T bTó. i U 5 8 Ä NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY * * •k Franz Boas Library of Anthropology Si )h LIBRARY ^ LIST OF THE SPECIMENS IN THE Anatomical Section OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. BY GEOEGE A. OTIS. Surgeon U. S. A., Curator of the Army Medical Museum. AKMY MEDICAL MUSEUM, WASHINGTON. D. C 1880. Gibson Brothers, Printers, Washington, 1). C. MEMORANDUM. At the time of the publication of the Check List of Preparations and Objects in the Section of Human Anatomy of the United States Army Medical Museum for use during the International ^Exhibition «/"ISTG, in connection with the re2)resentation of the Medical Pepartment U. S. Army, Washington, 1876, the editor hoped that before long he would be enabled to prepare a Descriptive Catalogue of the Anatomical Section of the Army Medical Museum similar to the illustrated catalogues which have become classical under the titles of Crania Americana, AEgyp- tiaca, Britannica, Germanica, Helvetica, Typica, Selecta, and Ethnica. In January, 1873, the following communication, recommending such a publication, had been addressed by the Surgeon General to the Hon. John Coburn, then chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs of the House of Representatives ; War Department, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, yamtary i8, 1873. Sir : In reply to your letter of the 17th instant, asking for a " statement of the factsgoing to show the importance of printing the Descriptive Anatomical Catalogue of the Army Medical Museum" contem¬ plated in the bill H. R. 3453,1 have the honor to represent that it is mainly through the printed catalogues that the collections of the Museum are made available to scientific students, the majority of whom cannot personally examine them. Catalogues of the surgical, medical, and microscopical sections have been already printed, and their distribution has resulted, not only in widely diffusing a knowledge of the con¬ tents of the Museum relative to those subjects, but in large voluntary contributions to the collections. These have now attained such importance that few recent works on military medicine, surgery, and hygiene have omitted to refer largely to the rich and reliable stores of information gathered within the walls of the Museum. It is now proposed to print an anatomical catalogue, in which the most important feature will be the craniological chapter. The measurement and comparison of human skulls is an interesting and difficult branch of the natural history of man, which has of late received much attention in the scientific world. It is a suidy that can only be pursued by a few anatomists, having access to large collections of crania, and the requisite experience and skill to measure accurately. Craniology, established as a science by Blumenbach and Camper, was prosecuted in this country by Morton with great success. His work was published by subscription. The medical officers of the Army have collected a much larger series of American skulls than have ever before been available for study. The collection embraces many ancient^ crania from caves and tumuli, from Greenland and Alaska to Florida and Arizona, and specimens from the majority of the existing tribes of Indians, and of the e.vtinct tribes of the historic period. These, as well as a sufficient series of skulls of the white and black races, have been carefully measured and figured by orthographic drawings, so that the dimensions may be verified. Anthropologists in different parts of the world are anxious for the data thus accumulated for comparison with similar data published in Sweden, Russia, Germany, Italy, France, and England. The French government, through its legation here, after making repeated applications for the tables of cranial measurements, employed an artist to make casts and take photographs of a series of typical skulls ; and a professor of Bonn made the study of the collection the object of a trip across the Atlantic. I mention these facts as an indication of the importance of the collection in the eyes of foreign savants ; but it is especially with a view of enabling scientific students in our own country to utilize the collection that I urge the publication of this catalogue. In addition to the unique collection of crania, the Anatomical Cabinet possesses a good series of prep¬ arations and drawings of the various organs of the body, properly classified and catalogued. To render these accessible to students a printed catalogue is simply a necessity. I take what I trust may be esteemed a pardonable pride in the reflection that this important collection has been accumulated through the almost unaided zeal and industry of the medical officers of the Army, and, 1 was about to say, entirely without cost to the Government. It is true, however, that a few prep¬ arations have been obtained by purchase, but by far the largest proportion have been collected l)y the medical officers, or procured in exchange for objects of ethnological interest collected by them. If the members of the committee will contrast the results obtained with the small annual appropriation of ;Í5,ooo for the Army Medical Museum with the condition of foreign national museums, and the large sums annually voted them, the progress here accomplished would be appreciated, the results being pos- iii iv MEMORANDUM. sible only because the labor has been performed, as incidental to their legitimate duties, by those already in the Government service. 1 have restricted myself to a concise statement of the importance of the proposed catalogue. Should the members of the committee desire more details I would respectfully suggest that Assistant Surgeon Otis, who is familiar with them, should be granted a hearing before the committee. I am, sir, very respectfully, yotir obedient servant, J. K. P.ARNES, Surgeon General^ United States Army. Hon. John Coburn, Chairman Committee on Military AjJ'airs. The recommendation of the Surgeon General received the approval of the House of Representatives, and was favorably considered in the Senate, but no final action was taken by the latter. Since the publication of the Check-TAst in 1876 the number of anatom¬ ical preparations in the Army Medical Museum has greatly increased, thirty-one skeletons, five hundred and nineteen crania, and ten prepara¬ tions of a miscellaneous character having been added to the collection of objects of human anatomy. With the continually growing interest, especially in ethnological re¬ searches, the demand for the Oheck-TAst soon exceeded the supply of the limited number printed, and it has been deemed expedient to issue for the benefit of students a new list containing a brief enumeration of all the preparations at the present time in the Section of Human Anatomy of the Army Medical Museum. As already stated on page 4 of the Memorandum to the Check-List^ " metrical measiu'es are employed, as most convenient for the greater number of anatomists occupied with these studies. In explanation of the various abbreviations employed it may be stated that instead of the conventional signs for the male and female sexes the letters M and F are used ; c. stands sometimes for circa and sometimes for centimetres or cubic centimetres ; L indicates the greatest longitudinal diameter, meas¬ ured from the glabella to the most prominent part of the occiput ; B signifies the breadth between the points of the parietal bones widest apart ; Cap. refers to the internal capacity, measured by No. 8 shot ; H denotes the height, measured by calipers, from the middle of the anterior border of the foramen magnum to the most elevated point on the sagittal suture ; C refers to the circumference, taken by tape measure, on a plane including the glabella, occiput, and most prominent lateral points ; Z. d. refers to the zygomatic diameter ; F. a. refers to the facial angle. In accordance with the nomenclature of Dr. J. Barnard Davis, cranium signifies the entire bones of the head and face ; calvarium, the same bones without the lower maxilla; calvaría, the bones of the skull alone." GEORGE A, OTIS, Surgeon U. 8, Army, Curator Army Medical Museum. Washington, D. C., June 1, 1880. TABLE OF CONTENTS of List of the ahatomical Section, y^RMY jVlEDlCAL /VluSEUM. pa(;e Memoraudum iii, iv I.—ANATOMICAL SERIES 1 1.—SkeletoDS 1 2.—Ligamentous Preparations 4 3.—Injected Preparations ö 4.—Wax Preparations G 5.—Wet PreiJarations 8 II.—ETHNOLOOICAL SERIES 9 A.—North American Skulls 9 1. —Esqni maux 9 2.—Mound Builders 14 a.—From Dakota 14 b.—From Wisconsin IG c.—From Iowa 16 d.—From Illinois IG e.—From Indiana 17 /.—From Ohio 17 g.—From California : 17 7i.—From Utah 19 i.—From Missouri 19 k.—From Kentucky 19 I.—From Virginia 22 m.—From Tennessee 22 JÍ.—From Mississippi 26 o.—From Louisiana 29 p.—From Alabama 30 Ç.—From Florida 30 3.—Indians from Alaska 3,5 4.—Indians from Peel's River 40 .5.—Newittee Indians 40 U.—Chemakum Indians 40 7. — Spokane Indians 41 8 —Flathead Indians 41 V vi TABLE OP CONTENTS. PAGE. 9.—Olallam Indiana 42 10.—Salish Indians 42 11.—Ohehalis Indians 43 12.—Makah Indians 43 13.—Nisqually Indians 43 14.—Nez Perces 44 15.—Watlala Indians 44 16.—Chinook Indians 45 17.—Oregon Indians 47 18.—Modoo Indians : 48 19.—Shoshone Indians 48 20.—Snake Indians 49 21.—Cascade Indians 49 22.—Ukah Indians 49 23.—Ocki Pah Ute Indians 50 24.—Pah Ute Indians 50 25.—Utah Indians 52 26.—California Indians 52 27.—Nevada Indians 93 28.—Aztec Indians 94 29.—Wintoon Indians 95 30.—Digger Indians 95 31.—Co woo w Indians 95 32.—Navajo Indians 95 33.—Apache Indians 97 34.—Hare Indians 101 35.—Blackfeet Indians : 101 36.—Piegan Indians 101 37.—Gros Ventre Indians 103 88.—Mandan Indians 103 39.—Arickaree Indians 103 40.—Assiniboine Indians 104 41.—Sioux Indians 104 42.—Brule Sionx Indians 107 43.—Ogallalla Sioux Indians 109 44.—Yankton Sioux Indians 110 45.—Sis.siton Sioux Indians, 112 4().—Santee Sioux Indians 113 47.—Teton Sioux Indians 113 48.—Wahpeton Sioux Indians 114 49.—Minoininee Indians 114 50.—Dakota Indians 114 51.—Ponka Indians 116 52.—Crow Indians 118 53.—Caddo Indians 118 54.—Minnetaree Indians 119 55.—Winnebago Indians ' 121 56.—Pawnee Indians 122 57.—Kickapoo Indians 122 TABLE OP CONTENTS. vi i PAGE. .58.—Arapahoe Indians 123 íj'J.—Cheyenne Indians 121 60.—Kaw Indians 12() 61.—Shawnee Indians 126 62.—Pottawatomie Indians 126 63. —0.sage Indians 127 64.—Seneoa Indians 127 65.—Wishitaw Indians 127 66.—Kiowa Indians .128 67.—Choctaw Indians 12!» 68.—Chickasaw Indians: 120 60.—lowaulkeno Indians 12!) 70.—Kechi Indians 130 71.—New Mexican Indians 130 72.—Comanche Indians 131 73.—Lipan Indians 132 74.—Tonkaway Indians 132 75.—Texan Indians 132 76.—Pueblo Indians 133 77.—Mexican Indians 133 78.—Cree Indians 134 79.—Chippewa Indians 134 80.—Wisconsin Indians 136 81.—Sac Indians 136 82.—Pequod Indians 136 83.—Miami Indians 137 84.—Seminole Indians 137 85.—Unknown Indians 137 86.—Negroes 142 87.—Whites 146 B.—Ckania i-kom Central and South America, including Yucatan 156 1. —Yucatan Indians 156 2.—Guatemala Indians 156 3.—U. S. of Colombia Indians 157 4.—Peruvian Indians : 157 5.—Matico Indians 150 6. — Chilian Indians 160 7.—Patagonian Indians 160 8.—From Chatham Island 160 C.—European Crania 161 1. —Austrians 161 2.—Bavarians 162 3.—Danes 163 4.—English 163 5.—French 163 6.—Germans 163 7. —Hungarians 164 8.—Romano-British 164 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. 9.—Laplanders 164 LO.—Russians 16,1 LI.—Spaniards 166 lü.—Romans.■. 166 D.—Asiatic Cbania :. 166 1.—Esquimaux Asiatics 166 2. —Chuokchees 167 3.—Japanese 107 4.—Ooreans 168 r>.—Chinese 168 6.—Botan Tribe of Formosa 168 7.—Jews 169 E.—Ckania pegm Afbioa 169 1. —Egyptians 169 2.—Hottentots 169 P.—Ceania fkom Oceánica 169 1. —Sandwich Islanders 169 2. —South Sea Islanders 178 3.—Philippine Islanders 179 4.—New Zealanders 180 .5.—Fiji Islanders 181 G.—Mixed Races 182 H.—ÜNKNOwn CKANIA 183 Numerical Index of Specimens 187 AEMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. I.—ANATOMICAL SEKIES. 1.—Skeletons. 1. (1.) Skeleton of a French male adult, aged 30 years, ftve feet eight inches in height, the bones mounted on their natural relation. Prepared, in 18(16, for the Army Medical Museum, by M. Auzoux, of Paris. 2. (3.) Skeleton of a French male, aged 25 years, disarticulated by Beauohêne's method, the bones separately mounted. Purchased of Auzoux, of Paris, in 1867. 3. (131.) Skeleton of a French female adult, aged 25 years, five feet one-and-a- half inches in height ; the bones, of normal and perfect conformation, are mounted in their natural relations. 1. (141.) Skeleton of an adolescent French male about fifteen years of age; the bones are separately mounted by BeauchÊne's method. Prepared for the Museum, in 1867, by M. Vasseue, of Paris. 5 (143.) Ligamentous skeleton of a French woman of 30 years, five feet one inch in height; a rudely prepared specimen of Vasseue, in 1867. 6. (553.) Natural skeleton of a negress, aged 1.1 years. The intervertebral carti¬ lages and ligaments, and what was necessary to keep the epiphyses in dtu, are retained; but the ligaments of the larger joints are removed. Prepared by Dr. F. schafhikt. 7. (554.) Natural skeleton of an Irish-American boy of 8 years. The sternum and costal cartilages are wanting. The ligaments of the trunk are retained; the long bones of the extremities are movably articulated. Prepared by Dr. F. Schaf- hiet ; presented by Hospital Steward K. E. Williams, U. S. A. 8. (1033.) Skeleton of an Anglo-American male, aged 5.) years, five feet ten inches in height. Prepared by Dr. F. Schafhirt, the bones articulated in their natural relative positions. The cranium is metopic. 9. (1578.) Skeleton of a French male adult, aged 35 years, five feet four and one-half inches in height. Prepared by M. Vasseue, of Paris. The cranium is me- tcpic. 10. (1584.) Skeleton of a French male adult, aged O.l years, five feet four inches in height. The skeleton is complete, with the exception of the hyoid and sesamoids, of which only the patella; appear. The skeleton is remarkable for having both twelve dorsal vertebrae with ribs and six lumber vertebrae, although the sacral vertebras and coccygeals are natural. On the right femur is a very singular lesion on the linea aspera. There is an exotosis on the upper part of the left fibula. Prepared by M. Vasseue, of Paris. 9 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 11. (1585.) Skeleton of a French female adult, aged 35 years, five feet two inches in height. Purchased from Vasseub, of Paris. 12. (1<)30.) Skeleton of a French male adult, aged .5.5 years, five feet three inches in height. Prepared by M. Vasseuk, of Paris, purchased in 1877. 13. (30.'5.) Unarticiihited skeleton of a white male child seven months old. The bones are disposed in their relative positions on a black slab. Presented by Hospital Steward R. E. Williams, in 18GÍ). Prepared by Hospital Steward E. F. Schaehibt, U. S. A. 14. (304:.) Uuarticulated skeleton of a Cheyenne boy five months old. The bones are attached to a .slab in their relative positions. Found in an elaborate burial case on a platform on Walnut Creek, Kansas. (See Smithsonian Annual Report for 186!), p. 38.) Presented by Assistant Surgeon G. M. Steenbeko, U. S. A., in 1868. 15. (543.) Unarticulated .skeleton of a Sioux male child of two years. The cra¬ nium is mounted entire ; the outer walls of the maxillaries dissected to expose the permanent teeth. The bones of the trunk and extremities are arranged in order beneath in a glass tray. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution, April, 1869. Prepared by Dr. F. Schaehibt. 16. (3.) Ligamentous skeleton of a white female child six weeks old. Prepared and presented by Hospital Steward E. F. Schafhirt, U. S. A. 17. (140.) Series of eight foetal ligamentous skeletons, from two months to term. Purchased from Vasseur. 18. (030.) Demonstration of the three cranial vertebrae, from a foetus at term. Prepared by Dr. F. Schafhirt. 19. (041.) Skeleton of a foetus of 6j months. Prepared with the bones sepa¬ rated, and presented by Hospital Steward A. J. Schafhirt. 20. (1.5 7 7.) Nine ligamentous foetal skeletons ; 1577—1, a skeleton of 2|-months; 1577—2, one of 3 months ; 1577—3, one of 3j months ; 1577—4, one of four months ; 1577—5, one of 4i months ; 1577—6, one of five months ; 1577—7, one of 6 months ; 1577—8, one of 7 months ; 1577—9, full term of nine months. Prepared by A. B. Isham, M. D., of Cincinnati, Ohio. 21. (15i)7—1 and 2.) Two ligamentous foetal skeletons, one of four and the other of three months, put up in the dry way. No. 1 is three inches in height—No. 2 is seven inches in height. These two fœtal skeletons of Dr. C. Miller's were pre¬ sented by his widow. 22. (1753.) Twin ligamentous white male fœtal skeletons of eight months. Pre¬ pared at the Army Medical Museum. 23. (17.5Í1.) Ligamentous white female skeleton, full term. Prepared at the Army Medical Museum. 24. (G.) Cranium, with the bones of the calvarium and face separated, and mounted by Beauchêne's method, Purchased of Auzoux, Rue de Saints Pères 13, Paris, in 1867. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 8 (7.) Cranium of a French male adult, divided by various sections to display the internal ear, sinuses, etc. Prepared by Auzoux, in 1869. 26. (14.) Cranium of an adult white male, aged .55 years, in which a vertical sec¬ tion has been made to exhibit the falx major, falx minor, and the tentorium, the Eustachian tubes, and all the cavities communicating with the nose, the frontal, maxillary aud sphenoidal sinuses, and ductus lachrymalis, are also displayed. Pre¬ pared and presented by F. Schafhirt, M. D. 27. (88.) Portion of a skull of a white male adult, sawn to show the inner ear, the anatomy of the nares, etc. Prepared at the Army Medical Museum. 28. (1Í26.) Skull of an adult French male ; skull, sawn in seven sections, displays the interior, the sinuses, etc. The temporals can be disarticulated and display the anatomy of the middle and the internal ear. Prepared by Vasseue, in 1868. 29. (Î337.) A section of a cranium of an adult, in which the persistency of the intermaxillary bone is shown. Prepared at the Museum. 30. (1573).) Cranium of a French male adult, aged 25 years, sawn in seven sec¬ tions to display the internal ear, sinuses, etc. Prepared by Vasseue, of Paris. 81. (1,580.) Cranium of a French male adult, aged 40 years, sawn in two sec¬ tions, the skull cap is sawn off and the vault sawn vertically. Prepared by Vasseue, of Paris. 82. (1581.) A metopio cranium of a French male adult, aged 35 years. Pre¬ pared by Vasseue, of Paris. 33. (1800.) Cranium of a French male adult, aged about 70 years, sawn in five sections to display the internal ear and sinuses. Prepared by Vasseue, of Paris. 34. (1801.) A metopic cranium of a French female adult, aged about 28 years. Prepared by Vasseue, of Paris. 35-41. (122, 123, 124, 125, 1583, 158C>, 1777.) Seven preparations of separated bones of the head and face. Prepared by Vasseue, No. 2 Hue de l'Ecole de Médecine, Paris. 123 is metopio. 42. (15.) Cranium of a negro male child, aged 4 years, illustrating the first and second dentitions. The calvaria is separated by a horizontal incision. Pre23ared and presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon F. Schafhirt. 43. (127.) A metopio cranium of a French male child, 42 months of age, the maxillaries sawn open to display the thirty-two permanent teeth. Prejiared by Vas¬ seue. 44. (Kill.) Cranium of a colored female child, one month old. Prepared at the Army Medical Museum. 45. (KÎ12.) Cranium of a white male child at birth. Prepared at the Army Medical Museum. 4 CHECiC LISÎ OE SECTION IV, 4(í. (1B18.) Orauiuin of a full term white female fœtus. Prepared at the Armj' Medical Museum. 47. (ÍH)7.) Two clavicles of a negro, showing two articular facets on the acromial ends of each. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon Donald Jackson. 48. (1023.) Four hyoid bones, of criminals who were hung. Prepared and pre¬ sented by Mr. E. T. Parkek. 49. (3Í).) Pelvis of an Indian squaw, remarkable for the width of the pubic arch. 7)0-7)3. (503, 504, 505, 506.) Four pelves of Sioux Indian squaws. Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hachenberg. .74-7)8. (74Í), 750,7.51, 752,753.) Five pelves from a tumulus in Kentucky. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7)9. (1250.) Eight female pelves. Prepared at the Army Medical Museum. (JO. (1506.) Eight male pelves. Prepared at the Army Medical Museum. (il. (1876.) Pelvis of a Cheyenne Indian male adult. (Belongs to G982 S. S.) G2. (1020.) Pelvis, and other human bones from a tumulus in Florida. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon Joseph Y. Porter, IT. S. A. G3. (22.) Bones of right hand and right foot, mounted « la Beauchêne. Pur¬ chased of Auzoux, of Paris, in 18G7. ()4. (26.) Bones of the left hand of an adult woman. Articulated and presented by F. Schafhirt, M. D G.">. (96.) Bones of the left hand of a mulatto male adult. Articulated on catgut. Prepared at the Army Medical Museum. (JG. (50.) Bones of the right upper extremity of an adult male mulatto. Prepared at the Army Medical Museum. G7. (1844.) Right hand of a male mulatto, showing eleven sesamoid bones. Prepared at the Army Medical Museum. (18. (27.) Bones of the right foot of an adult woman. Articulated and presented by Dr. F. Schafhirt. G9. (51.) Bones of the right tarsus, metatarsus, and phlanges from an adult male negro. Articulated on catgut, and prepared at the Army Medical Museum. 2.—Ligamentous Pkepaeations. 1. (46.) Preparation to show the normal boundary of the adult male thorax. Pre¬ pared and presented April 18, 1868, by Acting Assistant Surgeon F. Schafhirt. 2. (47.) Demonstration of the anatomy of inguinal and femoral hernise, dissec¬ tion of an adult male. Prepared by Acting Assistant Surgeon F. Schafhirt, in 1868. ARMY MEDtCAti MüSEÜM. .) a. ((>1C>.) Dura mater of a negro lad of 8 years. Prepared and presented by Hospital Steward B. E. Williams. 4. (1031ß.) Dura mater of a Chippewa Indian squaw, 8."> year.s old. Prepared at the Army Medical Museum. 5. (1022.) Larynx, prepared to show the hyoid bone, œsophagus, trachea, and vocal chords in position. Prepared and presented by Dr. A. W. Adams. G. (043.) A dissection showing the hyoid bone, epiglottis, thyroid, cricoid, and arytenoid cartilages, with the ligaments and part of the trachea. (Compare Spec. ~)i>84, Surg. Sect.') Prepared at the Army Medical Museum. 7. (1Í1.) Pelvis of an adult Frenchman, with ligaments or artificial representa¬ tions of the ligaments. Purchased in 1807 from Auzoux, of Paris. 8. (1582.) Ligamentous pelvis of an adult female, with the head of a foetus of eight months. Prepared by Vasseub, of Paris. 9. (lOlO.) Pelvis of an adult French female, with artificial ligamentous attach¬ ments, and skull of a full-term foetus. Prepared by Vasseue, of Paris. 10. (674.) Bones of the left shoulder, with artificial ligaments. By Vasseue. 11. (673.) Bones of the left elbow, with artificial ligaments. By Vasseue. 12. (672.) The bones of the left hand and carpus, with the ligaments represented artificially. By Vasseue. 13. (676.) Bones of right hip, with artificial ligaments. Prepared by Vasseue, of Paris. 14. (680.) Same as preceding, the capsular ligament laid open. Prepared by Vasseue, of Paris. 1.5. (675.) A similar preparation, with the capsular ligament laid open. Prepared by Vasseue, of Paris. IG. (678.) Bones of the left knee, with the crucial and lateral ligaments and liga- mentum patelte artificially presented. By Vasseue. 17. (677.) Bones of the left knee, with artificial ligaments. By Vasseue. 15. (676.) Bones of the right foot and ankle, with artificial demonstration of the ligaments. By Vasseue. 19. (112.) A ligamentous preparation of the bones of the left foot. Presented in June, 18G8, by Dr. N. S. Lincoln. 20. (1265.) Dried hand and foot of a Piegan Indian, found tied to a stake on the prairie. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. V. D. Middleton, U. S. A. 3.—In.jected Préparations. 1. (4.) Injected preparation of a female child of three years. The arterial system and the cavpe and right side of the heart are demonstrated. Prepared by Surgeon C. H. Teiplee, U. S. a., and presented to Surgeon General T. Lawson, U. S. a. 6 check list op section iv, 2. (30.) Penis of a white adult, injected ; the nerves dissected and painted. Pre¬ pared and presented, in 1860, by Surgeon N. R. Moselet, U. S. V. 3. (31.) Penis of an adult white male injected. From the collection of Surgeon General T, Lawson. 4. (33.) Left hand, dissected and injected to display the superficial and deep arterial palmar arches. Prepared in 186.5, and presented by Surgeon N. R. Moseley, U. S. V. 5. (34.) Right hand, dissected and injected, and presented, in 1865, by Surgeon N. R. Moseley, TJ. S. V. 6. (35.) Right hand of a child, dissected and injected to display the systemic circulation. By Surgeon C. H. Triples, U. S. A. 7. (31.) Preparation of the right upper extremity; the arteries and veins injected. Prepared by Vasseur, of Paris, and purchased in 1867. 8. (33.) Preparation of the left lower extremity, displaying the arteries and veins. Prepared by Vasseur, and purchased December 9, 1867. 9. (33.) Injected preparation of the upper and lower venae cavee, thoracic duct, and horizontal intraspinal veins. Purchased of Vasseur, in 1867. 10. (34.) Preparation showing the veins, arteries, and lymphatics of the pelvis. From Vasseur. 11. (4t).) Injected preparation of the heart and great vessels of the trunk, show¬ ing their relations to the thorax, pelvis, and vertebral column. Purchased of Vas¬ seur, of Paris, in 1868. 12. (147.) A preparation demonstrating, pai'tly by injection of the vessels and partly by wax and papier-mache additions, the distribution of the arteries, veins, and lymphatics of the neck and head. The skull, upper portion of the vertebral column, and ribs of a young subject form the framework. The symmetrical cranium is metopic. Bought of Vasseur, in 1868. 13. (381.) Injected preparation of the right hand, displaying the superficial and deep palmar arches, the nerves and tendons. Prepared by Surgeon N. R. Moseley, U. S. v., and contributed through Surgeon L. A. Edwards, U. S. A. 14. (1831.) Injected specimen, showing anomaly; origin of left carotid artery from the innominata. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon D. S. Lamb. 4.—Wax Preparations. 1. (35.) Preparation demonstrating the lumbar plexus of nerves. Purchased of Vasseur, in 1867. 2. (33.) Preparation demonstrating the axillary plexus of nerves. Purchased of Vasseur, in 1867. S. (37.) Preparation demonstrating the distribution of the first seven pairs of cranial nerves and cephalic portion of the five others. Prepared by Vasseur, in 1867, and purchased for the Museum. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 7 4. (48.) Demonstration of the great sympathetic nerve, some of the thoracic and abdominal viscera. Prepared by Vasseuk, and purchased in 18G8. .1. (08.) Wax preparation showing the external anatomy of the eyeball, with the distribution of the second, third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves. A Paris prepara¬ tion from Dr. William Gibson's collection, purchased May 13, 18(!8. G. (OU.) A wax preparation of the eye and its appendages. Purchased from the Gibson collection, in 18G8. 7. (101.) A wax preparation illustrating a horizontal section of the globe of the eye. Purchased from the Gibson collection, in 18G8. 8. (loa .) A wax preparation demonstrating the superficial muscles, vessels, and nerves of the right side of the head and face. Prepared by Giijseppi Chiappi, of Florence, in 1814, and purchased by Dr. W. Gibson. 9. (103.) A wax preparation of the anatomy of the mouth and nares, left portion of the base of the skull. Prepared by Chiappi, in 1816. 10. (104.) A wax preparation of the encephalon. By Chiappi, in 1816. • 11. (105.) A wax preparation, illustrating the parts of the encephalon, seen on a section through the longitudinal fissure, corpus collossum, and left lobe of cerebellum. By Chiappi. 12. (106.) A wax preparation, illustrating the parts of the cerebral hemispheres, seen in a horizontal section through the lateral ventricles. By Chiappi. 13. (107.) A wax preparation, illustrating the horizontal section of the encephalon at a level just touching the lateral ventricles. By Chiappi. 14. (108.) A wax preparation, designed to show specially appearances on a sec¬ tion of the third and fourth ventricles. By Chiappi. 15. (lOU.) A wax preparation, showing the cerebral hemispheres, laid apart lat¬ erally to exhibit the cenra, etc. By Chiappi. 16. (110.) A wax demonstration of the origin of the cranial nerves. By Chiappi. 17. (143.) A wax model, enlarged five times, representing the external middle and internal ear. From Vasseub, in 1868. 18. (144.) A wax model to show the relations of the chorda tympani. By Vas- seue. 19. (145.) A wax preparation, demonstrating the thoracic duct, the azgos vein axillary, lumbar, and pelvic ganglii. By Vassexjb. 20. (148.) Preparation, consisting of vertical section of skull and vertebral col¬ umn, with the representation in wax of the spinal cord and nerves, and their relations to the ganglia of the great sympathetic. By Vasseub. 21. (lUO.) A wax preparation, designed to illustrate the distribution of the facial and auditory nerves. By Vasseub. 8 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 22. Eight temporal bone, the petrous portion dissected to show the semi¬ circular canals, etc. The arteries and veins are represented in wax. By Vasseue. 23. Eight temporal bone, with the petrous portion dissected, and showing with wax the course of the auditory nerves. By Vasseue. 21. A section of the cranium and bones of the face, so dissected as to dis¬ play the distributions of the ramifications of the intèrual maxillary artery and fifth nerve, which are laid on in wax. By Vasseue. 25. (104.) A preparation to display the portal circulation. The lower two-thirds of the vertebral column, the lower ribs, and the pelvis are natural ; the diaphragm and intercostal muscles are represented in papier-mache. On this framework are mounted the inferior cava and vessels of the portal system, injected and painted, 2(1. (105.1 A section of the skull, vertebral column, and ribs, with demonstration in papier-maché and wax of the disti-ibution of the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth pair of nerves. 27. (670.) Preparation displaying on the framework of the natural bones of the pelvis and the vertebral column, in papier-mache and wax, the male pelvie viscera and g^ital organs. By Vasseue, in 18(19. 28. (671.) Wax preparation of the muscles, vessels, tendons, and nerves of the left hand. By Vasseue, 1869. 5.—Wet Preparations. 1. (16.) Section of encephalon, exhibiting the corpus callosura, thalami optici, pons medulla oblongata, etc. Prepared and presented by Hospital Steward D. S. Lamb. 2. (17.) Section of base of encephalon, exhibiting the apparent origin of the twelve cranial nerves. Prepared in 1866, and presented to the Museum by Hospital Steward D. S. Lamb, U. S. A. 3. (18.) Encephalon, dissected especially with reference to displaying the appar¬ ent origin of the cranial nerves. Prepared and presented, in 1866, by Assistant Sur¬ geon J. J. Woodward, U. S. A. 4. (1126.) Normal heart, from a white woman, aged 30. Presented by Dr. F. schafhiet. 5. (1127.) Normal spleen, from a woman of 30 years. Presented by Dr. F. schafhibt. 6 (815.) Normal heart, from a male adult of 34 years, who died suddenly from a fall from a window. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. D. Barnes. 7. (10310.) Brain of a Chippewa Indian squaw, weight, 734 ounces avoirdu¬ pois. Prepared at the Army Medical Museum. 8. (1754.) White foetus, of six weeks. Eeceived in exchange from the George¬ town College. 9-10. (1786-1785.) Two human ovums, of about four and six weeks, respec¬ tively. Presented by Surgeon B.J. D. Irwin, U. S. A. ARMT MEDICAL MUSEUM. 9 II.—ETHNOLOGICAL SERIES. HUMAN SKELETONS AND CRANIA IN THE ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. A.-NORTH AMERIC.AN SKULLS. I .—Esquimaux. 1. (267.) A time-worn Cranium. iEt. c. 82, Cap.? L. 183 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 13.') mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 362 mm., C. .508 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 80^ Obtained in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (1182.) Cranium. M. œt. e. 40, Cap. 1550 c. c., L. 192 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 389 mm., 0. 531 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 74°. [ This and the next seoenty-one skulls enumerated on the list were collected in Greenland by Dr. I. I. Hates.] 3. (1183.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 30, Cap. 1550 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 369 mm , C. 512 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 74°. 4. (1184. ) Cranium. F. aet. c. 45, Cap. 1180 c. o., L. 181 mm., B. 127 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 379 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 77°. 5. (1185.) Cranium. F. set. c. 35, Cap. 1385 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 123 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 398 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 77°. 6. (1186.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1245 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 125 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 355 mm., C. 491 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 74° 7. (1187.) Cranium. M. ifit. c. 30, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 126 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 377 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 74° 8. (1188.) Cranium. F. set. c. 30, Cap. 1140 c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 120 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a 356 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 73°. 9. (1186.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 193 mm., B. 126 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 387 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 75°. 10. (1160.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1560c. c., L. 195 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 4i), L. a. 370 mm., C. 540 mm., Z. d. 147 mm., F. a. 7,5°. 11. (1161.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1565 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 374 mm., C. 523 mm., Z. d. 152 mm., F. a. 76°. 12. (1162.) Cranium. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1145 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 120 mm., H. 134 mm., 1. f. m. 42, L. a. 364 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 73°. 13. (1163.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 25, Cap. 1490c. c., L. 189 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 389 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 77° 10 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 14. (1194.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1370 o.e., L. 191 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 142 mm,, I. f. m. 39, L. a. 376 mm., G. 624 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., P. a. 77°. la. (1195.) Cranium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 194 mm., B. 123 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 400 mm., C. 5,57 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 74°. 16. (1196.) Cranium. P. set. c. 60, Cap. 1290 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 361 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 77° 17. (1197.) Cranium. P. set. c. 35, Cap. 1235 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 124 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 378 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., P. a. 79°. 18. (1198.) Cranium. M. set. 45, Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 188 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 368 mm., C. 550 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 74°. 19. (1199.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 361 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 71°. 20. (1200.) Cranium. M. set. 50, Cap. 1520 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 381 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., P. a. 76°. 21. (1201.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1560 c. c., L. 191 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 14.5 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 381 mm., C. 524 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., P. a. 74°. 22. (1202.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1440 c. c., L. 196 mm., B, 133 mm,, H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 403 mm., C. 532 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., P. a. 80°. 23. (1203.) Cranium. M. set. o. 55, Cap. 1325 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 126 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 385 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., P. a. 76°. 24. (1204.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1335 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 125 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 45, h. a. 399 mm., C. 518 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., P. a. 75°. 25. (1205.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1715 c. c., L. 191 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 388 mm., C. 534 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 77°. 26. (1206.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1430 c. i:., L. 187 mm., 8. 134 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 375 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d. 147 mm., P. a. 78°. 27. (1207.) Cranium. M. set. 55, Cap. 1600 c. c., L. 194 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 392, C. 530 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., P. a. 75°. 28. (1208.) Calvarium. P. set. c. 60, Cap. 1470 c. c., L. 191 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 375 mm., C. 527 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., P. a. 75°. 29. (1209.) Cranium. M. set. 55, Cap. 1650 c. c., L. 199 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 401 mm., C. 541 mm., Z. d. 155 mm., P. a. 78°. 30. (1210.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1445 c. c., L. 193 mm., B. 130 mm., 139 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 382 mm., C. 525 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., P. a. 75°. 31. (1211.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 185 mm., B. 127 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 380 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., P. a. 76°. 32. (1212.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1480 c. c., L. 193 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 384 mm., C. 543 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., P. a. 75°. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 11 33. (1313.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 7,5, Cap. 1435 o. c., L. 191 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f m. 41, L. a. 383 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., P. a. 80°. 34. (1214.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 75, Cap. 1415 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a 362 mm., C. 513 mm., Z. d. 149 mm., F. a. 75°. 35. (1215.) Calvaría. M. aet. e. 60, Cap. 1440 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 385 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Imperfect. 36. (1216.) Cranium. F. aet. c. 20, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 374 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 84°. 37. (1217.) Cranium. F. aet. c. 65, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 125 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 386 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d. 123 mm., F. a. 75°. 38. (1218.) Calvarium. M. aet. 70, Cap. 1475 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 149 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 382 mm., C. 513 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 75° 39. (1219.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1580 c. c., L. 192 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 153 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 393 mm., C. 523 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 73°. 40. (1220.) Cranium. F. aet. c. 30, Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 126 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 371 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 76°. 41. (1221.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 40, Cap. 1480 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 375 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 74°. 42. (1222.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. .50, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 126 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 376 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 73°. 43. (1223.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 80, Cap. 1490 c. c., L. 188 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 374 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., F. a. 77°. 44. (1 224.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 65, Cap. 1360 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 127 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 371 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 77°. 45. (1225.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 60, Cap. 1550 c. e., L. 189 mm., B. 138mm., H. 153 mip., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 388 mm., C. 528 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., F. a. 76°. 46. (1226.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 50, Cap. 1370 c. c.,L. 185 mm., B. 118 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 360 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 76°. 47. (122 7.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 190 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 374 mm., C. 528 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 77°. 48. (1228.) Calvarium. M. ast. c. 75, Cap. 1565 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 134mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 379 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 81°. 49. (1229.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 60, Cap. 1365 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 366 mm., C. 447 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 76°. 50. ( 12ÎÎ0.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1180 c. c., L. 1 j 6 mm., B. 120 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 371 mm., C. 501 mm., Z. d. 123 mm., F. a. 74°. 51. (1231.) Calvarium, P. aet. c. 25, Cap. 12.30 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 347 mm., C. 484 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 76° 12 CHECK LIST OP SECTION IV, 52. (1232.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1455 c. c.,L. 189 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 189 mm., I.- f. m. 45, L. a. 894 mm., 0. 542 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 82°. 58. (1233.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 1175 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 127 mm., H. 186 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 857 mm., C. 491 mm., Z. d. 180 mm., F. a. 74°. 54. (1234.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1565 c. c., L. 189 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 378 mm., C. 525 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 76.° 55. (1235.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1505 c. c., L. 189 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 383 mm., C. 526 mm., Z. d. 148 mm., F. a. 76°. 56. (1236.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1390 c. o., L. 191 mm., B. 129 mm., H. 184 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 875 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d. 182 mm., F. a. 74° 57. (1237.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1410c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 126 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 374 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d. 189 mm., F. a. 76°. 58. (1238.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 127 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 875 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 77°. 59. (1230.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 80, Cap. 1270 c.c., L. 183 mm., B. 180 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 378 mm., C. 522 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 78°. 60. (1240.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1400c. c.,L. 181mm., B. 132 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a., 873 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 77°. 61. (1241.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1625 c. c., L. 188 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 149 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 388 mm., C. 522 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. 62. (1242.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 180 mm., B. 120 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 500 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a.? Imperfect. 63. (1243.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 126 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 371 mm., C. 513 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 76°. 64. (1244.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1445 c. c., L. 192 mm., B. 129 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 396 mm., C. 537 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 77°. 65. (1245.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 125 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 338 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 74°. 66. (1246.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 370 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 80°. 67. (1247.) Calvarium. M. set. v. 45, Cap. 1335 c. c., L. 176 mm., B 128 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 383 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 80°. 68. (1248.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1155 c. c.,L. 179 mm., B. 120mm., H. 133mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 385 mm., C. 494 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 76°. 69. (1240.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1510 c. o., L. 192 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 381 mm., C. 531 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 77°. 70. (1250.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1355 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 370 mm., C. 509 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 77°. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEÜM. 13 71. (1251.) Calvarium. F. set. c. +.1, Cap. 1285 c. c., L. 181 mm., B 126 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 815 mm., C. 880 mm., Z. d. 123 mm., F. a. 77°. 72. (1252.) Calvaría. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1500 c. o., L. 190 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 378 mm., 0. 525 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? 73. (1253.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 193 mm., B. 126 mm., H. 150 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 391 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d. 1.32 mm., F. a. 75' 74. (1278.) Calvarium, from Disco, Greenland. F. set. c. .50, Cap. 1265 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 365 mm., C. .500mm., Z. d. 183 mm., F. a. 73°. Presented by Dr. B. F. Rogers, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 75. (1553.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1850 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 366 mm., C. 513 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 73°. From Prince William Sound. Collected by the Alaska Commercial Company. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 76. (1554.) Calvaría. M. set.? Cap.? L. 184 mm., B. 142 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 531 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by W. H. Dall, U. S. Coast Survey. 77. (1558.) Cranium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1450 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 150 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 365 mm., C. 519 mm., Z. d. 151 mm., F. a. 76°. From Prince William Sound. Collected by the Alaska Commercial Company. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 78. (1561.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 35, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 349 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d. 183 mm., F. a. 71°. From Prince William Sound. Collected by the Alaska Commercial Company. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 79. (1563.) Calvaría. F. set. c. 70, Cap.? L. 175 mm., B. 140 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 505 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by W. H. Dale, U. S. Coast Survey. 80. (1564:.) Calvaría, imperfect. M. set. c. 50, Cap.? L.? B. 133 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by W. H. Dale, U. S. Coàst Survey. 81. (1778.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 60, Cap.? L. 186 mm., B.? H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 381 mm., C.? Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by W. A. Mint- zer, U. S. N. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 82. (17 79 .) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 378 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 69°. Collected by W. A. Mintzer, U. S. N. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 83. (1780.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, C. 1410 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 372 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 148 mm., F. a. 75°. Col¬ lected by W. A. Mintzer, U. S. N. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 84. (1781.) Cranium. F. set. c. 25, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 124 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 371 mm., C. 501 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 70°. Col¬ lected by W. A. Mintzer, U. S. N. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 14 CHECK LIST UP SECTION IV, 85. ri782.) Cranium. M. set. c. .50, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 382 mm., C. 526 mm., Z. d. 182 mm., F. a. 73°. Col¬ lected by W. A. Mintzee, U. S. N. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 86. (1783.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. in. 51, L. a. 387 mm., 0. 515 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 73°. Collected by W. A. Mintzee, U. S. N. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 87. (1803.) Calvarium. P. set. c. 70, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 185 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m., 42, L. a. 378 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 75° Collected by W. A. Mintzee, U. S. N. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 88. (1859.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1370 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 360 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., P. a. 73°. Collected by W. A. Mintzee, U. S. N. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2.—Mound Builders. («.—From Dakota.) 1. (165.) Skeleton. M. set. c. 50. Peet wanting. Cranium; Cap. 1445, c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 378 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., P. a. 66°. Prom a mound near Port Wadsworth. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon A. I. Compoet. 2. (181.) Skeleton. P. set. c. 9. Imperfect, unarticulated. Calvarium imper¬ fect, fragile. From a mound near Port Wadsworth. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon A. I. Compoet. 3. (1131.) Skeleton. M. set. c. 65. H. 1706 mm. Ci-anium : Cap. 1465 c. c., L. 193 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 136 mm,, I. f. m. 40, L. a. 376 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., P. a. 71° Prom a mound near Port Totten. Presented by Acting Assist¬ ant Surgeon J. B. Peeguson. 4. (163.) Calvarium. Child, set. c. 10, Cap. 1453 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 362 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 119 mm., P. a. 80°. Prom a mound near Port Wadsworth. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon A. I. Com¬ poet. 5. (164.) Cranium. M. set. o. 45, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 337 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 72° Prom a mound near Port Wadsworth. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon A. I. Compoet. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 15 6. (166.) Calvaria. M. aet. c. 20, Cap.? L. 178 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 13.5 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 343 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Fort Wadsworth. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon A. I. Comfort. 7. (167.) Cranium. M. set. c. 85, Cap. 1520 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 4."), L. a. 372 mm., C. 519 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 73°. Imper¬ fect. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon A. I. Comfort. 8. (168.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. 18(i mm., B. 130 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 381 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 74°. From a mound near Fort Wadsworth. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon A. I. Comfort. * 9. (169.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 365 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 69°. From a mound near Fort Wadsworth. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon A. I. Comport. 10. (170.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 181 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 362 mm., C, 495 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73° Imperfect. From a mound near Fort Wadsworth. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon A. I. Comfort. 11. (940.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1385 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 359 mm., C. .501 mm., Z. d. 138 mm , F. a.? From a mound near Fort Totten Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. B. Ferguson." 12. (941.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 183 mm., B. 142 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 367 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a.? From a mound near Fort Totten. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. B. Ferguson. 13. (942.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1545 c. u., L. 177 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 357 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73°. From a mound near Fort Totten. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. B. Ferguson. x4. (1122.) Cranium. F. set. c. 60, Cap. 1360 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 363 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 78° From a mound near Fort Totten. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. B. Ferguson. 15. (1123.) Cranium. F. set. c. 4(1, Cap.? L. 174 mm., B.? H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 342 mm., C.? Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 72°. Imperfect. From a mound near Fort Totten. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. B. Ferguson. 16. (1124.) Calvaria. F. ajt. c. 15, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 125 mm., H.? I. f. m ? L. a. 333 mm., C. 471 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Fort Totten. Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. B. Ferguson. 17. (16.50.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 60, 60, Cap. 1480 c. c., L. 188 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 358 mm., C. 524 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 67°. From a mound eight feet below surface. Devil's Lake Agency. Collected by Paul Beckwith, U. S. Indian Agent. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 16 CHECK I,IST OF SECTION IV, 18. (1662.) Cranium, imperfect. F, set. c. (iO, Cap. 1200. c. e., L. 173 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 346 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. ? F. a 70° From a mound eight feet below surface, Devil's Lake Agency. Collected by Paul Beckwith, U. S. Indian Agent. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 19. (1735.) Calvarium. M. a3t. c. 70, Gap. 1460 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 367 mm., 0. 526 mm., Z. d., 148 mm., F. a. 68°. From a mound eight feet below surface, Devil's Lake Agency. Collected by Paul Beckwith, U. S. Indian agent. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 20. (14)24.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. aet. c. 65, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 350 mm., C. 499 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 72° From a mound four and one-half miles southeast of Fort Sissiton. Presented by Hospital Steward A. Gecks, TJ. S. A. (ft.—I^'rom ti^isconsin,) 1. (254.) Calvarla. F. aat. c. 50, Cap.? L. 175 mm., B. 129 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 371 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Racine. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (271 .) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B.? H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 356 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. Imperfect. From a mound near Racine. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. (r.—J^roni Iowa,) 1. (4)33.) Calvarla, imperfect. From a mound near Dubuque. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (1048.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1445 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 356 mm., C. 491 mm., Z. d. 147 mm., F. a. 71°. From the Albany Mounds. Received from Davenport Academy of Sciences. 3. (1044).) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 165 mm., B. 156 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 375 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. From the Oak Tree Mound. Received from Davenport Academy of Sciences. 4. (1050.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L.? B. 148 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a. 73°. From the Albany Mounds. Received from Davenport Academy of Sciences. 5. 11051.) Calvarla. F. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 160 mm., B.? H. 152 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 363 mm , C.? Z. d ? F. a ? Imperfect. From the Albany Mounds. Received fi-om Davenport Academy of Sciences. 6. (1052.) Calvarla, imperfect. F. set. c. 50. From the Oak Tree Mound. Received from Davenport Academy of Sciences. (d,—liront MUinoi»,) 1. (4)77.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap.? L. 177 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 376 mm., C. .507 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 76°. From a mound near Cheney's Grove. Presented by Dr. J. E. Cheney. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 17 2. (993.) Cranium. M. sst. c. 45, Cap.? L. 162 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 142 mm., 1. f. m. 48, L. a.? C. 475 mm,, Z. d. 136 mm., P. a. 73°. Prom a mound at Aurora. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (lOlü.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 60, Gap. 1785 c. c., L. 192 mm., B. 156 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 390 mm., 0. 555 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., P. a. 88°. Prom a mound in Illinois. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. (c.—/'Vom Indiana») 1. (24:3.) Calvarium. M. ait. c. 55, Gap. 1270 i:. c., L. 179. mm., B. 133 mm., H. 133 mm., 1. f. m. 46, L. a. 365 mm.. C. 492 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 72°. Prom a mound 9 miles N.W. of La Payette. Exhumed by W. Pidgeon. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (032.) Calvaria. M. œt.? Cap.? L. 183 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 375 mm., G. 527 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Prom a grave near Eugene. Col¬ lected by Dr. J. M. McMeen. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 3. (1008.) Calvarium. M. set. o. 55, Gap.? L. 180 mm., B. 134 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 380 mm., G. 505 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 73°. Prom a mound, with large trees growing upon it, in Henry co. Collected by Dr. A. Ashbaugh. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (1010.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1490 c. c.,L. 179 mm.,B. 146 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 376 mm., 0. 518 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Prom a mound in Indiana. Collected by Dr. A. Patton. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 5. (1011.) Cranium. M. set. o. 55, Gap.? L. 169 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 35, L. a. 358 mm., G. 490 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Prom a mound at Brown's Mill, Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. (f.—From Ohio») 1. (204:2.) Calvarium, impei-fect. M. set. c. 25, Gap.? L. 172 mm., B. 142 mm,, H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 360 mm., G. 502 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., P. a. 75°. Prom a mound near Madisonville. Presented by Dr. P. W. Langdon, of Cincinnati. 2. (204:3.) Calvarium, imperfect. P. set. c. 35, Gap. 1290 c. c., L. 161 mm., B. 146 mm., H 133 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 341 mm., G. 485 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., P. a.? Prom a mound near Madisonville. Presented by Dr. P. W. Langdon, of Cin¬ cinnati. 3. (204:4:.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 36, L. a. 351 mm., G. 496 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Prom a mound near Madisonville. Presented by Dr. P. W. Langdon, of Cincinnati. 4. (204:5.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set. c. 50. Prom a mound near Madison¬ ville. Presented by Dr. P. W. Langdon, of Cincinnati. {§■»—Vrom California,) 1. (901.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 80. Prom a mound near Monterey. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 18 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 2. (Ö08.) Cranium. M. ret. c. 55, Cap. 1360 c.c , L. 178 mm., B. 139 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 359 mm., C. .501 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 75°. From a mound on Angel Island. Presented by Assistant Surgeon A. H. Hoff, U. S. A. 3. (417.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 60, Cap.? L. 183 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m.? L. a. 365 mm., 0. 513 mm., Z d. 139 mm., F. a. 72°. From a mound near Oentreville. Collected by Dr. L. G. Yates. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (418.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 141 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 371 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 79°. From a mound near Centreville ; found in a sitting posture. Collected by Dr. L. G. Yates. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (4111.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 18, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 132 mm., H 128 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 362 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 113 mm., F. a. 90° From a mound near Centreville. Collected by Dr. L. G. Yates. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (420.) Two parietal bones. M. aet. c. 55, B. 147 mm. From a mound near Centreville. Collected by Dr. L. G. Yates. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 7. (1954.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. aet. c. .50, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 357 mm., C. 493mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 73°. From Ryan's mound, Alameda county. Collected by Dr. L. G. Yates. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 8. (1955.) Cranium. F, aet. c. 50, Cap. 12.50 c. c., L. 163 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 350 mm., C. 471 ram., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 71° From a mound in Alameda county. Collected by Dr. Lorenzo G. Yates. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 9. (1956.) Cranium, imperfect. M. mt. c. 75, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 371 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 718. From a mound in Alameda county. Collected by Dr. L. G. Yates. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 10. (1957.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 45, Cap. 1470 c. c.., L. 184 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 364 mm., C. 523 mm., Z. d. 144 mm.,F. a. 75°. From a mound in Centreville, Alameda county. Collected by Dr. L. G. Yates. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 11. (1958.) Cranium, imperfect. F. œt. c. 55, Cap. 1210 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 342 mm., C. 487 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 72°. From a mound in Centreville, Alameda county. Collected by Dr. L. G. Yates. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 12. (1959.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 60., Cap. 1290 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 365 mm., C. 492 mm , Z. d. ? F. a, 79°. From a mound in Centreville, Alameda county. Collected by Dr. L. G. Yates. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 19 13. (1960.) A series of eight lower maxillary bones. From a mound near Nash¬ ville, Alameda county. Collected by Dr. L. G. Yates. Eeceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. (A.—I^'roÈU tit ah') 1. (005.) Cranium. F. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1145 c. c., L. 160 mm., B. 138 mm., H, 122 mm., I. f. m. 3'J, L. a.. 324 mm., 0. 476 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 79°. From about a foot below the level of the surrounding fields, on the outer edge of a mound at Provo. Collected by M. S. Sevekance. Received through the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 2. (1610.) Calvarium, impei-fect. .®t. c.? L.? B. 148 mm., H ? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.?F. a.? Presented by Lieutenant Colonel H. Douglass, 14th U. S. In¬ fantry. 3. (1749.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ret. c. 7.5, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 355 mm., C ? Z. d.? F. a ? From a mound in St. George. Collected by Dr. E. Palmer. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (1750.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. aet. c. 65, Cap.? L.? B. 149 mm., H. ? I. f. m.? L. a ? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound in St. George. Collected by Dr. E. Palmer. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. .5. (1751.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. aet. c. 60, C.? L. 160 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 36, L. a. 355 mm., C. 484 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound in St. George. Collected by Dr. E.' Palmer. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (1752.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 70, Cap.? L. 168 mm., B. 145 mm., H.? I. f. m. 38, L. a. 354 mm., C. 606 mm., Z. d.? F. a 76° Collected by Dr. E. Palmer. Received in exchange .from the Smithsonian Institution. J'Vom JfHssouri,) 1. (761.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. aet. c.?Cap.?L. 174mm., B. 133 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 368 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Ploughed up near Keytesville. Collected bj' J. P. Jones. Received through the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. (fc.—JProm Mientuclsy.) 1. (237.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 70, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 149 mm., B. 162 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 330 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 69° From a mound in Union co. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (242.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 50, Cap. 1370 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 36, L. a. 340 mm., C. 488 mm., Z. d,? F. a. 78° From a mound in Union county. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (722.) Calvarium. Child, aet. c. 10. Cap.? L. 165 mm., B. 152 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 358 mm., C. 496 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Imperfect. From a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S.S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 20 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, I. (733.) Cranium. P. eet. c. 45, Cap. 1190 c. c., L. 150 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 318 mm., 0. 460 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., P. a. 73° Prom a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (734.) Cranium. M ¡et. c. 60, Cap.? L. 164 mm., B. 150 mm , H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 351 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d ? P. a. 81°. Prom a mound in Ken¬ tucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon, lieceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (735.) Calvaria. P. a3t. e.? Cap.? L. 176 mm., B 142 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 3(;7 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Prom a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 7. (73G.) Cranium. P. »t. c. 65, Cap.? L. 166 mm., B. 148 mm , H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 35, L. a. 358 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d ? P. a.? Imperfect. Prom a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 8. (737.) Cranium. P. ret. c. 60, Cap.? L. 151 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a.? C. 470 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., P.a. 71°. Imperfect. Prom a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 9. (738.) Cranium. P. aet. c. 20, Cap.? L. 160 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 339 mm., 0. 