WAR SHIPPING ADMINISTRATION DIVISION OF TRAINING Emergency Regulations Governing the APPOINTMENT AND TRAINING OF CADETS OF THE UNITED STATES MERCHANT MARINE CADET CORPS Revised July 11, 1942 IJNrt'KD S'l AI ES eOVEIíNMKNT- i'lUN TING OFflCt; WASHINGTON : 1942 TTAK SHIPPIXG ADillXISTRATIOX Division of Tiîaining ■\Vashington, D. C. EMERGENCY REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE APPOINT¬ MENT AND TRAINING OF CADETS IN THE UNITED STATES MERCHANT MARINE CADET CORPS Under autliority of the Merchant IMarine Act, 193G, as amended, Executive Order 9083, dated February 28,1942, Executive Order 9054, dated February 7, 1942, and Executive Order 9198, dated July 11, 1942, the following revised regulations governing the appointment and training of Cadets in the United States Älerchant Marine Cadet Corps are prescribed and issued for the duration of the emergency proclaimed by the President on May 27,1941. E. S. LAND, Administrator, War Shipping Administration. DEFINITIONS Article 100. Sec. 310.46. When used in these regulations, the term : (a) "W.S. A." means War Shipping Administration. (Ô) "Director" means Director of the Division of Training, W. S. A. (c) "The Academy" means the United States Merchant Marine Academy. (d) "Basic School" means United States Merchant Marine Cadet Basic School. (e) "Supervi.sor" means Supervisor of the United States Mer¬ chant Marine Cadet Corps. (/) "District Instructor" means District Merchant Marine Cadet Instructor. (g) "Midshipman" means Midshipman, Merchant Marine Re¬ serve, United States Naval Reserve, an appointment awarded all Cadets of the United States Merchant Älarine Cadet Corps by the Secretary of the Navy and held con¬ currently with their appointment as Cadet. (/i) "Cadet" means Cadet, United States Merchant Marine Cadet Corps. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Article 101. Sec. 310.47. (a) A candidate must be a male citizen of Ihe United States. If naluralized, a candidate must have been a citizen of the United Stat(is for 10 years previous to the date of application. (h) A candidate must be not less than 18 years of age nor more than 23 years of age on the date of application. If the candidate lias not reached ids eighteentii birtliday or if he has reached his t wenty-tidi'd birthday on or before tliat date, he will be ineligible for ajijxiintment. 4801148—42 ni 2 (c) If under 21 years of age, he will be required to furnish the written consent of parent or guardian as a part of his application. {d) A waiver for overage may be granted by the Supervisor to those candidates who submit acceptable e\ddence of having completed studies in an accredited college or university, or who have been engaged in work directly connected with merchant shipping or of such nature that experience gained therein may be considered of direct benefit in the training of a ISIerchant Marine officer. An allow¬ ance of 1 year in age maj^ be granted for each academic year com¬ pleted successfully or for other work which the Supervisor may con¬ sider equivalent. A maximum of 4 years' credit may be so allowed. (e) A candidate may, at the discretion of the Supervisor, be ad¬ mitted to a Basic School or the Academy for preliminary training at the age of 17 years, 10 months, but will not be assigned to a merchant vessel until he has reached his eighteenth birthday. (/) A candidate must prove to the Supervisor that he possesses good moral character. ■ {ff) A candidate must present a certified transcript of his scholastic record. (/¿) A candidate must be unmarried. Any Cadet who marries before completion of training shall be requested to resign, and, failing to do so, shall be dismissed by the Supervisor. (/) No person is eligible for appointment as a Cadet who has been dismissed or compelled to resign from a Federal Service Academy or a State Maritime Academy for improper conduct, or who has been dishonorably discharged for cause or has resigned with prejudice as a civil employee of the United States. (j) No person who has resigned as a Cadet will be reappointed unless his previous service record has been approved as satisfactory by the Supervisor. {k) If it should be determined at any tinie during a Cadet's course of training that he has purposely falsified his application or sup¬ porting papers, he shall be dismissed. (?) All applications must show and be signed with the full legal names of applicants. They must be accompanied by or include the following : (a) Evidence of citizenship as shown below. If native born : (1) A didy verified copy of a public or church record of birth, or (2) The affidavit, under oath, of the physiciiin, midwife, or other persons present at the birth. (3) In cases where neither (1) nor (2) can be obtained by the candidate, the affidavit of either parent. (4) In cases where the candidate certifies that no one of the above is obtainable, the affidavits (under oath) of