'i?.' » ' = .:' ••! Wf'-' vy :'•' > * i^-.i' > vf^f* i\ Kir 7 SI&4 f*^' v»#i ;5:T'-'' Hir. «» 'f •,i *1 ■'1^ >4 -'YnC'K' '"A'WTrtf '■\ 'fW094'.'>>"A^.»'/--V'5'«-.;^'-»^^ -7 alSjLr®ifeifSss!fl': :,, ,.T-,,-fe !.;;%, f ;J "-ilS •V-v^ r- pf>4A.>, f' UO.' .'-nr^v ' f ^ 'I ^ ' LJlJi 'if^'' ''I'' ■i i S'iW t — •«-« "'6#^ -».'A-^-4 ''5sis- siy"' i S'i-vJ ^ f ,jl s.i-y^,'1l O R, A SATYR UPON WOMEN- L 0 ^T> 0 AC,. Printed for John Langly, Bookfcllcr in Oxford. M PC LXXXII. An Advertifement., Courteous Reader^, THE" Author woulA let you to underfland^' that he • intends not to determine whether or no the firon^er, l^h'any 'Mxaufeiof quarrel with the weaker Sex 'j ordf they haVey that he deji^ns not that this: Taper Jhould contain anrJndiHment: Tut heing one that ter peace, and. quietnefty .thought ^ood to disburden his (yetunpre- judiced) mind, that he might fleep more undijlurbedly. It is far from our drift to make the Married, maihpick a quarrel c with his Wife, or the unmarried out of Lo^e with hisMiJlrefs ;, hut to make both the more admire,what they find admirable : Such is the ufe the Author, himfelf makes of it, and fuchi fie hopes, you will too. M Y\S O') .insmalb'iavbA n A vw t M 1 'S V ZUOSjTUoD \tA-* 01 W«o^ 2kH o« '^0 ollon lomlw o\«6y i\v\\ !(jtt» I'ul ItiU I3i5 ttA\ '^r xo j x^ V!f*A %h v.to ^i'.h'l 1«S! : ksj ttifc1tT0> W»c^ IV.\ uaW'bAb 01 ^OO^1'\^5\OAI ^tth ui. vi wb ^V.uuu ^ Iv^^bv.Tj b ^■A\ r.v.iu bivnbM ^dl ol {\\ xU ^r^o wo i\ * I i«o ^ Ai •« iu\ c\ii5« ; ^Uu-AwV.b Wd\^. \(3dl IbW Mod ol ^ vd ^M«\Wu»" ^1\\5 xobmk oM s\» odi n Mv>&r r , V i M 'ii MYSOGYNUS: O R, A Satyr upon' VVomen. LAte come from Derby's Peak, where Wo- s men do f Beat their poor Cuckold Husbands black and blue; And, which is worle, make nothing of it too : I'm mad to lee the poor men thus abus'd,- And would by all means have them better us'd. And now were I outlandifli, then I'd rant. With liberty of Tongue, which now I want.; I'd force a fmart Burlefqueon thole flie Creatures That thus Tongue-tyed.us with their flier features.. Poor Country-men! not only chous'd of their right hand^. (They can't the priviledge of the Wall command.^ Not only cow.'d, but- to laugh at them too, They've gull'd them of their words t' exprefs their woe B What (^ ) what lliall I do for EngUfh words t' employ On this dire theme, wh+ch Foreigners enjoy.!. Foreigners, that know how to ufe command, Like Ctfar, when they've got the upper hand. But we are mute, or have our language loft, Whicli thele Decoys havetotfiemfelves ingroft. You'd think, they'll fcold in fuch a lafting ftile. That one poor Tongue could not ferve all the while. Till then, I've made my Satyr quite compleat, I'll fiiake the Letters of th^ Alphabet: But I do want for what I would contrive, Unleis you will allow rae twenty five. But our School-Dames allow but four, and fay. That after there's no Et c^ctera. ConfcioLis that if At cetera, fliould be known, We firould prove fcolds in telling them their own. Flow haughtily upon the Englip^man they tread. Stark drunk with Pride, they ride a free Horfe dead. We'll ne'r endnre't, come lubje(5t Hearts, I'll paraphyafe upon a Womans parts \ And when I cannot think what bad enough to fay, I'll brand her name with black Et aettra. Whate'ire was left unfit in the Creation To make a Toad, after its ugly fafihion, Of fcrapings from unfinifhed Creatures had. Sure was the body of a Woman made: Yet] there's fome finer Atoms daub'd upon, ^'hidh makes her feem fo beauteous to look on. Nor ( 3 ) Nov better h' ^ Womans end, nor can," Born only to Night-mare the Soul of Man. Nor is he only plagued by her birth, She is an Univerral Curfe unto the Earth. Some fay, the ground with barrennefs is curft, Where in the Morn (lie ftrains her body firft. Surely fhe was not th' end of the Creation, But made by th' by, huddled at any fafliion. She's fbme imperfedt thing, it needs muft follow, She (bunds (b loud, impertinently hollow: So fhrill and empty, that you'd (\vear i'faith She'd no more Soul in her than a Cannon hath ,• Ilnle(s inhabited by incarnate Devils, Sent to difturb mens peace with their loud evils.' You'd think that fhe was made, fo fair her face, Only for to officiate the Devils place : Why are we men not fearful at her fight. As at the Devils walking in the night: The one as hurtful as the other, nay She is more Devil of the two, they fay. In the beginning of the World, fays one, When man did abfolutely rule alone, When there was no fuch thing as Woman known, To be mans partner in his Regal Throne,. When Man viras gotten not with Copulation, But Men fp^vn'd Men, after a brisker fafliion; A more ingenious way of Propagation: B l: r4> When Men were bent, whatever flop was given,' And nolens (ijolensy had gone all to Heaven j Then threw the Devil thefe fame Golden Balls To ftop bis full career with gentle falls; Then