■SLiSiiSD BY .... 0. HOUGHTON ^ CO., STEAMSHIP AGEMTS. BOSTON, - - - U. S. H. •WortbweBtern Xllniverstt? Xibran? Evanston, Illinois THE GIFT OF ^C>cx^\SO^ Copies of this code can be obtained on application to the addresses named below and at following prices : Bound in Paper, i Shilling, or 35 Cents. Bound in Cloth, 2 Shillings, or 50 Cents. Sent by Mail on receipt of i% d. or 3 cts. Postage per each copy. boston. F. O. HOUGHTON St CO., Publishers, 115 State Street, cor. Broad Street. RAYMOND & WHITCOMB, 296 Washington Street. new york. WHITE STAB LINE, 29 Broadway. RED STAR LINE, 6 Bowling Green, BRENTANO'S, 31 Union Square. RAYMOND & WHITCOMB, 31 East Fourteenth St. THE AMERICAN NEWS CO. chicago. BRENTANO'S, 204 & 206 Wabash Avenue. RAND, McNALLY & CO., 166 Adams Street. A. C. McCLURG & CO., 117-121 Wabash Avenue. cincinnati. THE ROBERT CLARKE COMPANY, 31-39 East Fourth St. washington. BRENTANO'S, 1015 Pennsylvania Avenue. phi la delphi a. RAYMOND & WHITCOMB, 1005 Chestnut Street. san francisco. MILTON HYNBMANN, 210 Battery Street. DUTTON & PARTRIDGE, 212-214 California Street. montreal, canada. WM. FOSTER BROWN & CO., 233 St. James Street. Toronto. Canada. THE HAROLD A, WILSON CO., Ltd., 35 King Street, W. liverpool. ISMAY, IMRIE & CO., WHITE STAB LINE. london. ISMAY, IMRIE & CO. WHITE STAR LII^E 1 Licardciiiiapll Street, EDEN FISHER & CO., 6, 7, 8 Clement's Lane, Lombard St., E. C. paris. BRENTANO'S, 37 Avenue de I'Opera. antwerp. RED STAB LINE (Passenger Department). Orders for this code may be placed with telegraph operator at any of the principal telegraph or cable offices in the United States, and at principal railway newsstands. ' - .v ' THETA. yo/cYo,'' To OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS, THE TRAVELEING PUBEIC, Ship-owners and Merchants, to whose interests our best efforts will always be devoted, this book is RESPECTFUEEY DEDICATED by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO. Publishers. 115 state Street, Boston, November i, 1896. 3CO^\'0O^ STEAMEBS' FUNNELS, ETC. STEAMERS. FUNNEL MARKS. American Anchor . Beaver Cunard French Great Western Guion . . . Hamburg-A merican National Netherlands American North German Lloyd Red Star Thingvalla .... White Star .... Wilson Black, with white band. Black. Black and white. Red, with black top. Red, with black top. Black, with broad red band containing a blue and white ball. Black, with broad red band. Kxpress service, yellow; regular ser- vice, black. White, with black top. Black, white band with green borders. Cream. Cream, with red star, black top. Yellow, white band, blue stars. Cream, with black top. Red, with black top. APPROXIMATE DISTANCES. Liverpool Landing Stage to Crosby Light-Ship' . . " " " Formby Light-Ship . . " " '* Mersey Bar Light-Ship " " " North-West Light-Ship Mersey Bar " Point Lynas .... " " South Stack .... " " Tuskar Rock, 145 (Tuskar Roek ie at S. £. Extremity of Ireland* entrance of St. GeoKge'e Channel.) MILKS. 8 11 14 23 38 58 Mersey Bar to Roche's Point Roche's Point . . . . " Daunt's Rock Light Ship . . " ... " Kinsale Head, Ireland . . . " ... " Fastnet Rock (near Cape Clear, Ireland) . . . (Roche** Point ie on the mainland at the S. £. entrance of Cork Harbor.) New York Wharf " 229 4 16 58 or.) to Quarantine, Staten Island . 8 Sandy Hook Bar .... 20 " Light-Ship . . 28 Fire Island L't-House,Long Isl'd 55 (Flaehins White Light.) Shinnecock Light-House. . 91 (Sooth eldc Long leland.) Daunt's Rock Light-Ship, Northern track, 2805 Southern track, 2892 Sandy Hook Light-Ship, Northern track, 2727 Southern track, 2857 ^Daunt'i Rock Light-Sbip i> off Oannt'e Bock, at the S. W. entrance ot Cork Harbor.) Sandy Hook Light-Ship Daunt's Rock Light-Ship INFORMATION FOR PASSENGERS LANDING IN ENGLAND. Passengers will on landing in England be asked by the Customs Officials whether they have any of the fol- lowing articles, which are liable to Duty or detention Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Snuff, Scents. Wines, Spirits (of ^ny sort). Extracts of Tea, Coffee, Chicory, or Tobacco. The smallest quantities of any of the articles must be produced. Gold or Silver Plate of Foreign Manufacture,, which has not been assayed in England, should be produced. Reprints of any Registered Copyright Works or Music are also prohibited. A person Smuggling is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding Six Months in default of pay- ment of a Fine of Treble the Duty Paid value of the goods or £ioo (500 Dollars). Passengers are specially cautioned against offering gratuities or promising money or other reward to an Officer of Customs, under any circumstances whatever, in connection with the execution of his duty. A Persons bribing or attempting to bribe are liable to a penalty of £,200 (1,000 Dols.), and in all cases of discovery prosecution invariably follows. The offend- ing Officer is severely punished, and liable to dismissal. YOU CAM CABLE IB CIPHER TO FRIEHDS OH THE OTHER SIDE OF THE OCEAN, EVEN IF THE FRIEHDS HAVE HO CODE. PARTIES in America desiring to communicate quickly wiili friends across the water can do so by using The Adams Cable Codex. On page 42 of this code will be found words like: "Bushiness." Translated this word means: — Please put the following in plain language by using this code and deliver to , explaining at same time that I send this mes- sage in cipher through you in order to be more explicit, to insure quick delivery and save expense. In the blank space it is intended to insert the name and address, i.e., "John Jones, Lenox" or "John Jones, Accursed^ The latter is a code word meaning "Care Baring Bros, dr Co., London." Receiver of the message will then understand that contents or translation of the coile words should be communicated to the third party mentioned. In the above-mentioned cases the telegrams would read "Bushiness,JohnJones, Lenox" or "Bushi- ness,John Jones, Accursed." By telegraphing to Delta, Boston, the cable address of F. O. Houghton & Co., 115 State Street, Boston, the forwarding of cable messages as mentioned above to parties not holding a copy of the code can be accom- plished in America; or in London by telegraphing to Compodelta, London, the cable address of Eden Fisher & Co., 6, 7, and 8 Clement's Lane, Lombard Street, E. C., who have on sale The Adams Cable Codex. EIGHTH EDITION, IMPORT^f^ If. a,—Owing to tieceaaary changes and eorree- users of the Adams Coble Codex should purchase THE EATEST EDITION, and the price has been made very low to enable frequent purchases. To prevent all chances of confusion and error both the receiver and sender of messages should hare copies of this, isCs, the EIGHTH EDITION. THE Adams Cable Codex. Published by F. 0. HOUGHTON & GO. Steamship Hgents AND Commission niBichants, 115 State St., Boston, U. S. A. CABLE ADDRESS. DELTA, BOSTON. Price, in paper, i shilling, or 25 cents. Price, in cloth, 2 shillings, or 50 cents. ^ Copyright, 1896. Jf. sure that both receiver and sender of messaged have the EIGHTH EDITION. PREFACE. EIGHTH EDITION. The present issue of " The Adams Cable Codex" is an enlarged edition of over 160 pages, and is published especially in the interest of the travelling public, and also contains much matter of value to bankers, brokers, and the business community at large. The majority of those who travel have investment interests at home about which tiiey require information while abroad, and to this class the large number of pages referring to " Buying," " Selling," " Market," " Condition of Firms, etc," will commend themselves as of especial value. In this, i.e., the SEVENTH EDITION, we have made a number of changes and added pver twenty pages, therefore in cabling be sure that both the receiver and sender of messages have acopyof this, the SEVENTH EDITION. The value of this code will be seen at a glance. We will suppose that the friend abroad is in Paris and is about to leave for London and wishes to apprise his friend at home of that fact. He turns to the Index and finds sentences beginning with ' • Am going to," " Am leaving for," etc.) are to be found on pages 80 to 82, and then makes up the following message;—"INGKATE, LONDON, TUESDAY," which, when trans- lated by the receiv^er, means, " Am going to London and expect to reach there Tuesday morning. Telegrams sent to me there will reach me promptly." In this message twenty words are sent at the cost of but three. Or, he can cable " INTACT, LONDON," which would mean— Leave here to day for London, If anything new occurs, telegraph so as to reach me at that place." If, at the same time, an address is to be given in London, the message can be hnade up as follows: — "INGRATE, LONDON TUESDAY, BANKERS," which would then read, " Am going to London ana expect to reach there Tuesday morning. Telegrams sent to me there, care of bankers, will reach me promptly," In the place of "BANKERS" in the message, can be given the cable name of the bankers in whose care the message is to be sent. Then again, the one abroad may wish to know if all goes well at home. He turns to the index, and finds on page 82 the following: — "INSTTTUTOR," meaning " Is everything all right and everylx>dy all well at home?" If the frieml at home is to be apprised of the address of the one abroad, then the following message can be sent: — " INSTITUTOR, INTOXICATE BANKERS/' nteaning, " Is everything all right and everybody all well at home ? Telegraph reply to me here, care of bankers." If in a small town where there is but one cable office, and a reply is wanted the following can be added to any message : — " INTRINSIC," meaning " There is but one office here, to which all cables are sent, so that messaqes giving my cable name only and addressed to this place will reach me promptly." If a number of people are travelling together, and, torn instance Mr Bowzer and Mr. Towzer of the party wish to inquire through the' one who is sending the message in regard to those at home, the followimr can be added : — " BOWZER, TOWZER, JAGGED;" or, "Itowzer aud Towzer wish to know if everybody is well and everything all right at home " THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 3 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Tn regard to illness, Mr. Towzer's wife is ill at home and be must be notified ol; the fact. Turning to the Index, we find a number of pages under this heading, and from page 17 we can make the following mes- sage:—**MRS. TOWZEB, ALBURNOUS/' which would read, **Atrs. Towzer is ill^ Sickness is not serious, but keep within reach of telegram so that we can communicate with you if wanted.'* On page 42 will be found a number of sentences by which a message can be sent and delivered to a third party who may not happen to have this code. If any telegrams are sent to us—** Delta, Boslon," — we shall be happy to forward same to any address that may be named in tiie cable message. To those unused to cable codes let us say that before leaving home it will be necessary for both the traveller and the friend at home to select some distinguishing cable address. For instance, to send a message to " F. O. Houghton & Co., 115 State St., Boston," will entail an expense of cabling nine words for the address alone, while a despatch can be addressed in two words to " DELTA, BOS- TON," our cable address, and on its receipt at the cable office, it will be aent at once to us, our full name and address being regis- tered, together with our cable name, at the head offices of all the different companies in Boston. The frieud who is to cable from abroad must also select some special cable address, but we do not recommend, on account of the trouble and expense involved, the usual cost being one guinea, the registration of his cable name at the telegraph offices in any of the large cities, unless he intends to remain for some time in one particular city. In travelling hurriedly from place to place it is better to have messages sent in the care of a banker, an hotel, or an exchange {preference betng given to the place where a telegram will be most likely to reach the receiver at any hour of the day or night), nearly all of which have a cable address, so that mes* sages sent in their care will be promptly delivered. As a rule we should say that telegrams sent in care of the hotel where one is stopping would be soonest delivered. When it is understood beforehand, it will not be nec- essary to sign messages, unless telegrams are being sent to or received from different parties in the same place, when it is well that each bear the cable signature of the sender. To prevent confusion and any liability of miscarriage, some peculiar and uncommon name should be selected, if possible, for the cable address. Any one of the following names will answer, or similar ones can be chosen. For instance: AKENSIDE, BARHAM, BELLONA, BOS* CA WEN, etc. If on application to the telegraph office it is found that the same name has been previously registered by some one else, then, of course, another must be chosen. On page 66 will be found a sentence " ELUCIDATE," announcing a change of one's caole name or address. Also see pages 80 and 81 for changes of cable name or address. In closing we must add one word of caution ; i. e., when making up a message be sure to write clearly and distinctly. In sending a telegram it should be understood, especially in cipher messages, that the telegraph operator has to deal with letters and not words. In writing a message, therefore, every letter should stand out so clearly and dtstinclly that there can be no chance of error. Furthermore, in sending and receiving messages, do not fail to take time to read the telegram carefully, and re-check it to and from the code. Too mvoh care cannot be taken in the translation of cable messages, as an error may cost both the sender and the receiver a deal of trouble, worry, and expense. This code is the result of many months* labor, and must commend itself to any one who has to use the ocean cables or the overland tele* graph lines. It does not, of course, cover every exigency which may uprise, and we doubt if any code could be gotten up that would do this. Any suggestions which the users of this code may have to make which will add to its value and efficiency we shall be gM to receive, and may he able to embody tb^m in our next edition, to which we shall probably add a number of pages. TO OUR PATRONS. Users of this code will confer a favor by advising us of any mistakes that may come to their notice, and we shall also be glad to receive any suggestions that may serve to increase its value and usefulness. In sending a plain mes- sage (i.e., not in cipher) be sure that none of the words used can be found in and translated from the code. F. O, HOUGHTON & CO. INDEX TO CONTENTS. Please note particularly pages 42 and 162. Accidents, 44, 60, 62, 150 to 152. " Act cautiously," " Act quickly," etc., 43. " Address letters to," 9, 18. "Address telegrams," 81. Address wanted, 22, 23, 30, 48, 84, 85. "Advise you too," etc., 43. "All well," 8 to 10, 13, 17, 81. "Am out of funds," 25. " Am going to," " Am leaving for," etc., 80 to 82. "Apply to," 8, 9, 44, 80. Arrival, 9, 13, 17, 62. Authority to act, 20, 51, 57, 68. "Await letter," 9, 21, 22, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 68, 71. Baltimore stocks, 158. Bonds, payment, stock terms, etc., 129, 130. Boston stocks, 120 to 123. Business, 8, 10, 16, 44, 46, 51, 52, 60, 61, 66, 68, 81, 82, 84. Buying, 65, 67, 88 to 95. Cable and telegraphic address, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 46, 66, 80, 8i 83, 84. Cable transfer, 29, 30. "Call zt," or "call for," 10, 14, 18, 2:. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 5 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. '' Can do nothing until," etc., 47. " Cannot leave," 8, 10, 11,80. "Cannot sail," "Cannot start," 11, 49, 80. "Care of," 9 to 13, 18 to 20, 22, 80 to 85. Change of cable address, 66, 80, 81. Change of cable name, 66, 80. Change of route, 17. Chicago stocks, 157, 158; Code table for dates, 159 to 161. Congratulations, 80, 82, 84, 150 to 153« Consiiltation of physicians, 150. Days, months, interest, etc, 119. Delay, 11, 12, 17, 22, 23, 47, 59, 63, 68. Delivery, 49, 52. Delivery of message to one not using this code, 42. Departure, 12, 16, 21, 23. Detained in quarantine, 150. "Do not commit yourself," etc., 80. " Do not reply," 80. "Drafts and Drawing, 25 to 30, 56, 71. Errors in telegrams, 41, 42. "Everything and everybody all well," 10, 13, 23, 81. "Expect to arrive," 13, 19, 52, 80. " Expect to sail," 10, 13, 22, 23. " Expect to start," 13. Forwarding copies of this codex to a third party, 42. Forwarding letters, 13, 13, 16, 18, 22. Forwarding messages, etc., ly, 42, 52, 64. "Full particulars," 13, 19 to 21, 50, 54. 55, 63, 64, 70. " Happy New Year," 80, 84, ISO, 153. "Hasten return," 18, 22, 71. " Have lost," 53, 54. . " Have started for home," 14, 15. " Have you closed," etc., 81. " Hold my letters," 15. Holidays, 55, 67. Hour of day, 132. Illness, 8,12,16,17,21, 24. 44.4St49>6' 1063,81, ISO to 1S3. • 6 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Immediate reply, 62, 66, 68. Inquiry as to address, 84, 85. Instructions, 35, 43, 45, 48, 84, 85. Insurance, 60, 63, 80 to 82. " Is everybody well ?" 13, 81, 82, 85. " Is everything all right and everybody all well at home ?" 82, 85 Letters and correspondence, 9, 10, 12 to 15, 17, 21 to 24, 40, 43,46. 49. 52. SS. 60. 65. 67, 68, 71, 80, 8s, 95, 98, 131. Letters and telegrams, 40, 41, 131. Letter of credit, 25 to 29, 54. Letters of introduction, 11, 19, 48, 49, 54. Market, 62, 81, 107 to 116. " Meet her," " Meet him," " Meet me," etc., 44, 62. "Merry Christmas," 80, 84, 152, 153. Misellaneous sente nces, 43 to 71, 80 to 87. " Missing," 20,45, 53, 60, 61. JVew sentences inserted to be explained by mail, 42. New York stocks, 124 to 128. " No need to hasten return," 8. Numerals and fractions, 141 to 149. Offer accepted, 39. Other codes, 21, 188, 189. Out of funds, 25. Percentage, 117, 118. Postponement, 21. Philadelphia stocks, 158. Prepaying passage, 11, 14, 18. Prices, 36, 38, 46, 64, 88, 94, 96,104. Prospects, 21, 64, 65, 68, 113. • « Push sales of—," 82. " Referring to my (our) telegram or letter of," etc., 131. " Referring to your letter of," 40. Remaining longer, 16, 21. Remittances and remitting, 25 to 29. Reply, 15, 21, 48, 59, 65, 67, 68, 81, 83 to 85. Return, 8 to 11, 13, 16 to 18, 21 to 24, 46, 68, 84. "Rush answer," 18. Sailings, 19^ 20, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 7 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Securing staterooms, etc., 31 to 39. Selling, 27, 29, 46, 65, 67, 82, 84, 9© to 105. " Send draft," 29, " Shall remain," 8, i6, 19, 65. "Shall sail," "Shall start," etc, 8, 10, 14, 15, 19, 21, 23, 66. " Shall leave," 82, 83. Shipping, shipment, etc., 154 to 156. Special requests, 42. Standing of firms, etc., 53, 60, 135 to 137. Sterling money, 72 to 76. " Subject to reply to reach here," etc., 66. Telegrams and telegraphing, 8, 9, 11 to 14, 16 to 23, 25, 27 to 29. 40, 41, 43, 44 to 46, 52, S3, 59, 60, 63, 65,67, 68, 70, 71, 80 to85, 94, 99, 131, 153. Telegraphic authority, 20, 68. Telegraphic money order, 25, 27, 29. "Telegraph reply," 9, 13, 16, 18, 20 to 23, 44, 45, 60, 65, 68, 81, 83 to 85. " Too late," 20, 60, 68. Unintelligible words or messages, 42. United States money, 77 to 79. " When do you expect to sail," " to start," " to reach," etc., 22, 23, 69, 85. " You do not answer my message understandingly," etc., 42. " What is the trouble ?" 68. " Where shall you be ," 153. " Wrote you last mail," etc., 23, 24. Pages 163 (O SOD added to this edition refer principally to Merchandise, Orders, Prices, Quotations, Shipment, Vessels, Departures, Rates of Freight, etc. 8 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. ABRIVAL AND BEPABTUBE, LETTEBS TELE6BAMS, BETUBN, PBEPAYMENT OF PASSAGE, HUrESS, BUSINESS, Etc. Also see "Miscellaneotcs" and "Financial," Aback, All well. Business fair. Stay until Abaculus, All well. Business good. Stay until Abandon, All well. Business quiet. Stay until Abased, All well. Business O. K. Nothing here requir- ing you; 'mmediate return. Abasement, All well. Business O. K. No need to hasten your return. Abasitis, Am quite ill. Please come here at once. Abasingr, Am somewhat ill. Abate, Am somewhat ill. Can you come here ? Abatement, Am somewhat ill. Cannot leave here at present Abattoir, Am somewhat ill, but will start as soon as pes- sible. Abatude, Am somewhat ill. Shall remain here for the present. Abbatical, Am somewhat ill. Shall remain here until Abbey, And then go to Abbreviate, Apply at telegraph office for telegram. Abdicate, Apply to F. O. Houghton & Co., Boston. Abduction, Apply to F. O. Houghton & Co, Boston, for sailing lists, giving date and hour of departure. Abductor, Apply to Red Star Line office, Antwerp. Aberration, Apply to the agents in Abetment, Apply to White Star line office, 34 Leadenhall street, London. .Abettor, Apply to White Star line office, 10 Water street, Liverpool. Abeyance, Are not very busy. No need to hasten return. Abhor, Are very busy, but you need not hasten return. Abhorred, Are very busy. Please return s<^on as possible, ^^bborrence, Arrange for my return- THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 9 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO,, 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Abhorring, Abiding, Abidingly, Abject, Abjectly, Abjeetness, Abjure, Abjuring, Ablation, Ablution, Abnegate, Abnegation, Abnormal, Abode, Aboding, Abolish, Abolition, Abominate, Aboriginal, Abortive, Abortively, Abounding, Abrading, Abrasion, Abridge, Abridging, Abrogate, Abrogation, Arrived all right. " " address letters to care of " " and proceed at once. " " telegraph me in care of " ' " pleasant passage. « " " " advise friends. « « « « writing. " « « « ^iii Arrived — all well — pleasant passage — found everything all right. Arrived—all well—had a splendid passage. Arrived—all well—splendid passage—address letters to — Arrived — all well — address letters to care of Arrived—all well—pleasant voyage—telegraph me at — Arrived — all weil—pleasant voyage—proceed to —— to-night. Arrived—all well—pleasant voyage—proceed to to-morrow. Arrived—all well—proceed to —— on Arrived—all well—stormy passage. " " " " Was very sick. " " « , « Proceed to to-night. Arrived — all well — had stormy passage — tel- egraph me at —— Arrived—all well—stormy passage—^proceed at once to —— Arrived here to-day Await letter. It will explain fully. Await my letter (dated ) Await my letter which I shall address to you at general Post Office. Before letter received I (or we) had Before telegram received I (or we) had Better return soon as you can. Apply to Red Star line office, Antwerp. lo THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U .S. A. Better start for • ■ as soon as possible. Abrupt, Abruptly, Business is good, and everything and everybody all well. Abruptness, Business is quiet, and everything and everybody all well. Abscttnrter, Business is rushing, and everything and every- body all well. Absconding', Business is very bad. Absented, Call at that office for necessary documents. Absenting, Call at the general Post Office at for letter (dated ). Absolute, Call at office of F. O. Houghton & Co., Boston, for ticket. Absolutely, Call at the office of Absolution, Call at office Von der Becke & Marsily, Antwerp, for ticket. Absolutory, Call at White Star Line office, 10 Water street, Liverpool, for ticket. Call for necessary documents at office of Call for ticket at office of Absolve, Absorb, Absorbed, Absorbing, Absorbent, Absorption, Abstain, Abstemious, Abstinence, Abstract, Abstracted, Abstractly, Abstruse, Abstrusely, Call for ticket at White Star Line office. Call for ticket at Red Star Line office. Call for letter at office of Call for letter dated , which I have sent to care of Call for letter (dated ) which I direct to you at general Post Office. Call for letter which I am writing, and which I will mail to care of Call on Can do no good by stopping here. Shall I go to Can do no good by stopping here. Shall I return Cannot leave here at present. Will advise you before I (or we) start. Cannot leave on date fixed. Hope to sail (or start) Cannot leave on date you set. Hope to sail (or start) THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. It Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Slate Street, Boston, U. S. A. Absurd, Absurdity, Absurdly, Absurdness, Abundance, Abundant, Abundantly, Abusive, Abusively, Abutment, Abyss, Academic, Academical, Academy, Accelerate, Accented, Acceptance, Accessible, Accessory, Accidental, Acclimate, Accordion, Accosted, Accountant, Accretion, Accumulate, Accurate, Accursed, Accusation, Accusing, Accustom, Acerbity, Acetic, Achieve, Achieving, Aching, * Cannot leave to-day. " " till to-morrow. " " " Sunday. " *' " Monday. " " " Tuesday. " " " Wednesday. " " Thursday. " " " Friday. " " " Saturday. Cannot leave unless Cannot leave until —^ Cannot prepay your passage. Cannot return until Cannot return unless Cannot return unless you Cannot return unless you prepay my passage. Cannot sail by steamer you name. Will come next steamer. Cannot sail by steamer you name. Hope to leave Cannot sail by steamer you name. Will cable when steamer and date of departure are fixed. Cannot say when shall be able to leave Cannot you start before —— Cannot you start so as to reach here Can you send me letter of introduction to Come at once. Do not delay. Care of Care of F. O. Houghton & Co., Boston. Care of Baring Bros. & Co., Liverpool. Care of Baring Bros. & Co., London. Care of Brown Brothers & Co., Boston. Care of Brown Brothers & Co., New York. Care of Brown, Shipley & Co., Liverpool. Care of Brown, Shipley & Co., London. Care of Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris, Paris. Care of Drexel, Harjes & Co., Paris. Care of Drexel, Morgan & Co., New York. Care of E. Hoskier & Co., Paris. 2 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Sti^et, Boston, U. S. A. Achromatic, Care o£ Hottinguer et Cie, Paris. Acidity, Care of Ismay, Imrie & Co., Liverpool. Acidness, Care of Ismay, Imrie & Co., London. Acidulous, Care of Jacob C. Rogers, Boston. Aconite, Care of J. S. Morgan & Co., London. Acom, Care of Red Star Line, New York. Acquaillt, Care of F. O. Houghton & Co.. Boston. Acquainted, Care of kidder, Peabody & Co., Boston. Acquiesce, Care of Kidder, Peabody & Co., New York. Acquiring, Care of Perier frferes et Cie, Paris. Acquit, Care of Von der Becke & Marsily, Antwerp. Acquittal, Care of agents Red Star Line at Acrimony, Care of agents Red Star Line at this place. Acrobat, Care of agents White Star Line at Acrostic, Care of agents White Star Line at this place. Acrostical, Care of the correspondents* at this place of Acroterial, Care of the correspondents of at Acting, Care of the correspondents of Baring Bros. & Co., at Actiniform, Care of the correspondents of Baring Bros. & Co., at this place. Actinism, Care of the correspondents of Brown, Shipley & Co., at Actinulite, Care of the correspondents of Brown, Shipley & Co., at this place. Care of the correspondents of J. S. Morgan & Co., at Care of the correspondents of J. S. Morgan & Co., at this place. Delay is caused by Delay will be explained by letter. Departure postponed. Will wire on what dale I leave. Departure postponed. Will write. Detained here by Illness. Cannot say when shall be able to leave. ^Actively, Activeness, Actual, Actualize, Actually, Actuate, Aetuation, •Note.—Where two or more correspondents are given on a Letter of Credit or Letter of Indication, it is understood that the one named is the corre* spondent in whose care the matter should be sent. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 13 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Actuosity, Acumen, Acuminate, Acute, Acutely, Acuteness, Adage, Adamant, Expect to sail per - Adamantine,Expect to start — Adaptation, Expect to start for - Do not know the party named well enougn lo allow of my giving letter. Everybody well; stay as long as you wish to. Everything and everybody all well. Everything and everybody all well. Do not hasten your return. Everything favors speedy recovery. Everything running smoothly. All well. Noth- ing here to hasten your return. Expect to arrive Adapted, Adaptness, Addendum, Addition, Adequate, Adlterency, Adiierent, Adlierently, Atlliesion, Adhesive, Adhesively, Adipose, Adjacent, Adjacently, Adjective, Adjoining, Adjourn, Adjourned, Adjudicate, Adjunct, Adjunctive, Adjusting, Expect to start on or about • Forward all letters to Forward any letters addressed to following per- son (or persons) to me at Forward any letters addressed to Forward any letters for me to Forward letters to me here (care of ——) Forward letters to me here care of my bankers. Forward letters to care of Forward letters to care of my bankers at Forward letters to care of my bankers at London. Forward letters to care of my bankers at Paris. Forward letters to my London address. Forward letters to my Paris address. Forward my letters to London, care of Forward my letters to Paris, care of Forward my letters to the care of Forward my letters to the care of my bankers at Forward the letters to Full particulars by first mail. Have had no letters from you for a fortnight or more. Are all well Have heard nothing from you since Have just arrived here. Please wire what you * have to communicate. H , THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A. Adjustment, Have prepaid your passage as requested. Adjutant, Have just received your letter (dated ) Administer, Have just received your telegram (dated ) Admirable, Have prepaid your passage by Red Star line. Admiral, Have prepaid your passage by Red Star Line Call at Antwerp office for ticket. Admiration, Have prepaid your passage by White Star line. Admired, Have prepaid your passage White Star Line. Call at Liverpool office for ticket. Admission, Have received but letter from you. Admittance, Have received but telegram from you. Admixture, Have received no letter from you. Admonish, Have received no letter from you since the one dated Admonition, Have received no telegram from you. Admonitory, Have received no telegram from you since the one dated Adonis, Have received letter from Adorable, Have received telegram from reading as follows • Adoration, Have seen . He says he will do it. Adorning, Have seen . He says he cannot do it. Adornment, Have started for Adroitness, Have started for home. Adulation, Have started for home, and shall sail by thi. Adriatic from Liverpool, on Adulterate, Have started for home and shall sail by the Teutonic from Liverpool, on Advantage, Have started for home, and shall sail by the Britannic from Liverpool, on Advent, Have started for home, and shall sail by the Celtic from Liverpool, on Adventure, Have started for home, and shall sail by the Germanic from Liverpool, on — Adverb, Have started for home, and shall sail by the Majestic from Liverpool, on Adverbjiil, Have started for home, and shall soil from Antwerp, per •— THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. »S Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Slate Street, Boston, U. S. A. Adversary, Have started for Lome and sliaB sa'il tront Boston, per Adversity, Have started for home, and shall sail fronr Bremen, per Advisedly, Have started for home, and shall sail from Cherbourg, per Advisory, Have started for home, and shall sail from Glasgow, per Advocacy, Have started for home, and shall sail from Hamburg, per Advocate, Have started for home, and shall sail from Havre, per Advoliltion, Have started for home, and shall sail from Liverpool, per . Affability, Have started for home, and shall sail from London, per Affably, Have started for home and shall sail from New York, per Affected, Have started for home, and shall sail from Plymouth, per Affectedly, Have started for home, and shall sail from Queenstown, per — ^ Affecting, Have started for home, and shall sail from Southampton, per Affection, Have started for home, and shall sail from per Affianced, Have started for home, and shall sail per Affidavit, Have you engaged passage ? Affiliate, Have you engaged passage, and if so, by what line ? Affinity, Have you received my letter ? Affirming, " " " dated ? Affirinable, Have you received my letter dated ? Why do you not answer ? Affiation, Have you received my letters dated ? Affiicted, Have you received my letter .> Why do you not answer ? Affiuencc, He (or she) will remain at Affiuent, H^ld my letters until further advic* i6 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Affluently, Affray, Afraid, African, Africanism, Agape, ASTcndum, Aggravate, Aggression, Aggressor, Aggrieve, Agility, Agitate, Agitation, Agonize, Agony, Agrarian, Agreeing, Agreeable, Ailing, Ailment, Aimless, Aimlessly, Alacrity, Alarum, Albanian, Albatross, Albino. * How is busii'.ess i Am I needed at home ? How is businessand will it bs possible for me to remain another week ? How is business ? and will it be possible for me to remain another month ? How is business ? and will it be possible for me to remain until How is business? If everything quiet, shall remain a few days longer. How long shall you remain at ? " there? How soon can you start ? If detained and obliged to leave later, will advise you. If possible, wish to remain another month. If possible, wish to remain another week. If possible, wish to remain until If possible, wish to remain weeks longer. If you wish to communicate with me (or us) by telegraph, do so at before Important matters prevent my (our) leaving at present. Impossible to return until In consequence of the illness of we are detained here for the present. Please send our letters here accordingly. Is any one ill ? Telegraph reply quickly. Is decidedly better and now out of danger. has been seriously ill, but is now out of danger. No need to hasten your return. has been seriously ill, but is recovering, and the doctor thinks will now do well. is better and we expect to leave here is ill. — is ill, but not seriously. is ill. Case quite serious. is ill. No chance of recovery. is ill. Return at once. is ill. Return at once. Do not delay. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 17 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., us State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Album, Albumen, Alburnous, Alchemy, Alcohol, Alcoholic, Alcoholize, Alderman, Aldlne, AlemMc, Al{ir«bra, Alienate, Alienation, Alimentary, Alimony, Aliquot, Alkali, Alkanet, Alkermes, Alkoran, Alkoranic, Allaying, 'Allegiance, Allegoric, Allegory, Alleviate, Alliance, Alligation, is ill. Keep me posted as to your movt- ments so that I can reach you by cable at any moment. is ill. Prepare to return in case we telegraph you. is ill. Sickness is not serious, but keep within reach of telegram so that we can communicate with you if wanted. is ill. What shall we do? is ill. While sickness is not yet serious we think you better return. is seriously ill. We think you better return at once. Is much better. No need for you to come. Is recovering rapidly. Is there any change ? Letter at post office for you. Letter received. Letter received. All well. Letter received. Have written. Letter received. Have done as requested. Letter received. Will do as requested. " " Will write by first mail. " " Will write to-day. " " Wrote you under date of - Letter received, date of Wrote party mentioned under any Letters received bearing dates of Letters will soonest reach me if addressed to May return sooner than expected. My cable address is registered at ; messages sent there will be forwarded to me at once. My letter will explain. No delay here. No need to hasten return. All going well here. Nothing here requiring your return. On arrival here find it best to make a change of route, and therefore go to at once. i8 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO , 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Allig^ator, Allodiiiiii, Allotment, Allnminate, Aliusfon, Alluvial, Aliiiauac, Almoner, Aloof, Aloofness, Alpaca, Alphabet, Alpine, Alsacian, Altarage, Altercate, Altitude, Aluinuia, Ainadetto, Amalgam, Amanuensis, Amaranth, Amaryllis, Amateur, Amatory, On what date do you start ? " " " expect to start ? Please call on F. O. Houghton & Co., Boston, and prepay my passage. Please call on F. O. Houghton & Co., Boston, and prepay my passage by Red Star Line. Ask them to cable to Antwerp office to furnish necessary ticket. Please call on F. O. Houghton & Co., Boston, and prepay my passage by White Star Line. Ask them to cable Liverpool office to furnish necessary ticket. Please prepay my passage by White Star line. " " " " Red Star line. " " line. Please prepay my passage by line ami telegraph me at Please send letters to general Post Office (at ) to be held till called for. Please send letters to until Please send letters to this place until Please send letters to this place until further advice from me. Prepare to return in case we telegraph you. Remain longer if it will pay to do so. Remain until if it will pay to do so. Return as soon as possible. Return at leisure. Return at once. Return at once; important matters require your presence here. Return by first steamer. Return, so as to be here if possible, on Return when ypu wish to; do not hurry back. Rush'answer. Send reply to me at Rush answer. Very important, should have reply at once. Send all letters to me at Amaze, Amazement, Send all letters to me care of THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. «9 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Amazing:, Send all telegrams, care of Amazillg:ly, Send all telegrams to me at Amazon, Send all telegrams until , care of Amazonian, Send all telegrams until further advised to me at :— Ambaj?itory, Send all telegrams until further advised to me here. Amber, Send full particulars by first mail. Ambergris, Send me letter of introduction. Ambition, Shall remain here until Ambler, Shall remain here until and then go t to Ambling, Ambrosia, Ambrosial, Shall remain there until — Shall remain until Shall remain there until • to Ambrotyi>e, Shall sail (or start) from Ambulanee, Shall sail (or start) from Antwerp — Amimlation, " " " " " per- Ambliseade, Shall sail (or start) from here Amblisb, Shall sail (or start) from here per — Amenable, Shall sail (or start) from Liverpool- ■ and then go Am«;n(lment,Shall sail (or start) from Liverpool per Amenity, Ametliyst, Amiably, Amicable, Amity, Ammodyte, Ammonia, Amnesty, Amoret, Ampliibian, Amphibious, Ampbipoda, Ampboral, Amplify, Amputate, Shall sail (or start) from New York Shall sail (or start) from New York per ■ Shall sail (or start) per Shall sail (or start) to-day. " ■' " to-morrow. " " " Sunday. " " " Monday. " " " Tuesday. " " " Wednesday. ' " " " Thursday. '" " " Friday. " " " Saturday. Start and expect to arrrive, SS. Adriatic, sailing — SS. Teutonic sailing ■ Amputation, Britaniiic, sailing 20 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX, Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Amuse, SS. Celtic, sailing Amusement, SS. Germanic, sailing Amusing', SS. Majestic, sailing Anaconda, SS. Friesland, sailing AnagTPam, SS. Noordland, sailing Analeptic, SS. Belgenland, sailing Analogical, SS. Pennland, sailing Analogism, SS. Rhynland, sailing Analogous, SS. Switzerland, sailing —— Analogy, SS. Waesland, sailing—; Analysis, SS. Westernland, sailing Analyze, SS. sailing from Antwerp. Anapestic, SS. sailing from New York. Anarchy, SS. sailing from Liverpool. Anathema, SS. sailing from here. Anatomical, SS. sailing from Anatomy, Telegram received. Ancestor, Telegram received; will do as requested. Ancestress, Telegram received; have done as requested. Anchorite, Telegram received; cannot do as you request. Anchovy, Telegram received; cannot do as you request; have written. Anciently, Telegram received; cannot do as you request; will write first mail. Andalusite, Telegram received, but too late to Anecdote, Telegram received too late. Aneroid, Telegram will soonest reach me at Angelic, Telegrams sent to r will reach me imme- diately. Angelus, Telegrams will reach me immediately, if sent in care of Angered, Telegraph and write full particulars. Ang'lican, Telegraph authority for me to Angling, Telegraph authority for me to protect your interests. Angry,, Telegraph date of sailing. Anguish, Telegraph everywhere and try to find him (her). Angular, Telegraph full instructions. .Angularity, Telegraph full instructions to me at this place. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 2' Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Animadvert, Telegraph either " Yes " or " No." Animal, Animated, Animation, Animosity, Animus, Anisette, Annealing, Annex, Annihilate, Annotate, Annotation, Annuity, Anoint, Anointed, Anomaly, Telegraph full instructions to me at - Telegraph lull particulars. Telegraph full particulars to me at - Telegraph if anything important. Telegraph reply. Telegraph reply and sign yoursei: — Telegraph reply quickly. Telegraph reply to — Telegraph reply to me at Telegraph result. Telegraph this to Telegraph to Telegraph what you have done. Telegraph if any change. The following words are from Scott's code Call on F. O. Houghton & Co., Boston, for trans- , lation. Anonymous, The following words are from Watkins' code. Call on F. O. Houghton & Co., Boston, for translation. Aliserated, The following words are from code. Call for translation on Antagonist, Antecedent, Antelope, Anthem, Antic, A nticipate. Antidote, Antimony, Antipathy, The last letter from you is dated There is a decided change for the better. There is a favorable change. There is a slight change for the better, but nothing very decided. There is no change. There is no prospect of doing anything here. There is no prospect of doing anything here, so I am going to Think it best to postpone departure. Think it best to postpone departure. If T receive no further advices from you, shall sail per Antipodes, Wait until you receive my letter. Antiquary, Wait until you receive my letter (dated 1 % before doing anything. Antiquated, We are all well., No need to hasten return. 22 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO,, 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Antiquity, We had letters from you last week. Wrote you at once in reply. Apartment, We have advices which in our judgment may lead to your return home. Apathetic, We have advices which in our judgment may lead to your return to Boston. Where will a letter or telegram soonest reach you ? Apathy, We have advices which in our judgment may lead to your return home. Where will a letter or telegram soonest reach you i Aperient, We have advices which in our judgment may lead to your return to London. Where will a letter or telegram soonest reach you ? Aperture, We have advices which in our judgment may lead to your return to New York. Where will a letter or telegram soonest reach you Apex, We have advices which In our judgment may lead to your return to Where will a letter or telegram soonest reach you.' Aphorism, We have an important communication for yuii to be sent by mail. Where shall it be acl- dressed } Aphrodite, We have letters for you, but want directions where to send them. Apocryphal, We have sent a letter to you Apolog:ue, We have sent a letter to you in care of Apoplectic, We have sent a letter to you to the general Post Office at Apoplexy, We have sent a letter (or letters) to you at Wait there until you receive it. Apostate, We need you here. Please return as soon as possible. Apostolic, What is reason of delay in reply to my (our) telegram Apostrophe, What is reason of delay in reply to my (our) letter Apparel, When do you expect to sail for home. Appendage, When do you expect to sail for home? Tele- graph reply. THE ADAMS CABLE'CODEX. ^3 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO.» 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A, Appertain, When do you expect to sail for home ? Tele- graph reply, giving port and date of sailing. Appetizer, When do you expect to sail for home. Reply by mail. Applaud, When do you intend to go to ? Appliance, When do you intend to start? Apportion, When do you intend to return? Apprehend, When do you start, and when do you expect to arrive ? Apprentice, Where will letter soonest reach you ? Apprise, Where will telegram soonest reach you ? Approving, Will advise you when date of departure is fixed. Aptitude, Will arrange for your return. Aptness, Will sail by first steamer on which room can be secured. Aquarium, Will start as soon as possible. Aquatic, Will start as soon as possible. May be delayed a few days. Aqueduct, Will start for home at once and will cable you name of steamer before sailing. Aquiline, Will start for at once and look for advices from you there. Arabian, Will telegraph if we need you. Arabical, Will telegraph if matters grow worse. Arbitrate, Will return as soon as possible. ArboretUW Will return if you think best. Arborical, will not return with us. Arbutus, Will send letter asked for. Arcade, " " " " " by first mail. Arcanum, " " " " " soon as possible. Architect, " " " per steamship Archness, Will write by first mail. Arctic, Will write soon. Arduous, Write you to-day. Argent, Wrote you last mail. Argosy, " " last week. Argu ment, Wrote you last week. all well. Ariauism, you '^is week, Everything and everybody 24 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. 4. Aristocrat, Arithmetic, Armada, Armament, Armature, Armenian, Armful, Armhole, Arming. Armistice, Armor, Armorial, Arnica, Aromatic, Arraign, Arraigning, Arrantly, Arrayed, Arraying, Arrestment, • to —■ Wrote you yesterday. Wrote you under date of — Wrote you under date of — You are needed at home. You are not needed at home. You are not needed at home. Remaiti longer if it will pay to do so. You must be here by the You need not return. You need not return until Your has been taken ill (with ) Your brother has been taken ill (with ) Your daughter has been taken ill (with ) Your father has been taken ill (with ) Your husband has been taken ill (with ) Your mother has been taken ill (with ) Your sister has been taken ill (with ) Your son has been taken ill (with ) Your wife has been taken ill (with ) Your presence is needed here. Your presence is needed here. When can you start, and when can you arrive here ? Arrogant, Arrogation, - Arrow, Arsenal, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 25 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U- S. A. FOrAItCIAI. LETTEES OF CREDIT, DRAFTS, Etc. BDTING AND SELLING. Arsenical, Arson, Arterial, Artery, Artesian, Artfully, ~ Artichoke, Articulate, Artificial, Artless, Asbestos, Asboline, Ascendency, Ascendingr, Asben, Askant, Asparagus, Aspect, Asperation, Asperity, Aspbaltum, Asphodel, Aspirate, Aspiringly, Assailed, Assassin, Assault, Assaulting, Assembly, Assertive, Am out of funds. Am out of funds. here for . Am out of funds, at for — Can you send draft to me Can you send draft to me Am out of funds. What shall I do ? Arrange this by telegraph. I need the funds at once. Buy for my account Can do nothing till I assure myself of your identity. Cannot draw without a bank credit. Cannot honor your draft. Cannot open credit. . Cannot remit. Cannot remit more than —— Draft at sight. Draft at 30 days sight Draft at 60 d3"s sight. Draft at 90 days sight Draw at sight on —■ Draw at 30 days sight on — Draw at 60 days sight on -1-. Draw at 90 days sigti on . Draw on —— Draw on —— Draw on ■ Draw on ■'« - Draw on - Draw on Draw on for amount due. Draw on Drexel, Harjes & Co., Paris. Draw on Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris, Paris Draw on Consolidated Bank, Limited, London- 26 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO , 115 State Street, Boston, U- S. A. Assessment, Draw on Baring Bros. & Co., London. Assessor, Draw on Brown, Shipley & Co., London. Asseverate, Draw on J. S. Morgan & Co., London. Assiduous, Draw on £. Hoskins & Co., Paris. Assimilate, Draw on Hottinguer & Co., Paris. Associate, Draw on Munroe & Co., Paris, Assorted, Draw on Pereir frhres et Cie, Paris. Assuag^C, Draw on the correspondents of — Assurance, Draw on me (for ) Assuringfly, Draw on me for amount due. Asterisk, For amount due. Asteroid, For amount of Asthmatic, For what amount ? Astonisb, For what amount shall I —— Astound, For what amount shall I draw? Astral, For what amount shall I open credit ? Astringl'Cnt, For what amount shall I remit draft ? Astrology, For what amount shall you ? Astronomer, Have bought for your account — Astutely, Plave drawn on you for . Please pro- tect draft. Astuteness, Have drawn on —for ——. Please in- struct them to protect draft. Asunder, Have not received draft. Asylum, Have not received draft. How did you address letter ? Atheist, Have not received letter of credit. Athenian, Have not received letter of credit. How did you address letter ? Athletic, Have opened credit as desired. Atmosphere, Have opened credit as desired. You can draw at once. Atomical, Have opened credit as desired through Atomism, Have opened credit as desired through ——. for —— Atomize, Have received for your account the following amount Atonement, Have remitted. Atrocious, Have sent draft as requestecl, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. ^7 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A. Attacking, Have sent draft care of Attain, Attaining, Attainment, Have sent letter of credit as requested. Have sent letter of credit care of Attaint, Attendance, Attentive, Attire, Attitude, Attorney, Attract, Attracted, Attraction, Attractive, Attribute, Attrition, Auctioneer, Audacious, Audacity, Audibly, Audience, Auditor, Auditory, Augment, Augury, Have sent telegraphic money order as re- quested. Have sold for your account —— Have you bought Have you opened letter of credit as requested? Wire reply. Have you sold Have you remitted? Have you sent draft as requested ? Wire reply. How can I place you in funds ? How does my account stand with you ? How shall I How shall I remit ? On whom and for what amount shall I draw? On whom shall I draw ? Or equivalent in sterling money. Please open banker's credit. ' Please open banker's credit in favor of Please open credit in favor of through Please open credit in my favor through Please open credit in my favor through for sum of —— Please open banker's credit in my favor. Wire to me when it is opened, giving amount and thtough whom it is issued. Send credit by mail. Please open banker's credit in my favor by telegraph for sum of —. Wire to me when it is opened, stating through whom it Is issued, as I wish to draw against it at once. Please open credit in my favor by telegraph, through —— for sum of • Wire to me when it is opened, as I wish to draw against it at once. 28 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Auricular, Please open credit in my favor by telegraph, through for sum of . Wire to me when it is opened, as I wish to draw against it at once. Auriform, Please open credit through 1 Aurora, Please open credit through —- Auspicious, Please open credit through a first-class banker. Austere, Please open credit through Baring Bros. & Co. Austerely, Please open credit in my favor by telegraphy through Baring Bros. & Co., for sum of . Wire to me when it is opened as I wish to draw against it at once. Authentic, Please open credit through Brown, Shipley & Co. Author, Please open credit in my favor by telegraph, through Brown, Shipley & Co., for sum of . Wire to me when it is opened, as I wish to draw against it at once. Authorial, Please open credit through J. S. Morgan & Co. Autocracy, Please open credit in my favor by telegraph, through J. S. Morgan & Co., for sum of . Wire to me when it is opened, as I wish to draw against it at once. Autocrat, Please open credit through Munroe & Co. Autograph, Please open credit in my favor by telegraph, through Munroe & Co., for sum of . Wire to me when it is opened, as I wish to draw against it at once. Automatic, Please open credit in my favor by telegraph, through the correspondents of at your place, for sum of Wire to me when it is opened, as I wish to draw against it at once. Automaton, Please protect my draft on — for amount of —— Autonomy, Remit as soon as possible. Autopsy, Remit immediately. Autumnal, Request identification before payment. Auxiliary, Require confirmed bank credit (for ) THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 29 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Avalanclk6, Require letter of credit for Avarice, Avaricious, Avengfcr, Avengingr, Avenue, Average, Averment, Avei'sion, Avocation, Avoidance, Avoidless, Avowal, Avuneular, Awakened, Awakening, Awfully, Awkward, Awning, Azure, Babbled, Babylon, Bacchanal, Bachelor, Backing, Backward, Backwardly, Badiy, Badness, —. Please arrange for issue of same by wire as soon as possible. Sell for my account —— Sell for my account and remit draft for proceeds. Sell for my account and send me letter of credit for approximate proceeds. Send by first mail. Send by first mail letter of credit for Send by first mail draft for addressed to me at Send cable transfer through • Send cable transfer for - bankers. Send credit by mail to me at ■ • for through my Send credit by mail to me at this place. Send credit by mail to me care of Send draft for to me at Send draft for amount due. Send draft for amount due to me at Send draft for amount due ta me care of Send draft for amount of passage. Send telegraphic money order. Send telegraphic money order for sum of to Send telegraphic money order in my favor to me at for sum of Send telegraphic money order in my favor to me here for sum of Shall draw on — Shall draw on for Shall draw on for amount due. Telegraph when it is opened.' Telegraph when it is opened, giving amount and through whom it is issued. Their correspondents in are Their correspondents in your place are Through whom have you issued credit ? 3° THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Baffling, Bagging, Bagpipe, BaUable, Bailiff, Bailment, Baiting, Baize, Bakehouse, Baker, Balcony, Bald, Balderdash, Baldness, Balefully, Balkisli, Balldngly, Ballad, Ballastage, Ballasting, Will honor your draft. Will honor your draft for amount named. Will honor your draft for following amount Will honoi your draft for amount of Will remit as requested. Will send cable transfer as requested to-day. Will send cable transfer as requested to-morrow. Will send cable transfer through Will send draft as requested. Will send draft (or check) by first post. Will send draft to Will you honor my draft, and for what amount? Will you honor my draft for ? You can draw at once. Your account stands credit Your account stands debit Your draft on has been paid. Your draft on has been protested. Your draft has not arrived here. Your draft must have miscarried. How did you address letter ? Ballister, Balloon, Ballooni.st, Balloting, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 3' Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. SECXmiNG STATEROOMS, Etc. Balmy, Accommodations offered accepted. Balsam, Accommodations offered acccepted. Have mailed deposit. Balsamic, Accommodations offered accepted. Have in- structed to make deposit. Balustrade, Accommodations offered accepted. Flease ask to make deposit for my account. Bamboo, Accommodations offered accepted. Draw at sight on me for deposit. Bamboozle, Accommodations offered accepted. Will write by first mail. Bandagfe, Accommodations offered accepted. Will send deposit. Bandanna, A lower berth. Bandbox, A lower berth in a four berth room. Bandit, A lower berth in a three berth room. Bandoline, A lower berth in a room having berths for Baneful, A lower berth in an inside two berth room. Banginiir, A lower berth in an outside two-berth room. Banishment, A lower berth in room Banjo, A four berth room, aft. Banner, A four berth room, forward. Bannock, A four berth room, midships. Banquet, A three berth room aft. Banter, A three berth room, forward. • Bantering, A three berth room, midships. Baptism, Aft, as near saloon as possible. Baptized, Aft preferred. Barbarian, Also berth for maid. Barbarity, Also berths for two maids. Barbarous, Also berth for maid in same room. Barbecue, ; Also berth for man servant. Barberry, Also berths for two men-servants. Bareface, Amidships, as near saloon as possible ' Bareness, Amidships preferred. Baritone, An inside room. 32 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Barking, Barley, Barmaid, Barnacle, Barometer, Barouche, Barracks, Barracoon, Barren, Barrenness, Barricade, Barter, Barwood, Baryta, Basaltic, Basely, Baseness, Bashful, Basket, Basking, Bastile, Bastinado, Bathe, Bathing, Battalion, Battening, Battery, Bawler, Baying, Bayleaf, Bayonet, Beacon, Beadle, Beaming, Bearded, Beardless, Beast, Beastly, An inside two berth room, aft. An inside two berth room, forward. An inside two berth room, midships. An outside room. An outside two bertli room, aft. An outside two berth room, forward. An outside two berth room, midships. An upper berth. An upper berth in a four-berth room. An upper berth in a room having berths for An upper berth in a three berth room. An upper berth in an outside two-berth room. An upper berth in an inside two berth room. An upper berth in room As near as possible to room As near saloon as possible. At rate of ^50 per adult. At rate of $60 per adult. At rate of $70 per adult. At rate of $75 per adult. At rate of $80 per adult. At rate of $go per adult. At rate of $100 per adult. At rate of $110 per adult. At rate of $125 per adult. At rate of $160 per adult. At rate of $250 per adult. At rate of $300 per adult. At rate of $350 per adult. At rate per adult of At rate per adult of dollars. At rate per adult of guineas. At rate per adult of £- Berth in lower deck stateroom. Best vacant accommodations are - Best vacant accommodations at rale named are Best vacant accommodations which we can offer to-day are Can give berth —— THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 33 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Beatific, Beatitude, Beautiful, Beautify, Beaver, Becalming, Becliarm, Becliarmed, Becoming, Becurl, Bedabble, Bedaub, Bedazzle, Bedding, Bedeck, Bedizen, Bedlam, Bedquilt, Bedraggle, Bedridd?Ji, Bedroom, Beetle, Be2tling, Befall, Befitting, Beggar, Beggarly, Beginner, Begotten, Can give berth in Can give berth in room - Can give berths Can give berths in Can give lower berth in room Can give upper berth in room Can give you following accomodations per S.S. Can reserve the berths no longer. Can you give Can you give one of the officer's rooms ? Cannot give accommodations asked for ti>-day. Can probably do so later, and if so, will wire. Cannot give accommodations on sailing named. Steamer full. Can give you accommodations per sailing Cannot give refusal of berths. Cannot give refusal of berths beyond — Cannot give refusal of berths. Must have imme- diate reply as we bave parties here who wish them. Cannot secure rooms on Line named, but can ret good accommodations per S. S. sailing What do you wish me to do ? Cannot secure rooms by sailing (or sailing'-) !aamed. Wire what you wish done. Cannot secure rooms by sailing (or sailings) named. Write what you wis^ done. Can you give me Can you give me captain's room ? Can you give me doctor's room ? Can you give me purser's room ? Can you give me promenade deck stateroom."' Can you reserve berths ? Can you reserve berths per Children between i and 12 years half-fare. Do not engage berths. Do not engage berths at present. Do not engage berths at present Wait for l^ter from me. 34 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. liefrrime, Beg^uile, , Behaving, Behavior, Beheading, Behest, Beholden, Beholding, Behoove, Belabor, Belated, Belching, Beleaguer, Belfry, Believer, Belittle, Belladonna, Bellicose, Bellitnde, ^ Belting, Bemoan, Bemoaning, Bending, Benedict, Benefactor, Beneficial, Benevolent, Do not engage berths for return p.issage at present. For steamer sailing about For second cabin accommodations.' Forward, as near saloon as possible. Forward preferred. Have engaged berths for return passage. Have engaged berths for return passage What shall I do? Have engaged passage. Have engaged passage per White Star Line. Have engaged passage per Red Star Line. Have engaged passage per line. Have engaged passage by the Pacific Mail Steamer from San Francisco. Have nothing to offer at present. Have nothing to offer at present. If a berth is relinquished do you wish it ? Have nothing to offer at present. If a room is relinquished do you wish it ? Have nothing to offer at present. If enough berths are relinquished to accommodate your party do you wish them ? Have no vacant berths foi date named. Have requested to make deposit on my account. Have reserved the rooms as requested. Have reserved the rooms by steamer sailing Have reserved good rooms on steamer named by you. Have reserved staterooms, numbers Have secured staterooms, numbers by steamer named in your letter. How many are there in your party ? How many are there in your party and how is it made up ? How many berths will you need, and how is your party made up ? If these are taken, please name next best vacant THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 3S Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Genlj^n^ If you cannot secure berths by that steamer, telegraph earliest sailing by which you can. Benigrnity, If you cannot secure rooms by that steamer, telegraph earliest sailing by which you can. Address me at . Benzine, If you have secured berths for return passage, cancel them and wait for advice from me. Benzoic, If you have secured berths for return passage, cancel the engagement. Bequeatb, In four berth room (or rooms). Bequest, In inside room (or rooms). Bereave, In outside room (or rooms). Bereft, In three berth room (or rooms). Berg^ander, Instruct some one here to make deposit. Berry, May be able to do belter later on. Beseeeli, May be able to do better later on. If we can shall we'wire you? Beseeelier, May be able to do better later on. If we can we will wire you. Beseeching, Name rate for oflScer's room. Beseek, Nothing to offer at present. Beseem, Officer's rooms not available. Beshre'Vv, Only four-berth rooms vacant. Besiege, Only inside rooms vacant. Beslime, Only lower-deck berths vacant. Besmear, Only two berth inside rooms vacant. Besmirch, Only two-berth outside rooms vacant. Besmut, Opening into same passage-way. Besotted, Or similar, aft. Besought, Or similar, amidships. Bespangle, - Or similar, forward. . Bespatter, Party consists of Bespoke, Party consists of gentleman,^— Bestir, Party consists of gentleman, wife, (and ). Bestow, Please hold berths offered until Bestowal, Please name best berths you can give. Bestride, Please name and reserve room like Bestud, Please name and reserve room like wire re^y. ' and 36 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Betide, Betoken, Betrap, Betrayed, Betrothal, Betterment, Beverage, Bewail, Bewilder, Bewitch, Bewitching, Bibulous, Biceps, Bickering, Bidding, Biennial, Bifurcate, Bigoted, Bigotry, Bilingual, Bilinguist, Bilocular, Binding, Binnacle, Biography, Biscuit, Bismuth, Bismuthal, Please name ami reserve two rooms like Please name and reserve two rooms like and wire reply. Please name and reserve three rooms like Please name and reserve three rooms like and wire reply. Please name and reserve four rooms like Please name and reserve four rooms like and wire reply. Please say what you can do as to price ana berths. Please say what you can do as to price and berths for party of — Please say what you can give me. Please name and reserve accommodations for— Please name and reserve accommodations for Mr. Please name and reserve staterooms by SS -sailing from ■ Please name and reserve berth for one gentleman. " " " berths for two gentlemen. " « " « three " « « « « » (( <* i( it It U « U U gjjj « Please name and reserve berth for one lady. " " " berths for two ladies. " " three « « « « « four « " « " " five " " " « « six Please name and reserve room for married couple and one child. Please name and reserve room for married couple and two children. Please name and reserve room for married couple and three children. Please name and reserve an inside room single berth. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 37 Published by P. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Hisulcate, Please name and reserve an outside room single berth. Hitterly, Please name and reserve whole inside room. Bitterness, Please name and reserve whole outside (2 berth) room. Bitumen, Please name and reserve whole outside (3 berth) room. Bituminize, Please name and reserve whole outside (4 berth) room. Bituminous, Please name and reserve — inside rooms. Bivalve, Please name and reserve — outside (2 berth) rooms. Bizantine, Please name and reserve outside (3 berth) rooms. Blackmail, Please name and reserve —— outside (4 berth) rooms. Blackness, Please name and reserve for myself and party the following accommodations: Blade, Please name and reserve fur myself and family the following accommodations: Blamable, Please reserve berths — Blameless, Please reserve berths named by you. Blanching^, Please reserve inside two-berth room and berth in opposite room for Blanket, Please reserve outside two-berth room and berth in opposite room for — Blarney, Please reserve rooms Blaspheme, Please reserve rooms named by you. Blasphemy, Please reserve rooms named in your letter (dated ) Blast, Please reserve rooms named in your telegram (dated ) Blasted, Please reserve two rooms, one four berth and one two berth, together. Blastingr, Please send deposit to secure the berths. Blatant, Please send deposit to secure the berths of $25 per passenger. Blaze, Please send deposit else we must sell the berths w^are holding for yourself and party. 3S THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A. Blazing, Blazonry, Blacking:, Bleached, Bleaching, Bleak, Bleakness, Bleating, Bleeding, Blemish, Blessedly, Blessing, BUght, Blind, Blindfold, Blindly, Blindness, Blinker, Blissful,. Blissfully, Blister, Blistering, Blithesome, Bloated, Blockade, Blockhead, Bloody, Bloom, Blooming, Blossom, Please send deposit else we must sell your berth. Preference given in order named. Price for same will be Price mentioned is too high. Price not to exc^d —— Quotations have been mailed. Quote best price and wire reply. Quote lowest price and wire reply for Quote lowest price ist cabin, for ■ Quote lowest price 1st cabin, and name berths for party of Quote lowest price 2d cabin for party of Quote price for Quote price for room —— Quote price for same. Quote price and name accommodations for party of Quote price for these accommodations for party of Rates will be reduced commencing Second cabin. Summer rates will come in force The first steamer by which we can offer you berths is the SS. sailing The steamers are full. The steamers sailing this month are all full. There has been a change in date of sailing. There has been a change in hour of sailing. There has been a change of steamers. ^here has been a change of steamers, and the SS. will take the place of steamer you named, and sail on . There is a chance of getting —— This is the best we can do at present. This is the best we can do at present May be able to do better in a day or two. This is the best we can do for sailing named. Can give good accommodations per-— sailing THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 39 Published by F, O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Blossomings, This is the best we can do for this sailing. Can give good accommodations on either of the next two departures. Blotter, This is the best we can now do and cannot seer any chance of doing better at present. This is the only vacancy for sailing named. Three passengers in the room. Try and secure berths. Try and secure berths per • Blottingr, Blow, Blowing, Blubber, Blubbering, Try and secure berths for steamer sailing about Bludgeon, Try and secure berths by the — Bluff, What are best accommodations you can offer foi following party, Bluffness, Will advise you by wire if we can better this. Bluntly, Will hold the berths as requested. Blush, Will reserve berths until receipt of your letter. Blushing, Will reserve the berths until lo a.m. Blushingly, Will reserve the berths until noon, Bluster, Will reserve the berths until 3 p.m. Blusterer, Will reserve the berths until 5 p.m. Blustering, Will sail at o'clock, a.m. Boarder, Will sail at o'clock, p.m. Boarding, Winter rates will come in force Boast, Wish if possible to have Boaster, Wish if possible to secure Boastful, Wish if possible to secure berth in same room. Boasting, Wish if possible to secure berth near Boastingly, Wish if possible to secure room alone. Bobolink, Wish if possible to secure whole room near Bobtail, With one other passenger in same room. Bodeful, With two other passengers in same room. Bodice, With three other passengers in same room. Bodily, With four other passengers in same room. Bodkin, With five other passengers in same room. Boiling, You may offer. Boisterous, Your offer is accepted. Boldly, Your offer is not accepted. 40 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS. (Also see page i3Xe) •Day of the month. Your letter of —— Your telq;ram of Referring to your received. received. letter of - 1st. Boldness. Boundless. Breathless. 2d. Bolster. Bountiful. Breeding. 3d- Bolstering. Bounty. Breezy. 4th. Bolting. Bowlder. Brethren. 5th. Bolus. Bowline. Breviary. 6th. Bomb. Boxing. Brevity. 7th. Bombard. Boyish. Brewery. 8th. Bombast. Boyishly. Bridal. 9th. Bombastic. Brabantine. Briefless. loth. Bombazette. Bracelet. Brigade. nth. Bondage. Brackish. Brigadier. ■"21^ Bonfire. Bra^art. Brigand. 13th. Bonnet. Braggingly. Brilliancy. 14th. Bookish. Brainless. Brilliant. 15th. Bookislily. Bramble. Brimstone. i6th. Bookworm. Branding. Brindled. 17th. Boorish. Brandish. Briskly. 18th. Boorishly. Brash. Briskness. 19th. Bootless. Brassy. Bristle. 20th. Boozy. Bravado. Broach. 2ISt. Bordering. Bravely. Broadside. 22d. Borough. Bravery. Brocade. 23d. Botanic. Brawl. Brochette. 24th. Botanical. Brawny. Brogan. 25th. Botanist. Braying. Broiled. 26th. Botanize. Brazen. Broiling. 27th. Botany. Breakable. Brokenly. 28th. Bottled. Breakage. Broma. 29th. Boulder. Breasting. Bromide. 30th. Bounce. Breathe. Bronchial. 31st. Bounding. Breathing. Bronze. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 4' Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO , 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. LETTEES ANB TELEGRAMS. (Also see page 131.) Number of Code Word. Cannot understand your tel^ram. nease repeat the word. Have made an error in my telegram. The — wora should read The — word of your message is not in this code. Where shall I find it ? 1st. Bronzing^. Buckram. Bunch. 2d. Brooding. Bucolic. Bundle. 3d. Brooklet. Budding. Bungalow. 4th. Broom. Budget. Bungler. Sth. Brownish. Buffet. Bungling. 6th. Browsing. Buffoon. Bunion. 7th. Bruise. Bugbear. Bunker. Sth. Brunette. Bugle. Bunkum. 9th. Brunt. Bulging. Bunting. loth. Brushing. Bulky. Buoyancy. Ilth. Brushy. Bullet. Buoyant. 12th. Brutal. Bullion. Buoyantly. 13th. Brutalize. Bullionist. Burden. 14th. Brutally. Bullying. Burdensome. I Sth. Brntishly. Bulrush. Bureau. 16th. Bryonia. Bulwark. Burgamot. 17th. Bubbling. Bumper. Burglar. iSth. Buccaneer. Bumping. Burg(undy. 19th. Bucket, Bumpkin. Burial. 20th. Buckle. Bumptious. Burlesque. Burnable. Cannot understand telegram; please repeat —• word. Burning^. Have made an error in my telegram. The • word should read —^ Buruisber. The word you wish repeated is 42 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. REQUESTS AS TO USE OF THIS CODE, DELIVERY OF MESSAGES, HEW SEH- TENOES INSERTED, ETC. Burrowing, Bursar, Bursarship, Bursary, Burstvrort, Bushelage, Bushlness, Buskin, All the words following this will be unintelligible until you re- ceive advice by mail from me (dated-—). The word following this will be unintelligible until you receive advice by mail from me (dated—). The two words following this will be unintelligible until you receive advice by mail from me (dated^—). The three words following this will be unintelligible until you receive advice by mail from me (dated—). Please obtain a copy of this codex of and send it to — - at same time requesting him (her, or them) to use it in telegraphing to me. Please obtain a »>py of this codex of F. O. Houghton & Co., 115 State Street} Boston, and send it to at same time re- questing him (her, or them) to use it in telegraphing to me. Please put the following in plain language by using this code, and deliver to .explaining at same time that I send this message in cipher through you in order to be more explicit, to insure quick delivery and save expense. Please put the following in plain language by using this code, and deliver to , explaining at same time that I send this message in cipher through you in order to be more explicit, to insure quick delivery and save expense. I give my cable address at foot of this message. Blister^ Please send a copy of this codex to— Bustling, Please send a copy of this codex to and ask him (her, or them) to use it in telegraphing to me. Busybody^ You can obtain a copy of this codex by applying to—— • BntchorF) You can obtain a copy of this codex by applying to F. O. Hough- ton & Co., 115 State Street, Boston. Butmcnty You do not answer my message under^ndingly. Please read and translate it carefully and then reply. Batt6rcup9 Be sure and use the — edition of The Adams Cable Codex in telegraphing me (us). Bnttermilk, Please obtain a copy of the edition of The Adams Cable Codex of and use it in telegraphing me (us). Butte rwort, Butterfly, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 43 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A, MISCELLANEOUS. (Also see pages 80 to 85.) Bntton, A matter of great importance. Bottress, A matter of importance has arisen atumt — Boxom, A trouble has arisen about — Buxomlf, Able to Buxom ness. Abie to be — Buzzard, About the same. Buzzingly, About the same as — Cabaret, Absolutely necessary. Cabbage, Absolutely necessary you should ——' Calaeon, Absolutely no truth in the report. Caitiff, According to Cajole, According to instructions. Cajolement, According to news received here. Calamitous, Acknowledge receipt of this by ""ail. Caiamitr, Acknowledge receipt of this by wire. Calcine, Act according to Calcium, Act according to instructions. Calculus, Act according to instructions contained in —- Caliber, Act according to instructions contained in letter (dated Cairinism, Act according to instructions contained in telegram (dated Camboose, Act as you couader best. Camel, Act cautiously. Camellon, Act cautiously but quidcly* Cameo, «Act only under legal advice* Camerate, Act quickly. Carolsado, Act upon instructions from ~ Camomile, Acting under—— Campaign, Acting under instructions from —— Campana, Acting under legal advice. Camphene, Acting under your instructions. Camphor, Advise you strongly to Camphorate, Advise you to Camping, Advise you to attend to the matter at once. Canary, Advise you to accept Candle, Advise you to call on — Candlemas, Advise you to come here. Canescent, Advbe you not to Canicule, Advise you not to accept* Canine, Advise you not to do H. Canister, After all — Cankering, After that — Cannibal, After that date. Cannibally, After this. Canny. Aftei^ou have — 44 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Canonical, After you have made nil arrangements— Canonistic, After you have seep ttiem. Canonize, Agree to Canopy, Agree to the arrcugement. Cantaloupe, Agree with th^jn if possible. Cantata, Aid them all you can. Cantation, All arrangements are made. Canter,' All goes well. Canticle, Always the same. Canting, Am able to — Canvas, Am acting under legal advice* Capacious, Am alone. Caparison, Am alone. Meet me at Caper, Am alone. Where can I meet you ? Capering, Am coming over. Capias, Am not coming over. Capillary, Am not coming over at presenL Capitation, Am not quite —* Capitoline, Am not quite sure. Capitulate, Am unable to — Capote, Am unable to decide. Capricorn, Am unable to decide what to do. CapKicunia Am very anxious to hear (about ——) Capsule, Am very anxious to hear from —> Captions, Am very anxious to hear from you. Captivate, An accidentp not serious, has occurred. Captive, An accident, quite serious, has occurred. Capture, An accident, very serious, has occurred. Capuchin, And if you can Capulet, And if you cannot Caput, And perhaps not then. Caracole, And then-^ii* Caradoc, And thence to Caramel, Answer "yea" m '•no." Caravan, Any chance of Caraway, Anvthlng doing? Carbine, Any time within daya. Carbineer, Any time within a week. Carbon, Any time within — weeks. Carbonic, Apply to Carbonize, Apply to my bankers. Carboy, Apply to them. Carbuncle, Apply to your bankers— Carburet, Are you able to — Carcass, Are you able to sail ? Cardamon, Are you any better? Cardinal, Are you better ? Telegraph reply. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 45 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Cardlmg, Are you coining over } Careen, Are you iollowing out instrustions? Careentns, Are you going to —- ? Caress, Are you going to remain where you are ? And until when i Caressing, Are you ill? Caribbean, Are you ill? Telegraph reply. Caricature, Are you in need of — ? 'Carking, Are you in need of any assistance that I Can tender. Carloek, Are you in need of money ? Carmine, Are you satisfied^ Cannot, Are you siure you are correct? Carnage, Arrange as best you can# Carnalism, Arrange with — Carniyitl, Arrangements have been made. Caroling, Arrangements are progressing latibfacturilyo Caromel, As he (she or they) had Caronsal, As near as — Carouse, As near as I can ascertain (—) Carpenter, As near as I can now figure (—) Carpet, As near as I can tell — Carpinglr, As soon as * Carpolite, As soon as decided. Carronade, As soon as obtained. Carroty, As soon as possible. Cartage^ As soon as secured. Cartoon, As soon as I learn anything. Cartouch, As soon as 1 leam anything wtB let you know Cartridge, As the matter is important. Carring, Ascertmn at onccp if any — Cascade, Ascertain i{ possible if Casemate, Ascertiun if possible if anything has happened (to — Cashmere, Ask agents of«— Line, ifhas sailed by that lincp and if so name date of sailing and steamer. Cassock, Ask agents of Line if has smied by that line, and if eo, name date of s^ng and steamer. He (or she) was to have tailed by S* S. —This steamer has arrived, but he (or •he) was not on board. If agents of above line can give you DO information^ please inquire of all the other lines, also at other ports* and telegraph reply at earliest possible momenL Castanet, Ask agents of S. S. — if sailed by that steamer. Castigator, Ask all the steamship agents * has sailed, and if so, name date of sailing and steamer. Castilian, Ask all the steamship agents if — has sailed. If you can get no information inquire at other ports. Casuistry, Ask Inm (or her). Catacomb, Ask him (or her) to bring Catalepsy, Ask the^ to make — 46 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U F- A. Catanionnt, At the earliest possible momente Catapult, At what price ? Catarart, At what price can you Duy — Catechise, At what price can you sell Category, At what time did it occur ? Cathedral, Avoid the following^named party: Catnip, Await letter. Caucus, Await letter. It will explain everytluDg. Caulking, Be as early as possible. Causeway, Because he (she) — Caustic, Because he (she) can —- Causticai, Because he (she) cannot — Cauterize, Because if Caraiier, Because if you do —- Carernons, Because if you do not Cavity, Because it b best. Cedar, Because they Cedilla, Because they can. Ceiling, Because they cannot. Celebrate, Because they will not. Celebrity, Because you Celestial, Because you can Celibacy, Because you cannot — Cellarage, Before doing an3rthing, consult —» Cellular, Before I — Cement, Before I received your letter Cemented, Before I received your telegram — Cenotaph, Before you — Censorious, Believe it Censuring, Believe it is Centenary, Believe it is so. Centigrade, Believe it is not so. Centipede, Best selection. Centrally, Be sure and > Centurion, Be sure and register your cable address. Cerebrum, Be sure to keep your promise. Ceremonial, Be very careful to note Cesarean, Better remain where you are. Cessation, Better start for home as soon as possible. Chaffing, Bring with you. Chagrin, Bring person named with you. Chaining, Business of importance — - Chairman, Business of importance prevents Chaidaic, Business will detain me here until —~ Chaldron, Business will detain me until — (at — Champion, Business will prevent my meeting you. Changeiing, But I advise THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 47 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., iis State.Street, Boston, U. S. A. Chanting, But I do not — Chaos, But I do not advise it. Chaotic, But I do not advise you —^ Chapel, But do not — Chaplain, But do not start —— Chaplets, But do not start until —~ Chariot, , But try to do better. Charioteer, But you can —— Charitable, But you cannot Charity, But you roust not —— Charlatan, But you must not dehqr. Charmed, By maiL Charming, By mail and wire. Charnel, By wire. Chartist, Can alter my (our) plans if necessary. Chasing, Can and wiU attend to matter mentioned. Chasm, Can arrange Chaste, Can arrange as requested. Chastely, Can arrange as requested in your letter. Chastened, Can arrange as stated in roy letter* Chasteness, Can arrange everything. Chastening, Can arrange satisfactorily. Chastise, Can buy at — Chastising, Can do nothing. Chatter, Can do nothing on that day. Chattering, Can do nothing to-day. Cheapen, Can do nothing until — Checker, Can do notlung until to-morrow. Chemical, Can do nothing until day after to^roorroir. Chemistry, Can do nothing until Sunday. Cherishing, Can do nothing until Monday. Cherry, Can do nothing until Tuesday. Cherub, Can do nothing until Wednesday. Cherubim, Can do nothing until Thursday. Chestnut, Can do nothing until Friday. Cheyalier, Can do nothing until Saturday* Cherroned, Can I refer to you ? Chewing, Can learn nothing at all (about — Chicanery, Can learn nothing definite. Chiding, Can I earn nothing definite at present Chieftain, Can secure —- Chilblain, Can secure nothing by-** Childhood, Can secure nothing until Chilling, Can start at once. Chimera, Can you — Chimney, Can you arrange (to—^) Chirping, Can you arrange to start—— 4B THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Chlrslry, Can you attend to it? Chloral, Can you attend to this? Chloroform, Can you do better? Chocolate, Can you explain —• Chopping, Can you get any pontion. Chorister, Can you give me the address ol —* Choms, Can you gjve me the addressof . Have important news It communicate. Chowder, Can you go (to ) Chromatic, Can you inform me — Chromlnm, Can you inform me why — Chronic, Can you join me (us) at — Chronology, Can you meet me (us) at Chnbby, Can you see — Chnckle, Can you start at once? Chuckling, Can you tell me anytUng about Chnnky, Can yon wait tili —— Churlish, Cannot arrange. Churning, Cannot anange as you wish. Cinder, Cannot arrange as you wish, but can arrange as foOoiw Cinnabar, Cannot anange unless Cinnamon, Cannot arrange unless you — Circassian, Cannot answer positiveiy. Circuitous, Cannot answer positively at present. WiU write. Circumflex, Cannot answer until — Circumvent, Cannot attend to matter mentioned. Citadel, Cannot be depended upon. Citation, Cannot be made. Citrate, Cannot be responsible. Civilian, Cannot carry out your instructiona. Civilized, Cannot do as yon request. Claimant, Cannot do better. Clamber, _ Cannot explain by wire. Clamor, Cannot explain by wire* Wiut my letter Clamorous, Cannot explain (it). Clannish, Cannot go direct. Clapper, Cannot inform you at present. Clarify, Cannot last much longer. Clarion, Cannot make use of Clashing, Cannot recommend you to - Classic, Cannot remain here any longer. Classical, Cannot reply positively until Clawing, Cannot reply positively until I make some inquiries. Cleanly, Cannot see the advantage of Cleanse, Cannot see the advantage of what you propose. Cleansing, Cannot send — Clearage, Cannot send letter of introduction. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX, 49 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Clemency, Cannot send letter of introduction, as 1 (we) do not know the party well enough. Clergy, Cannot start at present. Clerical, Cannot start until —^ Clererness, Cannot understand why he (they)—» Cllmatlon, Cannot understand why he (they) take such a po8ition» Clinker, Cannot tell — Cloak, ' Cannot you alter your plans? Cloister, Change it to read as follows — Cloistered, Charge the expense to — Closeness, Circumstances over wbidi I (we) have no ccntroL Closet, Collect of Clouded, Collect all you can of Cloudy, Come back by the ClOTon, Come back at once Cloirn, Come by — Clournlsli, Come here. Clubbed, Come here as soon as pcsrible. Clumsily, Condition is improved. Clumsiness, Con Crocodile, How you —— Crookedly, How are you getting on ? Crncible, How are you going to —— Crucify, How can Crudely, How can It —- Crndeness, How can it be done ? Crupper, How can you —— Crnsader, How can you arrange ■■ Crnshing, How can you expect —— Crystal, How eould Cubical, How could he (she) Cucumber, How could we — Cudgel, How could you Culminate, How do — Cniprit, How do they — CnitUator, How do you —— Cuitured, How do you do ? Cumbersome, How do you find —— ^mbrous. How far?^ S6 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Cumulate, How had I (we) better arrange ? Cunningly, How have they - Cupidity, How have they arranged ? Curate, How have you — Curbing, How have you arranged ? Curfew, How have you decided ? Curiosity, How is Cursory, How is he (she) —— Curtain, How is he (she) getting on ? Curtly, How is it Cnshion, How is it that — Custodian, How is it that you Custody, How is the work progressing ? Cuticle, How long before it will be decided? Cutlass, How long shall I have to wait ? Cylinder, How long will you remain ? Cynical, How long will you remain at — Cynosure, How much ■ Cypress, How much are — Dabbler, How much are they —• Dactyl, How much are you— Daffodil, How much can — Dagger, How much can you ^ Dahlia, How much could — Daintiness, How much could you — — Dainty, How much did —— Daisy, How much did you — Dallying, How much do - Damask, How much do you ■ - Damper, How much do you wish ? Damsel, How much does it - ■ Dancing, How much have Dapper, How much have you Daring, How much is there ? Darken, How much may — Darkly, How much may I draw ? Darkness, How much time ' Dashing, How much will — Dastard, How much will it cost? Dateless, How much will it cost to Datire, How often ? Danblng, How shall I (we) arrange ? Dauntless, How soon ? Dawning, How soon can — Dazzle, How soon can he (she) — Dazzling, How soon can this be arranged i ^conry. How soon can you THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 57 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Deadly, How soon can you arrange matters ? Deadness, How soon will it be ■ Deafen, How would ■ Deafening, How would you Deafness, How would it — Dealing, I authorize you to act for me. Will confirm this by inaiL Deanery, If able to — Dearly, If absolutely impossible Debarment, If absolutely impossible to do otherwise. Debasing, If absolutely necessary. Debasement, If agreeable, wire me (us) at Debate, If any Debauch, If any advantage can be gained. Debauchery, If anything new occurs Debenture, If any trouble — Debiiitate, If any trouble should arise (about —) Debility, If by doiiig so — DebonMr, If by doing so I (we) can — Decadence, If by doing so you can — Decalogue, If called upon ■ Decamp, If circumstances will allow - Decapitate, If circumstances will allow me (us) to-'—• Deceitful, If circumstances will allow you to — Decently, If foundy forward to — Deciduous, If foundy forward to me at — Decimal, If foundy forward to me here. Decimator, If he Decisively, If he (she) can — Decking, Ik he (she) cannot Deciaim, If he (she) can be here by — Deciarable, If he (she) cannot be here by ^ • Declension, If he (she) does Declivity, If he (she) does not — Decoction, If he (she) gets Decompose, If he (she) had Decorate, If he (she) had not — Decoration, If he (she) will Decorous, If he (she) will not — Decorum, If he (she) would — Decoy, If he (she) would not — Decreed, If his (her) views — Decrepit, If I (we) Dedicate, If I (we) am — Dedication, If I (we) can ^ Deduce, If I (we) cannot — Deepen, If I (we) cannot do as you request — Deeply, If I (we)icannot do as you requestp will wir». 58 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX, Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street. Boston, U. S. A. Dcfare, (we) decide ■ Defamation, (we) do ■ — Defender, (we) do not — Deflance, (we) had —— Deflcient, (we) had not — DetllinV, (we) have — Definable, (we) have not — Define, (we) may Deformity, (we) may not — Defraying, (we) were Deftly, (we^ were certain (of lt)b Deftness, (we) were not Defying, n Degeneracy, n time —— Degenerate, n time you can — Degrade, Degrading, it can be — Deism 9 t can be done —— Dejected, it cannot be ■ ^ Dejection, t cannot be done Delectable, t could be ■ -■ Delegate, it could not be — Delicacy, it does Delirious, t does not —— Delphic, it does not cost above ■■ Deluded, t had Deluding, t had not Deluge, t has Delusion, t has been already arranged. Delusory, t has not —- Demagogue, t has not been already arranged. Demeanor, it is Demented, t is absolutely ■ Demolish, t is absolutely necessary. Demolition, it is impossible. Demon, t makes no difference. Demonetize, t makes no difference to — Demonize, t must — Demurely, t must be done ■ Demurrer, t should happen —— Denizen, t will not interfere. Denominate, t will not interfere with —— Denoted, t will not interfere with your arrangementa Density, not, Dentifrice, not, please do so — Denudate, not, then Denying, possible. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 59 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street^ Boston, U. S. A. Drpendent, If sent at once Pependeney* If so, when — Depleted, If so, when do you start and from where ? Depletion, If there are Deplorably, I f there are no Deploring, If there is Deponent, If there is any Depopulate, If there is any chance^— Deportment, If they can Deposing, If they cannot Depository, If you Deprave, If you are Depredate, If you can Deputation, If you can secure Deputize, If you cannot Deputy, If you cannot do better — Deriding, If you cannot do this Derivation, If you cannot do this, then —• Derogatory, If you cannot secure — Descend, If you change your mind — Descending, If you change your mind, let me knoWs Desecrate, If you do not succeed — Desertion, If you succeed — Desolate, If you think Despairing, If you think it best. Despise, If you think it will pay. Despoil, If you think it will pay, then — Despoiling, Impossible to reply within time named. Desponding, Impossible to reply within time named. Give me until — Despotic, In absence of — Despotism, In absence of advices (from Destined, In absence of advices from you ' Destiny, In absence of advices from you, am unable to decide vv hat tc do Destroying, In any case Desultory, In case of Detach, In case of any delay Detachment, In case of any delay wire me at —— Deterring, In case of any delay wire me here. Detest, In case I can Detesting, In case I cannot—* Detestably, In case you can — Detonate? In case you cannot Detracted, In consequence of — Detriment, In favor of Devastate, In joint account. Develop, In joint account with us. Developing, In joint acepunt with you. 6o THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Deviate, In my favor (for —) DeTiatlon, Instead of Devoted, Instead of what you propose. Devotional, In the matter of — Devont, In the event of ^ Devoutlf, Inquire by telegraph and reply by wire to me (at —) Dexterity, Inquire fully about and wire me here. Dextrons, Inquire fully about - ■ ■ and wire me at Diabolical, Inquire fully about ■ and write me here. Diabolism, Inquire fully about and write me at —— Diadem, Insure for — Slagonal, Insure for amount of invoice, plus 10 per cent. Diagram, Insured in full. Dialect, In your favor (for —) Dialogue, Is anything Diameter, Is anything doing? Diametric, Is anything wrong (with ) ? Diaphragm, Is everything all right ? Diatribe, Is following named person coming over? Dictator, Is following named person with you ? Dictionary, is injured, but not seriously. Dietary, —— is injured quite badly, but not fatally. Diffidence, ■ is injured dangerously. Diffident, Is it ■ Dlfformlty, Is it absolutely necessary? Dirtnalng, Is it important? D!ffuslT6, Is it possible for - ■ Digested, Is it possible for you to —• ? Digestible, Is it too —^ Digestion, Is it too late? Dignifled, Ic 5t true ? Dignity, - is massing. Have you seen or heard of him (her). Digression, Is there any change ? Dilapidate, Is there any news (from —)? Dilated, It is impossible to do as you wish. Dilute, It is absolutely necessary. Diluting, It is not absolutely necessary. Dilution, It is not convenient. Dimension, It is not true. Diminish, It is rumored that — Diminution. It is rumored that following party has suspetided — Dimness, It is rumored following party will suspend — Dimple, It is-very difficult (to ) Diocese, It is very important. Diorama, It is very important that Diphthong, It is very important that I should — Oipionia, It is very important that you should THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 6i Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Diplomatic, It ought to be Dlrectorjr, It ought not to be Direfnl, It should Disabose, It should have been Disa^reo, It was an error. Disallow. It was an error of — Disarmlniir, It was forgotten. Disband, It was misdirected. Disbanding, It will Disburse, It will be Discerning, It will cost Discharge, It will cost about Disciple, It will depend upon — Discipline, It will depend upon circumstances. Disclaim, It will interfere with — Disclose, It will not — Discommode, It will not be — Discompose, It will not cost over Disconcert, It would be ' Disconnect, It would be well to —• Discontent, Just going (to —) Discord, Just in time. Discordant, Just starting for —^ Discount, ' Keep down the expenses. Disconrse, Keep me well informed. Discredit, Keep me well informed as to business. If anything important occurs do not fail to wire me. Discussion, Keep me well informed as to his (her or their) movements. Disdain, Keep me well informed by mail as to your movements. Disembark, Keep me well informed by wire as to your movements. Disfavor, Keep me well informed by mail and wire as to your movements DIsflgnre, Keep them separate. Disgorged, Keep this strictly private. Disgorging, Let me know. Disguising, Let me know about — Disjoint, Let me know what — Dislocate, Let me know when Dismantled, Let me know when you can start (for ) Dismay, Let me know when you start (for —) Dismember, Little better. Dismount, Little longer time. Disoblige, Little worse. Disorder, Lose no time. Disparage,. Make an appmntment. Disparity,' Make fullest search everywhere. Dispensary, ' Make it — dispense. Make it pafhble to the order ol — — 62 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Dispersing, Make it payable to my order. Dispiay, Make do mistake. Disposing, Make the conditions as easy as possible* Dispntabie, Market advancing rapidly* Disputant, Market declining rapidly. Disputing, Market Arm, active and advandi^ Disregard, Market firm and active. Disrepute, Market lirm and dull. Disrespect, Market heavy and unsettled* Disrobed, Market in buyer's navor. Disruption, Market in seller's fovor* Dissect, Market quiet and easy. Dissemble, Market quiet and lower. Dissenter, Market quiet and prices nominat. Dissolute, Market weak and active. Dissonance, Market weak and dull. Dissuade, Market very active and booming. Dissnaslre, Market very strong. Distaste, Market very strong. Prices have advanced since last advice Distemper, Market very weak and panicky. Distention, Market very weak and panicky. Many rumors of failures. Distilling, Market gone to pieces. Money tight. Failures numerous. Distortion, Market gone to pieces. Following firms have failed orsuspended Distracted, May I (we) Distribute, May I (we) stay until Disturbing, Meet boat due — Diurnal, Meet her at — Divergence, Meet him at Diversify, Meet me on arrival of boat due —- Diversion, Meet me on arrival of train due*--— Diverting, Meet train due — Divestment, Meet us at Dividable, Meet us on arrival of boat due —•* Divination, Meet us on arrival of train due — Divinely, More or less. Divineness, Mr. is injured but not seriously. Divinity, Mrs. — is injured but not seriously. Divisible, Miss — is injured but not seriously. Divisional, Mr. — is injured quite badly^ but not fatally* Dizzy, Mrs. is injured quite badly but not fatally* Docile, Mr. IS injured dangerously. Dociiity, Mrs. — is injured dangerously. Docket, Miss is injured dangerously. Doctrinal, Much better. » Doctrine, Much worse. Dodger, Must have Doeskin, Must have immediate reply. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street. Boston, U. S. A. Dogberry, Must I (we) —• Doggedly, Must try to ■ Doggerel, Must try to fix it. Dogma, Must wait (until) — Dogmatic, Must yeu - - Dogmatism, My agents are — Dogmatizer, My agents at ■■ ■ are Dolefni, My correspondents are Dolefully, My correspondents at are Dollman, My bankers are Dolorous, My first telegram should have read as follows:- ' Doiphiu, Name lowest figure. Doitishly, No change. Domain, No change since last advice. Dome, No insurance. Domestic, No particulars received. Domestical, No particulars yet. Will wire again. Domicile, No time to lose. Dominant, Not advisable to Domination, Not advisable to press the matlerv Domineer, Not at present* Dominicide, Not decided yet. Domino, Not if it necessitates —— Donate, Not later than —r- Donation, Not less than Donkey, Not soon enough. Doomsday, Not until Doomsman, Not yet received. Dormant, Nothing doing. Dormitory, Nothing more to say. Dotage, Nothing new yet; will wire when anything ocCbuu. Dotard, Nothing offering at present. Dotingly, Nothing offering at present except — Dotted, Nothing of any consequence. Doubieness, Nothing special has occurred (since —) Doublet, Nothing yet (from ) . Doubling, Obtain best possible Doubtable, Of any reason — Doughty, Of any other reason — Dovecote, Of course, if you cannot do this, then — Dovelet, Offer is made —• Dovetail, Of great importance. Dowager, Of no great importance. Dowdy, On account of Dowdyish, On account of delay — Dower, On board the —* Powerless, On my edPount. 64 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U- S. A. Oowncast, Or any other. Drabbish, Our agents are — Draftsman, Our correspondents are —— Dragoman, Our bankers are Dragonet, Out of danger. ^ Dragoon, Owing to circumstances^ -- Drain, Owing to circumstances, about which I cannoi explain b^i wire, Drainage, Owing to circumstances enlirfSy beyond my control. Draining, Particulars later on. Drams, ' Parties named are in trouble. Dramatic, Parties named have failed. Drapery, Pa.ssenger per S. S. — from ■ Draning, Passenger per S. S. from here ■ Drawl, Pay all Dray, Pay all the bills. Drayman, Pay to the order of ——- Dreaming, Pay what you consider right. Dreamless, Payable to my order. Dreamy, Payable to our order. Dredger, Payable to the order of —— Dredging, Payable to their order. Dregs, Person inquired about is all right. Drench, Person mentioned by you is with me (us) Drenching, Person named is going over. Dressed, Person named is not going over. Dribbling, Please accept my thanks for your trouble. Driblet. Please do your best in this matter, and I (we) stiall esieera it a personal favor. Drifted, Please forward to —- Drilling, Please forward to me at Drinkable, Please forward to me at this place. Dripped, Please give this your immediate and urgent attentkm. Driver, Price not to exceed Drizzle, Price not to exceed, per Dromedary, Price not to exceed, per pound Drooping, Probably not. Dropsy, Probably it can be — Dross, Probably not before — Drowsily, Probably I (we) can — Drnbbing, Probably you can —— Drndge, Propose to extend tour to — Dmmstick, Prospects bad. Dryly, Prospects fair. Dryness, Prospects good. Dualism, Prospects improving. Dnallsttc, Prospects very bad. THE ADAMS CABLE COftEX. 65 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Duality, . Prospects very good. Dubious, Provided I (we) can Ducat, Provided you can — Ducking, Provided you can secure Duetiie, Provided I (we) can secure Dudgeon, Regarding matter mentioned by Dueiing, Regarding matter mentioned in my letter (dated —) Duicet, Regarding matter mentioned in my telegram (dated ——) Duieimer, Regarding matter mentioned in your letter — Duiiard, Regarding matter mentioned in your telegram. Dumpish, Regarding matter mentioned would say Duodecimai, replies to inquiry sent by wire at your request as follows' Durabiy, Regret to inform vou Duration, P egret to say Duress, Reply by mail. Dusky, Reply by mail after thorough investigation. Dustman, Reply by wire. Dutifui, Reply by wire after thorough investigation. Dwarfed, Reply quickly. Dwindie, See following named party about contents of his (their) letter (dated 1 Dynamite, See him about his leiter referring to (dated ) Dynasty, See him about his telegram referring to (dated —) Dyspeptic, Send a copy (of —) Eagerness, Send duplicates of—— Eaglet, Send it at once. Earning, Send it by ■ Earthy, Send it to me at this place. Earwig, Shall be Easeful, Shall be alone. Easement, Shall come by Easiness, Shall I arrange? ""bony,, Shall I (we) — "buiiition. Shall I bring him (her) with me? Eccentric, Shall I bring them with me? Echoless, Shall I buy ' Eclectic, Shall I gain anything by Eclipse, Shall I gain anything by waiting? Economic, Shall I proceed to —- Tcstasy, Shall I remain here (until) —» Ecstatic, Shall I sai) per Edible, Shall I sell ? Edict, Shall I sell your — f Edifice, Shall I start at once. Edifying, Shr I remain at until — Educate, Shall remain but a short time, Effaceabio, Shall rem^n here umil — 66 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. Erfeiuinate, Shall Stan at once. EfflSJ, Shall start for on — Effrontery, Should much prefer Effulgence, Should much prefer it. Effusion, Should much prefer to — Eglantine, Should they —■ Egotism, Sift the matter thoroughly. Egotistic, So as (to) Ejaculate, So as to be Ejection, So as to reach — Kjectment, So as to reach here — Elaborate, So as to reach here not later than Elastic, So as to reach me Elation, So as to reach me not later than Elbowing, So as to reach there Elderly, So as to reach there not later than Electoral, So far as can be learned the report is false. Electric, So it can Electrify, So it can be — Electrode, Spare no trouble (to —) • Elegance, Spare no expense (to ) Elegiac, Subject to immediate reply. Elemental, Subject to reply to reach here before Elementary, Subject to reply to reach here by Elephant, Subject to reply to reach here by lo a.m., to-morrow. Elevate, Subject to reply to reach here by noon, to*morrow. Elevating, Subject to reply tcreach here by 3 p.m., to>morrow. Elevator, Subject to reply to reach here by 6 p m., to-morrow. Eligible, Suppress as much as possible. Eliminate, Suppress it if possible. Elixir, Suit yourself. ElliptfCa Take such steps as are necessary (to) Elocution, Take such steps as are necessary to protect me (us). Elongate, , Telegraph everj'body and try to find him (her). Elopement, Tell him (her) Eloquence, Tell him (her) to come on — Eloquently, Tell them (to ) Elucidate, The word chosen for my cable address is already registered by another party, and my address instead will be Elusive, Then I (we) Elysian, Then I (we) can — Emaciate, Then they can — Emanate, Then you can Emanation, Think I (we) can Emancipate, Think I can get some business Emasculate, Think I can get some business if ■ — Embalm, Think I can get some business if I go to —— THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 67 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A. Embslmiiig, Think I (we) had better. Embsnhment, Think it Embarri^s, Think it best that — Embassador, Think it best to Embassy, Think it is Embed, Think it is a good time to Embellish, Think it is a good time to buy —^ Emblazon, Think it is a good time to sell Emblematic, Think it is likely that Embodied, Think it is unlikely that»~ Embolism, Think it over and wire what you decide to do. Embossed, Think it over and write what you decide to do. Embowered, Think it very undesirable. Embrace, Think it was. Embracing, Think it was as you say. Embrasure,. Think that Embroider, Think the report is false. Embroil, Think the report is true. Embryotlc, Think I had better Emerald, Think I bad better not —* Emetic, Think you had better — Eminence, Think you had better wait. Emissary, Think you had better not — Emolument, Think you had better not wait. Emotion, Think you had better wait until ■ Emotional, Think you had better wait and sail —— Empaled, Think well of party mentioned. Empanel, This is a matter of great importance. Emphasis, Thought it better to — Empirical, Thought it better to wait until Empiricism, Thought they had Emporium, Thought you had Emptiness, To enable me Emulate, To enable me to do this Emulsion, To enable me to do what you desire — Enactment, To enable you to Enamel, To enable you to do this Enchanted, To go to Encircle, To leave Enclosure, To-morrow is holiday here. Encomium, To*morrow is holiday here. Cannot reply till next day. Encompass, To send Encounter, To wait at Encroach, To wait there for me. Encumber, To wait where you are. Endanger, To wait until — Endearing, To whomahall I (we) apply ? 68 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Stale Street, Boston, U. S. A. Endearor, To whom shall I (we) deliver it ? Endowment, Too late. Kndurabley Too late now to —- Energetic, Too late now to make any change. Enerrate, Too late to attend to the business. Knfeeble, Trust you will — - Engender, Trust you will not —— Engineer, Unless absolutely necessary. Engross, Unless I have immediate reply — Enhance, Unless I have immediate reply, the business will fall through. Enigma, Unless it will Enjoin, Unless it will pay to stay longer. Eniarge, Unless you think it will pay to stay longer, I should advise return at once. Enlighten, Until after Eniisted, Until further advice. Eniiven, Until it - ■— Enmltjr, Until the — Ennoble, Until then Enomiitjr, Until they — Enraged, Until you —— Enrich, Until you are Enroiment, Up to the present time « Ensconce, Use care, or you will have trouble. Enshrine, Wait for me at — Ensiaye, Wait until Ensnare, Wait until you receive letter (dated ——) Entaii, Wait until you hear from me again. Entangie, Waiting for word from you. Enthusiast, Was partially destroyed by fire. Enticement, Was totally destroyed by fire. Entomb, We authorize you to act for us. Will confirm this by mail. Entrance, What are the prospects? Entreat, What are you doing/" Entreaty, What do Enumerate, What do you advise ? Enunciate, What do you intend to do ? Reply by mail. Enreioped, What do you intend to do ? Reply by wire. Envenom, What does — intend to do ? Enviable, What do you mean ? Enviously, What do you think of Environ, What else can you learn ? Epauiet, What is the cause of the delay? Ephemeral, What is the trouble ? Epigram, What is the trouble ? Wire reply. Epiiogiie, What is the trouble with —— Epithet, What shall I (we) do? THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. ^9 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Epitome, What will it Equation, What will it cost? Equator, What will it cost to carry out your plan ? Equeetrian, What will it cost to make the change ? Equiform, When and where shall I meet you? Equinox, When and where will you meet'me? Equipage, When and where will you meet us? > Equipment, When does — expect to be at — ? Equipoise, When does — expect to be here? Eradicated, When does — expect to start (for —)? Erasure, When will it Ermine, When will it be decided? Errant, When will you come ? Erratic, When will you return ? Erroneous, When you decide. Erudite, When you start. Erudition, When are — Eruption, When are you going to ■ Escaiop, When does expect to be at ? Escapade, When does —ru expect to be here ? Escapement, When does expect to start (for —') ? Eschew, When do you expect to be here ? Escort, When do you expect to be in — Esculent, When do you expect to be in Boston ? Escutcheon, When do you expect to be in London ? Esoteric, When do you expect to be in New York? Espionage, When do you expect to be in Paris ? Espianade, When do you start? Esquimaux, When do you start for Essence, . When is Essentiai, Which will detain us at —• (until ——) Esteem, Which will detain us here (until) Estimabiy, Who are your bankers ? Estimation, Who are your bankers here? Etching, Who are your bankers in — ? Eternaily, Who are the — Ethicai, Who will Etiquette, Who will arrange matters? Etymology, Why are Eulogistic, Why are you Euiogium, Why did you change your plans? Euphonism, Why do you change your plans ? Euphony, Why do you do this ? Evanescent, Why do you not carry out my (our) request f Evangelist, Why do Evaporate, Why do they — Evasion, Why do they not — % 70 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. EraalTcly, Why do you Eventual^ Why do you not —— Erolute, Will arrange matters. Exacting, Will arrange if can possibly do so. Exaltation, Will attend to matter mentioned and advise you as soon ai anything definite is done* Examiner, Will come at once. Exasperate, Will come as soon as possible. Exearate, Will do as you wish, if possible. Excarator, Will join you at — Excellence, Will join you as soon as possible. Exciaement, Will keep you well posted. Exclaim, Will meet you as requested. Exclaiming, Will meet you at Exclusion, Will not — ExclnsiTe, Will not accept (unless^—) Excoriate, Will send Exculpate, Will they allow Excusably, Will think it over and advise you later. Execrate, Will you Execution, Will you authorize roe (us) to act for you ? Exemplary, Will you gain anything by Exemplify, Will you gain anything by waiting? Exempt, Will you give Exemption, Will you let Exercising, Will you meet me? Exhalation, Will you meet me at —^ Exhorted, Will you meet me there? Exhume, Will you meet us? • Exiled, Will you meet us at— Existence, Will you meet us there? ' Exotic, Will wire as soon as 1 (we) can decide. Expand, Will wire as soon as I (we) can learn the truth. Expansion,. Will wire as soon as full particulars can be obtained. Expatiate, Would it be — Expedition, Would it be possible Expel, Would it be possible for — Expending, Would it be possible for you ——> Experiment, Would it be possible for you to — Expiation, Yes, if I Explainer, Yes, if I can Expletlon, Yes, if I cannot Explicate, Yes, if you ■ Explode, Yes, if you can Exploding, Yes, if you cannot Exploit, Yes, if you cannot do bettero Explosire, Yes, you may THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 7' Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Exponent, You are too — Exposer, You are too urgent. Expository, Vou can Expulsion* You can arrange to draw for the amount through —- Expunge* You can arrange to draw for the amount through my (our) agents at — E3^lurgate* You can arrange to draw for the amount through the agents of Extenuate* You can arrange to draw for the amount through their agents at —- External, You can go Externally* You can obtain it from Extinguish, You cannot Extolled* You cannot depend upon them. Extolling, You did not reply in time. Extracted, You do not Extricate, Vou had better — Exudation* You had better confer with*^ Exultant* You had better not — Fabricate* Y ou had better not go (to ■ i ) Fabulist* You had better not insist upon it. Fabulous* You have broken your promise. Facetious* You have misunderstood me. Facility* You have misunderstood my letter. Factious, You have misunderstood my telegram. Factorial, You must Factotum, You must decide before Faculty* You must decide quickly. Faded* You must not Fadeless* Vou must not go. Wait for letter. Fading* You must not wait. Fagot* You must not wait. Make haste. Faint, You need Fainting, You need not Falntness* You need not conie. Fairly* You need not do anything more about It. Fairness, Vou promised to Fairy, You receive another telegram from msh Fairyiike* Vou receive letter from me (dated Falcon* You shall Falconer* You should —~ Falconry, You should not Fallacy* You were mistaken. Fallible* You wilt find an instance of it in * Falsely* You will have to —— Falsetto* You will have to wait. fnlsify. Your theory is impracticabla. 72 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. STEELINO MONEY. — (Pounds, Shillings and Penct.) Falter, Ad. Fathomless, 9d. Fertility, 195^d. Faltering, . Ad. Fatigue, 9^d. Fervently, W%d. Fameless, Ad. /ad. Fatling, 9/d. Fervor, 20d. Familiar, Fatness, 9Xd. Festering, 20/d. Famine, Kd. Fatter, lOd. Festiral, 20J4d. Famish, ^d. Fatuity, 10/d. Festoon, 20Kd. Famosity, /d. Fatuous, J0J4d. Fetiock, 21d. Famnlate, /ed. Fauna, lOKd. Fetterless, 21'^d. Fanatic, Kd. Farorless, lid. Feudal, 21Hd. Fanaticism, /ad. Fawning, HKd. Feudalism, 21?i;d. Figurant, 23Kd. Farce, 3d. Federalism, 13Md. Figurative, 24d. Farcical, 3'Xd. Feebleness, 13Kd. Filament, 24Kd. Fardingale, 3/d. Feebly, 14d. Filbert, 24/d. Farina, 3Md. Feeder, 14/d. Filching, 21Xd. Farinose, 4d. Feetless, WM- Filial, 25d. Farmable, 4'id. Feigned, 14Kd. Filiation, 2.'>/d. Farrago, 4/d. Feigning, 15d. Filibuster, 25Hd. Farrier, 4Md. Felicitate, 15/d. Filigree, 2,0Kd. Farrow, 5d. Felicity, 15/d. Filtering, 26d. Fascet, 5!Xd. Fastening, 6/d. Femininity, 17d. Finite, 27Hd. Fastidious, 6Kd. Fencing, 17'Xd. Finitnde, 27Kd. Fastness, 7d.' Fender, 17/d. Firebrand, 28d. Fatalist, 7Kd. Fenestral, 17Kd. Firelock, 28/d. Fatainess, 7Md. Ferment, 18d. Fireside, 28/d. Fateful, 7Kd. Fermenting.IS/d. Firkin, 285id. Falefuliy, Sd. Ferocious, 18Md. Firmament, 29d. Fatherland, s-id Ferocity, ISKd. Fishery, 29/d. Fatherly, 8/d. Ferriage, 19d. Fissure, 29>^d. Fathom, 8Md. Fertiie, 19Kd. Fitful, 29Kd. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 73 Published by F. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. STERLING MONEY. Fixedly, 2s.(>d. Float, 3s.4}^d. Forage, 4s.3d. Flaccid, 2s.65iid. Flocking, 3s.4Kd. Foray, 4s.3Kd. Flageolet, 2s.6J^d. Floored, 3s.5d. Forborne, 4s.3}^d. Flagitious, 2s.6Kd. Floral, 3s.5i^d. Forcedness. 4s.3%d. Flagon, 2s.7d. Floret, 3s.5}4d. Forceful, 4s.4d. Flagrant, 2s.7Kd. Florid, 3s.5Kd. Forceps, 4sA%6. Flambeau, 2s.7Md. Florldness, 3s.6d. Fordable, is.i'Ad. Flamlug, 2s.7^d. Floscular, 3s.6Kd. Forebode, 4s.4?4d. Flamiogo, 2s.8d. Flotsam, 3s.6'Ad. Foredoom, 4s.5d. Flammable, 2s.8'Xd. Florence, 3s.6Kd. Foreman, 4s.5'Xd. Flange, 2s.8Md. Flounder, 3s.7d. Foremost, 4s.5J^d. Flanked, 2s.8Kd. Flowering, 3s.7Kd. Forensic, 43.5Kd. Flannel, 2s.9d. Flowery, Ss.VAd. Forest, 4s.6d. Flapping, 2s.9Kd. Fluency, 3s.7^d. Forestage, 4s.6}id. Flashed, 2s.9Kd. Fluently, 3s.8d. Forester, ts.6'Ad. Flashlness, 2s.9Kd. Fluffy, 3s.8'Xd. Foretop, 4s.6%d. Flatflsh, 2s.l0d. Fluid, 3s.8Md. Forging, 4s.7d. Flatness, 2s.l0i^d. Flummery, 3s.8Kd. Forlorn, 4s.7Kd. Flatten, 2s.lOHd. Fluster, 3s. 9d. Formalism, 4s.75^d. Flattered, 2s.lOKd. Fluttering, 3s.9iXd. Formality, 4s.7Ad. Flattery, 2s.lld. Foaming, .3s.9}^d. Formula, 4s.8d. Flaunt, 2s.ll'Xd. Focalize, 3s.9Kd. Fortified, 4s.8Kd. Flarescent, 2s.llMd. Focus, 3s.l0d. Fortress, 4s.8}4d. Flaror, 2s.llKd. Fodder, 3s.lOKd. Fossilize, 4s.8Kd. Flavorless, 3s. Foeman, 3s.lOMd. Foulard, 4s.9d. Flawing, 3s. «d. , Foible, 3s.lOKd. Foundation, 4s.9>Xd. Flaxen, 3s. Md. Follable, 3s.nd. Foundling, 4s.9Hd Flecked, 3s. %d. Foisted, 3s.llKd. Fowler, 4s.9%d. Fledgeling, 3s.ld. Folding, ' 3s.UKd. Foxglove, 4s.lOd. Fleecy, 3s.lKd. Foliage, 3s.llKd. Foxtail, 4s.lOKd. Fleeting, 3s.lMd. Falkland, 4s. Fracas, 4s.lOJ4d. Fleetly, 3s.lMd. Foment, 4s.'Xd. Fraction, 4s.lOKd. Fleetness, 3s.2d. Fomenter, is. Ad. Fracture, 4s.lld. Fleshly, 3s.2Kd. Fondle, 4s. Kd. Fragile, 4s.llMd. Flexible, 3s.2^d. Fondling, 4s.ld. Fragility, 4s.llMd. Flickering, 3s.2Md. Fondness, 4s.l>Xd. Fragment, 4s.llKd. Flinch, 3s.3d. Football, 4s.lJ^d. Fragrance, 5s. Flintlock, 3s.3Kd. Footpad, 4s.lKd. Frailty, 5s. Kd. Flinty, 3s.3Hd. Footrace, 4s.2d. Framed, 5s. Kd. Flippant, 3s.3^d. Footway, 4s.2Kd. Franciscan, 5s.Kd. Flippantly, 3s 4d. Foppery, 4s.2J^d. Fraiicolln, 5s.ld. Flirtation, 3s.4'Xd. Foppishly, 4s.2Md. Frantic, 5s.lKd. 74 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. STERLING MONEY.— Fraternal, 5s.lMd. Fraternity, Ss.lKd. Fraternize, 5s.2d. Freekled, 5s.2^d. Freebooter, 5s.3d. Freehold, 5s.3Md. Freezing, 5s.4d. Frenzied, 6s.4Hd. Frenzy, 5s.5d. Frequency, 5s.5Md. Fresco, 5s,6d. Frescoing, 5s.6^d. Freshen, 5s.7d. Freshly, 5s.7Md. Fretful, 5s.8d. Fretting, 5s.854d. Friability, 5s. 9d. Friation, 5s.9Md. Fricando, 5s.l0d. Fricassee, 5s,10Md. Frication, 5s.lld. Friction, 5s.llMd. Friendship, 6s. Frigate, 6s. Md. Frigid, 6s.ld. Frigidity, 6s.l}^d. Frigidness, 6s.2d. Fringe, 6s.2Md. Fringeless, 6s.3d. Frippery, 6s.3}^d. Friskfui, 6s.4d. Friskily, 6s.4Md. Friskiness, 6s.5d. Fritter, 6s.5}^d. Frivolism, 6s.6d. Friroiity, 6s.6J^d. Froekless, 6s.7d. Frogged, 6s.7j^d. Frolic, 6s.8d. Frolicsome, Ss.SJ^d. Frontage, es.9d. Frontal, 6s.9Md. Frontier, 6s.l0d. Frosting, Bs.lOMd. Frothy, bs.lld. Frowning, Bs.llKd. Fructify, 7s. Frugal, 7s. Hd. Frugality, 7s.ld. Fruitage, 7s.lJ^d. Fruitful, 7s.2d. Fruitless, 7s.2Hd. Frustrate, 7s. 3d. Fugleman, 7s.3'/^d. Fulcrum, 7s.4d, Fullness, 7s.4Md. Fulminate, 7s. 5d. Fumble, 7s.5!^d. Fumidity, 7s.6d. Fumigate, 7s.6J^d. Fundament, 7s. 7d. Fungous, 7s.7Md. Funicular, 7s.8d.. Furions, 7s.8J^d. Furlong, 7s. 9d. Furlough, 7s.9Hd. Furnace, 7s.l0d. Fusileer, 7s.lOHd. Fustigiite, 7s.lld. Gabardine, 7s.U}^d. Gablock, 8s. Gadfly, 8s.5^d. Gaiatiaii, 8s.ld. Galenical, 8s.lMd. Gallantly, 8s.2d. Gallery, 8s.2}4d. Gallop, 8s.3d. Gallopade, 8s.3Md. Galvanic, 8s.4d. Gambado, 8s.4}^d. Gambison, 8s.5d. Gamboge, 8s.5Hd. Gambol, 8s.6d. Gamesome, 8s.6}^d. Gamester, 8s.7d. Gammon, 8s.75^d. Gamut, 8s.8d. Gaping, 8s.8}4d. Garbage, 8s.9d. Garbled, 83.9Hd. Garlic, 8s.I0d. Garment, 8s.l05^d. Garnish, 8s.lld. Garniture, 8s.llHd. Garrote, 9s. Garrnlity, 9s.}4d. Garrulous, 9s.ld. Gasconade, 9s.lKd. Gasometer, 9s.2d. Gasping, 9s.25^d. 'Gastric, 9s.3d. Gastropod, 9s.3Md. Gateway, 9s.4d. Gauntlet, 9s.4Kd. Gazeful, 95.5d. Gazelle, 9s.5}^d. Gazetteer, 9s.6d. Gearing, 9s.6!^d. Gelatine, 9s.7d. Geminate, 9s.754d. Gemsbok, 9s.8d. Genealogy, 9s.85^d. Generate, 9s.9d. Generating, 9s.9J^d. Generative, 9s.l0d. . Generator, 9s.lO>4d. Generatrix, 9s.lld. Generic, 9s.ll}^d. Generical, IDs. Genette, 10s.3d. Genial, lOs.Bd. Geniality, 10s. 9d. Geniculate, lis. Genitive, lls.3d. Genteel, lls.6d. Genteelish, lls.9d. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 7S Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. STERLING mTSEY.-(Continued.) Gentian, 12s. Giraffe, 30s. Gosling, £20. Gentility, 12s.3d. Girandole, 31s. Gossamer, £21. Gentieness, 12s.6d. Girdie, 32s. Gossoon, £22. Gentry, 12s.9d. Girdling, 32s.6d. Gothic, ' £23. Genns, 13s. Girlish, 33s. Graceful, £24. Geodosy, 13s.3d. Girth, 34s. Gracefully, £25. Geographic, 13s. Od. Glacial, 33s. Gracious, £26. Geography, 13s. 9d. Gladiator, 36s. Gradation, £27. Geoiogist, 14s. Gladness, 37s. Grafted, £28. Geologize, 14s.3d. Gladsome, 37s.6d. Grafting, £29. Geoiogy, 14s.6d. Glancing, 38s. Grail, £30. Geometric, 14s.9d. Glanders, 39s. Grained, £31. Geometry, 15s. Glandiform, £2. Grammar, £32. Geraniom, 15s. 6d. Glandular, £2.5s. Granary, £33. Gerfalcon, 16s. Glaring, £2.10s. Grandam, £34. Germanism, 16s. 6d. Glassy, £2.15s. Grandeur, £35. Germinal, 17s. Gianberite, £3. Grandiose, £36. Germinate, 17s.6d. Glazier, £3.55. Granlforni, £37. Gerund, 18s. Glazing, £3.10s. Granny, £38. Gernudlve, 18s.6d. Giibness, £3.15s. Granular, £39. Gestation, 19s. Glimpse, £4. Granulate, £40. Gestatory, 19s.6d. Glisten, £4.10s. Granule, £41. Gewgaw, £1. Glitter, £5. Grapery, £42. Ghost, 2es.6d. Gioam, £5.10s. Graphical, £43. Ghostiess, 21s. Gloaming, £6. Grapple, £44. Ghostlike, 21s.6d. Globule, £6.10s. Graspingly, £45. Ghostiy, 22s. Gloomily, £7. Grated, £46. Giant, 22s.6d. Glowingly, £7.10s. Grating, £47. Giantess, 23s. Glucose, £8. Gravelly, £48. Gibberish, 23s.6d. Glutton, £8.10s. Gravitate, £49. Giblet, 24s. Glycerine, £9. Gravity, £50. Gibingly, 24s.6d. Gnarled, £9.10s. Grayiiess, £51. Gibstaff, 25s. Gnawing, £10. Grecian, £52. Giddiness, 25s. 6d. Gobbler, £11. Greedily, £53. Giddy, 26s. Golden, £12. Greedy, £54. Gifted, 26s.6d. Goldflnch, £13. Greenness, £55. Giftedness, 27s. Gondola, £14. Gregarious, £56. Giggling, 27s.6d. Goodly, £15! Grenade, 1 £57. Gilded, 28s. Gopher, £16. Grenadier, •£58. Gilding, 28s. 6d. Gordian, £17. Grewsome, £59. Gimcrack, 29s. Gorgeous, £18. Greyhound, £60. Ginger, 29s.6d. ' Goshawk, £19. Griddle, £61. - « 76 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Sute Street, Boston, U. S. A. STERLING ■HLQ'S'E.Y-(Continued.) firiillron, £62. CI rievous, £63. firiinalkiitf £04, firimly, £65. Grhiil, £66. Griplnsly, £67. Gristle, £68. Gritty, £69. G rizzled, £70.' Grizzly, £71. Groaning, £7'2. Groggery, £73. tironimet, £74. Grossness, £75. G rotesgne, £76. Grotto, £77. Grouping, £78. Grorcling, £79. Grubber, £80. Grudging, £81. Grumbler, £82. Grumpy, £8.3. Grunting, £84. Gudgeon, £85. Guidon, £86. Gullet, £87. Gullible, £88. Gumboil, £89. iiumption, £90. Gunnel. £91. Gunny, £9-2. Gunroom, £93. G unstock, £94. Gurgle, £95. Gushing, £96. Gustatory, £97. Gustful, £08. Gusto, £99. Gutter, £100. Guttural, £110. Guzzle, £120. Gymnastic, £125. Gymnotus, £130. Gypsum, £140. Gyrate, £150. Gyration, £160. Gyratory, £170. Gyroscope, £175. Gyrose, £180. Habendum, £190. Habiliment, £'200. Habitable, £210. Hiibltaney, £2*20 Habitation, £225. Habituate, £230. Habitude, £240. Hacienda, £250. Hacking, £260. Hackney, £270. Haddock, £27.5. Hades, £280. Haggard, £'290. Haggardly, £300. Haggling, £310. Hailstone, ' £3'20. Hairy, £3'25. Halberd, £330. Halcyon, £340. Halibut, £350. Hallow, £360. Halter, £370. Hammer, £375. Hammock, £380. Hamper, £390. Hamstrung, £400. Haniulose, £4'25. Handcuff, £450. Handfast, £475. Handful, £.500. Handicap, £550. Handiness, £600. Handrail, £650. Handsome, £700. Handspike, £750. Handy, £800. Hanging, £82.5. Hangnail, £850. Hankering, £875. Hapless, £900. Happily, £9-25. Happiness, £950. Harangue, £975. Harass, £1,000. Harbinger, £2,000. Harden, £.3,000. Hardening, £4,000. Hardish, £5,000. Hardness, £6,000. Harem, £7,000. Harlequin, £8,000. Harmful, £9,000. Harmonic, £10,000. Harmoiiius, £15,000. Harmonizer, £20,000. Harmony, £■25,000. Harping, £30,000. Harpoon, £35,000. Harpsichon. £ 10,000. Harrier, £45,000. Harrow, £50,000. Harshly, £60,000. Harshness, £70,000. Harvest, £80,000. Hassock, £90,000. Hastiness, £100,000. Hatching, £1'2.5,000. Hatchet, £150,000. Hatchment, £175,000. Hatclnvay, £■200,000. Hateful, £'250,000. Hatred, £300,000. Haughty, £3.50,000. Haversack, £100,000. Havoc, £.500,000. Hawker, £600,000 Han^king, £700,000. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 77 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. UNITED STATES mSEYa,Cfn/s.J Hawser, A c'- Heptagon, 5 cts. Hobgoblin, lOK cts. Hazard, A Ct. Heraldry, 5K cts.