REPORT ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE KANAWHA AND INCIDENTALLY OF TIIE OHIO RIVER, BY MEANS OF ARTIFICIAL LAKES. BY CHARLES EL LET, JR., CIVIL ENGINEER. PHILADELPHIA: COLLINS, PRINTER, No. 705 LODGE ALLEY. 1858. HE:3it JzE* - . a , OF RAaWAraCOHQWQi 0. G. V :;*•<}' t/co f^Lc t <7 lLl ,l 9 2- 0 Washington, D. C. October 20, 1858. Col. THOMAS II. ELLIS, President of the James River and Kanawha Company. Dear Sir: I submit herewith my Report on the Improvement of the Navigation of the Kanawha River, by means of reservoirs, and respectfully recommend that plan for adoption by your Company, for reasons which are herein fully set forth. I have not deemed it advisable, if proper, in dis¬ cussing this question, to criticize the views of any of my predecessors, to whom the problem of improving this river has been, from time to time, committed for solu¬ tion. I -have therefore passed by, in succession, the various recommendations of Mr. Baldwin, in 1817; of Messrs. Moore and Briggs, in 1819; of Judge Wright, in 1838; my own views of that same year; those of my skilful and valued friend, Mr. Fisk, of 1854; and those, also, of your present Chief Engineer, Mr. Lorraine, 4 without comment. You have the well-considered plans of all these experienced parties now before you. With the results of their study of this subject, you will com¬ pare the conclusions which I here submit; and I trust that your decision will be right. Be pleased to attribute any irregularities or needless repetitions in this Report to the circumstances under which it was prepared—the first part passing through the press before the last was written. Respectfully and truly yours, CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Civil Engineer. V NOTE. The following report is confined to the discussion of but one of the numerous reservoir sites explored and partly surveyed under the direc¬ tion of the writer, during the past season. The wide exteut of terri¬ tory which he was obliged personally to traverse, much of which is almost a wilderness, rendered it impracticable, without the aid of a very strong force, to carry his instrumental researches as far as he would have wished to do, and complete them in time to submit the results to the Board prior to the meeting of the Stockholders, to be held in Richmond in October. He deemed it most advisable, therefore, to direct his attention to the completion of the survey of one available site, and to make every effort to lay his report of the facts appertaining to that one before the Board for their timely consideration. If the Company should be satisfied with the general plan which he recommends, and direct that measures be taken to put it in execution, then he would advise an extension of the surveys in other directions, which he will indicate, before positive contracts are made for the work, or for the purchase of the property which may be inundated. He trusts that the facts now submitted will be found sufficient to enable the Stockholders to decide whether the plan of improving the navigation of the Kanawha River by the aid of artificial lakes, is or is not the one most worthy of their adoption. REPORT ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE GREAT KANAWHA RIVER. The Great Kanawha is a tributary of the Ohio River, along which its copious waters pass on their way to the Gulf of Mexico. The commerce of the Great Kanawha, like its waters, flows also down the Ohio, and finds a market in the numerous and populous cities along the borders of the Ohio. The physical characteristics of the two rivers are also very similar. Both are navigable when both are well supplied with water. The navigation fails alike on both when the supply of water fails. It is impossible, therefore, to remedy the defects of the navigation of the Kanawha, so as to make it really valuable as a commercial channel, without, at the same time, correcting the like defects, proceeding from the same cause, in that of the Ohio. If we confine our efforts to the improvement of the Kanawha, as has been the past policy of the company, we must confine its trade, during the period of low water in the Ohio, to the markets on its own banks. We can 8 PLAN OF IMPROVING THE OHIO. gain nothing by sending the produce of the Kanawha Valley into the dried-up channel of the Ohio. I propose, therefore, to transcend my precise instruc¬ tions so far as to report, to some extent, on the improve¬ ment of the Kanawha and Ohio Rivers together, as two streams commercially, and physically, and inseparably connected, and between which there is, and must always be, a mutual and reciprocal dependence. The absence of precise data prevents me from extend¬ ing these views also to the navigable tributaries of the Kanawha itself, between which, and both the Ohio and Kanawha, there is a similar reciprocal dependence. PLAN OF IMPROVING THE OHIO. I have frequently proposed, as the proper mode of improving the Ohio River, the formation of ample reser¬ voirs, or artificial lakes, on its tributaries, in which an adequate supply of water should be collected in periods of abundance, and from which it should be drawn in times of scarcity. This suggestion was made to meet the actual difficulties of the problem. The Ohio River descends, from its source to its mouth, almost continuously along a bed of nearly uniform and very gentle slope, in which its current flows slowly, and meets with but occasional, and those generally slight, obstructions. In the winter and spring months the supply of water is excessive, and often so great that the banks are submerged, and the lower portions of the river towns suffer serious damage from its inundations. plan of improving tiie ohio. 9 In the latter part of summer, and the early part of autumn, the period of excessive rains is followed by excessive droughts; when the channel of the river ceases to receive water enough to float its commerce. The navigation, however, continues to be good as long as the supply of water is abundant; and it only begins to fail as the supply of water diminishes. Starting with this fact, I proposed, many years ago, to restore the failing navigation of the river, by supply¬ ing the only thing that was needed to perfect it—Water. The question which is now submitted to me is, to decide from actual survey and measurements, whether this same plan of improvement may not be equally applicable 'to the great Kanawha, of which, like its greater recipient, the navigation is also good when the supply of water is abundant, and only becomes danger¬ ous and difficult as that supply diminishes. I reported to the President at an early day, after a thorough inspection of the channel of the river, and the physical formation of some of its tributaries, that this plan, with some modifications, rendered necessary by peculiar circumstances, and especially by the limited financial resources of the Company, was applicable to that river; and could be so applied to it as not only to improve the navigation of the Kanawha, but also, I thought, greatly to benefit that of the Ohio itself below the mouth of the Kanawha. 