V^O">'>ciö'Y\' Ç.olls.CÎ'5- o à E 231 Hanov. . . . . . . / 14 CATALOGUE. L, N. Aurelii (Ann, Rob.) Rerum Judicatarum Lib. 4. Par. 1611. 4to. . . . . . D 316 Idem. 3d Ed. Par. 1599. . . D 310 Ausonius, in usum Delphini. Par. 1730. 4to. . H 56 Austrian Ecclesiastical Law. (See Pozzo.) . . . . O 28 Averranni (Jos.) Interpretationes Juris L. Bat. 1716. Svo. D 235 Autumni (Ber.) Censura in Jus Civile Romanorum. Par. 1615. Svo D 136 Ayliffe's (lo.) Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani. 1726. F. C 476 Antient anj Present State of Oxford. 2 Vols. 1714. Svo G 26S Pandect of the Roman Civil Law. Lond. 1734. C 368 Aymonis Cravettae Consilia Jurídica. 4 Vol. Fran. 1589. F. A 55 Consilium. 2d Vol. Franc. 1272. F. . E 133 Consilium. (3d and 4th Vol.) Ven. 1581. F E 245 Tractatus de Antiquitatibus Temporum. Franc. 1572, F E 142 Ayre's (Wm. Tho.) Comparative View of English and Irish Law. 2 Vols. Dub. 1780. Svo. . . . . . . D 217 Azonis Summa Juris Civilis per Hen. Dresium. Bas. 1572. F A 66 Brocardica, sive Generaba Juris. Bas. 1567. Svo. . E 16 Azpilcueta (Mart.) Navarri Opera Omnia. 3 Vol. Col. 1616. F A 62 ————— Consilia. 2 Vol. Rom. 1602. 4to.. . D 273 Azuedo (Alph. de) Comment. Juris Civilis in Hispaniâ. Tom. tert. Salaman. 1591. 4to. C 299 CATALOGUE 15 B. L, N. Bachovius Echtius (Rein.) de Actionibus. Franc. 1657. 4to. D 175 in Institutiones Justiniani. Franc. 1628. 4to E 63 Bacon (Fran. Ld.) Works. 4 Vols. Lond. 1730. F. . . G 424 History of Henry 7, and Godwin's History of Henry 8, Edward 6, and Q. Mary. Lond. 1676. F G 436 de Augmentis Scientiarum. Amst. 1662. 12mo. . . . . . . . G 28 Opera Omnia. Franc. 1665. F. . BB 11 of Learning. Lond. 1629. 4to. . . . G 257 (Nath.) on Selden's Discourse of the Laws and Go¬ vernment of England. 1739. F. . . C 459 New Abridgement of the Law. Vols. 1, 2, 3. 1735. F C 379 Abridgement. Lond. 1832. 8 Vols. 8vo. E 79 Baker's Chronicle. 1730. F. . . . . . . G 676 Balbus (lo. Fran.) de Prescriptionibus • et Usucapionibus. 1573. Item Celsus de Usucapionibus. 8vo C 140 Baldi Perusini Comment, super Decretalibus. (Vide Inno- centii Apparatum) . . . . . . . . B 23 Consilia. 2 Vol. 1543. F. . . . . . . B 9 « Comment, super Decretalibus. Lugd. 1543. F. . . B 8 Consilia. 2 Vol. Lugd. F. (Vide Albericum.) . . B 33 Decisiones. (Vide Durantis Tractatus.) . . . C 111 Commentaria. 5 Vol. Aug. Taur. 1576. F. . . . A 12 Consilia. 2 Vol. Franc. 1589. F. . . . Z 6 super Codice separatim. Ven. 1496. F. . . . A 133 super Digestís. 1495. F. . . . . . . A 134 super Codice cum A¡)Ostolli.->. Ven. 1496. . . . B 10 In Digest, et Codicem. 6 Vol. Lugd. 1517. . . Z 9 IG CATALOGUE. L. N. Baldi Tractatus de Statutis. 1.529. F. . . . . . 28 De Formatione Libelli ■ ■ • • • D 209 De Pactis ...... . . D 305 Practica Aurea Juris utriusque. Lugd. 1541. 8vo. C 42 Ball and Beatty's Reports in Chancery in Ireland. 2 Vols. 8vo. E 80d Balluzii (Steph.) Capitularla Regum Francorum. 2 Vol. Paris. 1667. F D 437 Collectio Conciliorum. Paris. 1683. F. . B 59 Balzae (M. de) Oeuvres. 2 Vols. Paris. 1665. F. . . F 225 Banduri (Anselm.) Numismata Imperat. Roman. 2 Vol. Par. 1718. F G 715 Bankers' Case with respect to their Creditors. 1675. Svo. . C 233 Bankruptcy Cases. (See Rose, Buck, Glyn and Jameson, Montagu and Ayrton.) . . E 80o, E 80p, E 80q, M 58 Barbadoes, History of. (See Ligon.) G 475 Laws of. (See Rawlins.) . . . . C 380 Barbatiae (Andr.) de Testamentis Lectura. Pap. 1497. F. . A 5 Barbeyrac Recueil de Discours sur Diverses Matières Impor¬ tantes. 2 Tomes. 8vo. Ams. 1731. . . . .M 31 Barbosas (Aug.) Opera Omnia. 19 Vol. Lugd. 1679. F. . A 104 de Officio et Potestate Episcopi. Lugd. 1628. F Z 31 Collectanea Doctorum in Jus Pontificium. 5 Vol. Lugd. 1636. F. . . . . B 76 — Collectanea Doctorum de Reformat. Lugd. 1634. 4to D 329 Tractatus Varii. Lugd. 1631. F. . . I 50 de Jure Ecclesiastico Universo. Lugd. 1634. F A 144 Summa Apostolicarum Decisionum. Gen. 1650 E 241 Collectanea Bullarii. Lugd. 1637. 4to. . E 52 de Officio et Potestate Parochi. Lugd. 1634. 4to D 318 de Canonicis et Dignitatibus. Lugd. 1634. 4to D 284 CATALOG riv 17 L. N. Barbosaî (Aug.) et Taboris Loci communes Jurisprudentiœ. Leips. 1691. F. . . . , . E 209 Praxis exigendi Pensiones. Lugd. 1636. 4to D 337 (Petr.) Tractatus Absolutissimi. Franc. 1625. F. Z 27 Idem. 2 Vol. Franc. 1606. F. . . . T 45 ■ Comment, ad Tit» de Judiciis. Lugd. 1622. 4to D 303 Barclaius (Gul.) contra Monarchomachos. Par. 1600. 4to. D 243 Bardos (Marc. Ant.) de Tempore Utili et Continuo ad Ap- pellandum et Prosequendum. Ven. 1563. 8vo. . . . C 35 Barlow Vita et Obitos R. Cosin Decani de Arcubus. Lond. 1598 E 74i Barnadiston's Reports in Chancery. 1742. Fol. . . . C 367 the King's Bench. 2 Vols. Fol. 1744 C 366 Barne's History of Edward 3. Lond. 1688. F. . . . G 618 Cases in the Common Pleas. 1732 to 1756. 8vo. Lond. 1790. . . . . . . . . W 14 Barnesii (lo.) Dissertatio contra Equivocationes. Par. 1625. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . C 36 Barnewall and Alderson's Reports in the King's Bench. 5 Vols. 8vo. '.......TS and Adolphus' Reports in the King's Bench. 5 Vols. 8vo. . . . . . . . . T 7 and Cresswell's Reports in the King's Bench. 10 Vols. 8vo. . . . . . . . . T 6 Baron et Feme ; or, Law of Husbands and Wives. Lond. 1738. 8vo C217 Baronettage of England. 2 Vols. Lond. 1720. 8vo. . . G 168 Baronía Anglicana. (See Madox.) . . . . . G 568 Baronii (Cœs.) Annales Ecclesiastici. 12 Vols. Ant. 1612. F 169 (Franc.) de Majestate Panormitanâ. Tract. Panor. 1630. F G 500 Baronis (Eguin.) Opera Jurídica. Lut. 1562. F. . . R 7 B 18 CATALOGUE. L. N. Barras (Ant.) Controversias et Decisiones Neapolitanas. Neap. 1680. F E 232 Barrett (Gui.) Jus. Regis. Bas. 1612. 12mo. . . . D 26 Barrow's (Dr. Isaac) Works. 2 Vols. Lond. 1716. F.. . F 170 Barry (Franc, de) de Testamentis et Successionibus Testati et Intestati. Lugd. 1671. F. . .A 78 Idem. Franc. 1619. F. . . . I 42 Bartoli a Saxoferrato Opera Omnia Jurídica. 4 Vol. Ven. 1590. F A 23 Idem. 5 Vol. Ven. 1603. F. . . . . . A 12.5 Idem. 5 Vol. Lugd. 1518. F. . . . . B 53 Index sive Repertorium. Lugd. 1555. F . . . Z 29 Opera. 5 Vol. Bas. 1562. F. . . . B 26 Distinctiones Juris. Bas. 1566. 4to. . . . D 293 Basilikûn Liber 60, Jac. Cujacio Interprete. Lugd. 1566. F. E 137 Basnage Annales des Provinces Unies Haye. 2 Vols. 1719. F G 614 Bastwick (lo.) FlageUum Pontificis et Episcoporum Italias. Lond. 1614. 12mo F 11 Batesii (Gui.) Vitae Selectorum aliquot Virorum. Lond. 1681. 4to G 375 Battander (Claudio de) Praxis Causarum Criminalium. Lugd. 1567. 12mo. . . D 13 Baudrand (Mich. Ant.) Geographia Ordine Literarum disposita. 2 Vol. Par. 1682. F. G 615 Idem. Isen. 1677. F. . . . G 617 Idem. Par. 1670. F. . B 37 Bayle's (Petr.) Historical and Critical Dictionary. 4 Vols. Lond. 1710. F G 536 Idem. 10 Vols. Lond. 1734. F. . . G 621 Supplement au Dictionnaire Historique. Gen. 1722 G 622 Oeuvres de. 4 Vols. Haye. 1737. F. . G 623 Beatt/s Reports in Chancery in Ireland. 8vo. . . . E 80k Beavan's Reports in the Rolls Court. 8 Vols. 8vo. . . S 2 CATALOGUE. 19 L. N. Beaucourtii (Patr. Noortveldiœ) Commentarius in Pandectas. 8vo. Brug. 1779 O 62 Beaumont and Fletcher's Works. 10 Vols. Lond. 1750. 8vo G 112 Beawes' Lex. Mercatoria. 2 Vols. 4to. Lond. 1813. . . P 28 Bebb. Rex. v. (See Hughes.) . . . . . .08 Becani (Mart.) Manuale Controversiarum. Westph. 1624. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . . F 2 Beck's Elements of Medical Jurisprudence by Dunlop. Lond. 8vo 0 1 Becket (Tho.) Archiep. Cant. Epistola et Vita per F. G. Lupum. 1682. 4to F 107 Beckman (lo. Volk.) Exercitationes Juris Publici Germanici. Jen. 1670. 4to D 173 Bedell (Wm.) Bp. of Kilmore's Life by Burnett. Lond. 1685. 8vo G 51 Bell's Commentaries on the Laws of Scotland. Edinb. 1826. 2 Vols. F . . . M 5 Bella Pertica (Petr. de) Quaestiones Aureae et Tractat. de Feudis. Lugd. 1517. 4to . D 102 Bellarmini (Card.) Opera. 3 Vol. Par. 1608. F. . . . F 165 Bellemerae (.®gid.) Decisiones. Lugd. 1556. 8vo. . . C 168 Bellewes Abridgment des Ans du Roi Richard 2de. London. 1585 C 109 Belli (Lud.) Consilia Posthuma. Gen. 1635. F. . . A 65 Belloni (Nie.) Consilia. Franc. 1573. F. . . . . E 96 super utrâque Parte Institut. Lucubrationes. Ven. 1573. 12mo C 102 Bellus (Petrin.) de Re Militari et Bello. Ven. 1563. 4to. D 161 ^Bellovisu (Jac. de) super Authenticis et Feudis. Lugd. 1511. F A 102 Praxis Civilis et Criminalis. Col. 1606. 8vo D 66 Belt's Supplement to Vesey, sen.'s, Reports. Lond. 1825. 8vo U 4 B 2 20 CATALOGUIv L. N. Beltramini (Oliv.) Decisiones Rotae Romanae. Col. Agr. 1623. 4to . D 308 Bene (Thorn, del) de Parliamentis et Inimunitate Ecclesiasticâ. Lugd. 1644. 4to. ........ D 313 Benedictis (Bened. de) Consilia. (Vide. Ang. de Periglis Lectura.) . . . . . . . . . . A 38 Benedictus (Gul.) in Raynutium de Testamentis. Lugd. 1591. F E 250 Benincasii (Corn.) de Privilegiis Paupertatis . . . . C 57 Benius (Jac.) de Privilegiis Juris Consultorum. Rom. 1585. 4to. .......... D 240 Benloe's (Wm.) Reports. Lond. 1689. F. . . . . C 369 and Dalison's Reports in K. B. Fol. London. 1689 M 104 Bennet's (Tho.) Answer to the Dissenters'Pleas. Camb. 1701. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . F 36 Bentham's (James) Antiquities of Ely Cathedral. 1771. . . G 426 Bentivoglio's History of the Wars of Flanders. Lond. 1678. F G 423 Bentley's (Dr. Rd.) Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, with an Answer to Boyle. Lond. 1699. 8vo. . G 172 Life of, by Monk. 4to. London. 1830. . . O 79 Berlichii (Matth.) Conclusiones Practicabiles. 4 Vol. in 3. Lips. 1670. F I 47 Idem. Am. 1644. F.. . . . . E 263 Decisiones Aureae. Lips. 1625. 4to. . D 245 Bergierii Sententiae Communes sive Opiniones "\''ariorum Juris Consultorum. Franc. 1568. 2 Vol. F. . . . E 264 Bernardi Opera Omnia. Lut. Par. 1640. F. . . . F 166 Bernardinus (To. Bapt.) de Officio Curati. Taur. 1623. 8vo C 150 Bertachini (lo.) Repertorium utriusque Juris. (Partes 3, 4, and 5.) 3 Vol. Bas. 1573. F. . . . . . B 75 Idem. 2 Vol. 1499. F. . . . . B 39 Idem. 3 Vol. Ven. 1494. F. . . . A 109 Bertrandi (Steph.) Consilia. Lugd. 1534. F. . . .A3 Besoldi (Christ.) Consultationes de Insignioribus aliquot Quaestionibus. Tub. 1629. F. . . . . . . E 124 CATALOGUE. 2 i L. N Besoldi (Christ.) Juridico-politicœ Dissertationes. Arg. 1624. 4to D 268 de Naturâ Populorum. Tubing. 1632. 4to. D 191 Dissertatio de arte Jureque Belli. Arg. 1624. 4to D 144 Bett's Admiralty Practice in the Courts of the United States, New York. 1838. 8vo. . . . . . . Z 2 Beveridge's (Wm. Bp.) Works. 2 Vols. Lond. 1720. F . F 136 de Orientalium Linguarum Praestantiâ. Lond. 1658. 8vo. . . . . H 25 Pandectse Canonum. 2 Vol. Oxon. 1672. F F 216 Beverlacensis (Alur.) Annales. (Vide Hearne.) . . G 336 Beust (Joack a) de Sponsalibus et Matrimoniis. Witeb. 1586. 4to D 169 Beyeri (Geo.) Specimen Juris Germanici. Ital. Mg. 1718. 4to. . . . . . . . . . . . C 268 Bezae (Theod.) Tractatus de Polygamiâ, Repudiis, et Divortiis. Gen. 1573. 12mo. . . . . . C 75 Epistolae Theologicae. Gen. 1573. 12mo. . F 9 Bezoniœ (Hier.) Americas Descriptio. Franc. 1595. F . G 531 Biblia Sacra apud R. Stephanum. Par. 1532. F . . . F 206 Ven. 1476. F . . F 137 Graeca per LXX per Bos. 4to. Tranequera. 1709 BB 69 Hebraica. 8vo. (Everard van der Hooght.) London. 1822 G 60 Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum MSS. a Montfauçon. 2 Vol. Par. 1739 . G 713 Coisliniana. (See Montfauçon.) . . . AA 19 lUustr. Medii Templi Societatis. Lond. 1700. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . G 244 Sacra. (See Long.) Paris. 1723. F. . . F 211 Britannica Hibernica. (See Tanner.) . . . G 596 Bibliothèque Choisie. 2 Vols. Amst. 1714. 8vo. • . G 16 22 CATALOGUE. L. N. Bibliothèque des Philosophes et des Savans. (See Gautier.) G 198 du Di'oit François de Becheser. Paris. 1671. 3 Vols. F E 246 du Juris Consulte (ou Themis). Paris. 7 Vols. 1819. 8vo E 65 Bingham's (Jos.) Works. 2 Vols. Lond. 1726. F . . F 168 Antiquities of the Christian Church. 10 Vols. 1710. 8vo F *13 (Peregrine) Reports of Cases in the Common Pleas, and other Courts. 10 Vols. 8vo. . . W 4 Idem. New Series. 6 Vols. . . W 5 Biographia Britannica ; or, Lives of the most Eminent Per¬ sons of Great Britain. 6 Vols. Lond. 1747. F . . G 616 Birch's Illustrious Persons. (See Houbraken.) . . . G 695 Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth, from 1581 to her Death; from the Papers of Ant. Bacon, Esq. 2 Vols. Lond. 1754. F G 394 History of the Royal Society. 4 Vols. 1756 . . G 416 Bishops' Right to judge in Capital Cases in Parliament. 3 Vols. Lond. 1679. 8vo. . . . . . F 10 , Catalogue of the. (See Godwin.) . . . . F 44 , Catalogue of Scottish. (See Keith.) . . . F 103 of Ireland. (See Ware.) . . . . . . F 241 Blackstone's (Sir Wm.) Reports. 2 Vols. 1781. F . . T 23 (Hen.) Reports. 1783—1796. 2 Vols. Fol. . C 362 (Wm.) Comment, on the Laws of England. Oxon. 1756. 4to. (1st Vol.) . . . . O 78 Blackmore's (Sir Rich.) History of the Conspiracy against King William 3. Lond. 1723. 8vo. . . . . . G 178 Blackwell's (T.) Memoirs of the Court of Augustus. 2 Vols. Edin. 1753. 4to. . . G 377 Blanci (Ant.) Practica Criminalis. Franc. 1597. 12mo. . C 172 Blair's Chronological Tables. Lond. 1754. F . . . I 25 Bland's (Hump.) Treatise of Military Discipline. 1727. 8vo. G 275 Blankley's Naval Expositor. Lond. 1750. 4to. . . G 410 CATALOGUE. 23 L. N. Blasii Disputationes et Quœstiones. Paris. 1640. 4to. . G 255 Bligh's Reports of Cases in the House of Lords, 1819. 3 Vols. Svo. . . . . • • . . H 77 New Reports. 10 Vols. Svo. . . . . H 78 Blomefield's History of Norfolk. 1739. 2 Vols. F . .G 535 Blount's (Tho.) Law Dictionary. Lond. 1691. F . . . C 381 Bluteau (Raph.) Vocabulario Portugués, et Latino. 8 Vol. Coimbra. 1712. F ....... . BB 2 Boccalini (Traj.) Ragguagli di Parnasso. Ven. 1624. 12mo. C 143 Bocerus (Hen.) de Bello et Duello. Tubing. 1607. 12mo. . C 173 Bochelli (Laur.) Decreta Ecelesiae Gallicanae. Par. 1609. F F 167 Böchelman Tractatus Posthumi de differentiis Juris Civilis Canonici, &e. Traject. 1607. 12mo. . . . . . D 65 Bodinus (lo.) de República. Lugd. 1586. F . . A 119 Amst. 1664. 12mo. . . . . . . C 188 Bodleian Library. (See Catalogas.) . . .G 242 and G 682 Boerii (Nicol.) Decisiones Burdegalenses et Consilia Lugd. 1620. F E 195 Boetliius (Sever.) in Usum Delphini. Paris. 1695. 4to. .H 61 Bohun (Wm.) Cursus Cancellarise. Lond. 1715. 8vo. . . C 291 Law of Tithes, 1730. 8vo. . . . . C 214 — Privilegia Londini. 1723. 8vo. . . . . C 203 Institutio Legalis, &c. Savoy. 1732. 8vo. . C 193 (Edm.) Geographical Dictionary. Lond. 1695. F . G 466 Boich (Hen.) In 5 Decretalium Libros Comment. Ven. 1576. F Allí Idem. Lugd. 1498. Folio . . . . . A 135 Boileau's Works and Life, by M. des Maizeau. Lond. 1712. 2 Vols. 8vo. (Lettered on the back, "Des- preaux' Works.") . . . . . . G 177 Vie par M. des Maizeaux. Amst. 1715. 12mo. . D 483* Bolingbroke's Works. 5 Vols. Lond. 1754. 4to. . . G 429 Bologninis (Lud.) Consilia. (Vide Zabarellœ Consilia.) F . Z 21 Bonacina (Mart.) de Matrimonio. Lugd. 1621. 4to. . , D 302 -'4 CATALO(ÍUE. L. N. Bonfimi (Ant.) Rerum Ungaricarum Decades 4, cum Dimidiâ. Bas. 1568. F Z 25 Bonifacius super Clementinis. Lugd. 1522. F . . . B 24 Book of 0»ths. Lond. 1649. 8vo. C 12 of Precedents. Lond. 1641. 8vo. . . . . C 20 of Rates for Tonnage and Poundage. Lond. 1661. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . D 131 Booth's Translation of Diodorus Siculus. Lond. 1700. F . BB 20 Borcliolten (lo.) Comment, in Tit. Cod. de Usuris et in Tit. Pandect, de Paetis. Helmst. 1583. 4to. . . . . D 163 Border Laws. Lond. 1705. 8vo. . . . . . C 231 Bordoni (Franc.) Opera Omnia. 5 Vol. Lugd. 1665. F . A 113 Borelli (Cam.) Controversise Forenses. (Vide Comazani Decisiones.) . . . . . . A 141 Tractatus de Magistratuum Edictis. Franc. 1661. 4to D 108 de Compromissis. Franc. 1600. 12mo. . C 67 Bosanquet and Puller's New Reports. Lond. 1806. 2 Vols. 8vo W 2 's Reports. 3 Vols. Fol. .. . . C 365 Bossu Traite du Poeme Epique. Haye. 1714. 12mo. . . G 47 Botero (Giov.) of the Causes of the Magnificence of Cities. 1606. 4to G 104 Boterus (lo.) de Ratione Status. Helm. 1666. 4to. . . E 34 Boubic (H.) De Deeretis. Vol. 2. Lugd. 1520. F . . AA 36 Bouguignon, ou Bourgignon, Conference des Cinq Codes. Paris. 1823. 8vo M 42 Boulter's (Abp.) Letters. 2 Vols. 8vo. Oxon. 1769. . . G 276 Bourbon (Arm. de) Prince of Conté's Works. Lond. 1713. 8vo G 289 Bower's (Archibald) History of the Popes. 5 Vols. Lond. 1748 G 397 Boyer's French and English Dictionary. Lond. 1729. 4to. . H 60 Bowyer's Commentary on the Modern Civil Law. 8vo. London. 1848. . . . . . . . . M 80 CATALOGUE. 2ó L. N. Boyle's Philosophical Works, abridged by Peter Shaw, 3 Vols. Lond. 1725. 4to G 254 Opera Varia. 3 Vol. Col. Alob. 1677. 4to. . . G 402 Bozius (Thos.) de Jure Divino et Naturali Ecclesiasticse Libertatis et Potestatis. Col. 1600. 8vo. . . . . D 57 Bracton (Hen. de) de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Anglias. Lond. 1640. 4to. . . . . D 307 Idem. Lond. 1569. F . . . . T 27 Bradshaw's (Presid.) Original Letter to the Governor of Oxford. (Vide Statutes of the Order of the Garter.) . G 465 Brady (Robt.) of Boroughs. Lond. 1704. F . . . . C 375 's Introduetion to the Old English History. Lond. 1684. F G 421 's History of England. 2 Vols. (Vol. 1, 1685; Vol. 2, 1700.) F G 425 Bramwell's Private Statutes. 8vo. 1813. . . . . M 57 Brandt's (Ger.) History of the Reformation, and other Eccle¬ siastical Transactions of the Low Countries. 3 Vols. Lond. 1720. F G 619 Brant (Sebast.) Titulorum Omnium Juris tam Civilis quam Canonici Expositiones. Ven. 1555. 8vo. et lo. Bapt. Gazalupi Modus Studendi in utroque Jure. 8vo. . . C 107 Brederodius (Petr, Corn.) de Appellationibus. Fran. 1660. F A 41 Thesaurus Dictionum et Senten- tiarum Juris Civilis. Lugd. 1585. F E 148 de Appellationibus. Franc. 1582. F B 88 Resolutio Dialéctica. 4 Lib. In¬ stitut. Imper. Arg. 1629. 8vo. D 45 Enchiridion Cautelarum Judicia- lium. Bas. 1590, 8vo. . . C 31 Brent's (N.) History of the Council of Trent. Lond. 1676. F F 223 Idem. Lond. 1629. F . . . . .F 224 26 CATALOGUE. L. N. Breval'a (lo.) Remarks on several Parts of Europe. Vol. 1. Lond. 1738. F G 677 Travels through several Parts of Europe. 2 Vols. 1726. F G 620 Bridgman's (Sir John) Reports. Lond. 1659. F . . . C 490 Reports of Judgments delivered in the Common Pleas, by Bannister. Lond. 1823. 8vo. . . . . W 15 Brightman(Tho.)ApocalypsisD. lohannis. Com. 1612. 12mo. F 3 Brissonius (Barn.) de Verborum Significatione. 1587. Lettered on the back, " Lexicon Juris Franc." B 101 Le Code du Roy Henry 3. de France. Par. 1605. Fol D 388 de Formulis et Solemnibus Populi Ro¬ mani Verbis. Franc. 1592. 4to. . E 62 Idem. Heidelb. 1664. 12mo. . . . C 44 Britannia Illustrata, or Views of several Palaces and Prin¬ cipal Seats of several of the Nobility. 1709. F . . R 33 Britannic Constitution. (See Acherley.) . . . . C 67 Britten, Abridgement of. (See Wingate.) . . . . C 177 Brockwell's (Cha.) Natural and Political History of Portugal. 1726. 8vo G 314 Broderip and Bingham's Reports in the Common Pleas. 3 Vols. 8vo. ......... W 3 Brodrick's (The.) History of the late War in the Nether¬ lands. 2 Vols. Lond. 1713. 8vo. . . . . . G 249 Bronchorst (Ever.) Centurias duae Enantio^. Lugd. 1595. Item Jasonis de Mayno Not. Apo- thegmata sive Singularia. Franc. 1596. D 118 — in Tit. Digest, de ReguUs Juris. Lugd. Bat. 1648. 