two reputable citizens acquainted with him. Each of these affidavits should state the facts within the knowledge of the deponent upon which he bases his statements as to the citizen¬ ship of the candidate, as for exanqde, that he has known the candidate since birth, that he knew his parents, or as the case may be. 3 If foreign born: (5) Certificate of naturalization, under the seal of the court in which naturalized. (C) Certificate of naturalization, under the seal'of the court in which naturalizecl, of the parent during the minority of the candidate, together with the affidavit of a parent whose certificate of naturali¬ zation is submitted. (7) In special cases where the candidate certifies that neither (5) nor (6) is obtainable, the affidavits of two reputable citizens acquainted with him (see par. 4, under native-born citizens). As every naturalization is a matter of record in some court, these affidavits will be accepted only in very ex¬ ceptional cases, and on the understanding that the candidate shall later submit a proper certificate of naturalization. Note.—In the cases of naturalized citizens, the Navy Department requires a period of 10 years' citizenship before it will approve an application for Midshipman, Merchant Marine Reserve, United States Naval Reserve. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS Article 102. Sec. 310.48. (a) Appointments to Cadetships in the United States Merchant Marine Cadet Corps are contingent upon qualifying physically for appointment as Midshipman, M. M. R., U. S. N. R. The physical examination will be conducted by a Navy or Naval Reserve Medical officer. (6) A candidate must be of normal size, sound constitution, and free from physical defects or diseases, especially those of vision, color perception (plate tests), speech, and hearing. He must not be less tlian 5 feet 6 inches and not more than 6 feet 4 inches in height. Can¬ didates must have minimum vision of 18/20 in each eye correctable to 20/20. (c) The application of a candidate must be signed by a physician who has examined the candidate and certified that, in his opinion, the candidate meets the physical standards set by the Navy for appointment as a Midshipman of the Merchant Marine Reserve. (d) A candidate for whom a waiver has been recommended will not receive an appointment as Cadet and will not be assigned to a Basic School or the Academy until the Navy Department has ap¬ proved the waiver and the Supervisor has been so informed. Candi¬ dates whose recommended waivers are not approved by the Navy Department will be so notified. (e) Any defect or disease developed by a Cadet during training, which would result in his discharge from the Merchant Marine Re¬ serve, will be sufficient cause for the Supervisor to terminate his training. SCHOLASTIC REQUIREMENTS Article 103. Sec. 310.4Í). (a) The Suj)ervisor is authorized to pre¬ scribe and change at any time tlic scholastic requirements for appoint¬ ment as Cadet for the duration of tiie emergency. 4 {h) A candidate for appointment as Cadet (Deck) or Cadet (En¬ gineer) during the emergency must possess a minimum of 12 units from accredited schools. Lists of subjects and their corresponding values in units, which must be submitted, are as follows : Required Group (-5 Units) 3 units in English. 1 unit in ISIatliematics from any of the following; Algebra Plane Trigonometry Plane Geometry Spherical Trigonometry Intermediate Algebra Calculus Solid Geometry Shop ^Mathematics—F or Advanced Algebra Cadet (engineers) only I unit in Science from any of the following groups : Physics ISIechanical Arts Subjects Chemistry Vocational and Workshop General Science Subjects—for Cadet (en- Biology gineers) only Elective Group (7 Units) The remaining 7 units may be supplied from other subjects com- jaleted in accredited schools. (c) If a candidate has an excess of units in any subject in the required group, such excess units uiay be ciedited to the elective group. (d) The Supervisor may reject any candidate whose grades in required or elective subjects create doubt as to his ability to pursue successfully the study courses prescribed for Cadets. APPLICATIONS Article 104- Sec. 310,50. Application for appointment as Cadet, fidly completed, together with all supporting jjapers, shall be sub¬ mitted to the Supervisor, United States Merchant IMarine Cadet Corps, Division of Training, AVar Shipping Administration, AVashington, D. C. CERTIFICATES Article 105. Sec. 310.51. A candidate must submit the following: {a) Certified transcript of the candidate''s .scholastic record for¬ warded from the Ilegistrar, or other oflicial of the school, directly to the Supervisor. (h) Two certified copies of birth certificate, and if of foi-eign birth ]:iroof of citizenship, with application. In cases where birth cer¬ tificates are not available, the proof of citizenship submitted must of a nature acce])table to tiie Navy Department for establishing citi- zcnshi]) for appointment as a Älidshipmau in the Merchant Marine Ileser\e. (c) One full face x 2(4" photograph attached to application. 