on c 53^ OF THE J ill J A "1 J FINDING LIST annex LIBRARY. D B LIU SEVENTH EDITION. Fine Arts. / Practical Arts. Natural Sciences. CHICAGO: LIBRARY ROOMS, CITY HALL. . September, 1892. FINDING LIST OF THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. SEVENTH EDITION. Fine Arts. Practical Arts. Natural Sciences. CHICAGO; LIBRARY ROOMS, CITY HALL. September, 1892. ^ Q\T, GS>Î>|; INDEX. INDEX TO ARTS AND SCIENCES. Acids Acoustics Adulteration of Foods Aerostatics Agriculture Algse Algebra Alloys Amusements, Indoor Angling Animals Antiquities ' Aquarium Archseology Archery Arches Architecture Arithmetic Arms and Armor Art in the House Arts, Fine Practical Assaying Astronomy '.. Athletics Autographs Balloons Baseball Bees and Bee-Keeping Beer Bells Billiards Biology Birds Blasting Bleaching Boats Boating Boilers, Steam Book-Binding Botany Boxing Brass Founding Brewing Brick and Bricklaying Bridges Building and Building Materials 368 Butter 4PÖ Cabinet Making..... 381 Calico Printing 379 Camping Out 395 Canal and River Engineering 365 Canals 366 Candles 378 Canoeing 39S Cantatas 347 Card Games 391 Caricature 335 Carpentry 369 Carriage Painting 379 Carriages 381 Casting 356 Cathedrals 339 Cattle 405 Caves 429 Cement 368 Ceramics 380 Champagne 404 Cheese 406 Chemical Technology 377 Chemistry 421 Chess 392 China Painting 380 Civil Engineering 362 Climate. i 426 Clocks 381 Coaches 381 Coaching 393 Coal and Coal Mining 355 Coal Gas 355 Coffee 40.J. Coins 338 Colors 323 Conchology 450 Conic Sections ' 413 Cookery and Cook Books 388 Coral.., 43S Cotton 405 Cotton Manufacture 381 Cricket. Cutlery 3g ^ Cycling 353 Dairy Farming „5 377 418 390 419 398 431 413 3S4 390 397 438 335 45° 335 393 367 339 413 375 386 323 349 355 435 392 38s 419 393 407 378 346 392 445 447 356 379 376 395 361 386 431 392 356 378 368 367 II Dancing jço Decoration and Decorative Arts 333 Designing 334 Diamonds Distilling 378 Dog, The 408 Domestic Economy 386 Drainage, Farm 400 House 364 Draughts 3g2 Drawing ■331, Dress 387 Dry Uoods 381 Dyeing 379 Dynamo, The 370 Earthquakes 425 Electric Batteries 370 Bells 370 Lighting 373 Railways 366 Telegraph 372 Electrical Engineering 370 Electricity 420 Electro-Metallurgy 355 Elevators, Hydraulic 365 Embroidery 382 Engraving 330 Entomology ; 446 Etching 330 Ethnology 443 Evolution 445 Exhibitions 351 Explosives 378 Fairs 351 Falconry 395 Farm Drainage 400 Farming 398 I-ats 378 Fencing 392 Ferns 434 Field Sports 39S Fine Arts 323 Galleries and Periodicals 331 Fire Engines and Fires 361 Fire-Works 378 Fishes and Fish Culture 449 Fishing 397 Flags 377 Flax 405 Floriculture 400 Flour Mills 359 Foods 39° Football 393 Forestry 4°2 Founding, Brass and Iron 356 Fret-Sawing 35g Fruit Culture 403 Fuel 356 Fungi 43' Furniture 381 Games, Indoor 390 Gardening 400 Gas, Gas Lighting and Heating 355 Gas, Natural 356 Gas Works 355 Gastronomy 388 Gems 431 Geological Surveys 429 Geology 427 Geometry 413 Glass and Glass Painting 379 Glue 378 Gold Mining 353 Goldsmith's Work 380 Grape Culture 404 Graphics 362 Grasses 431 Gunnery 375 Gymnastics 392 Harbors 366 Hardware 381 Heat 419 Heating 369 Hogs 405 Hops 405 Horology,, 381 Horse, The 407 Horse-Racing 393 Horsemanship 408 Horticulture 400 House, Art in the 386 House Drainage 364 House Painting 379 House Plans 339 Household Management 387 Housekeeping 386 Hunting 395 Hydraulic Elevators 365 Engineering 365 Hymn Bo aks with Music 346 Ichthyology 449 Illumination 385 Illustrated Books 331 India Rubber 405 Indoor Games • 390 Industrial Arts 349 Industrial Exhibitions 35' Insects INDEX. III Interior Decoration 333 Inventions 35' Iron Founling 35^ Irjn W )rk, Ornamental 334 Irrigatijn 40o Jewels 43' Jewelry 3^0 Joinery 3^9 Lace 3^2 Landscape Gardening 402 Lathe, The 359 Leather 379 Light 419 Lighthouses 366 Lighting 369 and 373 Lightning Conductors 373 Lime 3^8 Lithography 385 Locomotives 360 Machinery and Machines 357 Magnetism 420 Malt 378 Man.. 443 Manufactures 349 Manuscripts, Illuminated 385 Masonry 368 Materials, Strength of 362 Mathematics 413 Meat and Meat Production 406 Mechanical Engineering 357 Mechanics 357 Medals 338 Metal Work 356 Metals 354 Metallurgy.^.. 354 Meteorology 426 Microscopy 423 Military Science 373 Milk 406 Mills andMill-Work 359 Mineralogy 430 Mines and Mining 353 Monograms 333 and 385 Monuments 343 Mortar « 368 Moulding 356 Mountains 424 Music ; 343 Musical Instruments 346 Natural Gas 356 Natural History 438 Natural Philosophy 416 Natural Science 409 Naval Architecture 376 Naval Science 375 Navies and Naval Ordnance 377 Navigation 375 Needlework 382 Numismatics..... 338 Ocean, The 425 Oil 356 and 378 Operas 347 Optics 419 Oratorios » 347 Ordnance 375 Organ, The 34^ Ornament 333 Ornamental Design 334 Ornamental Iron Work 334 Ornithology 447 Ostriches 406 Outdoor Sports 393 Painters and Painting 323 Painting, Carriage 379 China 380 Glass 379 House 379 Palaeography 385 Palaeontology 427 Paper 386 Parks 402 Patent Reports 351 Pattern-Making 357 Pavements 367 Peat 356 Penmanship 385 Perfumery 378 Petroleum 356 Photography 383 Physical Culture 392 Physical Geography 424 Physics 416 Piano-forte 346 Pigeons 406 Planing Mills 35g Plants 431 Plumbing 364 Pomology Pottery 3S0 Poultry 406 Practical Arts 34g Precious Stones Printing 333 Early Specimens of . 384 Pumps 365 Quarrying 355 Railroads ; River and Canal Engineering IV Rivera 424 Roads and Roadbuilding 367 Roofs 367 Saddlery 375 Sanitary Engineering 364 Saw Mills 35Ç Sculpture 323 Sea, The. - 425 Se.n-Side Studies 450 Sea Weeds 431 Seamanship 375 Sewerage and Sewage Disposal 364 Sheep 405 Shells 450 Ships and Shipbuilding 376 Shooting 395 Signals 377 Silk Manufacture 381 Silversmith's Work 380 Skating 393 Soap • 378 Song Books with Music 346 Sound 418 Spectrum Analysis 423 Sports, Field 395 Outdoor 393 Stair Building 369 Statics 362 Steam and Steam Engines 360 Steam Boilers 361 Strength of Materials 362 Sugar 404 Surveys, Geological 429 Surveying, Land and Marine 363 Swimming 393 Tactics, Military 373 Naval 377 Tanning 379 Tapestry 3^' Taxidermy 443 Tea 404 Technology, Chemical 377 Tel^aph, Electric 372 Telephone, The 37® Tennis 393 Textile Fabrics 381 Tiles 368 Timber 402 Tobacco 404 Toilet, The 387 Tombs 343 Tools 357 Torpedoes 377 Trades, Miscellaneous 386 Training, Physical 392 Trapping 395 Trees 402 Tunneling 35^ Typography 383 U. S. Geological Surveys 429 U. S. Weather Bureau 427 Varnish 37® Vegetables 401 Ventilation 3®9 Vinegar 378 Vineyards 404 Violin, The 346 Volcanoes 425 Wagons 381 War, Art of 373 Warming 369 Watches 381 Water 418 Water Works 365 Weather 426 Weather Bureau, U. S 427 Wells 365 Wheels 359 Whist 391 Wine 4t>4 Wood-Carving 359 Wood-Engraving 330 Wood-Working and Turning 359 Working in Metals 356 Writing. 385 Yachting 395 Zincography 33'' Zoology 438 FINDING LISTS Chicago Public Library. FINE ARTS. GENERAL WORKS.—PAINTING.—SCULP¬ TURE. Abbott. Outlines for the Study of Art... .K 3798 About. Salon de 1864 C 4015 Salon de 1866 C 4016 Adeline. Art Dictionary K 3559 The same *R 4°4S Aderholdt. Ueber Goethe's Farbenlehre D 3014 Agincourt. History of Art by its Monu¬ ments *P 991 Albert:. Delia Pittura e della Statua..C 9500,34 Alcock. Art Industries in Japan K 187 Allston. Lectures on Art and Poems K 95 Anderson. Pictorial Arts of Japan *P 896 Appell. Early Christian Art K 3513 Armitage. Lectures on Painting K 3380 Arsenne. Peintre et Sculpteur »C 6513,114 Artistic Amusements K 3440 Artists' Repository; Encyclopaedia of the Fine Arts. 4 v *K 3522 Arts, Les, aux Etats-Unis C 4088 Attwell. The Italian Masters K 3527 Audsley. Ornamental Arts of Japan. 2v.*P 895 Bacon. Parisian Art and Artists K 3358 Bancroft. Philosophy of Permanent Colours. 2 V K 6193 Band. Unsere Kunst in Wort und Bild .. .*V 958 Barnard. Drawing from Nature *V 50 Landscape Painting in Water Colors.. .*K 106 Barry. Lectures on Painting I 3273 Bartholdi. Statue of Liberty K 3437 Bascom. ^Esthetics K 3341 Bayliss. The Enchanted Island, and other Studies in Art K 3505 Higher Life in Art K 3346 Becker. Deutsche Maler D 6688 Benjamin. Art in America K 104 Contemporary Art in Europe K 121 Our American Artists K 243 Berjeau. Varieties of Dogs found in old Sculptures .... *K 8362 Berlin, Führer durch die Königlichen Museen. D 6690 Jubiläums-Ausstellung, Illustrirter Kata¬ log D 6689 Beulé. Causeries sur l'Art C 4159 Beyle. Histoire de la Peinture en Italie... .C 4270 Bezold. Farbenlehre D 4241 Bigot. Raffaelle and the Villa Farnesina. .*P 840 Blanc. History of Painters *V 697 L'Œuvre complet de Rembrandt *C 4249 Peintres français au ipme Siècle C 4227 Blanchard. Manuel du Coloriste C 6513,173 Bolton. Famous European Artists C10164 Boot. Trees and how to paint them in Water Colors *K 3469 Bracquemond. Dessin et Couleur Ci2009 Brandes. Œsthetiske Studier C 7061 Den f ranske Œsthetik C 7061 Braun, E. Study of Art-Mythology *P 1613 Braun, J. Geschichte der Kunst D 6691 Brinkmann. Kunst und Handwerkin Japan.*V 983 British Painters of 18th and 19th Centuries .*R 4163 Brockhaus. Kunst in den Athos-K15stem.*R 4145 Brown. The Fine Arts K 3547 Bruecke. Bildende Künste D4I5,28 Brulliot. Dictionnaire des i^onogrammes des Peintres. 3 v *R 4097 Brunn. Geschichte der griechischen Künstler D 4252 Bryan. Dictionary of Painters and Engravers*R 490 The same; new ed. 2v *R 491 Brydall. Art in Scotland. K 3558 334 FINE ARTS. Brydges, E, C.it.-ilogue of Portraits *0 640 Bi'chanan. Memoirs of Painting. 2 v....K 3549 Burckhardt. Art Guide for Italy K 105 Cicerone; Kunstwerke Italiens. 3v,..D 465 Renaissance in Italien D 466 Burn. Roman Literature in relation to Art.K 3484 Burnet. Composition in Pictures K 3340 Education of the Eye in Painting *V 1796 Hints on Colour in Painting *V 885 Hints on Portrait Painting *V 44 Landscape Painting in Oil *V 43 Light and Shade in Painting *V 41 A Painter in the 19th Century K 3391 Rembrandt and his Works *P 505 Treatise on Painting *V 49 The same. 3 V *V 1797 Burrow. Elgin Marbles K 28 Burtin. Knowledge necessary to Amateurs in Pictures K 3514 Busch. Naturgeschichte der Kunst D 4244 Buxton and Koehler. English and Amer¬ ican Painters K 3363 and PoYNTER. German, Flemish and Dutch Painting K 3319 C.ARMICHAEL. Marine Painting in Water Colors » K 3781 Carr. Essays on Art K 3307 CARRIERE. ./Esthetik. 2v D 458 Kunst- und Kulturentwicklung. 5 v.... D 459 Catalc^e de l'Exposition de Gravures, 1881 .*P Catalogue of Books on Art. 3 v *0 33 Catalogue of Reproductions of Objects of Art *R 4056 Cavé. On Color K 64 Cawse. Art of Painting in Oil Colours K 3465 Cennini. Treatise on Painting K 3314 Champlin and Perkins. Cyclopaedia of Painters and Paintings. 4 v *R 485 The same. 4 v.... *P 88 Cheney. Gleanings in Art K 3302 Chesneau. Education of the Artist K 3479 English School of Painting K 34°® Chevreul. On Color ". I 3258 Child. Art and Criticism *V 1740 Church. Chemistry of Paints and Painting. K 3504 Colour; an Elementary Manual K 3492 Cincinnati, Women's Art Museum Association, Loan Exhibition K 342 Clairambault. Inventaire de la Collection Clairambault C 5287 Clarac. Musée de Sculpture. 5 V. in 6... »P 651 Plates. 6v «P 2241 Clayton. English Female Artists. 2v...C 1319 Cleghorn. Ancient and Modem Art. 2 v.K 3364 Clement,C. Michel-Ange,deVinci,Raphael.C 4361 Clement, C. E. History of Art K 3456 Handbook of Christian Symbols K 3446 Legendary and Mythological Art K 58 Outline History of Painting K 3374 Outline History of Sculpture K 3435 Painters, Sailptors, Architects *R 484 Stories of Art and Artists K 3443 and Hutton. Artists of 19th Century. 2 V «R 481 The same; new ed *R 482 Collier. Manual of Oil Fainting K 3451 C0LLIGN0N. Mythology in Relation to Greek Art K 3506 collingwood. Art Teaching of Ruskin.. .K 3794 condlt. Painting and Painters' Materials.. K 3416 Conti. Two Dialogues on Art C 3285 Conway, M. D. Travels in South Kensington K 3401 Conway, W. M. Artistic Development of Reynolds and Gainsborough K 3483 Dawn of Art K 3654 Early Flemish Artists K 3445 Cook, C. Art and Artists of our Time. 3v.'''P 726 Cook, D. Art in England K 164 Cook, E. Hand-Book to the National Gallery K 3498 Cook, E. T. Studies in Ruskin K 3548 Copley, J. S. Life and Paintings; by Amory.C 1792 List of Paintings E 743,2 Coquerel. Les Beaux Arts en Italie C 4363 Fine Arts in Italy K 99 Couture. Conversation on Art Methods.. .K 172 Crane. Art and Formation of Taste K 3373 Crocker. Crayon Portraiture K 3461 Crowe and Cayalcaselle. Early Flemish Painters "K 118 History of Painting in Italy. 3 v K 100 The same. 3v »K 100 Painting in Northern Italy. 2 v *K loi Crowninshield. Mural Painting K 3419 Cunningham. Eminent British Painters. 3v.I 2976 The same. Sv I 3663 Curtis. Works of Velazquez and Murillo.'''R 4076 D'Anvers. Elementary History of Art K 3316 Davidson, E. A. Pretty Arts for Leisure Hours K 3351 Davidson, T. Parthenon Frieze, and other Essays K 3377 Davis. Thoughts on Great Painters K 3362 Day, H. M. Science of ./Esthetics K 69 Day, L. F. Every-Day Art K 3388 The same; new ed K 3553 De Forest. Short History of Art K 3317 Delamotte. Sketching from Nature 'P 74' Deutsche Kunst und Künstler der Gegenwart*? 781 Dilke. Art in the Modern State K 3532 GENERAL''W0RKS—PAINTING—SCULPTURE. 32s DpHME. Kunst und Künstler. 8 v *R 4506 Doremus. Lightsin Sculpture and Painting. K 242 Dossie. Handmaid to the Arts K 4309 Dresser. Japan; its Architecture, Art, etc..*K. 3383 Duffield. Art of Flower Painting K 3335 Dumas, A. L'Art au Salon de 1859 C 4604 Italiens et Flamands C 4677 Dumas, F. G. Livret du Musée du Luxem¬ bourg C 4570 Dumas' Art Annual, 1882 . .K 3371 Dunlap. History of the Arts of Design. 2v.*K 3394 Dupré. Thoughts on Art C 3286 DuSommerard. Les Arts au Moyen Age. 5 V *P 644 Atlas. 6v *P 953 Dyer. Imitative Ait K 3404 Eagles. The Sketcher K 75 Eastlake. Contributions to Fine Arts. 2v. .k 83 Five Great Painters. 2v C 3294 The Louvre and Brera Galleries K 3365 Pictures in the Old Pinakothek at Munich. K 3471 Eaton. Greek and Roman Sculpture . ... K 3429 Eidlitz. Nature and Function of Art K 3315 Ellet. Women Artists C 150 Ellis, S. S. The Beautiful in Art and Nature K 2751 Ellis, T. J. Sketching from Nature K 3372 The same; new ed K 3458 Emerson. Masks, Faces and Heads K 3436 English Painters of the Georgian Era *R 4164 Ersch. Literatur der schönen Künste... .*0 664 Everitt. English Caricaturists and Humor¬ ists '''V 807 Eye und Falke. Kunst und Leben der Vorzeit. 2 V *P 698 Fagan. Art of Michel Angelo in the British Museum *R' 4489 Fairholt. Dictionary of Terms in Art.. .*R 4046 Homes and Works of English Artists. .*K 226 Homes of Foreign Artists *K 227 Rambles of an Artist K 3519 Falke. Aus dem weiten Reiche der Kunst.D 6700 Gesch. des modernen Geschmacks D 430 Falkener. Dsedalus; Greek Sculpture.... K 3790. Fallet. Les Artistes célèbres .....*V 1066 Les Princes de l'Art C 4860 Farrar. Art Topics K 3554 Sculpture, Painting, Architecture K 3318 Field. Chromatics *V 48 Chromatography K 134 The same; ed. by Salter K 3466 Grammar of Coloring K 1370 The same; ed. by Davidson K 1371 Fielding. Painting in Oil and Water Colors. *V 57 Flaxman. Lectures on Sculpture I 3112 Foerster. Denkmale deutscher Baukunst, Bildnerei und Malerei, 12 v. in 6.. .*P 775 Denkmale italienischer Malerei. 4V...'•'P 1181 Gesch. der italienischen Kunst. 3V.... D 418 Vorschule der Kunstgeschichte *D 455 Forbes. Science of Beauty K 3356 Fortnum. Bronzes K 3566 Fosbroke. Greek and Roman Art. 2 v... I 3820 Fournel. Artistes français contemporains.*V 1135 Fowler. Handbook of Oil Painting K 3433 French. Art in Connecticut K 136 Fromentin. Old Masters of Belgium and Holland K 3354 Fuseli. Lectures on Painting I 3273 Galland. Die Renaissance in Holland.... D 4276 Gardner. How to Paint K 4274 Tainters' Encycloptedia K 6242 Gautier. Les Beaux-Arts en Europe C 5081 Gifford, S. R. Catalogue of Paintings of.*K 3301 Gilbert. Landscape in Art K 3457 Gilpin. Essais sur le Pittoresque C 5103 Gœthe. Theory of Colors K 59 Concourt. La Maison d'un Artiste. 2V..C12517 Goodwin. Art of Mural Decoration K 175 Goodyear. History of Art K 3508 Grace. Lessons in Landscape Painting in Oils *P 1091 Green. Hints on Sketching from Nature. .K 3467 Griepenkerl. Sixtinische Madonna D 4870 Grimm. Ueber Künstler und Kunstwerke.. D 4371 Gruner. Green Vaults at Dresden *R 4315 Guhl. Kunsthistorische Vorträge D 4277 Künstlerbriefe D 4372 Guichard. Grammaire de la Couleur. 3v.*P 482 Guizot. Etudes sur les Beaux-Arts C 5150 Fine Arts K 3375 Gullick. Painting explained K 1420 Guyau. Problèmes de l'^Esthétique C 5163 Halkett. Royal Manchester Inst., 1878..K 3398 Glasgow Institute, 1878-9, 1881-2 K 3397 Royal Society's Exhibition, 1878 K 3398 Walker's Art Gallery, 1878, 1880 K 3398 Hallier. .iEsthetik der Natur D 4475 Hamerton. Contemporary French Painters *V 742 Fine Arts in France *P 2083 The Graphie Arts K 3325 The same *P 846 Imagination in Landscape Painting ... .*P 1097 Landscape K 3426 Painter's Camp K 30 Painting in France *V 29 Thoughts about Art K 31 Hamilton, G. English School in Painting and Sculpture. 4 V *K 3509 326 FINE ARTS. Hamilton, \V. .^thetic Movement in Eng- K 3347 Handbook of Oil Painting K 60 Harding. Elementary Art *p 564 Guide to Lessons on Art *V 169 Lessons on Art *V 156 Lessons on Trees ♦V 173 Principles and Practice of Art *P 565 Harper. English Pen Artists 'P 1616 Harris. Theory of the Arts K 3343 Harrison. Studies in Greek Art K 3338 Hartley. Anatomy in Art K 3795 Harvey. Royal Scottish Academy K 3399 Hatton. Sketching in Water Color K 3367 Hay, D. R. Beauty in Coloring K 3395 Catalogue of Works of K 3348 Harmonious Coloring K 66 Nomenclature of Colors K 3355 See also Drawing. Havdon. Lectures on Painting. 2v K 47 Painting K 3511 Havter. Introduction to Painting K 3706 Hazlitt. Essays on the Fine Arts K 84 The Fine Arts K 3511 HeaTON. History of Painting K 33 Hefner-Alteneck. Trachten, Kunstwerke u. Geräthschaften. 10 v. in 5 *P 706 Hegel. Philosophy of Fine Art K 3450 Vorlesungen über iEsthetik D 3129,10 Hemans. Mediaeval Art in Italy. 2v K 3536 Hennecke's Art Studies *V 1726 Hildebrand. Scandinavian Arts in Pagan Time K 3569 Hobbes. Picture Collector's Manual. 2v. .*R 487 Hogarth. Analysis of Beauty K 3464 Holst. Thorwaldsen Museum *P 530 HOPPIN. The Early Renaissance K 3799 Houssaye. L'Art français depuis dix ans . .C 5234 Howard. Color as a Means of Art "K 135 Imitative Art K 261 Sketcher's Manual K 3418 Huebner. Catalogue of Royal Picture Gal¬ lery in Dresden K 34^3 Verzeichniss der königlichen Gemälde Gal- lerie zu Dresden D 4^9^ Hughes. Harmonies of Tones and Colors.*V "joo HuisH. Japan and its Art K 35 The Year's Art, 1881-92. 12 v K 3303 Hulme. Symbolism in Christian Art K 3797 Humphreys. Ten Centuries of Art *V i Hunt. Talks on Art. 2 v K 53 Inventaire général des Richesses d'Art: Paris. Monuments religieux *V 1129 •Monuments civils *V 1130 Inventaire général des Richesses d'Art: Province. Monuments civils V I131 Archives du Musée français *V 1132 Histoire des Musées d'Angers *V 1133 Jahrbuch der königlich preussischen Kunst¬ sammlungen. II v *p x6oi James. Italian Schools of Painting K 3538 Flemish, Dutoh and German Schools of Painting K 3537 Jameson. Early Italian Painters C 132 History of our Lord. 2v *K 43 Legends of the Madonna K 41 The same, illustrated ♦K 44 Legends of the Monastic Orders K 42 ■ The same, illustrated *K 51 Sacred and Legendary Art. 2 v K 40 The same, illustrated. 2V *K 45 Janmot. L'Opinion d'un Artiste sur l'Art. .C 5325 Jarves. Art-Hints K 74 Art-Idea K 72 Art-Thoughts K 87 Glimpse at the Art of Japan K 86 Jervis. Painting and Celebrated Paintings. 2 v K 3328 Johnson. The Studio Arts K 145 Keane. Early Teutonic, Italian and P'rench Masters *V 364 Keddie (5. TJ'/Zir). Modem Painters K 119 Old Masters K 122 Kempt. Pencil and Palette K 3345 Kestner. Römische Studien D 417 King. Gnostics and their Remains K 85 Knight. Symbolical Language of Ancient Art '.A 2387 Knox. Manual of Artistic Anatomy K 3767 Koehler. U. S. Art Directory, 1882 K 3420 Kraus. Die christliche Kunst D 4325 Kugler. Handbook of Painting, Italian School; ed. by Eastlake. 2 v K 3478 The same; revised byLayard. 2v.*K 78 Dutch School. 2 V 'K 79 Kunsthistorische Bilderbogen. 5v 'P 1156 Kurtz (Ed.). National Academy Notes. 3 v.K 3427 Labarte. Arts of the Middle Ages and of the Renaissance *K 88 Histoire des Arts au Moyen Age. 4 v. .»P 1605 Album. 2 v *P 1605,5-6 Lacroix. Arts in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance "R 4'74 XVIIe Siècle; Institutions, Usages, Cos¬ tumes '''B 685 XVIIIe Siècle; Institutions, Usages, etc.*R 4178 Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages *R 4176 GENERAL WORKS—PAINTING—SCULPTURE. 327 Lacroix. Science and Literature in the Mid¬ dle Ages *R 417s Lamborn. Mexican Painting and Painters.*K 3800 Lamí. Sculpteurs de l'Antiquité C 5^49 Lange. Om Kunstvoerdi C 7364 Sergei og Thorvaldsen C14880 Lanigan. Theory of Fine Arts K 80 Lanzi. History of Painting; 3v I 3047 Lectures on Art, by R. S. Poole and others.K 3353 Lee, Vernon, pseud. See Paget. Leitch. Painting in Neutral Tint *K 3310 Course of Sepia Painting *K 3311 Course of Water-Color Painting *K 3312 Leland. Minor Arts K 3352 Lemcke. Populäre Aisthetik D 420 Leslie. Hand-Book for Painters K 3390 Hints to young Painters K 137 Lessing. Laocoon; tr. by Beasley I 2988 The same; tr. by Phillimore K 18 Laokoon (in German) D 2069,5 Lester. Artists of America C 3465 Lievre. Œuvres d'Art d'après las Originaux*R 4896 Lilienfeld. Die antike Kunst D 4300 Lindsay. History of Christian Art. 2v...K3477 London, Ironmongers' Hall, Catalogue o"f Works of Art exhibited at, 1861. 2v.*P 1182 Long. Art and its Laws K 22 Loomis. Art Study in Europe *R 4044 The same I 653 Lorck. Die graphischen Künste D 4301 Lossing. History of Fine Arts 1 3734 Lotze. .íEsthetik in Deutschland D 4302 Louisville Exposition, Art Catalogues, 1883, 1884 K 3376 Luebke. Ecclesiastical Art in Germany . .*K 167 Gesch. der deutschen Kunst D 6715 Gesch. der deutschen Renaissance... .*D 472 Gesch. der französischen Renaissance .*D 473 Gesch. der italienischen Malerei. 2v. ..*D 467 Geschichte der Plastik. 2 v *D 470 Grundriss der Kunstgeschichte *D 474 History of Art; tr. by Bunnett. 2v.. .*R 4150 The same; ed. by Cook. 2 v K 3306 History of Sculpture; tr. by Bunnett. 2v*. R 4151 Kunsthistorien . *C 7361 Studium der kirchlichen Kunst *D 471 Macarthur and Moore. Figure Painting in Water Colors *K 3332 Márchese. Painters of the Order of St. Dominic. 2v C 1471 Marmottan. Les Statues de Paris C12786 Marolles. Livre des Peintres et Graveurs.Ci3065 Marshall. Anatomj? for Artists *V 726 Maskell. Dyce and Forster Collections.. .K 3571 Maskei.l. Ivories; Ancient and Mediasval.K Russian Art K Matthaev. Studium des Malers, mit Atlas. 2v D May. Marine Painting *K Memes. History of Art I Mengs, a. R. Works. 3 v. in 2 K Merrifield. Portrait Painting in Water Colors K Treatises on Arts of Painting. 2 v K Merritt. Aft Criticism and Romance. 2v.K Dirt and Pictures separated K Mesnard. Merveilles de l'Art et de l'Indus¬ trie *R Michaelis. Ancient Marbles in Great Britain , *R Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts, Catalogue, 1883 K Mitchell. History of Ancient Sculpture. 2v.K The same *R Supplement (20 Plates) *P Mollett. Diet, of Art and Archaeology. .*R Monkhouse. Earlier English Water-Colour Painters *R Morelli. Italian Masters in German Galleries K Morris. Hopes and Fears for Art K Mueller, F. Künstler aller Zeiten u. Völker. 4 v *R Mueller, H. A. Biographisches Künstler- Lexikon *R ■ Lexikon der bildenden Künste *R Mueller, K. O. Archaeologie der Kunst.. D Mulready, W. Masterpieces and Memorials *P Müntz. Life and Works of Raphael *C Murray. History of Greek Sculpture. 2v. . K Naftel. Flowers and how to paint them.*K Nagler. Künstler Lexicon. 22 v *R New England Institute, Art Catalogue, 1883 *V Art Year Book, 1884 *V New Orleans Exhibition, 1884-5, Collec¬ tion K New York Historical Society, Catalogue of Museum and Gallery of Art K New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, Cata¬ logue of Pictures *K Nisbet. Lessons in Art K Life and Nature Studies K Ollier. Our British Portrait Painters *P Popular History of Sacred Art *P O'Neil. Lectures on Painting K Opie. Lectures on Painting I Ortwein. Deutsche Renaissance. 9 v.. .*P Ottley. Dictionary of Painters and Engrav¬ ers *R 386 3570 4309 3487 3524 3523 3782 3499 3305 3468 4255 4166 3434 3528 4159 1162 4052 4165 3454 3322 501 3824 3815 452 733 3828 3323 3462 488 661 670 3415 34& 7170 3791 3534 737 558 108 3273 537 493 328 FINE ARTS. •Overbeck. Geschichte der griechischen Plas¬ tik. 2v 0432« Owen. Art Schools of Medio.'v.nl Christen¬ dom K 3539 Paget {Vemon Lee). Belcaro; /Esthetical Questions K 3378 Euphorion; Studies of the Antique K 3552 Juvenilia; ^Esthetical Questions K 3459 Palgrave. Essays on Art K 32 Palmer. Early Christian Symbolism K 98 Paris. Manual of Ancient Sculpture K 3530 Parry. Ministry of Fine Art to Happiness of Life K SS'S Passavant. Tour of a German Artist in England K 3531 Pater. The Renaissance K 91 Studies in History of the Renaiss.ince.K 71 Pattison. Renaissanceof Art in France. 2v.K 174 Pauli. Bildende Künste D 419 Peachev. M'ax Flower Modelling K 3350 Pecht. Deutsche Künstler. 3 v D 4174 Penlev. English School of Painting in Water Colors *P 989 Sketching from Nature in Water Colors. *P 602 System of Water Color Painting K 3336 The same K 3337 Perkins. Handbook of Italian Sculpture.. K 3385 Italian Sculptors *R 4169 Tuscan Sculptors. 2 v *R 4168 Perrot and Chipiez. Art in Ancient Egypt. 2 V *K 3384 Art in Chaldea and Assyria. 2 v "K 3386 Art in Persia *K 3784 Art in Phoenicia. 2 v *K 3474 Art in Phrygia *K 3785 Art in Sardinia, Judea, etc. 2 v *K 3535 Pfau. Kunst und Kritik. Bd. 1,2, 4, 6. 4v.D 4370 Phillips. History and Principles of Painting. K 81 Pilkington. Dictionary of Painters *R 489 Planché. Etudes sur l'École française... .C 6188 Platt. Art Culture K 29 Poole. Art of the Saracen in Egypt K 3578 Portal. Symbolic Colors *V 31,3 PoYNTER. Ten Lectures on An K 241 and Buxton. German, Flemish and Dutch Painting K 3319 and Head. Classic and Italian Painting K 3320 Price. On the Picturesque K 67 Prout. Lights and Shadows *V 701 Prout's Microcosm *R 4321 Quatremère de Quincy. Canova et ses Ouvrages C 6299 Destination de l'Art C 6300 Enlèvement de l'Art antique C 6301 Quatremère de Quincy. Idéal dans les Arts du Dessin C 6302 Imitation dans les Beaux-Arts C 6303 Notices sur les Beaux-Arts. 2v C 6304 Ouvrages d'Art antiques restitués .*R 4274 Restitution de la Minerve de Phidias..*R 4262 Vie et Ouvrages de Michel-Ange C 6305 Vie et Ouvrages de Raphaël C O307 Quitter. First Principles of Art K 3453 Radcllefe. Schools and Masters of Painting. K 112 Rahn. Geschichte der bildenden Künste in der Schweiz D 4294 Reber. History of Ancient Art K 3381 History of Medioeval Art K 3448 Redford. Art Sales; Sales of Pictures, 1628- 1887. 2 V *P 611 Manual of Sculpture K 3327 Redgrave, R. and S. Century of Painters. 2v.K 107 Redgrave, S. Catalogue of Water Colour Paintings in South Kensington ' Mu¬ seum "K 35SS Diet, of Artists of the English School. .'•'R 4S6 Reily. The Artist and his Mission K 3342 Retberg. Nürnberg's Kunstleben D 421 Reynolds, Sir J. Discqprses K 3579 Literary Works. 2v I 3068 Notes and Observations on Pictures .. . .K 3517 Ribbach. Geschichte der bildenden Künste *D 476 Richardson and others. Sketches in Water Colors *V 891 Richter. Vorschule der ¿Esthetik... D 2170,18-19 Rigollot. Histoire des Arts du Dessin. 2 v.C 6472 Atlas *y 1075 Rimmer. Art Anatomy 549 Rio. L'Art chrétien. 4v C 6489 Épilogue à l'Art chrétien. 2v C 6490 Poetry of Christian Art K 3512 Robert. Charcoal Drawing K 392 Robert et De Valicourt. Mouleur.. .C 6513,147 Robertson. Painters of Christendom... .*V 554 Robins. Temple of Solomon; Ethicsof Art. K 3480 Robinson. Catalogue of Italian Sculpture in South Kensington Museum *K 3410 Rogers. Opie and his Works K 3472 Rood. Modern Chromatics. K 94 Moderne Farbenlehre D 415,41 Rosenberg. Die Münchener Malerschule. *P 736 Rossetti. Fine Arts K 62 Rouaix. I.es Styles *R 4339 Rowbotham. Art of Landscape Painting. .K 132 Landscape Painting in Water Colors.. .. K 3783 Sketching from Nature K 141 Royal Academy of Arts, Catalogues, 1835-59, 1867-77. 34 v. in 7 *V 695 GENERAL WORKS—PAINTING—SCULPTURE. RüSKIN. Aratra Pentelici K gb Architecture and Fainting K 15 Arrows of the Chace K 3304 Art of England K 3544 Art Technicalities from Works |^of ; ed. by riatt K 29 Bibliotheca Pastorum. v. i, 2, 4 K 3542 Crown of Wild Olives K 12 Deucalion K 127 Eagle's Nest K S Ethics of the Dust K 17 Fors Clavigera. 9 v. *K 124 Frondes Agrestes K 123 Laws of Fesole. v. I K 3541 Lectures on Art K 14 The same *P 168 Modern Painters. 4v K I The same; London ed. 5v *P 182 Mornings in Florence K 128 The same *P 246 On the Old Road. 2 v. in 3 K 3543 Pictures in the Academy of Fine Arts at Venice K 3545 Pleasures of England K 3428 Political Economy of Art K 8 Pre-Raphaelitism K 9 Principal Pictures in the Royal Acad¬ emy K 125 Queen of the Air K 10 St. Mark's Rest, etc K 3525 Sesame and the Lilies K 11 Stones of Venice. 3v K 2 The same; London ed. 3 V *P 184 Bibliography of; by Shepherd *0 265 Salon de 1879-89, Catalogue illustré. Iiv.*P 642 Samson. Elements of Art Criticism K 103 Sandby. History of the Royal Academy of Arts. 2 v K 3400 SCHACK. Meine Gemäldesammlung D 453 schadow. Kunstwerke und Ansichten.. .. D 421 schaeeer. Gemälde-Gallerie zu Dresden. 3 V. in 2 D 423 schassler. Geschichte der Aisthetik. 2v.D 581 schnaase. Geschichte der bildenden Künste. 8 V *D 454 ScHur.tz. Kunst und Kunstgeschichte. 2v. .D 6737 Science of Taste; by G. L K 3357 Scott. Renaissance of Art in Italy *V 694 Sculpture, Renaissance and Modern.. .. K 3442 Seubert. Allgemeines Künstler-Lexicon. 3v. in 2 *R 502 Shedd. Famous Painters and Paintings ...C 1578 Shepherd. British Schools of Painting... .K 3321 Smith, G. W. Painting, Spanish and French K 3339 Smith, J. Catalogue raisonné of Works of Eminent Painters. 9 v *P 346- Smith, R. M. Persian Art K 390 The same K 380,6 Smith, W. Art Education K 50- Snell. Enamel Painting K 113 Sombren. Bibliographie de la Peinture et Gravure *0 133, South Kensington Art Directory, 1871-2.... K 358 Catalogues, 1867-72 K 359. Catalogue of Art Division, 1868 K 355 Inventory of Art Objects, 1852-67 ... .K 35J Ornamental Casts K no Reproductions of Objects of Art *R 4056 Works of Art. 2 v *R 4232 Spenge. Polymetis; Roman Poets and An¬ cient Artists *R 105 Spooner. Biographical History of Fine Arts. 2 V *R 492 The same. 2v *V 407 Stahr. Torso; Kunst der Alterthums. 2v.D 4363 Stanley. Painters of the Dutch and Flemish Schools I 3283 Stephens. Artists at Home *P 1210 Flemish and French Pictures *V 1829 Masterpieces of Mulready *P 733 Stilling. Smaa Historier om Konstnere.. .C 7567 Stirling-Maxwell. Annals of the Artists of Spain. 4v *K 3556 Velasquez and his Works K 114 Stokes. Early Christian Art in Ireland.... K 3495 Stothert. French and Spanish Painters.^V 1830 Stranahan. History of French Painting ..K 3494 Sully. Hints to Young Painters K 76 Sutter. Esthétique générale et appliquée.*V 401 Symington. The Beautiful in Nature, Art and Life. 2v K 130 Symonds. Renaissance of the Fine Arts in Italy A 1990,3 Taine. Art in Greece K 35 L'Idéal dans l'Art C 6866 Ideal in Art K 3482 Lectures on Art. 2 v K 34 Philosophie de l'Art C 6867 Philosophie de l'Art dans lesPays-Bas. ..C 6868 Philosophie de l'Art en Grèce C 6869 Philosophie de l'Art en Italie C 6879 Tayler. Studies in Animal Painting *K 3470 Taylor. Fine Arts in Great Britain. 2 v.K 39 Theophilus. De diversisArtibus K 3392 Thomson. The Barbizon School of Painters.*P 743 Thornbury. From Hogarth to Turner. 2v.C 114 Tiffin. Gossip about Portraits K 3326 Tirebuck. Great Minds in Art C10144 330 FINE ARTS. Toepffer. Réflexions d'un Peintre C 6919 Torrey. Theory of Fine Art K 23 Tuckerman. Artist-Life K 3414 Hook of the Artists "tC 1609 Ti er. Bartolozzi and his Works. 2 v... .*Y 660 Ti'rner. Short History of Art K 3460 Ti'tiull. Success in Life; the Artist K 37 Twining, H. Philosophy of Painting "tR 3475 Picturesque Scenery K 3387 Twining, L. Symbols and Emblems of Christian .\.rt .. K 3507 Tvrwiiitt. Christian Art and Symbolism.. K 48 Creek and Gothic K 3331 Handbook of Pictorial Art .*K 3330 Tvtler, S.,5« Keddie. Urisino and Day. Art Recreations K 20 Urlichs. Glyptothek Ludwig I D 425 Valentin. Ueber Kunst D 6747 Valpy. National Gallery of Painting K 3389 Van Dyke, fiow to judge of a Picture.... K 3500 Principles of Art K 3449 Vasari. Painters, Sculptors and Architects.Sv.I 3088 Pittori, Scultori, e Architetti. 16v.C9300,126-141 Verestchagin. Descriptive Catalogue of Works «K 3516 Progress in Art 'K 3516 Realism *K 3516 Viardot. Merveilles de la Peinture C 4206 Merveilles de la Sculpture C 4207 Wonders of European Art K 2614 Wonders of Italian Art K 2615 W bnders of Sculpture K 2630 and others. History of Painters ♦K 143 Vinci. Treatise on Painting I 3293 Trattato della Pittura C 9500,33 Viollet-le-Dcc. L'Art russe »R 4162 Visconti, E. Q. The Elgin Marbles K 3496 Œuvres. 19 v *C 13307 vitet. Études sur l'Histoire de l'Art. 4v. in2.C 6951 Waagen. Art-Treasures in England. 3v.''^K. 223 Galleries of Art in England *K 224 Waddy. Cartoon Portraits *V 7 Waldstein. Elssayson the Artof Pheidias.*R 4492 Walker. Beauty in Woman *P 380 Wallace. Art in Europe K 56 Walpole. Anecdotes of Painting 3 v K 102 Ware. Lectures on Allston K 77 Waring. Art-Treasures, Manchester Exhibi¬ tion, 1857 *P 548 Record of my Artistic Life K 70 Warren. The Human Figure K 3334 Washbur.n. Spanish Painters K 3407 Watin. Art du Peintre C13368 Walters. Flemish School of Painting... .K 3409 Weomore. Mastersof Genre Painting K 3329 Weekes. Lectures on Art K 3417 Weigall. Art of Figure Drawing K 3369 Weigel. Kunstcatalog. 35v. in 5 *0 252 Die Werke der Maler in ihren Handzeich¬ nungen *R 498 Westmacott. Handbook of .Sculpture.... K 3430 Whitman, S.W. The Making of Pictures..K 3441 Whitman, S. Fetish Worship in Fine Arts. K 3455 wilklns. Art Impressions of Dresden, Berlin, and Antwerp K 3518 Connoisseurship; Anatomy of a Picture.K 3473 Wilkinson. Color and Taste K 65 Williams. Landscape Painting in Oil K 133 wlnckei.mann. Ancient Art. 4 v »v 406 The same. 2v K 3557 Werke über Kunst. 2 v *V 908 Winkler. Kennis en Kunst "V 1161 Woermann. Kunst und Natur-Skizzen D 3954 Natursinn der Alten D 456 Wolff. Museen d. Vaticans u. d. Capitols. D 426 Woltmann. Niederländische Kunst D 457 and Woermann. Historyof Painting. 2v.K 3529 The same. 2v *R 4136 Wood. Vatican Museum of Sculpture.... K 3370 Wornum. Art Library in Marlborough House k 361 Catalogue of the National Gallery K 82 Epochs of Painting K iii Holbein; his Life and Works *V 5 WyaTT. Fine Art; its History, Theory, etc.K 52 Foreign Artists in England during X\Tth Century *V 1721 Zerffi. Historical Development of Art K 144 ENGRAVING AND ETCHING. Andresen u. Weigel. Der deutsche Peintre- Graveur. 5 v. in 4 *R 479 Audsley. Art of Chromolithography. ... *P 1174 Baker. American Engravers K 1670 Origin and Antiquity of Engraving... .*K 1671 Wm. Sharp, Engraver K 93 Bartsch. Anleitung zur Kupferstichkunde. D 4246 Le Peintre Graveur. 22v. in 15 *R S°3 Atlas »V 1733 Basan. Dictionnaire des Graveurs. 3v..*R 506 Berthiau. Imprimeur de Taille-douce.C 6513,211 Blanc. Grammar of Engraving and Painting. K 310 Boeck. Zincography K. 6116 British Museum, Catalogue of Early Italian Prints; by Fisher *0 697 Early Italian Prints *P lOll German Prints *P 1012 ENGRAVING AND ETCHING—GALLERIES, ETC. 331 British Museum, Handbook to Prints and Draw¬ ings ; by Fagan. *0 698 Italian Prints. 2v *P loio Brown. Wood Engraving K 1296 Bryan. Dictionary of Painters and Engravers*R 490 The same; new ed. 2v *R 49' Marks and Monograms of Engravers .. *R 4063 Catalogue de l'Exposition de Gravures, l88l*P 776 Chattock. Notes on Etching K 3423 Cohen. Guide de l'Amateur de Livres à Gravures du XVIIIe Siècle *0 125 CoNWAV. Woodcutters of the Netherlands in XVth Century K 3526 Davenport. Engraving K 801,8 Delaborde. Engraving; its origin, etc... .K 3444 Duerer. Kleine fassion; Kupferstiche,. .*R 4482 Dasselbe *D 4298,8 Duplessis. Merveilles de la Gravure C 4171 Wonders of Engraving K 2616 Emerson, Handbook of Wood Engraving.K 3309 Engravers' Specimen Book of Crests *R 110 Engravings on Wood *P 1263 Ephrussi. a. Dürer et ses Dessins *p 845 Evelyn. Sculptura; History of Chalcography K 3438 Fielding. Art of Engraving K 3421 Geymet. Traité de Gravure et Impression sur Zinc Cl 2465 Haden. About Etching *R 4238 Hamerton. Etcher's Handbook K 936 Etching and Etchers *R 4061 Unknown River; Etcher's Voyage K 25 Heraldry of Crests *R 322 HeRKOMER. Etching and Mezzotint Engrav¬ ing *P 1614 Hippert u. Linnig. Le Peintre-Graveur, hol¬ landais et belge. 4 v. in 2 *R 504 Hitchcock. Etching in America K 3439 Hodson. Art lilustration in Books *K 3425 Holbein. Dance of Death and Bible Cuts. .1 3115 Dance of Death; by Deuchar *K 3424 Holt. Allegorical Engravings of A. Dürer.K 3521 Hullmandel. Art of Drawing on Stone.*V 869 Humphreys. Masterpieces of Early Printers and Engravers *P 595 Jackson. History of Wood Engraving... .*K 4143 Koehler. Etching; its Processes and History*P 1083 Lacroix. Iconographie Moliéresque *R 1362 Lalanne. Treatise on Etching K 3324 Landseer. The Art of Engraving K 3546 Leech. Etchings *R 4490 Liebhaber Bibliothek alter Illustratoren. 13V.D 4298 Lietze. Modern Heliographie Processes... K S999 Linton. Hints on Wood-Engraving K 3524 Wood-Engraving in America *P 748 Lippmann (Ed.). Engravings and Woodcuts by Old Masters. 3v *P 974 Marshall. Handbook of Engravers K 96 Muther. Die deutschen Bücherillustrationen, 1460-1530 *P 536 Ottley. Dictionary of Painters and En¬ gravers *R 493 Facsimiles of Scarce Prints *P 545 Perrot. Graveur C65i3,ii9 Reid. Facsimiles of Early Italian Engravers*P 1224 Retberg. Dürer's Kupferstiche D 417 Nürnberg's Kunstleben D 421 Richter. 202 Holzschnitte *R 4496 Ruskin. Ariadne Florentina K 126 Lectures on Engraving K 126 Schnauss. Collotype and Photo-Lithography k 3533 Scott. Albert Dürer and his Works K 19 Strutt. Biographical Dictionary of En¬ gravers. 2v *R 480 Tyrwhitt. Handbook of Pictorial Art.. .*K 3330 Waldow. Die graphischen Künste *R 872 Wedmore. Four Masters of Etching *P 744 Willshire. Ancient Prints. 2 v *K 866 Wood. Modern Methods of Illlustrating Books J 1444 WooDBERRY. History of Wood-Engraving. .K 3422 GALLERIES. —ILLUSTRATED BOOKS.— PERIODICALS. Agge and Brooks. Marblehead Sketches.*R 4304 Agincourt. History of Art by its Monu¬ ments *P 991 American Art Review, 1880-81. 2 v *Ser. Annales du Musée et de l'Ecole moderne des Beaux-Arts. 38 V *P 641 Art, 1875. v. 5 *Ser. Art, L', 1875-90'. 47 v *Ser. Art and Letters, 1888-89. ^ 673 Art and Letters; ed. by Carr, 1882-83. 2v. . *Ser. Art Journal, 1849-91. 42 V *Ser. Art Year Book of the New England Institute, 1884 *v 670 Artiste, L', 1873-4. 3v *Ser. Audsley. Sermon on the Mount, illuminated*P 1269 Avenarius. Historischer Festzug bei der Kölner Dom Feier *P 1240 Barnard, F. Character Sketches from Dick¬ ens *p 941 The same. 3v *P 1264 Barnard, G. Switzerland *p 1021 Berlin and its Treasures. 2v *P 1609 Birch. Heads of Illustrious Persons *R 4346 Boisserée Galerie *p 1046 332 FINE ARTS. Bouim.on. Musée des Antiques. 3v *P 988 British Museum, Ancient Marbles in. 6 v. .*P 583 Brockedon. Passes of the Alps. 2v »p 702 Byron. Illustrations of Childe Harold,.. .*P 507 Canova. Works in Sculpture. 3V... .*R 4140 Carr. Examples in Contemporary Art...*P 970 Carr. Story of Richard Whittington *R 4272 Carter. Ancient Sculpture and Painting in England *P 898 Catalogue illustré du Salon, 1879-89. 11 v.*P 642 Catlin. North American Indian Portfolio.*P 1008 Centennial Art Journal, 1876 *Ser. Claude le Lorraine, Liber Veritatis. 3v.*P 928 Clouet. Three Hundred French Portraits. 2 V *R 4849 CUNDALL. Life and Genius of Rembrandt.*P 506 Dafforne. The Albert Memorial *P 730 Pictures by Sir A. W. Calcott *P 728 Pictures by Sir E. Landseer. 2v *P 732 Pictures by Daniel Maclise *P 731 Pictures by J. Phillip *P 729 Pictures by Masters of French, Dutch and Flemish Schools *V 864 Daniell. Oriental Scenery. 3v *P 838 Deutsches Künstler-Album, 1867 *P 1611 Doré, G., Illustrator. Cervantes. Don Quixote *R Dante. Vision of Hell *P 1087 Purgatory and Paradise *P 1086 Davillier. Spain *P 799 Gallery of Engravings *P 539 Henne am Rhyn. Die Kreuzzüge »P 528 Jerrold. London 'P 563 La Fontaine. Ctmáctero bájek *V 1184 Michaud. The Crusades. 2v *P 2081 Milton. Pir.iJise Lost *P iioo Foe. The R-uven »P 1202 La Sainte Bible. 2 v *P 935 Dresden Gallery. 3 v *P 961 Düsseldorfer Künstler-Album. 16 v. in S .*P 1610 Du sommerard. Les Arts au Moyen Age. 5 V *P 644 Plates. 6v *P 953 Elliot. Wild Animals; illus. by Wolf... *R 4236 Filhol et Lavallée. Galerie du Musée Napoléon. il v *P 677 Fine Arts Quarterly Review, 1863-7. 5V.... *Ser. Flaxman. Illustrations to ./Eschylus' Trage¬ dies *P 1157 Illustrations of Dante *P 59° Illustrations to Hesiod's Works and Days *P 1158 Illustrations to Homer'sHiad *P II59 Illustrations to Homer's Odyssey *P 1160 Florence Gallery. 4 v *P 960 Florence, Reale Galleria di Firenze illustrata. 13 V *P 643 Formbv. Ancient Rome «p 797 Foerster. Denkmale italienischer Malerei. 4 V *p 1181 Froissart. Illuminated Illustrations of.. .*P 74S Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1859-91, 68 v *Ser. Index, 1859-68. 2v. Gibson, J. Engravings from Original Com¬ positions *p 975 Gillrav, J. Works *p 1026 Text to same; by Wright and Evans »P 252 Works; with Life by Wright «V 188 Gcethe. Faust; illus. von Seibertz «P 1084 Graphischen Künste, 1879-90. 13 v *Ser. Haas (Ed.). Galerie de Vienne.' 4v. in 2.*P 1612 Haghe. Sketches in Belgium and Germany. 3v »P 990 Hall. National Gallery; Vemon Collection. 3 V *P 1093 Royal Gallery of Art. 2v 'P 586 Heaton. Masterpieces of Flemish Art... *R 4432 Hirth. Kulturgeschichtliches Bilderbuch. 6 V *P 2001 Hogarth, W. Works »P 1028 Holbein. Portraitsof Court of Henry VTII.'P 544 Holst. Thorvaldsen Museum 'P 530 Jahrbuch der preussischen Kunstsammlungen. UV »P 1601 Jamitzer. Entwürfe zu Prachtgefässen.. .*P 777 Johnston. Original Portraits of George Wash¬ ington »P 604 Jones. Psalms of David illuminated »P 1082 and WaRRKN. Joseph and his Brethren.'P 785 Kaulbach and others. Schiller-Gallery.. .»P 1201 Konewka. Illustrations in Silhouette 'V 811 Illustrations to FalstaS and his Com¬ panions "E «308 Illustrations to Faust »V 458 Kunsthistorische Bilderbc^en. 5 v.; »P 1156 Kunstkronik, 1878-9. 2v *Ser. Landseer, Sir E. Pictures. 2 v »p 7-2 Landseer, T. Engravings of Lions, Ti¬ gers, etc ^23^ Lawson. Scotland delineated. 2v «p gjg Lettres et les Arts, 1887. 4v »p 672 Lièvre. Œuvres d'Art d'après les Originaux'R 4896 Linton. Pictures by British Artists »P 740 Locella. Dante in der deutschen Kunst .»P 1223 Lou andre. Les Arts somptuaires. 4v. in3.«P 1606 LovETT. London Pictures *V 1485 Macbean. Sketches in Constantinople *P 9^8 Macian. Clansof the Scottish Highlands. 2v.*P 591 Maclise. The Norman Conquest *R 4420 DECORATION -ORNAMENT. 333 Magazine of Art, 1878-91. 14 v *Ser. Maynard. Publications of Arundel Society. 2 .*P loSi Michael Angelo. Drawings and Studies of *R 4075 Outlines from Works of *P S^S Mitchell. Selections from Ancient Sculp¬ ture *P ii6z Montgomery. American Art and Art Col¬ lections. 2 v *P 614 Mulready. Masterpieces and Memorials .*P 733 Munich Gallery. 2v *P 962 Murray. British Schools of Art. 2v....*P 739 Musée français. 4v *P 942 Musée royal. 2v *P 943 Muther. Die deutschen Bücherillustrationen, 1460-1530 *P 536 Naples, Real Museo Borbónico. 16 v *P 681 National Gallery of Pictures. 2 v *R 4488 Ollier. Our British Portrait Painters *P 737 Otti.ey. Early Florentine School *P 971 Italian School of Design *P 977 Paris dans sa Splendeur. 3 y *R 4866 Pecht. Lessing-Galerie *R 4351 und Ramberg. Goethe-Galerie *R 4350 Schiller-Galerie .. .• *R 4425 Penley. English School of Painting in Water Colors *P 989 Sketching from Nature in Water-Colors *P 602 P1RANESI. Veduti di Roma *P 964 pistolesi. II Vaticano illustrato. 8 v. ...*P 1180 Portfolio, 1872-91. 21 V Raffaei.le Sanzio. Drawings and Studies.*R 4074 Reed (Ed.). Masterpieces of Modern Painting. 2 V *P 887 Rehbf.rg. Lady Hamilton's Attitudes .. .*V 705 Rembrandt. L'Œuvre complet; décrit par Dutuit. 2 V *P 890 Le même. 4V *P 891 Roberts. Egypt and Nubia. 2 y *P 1042 Holy Land. 2 y *P 1041 Sketches in Spain *P 947 Rogers. Italy; illustrated by Turner and Stothard *P 258 Poems; illustrated *P 259 Rome dans sa Grandeur. 3 y *P 951 Rosinx. Storia della Pittura italiana, yy. .*P 645 Plates. 4 y. in 2 *P 944 Rossini. Le Antichità Romane *P 963 Sandhurst and Stothert. Masterpieces of European Art *P 588 Scott. Gems of Modern Belgian Art *P 508 Murillo and the Spanish School *P 735 Pictures of Venetian Painters *P 734 Scottish Art Review, 1888-9. 2 v *Ser. Shakspere. Romeo and Juliet; illus. by Dicksee *P 1085 Sheldon. Recent Ideals of American Art.*P 889 Société d'Aquarellistes français ; Ouvrage d'Art *P 933 SovvERBY and Lear. Tortoises, Terrapins and Turtles, drawn from Life *P 543 Stirling-Maxwell. Antwerp delivered. .*P 1272 Procession of Pope Clement VII *P 1271 Turner. Views in England and Wales. 2y.*P 701 Van Dyck. Sketches; engr. by Mitchell.*R 4242 Virgil. Enéide; Dessins d'après Ademollo.*P 1018 Walton. Chefs-d'Œuvre de l'Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1889 *P 888 Waring. Art Treasures of the United King¬ dom *P 548 Masterpieces of Art and Sculpture. 3y.*P 985. Wey. Rome; with 345 Engravings *P 798 Wheeler. Beautiful in Nature *P 1278 Woodward. Drawings of Ten Masters.. .*R 4475 Wordsworth. Greece *P 330 Wyatt. Arts of the Nineteenth Century. av.'t'P 992 Zurlauben. Tableaux delà Suisse. 5y. in 4.*P 1023 DECORATION. —ORNAMENT. Adam. Architecture, Decoration and Furni¬ ture '•'R 4893 Audsley. Polychromatic Decoration *P 562 Ornamental Arts of Japan. 2 v *P 895 Outlines of Ornament *P 1173 Batley. Etched Studies for Interior Decora¬ tion *R 4841 Bielefield. Papier Mâché in Interior Decora¬ tion *R 4319 Billings. Form in Geometric Tracery... .K 3432 Blackburne. Decorative Painting applied to English Architecture *P iioi Blanc. Art in Ornament and Dress K 57 Boutowsky. L'Ornement russe du Xe au XVIe Siècle. 2v *P 1205 Brunner and Tryon. Interior Decoration.*V 840 Claesen. Motifs de Décoration *P 1168 Colling. Art Foliage for Sculpture and Decoration *V 888 English Mediaeval Foliage and Decora¬ tion «V 887 Conway. Travels in South Kensington... .K 3401 Cutler. Grammar of Japanese Ornament and Design *p 1094 Daly. Décorations intérieures peintes... .*P2224,3 Day. Anatomy of Pattern K 3491 Dearborn. Scrolls, Monograms, etc K 913 334 FINE ARTS. Dresser. Art of Decorative Design *K 3493 Studies in Design *p 559 Elmott. Book of American Interiors *p mo Ewald. Farbige Decorationen alter und neuer Zeit »p 1256 Gerlach. Allegorien und Embleme. 2v.*P 937 Das Gewerbe-Monogramm *P 546 Gruner. Fresco Decoraiions in Italy •P 982 Frescoes of Raphael in the Vatican... .*P 1262 Ornamental Art *p 957 Text to same; by Braun *P 605 Vorbilder ornamentaler Kunst *P 1261 Gurlitt. Barock und Rococo Ornament. ,*P 1233 Halfpenny. Gothic Ornaments in Vork Cathedral «V 343 H.av. Original Geometrical Designs »V 500 Hekdtle und Biermann. Schule des Muster¬ zeichnens »R 4270 Hulme. Principles of Ornamental Art..,. *R 4484 Suggestions in Floral Design *P 593 and others. Art Studies applied to Design. K 3379 Hymans. Compositions décoratives et allégo¬ riques *P 1171 Instrumenta Ecclesiastica. 2v *V 607 Jacobsthal. SUd-italienische Friesen-Orna¬ mente *P 1227 Jones. Designs for Mosaic Pavements... .'R 3872 Examples of Chinese Ornament *P 796 Grammar of Ornament *R 4217 One Thousand and one Initial Letters. .*P 554 LepáUTRE. Ornamentale Entwürfe "P 1161 Leslie. Polychromatic Decoration *R 4430 Lessing. Bauornamente Berlins *P 1258 Bauornaraente der Neuzeit. 2y »P 1259 Marx. La Décoration et l'Art *V 1695 Mayeux. Decorative Composition K 3488 Ménard. Histoire des Arts décoratifs. 2v.C 5806 Meyer. Handbuch der Ornamentik... .*D 6740,1 Modèles de Bois 1004 Morin. Motifs de Décorations *R 4848 Neckelman.n. Omamentale Phantasien. .'P 1226 Nicolai. Ornament der italienischen Kunst des I5ten Jahrhunderts *P 1257 Ortwein. Deutsche Renaissance. 9V....'P 537 Prisse d'Avennes. L'Art Arabe »P 1604 Plates. 3V. in2 *P 999 PüGIN. Floriated Ornament '•'R 3880 Glossary of Elcclesiastical Ornament and Costume *P 582 Racinet. Polychromatic Ornament. 2 v.*P 551 Redgrave. Manual of Design K 388 Rhenius. Eingelegte Holzomamente *P 1228 Richardson. Studies of Ornamental Des!gn*P 969 Rimmer. Elements of Design ,..K 3735 Robinson. Treasury of Ornamental Art. .*R 4133 Rouaix. Les Styles *R 4339 Ruprich Robert. Flore Ornementale .. .*V 400 Saward. Decorative Painting K 3412 Science of Taste '. ...K 3357 Shaw. Specimens of Tile Pavements *R 4289 Smith. Ornamental Interiors *K 3490 Studies for Decorative Figure Panels . .'•'V 1242 Umé. L'Art décoratif *P 1170 Vacher. Fifteenth Century Italian örnament*P 1268 Waring. Ornament and Architecture... ."'R 38 6 Weale. Monograms, Architectural Ornament and Alphabets *R 4269 Whichcord. Polychromatic Decoration in the Middle Ages *V 31,2 Wilkinson. Taste in Ornamental Design..K 65 WoRNUM. Analysis of Ornament K 109 The same; new ed K 3413 Catalogue of Ornamental Casts K no Wyatt. Geometrical Mosaics of the Middle Ages *P 934 ornamental iron work. Clarkson. Ironwork of the 13th Century .'R 3867 Fryer. Architectural Iron Work. K 782 Giraud. Les Arts du Métal 'P 1273 Meyer. Die Schmiedekunst 'D 6740,2 PUGIN. Designs for Iron and Brass Work.