2 10 DESCRIPTION OF THE KANAWHA. DESCRIPTION OF THE KANAWHA. The Great Kanawha is formed from the united waters of New River, the Greenbrier and Gauley River, and assumes its name at the point of junction of the Gauley with New River. This point is 96 miles above the mouth of the river. Its elevation, at low water, is 137 feet above the surface of the Ohio at low water, and, according to my survey of 1838, the Ohio, at the mouth of the Kanawha, is 522 feet above tide. The total area of the region drained by the Kanawha, may be estimated at 10,500 square miles. The average width of the river at ordinary low water, obtained from many measurements, is 590 feet. For the first six and a half miles below the mouth of the Gauley, which is regarded as the head of the Kanawha, the river is not navigable in any stage of the water—encountering, in that space, the Great Falls, of which the perpendicular descent is about 20 feet, and two long and rapid shoals, and overcom¬ ing an aggregate elevation of 51 feet—or 8 feet per mile. The improvements of the navigation of this river are intended to commence in the pool below the foot of Loop Creek Shoal, the highest point to which steam¬ boats can ascend in good water. The distance from this, the proposed head of navigation, to the mouth of the river, is 871 miles. The fall of the river at low water in that distance is 86 feet. DESCRIPTION OF THE KANAWHA. 11 This fall may be distributed as follows:— From the foot of Loop Creek Shoal to Charleston, the distance is 31 f miles, and the descent 38 feet. From Charleston to the Ohio, the distance is 571 miles, and the descent is 47 feet. In the upper space of 31 f miles the fall is at the average rate of 1T2^ feet per mile. In the lower space of 57^ miles, below Charleston, the descent is at the rate of feet per mile. These facts and the following are derived from my report of 1838. The fall of the river is distributed along from space to space in shoals and ripples and intervening pools. The depth of these pools in extreme low water is gene¬ rally from three feet to seven or eight feet, and there are but few obstructions to be found in them, and these of a character so easily removed that they will not be further noticed in this report. The real impediments to the navigation consist of the shoals, which are composed of loose stones and gravel thrown into the sti'eam by its affluents, or caused to lodge there by the interruptions of its own current, pro¬ duced by the water discharged by its affluents. These shoals are natural dams running across the river and separating one pool from another.* * For the length and descent of each shoal and pool, see Note A. For complete working plans of the shoals, reference must be made to the elaborate maps and field books of Mr. John A. Byers, Civil Engineer, illustrating the survey of the river made by him under the direction of the present Chief Engineer of the Company, Mr. Lorraine. 12 THE KANAWHA RIVEK IMPROVEMENT. Above and below the shoals, the navigation is always good. On and along the shoals, it is more or less im¬ perfect. The problem is, now, so to improve this navigation that both ascending and descending boats may pass these shoals safely and conveniently. There is always water enough for steamboat navigation in the pools; but the depth on the shoals is inadequate in the sum¬ mer months; and the Avidth and often the direction both, of the natural and artificial channels through them are such, that they cannot be safely traversed by large coal- boats even when the supply of water would be sufficient for convenient passage through more direct and Avider channels. THE OBJECT OF THE KANAWHA RIVER IMPROVEMENT. The great motive for improving the navigation of the KanaAvha is to afford a certain, regular, and reliable outlet for the coal, salt, and other heavy products of the valley to the markets on the Ohio. This outlet is noAV, owing to the peculiar condition of the channel, mainly natural but partly artificial, only available for boats of heavy burthen, such as colliers draAving 5-|- or 6 feet, in very high water, and for boats of light burthen, draAving 3 feet or less, in very low Avater. In consequence of the shoals, and the indirect and imperfect channels through them, the river is not safely navigable for any¬ thing but steamboats and flats of light draught during the intermediate and best stages of the Avater. THE KANAWHA RIVER IMPROVEMENT. 13 The aim of the Company has for many years been directed to the means of overcoming these impediments by locks and dams, by wing dams, and by sluices, and combinations of these various artifices, so that boats might be able to float down the river to the Ohio—as though there were a market for these mineral products on the Ohio at the mouth of the Kanawha. But there is, in fact, no such market there; and, as I have already stated, no market can be reached when the contemplated improvement has been made, until the Ohio River itself has .been rendered navigable by rains or by art. If, therefore, the Company had succeeded in its utmost efforts, and had perfected the Kanawha improve¬ ment, as they have contemplated, their expectations, I think, would scarcely have been realized. They could have delivered their commerce at the mouth of the Kanawha in light barges, it is true; but not at the places where it is wanted and whither it is destined—at the wharves of the great cities along the Ohio. I think, therefore, that the universal intelligence of the