12mo. . . . . C 81 Brooke's (Rob.) Abridgement. French. Lond. 1586. F . . C 53 Brooke's (Ralph.) Discovery of Errors prejudicing Noble Descents. Lond. 1724. 4to. . , G 210 Catalogue of Kings, Princes, Dukes, &c. CATALOGUE, 27 L. N. with their Arms, from the Conquest to 1622, F G 430 Brougham's Speech on the Present State of the Law. In the House of Commons, 7 Feb. 1828. 8vo. Lond. 1828. . M 63 Brown's (Arthur) on the Civil Law. Dublin. 1802. 2 Vols. Svo. M 33 (Willm.) Reports. 4 Vols. Lond. 1790. F. . . C 361 Parliamentary Cases. 8 Vols. . . . H 75 Brown (Sir Thos.) "Works. Lond. 1686. F. . . . G 433 (Wm.) Entries. 1675. F C 361a Cases in Chancery. Lond. 1785. F. . . 0 84 (M.P.) Supplement to the Dictionary of the De¬ cisions of the Court of Sessions. Edinb. 1826. 4 Vols, and Index. 4to. . . Z 1a General Synopsis of the Decisions of the Quarter Sessions in Scotland. Edinburgh. 1829. 5 Vols. 4to. . . . . . . . . Z 1b Brownlow's (Richd.) and Goldsborough's Reports. Lond. 1675. 4to. ......... C 283 Brumoy's Greek Theatre. 3 Vols. Lond. 1759. 4to. . . H 59 Brunnemanni (lo.) Comment, in Pandectas. Lugd. 1714. F. A 74 Idem. 2 Vol. Franc. 1683. F. . . I 43 in Codieem. Lugd. 1715. F. . . . A 94 Idem. 2 Vol. Lips. 1682. F. . . I 44 Bruni (Matth.) Traetatus de Cessione Bonorum. Ven. 1661. 18mo. . . . D 17 Brunus (Con.) de Legationibus. Mog. 1548. F. . . E 130 Brusselius (Philib.) de Conditionibus. Lovan. 1560. 4to. D 178 Brutum Fulmen—Pius 4tus in Henricum. 1553. 12mo. . F 12 5tus in Elizabetham. Lond. 1681. 4to. G 403 Brydall's (lo.) Jura Coronas. Lond. 1680. 12mo. . . C 104 Bucaniers of America. Lond. 1684. 4to. . . . . G 323 Buchanani (Geo.) Opera Omnia, curante Thomâ Ruddimano. 2 Vol. Edinb. 1715. F G 678 Buckingham's (Duke of) Works. 2 Vols. 1723. 4to. (Lettered on the back, "Sheffield's Works.") . . . G 513 28 CATALOGUE. L. N. Buckingham (History of.) (See Willis.) . . G 529 Bucks (George) History of Richard 3d. London. 1646. F. G 437 Buck (J. AV.) Cases in Bankruptcy. Svo. London. 1820. E 80p Buckler of State and Justice against the Pretensions of the Q. of France 1667, and Conferences touching the Interest of England with respect to the French Designs. 1667. 8vo. G 71 Budaeus (Gul.) de Asse et ejusdem. Epístolas. Par. 1541. F. O 75 Annotationes in Pandectas. Col. 1527. 8vo. D 93 Lutet. 1556. F. . . . E 152 Bugg's (Franc.) Treatises against the Quakers. Lond. 1712. F G 434 Bullœus (Ant.) Opera Horarum Subsisivarum. Brem. 1639. 4to D 182 Bulli (Geo.) Opera Omnia. Lond. 1703. F. . . . F 205 Bull's Life, by Nelson. Lond. 1714. 8vo. . . . . G 185 Bulstrode's (Edw.) Reports. Lond. 1688. .F. . . . C 370 (Sir Richd.) Memoirs and Reflections on the Reigns of K. Charles 1st and 2d. Lond. 1721. 8vo G 173 Bunbur/s (Wm.) Reports. Lond. 1755. F. . . . C 371 Burke's Correspondence with Dr. Lawrence. Lond. 1827. O 23 Burchardi Wormaciensis Episcopi Decretorum Lib. 20. Par. 1550. i2mo E 17 Purge's Commentary on Colonial and Foreign Laws. 4 Vols. 8vo. London. 1838. . . . . . . . P 27 Burgley's (Ld.) State Papers. (See Haynes.) 2 Vols. Lond. 1740. F G 624 Burlamaqui—Principes du Droit Naturel et du Droit Politique. 2 Vols. Genevœ. 1747. 4to. . . .G 382 Burn's Ecclesiastical Law. 2 Vols. Lond. 1763. 4to. . . P 41 by Tyrwhitt. 4 Vols. 1824. Lond. 8vo. . . . . P 39 —— by Dr. R. Phillimore. 4 Vols. 8vo. London. 1842. . . . P 40 Justice of Peace. 5 Edit. 1758. F. . . . . C 378 Burnett's (Gilb.) Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton. 1677. F G 422 CATALOGUE. 29 L. N. Burnett's (Gilb.) Exposition of the 39 Articles. 1699. F. . F 143 History of the Reformation. 3 Vols. 1681. F F 227 History of his own Times. 2 Vols. 1724— 1734. F G 534 History of the Eights of Princes, in the disposing of Ecclesiastical Benefices and Church Land.s. 1682. 8vo. . . F 13 (Tho.) Theory of the Earth. Lond. 1684. F. . G 431 Burratti (Matth.) Decisiones S. Rotas Romanas. Lug. 1661. F A 115 Burrow's Reports. 2 Vols. Lond. 1766. F. . . . O 87 5 Vols. Lond. 1790. 8vo. . ..TI Settlement Cases. 1786. 4to C 357 Idem M 106 Bursati (Franc.) Consilia. Franc. 2 Vol. 1601. F. . . A 40 Burton's Leicestershire. F. ...... G 428 Busii (Paul) Subtilium Juris. Heid. 1665. 4to. . . . E 32 Butigellae (Hier.) in primam Partem Cod. Comment. Ven. 1558. (Vide Holoandrum.) . . . . . . E 239 Butlers—Account of the Family of. Lond. 1716. 8vo. . G 97 Butler's Analogy. Edinb. 1817. 8vo. . . . . E 69 Butrigarii (Jac.) super Codice Lectura. Par. 1516. F. . . B 60 in 1 et 2 Partem Digesti Veteris. Rom. 1606. F E 197 Butrio (Ant. de) super Decretalibus. 3 Vol. Ven. 1500. F. A 18 Consilia et Rubei et Geminiani Consilia. Lugd. 1541. F. . . . . . A 97 Consilia cum Gasp. Caballini Scholiis. Ven. 1575. 4to. . . . . . D 220 Buxtorf (Job.) de Sponsahbus et Divortiis. Basil. 1652. 4to. C 251 Byng's (Admiral John) Trial. Lond. 1757. F. . . . C 374 Bynkershoek (Corn.) Opuscula Jurídica. Ludg. Bat. 1719. 4to C 282 30 CATALOGUE. L. N. Bynkershoek (Corn.) Juge competant des Ambasadeures. Haye. 1723. 8vo C 270 Opuscula. 2 Vol. Hala3. 1729. 4to. C 272 Observationes Juris Romani. Franc. 1723. 4to C 280 Liber singularis et de Pactis, &c. H. Com. 1697. 12mo. . . . . D 75 Byzantinse Historiae Corpus. 37 Vol. Fol. Paris . . AA 2 Familias Byzantin® AA 2 Cantacuzeni Historiœ. 1545. (4 Books in 3 Vols.) AA 2* Nicetœ Acominati Choniatœ Historia. 1547. 1 Vol AA 2ä Georgii Cedreni Compendium Historiarum. 2 Vol. 1647 . . AA 2b Michaelis Duc® NepotisHistori®Byzantina. 1 Vol. 1649 AA 2c Theophylacti Simocatt® Historiarum, Lib. viii. 1 Vol. 1647 AA 2d Byzantin® Histori® Scriptores sub Ludovico. 14. 1 Vol. 1648 AA 2e Georgius Codinus Curopalata de Officiis Magnœ Eccles, et Aul® Constantin. 1 Vol. 1648. . AA 2f Laonici Chalcocondy® Atheniensis Historiar. Libri. Decem. 1 Vol. 1650 AA 2g Ann® Commenœ Porphyrojenitœ C®sariss® Alexias libri Quindecim. 1 Vol. 1651. . . . A A 2h Georgii Monachi Syncelli Chronographia. 1 Vol. 1652 AA 2i Georgii Acropolitœ Historia. 1 Vol. 1651. . . AA 2j Theophaius Chronographia. 1 Vol. 1655. . AA 2k Manassis Breviarium Historicum. 1 Vol. 1655. AA 2l Georgii Codini Excerpta de Antiquitatibus Con- stantinopolitanis. 1 Vol. 1655. . . . A A 2m Michaelis Glycœ Siculi Annales. 1 Vol. 1660. . AA 2n Agathi® Scholastici de Imperio et rebus gestis Justiniani Imp. Historia. 1 Vol. 1660. . . AA 2o CATALOGUE. 31 L. N. Nicephori Caesaris Briennii Commentarium. -1V ol. 1661 AA 2p Procopii Caesariensis Historia. 1 Vol. 1662. . A A 2q de Ediflciis DN. Justiniani libri sex. 1 Vol. 1663. .... A A 2q Georgii Pachymeris Michael Palœologus. 1 Vol. 1666 A A 2r AndronicusPalaeologus. IVol. 1696 AA 2b Chronicon Orientale Latinitate donatum. 1 Vol. 1685 AA 2s Historias Bysant. Script, post Theophanem. 1 Vol. 1685 AA 2t Johannis Zonarae Monachi Annales. 2 Vols. 1686 AA 2u Cinnani Historia. 1 Vol. 1670. . . AA 2v Chronicon Paschale. 1 Vol. 1688. . . . AA 2w Nicephori Gregorae Historia. 2 Vols. 1702. . . AA 2x Imperium Orientale. 2 Vols. 1711. . . . AA 2t Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum. 2 Vols. 1718 AA 2z c Cabala, or Mysteries of State and Government. Lond. 1691. F G 439 Caballi (Petri) Resolutiones Criminales — Tractatus de Homicidio. Floren. 1629. F . . . . . . E 166 Caballini (Gasp.) Tractatus Dividui et Individui. Ven. 1576. 4to D 234 ;i2 CATALOGUE. L. N. Caballini (Gasp.) de Emptione. . . . . . . C 97 Cabedo (Geo. de) Decisiones Senatus Regni Lusitaniae cum Arrestis. Autw. 1620. F . . . . . . O 64 Cabotii (Vino.) Disputationes variae Juris. Par. 1598. Svo. D 138 Caccialupi (Job. Bapt.) De Pactis. . . . . . . D 305 Cacberani (Octav.) Consilia sive Responsa. Aug. Taur. 1588. F E 191 Decisiones Pedemontanje, et lo. Galli Decisiones Parisienses et Boyzii. Franc. 1570. F . . . . E 176 Cœlii Rhodogini (Lud.) Lectiones antiquae. Bas. 1556. F . G 443 Cœlii Secundi Curionis, Thesaurus Linguae Latinœ. 2 Vol. Bas. 1561. F AA 39 Caspolla de Legis Interpretatione. Ven. 1557. 12mo. . D 132 Caernarvon Record of 1838. F . . . . . . R 32 Caesaris (Julii) Commentaria in usum Delph. Lond. 1706. 8vo. . . . . . . . H 13 Paris. 1678. 4to. . . . H 65 Caesarii (lo.) Dialéctica. Col. 1559. 8vo. . . . . D 86 Caevallos (Hier, de) Speculum Aureum Opinionum Commu- nium. 4 Vol. in 2. Arg. 1615. F . D 466 de Cognitione per Viam violentiam. Col. 1620 E 149 Speculum Aureum Opinionum. Ursell. 1602 E 141 Cagnolus (Hier.) in Tit. de Regulis Juris. Ven. 1559. 12mo C 55 Cala (Marcell.) de Modo Articulandi et Probandi. Franc. 1598. 8vo D 192 Calcanei (Laur.) Consilia. Lugd. 1549. F . . . . Z 16 Caldas Pereyra (Franc, de) Quœstiones seu receptm Senten- tiae Forenses et ejusdem Consilia. Franc. 1612. F . . E 189 Caldecot's Cases from 1776 to 1785, relative to the Duty of a Justice of the Peace. Lond. 1786. 4to. . . . . C 306 Caldrini (Jac.) et Gaspari Fratris ejus Consilia. (Vide De¬ cisiones Dom. de Rota.) A 16 CATALOGUE. 33 L. N. Calendarium ïnquisitionum post mortem. 4 Vols. (Vide Inquisitionum.) . . . . . . R 25 Idem. Ducatus Lancastriae. (Vide Ducatum.) R 24 Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery, from Richard 2 to Elizabeth. 3 Vols. Fol. . . . . . . . R 28 Calepini (Amb.) Dictionarium octo Linguarum. Par. 1609. F AA 20 Dictionarium. Latino - Grœcum. Bas. 1544. F BE 47 Calliere's (M. de) Art of Negotiating with Foreign Princes. 1716. 8vo D 90 de la Science du Monde. Brüx. 1717. 12mo D 474* Calmet (Aug.) Dictionnaire Historique de la Bible. 2 Vols. 1722. F F 207 Calthrop's (Sir Hen.) Reports of Cases touching several Customs and Liberties of the City of London. 1655. 12mo. C 86 Calvini (lo.) Lexicon Juridicum. Genev. 1622. F. . . D 420 Idem. Colon. 1622. F . . . . . E 218 Idem. Col. 1612. 4to. . . . . . D 274 Idem. 2 Vol. Colon. Allobrogum. 1734. F . C 477 Institutiones Christianas Religionis. 1607. F . F 141 Idem. French. Gen. 1566. F . . . F 173 Cambridge, History and Antiquities of. 1721. 8vo. . . G 256 Camdeni (Gul.) Anglica Normanica et Hibernica a Veteribus scripta. Franc. 1603. F . . .G 557 Annales Rerum Anglicarum régnante Eliza- bethâ ad ann. 1582. Lond. 1615. F . . G 442 Idem. Editio Hearne. 3 Vol. Chart, mag. 1717. 8vo G 338 Idem. Lugd. Bat. 1625. 8vo. . . . G 56 Britannia. 2d Edit, by Gibson. 2 Vol. 1722. F G 630 Idem. Lond. 1695. F . . . . . G 629 Illustrium Virorum Epístolas. Smith. Lond. 1691 G 213 c 34 CATALOGUE. L. N. Cammani (lo.) Disputationes regales de Juribus Majestatis. Giess. 1612. 4to. . . . . . . . . D 133 Campbell's Reports. 4 Vols. 8vo. . . . . . P 5 Campbell's (Colen.) Vitruvius Britannicus. 3 Vols. Lond. 1717. F G 680 Canada, Account of an Expedition to. (See Walker.) . G 310 Canisii (Hen.) Summa Juris Canonici. Duac. 1630. 8vo. 7th Edit D 137 Cange (du) Glossarium. 6 Vol. Par. 1678. F . ..Ml Cánones et Decreta Concilii Tridentini, Paulo 3, Julio 3, et Pio 4. Ant. 1596. 8vo. . . . . ■ . C 53 Concilii Provincialis Colomensis. Par. 1550. 8vo. . . . . . . . . D 58 Canterbury, Antiquities of. (See Somner.) . . . C 236 Capycii (Ant.) Decisiones Concilii Neapolitani. Franc. 1600. F E 88 Caravitae (Prosp.) Pragmática Edicta et Sanctiones Neapoli- tanae. Ven. 1580. F. . . . . . . . E 86 Carbonis (Nie.) Practica Practicarum. Franc. 1599. 8vo. . D 146 Cardwell's Documentary Annals. 2 Vols. 8vo. Oxford. 1844 M 74 Synodalia. 2 Vols. 8vo. Oxford. 1842. . . M 75 Carlisle on the Charities in England and Wales. Lond. 8vo. 1828 O 46 Carrerii (Lud.) Practica Causarum Criminalium. Lugd. 1550. 8vo C 132 Carew (Sir Geo.) History of the Wars in Ireland. Lond. 1633. F G 472 Carleton (Guy) Abstract of the Loix de Police in the Pro¬ vince of Quebeck. Lond. 1772. Fol. (See Loix.) . . C 410 Carmina Cantab, in Obit. Annas. Reg. et Access. Geo. 1. 1714. F G 544 Carocius (Vine.) et Marc. Ant. de Amatis Decisiones Lucenses. Franc. 1664. F . . . A 86 Tractatus de Remediis contra Prejudiciales Sententias. Ven. 1620. F . . . E 183 CATALOGUE. 35 L. N. Carocius (Vine.) De Juramento Litis Decisorio. Col. 1596. 8vo. (Vide Goveani Opuscula.) . . D 47 de Deposito, Oblationibus, et Sequestro. Col. 1594. 8vo D 56 Loeati et Conducti. 1584. 8vo. . . C 113 Idem. Ven. 1604. 4to. . . . . M 6 Caroli 7 Francorum Regis Pragmática Sanctio. Par. 1666.. B 85 Carpentier Glossarium Novum ad Scriptores Medii ^vi. (Vide Glossarium.) F. . . . . . .MIa Carpzovii (Bened.) Processus Juris in Foro Saxonico. Jen. 1667. F A 143 Idem. Jena. 1657. Fol. . . . E 116 Jurisprudentia Ecclesiastica. Lips. 1665. F E 201 Comment, in Legem Regiam Germa- norum. Lips. 1640. 4to. . . . D 172 Decisiones Saxonicae. Lips. 1660. F . E 145 Practica Criminalis Saxonica. Witte- berg. 1652. F E 260 Anum Repertorium per Mollerum. Franc. 1676. F D 449 Jurisprudentia Forensis Romano-Saxo¬ nica. Lips. 1663. F . . . . E 211 Carranza (Alph. a) de Partu Natural! et Legitimo. Gen. 1629. 4to D 212 Carranzam (F. Barth.) Summa Conciliorum. Roth. 1633. 12mo. . . . . • • • • . . D 54 Carrarim (Paul) Interpretatio Regularum Juris Canonici. Bonon. 1617. F ...••••• E 214 Can-ington and Payne's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius. 9 Vols. 8vo P 9 and Marsham. Idem. 8vo. . . . . P 10 and Kirwan. Idem. 8vo. . ' . . . . P 11 Carte's (Tho.) Life of the Duke of Ormond. 1736. 3 Vols. G 538 History of England. 4 Vols. Lond. 1747. F G 626 c 2 3G CATALOGUE. L. N. Carter's (Sam.) Reports. Lend. 1728. F . . . .0 393 (Matt.) Analysis of Honour and Armory. Lond. 1673. 12mo G 182 Carthew's (Tlio.) Reports. London. 1728. F . . .0 392 Cartwright (Thos.) Certamen Religiosum ; or, a Conference between the late King of England and Marquis of Wor¬ cester. Lond. 1652. 4to. . . . . . . . F 100 Cary (Sir Geo.) Reports in Chancery. Lond. 1665. 12mo. C 41 Casauboni (Isa.) Epístola insertis ad easdem Responsibus. F. curante Theod. Jansen. Rot. 1709. . G 632 (M.) Pietas. Lond. 1621. 12mo F 21 Cases Adjudged in the King's Bench from the 2d Year to the End of King William's Reign. 1741. F D 396 Chancery and the King's Bench, tempore King. Savoy. 1740. . . . C 389 in Chancery. 2 Parts. 1 Vol. 1707. Lond. F. . C 395 3 Vols. 8vo. . . . . C 221 in Equity in Lord Talbot's time. Lond. 1741. F. . C 398 chiefly in the Reign of George 1. Savoy. 1742. F O 97 in the Common Law. By H. B. Lond. 1661. 8vo. C 73 in the King's Bench at Westminster, from Q. Elizabeth to 14 Geo. III. 1788 M 105 on Appeal in Prize Causes, from 1780 to 1817. 70 Vols AA.1 AA.1a AA.1b in the Court of Delegates, and before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, from 1796. 20 Vols. F. . . . . . . . . I 19 in the House of Lords, from 1724 to 1834. 81 Vols. F I 18 in Parliament resolved and adjudged upon Petitions and Writs of Error. Lond. 1698. F. . . . . D 386* in Parliament, from 1697 to 1709. (See Colles) . . H 89 in Equity (a General Abridgement of). Lond. 1769. 2 Vols. F AA 37 CATALOGUE. 37 L. N. Cases in Law and Equity, in the time of George I. Lond. 1730. F D 364 in the King's Bench, tempore Hardwick. Lond. 1770. F D 367 of Divorce. London. 1715. 12mo. . . . . O 49 By Moore. 2 Vols. Svo. 1814 . . O 35 of Polygamy. Lond. 1736. 12mo. . . * . . O 32 Case of the Dutch Ships. (See Marriott) . . . . M 22 Head Money and Aix Roads. (See Dodson) . . M 25 John Hampden. (See Hampden) . . . . C 211 ' the Louis. (See Dodson) . . . . . . M 26 Ship Money. (See Hampden) . . . . C 468 Sullivan V. Sullivan. (See Dodson) . . . . O 39 Impotency between M. de Gesvres and M. de Mas- cranny. 2 Vols. Lond. 1714. 12mo. D 84 between Robert Earl of Essex and Lady F. Howard, with the Case of Sodomy in the Tryal df the Earl of Castlehaven, and Divorce of Duke of Norfolk and Lady M. Mordant. 1715. 12mo. D 43 Cases of Dr. Shippen and Dr. Welton. Lond. 1717. 8vo.. C 240 Casonis (Franc.) Tract. Criminalium Rerum Peritissimi de Judiciis et Tormén. Ven. 1557. 12mo. . . . C 139 Cassanei Catalogus Glorise Mundi. Franc. 1568. F. . . G 540 Castell (Perard) Paraphrase du Commentaire de M. Charles du Moulin sur les Regles de la Chancellerie Romaine. Par. 1685. F D 440 Castellanas (Vin.) de Officio Regis. Marp. 1597. 12mo. . C 186 Castelmaine (Conte di) Ragguaglio délia Comparsa Fatta in Roma gli 8 di Gennaio 1687. et Rom. F.. . . . .G 662 Manifesto. Lond. 1681. 12mo. . G 38 Castiglione's (Baldassar) Courtier. Ital. et Eng. Lond. 1727. 4to G 354 Castilioni's (Balth.) de Curiali sive Aulico. Lond. 1577. 8vo. . ...... C 69 38 CATALOGUE. L. N. Castro seu Castrensis (Paul.) Comment, in Pandectas, et Codicem. Ven. 1593. F. A 34 — in Infortiatum et Digesta. 1593 . . . . A 33 in Codicis Lib. 2. Ven. 1593 . . . . Z 33 Consilia. Franc. 1582 . . A 96 Idem. Lugd. 1522 . . B 57 in 1 Part. Digest. Vet. Com¬ ment. Lugd. 1583 . . Z 34 ——— * super prima parte Codicis. 1521 . . . . B 22 super Digestum Vetus. 1521 B 55 super Infortiatum. 1521 . B 56 Repertorium. 1521 . . B 49 Castro Palao (Ferd de) Opus Morale de Virtutibus et Vitiis. Lugd. 1631. F. . . . . . . . .G 582 Cataldini de Boncompagnis Tractatus de Formatione LibeUi D 209 Catalogi Librorum MSS. Angliœ et Hiberniae in unum col- lecti. Oxon. 1697. F G 683 Catalogo degli Antichi Monumenti de Ercolano. (See Anti- chita) .......... I 2 Catalogue of the Arundel MSS., by Charles G. Young. 1829 M 82 Bishops in Scotland, by Keith. Lond. 1755. 4to F 99 Bishops. (See Godwin) . . . . . F 44 the Lansdown MSS. Part 1, the Burghley Papers. Part 2, the Caesar and Kenett Papers. Lond. 1812 to 1819. F. . . R 26 the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum. 4 Vols. Lond. 1808. F R 20 Law Books. (See Worrall) . . . . D 67 Parker's (Archbishop) MSS. Lond. 1722 . G 539 CATALOGUE. 39 L. N. Catalogue of Processes in the Registry of the High Court of Delegates. 8vo. . . . . . M 43 Rarities in Gresham College. (See Grew) . 463 Catalogua Bibliothecse Bodleianse. 2 Vol. Oxon. 1738. F. G 682 — Idem. (See James) . . . G 242 Collegii Sion. Lond. per Reading. Lond. 1724. F G 729 MSS. Bibliotheca Cottoniana. (Vide Smith) . G 675 BibliothecEe Harleianae. Lond. 4 Vol. 1743 . G 243 Idem. Lond. 1759. 2 Vol. F. . G 627 Bibbothecae Coislinianae. Paris. 1715. F. . AA 19 CateUianœ CottsB Memoraba. Lugd. 1573. 8vo. . . D 92 Catesby's (Mark) Natural History of Carobna, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. 2 Vols. 1743. F. . . . .116 Cathobcism in Austria, by Count Ferdinand dal Pozzo. Lond. 1827. 8vo 0 28 Catullus, Tibubus, et Propertius, cum Var. Lect. Cantab. 1702. 4to. . . BB 57 in usum Delphini. Par. 1685. 2 Vol. 4to. . H 69 Cavalcani (Borgn.) Decisiones Fivizanenses. Franc. 1600. F. A 77 Cavalcano (D. Hort.) Tractatus de Brachio Regis. Ven. 1618. F E 175 Cave (Gul.) Historia Literaria Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum. Gen. 1705. F F 219 Lives of the Fathers. Lond. 1716. F. . . F171 Causes Celebres et Interessantes. 16 Vols. Paris. 1735. 8vo. .......... C 124 Cay's Statutes Abridged. 1740. Lond. 2 Vols. F. . . C 391 Cebarii (Christop.) Geographia. 2 Vol. Lips. 1731. 4to. H 68 Celsus de Usucapionibus. (Vide Balbum) . . . . C 140 Cencius (Lud.) De Censibus et ejusdem Decisiones Rotœ Romanse cum Glossa. lo. Bapt. Leonebi ad Bullam Pii 5. de Censibus et Disputationes Lud. Mobna3Í super eodem Themate. Vcii. 1629. F. . . . . . . R 4 40 CATALOGUE. L. N. Cephali (lo.) Consilia. 2 Vol. Franc. 1624. F. , . . A 53 Cepola (Barth.) or Caspolla Consilia Criminalia Mod. 1511. (Vide Zabarellae Consilia) . . . M 99 Idem 1540. Lugd. 4to. . . . . E 15 Tractatus variae de Cautelis. 1552. 8vo. . G 240 De Interpretatione Legis extensiva. Ven. 1557. 