*R 4467 Schmiedekunst, Die, nach Originalen des XV.- XVIII. Jahrhunderts «P 1225 Shaw. Ornamental Metal Work *R 4450 YapL Art Industry; Metal Woik '•'R 4313 DRAWING. Allain. Dessin linéaire 06513,236 Atlas »V 1081 André. Plan and Map Drawing *K 3701 Appleton's Cyclopcedia of Drawnng »R 1051 ArMENGAUD. Practical Draughtsman ....*V 296 Barnard.. Drawing from Nature "V 50 Bartholomew. Guide to Drawing-books..K 1653 Linear Perspective explained K 1656 Birch. Early Drawings and Illuminations.. K 3359 Boutereau. Dessinateur C 6513,180-181 Bracquemond. Dessin et Couleur C12009 Brown. Practical Perspective *V 696 Building and Machine Draughtsman K 3766 Burn. Drawing-Book for Architects K 245 Illustrated Drawing-Book for Schools.. .K 258 Ornamental Drawing K 246 Carter. Drawing in Black and White... .K 3368 DRAWING—ARCHAEOLOGY AND COLLECTIONS. 335 Cavé. Drawing from Memory K 252 Clarke. Drawing in Public Schools K 3726 Collins. Drawing in Perspective K 259 Decker. Industrial Drawing for Carpenters. K 3765 Dresser. Studies in Design *P 559 Engineer and Machinist's Drawing-Book .. .*V 1745 Fock. Symmetry of pleasing Proportions. .*R 3864 Gwilt. Sciography; Examples of Shaiows*V 1789 Harding. Less.ins on Art *V 156 Lessons on Trees *V 173 Hay. Beauty in the Human Figure K 3396 Geometric Beauty in the Human Figure *V 503 Geometrical Designs *V 500 Harmony of Form.. *V 501 Proportion *V 502 Proportions of the Human Head *V 504 Science of Beauty in Nature and Art.. .K 3344 Symmetrical Beauty ; ...K 61 Hayter. Introduction to Drawing K 3706 Howard. Imitative Art K 261 Industrial Drawing for Beginners K 1651 Krusi. Drawing for Teachers K 1654 Principles of Perspective K 165 5 MacCord. Practical Hints for Draughtsmen *V 434 Mahan. Industrial Drawing. 2 v K 247 Meyer. Gewerbezeichnenschulen D 382,5 Minifie. Text Book of Geometrical Draw¬ ing ,.K 5000 The same; abridged ed K 5001 Perry. Drawing in the Grammar Schools *L 1431,1 Pyne. Perspective for Beginners K 1550 Practical Rules on Drawing *V 360 Redgrave. Manual of Design K 388 Ribbans. An Essay on Perspective K 3727 Rigollot. Histoire des Arts du Dessin. 2v.C 6472 Atlas *V 1075 Rimmer. Art Anatomy *P 549 Robert. Charcoal Drawing K 392 Rowbotham. Sketching from Nature K 141 Ruskin. Elements of Drawing and Perspect¬ ive I^ 139 Elements of Perspective.. K 4 Sebald. Zeichnen Schule D 671 Smith. Free-Hand Drawing '.K 1650 Linear Perspective K 249 Topographical Drawing K 248 The same; new ed K 5548 Smith. Industrial Drawing in the Public Schools *L 1431,1 Thénot. Practical Perspective K 3333 Trobridge. Principles of Perspective K 3702 Tuthill. Lessons in Architectural Drawing *V 1790 Tyrwhitt. Handbook of Pictorial Art.. .*K 3330 Vergnaud. Perspective ..C 6513,214 Viollet-le-Duc. Comment on devient Des¬ sinateur C 6947 Histoire d'un Dessinateur C 6992 Learning to draw K 395 Walker, A. Beauty in Woman *P 380 Walker,W. Handbook of Drawing K 393 Warren, H. The Human Figure K 3334 Warren, S. E. Drafting Instruments K 533 Elementary Projection Drawing K 1652 Free-hand Drawing K 251 Geometrical Drawing K 256 Linear Perspective K 250 Perspective Drawing K 253 Weigall. Art of Figure Drawing K 3369 Williams. Manual of Model Drawing K 257 Woodward.' Drawings of Ten Masters. .*R 4475 Wright. Architectural Perspective *V 1791 CARICATURE. Beaconsfield, Earl, Cartoons from Punch on.*P 485 Berleux. La Caricature politique en France, 1870-71 C 11929 Bismarck-Album des Kladderadatsch *V 1385 Champfleury. Histoire de la Caricature. 5V.C12126 Confederate War Caricatures *P 2242 Everitt. English Caricaturists of the 19th Century *V 807 Gillray, J. Works. 1026 Text; by Wright and Evans... .*P 25z Works; with Life by Wright *V 188 Grego. Rowlandson, the Caricaturist. 2v.■*'V 539 Grose. Rule for Drawing Caricatures K 3464 Hogarth, W. Works *P 1028 Works; with Life by Ireland and Nichols. 3 V K 3540 Parton. Caricature and Comic Art K 117 Vanity Fair Album. 3v ■*V 379 Waddy. Cartoon Portraits *V 7 Trusler. Hogarth moralized K 3520 Wright. Caricature History of the Georges. C 1653 Caricature and Grotesque in Art K 115 ARCH/EOLOGY AND COLLECTIONS. Abbott. Primitive Industry K 3585 Adams. Buried Cities of the Campania... .A 142 Famous Caves and Catacombs K 3642 American Antiquarian, 1878-91. 13 v *Ser. American Antiquarian Society, Proceedings, 1813-88. 13 v B 4 Index, 1813-1880. Transactions, 1830-74. 6 v B 5 336 FINE ARTS. Auiericnn Journal of Archwology, 1SS5-90. 6v *Ser. Anderson, J. Scotland in Pagan Times. 2v.K 3630 Scotland in Early (c hristian Times. 2v. .K 3631 Anderson, J. C. Roman City of Uriconium. K 3587 Anthon. Roman Antiquities A 114 Antiquary, The, 18S0-91. 23 v *Ser. Antiquary (Fortnightly Medium of Intercom¬ munication), 1871-73. 4 V *Sei\ Archceologia, 1779-1887. 50 v ^Ser. Index, v. 1-30. 2 v. Archaeological Institute of America, Reports, 1879-85 *K 3626 Papers of American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 4v K 3624 Archœological Journal, 1845-90. 47 v *Ser. Index, v. 1-25. Augé. Sept Merveilles du Monde C 4043 Les Tombeaux C 4021 Babelon. Manual of Oriental Antiquities..K 3619 B.^bington. Lecture on Archaeology K 3597 Bandelier. Archaeological Tour in Mexico.K 3625 Barré et Roux. Ilerculaneum et Pompéi. 8 V *P 340 Battely. Antiquitates Rutupinœ K 354 Bateman. Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills...A 3174 B.iUMElsTER u. andere. Denkmäler des klas¬ sischen Alterthums. 3 v *R 4137 Bingham. Antiquities of the Christian Church. 2 V *V 177 Bojf.sen. Grecian and Roman Antiquities.. a 95 Book of the Dead; Papyrus of Aui in the British Museum "P 980 Borlase. Naecia Cornubiae K 377 Bouii.lon. Musée des Antiques. 3v....*P 988 Brasseur de Bourbourg. Monuments an¬ ciens du Mexique, avec Atlas. 2 v.*R 4846 Brand. Antiquities of Great Britain E 871 The same. 3v I 3343 Brash. Ogam inscribed Monuments of the Gaedhil K 3636 British .Museum, Ancient Marbles. 6 v... .*P 583 Ancient Terracottas 'V 392 Catalogue of Photographs K 341 Catali^ue of Vases. 2v *K 356 Catalogue of Maps, MSS., etc. 2v.. .*K 35® Christie Collection K 363 Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles. 2 v.... I 3551 Greek Papyri *V 391 nandyIx)ok of; by Nichols K 36 Memories of; by Cowtan K 38 Papyri m Hieratic Character *P 978 Townley Gallery. 2v I 355® Bruce. The Roman Wall. K 3637 Buckman and Newmarcii. Remains of Roman Art in Cirencester *V 232 Burn. Old Rome and the Campagna ... .*V 363 Epitome of the same 1 909 Burton. Antiquities of Rome I 906 Carderera. Iconografía e.spaflola. 2v...*P 1245 Carr. Mounds of Mississippi *V 718 Catacombs, The. 5« Travels, p. 183. Cesnola. Cyprus •R 4106 Champoli.ion. Monuments de l'Egypte et de la Nubie. 4 V »P 1043 Chlingensperg-Berg. Das Gräberfeld von Reichenhall in Oberbayern *P 822 CoLE. Ancient Buildings of Kashmir *P 521 c0llignon. Manual of Greek Archaeology. K 3627 Conway. Dawnof Art in the Ancient World.K 3654 conwei.L. Tomb of Ollamh Fodhla K 3590 Cooper. Archaic Dictionary *R 22ú Cope. Bone Cave in the Island of Anguilla.. *Doc. Delafield. Antiquities of America *V 482 Didron. Christian Iconography I 3111 Donaldson. Architectural Medals of Antiq¬ uity »K 3595 Drummond. Herculanensia; or, Archaeolt^- ical Dissertations 'V 389 Dyer. Ancient Rome A 146 History and Antiquities of Pompeii A 143 The same I 29s1 Egypt Exploration Fund Publications: Naville. The Store-City of Pithom.. .'V 1802 Petrie and others. Tanis. 2 pts *V 1803 Nebesheh and Defenneh *V 1803 Naukratis. 2 pts *V 1804 Naville. Saft el Henneh, and Land of Goshen 'V 1805 Hieroglyphic Papyri from Tanis *V 1806 Griffith. Antiq. of Tell el Vahûdtyeh. .'V 1807 Naville. Mound of the Jew 'V 1807 Bubastis "V 1808 Engelhardt. Denmark in the Early Iron Age »R 4231 Essenwein. Denkmale des Germanischen National-Museums »R 4240 Evans. Ancient Bronze Implements K 3586 Ancient Stone Implements K 290z Fairholt. Lord Londesborough's Antiq¬ uities »R 4233 Rambles of an Archœologist K 3519 Falkener. Ephesus and Temple of Diana.*R 4084 Museum of Classical Antiquities *K 3617 Remains in Crete K 364 Ferguson. The Northmen in Cumberland and Westmoreland K 3620 Fergusson. Rock-Cut Temples of India.. "P 306 ARCHEOLOGY AND COLLECTIONS. 337 Fergusson. Rude Stone Monuments K 162 Topography of Jerusalem *V 58 Tree and Serpent Worship in India... .*R 3875 and Burgess. Cave Temples of India.*V 1490 Formby. Ancient Rome 797 Forsyth. Antiquary's Portfolio. 2v A 686 Fosbroke. Encycloptedia of Antiquities. 3 V *R 4504 Foreign Topography; Ancient Remains*R 4503 Fuss. Roman Antiquities A II5 (îastaldi. Prehistoric Remains in Italy K. 371 Gull and Gandy. Pompeiana *A 141 Ginsburg. The Moabite Stone *V 602 Gomme. Archteology. 2v £3145,5-6 Romano-British Remains. 2 v £3145,7-8 Gorringe. Egyptian Obelisks *R 4284 Greenwell. British Barrows; Sepulchral Mounds K 3618 Haacke. Griechische und römische Alter- thümer D 17 Hanotaux. Les Villes retrouvées. G 5198 Haven. Archaeology of the United States.. . .*Doc. Heck. Iconographie Encyclopmdia, with Plates. 6 V *R 74 Hill. Antiquities of America B 670 Hodgetts. Older England; Anglo-Saxon Antiquities in British Museum K 3607 Humann and Puchstein. Kleinasicn und Nordsyrien. 2 v .'. *P 1185 Hume. Ancient Meols of Cheshire K 357 Iconographie Cyclopaedia. 6 v *R 76 Jackson. Our Ancient Monuments K 3588 Jahn. Alterthumswissenschaft D 480 J.ames. Plans and Photographsof Stonehenge*V 603 Jewitt. Among English Antiquities K 3622 Grave Mounds K 3623 Jones. Antiquities of the Southern Indians.B 25 Monumental Remains of Georgia B 1686 Journal of American Ethnology and Archae¬ ology, 1891. V. I *Ser. Kaszony. Alt'erthumskunde 1) 561 Keller. Lake Dwellings of Switzerland .. K 2941 Kemble. Horae Ferales; Archaeology of Northern Nations *V 1801 Kennett. Antiquities of Rome A 156 Kenrick. Archaeology and History K 3591 King. Cleopatra's Needle K 3651 Laing. Pre-historic Remains of Caithness.. K 3598 Layard. Monuments of Ninevah. 2 v.. .*P 987 LeemanS. Bôrô Boedoerop het Eiland Java..*P 336 Plates. 4v *P 1030 Plates to Text *P 1031 Lepsius. Denkmäler aus ¿Egypten. i2v.*P 104.1 Text *P 1045 Lesbazeilles. Colosses anciens et modernes.C 5732 Linton. Colossal Vestiges of Older Nations. K 3629 Lloyd. Xanthian Marbles K 3645 Long. Egyptian Antiquities. 2v I3SS8 McCaul. Britanno-Roman Inscriptions... .K 3600 Christian Epitaphs K 3638 Maclagan. Hill Forts and Stone Circles of Ancient Scotland *R 4329 McPherson. Antiquities of Kertch *R 3865 Mallet. Northern Antiquities I 3357 The same. 2V A 1845 Marsden. Lectures on Archaeology K 3628 Martin. Lake Dwellings of Ireland K 7845 Maspero. Egyptian Archaeology K 3634 Guide du Visiteur au Musée de Boulaq. .C12770 Mercer. The Lenape Stone K 3641 Merk. Excavations at Kesslerloch K 3639 Merriam. Inscriptions on the Obelisk-Crab K 3594 Michaei.is. Ancient Marbles in Great Britain*R 4166 Middleton. Remains of Ancient Rome. 2v.K 3658 Mitchell. The Pastin the Present K 3601 Moldenke. The New York Obelisk; Cleo¬ patra's Needle K 3655 Mollett. Diet, of Art and Archaeology. .*R 4052 Monnier. Wonders of Pompeii K 2612 Montfaucon. Antiquity explained. 7v..*R 122 Moore. Ancient Pillar Stones of Scotland . K 3635 Moorehead. Fort Ancient ; Prehistoric Earthwork B 4260 Moses. Collection of Antique Vases, Al¬ tars, etc *P 778 The same K 345 Mueli.er, a. Vorgeschichtliche Steingeräthe bei Basel *V 40 Mueller, K.O. Ancient Art and itsRemains.K 373 Archseologie der Kunst D 452 Muratori. Antiquitates Italicae. 6v. ...»R 123 Murray. Handbook of Greek Archaeology.K 3657 National Institute, Catalogue of Curiosities in. K 349 New York Historical Society's Museum and Gallery of Art, Catalogue of K 346 State M'iseum, Reports, 1867-72. 6 v ..*Dcc. Newton. Art and Archaeology K 1657 Nissen. Pompeii D 382,2 Overbeck. Pompeji in seinen Gebäuden.*V 998 Palestine Exploration Fund: Survey of Western Palestine, ii v... .»V 944 Quarterly Statements, 1875-81. 3 v.. . .1 7925 Parker. Archaeology of Rome. lov. ...*A27li Pastoral Life and Manufacture of the Ancients.K 6021 Paton and Hicks. Inscriptions of Cos.... K 3656 Pennington. Barrows and Bone Caves of Derbyshire K 372 Petrie. Historical Scarabs *K 3644 338 FINE ARTS. Pfahler. Deutsohe AltenhUmer D 5684 plerotti. Jerusalem Explored. 2 v....*R 4332 pistoles!, llerculaneum and Pompeii... .*!> 601 Pompeii; its Past and Present. 2v I 3564 Pyramids, The. iee Travels, p. 201. Qu. vtrf.mèke DE QuINCY. Üuvrapcs d'Art antiques restitués *R 4274 Rafn. Antiquitates American.t: *V 47 Reiss and Stuebel. Necropolis of Ancon in Peru. 3 v *P 892 Renard. Album archxologique sv....*P 1167 Riano. Industrial Arts in Spain K 3633 Rimmer. Ancient Stone Crosses of England. K 3389 Saalschuetz. Archxologie der Hebräer. .D 4326 Schliemann. Ilios *R 4112 Mycenae *R 4113 Tiryns .. *R 4'3t Troy and its Remains '•'R 4104 Trojanische Alterthümer D 473 Atlas des Antiquités troycnnes *R 119 Schmidt. Stone Sculptures of Copan *R 4858 schuchhardt. Schliemann's Excavations. K 3646 Seyffarth. Entdeckungen in der Archœ- ologie D 214 Seyffert. Dictionary of Classical Antiq¬ uities *R Z20 Sharpe. The Rosetta Stone k 3632 Smith. Greek and Roman Antiquities. .*R 436 The same; new ed. 2 v *R 461 The same; ed. by Anthon *R 239 and Cheetham. Dictionary of Christian Antiquities. 2v *R 4S9 Smyth. Antiquity of Intellectual Man K 373 Society of Biblical Archaeology, Proceedings, 1S78-90. 13 v *Ser. Transactions, 1872-83. 8v *Ser. Stephens. Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England. 3 V "P mS Steuart. Ancient Monuments in Lydia... *P 1003 Stevens. Flint Chqw K 3621 Strebel. Alt-Mexico. 2v *P 821 Strutt. Antiquities of England *P 683 Stuart and Revett. Antiquities of Athens. 3v *P 945 Thruston. Antiquities of Tennesssce .... B 4402 Universal Art Inventory: Mosaics and Stained Glass K 3^° Vetusta monumenta rerum Britannicarum. 7v.*P 958 VoRS. Bibelots and Curios K 363 Walcott. Diet, of Sacred Archaeology. .*R 1368 Waring. Ceramic Art in remote Ages... .*P 397 Stone Monuments of remote Ages *R 4328 Westropp. Hand-book of Archxology.... K 366 The same I 3'^^ Westropp. Pre-historic Phases K 3640 Wilde. Catalogue of Antiquities in the Royal Irish Academy. 3 v. in 2 *K 3399 Wood, J. T. Discoveries at Ephesus 'R 4120 Wood, R. Ruins of Balbcc *R 4819 Ruins of Palmyra *R 4818 WoRLlDGE. Collection of Drawings from Antique Gems. 2 v •R 4091 Worsaae. Antiquities of Denmark K 37S Wright. Essays on Archaeological Subjects. 2V K 365 NUMISMATICS. Akerman. Ancient Coins K 3385 Ancient and Modem Coins K 370 Catalogue of Roman Coins. 2 v *L 3685 Coins of the Romans relating to Britain. K. 3384 American Journal of Numismatics, 18O6-87.21 \.*Ser. Billing. Scienceof Coins, Gems and Jewels *K. 9342 Buhle. Uebersicht der üblichsten Münzen. D 2639 Burn. London Tokens current in the XVIIth Century K 3581 Camps. Selectora Nurtismata K 3380 Cardwell. Greek and Roman Coinage...K 3582 Carter. Medals of the British Army... .*A 3202. Chapron. Les Coins de Paris C12201 Clarke, F. W. Money, Weights and Meas¬ ures of all Nations *R 835 Clarke, W. Roman, Saxon and English Coins ■ *V 724 d1ciíeson. American Numismatic Manual'R 4442 Doughty. Cents of the United States L 3708 Eckfeldt and Du Bois. Gold and Silver Coins of all Nations *R 444I New Gold and Silver Coins L 1032 Edwards. Greek and Roman Coins in Vale College *R 4422 English Silver Coins from the Conquest to Henry VIII *\ 725 Folkes. English Silver and Gold Coinage.* V 729 Hawkins. Silver Coins of England *L 36S7 Henfrey. Numismata Cromwelliana *V 935 Henry. English Silver Coins L 36S3 Hill, J. L. Coins and Medals from Collection of *E 2014 Hobler. Records of History on Roman Coins. 2v *V 863 Howorth. Coins and Tokens of the English Colonies L 3707 Humphreys. Ancient Coins and Medals. .•L 3693 Coin Collector's Manual. 2 v I 3269 Coins of England L 3686 NUMISMATICS- ARCHITECTURE. 339 Humphreys. Coinage of the British Empire.*L 3704 Ken von. Gold Coins of England L 3691 King. Early Christian Numismatics K 3596 Lavoix. Catalogue des Monnaies musul¬ manes *V 436 Lee. Photographs of Roman Coins *V 672 Liang Shih-Cheng. Chinese Coins (in Chin¬ ese). 4v *P 364 Liverpool, Earl of. Coins of the Realm. .L 3681 Loubat. Medallic History of the U. S. 2v.*P 1098 Madden. Jewish Coinage L 3684 Medallic History of Napoleon, 1796-1815 . .*P 678 Michels. Current Gold and Silver Coins .*R 4224 Montagu. Copper, Tin and Bronze Coinage from Elizabeth to Victoria L 3702 Morris. Coins of the Twelve Casars *V 634 Mudie. National Medals *V 730 Nicholson. Coinage and our Monetary System *L 972 Poole (Ed.). Coins and Medals in History and Art K 3642 Poste. Celtic Inscriptions on Gaulish and British Coins L 3706 Vindication of same L 3709 Prime. Coins, Medals and Seals *R 4426 Robertson. Coinage of Scotland *L 3695 Ruding. Coinage of Britain. 4v *V 117 Sealy. Coins, Currency and Banking. 2v. .L 1013 Simon. Irish Coins. *V 427 Smith. Gold and Silver Coins of the World.*R 874 Snowden. Ancient and Modern Coins in U. S. Mint *L 3692 Coins of the Bible L 3705 Medals of Washington in U. S. Mint. .*R 4427 Stickel. OrientalischesMiinzcabinetzu Jena*V 965 Thomas. Coins of the Kings of Ghazni.... L 3689 Vattemare. Monnaies de l'Amérique .. .*C 6938 Walsh. Ancient Coins, Medals and Gems.L 3688 ARCHITECTURE. Ackermann. History of Westminster Abbey. 2 v *P 584 Adam. Architecture, Decoration and Fur¬ niture *R 4893 Adamy. Architektonik der Römer D 451 Allen, C. B. Cottage Building K 1231 Allen, F. H. Great Cathedrals of the World. 2 V *P 1179 Allen, L. F. Rural Architecture K 148 .American Architect and Building News, 1876- 91. 31 v *Ser. Index to Illustrations, 1876-85 *R 1225 American Builder, The. See Builder and Woodworker. American Institute of Architects, Proceedings, 1867-75, 1881-88. 16 v. in 4 *V 782 Architect, The, 1869-91. 46 v *Ser. Architectural and Building Monthly, 1890-91. 2 v Architectural Societies, Report on, 1850 K 219 Archives de la Commission des Monuments historiques. 5v *P 2406 Armengaud. Practical Draughtsman.... *V 296 Atwood. Country and Suburban Houses. .K 149 Modern American Homesteads K 147 Augé. Les Tombeaux C 4021 Sept Merveilles du Monde C 4043 Babcock. Elementary Architecture *V 436 Bardwell. Ancient and Modem Temples. K 3666 Barnard. School Architecture K 153 Barry. Lectures on Architecture K 3674 Bartoli. Columna Cochlis M. Aurelio... *P 1275 Colonna Traiano *P 1274 Bataille. Constructionen moderne... .C 6513,179 Atlas *V ic86 Baumeister. ArchitektonischeFormenlehre*V 990 Berlin und seine Bauten *R 4094 Bicknell. Public Buildings *V 37S Billings. Antiquities of Scotland. 4v..*P £0 Birkmire. Architectural Iron and Steel... K 3749 Bishop. Pictorial Architecture *V 1723 Boid. Concise History of Architecture K 3^1 Bosc. Dictionnaire d'Architecture. 4 v. ..*R 3961 Boxer. Architects' Price Book. 2 v .... K 1S4 Plates *V 263 Brandon. Gothic Architecture. 2v....*V 679 Brandt. Eisen Constructionen D 6814 Breymann. Allgemeine Bau-Constructions- Lehre. 4 v *V 994 Britton. Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain. 5 v *V 408 Dictionary of Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages *R 3967 Essay on Redcliffe Church, Bristol... .*R 4069 History of Canterbury Cathedral.. ;. . .*R 4455 History of Fonthill Abbey *R 4454 History of Lichfield Cathedral *R 4453 History of Oxford Cathedral Church. .*R 4452 History of Peterborough Cathedral *R 4456 and PuGlN. Public Buildings of London. 2 V *K 3664 Brooks. Erection of Dwelling Flouses K 1297 Brown, G. B. From Schola to Cathedral. .K 3721 Brown, R. Domestic Architecture *V 411 Brunner. Cottages ;.... K 3695 Bryan. Architectural Proportion *V 1792 Buckler. Churches of Essex K 3663 Builder and Woodworker, 1874-90, v 10-26. 34° FINE ARTS. Building Draughtsman K 3766 Bullock. American Cottage Builder K 151 Architecture and Building K 152 Burgks. Architectural Designs *V 907 Cachkux. Construction des Crèches, Salles d'Asile et Ecoles (12123 Planches »R 4966 Canina. L'.Vrchitettura romana. 2v....*R 4864 Carter. Ancient Architecture of England.*P 897 Cathedral Churches of England and Wales.*V 715 Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, 1837- 60. 30 v *Ser. Clark. Mediaeval Military Architecture. 2 v. K 3716 Clkavel.and. Village and farm Cottages. K 160 Clutton. Domestic Architecture of France.*? 553 Cole. Ancient Buildings in Kashmir *P 521 Coste. Architecture arabe "»P 983 Cresy and Taylor. Architecture of Middle Ages in Italy •? 1095 CuiTT. Ruins of the Olden Time *P 1204 CuMMiNGS. Architectural Details; Designsand Illustrations "tR 4325 D.aly. L'Architecture privée au XIXc Siècle. 3 V «P 2224 D'Anvers. Great Buildings of London.. .'K 3675 Dean. Designs for Country Residences.. .*R 3869 Deforest. Indian Domestic Architecture.*? 1121 DtDswoRTH. Cathedral of Salisbury *V 935 Dohme (Her.). Barock-und Rococo-Archi- tektur. 3 v *P 899 Downing. Cottage Residences K 192 Dwver. Immigrant Builder K 210 Eastlake. The Gothic Revival K 161 Ellwanger. Story of my House • • • • K 3760 Essenwein. Architecture ♦!(. 76,4 Eveleth. School House Architecture. .. ."V 266 Fergusson. History of Architecture. 4v.K 159 The same; new ed.; Ancient. 2v. .*K. 3746 Indian and Eastern. 2v... ♦K 3747 Modem. 2v 'K 3748 Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem I 793^ Mausoleum at Halicamassus restored.. *V 844 Palaces of Ninevah and Persepolis re¬ stored K 158 The Parthenon *V 843 Principles of Beauty in Architecture.. ."V 1793 . Temples of the Jews *V 530 Field. City Architecture K 170 Foerster. Denkmale deutscher Baukunst. 12 v. in 6 *P 775 Fowler. A Home for All K 3688 Freeman. Architectural Sketches K 171 Cathedral Church of Wells K 221 History of Architecture K 157 Friedmann. Construction of Markets, Ware¬ houses, etc *R 4838 Fritsch (Her.). Denkmäler deutscher Re¬ naissance. 4 v *P 900 Fryer. Architectural Iron Work K 782 Fuller. Artistic Homes "V 499 Gabriely. GrundzUge der Baukunst D 431 Galton. Construction of Hospitals K 212 Healthy Dwellings K 229 Garbett. Design in Architecture K 1385 Gardner. Common Sense in Church-Build¬ ing K 198 Homes and how to make them K 154 House that Jill built K 3691 Illustrated Homes K 156 Garnier. L'Habitation humaine •? 1236 Le nouvel Opéra de Paris. 2v *P 2243 Planches. 2v *1' 2403 Garnsey. Glossary of ArchitecturalTerms.K 3723 The same,. *R 10S3 Geymueller. Die ursprünglichen Entwürfe für St. Peter in Rom *1' 20S4 Atlas *P 2404 Gibson. Convenient Houses; with Fifty Plans K 3715 Goodwin. Domestic Architecture *V 5S3 Gordon. Grecian Architecture K 1403 Griffith. Ancient Gothic Churches *V 323 Gruner. Terra-Cotta Architecture of North Italy 619 G wilt. Cyclopaedia of Architecture 'R 3946 Rudiments of Architecture K 179 Hall. Baronial Halls of England. 2v. ..*P 592 Harney. Bams, Outbuildings, Fences 'V 264 Hawkins. Origin and Establishment of Gothic Architecture K 3713 Hay. Beauty of the Parthenon IC 3396 Harmonic Law of Nature K 3396 Heinzerling. Hochbauten mit eisernen Dächern 'V 9S5 Hemming. Designs for Villas, etc »R 3868 hittenkofer. Architektonische Formen¬ lehre •%' 989 Horbs. Architecture of Villas, etc K 185 Hole. Homes for the Working Classes... .K 188 Hope. HistoricalEssayon Architecture. 2v . K 3670 Horton. Architecture for general Students. K 203 Huggins. Course and Current of Architec¬ ture. 2v K 3671 Hunt. Exemplars of Tudor Architecture .*V 581 Hussey. National Cottage Architecture.. .*V 262 Inkersley. Architecture in France K 3708 Inland Architect and News Record, 1886-91. v. 7-17 *Ser. Jacques. The House K 205 ARCHITECTURE. Japan, Map of the Tokukawa's Palaces.. . .*? 363 Jeep. Das Eisen beim Hochbau D 6813 Jenkins and Raymond. Architect's Legal Handbook N 4859 Jewitt and Hall. Stately Homes of England. 2 V K 3665 johonnot. Country School Houses K 206 Jones. Plans and Details of the Alhambra. 2 V *P 950 Kerr. The Consulting Architect K 3728 How to plan English Residences *K 165 Small Country House K 169 Kidder. Architect's and Builder's Pocket- Book K 3734 King, D. W. Homes foridome-Builders . .K 3705 King, R. j. Cathedrals of England. 6v. .A 3250 Cathedrals of Wales A 3251 King, T. H. Mediieval Architecture and Art. 4 v *P 1116 Klasen. Hochbau Constructionen in Me¬ tallen *V 992 Holz und Holzeisen Constructionen des Hochbaues *V 993 Klette. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Archi¬ tektur D 429S Knauff. Krankenhaus in Heidelberg,. . *P 1014 , Knight. Ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy to the 15th Century. 2v *P 1260 Koditek. Repertorium der Zeitschriften des Hochbauwesens *0 583 Kœntg. EntwUrfe zu Wohngebäuden.... *V 1038 Kugler. Geschichte der Baukunst. 3 v.. D 4299 Leeds. Rudimentary Architecture K 1506 Lefèvre. Merveilles de l'Architecture C 4182 Wonders of Architecture K 2617 Lesbazeilles. Colosses anciens et modernes.C»5732 I.etarouilly. Le V.atican. 2v *P 2405 ' Lockington. American Architecture *R 76,4 London Royal Institution of British Architects, Sessional Papers, 1873-78. 5 v *Ser. Longman. St. Paul's in London K 155 Loudon. Encyclopsedia of Architecture.. *R 3945 Luebke. BauStyle des Alterthums *D 468 Geschichte der Architektur. 2 v *D 469 Macgibbon. Architecture of Provence and the Riviera K 3717 Maffei. History of Amphitheatres *K 202 Marcotte. Building Safe-Guide K 3689 Milizia. Celebrated Architects. 2v C 154 Mitchell. Manual of Architecture K 218 Stepping-Stone to Architecture K 3709 Moellinger. Elemente des Spitzbogenstiles'V 1042 Moore. Development of Gothic Architecture.K 3725 Morin. Etudes sur l'Architecture - V 113g Morison. Palaces and Hunting Seats of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha *P 1016 Morris, R. Defen.se of Ancient Architec¬ ture *V 284 Morris, T. A House for the Suburbs ... .K 3718 Morse. Japanese Homes K 3700 Mothes. Baukunst des Mittelalters .... *D 464 Illustrirtes Bau-Lexikon. 4v *R 3965 Moule. Roman Villas in the Augustan Age.K 3679 Narjoux. An Architect in N. W. Europe. .1 591 Nash. Mansions in England in Olden Time. 4 v. in 2 '"'P 566 Neckelmann u. Meldahl. Denkmäler der Renaissance in Dienemark *P 1231 Nesfield. Specimens of Mediteval Archi¬ tecture "'P 561 Nicholson. Encyclopsedia of Architecture. 2 *R 4428 Norton. Church-Building in Middle Ages. K 204 Oakey. Building a Home K 3678 Ogden. Mercantile Architecture *V 300 Ongania. Basilica di San Marco. 19 v.. .*P 2085 Ortwein u. Scheffler. Deutsche Renais¬ sance. gv *P 537 Paine. Solomon's Temple *P 603 Palliser. Model Homes K 3704 Papworth. Rural Residences *K 3719 Parker, C. Villa Rustica; Buildings near Rome *V 572 Parker, F. J. Church Building K 3710 Parker, J.H. A B C of Gothic Architecture.K 3711 Concise Glossary of Terms used in Archi¬ tecture K 3712 Glossary of Architectural Terms. 2V. in3 . K 73 Introduction to Gothic Architecture .... K 228 Parvillée. Architecture et Décoration tur¬ ques au XVe Siècle *P 1165 Penrose. Athenian Architecture *p 1276 Percier et Fontaine. Palais, etc., dessinés à Rome *R 4888 Petit. Remarks on Church Architicture. 2v.K 3745 Petrie. Ecclesiastical Architecture in Ire¬ land *V 155 Philadelphia, Public Buildings in Penn Square K 3676 PiNCHÊs. Abbey Church of Melrose illus¬ trated *P 1015 piranesi. Veduta di Roma *p 964 Poole, G. A. History of Ecclesiastical Archi¬ tecture K 3680 and Hugall. Vork Cathedral *\ 686 Poole, W. F. Construction of Library Build¬ ings *J 1465,1 Pote. History of Windsor Castle *R 40S8 342 FINE ARTS. PUGIN. Antient Timber Houses «R 4461 Architecture of Normandy *V 175 Chancel Screens and Rood Lofts... .. *V 687 Examples of Gothic Architecture. 3 v.*V 160 Ornamental Timber Gables *R 3877 Principles of Pointed Architecture *V 265 Revival of Christian Architecture *V 265 QUATREMkRK DE QuiNCY. L'Architecture égyptienne C 6298 Dictionnaire d'Architecture. 2 v ... .*R 3966 Vie et Ouvrages des Architectes. 2v.... C 6306 Le même. 2v C 6308 Quincy. Moderate lieuses and Means .... K 207 Ram Raz. Architecture of the Hindus .. ."V 1265 Ramée. Histoire de l'Architecture. 2V...C6407 Reed. Cottage Houses K 3692 Dwellings for Village and Country.., .*V 779 House Plans for everybody K 3690 Relton. Sketches of Churches *V 404 Revue générale de l'Architecture, 1840-87.44V. *Ser. Index, V. 1-30. Richardson, C.J. Designs for Mansions, etc. K 163 Englishman's House *K 166 Old English Mansions. 4 v *P 2401 Richardson, T. A. "Architectural Modelling in Paper K 1570 Rickm.an. Styles of Architecture K 3720 Ringhofer. Lehre vom Hochbau D 432 Robinson. Rural Architecture *V 267 Robson, E. R. School Architecture 182 Robson, G. Modem Domestic Building Construction *R 4898 Rosengarten. Architectural .Styles K 183 Architektonische Stylarten *D 455 Ross. Ruined Abbeys of Great Britain "P 1209 Royal Institute of British Architects, Papers, 1873-78. S V *Ser. ■ Rl'SKIN. Lectures on Architecture and Paint¬ ing K 15 Poetry of Architecture K 3 Seven Lamps of Architecture K 7 Stones of Venice. 3v K 2 he same. 3 v *P 184 Rutter. Fonthill and its Abbey *R 4286 Schmitt. Architecte des Monuments reli- geux C 6513, 226-227 Scientific American, Architects' and Builders' Ed., 1885-91. 12 V *Ser. Scott. English Church Architecture *V 517 Rise of Mediaeval Architecture. 2V...K 3669 Secular and Domestic Architecture K 46 Serlio. Von der Architektur (1608) *P 885 Sharpe. Seven Periods of English Architec¬ ture '^R 3969 Shoppell's Modern Houses *V 819 Sloan. City and Suburban Architecture. .*V 297 Constructive Architecture. *V 298 Homestead Architecture K 19I Model Architect. 2v *V 299 Smith. Acoustics in relation to Architecture. K 1578 Architecture, Gothic and Renaissance.. K 367z and Slater. Architecture, Classic and Early Christian K 3673 Statz and Ungewitter. Gothic Model- Book *R 4320 Stephens. Normandy; its Architecture and History K 3714 Stevens and Gobb. American Domestic Architecture *V 1750 Stevenso.n. House Architecture. 2 v.... K 3668 Stokes. Early Christian Architecture in Ire¬ land *V 922 Strack. Baudenkmäler des alten Rom .."P 1229 Baudenkmäler Roms des 15.-19. Jahr¬ hunderts "P 1230 Ziegelbauwerke des Mittelalters *P 1248 Street. Briek and Marble in Middle Ages. *K 173 Sutter. Thurmbuch «P 1222 Tabor. Modern Homes; Practical Designs.*V 1795 Tattersall. Sporting Architecture *V 519 Taylor andCRESY. Architectural Antiquities of Rome *R 4876 Technology Architectural Review, 1887-90. 3 V *Ser. TEXiERand Pullan. Byzantine Architecture*P 1206 Thorp. Architect's Sketch Book *R 4247 Tissandier. The Eißel Tower K 3741 Toussaint. Architecture C 6513, 77-78 Tuckerman. Short History of Architecture. K 3722 Tu^er. Architecture of England in the Middle Ages. 4V K 220 Tuthill. Architectural Drawing *V 1790 Ungewitter. Land-und Stadtkirchen. ..»R 4890 Entwürfe zu Stadt-und Landhäusern.. "'R 4890 Van Rensselaer. Richardson and his Works* P 921 Vaux. Villas and Cottages K 208 Viollet-le-Duc. Dictionnaire de l'Architec¬ ture. lov *R 3962 Discourses on Architecture. 2v »K 196 Habitations of Man in all Ages K 193 Histoire d'une Maison C 699t How to build a House K 3662 On Restoration K 3703 Story of a House K 194 ViTRUVius. Architecture K 1615 Vogdes. Architect's Companion K 209 Waring. Architecture and Ornament... .*R 3866 Arts connected with Architecture *P 996 ARCHITECTURE—MONUMENTS—MUSIC. 345 Warton and others. Essays on Gothic Archi¬ tecture K 230 Washington Monument, by Searle . .*K 876,2 Watts. Seats of the Nobility in England.*V 677 Weale. Dictionary of Terms in Architec¬ ture, etc 4042 Quarterly Papers on Architecture. 4V.*V 31 Weichardt. Stadthaus und Villa *V 1039 Wheatley. Cathedrals and Abbeys in Great Britain *P 1203 Wheeler. Choice of a Dwelling K 214 Homes for the People K 211 Rural Houses K 215 White. Improved Dwellings for the Work¬ ing Classes K 3744 wickes. Spires and Towers of Mediaeval Churches *P 994 WiDMORE. History of Westminster Abbey .*R 4068 Wight. Architecture and Underwriting. .*K 7170 wightwick. Palace of Architecture *V 628 and Guillaume. Hints to Architects.K 1625 Wild. History of Lincoln Cathedral *R 4463 Willis, B. Survey of Cathedrals. 3 v.in2.*V 736 Willis, R. Church of the Holy Sepulchre. K 232 Winkles. English Cathedrals. 3 v *V 405 French Cathedrals *V 402 Wood. Twenty Styles of Architecture.... *V 580 Woodward. Cottages and Farm Houses. .K 197 Country Homes K 200 Suburban and Country Houses K 199 WoOLLETT. Villas and Cottages *V 301 Wren, C.,his Family and TirSes; by Philli- more C 3091 Wright. Architectural Perspective *V 1791 Wyatt. Architect's Note-Book in Spain. .*R 3968 Wyatville. Illustrations of Windsor Castle.*V 1019 Zeitschrift für praktische Baukunst, 1873-74.2V. *Ser. Zenetti. Architectonische Details *R 4904 MONUMENTS. Augé. Les Tombeaux C 4021 Blore. Monumental Remains of Great Britain *V 571 Boutell. Christian Monuments in England.k 379 Monumental Brasses of England *K 3485 Carter. Christian Grave-Stones; with Work¬ ing Drawing K 3724 Gibes. Designs for Gothic Monuments.... *V 548 Hinton. Designs for Monuments *V 857 Kraft. Ausgeführte Grabdenkmäler *P 1237 Macklin. Monumental Brasses K 3740 Maliphant. 'Sepulchral Monuments *V 544 Markland, Sepulchral Memorials K 3667 Trollope. Sepulchral Memorials K 3411 MUSIC.—GENERAL WORKS. Alerechtsberger. Harmony and Composi¬ tion. 2v K 3969- Alsleben. Lichtpunkte in der Musik D 569^ Ambros. Geschichte der Musik. 4T D 435 Bach. Art of Singing K 3823 Musical Education K 3926- Principles of Singing K 3936- Badke. Italienische Volkslieder D 2556- Baker. Musik der nordanierikanischen Wil¬ den D 4242 Balatka (Ed.). Condensed Flistory of Music K 3973 Banister. Music K 3897 Lectures on Musical Analysis K 3960' Barnard. Bach and Beethoven... K 309 Handel and Haydn K 308- Mozart and Mendelssohn K 307 Barrett. English Glees and Part-Songs . .K 3991 Belcher. Hiitorical Sketches of Hymns . .K 291 Biddle. The Musical Scale K 3977 Bingley. Musical Biography C 3305 Bird. Gleanings from History of Music.... K 3912 Blaserna. Der Schall D 415,24 Sound in relation to Music K 323 Bosanquet. Musical Intervais K 324 Brendel. Geschichte der Musik D 434 Briard. Le Comique en Musique C12104 Brooks. Old-Time Music K 3958 Brown, Dictionary of Musicians *R 636 Burgh. Anecdotes of Music. 3 V K 3983 Burney. Handel Festival, 1784 K 3890- History of Music. 4v *V 55 Busby. Anecdotes of Music and Musicians.3v.K 3982 General History of Music. 2v K 3984, Butterworth. The Great Composers.... C 1662; Cazalet. Royal Academy of Music K 3885 Challoner. History of Music K 283; Champlin and Apthorp. Cyclopaedia of Music and Musicians. 3v *P 612 Chappell. History of Music K 3974 Music of the Olden Time. 2 v K 273 Cherubini. Counterpoint and Fugue.... .K 3986- Chicago Musical Directory, 1884-5 K 3895 Chicago Musical Festival, 1882 K 3941 Chorley. Modem German Music. 2v. . .K 322 National Music of the World K 3887 Churchill (Ed.). Birthday Book of Musi¬ cians and Composers K 4015 Clarke. Harmony on Inductive Method .. IC 3884 Clayton. Queens of Song. 2v C 23 Clément. Les Musiciens célèbres *V 1151 Colomb. La Musique C12156 Cornwall. Music as it was and is K 303 344 FINE ARTS. Cox. Musical Recollections, 2v R 277 Crotch. Elements of Musical Composition *V 512 Crovvest, F.J. Book of Musical Anecdote.2v.K 3S86 Musical England K 3909 Musical Groundwork K 3827 The Gre^t Tone Poets C 1326 CURWKN. The Boy's Voice; Tr.aining for Choirs, etc K 4056 Cutler. Law of Musical and Dramatic Copy¬ right N 5067 D'Anvers. Elementary History of Music.. K 3935 Davenport. Elements of Harmony and Counterpoint K 3953 Davis. Studies in Musical History K 3940 Deldevez. L'Art de Chef d'Orchestre... .C12294 Donovan. From Lyre to Music K 4052 Music and Action K 3987 Dorn. Musikalische Skizzen D 436 Dow. Artistic Singing K 3951 Duerenberg. Beethoven's Symphonien... D 436 Dwight's Journal of Music, 1873-81. v. 33,35-41 *Ser. Dyckerhoff. Compositions-Schule. 2y..D 437 Edwards. The Prima Donna from the 17th to the 19th Century. 2v C 2360 Ehlert. Briefe über Musik D 487 Letters on Music K 4010 Ehrlich. Aus allen Tonarten D 4352 Ella. Musical Sketches K. 317 Elson. Theory of Music K 3994 Curiosities of Music K 4000 History of German Song K 3996 E.ngel. The Literature of National Music. IC 3962 Music of Ancient Nations K 3955 Musical Myths and Facts K 3959 Study of National Music K 395^ Evrel. Menschliche Tonbildung D 2443 Fay. Musical Studies in Germany K 3889 fétis. Biographie des Musiciens. 8v... *R 601 Histoire générale de la Musique. 5v. . .C 4883 Music Explained K 4001 Finck. Chopin, and other Musical Essays. K 3978 Fink. Musikalischer Hausschatz 1020 Flint. Influence of Music K 265 Forkel. Allgemeine Geschichte der Musik. 2 V *V 996 Fuchs. L'Opéra et le Drame musical C 4868 Gardiner. Music and Friends. 3V K 3920 Music of Nature K 311 Gates. Musical Mosaics K 4014 Gervinus. Handel und Shakespere D 4280 Gii.son. Music Typography *V 784 Gleich. Bilder aus der Tonkunst D 568 Goddard. Philosophy of Music K 4019 Goodrich. Complete Musical Analysis.... K 4002 Goss. Harmony and Thorough-Bass *V 698 Gould. Church Music in America K 3861 Graedener. Kunst, vorzugsweise Musik. .D 479 Gp.iepenkerl. Die Opur der Gegenwart.. D 440 Grove. Dictionary of Music and Musicians. 5 V «K C33 Gumprecht. Musikal. Charakterbilder. 2v.I) 4341 Gurney. Power of Sound K 3922 Haberi.. Bausteine für Musikgeschichte.. . 1) 6707 Hand. .(Esthetics of Musical Art K 3927 Hanslick. The Beautiful in Music K 4059 Die moderne Oper D 433 Musikalische Stationen D 4346 Suite; Aufsätze Uber Musik D 4343 Harvey. Musical Studies at Home . K 4013 Haweis. Music and Morals K 306 My Musical Life. 2v C 2709 My Musical Memories C10925 Hawkins. History of .Music *R 623 Hei.mholtz. Sensations of Tone K 270 Tonempfindungen D 444 Henderson. Preludes and Studies; Musical Themes K 3825 Story of Music K 3985 Hentl. Tonkunst und Tonkünstler D 439 Hiller. Tonleben unserer Zeit D 571 Hog.arth. Musical History and Biography. K 264 The same. 2y K 274 Hood. History of Music in New England.. K 3915 Hoppin. Boston Jubilee Days *V 51 Horsley. Text-book of Harmony K 3923 Hueffer. Music Tn England, 1837-87 ... .K 39S1 Musical Studies K 3918 Wagner and the Music of the Future.. . . K 319 Hullah. History of Modern Music K 272 Music in the House K 3917 Third Period of Musical History K 271 Wilhelm's Method of Singing K 31S Hunt. Concise History of Music K 3888 Jaeger. Gallery of German Composers . .*P 1103 Jahn. Aufsätze über Musik ... 1^4353 Janicke. Das deutsche Kricgslicd D 2557 Jepson. Elementary Music Reader K 236 Jones (Ed.). American Music and Musicians*K 634 JoussE. Music epitomized K 3961 Keddie (Tytlâr\ Musical Composers K 304 Kiesewetter. Geschichte der Musik •V 1007 Modem Music of Western Europe K 3944 Kingston. Music and Manners. 2 v K 3963 Koehler. Allgemeine Musiklehre D 4347 Koestlin. Geschichte der Musik D 485 Kofler. Old Italian School of Singing.. . . K 3950 Krehbiel. Studies ill the Wagnerian Drama. K 4020 Krueger. Musikalische Briefe D 436 MUSIC—GENERAL WORKS. 345 Kuerschner. Richard Wagner-Jahrbuch. .D 2564 kuester. Ueber musikalisches Urtheil. 4v. in 2 1^ 44*^ Latham. The Renaissance of Music K 4054 Lillie. Story of Music and Musicians K 3937 Lindner. Zur Tonkunst D 574 Lipsius {La Mara). Musikalische Studien¬ köpfe. 5 V. in 3 D 6092 Liszt. Des Bohémiens et de leur Musique. .C S7'3 Lobe. Consonanzen und Dissonanzen D 486 Logier. Science of Music *V 699 Love. Scottish Church Music K 4017 Macfarren. Counterpoint *V 1725 Musical History K 3930 McGregor. Eastern Music K 269 Marx. Allgemeine Musiklehre D 4351 Musik des I9ten Jahrhunderts D 442 Universal School of Music K 3957 Mason, L. Musical Letters from Europe .. K 320 Mathews. How to understand Music. 2v.. K 3892 100 Years of Music in America K 4009 Popular History of Music K 399S Matthew. Manual of Musical History ...K40S8 Popular History of Music K 3975 Men bel. Musikalisches Lexikon. llv..*R 604 Ergänzungsband . . *R 604,12 Merz. Music and Culture K 3998 Moore. Encyclopaedia of Music *R 62S Appendix *R 629 Morris. Famous Musical Composers Cioiso Moscheles. Recent Music and Musicians .K 275 Music Trade Review, 1876-8. v. 3-6 *Ser. Musical Bulletin, 1880-81. 2V *Ser. Musical World, 1873-91. v. 51-71 *5ir. Musikalisch-Literarischer Monatsbericht, 1875-6 *Ser. M ver. Truths to Vocalists K 3906 Naumann. Deutsche Tondichter D 482 History of Music. 2v K 3946 Die Tonkunst D 445 Nava. The Baritone Voice K 3952 Nietzsche. Der Fall Wagner D 6839 Nohl. Geist der Tonkunst D 570 Letters of Distinguished Musicians C 1441 Musiker-Briefe D 6061 North-American Sänger-Bund Festival, 1881K 3942 Ouseley. Counterpoint, Canon, Fugue... .K 3925 The same *P 118 Treatise on Harmony *P 120 Parke. Musical Memoirs, 1784-7830 K 3971 Parry. Great Composers C 3764 Pole. Philosophy of Music K 3919 POLKO. Musical Sketches K 321 Musikalische Märchen. 3v D 8019 Vom Gesänge D 573 Reissmann. Musiklchre D 445: Geschichte der deutschen Musik D 481 Die Hausmusik D 4349- Rice, G. L. Lectures on Musical Culture. .K 3916 Rice, J. L. What is Muac? .... K 267 Richter. Manual of Harmony K 3934 Riehl. Musikalische Charaktcrköpfe.3v.in 2.D 4348 Rie.mann. Musik-Lexikon *R 3818 Dasselbe; 3te Auflage *R 607 Ritter. History of Music. 2v K 301 Manual of Musical History K 3933, Music in America K 3913 Music in England K 3914 Student's History of Music K 3929. Rockstro. General History of Music K 3938 Rousseau. Dictionnaire de Musique. .C6517,13-14 Rowbotham. History of Music. 3 v K 3939- Rubinstein. Conversation on Music K 4057 Saint-Saëns. Harmonie et Mélodie C 6547 Sauzay. Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven; Etude sur le Quatuor C 6638 Schmidt. Gesang und Oper D 575 ScHUCHT. Tonkunst D 419 Schumann. Music and Musicians K 282 The same K 3921 Schuré. Le Drame musical. 2 v C 6682 Seidl. Vom Musikalisch Erhabenen D 4254 Seeing. Kunst des Gesanges D 484 Song Messenger, 1874. v. 12 *Ser. Spencer. Treatise on Music K 1586 Spinola and Vernevil. Grammar of Har¬ mony K 3928 Stafford. History of Music I 3533 Stainer. Theory of Harmony K 3822 and Barrett. Dictionary of Musical Terms...' *R 620 Stenhouse. Lyric Poetry and Music of Scotland K 3911 Stern. Die Musikin der deutschen Dichtung. D 507 t Stone. Sound and Music K 876, i Tansur. Musical Grammar and Dictionary. .K 3945 Tapper. Chats with Music Students K 4012 Tappert. Musikalische Studier D 483 Taylor. Science of Music K 313 Sound and Music K 314 System of Sight-Singing K 3992 Thibaut. Purity in Musical Art K 3924 Tottmann. Abriss der Musikgeschichte. 2v.D 4255 Tytler, S. pseud. See Keddie. Upton. Woman in Music K 3891 The same; 2nd ed K 3896 Urbino. Musical Composers C 10163 Vaille. Vocal Science K 4008 v1ning. Whys and Wherefores of Music. ..K 4007 3+6 FINE ARTS. Wackernagf.i.. Bibliographie des deutschen Kirchenliedes »ü 660 Wagner, R. Art Life and Theories K 279 Schriften und Dichtungen. 10 v D 2277 Wai.deusee S.ammlung musikalischer Vorträge. 5 v. in 3 D 4342 WaI-KER, B. My Musical Experiences K 4018 Ward. The Singing Voice and its Preser¬ vation K 4016 Weber. Musical Composition. 2v K 315 White. National Hymns E 598 W IECK. Piano and Song K 4003 ^\ILI.ARD. Music of Hindoostan K 3943 Wilson (Ed.). Musical Vear-Book of the I'nited States, 1887 91. 4v K 3970 Wolfsohn's Piano-Recitals, Programmes K 300 Woodbury. Musical Composition K 296 Wvi.de. Music in its Art Mysteries K 3979 Zeitschrift für Musik, 1873-90. v. 69, 71-86.. *Ser. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Allen. Violin-making as it was and is.... K 3907 Armellino. Accordeur C 6513,129 Kunst des Klavierstimmens D 595 Becket. Treatise on Bells K 1286 Bluethner. Lehrbuch des Pianofortebaues.d 583 Atlas *V 1037 Boehm. The Construction of Flutes K 3965 Brinsmkad. History of the Pianoforte K 3902 Christi.ani. Pianoforte Playing K 3931 Clarke, H. Manual of Orchestration. ...K3968 Clarke, W. H. Construction of the Pipe Organ K 4004 De Swert. The Violoncello *R 4122 Dickson. Practical Organ-Building K 1342 Dubourg. The Violin K 288 Eckhardt. 35 Uebungsstücke für Piano. .D 449 Edwards. Organsand Oigan Building.. ..K 3901 Ellacombe. Beifries, Ringersand Chiming.K 6161 Engel. Early History of the Violin Family. K 3864 Musical Instruments K 383 Ferris. Great Pianists and Violinists C 1356 Fillmore. Pianoforte Music K 3903 Fleming. Old Violins and their Makers. ..K 3904 Gattv. The Bell; its Origin, History and Uses K 6160 Gresswell. How to Play the Fiddle K 3988 Hamel. Facteur d'Orgues C 6513,54 56 Atlas 'V 1078 Hart. The Violin and its Music K 3966 Violin, its Makers and Imitators K 289 Hipkins. Musical Instruments *P 926 Hopkins. The Organ K 284 Lenz. Pianoforte Virtuosen D 441 l.UKis. Account of Church Bells -K 3949 Lvo.n and Healv. Catalogue of old Violins. K 3993 Mandel. Instrumentation of Military Bands.*V 771 MAtJGiN et Maigne. Luthier C 6513,152 Metteni.EITer. Das Harmonium-Spiel D 576 Nicholson. The Organ Manual K 4005 Otto. Structure and Preservation of the Violin K 3999 Parent. Study of the Piano K 4006 Peters. Eclectic Pianoforte School "V 65 Phipson. Celebrated Violinists C 1532 Rimbault. Musicid Instruments K 801,11 The Piano, its Origin and Construction..'•'V 846 Sandys and Forster. History of the Violin K 3954 Schmitt. Manuel de l'Organiste C 6513,5-6 Schubert. Die Violine D 572 Spencer. Playing the Pianoforte K 1585 Spillane. The American Pianoforte K 4011 Taylor. Primer of Pianoforte Playing K 286 Tottmann. Führer durch den Violin-Unter¬ richt D 6893 The Violin, How to Master it K 3989 Violin Playing; by a Professional Player K 3990 Voigtman. Das kirchliche Orgelspiel.... D 448 Wasielewski. Das Violoncell und seine Ge¬ schichte D 6750 Welch. History of the Boehm Flute K 3905 Werkenthin. Die Lehre vom Klavierspiel. D 6751 White and Blake. White's School for the Reed Organ 'V 1737 Wieck. Piano and Song K '4003 zundel. Complete Melodeon Instructor. ."V 834 SONG AND HYMN BOOKS WITH MUSIC. Bacon and Allen. Luther's Hymns K 3862 Baker and Southard. Boston Melodeon..K 3858 and Woodbury. The Choral "K 3850 Ballantyne. One Hundred Songs, with Melodies E 6882 Barnwell. Wreath of Gems K 3869 Berggreen. Danske Folke-Sange *V 71 Norske Folke Sange *V 72 Svenska Folk-Sänger *V 73 Bliss and Sankey. Gospel Hymns K 268 Bradbury. Devotional Hymn and Tune Book K 3837 Golden Censer for Sabbath Schools K 3833 The Jubilee *K 3859 New Golden Shower. K 3879 New Golden Trio; Sabbath School Mel¬ odies K 3834 New York Glee Book *K 3851 Sabbath School Melodies K 3836 Young Melodist; Collection of Songs. . .K 3832 MUSIC—SONG AND HYMN BOOKS. 347 Butler. The Silver Bells; Songs and Hymns. K 3839 Cheney. Wood Notes Wild; Notations of Bird Music K 8516 Clark. The National Anthem, God save the King K 3972 Counsel. Melodies of Erin *V 1736 Curtis and Bourne. School Singer *K 3870 curwen. Studies in Worship Music K 3980 Dahn und Reinecke. Allgemeines Reichs- Commersbuch D 6185 Day. Sight Singing Manual K 276 Deems and Perkins. Coronation Hymns. .K 3871 Dennis (Ed.). Carminia Princetonia K 299 Elliot (Ed.). Songs of Yale K 294 ElliotT. Mother Goose set to Music K 3828 Evans. Baptist Hymn and Tune Book... .K 3838 Fenner and Rathbun. Cabin and Plantation Songs K 3826 Fillmore, A. D. HarpofZion K 3880 Violet; Music and Hymns K 3881 and Skene. Christian Psaltery *K 3860 Fillmore, J. H. Songs of Gratitude K 3882 Fink. Musikalischer Hausschatz *V 1020 Franklin Square Song Collection. 8 v K 3824 Giffe. The Song Clarion K 3845 and Rosecrans. The Helping Hand.K 3872 Hailmann. Songs, Games and Rhymes. .*V 1700 Hall and Lasar. The Evangelical Hymnal*E 743,2 Hammond and Bentley. Armor Bearer. .K 3883 Hastings. Church Melodies K 240 Psalms and Hymns *K 3852 hatton(Ed.). Songs of England. 2v. ..*P 461 and Molloy. Songs of Ireland *P 464 Hauptner. 150 Studentenlieder *V 979 Hayden. Christian Hymn Book K 3863 Hills (Comp.). Students' Songs K 3829 Hugo and Armstrong. Crowning Triumph. K 3873 Exalted Praise K 3849 Hullah. Song Book E 209 Hutchins. Sunday School Hymnal K 3868 The same, with Music K 3874 Hymns and Hebrew Anthems K 305 Janicke. Das deutsche Kriegslied D 2557 Johnson, A. N. American Anthem Book.. K 3844 Johnson, H. K. Our Familiar Songs.. . .*R 626 Kaade. Luther-Codex D 443 kappey(Ed.). Songs of Eastern Europe. .*p 460 Songs of Germany *P 463 Songs of Scandinavia *P 466 Lowry and Doane. Good as Gold K 3875 McCabe and Macfarlan. Winnowed Hymns *K 3831 Mason, L. Cantica Laudis *K 3856 The Choir; Church Music *K 3864 Mason, L. Mason's Sacred Harp. 2 v. .""K 3855 Modern Psalmist...-.., v*K 3853 New Carmina Sacra *K 3854 Mason, L. W. First Music Reader K 235 National Music Reader K 238 Mueller and Blackman. School Songs. .K 3867 Mulley and Tabram. Songsand Games. .K 4055 Our War Songs; North and South *R 627 Palmer. Sabbath School Songs K 3835 Parsons. Calisthenic Songs illustrated K 237 Perkins. Anthem Book K 3841 The Church Bell *K 3865 The Temple; for Classes and Choirs.. . .K 3840 Pittman and Brown (Ed.). Songs of Scot¬ land *P 467 Richards (Ed.). Songs of Wales *P 468 Robinson. Hymnsand Tunes K 3876 Romberg. Vocal Score of Schiller's Song of the Bell "P 479 Root. First Years in Song-Land K 3848 The Prize; Collection of Songs K 234 Schieffelin. People's Hymn Book K 3846 Schubert. Classische Volkslieder. 