public will sustain me when I express the opinion that, to make the improvement of the Kanawha really available for permanent and constant navigation, the Ohio River must be made equally available below the mouth of the Kanawha, so that the loaded coal-boats floating out of the Kanawha may be permitted to con¬ tinue on their course without hindrance down the Ohio. It has been proposed to secure a depth of 3 2 feet at low water on the shoals of the Kanawha—because the supply of water actually furnished by the river is 14 TIIE KANAAVIIA KIVER IMPROVEMENT. deemed only sufficient to maintain that depth in chan¬ nels of the necessary slope and adequate width. But, I think that all practical men will concur with me again, when I say that 3£ feet is not a sufficient depth for the economical transportation of coal. It is the won¬ derfully rich coal mines of this valley that are to sustain the improvement when made; and coal, I fear, cannot be profitably mined on a large scale, unless the means of shipment are safe, ample, constant, and reliable. Coal is too bulky a commodity to be stored or unneces¬ sarily rehandled. The profits on it are too small to permit it to remain for weeks in loaded and leaking boats, kept clear of water at large expense, while wait¬ ing for rains and consequent floods to float it away from the mouth of the Kanawha. The object of this improvement is, or ought to be, to enable the miner and producer to ship his trade regu¬ larly and safely in boats of heavy burthen, from his landing on the Kanawha to the markets which he aims to supply on the Ohio now, and, ultimately, on the Mis¬ sissippi. This being the object, the plan of the improvement must be so contrived as to fulfil it. But this condi¬ tion cannot be satisfied by a navigation which for some months in every year will only permit boats drawing three feet clear to descend the Kanawha, to be stopped at its mouth until the Ohio is swollen by rains. The coal trade of the Kanawha Valley, I must repeat, can¬ not be made profitable while it is left dependent on the weather. PROPOSED PLAN OF THE IMPROVEMENT. 15 PROPOSED PLAN OF THE IMPROVEMENT. The navigation of the Kanawha, as I have stated, is obstructed by shoals which run entirely across the river. The scanty supply of water afforded by the channel, is allowed to spread freely over these shoals from shore to shore; though there are certain narrow and indirect channels through them, which have been made by the current itself, or by art, in which the pilots find more water and fewer obstructions than elsewhere. But even where artificial channels have been made, as they have sometimes been at considerable expense, they are too narrow or too crooked for the boats now in use, and are not supplied by all the water, limited as the quantity is, which the river actually furnishes. Thus, in Tyler Shoal, through which an artificial canal about 4000 feet long, with a fall of 4 feet, has been cut, I found the actual discharge of water but 294 feet per second, at a time when the total contribution of the river was over 1100 cubic feet. About three- fourths of the actual supply of water—sometimes less and probably sometimes more—is there wasted. My first proposition, then, based upon these facts, is, thoroughly to prepare the river hp cutting good and capa¬ cious channels through all the shoals, in the line of the actual current, as the water runs when the river is in a fair navigable condition—and turning all the low water discharge of the river into these channels. The width of these cuts, when the water in them is 1(> PROPOSED PLAN OF TIIE IMPROVEMENT. 4 feet deep, will not be less than 104 feet at top, and 80 feet at the bottom—sufficient to allow a steamboat of adequate size to pass through them with a large coal barge in tow on each side. We will thus, by merely concentrating the actual supply of water within an appropriate channel, obtain at the outset, and for a very moderate cost, a depth of three feet or more in common low water, in all the channels below Charleston, and for at least 13, and probably 17 miles above that place. To obtain an equal depth from the natural discharge of the river, still higher up, the width of some of the channels must be reduced, as will be hereafter shown. But this depth, though greater than can be found in the Ohio, in low water, is not sufficient; and as it can be easily and permanently increased to four feet, I pro¬ pose, as the next step, to let into the river, from ample stores provided for the purpose in artificial lakes, a suffi¬ cient additional volume of water to increase the depth in the channels thus opened, to four feet, and maintain it at four feet whenever the natural discharge of the river is inadequate to produce a depth of four feet. The cost of the improvement carried out to this extent, would be very small. But for reasons already set forth, this would be insufficient. It would suffice only to produce a good steamboat navigation along the Kanawha, and to permit the convenient and uninter¬ rupted return of the empty coal and salt boats. But the proper development of the trade of this valley, and PROPOSED PLAN OF THE IMPROVEMENT. 17 the productiveness of the proposed improvement, it is to be borne in mind, must spring from the coal trade. To enable well loaded coal boats to descend the river with regularity and certainty, we must secure a depth of not less than six feet at all seasons of the year—if not all the time, as would be preferable, at least at stated periods, occurring frequently enough to satisfy the actual necessities of the trade. To accomplish this purpose, I propose to secure water enough in artificial reservoirs, on the tributaries of the Kanawha, to maintain a depth of 4 feet permanently in the channels; and then, by greater discharges of this reserved water, to produce a flood of two feet, on top of the permanent depth of 4 feet, once in every seven or every ten days, so that fleets of colliers drawing 5£ feet of water, may be dispatched that often down the Kanawha. But, I have already set forth the fact, that the coal markets sought by the collier, are the great cities down the Ohio River; and I am compelled, therefore, to satisfy the further condition—that these floods shall be of such volume, height, and duration, that the coal boats