5 (d) Three letters from responsible American citizens, including, if possible, one of the candidate's secondary school teachers, attesting the moral character of the applicant. None of the above papers, with the exception of (&), will be re¬ turned to a candidate after review of his application. The two copies of birth certificate, or other proof of citizenship, will be promptly returned to the candidate and must be in his possession in duplicate when he reports to the District Instructor. SCHOLASTIC TESTS Article 106. Sec. 310.52. (a) Scholastic tests for appointment as Cadet are waived for the duration of the emergency. {b) Applications and supporting papers will be carefully examined by tiie Supervisor, and if the candidate is acceptable, his application will be approved and notice sent him accordingly by the Supervisor or the District Instructor at New York, New Orleans, or San F rancisco. REQUIRED FINANCES Article 107. Sec. 310.53. Cadets must provide themselves with a minimum of $25 for spending money and incidentals during the period of preliminary training. ELIGIBILITY LISTS Article 108. Sec. 310.54. (a) During the emergency the names of candidates will be placed on either deck or engineer eligibility lists in accordance with the date their applications and supporting papers are approved. (h) The lists of eligible deck candidates and engineer candidates shall be divided into coastal areas by the Supervisor and assignments will be made to the Basic Schools or the Academy as determined by the Supervisor. (c) In the event the eligible list for a coast becomes exhausted, the Supervisor may make assignments from other coastal lists. (d) A candidate on the eligible list must advise the Supervisor promptly when he ceases to be available for assignment and wishes Ids name removed from the-list. Such candidate must inform the Supervisor in writing of the reasons for his withdrawal. APPOINTMENTS AND ASSIGNMENTS Article 109. Sec. 310.55. (a) A successful candidate, who has passed the Naval Beserve i)hysical examination, shall be appointed a Cadet by the Supervisor and assigned by the Disti'ict Instructor to pi-eliminary training and basic Naval Science classes at a designated Basic School or the Academy. (h) A Basic School for preliminary training, including Naval Science courses and continuation of studies and practical work while awailiitg reassignment, shall be maintained by tlie War Shipping Administration, one each on the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf coasts. The school for the Atlantic coast .shall be the Lhiited States Merchant Älarine Academy maintained at Kings Point, Long Island, N. Y., 6 for the advanced courses of Cadets. This academy may also give preliminary training, providing space is available for such training. (c) Candidates on the eligible lists will be directed by the District Instructor to report to the nearest United States Navy recruiting station for physical examination and thence .to return to their homes and await further orders. Candidates must acknowledge, by prepaid telegram, within 24 hours, receipt of orders and must report to the District Instructor on the date specified. (d) The name of a candidate will be removed from the list if he fails to acknowledge receipt of instruction, fails to report, or rejects assignment without acceptable reason. The Supervisor shall decide whether the reason offered is acceptable. (e) Certificates of appointment signed by the Supervisor shall be issued to all Cadets after their assignment to Basic Schools or the Academy. (/) A candidate, after passing the Naval Reserve physical exam- iination, must inform the District Instructor, Superintendent of Acadeni}', or Commanding Officers of Basic Schools in writing of the number and address of his Local Selective Service Board and his Order Number. The District Instructor will request Local Selective Service Boards to defer successful candidates until their oath of office is taken as Midshipman in the Merchant Marine Reserve of the United States Naval Reserve. Local Selective Service Boards must be promptly advised of : (1) Date oath and acceptance of office as Midshipman, Mer¬ chant Marine Reserve, is signed. (Responsibility of Superin¬ tendent of Academy or Commanding Officers of Basic Schools.) (2) Failure to complete satisfactorily the preliminary or ad¬ vanced training, and consequent withdrawal of deferment re¬ quest. (Responsibility of Superintendent of Academy or Commanding Officers of Basic Schools.) (3) Loss of status as Cadet because of resignation, dismissal, or any other reason (except promotion), with consequent dis¬ charge from the Merchant Marine Reserve and withdrawal of request for deferment. (Responsibility