4v...D 447 Seward. The Temple Choir K 3847 Smith. Music of the Waters K 3976 Through Romany Song-Land E 8455 Song Messenger, 1874. v. 12 *Ser. Songs of France *P 462 Songs of Italy *P 465 Staples. Sacred Melodies K 3830 Stevens. College Song Books K 239 and Macdonald. American Hymn Book E 513 Straub. Good Cheer for Singing Classes. .K 3877 Singing Teacher's Helper K 3947 Song Magic K 3842 Temperance Battle Songs K 3843 Tenney and Hoffman. Beacon Light K 3878 Tourjée. Tribute of Praise K 295 Towne. Choir Anthems K 3948 Valline och Lindholm. Sing-Album.. .C 16129 White. National Hymns E 598 Whittemore and Blackman. Singers. 3 v.K 233 Woodbury. The Dulcimer *K 3857 Zeuner. Ancient Lyre *K 3866 THE OPERA.—ORATORIOS. Alexander. The Opera-Glass; or 100 Pop¬ ular Operas K 3900 Auber. Diamants de la Couronne *P 394 Domino noir »p 395 Era Diavolo .' *P 396 The same K 4021 348 FINE ARTS. Auber. Masaniello K 4022 The same «P 3^7 Bach. The Passion of our Lord *P 398 The same «K 4024 302 399 400 401 404 406 405 403 Balfe. Bohemian Girl k The same ♦P Satanella «P Siege of Rochelle *P Barnett. Mountain Sylph *P Beethoven. Engedi; a Sacred Drama.. .*P Fidelio *P Mass in C *P The same »K 4026 Belmni. Norma *P 408 I Puritani 4P 407 The same K 4025 La Sonnambula *P 40g Benedict. Lily of Killamey *P 410 Bulthaupt. Dramaturgie der Oper D 4253 Cagnom. Porter of Havre *P 412 Carlton. Operas; their Writei-s and Plots. K 3893 Cherubini. The Water Carrier »P 414 Clément et Larousse. Dictionnaire des Opéras "R 630 Donizetti. DonPasquale K 281 The same *P 416 L'Elisir d'Amore *P 417 La Favorita *P 418 La Figlia del Reggimento *P Lucia di Lammermoor K The same •P Lucrezia Borgia K The same K 4028 The same 421 Duerenberü. Beethoven's Symphonien.. .D 436 Edwards. History of the Opera. 2v K 312 Lyrical Drama. 2 v K 3910 Flotow. Martha K 285 The same *P 424 Fuchs. L'Opéra et le Drame musical C 4868 Cade. The Erl-King's Daughter, Cantata.*K 4033 Psyche; a Dramatic Poem, Cantata.. .*K 4032 Catty (Ed.). Boosey'sGuide to the Opera. K 3894 Gilbert. Comic Operas E 9287 Gounod. Faust *P 426 Messe Solennelle *P 429 Mirella .• 427 The Mock Doctor *P Griepenkerl. Die Oper der Gegenwart.. D Haendel. Acis and Galatea 'P Handel Festival, 1871 •P Jephiha *P Joshua *P Judas Maccabaeus *P 419 280 420 278 428 440 481 474 470 480 469 IIaendel. Messiah »P 47r Samson *P 472 Saul »P 473 Hanslick. Die moderne Oper D 433 Haydn. The Creation »P 444. The Seasons *P 445 Heroi.d. Le Pré-aux-Clercs *P 430 Zampa "P 431 Hogarth. Memoirs of the Opera. 2y. ...K 263 Musical Drama. 2v K 262 Lecocq. La Fille de Madame Angot.... ."P 434 Llmley. Reminiscences of the Opera ....K 316- Maretzek. Crotchets and Quavers C 2321 Marx. Gluck und die Oper. 2 v D 4077 Mendelssohn. Athalie ♦P 475 Come let us sing (gSth Psalm) »K 4033 Lauda Sion •? 476- Loreley "K 4034 St. Paul; an Oratorio." 594. Son and Stranger *P 477 Walpurgis-Night *P 478 The same ♦'K 4036 .Meyerbeer. Dinorah K 290 The same *P 436 Roberto il Diavolo *P 438 The same K 4038 Gli Ugonotti K 4037 The same *P 437 Mozart. Don Giovanni K 4040 The same K 292 The same *P 439. II Flauto Mágico K 298 The same 440 Le Nozze di Figaro K 293 The same ♦? 441 Requiem Ma-ss *P 44z Nohl. Das moderne Musikdrama D 4345 Offenbach. La Grande Duches.se 'P 443 Operas performed in the King's Theater, 1771- 1786 E 9561 Pardon. Book of the Operas F 1291 Riemann. Opern-Handbuch »R 608 Rossini. II Barbiere «P 447 Guglielmo Teil K 4050 The same «P 446^ Semiramide »P 448 Stabat Mater »P 449 Saint-Saèns. Christmas Oratorio 'K 4043 Schmidt (Her.). Gesang und Oper D 575 Tanner. Ethelena; an Operetta *V 783 Upton. Standard Cantatas K 3899 Standard Operas K 3932 Standard Oratorios K 3898 Standard Symphonies K 3967 PRACTICAL ARTS. 349 Verdi. Un Bailo in Maschera *P 454 Requiem *K 4045 Rigoletto 287 The same *P 45° La Traviata ^P 45^ IlTrovatore *P 453 Wagner. II Vascello Fantasma *P 456 Lohengrin *P 455 The same *K 4046 Selections from K 4047 Tannbauser *P 457 Weber. Der Freischütz *P 458 PRACTICAL ARTS. GENERAL WORKS.—MANUFACTURES. Aitken. Birmingham Trades K 801,3 Âlund. Uppfinningarnas Bok. yv C 769S Amateur Work Illustrated, qv K 6221 American Institute, Reports, 1859, 1870, 1871 *Z>i7r. Annual Record of Science and Industry, 1871- 78. 7v K 91S Ansiaux. Technologie 06513,121 Autenheimer. Gewerbliche Fortbildung..D 612 Bakewell. Great Facts; Inventions K 644 Banfield. Industry of the Rhine K 4350 Bayerische Gewerbe-Zeitung, 18S8-89. 2 v. . . *Sír. Beckmann. History of Inventions. 2 v.... I 3003 Bevan (Ed.). British Mf'g Industries. 14 v.K 801 Industrial Statistics K 801,13-14 Bigelow. Useful Arts. 2v K 889 Birdwood. Industrial Arts of India K 3561 Bishop. History of American Manufactures. 3 V K 921 Blätter für Kunstgewerbe, 1873-76. v. 2, 3, ¡.*Ser. Bluemner. Technologie der Gewerbe. 4 v. in 2 D 6764 Booth. Improvements in Chemical Arts... K 872 Boulart. Les Animaux utiles à ITndustrie.C 4253 Bourdeau. Forces de l'Industrie C 12088 Boy's Book of Trades K 4263 Boy's Workshop K 6223 Bradbury. Encyclopaedia of Practical In¬ formation *R 985 Brande. Dictionary of Science and Art..*R 1123 Thesame; new ed. 3 v *K 1109 Brelow und Hoyer. Lexikon für Technolo¬ gie und Maschinenkunde *R 3805 Bremner. Industries of Scotland K 874 Brinkmann. Kunst u. Handwerk in Japan.*V 983 Buch der Erfindungen, Gewerbe, etc. 6 v.. .D 494 Buchanan. Dictionary of Science and Tech¬ nical Terms *R 1086 Burges. Art Applied to Industry K 3313 Burn. Object Teaching L 1158 Plates *R 4834 Burnley. Romance of Invention K 4345 Romance of Life Preservation K 4349 Romance of Modern Industry K 4348 Burty. Industrial Arts K 3402 Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art, 1853-70. 15 V *Sir. Chabaud. Marseille et ses Industries C 4600 Chaumette. Découvertes et Inventions.. *V 1064 Chicago Manufacturers' Directory, 1888-89.*R '795 CoOLlvY. Cyclopaedia of Receipts. 2 v... *R 977 Crabb. Dictionary of General Knbvvledge.*R 1105 Croy. Technologie de la Jeunesse C 12210 Cunningham. English Industry and Com¬ merce L 486 D.ily. Glimpses of Irish Industries K 4351 Dick. Cyclopaedia of practical Receipts . .*R 986 Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal, 1820-91 282 v *Ser. Index, v. 1-198. 4 v. Dodd. Dictionary of Manufactures *R 867 Dossie. Handmaid to the Arts K 4309 Elm. Der deutsche Handfertigkeitsunter¬ richt D 622 Everybody's Pocket Cyclopaedia *R 3852 Exner. Gesch. der Gewerbe Oesterreichs, .d 460 Factory and Farm, 1879. v. 5 *Ser. Figuier. Les grandes Inventions C 4906 Merveilles de l'Industrie. 4v *V 1106 Fleischmann. Erwerbszweige der Vereinigten Staaten D 4270 Fournier. Le Vieux-Neuf. 3 V C 4974 Francis. Dictionary of Practical Receipts.*R 969 Freedley. Leading Pursuits of Men K 927 Philadelphia and its Manufactures in 1857K 4341 Great Britain, Correspondence on Industrial Questions *Doc. Great Industries of Great Britain. 3v *V 623 The same. 3v K 4347 Greeley. Great Industries of the U. S.... K 922 Hatin. Renaddot et ses Inventions C 5193 Hazen. Popular Technology. 2v 1 3755 Hildebrand. Industrial Arts of Scandinavia K 3569 350 PRACTICAL ARTS. Hopkins (Ed.). Scientific Americon Cyclopsedia erf Receipts *R çgy The same...,. K 4357 Industri-Tidenden, 1874. v. 10 Industrial Arts K 384 Industrial Chicago, av *V 1497 Iitdustrial Monthly, 1873-4. v. 4, 5 *Ser. Japp. Industrial Curiosities K 622a Journal of the Frairklin Institute, 1826-91 *Ser. Index, 1826-85. Kent. ModernSeven Wondersof the WorldK 4336 Kerkwijk. Openbare Werken in Nederland.D 9371 Klein. Dennyere Kunstindustri C 7343 Knight. Knowledge is Power .. .1 3272 Koerner. Industrie- und Handelsge¬ schichte D 4793 Kreplin. 1000 Erwerbsquellen D 503 Kunst und Gewerbe, 1878-88. 21 v *Ser. Kunsthandwerk, 1875-76. 2 v *Str. Lab.arte. Historie des Arts industriels. 4 v.*P 1605 Album. 2 V *P 1605,5-6 Laborde. L'Union des Arts et de l'Industrie. 2 V »V 1691 Labouche. Les Arts et Métiers C 5642 Lankester. Animalsinrelation to Industry.K 880 Lardner. Museum of Science and Art... 12 V. in 6 K 260 Luetken. Opfindelsemes Bog. Sv C 7366 Mangin. Merveilles de l'Industrie C 5915 Manufacturer and Builder, 1870-91. v. 2,5-23 *5rr. Manufacturers and Inventors of the U. S.. .'V 896 Manufactures of the Ancients K 6021 Massachusetts, Annual Statistics of Manu¬ factures, 1886-89 *Doc. Mechanics' Magazine (London) 1823-72. 97 v. *Ser. Mechanics' Magazine (New York), 1833-36. 8v. *Ser. Merehants and Manuf. of Chicago, 1873..*R 106 Metcalfe. Cost of Manufactures K 4342 Metz et Gemen. L'Industrie de Luxembourg, 1839-89 «V 4 Mever. Die Liebhaberkünste 'D 6740,5 Muyden und Frauberger. Die neuesten Erfindungen D 615 Napier. Ancient Manufacturing Arts .... K 4262 Neiibrunn. Mein Receptbuch D 526 Ohio Mechanics' Institute, Scientific Proc.2v.*K 4901 Perrot. Inventions utiles C 6156 Poiré. Premières Notions sur l'Industrie.. .C 6283 Polytechnic Review, 1876-78. 6v *Ser. Practical Magazine, 1873-77. v. 2-7 *Ser. Rehlen. Geschichte der Gewerbe D 517 Rein. Industries of Japan K 4423 Repertorium der technischen Journal-Literatur, 1823-87. 21 v. in 10 *0 5^ Runo. Industrial Arts in Spain K 3653 Riedenauer. Geschichte des antiken Hand¬ werks D 435° Routleuge. Discoveries of the igth Century K 4301 Royal Scottish Society of Arts, Trans., 1841-86 11 v *Ser. Sadtler. Industrial Organic Chemistry .. .K 4379 Scientific American, 1844-91. 79 v *Ser. Supplement, 1878-91. 32 v ' *Ser. Catalogue of Papers in *R 1061 simmonds. Waste Products K 4360 Smiles. Mén of Invention and Industry.. ..C 1556 Society of Arts, Journal, 1853-^9. 17 v *Ser. Transactions, 1783-1847. 56 v *Ser. Somerset. Century of Inventions (1663).. .C 943 South Kensington Science Lectures. 2 v.. . K 380 Spon's Encyclopaedia of Industrial Arts. 5 v.'R 1033 Workshop Receipts, Ser. 1-4. 4v K 4358 The same; new ed. 4 v *R 961 Taylor. History of the Factory System . .K 4344 Thomas. Denkwürdigste Erfindungen 2 v. D 673 Times. Inventors and Discoverers K 576 Wonderful Inventions K 614 Yearbook of F'acts. 34 v •! 3800 The same; extra volume, 1851 *1 3801 The same; extra volume, 1862 *1 3802 Timmens. Industrial History of Birming¬ ham K 916 Tomi.inson. Cyclopxdia of Useful Arts.3v.*R 764 Illustrations of Trades 'V 457 Useful Arts of Great Britain. 2 v K 632 Towle. Heroes and Martyrs of Invention. C 10180 Trade Statistics from Newcastle K 706 Ure. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. 2 V K 925 The same, with Supplement. 4 v.'R 1030 Philosophy of Manufactures I 329I Vegetable Substances used in Manufactures. .1 3571 VoRS. Bibelots and Curios K 565 Watson. Manufactures of the People of In¬ dia 837 Watt. Scientific Industries explained K 4302 Weale. Dictionary of Terms K 1620 The same »R 4042 Western Industries of America *R 112 Western Manufacturer, 1876-82. v. 3-5,7-io*5Vr. White. New Century of Inventions *V 919 W1LKIE. Great Inventions K 4343 Work; an illustrated Magazine, 1889-90 *Ser. Workshop, The, 1868-84. '7^ *Ser. World of Wonders *V 348 WoRSAAE. Industrial Arts of Denmark... .K 3577 Wylde. Book of Trades K 950 PATENTS—EXHIBITIONS. PATENTS. Abbott. Patent Laws of all Nations. 2 v. Agnew. Laws of Patents (British). British Patents, Specifications and Drawings, 1617- 1889. 2085 V. Indexes, Chronological and Descriptive, 1617- 1871. 14 v. Patents and Patentees, 1854-69, 1873. Patentees and Applicants, 1617-1869, 1871-74, 1876, 1878-87. is v. Reference Index, 1617-1852. Subject-Matter Index, 1617-1870, 1877-87, 1890. 28 v. Abridgments, 1617-1883. 151 v. Illustrated Journal, 1884-91. 22 v. Index, V. i, 2. Journal of Commissioners, 1854-84. Official Journal, 1884-91. 18 v. Index, 1887-91. 5 V. Patent, Office Library Catalogue. 2 v. Reports of Cases, 1884-91. 7 v. Campin. Law of Patents for Inventions (Brit¬ ish) K 1317 Canadian Patent Office Record, 1873-91. 19 v. List of Patents, 1824-69. Carpmael. Patent Laws of the World. 2 v. Discussions on the Abolition of Patents (in Europe). The same K 4261 Duryee. Assignment of Patent Rights (Amer¬ ican). Egan. English and French Patent Laws. .*V 39,4 French Patents, Brevets d'Invention, 1791- 1888. 335 v. in 245. Table générale, 1791-1860. 6 v. Subject-Matter Index, 1791-1876. German Patents, Auszüge aus den Patentschriften, 1880-91. 12 v. in 13. Register u. Hauptverzeichniss, 1877-89. 2V. Patentblatt, 1877-91. 15 v. in 16. Anzeigen Beilage zu dem Patent¬ blatt, 1885-91. 7 V. Patentliste, 1879-82. 4 v. Verzeichniss der Patente, 1879. Hart. Patent Law of Great Britain and Ire¬ land. The same K 1319 Haselden (Comp.). Patents, Designs and Trade-Marks Act, 1889, (New Zealand). Higgins and Jones. Law and Practice of Let¬ ters Patent for Inventions (British). Howson. Our Country's Debt to Patents (American). 351 Italian Patents, Subject Matter Index, 1848-82. Johnson. Patentee's Manual (British). Macfie. Patents and Copyright for Inven¬ tions (British). 2v N 5086 Merwin. Patentability of Inventions (Ameri¬ can). Myer. Federal Decisions; Patents, Copyrights, etc. Perry. Defense of the U. S. Patent System. Queensland, Letters of Registration granted for Inventions, 1860-1878. 6 v. in 3. Robinson. Law of Patents (American). 3 v. Simonds. Digest of Patent Cases, 1789-1888 (American). Thompson. Patent Laws of all Countries. The same N 4867 U. S. Patent Office Reports, Specifications and Drawings, 1847-91. 396 V. List of Patents, 1790-1836. Index, 1790-1873. 3 V. 1872-1890. 19 V. Official Gazette, 1872-91. 57 v. in 60. Decisions of Commissioners of Patents, 1869-87. 15 V. Index of Patents relating to Electricity, 1881-90. 9 V. in 3. Arguments in favor of Patent Laws. 2 v. U. S. Patent Office, Fire in *V 691,2 Library Catalogue, 1878 *0 2121 Additions to, 1888. 2 v *0 2122 Rules of Practice in. Walker. Patent Laws of the U. S. Whitman. Patent, Copyright and Trade- Mark Laws Whitney. Relation of Patent Laws to Ameri¬ can Arts and Industries '•'K 815,4 EXHIBITIONS. Chicago Industrial Exposition: 1873. Official Art Catalogue *K 344 1874, 1876-85,'87. Art Catalogue. ..*K 332 1883. Sketch Book of *V 605 Cincinnati Industrial Exposition: 1869. Textile Fabrics; by Maxwell... .K 934 1870, 1871, 1872, 1879. Reports *K 935 colmont. Histoire des Expositions de I'ln- d ustrie française C12212 Geddes. Industrial Exhibitions K 4435 Oindriez and Hart. International Exhibi¬ tions; K 3616 Langdon. Catalogue of Chinese Collection, 1843 K 4422 352 PRACTICAL ARTS. London Exhibition; 1851. Art Journal Industrial Catalogue*V 1755 Crystal Palace and Exhibition; by TallisandCo «V 1724 Industrial Arts; by Wyatt. 2 v, .*? 992 Official Catalogue. 4v *R 3722 Reports by Juries *R 3781 Timb's Year-Book of Facts.* . ..*1 3801 1861. Ironmongers'Hall Exhibition.2v*P 1182 1862. Catalogue of Indian Department*K 340 Industrial Art; by Waring. 3 v.*P 985 Machinery of; by Clarke .*V 252 Timb's Year-Book of Facts *I 3802 1871. Catalogue of Indian Uepartment*K 338 Indian Educational Collection.. *K 339 1886. Colonial and Indian Exhibition; by Cundall *V 1734 Louisville Exposition, Art Catalogue, 1883-84K 3376 Manchester Exhibition: 1857. Art Treasures; by Waring 548 Melbourne Exhibition: 1880. Public Works of France *K 1664 Milwaukee Industrial Exposition, 1881 K 3602 Ix'ew Orleans Exposition: 1884-5. Educational Exhibits and Con¬ ventions K 3608 The same *Doc. Catalogue of Art Collection... .K 3415 New York, 1853-4. Art and Industry at Crystal Palace; by Greeley K 55 Norton. World's Fairs from 1851 to 1893.K 4427 Paris Exhibition: 1855. Catalogue officiel 'C 6316 1867. Catalogue of the Indian Depart¬ ment K 348 Études sur; par La Croix. 4v.in3*C 6147 L' Exposition universelle illustrée*R 4316 Notes and Sketches; by Sala.. .K 27 Ores from Colorado; by Whitney 'V 454 Précis des Opérations et listes des Collaborateurs *V 1692 The same •C 6148 Rapports du Jury international. 13 V *C 6312 Recollections of; by Rimmel.. .. K 26 Reports of U. S. Commissioners. 6v K 337 Souvenirs de; par Rimmel K 24 Steam Engineering ; by Auchin - closs .'. K 728 Vineland; Rapport présénle au Jury *V 691,2 Wunder der; von Ebeling D 3735 Paris Exhibition: 1878. L'Album de l'Exposition; par Glucq «P 1252 Catalogue belge.. ; C 6150 du Ministère de l'Instruc¬ tion publique C 6151 de Norvège C 4305 of the British Colonieg*K 3604 of the British Section. 2 V »K 3ÉÍP3 Conférencesdu PalaisduTrocadéro. 3 V «C 6315 Congrès du Palais du Trocadéro. 16 V *C 6314 L'Exposition de Paris; ed. par Bi- ' tard *R 4317 Handbook to British Indian Sec¬ tion *K 3605 Rapport administratif. 2v....*V 1693 Reports of the U. S. Commission¬ ers. 5 V *.. K 3606 1889. Autour du Monde; par Hue C 6319 Catalogue de la République Argen¬ tine K 4436 Chefsd'Œuvre de l'Exposition; par Walton *P .888 Chicago Public Library Exhi¬ bit •? 1253 Constructions élevées au Champ de Mars; par Gamier et Jourdain*P 1236 Décoration et l'Art industriel; par Marx •V 1695 L'Exposition du Centenaire; par Vogiié C 6318 L'Exposition universelle; par Par- ville C 6317 Memoire sur les Mines, la Métal¬ lurgie, etc., dans la République Argentine *V 1696 Officiai Catalogue U. S. Exhibit.K 4426 Universal Exposition, 1889; by Jef- fery K 4425 Philadelphia Exhibition: 1876. Officiai Catalogue »K 740 Catalogue of the British Section. K 331 of the German SectionK 328 of the Japanese SectionK 329 of the Mexican SectionK 327 of the New South Wales Section K 325 of the Portugese Sec¬ tion K 333 of the Products of Michi¬ gan K 330 EXHIBITIONS—MINES AND MINING. 353 Philadelphia Exhibition; 1876. Briefe aus Philadelphia; von Reu- leaux D 463 Centennial Exposition described; by Ingram K 3614 French View of; by Simonin... .K 3612 Gems of the Centennial *V 1694 Illinois Board of Managers' Re¬ port K 326 Illustrated History of; by Mc- Cabe K 3613 its Organization, etc *E 743>2 Nederlandsche Afdeeling D 9370 Newspaper Exhibition K 3611 Ontario Educational Exhibit.. .. K 336 Report of U. S. Commissioners. 9 V K 3610 . The same *Doc. What B. Beverly sâw at the Expo¬ sition; by Dale K 4424 The World's Fair; by Walker.. .K 4428 San Francisco Mechanics' Institute, Industrial Exposition, Reports, 1882, 1884-89. 7 V K 4421 Vienna Exposition: 1873. General Catalogue D 462 Catalog der Länder Oesterreichs.D 461 Die graphischen Künste; von Lorck D 4301 Officieller Ausstellings-Bericht. 9 V D 479S Ornamentale Kunst auf der; von Bucher *D 382,9 Reports of U. S. Commissioners. 4 V K 335 MINES AND MINING. Abel. Mining Accidents and their Preven¬ tion K 4682 American Institute of Mining Engineers, Trans¬ actions, 1873-90. 19 V *K 770 Index, V. X - IG. The same, v. 1-15. Anderson. Prospector's Handbook K 4703 André. Treatise on Mining Machinery. 2v*V 277 Atkinson. Friction of Air in Mines ..,. K 686,14 Gases in Mines K 686,13 Bartlett. Mines of Maine K 4645 Pevan. Metallic Mining and Collieries... K 801,13 Blanc. Exploitation des Mines C 6513,75-76 Bowie. Hydraulic Mining in California... K 4689 Brough. Mine-Surveying K 5566 Callón. Lectures on Mining 2 v K 768 Plates 2 V *V 282 Charleton. Tin Mining K 4690 Collins. Minkig and Quarrying K 1323 Principles of Metal Mining K 2895 Copp. American Mining Code N 4856 Cornwall; its Mines and Miners T 4000,23 Dewey. Bonanza Mines of Nevada *K 815,3 Emmons. Mining Industry of Leadville... *Doc. Atlas *R 4861 Engineeringiind Mining Journal, 1873-91. v. 15-17, 20-52 *Ser. Faller. Metallbergbau in Oberungarn...D 533 Schemnitzer Bergbau D 533 Foster. Mineral Resomcesof III. C. R. R.*K 876, i Min. Wealth and R. R. Development.*K 876,1 Hague. Mining Industry; with Atlas. 2\..*Doc, Hittell. Mining in the Pacific States K 4629 Hodgson. Chemistry of the Mine K 4647 Hollister. Mines in Colorado K 779 Hoskold. Engineer's Valuing Assistant. . .K 5509 Ihlseng. Manuel of Mining K 4760 Ingham. Digging Gold in the Rockies... .K 4648 Jones. Treasures of the Earth K 2860 Lintern. Mineral Surveyor and Valuer's Guide K 1508 Lock, A. G. Gpld; its Occurrence and Ex¬ traction '•'K 4633 Lock, C. G. W. Mining and Ore-Dressing Machinery *V 1753 Maigne. Sauvetage C 6513,162 Merivale. Notes and Formulce for Mining Students K 4704 Michell. Mine Drainage K 5603 Mineral Wealth of Alabama, Illustrated I 5264 Mines and Mineral Statistics of N. South WalesK 772 Mining Record, 1879-85. v. 5-18 *Ser. Mining Review, 1879-86. v. 2-12, 15, 16. . . *Ser. Morgans. Mining Tools K 1528 Atlas -. *V 294 Murgue. Centrifugal Ventilating MachinesK 7562 North of England Institute of Mining Engin¬ eers, Trans., 1853-88. 37 v *Ser. Index, v. 1-17. ürton. Underground Treasures K 9525 OSBORN. Manual of Minerals, Mines and Mining K 4686 Randall. Quartz Operator's Hand-book.. K 769 Raymond. Mines of the West *K 780 Mining West of the Rocky Mountains.*K 786 Revue universelle des Mines, 1857-89. 67 v... *Ser. Sawyer. Accidents in Minesi *K. 4627 Schoolcraft. Lead Mines in Missouri.. ..B 1558 Shinn. Land Laws in Mining Districts. ..L 3201,2 354 PRACTICAL ARTS. SiLUMAN. Report on the Mariposa Estate*K 560 Simonin. Le Monde souterrain C 4201 Underground Life *V 342 Skinner. Mining Directory, 1877, «R 1090 Smyth, R. B. Gold Fields of Victoria... .*V 805 Smyth, \V. \V. Metallic Mining K 801,2 SwiKEFORD. Minerai Resources of Lake Su¬ perior K 4654 Ure. Diet, of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. 4 Y «R 1030 Veith. Deutsches Berç;wôrterbuch ^R 2116 Vüillaume {Helene). Les Galeries souter¬ raines C 4216 VVade. American Mining Law N 4857 Wallace. Deposition of Lead Ore in Veins. K 4666 Whitney. Metallic Wealth of the United States K 788 Whittlesey. Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior *Doc. Mineral Resources of the Cordilleras of North America K 2542 Wilson, C. S. Mining Laws of the U. S...N 4868 Wilson, E. B. Mine Ventilation K 4636 Wright. History of the Big Bonanza K 4646 METALLURGV, METALS AND ALLOYS. Armour. Iron and Heat K 1251 Power in Motion K 1252 Barry. Russian Metallurgical Works K 875 Bauerman. Metallurgy of Iron K 610 The same; new ed K 1281 Bell. Manufacture of Iron and Steel K 4663 Bloxam. Metals, their Properties, etc K 2703 Brannt (Ed.). Metallic Alloys K 4665 Bruell. Resisting Properties of Iron and Steel K 4632 Charleton. Tin; Mining, Dressing and Smelting K 4690 Davies. Earthy and other Minerals and Min¬ ing K 4693 Metalliferous Minerals and Mining K 4692 Ede. Management of Steel K 612 ekîleston. Metallurgy of Silver, Gold and Mercury. 2v K 4659 Eissler. Metallurgy of Gold K 4667 Metallurgy of Silver K 4668 Metallurgy of Argentiferous Lead K 4669 Flower. History of the Trade in Tin K 4653 Fran'CIS. Copper-Smelting in Swansea ... K 4651 Garnier. Le Fer C 4215 Gore.' Electrolytic Separation of Metals...K 4707 Graham. Brass, Tin and Zinc K 801,1 Greenwood. Manual of Metallurgy. 2 v.K 604 Steel and Iron K 4661 Griffiths. Iron and Steel Manufacturers.*R 37S9 Gruener. Manufacture of Steel .K 4664 Gruner. Blast Furnace Phenomena K 619 Guettier. Manuf. of Metallic Alloys K 4649 Hervé. Alliages métalliques C 6513,247 lIiORNS. Mixed Metals; or Metallic Alloys.K 4741 Howe. Metalfurgy of Steel, v. i *V 1749 Iron, 1873-91. 38 v. *Ser. Iron Age, 1889-91. v. 43-47 *Ser. Iron and Coal in Mexico *K 5743 Iron and Steel Institute, Journal of, 1879-91. 24 v *Ser, Index, 1869-81. Subject-Matter Index, 1882-89. Jeans. Steel; its History and Manufacture.*K 4671 Jones. Iron and Steel 'K 815,3 Kerl. Treatise on IVIetallurgy. 3 v K 785, Kohn. Iron and Steel Manufacture *V 290 Kunhardt. Ore Dressing in Europe K 4625 Lamdorn. Metallurgy of Copjxr K 1490 Metallurgy of Silver and Lead K 1491 Landrin. Maître de Forges C 6513,82-83 Lutschaunig. Alloy Tables «K 4650 Makins. Manual of Metallurgy K 4652 Mushet. Papers on Iron and Steel K 599 Napier. Ancient Workers in Metal K 783 O'Driscoll. Treatment of Gold Ores K 4679 OsBORN. Metallurgy of Iron and Steel.... K 600 The same *R 1113 Overman. Manufacture of Iron K 4662 Manufacture of Steel K 603 Pepper. Playbook of Metals K 2804 Percy. Metallurgy K 794 Metallurgy of Lead K 800 Metallurgy of Silver and Gold K 4631 Peters. American Methods of Copper Smelt¬ ing K 4660 Phillips. Copper K 801,1 Treatise on Ore Deposits K 4634 Elements of Metallurgy K 796 and Darlington. Mining and Metal¬ lurgy K 792 pulslfer(Ed.). Notes for a History of Lead .K 4684 Richards. .Muminium K 4656 Aluminium, its History, etc K 4687 Scoffern. Useful Metals and their Alloys.K 601 Simonin. L'Or et l'Argent C 6774 Stetefeldt. Lixiviation of Silver-Ores... K 469S Styffe. Elasticity and Strength of Iron... K 4670 Swank. Hist, of Manufacture of Iron K 4626 Thurston. Brasses, Bronzes and other Al¬ loys K 4699 ASSAYING—ELECTRO-METALLURGY—COAL MINING. Truran. Iron Manufacture of Gr. Britain.'V 344 Tunner. Roll-Turning for Manuf. of Iron.K 774 Atlas to same ' *R 4882 U. S. Report on Iron, Steel, etc., 1878 *Doc. Urbin. Puddling Iron and Steel K 4632 Vivian. Copper Smelting K 4710 Williams. Chemistry of Iron and Steel Mak¬ ing K 4683 Iron and Steel K 801,1 Wriqht. Mfitals and their Afpiicatioos.. .K 799 ASSAYING. Attwood. Practical Blowpipe Assaying... K 4622 Bolley. Manual of Technical Analysis.... I 3244 Brown. Manual of Assaying K 4624 The same; new ed K 4658 Brush. Mineralogy and Blow-Pipe AnalysisK 797 Cornwall. Manual of Blow-Pipe Analysis.K 4623 Cramer. Art of Assaying Metals, 1741...K 789 DeKoninck. Chemical Analysis and Assay¬ ing K 773 Goodyear. Assaying of Lead, Copper, etc.K 790 Kerl. The Assayer's Manual K 4621 Mitchell. Practical Assaying K 791 The same; new ed K 4730 North. Practical Assayer K 793 Plattner. Blowpipe Analysis K 795 Plympton. The Blowpipe; a Guide to its useK 4685 Ricketts. Notes on Assaying K 798 ELECTRO-METALLURGY. Bonney. Electro-Platers' Handbook K 4730 Brandely. Galvanoplastie C 6513,3-4 Desbouliez et Fink. Bronzage C 6513,193 Fontaine. Electrolysis, Nickeling, Copper¬ ing, etc K 4709 Gore. Art of Electro-Metallurgy K 4295 Electro-Deposition K 4706 Electrolytic Separation of Metals K 47^7 Langbein. Electro-Deposition of Metals.. .K 4697 McMillan. Treatise on Electro-MetallurgyK 4708 Maigne. Dorure et Argenture C 6513,206 Napier, Manual of Electro-Metallurgy.... K 784 Smee. Elements of Electro-Metallurgy.... K 4289 UrQUHART. Electro-Plating K 4291 Electro-Typing K 4290 Wahl. Galvanoplastie Manipulations... .*K 4297 Watt. Electro-Deposition of Metals K 4312 Electro-Metallurgy K 1618 355 COAL AND COAL MINING. André. Practical Treatise on Coal Mining. 2 V •V 279 Atkinson. Gases in Coal Mines K 686,13 Barr. Combustion of Coal K 764 Blanc. La Houille C 6513,75 Bowen. Coal and Coal Oil K 2862 Boyd. Coal Mines Inspection K 4637 Daddow and Bannon. Coal, Iron and Oil. K 787 Dan vers. Coal K 4639 Fairley. Ventilation of Coal Mines K 686,58 Galletly, Coal K 801,2 Graham. Gas Coals and Cannais K 4892 Greene. Coal and the Coal Mines K 4695 Hale. Coal and Iron Counties of North Carolina K 4635 Hull. Coal-Fields of Great Britain K 4644 Hunt. Coal and Iron in Southern Ohio... K 4642 Leifchild. Coal at Home and Abroad ... K 4638 Macfarlane. Coal-Regions of America.. .K 4641 Meade. Coal and Iron Industries of Great Britain K 4643 Our Coal and Coal Pits I 4000,23 Pamely. Colliery Manager's Handbook.. .K 4705 Riley. Coal and Iron oftheGreat Vein. .*K 876,1 Saward. The Coal Trade. 2v K 4640 Smyth. Coal and Coal-mining K 1580 The same; new ed K 1581 Collieries K 801,2 Tissandier. La Houille C 4204 Williams. Combustion of Coal K 4840 The same K 1626 COAL GAS. Bourne. Examples of Gas Engine 4228 Bowditch. Analysis, etc., of Coal-Gas...K 761 Bunsen. Gasometry; Properties of Gas.. .. K 2358 Burns. Illuminating and Heating Gas K 4891 Clegg. Treatise on Coal-Gas *V 595 Clerk. The Gas Engine K 4905 Theory of the Gas Engine K 686,62 CoLYER. Gas-Works; their Construction and Machinery *K 4841 Gas Consumers' Guide K 631 Holmes. Management of Gas-Works K 762 Hughes. Treatise on Gas-Works K 1465 and Richards. The same; new ed.. .K 1468 Journal of Gas Lighting, 1874. v. 23,24 *Ser. Knapp. Geschichte derGasbeleuchtung.2v.*V 986 Magnier. Manuel de Gaz C 6513,63-64 Newbigging. Gas Manager's Hand-book.. K 763 The same; new ed K'4890 King's Treatise on Çoal-Gas. 3v *v 241 356 PRACTICAL ARTS. . iv öoi,4 Patterson, Gas and Lighting Richards. Treatise on Coal Gas *V 240 Robinson. Gas and Petroleum Engines... K 4965 Schilling. Steinkohlengas Iieleuchtung.2v.*V 986 MOULDING AND WORKING IN METALS. Barba. Use of Steel for Constructive Pur¬ poses K 4677 Blinn. Tin and Copper-plate Worker K Ö05 Brannt. Metal Worker's Handy-Book.... K 4949 Clarkson. Ironwork of the 13th Century'R 3S67 CoMPTON. Eirst Lessons in Metal-Working.K 4711 Crane. The Smitlyr and the Eorge K 1331 Desormeacx. Armurier et I"ourbisseurC6513,84-83 Gillot. Fondeur de FeretdeCuivreC65i3,ioi-i02 Giraitd. Les Arts du Metal *P 1273 Graham. Brass Founders'Manual K 1405 Griffiths. Iron and Steel Trades Journal, 1S88 »^R 3759 Hasluck. Metal Turner's Handy Book.. ..K 4934 The same K 4936 Holland. Manufactures in Metal. 3 v. , .1 3868 Julien et Valêrio. Chaudronnier.C6513,153-154 Kittredge. Metal Workers' Patterns... *V 640 Landrin. Manuel du Maitre dc ForgesC6513,82-83 Larkin- Brass and Iron Founders' Guide.. K 4304 Macfarlane. Notes on Pipe Founding.. .K 4676 Meyer. Handbuch der Schmiedekunst. D 6740,2 Mullin. Modern Moulding and Patternmak- ing K 4673 Napier. Ancient Metal Workers K 783 Overman. Moulders' and Founders' GuideK 602 Rich. Artistic Horse-Shoeing K 4338 Richardson (Ed.). Practical Blacksmithing. 4 v R 4337 Rodman. Experiments in Metal for Cannons'V 370 Rowell. Instructions in Hard-Soldering. ..K 4724 Shaw. Ornamental Work *R 4450 Spretson. Casting and Founding K 781 Vaile. Galvanized Iron Cornice-Worker's Manual *V 1764 Warn. Sheet Metal Worker's Instructor.. .K 4678 West. American Foundry Practice K 4672 Moulders' Text Book K 4674 Wvatt. Metal-Work *P 1267 WvLIE. Iron and Steel Founding K 4675 Yapp. Art Industry; Metal Work *R 4313 BLASTING, QUARRYING AND TUNNELING. André. Rock Blasting K 4630 Bird. Hoosac Tunnel *K 677 Buck. Construction of Large Tunnel ShaftsK 5602 Burgoynk. Blasting and Quarrying K 1303 Burr. Hudson River Tunnel *V 780 Davies. Slate and Slate Quarrying K 4691 Drinker. Tunneling, Explosive Compounds, and Rock Drills *V 1752 Figuier. Grands Tunnels *V 1071,2 Foster. Submarine Blasting *V 260 McM.aster. Tunnel and Bridge Centres.K 686,20 SiMMS. Practical Tunnelling *V 280 Storrow. Report on European Tunnels.. .. *Doc. Tunnels of Chicago B 1373 VuiLLAUME. Galeries souterraines C 4216 Les Nouvelles Routes duGlobe C13302 Walker. The Severn Tunnel *K 5604 FUEL. Hodgetts. Liquid Fuel K 4831 Johnson. Peat and its L^ses K 1215 Lea vitt. Pealas Fuel K 766 Marié deL'IsLE. Boiset Charbons C65i3,i86 Mills and Rowan. Fuel and its Applica¬ tions *R 769,1 Noeggerath. Der Torf 0382,10 Phillips. Fuels; Solid, Liquid and GaseousK 4835 Power. Smoke and its Prevention *K 560 Prideaux. Economy of Fuel K 1548 Ronalds and Richardso.n. Fuel and its Applications K 2349 Ross. Air as Fuel : K 4S30 ScHWACKHñFER. Fuel and Water K 5347 Siemens. Fuel K 686,9 Smoke .Mjatement Committee, Report, 1SS2.K 7542 Steinmann. Die neuesten Fortíchritle der Gasfeuerungen D 6887 Svedelius. Charcoal Burning K 4839 Williams. Combustion of Coal K 4840 The same K 1626 WoRMALD. Artificial Fuel K 686,9 PETROLEUM—N.\TURAL GAS. Crew. Practical Treatise on Petroleum..., K 4655 Henry. History of Petroleum K 767 Hoefer. Das Erdöl und seine Verwandten.D 0709 Hunt's Map of Venango Oil Regions *R 3734 Magnier. Huiles minerales C 6513,239 Marvin. The Coming Oil Age K 4681 Morris. Derrick and Drill; Discovery of Petroleum K 4680 Orton. Petroleum and Natural Gas K 4657 Redwood. Petroleum; its Production and Use K 686,92 MECHANICS AND MACHINERY—TOOLS. 357 MECHANICS AND MACHINERY—TOOLS. Abel. Principles of Machinery K 1230 Atlas *V 292 Amateur Work Illustrated. 10 v K 6221 American Artisan (Chicago), 1884-91. v. •]-21*Ser. American Artisan (New York), 1864-75. v. 1-16,19 *Ser. American Engineer, 1882-91. v. 3-22 *Ser. American Machinist, 1889-91. v. 12-14 *Ser. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Transactions, 1880-90. Ilv *Ser. Anderson. Conversion of Heat into Work.K 4906 Appleby. Hand-book of Machinery and Iron Work K 65s Appleton's Cyclopaedia of Applied Mechanics. 2 y *R 1049 The same; new ed. 2v *R 1050 Artizan (London), 1843-53. 'I *Ser. Atkinson. Dynamic and Mechanic Teach¬ ing *E 1395 Babbage. Economy of Machinery K 639 Baker. Statics and Dynamics K 1278 Elements of Practical Mechanism K 1280 Bale. Steam and Machinery Management.K 1283 Stone-Working Machinery K .4955 Ball. Experimental Mechanics K 627 Barber. Engineer's Sketch-Book of Mechan¬ ical Movements K 4973 Barnard. Analysis of Rotary Motion. . .K 686,90 Bernoulli. Mécanique pratique C 6513,127 Besant. Treatise on Hydromechanics K 676 Blakelee. Simple Mechanics K 6225 Bottomley. Dynamics K 2870 Bower. Science applied to Work K 7260 Bowser. Treatise on Analytic Mechanics. .K 4974 Treatise on liydromechanics K 4975 Brelow und Hoyer. Lexikon für mecha¬ nische Technologie *R 3805 Brown, A. B. Engineering Facts and Figures, 1863-67. 3v K 735 Brown, H. T. 507 Mechanical MovementsK 628 Burgk. Link-Motion and Expansion-Gear.*K 4912 Burn. Handbook of Mechanical Arts K 3684 Working Drawings and Designs of Me¬ chanical Engineering *R 4852 Byrne. American Engineers'Assistant. . .*V 285 The Apprentice K 564 Dictionary of Mechanics *R 1052 Hand-book for Mechanics K 620 Practical Model Calculator K 642 Camus. Treatise on Teeth of Wheels K 647 Canadian Magazine of Stience and Industrial Arts, 1873-90. 18 v ^ser. Carpenter. Mechanical Philosophy I 3254 Cassell's Technical Educator. 4v *V 622 Chrétien. Machines-Outils C 6513,23-24 Atlas *V 1090 Clark. Exhibited Machinery of 1862, .. .*V 252 Rules for Mechanical Engineers *K 598 collignon. Les Machines c 4167 Colyer. Lifting Machinery K 4923 CooLEY. Cyclopxdia of Receipts. 2v...*R 977 Cooper. Belting for Transmission of PowerK 4908 Cotterill. Applied Mechanics K 4971 Cromwell. Treatise on Toothed Gearing. K 4933 Treatise on Belts and Pulleys K 4903 Gullen. Construction of Water-Wheels.. .K 657 Dana. Elementary Mechanics K 4919 Davidson. Boy Joiner and Model Maker. .K 3683 Dingey. Machinery Pattern-Making K 4719 Dircks. Perpetuum Mobile. 2 v K 689 Donaldson. Construction of Water-WheelsK 586 Du Boys. Elements of Graphical Statics. 2 v K 691 Earle and congdon (Ed.). General Society of Mechanics of New York *V 600 Eddy. Researches in Graphical Statics..K 4979 Thermodynamics.. K 686,45 Engineer, 1856-91. 72 v *ser. Engineer and Machinist's Drawing-Book.. .*V 1745 Engineering, 1866-91. 52 v *Ser. Engineering and Building Record, 1889-91. v. 19-24 *Ser. Engineering News, 1876-77. v.3,4 *Ser. Engineering News and American Railway Jour¬ nal, 1889-91. v. 21-26 *Ser. Engineering Record, 1890-91. v. 22-2^. .. .*Ser. English Mechanic, 1865-91. 53 v *Ser. Every Man his own Mechanic K 3693 Fairbairn. Principles of Mechanism K 778 Useful Information for Engineers. 3 v.. K 777 Ferguson. Lectures on Mechanics, etc. 2v. K 674 Foley. Mechanical Engineer's* Reference Book *R 4318 Foucaud. Illustrious Mechanics K 634 Fustegueras et Hergot. Traité de Méca¬ nique. 2v C 5000 Galloupe. Index to Engineering Periodicals, 1883-87 *R 1226 General Machinist, The K 4964 Glynn. Construction of Cranes ...K 1395 Goodeve. Elements of Mechanism K 2704 Manual of Mechanics K 4904 Gregory. Treatise of Mechanics. 3 v...K 673 Grier. Mechanic's Pocket Dictionary... .*R 1041 Grimshaw. Applied Mechanics *R 76,6 Hints to Power Users K 4956 358 PRACTICAL ARTS. Grimsiiaw. S.iws; their History K 4932 Harrison. The Mechanic's Tool Book. .. K 4939 Hasli ci.:. Mechanic's Workshop HandybookK 4935 Haswell. Eugineer'sand Mechanic'sPockct- Book K 723 Mechanics' Tables K 4918 Heuert. Engineer's and Mechanic'sEncyclo- pxdki. 2v *K 1047 Hercules Ice Making and Refrigerating Ma¬ chinery K 4998 Hobson. Mechanic's practical Hand book. K 678 Hodgetts. Liquid for Mechanical PurposesK 4831. Hoi.e. Essay on Mechanics' Institutions.. .K 643 H i'tton. Works'Manager's Hand-Cook.. K 4962 Institution of Engineei-s in Scotland, Transac¬ tions, 1858-80. v. 1-14,16-23 .. .K 750 Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Proceed¬ ings, 1s47-90. 40 V *Ser. Index, 1847-73. Isherwood. Engineering Precedents for Steam Machinery K 736 J.\.nvier. Mécanique appliquée C 6513,276 JOYNSiiN. Mechanics' and Students' Guide. K 652 Kater and Lardner. Mechanics I 3848 Kennedy. Kinematics of Machinery.. . .K 686,54 Mechanics of Machinery K 4913 K.night, C. Mechanician and Constructor*V 250 Knight, E. H. American Mechanical Dic¬ tionary. 3 V •R 1059 Supplement *R 1060 L.ynza. Applied Mechanics K 4916 Leuuux. Ice-making Machines K 686,46 Loney. Elements of Statics and Dynamics. 2 V K 5007 Li'KIN. Amongst Machines K 561 Amateur Mechanic's Workshop K 566 Boy Engineers K 563 M.ycCord. PracticalHints for Draughtsmen* V 434 McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., Cata¬ logue, i8go K 4999 Mach. Die Mechanik D 415,59 Machine Draughtsman K 3766 Magnus. Lessons in elementary MechanicsK 562 Marin. Maschinenlehre. D 509 Portefeuille für Ingenieure D 510 Martin. Screw-Cutting Tables K 666 Maxton. Engineering Drawing K 1520 Mechanics' Magazine (London), 1s23-72. 97v. *Ser. Mechanics' Magazine (New York), 1s33-36.8v. *Sir. Mechanical World, 1889-91. v. *Ser. Moselev. Illustrations of Mechanics I 37^9 Mechanical Principles of Engineering. . . K 710 Muirhead. Mechanical Inventions of James Watt. 3v K 4346 Netoliczka. Mechanik D 363 Nicholson. Mechanics' Companion K 618 The same K 658 Operative Mechanic. 2v K 4950 Treatise on Files and Rasps *V 278 Parkinson. Elementary Mechanics K 626- Peck. Treatise on Mechanics K 489. Perry. Practical Mechanics K 4917 Practical Treatise on Pattern-Making K 4722 Price. Turniers' Handbook on Screw-Cutting, etc K 4938^ Rankine. Cyclopiediaof Machinesand Hand- Tools *R 4292 Manual of Applied Mechanism K 629 Manual of Machinery and Milbvork.... K 662 Useful Rules and Tables K 66J and Gamber. Mechanical Text Book. .K 4921 Reiche. DieMaschinenfabrication;m;tAtlas*V 991 Reuleaux. Kinematics of Machinery K 4910 Richards. Manual of Machine Construction*K4940 Ripper. Machine Drawing and Design.. .*V 1763 Ritter. Technische Mechanik D 6857 Robinson. Teeth of Wheels K686,24 Roentgen. Der Werkzeug-Fabrikant.. . .*D 4248 Atlas »V 1049 Rose. Complete practical Machinist K 4922 Modem Machine-Shop Practice. 2v.. .*R 4265 Mechanical Drawing self-taught K 4915 Pattern-Maker's Assistant K 493t> Rossiter. Applied Mechanics K 2871 Theoretical Mechanics K 2872 Sang. Theory of Teeth of YTieels K 640 Schemmel. How to make Money out of In¬ ventions K 4990 Scholl. Führer des Maschinisten D 6808 See. Extracts from Chordal's Letters K 495' Shaw. Mechanical Integrators.-. K686,83 Shelley. Workshop Appliances •K 656 Smith, W. Elementary Treatise on Me¬ chanics K 4970 Smith, R. H. Cutting Tools K 4928 Graphics; Mechanical Engineering ....K 5601 Atlas of Diagrams • V 1765 Society of Engineers, Transactions 1860-89.28v. *Yer. Index, 1861-89. Spon's Dictionary of Engineering. 3v... *R 1055 Supplement *R 1056 Mechanics' Own Book K 4914 Workshop Receipts. 4v *R 961 The same. 4v' K 4358 Stone. Providence Mechanics' Festival..*K 677 Tait. Sketch of Thermodynamics. K 2869 Templeton and HuTTCftJ. Workshop Com¬ panion - K 4963 WOOD-WORKING—MILLS, ETC. Terquem. Mécanique €6513,143 Thompson. How to make Inventions K 4991 Thurston. Friction in Machinery K 4926 Todhunter. Mechanics for Dcginners.... K 616 Tomkins. Machine Construction K 2894 Tomunson. E.xperimental Essays K 1605 Mechanics K 1606 Trowbridge. Turbine Wheels K686,44 Twisden. Introduction to Practical Mechan¬ ics K 672 Tychsen. Mechanikens Grundstetninger .. C 7604 Undeutsch. Einführung in die Mechanik. D 506 Unwin. Elements of Machhie Design K 679 The same; new cd K 4927 Van Cleve. English and American Me¬ chanic K 4969 Warren. Machine Construction and Draw¬ ing. 2v K 4960 Watson. Practice of American Machinists. K 4961 Weisbach. Die Mechanik. 4v D 6907 Manual of Engineering. K 660 v.'i. Theoretical Machanics. 2. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Motors. 3. Heat, Steam and Steam Engines. 4. Mechanics of the Machinery of T ransmission. Werkturgkunde D 9523 White. New Century of Inventions, 1822.*V 919 Whitham. Steam Engine Design K 5375 Whitworth. Mechanical Subjects K 584 wlecke. Mechanik D 414 Willis. Principles of Mechanism K 637 W1NTON. Workshop Practice K 1628 and Millar. Engineer's Encyclopiedia. K 5367 Wood. Elementsof Analytical Mechanics. .K 4920 Thermodynamics, Heat Motors, and Re¬ frigerating Machines K 4909 Workshop, The, 1868 84. 17V *Ser. worssam. Mechanical Saws K 582 Wrightson. Agricultural Machinery... .K 8oi,10 WusT. Landwirthschaftliche Maschinen¬ kunde D 541 WOOD-WORKING AND TURNING. Bale. Wood-Working Machinery K 4929 Bemrose. Fret Cutting and Carving *V 63 Manual of Buhl-Work and Marquetry.*V 874 Manual of Wood Carving *K 915 Campin. Hand-Turning in Wood, etc K 912 CoLLINGS. Circular Work in Carpentry.... K 1324 Elphinstone. Patterns for Turning K 5301 Goss. Bench Work in Wood K 5317 Hasluck. Lathe-Work K 4931 Pattern Maker's Handybook K 4322 Wood Turner's Handybook K 5323 The same K 4936 Holtzapffel. Catalogue of Woods K 5310 Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. 5v *K 911 Hope. Sorrento and Inlaid Work K 578 The same. *K 813 Ibbetson. Eccentric Circular Turning K 5302 Illustrated Wood Worker, 1879. v. i *Sir. Lacombk. Sculpture sur Bois C 6513,171 Leland. Manual of Wood Carving K 3550- Hessing Holzschnitzereien des isten und löten Jahrhunderts *P 1232 Lukin. The Lathe and its Uses K 653 Turning Lathes K 4723, Miller. Wood-Carving K 5322 Modèles de Bois *P 1004 Northcott. Lathes and Turning K 5324 Rhenius. Eingelegte Holzornamente *P 122K Richards. Wood-Working Machines... . K 5318- Rogers. Art of Wood Carving K 580- Sanders. Carved Oak Woodwork *R 4899. Savory. Geometric Turning '•'K 5304 Sawyer. Fret-Sawing and Wood-Carving..K 907 Schauermann. Wood Carving applied to Home Arts K 3551 Sickels. Exercises in Wood-Working K 5325 Valicourt. Manuel du Tourneur.. ..€6513,27-29. Atlas *V 1089 Williams, H. T. Hand-Bock of Fret-Saw¬ ing K 581 Williams, R. F. Sculpture in Wood K 5321 Wood-Working Tools; how to use them K 5320- Wood Carving for Amateurs K 5319- MILLS AND MILLWORK. Antor. Encyclopädia für Müller .. D 491 Bale. Saw Mills K 4941 Box. Practical Mill-Gearing K 59a Bresse. Water Wheels K 587 Buchanan. Mill-Work and Machinery 3V.K 593 Craik. American Millwright K 585 Gullen. Construction of Water-Wheels. . .K 657 Donaldson. Construction of Water-Wheels.K 586- Evans. Millwright and Miller's Guide... .K 625 Examples of Machinery and Mill-Work... .*V 251 Fairbairn. Water-Wheels *V 39,6 Treatise on Mill Work K 591 Hughes. Miller and Millwright K 630 Kick. Flour Manufacture K 4942 36o PRACTICAL ARTS. Kreutkr. Die Oesterreichische Hochralll- lerei D 669 Miller's Journal, 1879-86. v. 12-24 *Sir. Rankink. Manual of Millworic K 662 TemJ'I.eton. Millwright's Pocket Compan¬ ion K 5522 Tompkins. History of the Planing-Mill.... K 4943 Trowbridge. Turbine Wheels K686,44 Wolff. The Windmill as a Prime Mover.. K 4902 STEAM—STEAM ENGINE—LOCOMOTIVES. Alban. High-Pressure Steam Engine K 726 Arago. Dampfmaschinen Ü 381,5 Alchincloss. Application of Slide Valve . K 727 Report on Steam Engineering of Pans Ex¬ hibition, 1867 K 728 Baker. Theory of the Steam Engine K 1279 Bale. How to manage a Steam-Engine K 5349 Bovrne. Catechism of the Steam Engine.. K 608 Hand-book of the Steam Engine K 607 Improvements in the Steam Engine.... K 688 Steam, Air, and Gas Engines *R 4228 Treatise on the Screw Propeller *V 257 Treatise on the Steam Engine *V 67 Brewer. Elementary Engineering K 5368 Buel. Safety-Valves K 686,21 Bureai;. La Vapeur C 4076 Burgh. Condensation of Steam K 734 Indicator Diagram K 5343 Modern Land*and Marine Engines... .*R 4807 Modem Marine Engineering '•'V 255 Modern Screw Propulsion *V 253 Proportions of Engines and Boilers K 611 C.^rlisle. Marine Engines and Steam Ves¬ sels K. 1318 Clark. Steam and the Steam Engine K 1322 The Steam Engine. 4 V K 5401 Clerk. The Gas Engine K 4905 CoLliURN. Locomotive Engine K 621 Ixjcomotive Engineering. 2v *R 4290 and Clark. Locomotive Engine ....*114310 Coulthard. Blast Engines *R 4837 Craddock. Chemistry of Steam Engine.. K 738 Dempsey. Treatise on Locomotive Engine. K 1337 Edwards. American Marine Engineer... .K 5403 American Steam Engineer K 5372 Catechism of the Marine Steam Engine. K 5370 Modern American Locomotive Engines. K 5379 Modern American Marine Engines *V 230 Practical Steam Engineer's Guide K 5371 Eldridge. Engineer's Guide for Hot Water Apparatus K 4924 Erwood. Short Talks by an Engineer K 4907 Evers. Steam and Locomotive Engine.... K 2890 Steam and Steam Engine K 606 Forney. Catechism of the Locomotive.... K 5344 Locomotives and Locomotive Building.*V 795 Galloway. Steam Engine K 5350 Goodeve. Text-Book on the Steam Engine.K 749 Grimshaw. Hints to Power Users K 4956 Steam Engine Catechism K 5359,1 Supplement K 5359,2 Guii.lemin. La Vapeur C 4178 HÀLSEY. Slide Valve Gears K 5397 Hasi.uck. Model Engineer's Handybook..K 5366 Hemenway. Indicator Practice and Steam Engine Economy K 5354 Henthorn. The Corliss Engine K 5395 Holmes. Steam Engine K 5358 Hutton. Practical Engineer's Hand-book. K 5405 Isherwood. Steam Engineering. 2v...*V 256 Janvier. Machines à Vapeur appliquées à la Marine C 6313,115 JuLLiEN. Machines locomotives C 6513,200 Atlas *V 10S5 King. Lessons on Steam Engines K 729 Lardner. The Steam Engine K 1496 Le Van. Safety-Valves K 5394 Steam Engine and the Indicator K 5377 Steam Engine Indicator K 686,78 M'Carthy. Engineer's Guide to the Navies. K 1510 MacCord. Movement of Slide Valves... *V 281 Main and Brown. Marine Steam Engine.K 739 Mallett. Compound Engines K 686,10 Marks. Proportions of the Steam Engine. .K 5346 The same; new ed K 737 Meyer. Steam Towing on Rivers and CanalsK 752 Murray. Marine Engines K 1530 Nvstrom. Treatise on Steam Engineering. K 742 Pambour. Theory of the Steam Engine.. . K 667 Peadody. Thermodynamics of the Steam Engine K 5376 PocHET. Steam Injectors K 686,29 Porter. Richards'Steam Engine Indicator.K 743 Pray. Twenty Years with the Indicator.. .K 5400 Prideaux. Economy of Fuel K 1548 Rankine. Manual of the Steam Engine... K 663 Read, D. Nathan Read and his InventionsK 751 Reynolds. Engine-Driving Life K 5345 Engineman's Pocket Companion K 5357 Locomotive Engine Driving K 1566 The Model Locomotive Engineer K 5373 Stationary Engine Driving K 1567 Rigg. Treatise on the Steam Engine *^ 242 Robinson. Gas and Petroleum Engines.. .K 4965 Roper. Catechism of the High-Pressure Steam Engine K 731 ENGINES—LOCOMOTIVES—BOILERS—FIRE-ENGINES. 361 Roper, Engineer's Handy-Book K 5384 Hand-book of the Locomotive K 73^ Instructions for Engineers and Firemen.K 5391 Land and Mariné Engines K 53^3 Questions and Answers for Engineers.. .K 539® Young Engineer's Own Book .K 5382 Rose. Modern Steam Engines *V 781 The Slide Valve practically explained. .K 53^7 SCHWACKHÖFER. Fuel and Water K 5347 Seaton. Manual of Marine Engineering. .K 5369 Sennett. Marine Steam Engine K 5374 Sinclair. Locomotive Engine Running.. .K 5353 Smith, C. A. Steam Making K 5348 Smith, D. M. Manual of Engineers' Calcula¬ tions K 5364 Stephenson. Practical Test for Steam Engi¬ neers .K 5411 Templeton. Practical Examinator on SteamK 671 Steam and Steam Engine K 609 Thorn. Reed's Engineer's Handbook... .K 5378 Thurber. Management of the Corliss EngineK 5395 Thurston. Die Dampfmaschine D 415,43-44 Engineer and Boiler Trials K 5380 History of the Steam Engjine K 730 Stationary Steam Engines K 5352 Tredgold. On the Steam Engines *V 66 v. I. Locomotive Engines. 2. Marine Engines. 2 pts. 3. Stationary Engines. Appendixes *V 66,5 Plates *R 4828 Trevithick, F. Inventions of R. TrevithickC 3070 Turnbull. Compound Steam Engines...K 686,8 IjHLANDandToLHAUSEN. CorlissEngines.*R 4220 Atlas *R 4832 Slide and Piston-Valve geared Engines. .*R 4220 Atlas *R 4914 Walker. Notes on Screw Propulsion K 675 Wansbrough. The Portable Engine K 5408 Ward. Steam for the Million K 744 Watson. How to run Engines and Boilers.K 5413 Whitham. The Portable Engine K 5407 Steam-Engine Design K 5375 wicksteed. Cornish, Bolton and Watt En¬ gines *V 254 Williams. Combustion of Coal and Preven¬ tion of Smoke K 1626 The same K 4840 Heat in relation to Water and Steam.. .K 2649 w1nton and Millar. Engineer's Encyclo- psedia K 5367 Modern Steam Practice, Engineering and Electricity. 4 v K 5356 Young. Economy of Steam Power K 669 Zeuner. Distribution par Tiroirs dans les Machines à Vapeur C 6958- Treatise on Valve Gears K 733. STEAM BOILERS. Armstrong. Chimneys for Steam Boilers.. K 681 Steam Boilers K 1257 Barr. High Pressure Steam Boilers K 68t> Bartol. Marine Boilers of the U. S K 5342 CoLBURN. Steam Boiler Explosions K 682 and Holley. Coal-Burning Locomotive Boilers *V 259 Courtney. Boilermaker's Assistant K 132S Boilermaker's Ready-Reckoner K 1329 Davis. Steam Boiler Incrustation K 5351 Foden. Boiler Makers' and Iron Ship-builders' Companion K 645, Ford. Boiler Making for Boiler Makers.. .K 5362 Head. Stokers and Pokers K 617 Hotchkiss. How to keep Boilers clean.... K 5341 Hutton. Steam Boiler Construction K 5406 Marin. Wartung der Dampfkessel D 509 Martin. Steam Boiler Explosions K 5365 Nicholls. Boiler Maker, and Engineers' Reference Book K 5361 Reiche. Betrieb der Dampflcessel D 6853 Roper. Steam-Boiler; its Care and Manage¬ ment K 538 t Use and Abuse of the Stcam-Boiler.. .. Iv 5385 Rose. Steam Boilers; Construction and Exam¬ ination K 5386' Rowan. Boiler Incrustation K 684. Shock. Steam Boilers *V 243 Thurston. Handbook of Boiler Trials... .K 5380 Manual of Steam-Boilers K 5363 Steam Boiler Explosions K 5360 Tower. Things to know about Steam BoilersK 5355 Wilson. Treatise on Steam Boilers K 668 FIRES AND FIRE-ENGINES. American Fireman K 615 Bird. Protection against Fire K 624 Dana. Fire Departments of the U. S K 6205 Kernan. Fire Departments of N. Y. and Brooklyn B 3967 Little. The Fireman's Own Book K 620& Moore. Fires; Causes and Preventions... .K 882 Petit. Les Grands Incendies C 6145 Prince. Fire Protection of Hospitals for the Insane K 6207 Roper. Steam Fire-Engines K 6204 362 PRACTICAL ARTS. Sapeur-Pompier C 6513,203 Shaw. Fire Protection of ].,ondon K. 864 Sheldon. Volunteer Department of New Vork U 3975 Woodbury. Fire Protection of Mills K 6210 Young. Fires, Fire Engines and Brigades. .K 670 CIVIL ENGINEERING—GRAPHICS—STATICS —STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Abbott. Testing Machines K686,74 Allan. Strength of Beams K686, ig Theory of Arches K686,ii American Society of Civil Engineers, Trans¬ actions, 1872-90. 