaunce Initb tbe ^afiters, or to garnitb tbe place for tbe tpme : tben toas tbere all binoe of muftche, ano barmonp, Urptb fine boices botbe of menne ano cbpl« uren. £)netpmc tbe fipngcame foOainelp tbifberina^afbe A MasVeaiiiJ i toptb a oojen ipaflters all in garmentes libe ^bepbearog, maoe of fine clotb ofC>oloe, ano Crimofin fatten paneo, ano Cappes oftbe ramc,U3ptb tmifars of gojo bifnomp.tbeic bairesano bearoe0,eptberoffine(25oloeU)prefilbe, or blacb lilbe, bauing firetaneSnorcbbearerSjbefiocs tbeir SDrums ano otber pcrfons toptb ^ifars , all clotbeo in fatten of tbe famecolour: ano before bpocntring into tbe ^|all, b^ came bp toatcr to tbe toater gate, toptbout anp noifCjtobere loere lapo oiucrs Cbabers ano (0uno cbargco toitb ^bot,$ at bps lanotng tbep toere tbotte off, tobpcbemaoefucbe a rumble in ^ apre,tbat it toas libe tbunoer: 3|t maoe all tbe ^oblemen,<0entlcmcn, ilaopes, ano <0entletuomen, to mufe tobat itibouloemeane,commingro fooainelpe, tbep fittingquietatafolempnebanquet.bnoertbis forte: firS pa ^all bnoerfianoe, tbat tbe Cables toerefette in tbe Chamber of ptrefenceiultcouereo, ano tbe iloroe Caroi« nail fitting bnoer tbe clotb of Cffate, tbere bauing all bps feruice alone: ano tben toas tbere fettea llaop toptb a ^o« bleman, or a C>entlemanano aC'entletooman tbrougb' out all tbe Cables in tb e Chamber on tbe one fioe, tubpcb tpmm. tee re Henry tlie cyg^it» toere tnaoe ant) topneo ag it toere font one Cable, all tofotcfoe ojoer ano ocutce toaa oonc bp tfoe aiojoc Sandcs tfoen 3Lo?De Cfoainberlatne to tfoe litng , ano fop&p; Henne Gilfordc Compfroncr of tfoc tetngeo ^atcffieo fooufe . Cfoen tmmeDiatelp after tfoe greatc Cfoamber^ latne ,anD tfoc fapoc Coniptroller, fcnte to lajhctofoat it tfoonlDemeanc, (ae tfoougfoe tfocp fonctocnotfotng of tfoc matter,) tfocp Icobing oute of tfoe Mincotoes info tfoc rhamis, rctournel) iagaine anojCfoetoeD fopm, tfoat it (ee* mcD tfoep mere i^oblcmcn ano ^traungers, arrpueoat fops bjioge, coniming as (EnibatlaDoures from fome foj' reinei0;ince:tDttfo tfoat quotfotfoeCaroinal,3|Delircpoa, fopcaufe pou can fpeafee frenche, to tafoe tfoc paines to goeinto tfoe l^all, tfocre to recepuc tfoem acco?omg to tfoetr edates , ano to conoude tfoem into Ifots Cfoam^ foer , tDfoere^foep IfoaU (k fos , and all tfocfe j^oble ^erfonages, bepngmerp atoure banquet, Ocliringtfoetn to fitte Ootnne initfo fos,ano to tabe parte of our fare . Cfoen mente foo; incontinent ooUme into tfoe i^all, tofoereao tfoep recepueo tfoem toptfo ttoentic netoe Cojcfoes, ano cotiuepeo tfoem bppe into tfoe Cfoamber, Inptfo fucfoe a nopfe ofC?ummes ano fleUites, as felDome foasoe bane focarbe tfoc Uhe. :^t tfocpj entring into tfoe Cfoamber ttoo ano tio® togptfocr, tfoep toent oircctlpe befo;te tfoe Caiv Oinall tofocre fod fate, ano faluteo fopm rcucrentlpc , (o tufoome tfoc 3lojoe Cfoambrrlaine foj tfoem faioe : ^iri, fo? as mucfoc as tfoep bd ^traungers , ano can not rpcabc£s?^///Z'f,tfoepfoaueDcfireo me to Declare fonto pou, tfoat tfoep foaupngbnDcrCanotng of tfois pour triumpfoannf banquet, U'foerc tuas aCfemblcD fucfoe a number of ^tp cellent Camcs , tfoep coulDe Doc no lefle foiiDcrfuppojfe of poure ©race , but to rcpap;e foptfoer , fo bietoe as toeU tfoeir incomparable faeautic, as foj to accompa^ npe tfoem at J^umme cfoauncc , aiiDtfocntoDauncctDitfo tfoem tanDitr, tfoep reqmre of poure ©race licence toacf compUflfoe tfoc faiDe caufe oftfoctrcomming* Slq. Ujfoome tfoe Henric the cyght^ pio f^c Car&tnall fatoc !j? toas berp toell content t^cpi^oulD fo Doe. SCfjen toentt!)etl5a[fecr5,anD firff faluteo al ttjeSDaiiies, «nD returnee to tfje meffe toojtljtcff jano tfiere opencD tljcir sreatecuppc of€»olDc filleD toptl) Crol»nce,anD otl;cr p®< us of (2»olDe, to U){)canc tfjcp fettecertaine peeceo of (I^bIcc to call at. SCljuspcrnKngalltbe 3LaDpcsanD (5enfletoomen, fo fome ttjep lolfe, andoffometljeptDonnc: anDperaltngaf> fer tfjis maner al tijc ilaDies,tOcp rcturneo to t^c Caroinal toitljgreatercaercme, potojingDotoneall tfjctr (H^oloefo leftc in tt)eir Cup,tDf)pcl) toas aboiie ttoco IjunDjeD crotons: 0t all (quotl) tbc Carotnall) ano fo cattc tbe SDtce anD Uinn ttjem, bJbereat toao made a great noife ano iop.SDfj^nquottj tbcCarOinall to tfte lojD Cboinbcrlam,3i pjappoufquotb l)e)tbat pou looulD tbcto tl)em,tljat me fametb tbcrc tboiilD be a j^obleman amongca tbcin, tDfjo is moje mate to oc* cuppe tbts feate and place tban 3| am, to irbome 31 toouloe niofie glaDlp furrenoer tbe fame accojDtng fo mp Daetp,ff3( bneloe bint. Cben fpahe tbe llo^oe Cb^ntbcrlatne to tbeui in Fre»che, anD tbep rotonDing btm in tbe eare, tbe llojDc Cbamberlaine faioe to mp ilo?De CarDtnall: ^ir, (qiiotb be) tbep confeffe, tbat among tbemtbere is fucbea j^oble perfonage, tobome, ifpourC-race canappointebpmoute from tbe red, b^ is content to Difclofe bpmfelfc, anD to ac^ cept pour placet toitb tbat tbe Cardinal tafeing good aduife? ment among tbem', at tbe lade quotbbe, me f^mes tbe C^entlemantoptbtbcblachciSearde Iboulde be cuen bet andtditbtbatbearore oute ofbpsCbap;e,andodered tbe fame to tbe (Gentleman in tbe blacbe liSearde, tuitb bts cap inbisbande. snbepcrfontoiDbDntcbe offered tbe Cbap?e teas &ir Edwarde Ncuif, a comelp i'lnigbt, tbat mucb moje refembied tbe JSings pcrfon in tbatspaifee tbananpeo? tbcr. SDbe l^ing percepuing tbe Cardtnall fo decepued, could ipmimb' not ? 3 i Hcnrie the cyght«. not fojbeare laughing, bnf pullefi tioton !)pa bffar ana 0crNeuels alfo, ana aafljcD out fuclje a pleafaunt counter naunce ana cljare, tl^at al tlje noble effates tljere affcmblcD perceiuing tlje mlng to be tbere among tljcm, reiopcea ber? iiiucb.SCbe Carainal eftftones aeCrea bis l^tgbncffe to tafee tbe place of C-flate: to inbome tbe ?iing atmCmereo, tbat be luoitlaegoefirtte ana tbifte bps apparell, ana fo aeparteo into mp ilo?ac Carainalles bamber, ana tbcre netoe ap^ parellea bim:in tobpcb tpme,tbe aitbeo of tbe banquet toere cleane taken bppe, ana fbe enables fpjea agatne tottb neto cleane perfumca clotbes,euerp man ana toioman fitting fiil, bntill tbe JJiing toitb all bis fi^afers came among tbem a» gaineallnetoeapparellca t tben tbe iiting tcoke bis feafe- bnacr tbe clotb of (Elfatej commaunaing euerp perfon to fit flill us tbcp aia befoje: 3in came a netoe banquet befoje tbe 3^png,ano"to all tbe reft tbjougbont all tbe SCables^tobere# intoere ferueattoobunajea aiuers ailbes, ofcofflpaeuife« ana futtilties. ICbus patTea tbep fojtb tbe nigbt toitb banf queting, aauncing,aHa otber trinmpbes, to tbe great cmm fo jtc of tbet^ing, ana pleafant regara of tbe j^obilitie tbere aOemblea. SCi)as palTco tbis Carainall bis time from aa^ fo aape,ana pcarc to peare, in fucbe greafe toealtb, iop,tris umpb, anaglojie, baupngaltoapeoon bps fiae tbe icings efpecial fauo?, bntili^o?tune enutea bis p^ofperouo efiate^ as is to tbe toojiae toell kuotone, ana Iball be partelp tou« cbea bereafter. SEbis peare in tbemonetb of#ap,toerefenf outof£«f- u J ^'«'"^'^Pb*C.^afons ana Carpenters,anatbjeebunaa^ la'' nrney ui e fg t^e^iUeofTo/irfjgj', tobatloeaCaSellt^ete, ta cbafiice tbe Citie if itcbauncea to rebel, ana to aiminito tbe garrifon tbat tben tape tbere to tbe feings greate charge. Sherifes 7 Henry WorleyrRich. Gray, the 28.ofSep.William Bayly^ tjifater \ William Butler Grocer, the a?, of Oclobcr. l.ady Mary the 3La0p Mary liing Henries DaugbtCr toas bojlte at GrecMe- Kings daughter {jjg eicauctttb ofi^cLi.marp. V16 Margaret©U0EnC Of ScotteSjiiitiQ Henries elXieff filler,tobs^ —^" bR& \ Hcnric the eyght* P2J J^aD after fljc Deatfj of ^tr firll JjafijahDe (lames liung^f Scau Scots fiedde itj. flame at Bofworth) marrtet) Archibald Dugias, Carle of Av- fleDOe into Engla^de, anfi lap at Hurbonie, to^cre Ih® toas OeltuereD ofacf)tloe called Margaret. But f1&o;fIpe af* fer Archibalde Douglas Ijir l^ufbande iuente bomeagapne info Scotiandc toptbootc leaue fafetng: tufjerefoje tfje Bpng fenfe fo? t) ^anpe dped in Engiande of the fideating ficbneflfe, in efpe# 1518 dallpc aboute Londoi^, toherefo?e Crinitie Cerme toas one Sweating lick- dape at 0Arj9rde, and then adiourned to '^Amorei; iq |n the moneth of Bfulp Cardinall Campeius came into SrgUnde from the J3ope,to ejthojte fling Hcnry^ to mafle toar on the Turkes. after long fate made of the Fre»c^e|iing, and hps coun# Cardinal! Catu;; cell, it toas agrad, that the Citie oXToumey ifloulde be de# Ipueredfo theTrwc^tfiiingjhepaping flre hundred thou# 924 Shtrifes MAiar, ifes.\ ijor. > 1-519 Henrie the eyghtr fflnbcCrotuwffifojtfjecitic, anofoure fjunujeb fFjoufanD Ctetonc0 fo? tfje Cafiell tijc Uj^pcbe t^e I'ting ijafi fauplDED, (tobicfjeluaa notfulIppcrfojmcD) anoalfo^e t&oulDepap tl).:aanD ttucnticf^oufanDEpountie Snournots, t\)t fometimc tf)0 Citizens of Tournej ougfjt to t^e iiing of£*^- Unde, foj tt)etr lib?rtte3 ano francljtfts. 3|t toas furtl^Ei: a# graoe, tfjat flje pong Dolphin fonne ano Ijcpjc to French littng, fl^ouloe marrp inptt) tfjcJlaope Mary ISmgHen- riesOaagbtcr of£«^/Wtf, ihljcpfaotljcfo IpticD oc^je otl)cr Uj^cntfjopcametoagc. ^nDthcn t^c (Sarle of iyerailerj luttlj the isithoppe of £/> ano other,lucre fentetnto Frapwce, to make oclpuerp of the faioe Citie of Tetcmej, tehpeh? oone on the tenth ofi?eb?«arp. lohn Allen James Spencer, the 28, of Sept ember. ThomasMirfin Skinner, the iS.ofOiflober, SheCrcteenthof^archefanDeD at CaReit fir Nicholas Vaux, fir Edwarde Belknape,fir William Sandes, £intghte9 of the (barter, CommttTioncro to ouer fa the making of a |0allaice befo?c the Catfell 5fGmfres, toherefoje there toas rente the feingo ^apttcr ^afon, ^pat^fer Carpenter, anO th;ahunD;cD^aron0, ano fine hnndjebCarpentero, one hnnDjei)3opners,manp][aapnter0, CJlajiers, ^Cplonrs, ^mithfi,ant) other 3rtificcr0,both outof£«^/WanD£/^«»- ders, to the number in all of ttuo thoufanoe ano inojc. She rniDe^BallaicctDaebegunnetheninctffnthof^arche, foj thetohpche, tpmberU7a0 bonghte in Hohmd, luhprhetpni'! bcrluaofo fang, that the fame luaobounben togptheranD hjought to Caiien vupthflut anp fhippe,foj no thippe mpghte __ receiuc it, the other tpniber ano bmj&e toas conuepeb out of ' EngUnde. Hno thu6 liuio there builDeb the goblpefi jBallaice oftpmbcrthateuerluaolujonghte, anofocuriouflp garni# theo tupthin ano luptljout. 2:h^iilua0 pjouifion inaoe in EngUnde ano in £/^««^^er#fo3bi(tuall,U;ine, ano all other thpngea necctTaric foj the furniture of fealling. ano banque# ting. Sh^n came info EngbtKde, Orlcaunccjjpngof^rmco in France-^ Henrie the eyghc* Trance, maoe ^3jotlamatt£in af tpt Conrf«?, ffjaf flje &i>H0 of EngUudanDti^tFrenche^A^nS, tH CanipCbettucfnc yfrdennu Gutpies iDttl)cigbfaticapDfS, in3?uncnettc cnfuing,fboula abfoe al cammcrs being (2^cntlenien,at tt)c tplf, f tottrne y, ano at barriers. Hnb tbeliUc J0?otIamation icas maoc in fije Courte gffr^«»eputpe, anbtberebnto toao appopnfeb t\)t Carle OfP«rre;'Thomas Howard 3LO?be0OiniraIl ; UiljCrcfO.JC fbc faibe Carle in tbo beginning of 0p2il, ftDbelcaueoffbc fepng, anb tljeDube ofNerfoike ijio father, anb palTcb into ^j irelandeixiitb biuers Centlemen oj that babbe bane of tbs garrifon of7aww^,anb bobbc toitb bP»n one banb;eD ^co? men of tbc iitngs (^uarbe, anb other to tbc number of one fboufanb men,anb tberc Ijecontinueb ttoo pcres anb moje, tn tobtrb^ fpace bo ba® manpe battels anb ftirmilbes, loitb tt}e loilbe htflje. lohn WilkinfontNicholas Partridge,the sS.ofSeptcmbcr. Sherifes, V Sir lames YarfbrdeMcrccr,thc 2 8.of 0ntbcnerfemo?ning feing Hemic cameribing from CanterhHrte,to tbCCattel of T>f«er,tobcrc be faluteb t\)Z Cnipcrour. 0nb on CSIbitfonbay carclpintbcmojning tbefe ttoo noble JBainces tohe tbcir bojfcs anb robe to tbc iZitiz of Canaterlnrif, nof onclpetofolempnifc tbefcafiof l^entecoQe^but alfo to tl;e^uane bis aunte« ipmm,itb» 2Cbc 9 2 <> Hcnne the cy SCfje noble perfonagcs of l^e reaImeof£»^Wtf,RnD tSje €5uffine tuitlT bir traine of ILaOges recegueo ano toelcomeo tbeC'inperourto Ca»nterifmie, ijo\)etc be reinavnco tpll tbe SEIjoffbay nette follotuihg, tobpcbe Uias tbe lafte of i^ape: tbenbefmbebpsleaueoftbetimg, anD of all tbe ^Laope^, ^aiiD fo roOe to SaKdw/eh^ be tojhe b?s ^btps>ano tap leO info VUmders. 0nD tbe fame Dagc tbe maoe faple from tbe |3o?te DfPff«fr,anDlanDeo atc<2/mabouteeleauen of tbeclocUe, ano toptb btm tbe SJuane ano 3laDpc5, ano nianpe gobies oftbeltealme.Cbe number of pcrfons on tbe feing ano SJuanes Qoe loere 4? ^4.anD of bo?res,i^ 3 /'befioe^tbe per? fono on tbe Frenche iluanest ano SDube otSufoil^ bit buf" banoeo, ano of tlje Caroinalleo. £Dntbefourfbof3!ane,fbc&ingtt)ptb all bps ilSobles, as teell tbe S5uane toitb bir traine ofJLaOtes as otber,toiti tbe tobolc number ofijiobles remoueO fro CaiUii,to Gmfresj into tbe motte noble ano ropall loDging before fane, foj it toasal^allatcemaoeqaaojant, anO euerpe qaao;ant teas 3 iS.ffflte longjtobpcbe inas incompaOfe isu.fajteaboute, Stbe feauentb of^une^tbe feings at England ano Framce met attbecampe bcttoaneCwy^'fjano Arde, toptb botlj^ tbeir §>bjo3Des o?atoneano bo?nebEfo?c tbem. 2Dbe tcntb of 31une, t^e liing alEngimde opneo toitb tbs Frenche £lliueene tU tbC totnne of Arde: ano tbe Frenche J^pilg opncD tbe fame oap toptb tbe JJJnane at England, in tbe neio |Ballaice maoe before tbe CaQel of Gtiifnes,\xi\fic\^ bonfe Itias^ tbe moflte fumptuous ano coHlpe ofHtcbes, tbat batb b»ne fane, 0no after thps^tbefeftoofeingsmctte euerp oape after at Campe,U}ptb otuers 3lo;os,ano tbere tnffeo ano turnep# eo fourtfenc oapestano tbe ttoo Sineenes met at Gnifnes anO at Arde Dpiiers tpmes. SDbefourcano tloentitb of Sjune tbefettoo Itingsano iJueens tuitb tbeir retinues,met at Camp tobere tbe 3Juff3 Incieheptjf tbere tbcp banqueteo f oanceo luitb mafthigs^ Henry the eyght* >27 anD tl^at tl^e UHe^ao not btn itgbtl^ fsne, al^ mod ad tfje ntgbt fodolDtn0, anD ttjen tcske tbetr leaue and Departeo: ano on tljerrt). ofHunc, t^e Iting of England tbc^Uiiffnc, anoallttjcComt, rcnioueofrom Cn^nestaW^z SCotuneof cnnne,ip(Dne,ana clotoaes, tnitb aiuers otber things maae aboue ouer mens beaas: ana tber toere great images oftoickers couerca, ana maac like great men of aiuers ffrange jjliations, ana aiuers rea< fons tocrc tojitten bp tbem of the Coiintreps that tbep tocrc tikenea to be off, ana the :3rmcs oftbofe Countreps ban^ gtng bp tbem. ailfo, there tuas maae as it bjcre manp tbipc^ bnacc faple^ana MinamiUes going, ana about the bigb ^mm.b, pilUc: 5>iS Rinqneti'n^ houfc defaced bjr teiupcft. Shertfes. i^idior fes.} ior. S Duke of Bi;c< kinsliam accu< fed. 1 521 Annoreg.x-^ Henry the eyght* pillcr of ttuibor tbat ffcoDe bpjigljt t" miDlI, teas ma&e ^tngeo of SCtmber fo? C'Jsang, ano otbcrmttrunicnfsto Canoe on, f men to plap on tljcm, ano fo? otljer i^nfiftons anopagcantotobeplapoe, toljen tbeiiing of £»^/Wano tbe (£mperour fljoulo be at tljeir IBanquct, but in tije moit ningoftbefame oap, tbe totnoe beganne to rife , anoaf nigbtfaletooffall tbe Canuao, ano all tbe elements, toitb tbefetarrcs,&unne,^(Dne,anouhe, baing at bps^l^anour afThomcbury in c/o-^ fef/eryi/yd^tbvitinrontincnt bcQjoulo come to bis pjcfcnce, tobtcb commanoement tbe jDuhe obepeo, ano came bp to London , tobfte b? toas ffreigbttoapes arreffeo bp &ir Henry Henry the eygJitT 9-$ Hcnty Mcmey, Capfapne of t^ie (IDfaro,anD conuapOe to t^e Xotatt of LonJoft ontije firfanflj of:3pjtII, befoje iufjtc^ie ftmc,fl)c2Dui^escijanccl!ourtawi0 fafeeii, i)aDfon» fcDTeO matter of ^tglj Srcafoii conrernEng t^c iitngopriv foiT. snijcrc luas alfo attacljcti a oft^c ojocr of tljc CtirthMfiAns betlig Of |3jt0?p, atlD lohn Dclaker t^O E>ultesConfeiroj:alItIjefeU)rrc p?ifonrrsin tfjcSCotocrr ^bo?tIp after, tt)eS>ttfecU>as arraigneo atfveflt/jmfter, ttjc H>u!te of Norfoike fitting as cljtefe 3|nDge. Ctjerc Uicrc bjougfit fffljtl; againtf bini toitnelTco, §>ir Gilbert Pcikc ^5 Cbancellonr, lohn dc la Court tjiO ConfeCToj, Charles KneuctCDfqatre, anoa^onfee JBjtoj oftotjiclj bao otuero times fapoe to ttje SDuhe tbatfielfioulD beiningof England. SDiuers pjefumptions toere lapo to btm bp Charles Kneuet, infiicb fie tooulti fapne baue couereb, but in the cnbebe toas found giUie,and Ijad iudgement to be djaione, Ranged, and quartered, and on ttje feanent^ntfi dap of ^ap, about eleuenoftlb«rloche,tbe fapd Edward £Dulie of ofbuc. Buckingham, dearie Of Herefard, Stajford, ailO Nerthamfton, kinghimbe- toas beheaded on tfie Cotoer bill, and fits bodp burped in thei^riers ^ugufiines Church t fitch to the ende ofatn^ bition, thecrediteof falfe prophecies, and ofetiUi life. SDhtoI^uttehadbegonne a great and fitmptuousbuiU ding at his ^anour of Thomebury, but left the fame biifini^ Ihed. made a fairc parbe hard bp the fame building, forthetuhich, hetoahe in muchfaire and fruitefull ground. 0iro,another j^arheat£<«j^w^'d, one mile off, he enlarged at ttoo times, to the compas of fire miles, for thetohirh® dojde, and fuche lifte, he habmanpacurlTeofthepfflretd; wants. Che feconde dape of 0ogittt,Cardinall Wolfey paired'Thomas oucrfrom Bauer to Caieii, to treate a peace betUjiptc the vvoifeycat* i^rench iiting,and the Cmperour, and returned agapnc to EmbSw. Caievs in the latter end of i^ouember, and from thence tobe hisiourncpto Biechingiy,\s^oztt^z litng ioelcomed hinir and gaue htm thanbes for his 0reat papnes. 9^0 King Henty wrote agunfle I'Uthcr. PeSilencc. Sheriftt. ? Frenchmen at. taclied. I Jil u4»»o >''^.14. CsriUnall yVolfcy. TheEniperour came to Loll- 4on. Henry the cygnt» afngHcnryfojotea 3!5a5ltC agatnti Luther in GermMj, anD t^crcfoje t\)t Bilftop ono»}r,Lco the fcnfl),nameti Ijim DefcnDer of ttjc fait^, to tolitcf) Bmke, Luther antoereD bs* rp fl&arplP, nottjing fparmg h w aut^ojitie oj mafcaie. SEbts'poare teas apefftlenccinthis lanB, efpeciallpat LoftdeH^mn a 5cartl)ofCo?ne, fo? toljcato toas at Louden folD fo? ttoentp ^fjiUinco tt)e quarter. lohn Britainc mercliat Taylor:Th.Pargiter, the zS.ofScp. SirlohnMilborncDraper, the 28.ofOftober. Jnf)t5 ^iriohnMiibotne butlDeD cerfapne almw |)oii# feoaDiopntng totbe CrolTcD fnminLof!d»n,yD%min f)z placed t^lrtecne aged p(D;epeople,tt)l^o^aaet^nr dtnelltng rentfra, and tuio IbilUngo fire pence ttje pace tfje firCe dap ofeuerpmonetb fo; euer. CfjfCrt^of^archjtbei^reiitf) JSing attached all it/hmens gffldes at Burdeanx, and detepned tlje jatngs tribute, and the i^rench ^uanes dotocr. 3lfo, all ifrenchmens bo? dies and go3deo toere attached at London. SC^is peare bettoane Cafter and ^tchaelmais , toas made a gcnerall p?ofcriptton of all the Kcaline of Engiande. 2Dhe ttoentith of ^ap, Cardinall W olfcy rode thJoogh London to ©wer, there to mdctc tDith the (iEinpcrour, being accoinpanped toith ttoo Cl;arles,tieeandthirtie fenighteo, an hundjed (Gentlemen, epght ^ilhops , tenne 0bbots, thirtieChapleins.all in taeluct i §>atten,and yoo.pomeii. Charles the fifth,(lBmperour,tame into £»^W,and toas honourablp rccepucdintoLuWowbpthe ^aio?, Aldermen, and Cominono of the Citie the fijcth of 3!une, the Hingac? companpinghtmtrj. |aageants toere made in the Citie, and the CrotTe in Cheapc neto gilt, i^roni thence,he toentc to^tWj^e,andfatein the ^tall oftheCDfarter. after great feafic5,iufic£t,and honourable entertainement,he departed to H'^rKpton,m^ fapled from thence into Sfogne. H)urtngthi0 time, the (t^tlccfSurrej 3io;D3dmtra!l, bjcnt Mor/es in Briteine, and then returned: not long after, he paired ouer to CaUis, cntred and baente diners Henry the eyght* 93 ^ SToioiics ant) (Caffels. befageo He0iff£, bu( bpcaafc Mittfcr toas tiare,^5 rapfeo f)ia fage, ano rcfurneb. SClje 2>ufte of in SatUndbegan to enter t^ts lantt iohnak,im: loitf) a great Hrmie,bnt bearing tbat tbe C&arle otshrewfiu- rtc U)as commingjbe tohc a truce fo; ftrc inonctbeo. lohn Rudftonc: lohn Champneis,thc 28.ofSeptciiibcr, Sherifes. > Sirlohn Mundy GoldfiTiith,the aS.ofOftober. OHaior. S lohn Champneis iaaB&ccretarie of tbe Counter. 1 2Cbe iLojD RoiTcjano llojo Dacres of tbe ^o?tb, burneo tbe Cotune of Kelfey in Scotland, tnitb fourfco?e tEillages, anbouertbJctoepgbtaneSCotoersof ffone. ' S^beCDntperour Charles, laing Henry, aUD Fcrdinando j£)uke of Au^irige,t\)z pope, tbe Citie of Vemce,ax(ti biuertt otber in Italy^zxz confeoerate againtf tbe i^rencbmen. Xbe T^rkes befoegeb tbe 3lflc of Rhodes,a}\ti on CbJifftnas The Tutk« bap ta»ke it, to tbe great Ibame anb rebube of all CbJiHen# "oke»hc borne. SCbe ttoentitb of iPcbjuarie,tbe ILabp Alice Hunger- Ri^trcftht ford a anigbteo toife, fo? murtbering bir bufbanb , teas lebbefrom tbeCotoer of London ta Hoihume, anb tbere put fordhangcr*" in a Cart initb one of bir reruant0,anb fo carieb to Ttbume, anb botb bangeb: (be toao burpeb in § grep iPriers Cbnrcb aX London. SCbe cSatle of Surrey bumeb rrrbb'.lS^illageo in Scotland, t bifpopleb tbe Countrcp from t CDaft marches to tbe HIetf, Xil' v!"' anbouertbjetubiuersbolbes. - ^ . ^ir Henry Marney toaS creatcb IBaron Marncy at Rich' mond. SCbe fiffentb ofaipjill began a parliament at tbe iBlacbe 152^ i^riers in London, anb on tbe nine anb ttoentitb of ap?ill, tbe Carbinall, toitb biuers ILo;bs fpirituall anb temporal, p^rifame«t beclarebin tbe common bonfe, tbat fo? biuers raufestbe^^^'^^^'^'j"*' feing requtreb a ^ubCbie of Sooooo.pouttb, to berepfeb on AgrMSwrl gojbes anb Jlanbs, fonre Ibillings ofcuerp pounb, againtt tbe tubicb bemanb, manp obiections loer mabe bp tbe com^ mons^one loas,tbat tbe iting bab alreabp bp toap of loane tlDO P32 Henry the eyght*. ttuo flbtlUitgs of tfjc pounD, Voljifl) toas 400000. potmo, nnD noU) to oemnimD four IfjilUitgo tfje pouiio, tt ftculD a# Thete was not mOUtlt til t\)t Uj^JOlC tO i : ooooo. poUIlD, £110 tl^O t^JtrO part iis"rirEngV ofcuerp mans geDOCj3, tDt)i£{)C in copnccoulocnot betjao land as I liaiie tbe IScalme f c. among otbcr arguments foj t^ie feTrrh'Se. it ^ E»g/a»d moje t^ian corjs. 40000. parifljcs, nno tfeucru parilb fliouIO pap fuclje a rammeastoastiiere nameo, it coulobe no great matter. }!5utittDasbp t^e Commons antoereo ano pjoueO, tl^iat tljere bias not in tbirf^ne tboufano parilbes. Sifter long Debating, tbe Commons gmnteo ttuo QiiUings of t^e pouno of eucrp mans goOes anolanos tbat tocretuo?tb ttoenttc ponno, oj migbt oifpcno ttucntic pouno bp peare, ano fo bptuarD,anD from fojtie tbiilings to ttecntie pouno, tiDclue pence of tbe pouno, ano bnoer fojfietbiUingsofe^ uerp beao firtdme peares ano upiuaro four pence to be pato in ttuo peares. SDt)iB J3arliament (bcFrj. of fl^ap toas aO* tourneo to amons tlje blache ^oniies,anOcn^ oeo in fbc .lyings ^Balacc at ive^mwUer tbe fourteenth of sittguff,at nine of the cloche in tljc night. TheK.andQB. Chnfterne i^tng of Denmark^, ailD hiS £liuane , aPfi^ of Dennutkc uing at the Dowms beftoes Dmer the rb.of 3une, came to wrmd mEng. jjf^^nc,attOtuete loOgeo in theffiilhop ti!Bathes placc. SCh*^ ofjuip, thep refurnco agapno to Caleis. 2Chel!Duhe of Stifoikc tuith manp other 3io?O0 % i&ntghfs tucre rent into France tuith an armp of,tuho paf? fing:§ tuaterof^s'wemithoutfaattaplCjtoehc otuers totunes ano CaftelSjOetfroping the Countrep before them. Sherifcs. MichaellEnglini: Nichohis lennings,lhe iS.ofScptcnib. George Monex tuas chofen^)aio?, but tuoulo not fahc Maioreuftcj. if npoit hi"'? tohercfoje Ijetuas conoemneo in a thoufanoe S^arhefo?afine, in oiftharoe luhercof, Ije gaue bnto the Citica tuater ^tU bp the Horfe Downe in Southivarke,tfi grino the cojne fo? the Bjiogehoufe, lMosot. Sir Thomas Baldi is Mcrccr,the ag.of October. Hcnrie the eyghtv 933 isipptera ofanD ot^er place0,roloe ftjefr ^effj in Jleaocn I)alt ^arftet at 3Jn SDecember, at tfje Citic ofCww/7, Francis Philip, co«fpi«cyat &cl)ffllcmapffertotl)c iitngo^enrmen, ChriftopHcrPic-coutiwie* kcnngClearbP oftljcaingo inrDer,anD Anthony Man- mlc(0entIemaii,tnt£nDeO to tjaue talien the iiingotrca? fiireofhts&ubfeote, ae tfje Collertojs of the fame came fotoaro LoWot, theretoith to haue repfcD men, ano to hauc taken the tS^aSeU o? KtlUngwonh, ano then to haue maoc battaple agapnfte the iking, fo? the tohichc, thep locre Djaton,hangeD,anD qaartreo at TtbHme the cleuenth of bjuarie.'the other of their confpiracie iuerc ejcecuteb at Couentry. S^hc C^arle of Suvrej bjent ledwonh ixx ScotUfide, ano tflsfte oiuero holbco, Che SDukc of AiLwy befageD the Ca# — ttell of yyarke, ano hab in a reaOineCTe a great Srmie to in* itaoc England,hnt tuhen he heart) the c^arle of Surrey Saas comming,he fleobe ixita Scotland. Che Sue ano ttocntith of^ap, occeaflTeO ^r Thomas Loudl, iknight of the (0artcr, at Endfield, ano the fame mo^ neth OCcealTeO Thomas itojo Howard,SDake otNorjfhll^. Che fouloicro of Gu;fnes tcoke a great fatotie at a faire in theCotone atAEorguifon, ano &ir Robert Icmegan lopth certapne tHmilances ofc^/w, tokc oiuero i^rench p?ifo; nero. Che firll of S>eptember, Concur Hanyball, ^apffcr of a goWeBRofe the IkolIeSjtDvas recepueo into London as CDmbatfaOour from f"' f'S Clement the featienth pope, tchiche feoughttoithhima Kofc ofdPolo fo3 a token to the iking, tufjich tnao pjefenteo toUmsLtivindfire. Chio Crtfe toafi fo?geo of fine C^oloe, ant)tD?ought t»ithbjan£hes,leaue«,anD flotDcrs, refem# bIingiSofcs,fet in a potteof€3'OlDe,tohich pottchaOthJa fate of 0ntikefa(hion, of mcafurehatfeapintc.Bln the hp# permottUofehjasa faire S>aphire leape pearceo the big# netTc of an Hcome.Che Cra toao of height hi^lfe an to glith pnro,ano in fajeaoth a fmte, Ralph f 3 4 Henry tJi e cy ght* Sherifes. ? Ralph Dodmcr: William Rochcjthc 2 S.of September. Ai^ior, S William Bayly Draper, the 28.of Ocftober. S(c|)anceti in i^t peare pacreb, a gruDgc to bjeahe out fcottoanetbe iPrcnchiiin5,anD tlje ^uhc ot Burl>o»,in(a much,tbatti)^H>itttofo.2tt)e fafcgaroiiif bto lii'c^fietioeout oftbei^ronch flings SDomtniona, tobt^reof Carotnall Wolfey fjauing tntdligcncejcompjifeoinbts beab,tbaftf tljel&tngonr roueratgne^ojoroulDobtepnebinito be bio easina fecret place, botb to recepue monep oftbe iiing, ano to pap tbe fame monetblp fotbe2Dulie,rotbat tbe SDufee began tbe toarregtoitbtbe i^rencb l^ing in bis otene territojie ano S?uUeoome,tubicb tbei^ingbao confifbeo in bis olune banos, being notper^ fectlp knolone bnto tbe SDubeo enimieo tbat be bao anp apocout o(Ef£/H?tcl,mu tbusbetmougbt tbeirreiwb laing , ^25 |?"fb fo mucb,ns tbe i^rencb King toas con# ifrepneo to pjepare a puiffant 3rmic, ano in bis otono per# fon to reca tbe 2)uUes potoer, ano toitb fo?ce tbe King Ojouc bim to tabe PaMy,a ffrong Cotone in ita/j, initb bps boif, fo; tbeir fccuritie, tubercas tbe King encampeo bpm bionoe# Henry the cyght» Soonseroufl? ffronij , mfenfiing fo cnclofc f^e SDuitc, t^at f)e fl^oulD not tlTue fo;t^, yet notU)ttt)SanDtng , t^e , ^ahc Did manp times tCTue fo;t^, and fiitrmit^ed initi; t^e l^ins* i!?otoIet bsrcfnrneagapne to t^e Cardinal I Wolfer, fcljo famed to be fodcinln altered, and to benioje i^rencl) tban Cmperiall, bomfoeuer it came fo to paflTe: tuit tbe jprencp iaing Iping in bis Camp,fent fecretlp into Er>gimde a pjiuie perfon, a bcrp tuittie man, to treate a peace be^ ttoirt tbei^rencb l^ing, and our toingttbio perfon Uias na» med lohn loUin, iobo toas hepf as fecretlu as migbt be, foj ^e inas no Frfw^w4«bomc,butan itaitan,t\, man of no great ettimation in France, and foj b's fubtilc toitte, elected to cn^ treate of fucb CmbaDTade as tbe French i^ing bad giucn bim in commiiTion. SDbis lokm inas fcrretlp comiapdc bnto Richmond, and tbcre remained, bntill tlje Cardinall refo?- ted tbitber bnto bim, tubere after Cader tearme ended, be hept tbe feaff of OTbiffontide berp folemnelp, in tubicb fea^ fon, tbe Cardinall caufed diners times tbis lukin to dine iuitb bim. Cbus continued tbis lokin in long af^ ter,bntill at tbe lad, as it Ibould, be bjougbt to pade tbe matter tbat be ban in commiffion. after tbis, tbere tons fente out immediatlp aredrepnt to &ir John RufTell, into tbofe partes tubere be made bis abiding bepond tbe ^eas, tbatbe Iboulde retepne tbat monetbes tuages dill in bps bands, bntill tbe icings pleafure tuere to bim hnotune, tubicb (bould bane binpapde to tbe E>ube of Bmbon, ba;* tng tben tuptb b?s retinue encamped tuitbin tbe Cotune ofF. paces, anb tben pleafeb tbem toonberous toell. Cben p;epareb tbep all tbat bape fo; tbe purpofeb beuife, anb hepte tbem fecret anb clofe toitbont anpe nopfe, 0; diotte cd paces toitbin tbe ^otone , tobpcbe gaue tbep; Cnimies tbe Ude feare of tbe adaulte , but at nibble toente to tbep; SHentes, ffnb cotocbeb qui# etlpe, notbpng midritding tijat afterto^rbeimmeoiatelp ^nn«9, b^ppenea French King laketi. Fome racked, the'fcoplciled. Henry the eyglit«. happenedbnto tf)cm. WL\)cnt\)t tpme cametijatall men toereat reff,t^e aCTaplants iCfucD outof tlje 2Cotone,ano t!)creacco?Dmgto f^cir appopntmenf, tljep gaue fo crueU aito fierce aflault,tl)at t^icp in tlje Camp fiao ae mucf) to 3o as fcas poQible to rcfitt tbem: ano eucn as tlje 2?uUe t?c^ clarco befoje to fjis ^onlbionrs, tficp tottljin toerc compel^ Icotofurnc tficir tfiottetbatlapattbc cntrie, againfi tbe afiTapIants.HIIttb tljat iffuco tfie 2Dufic,anb toitlj btm about fiftoeneo? firtceiie tboufanbmen, o?mo?e, fccretipintfje ntgbt,l)is entmtcs being not p?iuie of ijis comming, bntill Ije toas cntreb tljc fielbe, anb at fits entrie, fie tcohe all tfic S>?Dinancetfiatlaptficre,anoOeto tfie C>anncrs,tfienfia cfiargcb tfie paces againtt fits enimies, anb fletue tficm luonberfullujfie cuttcboiunetfie SCentcs anb ]Banilions, anbmurtfiercb manp toitfiintfiem, eretfiep toeretoarcof firs comming, fotfiatfie toanne tfie fielbojeuer tfie l^ing coulb nrife to tfie refcue, in To mucfi as tfie jaing toas talten in fips loeging o? euer fie toere fiarneireb,fiis Centes tuere robbeb anb fpopleb Urfiicfi mere tuonberous ricfitanb in tfie fpopleanb fcarcfioftfie icings cofftrs,tfie SDu^e otBitrhon founb tfie league bnbertfie great ^cale of £«^/4«t/,nemip mabe bettoane tfie i^tngof anb tfie/> Ding, came ncuerfo gmD efftrt: anD pope Clement btm^ i^nn.itf. fclfe. ?-}« iirtenewich tovvcr builded Crtations.'at Bridcvvell. Shertfes. ? I erland,\jitXt liUeioife createD.Robert RatclifFe JlOJD Fitzwater, createD CUicount Egremunt.Tho- xnas Bolleyne wnigbt, STreafourcr of the J^ings bflnfe,tDas rreatcD taicountRochford. Crcat murmuring toas in all partes of the lAcalmefoj papmentof moncp, awtiSufo/ke men to tfje number of four tboufanDjrofc in a tumult, agapnlfctobome, boas fente the juDube of Ntrfcike,m\t} other commiirioncrs,bp lubofe Ujifc# Dome tbcp toere appcafeD, anD Diners erecutcD. lohn Caunton: Chrillopher Askew,the28. ofSeptcmb. Sir lohn Allen Merccr,the aS.ofOflober. iCbe eleucntf) of i^eb?uan?,four ^pcrebants of^ Stih^.ird DtD penance at ^BatolesCvolfe, anD an :3ugutl{ne f^ricr, callcD SDortoj Barnes, bare a i'agot: there luas pjefent the 310JD CarDinalljtuith elcuen Bilhops, lohn FiiEer,ffiiihop of RocheUer maDc the fecmton j tDhich luas againlf Martme Luther of 6Vr«»ii4^,anD his Dortrine. truce luas taben beltoffnc EngUmde anD Francettiiin, _ certapne fpacCjanD CmbalTaDojs toerc fcntinto Denmark^, fo? reflojiiTg of their ^aing, but the B'^wwUioulocgraunte nothing therehnto, thep Dio fo DcaDlp hate hl'w fojhpa ecueltic. 2:he. Henry the eyght^ $>41 SCbswtjifj.ofHpnIIjCame to tfjcCourt toGrtenewkhe^^^^^^^ ^^ Mouiifirc Biiond,|0jrrii)Cnt Of RMie^mH lohn lolcin, tohtcf) Pe^cc^'vitii p>?efiDent, bcfoje tijc ©mg aiiofjts j^obles, niaoc in tfje Jlattn tongue afolemne iSDjafton, tfjecffeguificrcoftuas, tjoU) ojeaofull tlje tuarreo fjao bin betlnanc tfje licalince of EnglandnnuFra»ce.^e occIareD furtljEr oftobutpotoertlje !iingof£«^/W? toao , anOfcobatconqueff f)omigf)i binivnhrr- rie S>birc,fo,: tbe erecufion of tbe fame, fo tbat in all places, " sra'jlcs,^irc,CarDeS;aBti ffiotoles,tocre taken ano bjeut, butiuben pong men mere retfrepneo of tbefe games auD palfimcs,fome fell to ojinching, fome to fcrretting of otbcr mens Conpes, ano tteaiing ofSDeare in j^arkes, ano otbcr tjiitbriftineffe. SCije Grtlj of September, luas proclamation for CoiOe, couenhanti«d tbe iFrencb Crolone foure flEjilltngs ffjre pence, tbe 0ngelet feauen (l}illings ano fire pence, tfiel^iall r)|.ti.fc, Stephen Peacockc: Nicholas Lambart, the 28.of Sept. Sherifes. 7 Sir Thomas ScmcrMercei'jthc 28.ofOftobcr. Afaior. > 3n tbe monetbes of i^onember,SDecember,ano 3!anua# rie,fell furb rapne, tbat thereof enfueo great flubocs, tubicb S^anaTyS Oettropoe Co?ne fielDS,pattures, ano ffieafies, tben toas ««»• it orte till tbetmelftb of:^rihanDfromtbattimeitrapneo eucrpbap ano nigbf fill fbctbiroof3une,mbcrfl'P<3^<'?"6 fiipleb fore in tbe peare foKoining. • ^nn,iit(. lafter Henry the eyght» J J 0fter tl^c Dclincric ofttie i^rent^ liing ouf off!)C C^m*' pcrours bonDagc, ano t)t« fonnes rccepacD tn pottage foj Amore£\Q anD tljc aing tAEngUnds fccoritie, of all fuel) bcinaunofs ano rrqucttesasllboulDbeOcmaunDeiJof tf)ci^rcncl) iSing. Cbe Caraitiall Wolfcy lamentingtbe i^rcncl) litngo calamttic, anotbc^opeo great aouerfitie, tul)o pcfremapncO tntbeCaffell Angdl, trauclleii alltljat becoulD tuit!) tt)^!ftinganD btoConnfclI, totafeefomeo^ tier fo3 tbe quictncffc oftbem botl). ^It lall, it teas tbongbt goD tbattbe faptie CarDinall Iboulbe tabe bppon bim tbe c»rdmiiftiit Ittngo cotnmilTion,to traiiell bcpono tbe ^eas in tbio mat# tcr, anobpbis toitte, to compalTe a perfett peace among tbofe potentates: ti3berct)pon,b® coinmanbeD to p?e# pare bimfelfe to tbis iournep, Inbttb b^ t®bc bpon bim. I^e ban toitb bpa^ tbc (£arle of Dari^j':ti)t 15ilbOP of London ItojD pjiutc fealej^ir Henry Gilfort,linigbt oftbc (Smarter, comptroller of tbe ?^ings bonfe: tbe 3lojtiSancls,ftnigbt of tbe barter, 3Lo?D Cbamberlapne of tbefeingsboMfetSSDoc# toj Taylor, ^apffer of tbe l^ollest ^ir Thomas Moore, finigbt, Cbancellour of tbe SDucbP of Lawafler.t^t Bilbop of Deuelin; tbe 31030 Mountcgle: tbe 3L036 Harrenden: ^if lohn Dudley Jiintgbtti^apfter Ratclife:^^aiffer Willowby : S^apfferParkcnipaptter Sturton: ti^tcounts anb 315arohS' fonnes ant» beires,g>ir Francis Brian, ^ir EdwardSemcr, ^ir RobertGernigam,tI)oCtO? Stephen Gardener ^ecreta# rie,SDo(to3 Peter Valines ^ccretatie: £Df tbe pjiuie Cbani# ber,^ailler Hennegc, ^aitter Arundel), %aiffer Kneuet, ^aiffer Alford: l^bifitions, SDottOj Frances, SDoCtO? Smith; (flJentlemen tmibers of tbe pjiuie Chamber, ^aifter Wal- graue,^aiaerEllcs,^irThomas Denis bfgb Cbamberlen, ^aitterSentdere tSlijcbamberlaine: Cycntlcnien tl^ibers, ^,Wcntworth,jp,Hanfard,^,Pcmercy,^, Conftable, Wcrren:^fbonlbolD,^,Cade^tett)arO,firWil.Ga(coignc SDreafnrcr, ^.GoibkeComptroIler,^^. Broughton i^ap# ffer of tbe 1^03irc,2i)0Ct03Allcn,2)0tt03 Benct,2DottO? Duke, S>eanc of tbe Cbapell,2Do(to? Capo ;3imoner,i§ ;arcboe«5' X Henrie the eyght» 941 OfCaftfffrSujyf:t^e 3rcI)CDCaC0n of Carletle:WC lohn Scnt-Iohn, fir Richard Sands l!tntg!)ts,f c.iii al fo ^ number ofpoo. boj^ re0. Ebenmarcbeobsfo;toarDe (torn bpo ohme bonfe at The pompom IVefimmflcr^ tb^OUgb^ OOCr London bjtOgejbaUtng bC> fo;e bpm all tbe Gentlemen, tb?a tn a ranrbe in tiSelnef Conteo^anbtbemoSeoftbemgreate cbatnea of dC^olbea* boutctbeir ncckeo, aiiD all bps l^eomen follotocti bpm toitb i;5obIemens ano ©cntlemcns rcruant0,al in £Djcngc tatunep coates, tuitb tbe CarDinallcs l^at, ano a T.C. foj Tnomas Cardinall 0mb?ooercD bpon all tbe Coateo, aftoell efbpsotonereruanto, as ofa(tberefieof0entIeniens fer^ uantcs: ano bps^nnipt^r^uItsUJbpcb^tutre ttoentie 0? moje, toitb all bis tariage ofCartes, ano otbsr of bps fratne, toerc paflTco befo?e. rooe like a Caroinall berpe (umptnouQpe on bps ^ule, toptb bis fpare ipule ano fpare bojfetrappeo inCrtmoQn tlllcluetbponbcluet,ano fiirrops guilt folototngbimr^no before bpm b^ bao bis ttoco great CrofTes of filuer,bis ttoo great )Billfrs ofniuer,tbe laings bjoaOe &eale of ano bPS Carotnals l^at, ano a C>entlemanne carping bps t!Ealence,otbertoirecalleo bis Cloahe-bagge, tobpcbetoasmaoeof fine g>carlet altogp^ tberembtooereofaerpricblptoitb C>oloe, bauing in it a (loahe. STbus paiTeo bs fo^tb tbsugbe London, ano all tb$ toapeeuerpe oape in bis iournep be toas tbus furni(beo,ba< uing bps liarbtngers in euerpe place befo;e, tobpcb p?epa^ reO looging foj bps traine« SDbe QrO; iournep tbat be maOe,toas ttooi mples bepono Dertfardin Kent, bntO fir Thomas Wiltfhires b6Ure,anO tbC relle of bps traine toere loogeo in Dertford, ano in tbe coun# frep tbere-aboutes . SCbe nerte oape be marcbeo to Roche- fler, toberebe toas loOgeo in tbe 115p(boppes jaallaice, ano tbe rellofbis traine in tbeCitie f inStrowde. scbe tbiro oap' be rooe to Feuerfham, auo tbcro toas loogeo in tbe ^bbep, f bis traine in tbe totone tbere, ano Tome in tbe Countrep ^ere aboutes . 2Cbe fourth oape be rooe to Caunterburiey tobsr« b? encountreo toptb tbe too;lbipfull of tbe toton anO' j^nn,b« tma* 944 Henn'e the cyght* <£oimtrp, anD toDgeD in tijc of chrtflchurch, snti all ])vs fraine m tljc Citie,loljcre\)e contuiuco tfjjrcoapas, Itt UJljIcljefeafontljeretDasagrcatc fapjcmtljc STolone, reafon it tuas ti)C featf of Thomas of CaKterburte. at aape tljerc fuao a folenipne ^joccffton, tobtrcin tbe Cartit* nailljcJi tocnt apparcUco tit bps iLegantinc Ojnamentes, toitb bps on bis bcabs, tobo comiiiauniJCZ) tbe i^onbs ano t\)t iaiiuarc to 8ng tbe Jtctanp after tbts fo?te, Sa»n^ Af^r/a, or a pro Fapa mftm Clements , tbC CarDtnall klt^ltHg ataS>tfl3lefaefojctbc£5aarcDojeaU tbetobile tbe^onfes ano tbcir£Iiiiarc ttfflte in tbe boop of tbe cburcb Cngtng tbe 3letanp. SCbe eleauentb of 3!ulp tbe Caratnall arriueti af c««&/;r,U)bo luas recetucD iuitb all tbe ^Dfftccrs ano Coun^ fell of tbe Cotonc, tbe ^aio? of tbe Stolune, ano tbe ^paioj of tbe staple in ^Jjoceirion, anbin tbe llantcrnc dilate, be bnceleD ano mabe bis pjapers: tbat oonejtbcppalTeb on be* fo?e bntill be came to SMnt AiariesC\)iml)e, from lobencc bercpapjeDtbitbagrcateniimbcrof ijioblcmcn anb^en# tiemcn,baing|3a;eo of tbe JCoUmebnto a place callcb tbe Checker, tubere be Inas lobgeb, anb Ucptc bis boufe ao long • asbeafaobcintbeSnotonc.SItlbcnallbistrainc anbcarrif age inao lanbeb, anb ciierp tbing pjcparcb foj bis iotirnep, be caileb all bps il!!oblcmcn f C'ciitlemcn, bcpng fcruants bnto bim into bps pjiuie Chamber, tebcte tbcp being al aC» rcmblcbbefojebpmberapbe : 3 bauc callcb poubitbcrto tbe intent to bcclare bnto pou , tbat 3 confiber tljc buetic poubearcme, ano tbe gcDbloill tbat 3 femblablp bcarc to pou, feeing pour intenoment to further tbe auttbsjifie that 3 bane bp Commtffion, tobtcbe pour biligent fcrm'ce 3 toil remember hereafter, anb tbcrcfojc 3 meanefo bcclare the fame birectlp to the i^tng . gieconblp, to IbetDC pou the nature of the men: 5lnbtbirbclp , to inttruaepou boUie anb luitb tobat reiiereiue pee tball bfe me fo? the bono? of the lyings ^aiclfie , anb then to enfo?me pou boloe Henry the cyght» ^obe^cflialUntertatne ano mQm}^m^tt))tFreHche men to^cn pe dball mste at anpe time. SCfjc firtt pflpnf pe flEiall bnoerffano, ffjat fljc lu'nss ^a^ ieltie foj ccrtatnc maiGJjtic affatrca, of ^jis d^rarcs fjatfje foj mo?caiju?.mic0mcntof t;is ropail Dignitic alltgacD inc to ljetntl)i3tojnept)i6ltCRetcnant, anD luljat rcucrciiccbc? longctlj to tijc fame3[ tuill tell pou , fo? ntp parte 3 niiiltc iipbertucofmpCommiffionanD JlicuctenantHjip affumc anDtafiebppoiimetobcellcenicDinallbonoj aiiD oegras Dfreruicc,aeto bis l^igbnclTe pjefencciomffteanD Duc.ano tbatbpme notbpngto be neglertcb, tbat to bi'sropall e# Catcis bne ano appertinent. ainDfoj mp parte ^ ilball foj me, tbat 3 lopll not omit one iote tljcreof, SCbcrcfo^e bp? caufettjatpe tbalnotbc ignojantofpourDutteintbtscafc, asoncoftbecbiefecaufes of tbispoureaCTemblp, tuilling pou as pott toill bane mp fatiour, anb alfo charge pou in tbe feingsname, tbatpcDocnot forget tbe fame in time anb place, but tbat euerpe one of pou bo obferue pour buetp bn« to me ncco?Dinglp as pe toil at ponr return auoibe tbe hings inbignation, o? obtaine anb beferue bps bisbnefle tbanbes, tbe lubicbs 3 toill fette foatlj, as eacbe of pou Ibatl beferue. j^otoe to tbe feconbe point, tbe nature of tbe Frenche men is fucbe, tbat at tbe firlte meeting tbep. mill be as familiar loitb pou as tbepbab bin acquainteb ioptb pou long befoje, anb commune toitbpou intbeir tongue, as tbougb pe bnberttcDbc euerpe mojbe, tberefojc bfe tbem in like ma^ nerjanb be as familiar loitb tbem as tbep be loptb pou, 3f tbcp fpeabe in tbcir natural tongue, fpeabe pou agapnc Ijnfo tbem in tbe tongue : i?o^, if pou bnber# ftanbe not tbem , no moje Iball tbep bnberffanbe pou : anb fpeabpng merilpetooneof tbe (^entlemcnnetbere, being a manne, fapbe , Rice (quotb b®) fpeabe pou to tbem : 3 foubt not but tbat tbp fpeacbe tball be mo?c befufe to bpm , tban bps FrtKc^e (bal be ts tba. 3nbtbusqnfltb(J5tigametofbemall, letteall pour^ entertaine? Henn'c tlie eyght* cnfcrfatncmcnfanD be^autojbc arcci:t!tn0fo flb^ ojbcro? all gcntlencITc aab bu^nilitie, tbat it may be repojf eb after pourbfparture from tbence, tijatpc bcC5cntlcmen ofrigbt gcDObebauiour, anbofmucljc gentlencCfe, anD tbafpeare men, inbobnotoeycurimeticsto your S>cueraigne iiojD, anD to pour ^^ailter, cftaming inucbcpouregreafereue' rente . SEbus (ball ye not onelyc obtaine to poure fclues grcate comtncnoation aiiD piaifc fo,: tbe fame, but alfo aD# uauncc tljc bono? of pour l^jincc anD Countrcp: ^otoe go pour toapea, being aomonifbeD of al tbefe pointes, anD p;e« pare pour felueo againfte to mo^rotue, fo? tben toe intenoe (til^oD toilUng) to fct fojtoaroe . 2Ebe nerte mo?rotoe,ba# ing Mary Magdalcns Dap, all tbpngs bamgfurni(bEO,tbe CarDinalaDaameDoutofc«//<^r;f ,toptb fucbe a number of blacbc llHeluct Coateo, ao batb bdenc felDome f^ne toitb an o(toar Taylour, tben ^ailleroftbeltolles,bntilbioreturne. pairing tbus on bps toay , anD being fcantlp rpDDen a mple, it beganne to rainc fo bcbemcntlp,as ligbtlp baD not boenefane tbe hbe, tobpcbe encnreD tmtill tbep came to Bolowg^e, ano ere tbcp came to Sandingfieide^ tbe CarDinal of/-.c?viwafe5,allmbar# ' neflTs bpon btgb ba^rca, patTing on tottb Carbtnall in a \XiiX\Z\i}XXQBolong»e, anD fO after Picardte .• foj fbS (TarDinal Doubteb fometobat tbe CSmperour, tbat be tboulb lap fome ambuCb to betrap bpi">fe3 tobpcbe caufe tbe French l^pngcommauniieotbemtoattentte bpponbpm foj tbe ar» furauncc of bta perfon. Sbua robe be bnttl he came tottb^ xnowzEnghjhem'^ltQtBoiongne, \i3bere encoutttreo bpm tbe CSIojlbipfiin Citijena oftbeSCotone o^Boiongne, bautng a learneo man tbat mabe bnfo bpn» an £Djatton in ilatine, bnto tbebobpcbetbcCarbinall femblablp mabeanitoeare: 0nb tbat Done,Mo"^i^"'' Capitaine ztBoiongne toitb tbe retinue tbere of d^enflemen, mette tuptb bini on bo;re^ bache.anb tben toitb al tbia affemblp be robe into tbe toton lighting at tbe ^bbcp gate, anb from tbence conuepeb iuptb jajocetrion into tbe abbcp Cborcbe there offereb, tben toent be into tbe 0bbep to bpa lobging, anb all bia traine Inere lobgeb in tbe bigb anb bafe toUmea. nert mo;;« ning after,ba robe to MuttereliSer Lemere, tnbere be Ujaa in like cafe encountrebtuitb tbeSSJojtbipful oftbeCotoncal in one ilpueric, bauing a learneb man to make an £)?ation tmto tbe in ilatine, tobome be aunftoereb alfo again in ila< tine. 0nD aabeentrcbinattbe dJatea, tbcretoaaaCa# napic mabe reabie offilkc, embjobereb tuitb lettera f i^at euenaabiamcnbabontbeir Coatca , anb Inben tbat be ioaa ligbteb, bia fcotemen bab tbe fame aa a fk Due to tbe office. i^oUie luaa tbere mabe bpucra J3ageanta foj tbe iop of bia comming, lubo ^uaa callcb in tbe frenchetQw^ tbere, anotnalotberplaceatb?ougbetbe«ealme tobere be robe 0? came, Le Cardmall Pacifique. 2Dbe ucrte bape bee tojke bpaiourncptctoarbea inbereb® toaa encountrca luptb biuera d^entlcmen of tbe Suolunc anb Countrep,ana fo recepueb into tbe totone toitb pageanta, ae be rooe tbo^ rough tbe totune, bailing a Ipke Canapie ouer bim, butmoje richer, anbfo bjougbteto bps lobgpng in tbpa SCoUin Henric the eyght* S^otDne,ljc remapneD mo?e tftan cpgljt Dapes, tofjcrc refov teD to l)tnt Daplp otuerio of t^e Frcucbe ^ttigo CounfoII ilf^ ting Initt) ^tm in counfoll ouer^e Oa^e, and continualtp fea^ tting t)ttn ano otber. Wi\)zn tfje time came of oepar# tiu0outoftf)eE::otDne,t)e rooetott^e CaQell beponoetbe toaterof^owff, tMtnLeChane/clff Piccjiny aoiopning to t^e faioetoatcbbponaHocke, tDPtbintbetobpcbetbere toaoa CoUeoge of )0aiea0, tbetcituation tob^reof foao mttcb like tnto tbe CaQel of mKdforc,m'ti tbere be toao receinek toitb ro(empne|9aoceirion,anolooge&tbat nigbtk * STbe nerte morning tbe CarDinallroDe totoarke Amiens, ano paOfing on bio b)ap:4)k isno encountreo toitb noble perfonages,tDb» make to btm kiuero i^jationo, ^icbe bk antocrek extent fore. aftertoarkc tbe Prenche jaing tnitb a gojklp compang) inette toitb tbe Carkinal,emb?acek ecbe otber: ^bk p;eace toao To tbicke, tbat kiaere b^k tbeir legk bnrt toitb bk^fks. :SDben tbe l^ing ank tbe Carkinall on b ik rigbt b^tike roke fojtb totoarkeo Amiens ^ Enghpse gentleman atcom* panpek toitb an otber ofFrHunce. Cbe traine of tbefe ttoco )a;tincekcnkurekttooIong(l^nglt(bemple0, tbep toere no# blp receptiek into tbe SDotone of AmUns toitb tbot of d^uns ank coKlp pageant0,bntil tbe i^ing bak bmugbt tbe Catku nail to bio lokging,ank tben kepartck fo? tbat nigbte j tbe laing being lokgek in tbe IDitboppeo |3aUaice. mxt kape after Dinner tbe CDarkinal roke to tbe Courte to tbe i^ing, at tobttbe time tbe king keptebio bekke: pet neuer# tbeleife, tbe Carkinali came into bio bek-cbamber, tobere, on tbe one Hoc of tbe bek fate tbe laingo mother, ank on tbe otber fike tbe Carkinal of Loraine,accon\punitD toitb kiuerf otber j^oblemcii ofFrannce, anD aftera fbojtecommunica# tion,ano kjinkingofa cuppe of Mine, be kcpartek tobpe otone lokging.STbuo continuek tbe ccarkinall ank tbe king in Amiens, tije fpa(C of a fo?fiugbt ank mojc, confulting ank bjaffing ecbe otber kpucrotpmeo. SEben tbe JUinganktbe e be fait>e be ban honorable f oncluoeD fuel) an amitie, ao neiier toas bearD in tlje realm concL'jejfbcfoje,ai! b?ell bettoeen tbeCmpcrourano bo, as bettuane tbe laing our ^oueraigne anD tbe frrfeiitg,lritb a per^ petualt peace, tbe tobpebe iboulD be conSrmeD in tu;ttrng, fcaleo in fine (HJoloetafipjmmg further, tbat tbe i^png of Snglmd» tboulD receiuepearlu bis tribute bp tbat narneouf of tbe 2[)ufcd)fc ifNormandte, toptb all tbocolfes tobpebe b® baD futtatneD in tbe toarres: atiD alfo, Ujbere tbere luas n rettrainf maoe in Frannee of tbe Frenche SJuancs S)oU))ie> (tobome tb« S)uhe of baD marrieD) fo2 Diucrs pcres Daring tbe Utars, it mas contluDcD, tbat tbe tboulD not ones Ipe leceiue it againe,bHt alfo tbe arrerages tbat mere un# papcQ^ Hcnric the cyght* peace tf)us conc!ut)e(,t^ere'Coulee be facile nn aniitic bettoerne tbe (ID>rntIemen of eacbe realme ano em (ereourre of 0^ercl)anta,tbnt it Iboul&e fsnte to al men botb terntoneo to be but one 9?onarebte,f c. acbe ttoentitb of i®£tobcr toere rece|>ueb into LWw rcr» fainc ^mbaflaDojo oute ofFrAmce, aboute epgbfc tn nwno ber, oftbemoQe noble ani)Uio?tb^e(2l5entietnenne in all France.iocre lobgcD in tbe Bilbopo JSallaice in Panics Cburcbparbj toiobomebiaero ij^obleinen rero;teo, anb gaue tbemopueropjefento, erpectallptbe^aio?oftbe>54 Henry the cyght* anti t^ere dpntfi dXlW^tFrenchemzxii pairing al t^e sap after tDttfjconfnUatun of inatg^tte matters toac^png ttje concludon of t^e fatse article of t^e perpetaall peace. SE^'c Jatnjj tljen separtes againe bp teater to Greenervicb, at tDt)ofe Departing it bias tonclaseo bp t^e&ings senice, tljataltbe FrenchcmtndiiQWXbtXtifilit to Richemende, anO l)unt in cuerpc one of tlje ^Sarbes t^erc: anb from tfjcnce to /f47«;irw> (inoarte, anD tbere to fjunt, anDttjeCarSinall to mahe ti}ere a fupper o; banquet, o; botb to t^em. 0nD from thence tbep (boulD rpse to fvmdfore, ano tbere to bunt: ^no after to re turne to London^% fo to Grenervtch, f tijcre to ban^ quet toitb tbe liing. mas tbere maDe preparation of all tbpngs fo; tljis greate aUcmblpe at Hampton Court: tlje CarDinall callcD beforebim bis principal C'fficerSjas &tei toarse, SEreaforer,Comptroller, anO Clearhe of bps !^it:< cbin,toU)bomebeDeclarcDbisininDe, toucbpngtbe enters tainement of tbe Frencbe men at //4wfrw»coarte: bis plea< fare to tbcm bnotDnc,tbep Tent out Caters, puruepors ans otber,tbeCa>bestDrougbtbotbnigbtf Dape in futtleties, tbei^eomen anb Caroms of tbe ^arbrobes mere bulleb in banging of tbe Chambers, anb hirnitbing tbe fame mptf; bebs of Gibe anb otber furniture: tbere mere pronibeb 280* bebs furniGieb mitb all manner of furniture to tbem beloRi ging. 7^26 SEbebapetoas cometo tbe Frencbrntn affigneo, and tbep rcabp affembleb before tbe bonre of tbeir appointmet, toberefore tbe officers canfeb tbem terpbe to FFoKwrnb, a placeanDajaarbeoftbefeingstoptbintbra mples, tberc fo bunt f fpcnb tbe bap bntill nigbt, at tobptb time tbep re# tumcb againe toZ/^wpfewConrte,! eucrpof tbemconnep# eb to tbepr feuerall Chambers, bauing in tbem greate fi# ers anb mine fo; tbeir comforte, remapning tbere bntil tbe Supper mas. reabp.S^be Chambers mbere tbep fnppeb and banqucteb,merc orbcrcb in this fort :^irtt, the great map# jinnoreg.20 ting Chamber mas bangcb mitb ricbSrras, as none mere better than other, anb furniGieb mitb tall peomen to feme. Cb«c Hcnrie the cyght» fsf 2Cl)cretDcre fetUKablea rounfic abotifc fFjedfjamber banqufMBifccoucreD, a CupboiDc U)a0tfjcrc ganufijeo UittbUJbptcfiIucrl0(ate,l)aumg alfein C()am> ber fo giuc tbc moje Itgbti fonr^pfatra of ftlucr fette Ujttij sreateitgf)tc0,anDagreate fire of tooo ano coalca. Slje ncrtc Cbamber, being tfic Cbs'nber of p?crence,U:ag ban« geD toitfi bcrpe ricbe arras,anfi a fnmptuous clotlj of ettate furnilfieD luitl) manp gmblp d^entlcnien to feme fijc STas bles ojDereb in maner aa t^e otfjerChamber toaa, fnuing tbat tbe btglje Cable uias remouco beneatb tije clotb of Cl;5 ffatetfltDarDetbemlDoelloftbeCbainbcrcouereD . Cben UiaatbereaCupbo;t>e , being in lengifiaa b;oaDeaatbe Cbamber,luitfi Crc SDelbs ofbaigbf^garniCbcD toptf) guilt Plate, bauingUjptfi ligljtes one papjc of Canfilefiicbes of ^plucr ano gupltc, bapng cnrionflp li);ougt)t, tobpcbe roll tb.2QebunD;eD^arHea,anoaanopng bpon tfie fame ttDSD ligbtea ofeClare burning aabpg as Cojfbea to fet itfojilj. 2!Ci)t0 Cupbo;oe toas barreb ronnoe aboute,tt)at no manne rouloe come nigbe it, fo^tberetnas none of all tbis plate toucbeb in tbis; tbere tnas fnifiictent befibes.Cbe plates tbat bong on tbe inalles to giuc ligbt toere of filuer aiib guilte, baupng in tbem great pearcbcrs ofMape bur? ning,a greate fire in tbe Cbintnep, onb all otber tljings ne? cetTarp foj tbe furniture of fo noble a feaffc. jjJotoe tuasall things in a rcabinclTc. Cbe Crumpcttes toere blofene to tuarne to fupper. CbeC^fficersbifcreetelp conbuctcb tbefe il^oblemen from tbep; Cbsntbers into tbe Cb^ntber tub^re tbep (boulbe fup, anb caufeb tbem tbere to fette botDne,ano tbat bone, tbeirferuicecamebppeinrucbe abunbancebotb cottlpeanbfulloffuttleties, anbtoitbfucbe a'pleafanme nopfe of inftruments of ^ufifee, tbat tbe men (as it fameb) lucre rapte into a bcanenlp parabice. Cbe Car? binall teas not pet come, but tbep lucre merp anb pleafant S5efo;e tbe feconbe courfe,tbe Carbinall came in bo)teb anb fpurrcb, all fobainelpamongctt tbem, anb babe tbem Fro- fitee, at tobofecomming tbere teas greate top, luptb tpCng euerpe Henry the eyght» cucrpe man from \)is place.SClje darbtnall canfco f^jr fo ftt ftillano{?apet^eirroumcs, an5bepngtn!)vs npparell as l)e roOc,calico foj a cbapjc ano fate in tbc mioff of tlje bislic Sable. ^fnciie came bppe tfjc fcconoc courfe, luttl) fo man? cirtjrSjftittlEticg, anti ocuifcs, aboue a buiicjee in number, lubtrf)c \ncrc of fo gcoblp pjopojtton anb coftlp,tt)at 3! tijtnb tbe FrtKch men neuer fatoc t\)c !itic,tbc tecnber iuas no leife tl;an it toas toojtbp inbffoe. SbrrctoercCaHcls topttjBjf mages, in tbc fame Pan/es Cbnrc^jfe? quantttie,as ti)cpapnterfiioulDe tjanc painteb it on a clctb 0? Ujall.Stjcre mere beaHes bpjDes, ano perfonages, molfe Ithclp mabc anb cctmterfaitcb, Comefigbtpng topt^ ^iDojbes , fometxiptb 0unnc5,anb€ro(rEbotDES, fomc tjaugljting anb leaping, fome oaancing toitb JlabpeSjfome on l)0?res in complete barneCTc, iulfpng tnptb long f Qjarpc fippcares, Initb manp moe beuifes, 3imong al otber teas a cljcire bcDjoc mabe offpiccb jaiate, toitb menne tl^ere oft^je fame : anb foj tlje gcob pjopojtion, anb bpcaufe tbe French menne be bcrpc epperte in tbat plapc , mp io?oe Carbt# nail gaue tbe fame fo a 0enttcman of Framce, commatmf bing tljere ftoulbc be mabe agcoblpcacefoj tbe pjeferuation thereof in al I batfe, that he might eonucp the fame into hps Countrcp. Shen tcofee mp tojb a bole of 0olb filleb inith Blpocrafc, anb putting off hps Cappe,fapbet3i b?mke to the fcpng mp ^oucraignci,o;b, anb nept bnto the^iingpour i^aCer,! thertuith cjanke a gcob b;aught:anb tohen hehab bone, he beCreb the (23fraunb ^atHcr to plcbge hpm Cuppe anb all, the Inhpche mas toell tco;th fiue hunb;cb ^arhes, aub fo caufeb all the bourbes to plebge thefettoppopall |3jinces : then Inentc the Suppcs fo incrilp aboufe, that manpe of the menne iuerefainetobe lebbc to their htbbes* Shen rofe tppe the Carbinal!, anb tuenf info hps pji# uic Chamber, to pul off his 23cites,anb to fijifte hpm,anb then luente he to fupper in his pjiuie Chamber . anb ma^ imgahcrpelhoste flipper, rctorneb into the Chamber of l^jcfenre Hcnric the eyght» $>57^ among ffjc Frenche mf-nne, bffng t\)tm Co loains^ |panofamiUarlj?,tl)attbepcoulDcnot commenoe tfo tmicl)c:ano toljilcff t^ep lucre in communication ano otijer palftmcs, al tbeir Hpuertes toerc ferueo to tfjcir C{;a'jers, cucrpc Cijamber tjaooe allSafon ano an (Etocr ofClucr, a great liuerppot ofOlucr,! fume guilt, pea anofome cbam# berljaDDettoollpuericpotgtDpt^SSSincano ^are: afil^ iierCanoleOtckejbotljlDljiteanDplatne, fjauingin ifttuo) cijefi, ano a ftaffe to?cbe of ^ISJarc, a 6ne ^ancljet ano a cf)cte loafe. SCbiis toaa euerpe Cbnmber furnifijcD tfjjaugb al tbe boufe: 5lnti pet tfje Cupbojos in tbe tmo banquctttng Cb^niberis not once toncbeo. 2Cbas, tobenitUjas mo.:e tban timcconuenient, tbep toere conuepeo totbcir loDgtngs, tubere tbep retteo tbat nigbt. 3n tbe mojning tbep bpncb toftb tbe CarDinall, ana fo aepartco to JVmdfore. after tbe returne of tbe ttrangcro from placeluitb tbe ojoer tberof tbep miicb com^ menoeoXbc bap app;orbea tbat tbep lucre bp tbe btng in# oitcD to tbe Courte, tobere firlfc tbep apneD,ana after aau# cinganootberpattimesbptbeni bone, tbe time offuppcr came on. snbcnluastbcliSanquettmgCbam'jer in tbe tvlte parbe at Greentwiche, to tbclubpcbe place tbefe ftran? gers tuere conburteb bp tbe nobleft perfonagc« in tbe court, tuberetbep bibbebatbe flip anb banquet, tbetiraungc anb luonbcrful bcuifes of biilbes anb futtleties lubereof, as farre paffeb tbe banquet at Hampto>t Court, as <2?olbe botb ^il# uer in baletoc of luaigbte foj ttiaigbt. 3ln tbe mibbeH oftbio banquet, tbere luaotournepingat tbe barrpers tuitb luftie (HJentlemen in compleate barneCTe- berpgorgeous on fote. ICb^wto^s tbere tbe libeonbojfc^ bache. Hub after all tbis tuaa tbcinoffe goblpcft bifgup# fingojcSnterlubemabeinllatine, ftbei^lapcrjbepng fo ricbc, anb of fo ttrangc beuifciJ, tbat it paflfctb all compari# fon, £)OO.uti. STbiH 9 >' Hcnrie the eyght* SC'jps Dcne,ff)cre came fuc^e a number of fl)efapjcff lLa# DPeoanodLJentlctoomcntbatbarc anp bniteof beautic in all t\)t Ucalme in mode ricbed apparcU tbat mtgtjtc be oc# ntfcOjtDttb tobome tbe I0cntlcmen of Framce oaunceb, bii# til a gojgcoiis £^aflie came in of (JD-entlemen, lubo Daunceo auD maf^co tnitb tbefe tLaoies.Cbto Done,came in a ^^afbe jof 3Lai)pe0:tbefc3Labpcs tcoUe eacbe of tbem one of tbe French men to Oauttce anD to madie: tbf fe toomen ^alKcra fpabegoiO French to tlje French men, tobict beltgbf^is ttJCif berp mucb. Cbuo iuao tbia nigbfe confumco, from fine of tbc cloche bntill tb;ee of tbe cloche after mionigbt ? anbtbeti euerpe man oeparteo to tbeir lobgmgs . after all tbps fo» lempuecbare, ata oapeappopnteo , tbep refozteo to tbr Court to tahe tbeir leaue of tbe i^ing ano otber noblemen: tben came tbep to fvesimnster tinto tbe Carbinall, of toboni tbeprecepticD tbe icings retoarbOjtbetobpcbetoere tbefe : euerpe man ofbonoj ano efiimation bao |3late, fomc to tbe tialetoe of tb?^ oj foure bunojco pouno, ano fome nio;c ano fome leflc, befioco otbcr greate gifts recepueo befojeof tbe l^ing, as gotoncs of tfleluet Uiitb ricbe fitrres, greate cbapncs of Coloe, ano groolpe bojfcs, toptb otmerso^ tber giftes, anotbeteade oftbembaoafummeof crolnns of C^oloe: tbe tuojdc |l>nge ambnged tbem baooe ttocntic Crotoncs foj b?s parte: ano bepng tbus noblp reloaroeo, tbepoepartco. 21 Frenche Ccaerof tbirtie JECunne, being manneo Inptb eigbtc ano tbirtie Feenche nienne , ano a FUmifh Cracr of fcanenano ttocntie Cnnnc, ano foure ano tlJDcntie Flemings, mating at c^^iargnte, tljt one cbaceO tbc otbcr along tbe riuerof Thamh to tbe TowerWhcirtons ball at Newgate tobr ^ t\)z ^cflTtons Ivao oone,U)btcb p^tfoner ioas bjougbt OoUme brake from the out of Newgate in a )15a(feet,be feemeo fo toeabe, but noto in sef"onshgufc. tbs^nooftb^^edtono be b?abe tb^ougb tbc people to tbe Grey Friers CbutCbjanO tbcrc toaO Hcpt firC 0? fcaiicn Oapes ^egift»oftbe ere tbeS>bertfffi5coiilD fpeabetDilbbtm, anotben bpcaufe Gr,yir,e,f. be tuoulD not abttire ano ad^e a Croloner, toitb titolencc tbep toahc bim tbence, ano caftbpm agapnein pjifon,bat tbe lain ferueo not to bang btm. Commiffioncro tuere fent fome fo Oxford, fome itxCam-^ bridge, CotnO tO Lomyne, Paris,Orlea»ce, Bosiony, Padm, fC.tO bnoU)e tbe opinions of tbe learneo in tbofe tUniuerritieo, concerningtbe marriagcbettoirtiaing Henry anoHUuane Katherine fomctimc bis bjotbcrs loife, tobicb marriage fk» meoto tbem to bsbnlatofulLao toao atfirmeo bnoer tbe pcrticular feale of eucrp tUlniiierCtitic. 3In tbe monetbs of Hpjill,^ap,^une,ano 3ulp, tCarOi" nail Campeius tbe i-egate, loitbCaroinall Wolfey, fate at .. tbe Blackg Friers in London, UrbtrC bcfojC tbCm toaS bjOUgbf 3 j inqueftiontbe&ingsmariagetoitb ©uceneKathenne,as to be bnlatofnll, iobere tbefe ttoo Legates fate asHuoges, The Ktnssms, befo?eU)bome,tbetftinganO©uane toerealTiteOanofom^ moneotoappcare.ETbe Court teas platteoin tables ano rine called in bencbesinmannerofaConSftojie, one fcate repfeobigb' mSFiulw er fo2 tbe 3|uoges to fitte in, tben as it toere in tbe niiott of tbefaio HuOgesaloft aboue tbem tb?® Degrees bigb,tcas a clotb of Cilate bangeO, b)itb> a Cbaire ropall bnOer tbe ^jite,Uib(t'^tit fate tbe iking, ano beliocs bim , fome oi« ;^oo.b* ttane& 9^** Henry the eyght» ffaitcefroinljim fafct^c ©uapne, anobnscr tf?e Sfa&uci fate tlje^mbps, ana otber officers :fl)e cbicfc Scribe • toas SDoitoj Stephens, atto tf>s caller oftlje Court toas one Cooke m-Kchester. Kljcii befojc tt)t JJitttg atiD tbe 3|ubges toitljin tbcCourt fate tl)C arcbbtjliop of Canterbury'^2,X' ham,anoalltbeotbcrl3ifl^ops.2i:i)en ffojbe atbotbcnoee toitbtn , tbe Cotiitfellours Icarneo in the aptrifuall ilatoeSjastoclltbeiiingsas tIje£iaanes.2nt)e2Docto?s of JlaiD foj tbeiitng,Userc2Doctoj Simpfon,Do(to? Bcl],anD Diucrsotber, anoi^jocto?® on tbe famefibe tuere SDotfo? Peter,S>o£tojTrcgonell,luitt)otl)ers.£Dntbe otber noefo^ flje Siuecnc, toere SDoftoj Fi(liei-,SDo£toj Standhh, anb SDo# n pou after tbis fo.:te i 3 take Cfob fomp 3nbSo, 3 (jane bin to pou a true anb bumble tuifie, cuer confirmable to pour Inill anb pleafure, tbat nener contrarpeb o? gapnefapbe aiip tbing thereof, anb bceing alUiapes contenteo toitb all tbtngstubereinpoubabanpo beligbt. Henric the eyght]. tieltg^t, tittle o} mucf), bjit^ont gtnise oi bi^" pleafure: ^ lotteb fo; pour fahe all tl^eni lt!{)ome pou lo^ neD,io^et{)er toere m^frteitdeit o; entmteo. i baue bin pour toife tljefe ttocnfpe pcarcs anb moe, anbycu baucfjaDbprnebPuersCbilb^/ii, ifttjercbe anp iuC raufc tbatpon can alleogc agapnlte me , cptbtr of oiiboncilre, 0} matter iatofuU to put me from pou , 3| am contcnte tobcparte to mp Ibame anb rebuke, anb if tfjci e be none, tbcn3l p?ap pou to let me fjaue 3ufticc at poure banbe» SDlje liiing pour fatfjcr bias in bps tpme of ercellcnte toitte,anbtbc Sing of spaj»em^. jFatberFcrdmandotoas rcckneb one of tbe totfett f^^tncco tbat raigneb inspajt»e inanp peareo befojc: it is not to be boubteb, but tbat tbe? bab gatbereb ao tuife Counfellours bnto tbem ofeuer^ ]»lealme,as to tbeir tutfebomes tbep tbougbt m^tc, tube tbougbt tbe marriage betton:ne pou anb me geob anti lamfnti, fc. iobrrefoje , 3| buntblpe beHre pou to fpare me, bntill 3| map knolue lubat councell mp frienbeo iit spajnff topll abuertife me to take, anb if pou toill not, tben poure pleafure ba fulblleb : anb inptb tbat, (be a^ rofe bp , making a lotn cnrtefie to tbe Iking, anb bepar^ teb from tbence . :SDbs iking be^png nbuertifeb tbat (bo toaa reabp to goe out of tbo boure,commanbebtbe Cru er to call bit agapne , tobo calleb bit bp tbefe Inojbeo, Katherine €iu^ne of Engiande, come into tbe Courte, inptb tbat quotb ^^apttcr Grifath, ^abame , pou bee ralieb agapne, on on (qnotl; (be) it maketb no matter, 3( tupll not tarrie, goe on poure luapeo: anb tbus (be beparteb , tnptboute anpc further auntoere at tbat tpme, 0? ahpe otber, anb neuer bjonloe appeare after inanp Court. E^be iting percepuing^ (be tuas beparteb, £apbe tbefe inosbcs in effect t iPoj ao mucb (quotb be) ao tbe SJuanc is gone, 3 (niil in bit abfence beclare bnto pou all . ^be batbe bene to me as true, as obebiente, anb as confitmabie aliiife> • Henry the cyght» a ty{fc,a£5 3( tooplD tuiCb oj oeCrc, fijc ^atlj all f^jc ficrftious qnaltttcBt^afoufi{)ttobema toomanofMroignirie, o? in anp otf)cr of a bafcr eftaie, Ibe is aifo ftirelp a noble toonian bo;!ne,bir conoitions loill toeil Declare ttje fame: luitb fbat quotbtbeCarOtnall Wolfey.