12mo. (See Cœpolla) . . . . . D 132 Chamberlayne's (Edw.) Present State of England. Lond. 1707. 8vo G 105 Chambers's (Eph.) Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. 2 Vols. Lond. 1727. folio ........ G 684 Chamiere (Dan.) Controversias de Religione. 4 Vol. Gen. 1626. F F 175 Champnei (Ant.) de Vocatione Ministrorum Tract. Par. 1617. 8vo F 23 Chancery Practiser. (See Jacobs.) Savoy. 1730. 8vo. 2 Vols C 225 Precedents. (See Finch) . . . . . U 19 Chancery Reports :— Lord Chancellor. Ambler ....... C 363 Brown ..... C 361 and O 84 Vesey, Jun. . . . . . . . U 1 Index and Supplement, by Belt . . . U 4 by Hovenden . . U 3 Vesey and Beames . . . . . . U 2 Cooper. . . . . . . . U 5 Merivale . . . . . . . . U 6 Swanston ..... . U 7 Wilson . . . . . . . . U 8 Jacob and Walker . . . . . U 9 Jacob U 10 Turner and Russel . . . . .Uli Rüssel . . . . . . . . U 12 Russel and Mylne U 13 CATALOGUE. 41 L. N. Chancery Reports :— Mylne and Kean . . . . . . U 14 Mylne and Craig . . . . . . U 15 Craig and Phillips . . . . . . U 16 Turner and Phillips . . . . . U 17 Master of the Rolls. Keen Si Beavan . . . . . ..82 Vice-Chancellor of England. Maddock . . . . . . .83 Simons and Stuart . . . . . . S 4a Simons . . . . . . .84. V. C. Sir K. Bruce. * Young and Collyer . . . . .85 V. C. Sir J. Wigram. Hare 8 7 Commission Report. 2 Vols. 1826. F. . . M 3 Orders. 1828. 8vo E 80n Proceedings in, from Richard II. to Elizabeth. 3 Vols. F R 28 Chappelow's (Lion.) Commentary on the Book of Job. 2 Vols. Cam. 1752. 4to. . . . . . . F 101 Characteristics, by Shaftesbury. (Vol.2) 1714. 8vo. . G 326 Charitable uses. (See Moore.) 1676 . . . . C 334 Charities in England and Wales. (See Carlisle) . . . O 46 Charity to French Prisoners. Lond. 1760. F. . . . G 508 Charron of Wisdom, by Dr. Stanhope. 2 Vols. Lond. 1707. 8vo F 31 Charter of the Trinity House. Lond. 1685. 8vo. . . G 135 Chassaneo (Barth, a) Consilia. (Vide Ananise Consilia) . A 36 Consuetudines Ducatûs Burgundiae. Lugd. 1582. F. . . . . I 40 Chaucer's (Geoifrey) Works, by Urry. Lond. 1721. F. . G 669 42 CATALOGUE. L. N. Chaulmer's Dictionnaire Ecclésiastique. 1672. 12nio.. . F 30 Charters of the Duchy of Lancaster, translated by William Hardy. 1845. Svo. . . . . . . . R 53 Chauncey's (Sir Hen.) Historical Antiquities of Hertford¬ shire. 1700. F. . . . . . . . . G 625 Chemnitii (Mart.) Examen Concilii Tridentini. Gen. 1634. F I 34 Loci Theologici. Witeb. 1623. Fol. . F 140 Cheshire (See Natural History of) . . . . . G 563 Chester (Bp. of) Case of the Wardenship of Manchester. 1721. F E 179 Chevreau—Histoire du Monde, augmentée par L'Abbé de Vertot. 8 Vols. Amst. 1717. 12mo. . . . . G 24 Cheyne's (Geo.) Essay on Health and Long Life. Lond. 1724. 8vo G 302 Chicheley (Arch. Cant.) Vita per Ducke. Oxon. 1617. 4to G 176 Chiffletii (lo. Jac.) VindictEe Hispanicœ. Antw. 1645. 4to. .......... G 283 Chishull (Edm.) Antiquitates Asiatic®. 1728. F. . . G 613 Chittjrs Equity Index. Lond. 1831. 2 Vols. . . . D 341 Law of Nations. Lond. 1812. 8vo. . . . O 16 Reports on Points of Practice and Pleading in the Court of K. B. 2 Vols. . . . . . T 17 Chomel's Family Dictionary. 2 Vols. Lond. 1725. F. . G 432 Choppinus (Rendt.) de Domanio Franci®. Par. 1588. F. . G 542 de Privilegiis Rusticorum. 12mo. (Vide Lescurium de Jurisdictione) . . D 280 Idem. 12mo. Col. Arg. 1582. . . C 57 Christian® Pietatis prima Institutio. Lond. 1636. 12mo. . F 20 Christin®! (Paul.) Decisiones Curi® Belgic®. 3 Vol. Ant. 1636. F E 108 Chronica Juridicialia, or Calendar of the Kings, Bishops, &c. of England. Lond. 1635. 8vo. . . . . . C 266 Chronological Tables. (Vide Blair.) . . . . . I 25 Chrysostomi (lo.) Homilia ad Populum Antiochenum. Lond. 1590. 12mo F 24 CATALOGUE. 43 L. N. Church Established, Report on, by the Commissioners. 1885. Fol O 98 Government. (See Lloyd.) . . . . . G 202 Churchman's (Theoph.) History of Episcopacy. Lond. 1642. 4to F 111 Churchwardens. (See Anderson.) O 9. (Prideaux.) . . M 32 Churchill's Collection of Voyages. 6 Vols. Lond. ] 744. F. G 602 Ciaconi (Afons.) Historia utriusque Belli Dacici a Trajano Csesare gesti ex Simulachris quae in Columna ejusdem Romae visuntur collecta. 2 Vol. Rom. 1616. F. (Lettered on the back Columna Trajani.) . . . . E 125 Cicero (Marc. Tull.) de Oratore, in usum Delph. Oxon. 1714. 8vo H 15 Orationes Selectae. Delph. Lond. 1714. 8vo. . . . . . H 16 de Finibus. Bentley. Cantab. 1718. 8vo. H 17 de Naturâ Deorum. Davis. 1718. 8vo. H 14 de Offlciis. Franc. 1589. . . > H 9 Epistolae ad Familiares. 1601. . .) Epistolœ ad Atticum. 1599. 8vo. . H 10 Orationes. Delph. 3 Vol. Paris. 1684. 4to H 71 Epistolae ad Familiares. Paris. 1685. 4to. H 67 de Oratore, &c. Paris. 1687. 4to. . BB 103 Ciceronis Opera cum Delectu Comment. Oliveti. 9 Vol. Par. 1640. 4to BB 23 Cicero's Banishment. (See Morabin.) . . . . G 139 Cinque Ports, Charters of. (See Jeake.) . . . . D 347 Civilians Catalogue of, by a member of the Society. 8vo. 1823 E 66 Clandestine Marriages. (See Gueret.) . . . . B 84 Clapmarius (Arn.) de Arcanis Rerum Publicarum. (Vide Treutleri Disputationes.) 4to. . . D 185 Idem. Amst. 1644. 12mo. . . G 25 de Jure Imperii. 4to D 123 Clarendon's (Edw. Earl of) History of the Rebellion. 3 Vols. Oxon. 1707. F. G 628 44 CATALOGUE. L. N. Clarendon's (Edw. Earl of) The same. The 3d. Vol. with Heads. Lond. 1713. 8vo. G 330 —^— Tracts. Lond. 1727. F. . G 543 Survey of Hobbe's Leviathan. Oxon. 1676. 4to. . . F 123 — History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in Ireland. Lond. 1721. 8vo. . . G 329 Appendix to History of Re¬ bellion. 1724. 8vo. . G 101 (Ld. Hen.) State Letters. 2 Vols. 1763. 4to. G 388 Clerc. (Vide Le Clerc.) Clari (Jul.) Opera Omnia. Lugd. 1575. F. . . . E 224 Idem. Franc. 1636. F. . . . . , B 99 Idem. Franc. 1596. F. . . . . B 95 Clark's Colonial Law. 1834. 8vo. . . . . . M 54 Clarke's (Wm.) Connexion of the Roman, Saxon, and English Coins. Lond. 1767. 4to. . . . G 408 (Edw.) Letters concerning Spain. Lond. 1763. 4to. G 401 Clarke and Finelly's Reports in the House of Lords. 12 Vols. 8vo. . . . H 82 New Series. (The House of Lords Cases.) . . H 83 Clavasio (Ang. de) Summa Angelica de Casibus Conscientiae. Roth. 1495. 4to D 193 Idem. Lugd. 1523. 4to. . . . D 233 Idem. Roth. 1511. 4to. . . . D 251 Claudiani (Claudii) Opera. Delph. Paris. 1677. 4to. . H 70 Clayton's (lo.) Reports and Pleas of Assizes at York. Lond. 1651. 12mo C 146 Cleirac (Etienne) Coustumes de la Mer. Bordeaux. 1661. 4to. C 315 Clergy, Rights of. (See Nelson.) . . . . . C 101 Clergyman's Assistant. 8vo. 1822. . . . . P 56 Vade Mecum. 2 Vols. Lond. 1715. 12mo. F 18 Clerk's Tutor in Chancery. Lond. 1705. 8vo. . . C 195 CATALOGUE. 45 L. N. Coccini (lo. Bapt.) Decisiones necnon Lud. Gomei. Veron. 1647. F . E 210 Idem.—Vide Gomesii Decisiones. 4to. E 47 Cocceii Grotius Illustratus, sen Comment, in Grot, de Jure Belli. 5 Vol. Wratis. 1744. F E 248 Cochrane (Lord), Trial of and others. 8vo. 1814. . . M 56 Cochin (M. de) Oeuvres. 4 Vols. 4to. Paris. 1751. . G 385 Code de Henri 3, Roy de France, par Brisson, par C le Carón. Paris. 1605. . . . . . . . D 388 of Gentoo Laws by Halhad. London. 1776. . . M 86 Codex Fabrianus Definitionum Forensium et Kerum in Senatu Sabandise decisarum per Ant. Fabium. Franc. 1607. F A 67 Idem. Lug. 1606. F. . . . . . . E 168 Theodosianus cum Comment. Gothofredi. 3 Vol. Lug. 1665. F B 6 Idem. (Vol. 1.) Z 35 Jus Anglicanum. (See Gibson.) . . . . C 470 Canonum Ecclesiaî Universas. (See Justellus.) . D 28 Juris Alemannici Feudalis. (See Schilter.) . . E 217 Coillard (Ant.) Procedures Civiles et Criminelles. Par. 1549. 8vo C 9 Coins, English Silver, from the Conquest. (See Folke.) . I 24 Coke (Edw.) upon Littleton. Hargrave and Butler. 13 Edw. 1788. F C 401 Lond. 1703. F. . . . . C 402 Reports. 13 Parts. 2 Vols. Engl. 1680. 1677. F C 396 Institutes of the Laws of England. 4 Vols. Lond. 1639 to 1648. F. . . . . . D 338 Idem. Abridgement of the first part . C 19 Reports. 11 Parts. 5 Vols. (French.) Lond. 1697. F C 400 Idem. 9th Part. 1613. F. . . . . C 394 ■ Entries. London. 1G71. F . . . . C 403 46 CATALOGUE. L. N. Coker's Dorsetshire. F . . . . . . . G 441 Colazon (le Sieur de) Notes sur un petit Livre intitulé L'Ambassadeur. Par. 1604. . . . . . . C 164 Colchester, History of the Town and Borough of. (See Morant.) . . . . . • . . . . G 573 Cole's (Christian) Memoirs of the Affairs of State from 1697 to 1708. Lond. 1733. F G 679 Coleri (Matth.) Tractatus de Processibus Executivis in Causis Civilibus et Pecuniariis. Jen. 1586. F . E 215 Decisiones Germaniae. Lips. 1631. 4to. . D 127 Colet (Dr. John) Life, by Dr. Samuel Knight. Lond. 1724. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . . G 169 CoUard, Lettres de. Paris. 1830. 8vo. . . . .03 Collectanea Jurídica. Tracts relating to the Law and Con¬ stitution of England. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1791. . . O 24 CoUectio Consiliorum. (Vide Balluzium.) . . . . B 59 Institutionum Imperialium. (Vide Goldasti.) . . E 172 Practicarum Ohservationum. (Vide Goldasti.) . B 93 Collection of Acts and Ordinances. (See Scobell.) . . . D 416 of Articles, Canons, Injunctions, &c. Lond. 1699. 12mo F 7 Idem. (See Johnson.) C 263 Idem. Lond. 1661. 4to. . . . . . F 15 Idem. Lond. 1784. 4to. F 100* of Cases to recover Dissenters to the Communion of the Church of England. 2 Vols. Lond. 1685. 4to F 98 of English Words. (See Ray.) . . . G 77 of Principal Matters in King James's Reign. Lond. 1681. 8vo. . . ... . . G 72 of Scotch Proverbs. (See Kelly.) . . . . G 297 of Statutes to 1670. (See Pulton.) . . . D 417 of State Affairs from the Rebellion to the Murder of Charles I. (See Nalson.) . . . . G 575 of Treaties. London. 1713. 2 Vols. 8vo. . . C 290 CATALOGUE. 47 L. N. Collection of Voyages, by Churchill. 6 Vols. Lond. 1746. F G 602 College of Advocates, Doctors' Commons, Catalogue of. Lond. 1804. . . . . . . • . . E 66 Colles's Cases in Parliament, from 1699 to 1709. Dublin. 1789. 8vo H 89 Collibus (Hippol. a) Princeps Consiliarus et Palatinus. Han. 1598. 8vo C 63 Collier's (Jer.) Dictionary. 4 Vols. Lond. 1701. F. . G 631 ^ Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain. 2 Vols. 1708. F G 681 CoUins's (Arth.) Proceedings on Claims to Baronies. Lond. 1734. F C 382 Collyer's Reports in Chancery, before V.C. Knight Bruce. 2 Vols. . . . . . . . . . . S 6 Colombet (Claude) Abrégé de la Jurisprudence Romaine. Paris. 1680. 4to. . . . . . . . . E 61 Colonial Law. (See Bürge) . . . . . . P 27 (See Clark) . . . . . . . M 54 Comberbach's (Roger) Reports. Lond. 1724. F. . . D 43 Comines (Phil, de) Mémoires depuis l'An 1464 jusques en 1498. Paris. 1649. F G 637 Commentaires sur la Coutumiére reformée de Normandie. Rouen. 1626. . . . . . . . . C 411 Commentaries on the Law of England, by Sir William Blackstone. (1st Vol.) Lond. 1819 . O 14 Idem. 4to. (Ist Vol.) 1765 . . . O 78 Commentarii ad Tit. Digest, de Regulis Juris quinqué lUus- trium Juris Interpretum. Lugd. 1593. F. . . . D 463 Common Law Common placed. Savoy. 1726. 8vo. . . C 218 Common Pleas, Reports in :— de Loix Maritimes. (See Pardessus.) C 314 Blackstone (W.) . Blackstone (H.) Bosanquet and Puller . . T 23 . . C 362 W 2 and C 365 48 CATALOGUE. L. N. Common Pleas, Reports in :— Taunton Broderip and Bingham . Bingham . Bingham's New Cases . Manning and Grainger and Scott Marshall ..... Moore ..... Moore and Payne Moore and Scott . Scott ..... Scott's New Reports Willes ..... Bridgman .... Gow ..... Compleat Parish Officer. Lond. 1718. 12mo. Parson, by Doderidge. Lond. 1641 Sportsman. Lond. 1718. 12mo. Justice. Lond. 1637. 12mo. . . . . Comyns's Digest. 6 Vols. From 1762 to 1767 inclusive. 4to. W w w w w w w w Commyn's (Sir John) Reports. Savoy. Lond. 1744. F. . Concilium Uliberitanum. Lugd. 1665. F. . . . Provinciale Colonense. Paris. 1550. Svo. . . Tridentinum Cánones et Decreta. Antw. 1596 . Conférences des Cinq Codes par Bougignon. Paris. 1823. 8vo. .......... 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Conférence du Code Civil par un Jurisconsulte. 8 Tomes. (Bound in 4 Volumes.) Paris. 1805. 8vo. . Connani (Franc.) Commentaria Juris Civilis. 2 Vols. Lugd. 1553 Connection of the Roman, Saxon, and English Coins. Clarke. Lond. 1767. 4to. ...... W 10 W 11 W 12 W 13 E 74d W 15 P 2 D 14 C 243 G 65 C 127 C 384 C 385 D 444 D 58 C 53 M 42 E 73 E 242 G 408 CATALOGUE. 49 L. N. Connolly on Insanity. 8vo. 1830. . . . ..Mol Connor's (Bern.) History of Poland. 2 Vols. Lond. 1698. 8vo G 171 Conradi (Lancell.) Templum Omnium Judicum. Franc. 1600. 4to D 241 Conroy's Custodian Reports. Dublin. 1795. 8vo. . . O 2 Consecration of Bishops. (See Mason) . . . . F 150 Consett's (Hen.) Practice of the Ecclesiastical Courts. Lond. 1708. 8vo C2I6 Consilia Generalia. 17 Vol. Lut. Paris. 1671. F. . . K 3 Ulustrium Germanise Juris Consultorum. Argent. 1629. Item Joach. Mynsingeri Consilia. 1601. F A 93 Varia lo. Calderini, Ant. de Butrio, Hier, de Tortis, Fei. Sandel, Ralph, de Raymundis. Ven. 1582. F. (Vide Oldradi de Ponte Consilia) . . A 80 Matrimonalia. Venet. 1580. . . . . . B 96 Consistory Reports. (See Haggard.) 2 Vols. Svo. . . P 30 Consolato del Marc. Ven. 1584. 4to.. . . . . C 271 Conspiracy against Charles II. (See Account of.) . . G 281 Constitutiones Fratrum Excalceatorum Beatas Mariae de Mer- cede. Rot. 1630. 4to. . . . . . . F 99 Imperiales. (Vide Harvetum.) . . . E 203 Consuetudines Civitatum et Provinciarum Galliae a Gotho- fredo. Franc. 1598. F. . . . . . . A 91 Contarenus (Gasp.) Card, de Magistratibus et República Venetorum. Ven. 1592. 8vo. . . . . . G 70 Contes et Nouvelles de Marguerite de Valois Reine de Na¬ varre. 2 Vols. Amst. 1708. 12mo. . . . . G 17 Contii (Ant.) Scholas ad 8 Titulos Libri 7. Codicis Spir. 1594. 12mo C 64 Contrarietates Juris Civilis et Canonici. Lugd. 8vo. (Vide Hieronymum de Zanetinis.) . . . . . . D 100 Contrats et des Assurances, par Emerigon. 2 Vols. 4to. Mars. 1783 M 90 I) 50 CATALOGUE. L. N. Controversy between Reginald Lord Grey, of Ruthven, and Sir Edward Hastings, in the Court of Chivalry, in the Reign of K. Henry III. F R 54 Convocation, Tracts on. Atterbury. 1702. 4to. . . . F 127 by several Hands. Kennett, Cook, &c. 1701. 8vo. (See Proceedings.) . . . . F 22 Cooke's Cases in Practice. 2 Vols. Lond. 1747. 8vo. .0 12 Cooper's Reports in Chancery. Lond. 1815. 8vo. . . U 5 Cooperi (Thom.) Thesaurus Linguae Romanae et Brittanicae. Lond. 1584. F BB 53 Coote (Charles, LL.D.) History of England. 10 Vols. 8vo. E 70 continuation of Goldsmith's History of England. 4 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823. E 75 continuation of History of Modern Europe by Russel. 6 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 E 74 (See Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History by.) E 77 (H. C.) Practice in the Ecclesiastical Court. 8vo. 1847 M 53 Copi (Alan.) Dialogi Sex contra Summi Pontificatûs, &c. Oppugnatores. Ant. 1566. 4to. . . . . . F 105 Corasius (lo.) de OfBciis, Electionibus, &c. Ecclesiasticis Col. 1596. 12mo F 19 in universam Sacerdotiorum Materiam. Lugd. 1548. 4to D 239 Coren (Jac.) Consilia Hag. Com. 1641. 4to . . . D 122 ■■ Cormerio (Tho.) Codex Juris Civilis Henrici Quarti Gal- liarum. 1602. F. . . . . . . . . E 160 Cornazzani (Barn.) Decisiones Lucenses, Item Cam. Borelli Controversise Forenses. Franc. 1600. F. . . .A 141 Cornei (Petr. Phil.) Comment, in Cod. et in Secundam Par¬ tem Digest. Vet. Lugd. 1553. F. . A 4 Consilia. 2 Vols. Ven. 1582. F. . A 82 CATALOGUE. 51 L. N. Cornei (Petr. Phil.) Idem et Repertorium. (Tola. 2, 3, 4.) In 3 Vols. Lugd. 1544. F. . . I 20 Cornelius Nepos. Delph. Lond. 1709. 8vo. . . . II 18 Idem cum Notis Boscleri. Traject. 1665. 12mo. H 12 Paris. 1675. 4to. (Vide Nepos.) . . . H 64 Coronation Oath. (See Lane.) . . . . . . O 43 of James I. (See Sandibrd.) . . .G 660 Corpus Juris Canonici. Paris. 1687. 2 Vols. F. (Vide Pithœi.) . . . . . M 8 Richter. Lips. 1839. 2 Vols. 4to. I 30 Gilbert. . . . . . C 466 Corpus Juris Civilis, cum Notis Gothofredi. 2 Vol. * Amst. 1663. F. . . . . . C 471 Idem. 2 Vol. Gen. 1607. F. . . . . A 72 Idem, cum Scol. Gloss, et Ind. Steph. Davys. 6 Vol. Lugd. 1627. F B 69 Idem, cum Comment. Accursii, &c. 6 Vol. Par. 1566. F D 458 Idem. 2 Vol. Am.st. 1664. 8vo. . . . . C 256 Idem, cum Notis Gothofredi. Coll. All. 1624. F. . C 479 Idem, Kriegel. 3 Vol. Leips. 1833. . . ' . P 20 Idem. 5 Vol. Gen. 1612. F. . . . . B 68 Idem, ex Edit. Cujacii. 3 Vol. 4to. 1797. . C 323 Corps Diplomatique, par Dumont. 15 Vols. Amst. 1726. j F [ R 1 avec un Supplement. 6 Vols. Amst. 1739 . ' des Coutumes de France, ou Nouveau Coutumier General, par De Richebourgh. Paris. 8 Vols. 1724. F AA 9 Correspondence of Burke with Dr. Lawrence. 8vo. Lond. 1827 O 23 Corvinos (Arnold.) Codicis Justiniani Methodica Enarratio. Amst. 1655. 4to. . . . . D 292 V 2 CATALOG I'i:. L. N. Corvinus (Arnold.) Jurisprudentia Romana. Amst. 1658. 12mo C 47 Cosen's Apology. Lond. 4to. 1593 D 139 Cosin R. Decani de Arcubus vita et Obitus a Barlow. Lond. 1598 E 74i Costa (lo. Bapt.) de Quota et Rata. Franc. 1606. 4to. . M 102 (Jerome a) Histoire et Progrès des Revenues Ecclési¬ astiques. Franc. 1684. 12mo. . . . . F 16 Coterœus (Claud.) de Jure et Privilegiis Militum. Lugd. 1539. F ^ . E 181 Cotgrave and Howell's French and English Dictionary. 1660. F BB 36 Cothman (Ernest.) Responsa Juris et Consultationes. Fr. 1597. F D 447 Cotton's (Sir Robert) Abridgment of the Records in the Tower. 1689. F C 426 Covarruvia (Did.) a Leyra Omnia Opera Jurídica. Antw. 1614. F A 46 Covell's (John) Account of the Greek Church. Camb. 1722. F F 172 Coventry and Hughes' Digest to the Common Law Reports. 2 Vols. Lond. 1827. 8vo. . . . . . . P 25 Courayer's (Franc.) Defence of the English Ordination. Lond. 1725. 8vo F 32* Coustumier du Pays et Duché du Normandie. Rouen. 1539. F C 408 General. (See Corps des Coustumes.). . . AA 9 Coustumes de la Mer. (Vide Cleirac.) 1661. 4to. . . C 315 Rouen. 1671. 8vo. . . . . P 57 France. Paris. 1604. 2 Vols. F. . . E 252 Prevoste et Vicomte de Paris. 1582. (Vide Lescurium de Jurisdictione) . . . D 280 Cowelli (lo.) Institutiones Juris Anglicani. Cantab. 1605. 12mo. . . . . . . . . C 78 Interpreter of the Law Terms. Lond. 1708. 2 Vols. F C 386 CATALOGUE. r/.i L. N. Cowelli (lo.) Idem. Lend. 1672. F. . . . . . G 388 Idem. Lend. 1727. F G 387 Gowper's (William) Anatomical Treatise on the Muscles. Lond. 1724. F I 29 (Hen.) Reports. 1783. F T 22a Gox's Gases in Chancery. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1816. . U 22 (Rich.) History of Ireland. 2 Vols. Lond. 1689. F. G 438 Craig and Phillips' Reports. 8vo. Lond. 1842. . . U 16 Craig's (Sir Tho.) Right of Succession to the Kingdom of England. Lond. 1703. F. . . G 541 Scotland's Sovereignty Asserted. Lond. 1695. 8vo G 75 Jus Feudale. Edinb. 1732. . . . G 383 Granch's American Reports. 9 Vols. 8vo. Washington. 1804 Z 5 Gravattae (Aym.) Gonsilia. (3d & 4th Vol.) Ven. 1681. F. E 245 —— (Part 2.) Franc. 1572. F. . . E 133 Tractatus. (1 Vol.) Franc. 1572. F. . E 142 Crawford's (Geo.) Peerage of Scotland. Edinb. 1716. F. . G 496 Greasy's Text Book of the Constitution. Lond. 1848. 8vo. O 47 Grescentii (Marcell.) Decisiones Rotae Romanœ. Marp. 1602. F E 144 Gressy's Church History of Brittany. Lond. 1668. F. . F 208 Criminal Code (Peel's). Lond. 1828. 7 Vols., from title Burglary to Simple Larceny. F. . . . . . . O 94 Crispolti (Tull.) Casus Militares discussi ac resoluti. Rom. 1635 G 440 Critica Juris Ingeniosa ; or, Choice Cases in the Common Law. 12mo. London. 