22v *Ser. Anderson. Strength of Materials... • ...K 2702 André. Plan and Map Drawing *K 3701 I>.\ker, B. Strength of Beams, Columns, and Arches K 695 Actual Lateral Pressure of Earthwork. .K686,56 Baker, T. Statics and Dynamics K 1278 Barlow. Strength of Materials K 694 Barnard. Iron for Defensive Purposes.... *Doc. North Sea Canal of Holland *Doc. Beaton. Quantities and Measurements.... K 1285 BÉUDOR. La Science des Ingénieurs *V 1055 Blunt and Stephenson. Civil Engineer and Machinist *V 579 Plates *R 4850 Bow. Treatise on Bracing K 5503 Brewer. Elementary Engineering K 5368 Britton. Dry Rot in Timber K 5506 Brown (Ed. ). Engineering Facts and Figures, 1863-67. 3v K 735 Byrne. American Engineer's Assistant...*V 285 Chicago Board of Public Works, Reports, 1862- 91. 30v *Doc. Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, 1837- 60. 30v *Sier. Civil Engineers' Club of the Northwest, Pro¬ ceedings, 1878-9. V. 4 *Ser. Clarke. Elements of Graphic Statics K 5514 Principles of Graphic Statics *V 731 Cole. Permanent-Way Material K 5749 Cremona. Graphical Statics K 4114 Creosoting Timber; Process of Seeley *IC 560 Cresy. Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering*R 1044 Delaistre. Science de l'Ingénieur; avec Atlas. 3 V *V 1054 Dobson. Pioneer Engineering K 5573 Duane. Manual for Engineer Troops K 719 Du Bois. Elements of Graphical Statics with Plates. 2 V K 691 Du Bois, New Method of Graphical Statics. K 497® Strains in Framed Structures *V 941 Eddy. Graphical Statics K 4979 Engineer, The, 1856-91. 72V *Ser. Ehigineering, 1866-gI. 52v *Ser. Engineering and Building Record, 1889-91. v. 19-24 *Ser. Engineering and Mining Journal, 1873-91. V. 15-17, 20-52 *Ser. Engineering News, 1876-77. v. 3, 4 *Ser. Etienne et Masson. Terrassiers. C 6513,134-135 Fairbairn. Useful Information for Engi¬ neers. 3 V K 777 Application of Iron to Building PurposesK 776 Francis. Strength of Cast Iron Pillars.... K SS^S Galloupe. Index to Engineering Periodicals, 1883-87 *R 1226 Gaudard. Foundations K686,34 Gillmore. Compressive Resistance of Free¬ stone, Brick Piers, etc K 5^33 Greene. Graphics for Engineers. 3 v K 5510 Gurley. Instruments used in Engineering. K 5560 Haldane. Civil and Mechanical Engineer¬ ing .'. .K 5557 Harcourt. Achievements in Engineering.K 5607 Haswell. Engineers' Pocket-Book K 723 Hatfield. Theory of Transverse Strains.. K 177 Henck. Field Book for Railroad Engineers. K 5765 Heusinger von Waldegg. Vorarbeiten; mit Atlas. 2 v *V 987 Hoare. Slide-Rule R 1460 Holtzapffel. Scales of Equal Parts K 699 Horton. Complete Measurer K 1461 Hoskold. Engineer's Valuing Assistant.. .K S5°9 Humber. Calculation of Strains m Girders. K 55" (Ed.). Progress of Modern Engineering, 1863-66. 4v »R 4311 Ingenieurs Taschenbuch, 12 Auflage D 6810 Dasselbe, 13 Auflage 'D 6809 Institution of Civil Engineers, Proc., 1837-91. 105 v *Ser. Index, V. 1-30. 2v. The same, v. 1-58. Institution of Engineers in Scotland, Trans., 1858-80. V. I-14, 16-23 K 750 Jackson. Aid to Engineering Solution... K 5577 Kent. Strength of Materials K686,4i Kirkwood. Filtration of River Waters.. .*V 286 Knight. Mechanician and Constructor for Engineers *V 250 Lane. Adjustments of the Compass, Transit and Level K 5553 Laslett. Timber and Timber Trees K 697 FIRES—FIRE-ENGINES—SURVEYING. 363 Law. Civil Engineering K 1500 The same; ed. by Clarke K 1503 Loney. Elements of Statics K 5007 McDermott. Civil Engineer's Manual... K 690 MacMaster. High Masonry Dams K 686,22 MacWilliam. Essay on Dry Rot *V 584 Mahan. Treatise on Civil Engineering..K 708 Maitland. Building Estates K 1513 Marin. Portefeuille fur Ingenieure D 510 Maxton. Engineering Drawing K 1520 Merriman. Retaining Walls and Masonry Dams K 5612 Minchin. Treatise on Statics. 2v K 7196 Molesworth. Formulae for Engineers... .K 709 Morin. Résistance des Matériaux. 2 v.. .C 5945 Moseley. Engineering and Architecture.. K 710 Newman. Earthwoik Slips and SubsidencesK 5599 Scamping Tricks K 5650 Nipher. Magnetic Measurements K 5551 Paget. Testing of Chain Cables K 5^12 Perrot. Dessin des Cartes géographiques. C6513,270 Pettit. Graphic Processes K 686,76 Philbrick. Beams and Girders K 686,88 Plympton. How to become an Engineer. K686,100 Powell. Foundations K 3694 PuLLEN and Chandler. Excavation and Embankment T ables K 804 Rankine. Manual of Civil Engineering.... K 661 Recollections of English Engineers C 160 Richardson. Timber Freight-Book K 1569 Rickman. Life and Labors of Telford.. .*V 151 Plates *R 4826 Robertson. Engineering Notes K 771 Roos. Linkages K 686,47 Royal Engineers, Papers of, 1837-47. 9v.in7*V 247 Scott, F. J. National Works *K 7170 Scott, J. Draining and Embanking K 1595 Shields. Engineering Construction K 765 Shunk. Field Engineering K 5544 SiMMS. Public Works of Great Britain... .*R 4825 Smiles. Lives of Engineers. 4 V C 34 Smith. Topographical Drawing K 5548 Society of Engineers, Trans., 1860-89. 28 v.. *'Ser. Index, 1861-89. Spangenberg. Fatigue of Metals K 686,23 Spon's Dictionary of Engineering. 3 V. ...*R 1055 Supplement *R 1056 Stahl. Transmission of Power by Wire Ropes K 686,28 Stevenson. Civil Engineering in North America K 1590 Stoney. Theory of Strain in Girders, etc. .K 753 Stuart, B. How to become an Engineer. .K 5561 Stuart, C. B. Civil and Military EngineersK 1593 Tate. Retaining Walls K 686,7 Strength of Materials K 696 Tests of Materials for Industrial Purposes. 2 v. *Doc. Thurston. Materials of Construction K 5595 Materials of Engineering K 5502 v. I. Non-Metallic Materials. 2. Iron and Steel. 3. Non-Ferrous Metals and their Alloys. Todhunter. Analytical Statics K 446 .Strength of Materials K 7'99 TiÍautwine. Engineers' Pocket-book K 721 The same; new ed...._ K 55^2 Cubic Contents of Excavations K 759 The same; new ed K 5564 Laying out Circular Curves K 760 The same; new ed C 55^3 Twining. Technical Training K 1883 U. S. Corps of Engineers, Papers. 4v *Doc. Unwin. Testing of Materials of ConstructionK 5569 Van Nostrand's Engineering Magazine, 1869-86. 35 Y *Ser. Vose. Manual for Railroad Engineers K 596 Weale. Quarterly Papers on Engineering. 6v *V 39 Weyrauch. Strength of Structures K 693 WiLME. Hand-book for Mapping. *V 702 Wood. Resistance of Materials K 756 Zahner. Transmission of Power by com¬ pressed Air K 686,40 Zimmerman. Excavations and Embank¬ ments *K 664 SURVEYING, Arman. Admeasurement of Land K 1240 Ready Reckoner for Admeasurement of Land K 1242 Baker, I. O. Leveling; Barometric, Trigono¬ metric, and Spirit K 686,91 Baker, T. Land Engineering K 1275 Mensuration and Measuring K 1276 Bauernfeind. Vermessungskunde D 6762 Brough. Mine-Surveying K 5566 Carhart. Treatise on Plane Surveying.. .K 5565 Carpenter. Geographical Surveying.. .K 686,37 Clevenger. On Government Surveying. ..K 5542 Davies. Elements of Surveying K 716 The same; new ed K 717 Dix. Treatise on Land-Surveying K 5543 Dorr. The Surveyor's Guide K 5549 Fenwick and Baker. Subterraneous Survey¬ ing K 1367 364 PRACTICAL ARTS. Gillespie. Land Surveying K 700 and Staley. Treatise on Surveying. ..K 5552 Griffith. Instructions to Valuators and Sur¬ veyors K 5597 Gurley. Instruments used in Surveying.. .K 5560 Hawes. Manual of U. S. Surveying K 5547 Heather. Surveying Instruments K 1448,3 Jackson. Aid to Survey-Practice K SS74 Johnson. Theory and Practice of SurveyingK 5554 Lacroix. Arpentage C 6513,130 Lane. Adjustments of the Compass, Transit and Level K 5553 Lebossu. Toiseur en Bâtiments C 6513,15-16 Lendv. Military Surveying *V 741 Lintern. Mineral Surveyor and Valuer's Guide K 1508 Mendell. Military Surveying K 5610 Merrett. Land and Engineering SurveyingK 5541 Phelps. Pr.actical Marine Surveying K 5609 Plane-Table in Surveying K 5559 Reed. Photography applied to Surveying..*V 892 Robinson, H. N. Surveying and NavigationK 511 Robinson, J. L. Treatise on Marine Survey¬ ing K 5545 Schuyler. Surveying and Navigation K 424 Scott. Agricultural Surveying K1571 Specht. Topogr^hical Surveying K 686,72 U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Alaska, 1877, ^iRp 4961 Charts of the Gulf of Mexico.. .Map Case. UsiLL. Practical Surveying K 5572 winslow. Stadia Surveying K 686,77 SANITARY ENGINEERING—PLUMBING. Adams. Sewers and Drains K 687 Baumeister. The Cleaning and Sewerage of Cities K 5645 Bayles. House Drainage K 5526 Birch. Sewage Irrigation K 5586 Blake. Sewage Poisoning K 5589 The same N 447 Boulnois. Municipal and Sanitary Engi¬ neer's Handbook K 5539 Brown,G. Healthy Foundations for HousesK686,8o Brown, G. P. Sewer Gas and its Dangers. K 5592 Browne. Water Meters K 686,81 Buchan. Plumbing and House Drainage. .K 1299 Buckland. Pollution of Rivers K 5537 Buckton. Health in the House N 363 Burk. Utilization of Sewage N 445 Burn. Utilization of Town Sewage K 1309,5 Corfield. Sanitary Dwelling Houses.. .K 686,50» Sewerage and Sewage Utilization... .K 686,18 Treatment of Sewage N 450 Crimp. Sewage Disposal Works K 5598 Davies. Standard Practical Plumbing K 5528 Dempsey. Drainage of Districts and LandsK 1335 Drainage of Lands, Towns .nnd BuildingsK 1338 Drainage of Towns and Buildings K i33S Denton. Household Sanitation K 5581 Dye. Plot Water Supply K 4925. Eassie. Healthy Houses, Drainage, etc.. .N 360- Sanitary Dwellings N 361 Galton. Healthy Dwellings K 229. Gerhard. Disposal of Household Wastes.K686,97 Drainage and Sewerage of Dwellings. ..K 559®' House Drainage K686,63 Sanitary Drainage of Buildings K686,93 Green. Water Pollution ■*K8i5,2 Hartshorne. Our Homes N440,8 Hellyer. The Plumber and Sanitary HousesK 5593 House, The, and its Surroundings N 412 Hozier. Agricultural Drainage K 1128 Jenkin. Healthy Houses N 353 Klippart. Land Drainage K 1214. Krepp. The Sewage N 430 Latham. Sanitary Engineering K 747 Maguire. Sanitary Drainage and PlumbingK 5600 Manning. Sanitary Works abroad K 5584 Philbrick. American Sanitary EngineeringK 5529 Defects in House Drainage N 359 Plunkett. Women, Plumbers, Doctors.. .N 479 Putnam. Improved Plumbing Appliances..K 5590 Principles of House Drainage K 5517 Robinson. Sewage Disposal K 5587 and Melliss. Water-Carried Scwage..N 446 Rowan. Disease and Putrescent Air K 5582 Sanitary Engineer, 1882-86. v. 7,11,13 *Ser. Sanitary Era, 1886-91. 4 v *Ser. Sanitary Science Club; Home Sanitation.... K 5591 Slagg. Sanitary Work in Villages K 1577 The same N 431 Smith. Pneumatic Drainage K 5583 Staley and Pierson. Separate System of Sewerage K 558S St anger. House Sanitation K 5583 Teale. Sanitary Defects N 467 Thwaite. Factories, Workshops, WarehousesK 3696' Tidy. Treatment of Sewage...... K6S6,94 Tracy. Sanitary Information N 105 Varona. Sewer Gases K686,55. Waring. How to drain a House K 5527 Sanitary Condition of Houses K686,3i Sanitary Drainage N 449 HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING. 365 Waring. Drainage for Profit and Health. .K 1146 Sewerage and Land-Drainage *V 1762 Wheeler. Drainage of Fens and LowlandsK 1232 Williams. Pullman Sewerage *K 876,3 HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING. Ansted. Water and Water Supply K_ 5520 Bale. Pumps and Pumping K 4948 BeaRDMORE. Manual of Hydrology K 588 Bell. Cincinnati Water Works." K 55^3 Water .Supply of the World »... K 55^4 Beloe. Catch-Water Reservoirs K 592 Biston. Pompes C65i3,i4S Björling. Pump Construction K 4945 Bodmer. Hydraulic Motors K 4972 Boston Water Works B 1065 Bowie. Hydraulic Mining K 4689 Box. Practical Hydraulics K 589 Bresse. Water-Wheels; Hydraulic Motors.K 587 Brisse and Rotroii. Draining of Lake Fu- cino *R 4214 Plates *R 4820 Brown. Water Supply of South Africa.. . .K 5621 Browne, J. H. B. Water Supply K 5519 Browne, R. E. Water Meters K686,8i Burnell. Hydraulic Engineering K 1313 Chicago, Tunnel and Water System of., .. ..B 1373 Church. Mechanics of Engineering; Hy¬ draulics and Pneumatics.". K 5579 colyer. Pumps and Pumping Machinery. 2v K 4947 COOLEY. Lakes and Gulf Waterway *V 1746 corfield. Water and Water Supply K686,i7 CORTHELL. Jetties of the Mississippi K 5501 Craig. Fluid Motion K686,43,49 CuLLEN. Construction of Water Wheels.. .K 657 Donaldson. Construction of Water WheelsK 586 Ellet. Ohio and Mississippi Rivers K 757 Ewbank. Hydraulic Machines K 595 Fanning. Water Supply Engineering K 5531 Flynn. Flow of Water in open Channels. K686,84 Hydraulic Tables K686,67 Fontaine. Hydraulic Engineering *V 691,1 Francis. Lowell Hydraulic Experiinents.*V 283 Frisi. Rivers and Torrents K 1378 Ganguillet and Kutter. Flow of Water in Rivers, etc K 5515 Gleason and Bailey Mfg. Co., Catalogue of Pumps K 4946 Glynn. Power of Water K 1396 Hale. Standard Hydraulic Elevators... .*V 778 Harcourt. Control and Improvement of Rivers. 2v K 5575 Hartmann. Die Pumpen D 6812 Heinemann. Hydraulik D 394 Hett. Rural Water Supply K 5568 Hewson. Embanking River Lands K 5532 Hughes. Treatise on Water-Works K 1466 Humber. Water Supply of Cities and Towns*R 4282 Humphreys and Abbot. Physics and Hy¬ draulics of the Mississippi River ^Doc, Review of ; by Abbot *K 677 Jacob. Retaining Walls K 686,3 Storage Reservoirs K686,6 Janvier. Hydraulique C65i3,276 King. Croton Aqueduct *V 244 Knapp. Hydraulic Truisms *K8i5,4 La Hodde. Drainage €6513,223 Lamb. Mathematical Theory of the Motion of Fluids K 55^® Leffel. Construction of Mill Dams. .■ K 583 Liais. Hydrographie du Haut San Francisco*P 954 Mann. River Bars; their Formation, etc...K ^608 Manual of American Water-Works, 1888.. .K 557^ Maî12Y. L'Hydraulique C 4188 Matthews. Hydraulia; Water Works of Lon¬ don K 594 Meissner. Hydraulik und hydraulische Mo¬ toren. 2 v. in 3 D 4523 Dasselbe D 6837 Merriman. Treatise on Hydraulics..K 5641 Michell. Mine Drainage K 5603 Nevi"lle. Hydraulic Tables K 5521 Nichols. Water Supply K 5525 Nicollet. Hydrographieal Basin of the Mis¬ sissippi K 2837 Prague, Bericht der Wasserversorgungs-Kom¬ mission *V 962 Pullen and Chandler. . Excavation and Embankment Tables K 804 Rance. Water Supply of England and WalesK 5516 RÉVY. Hydraulics of Great Rivers 'R 430S Robinson. Hydraulic Power and MachineryK 5640 Slagg. Water Engineering K 5578 Smith. Hydraulics; Flow of Water through Pipes ...*V 1760 Spun. Sinking and Boring Wells K 5518 Stevenson. Canal and River Engineering.K 5508 Swindell. Well-Sinking K 1593 Thom. Shaw's Water Scheme *L3205,12 Weisbach. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Mo¬ tors K 660,2 Wells. Water Power of Maine B 949 Wiggins. Embanking Lands from the Sea.K 1624 366 PRACTICAL ARTS. Zimmerman. Tables for Excavations and Embankments »K 664 CANALS, HARBORS AND LIGHTHOUSES. Adams. Lighthouses and Lightships K 2621 Barnard. North Sea Canal of Holland *Doc. Domke und Beyer, Verzeichniss der See¬ leuchten der Erde, 1872 «R 3765 Edwards. Our Seamarks, Lighthouses, etc.K 5905 Erie and Champlain Canals. 2 v *Doc. Findlav. Lighthouses and Coast Fog Signals of the World, 1885 K 5781 Fitzgerald. Suez Canal. 2v I 1687 Harcourt. Harbors and Docks. 2 v... .K 5546 Treatise on Rivers and Canals. 2 v... .K 5575 Heap. Ancient and Modem Light-Houses.K 5785 Inter-Oceanic Canal of Nicaragua, History and Prospects «V 1720 Jeans. Waterways and Water Transport.. .K 5605 Johnson. Modern Light-House Service.... •Z?<7r. Keeper. Canals of Canada K 5902 Kingsford. The Canadian Canals K 5904 Lesseps. The Suez Canal I 8605 The Isthmus of Suez Question I 1782 Nourse. Maritime Canal of Suez ♦K 876,1 Renard. Les Phares. C 4197 Ringwalt. Development of Canals *V 937 Stevenson, A. Skerryvore Lighthouse.. .*V 226 Stevenson, D. Canal and River Engineer¬ ing K SS°8 Stevenson, T. Construction of Harbours..K 5555 Stuart. Naval Dry Docks of the U. S... *V 288 Tanner. Canak and Railroads of the U.S.K 5903 Vuillaume (Maxime Helene). Routes du Globe C13302 RAILROADS. acworth. Railways and the Traders L 3878 Railways of England K 5757 Adams, C. F. Railroad Accidents K 597 Railroads: their Origin and Problems.. .K 725 Adams, W. B. Roads and Raik K 5758 Alexander. Railway Practice K 5773 Barry. Railway Appliances K 701 Brees. Railway Practice; Plans *R 4894 Chattaway. Railways, Capitals and Divi¬ dends K. 1320 Chevalier. Voies de Communication aux Etats-Unis, avec Atlas. 2 v *V 373 Clark. Railways and Tramways K8oi,io Tramways; their Construction, etc K 575® Clarke and others. The American RailwayK 5756 Cole. Permanent-Way Material K 5749 cooke and Beggs. Railway and Steamship Supplies *R 3751 Crosdy and Bell. Electric Railway K 5769 Dabney. Public Regulations of Railways..L 3829 Dorsey. English and American Railroads. K 5759 Dredge. Pennsylvania Railroad *R m Easton. Street Railways K 714 Engineering News and American Railway Journal, 1889-91. v. 21-25 *Ser. Findlay. Management of an English Rail¬ ways K 5755 Fink. Railroad Problem and its Solution.'K 5743 Fleming. Narrow Gauge Railways K 748 Flint. Statistics of Railroads of the U. S.. L 1654 Francis. The English Railway, 1820-45.2v.K 57^0 George. Forty Years on the Rail K 5768 Goodeve. Railway Passengers and Com¬ panies N 4810 Guillemin. Les Chemins de Fer C 4177 Hadley. Railroad Transportation K 5770 Hall. Car Lubrication K 5745 Hamilton. Information for R. R. Men.. .K 698 Henck. Field-Book for Railroad EngineersK 5765 Holley. American and European Railway Practice 'V 261 and Colburn. Permanent Way of Euro¬ pean Railroads 'V 259 Hudson, The Railways and the Republic. K 5771 Huntington. Roadmaster's Assistant K 5766 Jervis. Construction and Management of Railroads K 613 Kennedy. Wonders of the Railway K 5763 Kirkman. Railway Disbursements K 857 Railway Rates and Government Control. L 3879 Railway Revenue K 858 Kohlfuerst. Elektrische Einrichtungen der Eisenbahnen D429,12 Kraemer. Die elektrische Eisenbahn ...D429,i7 Lardner. Railway Economy K 722 Lee. Bibliography of the B. and o. R. R.*0 137 Letters on a Ship Railway 'K 876 Miller. Trussed Platforms for R. R. Cars K 5744 Morgan. Railway Problem in the U. S...L3815 National Car and Locomotive Builder, 1887-91. v. 17-22 *Ser. Northern Pacific Railroad; its History, etc. .*1 5445 Pacific Railroad Explorations *Doc. Paine. Elements of Railroading K 5764 Parsloe. Our Railways K 802 Peet. Ashtabula Disaster B 1316 Pike. Railway Adventures K 5767 RAILROADS—ROADS—PAVEMENTS—BRIDGES—ETC. 367 Poor. Directory of Railway Officials, i886*R 3743 The First International Railway K 5756 Railroad Manual of the U. S., 1873-74, 1881, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1890, 1891. 7v *R 3742 Prindle. The Electric Railway K 5753 Railroad and Engineering Journal, 1887-90. 4v *Ser. Railroad Gazette, 1873-76. v. 5-8 *S(r. Railroads in Relation to the Public *K 7170 Railway Age, 1889-91. v. 14-16 *Ser. Railway Monitor, 1873-74. 2v *Ser. Railway Review (Chicago), 1877-91. v.17-31. *Ser. Railway World, 1876-77. v. 2,3 *Ser. Rapid Transit, Report on *K 5743 Records of National Ticket Agents' Ass'n... K 803 Reynolds. Continuous Railway Brakes...K 5741 Robinson. Railroad Eccjpomics K686,59 Roebling. Railway Bridges *R 4874 Schweiger. Das eiserne Jahrhundert D 608 Scott. Texasand Pacific Railway *K 7170 Smalley. History of the Northern Pacific R. R K 5762 Smith, J. B. Rope Traction on Street Rail¬ ways K 5751 Smith, W. P. History of B. and O. R. R..K 812 Spencer. Railway Morals and Policy.. .1 4000,25 Spooner. Narrow Gauge Railways K 5742 Statistics of R, R., Grain and Produce, 1882-3L 1583 Stephenson. Railway Construction K 1588 Stimson. History of the Express Business.K 5800 Street Railway Gazette, 1886-90. 5v *Ser. Stretton. Safe Railway Working K 5754 Stuckle. Chemin de Fer de Tehuantepec*K 677 Swann. Investor's Notes on American Rail¬ roads K 5772 Switchmen's Journal, 1887-91. 5 v *Ser. Transportation of Ships on Railways *K 7170 Trautwine. Circular Curves for RailroadsK 760 The same; new ed K 5563 Trevert. Electric Railway Engineering. .K 7714 Value of Railroad Securities, 1877-81 L 3646 Vernon. American Railroad Manual, 1873-4. 2 V *R 3740 VosE. Manual for Railroad Engineers K 596 Waring. State-Purchase of Railways L 3310 Wellington. Location of Railways K 5774 Western Railroads, Proceedings, 1878 K 5748 Whipple. The Electric Railway K 5747 Williams. The Midland Railway K 5761 With. Chemins de Fer C6S13,20-21 Atlas *C 6513,22 Wright. American Street Railways K 5752 ROADS AND ROAD BUILDING-PAVEMENTS. Burgoyne. Construction of Roads K 1304 Burke. Brick for Street Pavements K 5647 CoDRiNGTON. Maintenance of Macadamised Roads K 5648 Gillmore. Roads, Pavements, etc K 775 Law and CLARK. Construction of Roads and Streets K. 1505 Maudslay. Highways and Horses K 5567 Move for Better Roads; Road Making and Road Laws K 5606 Parnell. Treatise on Roads K 5507 Potter. The Road and Roadside K 555^ Shaw. Specimens of Tile Pavements *R 4289 Stow Foundation Pavement *K 560 Street Re-alignment of London, Essays on. .K 554° Streets and Highways in Foreign Countries. .K 5646 BRIDGES.—ARCHES.—ROOFS. Album of Designs of Bridges, Roofs, etc.. .*R 4856 Allan. Theory of Arches K686,11 Baker. Long-Span Railway Bridges K 5830 Barlow. The New Tay Bridge *V 1751 Bender. Pins used in Bridges K 686,4 Treatise on Continuous Bridges K 683 Bland. Construction of Arches, etc K 1290 Boller. Iron Highway Bridgçs K 707 Brandon. Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages *R 4462 Burr. Stresses in Bridge and Roof Trusses.K 5504 Cain. Stresses in Framed Bridges K686,38 Practical Theory of Voussior Arches.. .K686,12 Solid and Braced Elastic Arches K686,48 Voussoir Arches for Bridges K686,42 Campin. Iron applied to Bridges K 1316 Chanute and Morison. Kansas City Bridge *V 246 Clark. Britannia and Conway Bridges. 2v.K 692 Cooper. American Railroad Bridges K 5829 Crehore. Mechanics of the Girder..K 5570 CuLLEY. Helicoidal Oblique Arches K686,87 Dempsey. Tubular and Iron girded BridgesK 1336 Du BoiS. Strains in Railway Bridge Trusses*V 942 Ellis. Iron Bridge over Connecticut River*K 677 Fidler. Treatise on Bridge Construction.. K 5831 Foster. Wooden Trestle Bridges *V 1776 Gayffier. Ponts et Chaussées C6513,25-26 Greene, Graphics for Engineers K 5510 v. I. Roof-Trusses. 2. Bridge-Trusses. 3. Arches in Wood, Stone and Iron. Haupt. Bridge Construction K 704 368 PRACTICAL ARTS. Heinzeri.ino. Brtcken- und Hochbnu Con- structionen D 6815 Hochbauten mit eisernen Dächern... .*V 985 Henrici. Skeleton Structures K 713 Hildebkand. Cable-Making for Suspension Bridges K686,32 Hiroi. Plate Girder Construction K686,9S Hughes and others. Construction of Roofs. K 1467 Humber. Cast and Wrought Iron Bridges*R 4298 HuTTON. Washington Bridge over Harlem River *V 1747 Hyde. Skew Arches K686,is Iron Railroad Bridges *K. 677 McMaster. Bridge and Tunnel Centers. .K686,20 Mavnard. , Viaduct Works'Handbook K 5825 Menzel. Das Dach D 6838 Merrill. Iron Truss Bridges for Railroads*V 245 Merriman. Continuous Bridges K686,25 Kandeler. Graphics of Bridge Trusses. .*K876,2 Narjoux. Histoire d'un Pont C 6009 New York and Brooklyn BridgOj Opening Ceremonies B 3973 Report on B 3974 Pendred. Iron Bridges K 1539 Robinson. Strength of Wrought Iron Bridges K686,60 Roebling. Long and short Span Bridges.*R 4874 Romain. Ponts et «Chaussées C6si3,283 Schaeffer u. Sonne. Der Brückenbau. 2v.*V 988 Shreve. Strength of Bridges and Roofs.. .K 705 I'nwin. Iron Bridges and Rpofs K 712 VosE. Bridge Disasters in America K 5571 Weale. Theory and Practice of Bridges. 4 V. in 3 "K 715 Supplement; by Bumell *K 715,5 Whipple. Bridge Building K 720 Wood. Construction of Bridges and Roofs. K 755 BUILDING AND BUILDING .M.VTERIAI^S. American Builder. See Builder and Wood¬ worker. Ardenn i et Fonteneli.e. Poêlier-FuinisteC6513,137 Austin. Limes and Cements K 5534 Baker. Masonry Construction K 5594 Bale. Stone-Working Machinery K 4955 Bataille. Construction moderne C65i3,i79 Atlas *V 1086 Beckett. Book on Building K 1287 Behse. Arbeiten des Maurers und Stein¬ hauers D 584 Atlas *V 1035 Berg. Safe Building: Rules for Construction of Buildings K 3729 Bernmardi. Kalkziegelfabrikation D 394 Bevan. Building Stones K8oi,i3 Bi.ackall. Builders'Hardware K 3750 Booth. Marble Worker's Manual K 635 Bousfiei.d.- Timber Merchant and Builder's Vade Mecum K 3732 Brandt. Eisen Constructionen D 6814 Breymann. Allgemeine Bau-Constructions- lehre. 4 v *V 994 Brooks. Erection of Dwelling Houses.... K 1297 Builder, The, 1843-91. 6l v *Ser. Builder and Woodworker, 1874-90. v. io-z6*Ser. Builders' and Contractors' Price Book K 1300 Building, 1889-90. v. 10,11 *Ser. Building and Machine Draughtsman K 3766 Building News, 1873-91.* v. 24-61 *Ser. BuNce. My House E 2001 Burn. Building Construction; Brick. 2 v..K 2875 Building Construction; Timber. 2 v..,K 2876 Handbook of Mechanical Arts K 3684 Masonry, Bricklaying and PJastering. .'V 920 Burnell. Limes, Cements, etc K 1312 Burnham. Limestonesand Marbles K 937S Cameron. Plasterer's Manual K 6233 Clark. Building Superintendence K 369S Clavering. Construction and Building of Chimneys K 3707 CraRY. 60 Years a Brickmaker K 6246 Davis. Brick, Tiles and Terra-Cotta K 4294 DoBSON, Art of Building K 1345 Bricks and Tiles K 1346 Foundation and Concrete Work ¡K 1347 Masonry and Stone-cutting K 1344 Eckstein. Treatise on Chimneys K 3731 Edwards. Our Domestic Fire-PIaces K 26S0 Smoky Chimneys K 3687 Engineering and Building Record, 1889-91. v. 19-23 *Ser. Gillmore. Coignet-Béton and other Artificial Stones K 745 Limes, Hydraulic Cements and Mortars. K 746 Grandv. Timber Importer's and Builder's Guide K 1407 Halsted. Bams and Outbuildings K 3681 Hammond. Brickcutting and Setting K 1434 Practical Bricklaying K 1433 Harres. Schule des Steinmetzen D 628 Heinzerling. Hochbauten mit eisernen Dächern *V 985 Heuze. Manual des Constructions agri¬ coles C6si3,i5i BUILDING—WARMING—VENTILATING—CARPENTRY. 369 Heuze. * Construction Agricoles; Atlas "V 1087 Hodgson. Builder's Guide and Estimator's Price Book K 3752 Hoskings. Regulations for Buildings in Towns K 181 How to Build, Furnish and Decorate *R 3878 Hull. Building and Ornamental Stones.. .K 2553 Building Stones K 801,2 Hyatt. Portland Cement Concrete *V 524 Jeep. Das Eisen beim Hochbau D 6813 Jones. Asbestos; its Properties and Uses... K 4361 KERit. The Consulting Architect K 3728 Kidder. Builder's Pocket-Book K 3734 Klasen. Hochbau Constructionen in Metal¬ len *V 992 Holz und Holzeisen Constructionen des Hochbaues *V 993 Lebossu. Manuel du Toj^eur en Bâti¬ ments C 6513,15-16 Lee. Marble and Marble Workem K 4323 Magnier. Chaufournier C65i3,225 Maitland. Building Estates K 1513 Malepevre. Briquetier C6513,93-94 Manufacturer and Builder, 1870-91. v.2,5-23 Marcotte. Building Safe-Guide IC 3689 Merrill. Stones for Building and Decora¬ tion K 2556 New Practical Builder and Workman's Com¬ panion. 2 V *V 861 Newman. Notes on and Works in Con¬ crete ,.K 5558 Notes on Building Construction. 3v K 201 Pasley. Limes, Cements, Mortars, etc K 5535 Real Estate and Building Journal, 1887-91. v. 29-33 *Ser. Reíd. Practical Treatise on Concrete K 5536 Manufacture of Portland Cement K 5530 Robson. Domestic Building Construction..*R 4898 Seddon. Builder'sWorkandBuildingTradesK 3730 Simon. House-Owner's Estimator K 189 Stonemason and Bricklayer K 6245 Tarn. Science of Building IC 1326 ToTTEN. Hydraulic and Common Mortars. K 5533 T oussAiNT,- C.J. Coupe des Pierres.... C6513,207 Atlas *V 1080 Toussaint, G. A. Maçon, Couvreur, etc.C65i3,2i9 Ungewitter. Ziegel-und Steinarbeiten. .*R 4342 vicat. Treatise on Mortars and Cements.. K 5538 Wahl. Constructive Arts *R 76,5 Walker. Treatisd on Brickwork K 1617 "WiGHTWicK and Guillaume. Hints to Young Architects K 1625, Willcox. Hints to those who build *K 559 WARMING.—VENTILATION.—LIGHTING. ARDENNietFoNTENEl.le. PpÊlier FumisteC6513,137 Arnott. On the Smokeless Fire-Place.... K 146 Baker. Artificial Warmth and Ventilation. K 207 Baldwin. Hot-Water Heating and Fitting.K 7557 Steam Heating for Buildings K 7549 The same; new ed K 7548 Bernan. Ventilation and Warming. 2 v..K 2719 Bernhardi. Die Luftcirculationsheizung.. D 2449 Bernstein. Praktische Heizung D383,14-15 Billings. Ventilation and Heating K 7552 Briggs. Steam Heating K686,68 BticHAN. Ventilation of Buildings K 1302 Butler. Ventilation of Buildings K 686,5 Drysdale and Hayward. Health in House Building; Ventilation with Warm Air..K 7558 Edwards. Ventilation of Dwelling Houses.K 7559 Ei.dridge. Hot Water Apparatus K 4924 Fawkes. Hot Water Heating K 7547 Figuier. Eclairage *Vno5,4 Gouge. New System of Ventilation N 474 Hood. Warming and Ventilation K 2767 The same; new ed K 2578 Kittredge (Ed.). The Metal Worker; Essay on House Heating K 7556 Leeds. Treatise on Ventilation. 2 v K 2759 Mills. Heat; Warming and Ventilation of Buildings. 2v K 7565 Morin. Études sur la Ventilation. 2 v....C •5944 Morrison. Ventilation and Warming of School Buildings K 7555 Power. Heating, Ventilation, etc *K 560 Putnam. The open Fire-place in all Ages.. K 7550 Rafter. Mechanics of Ventilation K686,33 Reid. Illustrations of Ventilation K 7551 Romain. Chauffage et Ventilation C65i3,279 Ruehlmann. Handbuch der mechanischen Wärmetheorie. 2 v D 6861 Schumann. Heating and Ventilation K 7546 South Kensington, Heating, Lighting and Ven¬ tilation of K 351 Steavenson. Ventilating Machines K 7562 Tomlinson. Warming and Ventilation... .K 1609 Whipple. Municipal Lighting K 7709 WOLPERT. Ventilation und Heizung D 6912 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY.—STAIR BUILDING. Behse. Arbeiten des Zimmermanns D 585 Atlas *V 1036 Bell. Carpentry made easy IK 150 370 PRACTICAL ARTS. Biston. Charpíntier €6513,79-80. Atlas «Cós 13,81 Boutereau. Escaliers en Bois €6513,140 Atlas »V 1084 Bouzique. Menuiserie €6513,165 BtJRN. New Guide to €arpentry *V 229 COLLINOS. Treatise on Handrailing and Stairbuilding K 1298 €ircular Work in €arpentry K 1324 CUPPER. Universal Stair-Builder *R 4324 Davidson. Amateur House €arpenter....K 3677 Boy Joiner and Model Maker K 3683 Decker. Industrial Drawing for €arpentersK 3765 désormeaux. Treillageur €6513,156 Every Man his own Mechanic K 3693 Fink. Der Bautischler D 624 Gould. American Stair-Builder's Guide.. .K 3686 Garpenter's Assistant K 178 Hatfield. American House €arpenter.. ..K 180 The sime K 3685 Hertel. A B € des Zimmermann's D 560 Hodgson. €arpenters' Steel Square and its Uses K 3751 Monckton. National Builder *V 268 National Stair-Builder 'V 269 Nosban. Menuisier en Bâtiments ¿6513,1-2 Riddell. Modern €arpenter and Builder.*V 1757 Simon. House-Owner's Estimator K 189 Stoeckel. Bau-Kunst- und MöbelschreinerD 556 Atlas *V 1032 Tarbuck. Encyclopaedia of Practical €ar- pentry *V 545 Tredgold. Principles of €arpentry K 3682 Carpentry and Joinery K 1611 Atlas *V 289 Sie also Architecture, page 339. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Allsop. Electric Bell Construction K 7667 Practical Electric Bell Fitting K 7695 American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Trans., 1884-90. v. 1,2,5-7 *Ser. Atkinson. Elements of Dynamic ElectricityK 7672 Elements of Static Electricity K 7630 Ayrton. Practical Electricity K 7628 Badt. Bell-Hangers' Hand-Book K 7644 Dynamo-Tenders' Hand-Book K 7^35 Electro Transmission Hand-Book K 7688 Incandescent Wiring Hand-Book K 7653 and Carh.irt. Electrical Units K 7661 Benjamin. Age of Electricity K 7620 Berlv. . Electrical Directory, 1883 *R 1121 Biggs. First Principles of Electrical Engi¬ neering K 7692 Blakesley. Alternating Currents K 7659 BoTToNE. The Dynamo; how made and how used K 7655 Electric Bells ... .K 7654 Electrical Instrument Maker K 7645 Brackett. Electricity in Daily Life K 7664 Carhart. Primary Batteries K 7691 Crofts. How to make a Dynamo K 7639 Gumming. Electricity treated exiJerimentallyK 7658 Day. Electrical Measurement K 77íi DeCew. Magneto- and Dynamo-Electric Ma¬ chines K 7631 Desmond. Electricity for Engineers K 7662 Du Moncel. Applications de l'Electricité. 5 V C 4749 et Geraldy. L'Électricité comme Force motrice C 5943 Electricity as a Motive Power K 7593 Dyer. Induction Coils K686,53 Electrical Conference at Philadelphia, 1884.K 7642 Electrical Engineer, 1888-91. v. 8-12 *Ser, Electrical Review, 1887-91. v. 9-18 *Ser. Electrician, 1889-91. v. 23-27 *Ser. Elektro-technische Bibliothek D 429 v.l. Glaser-DeCew. Magnet-und dy¬ namoelektrische Maschinen. 2. Japing. Elektrische Kraftübertrag¬ ung. 3. Urbanitzky. Das elektrische Licht. 4. Hauck. Galvanische Batterien. 5. Sack. Verkehrs Télégraphié. 6. ScHWARTZE. Telephon, Mikro¬ phon und Radiophon. 7. Japing. Elektrolyse, Galvanoplas¬ tik, etc. 8. wilke. Elektrische Instrumente. 9. Hauck. Grundlehren der Elek- tricität. 10. Zech. Elektrisches Formelbuch. 11. Urbanitzky. Elektrische Beleucht¬ ung. 12. Kohlfuerst. Elektrische Einrich¬ tungen der Eisenbahnen. 13. Tobler. Elektrische Uhren und Feuerwehr-Telegraphie. 14. Canter. Haus, und Hotel-Tele- graphie. 15. Waechter. Elektricität für militä¬ rische Zwecke. 16. Zacharias. Elektrische Leitungen. 17. Kraemer. Elektrische Eisenbahn. 18. Lewandowski. Elektrotechnik in der Heilkunde. 19. Zenger. Spannungs-Elektricität. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Elektro-technische Bibliothek D 429 v. 20. May. Weltliferatur der Elektricität und des Magnetismus. 21. ScHWARTZE. Motoren der elektri¬ schen Maschinen. 22. Wallentin. Generatoren hoch¬ gespannter Elektricität. 23. Tumlirz. Das Potential. 24. Zacharias, Unterhaltung der elek¬ trischen Leitungen. 25. Granfeld. Die Mehrfach-Telegra- phie. 26. juellig. Die Kabeltelegraphie. 27. Fodor. Das Glühlicht. 28. Albrecht. Geschichte der Elek¬ tricität. 29. Urbanitzkv. Blitz und Blitzschutz¬ vorrichtungen. 30. schaschl. Die Galvanostegie. 31. Wietlisbach. Die Technik des Fernsprechwesens. 32. Krues. Die elektro-technische Pho¬ tometrie. 33. Neumayer. Die Laboratorien der Elektro-T echnik. 34. ÜRBANITZKY. Elektricität und Mag¬ netismus im Alterthume. 35. Gessmann. Magnetismus und Hypnotismus. 36. Gerland. Elektricität bei registri- renden Apparaten. 37. Höh. Elektricität als kosmotellu- rische Kraft. 38. Auerbach. Die Wirkungsgesetze elektrischer Maschinen. 39. Fodor. Kostenvoranschläge elek¬ trischer Lichtanlagen. 40. Fiedler. Die Zeittelegraphen und die elektrischen Uhren. 41. Fodor. Die elektrischen Motoren. 42. Zacharias. Die Glühlampe. 43. Fodor. , Die elektrischen Ver¬ brauchsmesser. 44. Fodor. Elektrische Schweissung und Löthung. Fiske. Electricity in Theory and Practice..K 7612 Fleming. Alternate Current Transformer. K 7657 Lectures to Electrical Artisans K 7621 Gordon. School Electricity K 7623 Gray, A. Measurements in Electricity.... K 7610 Gray, J. Electrical Influence Machines...K 7668 Greer. Recent Wonders in Electricity... .K 7600 Haskins. Galvanometer and its Uses K 7613 PIering. Dynamo Electric Machines K 7636 371 Hering. Universal Wiring Computer K 7711 Winding Magnets for Dynamos K 76^6 Higgs. Electric Transmission of Power... .K 7592 Hobbs. Arithmetic of Electrical Measure¬ ments K 7693 Hopkinson. Dynamic Electricity K686,7l Hospitalier. Applications of Electricity. 2 v K 7S9S Domestic Electricity K 7617 Houston. Dictionary of Electrical Words, Terms and Phrases '. *R 1120 Index of U. S. Patents relating to Electricity, 1881-90. 9 V. in 3 Pa¿. Dept. Kapp. Alternate-Current Machinery...... K6S6,g6 Electric Transmission of Energy K 7626 Kempe. Electrical Engineer's Pocket-Book.K 7673 Handbook of Electrical Testing K 7589 Kennelly and wilkinson. Notes for Elec¬ trical Students K 7720 Kimball. The Dynamo; how to make and use it K 7686 Kir wan. Easy Lessons in Electricity K 7618 Modern Electricity K 7643 Lefèvre. Dictionnaire d'Electricité et Mag¬ nétisme *R 1119 Lockwood, Electrical Measurement K 7690 Martin and Wetzler. The Electric Motor*V 876 Maycock. Electrical Notes and DefinitionsK 7706 Meadowcroft. a B C of Electricity.. .. K 2873 Merrell. Dynamo Electric Machines.. .*K 815,1 Munro. Electricity and its Uses K 7704 and Jamieson. Electrical Rules and Tables K 7611 Niaudet. Electric Batteries K 7614 Parkhurst. Electric Motor Construction for Amateurs K 7733 Planté. Storage of Electrical Energy... .K 7660 Practical Electrics; Handy-Book of Electrical Matters K 7651 Prescott. Dynamo Electricity K 7604 Prindle. Treati.se on the Electric Railway.K 5753 Schellen. Magneto-Electric and Dynamo- Electric Machines K 7609 Slingo and Brooker. Electrical Engineer¬ ing K 7678 Sloane. Arithmetic of Electricity K 7674 Electric Toy Making for Amateurs K 7694 Electricity simplified K 7682 Sprague. Theory and Applications of Elec¬ tricity K 7605 Thompson. Dynamo-Electric Machinery.. K 7603 The same K686,66 The same; new ed K 7727 Dynamo-Electric Machines K686,75 372 PRACTICAL ARTS. Thompson. The Electromagnet K 7701 Lectures on the Electromagnet K 7666 Thi'rston. Steam Engines for Electric Lighting K 5352 Trevert. Dynamos and Electric Motors.. K 7670 Electric Railway Engineering K 7714 Eiectricity and its Applications K 7671 Everybody's Hand Book of Electricity. .K 7687 Experimental Electricity K 7649 How to intake Electric Batteries at HomeK 7685 Tunzelmann. Electricity in Modern Life.. K 7705 Urbanitzky. Electricity in the Service of Man K 7622 Urqhhart. Dynamo Construction K 7703 Electric Light Fitting K 7665 Electro-Motors K 7587 Verity. Electricity for Light, Power and Traction K 7699 Walker, F. Practical Dynamo-Building for Amateurs K686,98 Walker, S. F. Electricity in our Homes. .K 7669 Watson. Hand-Book of Wiring Tables...K 7713 Webb. Testing Insulated Wires and CablesK 7683 See also Electricity and Magnetism. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. Abernethy. Commercial and Railway Tele¬ graphy K 5969 American Rapid Telegraph Company ♦K 7170 Arago. Der elektrische Telegraph D38l,S Beechey. Ellectro-Telegraphy K 641 Bond. Hand-book of the Telegraph K 1295 Briggs and Maverick. Story of the Tele¬ graph K 5977 CuLLEY. Hand-book of Telegraphy K 2803 Day. Plan for Electric Telegraph, 1818 .*ES04l,5 Dickersgn. Henry and the Magnetic Tele¬ graph K 5975 Dyer. Induction Coils K686,53 Fahie. Electric Telegraphy to 1837 K S974 Fiedler. Zeittelegraphen u. die elektrischen Uhren D429,40 Field. History of the Atlantic Telegraph. .K 5971 Fischer. Post und Telegraphic D 4708 Galvanized Iron Wire for Telegraph K S9S0 Granfeld. Mehrfach-Telegraphie D429,2S History of the Atlantic Telegraph K 5973 Hoskler. Electric Telegraph Cables..,..K 5935 Juelug. Die Kabeltelegraphie D429,26 Lockwood. Electric Telegraphy K 7601 Loring. Electro-Magnetic Telegraph K 683 Mangin. Les Télégraphes C 3879 Mayer and Davis. The Quadruplex K 3978 Mullaly. The Ocean Telegraph K 3973 Ocean Telegraphy, 23th Anniversary, 1879.*K 5972 Parkinson. Ocean Telegraph to India I 1312 Plum. Military Telegraph in the War. 2v.B 606 Pope. Modern Electric Telegraph, 1874.. .K 2742 The same, 1891 K2742 d Preece and Sivewright. Telegraphy K 2832 Prescott. Electric Telegraph K 636 Electricity and Telegraph K 2831 Reid. The Telegraph in America K 3979 Romain. Télégraphie électrique 06313,280 Russell. The Atlantic Telegraph *V 398 Sabine. The Electric Telegraph K 1373 Telegraphy K8oi,io Sack. Die Verkehrs-Telegraphie D 429,3 Sauer. The Telegniph in Europe *K 654 Schwendler. Instructions for Testing Tele¬ graph Lines K 3967 Shaffner. Telegraph Manual K 3970 Swift. Practical Telegrapher K 3968 Taylor. Henry on the Telegraph K 377 Telegraphic Journal and Electrical Review, 1872-3. v. i *Ser. Ternant. Les Télégraphes C13206 Veredarius. Post und Télégraphié *v- 899 Walker. Télégraphie électrique 06313,137 Wells. Relations of the Government to the Telegraph L 3328 Williams. Manual of Telegraphy K 3980 Wilson. Electricity and Telegraph I 4000,24 See also Electricity and Magnetism. THE TELEPHONE. Allsop. Telephones; their Construction and Fitting K 3964 Dolbear. The Telephone K 2641 Du Moncel. The Telephone K 374 Figuier. Le Téléphone C 4921 Galvanized Iron Wire for Telephone K 3931 Lockwood. Practical Information for Tele¬ phonists K 3963 Poole. Telephone Handbook K 7712 Preece and Maier. The Telephone .... K 3966 Prescott. Bell's Speaking Telephone....K 7608 Speaking Telephone and Novelties K 367 The same; new ed K 369 Thompson. P. Reis, Inventor of the Tele¬ phone K 3963 Wietlisbach. Die Technik des Femsprech- wesens D429,3i LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. Anderson. Lightning Conductors K 7394 Lightning Conductors K 888 ELECTRIC LIGHTING —MILITARY SCIENCE. 373 Molloy. Lightning Conductors K7232,i4 Parnell. The Action of Lightning K 7741 Spang. Lightning Protection K 7^15 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Alglave and Boui.ard. Electric Light. ...K 7599 Anderson. Dangers of Electric Lighting.*K 5743 Atkinson. Electric Lighting K 7637 Badt. Incandescent Wiring Hand-Book ..IC7653 Bernstein. Die elektrische Beleuchtung. .D 4406 Bottone. Guide to Electric Light K ^^lo Crompton. Electric Light K 7586 Cunynghame. Law of Electric Lighting. .K 7702 Day. Electric Light Arithmetic K 7697 Dredge. Electric Illumination. 2 v *V 574 Du Moncel. L'Eclairage électrique. 2 v.C 5942 Electric Lighting K 7700 and Preece. Incandescent Electric Lights K686,S7 Edison Electric Light Co., Bulletins. 2 v. .*K 7581 Electric Lighting; its Present Condition K 7619 Farmer. On the Electric Light *K 560 Fodor. Das Gliihlicht D429,27 Fontaine. Electric Lighting K 571 Foote. Electric Light and Power K 7638 Gordon, J. E. H. Electric Lighting K 7607 Gordon, Mrs. J. E. H. Decorative ElectricityK 7676 Hammond. Electric Light in Homes K 7597 Hedges. Central Station Electric Lighting.K 7641 Continental Electric Light Stations... .*V 1777 Hickenlooper. Edison's Incandescent LightK 7624 Holmes. Electric Lighting K 7598 Latimer. Incandescent Electric Lighting..K 7663 Lumière Électrique, La, 1879-91. 42 v *Ser. Maier. Arc and Glow Lamps K 7625 Molloy. Electric Light K7232,12 Morton and Anderson. Electric Lighting and Underwriters' Requirements ... .K 7708 Pope. Evolution of the Incandescent LampK 7648 Prescott. Electric Light K 567 The same; new ed K 569 Reynier. The Voltaic Accumulator K 7681 Russell. Electric Light Cables K 7696 Salomons. Electric Light Installations... .K 7652 Management of Accumulators K 7633 Sawyer. Electric Lighting K 7585 Schilling. Condition of Electric Lighting.K 7632 Slingo and Brooker. Engineering for Elec¬ tric Light Artisans K 7678 Sprague. Electric Lighting K 573 Stephen. Wrinkles in Electric Lighting.. .K 7698 SwiNTON. Principles of Electric Lighting. . K 7679 Thurston. Steam Engines for Electric Light¬ ing K 5352 Urbanitzky. Elektrische Beleuchtung... .D 504 Dasselbe D 429,11 Das elektrische Licht D 429,3 Urquhart. Electric Light K 7582 The same; new ed K 7677 Electric Light Fitting K 7665 Verity. Electricity for Light K 7^99 Watson. Hand Book of Wiring Tables—K 7713 Whipple. Municipal Lighting K 7709 Woodbury. Electric Lighting in Mills.. .*K 815,1 Zacharias, Die Glühlampe D 429,42 MILITARY' SCIENCE. Abbot. Defense of the Sea-Coast K 5899 Aide-Mémoire to the Military Sciences. 3V.'•'K 840 Anderson. Victories and Defeats K 5884 Army and Navy Journal, 1873-4, 1879-91. V. 11,17-28 *Ser. Azibert. Sièges célèbres *V 1424 Barrington. England on the Defensive.. K 5869 Barthélémy. Avant la Bataille C12020 L'Ennemi chez lui Ci2021 Berneck.. Die Welt in Waffen. 4 v. in 2 .. D 5566 Blunt. Firing Regulations for Small Arms. K 823 Boguslawski. Tactical Deductions from War of 1870-71 K 589s Brackenbury. Foreign Armies and Home Reserves K 5865 Brackett. History of the U. S. Cavalry.. B 2607 British Army, Revised Regulations, 1868,1870. K 848 Brix. Waffenübungen d. oesterr. Heeres..D 530 Califf. Military Science and Art of War. .K 5500 Callan. Military Laws of the United StatesK 5886 Carter. Curiosities of War and Military Studies K 5885 Casey. Infantry Tactics, 1863. 3 v K 839 Castner. Militär-Lexikon *R 3810 Chaffee-Reece Magazine Arm Chesney. Waterloo Lectures K 836 and Reeve. Military Resources of Prussia and France K 5881 Clark. Mediaeval Military Architecture.2v.K 3716 Clarke. Fortification K 5484 Clausewitz. On War K 5872 Clery. Minor Tactics K 5480 Cooke. Cavalry Tactics, 1862. 2v K 835 Dally. La France militaire illustrée C12260 Decker. The Three Arms; Divisional Tac¬ tics K 5878 Delafield. Art of tVar in Europe *Doc. Denison. Modern Cavalry JC 5870 Derrêcagaix. Modem War. 3 v....... .K 5483 Détaillé. L'Armée française. 2v *P 1246 374 PRACTICAL ARTS. Douglas. Modern System of Fortiñcation. K 5888 Duckktt. Military Dictionary, German, Eng¬ lish, French *R 3896 Dussieux. L'Armée en France. 3v C 4781 Dymond. War and Christianity K 824 Elphinstone. Siege of Sebastopol. 4v..*P 801 Ernst. Practical Military Engineering.... K 5490 Europa in Wafien *V 1018 Farrer. Military Manners and Customs..K 5864 Farrow. Pack Mules and Packing K 5892 Mountain Scouting K 5891 Military Encyclopaedia. 3 V •R 3903 Military Gymnastics K 1923 Fickelscherer. Das Kriegswesen der AltenD 6790 Forbes. Life Studies of the Great Army, 1862-65 *P 1281 Fortifications of To-Day *Doc. Fortifications, or other Defenses. 2 v *Doc. Gall. Modem Tactics. 2v K 5482 Gardner. Diet, of the United States Army*R 3889 Gilchrist. Manual for Infantry Officers.. K 5879 Gillmore. Siege and Reduction of Ft. Pu¬ laski, Ga .K 5478 Gleig. Old Colonel and the old Corps.... E 1130 Goltz. The Nation in Arms K 5495 Das Volk in Waffen D 4281 Graham. History of the Art of War K 5861 Military Ends and Moral Means K 5883 Grant. Report of the U. S. Army, 1864-sB 502 Great Sieges A 305 Griffiths. English Army K 5866 Hacklaender. Vie militaire en Prusse... .C 5189 Halleck. Military Art and Science K 841 Hamersly. Army and Navy Register, 1776- 1887 'R 3899 Complete Army Register, 1779-1879. .*R 3897 Hamley. Operations of War K 5862 Hart. Annual Army List, 1881,1888,1891. 3 V ♦R 3901 Haze.n. School and Army in Germany and France K 825 Head. Defenceless State of Great Britain..K 587*1 Royal Engineer K 842 Heitman. Register of U. S. Army, 1789- 1889 *R 3902 Hennebert. Les Armées modernes C 5221 L'Europe sous les Armes C 5223 Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen. Letters on Cav¬ alry K 5487 Letters on Infantry K 5488 Holland and Hozier. Expedition of Abys¬ sinia. 3 V *P 800 Home. Précis of Modem Tactics K 589^ Ignotus. Sketches of Military Subjects... .K 5873 Illustrated Naval and Military Magazine, 1884-90. is v *Sef. Jerrold. The French under Arms K 5874 jomini. Art of War K 827 Campaign of Waterloo K 845 Karchek. Les Ecrivains militaires de la France C 5444 Kennon. Manual of Guard Duty K 5496 King. Trials of a Staff-Officer K 5498 Knollys. Field Fortification K 1485 Koettschau. Coming Franco-German WarK 5882 LaBarre-Duparcq. Military Art and His¬ tory K 5491 Larroque. Delà Guerre C 5670 Lendy. Course of Military Surveying... .»V 741 Leveson. England rendered Impregnable. K 847 Livermore. The American Kriegsspiel.. *K 5889 Tables and Plates *V 719 Manoeuvres for Infantry K 838 Lyman. Tactical Studies K 830 Masille. La Guerre ; ses Lois, etc........ C 5808 McClellan. Military Systems in Europe.. K 828 Mahan. Fortification and Stone-Cutting.. .K 702 Malleson. Ambushes and Surprises K 5877 Maude. On Tactics and Organization K 5492 Maurice. War, with an Essay on Military Literature K 5499 Mendell. Treatise on Military Survey¬ ing K 5610 Mercur. Elements of the Art of War....K 5494 Mismer. Dix Ans Soldat; la Vie militaire. .C 12898 Oborski. Colors and Color Guard •£ 743,4 Oman. Art of War in the Middle Ages.. ..K 5897 Ordonnance sur le Service des Armées C 6103 Petit. Les Sièges célèbres C 6146 Pohler. Bibliotheca historica-miIitaris.2v.*0 629 Quinteau, Guerre de Surprises et d'Embus¬ cades. 2v C 6310 Regan. Manual of Guard Duty K 5890 Roemer. Cavalry; its History, Management and Uses K 5852 Root. Infantry Tactics K 1818 School Amusements; Military Exercises. K 1817 Royal United Service Institution, Joumal, 1858-72. 15 v *Ser. Schalk. Summary of the Art of War K 829 Schmidt. Kriegswissenschaft D 521 Scott, H. L. Military Dictionary *R 3895 Scott, Sir S. D. The British Army K 5876 Scott, W. Infantry Tactics, 1857. 3V...K 837 Smith. Drill and Manoeuvres of Cavalry..K 5^3 SoADY. Lessons of War K 5850 Straith. Fortification and Artillery K 843 Plans *R 4871 ORDNANCE—GUNNERY—ARMS—ARMOR—NAVIGATION. 375 Troyte. Through the Ranks to a Commis¬ sion K 5^^? United Service, The, 1889-91. 6 v *Ser. United Service Journal (Colbum's), 1837-91. 156 v *Ser. United States Army, Cavalry Drill, 1891 .. .K 5477 Infantry Drill Regulations, 1891..K 5479 Infantry Tactics, 1861 K 831 Register, 1863-92 *R 3882 Regulations, 1861 K 826 Regulations, 1889 *R 3883 Regulations for Uniform, 1888..*P 1217 United States Cavalry Association, Journal of, 1888-90. 3 v *Se>'. United States Service Magazine, 1864-66. 5 \.