468 mm., Z. d. 115 mm., P. a. 78°. Imperfect. Prom a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 10. (730.) Calvarium. M. rnt. c. 75, Cap.? L. 175 mm., B. 149 mm , H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. .".52 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d. 151 mm., P. a. 79°. Prom a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institiition. II. (730.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 20, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 145 mm., H 137 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 331 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d ? P. a. 82°. Prom a mound in Ken¬ tucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 12. (73.1.) Calvarium. M. iot. c. 60, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a.? 0. 485 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 76°. Ih-om a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 13. (733.) Cranium. M. rot. c. 40, Cap. 1230 c. c , L. 167 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 341 mm., C. 482 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., P. a. 81° Prom a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 14. (733.) Calvarium. M rot. c. 55, Cap.? L. 172 mm., B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 521 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 80°. Imperfect. Prom a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 21 l."!. (734.) Cranium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. llSä c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. .39, L. a. BOO mm , 0. .llä mm., Z. d. 14,1 mm., P. a. 79° From a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. IG. (73f>.) Cranium. F. set. c. Gl, Cap.? L. ICS mm., B. 141 mm , H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 353 mm., C. 48G mm., Z. d. 132 mm , F. a. 74°. From a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 17. (73i>.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 178 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 142mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 358 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 80°. From a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 18. (737.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 30, Cap.?L.? B. 147 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d. 129 mm., F. a.? From a mound in Kentuckj'. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange fi-om the Smithsonian In.stitution. 19. (738.) Cranium. M. mt. e. 40, Cap. 13.50 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 14G mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 349 mm., C. 497 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 74°. From a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 20. (73Í).) Calvaria. F. set. c.? Cap.? L. 1G2 mm., B. 138 mm., H ? I. f. m.? L. a. 31 1 mm., C. 480 mm , Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 21. (740.) Cranium. M. set. c. .50, Cap.? L. 177 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a.? C. GK! mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. Imperfect. From a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 22. (741.) Cranium. M. íBt. c. .50, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 180 mm., .B. 137 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 3G3 mm., C. 501 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 78° From a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 23. (742.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55. Imperfect. Fi'om a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 24. (743.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50. Imperfect. ' From a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange fi-om the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion, 25. (744.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 45. Imperfect. From a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 2G. (74.5.) Calvaria. M. set.? Imperfect. From a mound in Kentucky. Col¬ lected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 22 CHECK LIST OP SECTION IV, 27. (746.) Calvarium. M. ¡et. c. 45, Cap.? L.? B ? H.? I. f. m.? L, a. 3.SG mm., C ? Z. d ? P. a.? Imperfect. Prom a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 28. (747.) Calvaria, imperfect. P. mt. c.? Cap.? L. IGO mm., B. 138 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 29, L. a. 32(! mm., C. 4()8 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Prom a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 29. (748.) Calvarium. M. mt. c. .55. Imperfect. Prom a mound in Kentucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 30. (754.) Calvarium. Child, £et. c. G. Imperfect. From a mound in Ken¬ tucky. Collected by Mr. S. S. Lyon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. (/.—Prom P'trg-inia*) 1. (365.) Calvaria. M. eet.? Cap.? L. 165 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a.? C. 492 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Prom a mound in Virginia. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. («I,—From Tennessee.) 1. (238.) Cranium. M. set. c. .50, Cap.? L. 157 mm., B. 154 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 489 mm., Z. d.? P\ a. 78° Prom a mound near Nashville. Collected by T. Graves. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (458.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 45, Cap.? L. 163 mm., B. 143 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 489 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Imperfect. Prom a mound near Chattanooga. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (460.) Calvaria. M. set. c. 70, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 151 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 368 mm., C. 507 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Prom a mound near Chattanooga. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ' 4. (1159.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 157 mm., B. 153 mm., H. 146 mm.. I. f. m. 39, L. a. 353 mm., C. 490 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Imperfect. Prom a mound at Plyun's Lick. Collected by J. Haile. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (1167.) Calvaria. P. ret. c. 40, Cap.? L. 173 mm., B. 144 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 520 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Prom a mound at Plynn's Lick. Collected by J. Haile. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (1467.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 55, Cap.? L. 163 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 154 mm., I. f. m. 30, L. a. 3G0 mm., C. .502 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 73°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon L. M. Maus, U. S. A. 7. (1468.) Cranium, imperfect. P. ret. c. 65, Cap. 1190 c. c., L. 157 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 36, L. a. 342 mm., C. 467 mm., Z. d ? P. a. 71°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon L. M. Maus, U. S. A. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 23 8. (1471.) Cranium, imperfect. M. £et. c. 50, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 1.53 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? 0. .513 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Pre.sented by Assistant Surgeon L. M. Maus, U. S. A. 9. (1860.) Cranium, imperfect. M. sßt. c. 20, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 134 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d. 135 mm., F. a.? From Walnut Mound, near Nashville. Collected by Major .1. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 10. (1861.) Cranium, imperfect. F. aet. 23, Cap ? L. 15G mm., B 129 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 339 mm., C. 450 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75° From a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 11. (1862.) Cranium, imperfect. F. œt. c. 55, Cap.? L. 158 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 330 mm., C. 475 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 77°. From a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 12. (1863.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. aet. c. 22, Cap.? L. 165 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 354 mm., C. 478 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. From a mound near Nashville. Collected bj' Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 13. (1864.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 166 mm., B. 137 mm,, H. 139 mm., 1. f. m 38, L. a.? C. 480 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 75°. From a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 14. (1865.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 156 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m 32, L. a. 323 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 74°. From a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 15. (1866.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 132 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 368 mm., C. 477 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 70°. From a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 16. (1867.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 160 mm., B. 137 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 470 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Nashville. Col¬ lected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. 17. (1868.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 178 mm., B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 18. (1869.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 30. Cap.? L. 163 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a.? C. 478 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 24 CHECK LIST OP SECTION IV, 19. Í1870.) Cranium, imperfect. M. ret. c. 40, Cap.? L. ir>2 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 14G mm., I. f. m. 34, L. a.? 0. 408 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 77°. Prom a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 20. (1871.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 70, Cap.? L. 180 mm., B. 143 mm., H. l.ll mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 388 mm., C. .12.5 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 71°. Prom a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 21. (1872.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 00, Cap.? L. 18.5 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 1.50 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 382 mm., C. .520 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 70°. Prom a mound near Na.shville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 22. (1873.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 40, Cap.? L. 1.51 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 3.S, L. a.? C. 407 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 7.5°. Prom a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 23. (1874.) Cranium, imperfect. M set c 00, Cap ? L.? B. 140 mm., H. 13.5 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? P. a.? Prom a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 24. (1875.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. .55, Cap.? L. 182 mm., B.? H. 144 mm , I. f. m. 43, L. a. 373 mm., C.? Z. d.? P. a.? Prom Walnut Mound, near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 25. (1877.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 45, Cap.? L.? B. 139 mm., H ? I. f. m.? L. a ? C ? Z. d ? P a.? Prom a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 26. (1878.) Calvarium, imperfect. P. œt. c. 30, Cap.? L. 160 mm., B.? H ? I. f. m.? L. a ? C ? Z. d.? P a.? Prom a mound near Nashville Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange frdm the Smithsonian Institution. 27. (1879.) Cranium, imperfect. P. £et. c. 25, Cap.? L. 156 mm., B. 125 mm., H ? I. f. m ? L. a ? C ? Z. d ? P. a 73° Prom a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 28. (1880.) Cranium, impei-fect. M. set. c 85, Cap.? L. 172 mm., B. 135 mm., H ? I. f. m ? L. a.? C. 495 mm , Z. d ? P. a ? Prom a mound near Nashville. Col¬ lected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 29 (1881.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 75, Cap.? L. 155 mm., B. 137 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. .3.50 mm., C. 463 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 74°. Prom a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 30. (1882.) Cranium, impei-fect. M. set. c. 75, Cap.? L. 185 mm., B. 148 mm., H.? I. f. m ? L. a. 382 mm., C. 523 mm., Z. d ? P. a. 82°. Prom mound near Nash¬ ville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 25 31. (1883.) Cranium, imperfect. M œt. o. 40, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 148 mm., H.? I. f m ? L. a ? C .'>04 mm , Z. d.? P. a.? From a mound near Nashville. Col¬ lected by Major J. W. Powell. Eeeeived in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 32. (1884-.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. œt c. 80, Cap ? L. 171 mm , B. 133 mm., H ? I. f. m.? L. a 338 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d.? P. a ? Prom a mound near Nash¬ ville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 33. (1885.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. œt. c. Oil, Cap? L. 153 mm., B.? H.? I. f. m ? L. a.? C.? Z. d ? P. a.? Prom a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 34. (1886.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 60, Cap.? L.? B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d ? P. a.? Prom a mound near Nashville Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institntion. 35. (1887.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 60, Cap.? L.? B. 143 mm., H.? I. f. m ? L. a ? C ? Z. d.? P. a ? Prom a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 36. (1888.) Calvarium, imperfect. M œt. c. 50, Cap.? L. 175 mm., B. 142 mm.. H.? I. f. m ? L. a ? C.? Z. d ? P. a.? Prom a mound near Nashville. Col¬ lected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 37. (1886.) Calvarium, imperfect. P. œt. c. 75, Cap.? L. 167 mm., B. 134 mm., H.? I f. m ? L. a. 350 mm., C ? Z. d.? P. a.? Prom a mound near Nashville. Col¬ lected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 38. (1860.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 70, Cap.? L. 173 mm., B.143 mm , H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d ? P. a.? Prom a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 39. (1861.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 60, Cap.? L. 159 mm., B. 131 mm , H.? I. f. m.? L. a ? C.? Z. d.? P. a.? Prom a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 40. (1862.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 70, Cap.? L ? B ? H.? I. f m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d ? P. a.? Prom a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 41. (1863.) Cranium, fragmentary. M œt. c. 55, Cap.? L ? B.? H.? I f. m.? L. a ? C.? Z d.? P. a.? Pi-om a mound near Nashville Collected by Major J. W. Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 42. (1864.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 45, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 131 mm., H.? I f. m.? L. a ? C ? Z. d.? P. a ? Prom a mound near Nashville. Collected by Major J. AV Powell. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. CHECK LIST OP SECTION IV. (n,—From JfHêftisêippi.) 1. (4-00.) Skeleton. M. aet. c. 75, Height 1028 mm., Cranium: Gap. 1180 c. o., L. 185 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 357 mm , 0. 510 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., P. a. 79°. Prom a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 2. (644.) Skeleton. M. set. c. 35, Height 1537 mm. Cranium : Cap. 1300 c. c., L 178 mm , B. 138 mm , H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 15, L. a. 355 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., P. a. 80°. Prom a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, ü. S. A. 3. (205.) Calvaria. P. set,? Imperfect. Prom a mound near Vicksburg. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 4. (206.) Calvaria. M. set ? Imperfect. Prom a mound near Vicksburg. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 5. (207.) Calvaria. Child, set? Imperfect. Prom a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. G. (208.) Calvaria. M. set ? Cap.? L. 150 mm., B 154 mm , H.? I. f. m ? L. a.? C 489 mm., Z. d ? P. a.? Imperfect. Prom a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 7. (404.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 05, Cap.? L. 137 mm., B. 160 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. ? C. 476 mm., Z. d 127 mm., P. a ? Imperfect. Prom a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S A. (Brachycephalism probably produced jpOÂÎ mm-tem) 8. (405.) Calvarium. M. set. c. GO, Cap.? L. 152 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 136 mm ,' I. f. m. 42, L. a 330 mm., C. 473 mm , Z. d.? P. a. 73°. Prom a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. (Plattened posteriorly.) 9. (406.) Calvaria. M. set. c. 05, Cap ? L 152 mm., B. 148 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L a.? C. 473 mm , Z. d. 129 mm., P. a ? Prom a mound near Vicksbui-g. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 10 (407.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 148 mm., B. 160mm., H ? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 489 mm., Z. d. 157 mm., P. a. 77° Prom a mound near Vicksburg. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon E. Swift, IT. S. A. (Plattened posteriorly.) 11. (408.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 70, Cap.? L. 181 mm., B. 135 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 378 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d 127 mm., P. a.? Prom a mound near Vicks¬ burg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U S. A. 12. (400.) Calvaria. P. set.? Cap.? L. 160 mm., B. 140 mm., H.? I. f. m ? L. a.? C.? Z. d ? P. a ? Imperfect, Prom a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 13 (410.) Calvaria. M. set.? Cap ? L 165 mm., B. 141 mm , H.? I. f. m ? L. a ? C. 489 mm, Z d.? P a? Imperfect. Prom a mound near Vicksburg. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 27 14. (4:1I>.) Calvarium. M, set. o. .5.5, Cap.? L. 165 mm,, B. 135 mm., H,? I. f. m.? L. a.? 0. 470 mm., Z. d. 1.33 mm., P. a. 73°- From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 15. (471.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55. From a mound near Vicksburg. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S A. Imperfect. 16. (472.) Calvarium. M. set. c. CO, Cap ? L. 156 mm , B. 152 mm., H ? I. f. m.? L. a. 359 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Vicksburg. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. (Flattened posteriorly. Imperfect.) 17. (473.) Calvarla, imperfect. Child, set. c. 15, Cap.? L. 156 mm., B.? H ? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d ? F. a, ? From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Sur¬ geon E. Swift, U. S. A. 18. (474.) Cranium. M. iet. c. CO, Cap.? L. 157 mm., B. 157 mm., H. 151 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a 349 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 74° From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. (Imperfect. Flattened pos¬ teriorly.) 19. (475.) Calvarium. F. set. 55, Cap.? L. 154 mm , B. 151 mm., H.? I. f. m ? L. a.? C ? Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, TJ. S. A. (Imperfect. Flattened posteriorly.) 20. (476.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L 152 mm., B. 151 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 336 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 75°. Prom a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. (Imperfect. Flattened po.steriorly.) 21. (477.) Calvarla. F. set.? From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. (Imperfect.) 22. (478.) Cranium. M. set. c. 70, Cap.? L. 146 mm., B. 147 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 346 mm., C. 470 mm., Z. d ? F. a.? From a mound near Vicksburg. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S A. (Imperfect. Flattened posteriorly.) 23. (479.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 75, Cap.? L.? B. 164 mm , H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C ? Z. d.? F. a. 72°. Imperfect. From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U.S.A. 24. (480.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60. Imperfect. From a mound near Vicks¬ burg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 25. (532.) Calvarla. M ast. c.? Cap.? L. 150 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. :')6, L. a ? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? Imperfect. From a mound near Vicksburg. Pre.sented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. (Flattened posteriorly.) 26. (535.) Calvarla. M. set.? Cap ? L 171 mm., B. 148 mm , H.? I. f. m ? L. a.? C. 508 ram., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a ? Imperfect. From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 27. (536.) Calvarla. M. ast.? Cap.?. L. 156 mm., B. 156 mm., H.? I. f. m ? L. a. 352 mm , C. 392 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Imperfect. From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. (Flattened posteriorly.) 28 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 28. (537.) Calvaría. M. œt ? Cap ? L. 189 mm., B. 154 mm., H ? I f. m.? L. a. 378 mm., C .54G mm., Z. d. 150 mm., F. a ? Imperfect. From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 29. (538.) Calvaría. M. set? Cap.? L. 152 mm., B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 349 mm., C ? Z. d ? F. a.? Imperfect. From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 30. (539.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 1.59 mm., B. 159 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 340 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d.? F. a ? Imperfect. From a mound near Vicks¬ burg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. (Flattened posteriorly.) 31. (540.) Cranium. M. set. c. 80, Cap.? L. 149 mm., B.? H ? I. f m.? L. a. 338 mm., C.? Z. d.? F. a.? Imperfect. From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 32. (045.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 70, Cap.? L. 175 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 100 mm., I. f. m. ,30, L. a. 308 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a.'80° From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 33. (04G.) Calvarium. M set. c. 40, Cap ? L. 100 mm., B. 140 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a ? C. 479 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 80°. Prom a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 34. (047.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap ? L. 167 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 151 mm., I. f. m 37, L. a. 358 mm , C. 480 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73° From a mound near Vicks¬ burg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. Imperfect. 35. (048.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 164 mm., B. 156 mm., H.? I. f. m ? L. a. 352 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 81° From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 36. (049.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 152 mm., B. 154 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 44, L a. 349 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 72° From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E Swift, U. S. A. (Flattened posteriorly.) 37. (050.) Calvarla. M. set ? Cap.? L. 102 mm , B. 150 mm., H.? I f. m.? L. a. 2.50 mm , C. .505 mm , Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Vicksbm-g. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 38. (051.) Calvarium. M. set.? Cap ? L. 154 mm., B. 152 mm., H ? I f. m.? L. a.? C. 470 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. Imperfect. 39. (053.) Cranium. M set. c. 70, Cap.? L 141 mm., B. 157 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m.? L. a. 333 mm , C. 476 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 70°. From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 40. (054.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 70, C.ip. 1440 c, c., L. 159 mm., B. 157 mm., H. 146 mm , I. f. m. 36, L. a. 317 mm., C 502 mm., Z. d. 140 mm , F a ? From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. ARMY MEDICAR MUSEUM. 29 11. (65«5.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 11.50 c. o., L. 152 mm., B. 116 mm., H. Ill mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a.? C. 505 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 80°. From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U S. A. 12. (65Ö.) Cranium. M. set e. 55, Caji. 1260 u. c., L. 168 mm., B. 119 mm., H. 151 mm , I. f. m. 33, L 336 mm., C. 167 mm , Z. d. 138 mm., F. u 71°. From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S, A. 13. (657.) Calvaria, imperfect. F. set.? Caji.? L. 15.3 mm., B. 113 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 330 mm., C. 171 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 11. (658.) Calvaria. M. set. V Cap. V L. 178 mm., B. 155 mm., H. 152 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 382 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. '! F. a. V From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, IJ. S. A. 15. (656.) Cranium. F. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 153 mm., B. 113mm., H. 1.39mm., I. f. m. 36, L. a. 333 mm., C. 166 mm., Z. d. ? F. a.? From a mound near Vicks¬ burg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. Imperfect. 16. (660.) Cranium. M. set. 10, Cap.? L. 167 mm., B. 153 mm., H. 152 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 317 mm., C. 198 mm., Z. d. 116 mm., F. a. 77°. From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 17. (661.) Cranium. M. set. c. 15, Cap. ? L. 155 mm., B. 1.59 mm., H. ? I. f. m. ? L. a. 316 mm., C. .500 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 72°. Imperfect. From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. IS. (66Í2.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 70, Cap.? L. 168 mm., B. Ill mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 191 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 77°. From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. Imperfect. 19. (663.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap.? L. 169 mm., B. 153 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 508 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 80°. From a mound near Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 50. (664.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 15. Imperfect. From a mound near Vicks¬ burg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. (o.—From Mjouislana.^ 1. (4Í26.) Cranium. M. set, c. 15, Cap.? L.? B. Ill mm., H ? I. f. m. ? L. a. ? C. ? Z. d. ? F. a. ? From a mound opposite Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. Imperfect. 2. (456.) Cranium. M. œt, c. 15. From a mound opposite Vicksburg. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. Imperfect. 3. (465.) Calvaria. M. set.? Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 113 mm., H. ? I. f. m. ? L. a. 359 mm., C. 195 mm., Z. d. ? P. a.? From a mound opposite Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. Imperfect. 1. (466.) Cranium. F. set. c. 75, Cap. 1170 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 13, L. a. 352 mm., C. 195 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 78°. From a mound opposite Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 30 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 5. (467.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 164 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 149 mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a., 359 mm., 0. 495 mm., Z. d.? F. a ? From a mound opposite Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 6. (4G8.) Calvaria. M. set.? Cap.? L. 1G4 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 349 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound opposite Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 7. (4G9.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set.? Cap.? L. 167 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f. m. 36, L. a. 3.59 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound opposite Vicksburg. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. 8. (470.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40. From a mound opposite Vicksburg. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon E. Swift, U. S. A. Imperfect. (p*—F^om *Ê.labania,) 1. (755.) Calvarium. M. set.? Imperfect. From a mound in Alabama. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. (q.—From Florida.) 1. (245.) Cranium. M. set. c. 80, Cap. 1670 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 151 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 394 mm., C. 537 mm., Z. d. 151 mm., P. a, 75''. From a mound near Indian River. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. 2. (555.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 157 mm., H. 149 mm., I. f. m. 53, L. a. 362 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 71°. Distorted. From a mound near Cedar Keys. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. 3. (556.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 165 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 349 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. ? F. a.? Imperfect. From a mound near Cedar Keys. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (557.) Calvaria. M. set. ? Imperfect. From a mound near Cedar Keys. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (898.) Calvaria. M. set.? Imperfect. From a mound on Spruce Creek. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Geo. A. Otis, U. S. A. 6. (899.) Calvaria. M. set. ? Imperfect. From a mound on Spruce Creek. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Geo. A. Otis, U. S. A. 7. (1107.) Calvarium. M. ait. c. 60, Cap. 1375 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 364 mm., C. 497 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 74°. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. Donated by J. Alden. 8. (1108.) Cranium. M. set, c. 50, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 368 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73°. Anchylosis of occipito-atloid articulation. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. Donated by J. Alden. AKMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 31 9. (110Ö.) Cranium. M. ast. c. ññ, Cap. 1370 c. c., L, 174 mm., B. 147 mm,, H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. .374 mm., C. .">13 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 71°- Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. Donated by J. Alden. 10. (1110.) Calvarium. F. set..c. 65, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m 40, L. a. 359 mm., C. 491 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 76°. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. Donated by J. Alden. 11. (1111.) Calvarla. F. set. c. 30, Cap. 1290 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 359 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. Donated by J. Alden. 12. (1112.) Calvarla. F. aet. c. 50, Cap. 1235 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 361 mm., C. 490 ram., Z. d.? F. a.? Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. Donated by J. Alden. 13. (1113.) Calvarla. F. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 167 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 341 mm., C. 485 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. Donated by J. Alden. 14. (1114.) Calvarla. F. set. 25, Cap.? L. 168 mm.,B. 142 mm.,H.? I. f. m. ? L. a. 345 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. Donated by J. Alden. 15. (1115.) Calvarla. M. ¡et. c. 70, Cap.? L. 182 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a.? C. 518 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. Donated by J. Alden. 16. (1598.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1480 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 154 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 317 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 77°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon George M. Sternberg, U. S. A. 17. (1599.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 175 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 149 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 366 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73°. Presented by Surgeon George M. Sternberg, U. S. A. 18. (1600.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 150 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 326 mm., C. 485 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 74°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon George M. Sternberg, U. S. A. 19. (1601.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 60, Cap.? L. 155 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 36, L. a. 340 mm., C. 477 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75° Presented by Surgeon George M. Sternberg, U. S. A. 20. (1602.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1650 c. c., L. 185 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 381 mm., C. 518 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 71' Presented by Surgeon George M. Sternberg, U. S. A. 21. (1603.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1200 c. e., L. 158 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 352 mm., C. 482 mm., Z. d..? F. a. 76°. Presented by Surgeon George M. Sternberg, U. S. A. 22. (1604.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 70, Cap.? L. 180 mm., B. 158 mm., H. 153 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 381 mm., C. 548 mm., Z. d. ? F. a.? Presented by Surgeon George M. Sternberg, U. S. A. 32 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 23. (1605.) Cranium, imperfect. M. ant. c. 30, Cap.? L. ? B. 149 mm., H.? I. f. m. ? L. a. ? C. ? Z. d. ? F. a. ? Presented by Surgeon Geoege M. Steknbeeg, U. S. A. 24. (1606.) Frontal bone, imperfect. L. ll."> mm. Presented by Surgeon Geoege M. Steenbeeg, U. S. A. 25. (1607.) Calvarium, imperfect. L. 174 mm., B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. ? Z. d.? F. a.? Presented by Surgeon Geoege M. Steenbeeg, U. S. A. 20. (1608.) Fragments of cranium. From Bear Point Mound. Presented by Surgeon Geoege M. Steenbeeg, U. S. A. 27. (1600.) Fragments of cranium. From Bear Point Mound. Presented by Surgeon Geoege M. Steenbeeg, U. S. A. 28. (1787.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c.? Cap.? L. 157 mm., B. 139 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 489 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 67°. Presented by Surgeon Geoege M. Steenbeeg, U. S. A. 29. (1788.) Fragments of cranium. Pi-esented by Surgeon Geoege M. Steen¬ beeg, U. S. A. 30. (1836.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 75, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 370 mm., 0. 520 mm., Z. d.?F. a.? From shell heaps near St. Augustine. Presented by Surgeon J. H. Janbway, U. S. A. 31. (1837.) Calvaria. F. set. c. 23, Cap. 1170 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 139 mm , I. f. m. 15, L. a. 344 mm., C 471 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From shell heaps near St. Augustine. Presented by Surgeon J. H. Janbway, U. S. A. 32. (1838.) Calvaria, imperfect. F. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 157 mm., B. 138 mm., H. ? I. f. m. 43, L. a. 3.53 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From shell heaps near St. Augustine. Presented by Surgeon J. H. Janeway, U. S. A. 33. (1839.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. ? B. 146 mm., H. ? I. f. m. ? L. a. ? C. ? Z. d. ? F. a. ? From a shell heajj near St. Augustine. Presented by Surgeon J. H. Janeway, U. S. A. 34. (1840.) Calvaria, badly shattered. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 136 mm., H. ? I. f. m. ? L. a.? C. 19(; mm., Z. d. ? F. a.? From a shell heap near St. Augustine. Presented by Surgeon J. H. Janeway, U. S. A. 35. (1841.) Fragments of cranium. From shell heaps near St. Augustine. Presented by Surgeon J. H. Janeway, U. S. A. 36. (1842.) Fragments of cranium. From shell heaps near St. Augustine. Presented by Surgeon J. H. Janeway, U. S. A. 37. (2001.) Cranium, imperfect. M. tet. c.? Cap.? L. 181 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 151 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 514 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walkee. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 33 38. (2002.) Calvaría. M. œt. c.? Cap.? L. 173, B. liB mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 508 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 39. (2003.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c.? Cap.? L. 175 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 508 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 40. (2004.) Cranium. M. œt. c.? Cap.? L. 174 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 171 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 41. (2005.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 42. (2006.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. œt. c.? Cap.? L. 180 mm., B. 154 mm., H. ? I. f. m. ? L. a. ? C. 533 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. ? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 43. (2007.) Calvarium, fragmentary. M. From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 44. (2008.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. œt. c.? Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 487 mm., Z. d,? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 45. (2009.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c.? Cap.? L. 168 mm., B.? H. 146 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 492 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by 8. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 46. (2010.) Calvaría. F. œt. c.? Cap.? L. 187 mm., B. 144 mm.. H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 527 mm., Z. d. ? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 47. (2011.) Calvaria. M. œt. c. ? Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. ? L. a.? C. 478 mm., Z. d. ? F. a.? From a mound near Bay View. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 48. (2012.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 49. (2013.) Cranium, fragmentary. From a mound near Tampa Bay. Col¬ lected by S T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. .50. (2014.) Cranium. M. œt. c. ? Cap.? L. 189 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 160 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 587 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Col¬ lected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 34 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, .')1. (2015.) Cranium, fragmentary. Prom a mound near Tampa Bay. Col¬ lected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. r)2. (2016.) Cranium, fragmentary. From a mound near Tampa Bay. Col¬ lected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 53. (2017.) Cranium, fragmentary. From a mound near Tampa Bay. Col¬ lected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 54. (2018.) Calvarium. M. aet. c.? Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 55. (2010.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set. c.? Cap.? L.? B. 141 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 56. (2020.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. sbt. c.? Cap.? L. 170 mm., B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 57. (2021.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c.? Cap.? L. 174 mm., B. 147 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 58. (2022.) Cranium, imperfect. F. aet. c.? Cap.? L. 173 mm., B. 137 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 59. (2023.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ast. c.? Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 60. (2024.) Calvaria, fragmentary. From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 61. (2025.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. ast. c.? Cap.? L.? B. 141 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange fr-om the Smithsonian Institution. 62. (2026.) Calvaria, imperfect. F. From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 63. (2027.) Calvaria, fragmentary. F. From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 64. (2028.) Calvaria, fragmentary. M. From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 65. (202i>.) Calvaria, fragmentary. M. From a mound near Tampa Bay. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 35 66. (1929.) Male pelvis and fragments of human bones. The fragments consist of one femur, four humeri, one radius, one ulna, fragments of four scapula, one clavicle, four vertebrae, and fragments of several ribs. From an old mound on the Fort Brooke Military Reservation, Tampa, Florida. Presented by Asst. Surgeon Joseph Y. Porter, U. S. A. 3.—Indians from Alaska. 1. (814r.) Skeleton of a medicine man of the Stachine tribe. M. aet. c. 65. Feet and left tibia and fibula wanting. Cranium : Cap. 1560 c. c., L. 188 mm., B. 153 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 387 mm., C. 541 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., F. a. 74° Incomplete. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon W. H. Ensign. 2. (938.) Skeleton of an ancient Alevleak. M. let. c. 40. Great anterior curva¬ ture of spine. Cranium: Cap. 1375 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 183 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 349 mm., 0. .503 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 74°. Imperfect. From Amaknak Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 3. (258.) Cranium of a Mahlemut. F. ast. c. 75, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 180 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 349 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 73°. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. 4. (259.) Calvarium of an Ingaleet. ? pet.? Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 375 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 140mm., F. a. 73°. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution.* 5. (261.) Cranium of a Mahlemut. M. aet. c. 40, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 44, E. a. 371 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 75°. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (262.) Cranium of a Mahlemut. F. ast. c. 50, Cap. 1235 c. u., L. 168 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 343 mm., C. 476 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 72°. Collected by W. H. Dall,. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (507.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 60, Cap.? L. 195 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 58, L. a. 387 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 74° From a cave in Ounaska. Collected by Dr. T. T. Minor. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 8. (508.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1440 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 351 mm., C. 524 mm., Z. d. ? P. a. 70°. From the Aleutian Islands. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 9. (541.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. .50, L. a. 355 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 65°. From St. Paul, Aleutian Islands. Collected by Dr. T. T. Minor. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 36 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 10. (542.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1460 o. c., L. 179 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. JG, L. a. 352 mm., 0. 514 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., F. a. 70°. From St. Paul, Aleutian Islands. Collected by Dr. T. T. Minor. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 11. (700.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1520 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 164 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 362 mm., C. 5.')2 mm., Z. d. 154 mm., F. a. ? Stachine tribe. Presented by Surgeon E. I. Bailey, U. S. A. 12. (708.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ast. c. 55. From a shell-bank near Fort Tongas. Collected by Lieutenant F. M. Ring. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 13. (70Í).) Calvaria, imperfect. M. From a shell-bank near Fort Tongas. Collected by Lieutenant F. M. Ring. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 14. (770.) Calvaria, fragments. M. From a shell-bank near Fort Tongas. Collected by Lieutenant F. M. Ring. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 15. (817.) Calvarium. F. œt. c. 30, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 343 mm., C. 487 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a.? Supposed slave. Found at Ozuskoi, near Sitka, by J. A. Henrique. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 16. (821.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65. Thlinket tribe. Collected by Lieutenant F. M. Ring. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 17. (823.) Cranium. M. set.? Cap. 1710 c. c., L. 188 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 386 mm., C. 539 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a grave near Fort Tongas. Collected by Lieutenant F. M. Ring. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 18. ({)34.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ast. c. 35. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 19. (935.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1250 c. c. L. 179 mm., B.? H. 127 mm., 1. f. m. 4.5, L. a. 359 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 73° Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 20. (936.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. a3t. c. 50, Cap.? L. 177 mm., B. 131 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 354 mm., C. 491 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 21. (937.) Cranium. —? set.? Cap. 1525 c. c., L. 185 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 374 mm., C. 529 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., F. a. 72°. Ancient Aleutian from Ulakla Harbor, Amaknak Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution.* 22. (1033.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1620 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 155 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 375 mm., C. 526 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 74°. Prehistoric Aleutian from Nazen Bay, Atka. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 37 23. (1034.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 60, Cap. 14.50 c. c., L. 177 ram., B. 157 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 3.52 mm., 0. .530 mm., Z. d. 150 mm., P. a. 74°. From Aleutian Gave, Unga Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 24. (1035.) Cranium. P. aet. c. 20, Cap. 1495 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 3GG mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a 77°. Prom Aleutian Cave, Unga Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 25. (103C.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 45, Cap. 1530 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 150 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 350, C. 530, Z. d.? P. a. 08° Prom Aleutian Cave, Unga Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 2G. (1037.) Cranium. P. set. c. 50, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 342 mm., C. 490 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 71°. Prom Aleutian Cave, Unga Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution 27. (1038.) Cranium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 155 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 349 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., P. a. G8°. Prom Aleutian Cave, Unga Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 28. (1030.) Cranium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1370 c. c., L. 185 mm., B. 158 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 373mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., P. a. 70°. Pre¬ historic Aleutian from Constantino Harbor, Amchutka. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 29. (1040.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1580 c. c., L, 177 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 305 mm., C. 518 mm., Z. d. 144 mm., P. a. 73° Pre¬ historic Aleutian from Nazen Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 30. (1041.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1240 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 352 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., P. a. 72°. Pre¬ historic Aleutian from Nazen Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 31. (1042.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1485 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 156 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 3.53 mm., C. 529 mm., Z. d. 147 mm., P. a. 72°. Prom Aleutian Cave, Unga Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 32. (1043.) Calvarium. M. set. c. .50, Cap. 1570 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 155 mm., H. 140 mm , I. f. m. 43, L. a. 369 mm., C. 527 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., P. a. 71°- Pre¬ historic Aleutian from Nazen Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 33. (1044.) Cranium. M. set. c. 12, Cap. 1565 c. c , L. 170 mm., B. 157 mm., H. 124 ram., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 301 mm., C. 511 mm , Z. d. 125 mm., P. a 78°. Aleu¬ tian, from Unga Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 38 CßECK LtST OF SECTION IV, 31. (1045.) Calvarium. M. ret. c. 60, Cap. 1235 c. c., L. 173 mm.. B. 146 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 342 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., P. a. 71°. Pre¬ historic Aleutian, from Nazen Bay. Collected by \V. H. Ball. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 35. (1046.) A metopic calvarium. M. est. c. 35, Cap. 1510 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 159 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 354 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., P. a. 74°. Prom Aleutian Cave, Unga Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 36. (1047.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 80, Cap. 1510 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 380 mm., C. 529 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., P. a. 74°. Pre¬ historic Aleutian, from Nazen Bay. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 37. (1080.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1280 c. c., L."171mm., B. 147mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 352 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 71°. Prehistoric Amaknak, Aleutian Cave, Captain's Bay, Unalaska. Collected by W. H. Ball. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 38. (1090.) Calvarium. Child, est. c. 2, Cap. ? L. 152 mm., B. 138 mm., H. ? I. f. m. ? L. a. 316 mm., C. 460 mm., Z. d. 108 mm., P. a. 81° Prom Aleutian Cave, Unga Island. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 39. (1001.) Cranium. Child, set. c. 2J, Cap. 1175 c. c., L. 159 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 112 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 326 mm., C. 476 mm., Z. d. Ill mm., P. a. 81°. Prom a cave in Unga Island. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Srnithsonian Institution. 40. (1002,) Cranium. Child, set. c. 6|^, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 155 mm., H. 118 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 337 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 119 mm., P. a. 74°. Prom a cave in Unga Island. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 41. (1003.) Calvaría. Child, set. c. 2, Cap.? L. 155 mm., B. 136 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 468 mm., Z. d. 92 mm., P. a.? Prom a cave in Unga Island. Col¬ lected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 42. (1004.) Cranium. Child, set. 18 mos.. Cap. ? L. 152 mm., B. 137 mm., H. ? I. f. m. ? L. a. 317 mm., C. 451 mm., Z. d. 97 mm., P. a. 86°. Prom a cave in Unga Island. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 43. (1005.) Calvaría, imperfect. M. set. c. 60. Collected by W. H. Ball. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 44. (1006.) Calvarium, imperfect. P. set. c. 60, Cap.? L. 172 mm., B. ? H. ? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 491 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Prehistoric Aleutian, Amaknak Cave, Amaknak Island, Unalaska. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 39 I.'). (1097.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. iet. c. 85, Cap.? L. 173 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 3G3 mm., C. ,505 mm., Z. d. ? P. a. 77°. Prehis¬ toric Aleutian from Amaknak Gave, Unalaska. Collected by W. H. Dall. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4G. (1098.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 25, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 351 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 77° Pre¬ historic Aleutian from Nazeu Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Keceived in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 47. (1099.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 13G0 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 342 mm., C. 51G mm., Z. d. ? F. a. G7°- Prehistoric Aleutian, from Bay of Islands, Adakh. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 48. (1100.) Calvaria. M. set. c. G5. Imperfect. Prehistoric Aleutian. From Nazen Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 49. (1101.) Calvaria. Child, set. c. 8, Cap.? L. 173 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 345, C. 500 mm., Z. d. ? F. a.? Prehistoric Aleutian, from Nazen Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 50. (1102.) Calvaria. F. set. c. 20. Imperfect. Prehistoric Aleutian, from Nazen Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 51. (1103.) Calvarium. F, mt. c. 30, Cap. 1135, c. c., L. 1G5 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 119 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 331 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. Prehistoric Aleutian from Nazen Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 52. (1104.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 3G7 mm., C. 528 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 08° Prehistoric Aleutian, from Nazen Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 53. (1105.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 13G0 c. c., L. 17G mm., B. 141 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 357 mm., C. 507 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 72°. Prehistoric Aleutian, from Nazen Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 54. (1106.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1465 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 3G0 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 69°. Prehistoric Aleutian, from Nazen Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 55. (1513.) Mummified head of a Sitka Indian medicine man. Killed about 1846. Presented by Asst. Surgeon F. C. Ainsvvorth, U. S. A. 40 CHECK LIST OP SECTION IV, 4.—Indians from Peel's River. 1. (323.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 55, Cap. IIOO c. o., L. 184 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 3G5 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 152 mm., F. a. 71°. From Fort McPherson. Collected by R. Kennicott. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (324.) Cranium. M. eet. c. 55, Cap. 1470 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 4G, L. a. 374 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. 14(> mm., F. a. 73°. From Fort McPherson. Collected by R. Kennicott. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5.—Newittee Indians. 1. (762.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 30, Cap. 1325 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 57, L. a. 360 mm., C. 485 mm., Z. d. 128 mm.. F. a. 73°. From Vancouver Island. Collected by Dr. T. T. Minor. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (763.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1375 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 187 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 52, L. a. 368 mm., C. .505 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 71°. From Vancouver Island. Collected by Dr. T. T. Minor. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 3. (764.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1265 c. c., L. 152 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 61, L. a. 351 mm., C. 465 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 70°. Prom Vancouver Island. Collected by Dr. T. T. Minor. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (765.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 194 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 53, L. a. 388 mm., C. 532 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 70°. From Vancouver Island. Collected by Dr. T. T. Minor. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (766.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1210 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 56, L. a. 353 mm., C. 485 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 70°. Fi-om Vancouver Island. Collected by Dr. Ï. T. Minor. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6.—Chemakum Indians. 1. (241.) Calvarium. M. set. c. .50, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 154 mm., B. 165 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 342 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 65°. From Port Townsend, W. T. Collected by Mr. George Gibbs. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MDSEÜM. 41 7.—Spokane Indians. 1. (129.) Cranium. M. set. c. !>0, Cap. 1545 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 1.S3 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 381 mm., 0. .521 mm., Z. d. 148 mm., P. a. 71° Prom near Benton City, Montana. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon R. B. Hitz. 8.—Flathead Indians. 1. (117.) Cranium, .dît.? Gap. 1400 c. c., L. 1G7 mm., B. 155 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 58, L. a. 356 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 148 mm., P. a. 63°. From Chinook Burial-Place, at mouth of Columbia River. Prom the Museum of the Na¬ tional Medical College. Collected by Mr. Lloyd Bbooke, and presented to Prof. R. K. Stone. 2. (118.) Calvarium. P. set. c. 45, Cap. 1065 c. c., L. 151 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 314 mm., C. 470 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., P. a. 68°. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the National Medical College, Washington. 3. (378.) Calvarium. Imperfect. P. set. c. 80. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (692.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1510 c. c., L. 160 mm., B. 162 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 346 mm., C. 508mm., Z. d.? P. a. 71°. Prom Bruce- port, W. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. E. Whitehead, U. S. A. 5. (1158.) Cranium. P. set. c. 55, Cap. 1345 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 133 mm., H. — mm., I. f. m. —, L. a. — mm., C. — mm., Z. d. — mm., P. a. —°. Prom Port Cape Disappointment, W. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon John Bbooks, U. S. A.* 6. (1613.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 16, Cap. 1110 c. c., L. 134 mm., B. 155 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 57, L. a. 307 mm., C. 468 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., P. a. 64° Prom a burial-place near Port Stevens, Oregon. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon Henby K. Dubant. 7. (1614.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 157 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 52, L. a. 348 mm., C. 524 mm., Z. d, 139 mm., P. a. 70° Prom a burial-place near Port Stevens, Oregon. Presented by Act. Asst. Surgeon Henby K. Dubant. 8. (1930.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1650 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 167 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m 44, L a. 368 mm., C. 540 mm., Z. d. 155 mm., P. a. 67°. Prom Port Townsend, Washington Territory. Presented by Act Asst. Surgeon Thomas T. Minoe. 9. (1931.) Cranium. M. set. c. .50, Cap. 1440 c. c.. L. 168 mm., B. 158 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. ra. 42, L. a. 348 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 151 mm., P. a. 71°. Prom Port Townsend, Washington Territory. Presented by Act. Asst. Surgeon Thomas T. Minob. 42 check list OE section iv, 10. (1932.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. aet. e. 60, Cap. 1470 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 168 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 352 mm., C. .504 mm., Z. d. 149 mm., P. a. 70°. Prom Port Townsend, Washington Territory. Presented by Act. Asst. Surgeon Thomas T. Minob. 11. (1933.) Calvarium. P. est. c. 50, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 159 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 324 mm., C. 487 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., P. a. 64°. Prom Port Townsend, Washington Territory. Presented by Act. Asst. Surgeon Thomas T. Minob. 12. (1934.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1300 c. c.,L. 152 mm., B. 174 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 311 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., P. a. 68° Prom Port Townsend, Washington Territory. Presented by Act. Asst. Surgeon Thomas T. Minor. 13. (1935.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 60, Cap.?L. 171 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 365 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 152 mm., P. a. 67°. Prom Port Townsend, Washington Territory. Presented by Act. Asst. Surgeon Thomas T. Minor. 14. (1936.) Calvaria. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 160 mm., B. 161 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 366 mm., C. 507 mm., Z. d ? P. a.? Prom Port Townsend, Washington Territory. Presented by Act. Asst. Surgeon Thomas T. Minor. 15. (1937.) Cranium, fragmentary. P. set. c. 40. Presented by Acting Assist¬ ant Surgeon Thomas T. Minor. 16. (116.) Mummified pappoose. .dit. c. 8. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 17. (43.) Cast of the head of a Flathead Indian adult. Prepared and pre¬ sented by Professor J. B. S. Jackson, of Harvard University. 9.—Clallam Indians. 1. (1710.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ast. c. 10, Cap. 1210 c. c., L. 149 mm., B. 150 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 326 mm., C. 470 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 70°. Prom New Dungeness, Washington Territory. Collected by J. G. Swan. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 10.—Salish Indians. 1. (66.) Calvarium. P. œt. c. 10, Cap. 1210 c. c., L. 159 mm., B. 143 mm , H. 116 mm , I. f. m. 48, L. a. 333 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., P. a. 75°. Prom Port Steilacoom, W. T. Collected by Dr. George Suokley. Presented by Prof Joseph Henry. 2. (69.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1100 c. c., L. 142 mm , B. 156 mm , H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 308 mm., C. 469 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., P. a ? Prom Puget's Sound. W. T. Presented by Prof. Joseph Henry. ARMY MEDICAL MÜSEtlM. 43 11Chehalis Indians. 1. (fíííl.) Cranium. —? set.? Cap. 126.') c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 3r>2 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 78° From Gray's Harbor, W. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. E. Whitehead, TJ. S. A.* 2. (694.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 75, Cap. 1330 c. c , L. 154 mm., B. 156 mm., H. 138 mm., 1. f. m. 39, L. a. 333 mm., C. 479 mm., Z d. 138 mm., F. a. 70° From Gray's Harbor, W. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. E. Whitehead, U. S. A. 3. (69ÍÍ.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 55, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 349 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 79°. From Gray's Harbor, W. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. E. Whitehead, U. S. A. 12.—Makah Indians. 1. (215.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 343 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., F. a. 62°. From Neeah Bay, W. T. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (246.) Cranium. —? set ? Cap. 1375 c. c., L 165 mm., B 156 mm.' H, 132 mm., 1. f. m. 41, L. a. 342 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 70°. From burial-place near Old Spanish Fort, W. T. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion.* 3. (247.) Cranium. F. set. c. 45, Cap 1250 c. c., L. 160 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 117 mm., 1. f. m. 44, L. a. 352 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 73° From burial-place near Old Spanish Fort, W. T. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 4. (333.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1470 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 158 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 52, L. a. 343 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 79°. From Neeah Bay, W. T. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 13.—Nisqualiy Indians. 1. (67.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 11, Cap. 1335 c. c., L. 151 mm., B. 163 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 55, L. a. 327 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 121 mm., F. a. 67°. From Fort Steilaooom, W. T. Collected by Dr. Geoege Suckley. Presented by Professor Joseph Heney. 2. (213.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1630 c. u., L. 170 mm., B. 170 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 56, L. a. 356 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d. 148 mm., F a. 67° From Puget's Sound, W. T. Collected by Dr. Geoege Suckley. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 44 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 3. (223.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 48, Cap. 1570 c. c., L. 163 mm., B. 174 mm., H. 122 mm , I. f. m. 04, L. a. 333 mm., C. 537 mm., Z. d. 144 mm., P. a. 63°. Prom Puget's Sound, W. T. Keoeived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (224.) Cranium. P. set. c. 30, Cap. 1435 c. c , L. 159 mm., B. 159 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 51, L. a. 336 mm., 0. 508 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., P. a. 64°. Prom Puget's Sound, W. T. Collected by Dr. George Suokley. Keoeived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (22Í).) Cranium. P. ast. c. 15, Cap. 1240 c. c., L. 152 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 113 mm., I. f. m. 61, L. a. 317 mm., C. 483 mm.,Z. d. 117 mm., P. a. 68°. Prom Puget's Sound, W. T. Collected by Dr. George Sdckley. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (233 ) Calvarium. P. set. c. 70, Cap. 1325 c. c., L. 155 mm., B. 161 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 331 mm., C, 505 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., P. a. 71°. Prom Puget's Sound, W. T. Collected by Mr. George Gibbs. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (548.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1080 c. c., L. 149 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 51, L. a. 305 mm., C. 470 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., P. a. 66°. Prom near Port Steilacoom, W. T. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. 14.—Nez Perces. 1. (700.) Cranium. P. set. c. 65, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 157 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 349 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., P. a. 71°. Prom Port Lapwai, Idaho. Collected by Acting Assistant Surgeon Edward Storror. 2. (2032.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1470 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 376 mm., C. 522 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., P. a. 71°- Prom Montana Territory. Presented by Act.,Asst. Surg. David S. Snively. 3. (6878.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium, badly shattered M. set. c.? Cap.? L. 185 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 367 mm., C. 496 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., P. a. 71°. Presented by Asst. Surg. J. A. Pitzgerald, U. S. A. 15.—Watlala Indians. 1. (226.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 155 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 117 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 317 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., P. a. 63°. Prom Cascades of Columbia River. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (227.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1520 c. c., L. 159 mm., B, 160 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 56, L. a. 343 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., P. a. 61°. Prom Cascades of Columbia River. Collected by Mr. George Gibbs. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 45 16.—Chinook Indians. 1. (68.j Calvarium. M. pet. c. 50, Cap. 1200 o. c., L 114 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 321 mm., C. 470 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 67°. From the mouth of the Columbia Eiver. Collected by Wilkes' Exploring Expedition. Pre¬ sented by Professor Joseph Henbt. 2. (70.) Calvarium. F. set. o. 40, Cap. 1305 c. c., L. 154 mm., B. 154 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 330 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., F. a. 70°. From the mouth of the Columbia Biver. Presented by Professor Joseph Heney. 3. (71.) Calvaria. F. aet. c. 10, Cap.? L. 151 mm., B. 154 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 311 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d.? F.a.? Fi-om the Columbia Biver. Collected by Wilkes' Exploring Expedition. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 4. (311.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 35, Cap. 1275 c. c., L. 146 mm., B. 15(i mm., H. 119 mm., I. f. m. 53, L. a. 321 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 68°. From Columbia Biver. Collected by Wilkes' Exploring Expedition. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (213.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 25, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 155 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 53, L. a. 333 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d 124 mm., F. a. 67°. From Columbia Biver. Collected by J. Dbayton. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (314.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1085 c. c., L. 148 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 119 mm., I. f. m. 56, L. a. 317 mm., C. 463 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 67°. From Fort Vancouver, W. T. Collected by Dr. J. G. Cooper. Beceived in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (316.) Calvarium. M. set. c 35, Cap. 1235 c. c., L. 154 mm., B. 154 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m., 54, L. a. 330 mm , C. 480 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 66°. From Columbia Eiver. Collected by J. Drayton. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 8. (317.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap 1365 c. c , L. 165 mm., B. 156 mm., H. 127 ram., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 349 mm., C. .502 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 70°. From Co¬ lumbia Biver. Collected by Wilkes' Exploi'ing Expedition. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 0. (318.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 70, Cap. 1140 c. c., L. 160 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 330 mm., C. 479 mm , Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 69°. From the Columbia Biver. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 10. (319.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 151 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 330 mm., C. 469 mm., Z. d. 135 mm, F. a. 66°. From Dead Island, Columbia Biver. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 11. (330.) Calvarium. F. set c. 65, Cap. 1345 c. c., L. 163 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 117 mm., I. f. m. 52, L. a. 336 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 68°. Col¬ lected by G. F. Emmons. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 46 CHECK MST OF SECTION IV, 12. (221.) Calyarium. F. aet. c. 40, Cap. 1400 o. c., L. 1.56 mm., B. 1.52 mm., H. 125 mm , I. f. m. 53, L. a. 380 mm., 0. 483 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 66°. From Columbia River. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 13. (222.) Calvarium. M set. c. 50, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 352 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 70° From Columbia River. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. Probably a slave. 14. (225.) Cranium, imperfect. M. ret. c. 40, Cap.? L. 158 mm., B. 151 mm., H.? I. f. m ? L. a ? C. 483 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 60°. From Oregon. Col¬ lected by Dr. J. Evans. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 15. (228.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1180 c. c., L. 155 mm., B. 154 mm., H. 107 mm., I. f. m. 63, L. a. 315 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 66°. From Columbia River. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 16. (2Î30.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 70, Cap. 1065 c. c., L. 156 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 117 mm., I. f m. 45, L. «. 311 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 68°. From Oregon. Collected by Dr. J. Evans. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 17. (231.) Calvarium. M. set. c 45, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 163 mm., B. 162 mm , H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 51, L. a. 327 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d.? F- a. 67°. From the Columbia River. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 18. (232.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 50, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 157 mm., B 155 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 340 mm., C. 489 mm.. Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 60°. Col¬ lected by Dr. J. Evans. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 19. (234.) Cranium. F. fet. c. 75, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 1.59 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 330 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 65°. From Columbia River. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 20. (235.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 40, Cap. 1265 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 144 mm., H 122 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 340 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 83°. From Columbia River. Collected by J. Deayton. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. Probably a slave. 21. (236.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 163 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 330 mm., C. 485 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 70°. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 22. (693.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 75, Cap. 1380 c. u., L. 165 mm., B. 171 mm., H. 113 mm., I. f. m. 61, L. a. 327 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d. 136 mm , F. a. 70°. From near mouth Columbia River. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. E. Whitehead, U. S. A. 23. (701.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 70, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 151 mm., B. 156 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 340 mm , C. 479 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a 75°. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon W. E. Whitehead, U. S. A. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 47 17.—Oregon Indians. 1 (76.) Calvarium, imperfect. Child, fet. c. 8, Cap.? L. 152 mm., B. 138 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 327 mm., C. 1.5!) mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Puget's Sound, W. T. Presented by Professor Joseph Heneï. 2. (81).) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 159 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 336 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 70° From Washing¬ ton Territory. Presented by Professor Joseph Henry. 3. (265.) Calvarium. F. œt. c. 80, Cap. 1180 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 129 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 343 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d. 12.) mm., F. a. 72°. From Cascades of Columbia Kiver. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (331.) Cranium. M. œt. u. 35, Cap. 1100 c. c., L. 166 mm., B. 128 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 334 mm., C. 467 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a.? From Rogue River, Oregon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (1023.) Cranium. F. set. u. 35. Cap 1130 c. u., L. 167 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 348 mm., C. 485 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 70° From Big Lagoon, Oregon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 6. (1027.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 20, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 140 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 370 mm., C. 495 mm., Z.d.? F. a. 78°. From Pistol River, Oregon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (1028.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set c. 40, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 146 mm., H.? I. f. m. 41, L. a. 377 mm., C. 522 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Chetko, Oregon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 8. (1055.) Cranium, imperfect. F. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 346 mm., C. 496 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Chetko, Oregon. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 9. (1631.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. (iO, Cap.? L. 182 mm., B 147 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 372 mm., C. 525 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73°. From Pistol River. Collected by Paul Schumacher, Received in exchange from the Smithso¬ nian Institution. 10 (1642.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 60, Cap. 1290 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 363 mm., C. 501 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 70°. From Pistol River. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 11. (1669.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 40, Cap.? L. 183 mm., B.145 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 371 mm., C. 525 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 67°. From Pistol River. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithso¬ nian Institution. 48 CHECK LISI" OF SECTION IV, 12. (1673.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. 55, Cap. 1540 u. c., L. 177 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 377 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 68° From Pistol Biver. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Eeceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 13. (1685.) Cranium. F. set. c. 60, Gap. 1060 c. c., L. 158 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 327 mm., G. 471 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 71°. From Pistol Biver. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 14. (1737.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 70, Gap. 1100 c. c., L. 173 jnm., B. 136 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 341 mm., G. 500 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 74°. From Pistol Biver. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 18.—Modoc Indians. 1. (6387.) (Sect. I.) Skeleton. M. set. c. 35, Height 1610 mm.. Cranium; Gap. 1495 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 160 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 348 mm., G. 507 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 70°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. Bentley, U. S. A. 2. (i){)5.) Cranium. F. set. c. 45, Gap. 1320 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 336 mm., G. 493 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 68°. From Lost Biver, Oregon. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. O. Skinner. 3. (1018.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Gap. 1420 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 3.50 mm., G. 503 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 68°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon H. MoElderry, U. S. A. 4. (lOlO.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Gap. 1350 c. c , L. 166 mm., B. 153 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m.? L. a. 335 mm., G. 502 mm., Z. d. 144 mm., F. a.? Presented by Assistant Surgeon H. McElderry, U. S. A.* 5. (1030.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Gap. 1220 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 46, L a. 348 mm., G. 489 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., P. a. 69°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon H. McElderry, U. S. A. 6. (1031.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Gap. 1400 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 345 mm., G. 510 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., F. a. 71.° Presented by Assistant Surgeon H. McElderry, U. S. A. 7. (6371.) (Sect. I.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. o. 50, Gap. 1430 c. u., L. 172 mm., B. 150 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 362 mm., G. 511 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 72°. 19.—Shoshone Indians. 1. (179.) Cranium. M. mt. c. 40, Gap. 1440 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 127 mm , I. f. m. 47, L. a. 359 mm , G. ,508 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 70°. From Bear Biver. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Frank Meaoham, U. S. A. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 49 2. (180.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1230 c. c , L. 171 mm., B. 188 mm., H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 13, L. a. 333 mm., C 486 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 75°. Froni Bear River. Presented by A.ssÍBtant Surgeon Fbank Meaoham, U. S. A. 20.—Snake Indians. 1. (086.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1280 c. o., L. 171 mm., B 143 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 352 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 77°. From Idaho Territory. Presented by Surgeon C. Wagnee, U. S A. 2 (087.) Cranium. F. set. c. 45, Cap. 1190 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 352 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 78°. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon P. Moffat, U. S. A. 3. (088.) Cranium. M. ait. c. 50, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 352 mm., 0. 492 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 72°. From Idaho Territory. Presented by Surgeon G. Wagnee, U. S. A.* 4. (081).) Calvarium. F. set. c. 55, Cap. 1210 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 352 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 76°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon C. Wagnee, U. S. A. 5. (ODO.) Calvarium. F. set. c. .50, Cap. 1230 c. c , L. 16.5 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 14, L. a. 346 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 74°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon C. Wagnee, U. S. A. 6. (01)8.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 70, Gap. 1330 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 144 mm , H. 117 mm., I. f. m. 4.8, L. a. 352 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Tipp River, Gal. Presented by Captain A. H. Nickbeson, 23d Infantry. 21.—Cascade Indians. 1. (ODO.) Calvarium. M. iet. c. 55, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 154 mm., H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 54, L. a. 336 mm , C. 514 mm., Z. d. 143 mm , F. a 68° From Memalut Island, Columbia River. Presented by As.sistant Surgeon W. E Whitehead, U. S. A. 22.—Ukah Indians. 1. (810.) Cranium. M. ¡et.? Cap. 1190 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 128 mm., H 127 mm., I. f. m. 4.5, L. a. 358 mm., C. 494 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a.? From Round Valley, Cal. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. J. Maesh, Ü. S, A.* 2. (811.) Cranium. M. ;et. c. 45, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 132 mm., H 127 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 358 mm., C. 496 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73°. From Round Valley, Gal. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. J. Maesh, U. S. A. 50 CHKCIÍ LIST OF SECTION IV, 3. (1566.) Cranium. M. £et. o. 55, Cap. 1355 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 375 mm., 0. 508 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 73°. From Bound Valley, Gal. Collected by Stephen Powebs. Beceived in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 4. (1567.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. GO, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 185 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 368 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 73°. Prom Bound Valley, Cal. Collected by Stephen Powebs. . Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 23.—Ocki Pah Ute Indians. 1. (154:7.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1240 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 361 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., P. a. 76°. Prom Walker Lake, Nevada. Collected by Stephen Powebs. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (1551.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt.? Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 370 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Prom Walker Lake, Nevada. Collected by Stephen Powers. Beceived in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 24.—Pah Ute Indians. 1. (963.) Skeleton. M. ¡et. c. 40. Height 1640 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1435 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 3.56 mm., C. ,502 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., P. a. 73°. Prom BocTt Grave, Beaver, Utah. Collected and presented by M. S. Sevebance. 2. (964.) Skeleton. P. set. c. 40. Height 1423 mm. Cranium : Cap. 1185 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 347 mm., C. 494 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., P. a. 82°. Prom Bock Grave, Beaver, Utah. Collected and presented by M. S. Sevebance. 3. (174.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 36.5mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 76° Prom Owen's Valley, Cal. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Thomas MoMillin, U. S. A. 4. (697.) Cranium. M. iet. c. 50, Caj). 1425 c. c., L. 190 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 52, L. a. 375 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., P. a. 74°. Prom near Camp Lyon, I T Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon W. A. Chsice. 5. (803.) Cranium. M. set. c. 8, Cap. 1155 c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 125 mm., H. 118 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 338 mm., C. 468 mm., Z. d. 113 mm., P. a. 78°. Prom Nevada. Presented by Assistant Surgeon G. H. Ï. P. Axt, U. S. A. 6. (959.) Cranium, imperfect. Child, set. c. 6, Cap.? L. 150 mm., B. 122 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 301 mm., C. 428 mm., Z. d. 90 mm., P. a. 86° Prom Bock Grave, Beaver, Utah. Presented by M. S. Sevebance. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEÜM. 51 7. (966.) Cranium. M. set. o. 45, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f, m. 39, L. a. 360 mm , C. 506 ram., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 76°. From Dry Creek, Utah. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. Yabkow. (" Wah- ker," a celebrated chief ) 8. (967.) Calvaria, imperfect. From Dry Creek, Utah. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. Yaekow. 9. (968.) Cranium. Child, set. c. 6, Cap. 1070 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 114 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 323 mm., C. 460 mm., Z. d. 102 mm., F. a. 83°. Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. Yabkow. 10. (969.) Cranium. M. set, c. 35, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 345 mm., C. 513 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 78°. From Dry Creek, Utah. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. Yabkow. 11. (970.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 40, Cap. 1240 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 355 mm., C. 505 mm , Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 74°. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. Yabbow. 12. (971.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1100 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 333 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d. 129 mm , F. a. 73°. Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. Yabkow. 13. (97Î5.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1150 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 130 mm., H 122 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 340 mm., C. 484 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 73°. Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. Yabbow. 14 (1016.) Calvaria, imperfect. F. œt.? Cap.? L. 174 mm.,B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a ? From Chalk Creek District, C. T. Presented by Acting Assistant Sui-geon J. T. Bothbock. 15. (1017.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L.? B. 130 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a. 76°. From Del Norte, Upper Bio Grande, C. T. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. T. Bothbock. 16. (1053.) A metopic calvaria. Bit. c.? Cap.? L. 184 mm., B. 144 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 534 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Colorado. Collected by F. V. Hayden . Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 17. (1138.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 143 mm , H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 43, D. a. 372 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., F. a. 73°. From a grave near Fort Cameron, U. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. Elbrey, U. S. A. 18. (1175.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1565 c. c., L. 193 mm., B. 144 mm., H ? I. f. m.? L. a. 401 mm., C. 548 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From near Col¬ orado Springs, Cal. Collected by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. Yabbow. Pre¬ sented by Lieutenant Geo. M. Wheeler, U. S. A. 19. (1177.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap ? L. 178 mm., B.? H ? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by C. E. Aiken. Presented by Lieutenant Geo. M. Wheeleb, U. S. A. 52 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 20. (1268.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 130 mm , I. f. m. 42, L. a. 300 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., P. a. 75°. Presented by Hospital Steward J. J. Rogebs, U. S. A. (" Hee-taw," sub-chief of Bannock tribe.) 21. (1740.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 185 mm., B 143 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 361 mm., C 530 mm., Z. d. 153 mm., P. a. 80°. Prom St. George, Utah. Collected by Dr. P,. Palmeb. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 22. (1794.) Cranium. P. set. c 35, Cap. 1400c. v., L. 172 mm., B. 146 mm., H 123 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a, 346 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 70°. Prom White River Prepared by Mr. Nash, of the University of Pennsylvania, and purchased in 1877. 23. (1953.) Cranium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1310 c c., L. 176 mm., B 138 mm., H. 12!) mm., 1 f. m. 30, L. a. 353 mm., C. 507 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., P. a. 70° Prom North-east Oregon, one mile north of Emigrant Springs, on Meacham Toll Road. Presented by Assist. Surg. V. B. Hubbabd, U S. A. 25.—Utah Indians. 1. (914.) Cranium. Child, set. c. 8, Cap. 1055 c. c., L. 163 mm., B. 126 mm., H. 117 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 342 mm., C. 459mm., Z. d. 103 mm., P. a. 79°. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (915.) Cranium, imperfect. Child, set. c. 6, Cap. 945 c. c., L. 154 mm., B. 125 mm., H. 109 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 314 mm., C. 440 mm., Z. d. 98 mm., P. a. 80°. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (960.) Mummified head. Male adult. Collected by M. S. Sevebance. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 26.—California Indians. 1. (85.) Calvarium. P. set. c. 50, Cap. 1265 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 340 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., P. a. 74°. Pre¬ sented by Professor Joseph Hbnby, Smithsonian Institution. 2. (299.) Calvarium, imperfect. P. aet. c. 35, Cap.? L. 171mm., B. 133 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a.? C. 489 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 69°- Prom Indian grave, Catalina Island. Collected by J. S. Be Cobse. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7 ^ ^ 3. (336.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 144mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 374 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. ? P. a. 85°. Prom Sacra¬ mento River. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 53 4. (340.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 4.'), Cap. 1470 o. c., L. 179 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 37.'5 mm., 0. 514 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 7.5°. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7^ 9 .5. (341.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 3.5, Gap.? L. 176 mm., B. 13.5 mm., H. 143 mm, I. f. tn. 40, L. a. 374 mm., 0. 495 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 75° Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution, -y 6. (342.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Gap. 1250 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 4.3, L. a. 356 mm., G. 505 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 74°. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. J'/, ¿ 7. (410.) Calvarium. F. set. c. CO, Gap. 1090 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 130 mm.> H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 349 mm., G. 470 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 75°. From Alameda County. Collected by Dr. L. G. Yates. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7~7, V 8. (617.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 45, Gap. 1.340 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 368 mm., G. 508 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 74°. From near Petaluma. Collected by Dr. L. G. Yates. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ~} ^,2 9. (775.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. aet. c. 35, Gap. 1330 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 131 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 364 mm., G. .505 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Alameda County. Collected by Dr. L. G. Yates. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution, 10. ("776.) Calvarium, imiDerfect. M. set. c. 40, Gap. 1.500 c. c , L. 180 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 378 mm., G. 512 mm., Z. d. ? F. a 79°. From Alameda County. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. . ¿ 11. (777.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 60, Gap. 1330 c. c , L. 183 mm., B. 142 mm., H 134 mm , I. f. m. 40, L. a. 371 mm , G. 521 mm., Z. d.? F a.? From Alameda County. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7? Q 12. (802.) Calvarium. F. set c. 40, Gap. 1190 c. c., L 186 mm., B. 128 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 366 mm., G. .502 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 77°. From Dipp River. Presented by Surgeon G. McGormick, U. S. A. ¿2^ Íí' 13. (804.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Gap.? L. 185 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 38, L a. 380 mm., G. 519 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 75°. From a shell- heap on Yerba Buena Island. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. Bentley, U. S. K.7L-Í 14. (805.) Fragments. From a shell-heap on Yerba Buena Island. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. Bentley, U. S. A. 15. (818.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Gap. 1395 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a.? G. 517 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 72° From Angel Island. Collected by J. B. Hall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. j 54 CHECK LIST OK SECTION IV, IC. (819.) Calvarium. F. iet. c. IG, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 12;"") mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 3.11 ram., C. 480 mm , Z. d.? F. a. 79° From Angel Island. Collected by J. B. Hall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. ii" , I) 17. (991.) Gal varia, fragmentary. Child, aet. c. 10. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 18. (993.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. ret. c. .GO, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 132 mm., H. ? I. f. m.? L. a. 344 mm., C, 477 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 81° Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 77 C 19. (994.) Calvarium. M, ret. c. 30, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 177 mm., B 143 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 368'mm., C. 509 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 79° From St. Nicholas. Received in exchange from the Smith,sonian Institution. ^^ 20. (10.59.) Cranium. M. ret. c. 55, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 358 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 72°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 21. (1060.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap.? L. 183 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 374 mm., C. 518 mm., Z. d. 144 mm., F. a. 72°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by 'W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 22. (1061.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 51, L. a. 373 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a 77°. Prom San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 23. (1063.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 382 mm., C. 525 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 74°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 24. (1063.) Cranium. F. a3t. c. 30, Cap. 1145 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 347 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 71°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 25. (1064.) Cranium. F. »t. c. 12, Cap. 1320 c. c., L 171 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 353 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 117 mm., F. a. 78°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 26. (1065.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 60, Cap.? L. 180 mm., B. 141 mm., H, 128 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 365 mm., C. 513 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 80°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MüSEüM. 55 27. (106G.) Cranium. M. set. c. GO, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 17.5 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 309 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 74°. From San Miguel'.s Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Keeeived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 28. (1067.) Cranium. F. set. e. 40, Cap. 1205 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 3G4 mm., C. 488 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 74°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 29. (1068.) Cranium. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1190 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 357 mm., C. 491 mm., Z. d. 12G mm., F. a. 72°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 30. (1060.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1205 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 355 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 76°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 31. (1070.) Cranium. F. set. c. 55, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 352 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d.? F. a, 77°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 32. (1071.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 120 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 359 mm., C. 497 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 80° From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 33. (1072.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 75, Cap. 1335 c. u., L. 178 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 373 mm., C. .508 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 71°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 34. (1073.) Calvarium, imperfect. Child, set. c. 9, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B.? H. 118 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 350 mm., C. 477 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. 35. (1074.) Calvaría, imperfect. Child, set. c. 4. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 36. (107.5.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set. c. 75, Cap.? L. 169 mm., B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 360 mm., C. .503 mm., Z. d ? F. a.? From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 37. (1076.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set. c. .50, Cap.? L. 169 mm., B. 137 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 361, C. 493 mm., Z. d ? F. a.? From San Miguel's Island. Col¬ lected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5G CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV. 38. (1077.) Calvaría, imperfect. Child, ret. c. 9, Cap.? L. 174 mm., B. 14.5 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 44. L. a. 351 mm., 0. .505 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 39. (1078.) Cranium, imperfect. M. ast. c. 55, Cap.? L.? B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 71°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 40. (1079.) Calvaría, imperfect. Child, set. c. 7. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Ball Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 41. (1080.) Cranium, fragmentar}'. M. œt c. 45. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 42. (1081.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 175 mm , B. 133 mm., H. 132 mm , I. f. m. 47, L a 359 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 75°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 43. (1082.) Calvarium, imperfect. Child, set. c. 7, Cap ? L. 159 mm., B. 131 mm., H.? I. f. m ? L. a. 333 mm., C. 461 mm., Z.d.? F. a. 80°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 44. (1083.) Calvaría, imperfect. M. set. c 50, Cap.? L. 183 mm., B. 145 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 370 mm., C. 526 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From San Miguel's Island. Collected by W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 45. (1084.) Calvaría, imperfect. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by ,W. H. Ball. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 46. (1130.) Cranium. M. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 136 mm., H.? I. f. m,? L. a.? C. 502 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 79°. From a shell-heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected b}' Paul-Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. "7, ^ 47. (1131.) Cranium. M. rnt. c. 40, Cap. 1160 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 348 mm., C. 4iS6 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 77°. From a shell-heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7 2, 48. (1132.) Calvaría, imperfect. M. ast. c. 40, Cap.? L.? B. 134 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 49. (1133.) Calvarium, imperfect. —? œt.? Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 136 mm., 1. f. m. 46, L. a. 367 mm., C. .506 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 73°. From a shell-heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ^ ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 57 .'iO. (1134.) Calvarium. M. set. o. 4.'), Cap. 118.5 c. e., L. 170 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 129 mm., 1. f. m. 47, L. a. .350 mm., 0. 493 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 78° From a shell-heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schu¬ macher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ^2 3 51. (1 13f).) Calvaría, imperfect. F. set. c. 80, Cap.? L. 155 mm., B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 458 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a shell-heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian In.stitution. 52. (1130.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 17G mm., B. 140 mm., H. 187 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 365 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 80°. From a shell-heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schu¬ macher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7 % 3 53. (1137.) Calvaría, imperfect. —? set.? Cap.? L. 174 mm., B. 135 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From a shell-heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. / ~7. C 54. (1138.) Calvaría. M. aet. c. 80, Cap. 1405 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. *43, L. a. 378 mm., 0. 522 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a shell- heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ~7 B 55. (113Í).) Cranium, imperfect. F. œt. c. 75, Cap. 1140 c. c., L. 161 mm., B. 145 mm., H.? 1. f. m.? L. a. 338 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 82° From a shell- heajj near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution, Ç j 56. (1140.) Calvaría, imperfect. M. œt. c. 70, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 143 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 362 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a shell-heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. ^ , 1_ 57. (1141.) Cranium, impei-fect. F. set. c. 90, Cap.? L. 160 mm., B. 141 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 478 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 75° From a shell-heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. , ¡ 58. (1142.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. Eet. c. 40, Cap,? L. 169 mm., B. 135 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 353 mm , C. 482 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 77°. From a shell-heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsoniau Institution. 59. (1143.) Calvaría, imperfect. F. set. c. 45, Cap ? L. 161 mm , B. 143 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 345 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From a shell- heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ST" 58 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, ()0. (1144.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set, c. 25, Cap. 1370 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 141 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 300 mm., 0. 501 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 77°. Prom a shell-heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ^^ q 01. (114i>.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap.?L. 176 mm., B. 147mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a.? C. 517 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 73°. Prom a shell-heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ^ 3, S 62. (1146.) Calvaría, imperfect. P. set. c. 50. Prom a shell-heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 63. (1147.) Cranium, imperfect. P. set. c. 25, Cap. 1135 c. c., L. 107 mm., B. 131 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 475 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 78°. Prom a shell- heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 64. (1151.) Calvaría, imperfect. P. est. c. 21. Prom a shell-heap near the shore of San Luis Obispo Bay. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 65. (1152.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1510 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 368 mm., C. 526 mm., Z. d. 152 mm., P. a. 78°. Prom a shell-heap on Mare Island. Collected by T. H. Streets. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. oj 66. (127Í).) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 177 mm., B. 141 mm,, H. 133 mm.. I. f. m. 45, L. a. 356 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., P. a. 76° Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 67. (1280.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 133 mm , I. f. m. 43, L. a. 363 mm., C. 504 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., P. a. 75°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 68. (1281.) Cranium, imperfect. P. fet. c. .50, Cap. 1245 c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 1.33 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a.? C. 489 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., P. a. 77°. Prom San Miguel Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 69. (1282.) Calvarium. M. ret. c. 65, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 356 m.m., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., P. a. 74°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 70 (1283.) Cranium. M. ret. c. 9, Cap. 1245 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 120 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 355 mm , C. 487 mm., Z. d. 113 mm., P. a. 84° Prom San Miguel Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAR MUSEUM. 59 71. (1284.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 70, Cap. 1515 c. c., L. 190 mm , B. 145 mm., H. 136 mm., 1. f. m 44, L. a. 384 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d. 144 mm., P. a. 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by PAun Sohomacheb. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 72. (1285.) Cranium, imperfect. M. eet. c. 65, Cap. 1255 c. c., L 177 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 376 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 73. (1286.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. eet. c. 80, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 44, L a. 359 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 80°. From San Nicholas Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 74. (1287.) Cranium. M. set. c. 8, Cap. 1425 c. u., L. 175 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m 51, L. a. 370 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d. 112 mm , F a. 83° From San Miguel Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 75. (1288.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 138 mm , H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 363 mm., C. .500 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 74°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 76. (128i>.) Cranium. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1075 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 119 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 344 mm., C. 472 mm., Z. d. 119 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 77. (121>0.) Cranium. M. set. c. .50, Cap. 1110 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 180 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L a. 344 mm., C. 485 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 78. (124)1.) Calvarium. M. ast. c. 85, Cap. 1105 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 138 mm , H 125 mm , I. f. m 43, L. a. 358 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 79. (124)2.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 45, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 165 mm , B. 133 mm., H 132 mm , I. f. m. 41, L. a. 345 mm., C. 478 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 73°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 80. (1293.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1115 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. ,352 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 76°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 60 CHECK LIST OP SECTION IV, 81. (1204.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. aet. c. GO, Cap. IS.IO c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 144 mm., H. l.'!r> mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 373 mm., 0. .113 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 7r>°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Sohumacheb. Received in exchange from the Smith.sonian Institution. 82. (120i>.) Calvarium. P. mt. c. 61, Cap. 1225 c. e., L. 172 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 361 mm., C. 490 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., P. a. 74° Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 83. (1206.) Calvarium. M. iet. c. 11, Cap. 1111 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 362 mm., C. .100 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., P. a. 71°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 84. (1207.) Cranium. M. set. c. 10, Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 176 mm.. B. 138 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 369 mm., C. .101 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., P. a. 68° Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 85. (1208.) Cranium. P. mt. c. 41, Cap. 1011 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 128 mm., H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 333 mm., C. 476 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., P. a. 73°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 86. (1200.) Cranium. P. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1186 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 363 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., P. a. 75° Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 87. (1300.) Cranium. P. set. c. 31, Cap. 1240 o.e., L. 177 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 360 mm., C. .100 mm., Z. d. 120 mm., F. a. 79°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 88. (1301.) Cranium. P. set. c. 41, Cap. 1171c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 344 mm., C. 496 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 77°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution 89. (1302.) Cranium. M. set. c. 31, Cap. 1310 c c., L, 175 mm , B. 140 mm , H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 367 mm , C. 104 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., P. a. 73°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 90. (1303.) Cranium. M set. c. 40, Cap. 1110 c. e., L. 172 ram., B. 138 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 349 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., P. a. 76°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 61 91. (1304.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 70, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 17(i tuni., B. 144 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a 362 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacheb. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 92. (1305.) Cranium. M. aat. c. 65, Cap. 1325 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. 366 mm., C. 501 mm., Z. d. 137 U)m., F. a. 71°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 93. (1306.) Cranium. F. aet. c. 75, Cap. 1200 c. c., L 169 mm , B. 137 mm H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 351 mm., C. .501 mm , Z. d. 121 mm., F. a. 78° From San Nicholas Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 94. (1307.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. .50, Cap. 12,50 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. I.'!(; mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. .¡63 mm., C. 4Í)8mm., Z. d. 135 mm , F. a. 73°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 95. (1308.) Cranium. F. aet. c. 40, Cap. 1200 c. u., L. 170 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 348 mm., C. 485 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F.a.75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 96. (1300.) Cranium. F. aet. c. 30, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 1.34 mm , H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 354 mm , 0. 495 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 79°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 97. (1310.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 45, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 363 mm., C. 501 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 98. (1311.) Cranium. M. aet c. 60, Cap. 1425 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a 370 mm., C. 514 mm , Z. d. 142 mm., F. ». 72°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 99. (1313.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 50, Cap. 1340 c c., L. 184 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 374 mm , C. 519 mm., Z. d. 144 mm., F. a. 71°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 100. (1313.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1280 c. c , L. 177 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 130 mm , I.f. m. 42, L. a. 359 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 62 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 101. (1314:.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 15, Cap. 1145 c. c., L. 166 mm., B. 129 mm., H. 127 mm., I f. m. 47, L. a. 347 mm., G. 474 mm., Z. d. 114 mm., F. a. 78°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Sohumacheb. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 102. (1315.) Calvarium. F. ast. c. 20, Cap. 1030 c.c , L. 157 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 328 mm., C. 462 mm., Z. d. 116 mm., F. a. 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 103. (1316.) Calvarium. Child, set. c. 12, Cap. 1000 c. c., L. 160 mm., B. 130 mm., H. Ill mm., I. f. m., 46, L- a. 330 mm., 0. 460 mm., Z. d. 107 mm , F a. 81°. From Santa Cruz I.slaud. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 104 (1317.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1125 c.c., L. 177 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 129 mm , I. f. m. 43, L. a. 357 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 72°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 105. (1318.) Calvarium. F. set c. 55, Cap. 1095 c. c , L. 175 mm , B. 131 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 42, L a 348 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 106. (1319.) Calvarium. M. mt. c. 60, Cap. 1245 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 369 mm., C. 507 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 70°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 107. (1320.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1215 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 136 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 356 mm., C. 493 mm , Z. d. 122 mm , F. a. 76° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 108. (1321.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 35, Cap. 123.5 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 362 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. ? F°. a. 72°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 109. (1322.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 25, Cap.? L. 164 mm., B.? H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 342 mm., C.? Z. d. ? F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 110. (1323.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1170 c. c., L. 166 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 347 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 71°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 63 111. (1324.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1275 c. c., L. 177 rum., B. 144 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 366 mm., 0. 510 mm., Z. d. 132 min., F. a. 72°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 112. (1325.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 65, Cap. 1215 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a 362 mm., C. 509 mm., Z d. 135 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumaghek. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 113. (1326.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1385 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 390 mm., C. 529 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 70°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumaghek. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 114. (1327.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 25, Cap. 990 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 126 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 338 mm., C. 470 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumaghek. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 115. (1328.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1395 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 385 mm., C. 539 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 116. (1329.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 360 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 78°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 117. (1330.) Cranium. M. set c. 70, Cap. 1370 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 374 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 118. (1331.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 75, Cap. 1260 c. c , L 167 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a 358 mm., C. 488 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 72°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 119. (1332.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap 1330 u. c., L. 184 mm., B. 150 mm., H. 127 mm , I. f. m. 43, L. a. 365 mm., C. .526 mm , Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 73°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 120. (1333.) Cranium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1360 c. c , L. 181 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 364 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d 138 mm., F. a. 74°. From San Nicholas Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 64 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 121. (1334.) Cranium. M. œt. o. 45, Cap. 1165 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 131 mm , H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 360 mm , 0. 496 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 69°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Sghdmaohek. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 122. (1335.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1190 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 356 mm., C. 499 mm., Z d. 131 mm., F. a 78°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumachek. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 123. (1333.) Cranium. M. rnt. c. 50, Cap. 1240 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 137 mm., H.132 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 355 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 73° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 124. (1337.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1265 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 365 mm., C. 497 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a 73°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 125. (1338.) Cranium. F. iet. c. 50, Cap. 1145 c. u., L. 171 mm , B. 140 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 346 mm., C. 493 mm., Z d. 129 mm., F. a. 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collecied by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 126. (1330.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1235 c. u., L. 177 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 358 mm., C. 503 mm , Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 72°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 127. (1340.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 60, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 182 mm , B. 146 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 377 mm , C. 526 mm., C. d. 132 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 128. (1341.) Cranium. M. mt. c. 40, Cap. 1225 c. c. L. 172 mm , B. 131 mm., H 131 mm., I. f. m. 40, L.a. 35(! mm , C. 486 mm., Z.d 132 mm., F. a. 76°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 129. (1342.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 60, Cap. 1390 c. c., L 185 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 380 mm., C. 52(i mm., Z.d. 141 mm., F. a 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 130. (1343.) Cranium. F. a3t. c. 35, Cap. iodic, c., L. 167 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 120 mm., I. f. m. 42, L a. 342 mm., C. 481 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MÜSBDM. 65 131. (1344:.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap ? L. 171 ram., B. 136 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 350 mm., C. 496 mm., Z. d 132 mm., F. a. 72° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumachee. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 132. (1345.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 35, Cap. 1255 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 346 mm., C. 494 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumachee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 133. (1346.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1140 c. o., L. 173 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 360 mm., C. 487 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 73°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumachee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 134. (1347.) Cranium. F. set. c. 45, Cap. 1285 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 359 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 74° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumachee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 135. (1348.) Cranium. F. set. c. 45, Cap. 1100 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 346 mm., C. 484 mm., Z d. 127 mm., F. a. 72° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumachee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 136. (1346.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 130 mm.. I. f. m. 43, L. a. 363 mm., C. 509 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 71°. From Santa Cruz Island Collected by Paul Schumachee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 137. (1350.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1260 c. c., L 174 mm , B. 137 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 365 mm., C. 500 mm., Z d. 136 mm , F a. 72°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumachee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 138. (1351.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1040 c c., L. 164 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 131 mm , I. f. m. 42, L. a. 340 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 71°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 139. (1352.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 370mm., C. 528mm., Z. d. 148mm., F. a. 72°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 140. (1353.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 70, Cap. 1060 o. c , L 166 mm,, B. 131 mm., H. 12(i mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 338 mm., C. 477 mm., Z. d. 132 mm , F. a. 69° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 66 CHECK I.IST OF SECTION IV, 141. (1354.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 70, Cap. 1190 c. c., L. 171 mm.. B. 141 mm., H 1.32 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 361 mm., 0. 497 mm., Z. d.? F a. 72°. Prom Santa Cruz I.sland. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 142. (1355.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 40, Cap 1240 c. c , L. 174 mm , B. 141 mm., H. 129 mm., I f. m. 47, L a. 363 mm., C. 498 mm , Z. d. 126 mm , F a. 78°. From San Miguel's Island, Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 143 (1356.) Calvarium. F. set. c. ,50, Cap 1240 c. c., L, 17r> mm , B 139iQm., H. 130 mm , I. f. m. 46, L. a 361 mm., C 497 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 79°. From San Miguel',s Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 14 4 (1357.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1220 c. c., L 171 mm , B. 138 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a 351 mm., C. 497 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 77°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 145. (1358.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 55, Cap. 1160c, c., L. 176 mm., B. 136 mm,, H. 131 mm , I. f. m 44, L. a. 358 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 72°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 146. (1356.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 30, Cap 1170 c. c., L 168 mm., B. 140 mm., H, 128 mm., I. f. m. 4.5, L. a. 349 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 75°. From San Miguel's Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 147. (1360.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 1115 c. c., L. 173 mm , B 133 mm., H. 133 mm., I f. m. 43, L. a. 347 mm , C. 486 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 71°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 148. (1361.) Calvarium. M. set c, 70, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 178 mm , B. 137 mm , H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 365 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 74°. From San Nicholas Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 149. (13612.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1335 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 144 mm , H. 129 mm , I. f. m. 45, L. a. 374 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 73° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 150. (1363.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 35, Cap. 1140 u. c., L. 172 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f, m. 4.5, L a. 348 mm., C. 482 mm., Z. d. 12t mm., F. a. 76°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMT MEDICAL MUSEUM. 67 15], (1364.) Calvarium. P. ast. c. 40, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 140 mm , H. 129 mm,, I. f. m. 49, L. a. 365 mm., C. .502 mm., Z. d., 132 mm., F. a 74°- From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumachee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 1.12. (1365.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 4.1, Cap 1220 c. c , L. 171 mm., B 137 mm , H. 135 mm., I. f. m 44, L. a. 357 mm., 0. 491 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution 153. (1366.) Calvarium. F aet. c. 40, Cap. 1090 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 132 mm , H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 349 mm., C. 480 mm , Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 73° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 154. (1367.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 50, Cap. 1275 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 363 mm., C. 508 mm., Z d. 138 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 155. (1368.) Calvarium. F. ast. c. 65, Cap. 1140 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 357 mm., C. 496 mm.. Z. d. 130mm., F. a. 74° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 156. (1369.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 65, Cap. 1110 c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 129 ram., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 348 mm., C. 485 mm., Z. d 132 mm., F. a 77°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 157. (1370.) Calvarium. F. aet c. 30, Cap.'1320 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 140 mm , H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 3.53 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 126 mm , F. a. 73°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 158 (1371.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 25, Cap. 1145 c. c., L. 169 mm , B. 134 mrn., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 355 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 70°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 159. (1372.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 45, Cap. 1150 c. o., L. 164 ram., B. 136 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 348 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d. 126 mm , F. a. 72°. Froni Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 160. (1373.) Calvarium. F. aet c. 45, Cap. 1180 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 365 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 73°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution, 68 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 101. (1374.) Calvarium. F. sst. c. 40, Cap. 1240c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 350 mm., 0. 487 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 73°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumachek. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 1(!2. (1375.) Calvarium. F. ast. c. 60, Cap. 1140 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 130 mm , H. 188 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 347 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumachek. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 163. (137(>.) Calvarium. M. tet. c. 50, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f, m. 40, L. a. 360 mu)., C 506 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 70° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumachek. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 104. (1377.) Calvarium. M. mt. c. 50, Cap. 1325 c. c , L. 181 mm., B 140 mm., H. 12!) mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 364 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 165. (1378.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. Est. c. 75, Cap. 1610 c c., L. 183 mm , B. 154 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 383 mm , C. 533 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 77°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumachek. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 166. (137Í).) Cranium. F. eet. c. 55, Cap. 1210 c. c , L. 179 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 125 mm., I f. m. 45, L. a. 365 mm., C. 503 mm , Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 77°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 107. (1380.) Cranium. F, set c. 30, Cap 1200 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 1.30 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 351 mm., C. 479 mm., Z. d. 120 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 108. (1381.) Cranium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 133 mm , H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 360 mm., C. 504 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 72°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 109. (1383.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. u. 3.5, Cap. 1185 c. c., L. 160 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 40, L a. 345 mm., C. 487 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 170. (1383.) Cranium, imperfect. 1°. set. c. 20, Cap. 1330 c. u., L. 175 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 124 ram., I. f. m. 48, L a.? C. 496 mm., Z. d. 120 mm , F. a. 80°. From San Miguel Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 69 171. (1384.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ?et. c. .lO, Cap. 1210 o. c , L. 169 mm., B. 142 mm , H. 13.3 mm., 1. f. m. 43, L. a. 303 mm., 0. 49.1 mm., Z. cl ? F. a. 72' Prom Sauta Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schdmachek. Received iu exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 172. (138«5 ) Calvarium, imperfect. F. fet. c. 30, Cap.? L 168 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 346 mm., C. 482 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 71°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumachee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 173. (1386.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1225 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 360 mm., C. 4S9mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 77°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected bj' Paul Sohumaoheb. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 174. (1387.) Calvarium. M. ast. c. 75, Cap. 1370 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 370 mm., C. 513 mm., Z. d. 139 ram., F. a. 72° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received iu exchange from the Smithsonian In.stitution. 175. (1388.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1455 c. c., L. 195 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 380 mm., C. .533 mm.. Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 81° From San Nicholas Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received iu exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 176. (1381).) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 367 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 72° From San Nicholas Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 177. (1390.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 30, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 358 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 120 mm., F. a 74°. Prom San Miguel Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smith.souian Institution. 178. (1391.) Calvarium. F. set. c. ,50, Cap. 1155 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 134 mm , H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 358 mm., C. 490 mm., Z. d. 120 mm , F. a. 