of Superintendent of Academy or Commanding Officers of Basic Schools if attached to those units. Resiaonsibility of District Instructors if Cadet is not attached to Academy or Basic Schools.) (y) District Instructors will promptly inform the Commandants of Naval Districts relative to Cadets not attached to Academy or Basic Schools who resign or are dismissed from the United States Merchant Marine Cadet Corps. It will be the responsibility of the Superin¬ tendent of Academy or Commanding Officer of Basic Schools to in¬ form Commandants of Cadets attached to their units who resign or are dismissed from the United States Merchant Marine Cadet Corps. (h) During the entire course of training the aptitude and adapt¬ ability of a Cadet for a career at sea will be closely observed. A Cadet repoi'ted lacking in officer-like qualities may be requested to resign, or may be dismissed by the Supervisor. (/) A Cadet may be ordered to his liome after a j)eriod at the Basic School or x\cademy, for the purpose of awaiting assignment to a ves.sel. In such cases he will be reimbursed for transportation 7 from school to home and from home to vessel, but will not receive pay or any other allowance from the W. S. A. during such period away from school or vessel. ( I) Assignments to vessels shall be made by the Supervisor or the District Instructors after due consideration is given to the standing of Cadets at Basic Schools and to the recommendations of the par¬ ticular Commanding Officer or the Superintendent of the Academy. (/t) Cadets shall not be permitted to select vessel or steamship company employer, and steamship companies shall not be permitted to select Cadets. (I) The District Instructor, or the Superintendent of the Academy, or the Commanding Officer of the Basic School will arrange for : (1) Submission of applications for appointment as Midshipman, IMerchant Marine Reserve; (2) Oath of office as Cadet and Midshipman and fingerprinting; (3) Furnishing of uniforms and textbooks ; (4) Furnishing of prescribed study assignments ; (5) Assignment to Basic School or the Academy ; (6) Detachment from Basic School or the Academy upon satis¬ factory completion of preliminary training and basic Naval Science courses, and assigmnent to a vessel; , (7) Reimbursement for pay due while at the Basic School or the Academy and travel allowance, after satisfactory comple¬ tion of preliminary training and basic Naval Science courses ; (8) Sea service papers from the proper Government bureau ; (9) Introduction to proper shore official of steamship company to which assigned. (m) A shoi'e official of the steamship company will instruct Cadets regarding : (1) Comjiany regulations; (2) Approval of Master; (3) Signing of ship's articles and commencement of pay from steamship company. COURSES OF TRAINING Article 110. Sec. 310.56. (a) For the duration of the emergency the courses for Cadets shall be, in general, 10 weeks at Basic Schools or the Academy for preliminary training and basic Naval Science, followed by not less than 6 months aboard merchant or training vessels and not less than 7 months at the Academy for advanced study in preparation for examination for license. Provided that those Cadííts (E) holding engineering degrees which permit them to sit for their Third or Second Assistant Engineer licenses after 3 to 12 months as Cadet (E) aboard ship shall be required to complete the preliminary training course and basic Naval Science, but will be de signated Cadets (E-S) and follow special courses of study in prep- arathtn tor their examination for license. The maximum^ training for Cadets (E-S) will be 1 year aboard ships subsequent to completion of preliininaiy ti'aining. (6) Before being assigned to a vessel, following the preliminary course. Cadets shall successfully 2)ass the Naval Science basic course 8 final examination and such other examinations as may be designated. Cadets (D) must qualify for visual signaling proficiency certificates. (c) While waiting transfers between ships, Cadets shall report to Basic Schools or to the Academy for continuation of studies or may be granted leave without pay or allowances at the discretion of the District Instructor. (d) The courses during the emergency shall be those which may from time to time be designated by the Supervisor. The permanent record of each Cadet shall include the courses he has completed, the hours of study devoted to each course, the grade received in it, and the comments of his instructors. (e) Study assignments, quizzes, problems, and supplementary ma¬ terial will be furnished to Cadets. (/) Prescribed texts and equipment will be furnished Cadets by the W. S. A. on custody receii^t without deduction from pay : (1) Cadets failing to complete the basic and advanced course will return to the Commanding Officer or the Superin¬ tendent such uniforms and textbooks which were furnished by the