*Ser. Upton. Armies of Asia and Europe K 834 Infantry Tactics, 1878...., K 833 Vergnaud. Art militaire C6si3,l68 Viollet-le-Duc. Annals of a Fortress K 19S VoGT. Die europäischen Heere der Gegen¬ wart D 6900 Waffenübungen der K. Bay. Infanterie D 530 Wilkinson. The Brain of an Army K. 5493 Citizen Soldiers K 5868 Wilson. U. S. Infantry Tactics, 1861 K 831 Wisser. Minor Tactics and Strategy K 5893 WoLSELEY. Soldiers' Pocket-Book for Field Service K 5^75 Wyld. Maps and Plans of Battles and Sieges of British Army, 1808-14 *R 4801 ZoGBAUM. Horse, Foot and Dragoons K 5894 ORDNANCE—GUNNERY. Abbot. Siege Artillery in Campaigns against Richmond K 5851 Bartlett. Some Weapons of War K 6633 Bashforth. Motion of Projectiles, with Supplement K 54^5 Benton. Ordnance and Gunnery K 622 Birkhimer. History of the U. S. Artillery.K 5863 Blunt. Firing Regulations for Small Arms K 823 Browne and Majendie. Ammunition. 2v.K 846 Chesney. Observations on Fire-Arms K 932 Ede. Guns and Gun Material K 6620 Gould (H. Greenwood). Modem American Rifles K 6619 Greener. Choke-Bore Guns ...K 6631 The Gun and its Development K 6630 Gunnery in 1858 K 623 Modern Breech-Loaders K 832 Modern Shot Guns K 6718 Hoffbauer. German Artillery in Battles near Metz A 191z Jacques. Heavy Ordnance for National De¬ fence L3260,1 Modem Armor for National Defence.. .L326o,2 Jervis. Our Engines of War K 6634. McLean and CoLONEY. Peace-Makers.. .*V 673. Mangin. Les Feux du Guerre C 5879 Norton. American Breech-Loading Small Arms •. *V 295 Small Arms and Heavy Ordnance... .*V 518 Quellen zur Geschichte der Feuerwaffen... .*V I7S4- Springfield Rifle, Description of K 850. Stelle and Harrison. Gunsmith's ManualK 4325 Straith. Treatise on Artillery K 843 Plans *R 4871 Taubert. Field Artillery K 1605 Tennent. Story of the Guns K 6632 U. S. Army, Reports of Chief of Ordnance, 1873, 1877 K 849 ARMS AND ARMOR. Burton. Book of the Sword *V 720 Demmin. History of Arms and Armour I 2978 désormeaux. Armurier et FourbisseurC6s 13,84-85 Hewitt. Ancient Armour and Weapons. 3v.K 5880 Lacombe. Arms and Armours K 2623 Les Armes et les Armures C 4179 Marey. Memoirs on Swords K 1518 Meyrick. Antient Armour. 3 v *P 617 Specht. Geschichte der Waffen. 3 v... .D 4361 NAVAL SCIENCE—NAVIGATION. American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, 1855-94. 39 v *Doc. Arago. Die Schifffahrt D 381,5 Awful Calamities; Shipwrecks of Dec. i839.*K 876,1 Bassett. Legends and Superstitions of the Sea K 5913 Bescherelle. Histoire des Marins illustres. C12060 Bowditch. Practical Navigator K 536 Tables for Navigators K 537 Brady. Kedge-Anchor; Young Sailor's As¬ sistant K 5924. Brommy und Littrow. Die Marine D 4311 Brooks. Story of the American Sailor.... K 5952 Chauvenet. Navigation K 886 CoLDEN. Vindication of the Steam-Boat Right K 5919 Collet. Traité des Compas C 4582 376 PRACTICAL ARTS. Dana. Seaman's Friend K 904 Seaman's Manual K 897 Davies. Surveying and Navigation K 716 Deviation of the Compass K 2802 Duro. Disquisiciones Náuticas G 9604 Ellms. Tragedy of the Seas I 9670 Evkrs. Nautical Astronomy K 2879 Navigation K 2877 Folleville. Tragedies de la Mer *V 1068 Frazar. Practical Boat-Sailing K 6702 Gilly. Shipwrecks of the Royal Navy.... A 502 Gilmore. Storm Warriors; Life-Boat WorkK 5793 Giquel. Navigation ' 06513,191 Greenwood. Navigation K 1415 GuÉrin. Hist. Maritime de France. 2v..C 5141 Les Navigateurs français C12522 Hall. American Navigation *K 876,2 History of Shipwrecks. 2v I 3547 Huet. Navigation of the Ancients L 3831 International Marine Conference, Washington, 1889. 3 v *Doc. Janvier. Machines à Vapeur appliquées à la Marine 06513,115 Jenkins. Ships' Compasses K 888 Jones. Ships, Sailors and the Sea K 5945 Jurien de la Graviore. La Marine des Anciens C 5143 La Marine des Ptolémées. 2v C 5576 Les Marins du XVe et XVIe Siècles. 2v.C 5142 Kemp. Yacht and Boat Sailing *V 597 The same; new ed *K 59^4 Knight. Sailing K 6703 La Lasdelle. Tableau de la Mer. 2 v...05653 Lane. Adjustments of the Compass K 5553 Laurie. Catalogue of Charts and Nautical Works K 5781 Leckv. Wrinkles in Practical Navigation. .K 5786 Lewis. The Life-Boat and its Work K 859 Littrow. Finding Time at Sea K 888 Lloyd. Steam-Boat Directory and DisastersK 5920 Luce. Seamanship *K S923 Marshall. Navigation made easy ..K 887 Martin (Ed.). Navigation and Nautical As¬ tronomy K 5792 Meyer. Steam Towing on Rivers and CanalsK 752 Nares. Seamanship K 59^5 Naufrages célèbres. Les C 58^5 Nautical Almanac, 1863-71,1877-85. 18 v.K 2001 Nautical Gazette, 1874. v. 6,7 *Sir. Nautical Magazine, í832-76.3Sv.(Incomplete). *Är. Naval Anecdotes E 4686 Naval Magazine, 1836-37. 2v *Ser. Navigation on St. Lawrence River, Report. .K 758 Parish. Sea Officers'Manual .-.K 5917 Payn. In Peril and Privation; Marine Dis¬ asters I2117 piddington. Horn-Book for Storms K 7468 Priestley. Navigable Rivers and Canals of Great Britain K 5901 Pryde. Navigation K 894 Qualtrough. Boat Sailer's Manual K 5948 Sailor's Handy Book and Vachtman's Manual K 5930 Reehorst. Mariner's Friend; Technical Dic¬ tionary "K 5926 Renard. L'Art naval C 4196 Robertson. Elements of Navigation K -896 Robinson. Surveying and Navigation K 511 Rowe. Jack Afloat and Ashore K 5916 Schuyler. Surveying and Navigation K 424 Smyth. Sailor's Word-Book *R 3893 Stackpole. Gates of the Rivers »K 876,2 The World's Navigation *K 560 Todd and Whall. Practical Seamanship. K 5788 United States N^val Institute, Proceedings, 1875-90. i6v *Ser. Index, v. 1-15. Verdier. Marine 06513,57-58 Walton. Model Yachts and Sailing K 5934 woodcroft. Steam Navigation K 5918 Young, J. R. Navigation and Nautical As¬ tronomy K 1641 Tables K 1642 Young, L. Elements of Navigation K 5798 Zürcher et Margollé. Les Naufrages célèbres C 42ii SHIPS AND SHIPBUILDING. Barnaby. Marine Propellers K 5794 Bates. American Ships 'K 677 Bland, Ships and Boats K 1291 Boats of the World K 5935 Book of Knots K 5928 Brady. Kedge-Anchor K 5924 Burgess. English and American Yachts..*R 4285 Cartault. La Trière athénienne C 4583 Chadwick and others. Ocean Steamships. K 5790 CoTSELL. Ships' Anchors K 1325 Daryl. Le Yacht *V 1850 Fairbairn. Treatise on Iron Ship Building K 5910 Fincham. History of Naval Architecture.. K 5911 Masting and Mast-making K 5912 Plates »R 4854 Folkard. The Sailing Boat K 5933 Forbes. New Rig for Steamers *V69i,2 Grantham. Iron Ship Building K 1408 Atlas *V 287 NAVIES—NAVAL ORDNANCE—TORPEDOES—FLAGS. 377 Grosvenor. Model Yachts and Boats.... K 5931 Hall. Ship-Building in the U. S •R4533,8 Hicks. Yachts, Boats and Canoes K 5944 Institution of Naval Architects, Transactions, 1860-61. 2 v *Sirr. Kipping. Masting and Rigging K 1476 Sails and Sail-making K 1477 Kunhardt. Small Yachts *R 4901 Steam Yachts and Launches ;K 57^2 Lloyd. Steamboat Directory, 1856 K 5920 Mackrow. Naval Architect's Pocket-Book K 5789 Marett. Yachts and Yacht Building K 5908 Neison. Practical Boat Building K 5942 The same K S953 Parker. Fleets of the World; the Galley Period K 5787 Peake. Naval Architecture .K 1540 PiM. Ship-building K8oi,io Pollock. Modem Shipbuilding K 5909 Prescott. The Sailing-Boat K 1777 Rogers. Magnetism of Iron Vessels K686,3o Russell. Systemof Naval Architecture.3v.*P 959 SoMMERFELDT. Construction of Ships K 1582 Atlas *V 293 Stephens. Boat and Canoe Building... .*K 5936 Steinitz. The Ship; its Origin and Progress*V 950 Stuart. Naval Dry Docks of the U. S.. .*V 288 Thearle. Naval Architecture K 213 Shipbuilding in Iron and Steel K 5943 Plates *KS943,2 Traill. Chain Cables and Chains *R 4263 Turner. Air and Moisture on Shipboard.*K 560 White. Manual of Naval Architecture... .K 5913 NAVIES—NAVAL ORDNANCE—TORPEDOES. Abbot. Defence of the Sea-Coast of the United States K 5899 Report upon Submarine Mines *Dí)c. Bartlett. Some Weapons of War K 6633 Brassev. The British Navy, sv K 5939 The Naval Annual, 1886-87, 1890-91. 4Y K 5947 British Navy List, 1878-81. 4v *R 3886 Brommv und Littrow. Die Marine D 4311 Bucknill. Submarine Mines and TorpedoesK 5486 Busk. Navies of the World K 844 Chadwick. Training Systems of England and France *Doc. Colomb. Naval Warfare K 5797 Cooke. Naval Ordnance and Gunnery... .K 5481 Dislere. Les Croiseurs C 4435 La Guerre d'Escadre C 4435 Elgar. The Royal Navy tty 1743 Forster. In a Conning Tower K. 579S Griffin. Our Sea-Coast Defences K 5887 Hamersly. U. S. Army and Navy Register, 1776-1887 *R 3899. U. S. Navy Register, 1782-1882 *R 3898 Henk. Kriegführung zur See D 5605 Hennebert. Les Torpilles C 5224 Hill. Explosives in Torpedo Warfare... .*K 815,1 Howell. War-Galleys of the Ancients... K 5906 Illustrated Navy and Military Magazine, 1884- 90. 15 V *Ser^ Jal. Du Quesne et la Marine du son Temps. 2 V C 5312 Jaques. Ericsson's Destroyer and Submarine Gun L326o,2 Lean. Royal Navy List, 1891 *R 3887 McCarthy. Naval Engineers' Guide K 1510 Miles. Royal Naval Service of England.. K S949 Naval Models, South Kensington Museum..K 362 Navy Scientific Papers K 888 Noel. Gun, Ram and Torpedo; Tactics of a Naval Battle K 59®** Reed. Our Iron Clad Ships K 711 and Simpson. Modem Ships of War.. K 5946 Report of Committee on Ordnance and War Ships *Doc. Smith. Our War-Ships K 594*^ SoLEY. Foreign Systems of Naval Education. Torpedo Experiment at Key West, 1874.. .*K 876,3 United States Naval Institute, Proceedings, 1875-90. Index, v. 1-15. l6v. ...*Ser^ Navy Register, 1866, 1873, 1875, 1879-92. 15 V *R 3881 Very. Navies of the World K 5940 WiLMOT. The Development of Navies... .K 5796 FLAGS. Flag of the United States *B 2168 Flags of Maritime Nations *Doc. Griffin. Nationaland Mercantile Flags..K 5929 Hamilton. Flag of the United States B loi Hounsell. Flags and Signals of all Nations*R 491a Jackson. International Code of Signals... L 3838 Macgeorge. History and Uses of Flags... A 2129 Preble. Flag of the United States B 771 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY.—ACIDS. Andreae. Tintenbuch D 514 Arnold. Ammonia and Ammonium Com¬ pounds K 9146 378 PRACTICAL ARTS. Brannt and Wahl. Techno Chemical Re¬ ceipt Book K 4314 Carbonated Drinks, 1877-8. v. l *Ser. Champour et Malepeyrk. Encres et Ci¬ rage C65I3,I92 Church. Acids and Alkalies K 801,4 Dammer. Lexikon für chemische Technolo¬ gie »K 3808 Jahresbericht über chemische Technologie (Wagner's), 1856-89. 35 v *Ser. Index, v. i-io, 21-30 Kingzett. The Alkali Trade K 9123 Knapp. Chemical Technology. 3 v K 22S3 The same. v. i, 2 K 2326 Lt)mas. Manual of the Alkali Trade K 6247 Lunge. Coal-Tar and Ammonia K 4362 and lIuRTER. Alkali-Makers' Pocket- Book.. K 4378 Payen. Précis de Chimie industrielle. 3 v. C 6176 Richardson and Watts. Acids, Alkalies and Salts. 3 v K 2327 Rouget de Lisle. Eaux de Boissons Ga¬ zeuses C6513,261 SuLZ. Treatise on Beverages *K 4374 Trimble. The Tannins; Plistory, Preparation, etc K 4371 Wagner. Handbuch der chemischen Tech¬ nologie D 4377 Handbook of Chemical Technology... .K 2286 Ste also Chemistry. EXPLOSIVES.—FIRE-WORKS. Anderson. Gunpowder Manufacture at Isha- pore *V 107 Berthelot. Explosive Materials K686,7o Bevan. Explosive Compounds K8oi,i3 Browne. Practical Firework-Making K 6235 Drinker. Explosive Compounds *V 1752 Dussauce. Fabrication of Matches, Gun Cotton, etc K 4283 Eisslkr. Modern High Explosives K 4306 Kentish. Pyrotechnist's Treasury K 6236 Loden. Lustfeuerwerker D 508 Longridge. Smokeless Powder K 5497 Maigne. Briquets, Allumettes C6s 13,267 Vergnaud. Manuel de 1' Artificier .. ..C65l3,2s8 Williams. Explosive Compounds K8oi,2 WissER. Compressed Gun Cotton K686,89 PERFUMERY. AsKINSON. Perfumes and their PreparationK 4368 Cristiane Treatise on Perfumery K 6241 CooLEY. Handbook of Perfumes K 4303 Deite and others. Manufacture of Perfum¬ ery K 4369 Dussauce. Guide for the Perfumer *K 883 Parfumeur, Der D 625 Pi esse. Art of Perfumery K 6240 Pradal. Parfumeur C65i3,i84 Rimmell. Book of Perfumes K 933 SOAP. OIL. VARNISH. GLUE.— FATS CANDLES. Andres. Varnishes, Lacquers and Sealing Waxes K 4266 Brannt. Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils *K 9127 Manufacture of Soap and Candles .... K 4339 Cameron (Ed.). Soaps and Candles K 4330 Cristiane Treatise on Soap and Candles♦K 4298 Dawidowsky. Glue, Gelatine, Cements. .K 4293 Dussauce. Manufacture of Soap K 917 The same 'R 973 Engelhardt. Praktische Kerzenfabrika¬ tion D 4262 Fontenelle et Malepeyre. Huilesvégétales et animales C65I3,iii-ii2 I.enormant. Chandelier et Cirier.. .06513,88-89 Malepeyre. Bougies stéariques 06513,13-14 Colles 06513,263 Ott. Soap and Candles K 879 Riffault. Couleurs et Vernis 06513,86-87 Schlegel. Die Leimfabrikation D 623 Tingrv. Treatise on Varnishes K 3406 Watt. Art of Soap-Making K 4292 Williams. Oils and Candles K 801,4 BREWING AND DISTILLING.—VINEGAR. Bickerdyke. Curiosities of Ale and Beer..K 4328 Bierbrauer, Der, 1873. v. 4 *Ser. Black. Practical Treatise on Brewing K 6230 Brannt. Manufacture of Vinegar and Ace¬ tates K 4334 Treatise on Alcohol K 4305 Braumeister, Der, 1887-91. 4 V *Ser. Brewer, Distiller and Wine Manufacturer.. .K 4275 Brewer's Guardian, 1879, 1886-90. v.9,l6-20.*5>r. Byrn. Practical Brewer K 892 Practical Distiller K 891 Cartuyvels et Stammer. Fabrication de la Bière C 4297 Cassian. Die Dampf-Brauerei D 6767 Dubief. Fabrication des Liqueurs C 4774 Duplais. Treatise on Alcoholic Liquors. .»K 4276 BLEACHING—DYEING—CALICO PRINTING. 379 Düssauce. Manufacture of Vinegar K 4267 Fontenelle. Vinaigrier et Moutardier.06513,262 ■Gardner (Ed.). Acetic Acid and Vinegar. K 4377 Graeger. Die Kellerwirthschaft D 6807 Hourier et Malepeyre. Eau-de-Vie. .06513,237 Keene. Handbook of Practical Guaging. ..K 4282 Lebeaud. Distillateur Liquoriste 06513,224 Lebeuf. Amélioration des Liquides ...06513,252 Malepeyre. Alcoométrie 06513,217 Brasseur 06513,107-108 Distillation des Grains 06513,256-257 Distillation des Vins " 06513,158 Levure C65i3,i75 Matthews and Lott. The Microscope in the Brewery K 4373 Mills. Destructive Distillation K 4285 Monzert. Practical Distiller K 4326 Pasteur. Étude sur la Bière O 6164 De la Fermentation 0 6162 Studies on Fermentation K 4286 Piesse. Ohemistry in the Brewing-Room. .K giqo pooley. Brewing and Distilling K801,12 Rosenthal. Bier und Branntwein D 502 Ruedinger. Bierbrauerei u. Maltzextract.D 592 Scamell. Breweries and Malting ;.. .K 893 Schranka. Ein Buch vom Bier D 6525 Siebel. Oommunications of the Zymotech- nic Institute K 2359 Stopes. Maltand Malting K 4327 Thausing. Malt and Fabrication of Beer.*K 4277 Trowbridge. Oider-Makers' Hand-book..K 4340 Wetherill. Manufacture of Vinegar K 4329 Wright. Handbook for Young Brewers.. .K 4313 BLEAOHING. -DYEING.-OALIOO PRINTING. Bancroft. Permanent Oolours. 2v K 6193 Benedikt. Ohemistry of Ooal Tar Oolours.K 6192 Capron. Indigo 06513,170 Chateau. Couleurs d'Aniline O6513,109-110 Crookes. Dyeing and Calico Printing.... K 6191 Dole. Blues and Carmines of Indigo K 924 Fesquet. Ohemistry of Ooal-Tar Colors.. .K 919 Figuier. La Teinture *Vi 106,2 Fontenelle. Blanchiment 06513,50-51 Guichard. Grammaire de la Couleur. 3 v.*P 482 Hummel. Dyeing of Textile Fabrics K 4311 Jordan. Das Anilin und die Anilin-FarbenD 6811 Lenormand. ÉtofEes imprimées et papiers peints 06513,277 Nagel. Der Farbensinn D 382,4 Napier. Ohemistry applied to Dyeing K 919 Dyeing and Dyeing Receipts *K 6190 O'Neill. Calico Printing and Dyeing K 6195 Quadrat. Färberei und Zeugdruck D 515 Reimann. Aniline and its Derivatives K 2269 Riffault. Manufacture of Colors *K 4310 Romain. Teinturier 06513,97-98 SiMS. Dyeing and Bleaching K8oi,6 Slater. Manual of Colors and Dye WaresK 6194 Smith. Instruction in Dyeing K 920 Practical Dyer's Guide *K 6196 Spirk. Färberei und Druckerei D 591 HOUSE AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. Arlot. Guide for Coach Painters K 4271 Badenoch. Letter Painting made easy...K 1264 Burg. Imitation of Woods and Marbles.. *R 4880 Davidson. Manual of House-Painting K 1332 Gardner. Everybody's Paint-Book K 4272 How to. paint K 4274 The Painters' Encyclopsedia K 6242 Hagdorn. Der gründlich lehrende Anstrei¬ cher. D 552 Masury. House and Carriage Painting... .K 4273 Painter, Gilder and Varnisher's Companion K 90 Riffault. Peintre en Bâtiments 06513,196 Rossiter and Wright. House Painting. .*V 374 ScHRiBER. Carriage and Wagon Painter..K 6238 Stevens. Art of House-Painting K 89 Tingry. Painter and Varnisher K 3406 LE ATHER.—SADDLERY. —TANNING. Collins. Hides and Leather K8oi,9 Davis. Manufacture of Leather *K 4296 Figuier. Les Cuirs et les Peaux *V1106,2 Fitzgerald. Harness Makers' Manual.. .K. 4307 Fontenelle. Arts of Tanning K 4319 et d'Artois. Chamoiseur 06513,204 et Malepeyre. frin^ur C65i3,253 Lebrun. Bourrelier et Sellier 06513,120 Procter. Text-Book of Tanning K 4370 ScHLUETERu. Rausch. Sattler und ReimerD 559 Western Shoe and Leather Review, 1877-78. 3 V *Ser, GLASS.—GLASS PAINTING. Barff. Glass and Silicates K 801,7 Oallingham. Sign Writing and Glass Em¬ bossing K 6239 Oremer. Silber und Quecksilber Spiegel. .D 4257 Deville. L'Art de la Verrerie dans l'Anti¬ quité *P 1642 38o PRACTICAL ARTS. Di'Ni.or. Glass in the Old World K 3481 Elis u. Anuree. Ule Mosaik - und Glasma¬ lerei *06740,8 Fönten elle et Malepeyre. Verrier.€6513,11-12 Franks. Ornamental Glazing Quarries.. .*K 3486 Fromderg. Painting on Glass K 1380 Gessert. Art of Glass-Stnining K 1388 Harvey. Painted Windows K 3452 Jarves. Glass-Making K 931 Nesbitt. Glass K 3573 Pellatt. Curiosities of Glass-making K 810 Porter. Manufacture of Glass I 3869 Powell. Glassmaking K 42S7 Salz av. Merveilles de la Verrerie C 4200 Wonders of Glass-Making K 2618 Shaw. Booke of Draughtes for Glasiers..*K 3447 Shenstone. .Methods of Glass Blowing...K 4316 Slade, F. , Catalogue of the Glass Collection of *P 1117 Snell. Enamel Painting on Glass K 113 South Kensington Museum, Mosaics and Stained Glass in Europe before 1800. K 360 Waller. Painted or Stained Glass *V 31,4 Winston. Art of Glass Painting *K 3405 Styles of Glass í^ainting. 2 v *K 3403 CERAMICS.—POTTERY.—CHINA PAINTING. Arnoux. Pottery K 801,7 audslev and Bowes. Keramic Art of Ja¬ pan *R 4146 Beard. Painting on China K 3349 Beckwith. Majolica and Fayence K 906 Binns. Century of Potting in Worcester. . K 908 Birch. History of Ancient Pottery *K 347 BoHN ( Ed.). Pottery, Porcelain and Ob¬ jects of Vertu I 3'49 Bowes. Decorated Pottery of Japan K 6064 Japanese Marks and Seals 'V 663 Chaffers. Marksand Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain *K 6062 Cock. Treatise on China Clay K 3503 Earle. China CoUecting in America K 6065 Elliott. Pottery and Porcelain K 6063"" Figuier. Les Poteries *Viio6,i Fortnum. Maiolica K 385 Frackelton. Tried by Fire; China Paint¬ ing *V 745 Franks. Japanese Pottery K 3567 Garnier. Soft Porcelain of Sèvres *P 2402 Gasnault and Garnier. French Pottery.K 3568 Genick. Griechische Keramic *P 1249 Graesse. Amateur de Porcelaines C 5132 Hasi.em. Old Derby China Factory *V 835 Hooper. Marks on Pottery and Porcelain.K 884 Jacquemard. La Céramique. 3v C 4217 History of Ceramic Art *R 4126 Jaennicke. Grundriss der Keramik. 2v.*P 514 Janvier. Practical Keramics K 808 Jewitt. Ceramic Arts of Great Britain. 2 v.'R 4110 Kolbe. Porcellan-Manufactur in Berlin.. .D 421 Litchfield. Pottery and Porcelain K 396- Lockwoou, Handbook of Ceramic Art.. .K 806 McLaughlin. China Painting K 142 Pottery Decoration K 391 Suggestions to China Painters K 3393- Magnier. Porcelainier C6s 13,40-41 MÉl.v. La Céramique italienne C 5866 Metevard. Life of Josiah Wedgwood... .c 972 The Younger Wedgwoods C 987 Wedgwood Handbook K 35®^ Nichols. Pottery; how it is made K 90^ P.-\lliser. China Collector's Companion... K 9; Piton. China Painting in America K 244 Plates. 2 v 'R 4916 Porter. Manufactures in Porcelain... I 3869 Slosson. China-Hunter's Club K 805 Solon. Art of the Old English Potter .... K 6061 Treadwell. Pottery and Porcelain K 929. Waring. Ceramic Art in Remote Ages.. .'P 597 Wedgwood. Catalogue of Wedgwood's, Manufactures K 501 Westropp. Pottery and Porcelain K 394 Whiteford. Guide to Porcelain Painting. K 138 Young. Ceramic Art *K 807 JEWELRY.—GOLD AND SILVERSMITH'S WORK. Barrera. Gems and Jewels K 9539 Beaumont. Jewel Art Studies ♦R 4493, Boutell. Gold Working K8oi,ii Buck. Old Plate; its Makers and Marks.. .K 3489 Chaffers. Gilda Aurifabrorum; English Goldsmiths ' K 4317 CrippsI College and Corporation Plate.... K 3565 Old English Plate K 3360 Fontenelle. Bijoutier C6513,95-96^ Garnier. Ciseleur C65i3,i6o Gee. The Goldsmith's Handbook K 1386 Hall-Marking of Jewellery K 3361 The Silversmith's Handbook K 1387 Giraud. Les Arts du Métal *P 1273 Haslope. Repoussé Work for Amateurs.. K 4321 Kino. Antique Gems and Rings. 2 v,..*R 4090 Lastevrie. "L'Orfèvrerie C 4219 CLOCKS AND WATCHES—CUTLERY—ETC. 381 Luthmer. Gold und Silber *06740,3 Ornamental Jewelry of the Renaissnnce*R 3871 Pattern Book for Jewellers and Goldsmiths *R 3873 Pollen. Gold and Silver-smiths' Work.. ..K 3574 PuGlN. Designs for Gold and Silversmithsi*R 4444 SoMMERViLLE. Engraved Gems *P 818 Wallis. Jewellery K8oi,ii worlidge. Drawings from Antique Gems. 2 V *R 4091 CLOCKS AND WATCHES. Beckett. Clocks, Watches and Bells. ...K 1286 Benson. Time and Time-Tellers K 6152 Booth. Clock and Watchdiaker's Manual.K 633 Britten. Watches and Clocks K801,11 Carpenter. Horology and Astronomy.... I 3254 Clockmakers' Company of London *K 6150 Eiffe. Improvements of Chronometers *Doc. Fiedler. Die elektrische Uhren D429,40 Glasgow. Watch and Clock Making K 6237 Hasi.UCK. Clock Jobber's Handybook.... K 6153 Watch Jobber's Handybook K 6151 Horological Journal, 1859-69. v.'1-7,11-13.. Jerome, C., The American Clock Business and Life of C 3909 Kemlo. Watch-Repairer's Hand-Book... .K 6156 Knight. Clocks and Watches at the Paris Exposition, 1878 K36o6,4 Lenormant. Manuel de l'Horloger. .C6513,42-43 Nelthropp. Treatise on Watch-Work.... K 6231 Saunier. Treatise on Modern Horology. .*V 806 Tobler. Die elektrischen Uhren D429,13 Wood. Curiceities of Clocks and Watches.K 910 CUTLERY AND HARDWARE. Blackall. Builders' Hardware K 3750 Callis. Cutlery K8oi.3,.ti désormeaux. Serrurier C65i3,22i Hobes. Locks and Safes K 1458 Landrin. Coutelier C6si3,ig7 Markley, Ailing & Co.'s Catalogue of Hard¬ ware, 1887 »R 3724 FURNITURE.—CABINET MAKING. Bielf.FIELD. Use of Papier Mâché in Fur¬ niture *R 4319 Braund. Illustrations of Furniture *R 4900 Charles. Cabinet Maker's Book of Designs*R 3870 Chippendale. Vorbilder für Kunst- und Moebeltischler *P 1234 Denning. Cabinet-Making K 5328 Ehman and Simon Mfg. Co. Wood Mantels*V 1756 Fink. Der Bautischler oder Bauschreiner. .D 624 French Polisher's Manual K 4269 Gurlitt. Moebel deutscher Fürstensitze.*P 1235 Hasi.UCK. Cabinet Worker's Handybook. .K 5326 Havard. Dictionnaire de l'Ameublement. 4 v *P 2003 Hints for Cabinet-Makers K 6234 Jacquemart. History of Furniture '•'R 4127 Louandre. Les Arts somptuaires. 4v. in 3.*P 1606 Lyon. Colonial Furniture of New England*V 1741 Moreland. Practical Decorative UpholsteryK 6462 Nosban et Maigne. Ebéniste C6513,243 Peacock. English Church Furniture K 186 Pollen. Furniture and Woodwork K 387 Furniture and Woodwork K 801,7 Portefeuille de l'Ameublement moderne.. .*R 4264 Prignot. L'Ameublement modeîne *P 1169 PuGiN. Gothic Furniture *R 4434 Richardson. Studies from Old English Mansions. 4 v *P 2401 Roubo. Traité d'Ebénisterie; Texte C 6515 Planches *R 4920 Shaw. Specimens of Ancient Furniture.. . *V 1727 , Small. Ancient and Modern Furniture. ..*R 4229 Smith. Cabinet-Maker's and Upholsterer's Guide *V 770 Spofford. Art Decoration applied to Furni¬ ture *K 120 Stokes. Cabinetmaker's Companion K 885 Viollet-LE-Duc. Dictionnaire du Mobilier française. 6 v *P 92 Yapp. Art Industry; Furniture, etc *R 4314 COACHES, CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. Adams. English Pleasure Carriages K 4365 Burgess. Treatise on Coach-Building K 1307 Farr and Thrupp. Coach Trimming K 6244 Felton. Treatise on Carriages. 2 v K 4308 Rausch. Wagenfabrikation D 631 Atlas *V 1041 Richardson. Practical Carriage Building.K 4366 Thrupp. History of Coaches.' K 4270 TEXTILE FABRICS.—TAPESTRY. Alcan. Travail des Laines, v. 2 K 877 Atlas *V 396 Archer. Wool Manufactures K 801,5 Ashenhurst. Design in Textile Fabrics..K 6025 Baines. Cotton Manufacture in Great BritainK 868 38a PRACTICAL ARTS. Baird. The American Cotton Spinner K 6038 Barlow. History and Principles of WeavingK 1882 Beaumont. Woollen Cloth Manufacture.. K 6035 Bkvan. Textiles and Clothing K8oi,i4 Bischoff. History of Woollen Manufactures. 2 V K 870 Bl.onc.kt. Textile Industriesof Philadelphia*V 639 BoiTARn. Cordier C6si3,2i5 Bonnet. Fabricant de Draps C65i3,25o Bramwell. Wool Carders' Vade Mecum..K 6039 Brockett. Silk Industry in America K 869 Brooks. Cotton Manufacturing K 6027 Burel. Ti.ssage mécanique C6s 13,235 Be km.ey. Wool and Woolcombing K 6037 Castel. Les Tapisseries C 4213 Ch.ampkau. Tapestry K 3562 Chapman. Treatise on Ropeinaking K 4264 Charley. Fla* and its Products in IrelandK 6043 Cobb. Silk Manufacture K 801,5 Cole. Dictionary of Dry Goods K 6053 Devilliers. Manuel de la Soierie C65i3,65 Atlas •C6513,66 Drapier. Filature de Coton C65i3,i4i Dresser. Carpets K 801,6 Dlpont Auberville. Ornamental Textile Fabrics «R 4340 F11NTENELLE. Chapeaux C6s 13,238 Fowke. Bayeux Tapestry reproduced in Autotype Plates *P 1106 Gilroy. Art of Weaving K 6036 Guiffrey. Histoire de la Tapisserie ♦P 780 Holmes. Textile Fabrics of Ancient Peru.B 2025 Hyde. Baumwollspinnerei D 499 JuBB. History of the Shoddy-Trade K 6054 Kendrick and Clifford's Carpet and Upholstery Directory, 1886 •R 3755 Kimball. International Cotton Exhibition at Atlanta, 1S81 K 3609 Leblanc. Bonnetier C65i3,i94 Leroux. Manufacture of Worsted and Carded Yams K 6051 Lessing. Ancient Oriental Carpet Patterns*R 4870 McMurtrie. Report upon Examination of Wools *Doc. Manufactures of the Ancients K 6021 Marsden. Cotton Spinning K 6026 Maxwell. Textile Fabrics, Cincinnati Expo¬ sition, 1869 K 934 Muentz. Short History of Tapestry K 6033 Pasteur. Maladie des Vers à Soie. 2V..K 903 Porter. Silk Manufacture I 3^7® Posselt. The Jacquard Machine analysed*V 1768 Technology of Textile Design *V 1769 Reports on Manufactures of India K 901 Riley. The Silk-Worm K 6896 Rock. Textile Fabrics K 389 Sharp. P'lax, Tow, and Jute Spinning... .K 6034 Silk, Cotton, Linen, Wool, and other Fibrous Substances K 6024 Silk Association of America, Report, 1880. .K 6050 Simmonds. Fibres and Cordage K8oi,9 Textile Recorder, 1886-87. ^.4 ""Ser. Tiiili.ave. Fabricants d'Indienne C65i3,i99 Thomson, J. Treatise on Hat-Making and Felting K 6243 Thomson, W. The Sizing of Cotton GoodsK 6052 Tomlinson. Textile Fabrics K632,i Toustain. Tissus ". C6513,209-210 Atlas 1082 Ure. Cotton Manufacture. 2 v I 3290 Warden. Linen Trade, ancient and modernK 6022 Waring (Ed.). Examples of Weaving and Embroidery "P 1172 Watson, J. Theory and Practice of Weav¬ ing K 878 Watson, J. F. Textile Manufactures of the People of India •P 837 Watts. Cotton Manufacture K 801,5 Wy'CKOff. American Silk Goods Directory, 1880 K 6050 Silk Goods of America K 6050 LACE.— EMBROIDERY. - NEEDLEWORK. Alford. Needlework as Art 'K 6040 Art Needlework; Manual of Embroidery.. .»R 4498 Beeue. Lace, ancient and modem K 6030 Bellezze de recami et dessegni 'P 655 Caulfeild and Saward. Dictionary of Needlework 'R 4499 Celnart. Broderie 06513,231-232 Church. The Home Needle K 1676 Ciotti. Prima parte de'fiori *P 654 'Felkin. Hosiery and Lace Manufacture.*K 871 Hosiery and Lace K8oi,6 Fischbach. Lace Album illustrated *P 1090 Froehlich. Neue farbige Kreuzstichmustei*P 1218 Glaister. Needlework K 1707 Goubaud. Pillow Lace Patterns K 6031 Hailstone. Designs for Lace Making.. .*R 4244 Hawkins. Old Point Lace K 6032 IIlGGIN. Handbook of Embroidery K 6029 Lefébure. Embroidery and Lace K 6041 Mee. Knitting, Netting and Crochet K 1677 Needle-Craft; Artistic and Practical K 6428 Nouveaux portraicts de point coupé *P 653 PHOTOGRAPHY—PRINTING-ETC. 383 Owen. Book of Needlework K 1678 i'alliser. Catalogue of Lace and Embroidery at Kensington Museum K 352 History of Lace K 6023 Parasole. Teatro delle nobili donne *P 1122 Raymond. Leçons de Couture C 6421 sibmacher. Stick und Spitzenmusterbuch*P 656 Neues Stick und Spitzenmusterbuch.. .*P 657 Stanley. Needlework and Cutting Out.. .K 6028 Treadwine. Antique Point and Honiton Lace K 6042 Vecellio. Corona delle nobili donne *P 652 Waring. Examples of Embroidery *P 1172 Warren and Pui.lan. Needlework.. . K 867 wilcockson. Embroidery; its History... .K 1673 PHOTOGRAPHY. Abney. Treatise on Photography K 572 Ayres. How to paint Photographs K 92 Burton and Pringle. Processes of Fine Photography K 5988 Dawson. Manual of Photography K 649 Duchochois. Photographic Reproduction Processes K 5986 Eder. Modern Dry Plates K 6001 Foster. Photography K 801,8 Heinlein. Photographicon D 498 Hepworth. Book of the Lantern K 5998 Photography for Amateurs K 6003 Hope. Amateur Photographer's Hand BookK S985 Huberson. Photographie C6s 13,281 Johnson. Retouching Photographic Nega¬ tives K 5984 Latreili.e. Photographie C65i3,i95 i-ea. Manual of Photography K 648 Lietz. Modem Heliograi^hic processes... K 5999 M.alley. Micro-Photography K 2361 Meldola. Chemistry of Photography K 9139 Monckhoven. Photographic Optics K 2812 Price. How to make Pictures K 6002 Reed. Photography applied to Surveying.*V 892 Robinson. Picture-Making by PhotographyK 5983 Root. Camera and Pencil K 5981 Schiendl. Geschichte der Photographie.. .D 4327 schnauss. Photo-Lithography and ColletypeK 3533 Photogtaphisches Lexikon ;. D 523 Simpson. Swan's Pigmentdruck D 394 Sternberg. Photo-Micrographs K 2362 Sutton and Dawson. Dictionary of Photog¬ raphy *R 1087 Tapley. Amateur Photography. K 6005 Taylor. The Optics of Photography K 5987 Tissandier. Handbook of Photography.. .K 6000 La Photographie C 4205 La Photographie en Ballon C13218 Valicourt. Manuel de Photographie.C6s 13,36-37 Vogel. Chemistry of L,ight arid PhotographyK 2658 Fortschritt dor Photographie D 4375 Licht und Photographie D415,5 Lichtbilder nach dei'Natur D 4614 Photographer's Pocket Reference-Book.K 5982 Waldack. Almanac of Photography, 1864 K 573 Wallace. Amateur Photographer K 6004 PRINTING. Adams. Typographia; or, the Printer's In¬ structor .K 6111 Ames. Typographical Antiquities *V 608 Ascham. Toxophilus, 1545; ed. by Arber.. K 6621 Author's Printing and Publishing Assistant.. K 860 Authorship and Publication K 6102 Bigmore and Wyman. Bibliography of Printing. 3 v *ü 600 Blades. How to tell a Caxton *ü 635 Life and Typography of Caxton. 2 v.*P 1608 The Pentateuch of Printing *V 1744 Bodemann. Xylographische und topogra- phische Incunabeln *P 843 Bouchot. The Printed Book; its History.. K 6126 Bowyer. Origin of Printing '.... .K 6124 Brown. The Venetian Printing Press *K 6138 Bullen. Caxton Celebration, 1877 *0 633 üelon. Histoire d' un Livre C 4767 De vinxe. Invention of Printing *R 1115 Dickson. Introduction of Printing into Scot¬ land K 6120 Dobson. The Bassandyne Bible; Early Print¬ ing of Edinburgh K 6141 Farmer, Little and Co.'s Printing Types .. .*R 4471 Faulmann. Geschichte der Buchdrucker¬ kunst *D 4265 Frey. Typographie C6513,46-47 Goebel. Friedrich Koenig u. die Schnell¬ presse *V 1392 Gould. Letter-Press Printer K 6115 Great Western Type Foundry Specimens.. .*R 3758 Gresswell. Early Parisian Greek Press. 2 v.K 6136 Parisian Typography .K 6109 Hansard. Art of Printing K 6121 Typographia. K 895 Hart. Amateur Printer K 6112 Hatton. Printing K8ot,8 3^4 PRACTICAL ARTS. llrssKi.s, Gutenberg; was he the Inventor of Printing? *!<. 6106 HiLDEBUitN. Issues of the Press in Pennsyl¬ vania, 1685-1784. 2 V *0 94 Hoe. Literature of Printing *ü 601 Hume. Learned Societies and Printing Clubs *0 13 Humphreys. History of the Art of Printing*P S®7 Masterpieces of Early Printers .*P 59S Inland Printer, 1884-91. v. 2, 7 8 Jacobi. The Printer's Handbook K 6127 The Printer's Vocabulary K 6134 Johnson. Typographia. 2v K6110 Jungblut, Henrichs, and Co.'s Specimens of Electrotypes *V 270 Kerr. U. S. Government Printing Office.. K 6101 Knight. Old Printer and Modern Press. .. K 811 Lacroi.x. Histoire de P Imprimerie *V 842 I.amartine. Gutenberg C 5635 Linde. Erfindungen der Buchdruckkunst. 3v «V 883 Invention of Printing by Coster K 6107 Lockwood. Directory of Printing Trades, 1884 «R 3753 Lorck. Druckkunst und Buchhandel in Leipzig D 2536 Die Graphischen Künste D 4301 Herstellung von Druckwerken D 4303 Lucicombe. History and Art of Printing.. .K 6119 MacKellar. American Printer K 6114 MacKell.ir, Smith and Jordan's Printing Types R 3752 Marshall. Invention of Printing *V 810 Middleton. Origin of Printing in Eng¬ land «V 435 Needham. List of Caxton Reproductions.*K 876,3 New Hampshire Publishers'Association... ."K 6104 Origin and Process of Printing *K 865 Ottlev. Invention of Printing '•'V 238 Palmer. General History of Printing, i733*K 6122 Pearson. Art of Printing K 899 Gutenberg and Art of Printing K 809 Printer's Circular, 1S74-80. v. 9-15 *Ser. Rand, McNally & Co., Specimens of PrintingK 6129 Reed. Old English Letter Foundries K 6133 Ringwalt. American Encyclopaedia of Print¬ ing *R 1129 Savage. Art of Printing »K 900 Skeen. Early Typography K 6108 SoTHEBY. Principia Typographica; the Block Books. 3 v *P 841 Typc^aphy of the XVth Century *P 842 Southward. Practical Printing. 2 v.... K 6128 Specimens of Types and Letters of the iSill Century Stark. Printing; its Origin and Results.I Stationer and Printer, 1880-91. v j Stevens. Bibles in Caxton Exhibition, 1877*0 Stower. The Printer's Grammar Ki"J Sylvester. Lachrimae Lachrimarum ''P 3'7 Thomas. History of Printing in the U. S..B5.5'^ Timperley. Diet, of Printers and Printing.*R Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typograph¬ ical Anecdote *R "'7 Printer's Manual K6"3 Torrey. Practical Typewriter K6137 Waldow. Encyklopädie der graphischen Künste *R Die Buchdruckerkunst 3 v *1 lojo Weigel u. Zestermann. Die Anfänge der Buchdruckerkunst. 2 v... *1' "85 Weller. Die falschen und fingirten Dnick- orte *0 666 Katalog unter falscher Finna erschienener Schriften *0 ifZ' Willems. Les Elzevier *0 «ii WiLLETT. Memoir on the Origin of Printing.K 61:5 Wilson. Stereotyping and Electrotyping..K ii;2 Typographic Printing Machine.«! Eiljt SPECIMENS OF EARLY PRINTDU Acta Eruditorum, 1683 •? K6| Ars Moriendi, 1470 f Í- 4 The same; Fac-simile, 1450 f ^..4 Augustine, St. Liber de consensu qnita Evangelistarum, 1470 '' Berners. Treatyse on F)-sshynge, 1496... Openings... K 189! cumming. Caissa's Ghost; too Chess Prob¬ lems R 6609 DaMCAN (Philidor). Chess rendered fa¬ miliar K 1892 The Game of Chess K 6615 Studies of Chess K 6612 Dufresne. Schachtumierbuch D 621 Falkener. Games, Ancient and Oriental K 6608 Forbes. History of Chess IC 1797 Franz, R., Katalog der Schach-Biblio¬ thek von *0 3^''>5 Gilberg. 5th American Chess Congp-ess. .R 1798 Gossip. Chess-Player's Manual K 1890 Theory of the Chess Openings K 66ii Gould. Game of Draughts K 1894 Hoffer. Chess • K 6616 International Chess Congress, 1876; ed. by Sayen K 853 International Chess Magazine, 1885-91. 7 v. *i>r. Kempelen. Automaton Chess-Player K 1774 Rknny. Practical Chess Grammar K 6610 Kling and Horwitz (Ed.). The Chess Player K 1901 .Longman. Chess Openings K 1893 Meyer. Guide to Game of Chess R 1785 Morphy, P. Triumphs in Europe C 442 Games of Chess; ed. by I.owenthal .. .1 3278 Rio. Incomparable Game of Chess R 1896 Robertson. Guide totheGame of Draughts K 6591 Sarratt. Damiano, Ruy-Lopez and Sal- vio on Chess K 6613 The Game of Chess K 1889 ischachzeitung der Berliner Schachgcsell- schaft, 1846-75. 30 v *Ser- Spayth. Game of Draughts K 1899 Stamma. The Game of Chess R 6614 Staunton. American Chess-Player. .?. .R 1813 Chess-Player's Companion .1 3286 Chess-Player's Hand-book I 3284 Chess-Praxis I 3285 Chess Tournament of 1851 1 3287 Laws and Practice of Chess K 1898 Steinitz. ModemChessInstructor,pt. i. k 1886 Sturges. Guide to the Game of Draughts K 1887 Verney. Chess Eccentricities K 1902 Walker. Games of Chess played by A. M'Donnell K 1888 Wood. Chess Souvenirs K 1897 ATHLETICS.—GV.MXA.STICS.—1F.NCL\G. Alexander. Healthful Exercises for Girls K 1931 Modern Gymnastic E.xercises. 2 v R 1930 Amoros. Gymnastique C 6513, 72-73 Atlas *C 6513, 74 Angerstein aud Eckler (Ed.). Home Gymnastics K 1933 Armstrong. Wrestling R 6801 Athletic Sports for Boys K 1016 Bardeen. Home Exercises for Health and Cure K 1937 Beecher. Calisthenic Exercises N 162 Bell (Ed.). Handbook of Athletic Sports. 6v I 3380 Bissell. Physical Development and Exer¬ cise for Women K 6786 Blaikie. How to get strong K 1805 Sound Bodies K 1921 Bowlers' Handbook K 6709 Boxiana ; Antient and Modern Pugilism. . .*V 1841 GYMNASTICS—FENCING—OUTDOOR SPORTS. 395 Checkley. Natural Method of Physical Training K 1936 CoLUNEAU. La Gymnastique C 12160 Depping. Bodily Strength and Skill K 2611 La Force et I'AdressCi C 4214 Donnelly. Self-Defence; Boxing K 1922 Dowd. Physical Culture for Home and School K 1943 • Dunn. Fencing K 6600 Edwards. Art of Boxing K 1928 Eulee. Geschichte des Turnunterrichts. .03391,5 Farrow, Military Gymnastics K 1923 Guttmann. Aîsthetic Physical Culture.. .K 1868 llARTELius. Home Gymnastics K 1776 Hergesell. Die Fechtkunst D 4285 Hoole. Science and Art of Training K 1932 Howard. Gymnasts and Gymnastics K 986 Hunt. Hand-book of Light Gymnastics... K 1793 Hurd. Yale Athletics, 1840-1888 K 1946 hutton. Cold Steel; Treatiseon the Sabre .K 6775 The Swordsman; a Manual of Fence.. .K 6774 Janssen (Ed.). American Athletics and Aquatics, 1829-88 K 6707 Jenkin. Gymnastics K 6804 Keller. Turnen am Zimmer-Turnapparat .D 3349 Klemm. Gymnastique de Chambre C 5512 Lafaugère. Escrime C 6513,269 Lang. Turntafeln *P 1176 Keulenschwingen D 6820 Laspée. Elements f)f Bodily Culture IC 1792 Le Favre. Delsartean Physical Culture.. .K 6788 Le Roux and Garnier. Acrobats and M,ountebanks K 6796 Lewis. New Gymnastics K 991 Lion. Ordnungs-und Freiübungen D 609 Macearen. System of Physical Education L 1126 The same *P 200 Training in Theory and Practice K 1017 Manuel de Gymnastique. 2v C 5903 Martelli. System of Fencing K 6782 Mason. Gymnastic Exercises K 1048 Metzner. Geschichte des Turner-Bundes.D 2921 Michell. Boxing ....K6750 Michôd. Athletic Training K 1862 Miles. History of British Boxing. 3 v....K 6661 Mitchell. Manual of Bowl-Playing K 6670 Nissen. Swedish System of Educational Gymnastics K 1942 Nitzsche. Heilung durch Gymnastik.... D 2510 Neue Gymnastik D 511 O'Reilly. Athletics and Manly Sport... .K 1939 Ethics of Boxing and Manly Sport K I929 Oswald. Physical Education N 183 Palmer and others. Athletic Sports in America K 6783. Parsons. Calisthenic Songs, illustrated.... K 237 Pollock and others. Fencing K 6750 Posse. Hand-book of School-Gymnastics. .K 196c Swedish System of Educational Gym¬ nastics K 1940 Proctor. Strength; how to get Strong K 1935 Strength and Happiness K 6781 Ravenstein. The Gymnasium K 928- Gymnastics and Athletics K 1004 Roland, G. Course of Fencing K 1924 Art of Fencing K 1925 Roland, J. Art of Sword Defence K 1927 Roth. Physical Education L 1089. Rou.x. Die Hiebfechtkunst D 6860 Russell." Yawning K 1941 Shearman. Athletics and Football K 6746- Smart. Gymnastics and Dumb-Bells K 1821 Stebbins. Society Gymnastics and Voice Culture K 1934 Thimm. Bibliography of Fence, Duelling, etc. *0 593 Thornton. TrainingforHealth,.Speed,etc.K 1938- Tours de Physique C 6854 Trall. Family Gymnasium K Ioo6- Walker. Manly Exercises K 1830- The same I 3161 Westhall. Training for Running, Walk¬ ing, etc K 6784 Wheelwright. Indian Club Exercise.... K 822 Winn. Boxing K 6601 Wood . Athletic Sports for Boys K 993 Zenz. Schulturnwesen in Deutschland.... D 3352. OUTDOOR SPORTS. Adams. Skating K 6802 Ascham. Toxophilus; Shooting with the Bow J 9,2 The same; ed. by Arber K 6621 Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes; ed. by Duke of Beaufort: Beaufort and Morris. Hunting K 6741 Pennell. Fishing. 2v K 6742. Walsingham and Gallwey. Shooting. 2v. K 6743 Suffolk and Coventry. Racing and Stee¬ ple-chasing K 6744 Keppel and Hillier. Cycling K 6745 Shearman. Athletics and Football... .K 674fr Woodgate. Boating K 6747 Steel and Lyttelton. Cricket K 674S Beaufort. Driving K 6749 Pollock. Fencing, Boxing andWrestlingK 6750' 394 PRACTICAL ARTS. U.idminton Library of Sports ami Pastimes: lleathcote and others. Lawn Tennis. .K 6751 Weir and others. Riding K 6752 Brown. Polo K 6752 lleathcoteandTebbutt. Skating K 6753 Daily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes, 1S60-91. 56 v *Sfr. Baudry de Saunier. Ilistoiredela Veloci- pédie C I23S7 Beers. Lacrosse, the Game of Canada.. K 1765 Bei.1. (Ed.). Hand-book of Athletic Sixjrts.I 3380 v. i. Cricket; Lawn Tennis; Tennis; Rackets; Fives; Golf; Hockey. 2. Rowing .and Sculling; Sailing; Swimming. 3. Boxing;Wrestling; Fencing; Broad Sword ; Single Stick. 4. Rugby Football; Association. Football; P.aseball; Rounders; Quoits; Bowls; Skittles; Curling. 5. Athletics; Cycling; Skating. 6. Practical Horsemanship and Riding for Ladies. Bernard. Les Fêtes célèbres C 12054 Black. Horse-Racingin France K 7133 Blaine. Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports.. .*R 1209 Bouverie. Rackets K 6751 Boyard. Gardes-Champêtres C 6513,155 Camp. American Football K 6785 Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes K 1761 Champlin. Cyclopaedia of Sports and Gaines k 6582 Chandler. Bicycle Tour in England I 741 Channel-Stane; or, Sweepingirae the Rinks. K O731 CoRBETT. An Old Coachman's Chatter.. .K. 6740 Craig. Tally Ho! Coaching through Chi¬ cago's Parks *R 4093 CuRZON. The Blue Ribbon of the Turf; a Chronicle of the Derby ; K 7096 Day. The Racehorse in Training K 7102 Reminiscences of the Turf K 6760 Désormeau.x. Patinage C 6513,213 Dwight. Lawn-Tennis K 1871 Eberhardt. Das Wagenpferd und die Fahrkunst D 6782 Field, 1889-91. v. 73-77 *Sfr. Ford. Theory and Practice of Archery.. .K 6623 Gale. Modern English Sports K 6698 Georgens. Illustrirtes Sport-Buch D 618 Griffin. Cycles and Cycling K 6803 Hall. Scottish Sports and Pastimes K 6693 H ansard. Book of Archery *K 1799 Hargrove. Anecdotes of Archery K 6697 Harrington. A FewWords on Swimming *K 559 Harris. The Coaching Age K 6678 Harris. Old Coaching Days K 6662 H a worth. Road Scrapings... .' K 6660 Hlssey. On the Bo.x Seat I 6266 lIoRU. History of Newmarket .A 3120 Hirse-Racing; History and Early Records. .K 7122 Hutchinson. Famous Golf Links K 6761 Kron. Ten Thousand Miles on a Bicycle..I 5169 Krueoer. Reitunterricht D 505 Leahy. Swimming in the Eton Style K i860 I.enno.x. Coaching, with Anecdotes E 4241 Lili.ywhite. Hand book of Cricket K 1853 l.lNSKir.L. Golf K 6706 Lupton. The Pedestrian's Record K 6787 Lyttelton. Cricket K 6805 Macgregor. Pastimes and Players K 1770 Maudslay. Highways and Horses K 5567 Miller. Bicycles Tactics K 6708 Moseley. Essay on Archery., K 6694 Outing and Wheelman, 1883-91. 18 v *Ser. Peile. Lawn Tennis; a Game of Skill K 6668 PoWNALL. Origin of Horse-Racing and Ep¬ som Races A3168 Pratt. The American Bicycler K 568 Pycroft. History of Cricket K 6770 Reynardson. Down the Road K 6739 Rice. History of the British Turf. 2v ... K 7110 Roberts. English Bowman; Archery K. 1795 Royal Toxophilite Society K 1771 Scott. Cycling Art, Energy and Locomo¬ tion K 6766 Selkirk. Guide to the Cricket Ground... K 1794 Siebe. Conquest of the Sea; Diving K 5550 South Carolina Jockey Club K 1013 Steedman. Manual of Swimming 1\. 1S63 Stevens. Around the World on a Bicyle 2 v. I 9655 Strutt. Sports of the English. K 984 Taylor. Curling, the Scottish Game K 1855 Thom. Pedestrianism K 6040 Thompson (Ed.). Boy's Book of Sports.... K 1872 How to train in -Vrchery K 819 Witchery of -A.rchery K 821 Thrupp. History of Coaches K 4270 Tristram. Coaching Days and Coaching Ways *V 931 Vandervell and WiTHAM. Figure SkatingK 6636 Vassai.l. Foot-Ball; the Rugby Game.... K 6800 \vard. Base-Ball; how to become a Player. Iv 1945 \Vatson. Race-course and Covert Side.., .K 6667 Whitehurst. Tally ho; Hunting, Coaching, etc R 1857 Wheelman, The, 1883-84. 3 v *Ser. wilberforce. Lawn Tennis; with a Chapter for Ladies K 6705 BOATING—FIELD SPORTS-SHOOTING—ETC. 395 Wilson. Swimming Instructor K 1861 Wood. Boy's Own Treasury of Sports k 994 BOATING.—YACHTING.—CANOEING. Bagot. Shooting and Yachting in the Medi¬ terranean K. 6719 BlSHor. Voyage of the Paper Canoe I 33° Burgess. English and American Yachts.*R 4285 Coffin. The America's Cup K S937 Qoovy.^ (VanderdeckenJ. The Yacht SailorK 593^ Yachts and Yachting K 5922 CozzENS. Yachts and Yachting K S9°7 Daryl. Le Yacht *V 1850 Davies. Boat-Sailing for Amateurs K 5927 Fellows. Boating Trips I S3S6 Field. Canvas Canoes K 6779 Fitzgerald. Boat-Sailing and Racing.... K 5932 Frazar. Practical Boat-Sailing K 6702 Grosvenor. Boats and Model Yachts ...K 5931 Hicks. Yachts, Boats and Canoes K 5944 Kemp. Yacht and Boat-Sailing *V 597 The same; new ed *K 59*4 Knight. Sailing K 6703 Kunhardt. Small Yachts *R 4901 Steam Yachts K 57^2 Manuel du Canotier C65l3,2l6 Marett. Yachts and Yacht-Building..... K 5908 Morgan. University Oars K 989 Neidé. The Canoe Aurora; from the Adi- rondacks to the Gulf I 5160 Neison and others. Boat-Sailing K 5942 q.ualtrough. Boat Sailer's Manual K 5948 Yachtsman's Manual K S930 Rowing and Sailing K 982 Saunière. a Travers l'Atlantique C 6705 Steele. Canoe and Camera K 1819 Paddle and Portage K 1846 Stephens. Canoe and Boat-Building... .*K 5936 Tiphvs (pseud.). Practical Canoeing K 5784 Treherne and Goldie. University Boat Races, 1829-83 K 6701 Vaux. Canoe Handling, K 6669 Walton. Model Yachts and Sailing K s934 Warren. On Deck; Advice to a Corinthian Yachtsman K 5783 Winn. The Boating Man's Vade-Mecum. .K 6762 Woodgate. Boating K 6747 Rowing and Sculling K 6704 FIELD SPORTS—SHOOTING—CAMPING OUT. Abbott. Ardenmohr among the Hills K 1851 Anderson. Lion and the Elephant K 988 A?fERLEY pJVimrod.). Road, Turf, Chase.K 816 Avon. How I became a Sportsman K 6658 Baikie. International Dictionary for Sports¬ men '"'R 1724 Baker. Rifle and Hound in Ceylon K 1804 Barber. Crack Shot; Rifleman's Guide.. .K 1042 Barnard. Sport in Norway I 1098 Barrows. Shaybacksin Camp K 6695 Barry. Moorland and Stream K 6687 Barth. Erfaringerfra Jagten C 8233 Optegnelser fra mit Jaegerliv C 8233 Batty. How to Hunt and Trap K 820 Beaufort and Morris. Hunting K 6741 Beckford. Thoughts upon Hunting K 6651 Blaine. Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports.. .*R 1209 Bogardus. Field and Trap Shooting K 1045 Bombonnel. Le Tueur des Panthères C 12091 Boyard. Chasseur C6513,268 et Vasserot. Gardes Champêtres. .C65i3,i55 Brown. Shikar Sketches; Notes on Indian Field Sports K 6628 Rumstead. On the Wing K 3101 Burgess. Sporting Fire-Arms K 6635 Campbell, J. Modern Falconry K 6677 Campbell, W. Old Forest Ranger K 814 Carleton. Recreations in Shooting I 3151 Clarke. Crumbs from a Sportsman's Table. K 6663 Cleveland. Hints to Riflemen K 1033 colquhoun. Moor and Loch. 2v K 1836 Sporting Days K 6645 Cook. The Wilderness Cure N 407 cookson. Tiger-Shooting and Life in India K 6724 Cross. Fifty Years with Gun and Rod.... K 1829 Gumming. Hunter's Life in South Africa.2vI 1757 Daniel. Rural Sport. 4v *K 983 Davies. Mountain, Meadow and Mere.. . .K 6641 Dead-Shot; or. Sportsman's Guide K 946 Diane Chasseresse (pseud.). Sporting Sketches K 6734 Dougall. Shooting simplified K 1000 Shooting; its Appliances and Practice... K 6625 Drayson. Tales at the Outspan; S. Africa. K 1826 Dykes. All Round Sport K 6716 Elmhirst. Best Season on Record K 6671 Cream of Leicestershire K -6659 Field, 1889-91. v. 73-77 *Ser. Fitt. Covert-Side Sketches K 1852 Fitzpatrick. Irish Sport and Sportsmen.. K 183g Flack. Hunter in the Southern States.... K 6655 Forsyth. Sporting Rifle K 937 Fortescue. Stag-Hunting on Exmoor....K 6721 Gale. Modern English Sports K 6698 396 PRACTICAL ARTS. Uam.wey. Book of Duck Decoys K 6624 Fowler in Ireland K 6665 Letters to Young Shooters K 6736 Georgens. lllustrirtesSport-Buch D 6t8 Gérard, Hunting and Sporting inAlgeri.a K 6726 Gibson. American Trapper K 852 Camp Life and Tricks of Trapping... .K 6644 Giu.mork. Accessible Field Sports K toot All round the World I 2234 Encounter with Wild Beasts K 1838 Gun, Rod and Saddle K 1046 Hunter in the Great West K 1040 The Hunter's Arcadia K 6722 Prairie and Forest K 1044 Gordon. Camping in Colorado I 5467 Goi'l d. How to camp out I 345 Green. RecoUections oj Natural History and Sport K 8070 Greener. Choke-Bore Guns..,. K 6631 The Gun and its Development K 6630 Ticdern Shot Guns K 6718 Greenwood. Wild Sjwrts K 1015 Grimble. Deer-Stalking K 6637 Hall. Scottish Sports and Pastimes K 6693 Hallock. Sportman's Gazetteer and Guide K 6656 Hammond. Hills, Lakesand Forest Streams K 942 Wild Northern Scenes K 943 Hardy. Sporting Adventures in the New World. 2 v K 1874 Harris. Wild Sports of Southern Africa.*! 1731 Harting. Essays on Sport and Natural History K 6652 Hints on Shore Shooting K 6653 Hawker. Instructions to Six>rtsmen K 1824 Haworth. Silver Greyhound K 1844 Hendersiin. Practical Hints on Camping.K 6650 llEKBEtiT {Frank forresier). Amer. Ganie.K lolo Field .Sports. 2 v K 1009 Manual for young Siwrtsmen K loi i Sporting Scenes. 2 v K 1047 The same; ncwed. 2v K 6642 llotilJOCK {Scruta(ar). Hunting and Sports K 1003 Science of Fo-x Hunting K 1005 Hunter's Handbook, The K 6676 Jacob. Rifle Practice *K876,l Jefferies. The Amateur Poacher K 6714 The Gamekeeper at Home K 6715 Red Deer K 8033 Jester. Die Kleine Jagd D 4485 Johnson. Sportsman's Cyclopjedia K 6622 Kellogg. Hunting in the Jungle K 6725 Kennedv. Sport and Adventure in New¬ foundland I 5065 Klemm. Fr.agmente zum Deutschen Schütz • enwesen D 49O Knox. Hunting Adventures. 