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 179. (1392.) Cranium. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 360 mm., C 495 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 73° From San Miguel Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 180. (1393.) Cranium. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1220 c c , L. 167 mm., B. 135 ]nm., H. 133 mm , I. f. m. 43, L. a. 341 mm., C. 484 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F a. 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received iu exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 70 CHECK LIST OP SECTION IV, 181. (1394.) Cranium. M. set. o. 50, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 192 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 392 mm., C. .'>32 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., P. a. 77°. Prom Sauta Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumaoheb. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 182. (1395.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1455 c c., L. 189 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f m 45, L a. 377 mm., C. 530 mm., Z d. 140 mm., P a. 76° Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 183. (1396.) Cranium. P. set c. 40, Cap. 1250 c. c , L. 175 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 365 mm., C. 497 mm , Z. d. 126 mm., P. a. 76°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 184. (1397.) Calvarium, imperfect. Child, set. c. 10, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 125 mm , I. f. m. 45, L. a. 340 mm., C. 476 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 76°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 185. (1398.) Calvarium, imperfect. Child, set. c. 9, Cap.? L. 166 mm., B.? H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 354 mm., C. 475 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 78° Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 186. (1399.) Calvarium. P. set. c. 40, Cap. 1170 c. c., L. 166 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 342 mm., C. 484 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., P. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 187. (1400.) Calvarium, imperfect. P. set. c. 90, Cap. 1125 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 351 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., P. a.? Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 188. (1401.) Cranium. P. set. c. 65, Cap. 1140 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 360 mm , 0. 495 mm., Z. d. 120 mm., P. a 72°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from Smithsonian Institution. 189. (1402.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1255 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 365 mm., C. 508 mm , Z. d. 135 mm., P. a. 75°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from Smithsonian Institution. 190. (1403.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1305 c. c., L. 188 ram., B. 135 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 378 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d ? P. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Beceivedln exchange from Smith¬ sonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MÜSEUM. 71 191. (1404.) Cranium. F. set. c.r>5, Cap. 1220 c.c., L. 171 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 362 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d. 12(i mm., F. a. 77° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from Smithsonian Institution. 192. (1405.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1295 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 362 mm., 0. 506 mm., Z. d 133 mm., F. a. 72°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from Smithsonian Institution. 193. (1406.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 1.39 mm , I. f. m. 42, L. a. 378 mm., C. .509 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 69°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from Smithsonian Institution. 194. (1407.) Cranium. F. set. c 35, Cap. 1170 c. c., L. 166 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 354 mm , C. 481 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 76°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from Smithsonian Institution. 195. (1408.) Cranium. Child, set, c. 8, Cap. 1150 c. e , L. 170 mm , B. 130 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 338 mm., C. 472 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 76°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from Smith¬ sonian Institution. 196. (1400.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1530 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 384 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 76°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from Smithsonian Institution. 197. (1410.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1390 c. c., h. 180 mm., B 141 mm., H 138 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 377 mm., C. 513 mm., Z. d.? P, a. 74°. From San Miguel Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from Smithsonian Institution. 198 (1411.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c 55, Cap.? L. 185 mm., B.? H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 361 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 75° From San Miguel Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from Smithsonian Institution. 199. (141Í3.) Cranium. F. set. c 65, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 358 mm., C 506 mm , Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 74° From San Nicholas Lsland. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from Smithsonian Institution. 200. (1413.) Cranium. Child, set. c. 7, Cap. 1380 c. c , L 168 mm., B. 144 mm, H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 48, L a. 360 mm., C. 484 mm., Z. d ? F a. 78°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from Smithsonian Institution. 72 CHECK LIST OE SECTIOH IV, 201. (1414-.) Cranium. T. set. c. Sä, Cap. 1185 c. i;., L. 170 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 15, L. a. 35(1 mm., C. 483 mm , Z d. ? F. a. 76° From Santa Cri^z Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Keceived in exchange from Smith¬ sonian Institution. 202. (1415.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 30, Cap. 1100 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 118 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 358 mm., C 484 mm., Z. d. 118 mm., F. a. 76°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from Smithsonian Institution. 203. (1416.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 50, Cap. 1235 e.c., L. 172 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f, m 48, L. a. 362 mm., C. 501 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 70°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from Smithsonian Institution. 204. (1417.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 75, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 370 mm., C. 504 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 71°. From San Nicholas Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from Smithsonian Institution. 205. (1418.) Cranium. F. set. c. 35, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 358 mm., C. 496 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 74.° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 206. (1419.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 365 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 72°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 207. (1420.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1435 c. c.,L. 176mm., B. 144 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 357 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 73° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian In.stitution. 208. (1421.) Cranium. Child, set. c. 12, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 337 mm,, C. 473 mm., Z. d. 114 mm., F. a. 79° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 209. (1422.) Cranium. F. set. c. 35, Cap. 1155 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 356 mm., C. 475 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a 71°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 210. (142.3.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 363 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 73°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MÜSEUM. To ^11. (1434.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 75, Cap. 117r> c. o., L. 175 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 357 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 74° From Santa Cruz Island. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 212. (1435.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 35, Cap. 1050 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 132 mm.. H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 334 mm., C. 470 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F, a. 71°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 213. (1436.) Cranium. M. £et. c.'OO, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 367 mm., C. 499 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 71° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Instittition. 214. (1437.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1020 c. c., L. 165 mm,, B. 135 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 4.!, L. a. 345 mm , C. 475 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 70° From Santa Cruz I.sland. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 215. (1438.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 58, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 185 mm , B. 145 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 375 mm., C. 522 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 70°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange fi'om the Smithsonian Institution. 210. (1436.) Calvarium. F. £et. c. 55, Cap. 1255c. c., L. 170mm.,B.138 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 361 mui., C. 484 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 217. (1430.) Cranium. F. set. c 35, Cap. 1225 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 355 mm., C. 497 mm , Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 77°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected b}' Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 218. (1431.) Cranium. Child, set. c. 6, Cap. 1210c. c., L. 165mm., B. 132mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 343 mm., C. 466 mm., Z. d. 106 mm., F. a. 82°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 219. (1433.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 14.50 c. c., L. 189 mm., B. 145 mm., H 138 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 375 mm., C. 532 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 220. (1433.) Cranium. Child, set. c. 7, Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 364 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 112 mm., P. a. 80°. From San Nicholas Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 221. (1434.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1240 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 138 mm., H. ? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 497 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island, Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 74 CHECK LIST OE SECTION IV, 222. (14:3i>.) Cranium. F. set. c. S.'i, Cap. 1.Ô40 c. o., L. 179 mm.. B. 148 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 4."i, L. a. 304 mm., 0. Till mm., Z. d. 13.5 mm., P. a. 75° Prom Sauta Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schdmaoheb. Keceived iu exchange from the Smithsouian Institution. 223. (1436.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 370 mm., C. .510 mm., Z. d. ? P. a. 73°. Prom Santa Cruz Island Collected by Paul Sohumachek. Received in exchange from the Smithsouian In.stitutiou. 224. (1437.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 35, Cap. 1435 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 4.5, L. a. 368 mm., C. 510 mm.,Z.d. 137 mm., P. a. 73°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 225. (1438.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 45, L a. 366 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d ? P. a. 74°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 226 (1436.) Cranium. M. ast. c. 40, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 47, L a. 360 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., P. a. 67°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 227. (1440.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 65, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 188 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 140 mm., I f. m. 48, L. a. 388 mm , C. 520 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., P. a. 72°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 228. (1441.) Calvarium. M aet. c. 70, Cap. 1370 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 139, I. f. m. 44, L. a. 369 mm., C. .506 mm , Z. d.? P. a. 72°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 229. (1442.) Cranium. M. aet. c. .50, Cap. 1180 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f, m. 51, L. a. 362 mm., C. 490 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 71°. Prom Santa Cruz Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 230. (1443.) Cranium. Child, mt. c. 6, Cap. 1355 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 54, L. a. 363 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 104 mm., P. a. 81°. Prom San Nicholas Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 231. (1444.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 65, Cap. 13.50 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 131 mm., I, f. m. 48, L. a. 360 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., P. a. 71°. Prom San Nicholas Island. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ABMÏ MEDICAL MUSEUM. 2.32. (1445.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 3.5, Cap. 1240 o. c., L. 176 mm,, B. 145 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 3.58 mm.. 0. 506 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 71°. From Santa Cniz Island. Collected by Pato. Schumacher. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian In.stitution. {^The follmoing ninety-three (93) skulls, betieeen numbers 1446 and 1545, were ex¬ humed in June and July, 1875, at an Indian burial-place eight miles from Santa Barbara, California, on the ranche of Mr. Ales:ander Moi'e, by Drs. H. C. Yarrow and J. T. Rothrock, and Mr. II. IF. Henshaw, of the United States Geographical Survey west of the 100í7¿ meiddian.'} / 233. (1446.) Calvaria, imperfect. F. set, c. 65, Cap.? L 162 mm , B. 134 mm., H 128 mm., I. f. ni. 42, L a.? C, 471 mm., Z. d.? F. a ? 234. (1447.) Calvarium. M. set. c. .50, Cap. 1130 o. c., L. 167 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 342 mm., C. 482 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 70° 235. (1448.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 173 mm., B.? H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a.? C.? Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 78°. 236. (1449.) Calvaria, imperfect. Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 134 mm., H.123 mm., I. f. 111. 42, L. a ? C. 478 mm., Z. d.? F. a ? 237. (1450.) Cranium. F. set. c. 60, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 355 mm , C. 493 mm., Z d. 132 mm.. F. a. 75°. 238. (1451.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set c. 50, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. ra,. 48, L. a. 372 ra n., C. 510 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. 239. (1452.) Cranium. M. set. c. 20, Cap. 1355 c.c., L. 168 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 133 ram., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 348 mm., C. 494 mm., Z. d. 121 mm., F. a. 80° 240. (1453.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. o. 15, Cap. 1200 c. u., L. 163 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 49, L a. 339 mm., C. 473 mm., Z.d.? F. a. 76°. 241. (1454.) Calvaria, imperfect. F. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 139 mm , H. 135 mm , I. f. m. 45, L. a.? C. 496 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? 242. (1455.) Cranium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1200 c. c , L. 178 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 363 mm., C. 499 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 77°. 243. (1456.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 174 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 359 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d ? F. a.? 244. (1458.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 141 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 506 mm., Z. d. ? F. a.? 245. (1459.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set.? Cap.? L. 177 mm., B. 139 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? 246. (1460.) Cranium. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 1205 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 346 mm., C. 490 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 72° 76 CHECK LtST OK SECTION IV, 247. (14f>l.) Cranium, imperfect. P. œt. c. 40, Cap.? L. 172 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 348 mm., 0. 492 mm., Z. d. 13(i mm,, P. a. 76°. 248. (1462.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 2.7, Cap. 1170 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a.? 0. 480 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 77°. 249. (1463.) Calvarla, imperfect. P. set.? Cap.? L. 168 mm., B. 133 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 352 mm., C. 487 mm., Z. d.? P. a ? 2,50. (1464.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ait. c. 65, Cap.? L. 172 mm., B. 142 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 360 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? 251. (1465.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1110 c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 127 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 351 mm., C. 477 mm., Z. d ? P. a.? 252. (1466.) Calvarla. P. set ? Cap. 1255 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 348 mm,, C. 486 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? 253. (1466.) Cranium, Imperfect. M. set. c. 60, Cap.? L. 180 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 376 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., P. a. 71° 2.54. (1470.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 380 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 76°. 25.5. (14 72.) Calvarla, imperfect. P. set. c. 60, Cap.? L.? B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 496 mm., Z. d.? i\ a.? 256. (1474.) Cranium, imperfect. P. set. c. 70, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. ,366 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 76°. 257. (1475.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 360 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 130 ram., P. a. 71°- 258. (1476.) Calvarium, imperfect. P. set. c. 70, Cap.? L. 172 mm., B. 130 mm , H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 480 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? 259. (1477.) Cranium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 179 mm., B 142 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 369 mm. C. 512 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., P. a. 76°. 260. (1478.) Cranium, impei-fect. Child, set. c. 6, Cap.? L. 162 mm., B. 144 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 480 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 76°. 261. (1479.) Calvarium, imperfect. P. set. c. 55, Cap. 1135 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 340 mm., C. 476 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 73°. 262. (1480.) Calvarium, imperfect. Child, set. c. 15, Cap.? L. 167 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 347 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? 263. (1481.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1360 c. c , L. 180 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a 378 mm., C. 513 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., P. a. 74°. 264. (1482.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1190 c. c., L. ? B. 137 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 492 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 70°. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 77 265. (1483.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 357 mm., C. 501 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75° 266. (1484.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 1125 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. ? C. 482 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 77° 267. (1485.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 20, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 136 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 490 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 80° 268. (1486.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 60, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 137 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 493 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. 2(i9. (1487.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1315 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a.? C. 510 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 79° 270. (1488.) Cranium, imperfect. Child, c. 10, Cajr.? L. 163 mm., B. 125 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 346 mm., C. 468 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? 271. (1486.) Cranium. F. mt. c. 55, Cap. 1225 c. c., L 168 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 351 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 73°. 272. (1490.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. mt. c. 50, Cap.? L. 173 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 359 ram., C.? Z. d.? F. a. 74° 273. (1491.) Calvaría, imperfect. Child, set. c. 8. 274. (149Í3.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 175 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 365 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 75°. 275. (1493.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 20, Cap.? L. 168 mm , B. 141 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 362 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 82° 276. (1494.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. o. 60, Cap 1220 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 366 mm., C. 501 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 77. 277. (1495.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 165 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 362 mm., C. 494 mm., Z. d ? F. a.? \278. (1496.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 3.50 mm., C. 491 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 72°. 279. (1497.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c 40, Cap. 1050 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 128 mm., H. 117 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 328 mm., C. 464 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 72° 280. (1498.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1415 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 371 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d. 144 mm., F. a. 75° 281. (1499.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 165 mm., B. 132 mm , H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 342 mm., C. 471 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 75°. 282. (1500.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 60, Cap.? L. 181 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 361 mm , C.? Z. d.? F. a. 76°. 78 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 283. (1501.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 178 ram., B. 138 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 372 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? 284. (1502.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 40, Gap ? L. 187 mm., B. 122 mm , H.? I. f. m. ? L. a. ? 0. .506 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? 285. (1,504.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set. c. 40, Gap.? L. 170 mm., B. 131 mm , H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a.? G. ? Z. d.? F. a.? 286. (1505.) Calvaria, imperfect. F. set. c. 30, Gap.? L.? B. 133 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 470 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? 287. (1500.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L.? B 146 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? G.? Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 70°. 288. (1507.) Cranium, imperfect. F. œt. c. 30, Gap.? L. 166 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 336 mm., G. 475 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 68° 289. (1508.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set, c. 55, Cap.? L.? B. 142 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a ? 0. 517 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 80° 290. (1509.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 169 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 1.32 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 352 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 73° 291. (1510.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 65, Gap. 1290 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 364 mm., G. .500 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. 292. (1511.) Cranium, imperfect. F. œt. c. 60, Cap. 1110 c. c., L. 166 mm., B. 1.33 mm.. H 133 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 312 mm., C. 475 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 74°. • 293. (1512.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. u. 70, Gap.? L. 177 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 368 mm., G. 517 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 76°. 294. (1514.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Gap. 1320 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 132 ram., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 367 mm., C. 519 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 74°. 295. (1515.) Cranium, imperfect. M. iet. c. 45, Cap. 1415 c. c., L. 189 ram., B. 143 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 372 mm., G. 530 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73°. 296. (1510.) Cranium. F. set. c. 55, Gap. 1165 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 349 mm., G. 482 mm., Z. d. 119 mm., 1°. a. 77°. 297. (1517.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 40, Cap. 1550 c. c., L. 197 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 402 mm., 0. 546 ram., Z. d. 145 mm., F. a. 73°. 298. (151 8.) Cranium. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1235 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 135 mm., H 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 356 mra., G. 487 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 72° 299. (1510.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Gap. 1105 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 345 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 72°. 300. (1520.) Cranium, imperfect Child, set. c. 6, Gap.? L. 171 mm., B. 140 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 351 mm., 0. 493 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 83°. AKMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 79 301. (1531.) Cranium, imperfect. M. fet. c. ho. Cap.? L. 193 ram., B. 148 ram., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 391 ram., C. 541 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 74°. 302. (1522.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 65, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 178 mm,, B. 147 mm , H. 133 mm., I. f. m. .51, L. a. 372 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 73°. 303. (1523.) Cranium. F. set. c. 20, Cap. 123.5 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 347 mm., C. 485 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 74°. 304. (1524.) Cranium, imperfect. F. aet. c. 65, Cap.? L. 174 mm., B. 134mm., H. 120 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 341 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 83°. .305. (1525.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 45, Cap.? L. 180 mm., B. 128 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 375 mm., C.? Z. d ? F. a.? 306. (1526.) Cranium,imperfect. M. aet. c. 40, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 136 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 487 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? 307. (1527.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 65, Cap.? L. 181 mm., B. 143 mm., H.? I. f. m. ? L. a. 369 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? 308. (1.528.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 40, Cap.? L. 195 mm., B. 135 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 386 mm., C. 524 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? .309. (1526.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 70, Cap.? L.? B. 1.38 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 377 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 74° 310. (1531.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 30, Cap.? L. 182 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 372 mm., C. ? Z. d ? F. a 75°. 311. (1532.) Cranium, imperfect. F. aet. c. 55, Cap.? L 175 mm., B. 1.39 mm.5 H. 122 mm , I. f. m. 47, L. a. 362 mm., C 500 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. 312. (1533.) Calvarla, imperfect. F. aet. c. 25, Cap.? L. 166 mm., B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a 355 mm , C.? Z. d.? F a.? 313. (1534.) Calvarium, imperfect. Child, aet. c. 12, Cap.? L. 159 mm., B. 119 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 332 mm., C. 447 mm , Z. d.? F. a. 77°. 314. (1535) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 50, Cap.? L. 178 mm., B ? H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a ? C.? Z. d.? F. a. 74°. 315. (1536.) Cranium. F. aet. e. 75, Cap.? L. 163 mm., B. 132 mm., H. l.'ii mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 335 mm., C. 471 mm., Z. d 135 mm., F. a. 71°. 316. (1537.) Cranium, imperfect F. aet. c. 40, Cap.? L. ? B. 133 mm. H ? I. f. m.? L. a. 347 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 73°. 317. (1538.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 45, Cap.? L ? B. 140 mm., H ? I. f. ni.? Ii. a. 376 mm., C.? Z. d. 136 mm., F. a,? 318. (1539.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 45, Cap.? L. 168 mm., B ? H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 365 mm., C.? Z. d.? F. a. 76°. 80 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 319. (154:0.) Cranium. M. sat. o. 5.1, Cap. 1345 c. o., L. 180 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 136 mm , I. f. m. 47, L. a. 371 mm , C. .505 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 70° 320. (154:1.) Cranium, imperfect. F. aet. c. 70, Cap.? L. 170 mm , B. 141 mm., H.? I. f. m.? B. a.? C. 500 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 75°. 321. (154:2.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 174 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 42, L a. 358 mm., C. .500 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 74°. 322. (154:3.) Calvarium. F. »t. c. 3.5, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 129 mm., I f. m. 44, L. a. 351 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 72°. 323. (1,54:4:.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. œt. c. .5.5, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 140 mm., H.? I. f. m. ? L. a. 357 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 69°. 324. (154:5.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. aet. c. .50, Cap.? L. 178 mm., B. 133 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 494 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 70°. 325. (1565.) Cranium. F. ast. c. 35, Cap. 1265 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 344 mm., C 493 mm., Z, d. 128 mm., F. a. 74°. From San Nicholas Island. Collected by Dr. S. B. Beinkekhoff. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 326. (1571.) Cranium. M. ast. c. 70, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 371 mm , C. 530 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 75°. (A Pitt River Indian from Dixie Valley.) Collected by Stephen Poweks. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ^ 3 / 327. (1623.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 371 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 70°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 328. (1624:.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 70, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 140 mm , H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 367 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 75° From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 329. (1625.) Cranium, imperfect. F. let. c. 70. Cap ? L. 173 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 355 mm., C. 580 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 72°. From Santa' Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 330. (162Í).) Cranium. F. œt. o. (;5, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 359 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 71°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 331. (1630.) Cranium. M. ast. c. 65, Cap. 1440 c. c.,,^.. 181 mm., B.139 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 369 mm., C. 508 mm , Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 72°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 81 (I<î3îi.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set c. 65, Cap. 11360 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 31), L. a ? 0. 4'J5 mm., Z. d. 137 mm,, F. a. 70°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. lieceived in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 333. (1633.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 30, Cap. 1140 c. c., L. 167 mm , B. 133 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 44, L a. 345 mm., C. 477 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 70° From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 334. (1634.) Cranium, imperfect. F. fet. c. 30, Cap.? L. 1711 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 128 mm , I. f. m. 39, L. a. 354 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 76°. From Black Hawk. Collected by Dr. .James Reid. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 335. (163.'>.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 141mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 362 mm., C. 494 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., P. a. 71°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 336. (1636.) Cranium. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1330 c c., L. 173 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 12!) mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 360 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 76°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 337. (1637.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1470 c. c., L. 171) mm., B. 145 mm., H. 134 mm.. I. f. m. 51, L. a. 381 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 68°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 338. (1638.) Cranium. F. set. c.35. Cap. 1140 c. c , L 167 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 343 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 73°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 339. (1631).) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 357 mm , C. .502 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 70°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 340. (1640.) Cranium. F. set. c. 70, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 161) mm., B. 142 mm., H. 1,30 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 358 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 75°. F'rom Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 341. (1641.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 142 ram., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 361 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 69° From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 82 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, yt'2. (IG-iîî.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. (iO, Cap? L. 176 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 364 mm., 0. 313 mm.. Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 73°. From Sauta Ilos.i Island. Collected by the llev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 343 (1044:.) Cranium, imperfect. M ;ct. c. 4, Cap.? L. 164 mm , B. 137 mm., H. 113 mm , I. f m 31, L a 312 mm., C. 480 mm , Z d. 99 mm., F. a. 78°. From Santa Rosr Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 344 (1645.) Cranium. M. aet c. 33, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 123 mm , I. f. m 46, L. a. 360 mm., C. 494 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 70° From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 313. (1640.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 60, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 337 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 71° From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 346. (1047.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1430 c. c , L. 160 mm., B. 126 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 324 mm., C. 460 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 69°. Prom Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 347. (1048.) A metopic cranium. F. aet. c. 70, Cap. 1140 c. c., L. 153 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 328 mm., C. 478 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 69°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 348. (1649.) Cranium, imperfect. F. aet. c. 30, Cap. 1040 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 374 mm., C. 307 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., P. a. 72° From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 349. (1651.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 40, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 348 mm., C. 499 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 69.° From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 350 (1652.) Cranium. JSt. c. 6, Cap. 1180 c. c., L. 160 mm., B. 136 mm , H. 119 mm., I. f. m. 30, L. a. 339 mm., C. 463 mm., Z. d. 107 mm., F. a.? From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 351. (1653.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c, 70, Cap. 1350 c. c., L 180 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 355 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 70°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution, ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 83 3i>2. (1655.) Cranium. M. œt. o. 4.5, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 134 mm., I, f. m. 4.5, L. a. 366 mm , C. 498 mm., Z d. 136 mm , P a. 74°. From Santa Kosa Island. Collected by the Kev. Stephen Bowebs. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 353. (1656.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. .15, Cap.':* L. 180 mm., B. 142 mm , H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 369 mm., 0. 523 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 70°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowees. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 354. (1657.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1450 c c., L 174 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m 44, L. a 365 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 69°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 355. (1658.) Cranium. F. set. c. 55, Cap. 1370 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 373 mm., C. .506 mm., Z d. 130 mm., F. a 70°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 35(i. (1651).) Cranium. M. set. c. 70, Cap 1510 c. c,, L. 184 mm., B. 150 mm , H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 376 mm , C 531 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 71°. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution . 357. (1660.) Cranium. — set. c. 6, Cap. 1140 c. c., L. 158 mm , B. 131 mm., H. 116 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 343 mm., C. 4.59 mm., Z. d. 104 mm , F. .a? From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 358. (1661.) Cranium. F. set. c. 55, Cap. 1220 c. c., L 171 mm., B. 136 nan., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 3.50 mm., C. 489 mm , Z.d. 126 mm., F. a 74°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received iu exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 359. (1663.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 364 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 66". From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 360. (1664:.) Cranium. M. mt. c. 55, Cap. 1290 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 138 mm.. H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 45, L a. 361 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 12G^mm., F. a. 69" From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 361. (1(>65.) Cranium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 378 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 70°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 84 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 302. (I(í68.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 5.5, Cap.? L. 178 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 4,5, L. a. 373 mm., 0. .504 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 69°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 303. (1670.) Cranium, imperfect M.aet. c. 50, Cap. 1290 c. u., L. 176 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 3.50 mm., C. .506 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 69°. From Santa Bosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 364. (1671.) Cranium. M. mt. c. 55, Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 371 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 73°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution, 365. (1673.) Cranium, imperfect. F. mt. o. 20j Cap. 1290 c. e., L. 170 mm., B. 141 mm , H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 350 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 69° Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. 360. (1674.) Cranium. M. aet c. 35, Cap. 13.50 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 358 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 71°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 367. (1675.) Cranium. M. Est. c. 80, Cap. 1740 c. c., L. 197 mm., B. 154 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 387 mm., C. 565 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., P. a. 74°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 368. (1676.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 1070 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 127 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m, 43, L. a. 330 mm., C. 463 mm., Z. d. 119 mm., F. a. 72°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 369. (1677.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 376 mm., C. .508 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 71°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 370. (1678.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 302 mm., C. .507 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73°. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the SmitRsonian Insti¬ tution. 371. (1679.) Cranium. F. ast. c. 35, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 166 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 33, L. a. 345 mm., C. 484 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 73°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. AßMY MEDICAL MUSEüJi. 85 372. (1G80.) Cranium. M. set. c. .55, Cap 1170 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 10, L. a. 3.59 mm., C. 491 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 68°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 373. (1681.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. .50, Cap.? L. 108 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. ». 355 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 72°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 374. (1682.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1490 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 385 mm., C. 522 mm., Z d. 144 mm., F. a. 09°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 375. (1683.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. GO, Cap.? L. 107 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 349 mm., C. 479 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 00°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 370. (1684.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1490 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 379 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 07°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 377. (1686.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 183 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 382 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 08°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 378. (1687.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 107 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 120 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 343 mm., C. 487 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 70°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 379. (1688.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 45, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 180 mm , B. 140 mm., H 128 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. ». 370 mm., C. 515 mm., Z d ? F. a. 70°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 380. (16O0.) Cranium. F. set. c. 55, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 180 mm , B. 128 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 306 mm., C. 505 mm.,.Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 70° Col¬ lected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 381. (1691.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1110 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 127 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 327 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 05°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 8ß CtiKCk tist OP SÈCÎIoil iV, 382. (lOOü.) Cranium. M. set. c. (J:), Cap. 14G0 c, c., L. 182 mm., Ë. l38 iiiih., H; 143 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 372 mm., C. 511 mm., Z d. 139 mm., F. a. G8°. From Sauta Barbara Couuty. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exobauge from the Smithsonian Institution. 383. (16i)3.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 38, Gap. 1200 c. c , L. 163 mm., B. 139 mm., H 125 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 340 mm , C. 480 mm., Z. d. 120 mm., F a. 71°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 384. Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1440 c. c , L. 177 ram., B 149 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 373 mm., C. 518 mm., Z. d.? F. a 70°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 385. (KjtlS.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 169 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a.? C. 497 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 70°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stl-phen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 386. Cranium, imperfect. M. iet. c. 60, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 146 mm., H 134 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 370 mm., C. 522 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 71°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 387. (1697.) Cranium. F. set. c. 35, Cap. 1100 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 337 mm., C. 470 mm., Z. d. 123 mm., F. a 72°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 388. (1698.) Cranium. F. set c. 65, Cap. 1180 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a 355 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 77°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 389. (1699.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 167 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 340 mm., C 481 mm., Z. d.? F. a 70°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev, Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 390 (1700.) Cranium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 372 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 74° From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 391. (1701.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 70, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 141 mm , H. 125 mm , I. f. m. 47, L. a. 354 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 72°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ákifif Medícál MüseüM. 3!)2. (1702.) Cranium. M. set. c. G."), Cap. 1340 c. c , L. 172 mm., B 143 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a 361 mm., C. .lOl mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a 72° From Santa Kosa Island. Collected by the Kev Stephen Bowees. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 393. (1703.) Cranium. M. eet. c. 6.5, Cap. 1400 c. c , L. 178 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 87.5 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 73°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowees. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 394. (1704:.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1220 c c , L. 166 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 356 mm., C. 484 mm., Z d 131 mm , F a. 68°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumachee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 395. (1705.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 357 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 72°. Collected by Paul Schumachee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. 396. (170<>.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 55, Cap.? L. 172 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 135 mm.. I. f. m. 47, L. a. 361 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 69° From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowees. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 397. (1707.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 134 mm , H.? I. f.ra.? L. a. 352 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 72°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowees. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 398. (1711.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 2'5, Cap.? L. 156 mm., B. 117 mm., H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 317 mm., C. 449 mm., Z. d. 123 mm., F. ». 63°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumachee. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 399. (17 1 2.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 169 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 357 mm., C. 484 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 72°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumachee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 400. (1713.) Cranium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 170 mm , B. 141 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 3.50 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 71° From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowees. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 401. (1714.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 169 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 128 mm , I. f. m. 42, L. a.? C. 495 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowees. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 88 CHECK LIST OS SECTlOK IV. 402. Calvarium. M. aat. c. 5"), Cap. 1240 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. ra. 43, L. a. 366 mm., G. 494 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 77°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 403. (17 1 7.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 366 mm., C. 499 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 67° From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 404. (17 1 8.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1090 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f m. 4.5, L. a. 338 mm., C. 470 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 70°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 405. (171Í).) Calvarium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1140 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 137nim., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 365 mm., C. 494 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 73°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 406. (1720.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1330c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 357 mm., C.499 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 70°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 407. (1721.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 138 mm,, H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 357 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 73°, From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 408. (17 22.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. œt. c. 80, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 360 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 80°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 409. (1723.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. est. c. 35, Cap.? L. 167 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 344 mm., C. 487 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 78° From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 410. (1724.) Calvarium. M. »t. c. 75, Cap. 1510 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 386 mm., C. .503 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 411. (1725.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 30, Cap. 11.50 c. c., L. 169 mm., B 133 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 344 mm., C. 487 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 78° From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 89 112. (17ii(>.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 302 mm., C. Í508 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 7.5°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 413. (1727.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 00, Cap. 1310 e. c., L. 174 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 13.5 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a.? C. 497 mm., Z. d. 132 mm , F. a. 08°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 414. (1728.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 45, Cap. 1170c. c., L. 105 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 135 mm , I. f. m. 44, L. a. 348 mm., C. 470 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 00°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 415. (172Í1.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 308 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 78°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 410. (1730.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 129 mm.. H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 350 mm., C. 481 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 70°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 417. (1731.) Cranium. M. set. c. 05, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 385 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d. 138 mm.,F. a. 73°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 418. (1732.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. u. 12, Cap. 1190 c. c., L. 104 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. .50, L. a. 347 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 70°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 419. (1733.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 382 mm., C. 522 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 08°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 420. (1734.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 05, Cap. 1440 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 14.'! mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 305 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 71°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 421. (1738.) Calvarium. F. mt. c. 45, Cap. 1230c. c., L. 177mm., B. 131 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 359 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. ÖÜ tííítíck tisí OF StiOTlOÑ iV, 422. (173*).) Cranium. M. œt. c 35, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 137 mui., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 347 mm., 0. 491 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., P. a. 72°. From Santa Kosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Ëecôived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 423. (1742.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. G5, Cap. 1130 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a 34G mm., C. 491 mm , Z. d.V P. a. 72°. Prom Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 424. (1743.) Calvarium, imperfect. P. set. c. 53, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 133 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 34G mm., C.? Z. d.? P. a.? Prom Santa Rosa Island. Col¬ lected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution 425. (1746.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 177 mm., B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 368 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d.? P. a. G9°- Prom Santa Rosa Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 42G. (1747.) Cranium, imperfect. P. set. c. GO, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 360 mm., C. 504 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., P. a. 74°. Prom Santa Rosa Island, Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 427. (1748.) Calvaria, M. set. c. G5, Cap.? L. 189 mm., B. 130 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? P. a.? From Santa Barbara County. Collected by Paul Schumacher. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 428. (1806.) Cranium, imperfect. P. set. c. 75, Cap. 1140 c. c., L. 1G8 mm., B. 13G mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 341 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 72°. Prom Santa Barbara County. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 429. (1807.) Cranium, imperfect. P. eet. c. 80, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 3GG mm., C. 501 mm., Z. d ? P. a. 75° Prom Santa Barbara County. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 430. (1808.) Cranium, imperfect. P. ast. c. 75, Cap.? L. 17G mm., B. 136 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 359 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., P. a.77°. Prom Santa Barbara County. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 431. (1800.) Cranium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 361 mm., C. 509 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., P. a. 76° Prom Santa Barbara County. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 432. (1810.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 350 mm., C. 504 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 70.° Prom Santa Barbara County. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MßbICAL MtlSEUtó. 9Í 433. (IS I 1.) Cranium. F. íet. o 70, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 142 mm., H 141 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 361 mm., C. .518 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 75°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by the Kev. Stephen Bowees. B,eceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 434. (ISlii.) Calvarium. F. £et. c. 80, Cap. 1210 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 130 mm , I. f. m. 44, L. a. 367 mm., C. 494 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 76°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 43.5. (1813.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap. ? L. 173 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 358 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d.? F. a 73°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 43<). (1814.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 55, Cap.7 L. 174 mm., B. 146 mm., H.? I. f. m.';' L. a. 375 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 72°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 437. (18115.J) Cranium. F. set. c. 80, Cap. 1180 c. c , L. 165 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 341 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a 71°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 438. (181(>.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 70, Cap.? L. 166 mm., B. 137 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 346 mm., C. 491 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 67°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 439. (18 1 7.) Cranium. M. set c. 60, Cap.? L. 182 mm., B. 144 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L a. 370 mm., C. 518 mm.,Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 75°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 440. (18 18.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 371 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 76° From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 441. (181Î).) Cranium. F. set. c. 90, Cap.? L. 167 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. ;!42 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 74°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 442. (1820.) Cranium. M. ret. c. 5.5, Cap. 1500 c. c , L. 183 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 146 mm.. I. f. ip. 42, L. a. 371 mm., C. 519 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 76°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 92 CHECK LIST OK SECTION IV, •1-13. (1821.) Cranium, imperfect. M. £et. c. 55, Cap. 1260 c. o., L. 170 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 367 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 72°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowebs. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 444. (1822.) Cranium, imperfect M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1570 c. c , L. 184 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 394 mm., C. 526 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 79°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowehs. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 445. (1823.) Cranium. F. œt c. 50, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 46, L, a. 345 mm., C. 493 mm., Z d. 132 mm., F. a. 73°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 446. (1824.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 1150 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 343 mm., C. 481 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73°. From Santa Cruz Island. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 447. (1625.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 60, Cap.? L. 161 mm., B. 148 mm , H 129 mm , I. f. m. 40, L. a. 345 mm., C. 487 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 72° From Santa Barbara County. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 448. (1826.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap.? L. 167 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 40, L a 362 mrn., C. 494 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 77°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 449. (1827.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 75, Cap.? L. 177 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f m. 44, L. a. 369 mm., C. 501 mm., Z d.? F. a. 73°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 450. (1828.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 60, Cap ? L. 17(i mm , B. 137 mm-, H ? I. f. m. 46, L. a. 356 mm., C. 501 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 79°. From Santa Bai'bara County. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 451. (182i>.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. ó. 60, Cap ? L ? B. 145 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m.? L. a. 362 mm , C.? Z. d.? F. a. 76°. From Santa Barbara County. Collected by the Rev. Stephen Bowers. Received in exchange from the Smithso¬ nian Institution. 452. (1857.) Cranium. F. set. c. 55, Cap. 1440 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. in. 45, L. a. 370mm,, C. 505 mm.j Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 73° From Santa Barbara County. Presented by Dr. H. C. Yarrow. 453. (5530.), (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1190 c. c., L. 161 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 336 mm., C. 478 mm , Z. d.? F. a. 73°. From Fort Crook. Collected by D. F. Parkinson. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 93 454. ("5532.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1275 c. c., L. 166 mm , B. 148 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 346 mm., C. 498 ram., Z. d.? F. a. 73'- From Fort Crook. Collected by D. F. Parkinson. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 455. (5533.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1235 o c., L. 177 mm., B 138 mm., H. 123 mm., I f. m. 44, L. a. 346 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 76°. From Fort Crook. Collected by D. F. Parkinson. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 456. (5534.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ret. c. 15, Cap. 1315 c. c., L. 160 mm., B. 15:! mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 335 mm., C 490 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 84°. From Fort Crook. Collected by D. F. Parkinson. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 457. (5536.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 165 ram., B. 147 mm., H. 127 mm., L f. m. 38, L. a. 339 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 77°. From Fort Crook. Collected by D. F. Parkinson. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 458. (5537.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. ret. c. 55, Cap. 1510 c. c., L. 192 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 405 mm., C. .537 mm , Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 77°. From Fort Crook. Collected by Capt. John Feilner, First U. S. Cavalry. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 459. (<»5{)8.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 180 mm , B. 137 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 362 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 75°. From Santa Barbara. Collected by Drs. H. C. Yarrow and J. T. Rothrock and Mr. H. W. Henshaw. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 27.—Nevada Indians. 1. (1654.) Cranium. M. ret. c. 55, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 172 mm.,.B. 135 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 352 mm., C. 491 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 70°. Col¬ lected by Stephen Powers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (1667.) Cranium, imperfect. F. ret. c. 50, Cap. 1190 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 130 mm , H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a.? C. 412 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°- Collected by Stephen Powers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (1689.) Cranium, imperfect. M. ret. c. 60, Cap.? L. 181 mm., B. 14G mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 522 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73°. Collected by Stephen Powers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (1736.) Calvarium. M. ret. c. 50, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 140 mm.. Iff. m. 42, L. a. 357 mm., C. 497 mm., Z.d. 134 mm., F. a. 67° Collected by sjfrbphen Powers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 94 check list of section iv, 5. (1741.) Cranium, imperfect. M, set. c. 50. Cap.? L. 175 mm., B. 139 mm., H.? I. f. ra.? L, a. 367 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 66°. Collected by Stephen Powers. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (1744.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 178 mm., B. 138 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 510 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 78°. Collected by Stephen Powers. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (1745.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap.? L.? B. 144 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by Stephen Powers. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 28.—Aztec Indians. 1. (1843.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a.? C. 477 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 76°, From the Buins of Mesa-Horoses on the Bio de los Animas, near its mouth. Collected by Mr. True. Presented by Second Lieutenant C. A. H. MoCaueey, U. S. A. 2. (1845.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c.? Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 161 mm., B 141 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 355 mm., C. 484 mm., Z. d. 129 mm , F. a. 76°. From an old ruin near Camp Verde, Arizona Territory. Presented by Captain G. M. Brayton, U. S. a. 3. (1925.