1. 1 he letter lent by the Q^eenes Majeftie concerning the colledion of the Rccufants Mony for the Scotti(hWarrc,^;T.i7.i539.' 2« The Letter lent by Sir J^nebne Dighy and Mr. concerning the ComtU bution. The Letter fent by thofe alTemblcd in every Ihirc. 4; The names of the Colledors in each: (Sounty in^w/W and fVaks* A N D 5i The Meflage fent from the^ Queenes Majeftic to the houfe of Com;;j mens by Maftcr Conaptrollcr the i,o{feir, 16^9, y tinted at LMde» in the ycarcoftbc - very of Plot^y I I A yd . I out"' « .. sfb ic kynot^ i^^:iu\\:rjh D'd ?o noiBsl(o3 3rh .ri."^'-^^ t'TiiVv uinJojd srjj bfic ariT .i -ninoO 3r{j oj ■:^.3:fc5i!w:)iA ;iM • f .noryid :ri^; ]■ vd ir.dt irisi sdT .,£ ^if, 'i yi3V3 ni ^ fijSD ;':i sTc^i^ilQOzjdiiae^jrnpnsHT |c .; Lfifii>*vA«\Tn nf vt».w .O ■ ; a H A ' ; :m mo-ii 3ml s^S'IQ-JM srZT v- •'TnojoiiiO'l orfiC- iSiloijqinoC'lii Ir.y \^d (Zfioin •c^iitb 3flJ io3ii;3^ 3fh Ht jfi bsjoh^ ^ io Yiz>/ Henrme Marie, iJ, I Be have jfogooda belicfcof the lo^ p altie and affedioji of* his Majeftics - I CatholiqiusSubjcds, as w-cide^bt I notbuc upoml^isocx^on^thati^tii I called) his Majeftyr into, thg' No»t _ a • t " — ihemc partsfpr ttedefcnec of his Honour and fnidonSjthev wllexpreflcthcmfelvcs lb affected as^wchavealwayes rq)i»fentcd them^to his Mar )cfty ySo in!this^^(X>mm6n;eonliatf^idvbiehl^ appeared in the. Nobilitie, lud^s. Gentry'and ofhtrs,'tafc)r\wafd his Wajcftics fervicc by" their perfonsandftates^ wcihavchwdeno difficultyjto anftver forthe lame corccfpondenfiy -iu his Ca J . .f ;7I •{t ); ■ ' . •• I I J J. Letter - ' V ' Contemning the contribution. > TT is fuffidcfltalrcady knownc to every one,the Xcxtnibrdmary Graces and Protedions wccrt7c thcQu!^ne'sMa)eftic. to whofe favourable inrctJ ceflion wee mufl: afcribe the happy moderation wc" liVcunder • Soas wedoubt not,butaBoccafionof the expreffibnofour gratitudes will: joyfully bee imbratedhy cve^ Body,whicb'theprelcnteftate of his Majcrtics afmyres, doth flbtr ofic'r us. We have already by our former letters indcavorcd to j^repatc you to a checrefiill affiftahcc of hisMa- jeftie ih hi^'declared journey t as God and nature requires of you; Now her Majcftic hath beene ^grationft^jW'lVdt^ recommend unto us the ex- prcflionsof (SiPdutics, and zeale to hisMajefties -fcrvice, by fomeoonhdcrable gift from theCa- tholiques. And to remove all fcruplcs (that even wellaffcded pcrfons may mectc with J flie under- takes to fccurc us, and all that (hall imploy them- fclvesin this bufincffe, from any inconvenience, that may beefufpeded by their or our forward- ncllc and declaration in this kind. It will eafily appSare to every body how much it imports ns, in our fence of her Majeftics defircs to prAc every bodytoftrainchimrelfc even to his beft abilities intmsproportion, finccby it wee fliall certainly Aj .prefcrye p?efci*ve her gracioufncflc to us^ and give good Characters or our devotion to the King and Stated of whofe bcatgnihc wcc haye,a|| reamn to give teftimonics, and to indcavour to produce argu- raentsforthcprofccutionandincrcafcofit. Now for the beft expedition qf this bufinefe fwhichis the chicfe cireumftance that import^ iait) we have thought fit to recommend it to yqu* nominations of fuch> perfons as ihall in your opi* nionsbeagreed of for the abieft and beft difpofed in every feverall Countyj. not oncly to .^Uicke^ but to eoUe^ioch voluntary contributions» 9$ every bodies confd^ice and duty fliall proffer ? 