2v K 1835 Kouni.i.. Wildanger; Jagdskizzen D 4489 Kridf.r. Sporting Anecdotes K 6730 La Perrière. Les Grandes Chasses au XVIe Siècle C 5622 Laidi.ey. Instruction in Rifle Firing IC 818 Leeein(:welL(//öz'c. Hall. Irrigation and the Irrigation Ques¬ tion. 2 v *Doc. Hinton. Report on Irrigation in the U. S., 1891 *Doe. Hosier. Agricultural Drainage K 1128 Klippart. Land Drainage K 1214 Pareto. Irrigation C 6513,103-106 Atlas *V 1079 Roland. Drainage of Land, Irrigation, etc K 1180,5 Scott. Draining and Embanking K 1595 Farm Engineering K 6953 Irrigation and Water-Supply K '898 Smith. Italian Irrigation. 2v K 6880 Plans *R 429h Stewart. Irrigation forFarm, Garden and Orchard K 6976 Waring. Draining K 1146 GARDENING.—HORTICULTURE. L'Art de cultiver les Jardins C 6513,202 Barnes. Ueber Gärtnerei D 367 Blomfield and Thomas. The Formai Gar¬ den in England K 6845 Boitard. Amateur de Roses C 6513,205 Bon Jardinier, 1876. 3 v. in 2 C 4233 Boussingault. Economie rurale. 2 v.... C 4246 Bridgkman. American Gardener's Assist.ant k 1056 Bright. A Year in a Lancashire Garden... K 2162 Buruidge. Domestic Floriculture K SS92 Horticulture K 6S79 Orchids and how to grow them K 8974 GARDENING—HORTICULTURE. 401 Church. Home Garden K 1207 Cottage Gardener, 1849-58. 20 v *Sc-r. Ellwanger. The Garden's Story K 6840 Falke. Der Garten *V 96S Fawkes. Horticultural Buildings K 6921 Field. The Green-House as a Winter-Gar¬ den K 8927 Floral World and GardenGuide K 8893 Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, 1845-80. 23 V *Sír. Florist and Pomologist, 1862-74. 13 v *Ser, Friend. Flowers and Flower Lore K 8935 Garden, The, 1872-86. 29 V *Sít. Garden and Forest, 18S8-91. 4 V Gardener's Chronicle, 1841-71. 31 v *Ser. Gardener's Magazine, 1874-91. v. 17-34.. *Ser. Gardener's Magazine (Loudon's), 1828-43. '9^- *Ä''. Gardener's Monthly, 1876-79. v. 1S-21... *Är. Gerdolle. Nothlage der Landwirthschaft D 4720 Glenny. Culture of Flowers and Plants... K 6954 Culture of Fruits and Vegetables K 6955 Gardeners' Every-Day Book K 6956 Flower-Garden and Greenhouse K 6957 A Year's Work in Garden and Green¬ house K 6958 Harris. Gardening for Young and Old... K 7029 Hassard. Floral Decorations K 1125 IIazlitt. Old Garden I.iterature........K 6917 Heath. MyGardenWild K 8912 Henderson. Gardening for Pleasure K 1059 Practical Floriculture K 2140 Hibberd. Amateur's Greenhouse and Con¬ servatory K 8917 Amateur's Rose Book K 9012 Rustic Adornments K 1123 History of Massachusetts Horticultural Society K II86 Hogg. Culture of the Carnation K 9005 Horticultural Society of London, Transac¬ tions, 1812-1848. 10 V *R 4410 Horticulturist, 1874-5. v. 29-30 *Ser. Illinois State Horticultural Society, Transac¬ tions, 1868-91. 24 V '''Doc. Jaeger. Zimmer-und Hausgärtnerei D 534 Johnson, C. W. Our House and Garden. .K logg Johnson, E. A. Winter Greeneries at Home. K 1177 Johnson, G. W. Gardeners' Dictionary. .*R 1219 Karr. Tour round my Garden K 2206 Kemp. How to lay out a Garden K H22 I.awson. New Orchard and Garden (1626) K 1183 Lindley. Practical Horticulture K 1116 Loudon, J. C. Encyclopxdia of Garden¬ ing *R 1206 Encyclopxdia of Plants *R 1760 Horticulturist K 1136 Loudon, Mrs. J. C. Gardening for Ladies K 6964 McIntosh. Book of the Garden. 2v K 113; Magazine of Horticulture (Hovey's), 1835-68. 34 v *Ser Manuel de l'Horticulture C 5804 May. Greenhouse Management for Ama¬ teurs K 6959 Mitchell. Out-of-Town Places K 6890 Mollison. Practical Window Gardener.. .K 8950 Moore. Epitome of Gardening K 6884 Neumann. Kunst der Pflanzenvermehrung D 565 Nicholson. Dictionary of Gardening. 3 v.*R 119c Perring. Lexikon für Gartenbau und Blu¬ menzucht *R 3816 Pratt. Flowers and their Associations... .K 8963 Rand. Flowers for the Parlor and Garden.. K 2128 Orchid Culture K 1179 Poptdar Flowers and how to cultivate them K 2125 Treatise on Bulbs K 2150 Window Gardener ..K 2136 Randolph. Parlor Gardener K 8965 Rexford. Home Floriculture K 898S Robinson. Culture of Alpine Flowers K 2142 English Flower Garden K 8966 Gleanings from French Gardens K 1055 Subtropical Garden K 2160 Wild Garden K 2161 Roe. The Home Acre K 7033 schenck. Gardener's Text-Book K 1181 Schmidt und Herzog. Gartenfreund.... D 371 Smee. My Garden *K 1065 Thomson. Book of the Flower Garden... .K 2165 W.atson, A. American Home Garden.... K 1093 Watson, F. Flowers and Gardens K 2129 Watson, W. and Bean. Orchid Culture. .K 9004 Williams, B. S. Greenhouse Flowering Plants K 2211 The same; new ed K 9001 Greenhouse Ornamented-Leaved Plants. K 2212 The same; new ed K 9002 Orchid Grower's Manual K 2213 Williams, H. T. Window Gardening.... K 1117 Wilson. Chronicles of a Garden K 6977 Wood. Good Gardening K 7034 Woodward. Horticultural Buildings and Graperies K 1081 Wredow. Gartenfreund D 6847 MARKET-GARDENING. Ablett. Market-Garden Husbandry K 6842 The same K 1180,8 Barnard. Gardening for Money ,K 1063 PRACTICAL ARTS. 402 Burr. Vegetables of America K 2180 COULTON. Our Farm of Four Acres K 1161 Davidis. Küchen-und Blumengarten D 604 Garden, The; its Preparation and Manage¬ ment K 6843 Gautier. Les Champignons *C 5076 Glenny. Kitchen Gardening made e.asy. .K 1392 Gregory. How to raise Onions *K 1100 Hartwig. Gemüsetreiberei D 587 Der illustrirte Hausgärtner D 535 Der Küchengarten D 532 Henderson. Gardening for Profit K loóo The same; new ed K 6963 Hibberd. Amateur's Kitchen Garden.... K 1221 Culture of Vegetables K 7030 Profitable Gardening K 6876 Jardins C 6513,202 Jones. Peanut Plant K 69^9 McLaurin. Model Potato. K 7028 Main. Cottage Gardening *E 5041,7 Meyer. GemUse-Saamenzucht D 371 Morris. Ten Acres enough K 1160 Oemler. Truck-Farming at the South K 7031 Pink. Potatoes; how to grow them K 6947 Quinn. Money in the Garden K 1064 Robinson. Mushroom Culture K 1053 Roe. Play and Profit in my Garden K 1130 Roosevelt. Five Acres too much K 1131 Sarti. Le Jardin Potager et la Basse-Cour.C 6645 Smee. Potato Plant ' K 694S Vilmorin-Andrieux. The Vegetable Gar¬ den K 6960 Warner. My Summer in a Garden K 1049 White. Gardening for the South K 7032 Wood, M. G. Gardening for the Cottage.. K 1111 Wood, S. Guide to Good Gardening. K 7034 LANDSCAPE GARDENING.—PARKS. Alphand. Promenades de Paris. 2v...*P 968 Boitard. Jardins C 6513,187-188 Cleveland. Landscape Architecture K 1124 Parks for Minneapolis *K 876,2 Rural Cemeteries *K 7170 Coi.e. Royal Parks and Gardens of LondonK 7080 CoPELAND. Landscape Gardening K 1133 Dêsormeaux. Treillageur C 6513,156 Ernouf et Alphand. L'Art des Jardins. .*V 1156 Falke. Der Garten *V 968 Famous Parks and Gardens of the World.. .*V 555 Hampel. Die moderne Teppichgärtnerei.*V 956 Hartwig. Der Parkgarten *R 4295 Hobday. Villa Gardening K 6905 Jaeger. Der Hausgarten ''■V 961 Jakger. Lehrbuch der Gartenkunst D 601 Kern. Landscape Gardening K 1118 Lefîcvre. Les Parcs et les Jardins C 4183 Long. Ornamental Gardening K 7081 Loudon. Villa Gardener K 1109 Marshall. Planting and Rural Ornament. 2v K 1108 Meyer. Lehrbuch der schönen Gartenkunst*V 959 Milner. Art of Landscape Gardening.. .*V 1771 Oakey. Home Grounds K 1208 Parsons. Landscajje Gardening K 6S44 Repton. Landscape Gardening K 1119 Bobbins. Rescue of an Old Place K 6825 Robinson. God's Acre Beautiful K 7090 Gleanings from French Gardens K 1055 Parks and Promenades of Paris K 1054 Sargent. Landscape Gardening K 1120 Scott. Suburban Home Grounds ..K 1121 Sedding. Garden Craft, old and new K 7079 Siebeck. Die bildende Gartenkunst D 4297 Atlas *V 960 Smith. Parks and Pleasure Grounds K 6975 Warder. Hedges and Evergreens K 2132 Weidenmann. Beautifying Country Homes*R 3874 FORESTRY.—TREES.—TIMBER. Ablett. English Trees and Tree-Planting. K 6981 American Forestry Congress, Proceedings, 1882 »K 876,2 Andersson. North American Willows... K 6980 Balfour. Timber and Trees of India K 7018 lli.ENKARN. British Timber Trees K 7089 Boitard. Cultivateur-forestier C 6513,99-100 Boulger. Familiar Trees. 2 v... *K 7001 Boulton. Preservation of Timber K 686,82 Bousfield. Timber Merchant's Vade Mecum K 3732 Brisbin. Trees and Tree-Planting K 7016 Brown, James. The Forester; Forest TreesK 6983 Brown, John. Finland; its Forests K 7008 Forests and Forestry in Poland K 7012 Forests in England in by-gone Times... K 7007 Forests of Northern Russia K 7010 Forestry in Norway K 7011 Forestry of the Ural Mountains K 6998 French Forest Ordinance of 1669 K 7014 Modem Forest Economy K 7v K 2746 Philosophy of Inductive Science. 2 v... K 2747 Scientific Ideas. 2v K 7209 White. Warfare of Science K 2583. Wiener. Grundzüge der Weltordnung D 4631 Williams. Science in Short Chapters K 7179 Scientific Aspects of Familiar Things.. .'E¡¡go,z Wilson. Glimpses of Nature K 8074 Leisure Time Studies K 7785 Winchell. Sketches of Creation K 3274 Reconciliation of Science and Religion..K 2642 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Transactions, 1870-81. s v *Ser. Wonders and Beauties of Creation K 7242 World of Wonders; Marvels in Nature K 7241 Wright, C. R. A. The Threshold of Science K 7261 MATHEMATICS. 413 Wrigjit, T Science written during the Middle Ages K 7256 Wylde. Circle of the Sciences. 4 v. in 2. *R 1131 Year-Book of Scientific Societies of Great Brit¬ ain end Ireland,'1884-89. 6 V *R 1103 Zaboruwski. Mouvelles scientifiques C 6960 Zettel. Die Urzeit d4i6,8-9 MATHEMATICS. Adams. New Arithmetic K 470 Airy. Treatise on Trigonometry K 490 Alings. De Superficierum Curvatura... .*V 382 Angel. Plane and Solid Geometry K 2886 Archimedes. Opera mathematica. 3v....L 5587 Archiv der Mathematik, 1873-77. 55-59 •• Babbage. Calculating Engines *V 1766 Table of Logarithms *K 4061 Baily. Doctrine of Interest , *V 1604 Baker. Mensuration and Measpring K 1276 Ball. History of Mathematics K 4100 Barnard. Metric System; an Address... .K 415 B.arrow, I. Mathematical Works K 541 Bartholomew. Linear Perspective K 1656 Beasley. Plane Trigonometry K 500 Belfield. Little Folks'Arithmetic K 519 Bellows. Plane and Spherical Trigonome¬ try K 526 Bierens de Haan. Tables d'Intégrales dé¬ finies *V 324 Blackburn. Plane Trigonometry ,.. K 497 Blakslee. Trigonometry K 4110 Blater. Table of Quarter-Squares, *V 932 Bledsoe. Philosophy of Mathematics K 549 Boetius. Ars geometría L 5692 Boole. Treatise on the Calculus of Finite Differences K 4113 Treatise on Differential Equations K 4112 Bourdon. Eléments d'Algèbre C12004 Bowditch. Tables for Navigators K 537 Bowser. Analytic Geometry K 4120 Differential and Integral Calculus IC 4121 Plane and Solid Geometry K 4122 Bradbury. Elementary Geometry K 4085 Brainard. The Sextant and other Mathe¬ matical Instruments k.686,joi Breban. Interest Tables *K 4062 Bridge. Treatise on Conic Sections K 472 Bryant and Stratton. Arithmetic K 404 and Packard. Interest Tables *V 1748 Buckingham. New Arithmetic K 4103 Byrne. Tables of Dual Logarithms *V 831 The Young Dual Arithmetician K 4102 Cain. Symbolic Algebra K686,73 Callet. Tables de Logarithmes K 4070 Chastes. Progi-ès de la Géométrie K 539 Chauvenet. Elements of Geometry K 469 Plane and Spherical Trigonometry K 527 Chisholm. Weighing and Measuring K 418 Church. Descriptive Geometry K 534 Plates to same K 534,2 Cirodde. Leçons d'Arithmétique C12215 Clifford. Common Sense of the Exact Sciences "... K 4073 Cocker. Arithmetick (1721) '•'K 538 CoLENSO. Arithmetic for Schools K 413 Elements of Algebra K 431 Colin. Universal Metric System K 416 Comte. Philo.sophy of Mathematics ... .K 535 Corbaux. Compound Interest K 525 Cox. Integral Calculus K 1330 Craig. Linear Differential Equations. .. .K4123 Crosby. First Lessons in Geometry K 4067 Davies, C. Algebra, on Basis of Bourdon. K 540 Descriptive Geometry K 467 Geometry and Trigonometry K 481 Logic of Mathematics K 54A Metric System K 485 Nature and Utility of Mathematics K 484 New Elementary Algebra K 482 Outlines of Mathematical Science K 485 University Arithmetic K 405 and Peck. Mathematical Dictionary.*R iiiB Davies, T. E. and Fen wick. Mathemati¬ cian. 3v K 502 Deghuée. Aufgaben zum Rechnen. 3 v.D 3381 De Morgan. Arithmetical Books K 4064 Differential and Integral Calculus K 456 Essay on Probabilities I 3844 Diesterweg. Geometrie D 405 Unterricht in der Geometrie D 4061 Dittmar. Chemical Arithmetic K 4107 Doty. Methods of Instruction in Arithme¬ tic *Doc. Drew. Solutions to Conic Sections K 479 Treatise on Conic Sections K 448 Encyclopiedia of Pure Mathematics *R 1133 Euclid. Elementa. 5 v. in 3 L 5618 Elements; ed. by Law K 1501 Elements of Geometry; ed. by Potts. . .K 465 The same; ed. by Todhunter K 492 The same; School edition K 477 Evans. Elements of Geometry K 4068 Felter. New Practical Arithmetic K 542 Introduction to Arithmetical Analysis.. .K 427 Ferrel. Ratio between the Diameter and the Circumference of a Circle *Doc. Ferrers. Trilinear Co-ordinates K 503 414 NATURAL SCIENCES. Fish. Complete Arithmetic K 4079 The same. 2v K 517 First Book in Arithmetic K 516 Forsyth. Differential Equations K 4125 Cow. Short History of Greek MathemalicsK 4095 citeenleaf. Elementary Arithmetic K 407 Gregory. Mathematics for Practical Men. K 547 Gugler. Geometrie, mit Kupfertafeln. 2 v D 407 Hackley. • Treatise on Algebra. K 430 Haddon. Differential Calculus K 1431 Elements of Algebra; with Key. 2 v..K 1428 Rudimentary Arithmetic; with Key. 2v K 1429 Hagar. Dictation Problems in-Arithmetic. K 437 Primary Lessons in Numbers K 436 Hall. Differential and Integral Calculus. .K 4134 Hamilton. Elements of Quaternions K 530 Hampson. Romance of Mathematics K 4101 Hann. Analytical Geometry K 1435 Integral Calculus K 1436 Plane and Spherical Trigonometry ... .K 1437 Hardy. Elements of Quaternions K 501 Imaginary Quantities K686,52 Harper's Graded Arithmetics, ist and 2nd. .K 4080 Hathaway, iooi Questions on ArithmeticK 4091 Hatton. System of Arithmetic K 412 Hayter. Perspective, Practical Geometry. K 3706 Heather. Descriptive Geometry K I446 Mathematical Instruments K 531 The same; new ed K 1447 The same. 3v K 1448 v. i. Drawing and Measuring Instruments. 2. Optical Instruments. 3. Surveying and Astronomical Instru¬ ments. Practical Plane Geometry K 1449 Hemming. Differ, and Integral Calculus. .K 461 Hicgs. Algebra self-taught K 532 Hill. Geometry and Faith K 458 First Lessons in Geometry K 457 Second Book in Geometry K 460 Hind. Elements of Algebra K 493 Principles and Practice of Arithmetic.. K 494 Hipsley. Equational Arithmetic K 1455 Hobson. Treatise on Plane Trigonometry .K 4111 How to become Quick at Figures K 4074 Howard. Art of Computation K 406 Howison. Analytic Geometry K 425 The same K 475 Hunter. Elements of Plane Geometry... .K 468 Hutton. Course of Mathematics K 548 Johnson. Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations K 4124 Kapteijn. Der Meetkunst D 9407 KiRKand Belfield. Elementary ArithmeticK 5'® Kirkman. Geometry, Algebra,TrigonometryK 1480 Knisely. Arithmetical Questions K 558 Lardner. Treatise on Arithmetic I 3850 Treatise on Geometry I 3851 Laurie. Arithmetical Examples K 400 Manual of Arithmetic K 401 Law. Logarithms K 1509 Mathematical Tables K 1504 Layton. Instant Reckoner K 4065 Legendre. Elements de Géométrie K 473 Geometry and Trigonometry K 471 Loomis. Geometry and Conic Sections... .K 4086 Plane and Spherical Trigonometry... .K 504 Treatise on Algebra K 4090 M'Clelland. Geometry of the Circle... .K 4133 Macé. Arithmétique du Grand-Papa C 5773 Mahan. Geometry applied to Stone CuttingK 702 Mathematical Monthly. 1859-61. 3V *Ser. Meetkunst D 9523 Milne. First Lessons in Arithmetic K 417 Mohammed Ben Musa. Algebra ♦V 1288 Montag. Geometrie D 412 Morehouse. Table of Wages K 528 Muir. Theory of Determinants K 4130 Newcomb. Algebra for Schools and Col¬ leges K 498 Elements of Geometry K 499 Logarithmic and other Mathematical Tables K 4131 Newton. Newton's Principia K 2791 Nicomachus. Introductionis Arithmeticae libri II L 5649 O'Gorman Intuitive Calculations K 1538 Olney. Elements of Arithmetic K 4098 Geometry and Calculus K 524 Key to complete Algebra. K 522 Primary Arithmetic K 521 T rigonometry K 523 Ottley. Integral Calculus K 463 üzanam. Recreations in Mathematics. 4 vK 459 Peck. Analytical Geometry K 487 Practical Arithmetic K 486 Treatise on Calculus K 488 Pike. CompletcSystem of Arithmetick... K 464 Pocket Logarithms K686,65 Price. Treatise on Infinitesimal Calculus. 4 V *P 158 Proclus. In primum Euclidis eleraentorum librura comraentarii L 5665 Pryde. Chambers's Mathematical Tables. K 4063 Quackenbos. Elementary Arithmetic.. ..K 434 Mental Arithmetic K 432 Primary Arithmetic K 433 MATHEMATICS. 415 Rankine. Rules and Tables relating to Mensuration K 665 Ray. Algebra, pt. 2d, with Key. 2v K 421 The same. 2v K 420 Arithmetic, Books 2, 3. 2V K 4087 Arithmetic, pt. 3 K 496 Higher Arithmetic K 419 Rudiments of Arithmetic K 426 Ready Reckoner K 1565 Reffelt. Exempelbuch für Rechnen. 12 vD 3384 Exempelbuch für Kopfrechnen. 2V..D 3382 Rechnenbuch für deutsche Schulen. 3 vD 3383 Rekenkunde D 9688 Richard. Mathématiques appliquées. .06513,167 Robinson. Conic Sections K 507 Elementary Treatise on Algebra K 4072 Elements of Arithmetic K ¡12 Elements of Geometry K 466 Key to Geometry, etc K 515 New Differential and Integral Calculus.K 508 New Elementary Algebra K 4089 New University Algebra K 510 Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. ... K *509 Practical Arithmetic with Key. 2v...K 506 Progressive Intellectual Arithmetic... .K 514 Rudiments of Written Arithmetic K 513 Sadler and Nugent. Counting House Arith. K 505 Salmon. Treatise on Conic Sections K 4094 Sanford. Higher Analytical Arithmetic.. K 399 Intermediate Arithmetic K 398 Primary Arithmetic K 397 Sang. Elementary Arithmetic K 408 Higher Arithmetic K 409 Life-Valuations K 544 Table of Seven-place Logarithms K 543 schroen. Siebenstellige Logarithmen. . .*K 4071 Schulze. Mathematische Tafeln. 2v...*D 413 Schuyler. Elements of Geometry K 476 Scott. Tables of Logarithms *K 545 Searle. Elements of Geometry K 478 Seaver and Walton. Franklin Elementary Arithmetic K 4084 Franklin Primary Arithmetic K 4083 Franklin Written Arithmetic K 4082 Mental Arithmetic K 4078 Smith, C. Examples on Conic Sections.. .K 4096 Smith, J. B. Arithmetic in Theory and Practice K 402 Smith, J. C. Questions in Mathematics. . .K 4141 Smith, W. B. Elementary Co-ordinate Geometry K 4075 Speer. Lessons for the Study of Number.. K 4092 Spencer. Inventional Geometry K 480 Spieker. Lehrbuch der ebenen Geometrie. D 4339 Stewart. Plane and Solid Geometry. K 4117 Stoddard. Intellectual Arithmetic K 4081 Juvenile Mental Arithmetic K 551 Key to Practical Arithmetic K 554 Key to Pract. and Complete Arithmetic K 557 Primary Arithmetic K 552 Rudiments of Arithmetic K 553 and Henkle. University Algebra.... K 555 Key to Elementary Algebra K 556 SwARTHOUT and Farnham. Examples in Arithmetic, ist and 2nd Books K 4077 Tait. Treatise on Quaternions K 4069 Tappan. Geometry and Trigonometry.... K 422 Plane and Solid Gepmetry K 423 Taylor. First Principles of Euclid K 4076 Terrière. Calculateur C6si3,i48 Thoman. Compound Interest and AnnuitiesK 1604 Thomson. Higher Arithmetic K 403 New Mental Arithmetic K 428 New Rudiments of Arithmetic K 429 Todhunter. Analytical Statics K 446 Algebra for Beginners K 438 Key to the same K 440 Algebra for Colleges K 439 Key to the same K 441 Calculus of Variations K 443 Conic Sections K 447 Differential Calculus K 445 Examples of Analytical Geometry K 449 Functions ef Laplace, Lamé and BesselK 454 Mensuration for Beginners K 452 Plane Trigonometry K 451 Spherical Trigonometry K 450 Theory of Equations K 442 The Theory of Probability K 453 Treatise on Integral Calculus K 444 Trigonometry for Beginners K 495 Totten. Treatise on Algebra K 474 Tower. Intellectual Algebra K 455 Vega. Logarithmisch-trigonometrisches Hand¬ buch D 6748 Venema. Onderwijzinge in de Algebra...D 9875 Versluys. Leerboek der Rekenkunde.... D 885 Vose. Algebraic Problems K686,i6 Walton. Arithmetic for Schools K 4088 Intellectual Arithmetic K 520 and Cogswell. Problems; with Key.K 414 Warren. Elements of Descriptive Geometry. 2 V K 4129 Linear Perspective in Form and ShadowK 253 Primary Geometry K 4132 Problems in Descriptive Geometry K 4128 Problems in Plane Geometry K 529 Problems in Stone Cutting K 754 4I6 NATURAL SCIENCES. Warren. Troblems of Shades K 4126 Wentworth. College Algebra K 4093 Whewkll. The Doctrine of Limits K 4097 Whitiî. Intermediate Arithmetic K 411 Wich. Geometrischer Fonnelnschatz I) 411 WlucKE. Mathematik D 414 Williamson. Differential Calculus K 413s Treatise on the Integral Calculus K 4136 WoLTERlNG. Rekenkundige Opgavcn.... D 9939 Wood. Elements of Algebra k 435 WooLHOVsE. Differential Calculus K 1632 Wrigley. E.vamples in Mathematics K 4066 Voi'ng. Arithmetic; with Key. 2 v K 1640 Elements of Differential Calculus K 462 PHYSICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Abbott. Force K 2735 Adams. Circle of the Year K 2753 Everyday Obiects K 2681 Allen, C. R. Elementary Physics K 7270 Allen, Z. Philosophy of the Mechanics of Nature K 2796 Solar Light and Heat K 2053 Annalen der Physik und Chemie (Poggen- dorff's), 1873-81. V. 148-159. New Series, v. 1-14 *Ser. Namen-Register, v. 1-150. Sachregister, v. 1-160. AJtNOT. The Present World E 788 Arnott. Elements of Physics K 2640 Avery. Elements of Natural Philosophy.. .K 7198 Baeblich. Buch der Physik D 4405 Bartlett. Elements of Natural Philo¬ sophy K 2576 Basset. Hydrodynamics and Sound K 7228 Battve. What is Vital Force? K 2861 Bell. Phenomena of Nature I 3508 Berghaus. Aardrijksbeschrijving. 2V...D9041 Bixbv. Similarities of Physical and Religious Knowledge K 2678 Blackwell. Physical Basis of Immortality.K 2647 Blikken in het Leven der Natuur D 9064,5 Boer. Natuurkundig Leerboek. 2 v.. ..D 9076 Bower. Science applied to Work K 7260 Science of Everyday Life K 7263 Brettner. Physik D 392 Brewster. Letters on Natural Magic I 3683 The same I 3586 Bryant. The World-Energy and its Self- Conservation K 7220 Bucke. Beauties of Nature I 3751 Buckley. History of Natural Science. ...K2645 Burg. Grondbeginselen der Natuurkunde.D 9110 Burmeister. Geschichte der Schbpfung.. D 352 Gaillard. Invisible Powers of Nature... .K 7207 Calleja. Universal Physiology K 7234 Camtbell. Thermography K 7553 Cari'ENTER. Energy in Nature K 7185 Cazin. Les Forces physiques C 4166 Chambers, R. Vestiges of Creation K 7146 Chambers, W. Questions with Answers.. .K 2708 Child. Bencdicite; or, Song of the Three Children. 2v K 7258^ Comstock. Natural Philosophy K 7187 System of Natural Philosophy K 2574 The same K 7'5® COOLEY. Experiment in Physical Science. .K 2690 Natural Philosophy for Schools K 2794 New Text Book of Physics K 7151 Text Book of Natural Philosophy K 2782 Crueger. Schule der Physik D 4427 Cutler. Essentialsof PhysicsandChemistry.K 9138 Cyclopaedia of Experimental Philosophy.. . .*R 1134 Daniell. Principles of Physics K 7191 Dawson. Nature and the Bible K 2981 Desçhanel. Natural Philosophy K 2798 Dick. Christian Philosopher J 48,2 Diesterweg. Heelal en zijne Wonderen.. D 9188 Dolbear. Art of Projecting K 7188 Matter, Ether and Motion K 7268 Dorner. Grundzüge der Physik D 4260 •Earnshaw. Treatise on Motion K 2667 Eckardt. Physics in Pictures *V 575 Eisenlohr. Lehrbuch der Physik D 393 Emsman. Handwörterbuch der Physik. . .•r 785 Euler. Letters on Natural Philosophy. 2 v.I 3687 Everett. Illustrations of the C. G. S. Sys¬ tem of Units K 7229 Faraday. Experimental Physics K 2348 Forces of Nature K 2739 Féré. Sensation et Mouvement C 4884 Figuier. Alchimie et les Alchimistes C 4900 Histoire du Merveilleux. 4v C 4904 Merveilles de la Science. 4 v "Y 1105 Le Savant du Foyer C 4914 The World before the Deluge K 2825 Fisher. Physics of the Earth's Crust K 7210 Flammarion. L'Atmosphère »V 1117 Fonvielle. Le Monde invisible C 4174 Frick. Physical Technics K 2651 Gage. Physical Laboratory Manual K 7272 Text-Book on Elements of Physics K 7269 Ganot. Natural Philosophy for Schools... K 2596 Traité de Physique C12455 Treatise on Physics K 2666 Gillet and Rolfe. Natural Philosophy for Schools K 7'97 PHYSICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 417 Good. Bcrakof Nature K 2752 Gore. Art of Scientific Discovery K 7153 Gravesande. Natural Philosophy. îv..K2781 Green. Value of Physical Science *L 1089 Grove. Correlation of Forces .K 2736 and others. Correlation of Forces. . ..K2737 Grund. Elements of Natural Philosophy. .K 7181 Guillaud. Physique appliquée C 6513, 124 Guillemin. Forces of Nature K 2709 Applications of Physical Forces K 2848 Le Monde physique *V 1148 V. I. Pesanteur et Gravitation; le Son. 2. La Lumière. 3. Le Magnétisme et l'Electricité. 4. La Chaleur. 5. La Météorologie; la Physique moléculaire. Phénomènes de la Physique *V 1108 Guthrie. First Book of Knowledge K 7154 Hamilton. All Matter tends to Rotation. .K 7212 Handleiding tot Kennis van den Aardbol.... D 9317 Handleiding tot de Kennis der Natuur D 9316 Hartley. Air; its Relation to Life K 2653 Hartwig. , Aerial World K 2847 Harmonies of Nature K 2755 Gott in der Natur D 4470 Die Unterwelt D 4472 Subterranean World K 2818 Haughton. Least Action in Nature *K 2797 Herschel. Natural Philosophy I 3846 Hickok. Rational .Cosmology K 2650 Higgins. The Earth; its Physical Condition and Phenomena I 3711 Hogg. Natural Philosophy I 3264 Hopkins. Experimental Science; Physics. .K 7214 Hutchison. ^Unexplained Phenomena.. . .K 7158 Huxley. Physiography K 2580 Index to Treatises on Natural Philosophy. .*K 7141 Johnson. The One Great Force K 2586 Johnston. Natural Philosophy K 2588 Joyce. Introduction to Arts and Sciences. .K 2705 Kidd. Adaptation of Nature to Man I 3247 Kimball. Physical Properties of Gases.... K 7219 Koerner. Die Luft D 4491 Kohlrausch. Physical Measurements... .K 2813 Krause (C. Werden und Vergehen.D 4594 Krebs. Erhaltung der Energie D 416,25 La Landelle. Dans les Airs C 5641 Lanoye. The Sublime in Nature K 2603 Lardner. Natural Philosophy K 2707 The same K 2806 Hydrostatics and Pneumatics I 3849' Levy. Curiosités scientifiques C 5694 Lloyd. Papers on Physical Science K 7189 Locke. Elements of Natural Philosophy. .J 178,3 Locke. Elements of Natural Philosophy.. I 3048, 2 Loewenthal. Fifty Laws relating to Spher¬ ical Movements K 2718 Lommel. Lexikon der Physik und Meteor¬ ologie *R 3814 Loney. Elements of Statics and Dynamics. 2 v K 5007 Loomis. Elements of Natural Philosophy. .K 2581 Lotze. Mikrokosmus. Jv D 4514 Dasselbe. 3 v. in 2 D 6712 McCosh. Typical Form of Creation K 2992 Mangin. L'Air et le Monde aérien *V 1136 The Desert World K 2841 Les Deserts C S9"9 Le Monde de l'Air C S9'7 Le Monde marin C 59'9 Les Phénomènes de l'Air C 5916 Marsh. Earth modified by Human Action. K 2839 Man and Nature K 2840 Marshall. Spaziergänge eines Natur¬ forschers D 4532 Martin. Philosophia Britannica. 3V....K 2783 Martinet. Katechismus der Natuur. 4V.D9518 Maxwell. Matter and Motion K686, 36 Michelet. Poetry of Earth and Sea K 2750 Milner. Gallery of Nature *V 350 Minchin. Treatise on Statics. 2v K 7196 Möhr. Geschichte der Erde D 376 Moitessier. L'Air C 4222 Mudie. Guide to Observation of Nature... I 3546 The same I 3688 Mystery of Matter E3390, 2 Natuurkunde ^ D 9523 Netoliczka. Physik, Chemie u. Mechanik.D 363 Physik für Töchterschulen D 397 Newton. Mathematical Principle of Natural Philosophy.; K 2791 Nichol. Cyclopiedia of Physical Sciences.*R 1106 Nichols. Fireside Science K 2276 Nielson. Natur ogAand C 7423 Norton. Elements of Natural Philosophy.K 2792 Nuttall. Dictionary of Scientific Terms.*R 1085 Ohm. Dreieinigkeit der Kraft D 389 Olmsted. Natural Philosophy, v. i K 7203 Orr. Circle of the Sciences K 2695 v. I. Organic Nature. 2. Botany. 3. Zoology. 4. Inorganic Nature. 5. Navigation. 6. Chemistry, Light, etc. 7. Practical Chemistry. 8. Mathematical Sciences. 9. Mechanical Philosophy. 4i8 NATURAL SCIENCES. OzANAM. Natural Philosophy. 4 v K 459 Paris. Philosophy in Spct K 7163 Parker. Natural Philosophy K 2790 Paterson. Studies in Life K 7788 The Universe *K 7170 Prirck, Ideality in the Physical Sciences. .K, 7142 PiirpER. Pneumatics and Acoustics K 2849 Phelps. Natural Philosophy for lleginners. K 2579 Pickering. Elements of Physical Manipula¬ tion. 2 V K 7193 Plank. Das Princip der Erhaltung der Energie D 6510 Potter. Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. 2 V K 7201 PouiLi et. Physik und Meteorologie. 2 v. D 396 Powell. History of the Physical Sciences. .1 3854 Unity of Worlds and of Nature K 7244 Prins. Dampkringskunde D 9662 Quackenbos. Natural Philosophy K 2593 Reis. Lehrbuch der Physik 04509 Richard. Jeux ensergnant la Science.C 6513,61-62 Rolfe and Gillet. Hand-book of Natural Philosophy K 2595 The same, for school and homeuse.K 2784 Saffray. Elements des Sciences physiques.C 6633 Saint-Venant. Elastical Researches K 7221 SCHUCHT. Handbuch der Physik D 562 Sedgwick. Force as an Entity. K 7225 SlEGMUND. Untergegangene Welten D 4366 Wunder der Physik u. Chemie D 4365 Siemens. Conservation of Solar Energy.. .K 7194 SILLIMAN. Principles of Physics K 2608 Smith. Natural Philosophy for Schools.... K 7156 somervllle. Physical Sciences k 2710 Spiller. Grundriss der Physik D 4593 Stallo. Theories of Modern Physics K 7168 Matière et Physique moderne C 6791 Steele. Answers in Natural Philosophy... K 2321 14 Weeks in Natural Philosophy K 2597 14 Weeks in Physics K 2598 Chatauqua Course in Physics.- K 7257 Stewart. Conservation of Energy K 2699 Erhaltung der Energie D415, 9 Lessons in Elementary Physics K 7162 Primer of Physics K2685, 3 and Gee. Elementary Physics. 2v.:.K 7204 Physics for Schools K 7205 Tait. Advances in Physical Science K 2638 and Steele. Dynamics of a Particle..K 7218 Tho.mson and Tait. Natural Philosophy. 2v K 7190 Todhunter. Theory of Elasticity K 7199 Tomi.inson. Natural Philosophy K 1607 Pneumatics for Ileginners K 1608 Tyndai.l. Advancement of Science K 2721 Faraday as a Discoverer K 2672 Floating-Matter in the Air K 7176 Fragments of Science K 2673 The same; new ed. 2 v K 2636 Molecular Physics K 2689 Ule und Hummel. Physikalische und che¬ mische Unterhaltung D 4599 Universal Powers of Nature Revealed K 2722 Ward. Constitution of the Earth K 7200 Weinhold. Experimental Physics K 7161 Wells. Hand-book of Natural Philosophy. 3v K 2786 Wesley. Natural Philosophy. 3v f 36®S Williamson andTARLETON. Treatise on Dy¬ namics K 5006 winslow. Force and Nature K 7'95 Wueli.ner. Lehrbuch der Experimental¬ physik. 4v D 4635 WATER. Blair. Analysis of Potable Waters K 9151 Catlow. Drops of Water K 3182 Chapman and Wanklyn. Water-Analysis.N 443 Church. Plain Words about Water K 3563 Folkard. Potable Water K686, 61 Kirkwood. Filtration of River Waters. . .'V 286 MaCDONALD. Examination of Drinking Water N 442 Mosher. Water and its Impurities K 2717 Parry. Water; its Composition, etc N 444 Pfaff. Das Wasser D416, 4 Prudden. Drinking Water and Ice Sup¬ plies N 655 Tissandier. L'Eau C 4203 Wonders of Water K 2633 Tyndall. Forms of Water K 2687 Das Wasser D415, I Watt. Composition of Water K 7160 SOUND AND ACOUSTICS. Airy. Sound and Atmospheric Vibrations.K 2644 Arago. Geschwindigkeit des Schalles... .D381,15 Bartlett. Acoustics and Optics K 2576 Basset. Elementary Treatise on Sound... K 7228 Blaserna. Der Schall D415, 24 Brewer. Sound and its Phenomena K 2669 Gurney. Power of Sound K 3922 Helmholtz. Sensations of Tone K 270 Tonempfindungen D 444 Henry. Researches in Sound.. K 2599 Lees. Acoustics, Light and Heat K 2880 Mayer. Sound; Series of Experiments... K 2585 LIGHT AND OPTICS.—HEAT. 419 Melde. Akustik 0415,56 Pepper. Acoustics and Pneumatics K 2849 Radau. L'Acoustique C 4195 Der Schall D416, i Wonders of Acoustics K 2607 Smith. Acoustics in Buildings K 1578 Strutt, LordRayleigh. Theory of Sound..K 775° Tyndall. On Sound K 2671 wuellner. Allgemeine Physik und Akus¬ tik D4635.1 See also Music. LIGHT A^D OPTICS. Abbott. Light K 2733 Airy. Undulatory Theory of Optics K 7501 Arago. Polarisation des Lichtes 0381,10 Ueber des Licht O381,7 Awdry. Easy Lessons in Light K 7502 Bartlett. Elements of Optics K 2576 Brewster. The Kaleidoscope K 2662 Optics I 3843 L'Optique C6513, 48-49 The Stereoscope K 2661 Buechner. Licht und Leben O 4419 Electric Light. See Electric Light, p. 373. Gerland. Licht und Wärme O 6703 Glazebrook. Physical Optics.... K 7504 Goblet. Theory of Sight K 2663 Guillemin. La Lumière *Vii48, 2' Heather. Optical Instruments K1448, 2 Hunt. Researches on Light K 2761 Le Conte. Sight N 177 Lommel. Nature of Light K 2701 Wesen des Lichtes O415, 8 Marion. L'Optique C 4186 Wonders of Optics K 2605 Moitessier. La Lumière C 5905 Nugent. Treatise on Optics K 7509 Parkinson. Treatise on Optics K 2664 Phipson. Phosphorescence K 2816 PiSKO. I.icht und Farbe 0416,2 Potter. Treatise on Optics. 2v K 7510 Physical Optics. 2 v K 75ii Preston. Theory of Light K 7519 Spottiswoode. Polarisation of Light.... K 2659 Stokes. On Light K 7508 Tait. Light K 7507 Tarn. Light; Introduction to Optics K 1542 Tyndall. Lectures on Light K 2726 Light and Electricity K 2727 Van Monckhoven. Photographic Optics. .K 2812 Vogel. Chemistry of Light K 2658 Chemische Wirkungen des Lichtes .... O415, 5 Wright. Light; Experimental Optics K 7503 Optical Projection; Use of the Lantern. .K 7505 WuELLNER. Die Lehre vom Licht....... O4635, 2 HEAT. Abbott. Heat K 2732 Anderson. Conversion of Heat into Work. K 4906 Bouant. Les Merveilles du Feu C12094 Box. Treatise on Heat IC 2724 Campbell. Frost and Fire. 2v K 2730 Cazin. La Chaleur C 4165 Wonders of Heat K 2609 Die Wärme O416, 3 Clausius. Mechanical Theory of Heat.... IC 7543 Cooley. Mechanical Action of Radiation.*K 7170 Everett. Deep-sunk Thermometer *Doc. Fourier. Analytical Theory of Heat K 7544 Guillemin. La Chaleur *Vii48, 4 Irving. Short Manual of Heat K 2731 Larden. School Course on Heat K 7560 Lardner. Treatise on Heat I 3852 MacCulloch. Mechanical Theory of Heat.K 741 Maxwell. Theory of Heat K 2700 Metcalfe. Caloric. 2v K 2720 Roentgen. Thermodynamics K 4911 Seguin. Family Thermometry K 2757 Ser. Chaleur. 2 v C 6678 Stewart. Elementary Treatise on Heat. .K 2729 The same *P 242 Thurston. Heat as a Form of Energy...K 7561 Trowbridge. Heat a Source of Power... .K 2728 Tyndall. Heat a Mode of Motion K 2725 The same; new edition K 7541 On Radiation K 2688 Die Wärme O 4602 Williams, C. W. Combustion of Coal... .K 1626 Thesame; new edition K 4840 Heat in Relation to Water and Steam.. K 2649 Williams, W. M. Simple Treatise on Heat K 7545 Wuellner. Die Lehre von der Wärme. .04635,3 BALLOONS AND AEROSTATICS. Aeronautical Society of Great Britain, Reports, 1866-71 K 2749 Arago. Wissenschaftliche Luftfahrten.... O381,9 coxwell. My Life and Balloon Experi¬ ences K 7484 Oupuis-Oelcourt. Aerostation C 6513, 144 Flammarion. Mes Voyages aëriens C 4991 Fonvielle. Adventures in the Air K 7485 Glaisher. Travels in the Air K 2756 Goupil. La Locomotion aérienne.. C12459 420 NATURAL SCIENCES. Grili.eau. Les Aérostats dirigeables c12467 La Landelle. Dans les Airs C 5641 Manseield. Aerial Navigation K 7490 Marion. Les Ballons C 4185 Wonderful Balloon Ascents K 2606 May. Ballooning; its History and Princi¬ ples Iv 7491 Tissandier. Les Ballons dirigeables C13217 Histoire de mes Ascensions C 6913 Histoire des Ballons et des Aéronautes.*V 1053 La Photographie en Ballon C13218 Souvenirs d'un aérosticr militaire *V 1851 Turnor. Astra Castra; Ballooning *V 159 Zürcher et Margollé. Les Ascensions célèbres C 4208 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Albrecht. Geschichte der Elektricität..0429,28 Angell. Magnetism and Electricity K 2S74 Arago. pie Elektricität 0381,4,15 Geber Magnetismus 0381,4 Baille. L'Electricité C 4162 Wonders of Electricity K 2632 Baker. Magnetism and Electricity K 7616 BÊLOT. Les Secretsdu Magnétisme C12051 Blakeslev. Alternating Currents K 7659 Brennan. Exposition of Electricity K 7606 Caillard. Electricity K 7675 Carl. Elektrische Naturkräfle K 416,6 Cavendish. Electrical Researches, 1771-81 K 7715 Cazin. L'Étincelle électrique C12130 CUMMING. Theory of Electricity K 7717 Da'VIS. Manual of Magnetism K 2799 Oe La Rive. Treatise on Electricity. 3 v. .K 2795 Ou Moncel. Electro-Magnets K686,64 Dunman. Electricity and Magnetism K 77^5 Epitome of Electricity and Galvanism K 7602 Faraday. Researches in Electricity. 3v.K7629 Ferguson. Electricity K 2789 The same; new ed K 75^^ Figuier. L'Electricite *Vio7i,i Fiske. Electricity K 7612 Fleming. Alternate Current Transformer.K 7657 Forbes. Lectures on Electricity K 7634 Gladstone and Tribe. Chemistry of the Secondary Batteries K 7 "07 Gördon. Electricity and Magnetism. 2V.k7583 The same; new ed. 2v K 7680 School Electricity K 7623 Static Electric Induction. K 75^4 Greer. Wonders in Electricity... K 7600 Guillemin. Electricity and Magnetism.. *K 7684 Guthrie. Magnetism and Electricity K 2854 Harris. Rudimentary Electricity K 1440 Rudimentary Magnetism K 1442 Treatise on Galvanism.. K 1441 Harti.eden. Neueste literarische Erschei nungen über Elektricität *0 643 Hobbs. Arithmetic of Electrical Measure¬ ments K 7693 Hopkins. Experimental Physics K 7214 Houston. Oictionary of Electrical Terms*R 1120 The same K 7728 Jamieson. Magnetism and Electricity.... K 7723 Jenkin. Electricity and Magnetism K 2801 Kirwan. Electricity; what it is K 7618 Larden. Electricity for Schools and Col¬ leges K 7716 Lardner. Electricity and Magnetism.... K 2806 Electricity and Magnetism. 2v i 3853 Lfvander. Questions on Magnetism and Electricity K 7718 Lockwood. Electricity and Magnetism. . .K 7601 1.0dge. Modern Views of Electricity K 7646 Magnetism of Ships, and Compass Devia¬ tion K 2S02 Mascart and Joubert. Electricity and Magnetism. 2 v K 7650 Maxwell. Elementary Treatise on Elec¬ tricity K 7590 Electricity and Magnetism. 2 v K 2788 Maycock. First Book of Electricity and Magnetism K 7689 Menden hall. A Century of Electricity. .K 7627 Metcalfe. Terrestrial Magnetism K 2807 Miller. Electricity and Magnetism K 2743 Murdock. Electricity and Magnetism ...K 7596 Murray. Electricité atmosphérique. ..C65i3,i64 Niaudet. Treatise on Electric Batteries.. .K 7614 Noad. Text-Book of Electricity K 2738 Manual of Electricity K 2740 Ohm. The Galvanic Circuit K686,102 Pepper. Electricity K 2850 Poyser. Magnetism and Electricity K 7726 Prescott. Electricity and the Telegraph.. K 2S51 Radau. Le Magnétisme C 4223 Reichenbach. Magnetism and ElectricityK 2S00 Ronalds. Bdoks relating to Electricity. .»O 256 Rust. Electricity K 7722 Sprague. Electricity K 7605 Stewart and Gee. Electricity and Mag¬ netism K7204,s The same for School K 7205, i fiturgeon. Electricity and Magnetism. . .*V 258 Tarn. Magnetism and Electricity K 7719 Thompson. Electricity and Magnetism.. .K 7391 Thomson. Electrostatics and Magnetism. .K 2787 CHEMISTRY. 421 Trevert. Hand-Book of Electricity IC 7687 Tyndall. Diamagnetisra and Magne-Crys- tallic Action K 7640 Light and Electricity K 2727 United States Patents on Electricity, Index, 1881-90. g V. in 3 Pat. Dept. Vaschy. Traité d'Electricité et de Magné¬ tisme. 2v C13304 Walker. Magnetism K 2744 "Watson and Burbury. Mathematical The¬ ory of Electricity. 2v K 7647 Wli.soN. How to magnetise K 2582 WoRMELt. Magnetism and Electricity,... K 7724 CHEMISTRY. Allen. Commercial Organic Analysis. 2V.K9I26 Annalen der Chemie (Liebig's), 1877-91. v. 185-266 (Incomplete). *Ser. Appleton. Chemistry K 2351 Attfield. Chemistry K 2241 Auerbach. Anthracen K 9122 Baer. Chemie des praktischen Lebens. 2y.D 401 Chemie für Schule und Haus D 4407 Beilstein. Qualitative Analysis K 2888 Berr. Anfangsgründe der Chemie D 402 Berthelot. Chemische Synthese 0415,25 Blair, A. A. Chemical Analysis of Iron.. .K 9150 Blair, J. A. Analysis of Potable Waters. .K 9151 Bloxam. Laboratory Teaching K 2245 Organic and Inorganic Chemistry K 2291 Bolton. Literature of Manganese *K 2559 Students' Quantitative Analysis ' K 2342 Booth and Morfit. Improvementsiii Chem¬ ical Arts K 872 Bowman. Practical Chemistry K 2252 Brande and Taylor. Chemistry K 2336 Brodie. Ideal Chemistry K 9147 Chemical News, 1874-91. v. 29-65 *Ser. Church. The Laboratory Guide K 9153 Clarke. Elements of Chemistry K 2353 Specific Gravity Tables K 2793 Classen. Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Electrolysis K 9129 Clowes. Treatise on Practical Chemistry. .K 2333 Comstock. Elements of Chemistry K 2256 Cooke. Chemieder Gegenwart D415,16 Elements of Chemical Physics K 2271 New Chemistry K 2251 Principles of Chemical Philosophy K 2273 Religion and Chemistry K 2272 CooLEY. Text-book of Chemistry K 2280 Crafts. Qualitative Analysis K 2296 Crookes. Chemical Analysis K 9132 Cross. Elementary Chemictil Technics... .K 9131 Cutler. Essentials of Chemistry K 9138 Dammer. Lexikon der Chemie *R 3807 Lexikon für chemische Technologie.. .*R 3808 Daübeny. Introduction to Atomic Theory. K 2281 Davy. Agricultural Chemistry K 2299 The same J47, 7"8 Elements of Chemical Philosophy J 47,4 Researches in Nitrous Oxide, etc J 47, 3 Deherrypon. La Chimie C 4169 De Köninck. Chemical Analysis K 773 Dittmar. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. K 9155 D0Ñ0VAN. Chemistry I 3845 Beginselen der Scheikunde D 9197 Dragendorff. Plant Analysis K 9128 Drechsel. Study of Chemical Reactions. .K 2338 Duplais. Treatise on Alcoholic Liquors. .*K 4276 Eliot and Storer. Manual of Chemistry.K 2316 The same; new ed K 9163 Encyclopxdia of Chemistry. 2v *R 761 Enklaar. Anorganische Scheikunde. 2 v.D 9238 Faraday. Chemical History of a Candle.. K 2305 Chemical Manipulation K 2297 Lectures on Non-metallic Elements... K 2304 Researches in Chemistry K 2348 Fehling. Wörterbuch der Chemie. 5 v.*R 780 Fittig. Wöhler's Organic Chemistry K 2323 Fleck. Chemie und Gesundlieitspflege.... D 4453 Fownes. Rudimentary Chemistry K 1375 Elementary Chemistry K 2301 Fox. Ozone and Antozone K 9181 Foye. Chemical Problems K686, 69 Frankland, E. How to teach Chemistry. K 2247 Lecture Notes for Students K 2330 Frankland, P. F. Agricultural Chemical Analysis K 2347 Fresenius. Qualitative Analysis K 2307 Qualitative chemische Analyse D 4454 Quantitative Analysis K 2306 Quantitative chemische Analyse D 4455 Galloway. Manual of Qualitative Anal¬ ysis K 2248 Principles of Chemistry K 9133 Gerhardt. Traité de Chimie organique. 4VC5102 GiIxARDIN. Algemeene Scheikunde D 9662 Glauber. Works; tr by Packe *V 1761 Gmelin. Hand-book of Chemistry. 19 v.K 2310 Gorup-Besanez. Lehrbuch d. Chemie. 3 v.D 4463 Grabfield and Burns. Chemical Problems. IC 9134 Graham. Elements of Chemistry. 2V...K2261 Chemical and Physical Researches K 2311 Gray, Elements of Chemistry K 2243 The s.ime; new ed K 2258 Griffin. Chemical Handicraft K 2346 423 NATURAL SCIENCES. Griffin. Non-metallic Elements K 2257 Groves and Thorp. Chemical Technology.*R 769 Guéranger. Leçons de Chimie C 5135 Hamm. Chemie des täglichen Lebens L4941 5 Harcourt and Madan. Exercises in Practi¬ cal Chemistry K. 2334 Hardwich. Photographic Chemistry K 6006 Hardy. Principes de Chimie biologique.. .C 5190 Hempei,. Methods of Gas Analysis K 9156 Hoff. Chemistry in Space K 9148 Hoffmann. Manual of Chemic.-il Analysis. N 76 Hofmann, A. W. Life-Work of Liebig.. .K 2314 Modern Chemistry K 2250 Hofmann, K. B. Lehrbuch der Zoochemie.D 4482 Howard. Practical Chemistry K 2892 Jago. Chemistry of Flour and Bread K 9149 Jahresbericht über Chemie, 1S78. 3 V *Ser. Jahresbericht über chemische Technologie (Wagner's), 1856-91. 37 v *Ser. Index, V. 1-10,21-30. Johnson. Agricultural Chemistry K 1105 Johnston, J. Manual of Chemistry; K 9125 Johnston, J. F. W. Agricultural Chemistry. K 2278 Chemistry of Common Life. 2v K 2274 Hvardagslifvets Chemi C 7848 Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry.... K 2279 Scheikunde D 9393 Journal für praktische Chemie, 1873-74.... *Ser. Kane. Elements of Chemistry K 2246 Kemshead. Inorganic Chemistry K 2887 Kingzett. Alkali Trade K 9123 Animal Chemistry K 2344 Knapp. Chemical Technology. 3 v K 2283 The same, v. I, 2 K 2326 Knop. Kreislauf des Stoffs D 4486 Landolt. Iland-book of the Polariscope. .k 2350 Lapa. Chimica agrícola K 2277 Liebig. Animal Chemistry K 2268 Chemische Briefe D 399 Complete Works on Chemistry K 2293 Thier-Chemie D 400 Lock. Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid K 2354 Lomas. The Alkali Trade K 6247 Lormé. Produits chimiques C 6513,7-10 Atlas *V 1091 Macadam. Practical Chemistry K 2266 Malv. Grundzüge der modernen Chemie, .d 4521 Mansfield. Theory of Salts.' K 2328 Meldola. Chemistry of Photography K 9139 Mendei.êeff. Principles of Chemistry. 2v.K 9161 Meyer. Modem Theories of Chemistry.. .K 9136 Moderne Theorien der Chemie D 4528 Miller. Elements of Chemistry. 2 v....JC 2289 The same. 3 V K 2290 Miller. Study of Inorganic Chemistry,... K 2357 Muspratt. Chemistry. 2 v *R 7^8 Naquet. Legal Chemistry K 2322 Naumann. Grundlehrender Chemie D 453° Nesbit. Application of Chemistry to Agri¬ culture *E504I, 2 Noad. Chemical Manipulation K 2249 Odi.ing. Outlines of Chemistry K 2331 Practical Chemistry for Medical Stu¬ dents K 2337 ürfila. Practical Chemistry K 2287 OsTWALD. Outlines of General Chemistry. K 9144 Solutions in Chemistry K 9180 Payen. Industrial Chemistry K 2341 Précis de Chimie industrielle. 3v C 6176 pédroni. Souffleur à la Lampe et au Chalu¬ meau C 6513, 254 Pelouze et Frîmy. Traité de Chimie. 7 v*C 6175 Perkins. Qualitative Analysis K 2303 Phelps. Chemistry for Beginners K 2242 Phillips. Engineering Chemistry K 9154 picton. Story of Chemistry K 9152 pif.ssE. Chemistry in the Brewing-Room... K 9190 Pinner. Study of Organic Chemistry K 2345 Popular Science News and Boston Journal of Chemistry, 1883-91. v. 14-25 *Ser. Porter. Chemistry of the Arts. 2v K 2265 Principles of Chemistry K 2262 Prescott and Johnson. Qualitative Chem¬ ical Analysis K 9137 Prout. Treatise on Chemistry I 3250 Rammelsberg. Quantitative Chemical Anal¬ ysis K 2325 Rand. Elements of Medical Chemistry....N 74 Regnault. Eléments de Chimie K 2282 Elements of Chemistry. 2v K 225$ Reimann. Aniline and its Derivatives K 2269 Remsen. Compounds of Carbon K 2355 Reynolds. Experimental Chemistry for Stu¬ dents. 4 V K 9135 Richards. Chemistry of Cooking and Clean¬ ing K 2340 Richardson and Watts. Treatise on Acids, Alkalis and Salts. 3 v K 2327 Riche. Chimie médicale C 6481 Richter. Chemie der Kohlenstoff Verbin¬ dungen D 4578 Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds.. .K 9141 Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry K 9140 Rolfe and Gillet. Hand-Book of Chem¬ istry ...K 2254 Chemistry and Electricity K 2244 Ronalds and Richardson. Fuel. 2 v.. .K 2349 Roscoe. Elementary Chemistry K 2298 SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 423 Roscoe. Primer of Chemistry K268S, 2 and SCHORLEMMER. Chemistry, 9V...K2317 Ross, W. A. The Blowpipe in Chemistry. .K 9175 Pyrology; Fire Chemistry K 2315 Sadtler. Industrial Organic Chemistry.. .K 4379 schorlemmer. Chemistry of Carbon Com¬ pounds K 2329 Schroder. Chymical Dispensatory *V 609 Schröder v. d. Kolk. Calore'Fluidorum*V 383 Calore Telluris *V 385 Schuetzenberger. Chimie générale. 4V.C 6737 Gärungserscheinungen D415, 23 On Fermentation K 2637 Scott. Chemical Theory K 9162 Siebel. Communications of the Zymotechnic Institute, Chicago K 2359 Mtttheilungen des Zymotechnischen In¬ stituts D 4586 SILLIMAÑ. Principles of Chemistry K 2264 Simon. Manual of Chemistry K 2352 Smith. Electro-Chemical Analysis K 9145 Steele. 14 Weeks in Chemistry K 2318 Stoddard. Qualitative Analysis for Begin¬ ners K 9130 Stoeckhardt. Chemistry of Agriculture.. I 3289 Principles of Chemistry K 2270 The same; ed. by Heaton I 3288 Scheikunde D 9798 Schule der Chemie D 459S Strecker. Text-book of Organic Chem¬ istry K 2339 Sutton. Volumetric Analysis K 2324 Thomson, R. D. Cyclopaedia of Chem¬ istry *R 790 Thomson, T. System of Chemistry. 4 v..K 2253 Thorpe. Inorganic Chemistry K 2300 Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis. 2 v K 2285 and others. Dictionary of Applied Chem¬ istry. 2 V *R 774 Thudichum. Chemical Medicine. 2 v. ..K 9124 Tilden. Chemical Philosophy K 2313 Ule und Hummel. Chemische Unterhal¬ tungen D 4599 Valentiner. Chemische Diagnostik D 2483 Vergnaud. Chimie C65i3,i26 Chimie amusante C6s 13,241 Wagner. Chemical Technology K 2286 Ward. Compend of Chemistry K 2356 Warington. Chemistry of the Farm K 2343 Watt. Composition of Water K 7160 Watts, H. Dictionary of Chemistry. 5 v.*R 776 Supplement. 4 V *R 777 Dictionary of Chemistry, new ed. 3 v.*R 778 Watts, H. Physical and Inorganic Chemis¬ try K 9121 Watts, W. M. Organic Chemistry for Stu¬ dents K 2883 Wheeler. Medical Chemistry K 2319 Modern Organic Chemistry K 2320 Will et autres. Chimie analytique.. .C6513, 59-60 Williams. Chemistry of Cookery K 1755 Williamson. Chemistry for Students K 2335 Worthington. Physical Laboratory Prac¬ tice K 7206 WuRTZ. Die atomische Theorie D4I5,37 The Atomic Theory K 2332 Dictionnaire de Chimie. 6 v. in 8 ...*R 773 Elements in Modern Chemistry K 2312 Histoire des Doctrines chimiques C13383 History of the Chemical Theory K 2292 Leçons de Chimie moderne C13378 Youmans. Class-book of Chemistry K 2267 The same; new ed K 2260 Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie (Fresenius), 1862-91. 30 *Ser, Register, v. 11 -20. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. Bernstein. Spektralanalyse D383,2I Hoppe-Seyler. Spectralanalyse D 382,3 Kirchhoff. Researches on the Solar Spec¬ trum *V 412 Lockyer. Chemistry of the Sun K 1967 The Spectroscope K 2302 Studies in Spectrum Analysis K 2309 Studien zur Spectralanalyse D4I5,35 Roscoe. Lectures on Spectrum Analysis.. K 2295 Schellen. Spectralanalyse D 398 Spectrum Analysis K 2284 Smyth. Madeira Spectroscope *V 573 Micrometrical Measures of Gaseous Spec¬ tra »V 777 Vogel. Die Spectra der Planeten D 4613 Zech. Spektrum und Spektralanalyse.,, .D4i6,i5 MICROSCOPY. American Journal of Microscopy, 1879-81. v. 4-6 *Ser. Badcock. Vignettes from Invisible Life... K 2384 Beale. How to work the Microscope K 2373 Beck. Achromatic Microscopes K 2376 Behrens. The Microscope in Botany K 2379 Brocklesby. Amateur Microscopist K 2390 Buckley (Mrs. Fisher). Through Magic Glasses K 1984 424 NATURAL SCIENCES. Carpenter. The Microscope K 2367 The same; 6th ed K 2366 The same; new ed K 2386 Catlow. Drops of Water K 3182 Chevalier. L'Etudiant micrographe C 4400 Church. Plain Words about Water K 3563 Clarke. Objects for the Microscope K 2363 Cooke. Macroscopic Fungi K 2214 Davis. Practical Microscopy K 2369 Dujardin. Microscope C 6513, 233 Atlas C 6513,234 Fonvielle. Le Monde invisible C 4174 Frev. The Microscope K 2368 Friedl.