THIS BOOK SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS CATALOGUES No... Boston. March. .X., in.QiS».. This Type and Printing Machinery Catalogue is ioaned to M *^>'9.9.9. .9.9.♦. r. Gran.d.Hap.ldl.5., ....Ml.ohieTdh.».. Please do not mutilate in any way. Send your in¬ quiries by giving names and numbers. In case this book cannot be used by the recipient and to our mutual benefit, please return. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY ALL HANSEN TYPE HAS THE DIAMOND NICK ALL POINT BODY QUADS AND SPACES ARE NICKLESS DIAMOND ON COV8R MADE FROM HANSEN'S HIGH ART GRASS RULE NO. 7U. TYPE USED IS THE SUFFALO FAMILY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY EVANSTON, ILLINOIS A BOOK OF TYPES BORDERS. ORNAMENTS BRASS RULE. PRINTING MATERIALS AND THE LIKE FOR PRINTERDOM 1909 HANSEN'S SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED 1872 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 190-192 CONGRESS STREET. BOSTON. MASS. 43 CENTRE STREET. NEW YORK CITY Copyright, 1908, by H. C. Hansen ORDER FROM GRAND RAPIDS ELECTROTYPE CO.. CITZ. 5ú¿6. - BELL 966, 2 - 8 LYON ST., GRAND, RAPIDS, MICH, COMPLETE TYPE FOUNDRY Telephone 2738 Main Cable Address: "Hansen, Boston" H. C. HANSEN. Proprietor and General Manager H, ALFRED H ANSE N, Manager L G H1 L /¡iCcnUt 5". NEW YORK BRANCH HOUSE 43 Centre Street f ¿ i 'iO<:rr>0(><:r>fl(><::3>o»oo)o^r>oo<3><::z>«CKCi><)0oo<:^o0£ oo<::»o<:z>0(xr:r>«(xi:>ooc^o<:^ooooo<3>oo<:^o«c:>oo«o<=>«oco MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENTS OF ü[t|ß OI. l^attHcn Sfounötg TYPE CASTING DEPARTMENT ENGRAVING AND DESIGNING DEPARTMENT BRASS RULE DEPARTMENT LEAD. SLUG, AND METAL FURNITURE DEPARTMENT BRASS GALLEY DEPARTMENT SPECIMEN PRINTING DEPARTMENT DRAFTING DEPARTMENT ERECTING AND FINISHING DEPARTMENT MACHINE SHOP WOOD PATTERN DEPARTMENT AND MANY OTHERS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF MACHINERY, ETC. FOR A COMPLETE TYPE FOUNDRY oo«(x:r>oocr>oo^z>oo<=:x)oix:zr>oo()«c:::>ooocKrrx)o ¿?(Kc^(<:^(oo<:=>oooooooo<:r>oo)()<^:>0(>cc>«()<:=>o!><:r>)()<:r:>0()<:r>o? e-POlNT ROYAL BORDER. 60 INCHES %A.50 ORDER FROM GRAND RAPiDS ELECTOOTYPE CO.. CITZ. 5866, BELL 866. 2 - 8 LYON ST., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 498583 HIGHEST AWARD TO H. C. HANSEN FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF PRINTERS' MATERIALS AND MACHINERY 1887 HIGHEST AWARD TO H. C. HANSEN FOR EXCELLENCE OF TYPE PRODUCTS WELL CONFIRMING THE SUPERIOR QUALITY 1895 THE ABOVE IS A REPRODUCTION OF A FEW ORIGINAL COPIES OF U. S. PATENTS GRANTED TO MR. H. C. HANSEN. THEY REPRESENT INVENTIONS ON SPECIAL MACHINERY. SUCH AS TYPE CASTING MACHINES, BRASS RULE MACH I NES, LEAD AND SLUG MACH I NES, TYPE FACES. AND INTRICATE MACHINERY FOR THE ACCURATE MANUFACTURE OF TYPE THE ABOVE IS A FAC-SIMILE OF ORIGINAL COPIES OF PATENTS GRANTED TO MR. H. C. HANSEN IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. THEY REPRESENT INVENTIONS ON THE MOST IMPORTANT MACHINERY FOR THE TYPE INDUSTRY H. C. HANSEN PREFACE AND HISTORY HE equipment or "|)lant" of a tyj)e foundry consists of Kundreds of tkousands of moulds, mackines, tools and aJiJiliancGS. Because of tke utmost accuracy required in tke pro- ducts, it takes a long time, great skill and large cafntal to equijj tke filant, as only ordinary mackinery, tools and afifiliances can ke fiurckased, all tkose required for tke finer work kaving to ke designed and made esfiecially for tkeir various fiurfioses. Producing tke equifiment of a tyfie foundry kas, invariakly, keen accomfilisked only ky ardent and kigk skilled work, and, almost invariakly, only tkrougk tke succeeding skill of several generations, and tkrougk various stages and ckanges of ownerskif) kave tyfie foundries kecome successful and first-class. Tke kistories of many well known type foundries in Europe and in tkis country make interesting reading for firinters, tyj>e founders, and ,tke fiuklic in general, Tkey teack fiarticu- larly tkat tke tyfie founding art is tke kasis for tke tyfiografikical art, wkick, in turn, is essential to tke growtk and exjjansion of all otker industries. Tke kistory of tkis, Tke H. C. Hansen Tyfie Foundry, is in many resf>ects different from tkat of any otker, as its success kas all keen accomfilisked ky one person witkout assistance of comkinations, kut tkrougk kis ;^ersistent lakor and skill. It can tkerefore, ke kest exfilained ky giving a skort description of kis life and lakors. Mr. H. C. Hansen was korn Octoker sixtecntk, 1845, in a small town in tke soutkern part of Norway. His grandfatker was tke owner and operator of flour mills and farms. His grand- fatker on kis motker s side was superintendent of iron works, and was in possession of tke secret of producing wrougkt iron from cast iron (tke well known Norway iron). He kas keen akle to collect tke kistory of kis ancestors for akout tkrec kundred years kack, and found tkem to kave keen of considerakle prominence in tke community in wkick tkey lived. His fatker purckased an estate, including river and waterfalls, and erected tkereon, in tke year 1851, mills operated ky water power. Mr. Hansen, in kis sixtk year, got kis first knowledge of meckanical engineering. It was especially interesting to kim to learn tkat one piece of iron could ke cut witk anotker piece of iron in tke skape of a cold ckisel. During ckildkood ke applied all kis spare time to making miniature mills of various kinds and otker articles for tke amusement of kimself and playmates. As a young man ke kecame tolerakly efficient in every trade known to kim at tkat time, suck as klacksmitking, carpentering, painting, wkeelwrigkt, tailoring, skoe-making, glazing, kridge kuild- ing, stone and krick laying, lock and clock making and farming. His sports were mostly koating, fisking and gunning. He graduated from tke Tecknology at Horton, in 1866, and went akroad to gain furtker knowledge, remaining some time in eack of tke following countries, Denmark, Germany and England, engaging in various meckanical industries, suck as engine and skip kuilding, koiler making and tke making of cylinder printing presses. Arriving in Boston, January 11, 1868, ke entered tlie einf)loy of tKe Dickinson Ty^e Foundry, tKrou^K tlie medium of an advertisement in tke Boston Herald. He remained in tke em;^loy of tke Dickinson Tyjie Foundrys.until after tke kig Boston tire, November 9. 1872. engaged {irincijially in tke making of tyjie, brass rules, matrices, leads, slugs, metal lurniture. etc. Whatever branck of tyjie making lie was directed to do was always executed to a {lerfectioii. and no .salesman in tke office or any of tke customers ever found kis work defective. Wken 111 tke emjiloy of tke Dickinson TyJic Foundry lie made tke column rules, kcad rules, daskes, etc.. furnisked for tke first is.sue of tke Boston Globe. Tke fire of November 9tk con¬ sumed all of tke Dickinson TyJie Foundry s filant witk tke cxcefition of tke fiuiickes, matrices and moulds wliicli were kcfit in safes, but tkey were considerably damaged. Tke mackinery, tools and otker devices were destroyed, and it became necessary for tke re-establiskment of tkat foundry to fiurckase tke best obtainable, but it was not ufi to tke standard of construction to conform witk Mr. Hansen s concefition of wkat could and should be accomfilisked in tke way of imfiroved and labor saving mackinery and devices. It was owing to these and similar circum¬ stances tkat Mr. Hansen formed tke bold re.solution to establish a Tyfie Foundry of kis own, relying entirely on kis own resources and ability. Tke only devices in kis possession at tkat time were a two-foot measuring rule and a limited capital. His first act 111 beginning was tke designing, drafting and constructing of mackinery, etc. for making brass rule, circles, ovals, leads, slugs, metal furniture and otker articles which were not easily obtained from any manufacturer in Boston. By constant work from early in tke morning until late at ni gkt. Mr. H ansen was able to fill orders by tk c end of tke year 1872. His customers were so well pleased with kis goods tkat at every opportunity wken any of tkeir printer friends wanted anything in kis line tkey referred tkem to Mr. Hansen. To this date wken inventive genius is needed, many manufacturers send tkeir inquiries to Tke H. C. Hansen Type Foundry. In tke year 1875. for want of space, he moved kis foundry from 241^ Exchange Street, to 26 Hawley Street, and added to kis plant type machines, moulds and matrices for casting quads and spaces to tke old standard of bodies, as each type foundry made type to tkeir own irregular standards. Tke M^ardcr-Euce Type Foundry, of Chicago, was tke first to adopt tke point system standards, and Mr. Hansen made spaces and quads to tke point standards, and was tke first one in New England adopting tke point standard body sizes. Among kis first, largest and best constant customers may be mentioned Thomas Todd. Rand. Avery Co.. Rand-Avery Supply Co., Rockwell fS Churchill Co,, A. Mudge Son, L. Barta. M^rigkt Potter Printing Co.. Samp.son. Murdock ^ Co., J. S. Cvisking Co., Frank Wood. F. H. G ilson, Ginn Co.. C. H. Simonds Co.. Perry, Ma.son È? Co.. C. H. Heintzman. E. B. Stillmgs. Samuel Usher, and tke Boston Newspapers, as tkey. with many otker first-class houses were seeking for new designs and new methods in printing, this afforded Mr. Hansen great opportunity to gam knowledge of the printers wants and enabled kim to furnish goods and articles tkat could not be obtained from any otker firm. Each department in tke type foundry requires special expert kelp, suck as designers and engravers in tke punch cutting departments: fitters and battery men in tke fitting departments: casters and adjusters in tke type casting departments: dressers, kerners, setters, rubbers and pagers in tke type finishing departments: dividers of fonts: labelers and packers of type in tke font- ing departments: mould makers, tool makers and machinists in tke machine shops: casters and finishers in the lead, slug and metal furniture departments; rule makers and finishers in the hrass rule departments: compositors and pressmen in the specimen printing departments: drafts¬ men, pattern and cahinet makers in the dralimg and wood-working departments: salesmen, shippers, bookkeepers, collectors, typewriters and slenogrupliers in the warcrooms and offices. Mr. Hansen is an expert in all the trades and prolessions with the exception of the last mentioned. He can execute or give directions, when occasion requires, in any or all of these branches. Whenever his cus¬ tomers have asked his advice in any mechanical difficulty he has been able and willing to impart the needed instructions, and many inventors have saved or made money by receiving his impartial opinion. Experienced workmen in type making were for many years not to be hired except by taking them from some other type foundry, which was against Mr. Hansen s principles to do, and he never hired any men while they were in the employ of any other foundry. His method has been to select the most intelligent young men from other occupations, and, with his instruction, they have become the best workmen in type making. His employees have been most sought for by others, and many of the best type makers with his competitors are men who received their first and principal instructions from Mr. Hansen, but he has retained the choice men for his own foundry. Several of his men have been with him from twenty to more than thirty years, and he has the most expert help employed in any type foundry. Among his first inventions for the benefit of the printing industry was making steel cut¬ ting dies for use on the printing press, round and square brass corners, the blocking of regular borders, circles, ovals and cutting dies in metal, the irregular waved and nicked line brass rule borders, and the making of music type from brass. Not the least important is the making of type metal. Mr. Hansen has made it a special study to compound the most durable metal from cop¬ per, tin, lead and antimony, these being the only metals of any practical value in the composition of type metal, and he has been successful in producing metal type of the highest grade. Among his numerous inventions may be mentioned one of recent years most important to the type founding and typographical arts. It enables the type founder to produce fonts of type to perfect height and with less labor than by the old method of filing matrices to height by hand. It consists of very sensitive and accurately designed and constructed instruments and machines, which he patented, in the year 1903, in this country and Europe. Besides in his own foundry, the same are in use in the largest independent type foundry m the M^est, and also in one of the foremost type foundries in Pans, France, to whom he has furnished instruments and machines and granted license to operate. Mr. Hansen has designed and constructed his own type casting machines, type moulds, type finishing machinery, tools and devices, machinery, moulds, etc. for the making of leads, brass rules, and all other articles necessary for the manufacture of type in all its branches: he has improved and simplified everything: designed numerous faces for type and borders. Of his inventions in machines for the trade may be mentioned the Hansen Per¬ forating Machine, Hansen Complete Mitering Machine, Rule Curving Machine and the Hansen Complete Lead and Rule Cutter, all of which have proved superior to all other makes. Taking great interest in the advancement of all industries, he visited the Centennial Expo¬ sition at Philadelph la, 1876, Columtian Exjiosition at Ckicago, 1893, and tke Louisiana PurcliaSG Exjiosition at St. Loviis, 1904, and most of tke variovis industrial and meckanical fairs in New England and New York. He kas been a constant observer and stvident of tke rebuilding of Boston, and no new enterf>rise, be it large or small, witkin kis reack, escapes kis notice. Before tlie estatliskment of tke TyJ)e Foundry Trust in 1892, tkere were many indejien- dent tyjie foundries in tkis country of wkick only four are remaining. It was tke ^ride of Boston tkat it kad five, as follows: Tke Dickinson Tyjie Foundry. Tke Boston Tyjie Foundry. Tke New England TyJie Foundry, Curtis Mitckell TyJie Foundry and Tke H. C. Hansen TyJie Foundry. Tke Dickinson and Boston Foundries were taken in tke trust: tke New England an d Curtis Mitckell Foundries dissolved, it is sujijiosed, for lack of skill; tke only one now remaining doing all its iiianufacturing in Boston is Tke H. C. Hansen TyJie Foundry. Wken Adr. Hansen first entered a tyJie foundry and Legan making tyJie ke started in tkat trade, not as Leginners usually do. witkout any Jiractical knowledge, Lut ke Legan witk tkeoreti- cal and practical knowledge as a meckanical engineer, a great matkematician and a student of imjirovements and inventions, and. Leing Llessed witk good kealtk and strengtk, ke ajifilied kis energies and knowledge to tke ufiLuilding of tke tyfie foundry and tke making of tyJie. AVitk forty-one years Jiractical exjierience in type making credited to Mr. H. C. Hansen, to wkick kis well equifijied, kigk standard tyJie foundry Lears evidence, may it not Le justly claimed Ly Tke H. C. Hansen Tyfie Foundry tkat it kas tke most exjiert type founder living as its general manager and JiroJirietor? In mentioning tke aLove facts for tke first time, in tke Liografky of H. C. Hansen, we wisk to conclude wi tk tke great imfiortance of Laving suck a Lead to Luild uji tkis, Tke H. C. Hansen TyJie Foundry, so tkat it is now an undisputed fact tkat tkis Type Foundry kas all possiLilities to continue for generations to come, keeping its standard at tke kigkest point. In its manufacturing departments. Mr. Hansen kas a son. F. A. Hansen, wko kas already served several years under Lis supervision. Anotker son, H. Alfred Hansen, now manager of Tke H. C. Hansen Type Foundry, after receiving a meckanical training, starting in tke year 1897, Legan in tke mackine skop under Adr. H. C. Hansen s instruction, working as an appren¬ tice in tke Llacksmitk department, forging various tools and later Luilding type moulds, type mackines. and otker mackinery for tke foundry. He also went tkrougk tke general working of lead and slug. Lrass rule and matrix departments, and all otker departments. Afterward ke entered as a salesman, and later in tke office in kis present position. At tkis date ke keeps in touck witk all tke manufacturing departments and many inventions kave Leen Lrougkt aLout Ly kis knowledge of meckanics and tke training received from kis fatker. He kas Lrougkt aLout tke estaLliskment of a New York Lranck and agencies in many leading cities in tke United States. Complete printing offices kave Leen skipped from our Boston office to San Francisco and Hansen Type is prevailing in tke Nortkwest. Leing skipped from our St. Paul agency. Skip- ments of Hansen Type are now going Lroadcast to all parts of tke world. Previous to tkis tkere kas Leen no opportunity to place Lefore tkose interested in tke print¬ ing office and puLliskers a fair representation of tkis type foundry, illustrated in tke form of a catalog, and we Lope tkat tkis Look will Le carefully preserved and referred to. Tkere are many items of importance tkat could not Le completed in time to Le included in tkis Look. Evidence of our position in tke kigk rank of Type Founding is. we Lelieve, well disclosed in tkis Look. Tke patronage of our printer friends kas made all tkis possiLle, and it is to tkem we acknowledge kerein our gratitude. Tkeir kearty support in tke future will enaLle us to progress, wkick will Le to our mutual advantage. Tkis Type Foundry is aLsolutely independent and is not connected witk, or controlled Ly, any comLination or trust. Criticisms sent in to tke Boston manager will Le appreciated. Untrue reports kave Leen made, Ly competitors and kistonans, relative to tkis foundry. Lut we Lelieve we are now defended Ly tke facts mentioned aLove as well as Ly tkis complete catalog. the: hansein supeirior qualíty ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 INDEX TO TYRE BORDERS. ORNAMEillfst BRASS RULE, Etc. ACCENTS. Job and Body Type . . 42-44 Accents, Piece . . . 44 Ad. and Job Borders . . 184, 185, 189 Ad. Corners. Hansen's . . 183 Aladdin Ornaments . . 205 Aleppo Borders and Ornaments . . 195 Alfred Initials . .215 Antique No. 31 . . 96, 161 Arancio Borders . 211 Arrow Pointers . . 182 Automobile Ornaments . . 208 BALLOT SIGNS . . 167 Barrister Italic . 55 Bean Pots . .... 208 Berkshire Ornaments . 262-277, 375 Beveled Quotations and Quads . . 256, 257, 378 Bird Ornaments . . . . 205 BlackText. 98 Boldface No. 16 . . . 99 Boldface No. 150, Lining . 98 Borders and Bands Ad. and Job . . 184, 185, 189 Aleppo . . 195 Arando. . . 211 Bellman . . . 200 Buffalo. . . . . 190, 202 Buffalo Outline . 202 Commercial . 185 Crinklesquare . 188 Croix. . 197 Crystal. . . 213 Egg-and-Dart . 213 Fleur-de-lis. . . 196 Grapevine . 206 Holly . - . . 201 Imperial Borders and Bands . . 209 Laurel . . . 193 Maltese Cross . 188 Marguerite . . . . 192 Multiplex . . ... . 186, 187 Nos. 502, 503 . . 190 No. 504 . . . 210 No. 1450 . . .375 Panel . ... . 208 Reliance . . . . 188 Royal . 3. 375 Runlon . 203, 210 Slam ... . 210 Square Unit . . . 213 Sylph . . 198, 199 Sylph Outline .... . 198, 199 Sylph Stippled . . . . 200 Twig . . . . 188 Twin Buffalo . . 190 Uneeda. . . 210 University . 212 Waverley Bands . 200 Zion . . 168 Boston Bean Pols . . . 208 Boston Gothic . . . . 118, 119 Boston Italic . . . 376 Braces. Hansen's Handy . . 168 Braces and Half Braces, Brass . . 240 Brackets. . ... . 167 Brass and Copper Thin Spaces . . 261 Brass Centre Pieces . . . . 254 Brass Circles and Ovals . . 242-247 Brass Clamps, Curved Lines . . 241 Brass Corners Brazed... . . 254 Combination . . 253 Dash . . . 241 DlaRonal . .... 252 Mortised . . 253 Slolled . . . . 255 Solid ... . 249-251 Square ... . . 226 Brass Dashes . . . 231. 239 Brass Flourishes ... . . .241 Brass Fractional Marks ... .254 Brass Leaders,Labor-saving . . 231 Brass Leads and Slugs , . . 237 Brass Rule Border Designs . . 248 Brass Rules . . 217-230 Advertising . . .231 Art . . . 227 Column . 232 Dash . . . 231 Halftone . . . . . 228 Head . . 232 High Art. . . . 229, 230 Initial ... . . 255 Labor-saving . . . 236, 237 Linotype Column . . . .232 Mltered, Labor-saving . 233-237 New . 225, 226 New Designs . 235 Perforating . . . 231 Popular . . .234 Scoring . . .231 Brass Trade Signs . . . . . 231 Buffalo Series . . . 76-78, 158, 159 Buffalo Condensed . . .80, 81 Buffalo Italic. . ... 79 Buffalo Outline .82,83,155 CALEN DAR and Commercial Figures . 170-179 Calendars, Perpetual ... .... 169 Cambridge ... . 126, 127, 164 Campaign Ornaments . . 191 Card Gothic ... .144 Card Gothic No. 2 . . . . . 145 Card Gothic No. 3 . . . 146, 147 Card Pips . . 167 Card Roman . . 148 Card Text .143 Caslon Fullface, Lining . . . .32-45 Caslon Fullface Italic, Lining. . .45 Caslon 0. S. No. I . . ... 29, 37 Caslon 0. S. No. 2 . . . 30, 31, 46. 47 Caslon O. S. Italic No. 2 . . . 48 Circles and Ovals. Brass . . 242-247 Commercial Borders . . 185 Commercial Signs . . 166 Commonwealth . . 136 Congress. ... . .131 Copperplate Roman . ... .153 Corner Quads, Brass .... .241 Corner Quads, Metal . . . 227 Crawford . . 70-72 Crawford Italic ... .73 Crinklesquare Borders . . 188 Croix Borders . . 197 Crystal Borders. . . 213 Cursive Script . . .98 Cutting Dies, Steel . . 238 Cutting Rule, Steel . 231 DASHES, Brass . .231, 239 Dashes, Fancy . . .167 Dashes, Lining Job . . . . 167 Date Lines, Electrotyped . . ... 180 De Vinne No. 3, Lining 84, 85, 156 De Vlnne Condensed No.3.Lining. . .86, 157 De Vinne Ext. Condensed No. 3, Lining 90, 91 De Vinne Extended . 88, 89 De Vlnne Italic No. 3, Lining 87 EGG-AND-DART Borders . .213 Estimates for Job Offices . . 17 Extended Lining Gothic . . .123 FERNCROFT Initials 214 Figures, Calendar and Commercial . . . 170-179 Figures, Tabular. . ... 178,179 Figures, I nferior . . .167 Figures, Superior . 167 Fists ... . . 167 Flags .191 Fleur-de-lis Borders and Ornaments . . 196 Floral Ornaments . 206 Florette Ornaments . 206 Fourteenth Century 36 Fractions De Vinne . . . |66 Gothic . . 166 Miscellaneous . . |66 Modern. . .166 Old Style . . .166 Piece .167 French Old Style Italic No. 3, Lining. . 52 French Old Style No. 3, Lining. . . 35, 52, 53 Furniture, Metal. . . 258, 260 GERMAN Boldface. 38 German Text. . 39 German, lO-Point. . . .169 Gothic No. 1 . ,104 Gothic Condensed No. 2 . . . 107 Gothic Condensed No. 3 . . 108, 109 Gothic Condensed No. 4 . .125 Gothic Condensed No. 5 . . . . . 124 Gothic Condensed No. 400 . .110-112 Gothic Extra Condensed . . . . 106 Gothic No. 6 . . . . . 114, 115 Gothic No. 18, Lining . . . 122 Gothic Italic . . . 120, 121 Grapevine Borders . . 206 HALFTONE Shadowtype . . .380,381 Hampton . . 74 Hansen 0. S. No. 30, Lining . . .92, 93, 165 Hansen 0. S. Italic No. 30, Lining. . . 94 Hansen 0. S. No. 40, Lining . . 97, 163 Hansen Ornaments . 195 Hansen Vertical Script. ,149 Heading ... .100 Heading Outline . . |00 Holly Borders . . . 201 Holly Ornaments. . . 201, 283 Howland . . .138 Hub Ornaments . 185 Hunnewell Italic ... 58 Hunnewell Series . . .34. 56-61 IMPERIAL Borders and Bands. . . 209 Imprints . . .168 I nclined Gothic . j |3 Inferior Figures . 167 Initial Rules, Brass . . 255 1 nitials Alfred 215 Berkshire . 263, 267, 269, 274, 275, 276, 277, 375 Ferncroft. . . 214 Hansen 0. S. .214 Sylph .216 LABOR-SAVI NG Brass Rule . . . 236, 237 Lace Ornaments . ..211 Lafayette Text . 140-142 Laurel Border . 193 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 13 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 Leaders, Lining. Leads and Slugs . .231 . 40-41 . 261 . 98 . 32, 45 . . . 45 4,85, 156 .86. 157 Lining Boldface No. 150 Lining Caslon Fullface . . . Lining Caslon Fullface Italic . Lining DeVlnneNo.3.. Lining De Vlnne Condensed No. 3 Lining De Vlnne Extended . . ... 88, 89 Lining De Vlnne Extra Condensed . . .90,91 Lining De Vinne Italic No. 3 . . . 87 Lining French 0. 5. Italic No.3 . . . 52 Lining Frepch 0. S. No. 3 . .35, 52, 53 Lining Gothic . . . . 105 Lining Gothic No. 18 . ... .122 Lining Hansen 0. S. Italic No. 30 . 94 Lining Hansen 0. S. No. 30 . . . 92. 93, 165 Lining Hansen 0. S. No. 40 . . . 97-163 Lining Latin Antique No. 3 . . . .101.162 Lining Latin Condensed No. 3 . .95 Lining Modern Antique No. 3 . 102, 103 Lining National Roman . . .26, 27 Lining National Roman Italic . . . 28 Lining Old Style Italic No. HO . . 28 LlnlngOldStyleltallcNo.112. 28 Lining Old Style No. 110 . . 20 Lining Roman No. 40 . . . 22. 23 Lining Roman No.40 Italic . . 28 Lining Ronaldson Extended No. 3 . 37 Lining Ronaldson 0. S. No. 112 . 21 Lining Smith Premier No. 3 . .54 Lining Tudor Black No. 3 . 75 Lining Viking 0. S. Italic No. 3 . . .49 Lining Viking 0. S. No. 3. . . 33. 50. 51 Lino. Gothic, Special . . 169 Lions. . . . 195 Logotypes • 166. 167 MAILING Type . - 169 Maltese Cross Borders. . . 188 Marguerite Borders. . . . 192 Mastodon... - 128-130 Medium Gothic No. 7 . 116. 117 Metal Furniture . . 258-260 Metal Rule. . . ■ - 242 Miscellaneous Characters . 166-168 Miscellaneous Signs . ... . . 166 Modern Antique No. 3. Lining . . . 102, 103 Moons . . -169 Muller Ornaments . • -208 Multiplex Borders . • '86. 187 NATIONAL ROMAN. Lining . . .26,27 National Roman Italic, Lining . . 28 New Cambridge. . . . . .376 Newspaper Body Types . 24 Newspaper Headings. Electrotypes . . .181 Newspaper Sub-Headings, Electrotypes . .180 Newton Script . . .150,151 OLD STYLE Italic No. 110. Lining 28 Old Style Italic No. 112, Lining. . . . 28 Old Style No. 110. Lining . 20 Ornaments Aladdin . . ■ 205 Aleppo . • 195 INDEX TO TYPE, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, BRASS RU AutoTrf^Iie. Berkshire Bird Boston Bean Pots ... Buffalo and Buffalo Outline Buffalo Italic . . Buffaloes . Campaign Candlestick Flags . ... Fleur-de-lis . . . Floral . ... Florette . Hansen . Holly Hub . Lace . 211 Muller . 208 Palisade . . . .... 208 Printers' Joys .... . 207 Santa Claus . . . . 277 Stratford 0. S .191 Studio . . . . 204 Swastika and Swastika Outline . . 194 Swastika Rimmed ... . . 213 ... .208 . 262-277, 375 . .205 . 208 . 192 . 191 . . 185 . . .191 . 167 . 191 .196 . . 206 206 . . 195 . .201,283 . . 185 LE, Etc.—Continued Roman Roman No. 14 . ... Roman No. 40 Italic, Lining . Roman No. 40, Lining . Ronaldson No. 112,Lining. . . Ronaldson Extended No. 3, Lining . Round Corners, Metal . Royal Border . . Runion Borders . Russian Characters SANTA CLAUS Cuts Slam Border . . Slugs and Leads . Society Emblems . Spear Indicators Square Unit Borders . Standard Type Measures . . . . Stars, Black, Outline and Shaded . Steel Cutting Dies , Steel Plate Gothic . Stenograf... Stippled Gothic . Stratford O.S.. Stratford O.S.Ornaments . 25 25 . . 28 . 22. 23. 28 . . 21 37 . 183 . 3, 375 . 203, 210 . 168 . 277 . 210 . 261 .284 . 183 . 213 . 168 . 167 . 238 . 139 . . .54 . 132, 133 . 66-69, 160 191 Symphony . . . . 278-281 Studio Ornaments . 204 Tailpiece . . . 206 Superior and Inferior Figures. . . 167 Teddy Bear . 196 Swastika and Swastika Outline Orn aments 194 Word ... . . 195 Swastika Rimmed Ornaments . . . 195 Ovals and Circles, Brass . . 242-247 Sylph and Sylph Outline Borders . . 198, 199 PALISADE Ornaments . . 208 Sylph Stippled Border . .200 Panel Borders . . . . 208 Symphony Ornaments . . 278-281 Parenthesis . 167 Sylph Initials . . 216 Piece Accents . 44 Piece Fractions . . . 167 TAILPIECE Ornaments . 206 Perforating Rule, Brass . 231 Teddy Bear Ornaments . . . 196 Perforating Rule, Steel . 231 Thin Spaces, Brass and Copper . 261 Plate Roman .... . 152 Title Condensed No. 75 . . 73 Pointers Tokio. . . 134, 135 No. 1 . . . 182 Trade Signs . 231 Shaded. . . 182 Tudor Black No. 3. Lining . 75 Arrow . . 182 Twin Buffalo Borders . . . 190 Editorial . 168 Typewriter Type Brass . . . 242 Lining Smith Premier No. 3 . . 54 Post Card Headings . . 282 Stenograf. . . 54 Poster Antique No. 31 . . 161 Typewriter No. 1 . . 54 Poster Buffalo . . . . 158-159 Poster Buffalo Outline . . 155 UNEEDA Border . 210 Poster Cambridge . . 164 University Border . 212 Poster Lining Hansen 0. S, No. 30 . 165 Poster Lining Hansen 0. S. No. 40 . 163 VERTICAL Script . 149 Poster Lining De Vinne . . . 156 Victoria Italic . 154 Poster Lining De Vlnne Condensed . 157 Viking O.S. Italic No,3, Lining. . . 49 Poster Lining Latin Antique . . 162 Viking 0. S. No. 3, Lining . . 33. 50, 51 Poster Stratford 0, S. . 160 Printers' Joys . . . 207 WAVERLEY Bands . . . 200 Puritan Series . . 62-65 Weight Font Prices of Type . 18 QUOTATIONS. Metal. . . 258, 259 Winchendon . . 137 Quotations, Beveled . 256, 257, 378 Wood Borders and Ornaments . . 323-325 . 324 . 195 Quotations, High Metal . 258 Wood Indexes. . Word Ornaments .... RECIPE Signs . . 166 Wood Silhouettes and Catchwords . . .323 Reliance Borders. . . 188 Wood Type • • . 315-322 Roman No, 2 . . . 25 . . 168 Roman No. 3 . . 25 ZION Border if the Type Face, Border or Ornamenl thai you are looking for cannot be found in this index, be sure and write us for same. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 14 IE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 INDEX TO MACHINERY AND MATERIALS ADJUSTABLE Lead and Slug Case Adzll Galley Lock . Agate Measures American Lead and Rule Cutters . Anderson Bundling Press Annex Type Box . . . Auxiliary Figure Cases . . . BACK SAW Bates Numbering Machines . . . Bellows Benzine Brushes Benzine Cans Bettls Lead and Slug Cases . Bettls Space and Quad Cases . Beveled Side Sticks . . . Blankets, Felt and Rubber. Bodkins and Tweezers Books for Printers and Allied Trades . Border and Script Type Cabinets . Border Cases .... Boston Lead Rack . . Boston Staple Binder . Boston Wire Stitcher .... Brackets, Case and Galley Brass Catches. . . Brass Leader Case . Brayer Rollers Bristol Counting Machines . . Bronzes . . Bronzing Pad Brower Rolling Galley Rack . Brown & Carver Paper Cutters . Brushes, Benzine and Lye . Brushes, Glue and Paste . Brown Folders . . Buckeye Job Stick . . . . Bundling Press, Anderson . Byerley Figure Cases CABINETS Border and Script Type, Rowen . Dorsey Compositor's Working . . Dorsey Combination Press Room . Electrotype and Cut .... Electrotype, Indexed . . . Galley Hamilton . Handy Letterboard . I nk and Roller Masterman Composing Room . Mastodon Monotype, and Work Bench. . New Departure. . Polhemus Porter Extension Front, Steel Runs Pressman's Register . . Quarter Size . Wisconsin . Wood Type . Card Cutters Boston, Dandy . Diamond . . . Manufacturer's. . Popular Premium. Studio . . . Card Punches . Case Brackets . Case Racks Cases Border .... Byerley Figure . California Job . . . Combination Job . . Dearlng Accent . Dearlng Job Figure . , . Hamilton Job. . Improved Job . . Italic Job . News. . . Quadruple . . Spaceless Job . Triple Two Rivers Cap Two Rivers Lead and Slug . Wells Job. . . Wheeler Job . Yankee Job . Two-thirds Size Dearlng . . Improved Job. . Spaceless Job . Yankee Job. . Miscellaneous Assorted Thin Space . , . Auxiliary Figure . . . Bettls Lead and Slug. . . 290 . 338 . 331 . 327 . 367 . 303 . 292 .328 . 339 . 338 . 349 . .349 . 293, 294 . 294 . 311 . 368 , . . 341 . 382, 383 . 298 . 290 . 312 . 364 . 364 . 300 . 342 . 292 . 350 . 378 . 384 . 314 . 345 . 370 . 349 . 330 . 361 . 328 . 367 . 290 . . 298 . 309 . 309 . 296 . 296 . 301 . 311 . 305 . 296 . 305 . . 306 303, 306 . 304 . 302 . 313 . .308 301,340 . 303 . 362 . 362 .362 .362 . 362 . 362 . 362 . 350 . 300 . 297 . 290 . 290 . 288 . 288 . . 289 . . 289 . 290 . 290 . . . 289 . 288 . 288 . 289 . 289 . 289 . 288 . 289 . 289 . 292 . 292 . 292 . 292 . 261 . . 292 293, 294 Bettls Spncp lunl Quad . Brass Louder Half Cap Handy Space and Quad . Jones Metal Furniture . . Labor-saving Furniture. . Labor-saving Reglet . . . . Lead and Slug, Adjustable . Metal Furniture . 294 . 292 . 292 . 261 . 294 . 310 .311 . . 290 . . 291, 294 Rule 286, 287, 290, 291, 295 Space and Quad, 30-lnch . . . . 294 Space Rule. . . . . . 312 Wisconsin, i size . . . . 291 Wood Type . 290, 291 Cases, Twentieth Century Unit. . ... 302 Case Stands City . . .298 Double . . . 297 Double Job. . . . 297 Double News . . . 297 New York. . 298 Single .297 Wesel, Wrought Iron . . 298 Tracy Steel Run ... . 295 Challenge Gordon Press ... . 359 Challenge Plate Zinc Galleys. . .334 Challenge Proof Press .353 Challenge Sectional Steel Blocks. .342 Challenge Type High Machine . . . .351 Chandler & Price Paper Cutter . . 368, 372 Chandler & Price Press . . . 355 Chases. Electric Welded . .346-348 Chicago Drying Rack. . . . 299 Color Chart, Crosby . ... 383 Colt's Armory Presses . 358, 374 Composing and Make-up Rules . . . 328 Complete Rule Case . . 328 Composing Stick Rack . . 328 Composing Sticks Albion . . . . .329 Buckeye .... . . 328 Common Screw . .329 Draper Adjustable . ... 378 Elm City News . . ... 329 Grover Job . . ... 329 Perfect News. . . . . . .329 Rouse Job . .... 329 Slot .329 Standard Job. . . 329 Union . . . 329 Yankee Job. ... .329 Wood Poster Sticks . . 328 Copy Holders . . . 383 Correcting Bank . . . 307 Counting, Machines Bristol . . . 378 Durant. .333,378 Elm City . ... 378 Hart .333 Hart Springless . 333 Pequabuck . . . 378 Redington . 333 Crimping Machine, Rosback Rotary . . . .367 Cutters. Hand and Power 368, 370-373 Cutting and Creasing Press, Gaily .... 374 Cutting and Scoring Press, Colt's Armory . 374 Cutting Sticks . .... 373 Cylinder Presses 354, 359, 368 Cylinder Press Locks. Slauson Patent . . 344 Cylinder Press Side Guide . . 337 . .289 289, 292 .359 . 341 309 309 384 378 . 333 DEARINC Accent Case . Dearlng Job Case . . . Diamond Cylinder Press . Dividers Dorsev Comb. Press Room Cabinet . Dorsey Compositors' Working Cabinet . Doxlne Durant Counting Machines . Drying Racks Chicago .299 Koerner's Patent Interlocking . . 299 New York. . . . 299 EJECTOR Press Punches . . .341 Electric Dissipator .384 Electrotype and Cut Cabinets . . 296 Electrotype Chases .347 Elm City Counting Machine . .378 Elm City News Stick. . . 329 Embossing Composition, . . .335 Engraving Tools . . 341 Eureka Lead Rack .312 Expansion Locks, Stephens'. . . 332 Extension Feed Guide . . 337 Eye Shades . 328 FIGURE Cases . 290 Finger Pad, Marsh Hygienic. .378 Folders Brown . .361 Mentges ... .361 Form Trucks, ideal .327 Furniture Cases, Labor-saving . . . .310 Furniture, Iron Labor-saving. . .343 Furniture, Patent Steel . .344 Furniture, Wood . ... .311 GALLEY Brackets .... .300 GalleyCablnets, Hamilton . .301 Galley Lock, Adzlt. . . 338 Galley Racks . 300 Galley Rack, Brower Rolling . . . .345 Galleys, Job and News Challenge Plate Zinc .334 HANSEN'S All Brass Riveted. . .334 Lincoln Patent . , 334 Linotype, Wesel All Brass . . 334 Mustang, Mailing .334 Wood . . 314 Gaily Universal Presses . .356,374 Gauges and Gauge Pins . . 337, 378 Gauge Pin Drawer. Iron . .337 Glue .383 Glue and Paste Brushes . . 330 Glue H eater . 330 Glue Jackets and Pots . .330 Glue Pots .... .330 Goldlng Job Press . . 356 Gold Size ... . . .344 Gripper Fingers .337 Grooved Blocks. Patent Iron . . 343 Grover Job Stick . . .329 Grover's Detergent. . 384 HALF Cap Case 292 Halftone Softening Hammers and Punches 336 Hand Presses . .351,352 Hand Rollers . 350 Handy Letter Board Cabinet . . . . .311 Hansen's All Brass Riveted Galleys . . .334 Hansen Complete Lead and Rule Cutter . . 379 Hansen Complete Mltering Machine . . 326 Hansen's Improved Pinhole Perforator . . 365 Hansen's Rule Curving Machine . . 365 Hansen's Solid Brass Gauges . . 337 Hart Gounting Machines . .333 Hempel Quoins .... .332 Hickok Ruling Machine .361 Horton Mailer . . . 333 IDEAL Vibrator . ... ... .327 Imposing Stone Frames 307, 308, 313 Imposing Stones and Square Leg Frames . 307 Improved Job Case 289, 292 I ndex Cutting Machine, Rosback Automatic 369 Ingot Casting Apparatus . .360 Ink and Roller Cabinets . . . 305 Ink Fountain, Buckeye .... . . .351 Ink Fountain, Chandler & Price . . .351 Ink Knives, Slices, etc. . . .352 Inks . .384 Iron Furniture, Labor-saving . . .343 Italic Job Case . . . . 288 JOB PRESSES Job Sticks Job and News Galleys . . . . 355-359 . 328, 329, 378 . 334 KEYS and Quoins . Knife, Pressman's Koerner's Interlocking Drying Rack LABEL Cutting Gauge . Label Holders, Brass Labor-saving Furniture Cases Labor-saving RegletCases . Lead and Rule Cutters HANSE N'S Complete . . Rouse American Lead and Rule Measures . Lead and Slug Bank, Medora . Lead and Slug Cases. . . Leader Box. . Lead Racks Boston . . . Eureka. . Wisconsin Letter Board Cabinets . Lettering Pallet . . . Lincoln Patent Galley . Line Gauges, Brass Linotype Galleys, Wesel All Brass . Linotype Planers 290 . 332 . 350 . 299 . 373 . 352 . 310 . 311 . 379 .327 . 331 . . 309 293,294 . 312 . . 312 . 312 . 312 . 311 .330 .334 . 331 . 334 . 314 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 15 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 INDEX TO MACHINERY AND MATERIALS—Continued MAILING Galleys. . . . 334 Mailing Machine Gum . . .384 Mailing Machine, Horion . . .333 Make-up and Composing Rules. .328 Mallets and Planers 314 Maslerman Composing Room Cabinet . . 296 Mastodon Cabinet . 305 Medora Lead and Slug Bank . . 309 Mentges Folder . . 361 Metal Gravers .... .... 336 Metal Furniture Cases 291,294 Metropolitan Imposing Stone Frame . .313 Midget Safety Quoin . . . .332 Miller Saw Trimmer .360 M iter Boxes 328 MITERING MACHINE. HANSEN'S COMPLETE 326 Monitor Paging and Numbering Machine . 359 Monitor Perforators . . .366 Monitor Wire Stitchers . .364 Monotype Cabinet . . .306 Monotype Work Bench . . 306 Morton Lock-up . 332 Multiplex Punch. Monitor . 369 Multiplex Punches . . .363 NATIONAL Paper Cutter . New Departure Cabinets New Departure Cases . New Model Perforator . N ews Cases . . Newspaper File . . . New York Case Stand . New York Drying Rack . . . Numbering Machines. Bates . Numbering Machines, Hand . Numbering Machines. Wetter. OFFICIAL Press . Oily Waste Cans . . . Oswego Paper Cutters .... Oswego Paper Cutters Bench Overhead Fixtures . Overlay Knives . . . 371 . 303. 306 . 288-293 . 367 . 288 . 338 . 298 . 299 . 339 . 339 . 340 . 351 . . 330 . 371. 372 . 373 . 350 ... 350 PAD Cement. . . . .384 Padding Composition. . .384 Padding Glue. Burrage 383 Paging and Numbering Machine, Monitor . 359 Paper Counters . . 341 Paper Cutters Brown & Carver . . . 370 Chandler & Price .... . . 368, 372 Morgans & Wilcox Bench . . 373 National . . .... 371 Oswego .... .371.372.373 Oswego Bench . . 373 Peerless Gem . . 372 Utility Bench . . .373 Paper Cutter Sticks .... . 373 Paper Jogger. Combination . . 343 Paste, Sphinx ... . 384 Perfect News Stick 329 Perforating and Scoring Machine. Bates . . 339 Perforating and Scoring Machine. Damon . 349 Perforators HANSEN Improved Pinhole . .365 Monitor . . . 366 New Model . . . ... 367 Rosback . 366. 367, 369 Planers and Mallets . . 314 Pliers .350 Pocket Rule Case . . 328 Polhemus Cabinets 304 Porter's Patent Extension Front Steel Run Cabinet . .302 Poster Sticks. Wood . 328 Presses. Cylinder Diamond .... . 359 Stonemetz . . . 368 Whitlock . . . . . 354 Presses. Hand. . 35!. 352 Presses, Platen Challenge .... . .359 Chandler & Price . . .355 Colt's Armory . 358.374 Gaily Universal . . 356, 374 Goldlng . . . 356 Pearl. . . . . 355 Peerless . . 355 Prouty . 357 Pressman's Knife . .350 Press Points . 327 Press Punches. Elector . . . . 341 Press Room Cabinet, Dorsey . . . 309 Printers' Saw Table . . . . 360 Printing Inks . . . 384 Proof Presses Challenge .... .353 Chandler & Price . . . 353 Goldlng . 353 H erald . 353 Web Self Feeding. Self Inking . . 353 Proof Reader's Desk . 309 Punches. Halftone Softening. . 336 Punches. Multiplex . . 363 Punches. Unimatic . . . 363 Punch Heads. Unlmatic .363 Punching Machine. Southworth. . 336 Punch, Monitor Multiplex . . 369 QUADRUPLE Case. . 289 Quarter Size Cabinets . .308 Quoin Keys .332 Quoins and Locking Devices . . 33? Quoins, Wood . . .... 338 RACHETS for Stereotype Blocks . 335 Reading Glasses . 330 Redlngton Counting Machine. . 333 Reducing Compound . . 384 Reducing Glasses . 330 Register Hooks. Eureka. . 342 Kyle .... .342 Little Giant . . 342 Quickest. . 342 Swivel .... . 342 Brass Catches .... . 342 Register Quoins,'Rouse . . . 327 Reglet and Furniture. Wood . . 311 Reglet Cases .... . 311 Roller Brackets . . 300 Roller Recasting .... . . 350 Roller Supporters, Steel . ... .352 Rosback Perforators. . . 366, 367, 369 Round Cornering Machine . . . 345 Rouse Job Stick . . 329 Rule Cases H amllton. . 287 Harms . . 295 Harris . . 286 NeshoLa . . 290 Ordinary . . 290 Perfection . . 287 Sansparell . . 287 Space . . 312 Zenobia . 291 Rule Curving Machine. Hansen's . 365 Ruling Machine. Hickok. . . 361 SAW TABLE. Printers'. . . 360 SawTrlmmer. Miller . . . 360 Screw Drivers . 332 Sectional Blocks. Metal . . . , . 342 Sectional Blocks. Steel . . . . .342 Shears, 30-Inch Iron Frame 367 Shoot-Board and Type-High Machine . .351 Shooting Sticks .338 Slauson Cylinder Press Locks 344 Slug Cutting Attachment for anySawTable 360 Southworth Punching Machine . .336 Space and Quad Case, 30-inch 294 Spaceless Job Case . . . 289, 292 Space Rule Case . . . . .312 Spatulasand Ink Knives . . 352 Standard Job Stick . ... 329 Staple Binders Acme.. .357.378 Boston . . . 364 Lightning . 357 Midget.... ... . 357 Steel Furniture . 344 Stephen's Expansion Locks, Improved . . . 332 Stereotype Beating Brushes . . . . 368 Stereotype Blocks. Patent . 335 Sterling Round Cornering Machine. .345 Stonemetz Cylinder Press . .368 TABLET Knives. . Tablet Presses Tablet Presses, Cott's I m proved'. . Take Slugs. Electrotyped and Brass . Tape Couplers, Roberts Tape for Presses and Folding Machines . Thin Space Cases Tie-up Slugs. Challenge Metal . Tracy Steel Run Stands . Triple Cases . Tweezers Twentieth Century Unit Type Cases . Two Rivers Cap Case Two Rivers Lead and Slug Case . Tympan Gauge Square . . Type-High Gauge Type-High Machine, Challenge . Type Measures. Hansen . UNIMATIC Punches . Unlmatic Punch Heads . Union Composing Stick . . . Universal Duster and Bellows Utility Bench Cutter . . Utility Imposing Frames . 330 368 33! 368 349 261 353 295 289 352 343 351 331 . 363 . 363 . 329 . 338 . 373 . 308 VARNISHES . . 384 Vibrator. Ideal . 327 Vibrator for Chandler & Price Press . . 355 WELLS Job Cases . . . 289 Wesel Linotype Galleys . . . 334 Wetter Numbering Machines . . 340 Wheeler Job Case . 285 Whitlock Cylinder Presses . . . 354 Wickersham Perfected Quoins . . 332 Wire Stitchers Boston . . . . 364 Monitor ... 364 Wisconsin Cabinets . . 30!. 340 Wisconsin Lead Rack . . . . 312 Wood Furniture and Reglet. . . 311 Wood Galleys . . ... . 314 Wood Quoins .... . 338 Wood Type Cabinets . . . 303 Wood Type Cases . 290. 291 Wrought Iron Case Stands. Wesel . . 298 Yankee Job Case . . ... . 288, 292 Yankee Job Stick . . . 329 We Invite you to compare our specimen book with others. Take notice of the printing of our mitered rule sets—they are not soldered at the joints and are all printed direct from rule and type {not electrotypes) THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 16 ses hansen superior quality established in the year 1872 ESTIMATES FOR JOB OFFICES All List Prices $1500 OUTFIT I 8x 12 Chandler & Price, complete . . 1 12x 18 Colding Jobber, complete .... ... 1 30-Inch Chandler & Price Lever Cutler . . . 1 Imposing Stone and Frame, 48x60 Inches . Job Type Faces, to be selected . 25 Pounds 6-pt. Roman or Old Style 100 Pounds 8-pt. Roman or Old Style 100 Pounds 10-pt. Roman or Old Style . . 50 Pounds 12-pt. Roman or Old Style . I Font 12-pt. Typewriter Type Spaces and Quads . 6 Pairs News Cases ! No. 68 New Departure Cabinet with 50 California Job 1 Steel Run Stand No. 21 . . 4 Pair Case Brackets 20 California Job and Triple Cases . 50 Pounds 2-pt. L. S. Leads . 50 Pounds 6-pt. L. S. Slugs . 2 Lead and Slug Cases 25 Pounds Improved L. S. Metal Furniture . [ Metal Furniture Case I Hansen Complete Lead and Rule Cutter . 1 Hansen Complete Mltering Machine . . 10 Pounds 2-pt, Leads, In strips 5 Pounds 2-pt. L. S. Single Rule No. 109 3 Pounds 2-pt. Dotted Rule No. 113 ... 3 Pounds L. S. Beveled Rule No. 508 . . 5 Pounds 6-pt. L. S. Double Rule No. 186 . 5 Pounds 6-pt. L.S. Face Rule I Font Special Mltered 4-pt. Parallel Rule No. 521 . I Set (4) Harris Rule Cases No. I In Blank Case. 1 Case each Brass and Copper Thin Spaces . 100 Yards 6-pt. and 12-pt. Reglet 1 Font L. S. Wood Furniture and Case No. 12 . . . 4 Dozen Improved Hempel Quoins No, I and 2 Keys . 1 All Brass Job Galley, 10x16 Inches . 1 All Brass Job Galley, 12x 18 inches 2 Double Column All Brass Galleys . 1 Mallet. Planer and Proof Planer . 2 6-lnch Yankee Sticks 1 10-lnch Graduated Job Stick . . 1 12-lnch Grover or Buckeye Stick . . Assortment of Ink Borders and Ornaments I Benzine Can and Brush and I Pair Bellows Above prices subject to discount $800 OUTFIT Cases . $165.00 420.00 150.00 . . . 35.00 about 225.00 18.70 60.30 52.60 24.30 . . . 7.00 about 30.00 . . . 9.60 74.00 20.00 5.00 18.00 10.00 10.00 2.00 6.25 1.50 18.00 18.50 1.60 7.25 4.50 4.50 6.50 6.50 19.75 4.65 5.00 2.00 10.00 11.00 3.25 4.00 6.00 1.20 1.40 2.25 1.40 10.00 15.00 2.25 about about 1510.75 Figures cheerfully submitted on complete plants of any size $450 OUTFIT I 8x12 Chandler & Price or Challenge Gordon, complete 1 23-inch Chandler & Price Lever Cutter 1 Imposing Stone 24x36 Inches . . . 50 Pounds lO-pt. Roman or Old Style . Job Type, to be selected 1 Pair News Cases 15 California Job Cases and 4 Triple Cases . Spaces and Quads 1 Double Stand No. 15, for 24 Full Size Cases . 2 Pound Font 2-pt. L. S. Single Rule 2 Pound Font 2-pt. L. S. Beveled Rule No. 508 2 Compact Rule Cases 25 Pounds L. S. Leads and Slugs 1 Lead and Slug Case . . 10 Pounds 2-pt. Leads, long . . 1 Lead and Rule Cutter No. I I Half Font L. S. Furniture In Case No. 10 . . . 1 Dozen Challenge Hempel Quoins No. I and Key . 1 All Brass Job Galley, 8;^X 13 Inches . i 6-Inch Yankee Job Stick .... 1 12-lnch Buckeye or Grover Stick . I Mallet. Planer and Proof Planer . . 50 Yards 6-pt. and i2-pt. Reglet . 1 Benzine Can and Brush . 1 Pair Bellows 1 Case Copper and Brass Thin Spaces . Assortment of 1 nk . . . . Borders and Ornaments . about about . $165.00 95.00 6.00 . 26.30 ut 80.00 1.60 17.10 10.00 6.00 3.20 3.20 1.80 5.00 1.00 1.60 6.00 6.00 1.50 2.50 .70 1.40 1.20 1.00 .95 1.00 1.75 5.00 6.00 $457.1 .0 A 7x11 Pearl Press No. II may be substituted for the press In this outfit. Price, complete, $147.00 Above prices sublect to discount I lOx 15 Chandler & Price with long fountain and steam fix. . . $230.00 I 26-Inch Chandler & Price Lever Cutter . . . . 115.00 I Imposing Stone and Frame, 26x44 inches . . . 16.00 50 Pou nds 8-pt. Roman or Old Style . . . 30.15 50 Pounds 10-pt. Roman or Old Style . . . 26.30 25 Pounds 12-pt. Roman or Old Style . . . . . 12.30 3 Pairs News Cases . ... 4.80 Job Type, to be selected . . .about 150.00 Spaces and Quads .... . . 25.00 I Double News Stand No. 15 . . 6.00 20 California and Triple Cases 18.00 1 New Departure Cabinet No. 66, with 40 California Job Cases 59.25 2 Pair Case Brackets . . . . ... 2.50 25 Pounds L. S. Metal Furniture . . . 6.25 50 Pounds L. S. Leads and Slugs . 10-00 1 Lead and Slug Case '-00 5 Pounds 2-pt. L. S. Single Rule No. 109 . 7.25 3 Pou nds 2-pt. L. S Beveled Rule No. 508 . 4.50 5 Pounds 2-pt. L. S. Dotted Rule No. 113 7.25 5 Pounds 6-pt. L. S. Double Rule . 6.50 2 Harris Rule Cases No. I 2.50 I Case Copper and Brass Thin Spaces . L75 1 Mallet. Planer and Proof Planer 1-20 I Dozen Improved Hempel Quoins and I Key . . . 3.00 1 All Brass Job Galley, lOx 16 inches 3.25 2 All Brass Double Column Galleys . . . 6.00 I Font L. S. Furniture and Case No. 12 . . . 10.00 I Hansen Complete Lead and Rule Cutter . 18.00 I Hansen Complete Mltering Machine . « 18.50 10 Pou nds 2-pt. Leads, long L60 I 6-inch Yankee Stick and 1 12-inch Buckeye Stick . 2.10 100 Yards 6-pt. and 12-pt. Reglet ... . 2.00 Assortment of 1 nk .... . .about 7.50 Borders and Ornaments . . 12.00 I Benzine Can, Brush and 1 Palrof Bellows . . 2.25 $829.70 Above prices subject to discount The substitution of different classes of machinery and material such as Power Cutters, etc. will Increase or decrease the above figures $650 OUTFIT I 10X 15 Chandler and Price Job Press . . .$200.00 1 Set of Steam Fixtures for above press , . ... 10.00 I Long Fountain " . . . . . . 20.00 I 26-lnch Chandler & Price Lever Paper Cutter 115.00 I Hansen Complete Mltering Machine ... . . 18.50 I Hansen Complete Lead and Rule Cutter . 18.00 I Cabinet, Flat Top, for 20 two-thirds size Job Cases 21.00 I Double City Stand with racks for 30 full size Cases and 2 pairs News Cases ... 8.00 I Marble Imposing Stone and Frame 24 X 36 Inches . . 13.25 1 Dozen Challenge Hempel Quoins and Key . ... 1.50 2 Pairs News Cases ... 3.20 I Blank Case with two Compact Rule Cases 2.45 1 Eureka Lead and Slug Rack . . ... 2.50 20 California Job Cases, full size . . . . . 18.00 5 Triple Cases, full size .... . . . 4.50 I lOx 16 Job Galley 3.25 1 Double Col. Brass Galley 6iix23| . . . . 3.00 I 12-lnch Yankee Job Stick 1.10 I 6-lnch Rouse Graduated Job Stick 1.75 Mallet, Planer, l-qt. Benzine Can and Benzine Brush 1.75 20 Pounds Full Length 2-pt. Leads . . . 3.20 50 Pounds L. S. Leads and Slugs . ... 10.00 25 Pounds Metal Furniture . . . . 6.25 5 Pounds 2-pt. Rule No. 109 . . 7.25 5 Pounds 2-pt. RuleNo.ll3. . 7.25 25 Pounds 8-pt. Body Type . 15.25 50 Pounds 10-pt. Body Type . . . ... 26.30 30 Fonts of Job Type . . .about 85.00 I Half Case L. S. Wood Furniture . 6.00 25 Yards each 6-pt. and 12-pt. Reglet. 1.00 Borders, Ornaments, Dashes, etc. . .. 15.00 Spaces and Quads . . . 20.00 $669.25 Above prices subject to discount Superior Quality. Prompt Service and Fair Prices The estimates given above are approximate and are subject to variations called for by the Individual conditions THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 17 "THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 187Í2 INFORMATION HOW TO Credit—If you have not had any previous account with us ORDER and are not rated In any Mercantile books, please supply us with references. If you need Immediate shipment and you are unknown to us or have not supplied references, then send a remittance with order or request us to ship C. 0. D. Do Not Mutilate Book. When ordering, be as explicitas possi¬ ble and mention by name and number. If you believe there Is then a question, mention page of book on which such articles are shown. By no means cut out any part of the leaves. Send Samples. If you are to match a type face you already have and are not positive of the name, send us a Cap "H" and I.e. "m" or refer to some previous invoice. Check Goods Receiued. Be sure to check up your bill on receipt of same and if any complaints, prompt notice should be given. Proofs of Fonts. If there Is any question of a missing letter, proofs of fonts should be taken and sent with your written letter. Sorts. Minimum order for sorts Is four ounces of each character. Minimum sort charge, 60 cents. SHIPMENTS When shipping Instructions are omitted, we will use our best judgment as to the way of making shipments. Cus¬ tomers should bear In mind that shipment of a small article or single font of type by freight is generally more expensive than express. We advise sending weight of twenty-five pounds or less by express. The law holds that after goods have been properly dispatched such shipments are at purchasers' risk, so please use judgment when requesting to send by mall. Postage Is charged In case order goes by mail. If an order cannot be filled complete on receipt of same. It Is generally held for complete shipment; so In case you wish certain articles In a rush or any part that Is ready Immediately, please men¬ tion this with order. This delay may happen on account of wood type orders, as such goods are not always In stock. OLD METAL We take In exchange or make allowance for new type, old metal such as foundry type, brass, plates, stereo¬ types, leads, slugs and metal furniture, delivered at the foundry, at current prices. Metal run together In pigs or zinc plates will not be taken at any price. Metal must not be mixed, but kept separate, otherwise It will be credited at lowest metal rate. Plates or bases made by Press Associations, being the property of the manufacturers and only leased, will not be taken at any price. OLD STANDARD For the convenience of many printing offices still QUADS having the old Boston or Dickinson standard bodies we can cast to order quads of the following sizes: Pearl, Nonpareil, Minion, Brevier, Bourgeois, Long Primer, Small Pica, Pica, and Great Primer. GUARD LINES Finished Metal Guard Lines or Bearers for Electro- typing, full length or cut, 25 cents per pound. BRASS TYPE Gan furnish Brass Type for use of bookbinders, badge printers and box makers. In the following faces: Gothic Condensed No. 4, Modern Antique, Gothic No, 18, Latin Condensed, Gothic No. 3, Hansen 0. S. No. 40, Card Roman, Lining Gothic Extended, French Old Style, Latin Antique, Howland and De Vlnne. Prices on request. WEIGHT FONT PRICES. (Subject to Discount) FIRST CLASS PRICES Size Point 25 lbs. 100 lbs. 500 lbs. 1000 lbs. 5 $1.20 $1.15 $1.10 $1.05 5è 6 .88 .87 .86 .84 .76 .75 .74 .72 7 .66 .65 .64 .62 8 . . . ... .62 .61 .60 .58 9 .58 .57 .56 .54 10 .54 .53 .52 .51 11 .52 .51 .50 .49 12 . . .50 .49 .48 .47 14 .47 .47 .46 .45 16 .47 .47 .46 .45 18 and over .47 .47 .46 .45 The above list Is the body prices on all weight fonts of all body and Job type, such as Ronaldson No. 112 and Cambridge Series. Fonts con¬ tain 20% quads and spaces. Prices are for weights of one body, face and line ordered at one time cast to regular scheme. Minimum sort charge Is 60 cents. 5 and 5I-pt. In 10-lb, fonts at 25-lb, rate. SECOND CLASS SPECIAL PRICES Size Point 25 lbs. 100 lbs. 250 lbs. 500 lbs. 1000 lbs. 5 $2.00 $1.80 $1.64 $1.50 $1.40 5i. 1.60 1.36 1.16 1.01 .90 6 1.28 1.12 .98 .86 .76 7 1.12 .98 .88 .78 .68 8 1.00 .90 .80 .70 .62 9 .90 .82 .75 .66 .58 10 .82 .74 .68 .60 .54 11 .78 .71 .64 .58 .52 12 . . .74 .68 .61 .56 .50 14 .70 .65 .58 .53 .48 16 . .68 .63 .58 .53 .48 18 . ... .66 .61 .56 .51 .46 20 . ... .66 .61 .56 .5! .46 22 ... .64 .60 .56 .50 .46 24 .64 .60 .56 .50 .46 The above rates are on all Rimmed and Shaded Faces, also Accents, Signs, Special Characters and Astronomical Signs, Italic Sorts not or¬ dered with Roman type. Italic weight fonts put up In 2è and 5-lb. fonts. Minimum sort charge, 60 cents. 5 and 5è-pt. In 10-lb. fonts at 25-lb. rate. THIRD CLASS PRICES Size Point Per lb. Size Point Per lb. Size Point Per lb. 5 $2.80 14 $1.12 30 $0.86 5è 2.40 15 1.08 36 .82 6 2.00 16 1.06 40 .80 7 1.80 18 1.00 42 .78 8 1.60 20 .94 48 .72 9 1.44 22 .92 54 .72 10 1.30 24 .90 60 .72 11 1.22 26 .90 66 .72 12 1.16 28 .88 72 .68 The above rates are on all Script, Including Script Spaces and Quads and Accents for Script Faces. Minimum sort charge, 60 cents. Hair Spaces, 5 to 18-pt, bodies and 5-em and thinner when not a part of regular font, minimum charge, 25 cents. SPACES AND QUADS IN JOB FONTS PL Approx. Wt. Price Job Fonts Price 5-lb. Fonts PL Approx. Wt. Price Job Fonts Price 5-lb. Fonts lbs. oz. lbs. oz. 5 0 $1.20 $6.00 24 1 14 $1.00 $2.35 5i 0Ï .85 4 00 26 1 14 1.00 2.35 6 15 .70 3.50 28 1 14 1.00 2.35 7 li .80 3.20 30 1 14 1.00 2.35 8 • I .75 3.00 32 1 14 1.00 2.35 9 .75 2.80 36 2 2 1.15 2.35 10 3| .75 2.65 40 2 6 1.30 11 2k .65 2.50 42 2 6 1.30 12 3i .65 2.40 44 2 6 1.30 14 6 .75 2.35 48 2 12 1.50 15 10 .90 2.35 54 3 2 1.70 — c 16 14 1.00 2.35 60 3 6 1.80 «2 18 14 1.00 2.35 66 3 12 2.00 • o , «« w 20 14 1.00 2.35 72 4 0 2.15 22 14 1.00 2.35 These prices apply to Spaces and Quads In Job Fonts. Fonts of Spaces and Quads contain one-half Spaces and one-half Quads. '^^Prices and Discounts Subject to Change Without Notice THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 18 STANDARD LINE call attention to tke fact tliat all tlie leading type faces skown in tkis si)ecimen Look are cast on ÏÏItttC. Standard Line IS tke J)nncii)le ky wkick all faces of one kody line automatically at tke foot witkout justification, and different kodies can ke lined togetker ky tke use of Jioint leads or f)oint slugs in justification. In a few cases, certain type faces, suck as tke Gotkic No. 1, Gotkic Cond. No. 5, etc., are cast on Point Line, wkick indicates tkat differ¬ ent kodies of tke same series can ke made to line witk eack otker ky justification of J)Oint leads and slugs. A few faces, suck as Ty|)ewriter Ty|)e, Cas- lon Old Style No. 1 and Gotkic Gond. No. 4, are left on tke original line to preserve tke sjiecial features of tke design, also to allow use of more words in a given sjiace, as it avoids i)lacing a small face on a larger kody. Certain suck faces can ke cast to order, in weigkt fonts, on tke Standard Lining System. 48-PT. 'PHONE ORNAMENT 20C. EACH Our Two Tclei>liones 2737 Main 2738 Mam 19 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 LINING OLD STYLE No. no JOB FONTS 6-Point 28A $0.90 66a $1.10 $2.00 20A $0.60 A COMPARISON OF IDEAS IS ALWAYS educatioQal, and as such instructs the brain and hand ol man. Friendly rivalry follows, which is The Spur to Industrial Improvements S-Point 23.A $1.10 46a $1.16 $2.26 14A $0.60 IF PERCH.ANCE SOME OF OUR tariffs are no longer needed for revenue or to encourage and protect our home Inadequate Steamship Service lO-Point 20.A $1.16 40a $1.35 $2.60 14A $0.60 A COMPARISON OF IDEAS is always educational, and as such instructs the brain and hand of The Man at the Case 12-Point 16A $1.30 32a $1.46 $2.76 9A $0.60 BEFORE YOU ORDER your new type and printing material, carefully consider Finest Qualities 18-Point 12A $1.65 24a $1.60 $3.26 6A $0.60 FINE PRINTING obtained by the use of Hansen's superior Book and Job Type 25 pounds and multiples 47c. per lb. 26 pounds and multiples 8-Point 62c. per lb. A REPUTATION for promptness is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it comes to be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it will pay him to endeavor to secure such a reputation by every means in his power. "We know how prone is the ordinary business man to wait until he is clean out of stationery or whatever he wantSf before ordering more^ or to postpone until the last Leaded with 2-Point leads Lower case a to z 13^ ems 25 pounds and multiples 10-Point 64c. per lb. A reputation for promptness is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it comes to be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it will pay him to en¬ deavor to secure such a reputation by every means in his power. We know how prone is the ordinary business man to wait until he is clean Set solid Lower case a to z 12J ems 25 pounds and multiples 6-Polnt 76c. per lb. A REPUTATION for promptness is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it comes to be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it will pay him to endeavor to secure such a reputation by every means in his power. We know how prone is the ordinary business man to wait until he is clean out of stationery, or whatever he wants, before ordering more, or to postpone until the latest possible moment the order for circulars, handbills, or any bit of commercial work ; and Mtf«, whe7i he does give you the order, he acts as though he thought Leaded with 2-Point leads Lower case a to z 14^ ems 26 pounds and multiples 11-Point 62c. per lb. a Reputation for promptness is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it comes to be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it will pay him to endeavor to secure such a reputation by every means in his power. We know how prone is Set solid Lower case a to z 12 ems 26 pounds and multiples 12-Foint 60c. per lb. A reputation fop promptness is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it comes to be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it WÜI pay him to endeavor to secure Set solid Lower case a to z 12^ ems When ordering to match type in case, send Cap "H" and I.e. "m" THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 20 "THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 LINING RONALDSON OLD STYLE No. 112 25 pounds and multiples O-roint 7tU'. por lb. a reputation for promptness is cue of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it comes to be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it will pay him to endeavor to secure such a reputation by every means in his power. We know how prone is the ordinary business man to wait until he is clean out of stationery, or whatever he wants, before ordering more, or to postpone until the latest possible moment the order for circulars^ handbills., or any other bit of Leaded with 2-Point leads Lower case a to z 17^ ems 25 pounds and multiples 8-Point 62c. per lb. A reputation for promptness is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it comes to be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it will pay him to endeavor to secure such a reputation by every means in his power. We know how prone is the ordinary business man to wait until he is clean out of stationery^ or whatever he wants Leaded with 2-Point leads Lower case a to z 14^ ems 26 pounds and multiples 10-Point 54c. per lb. A reputation for promptness is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it comes to be said of him that he al¬ ways gets work out on time, and it will pay him to endeavor to secure such a reputation by every means in his power. We know how prone is the ordinary business man to wait Set solid Lower case a to z 14 ems JOB FONTS 6-Point 24A $0.85 48a $1.15 $2.00 20A $0.50 A COMPARISON of IDEAS IS ALWAYS educational, and as such instructs the brain and hand of man. Friendly rivalry The Spur to Improvements 8-Point 20A $1.05 40a $1.20 $2.25 15a $0.50 when PERFECT TYPE IS CAST there is no excuse for poor printing if the details of presswork are carried Finest Selection of Types lO-Point 20A $1.20 40a $1.30 $2.50 ISA $0.60 COMPARISON OF IDEAS is always educational, and as such instruisis the brain and Hand of Mechanics 12-Pomt ISA $1.45 36a $1.30 $2.16 10A $0.50 PRACTICE ECONOMY in your business when it is necessary but remember The Type that Wears 18-Point lOA $1.66 21a $1.70 $3.25 ASK FOR TYPE with the Diamond Nick, and you will get the very finest 25 pounds and multiples 47c. per lb. 25 pounds and multiples 11-Point 52c. per lb. A REPUTATION for promptness is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it comes to be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it will pay him to endeavor to secure such a reputa- tion by every means in his power. Set solid Lower case a to z 13J ems 25 pounds and multiples 12-Point 60c. per lb. A reputation for promptness is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advan¬ tage when it comes to be said of him that he always gets work out on time.1 and it will pay him to Set solid Lower case a to z 13§ ems When ordering to match type in case, send Cap "H" and I.e. "m" THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 21 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 LINING EOMAN No. 40 STANDARD LINE 25 pounds and multiples 6-Point 76c. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PUIMT\t¡, PROGRESS. THOICII GOXTINUOUS. WAS EXCEEDINGLY SLOW FOR THREE HUNDRED And fifty years, and a]thoue:h the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly during the last half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing is still largely a matter of habil and education, varying widely in different nations, and even among the various states of our own Republic. This fact is illustrated by the expenditures of state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be explainable only by the habit of the s])aring or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for example, has long been foremost among all the states in the production of printing; in 1900 the state government ex])ended $654,330.53 for official printing, while the state officials of Tennessee, a state in which printing is a minor industry, and much less a factor in daily life, expended in the same year but $6,136.38. The proportion, therefore, of official printing was twenty times as great in New York as in Tennessee. On the whole, however, the advance of the United States during the last fifty years, which may be set as the period of greatest industrial activity, has been so great and far reaching as to iilace the industry among the leaders, and to arouse some curiosity concerning the part which the printer has played in this half century competition among the great industries.—The Printing Art ABCDEFGHIJKL.MNOPtiRSTU VWXVZA' Am'DEitiUiJKLMNOPíílíSTUVWXVZ& Lower case a to z 16J ems $12345 abcdefghijklmn<>p established in the year 1s72 LINING NATIONAL ROMAN STAN13AIU) LINK 25 pounds and multiples 6-Point 7(«o. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING. THE PROGRESS. rilOL'tîli Continuous, was exceedini:l>- slow for throo hundred and fifty years, and although the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly during the last half century, re.sponsive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing is still very largel> a matter of habit and educa¬ tion, varying widely in different nations, and even among Ihe various states of our own Republic This fact is illustrated b> the expenditures of state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be explainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for example, has long been foremost among all the states in the production of printing; in 1900 the state government expended $65'I,330,53 for official printing, while the state officials of Tennessee, a state in which printing is a minor industry and much less a fatílor in daily life, expended in the same year but |8,136.38. The proportion, therefore, of official printing to population was twenty times as great in New York as in Tennessee. On the whole, however, the advance of the United States during the last fifty years, which may be set as the period of greatest industrial activity, has been so great and far reaching as to place the industry among the leaders, and to arouse some curiosity concerning the part which the printer has played in this half century competition among the great industries. Fortunately it is possible to measure, approxi¬ mately at least, the progress which the principal industries in the United States have made since 1850, for the federal census taken in that year, and commonly regarded as the firát modern census, included ^tatiátics of manufactures. The results, however, cannot be regarded as entirely accurate. Invention, expansion and progress have uTought so mightily in the half century since 1850 that a statistical bottom firm enough to hold anchor would be especially welcome, but methods of enumeration and form of inquiry have so completely changed that even the least affedled item, value of products, can be regard¬ ed only as a fair approximation. Yet with proper caution against too implicit confidence the figures of 1850 may be regarded as a valuable statistical base or starting point for many of the older or standard industries. In that S ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXVZ& $H345 abcdefghijklnmopqrrsfuvwxyz £67890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMXOPQRSTtmvXYZ 25 pounds and multiples 10-Point 54c. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING The progress, though continuous, was ex¬ ceedingly slow for three hundred and fifty years, and, although the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly during the laál half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing is still largely a matter of habit and education, varying widely in different na¬ tions, and even among the various states of our own Republic. This fact is illustrated by the expenditures of state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be explainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for example, has long been foremost among all the states in the production of printing; in 1900 the state government expended •?654,330.53 for official printing, while the state of Tennessee, a state in which printing is a minor in¬ dustry and much less a fatítor in daily life, expended in the same year but S8,I35.38. The proportion, therefore, of official printing to population was twenty times as great in New York as in Tennessee. On the whole however, the advance of the printing industry of the United ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& S12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrrstuvwxyz ¿£67890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '2h pounds and innltiples S-INdnt C2c. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING, THE PROGRESS Though continuous, was exceedingly slow for three hundred and fifty years, and, although the volume of printed matter has increased mneh more rapidly during the laát half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing is still largely a mutter of habit and education, varying widely in different nations, and even among the various states of our own Republic. This fadl is illustrated by the expenditures of state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be explainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for example, has long been foremost among all the states in the production of printing; in 1900 the state government ex¬ pended .$654,330.53 for official printing, while the state of Tennessee, a state in which printing is a minor industry and much less a factor in daily life, expended in the same year but $8,136.38. The proportion, therefore, of official printing to population was twenty times as great in New York as in Ten¬ nessee. On the whole, however, the advance of the printing industry in the United States during the last fifty years, which may be set as the period of greatest industrial activity, has been so great and far reaching as to place the industry among the leaders t" arouse some curiosity concerning the part which the printer has played in this half century competition among the great industries. Fortu¬ nately it is possible to measure, approximately at least, the progress which the principal industries in the United States have made since 1850, for the ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& .$12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrrstuvwxyz £67890 ABCDEFGHIJKUIIXOPQBSTUVWXYZ 25 pounds and multiples 11-Point ö2c. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING The progress, though continuous, was exceedingly slow for three hundred and fifty years, and, although the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly during the last half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing is still largely a matter of habit and education, varying widely in different nations, and even among the various states of our own Republic. This fact is illustrated by the ex¬ penditures of state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be explainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for example, has long been foremost among all the states in the production of printing; in 1900 the state government expended $654,330.53 for official printing, while the state officials of Tennessee, a state in which printing is a minor industry and much less a factor in daily life, expended in the same year but $8,136.38. The proportion, therefore, of 1234- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX^'Z& $12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrrstuvwxyz £67890 JOB FONTS 6-Foint 22A $0.90 44a $1.10 $2.00 8-Point 20A $1.10 4Da $1.15 $2.25 10-Point ISA $1.20 40a $1.30 $2.50 11-Point 18A $1.30 40a $1.45 $2.76 12-Point ISA $1..35 36a $1.40 $2.76 14-PoiDt 12A $1.40 26a $1.60 $3.00 18-Point 9A $1.50 18a $1.75 $3.25 Small Caps sold separately Any body, 50c per font THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 26 LINING NATIONAL ROMAN BERKSHIRE ORN. 818 In Stock and For Sale by GRAND RAPIDS ELECTROTYPE CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. MANUFACTURED BY THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY Established 1872 190-192 CONGRESS STREET, BOSTON 48 CENTRE STREET, NEW YORK NORTH & DREW COMPANY manufacturers and distributors of DESKS AND OFFICE henry b. north daniel m. drew FURNITURE ^-wa-lfayatawatatawa^ cable address "nordco" hartford 12-FT. EGG-AND-DART BORDER Haktford, vt.,_ .19_ national press H PRINTERS H 916-918 PORTLAND STREET BROMFIELD, NEW JERSEY Lining National Roman HUGHES & FRANKLIN builders' finish 5ASHES, BLINDS, DOORS, MOULDINGS, DECORATIVE WOOD-WORK t J f t.-81 national street, and 3-7 lee avenue CAMBRIDGE Lining National Ronaan STANDARD LINE 6-Point 22A »0.90 44a »1.10 »2.00 8-Point 20A »1.10 40a »1.15 »2.25 EXHIBIT NOTABLE PRINTS PRAISE BENEFACTOR Faithful reproduction of work philanthropist donates fine executed by famous artists 2$ . . .. library to progressive city 11-Point 18AÍ1.30 4(»a il.45 »2.75 lO-Point 18A $1-20 40a $1.30 $2.50 DESIGNS IN TYPE NATIONAL ROMAN Tasteful Arrangement Splendid Face of Type 12-Pomt 18A$I.35 36a $1.40 $2.75 AN INDEPENDENT FOUNDRY Type and Supplies of Superior Quality 14-Point 12A$1.40 26a $1.60 $3.00 EVERY LIVE PRINT-SHOP Should Procure National Roman 18-Fomt 9A $1.50 18a $1.75 $3.25 MITERED CORNERS Hansen Complete Miterer 24-Pomt 6A$1.80 11a $1.70 $3.50 Reward of MERIT 30-Point 5A$2.10 10a $2.15 $4.25 FIRST Printers 4A$2.70 7a $2.30 $5.00 Fairy GLEN THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 2Ö pounds and multiples JOINING NATIONAL ROMAN SI ANDAR!) LINE f,„,, j„.,, ]j,_ '¿h pounds and multiples 47c. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING Progress, though continuous, was exceeding¬ ly slow for three hundred and fifty years, and although the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly during the last half century, responsi^ e to conditions of our age, the use of printing is still largely a matter of habit and education, varying wide¬ ly in different nations, and even among the various states of our own Republic. This fact is illustrated by the expenditures of the state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be explain¬ able only by the habit of sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for example, has long been fore¬ most among all the states in the production of printing; in 1900 the state government 12 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 1235 abcdefghijklmnopqrrstuvwxyz 6789 EVEN IN ART OF PRINTING Progress, though continuous, was exceedingly slow for three hundred and fifty years, and, although the volume of printed matter has in¬ creased much more rapidly during the last half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing is still largely a matter of habit and education, varying widely in different countries and among the various states of our own Republic. This fact is illustrated by the expen¬ ditures of the state governments for official printing, which show differ¬ ences so great as to be explainable ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTV 12 abcdefghijklmnopqrrstuvwxyz 35 25 pounds and multiples All reman fonts contain 20 per cent, spaces and quads 18-Point 47c. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING, PROGRESS, Though continuous, was exceedingly slow for three hundred and fifty years, and, although the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly during the last half century responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing is still largely a matter of habit and education, varying widely in different countries and even among the various states of our own Republic. This fact is illustrated by the expendi¬ tures of the state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be explainable only by the habit of sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& $12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrrstuvwxyz 67890 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 27 ^5^ XHE HANSF.N SUPERIOR CJUALITV |—| ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 Lining O. S. Italic No. 110 STANDARD LINE JOB FONTS 6-Point 20A $0.90 60a $1.10 $2.00 A J^EPC/TAT/ON FOK /'KO.^Í/'/WPSS Is one of the tkitigs that ajoh printer shouhi strive for. He will have plained a screat ad¬ vantage when it comes to fie said of him that he always get work out on time, and it will 8-Point ISA $1.10 40a $1.16 $2.26 A REPC/TATIONFOR PROMPT- A'css is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He loill have gained a great advantage lohen it comes 10-Point 16A 40a Sl..ii $2.50 THE REPUTATIOX FOR Promptness is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great 11-Point 16A $1.35 36a $1.40 $11.7.-) THE REP UTA TI OX FOR Promptness is the one thing that job printers should strive for. They will have gained 12-Polnt 14.L $1.36 30a $1.40 $2.75 THE REPUTATION Eor promptness is one of the things that a job $i6o FOR ROMAN TO MATCH THIS TYPE SEE PAQE 20 Lining O. S. Italic No. 112 STANDARD LINE JOB FONTS 6-Point 20A $1.00 60a $1.00 $2.00 A REPC/TA VYO.V EOR PROMPrHESS /s one of the things that a job Printer should strive for. He %vill have gained a great ad' plantage when it comes to he said of him that he always gets work onion time, and it will 8-Point ISA $1.10 40a $1.16 $2.25 'TA TIOX FOR PROMPT- Xess is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage $123 10-Point i6a $1.10 40a $1.40 $2.60 THE REPUTATION FOR Prompt7iess is one of the things that a job printer shoidd strive for. He will have gained ($2) 11-Point i6a $1.26 30a $1.60 $2.76 A REPUTATION FOR Pro7nptness is the one thing job printers should strive for. They icill have gained a 12 12-Point 14A $1.35 30a $1.40 $2.76 A REPUTA TION FOR Promptness is one of the things that a job printer 2 FOR ROMAN TO MATCH THIS TYPE SEE PAGE 21 Lining National Roman Italic STANDARD LINE JOB FONTS 6-Point 22A $0.90 4Ca $1.10 $2.00 A RKin'TATION FOR PROMPTNESS h DHC if ihc tliiiifiH ilitii ajobprinter al- iraf/.H h/iohUI HiriiT .for. Hehas gaineda i/ri'iit ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 CASLON OLD STYLE NO. 2 STANDARD LINE 25 pounds and multiples 6-Point TOo. por lb. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE JOB COMPOSITOR The practice that is in vogue in many job printing offices ol having jobs designed and laid out before placing in the hands of the job compositor, thus depriving him of his most glorious labor, is suggestive that there may be some¬ thing wrong with the working methods of job compositors as a whole, though some contend that it is a step forward in the onward march of progress in printerdom. Observation warrants the assertion, however, that it is practiced merely on account of the economy of the method. A gigantic effort is being made to reduce operating expenses in the composing room. The job compositor who has a thought for his employer's proñts will, in the absence of definite instructions, set a job as simply and effectively as possible. Note how simple in design and construction are many of the best and most up-to-date specimens of job printing. Compare these with those up¬ on which a wealth of labor has been expended, and it will, no doubt, dawn upon you how unnecessary and costly much of the latter is. Do away with the idea that a job in order to be artistic must be laborious. In the general run of work the less labored the job the more artistic and pleasing, providing it dis¬ plays the handwork of a student of his art, and the more profitable it is to the employer. If, after you have designed a job, you ñnd that it is more or less complicated and much time would be consumed in the composition, try some plan whereby as pleasing effects can be obtained by simpler methods to save time. The compositor who plans to save time rather than to expend it in an unnecessary manner is the man most appreciated and the man whose position is permanent. The composing room is the one place in printing offices where time savers are urgently needed. You can sketch out an elaborate design with comparative ease, which, to put in type, would mean an amount of labor which the average customer is much opposed to paying for. The compositor who thinks quickest, who is practical as well as artistic, who hits the bull's-eye oftenest with the least labor is the most successful. The most artistic printing is of simple design^ but simplicity does not necessarily mean severe plainness^ but the effective arrangement of types^ bor¬ ders., etc.y so as to avoid the expenditure of an unnecessary amount of time in ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& Lower case a to z 13i ems 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 25 pounds and multiples IQ-Point 54c. per lb. SUGGESTIONS FOR JOB COMPOSITORS The practice that is in vogue in many job print¬ ing offices of having jobs designed and laid out before placing in the hands of the job compositor, thus depriving him of his most glorious labor, is suggestive that there may be something wrong with the working methods of job compositors as a whole, though some contend that it is a step forward in the onward march of progress in printerdom. Ob¬ servation warrants the assertion, however, that it is practiced merely on account of the economy of the method. A gigantic effort is being made to reduce operating expenses in the composing room. The job compositor who has a thought for his employer's profits will, in the absence of definite in¬ structions, set a job as simply and effectively as possible. Notice how simple in design and con¬ struction are many of the best and most up-to-date specimens of job printing. Compare these with those upon which a wealth of labor has been expended, and it will ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Lower case a to z 12^ ems 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 25 pounds and multiples 8-l'oint 62c. per lb. SUGGESTIONS FOR JOB COMPOSITORS The practice that is in vogue in many job printing offices of having jobs designed and laid out before placing in the hands of the job compositor, thus depriving him of his most glorious labor, is suggestive that there may be something wrong with the working methods of job compositors as a whole, though some contend that it is but a step forward in the onward march of progress in printerdom. Observation warrants the assertion, however, that it is practiced merely on account of the economy of the method. A gigantic effort is being made to reduce operating expenses in the composing room. The job compositor who has a thought for his employer's profits will, in the absence of definite instructions, set a job as simply and effectively as possible. Note how simple in de¬ sign and construction are many of the best and most up-to- date specimens of job printing. Compare these with those upon which a wealth of labor has been expended and it will, no doubt, dawn on you how unnecessary and costly much of the latter is. Do away with the idea that a job in order to be artistic must be laborious. In the general run of work the less labored the job the more artistic and pleasing, providing it displays the handwork of a student of his art, and the more profitable it is to the employer. If, after you have designed a job, you find that it is more or less complicated and much time would be consumed in the composition, try some plan whereby as pleasing effects can ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& Lower case a to z 13 ems 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwvyz 67890 26 pounds and multiples 12-Fomt 50c. per lb. PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS The practice that is in vogue in many joh printing offices of having jobs de¬ signed and laid out before placing in the hands of the joh compositor, thus depriving him of his most glorious labor, is suggestive that there may he some¬ thing wrong with the working methods of joh compositors as a whole, though some contend that it is a step forward in the onward march of printerdom. Observation warrants the assertion, how¬ ever, that it is practiced merely on account of the economy of the method. A job compositor who has a thought for his employer s profits will, in the absence of definite instructions, set a job as simply and ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUW Lower case a to z 13 ems 123 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 456 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 30 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITV ESXABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 CASLON OLD STYLE No. 2 STANDARD LINE 25 pounds and multiples 18-Point 47c. per lb. TIMELY SUGGESTION The practice now in vogue in many job printing offices of having jobs designed and laid out before placing in the bands of the job com¬ positor, thus depriving bim of bis most glorious labor, is suggestive that there may be something wrong with the working methods of compositors ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP Lower case a to z 12§ ems abcdefgbijklmnopqrstuvwx 26 pounds and multiples 24-Point 47c. per lb. SUGGESTIONS FOR COMPOSITORS The practice that is in vogue in many joh orinting offices of having jobs designed and aid out before placing in the hands of the joh compositor, thus depriving him of his most glorious labor, is suggestive that there may he something wrong with the working methods of compositors as a whole, though some contend that it is a step forward in the Lower case a to z 13 ems 1234 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 5678 25 pounds and multiples 14-Point 17*'. jut lb. A PRACTICAL SUGGESTION The practice that is in vogue in many job printing offices of having jobs designed and laid out before placing in the hands of the job compositor, depriving him of his most glorious labor, is suggestive that there is something wrong with the working methods of job com¬ positors as a whole, though some contend that it is a step forward in the onward march of printerdom Observation warrants the assertion, however, that it is practiced merely on account of the economy of the method. 68 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST Lower case a to z 13 ems 3 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 5 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 31 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 LINING CASLON FULL FACE Standard Line 25 pounds and multiples 6-Point 7(k\ per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING, PROGRESS THOUGH Continuous, was exceedingly slow for three hundred and fifty years, and although the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly during the last half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing is still very largely a matter of habit and education, varying widely in different na¬ tions, and even among the states of our own Republic. This fact is illustrated by the expenditures of state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be ex¬ plainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for example, has long been foremost among all the states in the production of printing ; in 1900 the state government expended $654,^0.53 for offícial printing, while the state officials of Tennessee, a state in which printing is a minor industry and much less a factor in daily life, expended in the same year but $8,136.38. The pro¬ portion, therefore, of official printing to population was twenty times as great in New York as in Tennessee. On the whole, however, the advance of the United States during the last fifty years, which may be set as the period of greatest industrial ac¬ tivity, has been so great and far reaching as to place the industry among the leaders, and to arouse some curiosity concerning the part which the printer has played in this half century com¬ petition among the great industries. Fortunately it is possible to measure, approximately at least, the progress which the principal industries in the United States have made since 1850, for the federal census, taken in that year, and commonly regarded as the first modern census, included statistics of manufacturers. The results, ABCDEFGHUKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZ& $12345 abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 25 pounds and multiples 10-Point 54c. per lb. EVEN IN ART OF PRINTING, Progress, though continuous was slow for three hundred and fifty years, and although the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly during the last half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of print¬ ing is still largely a matter of habit and ed¬ ucation varying widely in different nations and even among the states of our Republic. This fact is illustrated by the expenditures of state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to he explainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for example, has long been foremost among all the states in the production of printing; in 1900 the state abcdefghuklmnoporstuvwxyz 25 pounds and multiplcM s-Foini 62c. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING, PROGRESS Though continuous, was exceedingly siow for three hundred and fifty years, and, although the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly dur¬ ing the last half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing is still largely a matter of habit and education, varying widely in different nations, and even among the states of our own Re¬ public. This fact is illustrated by the expenditures of the state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be explainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for example, has long been foremost among all the states in the pro¬ duction of printing; in 1900 the state government ex¬ pended $654,330.53 forofficial printing,*while the state of Tennessee, a state in which printing is a minor in¬ dustry and much less a factor in daily life, expended in the same year but $8,136.38. The proportion there¬ fore, of official printing to population was twenty times as great in New York as in Tenn¬ essee. On the whole, however, the ad- ABCDEFGHUKLMNOPORSTUVWX $12 abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz 467 25 pounds and multiples 12-Point 50c. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF Printing, progress, though continuous, was slow for three hundred and fifty years, and although the volume of printed mat¬ ter has increased much more rapidly during the last half century, respon¬ sive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing is still largely a matter of habit and education, varying wide¬ ly in different nations and among the various states of our own Republic. This fact is illustrated by the expen¬ ditures of the state governments for official printing which show differ¬ ences so great as to be explainable ABCDEFGHUKLMNOPORSTUW JOB FONTS 6-Point 22A $0.95 44a $1.06 $2.00 8-Point 19A $1.10 38a $1.16 $2.25 10-Point 16A $1.20 32a $1.30 $2.50 12-Point 16A $1.30 32a $1.45 $2.76 Cast to 48-rt. See p. 45 $123 abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz 5780 12 abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz 89 ALL HANSEN TYPE CAST FROM SUPERIOR COPPER ALLOY METAL ALL HANSEN TYPE IS CUT EXTRA DEEP INSURING LONG LIFE AND DURABILITY THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 32 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 LINING VIKING OLD STYLE No. 3 Standard Line 25 pounds and multiples 6-Point TOc. per Ht. A REPUTATION FOR PROMPTNESS IS ONE OF THE THINGS That a printer should strive for. He will have gained a great ad¬ vantage when it comes to be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it will pay him to endeavor to secure such a re¬ putation by every means in his power. 1 know how prone is the ordinary business man to wait until he is clean out of stationery, or whatever he wants, before ordering more, or to postpone until the latest possible moment the order for circulars, handbills or any bit of commercial work ; and then, when he does give you the order, he acts as though he thought his was the only work you had in your shop, that you should give him immediate precedence over everybody else. If your office is run systematically, you can tell after a mo¬ ment's reflection just how the work is getting on, and what chances there are for getting a new job started in. Then you can tell your customer when he can have his work, within an hour or two, unless it is a job of considerable magnitude. Then if he says that is too late, tell him you are sorry, but you would rather lose the order than disappoint him in the delivery of it. Explain the situation fully to him, and it is ten chances to one he will leave the order. If he does so, you must have that work ready when it is promised. One failure to keep your word in this respect will do you incalculable harm Don't promise it a minute earlier thanyou have it ready, but never let the appointed hour go by without delivering the work. So much for building up reputation. You will have to help spread that reputation yourself by telling about it in your adver¬ tising. The adoption oi a "catch line" or "trade motto" is just as good for a printer's advertising as for that of any other man. "Ready when you want it," or "If it isn't done when promised, don't take it," or "Done on time and done right." Such a phrase, if adopted, should be used on every piece of advertising the office uses, ABCDEFCHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 25 pounds and multiples 8-Point 62c. per lb. A REPUTATION FOR PROMPTNESS IS ONE OF THE Things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it comes to be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it will pay him to endeavor to secure such a reputation by every means in his power. I know how prone is the ordinary business man to wait until he is clean out of stationery, or what¬ ever he wants, before ordering more, or to postpone until the latest possible moment the order for circulars, or handbills, or any other bit of commercial work; and then, when he does give you the order, he acts as though he thought his was the only work you had in your shop— that you should immediately give him precedence over everybody else. If your office is run systematically, you can tell after a moment's reflectionjust howthework is getting on, and what chances there are for getting a new job started in. Then you can tell your customer when he can have his work, within an hour or two, unless it is a job of con¬ siderable magnitude. Then if he says that is too late, tell him you are sorry, but you would rather lose the order than disappoint him in the delivery of it. Explain the situation fully to him, and it is ten chances to one he will leave the order. If he does so, you must have that work ready ABCDEFGH1JKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ& 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 25 pounds and multiples 10-Point 54c. per 11>. A REPUTATION FOR PROMPTNESS IS One thing that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it comes to be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it will pay him to en¬ deavor to secure such a reputation by every means in his power. I know how prone is the ordinary business man to wait until he is clean out of stationery, or whatever he wants, before ordering more, or to postpone until the last possible moment the order for circulars, or handbills, or any other bit of commercial work; and then, when he does give you the order, he acts as though he thought his was the only work you had in your shop—that you should immediately give him precedence over everybody else. If your office is run systematically, you can tell, after a moment's reflection just how the work is getting on, and what chances there are ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ & 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 25 pounds and multiples 12-Pomt 50c. per lb. REPUTATION EGR PROMPTNESS Is the one thing that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it comes to be said of him that he invariably gets work out on time, and it will pay him to en¬ deavor to secure such a reputation by every means in his power. I know how prone the ordinary business man is to wait until he is dean out of sta¬ tionery, or whatever he wants, before ordering more, or to postpone until the latest possible moment the order for circulars, or handbills, or any other bit of commercial work; and then, when he does give you the order he acts as though ABGDEEGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW 123 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 890 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 33 SES the hansen superior quality ^ M ^ established in the year 1872 THE HUNNEWELL SERIES Standard Line 25 pounds and multiples 6-Point 7(k\ per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING, PROGRESS THOUGH Continuous, was exceedingly slow for three hundred and fifty years, and although the volume of printed matter has Increased much more rapidly during the last half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing Is still very largely a matter of habit and education, varying widely In different nations, and even among the various states of our own Republic. This fact Is Illustrated by the expenditures of state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be explainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for example, has long been foremost among all the states In the production of printing; In 1900 the state government expended $654,330.53 for official printing, while state officials of Tennessee, a state in which printing is a minor industry and much less a factor In dally life, expended in the same year but $8,136.38 The proportion, therefore, of official printing to population was twenty times as great in New York as In Tennessee. On the whole, however, the advance of the United States during the last fifty years, which may be set as the period of greatest Industrial activity, has been so great and far reaching as to place the Industry among the leaders, and to arouse some curiosity concerning the part which the printer has played in this half century competition among the great Industries. Fortunately it is possible to measure, approximately at least, the progress which the prin¬ cipal Industries In the United States have made since 1850, for the fed¬ eral census taken in that year, and commonly regarded as the first modern census, Included statistics of manufacturers. The results, how¬ ever, cannot be regarded as entirely accurate. Invention, expansion, and progress have wrought so mightily In the half century since 1860 that a statistical bottom firm enough to hold anchor would be especially welcome, but methods of enumeration and form*** The Printing Art ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& $12345 abcdefghljklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 25 pounds and multiples H-I*oint 02c. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING, PROGRESS Though continuous, was exceedingly slow for three hundred and fifty years, and, although the volume of printed matter has Increased much more rapidly during the last half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing Is still largely a matter of habit and education, varying widely In different nations, and even among the various states of our own Republic. This fact Is Illustrated by the expenditures of state governments for official printing, which show differ¬ ences so great as to be explainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for example, has long been foremost among all the states in the production of printing; In 1900 the state govern¬ ment expended $654,330.53 for official printing, while the state of Tennessee, a state In which printing Is a minor In¬ dustry and much less a factor in dally life, expended In the same year but $8,135.38. The proportion, therefore, of official printing to population was twenty times as great In New York as In Tennessee. On the whole, however, the advance of the printing Industry In the United States during the last fifty years, which may be set as the period of greatest Indus- trial activity, has been so great as to place the industry among the leaders, and to arouse some curiosity 4567 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& $12345 abcdefghljklmnopqrstuvwxyz 57890 Wood Goods and Machinery Section of this Specimen Book set In Hunnewell 25 ponnds and multiples 10-Point 54c. per It). 25 pounds and multiples 12-Foint 50c. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING, Progress, though continuous, was very slow for three hundred and fifty years, and, although the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly during the last half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing is still largely a matter of habit and education, varying widely in different nations, and even among the various states of our own Republic. This fact is illustrated by the ex¬ penditures of the state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be explainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for example, has long been foremost among all the states in the production of printing; in 1900 the state government ex¬ pended $654,330.53 for official printing, while the state of Tennessee, a state in which 123 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY $12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 57890 EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING The progress, though continuous, was ex¬ ceedingly slow for three hundred and fifty years, and, although the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly during the last half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of print¬ ing is still largely a matter of habit and education, varying widely in different na¬ tions, and even among the states of our own Republic. This fact is illustrated by the expenditures of the state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be explainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of 12 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 Opened with 2-Polnt Leads THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 34 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 LINING FRENCH OLD STYLE No. ^ Stundard Line 25 pounds and multiples 6-Point 7(»c. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING, THE PROGRESS, THOUGH Continuous, was exceedingly slow for three hundred and fifty years, and although the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly during the last half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing is still very largely a matter of habit and education, varying widely in different nations, and even among the various states of our own Republic. This fact is illustrated by the expenditures of state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be explainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for example, has long been foremost among all the states In the production of printing; In 1900 the state government expended $654,330.53 for official printing, while the state officials of Tennessee, a state in which printing is a minor industry and much less a factor in daily life, expended in the same year but $5,136.38. The proportion, therefore, of official printing to population was twenty times as great in New York as in Tennessee. On the whole, however, the advance of the United States during the last fifty years, which may be set as the period of greatest industrial activity, has been so great and far reaching as to place the industry among the leaders, and to arouse some curiosity concerning the part which the printer has played in this half century competition among the great industries. Fortunately it is possible to measure, approximately at least, the progress which the prin¬ cipal industries in the United States have made since 1850, for the federal census taken in that year, and commonly regarded as the first modern census, included statistics of manufactures. The results, however, can¬ not be regarded as entirely accurate. Invention, expansion and progress have wrought so mightily in the half century since 1850 that a statistical bottom firm enough to hold anchor would be especially welcome, but methods of enumeration and form of inquiry have ***—The Printing Art ABCDEFGHUKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 26 pounds and multiples 8-Point 62c. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING, PROGRESS Though continuous, was exceedingly siow for three hun¬ dred and fifty years, and, although the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly during the last half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of printing is stiii largely a matter of habit and educa¬ tion, varying widely in different nations, and even among the different states of our own Republic. This fact is illustrated by the expenditures of state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be explainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for ex¬ ample, has long been foremost among ail the states in the production of printing; in igoo the state government ex¬ pended $654,330.53 for official printing, while the state of Tennessee, a state in which printing is a minor industry and much less a factor in daily life, expended in the same year but $8,136.38. The proportion, therefore, of official printing to population was twenty times as great in New York as in Tennessee. On the whole, however, the ad¬ vance of the printing industry in the United States during the last fifty years, which may be set as the period of greatest industrial activity, has been so great as to place ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 26 pounds and multiples 10-Point 54c. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING, PROGRESS Though continuous, was exceedingly slow for three hundred and fifty years, and although the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly during the last half century, responsive to the con¬ ditions of our age, the use of printing is still largely a matter of habit and education, varying widely in different nations, and even among the various states of our own Republic. This fact is illustrated by the expenditures of state governments for official printing, which show differences so great as to be explainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. The state of New York, for example, has long been foremost among all the states in the production of printing; in 1900 the state government expended $654,330.53 for official printing, while the state of Tennessee, a state in which printing is a minor industry and much less a factor in daily life, expended in the same ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Opened with 25 pounds and multiples 12-point 50c. per lb. EVEN IN THE ART OF PRINTING, The progress, though continuous, was ex¬ ceedingly slow for three hundred and fifty years, and, although the volume of printed matter has increased much more rapidly during the last half century, responsive to the conditions of our age, the use of print¬ ing is still largely a matter of habit and education, varying widely in different na¬ tions, and even among the various states of our own Republic. This fact is illus¬ trated by the expenditures of the state governments for official printing which show differences so great as to be ex¬ plainable only by the habit of the sparing or of the liberal use of printed matter. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz i-Point Leads THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 35 the hansen superior quality established in the year 1872 CHINESE PHILOSOPHY A conjurer and a tailor once happened to converse together. ' 'Alas! ' ' cries the tailor, ' 'what an unhappy poor creature am I; if people ihould ever take it in their heads to live without clothes I am undone; I have no other trade to have recourfe to." "Indeed, friend, I pity you fincerely," replies the conjurer; "but, thank Heaven, things are not quite so bad with me; for if one trick (hould fail, I have an hundred tricks more for them yet. However, if at any time you are re¬ duced to beggary, apply to me, and I will relieve you." A famine overfpread the land; the tailor made a fhift to live, because his cuilomers could not clothes; but the poor conjurer, with al tricks, could find none that had money t it was in vain that he promifed to eat fi pins; no single creature would relieve h he was obliged to beg from the very tai ing he had formerly defpised. There are no obílruítions more fatal t pride and refentment. If you mull refe all, at leall supprefs your indignation ur come rich, and then ihew away: the reí poor man is like the efforts of a harm Hing; it may get him cruihed, but cannc Who values that anger which is cons empty menaces. Once upon a time, a goose fed its yoi side; and a goose, in such circumftances 15 a $1.50 30a $1.75 $3.25 Small Caps, 10a $0.60 Poster Font, approx. 25 lbs., $16.50 6-Pt. Swastika Border No. 1 60 inches $1.50 . Originated and cast by THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE TOUNDRY 190-192 Congress Street, Boston 43 Centre Street, New York FOURTEENTH CENTURY 12-PoiNT ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRSTU VWXYZV- $1234567890 ABCDErCHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrsftuvwxyz fffiflftihfiflft Superior Letters |-| d e h F s t Y^ TRUE NARRATIVE of SIR ALGERNON STANHOPE'S ADVENTURES How ladd® of tender years did battle with y' bold^ highwayman By Edward Weller T I'rinters' Joy No 11 lOc 3"'' Edition Dan'l Howland V Son ^ london ^ 12-Pt. Border No. 155 54 inches $1.50 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 36 JE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 CASLON OLD S TYLK No. i. JOB FONTS ORIGINAL CASLON WITH REGULAR DESCENDERS PUT ON SPECIAL LINE TO PRESERVE STYLE OF FACE 6-Point LiñA $0.80 70a $1.20 $2.00 "WELL! WHY SHOULDN'T HE DO GOOD WORK WHEN HE HAS All the latest type faces to work withF' Thus spoke Morpheus Grumble of his more successful fellow workman employed by a rival firm, Doitt, Wright & Co., whose work bore the reputation of being the very best that could be produced FPoint 20A $1.00 50a $1.25 $2.25 NOW, THE TRUTH BE KNOWN, THE FIRM BY WHOM Morpheus was employed was well equipped to produce good printing, but Morpheus followed the line of least resistance and performed his work in a half-hearted, indolent manner, studying the face of the clock, while his 10-Point 18A $1.10 45a $1.40 $2.50 FRIEND AT DOITT, WRIGHT & CO.'S STUDIED the possibilities of each border, ornament, and face of type in the office and carefully perused the various trade journals, not omitting the advertisements, gleaning therefrom many helpful n¡-J'(iint 16A $1.25 35a $1.50 $2.76 IDEAS WHICH HE STORED AWAY In the recesses of his brain to be brought forth and put to practical use when the proper job 14-Polnt 12A$1.40 3Da$1.60 $3.00 THE PRIEST WAS SINGING AND The organ sounded, and then anon the great cathedral bell. It was the elevation 16-Point 12A$1.76 22a $1.60 $3.26 MANY COMPOSITORS SAY "I can't" when confronted with a difficult bit of copy. Buck up! THOMAS J. GRAYLE President E. FRANK WILKINS Vice-President DAVID W, GRAYLE Sec^y-treas. GRAYLE BOOK COMPANY SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT-BOOKS SCIENTIFIC WORKS - BIOGRAPHIES BRANCH OFFICES NEW YORK BOSTON ATLANTA PHILADELPHIA SAN FRANCISCO CHICAGO Cambridge, Mass. Lining Ronaldson Lxtended No. 3 6-Point STANDARD LINR 17A $0.90 34a $1.10 $2.00 10-Point 13A $1.10 26a $1.40 $2.50 STRATRORD-'ON-'AVON HAS THE RROUD Distinction of being tbe birthplace of "William Shakespeare, and the house in -which the great t>oet -was born and spent his earlier years still stands on Henley street. As years passed by it underwent many changes, but its appearance now is doubtless not materially different from what it -was in the latter part of the sixteenth century, since it has been carefully preserved as a national memorial to the poet. There are STRATFORD-ON-AVON HAS The proud distinction of being the birthplace of AVilliam Shakes peare, and the house in ^vhich the great poet -was born is still standing on Henley street. As years passed it doubtless under- i-Foint 14A $1.00 28a $1.25 $2.25 12-Point IIA $1.20 23a $1.56 $2.75 STRA.TFORD-ON-AVON HAS THE Rroud distinction of being the birth¬ place of William Shakespeare, and the house in which the great poet was horn stilt stands on Henley street. As years passed by it doubtless under¬ went changes hut its appearance no-w is doubtless not materially different from what it -was in the latter part of STRATKORD-ON-AVON IS Tbe birthplace of "William Shakespeare, arid the house in which he was horn still stands on Henley street. It nnderyyent many changes as the years passed hy, the THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 37 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ^ M ^ ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR ©crntûtt ^olbface 6-Point V2A $0.85 30a $1.16 $2.00 ^te 6(^rift, bie Uebertrogung bes (Scbankcns unb bes fortes, ift aiigleid) bte n)id)tigfte Trägerin a0er ^ulhir unb ^iHeiifcbaft; fie tft bas geiftigc Banb, melcbes fcbon in ben älteften 3citen bie grogen ®eiftcr mit bcti Sneiio fd)en in enge 'Be¿ieí)ung bra<í)te, bis Bobann <9utenbcrg burd) bie fegcnssi reiche (Srfinbung ber 2)rucbf(bri^ fcnc b^Ofit^obienbe £id)tqueQc gefchaffcn bat, unter beren (£influ% fi^ bas geiftige Beben bes SDlittetalters au fo un« geahnter ^öhe emporhob ; fene BichtqueOe, bie noch heute in ftcts annehmen^ ber BüQe allen (Gebieten mcnfchU^en Schaffens unb bcm internationalen betriebe ber Stationen augutkommt. €s giebt in ben K'reifen ber gcbilbctcn ^elt keine BebensfteQung, bie nicht aur Schrift in naher ^eaiehung ftänbc 8-roint ISA $1.06 32a $1.20 $2.26 3)ie 6c^rift, bie Uebertragung bes @íebanhens unb bes Portes, ift }ugleicl) bie n)icl)tigfte Srägerin aller Kultur unb ^Biffenfc^aft; fie ift bos geiftige ^anb, roelcbes fciion in ben äiteften Seiten bie grogen ®eifter mit ben fbten° fegen in enge ^ejiegung bracgte, bis Sogann C5utenberg burcg bie fegensreicge ®rfinbung ber ¡Druchfcgrift Jene gellftraglenbe Ciegtquelle, gefcgaffen gat, unter beren C&influg ficg bas geiftige £eben bes fDtittelaiters ju fo Programm ber £?a(^it(affe für îgpografjb^u Ser 1. ^onbroerkerfcgnle Berlin, Cinbenftroffe 1 9-Point 12A $1.10 34a $1.40 $2.50 ®ie 6cgrift, bie Uebcrtrogung bes ©ebanhens unb bes 'îBortes, ift äugleicg bie niicgtigftc Trägerin oUer Kultur unb ÎDiffenftgaft; fie ift bos geiftige 33anb, roeldies fcgon in ben äiteften Seiten bie grogen ©eifter mit ben SDlenf^en in enge ^ejiegnng braute, bis 3ogann ©ntenberg bnrtg bie fegensreicge ©rfinbnng ber ©rncbfcgrift jene gellftraglenbe Sicgtqnelle gefcgof^: fen got, unter beren ©infing ficg bos geiftige Ceben bes lO-Point lOA $1.00 30a $1.50 $2.50 Sie Schrift, bie Uebertragung bes ©ebanbens unb bes Portes, ift juglet^ bte roiihtigftc 3:rö= gcrin oller Äultur unb 2ßiffcuf(httft; fie ift bos geiftige ®onb, meines fchon in ben äiteften Seiten bie großen ©eiftcr mit ben 9)îenf(hcn in enge Sc« jiegnng broihte, bis 3ogonn ©ntenberg bnrih bie fegensrciihc ©rfinbnng ber Srn&fihrift jene gel« ©gorocters in fonts of oU sijes 12345 3e^3 67890 ahcbefghii^Ioï«o|)qr2sftutm}ft)a &iii)ilööüd)dtiifffififffiftßh 12-Point lOA $1.25 28a $1.50 $2.75 Sic Schrift, bie Uebertragung bes ©e« banbens unb bes ÎBortes, ift bie roichtigfte Sirögerin olier Kultur unb ÍBif® fenfcho^; fie ift bas geiftige ®anb, roelchcs fchon oon öltefter 3eit bie großen ©eifter mit ben ÎJlenfchcn in enge ^eaiegnng ge^ bracht hat, bis Bogann ©ntenberg bnr^ 7 18-Point OA $1.25 15a $2.00 $3.25 3)ie Sctfnft, bte Uebertragung bes ©ebanbens unb bes Portes, ift jn® gieic^ bte luii^tigfte Srögertu aller .Kultur unb ^iffeui^aft; fie ift bas geiftige ^aub, roeic^es fcí)ou in ben THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 38 XHE; HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1ST2 ©crtnan Seft C-Point 14A$0.85 $1.15 $Ü.ÜÜ 3)cr Srftc, ioc((^cr bic SOlûÎmi iinb ^oefic mit dnanbcr ucrglid), roar ein SUîonn 0011 feinem (Scfüí)le, bcr oon beibcn Mmftcn eine äi)nlid)e 335irhung tiuf fi^ oerfpürte. Q3eibe, empfanb er, fteUen uns obmcfenbe 0iiige a(s gegenmärtig, ben &^cin oís ^irbliií)kcit oor; beibe tönfcf)en, iinb briber Säufc^img gefällt. ®in 3iociter fuiste in bos Snnerc biefcs ©efoUcns cinnubrtngen unb entbeátc, bog es beibetben ous einerlei OueQc fliege, ©ie 6d)öni)eit, beren begriff mir ¿uerft oon hörpcrlidien ©ingen obliegen, got oUgemeine 9^egeln, bic fii^ auf mehrere S)inge onroenbcn Inffen; auf ^onbíungen, ouf ©ebonbcn fotooí)! oís ouf S^ormcn. (Ein S)rittcr, njcíd)cr über ben îôertij unb bie ^crtgeiiung biefer oilges meinen 9^egeln noc^bodite, bemerkte, bog einige megr in ber SJtoíerei, onbere ntegr in ber ^ocfie gcrrfcgten ; bog olfo bei biefen bic ^oefie ber 9JîaIerei, bei jenen bie ^Tloierei ber ^oefie mit ©rlöuterungcn unb "Beifpieien ousgclfcn bonne. 0os crftc mor ber Ciebgober, bos grocitc ber ^giiofopg, bos brittc ber ^unftriigtcr. Sene beiben bonnten nid)t tcid)t, roeber oon igrem (Sefügl, nod) oon igren Sd)lüffen einen unrecgten ©ebroud) mod)cn. Bei ben Bemcrbungen bes Äunftriigters bogegen bcrugt bos 9Jtcifte in ber Oîicgtigbeit ber îintoenbung ouf ben einjeincn 5ÍB(E®e3®lp3^CBÍ3IO'ipQ9Í63:UBBíX'3)3 12345 obcbefggijbímnopqnsftuoiDjgg 67890 ÄiiöaoöücgdiMfffififffiftgg B-I'olnt 14A $1.00 40a $1.25 $2.25 5)cr Srfte, roclcljer bie SDÎalcrci unb ^oefie mit einanbcr oer= glicl), mar ein 3Jtann uon feinem ®efiii)Ie, n)elci)er uon beiben fünften eine äi)nlicf)e ÎBiriiung auf fiel) uerfgürte. ^eibe, em« gfanb er, ftellen uns abroefenbe Singe als gegenroärtig, ben 6ci)ein als 2î3iriîlid)heit uor; beibe täufc^en, unb beiber Sau» fci)ung gefällt, ©in Broeiter fucl)te in bas Snnere biefes ©efailens einjubringen unb entbecbte, bag es bei beiben aus einerlei Quelle fliege. Sie 6(i)öngeit, beren ^Begriff mir äuerft oon feögerlicgen Singen abbiegen, gat aligemeine Siegeln, bie ficg auf megrere Singe anroenben laffen; ouf ^anblungen, auf ©ebonfeen foroogl als auf fformen. ©in Sritter, roelcgcr über ben iJBertg unb bie 33ertgeilung biefer allgemeinen Siegeln nocgbacgte, bemerkte, bag ÎJI'33©S©5®$3ÂeaTtSÎÔf3Q9îSSll'23aB3£?)3 12345 abcbefggijhlmnopgrjsftuoroîgâ 67890 & íí Ö Ü ä ö ü eg cb 11 ff fi fl ff fi ft g g 12-Point lOA $1.10 32a $1.65 $2.V6 5)er Êrfte, raeltger bie SDÎaleret unb "ipoefie mit elnanber oerglid), mur ein SDÎonn non feinem @efüí)le, ber oon beiben .fünften eine öf)nlict)e ÎBirbung auf fid) oerfpüríe. ^eibe, empfanb er, ftellen uns abroefenbe 3)inge als gegenroärtig, ben 6d)ein als "îBirkliclfkeit oor; beibe täufcgen, unb beiber Söufdfung gefällt, ©in 3roeiter fud)te in bas Snnere biefes ©efailens einzubringen unb entbeáte, bag es bei beiben aus einerlei Quelle fliege. 5)ie 6d)öngeit, beren begriff roir guerft oon körperliigen Singen abgiegen, gat allgemeine siegeln, bie ficg auf megrere Singe anroenben laffen; auf ipanblungen, auf ©ebanken foroogl als auf formen, ©in Sritter, roelcger über ben S5ertg unb bie ^ertgeilung biefer allgemeinen siegeln nacgbacgte, bemerkte, bag einige megr in ber SJÎalerei 5í^©S©3@^3^eaJÍ9ÍQ^Q916SUM3£3)3 12345 abcbefggijklmnopgrzsftuorofgz 67890 & 5t Ö a ä ö ü eg ck II ff fi fl ff fi ft g g 9-Point 14A $1.16 40a $1.85 $2.60 Ser ©rfte, roelcger bie SJtalerei unb tloefie mit einanber uerglicg, roar ein SÓÍann uon feinem ©efügle, ber uon beiben Äünften eine änglicge SBirkung auf fi(g uerfpürte. iBeibe, empfanb er, ftellen uns abroefenbe Singe als gegenroärtig, ben Segein als SBirkliegkeit oor; beibe töufcgen, unb beiber Säufcgung gefällt, ©in Broeiter fucgte in bas Snnere biefes ©efailens einzubringen unb entbeckte, bag es bei beiben ous einerlei Quelle fliege. Sie Scgöngeit, beren 93egriff roir guerft Don körgerlicgen Singen obgiegen, gut allgemeine Stegein, bie ficg ouf megrere Singe anroenben laffen; auf ©ebanken foroogt als auf ^Formen, ©in Sritter, roelcger über ben SBertg unb bie S3ertgeilung biefer allgemeinen Sl33ese5©$3^eSÍl3lQ^QSÍ6SUS$SB3í?)3 12345 abcbefggijklmnoggnsftuoroígg 67890 & 2t Ö Ü ä ö ü eg á 11 ff fi fl ff fi ft g g Sold also at regular body rates THE H. C. HANS: lO-Point lOA $1.00 86a $1.50 $2.50 Ser Srfte, roeltger bie 3JlaIerci unb ^oefie mit ein= onber oerglicg, roar ein SKonn oon feinem ©efiigle, ber Don beiben .fünften eine ägnltcge SBtrkung ouf ficg Dcrfpürte. 23eibe, eropfanb er, ftellen uns abroe= fenbe Singe als gegenroärtig, ben èdjein als 3Birk= iicgkeit Dor; beibe täuftgen, unb beiber Säufcgung gefällt, ©in 3roeiter fucgte in bas Snnere biefes ©efailens einzubringen unb entbedite, bag es bei bei= ben aus einerlei Quelle fliege. Sie ècgôngeit, beren begriff roir guerft oon körgerlldjen Singen abgiegen, gat aligeroeine Stegein, bie fid) auf megrere Singe SiSeseS@^3Ä£3n9tÖ^Ü9t62:US3S53e^3 12345 abcbefggijktmnopqnsftuoroïgg 67890 & 2Î Ö Ü ä ö ü eg ck Ii ff fi fí ff fi ft g g Other 10-Pt. (ïerman Face shown on page 169 TYPE FOUNDRY THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN "THE YEAR 1872 HANSEN'S NEW IMPROVED LINING LEADERS STANDARD LINE Cast to line with all point bodies of lining type from S-point to 18-point, with a variety of faces, they are the most complete assortment of leaders ever brought out 5-Poiiit One Dot to the Em PER POUND $1.20 5-Foint Three Dots to the Em PER POUND $1.20 5J-Foiiit KK cents 5i-Point 88 cents 6-Point 76 cents 6-Point 76 cents 7-Point 66 cents 7-Point 66 cents 8-Point 62 cents 8-Point 62 cents 9-Point 58 cents 9-Point 68 cents 10-Point 54 cents 10-Point 54 cents 11-Point 52 cents 11-Point 52 cents 12-Point 50 cents 12-Point 50 cents 14-Point 47 cents 14-Point 47 cents le-Point 47 cents 16-Point 47 cents 18-Point 47 cents 18-Point 47 cents 6-Poiiit Two Dots to the Em PER POUND $1.20 5-Point Fine Round Dot PER POUND $1.20 5^-Pomt 88 cents ö^-Point 88 cents 6-Point 76 cents 6-i*oint 76 cents 7-Point 66 cents 7-Point 66 cents 8-Point 62 cents 8-Point 62 cents 9-Point 68 cents 9-Point 58 cents 10-Point 54 cents lO-Point 54 cents 11-Point 52 cents 11-Foint 52 cents 12-Point 60 cents 50 cents 47 cents 12-Point 14-Point Characters of One Dot to the Em Lining Leaders All characters shown on 8-Point body 16-Point 18-Point 47 cents 47 cents Characters of Two Dots to the Em Lining Leaders Characters of Three Dots to the Em Lining Leaders Characters of Fine Round Dot Lining Leaders In matching leaders in case be sure and send sample leader. All sizes and faces put up in 3 and 6 pound job fonts at regular body rates as abovi THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 40 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITV ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 HANSEN'S NEW IMPROVED LINING LEADERS SI ANDAKI) LINE Hyphen Face 6-Point PER POUND 7(5 cents Shown on 8-Point body Fine Hyphen Face 6-I'oint PER POUND 76 cents 7-Point 66 cents 7-Point 66 cents 8-Point 62 cents 8-Point 62 cents 9-Point 58 cents 9-Point 58 cents 10-Point 54 cents 10-Point 54 cents 11-Point 62 cents 11-Point 52 cents 12-Point 50 cents 12-Point 50 cents Characters of Hyphen Face Lining Leaders Characters of Fine Hyphen Face Lining Leaders Shown on 8-Point body Specimen of 12-Point Hyphen Face Lining Leaders aligned with 18-Point and 30-Foint Newton Script ^ ÛO /CO . Specimen of 6-Point Two Dots to the Em Lining Leaders used with Hansen's 6-Point Lining Crawford Boston in 1776 James Byron Masters The Trial Trip of the Dolphin Charles Seaman The Resolution of Sammy George Custer Explorations in Southern Mexico Allan Miner A Battle in Mid Air Boswick Paine Specimen of 10-Point Three Dots to the Em Lining Leaders used with Hansen's 10-Point Lining Stratford Old Style Evening Bells George Irving The Whispering Waves Adams Rose of My Heart, Reverie An Old Garden Specimen of 8-Point One Dot to the Em Lining Leaders used "with Hansen's Lining Caslon Old Style No. 2 Coming Home from the Fields 25 Hunting the Partridge 37 A Good Shot on the Wing . . . 53 Fishing for Speckled Trout 69 A Camp in the Mountains . . 81 Specimen of 12-Point Fine Round Dot Lining Leaders used with Hansen's Lining Caslon Old Style No. 2 Wedding March Wagner In After Years Blake Strauss ..Harris Von Tilzer Mattures Otto Kirkmann Hope Temple THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY Dlue uanuDe w After the Ball Just for Fun 41 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHEID IN THE YEAR 1872 JOB AND BODY TYPE ACCENTS The aooeuts that we make are divided into different Innu viiines as follows French àâçéèëêîïôîiiiû ÀÇÉÈÊ ÀçÉfeËÈ Portuguese ààçéêiftôôôiiii ÁAgÉÉÍÑOÓÚÜ ÁgÉÉíÑóóóü Swedish ääö AÄÖ Aäö Danish and Norwegian 0 ö 0 Ö Bohemian àèéëiôïéùûfï ÁCÉEÍÓfi Ö Ú tr f 2 German ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü Italian àèihùÀÈÎÔÙ Hungarian á é í d ö ú ü Á É í Ó Ö Ú Ü Polish a^è^iñ6èí.i. A,6^hÉÓéí,Z áéíddüñ ÁÉÍÓÚÜÑ Á É í ó Ú Ü Ñ Below is a complete list of accents made in the different sizes of body and job type ; specimen book : specified and shown in this OLD STYLE No. 110 6-Point—ä âââàaâ ëëëêèéï iïîii ööööbd üüü ûùufiçÂAÔ 8-Point—â aââààâàëëëêèé êïîïiiiôôôôodôû ûûûùùfiç Ä A A A A ÉÉÉEÍOÓOÜÚÑ Ç âàâêèé foóúüÑg 10-Point—ä âââààâàëëëêëè êiîïîiiôôôôbdôû ûiiûùùnçÂÀÀ ÉÉÉEÍOÓOÜÚÑ ÇÂÂÀÀËÊÈÉÏlifO ôbôûûùÙNÇ 11-Point—ä âââàà ëëëêèë ïï ïîii ööööbdüOüu ù Ú ñ ç 12-Point—ä âaâààâëëëêëéi î ï î î Í Ö 5 Ö ô b d Ü û Ü ûùdfiçÂÀAÉÎÔÔ Ü Ñ Á É Í Ó Ú Ñ OLD STYLE No. 110 ITALIC 8-Point—ä â à á â ë ê è é ï î i í ö ôbdûûîiunç BODY TYPE ACCENTS OLD STYLE No. 110 ITALIC. Continued 10-Point—ä âââààëëëêéè il ïîii ööööbd üüüü ù lí ñ ç 11-Point—à CASLON OLD STYLE No. 2 6-Point—ä â à á â ë ê ë ë ï î i Í 5 Ô bdiiûùùnç ÂAÂÉ ÉÉÍÓÓÜÜÑg 8-Point—ä â à á â ë ê é è ï î i Í Ö ô bdiiûùdfiçÂÀÂ É ÉÉÍÓÓÜÚÑg 10-Point—ä âààâëêëéïîiiëô bddûiidnçÂÀA É ÉÉÍÓÓÜÜÑg 12-Point—ä â à á â ë ê è ë ï î i Í Ö ô bddûùdfiçÂAA É ÉÉÍÓÓÜÜÑg 18-Point—ä âààâëêèëïiiidô b d d û ù d^ ç A A A É ÉÉÍÓÓÜÜÑg 24-Point—ä â à á â ë ê è é ï î i Í Ö ô bddûùdfiçÂÀA É ÉÉÍÓÓÜÜÑg CASLON 0. S. ITALIC No. 2 6-Point—ä â à á â ë ê è ë ï î i Í Ö ô bddûùdftçÂAÔ 8-Point—ä â à á â ë ê è ë ï î i Í Ö Ô bddûùdfiçÂAO 10-Point—ä âààâëêëëïîiiôô bddûùdfiçÂÂÔ 12-Point—ä â à á â ë ê ë ë ï î i Í Ö ô bddûùdfiçÂÂÔ OLD STYLE No. 112 6-Point—ä âààâëêëëïîiidô b d Ü û ù d fi ç Ä Á  À É ÉÉÍIÓÓÓÜÜÜÑg ÁlÁÉkÉfOÓÜÚÑ ç 8-Point—ä âââààâëéëêëëîi ï î i Í ööööbd ü O ü û ùdfiçÂÀAÉÉÉÎÔ ÓÜÜÑgAÁlÉÉÉí ö ó ü ú Ñ ç 10-Point—ä à à á â ë ê ë ë í î 1 í Ö Ö 0 bddûdùfiç ÂA.ÂÉ ÉÉÍ00ÓÜÜÑgÁÁ AÊÈÉfôdÛÙNÇ 12-Point—ä âààëêëëïîlidôb ddûùdfiçAÂÀÉÉÉ Í Ö Ó Ü Ü Ñ g ç THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 42 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY H established in the year 1872 BODY TYPE ACCENTS. Continued OLD STYLE No. 112 ITALIC 6-Point—ä âààâëêèéïiHo ôod iiûlidfiç ÄÄA ÉÉÉÍOÓÜÚÑg S-Point—ä âààâëêèé ïî \ 1 ö ô o ó ûûùdfiç ÂÀ ÉÉÉÍOÓÜÚÑg lO-Point—ä âààâëêèéïîiiô ôbo iiûliiiftç ÄÄA ÉÉÉÍOÓÜÚÑg 12-Psint—ä âààâëêèëïîiio ôbdûûîiiifiç ÄÄA ÉÉÉÍOÓÜÚÑg DOMAN No. 4 B-Point—ä âââààâëëëêèéï iiiiiööööbdüüüü liùfiç0^çlzÂÂÀ ÂÂ É É É Ë í I f ÏO Ó 000ÜÚÚÚÑg HANSEN OLD STYLE No. 30 6-Point—ä â à á â ë ê ë é Ï Î i Í Ö Ô bdûûiiùnçÂÂÀA AÁÉÉÉÍÓÓÜÚ Ñg 8-Point—ä âààâëêèéïîîioô bdiiûîidftçÂÂÀ ÁÁÉÉÉÍÓÓÜÚÑg 10-Point—ä â à á â ë ê ë é ï î IÍ Ö ô bddûùdnçÂÂÀA ÁÉÉÉÍÓÓÜÚÑg 12-Point—ä â à á â ë ê ë é ï î 1 Í Ö ô bddûîidfiç ÄÄÄA AÁÉÉÉÍÓÓÜÚÑ ç 14-Point—â ä Ö 18-Point—ä âààâëêëéïîiibô bddûùdfiç ÄÄÄA ÄÁÉÉÉÍÓÓÜÚÑg FRENCH OLD STYLE No. 3 lO-Point—â äöAÄOlÄö ROMAN No. 4. Continued 8-Point—ä aââààâëëëêëéï ï ï î 1 í ö ö ö ô b d ü û ü ûùdfiçe^ëçlûà í i e Ä Ä ÂÉ É È í Ó0ÓÜÚÑ g4 Ö ^ Ñááz0ÉÉStrÁzÁÉ Ê É f ó Ú Ñ iO-Point—ä aàâààâëëëêëé ïîïîiibôôôbdûOû ûiidfiçÂÂÂÉÉÉÎ Ó Ó Ü Ú Ñ g Ä Â À Á Ê È É lÍÍOÓÓÜÚÚÚÑQ 12-Point—ä aââààâëëëêëéï îïîii ööööbd dùd ûîidfiçÂÂOÛ ROMAN No. 4 ITALIC lO-Point—ä aââààâëëëêéèï iïîii ööööbd ÜOÜ ûddfiçÂÂÂÉÉÉÎ Ó Ó Ü Ú Ñ JOB TYPE ACCENTS VIKING 6-Point—â ä Ö 0 Â Ä Ó 0 8-Point—â ä Ö 0 Â Ä Ó 0 10-Point—â ä Ö 0 Â Ä Ó 0 12-Point—â ä Ö 0 Â Ä Ó 0 CRAWFORD 6-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä Ó 8-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä Ó 10-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä Ó 12-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä Ó 18-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä Ó 24-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä Ó LATIN ANTIQUE 8-Point—â ä Ö 10-Point—â ä Ö 12-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä Ó 18-Point—â ä Ö TYPEWRITER 12-Point—é íñÄÍÑâäö AÄ0 STENOGRAF 12-Point—â äö0üÄÄ0Ü0 ROHAN No. 4 ITALIC. Continued 12-Point—á âaâàà ëëëêëé ïi ïîîiôôôôbddûdû ù d ñ ç NATIONAL ROMAN 6-Point—á à â â ä ç é ë ë ê î Í î ï ñ ööbddiiüüÄÄAÄ ÉÉÉÍÓÓÚÜÑg 8-Point—á à â â ä ç é ë ë ê i í î ï ñ ôobddùdûÀÂA ÉÉÉÍÓÓÚÜÑg 10-Point—á àâââçéèëêiiîïn ôô bdddüüÄÄÄÄ ÉÉÉÍÓÓÚÜÑg 11-Point—á àâââçéëëêiiiïn ööbdduüfiÄÄÄÄ ÉÉÉÍÓÓÚÜÑg 12-Point—á à â â ä ç é ë ë ê 1 í î i ñ öööddiiüfiÄÄÄÄ ÉÉÉÍÓÓÚÜÑg DE VINNE 8-Point—â ä ö Â Ä Ó 10-Point—â ä ö Â Ä Ó 12-Point—â ââîôôûùdœœÂÂÔ 14-Point—â ä ö Â Ä Ó 18-Point—â ä ö A Ä Ó 24-Point—â ä ö 36-Point—â ä ö NEWTON SCRIPT 12-Point—ä âàâêëébôûùfiç Â Ä Ó Ñ g 18-Point—ä âàâêëéôôûùfiç Â Ä Ó Ñ g 24-Point—ä âàâêëéôôûùnç A Ä Ó Ñ g 30-Point—ä âàâêëéôô ûùfi ç  A Ó Ñ g HOWLAND 10-Point—â ä Ö 12-Point—â ä Ö ANTIQUE No. 31 10-Point—Ó THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 43 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITV ^ M ^ ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR JOB TYPE ACCENTS. Continued LINING GOTHIC No. 18 6-Point—á à â â ä Ç é è ë ê Í Î Ï 11 ô Ö (5 Ú ù Ü û 8-Point—á à â â ä ç ë è ë ê Í î ï ñ ô Ö ó Ú ù Ü û 10-Point—á àâââçëèëèiî ï ñ ô Ö ó Ú ù Ü û 12-Poiat—á à â â ä ç é è ë ê Í î ï ñ ô Ö ó Ú ù Ü û i4-Point—á à â â ä ç é è ë ê í î ï ñ ô Ö (5 Ü il ii û 18-Point—á à â â ä ç é ë ë ê Í î ï ñ ô Ö ó Ú ù Ü û 24-Point—á à â â ä ç é ë ë ê Í î ï ñ ô Ö ó Ú ù ii û 30-Pomt—á à â â ä ç ë ë ë ê Í î ï ñ ô Ö ó tí ù il û 36-Point—á àâââçëëëêiîïfi ô Ö ó tí ù Ü û 42-Point—á àâââçëëëêiî ï ñ ô Ö ó tí 11 Ü û 48-Point—á àâââçëëëêiî ï ñ ô Ö d tí il ii û 54-Poiat—á àâââçëëëêiî ï ñ ô Ö d tí il Ü û BUFFALO ITALIC 12-Pomt—â ä Ö Â Ä Ö 18-Point—â ä Ö A Ä Ö DE VINNE CONDENSED 24-Point—ó é±z GERMAN lO-Point—ä âààêëéîidiiûii Ä Ö Ü BOLDFACE No. 15 6-Point—â ä Ö A Ä Ö 8-Point—w w ôe cÉ STRATFORD OLD STYLE 6-Point—A à â â ä i; ë ë ë Ü Í î ï il ô Ö d tí il ii û 8-Point—á à â â ä ç ë ë ë è Í î i fi ô Ö d li il ii û 10-Point—á à â â ä ç ë ë ë ê Í î ï ñ ô Ö d tí il ii û 12-Point—á à â â ä ç ë ë ë ê Í î ï fi ô Ö d tí il ii û HUNNEWELL B-Point—á àââaçëëëêii íiñ ôôbdiiiiiiûÀÀAÂÈ ÉÉÍOÓÚÜÑg 8-Point—á àâââçëëëêiiîïfi ô Ö bdiiiiûûÀÀÂÂÈ ÉÉÍOÓÚÜÑg 10-Point —á àâââçëëëêii îïft ô ôbdiiiiiiûÀÀAÂÈ ÉÉÍOÓÚÜÑg 12-Point—á àââaçëëëêii iïn ô Ö b d tí il ii ÛÀÀ ÂÂ È ÉÉÍOÓÚÜÑg LATIN CONDENSED lO-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä 0 12-Point—â âdàëëûçÂÂO 18-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä 0 24-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä 0 36-Point—â ä ö 48-Point—â ä Ö A Ä 0 GOTHIC CONDENSED No. 4 6-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä 0 8-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä 0 10-Point—â ä d Â Ä 0 12-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä 0 18-Point—ä ä Ö Â Ä 0 20-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä 0 24-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä 0 42-Point—â ä Ö Â Ä 0 BUFFALO 6-Point—ä â à á â â ë ë ë ë ï î i Í Ö ôbdiiûîiiinçÂÀÀA A ÉÉÉÍOÓÜÚÑg 8-Point—ä â à á â à ë ê ë ë ï î i Í Ö ôbdiiûiiiifiçÂÀÀ ÂÂÂÉÈÉÎOOÛÙ Ñ g 10-Point—ä âààââëêëëêïîii ôôbdiiûillinçÂÀÀ ÂÂÂÉÈÉÎOOÛÙ Ñ g 12-Point—ä â à á â â ë ê ë ë ï î 1Í Ö ôbdiiûiiiinçÂÀA ÂAÂÈÉËÎOOÛÙ Ñg 18-Point—ä âààâàëêëëïîiiô ôbdiiûiiiifiçÂÀÀ ÁAÁÉÉÉÍOÓÚÑ Ç 48-Point—â àêëëdûùç GOTHIC CONDENSED No. 400 *6-Point—á àâââçëëëêiî i ñ ô ö d tí ù ii û 8-Point—á à â â ä ç ë ë ë ê í i i ñ ô ö d tí ù ii û 10-Point—á àâââçëëëêiî ï ñ ó ö d tí il tí û 12-Point—á àâââçëëëêiî i ñ ô Ö d tí il ii û 18-Point—á àâââçëëëêiî i ñ ô o d tí il ü û 24-Point—á àâââçëëëêiî i ñ ô o d tí il ii û 36-Point—á à â â ä ç ë ë ë ê í î ï ii ô Ö d tí il ii û 48-Point—á àâââçëëëêiî ï ñ ô Ö d tí il ii û *Also made in 14, 30 and 54-Point 2-Pomt Piece Accents 12 3 4 5 6 PIECE ACCENTS Per Font, $0.50 6-Point Pieee Accents Per Font, $1.00 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ^ . m O O rr - A ^ K r \ PRICE LIST OF ACCENTS Bodv and job type accents are put up in ionts according to languages listed at 36c per font in sizes from 6 to 12-Point and at 60c per font for sizes larger than 12-Point. Any accent cast to order in qua ntities of no less than 4 ounces each at a minimum charge of 60c. In quan¬ tities at second class rates per pound unless ordered with weight fonts at same time. Special characters cut to order at special prices. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 44 Lining Caslon Full Face STANDARD LINE Complete series of this face from 6 to 48-Point are in preparation. Specimen sheets sent on request. 24-Point 6A $1.55 12a $1.95 $3.50 A REPUTATION FOR PROMPT- ness is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it can be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it will pay him to endeavor to secure 129 6, 8,10 and 12-Point sizes shown on page 32 Lining Caslon Full Face Italic STANDARD LINE Series of this face from 6 to 24-Point are in preparation. Specimen sheets sent on request. 24-Point 6A $1.75 12a $1.75 $8.60 A REPUTATION FOR PROMPT- ness is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it can be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it will pay him to endeavor to secure such a reputation by every means in his $4679 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 45 CASLON OLD STYLE No. 2 STANDARD LINE Caslon Old Style Number Two is one of the prettiest faces ever cut of this ever popular type. It is cast in fourteen sizes on the standard line from superior copper alloy metal 6-Point 22A $0.85 60a $1.15 $2.00 IN SETTLING DISPLAY LINES a compositor can waste the time and energy not only of himself, but also that of his fellow workmen, if he is careless in handling the material, especially in offices where there is not an overabundant supply of the various fonts. It is often necessary to set up a number of "try" lines before a compositor will find the type suitable to his purpose. When he finds that a line of type which he has set is either too small or too large, too heavy or too light, such line should immediately be replaced in the case from which it was taken, and not dumped on a galley or frame. Some other compositor may wish to use the same type, and, not finding it in the case, he will either have to turn sorts, which must later be replaced, or hunt for it on the dead stone or perhaps pull out numberless boards on which dead matter is kept before he finally finds the sorts needed, this is time and exertion which could have been saved if the lines had been replaced in the case after finding it did not answer his purpose. It is the same in regard to 8-Point 20A $1.00 48a $1.25 $2.25 IN SETTING DISPLAY LINES a compositor can waste the time and energy.not only of himself, but also that of his fellow workmen, if he is careless in the handling of material, especially in offices where there is not an overabundant supply of the various fonts. It is often necessary to set up a number of try " lines before a compositor will find the type suitable to his purpose. When he finds that a line of type which he has set is either too small or too large, too heavy or too light, such a line should im¬ mediately be replaced in the case from which it was taken, and not dumped on a galley or frame. Some other compositor may lO-Point ISA $1.15 40a $1.35 $2.50 IN SETTING DISPLAY LINES a man can waste the time and energy not only of himself, but also that of his fellow workmen, if he is careless in the handling of material, especially in offices where there is not an overabundant supply of the various fonts. It is often necessary to set up a number of *'try" lines before a compositor will find the type suitable to his purpose. 12-Poiiit 15A $1.30 32a $1.45 $2.75 IN SETTING DISPLAY LINES a com¬ positor can waste the time and energy not only of himself, but also that of his fellow workmen, if he is careless in the handling of material, especially in offices where the supply of the fonts is not overabundant 14-Poiiit 14A $1.50 28a $1.50 $3.00 lOA $1.50 20a $1.50 $3.00 IN SETTING DISPLAY LINES a man can waste the time and energy not only of himself, but also that of his fellow workmen, if he is careless in the handling of material, especially 18-Point lOA $1.55 20a $1.70 $3.25 IN SETTING display lines a man can waste the time and energy not only of himself but IN SETTING display lines a compositor can waste the time and energy not only of himself, but also that of his 20-Point 8A $1.60 16a $1.65 $3.25 IN SETTING DISPLAY lines a man can waste the time and energy not only 6A $1.75 12a $1.75 $3.50 LINING TYPE ALWAYS IN DEMAND Durable Metal used in Caslon Old Style No. 2 1234567890 1234567890 MODERN OLD STYLE Modern and O. S. Figures are both cast for this type. Modern Figures come with font. Small Caps of 6, 8,10 and 12-Pt. in separate fonts, 50o each THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 46 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 CASLON OLD STYLE No. 2 .S I ANDAIU) LINE 72-Pomt 3A $7.75 4a $4.75 $12.50 BEST of Faces 3A $5.30 4a $3.46 $8.75 TONE Quality 3A $3.25 6a $2.75 $6.00 CASLON Old Style is Popular 4A $2.75 6a $2.00 $4.75 MATRICE of this type newly made LINCOLN MILITARY ACADEMY SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS A REVISED CATALOGUE OF STUDIES DRILLS EXERCISES, WITH WHICH IS GIVEN A LIST OE THE STUDENTS 5A $2.00 10a $2.25 $4,25 CASLON TYPES MUCH USED In Fourteen Carefully Graded Sizes THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 47 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE VEAF CASLON OLD STTLE ITALIC No. 2 Standard Line 4A $3.50 7a $2.75 $6.25 OLD STTLE Printing 6A$1.T0 12a $1.80 $3.60 PRINTSHOPS Demand this letter TA $1.50 16a $1.75 $3.25 FLOWER GIRLS Elegantly Dressed 68 IS-Point 9A $1.30 25a $1.95 $3.25 SUMMER SPORTS In the Shade of the Pines 16-Poillt 9A $1.40 22a $1.60 $3.00 SECOND THOUGHTS Reveal unto us a true insight 14-Poillt 12A$1.36 34a $1.65 $3.00 MUCH HAS BEEN SPOKEN Concerning the correct use of Italics 12-Poillt 14A $1.20 42a $1.65 $2.75 CHANGING OF TYPE DESIGNS Requires time and labor and very often lO-Point 16A $1.00 50a $1.60 $2.60 MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED TEARS Have Caslon types been in use and today they are more popular than every which goes to prove it S-Foint ISA $1.00 55a $1.25 $2.25 PRINTING MATERIAL SUPPLIED QUICKLY Promptness in supplying the loants of printers has always been a feature of The Hansen Type Foundry at Boston, Mass. G-Point 22A $0.85 68a $1.15 $2.00 TYPES OF EXCELLENCE ARE EAGERLY SOUGHT Buyers of printing seek for striking typographical effects, resulting from the harmonious assembling of Caslon Old Style Italic No. 2 ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST Coifs Armory Presses DESIGNED & PATENTED BY JOHN THOMSON, C. E. BUILT AT COLT'S ARMORY BY COLT'S PATENT FIREARM MANUFACTURING COMPANY HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, U. S. A. JOHN THOMSON PRESS CO. 2yj Broadway, New York City 36-Point 4A $2.70 8:i $2.50 $6.20 R ULES U Dads 30-Poiiit 4A $2.10 9a $2.15 $4.25 Attractive PRINT THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY Sterling Coated. See page 377 48 "THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 LINING VIKING OID STYLE ITALIC No. 3 SfANPARl} UNE 6-Point 2HA $1.00 5011 $1.00 $2.00 THE SAME DAY AS VIKING LANDED AT THE ISLAND, HE WENT àshore to àmuse himself. He turned his steps to a forest and then grew very hot. Having come to an open place in the forest, he sat down, and saw a woman of exquisite beauty walking along. She came up to him, greeted him very courteously, and he received her very kindly. They talked together a long time, and their conversation was very friendly. He asked her name and she said it was Solbjort (sun-bright). She then asked him if he was not thirsty, as he walked so far, but Viking said he was not. She then took a horn, which she had kept under her cloak, offered him a drink from it, and he accepting it, and drinking therefrom, became sleepy, and bending his body into the lap of Solbjort, he fell asleep. But when he woke up again she had entirely disappeared. The drink had made somewhat strange, and his whole body was weather was gusty and cold, and he had for 12-Point 15A $1.25 36a $1.50 $2.75 AS VIKING LANDED island he went ashore t himself. Having come place in the forest he sa woman of exquisite beai She came up to him, gre very courteously, and he her very kindly. They together a long time and con versa tion was friend! She then asked him if h thirsty, as he had walke 16-Point 12A $1.40 20a $1.35 $i A VIKING OF OLD brave and fearless a dragon ships which out of water and wa Halfdan was a large strong-looking man he learned of the fa he went on board his «-I'oint 26A $1.26 Ma $1.00 $2.26 THE SAME DAY AS VIKING LANDED AT THE ISLAND he went ashore to amuse himself. He turned his steps toward a forest and then grew very hot. Coming to an open place in the forest, he sat down, and saw a woman of exquisite beauty walk¬ ing along. She came up to him, greeted him very courteously, and he received her very kindly. They talked together a long time, and their conversation was very friendly. She then took a horn, which she had kept under her cloak, offered him a drink from it, and he accepting it, and drinking therefrom, became his body into the lap of Solbjort, he But when he woke up she had entirely VIRGINIA DARE WINE Light, moderately sweet, the pure and wholesome essence of the Scuppernong, the Queen Grape of America. Rich in the health-giving qualities that make wine the great nerve nourisher — an indispensable element of your daily food. The flavor and bouquet of "Virginia Dare " are unrivalled by Hungary's rarest Tokays, making it not only the accepted wine for daily use, but ideal for all occa¬ sions and ceremonies sacred to the home. Mention your dealer's name and write for our interesting book, sent free— " The Art of Serving Wine " \A SON OF ULF One day he saw ships passing the at the meeting of they asked each said his name was and was a son of they found him very wcàk. And JJIf. Halfdan was a large and thus it was agreed that they should strong-looking man, and when Tells when, where and how to correctly serve wines ; describes Gar Att's " Virginia Dare " and other pure, wholesome wines. We insist wpoTi refunding your money if you are not satisfied, whether you buy from us or your dealer. Write to-day. GARRETT & COMPANY 502 Berkley Avenue, Norfolk, Va. Point 20A $1.26 36a $1.26 $2.50 AS THE VIKING LANDED land, he went ashore to amuse He turned his steps to a forest grew very hot. Having come open place in the forest, he sat and saw a woman of exquisite uty walking along. She came to him, greeted him very cour- ad he received her very kindly, talked together a long time and conversation was very friendly her name and she said it was She then asked him if he was as he had walked so far, but 18-Point lOA $1.50 20a $1.75 $3.25 24-Polnt 6A $1.70 13a $1.80 $3.50 THE NEW AND ORIGINAL VIKING ITALIG Exclusive design by The Hansen Type Eoundry THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 49 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALIXN/ ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 LINING VIKING OLD STYLE No. 3 Patented Standard Line 8-Point 2r)A $1.26 36a $1.00 $2.26 THE MARINER SAILING IN THE BALTIC, as he skirts the shores of Gotland, sees on a promontory of the island several large cairns and mounds overlooking the sea, and the country that surrounds them. This promontory was the burial-place of a family of great Vikings and rulers who held sway over the whole island a few centuries before and after our era. Among the most conspicuous caims two are pointed out to the stranger, those of Hjorvard and his son Ivar, the hero of the present narrative. The events of which 1 am going to speak to you relate to them, and to what happened during their lives, toward the latter end of the third and the beginning of the fourth century, between the years A. D. 270 and 320, or about sixteen hundred years ago. Hjorvard, "the wide spreading," so called on account of the widely extended maritime expeditions he 18A $1.30 30a $1.20 $2.60 THE MARINER SAILING IN THE BALTIC, as he skirts the shores of Gotland, sees on a promontory of the island several large cairns and mounds overlooking the sea, and the country that surrounds them. This promontory was the burial-place of a family of great Vikings and rulers who held sway over the whole island a few centuries before and after our era. Among the most conspicuous cairns two are pointed out to :h I am going to speak to you relate to them ned during their lives, toward the latter end VIKING TALES The same day as Viking landed at the island, he went ashore to amuse himself. He turned his steps to a forest and then grew very hot. Having come to an open place in the forest, he sat down, and saw a woman of exquisite beauty walking along. She came up to him, greeted him very courteously, and he re¬ ceived her very kindly. They tzilked together a long time, and their conversation was very friendly. He asked her name and she said it was Solbjort (sun-bright). She then asked him if he was not thirsty, as he had walked so far, but Viking said he was not. She then took a horn, which she had kept under her cloak, offered him a drink from it, and he accepting it, and drinking therefrom, became sleepy, and bending his body into the lap of Solbjort. he fell asleep. But when he woke up again she had entirely disappeared. The drink had made him feel somewhat strange, and his whole body was shivering ; the weather was gusty and cold, and he had forgotten nearly everything of the past, and least of all did he recollect Hunver. He then went to his ship and departed from that place. One day sailing to land, they saw three ships passing the harbor, and at the meeting they asked for each others' names. Viking told his name, but the other chieftain said his name was Half- dan. and that he was a son of Ulf. Halfdan was a large and strong-looking man, and when he learned of the con¬ dition of Viking he went on board his ship, where they found him very weak. And thus it was agreed that they should become foster-brothers. Halfdan had a great dragon, called Ironram; all of his ship that stood out of water was iron bound ; it rose high out of the sea and was a very costly treasure. Having spent a short time there they left the place and went home to Svafe. The mariner sailing in the Baltic, as he skirts the shores of Gotland, sees on a promontory of the island several large cairns and mounds overlooking the sea and the country that sur¬ rounds them. This promontory was the burial-place of a family of great Vikings and rulers who held sway over the whole island a few centuries before and after our era. Among the most conspicuous cairns two are pointed out to the stranger, those of Hjorvard and his son Ivar, the hero of the present narrative. The events of which I am going 6-Point 25A$1.00 60a $1.00 $2.00 18-Point GREAT VIKINGS RULED the island of Gotland years ago and their burial-place can still be seen on a promontory of the island which overlooks the 27 36-Point 12A $1.75 20a $1.60 $3.25 r)A $2.70 8a $2.26 $6.00 VIKING TYPE Popular Designs Figures Plain 65 |42-l'oint 4A $3.30 6a $2.50 $6.80 BATTLES 49 Won and Lost THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 50 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1372 LINING VIKING OLD STYLE No. 3 Patented Standard Line 21A $1.20 42a $1.30 $2.50 THE MARINER SAILING IN THE BALTIC, as he skirts the shores of Gotland, sees on a prom¬ ontory of the island several large cairns and mounds overlooking the sea, and the country that surrounds them. This promontory was the burial-place of a family of great Vikings and rulers who held sway over the whole island a few centuries before and after our era. Among the most con¬ spicuous cairns two are pointed out to the stranger, those of Hjorvard and his son Ivar, the hero of the present narrative. The events of which 1 am going to speak to you relate to them, and to what happened during their lives, toward the latter end of the third and the beginning of the fourth century 16-Point 15A $1.66 26a $1.35 $3.00 THE MARINER SAILING IN THE BALTIC, as he skirts the shores of Gotland, sees on a promontory of the island several large cairns and mounds overlooking the sea, and the country that sur¬ rounds them. This promontory was the burial-place of a family of great Vikings and rulers who held conspicuous cairns two are pointe 8A $1.95 I $1.80 $3.75 THE ROMAN FLEET never dared to attack the Vikings as they sailed on their various expeditions 6A $2.50 10a $2.00 $4.50 BRAVE VIKINGS Sailed and Rowed their Dragon Ships 48-Point 4A $4.00 7a $3.50 $7.50 ISLANDS 8 in the Ocean ! VIKINGS A STORY OF THE NORTH COUNTRY TRANSLATED FROM THE ICELANDIC BY RASMUS ANDERSON I NEW YORK AND LONDON FISKE ANDERSON CO. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 51 THE HANSEN S U P EI R I O R QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 LINING FRENCH OLD STYLE No. 3 and Lining French Old Style Italic No. j standard line 6-Point 25A $0.90 51a $1.10 $2.00 .'a $0.50 PROMPTNESS IS MOST DESIRABLE IN THE PRINTING TRADE increased business will follow A reputation for promptness is one of the thing^s a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it comes to be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it will pay him to endeavor to secure such a reputation by every means in his power. We know how prone is the ordinary business man to wait until he is all out of stationery, or whatever he wants, before ordering more, or to postpone until the last possible moment the order for circulars or hand¬ bills or any other bit of commercial work; and then when he does give the order, he acts as though he thought his was the only job you had in Standard Old Style Letter of Great Merit H-l'oint 2-1a $1.05 4ka .$1.2(1 $2.26 15a $0.50 A DISSERTATION ON THE PRINTING BUSINESS IN WHICH PROMPTNESS IS THE KEYNOTE A reputation for promptness is one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He wiii have gained a great ad¬ vantage when it comes to be said of him that he aiways gets work out on time, and it wiii pay him to endeavor to secure such a reputation by every means in his power. We know how prone is the business man to wait untii he is aii out of stationery, or whatever he wants, before he Lining French Old Sirle Italic No. ^ 6-Point 25A $0.95 52a $1.05 $2.00 e/i liEPUTABLE mAN SHOULD ALWAYS REMEMBER TO Keep all bis promise* as if bis very life depended on tbc act 34S19 8-Point 24A $1.06 46a $1.20 $2.25 ^ T{EPUrATlON FOR TROMPTNESS IS ONE OF The things a job printer should strive for. He will have $8 lO-Point 20A $1.25 38a $1.25 $2.50 THE %EPUTATION FOR PROMPTNESS ÎS one of the things that a job printer should 12 12-Pomt I6A $1.35 32a $1.50 $2.85 THE HISTORIES OF NATIONS Shows Aldvancement and Progress 2^4 lO-Point 22A $1.16 43a $1.36 $2.60 12a $0.60 AN EDITOR'S IDEA OF AN HONEST MAN WHiCH HE THINKS IS VERY RARE The man who can brace up and say he is an honest man, without first having to give the subject his earnest and careful attention, is, indeed, a wonder¬ ful man ; one who can be trusted to the amount of fifty cents without being required to give bonds 12-Point 16A $1.30 32a $1.46 $2.76 lOA $0.60 ADVANTAGES ARE OFTEN GAINED BY AN EXCHANGE OF IDEAS If we never knew what others were do¬ ing we should certainly not be progressing A Comparison ot ideas is often beneficial, and leads to better results. The greatest 18-Point IIA $1.60 22a $1.65 $3.26 EVERYTHiNG TO FURNISH A COMPLETE PRINTING OFFICE From a Bodkin to a Printing Press can be found at Hansen's 190 8A$1.(>5 15a $1.60 $3.25 QUIET AND DIGNIFIED ARE THESE TYPES But they have a known value to many printers 47 6A $2.06 10a $2.26 $4.30 OLD FRIENDS, LIKE OLD WINES Are best, for their worth is proven THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 52 the hansen superior quality established in the year 1s72 LINING FRENCH OLD STYLE No. 3 STANDAkI) LIN13 „ „ 4A$4.05 7a $3.65 $7.70 MASTER of French 7 ABOUT BIRDS A LITTLE BOOKLET WHICH GIVES A DESCRIPTION OF EVERY KNOWN SPECIES IN EXISTENCE BY JAMES MONTGOMERY Author of " The Baltimore Oriole," " Birds of a Feather," etc. ILLUSTRATED BOSTON THOMAS FISKE & SONS 1905 TWELFTH SEMI-ANNUAL BANQUET under auspices of the OWL CLUB WAYSIDE INN, SUDBURY Friday Evening, May First 7A $1.85 12a $1.75 HAPPY DAYS OF AUTUMN RETURN And with them come news of Old Boreas 4A $2.50 8a $2.50 $5.00 MODESTY is very pleasing "WTien ordering to match type in case, send Cap " H" and lower case " m." THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 53 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE! YEAR 1S72 12-POINT LINING SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER NO. 3 STANDARD LINE Circular font, 20A $1.85 100a $5.40 $7.25 Extra justiflers at 50o per pound Job font, lOA $1.00 50a $2.75 $3,75 We take great pleasure In calling the attention of the printing craft to this TYPEWRITER No. 2. It matches exactly the writing executed on the Smith-Premier Machine. It is especially desirable for use in printing through silk or other mediums for the production of imitation type¬ written letters, etc. Inks to match accurately any rihhon can be supplied. In printing through silk the best results are ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 /&fo|#@( ) 12-POINT STENOGRAF Circular font, 20A $1.80 60a $2.70 $4.50 Extra justifiers at 50c per pound Job font, lOA $1.00 35a $1.75 $2.75 We wish to call the attention of every printer to the HANSEN COMPLETE MITERER, a time and money saver in mitering rules. The rule holder has an angle of 90 degrees, so when placed in a central position you can miter square sets a life time without changing its position. It is easily set by a pin for any desired angle having no lines to guess at, thereby ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 aBoe/&$£%#_X( ) 12-POINT TYPEWRITER No. 1 Circular font, 20A $2.00 100a $5.00 87.00 Extra justifiers at 50c per pound Job font, lOA $1.00 50a $2.75 $3.75 In regard to the Hansen Complete Mitering Machine purchased some time ago from you would say same is very satisfactory and it has been a source of great saving, having paid for itself many times over, and, in our estimation, stands alone in its line as a time saver and producer of accurate work. We trust you will keep us posted from time to time on any ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ()&$£_thean4#X THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 54 TYPEWRITER No. 2 6-Polnt 20AS1.15 80a S2.35 S3.50 FOR ADVERTISING CIRCULARS AND FOLLOW-UP Letters the value of the typewriter type faces is recognized by all the great mail order houses and collection agen¬ cies. as their use gives an impression of individual attention to recipients. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz S1234567890 8-Polnt 18A$I.I5 65a S2.35 $3.50 FOR THE REPRODUCTION OF TYPEWRITER Work these faces are most desirable. This line of printing is one of the most profitable as the cost is small and such work brings good prices. ABCDEFGH1JKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ& abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 51234567890 "~/%#() lO-PoInt I5A$1.20 55a $2.30 $3.50 FORM LETTERS ARE EFFICIENT AND Effective time savers and result bringers in many lines of business. Use Hansen Type ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz $1234567890 ""/%#( ) THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY Boston and New York The H. C. Hansen Type Foundry Established J872 Boston New 7'ork Candlestick Ornaments 4R-Point 30c. each Zion Border-No. 1 24-Point^^^ ^ ^ ^ 18 inches $1.00 Zion Border No. 2 12-Point 54 Inches $1.75 ^.>äi i-tn^ i—i established in the vear 1872 the hansen superior quality pi BARRISTER ITALIC TLis italic is the recognized face for legal and law notices. The r.iur sizes are regularly cast on 0, 8,10 and la-point bodies. Cast on Standard Line to order In fontH <•( '-jn I nmll lploM on H, 10,12 and 14-point bodies. 10-Point 20A $1.60 60a $2.00 $3.60 KJ^OW ALL MEX BY Til LSL L HESEXTS, Huit I, Bred E. Dubois, of Derby, County of or folk. State of Utah, of tlw first part, for und in consideration of the sum of one hundred doUars, in lawful money of the United States, to me in hand paid, at, or before the delivery of these presents, by Charles A. Wilcox, of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have bargained, sold, granted and conveyed, and by these presents do bargain, sell, grant and convey unto the said partij of the second part, his executors, administrators and assigns, one pump, three hundred milk bottles, and one covered wagon, to have and to hold the same unto the said party of the second part, his executors, ad¬ ministrators and assigns, forever. And L do for myself, my heirs, administrators and executors, covenant and agree to and with the said party of the second part 6-Point 20A $1.00 40a $1.00 $2.00 Km WALL MEK BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Fred E. Dubois, of the towiv of Derby, County of Xorfollc, State of Utah, of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars, in lawful money of the United States, to me in hand paid, at, or before the delivery of these presents, by Charles A. Wilcox, of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby aclcnowledged, have bar¬ gained, sold, granted and conveyed, and by these presents do bargain, sell, grant and convey unto the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators and as¬ signs, one pump, three hundred mille bottles, and one covered mille wagon, to have and to hold the same unto the said party of the second part, his executors, admin¬ istrators, and assigns, forever. And I do for myself, my heirs, administrators and executors, covenant and agree to and with the said party of the second part, to warrant and defend the said described goods hereby sold unto the said party of the second part, his executors administra¬ tors and assigns, against all and every person and per¬ sons whatsoever. In witizess whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty third day of July, 19^3 Seal [ ] CHARLES E. D UBOIS. 8-Point 20A $1.25 40a $1.25 $2.50 KJÍOW ALL MEJÍ BY THESE PRESENTS, that L, Fred E. Dubois, of the toini of Derby, County of A'orfoïk, State of Utah, of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars, in lawful money of the United States, to me in hand, paid, at, or be¬ fore the delivery of these presents, by Charles, A. Wilcox, of the second part, the receipt of ivhich is hereby achnowledged,, have bargained, sold, granted and conveyed, and by these pres¬ ents do bargain, sell, grant, and convey unto the said, party of the second part, his execu¬ tors, administrators and assigns, one pump, three hundred mille bottles, and one covered milh wagon, to have ajzd to hold the same unto the said party of the second part, his execu¬ tors, administrators and assigns, forever. And I do for myself, my heirs, administrators and executors, covenant and agree to and with the 12-Polnt 12A $1.26 40a $2.00 $3.26 KJYOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that L, Ered E. Dubois, of the town of Derby, County of Norfolk, State of Utah, of the first part, for and in eonsideration of the .sum of one hundred dollars, in lawful money of the United States, to me in hand paid, at, or before the de¬ livery of these presents, by Charles A. Wilcox, of the second part, the receipt of ivhich is hereby achnoivledged, have bargained, sold, granted ami conveyed, and by these presents do bargain, sell, grant, and convey unto the said party of the second part, his executors, adininistrators and assigns, one pump, three hundred milk bottles, and one covered milh wagon, to have and to hold the same unto the said party of the second part, his executors, administrât or s and, assigns forever. And I do for myself, my heirs, admiiiistrators and executors, covenant and agree to and with the said party of the second part, to warrant and defend the THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 55 THE; HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY EISTA B L I S H E D IN THE: YEAR 1872 THE HUNNEWELL SERIES STANDARD LINE 48-roint 4A $4.75 5a $3.00 $7.75 ART EXHIBITION Of Decorative Prlntln Monday, November 13 CARRONI & COMPANY IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN yH ORANGE AVENUE MOBILE, ALABAMA BERKSHIRE ORNAMENT NO. BCX> 12-PT. UNIVERSITY BORDER 36-Foint 4A $3.00 7a $2.10 $5.10 POPULAR TYPE FACES Clever Results Obtained by the Progessive Type Manipulators THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 56 THE. HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY 0 if3.26 USE OF A FEW LETTERS Varying from the others In size of body, In a direction of right angles to the line, even to the smallest degree, will in the course of a few 12-Point 16A $1.30 36a $1.45 $2.75 LINES CAUSE SUCH CONFUSION AND JUMBLE OF THE TYPES AS TO MAKE All further composition impossible. This nicety and accuracy of size could not be secured by means of wooden types, nor of metal types the body of which was fashioned by cutting. It was only to be secured by casting them in a mould. This, in addition to the lO-Point 20A $1.26 40a $1.25 $2.60 MOVABILITY OF THE LETTERS, WAS WHAT GUTENBERG INVENTED. THOSE "FORMS" Which he was so anxious might be discovered in place, put together, at the time of the trial in 1439, were, most probably, the three pieces of his adjustable type-mould and the matrix with it. Of Gutenberg's life or work after the Fust lawsuit we know very little. Despoiled of his plant 8-Point 22A $1.15 40a $1.10 $2.25 AND AGAIN THROWN UPON HIS OWN RESOURCES. AND WITHOUT MONEY OR STOCK OR TOOLS, BUT NOT WITH- Out friends, he continued the work to which he had consecrated his life, it Is some consolation to know that the last years of Gutenberg were passed in comfort. It appears that in 1465 he was received by Adolf 99, Arch¬ bishop of Mainz, as a servant and courtier for life in his residence. The reason for his appointment Is not specified, but it may be regarded as an 6-Point 24A $1.00 45a $1.00 $2.00 APPRECIATiON OF THE BENEFITS WHICH THE NEW ART HAD CON¬ FERRED UPON THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD AT LARGE. AT THIS Time Gutenberg, probably enfeebled by the many years of unremuneratlve and unap- preclative toll, by the burdens of debt and the trials of disappointment, was not long to enjoy the ease and comfort of a life at court. On February 26, 1468, Doctor Hummery, Syndic of Mainz, acknowledges the receipt from the Archbishop of all the "formen, char¬ acters and other instruments connected with printing which John Gutenberg left to HUNNEWELL ITALIC 18-Point 6A $1.25 22a $2.00 $3.25 FORM OF PAGES Determining the form of a page of an oblong shape, irrespective of its size, a certain pro- 12-Point 12A $1.10 40a $1.65 $2.75 PORTION OUGHT TO BE MAINTAINED. HAVING Page measure diagonally from corner to corner just twice the width of the page is in conform¬ ity to the law of proportion, es¬ tablishing the line of beauty, and lO-Point 16A $0.96 48a $1.66 $2.60 APPLIES EQUALLY TO ALL SIMILAR SHAPED OBJECTS. A long brick shaped page howeuer nicely it is printed does not look well. When we come to a square page the true proportion of the diagonal to the width wiii be as ¡0 1-2:6 1-4 the size 8-Point 16A $0.86 66a $1.40 $2.25 OF A COOD-SIZED QUARTO, INSTEAD OF 2:1, /IS IN THE OBLONG FORM. And this shape also proves as satisfactory to the eye as the former one. Howeuer large or small the book may be these proportions should always be maintained. Before the make-up is begun a gage should be cut to mark the length 6-Point 16A $0.70 60a $1.30 $2.00 OF THE PAGE. THEN THE MATTER SHOULD BE ROUGHLY MEASURED OFF TO SEE HOW The diuisions come. There are certain laws in regard to this that should neuer be uiolated. The last line of a para¬ graph should neuer be turned on to the top of a page, nor must one Une of a paragraph be allowed to stand at the foot THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 58 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUAL.ITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 THE HUNNEWELL SERIES STANDARD LINE VI HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW IN THOSE days he was described as slight and erect In his figure, with a light, delicate complexion like a maiden's, a slight bloom upon his cheeks, "his nose rather prominent, his eyes clear and blue, and his well-formed head covered with a profusion of brown hair waving loosely." The class to which he belonged had several memorable names, not the least memorable of which was that of Hawthorne. Longfellow held high rank. He was regular and studious In his habits, though he cared more about general reading than the regular curriculum. It is interesting to find him at that early day taking the side of the Indians against the prejudices that have always followed "that reviled and persecuted race. " He was greatly delighted with Gray's poems, and regarded Dr. Johnson's criticisms upon them as very unjust. In the winter of 1823 he had some thought of teaching a school, butwas on the whole glad that he had failed to ob' tain one. His chief exercise was walking. When the snow was deep he cut wood, and he found it rather irksome. As a makeshift for either, he wrote his father: " 1 have marked out an image upon the closet door about my own size: and whenever feel the need of exercise I strip off my coat and, considering this Image as In a posture of defence, make my motions as though In actual combat. This Is a very classlck amusement, HENRY WADSWORTH HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW S LONGFELLOW 0 FAR not a ray of originality, nor one of Itiose graceful, If not always accurate, comparisons or metaphors which peculiarly mark Longfel¬ low's fancy. The Yankee "woodman" Is not a singing being, nor have we "larks" under New England skies. It Is Interesting to know that the Gazette then paid Its contributors a dollar a column for prose, and got Its poetry for nothing. The editor regarded Longfel¬ low's, however, as so full of promise— and any flower In the desert has a smiling aspect — that he had pro¬ posed that the poet should receive some compensation for his regular contributions. This, small as Itwas, seems to have been enough to excite his ambition toward a literary ca¬ reer. He brought up various objections against the profes¬ sion of a physician—there were quite enough In the world with¬ out him I In another letter to his father he sald,"l hardly think Nature designed me for HIS COMPLETE WORKS THE ILLUSTRATED DE LUXE EDITION TH E following few months in Spain were among the happiest and most ro¬ mantic of his life, and he never cared to go to Spain again lest the il¬ lusion should be destroyed. Longfellow spent a month at Dresden; but social ad¬ vantages and amusements prevented more serious studies, and as his friend Preble was at Gottingen, he determined to follow and study as much of a year as possible. In the Spring of 1829 he went to England and spent a few days in London, returning through Holland. The Rhine he thought a noble river, but "not so fine as H udson." The old castle of Vautsberg, near Bingen, Boston and Philadelphia THE MUSEOLA PUBLISHING CO MCMVII BERKSHIRE ORNAMENT NO. 65, 50C. WORTH LONGFELLOW When in Copenhagen he took lessons in the Danish, and he was made a life member of the Royal Society of N orthern Antiquities, ^During a month's en¬ forced stay in Amsterdam he studied Dutch, which he found "in sound the most disagreeable" he remembered having heard except the Russian. His wife was in failing health : she died on the twenty-ninth of November, 1835. Longfellow travelled sadly to Heidel¬ berg, where he found charming com¬ panionship, and, as he says of the hero of "Hyperion," "buried himself in old THE H, C, HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 59 the: hansein supeirior quality eistablish eid in thei veaf THE HUNNEWELL SERIES STANDARD LINE The Particular Printer Makes no mistake in order¬ ing a complete series of the Hunnewell type, it prints exceptionaiiy sharp and clear and makes an excellent letter for all classes of commercial printing. There is a refine¬ ment and dignity obtained by its use, and will prove itself a paying investment in that it requires but a simple treat¬ ment to give pleasing results EL "1= J Ü SjÎ i.n] c Si 1 1 ¡TO fUEE ELft' iir=' Op 5JL m BERKSHIRE ORNAMENT NO. 307, SBC. 12'PT SWASTIKA ORNAMENTS, 64 INCHES $1.60 Î Î Î ee ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 THE PURITAN SERIES Standard Line 12-Poiiit 18A$1.40 3Ga$1.35 $2.76 PRINTERS WILL FIND THE PURITAN A TYPE HAVING A WIDE RANGE Of usefulness in tKe better class of work. For de luxe catalogs and dainty summer resort booklets it is unsurfiassed, and it is an ideal letter for announcements, circulars, cards, stationery, dance orders, etc. Bright tyfie faces from Hansen's worked into bright designs by bright f)rinters for intelligent customers 8-Point 25A $1.05 62a $1.20 $2.25 THOSE THINGS ARE CHEAPEST WHICH BRING TKe largest returns for money invested. TKe Puritan Series is one tKat -will be pro£taKle for tKe printer because of its range of usefulness wKi cK will enable Kim to please a large number of customers witK a great variety of work. TKe Puntan type Kas a pleasing tone and tKat graceful freedom of design KitKerto found only in Kand lettered work. Like all îîansen Supcnor Quality Productions it will prove a money earner for printers 10-Point 21A $1.26 42a $1.25 $2.60 DOES YOUR COMPOSING ROOM SHOW A profit? In many offices the time lost by compositors hunting for sorts in a single year would more than pay for the necessary material to produce work economically and enable them to avoid the delays which are so irritating when encountered on rush jobs. Puritan in large fonts will pay St ecial Characters: dh ih fh til át ft in all fonts lOA $1.75 20a $1.50 $3.25 HEIGHTS BY GREAT MEN GAINED AND KEPT Were not attained by sudden fligbt, but tbey, wbile tbeir eomJ)anions sle|>t, were struggling ufiward in tbe nigbt.—Henry W. Lon gfell ow 24-Point 6A$1.80 13a $1.80 $3.60 REFINED, DIGNIFIED AND ARTISTIC Puritan, a type for metroJ)olitan and country jf)rinters For tody and disjilay work it is very distinctive 457 30-Point 6A $2.40 12a $2.40 $4.80 LANDING OF THE GOOD SHIP Mayflower at Plymoutk Rock in tke year of our Lord sixteen kundred and twenty 1620 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 62 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 THE PURITAN SERIES Stnnclurcl Line 4A $2.60 8a $2.40 $5.00 BERKSHIRE ORNAMENTS Cannot fail to please your customers Xke Sign of îîansen Su£>erior Quality Marshall Manufatiturmg Co. Fine Wall Pafiers 179-181 Commonwealili Street Boölon, Mass. MY WORK L/et me but do my work irom day to day, In field or forest, at tke desk or loom. In roaring market pl^ce or tranquil room ; Let me but find it in my keart to say, Wken vagrant wiskes beckon me astray— ''This IS my work ; my blessing, not my doom. Of all wko live I am tke one by wkom Tkis work can best be done in tke rigkt way. Tken skall I find it not too great nor small, To suit my st)irit and to f>rove my f)owers ; Tken skall I ckeerful greet tke laborin g II ours. And ckeerful turn, wken tke long skadows fall. At eventide to f)lay and love and rest. Because I know for me my work is best. — Henry Van Dyke Tke Puritan Series Is of Hansen s Su^ierior Qua lity wkieli IS a guarantee of its accuracy and durability A Series of Type tliat will prove Jirofitable and iiofular because of its fileasing tone and graceful freedom of design found bitherto only in band lettered work of artist-engravers .-PT. HALF TONE RULE NO. 068, 250. PER FT. 48-Point 3A $4.15 6a $3.36 $7.60 HALFTONE RULE Is attractive and original 4 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 63 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUAL-ITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 THE PURITAN SERIES Standard Line SONG RECITAL BY PUPILS OF MISS EVA MURIEL BROWN Assisted ky MISS MAE DOW. Reader Program Flowers of Springtime BuscK ^^iss Oeroline M[ortimer W^ken I Look Into Y our Eyes Grey Miss Gwendolyn DeLigKt Reading Selected \liss Dow Nature s Melodies Frost Master EIlswortK Piper Lock Lomond Old Scotck Song Miss Margaret Gameron Al£ir(di 31 1908 Symphony Ornament No. 68, 60c =pj^n •fu fu > Jokni^on ^ Kinsman : JEWELERS ^ and Silversmiilis Offer tlie finest line of Gold and <0> Silver Jewelry. Prcciovis Stones, ^3, WatcKes, Cut Glass, and Hand Painted Cluna in great variety at Jirices tliat are witKin reacK of all Gold and Silver Loving Cups end Presen- tation Gifts from Original Designs ^2^ a Specialty ^ 269-271 MassacKusetts Avenue ^ ^ Providence, Rhode Island ^ 12-Pt. Croix Border No. 313, 54 inches $1.50 •è A Series of Four Lectures 1 Illustrated by Stereopticon j mMs, For Good Printers, Everywkere In Beautiful New England I Given under Auspices of 5 Tbe Appalachian Club jtf Paul Revere Hall, Boston, Ma^acKv^etts October 1, 8, 16 and 22 Card of Admission to Entire Series, Two Dollars Tkis Foundry manufactures an assortment of distinctive Tyjic Faces, Brass Rule, Borders and Ornaments that are unexcelled and that will facilitate the Jiroduction, in an economical manner, of printing of quality—the hind that escajies the waste basket and is {¡rofitahle for hoth the |)rintcr and his customer. Tis quality that counts ^ Tke H. C. Hansen Tyfie Foundry, M Boston ^ 12-Pt. Swastika Outline Border, 54 inches $1.50 Berkshire Ornaments No. 251, each, 40c THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY Sterling Coated. See page 377 64 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 THE PURITAN SERIES SlMM,l„r,l Lim. 8-Poiut CHEAPEST LABOR, SAY THE PRUDENT Is tKe dearest labor. ^Al^1at we buy in a broom, a mat, a wagon, a knife, is some application of good sense to a common want. It is best to pay in your land a skilful gardener, or to buy good sense applied to gardening: in your sailor good sense applied to navigation: m tbe bouse, good sense applied to cooking, sewing, serving; in your agent, good sense applied to accounts and affairs. So do you multiply your presence, or spread yourself tbrougbout your estate. But because of tbe dual constitution of tbings, in labor as in life, tbere can be no cbeating. 'Bbe tbief steals from bimself. Tbe swindler swindles bimself. For tbe real pnce of labor is knowledge and virtue, where¬ of wealth and credit are signs.—Ralph Waldo Bmerson lO-Point CHEAPEST LABOR, SAYS THE Prudent, is tKe dearest labor. AVKat we buy- in a broom, a mat, a wagon, a knife, is some af)f)lication of good sense to a common want. It is best to pay in your land a skilful gar¬ dener, or to buy good sense appUeâ to gardening; in your sailor, good sense ai)t)lied to navigation; in tKe Kouse, good sense ajfijplied to cooking, sewing, serving ; in your agent, good sense ap¬ plied to accounts and affairs. So do you mul- tifily your t)resence, or sfiread yourself tKrougK THE PURITAN IS UNEXCELLED FOR DAINTY CATALOGS AND BOOKLETS For Job Font Schemes and Pnces see pages 62 and 63 12-Point THE MT, DOWAKEUP HOUSE ' I 'HE Mt. DowakeuJ) House, tke most deligEtful of summer resorts in New- England, IS situated on the slojie of Mt. Dowaheuf) in the delightful little Vermont town of Berryvale, in the heart of the world-renowned Green Mountain Range, The hotel IS on the eastern slojie of the mountain where the invigorating rays of the morning sun, the cool shadows of the afternoon, the merry voices of song-hirds, the soft murmur of the wind among the branches of the surrounding forest trees, and the landseafe presenting to the vision a panorama with the soft, rich coloring of Nature, forming a picture of sublime mag¬ nificence which words are inadequate to de¬ scribe, combine to make this the ideal place for rest and recreation for young and old. AMUSE- In the matter of amusements, this MENTS offers a variety of attractions which are seldom to he found at any one resort. The golf links are as perfect as human skill and natural advantages can pro¬ duce; free use of boats on the lake at the base 12-Pt. University Border. 54 inches $1.50 THE IDEAL LETTER FOR THE BETTER GRADE OF COMMERCIAL WORK Anotber of tbe Hansen s Quality Productions THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 65 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY H ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 STRATFORD OLD STYLE Standard Line 6-Point 1:4 A $1.00 48a $1.00 $2.00 8-P()iiil. 20A$1.10 40a $1.15 $2.25 STRATFORD-ON-AVON has the proud distinction of being the birthplace of William Shakespeare, and the house in which the great poet was born and spent his earlier years is still standing in Henley street. As years passed by it underwent many changes, but its appearance now is doubtless not materially^ different fram what it was in the latter part of the sixteenth century, since it has been carefully and reverently preserved as a national memorial to the poet. There are a few houses of the same period and the same class still standing in Stratford and its vicinity. Stratford is a very ancient town, its name showing that it was situated at a ford on a Roman street or highway^ between London and Birmingham. It stands on the Yvçstern bank of the cAvon, called "The Poet's River." To-day the most imposing buildings in Stratford are the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre and the Church of the Holy Trinity. In this church lie the remains of William Shalœspeaxe. But the most enduring monument to his greatness are his works, which are read in all portions of the civilized globe. Quotations from them abound in wisdom : " If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches and poor men's cottages princes' palaces. It is a good divine that follows his own instruc¬ tions : I can easier* teach twenty what were good to be done, than be one of the twen 10-Point 18A $1.20 36a $1.30 $2.50 STRATFORD-ON- AVON has the dis¬ tinction of being the birthplace of Wil¬ liam Shakespeare, and the house in which the great poet was horn and spent his earlier years is still standing in Henley street. tAs years passed it underwent many changes, but its appearance now is doubtless not materially different from what it was in the latter part of the sixteenth century, since it has been carefully and reverently preserved as a national memorial to the poet. There are a few houses of the same period and the same class still standing in Strat¬ ford and its vicinity. Stratford is a very ancient towm, its name showing that it was situated at a ford on a Roman street or highway between Lon- 18-Foint STRATFORD-ON-AVON has the proud distinction of being the birthplace of William Shakespeare, and the house in which the great poet was born and spent his earlier^ years is still standing in Henley street. As the years passed it underwent many changes, but its appearance now is not materially differ¬ ent from what it was in the latter part of the sixteenth century, since it has been carefully and reverently preserved as a national memorial to the poet. There are a few houses of the same period and the same class still standing in Stratford and its vicinity. Stratford is a very ancient town, its name showing that it was situated at a ford on a Roman street or highway between London and Birmingham. It stands on the western bank of the Avon, called "The Poet's River." To-day the most impos¬ ing buildings in Stratford are the Shakespeare Me¬ morial Theatre and the Church of the Holy Trin¬ ity. In this church lie 12-Point 16A $1.35 32a $1.40 $2.15 STRATFORD- ON-AVON has the proud dis¬ tinction of being the birthplace of Shakespeare, and the house in which the great poet was born and spent his earlier» years is still standing in Henley street. cAs years passed by^ it underwent many changes, but its ap¬ pearance now is doubtless not materially changed from what it was in the latter* part of the sixteenth century, since it has been carefully^ and reverently preserved as a national memorial to the poet. An 9A $1.60 18a $1.75 $3.26 WHICH, MELLOW'D BY THE STEALING HOURS of time, will well become the seat of majesty^ and make us, no doubt, happy by his reign. The right and fortune of his happy stars ; which God defend that I should wring THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 66 -THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 STRATFORD OLD STYLE Standard Line 5A $1.50 12a $2.00 $3.50 WHERE THE c^MUSIC CHARMS US cAnd the zephyrs woo us to repose, in the shady nooks beside the rippling stream 16 5A $2.25 9a $2.00 $4.25 HEARING LOUD çAPPLAUSE Reminds us of the time when the political rally was held in Ward 3 Se-Point 4A $2.80 6a $2.20 $6.00 STRATFORD-ON-AVON Birthplace of Shakespeare 8 4A $4.25 6a $3.25 $7.50 GOOD JUDGMENT Stratford Old Style 47 Stratford Paragraph Marks, $1.00 per font Special characters not In job fonts. See page 69. Old Style figures furnished if desired THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 67 ■HE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITV |—| ESTABLISHED IN THE YEA STRATFORD OLD STYLE Standard Line WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE The greatest of English poets, it is often said, is but a name. " No letter of his writing, no record of his con¬ versation, no character of him drawn with any fulness by a contemporary," have been extracted by antiquaries from the piles of rubbish which they have sifted. Yet of no person is there a clearer picture in the popular &ncy. You seem to know Shakespeare — to have seen Shakespeare — to have been friends with Shakespeare. We would attempt a slight delin¬ eation of the popular idea which has been formed, not from loose tradition or remote research, not from what some one says some one else said that the poet said, but from data which are at least undoubted, from the sure testimony of his certain works. Some extreme sceptics, we know, doubt whether it is possible to deduce anything as to the author's character from his works. Yet surely people do not keep a tame steam engine to write their books ; and if those books were really written by a man, he must have been a man who could write them ; he must have had the thoughts which they express, 8-Pt. Stratford O. S. shown as body letter WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE The greatest of English poets, it is often said, is but a name. "No letter of his writing, no record of his conversation, no character of him drawn with any fulness by a con¬ temporary," have been extracted by antiquaries from the piles of rubbish which they have sifted. Yet of no person is there a clearer picture in the popular fancy. You seem to know Shakespeare — to have seen Shakespeare — to have been friends with Shakespeare. We would attempt a slight delineation of the popular idea which has been formed, not from loose tradition or remote re¬ search, not from what some one says some one else said that the poet said, but from data which are at least undoubted, from the sure testimony of lO-Pt. Stratford O. S. shown as body letter THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY Chandler & Price Gordon Press Heavy squeeze possible. Ex¬ tra ink not demanded. Type has perfect back. Even impression, no undue wear. Nicely^ adjusted parts and Platen dwell. Increase feed¬ er's speed. Save stock. Absolutely parallel seats for paper and type reinforced by masses of metal. Time in make-ready saved CSi, build¬ ing up against springing unnecessary. Carried in stock and sold by^ H. C. Hansen Type Foundry, 190-192 Congress Street, Boston 12-Pt. Border No. 222. 54 in. Font $1.50 68 the hansen superior quality established in the year 1872 STRATFORD OLD STYLE Standard Line The H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY BORDERS, ORNA- WJ» MENTS, LEADS SLUGS, BRASS RULE 190-192 Congress Street Boston, c^assachusetts ^PRESSES, PAPER CUTTERS, INKS CASES, STANDS, ETC. The Very Best for the Man Who Prints New York Branch, 43 Centre St. Sold to- Date H. G. WASHBURN M. A. BROWNE Eastman's Hand-Made Furniture €i^Eastman's Hand-Made Furniture is built to last for generations. Every detail of construction inside and outside is made by master artisans whose workmanship has stood the test of time. €I,Its exclusive elegance of pattern and beauty of fínish fulñl the most exacting demands and give an individuality to the home not obtained with ordinary^ furniture. ftOtheP furniture may be had which will give good service but there is none which combines the splendid cabinet work, the artistic design and the rich¬ ness of grain and finish that characterize the Eastman productions. Send for our booklet, "Eastman Hand-Made Furniture." cobb-eastman comp'y WASHINGTON STREET i. G. Washburn & Co. MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS FOR THE Scenic Cameras 686 AMARYNTH STREET cMaplewood Special Characters To enable the printer to liven up his page and give his work that sketchy^ appearance that is always so desirable, we have designed speciai characters to be used with our Stratford Old Style. These characters are put up in suitable fonts, each size separately, from 6 to 48-point inclusive. oA (lM (LAÍ Rj) CS, ^ of 6, 8, 10-point, 35 cents each. 12, 18-point, 50 cents. 24-pomt, 60 cents. 30, 36-point, 75 cents. 48-point, $1.00. " There is no need of being homlier than we have to be," therefore get these characters at once. They will add individuality to your work. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 69 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 CRAWFORD Standard Line )-Poiut 2ñA $1.00 50ft $1.00 $2.00 LIBERTY IN SOME COUNTRIES IS A KIND OF CHARADE WORD An anagram, a symbol representing an imaginary quantity, a password inven ted by unhappy men to express all that they do not possess; a term meaning in the mind of slaves a conglomerate of conditions so absurd, of aspirations so futile, of imaginary delights so fantastically unreasonable, that If the ideal state of which the chained dreamers rave were realized but for one moment, humanity would start in amazement at the first glimpse of so much mon¬ strosity, and by and by would hold its sides with laughter at the folly of its deluded fellows. In most countries where liberty is talked of it is but a dream, and such a dream as could only occur to the sickened fancy of 1234 «-Point IHA $1.10 3(5a $1,15 $2.25 THE ENLARGED ROTUNDA SPACE HAS MADE IT possible to provide another plate-glass view window facing the Notch. Fine Tennis Court, Ball Ground and Golf Links on the hotel grounds. The hotel itself is conducted upon the most liberal scale. The cuisine is of the best and accom¬ modations up-to-date in every respect. Homelike and com¬ fortable is the atmosphere of this popular house. Contains three hundred rooms with modern improvements. All 45 lO-Point 18A $1.10 36a $1.40 $2.60 12-Point 16A$1.36 32a $1.40 $2.76 THE CRAWFORD HOUSE IS SITUATED Almost two thousand feet above the sea level, at the entrance to Crawford Notch, and boasts a position unequalled. Saco Lake in front, and Ammonoosuc Lake in the rear, mark the rise of the two famous rivers bearing these names. Here starts the original "Bridle Path" over the Presi¬ dential Range to the summit of Mt. Washington and only a mile and a half away is the Summit The Crawford House OPEN FOR SUMMER SEASON OF 1909 Kimball, Anderson & Young Company 6-Pt. Border No. 361. 60 in. Font, $1.50 Ornament No. 708. 35 cts. each TO SUMMIT OF MT. WASHINGTON By carriage road through various windings and picturesque scenery is a beautiful trip for summer tourists, and when taken once, it is never to be forgotten, and every suc¬ ceeding year adds more and more to this great summer trip. Automobiles and 375 TWIN MOUNTAIN HOUSE Is located in the most picturesque part of Nevi^ Hampshire, near the Crawford Notch, with exquisite views of surrounding scenery 36 18-1'oint 12A $1.50 24a $1.50 $3.00 lOA $1.76 20a $1.50 $3.26 TRAINS LEAVE DAILY For the Crawford Notch and all points in New Hampshire where the tourist can revel in scenes of beauty and pass 47 8A $1.75 16a $1.50 $3.25 SUMMER VISITORS to the White Mountains increasing every year and the Crawford House 125 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 70 -THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY < H >> ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 CRAWFORD Standard Line 48-FoiDt 4A $4.36 5a $2.90 $7.25 THE CRAWFORD Is the Leading Face 3A $3.16 6a $2.85 $6.00 THE HOTEL SUITES Have Many Guests 175 4A $2.75 6a $2.25 $5.00 PERFECT RULE DESIGN Everything for the Printer 237 tV'-'- 30-Point 4A $2.00 9a $2.25 $4.25 IDEAL TYPES FOR PRINTERS Found at Hansen's, 190 Congress St. 6A $1.75 12a $1.75 $3.50 DISPLAY LINE SET IN CRAWFORD Best all around letter for every day use and 12345 may be used for booklets 67890 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 71 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY H ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 CRAWFORD LETTER IN DISPLAY FRANK V, HENDERSON GEORGE CRAWFORD James Henderson & Sons Red LiOi" M s University Press Warehouse York House, Portugal Street RIDGEWAY-THAYER CO. UNION SQUARE NEW YORK THE H. C. HANSEN TY 190-192 COW BOSTOH m Hougton, Miff Balzac WE want you to see the Library Edition of Balzac. You can't come to our store very well, unless you live in New York, and even then you would have no time for adequate examination. You cannot get acquainted with Balzac by a cur¬ sory glance over a few of his books in a store. You can have no idea of the scope of the Comedie Humane—that unparalleled and complete panorama of life — without reading some of the inimitable stories that compose it. Humor and pathos, romance and serious study, problem novel and "Can¬ terbury" tale—all are there. You can prove Balzac's ability to entertain you, and at the same time satisfy yourself regarding the merits of the Library Edition by filling in and mailing coupon. As an extra induce¬ ment for you to send in your order at once, we will present you with a beautiful copy of the English edition of Balzac's story, "A Street of Paris and Its Inhabitant." This is the only English edition, published in de luxe form, with the original 32 superb color siegel-cooper NEW YORK g I i BOSTON the riverside press special and Limited Editions of Books Salesroom, 4 Park Street Boston, Massachusetts THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 72 ses THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY aíntíng8 Solí» 4A $2.70 7a $2.30 $5.00 Man^ôomel^ lî)ecorate6 (Teilinô^ 30-Point 4A $2.00 10a $2.30 $4.30 Hrtiôtic S^eôignô 24-Poilit 5A $1.65 13a $1.85 $3.50 Iking lEuöor IReceiues 18-Point 7A $1.50 18a $1.75 $3.26 IResolutionô Mritten anb 8 J^inel^ Iprinteb 9 lOA $1.15 30a $1.60 $2.75 ïï:ubor Black is IDerç Basi? to IReab 35 (Braceful in Dcsion 48 lO-Point 10A $0.96 36a $1.65 $2.60 Ubis JFounörg /iDalies flDanç Specialties 45 IRew Beveleb (Quotations 60 8-Point 15A $0.95 40a $1.30 $2.25 St tbc Oranö ©pera Mouse íCbís "ideeft Bppear 34 BHorlö's ^Famous Sftírt H)ancer6 78 6-Poiiit 16A $0.85 50a $1.15 $2.00 Ubc Contemporaries of ©reat artists Seek to ©btain /Basterç t2 anb ipame bç Depoteb Stub^ anb ÎHarb TKHorh 34 24rPoiiit Tudor Black Ornaments, 60 cents per font When ordering to match type in case, send Cap "H" and I.e. "m" IRecital ©iven bç pupils of tbe Bannertown Migb School Hssíste» t¡i aRiäö Btbel aseauöet, Soprano ablas Enclgn iee, IReaôer yibr. ©CO. ©rant, îTenor (Bien Hcabem^ Mall HüleöneaöaB Evening movernbcr tbe tlentb THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 75 HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY H ESXABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 4A $3.00 Oa $2.50 $5.50 The Buffalo Series Standard Line TYPE LEADS SLUGS The Highest Standard 6 "1 C-Point li»A $1.00 38a $1.00 $2.00 INTELLIGENCE AND INDUSTRY THE GREAT COMBINATIONS Our capacity to produce has de¬ veloped so enormously and our pro¬ ducts have so multiplied th at the prob¬ lem of more markets requires urgent and immediate attention. Only broad and enlightened policy will keep trade on a basis whereby all countries will compete on the same footing» and all countries will then have the system that is used in the United States 24 S-Point 20A $1.25 34a $1.00 $2.25 ■ ENCOURAGE INDUSTRY A System which pro- vides mutual exchange of commodities is manifestly essential to continuedt health¬ ful growth of our export trade. We must not repose In secu¬ rity that we can forever sell everything and buy nothing. If such were the case then all the products coming from Foreign L.. G-Pt. Buffalo Border N"o. 4. 60 inches, $1.50 48-Foint lO-PoInt 15A $1.25 :{na $1.25 $2.60 MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS ON HAND Presses, Paper Cutters, Rule Curvers, and Mitering Machines. Type, Leads, Quota^ tions. Slugs, Brass Rule, Cabinets, Stands, Frames, Racks, and in fact everything for the Printer who Keeps Up°to=date. Orders receive our prompt and careful attention 12-roint 16A $1.60 22a $1.26 $2.76 HARD 6 EXTRA=TOUGH METAL used in productions of this foundry and great care is taken to insure accuracy. All Type made from this metal gives perfect satisfaction to printers in all branches of work. 2 14-Point 12A $1.60 20a $1.40 $3.00 PRINTING OFFICE FURNISH- I NOS of every Description Sup¬ plied promptly at current prices Call at 190=192 Congress Street when you intend to buy goods and receive quick service on all 3A $4.75 4u $3.25 $8.00 RULE it Designs Are Submitted 8 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 76 -THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY < H > ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 The Buffalo Series Standard Line aA $8.20 4a $4.80 $13.00 TYPE Faces H18-Foint OA $1.80 16a $1.60 $3.30 ^he HANSEN COMPLETE MITERING « Machine. No office is complete without one. Saves time and money, üü $18.50 5A $1.80 9a $1.70 $3.50 JUST SET BY A MERE PIN j| There are no lines to guess at | Ü Handle strikes a rubber tube !! 5A $2.50 8a $2.00 $4.50 GREAT ADVANTAGES The rule holder has an ^ angle of ninety degreesit p 12-Point Twin Buffalo Border No. 6. 54 Inches, $1.50 3A $9.00 4a $5.70 $14.70 BIG display THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 77 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR (5UAL|-rv |—| ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 18V2 Johe Buffalo Series w Standard Line * j Shown in Display Geo. Hill Chas. Hill All Orders Receive Prompt Attention HILL BROTHERS HAND RAKE MANUFACTURERS WEST PETERBORO AAA MAINE Í J. Durable Legible Popular If Strong Display for News and Job Offices II »;-Pt.Twin JJuilalo || JJorder No. 7. œ ins. 1! îî n L=ii==iissiis:^ii=J 73he Sultan Shoe For Men and Women For style and comfort the Sultan Shoe is unequalled. Made of best materials by skilled workmen in one of the best appointed and largest factories in this country. Made in the latest popular styles and sold direct to consumer for $3.50 to $5.00 Î3he Eittle Sultan Shoe For children. The best shoe in the world for comfort and protection of growing feet. Prices $1.50 to $2.75 Guaranteed and Sold by Sultan Shoe Stores In All the Large Cities THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 78 HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 ^Buffalo Italic Standard Line (i-l'oint HOJV DEAR TO OUR HEARTS Dollar, when some kind subscriber liberty head Without necktie or co things that to us seem so neW; the arrows beloW it, the stars and the Words With the queer things they tell, the coin of our fathers! We're glad that We know it, for some time or other 'twill come in right Well, ^he sentiment of the foregoing is shared by many men in many trades beside the editors of the rural districts $14 20A $1.00 -ton $1.00 $2.00 IS THE OLD SILVER presents it to View—The liar, and all the strange Wide spreading eagle, the 10-Point 14A $1.26 32a $1.25 $2.60 H. C. HAJ^SEN TYPE FOUNDRY ji complete foundry manufacturing and selling type and printers' supplies of superior quality, at right prices S ISA $1.16 36a $1.10 $2.26 GOOD PRIJSITING IS OFTEN MARRED "BY THE Imperfect joining of rules at corners. No matter how Weit mitered the rates map be, it Would seem that failure to secure per¬ fect join is the rule rather than the exception. The use of corner quads, made bp this foundrp, is a simple and inexpensive method of obtaining perfect joints IS 12-roint 14A $1.60 26a $1.25 $2.76 IN DAYS OF OLD, PRINTERS Made their oWn type and ink, their presses Were crude and sloW, and modern inking rollers Were not so much as dreamed of. The use of 14-Point lOA $1.60 20a $1.40 $3.00 UNDER THE SPREADING Chestnut tree is the forge of the Village blacksmith, ^he aforesaid blacksmith is a 8 4A $2.25 8a $2.00 $4.25 EARLY BIRD GETS WORM Thus the old proVerb reads 58 18-Point 7A $1.50 16a $1.75 $3-26 24-Point 5A $1.70 10a $1.80 $3.50 MEMOIRS OF JANE T>AYS OF REST JÎ thrilling tale of Woe cw\ c, s . ^ ^ published in Germany E^oWfl Oft the fciriTl in '52, now out of print Qtnong the pifies 7 36-Point 4A $3.00 6a $2.00 $5.00 RARE PAYS IN JUNE .Anticipate yearly return 3A $4.75 4a $3.00 $7.75 WHEA T Fields 5 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 79 the; hansein supeirior quali" EISXABLISHED IN THE YEAR 18" Buffalo Condensed Standard Line 36-Point 5A $2.00 Ha $2.40 $5.00 CANOES ARE ON THE RIVERS Between Waltham and Riverside 6-Point 26A $0.00 60a $1.10 $2.00 THE SNOW HAD BEGUN IN THE EVENING AND BUSILY ALL THE NIGHT, HAD Been heaping field and forest with a silence deep and white. I thought of the mound at Mount Auburn where a little headstone stood, how the snowflakes were covering gently, as did the robins, the Babes in the Wood. The fire was made to brighten all: the cinders on the hearth cast no reflections on the earth where violets grow. And under the sod and the dew, waiting the judgment day, under the laurel the 26 8-Foint 25A $1.00 50a $1.25 $2.25 THE MILL WILL NEVER GRIND WITH THE WATERS THAT HAVE Passed. Listen to the water-mill the whole livelong day; how the clanking of its wheels wears the hours away, and a proverb haunts my mind, as a spell is cast, the mill will never grind again with the waters that have passed. Languidly the Autumn wind stirs the lO-Point 20A $1.20 40a $1.30 $2.60 THE PRETTY PICTURES OF THE GIBSON GIRLS Are published all over the world, and in England they sell as fast as hot muffins. No shop is com° plete without the series of Gibson Pictures. 35689 12-Point 18A $1.30 32a $1.45 $2.75 IN THE CLIME OF SUMMER TIME. WHEN Lights were dim and low, and breezes stirred the Autumn leaves when the evening sun was low, and harvesters coming through the 14-Point 16A $1.36 32a $1.66 $3.00 IN MY OLD NEW HAMPSHIRE HOME Amid its pleasant surroundings, I seem to be with old friends once again 482 The Old Home Week is held every year The Story of a Modern Griffin U. It u. Published at Birmingham by The Medieval Architectural League and intended for the use of Students and others 4A $3.85 6a $3.40 $7.26 MADE BY H C HANSEN Independent Type 480 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 80 "THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 Buffalo Condensed Slandard Line 3A $6.10 4a $4.15 $10.25 Our own BAND rMil 30-Point 5A $1.85 11a $2.40 $4.25 H THE PINE GROVE PICNIC GROUND : Engaged for the Annual Outing 98 Appreciated by the leading Artists ¡ lOA $1.45 22a $1.80 $3.25 24-Point TA $1.70 13a $1.80 $3.50 I I A PLEASANT TRIP TO DINNER IS SERVED the grounds on the coni= /p« o i 117 i modious Steamer Violett The Hotel Vere, near • passing several points of the Picnic Grounds. ïittïsitrii 5: "p along the coast. 1234589 One Dollar Bill $1.00 12-Point Buffalo Border No. 3, 54-inch font, $1.50 60-Polnt 3A $5.50 5a $4.00 $9.50 GRAND OUTINGS Come and Enjoy THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 81 Eunffallo OiuiítMinie Standard Line ;îA il<4.T5 4íi $3.25 $8.00 IRUILE l.'iA í^l.r>0 22ii $2.75 ACME ©F PERFECTION Aííamedl oimly affíer years ®ff esperienee» All experí ñn ílhe dlfíereeí branches Hansen 14-Point 12A $1.60 18a $1.40 $3.00 TME PLAIN RULES WUIl IbesiMMfy sumd súipeffagílhiejfii all kñinids lypogmpLñcal work Tke Famicy Reles íoif special ptuiipposes I2é 30-Foiiit 36-Point A "Q ÎIA $1.80 ir.a $1.50 $3.g IN THE FEONT RANK Eel all ©Ilhieps followo Tlhe fñimesít ©voiPo The Buffalo OulMime Regnsiters exael m [the sn^eso Made ne ithe aimsee Type Fouimdpy é8 .5A $1.80 9a $1.70 $3.50 A FINE ©UTEINE for a ligbis, delicate effect is very neat» Eook for the resualts on specimen sheet 5A $2..50 Sa $2.00 $4.50 9 _e> 4A $3.00 6a $2..'iO $6.60 Rule© fop PpaimieF; A u THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 82 A°MYSTnCAL° DRAMA" IB)Y°RIIC1HI ARD-WAGNER-RETOLD-HN-TIHIE SPURIÍT-OF-TIHÍE" EAYREUTH-HN TERPRETATEON " EY " HUCKEL CROWELL" EAYNAIRD°C© ÍEUSHERS ° NEW ° YORK catalogue will be sent to all gining. It contains beautiful res of new grands especially esigned for the trade. Their ^ case designs are a thing of auty, grace and elegance and artistic musical pianos more d nearly approach perfection never been equalled. While ae first cost is hardly greater instruments, Ivers and Pond ultimately proves economical stand as long as the average here we have no dealers we t from the Boston warerooms old pianos taken in exchange MOND PEANO CO»» ioini SLo Eosttomi, Mass» ÍENIRY |only about a year since the drollest and most mirth-provoking stories of South and Central American life began to appear in McClure's Magazine. At once the author was hailed as the new Ameri¬ can humorist worthy of comparison with Bill Nye and Mark Twain. These sketches have now been brought together by Mr. Henry, and woven into a novel entitled mm® This is the most amusing book of the season and will be bought by everyone who enjoys a long succession of hearty laughs. Mr. Henry has opened a wholly new vein and his stories have been the event of the month when they have appeared in McClures McOiuiiFe^FMllMps Compamiyj, Mew Y ©irk Oûy Buffalo Outline in Display Body Type set in 10-Point Viking THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 83 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR Q U A L I T - ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 Lining De Vinne No. 3 standard Line 4A Ba $7,75 Caps $4.60 I.e. $3.16 MODERN LETTER Used for Programs Books Three Special Bargains Tennyson's Poems, elegantly bound volumes, never before sold for less than ^ ^ ^ $2.50 a volume, now going at «P 1 . / d History of the World, in three volumes, a complete and concise history, (f* with many valuable references •p.^.VO Quo Vadis, a marvellous book, only twenty copies left. This book has been ^ ^ Vi¬ read by over twenty thousand «p 1 • 1 d Bacon & Smythe 134 Hunnewell Street, Holyoke, Mass. 6-Point 22A 44a $2.00 Caps $0.95 I.e. $1.05 AMAZINQ RESULTS OBTAINED WITH THIS SERIES De Vinne types have proven their worth. No job office can be considered complete without a series of this type, and it is a standard display face In nearly every news office in the country. Finely proportioned letters with pleasing lines combine to carry strength and beauty 8 8-Point 21A 43a $2.25 Caps $1.00 I.e. $1.26 ARTISTIC SHOWING, MUSLIN DRAPERIES and lace curtains in great variety, also large and varied assortment of parlor tables, in all the fancy colorings, may be seen at Wright's department store, the largest store of 3560 lO-Point 20A 40a $2.50 Caps $1.15 I.e. $1.35 THE CHARACTERISTIC ENTERPRISE of American people Is shown in many ways. Railway and steamship lines to ail parts of the inhabited globe 12478 12-Point 16A30a !f2,75 Caps $1.30 I.e. $1.46 METAL QUOTATIONS CAST in Steel Moulds on a Machine which also casts Type, thereby ensuring accuracy to points 12 Caps $2.66 I.e. i EXTRA EDITION ISSUED By the Evening Reporter 2 M'hen ordering to match type in case, send Lap ''H" and I.e. "m" THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 84 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY < H > ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1B72 Lining De Vinne No. 3 standard Lino 60-Point 3A 4a $9.26 Caps $6.60 I.e. $3,65 OLDS Mobile 5 5A 9a $4.25 Caps $2.10 I.e. $2.15 EXTREMELY POPULAR FACES The De Vinne Type Always in Use 6A 11a $3.60 Caps $1.66 I.e. $1.86 FAST RACING BEHIND THE MOTORS Maidens Admitted With Chaperons 234 18-Point 9A 18a $3.26 Caps $1.60 I.e. $1.T5 BARGAINS TO ALL PURCHASERS AT THE STORE Of íTessrs. Soaks & Company, Bingville, Pennsylvania Goods retailed at 309 cents on the dollar. Come early lAPoint 14A 24a $3.00 Caps $1.46 I.e. $1.66 A CATCHY ADVERTISING DEVICE, HANDSOMELY DESIGNED and well printed will carry conviction to the readers and an increase of trade is bound to result; therefore use printers' ink liberally 24 42-Pomt 4A 6a $6.46 Caps $3.46 I.e. $3.00 THE BEST READING Is Found in Libraries 7 When ordering to match type in case, send Cap "H" and THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 85 IE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE VEAF Lining De Vinne Condensed No. 3 48-Poiilt Standard Line :IA 6a $6,25 Caps $3.16 I.e. $3.10 ORIGINAL Rule Design 7 4A 7a $5.40 Caps $2.70 I.e. $2.70 Money out on INTEREST $5 36-Point 4À 8a $4.25 Caps $2.06 I.e. $2.20 REMARKABLE Group of Men 23 30-Point 6A 11a $4.00 Caps $1.90 I.e. $2.10 PRINTING TYPES Made by Hansen 8 8A $14a 3.50 Caps $1.70 1.0. $1.80 18-Point 12A 24a $3.25 Caps $1.50 I.e. $1.76 CLEVER SCARE HEADLINES When an exclusive news item is secured it is given the top SPECIAL REPORTERS Detailed for night work 16A 30a $3.00 Caps $1.50 I.e. $1.50 AN ACCURATE COMPOSING STICK Is by all means the only one to buy. This is also true of any other kind of Printers' Tools. Buy the best 38 12-Point 21A 40a $2.7.5 Caps $1.26 I.e. $1.60 HARD AND EXTRA TOUQH METAL USED In the manufacture of all Type made by The Hansen Type Foundry, Boston, Mass. 123456 10-Point 25A 60a $2.50 Caps $1.15 i.e. $1.35 INK AND ROLLER CABINETS NECESSARY ARTICLES A place for everything and everything in its place is a good maxim tor printers to tollow. By keeping rollers and ink in cabinets specially designed tor them saves 5 8-Point 26A 52a $2.25 Caps $1.0.5 I.e. $1.20 INTELLIGENCE AND INDUSTRY ARE ESSENTIAL FACTORS In the rapid development of any business there is always good and sufficient reason for the deserved success it has attained "When ordering to match type in case, send Cap "H" and I.e. "m" G-Point 28A 58a $2.00 Caps $0.90 I.e. $1.10 A REPUTATION FOR PROMPTNESS IS ONE OF THE NECESSARY THINGS that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it comes to be said of him that he always gets work out on time, and it will pay him to endeavor to secure such a reputation by every means 24 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY Sterling Coated. See page 377 86 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Lining De Vinne Italic No. 3 standard Line :íA 6a $7.75 Caps $3.90 I.e. $3.85 ROUND Corners 12 Caps $3.36 I.e. $3.20 Song of the VIOLET 8 36-Poiiit 4A 7a $6.00 Caps $2.60 I.e. $2.50 RELIABLE Type and Rule 5 $2.25 I.e. $2.00 6A 10a $3.50 TRUTH READ Great Thought 18-Point 9A 18a $3.25 L.45 I.e. $1.S( NOTE THE GRACEFUL Lines of De Vinne Italic It is always a favorite 62 STOP CYLINDER Prints Halftones 6 12A 21a $3.00 I $1.50 1.0. $1.50 PERFORATING MACHINES Built very strong and durable having advantages over other machines of similar nature 7 12-Point 14A 28a $2.75 1.25 I.e. $1.50 MODERN TVPOQRAPHIC EFFECT Attained by constant study and hard work, is a great source of pride 35 lü-Point 20A 39a $2.60 Caps $1.20 I.e. $1.30 TYPE, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS AND RULE Ail made by the H. C. Hansen Type Foundry under one roof. This is a decided advantage to printers who have many rush orders 378 8-Point ISA 36a $2.26 Caps $1.10 I.e. $1.16 AUTOMOBILES ALONO THE STATE HIGHWAYS Among the sports of the good old summer time there are probably none which ranks with automobiUng 24 When ordering to match type in case, send Cap "H" and I.e. "m" 6-Point 24A 46a $2.00 Caps $0.95 I.e. $1.05 A REPUTATION FOR PROMPTNESS IS ALWAYS NECESSARY If your office is rua systematically, you can tell after a moment's reflection fust how the work is getting along, and what chances there are for getting a new lob started in. Then you know 456 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 87 ESTABUISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 UIINirsa DB VIININB EXTBINDBD Staindârd L.iiie öO-Foint 4A 6a $4.60 Capa $2.45 I.e. $2.10 MAGNIFICENT ROADS Along the Doulevards 24 6-Point 16A 32a $2.00 Caps $0.85 I.e. $1.15 WHEIS YOU ARE AU.U READY TO SET TYRE you will fit*st have to 3et your allele to a siven measure. Be very eareful about this and do not guess at the measure; neither use leads nor slugs* but always twelve-point Quads. The stiele should be elosed upon these Quads to malee them as tight as you will spaee your matter later on. As you lenow^* every letter has a niele* whieh must be plaeed in your stiele* faeing outward. There Is a speeial niele by whieh you ean distinguish Hansen*s type from any other* it is ealled the diamond niele. Type w^ith this niele is reliable and 273 .s-IN)int l.iA 20a $2.26 Caps, $1.00 1.0. $1.25 IIN DISTRIBUTIINQ DISPLAY LINES great care should be exercised. Be sure you have the right case, both as to size and face of type to be dls= trlbuted. If you should distribute a ten=point size in a twelve=point case you are not only wasting your own time but also that of others as well who should be so unfortunate as to find type in cases where it does not lO-Point 13A 26a $2.60 Caps $1.16 I.e. $1.:!.6 BRASS RULE IS VERY USEEUL but if it is not cut to labor=saving sizes it is a source of great loss of both time and money. After you have ascertained the length of rule you need, set your stick: to the size required, cut your rule of equal length at one time, about four points longer than the size required. This allows enough 13 14-Point 9A 16a $3.00 Caps $1.60 I.e. $1.50 HUSTEING AROUND and trying to set a job up in the quiolcest time possible* compositors are often handicapped by the limited amount of leads, quads, etc. 4S 12-Point lOA 20a $2.75 Caps $1.35 I.e. $1.40 ARTISTIC COMPOSITORS are always striving to get out of the rut, or to speak more plainly, to produce work that is far above the average; to harmoniously assemble type, borders, ornaments and brass rule 18-Point 7A 12a $3.26 Caps $1.60 I.e. $1.66 UIVRBASOIVABBB as it may seem to have a friend enter your printing office and demand his job before the type is Q 24-Foint 5A 8a $3.66 Caps $1.95 I.e. $1.70 UONO LINES SET QUICKLY With De Vinne Extended 236 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 88 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 187S UIINIINa DB VIININE BXTBIVDED ¿iiitticlcircl Lfliie 42-Point •lA 4u Ijlü.SO Caps $4.06 I.e. $2.75 STRONG LINES Produce Results GREAT BARGAINS! Just to give an impetus to trade we are oÉfering some phenomenally low values in our boot and shoe department. These are not shop-worn goods, but are all right in every way. As a leader we offer The hot summer days will soon be here. Be prepared to keep your feet nice and cool and make a saving in your purchase besides. 3ootem, Shoem Sz Oompany 35 Lo-wcut St., Dela-ware, AUd. Rule No. 12 530 60 cts. ft. Body letter is Hansen's 10-point Caslon Old Style No. 2 Caps $5.70 1.0. $3.65 USEFUL Type se-point 3A 4a $6.20 Caps $3.16 I.e. $2.06 Mechanics Pavilion THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 89 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 LINING DE VINNE EXTRA CONDENSED No. 3 Standard Line .SA $4.10 6a $4.<¡r. $8.76 USEFUL TYPE SERIES Finely Graded Sizes 134 25 A $1.20 , $1.55 $2.75 THE NUMBER AND VARIETY OF SIGNS USED IN PRINTING ARE MUCH GREATER THAN THE CASUAL OBSERVER WOULD Expect Besides those used in ordinary work there are many which are only needed in special cases. But a com= positor needs to know them all, not only their names but also their uses. And yet how few have ever cared to study them or even make themselves acquainted with their names. A great many men are puzzled when they come across medio al, astronomical or algebraical sign in their copy, and not 14-Point 22A $1.40 40a $1.60 $3.00 THE NUMBER AND VARIETY OF SIGNS USED IN PRINTING ARE MUCH GREATER THAN CASUAL Observer would expect. Besides those used in or= dinary work there are many which are only needed in special cases. But a compositor needs to know them all, not only their names but also their uses. And yet how few have ever cared to study them or even make themselves acquainted with their 60-Point IMPORTED FRANCONIAN AUTOMOBILE The new models of these world famous machines have arrived and ready for inspection. We give away with every sale a full grown good looking Chauffeur, warranted to he free from had habits and guaranteed kind and gentle. Call for catalog LAFAYETE COMPANY GARAGE CHAMBERS '■>1* '«I* ir 4A $3.50 6a $0.50 $7.00 RAILROAD TRANSPORTS EstablisN Qulch Service THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 90 XHE; HANSEN SUPERIOR QUAUITV iSüS: ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 LINING DE VINNE EXTRA CONDENSED No. 3 5ttttidiird Line 48-Point 5A $2.i)0 9a $3.35 $6.25 ORIENTAL REGS, EMBROIDERIES And Fancy Perfumes at low price 9A $1.80 16a $2.20 $4.00 THE NUMBER AND VARIETY OF SIGNS USED BY THE Printer are very much greater than the casual observer 18-Point 16A $1.45 31a $1.80 $3.25 24-Point IIA $1.65 20a $1.85 $3.50 ÎSr NUMBER AND VARIETY OF PRINTING ARE MUCH GREATER THAN THE cifiMÇ TKPn IN PPINTllVfi APP Casual observer would expect. Besides UjlII liN rKliNillNu AKU those used in ordinary work there are Much greater than the caSUal ob= many which are only needed in special sepyer WOUld imagine. Besides uses. And yet how few have ever cared are many which are only needed 6A $2.05 10a $2.20 $4.25 THE NUMBER AND VARIETY OF SIûNS USED In Printing are very mnch greater than 5A $2.40 10a $2.95 $5.35 BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF IRON WORK By American ant! European Artists. 90 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 91 the hansen superior quality established in the year 1872 LINING HANSEN OLD STYLE No, 30 St«indard Line Berkshire Ornament Nn. .!( It If— joo Q 8-Point ISA $1.00 3(ja $1.25 $2.26 10-Point IB.A $1.20 30a $1.30 $2.50 Q Q THERE ARE CERTAIN CASES WHERE ACCORDING TO TURKISH LAW D Exact bids must be submitted. It is not printing establishments may always the lowest bid that gets the order. II In placing an order for printing, a business 63.cb have Only One dOOr, and that U man seldom binds himself to accept the Opening to the Street. Windows lowest bid and he will be influenced by rnust all be covered With close- many considerations besides mere price. , , . ^ He knows that the lowest bid often indi- meshed Wire netting, so that no cates inferior goods or poor service. 35 papers Can be handed through. _ 12-Point 16A $1.26 BOa $1.60 $2.7.5 0 NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION AND JOB DEPARTMENTS H Are more closely allied in smaller towns. There are many M 0 instances where this is absolutely necessary. The force on n " 12-Point Buffalo Outline Border No. 3. 54 inches, $1.50 0<—u u u 1Í u K H—in TA $1.50 15a $1.75 ^3.25 DAVENPORT CAMERA CLUB'S EXHIBIT Souvenirs of pleasant days in Oneida, Maine 5A$1.65 lOa $1.85 $3.50 SPHINX OF ANCIENT EGYPT Famous pyramid built by Cheops 4S-jpoint $4..)0 4a $3.00 $i.50 BRAINSTORMS Great arguments THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 96 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITN^ ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 LINING HANSEN OLD STYLE No. 40 18-Point STANDARD LINE lOA $1.85 20a $1.40 $3.25 PRINTING KNOWN IN CHINA IN SIXTH CENTURY Modern devices for elimination of superfluous labor then unknown 6-Point 25A $1.00 50a $1.00 $2.00 THE GREAT DURATION OF WOOD WHEN KEPT VERY DRY Beams still ezist which are known to be over eleven hundred years old. Piles driven by the Romans prior to the Christian era have been ezamined of late, and found to be perfectly sound after an immersion of nearly two thousand years. The wood of some tools will last longer than the metals, as in spades, hoes and plows. In other tools the wood is first gone, as in wagons, wheelbarrows and machines. Such wood should be painted or oiled; the paint not only looks well 8-Point 22A $1.25 44a $1.00 $2.25 PLANETS ALIKE IN BROAD GENERAL FEATURES The ball or globe-like form is peculiar to all of them, they are all dark bodies, deriving light and heat from the sun, and conse¬ quently they all reflect the same borrowed light. In common, they all perform two motions, one a spinning or rotary motion on an axis, the other a motion of translation, which whirls them 10 Point 20A $1.30 38a $1.20 $2.60 PLUCK WINS! IT ALWAYS WINS, THOUGH Days be slow and nights be dark 'twixt days that come and go. Still plocfc will win—Its average is sure—He gains the prize who can the most endure; who faces issues, he who never shirks, who waits 12-Point 17A $1.46 34a $1.30 $2.75 SINCE THE DAYS OF GUTENBERG The use of printing has increased rapidly until today it has become a necessity in the world of business. It is the media through which the news of the day is transmitted to the 456 24-Point CANDLE LIGHT THE MOST PROMISING COPPER MINE IN THE RICHEST MINING DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN UTAH PROSPECTUS A ALWIN, WILSON & McDUFFY CO. Fiscal Agents CONTINENTAL BUILDING, NEW YORK 8-Pt. Swastika Outline Border No. 4. 54 inches, $1.35 7A $2.00 13a $1.50 $3.50 PRODUCT OF THE HOUSE OF HANSEN Is most satisfactory and is noted for superior quality .36-Point 5A $2.80 9a $2.20 $5.00 PLEASE YOUR CUSTOMERS Large return from small investment SnlH in "«7010.1,+ -fOT^+a r\-f OK llicr w. .. 14.4 1....... Sold in weight fonts of 25 lbs. and multiples THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 97 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 wO wrtjtvc §crifi IS-Point $1.10 -JOa $1.(V0 $L'.(U) .Jhnnwai imporie^ 3 apancije G-ofor ^aintin^ifO an75 ^ ape jiricifO ÇMWarc^ 2 8 ío _y2):prif 3 , 1 ^ 0 8 «more ^iuSio c}SirmÍH^^atti Blatfe îleit Int iliA 40U $'^.K0 SrijEve ÍSS no move ijonorabU calling tl)an tljat of t!)c printer, is tije conaerbas tor of tlje tnorlli's learning. J^e is re= sponaible for tjie preaerfaation anb tfje paaaingboinn from tlje one generation to anotijer of tf)e accunuilateb fenoirtlebgeanb iniabom of tije agea. îEburation, enter» tainnient, ruUtireanb commerce reat upon tl)e afjoulbera of t^e printer. J^e al)oulb be a prince among men. 33ut to ottupg tfje poaition tl)at l)e afjoulb, f)e muat "put moneg in Ijia purae." ilfjia Ije can not bo if Ije boea not aafe anb get for Ijia triorfe faljat it ia tuortf). Lining- Boldface No. 150 (Standard Newspaper Letter) Standard Line «5i-Point 20A $0.90 40a $1.10 $2.00 A REPUTATION FOR PROMPTNESS le* one of the things that a job printer should strive for. He will have gained a great advantage when it conies to be 34 said of him that he always gets work out on time •Special Line 6-Polnt 22A $0.90 44a $1.10 $2.00 ALL TYPE DISPLAYED BY H. C. HANSEN is made in this Type Foundry, and made under one roof. Aii type faces shown in this Specimen Book are made by H. C. HANSEN. Thousands of speciai rules are made to order. Rule sold in two^foot strips. All orders receive prompt and careful attention. No order too large, and 8-Polnt 17A $1.05 35a $1.20 $2.25 ANCIENTS AND HONORABLES Coming: to visit Boston and friends in June An elegant parade and sumptuous banquet in the Cadet Armory, Boston. lO-Point 16A $1.16 32a $1.35 $2.60 EIGHT NEW BATTLESHIPS To be the most powerful in the world United States Navy increasing Protecting Commerce and Harbors When ordering to match type in case, send Cap "H" and i.e. "m" 7-Point 22A$1.05 44a $1.20 $2.25 SPECIAL HANDY BRACES (METAL) Hansen^s Handy Braces are made to save time and do away with piece braces, thus doing the work quickly and with better satisfaction for the printers that have to use a number of braces A GREAT LABOR-SAVER 9-Point 20A $1.15 40a $1.35 $2.50 THE BOARD OF TRADE MEETING held at the Comma Building The "Waste Basket" furnished the "Board with amusement for the ensuing year 1903 NEXT MEETING FOR ARCHITECTS 12-Point 13A $1.25 26a $1.50 $2.75 LATEST FOREIGN NEWS The Philippines under the U. S. Governmeiit Complete control accepted Sold in -freight fonts of 25 lbs. and multiples THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 98 NorthwBStern University •ary -THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY < H > ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Boldiaoe Bio. 1Ö ;iA im $(i.5ü Caps I.e. 8=3.25 oix tlxe Hotjir 1S 24-Point 4A 7a $4.40 Caps $2.20 I.e. $2.20 5A 10a $3.25 Caps $1.50 I.e. $1.75 A o o vii'ítt C3l ^ to Foîïxt Syíst^ixx MiÄ íllACl SlxAg:» 12-Point 8A 16a $2.76 Caps $1.30 I.e. $1.45 Àre oo ri Sí Co o t:l>r In groat doiiva ti cl for Äottlng Ivong IVînos Qnîckly IQ-Point 9A 18a $2.60 Caps $1.10 I.e. $1.40 i><>i Ti5i^i5 OO IMITATIV AI Jv wr I js i5:vi iv >r'iis i.>.isiv wr i5i> ill >► A"vxr|>îi iifc^i'î.* í 111 ti ÂXagaaBÎnes ; 11 Oixrrerat RatefS Ou*- 13>xj>er1;s "Will do Your .A.d.='Wrltîng; ü^ro© Orutis 8-Point lOA 22a $2.26 Caps $1.00 I.e. $1.26 oiv.-v.v i^.-v'ixVrI« >.-v I rv ri ».vx; 155«; or art I It-llt'll 111.4 -W-IXOII57- « > 11 tilo- O 11 í 11-í 1 A» 11- of 11 1 A" I X X > 1a í « í 1 < 1 ooMxjiositor® -ill ota 1 < I exeroisso .i a » 11 <4; 111 A» 111 ~ e-Point 12A 22a $2.00 Caps $0.90 I.e. $1.10 v-»A'í-i'l-IC.AI.-4 -VSTHXCH I'liTOVIIlll IVtOTUAIv IvACA' 1 I .A ( 1 i; O© A< >AI .Al« >I > 1*11 II .-i ö.*Y±f e-stl^ tiö-l to tin. o oo an tin. mod. mmd Inomlt lnfm.1 ^ro-w tin of omr &x%>o:r-t trmdo. "Wo ommanot tlnrnt yyo omxn forovor jSOXX O THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY XHE; HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 HEADING SERIES POINT LINE 18-Point L'4ji $1.90 $8.25 THE STERLING ROUND CORNERING CUTTER, RERSUNRULE IN PRICE RNU RAPID UeslgnBd to meei the toqulrenienis of Prlnlors and uooklilnders. Price si s.oo OA $1.40 18a $2.10 $3.50 3G-Point ")A $2.10 '.»a $2.1' $4.25 THE FULL HDVHNTHGE THAT GREAT flDVRNTHGE Will be realized Irom usino nil malprlal iiqpiI hii tune slips Is not secured 1! lililBllill UbBU uy they are simply utilized lor pflDtGIS IflGIlG 01) tOO 4A $2.40 Ta $2.85 $.).*25 BRII88IIULE8, Borders and 23.98 m ■ Hh HEADING OUTLINE POINT LINE 0 0 e o D 0. 12A $i.:r) 24a $l.oii $3.2: o]iaii[p_i? ñm íSféiii 9A $1 40 18a $2.10 $3.50 TI ma Bf STSiE mi iœ 36-Point irû D JU IE lllJ :)A $2.10 9a $2.15 $4.25 íií üU K]' ru m Lr li[^ M Ite 4A Ta $2.88 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 100 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITV ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S7Î2 LINING LATIN ANTIQUE No. 3 standard Line 3A $4.40 5a $3.10 $7.60 SEND FIFTY $50 For Public Needs 3A $2.50 6a $2.50 $5.00 WISE MEN Determine 4A $1.90 9a $2.35 $4.25 PRINTING TYF At Hansen's 5A $1.50 12a $2.00 $3.50 THE VERY BEST 7 Quick Shipment 8A $1.50 18a $1.75 $3.25 LARGE ORDERS DELIVE Direct from Boston or New York The Sterling Round Cornering Machine Booklet for the Asking In Stock and For Sale by TheH. 0. Hansen Type Foundry Boston, Mass. *12-Point 14A $1.25 30a $1.50 $2.75 15A $1.10 30a $1.40 $2.50 GOOD OLD LATIN ANTIQUE Never Out of Style 123 EXHIBIT OF PRINTED MATTER Containing process work 3 8-Point 16A $1.00 36a $1.25 $2.26 MAY BE RELIED UPON IN EVERY CASE Plain letter, clean cut, easily read When ordering to match type in case, send Cap "H" and i.e. "m" 6-Point ISA $0.90 STa $1.10 $2.00 SOMETHING NEW IN TYPE AND ORNAMENTS Is constantly emanating from Hansen's *0n Point Line ; too large for Standard Line THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 101 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Lining Modern Antique No. 3 standard Line l^-F0lnt lOA ^íAñ 22a $1.