'And weihali defirc you to give us an account what acceptation his friends, which, wee canfie^ but expect very, fuoceffeftill, and anfwerj^Icito^ thcfbrwardnewwe meectwkh here 3i)QucZfiji^ for which wcc fhall offer up cur prayer tOr ., God*, ■ ' 0 the Letter tLoieAnantibledmJMsfi, CO cvcry Shite, • : > -i Heincloicd Advices and motives being fo ample, as you will petccivc by perufing by-thor(^ that havcmec oebe^ia^ihavcQtide^^ dndxiofire yai^ CD ikxtniischaely unto tihofe: pcrfons to fl4io|W^y b«dird^ed,dnd todieliver thelanie un- cotihem in- the imnb of;^lliiie Noble men and Gentry (together with our rel^)airesibledhere at Zff/u&f0by the Qiiecnes commandement to fet forward this worke. weeytay yoiT^nure themintbe!m(dl efficacious manner you can (in- gaging all our crests for the trull thereof) that it is the fence of us all both Ecclcfiafticali and lay pcrfons, that bcfidcs the difcharging of their and our duties to God and the King, it maincly im- portcth the good of Catholiqucs to have their bufincffc take good fucccffe. Therefore intreatc themtodealeadivelyandcfficacioufly and fpee- dily according to thefe advices and motives. Wee well pcrfwaded of their devotion to put • forward fo piousa worke, that we doubt not but they will be as well iadsfied in the needcfulneffc of of the things and bee as ready to im|?Ioy thenr- fclves in it, receiving the aifiirahce thereof ^ and pcrfwafions thereuntoj onely from our hands, as if they came by all the mod formall waycs that can be imagined; which in a bufincffc of this na- ture cannot be expedicd. And although the V^d^ vifesand njotives be dircded only loiayrGentle- men yet wcdcfircyou^i&havcanfw^tea for,ydii> chat you will imploy^ydur fclyes; and ^l thdfi; that dependon you,fincercly td&nicioc&difpofe all their mindcs that you have relatioa unto> asl powerfully as you can^to contribute chce/cfpllyt and bountifully upontnis^occafion? which; is -ws firft that cycnwc ibbourcd in of ilus kindj wee hope in God it will bee the lad i there t^i^ no probability of fo prcfling and wgcnt a nee&ici toowurreahymore.. ^ ^ ^ o :; ./.-O ?f'' /,j iti ; Ji 7ms,&C4lL:.':.\ ^be names of theQolleUors for go* tUring the ^cu/ants money, Hedfordjhire, Mr. Chu rch,Sir Robert Charnock, Mr.Robcrt Hewct. Barkejhire, Mr.Anthony Inglefield,Mr.Tir- rell. Robert Dormer, Sir Edward ManfieldjMr. Throgmorton, Mr, Bringhurft, €mhridgjhire, Mr.Hen, Huddlcftone,M.Charles Parycs, Mr. Barker. Chejhire, Mr^Bidulph ofBidulph, SirWii- liam MafTey, Mr.William Stanley, Mr.Iamcs Poole, trnttwaU, Mr.Vi^or,Mr. Burl^icey, Mr. T re- vilian. Cim^rland. Sir Francis Howard, Mr. lofeph Porter. Vnrhyjhire, Sir Francis Wllloughby, Mr. Acre of Haffop Mr.Poole of Spinckill. Vtvonjhirt, Sir. Sir Edward Carey, Mr. Berry, Mr. Anthony GifFord, Dr.Chiche- fter. ■Dorfetjhire. Mr. George Penny the elder, Mr. George Arundell, Mr. Webbe of Lanford,Mr. Wells of Purbecke. Durham, Sir Ralph Conniers, Mr. George Coliingwood, Mr. Edward Smith. rBffex, Mr. William Peters, Mr. Thomas Wright,Mr.Richard White. -B Glecefier- Ciocejterjhire. Sir lohn Winter, Mr. Wakemati,^ Mr. Benedi(ft Hall, Mr. Atkinfon. Hertfordjhire, * —— ———. HmtwgmplMxJ?ncQo( Wa/hinglcy, SirTho.' Shirley,Mr.Tho.Cotton. - HerefordJhire,Mt, William Bodenhum, Sir lohn . Wigtnore, Mr.'William Moore of Burrop,Mr.Iohn Harp. Hmpfhire, M.Iohn Arundell,Mr. GeorgePeii-| ny the younger,Mr, William Owen.' Kent. Mr. Benjamin Wyborne, Mr. Clcr* mentFinch,Mr.Pettkc. . ' , Lmcajhire, Mr.Bradfhaw, Sir Cecill Crayfbrd,' Sir William Gerrard,Mr.Molineaux of the wood, Mr.Townley off own- ley,Mr. Anderton of Loftocic. Leceflerjhin. Sir Francis Englefield^ Mr.Go^Idiflg^ Lmolnjhin* Mr. Anthony Monnion', Sir lohii * Thymbleby,Mr*Robert Conftable. Londonand Mr. Cape, Mr.: Thomas Rox, Middlefix, Beckct,A/r. Richard Bethamfi^r.Ed- ward Harpe, Afr. Morgan,lohn Chapperley,Dr.Kirton. Id^yfolke^ Afr.Everard, i^reCharles Walgravc,' Sir HeruBeddifigjScld, Af?