which they bear to the mouth of the Kanawha may con¬ tinue to float down the Ohio upon them. This is the task which I have set out to accomplish as the first and indispensable condition precedent to the profitable working of the great coal measures of the Kanawha Valley. It is to be observed, however, that this is not proposed as the ultimate improvement of that river, or of its great recipient, the unrivalled Ohio. It is suggested 3 IK PROPOSED PLAN OF THE IMPROVEMENT. only as the first step in a system designed to be pro¬ gressive—to go on from year to year, from age to age, without loss, and without the necessity of undoing here¬ after what we may do now, until all the waters of the river are applied to some useful purpose, where they are arrested, and until the navigation of the Kanawha and Ohio is made permanently available for all their trade, and brought to the highest possible state of uninterrupted improvement. This is to be accomplished by the gradual addition of reservoirs, until the aggregate quantity of water col¬ lected will be sufficient for the full supply of the future commerce of the river. The present problem, however, is only to provide for the wants of the present limited trade, or that imme¬ diately anticipated, in such a form that the work we do now may be gradually extended as the population and wealth of the valley increase, and by such a plan as may not exceed the limited resources of the company. I expect to demonstrate that the cost of doing all I now contemplate—affording a permanent depth at all times of 4 feet in the Kanawha, and a depth of 6 feet as often as one day in the week, along that river, and down the Ohio to Cincinnati—will not exceed the sums you have always expected to expend in procuring a doubtful depth of 3£ feet along the Kanawha alone; and will be accomplished without the necessity of placing any obstructions in the river where the naviga¬ tion is now good. These first results I propose to attain by the construe- THE RESERVOIR PLAN. 19 tion of a single reservoir, on one of the small tributaries of the river, at a site where a dam of moderate height will convert a large natural meadow or swamp into a considerable mountain lake. I trust that it will not be deemed out of place to intimate here, that if I am successful in demonstrating, to the satisfaction of the company, that the results which I promise may be realized, this first earnest of success will be accepted as some compensation for the ridicule of the public, and the sneers of many of my professional brethren, which have been my chief reward during the nine years I have steadily pressed upon the country the claims of this great and most valuable system of river improvement. THE RESERVOIR PLAN. The valuable results which are promised by the appli¬ cation of artificial reservoirs to the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio and Kanawha rivers, will justify a brief history of that proposition. When I first suggested this system of improvement and control for the Mississippi and its tributaries, in 1849, it was treated as chimerical by a large part of the public; it was looked on with doubt and distrust by many members of my own profession; and it was set aside, civilly but contemptuously, by the War Depart¬ ment, as in conflict with supposed deductions from French and Italian authorities. Even five or six years after the promulgation of my 20 the reservoir plan. plan, and after it had been accepted as eminently valua¬ ble and practicable by several of the most prominent of my professional cotemporaries, and had been extensively reviewed and criticized both at home and in England, it was again noticed in the Annates des Ponts et Chaussees, the authoritative medium of the once Royal and now Imperial School of French Engineers, and treated by the professional critic there as a vast and gigantic under¬ taking, seriously proposed in youthful America, and before which the States of that rich and powerful country might not long recoil; but which "would be regarded as chimerical in our old Europe."* But useful truth penetrates the world rapidly in this age of practical thought. Only two years after the equivocal review of my work in the Journal of the Imperial School, the Emperor of France, whose sagacious and eminently practical mind was then, for the first, turned to the problem of con¬ trolling rivers, by the losses of his subjects consequent on recent inundations, issued a paper from his own pen, in which he announced the purpose of ordering a survey of nearly all the rivers of his Empire, with a view to the construction of a system of reservoirs to receive their floods, and prevent future inundations; and in a subsequent speech from the throne declared that it would thenceforth be the proud objects of his government " to * " Semblerait, dans notre vieille Europe, une ceuvre chimerique et de beaucoup au-dessus des forces et des ressources de l'art de l'ingenieur." " Chimerical" is the word still commonly applied to my plan in this country. I take pleasure in recording it. THE RESERVOIR PLAN. 21 suppress revolutions and make the rivers of his Empire keep in their beds." His Majesty's promise scarcely fell short of the lan¬ guage which I had ventured to hold some seven years before, and which has been made the subject of much witty and flippant criticism, viz., " that it is in the power of man to control all the waters of the Missis¬ sippi and Missouri, and compel them to flow forever free from the hurtful effects of floods and droughts."* In support of his imperial pmjet of controlling the floods of the rivers of Fi*ance, the Emperor Napoleon cites from the records of the town of Eoanne, on the upper Loire, a passage which shows that a certain artifi¬ cial contraction of the water way of that stream, known as the Digue de Pinay, was made expressly, in 1711, for the purpose of partially obstructing the passage of the water, and by thus retarding the progress of the floods, protecting the town below from inundation. The Em¬ peror regards the effect of that obstruction as, to some extent, analogous to the control which might be exer¬ cised by reservoirs. And such is doubtless the fact; for, immediately above the Digue de Pinay is a wide extent of level country, over which the obstructed waters find room to spread while passing off less rapidly through the contracted channel below. Almost simultaneously with the promulgation of the views of the Emperor of France on this subject, a work was published by Lieut. Col. Arthur Cotton, then Chief * See ray work on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, pp. 303-323. 