^ir,! nioa bumblp require pour f)t0l)neffe,to Declare before all tbts auDienrc, tobetljcr 3 fjauebtntbe cljicfe anD firtt moucr oftbis matter tmto pour ^©aieOiieo? no, fo? 31 am grcatlp fufpectcD b^retn.^p 3L0JD CarDinall (quotb tbc ming) 3 can tucU ercuft pou in fbts matter, marp (quotb bO I"® bau^ bin ratber againlt iiie,tn tbe tempting bdereof, tban a fetter fojtoaro o^ mouer of tbe fame:tbe fpeciall caufe tbat moueD me fanto tbis mat»> ter, tuas a certapne fcrupulofitie tbat pjicbeD nip cofcicnce, bponcertaine 1uo;ds fpobenatatimc tt)b^nitU}as,bptbe 315ilbopoffi4yoO map fenoe me moje iffue, in cafe thio inp copulafton teas not gtoD, Inithout anp carnall concaptfccncc, ano not foj a# np oifpleafurc oj miQiUtng oftlje slJuancs perfon anD age,, loitb b)home3|U)oulDbea0tDellcontenteo to continue, if our marriage map ttano tuitfj ffjc Jlatoes of ^oo, as Ujtfb anp tDoman aiiue, in tohich popnt confiSeth ati this Doubt that toe go about nolu to trie, bp thelearning, luifeDome, anD iuDgement ofpou our )p;e(ates anD paSoures of all this our i^ealme anD Dominion notu h^te alTembleD fo; that purpofe, to tuhofe confcience anD learning 3| haue com« mitteD the charge anD iuDgement, accojDing to the tohiehe> 31 mill (^oD milling) be right mell content to fubmit mp relfe,anD fo; mp part obep the fame, mherein, after that H percepueD mp confcience fo Doubtfull, 3| moueD it in confer Son to pou mp lLo;D ^XLtncoine then C»hofflp iT^ather, anD fyf as much OS then pou pour felfe mere in fome Doubt, pou moueD me to a&e the counfell of all pou mp Horns, mhece^ hpon,3I moueD pou mp Hojd oFCa^ur^ujyfirS to haue pour licence, in as much os pou mere ^etropolitane, to put this matter in queSion, anDfoBj DiDofall pou mp Homes, to mhich pou granteD hnDer pour^eales, h^re to bethemeD: that is truth quoth the 3rchbilhop of Canterbury. 0fter that, the iking rofe bp, anD the Court mas aDtourneD hntilla« nother Dap. Che nect Court Dap, the CarDinals fatea^' gaine,at mhich time, the Counfell on both ODes mere there reaDp to anCmere .* the ikings Counfell alleDgeD the ^atri^ monie not to be lamfull at the beginning, bpcaufe of the carnall copulation haD betm^ne ^;ince Archure anD the SiuKue.Chis matter being tjcrp behementlp foucheb on that Soe, anD to pmue it, thep alleDgeD manpreafons anD QmilituDes of truthjanD being antoereD negatiuelp againe on the other Goe, it fdemeD tljat all their former allegations mere Heniy the eyghc» tocre uoobtftiU to be tmo, anu tbat no man Itnelne fbc trutlj. 3nD tljus tbts Court paCTeD from S>ctrions; to g>eirt# cns,anD bay to Day,tbat at ccrtaync of tljcir feeffions tb« liinjj: fcnt tbe ttoo carDinalleo fo tbe iUuanc (tubo Uja« tbcn in Bridewell) fo perfxDaoe toitb bir by tb^ir totfcbomeo^ ano to abttife bir to furrenbcr tbe toljole matter into tbc Jitngsbanosby biro tone eonfcnttmD toill,tobicb tboulD bemucb better to birbonour, tban to Qano to tbe trtall of Jlato, ano thereby to be conoemneo, tobicb^ fljoulbe Caeme mucb to bir bilbonour. STbe Carfiinalleo baitig-tn tbe Quanes Chamber otpjcfcnee, tbe <0entlcmnn CllbcT aa^ nertifcD tbc Siuecne, tbattbe Caroinallestoere come to fpeaftc toitb bir t toitb tbat tbe rofe bp, ana toitb a S>bernc of tobite tb^eaa about bir necbe, came into bir Cbamber of p;erence, tobere tbe Caramalles toere attenaing, at tobofe commtng, quotb tbe, tobat ieyourpleafuretoitbrnettftt pleafeyotir c!5race (quotb Carainall Woircy)to gocinto your pjiutc Cbambrr,toetoilltbelu yon tbc caufe ofouee comming: my Lo;a(qnotb fte)if ya baac any fbt«g to fay, fpcabe it openly before all tbefe folkCjfojJfearetwfbing tbat yee can fay apinS me, hut tbat I tooula all tbe too;lae 0joulabearc anafae it, ana therefore fpealicyourminoe. STben began tbe Carainall to fpeahc to bir in iLatine,nay goD my iloja (quotb lite) fpeabeto me in Cnglitbtfojfoatb (qu0tbtbeCarainall) ga)D^aame^ tf it plcafc you, toe come botb to knotoe your mina boto you are aifpofea to ao in tbis matter bcttotone tbe iiing ana you, ana alfo to be? dare ferretly our opinions ana councell bnto you, tobicbe toe ao only fo? bcry ?enle ana obeaience toe bcnre bnfo your C»race. n)y ilo?a fqnotb tbe) 3 fbankeyou fo?yflnre goja toiiljbut to make you anfiofrc in your rcqnctt, 3? can not fo foacinly, fo? 3 tons fct among my g^syaes at too?ke, tbim king full tittle of any fucb matter, tobercin tbrre nabetb a longer acliberation,ano a better beaa tban mine fo make anltoere,fo?3|nfeoe ofcotmceil-in tbis cafe tobicb toncbctb inc fo nare:ana fo? my councel 0? frienatbip tbat 3 cnnfino in £n^/W,tbey are not fo? my p?ofite: tobat tbinke you my iio?bs. Henry the eyght* 9^5 c^nsltll^man councetl mc,o} be frtendt? fa me agamOt ttje littnga pleafure, t^at ia Us fubtea: f nap fo^ (ajtu f aa fo; mp Connfeil in tobome ^ totH pnf mp truff, tbep be not bere, tbep be in spajrne in mine otone Counfrep j anb mp Jlo^bea, 3 am a pa),2c tooimm larhmg foific fo an? fojerctoanp fucb noble perfona oftDircDonieaapoube,fii fo toaigbtiea matter, tberefojc 3 pjap pou be gcoD bn(o me pojjc luoman,tieaitnte of frtenba b»re in a fojiapne region j anb pour counfeil alfo 3 tuillbeglao tobeare : ano tbere* toitb tbe tobe tbe Carotnall bp tbe bano, ano leboe bim In^ tabir pjiuic Chamber toitb tbe otber Catoinall, toberc tbep farricD a feafon talbing toitb tbe SJuane, tobtcb com# mumcation enbeo, tbep oepartebto tbe Ming, mabingta bim relation of bir talbe. ICbua tbia cafe toent fojtoat o fro Court to Court, till it caine to ^uogemente, fo tbat enerp man erpecteo tbe iubgementtooulo be gtuen tbe nertbap^ at tobicb bap tbe Ming came tbitbcr, ano fetbimbotoncin a Cbaire toitbin a boje, in tbe eno of C»alerp (tobicb ope# neb tftrectlp againCt tbe iubgcmet feate) to beare tbe iubgc# mentgiuen,at tobicb time,all tbeir pjoc^binga toere open# Ip reb in iattin.Cbat bone, tbe Minga Counfellat § barre talleb fo} iubgcmetjtoitf) p (quotb Carbinall Campeius) ^ toil notgiue iubgemet till3 bouemabe relation to ope Qfallourp}oc^binga,toborecouncelf comanbemetin tbia cafe 3 toil obferue:tbe cafe ia bcrp boubffiiI, f alfo tbe partp bcfenbat toil make no auftocr b®re, but botb ratbcr apealc ^ fro b8,ruppoltng ^ toe be not iiibifftrent, toberefoje 3 toill abiourne tbia Court fo} tbia time, acco?oing fo tbe ojber of § Court of Rome, aub toitb ^ tbe Court toaa bilTolueb, i no mo?e bone.2rbiap?otractingoftbeconcluffon oftbemattcr,. M.Heniy fcske berp bifpleaf^tlp. CarbinallCampcius toke bia leatie of tbe M.anb j;5obilitie,« returncbtotoarba RalphRo/vletC>olDfmitb \nascl)0(cn^\)trif(etfLodo>tbp f commoua, but ^ Ming tojote fo} bim,f-be toaa fo? ^ pcarc bifcbargeb, f tben toaa cbofen Walter Champion 2D}aper» Michael Donnan:Walter Champion, the 18. ofScptem; Sherifes. ? Sir RaulphDodmere Mercer,the 28.oFO(Rober. 5 SCb? Cardinall dif- charged of the great SeaU. Henry the eyght» rbi^. nap of£)ttDbcr, tljc SDiiUes tXSnfei^ and of Norfolk{t^mttQt\)z CarDiiiall tl)cn being at to toljome tljep Dcclarcti tljat tljeiiings pleafurc tons tijvit l)ea)oulii furrenoer bp tlje great ^ealcinfotbeirbanOc«, anD to Oepart Cmplp bnto ^/Z'frjtobicbtoaB an fjoufc fcitu^ ate nigb bnto Hampton Co^rt,htlonsins totlje Btlbopjicbe GtpyincheFler. 2DI)C CarOtnall Deinanoeo of tftem tljeir com^ nuffion tbat gaue tbeni fuel) autljojitie, tDl)o antoere® a# gaine,t[)at tbep toercrufficienteoinmiirtonerB^anti ^aoan^* tl;o?itie to Doe nolelTe bptbet^ingo montl), nottoitbltan^ otngjl)^ tDoutoein no tuife agree in tljatbebalfe, toitljonte further knotDlcoge of tl)eirautl)o?itie,faping,tl)attl)e great ^eaie tnao oeliuereD hrni bp the l^inga perfon,toeniop theminittration thereof, h)itt) the rojnieof the Chaiircllo?, fo? the tearme of his life, thereof fo? hte fnretie, he IjaD the ^ings letters pattentsttohteh matter toas greatlp Debate® bettn^ne them, toith manp great luo^Des, in fo much, that the SDuhes mere fapne to Depart againe toithout their pur^ pofe, aiiD rooe to fvmdeforo to theii$ing,anD maDe repojt ac# cojDinglp, but the ncrt Dap thep returnee againe, bringing totth them the lyings letters.SDhen the CarDinai DeliucreD bnto them the great ^eale, anD tuas content to Departe Cmplp, taking toith htm nothing but onlp certapne pjouiS# on fo;) hts haufe: anD after long talke bettosne him anD the SDubes, thep DepartcD iuith the great g)eale of£»^W,anO b;ought the fame to the Iking. SEhen the CarDinai calleD al his Officers before htm, anD take accompt of themfo; all fuel) (futfe tuhereof thep haD charge,anD in hts Calrep luere fct Diuers STableSjtohercbpon lap a great number of gojDlp rich Qutfe, as Inhole p^ces of ^ilke of all coloures, tElel; nct,S>attin,S)amafke,2naffata,(0rograine,f other things, 3iro,there lap a thoufanD paces of finel^oUaD clothXhcre mas lapD oncucrp Stable ISaskes, repojtlng the contents of the fame, anD fo mas there Jnuentojies of all things in DjDeragainlithe Iktngs comming. l^e caufeD to be hangeD ihe malles of the C>allo?pon,the one QDe^ mith cloth of CfolDe, mA Henry the eyght» 9^-] (E>olD,clofl) of 2Ctircje,dotlj of gjilaor^anD rtcfj clofl^ of JBofi* ftenof Dtuors colours. ;2Dtt tl}eotl>crfi&eU)orcf)an!jei)lf)e rtc&eSfuttcofCoapesof i)tscrU)ne pjoutQon maoe fo; l^ps CoUcOges of Oxford auD ipfwfci>,t^at cuer U)as fane in Exg- /Md.Wi}ettl)aD^t ffcoo chambers aoiopningfofljeC^alei' vitft\)e one moQ commonip called tbe gilt Cbambcr^anD tfje otl)er tt)e Counfell Chamber, toherein toere fef bp ttoo bjoade and long i:)ables bpon freQles, luherebpon Iiths fef fuchea number ofplatc of all fojtes, astoas almoftincre# the gilt Chamber toere fttout bpon the Cable nothing but gilt plate, and bpon aCupbojd and in a toin^ doto toas fet no plate but Cold, berp rich:ana in the Ceum fell chamber toas all tohite and parcell gilt plate,and bnder the Cable in baihets toas all olde bjoHen S>iluer plate,and 313a)hes fet bp them, purporting eiierp kinde ofplate, and e^ uerp parcell, toith the contents of the ounces thereof.Chns toas all things prepared,giuing charge of all the faid ffuffe, toith all other remaining in euerp £Dffice,to be deliuered to the i^ing, to make antoere to thcircharge: for the order toas fuch, that euerp Cfficer toas charged toith^ receiptof the Ifuhfe belonging to htoCtfice bp indenture. Co ^ir William Gafcoinc being hisCreafurer, h^ gaue the charge of the deliuerie of the faid gaides,and theretoithal, toith his traine of (25entlemen and peomen,he tcoke Ijis ^arge at the priuie ffaires, and fo toente bp toater bnto toherc, tohenhe toas arriueo,he trokc his ^ople, and euerp man ffflkc their i^orffes,and rode (freight to ^^f?*ctober, g>ir Thomas Moore toas made Sir Tlt«mis Chanccllour of£«^/^«^. S«uour*; William Tindall,after he hab tranflated theneto Cetta# inent into Cnglilh, h^ wufed the fame to be printed bepond the^eas. Engluh. If 1 m ]3pp. m i iW \ S \b . H ly ' - fci' li: ji! m %■ n! 't: • 'Hij iJ! P 958 Henry the cyght* SI pcafc toaa agrao betUjanc tbe (Smperoar, anb f()C E»gU>7d,FnmceyBtheme,'&,'M Htti^garj. 3ntbemonctl)of£Dctober,t!)e i^tng came tob»5pia« ofBndfwcll, tobcre be anb bis ipoblrs put on tbeir ISobcs, Parifaiiew at HiiD loetU to tbo B/uck^ Frterj, anD bcgan tbcre a parltamct, the Biacfe fliers, ^ U)btcb,tbeCarOinaU toas conbcncb in tbo]^?emuntre. iiCbe epgbi of S>ccembcr, toas crcatcD Tnomas taif» count Rochford C^arlO of wdfntre: Robert tHifCOUnt FkZ Water CDarle of Sujfex; aub George ILojb HalhngS;<£arle of Huntington,oX Torke^^XOtt b^ fVeRmwsler. Ki)c tbirtantb of 31anuarp> a great fire toao in tbe tKiH# fvic at London. Carbtnall Wolfev after greatfutfe mabc to tbe iiJtng, toaSltCenceb to remoUC from AflierefO Richmond, place, be bab a little bcfoje repaireb toitb great coftcs, foj tbe liing bab inabe an crcljange tberoftoitb bim foj Hamf- ton Court. Cbe Carbinall bauing licence oftbeiatngtore# paire to Rtchmond,o\oiit bad tbitber,anb lobgcb tbere in tbe ILobge of tbe great |Sarhc, tobicbtoafijrberppjctie botife, tbere be lapbntill tbe beginning of ^ent, tben berctnoueb into tbe Cbarterboufe of Richmond, toberebeiapinalob# ging tobicb SDortoj Collet mabe fo: bimfelfe, bntill be re# moueb ji^ojtbtoarb, tobicb toao in tbe^dalfion tosbeafter, anb euerp oap be refojteb fo tbe Cbarterboufe tbere, ann tooulb fitte toitb one oftbe tno(tauntientfbtbere,toboper# fmabebbinito bcfpife tbebapne gto?ie of tbe toojlD.iCben pjepareb tbe (Tarbinall fo? bio ionrncp into tbe i^o?tb,anb rente to London fo? iiucrie ciotbee fo?bis reruants,anb fo robe from Richmond to Hend^,fxom tbenco, to a place calleb tbe ^fjtbe nert bap to Rnjjiont tobere be lobgcb in tbe |a?io^ rie,fbe ncrt bap to anb tbere lobgcb in tbe bep, tbe ncrt bap to Feterhororp, anb tbere lobgeb in tbe 3b# bcp, tobcrc be abobe all tfje ncrt toaUc, tobere be feept bp0 © after,bis trainc toas in mmiber 15c.perfons:bpon i^au# bie SCburfcbap be mabe bio ^aunbp,tbere bauing 59.po?r nie,tobofefate be toalbeb^i gaue euerp one rb.^J'in moneps itt. Henry the cyght. itj.tlles ofsmn Cflnna0,a patre of {bots,a cadfofrcDDe '^taf ringsf,ajiO tgf.bDfjtfe (jearinga, ano one of f{)cm fjao ^,s. £>a SC(jurfcDap ncrt after ©affcr, rcmoneo to ^aitterFitz W illiams/ouietirnc a i^ercljant ^Taplo} of London, ano tljen of t^e Itingo Counrelt: t^e ticjrf ioerke (}e remotuo to Stam- ford,tl)e ncrt Dap to Grantham, tl)£ tlCfte DaP tO Netrarl-,e,Qnll loogeD tn t^e CaQell t^at mgt)t,anD t^e nert Dap airotfroni t^ence,^c roDc to Southrreii,\x)\)ett Ije conttnueD mott part of all ttiat ^omtner, ijnttU tl)e latter enD ofgratTe time, ano tijen ^eroDeto 5rr<7^7,U)l)erel^e rontinaeDfmttu4)ut)ae|/ maCDe,anD tben toc^wffl^CaffeU, toitfi'n feauen miles of 3"<"-'i?,fcDl}ereof tue toill fpeahe moje ^eerearter. S^^crDj.of ^ap,a raalDas IjangeD incljainestn Ttnjhurit SelOffa^martl^ering 2>ottoj Miles, JDljc P^9 i^?o W6. of flpaPjU. Henry coninianDcD tlje loiHiops to call in ^„„gy Tmdalshanflatio office nEU>Ceffament,anD to ftr another frulp tranflafeD to befet fo;tb. Henrv bpon ocraQon of smte to fhe Delap maDc bp tt)c J^opein Ijio controuerCe of Diuojccmcnt, anD tbJoogb oifplcafure of fucfj repojts as be bearD baD bin niaDe of btm to | Court of R t>n7e,tbirDlp,p?icheD foiilDarD bp fome connfellcrs to folloto p erample of ^ Cermanes, raufcD pmclamatio to be niaDe tbe rtp.ofg>eptember,fo?biDDing at bis fubie^s to piircbafe anp mancr oftbing from tljc Court of Rome. peare , Ralph Rowlet Uias agatne cbofen ^benffefo3tcomons,anDbetooulDnottaheitbpcnbim, ' but loent to Sa/»t Albons:X\)ta. on ^i^icbaclmalTc eucn, tuas cbofen Robert Amadas (SolDrmitb, anD tbefeing tojotefoj bim, fo fbat be teas cFcufcD,£>n tbe mojroto, mbicb bias ^icbaelmaffcDapjtoascbofcn Richard Choppm JCallom siunffe ehftea CbanDlcr, lobo tnas fojtbtoitb fxDojnein tbe 0uilD ball, aiiD cbaogeD into a C^otone anD Cleake of Scarlet, toptl; a cbcine of(25olD about bis neckc,anD a l^ojfe being pjeparcD f03 bitn reaDp at'^ GHt!dHall<5aXt,f)t xaXiZto tf^tsimmBer. William Dauntley:RichardChoppin,the zS.ofSepteinb. Shrrifes.} Thomas Pergeter Saltcr,thc 28 of Oflober. Maw. $ iib* ano of ij^oncmber, tuas a great foino ^ bieio japp.b* DoUmc r; i ■■i f ..-j ■ Henry the eyght* notDiie manp {lonfeg and txk^y after t^e iotnde follow toeDfofjtgl) a tide, fl^at it djetonedtlje marfl&es onEfex fide and/Ctf«/,tDttd flje 3ileof7l'>Jwf,andott)er placed, de^ Ifroying mucf) Cattell. Cardinall Wolfcy Iping at Caweod, ijelde tljere an lionon^ rnble and plentifuH boufefo^all commerf, and alfo built and repaired ttje Caftell, tobicb load greatlp in decan, fja» uing artificerd and labourerd aboue 7,00. perfond daplp in inagedtand at lengtfj bcingtberednto pertoaded bp § ^Of cto?d of i^xDfjurcb of Torkt, be determined to be ffaulcd tbere at nrkf2^tntter,t'^e nert ^l^ondap after aiballotoen dap,a# gatnll tobicb time due pjeparation toad made fo? tbe fame, butnotinfucb fumptuoud toife, ad bto p;tedece(fo;dbefo$e btm bad bfed. dap being once bnotonebnto tbe too;^ fljipfuU (5cntleme oftbe Conntrep,and otber,ad 0bbotd,f ]^?to;d, bauing notice of bid Qaulatto,tbcp fent in fucb pto' uiftonof btttuall, tbat it idatmod incredible, alltobicbe toad bnbnotone to tbe Cardinall, fo; ad mncb ad be toa^s p;cuented and difappopnted of bid purpofe,bptbereafon tbat be toad arretted of bigb 2rreafon,ad pa Iball bareafter bcare, fo tbat mott parte of tbid fo;mer pjouitton tbat 3 fpake of, toad fcntbnto Tork^ tbe fame dap of bid arrett,and tbe nert dap follotoing: fo; bid arrett toa$.beptad clofe ad could be,tbe o;der of bid arrett toad tbud.^t toad appopnted bp tbe liing and Counfell,tbat §>ir Walter Walili fcittgbf, one oftbe i^ingd p;iuic Chamber, tboulde be fentcdotone toitbaCommifrionintotbei^o;tb bnto tbe Carle ofWi;r- thumheriand (tobo toad fomettme b;oHgbt bp in boufe toit^ tbe Cardinall) and tbep ttoainc being iopntip in commiffio to arrett tbe Cardinall of bigb SDteafon, i^aptterWaWi toohebid ?0o;tre at tbe Court gate, about ntDne,bpon 31# ballotoen dap,totoarde tbe Carle of Northnmberimd, 0nd note baue 3 occafion to declare tobat happened afaoutc the fame time,tobicb peraduenture ttgnified tbe troubled folloi» toingtotbe Cardinall. Cardinall fitting at Dinner bpen 3lballotoen dap, bauing at bid ba);ded ende dpucrd Cbapf Henry the eyght* f-ji Cbn{)Iapnei5(!fttn0 at Dinner, v^ll^aU tnDerQanD t^at tfie CarDinalles great rrotTe tloDe in a corner at tables cno, Icmmsasmnft tije fjaiigin0,anD ivl^en tije bo^oesenD tvas taken bp, anD a conuenicnt timcfo; tbe Cbapiaines to a* rife, one 2)orfoj Auguihuca ano IBbiii^^tion to tlje CarDinall, rifing from fbc table luitb t^c otber, bailing bp^ pon bird a great gotone of bopScous tHeluet, ouertb^eto tbe (TroiTe, Inbirb^ trapling ooUine along tl)e tappet, toitb tljc pointofoneoftbeCroflTes, b;ake2Doito?Bonars beao, tfiat Do bo ccmmSoco a-rcfted. pcjtcrattbe^ategfotieliucrbini^ feepeotbcrofjUibo tooulo in no toife obep bio c5manljenicnt,altbougb b® tocre rougblp tbJeatneOjf ttreigbtip comnnoeb in 13^ingB name to make Deliuerp of tbe to oneoftbccI^arlcBfcroantfi :§>ir ((juotb be)fatng tbat pc bo but inteno to fet one of pour fer* uanfs in mp place frfkacpe tbe ©ateOjBl knotne no fcrnant tbat pe baue, but 3 am as able ao be to bo it, anb kape tbe Crates to potir purpore(tDbatfocaer it be)anb alfo tbe bepeo toerc beliucrebinebpinpiLojbanb^aplfer, tuberefoje^ pjappou to parbcn me, fojlDbatfoeuerpcfball commaunS me to bo in tbe miniltrattd of mine otfice,3 iball bo it foitb gcob mili X mttb tbat (quotb tbe dearie) beib bitnaBcDke, f comaunbeb bim to lap bio banb tberon.'tbon Ibalt toeare fquotb be) tbat tbou fijalt toell anb trolp bape tbe (Elates to tbciaingsbre,anb to boe all fucb things as toe (ball com^ maiinb,anb tbat pe tbal let palTc neither in no? oat at tbefe €fates, but fucb as pe be commaunbeb bp bB,anb toitb tbio otb be recciacb tbe kepcB attbec£arlC3banbs.£?falltbefe Doings knetoe tlje Carbinall notbing, fo? tbepffoppeb tbe tfcire,ro tbat none tocnt bp to tbe Carbinals Cbamber,ant> tbep tbat came botonc, coulb no mo?c go bp againc: at tbe Ia(f,onccrcapco,iijbo fljcbjco tbe Carbinall tbat tbe Carle ions in tbe^^all,UJberat tbe Carbinall maruelleb,? looulb not belauc bim,but comaunbeb a Centlcman to b?ing bim tbctrufb,lobo going boionetbeffaires, fato tbe Carle of Northumberland^ rcturncb,anb faib it toas berp Ijeitben (quotb tbe Carbinall) 3 am ro?p tbat loc baue bineb, fc? 3 fearecur £DmccrB be not p?ouibcb of anp ito?c ofgcbfilbc to make bim fome bonourablc cb^rc, lef tlje STablc ttanbe (quotb be) toitb tbat be rofc bp,anb going bctone p if aires, be cncountrcD tbe Carle coming bp toitb all bio fai'f c, ana as fane as tl)c Carbinal cfpicb ^ Carlc,bc put ofvbio Cap,- f rai0,mp ilo?b, pe be inoft bartilp toclcomc, f fo cmb?aceii Ktb Otbec J tben tbe Cwbin^l tcke tbe Catle bp tbe banb, ' ane Henry tJie cyghu 973. ant>^ati btm t)p mto tl)t chamber, tDbomsfolIotoeD all number of fb^ (Snrles fcruantg.i^rom tbcnre,l)f to bii! bet}cbatnbcr,anO tbrp being t'gere ai alonCj t{;e (lEnrie t^io bnto tljc Carbinall ioitba foft boice, ladingbi^t banbe bpd bi£!arnte,mp 31 arrcttpou ofbigb CrearoiKiratb UibicbiDOJbo'e Cardinal being maruellouflpaflonieD, Dd^ ding botb Qil a gsoo fpaee, at tbe luff (quotb tlje Cardinall) lobat autbo;itp baue pou to arred metfo^raitb nip (quotb i Carle)3i baueacomitfio fo to t)o:tobKre is pour cotniinon (qnotb b^) tbat ^ map fee it, nap 0r tbat pou map not fap&e tbd Carle:loeU tben (quotb tbe Cardinall) 31 inill not obcp pour reU.lSut as tbep toere Debating tbis matter betmecnc tbemin tijc Chamber, fo bulie Uias in arreaing ^oao} Au^uftinc at tbedo^e in pallacc, faping bnto bim, go in IHrapto; o; ^ Ibal mabetb(e.:St tbe Iaft,^.Walili bc^ tng entreD tbe Cardinals Cbamber,began to plucbe off ijis b(Dde,aud after bntielcd dolun to tbe Cardinall,bnto tubem tbe Cardinal raid,come bitbcrgcntleinaand let me rpeabe toitb pflu,S>ir, bare mpJlojd ofAV/^«wW.;Wbatbarre<' lied me,but bp tobdie aut(}o;itie l)c (IteUirtb not,ifpe be iop^ ned toitb bidi,3i pwppoulbetume ^ndade mp ILojd (quotb WaliL) be Ibetoetb pou tbe trutb: bucll tben (quotb tlje Cardinall)i p?ap pou let me foe it.^ir,3 befacb pou(quotb WaijL} bdld bs cvcufedUbere is annered to cur comi^lo eertaineiutlructions, tobicb pou map not feetlDell (quotb p Cardinall) 31 trolu peare one of tbe flings p?iuie Cbam« ber, pour name is Walil^,3i am content to p^ld to pou, but not to mp flojd of NonhumberUnd luitbOUt 31 f® bt® fOm* miffionrtbe «x!0?ll in tbe ttings pjinie Chamber is fufficict to arrctt tbe grcatett pare of tbe Uealme bp tlje itings conif inandement, luitboutanpcommitTion, therefore put pour (ommifTion and autbontie in epecution , fpare not, 3f tuill obep tbe lyings luill. 3| tabe od to 3udge, 3| \\z* uer oSbnded tbe l^png in inojde no; dade » :snbeit tbe Carle called into tbe Cbnmber diners Centle^ men of bid oinne ferqauntes, and after tbep bad tahen tbe CftcdinaUed^ped^em btin? tbep put bim intuaodie ^ i^PP.tttr. of Henry the eyght* of tlje cSarleo <^eiitl0m2n,f ffjeit toenf about ffje booft to fct all tljingo in an ojoerttftf fent tbej? SDoctoj Augudinc atuap to London toftf) as mucb fpaoe as ^tv coalo,tD!)o tnas bouno Unto tJjc t^o?irelifeca2nrapfo?,bnt it teas ^unDa? totoaronifibt ere tbeCarotnaltoasconuapo from Cawod,f loDgco tbat ntgljf in tl)e3bbcp ofPomfiet. Kt}t nejrf ban b® remoueO fotoaroe ano toastbere tobgeoaffb® blacbe iFrtcrs. Kf)t nerte ban \)zb)08rtmonttitoShefi/da Parkoy toberc tbc Carle of shravjbttrie toifb b'o ilabp, anb a traine of Centleme ano Centletnomen recepueb bim toitl^ inufb bono:,tbcn beparteo all tbegreat number of C*entle^ mentbatronburteobtm tbetbertanb tljeCarbinall being tbus toitb ^ (Baileofshrervfi»rie,totinvitti tbercrbtb.banes after,bpo tobome, tbe Carle appointeb biucrs Centlcinett to attenb cbttiuiaHp,to tbatbefbonlb lacbe notbing,b^j> ing ferueb in bio oione Chamber, as bonourabln as be bao inbisolmi boufi?? anb once euerp bap tbc Carle teoulbref paire bnfo bim, i commune toitb bim. 0ffer tbe Carbinall bab tbus remaineb toitb tbe Carle of shrevfiarieobontea fojtnigbtjitcame to patTe at a certaine time as be fate at bis binnerinb!soU)ncbaber,bauingatbis b®?bs enbameflPe ofCentlemenanbCbaplainesto bapebim companp, to* U)arb§ enb of bis binner, toben be teas come to eating bps fruites,bis colour toas percepueb often to change, toberebp betoasiubgebnotto being£DObcaltb,U)beret>pon, one of bis diJcntlemen faib, ^ir>me fames pon arenotlDeilaf eafe, to tobome be anftoercb toitb a loube boice, fo^fcotb no mote 3 am, fo? 3I am(quotb be) tahen fobeinlp toitb a tbing about mp ffomache,tbat fpetb tbcre alon0,''ascoibeas a tobetffone,tDbirb is no mojc but tmnb,3f pjan noti go to tbc t3oticarie,anbenqinreofbim irbebatie anp'tbingtbat toil bjeabetDinCcfjptoaroXbcn bent be to tbc Carle,anb tbe* toeb bim Inbat ettatc tbe Carbinall teas cn,anb tobat be bf? lrreD:U)itb tbat, tbc Carle caufeb tbc|5o(lcarie to be callcb befo?c bim, anb bemanbeb of fjim if be bab aiip tbing tbaf tooulb bjeabe totnb tptoarb in a mans bobp,f be anftoerea be bab fucb geare,SCben quotb tbe Carle fetcb me fome, tbe tit Hcnric the eyght* f ^pottcflrpfefc^eDafuIittecofi^ttid inafafr paper, it fo t rrle, tul}o cSmanoeo one to gtae ■§ aoap tl^erof bero;e btitijf tben V fame to be brought to tbeCarbtnall, tobo re« cetucD it bp al at once into bia moutbtbutimmebiatip after furelp,b5 anoiDci) mucb tpinb bptDaro:lo(quotb br) p"e map tbat it tons but loinb,! noloe 31 am loell eare9,3 tbanbe (009,f fo rofe fro tljc 2nablc,f toent to bra pjapers: | tbat Done,fbere(ameonbintrucbeal0reneO'e,tbat itcaufebbini to go fo bis ffojlc:# not long after erle of came into <0aUerp to bim,tuitb tobom p Carbinall met:f tben fitting Dolon bpon a bcncb,t trie aftcb bitn boto be bio,f be mofi lainetablp nnfroereo biin>^ tbanlteD bim fo? bis gentle cnterfainmcntt^ir (quotb tbe erle)if ye remember,ye bane often toifiieD fo come befoje tbe hing,to make pour anltoer, f 3! baue mjitte to ^ iking in ^ faebalf,maktng bim pjiuie of pour lamentation tbat pc tnluarDlp bane receiuco fo? bps bifpleafnre,tobo acccptctb alpourboinge tberm,as frienbft be accufioin'b to bo in fucb cafes,tDberfo?e | fnolb abuife pott to plucke bp pour barf, anb be not agatt of pour enimicSjJ boubt not but tbis pour io?nep to bis bigbnefie (bal be mucb to pour abuancement.Cbe king batlj fent fo? pou tbat too?^ tbipful knigbt ^aifier Kingtlon,f toitb bi«t 24,ofpour olb feruats,notu of (0uaro,to tbe intet pe map fafelp come to bis ^aiettic: fir (quctb tbe Catbinat)31 troU) gaffer King- lion is Cofiable of tbe Tia^f^peajVobat of tbat quotb t crie, 3 allure poabe is electeo bp {' king fo? one of pour frienbs; ^el quotb tbe Carbinal,as (0ob U)iI,ro be it,3| am fubiect to fo?tune,being a true man,reaiip to accept fucb cbances as tbal foIoU), f tberc an enb.j p?ap pou tobere is fatter King fton, quotb tbe earic 31 toil feno fo? bpm33 p?ap pou fo bo, quotb tbe Car&inal,atU)bo(e mefiage became,! as rone as tbe Cai Dinal efppeo bim,be mabc bafi fo encounter bim, f at bis coming beknaleato bim,f faluteo bim in tbe kings bebalf,ujbo j Carbinal barebabeb ofFereb to take t)p,f faior 3lp;appauttanbebp, kn^le not to me, 33 ambutatu?etcb repleat iuitb mtferie, not efiecming mp felfe but as a bile abiecte, btterlp calf aioap toitbout befert as (0ob knoioetb. japp.b, Cbeti 91^ jHenricthccyght* Snjben fai6 Kin® fton toitij f)umfale rcuercnce, &ir,^ laing ^att) Jlitm commenDco bnto poutBi t^anhe !)t£ t^0t)ne0 quotb t\}Z (larDuialljg tr«ft tje be in tjcalt&,pca quotlj 0er Kmgdon, f coitimanbeb me to Tape to poujt^at ^ou Ibouloe aiTure ^onr felfe tt)at I>e bearctf/ ^ou as muc^e ga>o ioilaoeacrljebto, f U)tIleti)poutobeofg(DO ctj^re* ^nti loijere repo;t fjatl^ bin inaoe, ^ pe tboiHb coniit againil |>pm certain tjeinoue rrimro, t)e ti^inhetij to be bntrue,pet be can Doe no ietle tljan to Tcnoe fa; pou to pour triall, f to taUepour io?nep to btm atpour olone ))leafure,cbmani>ing me to be^ttenbant bpon pou.Cberfeje Or ^ p;rap pott tubcn it (ball be pour oion pleafure to take pour io;nrp, 3i Hiall be reabptogiucatteoace.'^ailfcrKingftonquotbbf^ 3 tbakc pou ro;t pour netoeo,f Or,if 3| loere as luOte as 3i bane bcictt but of late,3i looulb rioe tuitb pou in poO,but g ambifeareO luitb a dire t^a t mabetb me berp b)eal{e,but g (bal tuptb al fpkoe make me reabpto rpbe toitb pou to nio;rolo. Siiillbett nigbt camCjllK CaroinaU luajreb berp Ccke Icitb tbc laike, tbe lubpebc eatifeb bint continuallp to go to tbe Ocolealtbal nigbt^ infomucb,tbat be bab tbat ntgbt 3 o.Ocles:tb€rcfo;e in conOberation ofbie inOrniitte^bt^P cauleb bint to tarrp al tbat bap: anb tbc ncrt bap be tcUc bis io;nrp tuitb j^aitter ICiugrton anb tbem of tbe (I?uarb,til became to an boufeof tbc (taxlC of ShrerfJb/triejcallcH Hardvuti^h^U,. iobcrcbe lOg al ntgbt berp enill at eafc.STbc ncrte bap be robeto NouKg^- hamy anb tbcrc lobgcb tbat nigbt niojc (jcke : anb tbe ncxte bape be rooc to LdceFier ilbbcp, anb fcp tbe iuapc toapeb fo Ccke, tbat be toas almoOefallen from bis ^ulc, fo tbat it Uias nigbt before be came to tbc i!bbcp of reat bis commtng in at tbc dlJates, tbc abbot Uiitb al bis ccuent met bini (oitb biucrs jeCojcbcs ligbt, tubcnie tbep bonouta# blpc rcccpueb anb U)elcommeb; SCo tubome tbe Carbinall fapbe: i^atbcr 3bbot, g am come bptbcr to lape nip bones among pon.n'bingro fiillbntil be came to tbc Oap?cs of tbc (Eljambcr, tobcrc be aligbteo from bps ^ule, anb i^ai*. IferKingftonlcbbtmbppetbeOapjcs , anbasfojnc as be ill bti» CbAinbcr be.luentto bcbbe t boas on tbe ^atferba^ / Heniy the cyght# ^affertia?atntgMe,ani)tl[)en£iTCFeareD0c{ter ant> (tc&er^ bntti ^onoap, t^at all men tljon^l^t looulDe fjaue o^D: ^0 on Cuiroap Saint Andrewes euen, i^aiffer Kingilon came to l>i?in anu baac fjtm jjfflOJmojrotue.foj ittoas about 0pe oftl)C clocfte, ano affecb bim botoe b^ atbbe ♦* §)fr, quotb be, 31 tarrpbuttbepleafureof <0^ob, to rcnoer ^ppe mv pa)?c foulc into bis banoes: not fo fir, qnofb l^aiScr King- ilone, toptb tbe 0race of (000, pa fljall Hue ano Doe berpe toell, if pa mill be of g®5 cb«rc: nap in goD fiutb ^ailfer Kingttone, mp Difeafe to fu^c, tbat 3 can not Hue; fo?3 bauebaDDefomeerpenencc in |0bil»cbs , ICbus it is, 3 baueaflupetDitbacontinualliFencr, tbc nature tobercof is, tbat if fberc be no alteration of fbe fame toptbin epgbts bapes, either mnfic enfue ercojrition of tbe enfrailes, oj franfie,oj elfc piefent oeatlj, ano tfie bctte of tbem is Deatb, anbasjfappofetbpsistbe epgbte Dapc, ano if pa fa no alteration in me, tberc is no remebp, faue, tbougb 3 map line a Dapeojttoainc after, but Deatb mulle enfue: &p?, quofbfitter Kingftone, pou bain fucbe penfiueneflle, Doubting tbat fbing, tbat in gob faitb pc naDe not. SSrcH, toeljipaitfer KingiVone quotb tbe CarDinall,3 fa tbe mat^ terboUieitisframeD : butif^baObe ferucD <5od as Dili? gentlp as 3 baue bone tbe Jiing, be tooulDe not banc gpuen meouerin mpgrepbaires : buttbisistbe iutte retoarDs tbat 3 mulic receiuc fo? tbe Diligent paines aiiD tfuDp tbat 3 ba«? babbs fo Doc bim fcrnice, not regarDing mp feruice fo (5oO,bnt onclpe to fatiffic bis plcafure: 3 p?ap pou baue memoffebumblpcommenDcDbntobis Idopall ^aielfpe, anDbefacbebiminmpfacbalfctocall to bps J3?incelpere# mcmb?aance, all matters p?ocaDing bcttoane bpm anb me from tlje beginning of tbc Ujo?lDe,anD fbe p?ogrefre of tbe fame,«c, ^aittcr Kmgftone ftirctoell, 3 can no mo?e fapc, but 3 tniibe all things to baue gcoD fuccetfe, mp fpmc D?am5{b on fatt, anDcuenmitbtbaf be beganne to D?atnc bis fpcncb at length , ano bis tongue to fatle, bis cpes b^ng fettc , tobofe fights faplcD bpm , then DpDDc tbep putte bpni in rememb?aunce of CbJpSs bps paf*. 91^ • Henrie the eyght» 0on,f caufeD t^e ^eomett of 0uaro to 0an5 bp to fa bitn Ope, ano to U)ttiie0e of bte loojos ntbie Departure: ano tn# J , ano tben be gaue bp tbe Departco tbw p?erentlife,lubpcb caufeo fome to call to remembrance botoe be faioe tbe oape before, tbat at cpsbt of tbe cloche tbep Ibouloe lofe tbeir i^aincr. F-xjmpie of l^ere is tbe enbe ano fall of prioc f arrogancie of men ptiJe and cpaltcD bp fortune to oignitieo: for in bps tpme be toao tbe baugbtieft man in all bPS procabingoalpue, bauing more refpecte to tbe bonor of bis perfon, tban be bab to bis fpiri^ tuall profc0ion, toberein Iboulo be (beioeo all tineheneffe, bumilittc,ant)cbaritie. Thecieargie SCbe(Elcargic slEngUnde, facpng iuOgco bp tbe feings the"p«maiure. leamcoCouncel to be in tbe premunire.for maintaining t potoer llegantine of tbe Caroinall, toere calico bp proceflPe into tbeSingo Bt>7ch to aunftoeare, tobereforc in tbeir con# uocation tbcp concluoeo a fubmtffton, toberein tbepcalleo tbe i^ing Supreme bcao of tbeCburcb of £«^/W,anD toere King Henrie fu. contciitco to giue tbe l^ing looooo. pounoeo, to paroon prtanrehef'd. ^ pjemuuire, bp arte of^ariiamit, J snbefiftof^prilloncRicharclllorcaCfflhe toaobopleo A Cooke boy. t" Smithfietde, for popfonirtg of oiuero perfotto at tbe 25i£bop led. of Rochtslers place. iling Hemic purcbafeO tbe l^ofpitall stSAim ^TkivC' cfxirii7g Crojfejann al tbe mcooios to tbe fame aoiopning, iioufe at Saint gpaingtbefiifcrsoftbeboufcpencions During tbeir lines, lamei, gj^jj {> fbercofa gmOlp ipanfion, loitb a J^arhe, lobicbe be caufco to be toallco about toitb 215riche. T.Byincybur- SDb^uinetautbofHugu{|,ThomasBilncy, aBacbeler nej. of jLain toas burneo at Normch. Sherifes 7 RicHard Grcrham:Ecl A ard Altham,thc2^^.ofSeptember. Kj^awr^ Sir Nicholas Lambard Gnter, the 2S, ofOJlobcr. Rice GrifFyn Sbbe fourtlj of£^ecrniber, Cr Rice Gryftvn toas bebca' executed. ogo yf t^S Torrn hdl, HilD buri'CD at tbc Or,p'dFriers, f lolui Hewes bps man oraton to 7)W«fbangeD anD quartcreb, 2Db® 17' of^^ap DccealfcD Roheit Thome IBacbcler and .^ercbant S^aplour of Londoff, febo gaue bp l;ts SLeSamcnt, (ijift Hcnrie the cyght* 979 (fjis fiebftf firffe being paiDc) is fo be oeffrtfaufeb in fbe cttie Robert Thow at London joo.f.topoje boulbolDew; tnff)e)crt»|parDefi, ^ zoXuieuerglnaroe: 2Co relaue pjifonera in tie Conn^ LondoJ. tera^oX Copo2e^atbe0mariagea5o.f» %a tbefoure pjifona about LondaH,Newgate,LudgattyKingsltenehJiinrP)4l-' Jea,iooX* SCa ^dermarteLondon, loX, Summe, 710, fomdes. 3n tbe Cttie of BriBorv, to tbe mahing bppe cf tbe fcb®le of Saint Bactholomew 500,5. to be OioiOeii tn tbepa« hischarttie in rifbeo amongtbepffljebou^oioers ;oo,E. to tbereocmpti^ onoftbefrafarme of p?tfage tbere 200.5. to tbc 3lmes baufes tbere 100.5. to Thomas MofFit ^attter of tbc trammer ^cbfflle 25.5, ano to Robert bis fcnne 10.5. to tbc p£D?e pjifoners in Briilowe .,-0.5, to pcoje maioes ages tbere 50.5. totoaroe matting ofa plarefo? spercbants fo? tbe ffrate in Brtslew 100.5. to tbe rcpap?ing of bpgbc toapesfromc^wifr at tbe oifcretion of bis etecutojs as naoe requp?eD,anD to tbcotbcr bigb iuaps about5r//?i7j»'ioo.5. fo SaintNicholasCburcbeinRr//?w# 20.5. to tbe fourojoersofiFriers tbere, euerpeD?oer2o.5. mo?e to tbe pjifoners otBrisiowe 100.5. to tbe Chamber of Brifiow 500.5. fo?tbep?ouiConofcojncand UjoO : mojeto tbe Chamber 500.5, to tbe rel&fe of pong men tbat pjaaifc Ctotbing: to tbepo?e people of 500.5. Snoeuer and beSdes all tbis, to be diQributed in d^des ofCbaritie> at tbe difcretion of bis erecuto?s 1000.5. Summe. 573 ^.poundes. Ilegactcs to bis fitters cbild;en i otberitind?ed amount ted to 514^ .5,<^.s.s.ii.t^is debts fojgiue ioer 8 3, o.if.. Cberefidueof bpsgojds be gaue to bis bjotbcr Nicholas Thome. S^be 28. of^apiFrperForrefttoasptttinpjifon fojcon# Frier jorrea trarping tbe |a?eacber befo?e tbe J&ing. SCbe Otbe lubicb tbe Clergie bad fifed to mabe to tbe i!5i# S thi ifiop of Rome toas made fiopdefapftatate,f anefi? otbe con# firm ed,toberein tbepcofetfed tbe bing to be^upjeme bead. SCfic s>8o Hcnric the cyghc* Sit Thomas 2Cf)C fftt&iitl) of^^np Cf Thoitias Moorc affcr gWflf ftife mootc. »in6eb||ym,Ujasi)tfc^argc5 DfffjeCljaiicelojJ^tp, Lordeflodrey SCtj^uttfj of 3nn0 i»Mig Hobbet) Thomas Audc. madeLorde Icv Sti^gbh itiafic Ijim Uapcr of tb^ gwate^cale, anbnot c«u„co«,. cijnnttlcj. -Coyncri and SCtjc fiftantb of 3|unc, fiue men toere bangeD anb quar? oyppetj execti (rcD flt Tinrfr hill, foj copntng anDcippptng. Clniftej Church 3|ntbe^onetf)of3[ti(v, tbe!&ingrapp;eirebtbeptto?ie fuppteiled. jjf ChriUchurch tn London, ()0 ftUt 1^5 CbanonS Of tbat bCUfe to otber ^;to;t0s>anD gaue tbotrCbnreb^ptate^anti lanb0> to fir Thomas Audley. STbCtbiaanOtlnentttbofaagnffe , William Warham 3rcbebptboppc of Camerburte b ccealTeD. fting rcpapjeb tlje Tower of London. MarchioneiTe SCbefirtto of^epteuibcTtfio ilabp Anne Boileine tras ofPcnbtooke. XttfLteSi^MZ\^ioX\ZtitQfPembrBokeQXfyi»dfore, ailbtbenlOaS gpucn i)tr bp t^e Hitttg, one tboufanbe ponnbe bp peare. SCbe eleoentb of;®ctobab0 of Mvrjfolke JLOJD SCreafUtCr Of England,{\:^Z SDufiC afStrffolke, tlje ^arqUCfleof£arfif/?fr,tbeealc, tuas maDe llojD C^auncdo? xsHEngUnd, ano tfien begannea parliament, in tlje tobtcbe it toas enaacD, tbatnoperfon ifioulDe appeale fa? anpccauTeoute of tfips Kcalme, totbeCourtof-Sowf.- anbalfo, tbatSiuane Ka- thcrinetboulDefromtbencefojtl) be no mo?e calico flliuane, but p?inccirc 2Doboager ofp?ince Arthur. T , STbe ttoclftb of ^p?ill being C-allcr eucn, tbe ilaope — AnneBolleine, iDbofiaooebanepjiutlpmarrpeo toJUpng Htnr\e,ii3tnte to fiir Clofct openlp as €^uane, ano ioas pjoclaj^meo S^ueene of SngUndt. SHbe fiee ano tinentitlj of0p?ill , Arthure Plantagenct fonncillegitimeofl^pngEdwardctbefourtl), ioascreateo Vifcount Lille at Bridervell. SDbcttoelftbof^apPauicr, totoncClearbe of LoKdort, bung bimfelfe. SCfie JSings bigbneCfe a00?eire0 bis letters to tbe ^aio? anoCommunalticofLcWw, Cgnifping bnto tbem, tbaf bis pleafure inas to folempn^e tbe Co;onation of bis nioS Oeare ano toclbcloueo toife ©uanc Anne at M'e^lmin^^er on ^bitfononp nert enfuing, toilling tbem to make p?epara« tionastaell to fctcbebir^race from Creenewtche to tbe Tiwfr bp Inatcr, as to fee tbe Citie garnitbeO toptb page* ants in places accuffomeo,fo? tbe bono? of bit (I!?race,tDbeii Iba IbOUlOe be COnuepeO from tbe Tmver to WeUminner. Mberebppon a common Counfelliuas calleo, ano com* inaunoemcnt gpuen to tbe ^aberoalbers, oftobicbe Craft tbe ^aio? teas, tbattbeplbouloe prepare a )15arge fo? tbe ISacbelers, toptb a Matter, ano a i^oplfe, garnilbeO toptb llSanners, Ipkeastbepbrctuben tbei^aio? ispjefenteoat WesiminUer tbC mojrotue after tbe feaff of Saint Simon f lude. aifo all otbcr Craftes tuerecommaunoeo to prepare JBargcs, ano togarni(l)etbem,notonclp toitb tbeir 315an* ners accnaomco , but nlfo to oecfee tbem tnifb 2Dar# gets bp tbe fioes of tljc ISargcs, ano to fette bppe all fucbe famelp llSanners ano 2!i3a5tncrets, as tbep b^boe in tbeir italics. Henric the cyght» feallc«,ojcouloegcttoftirmftctl>cpjfa{)DeBarff« , an6 euerp liDarge to ^aue ^tnQrels, occoj&tng to com« niaunoement greate preparation inas maDc fo; all t^pngs necelTarp for ructje a noble trtumpb* SDbe nine ano ttoentitb Dape of ^ap batng Cburfcoap, tbe £paior ano bis brethren all in S>carlet,ano fucb ao toere J^nigbteob^bbe collars of di^lTea, ano tbe rcfionebanpng greatc Cbaines, ano tbe Counfell oftbeditie affcmfalco toitb fbem at Sam Marie hill. 0nD at one of tbe cloche oef« ccnoco to tbe netoe (fcire to tbeir Barge,tob^cbe U)as gar;" nilbeo toitb manpe gcoolp banners ano ftreamers nno ricb^ Ip conereo, in iobicbe Barge toas ^balnies,^b(tgebu{be0, anoopuersotberBlnSramentsofi^uGche, tubicbe plapeo (ontinuallp. after tbat tbe ^aioj ano bps brethren biere in tbeir barge, feeing, tbat tbe companies to tbe number of ftftie barges toere reaope to toaite bppon tbcm, tbep gaue com;' tnaunoement to tbe companies, tbat no barge ^oulo rouie nearer to another, than ttotcc the length of the barge, ano to fa the orocr feepte, there mere three GJabitries prepareo, nnp in euerpc one of them tlno officers to call on them to heepe tbeir oroer. 0f(er vobpcbecommannoement gtuen, tbep fet forth in Droer,as hereafter is oefcribco. i^irffe, before tbeaaaiors Barge toas a iPoilfe, for a toafter full of £Droinauncc, in tobpcbe i^oplfe toasagreate reooe SDragon continuallpc niotting ano catfingmiloe fire, ano rounoeaboute the fapoe iFflitte ttooc terrible monttrous ano toiio men cafting fire, and making btoeons noife: nerte after the foiSe a gcoo oi« ftaunce came the £^aiors Barge t ontDbofe rigbtebanoe toas the Bachelors Barge, in the tobpcbe toere 2Crum# pettes, ano opners other meloOious BJnfirumentes ; the oechs of the fapoe Barge ano failc paroes ano the toppe Calielles toere bangeo toptb rpebe cloth of C>oloe ano t at the i^o;e-lhippc ano the Sterne toere ttoo greate 9^3 Henry the cyght* grcafc banners rpcbe beaten amies of fbe !itn0 anotbeSiuanetauoontbs toppecaScll alfotoas a long Itrcainernetolpbeatentoitb tbefaioearmcs : tfjefioes of tbe JlBargc toas fette full of i^^Iaggcs anD)i5anners of tlje Oeutces of tlje companies of l^aberoaHiers ana ipercbaunt nouentarcrs, ano tbe laffcfers oi cojoes tocre Ijangea loptl) innumerable ^Senfellcs , bauing Ipttlc IBcUes at tbe enoes , "isoe a goolpc ncpfe, ano uias a gcoOlpe figbtc, toauering iuifb tlje Uiinoe: on tbe out fi'Oe of tbe barge toere tbJee bojen ^cutcbcons in inettall, of tlje 0rme3 oftbci^pngano Siueene tobtcbb tuere beaten bppon fqnare 513ucheram oeuioeo, fo tbat tbe rigbtf fibb l;aODe tbc iringscolours, anbtbelefte fioe tlje SHuanes , M)vcl)9 ^cutcfjeons toere faSeneb on tlje clotbes of (0oloc ano fib uer, bringing on tbe becbcs t on tbe lefte bano of tbe iipaioj toasanotberiPopffe, in tbe tobpcb^ toasa mounte, ano on tbe mounte ttcooe a tobite iFaulcon crotoneO bppon a roteof (I5oloc, enuironeo toptb tobite Kofes ano reooe, tobpcbe toas tbe^iudenes oeuice: aboute tobpebe mounte fate tmirgins finging ano plaping melooiouQpei^ert after tljeS^apo.:follotoeo bp® i^elotolbtppe tl)e #afaeroatbcrs; nertc after tbem tbe Mercers: tben tbe (I^roccrs, ano fo e^ ucrpecompanpinbpso?Der,anolaftc of nil tbe ^aiojs f §)berilfes officers, eucrp companp bailing mcloOie in tbeie 315arge bp tbem felues, ano gmolp garnitoco toptb 2Sam ners,ano fomecouercbtoptb &>plUc, anofomctoptb 0r» ras oj fucbe liUc, tobicb toas a giaolp figfjt to beljolbe: ano intbpsDjoer tbep rotoeo bp Grecnewiche fo tbepointc faesi )^miitGree>2ewiche, aoo tbcrc tbep tumeo bacbtoaro ill an etberojoer, tbat is to todete, tbe ^aiojs ano &berifsof^ ficersfirlfe, ano tbe meaneaccaftenerte, ano foafccn# eenopng fo tbe bppermofic Crafte in ojocr, ano tbe ^paio? laffe, as tbp goe to PW?/ at tifygrccife mclobtc 4 0t ffjaa of t\)o rloclsc, tlje Qti^ne appareilto in rtcijecloii; of0oiOc, cntrct)intol)ir215arge, accompanptD topttj Dpucrs ilaoyeo ano 0cntleujomcn, an& incontinent t^c Citijcno fet foj? toaro in tt)ciro?ocr, tljcpj^pinarelocontinuailpplaptng: anD? Bacl)elers barge going on tbc Siueencs rigbt IjanD, h)l)pcbe lb® tobc greate pleafure to beljoloe. Hboutc fljc ©uanes barge inere manpe noble menne, as tt)e 2)uke of Direct, t()CCl;arleof Wthfhire bir faf tljer, tljO (!l;arle6 of ^rH-rjdale,DArbj, Rutlar.d^WorceHer,Hh;i- u»gton,Sujfex, OAr/^lr^s^<•,anD maiipJSplbops anD i|5obiemen, euerpe one in bps Barge, tobpcbc iuas a gcoDIp Ggbt to hz* bolDe: tbatbus being accompanpeD rolneo toUjaroeo tbe Towr. anDintbemcanetoapetbc^bippss lubpcbo inere commanoco to Ipe on tbe iboare foj letting of tbe Barges, Kjotte Dpuers peales of (ilJnnnes, ano ere Oje lanbeo, tfjere leas a maruellous fljotte out of tbe Torver, % neucr bcaroc tbe like: ano at btr lanoing, tberc mctte toptb bit lbs itojb Cbamberlaine toitb tbs officers of 0rmcs, anO bjougbt bir fo tbe iiing, tobpcb rcccpueo bir toitb louing countenance at tbe pottcrne bp tbe luater Ooe, ano hiffeo bir, ano tben ll/ce turnco backe agapne, ano tbankeo tbe ^apo? ano tljs Citijcnsiuptb uianpegojolp too joes , ano fo entreo into tbe Tower. ^affertobpcbe enfrpe tbe Cituens alltbis tobile bone^ reo bcfojc tbe 7owr,mahpng greate melooie, f tocnt not a* laiioe, fo? none toere affigneo to lanoe but tbe ^ato?, tbe Kcco?Eier,anO tfeio aioermen: but to fpeahf of tbe people tbatffcooeon eucrpctboaretobeboloc tbiofiXbte, b® tbat faloe itnottoill notbelaue it. fDn iPrtoap at oinner ferueo tbe Bing all fiicbf as toere appcpnteo bp bps ^^tgbeneffe fo beiknigbfs of Bathe, lobif be after oinner toere b?ougbf to tbeir Chambers,, ano tbat nigbfe toere batbeo,ano IbJinen acco?otng to tbe doe bfage y Henrie the eyght,. fefage of EngUnie, atlO tl^e Mjcte oape tit mo?ntn0 tlie fctng Oubbeo tbciii accojotng to tljo ceromonteo tboroto bo* ionsmgjtobofe names b we after enfue ninetane in num^ bcr. Kl)c ^^arques Dorcct. STbe Carle of Darby, 2Cbe JtojD Clifford^fonne ano tjcire to tbe Carle of Cow- berland. CfjeHlojoFitz Walter fonne ana bwwto t^e Carle of Jlmtington. SCtje 3lOja Mountague. S^b^itOjOC Vaux. S»ir Henrie Parker fonne ano to t^e ILojao Merle. §>tr William winfore fonne and to tbe 3iojac Winfore. & ir lohn Mordant fonneano b^pje to tbc 3Lo?ae Mor- danc. ^ir Frauncis Wcilon. ^ir Thomas Arondalc, ^tr lohn Hudleftone. ^ir Thomas Poynings. ^ir Henry Saucll. &ir George Fitz William of Uncolnfhire. ^ir lohn Tindale, ^irTomas lerney. The contityiflg flDn^ateroaptbeoneandtbirtitbof ^ap, tbeSiu^e connepeo tbjougb tn ojoer as hillotoetb. 4uK> yveftm. 2Cotl)eintente,that tbebojfesl^onlbe not fltoe on tfje pauement, no? tbattbe people flboulbc be burte bp bo^feoj anotbebigb^Urates, tobwe-tb3ougb«ibc ^ueeneiboulo paoe, toere all graueleo from tbe Tcmertmto Tempk barre, anorapledonecbenoe, ioptbmTobicbo raile ffcoDe tbe Craftesalongmtbeir ojoerfrom Cr^oo Cbutcbr, lobere tbe ^pe?cbauntes of tbe SuUarde ifojoe bntill tbe Ipttle Cono Henrie the eyght» pi i Contiuifc in c^eapf,toberc t^e 0lDermeti flEmtie, aiiD on fijt Dti)et fioe of tf>c ftroetc IffflDO t\)t Concffables of tbe dtic,ap» parelloD in acluet ano §>ilbc toptf) grcate flaueo in tbcir tianoes, to caufe people to gtue rouine, ano kixpe gcoO ojoer: ano toljen tljc ttrateo toerc fomeluljat ojDereo, tlje ^apoi inagoUjneofCnmoCnfaeluct, ano a rtcl;e collar ofCCTeOjUittl) tino fostemen clotl[)eo intubtteanDreDOa' tnaQje, roOe to t^e Te^ver, to gtue fjys attenoaunce on tljc £i2ua?ne, on toboine tf)e g>l)^rifeo ioitb ttjeir ofptcero oto a« toaite till tljep came to tf)t Tower htll, tobere tljcp talitng tijeir ieaue rooe Dolone tije 0r&te0,couimaunDtng tlje Coneltableo to tie ronme ano gob o;oer hept, ano To toente ano fffflOe bp tlje aioermen in c/oeape, ano before ttje SJuern ioitfj btr traine Dboulc tomZfGrace-^reete ano Cor^ehilDyjzvc bangeo tottlj fine §)carlet, CrimoCn, ano otber grapnco clotbeo , ano in fome placeo toitb ricbe|0rra8, anbtfie mofie part of cheape teas tjangeoujitlj clotb oficiftbeto. pnrfieo toitb ^iniuer, Itbe S>octo;e: after tbcm Abbots: tben Barons: after tbem Bifboppes: tbcdSarlesanotbe^arqueUCs : tbentbe ilojoe dbancc# loure ofE^gitnde: after bp«n^ tbe ^rcbebplboppc of Toriie^ ano.tbe C&mball^ooure of F^nice x after tbem tbe ^rcbe# \ypfi]0^^e of CaHnterl>Hrte, anOtljC (^nibalTaOoar OfFr-^awr.- after rooetUnoil^rqnpers of bono? toptb robes of efiate Gjff ^,ii, rolleo 5>iz Henrie the eyght#. rolleo anD feojtte X5aulD?ike-toife aboufe tbeir ncckes, toptbCappcs ofeffate , rcpicfenting t\)t Wulies of Nor- rnandiemo Af^itame: after ttjmi ro6e ff)e f^apo? don tDptbbPs^ace, anD Garter in bps Coate of 0rnics, iDbprliisbarealfo tjps^ncsof ivefimwsler hall; after tfjcm roDe tlje Jlojoe Wyllyam Howarde fepti) tbe^arfijatls roD DeputptobpsbJotfjertbeSDuUe of Norfolk , i^arftjali of Engiandt, lobpcbs Uias ^inbalTaDotjre tljen tn Framce, anD on bps rt'sbfebaiiDeroDe Charles iDitbe of Snfoikjo; tbat oovz f^iQ\}zergeauntsanD£Dfficers at Hrmes roDe on botb tbs fiDcs of tbe 3lo?Ds: tben came tbe SJuane in a tubifs fitter of tobii^ clotb of (S^olDC:, not couereD no? faailicD, tebpebeloas IcDOe bp ttumjaalfrcpsclaDtntobif^ SDainaflicDoluncto tbcgtounDc,beaDeanD all, leDDe bp- bir fffitemen : lb® baDDe on a tSertle of tobite clotb of snitTuejanoa^antleoftberamefnrreD toptb Crmrit, bir baire bangpng Dotone: but on bit IjcaDe, tba baDDe a topfo tnptb a Circlet aboute it full of rpcbe ttones : oner bir luas bo;nc a^Canapie of Clotb of (HJolDe toptb fourc guplte llaues , anD foure filuer IBelles : fo> bearpnig of tbe tDbpcbr Canapic, loere appopnteD firctanc Snt^ gbtes, foure to beare it one fpacc on fote, anD foure art otber fpace , accojDing to tbcir otone appopnfment: nepte after tbe Siuornc roDe tbe 3l02De Browghe bir Cbamberlapne : nerte after bim Wyllyam Coffim,ma* tier of bir bojfes, leaoing a fpare bejfe toptlj a fpDe ^ao^ Dell, trappsD DoUme feptb clotb of SCiffetue : after bpm rooe feauen ilaDies in Crimofin tiaeluet, furncD bppe iuptb Clotb of <^olDe anD of sniuetoe, and tbepj boj* fes; Henrie the cyght* 9' ^ fcs frappcD topt!) (!?olDc i after ffjem fU)© Cl^ariofs fo< ucrco iDPttj rctJDcclot^ of (0oJdc, wtfje firffe Cfjartofc toerc fto© ila&teo, U)!;i'c{jc iocre t()c olDc SDuffijclTc of Norffoi'ke , atlD ti^S olD0 ^arcOtOncITe of Derm .• in t^c feconoe Cljartof loere foure JlaDpes alt w Crtniofm taeluet: after ttjcm roDc fcaucn^laopesmt&efamefufe, tijctrfiojrestrappeDanDall t after ttjem came tlje ttjp^oc Ctjarpot all in tubite, tDPfl^ fpre llaDpcs in drimolin Melaet: nerfe to tljcm came tlje foiirtlj Cijartot all rco iuit^ ep0l)te JLaDpeoaIfo in Crimofin: after loljomcfoli lotoeo t^irtie0entlctDomenalIin5IleIuetanD§>plhe, in tl^e Jlpucrieof ttjeir JlaDpes, ontoljome tljep gauc ffjepj attcnoaunce: after tijem follotDeo tlje (CJuariie in coatea; ofd^olOefmpt^sUjoJlic, in toljpctje ojDer tl)epro&efo;tl;c tpli tfjep came to Faiuchmcht, Inhere inasmaDe a l^ago aunt,alIofcl)iIi)jen apparclIeD lihe ^ercljanfe0, iL't)prt3C inetcomcD t)ir to tt)e Citic, topttj tto© pjoper pjopofiti* ons bot^e in Frenche anD in SugHJhe: anb from tbcncc iberobebnto GraceiZl)iirc^e comer, lubcre loas a col!* Ipe ano maruellous cunning |dageaunt mabe bp tfjo Sti/iarde, therein toas the mounte P^r- ftafwthe founfaineof/D/'«'», tobpcbetDas oflnbtte garble, anb foure ffreamcotoptboutepppebpbbe rpfe an (£11 bpgbeanbmettetogptber in a little cuppe aboue the fountaine,tubpcb fountaine ranne abunbantlp tnitb rachte Kepnilbe SQIinc till night, on the moontaine fate Apol- lo, anb at hps fate fate Caliopc: ano on euerp Cbe of the ^ountapnc fate foure ^ufes plaping on feuerall ftoate BSnflrumentes, anb at thep? fate (£pigrammes anb poeSes mere lujitten in golben iletters , in the tohpehe euerpe ^pufeaccojbingtohirpjopertie p?aifcbthe aiuane. • ^ i^rom thence the S5udnic tupth hir frainc palTeo to Leaden ball, tohcte tuas a gcblp pageauntc loith «i tipe ana Henrie tfie cygfiti^ aitD fjeaacnl}) Kofe, ann tJHUertljctippetMasa goafilprfflfe ofdl^olDe, feffcon a Uttle mountaine enutroncD topflj reo Hofc£! anD tofjtte, outc oftlje tpppe came Ootone a iFaulco« all tu^pfe, anD fctte tjppon tlje role, anD inconttnenf came DoUmean^ngel toptljgreatc meloDie, ano fette a clofc Crotone of (0olD on tf)e i^'aulcons ^cao: anD tn tlje fame pageant fate Saint Anne toptl) all IjirtCTue beneat^ bitJ ' anb bnoer Mary Cieophe fate btr fourc cbtlbjen, oftlje lubitljc cbplb?en,one mabe a gojblpe £Djation to rbc £5ua« oftbe friutcfuliicffe of Saint Anne, anb of bir generation, truffing, tbat Iphe fruite fljoulbe come of bir. SDben tb» palTeb to tbeConbuite in Cor«fW/, lobere tocre tb^ tb?® (Hjcaceefettcina SEbJone, afoje lobonis toas tbefpjing flfCD^race, continuallprunningtoine :afo?etbe fountaine fnteapo0t,bcclaringtbep?opcrtieofeuern tanbaroe, tobpcbc iuas ricbelp painteb luitb 3!magee ofiiings anb ©uanee, anb bangeb tnitb bannere of ^rmee, anb in tbe toppe teas maruelloue tXD^te barmonp botbe of ^ongs anb 3;n(lru«> mento. SCben (be toente fojtoarbe bp tbe CrolTe, tubpcbe tnas netnlpguilte, till n)ecame luberc tbe ^Ibermen Ifmbe, anb tben S^aiffer Baker tbe iSecojber, came to bir toptb lotoereucrence,mahingapjoper anb b;iefe pjopoOtion, anb gaue to bir, tn tbe name of tbe Citie,a tboufanb ^arlt inC-olbe ina^rtirfeofCl^olbe, UJbpcbc tba tbanfecfullpc accepteb toptb manpe gcob tuo?bes, anb fo robe to tbe little Conbuite, inbcreloae a ricljc pagcauntfull of mclobp anb ^ongs , in Uibpcbc pageaunte tuere Pallas, luno, anb X Henry the cyght* 915 anu Venus, and afoje tfjem ffaDc Mercuric, h)U^^ in tl)e name of tfje CD>oDde(rc£!,0aue to litr a )i5all of ^olD de^ nided tn tl)?a, lignifpmg f^jee giftes tuljicfj tfjefe t^?a C5>od« dciTeo flane to Ijtr^tijat is to rap,2i8a:iredom, JS«^e0,and Itcitie. ns fl&eenfred into JDaloIcs 0ate, tl^crc tDaoapjetfic |3ageant, in tofjicl) fate tfjjdeiladues rtcljlu clotfjcd, and in ' a circle on tljeir fjead toao tojitten ^«»4,p,2orper,p?o? cfxoe, and raigne. SC^e Hadp in tl)t midtt t)ad a HUablet, in tlje tDl)icfj toas tojitten P^e»i timica^coronaberu, and Pnder tljc Cable fate an HngcUtoitl) aclofe Crotone. Hnd tbeJLadp (itting on tbe rigbt band bad a Cablet of ^iluer, in lobicbe toas tdjitten Dommedtrtgegrejfm meos. HnO tbe tbicd iadp bad a Cablet of d^old, toitb letters of 5l?ure to?ittcn Confide /«<^^OTwo,andbnder tbeirfcetetoas tu?itten Regina Amafaris regis de fianguiae natantj Et pariespopu/ks aurea facia tuts, iSIno tbefeiladpes caff ootone Mafers, on tbe tobtcbe tbe fapd ttoo taerfes toere tojitten. i^rom tbence, tb^ paffeo to tbe Q^aff ende of patoles Cburcb againff tbc^cbcDle^lob^reffcodea^caffolde, and CbildJ^n toell apparelled, tobicb fapde to bir diners gcodlp tKerfes of i^oets tranflated into (Snglilb, to tbe bono? of tbe fting and bir, tobicb tbe btgbto commended. 0nd tben (be came to ^udgate, tobicbe toas neto garnifbed toitb ©old andlBife, and on tbe Heades of Saint Martins Cbnrcb ff code a gcodlp ©u^re of ffnging men and cbild;en,. tobicb fang neto Ballets made in pjapfe of bir grace. 0fter tbat Ibe toas paff ttudgate, tbe pjocaded totoardc iPlafeffrate,tobere tbe Conduite toas netolp papntcd, and" all tbe armcs and angles refrelbed, and tbe ^balmes me^ lodiouOp founding. t!3pon tbe ConduitetoasmadeaCo^ toer toitb foure turrets, and ineueru turret ffcode one of tbe cardtnall dertues toitb tbeir tokens and properties, tobicb bad feueral fpeacbes, pjomiltng tbe ©uane neuer to leaue bir,but to be apdtng and comforting bir: and in tbe midff of m,t), tbe Henrie the eyght* HjpIEcitcrr (lofcit? toao fucl^i fcutrall folcmne inCrunifttf#, t^at It femco to be n tjeaucnlp not>fe, anb tons mucf) rcgar^ Oeo atiD p?apfeo,anD befibcs ttjia, tb? f//'j/Zjanblo to bir Cbattibcr, anb tbere tliifteb bit 3 anb after incnte in bir iSarge fecretclp to tbe iSing to bis ^anour Qtvveslmi»V:er^ l^jberc ibe rel!cb tbat nigbt. £Dn Mbitfonbap, tbe firlf of 3func, tbe ^pato? clabbe in £o«»ation of crimfoii CJcluet', toitb bts roller, anb all tbe 01berme« ano^beriffes ing>Har!ct, anb tbe iSrounfcll of tbe Citie, foKe tbeir ioargc at tbe Crane bp feauen of tbe clocbe, anb came to wefmi^fier , lubere tbep loere toelcomcb , anb bjougbtintotbe l^all bp ^apCer SCreaforer, anb otber of tbe icings boufe, anb fo gaue t^ir attenbancc, till tbe tianc fboulbe come fcDjtb: betUiane epgbt anb nine of tbe ClccUe(became into tbel^all, anb ftcobcbnber tbe clotb ofeffatc, anb tbm came in tbe iitngs Cb^ppell, anb tbe ^pontics of weFtmimhr, all III rtcbc Coapes, anbmanpe ^i(bops anb Abbots in Coapes anb liters, tobicb to^nt into Quttne Anne. Henry the eyght» 9 ^ 7 tnfo tl^e mto(! of tfje anotlf)erellmt)oartaroiT,f^tii loao a ra? cloatf) rp;eao fromt^e ^ud^neo (fan&in^ tntljel^all, tl);ougl) t\)t Wallace atio 3>anituarte, to{)tc^e toao raplco on botl^ fioeo, to tlje bigb 3Uare otPVeHmmiier^ after tbat tbe rap clotb tuao caS, tbe £DflPtcero ofHrmeo ap^ popnfeD tbe ojoer acniaomeo.i^irtt tuent €^cntlcinei!,tben Ccfqutres, tbcn ftnigbteo, tfjen Htoermen of LoKdon ui tl)etr CloaUes of Scarlet, cat! oucr tpetr (Z^oioncs of S»car# let.^after tljem, ttje JuDgeo intfjeir panties of§>carIef, ano Copfeo: ttjen follotoeo tl)t lantgbteo oftbe ]i5atb, hee^ ing no ilojoeo, euerp man bluing a lace on bto left fi^nettbenfollolneo Barono and tUtcounteo tn tbetr^af liament Uoabcs of &carlet:after tbem, came (Varies,^ar# qiielies,anD 2)uhestntbeirlftoabesof(li;ttate, ofCrtmfon taieluet, furrcD tottf) c^rmtn, poubereo accojbtng to tljcpj Oegrd^o.i^fter tljem, came tlje llo?0 Cbanceiio; tn a Koabe of Scarlet, open befo?e, bojbereOtottbJletttce. after bpm, cametbelttngoCb^PpelUanD tbe^onbeo foiemnelpItn^ gtng, tottb p;oceirton. came 0bboto ano Bllbopo mitereb, tben gjergeanto anb £?fiftccrsi of ^rmeo, tben tbc ^atoj of LtJ»da» inttb bts ll^ace, anb Garter in bis Coate ofSlrmes, tben tfje i^arqucCe in bpsMoabeof(S# Gate, tobteb bare tbe Scepter of (0olb,anb tbe CSarle of rWe//,tDbicb bare tbe robbeof3iuo?ieVDitbtbrSDouebot!> togitber, tben alone tbe (l!:nrle of Oxford, ^igf) Cbamber? Iapneef£»^W, inbicb bare tbe Crotnne. 0fter bim, tbc SDube ofin bis HoabeofC^ttate, fo? tbaf bapbcing btgb S>teiDarb of England, bauittg a long tobite robbe in bps. banoe, anb tbe iLojbc WillmmHawardtoitb tbe robbe of tbegparfi)3lIbtp,ano euerpl^nigbf of tbe Charter babon biscoller of tbe ojoer. pjocabeb fiojtb tbe €iudcne in a (Circote anb Uoabe ofparpletiaclaet,furreb bjitf; mine in bir beare, copfe, anb circlet, as Ibe babtbc ^ater^ bap, ano caer bir teas bojne tbeCanapie, bpfourcof tbc Cinque i^ej^es,all in CbJitirbn,Ujitb points ofbleto (? rea banging. Hcriry the eyght» Ijangms on tl^cfr flaueo, ano i5i(l&op3 of Z-Wwano wincheHer\it\xt\i^t}^z lappes oftb^^oanES tobE, anDf)tr trapne tobicb toao berp longjUjaa bojne bp tbo olb SDuc^iEfl ofA^or/o^.^fter ^ir,folIoiDeD ilaopea bEing ilojbs totuea, tobtc!) ^ao ctrcotES of^carlEt,toitb narroto OauES, tbe bjEff all iLEticEjtDitb barrES of potDbErs accojDing to tbctr oe* 0ras,ani)oucrtbat, tbEp l)abniantElsofS>carlEtfarrEO, anb EUEtp mantEl fjab JLEtice about t|)E hecHe ItkE a hecker# cbefe, ItkEtoife poubErebjfo tbatbptbe poubErings, t^ep^ begras mtgbt be knotunE. SCf)tn follotoEb JLaopeo baing tenlgbtes toiuES, in gotonES of g>carlEt, toit^ narrotoc flauES toitbout trapiiES,onip EbgEb toitlj JlEtttcE, UkEtoife bab all tt)E ^Itf^iiEO dl^EntletoomEn. MbEn Ibe toas tbuo bjougbt to tbe bigb place mabc in tljE mibtt of tljE Cburcb bEttoane tlje iJuare anbtbEljigb ^ItarEjOjEboasfEtin a ricb CbairE,anbaftErtbattbet)ao rettED a tobtle, Ike OEfcenbEb botone to tlje bigb ^Itare, anb tljCie pjottratEb tjirfElfe, tubile, tbe Bilbop of Canterbury fapb ccrfapne CollEcts oiiEr bir. S^ben Ibe rofE, anb tbE S5t# (bopannopntEb bit on tbe beabanb on tbe b.2E(I,anbtbEn Ike tuas lEb bp agapne to bit Cbairc, tobetE after biuero o# rifons fapb,tbe ^rcbbilkop fet tbe Crotone of Saint Edward on bit beab, anb tben OEltuerEbbirtbE Sicepler of golbe in bir rigbt banb, anb tbe robbe of i^uojp toitb tbe E^oue in § left banb, anb tben all tbe SJuEcre fong Te Deum crc tobicb bone, tbe iBilkop ttoke otf tbe Crotune of Saint Edward be^ ing beanie, anb fet on bit beab tbe drolnne mabEfo?bir, anb fo toent to matTe, anb boben tbe offering tnasbEgonne, Ike befcenbEb botone anb offercb being crotMncb, anb fo af# cenbEb bp agapne anb fate in bit Cbatve till Agntu, anb tben Ike bjente botone, anb knaleb faefojEtbE bigbHlter, tobere tkc recepuEb of tbe ^JrcbbiUjop tbe bolp Sacrament, anb tben toent bp to tbe place agapne.^ftcr tbat ^affe toacf bone, Ike toent to Saint Edwards ^b?i"e, anb tbere offereb. ^ftertobicbe offering bone, (ketoitbbjctuE bit into a little placemabefo? tbat purpofe on tbe one kbe of tbe iHlu^te: nolo Henry tfie eyghc* notu tntlje mesne feafon euerpSDucfjelTepnf on^trBone( nco;oneUof(0olo Vomers, ano euerp^arx ' ctjionelTe put on a oemp cojonell of (ID^elD, ano euerp Coun# telle a plapne circle of(II5oIo UjitljoutflaiBcrs , ano cttcrn feingatarmes put on aCrotuneofCopperauD giltjafl U)!)icl) tocre Uiome till nigijt. tMtjen tljc ^IJuane UaD a little rcpofeo f)ir, tfje comjisnp retiirneo in tlje fame o?ticr tljatttjep retfojtf),anD ]^©aane Uienf Crotoneo, ano fo oio tfie Jlaopes afojefapo: Ijir rigf){ !>ano teas fullepneO bp tlje dearie tiimlflitre fjir father, ano feirleftbano bp tljellojo Talbot,SDeputic foj tljc Carle of shrewfjHrie, ano iU)?o Furaiuall ijis i^atljer»ano ti)ben l^e toao out of tljc §>anctuarie tuitljin tljc Wallace, tfje Kvumt pctoplapoe marucllous frelljlp, ano fofljc toasbjougljtfff pveHminsier Hall, aiiD fo to tjic toitljDjatDing cijambcr, Ott» ring toljiclj time,tbe !lo?Ds,3juOgco,£^aio? ano;3loermcn, put off tljcir robeo, mantles, and cloltcs, and tcoke tljepj^ tofjodes from ttjeir necUes,and call tljem about tbeir l^ouU 6ers,andtf)e Jlojdes rateonelpint^eirCircDtes,andtljcr Judges and :3ldermen in tljcir Cotones,ano all tlje Jlojds tljat ferued t^at dap, ferued in tljeir circotes , and ttjeir toijodes about t^eirlfjoulders.