-. William Pafton, f NmhmptonJb'Sir William Saunders, Air. lohn Poulton. NftmghmJh,,C^r.Tho&?LsSw'^th theelder, MrJ ' Thomas.Smith the younger.' ^0rthu»d>erktSix Willianafenwicke, iJfr.Hagger-i fton^ fton, A/;'. Witiiringfofl, Sir Edward - - Ratl'ftc; Oxf»rdjhire, Sir Richard Farmer of Kiddingtonj A/r, Will. Stone,ii/r.'Ralph Sheldon. BMtUndJhirCcMr. Nicolas Cripps, Mr. William "Andrewes, Mr, Alcock, Mr, lames Digby. Shro^Jhtrc Sir Bafill Brooke, A^r,Piowden, Air. lohn Harrington. SommerfetJh.MrtKdLyno^Mr, lohrvEwnis the eldeiV Staffordjhire. Air.BrookeofLapley, Mr. Stamford of Perry Hall,A/r.Phillip Draycot, Surrey. A/r.Edw.Cotton,Sir Rich. Wcfton. Sujfex. Sirlohn'Shdley, Sir lohn Carroll. Suffelke, Sir^^Francis Monnocke, Sir Roger Martin,Sir Edward-S-ylyard,'iiir.Tho. Beddingfield of Beddingfidd. Warmckjhi, Mr. hnthouy Dormer Mr. Thomas Morgan,Air. William Sheldon, cJIir. Rich.Middlemore, Wiltjlire. iiir. William Aruaddl,the Lord Bal- timoie,Air.Edward Stilling. Worcefierjhi. Air. William Abingdon, Air. Willi- am Sheldon. Wejimerlmd. CMr. Anthony Ducket, Air. lohn Leyborne, Air.Flcming. 'EaH Riding The Lord Dunbarre, Mrl Brigham,Air.Longdaill. Weft Riding. Baronet Vavafar, Baro- T^rkejhire. ' net Ga coigne,Air. Thomas Wa- terton,Air.Phillip Hungate. Nortii ^ding^ Mr. Craythorne the * youngcE ^ r younger,the Lord Fairfax, ii^/. An? I thony Mcnncli, Mr» Laurence Sarc. Ijle of wight,\ — Angle fey,— Brecknocke, Ar^-.WinCerjA/r.BevanjilfriMaddock. CATnarvon, ^r.Lcwis. CAermorden. Mr. Tenvley, Cardigan, il/r, Lewis. cUworgM. ^r.Turbcrvile the younger. Denbigh, Afr. Richard Floyd,3/r. Crew. Flintjb. Sir lohn Connoway,i»/r.Pennat. Blonrnmh, Sir Charles Sommerfet, Afr.Morga® ofLantarnam,^'".Morgan of Itton. Mountgomery, Sir Picrcy Herbert. Merioneth. Pemh ookejh, Mr.1 owley of ArnoftilU Radnorjhi, U»fr,Thomas Crowthere . A Meffage fent from the Majefty to the Houfe of Gem- mons by Mr* Comptroller, , 5.1640. I Hat her Majefty hath beene ready toufeher bcfl: endeavour tor the remoo ving of all mif- rftanding betweenc the King and King-; dome. That at the requeft of the Lords Nvho petitio- ncd the King for a Parliament, her Majefty at that time writ efKdually to the King, and fcnt a gen- tlcman cxpreflcly to pcrfwadc the King to the holding of a Parliament, That thee hath fince beene moft willing to doe all good offices betwcenethc King and his peo- pie, which is not unknowne tO divers of thc Lords, and fo (hall ever continue to doc a$ judge- ing it theonely way ofhappineifctothcKingjher fclfe,and Kingdomc, That all things bee juftly fetled betweenc the King and his people •, andallcaufes ot mifundcr*-.- (landing taken a way and removed. ^ f; That her Majcftic having taken a knowledge that faving one lent to her from the ftaftefull to the Kingdome, (hcisdcfirous to give fatisfadtion to the Parliament within convenient time ffic will remov^Jiitn out of the Kingdome. That underftanding tikewile that exception hath beene taken to the great rcfort to her Chap- pell ^ pell at feoufe flie will be carefoiijnot to nteci^aty foi;f^^5ceYGlfecj/h(?r-Ke"ligiob, r' ^ ■ ^<'^ She further taketh notice tbat the Parliament *Hnorfati5,fied With the manner of rayfing money forchealTiftanceot thjrtiing in his journey to the 'N^tthjnthcyeare i^jp.acher intreaty from the Catholiques, (he was moved thereunto nieere-ly out of her deare and tender affection to the King, and the example of other his Majefties fubjeifts ; Ihe feeing the like forwardnede would not butfex- prefle heriotwardncflfe'to the aflfiftance bh'^he King. . ij L ri Itany thingbe illegallj {he was ignorant of the Law^and was carried therein onely out of a'great defiretobcaffiftingtothe Kihg in fo prcfling ah occafiOn but promifcth to be more cautious here- after, notto doe any 'thing but what may ftand with the eftaKl ithed lawca ul iliy KiugdoiTic", < - Her Majeftie. being deli reus to employ her bwnepbVvento unite tbe Kingand people and de- fircrh the Parliament to looke- forwaids and palfb byfuchmiftakesanderro s of hcrfervantsasmay bcjf>rmerly^and.this your rclpe^a fhec proinifeth lhall berepayd with all the good offices fficc can ththc houfc^ which you lhall finde with tcall i^