firfl: was man bewitch a ; then firft Did man make Reafon truckle to his Luft j Then firft was Man bed-ridden with thefe Devils, Certainly of all, this fure the worft of Evils. Infernal Imps, I thought, but now and then. Were wont to haunt the feats of living men; But now thefe Spirits incarnate, are fb bold They are familiar, and will have, and hold Of whatfoever's his, and will controul. Where e'rehe goes or comes, his haunted Soul: Woman ! What fhall I fay ? Infernal Creature: Thou'ft fb degenerated mans fbft Nature, That he has quite forgot his Primitive ftate, And thinks it natural to copulate With an Hell-bred Familiar, ( lucli his fate) And counts his Off-fpring all Legitimate. Think with the Atheift, that there is no God, Nor can this cunning Creature be his Rod, Sent down at fecond thoughts to plague poor men, I'll whip her fame as bad, I'll warrant then; I will invent fome wicked thing upon her. That you would think impolfible to fham on her; To make her what flie is, one way or t'other, I'll make her ragged Atoms t' hang together : X < 5 ) Then let us ftrive to make a tali, a proper, A fair, deceitful, that is, a Woman of her; Who can't a neceflary good commence, Becaufe flie is a being came by chance; So may Men pray that (bme Chance would furround her, And take her there,where Chance, her Maker, found her. And now within fo boundlels, huge a place, Whofe vaft immenfity admits no (pace, To be call'd up or down, ( gone to be loft ) Thoufands of Atoms eternally are toft; So that I do defpair amidft them all, Of finding out Womans original. Thus fpying Nature labouring, I find, The large frame begun within my larger mind, I fee things coming gradually to perfeilion, At length compleated by coacervation : Nor had this Joynted Baby of my mind. Scarce all its fhuffied parts combined ; But ftraight fbme unforc'd Particles we fee, That will with no part of the frame agree. Which hookt together by themfelves,. became The imperfecft thing that Men doWo?nan name; Hence'tis, we in her compofition find Such a ftrange medley made of every kind 5 From Man a fhip of Rationality, The reft from Beafts, the Goat, and Chatter-Pye. Then whate're Nature thought unfit to be Mixt with the fubftance of the Creature, fhe Defign'd \ () Defign'd to be th' Mafter-piece of her Art, Doth all lie centred in a Wo mans Heart,- All the crookt Atoms, and the rough, that joyn'd, Raife Malice, Fear, and Pafiions in the mind j All thofe from whole crols difpofition rile Envy and Hate, Defpairand Jealoulies, Nature rejected, as unfit to be Ingredients of Man, the Creature fhe Intended for the Worlds Epitome; - Then whatfoever^s left, that can produce A Hellilli mould, fit for the Devils ufe ; Whatever's 111, Depraved, or what not That is lb thought, falls not to Womanslotr Evil is fo ingrafted in her parts,, you'd fwear • She'd not one dram of good to boaft of there j ■ Her wicked qualities, which we think occult. From th' dilpofition of her parts refult: - She'll lie, and cog, and flatter with the befl:, Though Nature other wife teaches Humane Breafl} Woman is lb unnatural a Beaft. 1 She is 'gainfl: Nature fo entire a Sinner, ^ < It is impolfible for goodnels to be in her; j All the depravity that is, controul, ^ J And have predominancy in a Womans Soul, 'Kneaded, and woven in her parts within, 'And are inleparable as her Skin. ^ J When careful Nature had the World quite ended Sound Wind and Limbj then flie had it befriended X y ) 'Vorthwttstsm UnlvBrslty If flie had quite expellM this rotten part, ' Which fo corrupts all other to the Heart ; Then the ftraight-limb'd World might chance perhaps To have liv'd ftrong, and free from ail her Claps; Nay, t'would have been eternal, for I'm fure, What hath no caufe of corruption, will for e're endure: Such would the World be, hadnot Woman been; For all Corruption, Putrefadfion, Sin, And what is worfe, if worie there be, all came From Woman, and Woman as their Parent, claim; Like Prometheus Vulture, fhe feeds on Mans poor Breaft < Like Brafs, fhe cankers Ibrae, and eats the reft. She'll kill, as does a Bafilisk, or worle iPt can, Infenfibly fhe blinds, and burns the Man. Her outfide's fair and pleafing, when the while She kills as craftily as the Crocodile Ufurps his right, raigns o're her fellow flaves. Nor won't admit her Lord to go her halves 5 She alone was the caufe, when fhe uiurp't the Throne, Nor any other was't, that Hell it felf was known. Whate're's irregular done,- 'tis fhe doth do't, "UniverfalMifchief is her Attribute. Now, Reader, if thou haft what's worle to fay, Pray fay't, for that is hers, Bt Cietera, FINIS. i •' 1 -■ f S-f • ■ . - f J.' j:--> '-V-i K;; ' ■ ; . ■ r '■■ j" '■>' ■' r • 'ir'- '•<•■•-» .r ■ , r> !:-'■■> -■ .■ -^ . . .M • . ■ , .," c:. ,. . ■ f )fil ■-. ,' //t -' ■' t . 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