^Ifo,diners officers oftlje lyings tjoufe being no iLojdes, bad Circotes and tnljodeft of&carlet,edged toitb fpiniiier, as HCreafurer, Comptrol# Ier,and ^^aptter of tbe Jetoell bonf^rbut tljeir Circotes toere not gilt, essbils tbs Sliuanc teas in bir Chamber, enerp ilojde Thefe«fng^r andotbertbat ougbt todo feruice at tbe Cojonation, did pjepare tbem according to tbeir dutie, as tbe SDufee of Suf- /f%,bisb Sjtetoard of£«j^/W,tobicb inas ricblpapparelo led, bis SDoblet and jacKct fet toitb ojicnt pearle, bps Cotnne CbJimfon (Eelucf embjotbcred, bis Courfcr trap? ped toitb a clofetrapper, b^ad and all to tbe ground of CbJimfon tHeluet,fet full of letters of Cold of Coldfmitbs toojltc, bauing a long tobit® in bis band. iDn bis left band rode tbe Hojd William, SDepntie foj bis b?otber, as Carle: Henry the eyglit* (£arlc i^arlTiall toitlj tlje £0arC^als ro6tie,U){j0rc(I?oiiJiTe tDa0 C^Jtmfon t:icluct,anD bps trapper purple net, cut on totiite ^attin, emb?otl)creQ tuitl) tofjitc iLtons, TLl)t (tavlt of Oxford toaB btgl) CEbafnbcrlapne, t^e Carle ofEjfex earner, tbe Carle of Sujfex ^ctocr, tlje Ckic of AruMt\)izfti5\xf\tK, otitDl)ome,ttDelueCittjens of Lo»~ doff'oio giuc tljep? attenoance at tfjc CupbojD: tlje Carle of Dari>j Cupbearer, tbe C3tcoant Lillc Ranter, tfjelLojoc Burgeyny cbiEfc Jlarocr, tbellojDc Brayaimonerfoj^im ano copartners, anb tbe ^patoj of Oxfordehc^tBtJjc ISuttrcu barre, anb Tliomas Wyat ioas cbofen Ctoerer foj ^ir Henry Wyai bus i^atbcr, Mbcn all tbpngs toas rea< bpeanb o?bercb,tbe©uanebnber bit Canapuecamctn# to tbe l^alt ano loalbeb , anb fate botune in tbe mibbeff of tbe Cable bnber bir cloatb of Cttafe. ^n tbe rigbt tube of bp? CbtipJ^j tt®be tbe Coiinteffe of OxfordeWiU botoc , anb on bP? lefte banbc ftobe tbe Counteffe of fvorcefter all tbe bpniicr feafon , tubpcbe bpucrs tpmcs in tbe bpnner tpme bpb bolbe a fpne cicatb befoje tbe Cluanesface loben (be lift to fpitte, o? bo otbertoife af birpleafurc:anbat tbe Cables cnbe fate tbe Hrcbbtlbop of Canterbury on tbc rtgbt banbe of tbe Oueene, anb in tbe mibbell, bettorcne tbc ^rcbbilbop anb tbc Conn# teffe of Oxforde, ftcDbc tbc Carlc of Oxforde, U)itb a tobite Ifaffb all bpnner tpme, ano at tbe 0tuincs facte bnbcc tljC Cable fate tlno ©entletoomcn all Dinner tpmc» tSlbcn all tbefc tbpngs tocrc tbus ozbcreo , came in tbe Duhe of Suffolke, anb tbe i-0?bC William Howarde on l^ojffebatbe, anb tbe ^cricants of 3rmes faefo?c tbcm, anb after tbem tbe Reiner, anb tben tbe ianigbies of tbe Bath, bjinging in tbe firft courfe, tobicb rpgbt ano tiucntic bifljes , beftbe futeltics , anb S^bippfs mabc of Marejmaruclfflusgojgeoiis tcbcbolbe, all tobpeb time of feruice, tbe CrnmpeUes fianbing in tbe Ujinbotoe, af tljC ncatber cnbc of tbc l^ail plapcb. CCHjcn Ibc loas ferucb of ttuo bitbes, tben tbe Hrcbbilbope: feruice loas fef Henry the cyght* 1 kt DotuiTC , fofjofe came eqnall iuttl^ flie Dtfl^ of tlje ©ucrncs fcriitce on Ijm left IjanDe. after t^af tljc Sluaene anD trje arcljbifSop mere fcruen, fl;c ISnrons oft^epo^tcs faegannct{;e Stable on tfjc rtgl)t Ijanbencrf tl^c tuall, tljen at tfjc SCablc fate tl)c £^apftcrs ano Clcarhs oftbe dCbancene, ano bcneatlj tbem off)cr Dcctojs ano <0cntlemet!. STbe SCablc nert tlje toall on t^e left Ijano bp tlje bome, tba Carle of S»fex tnagtoblpfpicc JSlate,fa;ouBbtnbopbeof fpice anb ccfeetions. after bim, tbe fl^aioj of Loxdon fajougbf attanbingcuppe ofColb, fet in a cuppcofSITap of {23»olbe, anb after tbat Rje bab b}unbe,fbe gaue tbe ®aio; tbe cuppe, iDitbtbecuppcof5lorep,bpcaurc tberebjas nocouer, accoj^ bingtotbe clapine of tbe Citie,tbanbin0 bim anb all bps bjtefbjcn oftbeirpapne. IHben Ibe bnber bit Canapie be* partebtobirCbamber,anb at tbe cntric of bir Chamber, (be gaue tbe Canapie tuitb belles anb all to tbe iSarons of tbe Ipojtcs accojbing to tbeir clapme, toitb great tbankes: tbcn tbe ^aioj of LoMdo» bearing bis cuppe in bis banbe, toitb bis b?cetljjen,U)ent tbtougb tbe lj5all to tbeir Barge, anb fo bib all otber ^oblemen anb Centlemen, fo? it toas fire of tbe Clocke. luftini. <®n $©onbape,toere tbe 31uCcs at tbe Slilt faefoje tbe feings C'ate,toberc tlje ^aioj anb bis bjatbjen bab a gmb* Ip ttanDing,bat tbere toere feto ^pearcs bjokcn, bp reafon tbe l^o;nres tooulb notcoape. ^n Mcbnefbap, tbel^ingfente fo? tbe ^aio;: anb bps b?eetb?en to weHmhjBer, anb tbere be bitofelfc gaucbnfa ' tbem bartie tbankes,toitb manp gcobtp too?b0« Henn'c the eyght^ $99 £Dn S^ioronuner eitcn Dfr- t n-O Mnry ffjc Trench ©uan, Crtcr to Bins Hcnnc tfrc ano Uitfc to Charles S)ultc dcceaded. DiSuffolks, aiiO b?'Vyel' at Saint Echtonc^.jburie. Cljcfifi^ortirirv ' ':;ui£ne Kathcrine ioas j);crlai'neluepence: ^ut# ton etgbf P^nce tbe quarter, anb an bunb;eb matgbt of bafe fo; foure (btllmgs anb etgbf prnce: tubat p;tce tt batbe gro^ men to Once,it nabetb not to be fette botune. 0t tbps tpuie airo,ano not befo;e, mere fo;ratne Butchers perinttteb to fell tbetr flelbe in Leaden hallmarbet aiLondon. SCbe feauentb of September, being ©onoape, bettoane (b;a anb foure oftbeclocbcat afternfflne, tbe ©uanetoas hir'ehtianlng^ , be{puereborafap;eiLabp, fo;U)boreg{Db beliueraunce Te Deum mas fung incontinentip, anb great p;eparation mas mabe fo; tbe CbnOning. SDbe ^aio; anb bis b;etb;en ana fo;tieoftbccbiefeCitijensmerecomniaunbeb to be at tbe Cb^iOning tbe Mebnefbap folloming: tmpon mbicbe bape tbe ^aio; Or Stephen Pecocke in a gomn of CrinioOn tKeU net, mptb bie collar of(!l;ires,anb al tbe^lbermen in &car^ let mitb collars anb cbaines,anb all tbe Counfell of tbe €i* tie mitb tbeiu tcobe tbeir Barge at one of tbe clocbe.anb tbe Citijensbab another Barge, anb foromeb fo Greenewkhcy Urr* mbere J COO Henric the cy ght» iD^wetoerema«pelL«?uesfinig^fcfl, ano (J2»enf!emfna& fembleti: al (be ioaUea bettnetne (be l^inga palace ano (be i^rtcrs, tocre bangea toitb arraa, anb all tbe toap ffretoeb luitb grane ruflbes. S^be ihriera Cbortb toaa alfb bangeb toptb ricbe arraa: tbe i^ont teas of filuer, anb ftoDbe in tbe iniobettoftbe Cb»rtbe tb;a(feppes bt0be, tobicbe teas co* uereb tnitb a fine clotbtanb Diners (!I5entleinen toitb apjona anbtotoelsabontetbetrnecficsgaue attenbance abouteit, tbat no filtb (boutbe come to (be font: oner it bang a fqnare Canapie of Crimofin ^attin firingeb toitb (S^olbe, nboute it toasaraplecouereo toitbreb &ap betto^ne (be €iuffre f bobpe of tbe Cburcb toas a clofe place toitb a panne of fp;e to make tbe cbilbe reabp in: toben all tbefe things toere o;« bereb, tbe cbilbe toas b?ougbt to tbe ^all,anb tben euerpe man fet fojtoarbe: firfie tbe Citizens ttoo anb ttoo, tben (Gentlemen, Cfquiers, anb Cbaplaines, nepte after tbem tbe ^Ibermen anb tbe ^aio? alone, anb nepte tbe Singes Conncell,tbentbeSingsCbappellin Coapes, tben]l5a' rons, 3i3ilboppes, alte, bebinbe bim tbe Eabpe Mary of Norffoike, bearing tbe Crifome, tobpcbe toas berpe ricbe of pearleanb^tone. Cbe olbe S^iitcbeffe ofTV^rfo/z^f bare tbe cbilbe in a Mantle of pnrple Celuet toptb a long trains furreb toptb Crmin.CbeSD. of Norffoike toitb bie 95artbalfl rob toent on tbe rigbt banb oftbe faib Cntcbes,f tbe Dnhe sttSuffoike on tbe left bano,anb befoje tbcm toent officers of 0rmes,f Counteffe otKe»t bare tbe long tratne off cbilbes Mantle, anb meane betteane tbecbiloe f tbeConnteffe of Kent toent tbe Carle tAwHiffire % tbe Carle of Dnrbj on ep# tber fibe, fuppojting (be faib traine in tbe mibbett: oner tbe cbtlb toas bojne a ricb Canapie bp tbe i o?b Rochforde, tbe Hojb HuflcjtbeJlOJb William Howard^f tbeilo^b Thomas Howard tbe clber.ijftcr fbc cbilD ibllotoeb manrc JLabpes f C'entletoome.^brn f cbilb toas come to tbe Cburcb bo;c, tbe Hcnrie the cyght,^ IBifoop of London met it isiti) Diuer« Bi®op0f abbofi tiiptcri. 0,1 began tbeobfcruauncefioffbc&acramcnt. 3Ll)t ^ODfafber tuas ilojD Tho.arcbbtfljoppe of Canterhurie, fbe (iD'OOmotbcirs lucre t(je oloe SDutcbclTe otNorfo/ke,f oloc ^arcbicncCfe of Dorcet toiootojf, ano tlje cbilbc tuao named Elizabeth,ano after tfjat al tbingg lucre Done at tbc Cbnwb tale, tbe rbtio luao b?ottgbte to tbe i^ont and CbuOeneOjf tbatooiic. Garter cbtefeiamg ofarmc^crpb alouoc, odmotbers gane^ leere bo^ne before tbe cbild bp ^.perfens, tbat is to rap,firH fir lohn Dudley bare tbe gift of tbe lladp ofExceiJer, tbeJL# Thomas Howard tbe poger,bare tbe giftoftbciladp Dorcetf tbe 3Lojd Fitz Walter bare tbe gifte of tbe iladp of Norfoike, and tbe ilojde of mrcefler bare tbe gifte of tbe 0rcbebpIbop of and al tbe one fide (as tbep luent) mas full of HaHe-to;cbes, to tbe number of fpue bund;etb bo2ne bp tbe (S^uarde,andotberoftbel^ingsreruantes : and aboutetbe (bilbe mere manpe otber pmper Cojcbes bo;ne bp (0entle# menne. 0nd in tbis o.tder tbep bmugbt tbe^^incetTeto tbe itnanesCfiamber oo;e,and tben departed. . i^r.b* SDbe 1002 Hcnric the eyglit^ Wl)t S^afoj toentc to t\)t iStnos Chamber, anD farrpcb a tobPle top tb Ijis bjat^en tljc aiDcrmen, anb at tbe lalto, tbe t)Hbes otNorjfoike aitb Sujfoiketomt out from tfje Ifting, ant) repo?tcD to tbc^^apo? anb bto b?etl)?eii, tbat ttje JSingtljanhEbtbcmbartilp, anbcominanbrb tbcmtoGiue tbem tbankcfi in t)«« name, anb from tbcnce tbcp lucre bao to tbo feller anb b?anhe, anb fo tocnt to tbeir 3i5arge. HoifMiydcof k^bttnti.of^oiicmbcr bapn0S>onbap,ona^caffoIbe befoje tbc CrolTe at PmUs,{\)txt aojbe a /jiunne pjofetTcb in tbc P7io;ie of Sepulchre in Cauy2ter0urie , namcO Eliza, beth Barton, toitb funbjp otbcr pcrfons, anb tbe BiUjop of Baugor, late abbot of Hyde,\\)m pjcacbing, tbrtocb tbeir of' fences, from tobence tbep toere committcb to tbe Tower of , London. 2Dberrbib.0f lanuarpe, a great fiib toas taken at Black? »«i//,calleba3«ia:bale, tobpcbetoasbtoiigbteto wenminfler to tbe !&ing,anb fo backe to Broken wharfijuno tbere cot out. , Cbefirfteofapjill, Woolfe anb bis toife toere bangea ■Vvoolela on ttoo Gibbets, at tbe turning train Lambeth ^arlbs, liis vvife haged. foj murtbcring tbe ttoo Merchant ffrangers afojcfaibe. The holy Maid S^b^t^^pjiii Elizabcch Barton a ^unne pjofeffeb at oiKentando. Saint Sepulchres in C^w/fr^/zr/ifjEdward Bocking,f lohnDce- ^eaded"^' ring, ttoO i^OOkS OfCb?iffS CblifCb tW Canterhurie , Hughe Riche, toarben of tbc friers £Dbferuants in Cr«r,ano Richard Risbc anb anotbcr of bis fellotos of tbe fame bbufe. Richarde^aiftcrparfon of Aldington ixi Kent, anbHenrie Golde|S?peff,toereb2atonfromtbe Tower ot London to 7)- bornetbcre bangcb f beabcb,f c. fo? funbjp confpiracies in tbe matter of biuojce bettoane tbe fltpnges ^paicttie ano Quan Kathcrine.i^ttobicb time toere alfo attainteb of mif* p?(0on bp arte of parliament fo? tbe fame matter, lohnFi- flier JBitljOp ot RocheUer,^ lohn AdcfonbtS Cb^plain, Tho, Annoreg.26 Abell p?ictf,Thomas Gold (ll?eutlcman,an0 Thomas Lau- rence, Hegiff cr to tbC Slrcbbcacon of Canterhurie. Lord Dacres of scbe nitttb of^tifp, 5lo?be Dacrcs of tbe ijisejtb toas ar# raigncD at mnmnfier, of yigb treafon, tobcce be fo toittilp confiiK Henrie the cyght* i oo j con^fct) I)t0 accufcrd^t^at to t^etr great (Qauie toas fouO notguiltie. Ct)c elcauentlj of;3uguff, toac all tlje placeg of flje £)b FrffK houfet feruant i^rtero, ao GrentvpichyCanteryury^Rtchmant^Nen Arke, ano NeircaHell puttC OOtonO , aHO Au^left Fryers fct 111 f^Cl'r placeo, ano tf)ei)breruantg tuere putte tn places of t^e Grey Fryers. Cbefourtantljof^ugulltuafiagreatefireaf nrtzt rtmpu ano certaine pcrfons barneo. Xf)t tireteentb of0ugu(le, tnao burneo tbe lyings ^ta« The Kings Sti* ble at Charing CrotTe calleo tbe Mewes, toberin toao burneo * manp greafe bojfes, ano greate ftoje of l^ape. Cbe one ano tloentitb of September, SDoctour Xay- Thomis Crom^ louripaiffer of tbe Ro/Usy toas otfcljargco of tbat office , rheKou«."°^ ano Thomas Cromwell toojnc in bis placctbc tj;, of ^CtOf ber. 2Cbe <" beab toas fct on London S5jiDge, anb bis bobp bttrpeb loitb' in Barring Curcbpatbi bch'ta. of3nlpj firThoinas Mooretoas bebeabeb on dc j. tbe Tower hilt, foj bPufaU of tbeSuugs &up?cmaoe : anb tben (be bobp of SDoaour FifEcr iSptboppe of RocheHer toas taken bp anb burpeb Initb fir Tliomas Moore in tbe Tower. SDottourFoxe tbe lipngs Hlmoncr toas mabe JBtfijoppe of Hertforde: aUb Hugh La'.imer JSitboppe Of fforceffer, tbO lilackeitrierof5r//?(7»'f,tbas mabcll5ptbeppe of RocheHer, Jn ;3fuguft tbe tlojbe Thomas Gciard fotmc totb^ earlc tit KileUre, toaS takcU in IrcUnd, anb fCUt (O tbC Tower of Lon- dim J Henry the eyght* loor doM. 3!«T©ifob«rt^e lm(j fenfe dortour Lee aiiDoi^jerfoW/ Abbeys'v'ffte J, Ute tlfc Abbeys, ^Uo;ie$ ana Jiunnertcs iii £K^/^^ffU)bo puttefo;t(}aHreltsiousperroti5ti)dt tooalcegoc, anD ali tijat \QCre tjnDer t^e age offoure and ttoentte peresj ano tlo^ feo t)ppc tbe rcfiotte t{;at UtouiDc reatapne, ano fcoitc o;oer, t^atnomanno Obouloecome to tt)C fjoufeo of iDotnsii, no; U)omcntott}e^oure£Sofinenuo, butoneipcto beare tbcp; fcruieetalireligiousiuenne tbat oeparteD , tb^ ;3bbot o; ]p;to;to gpue foi tb^ babiie a )0;teffe£! gotune, ano fo;tte(b?lipngsi ofmonep: tbe ijDunneatobauefucbeappa^ »U aa jocular Uiomen loeara, -anb to goe inbero tbep iQonibo. !^3c tQ}keoatof^ona({ortoaanD.^bbrpa, tbtp; rcjiquea ano cbtofcaBletDeia. HumfrcyMoamouthrlohnCoteSjtliciS, of September. -r SCbcfc^bwiflfeo m tbe begimiing of tbcii'pcare pot atuap thielue^ergeants anti ttnelue |)oomen, till tbep tnero tai* ceb bp aCourte of common Councell to taho tbem agame. &ir lohu Allen being one of tbe liitiigeoCouncell, inac a^ tbe l&tug£tj:egueae,cboren^aie;of Sirlohn Allen Mcrcefjche 28.ofO(5lober. LPi^fmr Cbts fir lohn Allen toben be bcceafleo in ^»>3o 15 4^, charuabie Ate- anobnOfiebcenettoice^«o;ofZo«ii2«;anDofCouHrcHuitb ' tbellting,as is afo;efaioe, begaae to tbe Citic of La ricbe collar of €>olt>e, to be loojne bp tbe ^aio;, Inbpcbe Collar InasfirttetDojne bp fir William Laxtonon^ainct / ^ EH wartlsoape, to tlje election of tbe iielne ^aio;, tobo gaue to euerp SKUlarbe in tUientte ponnbe to be bifiributeb to tbe po;e bontboloero, befibeo to onebunb;etb ano ttnen^ tie perfono, tb;^ fto;e men etierte of tbem a golune of b;oaii clotb>anoablachecappe,anotb;arco;eU)omen, toeiierpe of tbem a gobme of tbe like clotb,ano a inbite hercbiefe. SUbe eleauentb of i^ouember, teas a greate pjocelli^ ProccCsioi^ on at Lo»de?j of all tbe religious men,tb?^ li5ilboppes,anb f6ure:^bbot0mptereb,tDbPcbei»agfo; top tbe &tng btas reconereb of^jis be^itbt l^rraifi. Bin t r 10^^ Hcnric the eyght» 311 t}}t moneff) of 2?ecembcr, nameo of all Cliaan-' chauntttes, tobctt, ajtD UjI)o t\)t glflc of tljem. ^vT't"i^t3i- cigbtf of Januaric oveOILaopKathcrmcDowager " at Ktm^aftM,ano toas burpco at Petgrharowe. K^tninz ano ttocntttlj of ^anuarpSUudftic Anne tons OeliuereO of a cbtlo befoje btr time, tobpcb tuaa bo?ne beao. Apiiiiimcaf. l3arltamentbcgoniic in tlje monctb of^ebjuarj'e, Uiasgraunteototbeliinganobisf^'taiousbou^ fuTprefrcd" fw in tbe Healme of £«^We, of tljc balctoeof ttoo bunD?c& 153^ pountj anb bitoer,toitb al lanoe f gcoDs to tbem belongingr A^moT^TzS tbe number of tberebourestbenfuppjeOreb, iuere 5 76. tbe baliie of tbeir lanoo tben 3 2 000. ponnb, ano mo?e bp prre, tbe mouable ginbo (as tbep toerc folo, Robm Hoods penni* luojfbo) Ioooo.pounb, tbe religious toeretottrtub outeto tbebJojlt)emojetban ioooo» £)n Sl^ap nape mas a greate tutting at C7ree«ejwrA,tDbere vricileV^""'' loero C balengcrs,tbe Itojoe Rocheford anb otber, anb2>cs fenbojSjHenric Nonce anb otber. iPromtbisButtesl&ing Henrie (^obainelp beparteb to ffeffmt»ftgr,\)mins onlp toitb bim ttre pcrfons, of tobicb fobapnc bcparture nianp niennc tnaruelleb. 2)11 tbe ncjrte mojrotoc,fbello?be Rocheford,b?ofber to tbe ^Judene, anb Hcnric Nomce, tocre bjougbt to tbe Tcwer a'i London pjtfoncrs. ^llfo tbe fame eape,aboute fine of tbe tloche in tbe aftcmon,©udene Anne Bolleinc mas bjougbt to tbe Torver tXLondon}s<^ fir Thomas Audlcy iLOJb Cbance# lour, tbe SDube atN'orffoikg, Thomas Cromwell ^ecretarp, anb fir w illiam Kingflon Conffable of tbe Tufte otSuffoike on tfi$ left fjanfie, tDtfl^ i^arqacITed ano ilo?t)s, ic, ano ttie (Sarle of Surrey fafo be* fo;e the S>uke of Ntrjfoike fjis faffjer, aa tarle ^arftall of Etg/a^d. Z^be fctngo commtlTion being reObe^ftjeConne# ftable of tt)c SCoioer,? Jlieufenanf, bjougbt tbc SJudcnc to tlje fa-irre, toljere toao maoe a (Eijairc fo; fjir fo itt botune iit,anb tbere bir inbitrment bias rebbe, tubrrbnto (be iiiabe To hitfe ano bifcrete anCoieres, tb^t ibe fectneb fotly to clsre btrfelfe of all matters lapb to bir charge: but being trieb bp bir jaberes^toberof the SDube of Suffbike Ujas cbiefe,(be bias bp tbem founb gtltie,atib bab inbgement p;onounceb bp tbe jBDube of Nerjfoike: anb iminebiatlp, tbe Jlojb Rochford tbe Queenes bjotber bias libebiirearraigneb anbconbemncb: tbe^^aio? ofLoWw,bisb?afberne tbe ^loermen,tbe ?lSlar^ bens, anb four perfons moe ofetierp tbe tbieluep;incipalt companies beeing p^efent. Cbe pbti. of ^ap, tbe 3Lo?be RochforJjb;otber to tbe£5uane,Hcnry Norris,Marke Smc- ton,W]lliam Brierton^anb Francis Wefton, all Of tbe laingS p;iuie Cbantber, about matters touching tbe £iueene, loere bebeabeb on tbe Tower hill, tbe ilojb Rochfords bobp tuitb tbe beab bias burpeb in tbe Cbappell of tbe 2Dobier, tbe other four in the Cbnrcb^parb there, j®n tbe rir.of spap ^uaene Anne bias ona^caffolb (mabe fo; tbatpurpofe) bpon the grane biitbin tb? SDobier of London^^taoeo toitb tbeCa)o?b of c«/f«,bp tbe banbes of the hangman of that SDobme: bir bobp biitb the beab bias burpeb in the (liu^re of the Cbappell in the Tower. %be w.of ^ap, the fiing marrpeb liabp lane, baugbter King mnry fogiirlohn Seymour iiinigbtjbibicb at cdbitfontibe bias openlp (betoeb as ®u0me,aiib onSii^uerbap in the ^bit^ Con biakc, ^ir Edwarde Seymour bias createb taicount 3i5eaucbamp , anb ^®ir Walter Hungerrord mabe tlojbe Hungcrford. Cbeepgbf of 3|une beganne a^^arliamente, anb the Cleargtebeloa Conuocation in |0aules Cbnrcbe, bibere by the Kutfc. Urr.b. after ioo8 T riompli it V Veftniifliler, Tho«utCrom- Will borJpri' uU Scale,vicar gencrall. Henry DuVe of Kiclmiounr. Ix>rd Thomas Howard fent rojhe Tower, Pafernofter crtcde and com- maa'lcments. Heiine thc'cy^glitf af^frmudj ano Debating of pub!i« ftcD 3 i5(DbC.0f.UcUgum,DntitnleO,Aiticles deuiled by tlw Kings highnefle. ,£>n Saint Pfit^rs ntgljt,tl;e .^iing $ Clusnt flffiDe af f be ^pcrccro i)aU^iD ratu tbc toatct). 2t!)e rrir.of 3une,tl)e feing bclD a great iuffing f triumph ntivef}m/>tffery\jul)tre luetc o.iDcpnco ttoo iLigbfersmaDe iibe $>bi^pfs to figbt bp5 tbc i»ater,oncDf tije tobicb b;iaff tntbcmiDS, toberebp ofie Gat^s i^eiUieinan, aieraantof Rattler Kncuirs^oaa o^olcneD in biD bartieia.Sn tbc otber, a0unneb;aft bir Chamber,? mapmcDttooDf^niarmertf. Thomas Cromwell, ^ecretarp to tbs fitttg, ano ^apQer oftbeiSolle^j toas inaDebdeper of tbep^iuic^ealt, Cbc it. 0f|ttlp, tbc 3LOJO Fitzwarcn loao CieateD Qittte ino;roUj after, Thomas Crom well fnaamaoe JLOJ0 CromwclL STb^ rbiti.Df3lntP, ilOJDTiiomasCron>* weil iDas made l^nigbt, and bigb birar getterall ouertbe j^piritnaltp bn&er fbi^Itiing, ana fate biuera timts in tb* Canuocation among tbe 15i(bop0,as b^ad ouer tbem. ZTbf JTb. of 3iulp, Henry 3S)uk0 ofR'c/^aondanli Sfrntr-f- y?/, Carle ofA'sr/W/iro^.a jiSattardfonne ofising Henry, Uo;ncof tbc iladp Tailcbcife, tbaf time tailed Elizabeth Blunt, Dpcd at Saint lames^ anO toas burped at ThetfrrdMt Norffol^, SCbid monctbof3iuiPj3lO?dThoma«Hovvarde, pongcB bjotbejr to iht'BvXitQiNorffeike, teas fentefotbe Tcwer QfLendcniQi maliiiig a p^ioictontran: ofiOatrimonit toitb tb5 JlaDp Margaret Dowglas, daughter to f ^Jaeene of Sccttes,b>st\^zC!\.x\tQtuacc tOfeingHenryof ErjgUnd;\\)t faid 310^0 Thomas toas attaint bp parliament, and alfo tbc faioc iladp Margaret Dowglas loan after com^ mitfed to tbc fojtbefame. Jn &cptenibcr,Tl:omas Cromwell JLoidc p^inic ^cain, and wlijgcrent, feat out bndcr tbe icings gppiritual &eaic, ccrfapne Sniunctions to tbe prelates and Cleargicoftbe iSeaItnc,cbarging Curatca to pjcacb and to teacbc tbcir pa* riibner0,tbc Pater nosier, Aue,m\i Crcede,t\it Comniaundcs mcntg, f artKlcs.of t fiiitb in Cn3liife>toitb ot(>«r article®, Jri Hciiiy tlie eygfitl loop 3n bcgtnninff of ^tfober, at a gtife foj fbc &i'ngg commotioni« ^UbQOtelteptm Uncolnefhtre^^z pzoplz msOC anttlfurreo Lincalnejlure. irion,ani> gatbereo ttpe ttoentp ttjotifsnt) perfottSjtjjio ttobe ctrtapne Lo;of ano (S^cnticmen oftbo Coantrep, cauHng fbentto be toojae to tb^mbpontertapneairtulcstDbtcljc t^pbabbwtiftOjano fucb asrcftifcofo tocare,fbcpbepte pjtfoncra,ano bebeaoco a lubo tDastbcl5tn)opof Lincohes cbaiwHoar. Hgaina tbofc, t^e iiing bio feno tlje commoti jDoUe of5«^;^r,tbcCSarIeof>s'^'"rmy2'?/r/>, ano tbcCDas^Icof appeared, Rutixnd, toitb a^ong potorr, tob^wof tobfir fbe IScbclIeo bearer, tbcp oeffreo paroon, bjafte bp tfjeir arntpe, anooe# parteo borne, buttbetrcaptapncslocre appjcbenbeo ano ^uteo. -Cbe tr.of)©(tobcr, a }0?teflE ano a HBufcbertbere bangco at fT/WT^re-, fojtDojoes fp^htng in fbe bcbalft of tbcx/«- ctbtefhtremen, f J5ufcber tottbcD ^ gmO fellotoes (as be tcar> '«<'• meo fbelli) ixiL-ncoincfhire, to bauc tbc flctb on bis ffall, to* tber tbanto fell tfaf futb p?tce as be bias offcreo:tbe 132teS ftanoing bp, ttheioire iotfbeo tbem to bane it, fo; b^^aio tbep bao naoe of it; 2Cbe mmQtLmroinefhire being paclfbebjtoifbin fijce oapes conHuotion • after began an tnfurreitton m rorkefhire fo? tbc fame can* fesitberepeoplegatbereo to tbenumbcroffo^tie tboufano, tebo t®be tbe S^pcbbilbop of r<7r%, ano tbe 3lo?0 Darcy, anO canfeo tbem to beCmojne to tbetr partte. 0gapnftc tbofe ttcbelies, tbe Kpngfcnfe tbe Stmbe of Norffolke, tbe S>uhe of Suffbl^, tbe Csarle of Shrenrjburie^ ano tbe ^arqueflfe of Excufhr toptb a greate armpe, toptb bibome a ^attaple toas appopnteo to bane ba^ne fougbtc on tbc cncn of &atnt Simon ano ludc, but as <£foo toouloe, tbere fell fncbc rapne tbe nigbte bcfojc, tbat tbe ttoo armpes conloe not mate, toberebppon, tbep oefpjeo tbe SDube of Nonhfoike to' fue bnto tbe Hpngo^aicttiefo? tbep? paroon , anirtbat tbep mpgbte bauc tbetr liberties, f c. tobpcbe tbe S)itHc pjontifeo, ano »)0e po8e to tbe fepng tbsn Iptng at wtndefdre, to' imoi» JOIO CatumoUo!) appeafci). SirlljIphE. tiers hit goo J fcraice in the North. Sherifes. Pensiince at Paules crolTe. R obert Paging- ton murtherect. TheBarle of KilJare an J flue of his Vnck!es executed. Anevr commo- tion in Yotke- shire. Another con# ffiracig. Henry the cyght» hnotu {){0 pIeafure,ano fo appeafcD tljcm.j&ir Robert Aske, fijat toas cl)!efc of Kefeeltfow, canto fo Londan^ ano btao not onip parDoneOjbut rcfoaroeo Uiittj sreat gtffeo. g>ir Ralph Euers bept Skarbrew Caffel W tl)C i^O^ffj, hk» ingfireUjcebea bef^gcbbp fbc i^cbclleo, ttocntpe Dape« tub^reof, b2 ano all bw companpc (tobicb^ lucre bto oitel? frienoo fcruantsanofcnanto, ano feruco foj gajpiDillta btm) Ujere fojceo to fuffepne tbemfelucs liittb bjcao ano Utafer, ano pet bept tbe fame fafe to tbe eno oftbe fapo IJc? belltoiT, ano fo oeltuereo if to afng Henry, tobo fentcbpm fffine after fo feme in tbe bojoureo againft ^e»/W,u bcre ingreatcreotfebecontmueobts fcruice, feffpfngtbe5'fw« tDitboiJtooiiTgburtto£''^W, ano toitbfucb obeotcnce of tbem, as tDifbinttoenfie miles of tbe bojourcs otScotiande foje againll bim, tbere luas not a Scotte but at bis coniman# Oement,ano fo continueo tillbetuas billeo in Anne 1545. Robert Paget Mcr.Taylor:Will)am Bowyer, the 28.ofSe. Sir Ralph Warreine Merccr,thc aS.ofOftobcr. SCbc rtj.of i]jtouember,&ir Thomas Newman ^jiefi,bare a faggot at b^atoles CrolTe, foj Citgitig^alTc tDitbgoo ale. Cbe ritf'Of jl5oucmber,#aiffcr Robert Pagington a ^er^ ccr of Lo»do», fcuas Qaine Initb a gunne, as be teas going to mojroto spalTe to Sam Thomas of Akersy ttoUie calleO tbe ^ercersCbappell, butfbe imirtberer luas neucr openlp bnotime,ttll bp bis otonc confcllion maoe tobcn became to tbe C»alletoes at Banbery, tobere be teas bangeo foj fclonie. Cbe J 2.of 2Decembcr,tbc Xbsmes being frojen,tbe bing ano €lUiene lane roOC tb?OUgb Loxdotj to Greenervicb. SCbe tbiroof i^eb?narp,tDas Thomas Fitzgarrct, fonnc anobeireto tbe Carle of Lebeaoeo, anO fiueof bps CJntbles ojatone, bangeo, ano qnartcreo at Tthorne foj- S^reafon. 3|n tbe fame monetb,Nicholas Mufgrauc,Thomas Gilby, ano otbcr, ttirreo a neto Rebellion, ano beffitgeo tbe CificofGjre/ir/e,fTomUibencctbeptoere ojioen, anomanp of tbem taben ano put to oeatb. ^Ifo tbe fame monetb, &ir Francis Bigot, ^ir Robert Conftablc,ano otber,begannea con^ Hcniy the eyght^ • ion coiirpiract(,anD fo; t^e Tame ioere atfa{)ntei)« SCtje iftijc.of flparcl), toere ttoelue m«n of Uncoine 6;atone (o Ttbor»e,m^ «)ero ijaJi0el» % quarfereD,fiuetoerop;ieaes, — anD ftaucw toere lap men, one toaa an 3bbof,a Suffragan, Luicoineswr. )^0(t0} Mackercll, anotbet toao tbe Hicar of Loathe in Lm- men extemed. colnef>7ire,mti ftoO JSjlCftO. 3|n 0p.nll, tl);ou0b cerfapne commilTtons fenf info Som- Merfitfbireto tafee bpCojtte, tbe people began to mabe an =9 infurrcitfon, tabtcb toas bp ^aplfer Pawletano ofbera/ somwfUtZn. lapeo, tbe beginnersto tbe number of IbJafroje toere con# bemneb, tobereof fourf^ne toere bangcb anb quartereb, one of fbem toao a tooman. 3(n 3 une, tbe ilO?b Darcy, tbe 3L0?b HufTcy, ^ir Robert Coiidablc, ^ir Thomas Percy, ^ir Francis Bigot, ^ir Ste- phenH.imelton,S)irIohn Buhner anb bto tolfe, William Lomley,Nicho!as T empelT: (iDfquter, Robert Aske, William Thurft^bbOt ti^Feufitaymes, Adam Sodbury 0bbot of Ger- » lolinGreCham: Thomas Lcwen,tl)e aS.of September. Richaid Grelliam Mcrcer,the 28.of Oftober. 2nbejrb{tjf.0f^(t0bcr,Eclward t!3itfrountBeauchamp iuatf Statescrtated,' CtOatOD Ci^arlO nf Hertford, atlO &ir William Fitzwilliara 3lo?D ;3Dnitrall,tt)as creafeb dtarlc of SouthamptoH^ot Hnmp' ton^e famo bap,ano tn tbe fame place, foere mabe tbcfe StntgbfeiS, &>ir Tliomas Hennedge, Thomas Sey- raer, ^ir Richard Long, ^ir WlUiam Cofhn,^tr Michaell Liflar,anb &ir Henry Kncuct. £)tl ^IballoUjen eucn,3lO?b Thomas Howard,b^offjer fo Hovvltdde" SDuhe QtNorffolke, Jpcb pjlfoncr in tbc Tirlohn Allenanb alfo an 3iri(b Gentleman of tbe Carets, toere bangcb anb qnar« tereb at Tthome. STbe feconb of ^arcb,tbe Smage of tbe l^cobe calUb Stunt SaintSamour SmiourOXBermondfey flbbcp tn Southwarke, toaS fabenbOtOH inSouthvvarke. (jp {^0 fifngs commanbcmcnt. ^berrL of^arcb, Hemy Harfiim CuQomer of PUm^ mouth, I Thomas Ewcll,ij)ere bageb f quartcreb at Tthome, £Dbe nrtj'flf ^ap, i^rter Fordl mas bangcb bp tbemible — in a cbatne of 3ron,anb tfjen bjcnt in Smuhfieid, foj benping tbe feing to be fupjcmc bcab of tbe Cbnrrb fc, toitb bpm feuci. tons bjent tbe Biwage of Darnell Cathenne of fTa/et, anb tbe nejt Henry tfiecyght^ lotj lieyf foUotOlltg, ffje UtBOCat SamtAfargAretPattinj \i^T3rver(ireete,\o^9 b?oke«all fopaccs,SDabcr# nadetbatbe ScDbetn. Cbe rrb^.of^ap, toas a great fire in Saint Marg4ret latins |9ari(b among fbe S5a(kctmahers,tobere toerc b?ent L*ne. anb pertffieD tn tb;!» bourea,aboue a bojen boureis,anD nine perrons cleane b?ent to oeatb. Battayle Ablsey, Martm Ahhej,StratfordAh^ejf,Lewisfinti ... otber.tncre fuppjcITeO to tfje ftings bfc. pteffcJ! 3laiagcs of our iLabp ottvaifinghammti rpfrich toerc bjougbt bp to London, toitb all tbe ^etbels tljat bung aboiitc tbeni, anD btuers otber images botb in £»»^/Wano fraks, loberebnto anp common pilgrimage tnas bfcD, fo; Ding of 3iDolatrie, alltobicb toere bjenteatc^f^bptbe iloiO pnnte feale. S^beir.of^uguII, Edmond Conisby,oneoftbegr®mes oftljcftings Chamber, Uias epecuteb at7/^ww,fojco«iif ter^ting tbe fttngs ^eale manuelt. S^b^ firtte of September being ^onbap, one GratneH, hangman at LondoH,m^ ttoo otber, toerefiangeb attbeJJlg^^ Mrellltngplace bp ciarke»weilfyiXQh\i\n%n'^(at\j in^ar* fbolmetn/'aire. SDbefeconb of September,Edward Clifford (!D>entlem^, ioas erecuteo at Tthme, fo? counterfetting tbe fttngs pjiute Signet. SC^is monetb of September, Tliomas Cromwell JLojbe p?tuie^eale,5aijgcrent to tbe ftings bigbfmt® f®?tb J** iniunctions to all li3i(bops anb Cnrats tb;ougb t Uealme, (barging tbem to tbat in etterp parilb Cburrb) tte )!5ible of tbe largeli bolume, p;inteb in cngtifb, toere placeb, fo; all men to reabe on: anb tbat a Bake of ft egiSer tnere alfo pjouibebanbbeptineucrp parilb Cburcbe, tbb^einlball betDjitfen enerp tHebbing, Cbjifining , anb Burpingtt^c ktpt» blitbin tbe fame parilb fo? cuer. Saint eyftsfitns 0bbep at Canterbury ttiaS fUppHelieb, anO anb g®bes taken to tbe ftings trearurie,as alfo tb« ' 0^ 4 Henry the eyght> Thomw Beekei ttjC ofThomas Beckct itt tIjC ofCitrijf Churchy toa0 Ithelutfc talicn to t^e icings bfe, aitD ^ts bcnes fcull anD all, tubul) tuas tljcr^ foimo, toitb a pace bjohen out bp tt)e IvonnD of bto Deatij, tuere all bjcnt In tl;e fame Ctjurcli bp tbe 3lo;0 Cromwell. STbe sponUes tl;ere Ujerecomman# Oeo to cbange tl)Ctr babtteo f c. K\)tXVh of £D(tober, tljccburcbc of Thomas Bcckct ttl Z.o«^i;»calleO tlje l^ofpitall ofSawt Jhomoi of Akers, U)a5 fuppjelTeD, - William Wilkinfon: Nicholas Giblbn, the iS.ofSeptera. mj es. 7 William Forman Hahcrdarher.the 28. ofOftobcr, SCIjiO Nicholas Gibfon CE^roCCr, ^b^tlffe 0?London, bull* Free ScUooIe fOU » ffff ^CljOjle at R^dcltjfe, llfffO bUtO London, an J Altnes hou* to tbe fame foj ttjc mlfructioii of tbjafcoje pcoje mens cbil« esat a.CI c. attOdlbcc,tDitl) H ttlpcnooftcnnc pouno bp t\)c pcare to tbe ^apttcr, ano fire f,rll} s. tbe Clfbcr. l^e alfo bullpeo tbere ccrtapne 5llmes boiifes foj fourtane pcoje ano ageb perfons, tobo quarterlp rtceiuc fire fljillmgs cpgbt P^nc^ tbe pace foj cuer. i 2rboftftl)ofii5ouembcr,tDerc Henry ^^arquelTeoff-vftfu fier^atlZ of DeuofjJhirc.mH ^Ir Henry Poole iSni'gbtjJlOjD MonntacutCjanD ^tr Edward Neuilijfeilf tO tbe Toirer, tofio toereeiiotteOjfojbctufingto mapntepne promote, anDaD< uance one Reignald Poole lateSDeaneof £AreJ7^r,cncmte to tbe iimg,beponD tbe ren,anP to Dcpjtue tbe Sing. Kt)t rbj.of^ouember,tbe blache J^riers in LoW<»»feas Frkrifap' fuppjeffeb, tbe nert Dap tbelnblte JFrlers, tbe grep friers, preiTed. tbe^onUcs of tbo Cbattcrboufe, ano fo all tbeotbec tmmeoiatlp. Lambart brent. il^oucmber, lolm Lambert Ujos b?enfe in Smiihpe/d. SCberriiii.of j»ouembcr,tbe ISifljop of Roches!erp^en* ebon at|DaU)lcs crolTe, ano tbere Ibetuco tbe blouoeof pavrusCroiTe. I^alcs, BUO aflflrmeO tbe fame to be no blouO, but l^onep ciarifieo,ano coloureo toitb ^afirone,as it bao bin cuioent* Ip pjoueo before tbe Sing ano bis Counfell. Hlfo, foure ^nabap^ Henrie the eyght» 1015 afnabapfiUcfiijf&^amcn, anD one iBoman, all Dntclj, bare An»baptme». faggots at j[DauIcs CrolTe tlje fame Dap. 2C^e jrrir.of jjiouemfaer, a man anD a iuoinan SDutcb nabaptiftcs,U)eie fa?ent in Smtthfidd. SCljenintb of3ianuarp, tuere Henry ^jJarqueCTe offAr?- ffer(^WClZ of Deuo>7jhire,d,nli t^e iLOJD Mountacute, ailD^tr Edward Ncuill^bcljCaDcD on tfjC Towr A///. SCiUO JB^iedes, cnteJ."'"' Croftes and ColinsjaiiD Holanda^partner, toere bangeD and quartered at TJ^arw.^tr Geffrey Poole ujas pardoned, ^n ^Ibc loednefoaPjtoere lohn iaanesjiohn Potter ..and William Mamiering, tn pauICS Cljurclj^pardj fo> pruYeTcTur'h- feilUng ofRoger Cholmcley CEfquicr in tljc fame place. Snijd tfjird off^arcbj ^ir Nicholas Carew niBedwgtoyi in Surrey, ^aiiigfjte of tlje Ciartcr,and maplfcroffbelyings l^ojffe, toas beljcaded at tbe Torver htii,foi baing of counfell toitb Henry ^arques q\ Exceflcr, and Henry Poole lL02de Mountacute. s;i)iciir,offil5arct),tbeBingcrcated^ir Wil- states cteafej. liaPawIctj^nigbt,2Crearurerofboulbold,JLojd Saint lolm; and ^iriohnRuffellComptroller ofbio boulbold, ilo?de Rulfelh^ir W illiam Parre, ilOjD Parre. Cbencto 3bbep oftubite^onbcs at tbe Towerhill,am t)it Mivorief, loitbout AidgAte ^ tdcre fuppjeOed, on tbe lad of^arcb. Wc^z rrbitjf. of0p?ill,begannea )0arltamente , in tbe tdbtcbj Margaret CountelTe of Salijbttrie, Gertrude, iotfeto fbe ^par'queffc of ExceBer , Reignold Poole, ^tr Adrian Amoreg.-'X Fortefcue, and Thomas Dingley, iHntgbf of Saint lohns, and diuers otber loere attapnted: and all tlje Religious bonfes in England fupp^elTed, and not ruppjeflfed,U)ere graunted to tbei^ingfoj ener. Wcyz bib.of#ap, tbe Citizens of London muttered at tbe ^ Miles end all in bigbt barneps, toitb coates offobif^ ttlbe, Lanctan. 0? clotb, and cbepnes of gold, in tb?^ great llBattaples, tbe number tnas ttftcenetbonfand^bettde tupttlers, and otber atoapters, tobo in gmdlp o?der patted tbJougb London to jveBminBerjxati fo tbJOiigb tb5^anctuarp,and round about jS>tt. tbe I ♦X ^ Henry tfic fygTi^ )dari» of s. imts, ano refumeo Ijome ffjjoog^ Uoi^omf. ^0 toatc^ at ^tOfomer. ®0(t0) Shakfton JBilftop of54/iyJ«r#V,anllfi)OtfOJ Lati- nier of lVorceHer^xtU%XiZ^i\^ziX infO tf}e iHingo t)ano ttie firs of 3|alp. %%t t)i^, Of3|uIp,GnfHth Clearkc.tttfcar HffVandfieorth^ Vicicarof —i,,- - vywidfvmA toitl) bio Cfjapleine ano bio feruant, ano ^rier Waire, eutc^ ClarlcenVVtll anAothcrfvp* tuere all four bangeo ano quartcrro at SAiKtThom44W4tc' rings. 2CbC fentb 0f3[ulp,Mr Adrian Fortercuc,ailO Thomas Dingley tocre bcbcatjeo. Cbc nintb of September, tijc i^unncrpof foao fupp^elTeD. SC^ex^. of October, tbc i^mincrpof^^^wf//,anDfo?flj# Idifb tbc ^jio^io of Saint Matj Oneries\ti SeHthwarkt,tLt\Xl Saint Barthclmewes in SmithfieldUJCrO fuppjOlfCbjanO al tbtft lanbo ant scoDro taken to tbe Sitngo bfe* SCbe feauentb of ^eptember,bcceaCfeb 33Dotfo; Stokeflcy 35t(bop ot London, ant) loao bnrneb in )0auleo Cburcb« lohn Feirc: Thomas Huntlow,thc 28.ofSeptember. Sir William Holleys Mercer,the 2 8.of October. 2Cbio Thomas Huntlovv gauo to 11)0 l^aberbai' Ibero certapne tenementco, fo? tbe tobi^bj tbep be bonne to sine to tenne pcoic almeo people of tbe fame (ompanp,eue* rp one of tbem epgbt prnce enerp i^ribap fo? encr. 0nb al« fo at euerp quarter Dinner kept bp tbe mai(lero,to be ginenr toeucrp one of tbofc tenne poje people apennploafe,a pot tell of 0le, a pdtre of betfe lno?fb fonr pence in a platter^ loitb po^age^anD four pence in monep» IRbboesofRta- 2Dbe xitif* of i^onember, Hugh Fcrringdon Sbbot of t!r4?s«^eT ottO ttoo pjictto, namcD Rugc ant* Onyon, fo? De# nptn^^ tbe&ingo ^up?emacie, toere bungeb anb quartered at Reading. SCbO fanie Dap^tnaO Richard whiting 0bbOt Of GlaUonbtfrie, bangcD aiiD quartereo on Torrehi!i^btftoz\)i& iponalferie,fo? tbe fame caufe. X^ZUvft OflDCCember, lolin Beach 0bbot of ColcheFler,, toaiSi Sherifes, Thomas Hnnt- loTVhiscJuti* tit. L Henry the cyght» * 7 foaj UHeiofreejrecuteo. 3nDecember,toere appopnteo toUiapteon Ptnc!»nen bigbncflPe pcrfon, fiftie C^entUmen calleb |dendoners o) ^pcre8,t)nto tobontetDOtfappopnteD fifttc pound tbe p^ pearelp. SC^t tIjirD of Slannarp, ioao t^t Itabp Anne of Cieeue re# j^wg Henry ceiueo at BUcke heAtb^mt b;OUgbt to Greencwkh tottb great mi.tied LiJy triumpbtanb tbe Cjctb bap of j fame monetb fbetoag marp# eO to ft tog Henry. after CDbJiffmae, tbe )3;to;ie Cburcb of SA/»t M^ryO- s^int M»ry 04 uerTinS(>Mtlm'Arkf,\3ja6patc}itk(tii of tbe fttogbptbctoba# bitantfi of tbe Bojoto, H>OrtO> Gardener 3l6tlbOp Qtfvittcbe- ^ fler putting to bio helping band t tbep made thereof a paritb Cburcbiand the little Cbnrcb of Mary Magdalen iopning to the ram^|0;io;ie, toao made all one Cburrbe, and Samt Margarets in SoHthwarke a pari(b,toao admitted to the fame p'aritb. 2Db0Fb»0f^arcb,HenryBowrchcr(l&arleof£j(72^*riding EarieofBffej? a pong l^o;ire, toao caff, and bjabc bio necbe,atbio^a#"''"*"^'''' nour in Epx-. mao the eldeff (£arle in England. SDbejrir.Of^Mrcb , lohn Vere C^arle of Oxforde, high Bitle of OX' Cbamberlapne of Engiande, decealTed at bio ^anour in fotaaeccafled, Ejjfx. £^ber.or^p;ill,<&tr William Petcrfon p;icff, late com# i ^ao mtffarie of and ft>ir William Richardfon, )0;ieffof ' Saint iMarycs ittCa/eiA, toecc botb there djatone, banged, pneftsatciuii andquarteredintbe^arbetplacefo2tbeft>up?emacie. SCbe 18.ofap;ill, &ir Thomas Cromwell, iojde p;iuie Cromvreu ft>eale,U)as created Carle of£j^.«-,and high Cbamberlapne Earuof^cx, of England. 211(0 Gregory bpO fonnc toaO made JLOJde Crom- well. ana laarliamcnf tobicb began the icbib. ofapjill, toao graunted to the ft tog a fubfedie of t too (bilUngo the pound Mndo,and ttoelne pence godeo,and fonr fiftceneo. Audley,f CbaKt^Ho) Amort^- 3 » loi lingers. Henry the eyghc» Lord AudUy Of ^tr Anthony Browne,Of SttttjJiS Carte* "'"** ^ojffCjUjcre maoe iintg^teg of the (garter. £Dn ^pap Dap, toas a great triumph of BJuHing at fVcft- rufting ofchai- miftner, tohtch ^UffeS, hUD btW pjOClapJlteD in France, F/af/tt* ders, Scotland, anD s^ayne, fo? all commcrs that lDoulDe,a» gainii the thallengero of EngUnde, tohtch toere, ^ir John Dudley,^ir Thomas Seymer, ^ir Thomas Poynmgs,^ir George Carcw jSntghfeS, Anthony Kingfton, anD Ricliarde Cromwell Cfquiers, tohich fapD challcngero came into the lilfeo that Dap richluapparelleD, anD their Ipoaffes trapped allintohitc tneluetjtoithcertapneifimghtes anDC^entle# iiienriDing afoje them,apparelleD all in tohitc 5llcluet,anti Inhite ^arfenet, anD all their feruants in tohite Dubleto, anD ho?en cut after the X5nrgonion falhton: anD there came to 3!uftagainff them the fapD Dape, of DefenDanre, jplbj. the ©arlc OtSurrey being the fojmott, 3lO?D William Heyward^ 3L0JD Clinton,anD ilo?D Cromwell,fonite anD heire to Tlio- mas Cromwell c^arlc of £/eAr,anD Ch3twberlapneof£«^/«/, toith other,tDhich biere all richlp apparelleD. 0nD that Dap, $j>ir lohn Dudley tuao ouerthJotone in the ficlDe, bp mili chance ofhis^ojOTe, bp one ^apffer BrcmeDcfenDant, ne# uerthelcire,heb;alteDiuers ^peares baliantlp after tljat: anD after thefalDe Ruffes toerc Done, the fapDecheftenSftd roDe to Durham place, inhere thcp feepte open houlholDe, anD fealfeD the luting anD £Juane,fcuith hif 3laDpee,anl> all the Court. 2Che feconDe of^ap, Anthony Kingfton, ailD Richardc Cromwell,lucre maDc ijnightes at the fapD place. SDhe thirD of ^ap, the fapDe challengers DiD turnep oit hojflebacbe toith toojDs, anDagainff tljem camerrir. De* fenDants,^ir lohn Dudley,anD the Carle tXSurrey running firlfjtohich the firtt courfe lottboth their gauntlets,anD that Dap, ^ir Richard Cromwell CUerth?etD ^papffer Palmer ire t fielo offhis IpojflTe, to the great honoj of the challengers. SCf)e b.of ipap, the faiD challengers fought on fcote at the 316arriers>i agatnS the,came ri:r.oefenDants,toh»h fought haliantlp. TooiByiflg. batrtei Henry the cyght^ i o i p t)«ltanflp, baf &(r Richard Cromwell ouerfb?eto fftaf Dap at tlje iSarr tcra ^apffcr Culpepcr t'n ti)c gelD, anD ti)z Crtb fapD cf)alcngera b?ahe bp tbetr boufbolD. 2Cbet)b>of ^ap,feir William Wcfton i&n(0l)f,iLojDCsirntroi, oflo^KS toiffjouf Smithfieldyt^tt), ailDtfjCi^tng tohe all tgc llanoo tbaf bclongoo fo tbaf ojDcr mfobi'S '' banoo^ fo fbe augmentaflon of bto Crolonc^anD gaoe bnfo eucrp of tbc Cbalengero aboue Uijtffen fo; a retoarDo of fbetr balfanftielTe^a bunDjeD ^arkeo, anb a boufc fo otocU in of parclp rcuenoes ouf of fbe fapo laiiDs fo; euer. SCf)e 26.of^ap,Ujas fenf fo fbe7cwerS)oifoar Wilfon, an&SDortour Sampfon i5i(bopofcfec/:;f/?(rr, fo; reldem'ng cerfapne p;troners tobtcbbcnpeDfbe l^tngo ^up;emacto, fo;fbcrame offence Richard Farmer dJrocer of a rtcb R'<^''af<'Farme« anb tDealf()p man, u»as commiffeb fo flje f^arfbalfea, anb nlT ■ after arratgneb, anb aftapnfcb in tbe ]d;emnntre, anb lod all bio ffcDbeo.aifo, fbe kaper of Netv^att toas fenf fo tbe ^arlbalfea, fo; giuing Itberfte fo ^otfo; Powell anb IDO' itour Ahell bt« p;ironcro. 2Cbe ntnfbof gulp, Thomas 3lo;b Cromwell Caric Of EJfex batng in fbe Cotinfell Cbaniber, toao fobeinlp ap# croX«ube1i p;ebenbeo, anb commiffeb fo fbo Tmer of Louden. 2Cbe headed, nineteenth),l)c inasi affainfeb bp )aarliamenf,of berefee anb bigb Creafon, anb ^ rrbtb.of Blutp, be toao bebeabeb on fbe Tovcerhtll U)itb iLo;b Walter Hungerford of Heittjburie. BJnfbtsmonetb of^ulp, iiing Henry bp aufbo;iffe of^^rSro^J/'^ J0arliamenf,anbConuocafion, tnao beuo;ceb from3LabpJr»'^FA"«o£ AnneOfC/eewe. ^ SDberrr.Of^inlp Robert Barnes, Thomas Gerrard, Wil- Sixe Priefles,' liam lerome J0;iett0, toere burneb in Smithfieid. STbc fame lllfe^ungcj; bap, Thomas Abell, Edward Powell, anb Richardc Fether- ftone,alIfb;fe2Dotfours,tDerebangeb anb quarfcreb, fo; benping fbe l&ingo rup;emacte of fbe Cburcb. K\)e fourfb of^ugutt, tuerc b;alDne fo Ttbome fire per# seaucn e*ecu: rone,anb one Icbbe, Lawrence Cooke, '^lio'i of William Home , a lap b;ofb^f Chnrterhoufe, Giles ^(Lib, Home io:o King Htnry niartied. Harlots caiife Ury fonimtr. Sherifes. Henry tlie eyght* ' Home CtenflemaiT, Clement Philpot,Efo^ Ijis t^arlot, STbc later cnb oftbisncarc luas a great b?outb anoa great beatb of bote burning ague® ano flireo. SEbe fait luatcr flotoeo aboue London bndge. William Laxton ; Martin Bowes,thc zS.ofScptember. Sir William Roche Draper, the 28.01 Oftobcr. STbcrrtj.OfSDecember,Ralph Egerton,anD Thomas Har- man, feruant to spapttcr Fhghtwood , loerc erecutcD fo? counterfttting tbe ?^ingo great ^eale in leaoe, tobcretoitlt fbepbab fcaleo otucro l^atents counterfetteo anDantioa* teoj mahtng strangers SDenifono, bnacr tbc names of oi' «ers Clearbes of tbe Cbancerte, one Tuckefield being of tbeir faction,robbcb tbe ilojD Audlycs Cb.iggfr. 3in 0p?ill, certapne perfons began a neto Kcbcllion in YorkefhirefiaW^ tsjcre lbc?tlp after tafee,f put to erecutio in Diners places,ofU)bttbjbeigh a (!i5etlema, a Clotb# per,anD Thorncton a peoman, toere put to Deatb at London, ^ir lohn Neucll llnigbt, a tenne perfons 0? nioe, tuere puttoDeatbatrfri^e. SCbe feanen anD ttoentitbof ^^ap, tbe CountetTc of Sa- l!jburie\Xit[^ bebmbCD in tbe Tower of London. K'\)t niutb cfBiunje,Dam port anD Chapman, tUjo of tbe JHings CD^arDjUiere bangeo at Greenewich foj robberp. tenrt)of3funCj ^irEdraondKncuec,fenigbte, of Norfolke^ yinno rcg. 5 3 Anew com- motion in Y orkeslure. ConnteiTcof Silisbutie be' iieaded. Daniport and Chapman ban- Henrie the eyght^ ^ o' * Norff'o/ke,'ioai arraignefibcfojc tbcJIimflS(fifffiTj SirEJmonJ til tfiic gl'Cfii ^3)aU at Greenewieh) il^apCct Gngc, COUiptroI; rtririfg Icr icings ljOUtI)OlD,f0aptttr Suthwdlj^ir Anthony intheCoutt. Browne,feii'f Anthony Winkelicld, ^apffer VVnflcy, ailfl Edmona Pecham, CofTeYrr D^tbeilUigS bouniolo, fojfftB itingof one ispai'ttcr Clcre of N^vfoike^ fer^nt Uiitb tfjc Carte of tuitbtn ttjc Iftings Ijoufc tii ? Court. SDIjere toaofirttcborcn to go bpo t^e fapD Edmond,a^ueit of 0entlemen,anDa Quctt of fJeomen,fo enquire oftbc fatoe Rrtpe, bp ttje tubicb inquctto, iit Uias founo giltp, ano IjaD iuOgement to lofe bis rigbt bergcant of tfjc LarDer to fct tbe knife rigbt on tbe iopnt: tbe giergeant ^arrer loitl) bis fea# ring irons to fcarc tbe bcpnesitbe gierieant oftbepoul^ trep,toitbaCoctte, tubicb Coclte tboulb bsue bts beab fmitten off bpon tbe fame blocbc, anb toitb tbe fame knife: tbe peomen oftbeCbauno?ie toitb feare clotbes: tbe peo^ men of tbe ^kolerie tuitb a panne of 6re to beate tbe irons; acbaferof tuater to ccote tbe entiesoftbeirons:anb tloo fojmcsfojall Officers to fefte tbeir OEufFe on: tbe g>erge^ ant of tbe Celler toitb SiSltne, Hie, anb Bfere: tbe peomen of tbe Ctojtc in tbe feergeantes ftfebe Uibo tuas abfente, hiptb IBafon, CtD?e,ano SDomels. Cbus etterp man in bps £Dfficc reabpe to bo tbe epetution, tbere toasrallebfmjtb ^ir William Pickering J^nigbt ^^ar^alI, to b^ingin tbe fapbe Edmonde Kncuet, anb tuben bfe tuas biougbte to tbe S5arre , tbe cbiefc Hutlice beclareb to bpm bis fref» pafTe, anb tbe fapbe Kneuet confeCfing bpmfelfe to bfe giltpe, Ijnmblpe fubmitteb bP'" fo tbe Kings mercic r fo.} ibis oflfence b^lsits notonip itibgeb tolofe bisb^nb, but alfo bis bobp toremapne in pjifon, anbbisKanoes anb gcDbes at tbe Kings pleafure.lTben tb^ fspbe ^ir ^(Ciiij, Edniond Henry the cyght* Edmund KncuctDrffreD t^at f^e itiingofj^tebenignegrace tooulD parDon btm of bis rigbt banoe, ano tahe tbc teft, ioj, (quotbbe)ifmprtobtt)anDb0fparcD,3 n?ap barraftcrboc fncbc gojD fcrutce to bis grace, as fbaU'p'icafe btni toapi popnt.£Dftbts fubmiffton anoreqacft, tbc jnaices fojtb' toitb ciifojmcb tbeBtnj/m^o of gajDneffe, confiocring gently (of tbc fapbc Edmund, anb tbc goji) repo?te of ILo?os attb ilatipcSjgraantcD bpnr paroon,tbat be fboulo lofe ncptbcrbanD^lano,no;ga)Des,but fljoulOgoc free at libertic. SHbc 3Lo?b Leonard Gray,being enofteo ofcerfain poinftf ofSCrcafonbpbi'" committeb, as Ujasallcbgcb agarnlfe bint, boring tbefcafontbat be toas tbe Itings lieutenant in/re/W, to tuitte, fo? beliuering bis nepbctti GiraldFitz Garardjbjotbcr tO Thomas Fitz Garard before erecuteb,ant> alfojfoj tbat be caufeb certainc irijhmen to inuabe tbc lanbs oftbetaings fricnbs,ti)bonie befauoureb not: tbe fine and ttoentitbof31une,beU)as arraigneb at we^imin$ler in tbe iJtngs bencb, anb appopnteb to be trpeb bp j&nigbtes, bp# caufc be toas a lojb bp name, anb no iLojb of ibe JSarlia# tnentjbnt be bifcbargeb tbe 31oric,anb eonfeffeb tbe enbite# mcnt,U)bcr£bpon,bc bab iubgenicnt,f on ^ rrbit/. of ^tine, being S Peters euen,be tuas bebeabeb at Tower hill,\x)i}cxc be^ TheLot^^ cnbeb bis lifeberp quietlp anb goblp. ktS'eJ«" 2Dbis noble man, as be toas come of bigb iignage, fo teas be a rtgbt baliant anb barbp perfonagc, bauing in bis time bone bis |3jince anb Countrcp gob fcruice, botb in Ire/and, Fra>7ce,ani3 otbcc placcs, gccatlp to bis commcnba# tion,aItbougb nolo bis bappetoas tbus to lofe bis beab. 2Cbe fame bap tbatbefufficrcb, tbcre tocrc crccuteb at Saint Jhomoi Waterings tb.JK C^enttcmcn , lohii Mantcll, lohn Frovvdes,anb George Roydon. STbep bieb fo? a murtber eommittcb in Sujfex (as tbcpj inbitementimpojtcb) in eompanp of Thomas Fines, lojbc rordDacrejof Dacrcs oftbc ^outb. STljc tcotb lobcreof toas tbus: tbe f Dacres, tbjougb Iclobe pecDrafion of fome Hcnrictliecygftt» fzj oU%mj bin repo;teo, meaning fo btinf ftt ^ parlte of Nicholas Pciham c^fquttr at Laughton^ tti t^e fame Coun* tic of Sujfex, bapng accompanpcb toittj tfjc fapoc Mantel, FrovvtlcsanORoydon,Iohn Chcyney, ailD Thomas Ifley, felfeloas arraigned befojcthelojd AudlcyofWaldcn,theii ilo;d Chauncelo;^, Httingthat dap as high ^tetoard of£«^- /Ws toith other ares of the Healmc about him,toho then and there condemned the fapde JLojde Dacres to dpc foj that tranrgrelTton, andaftertoardes, the nine and ttoentith of 9lune, being Samt Peters dape, ateleauenof the clocfec in lhefo?enD9ne,thcS>herififesof LWw, accojdinglp as thep toere appointed, toere reaopeat the Tower to haue receiued the faide pnfoner, and him to haue led to erecution on the Tower htll^avAm the p?ifoner Ihoulo come fojth of the Towen on Heire a C^entleman of the 3l03d Chancclo?s houfe came, and in the laings name commauiidedtoltapthe erecution till ttoo of the cloche in theaftern(Dne,tohpche caufed manp to thinUe, that the &ing tooulde haue graunted hie pardon* i5utncucrthcletre,atthJaof theclocbein the fame after# nome, he toas b;oH0ht fo?th of the Tower, and delpuered to the ro24 ProgirelTeto Yocke. Sherifes. - iior>ie,)3j^cre l}cDpsD. ^)is bcap toas burpoD in tbe Cburcbc of Sam Sepulchres; be teas not paSe fonrc anu tteenttc peres of age,teben b^ came tbus tbtengb^ greate mitbappc to bp3 once, fo? tebonie nianp fote lamcntcD, anb liheteifcfoj tbe Otbcr tb?a Gentlemen, Mantel),Frowde3,anD Royclon,but fo3 tbe fatoe pong 3Lo?D,being a rigbt totearblp Centlcma, ano fucb a one,as inanp bab concetueb great bope of better pjiijfe,no final mcne anb lamentation teas mabe,tbe mo?e inbeebe, foj tbat it teas tbougbt b^ inbuceb to attcn^ fncbc follie,tobicb oteafioneb bis bcatb? bp fome ligbt tbattoerctbcnaboutcbim. SIDbefirffcof3iulp,a^^f/ rpeb, foj birbncljaffe lunngcomnutteb toitb ThomasCul- peper anb Francis Dcrham, toas bp ^Barliatnent attainfeb, Culpepei anb Derham toerc put to beatb nt Tjborne,\ tentb bapofSDeccmbcr. STlje rrib of Btanuarp tbe l^ing teas pjoclapmeb Sing of Irelan^e. SCbe li.of j^ebjuarp tbe ilabp Haward, otbertoife calleb £5uanc Katiierine, anb tbe llabp lane Rochcfbrdcjfoj bepng ofbir Counccl teitb Thomas Cuipeper,toere botb bebcaoco teitbin tbe Tower of Londofj. 2Dbe X Hcnrie the cy ght» 1025 S0avc]j, lolin Dudley luas crcatebVif- count Lifle, bp fbe rigbt ofbtf tnotbtt 3laDp Elizabeth fitter anb b^irs fo fir lohnGrey, Vifcount Lille, tufio toas late totfcto Arthur PJantagenct Vifcount Liflc late OecealTeD* 2nbcfeauenfantbof^^arcbMargarctDauya^at0,toaf{«^ . boplco m Smithfieldd, fa J povfcniiig tbJa bonfijolbes tbat ftc in smTthLi"* bao DtDetiet) tn. 2Cbc eigbt anb ttucntitb of ^nrrbc, fbe parltament fit^ 1542 ftttg, George Feres JlSurgclTe foj tbe STolnne of PhmmoKth, teas a'rrettcb tii London bpon a conbeuination, tobercbppon tbc Sergeant at arntcs of tbc Common boufc, tuaa fente to tbC Counter Itt Bredfirete to fctcb b'lW'lJUf ^b^ ClearUS fUOUlD npt belpucr bim, till tbc ^beriffco cam^tbem fclucs, tobo lri tbe cttbc oeliucrcb bim; botobctt,tbis matter tuas fo fnfif in tbc Common boufc, tbat tbc §>bcriffcs,tbc ciearIto,anb fine officers, tnptb tbc partic plaintifc, tocrc fcnt to tbc To- n'erjOnb tbcrc lapc ttoo bancs, anb lucre tbcn bciturrcb fap^ th°To°vver.' ^peabcr anb common boufc: tbc ^bcriffcsluercbcIiucrcD Annoreg.-^^ from all charges, crccptc tlucntic pounbc fo; tbcir fets. 3n ^papc tbc fepng tcofec a loane of moncp, of all fucb as tocrc balucb tuojtb fiftp pounb 0? bptuarbc. 3ln tbc monetbof^ugutt, lames Crlc ofin ire- ibwile, camcanbrubmittcbbimfclfCtotbci^ing, anbforc# """ furncb. SDbC firffe ofC>£tobCr, tbc grcatc Onealc of IreUnde luas Thegreitc crcatcb Carle of Ttron, anb bps bafc fonne Mathcw Oneale 3l5aron of Donmagan, foj Shane Onealc tbC onclp fonnC Of btS bobpc latufullp begotten, luas tbcn little cttcemcb. S^bc 2)uhc of Norffoike cntccb siotUnd tfic oiic anb ttucn' onke of Notr- titb of C>ft0bcr, burning anb Uiatting all tbe sparcbcs, anb tbcrc tarricbluptboutcanpc battel pjoffcrcb bp tbe i^tng of Sccttes, bntill tbc mibbctl of ^oucinbcr. Henry Hoblechornc;HcnryHancots,thc 28.ofSeptember. Sherifes. 7 lohn Coates Salter, the 28. of Oftober. ALaior. $ after tlje beparture of sure armpc from ScotUnde, tbe iHpngof^mrw mabcaroabcuUo£»^/W?, anb bib mucbe barmc; X 02(5 Hcnric the eyght» ^9ts 0H«» ||arme,!}Ut at fl^C latte Cr Thomas Wharton, anD ft'r Willi- rovvne. Mufgraue, Inptt) a fcUjC Of bOjDurCtS , met tfje Scoff, iDf)cretl)cp being in number 15000, inere oueribJolunc, in tobitb^ conflitfe toae tahen 3Lo?be Maxwell, tlje Carles nlGleficarneamSajjliles, tDptballtbcCapitatnes of tbe ar^ tnp to tbe number of one ano ttoentie, ano on Saint Thomas euen tbe 0pottIe,tbep toere bjougbte to tbe Tmer of London, tobere tbcp tape tbat'nigbt: tbe nertc bape tb^p Uiere bp tbe fcings tbarge apparellcD in lilbe, anb robe tbjougb tbe Ci# tie to pyeflmmfier,\xi]^txz tbep tucre fiDome to be true pjifo* nera, anb tben Inere betiuereb to tbe cuCtobie of bpuera no^ blemenne^tobptbebeno^ablp entertaineb (bem. Slt^eljo* peares tioe tbep mere fent boine againe,agraing to certatnc articlea. yVhtfe ititafe 2Cbe 9, ofiFebjuarp a pjoclamation teas mabe,tDberebp tb® peopU loere licenceb to eate tobite ineates in 3Lcnt, but Qraigbtlp fo?bibben tbe eating of fletbe . Mberebppon> lbo?tIp after tbe (H^arlc otSnrro) toitb biuers 3Lo?b0,!anigbt8 anb d^entlemen, tuere impjifoneb fo; eating offletbe in tbe fame llent, contrarie to tbe faibe ]^;ocIamation, T 54^ Cbe 8.of ^ap one Lcche fometpmc SSapIp of Lwr^,tobo Unnoreg.^^ b^b biHeb Somerfet onc ofour i^errautts of 3rmes at Dm- somerfet^an l^rre tn Scot/ande, toas b^atone to Tyborne anb tbere bangeO Hetauit yued. quartreo . 0nb tbe tinel^b of 3lune, Edwardc Lechc bps brother, anb tnitb bitn a |a?ie(t, fo? tbe fame fad:e,toere Ipbeiuife crecuteb at Tybome. FirfteyroR pee> vzarz tbe firflte ca0e psceo of p?on tbat euer Inere ces cafte. mabe in E>sg/andc,tjjerz mabe at BHckeftede in Sujfex, bp Ralfc Ho2;e anb Peter Bawde. Cbe tbirbc of 3une, tbe Obrine a ilojbc in Irelande, ano bpuersoftbelnilbc/ny^f, rubmittebtbemtoJUpngHenne. 3In 31ulp tbe faibe obrine iuas creatcb C&arle of Clawri- Cftfde. Kxn Hcfl e SCbeI^.of^ulpi&ingHetuiemarrteblLabpe Kathcrine tnwfycd tldye Parrc, late iuife to tbe 3Lo?oe Latimer, anb fitter to tbe ipar# Kathciinc Par, qq^gig gf Morthamfton at Ham^on Courte. iipng Henric the eyghtf 102.7 ftfn0 Henry ftnt OUCr 6000, mcll to Landerfey, to^ethtV An amiyfene alfocame tf)e (^mptrour tott^ a greate armpe,anDi]^o;tlpe after came Cotonc t^e Mng iopW a sreat armp aiiD oftereD to gpue battatle to tbe(!Dmperour,bp reafon toberei of tbe ftege loao rapfeo: t^en t^e men btctaalleo tbo ICotone, ano on ttjc mojrotoe being reaon to giue battaiie, ffje Frenche uien maDe great (brto, but Dallpeo out tl;e bap, anb in tbe nigbt beparteb. 2C(je eigbte anb ttoentitb of 3|ulp, Anthony Parfon^Ro- belt Tcft woo4anb Henrte Filincr loere bjeilt at ^Vmdfore. greate beatb of tbe peftilence toao at LWo^.anb tbere# fojc MichaclmaifG SCctme toaO abiojncb to Sam Albons. IohnTolous:RichardeDobbcs, the iS.ofSeptember. Sherifes Sir William Bower Draper, the 28. of OtRober. SirRalfc Warren,thei j.ofAprill. tJMaior ^t ^Iballoiontibe, a toabe tuao mabe into Scotiande, bp tbe garrifon tbere,lobo burneb eo.^tUageo,anb totlte great p?apes. SCbeeigbtancofSDccembertbe Hrcbebptboppe of cw«- terbmies J0allaice at Canterburie loao b?ent,anb therein toao b;ent bio brother in labijanb otber men. SCbefourc anb ttocntitb of December, William3io?be Parrc, toaS Createb (Erie tiiEjfex, anb fir William Parrc teas createb iSaroii Parrc ofUorton at Hampton Conrt. 3nb on tbe firffe of3|anuarp fir Thomas Wriothcfley toao createb 3103^ ron OiWriotheJley at Hampton Courte. STbiopearecbaunccbfourec^cIipreO) one of tbe^unne tbefourteentb of^anuarie, anb tb?a of tbe ^mne. Four Eciypfe»; 3ln tbe beginning of Jlcnt,§Lo?be Edward Scymer (Earle of Hereforde, Uias maoe liiuetenaunt of tbe jj5o?tb,anb fent tbitber toptb an armp. 2Cbe feauentb of ^parcbe, Gcrmaine Gardner, anb iierTidTth^tJ^ Larkc J0arfon of Chelfia toerc crecutcb at Tyhome, foj bcup# *"*"16(3. ing tbe things ^upjemaciejioptbtbemUiao erecuteb , fo: otber offences one Singleton. 0nbfi>o?telpeafter, Alhbey teas Ufieimfe ejcecuteb fo; tbe ^ttp^cmacie. %%% Hcnrie the eyght;' , ^ . Jp)e r^.of#arc^ fir John Duclle>v iT#/ — wirall iuitl) a great naap,oei>arteo totnarfie ScotkKde. Honfe biorvne JC^jefourtlj of ^pjiU a <0an-poulDer tjonfe, cailro t{je vpp« v^rifhgHB- BUcke SwAn in Ea^i Smithfiei(Uy\s)(i6 blolon bppc ano tb^eilf foui4 ano tobe there oiaero heOeio.Cbe iib.of ^ap be ianoeo the rcfione of bio men dXLteth,% from tbence marcbeo fojtoarOe in tbltdegreatebattaileOjtDbereoftbe raioelLo;oe:SDmtraU ieo tbe batoaroc, tbe Carle of sbrewfiHru tbe rereUjarD,anD Edward Seimer CarU Of ffer/fardejlieactCMnt d^tttersl o( tbe battell.^erc tbcpfoanb tbe Scots to tbe number of <5ooo. bojfemcn beliDco manp fotemen reaope to ttoppe t^betr paf« rage, tubo at tbe fllrSe, mabe as tbep teonlo baue fet on tbe baloaroe, butaftercertainetbotteon botbfioes, tbep fo^ oatnelp, leautng tbeir artitierie bebtnoe tbem, fieb totnaroe Eienboreugh, tbe fo;cmolfe ttt flaing, toas tbe Carbinall of Satnt Anarom,t}^t Carle of Huntiej (lS'ouernour,Murrcy anb i.i£tlttaVenancl Bothwcll, anO tbCH W^O E>igltfhmeK eiltreO tbe toton of Litth^ ijioyled. tobere tbep founo fucb rtcbeo,as tbep tboagbt bab not bdtne in anp totone ofScot/a»d. sct)e nerte oap our armp tnent to« )3)aK0eB EoU»hroKg/j .• ano loben tbep app;ocbet}neare, tbe p;ouotl of tbe toton toitb otber p;ofereb to baue oelpurreo^ tbe fame^bpon conoitta,tbat tbe people migbt oeparte toitb. bag nno baggage,! tbe toton to be fafe h'om 6re« ^berebn# to our iLieuctenant aunftoereo, tljat be toas rente tbitbrr to tabe bengeance bpon tbem fo; tbeir oeteSable fal(ba>be,anti tbat bnlelTe tbep tooulO peeloe bp tbe toton Omplp toptbont conbition,anb caure man, tooman ano cbtlbe,to oeparte in» to tbefi9loee,rubmittingtbemto btopleafure, befoontoe put tbem to tbe , ano tbeir totono to tbe fire, scbt Hcnrie die eygK ^^^0, ^loibS atmOiemt), tfrat 8rt0, anb ^anb-gans,tottb Bagptpei befoje tbemif in Samt lama |aarbe beSoeo wenmwFierja^t^ mttftreb before tbe l^tng. 3|nfbe monetb of Jane, fbeiiefanp o? JD;ocetIlioii tnae Procefiwi i* fet fojtb in Engitfhe, tottb commanoement bp tbe Sting to be . generalfp bfrb in )dart(^ Cbnrcbeo* Cbe tbirtaentb of B|alp &ing Henrie ioitb a goblpe com# panpepaffebinfijF?"4«efanoencampebonf^ #o?tbltbenf after tobofecomming tbe ICotone inao fo fojebat# tereb inptb bp tbe ^arle of Hertford,mu fir lohnbudlc)JLo?D0Diniral/tbcrt being 2)cputtc of Bohtgne,. SDbc tfiirtantfi of i?^eb;uarp,a p^ieff tnas fef on tfic pit# lojtc in cheape,% bumt in botb cbabs toitb tlje letters F f A. f a paper on Ijis beaoc, toberein toas tojittcn For faifeiccu- ft»g, tobpcbc iuDgenient toas giucn bp ttje Jtojbe Cbanreloi in tbe ^tarre Chamber,a notable erample of^uniceigreat canfe fiaue 3| to loiific the Ipfie, to tije Ipfie acctifer) tobo m* uer pet repenteb^buteotrarituire fiocarett) aiiD foKtoearetfi that be nener did anp fucbe arte againfie bis b?otber» 31n tbe beginningof^^arcb aroabe toas mabe info Scot- lande fotoarOe Gedworth bV ttjt Engbjhemen, tobO at tfiC firttC gote greate p?aifc,buf tbep toere fo grabp,anb toent fo far, tbat a greate armp of Scottes befct tbem toitb fb?® battels, lobere tbe Ertghjhemen fo} tbe mofte part toere Qaine anb ta^ ticn at Patter Hotrg^e,among tobome fir Ralph Eure 3Lo?be Aidemwn of Eurc,anb 5Marben of tbe Catt^arcbes toas flapne,anb Ri- pt'^oa°e^ chard Reaci aiberman of A»»^/«>»,toptb btbcr fallen pjifoners bp tbe Scots. Crinitie SCerme toas abiojneb bicaufe of tbe toarres. i ^4^ about tbe rrb.of 3!une toas great tempctt oftoinb in Dar- Annoreg. n htfnire, tofiere tbtougb tras toere ouer-turneb, anb bpuers Cbu«bcs,CbbppeIsanbboufes, toere bncouereb. aitb in Haaeftonesfl. Lnncajhire, tbere ffell baileffones as big as mens fiffs,tobicb bab biuers pjintes in tbem,fomelibe mens faces,fome lilie (i^unne boles,fc. SCbeninetantb of BJulp,tbe Wngs naupcomming out of PEctvhauenanb Deepe,avriutb0nt\)tcoaftc of Eng/and in Sttfex, afoit Bright Hamstettde,\3a\}txz tbcp fcttc certaiiie of tbeir foulbionrs alanbe to bnrne,but tbe 2l5eacons toere fp^ reb,anb tbe men came botone fo tbtcfie, tbat tbe French men flebbe anb bib little burte. Cbe rilr.ofBlalpabp miffojtnne of (btotinga C»un in one of Men brent m t l^ebgebogs a lbip,afoje Wf/ifw/wf/fr, afirken ofgun ponU oer fp?eb f flcto,anb tbe eigbt leapcb into tbe Tham^, S^tu aim I032i Hcnrie the eyght» MjryRofe vvM drowned. Frcnehrnen Ian. anDluaito^oitineD. rp.of 3IuI? t^c feing befttg af Portfm»uth,n gm&ip (fjip titEfjgknde^ calUO tl)0 Mary Rofe, tottb Rf George Carrowc tfjccaptaine, aiiii nian^e otljcr clJcntlemeit voere D;otoneo in tljc miODcft oftbs l^aucn, bp grcafe iiegltgeitce. SHbewj. of3ulp,tl)0 French f naupocameafoje VPortfinsmh b}aucn,aitD lanbeb certaincof tbeir armp in t[)z Silc at Height, at Saint Helens |3oint,f tb^t^ bumoD f eiicam^' peo about tfcDotboufanbe men, buttbep toerefone Djioen atuap initb loCfe of tijeir Captatne f manp foult)io?s.SJattb# Frenchmen Ian. in fell) Dape0 aftet, tbc tobolc rcmouoD from tbc tvtght u'n ia Su^x!"*' tO 3 plUCO tH Snjjex, caUct) Newhauen, foUf milOO from Levees^ ano tfjere lanDco manp Captaines % foulDto?0, iufjo bp tbe baliantnclTcoftbf ^sntlenien ano ^eomcn otSnffex,^txt ^ flaitic ano ojolwneo in tbc l^aucn a great number of rclfe barolp rccoucrco tbetr Ibtppeo ano (Iiyanct0» khomte -fh^s -Kmc 3!n tbC mouetb of ^Inguft OeccalRD at CuHforde, Charles -Stei Hcnrg Brandon 2>ube ofSafj/ke-, aito 3lc.:oegrcate5^ai{fer oftbe bouJboloc,U)bo toas bcnojablp burpco atmndfire. Erieof ffirford ' 3jn.Slugufl \\)Z CSarlO atHereforde tuaO fcnt into Scotland, ftnt into scati. atmpo of i2ooo,menne,lDbcre l)t oefiropeo opuers Comneo, ano grcatfp cnoamageo tije Scottes. LordeAdmirait ^Cbe nitttbDf^cptembcr firlolmDudley, i^ojoc Lille, brent Treyport JtOjOE HOllliralt QtEnglande lattOCO tDttfi (^OOO.mcn at Trey- port in Normandie, auo tljcro bjEiito] tbc SDotoME ano 0bbc^ iBitb otbor boufos about it, ano tbirtio tfitpg Ujttfi a liDarhe tbat tape in tbe l^auen, toitb loffEoffourtene Enghpjmenne, anororcturncD. SCbe tbjclftb of September, tbc Cbnrcbc of Saint Giles toitbOUt Criplegate of LondMn fijas bjcnt, ^b^i^isbtdentb of October tbc p^ocefiion boao firfic be* gon in Pauics cburoctour Crome reca^ teO at Pantes Crojfe. Wf)erbj.ofiulp, luerc burneDin Smithjiedfoj tbe&acra^ A$ktvre ment, Anne Askcwj-i/i^Keime, lohnLaflels, Nicholas O- *" tOi-clcnpjielf,Iohn Adlam 2Catl0ur, anDSDoflOur Shaxton fometime Biflbop of Saiijbnrie pjekbeD at tbe fame fire, ano tberc recanteo, perCcoaDing tbem to Doe tbe Ipke, but tbeu tooulDenot* |Cbe wj.of ;3ugull came into Claude dc Honne- Jigbc i^omirall of Framce, tobo b?ou0btc toitb bl?m tbe mm 1034 Admirallof France came (o London, Condttin Loth fcnrie. Sherifes. ) KjMtitor. > Diike of Norf' folke,and Baric Henrie the eyght> ^acre of Deepe,ms ftoeluc dUalldo, l^e laitcco «f fl^e Tmet' wh^rfe, tDljcrc Uias tjonojablp rccotncD, ano bjoagbfc f9 fbe^p^op otLoKdo»s^dL\mty tobere b^ lobgeo tuio titgbt<( ant) tben robe fo Hampton Come tDbcrc tbc fttng Iap« . JBp tl)t U)npe|^;tnce Edwardcrecciaeb btm tottb a companpe of ^-oo^oateo of Meluet iuitb one llefue ofclotb of(25olDe, anb balfe tbecoatc embjobereb toUb oucrno; of tbe iStttgs pcrfon. SCbefirf of i^^ebjuarp tbe Carle otHertford jLojb pjote# King Edvvard^ cfoj in tbe Tovecr of Loudon, enbucb !^iiTg Edwarde initb tbe ojbcr ofi^nfgbtbffibe,anb tben iumiebtatip tbe Itpngttan^ bing bp, Henric Hobletiiornc Jlojbe ^papo^ Of London fajas snttib. caU mm io?(5 Edward the fixtEf Diike and Lor- dcs created. Lord Mayorof calIcl),tM!)ol?naUttgDoU)ii, f^cfepiig fc3heff)e$>foojDofffje Kniht" * JLojDc |D?otcctour,anD maHe i^nig^t, totju^e teas t^e firBe tljatcuerfjcmaDe, Ctje fourtccntl) of i^Pbntarp tfto co?ps ofi^iiig Henry tl)Z eigI;tCjtMagU)ttt) great folcmpnitic ano bono? conucpcD to* tuarbes tbcrc burieo in tlje ColUDge. SClje feauentantb of j^^cbjuarp fir Edward Scnner (iSarIc otHertfordc ano 3LojQcpjotc(totir,U)a0 creatco SDubcof^r?- wffry^/,tbe3lo?DcParie CBarlcof ^ev^iuas createfi ^parqiics Criohn Dudley JLojOO Lifle, ilojDe 0Otnt^ ral, Ujas crcafcD <£rle of f^arwik?, ano JLo?D Cbaniber latnc of Eng/ande, fir Thomas Wriotficfley anD ilOJOe CbaUHCC* lour, iuaS creatOB (Sarle of Southampton, fir Thomas Seymcr Xuao maoe ILojoe of Sudley,ox\o bigbo 3DmiralI, fir Richard Riciie,toaS mabe IIOJD Rich, fir William Willoughbcy UjaS tnabC ILOJO tVtlloHghbey of Parbam, fir Edmond Shcffcld kiaS tnabe JLO?De Shsffelde of Buterwike. laing Ed. robe tbjougb i> citrc of London fotoarbff wefimin- .