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. £et. c. 30, Cap.? L. 155 ram., B. 138 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 35, L. a. 340 mm., C. 460 jnm., Z. d.? F. a. 72°. From Aztec ruins, five miles north of Camp Verde, and one mile from the Bio Verde, Arizona Territor-y. Presented by Captain G. M. Brayton, U. S. A. 4. (1999.) Cranium. F. set. c. 75, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 150 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 34, L. a. 327 mm., C. 460 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 72° From an old Indian burial-place, eight miles from Fort Verde, Arizona Territory. Pre¬ sented by Captain C. H. Campbell, U. S. A. .■). (2000«) Calvaria, imperfect. Child. Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 123 mm., H.? I. f. M. ? L. a.? C. 466 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From an old Indian burial-place, eight miles from Fort Verde, Arizona Territory. Presented by Captain C. H. Campbell, U S. A. 6. (1846.) Charred human bones. From an old ruin near Camp Verde, Ari¬ zona Territory. Presented by Captain G. M. Brayton, U. S. A. 7. (1847.) A pair of femurs, left scapula, and humerus, four ribs ; radius and ulna of a young female. The olecranon fossa in the humerus is perforated. From an old ruin near Camp Verde, Arizona Territory. Presented by Captain G. M. Brayton, U. S. A. 8. (1848.) Fragments of bones, chiefly long bones of young subjects. From an old ruin at Camp Verde, Arizona Territory. Presented by Captain G. M. Bray¬ ton, ü. S. A. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 95 29.—Wintoon Indians. 1. (1.548.) Calvarium. F. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1115 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 345 mm., 0. 486 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a 78°. From Weaverville, California. Collected by Stephen Powees. lieceivcd in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 30.—Digger Indians. 1. (330.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 3.5, Cap. 1375 c. c., L. 169 mm. B. 141 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 346 mm., C. 495mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 70°. From California. Collected by Thomas M. Logan. Eeceived in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 81.—Cowcow Indians. 1. (807.) Cranium. F. set. c. 35, Cap. 1170 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 46, L a. 344 mm., C. 481 mm., Z. d. 123 mm., F. a. 73°. From Round Valley, California. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. J. Marsh, U. S. Army. 2. (808.) Cranium. M. ret. c. 40, Cap. 1060 c. c., L. 179 mm., B 127 mm., H. 118 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 345 mm. C. 486 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 75°. From Round Valley, California. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. J. Maesh, U. S. Army. 3. (800.) Cranium. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1275 c. o., L. 170 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a, 360 mm., C. 485 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 76°. From Round Valley, California. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. J. Maesh, U. S. Army. 4. (812.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 45, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 351mm., C. 496 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a, 74°. From Round Valley, California. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. J. Maesh, U. S. Army. 5. (813.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 10, Cap. 1090 c c., L. 163 mm., B. 126 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 337 mm., C. 462 mm., Z. d. 107 mm., F a. 81°. From Indian Reservation, Round Valley, California. Presented by Asst. Surg. E. J. Maesh, U. S. A. 82.—Navajo Indians. 1. (788.) Skeleton. M. aît. c. 35. Height, 1676 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1480 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 360 mm., C 519 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 77°- From Fort Wingate, New Mexico. Presented by Assistant Surgeon R. S. Viokeey, U. S. A. 96 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 2 (07.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 30, Cap. 1190 c. o., L. 161 mm., B. 11(1 mm,, H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 333 mm., C. 179 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., P. a. 79° Pre¬ sented by Surgeon D. C. Peteks, U. S. A.. 3. (130.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 4.5, Gap. 1335 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. Ill mm., H. 133 mm , I. f. m. 12, L. a. 346 mm., G. 495 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 77°. From the Bosque Eodendo Reservation, New Mexico. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. F. Weeds, U. S. A. 4. (131.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 30, Gap. 1390 c. c., L. 178 mm., B 140 mm., H 127 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 349 mm., G. .502 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 79°. From the Bosque Rodendo Reservation. Presented by Surgeon J. G. McKee, U.S. A. 5. (134.) Calvaria. M. ret. c. 35, Gap. 1480 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 371 mm., G. 511 mm., Z. d? F. a ? Presented by Surgeon J. G. McKee, U. S. A. 6. (175.) Cranium, imperfect. F. œt. c. 70, Gap. 1490 o.e., L. 171 mm., B. 151 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? G. 510 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 82°. Presented by As¬ sistant Surgeon J. F. Weeds, U. S. A. 7. (176.) Cranium, imperfect. M set. c. 50, Cap. 1465 c. u., L. 171 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 141 mm , I. f. m. 38, L. a. 356 mm., G. 524 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. F. Weeds, U. S. A.* 8. (177.) Cranium. F. œt. c. 60, Gap. 1205 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 343 mm., C. 470 mm., Z. d 130 mm., F. a. 78°. Pre¬ sented by Assi.stant Surgeon J. P. Weeds, U. S. A. 9. (178.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1290 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. Ill mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 356 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 76°. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon J. F. Weeds, U. S. A. 10. (325.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 75, Gap. 1680 c. c., L. 195 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 390 mm., G. 549 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 81°. From New Mexico. Collected by Dr. L. A. Edwards, U. S. A. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 11. (326.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 35, Gap. 1535 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 114 mm., H. 138 mm., I f. m. 43, L a. 378 mm., G. 530 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. From Texas. Collected by Dr. L. A. Edwards, U. S. A. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 12. (350.) Cranium, imperfect. M. sat. c. 15, Cap.? L. 165 mm , B. 133 mm,, H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 11, L. a 333 mm., G. 476 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 80°. Collected by Dr. Kennedy. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 13. (302.) Calvaria. M. set. c. 80, Gap.? L. 167 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 352 min., G. 511 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From bank on canon. Col¬ lected by Lieutenant A. W. WnipPLE, U. S. A. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 97 II. (633.) Cranium. M. £et. c. .30, Cap. 1325 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 362 mm., 0. 489 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 76°. From Fort McEae, New Mexico. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon William B. Lyon. 15. (63i>.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 7, Cap.? L. 146 mm., B. 140 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 327 mm., C. 444 mm., Z. d. 99 mm., F. a. 80°. From Fort Mc¬ Eae, New Mexico. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon William B. Lyon. 16. (784.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Caii. 15.50 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 374 mm., C. 513 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 74°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. S. Viokeby, U. S. A. 17. (78.5.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1435 c. c., L. 163 mm., B. 148 mm., IL 140 mm., 1. f. m. 36, L. a 341 mm., C. 490 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., P. a. 77°. I'rom Fort Wingate, New Mexico. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. S. Viokeby, U. S. A. 18. (78(>.) Calvarium. F. let. c. 35, Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 129 mm., 1. f. m. 43, L. a. 357 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 79°. From Fort Wingate, New Mexico. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. S. Viokeby, U. S. A. 19. (787.) Cranium. F. set. c. 80, Cap. 1265 e. c., L. 170 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 348 mm., C. .502 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 77°. From Fort Wingate, New Mexico. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. S. Viokeby, U. S. A. 20. (108,5.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 60, Cap. 1450 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 41, L a. 370 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 77°. From near Fort Defiance, New Mexico. Collected by G. M. Keasbey. Contributed by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. Yabbow. 21. (1086.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1.560 c. c , L. 187 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 115 mm., I f. m. 42, L. a. 388 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 82°. From near Fort Defiance, New Mexico. Collected by G. M. Keasbey. Contributed by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. V"abrow. 22. (1087.) Calvarium. M. set. u. 60, Cap. 1230 c. c , L. 172 mm., B 140 mm., 11 138 mm , I. f. m. 39, L. a. 356 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 77°. From near Fort Defiance, New Mexico. Collected by G. M. Keasbey. Contributed by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. Yabbow. 33.—Apache Indians. 1. (1473.) Skeleton. F. set. c. 45. Height, 1380 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1130 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 327 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. i:>7 mm., F. a. 72°. (Mescalero Apache ) From Fort Stanton, New Mexico. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Cablos Cabvallo, U. S. A. 98 check list of section iv, 2. (15ÎÎO.J Skeleton. M. set. c. 3.). Height, l.HO mm.. Cranium; Cap. 1360 c. 0., L. 181 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 13!) mm., I. f. m. 4.1, L. a. 373 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d. 12!) mm., F. a. 7!)°. (Mesealero Apache.) Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. H. T. King, U. S. A. 3. (133.) Calvarium. F. a3t. c. 80, Cap. 13t)0 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 108 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 37.5 mm., C. 514 mm , Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 80°- From Dog Cimon, near Fort Bliss, Texas. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. H. Oliveu. 4. (135.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1510 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 372 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 80°. From Dog Cañón, near Fort Bliss, Texas. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. H. Oliveb. 5. (301).) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1405 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 108 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 356 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 77° (Majave Apache.) From Dickerson's Banch, Arizona. Presented by Assistant Sur¬ geon P. Middeeton, U. S. a. 6. (33Î),) Cranium. M. set. e. 60, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 36, L. a. 340 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 76°. From Texas. Collected by Dr. L. A. Edwabds, U. S. A. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (357.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1355 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 352 mm., C 492 mm., Z. d. 109 mm., F. a. 78°. From Fort Whipple, Arizona. Collected by Dr. E. Codes, U. S. A. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 8. (370.) Calvaría. M. aet. c. 40, Cap.? L. 162 mm., B. 1.54 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 34!) mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. ?F. a.? From Fort Whipple, Arizona, Collected by Dr. E. Codes, IJ. S. A. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. J 9. (634.) Cranium. F. set. c 30, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 127 ram., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 352 mm., C. 489 mm , Z. d. 12!) mm., F. a. 80°. From Ojo Caliente, N. M. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon William B. Lyon. 10. (887.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 20, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 17!) mm., B. 133 mm., H. 126' mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 361 mm., C. 497 mm., Z. d. 121 ram., F. a. 79°. (Pinal Apache. ) From Arizona. Collected by Acting Assistant Surgeon Evans. Presented by Assistant Surgeon C. De Witt, U. S. A. 11. (888.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 25, Cap. 1255 c. c., L. 15!) mm., B. 137 mm., H. 119mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 334 mm., C. 468 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. (Pinal Apache. ) From Arizona. Collected by Acting Assistant Surgeon Evans. Presented by Assistant Surgeon C. De Witt, U. S. A. 12. (88Í).) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1275 c. c., L. 163 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 12!) mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 333 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 74°. (Pinal Apache.) From Arizona. Collected by Acting Assistant Surgeon-evans. Presented by Assistant Surgeon C. De Witt, U. S. A. AKMY MEDICAL ÄIUSEUM. 99 13. (8!)0.) Calvarium. M. Eet. c. 35, Cap. 1360 c. o., L. 173 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 12!) mm , I. f. m. 46, L. a. 357 mm., G. 509 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 7!>°. (Tonto Apache.) From Camp Reno, Arizona. Collected by Hospital Steward L. E. Robinson. Presented by Assistant Surgeon C. De Witt, U. S. A. 14. Calvarium. F. let. c. 35, Cap. 1285 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 140 mm., H, 12!) mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 3.53 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 76°. (Tonto Apache.) From Camp Reno, Arizona. Collected by Hospital Steward L. E. Robin¬ son. Presented by Assistant Surgeon C. De Witt, U. S. A. 15. (1)07.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1395 c. c., L. 166 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 345 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon W. B. Dodds. 16. (í)0í>.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 35, Cap. 1180 c. c., L. 160 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 339 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 79° (Arivaiia Apache.) Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon V. Havakd. 17. (i>Gl.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 14.50 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 153 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 367 mm., C. 526 mm., Z. d.? a. F. 73°. From Camp Apache, Arizona. Collected by G. K. Gilbert. Presented by M. S. Sever¬ ance. 18. (078.) Cranium, imperfect. M. ait. c. 65, Cap.? L. 185 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 381 mm., C. 513 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a.? (Mohave Apache.) From Camp McDowell, Arizona. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. B. Girard, IJ. S. A. 19. (1088.) Calvaria. F. ait. c. 70, Cap.? L. 160 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 34, L. a. 333 mm., C. 481 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Rio de los Ani¬ mos, New Mexico. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. Yarrow. 20. (1108.) Cranium. M. set. c. 2.5, Cap. 1420c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 355 mm., C. 519 mm., Z. d. 144 mm., F. a. 77°. (Arivapa Apache.) From Arizona. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon B. G. McPhail. 21. (110Î).) Cranium. Child, œt. c. 8, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 118 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 333 mm., C. 487 mm., Z. d. 122 mm,, F. a. 80°. From near Camp Verde, Arizona. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon W. E. Day. 22. (1174:.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. let. e. 50, Cap.? L. 177 mm,, B. 154 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 367 mm., C.? Z. d.? F. a. 81°. From Camp Grant, Arizona. Collected by Dr. J. T. Rothrock. Presented by Lieutentaut G. M. Wheeler, TI. S. A. 23. (11 76.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 6.5, Cap.? L. 169 mm., B. 156 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a.? C. 518 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 72°. Collected by Dr. J. T. Rothrock. Presented by Lieutenant G. M. Wheeler, U. S. A. 100 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, -I. (1372.) Cranium. F. set. c. 18, Cap. 1175 o. c., L. 1.53 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 1(1, L. a. 325 mm., 0. 470 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 76°. (Yuma Apache. ) From near liio Verde Indian Agencj'. Presented by Dr. W. H. COEBUSIEE, U. S. A. 25. (1373.) Cranium. M. set. c. 75, Cap. 1360 c. c., L. 163 mm., B. 118 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. in. 40, L. a. 330 mm., C. 408 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 70°. (Y'uma Apache.) From near the Bio Verde Indian Agency. Presented by Dr. W. H. COEBUSIEE, U. S. A. 26. (1374:.) Cranium. M. set. c. 80, Cap. 1235 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a 345 mm., C. 504 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 78°. (Yuma Apache ) From near the Bio Verde Indian Agency. Pre.sented by Dr. W. H CoRBUSIEB, U. S. A. 27. (1375.) Calvarium. M set. c. 80, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 162 mm., B.143 mm., H. 127 ram., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 347 mm., C. 487 mm., Z. d. ISO mm., F. a. 80° (Tonto .Ipache.) From Sycamore Creek, Arizona, Presented by Dr. W. H. Coe- busiee, U. S. .A. 28. (1374Î.) Cranium. F. set. c. 20, Cap. 1185 c. c., L. 152 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 32:! mm., C. 462 mm., Z. d 122 mm., P. a 80°. (Yuma .Apache.) From Arizona. Presented by Dr. W. H. Coebdsiek, U. S. A. 20. (1503.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 13.50 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 366 mm., C. .506 mm.. Z. d.? F. a. 78°. (Mescalero Apaclie.) From Fort Union, New Mexico. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Carlos Carvallo, U. S. A. 30. (1.587.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. .50, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 136 mm , I. f. m. 30. L, a. 365 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 75°. (Mescalero Apache.) From near Fort Stairton, New Mexico. Presented by Hospital Steward Gikaed Opevis, U. S. A. 31. (1708.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 60, Cap.? L.? B. 151 mm., H.? I. f. m ? L. a ? C.? Z. d. 135 mm., F. a.? From Oatman's Flat, Arizona Territory. Col¬ lected by Captain A. W. Corliss, U S. A. Beceived in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 32. (1700.) Cranium, imperfect. M. let. c. 50, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B 156 mm., H. 14(1 mm.. I f. m. 38. L. a. 360 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d 147 mm., F. a. 75° (Yuma Apache.) From Camp McDowell, Arizona. Collected by Captain A. AY. Corliss, Ü. S. A. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 33. (6570.) (Surg. Sect ) Cranium. M. set. c. 80, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 166 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 345 mm., C 490 mm., Z. d. 141 mm , F. a. 70° (Mojave Apache.) Prom the Bio Verde Indian Beservation. Presented by Dr. W. H Coebusiee, U. S. A. 34. (0577.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium, imperfect. M set. c. 18, Cap. 145.5 c. c., D. 165 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 135 mm , I. f. m. 46, L. a. 346 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 130 mm , F. a. 78°. (Tonto Apache.) Prom the Bio Verde Indian Beservation. Presented by Dr. W. H. Coebusieb, IT. S. A. AkM'^ MeWCAL MÜSliÜM. loi ¡35. ((j.578.) (SuKO Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1385 0. c., L, 170 mm., B. 11!) lurn., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 355 mm., 0. 503 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a 75°. (Tonto Apache ) From the Bio Verde Indian Keservation. Presented by Dr. W. H. Coebusiek, U. S. A. 34.—Hare Indians. 1. (328.) Cranium. M. mt. c. 35, Cap. 1020 c. o., L. 178 mm., B. 141) mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 374 mm., 0.517 mm., Z. d. 144mm., F. a. 71° Prom Fort Good Hope, Mackenzie River. Collected by R. Kennicott. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 85.—Blackfeet Indians. 1. (310.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 184 mm , B. 140 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 359 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d ? F. a.? From Yellow¬ stone River. Collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden. Received in exchange from the Smitli- sonian Institution. 2. (311.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 35, Cap. 1255 o. c., L. 1 73 num. B. 13S mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 305 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73°. From Fort Union. New Mexico. Collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 3. (312.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 80, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 352 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 72.° Prom Fort Union, New Mexico. Collected by Dr. P. V. Hayden. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (638.) Calvarium, imperfect, M. œt. c. 45, Cap.? L. 197 mm., B.? H.? I. f. ni.? L. a. 378 mm., C.? Z. d. 152 mm., F. a. 72°. From Big Rosebud Creek, near Fort C. F. Smith, M. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon .1. P. Kimball, U. S. A. 5. (63Í).) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B.? H. Ill mm , I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From Big Rosebud Creek, near Foi-t C. F. Smith, M. T. Piesented by As.sistant Surgeon J. P. Kimball, U. S. A. (>. ((J40.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set c. 75, Cap.? L. 17(1 mm., B.? H. lit) mm., I. f. ni. 44, L. a. 349 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 74°. From Big Rosebt d Creek, near Fort C. F. Smith, M. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. P. Kimball, U. S. A. 36.—Piegan Indians. 1. (128.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 70, Cap. 1470 c. c., L. 187 mm, B. 141 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 368 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 72°. From Missouri River. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon R B. Hitz 102 check list oë section iv, (SG8.) Cranium. F. œt. c. 6"), Cap. 132.5 c. c., L. 17G mm., B. 142 mm., H. 180 mm., I. f. m. 4.5, L. a. 35!) mm., 0. 501 mm., Z. d. 133 mm , F. a. 77°. Pre- seuted by Surgeon F. L. Town, U. S. A. 3. (8(>{).) Cranium. M. let. c. 05, Cap. 1385 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. l:!.S mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 34!) mm., C. 507 mm., Z. d. 144 mm , F. a. 77°. From near Fort Shaw, M. T. Presented by Surgeon F. L. Town, U. S. A. 4. (870.) Cranium. M. tet. c. 45, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 137 mm., H. I.85 mm., I. f. m. 4!), L. a. 357 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 140 mm.-, F. a. 73°. From near Fort Shaw, M. T. Presented by Surgeon F. L. Town, U. S. A. 5. (871.) Cranium. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1270 o. c., L. 175 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 343 mm., C. 498 ram , Z. d. 134 mm., F.a. 73°. Pre.sented by Surgeon F. L. Town, U. S. A. C. (872.) Cranium. F. adt. c. 25, Cap. 1410 e. c., L. 170 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 353 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 7.5°. Pre¬ .sented by Surgeon F. L. Town, U. S. A. 7. (873.) Cranium. F. œt. c. 55, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 13!) mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 34() mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 09°. Presented by Surgeon P. L. Town, U. S. A. 8 (874.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1500 c. c.,L. 190 mm., B 142 mm., H. 188 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a 379 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 70°. Presented by Surgeon F. L. Town, U. S. A. 9. ((>480.) (SuKG. Sect.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 50, Cap.? L. 196 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 388 mm., C. 541 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 72°. From Three Buttes, M. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. Coues, U. S.-A. 10. (lí)í)3.) Calvaria. M. œt. c. 70, Cap. 1520 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 180 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 4:>, L. a. 388 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Presented by A.ssistant Surgeon Paul R. Brown, U. S. A. 11. (lí)í)4.) Calvarium. M. œt c. 40, Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 17!) mm., B. 142 mm , H. 187 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 358 mm., C. 508 mm., Z d. 137 mm., F. a. 73°. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon Paul R. Brown, U. S. A. 12 (1.055,) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 65, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. ISO mm , B. 18,-) mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 351 mm., C. 504 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 74°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Paul R. Brown, U. S. A. 18. (1 i){)0.) Calvarium. F. œt c. 50, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 130 mm., II. 125 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 338 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 72°. Pre¬ sented by A.ssistant Surgeon Paul R. Brown, U. S. A. 14. (1997.) Calvarium. F œt. c. .35, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 172 mm , B. 188 mm , H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 40. L. a. 348 mm., C. 495 mm , Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 77° Presented by A.ssistant Surgeon Paul R. Brown, U. S. A. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM 10?, 37 —G-ros Ventre Indians. 1. (138.) Calvaría. M. ¡et c. 45, Cap. 1350 o. c., L. 184 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a, 308 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Fort Berthold, D. T. Presented by Surgeon 0. G. Geay, U. S. A., and Acting As¬ sistant Surgeon W. Matthews. 2. (353.) Calvarium. P. ret. c. 35, Cap. 1170 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 127 mm., I f. m. 44, L. a. 340 mm , C. 483 mm., Z. d 7 F. a. 80°. From Fort Berthold, D. T. Collected by Surgeon C. C. Gray, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon W. Matthews. Eeceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (383.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 25, Cap. 1010 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 384 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 71° From a graveyard on the Upper Missouri River. Collected by T. A. Culbertson. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (885.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 4.3, L. a.? C.? Z. d. 132 mm., F. a.? Presented by Assistant Surgeon A. B. Campbell, U. S. A. 38.—Mandan Indians. 1. (13f>.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 75, Cap. 14.50 c. c , L. 189 mm., B. 150 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 378 mm., C. 528 mm., Z. d. 13.8 mm., F. a. 74° From Fort Berthold, D. T. Presented by Surgeon C. C. Gray and Acting Assistant Surgeon W. Matthews. 2. (3.16.) Calvarium. M. iet. c. 18, Cap. 1370 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 350 ram., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 114 mm., F. a. 80°. From Fort Berthold, D. T. Collected by Surgeon C C. Gray, U. S. A., and Acting Assist¬ ant Surgeon W. Matthews. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. (31 7 ) Calvarium. F. iet. c. 40, Cap. 1440 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m 43, L. a. 304 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d. 151 mm., F. a. 70°. From Fort Berthold, I). Ï Collected by Surgeon C. C. Gray, U. S. A., and Acting Assist¬ ant Surgeon W. Matthews. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 89 —Arickaree Indians. 1. (137.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 45, Cap. 1440 c. c , L. 180 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 381 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 08° From Fort Berthold, D. T. Presented by Surgeon C. C. Gray, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon W. Matthews. 1()4 dlÍECK Ltsí OF SECtlOÑ tV, 40.—Assiniboine Indians. 1. (15í).) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 70, Cap. 1310 o. c , L. 179 mni., B. 143 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. ¡S.K! mm., 0. 508 mm., Z. d. 1.32 mm., F. a. 77° Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon J. P. Kimball, ü S.A. 2. Calvarium. F. let. c. 80, Cap. 1310 c. c.,L. 182 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 359 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 78° Pre¬ sented l)y .'i.ssistant Surgeon J. P. Kimball, U. S. A. 3. {.'>-1-7.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 35, Cap. 13()5 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 359 mm , C. .502 mm., Z. d.'i F. a. 77° Collected by T. A.. CuLBEKTSON. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4 (.'î,'»4.) Calvaria, imperfect. F. ict. c. 15, Cap.'f L. 173 mm., B. 140 mm., H.y I. f. in.? L a. 352 mm., C. 489 mm., Z.d.? F. a.? From Yellowstone River. D. Ï. Collected by Surgeon 0. C. Gray, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon W. Matthews. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (1ii<>4r.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 80, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 1.'Î8 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 350 mm., C. .504 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 72°. Pre¬ sented by A.ssistant Surgeon J. V. B. Middleton, IJ. S. A. 41.—Sioux Indians. 1. (13.) Skeleton. M. ret. o. 35. Height, 1(!.87 mm. Cranium : Cap. 1510 c. c., L. 100 mm.. B. 155 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 343 mm., C. 510 mm.. Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 74° Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon Alpeed Mijllek. 2. ('2<)4<>.) Skeleton. F. .ret. c. 45. Height, 1505 mm. Cranium : Cap. 1200 c. c,. Ij 171 mm., B. 1.35 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 352 mm., C. 4.S5 mm.. Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 72°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. B. Beew.stee, U. S. A. 3. (13Í).) Calvaria. F. .ret. c. 70, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 127 mm.. I. f. m. 44, L. a. 355 mm., C. .502 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Ibitte qui Regarde. Presented by Surgeon C. C. Gray and Acting Assistant Surgeon W. Matthews. 4. (1 72.) Calvarium. M. .ret. c. 40, Cap. 1450 c. c., L. 189 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 308 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 72°. From near Fort Philip Kearnoj', I). T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon S. M. Horton, U. S. A. 5. (315.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 20, Cap 1345 c. c.. L. 171 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 124 mm , I. f. m 44. L. a. 340 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F a. 73 From Fort Stevenson, 1). T. Collected by Surgeon C. C. Gray and Acting Assist¬ ant Surgeon W. Matthews. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution, ARMY MEDÍCAR MÜSÉÜM. 105 (i. (Î330.) Cranium. M. œt. c. (iO, Cap. 16î25 c. o., L. 187 mm,, B. IT),') mm., H. 113 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 371 mm., C. .'ilO mm., Z. d. 14i) mm , F. a. 71° From Fort Pierre, Upper Missouri. Collected by Mr. Gilpin, Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (483.) Cranium. M. set. u. 4.1, Cap. KiGO c. c., L. 133 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 376 mm., C. 548 mm., Z. d. 151 mm., F. a. 75°. (" Weak Eyes," one of Two Kettles' band.) Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hachenbekg.* 8. ((>18.) Calvarium. F. iut c. 15, Cap 1285 c. c., L. 168 mni., B 133 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m 46, L. a 343 mm., C. 476 mm., Z. d. 114 mm., F. a. 78° From Medicine Creek, Montana. Collected by F. Geisdokf. Beceived in exchange from tlie Smithsonian Institution. 3. ((>(>t>.) Cranium. M. let. c. 60, Cap. 1490 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 143 mm., H. i:!:'> mm.. I. f m. 45, L. a. 377 mm., G. 530 mm., Z d. 144 mm., F. a. 69°. From Summit Springs, Colorado. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon L. S. Tesson. 10. (714.) Calvaría, imperfect. F. ast. c. 40, Cap.? L. 195 mm., B. ? H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 384 mm., C ? Z d.? F. a.? From Fort Rice, Dakota. Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon W. Matthews. 11. (781.) Calvarium. F. fet. c. 20, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 139 mm., H 122 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 345 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d. 121 mm., F. a. 77°. From near Fort Laramie, W3'oming Territory. Presented by Surgeon C. H. Aldbn, U. S. A. 12. (7i)ii.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1330 c. u., L. 179 mm., B. 1,37 mm., H. I.">7 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 356 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 69°. Pre¬ sented by S. H. Bichakdson, Private, Co. K, 4th Infantry. 13. (75)3.) Cranium. M. aat. c. GO, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 12(! mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 355 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d. 151 mm., F. a. 70°. Pre¬ sented by S. H. Bichakdson, Private, Co. K, 4th Infantry. 14. (8I(>.) Cranium. M. let. c 45, Gap. 1345 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 356 mm , C. .507 mm., Z. d. 14.'! mm., F. a. 72°. From Bawlings Springs, Dakota. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. B. Gieaed, 11. S. A. 15. (85)(>.) Calvarium. F. mt. c 35, Cap. 1220 c. c , L. 175 mm., B. 141 mm.. If. 124 mm., I. f. m. 13, L. a. 343 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d 133 mm., F. a. 73°. From Ileiirt Biver, Dakota. Presented by Quartermaster General M. C. Meigs U S. A. 16. (1025).) Cranium. M. mt. c. 45, Cap. 1550 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 153 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 372 mm., C. 536 mm., Z d. 145 mm., F. a. 73°. From monlli of Glendive, Montana. Collected by Dr. L. B. Nittke. Beceived in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 106 CHECK LIST OP SECTION IV, 17. (1030.) A metopic calvarium. F. ¡«t. c. 15, Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 18G mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 355 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., P. a. 7G°. From near Heart River, D. T. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon M. C. Babkwell. 18. (11 lO.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 7, Cap. 1070 c. c., L. IGO mm., B. 130 mm., H. 119 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 323 mm., 0. 456 mm , Z d. Ill mm., F. a. 78°- From Great Canon, 34G miles west of Red River. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. WoODKtJPP, U. S. A. 19. (llli).) Cranium. M. set. c. GO, Cap. 1415 o.e., L. 185 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 378 mm., 0. 518 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 73°. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon E. Woodedpp, U. S. A. 20. (1155.) Cranium. M. œt. o. 20, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 29 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 350 mm., 0. 500 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a 76°. From near Fort Sully, Dakota. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon A. I. Com- poet. 21. (115(>.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1390 c. v., L. 179 mm.. B. 146 mm., H 128 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 368 mm., 0. 515 mm., Z. d. 139 mm.. 1'. a. 7.3° From near Fort Sully. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon A. I. Compoet. ' 22. (1157.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1435 c. c-, L. 188 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 370 mm., C. 525 mm , Z. d. 145 mm., F. a. 73°. From Fort Sully, Dakota. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon A. I. Compoet. 23. (1354.) Calvarium, imperfect. Child, set. c. 4, Cair.? L. 148 mm., B. 125 mm., H. ? I. f. m.? L. a.V C. 436 mm., Z. d. 94 mm., F. a.y From Cheyenne, Wy. T. Collected by Dr. J. S. Newbeeey. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 24. (ICIG.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 45, Cap 1410 c. c , L. 183 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 351 mm., C. 518 mm., Z. d. Ill mm., F. a. 75°. From Tongue River, Montana Ty. Presented by Assistant Surgeon 0. E. Munn, U. S. A. 25. (lf»17.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 60, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 13.9 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 349 mm., 0. 498 mm., Z d.? F. a. V From Tongue River, Montana Ty. Presented by Assistant Surgeon C. E. Mdnn, IT. S. A. 26. (3047.) Cranium. F. set. c. 55, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 13.9 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 351 mm., C. 499 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 79°. The pelvis accompanies this specimen. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. B. Beew- stee, U. S. A. 27. (3048.) Cranium, imperfect, of a Sioux Indian Boy. Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 144 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. .352 mm., 0. 494 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 84°. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon W. B. Beewstee, U. S. A. 28. (3040.) Cranium. F. set. c. 38, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 144 mm., H. ? I. f. m.? L. a. 3(>5 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 75°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. B. Beewstee, IT. S. A. ARMY MEDICAL MÜSEÜM. 107 -!(. (5545.) (Suiicí. Sect.) Cranium. M. sot. c. 45, Cap. 1G7() c. o., L 191 mm , B. 149 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a .'378 mm., C. 540 mm., Z. d.'i F a. 72°. From near Foi't Kandall, D. T. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Ha( h- enbebg. ■ >0, (554(>.) (SuKG. Sect.) Cranium, imperfect. M. ¡et. c. GO, Cap.':" L. 180 mm., B. 143 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 3G0 mm., 0. 5'20 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From near Fort Randall, D. T. Presented by Acting Assi.stant Surgeon G. P. Haohen- beeg. 42 —Brule Sioux Indians. 1. (1852.) Skeleton. M. set. c. 35. Height, 1610 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1470 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 43, L a. 361 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 77° Presented by Hospital Steward Samuel W. Richaedson, II. S. A. 2. (18i)5.) Skeleton. M. ffit. c. 45. Height, 1631 mm. Cranium : Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 126 mm., I f. m. 41, L. a. 355 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 70°. From Bordeaux Creek, Nebraska, 12 miles west of Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Wm. H. Coebusiee, U. S. A. 3. (18i)(>.) Skeleton. - M. set. c. 54. Height, 1685 mm. Cranium; Cap. 1530. c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 366 mm., C. .522 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. G4°. From Bordeaux Creek, Nebraska, 12 miles west of Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Coebusiee, U. S. A. 4. (1807.1 Skeleton. F. ¡et. c. 50. Height, 1577 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 370 mm., C. 509 mm., Z d. 131 mm., F. a. 73° From Bordeaux Creek, Nebraska, 12 miles west of Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Coebusiee, U. S A. 5. (1808.) Skeleton. M. set. c. 55. Height, 1727 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1530 c. c., L. 191 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 385 mm., C. 540 mm., Z. d. 152 mm., F a. 73°. From near Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Coebusiee, U. S. A. G. (1800.) Skeleton. M. set. c. 75. Height, 1527 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1490 c. p., L. 192 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 378 mm., C. 549 mm., Z. d. 149 mm, F. a. 73°. From near Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Coebusiee, U. S. A. 7. (lOOO.) Skeleton. F. iet. c. 30. Height, 1511 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1270 0. c., L. 175 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 45, L a. 354 mm., G. 497 mm., Z. d. 13.'! mm., F. n. 72°. From White River, Nebraska, ten miles west of Camp Sherld.an, Nebraska. Presented by As.sistant Surgeon W. H. Coebusiee, U. S. A. 8. (1i)01.) Skeleton. M. aet. c. 45. Height, 1733 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. ,360 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 14.'! mm., F. a. 72°. From Beaver Creek, Nebraska, 12 miles west of Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H- Coebusiee, U. S. A. CliEcK LÍST OE SECTÍOÑ íV, 9. (4{)().) Cranium. F. íGt. ü. 80, Cnp. 1330 c. c., L. 17(1 mm., B. 1.12 mm., tí. 121 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 353 mm., C. 519 mm., Z. d. 173 mm., F. a. 75°.. From near Fort Randall, D. T. Pre.sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Haohen- beeo. 10. (501.) Cranium. P. let. c. 35, Caj). 1210 o. c., L. 174 mm., B. 13(1 mm., H. 12(1 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 344 rnm., C. 488 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 71°. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hachenberg. 11. (502.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 40, Cap. 1355 c. c., L 179 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 125 I. f. m. 43, L. a. 345 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 70°. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hachenberg. 12. (1002.) Cranium. F. ret. c. —, Gap.? L. 183 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 120 mm., I f. m. 43, L. a. 350 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a 74°. From Bordeaux Creek, Nebraska, 12 miles west of Gamp Sheridan, Nebraska. Presented by Assi.st- ant Surgeon W. H. Ooebtjsiek, U. S. A. 13. (1003.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 00, Cap 1240 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 41, L a. 350 mm., C. 504 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 71°. From Bordeaux Creek, Nebraska, 12 miles west of Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Corbusieb, U. S. A. 14. (11)04.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 70, Cap. 1590 c. c., L. 179 mm , B. 150 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. ». 3(;4 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., F. a. 71°. From Bordeaux Creek, Nebraska, 12 miles west of Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Cobbusieb, TI. S. A. 15. (11)05.) Cranium. M. ret. c. 35, Cap. 1540 c. c., L. ISO mm., B. 140 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 308 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 70° From Bordeaux Creek, Nebraska, 12 miles west of Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Pre¬ sented by As.sistant Surgeon W. H. Cobbusieb, IT. S. A. 10. (IDOO.) Cranium. Fret. c. 40, Cap. 1540 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 305 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. Ill mm., F. a. 70°. From Bordeaux Creek, Nebra.ska, 12 miles west of Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Surgeon \V. H. Cobbusieb, U. S A. 17. (11)07.) Cranuim. Child, ret. c. 18 mo , Cap.? L. 102 mm., B. 132 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 300 mm., C. 405 mm., Z. d. 99 mm.. F. a.? From Beaver Creek, Nebraska, 4 miles north of Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Sur¬ geon W. H. Cobbusieb, U. S. A. 18. (li)08.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 40, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 350 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 00°. From near Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Sui-geon W. H. Cor¬ busieb, U. S. A. 19. (IDOD.) Cranium. M. ret. o. 15 mo.. Cap ? Ij 107 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 120 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. .'48 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d. 100 mm., F. a.? From White River, Nebraska, ten miles northwest of Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Cobbusieb, U. S. A. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 109 20. (1910.) Cranium. M. ait. li. Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 308 mm., C. 518 mm., Z. d. 143, F. a. 67°. From Beaver Creek, Nebraska, four miles north of Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Oorbuswk, LT. S. A. 21. (1911.; Cranium. F. ¡et. e 45, Cap. 1440 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 14!) mm., H. 12() mm., I. f. m. 47. L. a. 327 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 61)' From Beaver Creek, Nebraska, four miles north of Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Cobbu.sieií, U. S. A. 22. (1912.) Cranium. M. iet. c. 35, Cap. 1500 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 144 mm , H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 307 nun., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 011° From Beaver Creek, Nebraska, four miles north of Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Cokbusiek, U. S. .V. 23. (191ÎÎ.) Cranium. M. ¡et. c. 30, Cap. 1330 c. o., L. 170 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 121) mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 315 mm , C, 41)4 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 70°. From Beaver Creek, Nebraska, four miles north of Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Cokbusiek, U. S. A. 24 (191(».) Cranium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1450 o. c., L. ISO mm., B. 145 mm., H. 132 mm , I. f. m. 41, L. a. 357 mm., C. 518 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 71°. From near Camp Sheridan, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Cok¬ busiek, U. S A. 43.—Ogallalla Sioux Iñdians. 1-. (1851.) Skeleton. P. mt. c. 18. Height, 1310 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 121 mm , I. f. m. 44, L. a. 342 mm., C. 478 mm , Z. d. 121 mm., F. a. 73°. From near Old Red Cloud Agency, Dakota ïy. Pre¬ sented by Hospital Steward Samuel W. Richardson, U. S. A. 2. (1853.) Skeleton. F. œt. c. 40. Height. 1580 mm. Cranium : Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 173 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m.? L. a. 350 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 73°. From near Old Red Cloud Agency, Dakota Ty. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. B. Moseley, U. S. A. 3. (1854.) Skeleton. F. œt. c. 50. Height, KillO mm. Cranium: Cap. 1400c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 302 mm., 0. 510 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 72°. From near Old Red Cloud Agency, Dakota Territory. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon E. B. Moseley, U. S A. 4. (1850.) Skeleton. M. œt. c. 10. Height, 1330 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1450 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 347 mm., 0. 502 mm., Z. d. 120 mm , F. a. 09° From near Old Red Cloud Agency, Dakota Territory. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. B. Moseley, U. S. A , 5. (199.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 00, Cap. 1440 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 31), L. a. 348 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 153 mm., F. a. 74°. (" Shota," chief of Ogallallas.) Presented by Assistant Surgeon H. 8. Schell, U. S. A. no CHECK LIST OP SECTION IV, Ö. (Î200.) Cranium. F. aat. c. 60, Cap. 13-iO c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 12!) mm., I. f. 111. 45, L. a. 34!) mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 13!) mm., P. u 76° From near Fort Laraiiiie, W. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon H. S. Schell, U. S. A. 7. (liOl.) Cranium. M. a3t. o. 40, Cap. 1510 e. e., L. 171) mm., B. 146 mm., H 134 mm , I f. m. 43, L. a. 36!) mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d.7 F. a. 73°. From near P^ort Laramie, W. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon H. S. Schell, U. S- A. 8. (481.) Cranium. F. mt. c. 50, Cap. 1480 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 12!) mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 360 mm., 0. 521 mm., Z. d 140 mm., P". a. 76°. Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hachenberg. 0. (482.) Cranium. M. œt o. 35, Cap. 1440 e. c., L. 176 mm., B. 14!) mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 351 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., F. a. 75°. Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hachenberg. 10. (1850.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 10 mo.. Cap.? L. 152 mm , B. Ill) mm., H. 105 mm., I. f. 111. 47, L a. 308 mm., 0. 437 mm., Z. d. !)3 mm., P'. a.? From near Old lied Cloud Agency, Dakota Territory. Presented by Hospital Steward Samuel W. lilohardson, U. S. A. 11. (1855.) Cranium. M. ret. c. 14 mo.. Cap.? L. 155 mm., B. 125 mm., H. 113 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 322 mm., C. 442 mm., Z. d. 1)1 mm., F. a. ? From near Old lied Cloud Agency, Dakota Territory. Presented by Hospital Steward Samuel W. lilCHARDSON, U. S. A. 12. (li)14.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 50, Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 31), L. a. 345 mm., C. 496 mm., Z. d. 144 mm., F. a. 67° From Niobrara River, near the Sidney and Camp Robinson Crossing. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Corbusier, U. S. A. 13. (1015.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1470c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 130 mm., 1. f. m. 45, L. a. 363 mm., C. 526 mm., Z. d. 148 mm., P'. a. 68° From Niobrara River, near the Sidney and Camp Robinson Crossing. Presented by Assist¬ ant Surgeon W. H. Corbusier, U. S. A. 14. (2034.) Cranium. F. set. c. 35, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 128 mm., 1. f. m. 44, L. a. 338 mm., C. 485 mm., Z. d. 1.30 mm., F. a. 67° From near Fort Randall, Dakota Territory. Presented by G. P. Hachenberg, M. D. 15. (202.) Mummified pappoose. Found in a tree near Fort Laramie, Wyom¬ ing Territory. Presented by Assistant Surgeon H. S. Schell, U. S. A. 44.—Yankton Sioux Indians. 1. (026.) Skeleton. M. set. c. .50. Height, 1720"mm. Cranium; Cap. 1550 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 374 mm., C. 530 mm . Z. d. 146 mm., F. a. 71°. Presented by Surgeon C. E. Goddard, U. S. A. AKMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. Ill 2. (33Î2.) Cranium. M. int. c. 4."i, Cap. I.'!!)") c. c., L. 177 mm., B. IKJ mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 313 mm., C. .512 mm., Z. d. 14,5 mm , F, a. 63°. From the mouth of the James Kiver, D. T. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (353.) Cranium. F. ¡et c. 35, Cap. 1255 c. c., L. 171 mm , 3. 134 mm., U. 124 mm,, I. f. m. 40, L. a. 337 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d. 1.37 mm., F. a. 73°. From near Fort Rice, D. T. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 4. (4{)3.) Cranium. F. ast c. 45, Cap. 1460 c. c,, L. 178 mm , B 144 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 3,60 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d, 136 mm., F. a. 72° From Dakota. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hachenberg. 5. (494.) Cranium. F. ast. c. 60, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 17(; mm., B. 137 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. ,">56 mm,, C. 438 mm , Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 7,5°. Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P, IIaohenbebg. 6. (495.) Cranium. F. ;et. o, 25, Cap. 1275 c. c., L. 170 mm., B, 133 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 34,3 mm., C. 513 mm., Z. d. 130 mm,, P. a. 70° From near Fort Randall, D. T. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hachenbekg. 7. (497.) Cranium. M. ¡et. c. 55, Cap. 1235 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 336 mm., C. 434 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 63° From near Fort Randall, D. T. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hachenberg. 8. (498.) Calvaria. M. ¡et. c. 15, Cap.? L. 167 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 113 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 340 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d. 36 mm., F. a.? From near Fort Ran¬ dall, D. T, Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hachenberg. 3. (499.) Cranium. F. ¡et. c. 20, Cap. 1285 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 1,35 mm., H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 343 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 126 mm.. F. a. 70°. From near Fort Randall, D. T. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hachenberg. 10. (500.) Cranium. M. ¡et. c. 40, Cap. 1485 c. u., L. 177 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 350 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 75°. From near Fort Randall, D. T. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hachenberg. 11. (630.) A metopic cranium. M. ¡et. c. 25, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 351 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 71°. From Fort Buford, D. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. P. Kimball, U. S. A. 12. (042.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 50, Cap. 1365 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 362 mm , C. 521 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 78°. From mouth of Big Cheyenne River, D. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon F. Mbacham, IT. S. A. 112 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 13. (6(>6.) Calvarium. M. tel. c. 10, Cap.? L. 168 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 12.") mm., I, f. 111. 42, L. a. ;î46 mm., C. lO.l mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. From Fort Sully, D. T. Presented by Surgeon C. C. Gkay, U. S. A. 14. (178i>.) Cranium. M. let. e. Cap. H.IO c. o., L. 178 iiiiii., B. 138 mm , H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 361 mm , C. ."i()6 mm., Z. d. 132 mm , F. a. 68° From Cheyenne Agency, Dakota Territory. Presented by Hospital Steward A. Gecks, U. S. a. 45.—Sissiton Sioux Indians. 1. (1.790.) Skeleton. F. iet c. Height, 1 öl") mm. Cranium t Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 3(i2 mm., C. .106 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 71°. From near Fort Sissiton, Dakota Territory. Presented by Hospital Steward August Gecks, U. S. A. 2. (1791.) Skeleton. M. ret. c. 40. Height, 1628 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 3.13 mm., C. "103 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 69°. From near Fort Sissiton, Dakota Territory. Presented by Hospital Steward August Gecks, U. S.A. 3. (1792.) Skeleton. M. set. c. 4.1. Height, 1700 mm. Cranram : Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 356 mm., C. 516 mm , Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 68°. From near Fort Sissiton, Dakota Territory. Presented by Hospital Steward August Gecks, U. S. A. 4. (944.) Cranium. F. a3t. c. 55, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 357 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F, a. 75°. Pre- •sented by A.ssistant Surgeon C. E. Munn, U. S. A. 5. (12G7.) Cranium. F. œt. c. 8, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 165 iirm., B. 130 mm., H. 113 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 342 mm., C. 467 mm., Z. d. 95 mm., F. a. 89°. Fi'om near Fort Totten, D. T. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. F. Boughtek. 6. (1755.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 15, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 145 mm , H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 368 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 77°. Pre¬ sented by Hospital Steward A. Gecks, U. S. A. 7. (1795.) Cranium. M. ,ut. c. 30, Cap. 1470 c. d,, L. 183 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m 46, L a. 370 mm., 0. 520 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 73°. From Fort Sissiton, Dakota Territory. Presented by Hospital Steward A. Gecks, U. S. A. 8. (179«.) A metopic cranium. F. . 81° Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hachenberg. 52.—Crow Indians. 1. (173.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 356 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 74°. Pre¬ sented by Brevet Major S. M. Horton, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A. 2. (884:.) Cranium. F. let. c. .50, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 361 mm., C. 509 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 75°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon A.B. Campbell, U. S. A. 53.—Caddo Indians. 1. (517.) Calvarium. M. let. c. 50, Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 362 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 77°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon E. S. IJmbstaetter. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 119 2. (518.) Calvarium. M. fet. c. .35, Cap. 1110 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 349 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 1.30 mm., F. a. 76°. Presented by Surgeon B. E Feyee, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon E. S. Umbstaettbk. 3. (,510,) Calvarium. M. ¡et c. 45, Cap. 1215 c. c., L. 156 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a 324 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 78° Presented by Surgeon B. E. Fbyee, ü. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon E. S. Umbstaettee. 54.—Minnetaree Indians. 1. (83.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 365 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75° Collected by Lieutenant G. K. Waeeen, U. S. Engineers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (84.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 60, Cap. 1450 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 368 mm., C. 518 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 74°. Collected by Lieutenant G. K. Waeeen, U. S. Engineers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (87.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 18, Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 352 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 79°. Presented by Prof. Joseph Heney. 4. (03.) Calvaria. F. set. c. 45, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 359 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden and Lieutenant G. K. Waeeen, U. S. Engineers. Presented by Prof. •Joseph Heney. .5. (350.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1480 c. c., L. 194 mm , B. 140 mm., H 137 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 375 mm., C- 533 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 72°. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (34)1.) A metopic calvaria. F. œt. c. 12, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 352 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by Dr. P. V. Hayden and Lieutenant G. K. Waeeen, U. S. Engineers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (362.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 35, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. .58, L. a. 436 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 76°. Collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden and Lieutenant G. K. Waeeen, U. S. Engineers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 8. (363.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 175 mm , B. 141 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 340 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 77° Collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden and Lieutenant G. K. Waeeen, Ü. S. Engineers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 1-20 CltECK List 01? SECtrON iV, 9. (ÎÎ64.) A metopic calvarium. P. ret, c. 15, Cap. 1370 c. c., L. 171 mm,, Ë- 111 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 349 mm., 0. 492 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 79°. Collected by Dr. F. V. Hatden and Lieutenant G. K. Waeren, U. S. Engineers. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 10. Calvaría, imperfect. M. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 184 mm., B. 146 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 527 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? CoUected by Dr. F. V. Hayden and Lieutenant G. K. Warren, U. S. Engineers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 11. (307.) Calvaría, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 356 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Col¬ lected by Dr. F. V. Hayden and Lieutenant G. K. Warren, U. S. Engineers. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 12. (368.) Calvaría, imperfect. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 187 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m, 47, L. a. 372 mm., 0. 517 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden and Lieutenant G. K. Warben, U. S. Engineers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 13. (36Í).) Calvaría, imperfect. F. set. c. 60, Cap.? L. 179 mm , B. 135 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 356 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden and Lieutenant G. K. Warren, U. S. Engineers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 14. (373.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1160 o. c., L. 175 mm., B. 132'mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 340 mm., 0. 489 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 80°. Collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden and Lieutenant G. K. Warren, U. S. Engineers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 15. (373.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1490 c. c., L. 191 mm., B. 143 mm., H. i;!6 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 381 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 138 mm , F. a. 74°. Collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden and Lieutenant G. K. Warren, U. S. Engineers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 16. (374.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 356 mm., 0. 492 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. Collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden and Lieutenant G. K. Warren, U. S. Engineers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 17. (375.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 136 mm., H 133 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 365 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 79°. Collected by Dr. P. V. Hayden and Lieutenant G. K. Warren, U. S. Engineers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 18. (376.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 173 mm., B. 138 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 489 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. Collected by Dr. P. V. Hayden and Lieutenant G. K. Warren, U. S. Engineers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. Armï medical museum. 121 19. (377.) Calvaría, imperfect. P. £et. c. 50, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B 130 mm., H.? I. f. m ? L. a.? 0. 495 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by Dr. P. V. Hayden ami Lieutenant G. K. Wabken, U. S. Engineers. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 20 (370.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 184 mm., B. 138 mm., H.? I. f. m ? L a.? C. 508 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Collected by Lieutenant G. K. Wae- ben, U. S. Engineers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 21. (304r.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 356 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d ? P. a. 78°. Collected by Dr. P. V. Hayden and Lieutenant G. K. Waeeen, U. S. Engineers. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 22. (305.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap.? L. 194 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 4."), L. a. 381 mm., C. .533 mm., Z. d. ? P. a. 75°. Collected by Lieu¬ tenant G. K. "VVaeeen, U. S. Engineers. Received in exchange from the Smithso¬ nian Institution. 23. (30G.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 05, Cap.? L. 181 mm., B. 133mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 505 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Collected by Lieutenant G. K. Wae¬ een, U. S. Engineers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 24. (307.) Calvarla, imperfect. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 191 mm., B. 135 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 365 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d.? P. a ? Collected by Lieutenant G. K. Waeeen, U. S. Engineers. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 25. (534.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 359 mm., C. .504 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 55.—"Winnebago Indians. 1. (346.) Cranium. P. set. c. 45, Cap. 1255 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 186 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 352 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 82°. Col¬ lected by S. Taylok. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (360.) Cranium. M. set. c. 05, Cap. 1545 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 365 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 144 mm., P. a. 77°. Col¬ lected by S. Tayloe. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (491.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 171 mni., B. 143 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m, 43, L. a. 340 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., P. a. 72°. Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hachenbeeo. 122 CHECK LIST OE SECTION IV, 56.—Pawnee Indians. 1. (778.) Skeleton. P. œt. c. GO. Feet wanting. Cranium: Cap. 1170 o. c., L. 107 mm., B. 140 mm., H 120 mm., I. f. ni. 44, L. a. 332 mm., C. 482 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 74°. Collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (52Í).) Cranium. M. œt. c. 25, Cap. 1485 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 302 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 70° Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fryee, U. S. A. 3. (530.) Cranium. M. set. c. 20, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 175mm., B. 146 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 346 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 71°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. 4. (531.) Cranium. M. ¡et. c. 30, Cap. 1450 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m 45, L. a. 3."')2 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 09°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. 5. (550.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 25, Cap. 1500 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 356 mm., C. 499 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 74°. Presented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. 0. (012.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 35, Cap. 1345 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 350 mm., C. 513 mm., Z. d. 148 mm., F. a. 70°. Presented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. 7. (5550.) (Stjrg. Sect.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 2.5, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B. 135 mm.. H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 305 mm., C. .505 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 68°. Presented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. 8. (55.51.) (Sdrg. Sect.) Cranium. M. œt. e. 45, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 1.33 mm., I. f. ra. 45, L. a. .358 mm., C. 509 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 09°. Presented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. 57.—Kickapoo Indians. 1. (1002.) Cranium. F. œt. c. 05, Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 3.59 mm., C. 497 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 73°. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. S. Cooper. 2. (1170.) Cranium. M. œt. c. .30, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 352 mm., C. ,507 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 74°. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon W. B. Van Duyn. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 123 58.—Arapahoe Indians. 1. (649}).) (Stjrg. Sect.) Skeleton. M. est. o. 24. H. IGGO mm. Cranium : Gap. 14.55 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 3G1 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., P. a. 73°. " Walk-a-bed,' a medicine man. From near Camp Supply, I. T. Presented by Hospital Steward S. Kitching, U. S. A. 2. (13.) Calvarium. M. set. c 45, Cap. 1370 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 359 mm., C. .508 mm., Z. d. 14G mm., F. a. G8°. Presented by Brevet Major W. H. Fokwood, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A. 3. (067.) Cranium. M. mt. c, 30, Cap. 1425 c. c., L. 176 ram., B. 141 mm., H. 1.30 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 3.5G mm., C. .505 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 73°. Pre¬ sented by Brevet Major W. H. Fokwood, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A. 4. (669.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap, ? L. 183 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 365 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 78°. Presented by Brevet Major W. H. Fokwood, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A. 5. (774.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 346 mm., C. 507 mm., Z. d, 144 mm., F. a. 74°. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon H. McEldekry, U. S. A. 6. (893.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1350 c. e., L. 176 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 44. L. a. 359 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 138 mm-, F. a. 70°. Pre- ented by Dr. P. R. Thombs. 7. (1760.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 145 mm., H, 125 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 353 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. Pre¬ sented by Hospital Steward S. Kitching, U. S. A. 8. (1761.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 10, Cap.? L. 166 mm., B. 136 mm,, H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 44, L a 344 mm., C. 481 mm., Z, d. 116 mm., F. a. 77°. Presented by Hospital Steward S. Kitching, U. S. A. 9. (1833.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 185 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 363 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 80° Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon T. E. Wilcox, TJ. S. A. 10. (1858.) Cranium. F. set. c. 18 months. Cap.? L. 157 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 112 mm., I. f. ni. 47, L. a. 329 mm., C. 450 mm., Z. d. ? F. a.? From near Camp Robinson, Nebraska. Presented by Dr. H. C. Yarrow. 11. (4773.) (Surg Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 349 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 72° Killed in battle at Sand Creek, C. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. For¬ wood, U. S. A. 12. (4773.) (Sdrg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 140 mm , H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 352 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 71°. Killed in battle at Sand Creek, C. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Forwood U. S. A. . ' 124 CHECK LIST OK SECTION IV, 59-—Cheyenne Indians. 1. (2036.) Skeleton, imperfect. M. eet. c. 00. Height 1066 mm. Cranium : Cap. 1590 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 150 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 43, L a. 385 mm., 0. 537 mm., Z. d. 109 mm., F. a. 72°. From Fort Robinson, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. B. Brewster, U. S. A. (The lower jaw is No. 0981 in the Surg. Sect.) 2. (6066.) (Surg. Sect.) Skeleton. M. set. c. lib Height 1600 mm. Cranium: Cap.? L. 1S5 mm., B. 141 mm , H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 366 mm., C. 522 mm , Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 73°. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. Yarrow. 3. (8.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1550 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 4.3, L. a. 378 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d. 149 mm., F. a. 74°. Presented by Brevet Major W. H. Forwood, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A. 4. (O.) Cranium. M. ret. c. 55, Cap. 1440 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 305 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 72° Presented by Brevet Major W. H. Forwood, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A. 5. (10.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 20, Cap. 1290 c. c., L 173 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 340 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 79°. Pre¬ sented by Brevet Major W. H. Forwood, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A. 0. (146.) Cranium. M. ast c. 35, Cap. 1485 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 308 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 76°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. 7. (149.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 40, Cap. 1500 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 44, L a. 359 mm , C. 511 mm,, Z. d. 149 mm., F. a. 09°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. 8. (150.) Cranium. M. ret c. 50, Gap. 1540 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 140 mm , I. f. m. 43, L. a. 362 mm., C. 514 mm., Z d. 141 mm., F. a. 73°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. 9. (157.) Calvarium. M. net. c. 40, Cap. 1470 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 302 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 148 mm., F. a. 72°. Presented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. 10. (348.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ret. c. 70, Cap. 1145 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 134 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 355 mm., C. 497 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 75°. Collected by E. L. Berthodd. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 11. (463.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 75, Cap.? L. 189 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 130 mm., 1. f. m. 47, L. a. 375 mm., C. 527 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 75° Presented by As¬ sistant Surgeon VV. H. King, U. S. A. 12. (464.) Cranium. M. rot. c. 35, Cap. 1480 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 305 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., F. a. 82°. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. King, U. S. A. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 125 13. (ö3<>.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1535 c. o., L. 189 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 130 mm., 1. f. m. 46, L. a. 384 mm., C. .527 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 09° Presented bj' Surgeon B. E. Fbyee, U. S. A. 14. (538.) Cranium. M. mt. c. 35, Cap. 1540 c. c., E. 181 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. in. 44, L. a. 308 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 70°. Presented by Surgeon B. E. Fiíyek, U. S. A.* 15. (608.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1360 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 368 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 77° Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Fokwood, U. S. A. 16. (715.) Cranium. M. let. c. 35, Cap. 1310 c. o., L. 170 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 343 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 84°. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon L. S. Tesson. 17. (773.) Cranium. M. ist. c. 45, Cap. 1305 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 351 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 75°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon H. McEldebey, U. S. A. 18. (913.) Cranium. M. set. c. .50, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 104 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 331 mm., C. 491 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 75°. Presented by Surgeon B. E. Feyek, U. S. A. 19. (17C2.) Cranium. M. set. c. 00, Caji. 1380 c. c., L. 179 mm., B 139 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 365 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 144 mm., F. a. 71°. Pre¬ sented by Hospital Steward S. Kitchinö, U. S. A. 20. (123,5.) Cranium. M. mt. c. 25, Cap. 1180 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 124 mm., 1. f. m. 43, L. a. 300 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 68° From Fort Robinson, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. B. Beewstee, U. S. A. 21. (4873.) (SuEG. Sect.') Calvarium. M. mt. c. 00, Cap.? L. 187 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 381 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d. 148 mm., F. a. 75°. Killed in battle at Sand Creek, C. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon C. DeGeaw, U. S. A. 22. (52,58.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. £et. c. 05, Cap.? L. 188 mm., B. ? H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a.? C.? Z. d. ? F. a.? Presented by Hospital Steward T. S. Floyd, U. S. A. 23. (5560.) (Sdeg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L 186 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a'. 375 mm., C. 537 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 76°. From near Fort Zarab, Kan. Presented by Sm-geon B. E. Feyee, U. S. A. 24. (6,52,5.) (Stieg. Sect.) Cranium. M. mt. c. 35, Cap. 1450 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 145 mm , H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 356 mm., C. 519 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 75°. " Cunning Jim," a chief, killed in fight with U. S. troops. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon M M. Sheaeee. 126 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 25. (61)83.) (SüKG. Sect.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 30, Cap.? L. 180 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 364 mm., G. 522 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Fort Bobinson, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. B. Brew- ster, U. S. A. 60.—Kaw Indians. 1. (151.) Cranium. F. set. c. 50, Gap. 127.5 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 340 mm., G. 483 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 68°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. 2. (153.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 50, Gap. 1470 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 365 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 70°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. 3. (153.) Cranium. F. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1330 c.c., L. 165 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 127 mm , I. f. m. 40, L. a. .337 mm., G. 492 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 73°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U, S. A. 4. (158.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 45, Gap. 1270 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 146 mm., H.? I. f. m. 40, L. a. 336 mm., G. 500 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 73°. Presented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. 5. (530.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 55, Gap. 1465 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 360 mm., G. 508 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 71°. Presented by Surgeon B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. 61.—Shawnee Indians. 1. (1007.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. .50, Gap. 1450 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 360 mm., G. .507 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 77°. Gollected by Dr. A. Ashbatjgh. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 62.—Pottawatomie Indians. 1. (349.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 70, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 368 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75° Collected by E. L. Berthoud. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (355.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 55, Gap. 1440 c. c , L. 175 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 352 mm., G. .508 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 74°. Collected by E. L. Berthoud. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 127 3. (549.) Calvarium. M. ¡et. i;. 40, Cap. 1785 o. c., L. 189 mm , B. 164 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 36, L. a. 384 mm., 0. 556 mm., Z. d. 149 mm., F. a.? Col¬ lected by P. R. Hot. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 63.—Osage Indians. 1. (156.) Calvarium. P. eet. c 60, Cap. 1075 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f m. 48, L a 333 mm , C. 479 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 74° Presented by Surgeon B. E. Fbyeb, U. 8. A. 2. (343.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f m. 40, L. a. 333 mm., C. 479 mm., Z d. 129 mm., F. a. 73°. Col¬ lected by Dr. E. Palmer. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (413.) Cranium. P. set. c. 35, Gap. 1250 c. c , L. 162 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 333 mm., C. 476 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 75°. Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J Reagles, Jr. 4. (414.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1440 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 356 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 74°. Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. Reagles, Jr. 5. (509.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 368 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 76°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fbyeb, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon E. 8. ümbstaetteb. 6. (510.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1435 c. c.. L. 170 mm., B. 143 mm., H 135 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 349 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 74°. Presented by Surgeon B. E. Fbyeb, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon E. S. ümbstaetteb. 64 —Seneca Indians. 1. (5ÍÍ2.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1525 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 154 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 356 mm., C. 527 mm., Z. d. 148 mm., F. a. 72°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fbyeb, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon E. S. ümbstaetteb. 65.—Wishitaw Indians. 1. (1 54.) Cranium. F. £et. c. 50, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 157 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 330 mm., C. 476 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 73°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fbyeb, ü. S. A. 128 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 2. (155.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 60, Cap. 1335 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f m. 3!), L. a. 313 mm., 0. 492 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 76°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fkyek, C. S. A. 3. (511.) Cranium. M. set. c. .50, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 163 mm , B. 141 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 343 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 130 mm , F. a. 73°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fkyee, U. S. A., and Acting As.sistant Surgeon E. S. Umb- st.vettee. 4. (512.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 352 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 73°. Presented by Surgeon B. E. Fkyeb, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon E. S. Umbstaettee. 5. (513.) Cranium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1215 c. c., L. 160 mm., B. 141 mm , H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 340 mm., 0. 476 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 75° Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E Fryee, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon E. S. Umbstaettee. 6. (514.) Cranium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1240 c. o., L. 165 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 343 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a 74°. Presented by Surgeon B. E. Feyee, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon E. S. Umbstaettee. 7. (515.) Cranium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1290 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 359 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 82° Presented by Surgeon B. E. Feyee, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon E. S. Umbst.íettee. 8. (516.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 343 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 74°. Presented by Surgeon B. E. Feyee, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon E. S. Umbstaettee. 9. (910.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 30, Cap. 1240 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 345 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 71° Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Feyee, U. S. A. 10. (911.) Calvarium. Child, set. c. 6, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 166 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 352 mm., C. 472 mm., Z. d. 97 mm., F. a. 84°. Presented by Surgeon B. E. Feyee, U. S. A. 66.—Kiowa Indians. 1. (11.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 15, Cap. 1520 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 356 mm., C. .502 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 79° Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Foewood, U. S. A. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 129 2. (771.) Cranium. F. set. c. 22, Cap 1290 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 13.5 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 343 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 73°. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon H. R. Tilton, U. S. A. 3. (772.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 00, Cap. 1585 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 45, L a. 376 mm., C. 538 mm., Z. d 140 mm., F. a. 75°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon H. R. Tilton, U. S. A. 4. (1003.) Cranium. M. set. o. 45, Cap. 1450 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 3.58 mm., C. .509 mm , Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 74°. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon S. M. Hobton, U. S. A. 5.(1154,) . F. set. c. 41. 67.—Choctaw Indians. 1. (623.) Skeleton. F. set. c. 40. H. 1603 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1155 c. c., L. 166 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 335 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 76°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon R. H. White, U. S. A. 2. (623.) Skeleton. F. set. c. 55. H. 1.549 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1325 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 36, L. a. 360 mm., C- 510 mm., Z d. 120 mm., F. a. 82°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon R. H. White, U. S. A. 3. (621.) Cranium. F. œt. c. 55, Cap. 1325 c. o , L. 165 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 136 mm , I. f. m. 45, L. a. 349 mm., C. 467 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 75°. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon R. H. White, U. S. A. 4. (717.) Cranium. F. set. c. 30, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 163 mm., B. 137 mm , H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 335 mm., C. 466 mm., Z. d 121 mm., F. a. 76°. Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon R. M. Reynolds. 5. (718.) Calvaria, imperfect. F. aet.? Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon R. M. Reynolds. 68.—Chickasaw Indians- 1. (30Í1.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1520 c. c., L. 190 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 375 mm., C. 527 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 81°. Collected by Dr. T. C. Madison. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 69.—lowaulkeno Indians. 1. (525.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1360 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 337 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., F. a. 71°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Fryeb, U. S. A. 130 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 70.—Kechi Indians. 1. (533.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1225 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m.,4.5, L. a. 340 mm., C. 476 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 74°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E Feyee, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon E. S. Umb- staettee. 2. (524.) Cranium, imperfect. F. aet. c. 6, Cap. 1060 c. c., L. 152 mm., B. 127 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 324 mm., C. 441 mm., Z. d. 102 mm., F. a.? Presented by Surgeon B. E. Feyee, U. S. A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon E. S. Umb- staettee. 3. (863.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 50, Gap. 1295 c c., L. 169 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 350 mm., C. 499 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 74°. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon D.S. Sniyely. 71.—New Mexican Indians. 1. (133.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 35, Cap. 1535 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 51, L. a. 375 mm., C. .502 mm., Z. d. 119 mm., F. a. 79°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon J. Coopee McKee, U. S. A. 2. (274.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 70, Cap. 1160 c. c., L. 1,59 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 324 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 77°. Collected by Lieutenant A. W. Whipple. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 3. (275.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1370 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 45, L a. 362 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73°. Collected by Lieutenant D. N. Couch, U. S. A. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution 4. (351.) A metopic calvarium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1515 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 140 mm., H 137 mm , I. f. m. 43, L. a. 365 mm., C. 523 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 73° From Fort Union, N. M. Collected by Dr. W. S. Wood. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (1171.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 40, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 138 mm , I. f. m. 42, L. a. 361 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a.? From Gran Quevire, N. M. Collected by Dr. J. T. Rotheock. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (1172.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1.S00 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 365 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 77°. Collected by Prof. E. D. Cope and Dr. H. C. Yaeeow. Presented by Lieutenant Geoege M. Wheelee, U. S. Engineers. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 131 7. (1173.) Calvariurh. M. set. c. 75, Cap. 1370 o. c., L. 181 mm., B. 136 ram., H. 143 mm , I. f. m. 42, L. a. 370 mm., C. .110 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a 79°. Col¬ lected by Prof. E. D. Cope and Dr. H. C. Yaeeow. Presented by Lieutenant Geoege M. Wheelee, U. S. a. 72.—Comanche Indians. 1. (1000.) Skeleton. F. set. c. 35. H. 1483 mm. Cranium; Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 133 mm , H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 42, L a. 340 mm , C. 486 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 75°. Presented by Assistant Sin-geon "Wieliam F. Buchanan, U. S. A. 2. (345.) Calvarium. M. set c 60, Cap 1430 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 365 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 14.5 mm., F. a. 73° Col¬ lected by Dr. Geoege E. Coopek, ü. S. A. Received in exchange from the Smithso¬ nian Institution. 8. (683.) Cranium. Cap 1370 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 3.59 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 73° Pre.seuted by As¬ sistant Surgeon William M. Notson, U. S. A.* 4. (1125 ) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set c. 50, Cap.? L. 162 mm., B 139 mm., H. 118 mm., I. f. ni. 44, L. a. 324 mm., 0. 477 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73°. Presented by Hospital Steward Conead Bock, U. S. A. 5. (1457.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 100, Cap 1310 c. c., L. 164 mm., B 148 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 36, L. a 352 mm., C. .504 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 84°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon S. S. Bedal, U. S. A. 6. (1559.) Calvarium. M. set. e. 60, Cap. 1325 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 362 mm., C. .504 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 74°. Col¬ lected by Dr. O. H. Seeds. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (6563.) (SuEG. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1260 o.e., L. 175mm., B. 139 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 351 mm., C. 497 mm., Z d. 138 mm., F. a. 70°. "Eath-Ath," Red, " Qua-ha," Day. Killed near Fort Richardson, Texas. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Foewood, ü. S. A. 8. (6564.) (sueg. Sect.) Cranium, imperfect. M. let. e. 40, Cap.? L. 194 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 383 mm., C. 535 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 70°. " Tooh-Parrah," Black Bear. Killed near Fort Richardson, Texas. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Foewood, IT. S. A. 9. (6565.) (SuEG. Sect.) Cranium, imperfect. F. aet. c. 35, Cap ? L 178 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 343 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d ? F. a.? Wife of Black Bear. Killed near Fort Richardson, Texas. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. Foewood. 132 CHECK LIST OE SECTION IV, 73.—Lipan Indians. 1. (26(j.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 30, Cap. 1410 u. u., L. 184 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 362 mm., C. ■121 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 79° Col¬ lected by Dr. Geokgis E. Coopee, U. S. A. lieceived iu exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 2. (553.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 3.5, Cap. 1415 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 356 mm., C. 499 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 74°. Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon Donald Jackson. 3. (1001.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 172 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 362 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., F. a. 68°. Presented by Surgeon J. F. Hammond, U. S. A. 74.—Tonkaway Indians. 1. (319.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1430 c. c , L. 175 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 136 mm., I f. m. 41, L. a. 359 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., F. a. 72° Col¬ lected by Dr. E. Palmer. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (320.) Cranium. M. set.? Cap. 1240 c. c., L. 173 mm., B, 135 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 356 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 70°. Collected by Dr. E. Palmer. Beceived iu exchange from the Smithsonian Institution.* 3. (321.) Cranium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1170 c. c., L. 159 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 336 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 78°. Col¬ lected by Dr. E. Palmer. Beceived In exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (322.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Gap. 1250 c. c., L. 178 mm., B 132 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 359 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 75°. Col¬ lected by Dr. E. Palmer. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (1004.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1465 c. c,, L. 175 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 365 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 76° Pre¬ sented by Second Lieutenant D. B. Taylor, llth U. S. Infantry. 6. (5528.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1170 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 333 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 73°. From Fort Cobb, I. T. Collected by Dr. E. Palmer. Beceived in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 75.—Texan Indians. 1. (313.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1570 c. c., L. 194 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 394 mm., C. 536 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 75°. Collected by Dr. L. A. Edwards, Ü. S. A. Beceived in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM, 133 2. (338.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ¡at. c. 50. Collected by Captain John Pope, TJ. S. A. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (551.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1345 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 352 mm., C. .506 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., P. a. 78° Pre¬ sented by Acting Assistant Surgeon R. M. Kibk. 4. (804:.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. u. 21, Cap.? L. 184 mm., B.? H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 392 mm., C. 525 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 83° Presented by Dr. C. W. Knight. 76.—Pueblo Indians. 1. (682.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap 1160 c. c.,L. 159 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 333 mm., C. 476 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 78°. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon P. S. Newcomer. 2. (1178.) Cranium. Child, set. c. 5, Cap. 1215 c. c., L. 151 mm., B. 138 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 341 mm., C. 456 mm., Z. d. 100 mm , P a. 92°. Collected by Prof. E. D. Cope, R. H. Ainswoeth, and Dr. H. C. Yarrow. Presented by Lieu¬ tenant Geo. M. Wheeler, U. S. Engineers. 3. (1179.) Cranium. M. set. c. 18, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 153 mm., B. 156 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 35, L. a. 338 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d 123 mm., P. a 84°. Col¬ lected by Prof. E. D. Cope, R. H. Ainsworth, and Dr. H. C. Yarrow. Presented by Lieutenant Geo. M. Wheeler, U. S. Engineers. 4. (1573.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1205 c. c., L. 154 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 140 jnm., I. f. m. 34, L. a. 345 mm., C. 476 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., P. a. ? Collected by Lieutenant W. L. Carpenter. Presented by Lieutenant Geo. M. Wheeler, U. S. Engineers. 5. (1574:.) Calvaria, imperfect. Child, set. c. 10, Cap.? L. 149 mm., B. 129 mm., H. ? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 440 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Collected by Lieutenant W. L. Carpenter. Presented by Lieutenant Geo. M. Wheeler, U. S. Engineers. 77.—Mexican Indians. 1. (28.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1515 c. c., L. 181 mm.. B. 141 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 375 mm., C. ¡508 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 75°. Presented by Dr. Robert K. Stone. 2. (252.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 346 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., P. a. ? Collected by Dr. L. Berlandier and Lieutenant D. N. Couch, U. S. A. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (272.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap 1260 c. c , L. 179 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 308 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 78°. Collected by Dr. L. A. Edwards, U. S.A. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 134 CHECK LIST OE SECTION IV, 4. (273.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 30, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 372 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., P. a. 71°. Collected by Lieutenant D. N. Couch, U. S. A. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (721.) Cranium. P. ¡et. c. 45, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 342 mm., C. 485 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., P. a. 79°. Px-esented by Assistant Surgeon Edward Cowles, U. S. A. 6. (5124.) (Surg Sect.) Cranium. M. ¡et. c. 45, Cap. 1455 c. c,, L. 181 mm., B, 147 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 365 mm., C. 519 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., P. a. 80° Prom the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 7. (5644.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium, imperfect. M. ¡et. e. 40, Cap.? L.? B. 137 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C ? Z. d 132 mm., P. a. 71°. Prom Northwest¬ ern Texas. Killed by an arrow. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Wm. M. Notson, U. S. A. 78.—Cree Indians. 1. (1271.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1455 c. c., L. 192 mm., B. 136 mm., H, 131 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 396 mm., C. ,534 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 80°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. H. T. King, U..S. A. 79.—Chippewa Indians. 1. (1256.) Skeleton. P. set. c. 35. Imperfect—unarticulated. Craniiim, im¬ perfect. Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 361 mm , C. 496 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 76°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon .1. H. T. King, U. S. A. 2. (1257.) Skeleton. M. aet. c. 45. Imperfect—unarticulated. Cranium, im¬ perfect. Cap.? L. 185 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 360 mm., C. 524 mm., Z. d.? P. a ? Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. H. T. King, U. S. A. 3. (6410.) (Surg. Sect.) Skeleton. P. set. c. 85. Dwarf. H. 1081 mm. Cra¬ nium, hydrocephalic. Cap. 2760 c. c., L. 202 mm., B. 184 mm., H. 152 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 462 mm., C. 633 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., P. a. 103°. Purchased. 4. (182.) Calvarium. M. Est. c. 55, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 355 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 76°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon M. K. Taylor, U. S. A. 5 (183.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1490 c. c., L. 185 mm., B 151 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 371 mm., C. 524 mm'., Z. d.? P. a. 76°. Presented by Assistant Sui'geon M. K. Taylor, U. S. A. 6. (184.) Cranium. M. let. o. 30, Cap. 1190 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 330 mm., C. 482 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 74°. Presented by Assistant Sui-geon M. K. Taylor, U. S. A. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 135 7. (185.) Calvarla. M. aefc. c. .00, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 356 mm., C. 511 mai., Z. d.? F. a.? Presented by Assistant Surgeon M. K. Taylor, U. S. A. 8. (186.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set c. 40, Gap. 1270 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 3.52 mm., C.? Z d. 136 mm., F. a. 73° Presented by Assistant Surgeon M. K. Taylor, U. S. A. 9. (187.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1415 c. e., L. 171 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 3.52 mm., C. .508 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 72°. Presented by Assistaut Surgeon M. K. Taylor, U. S. A. 10. (188.) Calvarium. M. set. c, 55, Gap. 1500 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 362 mm., C. 540 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 74°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon M. K. Taylor, U. S. A. 11. (327.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Gap. 1460 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 156 mm , H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 368 mm., G. 527 mm., Z. d. 152 mm., F. a. 73°. Collected by Governor MoTavish. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. 12. (380.) Cranium. F set. c. 50, Cap. 1110 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 333 mm , C. 476 mm., Z d 135 mm., F. a. 70°. Col¬ lected by Governor McTavish. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 13. (046.) Fragments. M. aet. c. 30. Presented by Assistant Surgeon G. E. Mdnn, Ü. S. A. 14. (900.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 65, Gap. 1600 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 1.50 mm , I. f. m. 40, L. a. 393 mm., G. 546 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. H. T. King, U. S. A. 15. (1117.) Cranium. M. aet c. 35, Gap. 1500 c. c., L. 188 mm., B 150 mm. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Ezra Woodruff, II. S. A.* 16. (1118.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 30, Gap.? L. 185 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 375 mm., G. 530 mm., Z. d. 148 mm., F. a.? Presented by Assistant Surgeon Ezra Woodruff, U. S A. 17. (1120.) Cranium. F. aet c. 15, Gap 12.50 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 355 mm., G. 478 mm., Z. d. 115 mm., F. a. 78°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Ezra Woodruff, U.S. A. 18. (1255.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 35, Gap. 1365 c. c., L. 184 mm , B. 138 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 359 mm., G. 509 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 78'. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon J. H. T. King, U. S. A. 19. (1260 ) Fragments. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. H. T. King, U. S. A. 20. (1261.) Fragments. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. H. T. King, U. S. A. 136 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 80.—Wisconsin Indians. 1. (388.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 5.5, Cap.? L. 170 mm , B. 128 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 350 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 76°. Collected by L. W. Bliss. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (38i>.) Calvaria. M set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 129 mm., I f. m. 40, L. a. 365 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d ? F. a.? Collected by L. W. Bliss. Received in exchange fi-om the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (390.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set c. 45, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 1.50 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a ? C. 512 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by L. W. Bliss. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (826.) Cranium. M. sbt. c. 3.5, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 141 mm., I f. m. 42, L. a. :î(!7 mm., C. 513 mm , Z. d.? F. a. 78°. Presented bj' Surgeon B. J. D. Iewin, U. S. A. 5. (827.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 50, Cap.? L.? B. 140 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a. 73°. Presented by Surgeon B. J. D. Iewin, U. S-A. 6. (828.) Cranium. M. set c. 40, Cap. 1210 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 129 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 351 mm., C. 488 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 75°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. J. D. Iewin, U. S. A. 7. (829.) Cranium, imperfect. F.set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 169 mm., B. 139 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 490 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 73°. Presented by Surgeon B. J. D. Iewin, U. S. A. 8. (830.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap.? L. 180 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 368 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Presented by Sur¬ geon B. J. D. Iewin, IT. S. A. 81.—Sac Indians. 1. (1009.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 185 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 130 mm , I. f. m. 42, L. a. 370 ram., C. 514 mm., Z. d, 137 mm., F. a. 76°. Col¬ lected by Dr. A. Ashbaugh. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 82.—Pequod Indians. 1. (398.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 186 mm., B. 140 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 521 mm., Z. d. ? F. a.? Collected by Dr. William Wood. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. army medical museum. 137 M. (459.) Fragmentary. Collected by Dr. Wm. Wood. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (461.) Fragmentary. Collected by Dr. Wm. Wood. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 83.—Miami Indians. 1. (1005.) Calvarium. F. tet. c. 6.5, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 180 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 345 mm., C 49,5 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. Collected by Dr. A. Ashbaugh. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 84 —Seminole Indians. 1. (334.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 13.50 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 359 ram., C. 502 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73°. Collected by Professor T. Glovee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (335.) Calvarium. F. aat. c. 30, Cap. 1.530 c. c., L. 190 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 371 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 80°. Col¬ lected by Professor T. Glovee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 3. (381.) Calvaria. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. 184 mm., b'. 143 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 375 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by G. wüedemann. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (393.) Calvaria, imperfect. F. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 175 mm., B. 138 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 495 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Florida. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (6184.) (Sdeg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1550 c. c., L. 199 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 401 mm., C. 552 mm., Z. d. 149 mm., F. a. 76°. " Chi-Ki-Kee," a Seminole chief, killed in the Everglades in 1846. From Florida. Presented by Dr. Wm. Reynaud. 85.—Unknown Indians. 1. (.558.) Skeleton. M. set. c. 45. Imperfect—unarticulated. Calvarium, im¬ perfect. Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 358 mm., C. 501 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 74°. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (918.) Skeleton. M. set. c. 40. Imperfect—unarticulated. Cranium : Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 150 mm , H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 367 mm., C. 523 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., F. a. 73°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon A. B. Campbell, U. S. A. 138 CHKCK LIST OF SECTION XV, 3. (30.) Calvarium. P. »t. c. 35, Cap. 1360 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 1'24 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 352 mm., 0. 498 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., P. a. 74°. Donor unknown. 4. (207.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Gap.? L. 169 mm., B. 147 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L a,? C. 504 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., P. a. 75°. Encrusted with stalag¬ mites. Prom a cave in Calaveras County, Cal. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (208.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 185 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 387 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d ? P. a. 78°. Encrusted with stalagmites. Prom a cave in Calaveras County, Cal. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (521.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1170 c. c., L. 166 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 343 mm., C. 496 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., P. a. 73° Pre¬ sented by Surgeon B. E. Pkyer, U. S. A. 7. (559.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 16, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 358 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 76°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Geo. M. Stekneeeg, U. S. A. 8. (716.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 184 mm , B 150 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 366 mm., C. 527 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., P. a. 78°. Prom Prairie Dog Creek, Kansas. Presented bj' Acting Assistant Surgeon L. S. Tesson. 9. (767■)■ Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap 1520 e. c., L. 180 mm., B. 138 mm., H. lâo mm., I. f. m.47, L a. 365 mm., C. 521 mm., Z, d.? P. a.? Prom Puget Sound. Collected by Lieutenant P. M. Ring, 2d Artillery. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 10. (820.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set. u. 28, Cap.? L. 191 mm., B ? H ? I f. m.? L. a ? C. 510 mm., Z. d ? P. a ? Prom a grave at Wood's Hole, Massachusetts. Col¬ lected by M. Rankin Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 11. (919.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 30, Cap.? L ? B. 144 ram., H. 135 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d. 138 mm., P. a. 74°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon A. B. Campbell, U. S. A. 12. (920.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 345 mm., C. 507 ram., Z d. 144 mm., P. a. 74°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon A. B. Campbell, U. S. A. 13. (921.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 136 mm., H 136 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 350 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., P. a. 70°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon A. B. Campbell, U. S. A. 14. (922.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1360 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 335 mm., C. 500 mm.. Z. d.? P. a. 80°. Prom Port Harker, Kansas. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. W. Bbeweb, U. S. A. 15. (923.) Calvarium. P. set. c. 40, Cap. 1240 c. c , L. 181 mm., B 141 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 345 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 77°. Prom Port Harker, Kansas. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. W. Bbeweb, U. S. A. AEMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 139 1«. (924.) Cranium. Child, tet. c. 8, Cap.? L. 1G3 mm., B. 12G mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. .3.88 mm., C. 4G0 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Prom Fort Harker, Kansas Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. W. Brewee, TJ. S. A. 17. (925.) Calvarium. M. ret. c. 2;"., Cap. 1210 c. c., L. 1G9 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 336 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 69° From Fort Harker, Kansas. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. W. Beewee, U. S. A. 18. (927.) Cranium. M. ret. c. 3il, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 190 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 134 mm., I. 1 m. 44, L. a. 374 mm., C. 532 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 73°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon C. E. Goddaed, U. 8. A. 19. (928.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 30, Cap. 1280 c. e., L. 174 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 3,14 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 76°. Pre¬ sented by Surgeon C. E Goddaed, U. S. A. 20. (929.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ret. c. 35, Cap. 1290 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 358 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 74°. Presented by Surgeon C. E. Goddaed, U. S. A. 21. (930.) Calvarium. F. ret. c. 25, Cap. 1240 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 340 mm., C. 488 mm., Z. d 131 mm., F. a. 74°. Presented by Surgeon C. E. Goddaed, U. S. A. 22. (931.) Calvaria, imperfect. Child, ret. c. 6, Cap.? L. 162 mm., B. 129 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 459 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Presented by Surgeon C. E. God¬ daed, U. S. A. 23. (932.) Calvarium. Child, ret. c. 11, Cap.? L. 163 mm., B. 131 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 345 mm., C. 470 mm., Z. d. 100 mm., F. a.? Presented by Sur¬ geon C. E. Goddaed, U. S. A. 24. (988.) Calvarium. F. ret. c. 30, Cap. 1190 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 347 mm., C. 490 mm.. Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 74°. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon J. W. Beewee, U. S. A. 25. (989.) Calvaria. F. ret. c 60, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 130 mm., J. f. m. 45, L. a. 342 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Camp Supply, Indian Territory. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. W. Beewee, U. S. A. 26. (998.) Calvarium. F. ret. c. 30, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 140 mm , H. 123 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 357 mm., C. 509 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 75°. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon W. D. Wodveeton, U. S. A. 27. (1054.) Calvarium. M. ret. c. 45, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. ra. 46, L. a. 372 mm , C. 506 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78° From near Cape Fear River, N. 0. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 28. (1148.) Cranium, fragmentary. M. ret. c. 22, Cap.? L.? B. 152 mm., H ? I. f. m ? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by Dr. T. Weight. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 140 CHECK LIST OP SECTION IV, 2!). (114-Î).) Calvarium. M. œt. c, 31, Cap. 1110 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 154 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 357 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 74°. Collected by Dr. T. Weight. Eeceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 30. (1150.) Cranium, fragmentary. M. set. c 40, Cap.? L. 155 mm., B. 155 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 356 mm., C. 499 mm , Z. d.? F. a.? From Clarksville, Tenn. Collected by Dr. T. Wright. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 31. (1 KiîJ.) Cranium. M. ait. u. 55, Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 188 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 139 mm.. I. f. m. 44, L. a. 376 mm., C. 519 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 78°. From Fort Dodge, Kansas. Pre.sented by Assistant Surgeon W. S. Tremaine, U. S. A. 32. (1104.) Calvarium. M. ait. c. 30, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 360''mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 80°. From Fort Dodge, Kansas. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. S. Tremaine, Ü. S. A. 33. (11(>5.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 19, Cap.? L. 166 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 336 mm., C. 482 mm., Z. d. ? F. a.? ( " Wah-oh-B.") From Fort Dodge, Kansas. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. S. Tremaine, U. S. A. 34. (IIOO.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 173 mm., B 145 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 355 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 76° From Fort Dodge, Kansas. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. S. Tremaine, U. S. A. 35. (1258.) Cranium. F. set. c. 25, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 140 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 350 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 72°. Pre¬ sented by As.sistant Surgeon J. D. Haul, U. S. A. 36. (12()3.) Fragmentary. From " Dead Island," eight miles east of mouth of French Kiver, on the north shore of Lake Huron. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. H. T. King, U. S. A. 37. (15(}0.) Calvarium. M. let. c. 60, Cap. 1920 c. c., L. 194 mm., B. 162 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a.? C. 565 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 77°. From Winooski Biver, Vermont. Collected by Dr. E. M. Kent. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 38. (15<>2.) Calvarium. M œt. c. 85, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 148 mm , H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 359 mm., C. 517 mm , Z. d.? F. a. 76°. Found in Commission Creek, Indian Territory. Collected by Lewis McCoy. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 39. (1715.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ast. c. 60, Cap. 1580 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 150 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 372 mm., C. 532 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 77° From Black Hawk, Colorado. Collected by Dr. James H. Keed. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. akmy medical museum. 141 40 rli)28.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ast. c. 60, Cap.? L. 1.55 mm., B.? H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 338 mm., 0.? Z. d.? P. a.? From Fort Whipple, Arizona Territory. Presented by Paymaster Kodney Smith, U. S. A. 41. (1990.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1110 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 353 mm., 0. 490 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 72°. From Columbia River, near Dallas, Oregon. Collected by Lieutenant S. W. Symons. Presented by Lieutenant George M. Wheeleb, U. S. A. 42. (1992.) Calvarium. F. œt. c. 21, Cap. 1280 c. c , L. 168 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 340 mm., C. 490 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 74°. From Fort Robinson, Nebraska. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Edward B. Moseley, U. S. a. 43. (2030.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1440 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 378 mm., C. 527 mm , Z. d.? F. a. 79°. Donor un¬ known. 44. (2050.) Cranium. M. set. c. .55, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m.44, L. a. 364 mm., C. .506 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F.a. 71° From Clearwater, Florida. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 45. (2051.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 60, Cap.? L. 174 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. .50, L. a. 385 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a 74°. From Clearwater, Florida. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 46. (2052.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1550 c.c., L. 176 mm., B. 154 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 381 mm., C. 524 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Clearwater, Florida. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 47. (2053.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1700 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 155 mm., H. 155 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 386 mm., C. 543 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 73°. From Clearwater, Florida. Collected by S. T. Wapkeb. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 48. (2054.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1360 c. c , L. 176 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 360 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 67°. From Clearwater, Florida. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 49. (2055.) Calvaría. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 348 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Clear¬ water, Florida. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. .50. (2050.) Calvaría, imperfect. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1500 c.c., L. 178 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 153 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 377 mm., C. 522 mm., Z. d.? F. a ? From Clearwater, Florida. Collected by S. T, Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 142 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 51. (ÍÍÜ57.) Calvaría, imperfect. M. aet. c. 70, Cap.? L. 167 mm., B. 140 mm., H.y I. f. m.? L. a. 348 mm., 0. 400 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Cedar Keys, Florida. Collected by S. T. Walkeb. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. .")2. (13058.) Calvaría, imperfect. M. set. c. 30. From Clearwater, Florida. Collected by S. T. Walkeb. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. .)3. (305i>.) Calvaría, imperfect. M. œt. c. 55. From Clearwater, Florida. Collected by S. T. Walker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 54. (4384.) (SuBG. Sect.) A metopic calvarinm. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1780 c. c., Jj. 198 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 404 mm., C. 555 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 80°. From Mesita Blanca, N. M. Presented by Assistant Surgeon H. E. Bbown, U.S.A. 55. (5661.) (SuBG. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. 176 mm., B 139 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 367 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 82°. From Fort Lyon, C. T. Presented by Assistant Surgeon H. R. Tilton, U. S. A. 56. (6183.) (StTBG. Sect.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 35, Cap. 1580 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 154 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a.? C. 523 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., F. a. 72°. From Fort Barker, Kansas. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. W. Brewer, U. S. A. 57. (6251.) (SuBG. Sect.) Calvarinm. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 370 mm., C. 526 mm., Z. d. 147 mm., F. a. 73°. Syphilitic. From Camp Supply, Indian Territory. Presented .by Assistant Surgeon J. W. Brewer, U. S. A. 58. (6656.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1600 c. c., L. 189 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 390 mm., C. 539 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 75° Donor unknown. 86.—Negroes. 1. (2037.) Skeleton. F. set. c. 70. Height, 1597 mm. Cranium : Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 364 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 75°. Purchased for the Museum. 2. (2041.) Skeleton. M. set. c. 70. Height, 1695 mm. Cranium: Cap, 1320 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 366 mm., C. 518 mm., Z d. 131 mm ., F. a. 75°. Purchased for the Museum. 3. (5432.) (Surg. Sect.) Skeleton. F. set. c. 65. Spine curved. H.? Cra¬ nium : Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 120 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 365 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d. 123 mm., F. a. 78°. From the Gibson Cabinet. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 143 4. (6769.) (SuBG. Sect.) Skeleton. M. ait. c. !). Height, 111.") mm. Cranium; Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 3G4 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d 110 mm., P. a. 81° Beceived in exchange from Professor F. A. Ashfoed. 5. (45.) Cranium. M. £et. c. 33, Cap. 128.3 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 12.5 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 3.3G mm., C. .302 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., P. a. 71°. Prom dissecting-room, Columbian Medical College. 6. (54.) Calvarium. P. set. c. 80, Cap. IIGO c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 362 mm., C. .308 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 73° Prom the collection of the late Professor William Gibson. 7. (115.) Calvarium. P. let. c. 25, Cap. 11,30 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 125 mm., H. 130 mm., 1. f. m. 40, L. a. 346 mm , C. 469 mm., Z. d. IIG mm., P. a. 77°. Con¬ tributed by Acting Assistant Surgeon D. E. Bkowek. 8. (411.) Cranium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1360 c. c., L. 189 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 375 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., P. a. 71° Presented by Hospital Steward E. E. Williams, U. S. A. 9. (412.) Cranium. M. ast. c. 75, Cap. 1285 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 129 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 368 mm., C, .314 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., P. a. 81° Presented by Hospital Steward E. E. Williams, U. S. A. 10. (462.) Cranium. P. set. c. 65, Cap.? L. 181 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 359 mm., 0. 508 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., P. a. 82°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. H. Janeway, U. S. A. 11. (527.) Calvarium. P. let. c. 40, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 121 mm , H. 117 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 359 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 85°. Presented by Hospital Steward E. E. Williams, U. S. A. 12. (652.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 127 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 381 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., P. a. 87°. Presented by Surgeon E. Swift, U.S.A. 13. (720.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 374 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., P. a. 76°. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon E. M. Eeynolds. 14. (757.) Calvaria, imperfect. P. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 180 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 41, L.a ? C.501 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Exhumed near Washing¬ ton, D. C. Presented by Colonel A. T. Lee, U. S. A. 15. (758.) Calvaria. P. sdt. o. 65, Cap. 1210 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 46, L a. 359 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? .Presented by Colonel Akthub T. Lee, U. S. A. 16. (759.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. »t.? Cap.? L. 178 mm., B. 135 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 362 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Presented by Colonel A. T. Lee. 144 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 17. (i>47.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 70, Cap. 141.5 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 144mm.,H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 374 mm., C. 524 mm , Z d. 135 mm., F. a. 72°. From Kiclimond, Virginia. 18. (04:8.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 60, Cap. 1325 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 381 mm., 0. 521 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 78°. From liichmond, Virginia. 19. (04:0.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1305 o. o., L. 192 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f m. 45, L. a. 374 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 73°. From Bichmond, Virginia. 20. (050.) Cranium. F. set. o. 70, Gap. 1395 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 378 mm., 0. 521 mm., Z d. 135 mm., F. a. 74°. From Kiclimond, Virginia. 21. (051.) Cranium. F. set. c. 60, Cap. 1450 c. c., L. 190 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 381 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 85°. From Kichmond, Virginia. 22. (052.) Cranium. F. set. c. 70, Cap. 1145 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 119 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 356 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d 122 mm., F. a. 74°. From Eichmond, Virginia. 23. (053.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1190 c.c., L. 186 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 346 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 76°. From Kichmond, Virginia. 24. (054.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1380c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 378 mm., C. 519 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 74°. From Kichmond, Virginia. 25 (055.) Cranium. M. set c. 65, Cap 1330 c. c., L. 189 mm , B. 130 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 384 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 77°. From Kichmond, Virginia. 2(). (074.) Calvarium, fragmentary. M. set. c. 45. Presented by Dr. J. E. Cheney. 27. (075.) Cranium. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 186 mm , B. 141 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. .3,59 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 80°. From Kich¬ mond, Virginia 28. (070.) Cranium. M. set. c. 75, Cap. 1490 c. c., L 189 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 381 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 71°. From Kichmond, Virginia. 29. (i)80.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 195 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 378 mm., C. 537 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 72°. From Kichmond, Virginia. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 145 30. (981.) Cranium. M. sst. c, 30, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 378 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F a. 73°. From Richmond, Virginia. Purchased for the Army Medical Museum. 31. (983.) Base of cranium. F. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 139 mm., H.? I. f. m. 40, L. a.? C. .500 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 78°. From Richmond, Virginia. Purchased for the Army Medical Museum. 32. (983.) Cranium. F. set. c. 25, Cap. 1205 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 129 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 356 mm., C- 483 mm., Z. d. 117 mm., F. a. 77°. From Richmond, Virginia. Purchased for the Army Medical Museum. 33. (984.) Cranium. F. set. c. 70, Cap. 1245 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 356 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 73°. From Richmond, Virginia. Purchased for the Army Medical Museum. 34. (985.) Cranium. F. set. c. 55, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. .50, L. a. 368 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., P. a. 77°. From Richmond, Virginia. Purchased for the Army Medical Museum. 35. (986.) Cranium. F. set. c. 25, Cap. 1150 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 122 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 343 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 81°. From Richmond, Virginia. Purchased for the Army Medical Museum. 36. (987.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 6, Cap. 1470 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. .50, L. a. 362 mm., C. .502 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 75°. From Richmond, Virginia. Purchased for the Army Medical Museum. 37. (990.) A metopic cranium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 362 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 1.30 mm., F. a. 70°. Presented by Dr. J. F. Haetigan. 38. (1160.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1390 c. c., L. 194 mm., B. 150 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 375 mm., C. 540 mm., Z. d. 140 mm , F. a. 77°. From Texas. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 39. (1757.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 70, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 365 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 80°. Purchased for the Museum. 40. (1802.) Cranium. F. set. c. 75,,Cap. 1100 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 358 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 120 mm., F. a. 76°. Purchased for the Museum. 41. (1830.) Cranium. P. set. c. 30, Cap. 1100 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 345 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 66°. Purchased for the Museum. 42. (2033.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 155 mm., B. 130 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon Geokge H. Moean. 146 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 13. (952.) (Sdkg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 54, L. a. 366 mm., C 499 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 72°. A soldier. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. Moss, Ü. S. V. 44. (6246.) (SuEG. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. e. 70, Cap. 1190 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 378 mm., C. 522 mm., Z, d. 130 mm., F. a. 75° Presented by Dr. J. E. Cheney. 45. (6615.) (SuKG. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 25, Cap.' 1485 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 365 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 76°. Mulatto. Found on Morris Island, S. C., near Battery Wagner. Pre¬ sented by Captain .Jas. C. Post, Engineer Corps, U. S. A. 46. (6900.) (SuEG. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. GO, Cap.? L. 180 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 370 mm., C. 509 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 79°. Presented by Dr. J. F. Haetigan. 87.-Whites. 