Government. (2) In the event any textbooks or items of uniform are lost or mutilated the cost of replacements shall be borne by the Cadet. (3) Class rings must be purchased from the Supply Officer, who will determine the eligibility of Cadets to buy them. A Cadet becomes eligible to wear the ring after a minimum of 9 months' service from the date of arrival at Basic School. The Supply Officer will accept only cash or money orders in payment., (ff) Assignments, sea projects, quizzes, problems, and supple¬ mentary material shall be prepared by the Educational Unit of the United States Merchant Marine Cadet Corps and graded by the staff of instructors at the Basic Schools and the Academy as directed by the Supervisor. Subject to the approval of the Director, outside services may be contracted for ancl utilized by the Supervisor in accordance with law and within allotment limitations, when, in his judgment, efficiency would be promoted or the facilities of the staffs of tlie Academy or Basic Schools are not sufficient to administer tests and to prepare properly the courses and grade papers in all prescribed subjects. (/> ) Cadets shall be advised by circular letters of any changes made in curricula by the Supervisor. (?) The District In.structors and Commanding Officers of Basic Schools and the Superintendent of the Academy shall advise Cadets regarding a review of courses and the purchase of reference textbooks considered necessary in preparation for the examination to secure their licenses. (/) The Supervisor is authorized, in accordance with law and within allotment limitations, to employ instructors on a contract basis for detail to the Academy. Basic Schools, c ffices of District Instructors and the office of the Supervisor. All such contracts must be aiqwoved by the Director. (k) Personnel for administratiye duty with the United States ^Merchant Marine Cadet Corps, at grades designated by the Super- 9 visor will be enrolled in the United States Maritime Service when requested by the Supervisor, with the approval of the Director. (¿) The Supervisor is authorized, with the approval of the Direc¬ tor, to arrange with the Procurement Office of the Division of Training for the purchase of berthing, messing, recreational, and instructional equipment and supplies for the Acaclemy and for Basic Schools and attached floating equipment, within the limitations of authorized allotments. PAY Article 111. Sec. 310.57. (a) Cadets will receive pay at the. rate of $65 per month from the W. S. A. while at the Academy, Basic Schools, or 2)laces of special shore training. Pay while at the Academy or Basic Schools will commence on the date of attachment to the Academy or to Basic Schools, provided that the successful comple¬ tion of the preliminary course is a prerequisite to the right of a Cadet to receive any pay or compensation. Cadets initially assigned to Basic Schools or the Academy for preliminary training and basic Naval Science shall not receive their balance of pay until after the date of their detachment from Basic Schools for assignments to ships or places of special shore training. Periods spent at places of special shore training shall be considered the same as time spent at the Academy or at Basic Schools. (&) While attached to ships. Cadets will receive minimum pay at a rate of $65 per month from their steamship company employers. (c) Cadets will not receive pay from the W. S. A. when not at¬ tached to the Academy or to Basic Schools or assigned to places of special shore training, except when specially authorized by the Supervisor. (d) In addition to the minimum rates of pay, steamship companies shall grant to Cadets, attached to ships, the same percentage of in¬ crease in pay for war or other emergency bonuses as has been granted to their Third Officers. (e) Cadets assigned to the Academy or Basic Schools for advanced courses or license preparation or while waiting assignment or while at places of special shore training shall receive their pay at the end of eacli calendar month and on the date of their detachment from the Academy, Basic School, or place of special shore training. . (/) The Supervisor may place any Cadet on a nonpay basis for dis¬ ciplinary reasons while assigned to the Academy, Basic Schools, or places of special shore training. ALLOWANCES Article 112. Seo. 810.58. (a) Cadets, while assigned to the Acad¬ emy or to a Basic School, will be furnished with quarters and subsistence by the W. S. A. (Ô) Cadets while on special assignments away from the Academy or Basic Schools, and when so authorized by the Supervisor or Dis¬ trict Instructors, will receive an allowance of $45 per month for quarters, subsistence, and other living expenses, in addition to their pay, provided steamship com[)anies, shij)yards, or others to whom Cadets are assigned for special training ashore do not pay such watres and allowances. 