^cr,anbasbcpaffeDon tbc feoutlj ffbc of P*t*ies Cbnrebe* parbe,an Argofme came from tbeHSatttemenfs of tbe ^tk* pie of Patties Cburcfie bpcna^Cable, being mabc fafie to an ancUer bp tfjc ^eaneg gate,lying on bie b?eaff,atbtng bini? felfe neither iDitbbanbcnojfcote, anoaftcrafcenbebto tbe inibbett of tbe (Table,tobero be tumbleb ano playcb manye pjeatie toyeg,tDbere at tbe feing anb tbe nobles babbe gtoO KingLdrrvarde patttme. ^^0tuas croiwncb at^ehFwmT^r^on tljc pp.of bjuary* 2Tbe firtb of s^arcbe,tbe great g>ealebf£«^We tons fa^ hen from fir Thomas Wriotheflcy, ano on tbe moKotoe tbe fame toas beliiiereb to tbe 3lo;D Sent-lohn.Jiojo great ^ai' fier. 2Tbefiftfrntbof^ap2Doftour Smith recanteb at VmUs Croffe. 2Cbe i-ojbe]^?ofe£touranb tbe reC of tbe (Councell fent Pinles fteepte Uy at ancker. crowned. 1547 DoSor Sinitlv recanted. laiages forbidde Commiffionerfl into all partes of tbe realme,tDilling tbem to talie all Images out of tbeir Cburcbes, fo? tbe auopbing a£ i Edward the fixth» 1057 uf SlUoIafrte, tuMlj (fjcm tocrc fcnf Diucnei J^jcarftcrg fo ptr# toaoc tfje people from ttjcir beaDes, anD fucbe Ipfec ccremo^ nies,atiD at tbat time tlje going in J^jorelTion toao fojbiOj p,octfigitp}. ^'dvien. Jn tlje monetb OfHuguff , Edwarde SDufee OtSomerfet, ll02Dc^?oteftour as (ID^cnerall, anD lohn Dudley C-arlcof warwtke, 3lo?oe iLieuctonant toitlj a noble armp toetc rente iiytoScotlande, anD ncareto Edcnhorough at a place callcD Mmfcleborough tlje Enghfhemenne anD Scottes niCtte j lObCrC fltide. ° betioane tbem tbe tcutb of^eptcptcmbcr toas fougbte a cruell faattel.SCbe bidojie lobercoffcll fo tbe ano oftbe Scottes toere flaiae fourctane tboufaiiDe, anD fahen pjifoners, fiffdene ljunD?eD,tDl)ereof mann ioere dD'entlcme, anD not abouc tb?a fcoje Eegtijhmen flaine. JCljerriiij. of£'ctober,Richarde Jiojce Rtche teas maoe Lorde Kichu ilojDeCbaimcellonr. Channcdor. Thomas VVhifRobcrtCherfey.thc 28. ofSepteniber. Sheri^es t sir lohn Grefham Merccr,the 28.of Oftober. tJAUior > SDbisfirlohnGreniamfounDeOa ifrfleftboolcat Uoh, a FrceCchaoie at ^arbet totone in Nerjfoike. ;3lfo at bpa DeceaCTc tobicbe toas in Anno I y y6.on tbe w^.of^Dctobcr^be gauetocuerp toarDe in London fen pouno to be Dittributeo to tbe proje.^nD fo 60. pmje men f loomen,cuerp one oftbcm tbja parDs of bjoaoe clotb ofeigbf 0} nine Ibillings fparD,fo be maDe in gotons reaDpe to tbep? baches: gane alfo to ^^aiDes marriages anD to tbe ^ofpitals in London, abooe ttoobnnDjeD pouiiDS in reaDp monep. 2Cbcfourtbofi]ioacmber, tbe parliament beganne at Hoftmnffer, in tbe lobifb toas grauntcD fo tbeiSing al Cba# chauntrus ana tries, freedbappels, anD 515?otberbfflDcs: anDanactc toas chapptii gmtn maDe fo? tbe recepuing of tbe Sacrament,in botb binoes of 116?eaDe anD Mine, SCberbij. of j^ouembcr toas pulleD Dotone tbe UmDe in dburcbjloifb Marie anD lohn, t all otber images in i Cburcb: tben § libe toas Done in al Cljurtbes in England. ^Ifo at Matter folotoing began tbe Communion ano cona SDtt.iiii, fef) 1038 Edward the fixthf Anno rtp 1 in Enghfhe, bttt HO tttanne conffrained fberefo ercepte J f" tbeptDouldc: but after Matter begannc tbe §)eroice in £«- — _f///^finfimrgl^ariQ)eCbwrrbc«> anf at E2Ibiffontioe at Pauies,bp tbc comnianfiement oftl^e SDcane. Barking cijap/" pell ntglje tb® Tower Of London.Saint Afartins Le Grannd nigb tbe Shambles tocre pulleb bolon. 3lfo tbe pariftj Cbur* CbCS, of Saint Nicholas tU tbO Shambles,t[\\t Saint Ewyns toitl)' in Newgate,Sxjtxt pullco Dotonc,anD tbe ^Baritbioncra, ap# pointeb to tbc late DitTolueb Grey Friers is note naineO ChrHles church, founded by King Hcnric the eight. 2Cbe matcbe inbicb^ b^>bbc bane accuQomeD in London at ^iofommer of long time laioe botone^tDaa notoe againe ts fed, botb on ttje euen of Saint lohn and of Saint Peter, in a0 comelp o?der as it bad bane accuftomed^ tobpcb toatcb toad greatelp beautified bp tbe number of moje tban tb?a bun« d?eo S>imilauntes and ligbt bojfemen, tbat toerc pjtpareu bp tbe Citizens to be fcnt into Scotiande fo? tbe reftue of tbe SDolun of Hadington,mXi Otfier fiept bp Enghfimen in Scotland. The fiegeof £)n Saint Petcrs euen,Monfieur Dafley, iLieuetenant to Hidington. tbeF^-'wf^iltingjandtbe ifleingraueof luptb tbe number of jr. tboufano French and Almaines befides Scots^i^Zf fieged tbe ^otone of Hadirgton in Scotlande, defended bp tbe Engitfhmenymfo Ujbofe aide Ibojtlp after came" from Barwtke ib.C.b9?fcmcn, tobicb fnere 700. men of armes and SDimp lances, tbe Captaincs tjjbereof tocre fir,Robert Bowes, and fir Thomas Palmer, tobpcbbo?remen not long after bp tbe Frenchmen tocre cnclofeo, and tbe mofte part either Qaineoj taken toitbtbeirdaptainesbefoje named : neuertbelelTe, our Sngi'flimen defended tbeSCoton,often (feirmitbingtoptb tbe French, and putting tbem to tbe tDojfe, bntill tbe ttoem titb dape of^uguft, and tfien came an armp out of Engiande offiretanetboufanoe, aftfie iobitijefoure tbourandclnere Almaines,iiipngs iLicuctenaut tuas tbe Carle of shrewf- huneX^^t C'eneral of tbe Almaines tuas Captaine Courtney. ^t tbecomming of tbisarmie, tbe Frenchemenne ZXifi ScQttts in peaceable manner departed from befoje Hadsngton, gluing Edward the fixth» f ? j 9 Stuiti0 ottr aiiP ^oulDtera great commenPaft^ cn fo? tpeir ferutce. Francis c&arle of Shrerv/hnrte after f)e fjao ftenetfje SToione btftualleo atio ftojeotoitpfren^ ^oalot^ era ano muntffotia^oeparteb iitfo E^jglaxd, ano our me feept TUdwgton,Dtttntimt5 ftirmift)tng loftfjtfiC Frenchmen] anO Scottes, till tljC tU)fntii!) D.IP Of^eptClllbcr, Had.ngfon ra-' anb tben cametoitl) tljeC&arle QfRutUKd^siix^ tbjee tbouratib ^ngi«h« ^/w;^««,anb as manp ISojberers, ioljocaurcb t^e Cotone to be rajeb^anb fo b;ou0ljt tbctr iDjbmanfe nnb carriage to Benvike,ani3 rcturticb toitbout battaple. S)H Saint Peters bap, Stephen Gardiner lioifbop Of Bishop of che^er, pj cacbeb at fvenmmner in tbe Courtc befoje tbe 7tnt\"othiT9. fiing,fo} tbe tobicb Sicrmcn, tuas on tbe mojroU) after fent to tbe Tower QtLondon. 2::bePb'Of3inIp,a]^?icfftDas batigeb anb quartereb in SmtthfieldSai, tpatbeanb otber in CorwW/bab flapnc^ap# cor"/vvja Ccr Body, one of tbeiaings Commiirioners,tbe others of bisTocietie, toere put to beatb in biuers otberpartes of tbe ^ealme. fiCbw peare, a great mojfalitie bp tbe pelfilence, toas in Gre»tPeftutBce I,o«d(?»,U)berefoje,coinmaunbemenf toas giuentoallCm wJ'OHdon. rates anb otber bauing to bo tbertDitb,tbat no cojps (boulb be burieb before fiire of tbe clocbe in tbe morning, no^ after 0jce of tbe cloche at nigbf, anb tbat tbere fljoulD at tbe biiri*' - all of eucrp cojpfe, be rong one bell at tbe leaft,bp tbe fpace - of tbJ® quarters of an boure. / 3n isepteinber, bpeb ©uane Katherinc,lafe toife fo Ming Henry, anb after marrpeb to ^tr Thomas Seymcr3lo?be SscS'J'*''*" aomirall. Wil Iiam Locketlohn Aylifc,thc 28. of September. Sherifes. ? SirHenry AmcotsFilnmongcr,the iS.ofOftober. Maior. S rbj. of ijiouember, SMut Annes Cburcb toitbin zAT derfgate of London toaS b?Cnf. Srch br" f. Cbc ebj. of Blanuarp, Thomas Scymer itojb i^bmirall, Anno reg, anb bjetber fo tbe ILo?b |9jotcttoj, toas fent fo tbe Tower of Lord Thomas London,% tbe w.of ^arcbjbe toas bebeabcb on tbe Tower hni. Sdc".'"' SCtr.b. I 49 Gttlf of ^pjUlf }3?ocIamattott teas ittaDc fo; '—^ italic to he put Dotone tljjougl) tlje toljolo Ucalmc. SCfje tcntt) ofHpjiU, tljeCloyCer ofj^aulcs C^urclj in London, callco parDoit Ct)urcl)'parOj tottl) ftie S?aunceof Dauncc of SDeatf), commonlp callcD tl;c ^aunce of l^auleo about tte dovvne^""'^ fame Clopftcr, cottlp anb cunningly iujougbt, anb tbe Cfjappclliintbe uubtt oftbc fame Cburcfj^parb, toereall begon to bepuUeb bolunc. Charnillhoufe ^Jfo, tbC bOUfO OfpaulCO, tuitb tl)t CbappCll of Piuuj- tbcre(aftcr tlje SCombes anb otber Monuments of tbe oeab lucre pnllebbotone, anb tbe beabmens boneo burpeb tn tbe fieibs) lucre conucrteb into bluelltng boufeo 9 iboppeo. Church OF Saint ^Ijout ti)t faiue ttmc, tbc Staple, anb moft part of tbe John by Smith# CbutCb Of Of Hterufalem nCfte blltO Smuhfie/d,\XitiS htidbiovrne oygft^joipnc U)ttb €5^unnepololbcr,tbc (tone lubcreof luao applpeb in tbe builbing oftbeS^ojbe ]a;otect0.:sboureattbe Strand. Fire at Broken SDljc rrigf.of^pnll/irc boufcs at ©jofeen Mbarflfe lucre fecnt. Blntbc motiefb ofspap, bpmcanes of aj^joclamafion fOj enclofuree, tbe dLommonS of Somerfet/htreonO Uncolne- Commotion in 7^'^ mabeaCouimotion, anb b?a!tebp certapne parkes anrunwine'^ Of^lC William Herberds.anO ilOJb Sturtons, but &ir Willi- ihirc.amHerberd flclu anb erccutcb manu of tbofe JXcbels. 3|n 3!ulu, tlje Commons offj/^.vanb anb Norfo/ke,to(t agapnft inclofurcs.anb puUeb botune bpucrs J3arkesanbbourcs« ^l{0,t\)tea coatf,ano tbere bp nigbt rooeto tbe beacon at Staxto»,ox(f) fet it on fire, ano fo gatbe? reo a ruoe roufe:tbcn tbey toent to £Waylfer Whites boufe, anotffiliebim, ano Clopton bis loiuesbjotber, Sauagca ipcrcbant of 2V^e,ano Bery, fcruant to^ir Walter Mild- may, lobtcb four tbey murtbereo a mile from Semer, ano tbere left tbe nabco: tbeir number increafeo to tb;a tbou» fano. £Dn tbe m.of ;3ugutt, tlje JSings paroon tuas offfereO, tobicbOmblcr ano otber refufcOj^tobo toere tbojtly after talten. Edward tfie (ixtfi* * ©45 bjougM fo toljere Thomas Dale ana of^cr Rebels execo, toercerecufea the rrj.of September. :ana this aap,theJio?aesaineatDpth ^apffer Turkc the other g>herifEe. Cherj.of £)£tober, the iLo?aes fitting at the 3Lo?a great maitters,&ir Anthony Wmgfield Captapncofthe <0arae> iaasfent to theHiingat ^/Wyor#,ana feuerea the3Lo?a|0?o# tertour from his perfon, ana caufea the d^ara to toatch hint till the !Lo:as comming. £Dn the mo?roU), the 3lo?a Chan# tellour toith therelf of the Counfell, roae to^iudfire to the i^ing, ana that night, the lLo?ae li?otectour ioas put in Jaara into Bcauwchamps Cotoer in the Calfell of iviudfire. Che 1044 Edward the fim LordProttftor 2^1)0 ptentlcmen toitb tt):^bunD?eD ()0?fe: tbe llO?D ^aio;, S>ir Ralph VVarrcn.^ir lohn Grcf- Ihanij^pantter UCCOjDcr, s>tr Wilham Locke, anD botb tt)C ^brriffca^ anD otberitnigbtcs, fitting on tbeiri^ojCTesa# gainft So^er Lane, toitb all ttje £>fftcer6 toitb i^albarDs,an& from Holburne bridge tO t^C Tower, certaPtte ^{DCrmOII, OJ tbctr Depatics on l^ojCTcbache in eucrp nratc,toitl) a num* bcr ofbouHbolDers CanDinglnitb billeo ao be paflTeD. STbere toaotoitbbim committcDto tt)C Twfr,^irMichacl[Stan- hopc.^ir Thomas Smith, feiirlohn Thin nigbfeo, Wolfe of tbe p?iuieCbambcr,anD Grey at Reading. 2nt)e jrbti.of £)(tober, iSing Edward ranic from Hampton KingEdwatde Ce«r/tO IjtS piaCC Itt Somhwarke,tiX(ti tbCfO DineD, ailD aftCC Dinner, bo mnDc ^apffer Yorke one of tbe ^bertffes Unigbt, anD tijen roDc tbJongb tbe Citie fo yveHmttt' Jier. Sir Rowland Hill Mcrccr,thc 28.ofOctober. SDbis ^ir Rowland Hill caufeD to be tnaDe aCaufep, commonlp callcD £)«crlane paucment in tbe bigb loan Rjvvundiiui. from StoneiQ Nantwich,in leitgtl) four mtleo, fo2 bojfe and man,ti)ttb Dttiero llanes on faotb fiDcs tbe fame CTaufep. l^ecaufcD libctDire a Caiifrp to be maDe from Dunchnrch iaBranfeniuwArwickcpnire,\XiZ').t\\pm fUjomileg oflength, anD gaue tlnentie pounDin moneptoUiarD tbe mahingof Roytton bridgep\p,iz milCO from Couentrie. !^e maDe tbe bi0b h'ap to KSome n^rc fo London. l^c maDe foure BjiDgeo, tluo of tbem offtone, confep# ning cpgbtane Hrcbcs in tbem botb,fbe one ouer tbe Hinec Df5'^»er«(r,calleD He ham bridge,X\)t Otljer Terne bridge,fQ% fbat tbe toatcr of Tffrw runnetb btiDcr it, tljeotber ttooofCiin# ber at Stoke,mii bnilt a gtoD part atstoke Cburcb. bailDeD one notable iFrafcbffile z.tDrayto»inshrop^ JktrcM'^ ^apttec and ^^e,r,anD fuffiticnt flipenDofoj tbtw ir lohn RufTell iio?5 p?iuie ^eale, toas creafeb Carle anD ilojD Saint John JLo^De great ^aptter^tuas creates ^oxlzotivtiihire: anD ^ir Wil- liam Paget, Comptroller of tbe ikings boufe, toas maDe 3lO?D Paget. Cbefamc Dap at nigbfj toere thurtbereD bp Saint Pni- Peter cambo chers Cburcb agatntt tbe mings beaD \nit\io\xiNewgate ofcapnSmoH London ttoo CaptapttCS tbat baD ferUCD tbe iling at Boloigne 'hered. anD elfe-tobere, tb'c onetoas ^tr Peter Gambo, tbe otber Filicirga, tobicb murtber toaS COmmitteD bp Charles Gaua- ro a Fleming, tnbo caine pod from Berwike to Do tbat aite: on tbe moaroto, be toitb fb?a of bis companp toas taken in Smithfield fap tbClLOjDePagct, anD fent to Newgate, anD t^Z four anD ftnentitb of Blanuarp, tbept»ereallfaur,Charles Gauaro, Balthafar Gauaro, Nicholas DifaliieronjanD Francis other hmgcd. DeinlafcojbaD ill a Cart to Smithfield,mti bp tl)c toap, at tbe place toberc tbe murtber toas Done,Charles Gauaro baD bis rigljt bans ffriken off on tbe Cart tob®le, anD tbenall ban» gCD in Smithfield^ mo i 104^ 'Edward the fixth» screwy.of3!anuarp, lohn Carle of Bedford, vViHiani HOJD Paget, g>ir william Peter lanigbt» onc of tl)C &tngfi Secretaries, ano Stelohn Mafon iAiugljt, cl;tcfcClcarbe oft^ie Counfell, toerc fent into France, cmbaffatiojs to t\)C irrenci) iiing, yin»orez.i. Sbewtjg.of^anuarpjHamfrcy Arundel! Crquier,Tlio- Rebels cie. mas Holmcs, vvinllovv, ano Bery, Captapncs of tlje Uebelfl cutej. Deuo»jhire,\jyzxz IjangeD ano quartereo at Tibome. Nervoffieetj CanolcmalTe Dap, William Jlojo Saint lohn CarU ' ztmifhtre, 3Lo;d great maifter, anO pjcfioent of tlje Conn# fell, tuas inaDc 3lo2D Creafurer. lohn Dudley Carle of f-Farwtke,^ioiti great Cbamberlapne, Iras niaoe 3lo?5 great tnaiSer. William Parrc, iparqucs of Northampton , tuas iiiaoe J,o?D great Cbatnbcrlapne. llojD Wentworthioas tnatic ilojD Cljambcrlain of IjouIIjolo.Sir Anthony Wmg- field Captapne of tlje (JUaro, ioas maoe Comptroller of tfe laings boufe: ano Sir Thomas Darcy l^nigbf) teas maoe Slijcljamberlapne , anO Captapne of^e ;r. £>ii ?:^e&nen}a^ tn ^Wbttfon tDff!to,af a Court of 0lDer« men hcpt at tbe GHildhallj^ix lohn AUffe Sntcbtjono map? Cerof BAckewellhall,\j3iifi ftDojne 0iDerman oftbciSjiDge? S™7«kl, loaroe b>ttt)out, to bane tbe turtfotttton of ti>e Bonrotu of Southrvarl^,mfi tijuo toao 1)0 t^je fifft ^iDerman tl)at cuer tDast()ere,tDbo maoe bp t^e number ofrrbi.Hloermen of LondM,U)f)erefis before tbat timebab bin but rrb, S^rinitte Cearme luaB abiourneb till ^tcbaelmas, fo; Tearme aiioutr^ tbat tbe CEfentleme Iboulb bape tbc Commons from coiHi motion. SCbetbirb of3une,tbeiLo3b Linc,fonne anb bcireto fbc Carfc Qiv/arwthe, Ujas marrieb to tbeSDube Somerfets xmxtn,gu baugbtor at sheene,t\^z fetng i^aieffic being tber e pjcfcnt. S^boF).of35une, being Saint Barj^^ycs bap, Uias bepte bolpbap all London oaer,anb tbefttne'^ at nigbt, tbe bigb 0ultare in }3aules Cburcb tuas pulleb botone, aub a table High ault.ire ti( fct lobcre tbe aultare ffcobe, Uiitb abaple bjaUmebencatb dorrne^"** tbe Iteppes, anb on tbe ^onoap nept, a Communion teas fong at tbe fame table, anb fl)o?f Ip after, all tbe Guitars in London mere taben botune,t tables placeb in tbeir roomtbs, STbis peare boas no fucb boatcb at ^ofomcras bab bin No^vatch at aCCUHomeb. Midfomer. 2CbC WF.ofBIUlp, Thomas S.02be WriothHcy CSarlcof Earieof So«h- .S'oarA-^/zw>;ito»,iinigbfoffbeC'arter, anb one of tbe crecu#''^'"p'°"»'«-; , fojs fo iiing Henry tbe epgbt, bwealTeb at Ltncoinefiace in Oidborne, anb luas burpeb in Saint Andrcwes Cbtircbs tbere, AuguftincHindc;IohnLion,theiS.ofScptcmbcr. cl -r <• Sir Andrew lud Skinner, the 28.ofOftobcr. , ? JCbis ^ Edward the Extfu Frjtfchooieat SC^ts Andrew lud enctets one notable iPrafcbtole Tanbiugt. gf TonhriJge fn Kent, toberem be b?on0bt bp anb nonritbcb in learning,sreat (to;e of poutb,ao tnetl b;eD in tbnt ^bire, ao bjougbt from otbcr Countrcps aoiopntng , a noble arte, anb cojrerponoent totbofetbat bane bin bonebplibe luojibipfuU men anb otber in olb time Uiitbin tbe fame ^{i tie of ft- AJwiboufcj. a'fo bniloeo aimes boufcs foj fire poje almes people, nigb to tbe parifb Cburcb of Samt Helen toifbin Bifhapfgate of London, anb gauc ilanbcs to tlje companpc of tbe ^Hinnero in tbe fame Citie, amounting to tbe batue of tb?^r(o?e pounb tb;a ^biHtngo epgbtpenre tbe pcare,fojtbcUibicb> tbep ba bounbto pap ttoentp pounb to tbe &cb(olemap(ler, anb epgbt ponnoe to tbe tdlberof bPS free ^cb®Ie at Tonbridge ipe^xelv foj ener,anb fioure Mnoreg, 5. ^billirtse tbe tufffie to tbe fireptoje almcs people at Saint Helens afotefapDe, epgbtpcnce tbe psce to^belp, anb fine anb ttoentie ^btHtnso fourpenre tbe pearc in Coalea a« inongfi tbem fo? euer. £)n Saint Valentines bape, at Feuerfham in Kente, one Atden fflurthe- Ardcn a (I5cntlcman toao murtbercb bp pjocuremente of bps otonc tbife, fo> tbctobicb (be toas tbe fonre# tisntb of ^arcb bjente at c^nterburie; Michaell ^apffer Ardcns man toao bawfieb in cbepneo at Feaerjham, anb a mapben b^entc: Mosby anb bps fitter iuere bsngebin Smithfielde at London .-Greane lubicb bS® flebbC , CamC tto gapne certapne peares after, anb ioao bsngebincbepneo in tbe bigbtoap agapntte Feuer^am, anb Blackc Will tbe i^uffian tbat toas btreb to bo tbat arte, after bis firt! efcape, tuas app2ebenbcb,anbb;ente on a^affolb at Fbjhmgxf^ Zeland. BUfcopof snbe fourtantb of iPefajuarp , Stephen Gardener Jgf# V vinchefttr jbop of winchs^ier, toas bcp?tncb of bps iSitbopjicltc, ano ■ committes to fbe Tbjrer agayne: info bis place teas tran# flatcb jSDOttOJ Poynct, tubo befo?e t»as ^itbop of Roches fier. Cbe Edvvardl the iixth* ' HP ^P7iil,^ir Thomas D.ircey Qltjcfjambcrlsftie, J J ati^ Captnpnc oftlje Cfaro, toao crcatco 3lo;o Darcc) at Creeiexich. four ano tUJCnfp of Hpjill,George of Paris a 0>ufcfj' An Atlanbrtnf, man inas bient in Swtthfidd fo} an Hrian. SC^e fiue ano tlocntp of ^ap,abont najiiejfoao an dartb* quahcat Blechm^h fiodilBne^TitfeyjRigate, Croydon, Bevingten, AdreriejSiWti tJIuers CfljCr plaCCO in SoMhiry. 2C(jc uintb of gulp,the bafc moncpo(copncD in tb^ time Firofaiiofcie oflaing Henry tb^ fl'0bf> ano iaing Edward tije Crtb) toas awnej*. p;orlapuiefi tbe ^billing togoe fo; nine pence, tbegrote fo} pence, tobicb tisUe effect tmmeDiatlp after tbei3;o« clamation toas maoe. Cbe fiftantb of 5lpjiU, tbe rnftctious fcoeating ficbe# neitcbeganncat5^rfjry2r«,r/^,tobicb tnbeo notintbe^o;tb ItckiieiTe.^ part QXEngUnd biitill tbe enoe of September. 3|n tbis (pace tobat number bpeb, it can not be toell accompteb, but cer^ tapne it is tbat in London in feto banes nine bunb;eb anb OFtie gauc bp tbe gbott: it began in London tbe nintb of 3|u» Ip, anb tbe ttoelftb of gulp it Urns moQ bebement, tobicb toas To terrible, tbat people being in be3 beattb, toere To* beinlp taken, anb beao in four anb ttoentie boures, anb ttoelue, 0? IcfTe, fo? lacke of (kill in guibing tbem in tbep? froeate. 0nb it is to ba noteb, tbat tbis inojtalitie (ell cbief; Ipe o.uatber on men,ano tbofealfoof tbebefiage, as be^^ ttoane tbirtie anb fojtie peaces: alfo,it follotoeb Engitjhmcn OS toell toitbin tbe Uealme, as in Ifrange Conntrepst toberefo;etbis /Ration toas mucb afearb of it, anb fo^tbe tiuiebeganne to repent anb remember €> £D S!>, but as tbe bifeafe relenteb, tbe beuotion becapeb, birlf toake bp* eb in London epgbt bunbjeb perfons* Sbe feauenteentb of augutt, tbe&btlling tobicb of late sccondfauof toascalleb botoneto ninepence,toas calleb botoneto fire (hcbafcnioBcjs pence, tbe grote to ttoo pence, tbe bklfe grote to one pen« me,tbe pennie to an balfepenp. lohn Lambert; lohn Cowpc.thc iS.of September. Sherijfett ^ ® J o Edward tEc fixth* Dakes and r|. ofj^^obcr, at Hampton Court, 3LO?fi5 Marqucs Earles cr«tcd. Dorfet IdES Cr(at0D SDuhC tiiSuffolke: t\)t Carif OffVarmke ioas Cr0at0&2DuH0 OfNorthumhr/a»d:t}}t(BntleQ( Wilfhiri toag creafeD iparqucs Q^tVtucheTier; ^tr William Haibcrt, mai'3cr oft^e ijojtTe, tons ma&e K4rmArdeK^mti createo c^arle ofPembrokf. alfo mane William Cidll bis ^ccretaric tenigbtj ^apflcr lohn Checkcjonc cfbi's ^cbmlcmapttcrgiinifibtj ^aPffcr Henry Dudley fenijjbtj ^apffer Henry Neucll iinisbt' iauVtofSomer* Pbj. of£»rtobcr, Edward Scymer2?uUe olSomerfet, fetbroughtto tbCJlojOGrey tittvdton^^ix Ralph Vane, ^tr Thomas I?al- the Tower. Miles P.irtridgc,^ir Michaell Stanhope, ^ir Tho« mas Arundell iinigljtss , anD oiuers otljw Cfcntlemcn, iDcre b;o«gbt to tbc Tower of London. iJcrtinojrotD, tbe Libertiej ofthe SDlltCbclTe Of Somerfit tDHS EifO bjOllgljttO ttjO Tower.Ifci stiiyard reared, berttcs of tljc ^ttltarD locre feafeo into tbe icings banDe0». ne SirRichardDobbes Skinnefjthe 28.of(^ober. ew oyne. of^iitobsr, tDss pjocIapnieD E ttctt) copnc bofb of^ituer atiD (iD>oIo, ^oueraines oftbirtie ^biiiingSj^n^ gels of tonne §>billings f c. Slbebf.of .<^oiiembcr,tbe,ploe SJtiotne of Scottesxo\it Quetneof tbjougb toloarOs ScotUnd^it):^ E gfCEt companp of fh?oughLow toapting bpon bir, after (be bab lapne four bapetf Jon. tn tbe Bifbop of Londons pallECO. ^ ro ^be fira of December, tbe 2>ufee of Sometfet toas ar* DuVeofSomer- , ^ ^ . fet arraigned, raigucD Ht fVeHmtnsler^mXi tbercacquttcD of troafonjbuf" ronDenmoDoffelonie, Cbet)ti.ofE>ecember,tnagautnQer Semeil of t^ojCTenicn befoje tbe lEingaf Sam lames. SUberr. of ^December, tbe great ^cal'e teas tafecn from tbe 3Lo?D Rich, anD DcliuereD to D. Goodrkkc Bilbop of SDorto? Tun. Durham,'mMU'AttO^Tower QtLo»do». H^bO" Bukeof Some*, rpbiof^anuarp,Edward S^uUc afSomerfet toas bobeaoeo Olt- tti beheaded. mojutng CErlp tbe Conlfableo of cucrp tuaroc in Ltmdon (a«o?Ding to a pjccept oirccteD from tbe Connfcll to tbe ipaio?) ffreigbtlp cbargco cnerp boufc# boto of tbe faineCitie not to oe^part anp of tbcm outef tbtir boufeg' Edward the fixth* (joufes bcfojc tenne of clocfec of f^at Dap, meantng f bcr^ bp to rcltrcpne ffje great number of people, tljaf otberUitfe lucre ItUe to tjaue bin at fapDe epccutton: nottuitblfan* Ding bp feauen a clocbe ttfefowcr^t/ltonscoumt) iuitlja ^grcat multituDe, repapjingfrom all partes oftlje Citic, ao ioellasontof t^e fuburbes, auD before epgbtoftbeclocbe tbeSDuftctuasbjougbttotbe ^caffolD, inclofcD tuitb tlje liings <5arD,tbc £>fficers,tbc?Maroerfioftbe Tower, anb otbcr tuitb balfaeros: tbe ^ube facing reaDp to baucbinejrecuteD,foDeinlp tfae people tuereD?iuen into a great ftare, fetu oj none bnotuing tfae caufc , tofacrcfojc 3 tfainbe it goo to tujite tufaat 3 fatue concerning tbat matter. Cfac people of a certapne ^^amlef, lofaicb tuere tuarneb to be tfaere bp feauen of tfae clocbe to giue tfaeir atten Dance on tbe ILieutenant, notu came tfa^ougb tfae polferne, ano pcrcepuing tbe SDube to be alrcabp on tfae ^caffolb, tfae foj< molf began to runne,crping to tfaeir fellotueo to follotu fad after, tubicb fobcinelTe oftbefe men being tucaponeb tuitb failles anbbalbcroo tfaus running,caufeb tfae people tubicb fird fatu tfaem, to tbinbe fomc potuer bab come to bane rc^ fcueb tbe ^uUc from erecution anb tberefo?e to crie atuap atuap,tuberebpon tbe people ranne fame oiietuap, fome a* notbcr,manp fell into tbe Cotuer Switch, ano tbeptuljicb tarrieb,tbougbt fome parbon bab bin b;ougbt, fome fapb it tbunbereb, fome tbat tbe grounb moueb, but tfaere tuas no fucb matter. SC^tx^i^.otfchimr^jon tubicb bap tuas recepueb tfae Btobes of tbe rcliefeofalltbetDarbesofZ-o^^^o^jtotuarbcs tfae netu IgofpitalSjbp tfae itings commilTioncrSjtbe coun^ fell bineb at flpapffer Cowpers tbe ^beriffe, anb after bin# ner, ^apffer Thomas Curteys Hlbcrman came tfaitbcr to fpeabe tuitb tbe ^Q?b Cbancellour fo? a matter be bab be# penbtug afo;e bim in tbe Cbancerie, but fo? bi^tnifbe# meanonr in too?Ds, anb Cgnes to tbe llojb Cbancellour at tbat time, tbe fapbe ^aplfer Curteys tuas committeb to tUtm.ib. I ° 5 - Edward the fixtli^ iDarwinff)eF/«/f. Amo w. 6. ttofnftti!) ofiT'ebjuar^, $>tr Ralph a Vane, Sit Ralph a ailD Milcs Partncl»Cj tocrc fjtlttgCD Oil tl;0 Tower hill,^it «ccutti Stanhope,tXJttl) ^ir Thomas Arunclell,torrC bti)tSL* 500 tbm, 15^2 S:i;claaof 0p?iU,f5?o«Sh negligence of the ^nnne* potolocr mailers , a certapnc Ijonfo nareto ttjeToiyrrof Houfeblovvne LoKdoM, iuitl) thia Hlatt of polDlocr, Uias blotone hp ano pgvTidcrP""* bjentjtbe CiunpotoloermaUers being fiftciene in number, tDereallflapne. SCfj^rb). of ii]0ap, toas a gcoolp muRcr of l^ojffemett niaoe before tlje iiing in the ^arfee at Greenewtch. IMuftcr of ClnOerthe I'lingslKanncr, his banOof J9cncioners,m Hoificmen, j ^ q. eueru JBencioncr ttoo great ^^ojffes, ano a el5ing,thc iLojoBiav their ILieuetenaunt. Cheilojosparques QtivmcheHerbigb STreafurcr, hn^i Oer his banner the iFaulcon,Dne Sh^ SDuhe of NorthnmberUnde, grcatc inaplter of the icings hotiiholD , tmoer the inhite l.ion ano the raggeh HatFcjfiftic. aChe SDuhe of Sujfoike, tmoer the tUnifojnc in the ^farre.C.r. snhe ©arle of Bedfirde JLo?oc J0;ime ^eale tmoer the (ID^oate,cr. K\)t barques atNonhamftan high Chattiberlapue, tjni» oer the ^^apoen heao. C. 2E:he<^alieof^^'^mrl^^-map^fcrof^he ?iing« hoJfes,tm^ oer the tohite llion 0ftp. SChe (HJarle of Fr««.'/»^/o«bnoer his Banncr,fiftp. SChe CD ar le of RutUndbnbcx the J9eacoche,fiftp. S^heC'arle QtPemhrokebnbtxthe grane^?agon,fiftp» IThe JLojO Darcy bnOer the ^apOens boop,fifff. SChe iLo?D Cobham tmoer the ^arijens heao, fiftp, SChe Jlojo Clinton i,o.:o^lomiraU tmoer p 0n&er,fiffp, SDhe lLo?o Maroen cfthc0ne|3ojtes, tjnoertheUofe in the ^nnne beatucs.c. I., ' SChe Edward the fixtfif lojj Wtj.of3(ul?, began fbepjcparmg offbe Gre^Friers boufe tn London,foi tbepojjcfatbcrlcircCbilDjen .'and alfo, Loniion an tn fbe later cno oftijc fame monetb, began tbc repapjing of Saint Thomas i^ofpitall tn Seathwarkfy (O} pco}t impotent anolameperfono. Xf)t iy. of^lltguff, at Midd/eton, jrj.miteS from Oxford, a ^ Monfter iuoman brought fo?tb a cbtiD, tobiclj IjaD ttoo pcrfert boDpeo from tbc nauell bptoaro,anD tocre fo iopncD togitbcr at tbe naaell, tbat toben tbep toere lapo in length, tbe one beao f boDp toao d^atltoarD, and tbe otbcr SMetfitbe legges foj botb tbe boopes greln oat at tbe mtofl tobtre tbc boDpeo iopneo, and bad but one ilTue fo? tbe errremento of botb bo^ dpeOjtbcp lilted icfaiti»oapc£!,and toere loomen cbildjcn, SCbe tjitf.of^uguff,toere tahen at Quecneborough ip.grcaf S^iQitscalled S)olpblns:and tbe toeebc follotoing atB/acke fvaiifuzxt bj.moje taken,and bjougbt to London,t^e leaff of tbem toas moje tban anp t^ojffe. Xljis mone'b ofaagulf, began tbe great p?outfion fo? tbe poje in London, totoardes tbe tDbicb,eucrp man toas contributo?ie,and gatie ccrtainc nionep in band,and conenanted to giuea cerfapne todekelp. SCbe commons of tbe Citie of London being affembled in Four eiraronr if^ZXX Gutldhull on tbe firll of ^lugilft, elected lohn Grimes Cor one Shertlfc. Clotbtoo.jker to be ^beritTe fo? tbe pcarefollott3ing,tDbo rcfafed, and pard bis fine of ttoo bundjcd pound. llCbe bj.of ^ugulf, tbe commons cbofe Thomas Clayton Baker, tobo liketoife refured,and papde bis fine. STbe rb.of Hugtiff, tbe commons cbofe lohn Bro\vne^ercer,tDbo alfo rcfured,ano papde bis fine. S^be rir. of auguli, tbe commons cbofc John Maynard ipercer,tubo f®ke tbe fame in god partjano feracd. William Garrard : lohn Maynard, the 28. of September. Sherifes. STbe feauentb of£Dctobcr,tDerc tb?® great i^itbcs called crca Fishes Cnbirlepolcs Grauefend, iobicbiccre d?atone bp to tbe JiingS B?idge at JVeFlminsier. 3n tbis monetb of^Dctober, tljc liing dcmatinded of tbc ^i^ercbant ;2ldueturers bp Uiap of p?eff of euerp b?oad cloatb ^uuai^e tben 1054 Edward tRe (ixtlv ~ A preftby the Merchant AJ. Btntuicrt. Maior. Charitable deedcs of Sir George Banie, t^en (l^tppeD to Bawmesmarty ttoentie tferling (§ bepapoe at A»twarp fo? certapnc oefte fbcre, aitb l)auetl)el^ing£i banofoMb^repapment thereof, tobtcb bid at that time amount to nio^etban.rlbuti'tboarano pound, Sergeajuifeaft. Cljerbb'of^^tober, tbc^ergeants feaft Uias feeptat Gre^s Inne bp Oldborne, ^apSet Robert Brooke UeC0?0er of London being tl)cp;incipalloftbcneU)^crgeanto,anDCre tno;e be0Oeo bim, the ilo?De ^ato; and Hloermen beetng bidden to tbc fapde feaff, rode from tbc lLo?d ^paiojg btmfb bp ii^ridap ftr^te tb?ougb Cb^ape, and out at Nevrgate, all in their Scarlet C-olones to tbe faio Greys jn»e. Sir George BarneHa'ocicla(her,the 28,ofO'. Bnrtheimtvp the little, certapne tenemento, fo? the lubtcb tbe ^Barfon and Cburtb^ toardens be bcunde todidributeto tbe pcoie people of tbe fame ^aariflb rbib.pence in b?eao euerp S)ondap fo? euer. SCljc firft of j^ouember, being tbe fcaffofi^ll S>amfe0, the netij ^cruife Bojbe calico Ot common Prayer,begonne in l^aules Cburcb, and tbe libe tb?ougb tbe tobole Citie, tbeiDitbop of London 2Docto? Ridley erccutittg tbe fcruue in ]^aules Cburcb in tl)efo?encBnc in bio Uocbcfonlp,toitb^ outCoapeo? t!lledment,p?eacbed in tbe£?uirc,and at after HcDiiebe p?eacbed at ^auleo erode, tbe llo?d^aio?,^li dermen, and Crafteo, in tbcir bed JLiuerieo being p?efent^ lubicb pennon, tending to the fetting fo?tb tbe fapde late made )!5cDlte of common )0?aper, continued till almod due ofthe clocfec at night, fo that the iipaio?, ;2lldermen, and companpeo entrcdnot into ]^aule$ Church as bad bin ac cuHomedjbut departed borne bp Sn8?fbligbt.^!5p tbio Bohe ofcomuion JB?aper,all Coapes and ti3eflnientoU)ercfo?<» bidden th?ough ingUnde, and |9?ebendcs of panics left oflf their b®ds, tbc iSilbops left tbeir CroflTes, bp ait ilcte ofparliamenf mo?c at largcis fetout. lifter Boolce of com- moil Prayer. Edward the (ixth* * ©I y Sfttv tlft (eitie ofall t^e dpper €iusre inS4ini pMies c^urc^e inLondon\xii}izxtt\^t 0aUare ffooOe, tDa0 baoben oolone, anb ai tbei^ueere tbereaboat: anb tbb table of tbe Comunton fuao fet in ttie lotoer ^usre,U)l^ere tbc patcao (1110. tbJtt anb ftDcntiflj of jjioucnibcr^tlje cbilDjcn toere Fi'rft children in fabcn into § bofpi^'at at iba Grey Frjerscalleo ChrtUes Hoffi- Chnfttshofpital /4iV,fot!)e numberofalmolffourebnnbaeb. ^Inb alfo Ccbe anb poae people into tbe ^^ofpital o?Saint Thomoi in South- < wrfr^fjintobicb^ttoopiacfs^ tbecbilbaen anb poae people (botilbe baue meate,b;inbe, loO0tn0,anb clotb of tbe almeo of tbe Citie. £Dn Cbaitlniairc bapc in tbe affcrnone, toben tbe 3Lo2be pirne shewe ot ^aioa anb ;atDermen robe to Fauks, al tbe cbilbjen of chri. children in ftes Hoffitail, (fcobe in orrap front Sam Laurence liaue in chea^e totoarb P^«/^/,al in on JLpucrie of litulTef Cotten,fbe mencbilbaen Initb reb Capo.tbe inontencbilbaen bercbiefa on tbeir beabeo, all tbe ipatSero of tbe ^ofpitall fojemoSt nerte tbem tbe ^Bbili'tiono anb four S»ur0eono,anb bettocen f uerp ttnentie cbilbjen one tooman beeper, tobpct) cbilbjen toere in number 340. SDbeiaing Itept bio Cb^iffnialTe ioitb open bouflfjolbe at Lorde ofmctr; George Ferrers d^entleman QtLincolns Inne, IjZt ing JLojbe of tlje merrp bifpojteo all tbe tbjelue bapeo,tDbo fo pleafantlp anb tDtfelp bebaueb bimfelfe, tbat tbei^ing bab greate beligbt in bio paQimeo« £)n fponbap tbe fourth of3Ianuarp , tbe raibeilojbc of TheShe»if«ir nterp bifpojtes came bp toater to London anb lanbeb at tbe Mioruic. * TowerH'harffe,znttZt> V)t Tower, aub tben roDe tbJOUgb To- werfireete, tobere be toas recepueb bp Vawcc iiojbe otS^iC* rule to Tohn Mainaici one of tbe ^beriflfes of London , anb fo conbucteb tbJongbe tbe Citie toitb a great companp of pong ilojbcsanD(E>entlcmen to tbe bonfe of Cr George Bame i.ojoe ^apoj, tobere be toitb tbe cbiefe ofbio companp cp^ ncb, anb after bab a greate banquet, anb at bis bcparture, tbeJLojoeiipapojgnuebintalfanbingCup toitb acouerof tilluu.b, filuec uin»o reg.j. AParliaaicnt4 13:5^ Edvuardtlic 01tteran& s«iIfjOftl)ctJaIctDC often pounDe, fo?a reU)att>e? ano affo feta^osfl)caDofe(!lItne,anDa3i5arreI ofJiB^reat t)PS(0afe,foj^i0tratnctljatfoloUjeiJ Iji'tn, t^e rcCone of i)is (2?cntlemen ano fernatinteo oyncD at otljcr aioermcin j)oufe£;,anDtoit{) t^e^^eriffcs, anO fo ocpartcDto (t^e To- roer ^vharffe againe,anD to tlje Courtc bp tDater,to ti)c great commenoatton of tbe ^ato? ano ^loermen, ano l^ig^lp ac" cepteo of t!)e iatng ano Conncell. 3n tbe monet^ of 3|anaarp,tbe liing fell ficfte of a Cong^i at pvhitehAii, tol^pcbe grauouOpc encrcafeo, ano at tlje latte, enoeo tn a Confumptton of tbe tltgljto^ Sntje firffe of Sarcbe beganne a parliament at iveslmin- ano all tbe JLojoco Spiritual ano tempojall alTembleO tbat oape in tbe pyhitehn/lin tbcir «obeo, toberc a fecrmon toao pjeacbeo in tljeliitngs CbappcHjbp S?o£to? Ridley J5i* Iboppe QtotLoiidoK, ano bis ^aieffie toitb oittcrs Itojos re# cepueo tljc Communion.Mbicb being oone, tbe t^ing toitb tbc 3Lo?0es in o?ocr, toent into tbe iiingfi greate Cbamber on tbe iiings fioe,U)bicb tbat oap teas p?cparco foj tbe 3Lo3# Oes bonfe: tbc lling fitting bnocr bis clotb of (l&tfate,ano al tbe 3LO.2OC0 in tbeir Degrees,tbc SSitboppe of £/; SDorto? Go- drike lLo?0c Cbauncclloj, iiiaOc a pjopoCtion fo? tfic fiing, lubpcbe being enoeo, tbe Jlo?oes ocparteo.SCbis toas oone, bpcaufe tbe i^ing toas ticblp. SCbcniojrotue after, tbc IBurgcCTcc fate in tbe Common bonfe at ano cbofcfo; tbeir ^peaher, ^paitter Diar, onc of tbe late maOe Sergeants at tbc latoe. 2tbs i! 1 • of ^arcbe, being gcaO irrioap, tbe parliament l?afie bppc, ano toas rlearelp oilToluco at tbe ?aingcs pal# laicc of at feauenoftbcclocbe at nigbf. 2L:betbirDcofHp?ill, being tponoapafter Cafier oape, tbe cbilo?en of Cb?tfts l^ofpitall in Lo»do», came from tbecc tbo?ongb tbe Citic to tbe Sermon Uepte at Sam Afar>eSp/t- //tagcs,ano t^jere fate tl)c fame time, Usljitl^e tuas a goolp iI)eUjc. SCije tentl) ofi3p;ill tl)cILojDespapo; atLofidon toas fcnt BrMtweii gy. fo? to tlje Coiirtc at hue ball, ano t!;ere at tf)at time, ttje of London.^"'* iiingo ^aiclrie gauc to t)tm fo? to be a tDOjU-boufe fo? tbc pcDje atto pole pcrfons of tfje CDittc of London, tjps JBlacc of Bridewelmo feauen buab^co marhe lano of tbc Samy rento, toptt) all tbebens ano bcooins oftlje l^ofpitall oftlje Smoy^ totoaroeo tbe niatntenaunce of tl)e fatoe Ino^lt-tieure of Bridmell. 2Clje elcaucnti) of^pjill tbe JLojo ^afoj toao pjefentco to ttje Iting in fjis Jpallaice ot^vhitehalloXiveslmnfter, ano toao maoe hnigtjt bp bis £paietfp,anD tbe fame oap tbc hing remoueo in tbe afterncone to Greenentche. 3|n tbis sponetb of^lpjil, ano in ^ap, comnutTiona toere le^eiies jniluer, to tbe Raider of tbe bings MarO?obe in London,tf)t otber CoapSjtaettmets, ano ontamento to be foloe, ano tbe monep to be oelinereo to tbe lyings Creafurer, referuing to euerie Cburcbc, one Cbaliceo;Cuppe,U)itbinable-clotbe0fo? tbe Commuiiib biD;o, at tbeoifcretion of tbe Cotnmiirioners» SDbc ttoentitb of ^pap, bp tbc encouragement of one S'c- voy^e to baftian Cabotte, tbJ® great ^ips U)el fumifbeo toere fettc " fo^tbfojtbeaoucntureoftbebnhnotoen bopage to Mnfio. »/4,ano otber cafle partes bp tbc ipiojtb &cas, oiuers ^er? cbants ano otber,being fr^ of tljat bopage,pe^loeo tobaros tbe charges of tbe fame true ano tuientie pounos apeece. George Barnes | lir William Garrard being ^ pjincipall ooers *058 Edward the fixth. uocrit tljercm. Hboot t\)t fame time ttuo otljer Ibips tocre fcnt fAfec ao^ netiturea g>outbtoarDd. Threenotable' liWg Edward la? fiaiigCrOUflp ficfeC, ILOJD Gil- th SDuhe of Northumberliwdcs fourtl) foitne, ttiarrpeU t ui p acc. ofStifolkfs Dausbtcr,lDbore mother bc^ iitg Hjen altue, teas cangbtf r fo Mary jaing Henries fitter, tobicb® toas firtte marrpeb to tbe FrewAeiaing, aiio after to Charles 2E>UkC OfS/tfolkeSltO t^e dearie OfPembrookes elDett fon marrpeb i-abp Kathenne,tbc fatb S>utje$ fecotib baugb-^ terjanb tbe CUrlc of Hmtingtons ronne;CaiIel) 3to;o Haflings, inarrpcb tfjc ©ufics vongeft baugbter, KingEdrvatie j^fng Edward bcttig about tbc age of firefane veares eno tJece»(Ie4. gj GreneSKtch OH tljC fiftlj Of 3iUlP, tobCM baOOt raigncD fire peares fiuc monetbs,anb obbe bapcOj anb toao burieb at fvehmm^er. !^e teas in tbui bis po«ib a pjince of fucb tctoarbnelTCjtn bertuc, learning, anb al goblp gifto, as fclbome batb bin fane tbe lihe. King Edwards S^bc sigbt of 3|ulp, tbe 11 o?oe fl^ato? of LoKden toas fente dD Gilford Dud- ley, fourth fonneto tlje 2?ube of AVrA«»;^er/Wtf)toas con» uepeo bp toater to tbe Tower of London,mn tbere recepueb as iS:iu^ne. ^fterfiueoftbeclocbctbefameafterncDnejtoas pjoclamation mabe of tbe beatb ofi^ingEdwarde tbefirtb, anb boioe be bab o;batneb bp bis letters )3atents, bearpng bate tbe one anb ttoentitb of Bfune latte patt,tbat tbe Habpe lane, (as is afo;e faibe) ^oulbe be bep;e to tbe CroUme o( Edward the fixth* j 05P E»£ia»de, attd mal(0 of i){r bo&po,f r* fleaiicnffj of3olp, Gilbert Pottc, SDjatoer fo Nini- Gilbert potu on Saunders t!3intnor J OtDOUUIsat Saint/eh»s head Ludgate, tobo toaS acCUfcO bp tl)t fato Saunders i^atlfcr, toao fet on fljei9i!Iojtc in cheape,\})it\) bcffj bpocacco nap- let),ano clcanccutte off, fo? iuojcro fpcahing:atfiincof tbe pjoclamation of J,nOp lane,at tobitfj crecution tuas a snrii# pet blolBn,anD a l^arraultrcaobis olftntc, tiip?efcncc of one oftljc&btriflEfeOjfc. :3boute Rttc of tlj^ cloche tfjc fame Dap in l^e afteriimhe, W'" ^tovvnat Ninion Saunders,ipatttCC tO t^C faiO Gilbert Potte,anll lohn " Owen a CD-unnerjComming from tfye Tower London bp Uia? fcr in a tSJbittiG anb n)a)ting London bridge, totoarbes ttjc Blacke Friers , UJCte b?0U)tteb at Saint Mary Lccke, anO ttjC Mtjirrie men fatteb bp tljeit £>jeo. ^Jjcttoelftb ofjtifp, tDOibe toao b?otrgl)ff to tfjc doun^^ felljbepng then in tije Tower initl) tfje tabpc lane, that the Jtabp Manc,eloettbattg!)fer to&ing Henrie tbc eigbte toas at KentnghallCabell in Norjfolke, anb Ujptb bit, t\)C (^atle of Bathe fix Thomas Cornwallis anb otljer, anb alfo, that the Carle ti'Snjfexjimti ^ailfcr Henrie RatclifFe bio fonne toere commpng toloarbes bir t tofjereOppon, bp fpabp CouncelE ituws there conclubcb, that the 2Duhe of Sufoike toith ccr# tapne other ij>oblcmen,(hoalb go totoarbs the 3Labp Mary, tafetchchirbpto the rwer.thps toas firffc betermineb:but bp night of the fame bape, the faibe bopage of the SDuhe of Skffoike toao cleane biffolucb, bp the fpeciall meanes of tho^ Jtabp lane hps baughter, totjo tahpng the matter hoautip,. topth toappngtearcs, mabercqueft to the toholeCouncelj that hir father might tarrp at home in hir companp. tMhcr^ bppon the Conncel pertoabeb tuith the S>nhc of Northum- heriande, to tahe that Oopage tjpon him,taping,that no manr luas to fit therefore, bpcante that he haobe atchieueb thebi^ ctojie in Norfoike once alreabp, anb loas therefore to fcarcb, that none bnrfie once liftehp their tueapon againfthim:be# Wsts that, hs foas the bette man of tuarrs in the Hcalme,. -lo^o EdvVar'd the fixth oKtDdlfoittj^co^Dmngoftjts Camper ant) ^oulDiourefi bot()e in battaile ana in tbctr tentra, asalfo bprrpmrnce> knowledge ana loifbomc, b^ coulDe botb^ animate bi0 ar# mp b)itb tuittie pertoafiona, ano alfo pacifte anb alap bFJ> ennimpes pjiDc loptbbF^t ttolntc courage , o; elfetobif? fuabe tbem if ndfbe tnerefrom tbctr cnterpjifc.i?inallp,faiD tbcp,tbiaistl|elbo}tanbiong, tbe^^mrnetuill in nolnife graunte, tbat bir ratber (ball take it bpon bim : lDbrtefo?e (quotb tbcp) toe tbinke it gob, if it map plcafc pour (Efrace, it Ipetb in pou to remcbp tbe matter, ^ell quotb tbe SDnka tben, Umt pe tbinke it gcDb,3l anb mine toil! go, not bonb« ting of pour fibelitie to tbe ^usnea ^aieRie, tobpcb nolo 31 leaue in peure cuftobie: fo tbatnigbtebefentefo; botbe Ilo?bea3nigbte0,anb otber tbatibaulbe goevoptb bpnr, anb caufeb all tbings to be pKpareb aeco;bpnglpe: tbeil tuentetbe Councelltn to tbe 2Uibpelanc, anb tolbe bto cftbep^coiKlufion, tobo bumblpe tbankeb tbe ^uke fo; refcruingbirfatberatbome, anobefscbeb bun tobfebps biligence, tobereto be aunfmcxeb, tbat be toonlbe bae tobat in bpm tape. Kfic nmraVot follotomg , greate pjeparation toas mabe, tbe H)uke carlp in tbe mompng calleb fo; bis otone banulTe, anb fame it mabe reabp at Dnrham place, tobere be appointcb all bie retinue to nttete. £Ebe fame bape Cartea toere laben tmtb ^imitionanb 0rtillerie, ano fieloe perces toere fet fojtoarbe, Cbe fame fojenone tbe SDuke moueb cfte-ftones tbe Counfelltofcnbctbeirpotoers after bpm , ao it toae be« fo;e betermineb, tbe fame to mdsite tpptb bpm at N^ewe Market, anb tbcp pjomifeb tbep tooulbe . l^e fapbe fur' tber to fome oftbem: ^p iLojbcs, 3i ano^fbeCe otber noble Iderfonageo, luitb tbetobolcarmptbatnotoegocfojtb, ae toell fo; tbe bebalte of pou anb poura, as fo; tbe e&abliftong oftbe^u^nes bigbnelTe, (ball notonlpabuenture our bo« biee anb Ipues amongcd tbe bloubp Qrokes anb cruell af# (anltft EdwarcJ the RxthJ faults of onr aOttrrfades in tJjt open fieioeo, bnf alfo fos bo reanetbeconrernation of our reIneo,rbpli>;en,f famtlieo at f)ome bere mifb pou, ao aUo0ptber commttteo to poure frutbanD fitJcItfteo, tofjomc, if toe tfjougfjte pe luonloe tfjjougljf^ malice, conrpi'jnhe (hut bp his talhe tDp(hthereb)orbes,^hancnotrpoltento pou in thps forte hppon anpemi(trulfe3 haue of pourc frueths, of tnhpche alUrapes | haue euer hitherto conceiueb a truQp ronfibence, but 31 haue pat pon in remembrance thereof.tohat chance of bariance fo euer might Sf otu amoitg(! pou in mine abfence, ano I o ^4 Edward the fixth* aitD tljt0 35 pjap pou, toifl) me not toojfe goO fp«De m t^ie iojncp, tijan pe tooalDc Ijaue to pour fcluee. fl^p !Lo?D,fatt^ one of tljciii, if pc mittrufte anpe of tjs in tljto matter, pour (£>racc to farre cccepncD, foj toljpclje of to can loatfte Ijpo l)anDes cleanc tljcreof:' ano if toe tljoultie tlbjincUe from pon no from one tijat toerc culpable,to!)tctj of bo can ercufc bim# fclfc to be guiltlefTe^tbercfojc bcrcin pour ooubt io tco farre calJe. 31 pjape (0oO it be (quotb tbe SDuUc:) let bo go to bin* ner: ano fo tbcp fate ootone. after Dinner tbe SDube toente in to tbe ©uane, tobere bifi Commiffion toao bp tbat tpmc fcaleD, fo? bis llieutenanttbippc af tlje armp,anD tbcn tofcc bio leane of Ijir, ano fo DiDDecertainc otber ilD?Dco alfo. SDbenao tbe EDube came tb?oiigb tbe Counccll Cbam# ber, bctcoUc bis IcaueoftbecDarlcof Aiunc!alr,U)l;op?apcD <£>00 be toitb bio (iI5race, faping, be toao ro?ie it toao not Ijis ebance to goe toitb bim ano beare bim companpe, in tobofe ptefence becoulD Snoe in bps bearte to fpenoe bpo blonDe e» ucn at bis fate ttben tbe Carle of Arundale tcofee Thomas Louell tbe SDutteo bop bp tbe banDc,anD faiDc, faretoel gem tie Thomas toitb al mp beart .2Cben tbe SDube, toitb tbe i^arqueo at Northampton, tbe JLo?De Grey, ano Dpueroo* tber, toabe tbeir 1i5arge, anb toent to Dnham place, anD to white hall, toberc tbat nigbt tbep muttrcD tbep? men;anD tbe ^ nert Dap in tbe mo?nin0 tbe 2?ubc ocparteo toitb tbe nam# bcr of<5oo.menne, o? tbere aboutco. 0nD ao tbep roDe tbo# jrougb shordttche,M\}^ tbeS>nbe to tbe ilo?De Grcy,tbe peo# pie p?eaire to fa bo, but not one fapetb <^oD fpaoe bo. £Ebe fame Dape fir lohn Gates ano otber toent oate after ibe^Dube. i!5p tbio time too?De toao b?ougbte to tbe Tmer, tbat tbe TlaDp Mane toaO fleo to Framwgham Caftellin Suffolke ibe people of tbe Countrp almofie tobollp rero?teD to bir: f tbat fir Edmond Pecham,fir Edward Haftings,anD tbe 3L0?D wmdfire, toitb otbero, toere p?flclapmin0 ^Uuanc Marie in BucklnghamJhire,^X lohn Williams in Oxfordjbire dre. iabont tbio time, fire ibiptt toell manneo, tbat toere ap« pointer Edward the fixth* popitfcD fo lpebefo?0 rarmohth, anD to bane fafeen tbc iLatip Mary iffUjc bao fleo tbaf toap, tocrebpfojccof toratbcr ti?i» ucninfotbc^aucn, tobere one ^aiffcr lemigham ujas raplitigpotoer on tbcJlaOpc Maries bebalfe, lobo bearing thereof, came tbitber, loberebppon tbcCapfameotcDhea boate ano toente to the ^btppeo,but tbe ^aplero ano fouU oto^oafbeo Rattler icrnighamtDbatbe tDou!oebaue,anQ iobetber be tooulo bane tbetr Captaines o; no, ano be fato pea, ^parp faioe tbcp, pe (ball bane tbem o? toe toill t^oUje tbem into tbe bottome of tbe ^ea, but tbe Captatneo faioe fo?tbU)itb, tbattbeptuouloferue ^uancIviaryUjtlltnglp, anMob?ougbtefo;tb tbetr men, anoconuepeo tuitb tbem tbeir great o?Otnaunce: i)f tbecommpng oftbefc ^bippes tbe ilaope Mary toas luonoerfull iopous, ano aftertoaroe oottbteo little tbe E)ufec£i puilTaunce: but mben neUjco tbcr* of Joas bjougbte to tbe Torver, ecbe manne tbere beganne to o;at» bacbtoaro, ano ouer tbat, U)o?o of a greater mifcbiefe loas b?ougbte to tbe TTirer, tbat is to fape, tbat tbe jjioble# mens tenaunts refufeo to ferue tbeir JLojos againttiZiueeii Marie. 2UbeSr)nbetbougbteIongfojbts fuccoures, anotojote fomeVDbat ibarplpe to tbe counccll at tbe T'oiver, in tbat hto balfe, as meltfo: lacHe of men as ofmunttion,but a flenoer auntoeare bao be againc: ^no from tbat time fojtoaro,cer« taine of tbe Counccll,to at Pemhrooke, ano fir Thomas Cheyney tlojoc Marocn, auO otbcr, fougbt to gettc oute of tbe Twer to confultein LoWo/?,butcoulocnof pet. !Ebe firetantb of 3Iu!p,betng &oncap, SDoctoj Ridley y5U tboppe o!Lo>}dof), bp commaunoement of tbe CoHnceI,pjea* Panics Crcp, tobece be bebeuientlpc pcrfioaoeo tbe people in tbe title of llaop lane, late pjoclaimeo ©uane, ano inuepeo earnettlp againffe tbe title of 3Laop Mary,&c. Cbe fame Cretcentb of 3|ulp,tbe 3Lo?oe Crcafurer tons gone oute of tbe Tower to bis boufe in London at nigbte, ano fojtbboitb about feauen of tbe clocbe tbe €>ates of tbe Tower Mfpf tjpoti ' ° ^4 Edvvard the fixtK* tponafoOa^nelverel^uttppe, ati&r^cltapr0bo2net)p fo tf)c iLaoplane, toljicljbjas fojfcareof fomcpacfetng in f^e 3lo?De Crcafarer, but be teas fetcbeoagagnetotbcToB'^r, about ttuelue of tbe clocUe tn tbe ntgbt. SCbe rbiij.oape, tbcSDuUc pcrccputng,fbat tbc fucconrji p;omtfeb came not to bttn, ano alfo, receuutng from Tome oftbe CounceU ilettero of btfcomfojte, bt^returneo trotn Bur^ bacbc agapne to Cambridge. 2Cbenuietantb of3|uIp, tbcCounfdl, parteipemoucD loitb tbe rigbt of tbe ilaop Manes caufc, partip confioenng, tbattbemottcof tberealme, toastobolp bent onbirCbo, tbangcb tbep;^ intnoo anb aiTembleD tbemfelueo at Baimrds Calfel^toberc tbep communeb tnitb tbe Carle of Pembrceke^ anb immebtatelp toitb tbe ^aio? London, certaine2llbcr< men, tbe ^beriffieo. Garter fttng at 0rmes, anb a Kvum* pet, came into cheape, tubcrctbep p;ocIapnicb tbe liabpe Mary baugbtcr to Ming Henry tbe epgbt, anb S5uaneKa- therinCjSfucene of Enghnde, FraHnceatXti Irelande ^efeilbO^ Of ibe i^aitbjf c. anb tbe fame nigbt tb<^ Carle of Arundclcj tbe flojb Pa^et robe in pollc to ©uane Mary. SCbe rr. of 3ulp John of Northnmberlande, batting furC hnotolcbge,^ tbe llaop Mary tuas bp tbe nobtlitte f otbersi of tbe Councell remapning at LW<7«pjorlapmeb Sfuane: aboute fiue of tbe clocHe tbe fame ntgbt, be toitb fucbe otbec of tbe iliobilitie as tuerc in bergeant at Hrmes. I!t tbe latte, let? ters loere bjoagbt from tbe Councell at London,t\)^x gj iboMlDegoeecbebiJstoap; ^KSb^rcbpon tbe^ube fapbc ta tyein Edward the fixth» psooeme liTjonsto lDttl)&jatDcm^ {tbcrtie, fx i>au not t^e Counrels letters toptbonte erceptt* on, tbat nil men (botiiDe so lubitb^r tfjepUioulD. 0t ivbtcb loo;oes, tbep tbat hcpte bpni ano tbe otber ^oblemcn, ret tbtm at ltbertte,ano fo eontpnueo tbep fo; ttjat nisbt) niro« mucbc, ttjat tbc (Sarle oftDasreaopeintbcmo?' mng to btiue rooe atoap, but tben came tbc er(e of Arundale fro tbe £r2usn to "^SDubetnto bts Cb^mber, tobo toentout to meete btm,f as ftone as be fatu tbe dearie of Arandale,be (el on bps kn^s,f oeltreo bpm to be gcob to bim fo? tbe loue of C>oD, co(ioer(fattb be) 31 We bone notbtng but bp tbe co^ rents ofpotianD all tbe tDboleConncell: ^pilo?be(quotb tbeCDarleofAmndalc) Jam fente bttbcr bp tbe ©urenes t^aieate,an&tnbtrname3| boearrcadpou, anoBjobepit inpJlojDe(quotbbe) 3I befeecbepoump ILojbeof Amndale (quotb tbeSDuke) bfemercp totoarbesmce, hnolutng tbe cafe as it is, mp llo;be fquotb tbe dearie) pee fboulbe banc fougbt fe? mercie fomer, 3I muQe ooe acco;bpng to inp com^/W.4 it +"f "^ezri ■ J>rifoneTJ pat' ^oiied. Ary, thceldeft daughter of fetng Hemic tije epgljfc , be^ ganne bir raigne tbe CjrtbofBJu^^ I?, in tbe pare 15 5 5. tofjeti^ Iba oifToIaeo bircamp fAFramKg. ham, tobpcb^ inas^fofije number oftbpjtietfjoufanbemenne, tbe CSarleof^/#*- baingaituetenant oftp armpe, bittualles Uiere of fucbc plcitfpe, tbat a Barrell of llBcere toas fotbe fo? fire pence toptb t^e Catfee, ano foure greate loaueo of b?eaD fo?apenp. 0ftertoaroe, being accompanteb topfb a S®Hpc banbe of ^,oblenienne, C>entlcmcn ant> Commoners, gatfjereoout of all prfes of tbe JJealme, flje came to aho cnfreo ff)e Ctfie tb?o^Sb -<^^%'»'^'jbppe to Leaden hall, t^ttt boU)ne Gra[feflreete, Fenchwchefireete, Marte Lane,Terftreete,^\\^ foinfo V<)tTower. fbc ff)irOe&apof Slugiitfe j iDljere Tho- jnas SDufte of Norffolke , jDoCtOOre Gardener late l!3p# Iboppe of Winchsfler, aub Edwarde Courtney fonne ano QueencMaiY^ 1057 aiiD ^>cp2cfoHenrie^arqucBcf£A«/7,-r, pjffonfrs/n f|)e Tower, wntelins on {jill ti^c faint lucre par# toHto anD ttfc^argcD. 2Cl)C fiftlj of 0Ug«ff, Edmond Bonner lafe ilBpfftopptof Zo«^<<7«.pjifoner in t^e A'far/halfea.OtHi Cutbert Toiilfali t|j0 oloe JStfllOp of Durham pjifOHCr tn t^C Kings bench^^00 tfjcir parOoiiB, ano toerc reffojco to ttjeir &caa. &!)o?telpe after alt Bp0}op£i loijict) f)at) bin oep^pneD in tbe time ofktng Edward tbcSrtb,U>ercretto3ec to tljcir Bifljopjttfeea, ano tbe otfjer tobtcJj Uicrcplaceo in ?iiing Edwardes time, rcmo^ Bijhopjreft®, neo: alfo all bcneficeo mentbattoere marrteD, oj tcoulDe j-f not fojfatie tljeir opinton,Uierc pnf out of tf)Ctt liutngo, ano otljer knolnen to be of ttje contrarr part,U)erc fet in ^ fame, efpeciallp if anp toere ali uCjlljat bao of late bin put out of tbe ranie,aB Blfljop Day of Ch/che!1er,of H^orcest.(jrc. lUlje p.ofausuH in tije afternmne, tbe ©uane fjeloe an ^Dbfcquie in tlje Zi^rvej'fojfttngEdwardc, tbeS^irge bepng fung in ilatinc,f on tlje mojroto a ^alTcof £^fwv'w,tobcre# at tbe©uffiictoitf) fjtr iLaOies offereo. K\)Z fame Oape tlje cojpfi of lung Edward toas burico at iVeslmtnsler, tl)Z iojOC S^rearurcr,tl)C CDarle of Pembrooke,anii tbe Carle of shrewf' burtc facing cbiefe ^pourners, toitf) Opuers otljer i^oblemen ano otfaer. iDoflour Day Bplbop of chtcheUer pjcatfaeo at tl)e faio burial!,ano al tfac fcruice tottfa a Communion toas in Cngliibc. SCfae n. ofaiugutf.ccrtatne d^cntlemen niinotng to patTe tbe opinion of tbe Courtc in tto® popiites: il^irtt.tobetbcr a man aoing anpe actc bp auctbojitie of tbe i^jinces Councel, anabpUjarrantoftbegreatesiealcorT'^^W', ana aopngf iiotbing iDitbout tbe fame, inigbt be cbargca foitb 2:::'rearon fo; anp tbing Inbicbebe niigbt aoc bp luarrant tbercof: ^e# ronalp,\Jobetber anp futb pcrfons as lucre equatlp culpable in tbat crime, ana tbofe, bp fobofc letters ana commaunac# mentesbeiuas airccteatnallbioaopngs, mpgbtebdcbps 31uagfS, 0? paflfe bppon bps trpall as bps J^ccres. ^bete^ Queene Mary* tsaTicrcbiifo tuasaiinfojearalj, t^afa« coitccrm'ng tf)t firllc, tf}c grcatc 0calc, (toljirfje lajJDe fo? Ijps iwarrant) toas nottl;eS>eale oftlje latoful SJuffJtc of tl)e itcalmc)noj palTeo bp aurtbojitic, buf tljc §>calc of an Wurpcr, ano fberefoje couloo be no toarrant to bpnt. 0s to tljc fccono, it bias alleaogeo, tbat if anpe toere as o^pelp to bet ton« cbcD in tfjat cafe as bpnifclfe, pet fo long as no atfcpnoer toereof reffljDeagapnffc tbem,tbep tocrc ncuertbcletre pcr^ Tons able in iLaloe topatTebpponanpe trpall, ano not to ba ffjalengeo tfjerefoje.fant at tbc la^inccs pleafurc. 0ftcr tobpcbc atintoeare, tbeiSDnbc bfeo fetoe tuojocs, but con^ fetTeo tbe tnottement,bp Inbofe ejrample tbe ottjer p^ifoners arraigneo loitb Dio t^e like,ano tberebppon baa iuoge# inent. ano U)beniuOgemcnftoasgpuen,tbcS>uhen«o, ^bz* facbpoump 3lo?os all to be bumble futers to tbe SJtiancs i^ateSte, ano to graimte mds foure requeues , tobP' cbearetbefe, i^pjlfe , tbat 3 inape baue tbat oeafb iobpcb^ i!>ablemenne bane baooe in tpmes paQe, ano not tbe otbcr . ^econoartlp, tbat bit ^aieStctutll be gratious to mp cbplbJ^n, tobpebo mape hereafter ooe gcoofcrotce, confpocrpng , tbat tbep locnte bp mp com^ inaunocment, tobo am tbep? father, ano not of their oton fra tuilles . SCbpJblpe, that 3I mapc bane appopntco fo me fome learneo manne fo;t the inSruction ano quiet of nip confcience . ano fourtblpe, that ((jk iutll fenoe ttocD of the Councell, to commune toptbm^, to loboiuc 31 luill oeclare fucbe matters as (ball beerpcotentfojbir, ano the common tueale: ano thus 3I bef^cb pou al to p;ap foj me. £Dn the ninetantb of augullc fecre arraigneo at mitiTler, firlolm Gates, (ir Henrie Gates, fir Andrew Dud- ley, ano ffr Thomas Palmer, tobere, toptboutanpeSiartt fbep pleaoeo gu{ltie,f rubmiftco tbemfelucs fo tbeSSueens mercp, ano fo bao inogement* ^nr.iiii, SCbe lo/a Preacher at Panic - CvbfTe guardcj. Sir lohn Gates atld iir Thomas Palmer be. hc-aUeJ. ■>) Qu?cne Mary» 2E^{)crr.of3fit3uff 2Do£toarc vvatfon Ctjaplafnc fo f^e ISpfljop ofiyif>che/}er plcsC\)Cti at Panles Crojfeji^ t()C^UarnS appopntmcnt, anc fo? fcarc of t^e like tumiilte, as IjaD bait tbe ^onoap laflr paae,ccrtatne J.ojDes of tbc Counfc II re* pai'jeb to tbc S>ernion,nB tbc llojoc Sreafourcr, tbc ilojD pjluir aJCalC,-^ Garlc of Bedforde,\\^t earlc QtPembr06ke^\\)t iLojDe VVcntwortli, tbC ?io;DeRichc,anD Qr HenricGcmi- gam Capifai'nc of tbc C^uarfcc, toptbttoo bunbjcboflbc C?tjnrDE, tobpcb ttcoDeaboute tbc ^jcatbcrtoirb f^albcrts. iilfo tbc cpatoj bab toarncD tbc Companies of tbc Cittic to facpjcrcntintbcirJlpucrics, tubpcbc toas Uitll acfcptcb of tbcQueencsCouncfU, anbtbc ^crmoit inas quictlp en* bcb. Sl^bc )rri). OfHuguff ToVin &uhc of 'NorthumbcrLtide toad bcbcaocD on tbe Torrerhm, tobcfcboDPctDitb tbc bcabtoas biirpco in tbc Tov.^er^ bp tbc bobrc of EtiwarJe late Duke of SoTTierfetjo tl)at ttjcrc Ipctb bcfojc tbc btsbc *!ultarc ttoco DuUcsbcttoocn tluo Otitincs,to tocftc tbcSDiiKc otSomer- Jt',anD tbc 2)tlUe aiNor:htirKber/Mde,bel\\lktt SJUffllC Anne, ano £5u(ifne Kathcrinc, all fourc bcbcaocb . at tbc fame time anb place alfOjtDaslihcUjifcbebcaDcDQr lohn Gates, anb fir Thomas Palmer, tobpcbc fir lohii Ga'es in tbat placc trcD feme tDO?DB, but fapbc bourne bis bct»Q toitboutc anpe feercbcf, anbbito tbe fame ftriken off at tbta btotocs ♦ ^pj Tnomas Palmer, as fojnc as be Came to tbe &caffioIbc,to:)hc cuerpe mannc bp tbe banue, ano bcfpjcb tbem to pjape foj bpmt tben putting off bm gotone, be IcancD Upon tbc Catic raple, anb fapbc tbcfc toojcrs in cffccte: ^aittcrs (quotb bc) 0ot) faue poii'all: it is not UnknoUjcn Untopon mbcre* fo:e3 come bitber, tubpcbc 3 bancU)c?tbilpe toell befcructr at ©oDs banoeSjfo? 3 knoujc it to be bis tiuine o?Dinance, bp tbis mcancB to call me to bis mcrcic.anb to teacbe me to knoujempfclfe, l»bat3ain, ano tubereUnto toe arc all fubicrte: 3 tbanhe bps mcrcifull gcooncs, foj bs batb caufeO me to learne mo;c in one title Uarke comet in pabec Tojvery tbatt Quecne Mary* 1071 f^an fuer 3( learneD bp atip trauell tn fo manp piacra as 3 |>aaabm,fo^tbcre(3 Hipji f)auefane€»ob,U3batl)ets,ana bolu bnfcarcbsablc bis U)ontJcrbu« tuojhcs arc,anoboUj infinite Ijifi mcrctcs bc:3 Ijauc fane tbrre mp fclfe tbtcugbf lp,anD toljatj ain,noti)Uigbuta(u!npoffinnf,carU),Diiff, anD ofall fatlenclTe mcftbilcfi:^ tjauc fecnc tbereaiiD hnoUi lubat tbe luojiD i£!,boiD bapnc, orceiptfuU, tranfitojie, anD tbojt it is, bob) toichco aiiD loatbfome tbetoo.^kes tbcrcof are in fbe fi^bt of(25oDs £paicaie,boU) be ncptbcr rcgarbetb fbemanaccsoftbe p:ouDc men ano migbtp ones, ncptbcr DefpirctbtbebumblcneireoftbepcDjeanD lolnip mbicb are in tbe fame VdojIo : i?inallp,3 bane feenc tbere tobaf beatb is, bob) ncere banging oucr eucrp mans bcab, anD pet bobi bncertapnc tbe time, anD boin bnbnotone to all men, niiD bob) little it is to be fearcD: ano fboulD 3 feare Deatb0? be faDDe tberefoic:'bauc 3 not forne tlno ope bcfojc mine epcs:' pea, ano toitbin tbe bearing ofminecaresmojUeptber tbe fp2incklmg of tbe blouD, oj tbe fbcaoing thereof, nojtbc blouop 3[re it fclfc (ball make me afrapo: ano noU) taking itip leaue to tbe rame,3 pjap pou all to pjap foj metromc on 0(00 fellotnfqtiotb be)art tbou be tbat mutt Do tbe DaOe f 3 foigtue tbde initb all mpbeart,anD tben knaleo Dotone, lap# ing bis beao on tbe blocke, fapD, 3 tutll fee boto meete tbe blockc is fo; mp nccke, 3 p;ap tba ttrike not pet, fo; 3 baue a feto pjapers to fap, ano tbat Done, ttrike on CD^oos name, gcoD leaue baue tbou: bis J^japers enDeD,anD Defirtng eacb man to p;ap fo? bim,be lapo ooinne bis beao a0apne,anD fo tbe erecuttoner tcoke it from bim at one ttroke. SCbe frig. of;3u0tttt,tbe €5udene DcliuereD tbe greate Newtord ^eale to SDottOUr Gardener i5llbop maOC ChanctUour. bim iLo;D Cbauncellour. v 2Dbe rrbgi. of Huguff, tbe fcruice began in ilatin to b®, n r fong in jaaulcs Cburcb in Lo?3do>7. ^ eruice, snberrbj.of^uguff intbeeuening,tbenotableff^bippc crrar Harry» in calico tbe great Harjy,toas b?cnt at ivoimch bp negli'genceoftbei^arinerSjlbeboas ofburtbeiiaip.tunne. ^.cjr.b* 2Cbfi tOJ2 Preft fo the Quttau Eatte ofDe* uonthirc crea- teJ. New Coynes. j^ubfedie par- doned. Sheriffes. Coronation, Qu'cne Mary* . Wi)Cof September, tijc ilufftie Domanbeb a pjeff of J €itic of of ttocntic pouno,to bo repapoe agapne iotfbtn fourtd^ne oapcs after spicbaelmas nortfollotoinj, tobftb fuinmo ioao ieuteb of tbo 0loerme, 112o.tomoiier0. tbirD of§>cpfeniber, Edward Couitney boas crcateo dearie of DeuonPnre at Richmond. SCf)e ub. of feepfember, toao pjocIapmoB ccrfapno tieto copneo of golo ano lilucr, a ^oucraigne of golD of rrrJ, tbc balfc gDoueratgne irb.s,an ^ngell of j;.a,tbc balfc Hngei b.0. £)f filuer tbe grote, grote, ano penp. 311 bate copnco to be currant ao befo?e.3iro tbe fame oap bp proclamation, teas parooneo tbe ^ubftote oftttf. 0. tbe pouno llanoeo, and ttoo (billings epgbtpence tbe pound ofmouable gods, graunted in tbe laft parliament of Bing Edward tbc fiefb. Cbefourtdentb andfiftecntb of September, ^aptter La- timer andSDoCtflur Cranmer3rcbbiftjop of Cant erhurj Potto rent to tbe Tovrer of London. Thomas Oflfelcy: William Huettc, the 28.ofSeptember. 2rbe rebb. of September, €5. Mary came to tbe Tower bp boater,accopanicd boitb t iLadpe Elizabeth bit Olfcr, ? otbcr l,adic0,befo;e tobofe ariual boas (bot a gret peale of gunes* JSDbe laff of^cptcmber,©udcneMary rooetbjougbtbc IptoitbpJetiouaffcnes, (bat tbe baluc tbereoftoasineffi# mable,tbe fame caule and circle being fo malfp $ poderous, tbatlbeftjas fapneto bearc bp bir bead toitb bit band, and tbe Canapp bjas bojne oucr bit Cbarpot.5!3efo?e btr rode a number of(0cntlcmen f i^nigbtcs, tben fudges,tben Wof ctojs,tbcnl5ifi}op5,tblLo.Jds,tbcn {1 c ounfel,after Ubom follotued j Enigbtes of tbe Bath in tljcir roabcs.tbe Bi^op OtlVtncbeFler^,, CbaUCellOUr, f tbCt^atqUCS of WmcheUer 3l,bigb 2rrearurer,nert came t ?D,of Wcr/ on tbe top tobcreof tberetfojDe iig. pu (tares,anD in tbe miDlt of tbem ano mod bigbeQ,tbere dtob an angell all in gr^ne, mitb a UTrompet in bis bano, ani> tDben tbe llUrompetter tobo doD fcrretlp in tbe pageant Ditr fonno bis tromp, tbe angel DiD put bis tromp to bis moutb as tbougb itbaD bin tbe fame tbat baD rounDeo,to tbe great maruclling of manp ignojant perfons t tbis pageant toas^ maDe toitb it/.tbojongb faires 0? gates f c. SCbe couDuit in Cornshillran U)ine,anD beneatb p Conduit a pageant made at tbe charges of tbe Citie, and anotber at tbe great Con? duitinCbeape,and afountaine bp it running toine. SCbe standard in Cbcape nelu painted,tDitb tbe ^aptes of tbe Citie aloft tberof plaping. 2Cbe Croffe in Cbeapc nciu tua? Ibed I burnifljed. £Dncotber pageant at tbe little Conduit mCbcapenert to paules made bp tbe Citie,tobere tbe 31? sermen da)de,and toben p £Iiudene came againd tbem, tbe Kcco:der made atbojt p;opofition to birjsnd tben tbe Cba? berlaine pjefented to bir intbenameoftbeS^aiojanotbc Citie, a purlTe ofclotb ofgold, and a tboufano markes of j^Qldintutben Iberd0efo;tb7ano in paules cbttttb pti'o againfi i®74 QneeneMary* agatiiff tfjc ^cljolCjOnc fi^aiScr Heywod fafe tn a ^agraitf tnDera tatnc, aiiomaoe foljii au£D2atton in Lattneana Cngltfl^. C^en taas f^cre one Peter a SDtitc^man If ccoe on f^E toeatljercocheof paules ftffpic, fjolfiinga tfrcamerin fjis tjana of 6ue parDs lon0,anO toamng (l)crof,a(DDe fcinc* time on flje one f©te, ano tljmKe tbe otljer, ana tljcn hneeUO onlji's Itnas, to t^e greate maroell of all people, ©etjao niaaettoo&faffolDesbnDerl)un, one aboticffjc crolTc, ba^ uing tojcbcs aiiD ffreamers fet on it,ana one otbcr ouer tijc loleoftlje croCre, libctotfe fct toitt) Creamers anatojrbes, luljtclj coulD not burne,tbe Ujtna toas fo greatrtbe faia Peter baa firtane pouna tbirtanc fbillings fourpcnce giucn bpm bptljcCitie fojbis cottesaita papnes, ana alibis Cufife. SCben Uiastbere a pageant inaoc againC tljc S>eanc of paules gatCjiubere tbciiucretters of panics plapac on tiilials,anafong. Ludgate luas nelulp rcpairca, papntca, ana ricblp ba»0Cb j luifb niinCrels plaping ana finging tbcre: tbcn Urns tbcre an olbcr pageant at tbc Conauit in iPleefeffratte, ana tbe srcmplc barrc teas nclnlp papntea ana bangea.:3na ibus tfjc paflTca to M^'htte hM at weftmtnHer^ tobere Ibetmbe birl^aue of tbc iLoja ^aioj, giuingbpm greate fbanbes foj bispapnes,ana tbcCitiefojtbeireoff. £)n tbc mo;roiii, tobitb teas tbc firtt aap of £Drtober, tbe SJuane tuent bp Icatcr to tbc ola pallacc,ana tljcre remap# ncatiil about cleuenoftbeclochc,ana tbcn tuenton fotc bpon bletu cloatb, being raplca on eptbcr fiae, ante Sam pf, 1 595, fO Bathe^ 159(5. to Derby,\ 597.tO 598.tO Colchefier, i 599, fo NewcaHell. HnD t^cn to bcginnc againe at Brtftow 140, pounbjfbe ncpt peace to Vcioocto?Cranmcr0rcbbu lbopofc tbatfo noble, toojtbp, ano famous a)02iitce tooulo boucb'* fafe fo to bumble bpnirelfe as in tbps marriage to tabe bppon bpni ratber as a Svubieit, tban otbertoife, foj tbe £I^u^ne ano bir Counfcll (bouloe rule all tbpnges as Bje Opo before, ano tbat tbere (bouloe b^ of tbe Coun# felt no stranger, neptber to baue tbe cudooie of anpe iPottes 03 cadels ic. no? beare anpe rule o? office in fbe ©menes boni® , 02 cl^c^tobere in all Engiande, toitb ipuers otber Slrficles tbere bp bpm rebearfco , tobere# foje bto fapoe t()c iSuanes pleafure ano requeff toas, tbat Ipke gfflO ^ubicttcs fo? bir fake, tbcp toouloe mofJ lomnglpe cecepue bitn toitb reuerence , iop, ano bo«> noure. 