1. (1834.) Skeleton. M. set. c. 17. Height, 14.50 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 358 mm., C. 482 mm., Z. d. 117 mm., F. a. 74°. From near Camp Supply, Indian Territory. Presented by Hospital Steward S. Kitching, U. S. A. 2. (5433.) (SuEG. Sect.) Skeleton. H. 1542 mm. M. set. c. 75. Cranium, imperfect. Cap. 1510 o. c., L. 174 mm., B. 156 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 628 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 76° Curvature of spine. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 3. (6414.) (StTEG. Sect.) Skeleton. H. 1533 mm. F. œt. c. 35. Cranium: Cap. 1390 0. c., L. 183 mm , B. 143 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 370 mm., C. 532 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 80°. A prostitute. Presented by Assistant Sur¬ geon A. D. Wilson, U. S. A. 4. (38.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 357 mm., C. 488 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 77° From the battle-field of the Wilderness. Presented by Hospital Steward Wm. Bell, tJ. S. A. 5. (52.) Cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1.530 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 140 mm , H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 387 mm., C. 524 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 78°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 6. (53.) A metopic calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1765 c. c., L. 197 mm , B. 148 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 403 mm., C. 552 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 71°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 7. (55.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1480 c. c., L. 194 mm., B. 160 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 387 mm., C. 568 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 81° From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. ARMY MEDICAL MÜSEUM. 147 8. (56.) Calvarium. F. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 183 mm , B. 144 mm., H. 182 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 371 mm., 0. 521 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 75°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 9. (57.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 4.5, Cap. 1275 c. c , L. 183 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 365 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 74°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 10. (58.) Base of cranium. F. set. c. 80, Cap.? L. 180 mm., B. 133 mm., H.? I. f. m. 41, L. a.? C. 507 mm., Z. d. 126 mm , P. a. 86°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 11. (59.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1640 c. c., L. 192 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 390 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 78°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 12. (60.) Base of cranium. F. set. c. 28, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B. 130 mm., H,? I. f, m. 43, L. a.? C. 503 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 77° From the collection of the late Professor Carter P. Johnson. 13. (61.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 156 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 348 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 67°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 14. (62.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 368 mm., C.? Z. d. 121 mm , F. a. 80°. From the col¬ lection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 15. (63.) A metopic cranium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1680 c. c., L. 190 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 46, L, a. 403 mm., C. 549 mm.,Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 80°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 16. (64.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1490 c. c., L. 190 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 378 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 81°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 17. (119.) Calvarium. M. set. e. 65, Cap. 1485 c. c., L. 189 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 390 mm., C. 524 mm., Z. d. 186 mm., P. a. 71° Pre¬ sented by Dr. Samuel C. Smoot, of Washington. 18. (120.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1820 c. c., L. 190 mm., B. 154 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 394 mm., C. 552 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 75°. Pre¬ sented by Dr. J. L. Suddarth. 19. (161.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c. 70, Caii.? L. 175 mm.,B. 141 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 375 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. Presented by Professor Johnson Eliot. 20. (391.)~ Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 85, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B. 149 mm., H.? I. f. m. 44, L. a.? C. 525 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 80°. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 148 check list of section iv, 21. (560.) A metopic calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 184 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 14G mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 371 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 78° Prom the battle-field of Spottsylvania. Presented by Hospital Steward E. F. Schafhirt, U. S. A. 22. (561.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 60, Cap.? L. 194 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 51, L. a. 397 mm., 0. 546 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 81° Presented by Hospital Steward E. F. Schafhirt, U. S. A. 23. (637.) Calvarium. M. let. c. 30, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f m. 43, L. a. 349 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 81°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon J. P. Kimball, U. S. A. 24. (789.) A metopic cranium, (hydrocephalic.) M. set. c. 25, Cap. 3015 c. c., L. 216 mm , B. 177 mm., H. 159 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 472 mm., C. 643 mm., Z. d. 121 mm., F. a. 95° Presented by Doctors William 8. Dixon and James C. Byrnes, As.sistant Surgeons, U. S. N. 25. (893.) Cranium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1600 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 153 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 375 mm., C. 535 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 77°. Found five miles from Foit Concho, Texas. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. M. Not- soN, U. 8. A. 26. (895.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. ®t. c. 45, Cap.? L. 185 mm., B. 130 mm., H.? I. f. m. ? L. a.? C. 517 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From the canon of the Bio Grande del Norte. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. McClellan, U. S. A. 27. (1129.) Calvaria, imperfect. Cap.? L. 174 mm., B. 133 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From Santa Barbara county, California. Eeceived in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 28. (391.) Base of cranium. M. set. c. 60, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B. 149 mm., H.? I. f. m. 44, L. a.? C. 527 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 80. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 29. (1756.) Cranium. F. ajt. c. 65, Cap. 1540 c c., L. 186 mm., B. 147 mm , H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 374 mm., C. 540 mm , Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 77°. Pur¬ chased for the Museum. 30. (1784.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. œt. c. 50, Cap.? L. 185 mm., B. 147 mm., H ? I. f. m.? L. a. 400 mm , C. 526 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From U. S. Military Acad¬ emy, West Point, New York. Presented by Surgeon B. J. D. Irwin, U. S. A. 31. (1849.) Cranium. F. set. c. 35, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a 3.53 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a 69°. From near Old Bed Cloud Agency, Dakota Territory. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. B. Moseley, U. S. a. 32. (1989.) Cranium. F. set. c. 55, Cap ? L. 178 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f m. 44, L. a. 372 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 121 mm., F. a. 67° Presented by Assistant Surgeon Charles B. Byrne, Ü. S. A. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 149 33. (1998.) Calvarium. M. set- c. 40, Cap.? L. IS.^ mm., B. 141 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 388 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., P. a. 87°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Paul E. Brown, U. S. A. 34. (95.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 17!) mm., B. 136 mm., H. 133 mm , I. f. m. 48, L. a,. 371 mm., C. .502 mm., Z. d, 12!) mm., F. a. 80° A " Confederate " soldier. Presented by Surgeon J. H Brinton, U. S. V. 35 (276.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 163 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 336 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 72°. A soldier. Presented by Surgeon W. Clendenin, U. S. V. 36. (739.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 2.5, Cap.? L. 17!) mm., B. 141 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 365 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 77°. From battle-field of Second Bull Eun. Presented by.Acting Assistant Surgeon J. B. Green. 37. (765.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 25, Cap. 1570 c, c., L. 182 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 378 mm., C. 519 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 79°. A soldier wounded at Antietam. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon W. W. Keen, Jr. 38. (830.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. mt. c. 45, Cap. 1630 c. c., L. 185 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 53, L. a. 382 mm., C. 535 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 76°. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. B. Green. 39. (848.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1630 c. c., L. 195 mm., B. 149 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 402 mm., C. 546 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 78°. From the battle-field of Bull Eun. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. B. Green. 40. (1167.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 30, Cap.? L. 190 mm., B. 142 mm., H ? I. f. m.? L. a. 385 mm., C. 522 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a.? A "Confederate" soldier, killed at Antietam. Presented by Surgeon B. A. Vander- kieft, Ü. S. V. 41. (1168.) (Surg. Sect) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 184 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 378 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 79°. A " Confederate" soldier, killed at Antietam. Presented by Surgeon B. A. Vander- kiept, U. S. V. 42. (1169.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 20, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B. 143 mm., H.? I. f. m. 40, L. a.? C. 514 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 80° A "Confederate" soldier, killed at Antietam. Presented by Surgeon B. A. Vander- kieet, U. S. V. 43. (1170.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 25, Cap.? L. 189 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 149 mm., I. f. m. .50, L. a. 390 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 75°. A " Confederate" soldier, killed at Antietam. Presented by Surgeon B. A. Vander- kieft, U. S. V. 44. (1218.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 3.5, Cap.? L. 184 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 384 mm , C. 508 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 77°. A "Confederate" lieutenant, killed at South Mountain. Presented by Surgeon B. A. Vanderkieft, U. S. V. 150 CHECK MST OF SECTION IV, 15. (1267.) (SuBG. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1540 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 51, L. a. 377 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 76°. A soldier wounded at Chanoellorsville. Presented by Assistant Sur¬ geon A. J. Gilson, 5th Conn. 46. (1317.) (SiJEG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 198 mm , B. 134 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 403 mm., C. 540 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 84° A "Confederate" soldier, killed at Second Bull Run. Presented by Surgeon F. Wolf, 39th N. Y. 47. (1318.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 180 mm., B.? H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 370 mm., C. 525 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 78°. A " Con¬ federate " soldier, killed at Second Bull Bun. Presented by Surgeon F. Wolf, 39th N. Y. 48. (1768.) (Surg, Sect.) A metopic calvarium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 375 mm., C. 522 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 72°. A soldier who committed suicide. Presented by Surgeon M. K. Hogan, U. S. V. 49. (2032.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 12, Cap.? L. 170mm., B. 140 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 362 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d. 102 mm., F. a. 88°. A child killed in the Mountain Meadow massacre. Presented by Surgeon B. A. Clements, U. S. A. 50. (2899.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 192 mm., B. 144 mm.. H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 390 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 77°. A "Con¬ federate " soldier. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. E. Winants. 51. (2905.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 29, Cap.? L. 195 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. ra. 47, L: a. 387 mm., C. 549 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 84°. A "Confederate" soldier. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. M. Dean. 52. (3251.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 192 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 390 mm., C. 535 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 81°. A soldier killed at Second Bull Bun. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon F. Schafhirt. 53. (3358.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 187 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 394 mm., C. 527 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 82° A "Confederate" soldier. Presented by Surgeon B. L. Stanford, TJ, S. V. 54. (4257.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 28, Cap.? L. 186 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 381 mm., C. 524 mm., Z. d. 127mm., F. a. 79°. A "Confederate" lieutenant. Presented by Surgeon J. B. Lewis, IJ. S. Y. 55. (4965.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 186 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 387 mm., C.? Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 80° A soldier. Presented by Mr. E. F. Schafhirt. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 151 56. (5119.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. IGIO c. c., L. 197 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 4.5, L. a. 403 mm., 0. 5,50 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 78°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 57. (5123.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. ret. c. .50, Cap. 1680 c. c., L. 192 mm., B. 150 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 392 mm., C. 546 mm., Z. d. 134 mm , F. a. 77°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 58. (5125.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. F. aet. c. 30, Cap. 1180 c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 348 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 118 mm., F. a. 70°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 59. (5133.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 75, Cap. 1640 c. c., L. 190 mm , B. 147 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 388 mm., C. 545 mm , Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 77°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 60. (5144:.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. F. aet. c. 30, Cap. 1450 c. c., L. 180 mm,, B. 143 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 380 mm., C. 519 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. ? From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 61. (5573.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 140 mm., H, 133 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 359 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 76°. From the battle-field of Spottsylvania. Presented by Mr. E. F. Schafhirt. 62. (5721.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 40, Cap.? L. 183 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 382 mm., C. 531 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a 80°. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon J. D. Barnes. 63. (6062.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1470 c. c., L. 188 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 371 mm., C. 524 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a 73°. Donor unknown. 64. (6222.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 184 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 370 mm., C. .530 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 73° A soldier. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Edwin Bentlet, U. S. A. 65. (6258.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1700 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 151 mm , H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 372 mm., C. 528 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 82°. From the battle-field of Spottsylvania. Presented by Assistant Surgeon C. E. Munn, U. S. A. 66. (6277.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 185 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 364 mm., C. 539 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 74°. A soldier. Presented by Surgeon B. J. D. Irwin, U. S. A. 67. (6305—1.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1540 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 145 mm,, H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 378 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 80°. {This and the following thirty-one skulls were picked up on the bat¬ tle-field of the Wilderness and presented to the Army Medical Museum by Dr. R. B. Bontecou, late Surgeon IT. S. Volunteei's.') 152 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 68. (6305—2.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1.570 c. c., L. 192 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 14.5 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 400 mm., C. 537 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 79°. 69. (6305—3.) (StJEG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 366 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 74°. 70 (6305—4.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 25, Cap. 1530 c. o., L. 184 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 381 mm., C. 529 mm., Z. d. 121 mm., F. a 82°. 71. (6305—5.) (SuBG. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1600 c. c., L. 188 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 388 mm., C. 532 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 74°. 72. (6305—6.) (Seeg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 40, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 140 mm, H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 384 mm., C. 513 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 75°. 73. (6305—7.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1450 c. c., L. 180 mm , B. 141 mm., H 135 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 372 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 77°. 74. (6305—8.) (Seeg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 347 mm., C. 494 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 73°. 75. (6306—1.) (Seeg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 186 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 374 mm., C. 525 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 76°. 76. (6306—2.) (Seeg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1630c. c., L. 184 mm., B 141 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 377 mm., C. 519 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a.? 77. (6306—3 ) (Seeg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1440 c. c., L 178 mm., B. 136 mm , H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 373 mm., C. 504 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 72°. 78. (6306—4.) (Seeg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 30, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 369 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d. 121 mm., F. a. 74°. 79. (6306—5.) (Seeg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1570 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 379 mm., C. 528 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 76°. 80. (6306—6.) (Seeg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1670 c.c., L. 188 mm., B. 154 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 393 mm., C. 548 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a 75°. 81. (6306—7.) (Seeg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 382 mm., C. 526 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 78°. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 153 82. (6306—8.) (SüBG. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 359 mm., 0. 507 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 78° 83. (6307—1.) (SuKG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B. 1.39 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 367 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d. 130 mm , F a. 78°. 84. (6307—2 ) (SuKG. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. a3t. c. 45, Cap.? L ? B. 138 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m.? L. a. 378 mm., C. 532 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 76°. 85. (6307—3.) (Sdeg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. mt. c. 35, Cap.? L. 182 mm., B. 143 mm , H. 143 mm.. I. f. m. 43, L. a. 372 mm., C. 523 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 78°. 86. (6307—4 ) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. net c. 50, Gap.? L. 184 mm., B. 146 mm., H. ? I. f. m. 48, L. a.? 0. 530 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 79°. 87. (6307—5.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set. c. 30. 88. (6307—6.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 25, Gap.? L. 180 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 374 mm., G. 515 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 7.5°. 89. (6307—7.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 25, Gap.? L. 185 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 376 mm., C. 525 mm., Z. d 129 mm., F. a. 77°. 90. (6307—8.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 25, Gap.? L. 183 mm., B. 147 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 379 mm., G. 534 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 79°. 91. (6308—1.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Gap.? L. 187 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 396 mm., G. 535 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 76°. 92. (6308—2.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Gap.? L. 189 mm., B. 142mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 390 mm., G. 525 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 76°- 93. (6308—3.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Gap.? L. 156 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 342 mm., G.478 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F.a. ? 94. (6308—4.) (Surg. Sect.) A metopic cranium. M. set. c. 45, Gap.? L. 180 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 385 mm., G. 532 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 74°. 95. (6308—5.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 20, Gap.? L.? B. 133 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. ? L. a. 355 mm., G. 494 mm., Z. d. 121 mm., F. a. 73°. 96. (6308—6.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Gap. 1470 c. c., L. 182 mm , B. 143 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 377 mm., G. 517 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 82°. 154 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 97. (6308—7.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 183 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a.? C. 519 mm., Z. d. 135 mm , F. a. 77°. 98 (6308—8.) (Stjbg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. sst. c. 20, Cap.? L. 169 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 358 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 80° 99. (6550.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. iet. c. 30, Cap. 1440c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 128 mm , I. f. m. 45, L. a. 383 mm., C. 524 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 80° A soldier. Presented by Assistant Sui-geon S. M. Hoeton, U. S. A. 100. (6717—1.) (SuEG. Sect.) A metopic calvarium. M. «et. c. 40, Cap ? L. 185 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m 43, L. a. 377 mm., C. 522 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 71° From the battle-field of the Wilderness. Collected by the Army Medical Museum. 101. (6717—2.) (sueq. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. m. set. c. 20, Cap ? L. 188 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 392 mm., C. 534 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 76°. From the battle-field of the Wilderness. Collected by the Army Medical Museum. 102. (6717—3.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 25, Cap.? L. 189 mm., B.? H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 383 mm., C. 538 mm., Z d.? F. a. 77°. From the battle-field of the Wilderness. Collected by the Army Medical Museum. 103. (6717—4.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 193 mm., B. 153 mm., H. 148 mm.,-1, f. m. 44, L. a. 404 mm., C. 545 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 78°. From the battle-field of the Wilderness. Collected by the Army Medical Museum. 104. (6718—1.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 20, Cap.? L. 187 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 393 mm., C. 527 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 76°. From the battle-field of the Wilderness. Collected by the Army Medical Museum. 105. (6718—2.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 25, Cap ? L. 175 mm., B.? H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 373 mm., C.? Z. d.? F. a.? From the battle-field of the Wilderness. Collected by the Army Medical Museum. 106. (6718—3.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. o. —, Cap.? L. 188 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 389 mm., C. 542 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. From the battle-field of the Wilderness. Collected by the Army Medical Museum. 107. (6718—4.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 30, Gap.? L. 182 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 382 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d. 123 mm., F. a. 70°. From the battle-field of the Wilderness. Collected by the Army Medical Museum. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 155 108. ((>71!)—1.) (SrRCi. Sect.) Calvarium, iniiievfeot, M. ret. c. (>0, Cap.? L. 18.") mm., B. 143 mm , H. l.S.ä mm., I. f. m. 4"), L. a. 370 mm., 0. .'526 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., P. a. 7.'>°. From the battle-field of the Wilderne,ss. Collected by the Army Medical Museum. 109. (0710—2.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ret. c. 25, Cap.? L. 17.5 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 122 mm., 1. f. m. 44, L. a. 373 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From the battle-field of the Wilderness. Collected by the Army Medical Museum. 110. (0710—3.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ret. c. 45, Cap.? L. 181 mm., B. 138 mm., H.? 1. f. m. 47, L. a. 371 mm., C. 509 mm., Z. d. 120 mm., F. a. 74°. From the battle-field of the Wilderness. Collected by the Army Medical Museum, 111. (528.) (SuEG. Sect.) A metopic calvarla of an adult male. Presented by Surgeon .1. C. Doer, F. S. Vols. 112. (025.) (SuEG. Sect.) A metopic calvarla of an adult male. Presented by Surgeon D. W. Bliss, U. S. Vols. 113. (8ÎÎ0 ) (SuEG. Sect.) A metopic cranium. M. ret. c. 45, Cap. 1030 c. c., L. 185 mm., B. 145 mm., PI. 131 mm., I. f. m. 53, L. a. 382 mm., C. .535 mm , Z. d. 129 mm , P. a. 76°. Pi'esented by Acting Assistant Surgeon -Ieeome B. Green. 114. (1310.) (Surg, Sect.) A metopic calvarla of an adult male. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon Alfred Edelin. 115 (1724.) (Sdeg. Sect.) A metopic calvarla of an adult male. Pre.sentcd by Acting Assistant Surgeon T. Hunt Stillwell. 116. (1 727.) (Surg. Sect ) A metopic calvarla of an adult male. Presented by Surgeon N, It. Moseley, IT. S. Vols. 117. (1871.) (Surg. Sect.) A metopic calvarla of an adult male. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon .Ioseph Leidy. 118. ((Î210.) (Surg. Sect.) A metopic calvarla of an adult male. Presented bj' Assistant Surgeon .1. H. T. King, U. S. A. 119. (0032.) (Surg. Sect.) A metopic cranium. M. ret. c. 61, Cap.? Ij 196 mm., B 146 mm.. PI. 142 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 403 mm., 0. 537 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 77° Presented by Dr. H. 0. Yarrow. 120. (i>47.) Cast of the skull of Daniel Boone. Iteceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 121. (.30.) Fourth lumbar vertebra of the British General Braddock, killed .luly 9, 1755, on the banks of the Monongahela. Collected by 0. Bentley, July. 1836 Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 156 CHECK LIST OP SECTION IV, B.—CRANIA FROM CENTRAL ANL> SOUTH AMERICA, INCLUDING YUCATAN. 1.—Yucatan Indians. « 1. (624.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1875 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 146 mm , H. V¿7 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. .362 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 76° Abo^ riginal. From a tumulus near Tixpehuac. Presented by Dr. E. A. Levee 2. (625.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 45, Cap. 1375 u. c., L. 168 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 349 mm., 0. 502 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 74°. Abo¬ riginal. From a tumulus near Tixpebuao. Presented by Dr. E. A. Levek. 3. (626.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1245 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 116 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 340 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 78° Abo¬ riginal. From a tumulus near Tixpehuac. Presented by Dr. E. A. Levee. 4. (627.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 30, Cap. 1185 c. c., L. 163 mm., B. 125 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 336 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 70° Aboriginal. From a tumulus near Tixpehuac. Presented by Dr. E. A. Lever. 5. (628.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 30, Cap. 1080 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 117 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 324 mm., C. 476 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a 72° Abo¬ riginal. From a tumulus near Tixpehuac. Presented by Dr. E. A. IíEvee. 6. (629.) Calvarium. Child, set. c. 6i, Cap. 1265 c. c., L. 159 ram., B. 143 mm., H. 117 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 327 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d. 114 mm., F. a. 83°. Aboriginal. From a tumulus near Tixpehuac. Presented by Dr. E. A. Lever. 7. (630.) Calvarium. Child, set. c. 4, Cap. 1050 c. c., L. 151 mm., B. 135 mm.. H, 108 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a 314 mm., C. 444 mm., Z. d. 109 mm , F. a. 81°. Aboriginal. From a tumulus near Tixpehuac. Presented by Dr. E. A. Levee. 8. (631.) Calvarium, imperfect. Child, set. c. 3, Cap. 9.30 c. c., L. 144 mm., B. 129 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 302 mm., C. 425 mm., Z. d. 95 mm., F. a.? Abo¬ riginal. From a tumulus near Tixpehuac. Presented by Dr. E. A. Lever. 2.—Guatemala Indians. 1. (269.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 165 mm., B 1.33 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m.? L. a. .3,39 mm , C.495 mm., Z.d. 132 mm., F. a. 73°. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (276.) Calvarium. M. set. o. 50, Cap. 1290 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 352 mm., C. 48.3 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 79° Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 157 3.—U. S. of Colombia Indians. 1. (1666.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 40, Cap? L. l.'iG mm., B. 1G3 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f, m. 41, L. a. 333 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 150 mm., F. a. 07°. From Medellin. Collected by Thomas Hoban. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4.—Peruvian Indians. 1. (1595.) Skeleton. F. set. c. 70. Height, 1435 mm. Cranium : Cap. 1240 c. c., L. 101 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 3.59 mm., C. 400 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 07°. Prepared at the Army Medical Museum. 2. (72.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1305 c. c.. L. 100 mm , B. 148 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 321 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 70° Quichna Pachicamac tribe. Collected by the Wilkes Exploring Expedition. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (74.) Cranium. M. set. c. 00, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 157 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 30, L. a. 343 mm., C. 470 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 74°. Quichna Pachicamac tribe. Collected by the Wilkes Exploring Expedition. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (80.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 104 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 340 mm., C. 480 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., P. a. 72°. Quichna Pachicamac tribe. Collected by the Wilkes Exploring Expedition. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (162.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 158 mm., B. 158 mm., H.? I. f. m? L a.? C. 497 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Presented by Professor Johnson Eliot. 0. (240.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 13.50 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 349 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d.? F, a. 78°. Pachicamac ti-ibe. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (249.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1070 c. c., L. 151 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 43. L. a. 314 mm., C. 404 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 71°. Pachicamac tribe. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 8. (250.) Cranium. Cap. 1355 c. c., L. 102 mm., B. 150 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 343 mm., C. .508 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., F. a. 74°. Pachicamac tribe. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution.* 9. (251.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 45, Cap. 1100 c. c., L. 159 mm , B. 137 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 327 mm., C. 407 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 08°. From one of the Nuecos, near Lima. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 158 CHECK LIST OP SECTION IV, 10. (25ÎÎ.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. GO, Cap. ? L. 1G2 mm., B. 15+ mm., H. 122 mm., I. f. m. +:!, L. a. 330mm., C. 409 mm., Z. d.? F. a. ? Pachicamao tribe. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 11. (255.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 70, Gap. 1430 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 349 mm., G. 499 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 71°. From A.rica. Received in exchange from the Smith.sonian Institution. 12. (384.) Calvaría. M. set. c. 45, Gap.? L. 173 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 372 mm., G. 505 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Pachicamac tribe. Received ill exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 13. (15i)4.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 1280 c. c., L 160 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 366 mm., C. 462 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 70°. From Chulpa, between Pusi and Taraco, Department of Puno, Peru. Formerly 433 Peabody Mu¬ seum. Vide Table I, page 14, of the Fourth Annual Report of Professor J. Wtman. Collected by E. G. Squieb. Received in exchange from the Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 14. (17i>4.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, G.ap. 13.50 c. c., L. 166 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 358 mm., G. 494 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. From Magdalena, near Lima, Peru. Collected by Henby Meigs. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 15. (17C>5.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Gap. 1120 c. c., L. 154 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 338 mm., G. 465 ipm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 69°. From Ancon, Peru. Collected by Henry Meigs. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 16. (170ÍJ.) Mummified head. F. set. c. 95. From Ancon, Peru. Collected by Henry Meigs. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 17. (17(>7.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 75, Gap. 1440 c. c., L. 172 mm., B. 161 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 338 mm., G. .534 mm., Z. d. 154 mm., F. a. 71°. From Ancon, Peru. Collected by Heney Meigs. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 18. (17i>8.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 80, Gap. 1270 c. c , L. 157 mm., B. 155 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 328 mm., G. 499 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 71' From Ancon, Peru. Collected by Henry Meigs. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 19. (170Í).) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 10, Gap. 12.50 c. c , L. 149 mm., B. 155 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 315 mm., C. 481 mm , Z. d. 107 mm., F. a.? From Ancon, Peru. Collected by Hbnby Meigs. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 20. (1770.) Mummified head. M. set. c. 65, with four cervical vertebrae and dark short hair. From Ghancay, Peru. Collected by Henry Meigs. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 159 21. (1771.) Calvarium. F. œt. c. GO, Cap. 1040 o. c., L. 102 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 337 mm., 0. 40,5 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 77°. From Chillón Valley, Peru. Collected by Henet Meigs. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 22. (1772.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. fet. c. 4, Cap.? L. 130 mm., B. 113 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 310 mm., C. 399 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Grotto San Mateo, Arroya Road, Peru. Collected by Henkv Meigs. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 23. (1773.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 60, Cap.? L. 175 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f. m .OO, L. a. 391 mm., C. OOG mm., Z. d.? F a. 71°. From Tiahuanaca, Peru. Collected by Henry Meigs. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 24. (1774.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. .50, Cap.? L. 103 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a.? C. 479 mm., Z. d. 123 mm., F. a. 71° From.Tia¬ huanaca, Peru. Collected by Henry Meigs. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 25. (1775.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 05, Cap.? L. 109 mm., B. 120 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 4G3 mm., Z. d.? F. a. G8° Collected by Henry Meigs. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5.—Matico Indians. 1. (114.) Calvarium. Child, iet. c. 8, Cap. 1225 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 127 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. ,50, L. a. .34G mm., C. 464 mm., Z. d. 105 mm., F. a. 83°. From Esquina Grande, Provinca Salta, Argentine Republic. Collected by Captain T. .J. Page. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (248.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 45, Cap. 1195 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 129 mm., H. 1,30 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. .362 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 77°. From Esquina Grande, Provinca Salta, Argentine Republic. Collected by Captain T. .1. Page; Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (268.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1160 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 129 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 346 mm., 0. 486 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 79° From Esquina Grande, Provinca Salta. Collected by Captain T. J. Page. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (5529.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 187 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 375 mm., C. 518 mm., Z. d. 140 mm, F. a. 80°. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 160 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 6.—Chilian Indians. 1. (270.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 70, Cap.? L. 164 mm., B. 143 mm., H.? I. f. ra.? L. a.? 0. 486 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 77°. From the Province of Atacama. Collected by Lieutenant Gillis. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 2 (1)70.) (SuBG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 35, Cap.? L. 173 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 141 mm., I f. m. 40, L. a. 353 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 76°. An Araucanian, killed by Chilian troops. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (1)71.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set c. 30, Cap ? L. 183 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 138 mm., I f. m. 43, L a. 368 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78° An Araucanian, killed by Chilian troops. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution. 7.—Patagonian Indians. 1. (231).) Skeleton. F. set. c. 40, H. 1470 mm. Cranium : Cap. 1425 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 141 mm , H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 356 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F a 71°. From near Refugio Bay. Collected by Dr. A. Reid, of Valpa¬ raiso. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (244.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 70, Cap. 1435 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 1.56 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 346 mm.. C. 502 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 66° From fifty- four miles northeast of Chilian settlement. Collected by Dr. A. Reid, of Valpa¬ raiso. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (i)72.) (SuKG Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap ? L. 187 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 143 mm , I. f. m 42, L. a.? C. 518 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 71°. A Pampa from the northeastern part of Patagonia. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution. 8.—From Chatham Island. 1. (154Í).) Cranium. F. set. c. 65, Cap. 1510 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 382 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 76°. An aboriginal. Collected by Dr. E. Kershnek. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 2. (1556.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1500 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 390 mm., C. 525 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 71°. Collected by Dr. E. Kershnee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 3. (1557.) Cranium. F. set. c. 20, Cap. 1450 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 360 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 79°. Collected by Dr. E. Keeshnee. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 161 C.—EUROPEAN CRANIA. 1Austrians. 1. (lOGl.) Calvarium. M. eet. c. G.ö, Cap. 1500 o. c., L. 182 mm., B. 1.5.3 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 371 mm., 0. 531 mm., Z- d. 138 mm., F. a. 7'J°. Col¬ lected by Dr. D. Kollman. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (19G2.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. .50, Gap. 1330 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 1+1 mm., H. 12+ mm., I. f. m. +3, L. a 358 mm., 0. 522 mm., Z. d. 1+1 mm , F. a. 75°. Gollected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 3. (1003.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 50, Gap. 1520 c. c., L. 180 mm., B, 155 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. ++, L. a. 377 mm., G 52+ mm., Z. d. 13+ mm., F. a 76°. Col¬ lected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. +. (19Ö4:.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. .50, Gap. 1570 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 1+0 mm., I. f. m. ++, L. a. 377 mm., G. 537 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 72° Collected by Dr. D. Kollm.an. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 5. (1905.) Calvarium. F.aet. c.+5. Gap, 1+50 c.c., L. 168 mm., B. 1+7 mm., H 130 mm., I. f. m. +1, L. a. 359 mm., G. 503 mm., Z, d. 130 mm., F. a. 72°. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 6. (1960.) Calvarium. F. fet. c. 30, Gap. 1270c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. +2. L. a. 356 mm., G. +98 mm., Z. d. 130 mm , F. a. 76°. Col¬ lected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (1907.) A metopic calvarium. F. set. c. 35, Gap, 1150 c. c., L. 163 mm., B. 1+2 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. ++, L. a. 337 mm., G. +82 mm., Z, d. 123 mm., F. a. 77°. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 8. (1908.) Calvarium. M. set, c. +5, Gap. 1330 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f m. +4, L. a 366 mm., G. 508 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 68°. Col¬ lected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 0. (1909.) Cranium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1+00 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 1+7 mm., H. 130 mm , I. f. m. 38, L. a. 36+ mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 13+ mm., F. a. 75°. Col¬ lected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 10. (1970.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set c 70, Gap. 1370 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 119 mm., I. f. m. +1, L. a. 362 mm., G. 523 mm., Z. d. 133 mm , F. a. 77°. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 11. (1971.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Gap. 1+80 c. c., L. 187 mm.. B. 1+3 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. +(;, L. a. 381 mm., C. 532 mm., Z. d. 133 mm.. F. a. 86°. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 162 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 12. (1972.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. œt. c 40, Cap. 1500 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 13.5 mm., I. f. m. .3!), L. a. .377 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 8.5°. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received lu exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 13 (1982.) Calvarium. F tet. c. 55, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f m 42, L. a 356 mm., C. 507 mm , Z d. 124 mm., F. a. 78°. Col¬ lected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the SmitRsonian Institution. 14. (1983.) Calvarium. F. set. c. (!5, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 168 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 340 mm., C. 522 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., F. a. 75°. From St. Gilgen, Austria. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 15. (1984.) A metopic calvarium. F. ait. c. 80, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 143 mm., H 127 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 342 mm., C 487 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 81°. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2.—Bavarians. 1. (1973.) A metopic calvarium. F. set. c. 60, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 338 mm., C. 448 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 77°. From South Bavaria. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (1974.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 75, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 34, L. a. 357 mm., C. 509 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 86°- From South Bavaria. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (1975.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1670 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 154 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 366 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 77°. From South Bavaria. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (1976.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 70, Cap. 1600 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 154 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 389 mm., C. 522 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., F. a. 81° From South Bavaria. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (1977.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 160 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 345 mm., C. 484 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 7,5° From South Bavaria. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (1978.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 75, Cap. 1370 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 137 r , H. 1.33 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 367 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 79°. From South Bavaria. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 163 7. (11)79.) Calvarium. M. aat c. 90, Cap. 1250 o. c., L, 175 mm., B. Ill mm., H. 135 mm., I, f. m. 37, L. a. 372 mm., 0. 498 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 82°. From South Bavaria, lleceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 8. (1980.) Calvarium. F. œt. c. 75, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 357 mm., C. 499 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 79°. From South Bavaria. Collected by Dr. D. Koluman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 9. (1981.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 80, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 129 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 359 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 81° From South Bavaria. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3.—Danes. 1. (ÍÍ10.) Cranium. M. mt. c. 40, Cap. 1560 c. c., L. 192 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 384 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 73°. From a Barrow, Denmark. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4 —English. 1. (996.) Calvaria. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1490 c. c., L. 192 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 132 mm , I. f. m. 43, L. a. 382 mm., C. 529 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Found near the Chateau de Hougomont, battle-field of .Waterloo. Presented by Dr. H. C. Yabbow. 5.—French. 1. (7853.) Casts of two calvarium, of one calvaria, of a femur, humerus, ulna, two tibiae, and fibula. From the cave of Cro-Magnon. Collected by Professor Labtet. Presented by Professor A. de Quatebeages, of the Institute of France, to the Smithsonian Institution, from whence it was received through exchange. 2. (783.) Cast of the lower maxilla. From Moulin Tuigien. Presented by Professor A. de Quateefages, of the Institute of France, to the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution, from whence it was received through exchange. 6.—G-ermans. 1. (1985.) Cast of a calvarium, imperfect. F. set. c.? Cap.? L. 189 mm., B. loo'mm., H.? I. f. m ? L. a. 364 mm., C. 547 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. From Bremen. North Germany. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 164 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 'i- (lî)8G.) Cast of a calvarla, imperfect. Cap.? L. 197 mm., B. 140 mm., H 143 mm., I. f. m.? L. a. 409 mm , C. 54.') mm., Z. d.V F. a.? From Bremen, North Germany. Collected by Dr. D. Kollman. Keceived in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 3. (04:4:5.) (StjitG. Sect.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 45, Cap. 1G75 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 155 mm , H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 394 mm , C. 551 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 75°. A private of the Gth U- S. Cavalry. From Camp Sui)ply, I. T. Pre¬ sented by Assistant Surgeon P. J. A. Cleaky, U. S. A. 4. ((>450.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium. M. set. c. 41, Cap. 1390 o.e., L. 173 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a 357 mm., C. 507 mm., Z d. 140 mm., F. a. 75°. Presented by Hospital Steward Conrad Bock, Ü. S. A. 7.—Hungarians. 1. (1987.) Cast of a cranium. F. set. c.? Cap.? L. 179 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m.? L. a. 351 mm., C.515 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 78°. Collected by Dr. D. Koleman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 9. (1988.) Cast of a cranium. F. aet. c. ? Cap ? L. 17G mm., B. 150 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m.? L. a. 35G mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 75° Collected by Dr. D. Koelman. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 8.—Romano—British. 1. (1161.) Cranium. F. set. c. 95, Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 197 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 375 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 80°. From a grave in the cemetery at Frilford, a village seven miles from Oxford, England. Col¬ lected by Professor Geo. Roleiston, of Oxford University. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 9. (1103.) A metopic cranium. F. set. c. 40, Cap.? L 183 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 139 mm., f. m. 41, L. a. 363 mm., C. 595 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. From an ancient Roman burial-place at York, England. Collected by Professor Geo. Roeeiston, of Oxford University, England. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion. 9.—Laplanders. 1. (54:4:.) Cast of the head of an adult Laplander. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (54:5.) Cast of the head of an adult Laplander. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 165 ;î (546.) Oast of the head of au adult Laplauder. Keeeived iu exchange from the Smithsoniau Institution. 10.—Russians. 1. (1615—1.) Cast of a cranium of an adult. Cap.? L. 175 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 358 mm., 0. 497 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 72°. Received from St. Petersburg, through the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (1615—2.) Cast of a calvarium of an adult. Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 153 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 373 mm., C. 529 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 84°. Received from St. Petersburg, through the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (1615—3.) Cast of a cranium of an adult Cap.? L. 171 mm , B. 140 mm., H. 133 mm , I. f. m. 41, L. a. 351 mm., C. 496 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 76°. Received from St. Petersburg, through the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (1615—4.) Cast of a calvarium of an adult. Cap.? L. 178 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m 44, L. a. 360 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d. 137 mm.. F. a. 76° Received from St. Petersburg, through the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (1615—5.) Cast of a calvarium of an adult. Cap.? L. 177 mm., B. 158 mm,, H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 367 mm., C. 529 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., F. a. 79°. Received from St. Petersburg, through the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (1615-6 ) Cast of a calvarium of an adult. Cap.? L. 188 ram., B. 160 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 387 mm., C. 544 mm., Z. d. 150 mm., F. a. 79° Received from St. Petersburg, through the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (1615—7.) Cast of a calvarium of an adult. Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 163 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. .367 mm., C. 525 mm., Z. d. 147 mm , F. a. 75°. Re¬ ceived from St. Petersburg, through the Smithsonian Institution. 8. (1615—8.) Cast of a calvarium of an adult. Cap.? L. 183 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. .378 mm., C. 534 mm., Z. d. 149 mm., F. a. 75°. Re¬ ceived from St. Petersburg, through the Smithsonian lu.stitution. 9. (1615-9.) Cast of a cranium of an adult. Cap.? L. 184 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 149 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 383 mm., C. 526 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 73° Re¬ ceived from St. Petersburg, through the Smithsonian Institution. 10. (1615 —10.) Cast of a calvarium of an adult. Cap.? L. 180 mm., B. 158 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 375 mm., C. 540 mm., Z. d 145 mm., F. a. 74°. Re¬ ceived from St. Petersburg, through the Smithsonian Institution. 11. (1615—11.) Cast of a calvarium of an adult. Cap.? L. 190 mm., B. 155 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 373 mm., C. 550 mm., Z. d 157 mm., F. a. 76°. Received from St. Petersburg, through the Smithsonian Institution. CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 11.—Spaniards. 1. (2{)5.) Calvarium. M. £et. c. ">0, Cap. ir)80 c. c , L. 175 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. .371 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 13,3 mm., F. a, 77^ Skull of an old archbishop of Lima, Peru. Keceived in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 12.—Romans. 1. (382.) Calvarium. M. ast. e. 25, Cap.?L. 183 mm., B. 127 mm., H. 180 mm., I. f. ra. 50, L. a. 378 mm , 0. 502 ram., Z. d.? F. a. 80° From the ruins of Carthage. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution !>.—ASIATIC CRANIA. 1.—Esquimaux Asiatics. 1. (t)0.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. ret. c. 35, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 13G mm., H.? I. f. m.? L a.? 0. 483 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Plover Bay, west side of Behring's Straits. Collected by W. H. Daul. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (2.56.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1500 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 375 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. 143 mm., F. a. 71°. From Plover Bay, west side of Behring's Straits. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (257.) Cranium. M. ast. c. 45, Cap. 1580 c. a., L. 183 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 391 mm., C. 524 mm., Z. d. 1.32 mm., F. a. 74°. From Plover Bay. Collected by W. H. Dali,. Received in exchange from the Smithso¬ nian Institution. 4. (2C)0.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. ret. c. 55, Cap.? L. 178 mm., B. 1.35 mm., H.? I. f. ni.? L. a. 308 mm , C. 499 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Plover BajL Col¬ lected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (277.) Cranium. M. set c. 40, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 178 mm , B 132 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 350 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 77° From Plover Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 0. (278.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set. c. 00, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 141 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 508 mm , Z. d.? F. a.? From Plover Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (318.) Fragments. From Plover Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. iíRMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 167 8. (353.) Calvaría, imperfect. M. set. c. Gñ, Cap.? L. 187 mm., B. 136 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 517 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Plover Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Eeceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 9. (3S5.) Fragments. From Plover Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 10. (3SG.) Fragments. From Plover Bay. Collected by W. H. Dall. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2.—Chuckchees. 1. (263.) Calvarium. M. set. c.40, Cap. 1480 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 141 mm., H. l.'!5 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 362 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., F. a. 69° One of the Beindeer tribe. From Arickamcheche Island, west coast of Behring's Straits. Collected by Dr. Wm. Stimpson. Beceived in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 2. (264.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1425 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 372 mm., C. 498 mm., Z d. 132 mm., F. a. 70°. Beindeer tribe from Arickamcheche Island, west coast of Behring's Straits. Col¬ lected by Dr. W. Stimpson. 3.—Japanese. 1. (776.) Cranium. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 357 mm., C. 487 mm., Z. d. 120 mm., F. a 77°. From a cemetery in Hiogo, Japan. Contributed by Dr. W. H. Jones. 2. (616.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1775 c. c., L. 186 mm , B 148 mm., H. 152 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 398 mm., C. 535 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F a. 81°. Cue of the upper caste. Presented by Dr. Junghads, of Sago, .Japan. 3. (617.) Cranium. M. set. c. 34, Cap 1305 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 131 mm., 11. 137 mm , I. f. m. 46, L. a. 372 mm., C. 496 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 78°. A criminal. Presented by Dr. Junghaus, of Sago, Japan. 4. (1,575.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1570 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 143 mm., H 146 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 394 mm., C. 519 mm , Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 75°. A thief. One of the Ninsok class. From the execution grounds, on the ro.ad between Yokohama and Yeddo. Presented by Surgeon J. H. Kiddee, U. S. N. 5. (1576.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1535 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 380 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 1.34 mm., F. a. 79° A thief. One of the Kinsok cla.ss. From the execution grounds, on the road between Yokohama and Yeddo. Presented by Surgeon J. H. Kidder, U. S. N. 168 CHECK LIST OP SECTION IV, 4.—Coreans. 1. (12<>{l.) Calvarium. M. set. o. 85, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 108 mm., B 121 mm , H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 354 mm., 0. 487mm., Z. d. 131 mm., P. a. 72°. From Vladeivostok. Collected bj' Professor Asaph Hall, U.S. N. Presented by Profes¬ sor Otis T. Mason, of tbe Columbian College, Washington. 2. (1270.) Cranium. Child, œt. c. 9, Cap. 1530 c. o., L. 179 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 384 mm., C. .508 mm., Z. d. ? P. a. 90° Prom Vladeivostok. Collected by Professor Asaph Hall, U. S. N. Pre.sented by Professor Otis T. Mason, of Columbian College, Washington. 5.—Chinese. 1. (05G.) Skeleton. M. set. c. 50. H. 1646 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1650 mm., L. 183 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 51, L. a. 399 mm., C. 529 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., P. a. 73^ Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. Bentley, U. S A. 2. (957.) Skeleton. P. set. c. 45. H. 1405 mm. Cranium: Cap. 1650 mm., L. 165 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 352 mm., C. 491 mm., Z d. 128 mm., P. a. 80°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. Bentley, U. S. A. 3. (75.) Calvarium. Child, let. c. 8, Cap. 1050 c. c., L. 151 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 121 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 321 mm., C. 438 mm., Z. d. 96 mm., P. a. 89° Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (780.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 45, Cap. 1370 c. c., L 174 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 136 mm., 1. f. m. 44, L. a. 366 mm., C. 496 mm., Z d. 131 mm., P. a. 72°. Prom an exposed grave on Min River, China. Contributed by Dr. W. H -Jones. 5. (958.) Cranium. M. let. c. 45, Cap. 1425c. c.,L. 178 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 370 mm., C. .507 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., P. a.? Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. Bentley, U. S. A. 6. (1568.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1240 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 136 mm , H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 369 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., P. a. 75°. Prom California. Collected by Stephen Powers. Received in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution 6.—Botan tribe of Formosa. 1. (1589.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 3.5, Cap. 1610 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 155 mm., I. f. m. 3.5, L. a. .387 mm., C. 515 mm., Z d. 135 mm., P. a. 80°. Presented by Dr. Stuart Eldridge, of Yokohama, Japan. 2. (,1590.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 55, Cap. 1.530 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 137 mm,, I. f. m. 4.5, L. a. 378 mm., C. 530 mm , Z. d. 143 mm., P. a. 81° Presented by Dr. Stuart Eldridge, of Yokohama, Japan. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 3. (lí>í)l.) Calvarium. M. fet. c. 21, Cap. 1470 c. c., L. 174 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 14,1 mm , I. f. m. 42, L. a. 3.17 mm., 0. 107 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Presented by Br. Stuart Eldkidge, of Yokoma, Japan. 7.—Jews. 1. (44.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 31, Cap. 1480 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 368 mm., 0. 511 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 71° Pre¬ sented by Hospital Steward E. F. Schafhirt, U. S. A. E.-AFKICANS. 1.—Egyptians. 1. (906.) Mummified Egyptian head of a male adult. Presented by Dr. G Johnson. 2.—Hottentots. 1. (42.) Oast of the head of a Hottentot adult. Prepared and presented by Pro¬ fessor J. B. S. Jackson, of Boston, Massachusetts. P.-CRANIA FROM OCEANICA. 1.—Sandwich Islanders. 1. (73.) Calvarium. M. iet. c. 31, Cap. 1420 e.c., L. 178 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 371 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 81°. A Kanaka, from an old cemetery at Wailuku, Maui. Collected by Dr. J. P. Couthouy. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 2. (78.) Calvarium. Child, Sdt. c. 6, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 159 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 34, L. a. 327 mm., C. 467 mm., Z. d. 108 mm., F. a. 86°. From Kalihivvai, Kanal. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (79.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1550 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 40, D. a. 384 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 78° A Kanaka. From Wailuku, Maui. Collected by Dr. J. P. Couthouy. 4. (91.) Calvarium. M. iet. c. 30, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 359 mm , C. 495 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 79°. A Kanaka. Collected by Wilkes' Exploring Expedition. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 170 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 5. (27Í).) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ret. u. Go, Cap.? L. 175 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 14(; mm., I. f. m. 49, L. n. 372 mm., C. 518 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? (This and the following eight skulls, No. 279 to No. 2S7 inclusive, were received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. They were collected by Dr. J. P. Oouthouy, from an an¬ cient cemetery at Wniluku, Maui.) 6. (280.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1240 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f m. 50, L. a 352 mm., C- 486 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 74°. 7. (281.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m.? L. a. 362 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 12.5 mm., F. a. 78°. 8. ("282.) Calvarium. F. œt. c. 25, Cap. 1415 c. c., L. 162 mm., B. 149 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f m. 49, L. a. 352 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 125 mm , F. a. 83°. 9. (283.) Calvarium. M. ret. c. 40, Cap. 15,30 e. c., L. 183 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 149 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 381 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 75°. 