1661. . . . . . C 73 Critical History of England. 2 Vols. Lond. 1724. 8vo. . G 186 Croke Family, Genealogical History of, by Sir Alexander Croke. 2 Vols. 4to. Oxford. 1823. . . . . 0 80 Croke's Reports. 3 Vols. Lond. 1683. F. . . . . C 390 - Crompton and Jarvis' Exchequer Reports. 2 Vols. 8vo. . L 8 and Meeson's Exchequer Reports. 2 \'ols. 8vo. . L 9 '4 CATALOGUE. L. N. Crompton, Meeson, and Roscoe's Exchequer Reports. 2 Vols. 8vo. . . . . . . . . L 10 Crown Cases. (See Leach.) E 80k (See Rüssel and Ryan.) . . . . E 80s (See Ryan and Moody.) . . . . . P 7 Crotti (lo.) Responsa sive Consilia. Ven. 1567. F. Item. Tho. Grammatici Consilia et Vota. Lugd. 1566. . . E 170 Cruise on Dignities. 2d Edit. Lond. 1823. 8vo. . . O 10 Crusius (Chr.) de Indiciis Delictorum generalibus. Marp. 1634. 4to D 160 Cucchi (M. Ant.) Institutiones Juris Canonici. Lugd. 1566. 12mo C 15 Cajacii (Jac.) Opera Omnia. 10 Vol. Par. 1658. F. (Lettered on the back, " Posthuma.") . . A 47 Idem. Han. 1602. F. . . . . . B 7 ad Africanum reliqui Tractatus. Lugd. 1573. F E 233 Commentaria. Lugd. 1559. F. . . . E 256 Idem. 4to. . . . . . . E 56 Recitationes in 2 & 4 Lib. Decretal. Spir. 1595. 4to D 227 In Juli um Paulum. Frane. (imperfect) 1596. 4to E 56 Recitationes Solemnes. Franc. 1598. 4to. . D 323 Opera. 4 Vol. Franc. 1595. 4to. . . E 51 Observationes ct Emendationes. Col. 1578. 8vo. . . . . . . . . D 56 Basilikon, Lib. 60. Lugd. 1566. F. . . E 137 Cumani (Raf.) Consilia. (Vide Decii Commentaria.) Brix. 1490. F . . . B 94 Commentaria. Lugd. 1554. F. . . . Z 15 Cunningham's (T., Esq.) Law Dictionary. 2 Vols. 2d Edit. Lond. 1771. F. . . . . • • • . . C 404 Curson's (Hen.) Compendium of the Laws. Lond. 1699. 12mo. ..........Do CATALOGUE. 55 L. N. Curteis's Ecclesiastical Reports. 3 Vols. 8vo. . . . P 34 Report of Mastyn v. Escott. Lond. 1841. 8vo. . M 69 Curtis (Mart.) Art of Navigation. Lond. 1609. 4to. . . G 215 Curtius (Franc.) Junior in Digestum Vetus—in Codicem. Lugd. 1552. F. . . . . . . . A 6 (Jac.) Conjecturalia. 12mo. Ant. 1550. . . . C 92 (Quintas) in usum Delphini. Paris. 1678. 4to. . BB 91 Curzon. (See Went worth.) . . . . . . . C 206 Custodian Reports. (See Conroy.) . . . . .02 Cynus de Pistorio in Codicem et Digestum vetus. Franc. 1578. F D 471 Idem. Ven. 1493. F. . . . . B 54 Cyprian (St.) Works by Nath. Marshall, Lond. 1717. F. . F 176 Cyriaci Nigri (Franc.) Disquisitio de Controversiis Man- tuanis. Franc. 1629. 4to. ...... C 248 Cyrillus in Evangelium Johannis. Par. 1508. F. . . . F 104 Cyrus, Travels of, by Ramsay. Lond. 1727. 2 Vols. 8vo. E 67 D. Dacier (Mad.) Causes de la Corruption du Gout. Amst. 1715. 12mo D 480 DaUaway's Origin and Progress of Heraldry in England. 1793. 4to G 445 Dalrymple's (Sir James) Decisions in Scotland. 2 Vols. Edinb. 1683. F . . .1) 349 56 CATALOGUE. L. N. Dalrymple's (Sir John, Bart.) Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland. Lond. 1771. 4to. 2 Vols. . M 83 Dalton's (Mich.) Country Justice. Lond. 1727. F. . . D 347 Idem. 1705. F D 348 Office of Sheriffs. 1682. F. . . . D 346 Dalton's Ruins of Athens, &c. F. . . . . . I 15 Damhouderii (loh.) Praxis Rerum Criminalium. Ant. 1566. 12mo C 175 Idem. Antw. 1569. 4to. . . . D 304 Idem. Antw. 1616. 4to. . . . C 302 Idem. Herb. 1641. 8vo. . . . D 31 Danet, Dictionnaire François et Latine. Lyon. 1738. F. . AA 40 Danetii (Petr.) Dictionarium Antiquitatum Grae. et Rom. Amst. 1701. 4to. ........ BB 33 Daniel (Père) Histoire de France. 3 Vols. Par. 1713. F. G 685 Daniel's (Sam.) History of England. F. . . . . G 452 Danby's (Earl of) Copies and Extracts of his Letters. Lond. 1710. 8vo G 134 Dane's Abridgement of American Law. Boston. 1823. 8 Vols. 8vo. ........ C 310 Daniel's Reports in the Court of Exchequer. London. 1824. L b D'Anver's (Knightley) Abridgement of the Common Law. 4 Vols. Lond. 1705, &c. F D 345 Idem. Continuation to the 2d Vol. of. Lond. 1727. D 345a D'Argentrée Comment, in Leges et Consuetudines Ducatûs Britann. Par. 1640. F. . . . . . . . A 56 Darien, a Volume of Tracts concerning it. Edinb. 1699. 8vo. . • • • • • • • • . G 153 Davenantii (lo. Episc.) Expositio Pauli Epistolae ad Co- lossenses. Cant. 1630. F. . . . . . . F 152 Determinationes et Questiones Theologicae. Cant. 1634. F. . F 158 Davids (Survey of Cathedral of St.). See Willis. . . G 204 Davila (Enr.) Historia de las Guerras Civiles de Francia. AmVj. 1686. F. . . . . . . . . . G 44 4 CATALOGUE. Ô7 L. N. Davila (Enr.) Idem. In English. Lend. 1648. F. . .G 545 Davis's (Sir John) Reports. Lond. 1674. F. . . . D 353 Davison and Merivale's Reports in the Q. B. and Exchequer Chamber. Svo. . . . . • • • . T IS D'Avity (Pierre) Le Monde, ou La Description General de ses Quatres Parties. 4 Vols. Paris. 1643. F, . . . G 547 Dauth (lo.) de Testamentis. Lips. 1611. F. . . .E115 Dawson's (Geo.) Origin of Laws. Lond. 1694. F. . . D 350 Idem.. . . . . . . . . O 85 (Tho.) Memoirs of St. George and the Order of the Garter. 1714. 8vo. . . . . . G 110 De Appellationibus et attentatis Tractatus Tres. Colon. 1602. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . D 95 Debates of the House of Lords and Commons. Lond. 28 Vols. 1742 E 7 and E 8 Deciani (Tiber.) Responsa. 5 Vol. Franc. 1589. F.. . A 57 Decii (Phil.) Commentaria in Corpus Juris Civilis. Pap." 1511. F Item. Consilia Raf. Cumani et Fulgosi. Brix. 1490 Item. Franc. Lucani de Parma Tract. Jurid. Ven. 1498. . . . . . . j Lecturas super Tit. de Judiciis. Pap. 1511. F. B 61 Consilia sive Responsa Aug. Taur. 1579. F. . A 35 Comment, in Digesta et Decretales. 2 Vol. Ven. 1595. F A 15 Consilia sive Responsa. Lugd. 1525. F.. . A 126 Idem. 1512. (See Periglis.) . . . . A 38 In Decretales Comment. Lugd. 1581. F. . B 2 — In Tit. de Regulis Juris. Col. 1598. 8vo. . C 29 Idem. Lug. 1561. 8vo. . . . . C 59 Idem. ........ BB 100 Decisions de C. Le Bret. Paris. 1630. . . . . C 152 de tous les Parlements de France. 2 Tomes. Lut. Par. 1701. F E 255 15 58 CATALOGUE, L. N. Decisiones Dominorum de Rota, cum aliis Decisionibus ad Tit. Decretal. 1487. Item. (Lettered on the back, " Tabula Novar. Decis. de Con- stitut. Rubri.") . . . . . . A 16 Rotaî Romanse. Lugd. 1618. 3 Parts in 1. F.. A 76 Duran. Lug. 1638. F. . . . . . . A 79 Fori Fivizanensis. Franc. 1600. F. . . . A 77 Caldiini (Jac.) et Gaspari Fratris ejus Consilia et Regulae Cancellariae. Ven. 1487. F (Let¬ tered on the back, " Tabula Novarum Deci- sionum.") . . . . . . . A 16 Idem, a Barnabba Cornazano. Franc. 1600. F. A 141 Rotœ Lucensis D. Camilli, Lepidi, Val. Vallariae et Horat. Rouatii. Spir. 1599. 4to. . . E 31 Decisions of the Court of Session in Scotland. 2 Vols. Edinb. 1741. F D 352 in Scotland. (See Gibson.) . . . . C 345 in the High Court of Admiralty, during the time of Sir George Hay. (See Marriott.) . . . P 12a Declaration of the Variance between the Pope and the-. Seigniory of Venice. 1606. 4to. Item. Discourse contre ceux de la Ligne qui taschoient de persuader au Roi a rompre l'alliance avec Angleterre. 1688. Decretales Gregorii 9ni. 2 Vols. F. . . . . . |A 42 Idem. . . . . . . B 97 Epistolae. ........ C 185 F 81 Decretalium Synopsis. (See Gauffre.) E 135 De Discipliné Ecclesiasticâ. 1574. 12mo. . . . F 37 Deductio ex quâ probatur non esse jus Devolutionis in Bra¬ bant. Brüx. 1666. 4to. (See Stockman.) . . . D 104 Defence of Priests marrying ; being an Answer to Martyn. 4to E 24 of Christianity, by Bishop of Coventry and Lich¬ field. Lond. 1725 F *31 CATALOGUE. 59 L. N. Defence of Pluralities ; or, holding two Benefices with Cure of Souls. 1703. 8vo G 87 of the Validity of Ordinations, by Courayer. Lond. 1725. 8vo F 32 of the Settlement at Darien. Edin. 1699. 8vo. . G 153 Defensio Regia pro Carolo Imo., Magnaj Britt. ad Regem, Car. 2. 1740. F A 92 Définitiones Juris Civilis et Canonici. (See Pacii.) . . C 1 Definitions du Droit Canon. Paris. 1679. F. . . . Z 26 De Foe (Dan.) History of the Union of Great Britain. Edinb. 1709. F. . . . . . . . .Gr 447 Degge's (Sir Simon) Parson's Counsellor. Lond. 1703. 8vo. 6th Edit C 235 De Gex and Smale's Reports in Chancery, in V.C. Knight Bruce's Court. Lond. 1848 . . . . . . S 6a Delices du Pais Bas contenant une Description generale des 17 Provinces. 3 Vols. Bruss. 1711. 12mo. . . D 484* Del Re (Ant.) de Juramento Calumniae Materia. Col. 1614. 8vo D 62 Delaforce Description de la France. 6 Tom. 12mo. Paris. 1718 G 43 Democharis (Ant.) Collectanea Decretorum Canonicorum. Antw. 1570. 8vo. . . . . . . . D 63 Demosthenis et JEschinis Opera pr. Wolfium. Aurel. 1607. F BB 8 Idem, by Francis. (Vol. 2.) Lond. 1758. 4to. BB 97 Denaisii (Petr.) Jus Camerale. Spir. 1604. 12mo. . • C 149 Denisart, Decisiones de. Par. 4 Tom. 1751. 4to. . . C 326 Denison's Crown Cases. 8vo E 80v Denmark, Account of it. Lond. 1694. 8vo. . . . G 285 Derbyshire, Peak of (see Natural History of) . . . G 563 Desgodetz (Ant.) Edifices Antiques de Rome. Par. 1682. F. G 691 Despeisses (Ant.) Oeuvres. (Tome Premier.) Lyon. 1666. F. E 258 D'Estrade's (Count) Letters and Negotiations. 3 Vols. Lond. 1711. 8vo. . . . . . . . C 156 60 CATALOGUE. L. N. Devonshire's (Countess Dowager of ) Life. Lond. 1685. 8vo. G 59 Devon (see Prinee's Worthies of) . . . . . G 726 Devreux ■ (Comté) Histoire Civile et Ecclésiastique. Par. 1722. 4to G 362 Dew V. Clark and Clark (Report of Judgment in), by Dr. Haggard. 1826. 8vo. . . . . . . . 0 36 D'Ewe's (Sim.) Journal of Queen Eliz.'s Parliaments. Lond. 1682. F C 480 Dialogue on Women. Lond. 1691. 12mo. . . . M 44 Dianas (Anth.) Summa, sive Opera Omnia. Antw. 1656. F. F 177 Diaz. (To. Bern.) Practica Criminalis Canónica. Lugd. 1561. 8vo C 2 Idem. Ven. 1614. 4to. . . . . D 124 Regula Juris. Lond. 1565. 12mo. . C 115 Dicken's Reports in Chancery. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823. U 20 Diekii (Leop.) Oiconomia Constituendi Explicandique Judicii Ordinarii. Bas. 1561. F. . . . . . . E 93 Dictionnaire Ecclésiastique de Chaulmer. 1672. 12mo. . F 30 François et Latine. (See Danet.) F. . . . K 7 de L'Académie Françoise. 4 Vols. Paris. 1718. Folio G 688 Géographique. (See Martiniére.) . . . A A 21 Universelle du Ant. Furetiere. 3 Vols. Haye. 1690. F G 692 Dictionaries Altieri (Ferd.) Italian and English. 2 Vols. Lond. 1726. 4to. . . . . . H 52 (Bayle, Peter) Historical and Critical. 4 Vols. Lond. 1710. F. . . . G 536 G 621 G 622 (Biographia Britannica) or Dictionary of emi¬ nent Persons in Great Britain. 6 Vols. F. . G 616 (Blount's, Tho.) of the Law. Lond. 1691. F. C 381 (Bluteau Ralph.) Portuguese è Latino. 8 Vol. Coimbra. 1722. F BB 2 (Bohun's, Edm.) Geographical. Lond. 1695. F. G 466 (Boyer, Abel) Franc, et Anglois. Lond. 1729. 4to. . • • . • • . • H 60 CATALOGUE. Gl L. N. Dictionaries (Brederodius) Thesaurus Dictionum et Sen- tentiarura Juris Civilis. Lugd. 1515. F. . E 148 (Calepini, Amb.) Oeto Linguarum. Par. 1609. F AA 20 Idem Latino Grœcum. Basil. 1544. F. . . BB 47 (Calmet, Aug.) de la Bible. 2 Vols. Par. 1722. F. F 207 (Calvini, lo.) Edit. var. quod vide. (Chambers, Ephr.) of Arts and Sciences. 2 Vols. 1727. F G 684 (Collier's, Jer.) Historical, Geographical, &c. 4 Vols. Lond. 1701. F. . . . .G 631 (Cooperi, Tho.) Thesaur. Ling. Lat. et Brit. Lond. 1584. F. . . . . . . BB 52 (Crusca) Vocabulario délia Portug. 6 Vol. Nap. 1746. F G 737 (Danet) Lat. GaU. et Franc. Lat. 2 Vol. Lug. 1737. 4to A A 40 (Danet) Antiq. Gr. et. Rom. Amst. 1701. 4to. BB 33 (Dufresne, Car.) Glossaria Duo. Vide Du- fresne . . . . . .Ml and M 1a Œconomique, or Family Dictionary, translated from the French of Chomel. 2 Vols. Lond. 1725. F G 432 (Falconer) of the Marine. Lond. 1769. 4to. G 387 (Harris) Lexicon Technicum. 2 Vols. Lond. 1708. F BB 48 (Hederici) Lexicon Gr. et Lat. Lond. 1739. 4to. BB 31 (Hesychii) Lexicon Grœcum. Lugd. Bat. 1668. 4to. . . • • ■ • • • EE 32 (Hickesii, Geo.) Thesaurus Linguarum Veterum Septentrionalium. 2 Vol. Oxon. 1705. F. K 4 (Hofifmanni, To.) Lexicon Universale. 4 Vol. Lugd. 1698. F. . . . . ■ . K 5 (Jacob's, Giles) Law Dictionary. Lond. 1736. F. C 483 (Johnson's, Sam.) English Dictionary. 2 Vols. Lond. 1755. F G 701 62 CATALOGUE. L. N. Dictionaries (Junii, Franc.) Etymologicum Anglicanum. Oxon. 1744. F. . . . . . . K 6 (Kuttner and Nicholson) German and English, 3 Vols. 8vo. 1813 E 76 (Lambard's, Gul.) Dictionary of England and Wales. 1730. 4to G 407 (Littleton's, Adm.) Latin and English. Lond. 1735. 4to BB 26 (Lloyd, Nie.) Diet. Hist. Geogr. Poet. Lond. 1686. F G 546 (Martinii, Matt.) Lexicon Philogicum. Franc. 1655. F AA24 (Mirani Calderini) Latin and Italian. Venet. 1586. 4to H 73 (Moreri, Louis) Historique. 2 Vol. Lyons. 1683. F G 710 (Pagnini Sanet.) Thesaur. Ling. Sanctae. Lugd. 1577. F F 191 Ejusdem Epitome. Amst. 1578. 8vo. . . F 38 Pitisci Lexicon Antiquit. Roman. 2 Vol. Leovard. 1713. F. . . . . . G 722 • (Postlethwayt's) Universal Dictionary. 2 Vols. Lond. 1751. F G 724 (Richard's, Tho.) Welch and English. Bristol. 1753. 8vo H 22 (Richelett Pierre) François. Genev. 1693. 4to. BB 29 . (Savarii, Jacq.) Universelle de Commerce. 2 Vol. Par. 1723. F G 689 (Scapulae, lo.) Graeco Latinum. Basil. 1605. F. K 11 • (Schardii, Sim.) Juridicum Editionum var. (Scheller) Latin Lexicon I 28 (Skinneri, Steph.) Etymologicum Anglicanum. 1671. F BB 51 (Spelmanni, Hen.) Glossarium Archaiologicum. 1664. F D 395 CATALOGUE. 63 L. N. Dictionaries (Stephani, Eob.) Thesaurus Ling. Lat. 4 Vol. Lond. 1734. F K 12 (Stephani, Hen.) Grae. Lin. 5 Vol. Par. 1573. F. . . . ! . . . . K 10 (Stevens's, John) Spanish and English. Lond. 1726. 4to BB 27 (Suidas) Lexicon Gr. et Lat. Küster. 3 Vol. Cantab. 1705. F K 9 (Thomasii, Tho.) Latinum. Lond. 1619. 8vo. H 8 Vocabularius utriusque Juris. 1483. 4to. . . C 320 Idem. Par. 1514. 8vo. . . . . D 7 Dictionariolum—Latino Graeco Gallicum. 1582. 8vo. . . H 20 Dictys Cretensis in usum Delph. Par. 1680. 4to. . . H 63 Digby (Sir Kenelm) of Bodies and Man's Soul. Lond. 1669. 4to. F 106 (John) Translation of Epicurus' Morals. Lond. 1712. 8vo H 26 Digesta seu Pandectae Florentinae. 2 Vol. Flor. 1553. F. Z 8 Digestorum seu Pandectarum Pars Sexta. Paris. 8vo. . D 120 Diodorus Siculus, translated by G. Booth. Lond. 1700. F. BB 20 Diogenes Laertius de Vitis, &c. Philosophorum, cum Notis Js. Casaubon. 1594. 8vo. . . H 19 Gr. et Lat. per Menagium. 2 Vol. Amst. 1692. 4to. . . . . H 75 Dionis Cassii Historiae Romanae. Xylandri. apud H. Stephens. 1591. F BB 14 Dionysius Halicarnassensis. Edit. Hudson. 2 Vol. Oxon. 1704. F AA 16 Latiné. Venet. 1480. F. . . BB 54 Dionysii Poemation de Situ Orbis. Cant. 1633. 8vo. . . H 21 Halicarn. translated by Spelman. 4 Vol. 4to. 1758. BB 37 Directorium Electionum Jurium. Par. 12mo. . . . D 148 Discours sur L'Eloquence. Par. 1723. 8vo. . . . . D481* Disquisitio de Mutuo qua probatur non esse Alienationem per S.D.B, et lo. Visembachii Confutatatio ejusdem Diatribas. Lugd. Bat. 1645. 8vo. . . . . G 92 , 64 CATALOGUE. L. N. Uisquisitiones Politics id est, Sexaginta Casus Politici. Hag. 1650. 8vo G 29 Disputatiode Juribus Episcoporum August. Pict. 1612. 8vo. C 43 Divorce. (See Poynter) O 12 (SeeTebbs) O 11 (Cases of, by Moore.) 2 Vols. . . . . . O 35 (Cases of.) 1 Vol. . . . . . . O 49 Doctor and Student. Lond. 1709. 12mo. . . . . C 162 Idem. 1658. 12mo C 128 Doctors' Commons, History of, by Dr. Ducarel. M.S. 1753. G 450 Documents illustrative of English History selected from the Records in the Exchequer by Henry Cole. Lond. 1844. Fol. . . . . . . R 55 ^— and Records of the History of Scotland by Sir Francis Palgrave. 1837. 8vo. . . . R 48 Documentary Annals. (See Cardwell.) . . . . . M 74 Doderidge's Compleat Parson. Lond. 1641. 4to. . . C 243 —English Lavcyer. Lond. 1631. 4to. . . . C 239 Dodson's (Sir J.) Admiralty Reports. 2 Vols. 8vo. . . P 15 — Headmoney (Report of Case of.) 8vo. . M 25 the Louis (Report of Case of.) 8vo. . M 26 Sullivan V. Sullivan. 8vo. . . . . O 39 Idem. ....... O 39a Dodwell(Henry)deVet.Gr8ec.etRom.Cyclis. Oxon. 170I.4to. H 72 Doe (dem Carthew) v. Brenton. (See Halcombe.) . . M 64 DomatLoix Civiles dans leur Ordres Naturelles. Par. 1713. F. AA 41 Idem, in English. By Dr. Strahan. 2 Vols. Lond. 1722. F C 467 Legum Dilectus ex Libris Digestorum et Codices. Amst. 1703. 4to. . . . . . . D 249 Domesday Book Addenda. F. 1816. . . . . . R 35 Indices. F. 1811. . . . . . R 35a General Introduction to. F. . . . R 35b Introduction and Indexes to. 2 "N'ols. 8vo. 1833 R 49 CATALOGUE. 65 L. N. Dominis (M. Ant. de) de República Ecclesiasticâ. Lond. 1617. F F 164 Donelli (Hug.) Commentaria in Godicem. Franc. 1622. F. D 470 In Compendium redacta pr. Oswald Hilli- gerum. Ant. 1642. F D 446 Ad Titules Digestorum. Antw. 1582. F. E 200 De Jure Civili. Franc. 1589. F. (Quere lost.) . . . . . . D'Ossat (Card.) Lettres. 5 Vols. Amst. 1708. 12mo. . G 2 Douglas's (Sylvester.) Reports. 1786. F. . . . . D 343 Dounanius de Antichristo. Lond. 1620. 4to. . . . F 108 Dow's Reports in Parliament. 6 Vols. 8vo. . . . H 76 and Clarke's Reports in Parliament. 2 Vols. 8vo. . H 81 Dowling's Reports of Cases on points of practice in the K. B. Practice Court. 9 Vols. 8vo. . . T 19 ^ New Reports. 2 Vols. . . . . . . T 21 Dowling and Ryland's Reports in the Court of Q. B. 9 Vols. 8vo. . . . . . . . T 14 and Lowndes' Reports of Cases of Practice in the Queen's Bench. 4 Vols.- 8vo. . . . . T 20 Downing's (Geo.) Case of the Elector Palatine. Lond. 1641. 4to G 265 Draconis (Honor.) Elementa Juris Civilis. Lovan. 1552. 8vo. D 36 Dresneri (Tho.) Similium Juris Poloni cum Jure Romano Centuria Una. Par. 1602. 4to. . . . . . D 204 Drake (Jam.) Historia Anglo-Scotica. Lond. 1703. 8vo. . G 262 History of York. 1736. F. . . . . G 687 Droit et Pouvoir des Evéques, par Fran, de Persin. 8vo. 1696 F 63 Drummond's (Wm.) Works. Edinb. 1711. F. . . .G 549 (Alex.) Travels through Greece, Italy, &c. Lond. 1754. F G 634 Drury and Walsh Reports in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland. 2 Vols. 8vo. . . . . . . E 80f Drury and Warren's Reports in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland. 4 Vols. 8vo. Dublin. 1843. . . . E 80ii r. 66 CATALOGUE. L. N. Drury's Reports in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland. E 80l Duardi Commentaria in Extravagantes Pii 5 Papœ de Cambiis. Neap. 1641. F. . . . . . . O 68 Duarini (Franc.) Opera Omnia. Franc. 1592. F. . .A 120 de S. Ecclesiœ ministris et Beneficiis. Franc. 1613. 8vo D 33 De Pactis. . . . . . . D 305 Ducarel's (And. Coltee.) Tour through Normandy. Lond. 1754. folio I 22 Anglo-Gallic Coins. Lond. 1757. 4to C 378 History of Doctors'Commons. 1753. G 450 Ducatus Lancastriae. Folio :— fPars I. Calendarium post mortem Inqusitio-" Vol. ^ J num. Edw. 1. Car. 1. R 24 ] Pars II. Calendar to Pleadings and Surveys. L 1823. r Pars m. Calendar to Pleadings, Depositions, 2 ! &c., from Hen. 7, Philip and Mary, I and to first thirteen years of (. Elizabeth. 1827. Duchess of Kingston, particulars relative to. Lond. 1790. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . . O 34 Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein, by Dr. Twiss. 8vo. London. 1848. . . . . . . . . M 70 Duck (Arthur) Vita Henrici Chicheley Archb. of Cantab. Oxf. 1617. 8vo G 176 Treatise on the Use of the Civil Law in England. (See History of French Laws by Ferriere.) . . . . . . C 202 Dueñas (Petr. a) Regulas utriusque Juris. Ven. 1563. 8vo C 11 Du Fresne (Car.) Glossarium ad Scriptures Mediae et In- fimae Latinitatis. 3 Vol. Paris. 1678. F 1 CATALOGUE. 67 L. N. Du Fresne (Car.) Idem. 6 Vol. Paris. 