«0 í:{.2ri WHEN A MAN STARTS OUT IN BUSINESS HIS ADVERTISING Starts with him. If a man so advertise himself as to create a prejudice against his work it were better had he never begun 6-Point .»OA $0.90 40a $1.10 $2.00 THE GOLDEN GLOW HAS FADED, THE FIRE OF AUTUMN FLED, AND WINTER, DARKLY SHADED, IS ROUND US NOW INSTEAD. But where hearthtires burn brightest, where happy voices fiow, where love is ever present, ne'er fades the golden glow. 1234567 How dear to our hearts is the old silver dollar, when some kind subscriber presents it to view—The liberty head without necktie lO-Point 17AÍ1.05 34a $1.45 $2.50 WHAT THE LEAVES ARE TO THE FOREST, WITH LIGHT AND AIR FOR FOOD, ERE THEIR SWEET And tender juices become hardened into wood,— That to the world are children; through them it feels the glow of a brighter and sunnier 178 .s-Piiint 18A$1.00 36a $1.2.5 $2.25 NO SANE MAN TODAY DOUBTS THE INFLUENCE OF THE JOURNALIST, AND NONE BUT POLITICIANS OR Fools belittle it. The voiee of the minister, orator and politician dies out in faint echoes from a very narrow horizon, unless it is reverberated by the 12 12-Point 15A $1.20 32a $1..">5 $2.75 CERTAIN PHENOMENA IN THE AIR AND PECULIARITIES OF THE BIRDS Have long been known to indicate a change in the weather. Many years BLACKSTONE VALLEY POULTRY YARDS A 30 DAY SPECIAL OFFER FREE! FREE! FREE! With each bird sold in the next 30 days we will give free, a beautiful hand illumined certificate giving its full pedigree together with its photograph done in genuine sepia by Gustafson & Vincent, the cele¬ brated Metropolitan photografters Offer for sale a limited number of well-built, able-bodied Handsome Game Cockerels The ancestors of these birds are prize winners and have moved in the most aristocratic poultry circles for many generations. These cockerels have inherited the sporting instincts of their sires and will furnish much excitement Price, each, $24.98 BLACKSTONE VALLEY POULTRY YARDS MIANTONOMI ROAD, SKOWHEGAN CENTRE, NEW HAMPSHIRE Î § U-Pfiint Border No. 002. GO inches, $1.00 -^4-i'oint 7A$1.T0 12a $1.80 $3.50 JUSTICE IN THE WORKSHOP IS THAT RULE By which bosses and workingmen can prosper withal. The common law cannot exist where the When ordering to match t\pe in case, send Cap "H" and I.e. "m" THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 102 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALIXY ESXABLISHED IN XHE YEAR 1B72 Lining Modern Antique No. 3 standard Line 42-Poiut 4A $3.00 8a $3.25 $6.25 DESIGNS IN TYPE BY AN Artist with stick and rule 30-P()int 6A $2.40 12a $1.88 $4.25 STRONG MIND AND HEALTHY BODY Result of physical culture and dieting prescribed by reputable physicians 32 4A $2.40 8a $2.60 $5.00 SOLDIER MET FAIR CYNTHIA Face powder on his uniform blue Indulge in osculatory exhibit 23 3A $4.00 oa $3.50 $7.50 ONLY QUIET HOTELS Fop old ladies of cranks When ordering to match type in case, send Cap "H" and I.e. "m" THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 103 IE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Gothic No. I POINT LINE 18-roint 12A $1.00 20a $1.65 $0.25 DEFTLY MANIPULATING TYPE, BORDERS AND BRASS Rule, the skilled compositor produces pleasing conceptions for the benefit and edification of intelligent advertisers 12345 6-Point Xo 1 37 A $1.00 CONSIDER THE GREAT ADVANTAGE OF POINT SYSTEM OVER THE METHODS PREVIOUSLY EXISTING IN THE REALM OF PRII^TERDOM. THE OLD SYSTEM, OR RATHER, LACK OF SYSTEM, WHICH CHARACTERIZED THE EQUIPMENTS OF COMPOSING ROOMS AND CAUSED THE DOWNFALL OF MANY WEARY 4567 THIS SIZE ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR IMPRINTS 6-Point 30A$1.ÜÜ 50a $1.00 $2.00 TYPE WITH LARGE FACE ON SMALL BODY NEEDS LEADS Between lines and wider space between words. The readers want leaded type because it is easy to read; publishers order it, because the books so treated find readier sale. It is not in the power of »-Point 2ÖA $1.05 50a $1.20 $2.25 ANY ONE MAN, HOWEVER HIGH HIS RATING AS An artist, to reverse this judgment. Indeed there is high authority for it. Ruskin has wisely said that the eye is not saddened by quantity of white, but 4 10-Point 22A $1.20 44a $1.30 $2,.30 A RESUMPTION OF THE GOLD EXPORT Movement to Germany showed the manifold demands for banking reserves. Another break in the price of copper was an unsettling 2345 12-Polnt 20A$l.:i5 40a $1.40 $2.7.5 THE RAMPHORHYNCUS, WAS A Curious intermediate link between a bird and a reptile. Its remains have been found in some German quarries HHHHH hHh HHHHH r I AUTOMOBILE i SUNDRIES yiEADE MANUFACTURING COMPANY i^ontreal ROXBURY, MASS, Chicago 6-PT. MULTIPLEX BORDER NO 2 AUTOMOBILE ORNAMENT NO. 708 7A$1.90 10a $1.60 $3.50 LONG TALK TO PRACTICAL WORKMEN By an eminent printer of international fame The aim is to make this talk helpful and 78 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 104 the: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALIXY estabuisheid in the year 1s72 INCLINED GOTHIC ^oint line 26A 6-Pt. No. 40 $1.00 prescriptions carefully compounded from lead tin, copper and the finest antimony produce good wearing type 24A 6-Pt. No. 41 $1.00 FIGURES ARE CAST BY THIS FOUNDRY ON POINT SET FOR EASY JUSTIFICATION ON CALENDAR AND TABULAR COMPOSITION 21A >-Pt. No. 42 $1.00 MODERN IMPROVEMENTS IN MANUFACTURING TYPE OP THE HIGHEST STANDARD SECURE SURE RESULTS ISA 6-Pt. No. 43 $1.00 LARGE SALAR/ES PAID TO SUPERVISORS AND FOREMEN OF PRINTSHOPS WITH BRAINS AND PUSH )«A 12-Pt. Xi). 44 Í1-5» FIRST GRAND ENTERTAINMENT OF THE DARKTOWN SOCIETY HELD IN BINGVILLE 12-Pt. No. 46 $1.50 OLD ORCHARD BEACH PIER MASCONOMA HOUSE OPEN IN JUNE 12-Pt. No. 46 $1.50 EIGHTEENTH SEASON GRAND OPERA BOSTON sso rooms with bath and electric lights RED LION HOUSE NORTH ADAMS, MASS. GEO. TRAVIS, Proprietor special rates to large parties lOA 18-Pt. No. 47 $2.00 A SWEET LINGERING MUSICAL SOUND MANDOLIN AND GUITAR 45 SA 18-Pt. No. 48 ^2 00 THE SEVENTH GRAND RECITAL BY TWELVE MUSICIANS 12 6A 24-Pt. No. 49 $2.60 BREEZES TURN TIDES 4 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 113 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 18-Point GOTHIC No. 6 POINT LINE 8 16h $8.25 Caps $1.60 I.e. $1.65 SPECIAL FIGURES FOR TIME TABLES The H. C, Hansen Type Foundry has ever been foremost in providing for printers labor-saving 12 6-Point No. 6 (A) 24A 50a $2.00 Caps $0.90 I.e. $1.10 SYSTEMS WHICH PROVIDE A MUTUAL EXCHANGE OF COMMODITIES ARE MANIFESTLY ESSENTIAL TO CONTINUED GROWTH OF TRADE We must not repose in fancied security that we can forever sell every thing and buy little or nothing. If such a thing were possible It would not be best for us or those with whom we deal. We should take from our customers such of their products as we can readily use 3456789 6-Point No. 6(B) 24 50a $2.00 Caps $0.90 I.e. $1.10 REMEMBER THAT WHATEVER IS WORTH DOING AT ALL IS WORTH DOING WELL AND NEVER ALLOW YOURSELVES to be rushed to such an extent as to do your work in a slovenly manner, because habit once formed will become second nature to you in the course of time. You may not be endowed with $123 6-P()int No. 6(c) 22.V 44a $2.00 Caps $1.00 I.e. $1.00 ORIGINALITY DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU MUST CREATE SOMETHING NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF To follow the path of others who have been successful Is but another way of educating yourself in a sort of school of advertising. Plain words are sure to hit the bull's-eye. One of the great disadvantages that super- educated people, the majority of advertisers, have to overcome is the tendency to display their entire vo¬ cabulary. It is true that It requires a great deal more skill to be simple than to be profound. Now, then, to begin with, fix what you intend to convey permanently within your mind, then say it in a few words as possi¬ ble, pert and to the point. The fewer the better 456 GIGANTIC SALE OF FINE CLOTHING Owing to an extensive purchase of Fall and Winter AH UHUSU^I OppOrtUllity Clothing, we have decided to close out our stock of Black Worsted Suits at $7.98 Summer Goods at greatly reduced prices. Many suits are priced below cost rather than carry them over for another season. This stock consists of the highest grade clothing, and you cannot realize how much we are sacrificing until you see the prices. BROWN á SMITH 36 FRONT ST., PORTLAND, ME. Ö] 1 High Art Kniss Rule No. 12 711 8-Point $2.25 Caps $1.05 I.e. $1.20 FOR ANYTHING IN TYPE, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, BRASS RULE, METAL FURNITURE and Printers' Supplies, call at The H. C. Hansen Type Foundry, Í 90-1 92 Congress Street, and get the benefit of thirty-five years of experience in practical type founding and rule making 8 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 114 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 GOTHIC No. 6 POINT LINE :jA ill $7.50 Caps $4..50 I.e. $3.00 TYPE WORLD Issued on the 29 4A 5a $5.00 Caps $3.00 I.e. $2.00 SELECT TYPE FACE from Hansen, Boston 35 Caps $1.60 I.e. $1.90 LOOK FOR DIAMOND NICK Whenever You Purchase Type 46 13A 26a $2.75 Caps $1.25 I.e. $1.50 A PRINTER'S STATIONERY SHOULD REPRESENT HIS BEST EFFORTS 42 Something a little above the ordinary is expected of a printer in the preparation and execution of his office stationery, &c Hhh Hhhh HHh 16A 30a $2.50 Caps $1.15 I.e. $1.35 the theory of appropriate types should be observed at all times Good judgment should be a factor in the ap¬ plication of types, and it is not meet to say in the old-fashioned way that a milliner's card 7 THE BEST TYPE Because great care is exercised in mixing the metals and also in casting, Hansen's Type has won a reputation for good wearing qual¬ ities. The "Diamond Nick" type is the kind you should have in your cases. Made only by the h. o. hansen type foundry THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 115 THE; HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 MEDIUM GOTHIC No. 7 (>0-Point STANDARD LINE 3A 4 i $9.00 Cap8 $6.35 I.e. $3.06 FREIGHT Paid $15 Ûswsg© Paper Gutters Both Lever and Power THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY Selling Agents The line " Oswesn " above is lloston Gothic 7A 10a $4.25 (•¡IIIS $2.15 l.r. $2.10 GREAT HANDICAP Race started at 2 7A 16a $3.50 Caps $1.66 I.e. $1.96 NEW SERIAL STORIES Are new being forced upon the readers of 6 15A 31a $3.00 Caps $1.36 1.0. $1.66 GREAT SALE NOW TAKING PLACE at the shoe store of FIttem Brothers where a choice can be made for $1 23A 46a $2.60 Caps $1.16 I.e. $1.36 THESE PLAIN, BOLD LETTERS, MADE BY HANSEN are types of merit. When used in advertisements these letters carry weight which causes the reader to believe the truths so printed. Medium Gothic 3 6-Point 30A 60a $2.00 Caps $0.95 I.e. $1.06 4A 6a $5.40 NO ORDER TOO URGE TO BE HANDLED PROMPTLY BY THIS FOUNDRY And small orders receive also the same prompt and careful attention, as we realize the Importance to printers of even a slight delay in work, we use our beet efforts te meet every rush order, be It large or small 12346 Caps $2.90 I.e. $2.50 DEMAND GOTHIC LEHERS For Results In Advertising 3 Medium Gothic Xo 7 will register with Boston Gothic for color work. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 116 HANSEIN SUPEIRIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 MEDIUM GOTHIC No. 7 STANDARD LINE 3 A 4a iHd.OO Caps $5.70 I.e. $3.i;o CHARGE Low 2 36-Point 5A 9a $4.75 Caps $2.40 1.0. $2.35 SECOND HEAT Of the Final 43 IIA 22a $3.26 Caps $1.45 I.e. $l.i NO HAIR LINES TO BREAK Are found in this series of Bold Gothic Letters, which make them admirable 567 19A 38a $2.75 Caps $1.20 I.e. $1.55 HANSEN'S COMPLETE MITERING MACHINE Has been accepted by printers as the best machine In the world for mitering brass rule as it is set by a pin, no lines to guess at 18 8-Point 27A 63a $2.25 Caps $1.00 I.e. $1.25 COMPLETE PRINTING OFFICE EQUIPMENTS SUPPLIED QUICKLY By The H. C. Hansen Type Foundry at 190-132 Congress Street. All type being cast under one roof, the advantages to printers when ordering sorts are at once apparent, and many times 2369 TYPE Of the many All-Types on the market there are none which can bring the ailver- tlser better results than Meilium Gothic Nc. 7, the complete series being here¬ with shewn, and Boston Gothic, specimens being shown on foiiowing pages THE H.C.Hansen Type Foundry 4A 6a $7.00 Caps $3.75 I.e. $3.25 MEDIUM GOTHIC No. 7 A Convincing Proof 89 Medium Gothic No. 7 will register with Boston Gothic for color work. THE H, C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 117 the hansen superior quality established in the year 1872 iOSfOi @OTI}jlD@ Standard Line 3A 4a S11.50 raps $C.75 I.e. $4.75 18-Point li¿A 18a $3.20 Caps $1.75 I.e. $1.45 Telephone 30 Meine 1& OûyûLÂ! áüDiÚ. ir. Our Clothinp Is all made by first-class workmen under direct supervision Men's Furnishers 28 Vestry Street Is a practical, all around good sense letter for jobwork, and may be kept moving con¬ tinually. as it is also very adaptable for advertising. ESTABLiSHED 1872 'RHONE, 2738 MAÍN J a Manufacturers and Designers 190-192 Congress Street Besten, Massachusetts 48-Point A Hansen's Medium Gothic No. 7 will register accurately with the Boston Gothic for color. The two series in conjunction will produce some very fine color combinations 4A 6a $7.30 iOi: 1.00 I.e. $3.30 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY lis THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITV ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 iûSTOlM ûÛirillIDO standard Line 24-Point 9A 12a $3.75 Caps $2.00 I.e. $1.75 60-Point mm TO WEÂLTIill 3A 4a $9.50 Caps $5.75 I.e. $3.75 ^ m 6A9a $5.00 Caps $2.75 I.e. $2.25 áO¥EiTDSDi@ FttraGnaiiDi© SALE OF MEN'S FINE 36 HIGH STREET, PEORIA, ILL. Ty@sda}f, Jao. E inaugurate the greatest sale of Men's high grade Hats ever known in the history of our business. We guarantee these goods to be in perfect con¬ dition and all going this week at SO-Point 7A 10a $4.26 Caps $2.15 I.e. $2.10 ODBOHJILÄTDii fiir laf 12,34 42-Point 4A ea $6.40 Caps $2.90 I.e. $2.50 iOSTOi OOTiilllg IL@tii@ir " Boston Gothic will register with Medium Gothic No. 7 for color work. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 119 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITN ESTABLISH :d in the vear ists GOTHIC ITALIC Standard Una (i-Point 18A 36a Í1MMI Caps $1.0U I.e. $l.UO MODERN PRINTING OFFICES ON THE POINT SYSTEM Ara a paying Inveatmant whan agulppad with all af Hansan's typa, malarial and lahar-aavlng devlcaa «-Point lö.\ 30a $2.25 Caps $1.00 I.e. $1.25 CONSIDER THE GREAT VARIETY OF WORK ^ñfhich it is possible to do with this type end note the strength of the Rgures 78 12A 25a $2.50 Caps $1.20 1.0. $1.30 GOTHIC ITALIC TYPE IS CLEAR CUT anti has alraaily won favor among printers as a useful jobbing letter lOA 20a $2.75 Caps $1.35 I.e. $1.40 GREAT RESULTS EXPECTED from the superb preduction ef "Ben Nur " now playing 9 Beveleil Quads and Quotations Time and labor saved. DIfOoult Composition very easily attained. OmeiMATEO AMD MADE DY THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY, BQSTQN, MASS. 60-Point 3A 4a $11.50 Caps $6.75 I.e. $4.7.5 A STRIKING 18-Point 8A 14a $3.25 Caps $1.60 I.e. $l.a') ADVERTISEMENTS FOR DAILY NEWSPAPERS Set in Gothic Itelic bring guiok returns $1234- 24-Foint 6A 10a $3.50 Caps $1.80 I.e. $1.70 RETURNEB FRQM THE NEVABA MINE Laden with wealth and experience 56 SOPoint 4A 6a $4.25 Caps $2.25 I.e. $2.00 REMEMBERS OLD FRIENDS With gifts unique and rare THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 120 THE; HANSEN SUPERIOR (QUALITY EISTA B L. I s H E D tN THE YEAR 1872 GOTHIC ITALIO 48-Foiiit Standard Lina ■óA 4a $7.70 Caps $4.70 I.e. $3.00 SPURIOUS COIN Silver Dollars 8 Caps $2.76 I.e. $2.26 LARGE CIRCULATION Winona Daily Tribuno 60-Point 3A 4a $11.60 Caps $6,76 I.e. $4.75 Adm Letter 4 OUT TO-DAY MOTOR A MAGAZINE OF SPORT Read the new serial story. Something to interest every owner of an automobile, or motor cycle of any kind. AT ALL NEWS-STANDS Hansen's Ad. Corners Send for Specimens THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 121 THE HANSEIN superior qualitv established in the year 1872 Lining Gothic No. 18 STANDARD LINE 4A 7a $6.2ü Caj)« I.e. ii'2.r>r) POPULAR Indian iVieiodles ■í2-Point 4A 6a $6.50 Caps $3.50 I.e. $3.00 PLAYED in all Concerts 6-Pt. 22A 44a $2.00 Caps $0.90 I.e. $1.10 BOATING A DELIGHTFUL SPORT When pressure of business becomes heavy* and you feel the urgent need of a rest* take a trip to the country and amid the quiet surroundings spend $2 10-Pt. 16A 32a $2.50 Caps $1.20 1.0. $1.30 THE OUT-DOOR LIFE IS A boon to tired city workers and a trip to the mountain repays them for their year 14-Pt. 12A 24a $3,00 Caps $1.40 I.e. $1.60 UNDAUNTED BY rain they take long walks over the hills 24-Ft. 5Alla$:j.50 Caps $1.651.0. $1.85 ALL NIGHT do they sleep soundly,tired 48-Point Correct Styles SPRING SUITS PROMPT SERVICE COURTEOUS TREATMENT PRICES RIGHT CUTT & SOWE 44 Taylor Street BOSTON MASS. Printers'.Joy Xo. 5. Kacb $0.10 8-Pt. 20A 40a $2.26 Caps $1.10 I.e. $1.15 GRAND EXCURSIONS TO THE White Mountains during Sum¬ mer months, reasonable rates to all excursion parties for any 12-Pt. 14A 29a $2.75 Caps $1.25 I.e. $1.50 THE VACATIONIST Will have use of Golf Links and Lawn Tennls Courts free of charge 18-Pt. 9A 18a $3.26 Caps $1.75 I.e. $1.50 LAKES, PONDS and Rivers full of Happy Canoeists 30-Pt. 5A 8a $4.25 Caps $2.20 1.0. $2.05 BEAUTY of Natural panorama 3A 6a $7.80 LOO I.e. $3.8« The Fast EXPRESS 54-Foint 3A 5a $8.75 4.85 I.e. $3.90 LEAVES at 9.30 M'hen ordering to match type in case, send Cap "H" and I.e. "m" THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 122 the; ha.nsein superior quality established in the year 1072 30-Point Xo. 930 IMDED L-IIMIIMO • la $3.00 .'.II $L','.'0 $f...'0 MAKER L'4-r<>int Xi). 924 4A $2.25 6a $1.75 $4.00 ■ INI VEIINJICE by Gondola 18-Point No. 918 6A $1.75 10a $1.75 $3.50 14-Point Xo. 914 for Kiavo Vsi< used "tHi in Pari; GA $1.35 12a $1.65 $3.00 DRY & all wHo ^a-tions \A/ EI IVIAKE OF" SOFREIR IO FI cent type faces, Gothic Condensed has never been supplanted by any similar kind of Gothic -wSw- ■4> CONSTERNATION IN THEPRINTINGTRADE Mr. Isaac Lovering Blanchard Arrives from New York and Delivers a Lecture on Conditions, Etc. AT THE CROWN HOTEL Mr. Blanchard demonstrates to his audience very forcibly the condi¬ tions that are to be contended with THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 125 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 THE CÂMBfilDiîE SERIES 48-Point Standard Line 3A 6a $7.10 Caps $3.75 I.e. $3.35 DETROIT UNIVERSITY Great Educational Center GREAT STAR INVESTMENT CO THE CAPITALIZATION IS $150,000.00 ★ T^HIS Company is * organized under New Jersey laws. Shares are $1 each 6-Point 24A 48a $2.00 Caps $1.00 I.e. $1.00 A VERY IMPORTANT ITEM IN PRINTING OFFICE EXPENSE IS THE MATTER Of ink, and yet it is often overlooked entirely in the estimating on work. It is understood, of course, that in the majority of jobs, the ink expense forms but a proportionally small part of the cost, but that is no reason why it should be 8-Pomt 20A 40a $2.25 Caps $1.00 I.e. $1.25 LEFT OUT OF OUR CALCULATIONS ENTIRELY. FOR THERE Are times when it forms a large proportion, and if we get into the habit of neglecting it all the time, the chances are that we shall forget it when it should be thought of. Practical Printers should lO-Point 18A 36a $2.50 Caps $1.15 I.e. $1.35 MEN'S FURNISHINGS FOR SALE WEDNESDAYS Fast color, plain black and colored Half Hose, sizes 6 to 12, double toe and heel. A Genuine Bargain 16A 32a $2.76 Caps $1.25 I.e. $1.50 ALL THE TYPE FACES IN THIS CATALOG Are cast from Hansen's Superior "Copper Amalgam" type metal which gives lasting 14-PoiDt 14A 28a $3.00 Caps $1.40 I.e. $l.t 36-Point THE "PERFECTION" RULE CASES Will hold about 20 pounds of labor" saving brass rule. Ask to be shown Notice the legibility of the figures $ 1234567890 $ Caps $2.45 I.e. $2.15 FINE BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Of Dickens in Two Large Volumes THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 125 XHE HANSEirsl SUPBRIOR QUALIXV ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 THE CAMBRIDGE SERIES Standard Line 3A 4a $8.70 Caps $5.40 I.e. $3.30 MANDFACTDRERS Increase Their Stock Caps $1.50 I.e. $1.75 CAMBRIDGE A BEAUTIFUL TYPE Its Clean Cut Appearance Will Make it useful for a large variety of work 24-Poiiit 6A 12a $3.50 I $1.75 I.e. $1.75 PRINTING MATERIAL OF All Kinds Made by Hansen Goods are delivered promptly 30-Point 5A 10a $4.15 Caps $2.00 I.e. $2.15 RED BRICKHOUSES Built In Eight Weeks Sun on all four sides A TRIP THROUGH MEXICO □ □□E Illustrated with Colored Stereopticon Views Auspices of The College Outing Club Lyceum Hall, Cambridge ^□□E 72-Point 3 A 4a $11.30 12-Point Runioii Border. 54 inches, $1.50 Caps $7.00 I.e. $4.30 LARGE Figures THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 127 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 MASTODON SERIES standard Line lO-Point 18 A $1.10 36a $1.40 $2.50 THE COMPLETE MITERING MACHINE IS MADE BY H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY As the name sug^i^ests it is complete and accurate in every respect. Printers who use it are enthusiastic in its praise. So constructed that g^uess work is eliminated 12-Point 15A $1.25 30a $1.50 $2.75 PRINTERS OBTAIN NOVEL EFFECTS WITH H. C. HANSEN'S NEW DEVICES The beveled quads, cutting dies made of steel rule blocked in metal and the halftone and ornamental brass rules 18-PoiDt 9A $1.46 18a $1.80 $3.25 MERCHANT RECOGNIZES VALUE OF BOLD DISPLAY Various new and catchy ways to advertise his wares are sure to eliminate summer stagnation of business 5A $1.35 12a $2.15 $3.50 HISTORY OF THE MERCHANT MARINE Foreign products obtained at great risk from distant lands beyond the deep sea 5A $2.00 9a $2.25 $4.25 THIRTY BARGAINS AT LEHR'S Advertised in morning papers All merchandise below cost $23 36.point $2.40 6a $2.60 $6.00 MASTODON IS THE TYPE For strong, legible display advertisements. Fashions THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY Sterling Coated. See page J77 128 THE: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ^ M ^ ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 MASTODON SERIES 5illiindfird Line 42-Point -íA $3.25 6a $3.00 $6.25 STRONG AND LEGIBLE a display of type faces 3A $4.10 5a $3.40 $7.50 NOTED SIGNATURE delightful journeys 3A $6.00 4a $4.50 $10.50 FISH MARKETS scup or halibut 72-Poillt 3A $7.60 4a $6.60 $13.00 GAY DELÜTH finest work 7 All Hansen Type cast from Superior Copper Alloy Metal THE H. C, HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 129 IE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 RSii: Mastodon Series Shown in Display BSIISSBSSSIISS ¡¡^ USII FUEL SAVERS - BUILT TO BAKE THE BUTLER RANGES Baking uncertainty is eliminated—and all eooking is done better and quieker with a Butler Range. They are built for a lifetime of aetive service—The eastings are heavy and perfect, the eonstruction is simple and strong, the fire¬ box is large, the oven is unusually roomy and our original patent fine con¬ struction insures an even heat to both the oven and top of range so that the back may be utilized for cooking with as good results as directly over firebox. If we have no salesroom or representatives in your vicinity write us for catalog* and easy payment plan Over one hundred thousand satisfied users in the United States and Canada testify that for perfection of results the Butler Ranges are absolutely the best. THE STRONGMAN & RICHARDSON COMPANY Boston San Francisco Chicago iiisn 12-Pt. Twin Buffalo Border No. i BSBSIIS 54 incbies $1.60 (ii: Body set in 12-Pt. National Roman BSSIISBSS IISÀI f==lE 3F=1 □ Men's Superior Clothing The entire stock of the bankrupt firm of Smith, Son & Co., of Rochester, has been placed with us for immediate disposal. For the next two weeks $10.78 is the price of this line of Men's Suits. All this season's styles made to sell for $20, $22 and $25 Burt & Low Men's Outfitters 52 Main Street, Cleanton □ E DE DE DQE DE Baked Beans and Brown Bread Baked Beans per quart 15c Brown Bread per loaf 5c and 10c These delicious viands are to be found on the tables of nearly every family in New England each Sunday morn¬ ing of the year. We deliver them fresh and hot from our ovens each Saturday night and early Sunday morning Acme Home Bakery Theophilus Rowley, Proprietor 1832 Swansea Street, Boston 'Phone, Main 659 DE DDE 12-Pt. Rnnion Border, 64 inches $1.60. Bean Pot Ornament No. 6,16c THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 130 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITV C H > ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 CONGRESS SERIES Standard Line '¿A. $4.00 r)a $2.50 $6.50 ^amiííon ffurniíure in 8Íocl| 42-roint 4A $3.90 6a $2.35 $6.25 Jianscn's 0uad8 are u)iíí|ouí 18-Point lOA $1.75 20a $1.50 $3.25 i^G dciüs of nig^í I^qüg faíÍGn, J{iid Í^G síars fond nigií ^GGp, ^^j^Gn íí^G carGS of day aro owGr, ^nd Í^G tüoríd is ^usl^Gd in sÍGGp. 24-Point 6A $2.00 12a $1.50 $3.50 ' ß %' Jl- K- Encampmcní meí aí Wcis^ingíon in 1§02 t 5A $2,25 12a $2.00 $4.25 usic for í§rand ^pcra roas composed ßy Koífcs 36-Point 4A $3.00 8a $2.25 $5.25 (Cylinder Press pifases in narious sizes 42-Point, Initial font, $2.üü 15 cents per letter dDEfSÄ J J .K fe ,W Mil WWII 18-roint 10 cents 24-Point 10 cents 30-Point 15 cents 36-Point 15 cents 48-Point 20 cents Capitals 30 Initial font, $1.00 per letter Initial font, per letter Initial font, per letter Initial font. l)er letter Initial font, per letter put up in fonts of letters each )0 50 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 131 the; hansein supeirior quality ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 STIPPLED GOTHIC nt HA $r).(¡o aA STRONG LEGIBLE LETTER OF PLEASING TONE c^WADE BY 190-192 CONGRESS STREET, BOSTON, MASS. NEW YORK BRANCH, 43 CENTRE STREET 5 A $2.50 i>-P(»int Brass Rule No. 0 6X3. Per foot. $0.40 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 132 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1372 STIPPLED GOTHIC IN DISPLAY $ Manchester, N. H. 1907 üil§(SMAIíílT§ BSATieiîiAL Pay to the order of Dollars and charge the same to our account. HUB WHEEL COMPANY No._ Preside?it STIPPLED GOTHIC WITH CASLON O.S. NO. 2 A PRICE LIST OF PLAIN AND FANCY KEROSENE AND ACCESSORIES ALADDIN ORNAMENT NO. 12. 15 CTS. 18-INCH FONT, $1.50 PITTSBURGH, PA. STIPPLED GOTHIC WITH HANSEN O. S. NO. 40 HANSEN'S IMPROVED MITiilNC mm MÄCHIIii Miters any angle accurately and in much less time than any other, therefore it saves the printer From continually wasting material and enables him to do much better work PRICE, $18.50 EPPO ORNAMENT NO. m THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE EOUNDRY 190-192 CONGRESS ST., BOSTON STIPPLED GOTHIC WITH CRAWFORD THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 133 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 The Tokio Series STANDARD LINE All Hausen Type cast from Superior Copper Alloy Metal 3A $4.50 5a $3.00 $7.60 MERCHANT Finest Oriental Blend CONCERT 8 TO 9 DANCING 9 TO 2 TOWN HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY THE FOURTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND TEN and Ball TICKETS Admitting Gentleman and Two Ladies, $2.00 ôinçville Military Academy I ! ♦i-Pt. Twin línífaln Border No. 7. 60 inches, #1..60 Tokio in coniliinution with Stratford ITinters' ,Toy Nf).15. Each, $0.16 36-Pomt 4A $3.00 6a $2.00 $6.00 TOURING IN DENMARK Sixteen Aatemobiles Wrecked OA $2.00 10a $1.50 $3.50 GATHERING OF COUkWE STUDENTS Biscussins the great industrial questions today THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 134 The Series DiSP^^y STANDARD LINE § style _ Width. Toc___ Sizc__. T"' A'pi "Special" $5.00 Î 12-Pt. Border No. 503. 54 inches, ii^l.60 "i Afl Oriental Toitr % lp Ä ¥ 1907 Ornament No. 2. Set of four. ii0.4U U"" O''"' Set ^ith Hansen's Beveled Quads The Tokio Sofies Is a strong and rugged letter for display headings in advertisements, for labels and work of a similar character. It will attract attention by its individuality, and should be considered where such effects are desired Hansen's Spear Indicators THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 135 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 Commonwealft^ Series Standard Line 8A $1.60 2()a $1.75 frospect Jlouse i^i ■.fSr ;l»r ;is(. ¡tai ■.fsr iw :g¡íL. ilair :|aL :isr ibai ■■fSf ;»Sr iW iw :iai '•^ iW Af Si^elter fiarbor I«': J^: TB'; w; w: iiS; 10': i^: if: JI&: if; if: M^: a^: Ji^: JfSà: 18^: J^: IB': IB': iB': Jijd: iB': if; Ty^e En^raueä and Casf from e^fra tou^í^ metal 5 Qau^e tncide of solid brass 6A $1.70 12a $1.80 $.3.50 0ri^iiial §pass Joules ®esi^iiefl by jíanseii 5A $2.90 8a $2.10 $5.00 Gireat An:^iety no bad i^esults 4A $3.50 6a $2.50 $6.00 12-Point Borrler No. 1.31. 54 inches, $1.50 Values W altt^atn tot 3A $3.30 7a $3.70 $7.00 T^c ®ust Pi?oof Cabinet Clean Type fot? f t?intei? 3A $4.65 4a $2.60 $7.25 Fat ^an is in trouble THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 136 the hansen superior quauitv established in the vear 1s72 WmCHENDON All MiiiiNon |H' I'liMl ri'dtn Sii|i(>H ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 STEEL PLATE GOTHIC 6-Point No. 1 35A $1.00 THtS GOTHIC IS DESIGNED FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THE HIGHEST GRADES OF STATIONERY AND OFFICE WORK. IT IS THE TYPE PAR EXCELLENCE FOR NEAT CARDS AND INVITATIONS. CAST IN SEVEN FINELY GRADED SIZES FROM HANSEN'S SUPERIOR COPPER-ALLOY 38 6-Pomt No. 2 30A $1.00 let us send you a hansen complete upright miterer on trial. more of these machines are sold than all other makes combined. no lines to guess at, every angle set by a p?n which insures absolute accuracy 4 6-Point No. 3 22A $1.00 HANSEN'S STEEL CUTTING DIES CAN BE USED ON ANY ORDINARY PLATEN PRESS AND ENABLES THE PRINTER TO PRODUCE MANY UNIQUE NOVELTIES IN CUT-OUTS FOR BOOKLETS, ETC. REASONABLE 231 tí-Point No. 4 20A $1.00 there is wide spread belief that typo¬ graphy was, in all its details, a purely original invention. a popular version says it was the result of an accident 12-Point No. o 23A $1.50 ALL TYPES DISPLAYED BY HANSEN MANUFACTURED IN THIS FOUNDRY FACES IN THIS BOOK ARE $987.65 12-Point Xo. e 22A $1.50 THE LETTER OF INDIVIDUALITY FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE TYPOGRAPHICAL WORK 12-Point Xo. 7 ISA $1.60 GRACEFUL OUTLINE OF STEEL PLATE GOTHIC PLEASES PURCHASERS DR. ELSA RICHARDSON graduate prof. hamilton's institute, london medical gymnast and masseuse 68 oakland terrace THIRD CELEBRATION AND ANNUAL DINNER given under the auspices of ^:^THE LOTUSíA^ V ASSOCIATES V MENU oyster cocktail bisque of lobster, cambridge GUEEN OLIVES O MIXED PICKLES broiled shad, au beurre BOILED POTATOES O roast sirloin of beef turkey, cranberry sauce SALAD OF FRESH FRUITS O plum pudding. brandy sauce ORANGE GLACE ASSORTED CAKE O ROQUEFORT CHEESE DEMI TASSE mrs. F. H. Farrington, Jr. 45 Beacon Chambers Brookline THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 139 ie hansen superior QUAUIXV established in the year 1372 ÏÏîafayettc 36-Point &tauöar& Kiitc 4A $2.60 8a $2.40 $5.00 Çnglialî Manuacíripta Publialjßö bp (faaloti 5A $2.05 lia $2.25 $4.30 JV Useful i'eeies fue Ollass Ofummemal Work 2 5A $1.65 12a $1.85 $3.60 Annual %abnating îfxetciHW nf tljc îiaruatô OInlbge njxt numtlj Ä Paalm of ÎCife Q[eU me nat. tn mournful numbers, iCife is but an cmuty bream I Ülar tbe soul is beah tbat slumbers, Anb tliiugo arc not uitfut tbey seem. 2jife is real t ïlife is earnest! Aub tbe graue is not tlie goal : "Bust tbou art, to bust rcturnest." Idas not sgokeu of tbe soul. Not eulugmeut. anb not sorroni, 31s our bestineb eub or mag ; iBut to act, tbat eacb tomorrom Ilfinb us farther tbau tobag. Art is long anb time is Meeting. Anb our hearts, though stout anb braue, dtill, like inufQcb brums, are beating iffuneral marches to the graue. * * * 2¡et us, then, be ug anb boing, With a heart for ang fate; ^tiU achieuing, still gursuing, Slearn to labor anb to mait. —ffiongfellom. 6-Point 50a $1.15 $2.00 Çarlg ^printers (Üontínueb 18-Point 8A $1.40 22a $1.85 $3.25 m [ any nf early yrintcra biBregarbeö tljc encn apartng nf tljcir lines. 5[ake tlje famnns "Sthle nf 3ß lines," tuliirl) is helieneù tn l}ane been printeù in 1459 nr 1480. (j}^e type tuas large, abnnt 22-pnint, tlje measure ahnut 20 1-2 picas, anö it mnnlb Ijaue been bif fimlt tn spare nut tlje lines unifnrmly. S[lie pri nter neuer attempteb it but almnst unifnrmly put Ijis surplus spares at tlje eub. Äs mnrbs mere binibeb mitl; little regarb tn tlje syllables, tlje li nes iu snlib matter nfteu tame nut pretty eueuly tljnuglî tljcre mas an alarming number nf Ijyp^e us strung alnng tlje rigljt-ljanb margin, üflje pr iuting nf 3nBeplj îieljnljarbt in Mentz nf abnnt 1455, as mell as ntljers nf tljat perinb, sljnms en ibeure nf a besire tn make lines eub snmemljere near unifnrmly, but tljerc is un exactness abnnt tljeir mnrk. Albert Çfeister'a printing nf 1482 mas snmetimes spaceb anb snmetimes uuspaceb. lO-Point 16A $1.10 44a $1.40 $2.60 2[l|o craft of letter heatgnerH IB one of lotbe influence, for upon tl|em reato, in a large öegree, tl|e reaponaibilitg of lOA $1.25 33a $1.75 $3.00 Öiultiuating the gublic taste in the form of IGetters. Üíhr eoolution of the Soman alghabet is an interesting stnbg. î|auing for its stnbents the scribes, scnlgtors anb engraoers of 12-Point 13A $1.25 37a $1.50 $2.75 Wns ittttettieb, brnugljt to its aertttce ar¬ tista of rettoimt tuho »sere pleaaeb to atttbg eoerg tnbtuibual character. Hhtle the art of printtng tcnba to crgatalize the form of letters, the genius of the besigner rings 8-Point 16A $1.00 48a $1.26 $2.25 Anù tucBea. î^e Ijaa exteitÙEù, cnnäEitseit, iiicUneíi atiù nrnamenteö: íft ifae exaggecateíi luljat man at first tolrc- ateb as EtcEittruittEB until tl)Eg bEtatnE mouBtrositiEB; until nuni Ijt öikn ia EitbouiEb aiitl) truE actiatic fEEling guEB back to Early mabEla, buci; aa tljE tgpr faunùEra of tljE BixtEEUtlj tEUturg proùutEb. î51!"b tljE printer of SO THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 140 -THE; HANSEN SUPERIOR Q U A l_ I i Y EISTABLISHED IN THC YEAR 1872 Üjafayctte Sfext in lisplait Iter ïgu llin0trelH l)c Annual iWinstrcl §>1)0111 anft IDancc of tl)c Alter Çiio (IJlnli mill be l¡el0 at tl)c öflnb tíjouBC gronnba on ürookline S'trect iWonbag cuening, ifcbruarg tl)c tcntl). As in rcuioua gears, tl)e entertainment mill be fol- mebbg a üangnet to ml)irl¡ all tl)e members tl) tbeir labg guests are rorbiallg inuiteb ^ S interns Ç acljienßö aurcßss mijo íjas Uüßö uißU.lauglj ßö often anb looeb ntuclj; utljo tjaa gaineb ttje reapet:! nf intelligent men anb tlje Inoe nf ^ little eljilbeen; mljo ijaa filleb g Ijia niclje anb atcnmplialjeb Ijia 5 taak; mljn Ijaa left tlje mnelb better tljan Ije founb it, uiljetljee bg an imprnneb poppg, a pee feet poem, oe a eeacneb aonl; mljo Ijaa neoee lackeb appreci „ ation of tlje Çaetlj'a beantg oe 5 faileb to expeeaa it; mljo Ijaa ^ almaga lookeb foe tlje beat in g otljeea anb giuen tlje beat Ije 5 Ijab; mljoae life maa an inapie ation; mljoae memoeg ia a benebiction 3. S>tanlEy § 6-PT. BORDER NO. 90a. 0-INCM FONT. $1.50 SYLPH INITIA Baors open at 7 o'clock PRINTERS' JOY NO. 9. IOC (0lb ieoonaljiee 0[enat OJompang SImentg-tl)irb AnnualSeport of tl)e Soarb nf Birectors August. 130 8 Nn. 238 Boylatott ^trrrt Idos Angrlßs, Ûlalifnrnta THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 141 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUAU|-rv ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 ^l}c (3ljnmsctit-®ix ingtauing (inmpang îEugrauiug in all its Irauclics. (ingiuatora of tl|ß (ßnaiin-toue Jprnccas of î^alftone }3latßa. ou Zinc. îiork (ßnacantccö to be of ®jigl)cat Ofrabc Number 453 to 461 étraíforb Äueuue, Ípougljlteepaie, Nem lurk t2-PT. BORDER NO. 134. 54-lNCH FONT. $1.50 ' Setuni in fiur baya ta ' Û[l|omHon-0ix Çttgrautng O^ompang ^au3i;kecpsic Ncoi^ack 56 #tubio ^tjambers Bastan A Iramatic Bccital ÎDUl be ginen bg Signor Maacagnia on ffleùneBùag aftemunn 3ulg tlje aixteentlj in tI¡E ©catorg Builùing. fL^electiona from StfafeEBpEate'a ®tl(EUa ia featuteîi ^atabliB^rb IBTZ i)ane. ¿738 Main (i[lîc Ii. 0[. Sfgpe Jfonnbcg Manufacturera nf (Supe, llraaa Hule auù Prlutera' ^uppltea 19D-192 (ÇongKaa 0trEEt ÎSaatan Bitas ^ertrube Wljittamb ÏCcacliEr of glpcution 43 CjEiifrE 0trEEt ÎÎEUi ^ark Qfljc Sflcnr-be-lis Society ÄiU CElEbratE ita fiftEEtttl) ÄnniuEcaaEg anb tl|E cnmplEtiort nf ita itEui (!}Utb t^DUBE uiitt; a ïïleceptxon anb Banre û{a bE l)Elb mt úíljurabag EUEUing, ÎRaccl; ttjE aEcniib îîinEtEEit IfuubEEÙ anb beheu Än EXEEllEiit rauaical pEngram uiilt bE gtuEn fnllouiEb bg a bantE anb banquEt. ^act; ntEinbEr mag iniiitE tuio guEata uiicftcts UfUio SoUara Ëtaki o'Uock (Cacriagaa at tkrcc o'clock AU Hansen Type cast from Superior Copper Alloy Metal THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 142 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR <5UALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 (Âï®. 5^. '^íüíHn^swssylííji jjjtwnMwrís J^jí »f k& 3^SÏ^ 0« PÍífewiíSíÉi0^ rtíííw^oj», 3MW« ÍI^Í tiwiítítg.«»t5l^tlj Çïï-rit ^txí J-Pt. 14A 40a $2.25 Caps SLOO I.e. $1.25 ^trtmaitiee iaít« yíatí usasalí^ in ibt ttf ? unif, iefavi9t U is Hir mnnlíj oÍ roots J234367SSÜ lj«wíli«fe 0wè fiw tóríf 0'íÍ0ft Wfiítta 14 and 24-Pomt in Preparation 10-Pt. 12A 3ôa $2.50 Caps $1.15 I.e. $1.36 ^ittUflííísHuns mri îîjaîîfl iiuriw^ in laíí mtmUeipe uf ílu VZ 12-Pt. 12A 32a $2.75 Caps $1.25 I.e. $1.50 Çwiôiô issrari^in^ IIÍÍSÍÍ^ uï ^^sititÄi «siwôÎib 3 S ©iiâSîî Aî3l^w^îe 18-Pt. 6A 18a $3.25 Caps $1.50 I.e. $1.75 Cgïïii '^$xî Jït m. îox 6 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 143 E HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESXABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 CARD GOTHIC 32A O-rt. No. 10 $1.00 neat typographical effects for / stationery can be proouced prom admirably fitted also for society which tends to raise the profits ll forms of office this series of type printing of the aoo 3f the job printer •j:>A 3-Pt. No. 11 $1.00 many new devices constantly perfected by this foundry have greatly aided printers to do intricate work with ease. therefore enabling them to produce a job with uess 18A 6-Pt. No. 12 $1.00 BUYERS OF PRINTING DEMAND THIS DIGNIFIED LETTER, FOR THEIR IDEA OF SIMPLIOITY IS CORRECT AND NO 16A 8-Pt. No. 13 $1.25 THE OLD GRANITE BANK IS STILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS AT THE SAME OLD STAND 8 8-Pt. No. 14 handsome and popular h- c- hansen type foundry $1.26 ers cast by the are here noted 2 13A 10-Pt. No. 15 $1.50 CARD GOTHIC IS ADMIRABLY ADAPTBD FOR PRINTING WHERE: NEATNESS IS A FEATURE 12-Pt. No. 16 $1.50 PROFESSIONAL MEN WITH SALARI BANKS AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS 7 OARD GOTHIC ts perfect type for all forms of station ery bstablisheo 1894 telephone 26 spring burkel" &c whitney vi AN U FACTURERS OF FIRB-PROOF SAFBS and vaults 28 Sudbury Street DETROIT, M ICI- note how clear cut are the smaller sizes Fine Boating and Bathing Squirrel inn squirrel Island maine Nice Light Airy Rooms k, h. richards, prop. _10O THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 144 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY < H > ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 CARD GOTHIC No. 2 30A 6-Pt. Xo. 2 A $1.00 CARD ©OTHIC MADE BY M. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY, I90 CONGRESS STREET. WHERE YOU WILL RECEIVE COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND QUALITY OF MATERIAL THE VERY BEST 24A 6-Pt. Xo. 2 B $1.00 MUCH PRAJSE ELICITED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY GIVES US BUT A FAINT IDEA OF THE TRULY WONDERFUL RHETORICAL POWER 1 18A 6-Pt. No. 2 C $1.00 CARDS PRINTED NEATLY ON MODERN PRESSES RUNNING AT A SPEED RANGING FROM TWO THOUSAND TO 2568 AN 16A ft-Pt. Xo. 2 D $1.00 ANY ARTICUES OBTAINED FOR PRINTING FROM THE HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY WILL GIVE SATISFACTION 18A 12-Pt. X0.2A $1.50 competition in the printing trade on a basis of value 4 16A 12-Pt. Xo. 2 B $1.60 AN ORDER BLANK IS ENCLOSED FOR CONVENIENCE 28 14A 12-Pt. X'o. 2 C $1.60 SUMMER GIVES ONE A GLIMPSE OF NATURE IN 3 12A 12-Pt. X'o. 2 D $1.60 AUTOMOBILE RACE UP THE MOUNTAIN 15 FLOWER EXHIBIT OF THE MASSACHUSETTS PANSY SOCIETY Mechanics Building boston TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING AUGUST FOURTH AND FIFTH MEMBERS REQUESTED TO WEAR A RED PANSY THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 145 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITV ESTABLISi- IE YEAR 1S72 CARD GOTHIC No. 3 35A 6-Pt. No. 3 A $1.00 CARDS. INVITATIONS AND EVERT CUASS OF FINE PRINTING IN WHICH PLAIN. NEAT TYPE SHOULD SE USED. CARD GOTHIC 3 30A 6-Pt. No. 3 B $1.00 MANY TIMES ARE PRINTERS UNDECIDED AS TO WHAT TYPE WOULD BE SUITABLE FOR CERTAIN LINES OF WORK 287 6-Pt. No. 3 C $1.00 PRINTING TYPES AND MATERIAL FOR COMPLETE EQUIPMENTS FURNISHED BY HANSEN, 190 AND 192 20A 6-Pt. No. 3 D $1.00 THE ANNUAL PICNIC OF THE FIRST ROYAL BUMPERS HELD IN CALEDONIAN GROVE 36 20A 8-Pt. N0.3E $1.25 excellent judgment exhibited in selecting this admirable letter ISA 8-Pt. N0.3F $1.25 BUSINESS RELATIONS BETWEEN EUROPE AND THIS COUNTRY 75 19A 10-Pt. No. 3 G $1.50 TYPOGRAPHICAL CONTESTS SHOWING 187 TYPE DESIGNS 15A 12-Pt. No. 3 H $1.50 ENERGETIC MEN FROM BOSTON AND CHICAGO 12-Pt. No. 3 I $1.50 RECITAL BY FAMED MUSICIANS FROM 38 IDA 14-Pt. N0.3J $1.85 GREAT DEMAND FOR MAGAZINES 18-Pt. No. 3 K $2.00 OUTING CAMP IN THE SHADE 24-Pt. No. 3 L $2.60 WESTFIELD SEMINARY 1 THIS ATTRACTIVE SERIES OF TYPE IS CAST IN TWELVE SIZES AND WHEN ONCE USED WILL BE APPRECIATED WRIGHTS TAVERN Concord, Massachusetts Printers' .loy No. 23, -JOe A LITTLE BOOKLET CONCERNING THIS HISTORIC HOSTELRY WHICH SHOULD BE INTERESTING TO EVERY VISITOR HIGH ART BRASS RULE NO. 0 669. PER FOOT. $0.40, SEE PAGE 228 charles P- davenport 762 SUDBURY STREET RCPRESeNTiNG ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YORK BOSTON THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 146 ESXABLISH EID IN THE YEAR 1S72 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 147 ses the hansen superior quality established in the year 1s72 CARD ROiSlAiSr 35A li-Pt. No. :V2 $1.00 A mSTINGUlSniXG FBiATl'KE OK THIS SEHIKS OF TYt'E LIES IN ITS AHAPTAUILITY' KOK ALMOST ANY KINI> OF WOMK. TUEHEFOKB TUB «TDE HANGE OF VSEFTLXESS WHICH IT COTER8 f examination of the varioits type faces shown in this specimen booh wile reveal to printers an array op useful letters op pleasing design, which can be used every ISA 6-Pt. No. 34 $1.00 IT IS PROVED BEYOISTD ÁXJJL. DOUBT THAT HANSE]N*S COMPLETE MITERER IS AWAY AHEAD OF ANY OTHER MACHXNE MADE FOR MITERIXG BRASS RULES, AND IS 38 ISA 8-Pt. No. 35 $1.25 CARD ROMAÎi^ CAX BE USED ON ANA' FORM OF STATIONERY, IS AESO A CORRECT TA^BE FOR 46 15A 10-Ft. No. 36 $1.50 RESEÎ^IBLES ENGRAVED WORK AND LOOKS NEAT WHEX XICELY PRIXTED 12A 12-Ft. No. 37 !S1. ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1B72 j4u $2.60 $4.60 ^joAiyTVt^ ^dyító OJht P olAxVYli/^PL tFlX- nmjAjjuJAAAlZ' XUrwyiiAX/Oyfcxxi^^ BoAa^CÚ/TlA O-m. eXDLXiP C/O^yLyTvteA '4&A4XA-AXTnXAaX o-^ eiv-dX |-TVoXtAJ «Ixít./CÍX- to- cAÂtuiMxf- ■^□/oXA/o-mAïAjt 3A $1.75 Uta $3.00 $4.75 CUXLMXXA. I^Ayiyyi/t^ ^aAyO-^|pL ÇAXVUAPX ÎA IPI^exiAi/ruc^ tx>- C \ 28a $5.00 raps $2.15 I.e. $2.85 //< f/rA/(y f ^)/H jfoffjf ff'iJfi'ßiZs * ^{fí^Zojt Z/ée y/fyo^te^ Zy^ie £ 24-r()int ">A 15a $;'.()() Caps $2.25 I.e. $2.75 Kyffc j ¿ í? ^ecZ S ^^rrnr/fer^r/eö 5A 15a $6.26 Caps $3.00 1.0. $3.25 /Z '^^■ccy-iyá ÇA ■o y 'lí^á^/ayA -ayi-^y ^Ze '__ÇZ'f?t rryr>'i7- (ZZteAny ZZZfZ ^-rii fZúJ yc'ff reíiy/ Zr/y A Zo /f y('Jcj/Z r/Z ZÀ<'/y ÇZ-i7.^/iei< c/cfteyÀYej^ y^.^^ccce y/c/y/ Yo o. yy. yy-oaeo^á. CJi, /yeo/i-ceáo/iny etf o Iii }y ^ YYie efy/ÁYÁ O'iie Y/iOfeiScf EISXAB LI s H EID IN THEI YEAR 1872 f_ ^Cr9/¿C'Ó /tepffte.sKí ycjff^y^i jreóe nce cr-^ ^Ae jttef f itfeeye Aej< r/txe,íy.A/er}í ''é.cree /o ^l299fi-e<9'á €irt7. AAA/n^-AiXyy. -eiíeo^c^^y^ /A-e eey A^A ■O'Tve ^Aoí(óce9^c/-?ieen^ AccrncAeArxef-hA^'im ex,^ Ar(-^rey^e ir ceyA^ r cAo-cA fA/ee Ji CAÓA r^SAíce a ffe ^rAAif me jre SHOWING 24 ANO 30-POINT SIZES OF NEWTON SCRIPT n ci er er e « / e" ti ti ji f © ^yV THE ABOVE ACCENTS ARE MADE IN ALL SIZES OF NEWTON SCRIPT. SEE PAGE 43 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 151 PLATE 36A tí-Pt. No. 1 $1.0Ü messages transmitted ry wisbckss to aiixi parts of trb coontrt sho%v's kviuknck of progressitbnbss and 7.eal.oub 2TA 6-Pt. No. i5 $1.00 prompt methods ix bttstxess "wili. serkly merit appreciation from customers "\v^o look for 38 22A G-Pt. No. 3 $1.00 PLATE ROMAN FOR MERCANTILE PRINTING HAS PROVED ITS WORTH TO MANY PRINTERS 18A 6-Pt. No. 4 $1.00 BEFORE BUYING PRINTING MATERIAL CONSULT HANSEN AT 190 CONGRESS 22A 12-Pt. No. 5 $1.50 A VARIETY OF PLEASING STYLES IN TYPE, BORDERS. BRASS RULE ISA 12-Pt. No. 6 $1.50 surprising results can be obtained from constant 5 14A 12-Pt. No. 7 $1.50 PERFECT REGISTER ON COEOR FORMS AT WAYS ROMAN 12A 12-Pt. No. « $1.50 COMMENCEMENT AT BATES COLLEGE 25 OA IS-Pt. No. 0 $2.00 ATHLETIC CLUB TOURNAMENT 18 SA IS-Pt. No. 10 $2.00 LAW BLANKS AND BRIEFS 7 6A 24-Pt. No. 11 $2.50 WITH THE COUNSEL 6 2« Boston, 1 BO M To BUTLER & STEVENS, dr. publishers Text Books foe Schools and Colleges a Special Featuhe Miss Ethel Mat Adams elocdtionist 3« fnont stbbbt nbvrpoht. x. h. 1 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY "THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 C®PPffiKPI ATSSJÍÍf FJIlIlISTrilMCf .J.LI NCOLN, President JOHN K. SHARPE, Treasurer MAMUFABTUKIM® C®. MAKERS OF SUKGICAt IWSTKUMEMTS Bostobí, MAÍS®, <5> THE Ho €. HAlfSEM TYFE FHUMBIBY TYPE 1»®-!®® C®M«IBIBSS STBJBET MASS. F#WT SCHEMES AH» PKICES 20A 8-Pt. lío. 1 $1.26 COmMEBCIAlL W®®M. AS WKMj AS FlIWIB ]P1ES®«BA1?IS AK» BmSIMBSS CAKDS 16A 8-Pt. >'o. 2 $1.26 FAY ©H BEMAHB SIXTY-POUK »©1LÏLAKS 64 T© MKo EEHÖ1JM 16A 10-Pt. No. 3 $1.60 FOKTUME'g BAMK ®PEM EVKKY W®KKIMG BAT FB®M 7-« 12A 12-Pt. No. 4 $1.76 PK®gP]BIIITY AW» IMBUSTIIY ®F AMKMICA C®FP1BÍBF]LATE B®MÄM «IVES TMIB KFFECÏ ®F FIME EiIirM®®BAPM AK» CWPPEBMATIB PBKMIMW« MB MISS GEKAILMME MCEASHI®® MIMilMKBA" 53 CROWN AVENUE Set with Beveled Quads THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 153 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 VICTORIA ITALIC POINT LINE G-rt. Xo. 5 $1.00 at the beginning of the seventeenth century old italian bibliographers used uniform initials only 3345 G-I't. Xo. 4 $1.00 ONE OF THE FIRST PURPOSES EARLY PRINTING WAS APPLIED TO WAS THE MANUFACTURE OF ENGRAVINGS G-l*t. Xo. 3 $1.00 THIS SERIES IS APPROVED OF BY THE MOST SKILLFUL PRINTERS AS AN ARTISTIC DISPLAY TYPE 20A 6-Pt. Xo. $1.00 FINE TYPOGRAPHICAL PRODUCTIONS HALF TONE ENGRAVINGS OF MARINE VIEWS 7 20A G-IM. No. 1 $1.00 SANTIAGO HAS SURRENDERED AMERICANS TAKE THE CITY BY STORM 20A 12-1't. N". :l $1,15(1 SPANISH POSSESSIONS ON CUBAN SOIL ARE DOOMED 8 ISA 12-Pt. No. 2 $1.50 EUROPEAN BANKS GREAT INVESTMENTS $5 12-Pt. No. 1 $1.50 NEW VINTAGE BOTTLED IN YEAR 06 MENU CLAM CHOWDER STEAMED CLAMS BROILED ROC dressed lettuce NAH ANT POTATO CHIPS FRIED CLAMS IN CRUMBS OYSTl radishes HOT FRENCH ROLLS COLD WHEAT BREAD ICE CREAM strawberry vanilla harlequin ASSORTED CAKE MANTON, RICHARDS & CO. J EWELERS 146 Diamond Street represented by JOHN ELLSWORTH NEW YORK CITY $2.00 AMERICAN FINE WARSHIPS 18-Pt. Xo. 1 $2.00 HARMONY GUITAR CLUB $2.50 RICH BROKERS INSURED 24-Pt. No. 1 GREAT MERCHANTS 18 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 154 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITV H ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 POSTER BUFFALO OUTLINE Standard Line 25 pounds and multiples IK-l'oint 4Tc. perlb. I¥ pen°©Ihisiini©e ©ome of omit ítaipñffs sure m© loini- ger imeeded foip reveiniui© or to emooiuiipag© sind protocít oimr mdimston©© siû Ihom©;, why ©homiM illhi©y inioû b© ©]nniplloy©d to ©xt©inid OMr marfeot 25 pounds and multiples 24-Point 4Tc. per lb. HF peiPícIhaiínKC® some off omf ffarSffffs aF© ¡ra® loíiiger íni©©dl©dl ffoF revemnui© OF to ©ímcoíuiFatí© airad pFOíect 37 25 pounds and multiples 12-Point 50c. per lb. 25 pounds and multiples 14-Point 47c. per lb. IF PERCHANCE some off onar IF psFclhiSieiDe S©im@ ©f ©1112° ttariffffs aF© irao loirager ¡raeeded for íSiirñffs SiE°© im© toimgeiT' imeeded Fevemum© of lío eiracouiiFage ouhf ñíni- jf(Q¡p oiP to ©imc®MS°Si^© dœurie® ai home, why ehould „„j. 8ndusiri®s lllhiey eoli lb© ©mplloy©d to extosad .lu tu tu hjiaiu / A 0.. A Sii lm®m©s, wlmy slm©iLaM m©y ainid pFonraoi© omf mairay maFlfe©iîs il a j j abFoad "? Xlhi©ira5 too» w© bav© iira» ©inmpï®y©d to ©xteimd ad©(miuiai© Steamslhiñp S©Fvñ(D©Sc ^imd p]r®inni®to ©IU1S° !nniSili!°fe©ts New Mira©® ©f St©ainra©F® aF© piuit ñim ílhi© f©]P©ñ^im ©©lunmtoi©©? I 25 pounds and multiples 30-Point 47c. per lb. IF peipclhisiiini©© s®me ®f ©tmip Ítsiíplff© Slip© im® toimgeip ini©©d= ©d f®ip iP©v©iniiui©s eim©®iLiiiPSig© 60, 75,100 pounds and over 36-Point 47c. per lb. IF p©rclhisiinic© som© off oiuir taraffff© siif© no Eon^ •iö®°'See information regarding weights and prices on page 159. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 155 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY CH> ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 LINING POSTER DE VINNE Standard Line 25 pounds and multiples (M'oint 7(io. per lb. TRADE statistics Indicate that this country is In a state of unexampled prosperity. The figures are almost appalling. They show that we are utilizing our fields and forests and mines and that we are furnishing profitable employment to the millions of our workingmen throughout the United States, bringing comfort and happiness to their homes and making it possible to lay by savings for old age and disa¬ bility. That all the people are participating In this great prosperity Is seen in every American community and is shown by the enormous and unprecedented deposits In our 25 pounds and multiples 8-Point 62c. per lb. TRADE statistics indicate that this country is in a state of unexampled prosperity. The figures are almost appalling. They show that we are utilizing our fields and forests and mines, and that we are furnishing profitable employment to the millions of our workingmen throughout the United States, bringing comfort and happiness to their homes and making it possible to lay by 25 pounds and multiples 14-Point 47c. per lb. Trade statistics indicate that this country is in a state of unexampled prosperity. The figures are almost appalling. They show that we are util= 26 pounds and multiples lO-Point rac.perlb. TRADE statistics indicate that the country is in a state of unexampled prosperity.*** The figures are almost appalling. They show that we are utilizing our fields and forests and mines, and that we are furnish¬ ing profitable employment to the millions 25 pounds and multiples 12-Point 50c. per lb. TRADE statistics indicate that this country is in a state of un= exampled prosperity. The figures are almost appalling. They show that we are utilizing our fields and forests and mines and that 25 pounds and multiples 18-Polnt 47c. per lb. Trade statistics indicate that this country is in a state of unexampled prosperity. The figures 25 pounds and multiples 24-Point 47c. per lb. TRADE statistics indicate that this country is in a state of unexampled prosperity. The figures are almost 26 pounds and multiples 30-Point 47c. per lb. BE SURE that all Leads and Slugs are from H. C. Hansen's cO, 75,100 pounds and over 36-Point 47c. per lb. THEN you may be certain of absolute accuracy $25 i®-See information regarding weights and prices on page 159. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 156 IE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITN ESTABLIS^ ID IN THE YEAR 1072 LINING POSTER DE VINNE CONDENSED Standard Line 1^5 poundB and multiples ♦i-lN)int Tiir. per lb. COMPARISON OF IDEAS IS ALWAYS EDUCATIONAL; and as sucb Instructs tbe brain and band of man. Friendly rivalry follows, wblch Is the spur to In* dustrial Improvement, the inspiration to useful Invention and to high endeavor In all departments of human activity. It exacts a study of the wants, comforts, and even the whims of the people, and recognizes the efficacy of high quality and new prices to win their favor. The quest for trade Is an incentive to men of business to devise, Invent, Improve, and economize In the cost of production. Business life, whether among ourselves or with other peoples. Is ever a sharp struggle for success, and It will be none the less so In the future. Without competition we 25 pounds and multiples 8-Point 62c. per lb. COMPARISON of ideas is aiways educationai; and as such in¬ structs the brain and hand of man. Friendiy rivairy foliows, which is the spur to industriai improvement, the inspiration to usefui invention and to high endeavor in aii departments of human activity. It exacts a study of the wants, comforts, and even the whims of the people, and recognizes the efficacy of high quality and new prices to win their favor. The quest for trade is an incentive to men of hnsiness to devise, invent, im¬ prove, and economize in the cost of production. Business life jioundg and multiples 10-Point 54c, per lb. COMPARISON of ideas is always educational; and as such instructs the brain and hand of man. Friendly rivalry follows, which is the spur to industriai improve. ment, the inspiration to useful invention and to high endeavor in aii departments of human activity. It exacts a study of the wants, comforts, and even the whims of 25 pounds and multiples 50c. per lb. COMPARISON of ideas is always educa= tional; and as such Instructs the brain and hand of man, Friendly rivalry follows, which is the spur to industrial improvement, the inspiration to useful invention and high endeavor in all departments of human 1349 25 pounds and multiples 14-Point 47c. per lb. 25 pounds and multiples 18-Point 47c. per lb. COMPARISON of ideas is always educational; and as such instructs the brain and hand of man. Friend- ly rivalry follows, which is the spur to industrial improvement, the inspi¬ ration to useful invention and to high endeavor in all departments of 584 COMPARISON of ideas is always educational; and as such instructs the brain and hand of man. Friendly rivalry follows, which is the spur to industrial improye= 25 pounds and multiples 24-Point 47c. per lb. COMPARISON of ideas is always educational; and as such instructs the brain and hand of man 25 pounds and multiples 30-Point 47c. per lb. Comparison of ideas is always educa= tional; and such instructs the brain 50, 75,100 pounds and over 47c. per lb. Comparison of ideas is always educational; and such instructs i^*See information regarding weights and prices on page 159. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 157 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 POSTER BUFFALO Standard Line 25 pounds and multiples C-Point 76c. per lb. PRICES ARE FIXED with mathematical precision by supply and demand. "Bhe world's selling prices are regu¬ lated by market and crop reports. We travel greater dis¬ tances in a shorter space of time and with more ease than was ever dreamed of by the fathers. Isolation is no longer possible or desirable. "Bhe same important news is read« though in different languages» the same day in all Christendom, telegraph keeps us advised of what is occurring everywhere» and the press foreshadows* with more or less accuracy» the plans and purposes of the nations. Market prices of products and of securities are hourly known in every commercial market» and the investments of the people extend beyond their own nat¬ ional boundaries into the remotest parts of the earth. Vast transactions are conducted and international ex¬ changes are made by the tick of the cable. Every event of interest is immediately bulletined and the quick 1472 25 pounds and multiples lO-Point 54c. per lb. PRICES are fixed with mathematical precision by laws af supply and de^. mand. tShe world's selling prices are regulated by the market and crop re= ports. We travel greater distances in a shorter space of time and with more ease than was ever dreamed of by the fathers. Isolation is no lon= ger possible or desirable. The same important news is read, though in different languages, the same day in 25 poimds and multiples 8-Point 62c. per lb. PRICES are fixed with mathematical precise ion by supply and demand. The worlds selling prices are regulated by the market and crop reports. We travel greater distances in shorter space of time and with more ease than was ever dreamed of by the fathers. Isolation is no longer possible or desirable. "She same import tant news is read, though in different languages the same day in all Christendom. The tele= graph keeps us advised of what is occurring everywhere, and the press foreshadows, with more or less accuracy, the plans and purposes of the nations. Market prices of products and 25 pounds and multiples 12-Point 50c. per lb. PRICES are fixed with mathe¬ matical precision by supply and demand. The world's selling prices are regulated by market and crop reports. We travel a greater distance and in shorter space of time, and with more ease than was ever dreamed of by the fathers. Isolation is no 25 pounds and multiples 14-Point 47c. per lb. PRICES ARE FIXED with mathematical precision by supply and demand. JShe world's selling prices are regulated by market and crop reports. We can trav= el a greater distance and in shorter space of time and with more ease than was dreamed of by the fathers. Isolation is no longer pos¬ sible or desirable. Impor- information regarding weights and prices on page 159. 25 pounds and multiples 18-Point 47c. per lb. PRICES are fixed with mathemati= cal precision by the supply and demand. The world's selling prices are regulated by market and crop reports. We travel a greater distance in a shorter space of time THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 158 THE HANSEN S U P EI R I O R QUALITY < H ^ ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 POSTER BUFFALO Standard Line 25 pounds and multiples 24-Polnt 47c. per lb. PRICES ARE fixed with mathe= matical precision by supply and demand. The selling prices are regulated by market and crop reports. We travel greater 205 25 pounds and multiples 30-Pomt 47c. per lb. PRICES ARE fixed with mathematical precision by supply and demand. Isola= tion is no longer possible or 50, 75,100 pounds and over 36-P6int 47c. per lb. PRICES ARE FIXED by supply and demand The world's prices are regulated by the mar= ket and crop reports INFORMATION REGARDING POSTER FONTS Poster fonts are put up as follows : 6 to 30-polnt, 25 pounds and multiples ; 36,42 and 48-point, 50, 75,100 pounds and o^■er ; 54 and 60 point, 75 pounds and over; 72-point, 100 pounds and over. Sorts sold at second lute. Prices subject to change. Weights are approximate. Poster faces shown generally in stock. Others supplied at short notice. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 159 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN ^ H E YEAR 1872 POSTER STRATFORD OLD STYLE Standard Line 26 pounds and multiples c-Poinl Ttu- ptM- lb. SYSTEMS WHICH PROVIDE A MUTUAL EXCHANGE OF commodities are manifestly essential to the continued and healthful growth of our export trade. We must not repose in fancied security that we can forever sell everything and buy nothing. If such a thing were possible it would not be best for us or those with whom we deal. We should take from our customers such of their products as we can use without harm to our industries and labor. Reciproc¬ ity is the natural outgrowth of our wonderful industrial develop¬ ment under the domestic policy now firmly established. What we produce beyond our domestic consumption must have vent abroad 20 pounds and multiples 10-Point 54c. per lb. SYSTEMS WHICH PROVIDE MUTUAL exchange of commodities are manifestly es¬ sential to continued and healthful growth of our export trade. We must not repose in security that we can forever sell everything and buy little or nothing. If such a thing were possible it would not be best for us. We should take from our customers such of 25 pounds and multiples k-IN»iiU 62c. per lb. SYSTEMS WHICH WILL PROVIDE A MUTUAL exchange of commodities are manifestly essential to the continued and healthful growth of our export trade. We must not repose in fancied security that we can for¬ ever sell everything and buy little or nothing. If such a thing were possible it would not be best for us or for those with whom we deal. We should take from our customers such of their products as we can use without 25 pounds and multiples 12-lN)int 50c. per lb. SYSTEMS WHICH PROVIDE a mutual exchange of commodities are manifestly essential to the con¬ tinued and healthful growth of our export trade. We must not repose in fancied security that we can for¬ ever sell everything and buy $49.85 25 pounds and multiples 18-Point 47c. per lb. SYSTEMS which provide for mutual exchange of commodities are manifestly essential to the continued and healthful growth of our export trade. We must 25 pounds and multiples 24-Point 47c. per lb. SYSTEMS which provide for mutual exchange of commodities are manifestly essential to the continued and healthful 2.5 pounds and multiples 30-Po3nt 47c. per lb. SYSTEMS which provide for a mutual exchange of commodi- 50, 75,100 pounds and over 36-Pomt 47c. per lb. Systems which provide a mutual exchange of com- i®»See information regarding weights and prices on page 159. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY sterling Coated. See page 377 160 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY H ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S7g POSTER ANTIQUE No. 31 25 pounds and DiultipleB IS-I'olnt 47c. per Ib. NEXT in advantage to having the thing to sell is to have the convenience to carry it to the buyer. We must encourage our mer¬ chant marine. We must have more ships 25 pounds and multiples 62c. per lb. 8-Point NEXT IN ADVANTAGE TO having the thing to sell is to have the convenience to car¬ ry it to the buyer. We must encourage our merchant ma¬ rine. We must have many more ships. They must be un¬ der the American flag, built and manned and owned by Americans. The construction of a Pacific cable cannot lon¬ ger be postponed. In the fur¬ therance of these objects of national interest you are per¬ forming an important part. If the people will do their part, all the other work will come in good time. Who can tell the thoughts, the ambitions 25 pounds and multiples 64c. per lb. 10-Point NEXT in advantage to having the thing to sell is to have the conven¬ ience to carry it to the buyer. We must have more ships. They must be under the American flag, built and manned and owned by Ameri¬ cans. The construction of a Pacific cable can¬ not be later postponed. In furtherance of these objects of a national in¬ terest you are perform¬ ing important and best 25 pounds and multiples 50c. per lb. 12-Point NEXT in advantage to having the thing to sell is to have the convenience to car¬ ry it to the buyer. In the furtherance and continuance of this object of national in¬ terest you are doing an important share of the work on hand These will not only be profitable to you, but to the buyers of 25 pounds and multiples 24-Point 47c. per lb. NEXT in advantage to having the thing to sell is to have the oonvenienoe to oarry it to the buyer. "We must encourage our 50, 75,100 pounds and over 36-Point 47c. per lb. NEXT in Advantage to having the thing to sell is to have oonven- ,8®"See information regarding weights and i)rices on page 159. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 161 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 POSTER LINING LATIN ANTIQUE Standard Line 25 pounds and multiples G-Poiut 7(k'. per 11). The next annual meeting of the United Typo- thetae will be held in Buffalo, the last week in August. As the Pan-American Exposition, to be in progress at that time, will make it difficult for visitors to secure quarters in Buffalo unless arran¬ gements are made in advance, all local organiza¬ tions are requested to send to the secretary of Buffalo Typothetae as early as possible the lists of delegates and number of members that will probably attend. Every effort will be made to look after all who decide to go. There is no question as to the advantage of visiting Buffalo at that time, as those interested in the graphic arts are aware. 25 pounds and multiples 10-Point 54c. per lb. The next annual meeting of the United Typothetae will be held in Buffalo, the last week in August. As the Pan-American Exposition, to be in progress at that time, will make it difficult for visitors to se¬ cure quarters in Buffalo unless ar¬ rangements are made in advance, all local organizations are requested to send to the secretary of Buffalo 25 pounds and multiples 47c. per lb. THE next annual meeting of the United Typothetae to be held in BUFFALO, the last week in August. As the Pan-American Ex¬ position, to be in pro- 25 pounds and multiples 47c. per lb. There is nothing like the sunshine in April; we fail to see the shine but would like to see everybody happy ^Ö^See information regarding weights and prices on page 159. 25 pounds and multiples B-Point 62c. per lb The next annual meeting of the United Typothetae will be held in Buffalo, the last week In August. As the Pan-American Exposition, to be in progress at that time, will make it difficult for visitors to secure quarters in Buffalo unless arrangements are made in advance, all local organiza¬ tions are requested to send to the secre¬ tary of Buffalo Typothetae as early as pos¬ sible the lists of delegates and number of 25 pounds and multiples 12-1'oint 50c. per lb. The next annual meeting of the United Typothetae will be held in Buffalo, the last week in August. As the Pan-American Exposition, to be in progress at that time, will make it difficult for visitors to secure quarters in Buffalo unless arrangements are made in advance, all local 26 pounds and multiples 30-Point 47c. per lb. Happy days with us once more, and ail were rushing 50, 75,100 pounds and over 36-Point 47c. per lb. Do not wait for things to turn up, try for yourself THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 162 THE: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 LINING POSTER HANSEN OLD STYLE No. 40 Standard Line 25 pounds and multiples 0-Point 76c. per lb. TRADE STATISTICS INDICATE THAT THIS COUNTRY Is in a state of unezampled prosperity. The fig:ures are almost appall¬ ing. They show that we are utilizing our fields and forests and mines and that we are furnishing profitable employment to millions of our workingmen throughout the United States, bringing comfort and hap¬ piness to their homes and making it possible to lay by savings for old age and disability. That all the people are participating in this great prosperity is seen in every American community and shown by the enormous and unprecedented deposits in our savings banks. Our duty is the care and security of these deposits, and their safe investment de¬ mands the highest integrity and best business capacity of those in charge of these depositories of the people's earnings. W^e have a vast and intricate business, built up through years of toil and struggle, in which every part of the country has its stake, which will not permit of neglect or of undue selfishness. No narrow, sordid policy willsubserve it. The greatest skill and wisdom on the part of manufacturers and producers 25 pounds and multiples 8-Point 62c per lb. TRADE STATISTICS INDICATE THAT THIS Country is in a state of unexampled prosperity. Tfie figures are almost appalling. Tfiey show that we are utilizing our fields and forests and mines and that we are furnishing profitable employment to the millions of our workingmen throughout the United States, bringing com¬ fort and happiness to their homes and making it possible to lay by savings for old age and disability. That all the people are participating in this great prosperity is seen in every American community and shown by the enor¬ mous and unprecedented deposits in our savings banks. Our duty is the care and security of these deposits and their safe investment demands the highest integrity and 5 25 pounds and multiples 10-Point 54c. per lb. WHEN YOU CAN OBTAIN A POUND OR A TON OF LEADS OR SLUGS, FULL Length or cut to any thickness, at short notice, remember that they are made at Í90-Í92 Congress Street, by the H. C. Hansen Type Foundry, who, by the use of improved machinery and the best materials obtainable, are enabled to manufacture printers' supplies which are unequalled for quality and accuracy. There are individual consumers who have used over 50,000 pounds of H. C Hansen's leads and slugs. Write for prices, they are no higher than the inferior article. A complete printing plant can be furnished at short notice, including Presses, Cutters, Imposing Stones, Hamilton Wood Goods, Frames, Stands, Racks, Cases, Type, Leads, Slugs, Quotations, Metal Furniture, Spaces, Quads, Brass Rule, Circles, Ovals, Round Brass Corners, Cutting Rule, Perforating Rule, Mitering Machines, Lead Cutters, Composing Sticks, Benzine Cans, in fact the best of everything for printers 25 pounds and multiples 12-Point 50c. per lb. 25 pounds and multiples 18-Polnt 47c. per lb. TRADE STATISTICS INDICATE This country is in a state of unexampled prosperity. The figures are almost ap¬ palling. They show that we are utiliz¬ ing our fields and forests and mines, and that we are furnishing profitable employ¬ ment to the millions of our workingmen throughout the United States, bringing comfort and happiness to their homes, and making it possible to lay by savings for old age and disability. That all the people are participating in this prosperity is seen in every American community and shown by the enormous and unprec¬ edented deposits in our savings banks. Our duty is the care and security of these Ä®-See information regarding weights and prices on page 159. TRADE STATISTICS IN- dicate that this country is in a state of unexampled prosperity The figures are almost apall- ing. They show that we are utilizing our fields and forests and mines^ and that we are furnishing profitable employ¬ ment to the millions of work¬ ingmen throughout the United States^ bringing comfort and THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 163 HE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 POSTER CAMBRIDGE Standard Line pounUs and multiples 0-Poiut per lb. TRADE STATISTICS INDICATE THAT THIS COUNTRY IS IN A STATE OF UN- Exampied prosperity. The figures are almost appalling. They show that we are utilizing our fields and forests and mines and that we are furnishing profit¬ able employment to the millions of our workingmen throughout the United States, bringing comfort and happiness to their homes and making it possible to lay by savings for old age and disability. That all the people are partici¬ pating in this prosperity is seen in every American community and shown by the enormous and unprecedented deposits in our sayings banks. Our duty is the care and security of these deposits, and their safe investment demands the highest integrity and the best business capacity of those in charge of these de¬ positories of the peoples' earnings. We have a vast and intricate business 25 pounds and multiples 10-Point '>4f.perlb. STATISTICS INDICATE THAT THE COUNTRY IS In a state of unexampled prosperity. The figures are almost appalling. They show that we are util¬ izing our fields and forests and mines, and that we are furnishing profitable employment to the millions of our workingmen throughout the United States, bringing comfort and happiness to their homes, and making it possible to lay by savings 2 25 pounds and multiples S-Point ö2o.perlb. TRADE STATISTICS INDICATE THAT THIS COUNTRY IS IN A state of uaexampled prosperity. The figures are almost appalling. They show that we are utilizing our fields and forests and mines, and that we are furnishing profitable employment to the millions of our workingmen throughout the United States, bringing com¬ fort and happiness to their homes, and making it possible to lay by savings for old age and disability. That all the people are participating in this prosperity is seen in every American com¬ munity and shown by the enormous and unprecedented deposits S 25 pounds and multiples 12-1'oint 50c. peril». TRADE STATISTICS INDICATE THAT THE Country is in a state of unexampled pros¬ perity. They show that we are utilizing our fields and forests and mines, and that we are furnishing profitable employment to the millions of our workingmen throughout the United States, bringing comfort and 36 25 pounds and multiples 14-Point 4Tc. [»er lb. TRADE STATISTICS INDICATE THAT THE COUNTRY IS IN A STATE OF Unexampled prosperity. The figures are almost appalling. They show that we are utilizing our fields and forests and mines, and that we are furnishing profitable employment to the millions of our workingmen throughout the 35 25 pounds and multiples 18-Point -I'c. per lb. TRADE STATISTICS INDICATE THAT THIS COUNTRY IS In a state of unexampled prosperity. The figures are almost appalling. They show that we are utilizing our fields and forests and mines, and that we are furnishing profitable 12345 2-5 pounds and multiples 24-Point 4Tc. per lb. STATISTICS INDICATE THAT THIS COUNTRY Is in a state of unexampled prosperity. The fig¬ ures are almost appalling. They show that we are utilizing our fields and forests and mines 15 Larger sizes also sold in poster fonts. «®-See information regarding weights and prices on page 169. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 164 the: hansein superior quality eistab l i s h e: d in thei year 1872 LINING POSTER HANSEN OLD STYLE No. 30 25 Pounds and multiples 6-Point Standard "(Ic. per 11). SCIENTIST TELEGRAPHING TO MARS WITHOUT WIRES The latest achievements in electrical science make it possible to send messages from one part of the earth to another through the medium of the electrical wave without wires. In the near future it is predicted that the Niagara falls will be harnessed to produce a sufficent power to meet the requirements of man throughout the civilized world, and there can be no doubt that the close of the present century will be an era in the progress of electrical science in the direction of producing unlimited power ^om nature itself and a means of communication between the old and the new world of unbounded value to the advancement of commerce and kindred industries now depending upon more primitive modes of 25 Pounds and multiples 62c. per lb. THE GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE BUSY One ol the busiest places in Washington, if not in the entire country, is the printing office of the Government. It is a veritable buzzing hive of industry. During the course of the year the amount of matter turned out of this huge place is tremendous, and fully explains why the office is so cons stantly busy. The year 1897 was a particularly busy one; in the course of the year the office shipped 318,86é public documents, or 1,045 each day. Of the documents turned 25 Pounds and multiples 54c. per lb. THE HISTORY OF EARLY PRINTING There is a wide spread belief that typography was, in all its details, a purely original inven® tion. A very popular version of its origin says it was the result of an accidental discovery; a conflicting version says that it was the result of more than eleven years of experiment. Each version teaches us that there was no perceptible 25 pounds and multiples 47c. per lb. MODERN POSTER Popular type faces for unique poster printing in large fonts suitable for all kinds of display 25 pounds and multiples 30-Point 47c. per lb. MUSIC SOUNDS Beethoven was one of the great music composers of olden .^"See information regarding weights and prices on page 169. Line 26 rounds and multiples 12-Point 50c. per lb. TYPE, CABINETS AND STANDS Printing is the art of producing impress» siens from characters or figures, on paper, cloth or other substances. There are several very distinct branches of this im^ portant art; as the printing of books with movable types, the printing of engraved copper and steel plates, and the taking of impressions from stone, called lithographs^ 25 Pounds and multiples 14-Point 47c. per lb. MR. COLUMBUS, THE POET The poetical temperament shown in the character of Columbus, seen throughout all his writings, and in all his actions, spread a golden and glorious world about him, and it tinges everything with its gorgeous colors, betraying him with visions 25 pounds and multiples 47c. per lb. A REAL ANTIQUARIAN Many distinguished scientists versed in Egyptian mythology believe the fabulous doctrines respecting heathen deities to be without foundation^ and they are now led to believe that the 50, 75, 100 pounds and over 36-Point 47c. per lb. FIND RICHES Klondike is the land of promise for gold seekers THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 165 ^52 HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY 10-PolnL X -r- — d — ^ % 9 ']( ' ° ^ '< » » No. 1 - - No. 2 - + 1 !-Polnl @ ^ ft " Cross- Aus. Int. 12-Polnl (â; ^ °T + + - X ^ = « PRICES Arithmetical, Algebraic. Aslronomica! and Mis¬ cellaneous Signs sold at pound rales as follows: PER LB. 5-Pt. $2.80 9-Pt. 6-Pt. 2.00 lO-Pt. 7-Pt. 1.80 ll-Pl. 8-Pt. 1.60 12-Pt. Not less than 4 ounces of a character cast Minimum charge 50c. + X -T- = Above signs 50c per font of any size body made PER LB. $1.44 1.30 1.22 1.16 MODERN FRACTIONS PER FONT, $0.90 6-Poini E n 6-Pol nl E m ^ -i' Î i .1 i 9 S Í L H ''.I Si Si 7-Polnl En i 4 ! i ä â 3 8 4 8-Poinl En i 4 ï * î i « I i 8-Polnl Em L M L X X 4Í iX % % 9-Pol ni E n 1 1 y. I 2. 1 5 7. j. -iJ.iTSsFy 6 lû-Polnt En 1 4 T T T I I-Point E n 1 1 1 9 1 3 ñ 7 12-PoinL En 113 1 '2 1 3 .5 7 474 3 "5 «5"5ïï OLD STYLE FRACTIONS PER FONT, $0.90 6-Pol nl E m U % H Vi H Ve H H H 'A 8-Poinl Em % 'A H A Yi A H n % 9-Poinl Em A A H Yi A A 'A Yb 10-Point Em ]4. y2 A Vi Yi y& Vi I l-Polnl Em y y yyy y % % l2-Point Em y yy vi 6-POINT GOTHIC FRACTIONS PER FONT, $1.00 Va Va T4 l/a Ve ®/e Va Via Via ®/ie Via Vie "/ie 'Vie '®/ia DE VINNE FRACTIONS PER FONT, $0.50 6-Pol nl !4 V2 -'4 Vs 5ÍÍ ? % 8-Polnt '4 "4 44 '/3 % '/& 5á % % lO-PoInt '4 '/2 M '/3 5é % f? % 12-Poinl 44 X « Vi % H ?á T^fh t4 '/2 U «73 '/è 24-PoliU 14^3^ 1/3 MISCELLANEOUS PER FONT. $0.50 12-Point Gothic J 1312135 7 ^ 4 2 4 3 3 3 8 8 8 V 24-PolnL Boldface W ^ V ^ V T" 5" A- • ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 MISCELLANEOUS CHARACTERS SUPERIOR FIGURES lO-Point. Per fonl. SI.30 |_j 1 J ;l 4 ñ «; 7 s '.I 0 INFERIOR FIGURES lO-Polnt Per font, 51.30 H 1 -2 « 4 7 s 1) o PIECE FRACTIONS 6-Polnt 1 n Preparation Per font. S5.00 Per font. S3,60 8-Polnl 1 4 r> c. r « !M) lO-Polnt 1 2 8 4 ó li 7 8 ft (I 12-Polnt 1 2 -i 5 () 7 K <) 0 Per font, S2.80 1 2 4 Ô (> 7 8 ft <1 Per font, S2.00 12 S 4 o T Hinr BLACK STARS Font containing four oieach size. SO.75 Sold separately If desired ★ 18 ★ 36 30 24 « ★ ★ ★ ★ 568 10 12 OUTLINE STARS Either of 3 larger sizes per font of 4, 50.50 36-Pt., 10 for SO.50 A ☆ 42-Pt. SHADED STARS Price each: 48-Pt.. 20c. 42-Pt., 15c. 36-Pt..lOc. ^ 42-Pt. 36-Pt. 48-Pt. DOUBLE FISTS Font of 10. SI.00 Each. SO.15 ll^iB FANCY DASHES l2-Polnt No. I.S0.05 No. 2. SO.IO 1 2 LINING JOB DASHES Assorted, per font. SI.15 14-Pt. 18-Pt. BALLOT SIGNS □□0O0 12. 18 and 24-Polnt bodies Each. SO.05 PARENTHESIS On all bodies from 6 to 48-Point. Font. SO.75 (((« ( ( < r /I at 3 H ft K Ji r 123 48878 9 10 n Ï y (}) u, M ui LU, H L 13 a 11 12 13 14 16 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 EDITORIAL POINTERS 6-PoinL 344. 5c ••oooOOOOoo»- 346. 5c 343. 5c •»OOOOOOOOoo* 345. 5c 8-Point 347. 10c ooooOOOOOOOo* 348. 10c 12-PolnL ZION BORDER 24-Polnt. 18 Inches, $1.00 Zion Border No. I Zion Border No. 2 K) a 0 V 6 B r a >K 3 II H 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 81 32 38 34 K .1 M H n T Ï t C)) IX, M UI 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 m 'X> M i> t 3 TO a o 47 48 49 60 61 62 63 64 58 66 350. lOc 12-Point $1.16 per lb. r Ï L Ï i8-Polnt. 351. lOc IMPRINTS 6-Pt. Imprints made to order THE EOWARO MADISON COMPANY, MONTCLAIR Special Designs made to order THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 168 PERPETUAL CALENDARS Fonts of Perpetual Calendars contains fifty-two lof^otypeM, rules and font for month and year; can be used for any month in any year; can be changed in a few minutes MOONS Made to run in color with Calendar No. I Per set of four, $0.35 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lEGlíBíi [HEiiiEBES 13 1920 C 0 24-POINT Per set of four, $0.35 mm\ c This space may be used for advertising 1909 NOVEMBER 1909 Sun| Mon| Tue Wed Thu 1 Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Hansen's Perpetual Calendar No. 1. Fiice, $2.50 Hansen's Perpetual Calendar No. 2. Price, $2.50 Different style plain rule border MAILING TYPE Cast on 10-Point or Long Primer size, and are put up in fonts carefully proportioned for subscription lists. A font contains Roman for names; Gothic for abbreviations, cast on em and en bodies; Figures on en body, and Clarendon for Post Offices, ad¬ dresses, etc. Sorts furnished at very short notice. A list of 1,000 names will require about 100 lbs. of Long Primer or 10-Point Mailing Type. 54 cents per pound. Subject to discount. For Mailing Galleys see page 334. READING MALDEN CHELSEA BOSTON WERussell 23|94 1 MaySnow 20|89 Clara Johnson 20July94 MissKateGohmme 30May96 THNewton 30S86 oHBluejeans 27S84 GAMoneh 14Sep93 RevSHStoneBox2 26Dec93 RobtLMorse 26|T8 |WmEarly 80|96 W mCoughlin 290ct96 Dr HGolden 24jan82 MEGrover 23§84 l-JasAKing 24|95 Gus Johnson 25nov96 GeoTolstrup 30Feb87 STWhite 30175 FNHaddon|56 26|84 GeoMoller 16Aug87 GenSPerry 23Mar89 WPParsons 29|79 HShannoii 30|85 John Williams 30jne98 MrsGDHopper 26Apr95 lO-POINT GERMAN Cast with all the German accents and combinations IDA $1.00 35a $1.50 $2.50 25 lbs. and over at Roman Rates $er (grfte, roeíc^er bie SJlaleri unb iÇoefie mit eiiL anber «ergiicí), roar ein tOíann non feinem @efüt)íe, ber non beiben Snnften ein äbniidje roirtung auf ficf) uerfpurte. ®eibe, empfanb er, ftelien unë abroefenbe Singe alê gegenroärtig, ben S(i)ein aiê SBirfíic£)f'eit 12345 abcbefgbijflmnopqrêitnDrojpâ 167890 S Ö Ü n ö ii d) et II ff fi fl ff fi ft ^ ^ Special accents are made for this type $2.00 per font @ ® 8 Sî 8î « à á ê è î i û Ú g î l H g f For other German faces see pages 38 and 39. 10-POINT SPECIAL UNO. GOTHIC 25 pounds and multiples, 64c. per pound AVERY POPULAR LETTER FOR NEWSPAPER HEADINGS AND SUB-HEADINGS ALL HANSEN TYPE IS CAST FROM SUPERIOR COPPER-ALLOY METAL WHICH IS EXTREMELY DURABLE. THE MOST ACCURATE TYPE AND PRINTERS SUPPLIES ARE THOSE MADE BY THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY BOSTON NEW YORK THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 169 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 CALENDAR AND COMMERCIAL FIGURES FIGURE NO. 50 S1234.30 rt.Set 1234567890 3i 6-Point 1234567890 8-Point 1234567890 $2734.20 1234567890 lO-Point 4 1234567890 59c 1234587890 12-Point 6 1234567890 1234567890 14-Point 6 1234567890 1234567890 12345 $20.96 67890 24-Point 9 12345 29c 67890 30-Point 10 12345 67890 36-Point 12 12345 367890 42-Point 16 1234 87.89 Priceij und directions for ordering on page 171' FIGURE NO. 51 Pt. Set 6-Point* c 1234667890 $640.40 1234667890 8-Point* 4 1234567890 2390c 1234567890 lO-Point*' 5 1234567890 $23 1234567890 12-P()int* (U 1234567890 1234567890 14-Point> 8 1234567890 $345.00 12345 30c 67890 24-Point* 12 12345 67890 30-Point» 15 1236 7890 36-Point* I'i 123456 7c 42-Point* 22 1235.67 48-Point 1» . I $123 890 123 5c 60-Point* 1234567 1 23 4 72-Poinf 25 72-Poinf _ I23S48 1234 FIGURE NO. 52 Pt. Set A6-Point 4 1234567890 $120.30 1234567890 B6-Point 4 1234567890 $134.99 1234567890 cii-Point 5 1234567890 60c 1234567890 8-Point 7 1234567890 123457890 lO-Point 3 2356 $458 7894 12-Point 10 12345 84c 67890 18-Pointt ll 12345 67890 24 Point* 19 12345 6c 36-Pointt 28 123 45 48-Pointt 1980 FIGURE NO. 53 6-Point 1-!' 1234567890 $123.90 I234567890 8-Pointt ® I234567890 I234567890 10-Pointt • 12345 $12.34 67890 12-Pointt 9 12345 .25 67890 14-Pointt 12345 67890 18-Pointt 12345 67890 4-Pointt 12345 67890 * Figure 1 thin tFigure 1 thick and thin Dollar mark, lower case c, period and commas sold separately THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 170 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALIXV ESTABLf s H ED IN THE YEAR 187Î2 CALENDAR AND COMMERCIAL FIGURES FIGURE NO. 53. CONT 30-Pointt 2134 56c 36-Pointt 25 7 18. 90 42-Point» 28 12 .45 48-Point* 12 35 54-Point* 40 567 FIGURE NO. 54 8-Point 4 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 10-Point 5^ 1234567890 1234567890 12-Point 7 1234567890 123456780 18-Pomt 9 1234567890 23c, 24-Point 234567890 $8 6-Point 1234567890 FIGURE NO. 55 4 13579 1234567890 8-Point 5 1234567890 $9.09 1234567890 10-Point 6 1234567890 1234567890 Pi'ifCM Hint «liriTl IniiH for orilcriiiii- dti FIGURE NO. 55. CONT. I't. Set Í2345 12346789 67890 ¡2345 23c 67890 24-Point 67890 FIGURE NO. 57 Pt. Set H 6-l'<)int* c 1234567890 23c, 1234567890 8-Point« 7 1234^567890 1234367890 lO-Point* 8 Í2345 142 67890 12-Point» loè 12345 28 67890 18-Point 13 12345 G7890 24-Point* 16 $678 12345 30-Point 12345 67890 36-Point 17 123 4 567 42-Point 18 1357 89c J m 48-Foillt* 39 123456 1 2 8 FIGURE NO. 56 6-Pointt 9 1234.5 I 2345 67090 8-Pointt 10 I234.567S90 124.5 10-Pointt I 234 12-Pointt 14-Pointt I 24-Pointt O 7390 15 ♦Figure 1 thin tFigure 1 thick and thin FIGURE NO. 58 6-Point* 40 5 1S34^Se7890 1S3^e 1Z3AS67890 6-Point* 41 5^ 1234S67800 1234B67890 6-Point» 42 6 123436 739012343 67390 6-Point» 43 7 ¡234567390 ¡234567890 12-Point» 44 g 1234567890 $1234,56 12-Point* 45 10 Í234567890 1234 12-Point» 46 12 12 345678 90 Dollar mark, lower case c, period and commas sold separately THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 171 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUAL.I"^Y ESTABl-ISHED IN THE YEAR 1372 CALENDAR AND COMMERCIAL FIGURES Prices aufl lufonnatiou for onlerini^ on page 1TS> FIGURE NO. 60 FIGURE NO. 58. CONT. 18-Poiut* 47 Pt, Set 16 1234567890 18-Foint«48 19 12343678 24-Point* 49 24 13 67 89 FIGURE NO. 59 IS-Point* m 4 48-Poiiit;* Í 4i rt. Set 11-l'oiiit c 4 1234567890 $12.45 1234567890 8-Poiut 6 1234567890 12345 1234567890 lO-Poiut 64 1234567890 98c 12345679(1 12-Point 7 1234567890 34567890 14-Point 8 1234567890 234567 10 I 18-P<)iut 10 mma 1234567890 123 24-Point U 13456890 12 30-Point 16 1234 5670 36-Point 21 123 456 42-Point 23 123 568 48-Point 28 12345 60-Point 34 45 2345 FIGURE NO. 61 6-Point C 4 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 8-Point 5 Í234567890 89c 1234567890 FIGURE NO. 61. cont. Pt. Set 12-l'r)lnt* c Î 1234567890 $1.23 456 14-IN)int* 9 1234567890 123 18-Point* lOj 1234567890 234 24-Polnt* 13 Í2345678903 30-Point» 17 1234 5678 36-Point» 21 234 567 42-Point;* 25 123456 48-Point* 30 12345 FIGURE NO. 62 6-Point» 6 I234S67890 I334567SQO 8-Point» 7.i 1334S678QO 1334Se7S lO-Point* 8.1 13345678QO 12c 345 12-Point» 11 1234507890 $23 H-Point» 14 1234S 6T8QO 18-Point» 16 12345 6789 24-Point» 20.i 1234 567 30-Foint» 25 »Figure 1 tbin I 10-Point» 5i 1234567890 1234567890 tPigure 1 thick and thin Dollar mark, lower ease c, period and comuias sold separately THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 172 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 187Í2 CALENDAR AND COMMERCIAL FIGURES I'rlrcH unit «líirrllnMM loi- onlcrinfí on page 17U FIGURE NO. 62. cont. I't. Set ;n ti-A VlJJf Ol 12 34 FIGURE NO. 63 6-Point* 3 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 8-Point 4 1234567890 12345 1234567890 lO-Point* 4 1234567890 1234 1234567890 12-Pomt* 5 1234567890 39c 1234567890 14-Point* 7 1234567890 $12345678 18-Point* 3 123 4567890 123 24-Point* 10 12 345678 90 30-Point* 13 12 34567 89 36-Pointt 15 12 3456 78 42-Point* 18 2 3456 7 48-Point* 21 23 4 56 FIGURE NO. 64 rt. Set O-roilit C 4 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 8-Point 4^ 1234567890 1234567890 $1234678 lO-Point 51 1234567890 123 1234567890 12-Point 7 1234567890 12c 34567 18-Point H 1234567890 123456 24-Pointt 12 12C123456890 30-Pointt 14 12345 67890 36-Pointt 42-Point face 2345 6 7890 42-Pointt 16 34567 $890 48-Pointt 1345 680 FIGURE NO. 65 6-Pointt 9 X xss3^ 8-Pointt 10 lO-Pointt 12 12-Pointt 16 18-Pointt 21 24-Pointt 36-Pointt FIGURE NO. 66 Pt. Set ()-]'DÍnt 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 8-Point 4 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 lO-Point 5 1234567890 1234 1234567890 12-Point 6 1234567890 $1234567890 14-Point 7 1234567890 1234567890 123 4567890 123 18-Point 9 12 34567890 12c 12345678901234 24-Point 12 12 345678 90 30-Point 16 123456789 36-Point 18 1 23456 7 42-Point 21 S 6789 0 54-Point 12345 r2-Point 36 1346 •Figure 1 thin tFigure 1 thick and thin Dollar mark, lower case o, period and commas sold separately THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 173 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUAl_ITV ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 CALENDAR AND COMMERCIAL FIGURES Prices and directions for ordering^ on page 179 FIGURE NO. 66. cont FIGURE NO. 67 8-Point* 1234567890 rt. Set (> 1234567890 lO-Point* 7 1234567890 1234567890 12-Poiut* 9 1234567890123456 18-Point* 13 12345678 90c '.¿4-Point* lhU á rt. Set 16 30-Point 123 4 31^ FIGURE NO. 75 10-Point 5 1234567890 1234 1234567890 12-Point 6 1234567890 $1234567890 18-Point 9 1234567890 12c 24-Point 12 12345 67890 30-Point* 15 1235 6 7890 36-Point 18 12356789 42-Point 21 123 568 48-Point 123 57 BO-Point 30 12 35 FIGURE NO. 75. cont. Ft. Set 36 1358 FIGURE NO. 76 6-Point c 3 1254567890 123456790 1254567890 8-Foint 4 1234567890 $90.58 1234567890 10-Point 6 1234567890 1234567890 12-Point 6 1234567890 1234567890 14-Point 7 12345 42135 67890 18-Point 9 12345 346 67890 24-Point 12 12345 67890 30-Point 15 1284 5679 36-Point 18 12 3c 34 48-Point* 24 123479 60-Point* 30 12 39 72-Point* 36 3425 tFigure 1 thick and thin Dollar mark, lower case c, period and commas sold separately THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 175 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUAt-IT^ ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 CALENDAR AND COMMERCIAL FIGURES rrices and directions for ordering on page 179 FIGURE NO. 77 rt. Set 6-roint C 1234567890 $98.46 1234567890 8-Point ^ 1234567890 98 1234567890 lO-Point ^ 1234567890 347 1234567890 12-Point 6 1234567890 1234567890 14-Point " 1234567890 124567890 18-Point 9 1234 $39.56 7890 20-Point 10 1234 91c 67890 24-Point 12 12345 67890 30-Point 15 123 9c 456 36-Point 18 12345678 42-Point 21 124 384 48-Point 24 12 9 34 FIGURE NO. 78 6-Point i 1234567890 3126 1234567890 8-Pointr H 1234567890 1234567890 lO-Point 6 1234567890 1234567890 12-Point 7 12345 $123.00 67890 FIGURE NO. 78. cont. 24 Point Pt. Set m 12345 67890 iO-Point 15 124 59 678 36-Point 20 124 578 42-Point 24c 90 48-Point* 18 696 FIGURE NO. 79 18-Point* 12345 $38 67890 24-Point* 13 12345 67890 36-Point* 17 1234 5678 i 42-Polnt* 21 1234567 48-Point* 24 5 67 54-Point* 32 49 FIGURE NO. 80 r.-l'oint* 1234567890 Pt. Set 6 1234567890 8-Point* 1234567890 1234567890 lO-Polnt* 8 12345 $120.42 67890 12-l'oint* 0 12345 98c 6789 18-Point* 12 12345 67890 24-Point* 16 315 6 789 30-Point* 20 123 457 36-Point* 23 157 890 48-Point* 32 134 7 FIGURE NO. 81 10-Point 4 1234567890 $28,59 1234567890 12-Point 5 1234567890 58c 1234567890 18-Polnt* 7 789 1234567890 123 24-Point 9 12345 2578 67890 36-Point» 12i 12345 67890 48-Point 15 1234 5 6789 1234 $1.36 7890 »Figure 1 thin tFigure 1 thick or thin Dollar mark, lower case c. period and commas sold separately THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY Sterling Coaled. See page 377 176 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITV ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 CALENDAR AND COMMERCIAL FIGURES I'ricchi iuhI lor ordering on page ITii FIGURE NO. 82 y\ il FIGURE NO. 83 1234567890 $8790 24-Point 10 1234S 123 67890 36-Point 14 12 4560 90 42-Point 18 1234S678 FIGURE NO. 84 6-Point 4 1234567890 34568 J234567890 8-Point 4J J234567890 $i09.97 Í234567890 lO-Point 5 1234567890 24 1234567890 12-Point 6 Í234567890 1234567890 14-Point 8 Í2345 1234 67890 18-Point 9 12345 27 67890 24-Point 12 12345 8 67890 30-Pointt 15 1234 5678 FIGURE NO. 84. cont. rt. Set 1256 7890 42-Pointt 21 123 469 48-Pointt 24 134 598 FIGURE NO. 85 12-Point* 6 18-Point* 7 l2345ÍDn&qO i:2345bn&qO 24-Point* \2S^5 32 bl&O 30-Point* 13 12345 loqgqo 36-Point* 15 213^ 5 b&qO FIGURE NO. 86 18-Point* mAm otsoo 24-Poiiit* 10 12341 12B 878§0 30-Point* 11 12S4S §78§0 36-Point* 14 1214^ 7890 42-Polnt* 16 121456789 48-Point* 19 12i§ 789 FIGURE NO. 87 Pt. Set 4 ia3458r89D 4è 6-Point c I23456r890 34696 8-Point IS3456?e9n 234 lS345firS9n 10-Point 6 1234567890 1234567890 12-Pomt 6J 1234567890 1234567890 14-Point 7 12345 23598 87899 18-Point 9 12345 31 67890 1234 5c 67890 10-Point 14 1234587899 i6-Point 18 12345erB FIGURE NO. 88 6-Point 4^ 1234567890 345 1234567890 8-Point 6 1234:567890 1234567890 lO-Point 7 12345 2456 67890 12-Point 8 12345 $5.00 67890 18-Pointt 11 12345 67890 24-Pointt 13 12345 67890 30-Pointt 17 123 4 567 36-Pointt 20 192 653 42-Pointt 24 13 4 78 48-Pointt 28 21 35 •Figure 1 thin tFigure 1 thick or thin Dollar mark, lower case c,"period and commas sold separately THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 177 > u [( , 6 0 M RIOR (QUALITY . 9-POINT Pt.Set 38 i2;{45e7«i>o 7 lO-POINT « 1334567890 6 42 1284667890 5 43» 1234567890 s 1234567890 « « 1234567890 « 1234567890 5 366* 1234567890 B 370» 23-4567 " 48» 123^567890 e 48 1234567890 e 660 1234567890 6è 220 1234567890 4 221 mSJf567890 6 «0 1234567890 5 269* 1234567890 7 270 1234567890 H 31T 1234567890 e 318 1234567890 4 319 123456789 n 320 307 368» 551 652 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 123466789 23567890 « Í234567890 6 1234567890 o 1334567890 7 1234567890 7 654* 234567890 s 666t 1234567 9 216t 103-500'^ 12 218 1234567890 2 1234567890 6 1234567890 ^ 219 42« I l-POINT 1234667890 1231667890 12-POINT 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234576890 1234567890 1234687890 1234567890 4GT89 569t 1234567890 5701123456789 550 227 500 501* 562 50.3 565« 500 371* 374* No. 2311 5771- 12-POmT 373 375« 37(3 378 567 1234567 23456789 1234507800 112345678 3"' 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 B72 123456789 6T3 1234567890 «'^*123456789 123456789 2301 234567890 1234567890 1231667890 12345678 1234567890 1234567 I23i45bisc|0 123456 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 245689 23 Jf567890 1234567890 1234567890 Set 15 11 232 233 234 271« 272 275« 276# 279« 451 321« 322 323t 324 564 422 380 381 578 579 68lt 14-POINT 23456789 3456789 345^789 234567890 23456789 234567890 1234567890 1234567890 16-P01NT 23456789 123456789 234578 H 9). thick and thin Set indicates thickness of figures THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 178 M>- 18-POINT Pt. 082 1231^,567890 B83» 1234567890 388 t2345678 380» 123450TS 38^» 121456789 23456 234567 96t 241t 284« 285« Prices and particulars on H 74 14 1234567890 - 1345678 134ii7i - 234567890 - 23456789 687* 23456789 - 24567890 2S7» 26789 - 81 234567890 - 2345678 - 2345678 - 234567 " 23456 239t r>c 234567 123456 123456T89 234568 23456 10 10 12 14 21 11 13 8 13 15 179 "HE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUAi-j-TY ESXABLISHED IN XHE YEAR 1872 FIGURES FOR TABULAR WORK 102t 243t 117t 18-POINT Pt-Set 3568 ■ 23456789 ■ 2345678 4567 20-P0INT 23456789 • 23456 23456 " 24-POINT 234567 " 3456 3478 » 234568 ■■ 23456789 • s&m " 234567 " 2345 23456 234567 2345678 • 2345 1234 2345 A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A.M. A.M. A. iM. P. M. P. M. 6 46 8 00 6 46 10 46 12 46 1 42 3 45 6 13 6 OB 6 12 8 10 8 14 11 46 Tl 40 3 15 3 20 6 16 6 21 7 0? 8 19 g 06 11 07 1 06 2 07 4 06 6 32 6 17 8 10 11 67 3 24 6 26 7 10 8 23 9 07 11 12 1 07 2 11 4 07 6 37 6 20 8 22 12 06 3 SO 6 31 7 12 8 26 9 11 11 14 1 11 2 13 4 11 6 41 6 26 8 27 12 13 3 37 6 37 7 16 8 29 9 13 11 17 1 13 2 17 4 13 6 43 6 20 8 31 12 10 3 40 6 41 7 18 8 33 9 17 11 21 1 17 2 21 4 17 5 47 6 63 8 34 12 24 3 45 6 46 7 22 8 38 9 21 11 26 1 21 2 26 4 21 5 61 6 72 a 30 12 30 3 40 6 60 7 26 8 41 9 26 11 29 1 26 2 29 4 26 6 66 6 41 8 43 12 36 3 62 6 54 7 28 8 44 9 32 11 32 1 29 2 32 4 29 6 69 6 46 8 47 12 41 3 66 6 60 7 31 8 47 9 35 11 35 1 32 2 36 4 32 6 02 6 48 8 60 12 46 4 Ol 6 06 7 40 8 52 9 40 11 40 1 42 2 40 4 37 6 10 6 63 8 66 12 63 4 06 6 13 A.M. A.M. A.M, i|i ni 7 30 7 34 7 37 7 44 7 47 7 52 7 58 8 04 8 10 8 15 8 19 i y 9 27 9 34 9 38 9 45 9 49 9 54 9 59 O 44 0 50 1 34 1 38 1 45 1 48 1 51 1 56 1 59 2 07 p. M. 5 50 5 54 6 27 6 34 6 37 6 42 a 45 6 48 6 52 6 57 7 00 7 05 5-Pt. Light No. 439 Heavy $1.20 per Id. Both figures 2^- No. 440 •Pt. set 6-Pt. No. 442 $1.20 per lb. 4-Pt. set 5-Pt. No. 441 4-Pt. $1.20 per lb. set STATIONS A.M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Stratford . . . . Lv 6 50 8 40 11 08 2 06 4 50 Lafayette 7 10 8 56 11 22 2 20 5 04 Crawford. . 7 18 0 04 11 30 2 28 5 16 Mastodon 7 39 9 15 11 39 2 37 5 25 Cambridge 7 48 9 29 11 53 2 51 5 80 Howland 7 52 9 87 12 00 2 58 5 46 Buffalo 8 07 9 46 12 09 3 07 5 50 Hunnewell. . . Ait 8 16 9 59 12 28 3 21 6 11 STATES 1907 1909 Gain Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York Pennsylvania 2,695,876 695,730 876,050 2,899,721 451,164 1,485,671 3,446,092 1,100,172 2,703,438 697,988 877,293 1,471,349 4,554,857 1,108,517 7,56-2 2,25S 1,*243 7,965 3,897 5,689 8,765 6,345 5i-Pt. No. 444. 88c. per lb. 5¿-Pt. Gothic No. 445 Boldface No. 446 88c. per lb. 2|-Pt. set. 4|-Pt. set P.M. P.M. A. M. A. M. STATIONS A.M. A.M. P.M. p. M. 8 15 2 54 9 16 7 13 Lv. Jackson Due 8 28 11 29 3 27 9 17 6 21 3 00 9 22 7 21 ^ Medway 8 15 11 20 3 19 9 25 6 27 3 06 9 29 7 28 ® Montgomery p. 8 08 11 12 3 11 9 17 8 32 3 11 9 34 7 35 ^ Cherryvale == 8 01 11 05 3 04 9 09 6 49 3 28 9 51 7 53 ^ Helton « 7 43 10 57 2 55 9 02 7 00 3 39 10 02 8 04 o Tamarind ® 7 32 10 46 2 45- 8 53 7 12 3 51 10 14 8 16 ^ Westdale tí 7 20 10 34 2 33 8 43 7 23 4 02 10 25 8 27 ^ Avon 7 09 10 23 2 22 8 31 7 29 4 08 10 31 8 34 Due Orange Lv. 7 02 10 16 2 15 8 20 Roman No. 4 Gothic No. 448. 3-Pt. set 3-Pt. set 76c. per lb. Calendar Figures Put up in fonts sufficient to set any¬ one month. The following num¬ bers, shown on previous pages, are those put up in fonts for Calen¬ dar purposes: 50, 51, 57, 59, 60, 61, 64, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79 and 87. 1908 SEPTEMBER 1908 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SIZES AND PRICES 12-Point $0 60 18-Point 75 24-Point 90 30-Point 1 SO 36-Point 2 00 42-Point 2 50 48-Point 3 40 S4-Point 4 30 60-Point 5 00 72-Point 6 25 12-Ft. No. 74 8-Pt. Set How Figures Are Furnished, Prices and General Information Figures are put up in fonts of 2 ^ pounds each from 5 to 12-point, also in 5 pound fonts each from 5 to 72-point. As a rule, figures shown on pages 170 to 179 are kept in stock or will be cast to order at short notice. When ordering be sure and specify the figure number and the size body. As mentioned above, the smallest font furnished of the sizes 5 to 12-point inclusive is 2)4 pounds or 4 ounces of each figure, and from 14 to 72-point in 5 pound fonts. The "point set" of the figure refers to the width of the figure body in points. All figures and extra characters also cast to order in quantities of 4 ounces each, and over. Rimmed, shaded and script figures sold at third class rates. Special figure spaces cast to order. PRICE LIST OF 2è POUND FONTS. 5 TO 12 POINT 5 -Point . 5i-Point. 6 -Point. 7 -Point . 8 -Point . $3 00 2 20 1 90 1 65 1 55 9-Point . 10-Point . 11-Point . 12-Point , $1 45 1 35 1 30 1 25 PRICE LIST OF 5 POUND FONTS. 5 TO 72 POINT 5 -Point. 5^-Point. 6 -Point. 7 -Point. 8 -Point. $6 00 4 40 3 80 3 30 3 10 9-Point 10-Point 11-Point 12-Point 14 to 72-Point.. $2 90 2 70 2 60 2 SO 2 35 ♦Figure 1 thin tFigure 1 thick and thin Set indicates thickness of figures THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY Prices and particulars on this j 179 ELECTROTYPED DATE LINES I'l iros lire for any ril\ as per styles below Solid Metal Base No.l. 75 cents No. 8. 50 i-enlH //!, /Portland, Maine, ¡90 No. 9. 50 rcnlH No. 2. 75 cents an , Worcester, Mass., 190 No. 10. 60 cents No 3. 6o ,euts Philadelphia, Pa., 190 tjtica, x. y., 190 ÎÎ0.11. 60 cents No. 4. 50 cents St. Pàul, Minn., 190 Newport, r. i.. 190 n„. 12. accents NO.6. accents NcwtoD, Mass., 190 boston, mass., 190 No. 13. 60 cents No. 6. 50 cents ^ DETROIT, MICH., 190 Uvimcy, Mass., 190 -, _ . No. 14. 60 cents No. I. 50 cents denver, col., 190 N^Ul ^Otk, 190 NEWSPAPER SUB-HEADINGS ELECTROTYPED Trimmed to 13 ems pica Solid Metal Base Price 50 cents each No. 1 No. 9 THE REPUBLICAN BOSTON AMERICAN ^ Xo. 10 THE CHICAGO DISPATCH ^ BRUNSWICK HERALD No. 3 The Northampton Gaaette GREENFIELD DAILY REGDRDER No. 4 Galena tlranscript BR151.QL (¡ouÍty REPORTER No. 5 ^ No. 13 ilackaonuxUe Segistcr Paul Record THE SUNDAY POST Maine Citizen X0.16 Boston Journal hudson bulletin No. 8 No. 16 BOSTON GLOBE Eastport Observer THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 180 XHE: HANSEN SUPERIOR C^UAUIXV <: H ^ ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 ELECTROTYPED NEWSPAPER HEADINGS Other Styles and Sizes Made to Order Special Headings Designed and Drawn upon Request 60-Point Boston Gothic One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50; each additional word, $0.40 T. LiyilS EâûL 54-Point Caslon Old Style No. 2 One word, $1.00; two words, $1.60; each additional word, $0.40 DAILY GLOBE 60-Point Buifalo One word, $1.00; two words. $1.50; each additional word, $0.40 Les Critique 60-Point Mastodon One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50; each additional word, $0.40 EXETER NEWS 72-Point Mastodon One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50; each additional word, $0.40 Olnie Record 72-Point Caslon Old Style No. 2 One word. $1.00; two words, $1.50; each additional word, $0.40 Boston Leader 72-Point Cambridge One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50; each additional word, $0.40 DAILY HERALD THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 181 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY <:h> ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 POINTERS GROUP C. FONT $1.30 98 Oil 92 94 95 97 o n O GROUP D. FONT $ï.90 133 130 138 124 125 137 131 134 ^ H • ^ —LÄ. 159 1&4 154 142 153 163 ICO 150 149 146 127 129 1 28 126 148 144 1^7 158 147 SSN.» ^ 140 132 ^ ^ ^ e<- POINTERS No. Í FONT $1.25 A font contains 4)> of character No. 43 ; 20 of 44 ; 4 each of 45, 46, 53, 54 ; 3 each of 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 ; 2 each of 55, 56, 57, 58: 4 of t Cast on 6-Point and 12-Point bodies. Numbers 45, 46, 47, 48, 53, 54, 55 and 56 are made to line with our 2-Point Rule N(». 109. 45 44 47 48 43 46 53 49 51 52 50 54 SHADED POINTERS- FONT $1.25 Same number of characters as in Pointers above. 80 79 ARROW POINTERS. Cast on 12-Point body, '¿I, 3, 3^, 4 and 4^ ems set, and may be used right and left. 59 60 FONT $1.00 65 64 Single chai-acters of any above, 10 cents each Do not mutilate book Order by name and number THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 182 .H. SUP..,0. ESXABLISHED IN X H E YEAR 1872 HANSEN AD. CORNERS Ciisi I rom Superior <'opj)i'r A Hoy Metal 2-Pt. Face Ad. Corners, per fout containing four each size, $2.00 Single set of four, (50 cents A Zl No. 3 é Novel and Catchy Are the effects that can be quickly and easily obtained with Hansen Ad. Corners Used with brass rule of corresponding face they add to value of advertising display 3-l*t. Face Ad. Corners, per font containing four each size, $2.00 Single set of four, 60 cents No. 7 No. 10 ß' 4 F METAL ROUND CORNERS 3-Pt. Metal Round Corners, $1.00 per font 12»Ft. Metal Round Corners, 75c. per font 6-Pt. Metal Round Corners, 75c. per font Contains 3 sets each Contains 4 sets each. On 24 pt. body Contains 6 sets each. On 12 pt. body ^ r r f ^ \ V ^ % SOMETHING NEW SOMETHING USEFUL SPEAR INDICATORS ^ GROUP No. 1 ÍLrKUUJr' iNo. 1 a ^ Í ^ 1 4 each Nos. 1, 3 a cl4;6No. 2. Per font, $1.25 GROUP No. 3 A LrKUUPJNo. 2 a r t "Y" t Y ^ t ^ Î ^ 9 10 11 10 12 I I I I I Will justify perfectly to 6-point rule GROUP No. 2 8 each Nos. 9 and 12 ; 12 No. 10 ; 4 No. 11 Per font, $0.75 Will justify perfectly to 2-point rule 6 each Nos. 5 and 8; 4 No. 7; 8 No. 6 Per font, $1.00 Will justify perfectly to 4-point rule Each, $0.25; 6 for $1.00 Will justify perfectly to 12-point rule THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 183 IE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 AD. AND JOB BORDERS WHEN ORDERING MENTION POINT AND NUMBER, DO NOT MUTILATE BOOK 6-POINT, 60 INCHES, $1.50 ^ No. 40. 0-1't. ^ 8-POINT, 54 INCHES, $1.35 oooooooo Q No. 30S. 12-rt. Q OOOOOOOO if No. 43. 6-Pt. o N'o. 4.^. 6-Pt. < » e <> ®®00®Ô®®®©®®®®®©Ä®®® € 3 © Xo. 46. 6-Pt. 3 € 3 g Xo. 47. 6-Ft. S C0»Ä»K0Ä8»»Ä5C8Ä0»»5C0:0:Ki Xo.309. 6-Pt. Xo.310. 8-Pt. No. 311. 12 Pt. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 No. 300. 6-Pt. ^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO 0 No. 307. g-Pt. ^ OOOOOOOOOOO 0O00O0». ..oooOOOOOoo.. -oooOOO o o s No. 301. 6-Pt. I ••OOOO00OOO0«. ••oooOOOOOoo*. 'O00OOO0OO0« »OO00000000. o o o NO. 302 . 8-Pt. o o o o o ; «oooooOOOOooo. » ; No. 300. 6-Pt. t • • « No. 303. 8-Pt. • • • • _ • OOOOOOOOOOOOOQ ^ No. 607. 6 Pt. oooooooooooc * * «I No. 200. 8-Pt. «I « * 5 No. 201. 8-Pt. 5 M No. 198. 8-Pt. M S. No. 199. 8-Pt. S K«e«lWÎ<)WBÎBλ«BK 12-POINT, 54 INCHES, $1.50 No. 49. 8-Pt. No. 364. lO-Pt. ^ 04-inch font, $1.40 No. 365. lO-Pt. ©h I 54-inch font, $1.40 ^ ^ No. 132. 12-Pt. No. 136. 12-Pt. No. 130. 12-Pt. *4?»!»* '¿¡i* '¿»Hi* Vj'i* '¿ïi* *ííi* *í¿¡i* 00000^00000 Á No. 152. 12-Pt. ^ 00000000000 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 184 HANSEN SUPERIOR QUAL-IXY ^ H ^ ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 AD. AND JOB BORDERS 12-POIN'T, 54 INCHES, $1.50 18-POINT, 36 INCHES, $1.30 Nt. WWWW^WWWWWWWWWWWWWW^^ . 2. 6-Pt. No. 3. 6-Pt, No. 4. 6-Pt. No. 5. 6-Pt. oooooooooooooooooooooo o ^ o o No. 9. 6-Pt. o o o oooooooooooooooooooooo mo90momom090mo9cm09cmo s No. 10. 6-Pt. O •0«0«0«0«C)«0«C«0«0*C«8 •o*o*o«o«o*o*o«o*o*o*o o • « No. 11. 6-Pt. o o • •o*o«o«o«o«o«o*o«o«c>«o I No. 12. 6-Pt. ! No. 13. 6-Pt. t i No. 17. G-Pt. 1 No. 18. 6-Pt. ► > No. 19. 6-Pt. » I I WW* i i c«« No. 20. 6-Pt. 1 » wwwww^ wwwww 1 No. 21. 6-Pt. » ! No. 22. 6-Pt. I T T No. 23. 6-Pt. îrwwvwvwv* L No. 24. 6-Pt. w* T ^ No. 27. 6-Pt. ^ en i No. 31. 6-Pt. I I™ ... J c On No. 32. 6-Pt. 5 I No. 38. 6-Pt. 3 J No. 37. 6-Pt. L t NO. 38. 6-Pt. : 0 No. 39. 6-Pt. !• S m !• ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^ No. 51. 8-Pt. J •••••••••••••••• J No. 62. 8-Pt. 0 i No. 63. 8-Pt. X THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 186 HANSEIN SUPERIOR QUALITY EISTABL I S H Ë: D IN THE YEAR 1072 MULTIPLEX BORDERS 8-POINT, S4 INCHES, $1.35 oooooooooooooooo Q No. 64. 8-Pt. y oooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo g No. 66. 8-l>t. 0 oooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo 0 No. 66. 8-Pt. 0 oooooooooooooooo o«o«o«o««o«o«o«o 0 No. 57 8-Pt. 0 •o«o«o«oo«o«o«o« •oo«oo»oo«oo«oo« g No. 58. 8-Pt. o •oo»oo#oo#oo#oo» ï No. 60. 8-Pt. IjH No. 61. 8-Pt. JJI ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ No. 66. 10-Pt. J ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ QOOOOOCXXDOOOO )COOO W No. 69. 10-Pt. OCOOOCXXXIC lO-POINT, 54 INCHES, $1.40 •o«o«o»o«o«o« Q No. 70, 10-Pt. 2 12-POINT, 54 INCHES, $1.50 »???????????????????: No. 85. 12-Pt. o#o#o#o#o«o#o tûuaiuiuiiiiuiï: IL No. 77. 12-Pt. No. 88. 12-Pt. € € • 3 OOOOOOOOOOO ^ No. 78. 12-Pt. ^ OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOCX) ^ No. 79. 12-Pt. ^ OOOOOOOOOOO •030303030« ^ No. 80. 12-Pt. ^ 03030303030 OOOOOOOOOOO ^ No. 82. 12-Pt. ^ OOOOOOOOOOO No. 83. 12-Pt. • •••••• No. 84. 12-Pt. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 187 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 m IgjI g g g PI ^ No. 329. 24-Pt., 36 inches $1.65 No. 325. 24-1't., 36 inches $1.65 No. 330. 36-Pt.. 24 inches $1.65 No. 367. 36-Pt. 24 inches $1.65 No. 145. IS-Pt., 36 inches $1.30 fiimumimz g- arnnwtmrnrnmrttmw^ g ^ No. 141. 12-Pt., 54 inches $1.50 ^ ^iiuiuiuiuiuiuimimñ :Z I I ^^— No. 366. 24-Pt. 36 inches $1.65 —.—.^^0 mmmmmñ No. 326. 36-Pt., 24 inches $1.65 * BELIAUCE BORDERS * i i MALTESE CROSS BORDERS No. 138. 10-Pt., 54 inches $1.40 A No. 48. 6-Pt., 60 inches $1.50 T ^ 1 ^ T T T T ^ ~ I I " 11 No. 505. 18-1't.. 36 inches $1.30 ^ No. 63. 8-Pt., 54 inches $1.35 ^ ''^hTATA'T'rfhTrfhTATATd¿TAT^hTATAT!rf^^¿T^i>T^J^ I ».▼ATaT^JI^^ATAT.^» No. 74. 12-Pt., 54 inches $1.50 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 188 ^ArgSE:^l superior quality lElD IN the: year 187: AIX 12-POINl', .S4 INCURS, í^l.50 90A No. I'JX. l«-l't. ÇX*? □□□□□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□□□□ M □ No. 1;«. 12-rt. [ w) (w) (w) (w) M □ No. 131. 12-I't. □sí)9=eQí)a go No. soo. 12-rt. n Ö (XX)QX t)(XQ •M t No. m. 12-Pt. : No. IM. 12-Pt. No. 150. 24-Pt. AM) JOB BORDERS IS-POINT, ;i(i INCURS, }il.,3() 24-POINR, 36 INCURS, 3-1.65 lÈÈÈÈÈÈ^ 0000000 ^No. 11.1. IH-l't, (|^ jij J,, 0000000 0000000 N... 147. is-l't. No 1-4. 13-rt, 0000000 Y Y Y Y Y ^L3 Nt». 14K. 18-1't. ^:Ä>- No. 127. 18-Pt. ' ©oÖ0Ö0G .4^ N„.14C. 13-I't. ^ ^ ^ ( l<»ver Lesif lioriier. 24-Pt. 4 4 4 4 4 y Y T TT No. 202. 12-Pt. 4 NO, 140,18-1.,. 4 vé^vé^vé^vé^vé^véwvé^ y Y No. 203. 12-Pt. 4 4 4 4 4 ifAmr^rArArAr^ Y Y T TT No. 204. 12-Pt. o«»oo«*oo««o •*00*«°«*0°0**°»*0°g** No, 30,5. 12-1',. •,o No. 108. 18-,.,. Jáá jAá. Jáá jAá Jáá O • O No. 2(»:. 12-Pt. • #^0^ #^0* Êpcp9^ á»*íiá^á^á2íiá^á5ítá^á5ít¿ííiáfeáí&ái&áfe Q^0 0 0 % 0 Q Q 0 0 Q Y'* Yfl? V^j?V^? V^i?«¿í V*? *•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•* No. 208. 12-Pt. :•:• N0.110. iH-Pt. :•;. mêâêâMM^iâêâ m ••••••••••••• No. 200. 12-Pt. No. 121. 18-Pt. ^0 No. 211. mmmmmm No. 212. 12 Pt. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 189 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 s" TWIN BUFFALO BORDER No. 6 iisn 12-POINT 54 INCMCS $1.50 y ^ Us II |j" TWIN BUFFALO BORDER MB II 6-POINT II g 60 Inches $1.50 g r" V "v Ï _ § CD I ÎI ly i| " 8 BORDER No. 503 12-POINT 54 Inches $1.50 BORDER No. 502 e-POINT 60 Inches $1.50 sc0s>e#ssse#2c:#3(:#2s W V V BUFFALO BORDER No. 2 Price per font $3.50 " <3 Q* "V* xmQ i; 3 4 5 » «xp ©n- 410 13 14 BUFFALO BORDER No. 1 Price per font $3.00 ÇI ^ * Q 12 3 4 5 12 ^ 1 ■'îr' THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 190 "THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Hansen's Campaign Ornaments UXULUXULULUXULU 72-Point Campaign Ornament No. 1, 6-inch font, $1.20 Contains 18 chai-acters Individual chai-acter, 20 cents 72-Point Campaign Ornament No. 2, 6-inch font, $1.20 Contains 18 characters Individual character, 20 cents FLAG BAND 36-Point 10 cents each 24-inch font, $1.65 72-Point Campaign Ornament No. 3, 6-inch font, $1.20 Contains 12 characters Individual character, 25 cents Assorted font of Campaign Ornaments, 6-in. font, $1.20 Contains 6 each of Ños. 1 and 2, and 4 of No. 3 Campaign Advertising Can be madesnappy and Umore attractive by the use of a few of these or¬ naments. Stratford Old Style Ornaments Buffalo Italic Ornaments No. 1 Buffalo Italic Ornaments No. 2 MMM 48-Point 18 inches $1.50 aS® 3sS^ 36-Point 24 inches $1.65 30-roint 24 inches $1.35 3^ 3^ 3^ 24-Point 36 inches $1.65 18-Point 36 inches $1.30 12-Point 54 inches $1 ..')U SOP ai« ïS« as« as« ai« ai« ai« ïS« ïS« ay 10-Point 54 inches $1.40 8-Point 54 inches $1..'>5 ÜfiUfiÜPiífiilfiífisiesjessfiigsagijeiíesjeijfiüesjesíesje 6-Point 60 inches $1.50 48-Point 18 inches $1.50 3G-Point 24 inches $1.65 je' 30 Point 24 inches $1.30 24-Point 36 inches $1.65 l8-Point 36 inches $1.30 14-Point 42 inches $1.50 12-Point 54 inches $1.50 lO-Point 54 inches $1.40 8-Point 54 inches $1.35 6-Point 60 inches $1.50 48-Point 18 inches $1.50 MMMM 36-Point 24 inches $1.65 M M M 30-Point 24 inches $1.35 24-Point 36 inches $1.65 18-Point 36 inches $1.30 14-Point 42 inches $1.50 ? M Jg JS M JS. 12-Point 54 inches $1.60 10-Point 54 inches $1.40 MJSJUCMJXJSJSjgJXJXMMJSMJXJfJSJS 8-Point 54 inches $1.35 jíjíjsjíjíjsjejsjíjejejejtjsjsjíjíjíjíjs 6-Point 60 inches $1.50 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 191 Sterling Coated. See page 377 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 «M-Í» «^*4• 'í'''!» vM-î. «Mí» «Mí» «^»í» vM-î, Jkí-5. vM<. v^'<• «»'<• vM<» »Mí. vMí. .5*í. vM''' •M''» "^í.^ $0$ "/ii» vMí. ....ääv,,-,... •íi'C» "/4V" ^o'¿ ^4^ »^îí. »^»í. «Mí» •Vi-C» ^Í? ^f«. to^ ¿HJÍ0 .»Vi. w <&fí. cr £^ 11 Matgußtitß lorbcra ! % 00«.»®« „ß" í5'" No. 163 12-Point 54-incÍi font $1.50 »^tí. c^tí» V4Í* "* No. 166 G-Point 60-inch font $1.50 «Mí. .^*í. .^*í. .^*í. <^*í. »^*í. »^*í. »^^í. «^*í. •ÍJ «M •íl •ÍJ *ii íf tí» >Mí» »Mí. ?Mí> »>!í>_ »MV »MV a' I«* 'M k >í. N«i. 162 O-Point 64-inch font $1.40 to5 »^»í. »Ati^ «^lí. •^*í. »^Ví. «^*í. «^*í. «^*í• «N'í. •»% «^îí. •tfiv» •S'4Í* •S'4'C' W* •í'4'i* •S'4'^ '¡n^ '¡H^ •í'4'S* ^Mfei ^í. W. •íi^TÍÍr «Mí* W ?4^ »^1<^ »^t/^ «9iVi^ «^fl^ •^fí» «^lí• «^fí> •^(í. «^f.^ '^4«* «^fí• % •WS« ^00« No. 167 9-Point 54-inch font $1.40 íf >'$ i'í' % i«» & ÇtSs f«. k«* 71 7i 7| **! 74^ 74^ 74«» 74^ 74^ 74«» 74«» •Äs' .í<^ vSte •ÄS" »Vi. Vis' 5^5 ViS- Vis' V|S> 0000000000000000 '§ Xo. Iti4 18-roint 36-im h font $1.30 »^^<, ^f<. .^'<• .^'<• «^'«• •^''!• •^'<• 74«» ».V .>»?. «í'í. »Mí» »3ií. »^*í. »Mí. »^lí. «s'í. «í^í- »^'í. »>'í. «í'í. »^^í» vVí» «^*í» «^lí. «Jtí» »^*í. »^»í. «^»í. •J'íí. .^»í. »^♦í. .^ïí. •Í4'C •S'4i?V4?^4'f' '3f4'¡» •í'4'í' •í'í'J* •Í'í'i* "í'4'í* 'í^é'i* •5'4'í* •í'4'í* •i'i'í' •i'4'f *^4^ •í'4'f' 'í'4'í* •S'4^ *í^4<* 'S'i'i* '¡'i^ •Í'4<* 'í'4'í' *S'4'Í* '¡'i^ '¡'i^ *Í. *^*'^ »^'í. 0$Í0$$0$Í 0$ 5o$ $O$$O$«50Ä$O$ •V4<* 'í'4'í' •S'4'i* •Vi'i* 'í'4'í* •í'4'í* 'S'4'f •í'4'í' .Ít.&&&AAAÍ).AÍ>.S.SiÍiAÍ>.AAA&Sí&ai3)i 12-Point 54 inches, $1.50 ^ ÜJIJtitJtÜJtJtJtJt ÜÜJlJlilJlJlJtJtJI 12-Point 54 inches, $1.50 % MMMSíMMMSíSiSí % 14-Point 42 inches, $1..50 % AAAAAAAAiK A AAAAAAAAA % 14-Point 42 inches, $1..50 % MAMMMMMMM M MMMMAMAAA ■oint 36 inches, $1.30 36 inches, $1.66 AAAA AASí iUiilitil in ordering please specify whether outline or black is desired 60-Point 12 inches, $1.36 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 192 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUAUITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 f üautel ®Dthßta \V «Is m vw \i/ /IN /IN /IN /IN /IN /IN /IN /IN /IN /IN /IN /IN /IN /IN /N 12-Pt. LAUREL BORDER Font, 54 inches, $1.50 6-Pt. LAUREL BORDER ^ Font, 60 inches, $1.50 vv M/ Vf/ VI/ I vl/ \l/ Nl/ Vl/ N^/ M/ " VI/ i i ëi 36 8 Vf 35 VI/ 18-Pt. LAUREL BORDER 14 16 17 16 13 37 Font, 36 inches, $1.30 >!< (1/ Hi i« «/ «/ 0/ \»/ VI/ VI/ ÎTA^ VI/ Vi/ Vi/ 9> Vi/ Vi/ Vi/ Vi/ Vi/ i? i)i|> # à 18-Pt. LAUREL BORDER Ko. 2 31 32 34 33 30 40 Font, 36 inches, $1.30 1^ é m m à t ® 27 ^.1 39 26 28 Iv, W # W 12-Pt. LAUREL BORDER No. 2 Font, 54 inches, $1.50 % 22 6-Pt. LAUREL BORDER No. 2 Font, 60 inches, $1.50 THE H. G. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 193 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALIXV 1.35 18-Pt. 36-lnch font, $1.30 1.50 l2-Pt. 54-inch font. 1.50 1.65 lO-Pt. 54-lnch font. 1.40 .65 8-Pt. 54-lnch font. 1.35 6-Pt. 60-lnch font, SI.50 Single Characters: 72-Pt. 35c., 48-Pt. 2Dc., 36-Pt. 15c. ASSORTED FONT. $2.00 Containing of each color: 72-Pt. 1 each; 48-Pt. 2 each; 36-Pt.2each; 24-Pt,4each; 18-Pt. Seach; 12-Pt.. lO-Pt., 8-Pl. and 6-Pt., 12 each. ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifiifi ifiiRiR!fiifiifiiRifi!fiifiifiiRifiifiiRifi!fiifi 36-Polnt No. 13 24-Polnt No. II 18-Point No. 9 12-Polnt No. 7 10-Polnt No. 5 1-Polnt No. 3 S THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 194 Aleppo Border and Ornaments )-Point Aleppo Border 24-inch font, $1.65 No. 1 36-Point 10c each 24-inch font, $1.65 WORD ORNAMENTS Font, containing 3 of each character from 6-Pt. to 12-Pt., 2 each from 14-Pt. to 24-Pt.,and 1 each from 30-Pt. to 48-Pt. $1.50 -íBíinsa.- '>0 6-Point 8-Point 10-Point I -X? 0^ 8^ 12-Point Ä . ,1 y., •V«* Tj'jtJ *»'» »¡C ^ ■'>*" 14-Point ^ -5g jf. 4- 0^ §«- 4^ 18-Point 24-Point » ■iíí- 8^ 30-Point 36-Point áb áb HANSEN ORNAMENTS 6-Point 60 inches, $1.50 8-Point 54 inches, $1.35 4 e¿gj«jgoaf44c¿€ 10-Point 54 inches, $1.40 12-Point 54 inches, $1.50 fáff fáff fâff fáff fáf fáf fáff fáf 14-Point 42 inches, $1.50 fâf |áff fáff fâff fáf fáf fáf 18-Point 36 inches, $1.30 24-Point 36 inches, $1.65 30-Point 24 inches, $1.35 24 inches, $1.65 42-Point 18 inches, $1.50 48-Point 18 inches, $1.50 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 195 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Ísfie "Teddy Bear" Ornaments ' I 'HE jolly little Teddy Bears, shown herewith, offer a new and interesting group of up-to-date type embellishments which will brighten and add to the attractiveness of many a bit of printing. Their uses are many and varied. Made in two styles and in three sizes each, they are proving very populaf^ PRICES eh font, $1.75 48-Foint, !¿0o each. 1'2-inch font. $1.75 72-Point, 35c each ASSORTED FONT. $2.50 •l'oint, 3 each 48-Point, 6 each 24-Point (22 characters in all) Containing 2 each Fleur-de-Lis Borders and Ornaments g No. 3390. 24-Point. 36-inch font $1.66 N'o. 3380. 24-Point. 86-inch font $1.66 .€ . ^ No. 1970. 12-Point ^ No. 1900. 12-Point '"y .54-inch font $1.50 64-inch font $1.50 ^ .1^ ^ j^4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'?Sfc No. 337. 18-Point. 36-inch font $1.30 4> "#=■ ^4'+4'4'^^ No. 336. 18-Point. 36-inch font $1.30 No. 3410. 36-Point. 24 inches $1.65 No. 3400. 36-Point. 24 inches $1.65 No. 3600. 48-Point. 18 inches $1.50 No. 3420. 48-Point. 18 inches $1.50 Single characters, 10 cents each THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 ¿iiniiiniiiiintiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiitiiiniiiniiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiriiiniiiiniMiiiiriitiMiiMKiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiL No. 316, 12-Poiut No. 318. 18-Point No. 320. 24-Point No. 317. 12-Point No. 327. 36-Point No. 319. 18-Point MMMMMM MM MMMMMIK wiMHiwli wil wiKvniin' No. 321. 24-Point liÄMÄllMÄÄlilÄ DiCtJiCD I CDiCDIC No. 334. 36-Point V wwwwwww No. 313. 12-Point No. 312. 12-Point No. 314. 18-Point No. 315. 24-Point No 3540. 36-Point No. 322. 18-Point o o/\ Ao o o o ^ w o o No. 332. 36-Point fo^.ol ( o o\ fo Ol (O Ol (o o g5e CROIX BORDERS A VERY DESIRABLE SERIES sf BORDERS FOR USE ON WORK OF AN ECCLESIAS¬ TICAL CHARACTER 12-Point. 54-incli fonts $1.50 18-Point. 36-inch fonts 1.30 24-Point. 36-inch fonts . 1.65 30-Point. 24-inch fonts 1.35 36-Point. 24-inch fonts , 1.65 42-Point. 18-inch fonts . 1.50 48-Point. 18-inch fonts . 1.50 Order by number No. 335. 36-Polnt No. 331. 36-Point ««Ii»»» No. 323. 18-Point f • • ^ No. 333. 36-Point No. 356. 42-Point • e No. 357 . 42-Point No. 359. 48-Point No. 3580. 48-Point No. 355. 42-Point I mil THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 197 "HE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 HANSEN'S SYLPH BORDERS SYLPH OUTLINE BORDER No. 2 48 inch font $2.60 SYLPH OUTLINE BORDER No. 3 48 inch font $2.00 ssgis CHARACTERS i3 66 57 .')?< 50 60 61 r THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 198 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 199 the: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALIXY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Bellman Borders «•« «•» «•« «•« «•# 24-Pt. 36 inch font $1.65 48-Pt. 18 inch font $1.50 36-Ft. 24 inch font $1.65 aZT AZT AZT ÄZT ÄZT AÎZT Waverley Bands 18-Pt. 36 inch font $1.30 12-Pt. 54 inch font $1.50 BANDS (gîîa BORDERS THE VERY LATEST AND BEST DESIGNS ARE MADE BY THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY AT 190-192 CONGRESS ST., BOSTON New York Branch, 43 Centre St. No. 153C 48-Pt. 18 inch font $1.50 No. 153 30-Pt. 24 inch font $1.35 No. 153B 24-Pt. 36 inch font $1.65 No. 153A 18-Pt. 36 inch font $1.31 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 200 « ATTRACTIVE BORDERS AND ORNAMENTS FOR HOLIDAY PRINTING Santa Claus Cut No. 378 75c. MANUFACTURED BY THE H. C HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY ESTABLISHED 1872 BOSTON NEW YORK 36-Pt. Holly Border No.4. One color, 36 Inches, $2.50. Two colors, 18 Inches each color. $2.50 In Stock and lor Sale by GRAND RAPIDS ELECTROTYPE CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. YULETIDE BORDERS 18-Polnt 36 Inches $1.30 HOLLY BORDERS l8-Point No. 6 36 inches $1.30 [2-Polnt No. 5 12-Polnt. Two Colors 54 Inches $1.50 54 Inches. 27 inches each color. $1.50 12-Polnt, One Color 6-Polnt. Two Colors 54 Inches $1.50 60 inches. 30 Inches each color, $1.75 6-Polnt, One Color 60 Inches, $1.75 36-Polnt No. 3, Two Colors Colors are made only where shown HOLLY BORDERS AND WREATHS 72-Pt. Holly Wreath No. 1 Two Colors. 80c. m l-Pt. Holly Wreath No, 3 Two Colors, 50c. WW €. M 72-Pt. Holly Wreath No. 2 Two Colors. 90c. Santa Claus Cut No. 537. 60c. The H. C. Hansen Type Foundry 190-192 Congress St., Boston 43 Centre Street, New York City Holly Border No. 1. One Color, 24 Inches. $1.65 Two Colors. 12 Inches each color. $1.65 72-Pt. Holly Wreath No. 2 One Color, 45c. 48-Pt. Holly Wreath No. 3 One Color. 25c. 72-Pt. Holly Wreath No. I One Color. 40c. HOLLY ORNAMENTS AND SANTA CLAUS CUTS (ELECTROTYPED) THE HANSEN S U P EI R I O R QUALITY [ISXABLISH ED IN THE YEAR 1S72 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 201 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 I C«8t from Su]»eii<»r Copprr Alloy McMnl nt—>( H )n( u BUFFALO BORDER No. 3 12-POÍNT 54 INCHES Si.50 L J - I 0 I 0 0 I BUFFALO OUTLINE BORDER O No. 3 12-POINT 54 INCHES $1.50 D O I „ 0 S OCD J 0 o 0 o o o L BUFFALO BORDER No. 5 6-POINT 60 INCHES SI.50 t ^ t \ DO( )OC DO BUFFALO OUTLINE BORDER No. 4 Q 6-POINT 60 INCHES SI.50 \ - . 6 2 1 4 0 J DOdZDoc:zz30c o 0 o The H. C. Hansen Type Foundry \ / BUFFALO BORDER No. 4 6-POINT 60 INCHES S1.50 (L ^ 7 0 5 I -r 1 2 O • L \ ^ DOCZZTDOC =0^ DOCDOC :)OCDOc THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 202 THE: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 3E 3E □ □E DE DDE DE DE DE The ßunion Investment Co. Composed of Real Live Printers who have made a small invest¬ ment in Runion Border Preferred and are now reaping big profits 1 ■1ULL.ER ORNAMENT NO. 30 CENTS PER SET OF TWO For further particulars address The H. C. Hansen Type Foundry The Runion Border %•# Shown on this page is one which we are pleased to ^ present as having a great range of usefulness, being equally adaptable to the needs of newspaper, mag¬ azine and job printers. The Type shown is the Cambridge Series IF mi ]□[ Revised Price List April, 1907 Connoisseur Brand Grocers and Bakers Specialties THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 203 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN H E YEAR 1872 STUDIO ORNAMENTS Cast from Superior Copper Alloy Metal 5.00 per font $3.25 per half font CHARACTERS 168 169 170 171 172 173 Full font contains 18 characters No. 168, 36 each Nos. 169 to 172 12 No. 173, 8 No. 174, 6 No. 175, 8 each Nos. 176 to 181, and 6 each Nos. 182 to 189 No. 168 6-Pt. 60 inch font $1.60 No. 169 12-Ft. 54 inch font $1.60 No. 170 12-Pt. 54 inch font $1.50 No. 171 12-Pt. 64 inch font S1.5« . «SC» No. 172 12-Pt. 54 inch font $1.60 No. 173 12-Pt. 54 inch font $1.60 No. 178 24-Pt. 36 inch font $1.66 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 204 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Font, containing one each Nos. 1, ;{, 5, 7, H, 11 and in, anil ( wo <>arli Nos. 2, 4, G, U, 10 and 12, Í4.Ü0 The Aladdin Ornaments each Nf.s. 1, ;i. 6, 7, 8,1 .8. 2, 4, G, 0,10 and 12, í ab ^ ID® No. 1 72-Pt. 35 cts No. 3 72-Pt. 40 cts No. 5 72-Pt. 35 cts m No. 7 72-Ft. 35 Cts Co No. 8 72-Pt. 35 cts No. 9 72-Pt. 25 cts m* Cc= No. 10 48-Pt. 20 cts No. 11 48-Ft. 35 cts No. 6 48-Pt. 20 Cts No. 2 48-Pt. No. 15 60-Pt. No. 12 24-Pt. No. 4 48-Pt. 20 cts 35 cts 15 cts 20 cts All Type and Ornaments cast from Superior Copper Alloy Metal Bird Ornaments Per set of one each, $1.00 ij cALADDIN AND HIS WONDERFUL LAMP COULD NEVER HAVE BEEN IN IT COMPARED WITH THE RE¬ SULTS WHICH ¿TVIAY BE OB¬ TAINED BY ©5e cALADDIN OR¬ NAMENTS siß ilf Made only by^ THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY No. 3 48-Pt. 35 Cts f No. 4 48-Pt. 35 Cts No. 2 72-Pt. 35 cts No.l 24-Pt. 35 cts Aladdin Ornament No. 12 18 inch font $1.60 Lights of Other* Days ^ ID® A TRUE STORY CONCERNING THE cALADDIN ORNAMENTS c!7Wade by S5eH. C. Hansen Type Foundry^ THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 205 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED I Isf THE YEAR 1S72 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 206 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY H ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 PRINTERS JOYS always pleased to SERVE YOU COOK, the Baker Corner High & Elm Sts. Our Hohhy BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES We hope to have and to hold your trade with courtesy also a feature BROWN & WHITE Dry Goods Dealers CITY No. 6 One color, 35c No. 18 30c No. 17 15c Two colors, 70c No. 4 25c No. 3 40c No. 5 lOc No. 11 10c Ring us up CALL 2738 MAIN THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY No. 2 No. 16 No. 15 One color, 40c 25c 15c Two colors, 80c jno.zu une color, 45c Two colors, 90c THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 207 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE VEAR 1872 MULLER ORNAMENTS BOSTON BEAN POTS No. 1. 48-Point. 30c per pair 12-Point. One color, 48-inch font $1.50 Two colors, 48-inch font (24 inches each color) 1.50 24-Point. One color, 36-ineh font 2.00 Two colors, 36-inch font (18 inches each color) 2.00 48-Point. One color, 18-inch font 2.00 No.'2. 72-Point. 40c per pair colors, 18-inch font (9 inches each color) 2.00 Single characters : 48-Point, 15c ; 24-Point, 10c AUTOMOBILES ###### OOOOOO No. 1 No. 2 « No. 3 No. 4 No. 708. 48-Point, 35c No. 707 72-Point, Sterling Coated. See page 377. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 208 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUAUITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 IMPERIAL BORDERS AND BANDS cSi 5 § s i fSS g s * 6 No. 218 24-Pt. 36 inch font $1.66 No. 224 24-Pt. 36 inch font $1.6f % No. 216 18-Pt. 36 inch font $1.30 No. 223 18-Pt. 36 inch font $1.30 No. 214 12-Pt. 54 inch font $1.60 No. 222 12-Pt. 64 inch font $1.60 % i s i ftgl fi» fi» fi» fi» fi» fi{> f^o f^o f^o r^o 9^ Band No. 220 24-Pt. 36 inch font $1.66 Band No. 210 12-Pt. 64 inch font $1.60 Band No. 206 12-Pt. 54 inch font $1.60 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 209 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 K. DDE DDE DDE DDE D DE DDDE DDE THE RUNION BORDER 12-point 54 inches $ 1 Î rj EID EID rA I I rA I I I I SIAM BORDER 12-polnt 54 inches $1.50 1 I VA CÜ 1 ZK Hansen stands for Quality I I 1 I I I THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 210 HE: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 187Î2 HANSEN'S ARTISTIC AND UP-TO-DATE LACE ORNAMENTS FOR PROPER EMBELLISHMENT OF MODERN TYPOGRAPHY Assorted font containing eigkt ea¿K Nos. and 4 and ten eacOi Nos. 5 and 6 No. 2 36-Pt. lOc each 24-inch font $2.00 No. 1 36-Pt. 10c each 24-inch font $2.00 No. 4 72-Pt. 20c each THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 211 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 THE UNIVERSITY BORDER 30-Point 24 inches $1.85 A PLEASING BORDER lO-Point 54 inches $1.40 12-Point 54 inches $1.50 18>Point 86 inches $1.30 Manufactured by 36 inches $1.65 24-Point 24 inches $1.66 36-Point THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Ato, 39A AfA At»- A?A At<» Af», AIA Afift AfA 18-Pt. No. 193. 80 Inches, 11.30 »te »te V«. -«.te i>i>A A** »te -«.te »U. Ate. '4^ é'S 12-Pt.No. m «4 ^ÎF à à cöp » <:7A^ éà c7/to 'M' éà A î7A^ ¿fe à 74Ç 54 inches, $1.50 « ¿*4 S Vif "^'4i»4 VtfVtf (Çrgatal Sorber Slack anä (Outline 7ÁS' « é 74? A?AA?A 7A^|? ^û^A€ w à à é 18-Pt. No. 194. 36 inches, $1.30 à KKS'gXS'SXS SI s m s m s m s m m m s m s m m s isas»ssssssssss| fiIMMED SWASTIKA KKSKSK m m ÜSK! m iS! KKKK m 1 IS-Point 36 inches, $1.30 m » 12-Point 54 inches, $1.60 m s m m m s ssssssssssss m s » s » m » m m » m s m s m s m s m ■ ■ ■ 1 ■■■■■■■■■■I 1 1 ■ SQUARE UNIT BORDERS ■ ■ ■ 6-Pt. No. 500. 60 inches, $1.60 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 8-Pt. No. 59. 54 inches, $1.35 ■ ■ The Square Unit Borders are very appropriate for the style of ornamen¬ tation much in vogue at present ■ 1 ■ 1 ■. .■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ lO-Pt. No. 71. 54 inches, $1.40 ■ 1 ■ ■■■ ■ 1 ■ 12-Pt. No. 81. 54 inches, $1.50 THE H. G. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 213 "THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALIXY ESXABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 48-POINT BODY HANSEN OLD STYLE INITIALS Blectrotyped on Metal Base ANY LETTER EXCEPT X FERNCROFT INITIALS NO. 1 Cast in Type Mould One font, or set of one each from A to Z, with ornaments, $7.50. Single initial, 30 cents each. Ornaments are designed to be used' with initial aboTe, below or on left side. FERNCROFT INITIALS NO. 2 Cast in Type Mould One font, or set of one each from A to Z, with ornaments, $9.60 Single initial 40 (.-ents THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 214 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 Alfred Initials Numbers 1 and 2 MADE BY THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY ALFRED INITIALS No. 1 STYLE 2 STYLE 1 Cast in Type Mould from Superior Copper Alloy Type Metal 72-Pomt. One font A to Z, $8.00. Single Initial, 40 cents each, Choice of either style A or 1 Color for any initial, 30 cents each. Font, $5.00 ALFRED INITIALS No. 2 m F D Cast in Type Mould from Superior Copper Alloy Type Metal 48-Point. One font A to Z, $6.50. Single Initial, 30 cents each. Choice of either style A or T. Color for any Initial, 20 cents each. Font, $3.50. NITIAL LETTERS WILL GIVE IN¬ DIVIDUALITY AND DISTINCTION TO A PIECE OF PRINTING NOT TO BE OBTAINED OTHERWISE, ALFRED INITIALS SHOWN ABOVE POSSESS THESE CHARACTERISTICS. THEY ARE VERY EFFECTIVE AND WILL MAKE A VALUABLE ADDITION TO PRINTING OFFICES H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 190-192 CONGRESS STREET, BOSTON, MASS. New York Branch, 43 Centre Street Sfie SOMERSET CLUB gf BOSTON Ca^S^^OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT B IN ACCORDANCE WITH A RE IjîV^ s CENT VOTE OF THE COUNCIL I OUTSIDE GUESTS CANNOT BE INVITED TO ATTEND THE NEXT MEETING OF THE CLUB ON MON DAY, JULY THE SIXTEENTH. ON THIS OCCASION MEMBERS ONLY WILL BE GIVEN ADMISSION TO THE CLUB HOUSE E. A. HURTIG, Secretary U. C. IDE, President THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 215 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 Intiiab Cast from Superior Copper Alloy Metal Single letter 30o 3A $7.00 TOGÍ) Single letter 25c 4A $5.00 36-Point HKXiíDfiO 30-Point £QiE3®a:Tii ÏCCSYZ «; 6A $2.50 p;B€í)0i®:^inKíj ÍDI^ ^254567890 OB 18-Point 6A $1.75 p:BOí)^:5®]5igE;i;íDpo ]?Qlî3®avsrxyz 14-Point 7 A $1.50 3:BG»€1II©:ri3KXICDI?OEQ :i?S®av®cxvz 12-Poínt 8A $1.26 K33CIÎ)€(îl©I>igKl!a)X?OÈ>Q:]R S^CCVGTXYZ lO-Point 8A $1.00 cŒxyz §>1111111T ttttiab *■ y w 'RE based on the for- JmJ mation of the round J ^ * Gothic Capitals used extensively by the scribes of the fifteenth century, but have been re-cut and otherwise im¬ proved, which has added to their original beauty. Cast in nine sizes from A to Z. The character & is made for each size but shown only in 30-Point ALAODiN ORNAMENT NO. Z A8-PT. 20 CTS. 18-PT. STUDIO ORNAMENTS NO. 174. Sfl INCHES $1.30 ^ÚXÚttB uil}ö are loakittg for somctl|ing artiHtic in Xnitial Ilcttera will finö tl}eHB to be ^Perfect in Deaign anb atrictlg np to bate ffiabe bg ^Ije X). O. X^anaen ©gpe Xlonnbrg THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 216 SPECIMENS AND PRI CES OF BRASS RULE BRASS RULES ALL RULES ON THIS PAGE ARÎ SOLD IN TWO-FOOT STRIPS AND LABOR-SAVING FONTS. THE FIRST FI3 OF EACH NUMBER DESIGNATES THE POINT BODY. URE NO. 157 ONE-POINT CENTER FACE POINT 3% OINTI PtR FOOT 7^ ONE AND ONE-HALF NO. POINT 2()ii 2 POINT CENTER FACE CENTS PER FOOT 10 NO. son TWO-POINT CENTER FACE POINT 3 CENTS PER FOOT 15 207 2 10 309 3 15 30 f 3 15 409 4 20 407 4 20 5011 5 25 509 5 25 507 5 25 5511 5% 27% 559 5% 271/2 557 5^ 271^ 6011 6 30 609 6 30 607 6 30 709 7 7011 7 35 707 35 ' 35 809 S 40 8011 8 40 907 9 45 909 9 9011 9 45 1007 10 50 1009 10 50 10011 10 50^^^ 1207 12 60^^^ 1209 12 60^^^ 12011 12 60 158 ONE-POINT SIDE FACE IV^ 7y2 ONE AND ONE-HALF 2010 2 -POINT SIDE FACE 10 3012 TWO-POINT SIDE FACE 3 15 208 2 10 3010 3 15 4012 4 20 308 3 15 4f'ri 4 20 408 20 5012 5 25 4 .5010 5 25 508 5 25 5512 51^ 27% 5510 5% 27% 558 5V2 27% 6012 30 FOlO 6 30 608 6 30 7012 7 35 7010 7 35 708 - 7 35 BHl 8010 8 S012 8 40 40 808 8 40 9010 9 45 9012 9 45 908 9 45 1008 10 50 10010 10 50 10012 10 50 1208 12 60 1?010 12 60 12012 12 60 ^■1 1 57 SPECIMENS AND PRICES 0 V BRASS R U L E BRASS RULES ALL RULES ON THIS PAGE ARE SOLD IN TWO-FOOT STRIPS AND LABOR-SAVING FONTS. THE FIRST FIGURE OF EACH NUMBER DESIGNATES THE POINT BODY. NO. SINGLE CENTER FACE POINT CENTS PER FOOT HO. GNEHALF-POINT POINT CENTER FACE CENTS I'CH FOOT THREE-gUARTERPOINT CENTER FACE CENTS PF.H FOOT 101 1 5 1U3 1 5 155 1% VA 151 71Í. 153 1'^ 7Vè 205 10 201 2 10 203 2 10 305 15 301 3 IS 303 3 15 405 4 20 401 4 20 403 4 20 505 5 25 501 5 25 503 5 25 2TH 553 555 5% 27% 551 51« 5^ 27% 601 6 30 603 6 30 605 6 30 701 _ 35 703 _ 35 705 7 35 SOI S 40 803 8 40 805 S 40 901 9 45 903 9 45 90ü 9 45 1001 10 50 1003 10 50 1005 10 50 1201 12 60 1203 12 60 1205 12 60 SINGLE SIDE FACE ONE-HALF-POINT SIDE FACE THREE-QUARTER-POINT SIDE FACE 102 1 5 104 1 5 156 1% 7% 152 V'z 154 1^ 7% 206 2 202 0 10 204 2 10 306 3 15 302 3 15 304 3 15 ™ 406 4 20 402 4 20 404 4 20 506 5 25 502 5 25 504 5 25 556 5% 27A 552 5K 554 5y? 27% 30 604 30 606 6 30 602 6 702 35 704 7 35 706 7 35 802 8 40 804 8 40 806 8 40 ■■■■ 902 9 45 904 9 45 906 9 45 1002 10 50 1004 10 50 1006 10 50 1202 12 60 1204 12 60 1206 12 60 SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULE BRASS RULES ALL RULES ON THIS PACÍE ARE SOLO IN TWO-FOOT STRIPS AND LABOR-SAVING FONTS. THE FIRST FIGURE OF LACH NUMBER DESIGNATES THE POINT BODY. NO. 11)13 1 f-CNIB I'CH tOOT 3()]i: CENTS POINT PER FOOT 3 15 NO. 41)20 POINT 4 CENTS PER FOOT 20 1513 IV2 71/2 4016 4 20 6020 6 30 2ul3 2 10 5016 5 25 8020 40 8 10020 10 50 4013 20 4 8016 8 40 5013 5 25 10016 10 50 120:^0 12 60 5513 V-k 27V^ 12D16 12 60 14020 14 70 fi013 6 30 7013 18020 18 90 ! 7 85 3017 3 15 8013 8 40 4017 4 20 9013 9 45 5017 5 25 6017 6 30 10013 10 50 1521 1^ IVz 7017 7 35 2021 10 12013 12 60 8017 8 40 3021 3 15 14013 14 70 10017 0 en 0 4021 4 20 5021 25 12017 12 60 6021 6 30 7021 7 35 3018 3 15 3014 15 4018 4 20 8021 8 40 4014 4 20 5018 5 25 10021 10 50 6 30 5014 5 25 6018 12021 12 60 6014 6 30 7018 7 35 7014 7 35 8018 8 40 8014 8 40 10018 10 50 10 10014 10 50 It 12 60 2 12018 3022 3 15 12014 12 60 4022 4 20 3019 3 15 6022 6 30 3015 3 15 4019 4 20 4015 4 20 5019 5 25 5015 5 25 6019 6 30 3{)23 15 6015 6 30 7019 7 35 4023 4 20 8015 8 40 8019 8 40 5023 D 25 10015 10 50 10019 10 50 6023 6 30 12015 12 60 12019 12 60 - 8 40 59 SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULE BRASS RULES ALL RULES SHOWN, ON THIS PAGE ARE SOLO IN TWO-FOOT STRIPS AND LABOR-SAVING FONTS. THE FIRST FIGURE OF EACH NUMBER DESIGNATES THE POINT BODY. CENTS NO. POINT PER FOOT 5024 5 25 CENTS NO. POINT PER FOOT 4028 4 20 CENTS NO. POINT PER FOOT 4032 4 20 6024 6 30 6028 6 30 6032 6 30 6024A 6 30 8028 8 40 8032 8 40 S024 8 40 10028 10 50 10032 10 50 10024 10 50 12028 12 60 12032 12 60 12024 12 60 12028A 12 60 1533 IV2 m 2033 2 10 liOU 14 70 1J028 14 70 18024 18 90 18028 18 90 3033 3 15 4033 4 20 3025 3 15 4029 4 20 5033 5 25 6033 6 30 6029 6 30 'S\ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i2¡ 6025 6 30 8029 8 40 4026 4 20 6026 6 30 10029 10 50 2034 2 10 3034 3 15 4030 4 20 4034 4 20 5034 5 25 6034 6 30 1535 1^ 7^ 2035 2 10 5030 5 25 10026 10 50 6030 6 30 12026 12 60 10030 10 50 18026 18 90 12030 12 60 , 3035 3 15 4035 4 20 'éBiaÊStBtS0S0xaB0saBaBaxfSÊiiSKÊ!0stmxam^xK 6027 6 30 8027 S 4031 4 20 5031 5 25 5035 5 25 mmÊSÊmstmÊSÊBÊmÊÊÊÊXOBÊUsm^jmsÊaBA 6035 6 30 1536 IV. IVi 10027 10_ W 6031 6 30 803] 8 40 2036 2 10 3036 3 15 4036 4 20 10031 10 50 12031 12 60 5036 5 25 6036 6 30 60 SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULE BRASS RULES ALL RULES SHOWN ON THIS PAOE ARE SOLO IN TWO-FOOT STRIPS ANO LABOR-SAVING FONTS. THE FIRST FIGURE OF EACH NUMBER DESIGNATES THE POINT BODY. PER FOOT 5 HO. POINT I'tH r 001 3037 3 15 4037 4 20 5037 5 25 6037 6 30 8037 8 40 3038 3 15 4038 4 20 5038 5 25 6038 mmmmmmmmmmwMA 6 30 8038 8 40 3039 3 15 4039 4 20 5039 5 25 6039 6 30 3040 3 15 4040 4 20 5040 5 25 60^^ ■, ^ _ _30 3041 3 15 4041 4 20 5041 5 25 6041 6 30 7041 7 35 4042 4 20 4042A 4 20 4D42B 4 20 4042C 4 20 5042 5 . 25 6042 6 30 2043A 2 10 2043B 2 10 2043C 2 JO 204^^^^^^^ 2 2044A 2 10 2044B 2 10 2044C 2 in 3044 3 15 3044B 3 15 2045 2 10 2045A 2 10 3045 3 15 3045A 3 15 3045B 3 15 2046 2 10 2046A 2 10 2046B 2 10 2046C 2 10 3046 3 13 2047 2 10 2047A 2 10 2047B 2 10 2047C 2 10 1548 1^/è 7Mi 1548A . 7K 2048 2 10 2048A 2 10 204SB 2 10 2048C 2 10 2048D 2 10 2048E 2 10 2049 2 10 3049 3 15 4049 4 20 6049 6 30 2050 2 10 3050 3 15 4050 4 20 6050 6 30 8050 8 40 10050 10 50 12050 12 60 18050 18 90 4051 4 20 6051 6 30 8051 8 40 10051 10 50 12051 12 60 14051 14 70 18051 18 90 14052 14 70 18052 18 90 SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULE BRASS RULES ONE-POINT BODY CENTS PER FOOT 101 103 1013 6 1049 5 ONE 151 AND ONE-HALF-POINT BODY 153 7^ 155 7U' 157 7^-> 1513 7'^ 1521 '\2 1533 7% 1534 1535 71 , 1536 71 ;> ],54ii 71.,:, 1548A 7V. 2<'] TWO-POINT BODY 10 2'i3 10 205 10 207 10 209 10 2013 10 2021 _ .10 2022 10 2033 10 2034 10 203.^^^ 2036^ 20g^ 2043B 2043C 2044 2044^ 2044B 2044 C 2045 riü » 10 10 10 10 10 10 PAGE ARE SOLD IN TWO-FOOT STRIPS AND LABOR-SAVING OF EACH NUMBER DESIGNATES THE POINT BODY. NO. 2045A TWO- POINT BODY CENTS PER FOOT 10 2041: 10 2()4»5A 10 2046B 10 2040C 10 2047 10 204 .'A 10 2047B 10 204, C 10 2048 10 2048A 10 2048B 10 2048C 10 2048D 10 2048E 10 2049 1(1 2050 lu THREE-POINT BODY 301 15 303 15 305 15 307 15 309 15 3011 15 3013 15 3014 15 3015 15 3') 10 15 3017 15 3018 15 3019 15 3021 3023 3033 15 15 iniiuiJiMJiiiiiJiimuiMiniiiMiiiiiiMiiininifnojiJUiiiiJiiii 15 THREE-POINT BODY 3035 3030 3038 30J0 3041 401 403 15 fw 15 KW JO _15 15 3044 15 3044B 15 3045 15 3045A 15 3045B 15 3046 1.5 3049 15 30d0 \7, FOUR-POINT BODY 20 20 405 20 407 20 409 20 4011 20 4013 20 4014 20 4015 20 4016 20 4017 20 4018 20 4019 20 4020 20 4021 20 4022 20 4023 20 4025 • 20 4026 20 ()2 SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULE BRASS RULES ALL RULES SHOWN ON THIS PARE ARE SOLD IN TWO-FOOT STRIPS AND LABOR-SAVING FONTS. THE FIRST FIGURE OF EACH NUMBER DESIGNATES THE POINT BODY. FOUR-POINT BODY 501S 4029 20 ■1030 20 4031 20 4032 20 4033 20 4034 20 4035 20 403o 20 isnaB 4037 20 4038 20 4039 20 4040 20 4041 20 4042 . 20 4042A 20 4042B 20 4042C 20 4049 20 4050 20 4051 20 FIVE-POINT BODY 501 25 503 25 505 25 507 25 5021 FIVE-POINT BODY CENTS PER FOOT 25 5023 25 5024 25 5030 25 5031 25 5033 25 5034 25 5035 5036 25 25 5037 25 5038 • 25 5039 25 5040 25 5041 _ 25 5042 25 FIVE AND ONE-HALF-POINT BODY 551 271^ 553 27'^ 555 27H 557 27K 559 5511 27i^ 5513 271^ SIX-POINT BODY 605 SIX-POINT BODY CENTS PER FOOT 6017 30 6018 30 6019 30 6020 30 6021 30 6022 30 6023 3D 6024 30 6024A 30 6025 30 6026 30 6027 30 6028 30 6029 30 6030 6031 JO 6032 30 6033 30 6034 30 6035 30 6036 30 1 6037 30 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 6038 ■ • . 30 6039 30 6040 30 6041 30 6042 30 6049 30 605U 30 6050A 30 6050B 30 6050C 30 6051 30 (Í8 SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULE BRASS RULES ALL RULES SHOWN ON THIS PAGE ARE SOLO IN TWO-FOOT STRIPS AND LABOR-SAVING FONTS. THE FIRST FIGURE CF EACH NUMBER DESIGNATES THE POINT BODY. SEVEN-POINT BODY c.»t» pir foot ™l 35 EIGHT-POINT BODY cents no. per foot 8024 40 TEN-POINT BODY cents no. per foot 10015 50 T03 3:, 8026 40 IODIC 50 ^05 35 8027 40 1Ü017 50 707 35 709 35 8028 40 10018 50 8029 40 7011 35 10019 50 7013 35 8030 40 10020 50 7014 35 8031 40 7017 35 8032 40 10024 50 7018 35 8037 40 7019 35 8038 40 10026 50 7021 35 8050 40 10027 50 7041 35 8051 40 10028 50 EIGHT-POINT BODY 801 40 NINE-POINT BODY 901 45 10029 50 10030 50 10031 M 803 40 903 45 805 40 905 45 10032 50 807 40 809 40 907 45 10050 50 909 45 10051 50 8011 4U 9011 45 8013 40 9013 45 TWELVE-POINT BODY 1201 60 8014 40 8015 40 TEN-POINT BODY 1001 50 1003 50 1005 50 8016 40 1203 60 8017 40 1205 60 1207 60 8018 40 1007 50 8019 40 1009 50 1209 60 12011 60 8020 40 10011 50 8021 40 10013 50 12013 60 8023 40 10014 50 12014 60 <>4 SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULE BRASS RULES ALL RULES SHOWN ON THIS PAQE ARE BOLD IN TWO-FOOT STRIPS AND LABOR-SAVING FONTS. THE FIRST FIGURE OF EACH NUMBER DESIGNATES THE POINT BODY. TWELVE-POINT BODY CINTI P8H FOOT 12015 12018 12020 12026 TWELVE-POINT BODY CENTS HO. PER FOOT 12032 60 FOURTEEN-POINT BODY 14013 70 70 EIGHTEEN-POINT BODY CENTS PER FOOT 90 18051 90 18052 90 STANDARD LINE LABOR-SAVING BRASS LEADERS The adoption of the Standard Lining System of type casting by the leading type foundries, and the consequent diminution of the number of type faces cast to an irregular alignment, has created an increased demand for Labor-Saving Brass Leaders to line with faces cast on the new system. To meet this important requirement, we are now making Labor-Saving Brass Leaders to line with all Standard Line body or display type. We carry in stock Standard Line Labor-Saving Brass Leaders on 6-, 8-, 10-, and 12-point bodies in 2-, 3- and 5-pound fonts, in all faces shown below. Other size bodies, as shown in the table below, will be furnished to order. Brass Leaders will be made to order to match other than Standard Line faces in quantities of 10 pounds or over. Be very careful to enclose cap H and lower case m of the face with which the leaders are to be used, that there may be no error in alignment. NO. 6048B NO. 80480 NO. 10048A NO. 12048A 10 POINT BC NO. 100480 NO. 12048C NO. 6048D 6 POINT 3D NO. 6048E NO. 10048D NO. 120480 NO. 10048E NO. 12048E 12 POINT Prices of Standard Line Brass Leaders in Labor-Saving Fonts SIZE FONT 6-Point 8-Point lO-Point 12-Point SIZE FONT 6-Point 8-Point 10-Point Î 12-Point S 1.70 3.40 4.95 6.40 7.75 14.00 $ 1.60 3.20 4.65 6.00 7.25 13.50 $ 1.50 3.00 4.50 5.80 7.00 13.00 $ 1.40 2.80 4.05 5.20 6.50 12.00 $ 21.00 27.00 33.75 65.00 125.00 $ 19.50 25.00 31.25 60.00 115.00 $ 18.75 24.00 30.00 57.50 110.00 $ 18.00 23.00 28.75 55.00 105.00 3 Pound 4 Pound 10 Pound 65 SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULE LABOR-SAVING BRASS RULE SEE PRICE LIST OF LABOR-SAVINQ BRASS RULE. PAGE 71 no. 201 2 point center face side face no. 204 2 point no. 2048d 2 point no. 2048 2 point no. 206 2 point side face no. 2021 2 point no. 2013 2 point full face no. 2050 2 point no. 300 3 point side face side face no. 3011 s point no. 3022 3 point has no shoulder mas no shoulder no. 3023 3 point ^ = = 66 SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULE LABOR-SAVING BRASS RULE SEE PRICE LIST OF LABOR-SAVING BRASS RULE. PAGE 71 no. 4021 4 point has no shoulder no. 4023 4 point - no. 4019 4 point has no shoulder has no shoulder no. 4020 4 point no. 6026 6 point has no shoulder has no shoulder no. 6027 6 point ■ no. 6019 6 point has no shoulder has no shoulder no. 6020 6 point " no. 8028 o point has no shoulder no. 6051 8 point - — — — BRASS RULE SERIES NUMBER 49 AND NUMBER 50 No. 2049. 2-Point r No. 3049. 3-Point f No. 2050. 2-Point No. 3050. 3-Point 1 BRASS RULE SERIES NUMBER 13 No. 2013. 2-Polnt No. 3013. 8-Point No. 4049. 4-Point No. 4050. 4-Point No. 4014. 4-Point No. 6049. e-Point No. 6050. 6-Point No. 6013. G-Point No. 8050. 8-Point No. 8013. 8-Point No. 10050. 10-Point No. 10013. 10-Point No. 12050. 12-Point No. 12013. 12-Point No. 18050. 18-Point No. 14013. 14-Point Price List of Brass Rule Series 13, 49 and 50 Labor-Saving Fonts, without Miters 1-Point, without Miters 2-Foint, without Miters 3-Point, without Miters 4-Polnt, without Miters 6-Point, without Miters 8-Point, without Miters 10-Point, without Miters 12-Point, without Miters 1-Pound 3-Pound Font Font $2.10 S5.70 1.60 4.50 1.55 4.35 1.55 4.35 1.50 4.20 1.50 4.20 1.50 4.05 1.35 3.75 Labor-Saving Fonts, with Miters 1-Pound 3-Pound Font Font 1-Point, with four sets Miters $2.60 $6.20 2-Point, with four sets Miters 2.10 5.00 3-Point, with lour sets Miters 2.05 4.85 4-Point, with four sets Miters 2.05 4.85 6-Point, with three sets Miters 2.00 4.70 8-Point, with three sets Miters 2.00 4.70 10-Point, with two sets Miters 2.00 4.55 12-Polnt, with two sets Miters 1.85 4.25 Labor-Saving Fonts, with Round Corners 1-Pound 3-Pound Font Font 2-Point, with two sets Round Corners.. $2.60 $5.50 3-Point, with two sets Round Corners.. 2.55 5.35 4-Point, with two sets Round Corners.. 2,55 5.35 6-Point, with two sets Round Corners.. 2.50 5.20 ^Polnt, with two sets Round Corners.. 2.60 5.30 10-Point, with two sets Round Corners.. 2.70 5.25 12-Point,.with two sets Round Corners,. 2.85 5.25 Prices continued in opposite column. No. 18013. 18-Point Price List of Brass Rule Series 13, 49 and 50 In Twenty-Four-Inch Strips, per Foot $0.10 .15 .20 .30 .40 $0.50 .60 .70 .90 1.20 8-Point 24-Polnt Brass Rule Series 13 Is furnished In Metal, in 18-Inch strips and Labor-Saving Fonts, at one-half the prices charged for it in brass Brass Round Corners, per Set of Four $0.50 .50 .50 .50 $0.55 eol .751 3 RULE NO. 12060 Brass Rule Series 13 is also made in 1-, 1M-. 5JÍ-, 7-, 9- and ll-point bodies. No Round Corners are made in these sizes, nor ior 14- and 18-point. — The size oí 2-, 3-, 4-, 6- and 8-point Corners is 1/ÍX6H ems pica, outside. Size oí 10 and 12-point Corners Is 2x6Ji ems pica, outside. Regular ionts DO NOT contain Miters, which are sold separately in ionts and sets. A "set" oí Miters consists oí lour right and lour leit Miters. ^ , A " iont " ol Miters Irom 1- to 4-point hody consists oí two sets each oí 2K and 5 ems ; irom 5- to 8-point, two sets 2M ems and one set 5 ems ; 9-to 12-point, one set each 2H and 5 ems. See prices oí Miters on page 71. 12-POINT BRA38 RULE NO. 12013 68 SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULE BRASS CORNERS, CIRCLES AND DIAMONDS BRASS SOLDERED CORNERS Brass Wolilcri'd i 'ni ncrs will bo made to match any face of rule shown In this book. Brass Soldered Corners from 2- to r.i-poiiii. Inclusive, are made 2x4 ems plea and 18-point 3x6 ems pica, outside measurement. PRICES Per Set of Four, 2-, 3-, 4- or 6-Point, 50 Cents or 12-Point, 60 Cents Per Set of Four, 8-, 10- Per Set of Four, 18-Point, 75 Cents r— ■= 12-Point 6-Point No. 12027 No. 6025 4-Point No. 4018 12-Point No. 12053C BRASS SOLID ROUND CORNERS Solid Round Corners for 2-, 3-, 4- and 6-point brass rule are made on 18-point square body, the 8- and 10-point on 24-point body, and the 12- and 18-point on 36-point body. They are sold in sets of four at the following prices, per set: For 2-, 3-, 4- and 6-point rule, 50 cents; 8- and 10-point, 60 cents; 12-point, 75 cents; 18-point, $1.00. Brass Solid Round Corners will be made to match any face of single, double, parallel or triple rule shown in this book. 2-Point 3-Point 4-Point 4-Point 2-Point No. 201 No. 3022 Nj. 4013 No. 4020 No. 203 8-Point 18-Point 18-Point 18-Point 10-Point No. 8019 No. 18020 No. 18013 No. 18027 No. 10028 BRASS SQUARE CORNERS I 1 I 2-Point I No. 2013 r" n 6-Point ■ No. 6013 For Black Face Brass Rule. 2-, 3-, 4-, 6- and 8-point body, per set of four, 35 cents. 