22 the reservoir plan. Engineer of the Madras Presidency, on the improvement of the navigation of the Godavery and other of the great rivers of India, by the plan of reservoirs. I am indebted to Col. Cotton for a straightforward and soldier-like acknowledgment of his obligations to my work, for the suggestion of this plan. See Note B. More recently, this discussion has extended to Swit¬ zerland, whence I have received, from the author, the records of observations going to show the practicability of controlling the floods of the Arve, one of the principal tributaries of the Bhone, by means of reservoirs. Indeed, the evidence reaches me from many quarters of the good progress which this valuable and practical idea is making, and of the revolution which it is about to produce in the methods of improving the navigation of many of the great rivers of the world. Though the idea, when promulgated and its feasibility demonstrated by me, was entirely original, it is proper to say that it seems to have been an ancient thought. It has been shown that the practicability of controlling the floods of rivers was at least believed by the ancient Egyptians, since some 3000 years ago, King Moeris is said to have constructed a lake, or applied a natural lake, to receive a portion of the overflows of the Nile. It has also been ascertained that the illustrious Tel¬ ford, the first professional authority of his day in England, whose great works and character entitled him to the respect and confidence of his countrymen while living, and to the last and highest reward an English¬ man can hope to receive—a tomb in Westminster Abbey the reservoir plan. 23 when dead—proposed nearly 60 years ago to control the floods and improve the navigation of the river Severn, by means of reservoirs designed to hold back the surplus water in times of excess, and from which it could be drawn in times of scarcity. But this simple idea, even for that little river, was in advance of the age, although at that time small reservoirs, each ade¬ quate to the control of some small stream, had been, some of them at least, more than a century in use. In my original essay on this subject, I collected and recorded all the facts then known to me which I thought militated in support of the practicability of my plan, and would offer encouragement to that peculiar class of readers who are prone to rely more on precedent than demonstration. Among the illustrations there cited was the fact that the Lehigh Navigation Company, in 1819, while yet very young and very poor, had managed to float their coal-boats, or " arks," as they were there called, down the Lehigh by drawing water from the small pools formed by their low dams, and thus producing occasional short and rapid floods. The Lehigh River, where this expedient was temporarily adopted, has an average fall of about 8 feet per mile. The proposition to use, and even the practice of using, the waters of natural lakes to maintain the navigation of the rivers which form their outlets, by draining off a portion of the lake in times of drought, is probably as ancient as navigation itself. An expedient, so easy to be accomplished, and so simple and certain in its opera- 21 THE RESERVOIR PLAN. tion, could not fail to be resorted to in all civilized countries where commerce possessed any value. The proposition to drain off a sufficient body of water from Lake Michigan to feed the Illinois River—a prac¬ ticable though a very costly operation—is, I believe, about as old as the State itself. The raftsmen of Maine, and also of Minnesota, I am told, have for many years sent down their lumber through streams forming the outlets of lakes, by dam¬ ming up the water temporarily, and drawing it off when it was needed to float their rafts. I have seen it stated, also, that General Sullivan resorted to the plan of creating a swell in the East Branch of the Susquehanna, during the American Revo¬ lution, by drawing water from Otsego Lake; and by that expedient contrived to release his division from a difficult position, and send his baggage and stores down the river on temporary rafts. Very recently, two European engineers have gained some credit by similar propositions—the one, M. Lom- bardini, by using Lake Como, and the other, M. Vallee, by suggesting the use of Lake Leman, for this object. The difficulty which I have so long encountered, has been to satisfy the public mind, and I am sorry to say, even that of a portion of my own profession, that this object, so easily effected on a small scale, and where there are natural lakes to drain, can be just as well ac¬ complished by the judicious construction of artificial lakes, which will often be better adapted to the purpose than even natural lakes. And, also, to demonstrate that the meadow reservoir. 25 what has been proposed, and often done, on a very small scale—viz., to control the floods of small streams, and feed canals with the arrested waters, can be also accom¬ plished on a very large scale; to make the fact apparent that if a small reservoir can hold all the water dis¬ charged by a small stream, larger reservoirs, multiplied in number, may be found to hold the floods of the Ohio, the Mississippi, and the Missouri. I have never until now, when the practical intelligence of the James River and Kanawha Company has removed the impediment, been in a position to establish the prac¬ ticability of the great system of improvement which I have projected, by direct surveys and irresistible proofs. the meadow reservoir. Under the authority conferred on me by the Company, during the past summer I have directed the surveys of four reservoir sites—not all those which I had selected as the best and most eligible, but in the order in which I found and examined them, or in which it was conve¬ nient to approach them, and pass from one to the other in the difficult and retired region in which the parties were required to operate. These surveys are just com¬ pleted, and will