1733, 1734, and 1736. F Ml Supplement to, by Carpen tier. 4 Vols. 1765 M la Dugdale (Sir Wm.) Origines Judiciales. Lond. 1680. F. . D 414 Summons to Parliament. 1685. F. . D 344 Monasticon Anglicanum. 3 Vol. 1673. F G 449 Continuation by Stevens. 2 Vols. Lond. 1722. F G 592 History of late Troubles in England. Oxon. 1681. F C 362a Baronage of England. 2 Vols, in 1. Lond. 1675. F G 548 Antiquities of Warwicksbire. 1656. F. G 448 History of St. Paul's Cathedral. 1716. F G 686 Ancient Usage in bearing Arms. Oxon. 1682. 12mo G 227 Duke's (Geo.) Law of Charitable Uses. Lond. 1676. F. . C 334 Du Moulin (Char.) Coustumes Generales et Particulières de France. 2 Vols. Par. 1604. F. . E 252 Histoire de Normandie. Kouen. 1631. F G 494 Duns Scoti (lo.) Philosophia Naturalis. Ven. 1602. 4to. . G 236 Dupin (Lewis EU.) History of Ecclesiastical Writers to the 17th Century. 7 Vols. Lond. 1710. F. . . . F 142 Du Plessis sur la Coustume de Paris. Par. 1702. F. . . E 257 Dupuy Traités des Droits du Roi tres Chretien. Rouen. 1670. F D 441 Duran (Paul.) Decisiones Rotee Romanas. Lugd. 1638. F. A 79 Durandi (Gui.) Speculum Juris cum Baldi Additionibus et ejusdem Repertorium. 2 Vol. Franc. 1612. F Z 7 Idem. Parts 3 and 4. Lugd. 1547. F. B 11 Idem. Bas. 1563. F. . . . . B O'l E 2 68 CATALOGUE. L. N. Durantis (Gul.) Addiciones Speculi Judiciatis, &c. . . . B 20 Tractatus de Arte Testandi et Cautelis. Ven. 1564. Item Balbi Decisiones. Lugd. 1564. 8vo. C 111 Durnford and East's Reports K. B. 1785. (Term Reports.) Lond. 1787. 8 Vols, fol T 24 Dutch Ships, the Case of. (See Marriott.) . . . . M 22 Duvallius (And.) de Supremâ Romani Pontifieis in Ecelesiâ Potestate. Paris. 1614. 4to. . . . . . D 312 Dyer's (James) Reports. Lond. 1688. F. . . . . D 432 Idem. Lond. 1585. F. . . . . . D 351 Idem, translated by Vaillant. Lond. 1794. 8vo. > D 339 Dyni Muxellani, Commentaria in Regulas Juris-Pontificii. Lugd. 1588. 8vo. . . . . . . . D 59 E. Eadmeri (Monachi Cant.) Historia Novorum. Lond. 1623. F G 455 Eagle and Young's Tithe Cases. 4 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825. O 56 East's Term Reports K. B. 1800—1812. 16 Vols. 8vo. . T 3 East Indies. (See Hamilton.) G 325 Eberlinus (Geo.) De Origine Juris et Omnium Magistratuum. Henr. 1592. 4to E 10 Ecclesiastical Collections, MS. F. . . . . . . F 138 History. (See Mosheim.) . . . . E 77 Law. (See Burn.) . . . . P 40 and P 41 CATALOGUE. 69 L. N Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Courts. (Report of Commis¬ sioners.) 1823, 1824. . . ■ . M 4 Idem. 2 Vols.. . . . • . . M 4a Ecclesiastical Reports :— Lee P 29 Consistory. (Haggard.) . . . . . P 30 Phillimore . . . . . . . P 32 Addams . . . . . . . . P 31 Haggard . . . . . P 33 and O 36 Cartels . . . . . P 34 and M 69 Robertson . . . . . . . P 35 Dodson . . . . . 0 39 and O 39a Ecbard's (Laur.) History of England. 4 Vols. Lond. 1707. F G 550 History of the Revolution. 1725. 8vo.. G 152 Ecton's (John) Liber Valorum et Decimarum. Lond. 1711. 8vo. ....... C 257 Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum. Lond. 1754. 4to M 93 Eden's Elementa Juris Civilis. Oxon. 1744. 4to. . . C 316 (Hon. R. H.) Reports in the High Court of Chancery from 1757 to 1760. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818. . U 18 Edmond's (Clement.) Commentaries of J alius Caesar. Lond. 1695. F BE 52 Edward's (T.) Admiralty Reports. Lond. 1812. • . . P 14 Cases of British Licences. Lond. 1812. . M 21 Ehemius (Chr.) de Principiis Juris. Bas. 1556. 8vo. . . C 8 Elementa Jurisprudentiae. Oxon. 1636. 8vo. . . . E 7l Elements of Medical Jurisprudence, by Beck. 2d ed. 8vo. 1825 Ol Ellesmere's (Tho. Ld.) Observations on the Office of Lord Chancellor. Lond. 1651. 12mo. . . . . . C 130 Elstob's (Eliz.) English Saxon Homily. Lond. 1709. 8vo. G 239 Ely Cathedral. (See Bentham.) G 426 Emerigon. (See Contrats.) 2 Vols. 4to. Mars. 1783. . M 90 70 CATALOGUE. L. N. Enchyridion Tractatuiim Juris utriusque. Par. 1512. 4to. D 250 • Titulorum aliquot Juris. Par. 1560. 8vo . C 142 Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonnée des Sciences, des Arts, et des Metiers. Lond. (Tom. 1.) 1752. 4to. . G 453 Enenkelius (Geo.) de Privilegiis Militum et Militiae et Ve- teranorum. Franc. 1607. 4to. . G 399 de Privilegiis Juris Civilis. Franc. 1606. 4to D 277 England, History of. (See Coote.) . . . . . E 70 Continuation of Goldsmith's. (See Coote.) E 75 (See Hume.) . . . . G 414 (See Rapin.) . . . . G 350 Entrée Magnifeque de Duc de Brabant D'Anjou en sa trois renommée Ville D'Anvers. Ant. 1682. F. . . . G 551 Epicurus's Mor^, translated by Digby. Lond. 1712. 8vo. H 26 Epictetus. 2 Vol. Gr. et Lat. Lond. 4to. 1741 . .H 24 Epistles of Sir Antonie of Greneva. Lond. 1584. 8vo. . . G 200 Epistolse Jac. 4ti et 5ti et Marise Regum Scotorum. 1722. 8vo. (1 Vol.) G 151 Equity, Principles of. Edinb. 1760. F. . . . . C 434 Index. (See Chitty.) . . . . . . D 341 Erasmi (Desid.) et aliorum Adagia. Lond. 1599. F. . .BB 19 Erasmus, Life of. 2 Vols. 4to. (See Jortin.) . . . G 395 Erasti (Tho.) Explicatio gravissimae Questionis, Utrum Excommunicatio mandato nitatur divino, an excogitata sit ab Hominibus ? Pesch. 1589. 4to D 255 Disputatio de Putredine. Lips. 1590. 4to. G 350* Errardi (Cha.) Anatomy improved and illustrated with regard to the Use thereof in designing. Engraven on Copper Plates. F. . . . . . . . . I 23 Erskine's (John) Principles of the Law of Scotland. 8vo. 12th ed. 1827 O 53 CATALOGUE. 71 L. N. Escretturas por el Otorgo de doze Milliones a su Magestad. Madrid. 1626. F. ..... G 460 por viente quattro Milliones quel el Reyno hizo à su Majestad. Madrid. 1659. F. . . E 92 Escurial, History of. (See Thompson.) F 226 Espen (Bernand.) Opuscula ; being the 4th part of the Jus Ecclesiasticum Universum. 1715. F. . . . . E 254 Espernon, History of the Life of the Duke of, by Cotton. F. G 633 Espinasse's Reports. 6 Vols, in 5. 8vo. . * . . . P 4 Esprit de Loix. 2 Vols. Gen. 4to. . . . . . C 54 Essay on the History of Civil Society, by Ferguson. Edinb. 1767. 4to G 456 Essex, History of (See Morant.) . . . . . . G 566 Etat de France. 3 Vols. Par. 1683. 12mo. . . . G 42 Euclidis Opera Omnia. Gregorii. Oxon. Gr. et Lat. 1703. F BB 18 Evelyn's (lo.) Discourse on Medals. Lond. 1697. F. . . G 451 of Navigation and Commerce. Lond. 1674. 8vo. ........ D 140 Everardi (Nie.) Tópica Juris. Paris. 1543. 12mo. . . C 159 Consilia. Aren. 1642. 8vo. . . . E 29 Loci Argumentorum legales. Franc. 1591. 8vo D 167 (Geo.) Consilia Juridica Aug. Vin. 1612. F. . I 36 Evidentia Causas Bohémicas Ferdinandi 2ndi et Fredi. Palatini. 1626. 4to. . . . . . . . E 41 Evremond's (M. de St.) Works and Life, by Maissaux. 3 Vols. Lond. 1714. 8vo G 120 Europe, History of Modern. (See Russel and Coote.) . . E 74 Eustathius de Temporum in Jure Observatione. Item Leges Rhodiorum Navales Militares et Geórgicas. Gr. et Lat. Bas. 1561 C 122 Eutropius, in usum Delph. Lond. 1716. 8vo. . . . H 23 Paris. 4to. 1683. . . . BB 80 72 CATALOGUE. L. N. Exchequer (Calendars and Inventories of). 3 Vols. 8vo. . R 38 Exchequer Reports :— Parker C 433 Anstruther . . . . . ..Li Forrest ....... L 2 Wightwich . . . . . . . L 3 Price . . . . . . . . L 4 M'Cleland . . . . . . . L 5 « M'Cleland and Young . . . . . L 6 Young and Jervis . . . . . . L 7 Crompton and Jervis . . . . . L 8 Crompton and Meeson . . . . . L 9 Crompton, Meeson, and Roscoe . . . L 10 Meeson and Welsby . . . . . . L 11 Tyrwhitt . . . . . . . L 12 Wilson . . . . . . . .La Daniel . . . . . . ..Lb Young . . . . . . . . L c Young and Collier . . . . . . L d Reports (The) by Welsby, LIurlstone, and Gordon L 13 Executors, Law of. (See WiUiams.) . . . . . P 42 , Office and Duty of. (See Wentworth.) . . . C 206 Exeter College, Visitation of. . . . . . . F 26 Exposition de la Doctrine de l'Eglise Gallicane. Gen. 1758. 12mo. . . . . . . . . . . F 35 Extents. (See Hughes.) . . . . . . .08 Exton's (John) Sea Jurisdiction of England. Lond. 1664. F D 354 Eydenhoven (Pab.) de inani Actione propter Inopiam. Vetr. 1688. 12mo D 83 catalogup:. 73 F. L. N. Fabian's Chronicle of England and France. F. . . . G 459 Fabri (Ant.) Conjecturse Juris Civilis. Gen. 1609. F. . .A 145 Rationalia in Pandectas) 4 Vol. 1619. F. . E 251 Codex Fabrianus Definitionum Forensium. Lugd. 1606. F E 168 de Erroribus Pragmat. et Interpretum Juris. 2 Vol. Col. 1609. 4to C 297 (Petr.) ad Tit. de Regulis Juris Commentarius. Lugd. 1590. F E 192 Semestrium. Libr. tres. Gen. 1660. 4to. . D 294 Idem. Col. 1616. 4to. . . . . E 64 (lo.) In Institutiones Commentarii. Lugd. 1565. F. B 80 Idem. Gen. 1593. 4to. . . . . . D 314 (Jac.) Tractatus Juridicus de Aimentis. Norib. 1628. 4to D 165 Fabroti (Can. Annib.) Exercitationes 12. Paris. 1639. 4to. D 283 Fachinei (Andr.) Controversise Juris. Colon. 1678. 4to. . C 298 : Idem. Gen. 1621. 4to. . . . D 322 Idem. Ingolst. 1595. 4to. . . . D 272 Factumes, Recuil de, et Mémoires Importantes. 2 Vols. Lyons. 1710. 4to. . . . . . . C 295 Idem O 82 Fagnani (Prosp.) Commentaria in Decretales. 4 Vol. Col. 1681. F. . . . . . I 51 Idem. 3 Vol. Rom. 1661. F. . . . B 67 Fajardi (Did. Ant.) AUegationes Fiscales. Lugd. 1671. F. Z 22 Falconer's (W.) Marine Dictionary. Lond. 1769. 4to. . G 387 Falkner's (Wm.) Two Treatises of Reproach and Censure. 1684. 4to F 109 Libertas Ecclesiastics. Lond. 1674. 8vo. F 41 74 CATALOGUE. L. N. Family Dictionary. 2 Vols. Lond. 1725. F. . . .G 432 Fanshaw's (Sir Richard) Original Letters. Lond. 1701. 8vo. G 311 Farinacii (Prosp.) Opera Omnia. 8 Vol. Franc. 1606. F. B 70 Idem. Franc. 1597. 7 Vol. F. . . B 74 Tractatus de Hœresi. Rom. 1616. F. . I 39 de Testibus. Franc. 1598. F. . . Z 23 Decisiones Rotœ Romanm. Lugd. 1633. F I 41 Farresly's (Tho.) Cases. Lond. 1716. F. . . D 358 Fasciculus Rerum, &c. (Brown.) 2 Vols. Lond. 1690. F. E 143 Fearne (Charles) on Remainders. 7th Edit. 8vo. 1820. . D 342 Felini Sandel Comment, in Decretales cum ejusdem Reper¬ torio. 3 Part, in 2 Vol. Bas. 1567. F. . A 45 Idem. (Pars. 3.) Lugd. 1587. F. . . AA 35 Fénélon Aventures de Télémaque. Lond. 1719. 8vo. . . G 179 Ferguson's (Adam) Essay on the History of the Civil Law. Edinb. 1767. 4to G 456 (James) Decisions of .the Consistorial Court of Scotland in Actions of Divorce. 8vo. 1817 E 74b Ferrarii (lo.) Comment. Marp. 1542. 12mo. . . . C 49 Ferrariis (lo. Petr. de) Practica. Colon. 1590. F. . . E 147 Idem. Lugd. 1558. 4to. . . D 325 Ferretti (lo. Bapt.) Consilia. Ven. 1557 A 43 (ASmil.) Opera Omnia Jurídica. Franc. 1598. 4to. E 54 Ferriére (Cl. Jos. de) Nouvelle Traduction des Institutes de Justinien. Paris. 1719. 6 Vols. 12mo. . . . . . C 134 — History of the French Laws, and Origin of the Civil Law. (See His¬ tory, &c.) . . . . . . C 202 Ferronus (Am.) In Consuetudines Burdigalensium. Lugd. 1565. F. (Vide Lapi AUegationes.) . . . . E 207 Ferrus (Mich.) De Prœcedentiis et Praelatioribus Ecclesias- ticis. Lugd. 1637. 4to. . . . . . . D 282 CATALOGUE. 75 L. N. Ferne (lo.) Blazon of Gentrie. 1586. 4to . . . • G 277 Festus Pompeius de Verborum Significatione. Delph. Par. 4to. 1692 BE 86 Fickleri (lo. Bapt.) Theologia Jurídica. Diling. 1575. 12mo. .......... 0 145 Fidde's (Rich.) Life of Card. Wolsey. Lond. 1724. F. . . G 552 Filmer's (Sir Rob.) Observations on Government. Lond. 1696. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . G 68 Finch's Precedents in Chancery. Lond. 1786. 8vo. . . U 19 Fine Rolls in the Tower. 2 Vols. 8vo. 1835. . . . R 39 Fines sive Pedes Finium sive Finales Concordise in Curia Domini Regis. 2 Vols. 8vo. 1835 . . . . R 47 Fingal. An Epic Poem. Lond. 1762. 4to. . . . G 412 Fitzgibbon's (John) Reports. Lond. 1732. F. . . . D 361 Fitzherbert's (Ant.) Abridgement. (French.) Lond. 1577. F ■ . . C 322 Natura Brevium. 1704. 8vo. . . C 259 Idem. 1609. 12mo. . . . . C 91 Idem, with Hale's (C. J.) notes. 1730. F C 338 New Natura Brevium. (English.) Lond. 1652. 8vo D 53 Flambeau Illuminant de la Mer, par Jean Van Loon. Amst. 1681. F I 12 Fleming's (Rob.) History of Hereditary Right. Lond. 1717. 8vo F 40 Fleta seu Commentarius Juris Anglicani. Lond. 1735. F. . D 357 Fleury (Claud.) Institution du Droit Ecclésiastique. 2 Vol. Par. 1688 C 33 * Flores Latinae Locutionis. Duac. 1637. 8vo. . . . H 27 Floriani (de St. Petro) Commentaria in Partem Digest. Vet. et Infortiati et ejusdem Consilia. Bon. 1576. F. . . A 73 Florus Lucius. Delph. Paris. 1674. 4to BB 81 Idem. Delph. Lond. 1714. 8vo. . . . . H 28 76 CATALOGUE. L. N. Folleri (Pet.) Praxis Criminalis Canónica. Venet. 1561. 4to D 203 Folke's (Martin) Table of English Silver Coins from the Conquest. Large paper. Lond. 1745. F. . . . I 24 Fonblanque's (John) Treatise of Equity. Lond. 1820. 2 Vols. Svo. . . . . . O 57 Idem. (1st Vol.) BB 99 Fontanellae (lo. Petr.) Decisiones Senatûs Cathalonise. Gen. 1662. F A 81 de Pactis Nuptialibus. 2 Vol. Gen. 1659. F B 82 Fontenelles (M. de) Dialogues des Morts. 3 Vole. Par. 1711. 12mo. . . . . . . F 42 Entretiens sur les Pluralités des Mondes. 1708 G 143 Poesies Pastoralles. 1708. 12mo. . . G 223 Lettres Galantes. 1708. 12mo. . . G 41 Histoire des Oracles. 1707. 12mo. . G 233 Forbe's (Wm.) of Church Lands and Tithes. Edinb. 1705. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . D 74 Forbisii Trenicum. Aberd. 1629. 4to. . . . . . F 54 Forcatuli (Steph.) Penus Juris Civilis. Lugd. 1550. 4to.. C 341 Formulare Advocatorum et Procuratorum Romanae Curias. Hag. 1503. 4to E 26 Foroguliensis (Tit. Livii) Vita Henrici 5. 8vo. (Vide Hearne.) G 335 Forrest's Reports in the Court of Exchequer. 1802. 8vo. . L 2 Forsterus (Valent.) de Hœreditatibus. Colon. 1594. F. . A 117 Fortaculi (Steph.) Opera Jurídica. Paris. 1595. F. . . E 126 Fortescue (Sir John) of Absolute and Limited Monarchy. Lond. 1714. 8vo G 286 Commendation of the Laws of Eng¬ land, with Selden's Notes. Lond. 1660. 12mo. . . . . C 93 CATALOGUE. 77 L. N. Fortescue (Sir John) de Laudibus Legum Angliae. Lend. 1737. F D 356 Reports of Select Cases in Westmin¬ ster Hall. Lond.'1748. F. . . D 355 Forster's Crown Law. Oxford. 1762. F D 450 Forum Romanumper Cœlium Secundum. (Vide Thesaurus.) AA 39 Fox's (John) Book of Martyrs. 3 Vols. Lond. 1684. F. . F 179 Fox and Smith's Reports in the Court of K. B. in Ireland. 8vo. . . . ' E 80k Fragmenta Veterum Poetarum Latinorum. 2 Vol. Lond. 1713. F BB 15 Franchis (Vine, de) Decisiones Concilii Neapolitani. Ven. 1611. F E 164 Franchus (Phil.) in Sextum Decretalium. Lugd. 1537. F. . Z 32 Idem. Lugd. 1531. F. . . . B 3 Idem. Bas. 1521. F.. . . . . I 37 Francis's Demosthenes. (Vol. 2.) Lond. 1758. 4to. . BB 97 Franck (lo. Chr.) de Successione Liberorum Matri Tutorem non petenti. Hai. Mag. 1718. 4to. . . . . D 207 François (P. J.) du Droit des Eveques dans leur Diocèses. Lions. 1685. 12mo. . . . . . . . F 63 Fraser's Treatise on the Law of Scotland applicable to the Personal and Domestic Relations. Edinh. 1846. Svo. 2 Vols E 78 Freigii (Tho.) Partitiones Juris utriusque. Bas. 1571. F. E 98 Idem. Bas. 1571. et Hier. ButigeUae in primam partem Cod. Comment. Ven. 1588. F. Vide Haloandri Varisci Analysem. . E 239 Synopsis Pandectarum Juris Civ. Bas. 12mo. . . . • . • . . D 2 Quaestiones Œconomicœ et Politicse. Bas. 1578. 12mo . C 141 Justinianae, in Inst. Juris Civ. Bas. 1602. 8vo C 106 78 CATALOGUE. L. N. Frederician Code. 2 Vols. Svo. Lond. 1761. . . . C 222 Freeman's Reports of Cases in Law and Equity from 1670 to 1706. Lond. 1742. F D 359 Friend's (Dr. John) History of Physich. Lond. 1725. Svo. G 137 French's (Geo.) History of Colonel Parkes's Administration, as Governor of the Leeward Islands. 1717. 8vo. . . G 145 French Prisoners. (See Proceedings.) . . . . . G 508 Fresne (Du) Glossarium. 3 Vol. Paris. 1678, and 6 Vol. Paris. 1678. F. . . ... . .Ml Supplement by Carpentier. 4 Vols. Paris. 1766 M lA Frezier's Voyage to the South Seas. Lond. 1717. 4to. . G 252 Frizon (Nicol.) Vie du Card. Bellarmine. Nancy. 1708. 4to. G 361 Froysart's (Sir John) Chronicle. Lond. Fol. (imperfect). . G 458 Fulbeck's (Wm.) Parallel of the Civil, Canon, and Common Law. Lond. 1618. 4to. . . . . . . O 58 Fulgeoni (Cyrill.) Summa Criminalis. Ven. 1568. 4to. . D 219 Fulgosius (Raph.) In Primam Partem Dig. Vet. Lugd. 1554. F A 99 Consilia Posthuma. Ameer. 1607. 4to. D 152 Full and Plain Declarations of Ecclesiastical Discipline. 1574. 4to F 33 Fuller's Appeal against Dr. Peter Heylin. Lond. 1659. F. F 178 Church History of Britain. 1655. F. . . . F 180 History of the Worthies of England. 1662. F. . G 457 Fumi (Barth.) Summa quae aureâ Armillâ inscribitur. Lugd. 1554. 12mo. F 1 Furetiere (Ant.) Dictionnaire Universelle. 3 Vol. Haye. 1690. F G 692 Furstenerius (Caes.) de Jure Suprematûs ac Legationis Prin- cipum Germaniae. 1677. 8vo. . . . . . . G 96 CATALOGUE. 79 G. L. N. Gaii Adnotatio ad Institutiones. Goeschen Berol. 1824. 8vo. O 31 Institutiones. Boulet. Paris. 1827. 8vo. . . . O 30 Jurisconsulti Institutionum Gommentarius Quartus. Hoffter. Ber. 1827. 4to O 22 Gaill (Andr.) Practica3 Qusestiones. Colon. 1634. 4to. . D 289 Idem. Franc. 1603. F. . . . . O 92 Galarde (Sr. de) Traite d'Ambassadeur. Colog. 1666. 12mo. D 82 Galaratus (Paul) de Renunciationibus. Gen. 1678. F. . .A 83 Gale (Tbo.) Historise Britanniese Scriptores. 3 Vol. Oxon. 1684. F F 228 's (Sam.) Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Win¬ chester. Lond. 1715. 8vo. . . . G 100 and Davidson's Reports in the Queen's Bench. 3 Vols. 8vo T 16 Galganetti (Leand.) Tractatus de Jure Publico. Ven. 1623. F. E 123 Statuta Almœ Urhis Romas. Rom. 1611. F F 155 Galli (lo.) Decisiones Parisienses. (Vide Cacherani Decis.) F E 176 Gallinius (Cam.) de Verborum Significatione. Ven. 1582. F G 71 Gamhilionibus (Ang. à) in Institut. Justin. Commentaria. Ven. 1568. F E 159 Gamma (Ant. de) Decisiones Lusitaniae. (Vide Grammatici Decis. . . . • . • • • . . G 93 Garcia (Nicol.) de Beneficiis. Gen. 1629. F. . . . Z 19 Idem. Mog. 1614. F O 91 Gardner Peerage (Case of in the House of Lords) by D. Le Marchant. Bvo. 1828. . . . . . .0 51 80 catalogup:. l. n. Garsiae (lo.) de Expensis et Meliorationibus Comment. Marp. 1601. 4to. . . . . . . . . D 184 Garter (Register of the Most Noble Order of). Lond. 1724. 2 Vols. F G 727 , History of the Order of. (See Ashmole.) . . . G 279 , Statutes and Ordinances of The Order of MSS. . G 465 , Memoirs of Order. (See Dawson.) . . . . G 110 Gassendi (Petr.) Animadversiones in Decimum Librum Diog. Laertii de Vitâ Epicuri. 2 Vol. Lugd. 1675. F. BB 4 Gataker's (Tho.) Vindication of his Annotations. Lond. 1653. 4to F 43 Gavanti (Bart.) Praxis Visitationis Episcopalis. Ven. 1634. 4to D 213 Gauflfre (Amb. le) Synopsis Decretalium. Par. 1655. F. . E 135 Gauffridi (Jean Franc, de) Histoire de Provence. 2 Vols. Aix. 1694. F G 698 Gauret. Stile de Cours de France. 2 Vols. 12mo. Par. 1698. C 117 Gautier. Bibliothèque des Philosophes et des Scavans. 2 Vols. Par. 1723. 8vo. ........ G 198 Gazalupis (lo. Bapt.) Tractatus de Modo Studendi. Par. 1514. 8vo. (Vide Vocabularium utriusque Juris) . . . . D 7 (Vide Brant.) . . . . . C 107 Gazette (London) from 1806 to 1815. 14 Vols. . . . CG 3 Geddes's (Mich.) Miscellaneous Tracts. 5 Vols. Lond. 1714. 8vo G 318 Geminiani (Dom.) Consilia. (Vide Ant. de Butrio Consilia.) A 97 Genealogical History of the Kings of England. (See Sandford.) ... ..... G 660 Geneva, History of. By Isaac Spon. Lond. 1687. F. . G 586 Gentiiis (Aber.) Hispánicas Advocationes. Hanov. 1613. 4to D 115 de Legationibus. Lond. 1585. 4to. . D 244 Disputationes. Han. 1599. 8vo. . . G 230 de Juris Interpretibus. Lond. 1582. 