- Hobnailed, lOK cts. Il:;ze]nut, A ct. Herbage, 55i cts. Hobnob, 1054 cts. Haziness, yi ct. Herbarium, 5K cts. Hollyhock, lOK cts. Hazy, Vi ct. Herbless, cts. Holocaust, lOK cts. Headache, % Ct. Hereuleaii. 5K Cts. Homage, 10% cts. Header, M ct. Hereditary, cts. Homely, 11 cts. Headiness, Vi ct. Heresy, 5K cts. Homeliness, 1154 cts. Heading, Vt ct. Heretic, 6 cts. Homespun, 11% cts. Headless, ct. Heritable, 654 cts. Homicidal, 11% CIS. Headline, 1 ct. Hermeticai, 6K cts. Hominy, ll'A cts. Headiong, lyk CIS. Hermitage, 6K cts. Homology, 11% cts. Headmost, 1% cts. Heroically, 6K cts. Honorary, UK cts. Headsail, cts. Heroine, 6K cts. Hoofless, IIH cts. Headwork, IK cts. Heroism, 6K cts. Hooting, 12 cts. Heaping, IVi cts. Hesitancy, 6K cts. Hopper, 12/8 cts. Hearken, IK cts. Heterodox, 7 cts. Horizon, 1254 cts. Hearth, IK cts. Hexagon, 754 cts. Horizontal, 12% cts. Heartiess, 2 cts. Hexameter, 7K cts. Horology, 1254 cts. Hearty, 2J4 cts. Hexapod, 7H cts. Horoscope, 12% cts. Heathen, 2K cts. Hiatus, 754 cts. Horsefly, 12% cts. Heaving, 2K cts. Hibernate, 7|4 cts. Horseman, 12% cts. Heavily, 2K cts. Hibernian, 7K cts. Horsenail, 13 cts. Heaviness, 2K cts. Hickory, V/% cts. Hospitable, Hostelry, IS'/a cts. Hectic, 2K cts. Hidalgo, 8 cts. 13/ cts. Hedgehog, 2K cts. Hideously, 854 cts. Hostility. 13% cts. Heedless, 3 cts. Hierarchy, syi CIS. Hostler, 13/ cts. Heighten, 3K cts. Hierogram, 8K cts. Hotly, 13/ cts. Hellions, 3K cts. Highmost, 854 cts. Hotness, 13/ cts. Heirloom, 3K cts. Hilarious, cts. Hotspur, 13% cts. Helicoid, 3K cts. Hilarity, 8K cts. Hounding, 14 cts. Heliotrope, 3H cts. Hillock, 8Ji cts. Household, 14/8 cts. Hellebore, 3K cts. Hindermost, 9 cts. Housetop, 14/ cts. Helmet, 3K cts. Hireling, 954 cts. Housing, 14% cts. Helpful, 4 cts. Hirsute, 954 cts. Horel, 14/ cts. Helpmate, 454 cts. Hissing, 9K cts. Horering, 14% cts. Hematite, 4K cts. Historic, 954 cts. Howitzer, 14% cts. Hemisphere, 4H cts. Histrionic, 9K cts. Howling, 14% cts. Hemlock, c'.s. HItherivard, 9K cts. Huckster, 15 cts. Hempen, 4K cts. Hoarsely, 9K cts. Huddle, 15% cts. Hepatize, iH cts. Hobbling, 10 cts. Hufllncss, 1554 cts. Heptachord, 4K cts. Hobby, 1054 cts. Huffish, 15% cts. 78 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A. UNITED STATES MONEY. Hulk, 16 cts. Hydroscope, 49 cts. Idyllic, 91 cts. Humane, 16H cts. Hydrostat, 50 cts. Igneous, 92 cts. Humanity, 17 cts. Hydrous, 51 cts. Ignited, 93 cts. Humanue, IVA cts. Hydruret, 52 cts. Ignition, 94 cts. Humble, 18 cts. Hyena, 53 cts. Ignominy, 95 cts. Humbleness, 18^ cts. Hygeian, 54 cts. Iliad, 96 cts. Humdrum, 19 cts. Hylobate, 55 cts. Illegibly, 97 cts. Humid, 19^ cts. Hymeneal, 56 cts. Illiteracy, 98 cts.* Humidity, 20 cts. Hymnal, 57 cts. Illiteral, 99 cts. Humiliate, 20M cts. Hymnody, 58 cts. Illuminate, $1. Humming, 21 cts. Hypallage, 59 cts. Illumine, $2. Hummock, 21M cts. Hyperbaton, 60 cts. Illuminism, $3. Humorism, 22 Cts. Hyperbole, 61 cts. ' Illusion, $4. Humorless, 22K cts. Hyperbolic, 62 cts. Illustrate, $5. Humorsoroe, 23 cts. Hyphen, 63 cts. Image, $6. Hunger, 23M cts. Hypnotic, 64 cts. Imagery, $7. Hungrily, 24 cts. Hypocaust, 65 cts. Iiiibeciie, $8. Hurdle, 24H cts. Hypocrisy, 66 cts. Imbecility, $9. Hurling, 25 cts. Hypocrite, 67 cts. Imbibe, $10. Hurricane, 20 CIS. Hypothesis, 68 cts. Imbrue, . $11. Hurtful, 27 cts. Hypothetic, 69 cts. Imitation, $12. Husking, 28 cts. Hyson, 70 cts.. Imitatire, $13. Husky, 29 cts. Hysterical, 71 cts. liumane. $14. Hussar, 30 cts. Iambic, 72 cts. Immature, $15. Huswife, 31 cts. lambically. 73 cts. Immerge, $16. Hyacinth, 32 cts. Icarian, 74 cts. Immersion, $17. Hybodus, 33 cts. Iconoclast, 75 cts. Immobile, $18. Hybrid, 34 cts. Icteroid, 76 cts. Immodest, $19. Hybridism, 35 cts. Icterus, 77 cts. Immolate, $20. Hybridity, 36 cts. Idealism, 78 cts. Immortal, $21. Hydra, 37 cts. Ideality, 79 cts. Immovable, $■22. Hydramlde, 38 cts. Idealize, 80 cts. Immunity, $■23. Hydrant, 39 cts. Ideology, 81 cts. Immure, $24. Hydraulic, 40 cts. Idiocy, 82 cts. Immutable, $'2."i. Hydrogen, 41 cts. Idiom, 83 cts. Inipalpably, $2(1. Hydrology, 42 cts. Idiomatic, 84 cts. Impanel, $■27. Hydromel, 43 cts. Idiopathy, 85 cts. Impart, $28. Hydropathy, 44 cts. Idiotic, 86 cts. Impartial, $29. Hydrophid, 45 cts. Idlotism, 87 cts. Impassion, $30. Hydropical, 46 cts. Idleness, 88 cts. Impatience, $31. Hydropsy, 47 cts. Idolater, 89 cts. Impeaching, $32. Hydrosalt, 48 cts. Idolize, 90 cts. Impearl, $33. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 79 Published by F* O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. UNTTEB STATES m!fSm—(ContinueJ.) Impeccable, $34. -Incage, $76. Infantile, $10,000 ImpeditioB, $33. Incarnate, $77. Infantry, $11,000. Impeditlve, $36. Incensor, $78. Infatuate, $12,000. Impelling, $37. Incensory, $79. Infection, $13,000. ImpeniteDt, $38. Inception, $80. Infective, $14,'K)0. Imperial, $39. Incessant, $81. Infelicity, $15,000. Imperially, $40. Inchoate, $82. Inference, $16,000. Imperious, $41. Incision, $83. Infernal, $17,000. Impersonal, $42. Incitation, $84. Infldei, $18,00". Impervious, $43. Inclining, $85. Infliter, $19,000. Impetrate, $44. Incogitant, $86. Iniiitrate, $20,' 00. Impetus, $45. Incoherent, $87. ludnite. $21,000. Impinge, $46. Incommode, $88. Infinitive, $22,000 Impious, $47. Incondite, $89. Inflnltade, $23,00.1. Implacable, $48. Inconstant, $90. Infinity, $24,000. Implant, $49. Incorrupt, $91. Infirm, $23,000. Implement, $50. Incubate. $92. Infirmary, $-26,0< 0. Imploring, $51. Incubus, $93. Infirmity, $27,000. Impolitic, $52. Inculcate, $94. Inflame, $28,000. Importune, $53. Incursion, $95. Inflate, $29,000. Imposing, $54. Indecorum, $96. Inflated, $30,000. Impost, $55. Indeliblep $97. 'inflation. $35,000. Impotence, $56. Indelicate, $98. Inflatus, $40,000. Impotent, $57. Indented, $99. Inflect, $50,000. Impound, $58. Indenting, $100. Inflective, $(>0,000. Iiaporerlsh, $59. Indigency, $200. liiflexibie. $70,000. Imprecate, $60. Indigest, $300. Inflexure, $73,000. Impress, $61. Indigo, $400. Infliction, $80,000. Improrlso, $62. Indocile, $500. Influenza, $!)0,000. Impudence, $63. Indolence, $600. Infiuxion, $100,0 0. Impulsive, $64. Indubious, $700. Informal, $150,000. Impurity, $65. Inducible, $800. Inforniantp $200, 00. Imputable, $66. Induction, $900. Informer, $250,000. Inaccurate, $67. Inductive, $1,000. Infraction, $300,000. Inamorata, $68. Indulgence, $2,000. Infringe, $4 0,000. Inanimate, $69. Indusiai, $3,000. Infumatlon, $.5'0,000. Inanition, $70. Inebriate, $1,000. Infuriate, $6"0,000. Inaptitude, $71. Ineffable, $3,000. Infusible, $700,000. Inaptly, $72. Ineffably, $6,000. Infusion, $800,000. Inborn, $73. Inelegant. $7,000. Infusory, $900,000. Inbreathe, $74. Inertness, $8,000. Ingenious, $1,000,000. Inbred, $75. Infancy, $9,"(0. Ingenuity, $2,000,000. m 8o THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. MISCELIANEOTTS.—<'Supplementary.) (Also see pages 43 to 7s#) Ingrlorions, Accept my heartiest congratulations. iBiTOt, Accept our heartiest congratulations. Ingraft, A Happy New Year. Ingrain, A Merry Christmas* Ingrate, Am going to and expect to reach there morning. Telegrams sent to me there (care of } will reach tie promptly. Ingratiate, Am going to and expect to reach there evening Telegrams sent to me there (in care of —) will reach me promptly. Ingredient, Am leaving for and —* do not accompany me, but are going to —— Ingnlf, Am leaving for-—, --does not accompany me, but is going to — Inhabit, Am leaving here - Inhaler, Am leaving here now for — Inherent, Am leaving here now for . If anything new occurs tel^^aph to me there (care of Inherit, Any money transactions with I will arrange here. Inhuman, Apply also to — Inimical, Apply this to — Iniquity, As a last resort. Initial, As a last resort you can — Initiate, As anticipated. Injected, Before doing anything will wait for your reply. Injection, But first consult with —- Injector, Can arrange as you suggest. Injudicial, Can arrange with ■ Injurious, Can arrange without — Inking, Can buy at their discretion. Inlaid, Can replace here at lower figures than we paid for stock 00 hand. Inlay, Cannot arrange as you suggest. Inlet, Cannot arrange with —^ Inmost, Cannot start on unless I give up my trip to —— Innate, Cannot start on unless I give up my trip to . What do you advise? Innately, Change my cable name, and address me hereafter as — Innermost, Do not commit yourself, until hearing further from me. Innhoider, Do not commit yourself with until hearing further from me. Innocency, Do not fail to keep our stock fully insured. Innocuous, Do not reply to any letters or telegrams you may receiva from InnoTate, Do this only as a last resort THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 8i Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO , 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A. Innneiido, Do you intend to sail? Inoealatev Do you thoroughly understand this? Inodorous, Every member of the family is well* Inordinate, Examine at — Inorganic, Has not done so. Inosculate, Has taken a most favorable turn. Inquisitor, Have engaged. Inroad, Have received no reply to my telegram. If one has not already been sent, then telegraph reply to me at — Insearch, Have received no reply to my telegram. If one has not already been sent, then telegraph reply to me at my former address at — Insect, Have received no reply to my telegram. If one has not already been sent, then telegraph reply to me (care of Insensate, Have received no telegram from you here. Insensory, Have you closed, and if so, on what terms ? Insertion, Have you received my cable, and why do you not reply ? Insidious, Have you received my cable, and why do you not reply? Am leaving now for—Send reply, addressed to my cable name, to me at that place. Insight, Have you received my cable, and why do you not reply? Am leaving now for • Send reply to me at that place (care of ). Insincere, Have you received my telegram? Telegraph reply to Insinuate, How is business ? Insipid, How is the market? Inslpient, If market changes, advise me* Insistent, It market goes down Insnare, If market goes down, buy — Insolence, If market goes up Insoluble, If market goes up, sell. Inspective, If you wish to communicate with him (them), telegraph to — at Inspirable, If you wish to communicate with them, telegraph to at that place. Instable. It you wisn to communicate with them, telegraph to^—^caie of ). Instanter, I omitted,before leaving, to pay-—> the amount I owe him (them). Please send him (them) cheque Instigate, J omitted, before leaving, to pay —the amount I owe hini (them). Let me know amount due and I will then cable you in regard to payment. Instigator, I omitted, before leaving, to pay premium on my policy in the — Insurance Co Please send cheque to that Company foi ' amount due. Instill, I wish full information, whatever it may be. Instinct, Is everybody well at — ? Institnte. Is everylxniy well at home ? 82 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Institutor, Instructor, Instrnment, Insular, Insularity, Insulate, Insulating, Insulator, Insnrgenty Inswatlie, Intact, Intaglio, Intake, Intangible, Integral, Integrant, Integrate, Intellect, Intensely, Intensify, Intently, Interdict, Interduce, Interior, Interject, Interjoin, Interlace, Interlard, Interlay, Interline, Interlink, Interlock, Interloper, Interlude, Intermit, Intermural, Intermure, Internal, Is everything all right and everybody all well at home? Is going to — Is going to and expects to reach there morning. Is going to — and expects to reach there — morning. Tele- grams sent to him there (care of—) will reach him promptly. Is going to and expects to reach there evening. Is going to —- and expects to reach there — evening. Tele- grams sent to him there (care o£ ) will reach him promptly. Keep nothing back. Keep nothing back when advising me about this matter. Keep payments made up on ——. Keep payments made up on my policy in the Leave here to-day for . If anything new occurs telegraph so as to reach me at that place. Lea/e here to-day for——. If anything new occurs telegraph so as to reach me (care of —) at that place. Look carefully after the insurance on my (our) stocky and be sure to keep fully covered. Market weak and active. Think you had better sell. Market weak and active. Think you had better sell all you can at cost if you cannot do better. Matters in general. Meet him (her) at — Not considered good. Not in very good standing. Nothing can be done. Nothing can be done at present. Nothing doing. Nothing doing about — Nothing will be done. Nothing will be done at present. On what terms have you closed ? Please accept my best wishes ■■■ ■ Please accept my heartiest congratulation*. Please send cheque to for — Please send cheque to for amount thit i o.*.e. Presume you thoroughly understand this. Push sales of— Push sales of — Can replace at lower prices. Push sales of Sell at cost if you cannot do better, as I cM! replace at lower prices here. See — and take his (their) advice. Shall I accept ? Shall I dispose of — Shall leave here —» THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 83 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Internally, Shallleave here for Internode, Shall leave Sunday A. M. (for ). Interpale, Shall leave Sunday P«. M. (for —). Interpolnt, Shall leave Monday A. M. (for Interposal, Shall leave Monday P. M. (lor—^). Interpose, Shall leave Tuesday A. M. (for —). Interpret, Shall leave Tuesday P. M. (for ). Interreign, Shall leave Wednesday A. M. (for )• Interrex, Shall leave Wednesday P. M. (for ). Interrupt, Shall leave Thursday A. M. (for Interseind, Shall leave Thursday P. M. for ). Intersect, Shall leave Friday A. M. (for —). liitershock. Shall leave Friday P. M. (for interspace. Shall leave Saturday A. M. (for Interstate, Shall leave Saturday P. M. (for ). Interstice, Shalt leave here this afternoon for . Intertalk, Shall leave here to-morrow for . Intertax, Shall leave here to-night for . Intertwine, Shall leave there. Intertwist, Shall leave there on —— for . Intervale, Shall leave there the following day for . Intervary, Shall leave there two days later for . Intervent, Shall leave there within days after arrival for . Intervlsit, Take no risk. Intervolve, Take no risk without hrst communicating with me. Interweave, Telegrams sent to him there (care of ) will reach him promptly. Intextured, Telegrams sent to me there (care of ——) will reach me promptly. Intlilrst, Telegrams sent to my cable name, at this place, will reach me promptly. Intlirall, Telegraph me when you are going to start. Inthrone, Telegraph me when you are going to start, and when you expect to arrive. Intimacy, Telegraph reply by the —. Intimidate, Telegraph reply by the Telegraph Co. Intolerant, Telegraph reply by the Anglo-American Telegraph Co. Intomb, Telegraph reply by the Commercial (Mackay-Bennett) Cable Co. Intonate, Telegraph reply by the Direct United States Cable Co. Intonation, Telegraph reply by the French Atlantic Cable Co. Intone, Telegraph reply by the Western Union Telegraph Co. Intorsion, Telegraph reply to me at — Intoxicant, Telegraph reply to me at so as to surely reach me before . Intoxicate, Telegraph reply to me here^ (care of —-). Intractiie, Telegraph reply to me there, (care of—). 84 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Slate Street, Boston, U. S. A. Intrad08« Telegraph r«ply to me here to same name as I sign to this telegram» (care of —). Intrench, Telegraph reply to me there to same name as I sign to this telegram, (care of ). Intrepid, Telegraph to —~ what you decide to do. Intricable, Telegraph to when you are going to start. Intricacy, Telegraph to when you start. Intricate, The time here is hours faster than with you. Intrigue, The time here is hours slower than with you. Intrinsic, There is but one office here to which all cables are sent, so that messages giving my cable name only and addressed to this place will reach me promptly. Introspect, There is but one office here to which all cables are sent, so that messages giving my surname only and addressed to s place will reach me promptly. Introrert, Think I had better go (to ). Intruder, Think we had better sell all we can at cost if we cannot do better. Intrusion, Think we had better sell all we can at cost if we cannot do better. What do you advise i Intrusive, Think you had better go (to ). Intoition, This seems impracticable, and I (we) advise against it. Intuitive, This will be decided . Inuendo, This will be decided within days. Inumbrnte, To control the business. Inundate, To control the business you can . Inundated, To control the business you can offer Inurbanely, Unless you think . Inutile, Unless you think I had better . Inutility, Unless you think I had better go to —. Invaded, Unless you think I had better return. Invader, Unless you think it better to Ipvasion, Unless you think it better to do otherwise. InTasire, Unless you think it better to wait. Invective, We all unite in sending you our heartiest congratulations. Inveigher, We all unite in wishing you a Happy New Year. Inveigle, We all unite in wishing you a Merry Christmas. Invendible, We need your instructions. Inventive, We wish you all a Happy New Year. ' Inventions, We wish you all a Merry Christmas. inversely, What is the 's address ? Inversion, What is the *s address, and where are they now ? Inverted, What is Mr. -- *s address ? Inveterate, What is Mrs 's address ? Invidious, What is Miss -'s address ? Invigorate, What is Mr. 's address, and where is he now t THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. luvincible. What is Mrs. ~*s address, and where is she now ? Inviolable^ What is Miss ^~'s address, and where is she now ? InTiolatOy What do you hear about —>? InTOCation^ What do you hear about —? Telegraph reply to me at . Involate^ What do you hear about ? Telegraph reply to me here. Inroliitiony What do you hear about ? Telegraph reply to me, care of . Inwardly, What do you hear from ? Inwarp, What do you hear from ? Telegraph reply to me at . liivrreatho. What doycu hearfrom —• ? Telegraph reply to me here. Inwrought, What do you hear from — ? Telegraph reply to me, care of . , Iodine, What has been done ? Ionic, What has been done about ? Irascible, What have you done ? Irate, What have you done about ? Ireful, What have you done ? Telegraph reply. Iridescent, What have you done ? Write reply. Irksome, What shall you do t Ironical, When do you expect to ? Irradlan, When do you expect to go to—~ ? Irradiate, When do you expect to hear from t Irrational, Where are they now ? Irrelative, Where is he now ? Irrelevant, Where is she now ? Irrigation, Was invoice ex all right ? Irritable, Was invoice ex — equal to sample ? Irritant, Will act upon receipt of instructions from —• Irritate, Will act upon receipt of your instructions. Irritation, Will attend to the matter here. Irruption, Will wait for instructions from you. Isomeric, Will you act for me (in the matter of — ) ? Isonomy, Will you telegraph when you start ? Italic, Will you telegraph to — when you start ? Iteration, Will you accept ? Itinerant, Would advise that this be done at once. Itlnerm'y, You may expect to see me. Jabber, Vou may expect to see me at —. Jackal, - - wishes to know if —. Jackdaw, wishes to know what . Jacobin, — wishes to know if everybody is well and everything all right at home. Jagged, — and — wish to know if everybody is well and everything all right at home. Jai^on, — has decided to sail from per S. S. — sailing —. Jasper, — has decided to sail per S. S« , 86 tHE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Slate Street, Boston, U. S. A. Jaundice, Jarelln, Jealous, Jealousy, Jeering, Jeerlngly, Jelly, Jellybag, Jellyfish, Jemldar, Jeopardy, Jerfalcon, Jerky, Jessamine, Jester, Jestfhl, Jestlni^ly, Jetsam, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX, 87 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U- S. A. Jcttinesg, Jettison,' Jewel, lewelllng. Jewelry, Jlbboom, Jiffy, Jigirep, JIgpIn, 88 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. BUYDTG. Jilt, All right. Will take the at —- Jilted, Are buying some. Jiltin);, Are there any signs of good buying? Jlmcrack, At what price can you buy ? Jobber, At what price can you buy Calls on —• ? Jobbery, At what price can you buy for ? Jobbing, At what price can you buy for delivery on or before — Jocantry, At what price can you buy for futun« delivery ? Jockey, At what price can you buy for imme^te delivery? Jockeyism, At what price can you buy for presenter future delivery: Jockeyebip, At what price can you buy good commercial bills? Jocose, At what price can you buy more ? Jocoseljr, At what price can you buy prime bankers* bills ? Jocoseness, At what price can you buy Puts on ? Jocosity, At what price can you buy Spreads on ? Jocular, At what price can you buy Straddles on ? Jocularly, At what price can you buy the ? Jociilator, At what price can you buy the rights on —■? Joculatory, At what price can you buy the subscriptions on ? Jocund, At what price can you buy to arrive ? Jocundly, At what price can you buy to arrive by steamer? Jocundness, At what price will you trade giving — for — ? Jogging, Await instructions before buying. Joggle, Bid up. Johnnycake, Bid it up. Joinder, Bid it up, taking as little stock as possible. Joinery, Bought at a loss. Jointed, Bought at a loss of Jolntedly, Bought at a profit. Jointure, Bought at a profit of Jollity, Bought at our quotation. Jollyboat, Bought at your limit. Jolt, Bought for you a few days since. Jolted, Bought for you today. Jolting, Bought for you yesterday. Joltlngly, Bought slightly above your limit. Joram, Bought below yogr limit. Jostle, Buy all you can get. Jostled, Buy and forward. Jostling, Buy and hold. Journal, Buy any cheap lot that may offer. Journalism, Buy any part of —— Journalist, Buy as much as you can. Journalize, Buy as much as ^'ou can at limit* THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 89 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A.- Jovial, Buy as much as you can at the price. JoTlalist, Buy as quickly as possible. Joviality, Buy as quickly as possible without limit. Jowier, Buy as much as you can at price not exceeding —^ Joyance, Buy at Joyfully, Buy at about closing prices. Joyfniness, Buy at about opening prices. Joylegs, Buy at a decline of Joyous, Buy at an advance of — Joyously, Buy at best rate. Jubilant, Buy at discretion. , Jubilation, Buy at every advance. Jubilee, Buy at every advance of — J udicative. Buy at every decline. Judicatory, Buy at every decline of — Judicature, Buy at once, as I think there is going to be a strong advance. Judicial, Buy at once, as we think there is strong evidence of an advance. Judicially, Buy at market rate. Jadiciary, Buy at, or under Judicious, Buy at same price, or lower if possible. Juggernaut, Buy at the advance. Jugular, Buy at the decline. Juiceless, Buy at your quotation. Juiciness, Buy at your quotation, if you cannot do better. Juicy, Buy back. Jujube, Buy back at a profit. Julep, Buy back at as small a loss as possible. Jumble, Buy back at best. Jumbling, Buy back at once. Jumper, Buy back if you can without loss. Jumpseat, Buy back, keep long. Juncture, Buy carefully; there is no hurry. Juniper, Buy for — Junket, Buy for a quick turn. Junketing, Buy for account of ■— Juno, Buy for future delivery. Junta, Buy for joint account. Jupiter, Buy for my account. Jupon, Buy for our account. Jurat, Buy if market advances. Juratory, Buy if Juridical, Buy if it looks cheap. Jurist, Buy if market declines. Juror, Buy if market looks like advancing. Jnrybox, Buy if you approve. Jnrymast, Buy in addition to — lustiiler. Buy in adc^tion to order already given. 93 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston. U. S. A Justify, Buy in addition to what you have already purchased. Jnstness. Buy in market. Juvenile, Buy in Boston market. JuTentate, Buy in Chicago market. Kabook, Buy in London market. Kaffer, Buy in New York market. Kaiser, Buy in Philadelphia market. Kaland, Buy in San Francisco market. Kallf, Buy in your market. Kangaroo, Buy immediately, even at a loss. Kedge, Buy nothing at present. Keels^e, Buy on best terms you can, but must have them. Keelhaul, Buy on each drop. Keelman, Buy on each drop, and sell at per cent, advance. Keelrake, Buy on terms mentioned. Keelson, Buy on terms mentioned in my letter (dated .) Keenly, Buy on terms mentioned in my telegram (dated —.) Keenness, Buy, or wait, as you deem best. Kelpy, Buy quickly; do not delay. Kennel, Buy, stop order Keratome, Buy the whole or any part of Keyhole, Buy what you think best without limit Keynote, Buy what you think best without loss. Keystone, Buy what you think best, without regard to previous instruct- ions. Kickshaw, Buy the rights at Kindle, Buyers of yesterday are the sellers today. Kindliness, Buyer*s option, 30 days. Kindling, Buyer^s option, days. Kindly, Can buy Kindness, Can buy, as mentioned in telegram, at about per cent, from market, days, for — per cent, and commission. Kindred, Can buy at Kingbird, Can buy at the same price. Kingcraft, Can buy at the same price. Shall we do so ? Kingdom, Can buy Calls on at about per cent, from market days, for per cent, and commission. Kingfisher, Can buy more Kinghood, Can buy more at Kingpost, Can buy mo'-e at the same price. Kingship, Can buy much cheaper. Kinsfolk, Can buy Puts on at abo.it —• per cent, from market, — days, for per cen t. and commission. Kinsman, Can buy Spreads on at about per cent, from market days, for per cent, and commission. Kinswoman, Can buy Straddles on at about per cent, from market dj'ys, for per cent, and commission. Published by F. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 9' O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Kitchen, Can you buy ? Kitten, Can you buy at —— ? Knare, Cancel all orders to buy. Knavery, Cancel order to buy. Knavish, Cancel order to buy at Knavishly, Cancel limit, and buy at Kneel, Cancel limit, and buy at best. Kneeling, Cannot bid for —^ Knife, Cannot buy — Knob, Cannot buy any Knocker, Cannot buy any more — Knoll, Cannot buy any more at Knotless, Cannot buy any more at present. Knotted, Cannot buy any more at the same price. Knottlness, Cannot buy at discretion; must have positive order. Knotty, Cannot buy at your limit; it is too low. Knont, Cannot buy today at less than Knuckle, Cannot buy under Knnrly, Cannot buy at present. Krnller, Cannot buy; none offering. liabadist^ Cannot fill your order to buy. * Iiabel, Cannot fill your order to buy; nothing offering at satisfactory prices. Labelled, Cannot fill your order to buy; market rising. Labelling, Can you buy more ? Labellnm, Can you b':y more (-^) and at what price? Labent, Can you buy more at ? Labial, Can you buy more at same price? Labiaiiy, Can you buy more at same price or less? Labiated, Can you buy part? Labium, Can you buy part or all ? Laborious, Can you make bid on ^—? Laborless, Did you buy ? Laborsome, Did you buy any ? Laburnum, Did you buy any —— and at what price? Labyrinth, Do not bid it up. Lacerate, Do not bid market up. Lachrymal, Do not buy. Lachrymose, Do not buy any more unless very cheap. Lacing, Do not buy at Lackaday, Do not buy for Lackey, Do not buy from Laconic, Do not buy over Laconism, Do not buy unless Laconize, Do not buy until — Lacquer, Do not buy until further orders. Lactary, po not buy until market declines* 92 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Slate Street, Boston. U. S. A. Iiactatlon, Do not buy until market recovers. Lacteal, Do not buy until you have received letter from me (dated Lactescent, Do not buy until you have received letter from me of this date. Lactine, Do not care to buy. Lactometer, Do not care to buy at present. Lactory, Do not expect to buy any more. Lacunar, Do not forget order to buy (given .) Lacustral, Do not pay over —- Ladkin, Do not pay over flat, without first reporting. Ladybird, Do not pay over and interest, without first reporting. Ladylike, Do not wish to buy on seller*s options. Lairgard, Do you care to buy ? Lagoon, Do you think this a favorable time to buy ? Laity, Doing our best to buy, but slow work* Lakelet, Enter standing order to buy. Lamaisni, Enter stop order to buy. Lamb, Expect to buy. Lambatire, Expect to buy at your limit. Lambkin, Expect to buy balance. Lamblike, Expect to buy below your limit* Lambreqtiln, Go on buying. Lambskin, Go on buying at Lameness, Go on buying at a decline of — Lament, Go on buying at an advance of Lamentable, on buying at discretion. Lampblack, Go on buying at the advance. Lampoon, Go on buying at the decline. Lamprey, Go on buying. How much have you bought? Lancet, Had bought before your despatch was received. Lancinate, Have bought Landau, Have bought for joint account. Landfall, Have bought for your account. Landflshp Have bought —— shares at Landgrave, Have bought shares at about per cent, below your limit. Landherd, Have filled your order. Landlady, Have filled your order at an average of Landless, Have filled your order at prices slightly below your limit. Landiock, Have not bought. Landloper, Have not bought yet, but expect to soon. Landmark, Have not bought yet, but expect to to-morrow. Landpike, Have you bought? Landpllot, Have you bought anything? Landpirate, Have you bought anything on the order of —- Landrail, Have you bought for Landreeve, Have you bought for account of — Landscape, Have you bought for joint account —? THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 93 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 «late Street, Boston, U S. A. Have you filled my order to buy ? Landslide, Have you overlooked order to buy (given Landsman, How can you buy ? Landspont, How long does order to buy remain good ? Landspring, How much are you willing to buy ? Landwehr, How much can you buy ? Language, How much had we better buy ? Languid, How much have you bought ? Languidly, How much shall I (we) buy ? Languish, If bought, sell again at Langulsher, If bought, sell again at a profit. Languor, If bought, sell again at as small a loss as possible. Iisniary, If bought, sell again at once. Lanlate, If bought, sell the same, stop order, at a decline of - cent. Lanlatlon, If you approve, buy. Laniferous, If you can thus buy cheaper. Ijaniflcal, If you can buy at then do so. Lanlllee, If you cannot buy. Lankly, If you cannot buy at limit, do not buy. Lankness, If you cannot buy at limit, telegraph best price. Lanneret, If you have bought nothing, then buy Lansquenet, If you wish us to buy. Lantantnm, Is a large buyer. Lanterloo, Is a purchase. Lantern, Is buying largely. Lanternfly, Is buying in short stock. Lanthanum, Is in our opinion a splendid purchase. Lanthorn, Is your order to buy still in force ? Lannginons, Large holders are buying. Lanyard,. Large operators are buying. Laodicean, Name your limit. Laparocele, No buyers. Lapdog, No buyers at present prices. Lapfnl, No buyers today. Laplclde, No buyers today. Shall we keep order good? Lapidarian, No signs of good buying. Lapidary, Opinion is divided as to whether —— or —— is buying. Lapidate, Order to buy is absolute; execute as soon as possible Lapldation, Order to buy is good for today only. Lapldeons, Order to buy is good for this week only. Lapidify, Order to buy is good till including that day. Lapidlst, Order to buy is good till cancelled. Lapland, Order to buy is still in force. Laplander, Quote any bid jyou can get. Lapping, Quote best bid you can gel (for Lapponlan, Quote marj^et price on ■■ per 94 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO , 115 State Street, Boston. U S. >. Lapsable, Raise limit on stop order to buy (to —— Lapstded, Raise limit to and we can probably buy Lapstone. Raise limit to buy (to —.) Lapstreak, Reduce limit on stop order to buy (to — Lapwing, Reduce limit to buy (to Lapwork, Remove limit to buy, and buy at best. Larcenous, Shall we buy ? Larceny, Shall we buy at best? Larch, Shall we buy or wait ? Lardaceons, Shall we continue buying ? Larder, Shall we use our discretion in buying? Larding, Stop buying. Largeness, Stop buying for the present. Largess, Stop buying. How much have you bought ? Larghetto, Stop buying when you have bought. Largltion, Telegraphed you to buy . Why don*t you report? Lariat, There are good parties buying. Larkspur, There has been a steady buying all day. Larmier, There has been a steady buying (of .) Larrup, There has been no evidence of solid buying. Larum, The general public is buying largely. Larra, The general public is not buying. Larrated, The general public is not in the mood to buy. Larynx, Think is a fair purchase. Lascar, Think is a good purchase. Lashing, Think is a splendid purchase. Lassitude, Think — is buying. Lasslorn, Think — is good for an advance of - per cent Lastingly, Think it better to buy. Latch, Think it better to buy at once. Latchet, Think it better to buy some (——.) Latchkey, Think it better to delay buying. Latency, Think this is a favorable time to buy. Lateness, Think we can buy. Latent, Think we can buy more. Latently, Think we can buy more at about — Lateral, Think we can buy more at about same price. Latescence, Think we can buy more at lower prices. Latex, Think we can buy more favorably by waiting. Lathe, Think well of buying. Lather, Think well of buying more. Latlbulum, Think you had better buy. Latinism, Think you had better buy at once. Latlnlst, Think you had better buy more. Latinistic, Thought best to buy only a portion. Latlnity, Understand you have bought ( .) Latinize, Use your best judgment in buying. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 9S Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Lat iiancy. Use your best judgment in buying both as to price and amount of purchase. Latitation, We have on our books the following orders to buy for your account. liattice. We' will trade giving for —— Laudable, We will trade giving for —— charging — Laudably, We will trade giving for — paying Laudanum, When bought, sell the same at an advance of —^ Laudation, Who are principal buyers ? LaudatlTO, Who is buying ? Laudatory, Why do you not buy ? Laugh, Will buy. Laughable, Will buy as soon as possible. Laughter, Will buy for you. Lanmonite, Will buy on terms mentioned. Launch, Would rather not buy. Laureate, You must raise limit if you wish us to buy. Laurel, You reported by letter purchase of Laurestine, You reported bought at —. .You now say at Lanrine, You reported — bought at . You now say at . Which is correct ? Laurus, Lavaret, Lavatic, Lavatlon, Lavatory, Lavature, Jjaveer, Lavement, Lavender, IiUTerock, 96 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. SELLING. Ijarlsh, Advise sale of . Believe it going low" Larisher, All right. Sell as mentioned in your telegnUL. Lavishly, AU right. Sell the at , Lavolta, Are selling some. L.-iTrork, Are there any signs of selling? Lawful, Are there any signs of good selling? Lawfully, At what price can you sell ? Lawfulness, At what price can you sell Calls on ^—? Lawgiver, At what price can you sell for ? Lawgiving, At what price can you sell for delivery on or before ? Lawless, At what price can you sell for future delivery ? Lawlessly, At what price can j^ou sell ior immediate deliver. ? Lawlore, At what price can you sell for present or future delivery ? Lawmaker, At what price can you sell good commercial bills ? Lawmonger, At what price can you sell more — ? Lawn, At what price can you sell prime bankers* bills ? Laxation, At what price can you sell Puts on ? Laxative, At what price can you sell Spreads on ? Laxity, At what price can you sell Straddles on ? Laxly, At what price can you sell the ? Laxness, At what price can you sell the rights on ? Layman, At what price can you sell the subscriptions on <. Layrace, At what price can you sell to arrive ? Layship, At what price can you sell to arrive by steamer — Laystall, At what price will you sell ? Lazaretto, Await instructions before selling. Lazily, Cancel all orders to sell. Laziness, Cancel limit, and sell at Lazing, Cancel limit, and sell at best price you can get. Lazuli, Cancel order to sell. Lazuiite, Cancel order to sell at . Lazzaroni, Cancel order to sell given . Leach, Cannot advise sale (of ) being without opinion. Leachy, Cannot advise selling short. Lead, Cannot execute your order to sell. Leaded, Cannot execute your order to sell; market falling. Leaden, Cannot execute your order to sell; nothing doing. Leadership, Cannot get a hid. , Leading, Cannot sell. Leadman, Cannot sell any. Leadplant, Cannot sell any more. Leadsman, Cannot sell any more at —. Leadwort, Cannot sell any more at present. Leaf, Cannot sell any more at same price. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 97 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A. Leafage, Cannot sell at discretion; must have positive order. Leafbud, Cannot sell at over — Leafless, Cannot sell at present. Leaflet, Cannot sell at your limit; it is too high. Leafstalk, Cannot sell; have written. Leafy, Cannot sell; no demand. League, Cannot sell on satisfactory terms. Leak, Cannot sell on your terms. Leakage, Cannot sell over—. Leakiness, Cannot sell to arrive. Learner, Cannot sell to arrive at your limit* Lean, Cannot sell today at less than — Leanface, Cannot you get an offer for —. Leanly, Can sell. Leanness, Can sell at . Leap, Can sell at the same price. Leaper, Can sell at the same price. Shall we do so? Leapfrog, Can sell more. Leapyear, Can sell more at —. Learnable, Can sell more at the same price. Learned, Can sell more at the same price. Shall we do sc Learnedly, Can sell much higher. Leasable, Can sell much higher here. Leasehold, Can sell to arrive. Leastways, Can sell to arrive by steamer. Leastwise, Can you sell ? Leathern, Can you sell at ? Leathery, Can you sell for delivery within days ? LetTen, Can you sell freely ? Leavening, Can you sell freely at price quoted ? Lebban, Can you sell more ? Leeanora, Can you sell more ( ) and at what price ? Lectual, Can you sell more at ? Lectnre, Can you sell more at same price? Ledge, Can you sell more at sape price or higher? Ledger, Can you sell part ? Leecheraft, Can you sell part or all ? Leering, Can you sell readily ? Leeward, Can you sell to arrive ? Lefthanded, Cheap lots are being sold under the market. Legacy, Cover all short sales. Legai, Cover all short sales at discretion. Legailty, Cover all short sales at once. Legaiized, Delay selling. Legatee, Delay selling if you think best. Legatine, Did you sell ? Legation, Did you sell any and at what price r 98 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Pablished by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. egatory, Did you sell any — for me (us) ? iCgend, Doing our best to sell, but slow work. [legendary, Do not care to sell. Legerity, Do not care to sell at present. Leggings, Do not expect to sell any more. Legibility, Do not force sales. Legible, Do not forget order to sell. Legion, Do not sell. Legionary, Do not sell any more. Legislate, Do not sell any more unless. Legislator, Do not sell any more unless at a higher price Legitimacy, Do not sell at . Legitimate, Do not sell for . Legitimist, Do not sell from . Legumen, Do not sell just now. Leisurably, Do not sell more. Leisure, Do not sell over . lieniming. Do not sell to arrive. Lemon, Do not sell unless . Lemonade, Do not sell unless market advances. Lendabie, Do not sell unless market looks weak. Lender, ' Do not sell until . Length, Do not sell until further orders. Lengthened, Do not sell until market advances. Lengthways, Do not sell until you have received letter from me (dated ) Leniency, Do not sell until you have received letter from me of this date. Lenient, Do not think we (I) shall be able to get any more. Leniently, Do not think we (I) shall be able to sell balance. Lenitive, Do you care to sell ? Lenity, Do you care to sell any ? Lentando, Do you care to sell any? If so, at what price? Lenten, Do you think this a favorable time to sell ? Lenticular, Enter standing order to sell. Lentiform, Enter stop order to sell. Lentigo, Expect to sell. Lentil, Expect to sell above your limit. Lentitnde, Expect to sell at your limit. Leonine, Expect to sell balance. Leopard, Follow the advance. Lepadite, Follow the advance, selling at every advance of Leper, Force sales if necessary. Leporine, Go on selling. Leprosy, Go on selling at . Lessened, Go on selling at a decline of . Lesson, Go on selling at an advance of —. Letnargic, Go on selling at discretion. Lethargy, Go on selling at the advance. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 99 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A, letterbox. Go on selling at the decline. Lettertns, Go on selling. How itiuch have you sold ? levelled. Had sold before your dispatch was received. levelling. Had we not better begin selling > lever. Have every reason to think is a good sale. leverage. Have not sold. leveret. Have not sold, but expect to tomorrow. leviable. Have not sold; hope to do better. leviathan. Have not sold; no market just now. levigated. Have not sold; unable to get any bid. levity. Have sold. lexicology. Have sold shares at —. lexicon. Have sold shares at per cent above your Knot. lexigraphy. Have sold shares at per cent below your limit libation. Have sold at libellons. Have sold for . liberalism, Have sold for account of . liberality. Have sold for joint account. liberalize. Have sold for your account. liberation. Have sold for you today. libertine. Have sold out. liberty. Have sold remainder at —. libidinous. Have sold remainder at about per cent advance. librarian. Have sold remainder at about per cent decline. library. Have sold to arrive. llbrettw. Have you overlooked order to sell ? license, Have you overlooked order to sell (given —— licensing. Have you sold ? licentious. Have you sold anything ? licorice. Have you sold anything on my order of —f liege. Have you sold for — ? liegeman, Have you sold for account of — ? lieutenant, Have you sold for joint account ? lifebelt. Have you sold for my account ? lifeboat. Holders anxious to sell* llfeglving. Holders less anxious to sell ? lifeguard. Holders pressing sales. lifeless. Holders refuse to sell except at higher prices* lifelessly. Hope you can sell. lifelike. Hope you can sell at —» or better. lifelong. Hope you will sell. lifetime, Hope you will sell at once. X)o not delay. lifting. Hope you will sell more. ligament. How can you sell? llgamental. How long does order to sell remain good ? ligature. How many shares of were sold ? loo the adams cable codex. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Slate Street, Boston. U S. A. tight. How many shares of were sold, and at wnat range or prices? Lightened, How much are you witling to sell ? Lighterage, How much can you sell ? LIghtfoot, How much have you sold? Lightful, How much shall I (we) sell? Lighthouse, How much will you sell? Lightness, If is not sold, withdraw it from the market. Lightning, If seller has no further liability. Lightsome, If sold. Ligneous, If sold, buy back. Lignlform, If sold, buy back at —. Likened, If sold, buy back at a profit. Likeness, If sold, buy back at as small a loss as possible. Lilae, If sold, buy back at once. LImberness, If unsold on receipt of your answer. Limbo, If you approve, sell. Lime, If you can get about . LImejulce, If you can get about ■ then sell. Limekiln, If you cannot sell. Limestone, If you cannot sell at my price, telegraph the best you can do LImenrater, If you can replace at a lower figure, sell. LImltable, If you can sell. Limitary, If you can sell at or better, then do so. Limitedly, If you can sell to better advantage. Limner, If you wish to sell. Limpid, Is a sale? Limpidity, Is a large seller. Limpidness, Is selling largely. Limpingiy, Is selling long stock. Linchpin, Is selling short. Lineage, Is there any prospect of selling? Lineal, Large holders are selling. Lineament, Large operators are selling. Lineation, Let the go at —. Linen, Let the go at the best you can get» Lingering, Lower limit to on order to sell. Lingot, Name lowest price for ■ Lingual, Name your limit. Linguist, No sellers. Lining, No sellers at present prices. Linkboy, No sellers today. Linked, No sellers today. Shall we keep order good Linking, Opinion is divided as to whether — or is selling. Linnet, Order to sell is absolute; execute as soon as possible. Linseed, Order to sell is good for this week only. Linsey, Order to sell is good for today only. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. lo" Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO , 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Lintel. Order to sell is good till including that day. Lion, Order to sell is good till canceled. Lionel, Order to sell is still in force. Lioness, Quote best price at which you can sell. Lipojtram, Raise limit on stop order to sell (to Liquation, Rjuse limit to sell. Liquefy, Raise limit to on order to sell. Liquescent, Reduce limit on stop order to sell (to —•) Liquid, Reduce limit to sell. Liquidity, Remove limit to sell. Liquidize, Remove limit to sell and sell at best. Liquidness, Sell all my stock on the present market without fail at the best price you can get Liquor, Sell all you possibly can at — or better. Lisped, Sell all you possibly can at cost or better. Lispingly, Sell any part of . Listener, Sell as much as you can. Listening, Sell as much as you can at limit. Listless, Sell as much as you can at price not exceeding ■ • Litany, Sell as much as you can at the price. Llterailze, Sell as quickly as possible* Literary, Sell as quickly as possible without limit. Literate, Sell at . Literature, Sell at about closing prices. Litharge, Sell at about opening prices. Litheness, Sell at a decline of —. Lithesome, Sell at an advance of —. LIthIa, Sell at as small a loss as possible. Lithograph, Sell at best market rate. LIthoidal, Sell at best price. Lithomancy, Sell at best price without forcing LIthophyte, Sell at best price you can get. ^ Litigant, Sell at discretion. Litigated, Sell at every advance. Litigious, Sell at every advance of —. Litmus, Sell at every decline. Littleness, Sell at every decline of —. Liturgical, Sell at once. ^ Liturgist, Sell at once, as we (I) think there is going to be a decided decline. Lirelihood, Sell at once, as we (1) think there is strong evidence of a decline. Lireiiness, Sell at oncey even at a loss.^ Lirelong, Sell at, or over —. Lirerwort, Sell at price named if you cannot do better. Livery, Sell at quotation if you cannot do better. Liveryman, Sell at same price, or better, if possible^ LIvldness, Sell at the advance Lizard. Sell at tito decline io2 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Sute Street, Boston, U S. A. Loadstar, Sell at your quotation. Loathful, Sell at your quotation^ if you cannot do better. Loathing, Sell balance. Loathsome, Sell balance at Lobby, Sell balance at best price you can get Lobster, Sell carefully; there is no hurry. Local, Sell at or better Localism, Sell —— shares — at — or better. Locality, Sell for . Localize, Sell for a quick turn. Localizing, Sell for account of . Located, Sell for future delivery. Locating, Sell for future delivery, if you can get —— or better. Locket, Sell for joint account. Locking, Sell for my account. Lockram, Sell for my account shares — at — or better. Locksmith, Sell freely whenever you can do so without loss to me. Locofoco, Sell if . Locomotive, Sell if at a profit; otherwise await instructions. Locust, Sell if market advances. Lodestone, Sell if market declines. Lodging, Sell if market looks like declining. Lodgment, Sell if you approve. Lofty, Sell, if you can, at —. Logarithm, Sell, if you can get — or better. Loggerhead, Sell in addition to . Logbook, Sell in addition to order already given. Logging, Sell in addition to what you have already sold. Logic, Sell in market. Logicaliy, Sell in Boston market. Logician, Sell in Chicago market. Logiine, Sell in London market. Lognood, Sell in New York market. Loiter, Sell in Philadelphia market. Loitering, Sell in San Francisco market. Loneiiness, Sell in your market. Lonely, Sell more at same figure, to the amount of . Lonesome, Sell nothing. Longevity, Sell nothing at present. Longing, Sell on best terms you can. Longitude, Sell on each advance. Longlegs, Sell on each advance, and buy at — per cent decline. Longways, Sell only a part Looming, Sell on terms mentioned. Loophoie, Sell on terms mentioned in my letter (dated Loosely, Sed on terms mentioned in my telegram (dated — Loosened, Sell on terms mentioned in your letter THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 103 Publishe* Loosening, Sell out. Loqnaclous, Sell out at a profit. Loquaeity, Sell out at as small a loss as possible. Loranthns, Sell out at once; do not delay. Lordlingy Sell out; keep short Lordly, Sell quickly; do not delay. Lordship, Sell the rights at . Loricate, Sell the whole, or any part of . Lorication, Sell through another broker. Do not wish to know whom. Lottery, Sell what you think best. Loudness, Sell what you think best without limit. Lonnge, ' Sell whenever you can at a profit. Lounging, Sell whenever you can without loss to me. Loutish, Sell when you think best. Lorable, Sell when you think best at LoTCblrd, Sell when you think best without limit. Lovoknot, Sell when you think best without loss. LOTOlass, Sell when you think best without regard to previous instructions Loreliness, Sellers of yesterday are the buyers today. Lorelock, Seller's option. LoTOlong, Seller's option, days. Lovely, Seller's option, 30 days. Lovesick, Shall continue selling. Lovesome, Shall continue selling unless you advise to the contrary. Lovesuit, Shall I close the sale ? Loving, Shall I sell? Lovingness, Shall I sell — at and how much ? Lowbell, Shall I sell or buy ? Lovrered, Shall we sell? Lowering, Shall we sell at best? Lowland, Shall we sell, or wait until there is a decent demand ? Lowlily, Should like to sell part and hold remainder. Lowliness, Sold at a loss. Loyalist, Sold at a loss of —. Loyalty, Sold at a loss of about per cent. Lozenge, Sold at a profit. Lubber, Sold at a profit of . Lubberly, Sold at a profit of about per cent. Lubricate, Sold at' our quotation. Lubricator, Sold at your limit. Lnbricity, Sold for you. Lucent, Sold for you a few days since. Lucid, Sold for you today. Lucidly, Sold for you yesterday. Lucldness, Sold. Letter by maiL Lucifer, Sold sligNtly above your limit. '04 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. luckily, Sold slightly below your limit. Luckiness, Speculators are selling. Luckless, Speculators are selling largely. Lucky, Speculators are selling out. Lucrative, Speculators are the principal sellers. Lucre, Stop selling. Luculent, Stop selling for account of —. Ludicrous, Stop selling for joint account. Lugger, Stop selling for my account. Lugsail, Stop selling for the present. Lugubrious, Stop selling. How much have you sold ? Lukewarm, Stop selling until further orders. Luiiaby, Stop selling when you have sold — Lumbago, Telegraphed you to sell . Why don't you repor* Lombering, The general public is not in the mood to sell Luminary, The general public is not selling. Luminosity, The general public is selling largely. Lnminons, There are good parties selling. Lumping, There does not seem to be much for saie. Lumpish, There has been a steady selling. Lunacy, There has been a steady selling all day. Lunar, There has been no evidence of solid selling. Lunatic, There is a very general desire to sell. Lunch, There will be a free selling at any advance, we think Luncheon, Think — is a fair sale. Lunette, Think is a good sale. Luniform, Think is a splendid sale. Lunisolar, Think is selling. Lnpercal, Think it better to delay selling. Lnpine, Think it better to sell. Lurid, Think it better to sell at least • Luridness, Think it better to sell at once. Lurking, Think it better to sell some. Luscions, Think shall be able to sell balance. Lnsciously, Think this is a favorable time to selL Lustre, Think we can selL Lustrous, Think we can sell more. Lustrum, Think we can sell more at about — Lustwort, Think we can sell more at about same prices Luxuriate, Think we can sell more at higher prices. Luxurious, Think we can sell more favorably by waidng. Luxnry, Think well of selling. Lymph, Think well of selling more. Lymphatic, Think you had better sell. Lynx, Think you had better sell at once. Lynxeyed, Think you had better sell more. Lyric, Think you had better sell only a portion. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. '05 Published by F, O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Ijyricalf Think you will do better by waiting. Iijrlst, Thought best to sell. Macadamize) Thought best to sell only a portion. Macaroni, Understand you have sold. Macaroon, Understand you have sold all of your . Is it true? Macebearer, Understand you have sold out. Is it true ? Macerated, Understand you have sold part of your . Is it true? Macerating, Understand you have sold your . Is it true ? ' Maceration, Use your best |udgment in selling. Machinal, Use your discretion in selling. Machine, Use your discretion in selling, but we (I) recommend accepting present price. Machinery, Use your discretion in selling, but we (1) recommend selling at once. Machinist, We had sold before we received your letter. Mackerel, We had sold before we received your telegram. Mackintosh, We have on our books the following orders to sell for yout account:— Macrodome, We will sell with you on joint account. Hadbrained, What have you sold ? Madcap, What will sell for ? Madden, When sold, buy back at Maddening, When sold, buy back at a decline of . Maddened, Who are the principal sellers ? Hadhonse, Who is selling ? Madman, Why do you not sell ? Madness, Will sell. Madonna, Will sell as soon as posrible. Madrepore, Will sell at your offer. Madrigal, Will sell for'you. Magazine, Will sell on terms mentioned. Magazinist, Would rather not sell. Maggot, You must reduce limit if you wish us to sell. Magic, Magically, Magician, Magistracy, Magistrate, Magnate, m io6 the ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Magnetic, Magnetics!, MagnetUm, Magnetized, Hagnifler, Hagnifylngv Magnitude, Magpie. Mahogany, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. I07 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 1x5 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. MABEET. Maiden, Active demand for — Maidenly, Advices from have advanced the market Hallclad, Advices from have depressed the market. Mainland, A good demand for —. HalDly, An active demand has sprung up (for ). Mainmast, An authority on money believes it will rule easy. Halnsail, An authority on money believes it will rule tight. Mainsheet , Are having a broken market. Mainspring, Are having a broken market. Can form no opinion. Hainstay, A strong undertone is noticeable in all the dealings. Haintatn, A weak undertone is noticeable in all the dealings. Maintop, At what rate can you borrow ? Mainyard, At what rate can you carry ? Hajestical, At what rate can you lend ? Majorate, At what rate can you replace ? makepeace. Bank of England discount rate is . Makeshift, Bank of England discount rate is advanced to —. Malady, Bank of England discount rate is reduced to — Malapert, Bank of England discount rate remains unchanged. Malcontent) Banks are nervous. Malefactor, Banks are nervous and are calling loans. Malevolent, Banks are nervous and requiring brokers to sell. Malicious, Banks are nervous and requiring holders to sell. Malign, Cannot advise, but think market a purchase. Maligned, Cannot advise, but think market a sale. Malignancy, Cannot advise, but think market will go higher. Malignant, Cannot advise, but think market will go lower. Maligning, Cannot advise, but think market will not change much for the present. Malignity, Cannot advise on this market. Malignly, Confidence in values is gradually gaining ground. Mallard, Confidence seems to prevail everywhere. Malleable, Confidence seems to prevail in commercial circles. mslleat«. Demand active. Mallison, Demand better. Malmsey, Demand fair; does not run on. Malt, Demand falling off. Malted, Demand good. Malting, Demand good and prices firm. Malster, Demand increasing. Mammalia, Demand is greater than the supply. Mammalogy, Demand is less than the supply.. mammiform. Demand moderate. Mammillary, Demand not sustained. io8 the ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Hammodls, Demand poor. Mammon, Demand rather less. Hammotli, Demand rather more* Manacles, Demand runs on. Manageable, Demand slightly better. Managing, Demand slow for —, Manchet, Demand suddenly sprung up. Mandamus, Demand well sustained. Mandarin, Disquieting rumors are afloat about Mandate, Do not think it a good time to operate. Mandatory, Holders accepting a large reduction in prices. Mandible, Holders accepting a small reduction in prices. Mandibular, Holders affected by unfavorable tenor of . Mandrake, Holders affected by unfavorable tenor of advices from Mandrel, Holders anxious to Mandncate, Holders anxious to buy. Maneater, Holders anxious to sell. Manful, Holders cannot realize without losing fully —. Manfulness, Holders cannot realize without making concessions. Manganese, Holders cannot realize without making decided concessions. Mangle, Holders cannot realize without making heavy losses. Mangling, Holders confident. Mango, Holders despondent. Mangonel, Holders firm. Hangonize, Holders keeping back stock. Mangrore, Holders less anxious. Manhole, Holders meet demand freely. Manhood, Holders nervous. Maniacal, Holders nervous and anxious to selL Hanichean, Holders not affected by . Manifestly, Holders not affected by unfavorable tenor of . Manifesto, Holders not affected by unfavorable tenor of advices from Manifold, Holders not disposed to give way in prices. Manikin, Holders not free sellers. Hanipular, Holders of are getting rattled. Mankiller, Holders pressing sales. Mankind, How does the market look ? Manlike, How does the market look now ? Manliness, How is and do you think it a purchase ? Manly, How is and do you think it a sale ? Mannerlsh, How is the market ? Mannerly, How is the market and do you think it a purchase ? Manners, How is the market and do you think it a sale ? Manse, How is the market for ? Mansion, How is the money market ? Hantelebi How is the money market and what is the going rate? Mantle, How much are you long ? THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. '09 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A, Mantoloi^y) How much are you short? Manualy How much can you borrow? Manure, How much can you borrow on and at what rate? Hannscrtpt, How much can you carry ? Happod, How much can you lend ? Maranatha, How much can you lend and at what rate? Marasmus, How much can you turn? Maraud, Is lower and weaker. Marauder, Is lower but firm at prke. Marauding, Is there any chance of a trade in —? Marble, Is there any market ? March, Is there any market for—? Karchin^t Is there any market for ? How much could you dispose of and at about what price? Mareiditjp Is there any new feature in •^"? MmreschiU, Is there any new feature in the market ? Hargiiip Is there any present or prospective demand (for Marginal, Isvery strong; better cover. Margrave, Large offerings and few buyers; market heavy. Marigold, Large supply firmly held. Mariner, Large supply weakly held. Marital, Looks like ea»er money. Maritime, Looks like easy money. Marjoram, Looks like easy money and higher prices. Harkman, Looks like easy money 2or some time to come. Mariaceous, Looks like higher prices. Marled, Looks like lower prices. Marline, Looks like tight money. Maripit, Looks like tight money and lower prices. Marmalade, Looks like tight money for some time to come. Marmorean, Looks like tighter money. Marplot, Lowest rate for money is Marquetry, Market active at higher prices. Marquis, Market active at lower prices. Marquisate, Market active at yesterday's prices. Marriage, Market advancing. Marrow, Market advancing in face of adverse reports. Marrowbone, Market advancing in face of heavy exports. Marrowfat, Market advancing rapidly. Marrowless^ Market advancing slowly. Marrying Market affected by —. Marshalled, Market affected by bad crop reports. Martial, Market affected by favorable advices from Martialist, Market affected by fear of —. Martinet, Msrket affected by fear of tight money. Martingale, Market affected by good crop reports. Hartimas, Market affected by good traffic returns. no the adams cable codex. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A Martyr, Market affected by scarcity of money. Martyrdom, Market affected by uniavorable advices from —> Marrel, Market bad. MarTclllng, Market badly rattled and very shaky. Marrellous, Market barely steady. Mascot, Market better. Hascaline, Market came very near a panic on . Masker, Market closes. Masking, Market closes irregular. Masonic, Market closes steady. Masonry, Market closes strong. Masorite, Market closes strong; prices are a little off from the highest Masquerade, Market closes strong; prices well sustained. Massacre, Market closes weak. Massire, Market closes with declining tendency. Masted, Market closes with hardening tendency. Masterdom, Market declining. Masterhand, Market depressed. Masterless, Market dull. Mastership, Market dull and drooping. Masticable, Market dull and irregular. Masticated, Market dull but not quotably lower. Mastiff, Market dull with downward tendency. Matadore, Market dull with no special features Match, Market dull with no change in prices. Matching, Market easy. Matchless, Market excited. Matchmaker, Market excited and dearer. Materiated, Market excited and demoralized. Maternally, Market falling. Maternity, Market falling rapidly. Mathematic, Market falling slowly. Matins, Market featureless. Matricidal, Market feels the influence of . Matricide, Market feels very badly the influence of — Matrimony, Market feels very badly the influence of unfavorable ne (from —.) Matrix, Market feverish. Matron, Market firm. Matronage, Market firm and higher. Matronal, Market firm, but not quotably higher. Matting, Market firmer. Mattock, Market greatly depressed. Mattress, Market greatly excited. Maturation, Market growing better. Matured, Market growing worse. Maturely, Market is flat; holders anxious to sell. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boeton, U. S. A. ■atntinsl. Market is hardening. HaDdlln, Market is rery strong; better cover. Hausolenm, Market looks better* with more enquiry and a firmer tone. Hawkish, Market looks higher. Hawworm, Market looks Uke going higher. Haxillary, Market looks like going lower. Maxim, Market looks like recovering. Haxlmist, Market looks strong and like advancing. Maximize, Market looks weak. Mayoraity, Market looks weak and like declining. Mayoress, Market not well supplied. Maypole, Market opens. Mayflower, Market opens better. Meadow, Market opens dull. Meagre, Market opens dull* but now improving. Meatman, Market opens dull* with dedining tendency; offerings large. Mealy, Market opens firm. Meander, Market opens firm* with an active demand. Meandering, Market opens firm* with an active demand; offerings light* Meanness, Market opens irregular. Measles, Market opens quiet* but steady. Measurable, Market opens quiet without change. Measure, Market opens steady. Mechanical, Market opens strong. Mechanism, Market opens strong* and advance has been maintained. Medal, Market opens strong* but prices no higher. Medallion, Market opens strong* but too excited to give accurate quotations Medallist, Market opens weak. Meddler, Market oversold. Meddlesome, Market overstocked. Meddling, Market reacting. Medial, Market remains about the same as when you left. Mediation, Market running away. Mediatrix, Market seems very high and cannot see how it can advance much more. Think it a better sale than purchase. Medicable, Market seems very low and cannot see how it can decline much more. Think it a better purchase than sale. Medical, Market steady. No change of any note to report Medicated, Market strong. Medication, Market strong and active. Medicinal, Market thoroughly demoralized. Nothing doing. Medicine, Market unchanged. Mediocre, Market unsettled. Mediocrity, Market unsettled; cannot name prices to keep open. Meditate, Market very active. Meditatire, Market very dull. Medium, Market very easy. "2 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Medley, Market very firm. Medullar, Market very much depressed. Meekly, Market very much depressed and declining. Meekness, Market very quiet, with no change in prices. Meeting, Market very steady. Megrim, Market very strong. Melancholy, Market weak and dull Melange, Market weak and dulL Nothing doing. Lower prices expected Melilot, Market very weak. Meliorated, Market well supplied. Meliorlty, Money abundant. Mellowed, Money at a discount. Mellowness, Money at a premium. Melodious, Money between banks is Melodist, Money between banks is 1 per cent. Melodrama, Money between banks is 2 per cent. Melody, Money between banks is 3 per cent. Melon, Money between banks is 4 per cent. Meltingly, Money between banks is 5 per cent. Member, Money between banks is 6 per cent. Membrane, Money between banks is 7 per cent. Membranous, Money between banks is 8 per cent. Memento, Money cannot be had at any price. Memoir, Money loaned at Memorable, Money loaned on call at • Memoranda, Money loaning. Memorial, Money loaning at Memory, Money loaning at on —. Menace, Money loaning on call at —. Menacing, Money loaning on choice collateral at —. Mendacity, Money market. Mendicant, Money market depressed. Menial, Money market depressed by fear of —. Meniscus, Money market easy. Mensurable, Money market, for the moment, . mental. Money market, for the moment, no longer induences prices. Mentioning, Money market is rather close. Mercantile, Money market is steady. Mercenary, Money market is very active. Mercer, Money market^is very easy. Merchant, Money market is very firm. Merciful, Money market is very tight Merciless, Money market is without any special feature. Mercurial, Money market remains about the same as when you left. Mercury, Money market still remains unchanged. Mercy, Money very easy and rules about ——. Mercyseat, Money very scarce and rules about —• THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. "3 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A. Bferidlany No demand (for HerinOf No change of any note since iast advice. Merits No change of any note since you left. Merlteti, No change since last advice. Meriting, No change since you left. Mermaid, No market at the moment. Merrily, No prospect at present of Merriment, No prospect of higher prices at present. Merriness, No prospect of lower prices at present. Mesenteric, No special feature in the market. Mesmerize, Nothing doing in . M^enger, Our idea of is that —. Messmate, Our idea of is that it is . Metabasis, Some uneasiness is apparent about — Metabola, Some uneasiness is apparent among —. Metacarpus, Some uneasiness is apparent among holders of Metal, Something apparently at work to advance . Metallic, Something apparently at work to advance the market. Metalline, Something apparently at work to depress — Metalloid,! Something apparently at work to depress the market, Hetallnrgy, The high rate for money is chiefly caused by . Metaphor, The high rate for money is chiefly caused by manipulation. Metaphrase, The market has Metaphysic, The market has turned. Metastasis, The market has turned and is now . Meteor, The rate in the open market is . Meteoric, The rate of discount by the bank is . Method, There is a better feeling prevailing. Methodical, There is a better feeling prevailing especially in . Methodist, There is a decidedly better feeling all around. Methodize, There is a decidedly better feeling all around and especially in Metre, There is a general desire to curtail operations. Metrical, There is a general desire to realize. Metropolis, There is a general panic. Mezzo, There is a general panic and a tremendous drop in prices. Mezzotint, There is a general panic. Impossible to quote. Miasms, There is a general panic in . Miasmatic, There is a general panic. Market gone to pieces. Micaceons, There is a general panic. Market gone to pieces. Impossible to advise you what to do. Microcosm, There is a general panic. Market gone to pieces. Impossible to give accurate quotations. Micrometer, There is a panic among holders of Microscope, There is a panicky feeling among holders of . Midnight, There is a panicky feeling prevailing. ■idritf. There is a panicky feeling in . "4 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Hidghlpmaii, There is a strong combioadon to advance —. Midst, There is a strong combinadon to advance the market. Midstream, There is a strong combination to depress . Hidsommer, There is a strong combination to depress the market. Midwife, There is an uneasy feeling among the banks. Midwinter, There is an uneasy feeling in commercial circles. Vishtily, There is an uneasy feeling prevailing. Mightiness, There is no market here for . Mignonette, There is no market here now for the stock you mendon. Migrate, There is nothing new to report. Migration, There is nothing new to report except in . Mildew. There may be a severe squeeze in money. Mildewing, There will be a very good market for . Mildly, There will not be a very good market for . Mildness, Think is a purchase at present Jfigures. Mileage, Think is a sale at present figures. Milestone, Think market a purchase. Milfoil, Think market a sale. Militant, Think market will go higher. Military, Think market will go lower. Militate, Think market will go still higher. Militia, Think market will go still lower. Milked, Think we are on the eve of a . Milking, Think we are on the eve of a big advance. Milkmaid, Think we are on the eve of a crisis. Milkman, Think we are on the eve of a decline. Milksop, Think we are on the eve of a panic. Hllktooth, Think We are on the eve of a rise. Hilkwhite, Think we are on the eve of a serious decline. Millennial, Uneasiness condnues in commercial circles. Millennium, Uneasiness prevails among — Milleped, Uneasiness prevails among holders of —• MlUerlte, Uneasiness prevails very generally. Millesimal, Uneasiness somewhat abated in commercial circles. Milliner, Very difficult to borrow money. Miilrace, Very difficult to borrow money even on the choicest collaterals. Millwheel, Very difficult to borrow money on —. Mimic, Very little doing; not quite so strong. Mimical, We anticipate an easy money market Mimicry, We anticipate a tight money market Minaret, What are your views about money 1 Mincing, What is the price of — ? Mlnclngly, What is the rate of discount ? Minded, What is the rate of discount by the bank? Mindful, What is the rate of discount in the open market? Mindless, Why does not — advance? Mineral, Why does not — dedine? THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. "S Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Minendonr, Miniature, Hinba, Hinlater. HinlatatTs ■iniMiw, HlnorltTt Hlnstielt Hlnatteltrs Mintmaiis Hlntmasters Minuet, Mtnntelisnd, Minutely, Mlnotenese, Miracle, Miracnlone, Mirage, ii6 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U- S- A Mlrrart Witk. Htrthfal, MirtklMS, Migbeitared, HUbom, XlMsrtft Xlgcellaay, 0 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. "7 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. PEECENTAGE. Per Cent. Per Cent. Discount* Per Cent. Prent. A Hlschance. Mocking. Monarch. it Hhchief. Model. Monarchic. it Hlsconduct. Modelling. Monarchisir y* ntgcreant. Moderate. Monarchy. y* nisdeed. Moderately. Monaster] H llisdoingr. Moderation. Monastic. % Klsersble. Modern. Monetary. Xioerly. Hodernisnio Money. H nisfortune. Modernize. Moneyless. n HlgSlTlng. Modesty. Mongrel. 1 nig^uided. Modicum. Monitor. Mishap. ModlflablCo Monitorial. IX Misjudge. Modify. Monitress. m Mislaid. Modifying. Monkey. IX Misleading. Modillion. Monkeyism. iy> Mismatch. Modulate. Monkish. m Misnomer. Modulating. Monkhood. m Misogaraist. Modulation. Monochord. 2 Misprint. Mohair. Monoculous. 254 Misrule. Mohawk. Monodist. Missal. Moiety. Monody. m Missing. Moist. Monogamist. 2X Mission. Moistened. Monogamy. iVt Missionary. Moistness. Monograph. 2X Mistaken. Moisture. Monolith. 2/8 Mistily. Molecast. Monologue. 3 Mistiness. Molecular. Monomania. 3% Mistletoe. MolehiU. Monopolist. 8X Mistress. Molest. Monopoly. 3H Misuse. Molested. Monotone. 3H Mitred. Molesting. Monotonous. 3H Mittens. Moietrack. Monsoon. 3H Mixed. Molewarp. Monster. 3% Mixedly. Moiiified. Monstrance. 4 Mixing. Moliusk. Monstrous. m Mixture. Molten. Monument. 4X Mobbed. Moment. Moodiness. m Mobbing. Momentary. Moonbeam. 4X Mobility. Momentous. Mooncalf. m Moblatr. Monad. Moonitsh. 4X Mockery. . ^ Monandria. Moonless. ii8 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. PEBCENTAGE. Per Cent. Per Cent. Discount. Per Cent. Prem. *% Moonlight. Mortmain. Muggy. 6 Moonshine* Mortuary. Mulatto. m Moonstrnck. Mosqne. Mulberry. Moonwort. Mosquito. Mulct. 5H Moorage. Mossiness. Mnlctuary. 5H Moorcock. Mossgrown. Muleteer. SH Moored, Mossy. Mulish. 5H Moorgame. Motherhood. Mulishness. 5K Moorhen. Motherless. Mullioned. 6 Moorish. Motherly. Multiform. 6M Moorland. Motioned. Multiplied. 7 Moorstone. Motioning. Mnltltude. Hoosemeat. Motionless. Mumbler. 8 Hooted. Motley. Mumbling. 8M Moping, Mottled. Mummery. 9 Mopish. Motto. Mumpish. 9H Moppet. Mould. Mumps. 10 Moral. Mouldablo. Munching. 11 Moralist. Mouldering. Mundane. 12 Moralizing. Mouldlness. Mnndatlon. 13 Morally. Moulting. Municipal. U Morass. Mount. Munificent. 15 Morbid. Mountain. Murder. 16 Morbidly. Mountebank. Murderer. 17 Morbidness. Mounted. Murdering. 18 Morbose* Monsehole. Murderous. 19 Morbosity. Mousetrap* Murmur. 20 Mordant. Movable* Murmuring. 25 Moreen. Movement. Murrain. 30 Moresque* Mowburn* Muscadel. 35 Morlgerons. Mucilage. Muscadine. 40 Morion. Muck work. Muscle. 45 Morisco. Mucous. Hnseosity* 50 Morosely. Mucousness. HnscnlaTo 60 Moroseness. Muddily. Hosenm. 70 Morphia. Muddiness. Mush. 75 Mortality. Muflln. Mushroom. 80 Mortar. Muffler. Music. 100 Mortified. Muffling. Musician. 150 Mortify. Mufti. Musing. 200 Mortised. Hugglsh. Musket. — THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. "9 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. DATS, MONTHS, INTEHEST, Etc. Hasketeer, 3 days. Musketry, 5 days. Muslin, 10 days. Mussulman, 15 days. Mustache, 20 days. Mustard, 30 days. Musterbook, 60 days. Musterroll, 90 days. Mustlly, 4 months. Mustlnegs, 6 months. Musty, 12 months. Mutability, 3 days* date, dated Mutable, 5 days* date, dated — Mutation, 10 days' date, dated Mutely, 15 days' date, dated Mutilated, 20 days' date, dated Mutilation, 30 days' date, dated Mutineer, 60 days* date, dated Mutinously, 75 days* date, dated Mutiny, 90 days' date, dated Mutton, 4 months* date, dated ■ Muzzle, 6 months' date, dated Myriad, 3 days' interest at — Myrmidon, 6 days' interest at — Myrrh, 10 days' interest at — Myrrhine, 15 days* interest at Myrtle, 20 days* interest at Mysterious, 30 days' interest at Mystery, 60 days' interest at Mystic, 90 days' interest at — Mystically, 4 months' interest at — Mysticism, 6 months' interest dt Mystified, 3 days* sight. Mythicai, 5 days' sight. Mythologic, 10 days' sight. Mythology, 15 days* sight. Myths, 20 days' sight. Nabob, 30 days' sight. Nadir, 60 days' sight. Naively, 90 days* sight. Naked, 4 months* sight. Nakedness, 6 months* sight. Nameless, What is the date ? Namely, What is the due date? 120 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by -F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. BOSTON STOCKS. Namesake, Atchison, Topeka & Santa F^. Nankeen, Atchison, Topcka & Santa Fd, Gen. Mort. 4*s, 1989. Naminsly, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fd, Income 5's (non-cum.),i989. Napkin, Atchison, Topeka & Santa F^,2d. (Class A) 19&9. Napping, Atlantic & Pacific R. R. Naphtha, Bay State Gas Co. Naphthalie, Boston & Albany. Narcissus, Boston & Albany, 6's, 1895, Narcotical, Boskon & Lowell. Narcotics, Boston & Maine. Narrated, Boston & Maine, Imp. 4's, 1905. Narrating, Boston & Maine, 4's, 1907. Narrative, Boston & Maine, 4's, 1937. Narrowed, Boston & Montana Mining Co. Narrowly, Boston & Providence. Narrowness, Boston, Revere Beach & Lynn. Nasturtium, Boston Water Power Co. Natatorial, Butte & Boston Mining Co. Nation, Calumet & Hecla Mining Co. National, Centennial Mining Co. Native, Central Massachusetts. Nativity, Centsal Massachusetts, pref. Natural, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy. Naturalist, Chicago Junction R'y & Stock Yards. Naught, Chicago Junction R'y & Stock Yards, pref. Nausea, Chicago & West Michigan. * Nauseated, Cleveland, Canton & Southern. Nauseating, Cleveland, Canton & Southern, pref. Nauseous, Concord & Montreal. Nautical, Connecticut & Passumpsic. Nautilloid, Connecticut River R. R. Nautilius, Detroit, Lansing & Northern. Navigable, Detroit, Lansing Sc. Northern, pref. Navigate, Dominion Coal Co. Navigating, Dominion Coal Co., pref. Navigation, Erie Telephone Co. Nazarite, Fitchburg R. R. Nearness, Fitchburg R. R., pref. Neatherd, Flint & Pfere Marquette. Nebula, Flint & P^re Marquette, pref. Nebulouity, Franklin Mining Co. Nebulous, General Electric Co. Neckcloth, General Electric Co., pref. Necklace, Iowa Falls & Sioux City. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. BOSTON STOCKS. Necktie, Kansas City, Clinton & Springfield. Neerollte, Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis. Necrology, Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis, pref. Necropolis, Kansas City, Memphis & Birmingham. Nectar, Lamson Co. Store Service. Nectareal, Louisiana & Missouri River. Nectarine, Louisiana & Missouri River, pref. Needful, Maine Central R. R. Neediiy, Mexican Central R. R. Neediness, Mexican Central R. R., Con., 4's, 1911. Needle, Mexican Central R. R., 1st Con. Inc. 3's, 1939. Needlessly, Mexican Central R. R., 2d Con. Inc. 3's, 1939. Needlework, Nashua & Lowell R. R. Nefarious, New England Telephone Co. Negation, New York & New England R.R. Negatived, New York & New England R.R., pref. Negatively, Northern (N. H.) R. R. Neglect, Norwich & Worcester R. R. Neglected, Ogdensburg & Lake Champlain. Neglectful, Old Colony R. R. Neglecting, Old Colony R, R. 6's, 1897. Negligence. Osceola Mining Co. Negro, Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore. Negress, Portsmouth, Great Falls & Conway. Negundo, Portland, Saco & Portsmouth. Neighbor, Quincy Mining Co. Neophyte, Rutland R. R. Nepenthe, Rutland R. R., pref. Nephew, San Diego Land Co. Nephritic, Southern California. ■ Nephrology, Southern California, pref. Nepotism, Summit Branch Nerve, Tamarack Mining Co. Nerveless, Tamarack Junior Mining Co. Nethermost, Topeka Land & Development Co. Netting, Union Pacific R, R. Network, Vermont & Massachusetts. Neuralgia, West End Land Co. Nenrotomep West End Railway Co. Neuter, West End Railway Co., pref. Neutral, Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Neutrality, Wisconsin Central. Neutralize, Wisconsin Central, pref. • Newborn, Worcester, Nashua & Rochester. % 122 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. BOSTON STOCKS. Newfangle, Nieeneaa, NewsmoD^cr, Nickel, Nickname, Niggard, NiKFCrdif, Nightcap, Nightdress, Nightfall, Nightly, Nightless, Nightmare, Nightpiece, Nightshade, Nightwatch, NihUlstic, t THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. "3 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Ninepins, Nipper, Nlpplngly, Nitrate, Nitrogen, Nitrons, Nobility, Noble, Nobleman, — — Nobleness, — Nobody, Noctnitry, Noctnrnal, — Nodd6d9 —— — Nodding, Nodosity, Noise, — — Noiseless, ——— — «4 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A. NEW YORK STOCKS. Noisily, Adams Express Co. Noisiness, Alton & Terre Haute. Noisome, Alton & Terre Haute, pref. Nomad, American Bell Telephone Co. Nominal, American Cotton Oil Co. Nominally, American Cotton Oil Co., pref. Nominated, American Express Co. Nomination, American Sugar Kehning Co. Nominee, American Sugar Refining Co., pref. Nonagon, American Tel. & Cable Co. Nonentity, American Tobacco Co. Nonpareil, American Tobacco Co., pref. Nonplus, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fd. Nonplussed, Atlantic & Pacific. Nonsense, Baltimore & Ohio. Nonsuit, Baltimore & Ohio, pref. Nonsuiting, Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg. Noonday, Canada Southern. Noontide, Canadian Pacific. Normal, Central Pacific. Normally, Chesapeake & Ohio, V. T. R. Norseman, Chesapeake & Ohio. Nosegay, Chesapeake & Ohio, ist pref. Nosologist, Chesapeake & Ohio, 2d pref. Nosology, Chicago & Alton. Nostril, Chicago & Alton, pref. Notability, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy. Notable, Chicago & East Illinois. Notarial, Chicago & East Illinois, pref. Notary, Chicago Gas Companies. Notation, Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul. Notch, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, pref. Notching, Chicago & Northwestern. Notebook, Chicago & Northwestern, pref. Noticeable, Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific. Noticing, Chicago, St. P., Minn. & Omaha. Notoriety, Chicago, St. P., Minn. & Omaha, pref. Notorious, Chicago Stock Yards. Nourish, Chicago Stock Yards, pref. Nourished, Citizens' Gas, Brooklyn. Nourishing, Claflin Company. Novel, Cleveland, Cin., Chi. & St Louis. NovelUt, Cleveland, Cin., Chi. & St. Louis, pref. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 125 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. NEW YORK STOCKS. Norelty, Colorado Coal & Iron Co. Norenary, Colorado Coal & Iron Dev. Co. XOTennlal) Colorado Fuel & Iron. Novice, Columbus & Hocking Coal & Iron Co. Novitiate, ColumbuSy Hock. Valley & Tol. Noxious, Columbus, Hock. Valley & Tel., pref. Nudation, Consolidated Gas Co. Nudity, Delaware, Lackawanna & Western. Nngaclty, Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. Nugatory, Denver & Rio Grande. Nngget, Denver & Rio Grande, pref. Nuisance, Distilling & Cattle Feeding Co. Nulliblety, Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic. Nnllifled, East Tennessee, Va. & Ga. Nullity, East Tennessee, Va. & Ga., ist pref. Numberless, East Tennessee, Va. & Ga., ad pref. Numberiug, Edison Electric Illuminating Co. Numbness, Evansville & Terre Haute. Numbskull, General Electric Co. Numerable, Great Northern, pref. Numeral, Green Bay, Win. & St. Paul. Numeration, Green Bay, Win. & St. Paul, pref. Numerator, Illinois Central. Numeric, Iowa Central. Numerous, Iowa Central, pref. Numismatic, Kingston & Pembroke. Nunciature, Laclede Gas. Nuncio, Laclede Gas, pref. Nunnery, Lake Erie & Western. Nuptial, Lake Erie & Western, pref. Nursed, Lake Shore & Michigan,Southern. Nursery, Long Island R. R. Nursling, I^uisville, Evansville & St. Louis. Nutcracker, Louisville & Nashville. Nutgall, Louisville, New Albany & Chicago. Nutmeg, Louisville, St. Louis & Texas. Nutriment, Manhattan Consolidated. Nutrition, Michigan Central. Nutritive, Michigan Peninsular Car Co. Nutshell, Minneapolis & St. Louis. NyctalopS, Minneapolis & St. Louis, pref. Nymph, Missouri, Kansas & Texas. Nymphean, Missouri, Kansas & Texas, pref. 126 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., us State Street, Boston, U. S. A. NEW YORK STOCKS. Nymphieal, Missouri Paciiic. Oak, Mobile & Ohio. Oakling, Morris & Essex. Oak tree. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis. Oakum, National Cordage. Oatcake, National Cordage, pref. Oatmeal, National Lead. Obduracy, National Lead, pref. Obdurate, National Linseed Oil. Obedience, National Starch. Obediently, National Starch, ist pref. Obeisance, National Starch, ad pref. Obelisk, New Jersey Central. Obeseness, N. Y. Central & Hudson River. Obesity, N. v., Chicago & St. Louts. Obey, N. Y., Chicago & St. Louis, ist pref. Obeyed, N. Y., Chicago & St. Louis, ad pref. Obeying, N. Y,, Lake Erie & Western. Obituary, N. Y., Lake Erie & Western, pref. Objector, N. Y. & New England. Obligation, N. Y. & New England, pref. Oblige, N. Y. & Northern, pref. Obliging, N. Y,, New Haven & Hartford. Oblique, N. Y., Ontario & Western, Obliquity, N. Y., Susquehanna & Western. Obliterate, N. Y., Susquehanna & Western, pref. Oblirjon, Norfolk & Western. OhIlTlous, Norfolk & Western, pref. Oblocutor, North American Company. Oblong, Northern Pacific. Oblonglsh, Northern Pacific, pref. Oblongly, Ohio Southern. Oblon^nesS) Ohio & Mississippi. Obloquy, Ontario Silver Mining. Obnoxious, Oregon Imp. Co. Obnubilate, Oregon Imp. Co., pref. Obreptlon, Oregon Railway & Navigation. Obscenely, Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern. Obscenity, Pacific Mail S. S. Co. Obscurant, Peoria, Decatur & Evansville. Obsenrely, Philadelphia & Reading. Obscurity, Pittsburgh, Cin., Chi, & St. Louis. Obsecrate, Pittsburgh, Cin., Chi. & St. Louis, ptef THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 127 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. NEW YORK STOCKS. ObsequionSy Pittsburgh & Western, pref* Obseqoy, Pullman's Palace Car Co. Observable, Richmond & West Point Ter. Observance, Richmond & West Point Ter., pref. Obstinacy, Rio Grande Western, pref. Obtaining, Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg. Obtainment, St. Louis % Southwestern. Obtrndedy St. Louis & Southw^tern, pref. Obtmdlngy St. Paul & Duluth. Obtrusion, St. Paul & Duluth, pref. ObtrnsivC) St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba. Obviated, Southern Pacific Co. Obviating^ Tennessee C. I. & R. R. Co. Obvious, Tennessee C. I. & R. R. Co., pref. Obviously, Texas & Pacific. Occasional, Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan. Occasloner, Union Pacific. Occiduons, Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf. Occipital, United State.s Express. Occiput, United States Rubber. Occult, United States Rubber, pref. '*^Occultness, Wabash Railroad. Occupancy, Wabash Railroad, pref. Occupied, Wells, Fargo & Co., Express. Occurrence, Western Union Telegraph. Oi^hlocracy, Wheeling & Lake Erie. Oehraeeous, Wheeling & Lake Erie, pref. Octagon, Wisconsin Central Company. Octagonal, Octahedral, Octangular, Octare, Ocnlar, 128 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX, Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. NEW YORK STOCKS. OenliRt, Oddity, OddnesR, — 1 Odious, : Odiously, Odiousness, — Odium, Odometer, Odonto, Odontology, Odontoide, Odor, Odoruted, Odorous, Offul, • Offendlag, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. BONDS, PAYMENT, STOOK TEEMS, ETO. OffensiTe, Are the bonds likely to be defaulted? Offertory, Are the coupons likely to be defaulted? OtSciated, At rate of per mile. Officinal, Bid —- asked —- OffiCiOUB, Bonds and coupons. Offspring, Bonds and coupons payable in - Ogler, Bonds and coupons received in Ogling, Bonds and coupons stamped in ■■ ' Ogress, Bonds are convertible into Olleolor, Bonds are convertible into common stock. Oiled, Bonds are convertible into preferred stock. Olliness, Bonds are in default. Oiling, Bonds are in hands of Ointment, Bonds are likely to default. Oldish, Bonds are likely to default on the interest. Oleaginous, Bonds are not a good delivery. Oleander, Bonds are not likely to default. Olfactory, Bonds are not likely to default on the interest. Oligarch, Bonds are payable here. Ollraceous, Bonds are payable in Olive, Bonds can be registered in sums of — Olympiad, Bonds have been issued as follows: Omega, Bonds have defaulted on the interest. Ominous, Bonds issued in sums of ■ each. OmlssiODy Bonds issued) ist issue. • Omnibus, Bonds issued) and issue. Omnipotent, Bonds issued) 3rd issue. Omniscient, Bonds issued, 4th issue. Onerous, Bonds issued) 5th issue. Onomancy, Bonds issued) 6th issue. Onset, Bonds issued per mile. Onslaught, Buyer, 3 days. Ontology, Buyer, 5 days. Onyx, Buyer, 10 ^ys. Opaline, Buyer, 30 days. Opaque, Buyer, 60 days. Opaqoenes89 Buyer, 90 days. Opened, ' Buyer, 6 months. Openhand^ Collateral Trust Bonds. Openly, How many bonds have been issued and at what rate per mile 1 Opera, Seller, 3 days. Operatic, Seller 5 days. Operatlcal, Seller, 10 days. Operative, Seller, 30 day,. '30 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Oplitlialmle, Seller, 60 days* 0.)iate, Seller, 90 days* Opossum, Seller, 6 months. Oppidan, 1st Mortgage. Opponeney, ist Mortgage Bonds at rate of- per mile. Opponent, ist Mortgage, 4's. Opportune, xst Mortgage, 5's. Oppress, ist Mortgage, Oppressing, xst Mortgage, 7's. Oppresslre, 2nd Mortgage. Opsimathy, 2nd Mortgage Bonds at rate of— per mile. Optical, and Mortgage, 6's. Optician, 2nd Mortgage, 7's. Optics, 3rd Mortgage. Optlmacy, 3rd Mortgage Bonds at rale of per mile. Optimism, 4th Mortgage. Optimity, 5th Mortgage. Option, 6th Mortgage. Opulence, U. S. 4*s registered, 1907. Int due, J A. J. & O. Oracular, U. S. 4*scoupon, 1907. Int. due, J J. Orange, U. S. 6's currency, 1895 Int due, J. & J. Orangeman, U. S. 6's currency, 1896. Int. due, J ^ J. Orangetree, U. S. 6's currency, 1897. Int. due, J & J. Orator, U. S. 6's currency, 1898. Int. due. J. & J. Oratorical, U. S. 6's currency, 1899. Int. due, J & J. Oratorio, ist Mortgage Gold Bonds. Oratory, 2nd Mortgage Gold Bonds. Orbicular, 3rd Mortgage Gold Bonds. Orbit, General Mortgage. Orbital, Consolidated Mortgage. Orbltnde, Guaranteed, principal and interest (by Orblike, Non-cumulative. Orchard, Sinking Fund. Orchestra, Land Grant. Orchilia, Per mile. Ordain, , Ordslninir, Ordalian, Ordeal, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. "3' Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. LETTEES AND TELEGEAMS. , (Also see Pages 40 and 4t.) Day of the Referring to my (our) telegram Qf Referring to my (our) Referring to our (or your) telegram of beginning with the word month. 1st. Orderly, Ossirorous, Outsoar, 2ci. Ordinal, Ossuary, Outsparkie, 3J- Ordinalism, Ostensible, Outspeak, 4th. Ordinance, Osteology, Outspeed, 5th. Ordinarily, Ostracism, Outspend, 6th. Ordinate, Ostracized, Outspin, 7th. Ordination, Ostrich, Outsport, 8th. Organ, Ounce," Outspread, 9th. Organism, Ousted, Outspring, loth. Organloft, Ousting, Outstand, lith. Orioles, Outbrazen, Outstare, I2th. Oriel, Outbreak, Outstep, 13th. Orient, Outcast, Outstorm, 14th. Oriental, Outcry, Outstretch, ISth. Oriflee, Outfit, Outstride, i6th. Orlop, Outgoing, Outstrip, 17th. Ormolu, Outgrowth, Outsuffer, iSth. Ornament, Outlandish, Outswear, 19th. Ornate, Outlaw, Outsweeten, 20th. Orphan, Outlawing, Outsweil, 21 St. Orphanage, Outlawry, Outtaken, «d. Orthodox, Outline, Outtaik, 23d. Orthoepist, Outlying, Outthrow, 24tVi. Ortolan, Outpost, Outtrarei, 2sth. Oscillated, Outreach, Outraiue, 26th. Osmium, Outrider, Outrenom. 27th. Ossicle, Outshine, Outriiialn, 28th. Ossifled, Outshoot, Outroice, 29th. Ossifrage, Outskirt, Outrotc, 30th. Ossify, Outsleep, Outwalk, , 31st. Ossifying, Outsiide, Outwatcii, 132 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. HOIJB OF DAT. Dutsrear, 12.30 a.m. Overhigh, Outweary, i.oo a.m. Overjoy, Outweep, 1.30 a.m. Overjump, Outwlnd, 2.00 a.m. Overkind, Outwit, 2.30 a.m. Overlap, Outwork, 3.00 a.m. Overlarge, Outwrest, 3-30 a.m. Overlay, Bral, 4-00 a.m. Overlive, dTalifonu, 4-IS a.m. Overlook, Oratioii, 4-30 a.m. Overlooker, Oren, 4-45 a.m. Overmost, freract. 5.00 a.m. Overmuch, Oreractlon, 5-IS a.m. Overpass, Oreralla, 5-30 a.m. Overpay, Orerareh, 5-45 a.m. Overplus, Overawe, 6.00 a.m. Overply, Orerawful, 6. is a.m. Overrate, Overbear, 6.30 a.m. Overreach, Overbend, 6-45 a.m. Overripe, Overboil, 7.00 a.m. Overrule, Overbold, 7-15 a.m. Overrun, Overbreed, 7-30 a.m. Overseer, Overbrim, 7-45 a.m. Overshadow, Overbuilt, 8.00 a.m. Overshlne, Overbnik, ■ 8.15 a.m. Overshoot, 'dverburden. 8.30 a.m. Oversight, Overcast, 8-45 a.m. Oversleep, Overeatch, 0.00 a.m. Overseen, Overelimb, 9-15 a.m. Overspread, Overcloud, 9-30 a.m. Overstare, Overcome, 9-45 a.m. Overstep, Overcount, 10.00 a.m. Overstrain, Overdose, 10.15 a.m. Overstrew, Overdress, 10.30 a.m. Overtake, Overdrink, 10.45 a.m. Overtaking, Overflow, 11.00 a.m. OTerthrow, Overerlad, 11.15 a.m. Overture, Overgreat, 11.30 a.m. Overturn, Overgrowth, 11-45 a.m. Overwhelm, Overhang, 12.00 noon. Overwise, Overhaul, 12.15 p.m. Overwork, Overhead, 12.30 p.m. Orerworn, Overhear, 12.45 p.m. Oviparlons, Overheat, I.OO p.m. Owlet, 1.15 p.m. 1.30 p.m. 1.45 p.m. 2.00 p.M. 2.15 P.M. 2.30 p.m. 2.4s p.m. 3.00 p.m. 3.15 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 3-45 P-M. 4.00 p.m. 4.15 P.M. 4.30 p m. 4.45 p.m. 5.00 p.m. S I5 P M. 5.30 p.m. 5.45 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 6.15 p.m. 6.30 p.m. 6.45 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 7.15 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 7.45 p.m. 8.00 p.m. 8.15 p.m. 8.30 p.m. 8.45 p.m. 9.00 P.M. 9.15 p.m. 9.30 p.m. 9-45 p m. 10.00 p.m. 10.15 pm. 10.30 p.m. 10.45 p m. 11.00 p.m. 11.15 p.m. 11.30 p.m. h-4s p m. 12 midnighl THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. «33 l^iblished by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Sute Street, Boston, U. S. A. STANDING OP PIEMS, ETC. OwlUh) Are any of our customers involved by any late failures, and if so» who and to what extent ? OxaliCy Are considered a good, reliable house. OxalltOy Are considered a good» reliable house with sufficient capital for their business. Oxidate^ Are considered doubtful as to means but otherwise reliable. Oxide, Are considered doubtful both as to means and character. Oxidize^ Are considered hrst-class as to character and fair means. Oxygen, Are considered first-class as to character, but have little means. Oxytone^ Are considered good for any amount. Oyster^ Are considered good for anything they may undertake. Oysterbed) Arc considered good for a moderate amount. Oysterman, Are considered highly respectable. Pzbiilomy Are considered highly respectable, but have not much means. Paeer, Are considered highly respectable, do a good business and stand high in business circles. Paeholie, Are considered thoroughly bad. Pacing) Are in difficulty. Padt^C) Are—- involved by any late failure, and if so, to what extent t Pa^horsC) Are known to us but little. Packing) Are known to us but little and that little not favorably. Packload) Are not considered good. Packman, Are not considered very reliable. PacksaddlC) Are not considered safe. Packthread) Are not considered very safe. Padded, Are not known here. Padding) Are not thought to do a safe business in proportion to their means. PaddlC) Are not thought to have large means, but are well backed in financial matters. Paddock) Are not well known here. Padlock, Are rated as fair. Pagan) Are rated as ** fair credit and following capital — Paganism, Are rated as good. Paganize, Are rated as " good credit" and following capital Pageant) Are rated as ** high credit and following capital Pagoda, Are rated as " moderate credit" and following capital Palifui, Are rated the " highest" both as to capital and credit. Painful, Are rated " very high." Painfully, Are rated " very high " as to credit and following capital PainlesS) Are rated very low. Painter, Are rated " worthy of confidence, capital not considered." Painting) Are reported to be in trouble. Pair, Are reported to have failed. Palatial, Are reported to have suspended. Is it true ? * >34 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Slate Street, Boston, U. S. A. Palarer^ Are shrewd and active, do a good business and are considered reliabie in every way. Pale^ Are supposed to be respectable. Palenesay Are supposed to be respectable, but we would rather not deal with them. Palftrey^ Are very active and doing a good business. Palingy Are we involved by any late failure, and if so, to what extent ? Palishy Are we involved by the failure of , an J if so, to what extent? Pallet) Are we involved either directly or indirectly? Palliate) Are we involved either directly or indirectly by the failure of—^? Pallof) Are we involved or likely to be involved by any late failure ? Palmate) Arc well known and are considered perfectly reliable. Palpable) Are you involved by any late failure, and if so, to what extent? Palsied) Are you involved by the failure of—, and if so, to what extent? Palteref) Are you sure as to the good standing of—? Paltry) Are you sure as to the poor standing of^—? Pamper) Be very careful in dealing with —* Pamphlet) Be very careful in dealing with them. Panacea) Can leam but little regarding — Pancake) Can learn but little regarding party mentioned. Panel) Can leam nothing against PanelsaW) Can learn nothing favorable regarding Panelwork) Can leam nothing favorable regarding party mentioned. Pang, Can learn nothing of any moment either for or against the party mentioned.* Panier) Can leam nothing respecting — Panoply) Can learn nothing respecting the party mentioned. Panorama) Do not consider the parties safe. Pansy) Do not consider the parties very solid. Pant) Do not know the party. Will inquire and let you know shortly. Panther) Have failed. Pantometer) Have had some losses lately. PantomimC) Have had very heavy losses lately. Pantry, Have had very heavy losses lately. Be careful in dealing with them. Papacy) Have large means. Papal) Have made a bad failure. Paper) Have nothing to do with them. Papist) Have nothing to do with party mentioned. PapyrnS) .Have returned bills for non-acceptance. Parable) Have rich connections to back them. Parachute) Have small means, but good connections to back them Paraclete) Have strong social connections. Paraclose) Have suspended payment. Paradise) Have suspended payment, but will probably make s>o i.c ment to resume. Published by F. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. «3S O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Taradox, He is involved about— Paradrome, He is not involved by any late failure. Parafflne, He is not involved to an appreciable extent by any late failure. Paragon, How good is following named party ? Paragram, Is a rascal as far as we can hnd out. Paragraph, Is a fair house. Parallax, Is a first-class house. Paralytic, Is a good house. Paralyze, Is a good house of moderate capital. Paramount, Is a merchant in first-class standing. Parapet, Is a weak house. Paraphrase, Is a wealthy house. Parasol, Is involved by any late failure, and if so, to what extent t Parboil, Is not considered a strong house. Parbnekle, Is there any reason for ? Parcel, Keep them square with us. Parched, Looks like a bad failure. Parchment, Name stands in bad repute. Pardon, Name stands in good rei*ute. Pardonable, Name stands well. Pardoning, Please make inquiries as to standing and credit of—~ Parent, Please make inquiries as to standing of Parental, Please make inquiries of and ascertain what they think as to the standing and credit-of —. Parietal, 1 lease name by mail the full names of the partners comprising the following named firm —— Paring, Please name iy wire the full names of the partners comprising the following named firm Parish, Please send references. Parisian, Please wire at once and say if you consider the following firm substantial and worthy of credit. Parity, Recommend caution. Parlance, References given do not furnish us with the information which we wish. Parley, Reference is considered highly respectable. Parochial, Reference is not considered first-class. Parole, Reference is not considered good. Paroquet, Refer to us for information. Paroxysm, Refer to you for information. Parricide, Refer you to—for information. Parrot, Reported failure (of—') is false. Parsimony, Reported failure (of~) is true. Parsley, Rumor is current of the suspension of - . Parsnip, Standing is considered bad. Parson, Standing is considered first-class. Parsonage^ Standing is considered good. '36 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Pargonisli, ParUke, Parterre, Particle, Parting, Partisan, Partition, Partitive, Partlveiy, Partner, Partook, Partridge, Pasquinade, Passable, Passbook, Passbox, Passeheek, Passing, Passingly, Passion, Passionate, Passive, Passively, Passkey, Passman, Password, Paste, Pastime, Pastorage, Pastoral, Pastorate, Pastorless, Pastorly, Pasturage, Pasture, Patch, Patency, Paternal, Path, Standing is considered middling. Standing is considered poor. Standing is considered very good. Suspended payment a short time ago. Take care to protect us. Take care to protect us if anything should go wrong (with —). Take care to protect yourselves. There is no truth in the rumor of the failure (of—). There is no truth in the rumor of the suspension (of ■) • They are involved about— They are not involved by any late failure. They are not involved to an appreciable extent by any late failure. They have a large business and are considered good. They offer in settlement —. They offer in settlement . Bo you advise acceptance ? They offer in settlement —payable in —. Do you advise acceptance ? They offer to settle at cents on the dollar. They offer to settle at —^ cents on the dollar. Do you advise acceptance ? Think failure is likely to result. Think failure will prove very bad. Authorize me (us) to protect your interests and to act to the best of my ^our) judg- ment for all concerned. Think more failures will follow. Think more failures will follow. It looks as if following firms would have to suspend Think the following firms will suspend —— Think they are a fairly strong house. Think they are not very strong. Think they will not pay more than per cent, on the dollar. To what extent are they involved ? To what extent are you involved ? To what extent are you involved ? Shall we be involved also ? To what extent are we involved ? To what extent are we involved ? Who are the heavy creditors? To what extent shall we be losers ? To whom can he (they) refer us ? We are getting anxious. We are getting anxious about — We are involved by late failures. We are involved to the extent of— We are not involved, and are not likely to be involved by any late failure. We are not involved by any recent failure. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX, J37 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A. PathettC) We are not involved by the failure (of —). Pathiljry We are not involved either directly or indirectly. Pathless^ We are not likely to be involved. Pathology, We are anxious about—in consequence of their extensive > operations with us. Are they all right in every way ? Pathos, We authorize you to protect our interests and to act to the best of your judgment for all concerned. Pathway, We expect we shall lose about Pationee, We fear there is truth in the rumored suspension (of—). Patient, We have reason to believe that Patiently, We have reason to believe that have met with serious losses lately. Patois, We have reason to believe that —" ■ will suspend shortly. Patrial, Were in difficulties a short time ago. Patriarchy \Vhat can you say respecting the standing of — ? Patrician, What is the reason for their low rating or standing ? patrimony. What is the reason fot the low rating or standing of 1 Patriot^ What references can he (they) give us ? Patriotic, What references can you give us ? PatrUttC) Who are the heaviest creditors t Patrol, Will cause no trouble to others. Patron, Will make inquiry and report as soon as possible. Patronal, You are involved. Patronate, Vou are involved about • Patroness, Vou arc involved, but not badly. Patronize, Vou arc involved by the failure of—— (to the extent of—). Patter, You arc involved to the extent of—— Pattern, You are involved to the extent of . If yOu wish us to act for youi send instructions. Paucity, You arc not involved. Pauper, You are not involved by the failure (of—). Pauperism, You are not likely to be involved. Pausingly, You can refer to the following firm. Pavement, Vour references are not as satisfactory as we wish fot Paver, Your references are not satisfactory. Favilion, Your references arc perfectly satisfactory. I avisor, — rawn, lannable. awner, * >38 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. PubJished by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A- Peaceable, Peacefol, Peacemaker, Peacock, PeaJacket, Peak, Peaking, PeakUh, Peannt, Pearl, Pearlash, Pearledge, Pearleye, Pearly, Peascod, Peaahell, Peatbog, Peatmoss, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. «39 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Sute Street, Boston, U. S. A. Pecan, Peccary, Pectoral, Pedagogne, Pedant, Pedantic, Pedantry, Pedestal, Pedestrian, Pedigree, Pediment, Pedireme, Pedometer, Peduncle, Peerage, Peerdom, 140 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Palacriaiis Pelerines Pellages Pellets PelUtory, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. '4« Published by F, O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S^ A. NUMERALS AND FRACTIONS. Penal A Peppering 2X Perk 8X Pencage Pepperpot 2X Perklnlsm 8X Pencilled Pepsin 2X Permeable 3X Pencraft K Peptic 3 Permeate 3X Pendence Peracute SX Permltter 3X Pendently A Peragrate 3X Peronate 8X Pendicle Perception 3X Peroxide 8X Pendnle K Perch 3X Perpender 9 Pendnlons Perchance 3X Perpetrate 9X Pendulum A Percher 3X Perpetuity 9X Penetrate hi Perchpest 3X Perplex 9X Penflsh X Percolate 4 Perplexly 9X Penfold Percuss 4X Persecutor 9X Penjpiln A Percussion iX Persiun 9X Peninsula Percussive iX Persic 9X Penitent X Perdlfoll iX Persiflage 10 Penman hi Perdition iX Persistent lox Pennage -le Perdue iX Persolve lox Pennant Perdulous *x Personate lox Pennate X Peregal 5 Pert lox Pennon 35 Peregrine 53s Pertain lox Pennock U Perennial 5X Pertinate lox Penrack 3? Perennlty 5X Pertinent lox Penslre X Perfecter 5X Pertly II Pensively S Perfection 5X Pertness 11}^ Penstock ii Peril dy 5X Perturb lix Pentacle ii Perforate 5X Perturber lix Pentagon X Perforce 6 Perturbing lix Pentecost ■ Perform 6X Pertn sable lix Penthouse Performer OX Perusal nx Pentroof 35 1 Perfume ex Peruse iix Penult Perfumery ex Pervade 12 Penumbra IX Perfusion ex Pervasion 12X Penury IX Perfuslve ex Pervasive 12X Peonage IX Peridot ex Pervert 12X Peonlsm IX Perldrome 7 Perverter liX Peony IX Perlgone 7X Pestilent 12X Peoplish IX Period ^X Pestle 12X Pepastlc IX Periodic -^ Pitsasr Six Plantation SOX Plumage iax Pittance Six Planted SOX Plumbing ux Pitying Six Flantless 40 Plumber iax Pityingly Six Plantlet iax Plummet ux Pirotal Six Plantule iax Plumpness ux Pirotgun . Six Plasmatic iOX Plunging ux PiTotman 35 Piaster iox Pluperfect 46 Placable 35X Plasterer iax Pneumatic iex Placard sax Piasterly iax Poach ux Placate sax Plastic iax Poaching ux Plaeeful sax Plastical * 41 Pocket ux 144 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. NUMERALS AND FRACTIONS. Poem 46% Poesy 46% Poetaster 46% Poetess 47 Poetical 47% Poetry 47% Poignant 47% Pointedly 47% Pointer 47% Pointless 47% Poisonous 17% Pokers 48 Polarize 48% Poieaxe 48% Polecat 48% Polestar 48% Polish 48% Polishing 48% Polite 48% Politeness 49 Pollute 49% Pollution 49% Poltroon 49% Polygamist 49% Polygamy 49% Polyglot 49% Polygram 49% Polytheist 50 Poinaceous 50% Pomiferous 50% Pomposity 50% Ponderable 50% Pondering 50% Pontiflc 50% Pontonier 50% Poodle 51 Poorness 51% Popgun 51% Popinjay 51% Popularity 51% Porcelain 51% Porcine 51% Porcupine 51% Porkling 52 PorODsness 52X' Porpoise 52X Porridge SSH Portoble 52>^ Portcallis 62K Portend 52X Portentous 927^ Portfolio 53 Portico 53X Portliness 93>i Portrait 53?f Portrayed 5SK Postern 53^ PossessiTO 53X Postable 53% Posterior 54 Posthnmous 64% Postillion 54% Postman 54% Postulant 54% Postnlatnm 54% Postnre 54% Potency 54% Potentate 55 Potential 55% Pothook 55% Potluck 55% Potsherd 55% Pottage 55% Pottery 55% Pouch 55% Poulterer 55 Poultice 5C%' Poultry 56% Pouncet 56% Poundage 56% Foundrate 56% Pouring 56% Pouter 53% Poyerty 57 Powdering 57% Powerful 57% Powerless 57% Practicnm 57% Pragmatic 57% Prairie 67% Prai sable 57% Praise 58 Praiseful 58% Prancing 58% Prandial 58% Pranks 58% Pratingly 58% Prattler 58% Prayers 68% Preacher 50 Preaching 59% Preadamite 59% Preamble 59% Prebend 59% Prebendary 59% Precarious 59% Precentor 59% Precept 60 Preceptire 60% Precinct 60% Precious 60% Precipice 60% Precise 60% Precision 60% Preclude 60% Precocious 61 Precocity 61% Precompose 61% Preconcert 01% Precursor 61% Predatory 61% Predestine 61% Predicate 61% Prediction 62 Predispose 62% Preface 62% Prefatory 62% Preferment 62% Pregnable 62% Prejudge 62% Prejudice 62% Prelacy 63 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. I4S Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. NUMERALS AND FRACTIONS. Prelate 63>^ Prelatare 63>4 Prelector Premise 63K Premonish 83 Premonitor 63% Preordain 63% Preparate 64 Prepense 64% Preponder 64% Prepotent 64% Presage 64% Presbjrter 64% Prescience 64% Prescribe 64% Presentiai 65 Preserrer 65% Presidiai 65% PresignUy 65% Pressgang 65% Pressman 65% Pressness 65% Prestabie 65% Prestige 66 Presto 66% Presuming 66% Presuppose 66% Presnrinise 66% Pretence 66% Pretender 66% Preterite 66% Pretermit 67 Pretext 67% Pretoriai 67% Prettily 67% Prettiness 67% Pretty 67% Preraii 67% Preyaiiing 67% Prevalence 68 Preventer 68% Prepiasm 68% Priceless 68% Fride 68% Pridefui 68% Pridingiy 68% Priest 68% Priestess 69 Priesthood 69% Priggish 69% Primacy 69% Primal 69% Primaiity 69% Primate 69% Primely 69% Primeval 70 Primevons 70% Priming 70% Primitive 70% Primness 70% Primrose 70% Princedom -70% Princess 70% Printer 71 Printing ri% Printiess 71% Prioress 71% Prismatic 71% Prismoid 71% Prisodon 71% Pristine 71% Privacy 72 Privation 72% Prizing 72% Probation 72% Probatory 72% Problem 72% Proboscis 72% Procedure 72% Procerity 73 Processive 73% Proclaim 73% Prociivity 73% Procreant 73% Procter 73% Proctorial 73% Procurator 73% Procurer 74 Prodigal 74% Prodigy 74% Prodition 74% Prodrome 74% Producent 74% Productive 74% Proemiai 74% Profanate 76 Profane 75% Proffer 75% Proficient 75% Prollie 75% Profiting 75% Profligacy 75% Profluent 75% Profound 76 Profundity 76% Profnseiy 76% Profusion 76% Progenitor 76% Progeny 76% Prognosis 76% Programme 76% Projector 77 Prolapse 77% Proiation 77% Proiepsis 77% Prolific 77% Prolix 77% Prolixity 77% Prologue 77% Prolonging 73 Promenade 78% Prominence 78% Promissory 78% Promotive 78% Prompted 78% Promulgate 78% Promulge 78% Proneness 79 Prongs 79% Pronoun 79% Pronubial 79% Propagate 79% M6 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. NUMERALS AND FRACTIONS. Propel 79« Province Son Pulseless 90 Propendent 79X Provincial Son Puisiflc oon Propensity Provision ssn Pulverize oon Properate 80 Provisory ssn Pulvlnate 91 Prophecy son Provoke Son Pumice 91)i Prophesied son Provost S5n Pumper oin Prophet Prow 85n Pumpkin oin Prophetess son Prowess 86 Punch 01 n Propine son Prowling son Puncheon oin Propitiate son Proximity son Punetural oin Propitious son Prudence son Punctures oin Propolis 81 Prudential son Pungency 92 Proponent sin Prudery son Punishment 02n Proprietor sin Prudishly son Punster o-in Propulse sin Prunelio son Pupil oin Propulsion sin Pruning 87 Pupilage o2n Prosaic sin Prurience sin Puppet 02n Proscenium sin Prussiate sin Puppyism 92n Prescript sin Pryingly sin Purblind 02n Proselyte 82 Psalmist sin Purely 93 Prosiness S2n Psalmody sin Pureness 93)i Prosodical S2n Psaltery sin Purged osn Prosedi St 82n Publican sin Purifier osn Prosody S2n Publicist 88 Purifying osn Prostrate s^n Publisher Purity osn Prostyle 82n Puckered ssn Purlieu osn Protean san. Pudding ssn Purling osn Protector 83 Pudieity ssn Purioiner 94 Protestant 83X Puerile ssn Purple oin Protiiesis ssn Putr ssn Purport oin Protocol ssn Puffery ssn Purse oin Protoplast ssn Puffiness 89 Pursuabie oin Prototype S3n Pugilism son Pursuant oin Protract S3n Pugnacious son Pursuit oin Protruding ssn . Puissant son Purulent oin' Protrusion 84 Puiingiy son Purview 95 Proud Sin Pulley son Puseyism 95X Proudfoot S4n Pulling 89X Pushing 9514 ProudnesB s4n Pulmonary 89^ Quack 95?; Provable sin Pulpiness 90 Quackcned 95K Proven s*n Pulpit oon tjuackcry osn Provender sin Pulsatilla oon Quackishly osn Proverb sin Pulsation oon t^uackisin osn Proverbial 95 Pulse oon Quadrangle 96 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. H7 PubUshed by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. NUMERALS AND FRACTIONS. <}uadrant 96K Quassation 113 Quodiibet 157 <{uadrature 96K tjaaver 114 Quoits 158 (^aadrle 96?^ Quavering 115 Quondam 159 Quadricorn 96^ Quayside 116 Quorum I60 t^uadrifoll 96>s; Queenlike 117 Babble 161 <{uadrllle 96 Ji Queenship 118 Babblement 162 QuadriTial 96% Queerish 119 Babdoiogy 163 (Juadroon 97 Queerness 120 Babid 164 Quadromana 97% Quenehahle 121 Babotage 165 <{uadriiped 97% Quenching 122 Bacecourse 166 Quadruple 97% Quenchless 123 Bacehorse 167 Quaff 97% Querist 124 Bacer 168 Qnaffer 97% Queruious 125 Badness 169 Quaffing 97% Quest 126 Backeting I70 Quagmire 97% Questant 127 Backing 171 Quail 98 Questioner 128 Backrent 172 Quaiiing 98% Quibbling 129 Baccoon 173 Quailpipe 98% Quickbeam 130 Badoiite 174 Quaintiy 98% Quickening 131 Badiance 175 Quaintness 98% Quicklime 132 Badiantly 176 Quakeress 98% Quickmatch 133 Badiation 177 Quakerish 98% Quickness 134 Badical 178 Qaakishlj 98% . Quicksand 135 Badicality 179 Quakerly 99 Quickset 136 Badius ISO Quailing 99% Quidnunc 137 Badoucir 181 Qualifying 99% Quiescent 138 Baffie 182 Qnalm 99% Quieting 139 Baffermir 183 Qualmish 99% Quietness 140 Baffinage 184 Quaimishly 99% Quietsome 141 Bagamuffin 185 Quantitire 99% Quietude 142 Bageful 186 Quantum 99% Quietus 143 Bager 187 Quarrelet 100 Quiilman 144 Bagingly 188 Quarry 101 Quilting 145 Bagman 189 Quarrying 102 Quinarj 146 Bagoutant I90 Qaarrymen 103 Quinine 147 Bagrandir 191 Quarterage KM Quintuple 148 Bagstone 192 Quaternary 105 Quirinal 149 Bagvrort 193 Quartering 106 Quirkish 150 Ballings 194 Quartette 107 Quittance 151 Baiment 195 Quarto 108 Quiver 152 Baiubow 196 Quatrain 109 Quivering 153 Bainwater 197 Quartz 110 Quixotical 154 Balny 198 Quashing 111 Quizzical 155 Baisable 199 Quasimodo 112 Quizzing 156 Baklsh 200 148 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A NUMERALS AND FRACTIONS. Rakishness 225 Rapporteur 1,550 Reascent 5,100 Rallied 250 Raptorial 1,600 Reasoning 5,200 Rallumer 275 Rapture 1,650 Reassemble 5,300 Rally 300 Raptnrlst 1,700 Rebalgner 5,400 Rallying 325 Rarefied 1,750 Rebander 5,!i00 Ramadan 350 Rarefying 1,800 Rebeller 5,600 Ramasser 375 Rareness 1,850 Reblanchlr 5,700 Rambler 400 Rarity 1,900 Reboatlon 5,800 Rambling 425 Rascally 1,950 Reborder 5,900 Rameoua 450 Rashly 2,000 Rebonnd 6,000 Rambead 475 Rashness 2,050 Rebonndlng 6,100 Ramifleate 500 Raspberry 2,100 Rebronsse 6,200 Bainlff 625 Ratability 2,150 Rebuff 6,300 Ramifying 550 Ratable 2,200 Rebuffade 6,400 Ramming 575 Ratchet 2,250 Rebuild 6,500 Ramolllr 600 Ratepayer 2,300 Rebnkable 6,600 Rampalllan 625 Ratlfier 2,350 Rebuke 6,700 Rampantly 650, Ratigar 2,400 Rebuking 6,800 Rampart 675 Ratio 2,500 Rebus 6,900 Ramplon 700 Ratlssage 2,600 Rebutter 7,000 Ramrod 725 Ratliness 2,700 Recant 7,100 Rancid 750 Ratsbane 2,800 Recantator 7,200 Rancidity 775 Raraudage 2,900 Recanting 7,300 Rancidness 800 Rarenous 3,000 Recasting 7,400 Rancorous 825 Rarlngly 3,100 Recede 7,500 Rancour 850 Rarissant 3,200 Receding 7,600 Random 875 Rawness 3,300 Receleur 7,700 Ranger 900 Rayless 3,400 Recepage 7,800 Rangership 925 Rayonnant 3,500 Receptacle 7,900 Rankled 950 Reachless 3,600 Receptary 8,000 Rankling 975 Reactlre 3,700 Reception 8,100 Rankncss 1,000 Readable 3,800 Recess 8,200 Ransack 1,025 Readaption 3,900 Recession 8,300 Ransacking 1,050 Reader 4,000 Rechampir 8,400 Rantipole 1,075 Readership 4,100 Recharge 8,500 Ranuncular 1,100 Readiness 4,200 Rechand 8,600 Rapacious 1,150 Realistic 4,300 Recherche 8,700 Rapacity 1,200 Reality 4,400 RecldlTate 8,800 Rapagon 1,250 Realized 4,500 Recipe 8,900 Rapamento 1,300 Realm 4,600 Recipient 9,000 Rapeseed 1,350 Realment 4,700 Reciprocal 9,100 Rapidity 1,400 Reanimate 4,800 Recircle 9,200 Rapldness ly450 Reaper 4,900 Becislon 9,300 Rapier 1,500 Rearward 5,000 Recital 9,400 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. i49 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Sute Street, Boston, U. S. A. NUMERALS AND FRACTIONS. Beeitatlon 9,500 BeeltatiTe 9,600 Beekoner 9,700 Beckoning 9.800 Beelalmer 9,900 Beclaap 10,000 Beelouer 10,500 Beelnae 11,000 Becognitor 11,500 Beeoll 12,000 Beeolllng 12,500 Beeoinage 13,000 Becoller 13,500 Becommit 14,000 Beeompact 14,500 Becompter 15,000 Beeonelle 15,500 Beeondenae 16,000 Becondite 16,500 Beeording 17,000 Becorder 17,500 Beconeher 18,000 Beeonnt 18,500 Becoup 19,000 Beeoupette 19,500 Beeracher 20,000 Becreancy 21,000 Beereant 22,000 Beereated 23,000 Beereation 24,000 Beerudency 25,000 Becrnit 26,000 Beernlting 27,000 Beernteur 28,000 Bectangle 29,000 Beetify 30,000 Beetifying 35,000 BectUine 40,000 leetltude 45,000 Beetorial 50,000 Beetorahip 55,000 Beenbation 60,000 Beeumbency 65,000 Recumbent 70,000 Beenperate 75,000 Beeur 80,000 Becurrence 85,000 Becuralon 90,000 Becurrate 95,000 Beeuryity 100,000 Beeuaable 105,000 Becnaant 110,000 Becuaation 115,000 Bedacteur 120,000 Bedargoer 125,000 Bedbreaat 130,000 Bedcap 135,000 Bedeoat 140,000 Bederoaa 145,000 Bedden 150,000 Beddening 175,000 Beddiahly 200,000 Bederance 225,000 Bederoir 250,000 Bedgun 275,000 Bedhead 300,000 Bedbonae 325,000 Bedlngote 350,000 Bedolence 375,000 Bedoublant 400,000 Bedouble 425,000 Bedoubling 450,000 Bedpule 475,000 Bedreaa 500,000 Bedahank 550,000 Bedatart 600,000 Bed tail 650,000 Reducement 700,000 Reducible 750,000 Beduetive 800,000 Redundance 850,000 Bedning 900,000 Beedless 9.50,000 Beeiing 1,000,000 Befaneher 1,250,000 Befection 1,500,000 Befectory 1,750,000 Bgferable 2,000,000 Beferment 2,250,000 Befl Dement 2,500,000 BeBex 2,750,000 Beflexible 3,000,000 Beflourish 3,500^000 Beflow 4,000,000 Befloent 4,500,000 Befonder 5,000,000 Beforinado 5,500,000 Beformer 6,000,000 Beforming 7,000,000 BeA-actory 8,000,000 Befragable 9,000,000 Befrainer 10,000,000 Befrapper 11,000,000 Befuge 12,000,000 Befulgence 13,000,000 Befutable 14,000,000 Befuted 15,000,000 Begal 16,000,000 Begalade 17,000,000 Begalement 18,000,000 Begardable 19,000,000 Begardant 20,000,000 Begardful 21,000,000 Begatta 22,000,000 Begency 23,000,000 Begenerate 24,000,000 Begent 25,000,000 Begentess 26,000,000 Begentship 27,000,000 Begicidal 28,000,000 Regimen 29,000,000 Begimental 30,000,000 Begin a 35,000,000 Beglon 40,000,000 Registrar 45,000,000 Begresslon 50,000,000 Begularlty 60,000,000 Beignlng 70,000,000 Beindeer 80,000,000 Belnforce 90,000,000 Beinless 100,000,000 Beinstate 125,000,000 150 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., i«5 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. CONGEATULATIONS, ILLNESS, ACCIDENTS, ETC. Reiterate, — and ■ are engaged. Rejoice, —and—are to be married( ). Rejoicing, —and—were married on the —. Rejoinder, and — were married tonlay. Rejuvinate, — and — were married yesterday. Bekindie, Advise you by all means to have a consultation of f hysic.aas Relapsing, Ail well at —. Reiations, All well at home. Relax, All well here. Reiaxable, Am feeling better. Relaxation, Am feeling quite ill. Relaying, Am feeling somewhat better. Relegating, Am feeling too ill. Relent, Am feeling very much better* Relenting, Am improving rapidly. Relentless, Am improving slowly. Relevant, Are they all well? Religion, Are they in any trouble? Relocation, Are you all well? Reluctant, Are you in any trouble? Reluisant, Can I be of any assistance to them? Remarkable, Can I (we) be of any assistance to you? Remarking, Detained here in Quarantine. ^ Remediable, Detained here in Quarantine. Expect to land —. Remedied, Detained here in Quarantine. Cannot say when shall lac'V Remedy, Expect he (she) will be out again by . Reminding, Expect he (she) will be out again in a very few days. Remission, Give my love to —. 'Remittent, Give my love to all enquiring friends. Remitter, Give my love to everybody at home. Remnant, Happy New Year. Remodel, Happy New Year to you all. Remodelled, Has a bad Remolten, Has had a bad —. Remontage, Has had an attack of. Remordancy, Has met with a serious accident. Bemorse^ Has met with a slight accident. Remorseful, Have a bad —. Remote, Have had a bad —. Remotely, Have had a consultation. Remoteness, Have had a consultation of physicians. Removing, Have had a consultation of physicians with following re suit —. Bempotage, Have had a cousultatioa with —. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. IS» Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. CONGRATULATIONS, ILLNESS, ACCIDENTS, ETC. Benditlon, Have had an attack of . Bene^ade^ Have just learned of —, Benonnce, Have just learned of 's engagement. BenOTatOy Have just learned of his (her or their) — BonOTation^ Have just learned of your ——. Benowiiy Have just learned of your engagement. Beatable^ Have just learned of your good fortune. Bentagey Have just learned of your illness. Bentrollf Have just learned of your marriage. BeparatlODy Have just learned the sad news. Bepartee^ Have met with a serious accident. Bepass, Have met with a slight accident. Bepasture, Hope all are well. BepealablOy Hope is well. Bepeatery Hope all is going well at Bepentaneey Hope all is going well at home. Bepine^ Hope all is going well with • Bepiningy Hope all is going well with you. Beplanty Hope he (she) is very well. BeplenUh, Hope you and your family are very well. Beplete, Hope you are all very well. Bepletion, Hope you are well. Bepllquer, How are the ? BepolUhq How are the family? Beportablep How are you all? BeposCp How is -^—? Bepository, How is he (she)? Beposters, If he (she) is ill. Beprehendp If he (she) is ill, do not fail to advise me at once. BepresSp If illness is serious, do not fail to advise me at once. Bepression, If is seriously ill . Repressiagp If is seriously ill, do not fail to advise me at once. Beprimandp I regret deeply to learn of sad affliction. Reprint, I regret deeply to learn of his (her or their) sad affliction. Reprinting, I regret deeply to learn of your sad affliction. Reprisal, I regret deeply to learn of — trouble. Reproach, I regret deeply to learn of his (her or their) trouble. Reprobate, I regret deeply to learn of your trouble. Beproduee, Is better. Reprovable, Is better and expects to be out by . Reproring, Is better and expects to be out very shortly. Beptlle, Is decidedly better. Bepndlator, Is decidedly better and expecu to be out very shonty. Bupngnance. la entitdy recovered. »S2 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. CONGRATULATIONS, ILLNESS, ACCIDENTS, ETC. BepulsiTe^ Is everybody well? Repotable^ Is everybody well at home? Requester, I miss you veiy, very much. Bequieniy I shall miss you very much. Bequlcken, Is ill with a slight attack of . Doctor says there is no occasion for alarm and that be (she) will recover shortly. Beqnited* Is — any better? Rescript, Is he (she) any better! Bescae^ Is—^ any worse? Bescaingy Is he (she) any worse? Besearchy Is improviog, but very slowly. Beseatp Is improving rapidly. Besemble^ Is improving rapidly and expects to be out by — Besented, Is improving rapidly and expects to be out very shortly Besentful) Is improving slowly. Bosentmentf Is improving slowly and expects to be out by Beseryotr, Is improving slowly, but it will be some time before he (she) can go about. Residence, Is not improving as I (we) could wish. Residing, Is not seriously ill and doctor says there is no occasion lor alarm Besidaary, Is quite ill, but doctor says there is no occasion for alarm. Besigiianty Is rapidly sinking. BesinonSp Is slightly ill. Doctor says there is no occasion for alarm. Besistable^ Is there any change? BesolntOp Is there any change for the better? Besolation, Is too ill to go out. Besolvablep Let me know about . Besolvent* Let mc know about him (her or them)* Besonantp Let me know about the trouble at Besistlvep Let me know as soon as any change occurs. Besotted, Let me know everything. Besource, Let me know fully about him (her or them). Bespect, Let me know how everybody is. ' Bespectful, Let me know how he (she) is. Bespirated, Let me know how they are. Responsive, Let me know how you are. Responsory, Let me know what the trouble is. Bestltnted, Many Happy Returns of the day. Restless, Merry Christmas to you all. Restiessiy, Owing to an accident to , I (we) am detained here. Resplrable, Owing to a slight accident, I (we) am detained here. Restorable, Owing to a slight illness, I (we) am detained here. Bestoring, Owing to illness of , I (we) are detained here. Beatntin, Owing to slight illness of —, 1 (we) am detained heie THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. IS3. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON &. CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. CONGRATULATIONSy ILLNESS, ACCIDENTS, ETC. Beatralned, Please actxpt my best wishes for a pleasant trip and a safe return. BMUltanty Please accept my heartiest congratulations. Betalnable, Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your good fortune. Beterdlng. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your success. BoterMge^ Please accept my very best wishes. BGtiCGnCO) Please give to — my (our) best wishes for many Happy Returns oi the day. Botlfonii) Hease remember me kindly to — Betlnne, Please remember me kindly to him (her or them). Betinment, Please tender my (our) best wishes for a pleasant trip and a safe return (to B0toniber» Please tender my (our) heartiest congratulations (to —)• B6tOEty Please tender my (our) heartiest congratulations on the happy event (to ). Betortlng, Please tender my (our) sincere sympathy (to ). Betneing. Please tender my (our) sincere sympathy to him (her or them) in his (her or their) trouble. Betmetim. Please tender my (our) sincere sympathy to his (her) family in their trouble. Betraetor, Please tender to him (her or them) my (our) heartiest con- gratulations. Betreat. Shall have a consultation. BotoeaUngy Shall have a consultation^ and will advise you of result. Betreneh, Telegraph me every day without fail. Betriever, Telegraph me if there is any change. Betrofiex, Telegraph me twice a day, morning and evening, without fail. Betrograde, There is a slight change. Betrospeet, There is a slight change for the better. Betrovert, There is a slight change for the worse. Bennion, There is no change. Bennltlng, There b no noticeable change. Bevaneher. There is no occasion for alarm. B^yelry^ There is not the slightest occasion for alarm. Bevealed. They were married , Beveallng, Unites with me in sending our heartiest congratulations. Bevelation, Unites with me (us) in wishing you all a Happy New Year. Bevenge, Unites with me (us) in wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. Revengefulf Unites with me in wishing you many Happy Returns of the day. RcTengingy We all unite in sending our heartiest congratulations. Beverenee* We all unite in wishing you all many Happy Returns of the day, BeTerently* We all unite in wishing you a Happy New Year. Rerersibley We all unite in wishing you a very Merry Christmas. Buvibrate. Where shall you be f ■>54 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. SHIPMENT, SHIPPING, ETC. BeriTkl, Anything ready for sliipment* BeyiTtng, At what rate can you ship? KcToeable* At what pricey what quantity, and how soon can you ship? BevocatiOB, Can duplicate. Beroke, Can duplicate first shipment. BSTOlt, Can duplicate invoice dated (or No. BeToltisf, Can duplicate last shipment. BoTolTer, Can duplicate shipment per BoTOlTlng, Can duplicate shipment mentioned. RoTulgioa, Cannot duplicate. Rewarded, Cannot duplicate first shipment. Bhapsody, Cannot duplicate invoice dated (or No. ). Bhetorle, Cannot duplicate shipment mentioned. Bheomatle, Cannot duplicate last shipment. Hhlnoeeroa, Cannot duplicate shipment per — Rhyme, Cannot ship at present. Rhymester, Cannot ship by — Ribaldry, Cannot ship by route mentioned. Ribbon, Cannot ship unless Rlbprass, Cannot ship unless on following terms : Ribless, Cannot ship unless our terms are agreed to. Richland, Can you arrange for immediate shipment? Richness, Can you arrange for shipment? Rickety, Can you arrange for shipment from (or by —)? Ricochet, Can you duplicate ? Riddance, Can you duplicate first shipment ? Rider. ' Can you duplicate invoice dated ^ (or No. Riddle, Can you duplicate last shipment ? Riderless, Can you duplicate shipment per ? tldicoie. Can you ship ? dldicnions. Can you ship and how much ? Ridinrhood, Can you ship at once ? Rifleman, Delay shipments as long as possible. Uif^adoon, Do not ship. niflK'ng, Do not ship any more. Righteona, Do not ship any more at present. Rightful, Do not ship unless — Rigidity, Do not ship unless on consignment. Rigidness, Do not ship until further advice from us. Rigmarole, Expect to ship not later than Rigorous, First half of shipment. Blmoaity, For shipment by Rincon, For shipment by first steamer. Biagdore, For shipment not later than • THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. ^SS Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Slate Street, Boston, U S. A. SHIPMENT, SHIPPING, ETO. Binghrad, Have not been able to ship.* Blnglet, Have not shipped. Blugirorni, Have shipped. Biiisiag, Have shipped for your account and risk. Blparian, Have shipped as directed. Bipeness, Have shipped by Bipper, Have shipped to Bippllng, Have you shipped ? Biaibility, Have you shipped, and so by what route ? Bitoal, Have you shipped, and if so how much ? Bitaalist, Have you shipped, and if so when, which way and how much ^ Biyalry, How much is ready to ship ? Biyalahip, How much can you ship? BiTerain, How soon can you ship ? Bivarhead, If guaranteed equal in every respect to Biyeled, If guaranteed equal in every respect to last purchase. Biyalet, If guaranteed equal in every respect tq lot Bixtlon, If guaranteed equal in every respect to sample. Boadster, If you can arrange for immediate shipment. Boadnay, If you can arrange for shipment before Boaming, If you cannot ship. Boarar, If you cannot ship before —^ Boaatad, If you cannot ship within time named. BoMnat, If you can ship. Bobnat, If you can ship at once. Bobnatneaa, If you can ship at lower prices. Bocailla, If you can ship at same freight rates* Boeksalt, If you can ship at same price (as —), Bocktrork, If you can ship at — you can send Bodomonts If you can ship before — Boebocks If you have shipped. Bogation, If you have not shipped* Boiatarar, In event of non-shipment. Baltelat, Last half of shipment. Balicallr Must arrive here before — or we cannot accept. Bvllicking) Must be shipped before — Bamaucers Must be fully equal or we cannot accept. Bamantics Must be shipped before — or we cannot accept. Bamplng, Must be shipped before date named or we cannot accept. Baudache. Must be'shipped immediately. Baadeau, Now ready for shipment. Bandamentj Shall we ship? Bangaants Shall we ship, and by which route ? Bpaflets Shall we sly, and if so when and by what route } 15^ THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F, O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A. SHIPMEIIT, SHIPPING, ETO. Bookery, Shall we ship your order (of ^—) ? Hooted> Ship all rail# Booflng, Ship all you possi51y can. Boofleur Ship by cheapest route. BoominoM, Ship by express. Boperralk) Ship by fast freight. Bopineti, Ship by first sailing vessel. Rosary, Ship by first steamer. Boseate, Ship by first steamer from —> Bosemary, Ship by lake and rail. Boaeirater, Ship by lake and rail if at insured rate. Rosewood, Ship by quickest route. Bosiaeas, Ship by steamer. Kostram, Ship by sailing vessel. Botated, Ship by very first opportunity. Rotating, Ship by way of Rotation, Ship everything via —- Rottenness, Ship everything by sail. Bolonda, Ship everything by steamer. Botnndity, Ship first lots by sail and balance by steamer. Roughhenn, Ship first lots by steamer and balance by sail. Roughshod, Ship the greater part by — Roulade, Ship to - by Bonlement, Shipments will be made as directed. Roulette, Shipments will be made from Roundelay, Shipments will commence about Rounders, Shipments will end about Roundhead, Stop all shipments. Roundhouse, Stop all shipments waiting further advices from us. Ronndiug, Telegraph what shipments you have made. Roundness, To be shipped. Ronndstone, To be shipped to " order." Beundwood, You can ship if on following basis Rousing, What has become of shipment ? Routine, What have you shipped and when ? Roving, What quantity can you have ready for shipment by Rowable, What quantity can you ship ? Rowlock, What quantity is ready for shipment ? Royalism, Why don't you ship my (our) order ? Rubber, When shall we ship, and how ? Rubbing, Will ship as soon as can secure freight room. Rubescent, Will ship as soon as possible. Rubicund, Will ship first opportunity. Rubric, Will ship first opportunity as much as possible. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. IS7 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State .Street, Boston, U S. A. OHIOAQO STOOES. BaddTs Bodenegi, Bodiments Bnefalljs BbAIsBs RnfflBBtiBl, Rugseds BBggedBesi, Bugotltys RnlBbles Bnleltst, Baling, Raminant, RnnlnatlOB, Rnmrnage, Rumple, BuBBgate, Boneatlon, Rnndlet, Bunnet, Bnptarad, Baral, RaralneH, Barallty, Ruralize, Raehllglit, RasaettBg, Rnatle, Rusticated, Rasticity, Rustling, Ruthless, Rubbish, Ryegrass, Sabaism, Sabalera. Rabanero, Sabbath, Sabbatical, Sablamente, Sablanal, Sabliere, Sabloiiner, Sabolier, Allen Paper Car Wheel Co* American Straw Board Co* Calumet Iron and Steel Co* Calumet & C. Canal & Dock Co. Central Union Telephone Co* Central Safety Deposit Co* Chicago Auditorium Assn. Chicago Brew'g & Malting Co. Chicago Brew'g & Malting Co., pfd. Chicago Packing & P. Co., Ltd. Chicago Packing & P. Co., Ltd., pfd. Chicago City Railway. Chicago City Railway, 5-30 4^/^*3. Chicago Edison Co. Chicago Gas Co. Chicago, R. I. & Pacific, 6*$. Chicago Passenger Ky. ' Chicago Telephone Co. Chicago & N. W. coup. Gold, 7's. Consumers Gas, ist M. 5*3. Diamond Match Co. of IIL Harvey Steel Car Co. Illinois Steel Co. In. Pack. & Prov. Co., Ltd. In. Pack. & Prov. Co., Ltd., pfd. Lake Street Elevated R.R. Laclede Gas L. Co. (St. Louis). Laclede Gas L. Co. (St. Louis) 5*s. Mil. & Chi. Brew's, Ltd. Mil & Chi. Brew's, Ltd., pfd. National Railway Co. National Linseed Oil Co. New York Biscuit Co. North Chicago City Ry. North Chicago City Ry. Co., ist M. 6's. North Chicago City Ry. 6*s. North Chicago Street R.R. Co. North Chicago Street R.R. ist M. 5's. Northern Pacific Land Grant, 6's. P. Schoenhofen Brw. Co. Ltd. P. Schoenhofen Brw. Co. pfd. Pullman's Palace Car Co. Street's W. Stable Car Line. Street's W. Stable Car Line, pfd. IS8 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A, Sftboalerf Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Sabrenasy U. S. Brewing Co., 5*5. Sabalonsy West Div. City Railway. Sacahala, West Chicago Street R.R. Saccada^ West Chicago St. R R. ist M. Saccharina^ Western Stone Co. 5'»- Siiceiforma, Saeordottlr Sachel, Sackbot) BALTIMOEE AND PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. Sackcloth^ Atlanta & Charlotte. Saeramaiity Catawissa, 1st. pref. Saerata> Catawissa, 2d pref. Sacredly^ Baltimore & Ohio. SacradnaB8> Baltimore & Ohio, ist pre!. Sacriflea^ Baltimore & Ohio, 2d pref. Sacrilegay Baltimore & Ohio, 5's. Sacripanty Baltimore Traction Co. Sacrlatay^ Huntington & Broad Top. SaddeOf Huntington & Broad Top. pref. Saddanlng) Huntington & Broad Top, con. 5's Saddlebag) Lehigh Valley R.R. Saddler* Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co. Saddletree) Metropolitan Traction Co. SadirOB) Nesquehoning Valley R.R. Sadly, North American Co. Sadneif) Northern Central R'y Co. Safeguard) Northern Pacific R.R. SaffrOD) Northern Pacific R.R. pref. Sagacious, Pennsylvania R.R. Sagacity, Pennsylvania R.R. gen. 6*s. Sagamore, Philadelphia & Erie R.R. Sagely, Philadelphia & Reading R.R. Sagemgnt) Philadelphia Traction Co. Sageness, United Gas Improvement Co. Sagiaate, United Cos. of New Jersey. Saslltary, Western New York & Penn. R.R. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. fS9 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO.. ..j State Street, Boston. U. S. A. CODE TABLE POE DATES. Use great care in translating to and from this table.' Day of JANUARY. FEBRUARY. MARCH. APRIL. Month. 1st. Sagrado. Saltspring. Sarcasm. Savageness. 2d. Sailmaker. Saltworks. Sarcastic. Savory. 3d. Saintlike. Salubrious. Sarcenet. Sawdust 4th. Saintly. Salubrity. Sardine. Sawmill. 5th. Saintship. Salute. Sardonic. Sawpit. 6th. Salad. Saluting. Sardonical. Scabbard. 7th. Salamander. Salvage. Sassafras. Scaffold. 8th. Salaried. Salvo. Satchel. Scaldhead. 9th. Salable. Samaritan. Satellite. Scaldingly; 10th. Salesman. Sanatory. Satiable. Scaliness. 11th. •Saleswoman Sanctified. Satiated. Scallop. 12th. Salework. Sanctify. Satiety. Scalloping. 13th. Salicylic. Sanction. Satirical. Scalped. 14th. Saline. Sanctuary. Satirized. Scalping. 16th. Salineness. Sandals. Satirist. Scalps. 16th. Salivary. .Sandbags. Satisfying. Scamper. ; 17 th. Salivated. Sandbank. Satrap. Scamping. 18th. Salivating. Sandblind. Saturable. Scandal. 1 th. Sallowness. Sandiness. Saturated. Scandalize. 20th. Sallyport. Sanguinary. Saturnalia. Scandalous. 21st. Salmagundi. Sanguine. Satyr. Scantily. 22d. Salmon. Sanhedrim. Saucebox. Scantiness. 23d. Saltated. Sanscript. Saucepan. Scantlet 24th. Saltation. Sapient. Saucer. Scantling. 25th. Saltatory. Sapling. Saucily. Scapegoat. 26th. Saltcellar. Saponary. Sauciness. Scapegrace. 27th. Salted. Sapper. Saunter. Scapement. 28th. Salting. Sapphic. Sauntering. Scapular. 29th. Saltless. Sapphires. Saurian. Scarad. 30 th. Saltmine. Sausage. Scarceness. 31st. Saltpan. Savagely. • 160 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. OODE TABLE TOE DATES. . Use great care in translating to and from this table. Day of Month. MAY. JUNF. JULY. AUGUST. 1st. Scarecrow. Scimetar. Scratching. Scurrile. 2d. Scaritied. Scissors. Scream. Scurrility. Scarifying. Scofi. Screamer. Scurrilous. 4th. Scarlet. Scoffed. Screaming. Scurviness. 5tb. Scathed. Scoffingly. Screech. Scurvy. 6th. Scatheless. Scooping. Screecher. Scutch. 7th, Scatter. Scorch. Screeching. Scutiform. 8 th. Scattering. Scorched. Screechowl. Scuttle. 9th. Scavenger. Scorching. Screw. Scymeter. 10th. Scenery. Scordium. Screwblade. Scythe. 11th. Scenes. Scorned. Screwed. Seagirt. 12th. Scented. Scornful. Scribbler. Seagull. 13th. Scentless. Scornfully. Scribbling. Seahorse. 14th. Sceptic. Scorning. Scribe. Sealing. 15th. Scepticism. Scorpion. Scriptural. Sealingwax. 16 th. Sceptred. Scoundrel. Scripture. Seaman. 17th. Schedule. Scour. Scrivener. Seamanship. 18th. Schemer. Scourge. Scrofula. Seamstress. Kith. Scheming. Scourging. Scroll. Seaport 20th. Schism. Scourings. Scrollwork. Searcher. 21st. Schismatic. Scouted. Scrubbed. Searchable. 22d. Scholar. Scouting. Scrubbing. Searcloth. 23d. School. Scowled. Scruple. Seashore. 24th. Schoolboy. Scowling. Scrupulous. Seaside. 25th. Schooldame. Scraggy. Scudding. Seated. 26th. Schooldays. Scramble. Scuffle. Seaworthy. 27th. Schoolgirl. Scraped. Scuffling. Seceder. 28th. Schooling. Scraping. Sculler. Seceding. 2Sth. Sciatica. Scratch. Scullion. Secession. 30th. Science. Scratched. Sculptor. Secluded. 31st. Scientific. Scupper. Secondary. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. '6i Published by r. 0. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street. Boston, U S. A. CODE TABLE TOE DATES. Use great care in translating to and from th s table. Day of SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER. NOVEMBER. DECEMBER. Month. 1st. Seconded. Seldom. Sepulchral. Shaker. 2d. Seconding. Selecting. Serfdom. Shakiness. 3d. Secretions. Selfsame. Sergeant. Shallow. 4th. Sectarian. Semaphore. Series. Shambles. 6th. Sectarism. Semblance. Seriously. Shamefaced. 6th. Section. Semicircle. Sermon. Shampoo. 7th. Sectional. Semicolon. Sermonize. Shamrock. 8th. Secular. Seminary. Serpent. Shanty. 9th. Secularism. Semipedal. Serpentine. Shapeless. 10th. Secularity. Semiquaver. Service. Shapely. nth. Securable. Semitone. Servingman. Sharpen. 12th. Secureness. Senatorial. Servitor. Sharpening. 13th. Security. Senile. Settee. Shaveling. 14th. Sedate. Senior. Severely. Shawl. 15th. Sedateness. Seniority. Sewage. Sheaf. 16th. Sedative. Sensation. Sexagenary. Shearing. 17th. Sedentary. Senseless. Sextant. Shedding. 18th. Sediment. Sensible. Sextility. Sheepcot. 19th. Sedition. Sensitive. Sexton. Sheepfold. 20th. Sedulity. Sensorium. Sextonship. Sheepish. 21st. Sedulous. Sensual. Sextupal Sheep walk. 22d. Seedling. Sensualism. Shabbily. Shellfish. 23d. Seedpearl. Sensuality. Shackled. Shellwork. 24th. Seedplot. Sentencing. Shackling. Sheltering. 25th. Seedsman. Sentiments. Shaded. Shepherd. 26th. Seedtime. Sentinel. Shading. Sherbet. 27 th. Seemliness. Sentry. Shadow. Shielded. 28th. Seemly. Separable. Shadowing. Shielding. 29th. Seesaw. Separatist. Shagginess. Shingles. 30th. Segment. Septenary. Shaggy. Shingling. 31st. Septennial. • Shinleaf. 162 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Ptablished by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. NOTICE TO USERS OF THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Do not fail to copy these three code words and sentences and place them where they can be found in case of loss of this code. Shilllogy Have lost my code. Have sent for an- other, and as soon as I receive it will reply to your message. Shinney, Have lost my code. Where can I obtain another ? Shipboard. You can obtain a copy of The Adams Cable Codex by applying to THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 163 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. APPENDIX TO EIGHTH EDITION. Abaeanado, Abaeanar, Abacellar^ Abactor, Abadejo, Abadengo, Abadernaa, Abafador, Abafaa, Abainbar, Abalirrado, Abalxada, Abaixador, Abaixar, Abaixo, Abalancar, Abalizado, Abalroa, Abanado, Abanadura, Abanar, Abaneado, Abandoar, Abandono, Abano, Abaptlsta, Abaratado, Abaratar, Abaeardo, Abarbar, Abarca, Abarriaco, Abarroado, Abasaor, All of your orders are shipped. All of your orders are shipped excepting All of your orders were shipped. All of your orders were shipped excepting-^— Alt freight room is engaged. All freight room is engaged on vessel named. Alt freight room is engaged until steamer sailing about —^ AH freight room is engaged until steamer sailing about . Shall we ship then? Am awaiting your orders. Am in great haste about filling order. Am in great haste about filling order. Wish goods to arrive here, if possible, not later than * Am in no haste about filling order, but should like it shipped before Am in no haste about filling order. Take your time. Apply on arrival to —- Approximate cost, freight and insurance to your port on will be about as follows: — Approximate cost, freight and insurance to your port on cargo mentioned will be about as follows: Approximate cost f. o. b. will be about as follows: Are obliged to sign a contract. Are obliged to sign a contract the terms of which are as follows: — Are obliged to sign a contract the terms of which are as follows, to which we understand you agree, and that you authorize us to sign such contract in your behalf: As mentioned in my (our) letter (of —) As mentioned in my (our) telegram (of ) As mentioned in your letter (of ). As mentioned in your telegram (of —). As to date of delivery. As to date of sailing. As to date of shipment. At what price can you duplicate? At what price can you duplicate invoice dated At what price can you duplicate order dated — At what rate can you charter? At what rate can you ship? At what rate can you charter a vessel of about tons burthen to bring full cargo of— to this port? At what rate can you charter a vessel of about —— tons burthen to bring full cargo of — from to this port? I64 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Abasta^ At what rate can you charier a vessel to bring following cargo from to this port? Abastatio, At what rate can you charter a vessel to bring following caigo from Boston to this port? Abastanea, At what rate can you charter a vessel to bring following cargo to this port? Abaulado, At what time did she arrive? Abbacial, At what time did she sail? Abbadia, Abbatina, Abcedar, Abeesao, Abdalab, Abdlcado, AbdicaTel, Abelbiaba, Abelbudo, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. i^S l^blished by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Sute Street, Boston, U. S. A. Abemolar, Balance will be shipped about — Abeneoar, Balance will be shipped as soon as can get vessel. Aberto, Balance will be shipped by next voyage. Abertona, Bark arrived. Abertura, arrtvedy and will sail about — Abesantar, arrived, and will sail in about two weeks. Abesttm, arrived. Everything all right. Abeatruz, arrived. Everything all right. Will sail about — Abetarda, arrived. Everything all right. Will sail in about a week* Abetumar, arriveds Everything all right. Will sail in about three or four days. AbUmado, arrived. Everything all right. Will sail in about two weeks. Abobora, arrived. Everything alt right. Will sail in about three weeks. Aboear, sailed Aboletar, sailed^—and will go to your port direct. Abolido, sailed to-day. Abolorio, sailed to-(b(y and will go to your port direct. Abolsado, sailed yesterday. Abominado, sailed yesterday and will go to your port direct. Abominador, will sail —— AbominaTel, will sail and will go to your port direct. Abominogo, will sail about — Abonanca, will sail about . We tan ship all of your orders except the following: — Aborear, will sail about —. We can ship only part of your order as follows: — Abordo, will sail about . We can ship ,your order by her. Shall we ship? Cable reply. Aborrido, will sail about . We expect to ship all of your orders by her. Aborrirel, will sail in two days. Abortado, will sail in three days. Abotoear, will sail in four days. Abraeo, wilt sail to-day. Abrazado^ will sail Sunday. Abrazar, will sail Monday. Abrego, will sail Tuesday. Abrepticio, will sail Wednesday. Abreviado, will sail Thursday. Abreriar, will sail Friday. Abrldor, will sail Saturday. Abrigada, will sail to-morrow. Abrigo, Be very particular in the execution of this order. i66 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO , 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. AbrimentOy But cannot say posuiively. Abroehtr, But we can get no guarantee. Abrogar, But we can get no guarantee and therefore cannot give one. Abrolhar^ But we can give no guarantee. AbrolbOt But we can give so guarantee as to date of delivery. Abrotaly But we can give no guarantee as to date of delivery or date of sailing. Abrotea, But we can give no guarantee as to date of sailing. Abrotonite^ But we expect AbruteeidO) But we expect to Abruteia^ But we expect to ship about — Absogro, But we expect to ship before that time. AbsolvidOy But we expect to ship by that time. AbstemiOy But we expect to ship not later than Absterger^ By doing this we can reduce the cost about per cent. Absterslro, Abgtrahir, Abuhaneg, Abiillado, Abnndado, Abandoso, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. i®? Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A Abnnhado, Aburelado, Abusado, Abusar, Abutilon, Abyla, Abyasinio, Aeabado, Aeabante, Acaburro, Acacia, Acafelado, Acitjadar, Aealentar, Acalmado, Acampar, Acamucar, Acanaceo, Acanellar, Acanhado, Acanthlco, Acantllado, Acantoar, Acapcllar, Acarapuco, Acardumado, •Acarna, Acarrear, Acarreto, Acarrado, Acarvar, Acastellar, Acatado, Acaudelar, Acarallar, Acalmo, Accender, Accendlblc, Accipiter, Accolade, Accordably, Cancel all orders until further notice. Cancel part of my (our) order as follows: — Cancel part of my (our) order dated as follows: — Cancel the order. Cancel the order dated Cancel the order for Cancel the order from —— Can and will duplicate invoice as requested. Can duplicate invoice. Can duplicate invoice at same price. Can duplicate invoice at same price as last. Can duplicate invoice (dated ) at — per cent, higher cost. Can duplicate invoice (dated ) at per cent, lower cost. Can duplicate invoice but not at same price. It will cost - - per cent, more than invoice mentioned. Can get a vessel that will carry about •— Can get lower prices by ordering direct from mill. Can get lower prices by ordering direct from mill^ which will delay shipment until about—Shall we do this or ship at once? Can get no guarantee. Can get no guarantee and therefore cannot give one. Can get no refusal. Can get no refusal at these quotations. Can make the price. Can make the price about — lower. Can make the price about lower per — Can make the price about — lower per barrel. Can make the price about lower per bushel. Can make the price about — lower per gallon. Can make the price about —— lower per metre. Can make the price about lower per pound. Can make the price about lower per thousand. Can make the price about — lower per ton. Can make the price about lower per yard. Cannot accept. Cannot accept less (than ). Cannot accept kss than price named. Cannot accept order (of-^—). Cannot accept order if you limit us to time of shipment. Will do the best we can to ship within time limit, but cannot guar- antee to do so. I f you wish us to place order to be delivered as soon as we can arrange lo deliver, cable reply. Cannot afford to run any risk. Cannot afford to run any risk whatever. Cannot countermand your order. Cannot countermand your order. Your cable came too late 168 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Accostable, Cannot countermand your order. Your letter came too late. Aceitavely Cannot duplicate. AeeitOf Cannot fill order at your limit. Aeenado, Cannot fill order at your limit. Can you raise it about ? AcendidOy Cannot fill order at your limit. Can you raise it and how much? AeephalOy Cannot fill order on terms named. AceqaiSy Cannot fill order on terms named in your letter (of —). AcerrimOy Cannot fill order properly within time mentioned. Aeetabulo, Cannot fill order properly within time mentiooedy but can prob. ably get goods ready, so as to ship aboutShall we do this? Aceloso, Cannot fill order unless —— AceTadar^ Cannot fill order unless date of shipment is extended to —— Achadora* Cannot fill order unless you can give us more time. Achamento, Cannot fill order unless you can raise limit about , Can you do this? AehanadOy Cannot get any orders. Achantar, Cannot get any orders for —^ AchagadOy Cannot get any orders for vessel named. Achilles, Cannot get a vessel. Acicular, Cannot get a vessel at your limit. Acidia, Cannot get a vessel of the size named. Acidifero, Cannot get a vessel that will exactly fit your order. Aelarar, Cannot get a vessel that will exactly fit your order. If it is necessary to increase or diminish order shall we do so? Acllmar, Cannot get a vessel to carry less than Acllulco, Cannot get a vessel to carry so small an order. Acoehar, Cannot get a vessel to carry so small an order without paying too high a freight. If you will increase order about we can probably charter at a reasonable hgure. Acodir, Cannot get goods for part of your order. Acoletado, Cannot get goods for part of your order in time to ship as requested. Shall we ship what we have ready or wait until we can ship entire order? Acolhedor, Cannot get goods in time to ship as requested. Aeolyto, Cannot get goods in time to ship as requested, but can ship about —. Will this be satisfactory? Acomas, Cannot get goods in time to ship as requested, but can ship by sailing about . Will this be satisfactory? Aconheeer, Cannot get goods in time to ship as requested. Shall we ship by (sailing about —) Aconito, Cannot get goods in time to ship as requested. Wliat shall we do? Acontiado, Cannot guarantee time of delivery. Acopic, Cannot guarantee lime of delivery, but expect to deliver about THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 169 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. AcordOy Cannot guarantee time of sailing. Acosmis, Cannot guarantee time of sailing, but it will be, as at present fixed, on or about- Acosmism, Cannot guarantee time of shipment. Aeostado, Cannot guarantee time of shipment, but expect to ship about Acogtumar, Cannot possibly ship your order,before Acotomaday Cannot possibly ship your order before . Will this be satisfactory? Acotobelar, Cannot send regular consignments. Acontado, Cannot ship. Acoutar^ Cannot ship as requested, but can ship about ——. If this is not satisfactory, cable reply. Acobardar^ Cannot ship as requested, but can ship about —Will this be satisfactory ? Cable reply. Acodar, Cannot ship before Acomado, Cannot ship by the AcoradO) Cannot ship by the but expect to be able to ship by the . Will this be satisfactory? Acorenha, Cannot ship by the vessel named. Acougagem, Cannot ship by the vessel named, but will ship about unless you cable immediate reply to the contrary. Acougaria, Cannot ship by the vessel named. She is full. Can ship about . Will this be satisfactory? Aequirir, Cannot ship by the vessel named sailing about Acravar^ Cannot ship your order. Acredor, Cannot ship your order before Acrescer, Cannot ship your order unless Acrescido, Cannot ship your order unless you are willing to AcretOpOtO, Cannot ship your order unless you are willing to pay in gold on delivery. Acrisolar, Cannot ship your order without cash in hand. Acritico, Cannot ship your order without cash in hand. Can you remit by first steamer? Acroatico, Cannot ship your order without cash in hand. Please remit and we will ship at once. Acrobata, Cannot take any risk. Aerolitho, Cannot take any risk in this matter. Acrologia) Cannot you get for us the consignment of the ■ Acrostico, Cannot you get us some orders fo/ shipment by a vessel sail- ing from here about Aeroterios, Cannot you get us some orders for shipment by her? AcrotismO) Cannot you get us some orders for shipment by the —— (sailing about ) Actas, Cannot you get us some orders for shipment by the (sailing about ) Actlvar, Cannot you give ns an order? She is full. Can ship by Will this be satisfactory? »70 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Ai^tTidAdCf Cannot you give us an order for lumber for shipment by ActriZ) Cannot you give us an order for lumber for shipment by the Actuoso, Cannot you give us an order for shipment by AcoadO) Cannot you give us an order for shipment by (sailing about Aeomolar, Cannot you give us an order for shipment by her? Acarralar, Cannot you give us an order for shipment by the Acuryado, Cannot you give us an order for shipment by the (sailing about ) Acaryilhar, • Cannot you give us some orders for shipment by a vessel sail- ing from about ? Acusmetro, Cannot you give us some orders for shipment by a vessel sail- log from here about — Aeustica, Cannot you give us the consignment? Acutilado, Cannot you give us the consignment of Acumagre, Cannot you send us some orders? Ada^ma, Cannot you send us some orders for —^ Adagial, Carmot you send us some orders for shipment by (sailing about ^ Adagio, Can probably get a vessel. Adamanes, Can probably get a vessel that will cany about Adamascar, Can probably get a vessel that will carry about for Adamlco, Can save you about Adamitaa, Can save you money. Adaptado, Can save you money if you will allow us to use our judgment and discretion. Adaptavel, Can save you money if you will allow us to use our judgment and discretion in hlling and shipping your order. Adarga, Can ship. Adargueiro, Can ship about —— by and balance Adarrado, Can ship about by and balance about Addensado, Can ship about one half by and balance about Addensar, Can ship all of your order except the following: — AddncldOy Can ship balance about AdduetiTO| Can ship balance next voyage. Addoetor, Can ship by sailing about . Shall we ship! Adduzldo, Can ship by sailing about . Shall we ship? Adduzlr, Can ship by steamer sailing about Adeante, Can ship by steamer sailing in about one week. Adebaixo, Can ship by steamer sailing in about two weeks. Adelere, Can ship by steamer sailing in about three weeks. Adelgacar, Can ship by steamer sailing in about four weeks. Adenalgia, Can ship this about ' Adentado, Can ship this by the (sailing about ) AdentTO, Can ship this by the sailing .about THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. »7i PubUshed by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Sttte Street, Boston, U. S. A. Adepucha, Can ship your order as requested, but think prices will be lower and should advise waiting until about Adequado, Can ship your order as requested, but we can get lower prices (for —) by ordering direct from mill, which will delay ship^ ment until about —. Shall we do this or ship as requested? Adequar, Can ship your order if you will remit in gold by first steamer. Aderenca, Can you cancel? AdernadOy Can you cancel order (from ■■—)? AdeshoraSy Can you cancel part of order? AdestradOy Can you cancel part of order, and if so, what part? Adestrador, Can you cancel part of order, and if so, how much? Adestro, Can you extend date of delivery, and if so, to what time? Adevinhar) Can you extend date of shipment, and if so, how long? Adextrar^ Can you extend date of shipment to about AdgeneradOy Can you increase it? Adgenerar, Can you increase it to Adherir, Can you increase limit about — AdiadO) Can you increase limit to — AdlameniOy Can you increase order about — AdiantadOy Can you increase order to Adjudiear, Can you reduce? Adjantar, Can you reduce order, and if so, how much? Adjutorio, Can you reduce order to Adjavar^ Can you send samples to AdmiradOy Can you send us samples (of ) Admirantey Case oil is selling at , and barrel oil at —— per gallon. AdmiraTely Case oil is selling at , and barrel oil at —, per gallon. Cannot you give us an order for shipment per (sailing about ) ? AdonicOy Case oil is selling at , and barrel oil at per gallon. Shall we ship all of your oil orders? Adorando, Consider order filled unless you hear from us to the contrary by to-morrow. Adoravel, Consider order filled unless you hear from us to the contrary on or before — Adormldo, Consider order filled unless you hear from us to the contrary very shortly. Adoxa, Consign goods to AdabiOy Consign goods to me (us). Adnladory Consign goods to " Order." Adaasia, Consign vessel to AdyertidOy Consign vessel tome (us). Ateminar, ▼ 172 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. AlTectlvo, Do net act on order contained in letter Irom (daieJ ) Afflrmador, Do not act on order contained in letter from me (dated ) AfflxadOy Do not consign ship to Allligidor, Do not delay in placing your orders. The longer time we have to fill them, the better we can do for you. Aflluido, Do not deliver, unless paid for on delivery, the goods marked as follows: — AflluxOy Do not put the ship in the hands of —^ Affretar, Do not ship. AffrontadOy Do not ship at present. Aflancado, Do not ship my order. AUdalgar, Do not ship my order dated Aflgurado, Do not ship my order unless —~ Afllado, Do not ship my order unless you can forward as requested. Afllamento, Do not ship my order unless you can forward by first opportunity. Aflnamento, Do not wish to increase order. Aflsiulado, Do not wish to order at present, but may do so later. AfttAdo, Do you not wish to order? Aforiunar, Do you not wish to order some Afontado, Do you wish to wait? Afracado, Do you wish to wait, or will you substitute, and if so, what? Africano, Do you wish us to ship? Afrouxar, Do you wish us to substitute? Afuniadara, Do you wish us to substitute, and if so, what? Afundido, Agalanar, Aggrarar, Agitador, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. '73 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Expect to telegraph definitely Expect to telegraph definitely very iigitavel, Endeavoring to arrange. Agnatico, Endeavoring to arrange. Agnocasto, Endeavoring to arrange, shortly. Agonranto, Endeavoring to arrange. Wait until . Will telegraph definitely at that time. AgramentOy Everything sailing before this is full. Agriastico, Expect to ship. Agrometar, Expect to ship about Ajantar^ Expect to ship all of your order. Ajustada* Expect to ship all of your order by Alabarar, Expect to ship all of your order by about ——) AlagOSO) Expect to ship all of your order by about Alambicar, Expect to ship all of your order by first steamer. AlamboradOy Expect to ship before that time. Alampada^ Expect to ship by first steamer, which will sail about Alastrador, Expect to ship on or about AlitanadOy Expect to ship on or about . Will this be satisfactory? Alavanca, Expect vessel will sail. AlavercadOy Expect vessel will sail on or about (sailing Albacar, Albardado, Albardllha, Albarrada, Albergador, »74 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A AlUergaria, Give us a higher limit and we will try and fill your order. Albertina, Give us a limit and we will try and fill your order. Albibarba, Give us a limit of and we will try and fill your order. Albieanto, Give us your very best limit. AlbinUmo, Give us your very best limit and we will try and fill your order Albocar^ Granulated sugar is selling at — per pound. Alborotar, Granulated sugar is selling at per pound. Cannot '•-.1 give us an order for shipment per (s. ilin^ about ) ? Albngem, Alburno, Alcandora, Alcanzia, Alcatroado, Alcador, Akala, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. '75 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Bos.on, U. S. A. Alcape, Has advanced and is now selling at —, Alchazar, Has advanced and is now selling at —f. o. b. Alchimiado, Has advanced and is now selling at f. o. b. Shall we cancel order or ship? Aleoforar, Have chartered. Expect vessel will sail about Aleonado, Have chartered the Alcorana, Have chartered the . She will sail about AlcOTetar, Have deposited amount of invoice as requested. AlcoyanaSy Have no refusal. Alerebite^ Have no refusal at these quotations. AlcueeroSy Have received no consular invoice. Alcamenay Have received no consular invoice for shipment per——. Please send one first mail without fail. Aleopetor» Have received no consular invoice. Please send one first mail without fail. Alcyonianiy Have received no invoice. Alcyonoid» Have received no invoice for shipment per . Please send one first mall without fail. Aldabazos, Have received no letters from you. AldabeamoSj Have received no letters from you by the Aldabearia, Have received no letters from you by the—. Did you send any? Aldabearon, Have received no letters from you by the last steamer. Did you send any ? AldabeO) Have received no letters from you since the one dated—. Why do you not write? Aldeazinha, Have received none up to date. Aldebul, Have received no orders for from you. Do you wish us to ship? Aldehyde, Have received no orders for lumber from you. Do you wish us to ship any by (sailing about ?) Aldeola, Have received no orders for petroleum from you. Do you wish us to ship any by (sailing about ?) Aldeseus, Have received no orders from you. Aldhelni, Have received no orders from you since the one dated Aldlana, Have received nothing up to date. Aldonza, Have received your order (dated ) Aldraba, Have secured the consignment. Aldrajando, Have secured the consignment to you of Aldttdes, Have you any orders! Aleatory, Have you any orders for Alebant, Have you any orders for shipment per (sailing about ) Alefrono, Have you any orders for shipment per (sailing about ) Alecrim, Have you executed my order (of ) Alectoriam, Have you executed my order to Alectorido, Have you received any news from — >76 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Alectryoiiy Have you received any news of — Alodrain, Have you received any news of the Alefan^ine, Have you received invoice? AlegadoSy Have you received invoice for Alegramos, Have you received samples? Alegoatre^ Have you received my invoice? Alembert, Have you received my order (dated ) Alembical^ Have you received my order for — Alenboek, Have you received my order of Alendoa^ Have you received my order of for — Alentamoa, Have you remitted and how much? AlentltreU, Have you remitted for invoices? Alentaron, Have you sent sample? Alantonry Have you sent sample mentioned in your letter? Alepaae, How are you remitting? Alepida, How do you intend to ? AleqnaadaSp How do you intend to remit? Alertabaa, How long will it take to fill my order (of ) Alataran^ How long will it take to fill my order (for Alertemos, How much can you increase it? AlartaSp How much can you increase the order? AleMDip How much can you remit? Ale8C6bftip How much can you remit by first steamer? Aleseentp How much can you remit on account? Aleseendnm, How much can you remit on account invoices last trip and liow soon? AlotftZOS) How much has— deposited with you? Alotesn^ How much have you — Aletrlnas, How much have you collected? Alottoriay How much have you deposited? AleuriOp How much have you deposited with ? Alexanor, How much have you remitted? Alexidenip How much have you remitted on account invoices? AlexIdISp How much more time do you need? AlexlnuSp How much will be saved? AlexioOp How much will be saved by waiting? Aleyrode, How much will