10 (c) CadetSj while assigned to ships, will be furnished with quar¬ ters and subsistence by the steamship company employer. {d) Cadets, while traveling on the orders of a steamship company, or when quarters or subsistence are not furnished aboard ship, shall receive the same allowances for transportation, quarters, and sub¬ sistence as Third Officers of the steamship company. TRANSPORTATION Article 113. Sec. 310.59. {a) The W. S. A. shall reimburse Cadets at the rate of 5 cents per mile, based on official mileage tables of the War Department, for their traveling expenses when traveling on orders of the Supervisor or District Instructors : (1) From home town to port wherein a Basic School or the Academy is located, after passing Merchant Marine Re¬ serve physical examination, reporting to the Commanding Officer of a Basic School or to the Superintendent of the Academy, execution of oath of office as Cadet in the United States Merchant Marine Cadet Corps, and satisfactory completion of preliminary training and basic Naval Science courses, as outlined in Article 113 (6). (2) From port wherein the Academy or a Basic School is located to the port where vessel to which the Cadet is assigned is located or to a place of special shore training. (3) From port where detached from vessel, to port wherein the Academy or a Basic School is located, or to a place of special shore training. (4) Between ports of the Academy or Basic Schools and between locations of places of special shore training. (5) From port of the Academy or a Basic School to home, and from home to port where vessel to which assigned is located, or where special shore training is conducted, after having been ordered home by the District Instructor for the spe¬ cific purpose of awaiting assignment to a vessel, the Acad¬ emy, a Basic School, or place of special shore training. (5) Requests from Cadets for transportation reimbursement prop¬ erly endorsed and approved by the District Instructor will be sub¬ mitted to the Disbursing Officer for action. When Cadets are transferred from one district to another, the mileage voucher will be grepared, approved, certified, and paid in the district to wdiich the adet has been ti'ansferred. (c) Cadets will not be reimbursed by the W. S. A. for travel ex¬ penses to and from the Academy or Basic Schools or locations of special training ashoi'e or ships while they are on leave; unless ordered home by the District Instructor or the Superintendent of the Academy for the specific purpose of awaiting assignment to ships, the Academy, Basic Schools, or places of special training ashore. QUARTERS AND MESS Article 114. Sec. 310.fiO. (a) Cadets aboard ship shall be berthed in rooms with other Cadets in that part of the vessel designated as licensed officer or first-class passenger quarters. (Ö) Cadets shall mess with licensed deck and engineer officers. 11 ANNUAL LEAVE Article 115, Sec, 810.C1. (a) Effectire January 1, 1912, no annual leaye with pay shall be granted to Cadets b}' the W. S. A. or steam¬ ship companies. However, a District Instructor, the Superintendent of the Academy, or a Commanding Officer of a Basic School is authorized to grant leave without pay to Cadets while waiting assign¬ ment or reassignment to ships, the xVcademy, or Basic Schools. UNIFORMS, INSIGNIA, TEXTBOOKS, EQUIPMENT Article 116. Sec. 310.62. (a) Cadets shall possess uniforms, insig¬ nia, textbooks, and equipment as prescribed by the Supervisor, with the approval of the Director, in ''Uniform Regulations for United States Merchant Marine Corps"' and in subsequent circular letters amending such regulations. Cadets assigned to Basic Schools or the xVcademy for preliminary training will be furnished such uniforms, insignia, textbooks, and equipment as may be designated by the Super¬ visor. (b) The Supervisor shall designate the items of uniform, insignia, textbooks, and equipment that shall be possessed and maintained dur¬ ing the period of training, or made optional, in accordance with the following groups: Group 1 shall include personal items which must be in the possession of the candidates on reporting to Basic Schools. Group 2 shall include items of uniform, insignia, textbooks, and equipment which shall be furnished on custody receipt by the W. S. A. to Cadets assigned to Basic Schools and the Academy for preliminary training. Upon successful completion of the preliminary and ad¬ vanced training, such items of uniforms, insignia, textbooks, and equipment shall become the property of the Cadet. Group 3 shall include those additional items of uniform, insignia, textbooks, and equipment which Cadets shall purchase after leaving Basic Schools or the Academy and while serving on ships. Group If. shall include those items of uniform and equipment which shall be oiitional with Cadets. HONORS Article 117. Sec. 310.03. Cadets who have rendered distinguished service, or, for some other reason, have