€:nder. Microscopical Technology..K 2365 Girard. Chambre noire et Microscope C 51C15 Gosse. Evenings at the Microscope K 2392 Griffith. Text-book of Microscopy K 2374 and Henfrey. Micrographic Diction¬ ary *R 1093 The same; new edition *R 1094 Hogg. The Microscope K 2372 Lankester. Half-Hours with the Micro¬ scope K 2396 Lens, The, 1872-73. 2 v *Ser. Mantón. Beginning with the Microscope. .K 2391 Martin. Microscopic Objects Figured... .K 2383 Matthews and Lott. Microscope in the Brewery K 4373 Merkel. Das Mikroskop D416, 14 Microscopical Monthly Journal, 1869-77. 18 V *Ser. The same, v. i, 3-5 K 2375 Naegeli and Schwendener. The Micro¬ scope in Theory and Practice K 2382 Parker. Microscopical Science *K 2797 Fritchard and Goring. Microscopic Illus¬ trations of Living Objects K 2381 Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1875-91. V. 15-32 *Ser. Quekett. Use of the Microscope K 2389 Quekett Microscopical Club, Journal of, 1868- 71. 2 V K 2388 Index, V. 1-6. Royal Microscopical Society, Journal, 1878- 91. 22 V *Sit. S0MERVILLE. Microscopic Science. 2V...K 2370 Sternberg. Photo-Micrographs and how to make them K 2362 Stokes. Microscopy for Beginners K 2364 Ward. The Microscope K 2400 Wiesner. Technische Mikroskopie D 4632 Willkomm. Wunder des Mikroskops D 404 Wood. Objects for the Microscope K 2371 Wythes. Curiosities of the Microscope K 2378 WvTHES. The Microscopist K 2377 The same; new ed K 2401 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. mountains. rivers. valleys. Abbott. Waterand Land K 2734 Ansted. Physical Geography K 2764 Aughey. Physical Geography and Geology of Nebraska K 2521 Balbi. Erdbeschreibung. 2 v D 292 Barrow. Mountain Ascents I 6245 Blanc. Geschichte der Erde. 3 V D 294 Campagne. Les Fleuves C12122 Dove. Kreislauf des Wassers 0382,1 Dupaigne. Les Montagnes C 4548 Figuier. Les Six Parties du Monde C 4919 La Terre et les Mers C 4916 and Adams. Earth and Sea K 7421 Fitch. Physical Geography K 2766 Forbes. Norway and its Glaciers I 1091 Theory of Glariers K 2844 Foster. Physical Geography of the Miss¬ issippi Valley I 240 Frisi. Rivers and Torrents K 1378 Frith. Ascents and Adventures I 2127 Geikie. Physical Gec^raphy K2685,4 Gibson. Great Waterfalls, Cataracts and Gey¬ sers K 7439 Green. Among the Selkirk Glaciers I 5070 Greenwood. Riversand Rain K 9376 Grimes. Geonomy; Creations of ContinentsK 7186 Gi'Yot. Earth and Man K 2938 Physical Geography 'V 786 llEADLEY. Mountain Adventures K 2622 Huxley. Physiographic 0415,63 Jakob. Unsere Erde D 44S1 Johnston. Physical Atlas of Natural Phe¬ nomena *R 4824 JoLY. Géographie physique C 5349 Kennis van der Aardbol .. .D 9331 Kinahan. Valleys and their relation to Fis¬ sures K 9405 Landein. Les Inondations C 5738 Liais. Hydrographie du Haut San Fran¬ cisco ♦P 954 Macturk. Physical Geography K 2891 Mangin. Les Déserts C 5909 Mann. River Bars; their Formation and Treatment K 560S Meunier. L'Ecorce terrestre C 5868 Michelet. La Montagne C12888 The Mountain K 9381 Millet. Fleuves et Ruisseaux C 4192 THE OCEAN.—VOLCANOES.—EARTHQUAKES. 425 Morrell. Scientific Guide to Switzerland. K 2838 Nicollet. Hydrographical Basin of the Mississippi K 2837 Nicols. Physical History of the Earth.... K 9373 Peschel. Erd-und Völkerkunde D 4551 Pfaff. Naturkräfte m den Alpen 0416,24 Proctor. Elementary Physical GeographyK 2635 Reclus. The Earth. 2v K 2456 History of a Mountain, .v 744° Physical Geography. 2 v *R 699 La Terre *V 1121 Rendu. Glaciers of Savoy K 9371 Ritter. Erdkunde. 20 v. in 21 D 3884 Einleitung zur Erdkunde D 3886 Geographical Studies I 2175 Geschichte der Erdkunde D 3885 Schlagintweit. Physische Geographie der Alpen *V 900 Schwarz, üeber Fels und Firn D 3929 Shaler. Aspects of the Earth K 9424 SOMERVILLE. Physical Geography I 2180 Taylor. Mountain and Moor K 9391 Thornton. Elementary Physiography.. .K *9435 Advanced Physiography K 9436 V10LX.et-le-düc. Mont Blanc K 2573 Whitney. Physical Geography of the U. S. I 5185 Worms. The Earth and its Mechanism... K 9425 Young. Physical Geography K 2765 ZsiGMONDY. Im Hochgebirge *D 5917 Zürcher et M argollé. Les Glaciers., . .G 4209 See also Geology. THE OCEAN. Agassiz. Three Cruises of the "Blake." 2v.K 7391 Arago. Phänomene des Meeres 0381,9 Ballantyne. The Ocean and its Wonders, k 7385 Bassett. Legends and Superstitions of the Sea K 5915 Buel. Sea and Land K 8130 Chambers. Changes in the Level of the Sea and Land K 9368 Cooke. Toilers in the Sea K 8066 Damon. Ocean Wonders K 2575 Figuier. The Ocean World K 2829 Fraser. Sea-Side Divinity K 2824 Gosse. The Ocean K 2830 Haeckel. Leben des Meeres 0382,5 Harper. Glimpses of Ocean Life K 7389 Hartwig. Denizens of the Deep K 7392 Leben des Meeres D 4471 Sea-Birds and Sea-Monsters K 7387 The Sea and its Living Wonders K 2S42 Ingersoll. Old Ocean K 7384 Jones. The Water World K 738S Jordan. The Ocean and its Tides K 2845 Treatise on the Oooan K 2826 Kirby. The Sea and its Wonders K 2831 Kohl. Geschichte des Golfstrom D 6710 Landrin. Les Monstres marins G 4180 Mangin. Mysteries of the Ocean K 2820 Le Monde marin .• .G S919 Marshall. Die Tiefsee und ihr Leben.. .D 4533 Maury. Physical Geography of the Sea... K 2828 Michelet. La Mer C 5887 Mudie. The Sea ■ K 2856 Reclus. The Ocean tind the Atmosphere.K 2823 Schele de Vere. Wonders of the Deep. .K 2821 Schleiden. Das Meer •. *V 902 Sea and the Sea-Shore K 8582 Sonrel. Bottom of the Sea K 2604 Le Fond de la Mer C 4202 Souvestre. Chroniques de la Mer C 6581 Taber. Ocean Currents K 7466 Tandon. World of the Sea K 7386 Thomson. The Depths of the Sea K 2833 Whitley. Temperature of the Sea *K 2797 Whymper. The Sea; its Story. 4 v. ...*V 197 Wild. Thalassa; Essay on the Ocean K 7390 Wraxall. Life in the Sea K 2822 VOLCANOES—EARTHQUAKES. Beroldingen. Die Vulkane älterer und neu¬ erer Zeiten D 4517 Boscowitz. Earthquakes K 9399 Comes. Die Laven des Vesuv D382,24 Dana. Characteristics of Volcanoes K 9423 Daubeny. Volcanoes, Earthquakes, etc.. .K 2775 Fuchs. Vulkane und Erdbeben d4i5,i7 Guillaume. Les Entrailles de la Terre... .G 5054 Hartwig. Volcanoes and Earthquakes... .K 9395 Hull. Volcanoes, Past and Present K 9422 judd. Volcanoes.. ^ K 743a Kneeland. Volcanoes and Earthquakes. ..K 9394 Lobley. Mount Vesuvius K 9400 Milne. Earthquakes; Earth Movements.. .K 9387 Moehl. Erdbeben un Vulkane D382,9 Palmieri. Eruption of Vesuvius in 1872.. K 2545, Pfaff. Vulkanische Erscheinungen D 416,7 Phillips. Vesuvius K 9396 The s.ame *p 270 Rath. Der Vesuv D 382,8 Reyer. Fysik der Eruptionen D 4568 Rodwell. Etna and its Eruptions K 2546 ScROPE. Volcanoes; their Phenomena, etc K 2474 Symons. Eruption of Krakatoa *V 940 Zürcher and Margollé. Les ^olcans.. .C 4212 Volcanoes and Earthquakes K 2762 See also Physical Geography. 426 NAUTURAL SCIENCES. METEOROLOGY. Adercromby, Seas and Skies; or, In Search of Weather K 7457 Exposition of Weather Changes K 7479 Andrews. Famous Frosts and Frost Fairs of Great Britain K 7460 Aneroid Barometer K686,3S Arado. Fragen aus der Meteorologie 0381,9 Meteorological Essays K 2771 Hervorsage des Wetters 0381,8 Ueber das Gewitter 0381,4 Barnard. Talksabout the \Veather K 747^ Bassi.er. Guide to the Weather K 7461 Birnbaum. Reich der Wolken O 384 Blanford. Climates of India K 7495 Blasius. Storms; their Nature, etc K 2715 Bloduet. Climatology of the U. S *V 354 Booant. Les grands Froids C12083 Brocklesby. Elements of Meteorology.. .K 2774 Brown. Forests and Moisture K 2859 Butler. Atmospheric System K 2768 Philosophy of the Weather K 2772 Clark. Sanative Influence of Climate... .N 612 Croll. Climate and Cosmology K 7473 Climate in Relation to Geology K 2448 Davis. Whirlwinds and Tornadoes K 74^3 Davy. Mouvements de 1'Atmosphere et les Variations du Temps C 4782 Denham. Proverbs and Popular Sayings Re¬ lating to the Weather *Jii47,20 Den i son. Moisture and Dryness K 7475 Dick. The Atmosphere J 48,2 Espy. Philosophy of Storms K 7464 fasslg(Ed.) Bibliography of Meteorology.*0 2133 Ferrel. Movements of the Atmosphere *Doc. Popular Treatise on the Winds K 7458 Recent Advances in Meteorology *Doc. Temperature of the Atmosphere *Doc. Fitzroy. The Weather Book K 74^5 Flammarion. L'Atmosphère *V iu7 The Atmosphere K 2758 Das Reich der Luft D 4458 Foissac. Meteorologie D 388 Fonvielle. Eclairs et Tonnerre C 4173 Thunder and Lightning K 2601 forry. Climate of the United States....*V 141 Fritz. Meteorologie und Kosmologie ... .D4i5,68 Gibb. Odd Showers of Fishes, Insects, etc.K 2716 Giberne. The Ocean of Air; Meteorology. .K 7498 Greely. American Weather K 7480 Climatology of the Arid Regions of the United States *Doc. Guillemin. La Météorologie *Vi 148,5 Hartwig. Das Leben ddk Luftmeers D 4469 Haydf.n. Great Storm, March 11-14, 1888. .^Doc. Hazen. The Tornado .....K 7487 Herschel. Meteorology K 2779 Howard. Climate of London. 2v K 7459 Modification of the Clouds *V 424 Instructions for Voluntary Observers of the Signal Service, U. S. Army, 1882... .K 7478 Jordan. The Winds and their Story of the • World K 7208 Koerner, Die Luft F) 4491 Lardner and Walker. Manual of Meteor¬ ology. 2 v I 3853 Le Hon. La Météorologie C 5543 Liljencrantz. America's Climate *K 7462 Lommel. Lexikon der Meteorologie *R 3814 Wind und Wetter D4i6,lo Loomis. Treatise on Meteorology K 2770 Storms in 1836 *Doc. Maury. Explanations to Wind and Current Charts. 2 v *\ 789 Meteorography; Weather Almanac K 2594 Meteorological Papers, 1861-73. 2 v K 2776 Moitessier. L'Air C 4222 Negretti and zambra. Catalogue of Me¬ teorological Instruments 'R 3768 Perley. Historic Storms of New England.B 3737 Piddington. Horn-Book for Storms K 7468 Powers. War and the Weather K 7456 Prince. Climate of Crowborough Hill.... K 7470 Quarterly Weather Reports, 1869-71. i\...*Doc. Ramsay. Bibliography of Climate K 7474 Ramsey. Atmospheric Motion *K 7170 Reíd. Law of Storms R 2713 Roettger. Das Wetter und die Erde... .D 4628 Rowell. Cause of Rain and its allied Phe¬ nomena K 7455 Royal Society, Meteorological Reports of, 1867-72 K 2777 Sargeaunt. Climate of the Earth K 7471 Scott. Elementare Meteorologie D 415,61 Smith. Air and Rain K 7554 Steinmetz. Manual of Weathercasts K 7477 Sunshine and Showers K 7476 Taber. Great Winds and Ocean Currents.K 7466 Thom. Nature and Course of Storms... K 7469 Tice. Weather Forecasts and American Al¬ manac, 1880 »R 3776 Tissandier. L'Océan aérien C 6859 Wells. Essay on Dew K 2697 Wenley. The Weather K 2863 Whitley. Temperature of the Sea »K 2797 Whymper. How to use the Aneroid Barome¬ ter K 467 Wiener Meteorologen Congress, 1873 . ..*K 8x5, 2 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. 427 Williamson. Climate of America K 2785 woeikof. Die Klimate der Erde D 4629 Zürcher, et Margollí. Trombes et Cy¬ clones C 13398 UNITED STATES WEATHER BUREAU AND SIGNAL SERVICE PUBLICATIONS. Doc. Average Daily Cloudiness. Charts of Isobars, Isotherms and Winds, 1871-73. Charts of Velocity and Direction of the Wind. Climate and Meteorology of Death Valley. Climate of Nebraska. Climate of Nebraska in Reference to Temperature and Rainfall. Climate of Oregon and Washington. Daily Bulletin of Signal Service, 1872-3, 1877. Depth of Evaporation in the United States. Diurnal Fluctuation of Atmospheric Pressure; by Greely. Floods in Middle Atlantic States, 1889. Instruction to Rainfall Observers. International Meteorological Observations, 1884-87. International Scientific Co-operation in Meteorology. Mean Temperatures; by McAdie. Measurement of Wind Velocity. Monthly Weather Review, 1879-92. New Method for Magnetic Observations. Official Danger, Distress and Storm Signal Codes. Relations of Soil to Climate. Report of Chief of Weather Bureau, 1891. Signal Service Reports, 1872-90. Soils in Relations to Moisture and Crop Distribution. Tri-Daily Meteorological Record, 1878. Tri-Daily Weather Maps, 1883-92. Washington Astronomical and Meteorological Ob¬ servations, 1846-88. 29 v. Weekly Weather (Chronicle, 1873-81. GEOLOGY AND PALAEONTOLOGY. Agassiz. Geological Sketches. 2v K 2475 American Geological Society, Bulletin, 1890- 91. 2v *5ir. American Geologists and Naturalists, Reports, 1840-42 *K 9361 Ansted. Ancient World K 2462 Elementary Geology and Mineralogy.. .K 2461 Geological Gossip K 2465 Geologists's Text-book K 2478 Geology. 2v K 2460 Geology applied to Arts K 2477 Baeblich. Archive der Vorwelt D 4403 Balfour. Palseontologlcal Botany K 9019 Ball. Cause of an Ice Age K 9442 Beaumont. Progrès de la Stratigraphie.. .K 2491 Becker. Geology of Quicksilver Deposits of Pacific Slope *Doc. Atlas *R 4869 Bischof. Chemical and Physical Geology. 3v K 2441 Blanford. Geology and Zoology of Abys¬ sinia K 9432 Bloede. Gebirgsformation in Polen D 4414 Bronn. Gestaltungsgesetze D 377 Browne, A. J. Building the British Isles.. .1 3295 Handbook of Historical Geology I 3294 Browne, G. F. Ice Caves K 2467 Buckland. Geology and Mineralogy. 2V..I3251 Reliquiae Diluvianx; Universal Deluge.*V 231 Burmeister. Geologische Bilder D 375 Catlin. Lifted Rocks of America K 2470 Chambers. Ancient Sea-Margins K 9368 Cole. Aids in Practical Geology K 9407 Comstock. Elements of Geology K 2444 Cook. Geology of New Jersey *Doc. Cotta. Geologie der Gegenwart D 4428 Geology and History K 2481 Croll. Climate in relation to Geology ... K 2448 Cuvier. Les Revolutions du Globe C 4390 Revolutions of the Globe K 2517 Theory of the Earth K 2518 Dana. Geological Story briefly told K 2452 Manual of Geology K 2453 Text-book of Geology K 2471 Darwin. Geological Observations K 9409 Geology and Natural History K 2454 Davis. First Book of Geology K 2882 Dawson. Acadian Geology..., K 9367 Geological History of Plants K 9393 Life's Dawn on Earth K 9446 Modern Science in Bible Lands K 9398 Story of the Earth and Man K 2466 Donnelly. Ragnarok ; Age of Fire and Gravel K 9372 Dravson. Last Glacial Epoch K 9370 Elev. Geology in the Garden K 9364 Emmons. Manual of Geology K 2443 Figuier. La Terre avant le Deluge C 4915 The World before the Deluge K 2825 Forbes. Norway and its Glaciers I logi Geikie, a. Class-book of Geology K 9386 Geological Sketches K 9365 Geology of Scotland K 2523 The same; new ed K 2522 Story of a Boulder K 9410 Text-book of Geology k. 9366 Geikie, J. Great Ice Age K 2524 428 NA'IURAL SCIENCES. Geikie, J. Pre-historic Europe K 9379 Primer of Geology K268S, 5 Geological Magazine, 1864-91. 28v ^Ser. Geological Society of America, Bulletins, 1890- 91. 2v *Ser. Giberne. The World's Foundations K 2548 Gibson. Chips from the Earth's Crust..., K. 9392 Gosse. Omphalos; Geological Knot untied.K 9375 Greenwood. Rain and Rivers K 9376 Hager. Marbles of Vermont *C 1698 Hall. Paleontology of New York. ^w....*Doc. Hamm.argren. Jordklotets Utvetlingshis- toria C 7842 Harrison. Creation and Physical Structure of the Earth K 9426 Hartt. Geology of Brazil K 2516 Hartwig. Die Unterwelt D 4472 Hayden. Geological Essays K 2501 Heer. Primeval World of Switzerland. 2V.K. 9380 Herrick. The Earth in Past Ages K 9397 Hitchcock. Elementary Geology K 2445 The same; new ed K 2457 Religion of Geology K 2479 Hughes. Geological Notes of Ireland K 9369 Hull. Geology and Geography of Ireland.K 9431 Humble. Dictionary of Geology and Miner¬ alogy *R 1099 Hunt. Geological and Chemical Essays.. .K 2472 Hutchinson. Autobiography of the Earth.K 9427 Story of the Hills K 9404 Irving. Metamorphism of Rocks K 9441 Jackson. Cabinet of the Earth unlocked.. K 2476 Jakob. Unsere Erde D 4481 Jukes. Student's Manual of Geology K 2458 Kingslev. Town Geology K 2529 Koerner. Die Erde. 2v . .D 4490 Krecke. Algemeenen Aardrijkskunde.... D 9438 Le Conte. Compend of Geology K 2554 Elements of Geology K 2539 The same; new ed K 9406 Lee, C. a. Elements of Geology I 37^7 Lee, J. E. Amateur Geologist K 2442 Ludwig. Buch der Geologie D 4516 Lyell. Elements of Geology K 9389 The same; new ed K 2451 Principles of Geology. 2v K 2450 Student's Elements of Geology K 2455 McCausland. Sermons in Stones K 2490 MacFarlane. Antidote againt Geology.. .K 2525 Principles of Modern Geology K 2485 Mackie. First Traces of Life on Earth K 2449 Mantell. Geological Excursions I 32 4 Medals of Creation; Geology. 2v I 3^75 Petrifactions and their Teachings I 3276 Mantell. Pictorial Atlas of Fossil Re¬ mains *V i8r Wonders of Geology. 2v I 3^77 Miller. Cruise of the Betsey K 2530- Footprints of the Creator K 2528 Old Red Sandstone K 2473 Popular Geology K 2459- Testimony of the Rocks K 2527 Möhr. Geschichte der Erde D 376 Molloy. Geology and Revelation M 1370 Mobsman. Origin of the Seasons K 2464 Murchison. Siluria; History of Rocks... K 2498 Nicholson. Manual of Palteontology. 2v.K 9420 Text-Book of Geology K 2469 Nicol. Geology of North of Scotland K 9385 Nicols. The Puzzle of Life K 9384 Osborn. Field Notes of Geology K 2544 Owen. Palaeontology K 2486 British Fossil Mammals and Birds K 8110 Page. Advanced Text-Book of Geology.. .K 2487 Chips for young Geologists K 2259 Economic Geology K 2547 Geology for general Readers K 248S Hand-Book of Geological Terms K 2489 Introductory Text-Book of Geology.... K 2482 Past and Present Life of the Globe.. . .K 2484 Palaeontographical Society of London, Publica¬ tions, 184S-91. 45 V *\ 444 PeSCHEL. Geschichte der Erdkunde D 3863 Phillips. Manual of Geology. 2v K 9408 Treatise on Geology. 2v I 3856 Ponton. Beginning; its when and how...K 2519 Prestwich. Geolc^y. 2v K 9388 Reclus. The Earth. 2v K 2456 LaTerre *V 1121 Richardson. Introduction to Geology.... I 3280 Ritchie. The Creation K 9374 Rogers. Geology of the Virginias «K 9377 Rossmaessler. Geschichte der Erde D 366 Scepticism in Geolc^; by Verifier K 2552 ScROPE. Geology of France K 2468 Senft. Classification der Felsarten D 4589 Feisund Erdboden D 416, 17 Shaler. Aspects of the Earth K 9424 First Book in Geology K 9363 Nature and Man in America K 9443 Siegmund. Untergegangene Welten D 4366 Smith. Geology and Scripture I 3282 Steele. 14 Weeks in Popular Geology K 2551 Tate. Rudimentary Treatise on Geology. .K 1600 Taylor. Geological Stories K 2483 Tenney. Geology for Classes and Teachers. K 2463 Tissandier. Les Fossiles C 6880 Vogt. Grundriss der Geologie D 4622 CAVES.—GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. 429 Vogt. Lehrbuch der Geologie. 2 y D 4621 Ward. Elementary Geology K 2531 Watt. History of a Lump of Chalk K 9382 History of a Lump of Coal K 9383 Wells. First principles of Geology K 2541 winchell. Geological Studies K 9414 Shall we teach Geology? K 9415 Sketches of Creation K 3274 Sparks from a Geologist's Hammer K 9411 Walks in Geological Fields K 9413 World-Life; Comparative Geology... .K 9412 Woodward. Geology of England and WalesK 9362 Wright. The Ice Age in North America..K 2537 Man and the Glacial Period K 9450 Zaborowski. Les Mondes disparus C1338S zincken. Fortschritte der Geologie D 4636 Zürcher et M argollé. Les Glaciers—C 4209 CAVES. Adams. Famous Caves K 3642 Badin. Grottes et Cavernes C 4161 Binkerd. Mammoth Cave and its Den¬ izens *B 775, 4 Cook. The Jenolan Caves in Australia I 9245 Davidson. Excursion to Mammoth Cave...I 5285 Hovey. Celebrated American Caverns.. .. K 2549 Martin. Guide to Mammoth Cave B 1581 Peck. Mammoth Cave I 5191 Rambles in Mammoth Cave I 5286 GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. Arkansas, 1857-60. 2 v. Canada, 1849-57. 8 v. in 2. Annual Reports, 1885-89. 6 v. Exploration géologique, 1857. Connecticut, 1842; by Percival. 1837; by Shepard K 9430 Georgia; by Stephenson K 2497 Great Britain. 3 v. in 4. Illinois, with Maps; by Worthen. 8 v. Economical Geology. 3 v. India, Trigonometrical Survèy. 14 v. Indiana; by Cox. 11 v. Iowa, 1857; by Hall and Whitney. 2 v. 1870; by White. 2 v. Kentucky; by Owen. 4 v. Maine, 1838-9; by Jackson. 2 v. Massachusetts; by Hitchcock. Michigan, 1869-80. 4 v. Atlas *R 4804 Minnesota, 1872-84. 12 v. Mississippi, Agriculture and Geology of; by Wailas. Geology and Agriculture of; by Harper. Missouri, 1855; by Swallow. 1874, with Atlas; by Broadhead Newfoundland; by Murray and Howley. .K 2506 New Jersey, 1840; by Rogers. i868; by Cook. 1880. New York, 1837-9, '43- 2 v. 1842-3. 4 v. North Carolina, 1875; by Kerr. Ohio, with maps, 1837-84. 9 v. Pennsylvania, with Maps; by Rogers. 4 v. Lancaster County, with Maps; by Rogers. 3 v. Russia and the Ural; by Murchison. 2 v. .*V 446 Tennessee; by Safford K 2511 Vermont; by Hitchcock and Hager. 3 v. Wisconsin, 1873-79. 4 Atlas *R 4805 Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, 1852; by Owen. UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS- Emory. Mexican Boundary Survey. 3 v. Featherstonhaugh. Missouri and the Red River. Washington to Coteau de Prairie K 2513,. Foster and Whitney. Lake Superior Land District. 2 v. Hayden. Geological Survoys: Colorado, 1873. Colorado and Adjacent Territories, with Maps, 1874-76. Colorado and New Mexico, 1869. Idaho and Wyoming, 1877-78. 4 v. Montana and Adjacent Territories, 1871. Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, 1872. Nebraska, 1867. Wyoming, 1868. Wyoming and Contiguous Territories, 1870. Miscellaneous Publications. Nos. i, 3, 5, 7, 9-12. 1874-81. v. i. Elevations West of Mississippi River; by Garnett. 3. Birds of the Northwest; by Coues. 5. Photographs of the U. S. Geo¬ logical Survey of Territories, 1869-75. 7. Hidatsa Indians; by Matthews. 9. Photographs of North American Indians. 10. Invertebrate Paleontology; by White and Nicholson. 11. Birds of Colorado Valley, pt. i; by Coues. NATURAL SCIENCES. Havden. Miscellaneous Publications: v. 12. N. A. Pinnipèdes; by Allen. Territories, v. 1-3, 5-13. 1873-79. i2v. v. 1. Extinct Fauna; by Leidy. 2-3. Vertebrata of the Cretaceous and Tertiary Forniationi; by Cope. 5. Acridadie of North America; by Thomas. 6-8. Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossil Flora; by Lesquereux. 9. Invertebrate Cretaceous and Ter¬ tiary Fossils; by Meek. 10. Geometrid Moths; by Packard. 11. North American Rodentiu; by Coues and Allen. 12. Fresh-Water Rhizopods; by Leidy. 13. Tertiary Insects; by Scudder. King. Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel, 1871-80. yv. Atlas *P 940 v. 1. Systematic Geology; by King. 2. Descriptive Geology; by Hague and Emmons. 3. Mining Industry; byTD. Hague. Atlas *R 4812 4. Paleontology; by Meek. Ornithology; by Ridgway. 3. Botany; by Watson. 6. Microscopical Petrography; by Zirkel. 7. Odontoruithes; by Marsh. Powell. Annual Reports, 1880-90. lov. Black Hills; by Newton and Jenny. Bulletins, 1883-91. Colorado River and the West. Henry Mountains; by Gilbert. High Plateaus of Utah; by Button. Atlas 940 Lands of the Arid Region. Mineral Resources of the U. S., 1882-90. 9 v. Monographs, 1882-89. 16 v. v. 1. Lake Bonneville; by Gilbert. 2. Grand Canon District; by But¬ ton. Atlas *R 4860 3. Comstock Lode; by Becker. Atlas *R 4868 4. Comstock Mining and Mines; by Lord. 5. Copper-Bearing Rocks of Lake Superior; by Irving. 6. Older Mesozoic Flora of Vir¬ ginia; by Fontaine. Powell. Monographs: v. 7- Silver-Lead Deposits of Eureka; by Curtis. 8. Paleontology of the Eureka Dis¬ trict; by Walcott. 9. Rariton Clays and Greensand Marls of New Jersey; by Whit¬ field. 10. Dinocerata; by Marsh. 11. Lake Lahontan; by Russell. 12. Mining Industries of Leadville; by Emmons. Atlas *R 4861 13. Quicksilver Deposits of the Pa¬ cific Slope; by Becker. Atlas "R 4869 14. Fossil Fishes and Plants of New Jersey; by Newberry. 15. Potomac Mesozoic Flora; by Fontaine. 2 v. 16. Paleozoic Fishes of North Amer¬ ica; by Newberry. Rocky Mountain Region. 4 V. Uinta Mountains, with Atlas. Wheeler. Survey West of the 100th Meridi¬ an, 1875-81. 7 v. v. 2. Astronomy and Barometric Hyp- sometry. 3. Geology; and Supplement, 4. Paleontology. 5. Zoology. 6. Botany. 7. Archaeology. Atlas *P 954 Explorations and Surveys in Nevada and Arizona, 1871. Winchell. Black Hills. MINERALOGY. Anderson. The Prospector's Handbook..K 4703 Ansted. In Search of Minerals K 9521 Elementary Course of Minerale^ K 2461 Atlas des Mineralreichs D 373 Bauerman. Descriptive Mineralogy K 9524 Systematic Mineralogy K 9523 Beck. Mineralogy of New York '.*Doc. Brush. Determinative Mineralogy K 797 Collins. First Book of Mineralogy K 2S81 Mineralogy. 2v K 9526 Comstock. Introduction to Mineralogy.. .K 2560 Dana. Manual of .Mineralogy K 2866 Manual of Mineralogy and Lithology... K 2446 System of Mineralogy; 6th ed *K 2440 Thesame; 5th ed.,with appendix. 2v. K 2447 PRECIOUS STONES. —PLANTS—BOTANY. 431 Davies. Treatise on Minerals K 4692 Erni. Mineralogy simplified K 9527 Foye. Handbook of Mineralogy K 686, 86 Francis. Beach Rambles for Pebbles K 2540 Guide to Collection of Minerals K 3°2S Hartwig. The Subterranean World K 2818 Hatch. Mineralogy 95^9 Hitchcock. Sandstone of Connecticut Val¬ ley *V 4SI Hull. Building and Ornamental Stones.. .K 2553 Humble. Dictionary of Mineralogy *R 1099 Hunt. Systematic Mineralogy K 9528 Hyatt. About Pebbles 1^2555 Jacob. Production of Precious Metals. 2 v.K 2536 Jones. Mines, Mineralsand Metals K 2860 Kobell. Geschichte der Mineralogie D 4494 Kolenati. Mineralien Mährens und Schle¬ siens D 3Ö4 Miller. Treatise on Chrystallography.... K 9530 Moore. Ancient Mineralogy K 2534 Netoliczka. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie.. D 364 Orton. Underground Treasures K 9525 osborn. Manual of Minerals :.. .K 4686 Phillips. Introduction to Mineralogy.... K 2864 Outlines of Mineralogy K 2532 Ramsay. Rudiments of Mineralogy K 1560 Reynaud. Histoire des Minéraux C 4199 Rutley. Study of Rocks K 2550 Smith. Rocks, Minerals and Stocks K 9522 Stephenson. Mineralogy and Geology of Georgia K 2497 SwiNEFORD. Mineral Resources of Lake Superior K 4654 Whitney. Colorado Ores at Paris Exposi¬ tion, 1867 *V 454 Whitney. Metallic Wealth of the U. S. K 788 Whittlesey. Mineral Resources of the Cor¬ dilleras K 2542 ^ • PRECIOUS STONES. Barrera. Gems and Jewels K 9539 Billing. Gems, Jewels, Coins, Medals. ..*K 9542 Boyle. Diamond Fields of South Africa... I 1763 Burnham. Precious Stones in Nature, Art and Literature K 9547 Castellani. Gems; Notes and Extracts... K 9549 Church. Precious Stones K 3564 Dieulafait. Diamants et Pierres précieuses.C 4170 Diamonds and Precious Stones K 2533 Emanuel. Diamonds and Precious Stones.K 2535 Feuchtwanger. Treatise on Gems K 2868 Groth. Grundriss der Edelsteinkunde.... D 4282 Hamlin. The Tourmaline K 2741 Hare. Leisure Hours among Gems K 9546 Hornsby. Diamond Fields of S. Africa... ,I i8oi Jeffries. Diamonds and Pearls K 9544 Jones. History of Precious Stones K 9541 King. Antique Gems and Rings. 2 v.. .*R 4090 Natural History of Gems K 2538 Natural History of Precious Stones I 3120 Kleefeld. Der Diamant D 382, 11 Die'Edelsteine D 382, 12 Die Halbedelsteine D 382, 14 Kunz. Gems and Precious Stones of North America "tR 4129 Orpen. Famous Precious Stones K 9537 Rothschild. Handbookof Precious Stones. K 9538 Sommerville. Engraved Gems *P 818 Streeter. Great Diamonds of the World .K 9545 Pearlsand Pearling Life K 9s50 Precious Stones and Gems K 9543 The same; new ed K 9548 Westropp. Precious Stones and Gems... .K 9540 w0rlidge. Drawings from Antiqua Gems. 2 v *R 4091 PLANTS—BOTANY. Adair. Ornamental Plants in Ireland.. .. K 8973 Aitkin. ' Elementary Botany K 8991 Allen. Colin Clout's Calendar. K 8883 Colors of Flowers K 8884 Flowers and their Pedigrees K 8881 Allnutt. Cactus and Tropical Succulents . K 2123 Anders. House Plants as Sanitary Agents. K 8933 Areschoug. Vaxtens Bygnad och Lif.. .C 7865, i Atlas des Pflanzenreichs D 374 Avé-Lallemant. Pflanzenwelt d. Tropen.D 4401 Aveling. Introduction to Study of Botany.k 8992 Babington. Manual of British Botany. ..K 2179 Badham. Esculent Funguses of England. .K 8885 Bailey, L. H. Talks about Plants K 8882 Bailey, W. W. Botanical Collector's Hand¬ book K 8886 Bâillon. Natural History of Plants. 7 v..*K 2239 Balfour. Manual of Botany...-. K 2121 Paleontological Botany K 9019 Physiology of Plants K 2878 and Sadler. Flora of Edinburgh.... K 8958 Barton. Elements of Botany K 2174 The same; new ed K 2182 P'lora of North America. 3 V *V 144 and Castle. British Flora Medica.... K 8889 Bastin. College Botany K 8949 Beal. Grasses of North America K 6918 Behrens. Microscope in Botany K 2379 Beisly. Shakspere's Garden E 9719 432 NATURAL SCIENCES. Bellairs. Wayside Flora towards Rome. .K 8887 Bennett (Ed.). Alpine Plants. 4v *P 319 and Murray. Cryptogamic Botany... K 8956 Bentham. Handbook of the British Flora.K 8891 and Mueller. Flora Australiensis. 7 v*K 8888 Berkeley. Cryptogamic Botany K 2229 Bessey. Botany for High Schools K 2238 Bigelow. Florula Bostoniensis k 2220 Blytt. Norges Flora. 3 v. in 2 C 8217 Bocquillon. Le Vie des Plantes C 4164 Boitard. Amateur de Roses C 6513,205 Bonavia. Notes on Botanical Subjects ...K 9010 Bonnat. Le Jeune Botaniste C 4042 Botanical üarette, 1883. v. 8 *Ser. Boulger. The Uses of Plants K 6841 Braithwaite. The Sphagn.aceœ; or, Peat- Mosses *K 9020 Bright. Year in a Lancashire Garden K 2162 Britten and Holland. English Plant Names . *J 1272 Brown. Manual of Botany., K 2240 Budgen. May Flowers K 3190 March Winds and April Showers K 3189 Burbidge. The Narcissus *K 8890 Cameron. Gaelic Names of Plants K 2146 Candolle, a. Origin of cultivated Plants.K 8895 Ursprung der Culturpñanzen D 415,64 Candolle, A. P. Vegetable Organography. 2 K 2171 Carpenter. Vegetable Physiology I 3255 Catlow. Popular Field Botany K 2207 Popular Greenhouse Botany K 2205 Chapman. Flora of the Southern U. S.. ..K 2153 Cohn. Die Pflanze D 4423 Coleman. Our Heaths and Hedges K 2216 CoLVlN. Winter Fauna of Mt. Marcy....*K 7'7° comstock. Study of Botany k 2149 Cooke. Freaks and Marvels of Plant Life.K 8899 Fungi; ed. by Berkeley....." K 2185 Hand-book of British Fungi. 2v K 2191 Manual of Botanic Terms K 8897 Manual of Structural Botany K 2175 Plain Account of British Fungi K 8898 Rust, Smut, Mildew, IMould K 2214 Cooper. Botany for Children K 9009 Coster. Plantenkunde D 9662 Coultas. The Plant K 8901 Darlington. American Weeds K 2158 Florula Cestrica K 2218 Darwin. DiSerent Forms of Flowers on Plants of the same Species K 2227 Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom.K 2225 Insectivorous Plants K 2221 Movements of Climbing Plants K 2224 Darwin. Orchids fertilized by Imects K 2226 Power of Movement in Plants .K 2228 Dauueny. Plants of the Old World K 2215 Dawson. Geological History of Plants... .K 9393 Dragendouff. Plant Analysis K 9128 Dresser. Unity in Variety K 2231 Drury. Useful Plants of India K 8936 Dubois. 1^ Végítaiut dans les Bois ... .C 4775 Dyer. Folk-Lore of Äants K 8978 Earle. English PJant Names K 2167 Eaton and Wright. North American Botany 's K 8937 Ellacombe. Plant-Lore of Shaksp^e. ...E9663 Ellwanger. The Rose s if.. K 8905 Embury. American Wild Flowers... /^.*K 8904 Emerson and Emmons. Report on Herba¬ ceous Plants of Massachusetts J K 2223 Farlow. Marine Algoe of New England. .K 8910 Figuier. Histoire des Plantes C 4907 The Vegetable World K 2181 Fish. The Chrysanthemum K 8931 Flint. Grasses and Forage Plants K 2154 Flora; Blätter für Unterhaltung, 1867-8. 2 v *Ser. Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, 1845-80. 23 V *Ser. Folkard. Plant Lore,Legends and Lyrics.K 8929 Fontaine. The Potomac Flora. 2 v *Dûc. Fraser. Ornamental Conifers K 8911 Friend. Flower and Flower Lore K 8935 Fuller. Propagation of Plants K 6966 Gatty. British Sea-Weeds. 2v *K 8907 Girard. Les Plantes C 4176 Goadby. Vegetable and Animal Physiology K 3119 Gordon. Pinetum K 2147 Gray. Botanical Text book K 2203 Botany of Northern United States K 2194 Field, Forest and Garden Botany K 8906 How Plants Behave.. K 2202 How Plants Grow K 2204 Introduction to Systematic Botany K 2196 School and Field-Book of Botany K 2200 Scientific Papers; ed. by Sargent. 2 v. .K 8985 Greenhouse Favorites «K 8915 Grindro.n. Shakspere Flora E 9769 Hackel. The True Grasses K 8959 Hale. Flora's Interpreter K 2134 Hamerton. Sylvan Year K 49 Harvey. History of British Sea Weeds. 4v.*P 308 Haslinger. Botanisches Excursionsbuch.. D 372 Hay. Text-book of British Fungi K 8955 Heath. Sylvan Spring.., K 8916 Hehn. Pflanzen und Hausthiere in ihrem Uebergang nach Europa D 4477 PLAN-TS—BOTANY. 433 Hehn. Wanderings of Plants K 8028 Hein. Trocknen und Färben der Blumen. .D 553 Henderson. Handbook of Plants »K 8914 Henfrey and Masters. Elementary Course of Botany K 8993 Hensi.ow, G. Botany for Children K 8923 Origin of Floral Structure K 8952 Henslow, J. S. Descriptive and Physio- ' logical Botany I 3855 Herrick. Chapters on Plant Life K 8894 Wonders of Plant Life K 8900 Hervev. Sea Mosses K 2183 Heucher. Magic Plants *P624,4 Hibberd. Beautiful Leaved Plants *K 8977 Familiar Garden Flowers. 5v *K 8972 Field Flowers K 8924 Rose Book K 2198 Sea-Weed Collector K 2141 HiGLEVand Raddin. Flora of Cook Co., III. K 9022 Hippel. Aesthetik der Pflanzenwelt D 368 History of the Rose K 8964 Hobbs. Botanical Handbook of Names.. .*K 2275 Hole. Book about Roses K 2131 Hooker, J. D. Primer of Botany K 2685, 8 Student's Flora of Great Britain K 2144 Hooker, W. J. British Flora, v. i .K 2145 Flora Scotica K 2143 Niger Flora K 8928 Hoopes. Book of Evergreens K 2148 Hope. Gardens and Woodlands K S921 Hulme. Familiar Wild Flowers. 5 v....*K 8922 Ingram. Flora Symbolica *R 1374 Jackson. Literature of Botany *0 570,8 Vegetable Technology *0 570,11 Jessen. Botanik D 4480 Johns. Flowers of the Field K 8903 Gleanings from Field and Garden K 2168 Johnson, C. British Poisonous Plants K 8926 Johnson, C. P. and Sowerbv. Useful Plants of Great "Britain K 2234 Johnstone. Nature-printed Sea-Weeds. 4v.*K 2189 Jones. Plants of India J 158,5 Karr. Tour round my Garden K 2206 Ketchum. Botany for Academies and Col¬ leges K 8948 Landsborough. British Sea-Weeds K 3171 Language of Flowers E 261 Lankester. Vegetable Substances for Food. K 2170 The same I 3557 The same I 3746 Lee. Trees, Plants and Flowers K 8930 Lees. Affinities of Plants ....*E 5041,12 Leighton. Lichen-Flora of Great Britain. .K 8981 LsMAOUTandDECAlSNE. System of Botany*K 2236 Leunis. Botanik £> 5^6 Leitfaden für Botanik D 4634 Lindley. Ladies' Botany. 2v K 2126 Natural System of Botany K 2127 and Hutton. Fossil Flora of Great Britain. 3 v *K 2l'24 and Paxton. The Flower Garden. 3 v.*V 621 Lindsay. History of British Lichens K 8954 LinN/EUS. Species Plantarum. 5 v. in 10...K 2219 View of Writings of; by Pulteney *V 187 Loudon. Encyclopxdia of Plants *R 1760 Lowe. Natural History of Grasses *P 311 and Howard. Beautiful Leaved Plants*P 310 Lubbock. Flowers, Fruits and Leaves... .K 8932 M'Alpine. Botanical Atlas. 2 v *R 4971 Macfadyen. Flora of Jamaica K 8941 Macloskie. Elementary Botany K 8940 MacMillan. Alpine Plants K 2164 Footnotes from Nature; Vegetation... .K 8957 Macoun. Catalogue of Canadian Plants, 3 pts.*2?cr. Marion. Merveilles de la Végétation C 4187 Wonders of Vegetation K 2631 Masters. Plant Life on the Farm K 8939 Mathews. The Flora of Algeria K 9018 Maugeret. La Science à travers Champs.. C 5873 Maund. The Botanic Garden. 6 v *K 8953 Meehan. Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States, ist Ser. 2v *P 314 The same; 2nd Ser. 2v *P 315 Meredith. Some of my Bush Friends in Tasmania *P 1214 Michaux. Flora Boreali-Americana K 8942 Miller. Common Wayside Flowers K 8943 Miner. Orchids, the Royal Family of Plants *P i m Missouri Botanical Garden, 1890-92. 3V K 8960 Moore. Elements of Botany K 2133 Mueller, F. Das illustrirte Kr'áuterbuch . .D 2513 Mueller, H. Fertilisation of Flowers.... K 8951 Mueller, K. Buch der Pflanzenwelt D 370 Mueller, N. J. C. Handbuch der Botanik.D 4525 Nathorst. Forntidens Växtverld 07865,2 Nave. Fresh Waler and Marine Algas K 2166 Netoliczka. Lehrbuch der Botanik D 365 Pflanzen-Physiologie D 364 Neumann. Kunst der Pflanzenvermehrung..D 565 Nuttall. Systematic Botany ...K 2137 Parkman. Book of Roses K 2130 Parnell. Grasses of Scotland and Britain. K 8984 Parsons. The Rose K 2138 Paul. The Rose Garden *K 8968 Paxton. Magazine of Botany, 1834-45. 12 v. *Ser. Perger. Deutsche Pflanzensagen D 4540 Pflanzenleben und Pflanzenbau D 416,12 Phelps. Botany for Beginners K 8938 434 NATURAL SCIENCES. Phelps. Familiar Lectures on Botany K 2235 The same; new ed K 8934 Pickering. Chronological History of Plants*V 349 Plues. Rambles in Search of Flowerless Plants K 8967 Prantl. Lehrbuch der Botanik D 4541 Pratt. Flowers and their Associations.... K 8963 Flowering Plants of Great Britain. 6 v.*K 2199 Haunts of Wild Flowers K 2201 Poisonous Plants K 8962 Prior. On Popular Names of British Plants. K 8982 Rand. Rhododendron and American Plants.K 2151 Rawton. Les Plantes G 6415 Reeves. Sap; does it rise from the Roots?. .K 8987 Reinke. Lehrbuch der Botanik D 4576 Reli.ng u. Bohnhorst. Unsere Pflanzen..D 3042 René. Jahreszeit-Blumen D 4559 Rhino. History of Vegetable Kingdom.. .K 8970 Rivers. Rose-.Amateurs' Guide K 8969 Roberts. Voices from the Woodlands... .K 2193 Rossmaessler. Flora im Winterkleide... ;D 380 Die vier Jahreszeiten D 378 Der Wald D 379 Rousseau. La Botanique €6517,11 Rovle. Fibrous Plants of India K 2184 Ruskin. Proserpina; Studies of Wayside Flow¬ ers K 129 Sachs. History of Botany (1530-1860) K 8989 Physiology of Plants K 8971 Text Book of Botany K 2237 . Saporta und Marion. Die Kryptogamen.D4l5,54 Schlechtenual. Flora von Deutschland. 31 V D 4581 Schleiden. Die Pflanzen und ihr Leben. .D 385 Die Rose D 386 SCHLICKI'M. Exkursionsflora für Deutsch- ■ land D 4582 Schmidlin. Populäre Botanik. 2 v TÍ 4583 Seemann. History of the Palms K 2195 Sinclair, Mrs. F., Jr. Indigenous Flowers of Hawaiian Islands *P 1213 Sinclair, G. Hortus Gramineus K 2192 Smith. Domestic Botany K 8975 Names of Plants K 8946 SowERBV, J. English Botany. 36 v. in 18.*P 649 SowERBV, j. E. and Johnson. British Wild Flowers *K 2233 Sprague. Wild Flowers of America *R 3876 Squier. Tropical Fibres K 873 Stark. British Mosses K 9015 STEBLERand ScHRfiTER. Best Forage Plants*V 1773 Step. Plant-Life K 8902 Strantz. Blumen in Sage u. Geschichte. .D 459^ Strasburger. Practical Botany K 8990 Sweet and Don. Ornamental Flower Gar- dén. 4v *K 8976 Taylor. Sagacity of Plants K 8979 Thayer. Wild Flowers of the Rocky Moun¬ tains *V 1772 Theophrastus. Historiam plantarum. L 5676, 1-2 Thome. Pflanzenbau-und Leben D 416,12 Thornton. The Family Herbal K 8947 Torrey. Botany of New York. 2v tDoc. Trelease. Species of Epilobium North of Mexico K 9021 Species of Rumex North of Mexico.. ^ .K 9017 Tripp. British Mosses. 2 v *K 8913 Tuckerman. North American Lichens K 8980 Twining. Natural Orders of Plants. 2.v.*K 2232 Tyas. Language of Flowers "R 1372 Uilkens. De Heide D 9866 Vegetable Materials for Manufacturers I 3571 Vegetable Substances used in the Arts I 357^ The same K 2172 Wallace. Palm-Trees of the Amazon... .K 2177 Ward. Diseases of Plants K 8986 Ware. Flowers and Plants K 2230 Whei.don, J. Botanical Catalogue, 1886.*0 322 Williams. Greenhouse Plants K 2211 The same; new ed K 9001. Orchid Grower's Manual K 2213 Omamental-Ieaved Plants K 2212 The same; new ed K 9002 Wimmer und Grabowski. Flora Silesiae. 3V.D 4630 ! Witte. Plantenkunde D 9751 Wolle. Fresh-Water Algae of the United States. 2 V "K 8045 Wood, A. American Botanist and Florist. .K 9003 Wood, H. C. Fresh-Water Algae of North America *Doc. Woods. Tourist's Flora K 2188 WoosTER. Alpine Plants. 2v *P 320 voumans. First Book of Botany K 2208 Second Book of Botany K 2209 Zeller. Wild Flowers of the Holy Land.'K 8983 See also Horticulture, p. 400. FERNS. Beddome. Ferns of India K 9014 Eaton. Ferns of North America. 2v. ..•R3879 Fern Manual; British Ferns K 8908 Francis. Analysis of British Ferns K ^09 Heath. Fern Paradise K 2139 Where to find Ferns K 8919 Hibberd. Fern Garden K 8918 Hooker. Century of Ferns *V 74 Second Century of Ferns *V 75 and Baker. Synopsis of Ferns.- K 2190 ASTRONOMY. 435 Lowe. Ferns, British and Exotic. 8 v.. .*K 2187 New and Rare Ferns *P 31 Our Native Ferns. 2v *K 2173 Luerssen. Pflanzengruppe der Farne... .*D 382,9 Lvell. Handbook of all known Ferns... .K 2163 Meehan. Native Ferns of the U. S. ist Ser. 2v *P 314 The same, 2nd Ser. 2v *P 315 Moore. Popular History of British Ferns. .K 2197 The same, abridged K 2135 Newsham. Factá and Fancies about Ferns. K 2217 Pratt. Ferns of Great Britain K 8961 Robinson. Ferns in their Homes and ours.K 2159 Underwood. Our Native Ferns K 2155 astronomy. Adams, J. Q. Oration before the Cincinnati Astronomical Society, 1843 K 2076 Airy. Popular Astronomy K 2003 Theory of Errors of Observation K 2118 American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, i8S5-94- 39 V *Doc. André. Astronomie pratique. 5v C 4073 Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes, 1871-91. 21 V *r 3846 Arago. Astronomie populaire. 4v C 4081 Das Nordlicht D 381,4 Populäre Astronomie D 381,11-14 Popular Astronomy. 2v K 2004 Astronomical Register, 1863-86. 24 v *Ser. Baeblich. Buch der Astronomie D 4404 Ball. Elements of Astronomy K 2100 In Starry Realms K 8638 Star-Land; Wonders of the Heavens.. .K 8639 Story of the Heavens K 2117 Time and Tide; a Romance of the MoonK 1981 Bassnett. True Theory of the Sun K 8640 Beckett. Astronomy without MathematicsK 1972 Bernstein. Boven Lucht en Wolken D 9045 Sternschnuppen und Kometen D 383,20 Bigelow. The Solar Corona *V 175g Blake. Astronomical Myths K 2037 Blunt. Beauty of the Heavens *K 1965 Bogulawski. Sternschnuppen und ihre Be¬ ziehungen zu den Kometen *D 382,9 Bond. Donati'sCoihet of 1858 *V 691,1" Brainard. The Sextant and other Reflecting Instruments K 686,101 Brewster. Mofe Worlds than one K 2021 Brocklesby. Common School Astronomy.K 2059 Elements of Astronomy K ¿óiy" Broszus. Theorië der Sonnenflecken D 4768 Bruennow. Tables of Iris •V 682 Bruno. Reformation des Himmels D 6692 Burnham. Catalogue of 300 new Double Stars, 1871-4. K 2002 Double Star Observations, 1877-78...*V 410 Double Star Observations, 1879-80... ♦V 388 Double Stars, discovered by Clark .. .*K 2081 Report on the Lick Observatory *K 2081 Bijrr. Ecce Cœlum K 2011 Burritt. Geography of the Heavens R 2084 Carpenter. Astronomy and Horology... .1 3254 Carrington. Spots on the Sun *V 248 Challis. Astronomy and Astronomical In- 'struments K 1979 Chalmers . Christian Revelation and Modern Astronomy ; K 2038 Chambers. Descriptive Astronomy ... . .K 2039 The same; new ed. 3V K 1977 Pictorial Astronomy K 1985 Champlin. Young Folks' Astronomy .. ..K 2101 Chauvenet. Practical Astronomy. 2 v K 2042 Nautical Astronomy K 888 Cheyne. Treatise on the Planetary Theory^K 2094 Chicago Astronomical Society Reports, 1874, 1881-85 ^^K 2081 Cincinnati Observatory, Pub. of, 1875-80. 2 v*K 2055 Clerke. Popular History of Astronomy... K 1961 System of the Stars K 8634 Croll. Stellar Evolution and Geological Time K 8628 Davis. Elements of Astronomy K 2026 Science of Astronomy *K 2081 De Morgan. Book of the Almanacs K 1973. üenison. Astronomy without MathematicsK 2030 Dick. Celestial Scenery I 3715 The same J 48,2 Practical Astronomer J 48,2 Sidereal Heavens I 3722 The same J 48, 2 Solar System J 48,2 Diestêrwég. Heelalen zijne Wonderen. ...D 9188 Populäre Himmelskunde D 4431 DoÉLLeN. Portable Transit Instrument . ..K 2073 Drayson, a. W Untrodden Ground in As¬ tronomy K 1986- Drayson, W.W. Motion of Fixed Stars. K 2095. Diidley Observatory, Annals of. 2v K 2093 Statement of K 2106 Dunkin. The Midnight Sky *V 3 DuNn. Introduc. to Practical Astronomy.. .K 2046 Durham. Astronomy K 8636- Edittburgh, Astronomical Observations. 10 v.*V 419 ËLklN. Group of the Pleiades *V498,1 Engler. Time-Keeping in London *K876,2 Time-Keeping in Paris *K876,2 Ennis. Origin of the Stars K 2058 436 NATURAL SCIENCES. Evers. Nautical Astronomy K 2879 Flammarion. Astronomie populaire ....*V 1780 Histoire du Ciel *V 1116 Pluralité des Mondes habités .C 4955 Les Mondes imaginaires et réels C 4967 Merveilles célestes C 4172 Récits de 1' Infini C 4968 Stories of Infinity E mo Les Terres du Ciel C 4969 Urani F 3581 Wonders of the Heavens K 2600 et Dien. Atlas céleste *R 4923 Flight. Chapter in the History of MeteoritesK 8633 Fonvielle. Histoire de la I.une C 4856 Forbes. Transit of Venus K 2041 Fritz. Das Polarlicht D4I5,29 Gauss. Bewegung der Himmelskörper.. .*V 1002 Giberne. Sun, Moon and Stars K 2088 Gillet and Rolfe. Astronomy for SchoolsK 1963 Ginzel. Ueber Veränderungen am Fixstern¬ himmel D 382,21 Godfray. Astronomy for Colleges K 2052 Lunar Theory K 2019 Gore, J. E. Planetary and Stellar Studies. K 1980 Scenery of the Heavens K 1982 Gore, J. H. Geodesy K 5611 Grant. Physical Astronomy K 2022 Greeley. List of Auroras, 1870-79 *Doc. Green. Early Northern Lights in New Eng¬ land *B775,6 Greenwich Observations, 1839-69 *Doc. Extracts from the same *Doc. Reduc. of Observ'ns of the Moon. 3 v... *Doc. Reductions of Observations of Planets... *Doc. Gretschel. Lexikon für Astronomie... .*R 3811 Grollet. Le Ciel et ses Merveilles C 5161 Guillemin. The Heavens K 2050 The Sun K 2020 The same K 2602 Wonders of the Moon K 2634 World of Comets K 2051 Hall. The Orbit of Titan *V498,2 Hanna. Celestial Dynamics *K 2081 Hansen. Tables de la Lune *Doc. Harley. Lunar Science K 2120 Moon Lore K 8632 Harvard College Observatory, Annals of. 3 v.*V 747 Heather. Astronomical Instruments Kl448,3 Herschel. Astronomy I 3847 Observ. at Cape of Good Hope, i834-8*V 249 Outlines of Astronomy K 2054 The same K 2087 The Telescope K 2665 Hevelius. Method of Mounting TelescopesK 2102 Hill. The Stars and the Earth K 2099 Hind. The Comets K 1970 Introduction to Astronomy I 3265 Holden. Astronomical Bibliography ....*0 2108 Handbook of the Lick Observatory.. .. K 1974 Progress of Astronomy in 1881 *]<. 2081 Telescopes as Night Glasses *K 2081 and Hastings. Synopsis of Writings of W. Herschel fK 2081 Houzeau et Lancaster. Bibliographie de l'Astronomie. 2v *0 197 Howe. Solutions of Kepler's Problems.. .*K 2081 James. Th"e Stars and the Lick ObservatoryK 1971 Jeans. Hand-book for the Stars K 1969 Johnston. Cosmographie Atlas of Astron¬ omy . .*R 4925 Julius. Loopbaan derKomeet 1863. vi... .D 9077 Kedzie. Solar Heat, Gravitation and Sun Spots K 2119 Keith. Use of Globes K 2056 Kendall. Uranography; a Description of the Heavens K 8635 Atlas •K8635,2 Kiddle. Short Course in Astronomy K 2082 Kirkwood. The Asteroids; or. Minor PlanetsK 8629 Klein. Star Atlas »y 954 Knapp and others. Astronomical Etiolpgy. K 2074 Langley. The New Astronomy K 8625 Laplace. System of the World. 2 v K 2089 Traité de Mécanique céleste. 5v .,.*V 1094 Treatise of Celestial Mechanics *v 1O7 Ledger. The Sun; its Planets and SatellitesK 2112 Le Hon. L'Astronomie, la Météorolc^e et la Géologie C 5543 Leitch. God's Glory in the Heavens K 2016 Lewis. Astronomy of the Ancients »K 1975 Littrow. Wunder des Himmels. 2 v D 4432 Locke. The Moon Hoax K 1978 Lockyer. Chemistry of the Sun K 1967 Contributions to Solar Physics K 2025 Elements of Astronomy K 2009 The Meteoritic Hypothesis K 1983 Primer of Astronomy K 2685,7 Stargazing, past and present K 2043 Loomis. Elements of Astronomy K 2075 Practical Astronomy K 2044 Progress of Astronomy K 2070 McLear. Verification of LaCaille's Arc of Meridian. 2 v *Doc. Maedler. Himmelskunde D 387 Main. Practical and Spherical Astronomy.K 2104 Rudimentary Astronomy K 1512 Mattison. Primary Astronomy K 2086 Meyer. Die Königen des Tages D 4527 ASTRONOMY. 437 Meyer. Das Reich der Sterne D 4529 Milner. Heavens and the Earth K 2036 Mitchel. Astronomy of the Bible........ K 2023 Orbs of Heaven K 2113 Planetary and Stellar Worlds K 2024 Mudie. The Heavens K 2855 Narrien. Origin and Progress of AstronomyK 1968 Nasmyth and Carpenter. The Moon..*K 1962 Nautical Almanac, 1863-71, 1877-85. 18 v.K 2001 Neison. The Moon K 2071 Newcomb. Astronomy for Schools K 2072 Popular Astrqjromy K 2069 The same; newed K 2097 Nichol. Architecture of the Heavens ,.. .K 2035 Contemplations on the Solar System... K 2065 Planet Neptune K 2066 System of the World K 2067 Noble. Hours with a three-inch Telescope K 1966 Nolan. The Telescope K 686,51 Norton. Treatise on Astronomy K 2018 Observatory, 1880-91. v. 3-14 ^Ser. Ohm. Vorlesungen über Himmels-u.-Erd¬ kunde D 389 Oliver and others. Astronomy for AmateursK 8626 Olmsted. Introduction to Astronomy K 2116 Letters on Astronomy K 2013 Compendium of Astronomy K 2014 Parker. Familiar Talks on Astronomy..K 8627 Parkes. Unfinished Worlds; a Study in As¬ tronomy K 8630 Peck, W. Hand-book and Atlas of Astron¬ omy . .*V 1781 Peck, W. G. Popular Astronomy K 2105 Phipson. Meteors K 2773 Plummer. Astronomy K 2889 Pope. Solar Enginery *K 5743 Proctor. Easy Star Lessons K 2092 Essays on Astronomy K 2049 Expanse of Heaven K 2010 Flowers of the Sky K 2045 ■ Half-Hours with the Stars *V 423 Half-Hours with the Telescope K 2032 Hand-book of the Stars.^ K 2028 Lessons in Elementary Astronomy K 2063 The Moon K 2007 The same; new ed K 2047 Mysteries of Time and Space K 8621 Myths and Marvels of Astronomy K 2061 Orbs around us K 2027 Other Worlds than Ours." K 2008 Our Place among Infinities K 2064 Poetry of Astronomy^ K 2091 Saturn and its System K 2048 Star Atlas *V 413 Proctor. Stars and the Earth K 2090 ■ The Sun K 2062 Sun-Views of the Earth *V 414 Transits of Venus K 2029 Universe of Suns K 8622 Rambosson. Astronomy K 2077 Ranyard. Total Solar Eclipse, July, 1878.