be made the subject of a brief continua¬ tion of this report. For want of time, my present demonstrations will be drawn from what I shall call the Meadow Reservoir, the only one for which the results of the survey have yet been worked out in detail. (See Note H.) 2() THE MEADOW RESERVOIR. .f This reservoir has been surveyed by Mr. Harry Tay¬ lor, as chief of the party, zealously assisted by Mr. J. J. Clarke. I acknowledge my obligations to those gen¬ tlemen for their indefatigable and intelligent efforts to complete their laborious duties in the brief space I was able to allow them. The site of this reservoir is somewhat remarkable. To comprehend its position, the reader will please refer to the annexed skeleton map of the Great Kanawha and its principal tributaries. Tracing the Greenbrier River from its northern sources, southwardly to the mouth of Howard's Creek, where it trends to the west; thence westwardly to New River; then descending New River northwardly to its confluence with the Gauley, and tracing the Gauley eastwardly to its sources, we shall have circled round a great extent of wild and mountainous territory, and have ended nearly where we set out. Almost the entire area inclosed within the valleys of the streams we will thus have traced, is an elevated region, of which a large portion is composed of high and well-known mountains. Within the space inclosed by several of these moun¬ tains, viz., the Big Sewell, Little Sewell, Laurel Moun¬ tain, Meadow Mountain, the Cold Knob, Keeney's Knob, &c., are found the " meadows" of Meadow River, one of the principal tributaries of the Gauley. These " meadows" are extensive glades, through which flow the waters of numerous streams which descend from the surrounding mountains; and which, passing through portions of the meadows, one by one 9 HIT LI HI HAP SHOWINCr THE POSITION'S GaHipolis IzdlT. EIlAVil Rl¥llt WinM Sidp Sp. ^Malderv ; SaMWA 'Zhtal I •oxLthiil CanzLel S „ _ //( ^Cofil ^0^Saidey Br. > ( Ba^ksnest lp1° Frcuikfort Snip Sp. fewiebi ^stine Sidp.Sps GfowsVj Union ®CH. Fern Sp. Sidp.Sp. Bluffs Sp. echanidsF SuJ&Sp.°r~<\ Maiden X t1 W'l > (- r ri ^hland THE MEADOW RESERVOIR. 27 unite, and form by their union the Meadow River— though that name is borne also by one of the smaller streams which flow into and compose the actual river. A few miles below the confluence of all these tributa¬ ries, two of the mountains which bound the meadows— Big Sewell and Laurel Mountain—approach each other, leaving a narrow passage, not properly a gorge, between them, through which the river flows on its way towards the Kanawha. These extensive meadows present the appearance of the bottom of an exhausted lake. They are as level as a graded lawn—so level, indeed, that it is found difficult and expensive to drain them, and fit them for cultiva¬ tion. The average inclination of the valley in the first space of 9 miles above the dam—below what is recog¬ nized as properly The Meadows—is only about a foot and a half per mile; in the next space of five miles, passing through the widest part of the Meadows, and extending from Big Clear Creek to the Kanawha Turnpike, there is scarcely any descent. It is almost a level plane. The width of these glades is extremely irregular, in some places not over 500 yards, and in others spreading out to a mile and a half, and even two miles. The shores of the proposed lake are indented by numerous bays or inlets, inclosed in some places be¬ tween the mountains, and high hills, and sometimes between promontories which project into the meadows from the surrounding high lands. The soil is in some parts rich, but frequently cold and wet, subject to be overflowed, and difficult to drain and 28 TI1E MEADOW RESERVOIR. improve. It is covered generally by a dense growth of hazel and alder bushes, and in places with rank weeds, often entangled with wild vines, forming a jungle diffi¬ cult enough to penetrate. I propose to convert this entire area into an artificial lake, by forming a mound of earth, or a stone dam, across its outlet. This dam will be 68 feet high from the low water surface of the river to the bottom of the waste for the discharge of the surplus water. The length of the mound will be 140 feet at bottom, where the banks of the river draw near together, and 875 feet at the surface of the lake—68 feet above the river. The length of the lake thus formed will be 21 T% miles. It will cover an area of 10,800 acres or 16T97 square miles. The number of acres which are under cultiva¬ tion will be computed, and stated in Note G, at the end of this Report. The mean available depth of the lake, found by divid¬ ing its available contents in cubic feet by its superficial area, in square feet, is 221 feet. The surface of this lake will be elevated 2548 feet above the level of the tides, and 223 feet above the natural summit of the Alleghany Mountain, where it is tunnelled for the Covington and Ohio Railroad. (See Note C.) This great basin will hold no less than 13,587,815,000 cubic feet of water. It will receive the drainage from 209 f0- square miles of territory, the whole of which, exclusive of the meadows which will form the bottom of the lake, is composed of steep, and, to a considerable THE MEADOW RESERVOIR. 29 extent, very elevated mountains, from the slopes of which the rains and melted snows will descend rapidly into the reservoir. No portion of this area of drainage, or water-shed, is a plane surface. It is all hill and mountain summits or mountain sides. The water cannot rest there to be slowly absorbed, and slowly evaporated, but must run off rapidly into the lake at the foot of the slopes. We may, consequently, expect to realize here the highest ratio of available water to the rain-fall that has ever been obtained. We may expect, also, to realize a greater average rain-fall for each unit of surface, than is due to the latitude and the climate. The mountains which sur¬ round this lake are all much higher than the Alleghany, and must break the clouds and condense a greater por¬ tion of their burthen of rain than lower lands. I shall not, however, in my estimate of the available supply of water, exceed the limit of 37 inches for the rain-fall, nor the average of 65 per cent, of the downfall for the drainage, which were obtained in the surveys of the Anthony's Creek reservoir. With these limits for our data, we shall obtain for the value of the available drainage, 24xf o inches. I shall reject the fraction, and assume 24 inches for the average depth of available drainage. There are 27,878,400 square feet in a square mile. The amount of water therefore which will be received 30 TIIE MEADOW RESERVOIR. into this lake from each square mile of the territory drained, will be 27,878,400 x 2 = 55,756,800 cubic feet. The area of the district, which will shed its waters towards and into this lake, has heen ascertained to be . . 