2Cbc •*°7^ Quecne Mary» 2C!jcnej;t5ap,tlE)0jLo?o^ato? tXLondm, toff^ tb?cn tl)t aiDermpjlDerc fcnt foj to t^c Court, aiiD to bjing tuittj tbcm fo;tie of tbc bcao commoners of tbcCitfe, tjnts iDbomo before tbe CounfeU,tbe llo^ocb^ncellonrmabe tbolike£Djation,DefiruTg tbcm to bcbauc tbcmfclues Ufec SroOfubtcrtsfcDitballbumblcncffe ano retopcing. Cbe purpofc of tbts marriage teas fo greruouflp fafeeti Confpiracy. cf Diuers men,tbat foj tbis ano fo? Keligton, tbep in futb fo?tconrpireD againfttbe ©tiane, tljat[if tlje matter bab not b?ofeen out befo?c tbc time bp tbcm appopnteb, men tbougbt it luoulD bauc b?ougl)t nrncb trouble auD Daunger» 2Cbe rrb. of lanuarp, a>ir loHn Gage,ilo?d Cbamber#^ Kenl'by s°rcerftficD tljc JLo?D fl^aio? ofLo»do», tljat^ir Tliomas ThonusVYiat vVyatUiitb ccvtapnc otfjcr l^cbels ioerc bp inaboutc Maydeftoae, liifjorotjpon, great toatcbetoas Ucpte, ano tbat nigbt tbe iLo?iJ ^aio? robe about to perufe tbe fame, ano e* nerpnigbt after tiuo^loermen bib tbe libc: in tbe baytimc tlje gates oftbe Citic lucre toarbeb bp fubflantiaU Citife0» JCbe rrb^. ofjanuarp, tbe iLo?o Creafurer came to tbe Guild hallftom tbc Counfell, to requeff tbe Citizens to p?e^ l>arefiue bunb?eb fcBtementoellbarneireb,fogoagapnffc Wyat,tobicb luas grantcb,anb mabe reabp tbe fame nigbt, anb on tbe mo?roUj toere oeliuereb to fbeir Captaincs,ano fentto GraHefeudh^\33ottv. Cbcrrip.of3januarp,tbe2Duke TheDiiiccof of Norfolke,\33itl) tbcCaptapiTC of tbo CI?arb,anb otber fouU ^^afn^v v'-a^ "icti^janb tbc Captaine anb S>oulbicrs tbat lucre fent from again y • fQ afTault Rocf?efler tubere Wyat vvyat ftreng< aiiO bis pcoplc lop, but befo?e tbe letting fo?luarb of tbefe tnen, tbc SDuke fcnt^papttcr Nory an l^erault bnto Rocbe- .oxdiiiaiice, jier tuftb tbc Siuaiics ^?oclamation of parbon to all fucb as luoulb befift from tbcir purpofe, tubo comming fo tbe b?ibge,looulbc bauegonc tbaougb into tbe Citie, but tbep tbat kept tbe b?ibge luoulb not futferbim till tljat tbe Cap:* tapne came, mbo at tbe laS granteb tbe fame to be reab in tbe citie, but bolbing a Siagge agatntt btm, crpee fpeake Xoftip, 0? clfetbcpluoulb Ibotebiw tbo?migb;fotbi*t^bop iuoutb QueencMary^ l00u!& not fafftY ttt people to ijeare tf^e )0;pdamatt'otT, bauT0 cn5eD,^0cb mai| cmotbep ban bone notbing lt)hcrefb}etbep(boulbn(eoo anp paroon,ano in tbatquar^ relllobub tb^P l^aD taken in banoe,tbep tDouioipueano bpei iieucrtbelcTe at laft George Harper recepuep tbeparoon outuiarolp,an& baing recctueb bnber tbe SDukc of Narfa/kes p;otettton , caoie on fojioaroe asatnfle tbe Kentifnmen, ano cuen 30 tbc companptoero fef in arcabt^ ncITe, anD marcbco fozUiaro totoarD tbeBjioge, Brettcba# ing (Eaptapnc of tbe fiuc bWnOjCD Londoners, of tubnbr tbo inoje parte loerc in tbefoje-toarD, tiirncb btnifflfe aboute, alio D^atoing out bio ftDOiib, fapD tbefc o; like U)o;ps: S^ap^ fiero, voe go about to figbt againtt our natiue Countrep;' ?t:^n of Eftg/andsm our frienoo, in a quarrell bnrigbtfuli, ano partlp toirkeo^fo^tbop confiDeriiig ttje great ano manpo foloe mirerteo lobirb are like to fall bpon bo, ifUte ikall be bnoertbe rule oft^ep}out)eS/;an/^ds, are bare affcmbjeb to make reSitance of tbeir cotnming, fo} tbe auopbing of fo^reat mifcbicfeo anb inconuenienceo likclpto ligbt,not onlp bpon tbemfelueo, but on enerpofbo anb tbe lobole iiealme, tbborefo;e 3I tbinke no Cnglilb boort ougbt to fap againiltbern, mucb leiTe bp fighting to ioitbfianbe tbem, anb therefore 31 anbotbero (meaning furb ao toere in tbat ranke tuitb bpm) hjill fpcnbeour bloub in tbe quarrell of tbiatoojtbpCaptapne ^apffcr Wyat, anb otper (Gentle# men bare afiembleb: lubitb tuo;bo oncep.:onoanceb, eacfi manturneb tbeir ^jbinante agapnfi tbeir folotoero, anb tberebpon crpeb a Wyatavvyat, oftbbtffi fobepnenopfe, tbe Duke, tbe Captapne oft^<^arb,anb otberbainga^ bafbeb, flebbe fojtbtuitb : tmmebiatlp came in ^apllcr vvyacanb bpocompanpon bo?irebacke,ruibing in amongt^ ao bell tbe diJaroc aotbe Londonert, anb fapbe , fp mang ao tupll come anb tarrpe ioptb bo, (ball be tDelcome,an& To manp as inpU beparte, gcob leaue baue tbep, anb To all tbe Londoners, (Z^aro, anb nto;etbantb?a partes of tbe Tetinne, inente tat^t€mpzotV9ZKenttjh- ^pp, men^ ^ Queene Mary# wtf^tDljwe dill reihapneo* 0t t^t6 sifcoindfure, jSDulie lod e^s^t of bjaflTo, tDit^ all otijer munttion ^no £);Otnatice, ano ^trtfclfo toit^ feln ot^er^arOlt^cCra' peD. 2DI)claIf ofjvinuarp, Wyat ano })is compafipfaniefo Dertforiie,mti t()c ttcpt Dap t^jep tame full ano tt)f)o!e to Greenewich aoO Depeford, iu^ete tljcp ftniaptteO ZD^^UrfC' ft*?} i^fpDap, anD tl>c foojenone of ^attcrDap. £>n tfje i^rpoap tofflcjjtoaffCanulemas&apjt^e mod parte of t^c l)oulftolOcr0of/^«^^«jU)itl>tf)e2^ato?anD HlDcrmcn tocre in Ijarnetre, pea tljis oap anD otljer Dapeo r;e Radices, ^crffeants at tlje Hatoe, anD otljer Hatupcro^ pleaDeD in Ijarnede. 3n tljis meane time, Henry S>ulte of Sufoike, i^^atl^er to t^C 3LaOp lane, flainfi into Lejarfferf/ire aUD H^Arvpthffltre ioitlj a fmall companpc, in Dtuero plateo ao ije toent maDe Jdjoflamation agapntt tlje ©naiieo marriage tek^ tlje Jjjtncc Qfspayne ft. btit tlje pcoplc entlthc¬ toljrm» STlje 0rd of jFeb^uarpjipjotlamation teas maDe at Low is'Vjtljat tlje SDubc ofSufo/ke ioas DiftouifittD, anD flcD luitd Ijis tU)o bj0etlj?en,J3!nD alfo, t^at ^ir Peter Carow, tuitfj bia biithle ^ir Gawyn Carow anD Gibbes, tucre flcDOe into Frawe, aiiDfiirtljerj tl)af tbe S^uane DiD parDort tbe toljole Camp oftbc Arew/zyX-OTe^ertcpf Wyat,Harpar,Rudfl;one,an5 Itelcy, anD tijat tofjo forner toulD talje &ir TJ)omns Wyat, erccpt tlje fapDc fcure pcrfona, djoulD !;aue an bu»b?e& poiHiD JlnnDs to bpm anb Ijio beirca foj eucr. STbc fame Dap in tbe aftcrnojne being CanDlemaa euen, tb,o torn? inons oftbc Ctfte alTembleD in tbeir Huterica at tbe GuJ/d QuceiteMary W/, tobetbor tbc SKuanc loitbbirJlojDoanDJLaDpcsfame S'h^rin fif'"0 yveUmmster, anb tbf« oftcr bfbnMCnt Ivc^tfcs i^ondoik againdWyat, DetlarcD tbat Ibc meant not o'bcrlDife to marri^, tban tbe Counfcll (boalD tbinftc bofb bcnouraWe anDtommoDioHS W' tbe ttealrnc, anD'fbat (be coulD tonti# nuc bnmarpcD, as ttje baD Done tbe grcatedpart ofbir age, anD tberefojc totileD tbehifralp toaldftbir inrepjeirmg futb a« contmie ta tljcir Duties rcbtfllcb.CSlben fbebau i Done, Qyeenc,Mary» *o8i iwiic,bntiwffattcm0 tifjat xm.xv^ixiL'mdofi 6t& fauont Wpts part, Hjc appopjtfcD ilo^ti WillLimHowardiLicufcnantcfLord vviin.m fl)C f);otte ffiatfb^V of iPebjnarp, fefr Tho- mas Wyat rCtttOtieD out Of Somhwark?, tOtuarOO KtngHon XBjtbgej tobtfb toas bone bpon tbis occaCon. SCbe ntgbfo VVyjt *emo« before bpa bepartingouf of Southvrarke, bn cbance as one south7v«ke. of ^^0 lieutenants men of tbe STofeer namcb Thomas Menchen rotucb Ujitf) a ^cullet oucr againtttbeBifliop ofmncheHers^lm^ tbcre >13^5 a toatcrtuan oftbeSCoteer Catrc, befireb tbc fapbc ^Lieutenants man to tabebimin, tbbooib fOjtubicb baing efpneb ofWyats men, feauen of tbemtoitb ^arguebulTes, calUb to tbem to lanb agapne, but tbep tDonIb not, tobereupou, eacb man bifcbacgeb tbeir ^cece,anb lulleb tbe faub toaterman, tobicb fo?fbb)itb fal» h'ng botune beab, tbe ^culler Uittb mucb papne rotoeo tb2ougb tbe HSjtbge totbeCotoer tobarfletoitbtbel,ieu* tenants man, anb tbe bcab man in bia boate,tDbi£btbtng Ibasno foincr bnotu^ to tbe ilicutenant, buttbateuen. tbe fame mgbft,auo tb^ nert mo?ning,be bent feancn great paces of £?3Dinarife (Eufuertngs, artb ^emi Canons, full againfttbeffflte offbeJ15?ibge, anbagatntt Soutkwarkf,m^ tbe ttoo Staples of Stutnt 0/ww , anb Sxwt AStry Ouerjes-^. beftbes all tbe pe^ 6'rt Inbitc fCoUjcr; one Culucringf an'BiHeiwg C^irfi»erjfmD-'tb?tt^i?auconets oucr tbe Mater- gate, lubicb^'fo fitinr as^ tbe tnbabitants of SoHthwarke bn^ berfffflbe, cerfavne botb mw anb hramen came to Wyat in nwttlamentablc tuife, raping, i&ir, toe are all like to be- btterl^toibbne ahb'beflli'opeb fojpour fabe-j otrre-boufes fbalfbu anbbpb^tbtotone ooiuneTipon ourbeaos, to tbe bftcrrpoule of tbps JBosougb j-tottbtbetbotfefiftbe 2lo^ toer, all reabp benfe anb rbargeb totearbcs bs, fo? tbe loue- of€Job tberefoje take pitic bpponbs: attobicbe too^oes ba bapng partlp abalbeb , (faubc atobile, anb fben fapbe: '3( voo mu frtcnbes bee confente a tobple, anb3f toill ftone eafe pou of tbts mifcbicfe,fo? C^ob fojbib tbat pou Qj tbe leatt b®rc fljoulb be billeb o.: burt in mpbebalfe. fjnb ffl tooft fpabpc manner b® toartcbeb atoape» Queene Maiy» 1083 0s \)t marc^cti fotuarDs King^one, 1)6 mcf bp chance a ^er=> vviat marci.cj cl^anf iinmeo Chnftophcr Dorell, toFjomc f)0 calleDjfaping, tovvitdsKijig- Cofcn Dorell 3 pjap poti commciiD me bnto pour citizens ffje Londoners, ano fa? tjttto tl^cm from me, tfjaf m^cn li# bcrtte ano fraoome teas offereO tf)cm, thep toouIOe not recenucitjncptbertDouloefbcpaomiffeme to enter m tbetr (0ates, tutjo fo; tbepi fr^ocine^ anotbe oifburo tbem'ng of tf)cp? grafes , ano Dpp;eirion bp §)fran0crs, tuoulobiiue francbeip fpente mp blono tn tbattbnrcaufo ano quarrcll, but notoe toell appearctb tbep? bntbanbe# fulnelTe to bstfjcir frienoestobirbmeanetbtbemfomucb ga)0,anO tbercfo^c tben are tbe leffe to ba moneobare# after, Uibsn tbe miferafale fpjanntc of strangers Iball oppjeffe tbcm , ano fo b® tocntc fojtoaroe, SCijis oape bp nigbfs bee came to Kmgnone, tobcre tbe IBjiOge toas bjoben , ano beptc on tbe otber fpoc bp ttoo bnnojetb men, toberefoje Wyat caufeo a tUio poeees of£)jotnance fo be lapoe on tbe enoe of tbe B^toge, tobtcbe fo feareo tbem on tbe otber fpoe, tbat tbep Oiirtt not abpoe, tbcn caufeo bee tb?® o? foure of bps ^oulopero to leape into tbe Ti&.ww, ano to fcDtmme to tbe otber fpoe, toboletofeo tbe CSJefferne HBarges iobpcbe tbcre lap tpeo , ano fo bjougbt tbcm ouer, ano bp tbat mcanes be patTeo tbe loafer at loas losunoerfull tub^t papnes b® ta)fee b"n» felfe comming on frote amongll tbem, neptbcr opo tbep ttap anpc lobitte all tbat npgbte , but came almott to RraynefoUe oj cuer tbcp Uiere oifrrpeo bp tbe ©uanes fcDutes , tobo tbere bp cbaunre mating Brette ano bps conipanpe, Brette fapoe to tbe fcoute, batUe billapne, if tbou goe farther fo oifcouer anptbingb®re,tbou Ibaltc Ope out of banoe, tbe fcoute returneo in great balf. Cbefameoaptntbeaffernfflne, mere ttoo men bangco , on a 0tbbet in ^^aulescbnrcb parObp^)artiaU Into, tbe one being feruant fo tlje JSDube of Sujfoih^, ano late ^be? riffe of LeyceUer, t\)e otbtr a XBafeer, one of tbe lobife Mates fent out of tbe Citie agapnffe Wyat, ano tbe fame ^pp.ib* Qaeene Maryv Day came ftt)tn0S t^at tfje E>uUe ^td b:»f^?en tuere fallen. snije Tame Dap fotoarDs ntgbf, tbcre tons laDcn tcime 0; tlnelucCDartcslnitb £)3DinacE,as25iIIcs,^ibcg,g;pcarc0, boiacs, arroUiEg, potolDer, (l)otte,fi)cucls,niattoches, baOi hctg, anD otber niimitionsjttua Calucrings,one §>acrc, tb?(b j^atocons, ano a iFatoconct, alf tubicb liap&c fet alfo certapne otber boj(rcmen, anD bcbao planteD bis £)?Dtnance bpon tbe bill Cse. 3|n tbemeane ffeafon, Wyat anD bis companp planteD bis £r>5Dinancc bps jLbm fiulrl""' P"" ^ bepoHD SMmt lames,diimoflQuct agatnH tbe parhe corner, anD btmfelfe after a fete teojDs fpohen to bis ^ouU DpcrSjCame Dotene tbe olo lane on fotc, baro bp tbe Court gate at Smuc larnes, teitb four or fiue auntients, bismennc marching. Queene Mary> ntarcl)tii0 tti 0®15 arrap. Cuthbert Vnughan anl» a ftoo atif cienta turncD DoUmc fcloai'De iveUmuiHer. snijc CBarlcof Pemhrokes ^ojCTemeti t)cucrcD all tl;is luljplc toitljcut mo^ Htngjtjnltll all Uias palTcD bp fauttig tl^c ta\>k, bpon tDbtcl) tliepbto fel,anocutDff:tl)eotf)er marcfjcb fc?toarti tit ar< rap, ant) nciicr Ifapb oj returneb to tbc apbc of tijcpj faple: tfjc grcate 0jt)innticc ttjotte off frell)lp on botb fpDca: Wyats £Djoinanc0 ouerfl&oftc tljo troupe of ^^ojOemen, SCbe SJticrnes £)?btnancc,onepaccltra6e tbja of VVyat> tompanpina ranche bpon tbe fjcabs, anb flaptng t^em, tfrake tlyjotigb ttje toall into ttjc ^parho : tnojc ijarmc faJ33 not bone bp tlje greatc ITjOtte of neptl;er partie. SCt)e Qiioenes tobolc batfaple of fcotcmcn tfanbing ittU, Wyat paflTeb along bp tbc Itjall totoarbes charwg Crofe, tofj^re ttjc fapbc l^ojlTemen tfjat lucre tljcre , fct bppon parte of tfjcm, but loas fone fojceb backc. at Charmg Crojfe ttjcre 0Q3bc §>ir lolm Gage iLojbc Cfjfntbcrlapne tuptb tbe 0arbe, anb a number of otljcr, b^tng almolf a tboufanbe, tlje irljicb bppon Wyats commtng , fbotte at i)ps companpe , but at tbe laft flebbc to tfje Court gates, tobtcf) certapnc purfueb, snb fojccb toptb Ikotfe to Ikuttc tbc Court gates agatnS tbem.3IntbP5repuire,tbe fapbe JLojbc Cbamberlapne anb others tuere fo ainajcb, tbat maiipe erpcb SCreafon in tbe Courtc , anb babbe tbougbt tbat tbe C&arle at Pembroke, tubo luas a0aul» ting tbe taple of bps C^nimies , babbe gone fo Wyat, takpng bps parte agapnft tbc Siudene: tbere toas run# nttig anb crptng out of ^labpes ,anb(5entletDomen,tbut# ting of bo?cs anb iuinbotocs, anb fucljc a tltjtking anb nopfe, as luas tuonberfiill to bcare. Wyat fajptb bps lucnne martbeb ffill fojtoarbc all along to Temple Barre, anb fO tbOJOUgb FleeteFlreete, tpll bSK CaUtC fO tbO Bell Sauadge , an nfgb tntO Ludgate , tUPtbOUt fC# Cffancc, bps inennc gopng not in anp gcob cjber o? ar# rap. 3!t is fapbe, tbat at 5/rate, anb attbe lattfaing b® coulbnot gette into tbe dDitie, anb baing becepueb of tbe apbe bee bcpeb fo;, returneb bache agapne in arrap toinabo chmng Crojfe, anb toas neuer ttoppeb , till ba came at SCemple barrc, tobere certapne ^^ojffemcn tobifb from tbe fielbemeftetbem in tbe face, anb tben beganne tbe fpgbte agapne, tpll Clarenfus an f^erraulte came anb fapbe to ^apUer Wyat, g>ir, pon toere bett bp mp vvr»t tiktn. connfeU to palbc , pou fee tbps bape is gone agapnffc pou, anb in reOding, pou can gette no ga)b, but ba tlje beatb of all tbefe pour ^oulbioures, to poure great pe^ rill of ^oule: percbance pou maps fpnbe tbe ^utene mercifull, anb tbe ratber, if pa flint fo greate blonb# Ibeab as is Ipbe bare to ba. Wyat boerctoptb bapng fometobat afltinpeb (altbougb b® fatoe bps menne bente to fpgbte) fapbe loell, if 3 ^all nabes palbe, 3 top't paloe me to a CCientleman , to tubome ^ir Mawricc Barkeley came flreigbt, anb babe bP'" leapebpbebpnbe bpm,anb anofber take Thomas CoLham anb Wyllyam Kneuet,f fo carrpeb tbem bebinbe tbem bpo tbeir bojCTes to tbe Qucene Mary» «l^ourfej t^m teas tahing of mentte on a.: noes * 3|f fs fatoe, tl[)af tn tif^s ronStcte onojathcman fetting ^to bache fofbetoallat Saint Limss, i?cp{c fcaiicr.ttriic ijojlTcmcn off l)im a grcate fpmc, cn!i at tfjc lade teas flatne. 'SZ^t U}f;olc number on botbe fiDcs flatne at tljps battaile paiTeD not foj# tie perfons, as farre as eoulDe be learneD bp tbcm t{;at bie^ toeb tbe felD, but tbere toere manp foje burte. j&be nopfe of toonien ano cbilojcn, toljen ttje conflicte loaB at charing Crop, teas fo greate, tbat it toao b^aroe to tlje toppc of tbc lobite ^otoer, ano alfo tbe great (botte tuao toell otfcernco fbcre out of Sam lames fielDettljere Cobe bpon tljc lleaoes, tbe^arques of Nicholas Poines^flr Thornas Popc.ipaifler lohn Seimer ano otbcr. HbOtttfiue oftljO cloche, Thomas Wiat,William Kncuct, Thomas Cobham, tUjO bjetbJen name Mantels, anb Alex- anderBiet toere bjOUgbte bp fir Hemic lerninghambp toa< tcrfotljeToM'frpjifoncrB, tobereflr Philip Deny recepueo tbem at tbe Bultoarhc, ano ao Wiat palTeo bp be fatoe, goc SCraitoj, tbere toas ncuer fucbea ZDrapfoj in Engiande, to tobome fir Thomas Wiat tumeo ano faioe, 31 am no Crai# to?, ^ toouloetboutbouloedtoelt hnotoe, tbouarte mo;te STraito? tfian % it is not tbe point of an bonefie man to calt nte fo, ano fo toent fojtb: toben be came to tbe Tmer d^ate, firTho mas Bridges Jlieuetenanttcohe intbtougb tbe tStic» het, firffe Mantcl,ano raioe;:ab t bo« Craitour, tobaf baffe tbou ano tbpcompanpe totougbt:'bntbeboloingOotonbpo^ beao faioe nothing tCben came Thomas Kncuet, tobome ^aiffer Cbamberlaine (Gentleman jaojter of tbe Tiwer tfflhe in tSCben came Alexander Bret, tobome fir Thomas Pope trohe bp tbe bofome, faping: ob 2rratfour,botoe cout« Oefi tbou finoe in tbp bearte to too?he fucbe a billanp, ao to tahe toageo, ano being trufieb oner a banbe of men, to fall to btrenimpeo, returning againttebir in battell: Bret am ftoereo pea, 3 bau e otfenoeo ki tbat cafe; ^Cben came Tim - masCohham, tobome fir Thomas Poincs tfflhe in, anO faiO, alas ^adcr Cobham,tobattoinb beaoeo pou to toojhe fucb ^pp.bu trca^ / Queene Mary* trcafon,an5f)cn«nftDcreti, fir 3 toast feSnccD , STfjeit Mini! in fir Thomas Wyat, toi)Ome fir lohn Bridges toslta bp tjjc collar ano faioc,of) tf)on billatnranu tnljappp frap^ tour, botoe coulocS tf)oti finbe in tbP brartc to toojltc fucb 6ctc(fablctrcafontotbe€5uanes£paieIfio, tobogauc tboe tbp life anb lining onco alrcabp, altbougb^ tbou bibbctt ba* fojc tt)i£5 lime bcarc amies in tbt ficlbc againll btr, anb noto to poclb bir battel fc.if it toere not(faitb br) but tbat tbr lato mulfe paflTe bpon tbee, 3 toouloetticbe tbo? tbtougbetoitb mp £>agger, to tbe tobPcbr> >'bolbing bps armes bnbcr bis Coe, anblcDhpnggrauouflpctoitb agrinime Icohebpon tbellieutcnant, faib,itis no maiflfcrp iiotoe, anb fo patTcb on. Thomas vvyat ijabbc ona fl)P2te of ^ailc, toptb Citues bcrp fapje, tbrreon a tacluet Cafliochc, anb a pelloto 3lace, toitb tbc toinblacc of bis S?ag banging tbercon,anb a paire ofJBoitesDnbislcggcs, anbonbis b^ab afapae ll^atteof ?aeluet,toitbbjoabebonc-toojbeiuiceaboutpit. William KneucCjThomas Cobham, f Bret, toere tbe lilie apparcllcb. £)n tbe mojroto anb tbe nert bap folotoing,toere b?ougbt intotb^ Tmver pjifoncrS 5 George Cobham, Cr Wyilyam Cobhara^Anthony Kiieuct^Hugh BoothjThornas Vain, Ro- bcrt RudftonCj fir George Harper, Edwarde Wyat, Edward Fogge,George Moore,ailb Cuibett Vaughan. ' kbe tcntb ofiT^eb?uarp, tbe Carle cf //w//v^/,toberetbe2Duhc babbe remapnco tljji! bapcs after bis fahing in tlje boufe ajlb ruffobp of chriflopber Warren berman tbere. SEbe elcaucntb bap fir Hcm-y lOcy tobo fjab Qcbbe, toas fajougbt into tbe Tbnw pjifoncr in an olo i^rcefe coate, anb olbepapjeofbofen, all bis apparellnot toojtb foure IbiB lings: tbe fame bapc came intuio of tbe Culpepers, one Ciomar,f Thomas Rampton tljcSDuhe cfS^jfi/isCcctcturv* SCfjc ttoel.Tb of i^cb^uarp,being ^onbap,about tenne of tbe QueeneMary» io8p toent out oftfjc Tower to tl)z ^ctifRjia on fbe 7^'wr^///,t{)0lLO.iDcGuilforde Dudley, fomie tO tlje SllftC of Nor thumb er land;, fO t\)S i-lOP I auc Grey Cau^lj^ tcr to ttje Duke otSujfo/kc: auD luitijout ttjc I5nlUiaikc gate fl^atttcr Thomas oflley one of f()C ^I)Cri{?esof London, fCo ccpueli bpm ano b;cugbtf)it«to tfje g)catFolO0, iDftere after a Ditall Declaration, be kneeUD Dotone ano faiD fjis pjai'crs, f!>cn boJD^ng bppe bps opes anD banDes to ^^rauen Ujpt{> tcarcs, at tbe latt be DcCrcD tbe people to pjap foj bP»tt) a"D after Uias bebeaoeD: bps boDp bepng lapDe in a Carre, ano bps beaD in a clotb, tnas bjougbte into tbe Cbappel loitbiti tl)eTower, tobcrctbeiLabpelane, tobofe loDging toas in ^paiffcr Partridges boufe, oiDfde bps DcaDc carcafle taken outc of tbeCarre, as toell as tbe did fte bpm befoje aliuego^ ing to bis Deatb,a figbt to bie too^fe tba Deatb. ^IBp tbis time toas tbere a ^catfaloe uiaDe bpon tbe C>rdtne oner agatnSe tbe tobite Cotoer, foj tbe iLaDp lane to Dpe bppon, tubo bo?* ingnotbpngatallabalbeD neptbertnitb feare of bir otonc UeafbjtDbpebetbenappjocbeo, neptber inptb tbe figbte of tbeDeaD carcaOfe of bir bufbanDe tobcn be toas b?oagbte in# to tbe Cbappei, came fojtb, tbe Jlieuetenaunt leaDlng bir, Xo countenance nothing abalbeD,neither bir tits anp tbing moil!neDU)itbfeares,tnitbaBcDke in birb^nDe, tnbere# in (be p?apeo bntilltb^camctotbefaiD^caffolDe, tubere# on tuben (be Inas mounteD,(be toao bebeaDeDthibofe Deaths iuerc tbe mojc baSenen fo2 fearc of further troubles anD flirrc fo? bir STptle , Ipkeas bir father bad attempteD. STbefourtantbanD fiftecntb of i^ebjuarp, aboutetbe number of fiftic of Wyats faction-, mere banged, on ttoentp paire of (I^allotos made foj that purpofe in Diners places a# bout the Citie# SDbe rbtf. ofi?eb;uarpe,tDas pmdamation made, that all ^traungers (bouloeauoidetbeUealme tuitbtn reiiii* Dapes ncrteenruing,bponpatne oftbeir goodes to beconiir# cate, (aliFrde denizens, (Merchants, and CmbalTadoiser# eepted.) Cbe Quccne Mary* rbitj. ofi^cbjuarp, Bright,, one of tfje (Tapfafites of tf)C /^Wiwfr/tljatflcDDcfo WiatjOnD tujo ano ttoenfte per* fono mo;c oftlje Kenttflmen, Ujcrc oeliuercD to the ^hrriflfe of Kent, to be erecufeo tn Dpuersplacc0ofi^f»t,buth>;th6 mode parte, tbep toere all parooneo. She )rj:ij»ofi^eb;aarp, ccrtaineofWiatsfartlou, to the number of four hunbjeo ano mojc,U)cre leO to wenmwffer, ccupleo togithcr toith halters about their necbes,ano there in the Suit paroe, the €iuane(toho loDhco fo?th of hit !erp)partionco them. ShcrFit}.ofi^eb?uarp, HcnricGrey ^llbe of Sujfolke, toas beheaDeo on the Tovrer htl She rj. of £^arche William iLO?lie Howard 0DmtralI of Eiglavde^ toaS CrcatCO 15aron Howard of Effingham, at Wefi" miKsier. She rb. of ^arch, the (Sarle of Dtuonfhtre teas appje* 'lifwbet) ano committco to the Tmerfoi fufpition to haue to# Torver. ftnteo to Wi^ts confpp?acie. She rbii j. of 5parche,bcing palmConoap, the laop Eli- zabeth,the Quanes fitter, teas bp the ilo?o Srcafurer ano fheGarleof5«/7f.v, conucpeoto the Tmer ot LondoK^ from IVe^minHer bp toater. Pariunjcnt thoparliament bcganneaf weslmin" XX unien. ,7,^^lt,^P({jeUja6 appopntcO to haue bane bepte at Oxfirde. ^ She t). of0p?iU, (ir lohn Williams toas createo 13aroit Barons, created. ^j; gj^jj gaitit lames. She bij, of ^lp?il,fir Edward North, Uias createo liSaroti of Chartlege at Saint Hwft.She biij.0fi3p?tU fir folin a Brid- ges teas createo 15aron Chondoys otSudley Sawt lames. She fame biij. of Spjill, then being&onoap, acatte frith hirheaofl)o?ne, ano the liUeneire of a Clelfment cade oucr hir, toith hir foje fate tpeo tcgither,ano a rouno pace ofpaper lihe a fingtng Cahe bettoirte them, toas hangeo on a Galiotoes in c/;eape,nearc to the Sroire,in thepariflj ofSaintMathewjtohpcheCattc being taben Ootone, toas rarrpeo to the ^ilhoppe QfLenden, ano he canfeo the fame to be 10^0 Kcntithmen pardoned. ♦ QueencMary^' iopi Ibe fljefo eb af TauUs Crefc, bp fbe pjeacber SDotfOj Pendleton.' _ of!Hp7il\J S>OrtO>Cranmcr ilMbbplbopof CanteV' Oxfotdc.''"'^ jDoftOUr Ridley ISp^oppe OtLondon, an5 Hugh Lati- mcr onccBllbop ofmrcener,\xizto CO ucpcD pjffoneco froitt Tower QfLondon to mndfore, anO aftCT from fbCllfe tO Ox- there to Difpute toptb SDimnes ano l^anieb men aftbecontrarp optmon. Kfiz PL of apjtt, fir Thomas Wiat toao bebeafieo on tfje Tnver hill, anti after quartrco.bps quarters toere fct bppc in Dpuers places, anobpabcao on ttje ClJallotoes at Hayhtii timzHydePArke,UQ\n it inas tbo?tlpafter fiolnc f conuepeD atuape. ICbcrrbb. of apjtUjlLOJOe Thomas Grey,b?OtbertO tatc SDuhe afSujfoike, teas bebeaoeo. SDberiili.of ^ap,Gerrard Fitz Garret toas creatcb c^rlr ofi^/iijr benbelr, fojconfppjing Siuane Maries oeatb,tbf fame Wil- liam.Thomas foj the matter, tuas ojatone to anb bangeo ano quartrebtbcrbiij* of ^ap. 2Dbe pip. of spapi Haope Elizabeth teas conuepcD from tbc Tower of Londonhp loatCr tO Riehemande, from tbence tO Wtndfore-, aUO fo fap the ILO?B Williams to Ricot in Oxford/hire, ano from tbence tomodfiecke. SCf)C rrtj.ofi^ap, Edward Courtney dBaCle of Deuonjhire, The Erie of De IsaS Oelluerell oute of the Twer bp fir Ralph Chamberlaine Fodrfng^y"' of Sufolk,ono fir Thomas TieDiam tonightsjtohoconuepeb him to Fodringay CaFlelin NorihamptonfhtreJti^tPt tOCematlte bnoer fgeir cuffotite. SCber. of^une, 2DottourcPend)etonpjeacbebat/'4«/« AGunneshotfe Crffj/e.attobontcn (Siunnetoastbotte, tbe pellet lobereof''""'^'"''****" loent bcrp ncare b'-nt, ano ligbte on the Cbwrcbc Ujall.liBut tbc tbmtercouloe notbcfoun&e., Cbe rrtt. of June, toas ][0:nclamatto!t maoe, fojbiobing ^e fijcDitng in banogannes, anb bearing of toeapons. snhe." Queenc Mary:^ yiMMo rtg. 3. 3iulp j Eiizabctii Cjoftaturnd^alMjiifir Aspirittmj t^cage of eigl)tanc peares , ffoDe tJjpiJH a at Pau/es Crojjinll tfjc ^crmon fpme, toljcr^ confcffeD,fljal flie being moueb bp bpucrc Icinoe pcrfons tberebnfo,l)al)be tjppon tbe foureteeiUl) of^arcbe lafTc befo;e patTeb counter' faitcbeertapnefpcacbesinanboufc \i3it\)oi\tc ^iderjg^te of Londof}, tbo^ougije tfje tobptlje, tljc people of tbe tobole Citp tDerelDonlierrullpinolcSeD,fo2tbatallmcti migbte ^eare tbe botce but not fee bir perfcn. faioe it ioao an Ztu gellano abopce from l^eaucn,rDmc tl)ct)olp^'^tbe 2paire,nnO Cofcffion,f c, SCbe rir. of Julpjtbcpjmcc otspawe arrineo at SoHthamp- ton^})z fcurtb oap after be came to winchefler in tbe euening, ano tbere going to Cburcbe inas bono?abip rccepueo of tbe 3i5plboppe, ano a greate number of ijJoblcfl: tbe nerte Oape be met toitb tbe ^n^ne,lDptb U)borne be bao long familiar talke* ^aint Blameo Oape, tbe marriage tuao foiempni' Tlie marriage jeo bctloane bim ano ©uane Mary , af tubpcbe time tbe . tbeirCptleagfoloUjetb: Philip ano Marie bp tbe grace of he mgsfliic. qIEfgUyide.Fraunce, Naples, Htcru. ftlem, ano /rcfenoojs of tbe iT^aitb,l35inces of spawe anO iS'/V/ V,2lrcb0uhc3 of AuHrich of Mdlai»jt,BstrgfitP- dy alio Brabant, COUntieS Of Asfarge, Flatmdcrs, anO IjrroU: tobl'fb^ being cnoco, tbe Crumpets bleloc, fljcl^png anb ^udenecamefo^tbbanotnbanoe, ano tboc g>luo.20o bo;ne bcfojetbem, after i»ing Philip ano ©nane Marie reinoneb Queenc Mary* remoncofrfi JVincheBerto Windfere, to RichemontXtOm ttfttlCt bp toatfT tO So/(tht>arke,Ztontpmyf eo ioitb tbe jpoble men f iLaoie0,tbe littng tn one barge^tbe Siu^ntn an otber,ana laiiDeo at tbe Bitbop of winchcftert ffaircs ncareto s.M.iry Queries Cbnrfbi I fo palTeD tbjongb ftjat place ana parfte, into Suffolk^ place, tobcre tbep reSeo tljatnigbl'^nbfbctteirt oap being tbcrbiti. ofaoguff, tbep rooe tbojoagb Southwarke ouer tfje Bnoge, ano fo tbo?ougb Lo>idoH^ toljcre tbep toerc initb great pjouifion receiueo of]^ a ma» njrdiBg citijenOjf paffingtbJougb cburcbparo, a man came flpDpng,as it mere flping, bpon a rope,(Tom Pautes feteeple. '' ' SDfje rccono of&eptembcr,Or Anthony Browne ^^aiffcr oftbe l^ojfe, toao put bp, ano maoe^parques Mountague, foj Ijim ano bis b^ires Scales, toitb tbe giffc of wr. marheo tbe peace of Surrey,at Hampton Court, Dauid WooctroffeiWilhani Cheltcr,thc zS.ofSeptcmber. Sherifes. > Sir lohn Lion Grocer,the 28.ofOftober. cMaiar. S 2nbe nrbj. bfOctober, a g>pantarotoasbangeo at cha- ringCrojfe, foj billing of an (EngUt&inan, fberetoasofferco ^jpanrndtiaiv fo? bis life bp otberttrangcrs 500, Crotunes, butalltbat toouloe not llap Suffice. SCbc rb. of ipioueber,tbc parliament began at fveffmiuiier. of Jioucmbcr, Caroinall Poole came out of Bral>a»t into E»o/and,mo VDa0 recciucO toitb mucb honour: be toao bp ];3arliament reffo?eO to bps oloe oignitie,tbat be toao put from bp liing Hennc, ano (bo?tlp after came into l^arliament boufc, tobere tbe fting, ©u^e,ano otber ttateo toere p?erent. SCben be oeclareo tbecaufe of bis %t* gacie, firtt ei:bo?ting tbem to returne to tbe Communion of tbe Cburcbf, ano relfo?e to tbe JBopc bps One auctbo?itie. ^cconDlp,be aouertifeo tbem to giue tbanhes to (I^oD tbat bao fent tbem fo bletfeoa ^ing ano Siuane.iFinallp,be fig^ iti8eo,fo? fo mucb as tbep baO toitb gret genflcneirc rc(fc?co bim to bis bono? f oignitie, tbat be mofl erneHIp oe0reo to tbemrcttoaeo fo tbe beauenlp court, n bniticofpcburcb. ijbe nepte oap tbe tobole Courte of parliament oaetoo ' ' ntt^ Queene Mary* outff^efourmcfif a fuppUcation, fiimme iol^ereofioatf) tf)at t^cp greatipe rcpcntco t^jeni of Itat tfjep IjaDoe fpneo tn,ano t^crefosc DcfircD Stng, 5Juane,ana Carotnal, tijat bp tbetr mcano tbcp mtgbt be reSo;ct) to bofome of tbeCbwrtbMnb obebknceoftbe ^eaoiRome. lEbe ncjcte bapc tbe I3mg,©u0enc,ano Carbinall,being pjefcnt, tbe io^oe (Ebauncellour cedareb inbat tb«#arlia# inentbaDbetermineDconcermngtbc CarDtnalles requcif, anb offcreb to tbe iainganb €5uanc, tbe&upplicattonba^. fo?c mentioneb, tobttb being reab, tbe (TarbtttaU in a large £)jafion,bedarebbotoeacceptablelicpcntante iuaeintbe XtgbtofC^objfc. itnbimmebiatelp, niahpng pjaper bnto 0ob bp auflbbJitic to bini £0nunitteb,abfolueo tbcm.tJSabe al tbiB toao bone, tbep loente all bnto tbe CbappcU, ana tberc linging Ttf , loptb greate folempnitie bcdarea tbe iop, tljat fo? tbis reeonciliation toas pietenbcb. The Queene TLi)t frbig. of j]5ouember, tbe Cojbe ^aioj of London, Jv"t'h ciiuje? tbe 0lbermen in ^carlct,anD tlje Commons in tbeit ELpucr!cs,atrembtcb in Paules c\)viui)t at nine oftbedocbe in tbe fo3enfflne,U)bere SDortoure Chadfey one of tbe bcnbes pjeacbeb in tbe^u«Te,in pjefencc of tbe ffiitboppe of Lo«^w,anb nine otber 5!5ltboppes, anb reab a JLctter fenf from tbcS5uancsCounfell, tbe tcnourtubereof teas, tbat tbeBptboppeof Lo»^i!o»fl)oolbecaufe TV Deum to be Fung tti all tbe Cbnrcbes ofbpo SDiocclTe, toptb fontinuall pjapcrff fo; tbe ^udenes tpaieSietnbicbe loas conccpueb anb qniebe tjoitb cbplbc:tbe iletter being reab,be beganncbis S)ermoii tnptb tbis 3ntitbeme: Ne tmuM Maria, imemBi enimgrati- arn aptid Deum: ^is ^ermon bcing enbeb , T? Deum tons Fung, anb Folcmpne pjocclTion teas mate atSaluefesIa dies, all tbe circuit of tbe Cburcbe. ^be Feconbc of ISDecemkr, Carbinall Poolc came from bp toater, anb lantet at ?<»«/« anb from tbence to Pauies cbarcbe,toitb a Croffe, ttoo |3illers, and iU)o |3oUares offilner borne before bim*^etuao tbcre re' ^c^et bp tbe iio}b Cb^ancelo; lottb )3?oci^oti, lobere bee tar# Queene Mary» lopj tD^jcre Ijc farrpefi til t\)t ft tng tame from tvclimmner bp ISu ateleaucnoftljcfloche,anD tbcntfjcilojDe Cbaunrcflour pntreD PWir/Croirc ano p;cacbci) a ^crmon,tal5mgfoj bis SDbOamO tbofo UJOJOCS t Fratra^fdentes ^uia hora efi iam nos de fommfHrgere,&c. 3(n t^c iDbpcbc &crmon \}c Dcclareo, tbat tfjeftpnganDSiiifPiic bal>rcao;cD tbc |0opo to tjis fupje# tnactc, ano tbe cSafea aflfcmblootn tbe )^aritamcnt, rrp^pfenttng tbc mbolc boOp oftbo l\ealme, bs^ fubmitfeo f b^mfelues to tbe fameXbc fermon bepng eubcD, tbe bttig Dcpartcb totoaros fres7mtWs7<;r,ant) initb bim tbe Jlojb Car^ Cinall, toptb tbc CrofTe onelpc faojnc bcfoje bpm. SCbSFPbb- ofSDccember, Emanuell PhiUberc pjt'ttce of Prince ofpia- Ftamont^ aiiD Diihe ofSa»c^,io^tl) ofbet JL020CS, lucre rccctf aco at Grattefende bp tbo 3Lo?oc pjiutc fecale atio otbec, ano foconuepcD along tbc riacr of TloAmts biiDcr z,oWc*bjioge to fVeTlminfler. S^b« nintb of3|anuarpe, tbc |33tncc ofOraKge baing rc;' cepueb at Grauefend, luasronucpcD along tbc ISincr ofThA- mii, ano lanbcb at tbc S)uhc of Suffoik^s place, S^bspipofjanuarp,tbcraiop?tnccof0r4«^f, luitljo# Princeot tbcr tlo?0cs, teas conOuctcO bp tbc iLojbc Cbanibcrlatnc to O'Mge. ti^tToiver of London, tobCCC luaO ^CfcOCb blltO bpm tbC OjDt nauncc,arttllcric,muntttona,anD armoartc,luitb tbc mint f c. anb fo luao b;ougbtc into tbc lubitc Colocr,frd tobcncc, aa bs returncb tb^ougb^ tbc long (I5allo?tc, al tbc p^tfoncra falutcb bpm, bnto tobomc tbc p;tncc fatb, be Inas fojtc fo? tbcircapttuitte, anb trntlcb tbefting anb £^u^nc toonlbe be gob tjnto tbcm: at bis beparting from tbc ToB'ccretarp Bourne, anb fir Richard Southwell ^aiffcr of tbc £>?binauncc ano 2iK* mojic, came fo tbe Tcfwer of London-mi tbccc fitting in com# mtfiiott, btfcbargcb p^tfoiicr? as folloiuctb i tbe;^rcbbilbop _ • of 1 op6 Prifonerj dif- cturgcj. I6hnRogeri bien(. Jiogo de Cmi. EnibafTadourt rent CO Home. Erie of Dcuon- shyie dcliuercd. Quecnc Mary^ of TerkfMi loh. RogersjOr lames CroftSj0r Nicholas Throck- raorton,fir Nicholas Arnoldcjltr Edward Warner,fir George Harper, fir William Scntlow, fir Andrew Dadley,firGawin Carrewe illiam Gibs efqutrCjCuthbert Vaugh- aOjHaringtonjTremade ant) OtljcrO. * fourth of iFcb?uarp, lohn Rogers dicar of5<2wr SCarbiiiairPooMheILojbeChauncello^, the fentouerto cai Carle ofArundale, anb tbc 3Lo?be Paget tocnte ouer ^ea to Callais,tim neare hnto Marke treatcb toith the Cmpero?s f FreMchMx{%s coiniffioners,foj a peace to be hab bettoan the faib^jinces,CarbinallPoolebeingp?cfibent there, toho retnrncb againe into Engiande, aboute the mibbeff of June, toithout anp agrament mahing, SChe r. ofi^ap, Willrani Coacftable altos Fetharftone, a pillars fon about the age of ^ VVaiiamTIo- wet bicnr at ly VeSmwIler, Queene Mary^ iop7 vttes,b)l)Q fjao publtl^cs iimgEdwardc fbc fljrfb to be alpue,anD fometimc nameD bttnfclfc fo be Ring Ed- EdTvarjtue' warde t^e fijCtb, loas tafeCH at E/tham tn Kent, anD COtlHCPeD to Hampton Courte, tobctc bepiig CFamtiteo bp tbe Coanfell, bo requp^cb pardon, ano fatbe bo lotfie not tob^t bo btb, but ao bo toao pcrtoaDeb bp inanpc; from tbonce bo toaa fcnt to tbe Aifarpja/fea,mtj tbo rrtj.of ^ap bo toao carrpeo in a Cart fbojousbo London fo treflmimler a paper OU-bPS bcab, Uiborem luao to?ttfen, tbat bo baooe namoo bprnfclfe to be Jipng Edvvarde. Hftor bo bad bin carried aboute tveffminfier ha/lbefoie tbe fudges, bo toao tobippod about tbo pallaice, andtbon ^ehmmBerintO Smnhjie/de, and tbOllfaa# nifbodintotbe^^ojtb, in tubpcboCountrep bo tuasbo^ne, and bad bin foinotime JLachep to fir Peter Mcwtas, SCbe firtie of Bftllpe, lohtl Bradford tuas buriicd in Smith- EraJfb.-dbrent. fie/de,tbi8 Bradford U)as a man of bcrp fobcr and boncft life, Hnno reg. g. and tbcrefoje tbe 15i(bops tDOulde gladip baue bad bim ro^ cant and abiure bis opinions. Cbe rti' of augufte, loas a terrible figbfe on tbo fca be* ttUlXne tbe Dmchmeno.'nb Frenchmen,nietC tO Romney ^arlbj tuboreas Fi. tbips tooro bjenf and funcbo. 3ntbpsmoncfbof0ngu{f. insnfo/ke, ataplaccbptbe ^ealidc., all afbardeiloneandpibb(e,callod in tbofe parts a &»boIfe,lping bcttottn tbe toUins of Orfird and Aihorough, toljorc neuer gretoc ©raflTc, no? anpoeartb teas cuor fane, tbere cbaunced in tbis barratne place, fedainelp to rp?ing bppe Uiitbout anpe tpl lage o? rotoing,great abiindaunce of peafon, lubcroof tbe pcB?e gathered (as men iudged)aboae ^he necefsity anbund?cd quarters, petremapnodfomcrppe, and fomc ofthepoote by bIoiroming,as manpasoucrtborelDcrcbefo?c,tctbcU)bi» cljo place rode tbo UBitbop otNonvich, tt tbe3Lo?d Willough- bey tuitb Others in greate number, tobo found notbpng but • barde rocbep If one the fpace of tb?a pardos, bnder tbe rots of tbofe poafon, tDbpcboreotesUJorc greats and long, and berpe fmafe,! c. ^nHOartboIomoto onon, after fbo3Lo?de^aio?andau dermen ^ os>s Qucene Mary* Drpntttion at JcrmeU ttLmdoM, ^atme riDOril abonfe Saint Bartholomews 'a/had bt« came to 4nt,tQ bifitc tbc cSmpcronr bps fafbcrj be gauc at bis bcparting among tbe foulbponrs of tbc totmi ® nfCalkis, ip^roUmo ofgolb,anb tbcrc arcompanicb bim in bisfojncpofCngli^ilojbOjtbcGarlcofArundalej Jlojbc ^ ^tcloaro oftbcQoancs boure,tbc Carle tWenbrooke, tbc Carle tiiHuntington, anb otbcro, icl £)n»picbaclmafrceucn, tbc pjiConers tbat lapcfn tbe ^ Sv vSue Counter in BredBreete, tocrc tcmoucb to a nctoc Counter mabc in iroodBreete of tbc Cities purrbafc anb builbing,tbe tobicbc rcmouing teas conGrmcb bp a common counfcll af# fembicb at tbc GuildhaUfQi tbat purpofCt Quecnc Mary» £Dn t|i0 laffe of ^eptember^b^ occa0on of greafe (utnoe Great undt ano ratnc ttjat tjno fallen, toao fnclje grcate flouoes, fljat fljat mo?ntn0 tlje Itings jaalntce at iveiiminsler, ano mincer ouerfloiocn tOPtl) lOafCr , tinto tl)C ^fap2e f(Dte, sopng to t^e C^auncerte ano l^mgo liBenct;e, fo t^at toljen tbe iiojDe ^apoj otLondtM iljoolo come fo pjefcnt t|;e ®>l^eriffes fo f^e Barons of flje (l^rcfjcqucr, alt tve^mmfier hall ioas full oftoafer, ano bp repojfc fljcre, tl;af mojning, a ^birrte man roloeD lotfli Met Boafe ouer Weslmtnslcr B;toge, tnfo tf)e ]|3allatce Courfe, ano fo fb^otigl) t^e pie gafe,anD all fbeMcoll staple into tl)e lyings 0rdDte:f all ffje ^arises on Lambeth noe,tDcre fo otfcrflotocn, fljaf t^e people from iVe^mgto»ci)ttn\) couloe not pa0c on fofe, but toerc carrpeO bp boafe from f be faio Cburcb f o tlje pirn fotO, neare fo Sam Georges fn Southwarke. Thomas Leigh; lohn Machil, the 28. of September. Shenffet Cbe icbj.of€>cfober a?octo? Ridley, ano ^aitter Latimer RidicyTnj r.,# toere b;enf af Oxfsrde. ' Sir William Garrard Habcrdadier, the 28. ofOiRober. Ma'tor. 3|n j0(tober ano i|>ouembcr a )Barltamenf ioas boloen,tn Firfi: fruitesanil fbe lobpcb flje £ioane paloeo bp bnfo fbe S>ptrifuall men, J^the ckaJuf fbe 0r0 fruits ano fenfbs of all Bifbopicbes, Benefices, f CDcclelialficall liuings. 3in this parltamenf mas graunfco Afubftdie. to fbe ^ing ano ^usnea fubfeoie of fbe ilapfp from p.E.biii.iJ. offbepouno, rr.f. rb.lf'Offbe pouno, ano from rr.f .bploaroe rbj.O. of fbe pouno,ano al firangers Oouble, ano fbe Cleargie granfeo bj i. of fbe pounoe. SDocto? Storie ano ofber toere appoinfeo bp fbe Caroinal, fo bifife cuerp ][3aritb Cburcbe in London ano Middufex, to fa fbeir l^eliques repapjeo, ano fbe Images of fbe Cruci# ftPjloptb Mary ano lohn fbereon fo be fijreo. Stephen Gardener Bplboppe Of Wmchefier, Cb^UncellO? of£«^/WfOpcofbeip. of |5ouember, ano ioas burpeo af nerdccwffeV Winchester. jSDn jSeioperes Oap fbe ^liuanc gaue fbe greaf ^eale fo SDoctoj Nicholas Heath ^rcbebplboppe ofTerke, aiiO maoe ;;» btm IIOO The Milltrs fan fayniiig to be King Kiivv. Queene Maty* i)tm !io;De Cttauncelio;, (ti» UhetDtfe gauet^e pjtnte feale to tt)c ILojoo Paget, ant) inaDe ^im p^tute ^cale,t^ofe tocre bott)C Londgnen bOJHC. 3!n ttjps jnonetb of ircb?uarp,tbc 3Lo?l) ^aioj QiLondoK^ ano tbeillDcrnienentreD into Brtdeveell, anb toSe pofitcffiou tl)crccf,accojDpng to tlj^siftc of Btng Edward, noUisconfic* mcD bpi2ndenc Mane. SDl)e rpbj. of i?ob;uarp, William Conellablc /«/mj Fethar- fton,lua0 arraigneD in tbo Guild Lil/of Lmdon, tofjo bao cau^ feD letters to be caftc abjoab, tbat Itntg Edward teas altue, anb tq feme be fltetoeb bpntfclfe to be ising Edward, fo tbat manp perfons botb men anD loomen tocrc tronblcb bp btnr, fo? tbc tobtfb febition tbe fatb Wiliiam bab bin once Uibip^ peo,anb beluiereo,as is afojefa.bc: IBut notoc be loas coni bemneb, anb tbe tbirt^ntb of ^aicb,be toas bjatonejbans geb anb quavtrcb at Tybome. ^ JlBlajing gitarrc tons fane at all tinreo of tbc nigbfe, tbcrirtb>feauentb,eigbt,nintb, anb tentb of ^arcbc. Sbe W}. of £0arcb, S^octo? Cranmer ;3rcbbpfl}op of Can- terburte luas bomcb at Oxforde: aitb tbc faniE bap Carbinal Poole fang bis Btlfe ^palTc at Creenewtche in tbe i^rpero Cbnttb' on ^onbap nert be toas confccrateb 0rcbbilbop of CanterbKry.K.\it wtj.of ^arcbjbcpng tbcfcafi of tbe 3nnntt# A^chrbSppe'^ ciation of our jlabpjCa-rbinalPoolcrccetueb ^ jaalltoitb ^ 1556 tbenbfcb ceremonies ffolemnities at cburcb in ijewgate fette Cbe)erbig.ofsparcb,attenoftbc clocbe befojc nanic, a part of Nevpgate callCO Mannings halUiaS b^Cttt tO groflO, f no pjifoners left, ^ confptracic mas mabe bp certain per? (bnSjtoborepurpofetoastobaue robbeb tbe ©uancsCp cbequcr^alleb tbe rcceit of tbe Crtbcquer, in f tobicb t bere toasoftbeiDuiines treafure aboue 5coQo.E.tbefametimc, to tbe intent tbep migbt be able to maintainc tear againffc tbe Siuanc. SCbis matter toas bttercb bp one of tbe confpu racie,U)berefap Vdall,Throckmor:on,Peckh.'!m,Iohri Dani- cU Stantonteereapp?ebenbcb,f bincrs otbcrs fiebbc into Vramct. ^ir Anthony Kingllonc iuas appjebcnbeO,.! OpcS DoAor Cran^ tttet brent. on fire. CQnfpiricfe, Queene Mary» iioi bp tnap comming tofcoarDe Lo»do>7, of0pjUI,IohnThrockmorton anO Rtchardc ThrockmoHon Vclall ioerc Djatone to Tjbome, ano t^crc bangco ano quar# and other cxc- trcD. ICip. of ^ap,William Stanton toaS IlhcfcOtfC ffCCU'' teo. STfjobt^. of Jane, William Ro{Icy,Iohn Rcdikc^anD lolm Bedell mere erefutcD at Tjbome. 2DbcFt)i0.of3Sunc,oneSandsapongerfoiT totljeilojise sandej hat.gej Sandsjluas baagCD at Saint Thomat aUi'atermgs foj a fObbCrp tbat be f otberfjac comitteO on Mbitfonoap lattc, offoare tboofanljepounoe. SbeFjrtjij.of^unedbirfane perfons toere bjcntat Strat- TiuVfene brent ford tbe Bovpe, " Stratforde. SCbe bitt- of 3|t'lP> HenriePeckham f lo'in Daniel! UlCre baitgeo ano beaoeo on tbc Tnverhiii^mn tbeir booiee fanrieo Peckliani. in Barling Church, 0boutetbi0 time one Clober,tDbpcbe romeft'me fjcptca fcbcDle at D^s in Norfgike,\xiit]) tbja b;etb?en, tobofe names tuerc LmcolncjpjetenOeO an inrnrrcrtton, ano tuouloc bane gafbereo tbe people at a marriage, buto tbe tobicbo tbe bje* tb?en prnmifeb either of tbe to bjingan bnnojeo boafe toitb men :at tubv^bo tpme bp tbem appointeo, tbe faioe Clobcr gauecbargctoaferuantofbpo, to toatcbe in a ilane nigbc to tbe Cbn-cbe tobere tbep tbonloe mate, ano as ffione as be fatoeanp bojfemancommpngtbttberlDarOe, to giucbpm toarning toptb all fpaoe.^o it cbauncco(bp tbe mil ofClJoO) tbat certaine men rpoing tbjougb tbat ilane, to fome otber place aboutetbeir bufinelTe, cameabonte facbe an bonre as Clobcr bao appomfeD,tjponfigbf of mbicb men, bps fapo feruaunt retourneo to bis ^^aitter, ano toloe bpm tbat bps frienocs taere come: ano immcoiatlp tbe faio Clober ttojOe bppe in tbe ^parillje Cburcb of Taxfle, ano reao a traptercns pjoclamation ofpurpoCe p2cpareo, mbpcbe bcpng cnoeo, f faing bis part mas to meabe, fo2 tbat bis mates mere not come, beganne to flm, but one ^aiSer shireman purfaeo ^j^iiti, ani) Qucene Mary^ anu fake ki«n af a Coione calleD Eye in Suffoike, anD toast kepfe fn pjifon kntill tfje neicfe ^effwnit af Saint Edmondfiu- rie, ano kps f();a »nafe« being bjongbt^ fo toere all fogytber D?atone,bangcD ano quarfreb. «"ndecMrtc4 tf)C lalfe pcate bcgaiine tbe burning i'^cuers, r/i fobcreof fipeb manp olbe pcrfons, fo tbat in Lo»de» tbcre CO fenuen i^loennen in tbc fpace of fennc inonetba, tobofe names were Henrie Herdfon, tobo becealTeo fbc ftoo anb ttoentitb of S)C£ember, r 5 5 j. fir Richard Dobs late ipaio?, fir William Laxton late S^aio?, fir Henrie Hoblethorne late ^aioj, fir lohn Champneisblino, late^ato?,fir lolm Ay- leftb late ^bcriffic, ano fir lohn GrciRam late ^aio?, tobo bcceafieo tbc tbJteano ttoentitb of ^Dtfober ij)6, > Sherifes, > William Harperrlohn White,the 28. ofSeptcmbcr, tJMaior. > SirThomasOtTcley MeichantTaylor,the zS.ofOftober, vvcftniLftcr Elbc onc auO ttoentitb ofijioncmbcr, lohn Fechiam late c nun cr. Q^Paales in London, toaS UiaOe 0bbot otfPefiminfter, toaa fialleo, and take pofieiFion of tbe fame: ano fourtane ^□nkcs; mo?e recepueo tbe babite toitb bitn tbat Oape of tbe OjDcr of Saint Benct. Faife accuferfet 2E(jc faiD oncaiio ttoentitb of ^ouember , a man toao b?ousbtefrom^r(ff?w/«f7^rW/rpBingtoptb btoface to tbe bojfetaile.anoapaperonbiebeaoe, to tbc ^fanoaroeiit cbeape, aiiD tbcrc fct on tljc J^illojic, ano tben burneo toitb an bote p?on on botbe bio cbake, toitb ttoo Ictterg F ano A, fcj i^^aifc ^ccufing one of tbe Courte of tbe Common place in'jvefitninBer of SHrcafon: tbe like iuCtce 3 once toifijeOjto, tbe like accufer of bis ^aiffer ano cloett b?otber,but ittoas auntoeareo, tbat in fucbe cafe couloebe no rcmcop,tboiigb tbe accufer bimfclf toere in tbe fame fact fcuno tbe pjtncipal offenocr:tobere tbJougb if follotoctb,tbc accufer neuer fijc# toeo Cgnc of fijame (tbe toape to Hcpcntanccj but tcrriblp curfetb, ano blafpbemouflp tecarctb be neuer committco anpe fucb a£te,tbougb tbe fame be regiffrco befoje tbe bono* table, tbe ^uanes ^atefiies bigb Commtffioners, anOi tobat bo;rible fiaocrs, tbsets of murder be oatlp b.mtctb» w the HUionc andbrcntc in fcothe clieekcs: vvouKIc to Goi allfuch accufcrs were fo well stalked. Qucene Mary» ixoj flieknoioer of all (ecrcttt, ^ab 31 meane, knotoetk j knfo IttkomeBI refer caure,bem£ comfoxteo inttfi tpis fen^ fence of fke|0?opl)ef Dauid; Fret not thy felfc with thcfc rf4imt,ir curfTcd harmcfull men, ncyther cnuie angcrly thcfeworkers * of wickcdnclTe, for like gralTe anon fhall they be cut downe, and like the grecne frefli bent of die flower fliali they wither away 5cc. Che xbj.0t ©ecember, Grcgor>^ Carpenter and A Stringer 8 FrcKchman\}o^ne, U»a« arraigned fo? making counferfetfe J,^rth«£dthe kcpcs, toljerctolth to (jauc opened tlje lockes Bf/Vervgattyto kt/peJof *' fjane flapne the baper,and let fojth th^ pjlfoners, at tohlch time ofhlo arralgnement,haulng conuaped a knife Into hla Oanc, he thJaff It into the Ode of William whitrents his fel# lotu p^lfoner, toho h^b 0luen loltneiTe agalnO hint, fo that he loas In great perlll of death fh^rebp, fo;t the tohlth fart, he toas Immedlatlp taken from the barre into the Srette befoxethe guOlce hall, inhere fjis hand beingOrOfirlken otf,heiDashangedonaC>lbbetfetbp fo?that purpofetthe kaper at Newgate iuas arraigned and tndlrted, fo; that the fapd p;ironerhad hieapon about him, and hto hands leife iohlch Ihould hane bin bound, Che fourth of 3lanuarp,a fehlppebefoxe Greenewkh (the cunnesiiotin- Court being there) Ihotte off hlr £D?dlnance, one pace ba^ GntMyyi^ tng charged volth a bullet of Ifone, tohlch paffed thJough the ioalles of the Court,and did no mo;e hurt. Cherrbtl.of ireb?ttarp,an Cmbaffadofir camefo London AmbairadoM from the CSmperour of Mmkouj ^nb Rnjland, uiho tuas re# celued at Tntenham bp j a?erchantS aoucnturers of London^ riding In belnet coates, and chaines ofgolde: the 3lo;de Mountagcw tolfh fhe ©uanes JBencloners mette him at ifeidonne tolunes elide: and at Smithfield barres, the 3Lo?oe ^alo; and Aldermen In Scarlet recepued him, and con# tiaped him thJough th^ Cltle bnto ^paltf er Dimockcs houfe In F^«rW^'ar«te,tDhece he lodgcdHntlll the tioelfth nf ^ap,and then returned fo Mnfcouy. Che llo;de Sturton and hl£( men crueirp murthcretx zjj.h, ^^apOef JlOjf Lotil Stutton executed. KingPhflipte- turned into lingtjnd. — Tlioiins~St2f- ford tooke Scarborough CaaeU. Percy Enrle of ■Notthumber' lande. ThamisStaf' ford beheaded. VVarre with Fyatice. Englbhmen fcnt to Saint Qiiintins. Queene Mary» ArgilcaiiDtjifs foimcr^e caufeoiticilitobcffrtfecit ooliinf cUibbec, tljcn tijetr tljjotcs fo be cut, anb after to be burreo m bts otune beaft fift^ne fcote b^pe, fo? tbe tobftb.'betoas nrratgneo ano conbcmneo at ffeftminfter, ailO after coiiuapeo from tbc Tower of London tbJOUgb tfje Cittc,anti fo to Sabfburie,dX[h t|jere bangeo, toitb four of bib nienferuants ftttig Philip returneo into £»^W,ano tbe rrib.of ^pardb palTeD tb?ousb jjJobles oftbe JHealme. SCberriitf. of sipjill, Thomas Stafford, aitb Otljer Ertgh^b" men,to ti}z tiumbcr of rrrtl.perfoiiff, comnitng out of France^ toibetbe Caftell of Scarborough tn tbe COUnttCP OtTorkcy lubicb fbep enfopeo ttoo Dapea, anb tbcn tocrc taken bp tbc Carle of f^eftmer/and,ant b?OUgbf fo London. JEbelaff ofnpjill, Thomas Percy Cfqutre, luaomabc 515aron Percy otiFe'iiminsiermt OH tljc ncrt mojroU) tubub toas tbe firtt of fpap, be toao creatco Carle of Northumber- land, anb tbe €iueene gaue btm all tbe flanoo lobftb b^O bin bis ^unrelfcrs remapntng in bir banbs, Cije epgbf cnb tboentptb bap of ^ap, Thomas Stafford tnas beljeabeb on tbe Tower hui, anb on tbe mojreto, tb?a of bis companp, to tuafe, Streightly OJ Stretchley, Bradforde, anb Proaor,iDcrc bjatone to Ttbome, anb tbere bangeb ano quartcrebf SCbe feauenfb of31une, open toarre iuas p?oclapmeD gainft tbcFr<'w£j^ing» . , £Dbe firtb of 3|ulp, tbe JitngpalTcb ouer fo Caieu, anb fo into Flanders, iobere be mabe great pjotttCon fo? toarre gainft tbeiFrencbiiing. snbefame monetbj tbe CJttane fentoueran:3rmpof one tboufanbbo?tremen, fourctbcn* fanofffltcmra,anb ttoo tbottfanb jpioncrs, to apbeispiig Phihp, tobcrcoftbf Carle of Pembroke toas Cenerall, 2Cbc aLo?b Robert Dudley mapfter of tbe ©?btnance. %\)t rb.oflulp, bpeb tbc ilabp Aimc of cieeue at Chelfey^ ) toas burptb at fVestmwHer. I 2rbc A anb QuecneMary* 1105 2C!je fcntlj of aogatt, torn tahen of Frawe ffje c^fcfeffi Captapneo, tfie SDubc of Mountmorency Coitnoffable of Fra»ef,anO fetO fontlC Monficur dc Merne,t[)e SDube of Mofi^ Noble men of J>ffiC>er,t^ek)UhC0fL'7>3gM/e, tf)0 ^arfijclll Of t^Z UeinegrauO Co^oncll of tljO Alniii)ngs, Roche du Maine,^"' tbe Count de Rochfoucau!r,tbe CSicount of TowAtnefyz ^a>i ron of Curton, the Ipjtnce ofMAKtua, bofioes inanp 0cntlc^ men ano Captapnco. snijcplJi^.of iSugall, tffc SE^tone otSawt Qmattns fuaa fahen bpiaingPhilhp, tuitb tbe belp of Engii{hme»,at tbe ftiege tub^rcof, tbo ^lojb Henry Dudley, ponged fonnc to lohn late SDukc of NonhHmbcrUnd, tuao flapiie toptb a 0unne. SDbio peare before borued,inboateU)astolDe fojfoure Dearth ana i^arke tbc quarter, malt at four anbfojtietbtllings^quar? puntr-, ter,bcanes ano rpc at fojtte Ibtllings tbe quarter,ano peafc > ■ at Ope ano fojtte lOtllings epgbtpence, but after baraedi iobeate tuas folofojOucdittltnga tlje quarter, malt at Ope (btlUngo epgbt pence, rpe at tb?^ Ibtlltngo ano four pence, fo tbat tbe pennte Inb^ate lode ttjattpapoe tn London tbe lad peare but eleuen ountco Troy, tnapeo noto Ope ano fittie ouncce Troy. 3Ht tbe Countrep, toboate Iras foloe foj four (btUings tbe quarter, of malt foure (btlltngs epgbt pence, ano tn Tome place a bufbell of l^te fo? a pouno of Canoles IsbtcbiEDksfourpence. SCbe feauentb of September, at feanen oftbeclockeaf nigbt, tn a blacke rapnp clonoetn tbe Med iras faenea ]$apnebolr,tbe ^isne tn tbe Cad rtfen one bour befo?e,anD fade lbining,ano at tbe full tbe oap befo?e. Richard Malerie : lames Aithani,the aS-ofSeptember. Sherifet, > Sir Thomas Cartels Fillimon9;er,thc 28.ofO(Rober. UMasor^^ SEbe tbtrtitb of i^ouember , ^ir Thomas Tref- Hum junpgbte , receptteo tbe o?0er of tbe erode , ano toaS maOe JLO?0e of Sainte Ishns of Hiertifalem in Eng. Imde. ftrd of Bfanuarp, tbe Frtnchmen came to Caku lottb a great llo5 Caleitloflbj (n*ijngli(hracn< A Parliament. A preft to'the Queene." Dimkirle in landers brent. Amo reg. 6. Quecne Mary* a great 0rmp, atiD tott^ttt font ftapeo l»ere umgff erif f^ere# if, ano tbojtip after toan all ttie paces on t^t 0De ^ea, SUomanptt rameDQrange,tt)at fuel) a Cotone tol)tc0 fo tnanp peaces ^a& bin fojttfieo luttb all munitions t^at coulD be beuifeo, tboulb nolo in To i^o;t fpace be taiten of ourcnimics.Clje Counfell of£»^WrepfeD great potocr to bane gone to tbe Defence of tbat i^otune, bntfucb tempeS of toinb arofe, as tbe lihe in manp peaces tjab not bin fane, tob^rebp no^bippa couloe bamhetbt^ea, till it tuasto) late fojtbat matter. SCtie rbib. of Januarp, Edward Haftings fenigbt of tbe (Smarter, JLo?t> Cbambcrlapnc totbc ©Hane,luas createD S5aron Haftings QtLorvghhoroHgh at WeHminl'ier. ai^berr.ofjanuarp, began a parliament at fvenminfler. Bin tbe monetb of ^arcb, a p;ell toas graunteo to tbe ^nane bp tbe citizens of London^ of ttuentie tboufanbe ponnD,Uibicb tnas Iniieb of tbe companpcs,fo2 tbe tubicb fummc to be repapbe agapne, tbc€5uanc bounocertapne HlanDS,anD alfo allotneofojintereaoftbemoneptUielue pouno ofeuerpbnnD?etb fo? a peace. SCbe French i^ing inaaoeD Flanders, fpopleD ano b?enfe Dunker^e, befoje ftittg Phillip coulD come to rcfcne, bpt be# hit Frenchmen CCtumeb Flanders,{\^t ano tbe Cnglilb ^bippro mating ioitb tbem bpon tbe fanos bettoane Dmkerke ano Crat(elwe,^t\33 of tbf tti a great number. K\)t Fi.of 3!ulp,t»itbin a mile ttNo.ungham,\^u a.rnar# aellotts temped oftbunoer, tubicb as itcametb?ougb ttuo SToiuneSjbeate Ootune all tbe boufesano Cbnrcbes,tbe belles mere caS to tlje out fioe of tbe Cburcb-paroes, ano fome toebbes of teaoe four buuO?etb fcote into tbe fielO, tuji^ tben libea paire of gloues. SCbe i^iuer of Trent running bettoane tbe ftoo ITotones, tbe tuater mitb tbe muO in tbe bottoms toas carpeo a quaro ter of a mile ano caff againff tbe tras,tbe teas luerc pulleo bp bp tbe rates, ano caff ttoelue rco?e off, ^Ifo, a cbild toas taken fes.} ier.^ QuecneMary* 1107 of A maiiis IjantiA (too Upturn Icirgf^ aito carried a bttnb^eo fofe, and titjsn let fall, tDl)eretDttf} armetnaa b^ohe, and To dped.jFtue o;0remen tbereabout lucre Oapnc,and ncttbcr flctb no? ffetnnc pcrifbcdtfbcrc fell fomc Ijaplcttoncs tljat hjcrc fiffane pncljrs about f f. SCbts peare in barueff time, fljc quarternc agues ronti? nticd in like manner, 0? mojebebementlpjtbantbcpfjad done tbc laff ware paffed, tuberetbjougb died manp oldc people,and fpeciallp ldne0es,ro tbat a great number ofpa« ril^cslucretjnfcrued,and no Cntatcs to begotten , and mucb Co;^ne boas loft in tlye field fo; lacke of luo;keme and labourers. John Halfe; Richard Campion, the 28.of September. Shertfe Sir Thomas Leigh Mercer, the 28.ofOftober. t^Mmer 3n tbe beginning of tbis ^aiojs ycare, Co?nc rofe to fourtecne Ifiillings tbe quarter, and tooid toared fcant in i,W?l'citdes diuers ]l3i(bop^ and noble men. ^uccne Ma- ry tuas burped at tVeHmwHer^ and Cardinall Poole at Canterbury, Queene JloS ^ Queene .i/4moreg. I. (The Queene , cotnmetli from Lizabeth our moft: gratis oufi ano foucraigne JlaDp, fcccno Caug^terto iiuigHcmytlietji^. to t^)c great coinfo?t tXEngUndcy luaiS tDttt} full (onfent p;oclatmet> y^UtenC^af Englmd,France flOD Ire- lande,'S>dtX(ti2V Of tfjO iPaptftfC. cntl)epbti» Dfii>ouembcr, intbc pearc of oureilo^Dc (0oD. 1558, iT^ojtbtoitb, tl)e,i0ojtcs auo li^auens fcerc KqppeD, ano none fuffcrco to palfeout of tbe iiealme tDitf)biit Itrcnce. proclamation tnad maoe, forbtooing all men to preacft, faue fucb as Iboulo be appopnteoj.alfo, to alter anp rvtes oj Ceremonies tjfcD intbe Cburcb faue as it inas intjirgraf ces,Cbappell. 2E^ci:eitt,ofi|5ouember,©uane Elizabeth came from Btjhops Hatfieldin H''nfcrdp}ire,\)t\to tbe JIOJO Northes IjOUfe in tl)e late charterhonfe tiU^adotij tljC ^^erififCS of London matinji Queeiie Elizabetli*! 11 op mttHn0 €»race af fartfjer enoe of Bar»et Xohnt tott^in t^e ^l)sre of ^tODlefer, ano To rooo before fjtr, fill Hfe came fO tfjo Chwrterhoufe ©ate nejcf ty4lderfgiite, tobcre !jir©racercmapnct). £)n^on9ap,ti)e cP3bt ano ftocntiffj of j^^embcr, a^ TheQu„ne bouf ttoo of tbe clbcke in tf)C after ncone, i^ud'ite Elizabeth ","xo"^'r rooe from flje ilojOc Northes f)otife, along bp tlje 7?^r^j- C'i^ejnat Creep/egatt, ti)en along bp tbc toall to Bijhopjgate^ iDbtcb ©ate toasricblptangeo, lobcre tbe^aptcsoftbc Citirplapoc, ano oaeragaintltbe things b^ao SDaucrne, aS>cbollerofpaules^cbffllemaoe a fi)o?t©?afton totjir i^aielfte in JLattn tiaerfes, tbc companp of tbe ^crcers IfanDtng in tbcp; raples next tbe ^cboller, ano fo all tlje o^ tberCompanpesof tbeCiticinojDcr fromtbencc to Mare enoe, nepfe bnto Barki»g Chwch in Towerfireete, tfjO 3l0;oe^aio,:ofi>»^^<"^ rioing toptb ^apllcr Garter at ilrmes, bearing a Scepter befo?e btr £l?ateffie, tobicbe 3lo;oe ^aio? mette bir at tbe chmerhoufe ©ate nertc At- U)berc ^^aptter Hecojoer faluteo bir <®'raceintbc name of tbe lLo;0e ^aio; ano tbe lobole citie, ano fo loitb i-o?oes, Jinigbtes, ano ©entleioomen ricblpapparelled, b^ougbtbir to ttpzTower at London; but toben btf ©raceen# tereo at Mm La»e, a peale of ©unnes beganne to be tbottc off at tbc Tower, tobitb^ continueo alnioS b^ife an boure. S^^bc fiftb of December, tbe Sjudne remoueobp toater from tbe Tower fo SomerfetplacenizKZ tO tbC Strand. SCbeirib.ofSDecemberjtbe cojpfe of©udnc Mary teas' bonouraWp conuapco from Sam lames to tbe0bbep jve^minn-^^ ano tberc placed bnoer a rtcb l^earfeoecbco teitbpenons, banners, ano&cbutcbionsof tbe 0rmesof EngUndemoFrance,ni\)txtii)o rcmapnco tbat nigbte,ano on tbe mojroto, after tbe £patre of Re^me-m, and a Sermon pjeacbed bp £>octo? White JiSilbop of teas en# oeo, (be teas burpeo in tbe Cb^ppoll of lliing Henry tbc tea* uentbcntbe/^ojtbfioe. Qi! sene Elizabetiv S^cwiit|.of2DcccmljEr,U»asfoUmiw obftqmelwpfm tbC0bbsp ot IVe^tmwfter tai Charles ilftb late dttttp^ rour, Uitjicb DcceaOTcD in spayttc in tbc monetji of ^cpUttif ber laft paft,€iu0enc M^n yes bcrfc pet ftanDing,alterco tuitb tl;c armosof tbc ClJmpcrour, ano ricblp bangeo tarttb aricb pall^clotb OT 0olD on tb^ boarfc, tbo Cmperouro C^m* balTaoour being cbiefe mourner, tuitb otljer j|9^reo anb ILojDs of£«^Wairtftanttoifb bim ft. SDbc firffofaanuarp, tfjeilojb ^aioj anb atbermen . nauc in commanbemcni to eucrp toarbe in London, tbat ttje pcu in E^s?bu.. I^arfon oj Curate in eucrp parifli) Cburcb in LondonSiiQwXti ' rcabetbe Cpiffle anb C^ofpell of tbe bap in tbc Cnglilbc tons in tbe ^affe time, anb tbe Cnglitb J^^oceffion tben b# fcb in tbe ©uanes Cbappell, accojbing to a proclamation fentfrombiripaieSie anb priuie Counfeli, proclapmeb in tbe Citic of London tberiv. of SDecember, tobifb commanbe* ment ioas tbat bap obfcrueb in moQ parilb Cbnrcbos of tbe Citie. SCbcnintb of3januarp in tbe morning, tbe 3(magc of nlisBeckP*'' ThoiTias Beclcet lubicb tttobc oner tbe bore of tbe Ferrers Ihiovvne Cbappell in London totoarb tbe tfrate, toas founb brohen doTvne. gjj ji 5o^oe,anb a biil fet on tbe Cburrb bore beprauing tbe fetters bp thereof. SCbe rb. of 3|anaarp, tbe Siuornes ijJaietfie rcmoueo from bir place ctjvhite hall to tbe Torverhp toatcr, tbe Jlorbe ^aior Qt London, auo bis faratbren tbe ^Ibermen, tn tbeir 315arge, anb all tbe craftes of tbe Citic in tbeir iSargcs ricblp bccbcb loitb targets anb banners of cnerp mpfferie. 2rbc lUatcbelers of tbe ^^aiojs companicintbcirlBarge, laitb a i^^oplf, bauing tbra toppes, trimmcb anb ricblp bee# bcb to toapte on tbem,lDbicb Ibotte off giinnes all tbe loap t all (bereatuapteb onbir^aiellie,U)bo toohe bit 25arge tk* bout tloo of tbe clocbe in tbe after ntone, tbe OO^orb ^aior fo# lotoing after, anb eucrpcempanpin orber,U}itbgreatmc# lobie ofmulicall inlfruments, tillbtrgrace toas tbrougb London hridge,mti lanbcb at birp?iuie ttaire of tbe Torver Wharjfe, I I 10 Obftqtiiefot CliarleJ the Eitipeiour. PrOcefsionjE- QUecne Elizabeth* " 11 whArftfiwx^ ftjen f^je i^atoj,after leaue fafeeii,ani> f|>artlte« oftliexDucetTe,returned tlijougl) ttje^^togetoit^ ttiefloud, and lailDed at t!je Three Cranes M^harjf'e (tl tfje ^Ultrte. SCtjcriitjr.ofJanuarp, at tufjicl) time tlje Londonersl^dLn maderumptuoua p^outlton, ttje ^u^nea ^aiettie palTeo tljlOUgl) tlie Cttic ntUndon to tjir JDalace at IVeslmm^ier; the ncct dap ^e teas Crotoncd bp SDortoj Oglethorp il3t« 0}OP of Careltle. SCberrb.ofSamiarp, began a ^0arItamenf ^X ivenmin- Patium:nt. y?fr,befo;etf)C states tobrreof, Sdoftour Coxe, late come frombepond tbe ^eae^ and rometime g»cb(Dlemap0er to liirtg Edward ttje Grtt), made a learned Sermon. gn tbid )^arlianicnt, tbe txH ftuites and tentbeo toere granted to tbe Crobme, and aifo tbe fup^eme gouernemet oner tbe Sate CcclefiaGicalt. ^iKetDtre,tbe IScoke of commo ^;aper, and adminitfration of tbe Sacramento in our buU gar tongue tuao re(lo;ed, to be done ao in tbe time of l^ing Edward tbe firtb. gn tbe €alfer l^olpdapeo pjeacbed at tbe Spittle 3BDo» ctour Bill tbe SJuaneo aimoncr, SDoctour Coxe, and SDo# ctour Home, tbe ttuo latf came latelp from bcpond tbe feao. j©n iLOiDfondap tbe feconde of^pjill, ^apttcr Sampfou made tbe rebcarfall Sermon at Paules Crofe. SCbe itj.of 0pjiU,tbe ©uanes ^paicftie appopnted a co^ ferenceo? difputationto bebadat?^tfi?wi«i?atten, cntteano lineo toitb blacbe ^arfcnet, Inltb rappes , bofen, antr fbarfes accojDing: tbe Captaynes Robert Conftable, anb i^aytler Saunders, bjongbt tb^tti in battayle ray afo?e tbe £Iiu«ne,euen as tbey tbonlb bnue fougbt, tobicb 'nabea goDbly fbelne bcfojc bir i?laicttte, tbe Cmperoures anb i?rcn(bfitngs Cinbaffabonrs batng pjefenf. 3n tbe monetb of3iily,tbeolbel5t^ops of Eng/andttfcn limng,toere callcb anb erainineb bp rertayne of SJu^nes ^aicdies Connfayle, iobere tbe Btfijops of nrke, Efy^onxt L'.ndenSsifif otbcrto tbe number of tbirtane o? fourtecne, fo; refuting to tabe tbe otb tourbtng tbe ^Uf^nes fupjema^ tie anb otber Articles , Inere bepjtucb from tbeir Wio tbopjtcbes.