4to. D 142 CATALOGUE. 81 L. N. Gentilis (Scip.) de Donationibus inter Virum et Uxorem. Han, 1604. 4to D 186 de Alimentis. Franc. 1600. 12mo. . . C 155 — de Jurisdictione. Francf. 1601. 12mo. . C 50 Gentleman's Library. Lend. 1715. 12mo. . . .G 107 Gentoo Laws, by Halhed. Lend. 1776. 4to. . . . M 86 Gerhardt (lo.) Harmonía Evangélica. Gen. 1628. F. F 182 Germonius (Anast.) de Legatis Principum et Populorum Romae. Rom. 1627. 4to. D 297 Gerrardi Siglarium Romanum. 1792. 4to. . . . BB 89 Gianoni (Petro) History of Naples, by Ogilvie. 1729. 2 Vols. F G671A Gibbon (loh.) Introductio ad Latinam Blasoniam. Lond. 1682. 8vo. ......... G 245 Gilbert (loh. Petr.) Corpus Juris Canonici. 3 Vol. Colon. 1735. F C 466 Gibson's (Sir Alex.) Decisions in Scotland. Edinb. 1690. F. C 345 - (Edm.) Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani. 2 Vol. 1713. F C 470 Idem. 2 Vol. Oxon. 1761. F. . . . C 482 Chronicon Saxonicum. Oxon. 1692. 4to. . G 384 A Vol. of Tracts on Convocations. 4to. F F 126 (Wm.) History of the Affairs of Europe from the Peace of Utrecht to the Quadruple Alliance. Lond. 1725. 8vo. . . . G 144 Gigantis (Hier.) Tractatus de Crimine laesae Majestatis. Lugd. 1557. 8vo. . . . . . D 79 de Pensionibus Tractatus. Lugd. 1548. 8vo D 52 Gifford's English Lawyer. 1829. 8vo. . . . . P 55 Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Reports of Cases in Equity. 1742. F D 364 Idem in Chancery and Exchequer. 2d Ed. Lond. 1742. F ,... O 97 F 82 CATALOGUE. L. N. Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Idem in K. B. and Chancery. Savoy. 1760. 8vo. . . . . . E 74c Law of Devises. Lend. 1756. 8vo. . . . C 213 Forum Romanum ...... C 292 — Law of Evidence. Lond. 1756. 8vo. . . . C 196 Giphanii (Hub.) Antinomiae Juris Civilis. (Vide Roberi Exercitationes.) Franc. 1666. 4to. . D 252 — de Diversis Regulis Juris Tractatus. Argent. 1607. 12mo. . . . . D 35 Girardi (Jac.) Anchora Titulorum utriusque Juris. Lugd. 1457. 12mo. . . . . . . . . D 6 Giunipari a Drepano pro Juris Pontificii Defensione Dispu- tationes Commentarise. Lugd. 1637. 4to. . . . D 211 Guirbae (Mar.) Decisiones Regni Siciliae. Lugd. 1634. F. . E 190 ConsiUa, seu Decisiones Criminales. Gen. 1645. F E 230 Glossarium novum ad Scriptures Medii .®vi. Du Fresne. 3 Vol. F. and 6 Vol. F. . ..Mi — Idem per Carpentier. 4 Vols. . . M 1a GlanviU (Ran.) de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae. Lond. 1673. 12mo C 88 Glyn and Jameson's Cases in Bankruptcy. 2 Vols. Lond. 1824. 8vo. ......... E 80q Goblerus (Justin.) in Caroli Quinti Constitutiones. Bas. 1543. F. (Lettered on the back " Cus. et Consult.," &c.) E 101 Godbolt's Reports. Lond. 1652. 4to E 74a Godefroy (Jacq.) Commentaire sur la Coustume Reformée du Pays et Duché de Normandie. 2 Vols. Rouen. 1626. F. . . . . . C 411 (D.) Mémoires de Philippe de Comines. Par. 1641. F G 637 Godeau (Ant.) Histoire de l'Eglise. 3 Vols. Par. 1663. F. G 553 Godolphin's (John) Repertorium Canonicum, or Abridgement of the Ecclesiastical Laws. Lond. 1687. 4to C 352 — Orphan's Legacy. Lond. 1701. 4to. . C 352a CATALOGUE. 83 L. N. Godwin's (Franc.) Catalogue of the Bishops. Lond. 1615. 4to. F 44 de Prsesulibus per Richardson. Cant. 1743. F F 209 (Tho.) Roman Antiquities. Lond. 1648. 4to. . G 251 Synopsis Antiquitatum Hebraiearum. Oxon. 1616. 4to. . . . . D 151 History of Hen. 8, Edw. 6, and Q. Mary. (See Baeon.) ... ... G 436 Goeddei (lo.) Comment, de Contrahendâ et committendâ Stipulatione. Herb. 1618 D 101 de Sequestratione Possessionum et Fruetuum. Herb. 1599. 12mo. . . . . C 48 de Verborum Significatione. Herb. 1642. . D 1 Goeden (Hen.) Processus Judiciarii Ordinis. Item Odofredi Summa de LibeUis formandis. Col. 1563. 8vo. Item Panormitani Processus Judiciarii Ordinis. 1555. . . D 32 Gofíredi Tranensis. Summa in Decretalium Libros. Ven. 1564. 4to E 3 Goldasti Haiminsfeldii (Melch.) Monarchia S. Romani Im¬ perii. 3 Vol. Hanov. 1611. F. . . . E 253 Idem. 2 Vol. Franc. 1614. F. (Vols. 2, 3.) . R 6 Replicatio pro sacrâ Caesarea adversus Jac.' Gretsetum. Han. 1611. 4to. . . . D 121 Alamanniearum Rerum Scriptores. Franc. 1606. F. F 135 CoUectio Institutionum Imperialium. (3 Vol. in 2.) 1673. F E 172 CoUectio Practicarum Observatio- num. F. 1629. F. . . . B 93 Goldesborough's Reports. Lond. 1682. 4to. . . . C 284 Goldsmith's History of England continued by Coote. 4 Vols. E 75 Gomezii (Ant.) Commentaria et Resolutiones. Antw. 1634. F E 131 Ad Leges Tauri Commentarius. 1624. F. . E 103 Idem. Franc. 1591. Folio. . . R 12 F 2 s 4 CATALOGUE. L. N. Gomezii (Lud.) Rotœ Romanae Decisiones. Lugd. 1623. 4to. (Vide Coccini Decis.) . . . . E 47 Comment, in Judiciales Regulas CanceUarise. Lugd. 1575. 8vo. . . . . . D 55 Actionum Civilium pariter et Criminalium Sylva. Franc. 1609. 8vo. . . . . E 25 Comment, in nonnullos Libros Sexti Decretal. 1546. Lugd. 12mo. . . . . C 108 Gonny (Remig. de) de Charatativo Subsidio. Lugd. 1550. 8vo. . . . . . . . F 27 de Immunitate Ecclesiarum. Casai. 1582. 12mo. . . . . . . F 17 Gothofredus (Dionys.) Consuetudines Civitatum et Provinci- arum Gallise. Franc. 1598. F. . .A 91 Praxis Civilis. 1591. F. . . . B 29 (lo.) Manuale Juris. Lugd. 1676. 12mo. . C 46 (Jac.) in Tit. de Regulis Juris Commentarius. Gen. 1653. 4to. . . . . D 296 Fontes Quatuor Juris Civilis. Genev. 1653. 4to D 232 (lo. Lud.) Archontologia Cósmica. Franc. 1649. F G 533 Goveanî (Ant.) Opuscula de Jurisdictione. Jen. 1596. 8vo. Item Vine. Carocii Tract, de Juramento Litis Decisorio. Col. 1596. Item Goza- dini Repetitiones in Authenticas. Franc. 1596. et Neidecerii Tract de Ult. Volunta- tibus. 1596. . . . . . . D 47 Opera. Lug. 1599. 12mo. . . . C 83 Gow's Reports in the Common Pleas . . . . . P 2 Gozadini (Lud.) Consilia. Lugd. 1541. (Vide Anania Con- silia) . . . . . . A 36 — Repetitiones, &c. (Vide Goveani Opus¬ cula.) D 47 Gracien (Balth.) L'Homme Universel. Par. 1723. 12mo. . G 78 Graef (Jac. Van.) Syntagma .Juris Publici. Lugd. 1645. 4to. D 248 o 93 CATALOGUE. 85 L. N. Grafton's Chronicle. 1569. F. . . . . . . G 461 Grasvii (Bern.) Conclusiones Juris Practicœ. Franc. 1611. F D 435 Idem. 1603. F. (Quere lost.) (lo. Geo.) Thesaurus Antiquit. Roman. 12 Vol. Lugd. 1694. F. .... AA 7 Thesaurus Antiquit. et Historiar. Italiaa. 6 Vol. 1704. F K 2 Graffiis (Jac. de) Decisiones Aureas (Pars 2nda). Ven. 1596. 4to. . . • D 196 Grammatica Quadridlingua, by Smith. Lond. 1674. Svo. . H 29 Grammatici (Tho.) Decisiones Neapolitan®. Franc. 1600.") F Item Ant. de Gamma Decisiones Lusi- taniœ. 1599. .... - Consilia et Vota. (Vide lo. Crotti Responsa.) E 170 Grandeur of the Law. London. 1684. (See Philips.) . D 29 Granetii (Petr.) Stylus regius Galliarum Juridicus. Burg. 1630. 4to. . . ^ D 311 Grassi (Mich.) Tract, de Successione ex Testamento quam ab Intestato. Lugd. 1603. F. . . . E 154 Idem. Franc. 1595. F O 67 Grassis (Achill, de) Decisiones Rot® Roman®. Rom. 1590.q F (Cœs. de) Decisiones ejusdem Rot®. Rom. 1590 F. J (Car. de) de Effectibus Clericatûs. Ven. 1654. F. A 60 Grasswinckeli (Theod.) Dissertatio de Jure Pr®cedenti® inter Rempublicam Ven. et Duc. Sab. Lugd. 1644. 12mo. D 11 Grati (Hier.) Responsa cum Summariis Andre® ab Exea. Lugd. 1544. F. . . . . . . . . A 21 Gratiani Decretum cum Glossis. Par. 1612. F. , . A 109 Idem. Lugd. 1539. F. . . . . . . B 46 Idem. Paris. 1561. F B 79 1 D 429 86 CATALOGUE. L. N. Gratiani (Steph.) Disceptationes Forensium Judiciorum et Decisiones Rotas Provincias Marchiae. (6 Vol. in 3.) Gen. 1664. F. . . E 150 Disceptationes Forenses, 6 Vol. Genev. 1664. F E 243 Idem. 5 Vol. Geneva. 1622. F. . . I 46 Decisiones Rotas P. Marcias. Col. 1622. 4to D 285 (loh.) Rerum Venetarum Historia. 2 Vol. Patav. 1728 G 462 Gratii (Orth.) Fasciculus Rerum expetendarum et fugiendarum. Edit. Ed. Browne. 2 Vol. Lond. 1690. F. E 143 Gravina de Origine Juris Civilis. Lips. 1737. 4to. . . M 88 —— Idem. Ven. 1830. 4to. . . . . . O 61 Green's Index to the Admiralty Reports. 1818. 8vo. . M 17 Gregorii 9ni Papas Decretales cum Glossis. 2 Vol. Par. 1612. F A 42 Idem Lut. Par. 1561. F. . . . B 97 Epístolas Decretales. Antw. 1570. . . C 185 Gregorii Imi Papas. Opera Omnia. Par. 1551. F. . . A 146 (Petr.) Syntagma Juris Universi. AUob. 1611. F. E 225 Juris Canonici Partitiones. Franc. 1595. 4to D 331 de Beneficiis Ecclesiasticis. Colon. 1607. 12mo. . . . . . . . C 87 Tractates de Appellationibus. Ursell. 1599. 8vo. . . . . . . .Ell Opera Omnia. Lugd. 1612. F. . . . D 455 Methodus Universi Juris. Franc. 1601. 12mo C 14 Gresham College. (See Grew.) . . . . . . G 463 Grew's (Nehem.) Catalogue of the Rarities in Gresham Col¬ lege. Lond. 1681. F. . . . . . . . G 463 Grey's (Dr. Zach.) Notes Critical and Historical on Shake¬ speare. 2 Vols. Lond. 1754. Svo. . . . . . G 288 CATALOGUE. 87 L. N. Grey and Hasting's Controversy in the Reign of K. Henry 4. 1841. F R54andG491 Grey's (Anchetill) Debates in Parliament. 10 Vols. Svo. . E 7 Grimaldi (Stacy) Origines Genealógicas. London. 1828. 4to, M 85 Grindall's (Edmund) Life and History. Lond. 1710. F. . G 464 GriveUi (lo.) Decisiones Senatus Dolani. Antw. 1663. F. . E 90 Idem. Antw. 1622. F I 48 Gronovii (Jac.) Thesaurus Graecarum Antiquitatum. 13 Vol. Lugd. 1697. F AA 8 Grotius (Hug.) de Jure Belli et Pacis cum Notis Gronovii. 3 Vol. Utraject. 1650. F. . . . D 363 Idem. Amst. 1631. F. . . . . C 342 Droit de la Guerre et Paix. Amst. 1724. 4to C 328 de Imperio summarum Potestatum Area Sacra. Par. 1647. 12mo. . . . . . C 156 Annales de Rebus Belgicis. Amst. 1658. 12mo. . . . . . . . G 27 de Jure Belli et Pacis. Amst. 1689. 8vo. . E 27 of War and Peace. With Barbeyrac's Notes. Lond. 1738. F C 469 (Guil.) de Principiis Juris Naturalis. Hag. 1667. 4to C 285 Gryphiandrii (lo.) de Insulis Tractatus. Franc. 1624. 4to. D 230 Guarnacci (Marias) Vitas, &c. Pontificum Romanorum, &c. a Clem. lOmo. ad Clem. 12mo., &c. 2 Vol. Romae. 1751. F G 699 Guazzus (Steph.) de Civili Conversatione. Arnberg. 1608. 12mo C 158 Gudelini (Petr.) Comment, de Jure Novissimo. Antw. 1644. F E 114 Idem. Antw. 1620. F. . . . . O 69 Gueret (G.) Questions Notables de Droit. Treatise on Clandestine Marriages. . . . . . . . B 84 Gueuara (Ant.) Familiar Epistlc=. Lond. 1584. 4to. . G 200 88 CATALOGUE. L. N. Guicciardin (Franc.) Histoires des Guerres d'Italie traduite en François par Hier. Chamedy. Par. 1612. F. . . G 640 Guidii (lo.) Tractatus in Genere de Mineralibus. Ven. 1625. 4to D 103 Guidonis a Baiiso Comment, in Decretales. Ven. 1601. F. A 17 Idem. Ven. 1606. F. . . . . . . A 131 Papae Decisiones Grationopolitanae. Col. 1630. F. E 194 Decisiones Parliamenti Delphinatus. Lugd. 1562. 12mo C 160 Super Decretales Comment. Lugd. 1517. F. M 97 Consilia Singularia. 1517. 4to. . . . C 301 Guillim's (John) Display of Heraldry. Lond. 1724. F. . I 27 Gunpowder Plot (Proceedings of Traitors in) . . . . E 13 Idem, in Parliament. . . . . G 497 Gunton's (Simon) History of the Church of Peterborough. Lond. 1686. F F 229 Gurdon's (Thornhagh) History of Parliaments. 2 Vols. Lond. 1731. 8vo. . . . • . . . E *51 Gutherius (Jac.) de Officiis Domus Augustas. Par. 1628. 4to. . . . . ... . . . . . D 319 Guthrie's (Wm.) History of England. 3 Vols. Lond. 1744. F G 693 Gutierrez (lo.) Opera Omnia. Franc. 1629. F. . . . E 236 ConsiUa. Salmant. 1595. F. . . . E 119 Gwillim on Tithes. 4 Vols. London. 1825. 8vo. O 5 CATALOGUE. 89 H. L. N. Racket's (John) Memorials of Bp. Williams. Lond. 1693. F G 470 Haersolte (Am. ab) Actiones Civiles et Criminales. Antw. 1583. 8vo D 73 Haggard's (Dr. J.) Consistory Reports. 2 Vols. Svo. . P 30 Admiralty E., 1822 to 1825. 3 Vols. 8vo. . P 16 Ecclesiastical. 2 Vols, and 2 Parts. 8vo. . P 33 Case of Dew v. Clarke. . . . . . O 36 HakewiU's (Geo.) Apologie of the Power and Providence of God. Oxon. 1635. F. F 145 Hale's (Sir Matth.) Pleas of the Crown. Lond. 1716. 8vo. C 227 Idem. Lond. 1682. 8vo. . . . C 7 Idem. Lond. 1736. 2 Vols. F. . . D 451 Hale (Archdeacon) Precedents in Criminal Causes. 8vo. London. 1847 M81 Halcomh's Cases of Rowe v. Grenfell . . . . -j Rowe V. Brenton and another . V M 64 Doe (Dem Carthew) v. Brenton . j Halhed's Code of Gentoo Laws. Lond. 1776. . . . M 86 HaUam's Constitutional History of England. 2 Vols. Lond. 1842. 8vo M 78 Haloandri Varisci (lo. A.) Institutionum Lnperialium Analysis. Arg. 1575. F. Item. lo. Tho. Freigii Partitiones Juris utriusque. Bas. 1571, et Hier. ButigeUse in Prim. Part. Cod. Comment. Ven. 1558. . . . . . . E 239 Hamilton's (Alex.) Account of the East Indies. (Vol. 2.) Lond. 1727. 8vo G 325 (W.) Collection of Etruscan, Greek, and Roman Antiquities. 2 Vols. Naples. 1766. F. I 3 Hamburgh (Laws and Ordinances of). 23 Vols. . . . E 72 Hammond's (Hen.) Works. Lond. 4 Vols. 1684. F. . F 183 Sermons. 1675. F. . . . F 187 90 CATALOGUE. L. N. Hampden's (John) Case argued by Sir Rich. Hutton and Sir Geo. Croke. Lond. 1641. 4to. . C 211 Tryal in the Case of Ship Money. 1719. F C 468 Hanmer's Notes of Cases in the K. B. 1753 to 1759. 2 Vols. Lond. 1819. 8vo. . . . . . . T 29 Hanway's Travels through Russia, Persia, 8ec. Lond. 4 Vols. 1753. 4to G 370 Hardress's (Sir Tho.) Reports. Lond. 1693. F. . . . D 369 Hare's Reports in Chancery of Cases before V. C. Wigram. 5 "Vols. . ■ •• . . . . • .S/ Harleian Manuscripts, Catalogue of. 2 Vols. 1759. F. . . G 627 Harmenopuli (Const.) Promptuarium Juris Civilis. 1556. 4to D 198 Harprechti (lo.) Opera Omnia. 4 Vol. Tubing. 1626. 4to E 33 Harrington's (Ja.) Oceana, and other Works. Lond. 1700. F F 231 Harris's (John) Lexicon Technicum ; or an Universal Dic¬ tionary of Arts and Sciences. 2 Vols. Lond. 1708. F BB 48 History of Kent. 1719. F. . . . . G 696 Collection of Voyages and Travels. 2 Vols. Lond. 1705. F G 642 (Walter) Life of William HI. Dublin. 1749. F. . G 555 Hibernica. 1757. F. . . . . G 558 (Geo.) Justinian, Lat. et Eng. Lond. 1755. 4to. . C 462a Hardwicke, Cases in K. B., in the Time of. Lond. 1770. F D 367 Harrison's Digest. 4 Vols. 8vo. 1844. . . . . P 21 Hartmanni (D.) Quaestiones Juris Romani et Saxonici. Haid. 1604. 4to. (Vide Wurmserum.) . . D 96 Harveti (Gent.) Imperialium Constitutionmn. Libri 8. Par. 1557. F E 203 Oratio ad Concilium de Clan. Matrimoniis. Ven. 4to. . . . . . . D 266 CATALOGUE. 91 L. N. Havelock v. Rockwood. (See Atcheson.) . . . . E 74c Havemannus (Mich.) de Jure Connubiorum. Franc. 1672. 4to D 156 Hawkesworth's Collection of Voyages. 3 Vols. 1773. . . G 468 Hawkin's (Wm.) Pleas of the Crown. 2 Vols. Lond. 1716. F. D 452 Abridgement of Coke's 1st Institute. Lond. 1736. 12mo.. . . . C 19 Haynes's (Sam.) State Papers of Lord Burgley. Lond. 1740. F G 537 Heads of Rlustrious Persons. (See Birch.) . . . . G 695 Hearne (Tho.) Gul. Newbrigensis Historia. 3 Vol. Oxon. 1719. Svo G 331 Gul. Roperi Vita Thom. Mori. Oxon. 1716. Svo G 332 Thom. Sprotti Chronica. Oxon. 1719. Svo. G 333 Historia Ricardi 2ndi. Oxon. 1729. Svo. G 334 Tit. Livii Forojuliensis Vita Henrici 5ti. Oxon. 1716. 8vo G 335 Aluredi Beverlacensis Annales. Oxon. 1716. 8vo G 336 Collection of Discourses of Antiquarians. Oxon. 1720 G 337 Annales Rerum Anglicarum régnante Eliza- bethâ. 3 Vol. Chart, mag. 1717. 8vo. . G 338 Leland's Collectanea. 6 Vol. in 3. Oxon. 1715. 8vo G 339 Bened. Abbas Petroburgensis de Vita Hen. 2ndi et Ricardi Imi. Oxon. 1735. 2 Vol. 8vo G 365 R. de Avesbury's History of Edw. 3rd. Oxon. 1720. 8vo G 340 Fordun Scotichronicon. 5 Vol. Oxon. 1722. 8vo. . . . . . . . G 341 Itinerary of Leland. 9 Vols. 1745. 8vo. . G 235 92 CATALOGUE, L. N. Hearne (TLo.) Walter Hemingford's .Ilist. of Edw. 1st, 2d, 3d. 2 Vols. 1731. 8vo. . . . G 342 Tho. de Elham. Vita lien. 5th, Oxon. 1727. 8vo G 343 Rossi Warwickensis Historia. Oxon. 1745. 8vo G 344 T, Otterbourne et J. Whethamstede. ■ 2 Vol. 1732. . 8vo G 345 Acta Apostolorum. 1715. 8vo. . . . G 349 Troukelow Annales Edw. 2di. 1729. 8vo. G 346 Chronicon de Dunstable. 2 Vol. 1733. 8vo. . . . . . . .G 347 r de Parma Equestri Woodwardianâ. 1723. 2 A'ols. 8vo. . . . . . . G 348 Heath's (Nie. Abp.) Speech in Parliament 1555, on Occasion of the Supremacy. Lond. 1688. 12mo. . . . C 79 Hederici (M. B.) Lexicon Gi'œco-Latinum. Lond. 1739. .BB 31 Heineccii (lo. Gott ) Antiquitatum Roman. Jurispruden- tiam lUustrantium Syntagma. 2 Vol. 1719. 8vo. . . . C 37 Opera. 8 Vol. Gen. 1734. 4to. . C 307 Heiss (Sieur) Histoire de l'Empire. 5 Vols. Par. 1711. 12mo. . . . • • • . . . . G 52 Heffter Gaii Institutiones. Berol. 1827. 4to. . . . O 22 Helvici (Chr.) Theatrum Historicum et Chronologicum. Oxon. 1662. F. . . . . . . . . G 469 Hemmingii (Nicol.) Comment, in omnes Epistolas Aposto¬ lorum. Franc. 1579. F. . . . . . . F 186 Henri 4tre Roi de France Code par Barn. Brisson. Par. 1605 D 388 Codex Juris Civilis. (Vide Tho. Corme- rium.) F. . . . . . . E 160 Heraldi (Desid.) Qusestiones quotidian® et Observationes ad Jus Atticum et Romanum. Par. 1650. Folio Z 18 CATALOGUE. 93 L. N. Heraldi (Desid.) de Rerum Judicatarum Auctoritate. 1640. 8vo G 98 Heraldry. (See Guillim.) 1724. F I 27 (See Dalla way.) . . . • . .G 445 Heresbachii (Conn.) Epitome Jurisprudentiaa Christianse. Neost. 1586. 8vo. . . . . . . . C 6 Herodotus (Halicar.) Grse. et Lat. per Gronovium. Lugd. 1715. F AA 18 Herrera's History of America. 6 Vols. Lond. 1725. 8vo. G 124 Hertfordshire. (See Salmon.) . . . . . . G 731 Hertslet's Collection of Treaties, Conventions, &c., between Great Britain and Foreign Powers. Lond. 1840. 6 Vols. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . E 80 Hesiodi Opera Studio Corn. Scbrevelii. Lugd. 1650. 8vo. H 31 Hesychii Lexicon Graecum per Schrevelium. Lugd. 1668. 4to BB 32 Hetley's (Sir John) Reports. Lond. 1657. F. . . . D 365 Heylin's (Petr.) Historical and Miscellaneous Tracts. 1681. F F 147 History of the Reformation of the Church of England. Lond. 1674. F. . . F 144 Cosmography. Lond. 1703. F.. . . G 694 Hickesii Thesaurus Linguarum Vet. Septentrionalium. 2 Vol. Oxon. 1705. F.. . . . . . . K 4 Hieronymi (Sexti) Opera Omnia et Index. 5 Vol. Bas. 1537. F A 136 de Zanetinis contrarietates inter Jus Civile et Canonicum. 8vo. . . D 100 Hill's (Hen.) Euclid's Elements Demonstrated. 1726. 4to. G 195 Hinchcliffe's Rules of Practice for the V. Adm. Court of Jamaica. Lond. 1813. 8vo. . . . . . M 40 Histoire de I'Academie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. 10 Vols. Paris. 1717. 4to. . . G 364 d'Angleterre d'Ecosse et d'Irlande. (See Larrey.) . G 645 Idem. (See Rapin.) . . . . . .G 350 94 CATALOGUE. L. N. Histoire de Bretagne. (See Lobineau.) . . . . G 709 du Concile de Constance par Jac. L'Enfant. 2 Vols, in 1. Amst. 1714. 4to. . . .G 415 du Concile de Pise par L'Enfant. Amst. 1724. 4to. ......... G 367 des Conclaves depuis Clement 5. 2 Vols. 1703. 12mo G 328 de Dauphiné et des Princes qui ont portés le nom de Dauphins. 2 Vols. Gen. 1722. F. . .G 690 du Divorce du Henry 8, Roi d'Angleterre, et de Catherine d'Arragon. (Vol. 1 and 3.) Par. 1688. 12mo. . . . . . . . G 64 de l'Eglise. (See Godeau.) . . . . . G 553 de l'Eglise sur le Sacrament de Marriage. 3 Tomes. Paris. 1725. 4to. . . . . M 91 de l'Empire. 5 Vols. (See Heiss.) . . . . G 52 de France sous Louis 14. (See Larrey.) . G 19 and G 369 Idem. (See Mezeray.) . D 478* and G 567 Idem. (Serres.) . . .G 554 and G 588 Idem. (See Daniel.) . . . . G 685 Générale d'Espagne. 9 Vols. Paris. 1723. 12mo. G 10 Générale des Turcs contenant l'Histoire de Chal- condyle continuée par Tho. Artus et Mezeray jusques à l'Année 1661. 2 Vols. Paris. 1662. F G 638 du Gouvernment de Venise. (See Houssaie.) . . G 9 des Guerres d'Italie. (See Guicciardin.) . . G 640 des Guerres Civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes. 3 Vols. Ams. 1706. 