10-, 12- and 18- point body, per set of four, 50 cents. No. 4013 12-Point I No. 12013 BRASS SQUARES 12-, 18- and 24-Point, per set of four, 35 cents; 36-Point, 50 cents. BRASS CIRCLES, DIAMONDS AND OVALS For prices of Circles, Diamonds and Ovals, see price list, page 72 Circles and Ovals made from Rule Series No. 17 are carried in stock. Orders for any other series promptly filled. SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULE BRASS RULES AND DASHES All Rules on this page are sold by the piece only, according to Price List for Cut Rule COLUMN RULES HEAD RULES 6-Point—No. 601 7-Poînt—No. 701 8-Point—No. 801 lO-Point-No. 1001 12-Point-No. 1201 6-Point—No. 603 7-Point—No. 703 ¡-Point—No. 803 10-Point-No. 1003 12-Point-No. 1201 See Price List for Column Rules, page 72. Full length of rule over all is used as a measure. Add 2 cents for each notch over. Add 5 cents for each notch under for use of brass reglet. Add 10 cents for each lug or shank. In ordering Column Rules beveled for linotype matter, give dimen¬ sions at top and bottom, thus: 5x6-point or ex7-point. ° For sizes and prices see Price List of Column Rules. See Price List for Cut Rule, page 71, for prices oí other bodies and lengths. Cut from either single, parallel, double or triple rule. Cut also from any other number of rule made by us. 3-Polnt-No. 3022 4-Point—No. 4021 4-Point—No. 4015 4-Point-No. 4016 4-Point-No. 4017 4-Polnt—No. 4019 5-Point-No. 5016 -Point-No. 6015 6-Point-No. 6016 6-Point-No. 6017 6-Point-No. 6018 6-Point—No. 6019 For sizes and prices see Price List of Head Rules, page 72. ' See Price List for Cut Rule, page 71, for prices of other bodies and lengths. CROSS RULES AND DASHES Cut from any face of rule shown in this book. In ordering, give width of column and length of face. See price list for prices of diflerent bodies. Any body or length furnished at prices given in Price List for Cut Rule, page 71. Prices quoted for length^irom 12^^ to 15 ems. No. 201 Single Cross Rules 23^ cents No. 203 23« cents No. 207 23< cents No. 2021 Parallel Cross Rules 23^ cents No. 2022 23^ cents No. 3021 4 cents No. 3019 Double Cross Rules 4 cents No. 4015 5 cents No. 4016 5 cents No. 4017 5 cents No. 4019 5 cents Single Dashes No. 201—Face 6 ems, ly^ cents No. 203—Face 6 ems, 7K cents No. 205—Face 6 ems, 73^ cents Parallel Dash No. 3022—Face 6 ems, 9 cents Double Dashes No. 3019—Face 6 ems, 9 cents No. 4016—Face 6 ems, 10 cents No. 4017—Face 6 ems, 10 cents No. 4019—Face 6 ems, 10 cents No. 4020—Face 6 ems, 10 cents Wave Cross Rules No. 2043 No. 2043A 2H cents 23^ cents Wave Dashes No. 2043—Face 6 ems, 7M cents No. 2043A—Face 6 ems, 75^ cents No. 2043B—Face 6 ems, 7K cents No. 2043C—Face 6 ems, 73^ cents Monkey Dashes No. 201—Face 3 ems, 73^ cents No. 203—Face 3 ems, 73^ cents No. 205—Face 3 ems, 73^ cents FANCY BRASS DASHES Any width and length of face desired. Carried in stock and supplied promptly. Price, 10 cents each. Prices quoted for lengths 123^ to 15 ems No. 1 — No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 12 No. 17 No. 24 No. 25 70 SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULE BRASS RULE PRICE LIST LABOR-SAVING FONTS Vi l'Ile Plain Rule only. Fonts do not Include Miter». of Miters, see next column. These prices are for Labor-saving Rule pui up to regular schemes. The fonts cannot be altered, added to, or subtraeii'd from in any manner. All rule cut to, or put up bv. any other scheme will be charged for in accordance with the Price List for Cut Rule. All other bodies are so seldom called for that fonts are not carried in stock, but will be made up to order only at price per piece listed in Price List for Cut Rule. Labor-SavIng Fonts of Brass Rule, Price per Font a a a d a d SIZE OF FONT o cu o o o 0 o cu T PU CU CU cu (U M CO « «o tx> 1-Pound $ 2.10 $ 1.95 $ 1.60 $ 1.55 $ 1.55 $ 1.50 $ 1.50 $ 1.50 $ 1.35 2-Pound 4.00 3.60 3.20 3.00 3.00 2.90 2.90 2.70 2.60 8-Pound 5.70 5.40 4.50 4.35 4.35 4.20 4.20 4.05 3.75 4-Pound 7.40 6.80 6.00 5.60 5.60 5.40 5.40 5.20 5.00 5-Pound 8.75 8.25 7.25 6.75 6.75 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.00 10-Pound 17.00 15.00 13.50 12.60 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.00 11.50 15-Pound 25.50 22.50 20.25 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.00 17.25 20-Pound 33.00 29.00 26.00 24.00 24.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 22.00 25-Pound 41.25 36.25 32.50 30.00 30.00 28.75 28.75 28.75 27.50 50-Pound 80.00 70.00 62.50 57.50 57.60 55.00 55.00 55.00 52.50 100-Pound 155.00 135.00 120.00 110.00 110.00 105.00 105.00 100.00 100.00 Labor-Saving Fonts of Brass Leaders, Price per Font SIZE FONT 6-Point 8-Point 10-Point 12-Point 1 Pound $ 1.70 $ 1.60 $ 1.50 $ 1.40 2 Pound 3.40 3.20 3.00 2.80 3 Pound 4.95 4.65 4.50 4.05 4 Pound 6.40 6.00 5.80 5.20 5 Pound 7.75 7.25 7.00 6.50 10 Pound 14.00 13.50 13.00 12.00 15 Pound 21.00 19.50 18.75 18.00 20 Pound 27.00 25.00 24.00 23.00 25 Pound 33.75 31.25 30.00 28.75 50 Pound 65.00 60.00 57.50 55.00 100 Pound 125.00 115.00 110.00 105.00 In extending the prices of cut and strip rule, count a fraction of a cent as a cent. The minimum charge for cut rule in one order is 40 cents list, subject to the prevailing discount. MITERS Regular Labor-Saving fonts do not contain Miters. These are sold separately in fonts or sets as follows; prices are for plain rule only: Fonts of Miters Fonts of Miters are put up at the following prices, containing the number of sets as noted. A " set" of Miters consists of four left and four right Miters : Pt. Number of Sets Price Pt. Number of Sets Price 1 2 sets each 2H and 5 ems $0.50 6 2 sets 2\i and 1 of 5 ems $0.50 IH 2 sets each 2% and 5 ems .50 7 2 sets 2% and 1 of 5 ems .50 2 2 sets each 2% and 5 ems .50 H 2 sets 2^ and 1 of 5 ems .50 3 2 sets each 2% and 5 ems .50 9 1 set each 2^ and 5 ems .50 4 2 sets each 2% and 5 ems .60 10 1 set each 2}i and 5 ems .50 5 2 sets 2% and 1 of 5 ems .50 11 1 set each 2% and 5 ems .60 S'A 2 sets 2% aud 1 of 5 ems .50 12 1 set each 2A and 5 ems .50 For larger than 12-point, figure price per piece, plus charges for mitering given in the next table. Page Rule Miters Miters over 6 ems are sold by the price per piece for the lengths of rule used, plus the following list prices per page or set of Miters: No. of 1- to 5X-Point 6- to 12-Point 14- to 18-Point Over 18-Point Pages per page ■ per page per page per page Ito 8 12 cents 14 cents 16 cents 20 cents 9 to 16 11 cents 13 cents 15 cents 19 cents 17 to 32 10 cents 12 cents 14 cents 18 cents Over 32 9 cents 11 cents 13 cents 17 cents Single Sets of Miters Miters will be sold in single sets, from 1 to 6 ems in length (four each right and left), at the following prices per set. Prices include rule and mitering. Body Price per Set Body Price per Set Body Price per Set 1 -Point... lî^-Point... 2 -Point... 3 -Point... 4 -Point... 15 cents 15 cents 15 cents 15 cents 15 cents 5 -Point.. 5}^-Point.. 6 -Point.. 7 -Point.. 8 -Point.. 25 cents 25 cents 25 cents 25 cents 25 cents 9-Point... 10-Point... 11-Point... 12-Point... 40 cents 40 cents 40 cents 40 cents PRICE LIST FOR CUT RULE All rule other than that put up in regular Labor-Saving fonts, in accordance with the adopted schemes, will be charged by the follow¬ ing tables. The prices are for plain rule. To obtain the price of fancy rule, add 20 per cent to these prices. For Beveled Linotype Column Rule, add 40 per cent, using the thickest end of body as a basis. For Brass Perforating Rule, add 60 per cent to these schedules. For lengths between those given, charge next longer length. Short Lengths, Prices per 100 Pieces Ems U 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pica Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. 1 $0.60 .60 $0 70 $0,70 $0,90 $1,10 $1.20 $1.30 $1.40 $1.60 <$1.80 $1.90 $2.00 $2.10 $2.20 V/. .7f .80 1.00 1.20 1.4(1 1.5(1 1.6(1 1.9(1 2.10 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.70 2 ,7i ,8C .9(1 1,10 1,40 1.6(1 1.7(1 1.8(1 2.2(1 2.40 2.60 2.80 2.90 3.10 ,7f .Hi .90 1 20 1 50 1,80 1.9(1 2.ÍMI 2.4(1 2.70 2.9(1 3.10 3.30 3.40 3 ,8f .ÍK 1.00 1,30 1.70 2.00 2.1(1 2.20 2.60 2.90 3.20 3.40 3.70 3.90 3Vo H(: 1,(H) 1,40 1.H0 2,2(1 2.3(1 2.4(1 2.80 3.20 3..50 3.80 4.10 4.30 4 .80, l.OC 1.10 1.50 1.90 2.40 2.60 2.70 3.10 3..50 3.80 4.10 4.50 4.80 4A- S M Lie 1.30 1.70 2.10 2.7(1 3.(NI 3.20 3.60 4.00 4.40 4.80 5.20 5.60 5'A- 6 IAH 1.21 1.40 1.90 2.40 3.00 3.3(1 3.60 4.10 4.60 5.00 5.50 5.90 6.30 OVo- 7 l.OOi 1.3C 1.6(1 2.10 2.70 3.30 3.70 4.(H) 4.60 .5.20 .5.70 6.20 6.60 7.00 7V„- H I.IO: 1.4C 1.70 2.30 3.00 3.60 4.10 4.50 5.20 .5.80 6.30 6.90 7.30 7.V0 SU- 9 1.20 1.5C 1.90 2.50 3.30 4.(K) 4.40 4.90 .5.70 6.40 7.(H) 7.60 8.10 8..50 9^^-10 1.20 1.60| 2.00 2.70 3.60 4.40 4.90 5.40 6.20 7.00 7.70 8.30 8.70 9.50 Long Lengths, Prices per Piece, in Cents Ems In. 1 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pica Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. Pt. lOJto 12 2 14 1Î 24 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 84 94 104 11 12KO 15 24 « 2 2Î 4 5 6 64 74 84 94 104 114 124 134 151to 18 3 2 24 3 44 54 7 74 84 10 11 124 134 15 16 m to 21 34 2 3 34 5 64 8 9 10 114 13 144 16 174 184 21ito 24 4 24 3 4 54 74 9 10 11 13 144 16 18 194 21 24ito 27 44 24 34 44 64 8 10 11 124 144 16 18 20 22 234 27ito 30 5 24 4 5 7 9 11 12 134 16 18 20 22 234 26 30^ to 33 54 2S 4 54 74 10 12 134 15 174 194 22 24 264 284 33Ho 36 6 3 44 6 8 104 13 144 16 184 21 234 26 284 31 36ito 42 7 4 5 7 10 13 16 17 19 22 25 28 31 34 36 42fto 48 8 4 6 8 11 14 18 19 21 25 28 31 35 38 41 m to 54 9 5 7 8 12 16 20 22 24 28 31 35 39 43 46 544 to 60 10 5 7 9 13 18 22 24 26 31 35 39 43 47 51 604 to 66 11 6 8 10 15 19 24 26 29 34 38 43 47 52 56 664 to 72 12 6 8 11 16 21 26 28 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 724to 78 13 6 9 12 17 23 28 31 34 39 45 50 56 61 66 784 to 84 14 7 10 13 18 24 30 33 36 42 48 54 60 66 71 844 to 90 15 7 10 13 20 26 32 36 39 45 51 58 64 70 76 904to 96 16 8 11 14 21 28 34 38 41 48 55 61 68 75 81 964 to 102 17 8 12 15 22 29 36 41 44 51 58 65 72 79 86 1024 to 106 18 8 12 16 23 31 38 43 46 54 61 69 76 84 91 1084 to 114 19 9 13 17 25 33 41 46 49 57 65 73 81 89 96 1144 to 120 20 9 13 18 26 34 43 48 51 60 68 76 85 93 101 1204 to 126 21 10 14 18 27 36 45 50 54 63 71 80 89 98 106 1264to 132 22 10 15 19 28 38 47 52 56 66 75 84 93 102 111 1324to 138 23 10 15 20 30 39 49 54 59 69 78 88 97 107 116 1384 to 144 11 16 21 31 41 51 56 61 71 81 91 101 111 121 2 ft. strip 24 10 15 20 30 40 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 1444 to 150 25 64 74 85 88 95 99 106 110 116 120 126 131 1504 to 156 26 67 77 If the amount of cut rule, one body and face, ordered at one time, equals or exceeds $10.00, deduct 5 per cent before taking off the regu¬ lar discount allowed on rule. If $20.00, deduct 10 per cent; if $50.00, deduct 15 per cent, and if $100.00, deduct 20 per cent. For nicking, at one end or bottom, add 10 cents per pound; at both ends, or one end and the bottom, 20 cents per pound. Nicking charge is not subject to the quantity discount above mentioned. The quantity discount applies only to the above Cut Rule. Labor-saving fonts and all other tables are subject to the regular rule discount (35 and 2 per cent for cash) only. STRIP RULE PRICE LIST, PER FOOT The prices are for plain rule. To obtain the price of fancy rule, add 20 per cent to the following schedule. For Beveled Linotype Column Rule, add 40 per cent, using the thickest end of body as a basis. For Brass Perforating Rule, add 50 per cent. Point Body OneFoot Price 1 $0.05 IH .073^ 2 .10 3 .15 4 .20 5 .25 SA .27K 6 .30 7 .35 8 .40 9 .45 10 .50 11 .55 12 .60 14 .70 16 .80 18 .90 20 1.00 24 1.20 30 1.50 4) 0 a) ® « ® 4-> « 4> ÜH o b b O ÍUS5 o 0 0 Û* Í4 tu ^ a 0. Z P. Z a Z 200 $0.04% 400 $0.04% 1000 $0.04% 2000 $0.04 134 .07% 267 .06% 667 1334 .06 100 .09% .14% 200 .09 500 .08% 1000 .08 67 134 .13% 334 .12% 667 .12 50 .19 100 .18 250 .17 500 .16 40 .23% 80 .22% 196 .21% 400 .20 37 .26% 73 .24% 181 .23% 364 .22 34 .28% 67 .27 167 .25% 334 .24 29 25 .33% 58 .31% 143 .29% 286 .28 .38 50 , .36 125 .34 250 .32 23 .42»^ 45 .40% 112 .38% 223 .36 20 .47% 40 .45 100 .42% 200 .40 19 .52% 37 .49% 91 .46% 182 .44 17 .57 34 .54 84 .51 167 .48 16 .66% .76 34 34 .63 84 .59% .68 166 .54 16 .72 84 166 .64 16 .85% 34 .81 84 .76% .85 166 .72 .80 16 .95 34 .90 84 166 . 16 1.14 34 1.08 84 1.02 166 .96 16 1.42% 34 1.35 84 1.27% 166 1.20 71 SPECIMENS AND I* R I C E S OF BRASS RULE CROSS RULES AND DASHES Advertising and Cross Rules (.'ut any from any siiiKle, double, parallel or triple rule shown in this book. For other bodies and lengths, see Price List for rut Rule, pajie 71. LENGTH Point 3- 4- Point Point 5- Point l'\>int I'oint Point H- Poim 13 picas. 26L. picas . $0.02^ .04 S $0.04 $0.05 .OOS -iw $0.06 .10 $0.05 .60 1.00 .95 M) .85 1.25; 1.05 1.00 .95 4 -Point.. .75 .70 .65 .95 .90 .85 .80 1.20 .95 .90' .85 6 -F*oint.. .75 .70 .65 .60 .95 .90 .85 .80 1.20 .95 .90 .85 Cut to Mea.sure is 10 ems and longer, and not less than one pound of a length; otherwise Labor-saving prices will prevail. COLUMN RULES The u.sual stylo lias a Notch Over (4, Figuro A) to allow for Foot Slug. tn c x: oTflS c 0 a a a c a d C SIZE 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ch. (i. 0. v« (X, ft- ft- ft- ft- ft- C.. r- ih i.î\ 1Í5 th i- 9> ¿ JL, e!i 4-Column. 82'^ $0.32 $0.35 $0.38 $0.14 $0.50 $0.56 $0.62 .$0.(W $0.73 5-Column. m% .40 .45 .48 .56 .63 .71 .78 .86 .93 6-Column. nH% ,45 .50 .53 .62 .70 .78 .87 .95 1.03 7-Coluinn. 130^ .49 .54 .58 .77 .86 ,95 1.04 1.13 8-Colu mn. 142% .53 .58 .63 .73 .83 .93 1.03 1.13 1.2:1 9-Colu mn. 154Î', .69 .79 .90 1.01 1.12 1.22 i.:í3 If without notch, deduct 2 cents. See Price List for Cut Rule, page 71, for prices of other bodies and lengths, to which must bo added 2 cents each for notch over (4, Fig¬ ure A). Notch under for brass roglets, 5 cents extra (1, Figure B). Lug for perfecting press. 10 cents extra (2 and 3, Figure (3). Prices for all Column Rules are figured on the basis of length over all. K Fulgure A. Oive size of notch 4 in points. Figure B. Give height and depth of 1; also size of notch 4 in points. Figure C. Give length of lug 2 and height of lug 3. Figure 1). Give length of lug 2 and height of lug 3; also height and depth of notch 1. Figures A, B, C, D—Always give length of face for all Column Rules ordered, whether full length rules or pieces. Beveled Linotype Column Rule, Beveled Linotype Column Rules are figured accord¬ ing to Price List for Cut Rule, taking the thickest end of body as the figuring basis. Add 40 per cent for beveling, to which must be added 2 cents each for notch over (4, Figure A). Lug for perfecting press. 10 cents extra (2, Figure BL Lug and notch under for perfecting presses, 15 cents extra (1 and 2, Figure I)t. Rules are figured on the basis of length over all. SIZE Length 5x6- Point 6x7-Point 7x8-Point 19^inches 21^ inches 23^ inches $0.74 .81 .88 .$0.86 .95 1.02 $0.98 1.07 1.16 Brass Braces Brass Braces are carried in stock in sizes from 4 to 36 picas. Other lengths will be made to order. SIZES AND PRICES 4 to 8 picas $0.12 18 to 22 picas $0 25 !i to 16 picas 15 to 30 picas 30 17 picas 18 31 to 36 picas 35 Brass Circles. Diamonds and Ovals All our Brass Circles and Ovals are made from seamless brass tubing, and are far more accurate and durable than ordinary make. DIAMETER Circles Ovals or Diamonds Plain Rule Fancy Rule Plain Rule Fancv Rule 6 ems. 1 inch, and smaller $0.75 $0.îK) $0.90 $1.00 7 to 12 ems, 2 inches 1.00 1.25 1.20 1.45 13 to 18 ems, 3 inches 1.25 1.60 1.50 1.90 19 to 24 ems. 4 inches 1.50 1.95 1.80 2.35 Above prices apply to Brass Circles, Diamonds and Ovals made from rule of 12-poini body or less. Diameter of Diamonds and Ovals is figured the long way of the Diamond or Oval, inside measurement. Brass Scoring Rules 2-Point, per foot $0.10 4-Point, per foot $0.20 3-Point, per foot 15 6-Point, per foot 30 Perforating Rules Brass Steel 2-Point, per foot $0,15 2-Point, per foot $0.40 3-Point, per foot 22% 3-Point, per foot 50 72 H. C. HANSEN S BRASS RULES OF SUPERIOR QUALITY UNSURPASSED ■ PLAIN AND FANCY FACES M HALF TONE RULES, HIGH ART RULES, LABOR-SAVING RULES COLUMN RULES, HEAD RULES ODD DESIGNS, CIRCLES, OVALS DIAMONDS, DASHES, BRACES BRASS CORNERS, ETC, THE GREATEST VARIETY AND MOST EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS EVER PRODUCED THE H, C, HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY BOSTON NEW YORK the: hansein supeirior quality ESTABLISHEID in the year 1672 BRASS RULES 16-TO-PIOA TO 8-PT. BODIES. TWO FOOT STRIPS No. Per Foot No. Per Foot No. Per Foot 429 15 to Pica. 8 Cts. 112 2-pT. 10 cts. 127 5 to ploa. 12 cts. 430 15 to Pica. 10 cts. 113 POPULAR 2-PT. dotted 10 CtS. 130 6 to Pica. 12 cts. 431 15 to Pica. 8 cts. 114 2-Pt. 10 cts. 128 5 to Pica. 12 cts. 432 1-pT. 5 cts. 514 2-Pt. 10 cts. 129 5 to pica. 12 cts. 433 wT. 10 cts. 381 2-Pt. 10 cts. 262 5 to Pica. 15 cts. 428 1-Pt. sias. 468 2-Pt, 10 cts. 267 5 to Pica. 15 cts. 434 1-pT. 5 cts. 437 ^=pT. 10 cts. 274 5 to Pica. 15 cts. 101 10 TO Pica. 6 cts. 115 2-PT. 10 cts. 290 5 tö ptca. 15 cts. 435 10 to Pica. 10 cts. 116 2-PT. 10 cts. 297 5 TO Pica. 16 cts. '— 102 10 to Pica. 6 Cts. 117 2-Pt. 10 cts. 131 3-PT. 15 cts. 103 8 TO Pica. 7i cts. 510 2-pT. 12 cts. 132 3-PT. 15 cts. 105 8 TO Pica. 71 cts. 511 2-pT. 12 cts. 133 3-PT. 15 cts. 104 8 to Pica. 71 cts. 512 2-Pt. 12 cts. 134 3-PT. 15 cts. 260 8 to Pica 12 cts. 118 2-Pt. 12 cts. 135 3-PT. 15 cts. 283 8 to Pica. 12 cts. 119 2-Pt. 12 cts. 136 3-PT. 15 cts. 313 8 to Pica. 12 cts. 120 2-Pt. 12 cts. 137 3-Pt. 15 cts. 12 t 121 2-Pt. 12 Cts. 145 3-PT. 15 cts. 109 popular 2-PT. hair line 10 cts. 122 2-Pt. 12 Cts. 343 2-PT. 10 cts. 249 3-PT. 15 cts. 123 2-Pt. 12 Cts. 436 2-PT. 10 cts. 124 2-PT. 10 Cts. 427 3-PT. 15 cts. 513 2-PT. 10 cts. 125 2-Pt. 12 cts. 426 3-PT- 15 cts. 126 2-PT, 10 cts. 261 2-PT. 12 cts. 138 3-Pt. 15 cts. 248 2-PT, 10 cts. 266 2-Pt. 12 Cts. 139 3-PT. 15 cts. 508 popular 2-Pt. side rule 10 cts. 273 2-Pt. 12 Cts. 441 3-PT. 15 cts. 284 2-Pt. 12 cts. 442 3-Pt. 15 cts. 289 2-PT. 12 cts. 110 2-PT. 10 cts. 140 3-PT. 18 cts. 296 vwswwww 370 509 2-PT. 10 cts. 2-Pt. 12 cts. iii Iii Iii Iii Iii Iii xi« 111 111 3-PT. 18 cts. 111 2-Ft. 10 cts. 50 2-Pt. 12 cts. 142 3-PT. 18 cts. For perfe et results in mitering use Hansen' 3 Mitering Mi tchine THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 218 the: hansein superior quality < H > eistablished in the year 1872 BRASS RULES l-PT. TO 4-PT. BODIES. TWO FOOT STRIPS No. Peu K ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 BRASS RULES 6'PT. TO 7-PT. BODIEB, TWO FOOT STRIPS No. Per Foo'i' 532 6-Pt. 30 cts. 186 6-Pt. 30 Cts. 187 6-Pt. 30 Cts. 527 6-Pt. 30 cts. 188 6-Pt. 30 cts. 189 6-Pt. 30 cts. 190 6-Pt. 30 cts. 191 6-PT. 30 cts. 66 6-Pt. 30 cts. 192 6-PT. 30 cts. 65 6-PT. 30 cts. 196 6-Pt. 36 cts. 195 6-Pt. 36 cts. 193 6-PT. 36 cts. 194 6-PT. 36 cts. 197 6-Pt. 36 cts. 198 6-PT. 36 cts. 199 6-P'r. 36 cts. 265 6-Pt. 36 cts. IIIIIIIII Illllilllllillillilllililllllillilllllil lillllllllllllllllll 270 6-PT. 36 cts. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 272 6-Pt. 36 cts. 277 6-Pt. 36 cts. Per Foot No. 281 ü-Pt. 36 cts. 287 illlllll 6-Pt. illlllllllllillillllllll 295 6-Pt. 36 cts. 304 6-Pt. 36 cts. 315 6-Pt. 36 Cts. Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 327 6-Pt. 36 Cts. M "M. ''M,. M M M JC 'M. 338 6-Pt. 36 cts. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir^ 373 6-Pt. 36 Cts. 374 6-Pt. 36 Cts. 377 6-Pt. 36 cts. 390 6-Pt. 36 Cts. 394 6-Pt. 36 Cts. 398 6-Pt. 36 cts. 400 6-Pt. 36 Cts. 404 6-Pt. 36 cts. 424 6-Pt. 36 Cts. 35 cts. 348 6-Pt. 30 cts. 69 B 7-Pt. 35 cts. 353 6-PT. 30 cts. 60 7-Pt. 42 cts. 356 30 cts. 61 6-Pt. 36 cts. 454 7-Pt. 35 Cts. 366 6-PT. 455 7-PT. 35 cts. 367 6-Pt. 36 Cts. 456 7-Pt. 35 cts. 372 6-PT. 36 cts. 457 7-PT. 35 cts. Do not mutilate book. Order by body and number THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 221 zzz AHaNnod adÄX nssnvh *o *h anx passtidjinsun 0Jt; a[ua e.adsu^ jo .{jinqiunp pn« XoBanoDy •sio OS •XJ-Ot 9ZZ •810 OS •XJ-OI QZZ •810 eg •xj-OI fZZ •610 og •XJ-OÏ ess •810 og •xj-Ol ses •610 OS •xa-ot sss •BlOï^ •XJ-6 889 •810 fg *Xd-6 Sit- : = = = = = ; s- = : E E -E •810 fg •XJ-6 nf •810 gt •XJ-O £lf •810 Qf •XJ-6 Zlf •610 gf •xj-6 lit- •giogj. •Xd-6 Oi^ •810 91^ ■xj-6 9Lf •810 gv •X¿-6 eot- •810 Ofr ■XJ-8 m •810 Oí- •XJ-8 oot» •810 8t. •xa-8 668 •810 Hf. ■xj-8 öce •810 8». •XcI-8 898 llllllllllilllllllilllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllil •8^0 'XJ-S 92g !E!i!!!!5!!!!!!5!!!l!!f!!!!!!S!!!!!!S!!!!!!S!'!!!!E!!l! !E!!:!1E!!!:! '810 Si- ZZS lllllllllllllllllllllll •810 8^ -XJ-S 818 •810 0^ '^d-i ••WI-8 •810 ot- •OK X00¿[ HSItl 60o 'OK XOO^ «3«! •810 Oí' •xj-9 80S •8}0 Oí- •xj-8 8S9 *810 Oí- •XJ-8 iOS •810 Of •x AJ_l"IVn& iJOIid3ednS N3SNVH 3HX ANSEN SUPERIOR QUALIXY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1ST2 BRASS RULES in-TT, TO 12-pt. bodies, two foot strips no. Peu F<»ot 534 10-pT. 50 cts. 529 10-PT. 60 cts. 227 10-PT. 50 cts. 524 10-PT. 50 cts. 519 10-PT. 50 cts. 228 10-PT. 50 cts. 229 10-PT. 60 cts. 230 10-Pt. 60 cts. 231 10-Pt. 60 cts. 539 10-Pt. 60 cts. — 363 10-PT. 50 cts. 478 10-Pt. 50 cts. 479 lo-Pi". 50 cts. 62 10-PT. 60 cts. 233 12-Pt. 60 cts. 240 12-Pt. 60 cts. 483 12-PT. 60 cts. 482 12-PT. 60 cts. No. 234 I'ku Foot No. 60 cts. 486 Per Foot 72 eta. 235 12-Pr. 60 cts. 236 12-Pt. 60 cts. 237 12-Pr. 60 cts. 238 12-PT. 60 cts. 487 12-Pt. 72 cts. 239 12-PT. 72 cts. 271 12-Pt. 72 cts. 'mmmmmmmmm. 279 12-Pr. 72 Cts. 282 12-Pt. 72 Cts. 288 12-Pt. 72 Cts. IIH IIIH 294 12-Pt. 72 Cts. * 302 * 12-Pt. 72 Cts. 305 12-Pt. 72 cts. 308 12-Pt. 72 cts. 1 1 312 12-Pt. 72 cts. 316 12-Pt. 72 Cts. llllllllllllll llllllllllllll 319 12-Pt. 72 Cts. 333 12-Pt. 72 CtS. 386 12-Pt. 72 cts. 386 12-Pt. 72 cts. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilli 396 12-Pt. 72 cts. 401 12-Pt. 72 cts. 405 12-Pt. 72 cts. 525 12-Pt. 60 cts. 520 12-Pt. 60 cts. Can match accurately any single, parallel, double or triple rule shown in any specimen book at regular prices. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 223 H..... ....... established in the year 1s72 BRASS RULES 12-PT. TO 24-PT. BODIEa. TWO FOOT STRIPS Lkh Foot No. I'KiJ FiMir No, 90 ctH. 18-Pt. 90 cts. 12-Pt. 72 cts. 12-Pt. 72 cts. 330 12-Pt. 72 cts. 18-PT. $1.08 12-Pt. 72 cts. .., ...... J'ft w "yv X A A XX A A vXA. AA. 335 18-PT. $1.08 : : : : ; ; lililliiiiii» 15-Pt. 75 cts. 18-PT. $1.08 342 18-PT. $1.08 1$-Pr. 90 cts. 494 18-PT. $1.08 18-Pt. 90 cts. 300 18-Pt. 90 Cts. 305 18-pt. 90 cts. 375 18-Pt. $1.08 499 18-Pt. $1.08 i 1 ! 1 !-l 1 1- ■ 18-PT. $1.08 601 24-PT. $1.20 502 24-Pt. $1.20 503 24-PT. $1.20 504 24-Pt. $1.44 MM*«:#. 506 24-Pt. $1.20 606 24-pt. $1.20 507 24-PT. $1.20 Every printing office should have a Hansen CoD)plete Mitering Machine THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 224 XHE HANSEIN SUPERIOR QUALIXV ESXABL-ISHED IN XHE YEAR 187Í2 NEW BRASS RULES •2 550 ••••••••••••••••••••■••••••••••••• 12 Cts •••••••••••••••a 8 551 18 cts 8 554 18 Cts 4 552 24 cts 5 553 80 cts 5 555 80 cts 5 556 30 cts 6 557 86 cts 36 cts 6 558 6 559 36 cts 6 561 36 cts 7 560 42 cts 10 562 60 cts 12 563 72 cts 6 601 86 cts 6 602 36 cts 6 003 36 cts 6 604 36 cts 6 605 86 cts 6 606 36 Cts 6 607 86 cts No. 2 011 Pku Foot 15 CtB 6 614 S6ct8 iiiiiiíiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiilíiiiiiii 6 616 d6cts 6 619 36 cts ooooooooooooooooooooooc 8 621 48 cts 10 622 60 cts 12 623 72 cts MÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔ6ÔÔÔÔ& 12 624 72 cts 58888888888888888888888888^^^^^ 6 625 86 cts 6 626 36 cts »ÖSÖÖÖOOÖOÖÖÖÖÖOOÖOÖÖÖÖ 10 627 60 cts 12 628 72 cts 3 629 18 cts 4 680 24 cts 6 631 36 cts 4 632 24 cts 6 638 36 cts No. PER Foot 8 634 48 cts mmmmmmmmmmsm 10 636 60 cts 6 636 86 cts 12 637 72 cts ÄüMSiÄsÄliÄ 4 638 24 cts 4 639 24 cts 6 640 86 cts 6 641 36 cts 8 642 48 cts 8 648 48 cts 1 í i 1 10 644 60 cts 'mmmmmimmm 10 645 60 cts 6 646 36 cts 6 647 36 cts 8 648 48 cts 8 649 48 cts 10 650 60 cts 10 651 60 cts 12 652 72 cts 12 653 72 cts *First figure indicates size of body THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 225 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALIXY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 No. Per Foot No. Per Foot NO, Per Foot 583 3-PT. 15 CtB. 569 3-PT. 16 cts. 591 4-PT. 20 cts. 584 4-PT. 20 ots. 571 4-Pt. 20 Cts. 692 5-PT. 25 cts. 585 6-Pt. 25 cts. 572 5-Pt. 25 Cts. 693 6-Pt. 30 Cts. 586 6-PT. 30 cts. 566 6-Pt. 30 Cts. 594 8-PT. 40 cts. 587 8-PT. 40 cts. 573 8-PT. 40 cts. 595 10-PT. 50 Cts. 541 3-Pt. 15 Cts. 542 4-Pt. 20 cts. 543 5-PT. 26 cts. 544 6-PT. 30 Cts. 545 8-Pt. 40 CtB. 646 10-PT. 50 Cts. 547 12-PT. 60 Cts. 548 18-Pt. 90 cts. 600 10-Pt. 50 cts. 549 12-PT. 60 cts. 577 5-Pt. 25 Cts. 678 6-PT. 30 cts. 579 8-PT. 40 cts. ' 580 10-PT. 60 Cts. 581 12-Pt. 60 cts. 582 18-Pt. 90 cts. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 226 -HE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUAUIXY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 ART BRASS RULES Sold in Two-Foot Strips 0R10INATED BY H. C, HANSEN Prices are per foot 8 765 40 cts. 4 763 20 Cts. This rule page and others shown in this book printed direct from the brass rule V2 761 GO cts. G 756 30 cts. 18 762 90 cts. All mitered rule corners sliown m tins Look were mitered on Hansen s Comf)lete Miterer Joints are not soldered 6 754 30 Cts. 2 751 10 cts. 3 752 15 cts. n Metal Corner Quads TKese Corner Quads are of great assistance in locking up rule forms as tkey prevent the ends of rule from slipping by at corners. They are time savers 10-Pt., 15 Cts. per set 12-Pt., 15 cts. per set 6-Pt., 15 cts. per set 8-Pt., 15 cts. per set Four corners to set IZl •First figure indicates size of body THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 227 ANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ^ M ^ ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 HALF TONE BRASS RULES fNVENTED BY H. 0. HANSEN Sohl In two-foot strinB I'KK Koor M((. Half Tone Unies "Wear heiler than half tone plates Peu Foot 75 ets 12 679 10 678 20 cts. 50 cts. 670 65 cts. 10 671 •First figure indicates size of body 66 cts. 3 667 $1.10 $1.60 Outside Rule No. 6 606. Per foot, 40 cts. 24 662 25 cts. 8 663 2 666 26 cts. 8 690 25 Cts. - "" TT " TTi " nlMj Ti 50 cts. 15 cts. 40 Cts. 36 cts. 50 Cts. 75 cts. $1.10 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 228 "THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 187Í2 HIGH ART BRASS RULES Sold in two-foot strips No. •4 696 PKU Foot 26 Cts. No. 2 715 Pek Foot 10 cts. 3 697 18 Cts. 3 716 15 Cts. 4 717 20 Cts. 4 699 24 cts. 6 718 30 Cts- 6 700 36 cts. 8 719 40 cts. 8 701 48 cts. 12 720 60 cts. 6 702 40 cts. 4 721 24 Cts. 4 703 24 cts. 8 722 48 Cts. 6 704 30 cts. 4 723 24 Cts. 6 705 36 cts. 6 724 36 Cts. 6 706 36 cts. 8 725 48 Cts. 6 707 40 cts. 3 726 18 cts. 10 708 66 cts. 4 727 24 Cts. 5 728 30 Cts. EJEizizrzfEraizrzjziHraraizfzjzrararanifzfZRraEizizj 12 710 75 Cts. 6 729 36 cts. 8 730 48 Cts. 12 711 75 Cts. 6 731 30 cts. 18 712 $1.10 6 732 30 cts. iiaiíHiiiHiii3[¡aií3iígitaiignHiiíaiiaiigfia[iaiigiig 6 733 30 Cts. 5E5B5Z5E5E5E5E5E5E5Z5E5E 10 734 50 cts. 24 714 $1.50 nBannnnnncannn 12 735 60 Cts. ♦First figure índicates size of body THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 229 S5S THE: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 THE HIGH ART RULES Will suJ)J)ly a long felt want among Jirogressive Jjnnters. TKey are muck more durable tkan metal borders on long runs, wifb fbe added advantage of raf)id bandling. For fbe framing of magazine and newsfiajier advertisements fbey will Jirove valuable, creating a strong individuality tbat will attract tbe eye and get fbe business Tbe balf tone rules wben used in conjunction witb balf tone en gravings and ligbt tyfie faces Jirove very fileasing Labor Saving Rule Fonts 1 hese rules can be had in labor-saving £onts in any quanti ty wiih or wifliout ^e mitered corners Per Foot 40 cts. SHREVE, CRUMP & LOWE COMPANY Jewelers, Silversmiths Announce ihe arrival of a new S and superb line of fhe Borneo 'iamon( 8 740 60 Cts. fjmmmmmmffmmmrmmuifjmimmim 12 741 75 Cts. mmmmmrmímmmjmmjfffííuífimmjrn. They represent fhe work of fhe most expert diamond cutters in the world, and are, without a doubt, fhe ¿neál ^oneseverim ported into this country. ^Ve invite you to an early inspedtion Solitaire Rings, 1 carat stones mounted in solid gold T iffany settings, absolutely perfecit átone :imorc Designed and Manufactured by THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 230 the hansen superior quauity established in the year 1872 LABOR-SAVING BRASS LEADERS l-^iiniiNhcil oil Stnndiinl LiiK^ iinlcHH «itiierwiMC ordered .Made from solid bniss on the linin¡r svstem : iiIho mude on iin> ho to line with any face. Put up in re{;:u]ar fonts or made to order LABOR-SAVING FONTS The fidlowing jiriees are for regular K<-heu)e fonts. In the ñ-lh. fonts the longest piece is lf> ems ami in the lO-lh. fonts '¿0 ems, cut \)v half ems pica uji to 4 ems, and even ems above 4 ems. Size 1-j>ound font. 2-i)ound font. 3-pound font. t5-Pt. ,$ 1 7(1. 3 40. 4 95. H-Pt. .$ 1 (50. 3 20.. 4 65. 6 00., 7 25. 10-Pt. 1 50. 3 00. 4 50. 5 80. 7 00. 12 J't. 1 40 2 80 4 05 5 20 () 50 4-pound font 6 40... 5-pound font 7 75 .. lO-poundfont 14 00 13 50 13 00 12 00 15-pound font 21 00 19 50 18 75 18 00 20-pound font 27 (XI 25 00 24 00 23 00 25-|)0undfont 33 75 31 25 .30 00 28 75 50-pound font 65 (X) (50 00 57 .50 55 00 100-pound font 125 (K) 115 00 110 00 105 00 <3> <î> BRASS DASHES column Nos. 138 to Nos. 156 to No. 138 139 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 149 151 153 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 Cut to single 153 . 170 . . each. $0 07A . each. 10 BRASS TRADE SIGNS Order by number .50 cents each <3> ^ © A ADVERTISING RULES Cut any length, from any single, double, parallel or triple rule shown in this book. The following list shows a few of the faces generally used, with price list. Size Ems 2-1't. 3-Pt. 4-Pt. 5-Pt. 6-Ft. Single column 121 to 15 $0 021 $0 04 $0 05 Ç0 (Xi $0 071 Single column 15^ to 18.. Double column 241 to 27.. Double column 27^ to 30.. Triple column 36^ to 42. Triple column 42^ to 48.. 115 03 04.',, 05' 08 . 2-Point 04.' 061. 07". 10 . 11 .. 051. 08" 09 13 14 . 07 10. 11. 16. 18. 06 è 12^ 13| 19 21 116 2-Point 124 2-Point 109 2-Point 436 2-Point 110 2-roint i;t8 3-Point 147 4-Point 139 3-Point BRASS SCORING RULES 2-Point, jierfoot $0 10 :i-Point, per foot 15 4-Point, jier foot 20 6-Point, per foot 30 BRASS DASH RULES Cut any length face from any single, double, parallel or triple rule shown in this book. See side column for samples. 526 4-Point 171 5-Point 172 6-Point 186 6-Point 527 6-Point 188 6-Point PERFORATING RULES No. A. 2-Pt. Brass. l*er foot, $0 15 No. B. 2-Pt. Brass. Per foot, 15 No. C. 2-Pt. Steel. I'er foot, 40 No. D. 2-lT. Steel. Per foot, 40 Steel I'erforating Uule jiut up in fonts containing 4 feet cut to pica ems of various lengths. Price, per font, $2.00 HANSEN'S SPECIAL 2-Pt. STEEL CUTTING RULE 2-Pt. Steel Cutting Rule for steel cutting dies. 2.foot strips. Per foot, $0 20 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 231 the; hansein supeirior quality esta b l i s h E: d in the year 1s72 BRASS HEAD RULES 147 4-Pt. 183 6-Pt. 149 4-Pt. 171 5-Pt. 186 6-Pt, 185 6-Pt. 3-Pt. 4-Ft. Tbe following prices are for any Single, Double, Parallel or Triple Rule shown in this book. Regular sizes using 13-em column and 6-polnt column rule. 4-column 6-column 6-coliimn 7-column 8-column 9-column 67 . 80i. 94 . 107 J, 121 . 3-Point 4-Point 5-Point 54-Point 6-Point 7-Point 8-Point Í0 12 16 36 41 18 21 23 31 54 61 36 45 50 ."H 63 71 No. i BRASS COLUMN RULES No, Z Style ÍÍO. 1 sho^ regular notched column rule. When ordering give size of notch C in points, as well as length of face and body of rule. Six-point rule, unless othenvise ordered, is notched six points, eight-point is notched eight points, etc. Advertised prices are for full length over all. St^le No. 2 shows notch over and notch under. When orderii^, give height of B, and also size of notch C in points. Style No. 3 shows beveled column rule for linotype matter. When ordering this rule, the body is figured according to thickness at bottom. (5x6 figures as 6-point). Style No. 4 shows column rule with notch under and shank. When ordering, give length of shank A and the height of notch B, also height and depth of notch D. Style No. 5 shows column rule with shank. When ordering, give length of shank A and height of D. BRASS COLUMN RULES The following prices are for regular sizes using 13-em column. The usual style has a notch over (C No. \) to allow for foot slug. Size In. 6-Pt. 7-Pt. 8-Pt. 9-Pt. 10-Pt. 4-column 13| .%0 38 $0 44 $0 50 $0 56 $0 62 5-column 17Î 48 56 63 71 78 6-column 19} 53 62 70 78 87 7-column 21} 58 68 77 86 95 8-column 23} 63 73 83 93 1 03 9-column 25} 69 79 90 1 01 1 12 BEVELED LINOTYPE COLUMN RULES With notch, as per Style No. 1 Size Length 6-column 19| inches. 7-column 213 inches. 8-column 23| inches. 5x6-Pt. ..ÎO 74.,, HI.. 88.. 6xT-Pt. ...$0 86 95 ... 1 02 'X8-Pt. .$0 98 . 1 07 . 1 16 Deduct 2 cents from above prices for column rules without notch C. Notch under for brass reglets, 5 cents extra (B No. 2). Lug for perfecting press, 10 cents extra (A No. 5). Lug and notch under for perfecting press, 15 cents extra (A and B No. Prices for all column rules are for length over all. Lug for perfecting press, 10 cents extra (A No. 5). Lug and notch under for perfecting press, 15 cents extra (.A. and B No. 4L Prices for all column rules are for length over all. •K / "■■■/ No. No, 5' D K -«iV ) A THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 232 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY HANSEN'S SPECIAL MITERED LABOR-SAVING BRASS RULE A NEW LABOR-SAVING FONT SCHEME ORIGINATED BY THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY The best font system of rule ever designed for printers. An unequalled scheme for panel arrange¬ ments, labels and general commercial work, enabling speedy and practical arrangement with perfect corners. Better work and quicker. No. 152. 4-PT. Any rule shown in Sj)eci- inen JJook put up bj' this scheme. Prices given ajiply to all plain, d()m)le, triple and par¬ allel rules. Any plain rule matched accurately. No. 567. 4-PT. 1-Pt. face on side. I'ut up in labor-saving fonts. No. 521. 4-PT. SCHEMES AND PRICES Full fonts contain 50 set.s of rule, 4 pieces each length, from 1 to .50 ems inclusive, each piece being mitered on both ends and cut to 12-po)ut. inside measure and numberefi plainly. 2-Point Pule, per font . $13.50 3 " 12.50 4 ' i. 5 " 23..50 2S.00 » :U).oo 10 " '• " " 41.00 12 " " " " 48.00 Half fonts contain 25 sets of rule, 4 pieces each length, from 1 to 25 ems inclusive, each piece being mitered on both ends and cut to T2-i>oint, inside measure and numbered jflainly. 2-1'oint Rule, per font , $ 5.00 3 5.25 4 7.50 5 8.25 0 10.25 Ö 12.00 10 13..50 1^ " 15.00 Prices subject to discount. Outside measure given if desired. Half size new rule case, special]) designeil to hold above rule, $1.50 Further exam])les of attractive rule faces cut to sjiecial mitered labor-saving schemes shown on pages 234 and 235 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 233 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR (QUALITY (—j ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 POPULAR BRASS RULES HADE IN 2-FOOT STRIPS PRICES ARE PER FOOT THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 234 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE V EA R 1872 NEW DESIGNS IN BRASS RULES MADE IN S-FOOT STRIPS PRICES ARE PER FOOT 10 546 60c I 544 30c 4 542 20c I 609 lOc 18 548 90c 12 547 60c 8 545 40c 5 643 26c 3 641 16c THESE RULES PUT UPIN LABOR-SAVING FONTS PRICES PAGE 2Se DON'T BUY A LEAD AND RULE CUTTER UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN HANSEN'S Labor saving fonts, with or without miters^ put up in any quantity. Hansen's Solid Brass Round Corners fur¬ nished for any of the above rules. NO OFFICE COMPLETE WITHOUT HANSEN'S COMPLETE MITERER AND HANSEN'S COMPLETE LEAD AND RULE CUTTER THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 235 LABOR SAVING BRASS RULES Put up lu lojrular louts ot l. j.5. U). 15, 25, 50 aiul I0i)-lh. fonts, u ithout in iters, or speciiil fonts iiuicle to oj'iler. No. 113 OTHER DOTTED RULES SHOWN ON PAGE 2t8 HANSE N'S DOTTED RULE IS UNEXCELLED BODY 5 lb. font, 1-pt. $8.75 4. .. «2 4. 7.25 4. 3 44 6.75 4. 4 44 6.75 44 44 5 •' 6.75 4. 44 (J .. 6.50 4 4 4 4 - 4 4 6.50 4. j; .. 6.50 No. 508 NPt. Bodv. 1-Pt. Face on side. No. 126 J-Pt. Face and Bodv PPIPFS BODV 10-11). font, 1-pt. $17.00 " lA " ir>.(H) " 2' •• 15.50 " 5 •• 12.50 '• 4 •• 12.50 •• 0 •• 12.50 '• H " 12.50 " 10 " 12.00 " 12 •• 11.50 Mitered corner pieces are sold separately. I'rice per font, any bodv up to 6-l*t., obc. 8 to 12-Pt., 60c. Price per set 1 to 4-Point- - $0.15 5 to 8-1'oint - .25 8 to 12-P()int - .40 A set consists of 4 left and 4 right mitersany size from 1 to 6 ems. A font consists of two sets 2}¿ ems and two sets 5 ems long on 1 to 8-Pt. bodies or one set No. 521 4-Pt. Parallel. PRICES, NUMBER OF EMS AND PIECES CONTAINED IN A FONT OF 2-PT. BODY. NO MITERS INCLUDED „ — T, — * 3 r. POI NDS I Z ' Í 4 4 4 4 4 8 » » 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 ■/A) l'Ai :A) :'Ai ?A) 40 40 40 40 40 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 .'io :n) :A} 'M 40 40 40 40 .50 .50 50 :A) 100 200 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 :u) rw :'Ai 40 40 40 .50 .50 .50 each — each — ■A X z - = 111* 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1(1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 2(1 20 20 20 li :«] l'Ai .80 :«). 4(1 40 40 40 .50 .50 50 50 . Í, i, i, Î m : Ti Î Ti Î n Ti Ti Ï 75 z z s S Z a; Z z V V z 4/ Oí z PUICF — -■* •• •• •• S 1.60 8.20 5 5¡ 5 4.50 4 4 4 .8 8 8 8 8 6.00 6 6 6 4 4 4 -1 4 2 2 2 2 2 7.25 12 12 12 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 18..50 18 1H¡18 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 20.25 24 24 24 16 16 16 16 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 26.(M) .80 80 8(1 20 20 2(1 2(1 20 10 Itl 1(1 10 10 10 82.50 60 60 6(1 40 40 4(1 4(: 4(1 20 2(1 2(1 2(1 20 20 62.50 each— 80 80 80 80 80 40 40 40 40 40 40 120.00 Other builv schemes anri i»nces on applicatli»n. Si)ei-ial prjce.s for large f|uantities. An\ rule put up in labor-saving fonts. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 236 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY eSXABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 LABOR-SAVING BRASS RULES PLAIN 1-LB. a-LB. 1-Point . $2.10 $6.70 H " 1.95 6.40 2 " . 1.60 4.50 3 " 1.65 4.36 4 " . 1.66 4.36 6 " 1.60 4.20 8 " 1.50 4.20 10 " 1.50 4.05 12 '• 1.35 3.76 6-LB. 10-LB. 1-Point . $8.76 $17.00 H " 8.25 16.00 2 " 7.26 13.50 3 " 6.75 12.60 4 " 6.76 12.50 6 " 6.60 12.50 8 " 6.50 12.50 10 " 6.50 12.00 12 " 6.00 11.50 Mitered Corner Pieces are sold separately by set or font. Sold also in Special Mi¬ tered Fonts and half fonts as per page 233. Any other plain single, double or triple face rules at same prices. All fonts put up to our regular Type Foundry ^^ss rule schemes. • Change of these schemes 3-Pt. No. 54 I at special prices. i i j FANCY • Fancy Rules put up in I Labor-saving Fonts at the « following pnces : ___________________ ! 2-Point. . $8'!7Ô $16.^) I 3 " 8.10 15.00 • 4 •' 8.10 15.00 6 '< 7.80 15.00 8 " 7.80 16.00 10 " 7.80 14.40 12 " ... 7.20 13.80 Mitered Comer Pieces are ^ sold separately. Fancy Rules are also put up in Special Mitered Fonts as per scheme on page 233 at the following pnces; FONT HALF FONT 2-Point. . $16.20 $ 6.00 ~ ' 15.00 6.30 23.70 9.00 33.60 12.30 43.00 14.40 49.00 16.20 67.60 18.00 Other fancy faces at the above prices where pattern is such that they can be mitered to advantage Insist on Hansen's Superior Quality BRASS LEADS AND SLUGS Our Brass Leads and Slugs are accurately made and are a necessity in newspaper and other offices where forms are subjected to heat as in stereotyping. Sold in 2-foot strips, cut to measure, and in labor-saving fonts as follows: PRICE PER POUND l-Point. n " 2 '♦ 3 " 4 " . 6 " STRIPS TO MEASURE LABOR-S'V'Q $0.86 $1.25 $1.76 .80 1.16 1.60 .76 1.00 1.26 .75 1.00 1.25 .75 .96 1.20 .75 .96 1.20 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 237 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 HANSEN'S STEEL CUTTING DIES (li-HlgiiB on this page represents the cut¬ ting edges of dies, maae from the very finest ?uality of hardened steel enclosed in solid metal rames. See page 248. These steel dies have been an important feature of the H. C. Hansen Type Foundry for years, and have given excellent satisfaction to hundreds of users. They can be used on any ordinary platen press and enable the user to produce many unique novelties in "cut-outs" for booklets, etc. "With a careful makeready, these dies will stand an unlimited number of impressionsfa thin piece of brass glued to platen of^press makes the best surface for the steel to strike on.) When dull, the face can be touched up with a fine file. The designs shown on this page represent a few of the most common sizes and shapes. Prices will be quoted to interested parties on application. Give number of design wanted, when other shapes are desired, send sketch or drawing of same and we will quote prices. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 238 THE HANSEIN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR IE No. 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 HANSEN'S BRASS DASHES 4-Pt. Body. Cut to Sinj^le Column. 10c. each. No. 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 130 137 120 121 122 123 124 125 120 127 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 No. 09 - 70 _ 71 _ 72 _ 73 - 74 - 75 - No, 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 58 59 00 01 02 03 05 60 07 68- Nfjs. 03 to 08. 15 cents each 6-Pt. Body. Cut to Double Column Width. 25c. each SPECIAL BRASS JOB DASHES, ON 2-POINT BODY. 5c. each. No. 89 No. 94 No. 99 No. 104 No. 80 No. 85 No. 90 No. 95 No. 105 No. 109 No. 81 No. SO NoJIl No. 90 No. 101 No. 100 No. 110 No 113 loc. No. 82 No. 87 No. 97 No. 102 No. 114 10c. THE H, C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 239 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY H > ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 HANSEN'S BRASS BRACES 6-POINT BODY. MOST UNIFORM AND ACCURATE MADE 1 to 12—12 cents. 13 to 24 —15 cents. 25 to 33 — 20 cents. 34 to 41—Ü cents. 42 to 49—H cents. 50 to 65—10 cents. Liphi Face 31 19 16 13 10 4 1 Medium Face 32 17 14 Black Face 33 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 40 41 30 '—— 37 34 — 35 Longer and heavier braces made to order THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY sterling Coated. See page 377 240 THE: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ^ H ^ ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 /K « • BRASS CORNER QUADS Perfectly Square Inside and Outside. SOLID BRASS. NOT BRAZED, 40 cents per set. BRASS Cl.AMRS FOR CURVED LINES BRASS CORNER QUADS Perfectly Square Inside and Outside. SOLID BRASS, NOT BRAZED. 40 cents per set. 12-Pt. I Full Size. BRASS DASH CORNERS. Per set of four, 60 cents THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 241 BRASS POINTERS Plain t (î-INnnt. IO ni'nts nai-ïi ; 8-Pnint, K» conls mich ; VJ-Point-, "JO cent m each. I*"aiir \, 5 cenls extra .lllllll No. 27 — B-Pt. No. 25 —t;-Pt. No. 211 —12-Pt. No. —(UPi. No. 57 — (i-Pt. No. 5H —(UPi. No. ;{«—»i-pi. , y' . No. 4(1 — B-Pt. No. 21) — <)-Pt. No. 28—(»-Pt. No. .54 — ti-Pt. iilHIlllllllllli. No. .50 —12-Pt. No. 31 —12-Pi. ^Illl llllk No. 35—t)-Pt. No. 41—()-Pt. No. 42 —(i-Pt No. 3 — G-Pt. No. 5 — G-Pt. No. 1—0-Pt.—No. 2 No. O — O-Pt, mil No. 3(( — 0-Pt, No. 32 —12-Pt. No. 8 — 0-Pt. No. 14 —12-Pt No. 18 — No. l«)_8-Pt. No. 15—12-Pt. METAL RULE 18-inoh strips Per Foot 5 ets. 18-ineh strijís No. 5 18-Pt. ¡5-IT. 8 cts. 4-IT. 10 cts. 5-lT. 12 cts. No. 1 6-Pt. 15 cts. No. 2 8-PT. 20 cts. No. 3 12-1't. ;ío cts. l8-ini-h strips No.i» 12-Pt. Per Foot 45 cts. No. 10 18-Pt. 70 cts. BRASS CIRCLES AND OVALS Circles No. 3 897 . •• 4 699 •• t) 709 . '• 6 700 . '• 5 704 'i'0.90 Ovals No. 3 1)97 1.2.5 •• 4 099 1.25 •• () 709 1.00 G 700 l.(y) '■ 5 704 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 242 EISXA B L_ I s H E: o IN THE YEAR 1872 BRASS CIRCLES Circles and Ovals of any Size or Face Made to Order Nos. 50A and 51A . . . !?0.35 Nos. ílA, .55A anil 66A .50 Nos.4«A,()lAan(l 02A . . . . .75 Nos. 8B, 6TB, 68B, 73B and T4B . i!oo Nos. 12C and 49C' , 1.25 Nos. 131) and 141) . 1.50 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 243 -So. lA . 4A . 6B . 9B . llf To 76 T7A . Price So. . .$0.50 78A .75 79A 1.00 80A 1.00 81A 1.25 82A .35 íiíiA .35 MA .35 85A Price . $0.35 .35 .50 .50 .50 .75 .50 Xo. Price No. Price 86A . . $0.75 93B . . $1.00 87A . .75 04B . 1.00 88A . .75 95B . 1.00 89A . .75 96B . 1.00 90A . .75 97B . 1.00 91B . 1.00 98B , 1.00 92B . 1.00 99B . 1.00 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 244 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 245 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 246 -THE HANSEN SUPERIOR C^UAUITY ESXABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1672 BRASS OVALS THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 247 ^52 ANSEIN SUPEIRIOR QUALITY establisheid in xhe: ybar ibts BRASS RULE BORDER DESIGNS BLOCKED SOLID IN METAL THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 248 THE; HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY EISTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 HANSEN'S SOLID BRASS CORNERS These Corners Match Ui'cnrately rule fares of tM)rres|»ont. .508 2-Pt. 109 4-Pt. 106 18-Point Body Price, I'er Set of Four, ;|!0.50 /Í? ^ if% if\ :f\ 0-Pt. 598 . 571 r 12-Pt. 575 10-Pt. 574 8-Pt. 573 0-Pt. 544 0-Pt. 578 0-Pt. 598 0-Pt. .593 if S f\ if \ 6-I't. 65 6-rt. 686 6-Pt. 566 4-1't. 671 4-Pt. 584 4-Pt, 583 4-Pt. .591 \ 4-Pt. 521 3-Pt. 569 3-Pt. .541 2-Pt. 509 2-Pt. 109 2-Pt. 508 2-Pt. 126 18-Pt. 576 12-Pt. 575 24'Point Body Price, Per Set of Four, $0.60 12-Pt. 547 12-Pt. 589 18-Pt. 245 12-Pt. 549 # % 12-Pt. 581 12-Pt. 596 10-Pt. 588 10-Pt. 546 if % 10-Pt. 580 10-Pt. 674 10-Pt. 600 8-Pt. 679 8-Pt. 594 10-Pt. 595 ir\ 8-Pt. 587 8-Pt. 545 8-Pt. 599 8-Pt. 573 18-Pt. Body 4-Pt 50c. Set 4-Pt. 166 6-Pt. 200 10-Pt. 232 12-Pt. 240 Rf l;,\l 24-Pt. Body. Set, $0.75 12-Pt. 364 24-Pt. Body. Set, $0.75 12-Pt. 369 24-Pt. Body. Set, $0.75 12-Pt. 358 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 249 HANSEN'S ROUND BRASS CORNERS ORIOINATEO BY H. C, HANSEN THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 250 -the; hansein superior quality 5TABLISHED IN THE YEAR TS72 HANSEN'S HOUND BRASS CORNERS ORDER BY BODY AND NUMBER PRICES ON PAGE 249 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 251 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITV ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1B72 HANSEN'S BHASS DIAGONAL CORNERS When ordering, give size of body and number of corner / \ 8 434 \ / IJ-in. Body / \ 8 126 \ / V2-Vt. Body 8 146 \ / 12-Pt. Body PRICES 1, 2,3, 4 and 6-Pt. face on 12 and 18- Point bodies, per set, $0.36 4, 6, 8 and 12-Pt. face on 24-Point body, perset $0.50 Parallel Diagonal Corners 4,6,8 and 12-Point face on 24-Point body, per set $0.75 y \ 8 166 N y 12-Pt. Body J K 8 200 ^ y 12-Pt. Body 15 200 16 166 24-Pt. Body 24-Pt. Body y \ 10 200 N y 18-Pt. Body 10 166 N y 18-Pt. Body / \ 10 146 \ / 18-Pt. Body / \ 10 126 \ / 18-Pt. Body The last three figures signifies the number of rule which may be used with these corners X y \ 16 544 \y 24-Pt. Body / y \ \y / y X 16 645 \y 24-Pt. Body X y THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 252 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALIXV < H > ESTABL.ISHED IN XHE VEAR 1872 HANSEN'S SOLID BRASS CORNERS. (Mortised) onioinated by h. c. hansen These corners match accurate))- face rule of corresjxuuiinfr Kl/.e ROUND CORNERS Trice, Ter Set of Four, i|0.r,o 1,3 14 Iß 16 AVhen ordering state size of l>ody, face an<) number r r r r c 3-Tt. 4-Tt. ALL CORNERS SHOWN HERE C 10-Tt. 12-Tt. -^ONE PIECE OF BRASS CONBINATION CORNERS Price, Per Pair, $0.30 35 34 33 26 40 41 27 42 43 24 25 "iirmrnnm 6xl2-Tt. 4xl2-Pt. 2xl2-Tt. 2x6-Tt. 3x6-Tt. 4xÖ-Tt. 2xl2-Pt. Ix4-Tt. Ix6-Tt. 2x6-Tt. 4xl2-Pt. 2xl8-Tt. 2xl2-Tt. All the aboi e corners are mortised to even points to facilitate rapid justification SOLID BRASS-« »►NOT BRAZED SQUARE CORNERS I'rice, Ter Set of Four, $0..50 2-rt. I These corners are mortised to match 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 8 ami 12-1't. brass rule. The number of each correspontls to number of Hansen's rule which is to be used. Rule can be furnished either in strijis or labor-saving fonts. We make corners to match our parallel or double rule. Corners, Per Set of Four, intlicated by letter A, $0.60; B, $0.80; C, $0.90: I). $1.00 2-Pt. No. 109 4-Pt. No. 521 2-Pt. No. 508 11 4-Pt. No. 4 542 II H 2-Pt. No. 3-Pt. No. 133 4-Pt. No. 150 3-Pt. No. 441 3-Pt. No. 442 6-Pt. No. 186 5-Pt. . 6 586 1-Pt, No. 8 573 Iñ'T IX'^l I 4-Pt. No. 162 I 5-Pt. No. 171 | I ö-Pt. No. 172 I r^nl r^ni Ir^nl II No. 6 644 II II No. 6 644 A || || No. 6 698 | | p-P..^ [IP-^ III No. 8 694 III II No. 8 687 || || No. 8 699 | | IP ''PI rTo'i 60, in-'T If- III No. 6 598 III II No. P°"^ Ir»^ IBINo. 12 596 IBI III No. 12 549 III 111 No. 12 576 ¡11 ■ÍNo.12 689 IH ■■ No. 12 547 ■■ ■■ No. 12 547a1Í These corners are each made of one piece of solid brass and not brazed. They are the only corners that will resist any strain and not break. They are invaluable for newspaper use. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 253 HANSEN S SOLID BRASS CENTRE PIECES lYlr(>. l*er I'iiir, !i!ü.50 3-Pt. Pair, $0,60 l'air, $0.40 Per l'air, $0.80 Per Pair, $1.00 JL JL ^ —II— —IL -ilL- —l|L "T" ^ ni—ir nf T 3-Pt,No.442 S-Pt.Ni.-ll.^ 4-Pt. No. 521A 6-in. No. 6 5l)3A No. 12 506 A I gl l'air, $1.00JH IP 12-pt PII nlr 12 Htnir No. 12 590 B Per Pair, $1.0» ||| ' 6-Pt. No. ü 593 B I Per Pair, $0.80 | nrsn II Per Pair, ?1.00 | |r= 6-pt, III Xo. 6 698 A I BRASS FRACTIONAL MARKS Price, 60c each III' / 1 ^ 2 3 4 / / / / Valuable for setting odd fractions Per Pair, $0.80 | O-Pt. i No. 186 A I I Per Pair, $0.80 [ I I I No. 61Í1 B I HANSEN'S BRASS BRAZED CORNERS These comers match accurately rule faces of corresponding number When ordering, state size of body, face and number These corners measure 2x4 ems pica long. Prices, per set of four, 2,3, 4 or 6-Pt., $0.50; 8,10 or 12-Pt., $0.60 2-Point No. 509 4-Point No. .542 8-Point Ni>. 673 Rule to match these comers may be had in strips or labor-saving fonts 3-Point Nil. 442 4-I' ESTA B L I S H EI D IN T H EI VEIAR 1Q72 SOMETHING NEW HANSEN'S BE\ ELED QUOTATIONS AND QUADS Invented by H. C. Hansen (Patent applied (or) CAST ON ANGLES OF 45, 54, 60, 72 AND 78 DEGREES NO PRINTING OFFICE SHOULD BE JVJTHOUT N FONT The standard five angles cast give also angles of 3fi°, 30°, 18° and 12° as well the right angle or 90° Special Font in a Quarter-size case (shown on page 378) containing 4v')°, 54° and G()°, complete with case, $12.00 Advantageous for large offices. The hansen beveled quads and quotations supply a long-felt need, as they render artistic and complicated set-ups as rapid and easy to the job compositor as straight composition. Being made on five different angles they allow a variety of arrange¬ ment and a pleasing relief from the straight and ordinary appearance which printers have been forced to produce on account of the extra time and expense heretofore necessary to do work of this kind. The Beveled Quads and Quotations completely do away with the necessity of using Plaster Paris after the form is set up, as is nearly always necessary when ordinary quads and leads are used for justification. A slanting panel or line justified with these quads is as secure and may be lifted as easily as a form of straight matter. The illustra¬ tion shown below gives a clear idea of the utility of these quads and quotations and one glance will readily convince the printer of the practicability and value of them to the man who desires to do the " just a little different " style of printing which begets trade. In the advertising departments of newspapers and other publications they will fill a long felt want, and for the printer of labels their many uses make them simply in¬ valuable. SHOWING THE ANGLE OF 45 DEGREES SHOWING THE ANGLE OF 54 DEGREES SHOWING THE ANGLE OF 60 DEGREES Degree is stamped on each piece. SHOWING FORM JUSTIFIED WITH HANSEN'S BEVELED QUADS AND QUOTATIONS FOR PRICES, FONT SCHEMES AND EXAMPLES OF THEIR USE SEE THE PAGE OPPOSITE Slerling Coated. See page 377 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 256 the: hansein supeirior quality ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 Ocsitns Copyrithtcd BERKSHIRE ORNAMENTS - (Kk'ctrotyiH's) Onier l>y Nuniher Ni). 97. $l.2r) THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY Sterling Coated. See page 377 2 62 THE HANSEN S U P EI R I O R QUALITY ses ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Designs Copyrighted BKRKSIIIRK ORNAMENTS (Kkctrotypes) Order by Number Originated by H.C. Hansen No. IS. $1.25 No. 47. $().(iO No.;«. $0.75* No. 20. $0.()0 No. M. $U.k5 No. 221. $ll.S5 No. St). $().h5 •Kleftrotyi)ed initials shown made only in letters listet! No. 220. $O.K(l THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 263 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABL.ISHED IN Th YEAR 1S72 Designs CopvnuhtcJ BERKSHIRE ORNAMENTS (Electrotypes) Order hy Number Oriüiiiatrd by H . C. Hansen No. -jy, iO.SO No. m. :^y. No. T«>. $I).K() No. 40. $0.50 No. 44. $0.50 ^ TíáSí No. 42. $0.50 No. «>.'5. $0.60 No. 00. $0..50 No. 01. $0.50 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 264 XH. H.MSe. SUP.K,OR <^UAU,XV < H > ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1672 Designs Copyrighted BERKSHIKK ORNAMENTS o rlgi n ale dbyH.C.Hansen (Klectrotypes) Order liy Numlicr THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 265 hansen superior quality established in the year 1872 OcMtiis Copvri>:htrit BERKSHIRE ORNAMENTS Or imilla led I) y H. C. Hansen (Kleitroty pt-s) Ordfr by Nuinhcr No. ss. $1.50. Mortisoil No. '¿2. $o.i;o No. .5.5. $0.7.5 No. TO. $0.75 Xo. '¿Ä. $0.75. Mortised No. 30. .$0.tK) No. .51. $0.00 .No. 20.5. $O.KO No. «2. $0.75 No. .5.3. ^0.75 No. 7H. $0.00 No. Hi. $0.75 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 266 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Designs Copyrighted BERKS! IIRK ORNAMENTS Originated by H. C. Hansen ( M Ifctrtilypes) ( )r(k*r by Number No. 75. !?o.t;o No. 4!t. $0.75 4é No. 202. .$0..'15 No. 202. $()..50 No. 250. $0.35 No. 205. $1.51) .Morti.'setl N<». 258. $0.35 G72 w No 240. $0.00 No. 248. $0.00 No. 249. $0.00 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 267 ^ A N s E: N SUPERIOR Q U A U I T Y ses ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 Ofsicns Copyritlitpil BERKSHIRE ORNAMENTS ()rinatrcl hy H. C. Hansen ( r.lmrotypes) Onler by Number f-Vs No. 11. !« No. 1. SO.IH) No. -J. No. 3. No. $0.75 No. 320. $0.2.5 No. .'Hit. $0..'«) No.:«>4. $0.45 No. 307. $0.;{5 W No. 29$. $0.25 No. 92. $1.00 No. 214. $0.50 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 268 Drsigns Copyrightrd BERKSIIIRK ORNAMENTS .>ntina,.dbvH.C.H,nscn (Electrotypes) Order by Number No. 217. $1.00 No. .'110. $0.50 NO.2Î10. $0.40 No.-JlS. $1.00 No. 2H0. $0.60 No. 30. $0.75 No. 31. $0.' No. 220. $0.40 N«t. 2(M;. $O.:I5 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 269 HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Doitns Cop\rithlnl BKRKSHIRK ORNAMKNTS Oricinalrd by H. C. Matigrn (l-'lrctuMvpes) ()i'ik*r liy Numlicr No. -Jii). »0.25 No. UH. »(}.5i) So.'jrAi. »o.:ir> No. 247. $0.45 Ni). 203. $0.20 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 270 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY established IN THE YEAR 1872 Drsigns Copyrighted BüRKSIIIKlC ORNAMENTS Orlginaied by H.C. Hansen ( Klcctrotypt's) ()nler l)y Number No. Ä«. $0.1«) No. $(»..'>0 No. 00. .$0.H0 N'o. ÎW. $0.i<0 No. Ä0. $0.H0 No.l'OO. $0.S() No. 24. $0.75 "Weil's* w N'o. r>4. $0.00 No. 50. $0.00 ##### No. 22i'). $0.00 No. 212. $0.M0 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 271 THE; HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 BERKSHIRE ORNAMENTS (Electrotypes) Order l)y Number No. 74. $0.75 No. 90. No. HO. $0.75 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 272 the: hansetn superior quality established in the year 1872 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 273 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY < H > ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 Drsigns Copyrightcd BERKSHIRE ORNAMENTS Orijiinatrd by H. C. Hansen (Islertiotypes) OiiliT l>y NiinihiT No. 273. $0.50 f Y No. 301. $0.35 No. 336. $0.75 No. 2«1. $0.75 No. 2X2. $0.75 No. 2X4. $0.75 N«»..'i;«;. $0.35 No. ;i:i7. $0.26 No.;{.3k. $o.;{.5 No. 280. $0.50 fj No. 2í;o. $0.5í) No. 2m. $0.50 No. 270. $0.50 No. 272. $0.50 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 274 Designs Copyrighted BERKSIIIKIÍ ORNAMENTS Originated by H. C. Hansen (KU'clrotypcs) No. 332. $2.00. Mortised Order by Number No. 27. $0.7r> No. 274. $0.90 'W No. 313. $0.45 «& § No. 317. $0.50 w I No.XWH. $0.40 No.:MOH. $0.30 No. 302. $0.:« No. 283. $0.75 No. 314. $0.35 WWW No. 319. $0.40 No. 305. $0.45 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 275 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY y Niinil>er ()rÍ£¡natrd by H.C. Hangen \o. i jii. $o.rH) \ jV No. ;w. $o.(W No.rso. $0.4.') $ No. 1.%. ^O.Tf) No. i;{r>. $o..^)0 No. 12«. $0.75 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 276 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Designs Copyrighíed BERKSIIIKI-: ORNAMENTS Orí g Inaled by H. C. Hansen (Kk'ctrotypi's) Oriler l>y Number No. 141. $0.40 Designs Copyrighted No. 151. .$0.0(1. Mortised. No. 140. $0.35 SANTA GLAUS CUTS No. 142. $0.40 Originated by H.C. Hansen No. 377. .$0.75 No. 3»1 No. 378. $0.75 No. ;{82 No. 379. $1.00 Same cut. size 2ix4i iu., $1.50 Sauie ovtt. size 2x4 in., $1..5o No. 375. $0.00 No. :i70. Same cut, size .|x4i in. $1.00 No. 380. $1.00 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 277 ^ANSE:N SUPERIOR Q U A U I "T Y ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 Ofsigns Copyrighted SYMPHONY OR.NA\lENTS onematH^biH^c^ (F.lectrotypes) Onler by Number yo.6. $1.25 No, w:. $o.r>o No. 77. $0.25 No. 08. $().»«) No. 127. $0.00 No. 05. $1.(K) No. 32. $1.00 Mortised THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 278 XHE HArslSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 De.ien, C,py,i,h„d SYMI'II()NY ORNAMENTS origin.,.dbvH.C.H.n.,n (KIcitrtilypes) Order hy Number No.;{n. :i;o.Tr) No. 17. $1.(M) No. 277. $1.00 No. 2TH. $0.90 N0.2KT. $1.00 No. 286. $0.75 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 279 established in the year 1s72 No. 5. !?1.T5 No. 3". $0.40 copy,ich,.J M P M ON ( ) R N A M KNTS Or,ci...,.dh,H.C.H.n..n (KlertrotN pt's) Onlcr l>y Nuinhcr imr^- N»>. 07. $0.45 No. 2:Vl. MortisiMl No. 14. $1.75 No. 9. $1.25 No. 38. $0.45 Afortised No. 232. $0.75 No. 73. $0.50. .Mortised No. 15. $1.25 No. 16. $1.25 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 280 THE: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY 3LISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 Designs CopyriKhted "V. V l\/l I-' Í II ■ I ^Vi V 1 IK I Xi /-% IVi r 1 Xl I Originaled by H. C. Hansen SYMPHONY ORNAMENTS (KletiriHypen) Order by Number No. :H0. $1.25 No. :i63. $0.40 No. 125. $0.35 No. 342. $0.76 No. 344. $1.00 No. 343. $0.W No. 121». $0.40 No. 341. $1.00 No. 3&4. $0.50 No. 401. $0.30 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 281 the; hansen superior quality established in the: year 1872 Oesigns CopyrightfJ POST CARD HEADINGS Originaird by H. C. Hamen (Klectrotypcs) OrdtT l)y Number No. I'Tf). $1.75 CdKD Stamj) No. 2tis. Cut only, $1.25 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 190-192 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. 4^ POST f JJCARD f^OTHING . N<». 21.7. $l.orti8ee>) No. un. so.40 Two colors. SO.T.'i No. 04. SO.:u» No. i;iñ. No. 239. $0.30 No. 206. $0.40 No. .34»y. $0Ji.5 No. 777. $0.40 Four colors, $1.5(J No. K6S. $0.4^» Four colors, $1..50 No. 2«6. $0.30 No. im. $0.30 No. 367. $0.40 No. 311. $0.40 No.i:i3. $0..35 No. 74. $0.3.^ No. 627. $0.30 No. iUi. $0.35 No.yys. $0.44) No. 296Í'. $0.44» No. 111. $(».35 No. 991. $0.r)0 No. 2X1. $0.40 No. 211E. $0.30 $(».40 No. 375. $0.75 No. 997. $0.40 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 284 ILLUSTRATED AND DESCRIPTIVE CATALOG, INCLUDING PRICE LIST OF PRINTING MACHINERY MATERIALS and SUPPLIES I 1 Further Prices and Discounts on application The H.C HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS BRANCH, NEW YORK CITY REPRESENTED IN ST. PAUL. MINN. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. CHICAGO, ILL. PHILADELPHIA, PA. ATLANTA. CA. ! H_l the: h a n s e: n superior quality eistabuished in the year 1s72 BRASS RULE CASES WmUfíni PWiHU«ÍÍ,MH. LB.! HARRIS RULE CASE No. I Price, $1.25 This case holds two complete small fonts of labor-saving rule, each weighing 8 pounds or 15 pounds in all. Each half of this case holds 18 pieces each length from 1 to 8i ems (varying by ens), 18 pieces each from 9 to 18 ems (varying by ems), and 9 pieces each 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, and 28 ems, besides boxes for right and left miters. Size, 78 x 15i inches. Weight, 19 ounces. HARRIS RULE CASE No. 2 Price, $1.00 This case holds one complete font of 16 pounds weight. It has compartments for 36 pieces each from I to 9 ems long (varying by ens), 18 pieces each from 10 to 24 ems (varying by ems), and 18 pieces each of 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 ems long, besides boxes for right and left miters. A large proportion of smalllengths. Size, 78 x I5i inches. Weight, 19 ounces FOUR HARRIS RULE CASES IN FULL SIZE BLANK CASE Price, $4.65, Including the Blank Case HARRIS RULE CASE No. 3 HARRIS RULE CASE No. 4 Price, $0.75 Price, $1.00 These two cases are designed to be used together to hold a font of rule weighing 32 pounds or less. Case No. 3 has com¬ partments for all short lengths up to and including the 20 em length. Case No. 4 has compartments for all of the short lengths and also all long lengths up to and including the 36 em length. Together these cases have compartments for 72 pieces each from I to 9 ems long (varying by ens), 36 pieces each from 10 to 24 ems long (varying by ems), and 18 pieces each from 25 to 36 ems long, (varying by ems), besides boxes for right and left miters. Size, 78 x 154 inches. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 286 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 BRASS RULE CASES Unnmfffn SANSPAREIL HARRIS RULE CASE Price, SI.50 The size of this case I4Î x 1inches—2 cases fit Into one standard blank case. The walls and partitions are a trifle over type high, so the rules are at all times protected. Each case is complete with all sizes from I to 9A ems. varying by nonpareils, and from 10 to 42, varying by picas, with an extra allowance for small sizes; also an additional row for miters (second row of small sizes) which, when no miters are carried, can be used for overflow on small sizes, of which there is always a large stock. HAMILTON RULE CASE No. 94 Price, $1.40 This case takes a 25 pound font of standard rule on 2 point body. Separate compartments are provided for every length from I to 36 picas long, inclusive, with separate com¬ partments for two sizes of miters. Where there are a large number of pieces in the shorter lengths, the compartments are doubled, two for each length, so as to maintain narrow¬ ness of compartments in order to keep the rules standing. A line gauge for determining lengths is printed on the edge of each case. Size. I5t x 12A inches. HAMILTON RULE CASE No. 67 Price, $1.25 This case takes a 10 pound font of standard rule on 2 point body. Separate compartments are provided for every length from I to 36 picas long, inclusive, with separate com¬ partments for miters. All compartments are narrow, so that rules will always stand on edge. A line gauge for determin¬ ing lengths is printed on edgeofcase. Size, x I4| inches. PERFECTION RULE CASE Price, $0.90 This case has two compartments for ail lengths from I to 12 and one compartment for lengths from 13 to 36 ems. The variations are by ens from I to 10. and by ems from 10 to 36. Size. 7§ X I5i inches. Four of these cases fit in full size blank case. HAMILTON RULE CASE No. 58 Price. $0.75 This case takes a 5 pound font of standard rule on 2 point body. Separate compartments for every length from 1 to 36 picas long, inclusive, with separate compartments for miters. All compartments are narrow, so that rules will always re¬ main standing on edge. A line gauge for determining lengths is printed on edge of each case. Size. 8i x 9^ inches. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 287 NEW DEPARTURE CASES FULl SIZE 51/ "J ■ / ' n " /~/^i AV^^VsVVvWI^^HV^^Ç» QQ. News Cases. Price, per Pair: Plain, $1.60: With clasps, $1.75 Two Rivers Cap Case Plain. $0.90 With clasps, $1.00 California Job Case Plain, $0.90 With clasps, $1.00 lip [I'hl'h /'lililí Eià k k k k. L'L.k 1 làiî'îij M M ) 1 Mí 1 lo IkIsItIn'im'I H jilJ« r ^ ^ |Qups I J i; ■ lvl/l-lllj&|ili| Ê loFíf/-^ i'f 1 I 1 'ft mjOT ¡a iif^Fi s ff Llf«M 1114' ITj«'Ji J» fil Jñ ¿(i hfFfFFE rrm™ rl'FFifj h ïffÊ wm ¡■mil ■im-jffFra Wheeler Job Case Plain, $0.90 With clasps, $1.00 Plain, $0.90 Italic Job Case With clasps, $1.00 Combination Job Case Plain, $1.20 With clasps, $1.35 Yankee Job Case Plain, $1.00 With clasps, $1.15 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 288 THE: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 NEW DEPARTURE CASES FULL SIZE ^prrri mvTrrrtritm BjúíMMMjaala [AJ ^1 if r^ii ij (il i ■ A Ij FI/TP' 7/f7/fïï]f7|7]7]' i> /¡nTifîîip^jf^^Tnu 'ir^r Quads 1 Dearing Job Case Plain, $1.00 With clasps, $1.15 Wells Job Case Plain, $1.00 With clasps, $1.15 Improved Job Case Plain, $1.20 With clasps, $1.40 Spaceless Job Case Plain, $1.00 With clasps, $1.15 Tripie Case Plain, $0.90 With clasps, $1.00 Quadruple Case Plain, $1.20 With clasps, $1.35 "WNt >\AV\V\:XOH V\TG.CO. Dearing Accent Case Plain, $1.50 With clasps, $1.80 Two Rivers Lead and Slug Case Plain, $1.75 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 289 THE; HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 NEW DEPARTURE CASES FULL SIZE / ppri«i*E»r rPFfP Vrprpppffpir /crppfprrprrr fFPrrrà'PPPPP fprprpnrpprp, ii^ppppi ' pr 1 k k F ■ E«C*E"PPii"k^F'FB*'[l«iP n &rp^FPPK*k^I!*K*iP 1] Í ppPÉ^pppik pp'n rprpppprprrci &£FPPPPPPirp«| rrFFPFFFVPrel i—p| 1 Border Case Plain, $1.25 With clasps, $1,50 C E E J^Ê Ë n M D 1 n "d 1^1 s ^ CO. - , '. J Figure Case Plain, $1,00 With clasps, $1.10 Wood Type Case No. Including 6 division strips Plain, $0.90 No, I Adjustable Lead and Slug Case Single depth, $1.50 Double depth, $2,50" ^ '' IIT"- :_i*v>MLVv\\5w to. . Hamilton Job Case Plain, $0.90 With clasps, $1.00 Byerly Figure Case Plain, $1,10 With clasps, $1.20 Rule Case (Ordinary) Plain, $1,15 With clasps, $1.25 Neshota Rule Case Plain, $2,00 THE H, C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 290 THE HArsíSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 NEW DEPARTURE CASES wt » X sut IH AU à m TT » ê f a Ja ge g! Ma Ma ta Ma Mi Ma ta ] Ii la me Ê1 m o mu ma me m j mo Êii '/r/rrr/TTi Wisconsin ^ Size Case "B" Wisconsin '4 Size Case "D" Price. $0.65 Price. $0,65 Four of these quarter cases fit in a full size blank case Zenobia Rule Case Metal Furniture Case Plain. $1.50 Single Depth. $1.50 Double Depth. $2.00 No. 3 Wood Type Case. Size 23 x 44 Inches Price. $1.30 Wisconsin 4 Size Case "A" Wisconsin 4 Size Case "C" Price. $0.65 Price. $0.65 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 291 Sterling Coated. See page 377 HANSEIN SUPEIRIOR (QUALITY established in I E YEAR 1072 NEW DEPARTURE CASES torppn" M0líi T"í" Yankee Job Case, size Plain, $0.75 With clasps, $0.85 Spaceless Job Case. ^3 size Plain. $0.80 With clasps, $0.90 Half Cap Case Price. $0.60 Dearing Job Case. Vi size Plain, $0.75 With clasps, $0.85 Improved Job Case, yz size Plain, $0.90 With clasps, $1.05 Brass Leader Case, 'ji size Price, $0.75 Auxiliary Figure Case No. Price, $0.65 Auxiliary Figure Case No. 2 Price, $0.75 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 292 XME; HArvJSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 LEAD AND SLUG CASES BETTIS LEAD AND SLUG CASE No. I This case has compartmenLs from 4 to 28 picas wide, varying by single picas, omit¬ ting the 27-em length. Partitions run from front to back without central division. Length. 72 inches; width. 18 inches, out¬ side; depth. lA inches, inside. Price, $4.00. BETTIS LEAD AND SLUG CASE No. 2 This case has compartments from 30 to 60 picas wide; one compartment each for 30. 32, 34. 36. 38, 40. 42. 45. 50 and 60 picas. Length. 72 inches; width. 18 inches.outside; depth. I h Inches, inside. Price $4.00 BETTIS LEAD AND SLUG CASE No. 3 This case has compartments from 3 to 48 pleas wide, varying by single picas. It also has compartments for 4 pica lengths from 34 to picas inclusive. Length. 72 inches, width. 18 inches, outside; depth. U inches inside. Price $5.00 BETTIS LEAD AND SLUG CASE - No. 4 This case Is the same as No. I and No. mÊÊÊmm m m Ê m 2 combined, having a central bar running the f M. ^ * .-¡w long direction of the case. Length, 72 Inches; h h h h h w d h ,8 inches on s de depth U Inches I ii 1 I I I I Price $5.00 ' 1..-.'Ut i. n.mmmmmmÊ BETTIS LEAD AND SLUG CASE No. 5 This case is same as No. I except that it has center bar long way dividing it in two sections which are alike. One section can be used for leads and the other section for slugs. Length. 72 inches; width. 18 inches, outside; depth U inches, inside. Price $5.00 BETTIS LEAD AND SLUG CASE No. 6 This case is a duplicate of the No. 2 except that It has center bar long way divid¬ ing It In two sections which are alike. One section can be used for leads and the other for slugs. Length. 72 inches: width. 18 Inches, outside; depth, U inches, inside. Price $5.00 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 293 iE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTA B L I S h H E V EA R 1S72 LEAD AND SLUG CASES, Etc. BETTiS LEAD AND SLUG CASE No. 7 This case represents Nos. 5 and 6 com¬ bined. Compartments are in duplicate so that leads and slugs for all lengths can be car¬ ried in separate compartments. Length. 72 Inches: width. 18 inches, outside; depth. U Inches, inside. Price S6.00 BETTIS LEAD AND SLUG CASE No. 8 Same as case No. I skipping the 27-em length. Blank space In front will readily take a 10x24 galley. Length. 72 Inches; width. 18 Inches, outside; depth, insidecom- partments, U inches; working space & Inch. Price S5.00 BETTIS SPACE AND QUAD CASE This case provides for 14 sizes of spaces and quads, 6 boxes for each size from 6 to 48 point: large deep boxes In front are for quads and the smaller, shallower boxes in back for spaces. Depth: front. 6 inches: back, inches. Length. 72 inches; width. 18 Inches, outside measurements Price SIO.OO vrgÊlÊfÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ^ JONES METAL FURNITURE CASE Constructed of hardwood with thick 3-ply bottom firmly fastened to the edges and also to the center bar. Being 2A Inches deep on the Inside it will hold a great quantity of metal. It has 49 compartments as shown In Illustration. Size. 18x72 Inches, out¬ side. Price S7,00 THIRTY-INCH SPACE AND QUAD CASE Made to just fit Inside a standard size blank case. Made to be used in connection with a blank case as a working bank. The thirty-inch case is pushed to the rear of the blank case, which leaves a space 10 inches wide for galley. Size. 4¿ x 30 inches, outside. Price SO.75 rmMFFPFFFFFFmrFFPFFtVi mssMársí'eí à- WOfí^f/^G SECTION INCH DEER THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 294 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1672 TRACY STEEL-RUN STANDS No. 27 TRACY STEEL-RUN STAND Occupies floor space 28 x 70^ inches: height at front, 43i Inches, capacity, 40 cases In body of cabinet. 20 lip-front cases In each tier. The top, on job case side, can be used as a bank or will take an 18x72 Inch standard Bettis case. Regular pairs news cases or job cases can be used on other side of top. Under the news case bank Is an additional bank for galleys or type matter, extending full length and 9 Inches wide. Over this bank are two large copy drawers. Height from floor to top of bank, 56 Inches. Has 5-Inch extension front when cases are In position, No brackets required for this stand. Top Is detachable and reversible and allows adjustment of 4 Inches, throwing overhang to either side desired. Shipping weight, 440 lbs. Price S42.00 Tracy Steel-Run Stand Nos. 26 and 27. Job Case Side No. 26 TRACY STEEL-RUN STAND The No. 26 Tracy Steel-Run Stand Is the same as the No. 27 described above, except for the omission of the two copy drawers and the 9-Inch bank under the news case section, otherwise the two stands are identical. Top Is detachable and reversible and allows adjustment of 4 Inches, throwing overhang to either side desired. Shipping weight, 400 lbs. Price $35.00 No. 27 Tracy Steel-Run Stand. News Side THE HARMS SERIES OF RULE CASES Harms Full Size Rule Case The Harms series of rule cases, consisting of three cases, full size, two-thirds size and quarter size, are made with compartments econom¬ ically arranged In natural sequence. The workman will not be confused and no time will be lost searching for desired lengths, and the mixing of various lengths In one compartment will be avoided. Full Size. I6^x32i inches. Separate compartments for all lengths, è pica to 50 picas, with boxes for miters, etc $2.25 Two-thirds Size. 163- x 21| inches. Separate compartments for all lengths, i pica to 50 picas, with boxes for miters, etc 1.75 Quarter Size. 7$ x 151 Inches. Separate compartments for all lengths, i pica to 36 picas, with boxes for miters, etc 1.25 Harms Two-thirds Size THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 295 the hansen superior qualitv Sh>: established in the year 1872 INDEXED ELECTROTYPE CABINETS Made with steel runs. Each drawer Is fitted with a metal number plate, and the Index book accompanies each cabinet without extra char^^e. All drawers placed In these cabinets are of the "New Departure" pattern. The cabinets are of ash. finished In antique oak. Cases are fitted with full equipment of division slats. In¬ cluding 5 of the slotted divisions for each drawer In the two-thirds size, and 6 for each drawer In the three-quarter and full-size cabinets: also a large assortment of cross divisions In various lengths. No and size Floor No. and size Floor of Cases Space Price of Cases Space Price No. 1 20 Two-thirds 25ix2l $25.00 No. 10 40 Three-quarter 29Sx2l $53.00 No. 2 25 Two-thirds 25}x2l 30.00 No. II 50 Three-quarter 29}x2l 65.00 No. 3 30 Two-thirds 25}x2l 35.00 No. 12 60 Three-quarter 29}x2l 78.00 No. 4 40 Two-thirds 25}x2l 48.00 No. 13 20 Full-size 35Sx21 35.00 No. 5 50 Two-thirds 25}x2l 60.00 No. 14 25 Full-size 35}x2l 40.00 No. 6 60 Two-thlrds 25}x2l 72.00 No. 15 30 Full-size 35}x2l 45.00 No. 7 20 Three-quarter 29}x21 30.00 No. 16 40 Full-size 35}x21 60.00 No. 8 25 Three-quarter 29}x21 35.00 No. 17 50 Full-size 35ÍX2I 75.00 No. 9 30 Three-quarter 29}x2l 40.00 No. 18 60 Full-size 35}x2l 90.00 Indexed Electrotype Cabinet No. I With Steel Runs ELECTROTYPE AND CUT CABINETS With Wood Runs and Plain Blank Drawers These cabinets are filled with blank drawers, and made of ash. antique finish. Drawers have extension side rails, enablln the full withdrawing of a drawer without danger of its falling out. Floor Flat Top No, and size Space Price of Cases 25ix20î $12.00 25ix20} 14.00 No. I No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. and size of Cases 12 Two-thirds 16 Two-thirds 20 Two-thirds 12 Three-quarters 16 Three-quarters 254x20} 16.00 30 x20} 15.00 30 x20} 18.00 No. No. No. No. 20 Three-quarters 12 Full-size 16 Full-size 20 Full-size Floor Flat Top Space Price 30 x20J S21.00 35}x20J 19.00 35ÎX20J 22.00 35ÎX20Ï 25.00 MASTERMAN COMPOSING ROOM CABINET it has detachable upper bracket arms, so that the top cases can be used in low form, dispensing with the cap case, and using job cases only, or by extending the brackets, pairs of news cases can be used in the usual form. Illustrations show both equipments. Where Job cases are used on lower part of brackets it leaves room for storage of leads and slugs. The four upper cases in each tier project from case line, as shown. This allows these upper cases to be withdrawn, they having extension rails, so that the back com¬ partments are accessible without taking the cases from the rack. Job Side of MasUrman Composing Room Cabinet Floor space. 