209.2 square miles. Assuming, next, that the evaporation from the lake is equal to the rain-fall upon its entire surface, when full—a supposition clearly beyond the actual fact—and deducting, accordingly, the area of the lake 16.9 There will remain an available area, of which the water will drain into the lake, and which can all be relied on for use, of ...... 192y\ square miles. We shall then have, of available water for the support of the navigation 192yV x 55,156,800 = 10,122,032,640 cubic feet. Now, the capacity of Meadow Lake, it has been seen, is 13,581,815,000 cubic feet. We are in a position, therefore, to be able to hold and draw off annually the entire amount of the drainage, and still leave a surplus of 2,865,783,000 cubic feet for the convenience of navigating the lake, and preventing the exposure of its bed to the sun. A careful calculation, of which the processes and results, step by step, are entered on the atlas of cross sections, herewith submitted, shows that the lake is capacious enough to permit the whole of the computed average annual drainage to be drawn off for the im¬ provement of the navigation of the rivers below, without reducing the actual depth over 30 feet. THE MEADOW RESERVOIR. 31 Before making application of these facts to the great practical problem of supplying the Ohio and Kanawha with water, I will ask attention to the position of this remarkable reservoir in another important aspect. From the outlet of the lake, at the pass which I pro¬ pose to close by the mound or wall that is to form it, the channel of Meadow River, so level above the dam, begins suddenly to descend with very great rapidity towards the Gauley. The distance from the site of the dam to the mouth of Meadow River is 28 miles; and the fall in that space, by the levels run under my directions in 1838, by Mr. Wm. G. Waller, Civil Engineer, is just 1199 feet, or at the average rate of nearly 43 feet per mile—a great deal of the way over a rocky bed, and nearly all the remainder of the distance over masses of water-worn stone resting upon the rock. (See Note C.) The fall in the first mile below the dam is 19 feet. From the mouth of Meadow River to the mouth of the Gauley, by the same survey, the distance, measured in mid-winter, on the ice, was found to be 29 miles, and the descent of the Gauley in that space, is 621 feet, or at the rate of 21 feet per mile—for a great portion of which distance the Gauley also runs thi'ough a deep and remarkably wild gorge in the mountains, bounded by almost inaccessible cliffs of sandstone. The dis¬ tance along New River, from the mouth of the Gauley to the foot of Loop Creek Shoal, is 6 h miles, and the fall 51 feet, or 8 feet per mile—likewise on a bed of bare and solid rock, or on broken masses resting thereon. 32 OF THE DRAINAGE. At this point—a short space below the foot of Loop Creek Shoal—the improved navigation of the Kanawha is to be commenced. It will be observed, therefore, that the water which I purpose to collect in the reservoir, and discharge into the river, will be hurried along a steep and rocky channel, from the outlet of the lake to the point where it is to be made serviceable, 64 miles distant, with great rapidity, and without the risk of any material loss by the way. It will be exposed but 8 or 10 hours on its passage. Such are the properties of the artificial lake which I have surveyed and propose to use as one of the feeders of the Kanawha and Ohio. OF THE DRAINAGE. The value of the drainage, or the ratio of the volume of water which is shed from a given area, to the rain¬ fall upon the same area, has been the subject of much investigation, and also of much discussion among engi¬ neers, on account of its practical bearings. There are, however, some important facts, intimately connected with this question, which, I think, though occasionally alluded to, have never been adequately recognized in these dis¬ cussions. A larger proportion of the water which falls upon the earth may be collected into reservoirs, situated near the point where it falls, than into large reservoirs, at points remote from the places where it falls. GristSz Saw Mill. , W. HMacfailaiul Saw Mill 63360 xxnile ,11U) "Wetherall S am .Ro bert s Widow L aadei MIo! TKomas 'Widow B1 ITMller J®?0 ShnverS; >rsoii_ AXCaperto: Widow Mi OF THE PURPOSED 19EAMW HAKE PROJECTED DY Charles Ellet Jr C.E -ander liifi direction of Charlee Ellet J1 ~by Harry Taylor, C, F,. | Drawn "by Harry Taylor, C.E. & Engraved at J.M.Btiiler's Establiahnuent 84 Chestxait St.Ehilad^r- OF THE DRAINAGE. 33 A much larger proportion, also, may be collected in reservoirs at the base, or between ranges of mountains, than in those which receive the drainage from planes and prairies. A larger quantity of rain falls, also, on very elevated mountains, than in regions in other respects similarly situated, but which are less elevated. These are important facts to be noted in the determi¬ nation of the supply of water which may be expected to flow into the reservoir under consideration. In all these particulars, its position is extraordinarily favorable. It is elevated above all the surrounding coun¬ try, and is itself surrounded by high mountains. The water which drains from these heights runs but a short distance before it is delivered into the reservoir. The downfall of rain must therefore be large, and the ratio of drainage to the downfall, also large. Though these conclusions would seem to be obviously reasonable, I will endeavor to illustrate them by a few pertinent facts. The Mississippi valley above the mouth of Red River, from the best calculation I can make, covers no less than 1,226,000 square miles, and the volume of water which would drain from that