10 (284.) Calvarium. M. ret. c. 35, Cap. 1680 o. c., L. 184 mm., B. 162 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 53, L. a. 394 mm., C. 543 mm , Z. d. 145 mm., F. a. 71° 11. (285.) Calvarium. M. ret. c. 45, Cap. 1385 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 136 itim., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 368 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 74°. 12. (286.) Cranium. M. ret. c. 50, Cap. 1450 e. v., L. 186 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 384 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 78°. 13. (287.) Calvarium. F. ret. c. 70, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 302 mm., C. 498 mm.. Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 76°. 14. (291.) Calvarium. F. ret. c. 45, Cap. 1225 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 140 mm., H 133 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 343 mm., G. 473 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 77°. 15. (421.) Cranium. M. ret. c. 25, Cap ? L. 184 mm., B. 141 mm , H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 387 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 79° (This and the following eighty-seven skulls, Nos. 421 to 615, inclusive, were received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. They were collected by Mr. Valdemar Kedidsen, at Kauai, Hiwaiian Islands.) 16. (422.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 25, Cap. 1360 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 359 mm., C. .505 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 79° 17. (423.) Cranium, imperfect. M. ret. c. 45, Cap.? L. 187 mm., B. 138 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 381 ram., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 79°. 18 (424.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 50, Cap. 1110 c. c., L. 168 mm., B 129 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. .39, L. a 343 mm., C. 476 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 79°. 19. (425.) Cranium. M. ret. o. 45, Cap.'14G5 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 381 mm., C. 527 mm , Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 75°. 20. (427.) Calvarium, imperfect. Child, ret. c. 8, Cap ? L. 156 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 343 mm., C. 473 mm., Z. d. 114 mm., F. a. 87°. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 171 21. (428.) Cranium. F. set. c. Cap.? L. 178 mm., B. Ill mm., H. 110 mm., I. f. m. 10, L. a. 368 mm., 0. ,511 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 76°. 22. (421).) Cranium. F. set. c. 15, Cap. 1210 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 17, L. a. 356 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 78°. 23. (430.) Calvarium. F. set. o 80, Cap 1100 c. c , L. 170 mm., B. 110 mm., H. Ill mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 365 mm., C. 192 mm., Z. d. 121 mm., F a. 86° 21. (431.) Cranium. F. set. o. 35, Cap. 1260 o. c., L. 1(>5 mm., B. 110 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 316 mm., C. 176 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 75° 25 (432.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1200 c. c., L. 162 mm., B 138 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a.? C. 486 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 77°. 26. (433.) Cranium. M. set. o. 65, Cap. 1750 c. c., L. 205 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 152 mm., I. f. m. 48, L, a. 422 mm., C. 559 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 77° 27. (434.) Cranium. P. œt. c. 30, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 146 mm , I. f. m. 41, L. a. 375 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 122 mm , F. a. 82.° 28. (435.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1230 c. c., L. 168 mm., B 136 mm., H. 149 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 352 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 76°. 29. (436.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1120 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 137 mm., H. Ill mm., I. f. m. 42, L a. 371 mm , C. .502 mm , Z. d. 132 mm., P. a. 76°. 30. (437.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 15, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 165 mm., B. 1,38 mm., H. 130 mm , I. f. m. 44, L. a. 319 mm , C. 470 mm., Z. d. 108 mm., F. a. 82°. 31. (438.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1590 c. c., L. 189 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f m. 42, L. a. 391 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 80°. 32. (436.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m 40, L. a. 372 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., P. a.? .33 (440.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap.? L. 182 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 368 mm., C. 511 mm , Z d. 132 mm., F. a. 74° 34. (441.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1175 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 313 mm., C. 192 mm., Z d. 128 mm., F. a. 77°. .35. (443.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1730 c. c., L. 189 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 391 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d. 110 mm., F. a. 77°. 3(i. (443.) Cranium, imperfect. F. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1365 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. .3(!2 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 79°. .37. (444.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1300 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 371 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 83°. .">8. (445.) Cranium. M. .œt. c. 40, Cap. 1,500c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 372 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 137 mm., F. a. 76°. 172 CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, liO (446.) Cranium. M. iet c. 50, Cap 1380 c. c., L. 173 mm , B. 133 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 375 mm.. 0. 492 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., P. a. 78°. 40. (447.) Cranium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1295 c. c,, L. 173 mm., B 140 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 41, L, a. :>59 mm., 0. 495 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., P. a. 78°. 41. (448.) Cranium. P. set. c. :!5, Cap. 1335 o. c., L. 178 mm., B. 132 mm,, H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 31, L. a. 3G8 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., P. a. 82°. 42. (446.) Cranium. M. ¡et. c. 30, Cap, 1230 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 341! mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d 129 mm., P. a. 82°. 4:>. (450.) Cranium. M. set. c. 75, Cap. 1410 c. o., L. 180 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 378 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 82° 44. (451.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 30, Cap 1330 c. c., L. 168 mm., B 140 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a ? C. 495 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., P. a. 83° 45. (452.) Cranium, impei-fect. M. set. u. 35, Cap.? L. 173 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 46, L a. 359 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., P. a. 79°. 46. (453.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 359 mm., C. 492 mm., Z d. 132 mm., P. a.? 47. (454.) Cranium. M. œt. c. ,50, Cap. 1,500 c. c., L, 178 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 375 mm , C. .502 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 78°. 48. (455.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1490 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 308 mm., C. 508 mm., Z d. 135 mm , P. a. 79°. 49. (457.) Cranium. M. iet. c. 00, Cap 1500 c. o., L 187 mm., B. 148 mm., H.148 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 387 mm., C. 527 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., P. a. 80°. 50. (5CJ3.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1490 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 381 mm., C. 514 mm , Z. d. 130 mm., P. a. 75° 51. (564.) Calvarium. P. set. c. 40, Cap. 1425 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 305 mm., C. ,502 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., P. a. 81°. 52. (565.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set c. 50, Cap ? L. 17:! mm., B. 130 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 340 mm., C. 492 mm., Z d. 127 mm., P. a. 81°. 53. (566.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 00, Cap. 1175 c. c., L. 157 mm., B. 137 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 407 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 78° 54. (5ÎÎ7.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 12, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 51, L. a. 3,50 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d ? P. a. 87°. .55. (5(>8.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 80, Cap. 1225 c c., L. 170 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 359 mm., C. 479 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 83°. 50. (569.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f, m. 44, L. a. 3.59 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., P. a. 81°. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 173 57. (570.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. œt. c. 30, Cap. 1810 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 358 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 81° 58 (571.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 45, Cap 1435 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 368 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a 76°. 59. (57Í3.) Calvarium. M. tet. c. 75, Cap. 1440 c. c., L. 183 mm , B. 136 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 378 mm., C. 518 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 78°. 60. (573.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 375 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d. 185 mm., F. u. 88". 61. (574.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 65, Cap.? L. 1(>5 mm., B. 146 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 445 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 80°. 63. (575.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 65, Cap. 1370 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 139 mm , H. 141 mm.. I. f. m. 44, L. a. 372 mm., 0. 505 mm., Z. d. 133 mm , F. a. 80°. 63. (576.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. .50, Cap.? L. 181 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 136 mm , I. f. m. 45, L. a. 372 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 78°. 64. (577.) Cranium. F. set. o. 55, Cap. 1340 e. c , L. 164 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 352 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 80°. 65 (578 ) Cranium. F. mt. c. 35, Cap. 1180 c. c., L. 167 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 346 mm., C. 473 mm , Z. d. 119 mm., F. a. 78°. 66. (579.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 15, Cap. 1315 c. c., L. 159 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 346 mm., C. 464 mm., Z. d. 110 mm., F. a. 89°. 67. (580.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1855 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 41, L a. 343 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 75°. 68. (581.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1425 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a 365 mm., C. .502 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 74° 69. (583.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set c. 45, Cap.? L. 168 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 146 mm., I.f. m. 39, L. a. 359 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 79°. 70. (583.) Cranium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1365 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 368 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 80°. 71. (584.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 178 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 362 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 79°. 72. (585.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 132 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 381 mm., C, 501 mm., Z, d. 129 mm., F. a.? 73. (586.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 132 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C, 486 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 79° 74. (587.) Calvarium. M. set. c. .50, Cap. 1150 c. c., L, 170 mm., B. 127 mm. H. 136 mm., 1. f. m. 47, L. a. 356 mm., C. 483 mm , Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 77°. 174 CHECK LIST OE SECTION IV, 75. (588.) Calvarium. M. ast. c. 55, Cap. 1510 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 1-13 mm., H. Ill mm., I. f. m. +5, L. a. 384 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 7 P. a 84°. 7(i. (58Í).) Calvarium. M. ait. c. 50, Gap. 1360 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 143 mm , I. f. m. 42, L. a. 375 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 84°. 77. (*590.) Calvarium. P. œt. o. 70, Cap. 1860 c. c., L. 173 mm., B. 138 mm., H. l.">5 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a, 368 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., P. a. 81°. 78. (591.) Calvarium. M. iet. c. 45, Cap. 1590 c. c., L. 189 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 394 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., P. a. 77°. 79. (59ii.) Calvarium. M. ret. c. 19, Ca2J. 1410 c. u , L. 167 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 358 mm., C. 488 mm., Z. d.V P. a 85°. 80. (593.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 40, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. 173 mm , B. 140 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 359 mm., C. 499 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., P. a. 75° 81. (594.) Calvarium. P. 88t. c. 35, Cap. 1240 o. c., L. 165 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 337 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., P. a. 78°. 82. (595.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ast. c. 15, Cap.? L. 171 mm., B. 125 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 349 mm., C. 470 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 81°. 83. (596.) A metopic calvarium. M. set. c. 28, Cap.? L. 176 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 375 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., P. a. 84°. 84. (597.) Calvarium, imijerfect. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 179 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a.? C. 517 mm., Z. d ? P. a. 76°. 85. (598.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set. c. 35. 86. (.599.) Calvarium, imperfect. P. set. c. 40, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 138 mm , H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 381 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., P. a. 76°. 87. (600.) Calvaria, imperfect. P. ffit. c. 45, Cajj. 1330 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 130 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a ? C. 498 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., P. a.? 88. (601.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ast. c. 35, Cap. 1390 c.c , L. 175 mm., B. 141 mm, H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 371 mm., C. 499 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 80°. 89. (602.) Calvarium. M. iet. c- 45, Gap. 1500 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 365 mm., C. 514-mm., Z. d. 133 mm., P. a. 80° 90. (603.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1335 c, c., L. 168 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 141 mm., I f. m. 44, L. a. 362 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 84°. 91. (604.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1480 c. c., L. 178 mm , B. 149 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 381 mm., C. .508 mm., Z. d. 135 mm , P. a. 73°. 92. (605) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 30, Cap.? L. 167 mm., B. 136 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a. 352 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., P. a. 83°. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 175 !)3 (606.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. let. c. .50, Cap.? L. 178 mm , B. 141 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L, a.? 0. 498 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 76°. 94. (607.) Calvarium. M. aat. c. 55, Cap. 1425 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 372 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 80°. 95. (608.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 65, Cap. 1295 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 849 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 82° 96. (600.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1355 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 381 mm., C 505 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 80°. 97. (610.) Calvarium. F. set. e 45, Cap. 1340 o. c., L. 178 mm., B. 130 mm., H 138 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 349 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 74°. 98. (611.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1420 c. o., L. 167 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 352 mm , C. 498 mm., Z. d.? F. a 79°. 99. (612.) Calvaria. M, set. c. ,50, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 362 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? 100. (613.) Calvariurh. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1340 c. o., L. 168 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 356 mm., C. 498 mm,, Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 75°. 101. (614.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 60, Cap ? L. 171 mm., B. 151 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 368 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., P. a. 83° 102. (615.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1385 c. c , L. 171 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m 43, L. a. 368 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 78° 103. (704.) Calvarium. M.set.c. 60, Cap. 1290 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 44, L a. 362 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 79°. {This and the following nine skulls, from No. 704 to No. 713, inclusive, are Kanakas. They were presented by Dr. P. W. Hutchinson, Minister of the Interior for the Hawaiian Oovernment.) 104. (705.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 60, Cap.? L. 165 mm., B. 152 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a ? C. 502 mm., Z. d ? F. a. 82°. 105. (706.) Cranium. M. set c. 55, Cap. 1480 c. e., L. 181 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 148 mm , I. f. m. 45, L. a. 381 mm., C. 521 mm., Z d.? F. a. 83°. 106. (707.) Cranium. F. set. c. 75, Cap. 1270 c. c., L. 164 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 349 mm., C. 476 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 79°- 107. (708.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap ? L. 175 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a.? C. 502 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 77°. 108. (700.) Cranium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1410c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 381 mm., C. 514 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a 81°. 109. (710.) Cranium. M, set. c. 50, Cap.? L. 181 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 368 mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 84°. 17ß CHECK LIST OF SECTION IV, 110. (711.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 6.5, Cap. 1470 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 146 mm., H, 135 mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 36S mm., C. 511 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 111 (7152.) Cranium, imperfect. F. set. c. 30, Cap.? L.? B. 133 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a ? 0.? Z. d.? F. ». 74°. 112. (713.) Cranium, imperfect. F. ast. c. 55, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B. 146 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 508 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., F. a. 82°. 113. (838.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 60, Cap. 1400 c. c.. L. 186 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 378 mm., C. 518 mm., Z d. 135 mm., F. a. 80°. (This and the following twenty-four skulls, from No. 838 to No. 862, inclusive, were received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. They were collected by Mr. Valdemae Keüidsen, at Kauai, Hawaiian Islands.) 114. (830.) Cranium. M. ast. c. 70, Cap. 1440 c. o., L. 193 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 387 mm., C. .530 mm., Z. d. 127 mm., F. a. 80°. 115. (840.) Calvarium. M. ast. c. 45, Cap. 1510 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 1.39 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 396 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d. 123 mm., F. a. 77° 116. (841.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 35, Cap. 1560 c. c , L. 175 mm., B. 146 mm., H.? I. f. m ? L. a.? C. 510 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 74°. 117. (843.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 30, Cap.? L. 162 mm., B. 143 mm , H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 356 mm., C. 487 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 77° 118. (843.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 65, Cap. 1510 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 143 mm , H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 375 mm., C. 519 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 80°. 119. (844.) Cranium. F. ast. c. 50, Cap. 1250 c. c., L 160 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 355 mm., C. 475 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 76°. 120. (84.'>.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 70, Cap. 13.50 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 365 mm., C. 503 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 78°. 121. (84(>.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. ¡et. c. 55, Cap. 1500 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 14(! mm., H. ? I. f m.? L. a. ,'!72 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d. 132 mm. F. a. 80°. 122. (847.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. aet. c. 80, Cap.? L. 170 mm., B.? H. 1.50 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 369 mm., C. 490 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 74°. 123. (848.) Craniurri, imperfect. F. set. c 55, Cap. 1395 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 145 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 507 mm , Z. d. 137 mm. F. a. 74°. 124. (840.) Calvarium. !([. aet. c. 60, Cap. 1360 c. c., L. 181 mm., B 142 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 375 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. 124 mm., F. a. 75°. 125. (850.) Cranium. F. aet. c. 45, Cap. 1150 o. c., L. 170 mm., B. 125 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 3.55 mm., C. 482 mm., Z. d. 121 mm., F. a. 80°. 126. (851.1 Cranium, imperfect. F. aet. c. 65, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 17i> mm., B. 137 mm , H.? I. f. m ? L. a. 361 mm., C. .502 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 75°. AKMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 177 127. (853,) Cranium. M. œt. o. G5, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 180 mm,, B. 144 mm., H. IIU mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 375 mm., 0. 520 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 71°. 128. (853.) Cranium. F. ait. c. 30, Gap. 1100 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 130 mm , H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 344 mm., 0. 470 mm , Z. d. 127 mm , F. a. 7(>°- 129. (854,) Cranium. M. ajt. c. 65, Cap. 1440 o. c., L. 170 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. .53, L. a 383 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 141 mm , F. a. 72°. 130. (855.) Cranium. M. aet. c. 40, Cap. 1215 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 362 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., B'. a. 74°. 131. (850.) Cranium, imperfect. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. 169 mm., B. 142 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 405 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., F. a. 78°. 132. (857.) Calvarla. M. set c. 35, Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 363 mm., C. 490 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? 133. (858.) Calvarla. M. set. c. 25, Cap.? L. 169 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 353 mm., C. 496 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? 134. (85Í).) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 18, Cap.? L. 1()8 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m.? L. a. 348 mm., 0. 480 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? 135. (800.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 20, Cap. 1310 c. o., L. 171 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 356 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 81°. 136 (801.) Cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1375 c. o., L. 165 mm., B. 141 mm , H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 363 mm., C. 485 mm., Z. d 132 mm., F. a. 76° 137. (802.) A metopic cranium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1450 c. c., L. 102 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 389 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 80°. 138. (1024.) Cranium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1520 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 385 mm., C. 532 mm , Z. d. 144 mm., F. a. 76°. Col¬ lected by Dr. T. H. Streets, Passed Assistant Surgeon, ü. S. Navy. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution 139. (1025.) Cranium. F. set. c. 60, Cap. 1330 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 365 mm., C. .500 mm., Z. 123 mm., F. a. 72°. Col¬ lected by Dr. T. H. Streets, Passed Assistant Surgeon, tJ. S. Navy. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 140. (1026.) Cranium. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1195 c. c., L. 166 mm., B. 128 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 41. L. a. 349 mm., C. 474 mm., Z. d. 123 mm., F. a. 73°. Col¬ lected by Dr. T. H. Streets, Passed Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Navy. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 141. (1057.) Calvarium. M set. c. 40, Cap. 1400 c. c., L. 163 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 40, L, a. 342 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a 73°. Presented by Dr. C. H. Mastin, of Mobile, Alabama. 178 CHECK LÍST OF SECTION IV, 142. (154:(>.) Calvarium. F. œt. c. 35, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 175 min., B. 137 mm , H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 43, L a. 365 mm., C. .500 mm., Z. d 127 mm., F. a. 80° Col¬ lected by Dr. W. H. Jones, Passed Assistant Sni-geon, U. S. Navy. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 143. (Ii>í30.) Calvarium. F. œt. c. 80, Cap. 1330 c. c , L. 170 mm , B. 140 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a 350 mm , C. 409 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 76° Col¬ lected by Dr. W. H. Jones, Passed Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Navy. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 144. (1552.) Calvarla. F. eet. c. 55, Cap. 1210 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 137 mm , H. 135 mm., I. f. m, 43, L a. 362 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by Dr. W. H. Jones, Passed Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Navy. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 145. (1555.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 60, Cap, 1270 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 132 mm., H. 142 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 375 mm , C. 496 mm., Z. d. 123 mm., F. a. 80° Collected by Dr. W. H. Jones, Passed Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Navy. Be¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 146. (5541.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. eet. c. 35, Cap. 14.50 c. c., L 191 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 1.54 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 392 mm., C. 525 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 73°. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. I 147. (5543.) (SuEG. Sect.) Cranium. M. eet. c. 25, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 140 mm., H 137 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 362 mm., C. 489 mm., Z. d. 123 mm., F. a. 77°. From Kanai. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 2.—South Sea Islanders. 1. (81.) Cranium. F. eet. c. 65, Cap. 1335 c. c., L. 179 min., B. 136 mm., H. 137 mm , I. f. m. 46, L. a. 3.59 mm., C. .505 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 81°. Col¬ lected by the Wilkes' Exploring Expedition. Beceived in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 2. (86.) Cranium. M. eet. c. .50, Cap. 1645 c. c., L. 192 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 387 mm., C. .533 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 74°. Collected by the Wilkes' Exploring Expedition. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. 3. (04.) Fragmentary. —? set.? Cap.? L. 194 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 151 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 387 mm., C. .533 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Collected by the Wilkes' Ex¬ ploring Expedition. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (288.) Calvarium. F. œt. c. 20, Cap. 1285 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 127 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 359 mm., C. 479 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 88°. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 179 5. (28*).) Calvarium. M. a3t. c. -'¡ó, Cajj. 1620 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 1.71 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f. m. 38, L. a. 371 mm., 0. 414 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 73°. lle- ceived iu exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (2{)0.) Calvarium. F. £et. c. 60, Cap. 118,5 c. o., L. 179 mm., B. 124 mm., H. 136 mm., 1. f. m. 43, L. a. 365 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. 117 mm., F. a. 70' lie- ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (2{)4.) Cranium. F. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1245 c. c., L. IK! mm., B. 122 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 375 mm., C. 483 mm., Z. d. 119 mm., F. a. 76° Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 8. (344.) Cranium. M. ;et. c. 30, Cap. 1460 o. c., L. 168 mm,, B. 143 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 365 mm., C. 492 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 76°. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 3.—Philippine Islanders. 1. (lí>í)2.) Calvarium. F. ast. c. 40, Cap 1250 c. c., L. 168 mm.. B. 135 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f m. 41, L. a. 356 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 80°. From Ramon -lordana, Filipinas. Presented by Don Fkedekica Pkieto, of Albay, Tabaco, through Colonel Maein, Royal Commissioner from Spain to the U. S. Centennial Exposition of 1876. 2. (1503.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. œt. c. 60, Cap. 1230 c. o., L. 173 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a.? C. 490 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 87°. From Ra¬ mon jordana, Filipinas. Presented by Don Fredeeica Peieto, of Albay, Tabaco, through Colonel Maein, Royal Commissioner from Spain to the U. S. Centennial Exposition of 1876. 3. (162(>.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. œt. c. 50, Caii.? L. 167 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a.? C. 498 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? From Manilla. Col¬ lected by Don Sebastian Vidal. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (1627.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. œt. c. 25, Cap.? L. V B. 136 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m.? L. a.? C.? Z. d.? F. a. 71°. From Manilla. Collected by Don Sebas¬ tian Vidal. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (1628.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 35, Cap. 1330 c. c , L. 167 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 147 mm., I. f. m. 36, L. a.? C. 500 mm., Z. d. 146 mm., F. a. 71°. From Manilla. Collected by Don Seb.astian Vidal. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 180 CHECK LIST OE SECTION IV, 4 —New Zealanders. 1. (1804.) Cranium. M. 8st. c. 35, Cap. IGlOc. o., L. 186 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 143 mill., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 3!)1 mm., 0. 522 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 74°. From Chatham Island. Collected by Edwin Smith. Beceived in exchange from the Smith¬ sonian Institution. 2. (1805.) Cranium. F. let. c. 65, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 348 mm., C. 486 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 72° From Chatham Island. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution, 3. (1038.) Calvarium. M. aet. c. 55, Cap. 1550 c. c., L. 191 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a 392 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 73°. From Auckland Museum, Auckland. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institu¬ tion . 4. (1030.) Calvarium. F. ast. c. 18, Cap. 1470 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 375 mm., C. 508 mm., Z. d. 125 mm., F. a. 74°. From Auckland Museum, Auckland. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 5. (1040.) Calvarium. F. aet. c. 60, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 142 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f, m. 45, L. a. 374 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 76°- From Auckland Museum, Auckland. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 6. (1041.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 138 mnj., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 380 mm., C. 518 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 76°. From Auckland Museum, Auckland. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (1042.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 60, Cap. 1490 c.c., L. 188 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 381 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., F. a. 77° From Auckland Museum, Auckland. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 8. (1043.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 50, Cap. 1320 c. c., L. 177 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 363 mm., C. 500 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 73° From Auckland Museum, Auckland. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 9. (1044.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 40, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 123 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 362 mm., C. 493 mm., Z. d. 127 mm , F. a. 71°. From Auckland Museum, Auckland. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 10. (1945.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1380 c. c., L. 182 mm , B. 135 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 360 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 72°. From Auckland Museum, Auckland. Beceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 181 11. Cl94ri>*) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 55, Cap. V L 187 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m, 42, L. a. 380 mm., 0. 524 mm., Z. d. 138 mm., P. a. 73°. From Auckland Museum, Auckland. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 12. (li)4:7.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1580c. c., L. 192 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 151 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 370 mm., C. 529 mm., Z. d. 142 mm., P. a. 75°. Prom Auckland Museum, Auckland Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 13. (1$)4!8.) Calvarium. P. set. c. 65, Cap 1450 c. c , L. 177mm., B, 137 mm., H. 144 mm., I. f, m. 45, L. a. 378 mm., C. .503 mm., Z. d. 141 mm , P. a. 72°. Prom Auckland Museum, Auckland. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 14. (1Í)4Í).) A metopic calvarium. P. set. c. 60, Cap. 1340 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 371 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d. ? P. a. 77° From Auckland Museum, Auckland. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 15. (lî)50.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 18, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 131 mm., H. 126 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 353 mm., C. 478 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., P. a. 77°. Prom Auckland Museum, Auckland. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 16. (14)51.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1500 c c., L. 189 mm., B. 134 mm., H. 143 mm , I. f. m. 42, L. a. 392 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d. 136 mm., P. a. 73°. Prom Auckland Museum, Auckland. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 17. (li)53.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 18, Cap. 1800 c. c., L. 193 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 149 mm , I. f. m. 44, L. a. 375 mm., C. 526 mm., Z. d. 126 mm., P. a 78° From Auckland Museum, Auckland. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5.—Fiji Islanders. 1. (83.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 4:0, Cap. 1460 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 145 mm., I. f. m. 37, L. a. 362 mm., C. .502 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 74° Collected by the Wilkes' Exploring Expedition. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian In¬ stitution. 2. (4)3.) Calvaria. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1475 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 146 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 375 mm., C. 505 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Received in ex¬ change from the Smithsonian Institution. 3. (34)3.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1495 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 391 mm., C. 467 mm., Z. d. 145 mm., P. a. 70° " Ven- dovi," chief of one of the Fiji Islands. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 182 CHECK LIST OP SECTION IV, I. (2ÎKÎ.) Cranium. F. let. c. 40, Cap. 1290 c. c., L. 181 mm , B. 182 mm., H. 188 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 302 mm., 0. .">02 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 7.1.° Eeceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. (2i)<>.) Calvarium. M. ¡et. c. 10, Cap.? L. 181 mm., B. 127 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 871 mm., C. liil mm., Z. d. 183 mm., F. a. 74°. Keceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. G.—MIXED KACES. 1. (1 Sîifi.) Skeleton. M. ¡et. c. 4.1. Height, 1 (¡42 mm. Cranium: Cap, 1410 o. 0.. L. 178 mm., B. 180 mm., H. 185 mm., I. f. m. 89, L. a. 8(;o mm., C. 499 mm., Z. d. 188 mm., F. a. 70°. A mulatto. Purchased for the Museum, 2, (2040.) Skeleton. F. tet. c. 2.1. Height, 1508 mm. Cranium ; Cap. 1310 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 130 mm., H. 184 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 870 mm., C. 502 mm.. Z. d. 123 mm., F. a. 73° A mulatto. Purchased for the Museum. 8. (5.) Cranium. F. ret. c. 40, Cap. 1410 c. c., L. 170 mm., B. 138 mm., H. 187 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 305 mm., C. 507 mm., Z. d. 132 mm., F. a. 74°. A mulatto. From the collection of the late Surgeon General Thomas Lawson, U. S. A. 4. (()i">.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 4.1, Cap. 1500 c. c., L. 189 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. ¡i. 381 mm,, C. .130 mm., Z. d. 180 mm., F. a. 71°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 5. (111.) Calvarium, imperfect. F. œt. c. 50, Cap. 1280 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 188 mm., H. 124 mm., I. f. m. 49, L. a. 308 mm., C. 502 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 0. (i)73.) Cranium. F.-a-t. c. 25, Cap. 125.1 c. c., L. 181 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 185 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. .805 mm., C. .102 mm., Z. d. 122 mm., F. a. 70°. Mu¬ latto. Presented by Dr. J. E. Cheney. 7. (i)7C>.) Cranium. F. œt. c. 70, Cap. 1485 c. c,, L. 184 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 871 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 135 mm., F. a. 77° Octo¬ roon. Presented by Dr. -1. E. Cheney. 8. (1277.) Cranium. F. set. c. 80, Cap. 1280 o. c., L. 170 mm., B. 1.8.1 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 350 mm , C. .100 mm., Z. d. 127 mm , F. a. 74°. Mulatto. From a dissecting-room at Washington. 9 (17i>8.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 30, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. 185 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 148 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 891 mm., C. 581 mm,, Z. d. 130 mm., F, a. 70° A mulatto. Purchased for the Museum. 10. (17(îîî.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. 24, Cap. 1500 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 147 mm., H. 181 mm , I. f. m. 89, L. a. 359 mm., C. .115 mm., Z. d. 140 mm., F. a. 70°. A negro-Mexican. Presented by Hospital Steward S. Kitohino, U. S. A. AEMY MEDICAL MUSEUM. 183 11. (438,5.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium, M. set. c. 40, Cap. 147") c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 14") mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 382 mm., 0. ">2.5 mm., Z. d. 131 mm., F. a. 73°. Mexican and Indian blood. From near Lower Cimarron Springs, Comanche country. Presented by Assistant Surgeon H. E. Bkown, U. S. A. H.—UNKNOWN CRANIA. 1. (171.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. ">"), Cap. 1400 c. c., L 180 mm., B. 137 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 373 mm., C. 522 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 70°. (Prehistoric.) From a Assure in a rock at Rock BluA, Illinois River. Received in exchange- from the SmitRsonian Institution. 2. (181).) Calvarium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1490 c. c., L. 195 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. 392 mm., C. .533 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 73°. Presented by Dr. W. F. Richakdson. 3. (35(>.) Calvarium. M. œt. c. 35, Cap. 1530 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 368 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F.a. 73°. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 4. (387.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 80, Cap. 1315 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 380 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 72°. Re¬ ceived in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. (533.) Calvarium, imperfect. Child, œt. c. 8, Cap.? L. 107 mm., B. 140 mm., H. ? I. f. m.? L. a. 344 mm., C. 488 mm., Z. d. 117 mm., F. a. 74° Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 0. (filD.) Calvarium. —? œt.? Cap.? L. 175 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 130 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 354 mm., C. .509 mm., Z. d. 139 mm., F. a. 77° From Montana Ter¬ ritory. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 7. (7i)0.) Fragmentary. Found on the Central Pacific Railroad. Collected by Charles Crocker. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 8. (7i)l.) Fragment. From near Denver, Colorado. Collected by Dr. E. Palmer. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 9. (824.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 80, Cap. 1405 c. c., L. 176 mm., B. 133 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 378 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. Presented by Surgeon J. J. Milhau, TJ. S. A. 10 (825.) Cranium, imperfect. M. œt. c. .50, Cap. 1510 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a.? C. 523 mm., Z. d.? F. a. 75°. Found near Fort Wallace, Kansas. Presented by Assistant Surgeon W. H. King, U. S. A. 11. (865.) Cranium. M. œt. c. 45, Cap. 1550 c. c., L. 178 mm., B. 143 mm., H. 150 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 367 mm., C. 517 mm., Z. d. 137mm., F. a. 73°. Donor unknown. 184 CHECK. LIST OK SECTION IV, 12. (8(j<>.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 1"), Cap. 1310 c. o., L. 170 mm., B. 133 mm., H.y I. f. m.v L. a. 3()9 mm., C. 479 mm., Z. d. 107 mm., P. a. 82° Donor un¬ known. 13. (8CÎ7.) Cranium. M. set. c. 40, Cap. 1420 c. c., L. IGO mm , B. 146 mm., H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 39, L. a. 345 mm., C. 498 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., P. a. 78°. Donor unknown. 14. (894.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 55, Cap. 1220 c. c., L. 182 mm., B. 139 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 44. L. a. 363 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 73°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon E. McCleijLan, U. S. A. 15. (900.) Cranium, imperfect. P. set. c 30, Cap.? L. 164 mm., B. 145 mm., H.? I. f. m.V L. a, 341 mm., C. 495 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Prom Raleigh, N. C. Col¬ lected by Mr. C. Keke. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 16. (903.) Calvaria, imperfect. M. set. c. 60. Prom a grave at Wood's Hole, Mass. Collected by Mr. Joseph Pay. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 17. (943.) Calvaria, imperfect. P. set. c. 35, Cap.? L. 178 mm., B. 148 mm., H 132 mm., I. f. m. 42, L. a. 370 mm , C. 522 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? 18. (1006.) Calvarium. P. set. c. 40, Cap. 1410c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 138 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 370 mm., C. 515 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 79°. Picked up on the praii-ie. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Wm M. Notson, U. S. A. 19. (1013.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 50, Cap. 1590 c. c., L. 180 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 386 mm., C. 523 mm., Z. d. 134 mm., P. a. 77°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Geoege S. Rose, U. S. A. 20. (1014.) Calvarium. P. set. c. 45, Cap. 1250 c. c., L. 171 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 137 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 358 mm., C. 494 mm., Z. d. 129 mm., F. a. 72°. Presented by Assistant Surgeon Geo. S. Rose, U. S. A. 21. (1180.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 189 mm,, B. 134 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 380 mm., C. 521 mm., Z. d.? P. a ? Pound feet below the surface at Willet's Point, N. Y. Presented by Assistant Surgeon C. C. Byene, U. S. A. 22. (1569.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 65, Cap.? L. 177 mm., B.? H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 43, L. a. 365 mm., C. 529 mm., Z. d.? P. a. 70°. Prom SarasotaBay, Pia. Collected by Mr. J. G. Webb. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. 23. (1570.) Calvarium, imperfect. Child, set. c. 2. Prom Port Harker, Kan. Collected by C. H. Steenbeeg. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. 24. (1572.) Calvaria. P. set. c. 15, Cap.? L. 164 mm., B. 125 mm., H.? I. f. m. ? L. a. 345 mm., C. 463 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? Prom Px-anklin, Tenn. Collected by Mr. W. N CiiAEK. Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution. AllMY jMKÜICAL MÜSEÜM. 185 25. (1588.) Cranium. M. ist. c. 70, Cap. 1350 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 13(; mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. 41, L. a. 363 mm., C. 510 mm., Z. d. 144 mm., F. a. 76°. Exhumed in front of au old church convent and chapel, built by the Spaniards in 1540, about 150 miles south of Santa F6, New Mexico. Presented by Assistant Sur¬ geon Carlos Carvallo, U. S A. 26 (1833.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 30, Cap. 1530 c. c., L. 187 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 136 mm., I. f, m. 46, L. a. 883 mm., C. 531 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 79° Presented by Assistant Surgeon T. E. Wilcox, U. S. A. 27. (li)17.) Calvarium, imperfect. M. set. c. 40, Cap.? L. 178 mm., B. 137 mm., H.? I. f. m.? L. a.? C. 500 mm., Z. d. 130 mm., F. a. 75°. From near Jacks- boro, Texas. Presented by Assistant Surgeon A. A. Yeomans. 28. (1918.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1430 c. c., L. 175 mm., B. 148 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 353 mm., C. 512 mm., Z. d. 141 mm., F. a. 65°. From near Jack.sboro, Texas. Presented by Assistant Surgeon A. A. Y'eomans, U. S. A. 29. (1926.) Cranium, imperfect, M. set. c. 70, Cap.? L. 145 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 140 mm., I. f. m. 29, L. a. 331 mm., C. 456 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 73°. From near the village of Prescott, Arizona Territory. Presented by Surgeon J. C. McKee, U. S. a. 30. (1927.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 70, Cap.? L. 150 mm., B. 140 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. 29, L. a. 330 mm., C. 465 mm., Z. d.? F. a.? Said to be of a prehistoric race. From Cheno Valley, 22 miles north of Prescott, Arizona Territory. Buried with face down. Collected by Lieutenant Colonel H. C. Hodges, ü. S. A. Presented by Dr. O. Lincoln. 31. (1621.) A section of a calvaría showing a distorted lambdoidal suture. Presented by John Dixwell, M. D. 32. (2031.) Calvaría, imperfect. M. set. c. 23, Cap. 1260 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 135 mm., H. 128 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 361 mm., 0. 503 mm., Z. d.? P. a.? From Idaho. Presented by Acting Assistant Surgeon David S. Snively. 33. (5106.) (Surg. Sect.) A metopic calvarium. F. set. c. 45, Cap. 1385 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 127 mm., I. f. ra. 49, L. a. 371 mm., C. 520 mm., Z. d. 120 mm., F. a. 80°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 34. (5113.) (Surg. Sect.) Cranium, imperfect. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1325 c. c., L. 186 mm., B. 141 mm., H. 1-31 mm., I. f. m. 50, L. a. 390 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. 119 mm., F. a.? From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gib'son. 35. (5128.) (Surg. Sect.) A metopic calvarium. M. set. c. 75, Capi. 1570 c. c., L. 184 mm., B. 146 mm., H. 149 mm., I. f. ni. 42, L. a. 389 mm., C. 543 mm., Z. d. 133 mm., F. a. 80°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 36. (5129.) (Surg. Sect.) Calvarium. F. set. c. 45, Cap. 1520 c. c., L. 178 mm.. B. 147 mm., H. 1.39 mm., I. f. m. 44, L. a. 366 mm., C. 516 mm., Z. d. 136 mm , F. a. 73°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 186 CHECK LIST OK SECTION IV. •57. (5130.) (Subo. Sect.) Calvariutn. M. set. c. 80, Cap. 1450 c. c., L. 19.8 mm., B. 140 ram., H. 133 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 387 mm., C. 542 mm., Z. d. 1.85 mm., F. a. 75°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 88. (5131.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 35, Cap. 1455 c. c., L. 193 mm , B. 145 mm., H. 139 mm., I. f. m. .50, L. a. 390 mm., C. 542 mm., Z. d. 12C mm., F. a. 82°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 89. (0134) (SuKG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 80, Cap. 1340 c. c , L. 181 mm., B. 1.83 mm., H. 134 mm., I. f. m. 40, L. a. 366 mm., C. 506 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 74°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm, Gibson. 40. (3136.) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. .50, Cap. 1070 c. c., L. 168 mm., B. 136 mm., H. 125 mm., I. f. m. 46, L. a. 352 mm., C. 479 mm., Z. d. 110 mm., F. a. 77°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 41. (313Í).) (sueg. Sect.) Cranium. F. set. c. 25, Cap. 1.800 c. c., l. 185 mm., B. 133 mm , H. 131 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 379 mm., C. 518 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 78° From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 42. (3143.) (SuEG. Sect) Calvarium. M. set. c. 80, Cap. 1530 c. c., L. 185 mm., B. 144 mm., H. 135 mm., I. f. m. .50, L. a. 383 mm., C. 533 mm., Z. d. 125 mm , F. a. 81°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 4.8. (5145.) (SüEG. Sect.) A metopic cranium. M. set. c. 25, Cap. 1580 c. c., L. 179 mm., B. 152 mm , H. 141 mm., I. f. m. 48, L. a. 381 mm., C. 530 mm., Z. d. 128 mm., F. a. 80°. From the collection of the late Professor Wm. Gibson. 44. (5248.) (SuBG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. 45, Cap. 1575 c. c., L. 185 mm., B. 145 mm., H. 143 mm., I. f. m. 47, L. a. .886 mm., C 528 mm., Z. d. 133 mm , P. a. 78° Eeceived in exchange from the Smithsonian In.stitution. 45. (555Í).) (SuEG. Sect.) Calvarium. M. set. c. GO, Cap. 1550 c. c., L. 183 mm., B. 1.50 mm., H. 186 mm., I. f. m. 45, L. a. 366 mm., C. 526 mm., Z. d. ? F. a. 75°. Presented by A.ssi.stant Surgeon Edwin Bentley, U. S. A. bí¡ rt &< 15 15 183 104 118 50 í)(> DG DG DG 48 49 14 134 134 134 135 135 135 135 183 7 8 8 8 S 8 lOD 110 110 110 2 2 2G DG 2G DG 98 1G3 45 45 NUMERICAL INDEX TO E Speoimeî^s m Section IV Specimen. Page. Specimen, Page 169 85 52 143 86 178 4 87 119 4 88 3 7 89 47 G 90 IGG 4 91 169 4 92 181 146 93 119 146 94 178 143 95 S. S ... 149 146 96 4 147 97 96 147 98 / 147 99 7 147 101 7 147 102 7 147 103 7 147 104 7 147 105 7 147 106 7 182 107 7 42 108 7 43 109 7 45 110 7 42 Ill 182 45 112 5 45 114 1.59 157 115 143 169 116 42 157 117 41 168 118 41 47 119 147 114 120 147 169 121 1 169 122 3 157 123 3 178 124 3 181 ]25 3 119 126 3 119 127 3 Specimen. 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 14G 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 1G2 163 164 165 166 167 168 M C5 Hi Specimen. 101 i 169 . 41 '¡ 170 . 96 96 98 130 96 98 103 103 103 104 2l 1 : 1 I 7 7 7 124 6 7 124 124 ^ 126! IDG 126 194 . 127 128 127 124 126 104 104 147 157 14 14 14 15 15! 211. 15' 212 , 188 ÍÍÜMErICAL INDEX To D! 45 4:Î 45 45 45 45 45 4(! 4(i 44 44 4(! 44 44 4(i 44 4G 4(! 46 44 46 46 46 19 '12 160 157 40 19 17 160 30 43 43 159 157 157 157 133 158 16 158 166 I 166 35 35 166 35 35 167 167 47 133 9 159 156 L'70 371 373 373 374 375 376 S 376 E 377 378 379 580 381 383 383 38-1 285 386 387 388 389 39(1 391 393 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 300 301 303 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 313 313 314 .",15 316 317 318 319 330 331 333 333 334 .",''5 Specimen. 160 326 16 337 133 338 134 3,39 130 330 130 331 149 - 333 156 333 l(i6 334 166 335 17(1 336 170 337 170 338 170 339 170 34(1 170 341 170 ! 342 170 343 170 344 178 345 179 346 179 3,47 170 : 348 181 349 182 3,50 179 351 166 ' 352 182 353 138 354 138 3,55 3,56 114 357 114 358 114 359 114 360 115 361 115 1 362 11.5 ' 3,63 115 3(i4 115 365 129 366 101 367 101 368 101 3,69 132 370 115 371 104 372 103 373 1Ö3 374 166 375 132 376 132 377 132 378 132 379 40 380 40 381 96 1 382 96 135 101 98 105 47 111 43 137 137 .53 3 133 95 53 .53 127 179 131 131 104 134 136 96 130 167 103 104 136 183 98 111 119 131 119 119 119 130 32 120 120 130 130 98 115 130 120 120 120 120 131 41 131 135 137 166 Specimen 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 393 393 394 395 396 397 398 400 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 I 430 431 422 433 424 , 425 I 426 j 437 j 438 439 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 443 103 158 167 167 183 136 136 136 147 148 96 137 131 121 131 121 136 26 26 26 26 36 26 36 26 143 143 137 137 27 53 18 18 18 Í8 170 170 170 170 170 39 170 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 Specimen. 443 . : 444 . 445 . 446 . i 447. j 448. i 449 . 4.50. 451 . ! 453 . j 4.53 . j 454 . ¡ 455 . 456 : 457. 4.58. ! 459 . ! 460. : 461 . ■ 462. 463 4(!4 . 465 . 466 . I 467 . i 468. 469. 470. I 471. ! 472. 473 . 474 . j 475. ' 476 . i 477 . I 478 . 479 . 480 . 481 . 483 . 483 . 484 . 485 . 486 . 487. 488 . 489 . ! 490 . j 491 . ! 493 . 493 . 494 . 495 . 496 497 . 498 . 499 . DESCRIPTIONS OF SPECIMENS. 189 M a A, 111 108 108 4 4 4 4 r>r> 35 127 127 128 128 128 128 128 128 118 ll'J 119 120 138 127 130 130 129 125 143 155 125 122 122 122 27 183 121 27 27 28 28 28 28 35 36 2 164 164 165 155 44 127 122 133 1 132 1 30 Specimen. 556 . 557 . 558 . 559 , 560 . 561 . 563 . 564 . 565 566 . 567 . .568 . 569 570 . 571 . 572 . 573 . 574 . 575 . 576 . 577 578 . 579 . 580 . .581 . 582 . 583 . 584 . 585 . 586 . 587 . 588 . 589. 590. .591 . 592 . 593 . .594. 595 . 59() . 597 . .598 . 599 . 600 . 601 . 602 . 603. 604 . 605 606 . 607 . (;o8. 609 . 610 . 611 . 612 . 613 . M CU 30 30 137 138 148 148 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 Specimen. 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 8. 8... 625E. S... 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 6.59 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 175 175 5 53 105 183 2 129 129 129 156 155 156 1.56 156 156 1.56 156 1.56 17 97 9'8 97 111 148 101 101 101 2 111 .5 26 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 143 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 105 112 123 125 123 Specimen. 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 700 701 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 72:) 730 731 732 Page. Specimen. v M rt Ph 8 733 20 8 734 21 5 73.5 21 5 736 21 5 737 21 5 738 21 5 739 E. S ... 21 5 739 S. S .. 149 5 740 21 .5 741 21 5 742 21 6 743 21 133 744 21 131 71.5 21 4') 746 22 49 747 .»'» 49 748 '».» 49 749 4 49 750 4 43 751 4 41 752 4 46 753 4 43 7;)4 22 43 755 30 49 757 143 50 758 143 49 759 143 44 760 36 46 761 19 175 762 40 175 763 40 175 764 40 175 765 S. S ... 149 175 765 E. S ... 40 175 766 40 175 767 138 176 768 36 176 769 36 176 770 36 105 771 129 125 772 129 138 773 125 129 774 123 129 77.» 53 143 776 53 134 777 53 19 : 778 122 20 779 167 20 780 168 20 781 10.5 20 163 20 783 163 20 784 97 20 785 97 20 786 97 20 787 97 20 788 9.5 190 NUMKKICAL INDEX TO 148 183 183 105 105 IIG 116 116 116 117 117 117 117 53 50 53 '.15 05 05 40 40 05 05 35 8 105 36 53 54 138 36 36 183 183 136 136 136 136 136 155 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 176 176 176 176 176 17(! 176 176 176 Specimen. 847 848E. S... 848 S. S .. 849 850 851 852 853 854 856 857 858 859 860 ~ 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 860 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 .... 881 882 883 .... 884 885 887 888 889 890 .... 891 802 893 894 895 896 898 809 900 901 903 906 007 176 176 140 176 176 176 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 130 133 183 184 184 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 117 117 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 103 98 98 98 09 90 123 148 184 148 105 30 30 184 17 184 ! 60 00 Specimen. 908 . 009 . 910 911 . 012 . 013 . 914 . 915 . 916 . 017 . 918 . 010 . 920 . 921 . 022 023 . 024 . 025 . 926 . 027 028 . 020 930 . 931 . 032 933. 934 . 935 . 036 . 937 . 038 . 939 . 940 . 041 . 042 . 943 . 944 . 945 . 946 047 . 948 . 949 . 950. 051 . 952 E 052 S 053 . 054 . 055 956 . 057 . 058 . 0.50 . 960 . 061 , 063 . 064 . 18 00 128 128 122 125 167 167 137 138 138 13,8 138 138 130 130 110 130 130 130 130 130 130 16 36 36 36 36 35 115 15 15 15 184 112 114 135 144 144 144 144 144 144 146 144 144 144 168 168 168 50 52 90 50 50 Specimen. 065 066 067 968 069 970E. S, 070 S. S. 071E. S 071 S. S. 072 E. S 072 S. S. 073 074 075 076 077 . 078 979 . 980 . 081 082 . 083 . 984 085 986 087 . 088 080 000 . 9i)l . 992 993 . 904 . 095 . 006 . 097 . 998 . 999 . 1000 1001 . 1002 . 1003 . 1004 . 1005 . 1006 1007 . 1008 . 1009 . 1010 . 1011 1012 1013 . 1014 . 1015 . 1016 . 1017 1018 ai M Specimen. V M 0, Oh 19 1019 48 51 1020 48 51 1021 48 51 1022 4 51 1023 47 51 1024 177 .i 160 1025 177 51 1026 177 160 1027 47 51 1028 47 160 1029 105 182 1030 106 144 1031C 0 144 1031 8 182 1032 1 16 1033 36 99 1034 37 144 1035 37 144 1036 37 145 1037 37 145 1038 37 145 1039 37 145 1040 37 145 1041 37 145 1042 37 145 1043 139 1044 37 139 1045 38 145 1046 38 54 1047 38 54 1048 16 •1 17 1049 16 54 1050 16 48 1051 16 163 1052 16 4 1053 51 13,9 1054 139 13.5 1055 47 131 1057 ... 177 13,-' 1059 54 123 1060 54 r'9 1061 54 1 132 1062 54 ] 137 1063 54 1 184 1064 54 126 1065 54 I 1066 55 136 1067 17 1068 17 1069 1 17 1070 1184 1071 55 184 1072 r>5 HT) 1073 ñi 1074 55 ■■ Til 1075 5 ■"> ' 48 1076 55 DESCRIPTIONS GE SPECIMENS. 191 Specimen. Specimen. 1077 1078 107!) 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 108.5 1086 1087 1088 1081) 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1000 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1100 1110 Uli 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 111!) 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1120 . ....^. 1130 1131 Í 56 1132 56 1133 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 07 97 07 00 88 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 30 30 30 30 3!) 3!) 3!) 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 106 135 135 106 1.35 14 15 15 15 131 8 . 148 I 56 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1130 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 11.54 11.55 1156 1157 11.58 11.50 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167S. S.. 1167E. S. 1168S. S.. 1168E, S. 1169 S. S.. 1169E. S. 1170 S. S.. 1170E. S. 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 57 57 57 5 i 57 58 58 58 58 130 140 140 58 58 12!) 106 106 106 41 22 145 164 164 140 140 140 140 140 22 140 90 14!) !)9 14!) 122 130 130 131 90 51 00 51 133 133 184 0 9 9 0 !) 0 Specimen. 118!) 1190 1101 1192 1193 1194 1105 1196 1197 1198 119!) 1200 1201 1202 1203' 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 S. S.. 1218E. S. 121!) 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 .... 1227 1228 1220 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 !) 9 !) 0 !) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 140 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Specimen. 1245 . 1246 . 1247 . 1248 . 124!) . 12.50 . 1251 . 1252 . 12.53 . 12.54 . 1255 . 1256 . 1257 . 1258 . 12.59 . 1260 . 1261 . 1263 . 1264 . 1265 . 1266 . 1267 E 1267 S 1268 . 126!) . 1270 . 1271 . 1272 . 1273 . 1274 . 1275 . 1276 . 1277 . 1278 . 127!) . 1280 . 1281 . 1282 . 1283 . 1284 . 1285 . 1286 . 1287 . 1288 . 1289 . 1290 . 1291 . 1292 . 1293 . 1294 . 1295 . 1296 . 1297 . 1208 . 1200 . 1300 . 1301 . Specimen. 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 106 13.5 134 134 140 4 135 135 140 104 115 112 1.50 .52 168 168 134 100 100 100 100 100 182 13 58 58 58 58 58 59 .59 50 .5!) .5!) 50 5!) 50 .50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 (iO 60 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1.307 1308 130!) 1310E. S 1310 S. S. 1311 . 1312 . 1313 . 1314 . 1315 . 1316 . 1317E. S 1317 S. S. 1318 E. S 1318 S. S. 131!) 1320 1321 1.322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1320 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1.336 1337 1338 1330 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1340 13.50 135] 13.52 1353 1354 .... 1355 60 60 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 155 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 150 62 150 62 62 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 61 65 6.5 65 6.5 6.5 65 6.5 65 6.5 65 66 66 192 NUMERICAL INDEX TO v 0 Sptrcimt;.). V Specimen. ó Specimen. bli n Sliccimcii. CJ. rt Pc Spcclmuii. M 03 a, w. rt Oh be rt a. 00 1413 71 1470 70 ir.27 79 1584 1 00 1114 72 1471 23 li-)28 79 158.5 2 00 1417, 72 1172 70 1529 79 1580 o (;o 141(; 72 1473 97 1530 98 1.587 100 00 1417 72 1474 70 1.531 79 1.588 185 0(i 1418 72 1477. 70 1 532 79 1,589 108 0(; 1419 72 1470 70 1533 79 1590 108 00 1420 72 1477 70 1534 79 1.591 109 (;? 1421 72 1478 70 1535 79 1492 179 07 1422 72 1479 70 1530 79 1593 179 i;7 1423 72 1480 70 1537 79 1.594 1.58 307 (¡7 1424 73 1481 70 1538 79 159.5 1.57 07 1420 73 1482 70 1539 79 1.590 4 07 1420 73 1483 77 1540 80 1.597 2 07 '1427 73 1484 . 7 1541 80 1598 31 07 1428 73 1487. 77 1542 80 1599 31 07 1429 ,73 1480 77 1543 80 1000 31 07 1430 Í o 14 87 77 1544 80 KiOl 31 ' (18 1431 73 1488 77 1545 80 1(!()2 31 1 (¡8 1432 73 1489 77 1540 178 1(;()3 31 ' (58 1433 73 1490 77 1547 5o 1004 31 (;8 1434 73 1491 77 1;548 95 I(i0.5 32 08 1437. 74 1492 77 1.549 100 10()(! .')2 ; (18 14:!0 74 1493 77 1550 178 1007 32 08 1437 74 1494 77 15.51 5(1 1008 32 : 08 1438 74 1497. 77 15.52 178 1(!09 32 ' (¡8 1439 74 1490 77 1553 13 1010 19 08 1440 74 1497 77 15.54 13 1011 3 ' 6!» 14 41 74 1498 77 178 1012 3 ! Oi) 1442 74 1499 77 1550 100 1013 41 ()9 1443 74 17)00 77 1557 lOO 1014 41 09 14 44 74 17.01 78 1558 13 1015(1-11) 105 1 09 1447. 77. 17.02 78 1.559 131 1010 100 1 09 1440 77. 17.03 • 100 1.500 140 1017 100 (iO 1447 77. 17.04 78 1501 13 1018 4 ' 09 144 8 77. 17.07. 78 1.502 140 1019 .5 09 M 49 77. 17.00 78 1503 13 1020 2 09 147.0 77. 1707 78 1.504 13 1021 185 70 147.1 77. 17.08 78 1505 8() 1022 .5 :ji)5 70 II7,2 77. 17.09 78 1500 50 1023 80 70 147.3 77. 17.10 78 1507 50 1024 80 997 70 147.1 77. 17.11 78 1508 108 1025 80 70 147,7. 7*. 17.12 78 1509 184 1020 179 ! 70 147.0 1 ■. 1.713 39 1570 184 1027 179 7(1 147.7 l;ii 17.14 78 1571 80 1028 179 1 70 147.8 75 17.17. 78 1572 181 1029 80 70 1 17.9 .,) 17.10 78 1573 133 1030 80 70 1400 7 7. 17.17 78 1574 133 1031 47 71 1401 70 17.18 78 1575 107 1032 81 71 1 102 70 17.19 .. 78 1570 107 1033 81 71 1 103 70 17.20 78 1577 2 1034 81 71 1404 70 17.21 79 1.578 1 1035 81 1 71 1 107. 70 17.22 79 1579 3 1030 81 71 1400 70 17.23 79 1580 ■'. 1037 81 71 1 107 22 17.24 79 1.581 3 1038 81 71 1 108 22 17.27. 79 1.582 5 1039 81 2 71 1409 70 17.20 79 1.583 3 1040 81 L93 aj b£ c 23 23 23 24 24 ir,r> 24 24 24 24 4 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 . 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 10!» 101) 10!) 10!) 110 110 109 185 185 114 113 113 114 DESCRIPTIONS OP SPECIMENS. Specimen. 8G 8« 86 80 87 87 87 87 87 87 100 100 42 87 87 87 87 140 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 155 88 89 89 1.55 8!) 89 8!) 89 89 89 89 10 93 48 89 90 52 94 90 90 94 94 90 90 90 19 19 19 19 Specimen. 17.53 1754 17.55 1750 1757 1758 175!) 1700 1761 1702 1703 1704 1705 1700 1707 1708E. S. 1708 S. S 1709 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 .... 1775 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 17!)4 1795 1790 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1800 1807 1808 1809 112 148 145 182 2 123 123 125 182 1.58 158 1.58 158 158 1.50 158 158 1.5!) 159 159 159 1.59 3 13 13 13 13 14 14 148 32 32 112 112 112 112 113 52 112 112 112 113 113 3 3 145 14 180 180 90 90 90 90 Specimen. 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1810 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1820 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 18.36 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1840 1847 1848 1849 18,50 1851 1852 18.53 1854 1855 1856 1857 18.58 18.59 1860 1861 1862 1863 1804 1805 1860 90 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 92 92 !)2 92 92 92 92 92 92 14.5 6 123 185 146 182 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 !)4 4 94 94 94 94 148 110 109 107 109 10!) 110 109 92 123 14 23 23 23 23 23 23 194 NUMERICAL INDEX. 113 1() 94 185 185 141 35 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 52 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 101 101 101 101 101 101 l(;i 101 101 101 101 102 102 102 102 102 Specimen. 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 200(; 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 162 162 163 163 163 162 162 162 163 164 164 164 148 141 114 141 102 102 102 102 102 149 94 94 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 j 33 331 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 141 Specimen. 2031 2032 E 2032 S 2033. 2034 . 2035 . 2036 . 2037. 2038 . 2039 . 2040 . 2041 . 2042 . 2043. 2044. 2045 . 2046 . 2047 . 2048. 2049 . 2050 . 2051 . 20.52 . 2053 . 2054 2055 . 2056 . 2057 . 2058. 2059 . 2899* 2905 . 3251 . 3358 . 4257 . 43S4 4385 . 4772 . 4773 . 4873 4965 . 5106 . 5113. 5119 . 5123 . 5124 . 5125 5128 . 5129 . 5130 . 5131. 5133 5134 . 5136 . 185 44 150 145 110 125 124 142 113 113 182 142 17 17 17 17 104 106 106 106 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 142 142 142 150 150 150 150 150 142 183 123 123 1 25 150 185 185 151 151 134 151 185 185 186 186 151 186 186 —1 2 —3 —4 —5 —6 —7 —8 — 1 — 2 —3 —4 Specimen. , j M ' I a, 186 186 151 186 186 125 142 146 132 159 92 93 93 98 93 93 178 178 118 107 107 122 122 186 125 151 134 142 151 151 142 137 155 151 146 142 151 48 151 48 151 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 15 2 51.39 5143 5144 5145 5248 5258 5432 5433 5528 5529 5530 5532 5533 5534 5536 5537 5541 5543 5544 5.545 5546 5550 5551 5559 5560 5573 5644 5661 5721 6062 6183 6184 6216 6222 6246 6251 6258 6271 6277 6287 6305 6305 6305 6305 6305 630.5 6305 6305 6306 6306 6306 6306 6306 6306 Spe 6306—7... 152 6306-8... 1.53 6307—1... 153 6307—2... 153 6307—3... 153 6307—4.. 153 6307—5... 1.53 6307 — 6... 1.53 6307 — 7... 1,53 6,307—8... 153 6308—1... 153 6308—2.. 153 6308 — 3... 153 6308—4... 153 6308—5... 153 6308 — 6... 153 6308 -7... 154 6308—8., 154 6410 134 6414 146 6445 164 6450 164 6486 102 6499 123 6525 125 6550 154 65(;3 131 6564 131 6565 131 6576 100 6577 100 6578 101 6.598 93 6615 146 6717—1... 154 6717—2. 154 6717-3... 1.54 6717 — 4.. 1,54 6718—1... 154 6718 — 2... 1.54 6718—3... 1,54 6718 — 4... 1,54 6719—1... 155 6719 —2... 1.55 6719—3... 155 6769 143 6878. ... 44 6900 146 6932 155 6959 142 6966 124 6982 126 * This and the succeeding specimens are borrowed from the Surgical Section. (Sect. I.) While they exhibit the effects of injury or disease, they are also of value in an ethnological point of view.