24 x 70 Inches: height to flat top. 44 inches: two copy drawers. 12ï x 224 x 2i Inches; galley bank under copy box 9x70 inches: lead and slug trays. 32 Inches long with sloping face 23 picas wide, horizontal face. 14 picas: plain dump on job side I8x 72 Inches. Equipment. 42 cases in body of cabinet: 2 pairs No. 18 brackets with detachable upper arms: 2 job cases for the top. interchangeable with cases In cabinet: 2 double surface galley boards. 32 Inches long. Complete with cases, brackets, copy box. and 18-Inch bank $90.00 Extra for galley dump under copy drawers 5.00 Extra for polished and blued foot rail 6.00 Extra for label-holder mortises in case fronts, celluloid covers 2.50 News Side of Mosterman Composing Room Cabinet THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 296 THE: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 NEW DEPARTURE CABINET New Departure Cabinet No. 68 No. 68 A cabinet of standard dimensions, containing 50 regular full size Cali¬ fornia job cases in two tiers, 25 cases in each tier. This cabinet occupies floor space 2 I x 69î Inches; height. 43 inches. Shipping weight. 600 pounds. List price $74.00 Without top equipment. Prices and specifications of other New Departure Cabinets will Ue found on page 303. MONOTYPE WORK BENCH This bench is made of ash. finished antique. The top is of maple plank, built of pieces grooved together, and first-class In every respect. The dimensions of the bench are as follows: length of top. 728 Inches; width. 36 Inches; height from floor to top. 35 inches; back board. 4 Inches high. There are two drawers, each 5i inches deep. 24J inches wide. 288 inches long. Inside measure. Cupboard 26 x 30 inches. I9| inches high. Flywheel compartment. 6 inches wide. 32 Inches deep. 268 Inches high. Weight, complete, ready for shipment. 350 pounds. This Bench Includes the raised triangle at the cor¬ ner. which supports the cabinet, but does not include the cabinet. List Price, without vise or cabinet on top $48.00 MONOTYPE CABINET Especially designed to embody the ideas of mono¬ type users and operators for a safe and convenient place for holding all accessories to the monotype cast¬ ing machine when not in use. The door Is arranged with holders for the various wrenches, screw-drivers and gauges furnished with the machine. The molds are kept In two sliding trays at the top of the cabinet; each holds six molds in such a way that it is impossible for them to strike. Beneath these trays are two shelves for normal wedges: each shelf holds fifteen wedges and each wedge has its particular place where it is pro¬ tected from injury. Two additional shelves provide for twenty-eight matrix cases; each case being held on edge and prevented from striking the other cases. Beneath these shelves are four drawers for individual matrices; each drawer is divided in thirty- seven grooves, in which the matrices are stood on end. A bar across the center of each drawer divides it so that matrices taken from the matrix case, in making changes, are put above the bar in the same groove from which the matrices below the bar are taken to replace those removed from the matrix case. Height. 25i inches: width, 14 inches; depth. 16 inches: shipping weight. 75 pounds. List price $22.00 Monotype Work Bench THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 306 HAMILTON'S CAST Iron-Steel Imposing Surfaces FOR SALE BY GRAND RAPIDS ELECTROTYPE COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Hamilton's Iron-Steel Imposing Surfaces Extra Heavy Square Leg Imposing Frames For Iron-Steel Surfaces On account of the increased cost when the surface is enlarged 3 inches and used with standard Square Leg Frames, we list a special line of extra heavy Square Leg Frames to take iron- steel surfaces in the standard newspaper sizes. These Frames have extra heavy posts with iron bolts run¬ ning from side to side and end to end at the top and bottom of the Frame. This construction insures added stability, which will more than compensate for the slight difference in price. List Prices of Extra Heavy Square Leg Frames For Iron-Steel Surfaces CAPACITY Size of Iron-Steel Surface Weight of Frame with¬ out Surface, Pounds List Prices of Iron-Steel Surfaces List Prices K. D. un¬ finished of Frames Set up and finished No. 60J—2 pages, 6 column. 24x36 130 $25.92 $10.50 $12.00 No. 61 i—2 pages, 7 column. 26x44 140 34.32 11.00 12.50 No. 62J—2 pages, 8 column. 28 X 50 160 42.00 11.50 13.00 No. 63i—For Job Work 36x48 190 51.84 12.00 13.50 No. 64J—2 pages, 9 column 32x60 200 57.60 13.50 15.25 No. 65i—4 pages, 7 column 26x76 200 59.28 15.50 17.25 No. 66i—4 pages, 8 column 28x80 270 67.20 17.50 19.25 No. 67J—4 pages, 9 column 30 X 90 290 81.00 18.75 20.50 No. 68J—4 pages, 6 column quarto . 36x60 200 64.80 15.00 16.75 No. 69J—4 pages, 7 column quarto.. 48 x60 225 86.40 19.50 21.50 No. 70J—For miscellaneous work.... 48x72 250 103.68 24.00 26.50 Iron-Steel Surfaces in any size can be figured on basis of 3 cents per stjuare inch. Figure weight of Iron-Steel Surfaces at 37 lbs. per square foot, crated. Hamilton's Iron-Steel Imposing Surfaces Hamilton's Cast Iron-Steel Imposing Surfaces Experience has demonstrated that a cast metal imposing surface is far superior to a stone surface with which printers are perfectly familiar, such stone surfaces having been in universal use until recent years. It has also been demonstrated that a certain quan¬ tity of steel should be added to the iron in casting impos¬ ing surfaces in order to procure the desired toughness and density of metal. A porous iron top or one easily broken will prove an expensive luxury, while a good iron-steel top will be a constant money saver in any printing plant. The Hamilton surfaces are made in any size desired. The thickness approximates 2 inches, being a trifle more or less according to the amount of planing nec¬ essary to bring the casting to a true surface. Hamilton's iron-steel surfaces are heavily ribbed on the under side, as shown by the illustration, and have heavy lugs cast into the corners which rest on the posts of the Frame, all of which insures strength and rigidity. Hamilton's Iron-Steel Imposing Surfaces Hamilton's iron-steel surfaces are rabbited on the edge one-half inch wide to receive the galleys. This rabbit can be omitted when so desired. Our iron-steel surfaces will weigh approximately 37 pounds per square foot crated. Each Hamilton surface after being finished is coated with a rust preventive preparation which can be washed off after the surface is received, thus insur¬ ing a clean bright top, free from rust. In ordering an iron surface for a standard Frame, the size should be figured 3 inches larger than a stone Bottom Side of Iron-Steel Imposing Surface with coffin for the same Frame. For instance: — in connection with an iron-steel surface for a Wisconsin Stone Frame. This Frame takes a stone 36x60 inches and the iron-steel surface should be ordered 39x63 inches. This will provide for the iron-steel surface over¬ hanging the edge of the Frame one-half inch all around. Special Frames can be constructed to order so as to bring the iron-steel surface to standard size, or any special size which may be desired. list Price of iron-steel surfaces, 3 cents per square inch. I Hamilton's Iron-Steel Imposing Surfaces Extra Heavy Square Leg Imposing Frames For Iron-Steel Surfaces On account of the increased cost when the surface is enlarged 3 inches and used with standard Square I- ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 Description Case and Reglet Reglet only No. 1 contains 300 yards, cut into 1.800 pieces. 10 to 60 picas $10.00 $ 6.00 No. 2 contains 560 yards, cut into 2,400 pieces. 10 to 120 picas 18.00 12.00 No. 3 contains 600 yards, cut into 4.200 pieces. 10 to 51 picas 18.00 11.00 No. 4 contains 300 yards, cut into 2.100 pieces. 10 to 51 picas 11.00 5.50 No. 5 contains 1.550 yards, cut into 6.200 pieces, 10 to 150 picas 45.00 30.00 No. 6 contains 775 yards, cut into 3,100 pieces, 10 to 150 picas 27.00 15.00 HANDY LETTER BOARD CABINETS For job work these small letter board cabinets are unrivaled. Nos. 25, 26 and 27, in single tier, occupy floor space of 16Ax 19 inches, and are filled with letter boards. 12 x 15 inches inside, constructed of hardwood throughout. The sides of the cabinet are tastefully paneled and all exterior surfaces are finished and varnished like the best type cabinets. The letter boards are lipped in front to receive the galleys and have retaining walls at the ends and back to hold the type forms. No. 25. 10 Letter Boards List price $14.50 No. 26. 12 Letter Boards List price 17.00 No. 27. 16 Letter Boards List price 21.00 6-Pt 8-Pt lO-Pt 12-Pt 18-Pt 24-Pt 36-Pt WOOD FURNITURE AND REGLET {2-llne) (3-line) . od Hardwood Hardwood Oli $0.02 48-Pt., per yd. (4-line). $0.04 ou .02 60-Pt., ■■ (5-llne) .04 Oll .02 72-Pt.. ■■ ■■ (6-line). .. .06 ou .02 %-Pt., ■■ (8-line). . .06 02 .03 120-Pt., ■■ (10-line) .08 02A .03 144-Pt.. ■■ (12-line) .08 .04 216-Pt.. (18-line). .12 BEVELED SiDE STICKS Extra thin. Thick end 4 inch, thin end inch, per yard $0.04 Thin Thick end | Inch, thin end i inch, per yard 05 Medium Thick end 1 inch, thin end inch, per yard 06 Thick Thick end Ii inch, thin end i inch, per yard 07 Labor-Saving Reglet Case No. I Labor-Saving Reglet Case No. 3 LABOR-SAVING REGLET GASES The cases are made of selected hardwood and finished In antique oak, of fine appearance and substantial build. The reglet is made of thoroughly oiled hardwood, accurately cut and trimmed to even points, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. LIST PRICES OF ALL REGLET CASES No. 27 Handy Letter Board Cabinet THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 311 the: hansein superior quality ace allows us to show only a few styles and sizes. The prices for all sizes of any style can be found by referriujf to the accompanying jirice list. The left hand column gives the size of type, or lines pica; the letters. L, M, N. etc., at the top of the table, give the class to which the style belongs, and the ligures in the ditferent columns give the prices for the different sizes uj> to 100 lines pica. To find the net cost of any style of ty])e in any size desired, by the use of the two scales: first determine the kind of font desired— whether caps only, or caps and figures, or caps, lower case and figures. Then determine the size of font desired, whether 3A. 4A. or 5A. When this is determined you will have the total number of characters in the font. See in what class the i)articular style is listed and lind the ju ice I)er letter. Multijily the total number of jiieces by this juice jier letter and deduct the discount and you have the net |)rice. REVISED PRICE LIST Lines Class L Class M Class N Class 0 Class P Class Q Class R Class S Class T Class U Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Pica |)er per lier jier per per per per per jier Letter laetter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 10 13 16 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 12 15 18 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 12 16 18 S 6 6 6 (> 7 8 9 14 17 20 6 6 6 6 6 8 10 11 16 19 22 8 8 8 8 8 10 12 13 18 22 26 10 » » 10 10 12 15 16 20 25 30 12 10 10 12 12 14 17 18 2,3 28 ;i2 14 11 12 13 14 16 20 22 26 30 ■M IS 12 13 14 15 18 21 24 28 32 36 16 12 14 15 16 19 22 25 30 34 38 18 13 15 17 18 21 24 28 37 42 20 14 16 18 20 24 28 32 37 40 44 24 17 19 22 24 28 32 36 42 45 48 25 18 20 23 25 ;ÍO 38 45 48 50 30 21 24 28 ;«) 35 40 44 52 55 58 36 28 31 34 36 41 46 50 56 59 62 40 33 :i8 40 45 50 56 60 63 66 45 36 39 42 45 50 58 6.3 64 67 70 50 45 47 48 50 56 65 70 70 72 74 60 50 53 56 60 66 80 83 86 72 60 62 rA 72 78 90 95 100 80 64 66 68 80 86 100 107 114 100 75 78 80 KM) 106 115 125 135 SCALE OF FONTS Showing number of letters in each font from 3a to 5a He sure to state if caiis only are wanted, or caps and figures, or caps, lower case and figures. 3 A 3 a 4 A 4 a 5 A 5 a Cajis I=. Case Cajis L. Case Cajis L. Case 75 65 106 90 120 104 Letters betters Letters Letters Letters Letters A —.3 a —3 A —4 a ^ A —5 a —5 H —2 1) —2 n -3 l> —3 B —3 Il —3 C —2 c —2 c -3 C —3 C —4 c —4 1) —2 d —2 I) -3 d —3 I) d —4 E —4 e —» E —5 e —5 E —fi e —6 F —2 f —2 F —3 f -3 F -3 f —3 (i —2 g —2 (; —3 g -3 íí —3 g —3 H —2 h —2 H —3 b —3 H —4 fl I —4 i —3 I —4 1 —4 I —5 1 —5 .1 —2 .1 —3 j —2 .T —.3 i K —1 k —1 K —2 k —2 K —2 k -2 L —3 1 —4 L —5 1 —5 I. —fi 1 —6 M —2 III —2 M —3 ill —3 M ni ■—4 N —3 n —3 N n —4 N —5 n —5 () —3 o —3 () —1 o —4 () —5 o —5 i' —2 p —2 P —3 p -3 P —.3 j» —3 Q -1 «1 -1 il —2 q il -'Í <1 —2 K —3 r —3 K —4 r —4 K —5 r —5 S —4 s —4 S —5 s —5 S —f) s —6 T —3 t —4 T —4 t —4 T —5 t —5 IT —2 U —2 C —3 U —3 \J n —4 V —2 V —2 V _3 V —3 V —3 V —3 "W—2 W —2 W —3 w —3 yv —3 w —3 X —1 X —1 X —2 X —2 X —2 X —2 Y —2 y —^ Y —3 y —3 Y —3 y —3 Z —1 z —1 Z —2 Z —2 Z —2 z —2 &• —1 fi —1 & —2 fi —1 ¿t —2 fi —1 ! —2 tl —1 ! —3 fl —1 ! —3 fl —1 ; —1 ÍT —1 ; —1 if —1 : —1 if —1 . —3 fti —1 . —4 ffi —1 . fti —1 : —1 ffl —1 ; —2 ffi —1 : —2 fil —1 ' —2 ' —2 ' —2 . —4 . —4 ? —1 ? -1 ? —1 Figures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 s ) 26 in each No. of each 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 1 font Larger fonts put up 7A, 9A. I2A, ISA, 20A. 30A and 7a, 9a, 12a, 15a, 20a, 30a can be furnished. (iivefull directions for shijjjiing unless it is desired to leave the matter to us, in which case we will shij) the cheajiest way. by freight or exjiress. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 190=192 CONGRESS STREET, BOSTON Established 1872 43 CENTRE STREET, NEW YORK THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 315 THE HAfsiSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 WOOD TYPE No. 400b Class L Six Line 6c per Letter DELIGHTFll Hnnes 3 No. 400b—Class L Eight Line 8c per Letter MIHIIiniiZ No. 400b—Class L Ten Line 9c per Letter DESIGNED No. 4006—Class L Twelve Line IOc per Letter RED All Styles of Wood Type shown in this book made in any size desired—caps» lower case and figures For prices and font schemes see page 3l5 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY Sterling Coated. See page 377 316 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 WOOD TYPE No. 5072—Class O Ten Line lOc per Letter No« 6243 Class L Eight Line 8c per Letter BLUE Robes 2 No. 3Í64 Class N Ten Line lOc per Letter BINDERS No. 689—Class N Ten Line JOc per Letter STIIMP2 All Styles of Wood Type shown in this book made in any size desired—capst lower case and figures For prices and font schemes see page 315 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 317 THE: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHEID IN THE: YEAR 1072 WOOD TYPE No. 180 -Class N Ten Line tOc. per Letter No. 3161—Class P Six Line 8c per Letter MOUND 5 No. 627 Class O Eight Line 8c per Letter N urse 13 No. 627—Class O Twelve Line 12c per Letter SIGN All Styles of Wood Type shown in this book made in any size desired —caps, lower case and figures For prices and font schemes see page 315 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 318 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESXABLISHEID IN THE YEAR 1872 WOOD TYPE No. 5009—Class N Four Line 6c per Letter PINK Roses 123 No. )80—Class N Five Line 6c per Letter All Styles of Wood Type shown in this book made in any size desired—caps, lower case and figures For prices and font schemes sec page 315 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 319 THE: HANSEN SUPERIOR U A l_ I T Y ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 WOOD TYPE No. 67^ Class N Five Line 6c per Letter Honor Our Friends 65 No. b?'' —Class N Twelve Line 12c per Letter No. 706 — Class N Five Line 6c per Letter San Francisco 25 No. 706 — Class N Fifteen Line 14c per Letter GEMS All Styles of Wood Type shown in this book made in any size desired—capst lower case and figures For prices and font schemes see page 315 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 320 the: hansein superior quality |—j established in the year 1872 WOOD TYPE No. 172—Class N Four Line 6c per Letter BOUNDING Wave 2 No. 665—Class O Eight Line 8c per Letter All Styles of Wood Type shown in this book made in any size desired—caps, lower case and figures For prices and font schemes see page 315 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 321 ESTA B U I s H E: D IN THE YEAR 1072 WOOD TYPE No. 4056 Class N Six Line 6c per Letter No. 235—Class P Six Line 8c per Letter RICEBedlS No. 699—Class P Six Line 8c per Letter ON Sea 13 No. 226—Class s Six Line 16c per Letter No. 255—Class N Twelve Line 12c per Letter All Styles of Wood Type shown in this book made in any size desired—caps, lower case and figures For prices and font schemes see page 315 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 322 the; hansein superior quality ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 7072 SILHOUETTES AND CATCHWORDS MADE ANY SIZE DESIRED PRICES OF SILHOUETTES PRICES OF CATCHWORDS l'2-Line. euch. ir)-Line. eiK'h. IK-Line, euch. ■20-Line, euch. ■24-Line, euch. •HR 1. i/2r) Î .RO UO-Llne, eut RO-Line, eut 40-Line, eut RO-Line, eut liO-Line, eut .îHl.TR . '¿.(M . *2.2R . *2.R0 . R.IH) R-L ♦)-L K-L 12-L IR-L ne, euch. ne, eucli. ne, euch. ne, euch. ne, euch. Í0.*20 IK-Line, each. .'20 •20-1.ine, each. .'25 *2R-Line, each. .40 .'10-Line, each. ,40 40-Line, each. $0.50 ..50 .75 .75 1.00 No. 28 8-Line No.;« 8-Line WOOD RULE BORDERS Side wood, yard lengths, per yard $0.12 End wood, cot in laborssaving lengths, per foot 15 Solid corners, any role, endwood or sidewood, set offoor .25 Stvie N. 8-l'oint Style r. lO-l'oint Stvle R. T2-Point Style U. 18-P()int Style Y. 3t)-Point Style E. 12-Point Stvle J. *24-P<)int No. 31 5-Line No. 44 18-Line No. 45 18-Line No. 29 fi-Line No. 17 5-Line No. 51 12-Line No. 56 l'2-Line No. 56 12-Line THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 323 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY H ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 WOOD BORDERS AND ORNAMENTS Five Line Border No. 448 Per foot $1.05 Per foot $0.85 2sLine* per foot $0.75 9s!Line, per foot Í.50 Four Line Border No. 448 Other Sizes Border 448 6ssLinet per foot $1.20 7s»Linet per foot $1.30 8s;Liner per foot $1.40 lOsLine, per foot 1.60 Corners, per set, same price as border per foot Per foot $0.95 No. 92 4=!Line No. 89 4s:Line FANCY ORNAMENTS—Made any size desired 4sLine, per pair $0.50 5sLine, per pair $0.50 6s:Line, per pair $0.60 SssLine, per pair $0.75 lOs^Line, per pair $1.00 l2sLine, per pair $1.00 l5s:Line, per pair $1.25 l8ssLine, per pair $1.50 20ssLine, per pair $1.50 No. 157 lOsLine No. 132 bsLine No. 9 12s'Line No. 7 6s5Line 5ssLine. . $2.00 6»Line.. 2.00 8®Line.. 2.25 lOssLine. . 2.50 40»Line. INDEXES—Made any size desired PRICE PER PAIR SsLine 12»Line 15siLine 20s:Line 30sLine .$6.00 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 324 THE HANSEN SUPERtOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 END WOOD BORDERS TWELVE FEET OF BORDER AND ONE SE I OF CORNERS REQUIRED FOR A FULL SHEET OF 25x38 INCHES Morder Xo. 211'} INt l'tn)t tiitr Morder No. Mi2 TO«* S « 4e 4e 4e 4e 4B « « Mortier No. 2(tf> Mortier Nt). :«ík Per fot>t $1.25 Mortier Xo. '¿{»it Border X'o. 130 Border Xo. 25(> Mt>rder Xo. .371 Per ft)t>t .$1.25 Bt)rder Xo. 2.53 Mt>rder X'o. 125 Per fot)t $1.00 Border Xo. 110 17=1 r?=in=i 17=1 r?=if73r Bortler Xo. 78 Per ft)ot 70c Solid Corners per Set of ftmr pieces, same price as ct)rrespontling bonier per foot Cut on the point system STAR RULE BORDERS Price of all sizes 30c per foot No.l. 12-Point Solid corners 40c per set of four Xt). 0. 40-PoÍDt X'o. 2. IB-Ptiint Nt), 3. 20-Pt)int Xt). H. 10-Point No. 10. 24-Point Xt). 4. 24-P.)int Nt). 13. 48-Point No. 5. 30-Pt)int THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 325 THE: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Hansen's Complete ¿Mitering cTVIachine PAT e N T E D Price, Complete $18.50 Miters any angle accurately and in much less time than any other, therefore it saves the printer from continually wasting brass rule and enables him to do better work. The rule holder has an angle of 90 degrees, when placed in the center you can miter square sets without changing its position. It is easily set by a pin for any desired angle, having no lines to guess at. the operator obtains the required angle positively accurate. It Is graduated by 12-polnt ems and has two gauges, the left hand gauge having a supporter that enters any one of the holes of even ems and by turning the supporter each quarter turn it lengthens or shortens the measure a 6-polnt em. The Inside measure is obtained by placing 2. 3. or 4 points between the supporter and the gauge. The knife Is held firmly by two screws and Is regulated by two adjusting screws. A jointer for sharpening the knife to the proper angle Is furnished with each machine. This enables the operator to always have the same bevel, which Is very essential in order to obtain a clean cut. The handle strikes a rubber tube which does away with the noise and Jar received on other machines. A cup for chips Is Included with each machine. To miter a square—angle 90 degrees—place the brass rule supporter aaa In the center of the bed bb on the Mitering Machine, the adjusting pin c in the center hole, leaving Figure 4 on the bed in view on each side of the supporter, as Indicated in diagram I. In that position each end of the rule can be mitered to 45 degrees without any change of the supporter. When it Is desired to miter any one of the designs shown In Diagram 2. lake the degree from the desired design and find the corresponding degree in Diagram I. and place the supporter on dotted line corresponding with the figure on the Mitering Machine, as Indicated in Diagram 1. For Instance. If you wish to miter an octagon, as Indicated In Diagram 2. Figure F. each Diagram 1 end of the rule to be mitered 67A degrees, place the supporter to the right, leaving Figure 8 in view on the mitering machine, and miter the first ends of the rules. Then turn the sup¬ porter so that Figure 8 be In view at the left hand side of the mitering machine, and miter the next ends to length, which will give the miters perfect for any size eight sided design. The outer circular edge on the bed of the mitering machine is marked with numbers 1.2.3. 4. 5.6. 8. 10 and 12.which, as Indicated In Diagram 1, correspond to 18. 224. 30. 45. 54. 60. 674. 72 and 75 degrees respectively. Figures 0 and 34 on Diagram I. corresponds to 15 and 36 degrees. Illustrated by Figures H and R on Diagram 2. When It is desired to miter a diamond place the supporter to the desired degree for one end of the rules, and the supporter in the same position will be correct for the opposite end of the rules. Thousands of these ma¬ chines are in daily use and are giving perfect satisfac¬ tion to the users. The ver¬ dict is universal that they are the most accurate, the easiest and quickest to operate, and the most com¬ plete mitering machines on the market. Diagram 2 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 326 AMERICAN LEAD AND RULE CUTTERS No. 10 Cutter No. I Cutter The gauges can be sel Instanlly. They are self-locking. There are no screws to change from one hole to another. They cannot possibly slip, They are accurate and are guaranteed to remain so. Cutter No 30. Capacity, 105 ems: by points. 45 ems $12.00 Cutter No. 20. Capacity, 105 ems 10.00 Cutter No. 10. Capacity. 84 ems 7.00 Cutter No. 1. Capacity, 14 Inches 6,00 No. 20 Cutter THE IDEAL VIBRATOR FOR GORDON AND PEERLESS PRESSES IDEAL FORM TRUCKS Made in two styles, No. 1 having solid Iron wheels, while the No. 2 Is provided with rubber tires which preventslipping and are easier to propel on any floor. Boxed Individually. No. 1. Iron Tires $3.00 No. 2. RubberTlres $5.00 Ideal Form Truck Register Hooks in Use Ideal Vibrator on Gordon Press The Vibrator rests between and travels with the two form rollers constantly distributing Ink from one to the other. It saves Ink.does away with double rolling, prevents streaking, and Improves the quality of presswork. No. 30 Cutter ROUSE REGISTER QUOINS For use In forms of mounted plates where perfect register is desired. The quoins are placed on all four sides of each page. Any page may be moved Inde- i——"u r -n pendently In any direction with¬ out disturbing the other pages. With No. I the margins can be regulated from 16 to 24 points. No. 2. 36 to 48 points. No. I. per doz $2.00 No. 2, per doz 2.00 Key for either style 20 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 327 HANSEIN SUPEIRIOR QUALITY EISTA B L I s H E: D IN THE YEAR 1872 BUCKEYE JOB STICK 6-inch SO.90 8-inch 1.00 iO-(nch 1.20 !2-lnch 1.40 This stick is also made in the 14-lnch Si.60 16-lnch 1.80 20-lnch 2.20 24-inch 2.60 i inch width. Prices: 6-inch, SO.90; 8-inch. Si.00: lO-inch, SI.20 COMPOSING AND MAKE-UP RULES Composing Rules To 15 ems. SO.15. 16 to 20. SO.20. 21 to 26L $0.25 Make-up Rules To 15 ems. SO. 15. 16 to 20, SO.20. 21 to 26A, SO.25 WOOD POSTER STICKS Made of best seasoned cherry, with brass-lined ends, Iron knee and screw clamp. 2i inches wide. Extra width and full brass lined at special price. 16-lnch SI-00 1 S-inch 1.05 20-inch I.IO 24-inch 1.20 28-inch 1.30 30-inch $1.35 32-inch 1.40 36-inch 1.50 40-inch 1.75 42-inch 1.80 POCKET RULE CASE This is a handy set for carrying in the vest pocket. The case is made of strong brown leather, with patent clasps, and contains twelve steel composing rules. Sizes. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16, 18, 21. 24. 26T 28 and 30 ems pica Price. S1.50 COMPOSING STICK RACK The most convenient receptacle for sticks. Holds twelve sticks, any size, set to any measure. Sides are of Japanned Iron, attached to a varnished board Price. $ 1.50 COMPLETE RULE CASE This handsome case is strongly made of polished oak. lined with plush, and nicely finished. It contains an assortment of forty spring tempered steel composing rules from four to forty- five picas, numbered, and Including half em measures below ten picas. It forms a valuable addition to the systematic Job printer's outfit Price complete. $3.50 UNBREAKABLE MITER BOXES Made of lumber that is built up of different layers with the grain crossed, they will outwear the old kind many times. 13^ ems wide $0.50 3 inches wide $0.60 BACK SAW 8-lnch $1.00 iO-inch 1.25 12-inch 1.50 C TYLER'S NON-CONTACT EYE SHADE The best. Does not Irritate the forehead : weighs but an ounce. Durable and adjustable Price, $0.25 Regular Printers' Eye Shade 15 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 328 THE NEW GRADUATED STAR COMPOSING STICK "A Tool oí Quality for Particular Printers kept in stock and for sale by Grand Rapids Electrotype Co. Henry L. Adzit, Manager 2 to 8 Lyon Street Both Phones GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. The Difference Ç| MONG the smaller accessories of the printing craft there is none upon which the symmetry of the finished work more surely depends, and to which less attention has been given than the com¬ posing stick. All sticks now in genera! use except the Star are simple adaptions and variations of the construction of the first common screw stick, depend¬ ing solely upon the flange of the body of the too! for alignment and rigidity of the fixed and adjusta¬ ble abutments. A little hard usage or a drop to the floor has put most of the sticks out of commission for accurate work, so that in most printing offices there is now a fearful and wonderful collection of "sticks," no two alike, in which it is impossibleto set a true rectangular form without consuming a great amount of expensive time. The performance of average printers with a bad stick sets everybody kicking from the stoneman and pressman to the customer. Now The Star Stick offers the remedy for these conditions. In its construction the adjustable knee is kept parallel with the fixed abutment by means of grooves or serrations accurately milled into the under surface of the bottom of the stick. These grooves are located near each edge of the bottom plate. Corresponding projections on the adjustable knee engages these serrations and when locked into position provide two secure anchors against spring¬ ing out of line. The knee is simply guided by the flange and does not depend upon it for alignment, so that a drop to the floor does not affect itstrueness, and the lines set in it will be of equal length through^ out the capacity of the stick. Accuracy, Durability Quick Adjustment qualities so much desired by printers have at last been realized in the Star Composing Stick. The accompanying illustration shows a back view of the Star Stick, dis¬ closing the con¬ struction of our patented device that locks the stick at any de¬ sired adjustment and backs up our guarantee of ac¬ curacy and dur¬ ability. This is the most accurate stick in the world and will remain accurate. To adjust: A slight turn of the screw unfastens the interlocking device. Move the sliding head to desired posi¬ tion, then firmly press upward from underneath the sliding head with fingers of the left hand to engage the grooves, then tighten the screw. Do not neglect to press the sliding head into position before locking. Advantages OF THE STAR STICK OVER ALL OTHERS It is lighter and neater than any other composing stick. It is more easily and quickly set, and when set is the most rigid and accurate. It has no eccentric movement to set half em measure. It cannot slip when once set to desired measure. It cannot be wedged out of measure by tight spacing. The measure will not be altered nor the stick injured if it should fall to the floor. It has no series of holes to wear larger nor pegs to wear smaller as in other sticks. The grooves will not be worn by con¬ tinued use. The Star Stick has the proper allow¬ ance for "squeeze," to make lines lift when locked with machine set matter. A multi¬ ple of short measures set in this stick make up properly with lines set the combined length of the short ones. As the accuracy of its adjustment is not affected by wear or jar, it is the longest- lived graduated stick on the market. the printers' opinion In the limited time we have had to try out the Star Stick, it has demonstrated beyond a doubt its superiority to anything we have ever used. I firm¬ ly believe that it will pay for itself once every week that it is used in the average office. Wm. H. Petzold, Foreman, Kimball-Storer Co., Minneapolis. Minn. Kindly send us 4 more 10x2K Star Composing Sticks. Our job compositors have give the two we bought some time ago a thorough trial, and say they are the best composing sticks on the market. They are well made, easy and accurate adjustment to the various justifications can be very rapidly ij^de. Meyer Bros., Co., St Louis, Mo. Having your Star Composing Stick in constant use for over two months, I am pleased to state that it is absolutely accurate and the best tool for the purpose that I have ever seen. W. D. Rent, Asst. Gen'l. Foreman, Ptg. Dept.,Westinghouse Elec. Co., Pittsburg,Pa. In regard to the merits of the Star Composing Stick, will say that it has been in use in this office for several months on intricate work, and we have found it to be the most uniformly accurate Com¬ posing Stick that has come to our notice. The Springfield Publishing, Co., Springfield. O. By A. L. Beaupain, Foreman of Composing Room. The Star Stick I purchased of you some time ago is giving the very best satisfaction. Besides be¬ ing a great time-saver, it is the best stick I have ever handled in my 24 years experience. A, E. Dredge, Foreman, Gazette, Kalamazoo, Mich. Our employes have used the Star Composing Stick, and speak very highly of it. We are very favorly impressed with the Stick, and in practical use we find it conducive to accuracy in justifica¬ tion, and a time saver. M RZThe Inland Printer Co., Chicago, 111. IIThe Star Stick is all right; they are very accu¬ rate and rigid and cannot spring, which of course is the fault of every other style on the market. G. H. Barnes &¡ Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. Price of the Star Stick This Stick is manufactured in four lengths and two depths, and choice of material between nickel plated steel and brass is offered purchaser. STEEL nickel plated length depth 2 inch 2)i inch 6 inch . . . $2.00 $2.25 8 inch . . . 2.25 2.50 10 inch . . . 2.75 3.00 12 inch . . . 3.25 3.50 BRASS 6 inch . . . $2.50 $2.75 8 inch . . . 2.75 3.00 10 inch . . . 3.25 3.50 12 inch . . . 3.75 4.00 We also make a Standard Metal Line Measure Graduated on both edges, either Steel—nickel plated, or Brass kept in stock and for sale by Grand Rapids Electrotype Co. Henry L. Adzit, Manager 2 to 8 Lyon Street Both Phones GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. COMPOSING STICKS THE ROUSE JOB STICK THE ALBION COMPOSING STICK A screw stick with a greatly reinforced knee. The reinforce¬ ment Is made of brass strongly riveted to knee at both ends. Quickest to set: most perfect measure; stlffest knee; best clamp; faultless adjustment; unequalled construction; superior finish. Length 2-lnch 2\-lnch 2i-lnch 6-Inch Capacity 21 picas $1.75 $1.85 $1.95 8-Inch Capacity 34 picas 2 00 2.10 2.20 10-Inch Capacity 46 picas 2.25 2.35 2.45 12-Inch Capacity 57 pleas 2.50 2.60 2.70 16-Inch Capacity 73 picas 3.00 STANDARD JOB STICK This stick Is original In Its action, absolutely correct, and cannot si I p. It can only be set to \ r- plcas and nonpareils on the Its use will result In a great saving of time and material, as every lead and rule cut for jobs set In It must be on the standard, and no carelessness on the part of compositors setting sticks can lead to waste of material through cutting Irregular measures. Prices and sizes same as Rouse sticks shown above. SCREW COMPOSING STICK Style B Patent Adjustable Knee SLOT COMPOSING STICK Style C Patent Adjustable Knee UNION COMPOSING STICK t COMMON SCREW STICK J YANKEE JOB STICK GROVER JOB STICK PRICE LIST Screw Slyle B Slyle C Union Grover 6-Inch $0,75 $0.90 $1.10 $1.10 $0.90 8-lnch .80 1.00 1.20 1.20 1.00 lO-lnch 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.40 1.20 12-Inch 1.15 1.35 1.60 1.60 1.40 14-Inch 1.30 1.45 1.80 1.80 1.60 16-Inch 1.45 1 60 2.00 2.00 1.80 18-tnch 1.60 1.80 2.20 2.20 2.00 20-inch 1.75 2.00 2.40 2.40 2.20 Yankee Standard Albion 6-inch. , $0.70 $1.75 $1.10 8-Inch, , .80 2.00 1.20 10-Inch, .95 2.25 1.30 12-inch.. 1.00 2.50 1.60 14-inch. , 1 30 1.80 16-Inch. , 1.45 2.00 18-Inch, 1.50 2.20 20-Inch 1.75 2.40 ELM CITY NEWS STICK PISTOL GRIP HANDLE This stick has no rival for news work. Made solid to measure there Is no chance of Its springing, and It can be used as the standard of the office. Being light, well-balanced, and shaped to fit the hand, the cramping grip necessary on the ordinary stick Is done away with. Made to measure In 13 and 134 ems. Price, Japanned $1.00 Polished and Nickeled 1.25 PERFECT NEWS STICK No. 2 f=f A desirable stick for news¬ paper composition. Itlsllght. convenient and accurate. 24 Inches In depth. No. 2, steel riveted, 13 ems measure each $0 80 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 329 HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 GAS GLUE HEATER Consists of a cast Iron box with cover In which are holes of suitable size to hold the pots. Each heater Is equipped with copper pots, the only metal that will not discolor glue. No. 1 Heater 2 five Inch pots $15.00 No. 1 Heater 1 ten " " 15.00 No. 2 Heater 6 five " " 26.00 No. 2 Heater 2 five " " and 1 ten inch pot 22.00 No. 3 Heater 2 ten 2 five " pots 30.00 Prices are for either gas or steam and subject to discount. GLUE JACKET WITH POTS Prices include the cast iron jacket with bolted rim. copper pot and two valves. 8 inch diameter of pot $14.00 7 Inch 11.00 GLUE POTS 1 quart $0.90 2 quart 1.20 LETTERING PALLET For holding lines of type when lettering. This pallet Is now sup¬ plied with a face-screw to_keep the type In perfect alignment. Price $8.00 HIGH GRADE READING GLASSES Every printer and pub¬ lisher should have one. They are strongly made and lenses are ground from extra white glass of strong curvatures, giving the best possible magnification. 2 inch diameter $0.60 2A •• " 1.00 3 •• •• 1.25 3A " " .... 1.50 4 " " 1.75 4A •• •• 2.25 5 •• •• 2.75 5A •' 3.50 6 " •• 4.00 Reducing glasses also furnished by request in the above sizes. TABLET PRESSES No. I will hold 2,000 sheets any size, up to 6x12 Inches. Price $6.00 No. 2 will hold 5,000 sheets any size, up to 8x16 Inches. Price $12.00 OILY WASTE CANS No. 1. regular $2.00 No. 2. large 2.75 TIN BOUND BRUSHES FOR GLUE AND PASTE Best quality bristles, double thick. Each 1 Inch $0.30 U " 40 2 55 24 •• 65 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 330 ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 BRASS TAKE SLUGS Price, each. .SO.20 Measure Fig. 1 Closed Ü Size HANSEN'S COMPLETE TYPE MEASURES TWO SIZES. 4-INCH AND 6-INCH 4-INCH. $1.00 6-INCH. $1.50 Made of German Silver. It Is the most complete Type Measure made, and the only one which can be used as.a pair of dividers. The user can find the number of 5. 5*. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 or I2-polnts in the length or width of any size page or space. Figure I Is a reproduction of a 6-Inch Type Measure when closed, showing the 14 to the inch measurement from I to 85 Agates In length. Also 7-point measurement, or 60 7-polnts In length. Figure 2 shows Type Measure when open, illustrating two sides, giving the measures of 6 and 12-polnt. 5A-polnt, 11 and 9-point measurements. These Type Measures fold to a convenient size for the pocket making them Invaluable for Advertising solicitors and printing salesmen. LEAD AND RULE MEASURES ^ rS AGATE MEASURES 14 to inch i Agate $1.25 ( 200 Agate 2.50 HANSEN BRASS LINE GAUGES These line gauges are made of 5-polnt brass with lines and figures deeply and accurately cut. Made In 6 and 12 inch lengths. 6-inch 12-lnch Pica, With hook $0.45 $0.75 Pica and Agate, with hook 60 .90 Nonpareil and Agate, with hook 60 .90 Pica and Nonpareil, with hook 60 .90 Pica. Nonpareil and Agate, with hook 75 1.25 ELECTROTYPED TAKE SLUGS 4 Price, each $0.15 Fig. 2 Open H Size Divided into Pica ems, point system, and has ens cut to 10 picas. Nickel-plated. Price, each $1.00 Type Measures made to order THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 331 QUOINS AND LOCKING DEVICES TRIAD QUOIN KEY Two sizes of Hempel and the Wlckersham on one body, making It a very handy tool for printing offices Price. $0.50 IMPROVED STEPHENS EXPANSION LOCKS Takes the place of wood, empty chases, etc.: saves time: prevents spring. No. I. closed 4i in.. fully opened 6J In price each. $3.25 No. 2. ■■ 6Ï IOÍ ■■ .... 4.00 No. 3. ■■ lOi 184 ■■ 5.25 No. 4. 184 344 .... " ■' 7.00 THE MORTON LOCK-UP Consisting of quoins and furniture combined. These are made slightly under 12-polnt-em lengths to avoid end-bearings at foot of pages. Length Quoins Each Length Quoins Each 18 to 32 ems 1 $0.40 17 Inches 3 $1.50 34 to 42 ems 2 .70 18 Inches 3 1.75 45 to 54 ems 2 .75 19 Inches 4 2.25 60 ems 2 .80 20 Inches 4 2.50 66 ems 2 .85 21 Inches 4 2.75 72 ems 3 I.IO 22 and 224 Ins. 4 3.00 78 ems 3 1.15 23 Inches 4 3.25 84 ems 3 1.20 24 Inches 5 3.75 90 ems 3 1.25 25 Inches 5 4.00 16 inches 3 1.35 26 Inches 5 4.25 The full space required between type and chase Is 1 Inch for the regular width Lock-u p as carried In stock: or Ï Inch THE MINIKIN KEY Vest pocket size. Suitable for small forms, galleys, etc Price. $0.25 THE REGULAR KEY Shown with quoin. Reversible steel centers Price. $0.50 CYLINDER PRESSMAN'S KEY Shown In opposite column. 10 Inches long. A time- saver when quoins are at back of form $0.60 PERFECTED WICKERSHAM OUOIN Each expands 15 points and locks by one turn of the ¿jkey. at any expansion. Adaptable to all forms, small or large. No. I. 2 In. long x J In. wide per doz. $2.50 No. 2. 2 In. long x } In. wide per doz. 2 50 HEMPEL'S PATENT OUOIN No. 1 (small) per doz pairs.. .$2.50 Per pair 25 for the special width Lock-up as fitted to order. THE "MIDGET" SAFETY OUOIN No 2 (large) per doz. pairs.. .$3.00 Per pair 50 Specially adapted for the locking upof forms where space Is limited as In mortises, etc. It Is but 18 points In thick¬ ness. Is simple, practical, safe and effective. Just the thing for ledger headings with but little space for end lock-up. $2.00 per doz. Challenge Hempel Ouolns No. I. per doz. pairs $1.00 Challenge Hempel Ouolns No. 2. per doz. pairs 1.50 Keys. Nos. I and 2. plain. $0.50: nickeled. $0.75 WARRANTED STEEL SCREW DRIVERS 6-lnch (whole length) $0.20 8 25 12 40 15 50 18 60 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 332 XHE HANSEIN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 THE REDINGTON COUNTING MACHINE The Redlngton Counting Machine has all the necessary qualifications for accurate and rapid counting, is durable, neat In appearance, convenient In size and low in price. All parts are made from sheet steel formed by dies and are. therefore. Interchangeable. Simplicity in design, heavy material and large wearing surfaces insure ease of operation and long life for the counter. All working parts are enclosed and protected, yet easily accessible for oiling as the case opens both front and back, exposing mechanism for oiling and Inspection. The counter can be set back to 0 without the use of a key or other device. It can be run at any speed without jumping or losing count. Size 3^ X 2^ X Inches. Redlngton Counting Machine $5.00 IMPROVED HORTON MAILER The Horton Maller Is guaranteed to do first class work at a high rate of speed. It Is 12 Inches long. 3 Inches wide. 5 Inches high, and weighs two and three- quarter pounds When order¬ ing be sure to give width of the mailing slip. Regular No. 1 Mailer, taking a mailing strip not ex¬ ceeding \i Inches $20.00 Special No. 2 Mailer, taking a mailing strip not exceed¬ ing 2| Inches $30.00 CM!6ÉtCE8I>> (57 DURANT COUNTING MACHINES Especially adapted for printing presses. All working parts are of high-grade Iron and steel. The machine is handsomely finished and case is full nickel-plated. The dials have large black figures which are easily read at a distance. They may be easily and quickly reset to 0 or any number required. A bracket Is furnished with each machine for convenience In securing it to the feed-board of press. No. I. Counts 10,000 S 8.00 No. 2. 100,000 10.00 No. 3. •• 1,000.000 12.00 HART COUNTING MACHINES Counts up to 100,000 and re¬ peats automatic¬ ally. It Is accu¬ rate and durable. Made In a thorough manner and guaranteed to be In every way reliable. Hart Cylinder Press Counter No. 2, counts 100,000. .. $6.00 COUNTER FOR JOB PRESSES A reasonable-priced reliable counter for job presses. Made of best materials. Gears and dogs are stamped from steel and case hardened. Every part Is first-class and nickel plated. Size IÎ X 4i. registering 10,000 $3.00 •• Ux5 •• 100,000 3.25 Press attachment, each 50 THE HART SPRINGLESS COUNTER It Is light and compact, and re¬ quires very little space. It Is perfectly constructed from the most durable metals. Counts only sheets printed. If the throw-off Is made within i Inch of the Impression the sheet will not be counted. Nothing to get out of order as all gears and welghtshangon rods and de¬ pend on gravity and not on springs. Suit¬ able for either job or cylinder presses. Made throughout of Iron and brass. Set to 0 In a moment. Hart Sprlngless Counter $5.00 Complete with Press Attachments 6.10 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 333 HANSEN ALL BRASS RIVETED GALLEYS An All Brass Riveted Galley having the / i strongest, most durable and most symmetrl- ||||||||||H^ ' ||||||H cal corners to be found on any galley of this |lll||||||||||||||||||||illll|||||||lill||||||||||i lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll mi description on the market. Our galley. In / mi addition to having an Interlocking corner. / mi has a rivet In the exact center of the corner / ' m extending through the bottom plate,side and end Piece, making a secure fastening and guarding against all possibility of springing By our method of Interlocking and fasten- The Hansen Alt Brass Riveted Calley ing the corner, all sharp and ragged edges are done away with and the corners are as smooth and symmetrical as the bottom of the galley itself. The bottom plates are of the best obtainable material and are absolutely accurate and of standard thickness. The sides are grooved in such a manner as to give a firm hold for the fingers when lifting. The accompanying cuts give a clear idea of the strength and beauty of these galleys. Although of Hansen Superior Quality they cost no more than the ordinary. GALLEYS 6 X 10 inches Inside $2.00 12 x 18 Inches Inside $4.00 NEWS GALLEYS Single Col. 3îx23â Inches Inside $2.50 Tripie Col 8ix23} Inches inside $3.50 3ÎX15Î " 2.00 Four I0ix23ï ■■ 4.25 3ÎXIIÎ " 1.75 Five 13 x23ií 5.00 Medium" 5 x23î ■■ 2.75 Six 15 x23ï ■■ 5.50 Double " 6ix23î " 3.00 Seven " 17 x23} 6.25 6ixl5} ■■ 2.50 Eight 19 x23} 7.00 eixiiî ■■ 2.25 Shewing Onr New Corner Securely Held by Rivet Other sizes made to order at proportionate prices LINCOLN PATENT ALL BRASS GALLEYS Standard among self-locking galleys. It Is made to order only. Care should be taken In ordering to see that correct measure is given for width of column. 12 In. long, not exceeding 15 ems pica wide... .$2.00 16 15 2.50 24 15 3.00 24 " " by 25 ems pica wide 3.50 For each additional pica em exceeding 15 ems pica, add to the list price 05 Extra Foot Clamps, each 50 Lincoln Galley, showing type matter locked on sides and end Linotype Galley, Style B CHALLENGE PLATE ZINC GALLEYS Job and Book. 6 x 10 Inches Inside $0.80 8ÏX 13 •• •• 95 10 X 16 " " 1.30 News, Single Column. 3ix 23i Inches inside 75 3èxlli •' " 60 Double " 6Î X 23i " " 1.00 Mailing Galleys. 3Ax22 .') 4.50 5.25 Royal Hixl-ij 3 2.SI'> 3..')0 4.25 4.00 Medium a xiii 3 2.80 3.30 't 4.W) 4.00 Oclavo : Imperial .... Tjxll 3 2.H.') 3.10 4 3.30 3.80 Sup. Royal.. mxio^ 3 2.r»o 2.00 4 3.15 3.00 Royal (i'x «.>J 3 2.4(1 2.75 4 3.(M) 3.40 Medium ^x it 3 2.30 2.(iO 4 2.K5 3.25 Demy 5ix 7] 3 2.20 2.45 4 2.70 3.10 Duodecimo : Broad 5ix V,i •> 1.0.'> l.iX) 3 2.05 •2.45 Sixteen mo: Sup. Royal.. ó X «i .) 1..S0 1.70 3 1.05 •2.30 Medium 4.ix 2 1.40 l.(H) 3 1.85 •2.15 Demy :iix ñi 2 1.30 1..50 3 1.75 •2.(K) Eighteen mo: Medium 3èx .')3 •2 1.30 l..'iO 3 1.75 •2.00 Thirty-two mo : Sup. Royal.. 3 X ó 2 1.20 1.40 3 1.0.5 1.85 New Style Block, with Patent Side and End Hooks The above cuts represent our new Stereotype Blocks, with End Hooks, for Cylinder Presses. They are made of the best San Domingo Mahogany, thoroughly seasoned, and every part is made and fitted with the utmost care. The superior quality of material and the workmanship in these blocks, and their accuracy is well known; they recommend themselves. Owing to the number of different sizes, and the uncertainty of demand, we cannot undertake to carry a full line of these blocks in stock, but are prepared to fill orders for any quantity at short notice. In ordering blocks, state whether patent or plain, with or without end hooks, and If any additional hook is wanted. Also state size of block over all. with sizes of largest and smallest plate to be worked, measuring the plate from the back. All blocks are made Î of an inch thick unless otherwise ordered. Blocks without End Hooks are for Bed and Platen Presses, those with end hooks are for cylinders. RACHETS FOR STEREOTYPE BLOCKS These Rachets are strongly made in brass and steel riveted to Wood or Steel handles. Brass. Wood or Steel Handle $0.50 Steel, " 75 EMBOSSING COMPOSITION HARD AS STONE CAN DC USED OVEN AGAIN MICHENER'S EMBOSSING COMPOSITION SOFTENS IN NOT WATEN OR SY GAS FLAME '•pHIS composition is a practical and thoroughly 6rst class article, used ^ for years on the highest class of work by an expert emtwsser. It works e<]uslly well on wood, zinc, type-metal, brass and steel embos¬ sing dies. NVhen composition becomes worn on long runs it is not necessary to patch up with gum paper, etc., but can be made as good ss new m two minutes. Complete directions snd hints on embossing (over 1600 words) with every package. PRICE ONE DOLLAR BURBANK'S EMBOSSING COMPOSITION This composition is a plastic cement, about the consistency of ordinary putty, which becomes as hard as stone on ex¬ posure to the air. It will not crumble, and will stand an unlimited number of impressions without loosing its sharp¬ ness. A pound can contains sufficient composition for a dozen or more ordinary lobs. Price, per can $0.75 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 335 nipan sheet with either paste or inncilak'e. aiul will not slip. Made in 10. 12 and lS-|»oint thicknesses, and furnishetl assorted if desired. Price. 5 cts. each, or 50 cts. per ilo/. A «reat inii)roveinetU over the old . Attached in same man ner as "Originals." Price, with or with out lips. 60 cts. per doz. .Secured to the t.Mnpan with glue. Gives fine ami accurate aini>an and keeps sheets from feeding under head. I'rice. inchuling extra tongues, $1.25 set of 3. ECCENTRIC STUD GAUGE .Secured in suitable slits or holes cut in tymi)an. Price. 75 ceJits per set of 3. EXTENSION FEED GUIDES Fasten in the t> iupan Hail. Gauge sheets at lower edge of platen, from about an inch above to nearly two inches below if allowed by press. Kasy to secure and adjust. I'rice, 51.00 per pair, including pair short guides and long tong\ies. CYLINDER PRESS SIDE GUIDE FEED BOARD .Secured by driving point in feed lK>ard just off feed line. Fine register tjuickly made by turning the pillar. The l)endable brass tongue may be raised, lowered or directed over sheet as desired. •Saves feed-l)oard as close changes of point are unnecessary. Price, 50 cts. each. SCREW ADJUSTING GAUGE PINS Has a range of adjustment of nearly half an inch. The prong is insertetl below the feed-line and forced home. Adjustment is obtained by Price, including extra tongues, $1.00 per set IRON GAUGE PIN DRAWER turning the little nut. of 3. DOUBLE-GRIP GAUGE nuts clamp vise-like on edge of slit The strongest hold on tymjian ever obtained tongues and key. 51.25 set of 3. Fastens through a sin¬ gle slit cut in direction of adjustment. Any de¬ gree of adjustment. No piu-pointsor glue. T> ni- pan can be re-used. Two I'netjualled for heavy stock. Price, including extra .A handy place for gauge pins when not in use. Price. 25 cents each. GRIPPER FINGERS Designed for the platen press and apply quickly and adjustably to any shape or size of gripper. holding immovably. Meet innumcr- ble conditions for relieving sheets from the form. 5U cents each. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 337 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN "HE V EA R 1072 WOOD QUOINS Kind Boxes of 100 Bags of 500 Bags of 1000 barrels of aboul7500 per 1000 H ickory Boxwood Lignumvltae SO.40 .60 .80 SI.80 2.70 3.60 S3.50 5.25 7.00 S3.25 5.00 BELLOWS Correct in shape and made of best materials, with reed to assist Inflation; few bellows sold to printers have this feature. Small size, 8 inches. SI.00 Large size. 10 Inches. SI.25 UNIVERSAL DUSTER AND BELLOWS No. !. Length of cylinder 16 Inches. Inside diameter 2| Inches, entire length 20 inches SI.25 No. 2. Length of cylinder 18 Inches. Inside diameter 2i Inches, entire length 22| inches 1.50 WELLS LONG WOOD QUOINS Improved by top notch, which greatly assists In unlocking forms. Made In four sizes, all working In pairs with straight furniture, or they can be used singly with side sticks. No. I. Boxes of 100 Hickory SO.75 Boxwood SI.10 No. 2. " .75 " 1.10 No. 3. " 1.10 " 1.75 No. 4. 1.10 •' 1.75 I SHOOTING STICKS Polished steel $0.60 The H. C. Hansen, forged steel 75 Malleable Iron, enamelled 25 Brown's Patent, plain 50 Brass. Brown's Patent, polished or nickel plated 75 ADZIT GALLEY LOCK The Adzlt Galley Lock Is a simple, positive lock for locking linotype slugs or type in plate zinc or galvano steel galleys or galleys of like construction. For linotype slugs no side lock is necessary as this lock holds matter firmly In place. Equally useful for type. It will grip Instantly and firmly at any point on the side of the galley and a simple pressure releases It. Single column each $0.15 per doz. S 1.50 Double column each .20 per doz. 2.00 HAMILTON NEWSPAPER FILE This Is a most satisfactory newspaper file. It Is strong and efficient, yet Is simple In Its operation. The method of opening and closing the file Is novel and simple. The clasp end of file has a flat-headed thumbscrew which Is passed through a slot, and by giving the screw a quarter turn the file Is securely locked. When the head Is turned parallel with the file It opens in¬ stantly. In stock In the following sizes; 4-column paper. I6i Inches clear. 10 ounces: 5-column paper. 20A Inches clear. 11 ounces; 6-column paper, 22A inches clear, 12 ounces; 7-column paper, 24^ Inches clear, 13 ounces; 8-column paper. 26A Inches clear, 16 ounces; 9-column paper. 28^ Inches clear. 17 ounces. List price each. $1.25 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 338 the; hansein superior quality <5^ established in the year 123456 7AC SIMILC IMPRESSION Model No. 49 BATES NUMBERING MACHINES AUTOMATIC HAND NUMBERING MACHINE Model No. 49 Designed to meet the popular demand for a very moderately priced automatic numbering machine of durable construction, capable of accurate work. Numbers from "I" to "999,999." It Is made to number consecutively, In duplicate, and repeat contin¬ uously. The figures are automatically Inked before each Impression from a thick felt pad. Weight, 12 ounces Price, S3 50 AUTOMATIC HAND NUMBERING MACHINE Model No. 50 This model embodies the highest achievements In the art of numbering machine construction. N umbers from " 1" to "999,999." Made to number consecutively. In duplicate and repeat continu¬ ously. The figures are automatically inked before each impression, from a thick felt pad. The pad holder may be instantly removed for re-Inking. All metal parts made of steel. Weight, 14 ounces. Price, SIC.00 128456 Model No. SO MODEL NO. 58 m 12345 STANDARD TYPE-HIGH NUMBERING MACHINE Model No. 27 A type-high automatic numbering machine, designed to be locked In the chase with the form, wholly surrounded by type matter or used separately to print number only. Every figure disc is advanced automatically from " I" to "99,999." Pro¬ vision is also made for skipping any number necessary, as is required for check and other work with several forms to a page. Size, Ux 15-16 Inches Price, $ 8.00 Model 28. 6-wheel, numbering to "999,999".. 10.00 Prices of other styles and sizes on request driving-head and the first section of shaft is 12 inches over all. Additional sections of shaft (6 inches long) with dove-tailed ends designed to be assembled to each other, provide for any necessary length from 12 to 48 inches and will operate from one to twenty numbering machines. Detailed description and prices on application PERFORATING AND SCORING MACHINE Models 45 and 46 Designed to be locked In form separately, when there is no printing or numbering to be done, or imposed together with typographic numbering machines and entirely surrounded with type matter. The cases are made to the point system and the style of perforating is the colorless pinhole variety in appear¬ ance. No tympan attachments are necessary. Two or more of the blades Interlock so that any length of perforation may be obtained. The release of plunger after each Impression allows perforating blade to drop below type high thus pre¬ venting contact with Inking rollers. Creasing or scoring blades may be used with same cases and driving head. Perforating Machine 3-in. sections, each, $6.00 No. 46 Driving Heads. $4.00 2-in. sections, each, 5.00 Scoring Blades 2.50 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 339 ^ANSE:N SUPERIOR QUALITY H established in the VI^AR 1S72 WETTER NUMBERING MACHINES STANDARD MODEL The Standard Model Wetter Is a type hlyh machine operated by a plun^^er with the word "No." to precede the figures. It can be locked In the form with type and printing and numbering done at one Impression. With each machine Is furnished a blank to be used with a frisket in place of the word "No." when working on a )ob press when It is desirable to SOME OF THE STANDARD MODELS! ORDER BY MODEL NUMBER <9 Wl#'" • • MAOt.ßr- _ mäch/NC CÙ Model Number of Wheels STYLE OF FIGURES Height Inches List Price Code Word 1.^(5 1 L»."> llMÎ l-iT 0 JVo 12345 TyiK- Uiiih $ 1 o (lO 1 1 oo 8 OO 10 00 19 OO .lay .luiic .liuiniy Jaguar JasjH.'r ISS IS 2 l;lo 131 132 4 6 1 234 Tvpo lliuh 10 OO 1 I 00 8 OO 10 OO 19 00 Key Ki'i'l Karat KojKM-k KiiuHo 23$ 217 135 Î3G 3 4 6 25( )9^ i 1 Typo J Ilish 12 OO 1 I OO 16 OO 19 OO Lay Love Loai'h Launch 239 13$ 139 140 4 5 6 123456 Tyy>e Hifîh 22 50 25 OO 28 OO 32 OO Meat Monso Monkey Martel 210 190 Isl 211 4 0 234 5 IL. lû IL, 53 OO 55 OO (>0 OO 65 00 Over Omen Ourang Otter 212 IST 117 1 1$ 149 3 4 f> N2 123456 Tvy« High 1 4 OO 16 OO 18 OO 21 00 24 00 Rain Roach Racket Radish Rafter 197 198 199 3 4 .5 1234 Tvy»e High 16 00 18 OO 22 00 Kilter Kliding Kthics 2 44 156 157 158 4 5 6 78490 Tvj<' High 2 1 50 27 90 30 (»0 33 00 Titter Teale 'J'livern Taunt 191 ill 145 1 46 241 .3 4 (> 12345 Tvjkî High 21 OO 25 50 27 90 30 OO 33 00 I'ack l'art I'int I'lirry I'carl 206 192 105 207 3 4 .5 6 12358 iLu ILo 1-Lu MW 13 00 4 5 OO 47 90 50 99 Bank Bike Baked Butter 171 172 263 264 173 174 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 to .Vj arxl rr-jK-a Ú0 to 1 and roj>fa N2 E2 1 to 00 and n-rK-n 0" to 1 and rcfit-a 1 to 100 and rcfK- 100 to 1 uikI repc t t I t t it it Tvjk.* High 10 99 19 00 12 00 12 OO 1 1 00 14 00 Congo Congoback Pail Pailor l)ancer Hanccrback 204 194 1 43 205 3 4 6 678 ]L, 3^-2 l>-2 51 00 55 0(» 56 OO 60 00 Oflice Onyx Oregon Oxygen have only the figures print. Made of best material and Is fully guaranteed. THE "BEf l ER WETTER" A type-high numbering machine which prints figures only—r70 plunger. The pressure of the platen or cylinder on the figures operates the mechanism which changes the numbers and also brings into action ingenious bearers which raise automatically and hold the printed sheet off the figures while they are changing. It is easily taken apart for cleaning. Made of best material throughout. In¬ suring perfect accuracy and durability. Styles and prices on application. SKIPPING UNIT WHEELS For numbering checks with stubs any number to a page "skipping" unit wheels are necessary; these are Inter¬ changeable with the consecutive unit wheels furnished with each machine and can be adjusted to the machine by any printer. Skipping Wheels (to skip any one number from 2 to 9) each S2.50 Letter Slides (one letter) each 50 Any model "Welter" wlii be made, on special order, lo number backward without extra charge. Backward machines do not aulo- maUcatly depress the drop-ciphers. We Make to Order Machines to Meet Every Requirement No. 27 Galley Top Wisconsin Cabinet, with Copy Drawer Prices and specifications on page 301 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 340 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY H ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 EJECTOR PRESS PUNCHES f « One or more can be J locked In a form. Wlllcul clean holes at same time I ffrl'■ ^ lob Is printed. Cuttings III" ^ are ejected after each Mil. Bill Impression. The plunger protects rollers from In- ^^5 jury. Parts are Inter¬ changeable. Springs can be made stiffer by turning screw In base. Brass rule should be used under outer sheet of tympan so as to get clean cut holes. Made to punch holes in six sizes, 3-32. 1-8, 3-16, 1-4, 5-16 and 3-8 Inches diameter. Sets of four, viz: 3-32, 1-8, 3-16, 1-4 Inch per set. S3.00 Sets of three, any assortment per set, 2.25 Either size each, .75 Sets of two, 5-16, 3-8 Inch per set. 2.50 Either size each, 1.25 Renewals for 3-32,1-8, 3-16, 1-4 ins. Cutters each, $0.35 Screws " .10 Square Bases " .20 Plungers " .10 Springs ■■ .05 Cutting plates doz. . 10 For 5-16, 3-8 Ins. each, SO.60 .40 .20 .05 10 TWEEZERS No. 91. 3A-ln. Nickel $0.30 ■illlilÜ - No. 50 4}-ln. File cut backs and points, nickel $0.85 No. 54. 4}-ln. File cut backs and points, nickel $1.00 No. 35. 4ii-ln. File cut backs and points, with pin... $0.85 doz. PAPER COUNTER Each. $0.75 No. 40. 4-ln. File cut backs and points, nickel $0.75 No, 40B Same as No, 40, but without back pin or shim, .50 No. 41. Same as No. 40 but with narrower points for very small type $0.75 STEEL TABLET KNIVES $0 35 No. 51. 3ä-ln. closed. Nickel $0.65 PRINTERS' BODKINS Wood handle, steel needle each, $0.10 No. 55. Tweezers with reversible bodkin. .$0.60 TEMPERED STEEL DIVIDERS Nickeled, 5 Inches SI.00 Plain, 5 Inches 85 ENGRAVING TOOLS Ground and sharpened ready for use. Per set of 6, $2.50 THE H. C, HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 341 the; hansein superior quality SES established in the VFAR 1872 CHALLENGE STEEL SECTIONAL BLOCKS Swivel Register Hooks. 8x8 ems each. $1.50 Steel Keys. 2-Inch each. .05 Steel Keys. 4-inch. double end each. .20 BRASS CATCHES Ix 4 ems. Brass Catches, each. $0.10 Ix 6 ems. Brass Catches, each. .12 Ix 8 ems. Brass Catches, each. .15 1 X 16 ems. Brass Catches, each. 25 KYLE REGISTER HOOK Designed for narrowest possible mar¬ gins. Plates can be placed within eight points of each other. Made from solid brass, clutch screw and nut of steel. Kyle Register Hooks. 6 x 6 ems. (right or left)... .each, Steel Keys. 2-Inch each, Steel Keys. 4-inch, double end each, CHALLENGE METAL SECTIONAL BLOCKS or the "Expansion System of Printers" Blocks." Challenge Metal Sectional Blocks, hard metal, sizes 16x16.8x16,8x8,4x8.2x8,2x6.2x4. 1x8, 1x6 andlx4ems per pound. $0.25 Mahogany Sections, 8 ems square each. .10 EUREKA REGISTER HOOK Made from solid brass, clutch and screw of steel. Slotted head of of steel. tempered. Eighteen points between plates Is all that is required for clutch and slotted head. Designed for use between plates where It is necessary to work to nar¬ row margins. Eureka Register Hooks. 6 x 6 ems.. Steel Keys. 2-Inch Steel Keys. 4-Inch, double end..... QUICKEST REGISTER HOOK Especially designed for book work where It Is desirable to change from one plate to another quickly. One turn of the key moves the clutch far enough to release the plate. Made from solid brass. Clutch and screw of steel. Slotted head of steel, tempered. Quickest Register Hooks.6 x 6 ems each. $ 1.00 Steel Keys. 2-Inch each, .05 Steel Keys. 4-Inch, double end each. .20 LITTLE GIANT REGISTER HOOK Made from solid brass. The screw I and slotted head are In one piece, cut from steel. and 1 tempered; the clutch Is also made of steel. and there are but four pieces to each hook. It Is actuated by a steel key. It Is designed especially for fine register and color printing. Little Giant Register hooks. 6x8 ems $1.00 Steel Keys. 2-Inch Steel Keys. 4-inch, with double end... Cut Showing Sectional Blocks and Register Hooks in Use SWIVEL REGISTER HOOK Made from solid steel and brass. The center portion Is the well-known Eureka Register Hook so mounted that It will turn in any direction even after being locked up In form By use of these hooks an Irregular plate can be held perfectly or any plate can be placed at any desired angle In the form. each. $ 1.00 each. .05 each. .20 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 342 IBRITE-LITEi Labor Saving Furniture FONT SCHEMES STYLE A FURNITURE No. 1 Brite-Lilte, same assortment and number of pieces, equal to 100 lb. font Metal Furniture, 464 in all... $29.00 Pes. Each Scheme of Font No. 1 16 2x4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x15, 2x20, 2x25 12 3x4, 3x5, 3x6, 3x8, 3x10, 3x15, 3x20, 3x25 8 4x4, 4x5, 4x6, 4x8, 4x10, 4x15, 4x20, 4x25 8 5x5, 5x6, 5x8, 5x10, 6x15, 5x20, 5x25 8 6x6, 6x8, 6x10, 6x15, 6x20, 6x25 8 8x8, 8x10, 8x15, 8x20, 8x25 8 10x10, 10x15, 10x20, 10x25 No. 2 % of font No. 1 equal to 50 lb. font Metal Furniture, 232 pieces In all.. 14.50 No. 3 Vi of font No. 1, equal to 25 lb. font Metal Furniture, 116 pieces in all.. 7.25 No. 4 392 pieces as foilows: This Is equivalent to 100 lbs. Metal Furniture 25.60 12 each of 3x5, 4x5, 5x5, 3x6, 4x6, 5x6, 6x6, 3x8, 4x8, 5x8, 6x8, 8x8, 3x10, 4x10, 5x10, 6x10, 8x10, 10x10, 3x15, 4x15, 5x15, 6x15, 8x15, 10x15, 3x20, 4x20; 8 pieces each 5x20, 6x20, 8x20, 10x20, 3x25, 4x25, 5x25, 6x25, 8x25, 10x25. No. 5 196 pieces, equal to 50 lb. font—% of font No. 4 12.85 No. 16 98 pieces. Contains one-fourth the quantity of Font No. 4 6.40 No. 6 488 pieces. Same as Font No. 4, with 12 additional pieces each, 2x 4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x15, 2x20, 2x25 $29.60 No. 7 288 pieces. Sixteen pieces each, 15, 20 and 25 ems long, and 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 ems wide 25.60 No. 8 336 pieces. Same as Font No. 7, with 16 additional pieces, each 2x 15, 2x20, 2x25 28.75 No. 11 244 pieces. Same as Font No. 5, with 6 additional pieces, each. 2x4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x8. 2x10. 2x15.2x20,2x25. 14.75 No. 12 144 pieces. Eight pieces each, 15, 20 and 25 ems long, and 3, 4, 5, 6, S and 10 ems wide 12.75 No. 13 168 pieces. Same as Font No. 12, with 8 additional pieces each, 2x15, 2x20 and 2x25 14.40 No. 17 122 pieces. Same as Font No. 16. with 3 additional pieces each, 2x4, 2x5. 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x15, 2x20 and 2x25 7.40 No. 18 72 pieces. Contains one-half the quantity of Font No. 12 6.40 No. 19 856 pes. Made up Font No. 1 & 4.. 52..50 No. 20 1712 pes. Made up 2 Fonts No. 1 & 4.100.00 GRAND RAPIDS ELECTROTYPE CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. BxtlTE-IiITC I.ABOB SAVHTG PURNITUBE. The following Fonts are made up of Style B Furniture No. 25 80 Pieces. Four pieces each 2. 8. 4. 6 and 8 ems wide by 30. 40. 60 and 80 ems long. Price $ 15.80, No. 26 40 pieces. One-half of font No. 25. Price 7.90 No. 27 560 pieces. Ten pieces each 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 8 and 10 ems wide by 10. 15. 20. 25. 30, 40, 50 and 60/ems long. Price 73.50 No. 28 280 pieces. One-half of font No. 27. Price 36.75 No. 29 1.120 pieces. Twenty pieces each 2. 3 and 4 ems. sixteen pieces 5 and 6 ems. twelve pieces 8 ems and eight pieces 10 ems wide by 30, 40. 50. 60. 70, 80. 90. 100. 110 and 120 ems long. Price 300.00 No. 30 560 pieces. One-half of font No. 29. Price 150.00 No. 31 280 pieces. One-quarter of font No. 29. Price 75.00 No. 32 816 pieces. Eighteen pieces each, 2. 3 and 4 ems, sixteen pieces each, 5 and 6 ems and eight pieces each. 8 and 10 ems wide by 10, 15. 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60 ems long. Price 101.00 No. 33 408 pieces. One-half of font No. 32. Price 50.50 No. 34 204 pieces. One-quarter of font No. 32. Price 25.25 No. 35 448 pieces. Sixteen pieces each, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. 8 and 10 ems wide by 30, 40. 50 and 60 ems long. Price 80.75 No. 36 224 pieces. One-half of font No. 35. Price 40.50 No. 37 112 pieces. One-quarter of font No. 35. Price 20.25 No. 38 96 pieces. Eight pieces each. 4, 6. 8 and 10 ems wide by 80, 100 and 120 ems long. Price 36.80 No. 39 48 pieces. One-half of font No. 38. Price 18.40 Made in sizes 2 to 10 ems wide. 4 to 120 ems long Other fonts made up as orderd to suit printers' requirements. PRICE PER 100 PIECES BRITE-LITE FLIRNITLRE Smaller quantities at Same Kate All sizes up to 25 ems long except odd sizes are of construction shown in Figure style A on other side this sheet. Size Price Size Price 2x4 $ 2.40 5x8 4.80 3x4 2.80 6x8 5.00 4x4 3.20 8x8 5.80 2x5~ 2.80 2x10 4.40 3x5 3.20 3x10 4.80 4x5 3.40 4x10 5.00 5x5 3.60 5x10 5.40 2x6 3.20 6x10 5.80 3x6 3.40 8x10 6.40 4x6 3.80 10x10 7.20 5x6 4.00 6x6 4.40 2x15 6.00 3x15 6.40 2x8 ' 3.80 4x15 6.80 3x8 4.20 5x15 7.20 4x8 4.40 6x15 7.60 Size Price 8x15 8.20 10x15 9.00 2x20 8.00 3x20 8.20 4x20 8.60 5x20 9.00 6x20 9.20 8x20 10.00 10x20 10.80 2x25 9.60 3x25 10.00 4x25 10.40 5x25 10.80 6x25 11.00 8x25 11.80 10x25 12.60 All sizes over 25 B as shown on other Size Price 2x30 10.80 3x30 11.60 4x30 ■ 12.30 5x30 13.00 6x30 13.70 8x30 14.80 10x30 16.20 2x35 12.60 3x35 13.20 4x35 13.90 5x35 14.60 6x35 15.20 8x35 16.40 10x35 17.70 2x40 14.40 3x40 14.80 4x40 15.50 ■ 5x40 ' 16.20 6x40 16.60 8x40 18.00 10x40 19.50 2.x45 15.80 3x45 16.40 4x45 17.20 5x45 17.80 6x45 18.20 8x45 19.60 10x45 21.00 2x50 17.30 3x50 18.00 4x50 18.90 5x50 19.50 6x50 19.80 8x50 20.50 10x50 23.15 2x55 18.40 3x55 19.45 4x55 20.45 5x55 21.00 6x55 21.40 ems long also odd lengths under 25 ems are style side this sheet . Si/.e Price Size Price 8x55 23.15 10x55 24.60 2x60 3x60 4x60 5x60 6x60 8x60 10x60 19.50 21.90 22.00 22.50 23.00 25.00 26.50 5x85 6x85 8x85 10x85 30.50 31.75 34.38 36.50 2x65 3x65 4x65 5x65 6x65 8x65 10x65 21.10 22.35 23.50 24.25 24.75 26.88 28.50 2x70 3x70 4x70 5x70 6x70 8x70 10x70 2x75 3x75 4x75 5x75 6x75 8x75 10x75 22.70 23.80 25.00 26.00 26.50 28.75 30.50 24.35 25.20 26.50 27.50 28.50 30.62 32.50 2x90 3x90 4x90 5x90 6x90 8x90 .10x9^ ' 2x95 3x95 4x95 5x95 6x95 8x95 * 10x95 28.50 29.60 31.00 32.00 35.50 36.25 38.50 29.85 31.00 32.50 33.50 35.25 38.12 40.50 2x100 3x100 4x100 5x100 6x100 8x100 10x100 31.20 32.40 34.00 35.00 37.00 40.00 42.50 2x80 - 3x80 4x80 5x80 6x80 8x80 10x80 26.00 26.60 28.00 29.00 30.00 32.50 34.50 2x85 3x85 4x85 27.25 28.10 29.50 2x110 3x110 4x110 5x110 6x110 8x110 10x110 ~2xm~ 3x120 4x120 5x120 6x120 8x120 10 X 120 33.00 35.00 37.00 38.00 40.50 43.75 46.50 35.00 37.60 40.00 42.20 44.00 47.50 50.50 Intermediate sizes furnished at proportionate rates Any length up to 120 ems supplied Style A Construction Shows construction of BRITE-LITE FUR¬ NITURE up to 25 ems long except odd lengths Style B Construction Shows construction of odd sizes of BRITE- LITE FURNITURE and all sizes over 25 ems long This furniture is made of a special Alloy of Aluminum and other metals, making it light, rigid, strong and hard. It will not rust It weighs 40% less than Cast Iron and 1/3 the weight of the old fashioned Metal Furni¬ ture. Because of our splendid equipment for its manufacture the cost per square inch is prac¬ tically the same as ordinary metal furniture and 20% less than Cast Iron, at the same time in¬ suring absolute accuracy with less than 1/1000 inch variation. Printers will lose money by not equipping with it at once. For register work, headings, tabular work and any thing demanding accuracy Brite-Lite furniture will be found unexcelled, and its extremely reasonable cost makes it the only furniture for even the cheapest work. PATENT IRON GROOVED BLOCK section may be used as an Independent block. Patent Grooved Blocks are made to order only. In ordering, send us the name of the press for which a block Is required, with the exact bed measurements and the narrowest margins required. Write for net prices. LABOR-SAVING IRON FURNITURE This furniture Is all made on the point system. In regular labor saving sizes; Is micro- ground and therefore absolutely accurate. It cannot be dented or bruised and will not expand In stereotyping and afterwards contract out of shape, but will keep Its proper form under the most severe locking or heating. It has a permanent value as it Is practically indestructible. It Is much lighter than metal furniture. Where close register Is required, as in three-color work, this furniture Is especially valuable on account of its great accu¬ racy and rigidity. Font A —12 pieces each 3, 4 and 5x5, 3.4,5 and 6x6, 3,4,5,6and8x8. 3.4.5, 6.8 and 10x10.3. 4. 5. 6. 8. and 10x15,3 and 4 x 20; 8 each of 5, 6, 8 and 10 x 20. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8 and 10 x 25. 392 pieces $32.00 Font B—12 pieces each 2x4, 2, 3, 4 and 5x5, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6x6. 2. 3. 4, 5, 6 and ~ 8x8,2,3.4,5.6.8andl0xl0,2.3.4,5.6,8andl0xl5.2.3 and 4x 20. 2x25; 8 each 5,6.8 and 10x20, 3, 4. 5, 6, 8 and 10x 25. 488 pieces $37.00 Font C—16 pieces each 3. 4. 5, 6. 8 and lOx 15. 3. 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10x20. 3. 4. 5, 6. 8 and 10 x 25. 288 pieces $32.00 Font D—16 pieces each 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 8 and lOx 15. 3. 4, 5, 6. 8 and 10x20, 3. 4. 5, 6, 8 and 10x 25. 336 pieces.... $37.00 Font E—36 pieces each2.3and4x4. 2.3and4x5. 2,3 and 4x6; 28 pieces each 2, 3 and 4x8. 2, 3 and 4x 12; 16 pieces each 2, 3 and 4 X 16, 2. 3 and 4 X 20. 588 pieces $32.00 Font F—28 pieces each 2. 3 and 4x4. 2. 3 and 4x5. 2. 3 and 4x6, 2, 3 and 4x8, 2, 3 and 4x 12, 2, 3 and 4x 16, 2. 3 and 4 x 20. 588 pieces $32.00 Font G—One-half size of Font A $16.00 Font M—One-fourth size of Font A $ 8.50 Font H—One-half size of Font B 18.50 Font N—One-fourth size of Font B 10.00 Font I—One-half size of Font C 16.00 Font O—One-fourth size of Font C 8.50 Font J—One-half size of Font D 18.50 Font P—One-fourth size of Font D 10.00 Font K—One-half size of Font E 16.00 Font Q—One-fourth size of Font E 8.50 Font L—One-half size of Font F 16.00 For?/^—One-fourth size of Font F 8.50 GOMBINATION PAPER JOGGER These Joggers will save the price they cost from one to four times a year. It will take a good man two hours, or more to even the paper from one day's output of a press, to say nothing of the sheets that are torn on the edges by handling uneven paper. In ordering, always give size of largest sheet you want to print. If your table Is fitted to the press, give accurate measurement of the same. State the kind of press. 