^nb rtUctoifejtDere bitters SDeanes, Hrcbbca# cons,l^arfons,ano tafcars,bepjtueb from tbeir i5cnefifes, anb fomc committeb to pjifon in tbe SCoUier, fleett, ^ar# flbalfea, anb I'ttngs bencb. ConnnttTioners Inerc itHetntfe appsynfeb fo? tbeetfa* Witbing ofisetigion tb?ongb tbe bobote Kcatme. if'ojLow- don luere appoynteb fetr Richard Sacicuilc iiintgbtj E>octour Home a S)tuine, SDoctour Huicke a Ciuilian, anb ipay# tier Saluajc, toboe^^ttebbcfo?efbem bturrs perfons of cue# ry paritb , anb ttoare tbfiu to enqiurc anbpjefcntbpon cwtayneiniimrtions. Hifo,tbeboufes of Ucltgrctt, crcrtcb by 23ucnc Ma- Hbufes fuppref. jijp of fVortfnmier, j|5unnc0 auD bjcetb?em af- Bitbopsaepti- IKd, Sonunifsionets. ImiinAionj. Quccne Elizabeth* '" J of Si»» anD si)eene,x\iz blache i?rtcrs in Smithfic&U,mh il&c ^ciets of Grtenewich tocreall fuppjeffco^ 0n tl)C cuen of Saint Barthelmew , t^Z fiape anO Churchyi«age« mo^roto after fc. tocre btirnefi in laauleo Cfjnrcb parfic, Cbrape, and Dtuera otl^rr pSaceo oftijc Ctttc of all tbe IStDDca anD oibrr^mageo of Cbtircbca, infome plarea tije Coapeo, ^iSeanieiUo, 0(ter clotbrs, Bojbea, banners , ^epuUbera, and Ucooe loftes tocre bur^ nrb. Cbe fiftf) of September about mionigbfj ftH agreafe tzmpzHat LoMpire(bteing Cone} of the staple of Alhallowcs Cburtb^ in BrecBreete, aboutatenne faatc beneath the toppe , out of the lohich t-onJonftriVcn felUlIonethatfletoa S)ogge,anD ouerthtetoa ntanplap* ingioith the fame SDogge, ano the ^pire of the Steeple toao fo perilheo, that not long after the fame bias tatten bolonc toith leflTe charges to the )aari(h, than the repap;iing tusulbe haue colt. 3[no at the fame inSant, bp the fame tempett, one of the Siouthoojes of Saint DionifeChurchc in Fenchurchfireete, loith the Do?e of tlje Keueffrie of the fame Churche, loere both flricben thorough ano b;o^ ben. EThe epght ano ninth of September, a folcmne jSDbfe# obftquyf,# quictoas hcpte in/'Wtf/CWcA? at Lepfember, lohn ^uhe of fWW, fe? Embjiridaur conDc fonnc to Gultabus lipng of Swethen ,X33?kS fente bp hps father to trcate a marriage foj hpo eloett fajother E« ncus, loith the EJudencs Jpaiettie of EngLnie: he arriueo at Harwich in Ejfex, anD toas there honourablp recepueD f en# tertcpneo bp i (i^arlc ot Oxford,faio earle,f the liojo ^0aa.9* R,oberC H ^4 Queenc Elizabeth^ Eobert Dudley^ tott^ a ga)Ol|) banoe of (!D'cntIct}i0n atib pccmcit, comtcpcD btmto Lo^jdoK,ijDf)Cte \)t toas rccopueb of oiuera ilinlgbtco ano (I^entlcmen of tbe Court, on ffje fiftb of €)rtober,anD teas toitb bt» t rapne of about tbe nuni" bar of fiftic perfone loell bojCTco, conuapco to tbe 315t(bop of iVtKcheslers plaC0 ill Soutbrvarke, tDb^rC UiaO loOgeOOU^ ring bis aboDcb^rc,anl)rcmoueDfromtbencc ttoo oape» bcfojc Catter bometoaro, ano fpco on bis meflage, as map appcare bp tbat tobipb folotoctb, taKc oixt of/okwKes Lewen-- claij comment, debellis Mofcorum. Ericus feing ofSTveden,(onnt ofGuftabus late fiing of tbe fapoe iaingoome, bauing committee to p?ifon^ bis bjotljcr lohn }3^vihc atFin/ande, tebome alittlc befo?e b® ban tm> plopcciinto£»^/4»^onanCmbaffage to tbe €iuancs£pa# ieftie,b)bomeb<^f"rbtofo? marriage, ano bsb bisfutere»^ ieaeD,agapnetberccono timefoUciteobir ^aieffieintbe fame fuite, notioitbttanoing(to bis great Oilbono?, ano (a# it fell out) bis tuftoifgrare) bs attempteo tbe fame matter ^ toitb tbe pongett oaugbter of Phillip Lantgrauc Vanhcflen_, at tobofc bans (bauing tbe feconoe tpme bin reieeteOofbir ^aiefticbcere)tbe matter bapng bnotone tbere, bcalfo not onelp recepueo a oenpall, but tbe ^aop tuas bp bir T^rtHtsinftnf bcllotueo tppou Adolfe ^uhe VanHoHhtmncble of Frederikc iJipng Of Denmarke, tbCtt eiiemie Of tbe fapDC Erice. ICbuS farre lohmnes LevpeneUij. Sherifes. ? Thomas Lodge: Roger Martin,the 2 8. of September. t.M<*iorS ' Sir William Hewet Clothworker, the 28.ofO(Rober. ^nne reg. 2. . 0bout tbis time, inaiip men of toarre toere conuepea out of France into Scotiande, anO tbcrc placeo in SCotnnes ano iT^bjtrelTes , as in tbe SCotunc of Lecth, Dmharre, jnihith, ano otber, toberebp it luas to bee fufpetteo tbat tbep loonlo fcoepneip inuaoe tbps IXealme , teberebp# DoVe of Norf< on, tbe ^Uuaues ^atcftie fente tbe S^ube of No/ffh/ke to# sStunl"''' toaros ScotknHo Cencral! initb an armp, toljo remapneo OX-Berivik^, Queene Eli'zabetfi^ 1113? 3(n flje of t\)e 1030 Grey Wilton gnfwu ^ ScotUMd\a\i\i an aftnp of tennc tfjoufano, ano facfcfgeo t^ic fotone of Inhere bettoanct^eiPrcnci atio tljc (£nsUt& Lordorcrbe. toereoften &trmucnic£i ^afeRte maoe great preparation of ar' inour,tnunttion,ant) pott)Der,tobe in areaOtneflTefo oe&no ^tri^caltne,tfn^t)e fljoulo happen. srijerri.of ^^arch,a notable trammer gpc^tole tnafl founDeo bp tbc ^apfler,tHariicng,aiio atTiffats of tbc teo^ fbtpfuU companp of the ^^erc^)ant Saplors otLondon, in ttjeparitT) of Sainc Laurence Pountiiey in tbe fame Citie, tba tUOJtljipfull Emanuell Lucar, Robert Rofc , William Mcricke, lohn SparkCjanO Robert Duckington t^cnbdrittg ^apffer anb ^ISIarbcns oftfjat companp. Sljctentb ofSprill, teas one William Gcfferey inbip^ pebfroin tbc^arlbatfeain Sosithrrarke,tO'BeMeff7'\iiiti^otxt Bip}opJgate of London, ioi tbatl^C pjofcflfcO OHC lohn Moore to be Cb^td our Cautourton bii» btab tUvio fct a papcr^iubcrein toas turitten as follotuctl), William Geiferey a moft biaf- phcmous Hcretike, denying Chnft our Ciuiourin HcauciK SCift fapD Geftcrey being ftapD at Beth/em gate, lohn Moore luas brongbt fortb, before tobome, William GefFcrcy uiaff bobippeb till be confefTeb Cbrid to be in t^eaucn.nnben tbc fapDe lohn Moore being cramineb, anb anftoering oner# tbtnartlp,tuno commanbeb to pat off bi£> coate, bublet, anti Ibtrte, tnbicb be f^meb to bo berp tuillingtp, anb after b^^ ing ticb to tbe cart, teas tobippeb an arrotoes tbtotc from Bediem, tobere at tbe lad be alfo confcdeb CbriC to bdr tit ^eauen,anb bimfelfetobeadnfaUmanttben tnao lohn Moore rente agapnc bnto Bedkm,^\\ti William Geffercy to tbe ^parlbalfca, tobere tbep bab lapne prifonero nigb a a peare anb a bsHe, tbe one forprofetfing bimfclfe to be Cb^id,tbe otljer a &>irdple of tbe fame Cbdd. £Dn Mebncfbap tbe fourth of Siunc , bettoane fonre anbfpue of tbe clothe in tbe after none, tbe staple of J^auleo in London bluing fireb bp Ugbtning, brad fortb (ae^ it feenieb to tbc bcbolbers) ftoo or tbra parbs bcncatb tbe Cote of tbe erode, anb from ^bente^brent boUrntbe ^pberg to Queetie Elizabetfi* "'7 foffteffonctoojbe ana belles, fs (cmbl?, fbaf folfbtii tl)6 fpacc offotirc bour^s^tbc Hrnic toitt) tfjcroofcsof tbe Cljuwb lb niucb as toas timber oj otbertoapcs combur« tible, tuere confunteb , tubicb buas a lamentable Ggblb, ano pitiful! retnemb?aunce to tbe bebolbcrs tbcreof. K\)z length of ^^aules Chutcb in London is 2690. foife, SDlje b?eaDtb thereof is 11 o.fmte. 2Che hcigth ofthe^t^le toas jio.fojfe, toljereof the Qonetoojhe is 2^'^o.fiiife. iSnb the ^perc tohtch noto is burnt, toas lihetoifc 260, feote. AlexanclcrAuenon:HumfrcyBaslcermld,thc iS.ofScp. sherifis.} Sir William Harper merchanc Taylor, the aS .ofOftobcr. 5 SHhto &ir William Harper founbeo a fra Echoic in the STotonc oiBedford (tohere he toas bojne, anD Ipeth burpco) Free schooie ano hath ginen a competent lining foj a S>chmlemaptter there t/r teach ano inSruct chilD;en inhertue ano learning bnto^fhe toojloes cno. Chcfiffanth of ^otiember, the Siuanes ij^aietliepm ncvtcojbw; blilheo a proclamation, toherin (he redoreo to the Uealme ^ opners fmall paces of ^iluer inonep, as the pace of tire pence, fonre pence, thJa pence, (too pence, ano a pennie, thra halfepence,ano thJafarthings. 0noalfo, fojbaooe all forrepne Copnes to ba currant toithin the fame Kealme,as toell 0olo as ^iluer,calling them into hir ma* ieSies £pintes, ercept ttoo fortes of Crotones of (S>oloe,the one the i^rench Crotonc, the other the iFIemith Crotone. iCherrhj.of December ,^ir Ambrofe Sutton,4//<« Dud« Icy ianighf,calleO ILorO Ambrofe Dudley toas crcatCOBa- ron Liflc, aitOaftertoarO the fame ba^ darle offat WeUmimiier, SChis peare in Er.gia»de toere manp monffrous fctrthes. ^n fparch,a ^are brought forth a foale toith one boop ano ■^»»oreg.rf ttoo heaos, ano as it toere a long taple grotoing cut be* ftoane the ttoo hwos.- ^Ifo, a ^oto farotoeo a pigge toith Goure iegges lihe to the amies of a man chiloe, toith lllo Going to Ncyrhauen. Shtr'tftiJy LMttor.: _^nnoreg, Temp eft at S^cyccftef. Qucenc Elizabctlu ioitl) fjants anb fiitgrrs f c. 3ln0pnll,a^olo farrolucDa]Bt0S^tDit^ ffuoboDpeiS, et0l[)tfste,anDbufone^eao> manp Caluea atiD Hambes toere mondroua, fame tuttb coUera of(Btnne grotuinga^ bouttbetr ncchea,Itke totbeboubie rufiEca oflbirtea ano i«hcrcbcffcs tben bfeo. prity. of:^ap, a man cIjilD teas bojnc af Chichester in SnjfexX\^i bcab, armcs, anb leggss tobercof, teere Iphe s ^otantp, tbc bjeft anb bcllp monarous bigge from fljc na* Bell,as iftocrea long flrutgbanging:about tbe nccbca great roller offlelb anb fkinne groteing like to tbc ru£feof a llitrt o; nekercbcfe, commingbp abonc tbc cares ptepting anb folbtng f c. K\iz Quoenes ^patelfte in ^rptembcr,abb?eGreb abanb ofbir&ubicrts to tbc STotenC of Newhauen in Nermand^-; tebo tecrc cmbarkcbat bpcanfc tbat l^auen is mod apt foj tranfpojtation to tbat place, bpon tebofc arrp uall, tbcS^otonefmen anb inbabifants iopfnltp fiirrenbjcb tbemfelucs anb tbetr ^otenc into tbc polTellicn of tbe £Snffnes maiedic,tobitb teas kept bp Enghfnmenti^xn ^ep? tembcr 1562^to tbe 29, ofgnlp tben ncjrt follotoing, tebicb^ teas in tbepeare S^bbgouernour oftebicb banb teas tberigbtbonoutablefbc Carle offvanricke, tobo teitb tbc Captapnes ferning tberc (tobicb tecrc of great erpericncc) anb^oulbpers trapneo bp tbem to knotelrbgc of fernicc, togitber teitb part of tbc olb appjoueb garrifon of Barwtke^ bio at tbat time botb manfullp bcfenbe tbe pace, anb balu nntlpenconnfrcbbp funbnc&irmilbcs anb confiictcs teitb tbc Countie Ucingrauc anb bis banb, tbe mod part tebere^ of teere bappiln atcbaueb , to tbe grcatc onertbrntee of tbe abucrfarpes parte , anb lingular coramenbation of ours.^ William Aliin: Richard Chainbcrlaine,thc 28.of Sept. Sir Thomas Lodge Grocer,die aS.of Oftobcr. €)n ^aterbap t rbi.ef 5anoarp,a great temped of toinb anb tijunbcr b''*gpfneo intyc Coteiie ofL9Tf//fr,ujbitbe ! tmop CJueenc Elizabeths mp tinc0ue»o 41T * ba^ea of fioures,an0 ouerfumcb inanirf. . 2Cbe v.r.anD jcu otfeb:mr^,pfe^mi»Bcri>a/ifj}ns ouor# 11-1 flotocn tDPtf) ioater, ana Holland in Uncokefhire teas ti;oio, neo hv rage of iotnoe ano toater. Wibtn t{)zFre»chemen iDitlj ijugeaninfoaCTenibleD oufc jahncMus ofall partes of Framce, to rccouer ttje place of pairagc , tlje " ffopptng iofisreof bp our poloer tons tljc Double tooc of t^ctr couimon toealtl). tbcre fajeo tbiougljc tfje fcafon of ttjc pere anD pntrifactio of t^e aire,a mtferable | tnfo;tunafe plague among our men, iDiipcbe inaruellouOp encreareo,tottf) tbe Oeatb of Diners of tbe bed cap tains f rouloio;s,toberetDitb« al tbere fololoeD a cruet ano quiche GiegejUibereat toas p;e« fcnt tbc pong ftpng bpmfelfe, t(je ©uane f^s mother, tlic beSe trpeD number offoarlihe foulDtours toitlitn tbe tobole Countrep, bettoes an otfjcr fo^te of pong ano olDe tbat carcD notfo; life 0; lanbe^fo tbeir abuenture migbt loinne againe fbe caufe of tfjcir DiffreCTet toptb tfjis generall apDe, tlje ma* rilfies mere maoe palTable ano ftrme grounD,miipcb bp men of great erperience loas tbougbtimpolTible: ano tDitb com* mon belpe tbe Cannons loereplaceD^tbeCaQell ano loals toere battereo, ano funo^pe breaches made bepono erpecta* tion, bombeit tbep mere remaroeD bp oure Cunners, and made to tade tbe bitter fruit of tbeir befperate appmcbe, to tbeir greats terrourano annopaunce, tlje Carle of jvanvike mptb tbe remnant of our Capitaines ano fonlDio^s in cou* ragious ojDer (tanbing at tbe feuerall breaches reaop to be* fenbe tbeir a(iaultes,mbFbs percepueo bp tbe enimp, tbep caufeb tbeir Crumpets to found tbe blaO of Cmparle,tbat compoQtion ofeptber parte migbte be made, to auoibe tlje imminent flangbter, and effulton of bloude . Cbis offer famed not bnmste, botbe parties concluded, tbe Comno mas delpuereo tbe nine and tmentitb of3|ulp, mptb condi* tion, tbat tbe Engitfhcmen (bould taparte. SlS^ben tbe tomne intbis fojtemas rurrend;edfotbef'' Pellilcnce. Qiieene Elizabeth* fcrp ti35)crcofEdvvarc!e Ranciolfc Cfqutcr ^arljallof tijc SEolunc (toljo teas appcinteo to tarrp anfi fe tljc Wet> nioUe ofoure compofitton accempUQjeo) percetapng, mo' uco tettl) nafurall pttie of \)is Countrepmen rcltnqutf&eo toitljoutc comfo;te, caufed t^e fatsc (tche psrfons to bs car« rreo abto^Dc, notrpartngbt^otennioulocrs (attbattime fsble ano full oftbe plague)bpnircl£e anb men StU faea^ ring anD belptng tbe p(c;c creatures on ^b^P'bcD?be,a rare facte, teo^tb? reli)artie,anb no boubte tnrcinentb;!ancetDttb 005, tfje trne reco jbcr of nicrcifuU beferts. 0spebauet)earbe, tbe plague ofpeQtlence being tntbe STotonc ofNmhAuojj^iouQfy ti}C number of foulbiojs tbaf rcfurncb into EngUnde tbe infection tljereoffpjeab info bi^* urrs partes of tljis Itealme, but cfpeciallp tbe Citie of Lc«- do» \Das fo tnfecteb, tbat in tbe lame tobole pcare, tbar is te fapjfro tbe firlf ofganuarp 156 ♦ till tbe laft of©ecemfacr» 1553. tbcre bpeb in tbeCitie anb liberties tbcreef,contai# ning 108. parilbes of all bifcafcs, rr.^.fpi.C.lprtt. anb of tbe H^h»"£rbV (being parte of tbe number afojefaibc) rbb.^.iib. citie,facing rj. parilbes, bpeb of al bifcafes in tfac tobole pcare ib.^.ti.crdrrr. anb tjitf. pcrfons anb of tbem, of tbe plagucb.Qj.bbC.rrrtt.pcefons, fotfaat tbe tebolc num# bcr of all tfaat bpeb of all bilTeafes^as teell teitfain tfae Citie anb ^Liberties, as in tbe out paritlies, teas rritf.^* bj.C. f anb Ir. f of tbem, tbere bpeb of tbeplague;,i; f)an* bjcbtfairticanb fire. SCfjeeigbtof 3iulp in tbe morning,bapneb a great tepett of(igbtninganbtbunber,lobere tb;ougbateoman f tb;dt iipnctoereflainetn tbe Coucnt Carben neare to charing Crofrc:3;t tbe fame time in Effex a man teas tome fo pores as be teas carping bape, bps barne teas borne botone, anb bps b^pe bmnt, botbedomsanb tros tecrerent in manp places. STb^^I^otinrclIofJipngPlnlip at Brmds. commannbcb pteclamation to be mabe in Antwer^e anb otber places, tbaf no ioj. parishes in Tenipcrtat London. Quecnc Elizabeth. xui no (^ngltd^ (Klip toit^ anpe tlotKics (j^ouloe come info anpe placeooftdetrlomeCoiintrteo: tijeir colourUiao (aotbep fai&e) ttie oannger of ttie plague mfipc^e tnao tliat tpme in London,MJi otlicrplaceo of£»f/W.nottopfl)(fanDcn0,tficp toouloe glaolp Ijanc gotUn cur Edcolles, but tl)c iauctnca ^ateftie, tftjougljcfutcofoure ^crdjaunt ilonenfurcrs, canfeo tbe CKtoll deete to be DtfcbargeD, anD our Clotl) diet toao rente to Emden in c&att FnfeUnd; aboute (Sadcr nerte foUoloingm^«wij6^. iFojfoinacbcastijeplagueofpeffilencctoasfo bote in xhreerowe tbeCitic of London,toas no SDerme kcpte at ^trbacl? malfer to be (bo^te,tbep(r)?e after the elettion of this ^aio?, bp the Connfels fetters, th^ ^ ueenes ^aieSies pleafure boas dgnideo to giir Tho> tnas Lodge, then ^aio?,that fo^romurhe as the piagiie toas^ fo greate in the Cttie,the netoe ^aio;i eletteb (houloe ddepe nofeaftatthe(j«'A^ ^4//,fo3Doubte, thatthjoughebjinginff fogithcr fuchea mttltituoe,the infection might ewcreafe,foj that m^e there DpeDbopthin the Citie ano outjaarilhes, woje than (too thoufanDc; toherefojethislir lohn white tcDkehts othe at the outermolte d^ate of the Tower of Loh, don. ifromthefir(teD3peofS>ecembcr,tilltheftoetfth,Ujas Annoreg. 6. fuche continuall lightning ano thunDcr,efpeciallp the fame ttoelfth Dap at night,that like h^tti not bin fi^ne no; htaro kpanp man then liuing. 3in * J Queene Elizabeth* 3ln ft)c monetl) of£Decemfacr,toa0 ujm?n on flje tfjoie at CnmjbteinLt}}co/Kejhtre,utnonUxo\x9filfto»in(cngtf) ti^no^ tane parDcs, l^ts taile fiftane fmtc bjoaoe, ano fire parDetf betUi^n 1)^8 e^t8, ttoelue men QioOe t)p?t0lit in tipa inoutii togettlieDple. Ttrnickepte at iFo? ffjat tl)e plague loas not fuUre ceafco in Le»cle», HcrtfarJt. i^iUarpc SCeaiinc toas fiepte at Hertfirde cafiell befioetf Waer. ^ "(<^4 peare an Ijonojable ano topfull peace teas concltt^ lieDjbcttotrtetfieSJattnes^aictticanotbe Frtnc6t ftpng, tljeir Uealmeo, SDomtntone anb ^ubtectea, iDbpcbe peace iuaa p?oclapmeD initi) founoe of STrumpet^at fitr CaHell of wwdfore, auo alfo at London on t^e tbpjtanti) bapeof^f pjill. plague (tbanfies be to (0ob) being cleane ceafeb in 'London, botfi Cafiet anb ^pibfommer STerme biere bepte at JVtftmtnHer. Cb^eugbe tbe earneH fuite of tfie 0rmourera tfiere inas VVatche on S. Oil tljC fiigtle Of Saint Peter a MatCbC in tbe Citie of London, ttcrscucn. ongjpe (janbc in tfie bigbcft Crates, as cheape, Cornehiil, anb fo fojtl) to AidgAteM^v^t Matclje toas to tbe commons of tbe Citp as cbargeable^as tobr n in times paC it bab bane commenbabip bone. jthr»h. H»rtwcn. 'SC\)t fiftb of:^uguCe, tbe ^uanes ^aieCie in bir|3?o^ pt^K^rth" ^HniuerCtie of Cambridge, anb toas of all Wugh Cam* tbe ^tubeiits(being inueCeb accojbing to tbeir begras ta^ ficn in tbe gicbcoles) bonojablp anb iopfullp receiueb in tbe lyings Cotiebge^Uibf re ibe bib (pe btiring bir continuaunce in Cambridge. %\)t bapcs of btr abobe inere palTeb in fecbo< laCicall erercifes of )abilofopbie,)3biCcbeanb SDiuinitie, tbe nigbtes in Comebies anb Cragebies, fette fo;tbe part^ Ipe bp tbe inbote tmninerfitie, anb partly bp tbe ^tubentes of tbe tepngs CoUebge. 0t tbe bjeabpng bp of tbe SDiuinitie acte^being on tMeb> iiefbap, tbe nintb of ^nguCe, (on tbe iobpcbe bape tfiee robe tb?bugb f 1)^ ^otbn^ ano bieineo tbe CellebgeMlofe gobig jQiueene Elizabeth* 11 Vj anil anncienf momimenfs of JSpngo of f)tr j^oile p}et>eceffoarti)lb^ maoc toptlim Saint Maries c^urclj a no# fable £);attontn Ratine, in t^cpjcfcnce oft^o lobolo tear# neo naniiierfftie, to tlje ^fuocntco greatc comfojto. %%t iierfe Oape f^e Uienfc fojioaroc on bit" J0?ogreCfe to Fmchmg. ireoke bp Huntington. 2DbetbpjfitbDapeof0ugulf,U)ascnarte5bpa common outcryer and ConnccUoftbc €,i\\z at London,fncbc Citijena as from tbencc-fojlb IftoulD be conCraincO to feltbeir boulbolD ffuflfe, leafea ofboufeo o; fucbe Ithe, (bouloe firQe caufe tbe famefobecrteOtblougb^fbi^CittebpamaH tDptb a Bell) anotben to be foloebp tbe common outcrperappopnteo fo; tbatpurpofe, anb be to retaine one fartbing of tbe (btlltng fo; t}is palneo. Cbe rjr. oape of September arofe great 0oubeo in tbe rt# G«ateflo«dsia ner of-7&^wi<,tDbere-tb5ougbfbe^arlbesnearealJiopning toere oucrflolueD,anD maiipe Cattell ojoluneo. S^becreation offir RobertSutton a/tas Dudley fintgbtof Crearion ofa fbe (Z!»arter, anb ^aiff er of tbe ^^ojtTe, to tbe €iaciencff spa« ieffie, tobo toas createo Baron aWenhigh, and after GBarlc of LeiceFter OH '.SpicbaelmalTC oape at Saint lames, toptb tbO gifte of tbe ^anour atKillmgrvorth, and otber tbingo tbere to bpm and bp« beites, to tbe pcrelp baletoe of four and tuien# tie pounde and better ♦ i^trffe, tbe faidellojd attended on tbe aUuaneo bigbneo, to tbe Cbappel,and from tbe Cbap# pell to fcrnice, andtoben betoae'returned to tbe Cbamber of jajefence, tbefaidcJLojdtoifb otber departed to tbeJlojb Cbamberlaineo Cbomber, and Uiifted tbem, tbe fatd Hojdi Robert in bis ^urcote Uiitb tbe l^a)de,bis mantle faojne be* fbje bpm bp tbe ilojde Hunfdon, and ledde bp tbe 3Lo?d Clm- ton iLoide Admiral bp tbe rigbt band,ano tbe ilojd Strange on tbe lefte bande, in tbeir |0aiiiamcnt i^ofaeS) Garter bea* ring tbe jaatcnt,and bcfoaebim tbej^flScero of0rmco,ano^ fo pjocdeded into tbe Cbmnber of |3?cfcnce, tuberetbe ©tiaenes l^igbnclTc fatcbnder tbe tlotb of (Sffafe luitb tbe ^^oble men on ctb fide ofbir, tbe Cl;mbafitDo?befo tbe i^ucenes l^igbnelTe, tobo gpjtetbe fame aboute tbe neche of tbe (atbc nctue Carle,puttpng tbe popnt bnber bp® lefte arme, anb aher bir ^aieffte putte on bi®Cappeh)itbtbeCo2onall, tben bp® )^atent loaoreaD out to tbe enbe,anb tben tbe faibe ^eactarp beliuereb it a# fiaihf Quecne Elizabeth# i»25 jSalne to ^udene, and Mr ^ig^nelTc gaue it fo fM Tapde itetDec2Cruinpct3 founding bcfoje, and at dinner be late in bvo l^ndlc, and tbcre accompamjed bini tbe fo?efapdc CmfaaflTadonr of Frau»ce, aiidtbcfaide ltaiia», toptb dpuero otber Carles and Hordes,and after tbc fecond eourfe, Garicr toitb tlje otber £)fficer5 of Hrmcs, pjoclan# medtbe^nsnes^aicHies^ttle, and after, tbe ^tite k tbc fapdc Carte, foj tbe lubpcbc tbcp b^d fif'tane pounde, to ioeete, fo; bps 115aronicfiuepound, anofoMjiiei Carledome fennepouiidc, andGartci badbPS^lS'otoneof blacbe tlle^ net garoed toptb tbJit gardes of tbe fame, lapdc on tuptb ilacc, Ipned tbJougbe Uiptf) blacbcSCaffata, and garded on tbe inner 0de toitb tbe fame, and on tbe flaues jrjrjrbiti.paice of aiglets of Coloe* Dh trefmble pufjpintfei^wur Robert CoMtede Ley centre Ba~ ronde Denbighi, Cheualter du trefKohle Ordre de la larretierrey Grand Efcjurer de la Rojne noslre Bomereigne. EHwardelackcman.-Lconell Ducket,the 28.of September. Sherijfet. Cberccondeof^DrtoberintbeafterncDne, andfbemo;< obfcquyfortk* roUiG in tbe fbjeiifflne, a folcmpne obrcqnie toas bolfrn in Saint Paulej(![,\)\X(Cf)CntLond3n, fo;,Ferdinancio lateCmpC:^ rour departed. 2Cbc feanentb of £)rtobcr at eigbt oftbc clocite at nigbf, fbei^ojtb partes eftbeC&Iement famed tobecoueredlnpftj Sames offp;c, p;ocading toinards tbe middle of tbe 0rma« ment,U)bere,after it bad ffaped mgb one dcfcended v®eff,and all tbe fame nigbf tbe ncjrt after tbecbagc of tbe^cane) famed as ligbf as it bod fain dape» Sir Richard Mallcry Mercer, the 28. of October. Maior^ SCbc tloentitb of ii5oucmber in tbe mojning, fb?ougber negligence of a Maiden toitb a Candle, tbe fnuffc falling in finbundjrdpaundctoatgbfe ofgunneponlder, tb;a bou^ res in BHckierfbHrie, tocrc foje IbaUen, and tbc i^aide dpcd ttoo dapcsafter. Queenc Elizabeth* snijc one ano ftoentiffj of SDccember bepmie a ftoftei foljvcbcconttnuco fo cptreainlp, tijnton j^tivevmo cueii* people iret ouer ant) along ihamis on tfje 3cc from Lo»^ don fanoQc fo fveilmtnfier, fome plai'eD at fmtc ball as boioe# In tbere, as if it bao bin on tbe ojp ianD,tiiuers of tbe Court being tfjcn at ^ve^minffer, fljottc oailpc at pjithes fctte bp# on tbc lhan-M. 0nD tbe people botb men ano toomcn tocnt on tbe in greater number, tbaninanpe Creete of tbecitie of London: tbifOe Dapc of 3Ianuarp at nigbt it bcganne fo tbaluc, and on tbe fiftb bape mas no3|ce to b® fancbetUjeeneLWwbjiogc ano Lamhth, caufeb greate flouoes ano bigbe toaters, tbat bare Ootone JlB^iogetf ano boufes, ano ojotoneo manpc people in EngUnde, icf# Owes brlJge pcctallp in Torke/hirf, Owes bjioge loas bojne aloap toptb o# borne tlsvvnc* Henry Stnarte fbpjOe OOPe of i?Cb?uarp,Henry Stuartc 3L0J0 Dar- marryej t e IcVjaboute tbcago ofnmetitne parcs, elocftfonneof Ma- uenc o cots (jgOfle QtLemex, (b)bO luentC into Scotlande at Mbit* fontioe befoje) bauing obtapnco licence of tbe Siu®nes ^a# icffie, tcobc bis io?nep totoaroe Scotland, accompanieo toitb fiuc-of bis fathers men, tubcre, luben be came,teas bono?a# blpcrcfcpueo , ano loogeointbefeings loOgings,anoin tbe &ommcrfolloU)ing, niarrpeo Marie Sluane of Scot' lande. aboutetbtstimcfo? fbeSJutenes i^aieffte iuere cbofen ano rent commiffioners Bruges, tbc iLojOe Montacutc ?^nigbt of tbe bonojable ojOcr of tbe (barter,SDoftour Wot- ton one of bir ^aieftics bono2able CounCeH,SDo(to3 Haclcl5 oneoftbe^aiftersoflSeqncRs tobirbisbneffctuitbotbert ~ ri5aittcr SDoctoj Aubrey loas fo2 tlje spcrcbant ^Ouenturers Cbepcame to in }Lent,>^«Kt^.i 565.1 ton# tinueo tberc till rptcbaclmaire follotopng, ano tben toas tbc oiet pjolongeO till !Sparcb,in : ano tbe CommilTio* nersrctnrneointo £»^WttU of Norfolke d^oOfatbeCS : attbC OTbb. cbJitts * * ^ ^ Queene Elizabeth* c!)?tffnin0t|)e^!5uanegaae tfje cbiln^ fo'name EdwarcJus Fortunatus, fo? tl^af (I^oo f^aD fo grattouflp afftSeD f^vs tno* tljer, in fo long ana oaungcrons a towrnep, ana b;cugl)t bir fo fafe to laiiDc in tbat place tobpcbc Ifte inoUc DeSreb, ano t^at in fo lbo?t^ time befojc Ijir Dciiucraunce. Sherifes.y IohnRiuevs:IamesHaweJ,the aS.otSeptember. fJMdtor. S S'"" Ricliarde Cliampion Draper,the aS.of Oftob^r. Miriage of the Cbeeleancntl) of ii^oucmbep,tbc rig'ot tiononrable Am- barle otfvarwke, marrpcD Anne elDcff Daughter to ^ fl)e(!!;aricof ^e^Z/art^r.-fajtbebo'^o^iinocclebjation of 'tDbi* t\)z noble marriage, a gcaDlpe cbalengeUiao maoe, aitb ob- ferueDat pveftmnMer at the Cilt;ujitb ccb one fire coorfes: attbeCournepttocUicarahes VDitbtbcS>U>o?a , tljjapu^ lIicglDPtl) the pnncbion ttafife: ano tUJCluc blolucff tBttb the ^toojDeat USarriars, oj ttoenticifanptuere fo Difpofeb. Robert Tho- Ht teiino of t()e cloflie the fameDape, a baliant feroicc^ enas rtaine. Callcb Robcrtc T homas, S^aifter (H^UmWr of Erg- /Wf,bcfirou3 alfo tolnmour tbefcatt anb marriage bap it? confiberationtbefaioc CSarlcof toas (2i?cneraM of the £D?Dinannce luptbin bit ^atefticsUealmcsanbSDo# minion0,mabe tbj^trainco of great (Tbamberbjtobirb ter» riblp peelDeb fojtb tbo nature of tbeir bopce, to tbc grcate ffoniPbmcnt ofbiuera, tobo attb^ fp2ingoftbcfcconbe,toa3 tmbappilpc flaine bp a pdecc of one of tbe Cbambcrs, fo tbe grcate foiroUic anb lamentation of manp. Annoreg, 8, sCbo fotirc aiiD tluentitb of SDecembcr, in tbe mojnpng there rofea greatellojmc anb temped of totnbe, bptobofe rage the Cbameo anb &eaa ouertobelmeb manp perfona, anb the grcate (EJatco at the ^Mealle cnbc of Paules Cbuteb inZ,««<;is»,(betto^nettreU)bpcbeCanbetb the IBjajcn |aiU w?o'en tb?ou0be the fo?« of f be toinbc, then in the toea* ovven pen. Opcil. orjerof Siinte 3[n 3lanuarp,Monucur Rainbuicy a liinigbf of fbe0jber MichacU. Frounce, toaS fent OllCr into Erglande, bp tbC French fetttg Charles the ninth of that name, luptb the k>?bcr, tobo at }Vindfo7e,\ij^'i ISalleD in the bcb-^lfe aftb^c faibc French fentg, toU^ Quccnc Elizabeth* 112p tlb9Stnigt)tb(D&eor moSe ^onojable o;Der of t\)t (barter: aito t^c four ano ttuentitb of 3|anuarp>in tbeCbap<* pell of i;tr ^paicffies pHllniceot^hitehu//, tlje faioe Mon- liciirRainbulcy inuetteO TJioinas lS>UiieotNorffo/l^ , aitO Robert (il^arle of0}Oer of Saint Mu chacll. SCtjc barques ofBaden^tio fljeiLalipoCeciliebrs tupfe, , filler to tbe liing QtSivethe»y lubo came into tl)i« laiiD in tbe ■, monetb of September lafic pa(le,a0 before is oeclareo, bcc^ ofBaJcn tttut- ing tbcn bp tbe sliacnco efpeciall appointmcntat tbep? arri# uall ^no;ablp recepueo bp tbe lLo?D CobhaiTi,an bono;abIe }i3aron of tbia Itealme, ano tbe liaDpe bia loife one of tbe Qu(enea^aiefiie0p;iule.r/««ci£mbairabour, mabe abjicfc £Djation inddatinc to tbe ®iniuerfitie,but fo toife anb pitbie,as England mape reiotce, tbat it batbe fo learneb a }ajince,anb tbe tlHiuuerC^ tie map trtompb,tbat tbep bane fo noble a |0af ronefle. 2Dbe % of September after Binner,bir <25rafe commingt fromCbiiiftStCburcbe OUCVCarfox, anbfotO Sam Marie/,. tbe^cbolere ftanbinginojberaccojbing to theirbegras.Cf ucn fo tbe (Sad gate,eertaine 2Dofto?s of tbetiSniuerfttie bid ribe befo?e in tbeir Scarlet goUmes anb brobes, | ^ailferd of^rtein blacUegotons anb bcobeo. SCbe a^aio? alfo tuitb eertaine ofbi« bjetbjen bib rpbe befoje bir in Scarlet to tbe enbe otMagdalene bjibge, tobere tbeir Itbcrtieo enbeb: but tbeSDoftojB anb ^aiftero toent fojtoarb fttll to shotouer,Oi mple anb moje out of o^/W^jfafcaufe tbeir Hiberttes ertcn* bcb fo farre, anb tbere after flDjatione mabe, bir l^igbneffe toitb tbankee to tbe iobole tmniuerlitie, babe tbem farcUiel,. anb robe to.R)cote. B.:char3i stm Queene Elizabeth* x 151 Ricliarc!e LambcrfrAmbrofc Nicholas,the 2?. of Srptemb. Sheriffs lohii LansjIeVj thelf.of April]. Sir Chriftophcr Draper Iremonger_,thc iS.of Oflobcr Ad^ior. S^!)0bal rant Captains Edward RandolfeCrqnicr, Souldiorj tranf. tenant of fl)e£DjDinaunc0,anD Cofonell ofa fhoufano fctC:' men, in &rpteniber laft paffe, teas topth i)is bano cmbar? queD at BriFhw, anD totthin feto Dapco afier,lanDeti at /Cwr- fergw in ff)0 diio?ttj parts aUreUnd, a!iD toeiit tfjcnce bp tun# fer to a place calleo Derry,h^ toljicb pafTctb § riuer of /«/?refca?c toitbout in tbe ^mburbes, bcB' ODcsclotbjCojne, cattel, ifc. Uicrc confumcD, lubpcbe fire began at tluo of tbccIocUe in tlje fojcnone, anb enccD at four,to tbe great maruelling of manp,tbat fo great a fpoilc in fo fijojt time Ifioulo bopptn.SBiuo long ftrects toitb great ricljeooftbat toiDntocrebjcnt in Ipbetoife fl.jtuojfc in AKno,\544» Sb^^rriiii. of3p?ilI,fbo&trgeanfsfcatIeU)as fieptc at SergeantsfesRe creAr/w;dmQnd greatc loCfe manfully rcpclleb from tbe fiegc of Dundalke by tbe garrirontbcrcof,ano afterUjarb tb?flugb tbe great bali# ancieoffir Henrie Sidney iinigbt of tbe ojocr,? JLojoSca putic of ireU»de, be toas fo bifcomfitcb in funbjy conflittes, toitb tbe loffe of jjoo.of bio men, tbat notoe fo?cfayng bys Declination to be iminent,be bctermineb to put a roller a« bout bio neclte,f bifguifing bimfclfe,to repayje to tbe ILojb 2?eputy, f patiently to require bis parbon to banc bis life. i5ut Neil Mackeuev bys ^ccretary,tobo ban i«icitcb bim to tbisrebellion,pcrfffiabcbbym firffeto tryeanb trcate tbe fricnoibip ofcertaine toilbe^c^r^ tbat tben lay encampcb i» CUn Qucene Elizabeth* 11 n Ctan Ihoy, ftitJcr Con&lKtttlg ofAlexander Oge, aiiD Mec Gilliam Ijiiske,iUiJ0fc father and tjnrle S'innc Oneale {jaDOC lafclp kpllco^in an cucrt^joto gincn bp t!)C Scotj:muctti}tf leffe, be feel Itbtng ttjts perftDalton; toent to tbcfaioc ramp ffjefcconDofBIanc.lDbere afferautlTcmblel) entertainment, and qaafifing of SSEine, Gilliam Buske burning loptb cclire of reuenge of bis fathers andbnclco death, and ininitlrpng si„nj on*iie quarrelling talbe, iffued out of the Cent, and made a frap "^yne. bppon Onealcs men, and then gathering togithcr hps Scots in a thJong, fodainelp cntrcd the Cent againe, toho there, topth their fiaughtcr §>U)o?dcs, hclued in paces Shane O- ncale,hps ^ccretarie,ano ait hpsconipanp, ejccepte a berpe felne tohpch efcaped bp flpght. Che S,of 3jane0r Thomas Sackuile !&night,U)as created }!5aron of Buckjpurfi,Q,t weflminsler in the^^uanes palaice* £)n Saint lohnseiien at nighte, tnas the libcllandpng inatche in Lo»do»,as had banc on Saint Peters cuen in tljc peare befojepatred, Cherjrijr.of Bfulp, Charles Tames the pong P?ince of cr««<>nifl ScotUnde, after a Sermon made bp lohn Knokes, teas crotu# scouande, ned &ing QiScots at Sterling chui'che, tohere toerc read err* taine CommilTions, tupth the SJnanes p?iup feale at them fo? the ettablithing of the fame. Che firff foj hir reKgnation oftheCrotnne, andgooerncmentof thepong pjincehic fonne . Chereconde,foau£tho?ijethc©arleof/iT«rr^,to be isegent during his minojitie. Cho thirde, to gpue an# tho;itie and polner to feauen other, iopning tnith the fapde ©rle of Murrevy in cafe hr thoulde rcfufe to ercrcife the fame alone,thatistorape,tho2Dulteofc^w^rcr, the ©arlesof Ltunex, Argyle, Athelmorton, Clencarne and Marre: the COtn? mitrions baing ended, theBplhoppe otAkeiiey, topth ttoo §>«perintendent5, pjocadcd to the Cojonation, the ©arlc Morton and i^ojde Hume ffflfecothe fo? the Hing, that ha? thoulde rule in the faith,feare, and loue of ©od, to main* taine the iSeligion then pjeached in Scctknde, and perfccute all aduerfaries to the fame,!c, OTbb.iitf. Che Quecne Blizabetli, to^ole cercmonp of tlje cojonation toao Done in tijetr mother fonguc, aiiD at tljat time tlje SJuane of Semes toas pjifoner at Loaghleaen. Sherifes.! Thomas Ram{ey:WiUiam Bonde, the aS.of September. Aluior, /, Str Roger Martin Mercer, the 28. of Oftobcr. Hftcr a ojpe ^ommcr follotoet) a t&arpe ©Hinter, iopt^ fuctjcafcarcitieofiFoDDcrano ^ap, that in optiers places the fame Ujas folDc bp toaighf^> as in TorkePme, anb in tlje Pea!ce, ?i)ape toas folDc fo? fine pence the Cmie; there follow lues alfo agreate Death of cattci,cfpcciallp ofhojfe f thape. 3iii the moneth of31anuarp, the SJuanes ^aiettie fente into the narroto feas th?® of htr thipSj naineD the Antelope,, the Swallow,anD the Aidc,anD one ISarhe nameD the Phoc- nix, the vchiche toere manneD toith h.C.mentanD hir l^igh' nelTe appointeD the charge of thofe (hips anD men, to i^ap;" Her William Holrtoke cDfquier, Comptroller of hit ^^tgh^ neffc fl}ippes,U)ho haD commamiDement to Itap the fubiects- of jaing Philip, aiiD accojDing to hps Duetie anD charge, h® hfeD fuche Diligence, that on tlje eleauenth of ^parche nrjrte foUotuing, hcmette tuith cleauen faile of Flemtpje i^opes, tppon Bolorgne, lohpche cauic from Roan, anD in them fourehunDjeb anD oDDc £lunnes of(2?afcoigne anD ifrench Mlines, Inhpche thep intenDeD to hatie conticpcD into Flaun. ders,bl\t WlUiam Holffoke HapCD al the AUDC !^opCS,| fcnt them to London, Inhere thep niaoe their Difrhargc, anD the f/ew/w^j DifappointcD.. ^o;coucr, on thecighf tinentith of ^arch, the fails' William Holftokeivrtltng in the Antelope at fljat pjefcnt 0omiral!, inhiscompanpbeing WiHuim Winter the pon^ ger,(at that time iaipDnurall)rcriung in the Ayde, anD I. CafingCapitaincoftheSwallowc, anD ThomasGeuetley Captainrof the Phcentximettc in the narrolne S>ens Inpth fottretttnefapleofgrcatc!^uIhes,lnhl'chtoere come out of Porttngale, anD bOUHDe tO FUnnders , thcpj Chicfe laDing bapng Pomngale g>alte , anD pet haDDc gcoD ftoje of Sfanipje I'liallcs Of J^late, aiiD alfo greate fto?e of©piccs,. the Qtiecne Elizabeth* n 3 y fottrtstre t)to mamteptic tl^etr fo; ti)t fpace of thjol^ourco, ano after tfjat t^ep oto perccpue f^at tftep coulD not pjcuapic, tlje fapo vv. Holftokc ano liPS conipanp tcoUc epglit of tfjc fame I^ulIics,tDljcrcof fire Iccre fcntintotljeHtticrof7/>^?»/j,anDtljcIiOmtrall ano Clijao^ mtrall of tlje fapo l^ulhco,being tuio great ^btppc£,tol)ici) w.Holtbkcbimfeife oio take, iuerc conuapeo to H^irmch, ano there oifchargco'. acfjerrbitf.ofsparch, thjougb behemenf rage anotcm' Greatwinfe peff of toinoc0,manp bcflels in the TWz^,U)ith ttoo SDiUe# boateo befoje Granefei^d luerc funhe ano ojoloneo, " S^h^rrbi.of31une,oeceaircoThomas Yong;^rrljbifl[jop^^^,^jjj^,^^ QtTorke,at l)is inanourofshefald,ano toao honourablpbu^ YorLVceat rpeO at Torke. 2Chts pearc , Caroinall Odct Chcaftilion flatf) out F»a»cginto EftgUnd, U)bcre rcmapneo till the pcare of ourito;o 1570. ano then opeoatc^»/eri^«7, ano luaothere burpeO in Chrt^tes church. lohn Olcph : Robert Harding, the iS.ofSeptcmbcr. Sherijfa. S^fjcic). of^rtober, biere taken in Sufoike at Dervmm bridge ndere bnto ipfivich, epghtane monffrous filheo, fome of them contepning rrbgf. fmt e in length, the other jrri itji' 0? Wi.foJte a pace at the leaff. Sir Thomas Roe merchant Taylor,the 28.ofO£lober. LMaier. ? lames Bacon, the 26.oiNouember. Sherife. S 2lt the colfco ano charge® of the Citijens of Loudon, a nebj CConouit toa® builoeo at fvaibrookf corner, naere to ^vvSbroke! Dorvuegate, iohich ^a® finitheo in themonethof^ctober, the tuater tohereof is conuapeo out of the Thamie. S^herbtj. of 3|anuarp, Philip MeRrcll a Frenchman, ano fl Frenchman ttoo Englishmen, bjero O^aUtlie from Newgate tO Ttborne, anO there hangeo, the Frenchman quartereo, tuho hao copneo golo counterfeit, the Englishmen, the one hao clippeo fttuer, the other caff STeffon® of SCinne* lEhc rrbih« of^arch, the JOencioners toell appopnteo ^ in armour on ho^ffebacke, mufferco befo?e the ©uane®—-——~ 313i0bb.b» SBmftie tignew. " Queene Elizabeth# in Hide Parke bcllDC IVeslminster. A Loftiry tt ^ gtcat LoWatP bei'lig IjOlDen at Lordon in P^iMfes church- Loiuion. 0o?c,U)a3 begon to be fijalnne tbc cleaent^ of Slanuarp, ano continueb bapano iugbt,till tlje0]ctbof a^a^jtobtrein tbc fapb bjatomg toas fuUj? cnbcD. Burhii fordeid ^It Tliomas Ros llo^D ;^atoj of Lo»^f«jCaufeDfo bc en# prti>»rcd, clofsD toitb a toall of bjtcbe, nigb on^ acre of grouno, nare bnto Bedlem]33\i{)!i\\XBrjhoffgate, to be a placc of botiallfoj tbc oeaD, offucfjepantbco in Lo-idc»^^ lacUeb conueniente grotinb toitbtn tbetr fapb parities. 0 ffaitbing Uiafcb on Samt lohns etien at ^iDfomcr,an8 ^irlohn white aiDeimati roDctbecircuitc, astbelLojoe ipatoii (bonlb bane bone. SCbe rtbyi. of^luguff, Andrew Gregorcuich Sauin, Cm# ballabour from Mufiouy, lanbcb at tbe Toner tvharffe, ano ELSwuy, inas tljere recepueb bp tbe iLojb ^aioj qXLondon, tbe illbcr# men,anb ^bertffes in Scarlet, tnitb tbe merchants abuen#> turers in coates of blacke beluet all on bo^febacke, tnbo fonuapb bim ribing tb?ougb tbe Citie to tbe alk/cohj boufc in Seding Lane tbere to be iobgeb. SHbe plague of peSiicnce fometobat raigning in tbe Ct# Teimeadior- otLondonCecme toas firflabioumeb bnfo tbe tbirbe of ^ouember, anb after bnto 5^illarie STermc nertfolouung. Sheriffes. Henry Bccliar : William Danne, the 28.ofSeptember. SDbe jCj. of£)(tober, Thomas Haward SDnbeof ATorj^^, DuJce ofNorf. toas bjougbt ftom Bumam befibe windfore bp lanb to IVeU- Tovvenw/«/?er,anb from tbence bp Uiater to tbe Toner ztLondon pji# roner,S)fr Henry Neuili being bis kaper. Sir Alexander Auenon Irncmongerjthe aS.ofOftobcr. No Miioii Sbbie ^aioj toent bp ioater to anb tbere feaft. f jobg {jig gtb OS batb bill acciittomeo,but kcpt no feaftat tbe G«/7#iA,«//,leatttb?ougb commingtogitberof fo greatmnl# titubCjinfertion of tbepeCiicfemigbtbaoetncreafeb.snbat loafee, from tbe one anb ttoentitb bnto tbe epgbt anb ttocntitb of£)a:ober, tbere bpcb in tbe Citie anb out pari# (bes of Queene Elizabeths 113 7 of all otfeareo 152. oftljetolitcl) 5i« toerenccompfeo fo Dpe of tfje plague, £)n^onDapt^efoorfantlj ofi^otiember, Thomas Per. TheEwiMof cy Carle of Northumberland bStUg at Tepcltfe, recepueD tlje Northtimber- ©uaneo maictttes lettero to repaireto ffje CourtjanD tbc meru^d^ubd" fame oap at ntgbt, rertaime confptratojo perccpuing the fapoe Carle to be toauertng ano bnronltant of p.2omtre iiiaoe to tbem, caufeo a feruanteofbps»calleo Bekewitli, (after b® ioao lapoe in bps beooe) to buttle in , ano to bnoche at bps chamber oo?e, iDillingbpin in b?»tttoarifc anofljtftefoj bpwfelfe, fojtbat bps enimico (iobome ba tearmeo to bk ^ir Ofweld Vlrtrop, ano ^aptter Vaghan) toere about tbe l^arbe, ano bao befette biui ioitb numbers of men, ioberebpon b^ arofe, ano conuapoc bpwfclfea* toap to bps hapers bsufc: in tbe fame inttant, tbep cau^ feo tbe Belles of tbs ^olone to be rong backtoaroe, ano fo rapfeo as manp as tbep coulo to tbat purpofe. Cbe nert nigbt, tbe Carle oeparteo tbence toBranfpith^ tobere bemettemitb Charles Ncuill Carle of ano otber tbep? confcoerates, after tubicb time, bp funoiie |3jorIamations, tbep abating tbe SJueenes fubierts, com^ maunoco tbcm in bir biffbnetTc name to rcpatrc to tbcm intoarlibe manner, fo? tbe oefence anofuretie ofbir^a^ ieffies perfon, fometpmes affirming tbep? Oopngs to fane toitbtbeaouifeanoconfentoftbe i^obilitieoftbeKealme, iDbo in Daoe toere tobollp bentc (as manpfettlp appeareo) to fpenoe tbep? lines in Outifull obeoience, agapntte tbcm ano all otber S::rapto?6, rometpmcs p?etenoing fo? confer ence fafte to fahe to refo?me Religion, fometpmes Decla> ring tbat tbep toere D?iuen to tabetbps matter in bano, kattotbertoife ffl?ratgnc|3?inces migbt tabe it bpon tbcm, to tbe great peril! oftbisUealme, CbertJj.oap, tbep came to ano fo?tbtoitbtDcnt to tbefipintter, tobere tbep tare tbe Bible, Communion B®bes,ano otber fucb as tb«4toere, S^bf fanie nigbt tbep toent 1138 Queenc Elizabetfi» tocnfagapncfo Bransjith.mtim tl)t mojrotu fo Darhpo't, lofjcrcttjeptjaD l)o!ylMater,but no ^pa(^0, foj tuantefljcffi iiiento. i^rom tbcnce> tijep fente tbeir !^o?ircmen fo gatber togittjcrfucbenuHibero of men as fbcycoulbc. tl)e Carle of NorthnmberUnd tuent to Richmond, tbcn to Nor-- Amorcq;.i 2 iha/arton^tiftCt tO Boroyv bridge, anO On S>Onban,tbe tlnentltb of j^ouemfaer, toitb bts CountelTe of Nonhumber' la»d,mtt agapne totfb tf)e Carle of iveftmer/und at Ripo»,mti tl;cre bab ^aCTe, tob^re (t0 get tbc moje crcbite among tbe fanourers oftbe olDc Uoniifi) JUeltgton) tbep bab a croffe luitb a banner oftbe fine teounbcs bo?ne befoje tbem bp Richard Norton^anbtbat ntgbt tbep tocnt to Borew bridge, anbontbefponDar to fretherbie, on tob'tb^ bane at nigbfc fomebanbs of t\itmtn\xctiTadcasler,d.nti tajbeatloobun^ b:eb fcDtemen, cbactng tbcir Captapncs lobtcb bjcte lea# btng tbem totoarbs r<3rj(;«embcr, ^irlohnFoftcr, Maroeit sutmhuvrith oft^e miOble marcbea, accompatiaeb mit^ &tr Henry Per- thcKcbcit. cy, Dto ffiuc fo tl)t fapD (Sarle a great JTbc 0rfb of Sbccembcr, S>ir George Bowes put fojtb of tbe CatteU ttoo bunojeo bojfemm, tnbcreof tU)o perfons toerc flapnc, ano tbirtie tabcn bptbetticbcls. STbe tcntb of S>cceniber,^tr ^ George Bowes ooItuercD tbe fapD Cattcll, bnoercompotf^ tion to Depart ioitb armour,munitioiijbaggeauD baggage, anD fojtbtDitb marcbcDtottbbifi garrtfon totoarDca 3|n tbis meane time,, to tn^te, on tbe rjciitt» of i^ouember, tbe^uaenea S^aicSie baD caufeo tbefapD QEarles oFA/er- jheEaritsoE thnmberUndL aUD WeHmerUr.d tobC pjOClapmeD Si^raptOje, Northumber- hrttb all tbeir aDbcr^nta ano fauourers, ano fojtbtoltb pjc^ pareD an arm^ to be fent out of tbe ^outb fo? tbeir fuppjcf' ciaymea tmjw fion. Cbc i.ojD ScropcjUiaroen of tbe Mettmarrbec, bao tallco Onto bim tbe ebarle oF Cumberland,me otbcr(0entle»- men of tbe Countrep, ano tbcp hepte t\)t€itieoFCare/i/e. K\}t tiitfl otTb!?in tetrb a companpc oftjaitauitt &>onloj'crfi, fleiDe iifajtpe of bps p.'ople , aao fojcco bpm to A® into ScoiLvfde. 0itgmo j^eioap tbe featwn aiiD tUienfitlj of ^^arcb. Si- , mbn Di^by of Askewe, lohii Fulthorp Of Ijtlhecke in tfjO Conntie of Torl{e ©fqutreo, Robert Pcncman Stokejley, RebtUextcit- Thomas Bllliop tlje pOngCF of PokltntonmW^Zldmt Coun.^ teJat Vorke. tfe of Torke (S^enfletiten , toerc ojatone from tbe Calfell of Torke , fo tlje place of erecptioil catleo K»aues-mire, balfiea mile toitbout the Citie of ano there bangco, beaoeo, ano quartered, tbetr foure beaootoere fetontbe ^ttf pjirrcipall gates of tlje Cttte, biitb foure of tbetr quar^ tero, tbe otber quarters tuere fet in oiuers places of tbe Counfrcp: Ofcolph Clesbe loasioitbtbem ii;atene to tbe galIoU)es',anD rettrrneo agapnc to tbe CaCfelt. WjlliamC'arle QiPembrokey'^GtaWQf yhtnitUot oftbe ©>arterrOne of tbe pjtute Counfell, ano ito^o^te; Ptmbroke de« toaroeof tbe ©ueenes maietttes bouIbolDc, oeceaDTei) tbe epgbtecntb of^F;it,anD toas burpeo in 4auit PauUs church at London, SCbe fcaucntanfb of0pjiW,fbe©arIeof litufe# xheEatieof naitfgenerall in tbe i^o.jtbjtoitb tbeJio?o //«wyzid«,JLo?bosuiT«xnudea j goutrnoiir of Barmke, f ©itaroen oftbe ©alt parches, ano mapSer Wilham Drewry biffb ^riball of Barwtke, Ulitb alltbegarrtfon ano poluer of tl^ fame, began a tournep info Scot/ande, atiO tbc fame nigbt came to tvarke, ttoeluc miles from Bartvike, anofo tbe nert mojroto cnfr:EO into Tf MicUiem'^ niarcbtng in toarlibe ojocr,tbep biet,oucrtbjelr, rafeo t fpopleo all tbe Ca(te{s,2naiunes,i billages of tbeir enimies,till tbepcame fo tbe Calfell at MojfeiSlmfiiwg in of firogmarilb bcloaing to tbc t^ofBacklughj tobicb Ubetotfe. U)a» Queene Elisabeth* tons rafcDjOucrtljJotone ano bjcnt,ait5 fo marcfjc® ftiitosro nni! bjent tt)e tol)oIe Countrey bcfoje tbcm, till tbtp came Sir lohn Fofter' tO Cralirg. SDbc fatoC Dat», ^It lohii Fofter ®ffl(||-cen of tbc v^«h» garrifon nuDOle matcbco, Ujitb tbc sarcifo" anofbjceof tbcfame, emrc cot a . Ttuidale bpOtl fiftaiie milt from iTarkeM^txt til lifee ojoer tbey bjent, rafeo, ano fpop* IcD tbc Counfrcp bcfoje tbcm, till tbcp camctoa Crong (iTatfcll calico Craimg, in tbc poCTcirion of tbc motbcr of tbe 3Lo?o Fcrniherfl, tobicb Ubctoifc tbcp oucrtbjeto,rarcD,aHO bicnt. SCbcrc both tbc Armies mctte, ano fo marcbco bg tbcUiucrofT/«//c', rating, burning, ano fpopling Caffelo ano pplcs along tbc Hiucr , till tbcp cnmc to Cedxrorth, tobcrc tbcp boll) loOgeo,nno toerc curtcoutlp rcrcptico. SCbc ncrtoap tbc Jlojoc Seftbrd, ^SUaroen oftbc mioolc ^acf jj cbcs QtScotiande, camc in toitb all tbc p?incipall mcnof bpi -- hinrcO to tbc ILo.:oe llieutcnante, ano oio fubmitte tbem« ^ fcIucs,ano tocrc atTurco, fo? tbat tbepbao not rcccpuco tbc J ©nglifl) iJcbels, apoing o? atfitting tbcm , ncptbcr bao S] waoc anp tnuafion into EngUnde. a^bc ninetantb, tbc0r* ;,| mic oeuioco into ttoo partes, tbc one parte tobcreof palTco tbc Hiuer of 7V«/>ir George Care, fir Robert Con- liable. itnD tbe fame Dap, &>ir Wilham Drcwry being (!S»e# ncralf, let fojtoarDe totuarD Edeni/orough uiitb Diuers fojte banDg toitb fbotte armcD, pikes anD paces of great £D3Dt» nance, to iopne toitb tbe c&arlcs of Leumxj Muyto»^ Glen- carnt, anD Mstrre,OX\0 OtbCt of tbC l^iugS potDCr Of ScetUnd^ in purfuing of tbe QSngiilb Uebels,anD fucb of tbe Scones a® fuppojtcD tbem, as tbe 2?uke Hamekon anD otber, Uiba tocrc in armes at LahcoeXtxitlwt miles from Edcnhorough^xtj DefenDtbeic wufe, JCbe fojefapD nelu Jinigbfes Ujitb'tbeic hanDs Queene Eiizabetfi» i m batib« came (o Ednhoreugh f^e f^irfantl^ of ^ap, anti f^tte reffco tP)ja ntsi)fcs, ano ocpartcD from ffjencc fo Uthcef, lufjcrc t{)c, l^cgent teas flayne, EC^c ttje fotcmcn mar* CljCD to Einkrrkf, Gxz m^ICS ftCin Sterling, ailO §>ir Wjlliatn Drewrytoitfj f^jetjo^tlenieiT, marcfjco to Sterling to (eetl)e fetng, tofjome tljcp founo fo perfect tn all tljings as age ano nature coulo permittc, Ctje jrti^.tljep ocpartco to tlje ftote# banos, ano fo tagitbcr uiarcljeo to G/afco;, tobfre Ibe iLojoc HamckonbaD befdegco afjQufeoftbeliitngSjbut bearing of tbctrcomnung, be flctbe toitb Oitbonour, ano tbe loffc of 29.of bis men. SCbc cfr. tlje gcnerall tottb otber bo?ffrmcn ano fomc fi)otte,paireo to Dunharton, to bieU) tbe ffraptes of tbe Cattcll tbcre, being kept bp tbe iiojD Fleming, tbe iSi# Ibop of Saint Andrerves, ano otbcr bis aDljercnts , to tbe Queene otScsttes bfc. EDur generallfentbis SCrumpetojto require a parlep toitb affurance fafelp to rcturne,lDberebn* to tbe ilojD Fleming fubtillp confenteOjanDminDingfoto toinD bim info bis banger, conuepeb certapne Ibot, anb ar« tneb men into a fecret place, fo tbat our CD»enerall comming alone to batieparlpeb, bis ^rumpetojnotreturneb, tbep (botte at bim,meaning to baue flapne bim, but be befrolueb bis laidoiettes as frdelp at tbem as tbep at bim, anb return neo to bis companpe anb fo to Giafco, from tubcnce, &>ic George Care being maruellouflp otfcnbeb tDitbtbefufatill beating of tbe ilojb Fleming, tnjote a letter of challenge to combate Ujitbbimboopfoj bobp,tobicb tbe i,ojO Fleming bp bis letter of antoere refufeo, lobercbpon ^ir George Care tDjote a Ibarp anb jpitbie replic f c. STbe one anb tbentitb bap, our(ID>enerallaccompanpei} iuitb tbetEientlemen anb bojfemen, toenttoZ?«»^rf/rc»a^ gapnetoparleptuitb tbeilojbe Fleming,bpon bis pjomifc tbatbatooulbe mdete bim tb?ee miles from tlje fapbeCa* Relljbut tbe place of parlep bdeing biemeb, boas founb to be fubiect to tbe Ibotte of tbe Cattcll, anb tberefoje our C^ene# rail requires aiiotber place, tobicU toouloe not be graunteo bp tbe irOjO Fleming. CCcc.b« II4^ Quecne Elizabeth* SC^P.W^.tljCJLOjD titLeH0Xyi\^t%Ql\iGleHC4rney andf^C 310JD Simple, frtcnus ant) tcnaunfs, came to our ?* oinance being placet), toao tbot bcrp foje,but bit) no great barme, fo? tljat tbep lucre ficlb paces. JCbe.rrittj' one (II5cneralI gaue fommons to tbc fapbe Caffcll lubtcl) tuoulD not palb, toberebpon, be fent fo Srar- ling foj bigger £Djbinance fo? tbe batterie, anb fo tnent from tl^tncCj accompanpeb biitb tbe dearies of A^c^>.- tbeUjboiP2Cob3ne,an05mcr£( otbtr fairc boafco hiag pcclDeb to our generally hibo returneo to Eden- hreughmt fo to Baryoike tt)e tbiro Dap of 3|ane. ^ aconfpiracp toas maoc bpcertapnc CD>cntIcmcnanD 0# conrpiMcyai tberintbc Conntrep of Norffoike, tobofe purpofe tuas on ^iDfomcr Dap, at Harieftone fairc, luifb fonnD ofSDrunipet ano E^mmme, to bauc repfcD a number, anD tben to p2o« clapme tbeir Diueiilb piictence agatnil ^traungero anDo« tber. SCbis matter bias bttereD bp Thomas Kcte one of tbc confpiracie, fanto lohn Kcnley, iobo fojtbtoitb fente tljc fame Ketetoitb a Conlfable to tbc nerteSlaffice, before lDbome,anD otberiutticcs, be openeDtbe icbole matter, iDberebpon, mapfter Drewgh Drewry immeDiatlp appje# benDcD lohn Throgmorton, anD after bini, manp 0entle< men of tbe Ciite of Norwich, ano tbe Countp of Norffoike, tuba toerc all committeD fo pjifon, ano (at tbc nerte ^eCTi? ons ofgailc Deliuerie at tbe Cattell of Norwich, tbe feauen* teentbof3(Ulp,befo?e^irRobertCatlmJintgbt,!Lo?D cbtefe Suffice, Gilbert Gerrard tbe il^uanes ilttoutncp generall, anD otber HuQices) tenne of tbem mere tnoiaeo of bisb SCreafon, ano fomc others of contempte, Diuers of tbem toere conbemncD, anobaD iuDgement tbe one anD tlDrnf tittf of,3ugulf, ano aftertoarD tbjoe of tbem toere bangeo, boU)elleo,ano quartreo, mbicb tocrelolm Throgmorton of Norwich Gentleman, tobo fttDOe mute at bis arraigne# ment,btttattbegalloUjesconfeireD bimfelfcto be tbc:fbtefc confpiratonr, ano tbat none bao oeferueo to opc but be, foj tbat be bab pmcnreo tbem : icitb bim Inas erecuteo Thomas Brooke ofC'entlematbe tljii iitb of^uguff, CCcc.ib. ^ ^ Quecne Elizabeth* anD George Redman of Cringeleford (S$tt\X\ttt[WA ioifc erecufeD fecoiiu of September. The Dilute of 2Ct)Cfourth ofausuttjtlje&uiie of Norfftikeloi^^xttnoi Notffolkcr*- f frotti tfaO Tower ot London tO tbC Charterhotife ll^rC nioued. ^ . n ! r •! t)OfO Smtthfield. 2Cf)® faitie Dap tuao arra»0ncD at tho Gntld hail of London FtUonarriig- JohnFelton,foj tjatigtug a2i5ull attl)c gate ofthc Bilhop of Londons jjalace, auD alfo ttoo pong men fc; copning and eltpptng ofcopne, tuho all luere founD gtltte of high Kxta* Ton, anD had tuDgement to bo D^altme, hatigoD^ and quar;» tered. SChc epght of ^ugu5, lohnFeltonioao d^atuno from Tritonanjo- TIewgate tlUO PauUs ChHrch-yard,m\\i thOfO hongCD Ott a gaU thus execute. ^,p that mojuuig faefojo tho IBilhops palace gate, and being cut dolnne aliue, ho Inas botoelled and quartered. 5lftcr thiOi the fame mo?ning, theg>httiffcs re# turned to Newgate, and fo to Tihome lutth ttoo pong men tuhich lucre thero executed fo?copning and clipping, as to afojcfapd. Aiontneyinto SC^C ttUO Ottd tUientith Of flugulf, thC (Baxle OfSn/ex iwuofSuffex! 5Lojd ^Lieutenant gencrall fo? the ^I^ueenes spaiellie in the ' i;io?thjniid the 3Lo?d Scropc, luardcn of the S2a:ett marches, toith diiters other, marched from CareNetoUt thc^u^es armp,arid fo?fe of the jjSojth, as Inell of l^o?femeii as fmte# men into Scotland, paCfing ouerthe Uiuers of Etkcj Leuin, and Sarke, Ujhich Hiuer of Sarke parteth England and Scot- /4«M(,and fo ioDornockervcod, belonging to Edward Vroiic theJld?d of Bon{how,and then to v^««fl»K/t,affronghoufe oftheJLo?de Harris, tohich theprafed and ouerthiein toith other there aboutcs:from thence to Hodbtm, tohich thep b?ente and falcio hp: from thence toKennell, a STohmc be# longing to tljc 3lo?de CowKjU , tohich thep fa?ente tfrom thence to ©fw/w, tohich thep fachcd and fpopled of fuch paltrtcas thefugitiues hah left, and alfo rafed and ouer# th?et»e a fumptuous houfe belonging to the ^Suane of Scoties, in the iiisping of tlje JLojdr Hams: then paffing thf Quecne Eli'zabetii* f!jpl«t'usr QtLo»gher, tijep bjptit auD fpopled CowhUUi ano reftnncD toDemfryes.mJJ Totottjt^aijim at BMkcyid,\3i\)it{^ tbcp bjente, iuttf) another bouft pcrfcp* nintjto William Maxwell of tf)e3flc0,anD fototfjeCaffeU ofCariauoracke, ftanDing ina martlb iutt toanarmcoftljc )&ea,U)!)!cl) parfctb AmerMlm^ Gaiiatvayy tofjicf) caSell fljep bleto bp, nno rcfurneD bomctuarb, franrpojtutgtbcpj £)?binancc ouerquubfancs anoboggeSjtobcra neuerttie Ipbc loao bone bcfoje,anD fo came to Dormke wood. SCl)e epgfjt anb tluentitb ofHugud, tbepinarcbeb to^ toarbo c.trMe, totjcrc bp tbc loop tbcp bjcnt anb oucrtb^cUi tiDO boufca, tbc one being Arthur Grcames, <«//^Carclile, U)e otber Rich George,ttoo iiotable Cbttueo.Cbc fame bap at nigbt after tbe tlo.tbeo conimtng to CarhU, be mabe fenigbtee , §>tr Edward Hallings, ^Ir Frances Ruffcll, ^fr Valentine Browne,&ir William Hilton, §>ir Robert Staple- ty the EarUof ton, ^ir Henry Curwcn, &ir Simon Mufgraue. Suir«x. Fraunces Barnam : William Boxc,the aS.of September, ./. Cbe fiftb ofS)dober at nigbt, bappcneb a terrible tcm^ pettof toinbe anb rapne, botbon tbe feea anb 3Lanbe,bp Highwiftrj meaner luljcreof, manp §)bippe0 anb otbcr beffela toere bjotoncba about inibnigbt, tbe toatcrs oucrflotuing, bjoto*" neb manp mebotnea, paffurea, totxmco, biUages,cattelI, bourcs,anb gobes, fo tbe btter bnbeing of a great nnmbec of fubieacs of tbto l^ealme:bc0bes tlje lolTe of manp men, toomen , anb cbilb;!en , fome bjotoneb in tbepj bcbbeo, fome in tbe toapes trauelling f c, ;9l0 pou map reabe mo?e at large in a X5fDHe thereof mabc bp Thomas Knell ^ini* Her. SirRovvlandHawardClothworker,the28.ofOiie, tofjifS RoyitiE*. toasricfjlp furntOjcD Uiittf all fojtce oftbe finett toarco in chMje. fjjg J (^0 caufeb tijc fame 15urffe, bp an l^eralt anb a JSTrumpcttO be pjoctapmeb The Royall Exchange, fo to ba calleb iVom tbencer(D;ttb,anb not ofbertbapeo. A ftrange tMi fcauentantb of i^ebjuarp, at a place calleb Ay»M- Jlon,\\kxZ Mtirclech M,in tbcCountte of Hereforde , toaS tone tbe grounb fo opcn,anb certapne rocheo toitb a pace of grounbe , remoueb anb loente fo^hiarbe tto fpace of fonre bapeo, inahtng at tlje firS a terrible nopfe ao it inentontbceartb,it remoneo it felfebetln^ne toe of tbe cloclte in tto encning, anb feaneii tlje nerte mo;!roU) fo;' tic pace?-, carping greafc treca anb ^bapecoatea , fome^ ^b^pccoatea toitb tbjafcoje ^fj^pe intbem, fometras felt into tbe cbinhes,otbertl)atgretu on tto fame grounb, groUj note aa firmelp on a biil> anb fonie tbat Kobe (!];att, ffaHbGaielf,anb tboretbatlfa)bc$eira Ifanbtiaff. STbe beptb of tbe bole tobere it firtt bjaheout, ta tbtrfie fcofe, tbe b;eabtb of tbe bjeacb ta epgbt fcoje parbea, anb in length aboue tlnentpfcoje parbea. 3[t onertbJetoi^'^Tow Cbappell. a^lfo, ttDO btgb toapea be remoueb nigb one bunb?cb parbea, toitb tbe trfea of tbe bebge roluca, Cbe^ grounbe in all fa Ore anb ftuenfieacrea , anb tobcre til' lage grounbe toaa , fberc ia patture leftc in place, anb tobere toaa patture, tbere ia fHlage grounbe gone bpon It. Cbe grounbe aa it remoueb, b;aoe tbe eartb before it, anb at tbe lotoerpartouertobelmco tbe grounb, fo tbat if ia grotone to a great bpH of ttoclue fabbomc bisb* 3It re^^ moueb from ^aterbap till ^onbap at nigbt follotoing, anb fo feapb. 2Cbe feconb of 0p3tll, a parliament began xAweTlmiK. /?gr.tohcrcin toaa graunfebfo tbe SSufenea maie0ie(fO' toarbe bit great cbargea, in repjelTing tbe late Rebellion yariiamtnt. in tbc j^ojtb, aub putfufng tbe fapbe Kcbela nnn tbcp^ - - fauUojSp. Queene EIizabcth«^ iiji ffinIfoj«, tufjpcft ioere fleDDe intoScet/4»de)b^ f^e Clwrsp, afubSDteof 0rc(btlting£(tntbepoan&$, anDbptbeSHem' po;!aIftesttDO0ft»ti£!,Vuttbarub0Dtei}ftU)o (btUmgf; ano etjsbtpenca tn tbe pounbe. SCbe firttjfccono ? tijira of^ap, toasboloen af weUmm- infi«at vveft- Jjffbcfojc ^ Siuoenes ^aiettie,a folemne 3|uff,at tbc iCtU,""" sruriicp,ana llBarrtars. Wc^z Cballeiigers lucre Edwardc G^tlZ of Oxford, Charles HawardCjfir Henrie Lee,anDChn- ftopher Hatton (i!;fquicc, tubo all upu bcrpbaliantlp,bHt lb8 tbicfe bonour teas gpuM to tbc (Sarlc ofoxfirde. SCbe firffcofSiune, rohnStorie a jEDottoj of tbeCannon doaot storj- Hitoc, lubo befojebaa bancconbcinpncb of bpgb Ircafon, teas ajatone from tbc Tojp^r ofLovdo»to Tybome, ana tbcrc bangco, faotucUca ana qnarfrca, bps bcaa fcttc on London b?tagc, ana bps quarters on tbe gates of tbe Cttle. Cbe eigbtantb of gtme, in snrinitic Xearme , tbere Acoaibate ap# teas a combate appopntea to bane bane fougbte fo? a cer# poymeaatTac- taine£panour ana aemaine tanas belonging tberebnto, in tbe31fleofi/efencc, ana feruant to tbe rigbf !^ono?abIe Carle of Leicester, a pjopcr Oenaer man, ana noffo fall as tbe otber: Thome caffe aotunea (Gauntlet, lubpcbeNaylortejfeeUp ► tSlpon tbe&onaapo befoje tbe battell tboulae be trpea on tbe nert mo?rolue,tbe^ matter fcuas ffapea, ana tbe parties agraa, tbat Paramore betnjjin poffelTion ^otilac baue tbe lanae,ana luas bonnae^ 5. CCfc.b, m ^^5- Queene Elizabeth. in ^-oo.f.foconnocr tl)c jBIatnftfs.afi tiponfjcaringf^jemaf^ L ThcquatrcUof ter,tl;c3jiiD0C0 ftoulo atoaroXfte^Juceiics ^ateflp 11)30 f combateihyea tatierbp of tljc mattcr,in toifciHttoastbougbfgojD, fojP.iramoi-esailurancCjtbc oaDcr Iboulo bekcpttcuc^jtng^ wmbatc,anD tbat tljc jaiaintifs Low f Kymc,fl)oulo make befaiiUe of appearanitce, but tbat pet Turf) as tuerc furcttes foj Naylor, tbepj cb^mpions appcaraunce, (koulo b;png bpm w,anD Ipketupfcttiofe tbat mere furcttcs foj Thome, fboulD bjtngtn ttjc fame ThomegnbifcbargcofttietrbanO, anotbattbeConrtctboultje fitte mTmhu fieloes, lobere tuas p;cpareo one plot ofgrounoe one anb tbientte parties fquare, Doubleratlleo fo;thecombate, tDptboutelbeUieS fqnare^attagebapngfettebpfoj lbe|uOges, repjcfcMtuiff tlje court of the common pleas. 311 the compaCTe loptljoute tbe ilplfes, bias fet luptb ^cafiEolos one aboue another, fo; people to Hanoe ano beholoe.SChereluere bebmo the fquare tohere the Slubgcs fate, tloo tcntes, the one foj Naylor,the other fo? Tiiorne Thome toas thcrc in the mojiung timelp, Naylor aboutefcaucn of tlje clccUe came through L(7»attencutanD races, a l^atofblackeSleluetioith a rcD feather anobnnbe, befoje hpm £D;ummes auD iFifes plapingtthe (i^anllet ^ mas cattDoton bp George Thome, UiasbojnebefojethcfatoNaylorbpona tootbs point,ano hisBatlon (atfaffeofan die long, maDe2C^cr-b)ife,tipt Ittilh it^o)ne,)topth hps Hjtcloe of haro ILcather, toas bo?ne after hpm, bp Askam a Proman of the Qutienes (J^uarDer he came into the l^allaice at an off aping not long befojc the l})aU Oo?c,came backe into the Itings ffreef, ano fo along thojough the ©amtuarp,! Tmhtiikitt, into | fielD,teherc he ffaio til pa® tr.of the c(ocke,i the ffr Jerome Bowes bjought him to his tent, Tliome being in the^Cenf loith Qr Kcnry Chcincy long befojc.Ebout theclocke, § court of common pleas remoueo, « came to the place pje^ pareD;luhen the llo?D chiefe Suffice tuiflj tUio other hpsaf* fbciates Uiere fet, then Lowe ^as caUeo folempnlp to come iia Queenc Elizabeth* 1155 elfefie fo lofc mxit of rtg&t. SCfjen aflfer a wrfatn time t|)e ftiretico of HcnrieNaylortocrefalleo to bjingiit tfjo fapo Naylor Cfjattipton foj Simon Lowe,f njojtip tfjCt* f)pon70r Icrome Bowes IcaOlttg Nailer bp tljC bartD,cntrcf{} toitlj btni Ipffcs, b?ingttig bP»n bolono tfjat fquare, bp lobicb !jc enfreo,bein0 on tbe left bao of tbc 3^uO0es,f fo bout til t)ecametott)encj;trqirarc toft againtt tbe^absfSr 9 tbcre mabing ciirtefie,fii'ft tottl) one leg, 9 tbcn vnptb tb^ Dtber, paffeo fojtb til be came to tbemiODlc of tbe place, 9 tben maoe tbe tphc obcprance,f fo pairing till tbcp came ftr tbe Bar,tbere be maoe tbe libe cnrtefle, ano bis Ibiclo loao bclo bp aloft oiier bis beactNailor put off bis nctber flocbs, f fo bare fote ano bare leggco, faiie bis fUbe^cauilontono to f anb!e0,f bis Oublet n^ueo tpeo bp aboue tbe elbotu, 9 bare-beaoeD,came in as is afojefaio. SDbcn toere tbe furc^ ties of George Thornc callcO to bjittg in tbe fame Thome, f tmmeoiatlp (ir Hcnrie Cheyney entring at tbe bpper enoc ontberigbtbsnooftbeBluDges], bfco tbe libeo;oer inco^^ ming about bp bps lloe,as Naylor bao before on tbat otber Soe,r fo comming to tbel!5ar iuitb libe obepranee,beloe bp bis (bielo.]|0}oclamation bias maDe,tbat none IbouiO toucb tbe !i5ars,no; p^efume to come toitbin tbe fame,erccpt fucb as iocre appopnteo. Hfter all tbis folempne o*oer tnas gnt« fbeo,tbeil.cbiefe3|ulticerebearQngtbe maner ofb^ingin^^ tbe Mrit of rigbt bp Simon Low,of tbe anCiDere maoe tber* bnto bp Paramore,of tbe pjocaOiug tberein,ano bob) Para- more bat cbalengeo to oefeno bis rigbt to tbe lanoe bp bat« tel,bpbisCbat"pisn Thomas Thornc,ano of tbe accepting tbe trpall tbat bias bp Lowe, b)itb bis Cbampion Henrie Naylor,! tbcu fo? oefault in appearance in Lowe,be aoiuo? geo tbe lano to Paramore,! oifmiireo tbeCbonipions, ac#^ quitting tbe furcties of tbeir banos. alfo toillco Henrie Naylor,to rcuoer againe to GeorgeTiiome bis dDiauntlct, iDberebnto tbe fapoe Naylor aun tocarco, tbat bps JLojoc^ fbpp mpgbtecommaunocbpm anp tljing, but vcillmglpbe bjoulonot renoer tbf 0antlct to Thome crccptcb® CDuloe. Avvonnn br«e St Maydllone, »IH Quecne Elizabeth* coullie tDinne tt;ano further ^ic c^jaletigco Tatoe Tliomc to plape tDPtf) l)pm ^alfc a fcoje blotoes, to tbeluE foine pa# ffimc to tl)e tLo^oc tbiefe BluQicc ano trjcotljEr tberc afliem# blcD, but Thoi ne aunCcDeareD, tbat ba came to figbtOj an® tooulbe not plape. Ztjm tljc 3lo?De cbiefe Juffke commen# otngNaylorfo^b^sbaltauntcourage, commaunoeb tbcm botbe qmetlp te oepartetbefieloe, fc. CbcCcctantb of 3ulp Rebecca Chamber, late tOPfe tO Thomas Chamber of Hertettefham ^ toao foUnOe CUlpa'bte Of popfonpng tbc faibe Thomas Chamber btr bufbanOe, at tb6 afftfeo bolben at Afa/dfiow in t be Countie of Kft ■ jFo} tbc lobtcb facte (baupngtoelloercrueD) tbe tuao tbercb;enton tbencjcte mojrobpe. feauentb of September, tlje S^uhc aiJVorfoike tuas rcmoueb from tbe Charterhenfe, tO Tdxer Of London foner. aCbbttoo ana tUientitb of September oeceaffeb lohn Ic- well Bplboppe QlSaiiJbHrie, ttt bp« lifea moft eloquent ano biligent p;teacber, but a farre mo;e patnefull ano fiubtoud tMriter, ao bpa toojtteo remaining beare Uiitncffej lobere# bp bps fame Iball neuer ope, Henne Millcs:Iohn Braunche,thc aS.of September. Sir William Allin Merccr,the aS.ofOftober. STbc nintb of 35ouember, great rctopcing toas iitabe at London tuitb banquetttngatiD bonefp?C6, fo? tope of tbe late come nctaes, of a marucllous bittojie obtapneb bp tbe cbJt* 0ian armpbp fca, agatnff tbc Turkes tbe Crtb of£r'ctobcr laff paCTcDjluberetnUierc tahcn ano funbcoftbe Tutkes^sMns anDl5;pgantincs,tU)obuuD?co ano tbpjtie, tbcre lucre hatnc of tbe moic tban tbp?tle tboufanbe, bcfiocB a great number of pjirotiers taben, anoaboute tlueluetbou# fanbeCbJiftiane, tbat baO binOauecf loptb tbe Turkes Annoreg.x^ fctat libcrtie. SCbeCbuttianc loffe feauen cID'aUeps, anb lucre Oatne aboutc fire o; feauen tboufanbe. Eatic of Kent, STbc tbpJti tb of SDccembcr Rcynolde Grey luas bp tbe sliuaiies ^atettie reftojcb Carle QtKent. STbt Diilce of Notf- folkerenc to the Tower. BishoppeefSv lisbury deeeaf-, fed. Sherifes. n iS^ap bap tl)ep mulfrco at Grenewkh befoze ^ i^atcSie, inbere tbep (bctoeD manpetearlibefeateo, but toere binbjco bp tbc U)catber,tDbpcb toas all bap lboU}?ing, tljep returneb tljat nigbtc to ano toere bifcbargcb on t^enertemojrotoe, SEbe fourth of ipapWaIterDeueroux,3L0?be Ferrers of Eanej of onrex Chantey, aub Vifcountof HereforeiejjJilS Croateb CfearlO of Efex .