won special awards, may be ordered to Washington by the Supervisor to receive such award from the Administrator, AV. S. A., or other Government official. In such cases the Cadet shall receive pay at tlie rate of $65 per month from the AA'^. S. A. during tlie period absent from the Academy, Basic School, or sliip and will travel on regular Government travel re¬ quests issued by the AA'^. S. A. with the ]>er diem allowance granted Government employees. If assigned to the Academy or a Basic School, the Cadet shall receive pay accrued and due on the day ordered to depart from the Academy or Basic School for AA^ashington. The period of stay in AA'^asiiington shall be not more than 5 days. VESSELS REQUIRED TO CARRY CADETS Article 118. Sec. 310.61. All merchant vessels registered' ander the flags of the United States, Panama, and Ilontluras which are owned. 12 chartered, or controlled by the W. S. A. are required to provide for the training of at least two Cadets, which training shall be conducted under the conditions set forth in these regulations and any instructions hereafter issued. „ ACTIVE DUTY IN NAVY AS MIDSHIPMAN, MERCHANT MARINE . RESERVE Article 119. Sec. 310.65. Cadets serving on vessels which have been taken over by the Navy may be ordered to active duty as Midshipmen and in such cases they will carry on with the prescribed courses of study in preparation for their licenses as Third Mate or Third Assist¬ ant Engineer. Midshipmen, Merchant Marine Reserve, will not be detached from active duty and assigned to the Academy for advanced course of training unless the Navy Department so directs. They will be eligible to sit for their licenses after a total of 16 months, if they have served aboard a merchant or naval vessel for 12 months. Mid¬ shipmen may be ordered to the Academy or a Basic School by the Navy Department for a period not to exceed 60 days to prepare for license examination. RESIGNATIONS Article 120. Sec. 310.66. (a) Cadets who for various reasons find that they must terminate their training, shall submit their written resignations in quadruplicate to the Supervisor via the Master or Commanding Officers of their vessels and the District Instructor. Resignations of Cadets assigned to a vessel must be made effective at the termination of the voyage in a United States port and shall be submitted to the Master or Commanding Officer at least 10 days before arrival in port. A resignation of a Cadet at the Academy or Basic Schools must be made to the Superintendent of the Academy or to the Commanding Officer of the Basic School for transmission to the District Instructor and the Supervisor not less than 10 days before the resignation is to be effective. (b) Detailed reasons for terminating training must be stated in resignation. (c) A copy of resignation must be forwarded by the District In¬ structor to the Chief of Naval Personnel via the Commandant of the Naval District. This copy shall be endoT'sed with statement that Cadet is a Midshipman, Merchant Marine Reserve and is transmitted for action of the Chief of Naval Personnel. The District Instructor shall transmit another copy to the Local Selective Service Board of Cadet with endorsement stating : "This Cadet is a Midshipman, Mer¬ chant IMarine Reserve. A Copy has been forwarded to the Chief of Naval Personnel for his action." TERMINATION OP TRAINING—DIPLOMA Article 121. Sec. 310.67. A Cadet will be eligible for diploma after complying with all of the following conditions: (1) Satisfactory completion of the prescribed courses of study as certified by the Superintendent of the Academy or the Commanding Officer of a Basic School, in conjunction with the District Instructor. 13 (2) Successful completion of the Merchant Marine Inspection Section of the U. S. Coast Guard examination for a license as Third Älate or Third Assistant Engineer. (3) Filing application for a commission as Ensign, Merchant Marine Iveserve. (Cadets are eligible to apply for a com¬ mission as Ensign, Merchant Marine Reserve, after suc¬ cessful completion of the basic and advanced Naval Sci¬ ence courses and after securing a license as Third Mate or Third Assistant Engineer. DISTRIBUTION OF REGULATIONS Article 122. Sec. 310.68. These regulations shall be distributed to Cadets, applicants for appointment as Cadets, steamship company officials, masters, and officers of vessels, and others concerned with or interested in the training of Cadets ashore and afloat. AxMENDMENT OF REGULATIONS AND ISSUANCE OF INSTRUCTIONS Article 123. Sec. 310.69. The Supervisor is hereby authorized, with tlie approval of the Director, to prescribe and issue instructions sup¬ plementing these regulations for the training of Cadets assigned to the United States Merchant Marine Academy or to Basic Schools, locations of special training, and aboard ships. Copies of such instructions will be distributee! to those concerned. O