24x36 or less $15.00 36x48 or less 18,00 Larger than 36 x 48 20.00 TYPE-HIGH GAUGE This gauge saves an Immense amount of time; with It you can put a gauge on work sent In by electrotypers and engravers thus enabling you to correct the height of cuts and electrotypes before they are sent to the press room, thereby avoiding delay and saving valuable time which, otherwise, is a total loss because unnecessary. Price, $1.50 THE H, C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 343 Sterling Coated. See page 377 the: hansein supeirior quality established in the year 1s72 PATENT STEEL FURNITURE I CL M&WM' Invaluable for blank work. Accurately cut on the point system. One of the greatest labor savers ever Introduced. In use In most of the large offices In this country and Great Britain. Patent Steel Furniture Is a well-tried and useful device for saving lime In making up and locking up printing forms. It con¬ sists of pieces of steel in accurate lengths with notched ends, which can be quickly thrown around blank spaces. Instead of filling In the ordinary way with wood or metal furniture. As It takes less ma- ; terlal to go around a space than to fill Double Font "A" in Case lt. so il takes less time to do it. For color and blank work it Is unequalled. Pieces of first and second styles work together, and pieces of the third and fourth Made of 24. 36. or 54-polnt steel J of an Inch high, and with either 12 or 18 point notches. Accurate in every way to the one-thousandth of an inch. It is not only practically perfect when new. but being made of steel it Is always accurate. STYLES AND PRICES Font A—The lengths from 8 to 42 are of 24-point steel, with 12- point notch, namely; 8. 10. 12, 14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24.26,28.30.32. 34. 36. 38. 40 and 42 picas. The lengths from 45 to 72 are of 36- point steel. with two 12-polnt notches, namely: 45. 48, 51, 54. 57. 60. 63. 66. 69 and 72 picas. Total—28 different lengths, eight pieces of each. 224 in all Price, $54.00 Font B—Has half the quantity of Font A Price. $27.00 Font C—Is the 24-point stock only of Font A, 8 pieces each, 8 to 42 ems. 144 pieces in all Price. $29.00 Font D—Has half the quantity of Font C Price, $14.50 Font E—is the 36-point stock of Font A. 8 pieces each. 45 to 72 ems. 80 pieces In all Price. $25.00 Font F—Has half the quantity of Font E Price, $12.50 Font G—Is made entirely of 36-point steel, with one 18-point notch, as per Style Number Three, and runs in length from 9 to 72 picas, varying by 3 picas, namely: 9. 12. 15. 18. 21. 24. 27. 30. 33. 36. 39, 42, 45. 48. 51. 54. 57. 60. 63. 66. 69. 72 picas. Total—22 lengths. 8 pieces each. 176 In all Price. $44.00 Font H—Has half the quantity of Font G Price. $22.00 Font I—Is made of 54-point steel, with two 18-polnl notches, as per Style Number Four, the lengths being 15. 18. 21 and 24 inches, there being four outside pieces and two cross bars for each length, or 24 pieces In all. The outside pieces are notched to receive the cross bars, which are halved together Price. $21.00 Font J—The lengths from 6 to 30 are of 24-point steel, with 12-point notch, namely: 6. 8, 10, 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24. 26 28 and 30 picas. From 33 to 60 it Is 36-polnt steel, with two 12-polnt notches, namely: 33, 36. 39. 42. 45, 48, 51. 54, 57 and 60 picas. From 63 to 72 it is 48-polnt steel, with three 12-polnt notches, namely; 63. 66. 69 and 72 picas. Total—27 different lengths. 8 pieces of each. 216 In all Price. $58.00 SLAUSON PATENT CYLINDER PRESS LOCKS Displace furniture and quoins In locking up forms In chases and on the beds of cylinder presses. They are made of flat drawn steel tubes, which telescope one into another and are drawn out to fill a given space and then locked by an ordinary Hempel key. The quoin, which is In the form of a coil or snail, has an ex¬ tension of two picas and Is absolutely safe. The parts are dropped steel forglngs. The locks themselves are practically indestructible. They are invaluable on beds of cylinder presses where forms are being locked that are smaller than the beds. They are almost as quick as a flash and they hold the form solid to the bed, taking out the spring of a chase and preventing the working up of material inside. Made in five sizes and sold in pairs at net prices as follows: 3 Inches when shut, opening to 5 Inches Price, per pair, $4.50 5 8 " 4.50 8 14 •• 5.50 14 26 " 6.50 22 36 " 8.00 Si&DSon Patent Locks Open and Closed Complete Set. $29.00 Wall Pocket for holding a set. $0.50 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 344 Grand Rapids Electrotype Co. 2 to 8 Lyon Street Grand Rapids, Mich., U. S. A. Challenge Mammoth Iron Furniture CHALLENGE Mammoth Iron Furniture is just about the biggest little thing ever devised for use in a print shop. In a score of ways it is a time and money saver. It is made on the point system in seventeen mammoth sizes, ranging from 25x50 to 50x100 ems pica. Special sizes made to order. Light, guaranteed accurate and practically indestructible. A great convenience in dressing out a large chase when locking up a small or open form, or in locking a small chase on the press bed. In book or catalog work and where making up forms for two colors, one piece of Mammoth Furni¬ ture of the right size will fit into the space left vacant by the removal of a whole page. This feature creates a vast saving of time in make-up and also saves furniture, as one piece 50x100 ems will replace 25 pieces 10x20 ems which figures a saving of 50% in cost of furniture. In addition, the cutting down of the number of pieces used in locking, provides an efficient remedy for "springy" forms and "work-ups." Raised figures prominently indicate the size of each piece, looking from either direction. The bridge between holes affords convenient finger hold in handling. It is made by the same workmen, in the same manner as Challenge Labor-Saving Iron Furniture, and is sold under the same binding guarantee:— "Returnable at our expense if not found satisfactory." Mammoth Iron Furniture is sold in fonts or by the piece as may best suit the customer. The following fonts and sizes are in stock:— In Labor-Saving Fonts Font S, $12.70, 14 Pieces—2 each 25x50, 25x60, 25x70, 30x50, 30x60, 30x70 and 30x80 ems. Font T, $24.00, 20 Pieces—2 each 40x50, 40x60, 40x70, 40x80, 40x90, 50x60, 50x70, 50x80, 50x90 and 50x100 ems. Font V, $36.70, 34 Pieces—2 each of all sizes in fonts S and T combined. Font S 1, $31.75, 35 Pieces—5 each 25x50,25x60, 25x70, 30x50,30x60,30x70 and 30x80 ems. Font T 1, $60.00, 50 Pieces—5 each 40x50, 40x60, 40x70, 40x80, 40x90, 50x60, 50x70, 50x80, 50x90 and 50x100 ems. Font V 1, $91.75, 85 Pieces—5 each of all sizes in fonts S 1 and T 1. Mammoth Iron Furniture Sorts Size Pi'ice Size Price S ze Price 25x50.. .-each $ .75 30x80 . . . each $1.10 50x60.. . each $1.10 25x60.. ..each .85 40x50 ...each .90 50x70.. . each 1.20 25x70.. ..each .95 40x60 each 1.00 50x80 each 1.30 30x50 . ■ each .80 40x70 ■ ■ . each 1.10 50x90.. . each 1.40 30x60 . ..each .90 40x80 . • . each 1.20 50x100. . each 1.50 30x70.. •.each 1.00 40x90 . .. each 1.30 NKW SIZKS •20x40 each $ .00 *2(1x50 each .70 '20x()0 each .so •20x70 each .00 •2oxH() eaeli l.oO •20x0(1 each l.K) •20xhK) each 1.*20 20x120 each $1.40 25x40 each .05 25xS0 each 1.05 25x00 each 1.15 25x100 each 1.25 25x120 each 1.45 811x40 each . 7( I 30x01) each $1.20 30x100 each 1.-^) 30x120 each 1.50 40x40 each .HO 4oxlo0 each 1.40 40x120 each 1.00 .50x50 each 1.00 .50x120 each $1.7o 00x00 each 1.2o 00x70 each l.3o ooxHO each 1.40 00x00 each 1.50 OoxlOO each l.OO 00x120 each l.HO STERLING ROUND CORNERING MACHINE BROWER ROLLING GALLEY RACK ^ his niiichino Is for round cornering booklels, catalogs, cards of all kinds, labels, folders, calendar backs, and an endless variety of other work, it Is the most popular machine for the purpose ever devised, and over 6.000 of them have already been sold. The machine Is self-clamping and very rapid. Every part Is made with the utmost care. The price Is S15.00. Including one knife of the size generally used, but we have four other styles at $1.25 each. The operation of the Sterling Is so simple and the price so low that no enterprising concern can afford to get along without one of these wonderful machines. SOME OF THE STERLING ATTACHMENTS The Sterling Is like the "Elastic Book Case" always com¬ plete but never finished. We Illustrate the Pedestal Foot Power Attachment on which the Sterling can be mounted In a few minutes, allow¬ ing the operator use of both hands for guiding the stock. The price of this attachment Is only $15.00. It increases the utility of the machine to a very great extent. / Cj_-^ Sterling Pedestal Foot Power We also Illustrate the Perfor- / Attachment atlng Attachment which can be added to any Ster¬ ling Machine. The gauges can be in¬ stantly adjusted for handling any partlc- Sterling Round Cornering Machine ular size or shape of sterling Perforating Attachment work, and adjustments can be made to the hundredth part of an Inch. This attachment costs $18.00, and when added to a Sterling you will have the best 10-Inch perforator on the market. Space will not permit us to show the other attachments for punching of all kinds, including the loose leaf and card Index work, eyelettlng. stabbing, etc. , We shall be glad to send you a special illustrated catalog regarding the Sterling and HL what it will do. Sterling Round Cornering Machine, hand power $15.00 Pedestal Foot Power Attachment, additional 15.00 Stabbing Attachment 5.00 Loose Leaf Punching Attachment 12.00 Perforating Attachment 18.00 Punching Attachment " 10.00 ^ The Rolling Galley Rack costs but little more, capacity considered, than the ordi¬ nary wall galley rack, and Is much more convenient and economical. The racks loaded with galleys and type can be transferred from the composing room to the make-up tables, and when not In actual use they can be pushed aside Into out of the way corners. They are mounted on heavy 2Flnch double casters with wheel bearings, capable of sustain¬ ing a weight of 2,000 pounds. Uprights have drop handles. The base Is wide, thus Insuring against accident by capsizing. The woodwork is of hardwood nicely finished. The brackets are detachable and reversible. When reversed the galleys are held In a horizontal position. No. I holds 30 galleys, is 66 Inches high List price. $20.00 No. 2 holds 20 galleys, is 49 Inches high List price. 17.00 No. 3 holds 16 galleys, is 42 Inches high List price! 15.00 Prices are for racks complete with 8-lnch brackets, which take standard double column galleys. 10- and 12-Inch brackets can be supplied. Prices on application. Brower Rolling Galley Rack THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 345 il ¡i ;5í§8§gg?gg;í§Sgs5í íí î-i Cl C'i M c-i C'i ?: « cc M ce et -4« '+ -f i.e ».e >.e i.e lc c> c c tr t-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1- x x x x x x x x x x §§5S§S§S£S5î588ggg8lî88pSgg5S8ig§Sâ8555SS5§î:!iggiS CiCiCiCiOOCCC'- H ^ ^ r-( r-< ci ci ci ce « ce CO « -t -t -+ -f -t te le L-. le >e le »e le le ».e »e >e le te »e >e c c xcíC'-HMe Le Le te »e Le »e Le le le íi i §g§§g§§SS58i§88§§SSSS8§8sSSï85§PSîiîsSS§S55ïï!iSS88 CÂÇOOt-t-l-XXXXXOOXXQOXiQOiÂCïCiCiCiCiCiCîOwCCOCOCCi §S§SS§gS?il§gSïSg§SSi?gSg§§Siïîï^^S5p8ggS£S§§sg^^SSSîilï 4-4*4t-t^t-t-t-i>xxxxxxxxxxxxxciCïc;j;c;civic:cïCï ddeicececececececececececece- Iii "ï ill c ?. 'S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx S!s;?'^sfs?sí3f;í:á!áí:SS!í! S.'á!sí:?s;;?3!;ssís;síSí?s::S ?Í^ OÍ 3 ro_x «rí?í3?:oi33có?íMÍó33 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ^ ;5 J? g: g g S! ^ Sf s? s? ;? ;? ;S ;? :S S! Í; ^ r- ^ Íh -M Cl mímitmmiñmmmmimmwMmmím sa xxxxxxxxxxx>^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a3?.?:S!^gSi^g.glsgg!:^^'c^isl5S353S33sl5^l5ël3gëll^jg|g aDCi»coice4(m 34y4 X23yie 16 90 19 60 7r> 89 37 X5iy4 34V4X49 9 80 11 80 15 80 7.7 37 X7iy4 341/4 X2.31VÍ» 16 90 19 60 76 89 38 X50y4 35V4X48 9 80 11 80 15 80 70:38 X.->0% 351/4 X23yi8 16 90 19 60 77 91 38V2X5iy4 35y4X49 10 00 12 00 16 00 77 aSMiX-liy. 33y4 X23iyie 17 30 20 00 78 91 37 X53y4 34V4X51 10 00 12 00 16 00 78 37 X.73% 341/4 X241W6 17 30 20 00 79 91 39 X5iy4 361/4X49 10 00 12 00 16 00 79,3!) xrA% 301/4 X23iyi6 17 30 20 00 80 92 38V2X52y4 35y4X50 10 10 12 10 16 10 80 38V2X.72-y4 35y4 x24yio 17 50 20 25 81 92 39V2X5iy4 36y4X49 10 10 12 10 16 10 81 3!)V2X.71»4 30'% X 2311/18 17 50 20 25 82 92 38 X53y4 35V4X51 10 10 12 10 16 10 8238 X.j3% 351/4 X241M8 17 50 20 25 83 92 39 X52y4 36V4X5O 10 10 12 10 16 10 83 3!) Xr,2"Á 3oy4 X24yi8 17 50 20 25 84 93 38y4X53y4 36 X51 10 25 12 25 16 25 84 38%X.73% 36 X24iyi8 17 65 20 45 85 93 38 X54y4 35V4X52 10 25 12 25 16 25 8.7 38 X74y4 35'4 X277Í8 17 65 20 45 86 94 38'/8X54y4 35y4X52 10 35 12 35 16 35 80 38M.X74% 37y4 X27yio 17 85 20 70 87 94 39V^X54y4 361/4X52 10 35 12 35 16 35 87, 39 X74y4 36y4 X27yi8 17 85 20 70 88 94 40 X53y4 371/4X01 10 35 12 35 16 35 H8l40 X73% 37y4 X24iyi8 17 85 20 70 89 96 39 X56y4 36y4X54 10 55 12 55 16 55 89;3!) XoO^i 361/4 X20yi8 18 25 21 10 90 96 41 X54y4 3814X52 10 55 12 55 16 55 9041 X74% 381/4 X27yi8 18 25 21 10 91 97 391/2X57^4 3634X541/2 10 05 12 65 16 65 9ll39V2X77'/4 3oy4 x2oyi8 18 45 21 35 92 98 42MiX54y4 39-y4X52 10 80 12 80 16 80 92 42y2X74% 39y4 X257Í6 18 60 21 55 93 99 43 X55y4 40V4X53 10 90 12 90 16 90 93 43 X-,r,% 40y4 X271M8 18 80 21 80 94 100 43 X56y4 4OV4X54 11 00 13 00 17 00¡ 94 43 XOOli 4oy4 X2oyi8 19 00 22 00 95 101 41 X59S4 38 X56y4 11 10 13 10 17 101 97;41 X79% 38 X27'/I9 19 20 22 20 96 101 43V2X57V4 4OV2X541/4 11 10 13 10 17 10! 90¡43'/2X77'/4 401/2 X2oyi8 19 20 22 20 97 102 42 X59y4 39 X56y4 11 20 13 20 17 201 97,42 X79y4 39 X27yi« 19 40 22 45 98 103 43 X59y4 40 X 563/4 11 35 13 35 17 35! 98:43 X79y4 40 X27yi8 19 55 22 65 99 104 43 X60y4 40 X573/4 11 45 13 45 17 45 99 43 XOOli 40 X271V10 19 75 22 90 100 104 44 X59y4 41 X56y4 11 45 13 45 17 45 100 44 X79y4 41 X 2 7 i 0 19 75 22 90 101 105 43 X6iy4 40 X58y4 11 55 13 55 17 55 101 43 X0ly4 40 X2MV,o 19 95 23 10 102 105 45 X59y4 42 X56y4 11 55 13 55 17 55 102 4 7 X 793Í 42 X27yio 19 95 23 10 103 106 46 X59y4 43 X50y4 11 05 13 65 17 65 10340 X79y4 43 X27yi« 20 15 23 30 104 107 46V2X59y4 4:W2X5C,% 11 75 13 75 17 75, 104i40i/2X79y4 43Mi X27yi« 20 35 23 55 105 107 45 X6iy4 42 X583/4 11 75 13 75 17 75 107 47 X0iy4 42 X2Hyio 20 35 23 55 106 107 47 X59y4 44 X56y4 11 75 13 75 17 75 I00I47 X79y4 44 X27yia 20 35 23 55 107 108 45Vr 13 ems pica columns ami 7-point c«ilumn rules, except for 9-eolumu paper, when 8-point rules are used, aUowiujr ins. for lock-up. >'ewsj)iijK'r Chases, (piarto Two sizes of chases for each standard size of newspaper are piven, the smaller size for use where the bed measurement of press limits size of chase, the larg-er size for use where the bed nieasui'eineiit allows ample room for lock-up. No. Size of Paper. Size of Pair, over all. Size. Each Half, Inside. Widtli of Hacks. Width of Har. Size of Iron. price per Pair. •1 4-Coluniii 241/4X35% 101/16 X22% 1%6 1 ll/l6X% $13 40 ■) 4-ColuniD 24%X30 lOVg X22% iyi6 1 1%6X% 13 40 3 5-Cohimu 28%X43 19»/I6 X 201/4 1%6 1 1% x% 15 85 •4 5-Colunm 291/2X441/8 201/8 X271/4 1%6 1 1V8 x% 10 30 0-rohiimi 32%X40 20iyi«X30 i%o 1 IV4 x% 17 40 t> O-Coluiun 321/2X47 2IV16 X30 1%6 1 11/4 x% 17 00 O-Columu 34 X47% 21% X311/2 iyi6 1 1V4 X% 18 05 8 7 Column 37%X51 231/4 X34% lyia 1 iyioX% 19 00 •9 7-Column 39 X521/8 23«yioX30% '%« l%oX% 20 25 MO K-Cohimi) 43%X50% 25i3/i«X40% 1%» 1%«X% 22 00 * These meaKurements allow for 13 ems pica columns ami column rules are used, allowinf? 1% ins. for lock-uj). -point column rules, exci-pt for 9-column paper, when 8-point (piadriipic Chases No. Size of I'aper. Size of S<'t, over all. Size Each Clmsi'. Outsub*. Siz»' Each Chase. Insiile Width of Hacks. Size of Iron. Price lier Set of 4 our. 1 5-Coluinn 28 X42% 14 X211/4 12% XI9% 1% X % $19 90 Irt 5-í'ülumii - - - - - - 291/4X42% 14% X2iyi6 1211/1« XI91/2 1% X % 20 45 0 0-Column 32%X47 101/4 X23% 14%o X21«/in 1%« 1% X % 00 40 2a 3 0-Columij 33y8X40% 10iyi6X23%o 14% X21% i-Vio 1% X % 22 70 7-Cohimti 38 X5()% 19 X251/4 lCiyioX22iyi« i%o 114 X % 24 90 3 a 7-Coliimii 38%X51% 19%fl X25iVin 17% X23% i%a 11/4 X % 25 20 Uidess otherwise specified we will supply the la, 'Jn, and 3n sets. They are desifriied to accommodate standard size papes, made up of 13-era matter, with 7-point eolumti rules. With side ami foot stu-ks x ■%< in., No. 2 Ueuipel or Keystone Quoins can be used ; with side ami f<»ot sticks ¡tj x in.. No. 1 Ilempel or Keystone (Quoins can be used. To ascertain list prices of other sizes of Quadruple Cases, add lenpth and breadth in inches of set over all. and multiply by 2^ cents per inch, Headinl Chases. 6 x 17, $4.50 8x21, $4.50. 8x 28, $4.50. Cross Bars $2.00 extra. Other sizes to order. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 348 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTA B LIS H E D I E YEAR 1S72 No. 8 Benzine Brush BENZINE AND LYE BRUSHES No. 4 Benzine Brush, all brlslle, size 2^x4^ Inches. convex back each $0.50 per doz. $5.00 No. 6 Benzine Brush, mane hair, size 2è x 6A Inches, rounded ends each $0.40 per doz. 4.00 No. 5 Benzine Brush wllh handle, white bristle, size 1 X I U over all. 6-Inch handle, .each $0.35 per doz. 3.75 No. 7 Benzine Brush. Jap. bristle. slze2îx8î Inches each $1.00 per doz. 10.50 No. 8 Benzine Brush, size 3 x 84 Inches each $0.75 per doz. 7.50 No. 4 Benzine Brush No. 4823 Benzine Brush, goat hair, size 24 x 54 Inches. convex back each $0.60 per doz. $6.50 Boston Benzine Brush, plush surface, size 24 x 6 Inches each .25 No. 4330 Lye Brush, white Tampico. 3 x 8i Inches.. each $0.25 per doz. 2.50 No. I Lye Brush, size 3x9 Inches, each $0.50 per doz. 5.00 SAFETY BENZINE CANS These cans have successfully passed all tests of the Insurance companies, and are approved by Boards of Fire Underwriters In the United States and Canada. STEEL CLAD Pint Can. coppered $0.90 Quart Can, coppered 1.20 Extra Patent Stoppers, each 40 BRASS Half Pint $0.50 Two Quart Pint 60 Gallon Quart 75 Gallon, with handle.. Extra Patent Stoppers, each $0.40 Success Benzine Cans El.50 2.00 2.50 Quart Size Steel-Clad Can In Use TAPE FOR PRESSESAND FOLDING MACHINES Sold In Rolls containing 36 yards fi-lnch, per roll $0.75 4-Inch. " " 5-lnch, " " if-lnch, " ' ¿-Inch. " ■■ .$0.75 1 -Inch, per roll $1.50 . .75 U-inch, " " 1 60 . 1.00 li-inch. " " 1.75 . 1.25 U-lnch. " " 2.00 . 1.40 2 -Inch, " " 2.50 1 2 OPATJin.'D f ORO Q LQ Damon Perforating and Scoring Machine Scoring Blade 2 Machine with Perforating Blade Raised 3 Machine with Blade Depressed Tape DAMON PERFORATING AND SCORING MACHINE Can be locked up in form with type and blades do the work neatly and accurately at the time It is printed without Inking the perforations or creasing line and without touching the rollers. No. 1 Machine 5 Inches Blade 4E Inches $3.00 No. 2 ■■ 7 ■■ 6Í " 4.00 No. 3A 8 ■■ ■■ 7i ■■ 5,00 No. 3 " 10 ■■ ■■ 9i ■■ 5.00 No. 4 ■■ 12 ■■ ■■ I Ii 6 00 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 349 6-lnch 8-inch 10-Inch 12-inch 14-inch 16-inch 18-lnch 20-inch 22-inch ' — ■ I I I ■■■ 1^" HAND ROLLERS Frame Complete Extra Handles and Stock Roller Cast Stock I $1.25 $1.85 $0.40 1 1.50 2.30 .45 1 1.75 2.75 .50 1 2.00 3.20 .60 2 2.25 3.65 .70 2 2.50 4.10 .75 2 2.75 4.55 .80 2 3.00 5.00 .85 2 3.25 5.45 LOO BRAYER ROLLERS Frame and Core 6-inch $0.90 8-inch 1.00 Roiler Complete $1.20 1.40 CARD PUNCHES Made with steel punch and die Cut shows one-half size IDEAL OVERLAY KNIFE Made of the finest tempered steel and will hold a very keen edge. The handle Is of wood and may be cut away as the blade is ground down. Price $0.50 PRESSMAN'S STEEL KNIFE Finely tempered and polished Ground sharp. Knife $0.50 Leather Case 10 PLIERS Flat or Round Nosed $0.50 .$1.25 OVERHEAD FIXTURES Countershaft, hangers and cone pulleys. When ordering give exact diameter of main shaft and number of revolutions per minute. EIGHTH OR QUARTO MEDIUM 3 speeds, solid cone pulleys $15.00 3 speeds, split cone pulleys 17.25 4 speeds, solid cone pulleys 18.00 4 speeds, split cone pulleys 21.00 HALF MEDIUM OR Í4éx22 4 speeds, split cone pulleys $24.00 RECASTING ROLLERS Rollers of all sizes recast from best quality composition at lowest prevailing prices. When ordering state whether summer or winter composition is desired. We can also supply roller composition in quantities to suit. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 350 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 THE BUCKEYE FOUNTAIN Easily attached and instantly Interchangeable to any press—Is perfect In both construction and action. The roller is easily removed for clean¬ ing; ink supply regulated by a "twist of the wrist." Price $10.00 THE PILOT PRESS The Pilot Press may be turned to excellent use In any printing office for small lots of cards, programs, invitations, hotel menus, etc. Very quickly made ready, strong, reliable and capable of good work. Inside chase measurement, 6AxlO Inches. Price $33.00 HOERNER'S COMBINATION SHOOTBOARD AND TYPE HIGH MACHINE Three Machines In one—Shootboard, Type-High Machine and Miterer. A Boon to Printers. A convenience for every working day of the year. Quick, easy and true work. The carriage or guide frame being movable from side while opera¬ ting, blocks of the full width of the bed can be shaved at one locking. Complete, with two planes (I file plane. I knife plane) $35.00 Extra Files .75 Extra Knives .75 THE CHANDLER & PRICE FOUNIAIN Like the press, the Chandler & Price Foun¬ tain Is very simple and effective. It is quickly cleaned; quickly adjusted to proper flow at any rate needed; easily removed from the press and re¬ placed by extra fountain for colors, if desired. Ink blade is of finest steel and its adjustments In¬ sure positive flow. Price $20.00 CHALLENGE TYPE-HIGH MACHINE Will reduce cuts to type-high, and make them true and even when they have become warped from any cause. Passing all cuts, or plates mounted on wood through this machine before the form Is sent to press saves one-half the time usually spent In make-ready. Challenge Type-H Igh Machine, with galley 8x 12 inches $15.00 Extra Files for Challenge Type-High Machine .75 I HE OFFICIAL PRESS The frame and bed are in one casting, made from the best grade of iron, and so designed that the bed Is centrally sup¬ ported by the frame. The bed and ^ platen are so reinforced by cross braces that It is Impossible to spring them underthe heaviest Impression. No. 2 4x6 Inches. ...$ 16.00 No. 3. 5 X 74 inches.... 25.00 No. 4. 6x9 Inches.... 35.00 No. 6. 84 X 124 Inches.... 60.00 Nos. 9 and 12 For printing large sheets. In this style platen Is stationery, the bed being brought down to meet It. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 351 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR U A L I ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 IK-I'i. I.AiiN Hansen IMPROVED POWER Perforating. 24-6 HAND PRESSES These presses are of new design, wllh the latest Improvements In con¬ struction and are made with the best of workmanship and material. They are heavily built. In good proportion and with the material correctly dis¬ tributed according to the strains. They are easily and quickly operated and are particularly adapted to the use of printers and photo-engravers In prov¬ ing cuts, giving solid Impression, Bed 17x21, ■■ 20 x 25, ■■ 24 x 29, 26 x 34, ■■ 29 x 42, 32 x 47, Platen I4ix ISjInches Price $150.00 17 20 22 25 28 x22 x25 x30 x38 x43 175.00 200.00 225.00 250.00 275.00 CHALLENGE INK SPADE N Ickel plated $0.60 BRASS LABEL HOLDERS Price per hundred, complete, size 1 x 54 Inches, with cards and tacks $2,75 INK KNIVES, WIDE BLADE 6-Inch blade $0.60 8-Inch blade $1.00 10-Inch blade $ 1.60 • r • li," — — O.W.B PALLET INK KNIVES 4-Inch blade $0,35 8-Inch blade $0.70 6 50 10 ■■ 1.00 INK SLICE, STEEL BLADE H and les cannot gel loose $0.75 TYMPAN GAUGE SQUARE The Invention of a practical printer for Instantly secur¬ ing straight margins on all jobs on platen presses. Especially useful In securing accurate register on forms printed In two or more colors. Will save Its cost every day where time Is worth anything. Made of transparent ma¬ terial ruled In pica-spaced squares. Price $0.25 THE H, C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY Sterling Coated. See page 377 352 POTTERj PROOF PRESS SCIENCE IN PROOF TAKING FOR SALE BY Grand Rapids Electrotype Co. 2 to 8 Lyon Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. = Tkc ^=^=^=^==^=^=^=^=^^^===^^==^=^=^^== Potter Proof Press The Potter Proof Press is a decided improvement in proof press construc¬ tion. It simplifies the entire proofing problem. It takes all the knack out of proofing. Anyone can take a good proof with a Potter Proof Press, while anyone thoroughly trained in proof taking can take the very best proof possi¬ ble in less time than required by other methods. C, The Potter Proof Press is built on the lines of a cylinder press. The cylinder is fitted with grippers, has reel rods to hold the draw sheet and is provided with trip for use when it is desired to throw the cylinder off the impression, a feature which will be found exceptionally advantageous when register proofs are being taken. The bed which travels back and forth under the cylinder, has a continuous register rack which is engaged by the cylinder gear. C, The construction of the Potter Proof Press is solid and substantial throughout. The design is not only a pleasing one, but is also of the most practical nature which enables the printer to take a proof of a single line of type equally as well and with the same even impression as a full form, doing this work in the quickest possible time and in a manner that could not be improved upon by any method of proof taking whatsoever. C, The Potter Proof Press is built in two sizes which come the nearest to being suited to the various require¬ ments of all printers, as follows: No. 1. Bed 10x25 inches, $150.00 No. 2. Bed 16^x25 inches, $200.00 C, Machines are equipped complete with trip, brayer and galley plate for use when proofs are taken of matter not in the galley, such as individual cuts, etc. The machine will also be supplied without trip tor plants where straight work is done, such as in linotype offices, etc. The machine regularly fur¬ nished is supplied with rubber blanket and heavy press board for bringing the rubber blanket directly next to the cylinder. C. If you want good proofs at the minimum of expense, the Potter Proof Press is the machine for you to buy. Now is the best time to start testing the machine in your own plant, under your own conditions, with your own workmen. Order one now, FOR SALE BY GRAND RAPIDS ELECTROTYPE CO. 2 to 8 LYON STREET :: :: :: GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ADVANTAGES OF THE Potter Proof Press Crippers—The cylinder of the Potter Proof Press is equipped with automatic grippers which take the sheet over the im¬ pression and release automatically at the end of same. The com¬ bination of these grippers with the adjustable feed guides make it possible to take the most accurate color proofs which would ordinarily require the use of a cylinder or platen press. The Trip which lifts the cylinder off of the impression and is easily operated by a foot treadle, makes possible the return of the cylinder to the original position without inking the draw sheet of the cylinder. The Cylinder is of heavy construction, giving a solid, unyield¬ ing impression and is fitted with reel rods which make it possible to pack the cylinder in the same manner as the most modern two-revolution press. The Reel Rods in the cylinder are of very simple mechanism, easily operated in a minimum amount of time. The Continuous Register Rack runs the full length of the bed and is engaged by the large gear on the cylinder. This insures absolute register, overcomes any possibility of slurring or wear on the type. Quick, Clean Proofs with cuts well brought out and every error in composition or damaged type shown clearly are being turned out daily by users of the Potter Proof Press. Good Proofs are more readily OK'd by your customers than poor ones. This means less trouble, less corrections and quicker action from composing room to press room. Errors and defective type discovered in the composing room save much valuable time in the press room. ORDER A POTTER PROOF PRESS NOW FOR SALE BY Grand Rapids Electrotype Co. 2 to 8 Lyon Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY > ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 CHALLENGE TIE-UP SLUGS Self-Feeding, Self-Inking Proof Press SELF-FEEDING, SELF-INKING WEB PROOF PRESSES lO-in. Bed. Single Web. to print matter 26 in. long. $330.00 12-in. .. 26 •• 355.00 12-ln. Double 26 380.00 18-in. Single .. 25 415.00 18-in. Double .. 26 ■■ ■■ 440.00 224-in Single .. 26 •• •• 525.00 22|-in Double .. 26 ■■ 550.00 EXTRA HEAVY 25-in. Bed, Single Web, to print matter 36 in. long $650.00 28-ln. .. 3g .. .. 700.00 Prices for Direct Motor Equipment furnished on application. Chandler & Price Proof Press ROLLER PROOF PRESSES CHANDLER & PRICE No. I. 10x31 Inches, with Frame $30.00 without " 22.50 No. 2. 16x31 ■■ with 40.00 without " 30.00 CHALLENGE No. 0. 9 X 27 inches, with iron Stand $ 25.00 No. I. i0èx32 30.00 No. 2. 164x 35 40.00 No. 3. 20 X 38 60.00 No. 4. 24 X 42 75.00 No. 5. 27 X 54 125.00 No. 6. 9 x 40 30.00 GOLDING No. 1. Bed 5x27 inches, with stand $22.00 without stand 15.00 No. 2. ■■ 8ix27 ■■ with '■ 27.00 without " 20.00 No. 3. 15x27 with 38.00 without " 30.00 Herald Self-Inking Proof Press PATENT HERALD SELF-INKING PROOF PRESS Without With Feed-board Feed-board iO-ln. Bed. prints matter 26 in. long, $275.00 $330.00 12-ln. 26 ■■ ■■ 300.00 355.00 18-ln. 26 ■■ ■■ 340.00 415.00 224-ln 26 ■■ ■■ 400.00 525.00 EXTRA HEAVY 25-ln. Bed. prints matter 36 in. long. $525.00 $650.00 28-in. 36 ■■ 575.00 700.00 All presses furnished complete with cast rollers Made of the best grade metal and are grooved on one side so that they can be placed around type pages, when being locked up. without removing string. They are standard height Full Length. 18 inches long Cut to measure, 7 ems pica and over Cut to measure. 4 to 6A ems pica Labor-Saving Fonts, 5 10 or 25 lbs per lb. S0.18 per lb. .25 per lb. .35 per lb. .25 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 353 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 THE WHITLOCK CYLINDER PRESS WHITLOCK TWO-REVOLUTION TWO-ROLLER PONY PRESS Carrier Delivery (Printed side upl (Also built with Front Fly Delivery) The swiftest, smoothest running, sim¬ plest, most durable and convenient of all pony presses. Has the meritorious fea¬ tures of the larger Whitlock presses. Made In two sizes. Bed 27 X 31 Bed, ...21 x 40 Type ,,, ,22 X 27 Type ,,,22»x 36 Sheet ,, ,24 X 29 Sheet, ,,25 x 38 Prices and further particulars may be obtained on application. When in the market for any kind of cylinder press, new or second hand, be sure and write us. Whitlock TwO'roller, Two-revolution Pony Press WHITLOCK TWO-REVOLUTION FOUR-ROLLER PRESS Front Fly Delivery The swiftest, smoothest running, sim¬ plest. most durable and most efficient of the two-revolution presses. Built In the following sizes; Bed, inches Form Covered Sheet 46 X 65 41x 61 43 x 63 43 X 56 38 X 52 40 x 54 41 X 52 36 X 48 38 x 50 35 X 47 30 X 43 32 x 45 29 X 42 24 X 38 26 x 40 Specially designed to do not only the finest half-tone printing in black and three-color, but also to be equally effi¬ cient for the general work of the modern printing office, having special regard for the production of the finest quality In the largest quantity, at the least possible cost. All Whitlock presses are built with extra heavy double-arched girder directly under the impression, and the heavy girder at each end of the machines, impart strength and solidity. The new Crank Bed Movement is a modification of the bed driving mechanism employed In almost ail stop cylinder and lithograph presses—the simplicity, durability and register exactness of these machines being retained, and modern speed being imparted by use of speed gears. The Box Type Bed has a bottom surface and not merely the usual cross ribbing. This fully doubles the strength of the type bed; it is also scraped absolutely true. The Cylinder is larger in diameter than is commonly used, thereby lessening considerably the wear on type and plates. The Fountain is adjustable and may be tipped to any angle, forcing the ink down on the fountain roller, thereby preventing color from working light. It also saves ink waste. All Ink Rollers are interchangeable, being of same diameter. Old form rollers can be used as angle rollers, thus saving roller expense. The Hinged Roller Frame with Roller lifting device is so finely balanced that an easy swing of a lever lifts the top riding and vibrating rollers from off the form rollers, the form rollers being lifted away from the form at the same time. Trip and Back-up Motion both are on all Whitlock presses. The trip cannot be broken through improper timing. The back-up operates by friction and acts instantly without any damage to the press. Either Front Fly Delivery (as shown in illustration) or the carrier delivery (printed side up) is supplied. Prices and further information about other meritorious features of the Whitlock press, which space does not permit giving in detail, may be obtained on application. Whitlock Two-revolution, Four-roller Press THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 354 .H. M..S.. SUP.R.O. QU..,-rv < H > ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 Chandler & Price Gordon Press THE CHANDLER & PRICE PRESS Stock always on hand The long life of the Chandler & Price Gordon Press Is In¬ sured by Its extra heavy weight and the materials of which It Is made. Also by the great care which enters Into Its construction, every part of the press being made by machinery specially designed for the purpose which Insures perfect uniformity and accuracy. The frame Is constructed of the best grade of Iron. The side arms and shaft are of forged steel. The throw-off Is Instantaneous, positive and easily operated, without springs, clamps or catches. The depresslble grippers cannot get beneath the rollers. The chase clamp Is positive and Instantaneous. The distribution Is unsurpassed. The horizontal platen with long rest Insures speed and ease In feeding. Every press Is given an expert's severe test before leaving the factory. Eighth Medium, 7 x II Inside chase SI50.00 7x12 •' •• 165.00 Quarto " 10x15 " " 250.00 Large Quarto 12x18 " " 300.00 Half Medium 14 x20 " " 400.00 144x22 " " 450.00 EXTRAS FOR EITHER SIZE PRESS Steam Fixtures $15.00 Buckeye or Short Fountain 10.00 Chandler& Price Fountain 20.00 Write for Net Prices The New Vibrating Riding Roller Is as easily attached as an ordinary form roller. It prevents streaking, rendersunnecessary double rolling, saves ink and time. Complete, any size. $10.00 THE PEERLESS PRESS This press Is simple, strong and readily understood and operated. It is so con¬ structed that every motion is positive and there being no adjustments, it Is simply Impossible for even the most Inexperienced person to get it out of order. It Is made with tools specially constructed for the purpose and all parts are inter¬ changeable. The strain-bearing parts are steel and are made very heavy which in¬ sures great strength. The Impression Is given by a toggle, applied behind the platen-yoke. This motion is very simple and powerful. The chase is Instantly and securely fastened to the bed by an automatic chase-hook. The throw-off is an eccentric, operated by a lever which locks Itself In either position. 8 X 12 Peerless Press $225.00 II x 17 Peerless Press $350.00 9x 13 '■ •• 250.00 14 x 20 '■ " 450 00 lOx 15 ■■ ■■ 300.00 144 x 22 " '■ 500.00 EXTRAS FOR EITHER OF THE ABOVE PRESSES Long Fountain $25.00 Pony Fountain $10.00 Steam Fixtures $15.00 Write for Net Prices The Peerless Press The Improved Pearl Press THE PEARL PRESS The Pearl Is the speediest, easiest running press of Its size ever Invented. The small number of fly-wheel revolutions to the Impression makes it particularly desirable In offices which do not use a mechanical drive. On all sizes the bed is perpendicular, heavily ribbed In both directions at the back, and of convex construction, providing extra metal at the point of greatest strain to prevent springing. A powerful chase clamp holds the form rigidly to the bed. The platen lies in a position that facilitates rapid and accurate feeding, and, because of the long feed-dwell (one-half of each press movement), may be operated at a very high speed. Inches $ 70,OO Inches no.oo 5 x 8 Inches 95.00 7x11 Inches | 135^00 14. 9x14 Inches ' ' ' 200*00 Nos. I and 3 are without throw-off. Nos. 8. 11 and 14 have throw-off and full length fountain Steam Fixtures. No. I $8.00. No. 3 $9.00, No. 8 $10.00. No. 11 $12.00. No. 14 $14.00. Pearl No. 1. 5 x Pearl No. 3. 7x11 Improved Pearl No. Improved Pearl No. Improved Pearl No. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 355 "THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR No. and Name Size of Chase inside No. of Form Rollers Without Fountain and Fixtures Regular Fountain and Fixtures With Art Fountain and Fixtures 1 No. 6. Eighth Medium 8x 12 3 $200.00 $250'.00 No. 7. Quarto Medium lOx 15 3 275.00 335.00 $370.00 1 No. 8. Half Medium 12 X 18 3 350.00 420.00 |No.9. Half Super Royal 15x21 3 450.00 525.00 1 No. 18. Art Series I2x 18 4 470.00 500.00 1 No. 21. Art Series 1 15x21 4 490.00 560.00 600.00 THE GOLDING JOBBER The Goldlng Jobber In the regular series Is made for use on ordinary classes of work where II Is Important that the maximum output be realized and at the smallest percentage of labor. The Goldlng Art Jobber Is made to supply the demand for a machine capable of turning out the highest grade of work. (1) These prices are with machine rollers com¬ plete. extra set of roller cores, extra set of roller wheels, two chases, wrench, treadle and brake Unless otherwise ordered, steam fix¬ tures are furnished with the Jobbers No. 9. 18 and 21 Instead of treadle. (2) These prices Include Automatic Fountain. Du¬ plex Distributer. Steam Fixtures with Automatic Belt Shipper and Quick- stop brake, complete set of composition rollers with extra set of cores, extra set of roller wheels, two chases and wrench. Complete press does not Include counter and Its attachments, as these are extra. In setting up platen presses, two or three feet of space between each machine should be allowed. The fly wheels on all sizes turn from the feeder. Gotding Art Jobber GALLY IMPROVED UNIVERSAL This Is the regular press, adapted for general letterpress printing. An Improved gear wheel Is now put on all Style One Unlversals. except the 10x15. with a section of steel cast Into the cam-way at the place where the friction roller wears the hardest. lOx 15 Shipping weight. 1.900 lbs $255.00 13 X 19 Shipping weight. 2,700 lbs 360.00 14x22 Shipping weight. 2.850 lbs 410.00 17x25 Shipping weight, 3,300 lbs 550.00 Above prices are for Style I. Prices of other styles will will be furnished on request. Prices subject to change. Gaily Improved Universal Style I Golding Jobber THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 356 IMPROVED PERFECTED PROUTY PRESS A rlyld, speedy, durable press with two main gear wheels, rigid and powerful Impression, four rollers, platen adjuster. Improved chase-latch, new throw-off, special improved Ink fountain, double end roller trucks. It Is easily made ready. Built In five sizes. Full particulars on application. No. I. 7x11 Inches Inside chase $215.00 No. 2. 9x 13 284.00 No. 3. lOx 15 338.00 No. 4. 12 X 18 417.00 No. 5. I It ^ ! inches inside chase 450.00 I 13x21 ) Prices given include full length fountain and side steam fixtures. IMPROVED LIGHTNING BINDER No. 2 For Printers and Binders this Is a good low-priced machine for binding pamphlets or stitching calendars. Holds 200 staples at a charge. Staples can be Inserted six Inches from margin. Only one adjustment—by means of a hand screw which elevates or de- ^ presses the clincher. Capacity 2 sheets up to 125 sheets. Six sizes of staples may be used, from 3-16 in. to 1-2 In. Price $25.00 láf No. 2 Improved Perfected Prouty Press Special No. S Prouty Wood Printing Press. 54 inch imp. Lightning Binder No. 2 ACME BINDER No. 6 The Acme No. 6 binds to one-quarter Inch, all kinds of paper. It has an automatic clinching device. It is equipped with antl-ciogging devices and both flat and saddle-back tables. No adjustment required. The machine uses 250 staples at each charge, numbered as follows: No. 21. fine wire, J-inch: No. 22, fine wire -/y-inch; No. 23, coarse wire, ^-inch; No. 24. coarse wire, -j^¿-inch. Price $35.00 Write for further particulars and net prices of any of the above machines. Acme Binder No. 6 PROUTY WOOD PRINTING PRESS Chase Boards No. 1. 7x11 lOx 14 No. 2. 9x13 11x18 No. 3. lOx 15 12x22 No. 4. I2x 18 15x24 No. 5. ( 12x20 1 1 13x2! 1 16x26 Spec. 5 ( 12x20 1 1 13x21 ( 16x34 Write for Net Prices THE MIDGET STAPLE BINDER It is strongly built, cannot clog and needs no adjusting. It holds 100 staples at a charge and will bind a little over ^ inch any kind of paper. Very useful In offices or can be used in making up sam¬ ples. Finished in nickel. Price, in neat box $3.00 Midget Staple Binder THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 357 COLT'S ARMORY PLATEN PRESSES The Quarto Medium Is built In the Style One and Style Two constructions. The Style One has two form rollers and Style Two has three form rollers. The Half Medium and the Half Super Royal are now built in the Style Two-A, Style Five-A and Style Six-A con¬ structions. The Quarto Medium Style One Is particularly a high¬ speed press. It can be operated as rapidly as the "disc" type of machine and has more effective Ink distribution, The Quarto Medium Style Two Is better adapted, through Its greater distribution, for halftone and color printing. The Half Medium and Half Super Royal In the Style Two-A construction are equal to the average requirements of high-class printers. They are high-speed presses. The Half Medium and Half Super Royal In the Style Five-A construction are much stronger machines than the Style Two. They are adapted for all the Style Two Is capable of doing and also for a much heavier range of work, especially In the way of half-tone, chromotype and tint printing. They are high-speed presses. The Half Medium and the Half Super Royal In the Style Six-A construction are modifications of the Style Five, adapt¬ ing them for all that can be done on the Styles Two and Five and the like, hot or cold. Style Two>A Colt's Armory Press also for certain classes of embossing, book-cover stamping QUARTO MEDIUM. STYLE TWO Size. 10 X 15 inches inside of chase. Carrying three form roller, two distributer and one vibrator stocks, each to be cast 2 Inches In diameter. Will operate safely and smoothly up to 2200 Impressions an hour. Space through which press will pass when assembled. 33i Inches; when wholly dismembered, I9i Inches. Price of Press, complete with Ink fountain, driving pulleys, belt shifter and brake $350.00 The following parts are Included; 6 form roller stocks; 4 distributer stocks; 2 vibrator stocks; 4 distributer stock boxes; 4 adjusting clamps; 6 form roller wheels, 1 Inches diameter; 6 form roller wheels, lí Inchesdiameter; Schases; 2 feed tables: 2 feed table floor standards; 3 frisket fingers; 1 treadle; 3 wrenches. HALF MEDIUM. STYLE TWO-A Size, 13x 19 Inches inside of chase. Carrying three form roller, two distributer and one vibrator stocks, each to be cast 2 inches in diameter. Will operate safely and smoothly up to 1800 impressions an hour. Space through which press will pass when assembled. 41 inches, when wholly dismembered, 29* Inches. Price of Press, complete with ink fountain, driving pulleys, belt shifter and brake $500.00 The following parts are Included: 6 form roller stocks; 4 distributer stocks; 2 vibrator stocks; I changer; 4 distributer stock boxes; 4 adjusting clamps; 6 form roller wheels. I Inches diameter; 6 form roller wheels, 13 Inches diameter; 5 chases; 2 feed tables; 2 feed table floor standards; 3 frisket fingers; 3 wrenches. HALF SUPER ROYAL, STYLE TWO-A Size, 14 X 22 inches inside of chase. Carrying three form roller, two distributer and one vibrator stocks, each to be cast 2 inches In diameter. Will operate safely and smoothly up to 1700 impressions an hour. Space through which press will pass when assembled. 43 Inches, when wholly dismembered. 32* Inches. Price of Press, complete with Ink fountain, driving pulleys, belt shifter and brake $575.00 The following parts are Included: 6 form roller stocks; 4 distributer stocks; 2 vibrator stocks; I changer; 4 distributer stock boxes; 4 adjusting clamps; 6 form roller wheels, I Inches diameter; 6 form roller wheels. I* Inches diameter; 5 chases; 2 feed tables; 2 feed table floor standards; 3 frisket fingers; 3 wrenches. When double Inking device is furnished with any of the above described presses, the price thereof will be $15.00 net. Prices and particulars regarding Style One, Style Flve-A and Style Slx-A will be given on application. Write for Hansen's list of Rebuilt Presses. Write for Net Prices THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 358 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY The Diamond Cylinder Press THE DIAMOND CYLINDER PRESS DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR THE COUNTRY PUBLISHER The Diamond Is the up-to-date press for the country publisher. It Is made to meet his wants, and In design, material, construction and workmanship, the highest standard Is maintained. No. 14 Steam Power Machine Is a six-column folio; size of bed 24 x 32i Inches; will print smaller sheets without special adjustment; floor space 40x43 Inches; the delivery table extending 30 Inches back of the frame; speed 900 to 1.200 impressions per hour; shipping weight 2,500 pounds. Price, $450.00 No. 4 Hand Power Machine Is same size and specifications as No. 14 machine; speed 700 to 900 impressions per hour; shipping weight 2,100 pounds. Price. $350.00 Each press Is furnished with felt blanket, set of cast rollers, extra set of roller cores, fly table, wrenches, oil can and screw-driver. The Steam Power series. In addition to the above, has tight and loose pulleys, shifter and fly wheel. Rubber blanket furnished in place of felt at an additional cost of $4.00. Felt blanket complete with trimmings, $ 18.60. Rubber blanket complete with trimmings, $22.60. Steam power attach¬ ments (for hand power presses), $125.00. Monitor Paging and Numbering Machine MONITOR PAGING AND NUMBER¬ ING MAGHINE The Monitor Paging and Numbering Machine Is the result of years of practical experience and experimenting by its de¬ signer. It Is durable, made of finest material. It is easy to adjust and easy to operate. May be changed from foot to steam power In a moment. Height. 48 Inches; floor space, 24x40 inches; net weight. 325 lbs.; Speed. 100 to 150 revolu- lutlons per minute. Full particulars on application. NO. 1 FOOT POWER With I Four Roll Steel Figure Head $185.00 With I Six 195.00 With I Four Roll and I Six Roll Steel Figure Head 250.00 Steam Attachments on Machines, extra 50.00 NO. 2 COMBINED STEAM AND FOOT POWER With I Four Roll Steel Figure Head 235.00 With 1 Six '• 245.00 With I Four Roll and I Six Roll Steel Figure Head 300.00 Extra Repeater, to repeat as many times as desired.. 3.00 STEEL HEADS (CUT TO ORDER) 4 Wheel Steel Head 50.00 5 Wheel " " 60.00 6 Wheel " " 70.00 Write for Net Prices. THE CHALLENGE-GORDON JOB PRESS Eighth Medium 8 x 12 $165.00 Quarter Medium 10 x 15 250.00 Quarter Medium (large) 12 x 18 300.00 Half Medium 13 x 19 350.00 Half Medium (large) 14 x 20 400.00 Half Super Royal l4Ax 22 450.00 Side Steam Fixtures, extra. $15.00 Three chases, foot brake, gauge pin box, gripper and im¬ pression wrench, three cast rollers, one brayer with cast roller, and three roller stocks furnished with each press. If desired we will furnish either two extra chases or one roller mould In place of casting the rollers and brayer. The patented Impression throwoff, large ink disc, counter¬ balanced platen, extra wide gear wheels cut from tool steel, patented depresslble gripperbar and grippers, forged steel crankshafts and connecting rods, equalized platen lock, in¬ stantaneous chase-lock, and the carefully fitted bearings, are among the points which contribute to the durability and pop¬ ularity of this press. Write for net prices. ChalUAge-Gordon Job Press THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 359 S5S the: HANSEIfSI SUPEIRIOR QUALITY iUl.iAMUUId»D '• Ht- Stereotype Beating Brush ""■'i ¡o Roberts Tape Couplers ROBERTS TAPE COUPLERS Durable, economical, adjusted In a few seconds. Each box contains 50 couplers. Mnch... .$1.00 Mnch....$1.25 Mnch.... S1.50 14-inch ....$ 1.75 A-lnch.... 1.00 ï-inch.... 1.50 1-Inch.... 1.75 li-lnch.... 2.00 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 368 "THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1672 ROSBACK PERFORATORS MONITOR MULTIPLEX PUNCH ROSBACK AUTOMATIC INDEX CUTTING MACHINE Rosback Automatic Index Cutting Machine Rosback Perforator 15-Inch. Foot Power. 20-Inch. *■ 24-Inch, ■* Built on correct mechanical principles, and of the best grades of material It is very heavy, solid and substantial. The combined punch and die heads for special punching are made of one solid casting, embracing the upper and lower dies. The combined head slides In groove to desired position, locked instantly by a lever, and requires no adjustment what¬ ever. With the separate punch head and die block holes can be punched In any part of a 30x44 Inch sheet, through about one-half Inch of paper, making perfectly true and smooth perforations which can be spaced from U Inches to 30 Inches apart, and from one to twenty made at each operation. Machine complete, with 4 heads and upper and lower round dies (standard sizes). .$250.00 Extra Round Hole Punches and Dies, less than g-lnch in diameter, per set 2.50 Special Punches and Dies. Including guide, stock sizes, each 7.50 Combined Punch and Die Head (or holders) each 5.00 Special Dies and Punches for loose leaf work made to order. Write for Net Prices. This machine makes the Indexing of blank books, directories, catalogs, loose leaves, etc.. one of the most simple things in the bindery. The spacing Is done entirely automatically and any length of space from 3-16 to Inches may be cut. Change of spacing can be made In two seconds and no change of racks or parts is required. The machine will cut anything from a vest pocket memorandum book to a 20-inch ledger. Depth of cut can be made as desired, from 1-8 to 2 Inches by an adjustable receding gauge. The number of leaves to be cut for each letter Is shown you by the automatic indicator or dial which revolves. The con¬ struction of this machine Is strictly first-class, and all materials the best. Every machine guaranteed. Prices on application. T hese machines are very strongly built. Punches are of steel, perfectly round and straight, and make a clean perforation. They are placed directly under the cen¬ ter of the head which Insures a perfectly perpendicular motion without tilt. Punches are Independent of each other and can be removed and renewed without disturbing the others. Every machine Is furnished with a file for sharpening punches. Bed is very heavy and Insures perfect rigidity under any possible strain. Strippers are S Inch thick and In one piece. Sliding steel plates, easily moved by the loosening of thumb screws, permit the operator to perforate just as much of the sheet as Is desired. This Is essential when perforating checks, etc. EXTRA HEAVY HARD DIE ROSBACK PERFORATORS 15-Inch. Foot Power $ 85.00 28-Inch, Foot Power $150.00 20-Inch " " 100.00 24-lnch. Steam Power 125.00 24-Inch, " " 125.00 28-Inch. " '• 200.00 lO-lnch, Hand Power $50.00 REGULAR ROSBACK PERFORATORS $ 60.00 28-Inch, Foot Power $125.00 75.00 24-Inch, Steam Power 150.00 100.00 28-lnch. " " 175.00 10-Inch, Hand Power $35.00 Monitor Multiplex Punch THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 369 iE: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1S72 THE BROWN & CARVER PAPER CUTTERS The Brown & Carver Automatic Cutlers tnm have been perfected so they will accu- JDk^' .^V rately as the Brown & Carver Hand Clamp Cutters, and are absolutely unbreakable. The ^ O mechanism of these machines Is simple and /^'V^^nllïlAÏVV'LIlWIWVLIlHWlI il there are few wearing parts. They do not l,^//^l|l|||l|||||||||||||||l|^n'^JI /7 require frequent adjusting. The clamping J/**** 1/ pressure Is applied on the principle of the Brown & Carver Hand Clamp. Inde- pendent of the Is . H and can be instantly varied by shifting a .mm jjj within easy reach of the operator. With a - rr speed of thirty cuts per minute the clamp de- ' /LT^/L' scends gently upon the stock and packs the J'j pile sheets ' BfcT^B' ''..■ ~ The automatic pressure is then applied. The is held under uniform pressure throughout the stroke of the knife, and. as the three opera- of packing, clamping and cutting are distinct and performed different times during the revolution of the machine, the belt power is never called upon " for more than one operation at a time and con- sequently the Brown & Carver Cutters take the least power to operate. Further particulars and specifications on application. 34-inch, weight 5.200 pounds S 750.00 63-inch, weight 12.650 pounds $1850.00 38-inch, weight 5.900 pounds 875.00 68-inch, weight 14,450 pounds 2150.00 44-Inch, weight 6,600 pounds 1075.00 74-inch, weight 16,650 pounds 2600.00 50-inch, weight 7.500 pounds 1300.00 84-inch, weight 19.150 pounds 3000.00 57-inch, weight 10.150 pounds 1550.00 Hand clamp attachment for automatic clamp cutters. $50.00 extra, less discount. Plain clamp and plain back gauge, not interlocking, cutting up to 3* Inches, and plain table, special lower prices. Information regarding the new Power Cutter called the "Ontario" furnished on request. THE BROWN & CARVER SEMI-AUTO CUTTERS With Foot Treadle and Hand Clamp The clamp on these machines may be operated as on the regular Brown & Carver Hand Clamp Cutters, or It may be brought down to the work quickly by treadle, and will lock automatically on the work or return to the top. as desired. A partial turn of the hand clamp wheel will give full clamping pressure, and a partial turn in reverse while the foot Is held on treadle will release the I clamp so It will rise automatically to the top. Work may be cut up to 5 Inch wide, and the knife has a rise of 6J inches. The back gauge Is In three parts, and. when split, the sections form a side gauge so that work can be cut near center of knife as well as at the side of machine. The back gauge Is close to side gauge for small work. The clamp Is provided with a flat removable plate for fine work which might otherwise be marred by clamp fingers. The knife can be instantly adjusted for level or wear by turn of the connecting rod. WITH TREADLE AND CABLE GAUGE MOVEMENT 34-Inch, weight 4,600 pounds $665.00 44-inch, weight 6,100 pounds $ 990.00 38-inch, weight 5,300 pounds 790.00 50-lnch, weight 6,900 pounds 1190.00 BROWN & CARVER HAND CLAMP CUTTERS. SCREW GAUGE MOVEMENT AND WITHOUT TREADLE 34-inch, weight 4,500 pounds $ 625.00 63-1 nch, weight 10,500 pounds $ 1700.00 38-1 nch, weight 5,200 pounds 750.00 65-1 nch, weight 11,400 pounds 1820.00 44-inch, weight 6.000 pounds 950.00 68-lnch, weight 12,300 pounds 2000.00 50-lnch! weight 6Í800 pounds 1150.00 74-Inch, weight 14.500 pounds 2400.00 54-Inch, weight 7.600 pounds 1290.00 84-Inch, weight 16.000 pounds 2800.00 57-inch, weight 8,200 pounds 1400.00 Write for Net Selling Prices of Brown & Carver Machinery. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 370 XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 POWER PAPER CUTTERS OSWEGO AUTOMATIC CLAMP CUTTER Foot Treadle and Cable Gauge The pressure of the automatic clamp Is sufficient to clamp and cut accurately the hardest stock. The knife makes 27 cuts a minute. Production, therefore, Is limited only by the ability of the operator to keep pace with the machine. Work is cut up to A Inch wide. Size, 32-Inch. Weight, 3.600 pounds. List Price $570.00 Hand Clamp Attachment for these cutters. $65.00 extra, less discount. OSWEGO SEMI-AUTO POWER CUTTERS Hand Clamp, with Foot Treadle and Cable Gauge Guaranteed rigid, powerful, fast and accurate. The clamp on these machines may be operated as on the regular Oswego Hand Clamp Cutters, or it may be brought down to the work quickly by treadle, and will lock automatically on the work or return to the top. as desired. A partial turn of the hand clamp wheel will give full clamping pressure, and a partial turn in reverse while foot is held on treadle will release the clamp so It will rise automatically to the top. These cutters are speeded to 27 cuts a minute. The clamp and back gauge Interlock, allowing work to be cut up to i Inch. The knife is bolted solidly to the bar and Is instantly adjusted by a turn of the connecting rod at right and eccentric lever at left. 26-Inch, weight 2,300 pounds $405.00 32-inch, weight 2,700 pounds 30-inch, weight 2,600 pounds 430.00 36-inch, weight 2,800 pounds OSWEGO POWER CUTTERS (HAND CLAMP) WITHOUT TREADLE AND WITH SCREW GAUGE MOVEMENT 26-Inch, weight 2.000 pounds $330.00 32-Inch, weight 2.400 pounds $415.00 30-Inch, weight 2,300 pounds 355.00 36-lnch. weight 2,600 pounds 530.00 OSWEGO HAND AND POWER CUTTERS (HAND CLAMP) WITHOUT TREADLE. WITH SCREW GAUGE MOVEMENT 26-Inch, weight 2,100 pounds $350.00 33-Inch, weight 2.600 pounds $510.00 30-Inch, weight 2,400 pounds 380.00 36-lnch. weight 2.700 pounds 555.00 32-Inch, weight 2,500 pounds 445.00 Each of the above cutters furnished complete with knife, oil can and wrenches, delivered skidded and boxed f.o.b. cars Oswego, N. Y. No overhead fixtures of any kind are Included. Write for Net Selling Prices. THE NATIONAL SELF-CLAMPING CUTTER $490.00 600.00 Each size Is made In several styles as shown In table below. The back gauge is moved by an accurately graduated steel band passing over a geared wheel at front of table directly under the eye of the operator. A powerful clamp Is provided be which the gauge can be Instantly locked. The back gauge can be furnished plain, or interlocking which allows cuts to be mady as narrow as i inch. The back gauge can be furnished in one or three ^ parts. Accurate side gauges extend both front and back from the knife. The automatic throw-off Is positive In its action and so arranged that the accidental starting of the machine Is Impossible. The round cutting stick presents much more surface than a square stick, consequently It lasts much longer. The stick is held firmly by a patented device which prevents Its slipping and turning when in use. To overcome momentum and as an additional safeguard a powerful automatic brake has been pro¬ vided, which Is so designed that it is only on when the clutch Is off. 32-INCH MACHINES Plain Self-Clamp . . . weight 3,600 pounds $600.00 Self and Foot Clamp weight 3,800 pounds 675 00 Self and Hand Clamp . . weight 3,900 pounds 700.00 Self, Hand and Foot Clamp, weight 3.950 pounds 750.00 36-iNCH MACHINES Plain Self-Clamp . . . weight 3,900 pounds $725,00 Self and Foot Clamp weight 4,100 pounds 800.00 Self and Hand Clamp . . weight 4,200 pounds 825.00 Self. Hand and Foot Clamp, weight 4,250 pounds 875.00 40-iNCH MACHINES Plain Self-Clamp . . . . weight 4,200 pounds $ 850.00 Self and Foot Clamp . . weight 4,400 pounds 925.00 Self and Hand Clamp . . weight 4,500 pounds 950.00 Self, Hand and Foot Clamp, weight 4,550 pounds 1000.00 44-inch Machines; Self Clamp; Self and Foot Clamp; Self and Hand Clamp; Self, Hand and Foot Clamp. Prices and discounts on application. Write for Net Selling Prices. The National Self^Clampinl Cutter THE H. C. HANSENjTYPE FOUNDRY 371 LEVER PAPER CUTTERS Chandler & Price Paper Cutter THE PEERLESS GEM LEVER CUTTER The frames are very strong, with double braces. The knife bars are thick and carefully adjusted In the slots, which are provided with gibs and adjusting screws to take up any possible wear. n The leverage is perfect II and the cutting Is very easy; the knife returns to its original position with the least possible exertion owing to the perfect counterbalance, which Is within the ma¬ chine out of the way. All sizes are furnished with Intersecting, adjustable back gauges and will cut to a very narrow margin. The back gauges on the two larger sizes are split. Side gauges are furnished on all sizes. 23-Inch, weight 750 pounds $100.00 30-inch, weight 1,400 pounds $175.00 25-Inch, weight 850 pounds 125.00 32-inch, weight 1.450 pounds 200.00 Oswego Lever Paper Cutter Peerless Gem Paper Cutter OSWEGO LEVER PAPER CUTTERS An exceptionally heavy, durable machine, made in four sizes. The finger clamp and back gauge allow work to be cut as narrow as A inch The table Is plain (not grooved); front scored in A inch squares with brass rule graduated to sixteenths of an Inch, back table ruled to six¬ teenths of an inch. Back gauges are In two parts which may be offset If desired. Extra long back side gauge on left hand side (may be put on right hand side). Detachable front side gauge can be adjusted out and In at different angles. Clamp rises 3i inches on 30- and 32-inch sizes. 3 Inches on 23- and 26-inch sizes. 23-inch, weight 1,200 pounds $110.00 26-inch, weight 1,400 pounds 130.00 30-inch, weight 1,650 pounds 175.00 32-Inch, weight 1.800 pounds 200.00 Write for net selling prices on Lever Paper Cutters shown on this page THE CHANDLER & PRICE PAPER CUTTER It is heavier than other cutters of its size, the extra metal being distributed to withstand strain and springing when worked to fullest capacity. The smooth working quality due to this staunchness has made it a very popular machine. The legs, braces, table and knife bar are of very heavy pattern. The cutter is perfectly counterbalanced, with weight and lever easily and quickly adjustable to suit each operator's convenience. The extra large hand-wheel makes clamping quick and easy. The clamp fingers have a broad surface, thus saving fine stock from creasing. All gauges are ac¬ curately squared with the knife and when In place are rigid and true. The back gauge extends to within an Inch of the side gauge. All parts are strictly interchangeable. 23-inch, weight 950 pounds $100.00 26-inch, weight 1.100 pounds 130.00 30-inch, weight 1.600 pounds 175.00 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 372 CUTTERS m Grand Rapids Electrotype Co. 2 to 8 Lyon Street Grand Rapids, Michigan Advance Features The clamp-screw nut is double the length of the same part on any other make of cutter. Ç All our cutters are grooved for half-inch cutting sticks, reducing that item of expense two-thirds, each stick having eight cutting surfaces. ^ The Advance clamp never raises above the edge of the knife, thus sav¬ ing the operator many an ugly injury. Prices on Skids, packed for Shipment F. O. B. Cars SIZE 16 inch, without stand WEIGHT ON SKI 280 lb. OS PRICE $ 50.00 19 inch, " " 365 lb. 65.00 16 inch, with stand 440 lb. 60.00 19 inch, " ' * 510 lb. 75.00 inch 685 lb. 90.00 25 inch - 765 lb. 110.00 30 inch - 1160 lb. 165.00 33 inch - 1440 lb. 200.00 Boxing: 16 or 19 inch, $2.00; 22 y2 or 25 inch, $3.50; 30 or 33 inch, $4.50. The Advance Lever Paper Cutter is a standard, all-around machine. It is low priced and has valuable exclusive features. It is durable because it has setscrews and gibs in tbe frames to take up wear in knifebar. Heavy flat section gibs are placed inside the frames, against which the knifebar plays. Tbe wear of tbe knifebar may be fully compensated for by a readjustment of these gibs. ^ The frame is substantial, twenty per cent, heavier than other cutters of this ^ class. Notice how the bed is supported by a heavy crossbrace. The back gauge screw is supported at both ends—in most cutters the back end is left to "wabble." This is a small thing, but small things count. ^ Notice the shape of tbe lever (tbis is another strong point); it gives strength ^ and a more powerful leverage, also plenty of room for handling the paper, and you don't have to go to the floor to make a cut. The lever is counter-balanced, insuring safety to the operator. ^ Tbe knifebar is controlled by link motion. The combination crank, counter- ^ balance lever and weight are directly under the knifebar. The knife dips, which makes a clean, easy shear cut, especially advantageous on pamphlet trimming and job cutting. ^ The Advance Lever Cutter is made in six sizes: 16 inch, 19 inch, 22^ inch, ^ 25 inch, 30 inch and 33 inch; they are made larger than the dimensions given so as to square stock the full size of respective machines. The 19 inch machine cuts all papers up to Royal. Either the 16 or 19 inch used in connection with the larger machines in an office will double the capacity at small expense. Advance Features The Advance Lever Cutter has side gauges back and front, on both sides, enabling one to square stock at either side. The "Easily Squared" back gauge is an important feature, making it possible to accu¬ rately square the back gauge with knife in a moment's time. ^ Eurnished with interlocking back gauge and clamp, which permits stock to be cut to width of three- fourths inch. The back gauge ex¬ tends close to side gauge for perfect squaring of small stock. A figured scale is sunk in the table of all but the pony sizes. ^ All shafts, screws and studs are made of steel, and all bearings are scraped to fit; this insures perfect working and great durability. The, Advance is built to jigs and all repairs may be adjusted without the aid of a skilled mechanic. XHE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY SES ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 UTILITY BENCH CUTTERS One of the handiest and most useful paper cutters on the market. It will save Its cost in a very short time as It may be used for cutting all small work such as letter heads, note heads, circulars, cards, etc.. thus saving the constant wear upon your large cutter. 16-Inch $50.00 18-inch 60.00 Iron Stand for elthersize 7.00 LIEB LABEL CUTTING GAUGE The only satisfactory gauge for cutting narrow strips on paper cutters. The sections are made of brass, and they are kept In an upright position by means of springs placed between each link. Even paper cutters having Interlocking back gauge and clamp cannot handle all classes of work with¬ out a label gauge. The Lleb gauge Is the most accurate. They can be supplied In any length desired, but minimum charge Is for gauge of ten links. Price, with 10 links $12.00 Additional links, each 1.25 CUTTING STICKS Cutting sticks furnished for all power, lever and bench cutters. In ordering be sure to mention name and size of machine, also style of stick (whether square, round or octa¬ gon) and dimensions If possible. Best quality of sticks furnished at lowest prevailing prices. Popular styles and sizes carried In stock. OSWEGO BENCH CUTTERS A substantially built, easy working machine. The back gauge and clamp are finger patterns. The back gauge has a locking device to hold It in any position. The gauge runs back the full size of machine and cuts as narrow as A Inch. The clamp rises 2^ Inches. The 19-Inch size Is furnished also with an Iron floor stand. 16-lnch. Weight 340 lbs $60.00 ■ 19-lnch. 375 " 75.00 I 19-Inch. " 575 " on Iron stand ... 85.00 ■ BENCH LEVER CUTTERS MORGANS & WILCOX BENCH CUTTERS These cutters are of Improved design and modern construction. The clamp and back gauge are Inter¬ locking and cuts may be gauged as narrow as A inch. The stroke of the knife Is positive, and the leverage being very powerful, heavy cutting Is surprisingly easy. 16-lnch $50.00 19-Inch 65.00 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 373 ^ E: HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITy ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 GALLY UNIVERSAL CUTTER AND GREASER For paper box and novelty manufacturers the Universal press has no equal. The cutting form can be placed out of center without Injury to the cutting rule or detriment to the work. Mr. Gally's latest patent Improvement on these presses holds the platen to register on an unbalanced form. This Is a very Important feature, as Is fully under¬ stood by all those engaged In the manufacture of paper boxes and similar articles. Size of 1 nslde Shipping Price Bed Chase Weight No. 1 22 x3l} 20 x30 4,800 $465.00 No. U 24ix3l} 22Jx30i 4,900 525.00 No. 2 25 x33 23ix3l 5.100 590.00 No. 3 274x 41J 27 x40 6.500 790.00 No. 4 31 x454 30 x44 7,400 950.00 Universal Cutter and Greaser No. 4 COLT'S ARMORY CUTTING AND SCORING PRESS Colt's Armory Cutting and Scoring Press This press Is double geared; has a fly¬ wheel on each side, thereby transmit¬ ting the Impresslonal stress In the most direct manner possible. The weight and strength of the frame and platen have been considerably Increased, adapting the press to heavier work than originally contemplated. The Impression teeth of the gears are forged steel, formed In separate sections and fused Into the rims of the wheels. The pinions are cut from steel forging. Feed tables and standards are furnished with each press. Style 4. 20 x 30 Inches Inside chase. shipping weight 5,315 pounds S585.00 Style 5. 20 x 30 Inches Inside chase, shipping weight 5,715 pounds S6I5.00 New Special Model, crank-action cutting and scoring press with lever Im¬ pression trip, self-contained belt shifter and brakes and platen friction safety lugs. Size 28x41 Inches Inside of steel chase SI 000.00 More complete data will be furnished upon request. Write for Net Selling Prices. THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 374 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY C l—I ^ ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1072 oooo(KX^^>oo«i:»o<:;x>oc^>o^ K BERKSHIRE ORNAMENTS AND INITIALS A (Elcctroiypcs) Mntlr Only in Cliarai'trni Shown e-POiNT BORDER NO. 1460. 60 INCHES $1.60 he Initials shown on this page are made only in the characters shown Price, 60c. each Order by Number No. 1H4 ."Mortised No. IT.") -Mortised No. 176 -Mortised No. 1»2 .Mortised No. 1S3 Mortiseti ¿7ooooooooooo()0()o()o^ 12-POlNT ROVAU BORDER. 54 INCHES $1.50 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 375 the: hansein superior (Quality established in the year 1372 New Cambridge »A $n.r>ii r»a $:».«(> ifî».:«) MEW DESMM Typographic These Striking and Desirable Type Faces are now in preparation. Specimen Sheets will be issued upon their completion. Watch for them Boston Itollc 8A $7.00 -la $5.00 $12.00 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 376 A LIST OF AGENTS CARRYING STERLING COATED BOOK BOSTON, MASS. . ROCHESTER. N. Y. BUFFALO. N. Y. CLEVELAND. OHIO DETROIT. MICH. CHICAGO. ILL. MILWAUKEE, WIS. . . MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. OMAHA. NEB. KANSAS CITY, MO.. DENVER. COL. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. LOUISVILLE. KY. CINCINNATI. OHIO HARRISBURG. PA. WASHINGTON. D. C. BALTIMORE, MD. RICHMOND. VA. PITTSBURG. PA. . PHILADELPHIA, PA. . SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOS ANGELES. CAL. OAKLAND. CAL. NEW YORK, N. Y. THE ARNOLD ROBERTS CO. 180 Congress Street ALLING & CORY. 66 Exchange Street ALLING & CORY. 225 Washington Street THE UNION PAPER AND TWINE CO. 131 St. Claire Avenue, N. W. THE UNION PAPER AND TWINE CO. OF MICHIGAN 46 Lamed Street. West DEARBORN PAPER CO. 120 Market Street W. D. MESSINGER & CO. 179 Randolph Street THE E. A. BOUER CO. (Wm. M. Plant. Agent) 800 Fisher Building J. W. BUTLER PAPER CO. 212-218 Monroe Street THE E. A. BOUER CO. Hanover and Oregon Streets MINNEAPOLIS PAPER CO. 200 Second Street, North CARPENTER PAPER CO. 1118 Howard Street KANSAS CITY PAPER HOUSE. 607 Wyandotte Street CARTER RICE & CARPENTER PAPER CO. 1625 Blake Street C. P. LESH PAPER CO. 121 Kentucky Avenue LOUISVILLE PAPER CO. 249 East Main Street BROWNE & STUART, Neave Building THE CHATFIELD & WOODS CO. JOHNSTON PAPER CO. R. P. ANDREWS PAPER CO. 627 Louisiana Avenue F. N. McDONALD & CO. 32 South Charles Street THE SOUTHERN PAPER CO. 1016 East Cary Street ALLING & CORY, Liberty and Third Avenues LINDSAY BROS. Inc., 615 Ranstead Street ZELLERBACH PAPER CO. Battery Street at Jackson ZELLERBACH PAPER CO. 113 N. Los Angeles Street ZELLERBACH PAPER CO. PERKINS & SQUIRE COMPANY, 60 Duane Street J. E. LINDE PAPER CO. 84 Beekman Street F. A. FLINN, 32 Beekman Street THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE 377 FOUNDRY ACME BINDER No. I The Acme Binder No. 1 Is a lever action wire staple binder, strong and simple in construction. It holds 100 heavy wire staples, binds to i Inch and Is equipped with patented antl-clogging device, and can be fastened to table or platform. Price $6,00 NEW DRAPER ADJUSTABLE COMPOSING STICK This stick Is simple, easily adjusted, accurate. Any desired number of picas or half picas can be Instantly obtained by sliding the knee In the usual way until the pin, which Is made of special spring steel, engages the correct measure. Any odd measure may also be obtained by not engaging the pin and slot. The principle of a round steel pin engaging a v slot In- Drapfir Adjustable Composing stick sures absolute accuracy which wear does not effect. 6-inch $1.40 lO-lnch $1.85 14-lnch $2.30 18-Inch $2.75 8-inch 1.60 12-inch 2.10 16-Inch 2.50 20-Inch 3.00 Made in 2-lnch, 2i-lnch and 2i-inch widths at same price. Nickel plating, 35 cents extra. MORSE ADJUSTABLE GAUGE PIN Simple, durable, accurate and easily adjustable. Per 2 sets (6 pins).... $ 1.00 Elm City Counter Bristol Counter COUNTERS These Counters are well made and efficient. Suitable for all printers' requirements No. 5 Bristol Counter $10.00 No. 5 Elm CltyCounter $10.00 No. 5 Pequabuck Lever Style Counter $7.50 MODEL B DURANT COUNTER Designed especially for Job Hansen's Beveled Quads in Quarter-size Case press use. All parts are of steel, made with dies, except for brass bearings and unit gear. Size 4"x2"x I jj". Weight. 1 it pounds. Model B Durant Counter attached to press Price $6.50 AUachmenls for Gordon Press, $1.25 OUARTER-CASE HANSEN'S BEVELED QUADS Special Font Hansen's Beveled Quads in Quarter-size case containing 45°. 54° and 60° iSee page 256) complete with case $12.00 MARSH HYGIENIC RUBBER FINGER PAD For counting money, assorting checks or mall, turning leaves, overhauling files, handling money or paper of any character. Indispensa¬ ble to bookbinders and pressfeeders. Each $0.10 Send for card showing different sizes SPONGES Extra heavy printers' sponges Marsh Hygienic Finger Pad No. 1, $0.75 No. 2. $1.00 No. 3, $1.50 Printers' Sponge Acme Binder No. 1 THE H. C. HANSEN TYPE FOUNDRY 378 THE HANSEN SUPERIOR QUALITY ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1872 This cut Illustrates the cutting of a I 2-pt. column rule TWENTIETH CENTURY INVENTION BY THE LEADING INVENTOR OF TYPE FOUNDRY DEVICES entirely new mechanism throughout. /- P Works differently, acts differently than any other cutter. 4¡ ^ Cuts brass rule from the smallest thickness to 12-point [H] brass and leaves