• 3[nb Edwarde Fines IL0.2be Clinton,anb Say, bpgb^ Slbmirall oXEngiaude, tuas createb dearie QtLmcohe. eigbt of ipap,tbe parliament beganne at weUmm- B^ons made; i7«-,anbtbat fame bapc in tbe parliament bp tbe ©ufrnco ' ^aieSies SSarittes, fir Hcnne Compton f^nigbt) ilojbe of Comfton in tbe i^ole , fir Henry Cheyney ^nigbt> JLOJbe Of Tttdiugtou^'Gr William Pawlct Snigbt of Bafug, anb fir Hen- ric Norrice iim'gbfj iojbe of R)'cote, toere calico Batons in# to tbe bigber boufe . ^n tbis parliament, fo; fo mucbe as fbetobole Healmeof£"^W toas etxabinglp peffreb toitb HoagSjtKagabonbs, anb tturbp faeggers, bp meanes tober# ofjbaplp bapneb oiuero bojrible murbers,tbeftec,anb otber greate outrageo, ittoas cnacteb, tfiat all pcrfons aboue tbe ageoffourt®ncpercs,bepngtaKenbc0ging,bagranf, anb Roags b relit & toanojing mifojberlp,lboulbebeapp?ebcnbcb,tobippeb, f bjenttbiougb tbe griff le of tbe rigbtearc, toitb a bote pjon ef one pncb compalTe fo; tbc firffe time fo tahcn» iEbe " 5^ Quecne SCOefflurcnuD ttocntiti) of ipaVj Martin Bullokc ^angeDona(I!?^ibljettjgtt)e^0IcIltait^jtU)D i3uc!irt0 in Bi- Jhoppesgate flrfftS Of London, foj robbing atlb WlOtl (baWCful' li'cmurDeringofa^ercbauntnameb ArthmeHall, in tfje Jpcrfonage of Saint Martme bn tbo faioc 11. 2DbP0 Mar- tinbabDepjocurebtlje faioe ArthureHall, to come fo fano ^Berfonagc, to bup of bnm ccrfaine plate, but after tbe fatoc Arthuretjaooe Ujcll btclocD tb0 fame, be faibe, tbitf is none of pour plate, it batbc 2Dotto> Gardeners marke,f 3 knoioe it to be bi0:tbat is true,raii) Martin Bullocke, but be batb appopnteD me to fell it, f c.^fter tbps tallte,U)bple5 tbc faiD Arthure tuas ineigbing tbepinte, tbc fame Martin fetcbt out of tbe 15 itcben a tbiche inaibing Batlc, anb com^ mpngbcbinDebpm.flrakctbefaibe Arthure on tbe beab, tbatbcefellebbimUiitb tbe ftrftcftroke, anb tben ftrake bpm againe, anb after tojke tbe faibe ArthuresSDaggcr, ano Qickeb bpm, anb loptb bpb knpfe cut bps tb?oate, anb after tooulbc baue trulleb bpm in a SJanfte Cbefte, but tbc fame U)as to (bo;te: tnberebppon be tumbleb bim botone a paire offfapjes, anb after thinking to baue burpcb bpm in tbe ^ellcr,bps legges being broken tuitb tbe fpjft fal,anb ttiffb, becoulbenotb?aU)ebpm botunetbe belter ftaires beepng topnbing, tuberefoje be cutte off bps legs toptb an !^atcbet, anb in tbe enbe truffeb bpm tuitb ^tratne in a b?pe-fat, anb taping it tuas bis apparell anb isokes, caufeb tbe fame to be carrpeb to tbe toater fibe, anb fo Cbippcb to SCbe Cpe anb tfuentitb of ^ap,tbe rigbt honorable C&aric of Lincoine, bcpartcb from London totoatbcs Framce Cmbaf* faboj,betng accompanpeb toitb tbe ILojbs Dacres, tbe 3L03b Riche,tbe ILojb Talbot, tbC 3lOJO Sandes, anb tbe iLOJb Clm- ton, fir Arthure Chanibernowne,ltrIerome Bowes, anb 0C Ed vardeHaftings, Unigbfcs, toptbbpuers otbcr (25entle# mcn,tobo fakpng flnp at DsHer-jcwitzamx to -5o/w^w,toberc tbep toere berp bono?ablp reccpncbjf from tbence conuepeb JjpiojnepstoTrfWjtoberetbeptocrelobgcbin aboute of§ ibings nameb Le Chan can de Ap/rrf, being attenbeb on bp tbe kings Queene Elizabeth, 1 S^iut oap00 affer, tocnf 0 f 0 t^e li tii0 af a iioufe ca^ leD M4dn/, inhere tfje Japng laptfj bis tioo bj0tbJ0n,tb0 30i tnirall, ano tbe nioUe parte of tbe ifiobles of Frauwe mctte tbsm a otdance from tbe place, and bjougbte tbem into tbe boufejtobere tbep Dpneo, and remapneo tilt ^onoape folio# topiig, from iobsncc tbe Jipng anb bps nobles, tultb tbe no# bles of £»^W2Ddd. of ^Queene Elizabeth. NoriSl'k/be^-. Thomas Hawarde Of Norffolkef headed. loas behcaDeD oitfa fecaffaloc fctte bpon tbc Tm-er htll. French Embaf. Hboufctb^ inntbof3iune,Fraunas2DuliCOf Momorcn- fadars; ' cif,cljtcfc iparfljall QtFraiince,^z\xtxm\xx anu Jlicutenant fif tbcaflcoffz-^^wcjC^enerallto Charles tbe nintb ftpng Q^Framce, ailO Paule de Foix of tb^ pJtUlC COUUCCU tO tl)C faiDC Ifitng, ano Bertrande de Saligners, JlOjSe dc la Mothe- tenalon.linlgbft^SoftbeojDCrcf Saint Michael, Cmbaffa* Oo;s fo; tt)c fame latn2,arrpueD at Douer. SICbcf£mtst£®"tb Daptf)cp(bottc London b^iDgc totuarDs Somerfet bflufc at tbc Strnnde, U)l)erC tljeP tUCrC IcOgCD. Sbsftft^ntbbapebcpng&uuQnpc, tljefaiDc Gmbaffa^ F^aurceTonffr. tQixx^xx^ViVV:^ tQ W^zivhitektll,\a\)txz tbcptwcrc bonojaj medat vvea- faipc recepucD oftl)e Ciuanejj ^ateSte, futtl; bit"jjiobilitie, nunfter. ano tbtcc in bit <25raccs Cbapp^H. aboutc one of tbc clothe tntljcaftcrnajne, tbc^rtirles of treatie, league o.uonfcoe# racic ano fare fricnblbip (conclnoeo at tbe ninetantb of apjill, as is afoje fbetoco) bettoitt tlje SJuanes ^ailfie, ano tbe Frenche l^tng, being reao, tbc fame teas bp bis aja? teftie ano bis GmbaffaOours confirmeo, to be obfcrueo an& heptc, iDPtboutinnouation oj tjiolation,if. STbe reCe of tbat oap iuptb great part of tbc nigbt follotuing toas fpent in greatc trimnpb, toitb fumptuous banquets. STbt eigbttj^tttb of June tbe feattc of Satnt George Ujajt titJ^i»dfore,\a\izxt\.\itFrench GinbaflaOoutes toere •cGeorgcsfejft topallp fcaftcO^ auO Fraiuicis SDultC of Momorencie, InaS atvvindforc. ftallco littigbt of tbe mottcbonojablc o;oerof tl)e<5ax* tcr. SCbeeigbt ansftocnfitboapcofjimc, tbe afo?enameO GmbalTaooures ocpartcofrom toUjarocs Framce. 2Dbe fouretdentb of June, Thomas ilojoc Wharton OC^ CeaCTeOinbiSbOUfeof Chnncn Rowc at VVestminUer. SDb^tbPJt^ttf^ibapeofJulp, tbe S^uccnes fpaiettieat mjEorlyriuts rFhitehall maoc fir William Cecil 3to.20e titBarghley, ILojOC Seaic L. Cham- bfgbc iCreafolcr Of-E^^/rfWe." ilOjCe William Hawarde late S'o»c7«.' 3lo2i3eCbat«bcrlaine,iLo.:Depjiutc^ealc: Sbe. Carle of Sujfex^, Queene Elizabeth* 11 fir Thomas Smith pjtnctpall ^ecrctarte: ano ChnrtopherHatton c^fqturr, Capfaine of tbe©uaroc,ff. sctjc tU)0 ano ttoenfit!) of 0llgufi,Thomas Perde c!;arlc BarieofNot- of NorthitmberUnde, latO Of Topc/ijf(r,\i}j}Q {jaDOC bailO bafOJO tb"mberiat\caffol5crett)ppcfo; tfjat purpofe in tljcv^^ I ^arhct place. ^ntbijsmonctb of^ugufie, fir Thomas Smith one of t^e Englisbmc fenfe Queencs i^aiefiies pjitneCoitncell, carefiillp tenbingtbc refojmationof/r<«r^/r,JtO30 Stanley,anO Strang,e,of Xwe/^w^jiLOjO ant) C^O* uerno3 oftbc Jfle of i^nigbt oftbe noble ojDer oftbe barter,ano one of tbe Quanes ^aietties pjiute Counccll, OCCCaiTet) at bis bonff calleo Latham in Lancafhire. ?^is life ano oratb ocfertungconimenoation, anocraning memojie to beiniitateo^toasfucbcasfollotoetb. l^is Soelitie bnto ttuoiAingSjanottooaiuanesin Daungerons times, anD greate rebellions, in tobpcbe time,ano alloapes, (as caufe ferucD.)l^e toas lieutenant of anD chejhire, ano latclpoffcreDtennetboufanDemento tbeQudfiies ^aie^» tfieofbis otone charge foj tbe foppjelTion of tbe laffrebelli^ on« i^ts goDtpe Difpofition to Ijis tenantes,neuer forcing a^ npe feruice at tbeir banoes, but Due papment of tbeir renf, ^^is libcralitie to tfrangcrs,ano futb as fijelueD tljemfclues gratcfull to bim.i^isfamous boufe beeping, 220, incbeck^ roll neuer Difcontinuing t fpace of rlti.pere. I^is faDing ef? peciallp of agcD perfos ttoireaDap Ip.i oD,befiDsal comere tb?ice a toeeke appopnteD fo? bps Dealing Dapcs, anD euerpe (0O3D i^riDap tbefe pjrrb.peres one toitb another, ^ yoo.ioitb meate, D?inke,monep,anD monep lD03tb. Kiftre inas ne^^ uer C'entleman 03 other that toaiteD in bis feruice, but bao allotoance from bim to bane as toel toages as otbertoife foj bo3rc anD^iB pcarclp po3tion fo; the Difpenfes of bps bourc4ooo.f.l^iscnnnmginrctting bones Dif iopntcD 03 b;oke. l^is Dcltucrp of bps George anD §>eale to fbc3lo3D Straunge, tDPtb that b® mpglyte koepe it fo tmfpotteO ffil! X Quecne Elizabeths 115y t)nrpotfeOtnflDelttieto^td]0?tnccas|iel^at), anD^fti io^e t^at lie Dptt) in ti)e £Iiucencafauoure, tiia topfull parting tl^po UjojIo, Ijis tahpng Icaue of all l)is fcruanto bp ^ahing of banoeo, ano Ijio rememb;aunce to tbe lalt oape. SDljc epgljt anf tioentitb of^.oueinber, lohn Hall 0cn, h ill and WiU tleman, ano Ofwald Wilkinfon, late of Terkc, anD (Ii?ailour ofTor-^fdnafltell, (bttpngbcfo;e arraignco ano conocmncD of treafon) lucre O^alune from tlje Torrer of London to Ttbom;, ano tljcre l)angco,botucllcD ano quartrco. SCbps pearea greateano l^arpc froffalmofferontinunU G,«fe froaeA: Ipelattco, from befojctljefcatte of all faints, tillaffertlje vvmur. feaffeofc^pipljanpofoureilojoe, tuptti fomctimeo greatc ano ocepc rnotoes.ano fometimes raines, tubpcl) frajeo as falfcnstbcramefcllto tljegrouno, tufjere-tbjougbatA^rff- tham in Kern, attOmanpe otljcr places,tlje amies f bougbcs oftrdcs, bdeing oner ctjargeo topttj gee, bjnhe otf, ano fcl fro tlje ffocbcs of tbe fame trees, alfo tlje toino continuco nojtb ano call, till after tbcarcentionoap, luptt) fijarpc frolfes, ano fnotucsjloborebp folloUieoa late S>p3ing. 2ri)e ttnelftl) of Januarpe, William 3lo?Oe Haward Ba-i ronof£j(^"^^^w,iLo20epji«ic^eale,iitnigl)t of tlje noble scaieT"«irea o;oer of tlje Charter, ano one of tlje pjiuie Councell, oeceaf^ feO at Hampton Ceurte. Cbe cpgbteentb of^anuarp, William iLojocSomcrfct, Baticofvpow Carle of^ea bp ppjates, of mucbe of tbeir baggage, on the Sea. ano tb?a oj fonr of tbeir men Oaine. 3n Vramce bc aiio bis traine luere bonojablpe rcccpuco. at tbe cb?ittning be gaue tbe cbploe to name Elizabeth, ano returneo ixiX^Engiande tbefeauenanottoentitbofi^e' b;uarpe. 3in tbo ^onetb of ifeb?iiarp,tb?ougb funojp bainous cS^ WbO.ibf plainte« ^1^4 Qucene Elizabeth* platnttti b;ousbt to tbe ^littdencg ^nteSte and btf Cottiifel ofppjates tbaf bepte tbc narrotue fea«, doing manpe rob^ bcries, as alfo tbe robbing of tljc dearie of ivorceUer, (as is afojefaid^bir ?^ig|)ncfre,bp tbc aduice of f)ir bonojablocoun!' fell, tcDlvc o?Der toptl) tbc ilojde ^Idmirall of EngUnde, tbat bs tbouldc fende to t\)t &oas fljippcs and men to fcotojc tlje narroU) a>cas, and to appjcbenoe fo manpc ppjates fljips, as migbtc be msttctDitt): and foj tbc better doing tfjcreof, it pleafed bir ^aietfie to fendc one of bir olone tbippes na« med tbeSwallowe, to be tbe Admiral, bnder tbe charge of WilliamHolrtocke ofCLomptrollcr of bpJ l^igbnctTcfoippes, tobobadde UjptbbP»n tbcGyllian, tbe iSarhcGarcc.and tbcBarUcofTiirwo^r^^and g^o.ablc mar# rinerSjgnnners f fouldiours intbefaide tb?^tbippes,and and one BarHe tobpcbe fcolojed tbe narrotoc feas, from tbe Pyfarttonthe ipJojtb J^ojclande as farre C^JeaflUjaroes as Falmouth in YYeaft Seas. CornwaH, and t®hc tlucntie tbippcs aiid Baritcs of fnndjpe n^liQX\3.,riz,.E»gltpje, Frenche ttXiXi Flemings, (^\x{ all^U rates) and in fatbion of'coarre. l^e app;ebended in tbofe tbtppes and 2i3arhcs to tbe number of 900. men of all nati« On3,and fenttbem {Q\Xit\XtiCtQSandwtche,Douer,Wightemli Pirr^^o«.'^,(tDberQftbJ£toftbem tbat robbed tlje ©arle of piratsexecutes , tocre tbojtlpeafter erecuted at ivight)n\{si tbe faia William Holftockcjdid refcue and tahe from tbe afaoucfaide |3p;ats fbippes bftesne otber d^ercbantlbippes,laden toitb ^arcbandife,. tbat toerctbeirpjifcs, facing offundjpnati" ons, and fet at libertietfae faid bfterne £percbaunt tbippcs anog®des, tobiefacdone, be returned to Pertfmouth^ and tbcrc ended bis bopage in ^arcb. Tctcrimut, Ramus in bps Commentaries of tbe toars at France, tDjitetbtbUS. 2Cbe Carle ofAFor£-f/? tobc froui bim one of bis foips and hpUed ccrfaine of bps men,U3bcrc' tjpon tbe £iu0:ne ofEngunde tafepng difpleafurc, fente tbe 3Lo?de0dmiratl(raitb be) iubcrein be miHohe ffae matter, ' fc;.xMaiftcr William Holllocketoas fente (asis afo;eraioe) iobo- Queene Elizabeth* ii6j fef bpott all f f&fppcs French anD Flemingt, foafec aiifi carrgEDftU)apcU)baffofameto!)an6e, fotfjatpr. of Mon- gomcncs fttppcs lucre loff, te^o luao 0opii0 to tijc number of fiftic lljtppcs lucllfurnitljco oufeof EngUndc, toptb moncp tbcre bojrolueo/but ncuer repapcD:)tbus bis naiitc betn0 otmmifbco of tbofc tlocntp (bippeo, lubcn Ijx fall)tbcbtn0Snauicnare to Rachel, bebtrcttcb bw courfc auotbertoap,lanoeoat^ f^one tlje facte» Queene Eli'zabetfi* 3lii (l^e meatie time miffreCfe Drcwry 9 i^ir man being er» amine&,as tneil bp fbeir olone confe(fiona,as bp falling oat cftbe matter, (ano alfo bp Browns appcacbmenttbougbt cnlpable) lucre committcD to tuaroe. 0no after mtffrclTc Snundcrs being DcIiuercD of cbilDjanOiburfbcD (fojatflje time of bir bufbaos Dcatl; fl)C IcniicD pjefcntip to lie Dolunc) toasbpon miffrelTe Drewryes mans confcffton, ano otber great liUelpbfflOes, libetuife committcD totbc Tower, ano onSMeoncfoap tbe firtb ofi^ap, arraignco toitb nuarcITc Drcwry at {\tGmidhall,x\)z effcrt oftubofc enoitemcttuao, tbat tbep bp a letter tujittcii, b^b bin pjocurers of tbe fapoe murtbcr, ano-Hnolutngtbc niurtbcrOonc,baD bpmoncp ano otbertuife rclicueo tbe nuirtberer , luberebnto tbep pleaoeo not giltie,bob)beit, tbep lucre botb conoenineoais accelTarics to ^apttcr Saunders oeatb, ano erecnteo in Annesanjer*, Smithfield ttft tljirtantb of ^ap, being OT^eonefoap in tbe tCIbitfon tueebe, at tubitb time tbep botb confelTeO tbem# hangeo. felues giltie of tbe fact. Crnffp Roger, miffrclTe Drewryes manluas arraigneo on iFrpOap tbe" ep0btof^ap,anobee^ ingtbere conoemneo ao acceOTarie, tuao erecuteo luttb bpi9 miilrenfe, at tbe time ano place afojcfapo, ^ot long after, Anthony Browne, bjotbcr to f fojcnameO George Browne, Browne hatw tuas foj notable fclomeo conuapeb from Newgate to nnotberebangeo. SCbc tentb of ^pjill, feauen ^Birateo, tubicb (among Of tbcr) bao bin tabenon tbe il^ojtb &eas, tuere Icooe from hanged ae Southwarke to fVapptKg, ailD fiUC Of tbcm tUCrC tbCrC bangCD, V Yapping. . tbe otbcr ttuo bob tbeir paroonat tbegallotueo. S!nbereatientdcntbofHp;ill,a Cbanolero iuife luitbout ^IdredtgateQtLoHclon, lubO bOO pjaCtifcO bit bufbanOO OCatb t ^ g ^ «*■ « on the JPlliOIlCf bppopfonmgano otbertuapeo, Uiao fet on tbe ptIlo?ptn Cb^ape, tuitb tb;^ otber luomen, lubb bab bin of bir coun^ fell, ttuo oftb^m tuere tuitb bit^tberetubippeo. Kl)is peare,tbe dUudeneo maielfieof being mo* ueb bp tbe Uegent til ScotUnde, in tbe bebalfeof tbe pong scotiadagainn iiing of Scottes ijir Coufcti, fente a potuer of 1500. EKghfl,. E^boroiri,. Queene EIi'zabetfi» men to tlje fOEge of Edenborough CaQell,William Drew- ry oiBarmke, to be C^ctieraU of bir fojces tbcrc, toitfj CDapfavncs as rolotoctlj, ^tr Francis Rufidl IHnigbbCaptapncReade a^Bdrvrike, as ttjefc folotutng alfo, Captapne Yaxley, Captapne Wood, CaptaimcBnckwell, Capfapne Pjkeman,Captapn0 Gammc, Capfapne Cacc, CaptapneCarcvvjCaptapne Erington |03ouoff ^artbalb Captapnc Afl:oll,Captapne Stcrlce captapneof tbc ners,anti Captapne Barton alfo of tljc JBioners. S>iuers otber CD^cntlcmen alfo toenf tbitbcr to fcrue oftljnroUjns fratotUcS,as ^tr George Carie J^ttlgbfj feir Henry Lcc !imgfjfe, ^apffer Thomas Cecil, ^atffer Michaell Carie, fpapttcr Henry Carie, ^apffcr William Knollcs,^apffec Thomas SutCon,;^apff0r Cotton, #aplfer Kelway, ^apQCt Dier,5paplfcr Tiincy, i^apffcr William KiHigrcw,^ap8cir Wiliam Selby, ailO Otbcr« ^tr William Drewry illitl) tl)6 Capfatnes,(^etitlcme, f number of fouloicrs befo?emen# tioncOjpaffeb txmxBdmike toT/^fro tDbencc,on tbcr)ct)» oap ofap2il,tbcp marcbeb on fo Edenborough^mtxtn fotoir, 'th«,churchyd. f tt)t famc oap fommoneb f Cattell in fojmeao follotoefbt §>ir William Kirkanchc,romCtiineof Graunge l^ntgbfG foj as iniicb as tbe sSiueenes ^ateffie OTpfcucraigneJlaDp, bpon tbeearncQrequcSofbtr bcarc cconnRising of ^ofs, pour fouerafgn Jlojoc, mabe fo bir bigbncffc bp bis regent nobilliie, anb ftafes oftbis rcalme,affer algmb mcancst)« feb fo bane rebticeb pou to buttfuil obebience of bis autbo;t^ tp bp freafie, tnbicb bitbcrto pou baue not buelp bearbcneb tnto,to tbe onip btnbcraunceof fbebntuerfall peace in tbis realme,bp tuitbboloing tbat bis bigbi^HTs Caff le,meaning as it fametb, to referue tbc fame foj a receptacle of fojraine fo;ices,to tbe manifcff batmgers botb of tbis realme, anb of nip foueraignelTe, anb tbcrefo?e neccffarie to remoue fo pe;^ rilous a baungcr to botb tbcxealmes,fo? tnbicb conffbera# tion bir^aieftie batb rente birapbeanDfuccoursof men, ojbinaunceanb munition, bnber mp cbarge«no leabing, fa; tbe repugnation anb recouerie of tbe fapbe Caffel,to tbe Xaioe Quecne Elizabctfi^ ffltoe litiigs tfe ano beljalfe, ano t^ercfoje acco?t>tn0 (o ^aittUes commanbement anocammt(rton, tbts ibal be tii 5ac manner to toarne, re^utre anD fummon pon, tbat poii renecr anb bcltuer t^e faiDeCaiteU, mitb tbe inboIeo^Dt# nnnnce,artincrte,uu!nttlons,3;eU)eIs,boulbolDc ttuffc aiiD fucb otber implements tottbtn tbc fame, to me anD tfje bfe anD bebalfe of tije King pour roueratgne, anD bis regent in bis name,immeDiatelp after tbis mp letter of Summons, o; hnotDleoge of tbe fame,(ball come to pou,mbicb if pou o^ bep,as of Duetie pou ougbt^ j ib^n (ball 3 in bir spaiedies name enterpone mp felfe to trauaile toitb tbe regent,coum fel, anD nobilitie bere, fo? p fafetie of pour liues fc.;®tber^ inifc if pou continue in pour former obdinacic, abpDing tbe Canon, tben no further to Itohe fo; grace 0.2 fauour,but pou anD tbe red toitbintbatCadelL to bepurfueDtotbebtter^ mod,anD bolben as enemies to bir maie(tie,pour otone ro;> ueraigne f Countrep,<0iuen at Edenbfirgh bp me Cr Willia Drune finigbte, gcnerall of bir spaie(tics fo2ces noine in ScotU»d,t\)i6 rrb.of :3p2ili57 5. 2Cbe ilo2D Grange Captain of ^ Calfell,notU)itbdaDing tbis romonace,refurcD btterlp to peclD pCalfeljtDbo tberbpo receiueD fucb antoere fro t gencral,as dojDe not to bis com tentation, i^erebpon toere tbe ^aioners fet in banD to cade trencbes,anD to raife mounts in places conuenicnt,to plat tbe o2Dinauncebppon.HnD tben began tije (tege of tbe Ca^ dell infiue places,ti)berc tuereereaeD 5.mounts. Cbedrd tuasfo; tbe regent calleD tbe Jaing mount. SCbe fecoiiDe foj Or William Dfurie general tberc.SdbstbirD Uias gouerneDf bp (ir George Carie. SCbefourtbbpfir HenrieLec . SCb® fiftb bp spaidcr Thomas Sutton Raider of tbeo20inance irt' tbe ii!i02tbe parteof EugUnde. SCbereluasat tbps fiege as is repo2tcD 1500. am of Smtes 6ncbunD2cD,, tbere toas alfo one toitb another paces of ;3rtillerp:? o. fire Canons, nine balfe Canons, ir Culucrings, fire fakers. S^bep toitbin fparcD not to bcdoto fucb as (bep baD, as toel flt p pioners as foiiloiours, in fo mucb t biuerfe toete ijud^ Queene Elizabeth* anu fome flapne, before tljc (reneges anc nicmUcji tntgfjf hz b?ou0t)t to pcrfc(tton,but ttjcp tottbin efcapcD not fr0?,cfpe 4igence of tbe EngUfh Cunners, tbat tbep oifplaceo tbe Oinance in tbeCaffcIl, ano ffrobc oncoftbeircbicfc Ca; nons iutf in tbe nioutb, luberebp tbe fame tuas b?ohen in paces. SCbe rrbj.of^apjtbeaffauU tuas giuen at fcatien of tbecIocUein tbe morning to tbe 5'f«^r^',lDbtcb bptljebarop inanbcDOe of tbe affaplants ioas iDonne, ano teas no foncr entrco bp tbe E>7giijhmcM, but tbat tbe Cenerals Cnfignc toaslbeUjeo,ano"fp?eao bpon tbe front ano toppe tljcreof, fo tbe great oifromfojt of tljcm Untbin tbe CattcH. 3|ntbe meanctime,tobilca tbefc lucre appopntco to giuetbeaf# fault tbus to tbe Sfune, tbere Inrre ccrtapnc EnghjJjmen ano Scottes commaunoeo to mabc a countenance ofan affault at fbe^iSIettfioc oftbeCalfelljluberebptbofe tbat affaulteo tbe Spnrre, migbt tbe moje eafilp obtepne tbeir purpofe, but tbep rafblp aoucnturing farther tban tbep bao in command Ocmentjtocrcbeatcn bache ano rcpuirco,iuitbrrbiif.o?rrr. of tbeir companp flapneanoburt.Cbe fameoap totuaroc nigbtjtbcp imtbin tbe Caffellbp a^^ummcocmaunoeo parlep, tobicb being graunteo, luitb alTurance of all boflEili;' tie from tbat boure Onto tbe rjrbitf.of ^ap, tbe JLojO Peter- roeiuas lct ooUme bpa ropefrcm tbeCaltell, ano after* toaro #^ecne Elizabeth# >173 foarb 3lo;i) Graunge Captapne of t\)t CaflfcII, ano Robert Meluin caitic ItbcUjifc Dotuno to tallie toitb t^e 0cncraIl,anli fuel) otljer aa toerc appopntco to accompanp ijimtfjercbpon at Ieitgt{),to to^te tljo fat'o Dap of^np, tfjeCatlell toas furrenojeo into tlje (janDo oflsir Wiliiam Edenborongi, Drewry, anD fo It rcffcD tn l;ts poCrcfTion fo; tfje time, ano bis CDnCgnc toas fet bp ano fpieao During tfjc fame time, in funo^p places of ttje calfelljanD afterlnaros to tbe great bono? of £'?^W,bp biiii it tons DcliuercDbnto tbebfe of tbe iting of Smtes, aiiD part of tbc fpople of tbe Caftcll toas gu uen to tbe&oulopers,tbeCanons anDHrtilIerie,lDitbcer* tapneotbcr inttruments, left to tbciiing.3jftbe£«^//>wf« bp fo?ce bab taficn if, it oecreeo tbattbep iboulD banc bao tbe tnbole fpople erccpttbe 0rtiUerie,anDfotbouloc baue cniopcD it bp tbe fpace of tb?a Dapes. Caufes of oetiuerie of tbe Caflell toere tbefe: 1 ilacbe oftoateritbe ioell tuitbin tbe CaRel toas ttop* peD anD De61eD bp tbe mines of tbe CaSelt: tbe otber toed loitbout tbe CaSell coulo not feme tbem, fc? tbat tberc toas a mount inaDe to binoer tbem. Hnotber Uiater tberc toas tobicb toas bnhnotone to tbem tobicb toere toitbout, and toas taben from tbem lobm tbe spf^i-re oftlje Catfell » toas taben, out of tbe tobicb tb^p tuere toont to baue a pint a Dap fo? euerp S>oulDiour. 2 ISDtuers ficbe. 5 Stinersburt, 4 ^ot manp to mapntepne Caffel,tobicb bad no fpace # to tabe anp rca,tbcp toere fo piped and ouectoarped» 5 j^iuersdeuidedinopinion. 6 ^omc toere no S>ouIdpers. 7 ^oapdetDastobeIobedfo?» SDberbj. ofBfune, tbe p?tfoncrs toere deliuered bp tbe fapd &tr William Drewry, in ii?efence of fund?p 5mrwand £';^//7Jw«,bnto tbe i^egent, and tbat done, t^e famedap^ (be fapd ^ir William Drewry toitb bts poloer departed to^ tuard Sbe names oftlje p?ifoners tuere tbefe, &ir William Hailc in Nor- thaniptonshire Tha.VVood hoBfc. 1174 Queene Elizabeth J William K'^rkandic 3LarDC of Graurge^ aiiD CapfflirtC OfffjC Cnfftll Qf EdenhHrgb.%])Z^Ql'Q Hume. 2Dt)® ILOJO Leding- ton g>crret?.tic.2Cl)e 3lo;D of t>eterroc concffablc of ca# fteLH^bcCounteffe ArgniUSHMZ'Ld.h'^ of Ledthgton. 5LaDp of GramgeAnit^ otl)crs. SDtje bti. of 3;une bettocne tbc bourcs of one ano ttoo of fbcdocbcintbeafferntDno., a grentc tcinpcfl of baplcano rapnc fjappcnCD at TiceUer in Nortkimftenfhtre^ffiKZ'AfaiOf ugbc fttc fjoufes in tfjat Solon locrc bojnc DoUin,anD mojc fojc ptriObsa loitb tbc loafers lobitl) rofe of tbat tcnif peffjtbc bade fiones luerc fquarc ano fire pnebrs abontionc rbtlDc loas there Ojoloneo, ano manp fijcepe ano otfierrat? tel, lobicbc the cCfatcr loas fallen, manrc of tbem lucre Iping on tlje bl'Sbc bef Sfs, lob^tc tbc loaters bab left tbem. Sberbj.of guneThomas Woodhoufe, ap?itfieofii'«- cokefljire^f^o fiaO latlTC lOHQ pjtfoncr in tbe FUete, luas ar# raigneo in tbe Gudde Haiiof Londontberc conoemneo of btgbe Ireafon, lobo b^bbe iiiOgemenfe fobebangeo ano quartereo , ano tuas erecuteo at T/^^rwtbeninetecntbof 3!une. Sbcrbj.of2lugulf,Waltei (Sarleoffj/^.v, actompanpco it'h oth« f2'' tbe iLojo Rich.ano oiuerfe otbcr 0entlcmen,imbarbcD unntriuiand'. tbcmfelucs in fcuerall Ibippes at Letrpoo/c, ano tbe luinoe fitting berpluelljtohe tbcir borage toiuarocs Sbe Garle after manp ano great Oatingers on tbe fea,at length tuanne Copcmmis pianos,from lubence in a JBinife ofeap? fainc Perces be tuas b?ougbt fafe to KnockfergHj.TLfjt ILojDc Riche luitb tbe libc oangers lanoeo at Cafiel Kt/c/if(,lo])tr^ being mette bp Captainc Malby, £Bailfer SmithjanO ap^ iter Moore |3cntioners,luas conouaco to i^cbe Abhej/^n.f llcr ?vla!bis boufe, tuberc be bao in a reaoineffe on tbeinoj--» rob) mojntng a buncjeo ano fiftie bojlTcmcn fo? tbeir fafe; gucroe to Krmkefergm, beCoe fiftie Iternes lubieb toente a foDtc tb?ougb tbe ClsafDOOes: tbcre tuas amongtt tbefe a tbir# tie botues tuitlj a JiSaggcpipe; tbe reft b^b partcs.^ir Bri- Eat'e ofEITex aa Queeiie Elizabeths 1175 anMakcphclinfjao pjaptD tfjcconntrepjanDfahciiatDapc fol^atUiadtobecarrpeOojti^tuen, butontbefittb temhzr'^z came to Knockefergta fotbe ©arte'of ano tfjcrcmatjc bis fufamtfTion: tfje number of Rpne toercelfet# mcD tbirtte tl)oufanD0,bertoc nno Ocoinc^ lifter bim Ferdoroughe Macglllaftikc, tljC bItnDC Scoites fonnC,Roze,Oge,Macwilline DID tbc lthC,atlD DiuCrfC Otbtl' fent fbcir melTengcrs to tbc ( tbat tben tocc at bis 3lO3Dlbtp0 bifpofitton, astbellBarrcnof Dor.garrow, Coyjdenel,Odonel,mti tl)C lohn Riuers Grocer,the 2 S.ol Ofto'oer. ^Mator. > £CbeFj.of;a)ctobcr Peter Burchet (5entlemanne (oftlje mtbtile temple) Uittb bps Daggcr,fosatnlp aflapleDjcrueF Ip toounoeo,anb ment to bane murbereo a fertiifable d^en^ tleman nameb lohn Hawkins 0rquirc,a0 l)z iuitb Cr Willi- boucikw am Winter,ant) anotljer getttIeman,rotic toUiarDS weHmin- H^vkent^'^^ ^er,in tbe bigb ttreate neare to tbe £rr^»^e,bepon0 tb.e 2Ue« pie barre f)tLondo», foj tobicb tije fapo Bnrchet being ap^ piebenbeo ano commifteoto tbe SUotoer, toas after erami^ nco concerning tbe facte, tube aunCtDereb tbat be tcoke tbe fapbc jpapCer Hawkins tai anotber (iI^entleman,aHb being further eramineb, be toas founbe to bolbe certaine erronc# ousDptniflns,fo,jtbetDbicbbetoasfcntcto tbe 3lollarbcs SCotoer, from tbence being calleb into p confitfojie ztPauls HetctkkJ^" Cbutcbjbcfoic {' rigbt retierenb father Edwin i3. of London^ I Otbcr,f bp tbeni eFamineb,bclta)bc in bis opinions,tilt ^ fentence ^^7^ 0"cene Elizabeth*.^ . ,. > fenfcncc of fiea(I), as an Ijcrptihc teas roaDtc fo fjauc b ti pjonounccD againft bimcn fl)c fourtl) of jj5Ducmbcr,buf tbjougf) t\)e carneR pcrCmafions ofDtucrs leaniEO mon, lobe tffibe great papnes in ttjat matter, be rcncunccD, fo^ fojoje, alio afaiureo bis opinions fo? erroneous ano Dam# Peter Kurd,et p?omiftng neuer to rcturnc to tbem,anDalfo toil# abiuredhishe- lingtp to Do anD perfojmc all fucb penance as tbs JlBiffjop .fjuj nmmui'lre^^ ijiso?DinariefboulDeniopnebim.SCbsir.ofiliouembertbc to do penance, fapD Pctcr Burchet loas remoueO fromtbe LowlardsTmer to tbe Tcmer of London, tobcre on tbc Hcrte mo?roto about ' ■ timne, tobilcrt one tbat baD bcpt bi«n companp toas gone DoU)nc,anDlocUcDtbeDo2eaftcrbim,leauinganothcrtoitb bim calleD Hugh Longvvordi,tDbo ttosDc at tbe tuiiiDoto rea# 'j' Ding in tbclBpblc,tbe fapD Burchet Uialhtng bp anD Dotone f ^ in tbe tbaniber, tohe a billets euD out of tbe fire, anD Hnoc# Pefer Burchet ficf tfis fspb Loiigwoith Oil ffie beaD,anD left not till be bao ^'7" kiiuth lus kee-: ftrihen bim Ifarbe DeaD, foj tbe tobicb on tbe nejrt mojroto, bo Uias arraigneo anD coiiDemneD at iveUmtnUer, anD tben xtt\xxiu\ito SonierfethoHfe,\}3\)txz\)Z rcmapiieD tbatnigbto, ano on tbe nert mojroUj, being tbe tloclftb of ipoucmber, be Uias bjougbt to tbe gibbet, tobere after bis rigbt baiiDc ' Peter Burchet being Ifriben off, anD napleD to tbe gibbet, be toas bangeD hanged, nigfi tbo placE tubcre bo toounDeD maiffer Hawkins. , , STbispeare about llainmas,U)beate Uias folD at w|itnfi nnoreg.i jjut j|jQjj(paffpj. jf jjj-jg tfiftOR fco to four fl}illings,fiue fl)tlling5,(!re lbilltngs,anD befo?e -®!ni CbJittmas to a noble anD feaucn fl)iUings, tobicb focon# -tlani Desrth vvith- tinueD long after tbafctoasfolDfo; ttDentppcnce,anDttiio ,,jpaiiiitii out fcatcttie. anD tuientp pence tbe tfonc, anD all otber flelb anD tnbilc fetitc meates at an erccCfmcpjtce, all binD offiiltfifl) berp Dare, as fpue bearings ttuo pence f c. pet great plentpe offrclbe -{liitt f fitbE,anD oft times tbe fame berp cljeape ; peafc at foure ^billings tbc bulbell, otcmcale at foure gjljiHings epgbf ^ili) pence: bap fait at tbJa ^billings tbe bulbellfc. ^lltbps Dcartb nottoitbtfanDing (tfianbes be gincn to (0oD) tbere luas no hjant of anp tbing to bim tbat tuanteD not wonep^ -4^ } "77 1574 Queene Elizabeth* fourth of0p;U( bettis )^nlme ^unbap, t^tve ioais faheu fa:nng ofi^afTc m tfjc ilojoe Moilcis bowfe Uittbt" jild^ateoiLoidon, onC Albon Dolman anO HaDP Pficrts faying Morley toitb Ijir el)tlo?cn ano otuera otjjcM, tutre alfo fa? benljtarmgof fljefapsc^alT^SCbercUjas alfo fakcntbc fame Dap anD fjourc fo? raping ^a^ at tbe ilaDp Gilfoi dcs in Trimt'te Lane, pllC Oliucr Hey wood J^jielf, anD fO? lj®a> ring of tbc fapo ^aOTe, tbc fapDeJLaDp Gilford, fuiffj Diucro. otljer (0entIeU)omcn. SCljerc teas alfo fabcn af t^e fame inttant in tlje ILaDp Browncs fjouft in Cow Lane foj raping ^^a(^e,one Thomas Hey wood janD ono lolin Couper pjtcff jtoitl) tl)e llaDp BrowneranD Diners ofljer, luerc Ithe? toife fabcn, being bearers oftbe fapD ^affe. 011 tobi^b pcr? fans mere foj tbe fame offences inDirteD, conuicfeo, anD bao fbe IviU) accojDing to tbe statute in tbat cafe pjouiDeD, SDbcre tuas alfo fonnDintbeir feuerall CbappeIs,Dpuers latin BrDfecSjliSeaDcs, 3| mages,|3aImes,Cballiccs, Crof^ res,?:ieamcntB,?0ire6,5Bares,anD futb libe. Counfic Mongomery toas tabcn in Normandj/ixi tlje PcttriUmuf, Calfell of Donfro,an tlje rrbti-of ^sip. STbe ir. of31ulp,atfij;eohbetlo£i5e af nigbf, in fbe 3jire of Thanet bcfsDeS Ramefgate in fIje parifb of Saint Peter fjn# Dertbe Cliff, a monffrous filb ojOTbale offbe^caDiD ' fbajte ijimklfz on (bo?e, tobere fo? Uianf of loafer, beating nionftrous « bimfclfe on fbe ranDs,be DpeD about fire of tbe cloche in fbe ["r hJcyerbl* ncrt moming, befoje tobicb time be roareD, anD tnas bearD ing great,were moje fban a mile on fbe lanD»Xijc length oftbis i^ifb loas '."oTin^backc flue anD ftnentp paros,fbe nefber iatu flnelue ftofe fbe ope? nmg,onc of bis epes being fahen out of bis beaDjloas mo?e fban lire bo.:re in a carf coulD Djalu, a man If coDe bpjigbt in fbe place from tobence fbe epe tuas fahen, tbefbichncCfe from fbe bache toboreon boleip,fo fbo foppe of bis bellie (lubicb toas bptoaro) toas fourfane fofe, bis faple of fbe fame bjeaDfb, betlueene bis epes ftuelue fojfe, fb?a me lfQ)D bp?tgbf in bis moutb, fomc offbertbbes toererb). fojfe log, bisfong Uiasrb. fcotelong, bis liner tljuo cart loaDe, into 11 Ml I' 7^ Queene EIizabetfi» \)is no(lf«Is anp man migljt I)atie crept; tfje oplc bctn^ IcD out of tbe beaD mao |Barma(iitte,tb^ oile of t)ta boop toas U)btti(T)c, ano ftoate of t&lfe. obreqoieafc Sbtjc fcaucntb of ^liigulf ,0 folcmpne C'bfcqtuc tcao hcpf F^enciieT'If Cburct) at London foj Charles tljc nintl) l^uig Titer Hvnm, Of Fraunce^ lobo being popfoneD, occcafTeD on tfje tl)p?tttb of ^aplatfebefojepaCreD. Agnts BrijgM fiftantt) of0.ugutf^ being ^unbap, Agnes Bridges &Kacheii Pin- a maioc about tbeage ofirr.pcrcs, f Rachcll Pmdcr atoenct; Se far coun- about tl)e age ofrj.oH'C/ feres olDc,tol)obotf) of tbem baObe terfaytingeobe foantcrfaitco to be pofTeffeb bp tfje Diuel(toberebp tbcp bab poiTsiTed. maruellounpc bclnbeb manp people,botb menne anb lootncnjbutairobiuersfncbperfons, as otbcrinife foe* mebtobe ofgob Uiitanb bnbcrCfanbing; ftobe befoje tbe ^^jeatber at P^iw/frCroCTejtubere tbcp aclmolnlebgcb tbcp.j bppocriticall counterfapting, toptb penitent bebauiourcs, reqnp?ing fojgiuenclTe of (0ob anb tbe toojlbe, ano tbe peo# pic to ptap foj tbem. anfo tbeir feucrall eraminations anb confclTions mere tbere openlp reao bp tbe |3?earbcr,ano a5 tcrirarbs publitbeb in]|3jint,fo? tbe further pofferitie berc- after to bctoarc oftlje lilte bccciuers. AlaJ ofiS.yercs £::bc fourth of September in tbe afternfflne,futb a 2c;in blt'ch^nTu It of rapnc IjappeneD at London, as tbe litre oflcng time coulbe London. not bc rcmcnibjcbjlobrre-tbjougb tb? Cbaucls of tbe vTitp fobainclperpftng, ran mitbfucbe forcible ccurfc totuarbcs tbe common lT}ojc&, tbat a lab of tbe age of ergbt^bepcrcs, , ininbingtobaueieaptconcrtbessLbanellncerebnto Dotm- gate, luas bojne oner luitb tbetfreame, ano bp tbe fame car# rpcb from tbe stonbuit tbere, totoarbes tbe fhamis, toptlj fucbe a CmiftnelTe, tbat no man Iwptb llaues o? otbcr toapes coulbe Ifape bpm, tpll be came againffe a Cart lob^ie tbat acDbein tbetuatergate, afo;e tobicb time be toas b;oU)nei> anbffarkebeab. SherifesFl Thomas Blanke;Anthony Gaminage,the iS.of Septemb. Maiot. V lames Hawcs Clothwoikcr,the 2S.ofO^obcr. SUljis ^aio; toente bptoafer to westmwTier, anb (bcrc. tcoke^ Queene Elizabeths fffihc 1)13 off)C,as ^at^e bin arcuffomefi j 1)Z bcpte no feaS at no Maior, tl)$ 6>/JW/,altIjou§bc grcatepaouifton baboc banemaae fo? tfjat purpofCjbut bpncD at bia olrnc bonfpjUjprb b?0 b}C'- tb jcn tbe aiacrmcnttbe Compaines otneb at tbcp? fcucral f^allcc.SCbtsluas Done bp appointment of tbc £I5uanc9 ^aietties (Eoimcell, to auoioe infection of tbe plague, litie to baucencrcafco bp comming togitbcr of fuel) a mulfi*' tube.Sbis luaheTrom tbe ttoo ano ttoentitb to tlje cigbte anb ttoentitf) of£?aober, beccaCfcb in tbe citie anb liibei# tiescontaimingloS.paritbes ofalbiCTcafcs ic6, oftfjelufji^ cf)e number 7 5. Uierc acronipteb to bpe of tlje plague. . ^icbaelmatreSCeniie, tubpclje babbc baneabiourneb Termeadxor- bp|3?orla!nation,bcganatc^^(f/?ff2w7billing« tijc bufbcll, at totjicb PJice it ttapeo (little o> nothing riling oj falling) all tbe peare aftcr,but bap falle B»y faitdeate. toas rapfco ffom tbja Ibillinga to fourc HjiUings, fiue iTnU lingo, ano fire (billings tlje bufbell, tbe liHe tobercof b^o netter bin f^ne oj Ijearo (nitljin tbio llealme. STbc four ano ttoentitl) of ireb?iiarp,tl}e fealt of Saint Ma- fr^'^Vhenm^to 0" lubicbe bap, tbe fairc tnashcpfe at Tey kcjhr^rie,a ftrange. ' Ifrange tbing b^pnco tbEre,foj after a flouo, tubicb Uias not great, but fucb as tbercbp tbe meooUjeo neere aoiopning mere coucreO luitb toater, in tbe afternome tbere came Ooumetbe Utuer of Seuerne greate nnmbero of flpesano batclo, fucb as in ^ommer cucnings bfc to (IriUe men in tbe fare, in great beapcs, a fcote tbicbe aboue tbe tuater, fo tbat to creoible mens iuOgcment,tberc toere fdcne loitbin a paircofbuttelengtbsof tbofc flies abonea bunojeo qnaD ters. Sbe milles tbereabontes toere DamneO bp toitb tbem fo; tbe fpacc of fourc oapes after, ano tben toere cleanfeo bp nigging tljcm out toitb Ibouels: from tobence tbepramcis pet bnlmotone, but tbe oap toas colo ano a baro frofl. JHbe rrbj. of i^ebjuarp, bettodene foure ano fire of (be sarthqaake. aftemcone, great ©artbquabcs bappeneo in tfle Cities of Torki/^oorcefter,GlocefierjBnBorv,HerefordJiWti in tbe Countreps about, tobicb caafeo tbe people to runne out of tbcir boufes, fo; feare tbep (boulo baue fallen on tbcir bcaos»3n TewkepHrie,Bredon,mo otbcr placcs, tbe oifbes fell from tbe cupbo;os, ano tbe ^0lies in mens flm opes from ^e (bclues.- 3|n Norton Cbappelt, tbe people hki ing on tbetr bnas atcucning p;aper, tbe groimo mmuing, raufcO tbem to rimne atoap, in great feare tbat tbe oeao boopes toouloe baue rifcn, o; tbe Cbappcll to baue fallen; parte otRytben Calicll fell ootone, toitb certapnc b;iche fbimnepsin (I5entlcmcns bonfes.SCbc bell in tlje Shicre hall of Denbtgh toas caufco to toll ttoico bp (balling Of tbe ballfc. Caflcr oap,tobifI; it'as tbe tbiro of ^Tpjill, about ir. of Qucene Elizabeths af fl)e clocke in tijc fojenoine, tnas 6tfclofel> a congrcffaiion of^nabaptiftea Dutchmen, in a fjoufc tottfjout tfje barrcs of /i/ci^ate at LoKdofi, tobttcofiDcrc faben ano fcnt to p;tron\ ano four of tt}cm bearing faggoto reeanteb at PauUs Creffe ou tbc tb.Dap of ^ap in fo?me ao folloinetb. r^i^creao I.I.T R.H. facing fcbuceb bp fijc SDiuell fl;e fpiritof errour, anb bpfalfc teacb^to fjis ii^initfers, banc fallen into certapne mod oetedable anb bamnable relics,namelp: 1 £Dt)at Cbiiill^ noi fubdance oftbe blcn> fcb birgin sParp. 2 SDbat infants of tbefaitbfoU ougbtnot to bebapti^cb. 3 liTbat a Cb?i(^t^ti man mape not be a ^agidrate, o; beare tbe Ca)o;b o; office of auitbo;itie. 4 SCbat it is not latDfuU fo? a Cb^il^ii^n to tabe an otbe. i^oto bp tbe grace of 0ob,anb tbJongb conference fcopfb gcDb anb learneb ^iniders ofCb^^id bi« Cbnrcb, 31 bo inu berdanbanbachnotolcbge tbe fame to be mod bamnable, anb betedable bcredes, anb bo afbe C>ob, bcrre before bps Cbnrcb, nicrcp foj mp fapb fo?mer rrrours, anb bo fojfahe tbcm,recant anb renounce tbem, anb abiure tbem from tbe bottom of mp beart, pjofeffing tbat 31 certapnelp faeleetfe 1 H:^batCb2iK icobe Qefb of tbe fubdance oftbe btedcb birgtne^arp. 2 :srbat infants of tbe faitbfnil ougbt to be baptifeb* 3 Cbat a cbJiltisn ntan map be a ^agidrate, o; beare tbe toojb anb office of auttbojitie. 4 STbat it is latpfuU fo; a Cb^il^tan to tabe an otbe. 0nb further 31 confelI]e,tbat tbe inbole &)o(trine anb Ut* ligion edablilbeb anb publilbeb in tbis Uealme at England, asalfotbattobicb io recepueb anb paeacbebin tbeSDutcb Cbnrcb b^re in tbis rottnb,true,f acco;bing to tbe teo;bof(0ob2boberebnto in all things 3{ fubmit mp felfe, CCee.i^s ana iiS:; ArchbL'hopof Canttrburic 4ec(»fcJ> Wtlttr lUddont^ 'B} yyHome ■ , I /ftS r^a. ^h■ Qucenc Elizabeths anD foiltmoQslatilp be a member fatb Dfttch from beiuefojtb bttcrlpabanbomnganb fojfabttigallanO euerpe HnabapttSicaU errour. Klfis t$ mp fattb noloe in tbe Uibicb^ 31 bo purpofe anD fruff to flanDfirme,ano ttebfattbnto tbe eno, f tbatS map fo Doe,31 beftrcb pou alt to pMy mitb me anD fo) me,to d^oo tbe beanenlpe father in tbe name of b»o fonne our fautouE 3eriM»CbJift« S:be Itbe recantation iuas maDe bp tbcm af^ terltwrDes in tbe Cburcb. 2Dberbgi.Dap of£J9ap,abDiit miDnicbt folotoing, f rigbC reuercnDe S^atljer in c^od Matthew Parker, 2?ottour of dp Uinitie,3rcbbilbop of Canterburte DCCeafeD at Lambeth, ano U)ao tbercbono3ablpcburieD , oniobofeSnombebeinsof blacke ^arble,is tontten tbio CDpitapb^ maoe bp E^octour Walter Haddon. Sobritu (J prude»s,ftftdji exculttu ^ vjlt,. Integer & vera rcligtonis amans, Aiatthatu vixit ParksrK6,fouerat ilium Aula virum iuuenem,fouit aula fenem, Ordine resge^itjreSli defenfor atpti^ yixerat ille dec,mortuns ille deo eft. SEbis reucrenD jpatbcr eramineD tb?oitgblp ffje Engl/fne tranOation of tbe bolp 115iblei^, tobcrein be partlpe bfcD tbe belpcofbisb;etbjeni5ifl)oppes, anD otbcr2Dottoaro,antJ. caufeD tbe fame tabe nclulp pjintcD in tbe largett bolume, foj tbe furniture of manp ctjurcbcs tben toanting. aifo ma# king Diligent fearcbe fo? tbe antiquitieo^of tbe Bretons, ana Engitihe Saxons, to tbc cttD tbofe monumcufs migbt be care# fuUp hepte, be caufeD tbem to be lueU bounDe anD trimipe couerea, anD fitcb toberofbcUneto berp ftU) eramptes to be ertant(among tbe tobieb tuas Matthew Pans,M.-itthcw Flo- rjlegus ano Thomas Wairingl-iara)bdecaurca to be p?intea», r famous Wallace ofbic feadt Canterburte bp long conti# nuaunce oecapea anD confumeD initb fire,be renctocDjbuiU, f ^e founDeb a <5rammcr. fcbol? in in tbe Coir< tit Queene 'Elizabeths fit of L4*)CAiler. SCo Corpus Chrifli(EflHeOgC III Caf?il'riJ^e'^tp^OCUVtti T ^ ^cbollerlljtps, ana bare flje ctjarges in inaliins ana furnis fl}in3tiDO(rbambcrsfojfc|)oIcr0,anot^einli)ara itjjajte oftbcfanieCoIIcDge. 3ltcm be sauc io v oiittoara f intuara iLtbjarie of ^ faiae Collcogc a goalp companp ofpjintea bohee, f a great ber of Uijittcn bofeeo of great antiquitie i muebc balue. 3jtem be pjocurca to t fata Colleage, ^ patronage of S. Mane ^kchurch in Londo.'^ttm be batb founoea tlDO fcIoUj^ tbips in i' faia Coileagc, f pjocurea one Charter of muive to tbe fum of C.Ii.bp pearc. 35 tern be batb giuen to ^ fame Colleage of ftlucr plate aoublegutUe ^©9. ounces 3 quarters,! furrcnaerca to tbein a leafe tuitb tbeinipjoue-- ment ofriig.pouna bigi.tbiittngspeareipfo^rbiji.prares. gtem 1 oo.E, to p maintenance of a fter in i^all fro !^as lamas to Canalemas,f bp latt tuill f teffament ^oo.f, 3|tem to aiuerfe fcbolers cbabers toitbin t faia colleage, atuers beaSeeas,U)itb fuificient beaaing f bobes to remain fo} cuer. Bitem be batb founaea fo; euer b.^ermons to be p?eacbea in aiuerfe places of Norfoike euerp peare in roga# tion toffbCjf rl.tbilUngs to be aeaiaca at Nomvich to \ poje ana otber. 3 tern to tbe Citie of one JiSafonf Cto?c offtluer ana aonble guilt. 17 5 .ounces. 3 tern to i^toton of MAtfdin Narjfoike fo> euer an anuifte of ^©.(billings to be acuiaeato tbepaijejibitb a Sermon in Kogationioeebe* 3tern to Gurnilmti Caim ColeOgeone rcbolerlbipjfoitb a (fanaing cup f a pot offiluer aouble guilt s 5.ounces tb;& quarters,ana one nett of goblets tuptb a couer filuer f gilt, tsitb a number ofga)a bcohcs to tbeir llib;arie. 3tera to Trtnitie Hall one fcbolerlbip, a ffanaing cup ana a pot of filuer ana guilt,5 ? .ounces,a neafi of goblets fiiuef ana gilt tuitb a couer,ana bcoHes to tbeir lib?arie. 3tem totbei!3niuerfitie lib^ariefiftieoiaeantientlo^t;' ten ba)hes*ana fiftie p;intca baibes, CbC'ee.iiif. SCbc 1184 Annabaptiftes banislMdt Hot pttfons of the familie of lout ftoode at Paulej Croflfe. AnnabaptiHes brent. Thnndct and hayU. Theglaffit Itoofebicnt. Qucenc Elizabetlie SClje nU of #ap being Mbtffoneuen, one man anb feti ioomen anabaptitto SDutcb, toere in tbe confittojp of wnocmneo to be b?ent in Smithfield, but after great papnes taking toitb tbem, onlp one Vooman toas conuerteo, tbe o* tber toere banitbeo tbe lano. £Dn tbe firtt of June, tbe nine toonien being leooe bp tbe ^bcrififes officers, tbo man toas tpeo to a Cart aiio tobippeo , ano to all conucpeo from NevrgAte to tbe toaters fioe, tobere tbep toere tbippcb atoaf iieuer to returne agapne. SCbepti'OfJnnejftoOe tA Faults Crojfc fine perfons £«- giij%7)ieK,Qt tbe feet tearmeo The family oUouc, tobotberV confeffeD tbemfelues bttcrlp to oetelf as tocU tbr anctbour of tbat feet all bP® Oamnable errours ano l^e? reflies. acbc wb* of 3jalp, ttoo Dutchmen ainabaptifts, toere bjcntin^wtt^/rpfcmber, bcing&unbapabout feauen of tbe cloche in tbe mojning, a ccrtapne ©laiXe boufe tobicb fometime bab bin tbe CrolTcb friers ball, nareto tbe To- weratLondon,outoua terriblefire, toberebnto, tbe Bloto^ato?, aibermen anb^b^tififes toitb all erpebition repaireb,ano pjactifeb tberr all meanes poffible, bp toater, buckets, bcobes, anb otbertoife to baue quencbcb it, all tobieb nottoitbfianbing, tobereastbe fame boufe in a fmalf time before bab confumeb great quantitie of totob bp ma« king of fine o?inktng glalles, noto it felfe bauing toitbin it nsrefo;tie tboufanb billets of toeob, toas all confutnebto tbe done toalles, tobicb toalles greatlp befenoeb tbe fire from fp^eabing fartbrr,anb boing anp moje barbie. SDbr Queene Elizabeth# 11S5 ir^errt)|.of September, ajaulferfi toffc in fbepartflb ef FoutechyMreii Cb^ffcs cburcb luitbtn Newgate OtLondon, Uja« tJeliueteO f atonebtttJtn- b;ousbt^ to beo ofttii.rbtltijen at one burDen,at females,oi ntatDen cbilojcit.Iobtcbc Uiere br> ffjs names Fii- zabcthj Mary,Margaret,anO Dorothy,anO tfje fame OOP ^P0» net!) tbe motber toas faurieD,but al tbe foarc cljttojcn liuing^ antJ in 0qjO lifting lucre borne to cburcfj after bir. Edward OsburnCjWolrton Dixfev,the >8. of September. > Ambrofe Nicholas Saltcr,thc 28. of Oftober. tjfiator. > STbis ^ato? tuent bp Uiater tt^fvefiminfier anb fbere tobe bis otbe as batbe b^ne accuSomcD, be bepte no feaQe in tbe Gtid-hail^xxX opneb at bis oUme boufe toltb bis b?etb?en tbe ^[iDernienanDotber. Cbs Companpes bpnebat tbctrfe« ncrall italics,!c, Cbts toas bone as in tbe peare laffc bec» foiepalTeD, to auoibe tbe infection of tbe plague, lobpcbe mpgbte bane encreafeo bp comtnpng togptber of greater number. Cbat toabe from tbettooanDtUientitbbntotbe eigbt anb ttuentitb of ;©ctober, beceaffeb in tbe Citie ano JLiberties, ofalbifeafes 122. of tbe tobicb number t^.toere accomptebtobpeoftbeplague. nertlodtltefollolDing enbing tbe tbirbe of^ouember (tbanbes be gpuen to (E^ob tberefoje) tbere beceaflfeb of all Dicreafes but no. anb of tbr oftbe plague but 25. SCbe eleauentb ofil'ebjnarp, Anne Auerics totoot»e,fo^ yinno 8 toearing birfelfe fo^a tittle monp tbat ttit Iboulb baue paib God punishcth fOjftrepounDeofCotiie, at a ff)Op in IVeedftreete of London, ?«""»«• fell immebiatelp^bolune fpeecblrire, calling bp at birmoutb in great abunbance,anb Initb bo?rible ainhe,tbe fame mat^ ter, iDbpcb bp natures courfe fboulb batte bin boibeb bobnti' toarbes, til flbe bpcb: a terrible erample ofdJobs iull iubge^ ment bpon fucb as mabeno confcience of ftoearing againS tbep? biotber. S^be fiftdentb ofiPeb?oarp,EdmondGrindale fomefime Archbishop eioi Bilbop of late artbbilbop of Tor/^^.ttras in tbeCbar=» ferboufe of Saint pjhm4»,bo}nMt1)t in tbe Citie o( London,f a Clearbe of tbeCbancerte, named Peter Bales, tobo bp ^16 tnOtittrte ano p?atttje of bps pen c3< friaco f fxjiit toitbtn tbe coinpaflTc of a penp, in JLatine, tbe i,o?Ds pjapcr^tbe CraeoCjtbe ten Commaoemento, a pjap» er to (ID^oD, a p.:aperfo? tbe ^usne, biti Pofiie, \)is name, Dap of tbe monetb, tbepercofour 3lo?D, f fberaigneoftlje S5u®HC: ^fnb Upon tbe feauent^tb of ^uguffe ncete folio* Suing at Hampton Court be pjefcnteo tbe fiime to tbe ©udenff ^aieSie in tbe beabe of a Upng of (^olee, couereo mptb aCb^tSall, ano p^efented tberetoitb an excellent ^pe* ctacle bp bim oeuifeo fo; t b e eaiier reaoing thereof, Subere* Suitb bir ^aiefltie reao all tbat toao to^itten therein , lu^tb greate aomiration,f commenoeo tbe fame to tbe ilo?oeo of tUe CounceU,ano tbe (i^mbairaoouro, f oio Sneare tbe fame matip times Upon bir finger. X\)e monetb of^ugafi, nfbnp complaints bdtpng b;ou* gbteto tbe £I>tnenes i^aiefiie anobirCouncell bppontbe Flafhmgers foj greate fpoples ano robberies bp tbem oap* Ipecomrnitteobponbirbigbneire ^ubiectes, bir ^aicfiie gaue o?ocr toptrt foure gojO ^bips ano ttuo Barbes of bit obm to tbe §>eas, bnoer tbecbargc of Staffer William Hoi- ftocke (£fqiuer,ComptrolIer ofall birbigbneffcfl)ips,b)itb eleanen buno;eo men, bictuaileo fa; fire loeebes, in lubicbe time mas bp tbem taben cigbte;f/«^-'i«^^r/ S)bippes , and ^arhes, prices, antrttoobunojeoanottuentp^ea rouers- in tbem, lobo mere fenfe alanoe tofunojp pjifons. Walter Deueroax, cSarIc Q^Ejfex, ano (Erie i^artball of Irelande, ^^nigfjt of tfic ojOetof tfie Charter, falling ficite of a iafbeontbeoneano ttocntitbof^ugafic teas greeuoullpe tojmenteo bp tbe fpacc of tUio ano ttoentie oapes,f oeceaffed on tbe ttoelftb of^eptember at Bimitn in Ireland. William KcmptomGeorge Barne,the 2 8. of September. Sherifes. ? Sir lohn Langley, tlie zS.of Oftober. U^ter. f 2rbe r,of i^ouember,m t Citie of^mfB otone btoihei langed. natural aiiD louing bjotber, tobo firtt finotc out bis bjatnea toitb an aire, ttjen cutte bis tbJoate, ano after burpeo bpm tjnoer tbe l^artb of a Cbinwcp, tbinUing tberebp (tbougbc lo^ongfuUpjyct quictip to baue eniopeo bis bjotbcrs gcoOB, long bcfoje in bis poffelTion, but not long after tbis recreate tnuroercommingto ligbt, tbemurocrer toas retuaroeo ac# co;Ding to bfs oererto. . SCbe feauentanib of ^^arcbc, fbJougb a Crange tempcff Annoreg, ip bsppsnco in tbc i^ojtb nare to a totonccallco Ruh. puricke Brum. Hot onclp Cotagc6,2:raB,ffiarncs,anD i^apffatbeg, ion ouerturned. butolfo tbS niofte partC OfaCbUtCb calleo Patrtke Brumton, toas ouertb?oU)en, luitb mofte llraungc Cgbtes in tbe a^ae botbe terrible ano fearefull. SDbe fire ano tlnentitb or^arcbe,tbe neto Contiuit norre Oha!iLbie fte" oiSome, ano a &tani»art toitb one Cocfie at Oidhorne .of'MaiLi''Lab! bjiogc, toetc begon to befounoeb bp William Lambe/orn# Sit buiwe£°"' time (Gentleman of tbe Cbappol to iSing Hcnrie tbe epgbt, jiolDCitijenanDClotbUjo?torofLo«<(/o», tbe toatcr liiber* ofta conuepeo in pipes of Heao from oiuers fpjings to one beao, ano from tbence to tbe faioe Conouit ano^tanoarte nioiietbantluotbouranoe paroes in length, alliobpcbs of bps olone colics ano charges, amounting to tbe fummctof fiftsne buno;eo pouno,lDas fullp finitbeo tbe four ano ttDe;» iitb of 0ugu(le in tbe fame peare- £^ojeouer,tbe faioe William Lambe batbe gpuen to tbc b}o;(bipful (Tonipanp of tbe stationers in LWe>»,a legacie of fire pouno tbpjtctne (billings ano four pence tbe pere fo? cuer, to tbe enoe,tbat tbofe Stationers Iball in tbe parilbe Cbnrcbe ntSamt Fatth tmoer PmUs cburcbe, oiffributc to tlneluepojepeopleeuerpei^rioap ttoelue pence inmonep, ano tlnelue pence in b^eaoe, tobpcbe botb bin truelp put in t?e tbefe feauentsne o; eigbt^ne peaces before tbis p;c^ Cent peare. 1580. 3|tcm,toCb?iffes!^orpifall xnLoKdo», pearelpfojencr ^tcr bis OeecalDr fire pounoe^ ano one Ctponnoe in monep ta 11 It pt .13 ftin iult ma! Mfl ^irt itin isS; iii! liiiiiii N Ik,';! ftti Ukr itlfi W.5 ftltlo 11 ilU m\ lit! •Ik Kit Quecne Elizabeth* iiBy fo pttrc^jafe laniics fo? ffjc fapJe l^ofpitall, btCties manre ot^er coQtpe ti^oc0 t^iere Done as maps appears. 3|fe»l to Saint Thomas ^ofpttalltll Southwark; fourc pounae pearclp affcr fjys acccalTc. 3(temj to the l^ofpiialt calisc Uje, founoeD bp itttiij Henne f {)c fea uentf), t)t mtnDcO f o Ijauc giuen one l;unDjeD pounDc in moncp, to purctjafe lanos foj the fame l^ofpital, but bpcaufe fuche agreeinentes couloe not be conduoeo bp^ on as be reafonablpe rcqutreb;, bps contribution tbat toapc cearebjfojeagainff bis toil, as manifeftlp appearetb bp t}ts charitable giftes to tbe faibe l^ofpitall fomtpme ten pounb at once to bup beoDing toitb. 31 fern, to tbeCompanpofCIotbtoo?lterfl in LuWi?«,four poimbs tbe pere fo? eucr. 0iro moje to tbe fame (Ilotbtoo?# ^rs , be batbe gpuen bps obme otoelling boufe topfb otber lanoes anb tenements to tbe balue of tbp?tie pounbe tbepeare, to tbe intents tbep (ball bp?e a ^iniller to fape biuine feruice enerpe S>unbapc,©2fff bnefbapCjanb i^ribap, anb tljai faure Sermons euerpe peare after bps beceaffe be p?cacbeb in tbe Cbappell oj Cburebe to tbe faibe boufe bee# lonsviiSyCallcoSaiKr/ar/).'smttfcMallbp Cnp/egatty anb alfo to gptie fo ftoeluc pojemen pearlp, on tbcfp?lfeof£D# ctober, to eucrpe one a go tone of gcob i^rijc reabpe mabe, a Ibpjtc ofg(Db(Loco?am, anb a paire of ttronglboes , anb ttoelue pcDjc toomen ttoelue (jjotones of tbe liftc jrrdefe, ttoelue fmocUes,anb ttoelue paire of tboes fo? euer. 3tem,be bafb erectcb aiFrafcljcole i fire aimes boufes Fr«fci,oie anA abiopning at SuttoninKg»ty\DVjml)c toas bo?ne, Stonin" anb batbe appointeb fo? tbe^aiffer ttoentiepounbe, anb kcm. t3(ber,fen pounb perelp fo? eucr,anb to tbe fire almes bou^ festenne pounbe pearelpe,^ toptban iJ)?cbarbc anb <25ac' bens. 3tem, fotoarbe tbe maintainaunceof ai^ree-fcbtoleat Maidftoneux Kent, tcnuepounbe pcarelpe, after bps be# cealTc. ^tcm, to fctte pc8? c Clotbiers atoo?be in tbe Counttc of Suffb/kfy, Seconde voyage (9 Cataya. " r V Queene Elizabeths StifaH^e, one Ijuni!?cD pounce in rcacp mcncp. 3 lem, to ttje 2Cot»ncs of L»aiew ailD Bridgenorth, to tcl. Dftl;euionc {)unc;cl3 pounDcin reacpmoncpto fctfe pojfe men on toojbc. Tower onLo- 3rt tl;e inoneff) of ITpjill, tlje DecapcD Cone !)oufe,calIeD kei"(iovv«?' tf)C rw^rtpponZ-oWa^fajiDge , Ujas begoiine fo be taf^ bomne,anc tbe bcaces ofSCraptojs being rcmoueo tfjene lucre fcttc on tbe (25ate at tbc 15^icge fostc, totuaroe i"*?/ xvarke. RobinfonhJgeJ SUljC fcaucntoentb of il5ap,Richard Robinfon C^olOfmitfj, tuas Djalocn from ttjc SToUjcr oXLondon to Tybome^^wXi tbcre l;nngcD fo5 clipping of Colce. 2CbC one anc tl)p;titt) of£pap, Martin Frobifher tDt'tf) on** CjtpanDtlBoSBarhsfurmlhebfojtbatpurpore, farlcDfr ... H'lrwtche in Efex,to\Si\XtiG Cataya bp tl)t ^OJtblCCatt ^tas, anc cntrcD bis Craitcs, bcponb ^liueenc Eh^^bcths ForUrJe, aboutetbpjtie leagues, Uiberc be Eucnt on lbo;c, anb fpm DyngCojeofca^olCe £D;e,fi'augbtbis S^bippe ancBarbe, taugbtaman,U)cnian,anDcbilbeoftbatCountrie, f tben on tbcfour anb ttoentitb of SugiiC returning from tbencc, arrpucD at Mdfjrdc mnen in JVaUsm tbe ttoentitb of ^ep^ tcmber nept folloluing SCbc ttoentitb of 3;unc,WilliamLumley a pcDje man ill ti/S pariCje of EJmeley in tbe Countie ofArcrgeanf Baram,£j0ai(ferSteucns,&c.tficrC DteO in Oxforde 5 oo.perfon3,anD ficfineo tljcrc.faut opeD in otljer placea aoo.ana oijDe,from tfie 6.of3uIp to tfje i2.ofHugtiff, after Infitcfi oap DpcD not one of tljat ficfinelTe, foj one of tfje inPertcD notanotljcronojanp onetooma o? cfiilo bteD tfjerof. £)n sunoap tfie 4.ofaitigntt bcttoan t fioures of p. f i o. Temped m oftfieclocfee in tfiefojencone, tofiilett tfie ^pin^aer toas rca^ Notffotie. 8tng of ffie fecona leCfon in tfje parifij Cfiurcfi of BHborough^ a toUine in Safoike, a Orange ana terrible tempeO of ligfito ning ana tfiunaer Orafie tfijougfi fbe toal oftfie fame cfiur? tfie into tlje grouna almoO a parae a{rpe,ajaae aolrin al tfjc people on tfiat fiae, aboue rr.perfons,tf)cn renting tfie toal bp to ftje HeueOric,cleft ^ aoje, f returning to tlje Staple, renttfio £rtmber,b2aUc tfie CDbimes,ana flea totoarae Bon- gey d.milcs ofF.SCfie people tfiat tocre Sritken ootone,toerc founa groneling tiiojc ttjan fialfc an boure after, tofiereof a man ino?e tfian rl.pcrc3,f a bop of rtopercs ola toerc foima fiarite aeaa,tf)e otficr toere fcojcbeO.SDbc like flaffie of ligljt^ nn^ ana crackes of tbunaer, rent tfie pariOj dfiurcb of Bon- ^7 p'imilee from A^am/r^.tojang in fiinacr tlje topers ana tobales-oftljc clocke,netoc ttoo mcntobitl) fate in tfjeBeb freptobenotfier toerc at jajoceCTion, ana fcojcljcaanotbec toljicljebaralp efcapea, Xt)z SCotowr bpon London RitDgc, being taken aofene, f landol anetofoun3ati6n02atocn,firlohn Lan»ley, lioja cpaicjof »«vve bmidcj. tbeCitie of London laiti tlje SrOOone tlje rrbitj.of HuguOe, in pjcfcnce of tfjc.Ojcriffes of London, ana tfic ttoo )15?iage ^aiffcrs, Thomas Battes, ana Robert Aske> NicholasBackhouferFrauncisBowyerglie aS.ofScptemb, Sherifes, ? Sir Thoiuas Ramfcy Grocer, the 28. of October. CMmr. > i SClje i Queene Elizabeth* A-:nore^. 20 of/;5owcmber, tl3c tictoe scrgemtj fMfte !laUje,fcaucn in number, b^loc tljcir feafte in Tem- p/e at London. fxec"ejf^' tbpjttfb ofi^oucmbcr, Cuthbert Maine Uiat Dja^ tocn, tinngeo, ano quarfcrcD at Lawnceslon in Comewan, foj pjefcrring Uomatnc polaer. Example of SCljc feaucntantf)of3ianuarpe, one Simon Pembrooke Sorcerers. UtocKing IH Saint Georges in SonthTrarke,\it^n5 mentlpe fufpctfcD to be a Coniurcr, bp commaunDcment of tbe o?DinarieSiubgcfo? tbofepartes, appearco in tticpajrift Cburcljc ofSsunt Sautonr, at a Coufte boIDen tbere, tobpcfjc . Simon baing buCcD in entcrtainpng a l^jortoj, anb ^a* upng monep in tjis banbe, leaneD bps btao bppon a J^ctoe, toberein tlje p?orto? ffojDe: tobpcbe after be bab bone a ccr^ taine fpacc, tbe Jajoaoj bcganne to lifte bppe bps b^ abe, fo tobat bi^aptcb, anb founo bint Departing out of Ipfe, anb firaigbtiuap tbe faibe Simon felbolnne, ratling a little iti tbbtb;oa[te,aHDneuerfpahetDo;De after: tbis toasbonc. euenas tbcSlubgc came into tbeCbnttb^s tobo faib it teas tbe iuft iubgement of <5oD toVoarDes tbofe tbat bfeb &o?cei» rie, anb a greate eramplc to abmonitb otber to feare tbe ittf tfice of 0ob,0fter bis clotbes being openeb,tbere tDcrefoub afaoute bpm fine biuelilbe iSmbes of Coniuration anb mell abbonnnable pjaaifcs, toitb a pitfurc ofSinne of a mannc baupng tbJ® Sice in bps banbc, toitb tbis tojiting, chauxce Dice fortunately,pnpers of fucbc like matters, as bs bab bsalt in fojinen,rucb as arc menticneb in Leuiti- cus tbe ttocntitb Chapter anb fijctb bcrfeigf anp foulc turne bimfelfe after fucbe as too?be toitb fpirites, anb after frotb' faperSjto goeatoboiingaftertbcm (faptbtbeilojbe) 3! toil put mp face againtfe tbat foule, anb totll ciitte bim offfrom among mp people. Kcifon execu- ofi^cbjuacpjCarlp in tbe mD;ninglolin Nel- cJ, ° foil, foj benping tbe SJuaencs ^upjemacie, anb fucb otber trapterous toojbes againlle bir £paictfic,toas bjatoen front Ne\vgate to 7)horne,di.\\fi tbcrcbangcb, botoellebtrtb qaar# treo* Queene Elizabeths Uva, ftaufitfl) of i?fb?tmrp,onc namcD Shcrcwood toas SftererrooJ Ijjatucn froill tljo HCotUCr at London to Tybcrne, atlD tIjCtt ^a< £C0, bolneiieD anb quartered fo; tbc Itfte treafon. 2E:bcn{ntbof£parfbc,feauen J0p;ate0 toere ^langetiaf Pirat«h»ngcj- fVappin^, STbe fjftanfb ofi?cb;narp, lohn dc Ley ai^rencb'ttan, f Cue ©ngliajc (!?cntlemcn,U)erc cottuepeo from tbe SCotocr of London totoarbe JVorwicbe.t^tn f 0 bc araigitefi and ejcccu^ fed, fo% copntng ofmone^ counterfaite. SCbetcntbofi^arcbdecealTcdtbetLadp Margaret couHf Tf-rg felTe of Leunex, and toad burped at Weriminsler tfyz tbpjdeof 0p;tll. Cbeoneandtbpjtltbof^apc, MartinFrobilLertoptb ffobishers tiM< fiftane failc of goad &bippe0,manned,Di(tualIed,and otber loapeo U)cl appopntedjdcparted from//'iw/cHn Ejfex, on ^ps tbpjdc dopagc totuarocs SHbe one and tbp;tttb of 3Sulp,afterinanp attempta, and fundjpe times being putte baclte bp Bllandes of 3lce in bps Craigbts, b^recouered bis long foiled |ao;te,and came to 0ncfter in tbe Jiandcs, netolp bp bir ^aicff ie named Met a /wcjr«/r4,tofjcrc(asinfbepearebefoje) tbep ffaugbte tbepj Ibippes toitb (Isolde £D;e outeoftbe^ines,andtbenon tbe lattc ofHuguffe returning tbence, arrined Cafelp in EngUnd about tbe 6rSe of£I>ctober. George BondrThomas Starkie.the 28.ofSeptcmbcr. Sherifes, i SirRicharde Pipe Draper,the 28.ofOflobcr, x^ator. > SCbeftoo and ttoentitb of Bjanuarie, about feauen of tbe Annoreg. 21 tlocbeat nigbtjTohn Catsimerc Counte Palatine of Rhene, Cafsimeiete- S)nhe of Banare, landing at tbe Cotoer of London, teas tbcre bp diners Jioblcmen and others bonojablp recciued, and ronticped bpCreffetligbtand SCojcbe ligbtc to Or Thomas Grcfhams \)0\xfzmBtp7opsgaie^tiztt,\Si}ytxt\)tfxioo fealfed and lodged titi^und^nertetbatbetoasbp tbed^obilitie fetched to tbeCourtcat WcflminUtr, and after lodged in So- wer^rboufe. ' ^ Qucene "Elizdhcth* flDtt tf)e «igfjf of iPcb;tiarte,fje toas maoe aniff^)f fif fM (lEfartct, and on tfjc fonrofeentb of jFob?uarto,l)o|iarteD from iflw^wbometoaroco, toitbgrcafe retoaroes gtacn bt» t[je ©uecnes #atcttic, tbc ^obilitte, men of bono?, tbe spaioj Oi Lo/»^«,ano tbeCittjens* iDwpt snovve. ^Cbc fourtb of iFeb?uarte,ano in fbe ntgbf foUoto^ttSjfrl furb abunoancc ofa>noUic,tbaton tlje fiflb in tb^ morning, tbc fame toao founbc at Lettcio<> to I^e ttoo fcotc Dfrpe in tbe (balloU)ett,ano otbertoifeybeing Djiuen bp tbe toinoe, berp bopfferous in tbe#ojtbeaft,onll5anhe«,an cIl,o? paroanS balfc oape,in tbe lobtcbe fi?ifts of S^noto in tbc Countries, manpeeatteU,ano fome men ano toomen toere ouertubeU meo ano lofre, it fnoioeb tilt tbe eigbt bape, ano frde^eo till tbetentb' CbenfolIotoeOatbalnetDPtb continuall raine wTer Aoud« ^i»bpcb^ caufco fucbc bigb flouDS,tbat tbe vv er. ou es. grounbcs bcing DjotDncD fo? tbe tpme,§ toatcr rofe fo bigb in hull, tbat after tljefall tber# of, romefilbes toerefounDetbereto remaine. Oiie hanged at Cbe feauenteentb of JFebjuarie, a pong man teas ban# iviiies end. ggjj cbaiues, on tbe miles eno bp Lofidon, foj muroerinjj ofa man in a (0arDcn ofspepen heuth pariflje, torde Keeper ^Cbo ttoentitlj ofi^^ebmarpjDeccalTeD fir Nicholas Bacon, deceaffea. 3io?De ttoDpcr oftbc grcatr&ealc of, luboixjasbe^ nojablp burieb bnocr a fumptuous i^onument oj JEombe, (bp biin in bis life time erecteb) in Pauies cburcbe of L (iibeo tbefe l^ereSeo foitotDpng. TDbattbembotKtSammt an&(|[!>orpeI[of Cb^tSe are but mere foDiidbneire} alta^teormemie, o; ratbera mere foble. 3tem, tbaf man is rettojeo to grace bv fbe mare mcrcp of 000, luptbont tbe meane ofCb^ilio blouo, oeatb, ano palTiom 3tern, tbat is not 0oo, no; fbe ^aut'our of tbe tDo;lo, but a mare man>a HnfuU man, ano an abbomtnao ble^ooK. 3tcm, tbat al tbep tbat inojtbippe btm are abbommable 3oolatcr0: ano,tbatCbJtffe oiooe not rife agapne from oeatb to life bp tbe poluer of bie 0oObeaO, neither, tbat ba oio afcenoe into ^eauen. 3teni, tbat tbe bolp 0boffeisnot0oo, neitber, tbat tbere i6 anp fucbe bolp 0boaei 3|tem, tbat ISaptifme is not neceOTarte in fbeCburcbe of 000,neither tbebfe of tbe facramentoftbe boop f blouOe ofCtJtff. i^^o; tbe tobpcbe bereffe0,be toao conoemneo in tbe Com fil!o;ie, anO fentence toao reao againttc btm bp tbe Bitbop of A^mw^,tbefouretantb ofap;tU, ano tberebppon oeli? ucreo to tbe ^bertffes of 7Vofw/e^,anbbycauCS be fpabe too;' Oeo of blafpbemte againQ tbe 0uane0 ^aieSie,ano others of bir Counfell, be toas bp tbe Heco;oer Raider Sergeant Windham,anO tbe ^ato; Or Robert Wood OfNenv/cAjCOn^ oemneo to lofe botbe bps eares, tobpebe toere cutte otFtbe fbp;t®ntb of ^ape in tbi^marbet place of JVormc/br. aftertoaroe0,tbc ttoentitb ofi^apebetoas b;ent in tbe Ca< ifcil Oitcbe otNomkhe. Kbis pere in tbe monetb of#ap,MarkeScaliot IBlachc ^ iocice,& -fmitbjCiti^en ofX.f»<^<"'5bo;ne in tbe parilb of Satnt cUmems weyghed but * loptbOUte Tm^lt Bane ^ fojjtpall of »jliemantbippc, maoo 1195 Queene Elizabeth* inmone^an0tii0S.ocIteof piM, ait&)15?a!re,of cleauen feaerall p^ce0,a pipe iaa?,fpleo fqaars, a)3ottetipon t^e (^afte and t^ebotue Inptb ttno alt cleanc tDjougbt>tob?cbc Ujetgbco but one Cfcaine of (0olD, 0? (iREb^at co;ne: be alfo at tbe fame time made a Cbatne of (l^olDeof4^.iLtnche0,totbetobPfb^<2Ct)^itt®^^>^^''^^®3n& map being fatteneD,anD put aboute a i^lyes necbe.lbe o?eto tlje fame toitb eafe, all tobpcbe iLocbe and map,Cbaineand i^Ipe tuepgbed but one (Ukraine and balfe,a tbtng almoOt tn^ credible, but tbat mp fclfe amongeft otber baue. fane it. BUViop ofVVin SCbefirffeof3une,deceaffied Robert Home SDottourcof t/iefter deceafed g)(ui|]ttie, 315plboppe of^t»chefier, aud ^Bjelate oftbo moffi bono?ableo?dcr of tbe ibct fetbppe, oirectlpplaceobeettuijrte Dertforde anO Greenemche, foj tbe ejCCCUtion of tbiS malcfa^ ttour,tubo inooeocberp pitifullp betuapleo tbe offence bee bao committeo, ano as iuell in p?ifon as bp tbe tuap p^epa* reo bimfelfe berp penitentlp ano tutllinglp to offer bis boOp to tbe oeatb. Cbusberpe goOlpebe purpofeoto fintfbe btsmifera'' bleano tu^iercbeo life, ano fo p;epareobimfelf toafceno ano goe bppe tbe lLaoocr,ano being on tbe fame,be turnco binif felfe, ano fpakc to tbe people as follotuctb t ^©o peopIe,3l am come bitber to oie, but <0ou is mp iuogc, gi neuer in mp lifeintenoeo burte to tbe ^u©nes moff erceltent i^aicffie, no? meant tbe barme of anpe creature, but 3 pjape to (0oo tuitb aU mp b^gtt, long to p^ofper ano kape bir ^igbneiTe in ups Queene Elizabeth*. in iu!