12mo. . . . . G 22 de la Medicine. (See Le Clerk.) . . . . G 366 et Mémoires de l'Académie Royal des Sciences depuis l'Année 1699 jusques à 1712. 17 Vols. Amst. 1706. 12mo. . . . . G 21 du Ministère de Card. Jul. Mazarine. Haye. 1681. 12mo. . D 472* CATALOGUE. 95 L. N. Histoire des Negotiations de Nimegue. 2 Vols. Par. 1680. 12nio G 226 de Normandie. (See du Moulin.) . . . . G 494 Novelle Concile de Constance par Chastenet. Par. 1718. 4to G 363 ' des Ordres Monastiques Religieux et Militaires. 2 Vols. Par. 1714. 4to. . . . .G 360 de Provence. 2 Vols. (See Gaufiridi.) . . . G 698 de Provinces Unies des Pays bas. (See le Clerk.) G 707 du Régne de Louis 13, Roi de France. 9 Vols. Paris. 1716. 12mo G 7 Idem de Louis 14. 7 Vols. Amst. 1717. 12mo. G 8 Idem de Louis 12, par Varillas. 3 Vols. Haye. 1688. 12mo G 6 des Religions de tous les Royaumes du Monde. (SeeJovet.) F 49 de Revenues Ecclésiastiques, par Jer. a Costa. Franc. 1684. 12mo. . . . , . . F 16 des Revolutions D'Angleterre. (See Father Or¬ leans.) . . . . . . . . G 94 de Revolutions d'Espagne. 5 Vols. Paris. 1724. 12mo. . . . . . . . . D 486* du Roi Henry Le Grand, par Perefixe. Paris. 1662. 12mo G 69 Secret des Changemens arrivés dans la Suede sous le Regne de Charles 2. Haye. 1716. . .G 91 des Troubles de la Grande Bretagne depuis 1633 jusquâ 1649. (See Salmonet.) . . . .G 595 des Troubles de Hongrie. 3 Vols. Lond. 1687. 12mo D 471* de la Vie du Pape Sixte Cinquième. (Tome 2.) Paris. 1702. 12mo. . . . . . . G 66 Universelle de Troque Pompée. (See Justin.) . . G 1 de Whiggism et du Torisme par M. de Cize. Haye. 1718. 12mo G 67 96 CATALOGUE. L. X. Historia de Antiquitate Brittanicœ Ecclesiœ. Han. 1605. (See Parker.) F. . . . . . . . G 612 Augusta Imperat. Roman, ex lo. Petr. Loticliii Tetrastichis Mnemonicis et lo. Jac. HoíFmanni Tetrastichis. Amst. 1710. F. . . . . G 700 Concilii Tridentini. (Vide Pallavicini.) . . . G 653 —^ Danica. (Vide Meursii.) . . . . F 52 G 485 Idem. (Vide Saxonis.) . . . . G 446 Eadmeri (MonacH Cant.) Novorum. Lond. 1623. F. G 455 Eeclesiastiea. Seriptores Graeci. Coll. Allob. 1612. F F 185 Italiaî regni. (Vide Sigonius.) . . . . G 510 Juris Civilis. (Vide Rivallius.) . . . . D 70 Newbrigensis (Vide Hearne.) . . . . G 331 Novorum. (Vide Eadmeri.) . . . . . G 455 Paeis inter Ludov. 14. Regem Gallise et Philipp. 4. Regem Hispaniaî. Lips. 1667. 8vo. . . D 85 Rerum Venetorum. (Vide Justiniani Petri.) . . G 522 Richardi 2di. (See Hearne.) . . . .G 334 Romano-Germanica. (Vide Vorburgiei.) . . . G 670 Rossi Warwiekensis. (Vide Hearne.) . . .G 344 Historia; Bysantina; Corpus. (Vide Byzantinae.) . . . AA . 2 Romanœ Seriptores Latini Veteres. 2 Vol. Gen. 1623. F BB 12 Romanas Seriptores Grmei Minores. Franc. 1590. F BB 13 History of the Affairs of Europe from the peace of Utrecht to the Quadruple Alliance. (See Gibson.) . G 144 of America. (See Herrera.) . . . . . G 124 and Antiquities of Cambridge G 259 of the Apostles' Creed, with Observations. Lond. 1711. (See King.) 8vo. . . . F 45 of the Chancery. 1726. 8vo. . . . . C 136 of Charles 1. (See Larrey.) . . . .G 272 of the Church of Peterborough. (See Gunton.) F 229 CATALOGUE. 97 L. N. History of Church and State of Scotland. (See Spotswood.) F 156 r of the Civil Law and Origin of the French Laws, by C. J. de Ferriere. 1724. 8vo. . . J •' . . . ^ C 202 I Also, Treatise on the use of the Civil Law in England, by Dr. Duck ..... of the Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients. (See Huet.) G 180 of the Common Law of England. Loud. 1713. 8vo. C 229 of the Conquest of Mexico. (See Solis.) Lond. 1724. F G 590 of Conspiracies against William 3d, from 1688 to 1697. Lond. 1698. 8vo G 83 of Council of Trent. (See Paul.) . . F 223 F 224 of Doctors' Commons, by Ducarel. MS. . . G 450 of the Duke of Espernon. by Cotton. 1670. F. . . G 633 of Ecclesiastical Writers. (See Du Pin.) . . F 142 of Edward 2. Lond. 1689. F. . . . . G 454 of Edward 1, 2, and 3. (See Hearne.) . . . G 342 of Edward 3. (See Hearne.) . . . . . G 340 of England. (See Echard.) . . . . . G 550 Idem. (See Coote.) . . . . . . . E 70 Idem. (See Guthrie.) . . . . . . G 693 Idem. (See Daniel.) . . . . . . G 452 Idem. (See Goldsmith.) . . . . . E 75 Idem. (See Trussel.) . . . . . . G 518 Idem. (3d Vol.) Lond. 1719. F. . . . . AA 26 Idem. (See Hume.) . . . . . . G 414 Idem. (See Kennett.) Quere lost. . . . . G 641 Idem, by Catharine Macaulay. 4 Vols. 4to. 1765. G 406 of the English Church. (See Inett.) . . . F 146 of the Exchequer. (See Madox.) . . . . C 474 of the Expedition of Charles 12 of Sweden, Den¬ mark, Livonia, &c. Lond. 1704. 8vo. . . G 188 of France to the year 1702. 2 Vols. Lond. 1702. 8vo G 122 98 CATALOGUE. L. N. History of France. (See Serres.) G 554 of Geneva, by Isaac Spon. Lond. 1687. F. . . G 586 of Great Britain. (See Speed.) . . . . G 591 of Henry 7. (See Bacon.) . . . . . G 436 of Henry 8, Edw. 6, and Queen Mary, by Godwin. . G 436 of Hereditary Right. (See Fleming.) . . . F 40 of the House of Brunswick. Lunenburgh. 1715. 8vo. ......... G 315 of Ireland. (See Keating.) . . . . . G 559 of the Irish Bishops. (See Ware.) . . . F 241 of John, Henry 3, and Edward 1. (See Prynne.) . G 652 of Kent. (See Harris.) . . . . . G 696 of the Kings of England from William the Con¬ queror to Henry 8, inclusive. (See Martyn.) . . G 355 of the Knights of Malta. (See Yertot.) . . . G 601 of the League made at Cambray. . . . . G 136 of the Life of K. Henry 2, by Lord Lyttleton. 3 Vols. 1767. 4to G 480 of the Life and Death of Mary, Queen of Scotland. 1624. F G 413 of Modern Europe. (See Russel.) . . . . E 74 of Nortliamptonshire. (Wants title.) F. . . G 718 of Parliaments. (See Gurdon.) . . . . E 51* of the Parliament of 1640. (See Mays.) . . G 489 ——— of Persia. (See Stevens.) . . . . . G 307 of Physic. (See Friend.) . . . . . G 137 of the Pontificate, (See Howell.) . . . . F 46 of the Popes. (See Mills.) Lond. 2 Vols. 4to. 1757. G 404 Idem. (See Bower.) G 397 of the Present State of Virginia. Lond. 1705. Svo. G 309 ■ ■ of the Rebellion, in verse, with an Appendix and Life of Lord Clarendon. 3 Vols. 1713. . . G 330 of the Reformation of the Church of England. (See Heylin.) ........ F 144 CATALOGUE. 99 L. N. History of the Revolution. (See Echard.) . . . . G 152 of the Revolutions of Spain. (SeeVertot.) . . G 174 of the Revolutions of Portugal. (See Vertot.) . . G 60 of the Roman Law. Designed as an introduction to the study of the Civil Law. 8vo. Camb. 1827. . 0 37 of Rome. (See Hooke.) . . . . . G 392 of the Royal Society. (See Spratt.) . . . . G 291 of the Saracens. (See Ockley.) . . . . G 123 of Scotland. (See Robertson.) . . . . . G 368 of the Treaty of Utretch. 2 Vols. 8vo. 1715. . C 290 of Trjmls in Great Britain and Reland. 2 Vols. 1715. 8vo C 224 of the Turks. (See Rycaut.) G 658 of William, Ann, and George 1. (See Ralph.) . G 728 of WiUiam de Croy, Governor to Charles V. (See Varilla.) . . . . . . . . G 57 of the World. (See Howell.) . . . . G 556 Idem. (See Raleigh.) . . . . . . G 656 Hohart's (Sir Henry) Reports. Lond. 1678. F. . . D 366 Hobbes's (Tho.) Leviathan. Lond. 1651. F. . . . G 476 Hochmanni (Hen. Chr.) de Benedictione Nuptiarum Com- mentatio. Alt. 1685. 4to. . . . . . . E 49 Hodges's (Walter) Elihu, or the Book of Job. Lond. 1750. 4to. F 110 Hodyson v. Oalvcley. (Proceedings in the case of.) Lond. 1845. 8vo M 66 Hoenonii (Phil.) Disputationes Jurídicas et Politicae. Herb. 1608. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . D 68 Hofimanni (Jo. Jac.) Lexicon Universale. 4 Vol. Lugd. 1698. F K 5 Hollis (Lord) his Remains. Lond. 1682. 8vo. . . . F 47 Holt's Reports. Lond. 1738. F D 868 Idem in the Common Pleas, at Nisi Prius, from 1815 to 1817. Lond. 1818. . . . . ..Pi Holy Bible. Oxford, 1824. 8vo F 96 G 2 100 CATALOGUE. L. N. Homeri Ilias. Gr. et Lat. Clarke. 2 Vol. 4to. Lend. 1729 BB 61 Idem Odyssea. Lend. 1740. 2 Vols. 4to. BB 62 Homodeis (Signer de) Consilia ac Qusestiones. Lugd. 1535. Item, Johannis Antonii Eubei Alexandrini Consilia. 1540 J- A 137 Item, Johannis de Mola Consilia. 1533. Item, Francisons de Aretio Consilia. 1536. F. Hooke's Roman History. 3 Vols. Lond. 4to. 1738. . G 392 (Hobt.) Posthumous Works, by Waller. 1705. F. F 230 Hooker's (Rich.) Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. Lond. 1705. F F 184 Hopinki (Theod.) Consilia sive Responsa Juris Posthuma. Franc. 1654. 4to. . . . . . , . D 238 Hopperus (Joac.) de verá Jurisprudentiâ. Antw. 1590. F. (Lettered " Hopperi Sedvardus.") . B 86 Idem. Col. 1580. 8vo. . . . C 38 Lib. 5 ad Tit. Institut, de Obligationibus. Colon. 1563. 12mo. . . . C 144 Horatius Flaccus cum Notis R. Bentleii. Cantab. 1711. 4to BB 46 cum Variis Lectionibus. 1699. 4to. .BB 59 in usum Delphini. Lond. 1717. 8vo. . H 32 Par. 1691. 4to. .BB 45 Select Parts done into English Verse. 1652. 8vo. . . . . . . H 30 Hoberch (Herman) de Beneficiis Ecclesiasticis. 8vo. . . D 34 Horner v. Liddiard. By A. Croke. Lond. 1800. 8vo. . O 17 Horsley (Will.) Abridgement of Publick Treaties commencing 1640. Lond. 1747. 4to. (Quere, lost.) . (John) Roman Antiquities in Britain. Lond. 1732. F G 639 (• ATALOG üíl 101 L. N. Hosli (Stan.) Opera. Par. 1562. F. . . . . D 465 Hostiensis (Hen.) Comment, in Decretal. 2 Vol. Ven. 1581. F A 2 In prim. Decretal. Lib. Par. F. . . B 25 In Decretal. Lib. Par. F. . . . B 30 Aurea Summa in Decretal. Colon. 1612. F E 238 Ilotomani (Franc.) Comment, de Verbis Juris. Bas. 1563. F. E 205 de Feudis Commentatio Tripartita. Lugd. 1573. F. . . . . E 188 Comment, in 4 Lib. Institut. Lug. 1588. F E 169 Quasstiones illustres et Disputatio con¬ tra Raynutium de Testibus. Han. 1601. 12mo C 21 Partitiones Juris Civilis Elementariae. Arg. 1589. 8vo C 126 House of Lords Cases. (Clark and Finelly. New Series.) .H 83 Houses of Lords and Commons' Journals. . . ..Kl House of Lords, Reports of Cases in :— Brown .... Colles ... Dow .... Bligh Bligh. New Series. Robinson .... West .... Dow and Clarke . Clark and Finelly . H 75 . . H 89 . H 76 . . H 77 . H 78 . . H 79 . H 80 . . H 81 . H 82 . New Series H 83 Houssaie (Amelot de la) Histoire du Gouvernement de Venise. 3 Vols. Amst. 1705. 12mo G 9 102 CATALOGUE. L. N. Iloussaie (Amelot de la) Réflexions et Maximes. Par. 1714. 12mo G 46 Houbraken's Heads of Illustrious Persons. Lond. 1747. F. G 69ô Hovenden, Supplmt. to Vesey's Reports. Lond. 1827. . U 3 Howard's (Sir Robt.) History of the Reigns of Edward and Richard 2. Lond. 1690. Svo. . . . . , G 114 Howard's (J. H.) Colonial Law. 2 Vols. 1827. . . M 15 Howell's (James) "Life of Lewis 13. Lond. 1646. F. . . G 467 French and English Dictionary. Lond. 1660. F BB 16 (Laur.) History of the Pontiflcate. Lond. 1716 . 8vo. . . . . . . . . F 46 (Wm.) History of the World. Lond. 1680. F. . G 556 Medulla Historiœ Anglicanae. 1719. 8vo.. G 146 (T. B. and T. J.) State Trials. 33 Vols. 8vo. From 9 Hen. 2, 1163, to 1 Geo. 4, 1820. . . C 309 Howson (lo.) Uxore dismissâ propter Fornicationem aliam non licet superinducere. Oxon. 1606. 4to. . . . D 180 How shall we conform to the Liturgy? (See Robertson.) Lond. 1844. 8vo. . . . . . . . . M 77 Hubback's Treatise on the Evidence of Succession to Real and Personal Property and Peerages. Lond. 1844. . . M 16 Huber (Ulric.) Eunomia Romana. Franeq. 1700. 4to. . D 214 Huet's (Bp. of Avranches) History of the Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients. Lond. 1717. 8vo. . G 180 Huetiana; ou, Pensées Diverses. Par. 1722. 12mo. G 232 Hughes's Grand Abridgement of the Law. 3 Vols. Lond. 1660. 4to C 273 (T. B.) on Extents, in the Case of Rex v. Bebb and others. Lond. 1811. 8vo. . . .08 Ilulsii (Hen.) Jura Gulielmi Tert. ex fonte naturali et divino asserta. Lugd. 1697. 4to. . . . . . . D 125 Hume's History of England. 6 Vols. 1761. 4to. . . G 414 Hunnii (Helf. Ulr.) Resolutiones Juris Civilis. Franc. 1646. 4to. . . . . . . . D 275 Idem. Franc. 1620. 4to. . . . D 295 CATALOGUE. 103 L. N. Kurd's Case of Adams v. Malkin. Lend. 1814. . ..09 Husband's (Edw.) Collection of Orders, Ordinances, and Declarations in Parliament, from 1642 to 1646. F. . C 344 Huskisson on the Navigation Laws. Svo. Lond. 1826. . M 20 on the Shipping Interest. 8vo. 1827. . . M 19 Hutton's (Sir Rich.) Reports. Lond. 1650, F. . . C 335 I. Jacobi Comitis Purliriarum de Re Militari Lib. 2. Arg. 1527. 8vo G 224 Jackson's (John) Chronological Antiquities of Ant. King¬ doms. 3 Vols. Lond. 1752. 4to. . . . . . G 380 Jacobs' Reports (Chancery). 8vo. . . . . . U 10 (Giles) Statute Law Common-placed. Savoy. 1719. 8vo C 197 Common Law Common-placed. Lond. 1726. 8vo C 218 Idem. Lond. 1733. F. . . . . . D 371 Law Dictionary. Lond. 1736. . . . C 483 Treatise of Laws. Lond. 1721. 8vo. . . C 269 Compleat Chancery Practiser. 2 Vols. Lond. 1730. 8vo C 225 Jacob and Walker's Reports in the High Court of Chancery. Lond. 1820 and 1821. 2 Vols U 9 104 CATALOGUE. L. N. Jacobson's Lawa of the Sea. 8vo P 53 Jamaica, History of. (See Sloane.) . . . . . G 593 James (Tho.) Catalogua Universalis Librorum in Bibliothecâ Bodleianâ. Oxon. 1620. 4to. . . . . .G 242 Jani Dousas Priecidanea Commenta D. Josephi Antonii Gonsalii de sa las Commenta. 4to. Jansenii (Corn.) Comment, in suam Concordiam ac totam Historiam Evangelicam. Mog. 1624. F. . . . . F 232 Jansz (Cirugni Bern.) Relatio Navigationis V. Navium, Anno 1598, Amstelredamo expeditarum ad Insulas Mo- luccanas, &c. Franc. 1602. F. . . . . .G 532 Jarman (Tho.) on Wills. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. . . . P 24 Jason de Mayno Commentaria in Jus Civile. 4 Vol. Ven. 1598, F A 31 de Actionibus. Lugd. 1565. F. . . . A 28 Idem et Repertorium. 1540. F. . . B 34 Consilia sive Responsa. Ven. 1581. F. . A 84 Idem. Lugd. 1534. F. . . . . A 128 Commentaria cum Apostollis. 1520. F. . B 58 in 1 et 2 Lib. Infortiati. 1519. F. . . B 19 in primam partem Digesti novi. Lugd. 1519. F B 43 in Codicem et Digesta. 3 Vol. 1564. F. Z 11 in Infortiatum. Lug. 1564. F. . . B 31 Index in onmes ejiisdem Lecturas. 1564. F A 127 in Codicem et Digesta. 3 Vol. Lugd. 1545. F B 92 in Infortiatum. Lug. 1545. F. . . . B 72 Super Codice. 2 Vol. 1540. F. . . Z 13 Notabilia Apothegmata sive Singularia. Franc. 1596. 4to. . . . . . D 265 Idem. (See Bronchorst.) . . . . D 118 Jay V. Topham, Case of. (See Ashby.) . . . . . C 254 BB 76 CATALOGUE. laj L. N. Jeake (Sam.) Charters of the Cinque Ports. Lond. 1728. F D 374 Jeannin's (M. le President) Negotiations. 4 Vols. Amst. 1695. 12mo G 95 Jenkins's (Sir Leoline) Life, by Wm. Wynne. Lond. 1724. 2 Vols. F G 604 Jervis's Reports of Cases in the Exchequer Court and Chamber. Lond. 1827. . . . . . L 7 (David) Eight Centuries of Reports. Lond. 1734. F D 370 and Younge's Reports in the Exchequer. 8vo. . . L 7 Ignatius (D. a S. Teresia) Opusculum Juridicum. 1753. . C 484 Ignei (To.) Commentaria in Tit. de Sillianiano et Claudiano Senatusconsulto. 2 Vol. Lugd. 1539 and 1540. F. . D 467 Imhofif (Jac.) Genealogise viginti illustrium in Italiâ Fami- liarum. Amst. 1710. F. . . . . . . . G 643 Imola (lo. de) super Deeretalibus. 3 Vol. Lugd. 1547. F. A 11 Index sen Repertorium et Consilia. 1548. F. A 20 Commentaria in Primaminfortiati Partem. 2 Vol. Ven. 1580. F A 10 Super Tert. Decretal. 1500. F. . . . B 27 Super Prim. Part. Lib. 2 Decretalium. Ven. 150i: F B 12 Index to the History of the Exchequer. (See Madox.) . C 474a Rerum et Verborum quaa in Pandect, tractantur. Item Justiniani Imp. Institutiones. Ant. 1567. 8vo C17 ad Lect. Bartoli. Lug. 1555. F. . . . . B 74 to the Year-Books. (See Repertorium.) . . . C 446 India, the Law relating to. Collection of Statutes, Charters, &c. 4to. Lond. 1844. . . . . . . . T 25 • Inett's (John) History of the English Church. 2 VoL 1710. F B 146 Infant's Lawyer. Lond. 1712. 8vo. . . . . . C 265 Innes (.James) Idea Juris Scotici. Lond. 1733. 4to. . C 348 106 CATALOGUE. L. N. Innocentii 4 Papaa Apparatus super Decrctalibus. Lugd. 1525. Item Baldi Perusini Comment, super Decretal. Lugd. 1525. F. . . . . B 23 Commentaria in Decretales. Lugd. 1577. F. . A 24 Idem. Par. 1514. 4to. . . . .El Innocentii Tert. Epistolas per Balusium. 2 Vol. Par. 1682. F G 644 Institute of the Laws of Scotland in Civil Bights. 2 Vols. Edinh. 1751. F. . . . ^ C 414 Inquisitionum ad Capellam in puhlicis Archivis Scotiae Ah- hreviatio. 3 Vol. 1816. F. . . . R 19 in Officio Rotulorum Cancellarise Hiherniae asservatarum Repertorium. 2 Vols. 1826, 1829 R 27 Institutiones Juris Canonici (Lancelottus). Antw. 1566. 8vo. . . . . C 26 Idem. Lugd. 1606. 4to. . O 20 (Cucchus). 12mo. . . . C 15 Institutionum Imperialium Analysis. Arg. 1575. F. . . E 239 Collectio. (Vide Goldastus Hai- minsfeldius.) . . . . E 172 Institutions of the Laws of Scotland. (See Stair.) . . C 455 Insurances. (See Magens.) Lond. 1755 C 317 Insurance, Marine. (See Park.) . . . . . IM 50 Johnson's (John) Collection of Ecclesiastical Laws, Canons, and Answers. 2 Vols. Lond. 1720. 8vo. . . . C 263 Johnson's (Sam.) English Dictionary. 2 Vols. Lond. 1755. F G 701 "Works. Lond. 1710. F. . . . . G 473 Johnstone's (Nath.) King's Visitorial Pdwer asserted. 1688. 8vo F 113 Jones's (Edw.) Index to the Originalia and Memoranda. 2 Vols. 1793-5 G 703 (Sir "Wm.) Reports. 1675. F. . . . . D 372 (Sir Tho.) Reports. Lond. 1695. F. . . . . D 373 CATALOGUE. 107 L. N. Jones's (Inigo) Account of Stonélienge. 1725. F. . . G 589 Jones and Latouche's Reports in the High Court of Chan¬ cery in Ireland. Bvo. Dublin. 1846. . . . . E 80i Jortin's Life of Erasmus. Lond. 1758. 2 Vols. 4to. . . G 395 Josephi (Elavil) Opera Grae. et Lat. apud Crispin. 1634. F. F 188 Translated by Whiston. Lond. 1737. F. . G 702 Jovet (Sieur) Histoire des Religions de tous les Royaumes du Monde. 3 Vols. Paris. 1676. 12mo. . . . y F 49 Journal du Palais, ou Decisions des tous les Parlements de Frances. 2 Vols. Lut. Par. 1701. F. . . . E 255 des Audiences du Parlement du M. Jean Du Fresne et Franc. Jamct. 4 Vols. 1692. F. . . D 456 Journals of the Houses of Lords and Commons. F. , . K 1 Journey to Mecquinez in 1721. Lond. 1725. 8vo. . . G 170 Ireland. (See Harris, Keating, and Ware.) G 558, G559, and G 525 Memoirs of, from the Restoration. 1716. 8vo. . G 250 Political Survey of. (See Petty.) 1719. 8vo. . G 175 Bishops of. (See Ware.) 1739. F. . . . F 241 and Great Britain, Memoirs of. (See Dalrymple.) 1773. 4to M 83 Drury. Idem E 80l and Walsh. Idem. . . . E 80f and Warren. Idem. . . . E 80h Fox and Smith, K. B. . . . . E 80k Jones and Latouche, Chancery. . . E 80i Lloyd v. Gould. Idem. . . . . E 80g Mil ward Prerogative . . . . E 80m Ridgway Parliament. . . . . D 279 Schoales and Lefroy. Chancery . . E 80g A^ernon and Seriven. Idem. . . . E 74r Ii'eland (Reports of Cases in Courts of.) Andrews, K. B. Ball and Beatty, Chancery Beatty. Idem. E 74g E 80d E 80e 108 CATALOGUE. L. N. Irish Rolls Inquisitions in Chancery. 2 Vols. . . . R 27 Patent and Close Rolls. 1 Vol. 1 Part. . . R 27a Statutes abridged, by Bolingbroke and Belcher . . C 339 Isagógica in Codicem et Decretales (caret Tit.) 8vo. . . D 60 Isocratis Orationes et Epistolœ, Gr. et Lat. Wolffi. Gen. 1636. 8vo H 35 Istoria della Cose Veneziane. 10 Vol. Venez. 1718. 4to. G 357 Juelli (lo. Episc. Saris.) Vita cum Defensione Doctrin® ejus. Lond. 1573. 4to G 290 Junctini (Franc.) Speculum Astrologiœ. Lugd. 1573. 4to. G 237 Junii (Fran.) Etymologicum Anglicanum. Oxon. 1743. F. K 6 Junius (Franc.) de Picturâ Veterum. Rot. 1694. F. . . G 704 Juries. (See Trials per Pais.) . . . . . . C 238 Juris Canonici Compendium. (Vide Ravennatis.) 