*V 496 Rey. Flimmel und Erde U 45 ?7 Richardson. Catalogue of Stars at Paramatta.*Z>ur. Robinson. Elementary Astronomy K 2079 Rolfe and Gillet. Hand-book of theStars.K 2005 Elements of Astronomy K 2083 Roi.lwyn. Astronomy simplified K 2078 Royal Astronomical Society, Memoirs, 1822- 90. 49 v *V 418 Index, V. 1-38. Monthly Notices, 1831-91. v. 1, 2, 8-26, 29-51 *S^r. Sang. Solar and Sidereal Time Tables.. .. K 2034 Schmal. HemelenAarde D 9751 Schubert. Tables of Eunomia Secchi. Die Sonne D 391 Die Sterne D 415,34 Seiss. The Gospel in the Stars K 2096 The same; new êd K 2114 Serviss. Astronomy with an Opera Glass.. K 8631 Sharpless and Philips. Astronomy for Schools K 2098 Sidereal Messenger, 1882-91. v.1,2,4-10.... *Sir. slegmund. Durch die Sternenwelt D 4584 Simms. Achromatic Telescope IC 2107 Smith and Stone. Transit of Venus... .*V 691,2 Smyth, C. P. Tenerifte; an Astronomer's Ex¬ periment K 2031 Smyth, W. H. Cycle of Celestial Objects*K 2108 The same, continued *V 166 Sidereal Chromatics "I V 375 Spoor. Electro-Astronomical Atlas *V 138 Stark. De Loopbaan van de Planeet Hecate.D 9077 Steele. 14 Weeks in Astronomy K 2085 Story of the Stars K 2115 Stone. Extra Meridian Determination of Time *K. 2081 Sun, The, Solar Eclipse, July 29, 1878, Ob¬ servations at Denver, Col *K 2081 Total Eclipse, Jan. i, 1889, Observations at Norman, Cal *V 1782 Tate. The Sun; its Constitution *K 7170 Townsend. The Arena an the Throne.. K 2006 Tuxen. Stjerneverdenen C 7601 Ule. Wunder der Sternenwelt D 4597 U. S. Naval Observatory, Observations *Doc. Solar Eclipses, July, 1878 and Jan., 1880 *Doc. Valentía, Ireland, Longitude of *Doe. 438 NATURAL SCIENCES. Vaughan. Popular Physical Astronomy... K 1964 Vogel. Die Spectra der Planeten D 4613 Walsh. Astronomy and Geology K 2040 Ward. The Telescope " K 2033 Warren. Recreations in Astronomy K 2980 Washburn Observatory, Publications of. 5 v.*K 2103 Washington Astronomical Observations, 1846- 88. 29 v *Doc. Webb. Celestial Objects for Telescopes... .K 2015 The same; new ed K 2109 Whewell. Astronomy, Physics and Natural Theology I 3248 Plurality of Worlds K 2060 Williams, J. Chinese Observations of Com¬ ets .. . '•'V 422 Williams, W. M. Fuel of the Sun K 2012 Wilson. Lost Solar System discovered. 2 v.K 2057 Winthrop. Lectures on Comets K 21 n W'oLF. Geschichte der Astronomic.. .06704,16 Vale University, Astronomical Observatory, Transactions. 2v Vjj 498 Young. Die Sonne D 415,58 The Sun K 2110 Text-Book of General Astronomy K 1976 Zech. Himmel und Erde ü 416,5 Zürcher et Margollé. Les Météores... .C 4210 Wonders of Meteors K 2624 NATURAL HISTORY.—ZOOLOGY. Abbott. Days out of Doors K 8056 Naturalist's Rambles K 8005 Outings at Odd Times .K 8068 Recent Rambles K'8io5 Upland and Meadow K 8037 Waste-Land Wanderings.... K 8041 Adolph. Simplicity of Creation ' K 2966 íElianus. De Natura animalium. 2 v....L 5574 Agassiz. Biliographia Zoologiae. 4 v...*0 7 Classification in Natural History K 3000 Methods of Study in Natural History. .K 3062 Natural History of the U. S. 4v....*V 441 Structure of Animal Life K 3117 and Gould. Comparative Physiology..! 3240 Principles of Zoölogv K 3058 Ahlers. Notabilitäten der Thierwelt D 4402 American Naturalist, 1868-91. 25 v *Ser. Angell. Animal Physiology K 2884 Animal Locomotion; Muybridge Work at Uni¬ versity of Pennsylvania K 8050 Ashton. Curious Creatures in Zoology... .K 8121 Atkinson. Natural History K 8006 Sketches in Natural History K 3223 Audubon and Bachman. Quadrupeds of North America. 3v *P 518 Baer. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. 2v .....D 44^^ Baird. Student's Natural History *R 17^5 Baker. Wild Beasts and their Ways K 8067 Heard. Humor in Animals K 8009 Beaugrand. Walks of Two Young Natural¬ ists K 8072 Beddard. Animal Coloration K 8126 Bell, A. N. Knowledge of Living Things.K 3053 Bell, T. History of British Reptiles K 7954 Bennett. Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Society delineated. 2 v.. .K 2967 Berge. Complete Natural History K 8118 Berkeley. Facts against Fiction. 2v...K 1002 Bernard. The Apodidse K 8113 Bibliotheca Zoologica. 5v *0 254 Blake. Zoology for Students K 3253 Boate and others. Natural History of Ire¬ land »K 2991 Boitard en Janin. Diergaarde te Parijs. .D 9080 Bolles. Land of the Lingering Snow I 537^ Boner. Forest Creatures K 3070 Boston Society of Natural History, Memoirs *V 442 Bourotte. Protection envers les Animaux.Cl2095 Bowerbank. British Spongiadas. 4 v... .K 8221 Brady. British Copepoda. 3 v K 3280 Bree. Lower Forms of Life K 7848 Brehm. Krybdyrenes og Paddemes, Fisk- enes *C 7074 Pattedyrenes Liv *C 707S Thierleben. 10 v *R 1729 Thierleben für Volk und Schule. 3 v.. .D 4421 Brightwen. Wild Nature won by Kind¬ ness K 8119 Broderip. Note Book of a Naturalist K 3194 Zoological Recreations K 3057 Brooks. The Oyster K 8548 Elementary Course of Natural History.. K 3227 Handbook of Invertebrate Zoology.... K 7990 Brown. Anecdotes of the Animal King¬ dom K 3134 Anecdotes of Animals and Birds K 3158 Habits of Animals and Birds K 3159 Popular Natural History K 3160 Zoologist's Text-book. 2v K 3177 Buckland. Animal Life K 7994 Curiosities of Natural History. 4 v K 3191 The same. 2 v K 2972 Buckley. Life and her Children K 7953 Winners in Life's Race K 7948 Buechner. Geistesleben der Thiere D 4417 Liebes-Leben der Thierwelt D 4418 Buel.. Sea and Land K 8130 Buffon. Œuvres choises C 4260 NATURAL HISTORY.—ZOOLOGY. 439 Buffon. Œuvres complètes. 40 C 4261 Histoire naturelle. 32 v K 3006 Supplément. 10 v K 3007 Campbell. Story of Creation K 2865 Carpenter. Animal Physiology I 3256 Zoology'. 2v I 3253 Cassino (Ed.). Naturalist's Directory for 1880 *R 1723 Catesby. Natural History of the Carolinas. 2v *P 858 Catlow Scripture Zoology K 3132 Caton. Antelope and Deer of America. . .K 1825 Chadbourne. Lectures on Natural His¬ tory K 3004 Chambers. Elements of Zoology K 3121 Champfleurv. The Cat, past and present.K 8034 Chauveneau. Anatomy of Domestic Ani¬ mals K 3118 Clarke. Mind in Nature K 3128 Claus. Grundzüge der Zoologie. 2 v....D 4422 Text-Book of Zoology. 2v K 8017 Clermont. Quadrupeds and Reptiles of Europe K 7941 Cooke. Our Reptiles K 3170 Ponds and Ditches K 7944 The Woodlands K 8896 Cooper. Animal Life on the Sea and on Land K 3008 Couch. Cornish Fauna K 3213 Illustrations of Instinct in Animals K 7986 coues. Fur-Bearing Animals *Doc. Cunningham. Natural History of the Straits of Magellan K 2974 CuviER. Animal Kingdom; ed. by Carpenter and Westwood IC 3180 The same; ed. by Griffith. 16 v.*K 3240 The same; ed. by M'Murtrie K 8010 Histoire des Sciences naturelles. 5 v. in 2 K 2670 Dallas a\jd others. Studies of Animated Nature E 3390, 2 Dana. Coral and Coral Islands K 3104 Darwin. Animals under Domestication. 2 V K 3064 Naturalist's Voyage around the World..K 3050 Vegetable Mould and Worms K 7956 Dawson. Nature and the Bible K 2981 Delattre. Les Bêtes savantes C 4538 Delon. Récits d'Histoire naturelle C 4766 A travers nos Campagnes C 476,8 Denton. Collector's Rambles in Australia.K 8069 Donovan. Repository of Exotic Natural History. 2 v *K 8071 Drummond. Large Game of South Africa. K 2984 Dubois. Au Bord d'une Mare 't'V 1069 Duemling. Illustrirtes Thierlebeu. 2 v...D 4435 Dupuis. A la Recherche d'une Ménagerie.C 4760 Edwards. Manual of Zoölogy K 3003 Elliot. Wild Animals; illus. by Wolf... .*R 4236- Elliott. Seal Islands of Alaska Emerson and Em.mons. Quadrupeds of Mas¬ sachusetts K 2223 Enderes. Thierwelt D 4441 Estaile. Contributions to Natural History.K 7983 Evton. Oysters and Oyster Fisheries K 3277 Fabre. Zoologie C 4845 Figuier. Les Mammifères C 4910- Mammalia K 3156 Les Poissons, Reptiles, Oiseaux C 4912 Reptiles and Birds K 3155 Vie et Moeurs des Animaux C 491& Flagg. Studies in Field and Forest K 2156. Fleming. Animal Plagues K 8115 Flower. Osteology of Mammalia K 3175 and Lvdekker. Study of Mammals..K 8087 Forbes. British Starfishes K 8546. Fournier. Les Animaux historiques C 4989. Garner. Speech of Monkeys K 8iot Garrod, A. H. Scientific Papers of K 8018- Gegenbaur. Comparative Anatomy K 7950- Vergleichende Anatomie D 2459- Gibson, J. Science Gleanings K 803a Gibson, W. H. Sharp Eyes; Walks among Birds, Insects, etc K 8076- Strolls by Starlight and Sunshine K 8073 Giebel. Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs. SV D 360 Gill. Mammals, Fishes and Mollusca K 3246- Girard, C. Herpetology; with Atlas *Z)oc. Girard, M. Zoologie C 5124 Glazier. Report on Trichinœ and Trichin¬ osis *Dac. Goadby. Vegetable and Animal Physiol¬ ogy K 3119 Godman. American Natural History. 3 v. K 2970 Goldsmith. Animated Nature. 4 v. in 2.K 299a Goodrich and Wikchell. Johnson's Nat¬ ural History.' 2 v *K 8020 Gosch. Zoologiens Studium. 3 v C 7197 Gosse. British Sea-Anemones *K 8062 Canadian Naturalist K 2973 Letters from Alabama K 3198- Life in Higher and Lower J^'orms K 2993 Natural History of Mammalia K 3207 Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica K. 2987 Romance of Natural History. 2 v K 2977 Text-book pf Zoology K 2979 Gould, A. A. Invertebrata of Massachusetts.K 3231 440 NATURAL SCIENCE. Gould, C. Mythical Monsters K 8026 Gratiolet. Anatomie de l'Hippopotame.*V 316 Gravenhorst. Seethiere bei Triest D 4466 Green. Collections of Natural History... .K 8070 Gudernatis. Zoological Mythology. 2 v.. K 3002 Guerrier de Haupt. Clef des Champs.. .C 5003 Protection des Animaux C 5015 Gunning. Life History of our Planet K 2857 Haeckel. Arabische Korallen ♦V 1004 Hamerto.n. Chapters on Animals K 3123 Hamilton. The River-Side Naturalist... .K 8108 Hamley. Our Poor Relations E 1173 Harbison. Elements of Zoology K 2885 Harlan. Fauna Americana K 7997 Harting. British Extinct Animals K 799S Natural History and Sport K 6652 Hartmann. Anthropoid Apes K 8008 Menschenähnliche Affen 0415,60 Hartwig. Die Tropenwelt .D 3770 Wild Animals of the Tropics K 8054 Winged Life in the Tropics K 8053 Hehn. Wanderings of Plants and Animals. K 8028 Heilprin. Distribution of Animals K 8015 Hentv. Those other Animals K 8127 Hess. Wegweiser in die Zoologie D 561 Hickson. Naturalist in North Celebes... .K 8085 Higgins. Ophidians; Zoolcçical Arrangement of Genera K 8046 Hinton. Life in Nature K 3061 Holder. Elements of Zoology K 8003 The Ivory King; History of the ElephantK 8040 Living Lights; Phosphorescent Animals and Plants K 8044 Marvels of Animal Life K 8036 Hood. The King's Windows K 8042 Hooker. Natural History for Schools ...K30S6 Child's Book of Nature K 3068 Hoplev. Snakes K 7985 Houghton. Country Walks K 2834 Natural History of the Ancients K 3247 Howorth. The Mammoth and the Flood.K 8019 Hudson. The Naturalist in La Plata K 8109 Huidekoper. Age of the Domestic AnimalsK 8128 Huizinga. Dierkunde voor EerstbeginnendenD 9356 Hulme. Wayside Sketches K 8057 Hunter. (Ed.). Curiosities in National Insti¬ tute .K 356 Huxley. Anatomy of Vertebrated AnimalsK ^116 Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals K 7959 Classification of Animals K 2998 The Crayfish K 3269 Der Krebs D4i5,48 Illinois Museum of Natural History, Bulletins. *Doc. Illustrated Sketches of Natural History. 2 v.K 3069 Ingersoll. Country Cousins K 8002 Friends worth knowing K 7960 Habits of Animals K 8122 Jackson. Monkeys, Oppossums, etc I 3554 Jacolliot. Les Animaux sauvages *V 1070 Jaeger, B. Class Book of Zoology K 3072 Jaeger, G. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. 4v,D 3201 Jardine. Naturalist's Library: Entomology, yv *K 3150 Ichthyology. 6v 'K 3151 Mammalia. 13 v *K 3152 Ornithology. 14 v S'SS Jenyns. Observations in Natural History. .K 3184 Jesse. Gleanings in Natural History. 3V..K 2975 Scenes of Country Life; Natural HistoryK 8051 Jones, J. M. Naturalist in Bermuda K 7958 Jones, T. R. Animal Creation K 3126 Natural History of Animals. 2 v K 2985 Outline of the Animal Kingdom K 2986 Jordan. Vertebrates of Northern United States K 3245 Kemp. Indications of Instinct I 4000,24 Natural History of Creation I 4000,24 Kent. Manual of Infusoria. 3v *K 7979 Kiesenwetter. Naturaliensammler D 4487 King. Naturalist in Canada *R 1731 KinGsley. Natural History. 6 v 'K 8021 Naturalist's Assistant K 7987 Kingston. Natural History in the Western World K 3176 Kipling. Beast and Man in India K 8125 Kirby. On the History of Animals. 2 v.. I 3246 Knight. Idylls of the Field K 8530 By Leafy Ways; Studies from Nature. .K 8055 Koch. The Missourium; or, Missouri Levia¬ than K 8111 Krause, E. (C. Sterne). Werden und Ver¬ gehen ü 4594 Land of the Lions; Wild Animals of Africa.K 6728 Landsborough. British Zoophytes K 3169 Langlebert. Historie naturelle C 5648 Lee. Anecdotes of Animals K 3066 Anecdotes of Birds, Reptiles, etc ,.K 306 Leroy. Intelligence of Animals K 3224 Lindsay. Mind in the Lower Animals. 2vK 3261 Linnsean Society of N. Y. Transactions. 2 v.K 8023 Lord. Crab, Shrimp and.Lobster Lore...K 7991 Loudon. Entertaining Naturalist I 3127 Low. Domesticated Animals K 3147 Lubbock. Beauties of Nature K 8103 Instincts and Intelligence of Animals.. K 8025 Die Sinne und das Leben der Thiere.D 415,67 Luetken. Skildringer af Dyrelivet C 7367 Lunt. Across Lots K 8052 NATURAL HISTORY.—ZOOLOGY. 441 Macalister. Zoölogy of the Vertebrates.K 3242 M'Alpine. Zoölogical Atlas. 2v *R 4970 MacCosh. Typical Form of Creation K 2992 Mangin. Le Monde de l'Air C 5917 Marcy. Natural History of the Red River of Louisiana K 799^ Marey. Animal Mechanism K 2853 iSÎARSHALL. Spaziergüjíge eines Naturfor¬ schers D 4532 Martin, P. L. Illustrirte Naturgeschichte. 2 v. in 4 D 4526 Leben der Hauskatze D 4522 Martin, W. C. L. Natural History of Mam- mifera K 3174 Maskeli- Four Feet, Wings and Fins... .K 7952 Maugeret. La Science à travers Champs.C 5873 Maunder. Treasury of Natural Histc(^y . .*R lysi Mayou. Natural History of Shakspere... .É' 9677 Men au lt. Intelligence des Animtmx.... C 4189 Intelligence of Animals K 2619 Amour maternal des Animaux C 4221 Meredith. Tasmanian Friends; Feathered, Furred and Finned K 8086 Meunier. Le Monde animal C 5867 Miller. Queer Pets and their Doings... .K 7973 Mivart. The Cat K 7962 Morg.an, C. L. Animal Life and IntelligenceK 8124 Morgan, L. H. American Beaver K 3093 Morse. First Book of Zoölogy K 3236 Morwood. Facts of Animal Life K 7947 Moseley. Notes by a Naturalist K 8107 Muenter. Corrallenthiere D 382,7 Muybridge. Animal Locomotion *P 1243 Napier. Lakesand Rivers K 7945 Natural History Review, 181-65. S y *Sír. Nelson. Natural History Collections made in Alaska *Doc. Netoliczka. Illustrirte Naturgeschichte... D 364 Katechismus der Naturgeschichte D 365 Lehrbuch der Zoologie D 363 New York State, Natural History of *Doc. De Kay. Zoology. 5 v. Torrey. Botany. 2 v. Beck. Mineralogy. Mather and others. Geology. 4 v. Hall. Palaeontology. 5 v. Emmons. Agriculture. 5 v. Nicholson, E. B. Rights of an Animal.. .K 7963 Nicholson, H. A. Manual of Zoology.. .K 7966 Text-book of Zoölogy K 3060 Nicols. Natural History of Carnivora... .K 8016 Nott. Wild Animals photographed and de¬ scribed K 8058 Ogilvie. Master Builder's Plan K 2995 ürbigny. Diet. d'Histoire naturelle. i3v.*P 571 Atlas. 3 V *P 572 Orton. Comparative Zoölogy K 7984 Oswald. Zoölogical Sketches K 7974 Owen. Aims of a National Museum of Nat¬ ural History ,K 3225 Classification of Mammalia K 3206 Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates. 3 V K 3197 Comparative Anatomy of Invertebrates.K 3181 Odontography; Anatomy of Teeth. 2 v*K 8024 Packard. Zoölogy for High Schools K 7967 Page. Animal Anecdotes K 8049 Pasteur. Maladie des Vers à Soie. 2 v... .C 6165 The same. 2v K 903 Pettigrew. Animal Locomotion K 3120 Ortsbewegung der Thiere D 415,10 Phipson, E. Animal Lore of Shakspere's Time E 9691 Phipson, T. L. Utilization of Minute Life.K 7998 Pliny Secundus. llistoriœ naturalis. 11 v.*L 2782 Naturall Historie, 1635 *P 882 Natural History. 6 v I 3217 PouLTON. The Colours of Animals..... .K 8123 Pritchard. History of Infusoria K 3185 The same; new ed. ♦K 3256 Quadrupeds described. 3v I 3560 Ratzel. Wandertage eines NaturforschersD. 3869 Rebau. Naturgeschichte D 4574 Redares. Kaninchenzucht D 547 Reíd. The Naturalist in Siluria K 8048 Reimann. Naturleben des Vaterlandes... D 2920 Rennie. Natural History of the Elephant .1 3742 The same I 3560,2 Natural History of Quadrupeds I 3725 RÉVOIL. Les Animaux historiques. 3 v.. C 6468 Roche. Les Martyrs du Travail C 6512 Rodwell. The Rat; its History and HabitsK 3203 Roget. Animal and Vegetable Physiology. 2 Y I 3252 Rolleston. Forms of Animal Life K 2997 The same *p 165 Scientific Papers and Addresses. 2 v..K 7202 Romanes. Animal Intelligence K 7968 Mental Eyolution in Animals K 7992 Jelly-Fish, Star-Fish, etc *K 8061 Rossmaessler. Für freie Stunden D 4565 Russ. Durch Feld und Wald D 4572 Schmarda. Zoologie. 2 v D 4580 Schmidt. Mammalia in Primeval Times... K 8012 Säugethiere der Vorwelt D 415,65 Scripture Natural Histo^ K 3073 Semper Animal Life K 7955 Existenzbedingungen der Thiere. .D 415,39-40 442 NATURAL SCIENCE. Simeon. Natural History K 6729 Smellie. Philosophy of Natural History. .K 7969 Smith. Benderloch; Notes from the West Highlands K 8031 Smithsonian Institution, Catalogue of North American Reptiles in K 3048 sowerby and Lear. Tortoises, Terrapins and Turtles *P 543 Stables. Cats K 8004 Steele. Fur, Feathers and Fuzz K 8120 Stewart. Nether Lochab.ar K 8032- Stillman. The Horse in Motion *V 228 SwAiNsON. Animals in Menageries I 3857 Bibliography of Zoology I 3865 Classification of Animals I 3859 Natural History of Quadrupeds I 3862 Study of Natural History I 3864 Swedenborg. The Animal Kingdom. 2V.K8011 Taylor, J. Curiosities in Natural History.K 7942 Taylor, J. E. Nature's Byepaths K 8001 The Playtime Naturalist K 8047 Te.v.nent. Natural History of Ceylon...,K 3260 The Wild Elephant K 3137 Ten ney. Manual of Zoology K 3051 Natural History of Animals K 3059 Pictures and Stories of Animals. 6 v in 2K 8043 Thompson, E. P. Passions of Animals.. .K 8014 Thompson, W. Natural History of Ireland. 4 V *K 2988 Note-book of a Naturalist K 3232 Thomso.v. Outlines of Zoology K 8117 Study of Animal Life.._ K 8116 Times. Eccentricities of Animal Creation.K 7957 Torre y. The Foot-Path Way K 8104 A Rambler'» Lease E 6015 Treat. Studies in Nature K 8029 Tristram. Natural History of the Bible. .K 3055 Tropical Nature K 8000 Trouessart. Microbes, Ferments and Moulds K 8013 Tschudi. Dyrelivet i Alperne C 7602 Thierlebender Alpenwelt '•'D 4598 Tugwell. Manual of Sea-Anemones K 8064 Turner. Natural History of Alaska *Doc. Van Beneden. Schmarotzer des Thier¬ reichs D 415.18 Vasey. Bulls, Bisons and Buffaloes K 7981 vignoli. Intelligenz ira Thierreiche... .d 415,36 Vogt. AusThier-und Menschenleben.... d 4619 Bilder aus dem Thierleben D 4620 Vorlesungen über Thiere D 4624 Zoologische Briefe. 2v D 4627 Wagner. Naturskildringar för Ungdora..C 7805 Wn.llace. Essays on Natural Selection.. .K 30$2 Wallace. Geographical Distribution of Ani¬ mals. 2 K 3258 Island Life; Faunas and Floras K 797^ Tropical Nature K 7977 Walton. The Camel; its Anatomy, etc. .*R 4821 Ware. Philosophy of Natural History. .. .K 7970 Waterhouse. Natural History of Mam¬ malia. 2 V K 8022 WaTERTON. Essays in Natural History .K 2994 Watkins. Natural History of the AncientsK 8027 Watson. Reasoning Power in Animals... .K 7965 Weir. Our Cats and all about them K 8075 Wheeler. Animated Nature *P 1278 White, A. Heads and Tails K 3165 Popular History of Mammalia It 3228 White, G. Natural History of Selborne.. .K 3054 The same I 3528 The same I 3753 The same I 3164 wilckens. Naturgeschichte der HausthiereD 4633 Williams. Field-Farings K 8106 Wilson. Glimpses of Nature K 8074 Wood, J. G. Bible Animals K 3133 Animal Traits and Characteristics K 3143 The Branch-Builders K 8060 Common Objects of the Country K 3141 Domestic Animals of the Bible K 8059 Homes without Hands ... ; K 3146 Illustrated Natural History. 3 y K 3168 Lane and Field K 7946 Man and Beast here and hereafter K 3167 My Back-Yard Zoo K 8038 Natural History for the Young K 7972 Nature's Teachings K 7949 Petland revisited K 8035 Popular Natural History K 7971 Sketches and Anecdotes of Animals... K 3144 Strange Dwellings K 3111 Trespassers K 3173 Wood, S. Dwellers in our Gardens K 7975 Wood, T. Nature and her Servants K 7251 Wright. Animal Life K 7980 Zimmermann. Wunder der Urwelt D 358 Zoölogist, 1843-76. 34 V *Ser. COLLECTIONS OF NATURAL IIISTORY IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of British Worms K 2996 Lepidopterous Insects. 32 v.. K 3009 Hymenopterous Insects. 7 v.. K 3010 Fossorial Hymenoptera K 3011 Neuropterous Insects K 3012 Pulmonata K 3013 Fishes and Mollusca K 3014 NATURAL HISTORY—TAXIDERMY—ETHNOLOGY. 443 Catalogue of Lophobranchiata K 3015 Species Entozoa K 3016 Blattarise. 5 K. 3017 Batrachia K 3018 Mammalia K 30'9 Hispidas K 3020 Ruminant Mammalia K 3021 Seals and Whales. 2 v K 3022 Amphipodous Crustaceae K 3023 Apodal Fishes.. : K 3024 Coleopterous Insects K 3026 Blattariae K 3027 Mollusca K 3028 Lithophytes K 3029 Acanthopterygian Fishes. 8v.K 3030 Diurnal Lepidoptera K 3031 British Birds K 3034 British Birds. 3 v K 3035 Bones of Mammalia K 3036 Carnivorous Mammalia K 3037 Monkeys, Lemurs and Bats.. .K 3038 Diurnal Lepidoptera K 3039 Coleóptera K 3040 Halticidx K 3041 Phaneropneumona K 3042 Coleóptera K 3043 Shells of the Canaries K 3044 Old Bones K 3045 Mollusca T.K 3046 Lycaenidae *V 393 Orthopterous Insects.......*V 394 Shield Reptiles *V 390 TAXIDERMY. Batty. Practical Taxidermy K 7951 Boitard. Naturaliste préparateur. .C 6513,70-71 Brown, T. Taxidermist's Manual K 3202 Browne, M. Practical Taxidermy K 8080 CouES. Field Ornithology K 3130 Hornaday. Taxidermy and Zoological Col¬ lecting K 8079 Maynard. Manual of Taxidermy K 7989 Naturalists' Guide in Preserving K 7988 swainson. Taxidermy I 3865 Ward . Collecting, Preserving and Setting up Trophies K 8078 ETHNOLOGY.—MAN. ^lbanès, D' et Fath. Les Nains célèbres.C 4049 ftmerican Anthropologist, 1888-91. 4v *Ser. ^American Ethnological Society, Transactions, 1845-48. 2 V *Ser. Andree. Ethnographische Parallelen D 6681 Anthropological Review, i863-69. J v *Ser. Anthropological Society of London, Memoirs, 1863-66. 2 v *K 7812 Anthropological Society of Washington, Trans¬ actions, 1882 *Doc. Argyll, c/. Primeval Man K 2952 Bastian. Geographische und ethnologische Bilder D 4408 Völker des östlichen Asiens. 2 v D 295 Beddoe. Races of Britain K 7834 Bellew. The Races of Afghanistan K 7^° Berghaus. Die Völker des Erdballs. 2 v..D 6687 Bernstein. Leben d. Menschen. 4 v. D 383,10-13 Beetillon. Ethnographie moderne; les Ra¬ ces sauvages C 12002 Blumenbach. Anthropological Treatises. .K 2931 Bonwick. Our Nationalities K 7820 Brace. Races of the old World K 2928 Bray. Manual of Anthropology K 2947 Brinton. The American Race B 2024 Races and Peoples K 7^57 Brown, J. A. Palxolithic Man in MiddlesexK 7833 Brown, R. Races of Mankind. 4 v. in 2. K 7801 Buechner. Der Mensch u. seine Stellung.D 4411 Buffon. Histoirede l'Homme. 3 v. C 4261,13-15 Bürge. Pre-Glacial Man and the Aryan Race K 7838 Caspari. Urgeschichte der Menschheit. 2 v.D 32 Clark. Races of European Turkey K 7829 Clodd. Childhood of the World K 2571 Combe. Constitution of Man K 2956 conant. Vanished Races in Mississippi Val¬ ley K 2563 Dall. Remains of later Pre-historic Man.. .*Doc^ Dawkins. Cave Hunting K 2949 Early Man in Britain K 7808 Dawson. Australian Aborigines *V 220 Fossil Men and their Representatives. ..K 7807 Earl. Races of Indian Archipelago I 1577 Elliot. Races of the Northwestern Provin¬ ces of India. 2v K 7891' Ethnological Researches of the North-West Coast of America *R 4872 Figuier. L'Homme primitif C 4908 Human Race K 2925 Primitive Man K 2912 Les Races humaines C 4913 Flower. Fashion in Deformity K 7810 Fontaine. How the World was peopled.. K 2942 Fritsch. Die Eingeborenen Süd-Afrikas. 2v*P 1619 Garnier. Les Nains et les Géants C 5008 Geiger. Development of the Human Race.K 7802 Geikie. Great Ice Age and Antiquity of Man K 2524 444 NATURAL SCIENCE. Giebel, Der Mensch D 361 Gobineau. Diversity of Races K 7798 Inégalité des Races humaines. 2v... C 5001 Guyot. Earth and Man K 2938 Harris. Constitution of Man primeval... .K 2940 f re-Adamite Earth K 2948 Hartmann. Die Völker Afrikas D 415,38 Hawkins. Anglo-Saxon Race K 7819 Hellwald. Naturgeschichte des Menschen. 2 V D 4478 Hildebrande. FörhistoriskaFolken iEuropaC 7833 Home ( Lord Kames ) . History of Man. 3 Y K 2913 Hopkins. Outline Study of Man K 2950 Huxley. More Criticisms on Darwin K 2934 Origin of Species K 2920 Jacolliot. Histoire de l'Humanité. 2 v.C 5309 JOLY. Man before Metals K 7811 Der Mensch vor der Zeit der Metalle.D 415,46 Journal of American Ethnology and Archeeol- ogy, 1891. v. I *Ser. Keller. Lake Dwellings of Switzerland.. K 2941 Kinmot. Natural History of Man K 7879 Knox. ■ Races of Men. K 2943 Lankester. Longevity of Man K 2924 Lanoye. L'Homme sauvage C 4218 Latham. Descriptive Ethnology. 2 v....K 2898 Ethnology of the British Islands K 2899 Ethnology of the British Colonies K 7813 Nationalities of Europe. 2v K 2922 Native Races of Russia K 2918 Russian and Turk K 7809 Lesley. Man's Origin and Destiny K 7805 Lubbock. Pre-historic Times K 2900 Origin of Civilization K 2944 Lyell. Altcrdis Menschengeschlechts D 4552 Antiquity of Man K 2923 McC ausland. Adam and the Adamite. ..K 2911 Builders of Babel I 1489 McCosh. Development of Hypothesis K 2962 •Maclean. Manual of Antiquity of Man.. .K 3268 Mastodon, Mammoth and Man K 2561 Mound Builders of Butler Co., O K 2562 Massy. Analytical Ethnology K 2954 Miller. Little People of Asia I 1446 Moorehead. Primitive Man in Ohio B 4261 Morris, C. The Aryan Race K 7844 Morris, J. The New Nation. 5v K 7^47 Morton. Crania Americana 302 Mueller. Facts for Darwin K 2907 Nadaillac. Prehistoric Peoples K 7877 Natuurlijke Geschiedenis van den Mensch.. D 9688 Nilsson. Primitive Inhabitants of Scandina¬ via K- 2999 Nott and Gliddon. Indigenous Races.. .*V 34^ Types of Mankind 7797 Page. Man; where, whence and whither?.K 2901 Paterson. Studies in Life 77^8 Perkins. Pre-historic Man *1^ 87^>2 Peschel. Erd-und Völkerkunde D 455' Races of Man , 7806 Pickering. IBstory of the Races of Man... I 3'43 Poole (Ed.). Genesis of the Earth and Man M 2037 PoucHET. Plurality of the Human Race., .K 295S Powell. Contributions to North American Ethnology. 6v ..*Doc, Prichard. Natural History of Man. 2v. .K 2953 Physical History of Mankind^ 5 v... .'K 779® and Latham. Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations K 35®7 Quatrefages. The Human Species K 2568 Das Menschengeschlecht D 415,30-31 Natural Historyof Man K 2960 The Prussian Race K 7875 Les Pyginées ..C 6324 Ratzel. Vorgesch. d. europ. Menschen.D 416,11 Rau. Early Man in Eurc^e ..K 2951 réclus. Primitive Folk K 7876 Redfield. Comparative Physiognomy.... K 2930 Retzius. Menneskets Tilvaerelse C 7234 Rialle. Nos Ancêtres C 6464 Rouegemoxt. De Mensch en de Aao D 9434 Le Peuple primitif. 3 v C 6535 Rvdberg. Cm Menniskans Förut-Tillvaro.C 8003 Shaler. Nature and Man in America... .K 9443 Sh arpe. Cause of Color among Races..... K 2569 The same; new ed K 7803 Smith. Complexion and Figure K 7816 Smyth. Antiquity of Man K 375 Southall. Epoch of the Mammoth K 2983 Man's Age in the World K 2963 Recent Origin of Man K 2958 Starcke. Die primitive Familie D 415,66 Steffens. Anthropologie. 2 v D 4591 Naturphilosophie D Talbot. Infant Development «K 815,2 Thoms. Human Longevity K 2906 Topinard. Anthropology k 7S78 TylOR. Anthropology; Study of Man K 7S04 United States Bureau of Ethnology, Reports. 6 v *Doc. VoGT. Lectures on Man K 7853 Vorlesungen über den Menschen D 4623 Waitz. Anthropologie der Naturvölker. 6v.D 403 Introduction to Anthropology K 2929 Wake. Chapters on Man K 7880 Wallace. Numbers of Mankind K 7814 EVOLUTION AND BIOLOGY. 44S Wanlev. History of Man. 2v K 78'S Wietersheim. Geschichte der Völkerwan¬ derung. 2 V D S757 Williams. Negro Race in America. 2 v.B 332 winchell. Adamites and Pre-Adamites.*K 5743 Pre-Adamites K 3^73 Wilson. Pre-Historic Man. 2,v K 7800 Wimmer. Adam und sein Geschlecht D 3663 Wood. Giants and Dwarfs K 2927 Man and Beast here and hereafter K 3167 Natural History of Man. 2 v K 3166 Wright. The Ice Age and Antiquity of ManK 2537 Man and the Glacial Period K 9450 Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 1869-91. 23 v.... *Ser. Supplemente, 1871-85. 6 v. in 3. Zimmermann. Der Mensch. 2v D 357 See also Archceology, p. 335. EVOLUTION AND BIOLOGY. Adams, M. The Continuous Creation ... .K 7852 Adams, R. C. Evolution; Summary of Evi¬ dence K 7821 Allen. Evolutionist at large K 7783 Anti-Darwin • K 7825 Basti.vn. Evolution and Origin of Life...K 7781 Origin of Lowest Organisms K 7782 Bateman. Darwinism tested by LanguageK 7789 Beale. Life Theories M 1597 Protoplasm; or. Matter and Life L 2047 Bell. Anatomy of Expression K 2908 The same I 3292 The same *K 2909 Bergen. Development Theory K 7824 Primer of Darwinism K 7855 Billing. Scientific Materialism K 7149 Bree. Fallacies in Hy[»thesis of Darwin.K 2945 Broca. Hybridity in Genus Homo K 2939 Brooks . Law of Heredity K 7823 Buechner. Darwinische Theorie D 4416 Man; past, present and future K 2926 Butler. Evolution, old and new K 7784 Life and Habit K 2564 Luck, or Cunning, as Means of Organic Modification? K 7842 Carneri. Sittlichkeit und Darwinismus.. .D 3127 Chambers. Natural History of Creation. .K 2858 Chapín . Creation and Early Development of Society K 7799 Chapman. Evolution of Life K 2932 Clodd . Story of Creation; Account of Evolu¬ tion K 7841 Cohn. Ueber Bacteria D 382,7 Conn. Evolution of To-day K 7827 The Living World K 7870 Cook. Biology E 2203 Heredity E 2206 Cope. Origin of the Fittest; Evolution.... K 7830 Theology of Evolution IC 7831 Cox. Protoplasm and Life; Biological EssaysK 7858 Darwin. Animals and Plants under Domes¬ tication. 2v K 3064 Descent of Man. 2 v K 2915 Entstehung der Arten D 351 Expressions of Emotions in Man and Animais K 2916 Origin of Species IC 2917 Dawson. Chain of Life in Geological TimeIC 7846 Denton. Is Darwin right? K 7828 Desprez. L'Evolution naturaliste C 4776 Dolley .Technology of Bacteria InvestigationK 8063 Dreher. Der Darwinismus D 4434 Durham. Evolution, Antiquity of Man, etc. K 7856 Eimer. Organic Evolution IC 7862 Elam. Winds of Doctrine; Evolution IC 7787 Evolution in Science, Philosophy and Art... K 7863 Ferris. Theory of Origin of Species IC 7817 Fiske. Cosmic Philosophy. 2v L 2057 Darwinism E 1109 Destiny of Man K 7818 Excursions of an Evolutionist E 1107 Force. Pre-Historic Man; Darwinism... .IC 2937 Galton. Hereditary Genius L 2l87 The Human Faculty and its DevelopmentL 2181 Natural Inheritance L 2316 Geddes and Thomson. Evolution of Sex.K 7854 Girard. Principes de Biologie C 5107 La Vie au point de vue physique C 5106 Graham. Creed of Science L 1849 Gray. Darwiniana K 2961 Gresswell. Wonderland of Evolution.... k 7826 Grindon. Life; its Nature K 2896 Grove. Synopsis of the Bacteria K 7993 Haeckel. Anthropogenie D 4473 Evolution of Man. 2 v K 2565 Freedom of Science and Teaching. 2v.lC 2566 History of Creation. 2 v .IC 2957 Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte D 4474 Hall. Problem of Human Life IC 7835 Hartmann. Darwinismus D 416,16 Heilerin. Geological Evidences of Evolu¬ tion IC 7840 Henslow. Evolution of Living Things.. .IC 2914 Hodge. What is Darwinism? ".IC 2935 Huxley. Man's Place in Nature K 2921 Origin of Species K 2920 and Martin. Course in Practical BlologyK 7839 Eleàientary Biology K 2959 Johnson. Life; what do we know about it?K 2897 446 NATURAL SCIENCE. Koellikiír. Eniwickelungsgeschichle des Menschen D 2441 Kuhl. Anfänge des Menschengeschlechts. .D 153 Lavater. Essays on Physiognomy I. 2358 LeConte. Evolution and Religious ThoughtK 7843 Lktoi'rneau. Biology K 2964 Lotze . Mikrokosmus. 3 v D 4514 Dasselbe. 3 v. in 2 D 6712 McGinley. Introduction to Biology K 2903 Magnin. The Bacteria K 7961 Mitchell. The Evolution of Life K 7861 Mivart. Genesis of Species K 3065 Man and Apes K 7790 MorlíY. a Song of Life K 7860 Nicholson. Introduction to Biology K 2910 Nisbet. Marriage and Heredity L 4175 O'Neill. Refutation of Darwinism K 7786 Parker, T.J. Lesson in Elementary BiologyK 7859 Parker, W. K. On Mammalian Descent.K 7849 Pastei r. Fermentation C 6162 Studies on Fermentation K 4286 Powell. Our Heredity from God K 7837 Preyer. Biologische Zeitfragen D 6730 Quatrefages. Darwin et ses Précurseurs français C 6323 Rauch. Einheit des Menschengechlechtes.D 4555 Ribot. Heredity L 2199 Ritchie. Darwinism and Politics K 7885 Romanes. Darwin and after Darwin K 7864 Mental Evolution in Animais K 7992 Mental Evolution in Man L 5258 Organic Evolution K 7791 SciiMiD. Theories of Darwin K 7793 Schmidt. Descendenzlehre D 415,2 Descent and Darwinism K 2933 schuetzenberger. On Fermentation.... K 2637 Schurman. Ethical Import of Darwinism.K 7836 Sheppard. Darwinism K 7822 Spencer . P"actors of Organic Evolution... K 7832 Principles of Biology. 2 v K 2904 The saine. 2 .v K 2905 Spengel. Darwinsche Theorie "D 1 Stebbing. On Darwinism K 2919 Stevenson. Boys and Girls in Biology.. .H 675 Student's Dream, The K 7795 Truuessart, Microbes, P'ermenls and Moulds K 8013 Varigny. Experimental Evolution K 7865 Wallace. Darwinism; Theory of Natural Selection K 785° Essays on Natural Selection K 3052 Weisman.n. Heredity and kindred Biological Problems. 2v .. K 7851 Studies in Theorv of Descent 2 v K 797^ Wilson. Chapters on Evolution K 7792 Studies chiefly Biological K 77^5 Winchell. Doctrine of Evolution L 2084 Wright. I.ife; its true Genesis K 3001 Wythe. Science of Life K 2655 VoRKE. Evolution and Christianity M 2116 Zerffi. Evolution in History, Language and Science E 3390,1 INSECTS.—ENTOMOLOGY. American Entomologist, 1880. v. 3 *Ser. Ballard. Insect Lives K 3255 Among the Moths and Butterflies K 8437 Bamford. Up and down the Brooks K 8065 Berge. Schmetterlings-Buch *P 762 Bergsue. Fra Mark og Skov C 7029 Brown. Butterflies, Sphinges and .Moths. 3v.I 3545 Buckler. Larvœ of British Butterflies. 4 v.*K 8442 Buckton. British Aphides K 3281 Budokn. Episodes of Insect Life. 3 v... .K 3243 Cameron. British Phytophagous Hymenop- tera . 3 V 8451 Catlow. British Entomology K 3183 Church. Flyers and Crawlers K 8389 Comstock. Report upon Cotton Insects.. .K 8390 Cowan. Curious Facts about Insects K 3112 Curtis. Genera of British Lepidoptera. .*K 8393 Insects injurious to Crops *K 8398 Dallas. Elements of Entomology K 3192 Donovan. Insects of China *P 752 Insects of India 'P. 751 Dragon Flies vs. Mosquitoes K 8387 DruRY. Illustrations of Exotic Entomology. 3v .*P 755 Dubois. Insectes et Oiseaux C 4546 Duncan. Transformations of Insects K 3106 East Indian Company Museum; Catalogue of Lepidoptera *R 1727 Eberhart. Economic Entomology K 8405 Some Curious Insects K S404 Edwards. Butterflies of North America.3v.*P 519 Emerton. Structure and Habits of SpidersK 8392 Entomologist, 1870-79. v. 5-12 *Ser. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 1864-87. 24 v *Ser. Figuier. The Insect World K 3154 Les Insectes C 4909 Fitch. Insects of New York State. 2V...K3229 French. Butterflies of the Eastern United States K 8443 Giebel. Naturgeschichte der Insekten.. .D 360.4 Girard. Métamorphoses des Insectes ....C4175 Graber. Insekten D 416, 21-22 INSECTS.—ENTOMOLOGY. 447 Harris. Entomological Correspondence.. K 8400 Insects Injurious to Vegetation K 3108 Hook. Little People and their Homes.... H 1534 Hwbbard. Insects affecting the Orange *Doi-. Huber, F. Natural History of Bees K 3210 Huber, p. Natural History of Ants k 8403 Humphreys. Butterfly-Vivarium K 8444 Janson. British Beetles; illus. by Curtis. .*P 767 Jaeger. Life of North American Insects..K 3109 Jardine. Entomology (Naturalist's Library). 7 V *K 3150 JURANvn.i.E. Voyage au Pays des MerveiUes*V 1058 Kane. European Butterflies K 8446 Kirby, W., and Spenge. Entomology.. . .K 3149 Kirbv, V. b'. Butterflies and Moths *V 626 Elementary Entomology K 8384 Koellar. Injurious Insects K 3135 Lang. Butterflies of Europe. 2v *K 8445 Le Baron. Reports on Insects of Illinois ...*Doc. Leven van eenige Insecten D 9579 Life of an Insect K 3113 Loew. Díptera of North America, pt. 3.... K 3252 Lovell. Nature's Wonder-Workers; Insect World K 8386 Lubbock. Ameisen, Bienei.und Wespen.D 415,57 Ants, Bees and Wasps K 8397 Metamorphoses of Insects K 3193 McCook. Agricultural Ant of Texas K 3278 Honey Ants and Occident Ants K 7964 Tenants of an Old Farm K 8401 Major. Insects most prevalent on Fruit- Trees K 1085 Mangin. Le Monde de'l Air C 5917 Melsheimer. Catalogue of Coleóptera of the United Stales K 3047 Michael. British Oribatidx. 2 v K 8450 Michelet. L'Insecte..-. C 5886 Moggridge. Ants and Trapdoor Spiders. .K 3237 Morris. History of British Butterflies.. , 8440 Natural History of British Moths. 4 v.*K 8438 Murray. Economic Entomology; Aptera..K 3572 Natural History of Insects. 2 v I 3577 The same. 2 v I 3655 Newman. British Butterflies and Moths.... K 8439 Natural History of Insects K 3239 Packard. Collecting Insects K 3248 Guide to Study of Insects... i K 3107 The same; new ed K J164 Half Hours with Insects K 3249 Insects injurious to Trees *Doc. Our Common Insects K 3114 Patterson. Insects in Plays of ShakespereE 9720 Rennie. Insects. 3 v I 35Ó8 The same; edited by Wood I 3153 Riley. The Cotton Worm *Doc. Locust Plague,., K 1157 Potato Pests K 1158 and others. Report on Rocky Mountain Locusts *Doc. Rocky Mountain Locust in Minnesota,.. .*K 1195 Ronalds. Fly-Fisher's Entomology K 8556 Rye. British Beetles K 8394 Samuelson. Earthworm and Housefly.. . .K 3205 Saunders. Insects injurious to Fruit K 8399 Say. Entomology of North America. 2 v.K 3196 Schmidt-Goebel. Insekten D 4588 Tafeln *R 4906 ScuDDER. Butterflies; their Structure, etc.K 8441 Butterflies in the Eastern United States and Canada. 3 V *P Shuckard. British Bees K 8395 Staveley. British Insects K 8396 British Spiders K 2987 SWAINSON. Natural Plistory of Insects I 3866 SwAMMERDAM. Hlstory of Insects *R 103 Taylor. The House-Fly *K 876,2 Treat. Injurious Insects of the Farm K 8391 Ullerich. Japanesische Eichenspinner.... D 362 Van Beneden. Animal Parasites K 3251 Schmarotzer des Thierreichs D 415, 18 Weed. Insects and Insecticides K 8385 Westwood. Arcana Entomológica. 2 v.*P 765 Modern Classification of Insects. 2 v.. K 3195 and Humphreys. British Butterflies. .*P 759 British Moths. 2v *P 758 White. Ants and their Ways K 8402 Wood, J. G. Natural History of Insects.*K3l68,3 Our Garden Friends and Foes K 3115 Insects abroad K 3272 Insects at Home K 3105 Wood, S. Dwellers in our Gardens K 7975 Wood, W. Index Entomologicus *P 766 BIRDS.—ORNITHOLOGy. Adams. Humming Birds K 3131 Nests and Eggs of Birds K 8461 Our Feathered Families K 3157 Altum. Der Vogel und sein Leben D 362 Arnold. Bird-Life in England K 8520 Atkinson. British Birds' Eggs and Nests.K 3148 Audubon. Birds of America, yv *P 517 Ornithological Biography K 8462 Baily. Our own Birds K 3124 The same; new ed K 3215 Baird. American Birds in Smithsonian Insti¬ tution K 3250 and oth'eis. North American Birds. 3V.K 3125 Water Birds of North America, 2 v.... *V 681 448 NATURAL SCIENCE. Bechstein. Cage Birds; tr. by Adams I 3103 The same; tr. by Shuckard K 3100 Naturgeschichte der Stubenvögel D 4412 Bendire. N. A. Birds and their Eggs *Doc. Bewick. British Birds. 2v K 3090 B1.akst0n and Wiener. Canaries and Cage Birds *V 592 Buner. Forest Creatures K 3070 Brandner. De.r Harzer Kanarienvogel.. .D 4461 Bree. History of the Birds of Europe. 5 v*K 8479 Brehm. Bird-Life -K 3255 Fuglenes Liv *C 7073 Das Leben der \'ögel D 4420 Gefangene Vögel. 2 V *V 901 Brevans. Migration des Oiseaux C12103 Buckland. Birds and Bird-Life K 3188 Büffon. Historie des Oiseaux. 12 v K 3005 Le même C 4261, 30-40 Burroughs. Wake-Robin K 3089 Signs and Seasons K 8039 Canary Birds; Manual for Bird Keepers... .K 8465 Cassin. Ornithology; Wilkes' Exploring Ex¬ pedition *R 4844 Chamberlain. Ornithology of the United States and Canada. 2 v K 8526 Chapman. Bird-Life of the Borders K 8524 Cheney. Wood Notes Wild K 8516 Church. Birds and their Waj's K 8467 Coles. Birds of the Northwest *Doc. Key to North American Birds *V 52 The same; new ed., 1884 K 8464 The same; new ed., 1887 *K 8463 Davie. Nests and Eggs of American- Birds K 8522 Dixon. Dovecote and Aviary K 3217 Rural Bird Life K 3279 Our rarer Birds K 8521 Stray Feathers from many Birds K 8525 Dubois. Oiseaux et Insectes C 4546 Eyton. History of rarer British Birds K 8483 Figuier. Les Oiseaux C 4911 Flagg. Birds and Seasons of New Eng¬ land K 3216 Fowler. Tales of the Birds K 8492 A Year with the Birds K 8500 Gentry. Nests and Eggs of Birds of the United States *P 613 Giraud. Birds of Long Island K 8469 Giebel. Naturgeschichte der Vögel 0360,2 Goei.ler. Der Wellenfittich D 4464 Der Prachtfinkei Zucht u. Pflege D 4462 Goss. Birds of Kansas K 8527 Gosse. Birds of Jamaica K 8470 Grant. Our Common Birds K 8528 Gray. Catalogueof Birds in British Museum.K 3^34 Genera and Species of Birds in British Museum. 3v K 3^35 Greene. Birds I have kept K 8523 Parrots in Captivity. 3 V *K 8477 Gurney. The House Sparrow K 8485 Naturalist in Egypt K 8471 Harting, E. Ornithology of Shakespere.. E 676' Harting, J. E. Our Summer Migrants.. .K 8473 Sketches of Bird-Life K 8472 Hartwig. Winged Life in the Tropics... .K 8053 Holden. Book on Birds K 3280 Canaries and Cage-Birds K 8476 Holub. Ornithologie Südafrikas D 4484 Homeyer. Ornithologische Briefe D 4483 Horsfielu. Birds of East India K 3102 In the Woods K 7943 Ingersoll. Bird's-Nesting..., K 8474 Jardine. Naturalist's Library; Ornithology. 14 V *K 3153 Jasper. Birds of North America •P lloB Ornithology; or. Science of Birds *P 1109 Johns. British Birds in their Haunts K 3088 Jones. Cassell's Book of Birds. 4 v in 2 'K 8487 Natural History of Birds K 3178 Kingsley. Natural History of Birds.. .*K 8021,4 Kj.ffirbölling. Skandinaviens Fugle C 7339 Laishley. British Birds' Eggs K 3172 Langille. Our Birds in their Haunts K 8491 Lauder and Brown. Parrots K 8529 Lawrence. Birds of Mexico *Doc. Layard. Birds of South Africa K 8499 Lee. Habits and Instincts of Birds K 3067 Lewin. Birds of New South Wales 'R 4306 Llyod. Game Birds of Sweden K 3179 Mangin. Le Monde de l'Air C 5917 Manuel de l'Oiseleur C 6513, 122 Martin. Das N'ogelhaus D 4524 Merriam. Birds through an Opera Glass. .K 8495 Michei.et. The Bird K 8484 L'Oiseau C 5888 De Vogel D 9540 Miller. Bird-Ways K 8503 In Nesting Time K 8486 Little Brothers of the Air K 8506 Minot. Land and Game Birds of New Eng- ' land K 3262 Montagu and New.man. British Birds.. .K 8482 Morant. Game and Bird Preservers K 8489 Morris. British Game Birds *V 538 History of British Birds. 6v *K 8480 Nests and Eggs of British Birds. 3 v.*K 8481 Mudie. British Birds. 2v I 3'37 FISHES.—ICHTHYOLOGY. 449 Nuttai.l. Ornithology of the United States and Canada >..*K 2980 V. I. Land Birds. 2. Water Birds. The same; ed. by Chamberlain. 2 v.K 8526 Nuttall Ornithological Club, Bulletins. 8 v. in 4 *K 8478 Reid. The Naturalist in Siluria K 8048 Rennie. Architecture of Birds 135^5 Domestic Habits of Birds I 35^^ Faculties of Birds I 35^7 Natural History of Birds I 37^1 Ridgway. Birds of Guadalupe Island *K 815,2 Manual of North American Birds *K 8511 Nomenclature of North American Birds.. Russ. Bilder aus der Vogelstube D 4564 Die sprechenden Papageien D 4579 Speaking Parrots K 8475 Handbuch für Vogelliebhaber. 2 v... .D 4566 Samuels. Birds of New England IC 3103 Northern and Eastern Birds K 8498 Saxby. Birds of Shetland IC 8504 Schmitt. Eleveur d'Oiseaux C 6513,282 Sharte. Birds in Nature '"'V 1775 Shelley. Birds of Egypt *K 8496 Monograph of the Sun-Birds '•'V 1246 Shufeldt. Myology of the Raven K 8505 Smith. The Canary K 8466 Stanley. Familiar History of Birds K 3234 Stearns. New England Bird Life. 2 v..k 8497 swainson, C. Folk-Lore of British Birds.*L 2575 swalnson, W. Natural History of Birds. 2v.i 3860 Swaysland. Familiar Wild Birds. 4 v.. *K 8494 Thompson. By-Ways and Bird Notes K 8468 Torrey. Birds in the Bush K 8502 Trumbull. Namesand Portraits of Birds. K 8488 Turnbull. Birds of Pennsylvania and New Jersey K 8501 Tyas. Beautiful Birds described. 3 v.... K 8493 Vennor. Our Birds of Prey; Eagles, Hawks and Owls *V 916 Wilson and Bonaparte. American Orni¬ thology. 4.V I 3542 The same. 3v. •K 8510 Plates.. *R 4283 Wood. Natural History of Birds K 3168,1 See also Poultry, page 406. FISHES—ICHTHYOLOGY. Agassiz. Anatomy of Astrangia Danse.. .*V 1774 andBAlRD. North American Fresh-Water Fishes- *V 1774 American Fish, and how to catch them K 8561 Badham. Fish Tattle K 8542 Beale. The Sperm Whale K 8566 Bennett. Fishes of Ceylon *V 89 Bertram. Harvest of the Sea K 3049 Boll. Elektrische Fische *D 382,9 Buckland. Log-Book of a Fisherman and Zoologist K 2969 Couch. Fishes of the British Islands. 4 v*K 8550 Dewhurst. Natural History of Whales .. K 8567 Figuier. The Ocean World K 2829 Poissons, Reptiles, Oiseaux C 4916 Gill. Families of Fishes K 3242 Fishes of the Pacific Coast *Doi. Goode. American Fishes K 8545 Gosse. Wonders of the Great Deep..^. ...K 2976 Guenther. Introduction to the Study of Fishes K 8565 Hartwig. Denizens of the Deep K 7392 Henshall. Book of the Black Bass K 8554 More about the Black Bass K 8563 Herbert. Fish and Fishing in the United States K 1008 Houghton. British Fresh-Water Fishes. .*P 1211 International Fisheries Exhibition Liter¬ ature. 14 v K 8541 Jardine. Naturalist's Library; Ichthyology. 6 v *K 3151 Meunier. Les grandes Pêches C 4191 Mitchei.l. The Herring K 3270 Newberry. Paleozoic P ishes of North Amer¬ ica *Doc. Pennell. British Fresh-Water Fish K 8555 Roosevelt. Game Fish of the Northern States K 8558 Russel. The Salmon K 856 Seeley. Fresh-Water Fishes of Europe.. .K 8559 Slack. Marvels of Pond-Life K 3276 Smith. Fishes of .Massachusetts K 8560 SwAiNSON. Fishes and Reptiles. 2v I 3858 Traherne. Habits of the Salmon. K 5648 Van Doren. Fishes of the Atlantic Coast.K 8562 Westwoou and Satchell. Bibliotheca Pis¬ catoria -»o 615 Wood. Natural History of Fishes K 3168,3 Yarrell. History of British Fishes. 2 v.K 3241 See also Prishing, page 397. FISH CULTURE. Buckland. . Fish Hatching K 1027 Pollution of Rivers; its Effects upon Fish- "'«s K 5537 Campbell. Book of the Running Brook... K 8543 Capel. Trout Culture k 8547 Eyton. Oysters and Oyster Fisheries K 3277 Francis. Fish-Culture; a practical Guide.K 948 45° NATURAL SCIENCES. Garlick. Artificial Propagation of Fish ..K 1031 Goode and others. Fish Commission, Fisher¬ ies, and Fishing Industries of U. S. 6 v.*Z?öf. Green. Treatise on Fish Culture K 8544 Trout Culture K 998 Norris. American Fish Culture K 1030 Koosevelt and Green. Fish Hatching and Catching K 1832 Si.ack. Trout Culture K 1029 Stone. Domesticated Trout K 1035 United States F'isherie.s, Reports on *Doc. Till', .\QUARIUM. b.atem\n. _ Frosh-Water Aquaria K 8575 Butler. Family Aquarium K 3074 Gösse. The Aquarium *K 8587 Marine Aquarium K 3199 IIess. Bilder aus dem Aquarium. 2 v....D 4479 Humi'hrevs. Ocean Gardens; the Marine Aquarium K 8583 Jaeger. Aquarium u. Leben im Wasser. . .D 359 Jones. Aquarian Naturalist K 3226 I.ee. Aquarium Notes K 3271 SoWERBY. History of the Aquarium K 3187 Wood. The Fresh and Salt-Water AquariumK. 3139 SEA-SIDE STUDIES. Agassiz. Sea-Side Studies K 2965 Cooke. Toilers in the Sea K 8066 Duncan. The Sea-Shore K 8585 Emerton. Life on the Sea-Shore K 2836 Forbes. British Starfishes K 854Ö Francis. Beech Rambles K 254° Fraser. Sea-Side Divinity K 2824 Sea-Side Naturalist K 2843 Gosse. British Sea-Anemones *K 8062 Marine Zoology for the British Isles... .K 8591 Tenby; Sea-Side Holiday K 8588 Year at the Shore K 3161 Gravenhorst. Seethiere bei Triest D 4466 Harvey. Sea-Side Book K 2827 Heilerin. Animal Life on our Sea-Shore.K 8590 Houghton. Sea-Side Walks of a Naturalist.K 2835 Kingslev. Wonders of the Shore K 2832 Pratt. Common Things of the Sea-Coast.K 8584 Romanes. Jelly-Fish, Star-Fish, etc K 8061 Sea and Sea-Shore K 8582 Taylor. Half-hours at the Sea-Side K 8586 Tugwell. Manual of the Sea-Anemones.. K 8064 Wood. Common Objects of the Sea-Shore. K 314S SHELLS.—CONCHOLOGV. Adams. Beautiful Shells K 8602 Brown. Conchologist's Text-Book K 8600 Elements of Fossil Conchology K 8601 Land and Fresh Water Conchology... .K 3254 Recent Conchology of Great Britain .•? 526 Calkins. Shells of La Salle County, I11.*K 2797 Carpenter. Mollusks of the West K'3244 Catlow. Conchologist's Nomenclature.. .K 3138 CuviER. Mollusca and Radiata K 3240,12 Do.novan. British .Shells. 5 v *K 8605 Forbes and Hanlev. British Mollusca. 4v.K 3209 Giebel. Muscheln D 360,5 Gill. Arrangement of Mollusca K 3246 Go.sse. Natural History of Mollusca K 3071 Hanlev. Conchologia Indica »V 590 Lovell. Edible Mollusks K 8604 MacGillivrav. Conchologist's Text-Book.K 3129 Mayo. Lessons on Shells K 3238 Muenter. Muscheln D 382,11 Perry. Conchology ♦P 560 Rimmer. Shells of Great Britain K 8607 Roberts. Popular History of Mollusca... .K 3163 Say. Writings on Conchology K 8Ó08 Sowerbv. Conchological Manual 'K 3235 Popular British Conchology '. K 3186 Stearns. Marine Shells of Florida "K 815,2 Fossil Shells from Colorado Desert.. .'K 815,2 SwAlNSON. Shells and Shell-Fish I 3863 Thorpe. British Marine Conchology K 2989 Tryon. Conchology. 3 v K 8610 Shells of North America *Doc. Turton. Bivalve Shells of British Islands*V 455 Land and Fresh Water Shells K 3136 White. History of British Crustacea K 3162 Woodward and Tate. Mollusca K 1630