()0 blelTe anb bcfentie btr from all peeilleis anti oaungrrojtubo pjofpcr bir in all bir affaires, and blcffc bir molfel^onojableCounfell, anuing fljein grace fo Dee all ibings to (be glojp of (I^cDjano ibe bencfite of tbi'o rcalinct, But of all tijtngs, 3! am nioffc Tone foj nip offence,ano Uioo fullpbclDaiJetbefame :ans moje, 3; am penitent and fo^ ncfejmpgasD i^aiQer, i73atflSerHcnncCanc, toljo batb(^ banc fo greeueo foj mp fault, fuffciing rebuUc foj tlje fame 3 toouloc to (0oD 3 bad neucr bin bcjne tbnt bane fo grce^ nouflpcofffnDcobim.^nDiuptbtbattbctcares guHjt onto cfbts cpesberpefalte. ITbieraitse, be perfwadeDall men tofeiuc CI?od,anDtotal?canevaniplebp bpm, andciierpe nigbt and mo3ni"0 moticd tljem dcuontlp fo fap tbc 3lojds pjaper. 0nd ass tbe crecutioncr bad put tbc voape about ijis nccbe, tbe people ciTed,aap,ftap, flap, and tuitb tljat came tbe rigbtel^ono?able fir ChniloplicrHatton tHi^cbamber# laine to bir bisbnelTc, tobo enquired iubaf be bad ccnfcfTcd,^ and being certified, as isbefojeejepjelTed, bcbaplcd bis bo* net,and declared,tbat tbc iS^uancs ©atefiic bad fcntebim tbitbcr botbe to malic tbe caufc open to tbem Ijoto bapnous and groeuous tbe offence oftbe faid Thomas Appletrce teas, and further fo figntfie to bins bir gratious pleafure: and fo continued bis mcfragc,as pc map rcadc it pjinted bp it fclf, and annercd to tbts difcoiuTc. tafbpcbe, toben be bad decla* red, tbc ^^angman teas commanded to fafec tlje roape from bis neche. Appletrce being come dotunc from tlje Jladdcrj recciucd bis pardon, and gaue d^od and tbc |B?incc pmife, fo? fo grcate a bcnefitc as be bad bp bir moll gratious bourn tie rccciusD . SCbis done,i|5ailler aifcbanibcrlatne faid; (S'tDd people p?ap fo?tbed^ucenes£15aieflte,and tbcntoas tbis pjnper faidc, Vobpcbc is bruallp read (fo? tbc p?erfrua» tion of birfpniefiie) in tbc Cbnrcb: O Almighticand euet- lining God, the Lord ofLordrs, and King ol Kings, whyche docftfrom thy throne heholde all the dwellers of thcearth,. jnofte hartily we bcfccche thee with thy faiiour to heholde our niofte gratious Soueraigiie Lady Qu^eenc Ehzabcth,&;c.. liilbere^ Qtteene Elizabeth* ; rpp tI2a|)e«t)nfi5 all tlj^ people iovfullp accojDeD fo fape,0meiT, crp ing, d^ott fauc tlje Siuane, cafiing bp fljeirCappes. SCtjus U)a5 tljc Deao man reftojcD to life, anobiong^fe bacfee to tbe againe, cucn as (je toas leu ffjence to tfje place oferecution, toljere be bp tljc tuap nioSc topfull Ipe p?apeD fo; tbe fecuiitie oftbc ©uanes ipnte£fic» The mercifull mellage of the Q^enes Maicftie, feiit by the right Honorable Sir Chriftopher Halt on ^ to the place where Thomm ^^jp/cO'eeflrouldeli.iue fufFcred for kys tray tour-like adlion, let dovvuc worde for worde fo iieare as conlde be gathered. 0iacr Caric, bit uiolle crcellcnf spaicrfie is plcafcb to fcnb mc fo Otliucr bir ronimano? Xub^cT''' inenffopontoucbtng tbis niannoUJCbffrc doniSX" pjefcntlp to bpc . firff, 3 tbinhe it not oute of purpoife to notific bta oflfence to tbefe goD people 5 ioberebpbets not onelploo;^ fbp tbis puninjinentifaut in iubgcmcnt of foirainc nations, aiiD bpcenfure offojraine latocs,fl)oul5 be oelpuerea to tbe tojmento?s, to enoure fucbe tojture, as tbe qualitie of bps offence in fo bigb a cafe bp gwt) pollicie fi)Culoe conbignelp beferue. ^nb fo rpcake offbis fatfe, fucbe it boas, anb fo fcarcftill, asmp bcartqiiaketb,anDmpepescannotrefraine teares, to repeate if againe amongefJpou. (d^obfoj bps mercies "uetoheare/'' fakefl)ielbeanDDefcnDcbirmolfee)ccellent^aie£fie, fbat moCemigbfilpbatbeoigelfeDtbe notable oaimger.) ^no fo 31 loill tcl pon of tbis tragebie in courfe as it fell oat. 311 likeo bit i^igbnelte, in refpettc of tbe greate beate, to fake tbe apje of tbe toatcr,U)berc in grauc ano luaigbtie ne^ gotiation > tlje paflTeD tbe time in bifcourfe toitb tbe if'rencb (ilJmbaf; Quecne Elizabeth* The Ciufe is de- C^mbafTaDo; f fpace of an boure o? ttD0.3(n bir ref urne if m\"Irwokt 'l)ir Dpuero paufcSjano tbe rafber,bicauft (fit water. camcffl? reatJ a iSojhc, tubcrein if fameo fo; mrcationo fahc tbe f03he fomc ocligbt. Bpmcaneo tobercof, (cacn as it pIcafeD (5oD lofb bis bolp banoe, as it tom,to Dircrte bit fafetie)tt)ccomitiaunDeOfbe DBargcmcnto fiacbe tbeir la« faour,ano flotolpto palTcon,tDberejif tbcp baffebaCeObut htr Maicilie fro ttoo Urobes inoje, tljeu bat) bjougbt bit Uopal pcrfon to tbe aoHcitfcife. 2Cbcfc lDD?Dcs lucre fcarcelp fpoben out bp bit ^aietfie, but tbis Caitiue mottc bnbappilp(3i inuffc fape motte Oiue^ i!tblp)bifcbargeD bis 0rqucbuje,flrogIp cbargeD tuitb 315uN letjiiUo tbe ^Sarge luljere bir 9?aicttie Uias. ((2500 tbat batb- oefcnoeo bir, tbou mod migbtic C5oO euer boticbfafe to A ftrange and bif.) SQlitb tb's blotue tbc fecouOe moH to tbe baples of tbe horrible tenour xsargCjluptbin Cre fcDte of bir iSopall perfon, luas Cricben neuerheard nor , ' ^ , , - , r ■ feene the like in Oolun fi'Dm bts fcatc, attO luouOeo tbjougb both bts armes, England before ^aiefiic facbelo, ano binglp banotco tbis caofe, as euen draigbt 3) tuitl tell pon. Thefodaine ^piLojoesofbit ^aiettiesdcunfel oifpcrfeoabjoaor feare of {ii tbetr affaircs, beating of tbis mode perilous accioente, counfeut the"' retumeo to Courte,tDptb fucbe fpaDe,as tbe luaigbt offucb ear^fe nlvve^ ^ inigbt tnouc tbcm to 0o,an0 tbere luitb feareful ano t« e nevve. applaufurc totuaroe bir ^aiedie, oio mode bolilp tbanbe our (25oo fo? bis dngular belp in tbe p^eferuation of oure mode oeare ano righteous ^oueraigne. STbat Oone acco?0(ng, luitb tbeir loues, anO Oueties of feruicc to (2500, bir^^aiedie, anO tbis tobole cdate t'aftcc oeliberate ano mode graue confulfation of tbe caufe, tbep The coniifcu fll mode bumblp on tbeir bnas befcugbts tbe CJuane, tbat yunlheJhrfaA ^aue migbtc ruffer,notfbis ocatb,but tenne fbonfanoe oeatbs,(if fo ittoere podiblein nature to ooe) fo? bis fo ratb anofearefullofftnce, Smcbc, in O0?oc,migbte tbe offenre baue bin, Inbicbe (25oo fo? bis mercies fabe batbe mode fa* uourablp fo?biDDen, tbat it niigbte banc rougbt bp to ^ea» ucnano Iboulocmode mifcrnblp not onclp banc plaguco (bps Quccne Elizabeth*" 1201 (^10 olone latioe, but all tbe true feruanta af dD^o Itvvuftrautigc perfeb fb?ouflb Cb?»ff^nbo*nf ♦ ottr Ueligton^anb true faitb Se^"arin/irM. in 31 erusC!)2tttt, Uibvcb^ eniope tuptlj bufpeaftable comfo;fc of free conrcteiuca Ijcrcbp baue fuffrcfi con-i weeping, 'foitie fuCon,anopcrfccuttouofblouoe, aitDbrngcanceamongfl [peTk^g^f '''* t)3.;®ur peace,ano fecureeffates, encrcafeotoitbepcabtng there wordej. lucattbca, ano nourKbeo iuitb moQ frueete qutetnclTe of life bp tbpa bit moSe bappp gouernemeiit.anD rapgne ofttucn^ tic peaces,migbt brrebp fjaue bin turneb to bloubp tuarres, tbefruiteslubereof is burning anb fpopltng of boufes anb ga>bs,raut(bing anb beSroping of tuiues anb tbplb?en.0nb iubat bengeance foeuer tbe tuoMbe can b?ing fo?tb,tbe fame tboutbe baue fallen on bs,3I fape on bs, tben tbe inoQ mifeo rable men in tbe tbo;lbe. Hnb tberefoje beare me 3I pjape pon ? iLefbsacHnotulebgebefoje C»ob toptb all bumble ^ tbanhefulnelTe tbefe bnfpeafeable beneStes, tobpcb tot banc Vp both handes eniopeb,anb ftill fball Doe,U)biIe dS'obbpbolDstb bitblclTcb uen%?ng°Goj life anb Sate amongeif bs: Cbe looe anb lache of tubome, blefTe hir Maic- can not but bjing on bs all tbefe calamities, anb fen tbou# hit Mauay.&c. fanbe moe, tubprbt 31 cannot fo;erde,3f tben bp tbefe, anb al otber bcnefites, Uibpcbt pou potreflje,fale, anb taffe of, pou «w"he' finbe bob) ineHimable anb pactions a SiebjeU tbps our b^re wed themfeliies §>oucraigne is foj bs, anb amongett bs, lobat plague, to^ of°hefrf«gkaa ment, 0; punitbment, coulb fuffifepoufo; reuenge onbim, fpeachts. tbatbpanpe meanesfboulbebep?iuepou offucbebeaucnlp anb lbo;lblp felicities, as baplp bp btr bolp b^nbe are mini^ tfrebamongelfpou f Wut itoiUmebble no further toptb tbefe matters. 3 bnome pou tbanRc(0ob fo? tbem, anb toptb true anb faitbfullobebientbearfes, toplleuer feme birmoffe ercellent ^aiclfie, tobomebe batbe mabebps 49inilfer to bittribute al tbefe blelfpngs into pour bofomcs. ^nb nob), if it pleafe pou, pou map toptb maruell beare Thi, rodame tbe ^peffage i come of. 31 b:png mercie to tbps manne, tbe ftriunge pardon gratious parbon of cure mott beare S)oueraigne,tobo toitb btr mercifull epe, bebolbpng tbe clearenclfe of tbis mannes bearf,frafroni euill tbcugbi; nnb confequentlpefrom p:c« penUoti izot Queene Elizabeth* ThegrentnefTc ticnfion ofanv malicious fattagainti bir p^rfo, boucbfafi^tft mcrcLSed" bii"from tb^ (^allotDcs.Sl notable action oftompaO f'Jch,as thepeo- Con pjoc^Ding from a b^aucnlgc niinbe, anti fo ferre otffOi rent from tb5co»«»on nature of manjfojcco into a fcarefuU pie between! loyesanjfor. towcj were a- iealouGc oflolTe of life, as batb neucr benereao nojbcatDc itijfeJ. JOr» 3if cafuallu a man fuffcr burtc in tbc ficlDs bp an arroboe ono7rntnt''f"^ie'^° cbanceut roiuttg marbeSjboto rcuengefuUpp partp n«ureTfeekTng offeiiDeD iutU follotu bis pjocelTc of fclpme,31 baue oft fane, me"rvvfth°ei!' laUl botb tucll alloto it.jfin tbe Courttbemeanett ainples. feruing man (frtbe bis fclo\n tuitb bis fill fo tbat be blabe, be is to Iffife tbe fame banoc £panp clber eramples map be giuen poujbotb toucbing tbe cafualitie in tljis mans fact, f toucbing tbe place,anD pjefence, tpbeiein it cbaunceD to ba cone. " 3i5uf ourtlinanelojhctb neptber on bir p?erogatiue, on tbepoUier ofbir latoes,nojontbepcrillofbirpcrfon, but •Srh^'iueniy d'i- i^i^b tbc iiobiUtie of bir bearte, tbc fiaunger onelp cone to M°a''"!Ke di as pou bcarc, fralp parcon it.nnc in tbc facrco feicnt from tlu ' Uiajo of btrilunglp e&ite 3 p?otcft it bnto pDu,tI)e batb firm^ paXn'in-ro"'"' suotoeo tbat tbe bac ratber batie fufifcrec tbe toouDs tlje great an otFence ^Bargeman nolu batb>ten fclDe, tban tbc meaneli of bs all, '^n^urir of anp fubiecteSjfboulD fuffcr tbe flaunccr of fo tpjanous oj traplcrous a fact,pca,o? of tbe pjepenlcon, oj fojetbongbf din 'Io"*of" bo?riblc a trcafon toiuarc bit> tbon0beit loere infacte prince fovv.irdc ncuerercciiteo. a^ ^ItJljcfcin to all our fingular comfo?te«,it plcafeo bir cidciits without molic pjincclp atfectionanD carncfincfie, graciouflpc to af# iumran^ng?" ?r53infc 1^0 bcttcr, noj mojc binoc true Hcreaith'cpeo fubicas. ©oc fo? ij's mcrctc cfrcct ts cucr to bc fo, f boitb A.L'n°Amen!"'ourDue grafcfulneffc to facrtficc at bir In'nglpe fate oure blouce anc liues foj bir feruicc fake, toben occafion Ibal cal W Carievvas tjg tbCrCtO. tttniftcrfotltis J-s a. - » » » ind. Appietrce, otljer tbiHg 3 fiiiCc btr S^aielftctroublec imtb, '§ MarSafforthat fojroU) tbts noblepoug Gentleman,a^.Henrie Caiie appointed. balb fuffereo in continuall griefe of bis l;art fcjtljc offence of Qu ecne Elizabeth* J 203 ofHsnian, foljo ffjjoiisO baineicalou0coffomecuiU DtfpofcD perrons, batb likctotfc bojnc fome flaunoer of ti)e tnufc. But if fitfftfcff) fo clcarcbim, tbatno iiuentcofma' ltce,nojfoac{bot»2l;f offijts fact, ts fotine in tljc particbim# iM.cjrfcscom- feifc. i^isconucrfatianUtfiOcsiuiti) orcceoingfattbaiiDOt' lisencc in bir biocbnetTc fcruice, toiil cucr Osiiu?r fjiin, as a inoll acceptable 0ciif Icman fra? from ibis ano a! oibcr cuil in fijefigbfofbir^aicttteaniialltbctDotiee. 3in)allnot UKOe tl;crcfo?e to fpeakc of l;im, fo? nctoefb nono crcufe. ^^cre map pou bcbolD tfje rare gcotincire of our great aim Heredtctl* the gracious bT^iftreffe, full of religion anb pictic, guftice ano incrcie,2DcmpcranceanD tnagnanimitic(anb tbat 3 cannot vvo'thiiy com- but tell pou) oftbe molf confiant ano noble courage ttjat co„"rtg\''ill'fucha Iter liueD:tbcp?cDfe tuberof(tl)ecaufc bearti,i»l)ereat3 tuas p?crcnt)3 leaue to pour iubgements. I^ir £pate0ie taking p?ofpette out of fbe bales of bp? 3!5argc,at tbe berp inffant oiD f© tbe man ttrickcn, aim be- princely ftout* belDc bisfall,anD bearoe as it mere,bis bcaolp rcritcb,tobo ftc immebiatclp commauimco to be taken bp,aim fljcn be- foJamc terror, bolDing bim all emb?uc!) tuitb blotme, commaunDcD bps cau^irthis^'le toouimes to be lappco bp toitb a fcarffe of bir olune, aim fo 3,''^S toitlj bit molf conffante aim amiable coiintenaunce, conti^ countenaunceto nueo birentcrtapncmcntoftbeHmbairaDoure, astbougbe ,'hat^she''fe'[n'J°d^ tbcrc bad bene no fuel) matter. Sfteriuarbes tbe man began a mother to the to fainte, bir btgbncffs tben commAunbcb a cloke to be put °o"thfo«w."^ onbisbodpe, tuifbotbsrrucbeneccffarierclicfcsasUjerc tbere p?efctUlpe to be babbc, toitbout alteration of countc naunce» JBebolbf tbrskinglpebearfe, aim courage of rare niag^ Hirhighneire nanimitic, feeing,as it lucre, tbe p?cfcntc Deatb oftbe ncpt iiunglid with to bir,ncptberfeareo bir otone life, no? U?as bifmapcb luitb tbts treamnable cbauncc. 0n action ino?e tbnn maruellous ble to hirfub? in bir fere, l^creofbotuemucbctun? mape reiopfe,3 loant buittetotellpou , iSutin onelb0?5?, birbigb"cG"t, tbat iibictohit£o«$- ioit!) 1204 An earncA liortation to pray. Here Maifter Vizchaberlaine kneeled on hys knees with al the people, pray ling God for hir Alaieflicsfafe deliuerie. lohnFox dely- tiered i^p.Chrt- fliansou e of captiiiitie of the T urkcs. Queene Elizabeths KngMlarloifeDomeanDpolicic pjefcruco^ir CBmpire tljefc ttoentic pearcs in inoffc topftiH peace, tf)P5 cciirage t luaflntininntie Uiill (no Doubt)ao mtgbti'l? oefcnoe bo in t\)z mottc cruell tnara . di^oD t^erefoie euet bleDTe btr,ano let bs toitb oureljanoes ffretcbeO bp to ^^ea* lien, ano ourc epes fipeo on tbe fcatc ofCfob, pjape fo) bt' long life, anbmottep.iofperousratgnc oner bs . Thomas Appletiee,recf ttie tbp life from bit woft excellent Iji^atellie, ano p?ap to d^oo on tbp bnceo fo? bit ^*11 oapef to come. 0nofo tbe people being moueo to p?aper fo; bit #aie0ieg mottc bappp efcape,ano fo? tbe blefftng of^oo to lengthen biroapeo fojmanpanpmanppcarco, befell on bpsl^nees loitb great oeuotion amongett tbem, ano fo ocparteo tuitb ecc^oing top to tbe people,ano a tbonfano blettinga on btui fclfe. 0g>btppecalleo tbetb^cebalfeipcDneo, manneo initb eerbiit. men, ano toell fenceo tnitb mnnitiono, fette from PortefmoMth, f otoaroe Ctttill a Citie in Spame^hMi falling into tbe ffreigbtcs, luere tabcn bp tbe r«r4<'x,putte in tbeir di?al# lepo, tbeirclotbeoto?nefromtbeirbackes, anotbenfetto tbe £)5cs,b3beee tbeir fare tuao fcant of bjeao, bnbolefome tuater, ano plentic of ttrtpes . i|5igb to tbe Citie of Alex^ andrta, beingat^auenSTotone, bnoertbeOominionof tbe Turkes,{\ittc ie a Koaoe berpfencible>bJbere-into tbe Turket boe cuttomablp b?ing tbeir ^alleis on (boare enerp pere in tbe (E^inter,ano tbere Oo trimme tbem againtt tbe ^p;ing time. 3|n bjbpcbe roaoe tbere is a pjifon, tobcrcin tbe Cap? tiues ano fucbe pjifoners as feme in tbe d5alleis areputte fo? all tbat time, bntill tbe g>cas be cnlme ano pattable fo; tbe C'allciSjeuerp pjifoner laocnfcoitb p?on6 on tbeir legs. 3lnto lubicbep?ifon tbefe CbJittians tnere putfe, anofatte UjaroeOalltbetMinterfcafon , but ereittoas long, tbe ^aitter ano tbe oUnier, bp meanes offrienoes toere rcooe? meo: tbe reffe abpoing tobple'tbep Inere all tb?ougbe tbeir pll bfage ano Ujojfe fare t mpferablpe ttarueo, faning one John Fox, tobo being fometobatibilfullintbe Craftcofa )15arbcr, Quecne Eli'zabetfi* ®arbw, bp wafon thereofmaDe great tbiff inhelpttigbta farenotoanD then totth a gcso ineate, till at the latt 000 rente him fauour in the fight of the fiapcrofthep?iron,ro that he hat) leaue to go in ano out to the Hoaoe at hia plea» ftirc, paping a certapne fiipenotinto the hopper, ano loea^ ring a loche about hia legge, iuhich libertte lihetuire fire mojehao bpon like fufferance, iwho, not being fufpetfcD to Hart afioe, hao libertie to go in ano out at the fapo UoaOe, ano to returne agapne at night. 3|n the pcrcofourilojo r theOSrinterfeafon, the 0alleia coinming to their acculfomeo harbo;ough,nno be^ ingoifchargeoofall their ^affca,^aplea, ano other fuch furnitnrea,anoallthemapfiera ano marrineraofthem be' rng loogeo in their otone honiea,there remapneo in the p;if fon of the fapo HoaOe;ironera,tDho hao bin taken bp the Turkes fo^c, ano toere of firtane funo?p one,among the tohichjthere locrc th?a£'?^/'y?'wb^n tbep lucre luptbin^fel on tbe fire men and difpatcbed tbe quirblp. S^bep Fox barred tbe gat^,|nd planted aCanon againft if, and entring into tbe (Ifaplero loDge,tbep foundc tbe ISepeo of tbe p:iron bp bis bedsfioe, and tberetbepbad betterbjc-, pono tban befo:e.3n tbto Chamber loao aCbetf # luberein luaomncbetreafureallinSDucfietSj lubicbsPcterand tluo moje opening,ftufFed tbemfelues fo^fuH as tbep coulde, be# ttoeene tljeir tbirts and tbep: ftiinne, tobicb Fox loould not loucbe^but faio I;e fougbf fs: bts and tbeir libertie, and not fio: Qucene Elizabctfi* fo; mon^.^oiD tliefeet's^t being armeD Xo fucb lueapons'as fbep liftcOjf comming to tbe p2ifoa,Fox openco tf;c gates f 9o?es f calleb fo;tb alt tbe p;troners,tDboni be fet, rpme to ramming bp tljc gate, fomc fo t'oe DjetFing bp of a 0allep, tfje bett in tbe roaOe,calIeD tbe Captain of ^/tf.vWrw,tober into fome carricD maae3,§>aple6, iJ^es 9 otljcr fm-niture, ^t tbepjifon toereccrtaine bjamers, toljo Fox ano bis ro^ panp fleto,tn tbe hilling of tobom, tbcrc toerc eigbt iobicb got tbe to tbe top of tbe pjifon, bnto iobom Fox f bis companptoerefain to afcenbe bp laoi)ers,b)bcre tbepfouno a bote (hirmitbe, fo? fome of tbem tocre flapn ^ fome Ujouo bcorPcterVnticarof tbeotberttootbatbao armed tbe iDtfb tbe JDuchets toere flaine, as not able to toelde tbemfelues, being peffereo toitb tbe toeigbt oftbe treafure.Hmongff tbe Tnrkes iuas onc tb?all fb?oiigb,tobo fell of from tbe top of $ p?ifon bialljf maoe fucb a nopfe,^ tbe inbabitantestbereai bont,cameanD oaboeb bim,ro i tbephnoertfaio j cafe, botn tbep?troners toere occupieo, mberetuitb tbep rapfeb botbe ^/ fon migbt feeme impoflible to be a toap fo? tbem.Bnt to bde lbo?t, tbe raid dUaltep being trimmed tjp,tobercinfo enerpe man leaped, tbep bopffe bp faples f porlde tbemfelues to i mercie of0od, in tobofe bande is botb toind and toeatberr^ f noto being on floteand outoff fafetieof p i'oade,tbe tbio Calfelsbauefulpotoerbpon tbe fame, but fucbe toas tbe too?he of C>'od fo? tbeir deliueraunce,^ no one of tbem toas touched v6 rib. ibot tobicb came tbud?ing about tbeir ears, f tbus fapling are fame out of tbe Canons reacb,tbe bauing no ©allpes ttimmcd to mahe after tbem. Mbe tbe Cbilfians tocre fafe out oftbe enemies coaff, lolm Fox toil? led tbem all fo be tljanhefull bnto almigbfic C5od fo? tbep? 8eliume,and molf bmnblpe to fall bppon tbeir hnees, bc^ Cietbing bim to apdc tbem bnto tbeir friendes lande,fc. ;aftcr Qusene Elizabeth. ^ffer tDljicf) pjavers maoe to CPoo, fell fo labour toitb tbe oare, ttriutng to come to fomc Cbhfttan lanB, but tbe lutnco lucre oiuero, ano bictualo faplco tbem, fo tbat eppt oftbemDpeobp famm,to ttjc attoiuIf)»»enl of all^ercu : but it fell out tbat bpon tbe rcir. bap after tbep fet Irom A- Icxandrii, tljcp fell Ott tbC 31lC QXOimdte, aUO laUDCO at GaU,- foly, tubcre tbep lucre luell cbcrilbeb bp tbe 3bbot ant> ^ponbco tbecc,lubo caufeo tbem to flap tobtle lucll refrcfbeo ano eafeo. Mben tbep tbougbt gob j Icaue to bcpart from tbcnce, tbep fapleb along tbe toaft till tbep arrtueb at Ttremo, tube re tbep folb tbctr (!C»alIcp, ano bcuibcb tbepjiccjcucrpman bautnga part thereof, SCb® T^rkes purfticb tbc cbJifllano, anb fcoureb tbe ^cas lubere tbep coulb imagin tbat tbep bent tbeir courfe,anb tbe Cb?»' Cians bab bcparteb from tbcnce on tbe one bap in tbe raoj# «ing,lubiefeauen CiJalleis of tbe Tur^^ came tbitber tbat i: iitgbt,asit luas ccrtifieb bptbofelubo follotocb Fox anb bio companp fearing Icafl tbep tboulbe banc bin met tuptb, 0nb tbcn tbep came a fmte to Naples, luber tbep bcparteb a? funber.Gucrp man taking bim to bio "ert luap bo»'e, ftom lubence Fox tohe bio tournep bnto lubere be luao luel enter tapncb of an ci!;nglilbeman,tDbo pjcfenteb bis tuo?tbp bab to tbe Pope lubo reluarbeb bimlibcrallp,anb gauebim letters to tbe liing of spai»e, lubere be luao luell entertap^ neb of bim,U)bo foj bio luojtbp cntcrpjife, gaue bpm in fa tlucntie pence abape: from lubence being bcfirous to come into bio olunc Countrcp,be came tbptber at fucb time as be conuenicntlp coulb, lubicbe luao in tbe peare of our llojoe. 15 79,ano being come into £«^/4W,iuent bnto tbc Courte,f Ibelucb all bis trauailc bnto tbc Counfcllttubo confioering tbat be bab fpen t a great part of bio poutb in tb?aloome anb tonbagc, ertcbcb to bim tbeir libcralitieto maintapnbpm in bps agCjto tbeir great bono50,anb encouragement of all truebartebCbiifliano. « •«. a SCbio peare in tbe monetb of ^bcpfeinbcr luao fimtbeb p £nuh{d. batioa 15 77.aK tno?e at large i6 ftielueD. 3|ntljemonetl)of&eptenibcrf jaD£tobcr,fcll great tm'nDa tdood*. ano raging gouDed in funtijp plaeea oftbta Iftealme, inhere tt)2ongb nianp men,cattel and bouTea mere ommneo. 3|n p totone of Newport tfte cotages toere bojne bomne, tbe eojnc loSjpaSnre grounoe ouertnbeimeD, and cattanle bmmncQ. 3|iitl)etotoneof Bedford came bptotlje Market place,tDbere Cupbo^tia, ftoolea ans fojmea fcoam about tbe boufeS) tbeir fcittel, comeano bep ioaa U>?ackt f bOjne atoap. 3lf0 tbe tOtone of Saint Edes in Hmtwgtonfhire toaa ouerflotoen fooainclp in tbentgbt,tDben,aI men mere at reft,"^ matera bjake in mitb fucbe a fojce,^ tbe tomn maa almolf al oefareo,tbe fmana toam oomn tbe Market plate, f al tbe tomn about tbe boats oio fiodXt.Gormanchenrer mas fobainelprupp^elf, tbeir boufes Somen full of mater mben men mere at tbeir relf, tbeir cattaile mere oidropeo aboute tbe i4.of £)ctober.2nbe fea oto imell, tbe ^ercbats loQ tbeir g(D0s,manp mere ommneD^mbicb^ere after Couno botb on fanb anb lano in great numbers. Martin Caltrope;Iohn Hart the,"! S.ofScptember. Sherifes. Y Sir Nicholas Woodroofe Habarda(}ier,the 38. of Oftob. cZ^dior.S )fiDn ^ateroap tbe 21 .of i^oucmber,Dr T,Greni.-im Imigbt reg. 2 o ;3gent to tbe ©.bi^nelTe (mbo bab in bis life time builoeo tbe Rtjal Exchange in London,00 is afojs tbcmeo) occeafeB at * ' bis boufe in Btjhops Gate State of London^ ano mas burieb in tbe garilb Cbur^ of Saint EUn tbere. £)n tbe Wbiij. bapeof^arcbe, one Francis, Manna- J ^go duke Gloucr mas bangcD on a gibbet fet bp foj tbat purpofc oiie hanged^ bp tbe ^tanOarD in cheape, foj milfullpmarDeringVeriest Che ape for Gracc,after be mas bp bim arretteo aifo on tbe nert rnojcm being tbe nine ano tmetitb oap of ^arcb, one Richard Tod, tbat ibouloe bans bene bangeo in EaPfmuhfieide bp tbe; ninroering of^itfrelTe skinner a mioom tbere, mas bangeo at 7r^«r»r. ■00SS' Batthiuake* Qneene Elizabeth* SCfje Sptf) of being Meonefoape in about np of {f cloche toiuaro euentn0,a fooaune (igartbquahe bapning inXWcw^f almott generally tbJougfjout £«^/W, caureorucbeainajconeOe of tbepeople as InaotuonDerfnU fij; tbe time, anD caufeo tf>em to mahctbeir earnefll pjaperd bnto aimigbtie (2L^o. 2Ebe great cloche bell in tbepafaice at pyeiiminBer, ftraho of it felfc agatntfe tbt banimer Iwutb (bahing,a£toiuerfeclo(hes ano Belo intbrCttieamtelfe' lobrrebiotbe lihe:tbe€>entleiiien of the Cetnple being at &uppcr,ranne from the jCableB ano out of tbep; ^al toitb tbep; hniueo in tbeir banDea,a pette of tbe Ceinple Cburcb fell DoU)ne,fomettonc5 fell from Prfa/fCburcbe . ^noat chrtBes cburcbein tbe Sermon iobile a Hone fell from tbe toppe of tbe Cburcb. lubtcbe hiileb out of bano oneThomas Grey an apprentice, t an otber Hone alfo brufeo bie felotue feruaunte nameo Mabc! Eueret, fo tbat (be liuco but foiire bapeo after tDtuerfe otber mere foreburtlnitb runningrout of tbe Cburcb: oiuerfecbtmnepeo intbeCitie partoftbem fell Dohine tbebouleo luere fo (bahen. Wtfio Cartbquahe continueo in or ?i\30ot London not paflKng one minute of att boure,anDU)ao no more feltibutCaQluartie in Kent ano on tbe fca coatt it toas felt tbree timeo. 3Lo at Sandwich at 0re of ^e cloche,tbe lanb notonlp quahetr, but tbe Tea fo foameb, tbat tbe Ibippeo tottereo. Doner alfo at tbe fame boura toas tbe Uhe, fo tljat a peeceoftbe c/iffe fel intofbe fesrtoitb alfo a pdrce of tbe Cadle toall tbere. 0p(ece ofSahwood^a* tile in Kent fell Dotone,ano in tbe Cbnreb of Hide tbe }l5els toere baroe to foiinoe. apeece of Swton Cburcbe in Kent fell Ootone, tbe Cartbquahe being tbere botbe bearb and felte. 0no inal tbefe places ano otber in Cad Kent^t^z fame toatr felt tbJa times tomone, fa toit at ijr.f rf.oftbe cloche, t tLam- ninetantb of :aprill, tbeiFerrpeat^W?/^ toas kelhjVovvnVa orotoneDjioitbtiue men anofoureborres,otberttoo menne ano fiuebortfes Ccoam to lano ano toere faueo. SCljefirliDapofiSpap, afterictt.oftbeclochc in tbe nigbfp, ^ro«iuake in (gartbquabe felt in oiuers places of Kent ^nanisly at ^fordifireat f, tobicb m^oe tbe people tbere,to rife. ISi ipi S tllK Hdi iin Ml gr(t m biml (lODl tiiSfi mint Cai kti titk ui|i( ioatei tet MOft , want lontiii iBMt ipwi taaji lOttjl! iitim ijain ■ ISlRt Queene Elizabeth^ auf of f^etr beO0,ano ru to t^o Cburcbeo^fob^e (alUO bpon (2^oo,bp oarneQ p^avcrs to be merciful bnto tf)m, acfje rbi^.oap of ®ap about cue Ijoure befoje g>an retting biuerfcC'entleinen oftoojlbtp, f groocreoitey riding from CafteIt&:Ship» BodmAn in CerveiPM/teiJOMOB F^,tljerc appeared to tbcir fa# mtng in t i^ojtbeaQ, a berp great miit o; fog, mncbe tibe bnto tl)e featand tbe fo?me of a cloude in tbe fafl^io of fome gret calteMuitb fiago^f Qreameo tbereon^ao it mere ffan^ ding in tlje ^ea, mbicbc pjefentlpe banifbed atoape. 3|n tdbofe 0»de, and in neere tbe fame place, appeared another cloud tobicb altered into tbe likenetTe of a great argofiCjftir'' nifted toitb ^atteo, and otber neceffarieo, i bir fapleo fte* mtng ful ofU)inde,made bir map on tbe g)outbmea(l of tbe Cafieljbauing flreamero and flags berp mar Iibe,mitb tmo boates at either IterneXbere incontinent appeared againe tbe fo;nie of a Cafltel, and bebinde tbe fame came foloming on tbe ^outbmeafl fide, another greate ;^rgofie, furnifbeo as the firfie. Cbis being pafi, there appeared tl);ec o? foure (I5aleis mitb their ^afies and flags in marlibe ro;t,bantng boates at their fternes, and tberebp appeared other fmait clouds to the number ofrfi. mbicb altered into the p?opo?ti« on of the rapdeCafiels,and onefolloming anotber,as foone as anp of them banifbed other came in their rcomes, f thps contitiued the fpace of an boure. ^bojtlp after the figbtes ^ in ap?e afojefapde a mo?tbp (Gentleman in the Counfrep vvomu«i« mjit to a right god gentleman in ^ Court,i5 there luas fan JoScku^.'' bpon a domne called Brodm^lxDoiv»e,in SemerfetJhirejlu.ptt* fonages all clothed in blacbe, a furlong in dtfiance fid thofe beheld tbem,f after their appeartng,and a little mhtle ta* rptng,tbep banifbed amap,butimmediafelp,anotber ffragc companp in lilte manerycolour and number appeared in the felfe ranie place, and thep encountred one another, and fo banifbed amap.^nd thethirde fime,appcaredtbaf number againe all in bnght armour and encountred one another, f fo banifbed amapnth. bonefi me mbicb fam it,repo;ttng f iiame ab?obf jtoer cpamincd thorof, befo?e fir George Norto, 0(0g0.ij, t< : ? i i Quecne Elizabeths to U)i)om Coiare, t^at ffjofe fbitige bad (km tnere trae,a« fjcre before ui re!)erfco:^o?coucr it ia crcbiblp folb ofmatipbon^tttttcn, ttjat fiue miltoftomB/oKfJoniniVf/t' fi)tre>^ cri^ of bonnoea toaa bearbe in tbe a{)?e,tbe felfe fame aap tbat tbe firSe d^artbanabe toaa, ano tbe nopfe toaa fo great tbat toaa mabe, tbattbepreemeotbjdsDKonrefro^e couple, tobereatbiuerfe toke tbeir (!D>repbonnDea, tbinktng (bme gentlemen bab bin bunting in tbe cbafej anb tbongbte to courfetpet fome of tbofe tbat toent out of tbeir boufeajfoe^ tng notbingbelobo ab;obe,lokeb bptoarba to tbe ibpca,anb tbere efppeb in tbe ap?e 6ue o; 0ee bounbea perfectlpe to be btfernebtilioto (faptb mine antbour) 3 iroubt not but tbou^ fanba bolb tbia neinea fo? fablea inuenteb fo? pleafure, but 31 p?otca befo?e dS^ob f ma,3 can beldeue a great oeale mo?e Oranger matter tban tbia, in tbia Qraunge lno?Ibe: fo? tbe people fo eQraunge tbemfeluea from (£fob bp bSng manpe Srangefaibtona, rclapping on neb} conbitionat naturea, i ercept be tbetu fome mtraclea,bia gobbeab tooulb quick' Ip be fo?gotten on €artb,anb4nen tooulb beldme tbere toer no otber b}o?lbbut tbia. Cbua farreThomasChurchyardc. Cbe riii.of 3une about 0re of tbe cloche in tbe mo?npng' OtShtprveJh, \3a\X^iXlB9the.lBarony in Northumherlan^ , tberC bappeneb a tempeS of ligbtning f tbunber,aner tbe iobicb, of a fobapne came a great (boure of baple Sonea, amongS f tobicbtoer donea ofbiueralbapea,marnelloua to bebolb. Cbe rbij.bap of3une laQ pad, in tbe pariibe otBUmfden^ in rorke(hire,o!ittxo great temped of lightning ano tbunber, a tooman of fourc fcourc pearea olb nameb Ales Psnn, toaa - beliuereb ofalfraunge anb bibcoua ^^onffer, tobofe beabe Inaa like bnto a fallet o? beabe^paece, tbe face lihe bnto a mana face, ercept tbe moutb tobicb tuaa rounoe anb fmall,^ like to tbe moutb of a ^oufe, tbefo?epart oftbebobpe Iphe bnto amannc,baupngeigbtleg0ea,notonelihcbntoaii otber, anb a taple bald a parbc long . Mbicbe ^^onttcr b?ougbt into tbe U}o?lo no otber netoea, but an abmiratioti; i^e beuiReU>o;ke0 of 0ot>. A Table of the principall matters contayned I'n this Chronicle* ABbot of Weftminfler jnittc to his (liiftes. Abbot of Glaftenbiirie conimitjed a filthy aft. j Abbot of Saint Alboiis his policie. 15a Abbayesvifited.ioo^.fupprclTed. 1013 Abcrconway buildcd. 301 Abingdon ipoyled. 4^4 95. 94 Acres of land in Englad numbred. Andrcwes Churchc in Rochefter foan- ded. Andreds Cefter. Andreds Stifles and H.u'i lliiere. ,1^ A.nger a C.aftel in Eflex founded, zti Anthonies Church in London biiildcd. pag. 870 ^gnes Dayntie on the Pillorie. 74 3 Aduoultry piinifhed by death amongfi Anabaptiftes bare Faggots. lor^. Ana - thclnfidcls. 103 baptiftes brent. ibid, an Englifhman Pope. 107 Anabaptiftes bare faggottcs at Panics ^dam Tarleton Bilhop of Hereford ac- crofle.iiSi.banifhed.1184.brent, ibi. cnfedoftrc.afonanddepfiued ofhys ./^raieofc/wiediedatChclfey. 1104 temporalties. 346^. his fophifticall ^nne MmhioneJJe oi I'emhrok-t. 5180 letter 337. made Byfh. of Worcefter. Anfwereofa Pope. 353 33y .Bilhop of Winchefter. 3^7.dy- • Anthonies Church in Londo buiIt. 870 ed. 3y3 j^nne Sanders, ^nneVrurie, indtnittic Admiral of Frace ame to Londo. 1034 ^5 103 134 111 94 z6S Mhun finb Martire. JlhertHs Emperour. Afbons Church founded. ' A?mesburje builded. ^-:3^edKing of Weft Saxons. ^Ibe firft Ring of South Saxons. Aldermen in London. Mice Terce. Jles Haclqtey being long buried was ta- kenvpagaine. 86^ Almes houfes founded at the Crofted Friers. 3130 Alderman of London lent into Scotlad taken prifbner. 1031. Alderman of Southwarke firft. 4047 Ambairadours fente to Rome. lo^S. to hanged. Mr/j.Broune Knight of the Garter. roi8 Annes Church in London bren t. 10351 ^nne Mkew with others brent. ./^po/Zoj- Temple at Dolphos. Apuldore in Kent. Apoftata brent. Apparel 1 appointed to Harlots. 4197 Archbifliops of London. jirchemalns King. Mchegdiu King dcpri ued. Archeflamins.iij. ArchbifliopofEondonreproueth Vor~ tiger and is by him flaine. 8 r MthurKhng. Archbifhop of Yorke with his Crofte caft out of the Kings CJhaple. . 184 1035 ray 417 ^9 Z7 Caleis.1099.fromSweden.n13 .from Archbifhop of Yorke plucked from his Muicouie. ^mfhahei Martire. jintonius Gordianus. Emperour. Antonius Vhiiofofhus, AndregiusKing. no3 ^4 94 54 io feate, throwne to the ground & bea- ten. ill Archbifhop of Yorke drawne from the Alter to prifbn. aio Archbiftiop of Yorke couetous. 164 Archbifhop of Canterburie beatcth & wounde^h U: ¥ t M the table. wftundeth the Prior and Chanons of Bathe Abbey founded Saint Bartholomew in Snaithficldc. Bachiler Maior of London, aja BathaBi/bcpsica. Archcbishoppe of Yorkc George Ncuil Barons crea tedv emprifoned at Hamcs, and his goods Bafianus Emperour. confifcitc. 733 Anarmyfcnt to Landerftyi, 1017 ArchbifhoppesPallaiceat Canterburic brent. 1017 Articles of religion dcuilcd by the king. Page. 1007 Arden murdered. 1048 An Arian brent. 104P lef IT* 109a Itl Bafing. Baftard brothci" difheriteth die lawful!, and after murdereth him. Bamburgh builded. 10, Bangor builded. X3 Bathe builded. 11 Barons ofthcBritaines murdered. 82. Britons ftate milerable. 83 An army fent into Scotlande., 1018 Banqucttinghoufe built in Callais. 5x7 Arthure firftcfonne to King Henry the dcfacedby tempeft. jxg (eauenth borne. Bamardes Caftcll builded by Barnard, An army fent into Scotlande. 870 Bayllioll. xoj be/iegcd. 1138 Archbimop of Canterburic dcccafied. B.iynard Lordc of Dunmow builded' Page. ix8x> BaynardsCaftlcinLodon-.iyS. thro- Archbilhoppc newly clcftcd of Canter- wen downc.a41.ncwe builded. 874 biiric. 1185 Barons in armor againft King lohn.i4y 233 cxcomunicatcby the Pojie. I4^.i4i Anhure of Britainc murdered.. Afclepiodaius. 67 AureliusProbus. 64 Aurelianus. 64 Auftine the Monke came into Britainc. page. jtt AuftinsChurchcat Canterburic foun- ded. gl Auntient lawes of Englandc remainc in Kcntonclyc. rya Auftins in Bnftowe builded. 113 Auguftinc Friers Churchc in London. Page. 430, Aubrey de Ver created Earle of Oxford. Page. 51J Audley made Lorde Chauncellour. ,580 Knightof the Garter. 1058 Aide fent into Scotlande againft Eden- ' " " " 1169 borough Caflell. BAfemoneys coyned. Bayli&s of London. they fart for Lodowikc. 148 Barons in armor againft King the thirde. 178 .agaiaftKing Edsvarde the ficondc. Bathe bumei Battcll ofthc Danes at Alhendune. lao Batiayle at Hafting. 147. againftc the Wclchc. lES.ofiheStandard, i^, ■ Leyvcs in Suflcx,aJ5U!,t Eufliam.a87. arF.ankirkcinScotI. 30tf. atStriue- ling.333.atM0ritys.j9o. of Crecic. 196. onthefca.417.atPoytcrs.444.. cnthcfca.4^5. Shrcsburic. 553. a^ Bramham Moore 570. of Agencourt 593.atVernoleinPerchc. 6ai. at S. Albons.^74. at Northampton. 699^ Mortimers CToflc. 708 .at Thcwkesburic.7a8-atStokc. 8^3. at Blackebeath. 870 :oa9 Battel Abbey buylded. 166 U9 Bwell of Gnats. ^09, BcTwik$.- ^ the table. ■fbnvikc wonneby E(!w?.r 451. 444 144 lUr 744 1004 nil BiytainshoulcinHolland, ~ 37 Bry tains bodycs painted. 3 f f.ij. Brcnt« TABLE. 137 C4 U3 Z14 77 30 14 ail ken by Tempeft. nr^ Charitable aftcs of M.iiftcr JVi'.li'm Lambe. ,,'' 1188 CilicefteraCitic. 84 Cicefter brent. 88 Cirencefter. 114 Citizens of Canterburie againfte the Monkes of Chrifts Church. 354 Citizens ofNorwichagainft the Prior, page. 647 Romaine. 37.39 Clearkenwel. 177 Clearkes of Oxford baniftied.i8i. dif- cordbetwixte the Clearkes andlaye men, 307 Cleargies fandes required. 457 f/apww Maior of London. Sfi'y Cleargiecodemnedin premunire. 578 Clcargie fworne to the King. 579 Counties or fhieres in England. i Comewal defcribed. iz. Cordila Queene. az Cro wnc of gold fii ft worne in Eng. z4 1X1 612, Confpiracy in Ireland againft King He- Chichel^his teftament. C'lurch feruice altered. ^87" . tteftintheGuildHalofLcmdon.4ff4 "^Cliappell at Weftminfter for Hewrie the feauenth. 875 Chrift Church fupprefled. 508 Charterhoule Monkes executed. 1003. 1004. ConjodwjEmperour. Charitable deeds of fir/(//;»lOOj CwVKing. Giiimc o(ThomatHunilorpe,. 1016 Conflantius Emperourc. ^T. dyed. Churches pulled downe. 1038 Yorke. Churchc of5««/ei9/j« byBmithfieldc Con//p Damfot and ChafTtum two of the Gtiardc hanged. loio Daifrs of the North arraigned. loat Dauncc of Panics pulled downc. 1040 Dagger throwne at a Preacher. 1060 Dcnmarkc contribntorictoBiytayne. • page. i/.iS Dedantiusking. 50 Vttonm king. 30 Dcdus. 64 D.corham. 114 Dearth in England that mens flefh was eaten. Delacrafc Abbey. if 4 DtlofooU Duke of SulFolkc murdered, king. page. ffyi ■t^Eaft Saxons. Death in London. 874 Eaft Angles. Dearth without {cardtit 1171? ~ Deputation at Chrifts Holpital. iop8 Dilatation at Oxford. 1051 DefcriptionofEnglandc. i Dmelliu king. 31 Ditch about London. 137.244.cleanlcd _ 875 itche aboute the Tower of London. page. .0 aao Diflcntioft at Qxfbrdc , the Citizens indited. 430.50j.510 Diucll in likenelle of a Frier. 550 Domtiaxms Emperour. 54 Doncaller. Doner Caftcl builded. 54. bcficged.150 {poylcd by Frenchmen. 307 Dorchefter aBilhop Sea. 114 DohemoutL 117 DowhmowiaEflct. 178 Dohwichljxjyled. 30o.byT^eft. 301. Dogges flclh good mcaie. 33^ Dragorw feene. 1^3.257 Durham a Bilhops Sea. 135 Ducket hanged in Bow Church. 3 or Dukes banilhed. 527 Duke of Burgoigne enamored on the 6*22 Drie Sommer. 1020 Duke of Buckingham accufcd of Trca- Ibn.jag.beheiled. 529 Duke of NorfFolke lent into Scothmd. page. H14 Duke of Norffblke and Earle of Surrey fent to the Tower. 1034 Duke of Somerlet brought to the To- werio44 araincd.105c.bfhcded.1051 Duke of Northumberlandc and others beheaded. 1070 Duke of Suffolke beheaded. 1090 Duke of NorfFolke fent to the Tower, 1154. araigncdjiijj. beheaded, nii. E. 19 88.9S 84.9s Earthcjuakc. 133.1^5.1^9.180.182185. 49i.497.i?rd the firft king. Edward the fecond king.3a5 .imprifofted •34<>.depofed.350.murdred. 357. Edward LeBrufehthcaAzd^ 338 Edward thc'third king. 341 .'elcfted King of Alraainc.404.dyed. ■ 4^9 Edwarde the fcconde bruted to bealiue. ■ ' 3^9 ■ 393 Edward Earle of March./ii.crowned. 712, • martircd.715. takenprifoner. ytyeC- • caped.ibid.ficdde.714.returned.7i6r. !• jnadeknightesat London; 73^.ban- • queted the Maior ofLdrido.749.en- . dedhis life.75d.hisd'efcripiaom741. Onttion at his death.758.his Concu- bines. Edward Lord Grcji made Earle ofKcnt. • page. .. Edeiidon founded. page. 713 Edward the fixth bornc:ioir.bcganne to raigne.1035.madcknight.ibid.dcce- fed. .1058 Egucfiiam. 114 Egelburge. 114 Egbrightftone. 113 EUnius king. 2,8 Eliditruskm^. 131 Eidredking. 30 tea. 180 Kdrir brother fcekctb fatten-re "the yo- ger brother,but it would notbeob- tayned. ' t79 Elfingfpittlc founded. '' * Elianor Cobham apprehendedt444dndi- ted of trcafon. 645.did penance. ^45 Eli'^hcth now Quecne ot England hyr ■ birth,999 hir chriftning. lo'op 'Lady Elizabeth fentfo the tower. 1090 Emfrianuj king. ' 30 Emperotircamc'to London. 930 England firft fo called. ri8 Ermgneofthe Danes. ' 115 Englifiimen beli'eged'the Caftei of Ai- gillaan Barbarie. " 5 ' • 118 England deulded.' 138 Eriglande conquered by wooddenbo- wes. ~ 4^ England interdifted. ijif. relealcd.i44 Englifii flrijis oucrcome by Spaniar.^y^ EntercourjbwithFlaitnders. ' 870 Englilhmen fcnt fb Sairit Quint. 11^ Englifiiitlert fentfp"Viftarin Irelad.i^ Epillle of£/«VW/«r. . TJ Epilfleo(Boniface to kmoEibeiidld.lOZ Erthenwinc firft king of Eaft'Sali'ps. 98. EllenduncinEflexe. ^ 138 Exchequer at Nbrthanipton. 137 Exchequer at Yorke- 3°.^ Exchequer at Yorke,. ' 3 4.0 Etl)clbcrt king of Kent. 90.chrifteric>d.9r Ethclburge poyfoncd hir husband Butri- ca/kingofWeftSaxons.ii8. hir mi- ibid. 115 134- , 101. 34 HZ 13? Icrable end. Ethelingey,the noble Hand. Etheldred king of Weft Saxons, Euefham founded. Excefterbuilded. Excefter the Danes wintered there. Exccfte r a Biftiops Sea. . Excefter beficged. j, ". ^o.&,i88 Exccutio in Pauls chur<3iyard, 1015.1085 P'amea THE TABLE. Flcminings robbed by the Kcdnimen. page. 714 pAminc. iS6.i7t and Pwev kings. 14 ^ Fals acciifcr of liis elder brother han- pp^eft in Hampfliire. 16S g^d. ai7 FodririghcyCoIledge founded. ^74 Farendon founcJed, Poure Eclipfes, loi^^ FatCow.xvj.pence. 410 pov/9'ofthcTowerPotmakerllcpt.r4 , Fall of inoney.i049.fccond fall of mo- dayes and as manye nightcs without ney.ibid.&. my waking. 1055 FalfcChrift whipped.^ mtf Fraweariuer. 112, J^WiA-BirtiopofDonwich. 5^ Froft great. 171.1,34.443.159.154. ^38. Fernehame in Southfex. iiy page. 915 Feuerfham in Kent founded. 19 j FrecSchoolc andalmes houfesatRit- Feete and hands of many me cut of.i57 cliffc. 1014 FeaftofSaint George atWindfor. 417 Frier Forreft brent. ion Free Schoole at Bedtord founded. 1117 pj-ee Schoole at Drayton in Shropfhirc. arraigned and executed. 1148 pa^c. 1031 Fire-light forbidden to the En^Iilh. 153 FrecScholeatTonWidge. 1048 Fiih like a armedknights Frenchmen landed inihe lie of Wight. I4^.monftrous. 1.6% Newh.auen in Suflex. ibid Fiketsfelde. Frenchmen attached. 930 FireatBaynardes Caftle. tfji Frenchmen arriuedin Suilex. 1031 FhxJVaterAtowncA. 6^6 Friers houfes fupprelled. 1003. againe. Fire nigh Ludgatc of London. io?i , dcccafed. , . v ' ■ r- Oatehoule of tire middle Temple newc "-built. . ■' yoj ailofhcr 'iC.rptaihem'urde- ■'"dcrOd'."'".!>(?.n-jfiii; ('"i'>iivto45 Gernisfn'tdkc the liamc?''^-'''^ ■ to Cffwlif/nj king. ^ d ■ ..ul;!-''-. jq Gei-niAnu^ Slid Billi'ops. ' '77 Gcrendbhfouildtd. jqJ GeffreyChattcerXi'-'l'' ' ' -1 "'"■',^48 George VlantagenetttiiiiG^ak-e. of Cla- reocc. ■ ■'" '"^3 Gf^9'wdiippedforhcrefic. ■' iiitf Gifforj '^ngolifhe created Earlc of Huh- tington. 471 CaAerJ'l'fW'pUni/hed kiGhcape.'' to^y Glimorgak. ■-1 ■j.vsss,, i.Glaftenbiirie. Glocefterfounded; J -Cdt? ^arlcof Warvvicfee (flew CgSmiude. - ?3t GlocelVer;ir^.brent.X77.burncd. I'Si- hnheEnglalb. ^ 44: G'loceftcrCaftIc takeby theBaros. 473> V Glocefter Church brenf. 510 9'^»y«H^ydn.Ix>ndonbu,lded. Glocefter befieged." .■ 1,8,4 . Glamorgan ini Mm-gahdc1^YiOniic. :f^ auo.' jr ' r,_ ' Glaftenburi'ebuifdeJ. ■ " AdriatmstTf^ovcMSici Guuiac Ihotat^heErcacher. •'573 i03>L Glaftenburie buifdei. •Ghiftcnburie brent. ■' ' Cor6cid«^king.. ' Corbamante! king. Gorbonian king. 6 ofpell preached in England, r Godwin Sands. H v. - 413 -nHadley in Eflex, 44 H.iira^a Dane King.- 4y Hardicanutuiimo. 50 H,wo/^; Ht/iWe the feconde king. 100. wfcr.ri a- •g.rinftihcWolclvtaen; ' aot Herrfci'rtJ Patriarkc.' - ' ^^■114 Hedges burned. ' 137 //wr/'r the third King. ' "ifl HctksmengotfiwardlerUfakbii ^40 •Hugh Spencer excciir«i;^' ■'Uenrie Percy crcitcd Erfe df' Notthitrn- ■ berland. ••-^""-.471 He.w'e baftard of Spline. •^''""'.1 Hcrfleetebefieged. ^Henrie (onne to I'Aoh of Gaunl cTtlKd ■ DukeofHereforde.f i^vKdhf^ 'the »: IHtke ofNorf&lke .518 .IVMiiflicd 419 • Tetutneth into Englandc 53a. chofen k:ing.540.crowned ^4i.conipiracie a- - gaihfte hini. 544. Cntreth Scbtl.rnde-. f -^547.iiigreatdaufiger.^49.' marieth ■ thedutchcfof Biytaine --^p^. cohfpi- racie againft hinii4<)3. writcth to the Pope.^ji.ended hisl^. .57^ ^Uenrie Seaucha/nf created duke ofWar- wicke. ' fienrie LordBowcTw rtiade.Earlepf EC- fer- ^, 71J Henrie fon to HeWe the (eauenth borne * ' Tienrie fonne to Henrie the founh nude " princc6fWal(:s.54i.his demeanor at hi's fithers deathe. ^y6.crowned king 583.entreth Normandie. ■ turnethhomej^7.dcceafcd. . ^14 .Senrit ihciixdr bprue at Windfor. ^la 4 lA * TABLE. King of EnglinAind of Fr.tuncc.S'rg crowned. ^33. at Paris. ^3^. fled into , .5cotlande. yiz. diihcritcd.yij. take;* .,>717. reftored. 71J. (cut to rheTowct ,;ifonef. 717, twnrdereil, ,74,9. hts c.6'.i 'tnendation.730 his Collcdge,73r.bis dcath.73tf. buried at Windier. '848 JE<&;ard PriiKebcfpe in'Saric''t,u?r:e.-7a.'i 807. KmgofEngkuitie. 74t..his..>un- j,/werei to. hisJijptlwr.So^ murdered; •- ■P-'g'^' SiS Hanri^Easle-.of "Richtnpnslp landed .at ,. Mylford hauen.Syi. procLiyme.,' king 8y8.crowned 8dr. be-iiegedRuloignt 8iJS.builded a Chapnlc at. VVellmir.- ftcr..S73 .Holpitall of the Saypy, 8 jr. ^deceafedibidem, b'S fcpHlelin:!, -Sji Hifygirerthe Dane flaync,, ^; r2.3 Hc>jt7>'«j.^mpe3i(H!r> jtv r.;'"- •, 7:3 ddokenorton a towne. .5,.,-119 Houndidich. . ■ rtj Hpfen-apayrefur a king tbree ftiiHings page. -ifiS- Howies blorync.dojvn inCheape. 170 Hofpital of Saint I.eotutrd at|yprke fou- . ded. -r. ■ . ■ ■ Hofpitatl of Saint Gjles, 185 Hofpital of S.iint Croilc budded. igy Hofpitaloff.Thowdi in Southwark.i44 Hofpitall at Oxford. _ iifj Holpital of Saint Marie atXcndon. ady . Hofpital at Eecelicr founded. ■ 3-,: lohnGoPfcr. 54 J Sir l.Oidcafielcouift.^S4.CTecuted.39^ made Duke of Somcrlct. page. ^47- lohnDaity loftc hyj.hande iu Chcapc, page. 7IJ lohn Duke of Bedford regent of France married jinne daughter to the Duke 66^ page- lone Butcher brent. IleofShepey. He of Wight firfte chrifeicd.. lames houfe purchaied by the king.798 Ida firfte King of tlie Northumbers. 107 Icvvels h.age^ and left in the high wayes not couched but of the owners. 117 lewes robbed, no. imprifoned. 138. fpoyled. 146^. their Synagogue. lewes borne in Englande. 173. hanged" _ page. 175 IteofEly befieged. lewedrowned. 177. lewes fpoyled. 178 Ipfwiche befieged. lewes executed. 198. their Syn.agogues deftroyed.3101. baniflved. 504 Icwcs and Lcapers poyfoned waters. 341 • Icdworth in Scotland brent. 933 Icwels and Church Plate called into the Kings hande. 1037 lo/ep/) of Aramath. 57 lohn dieKings Ibnne nude Lord of Ire- lande. i94' Inltn the Kings 113 Joh«King.i3o.diuorced.i3t.f6mmaned to the r renche Courte. 131. rcfigned the Crowneandabfolued. 143. crof- fed to Hierulalem.143.flcd. 149. hys treafure drowned. 130 lohn Ettre helde landes in Scotlandc. 317 jfo/jB A'/Vi)'hanged; 480 /idjnBrf/yhanged. 489 lohn hanged. 491 lohn la/n/pocfworthinefle.47(5" ccalTed. 4 p3 Murder in Weftmitfter Church, 477 lohnlijrtham^toiukAmon,. ■ 493 ofBurgoigne. , ^17 S.iint Ichnsin Smithfielde fupprelled. lOI^ ny" i"47 198 lozS Z.S I6y 179 Iron gpinnes firft caft. Irelande inhabited. Iflue of WiLliajn Conqaerour. llVlev/orth by the Thamis. Ifabettht QueeneTent into France, 347 returned and made an amiy agai nft-; the King hirluisbande. 348. fljeebe- fieged Briftow. Ithancefter, a Citie in Eaft Sax." iW/King. lulius Trontlniftx Romiine.' Ittliut ^gricola a Romaine. luiiut Seuerut i Romaine. luliuf Amiliamts. lulius Maximuf, lulius Vhilippits. Julianus Apoflata. lufticespunilhed. luftes at Lincoln;. 403. at WIpdforc. 408. at WcodftQcke.431,; in Smith- fielde. 439 luftes in Smithfielde.718 . at Richmont.. ■ 8tf^. in the Towerof London. 874 luror? 99 JO 45 45 54 ^4 H 7r 304 THE Iur«rs6ti tlie Pillcrie. luftiiig of Chalcngcrj. luftcs at Greeiicwich. luftes at Wt;ftminftcr. luftifcesrcontlerrinecl. ' IrtfuiTeftionin the North. Ill May day. Juogo dt tan a paftime at Court. Images breiit at Gherfic. Images forbidden. Image of Thomas defaced & K. ij i8 87 8p HI 181 TABLE/ 718 Knightes made by thcEarle of Suffer, page. ioiS IOC? lift 107 SS'4 <>13 IOI3 10^6 L. "44 LAncafterbuilded. Lanthony founded. Inimaciu king. K" Kymarw king. Kingdome of Northumberland. Kentidl Saxons. Kings euiil healed. Kenmam builded. Kenelworth Priorie & Cartel built. 181 Kenelworth Cartel belieged.i<>o. yeel- 15T lOX i^r 183 387 45T ded. Knightenguirdc. Knarisborow. Kcnington or Kingrton Cartle; King of Man. Kings a Prince and other. King Cartle. Ki ng and Queene of Dcnnurkc arriued in England. ^31 King Henries marriage with Queene Katherine called in queilion. 5(5; <> King Henrie fupreme head of the church page. 978 King Henrie the cighte befiegcd Tur- wine. 898 Kings rtable brent. ^ 1003 king H/w/'e married Lady lane. 1007 King Henrie his gift to the Citic of L6- don. 1034 Sir Tdsmnd Kneuet araigned forftriking one in the Court. loii king Henrie married Ladyc June of Libertiesin Southwark piirchafcd.i04 Merchant Taylors. , . 87^ 490 iviiiyu ICVl 111 10^ Margrauc and Martfucfle ofBailai^rn- dedat Douer. iii7.rcprue£h,put.o£ England. ' •... •. .^e^pr;_^«rKingdeuoured, y ip Aferianrtr King. jt Mercian? pr jniddlc England..r SS. 103 Me.dclbariifted now Peterl>orough. jot Med\v.iyaRijqqr^Jl4.drie, ^ . i8t Meafurcs refb/.med. , - . ■ 17^ Men brought from new found Uandcs, ■P^g=- . 87? 6$l I? H ^•4 (Trf ,87 99.119 7t Men browned at London bridge, to j 9. 10^7 Klints or Irehind, pige. 13^ ag.iinc. Mercers ChappeH in London, Midleton or Milton in Kent. \ L O" jVijr/VtrKing. ^8; flew Roderi^ Kingot Michelncy. 131 Pi£fes. ^4 Minorjes without A!dgatcfoundcd.30(S' M.inchefterTepaireS33.brcpt. V 6'3.4 Nightwalkers in London did murther Mohing'bfih'eearth." ftfb Mtheymetre. ' ' _ adj Menkesgoodesconfifcatc. "''7'374 theday. "Jiiy Mooregate of London biiilded. 5^7 Norwich a Bi/hops fee. 173. brent. ao8. Mercers prentifoofLondonagainfl: the 294. citie'waUed. 313. fteeple brent. ftrangersv e'75 7iy.brent. S90 G.M'warhisalrficsdeed'es.'^01 Notingham brent. 191. befeeged. 19S King. Z4 Nonne Eaten founded. zoS Mufterofhoiflemen.ioyo. agayrre;io52 Northampton befeegcL ,^7 , a.?'* Mufter at Gfeenewch by Londoners. Noble ofgoid.- ' p'4 ^ page. „ ,, e'■' iiij, Nt'welmehofpitall. ^52 Mcr^ant TayIbrsfrecfcboQje.fofihdcd. Nunnes burnt in their Abbey. 121 page. ''■'"■4114 2ye.yo«executed. u$z Mary RofeaShippedfo'wricd. ' 1032, Newport towneouerflowed.^. 1209 Men brent in the Hedgehoga Ship.io3t New Colledge in Oxford. , 1217 M'!*^ofHi,w«ran'Hcrctike brent. ti9y New Inne in Oxford,. .1223 ^amuuluk^ Gloun hanged in Chcipe. q '< ■ Xfolrouschild. , Kta'ml ^ 34 Magdalen colledgcin Cambridge. 1220 '-'Order-of tlie Garter founded at MertonCoIIcdge-in Oxford. 1221 Windfor^ 413 Magdalen Colledge in Oxford. 1217 MaldalenHallmWord. ; i?i3. ?n-tlie fame Duke of Mary Hall in Oxford. tzz}' V -i ut v Michaellhoufc in Cambridge.- 1220 Oir^^ opromfwikechalenge^combatc ' . ■ with John Dukeoi Lancalter. 416 N. OjeenGiendouerdeve. jji. 337. his. fpnnc ■^O.Oble men that came with taken. 3^3 ^Conquerour. TeiriW brake out'of Neva-gate. Namcrof Chantries taken. joo^ <'40.beheadcd. 709- ^^.iij. Oxford. THE TABLE. Oiforcl btiiJcLio, in Vnuicrfitic.U7. VtUagima heretike.T^.' CaftclbuiWed.i^ . Collcdgc in Oxforde. mi Outcrier and Bell man for the dayc.1113 1116 Owes bridge borne downe. P. I Arkcs. 4 43 P VoUcleiw x'R.omiint. Pate a riiicr in Eaftlex. Parliame t at Winchcftcr. 188. at Marie- borow. 153. at Wcftminftcr. 197. at Barwicke. Stepenhcth. 309. at Northampton.3i<>.at Yorke. 343. at Northampton. 358. at Salisburie.359.atWincheft:er.3(5o. at Nocingham. 3tri. at Yorke. 3^7. at London. 37a. 374. at Wcftminftcr. London. 38*3. at Weftminfter. 387.410.417. 431.438.611. at London. ^19. (3i4. of Battes at Lcyceftcr. 619. at Weft- minfter. 631. 6^6. at Bury. ^30. at Weftminfter. 664. at London. 679. at Coucntric. 691. at Weftminfter. 700.713. 718.738. 8(3i. 8^4. at the Blackefriers. 931.9^8 Panics Church in London founded. 91. brent. 166. repaired ibidem , newc work.t7tf.333.wcathercocke blowne downe. Schole. 894. fteepie brent.iiid. g.ates blowne open. iri8. Parfon of Saint Mildreds brent. 839 Poultery prifed. 310 pageants new made in London. 93 o Parillies in England. 93a. in London. page. irio Paginton flaync with a gonne. loitf Pallace'at Weftminfter brent. 897 Patrike-Brumpton ouerturnetL 1188 ■Pfw/e/WKing. 31 'Peti-onius a Romaync. 44 Vertinax Emperour. 38 Peters Chiir^ in CornehiJJ aBilhops fee. confuted, 7^ Peterborow founded. lei PeterpencepiydtoRomc. irtf Peftilencc great in England. 40J Peftilence. 3^8 Saint Pctrocus at Bodmin in Cornc- wall. , 131 Peftilence. 171.478.310.747. iS6. 171 Peterborow burned. 181 Peter of Pomfret.141.hanged. 245 Peter Colledge. iinf Pierce Plowman his vifions, 387 Peterpcnce forbidden to be payd. 4^r Pcnbroke hall. 1117 Pecocke Biftiop of Chichefterabiuredj. page. 48i Perkin Werbecke. 813. 8^8. 8^9. 871. hanged. 873 Philip king of Caftile landed in En- Pi ^land. tes firft inh.ibit the marches. Pickering budded. Pirthtts king. O 878 18 30 31 I3t 717 171 P- Piked moes forbidden, Pirates hanged. Priuiledges vnto Saint Edmondsbury. page. • 131 Priefts married remoued. 145 Prieft at Malle flayne with thimder.108 Priefts became theeues. 4^0 Prifoners in Newgate andLudgatcdy- j8^ Porcliefter budded. 18 30 118 Porter of the Tower headed. 38*? Pofterne by the Tower of London fell. Porrex king. Portgreucs of London page. Ptpdigious fignes. Portemiouth. Popes authoritie abrogated. Powled heads commanded. Pioiiofts of London. 6'4a 31 84 1005 1004 118 Prouiu- THE tABLE. Proui'nciallcounfelUtOxforil. 155 Recorder of London FitrDSTilliam. Proclamation againftc the family of Rcgiftcr bookc in cucry Church to bee . loue. iii3 Prince of Wales the kings cldeft fon. 311 Priuiledgc to Clothv/orkcrs. 37J Pdoric and hofpitall of Sainr Barthol- mew in Smithfield founded. 178 Printing firft. Preached af Panics CroUc Doftor Goddard. , ,,, 714 Prifoners of the Marfhaliea brake, out. pge .877 Priefts laying MaiR apprehended. 1177 Priories fupprefled by Cardinall Wol- fcy. Prince Arthur married. 874. dcceaflcd. ibidem. Prifbner brake fro the leisios koufe. P59 Prince of Piamont came into England, page. Prince of Orange eondufted to the TowerofLondon. lopj Publicans whipped. 203 Publicans with their bloiidy proccTsi- on. 405 Plimmouth ipoyicd. e or CatWarbridgc in Ef- lex. it$ Quaffing and dmnkcnnes punilhcd. 133 •Quccneneth in London. >70 Quecnes Attoumey llaync. 68 j Qucencborough Caftcll budded. 461 Qucene tooke Sanftuary. 714.767 Quccnc of England chaied.. 2,79 Quecnes CoUedgein Cambridge. 1117 Queenes Colledge in Oxford., itzi R. RAmfey founded. 135 Ra'mpirc builded at Calcis. .401 R^lph Stafford Ilayne. 498 Redargiitt King. 31 Rdicjiioainl^udE^cx. "4S0 kept. H3 Religious houfcs gtauntcd to the king. page. . lor^: R/woKing. 30 Richborough. 36 Riot and euill life the dcftruiffion of thcBritarnes. 79 Ripendun or Ripon. iia Richarde the firft King. 116. foolcc hys voyage to Eberufalem.aio. taken pri- the walles of Vien - na. , " ai3 Riot in London. apt Rifebanke Caftell budded. 40J Rye fpcyled. 471 Richard Scrope Archbifhop oFYorkc rcbeileth.563 beheaded. , ^64 Rkhard the fecod made prince of Wale;;. 468. crowned King. 470. married. 4 8^-518 .entrctJi See tlad 457,478 ,ar- riueth in Irc]and.ji7,530.retumcth a- fiine. 533. betrayed and taken. 537, rought to the Tower. ^35. murthc' red.j46.buiyed. 584 Richard Wich brent. 641 Richard D. ofYorkcwrote to Hcry the fixth.666.fwornc to H. the tainted.6p1.hisarticies.6p3.flain.707 Richarde Plantagenet nude Duke of Glocefter. 713 Richard Duke of Glocefter deftribed* 755.made Prote(rtor.770.his oration- 77i.hisproclamation. 776. taketh on hira to be King. 81a. crowned. Say. flaync at Bofivorth field. 857. buryeJ at Leyceftcr. 8y8 "Rfuallo King. aj Ripendiine a Towne. lof Richrnond budded. 874 RodJanrtfKing. 3I Rochcfter Caftell builded.34. bclecged. ix4.brcnt.i8y.i88.aialicfeeged. 14^ 183 .bridge of ftonc builded. y6^ Romcbuijdcd.a3.fpoiled by the Gothes THE TABLE. 7^.facfceJ. 9i9 l^oundtible^ 8i Jtobert Diikc of Norrtiandy wcntc to HieniCilem. 173. had tribute of King Henry. 177 Rofkrnond concubine to Heitty the fc- cond. ill Hobert Fi<7^S'tr/)'jf«entredIrelandc. iotf ranfomcd. 12,4. wofided to death. 119 'Robert hoode. 117 Robert PitxJVater rsXiint, 141 Roger Bacon. 1^3 Robert GroFlecL a70.l7T RotteofSheepe. 197 Round table at Killingworth. 198 Robert 'PitxJVater Baner bearer of Lon- don. 3" RoadcswonncbythcChriftians. 331 Round table at Windefore. 389 Robert KnoUes. Robert P^ere created Duke of Ireland.^oi. flicth.304.burycd. 518 Sii Robert Knoiletiytth. ^69 Roane bcfee^ed. ^oo Roger BoUn^roke abinred at Paules Crofle.^44. enditedof treafon. ^45. executed. ^4^ Rofeofgold. RaiinofRjdidale. 711 Ro^er himfelfe. 96^ Roodc of Grace Ihewed at Paules. loit dofl. '"41 Sandwich Ipoyled. _ 48» Sermons at Saint Maty Spittle . the Maior of London witn his breethre* placed there. 74tf Scrieants feaft. 714.8^9.87^. 89^. 1074. ii9i. iiij Sanftuaryabufed. 774. San(fhiary men executed. 8^7 Sanders murthercd. iitf/ Scotland defcribed. 4 Schoolc of Englilhmcn at Rome. 119 Scholers of Oxford did penancc.iiJ^. a- gainik the burgeflcs. 181. wente to Stamford. $^9 Scholers of Cambridge agaynfte the townefmen. • 174 Scottesdid homage. 170.177.131,3^7, deliuer Scotland to King Edvard the firft.3oybient the fuburbs ofYorke. 340. refigned the crownc of Scotland' to King Edward ihc thirde. enter Northumbertand.49r. 499.508.3jr, ouerthrowne. loa^. their Kingmur- thcred. iijt Scarcitie ofbread. 95* SeuerneaRiuer. 19 Seuenis Emperor.58.died in Britamc.^o Senerus .Alexander. Selbey a Bifhops fee. 9J Sebba of a King became a Monke in Royalexclunge whc fo firft naincd.ii50 paules Church,and was there buried. lohn Rogers hreat. I093t.difclurgeJofthcWeatScaT« Temple new in London. 114 ^^tf.arrefted. ficknetli.574. dc- TempleK apprehended. 31^. codemncd. ceafeth at Leiccftcr. 97^ 330.brent. 33i S-rtow^tr jWooremadeChancellour.5^7' Tearme kept at Harford. iiai difchargcd of the ChanccUerfliip. ^8p Thamis a Rjuer defcribed. 3. dryed. 181. beheaded. 1004. frozen. Iiaeror.39oJupprcfl"edpriory9to build 899.raccdandbumt. 9OO his Colledges in Oxford and in Ipf- Turney befecged by K. H. the viij. 900- wich. 939. fcntc AmbalTadoure the Thomas Greflham Knight dccealiy. third time. 92-9. his pompous riding. page. T 09 543.declarethinthe StarreChamber TrinitieHallin Cambridge. 1117. C0I-. whathonorable peace he had conclu- ledge. iikx • rlgtruM and "Peridrnts kmgs» V ^r/<»jw king. a Romainc. VtEtiMs Vilanm a KottUine. yaleritu. Verokmitim a-Citic. yderius M^ximuj. ykUntiniftn Emperou/, yrfula the Virginc. yortiger king. yther Pondragonking. yiirtifiorui king; yffit firft king of EaftangleJ. the table: V. Wdttr Stufltttn Blftdp of ExCcfter 30 headed. 345 jQ Wardes in London difcharged of fif- 37.4? 630.71* Water fludde. 166.306.370 Watcheat Midfbmeragainevfcd. 103?.' g. on Saint Peters euen. iiai gg WarwikeEarl'c wentcagainft the Re- bcls at Norwich. 104* WarrewithFraunce. 1104 Wellminfter founded. 58. reedified.i54 enlarged. 270. Churche and Pallacc brent. 305 71 71 77 84 »7 -...-.w. 56 WorcefteraBilhopsSca. loa yd/?uneHar^pio„mSu^Td{hiere.' jiS Weftminfter HaU builded. 174.repay- Vale royaU founded. joi red.327 oiierflowed with water iii 9 Viaaials prifed. 335 Weftminfter and Briftol made Bifliop- YicarofWandfworthandodhersexecu- ted, loitf Weft Saxons. iij Voyage to Mufcauia »x6 Weft Cheapein tondon brent. i8y Welchmen rebel. 347 VY, Wels a GoUedgc founded. 116. Cathe- wrAles diieribed:. 16 dralChurch builded. 117 W Waves foarebegon 14 .finilhcd..i7 Whitington a place fo called. ill Warwickebuilded.i8.repayrcd. 130; Winbume. iil Warwiketowne,CaftlciColledge. '183 Wheate at twelue pence a quarter. 30* Caftle new builded. io6 Wheate forbidden to be made in make. Walebrooka P'^gc- 337 Walles about Colchefter buirdcct 6p, Whit meats allowed to be eate in Lent. v<- Walles aboute London builded.67.rc-- P^ge. ioi6 payred.146.176.746. Wnot Sommer.corne cheape, 303 Wall'of Adrinc.y4.oftuifc.y7i7j. of Winchefter builded. ii ftonc. 76 Pf^dfifdeBilhop. 74 Walles of ViennabuiltbyKdng-iyc/nrrd Winchelcombe founded!. 106 the firft. 113 Wibandune. 114 •« Wales inuadcd by 173. Winchefter aBi/hopsSc».lly-.Co)Icdg« --WalthaminEflex. 147 builded.. 361- Watrisburierepayred, 130 Wigmorerep.iyred! 117 ■rWarham Caftle. 1 pii Wilton in Walt/hire.. iia, Warwel builded. 134 Wilyariuer. ni Ware in Hartford/hire builds by. the Witham in EflcXi nP' Danes. 126. Winchefter brent.. 177.17*. Water Dortic. 110 fyil/H^mliu/ujkitig.t^^.niine, 174* Watren and ToE free to the Citizens Winchclfey drowned. 173' ofLondon. 150 ^/7&*»Bii(hop of London. i^P- iij. Wighta; Wig!it takefl.47i.inuaJc(!. Will'Mfn v^ith the beard. WiUiam StarU executed. Waters ouerflowc. Wines prifed. WiUlcm }Vikl>m Biihop of Wiodiefter page. WicUft, 4^9 THE TAB LB. WoodncfEcldc in Staflbxdffilrc. Ttf WolQesdcftroycdin England. 13J fVb/fe and hb wife hanged. 100^ Woollftaple at Sandwich. joy Wooll forbidden to be conucycd ouer the Seas. ■ }7j. Wooll ftaple in England. 41! .4^3 Wooll ftaple at Calaice. 4^9 5^7 zzf 518 yiSo 131.501 «54 UII Iji William Titx.Wil.\)t\ng elefted Shcrifc Woman brentc at Maydftonc for poy- of London and abfentinghimfelfdif- ^-l -1 - ' franchifed. Sjiy William Stajjhrd made Earlc of Deuon- fliiere. 713 Wil Herbert mzdz Erie of Pe broke. 713 Wiats commotion in Kent. 1078. came into Southwarkc. 1081. remoued out of Southwark.1081. taken.io85.fcnt totheTower.io87.beheadcd. 1071 of Scotland brought toLon- don,and executed to death. j i5 WindesCTeat ^41 Wichofty brent. 545 WlJrunhamftotj. S90 Worcefterreftored.133.brent. 181 Worcefter defaced by fire.18 j.i^o.bcfie- gcd.i^tf.&. 181 foning hit husband. Wonders in Wilt/hire. Wreftling at London. Y. .y^ Minftcr founded. 1 page. I03> Yorke taken by rhc Danes and Nor- mans.iif .brent. , jsi Yorke fore perilhcd by fire. 188. brent. page. 112. Y orke Minfter brent. /ly Yonger brother beguileth the elder. 178 Yonger brother imprifoneth the elder and puttcth out his eyes. 179 Yonger brother falfcly aecufethhitel- der brother 117 FIKIS. Faultcs eteapgd in the Printing. •page. Lynel I8 11 i8 zt I8 rj 29 1^.17 2o 1} 26 6 IX 30 32 33 3P 9 36 9 f6 30 f6 3i 64. 3^ 98 33 JoZ 2fl 3 272 £1 280 14 37t 2.8 406 37 490 iS fif tz fif zS f4o 33 f62 10 604 4 633 <3 636 640 7 734 14 749 32. 817 33 8J:9 1evtaDJaiu fei^ei Afchitremia omit (noo)) nOo) Breniiu Scaiia Scaua fcaitie Menrigus Eluanus Drevydei drangird Lucius ytriche Ojhaldt in JVales Worcefltr BJphingdon MichaeM oidained iCI[il(clloi Aubrey (aS | Deuerois demaund tnooddes Pellatn nine long fince darted ^uiee pi' CaptUt totbcm SherebuttMt Thomas Hill Maior Stra^ord Langdjmia andfomeotdtS replied Setondatle aiouldefeeme,da turned* pb. Sud!^ at Sakt IRodeiofted Cbaptetdoufe D^ke fence Cleber fauioue