1521. 8vo. . . . . . . . . . . E 45 Civilis et Canonici Regul®. Lugd. 1565. F. . . E 186 Lugd. 1579. F. . . . E 146 Jurisdictions of Courts Baron Leet, &c. (See Kitchin.) . C 112 Juris Militaris et Maritimi descriptio. Oxon. 1639. 8vo. D 223 Jurisprudence, Medical. (See Beck.) Lugd. 1842. 8vo. . O 1 Jus Magistratuum in Subditos. Lugd; 1580. 12mo. . . D 78 Maritimum Hanseaticum. Hamb. 1667. 4to. . . D 98 Justelli Bibliotheca Juris Canonici Veteris. 2 Vol. Par. 1661. F F 203 Codex Canonum Ecclesi® Univers®. Par. 1610. 12mo. . . . . . . . . D 28 Justice of the Peace, Duty and Office of. (See Caldecot's Cases.) . . C 306 — ( See Nolan's Cases.) E 80b Justifications des Usages de France sur les Marriages, par le Merre. Par. 1687. 12mo. . . . . . . C 105 Judicature, a great Question of that of the House of Lords, and in Point of Appeals to the Lords, and of Impositions and of their Jurisdiction. 1699. 12mo. . . . C 187 CATALOGUE. 109 L. N. Justiniani Iraper^toris Codex. Komae. 1478. F. . . . D 473 Codex. Lugd. 1612. F. . . . . . C 478 Codex. Notis Dionysii Gothofredi. Col. 1624. F B 38 Institutiones eum Summariis. 1499. 8vo. . C 54 Idem, cum Annotation. Franc. Cornelli. Ven. 1580 D 113 Idem, French, par de Ferriere. 6 Vol. Par. 1719. 12mo C 134 Idem, Lat. 2. Vol. Amst. 1676. 12mo. . . C 179 Idem, cum Eubricis. Amst. 1654. 12mo. . C 180 I C 181 Item Pileus Modicensus a Rutgero Rulante. Methodus Juris Universi Pontificii. Bas. 1577. 8vo C 27 Institutiones Juris. Bas. 1604. Et Dialéc¬ tica Juris, et aha Opuscula. 1620. 8vo. D 44 Repert. Juris et Disputât. 20 Causarum. Bas. 1604. 8VC D 46 Constitutiones Carolinas Public. Judiciorum. Bas. 1583. 12mo C 28 de Causis Matrimonialibus et Progymnas- mata Fori. Basil. 1575. 12mo. . . D 25 \'iglei Zuichemi Comment, in decem Títulos Institution. Juris Civilis. Leov. 1643. 12mo. . . . . C 147 Viner's Abridgement of Law and Equity. 1746. 22 Vols. F D 401 Vinnii (Arnold). In 4 Lib. Institut. Comment. Amst. 1692. 4to . . C 355 sive Elementorum. Lugd.1646. . C 166 Selectee Juris Quœstiones. Rott. 1685. 12mo. . . . . . . . C 80 Virgilios (Puhl.) Maro, cum var. Lect. Cambr. 1701. 4to. BB 58 Idem, in Usum Delph. Loud. 1712. 8vo. H 50 . Paris. 1685. 4to.BB 82 Virginia. History and Present State. Lond. 1705. 8vo. . G 309 206 CATALOGUE. L. N. Visceri (lo.) Enarratio Aphorismorum Hippocratis. Tub. 1591. 4to E 36 Visitation of Exeter College, Oxford, Account of Proceed¬ ings at. Oxf. 1690. 4to F 26 Vita Henrici 2 et Richardi 1. (See Hearne.) . . . G 365 Henrici 5ti. (See Hearne.) . . . . . G 343 Henrici 8ti. (See Heame.) . . . . . . G 335 ThomEe Archiepiscopi Cant. (Vide Lupus.) . . F 107 Thomae Mori. (See Hearne.) . . . . . G 332 Vitae Tripartitas Juriscons. vet. a Bern. Rutilio. lo. Betrando et Gui. Grotio Conscripta. Hal. 1718. 4to. . G 218 Pontificum Romanorum à Clem. lOo. ad Clem. 12o. (See Guarnacci.) . . . . . . . G 699 Pontificum. (See Platina.) . . . . . E 117 Vitriarii (Reinh.) Institutiones Juris Natura. Lugd. 1704. 12mo. . . . . . . . . . . C 70 Viviani (lo. Bapt.) Rationale Juris Pontificii. Col. 1632. 2 Vol. 4to C 346 Vivii (Franc.) Sylva Communium Opinionum. Franc. 1611. F A 123 Decisionum Regni Neapolitani. Lib. 3, 4. 1597. F O 66 Vivis (lo. Lud.) Tractatus. 1612. 12mo. . . . . C 157 Ulpianl Fragmenta. Ber. 1834. 8vo. . . . . M 55 Ummii Processus Judiciarius. Brem. 1658. 4to. . . . E 42 Universal History. Lond. 1736. Antient, 10 Vols. F. .BB 1 Modern, 15 Vols. ("lOth Vol. missing.) . .BB 1a Unlawful Preaching. Reading. 1811. 8vo. . . . O 44 Vocabularius Juris utriusque. 1483. 4to. . . . , C 320 Idem, et Gazalupis Tract, de Modo Studendi. Par. 1514. 8vo D 7 Vocabulario Dictionario del Bluteau. Portuguez. et Latino. Corim. 1721. 8 Vol. F. . . . .BB 2 degli Academic! della Crusca. Napol. 1746. 6 Vol. F G 737 CATALOGUE. 207 L. N. Voet (lo.) Comment, ad Pandectas. Hag. 1707. 2 Vol. F. E 212 (Paul.) Comment, in Institutiones. Gorin. 1668. 4to. D 97 de Usu Juris Civilis et Canonici in Belgio unito. 1657. 12mo. . . . . . . . D 94 ^ Volcmari (Rudolph) Conclusiones de Testibus. Erph. 1612. 4to D 176 Voogt (Claus. Janz.) Illuminant Flambeau de la Mer. Amst. 1681. F I 12 Vorburgici (lo. Phil.) Historia Romano-Germanica. 1645. 6 Vol. F G 670 Vossii (Ger. lo.) Epistolœ a Colomesio. Lond. 1690. F. . G 523 Voyage to the Levant. (See Tournefort.) . . . . G 359 South Sea. (See Frezier.) . . . .G 252 Voyages aux Isles d'Amérique. Par. 1722. 6 Vol. 12mo. G 20 — d'Amérique meridional, par Juan d'UUoa. Amst. 1752. 2 Vols. 4to G 411 par Muscovie en Perses et aux Indes Orient. (See Le Brun.) . . . . . . .G 561 , Collection of. Published by Churchill. Lond. 1744. 6 Vols. F G 602 Idem. (See Harris.) . . . . . .G 642 Idem. (See Hawkesworth.) . . . . . G 468 Urbach (Petr. de) Processus Judiciarius et alii Tract. F. . E 91 Urceolus (Jos.) de Transactionibus. Gen. 1685. F. . . D 445 Us et Coutumes de la Mer. Rouen. 1671. . . . . P 57 Usserii (Jac.) Britanicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquit. Lond. 1687 G 435 Vulcanio (Bon.) interprete, Nili de Primatu Papae Romani libri duo. Lugd. 1595. 12mo. . . . . . F 61 Vultei (Herm.) Consilia Doctorum in Acad. Marp. 1606. F E 161 Comment, in Institut. Juris Civilis. 1600. 4to D 105 de Jurisprud. Roman. Justiniani. Marp. 1614. 8vo C 62 208 CATALOGUE. w. L. N. Wagnereck (Hen.) Commentarius Exegeticua SS. Canonum 1672. F E 182 Wagenseilii (Christ.) Exercitationes. (Titulo Caret.) . . G 73 Wake (Wm.) State of the Church and Clergy of England. Lond. 1703. E F 154 Sermons. 1716. 8vo. . . . . . F 85 Walker's (John) Account of the Sufferings of the Clergy. Lond. 1714. F F 221 (Sir Edw.) Historical Discourses. Lond. 1705. F G 607 (Sir Hovenden) Account of the late Expedition to Canada. 1720. 8vo. . . . . . G 310 Wallis (lo.) Opera Mathematica. Oxon. 1699. 3 Vol. F. G 605 Walpole's Anecdotes of Painters. 1762. 4to. . . . G 321 Walter on the 39 Articles. Lond. 1825. . . . . O 33 Waltheri Lexicon Diplomatieum. Ulmae. 1756. F. . . G 738 Wamesius (lo.^ de Appellationibus. Lovan. 1600. 4to. . D 162 Idem. 1599. 4to. . . . . . . . O 26 Ward's (John) Lives of the Gresham Professors. Lond. 1740. F ... G 526 Ware's History of the Irish Bishops. Dubl. 1739. F. . . F 241 (R't. Hon'ble. Sir James) Antiquities and History of Ireland. Dublin. 1705. F. .... G 524 Warwick's (Sir Phil.) Memoirs of the Reign of Charles 1. Lond. 1702. 8vo G 308 Warwickshire. (See Dugdale.) . . . .* . . G 448 Washington'.s (Jos.) Abridgement of the Statutes to 1708. 2 Vols. 8vo. Continued by Boult. . . . . . C 262 Waterhouse's (Edw.) Comment, on Fortescue de Laudibus Legum Angliae. Lond. 1663. F. . . . . . D 411 Watson's (Wm.) Clergyman's Law. Lond. 1701. F. . . D 410 Weever's Antient Funeral Monuments. Lond. 1631. F. . G 525 CATALOGUE. 209 L. N. Wellwood (James) Memoirs of the most Material Trans¬ actions in England. Lond. 1718. 12mo. . . . G 48 Welsby, Hurlstone, and Gordon's Reports in the tlxchequer. (The Exchequer Reports.) L 13 Welshman on the 39 Articles. Lond. 1823. 8vo. . . O 45 Articuli Ecc. Anglicanse textibus Scripturse Con- firmati. Cantab. 1819. 8vo 0 59 Wentworth's (Tho.) Office and Duty of Executors. Lond. 1703. Bvo C 206 Werhusi (Steph.) Jus Hungariae. Vien. 1581. F.. . . E 113 Wesenbecii (Matth.) Consilia. Vide Zäsium in Pandectas . D 448 Consilia. Franc. 1600. 4to. . . . . D 155 Œconomia Juris. Bas. 1574. 4to. . . . E 5 Comment, in Institut. Col. 1593. 8vo. . . E 20 Idem. Bas. 1572. F O 72 Comment, in tert. Lib. Cod. Wit. 1609. 4to. D 332 in Pandectas et Codicem. Bas. 1582. . . E 216 Idem. Col. 1623. 12mo. . . C 96 Westminster Abbey, Antiquities of. Lond. 1715. 8vo. . G 130 West's (M. J.) Reports in Parliament. 8vo. . . . H 80 (Wm.) Instruments and Precedents. Lond. 1622. 4to C 274 Western (T. G.) Tithe Cases. Lond. 1823. 8vo. . .07 Wharton's (Hen.) Anglia Sacra. Lond. 1691. 2 Vol. . F 162 Wheaton's Elements of International Law. Lond. 1836. 8vo P 50 Reports in America. 12 Vols. 8vo. New York. 1827. 8vo Z 3 Whiston's Primitive Christianity revived. Lond. 1711. 5 Vols. 8vo. . . . . . . . F 89 Sacred History of the Old and New Testament. 1745. 6 Vols. 8vo F 90 Essay for restoring the Text of the Old Testa¬ ment. 1722. 8vo. . . . . • . F 93 o 210 CATALOGUE. L. N. Whiston's Life, by himself. 1749. 2 Vols. 8vo. . . G 164 Sermons and Essays. 1709. 8vo. . . . . F 92 Literal Accomplishments of Scripture Prophecies. 1724. 12mo F 94 Six Dissertations. 1734. 8vo F 91 New Theory of the Earth. 1737. 8vo. . . G 160 Astronomical Principles of Religion. 1725. 8vo. F 87 (Tracts) Vindication of the Syhilline Oracles— Horeh Covenant revived—Comment on St. John's Epist. 1715. 8vo. . . . . G 163 (Tracts) Life of Dr. S. Clarke—Enquiry into Cranmer's Recantation—Sir Isaac Newton's Corollaries—and Scripture Politics. 1748. 8vo. G 161 Reflections on Collins of Freethinking—Two Letters to Bishop Gibson—Primitive Eucharist revived—Account of the Doemoniacs—Extracts from Josephus—and the Thundering Legion. 1713. 8vo G 162 Josephus. Lond. 1737. F. . . . . . G 702 Letter to the Earl of Nottingham, and Collection of Ancient Monuments. 1721. 8vo. . . G 158 Papers relating to his Case before the Court of Delegates. 1715. 8vo. . . . . . F 88 Chronology of the Old Testament, and Harmony of the Evangelists. 1702. 4to. . . . F 133 Whitaker (Guil.) Responsio ad Rationes Edm. Campiani. Lond. 1581. 8vo F 84 Whitlocke's (Sir Bulstrode) Memorial of the English Aflairs. Lond. 1709. F G 527 Memorial of what passed from Beginning of Charles 1 to the Restoration of Charles 2. 1682 G 650 Wiclefi (lo.) Dialogi. 1525. 4to. . . . . . F 86 Wicquefort L'Ambassadeur. Col. 1690. 2 Vols. 4to. . C 347 in English, by John Digby. Lond. 1716. F. . D 421 Lettres. Amst. 1696. 12mo. . . . G 26 CATALOGUE. 211 L. N. Wightwick's Reports in the Court of Exchequer. 1810 and 1811. 8vo L 3 Wilkins (Dav.) Leges Anglo-Saxonicse. Lond. 1721. F. (Quere, lost.) ......... C 491 Wilkinson's Law of Shipping. Lond. 1843. 8vo. . . P 52 Willes (Lord Chief Justice) Cases in the Common Pleas, by Charles Durnford. Dublin. 1800. 8vo. . . . E 74d William 3. (See Harris.) . . . . . . . G 555 Williams's (Wm. Peere) Reports. Lond. 1740. 3 Vols. F. D 406 (E. V.) Law of Executors. 2 Vols. 1832. . . P 42 (D.) Laws relating to the Clergy. Lond. 1822. 8vo P 45 Wills and Testaments, a Treatise on them. Lond. 1703. 8vo C 220 Collection of Royal. Lond. 1780. 4to. . . . M 36 Willis (Browne) Notitia Parliamentaria. Lond. 1715. 3 Vols. 8vo. . . . . . C 208 History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbeys, and Conventual Cathedral Churches. 1718. 2 Vols. 8vo. . . G 301 Survey of the Cathedral of Llandaff. 1719. 8vo G 203 Survey of the Cathedral of St. Asaph. 1719. 8vo G 205 Survey of the Cathedral of St. David's. 1720. 8vo G 204 — of the Cathedrals of England, with the Parochiale Anglicanum. 1742. 3 Vols, in 2. 4to. . (Query, lost.) G 390 • History of Buckingham. Lond. 1755. 4to G 529 Wilson's (J.) Reports in Chancery. 8vo. . . . . U 8 ■ Reports in the Exchequer. 8vo. . . .La Wilson and Shaw's Appeal Cases in the House of Lords from Scotland. 7 Vols. 8vo. . . . . . H 85 Willson's Reports. Lond. 1779. 3 Vols, in 2. F. . . D 407 212 CATALOGUE. L. N. Winch (Humph.) Reports. Lend. 1657. F. . . . D 412 Winchester College, case of. Lond. 1711. 4to. . . . F 112 Wingate's (Edm.) Abridgement of the Statutes. Lond. 1708. Win wood's (Sir Ralph) Memorials of Affairs of State in the Reiirns of Elizabeth and James 1, by Sawyer. 1725. 3 Vols. F G 603 Wiseman's (Sir Robt.) Excellency of the Civil Law. Lond. 1686. 12mo C 121 Wolfgangi (lo.) Synopsis Juris Gentium. Bas. 1680. 4to. E 4 Elenchus omnium Auctorum sive Scriptorum qui in Jure tam Civili quam Canonice claruerunt. Franc. 1579. 4to. . . D 159 Wolsey (Cardinal) Life of. Lond. 1724, F. . . . G 552 Woman's Lawyer. Lond. T632. 12mo. . . . . C 99 Women. (See Dialogues on.) . . . . . . M 44 Wood's (The.) Institutes of the Laws of England. Lond. 1728. F C 487 Idem. 1722. Folio. . . . . . D 408 Idem. 2 Vols. Savoy. 8vo. 1720. . . C 232 Institute of the Civil Law. 1730. 4th Ed. F O 96 Wood (Ant.) Historia et Antiquitates Universitatis Oxon. 1674. 2 Vol. F G 739 (H.) on Tithes. 4 Vols. Lond. 8vo. . . . O 55 (Ant.) Athenae Oxonienses. Lond. 1691. 2 Vol. F. G 740 Athen® Oxon. Lond. 1721. 2 Vol. F. . G 741 Woodward's (John) State of Physic and Diseases. Lond. 1718. 8vo G 269 Worcester (Bishop of) Duties and Rights of the Clergy. 2 Vols. Lond. 1702. 8vo. . . . . F 39 Cathedral. Survey of. (See Thomas.) . . . G 353 AN'orrall's Catalogue of Law Books. Lond. 1756. 12mo. . D 67 Cathedral. (See Gale.) G 100 8vo. ..... Britten. Lond. 1640. 12mo. . C 204 . . C 177 CATALOGUE. 213 L. N. Wormii Olai Monumenta Danica. Hafniœ. 1643. F. . G 528 Wottoni (Gui.) Leges Wallicae. Lend. 1730. F. . . . D 472 Woven (Id.) Panegyricus ad Principes Belgicœ. Ant. 1609. 8vo. F 83 Wrens, Memoirs of the Family of. Lond. 1750. F. . . G 606 Wright's (James) Antiquities of Rutlandshire. Lond. 1684. F G 608 (Martin Mr. Baron) Laws of Tenures. Lond. Savoy. 1734. 8vo. C 252 (Tho.) Louthiana, or Introduction to the History of Ireland. Lond. 1748. 4to. . . . . G 420 Wurmseri (Bern.) et Hartmanni Ohservationes Practicae Forenses. Col. 1607. 4to. . . D 260 Idem. Bas. 1570. F E 213 Wyrley (Will.) True Use of Armorie. Lond. 1592. 4to. G 278 X. Xenophontis Opera Omnia Graecè. H. Steph. 1561. F. .BB 6 Cyropaedia and Anabasis, by Hutchenson. 2 Vol. Oxon. 1727—35. 4to. . . .BB 39 Memorabilia, translated by Mrs. Fielding. 1762. 8vo. . . ... G 300 214 CATALOGUE. Y. L. N. Year Books, from Edw. 1 to Hen. 8, inclusive. Lond, 1678. 10 Vols. F C 489 from Edw. 5 to Hen. 7. Lond. 1555. F. . . C 329 of Hen. 7. 1555. F C 331 of Edw. 3 C 330 Yelverton's (Sir Hen.) Reports. Lond. 1674. F. . . D 413 Yorke's (James) Union of Honour. Lond. 1640. F. . . G 530 Young Clerk's Companion. Edinb. 1661. 12mo. . . F 29 Young (Edw.) Concio ad Clerum. Lond. 1686. 12mo. . F 95 (E.) Reports in the Exchequer. 8vo. . . • L c Young and CoUyer's Reports in the Exchequer. . . . L d Idem in Chancery. 8vo. . . .85 Young and Jervis Reports in the Exchequer. Lond. 1827. 3 Vols. .... . L 7 CATALOGUE. 215 z. L. N. Zabarellse (Franc.) Consilia Med. 1515 et Barth. Cessolas Consilia et Bologninis Consilia. Bon. 1499. F Z 21 Comment, super Decretal et Clementin. Ven. 1602. 2 Vol. F. . . . A 68 Consilia. Ven. 1581. F. . . . E 118 super Deeretal. 1517. 2 Vol. F. . B 17 in Clementin. cum Apostollis Phil. Francii. Ven. 1496. F. . . .A 151 Zacchiœ (Paul.) Qusestiones Medico Legales. 2 Vol. Ams. 1661. F E 227- Zanchii (Hier.) Opera Theologica. 1613. 3 Vol. F. . . F 204 Zasii (Udalr.) Consilia sive Responsa Juris. Bas. 1538. F. E 132 in Pandectas Juris Civilis Comment. 1556. F. Item Matth. Wesenhecii Consilia. 1575 D 448 Consilia seu Responsa et Singularia. Lugd. 1548 Z 28 Zecchi (Lael.) Summa Theologiœ et Casuum Conscientiae. Brix. 1598. 4to F 134 Ziletti (lo. Bapt.) Consilia Selecta in Criminalibus Causis. Franc. 1578. F. . . . . A 71 Matrimonialium Consiliorum Collectio. Ven. 1563. 4to. . . . . D 221 et Nie. Ruckeri Matrimon. Consilia. Franc. 1580. F B 96 Zoanetti (Franc.) de Emptione . . . . . . C 97 Zoesii (Rie.) Comment, ad Dig. Juris Civilis. Brüx. 1718. F A 89 Zeuch (Rie.) Descriptio Juris et Judicii Militaris nec non Maritimi. Oxon. 1640. 4to. . . . D 223 216 CATALOGUE. L. N. Zouch (Ric.) de Politiâ Ecclesiae Anglicanae. Lond. 1705. 8vo C 255 Descriptio Juris et Judicii Feudalis. Oxon. 1634. 12mo D 130 Quaestionum Juris Civilis Centuria. Oxon. 1660. 12mo C 165 Elementa Jurisprudentiae. Hag, 1665. 12mo. C 118 Idem. Oxon. 1636. 4to. . • . . E 71 Disputation on the Punishment of Ambassa¬ dors. Lond. 1717. 8vo. . . . . G 99 Questions in Civil Law. (English.) Oxford, 1652. 8vo C 123 Jurisdiction of the Admiralty. Lond. 1663. 8vo. . . . . . . . . M 27 (Sir Edward and Lady) Process between. MSS. F E 138 Zuingeri (Theod.) Theatrum Vitae Humanae. Bas. 1571. 4 Vol. F G 609 Zunti (Lud.) et Lud Lanae Consilia. Vide Curtii conjectural. C 92 Idem. Col. 1577. 8vo. . . . . . C 30 Zypaei (Franc.) Opera Omnia. Antw. 1675. F. . . F 153 CATALOGUE. 217 LIST OF MSS. L. N. Abstract of the Laws of Oleron. By Thomas Bedford. F. X 9 Analogy of the Common Law and the Civil. By Nathaniel Pigott. 3 Vols. F. . . . . . . . X 14 Catalogue of the Processes in the Registry of the High Court of Delegates. F. . . . . X 3 of the Library. (Uncertain date.) F. . . X 21 Idem. F. . . . . . X 22 Idem. By Kersey. 1714. 3 Vols. F. . . X 23 Idem. (Of uncertain date.) . . . . X 24 Catalogus Bibliothecae Cottonianae. Oxon. 1696. F. . G 675 Charter of Incorporation of the Society. (MS. copy of.) F. X 8 Collection of Precedents and Cases. F. . . . . X 19 Common Place Book of Civil, Canon, and Admiralty Laws. 2 Vols. F X 7 on Subjects of Law. F. . . . X 16 on Matters of Ecclesiastical and Mari¬ time Law. F. . . . . X 17 Dictata Heineccii ad Institutiones Juris Civilis. By A. L. H. C^mpbeU. 1726. 2 Vol. 4to X 2 Ducarel's History of Doctors' Commons . . . . . G 450 East India Company v. Thomas Sands. F. . . . . X 12 Ecclesiastical Collections. F. . . . . . . F 138 English Alphabetical Index to Oughton's Ordo Judiciorum. 4th Ed. 1728 X 30 Fees of Sir Charles Hedges, from 1693 to 1702. F. . . X 15 Idem, between 1691 and 1693; together with some Cash Memoranda in 1694, and an Index. F. . X 11 Forms of Oaths, Orders in Council, Warrants, Letters, &c. F X 4 p 218 CATALOGUE. Grey v. Lord Hastings. (Process in the Case of.) F. Index to 233 Admiralty Cases, from 1758 to 1766. F. Letters and Papers on Admiralty Afiairs. F. . Notes of Cases in the Admiralty Court. 2 Vols. 4to. -j Vol. I. contains Cases from 1690 to 1692, with an Index. Vol. II. contains Cases from 1692 to 1694, also with an Index. Opinions on Maritime and Ecclesiastical Affairs of Sir Charles Hedges, Knight, and his Public and Private Correspond¬ ence. F. ........ . Orders of the House of Lords. 4to. . ... . Portfolio of Designs for Alterations in the College . . . Shipping Book. 1638. F. . . . . . Sir Edward and Lady Zouch. (Process in Case of.) F. Statutes and Ordinances of the Order of the Garter j with an original Letter from President Bradshaw to the Go¬ vernor of Oxford ........ L. N. G 491 X 20 X 6 X 1 X 5 C 289 X 28 X 13 E 138 G 465 CATALOGUE. 219. LIST OF BOOKS IN PRINT WHICH ARE KEPT WITH THE MSS. L. N. Catalogue of the Library, dated 1818. 8vo. . . . X 25 Librarian's Copy before the Catalogue of 1848. 4to. . . . . . • • . X 26 Catalogue of 1848. . . X 27 Letter to Members of the different Circuits. By Anthony Hammond. 8vo. 1826. . . . . . . . X 31 Prize Appeal Cases. 2 Vols. F. . . . . . X 32 Rules and Regulations of the Vice-Admiralty Courts Abroad. (A second copy in the Library.) 4to. . . . X 10 Speech of Sir R. H. Inglis on the Roman Catholic Relief Bill. Taken from Hansard's Debates. 8vo. . . X 29 N.B.—The key of Bookcase X, in which most of the MSS. are placed, is kept by the Librarian. All Books marked with double letters will be found in the room up-stairs. After some of the Books, the words, " Quere missing," have been inserted, inasmuch as it was impossible, during the vacation, to make such inquiries of the Members of the College as to warrant their omission as lost. ^JACINTO¡?H, PRINTER, GREAT NEW STREET, LONDON. .Vi*!*«; »riisiigiüiil i'-jC'' mm'ii g-^ííi-yiiiP# •ï ■ mm «íi^íííii^ > ' 'i'í