you remit? AlfabetoSp How shall we draw? Alfabetunip How shall we remit? Alfajor, How shall we ship? Alfana, How soon can they ship? Alfanlca, How soon can you remit? Alfanjada, How soon can you remit and how much? AlfarabI, How soon can you ship? Alfardon, How soon do you expect to ship? Alfazema, How soon do you expect to ship my order (dated ) ? AlfenideR, How will you remit? THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 177 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Alfobre, Alfoll, Alfoliero, Alfolles, Alfombrado, Alfombro, ' Alfondega, Alfonsinag, Alfongino, Alforjado, Alforzaba, Algal tado, Alganon, Algarlgmo, Algarogo, Algaroth, Algatrane, Algayaro, Algazella, Algebrigta, Algemar, Algerina, Algegcam, Algico, Alglrag, Algodan, Algodonal, Algoideo, Algorab, Algorigmo, Algunog, Alhajado, Albayot, Aibenamog, Albondigag, Alborma, Albumitjo, Aliamentls, ir it does not arrive. If it does not arrive until about , will it be in lime? it is shipped. If it is shipped on or about—' If it is shipped on or about it will b^ satisfactory. If it is shipped on or about will it be satisfactory? If price is right can probably get a good order. If price is right can probably get a large order. If price is right can probably place a large order. If price is right will give you an order. If price is right will give you an order for If she sails before —~ If she sails before that time. If she sails on or about — If this is not satisfactory, cable immediate reply. If this is not satisfactory, cable immediate reply, giving instruc- tions. If this vessel sails on or about If you can double the order. If you can get the consignment. If you can give us an order. If you can give us an order without restrictions. If you can give us an order without restrictions as to If you can give us an order without restrictions as to delivery or date of sailing. If you can give us more time. If you can give us more time, we can probably All order at lower prices. If you can give us more time, we can probably hll order at per cent, lower. If you can give us more time, we can probably fill order withi.i limit. If you can give us until If you can give us until we can probably do better as to prices. If you can give us until we can probably fill order at per cent, lower. If you can give us until we can probably fill order within limit. If you can increase order. Is expected to leave Is expected to leave about If you can increase order about If you can increase order to If you can increase order to we can get lower freight. If you can increase order to — we can get lower freight and probably lower prices. '78 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., sis State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Aliando, Aliartus, Aliatis, Alibando, Alibato, AlibaTamo, Alibilium, Aliboron, Alicarium, Alieaatra, Allcastrnm, Alicatado, Alienaba, Alienammo, Alienainoa, Alifado, Aliremoa, Aligaban, Alijaro, Alimana, Alimango, Aliquando, Aliquoi^m, Aliquota, Alkalden, Alkanet, Alkarsine, Alkermes, Allabatos, Allambitos, Allambitum, Allampando, Allaiupare, Allampo, Allappa, Allectando, Allectatos, If you can increase order to —-, we can get lower prices. If you can increase order to ——, we can obtain - per cent, lower. If you can make up a cargo of about ■■ , we might charter. If you cannot do thisp what can you do? If you cannot do this, what is best you can do? If you cannot fill the order. If you cannot fill the order, cable reply. If you cannot fill the order exactly as given. If you cannot fill the order exactly as given, how near to specU fication can you fill it? If you cannot fill the order exactly as given, what is the best you can do? If you cannot fill the order within limits. If you cannot fill the order within limits, what can you do? If you cannot fill order within time named, what is best you can do? If you cannot increase order. If you cannot ship. If you cannot ship as requested, do not ship. If you cannot ship as requested, then do the best you can. If you cannot ship before " ■- If you cannot ship before do not ship. If you cannot ship by that vessel. If you cannot ship by that vessel, do not ship. If you cannot ship by that vessel, then ship by If you cannot ship by that vessel, then ship by first opportunity. If you will give us the order. If you will give us the order without restrictions. If you will give us the order without restrictions as to — If you wish to place an order at these prices, cable quick. If you wish us to ship at these prices, cable quick. We can ship by the (sailing about ) If you wish to place an order at these prices, cable quick. We can ship by the (sailing about —-) If you wish us to ship on this basis, cable reply. If you wish us to ship on this basis, with the understanding that we give no guarantee, but will do our best to carry out your wishes, cable reply. If you wish us to ship on this basis, cable reply without delay. If we can get a smaller vessel, we will reduce your order. If we cannot get consignment. If we cannot ship. If we cannot ship as requested, how shall we ship? If we cannot ship by that vessel, shall we ship by the (sailing about —') THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 179 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A. Allegramnio, H we cannot ship by , will ship by first opportunity following. Allegrando, If we cannot ship by that vessel, will ship by first opportunity following. Allegrato, If we cannot ship by that vessel, will ship by (sailing about—) AllibratO) If we cannot ship then, shall we ship by the , sailing about — - Allibrava, If we cannot ship by the we will ship by the , sail- ing about Alllgabo, If we wait. Allisuroa, If we wait much longer. Allobo, If we wait much longer, cannot fill order at prices quoted. Allobroger, If we wait to get a vessel small enough to take your order. Allobrogo, In compliance with your order. Allobroxy In addition to order already given. Alloccato, In addition to order already given, please ship. Allocutum, In compliance with your order of Allodapa, In order to comply with your request. Allodola^ In order to obtain consignment. Allodromey Instead of the pronoun*'we" please insert the pronoun " I," as I telegraph in a personal sense only. Allofana, Instead of the pronoun " you" please understand it means the party you are dealing with. Allogato, Invoice will amount to about —» Allopaiico, Invoice will amount to about —Can you pay for same in gold on arrival? AllophanOy Invoice will amount to about. How soon can you remit for same? Allospermey Inward consignment. AllottandO) In whose hands do you wish us to place the business? Alluduntar, In whose hands do you wish us to place the ship? AllumanOy Is your last order in addition to order dated ? Allumnar, Is your last order in addition to previous orders? Allangando, Is your order for — still good? Allungato, Is your order of — in addition to previous orders? Allyatem, Is your order of — in addition to order dated — Almachio, Is your order of — still good? Almadaneta, Is your order still good to —— Almadia, Is your order still good to ship? Almadlado, It may be a few days before we can do this. Almadrena, It may be a week before we can do this. Almafega, It may be two weeks before we can do this. AlmagestOy It may be until before we can do this. Almagralt impossible to get this. AlmagramoS) It will be impossible to get this before AlmagrandO) It will be imp^sible to ship as requested. i8o the ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Sute Street. Boston, U. S. A. AliUkBdray It will be impossible to ship before Alm&iiias, It will take longer than expected. Almarbato, It will take until to get them made. AIniatero, It will take until that time to Almaturos, It will take until that time to get the g Amphorario. ^ Amphoteric, n ■ — ..-titoaiiA ■ — .ti>;a >auA AmplectlTO, — — -— —.' iS6 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. Amplexofy Sailing direct (to AmpllainoSy Same grade (or quality) as—~ Ampliariaiiy Same grade (or quality) as last shipment. AmpliatiTOy Same grade (or quality) as last shipment per AmplifleOy Same grade (or quality) as shipment Amplitudes^ Samples mentioned (in your letter of *—) not yet received. AmpollUy Samples not received. AmpollamoSy Samples not received for — Ampollett*» Samples not received by the ■ Ampollnzza, Samples not received. What shall we do? AmpotiSy Samples not yet received. Send duplicates by hrst opportunity. AmprandOy Samples of —• not yet received. Send duplicates by iirst opportunity. Ampsaenm, See him (them) and arrange matters. AmpulosaSp See him (them) and arrange matters as quickly as possible. AmputzdOy Send by hrst mail without fail. AmputzrlOp Send by first mail without fail a copy of AmpntatriXp Send by first mail without fail two copies of— AmpntOy Send consular invoice. AmputollOf Send consular invoice by first opportunity. AmputonSy Send consular invoice by first opportunity for shipment of Ampycns, Send consular invoice by first opportunity for shipment per — AmncandOp Send invoice in detail by first opportunity. AmueblOy Send invoice in detail by first opportunity for shipment of AmnfadOy Send invoice in detail by first opportunity for shipment per —» AmugronOy Send us an order and we will do the best possible. ArauletiC) Shall we act as agents for you in the matter? AmnradoSy Shall we look after your interests? Amuraty Shall we sign contract? Amnreaban, Shall we ship? Amurillap Shall we ship at that time? AmusgamoSp Shall we ship by AmnsgandOp Shall we ship by first opportunity following? AmnsgarODp Shall we ship by next opportunity following? AnabioSy Shall we ship by that vessel? Anabolap Shall we substitute? AnabolicuSp Shall we substitute what we consider equally as good? Anabolium, Shall we take charge of the business for you? If so, please cable your instructions. AnabrosiSp She has arrived. Aaabura, She has arrived and will sail Aoacardlum, She has arrived and will sail, as at present fixed, on or about Anactorium, She has sailed. AnadosiSp She is consigned to — Anadromep She is consigned to you. Anafestua, She is expected to arrive at loading port so as to load her cargo and sail about — THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. 187 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., iis State Street, Boston. U S. A. Anafora, She is now on a voyage, but is expected to arrive at loading port so as to load her cargo and sail about—^ Anaforieo, She is on a voyage to — Anafrodltay She is on a voyage to — and will be consigned to you. Anagramma^ She is on a voyage to your port. AnaleptleO) She is on a vt^age to your port and will be consigned to you. Anaplastic^ She sailed Anaspando, She sailed to-day. Anaspavay She saikd yesterday. Anatarios. She should arrive at destination about AnatrandOy She should arrive at your port about— AnchariaSy She will be consigned to^—• AneillatoSy She will be consigned to you. AneipitadOy She will go to your port direct. Anclpitoas^ She will go to your port via AncoratOy She will sail Ancyrauuniy She will sail, aS at present fixed, on or about ■ ■ AndamcntOy She will sail on or about AndamiO) She will sail to-morrow. Andaremos, Ship best way you can. AndatorCy Ship by the following order: — Andnlarios, Ship by first steamer the following order: — Anemolia^ Ship by next steamer. AnfanatOy Ship double the quantity. Anforeita, Ship only half the quantity. AngazOSy Ship by S. S. ** Peninsular " the following order: — AnglomanaSy Ship by S. S. ** Vega" the following order: — AngolatOy Shipment to be made not later than — Angrodas, Ship my order by AngnlariaSt Ship my order by if she sails on or before — AngnatammOi Ship my order by first vessel on which you can secure freight room. Aoillarian^ Ship my order (dated ) as soon as possible. Animalesco, Should much prefer Anlmastico, Should much prefer to — Animatore) Should much prefer to meet you. Anisatum, Aniiops, i88 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F* O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A. WORDS FROM OTHER CODES. AnUonini, The following words are from my private code. Anoreetum, The first word following is from my private code, and the rest from this code. ABOrtharfty The two words following are from my private code, and the rest from this code. AnostomOy The three words following are from my private code, and the rest from this code. AnselmOy The four words following are from my private code, and the rest from this code. Anserlna, The hve words following are from my private code, and the rest from this code. Antagony^ The following words are from the A. B. C. Code. Antagoras, The first word following is from the A. 6. C. Code, and the rest from this code. Antecedo, The two words following are from the A. B. C. Code, and the rest from this code. Anteeoros, The three words following are from the A. B. C. Code, and the rest from this code. AnteerUtOf The fourwords following are from the A. B. C. Code^and the rest from this code. Antedico, The five words following are from the A. B. C. Code, and the rest from this code. Antedorsal, The following words are from the Cosmopolitan Code. Antefactum, The first word following is from the Cosmopolitan Code, and the rest from this code. Aotefero, The two words following are from the Cosmopolitan Code, and the rest from this code. Antegestum, The three words following are from the Cosmopolitan Code, and the rest from this code. Antelatum, The four words following are from the Cosmopolitan Code, and the rest from this code. Antemano, The five words following are from the Cosmopolitan Code, and the rest from this code. Anteposito, The following words are from Leiber's Telegraphic Cipher Code. Antepotens, The first word following is from Leiber's Telegraphic Cipher Code, and the rest from this code. Anthodium, The two words following are from Leiber's Telegraphic Cipher Code, and the rest from this code. Anthropoid, The three words following are from Leiber's Telegraphic Cipher Code, and the rest from this code. Antlclpons, The four words following are from Leiber's Telegraphic Cipher Code, and the rest from this code. Antleorro, The five words following are from Leiber's Telegraphic Cipher Code, and the rest from this code.' THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. '89 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U S. A.. Antlerates, Antidoreaa, Antifona, AntigonOR, Autigrsdo, Antimuro, Antipasto, Antlcopo, Antlpodum, Antomides, Anzoladaa, Anzolar, Anzolinho, Anzuelo, Aortieo, Apagado, Apalaneo, Apaneora, Apandara, ApandemoS) Apandillo, Apandorgo, Apanosco, Aparato, Apartium, Apehood, Apelmazo, Apeaboonij Apereollo, ApertamuR, ApcRtaron, The following words are from Scott's Code and Supplement. The first word following is from Scott's Code and Supplement, and the rest from this code. The two words following are from Scott's Code and Supplement, and the rest from this code. The three words following are from Scott's Cede and Supple- ment, and the rest from this code. The four words following are from Scott's Code and Supplement, and the rest from this <^e. The five words following are from Scott's Code and Supplement, and the rest from this code. The following words are from Watkins' Code and Appendix. The first word following is from Watkins' Code and Appendix, and the rest from this code. The two words following are from Watkins'Code and Appendix, and the rest from this code. The three words following are from Watkins' Code and Appen- dix, and the rest from this code. The four words following are from Watkins' Code, and Appen- dix, and the rest from this code. The five words following are from Watkins' Code and Appen- dix, and the rest from this code. Telegram received. Cannot ship as requested hut will ship by the — sailing about . Will this be satisfactory? Telegram received. Cannot ship as requested hut will ship by vessel sailing about . Will this he satisfactory? Telegram received. Caimot ship by vessel named. She is full. Will ship by first vessel on which we can secure freight room. Telegram received too late to cancel your order. Telegram received too late to change your order. Telegram received too late to ship as requested. Telegram received too late to ship as requested. Will ship by first vessel on which we can secure freight room. Telegram received too late to ship as requested. Will ship by the sailing about . Will this he satisfactory? Telegram received too late to stop shipment. Goods were already on board. Terms of the contract are as follows: Telegraph when you ship. Telegraph when you ship and give name of vessel. The delay is — The delay is in getting The delay is in getting a vessel. The delay is in getting a vessel small enough to carry your order. The delay is in getting a vessel that is suited to your order. The delay is in gwting the goods. 190 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Stixet, nostoii. US./. AphftDltey The delay is in getting the goods manufactured. AphyllouSy The delay was caused by Apianoniniy The delay will be Apicaraba^ The delay will be until about ApiculadOy The difficulty is ApicnloSy The difficulty is in getting Apicultor, The difficulty will be to ApidaDBSy The difficulty will be to get ■ ■ ■ Apinarian, There must be no cancellation of the order unless yuu agree tc stand any loss resulting from such cancellation. AplacOy These goods are not manufactured now. Aplana^ Think the delay will not be longer than —- days. AplanabaSy Think we can fill. AplanaraBy Think we can fill order. AplantillOy Think we can fill order, but must have more time. AplastamoSy Think we can fill order* but must have until AplastaadOy Think we can save you about ■ Aplaudas* Think you had better arrange. Aplomando* Think you had better arrange as suggested. Apoeopum* Think you had better arrange with — Apoculnre* Think you had better sc<. Apoeulem* This may delay shipment. Apodamos* This may delay shipment until abou. Apodeetam* This is in addition to order of • Apomazo* This is in addition to order from —— ApophanitOy This is in addition to order sent by Apoptose^ This is in addition to previous order. Aporiandoa* This is the best that can be done at present. Aportlllas* This is the situation at the present writing, but it may chance at any moment. Apostamos, This is the situation at the present writing, but it may change for the worse at any moment. Apostarian, This is the situation at the present writing, but we believe it is likely to improve rather than grow worse. ApostatieOy This is the situation at the present writing, but the feeling i.s that we have seen the worst and from this time onward matters will improve. Apostolat) This is the very best that can be done. Apoatolum, This is the very best we can do. Apostura* This order must be shipped on or before — Apotamia* This vessel is bound to AppagollOf This vessel is bound to this port. Appellandl, This vessel is bound to your port. Appigliano, This vessel is on voyage to —~ Appinza, This vessel is on voyage to your port — Applosom*^ To what amount may I (we) draw? Applicatig, To whom is she consigned? THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. I9' Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 SUte Street, Boston, U. S. A. Applicatam, To whom is the vessel consigned (at —)? Apploratar, To whom shall I (we) apply? AppontonI, To whom shall I (we) apply for — Apportando, To whom shall I (we) apply on arrival (at )? Apprezzano, Try and get an order from Approbamiis, Try and get an order from — for shipment per Approbator, Try and get an order from — for shipment per Bark " Sarah,** Approfonda, Try and secure consignment of Approssimo, Try and secure con»gnment to us of She is bound to this port. Appuntassi, The following words are found in the Special White Star Line Code. Aprazador, The following words are found in the Special Red Star Line Code. AprensamoSy The following words are found in the Special Leyland Line Code. Aptosime, Aptotic, Aptrorum, Apaado, »92 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., xij State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Apulgaba, Unless you can give us. ApunchOy Unless you can give us a higher limit. Aquluas, Unless you can give us a higher limit, we shall be unable to fiH your order. ArabeseOy Unless you can give us more time. ArabizandOy Unless you can give us more time we shall be unable to (ill your order. Arabus, Unless you can increase order. Aracillum, Unless you can increase order to —— Aragonita^ Unless you can increase order to ——, we shall be unable to fill at your limit. ArandolO) ■ Unless you can increase order to — —, we shall be unable to ship. Arapoca, Unless you can increase order to—, we shall be unable to ship within time mentioned. Arbttrados, Arbltrando, Arbocala, Arbogast, Arboladoa, Arbollon, Arborator, THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. i93 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., iij State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Arborifal, Vessel is consigned to Arboroaa^ Vessel is consigned to her captain. Arbroty Vessel is consigned to no one at present. ArbuBtabo, Vessel is consigned to you. Arcadore, Vessel is nearly full. Arebandros, Vessel is not consigned to ■ Arehdraid, Vessel is not consigned to you. Archdtical, Vessel must be consigned to us. Archebnlus, Vessel sailed Archemore^ Vessel sailed to-day. Archenda, Vessel sailed yesterday. ArchepoliSy Vessel will sail, as at present fixed, on or about Archetimus, Vessel will sail on or about ArehUenm, Archlma^e, Arehimagus, Aiehon, Archontie, Arciballo, Areibaneo, 194 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. AreUUmos, ArelmMtro, Areimboldi, Areolalano, Areontado, Areularnm, Ardalna, Ardentello, Ardentibua, Arderollo, Ardiamoa, Ardlentea, Arengador, Arenoao, Areatiaado, Arganollo, Argentamoa, Argeutarnm, Argolieaa, ArgoIieO) Argomento, Argotant, Argntandoa, Arlbonen, Arldornm, Arldnlos, Arlatobnla, Arlatonna, Ariatophon, Armatorum, Armblaker, We accept order. We accept order if you will agree to pay in gold on arrival of goods. We accept order if you will agree to remit by Hrst steamer. We accept order if you will pay in gold on arrival of goods, also cost of freight and insurance on specie this way. We accept order subject to —— We accept order subject to our being able to We accept order subject our being able to charter. We accept order subject to ur being able to charter within specified time. We accept order subject to our being able to charter within your limit. We accept order subject to our being able to fill it at limits given. We accept order subject to our being able to fill it at limits given both as to prices and time of shipment. We accept order subject to our being able to ship within time specified. We are offered We are offered a vessel that will carry about— We are offered a vessel that will carry about Can you change order to agree and what shall we cut down (or increase)? We are remitting —— per — We are remitting to you by first steamer the sum of —* We are sending you a consignment (of ^—) We are sending you a sample consignment (of ——) We are sure we can execute the order to your satisfaction. We expect to ship on or about —~ but may not be able to do so. We give you the consignment. We have the matter well in hand. We have the matter well in hand and will cable as soon as we can get the information desired. We have the matter well in hand and will cable as soon as we make progress enough to warrant reporting. We must be fully protected. We quote approximate cost, freight, and insurance on to your port, as follows: We quote approximate cost, freight, and insurance on cargo mentioned to your port, as follows: We quote prices f. o. b. as follows: We shall have to charge cost of freight and insurance on specie this way. We shall have to charge interest from time of shipment until time of payment here, also cost of freight and insurance on specie this way. THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. '95 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Armborst, Armenstoek, Armentosug, Arm bitten, Armltactor, Armkraft, Armkussen, Armotoma, ' Arpagono, Arripiado, Arrobustar, Arrogador, Armgo, Armmbo, Arsenidos, Arshlne, Arsolah, Artienlado. Artimpasa, Aryandes, Arzinho, Arzobispal, Arzolla, Asal tamos, Asaltarian, Asbostinas, Asbolus, Ascalonem, Ascanius, Asearldes, Ascobolo, Asellaram, Asertorlo, Asereramos, Asfaltado, Asfaltemos, Asfaltieo, Asflxiando, Asfodelado, Asfodelina, Asfodillo, Ashimab, Ashkelon, Ashlar, Why has n't she sailed? We solicit the consignment of - What can you offer for — f. o. b.? What can you offer for — f. o. b, here? What can you offer for f. o. b. in —? What are the terms? What are the terms of the contract? What do you wish us to do? What do you wish us to substitute? What is delaying the What is the best you can do? When and what way does — return? When and what way do they return? When and what way do you return? What part of your order shall we cut down? What part of your order shall we increase? What part of your order shall we increase or diminish? What will it cost? What will it cost to carry out following plan? What will it cost to carry out your plan? When can we expect — ? When can you execute my (our) order? When can you execute my (our) order (of ^—)? When can you remit? When can you remit balance? When can you remit balance due us? When can you ship this order? When did sail? When will the first steamer sail? When will the first steamer sail direct for When may 1 expect my ordcr(s) ? When may we expect your order(s) ? When did she arrive ? When did she sail ? When do you expect — ? When do you expect to ship? When do you expect to ship my (our) order? When do you intend to — When will she be due ? When will she sail? When will the When will the order by her? When will the by her? When will the — by her? When will the sail? sail? sail, and can you ship following sail, and can you ship my order sail, and can you ship my order 196 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Atldno, Asignamos, Aainolto, Askold, Asmatico, Aaobarcar, Asolaramos, Aaolaggimo, Agombro, Agomor, Agpalax, Agpando, Agpariag, Agpartato, Agpeadag, Agpearlan, Agpectamug, Agpeetandi, Agpellant, Agpendiog, Agperella, Agperga, Agpergine, Agpergolo, Agperltndo, Agpermong, Agperog, Agpettaado, Agphalle, Agphaltog, Agphodelug, Agpidinm, Agpiloteg, Agplenog, Agpona, Agporag, Agpredo, Agpoli, When will the sail, and can you ship following order by her? When will the vessel sail? When will the vessel sail, and can you ship my order by her? When will you remit? Where are the samples ? Where are the samples mentioned in your letter of ? Where do you expect to be in —? Why do you not attend to —? Why do you not attend to request in our letter of ^^ ?■ Why do you not send —— ? Why do you not send us some orders? Why have you not shipped my order (dated —) ? Will accept order if you will deposit the amount of the invoice with Will do the best we can, but can give no guarantee. Will do the best we can, but can give no guarantee as to date of sailing. Will do the best we can, but can give no guarantee as to delivery. Will do the best we can, but can give no guarantee as to delivery or date of sailing. Will it do if we ship by ^—? Will it do if we ship by next steamer? Will not join with Will pay as requested. Will pay in gold on arrival here. Will remit as requested. Will remit balance by Will remit by — Will remit by first steamer. Will remit by first steamer the sum of > Will ship all we possibly can. Will ship all we possibly can by Will ship all we possibly can by vessel named. Will ship by Will ship by sailing about — Will ship your order per . If this is not satisfactory, cable reply. Will try and fill order, but think limit too low. Will try and fill order, but think limit too low. Cannot you raise it? Will try and fill order, but think time too short. Will try and fill order, but think time too short and limit too low. Can you give us more time and how much can you raise limit? Will try and fill order, but think time too short. How much longer can you give us? THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX, '97 Published by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 State Street, Boston, U. S. A. Asponteii) Will you accept the consignment of 1 AssadO) Will you accept the consignment of bound to ? Assalgo, Will you pay in gd»d on arrival of goods? Assaltato, Will you remit in gold by first steamer? Assiratnm, Will you see ? Astloeh, Will you see him (or her)? A8toniora]ii> Will you see them? AstOxemiiSy Will you take an interest in consignment of —— ? AtabnluS) Will you take consignment of ? AtalhadOy With this exception. Atamancar, With this exception everything is all right. Atemorlzo, Athanatus, Athanor, Athenibar, Athermancy Atheroma, Athlon. « 198 THE ADAMS CABLE CODEX. Publishea by F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., 115 Sute Street, Boston, U. S. A. Athoneni, Attaotis, Athraeem, Athnilla, Atbymbra, Athymia, Athjrrion, Atlantieoa, AtlaDiieum, Atlaaband, Atlasblnme, Atlttsrock, Atlodyme, Atractode,. Atragantar, You may draw at sight on London for amount of invoice. You may draw with bill of lading attached. You may increase limit as requested. You may increase limit to — You may increase order as requested. You may increase order to You may use your judgment and discretion. You may use your judgment and discretion in executing and shipping the order. Yeu may use your judgpient and discretion in executing the order as to prices, but it must be shipped so as to arrive here on or before — You will save money. You will save money by — You will save money by doing this. You will save money by waiting. Your cable received too late to cancel order. Your cable received too late to stop shipment. Atramento, Atrapadoa, Atroebado, Atronador, Atropina, Atropoua, WHITE 5TAR ^ WEDNE LINE United States and Royal Hail Steamers. WEDNESDAY, New York and Liverpool, CALUNG AT QUEENSTOWN. PASSENGER STEAMERS. M/UeSTIC, 10,000 tons. /ON/Of 4,753 tons. TBUTON/C, xo,ooo tons. DO/f/U* 4,784 tons. BR/TANN/0, 5,000 tons. OOPT/C, 4,448 tons. QERMANIO, 5,oco tons. BCLQIC, 4,211 tons. ADR/AT/0, 3,887 tons. QAEL/Q, 4,205 tons. QOTHIC, 7,730 tons. OCBAHIO, 3,807 tons. CARGO AND LIVE STOCK STEAMERS. *0£0/t6/Ct Twin Screw, xo,ooo tons. TAU/i/0, Twin Screw, 5,728 tons. •• '• ®'3'S " HOMAOIO, „ „ '5,749 „ fiOC/C. „ „ 6,583 „ OUFIO, „ „ 4,639 .. RUN/C, Twin Screw, 4,640 tons. ^Largest Cargo Steamer in tne world. Route. ~ The Steamers of this Line adhere strictly to the Atlantic Lane Routes, on both the outward and homeward voyages. Baggage. — Each adult passenger is allowed to carry 20 cubic feet, and any- thing in excess of this quantity will be charged at the rate of is. per foot. Trunks or packages for Staterooms should not exceed 14 inches in height, 2 feet in width, or 3 (eet in length. Baggage can be sent to the Pier on Monday or Tuesday before sailing. Insurance. ~ Baggage can be insured at 25 cents per $100. Steamer Chairs. — Specially constructed for this Company, can be hired for $1.00 at this office or on the Company's Pier. Orders should be accompanied by cash. Jewelry and all Valuables are entirely at the passenger's risk, unless placed in the Purser's care. Steamers sail every Wednesday from Pier 45, foot of West 10th Street. Cotton is carried on the Mail Steamers of the White Star Line, Pacifle Steam Navigation Co., to East and West Coast of . South America. ' AGENCY Orient Line, to Naples, B^pt, and Australia. tShftW, SsTill A Albion Line, to Teneriffe, Cape Town, Tas- mania, and New Zealand. ~ Castle Hail Packet Co., to Cape Town and all points in South Africa. SPECIAL PLEASURE EXCURSIONS, by Orient Line Steameia from London, during Winter and Spring Months to the Mediterranean, and during the Summer to the Norway Fiords and North Cape (for midnight sun). Send for circulars giving routes, passage rates, etc. F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., OenT Agents, ,15 State Street, cor. Broad St. BOSTON. Teiephone 1359. Red Star Line. One of the Shortest Routes to NEW YORK Belgium, Holland, France, Swit- AND zerland, The Rhine and Italy. ANTWERP. S.S. '^SOUTHWARK/' 8607 Tons, and S.S. " KENSINGTON," 8669 Tons. S.S. "Southwakk" and "Kensington" are Twin Screw Steamers of Latest Construction. They were built in the year 1894, and special pains were taken in fitting them out, so as to combine in them greatest SBjfety, comfort and speed. The steamers are provided with a double bottom, and are divided into five watertight compartments. The first and most important difference is in the fact that S.S. "Southwakk" and "Kensington" carry only one class of cabin passengers, which is called " Second Cabin," but is practically "First Cabin." The staterooms are in the centre of the vessel, where the highest priced First Cabin rooms are located in other steamers. The passengers have the use of the main saloon, the promenade deck, smoke-room, bath-rooms, etc., etc., in the best part of the steamer. For passage, cabin plans, etc., apply to F. O. HOUGHTON & CO., New England Agents, US State Street, Cor. Broad St., BOSTON. W. N. Proctor & Co. Customs SSro/cersj J'orwarders and i^ailroad ^ffonts. lmpor*t F'reigfit Agents. NHW MNGI^AND R. R. BOSTON & ATBANY R. R. MRIB R. R. BRIM DBSPATCH. WBST SHORB BINB. Through Bills of Lading issued from Europe to all points in United States and Canada. Consignments of Personal Baggage and House- hold Effects Solicited* Entries also made in Chicago^ Philadelphia and Baltimore. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT EUROPE. OFJPICEJS t BOSTON: 7 India Street. HVMRPOOI: 18 James Street. NBW YORK: zg Broadway. Cable Ad^ess, "TRUCK." LEYLAND LINE. Passenger Steamers. A "RIWRTrT A TT Y Tonnage. Itength. Breadth. Xtepth. Feet, Feet, Feet. N,) c •W, ) CESTBIAN, VICTORIAN LANCASTRIAN, PHILADELPHIAN, 9.000 515 59 39 I 6,000 442 45 35 » ) These Steamers are appointed to sail from BOSTON EVERY WEDNESDAY, From Pier 6, Boston & Albany Docks, East Boston, and from LIVERPOOL EVERY SATURDAY. These new and immense steamships are the largest vessels sail- ing from Boston, and have a limited number of staterooms for ist cabin passengers at very moderate rates. No steerage carried. The staterooms are large and roomy, and are located on the top or Bridge Deck, thus ensuring the best of ventilation. RATES VERY MODERATE. FREDK. LEYLAND & CO., Limited, 27 James Street, Liverpool. Berths secured only on deposit of $25 per passenger. For passage, cabin plans, etc., apply to F. o. Houghton & Co., Cencral Passenoer Agents, J15 State Street, Cor. Broad Street, BOSTON.  BURGLARSssTttlEVES THESE PREMISES PROTECTED BY N E B I CS- ^ « si i ■S" s &> e> O = i ^ I to « Insurance Company of JBoStOXX, IVCASfit. Head Office: 178 DEVONSHIRE STREET. Board of Directors: William H. Brewster. Hon. Charles A. Sinclair. James E. Whitney. B. Rowland Allen. Hon. Frank Jones, Howard S. Wheelock. George D. Aloen. W. Putnam Page. Eugene P. Carver. WM. H. BKKWSTEK, Pres. JAS. E. WHITNEY, Jr., Sec. ani> Treas. HOWARD S. WHEELOCK, General Manager. Before going abroad be sure to get a policy of this Company, your house may be pntered irhile you are away. BOSTON TOW BOAT CO. *** Towing of Vessels in harbor and bay and along the coast from Nova Scotia to South America. I/ightering Merchandise of all kinds in Boston Harbor and transportation along the entire coast. "Wrecking Apparatus of all kinds ready at short notice to relieve vessels in distress. MAIN OFFICE, 89 STATE ST., BOSTON. Boat OtBce, Bad of Lewis Wharf. New York Oi&ce, 70 South Street. Philadelphia Office, 338 So. Delaware Ave. Baltimore Ofhce, 203 Smith's Wharf. ALFRED WINSOR, Pres't. W. P. HUMPHREY, Treas. T. I. WIHSOR, Manager. Mbitc Star Xine. EXCHANGE ON GREAT BRITAIN, PAYABLE IN ANY TOWN OR CITY IN ENGLAND, IRELAND OR SCOTLAND. Drafts payable everywhere on the Continent and at the Azores Islands and Madeira. Btlas Xine ^ STMAMnRS. SPECIAL WEEKLY SERVICE OF ^ WINTER TOURS TO THE TROPICS. ¥¥¥ DIRECT RASSBINGER SERVICE NEW YORK KINGSTON, JflmfllGH, West Indies and Sontb Ameriea, Repuhlie of Colombia, Costa Riea, Guatemala, Honduras, and The Repuhlie of Hayti. The fleet of the Atlas Line are all iron and steel screw steam- ships, constructed under the superintendence of the surveyors to English Lloyds and in accordance with the requirements of the British Board of Trade. The Atlas Steamship Company's fleet comprises twelve Iron and Steel Steamers, built by the most celebrated shipbuilders in Great Britain; they are constructed in water-tight compartments, the greatest care and attention having been bestowed upon the con- struction of the compartments and water-tight bulkheads. They have also been fitted up specially for the convenience of passen- gers; the accommodations are of the best description and the steamers are furnished ^ith every requisite for making their trips safely and agreeably. The Company since its formation, twenty-five years ago, has a remarkable record for safety, and being its own insurer offers the best guarantee that every precaution is taken for the safe navi- gation of its vessels. For* Ffeisht or* Fassaee, apply to FORWOOD BROTHERS & CO. - - - London. LEECH, HARRISON & FORWOOD, Mgrs., LIvorpooI. PIM, FORWOOD & KELLOCK, Qen'l Agents, 24 State Street, New York. F. O. HOUGHTON <5c CO., New England Agents. 115 State St., Boston, U.S.A. ♦ Direct Steamship line to AZORES, MADEIRA, LISBON, CADIZ, GIBRALTER, CANARY ISLANDS, CAPE VERDE ISLANDS. S. S. PENINSULAR, S. S. VECA, 4100 tons. 3800 tons. Sailings from New York about every month. These fine Steamers have been equipped especially for the trade. Large staterooms, electric lights and bells, bath-rooms, and well-ventilated closets, light, open, dining saloons amidships, music room, smoke-room upon upper deck; all heated by steam. Spacious promenade with awnings, settees, and comfortable chairs. Special tours among the Islands from six to ten weeks, by interchanging with vessels of same line; passengers remaining upon vessel when in port. The pursers will act as interpreters, seeing passengers through Custom House, securing rooms at hotels, transferring baggage, etc., etc. Invalids and ladies travelling alone carefully looked after and given every attention and comfort. Passengers booked through to Lisbon have the privilege of remaining on the Azores at their leisui%, take our Steamer for Maderia, remain there, and can continue the journey to Lisbon when ready. For further particulars apply to BENSAUDE & CO. ADOLPH FALCK, Oen'l Passenger Agent, Lisbon and Fayal. 29 Broadway, New York. F. O. HOUGHTON 6c CO., 115 State St., cor. Broad St., BOSTON. Cable Address; DELTA. KIDDER, PEABODY & CO., 113 DEVONSHIRE STREET, BOSTON. BANKERS. ¥¥ INVESTMENT SECURITIES, FOREIGN EXCHANGE, LETTERS OF CREDIT. RASSRORTS. Passports are issued only to citizens of the United States, upon application, supported by proof of citizenship. Citizenship is acquired by birth, by naturalization, and by annexation of territory. An alien woman who marries a citizen of the United States thereby becomes a citizen. Minor children resident in the United States become citizens by the naturalization of their father. * NATURRLIZED CITIZENS. If the applicant be a naturalized citizen, his certificate of natu- ralization must be transmitted for inspection (it will be returned with the passport), and he must state in his afifidavit that he is the identical person described in the certificate presented. Passports cannot be issued to aliens who have only declared their intention to become citizens. Military service does not confer citizen- ship. Every applicant is required to state his occupation, and the place of his permanent legal residence, and to declare that he goes abroad for temporary sojourn, and intends to return to the United States with the purpose of residing and performing the duties of citizenship therein. The wife or widow of a naturalized citizen must transmit the naturalization certificate of the husband, stating in her affidavit that she is the wife or widow of the person described therein. The oath of allegiance to the United States will be required in all cases. KPPLICKTION. The application should be accompanied by a description of the person, stating the following particulars, viz.: Age: years. Stature: feet, inches (English measure). Forehead: . Eyes: . Nose: . Mouth: . Chin: . Hair: . Complexion: —. Face: —. If the applicant is to be accompanied by his wife, minor children, or servants, it will be sufficient to state the names and ages of such persons, and their relationship to the applicant, when a single passport for the whole will suffice. A woman's passport may include her minor children and servants. A passport is good for two years from its date, and no longer. Citizens of the United States desiring to obtain passports while in a foreign country must apply to the chief diplomatic represen- tative of the United States in that country, or, in the absence of a diplomatic representative, then to the consul-general, if there be one; or, in the absence of both the officers last named, to a consul. Professional titles will not be inserted in passports. 3 5556 005 399 498