vast area, would be sufficient, if it were as great for each square mile of the territory drained, as I found that of the upper Ohio to be at Wheeling, to maintain the lower Mississippi at a height greater than it ever reaches in the fullest flood, the whole year round. Yet the Mississippi is only in flood from two to four months in the year. 34 OF THE DRAINAGE. Again: The drainage of the Ohio valley above Wheel¬ ing I have shown to be, for a scries of years, but 40 per cent, of the average downfall of water over the entire area drained—supposing that downfall to average 36 inches—while the drainage into the proposed reservoir on Anthony's Creek, of which the source and course are in the mountains of Virginia, was found by Mr. Lorraine to be 65i per cent, of the downfall. The same difference is observable in England, where the entire drainage of the Thames falls far short, in pro¬ portion to the area drained, of the volumes annually col¬ lected by many small reservoirs. But, notwithstanding these considerations in favor of a larger drainage, I shall base nothing upon mere specu¬ lation, and shall assume the quantities measured and realized in the surveys of the proposed Anthony's Creek reservoir—oidy about 25 miles east of the proposed Meadow lake—as the guide to the volume which may be looked for there. There is yet one other point bearing on this subject, which should not be overlooked. There are great differ¬ ences to be noticed between the results of observations on the drainage of the upper Ohio, in different years. One, and the principal cause of these differences, is stated in the second edition of my paper on that subject. It is that the recorded quantities are given as the drain¬ age of the calendar year, and not of the navigable year. The calendar year commences and ends in the middle of the rainy portion of the year; and in some seasons the water drains off mainly in the early part of winter, OF THE DRAINAGE. 35 and in other years, it falls in early winter, and remains on the earth in the form of snow, which melts, and passes off in the spring. If the years were assumed to com¬ mence and end at any date between the months of May and November, the annual drainage of consecutive years would exhibit much slighter differences. The failure to make this discrimination between the calendar year and the drainage year, has led one or two professional writers into serious error. In estimating the drainage which may be realized in the Meadow reservoir, I see no reason why we should not assume the highest figure which is given to express the proportion of available water to the rain-fall, on sufficient authority, for any existing work. There is, in the space which will feed this lake, really ■no level ground. It is surrounded on all sides by hills and steep mountains, where the fallen water cannot re¬ main. The extreme distance which the remotest drops will come, in a direct path, from the summit of Grassy Knob to the lake, will be 1(M miles. Such, too, is the form of the lake, which, while it is surrounded by mountains, itself almost envelops the Little Sewell Mountain, and other lofty hills, that the greater portion of the rain will fall within four miles of some one of its numerous bays and inlets. It would certainly, in my opinion, be advisable forth¬ with to institute a complete system of observations, both on the rain-fall, and on the discharge for this precise locality. In the mean time, for the purposes of this re¬ port, I assume a rain-fall of 37 inches, and that the drain- 36 OF T1IE DRAINAGE. age which may be collected, will be 65 per cent, of that quantity—or 24 inches per annum. I am of the opinion, however, and am supported in that opinion by the obser¬ vation of experienced residents of that neighborhood, that more water falls on the mountains around this lake than at points somewhat removed from it. I have no doubt, either, that more than 65 per cent, of the quan¬ tity falling will pass into the lake, and, consequently, that we shall not only be able to fill the reservoir annually, and reserve its entire available contents for summer use, but will be able to spare enough to aid the navigation of the Ohio, in some small degree, at other periods. It is shown by Hughes that there are well known re¬ servoirs in England, into which more than 80 per cent. of the rain-fall on the entire area drained, is collected and made available for domestic uses.* This branch of my subject has been discussed with his customary ability, by Mr. Ellwood Morris, of Phila¬ delphia—an engineer justly distinguished for his culti¬ vated mind, and practical skill—who has exhibited the characteristics of numerous reservoirs, and the ascer¬ tained results in their use, some of which will be found in note E, and may be examined with profit. The Silver Creek reservoir, on the Schuylkill naviga¬ tion, was designed by Mr. Morris, and constructed under his professional supervision, and though it holds more than the usual allowance made by engineers for the * See Hughes on Water Works, p. 28*2. See also Note E. OF THE DRAINAGE. 37 available drainage of a given ground—13 inches over the whole area—it is often filled up entirely in the space of four or five weeks, and never requires over eight weeks, after the stops are closed, in the latter part of winter. It is important that we should not, in planning, these works, under-estimate the drainage. We need all the water we can collect in any single reservoir, and our plans should be broad enough to enable us to command it all. If our reservoir holds more water than can be annually gathered, we can retain a greater depth in the bottom for its proper navigation, and at the same time more completely protect the country below from the floods, so far as they are contributed by its sources of supply. But, unfortunately, the possibility of controlling the floods of rivers, by arresting a portion of the water which produces them, in reservoirs, seems to be a proposition which many engineers find great difficulty in admitting. But that difficulty ought certainly to have no existence here. The meadows of Meadow River are capacious enough, with a dam of very moderate height, to hold every drop of water that will enter the lake I propose to form there, in the course of a year. It should be clear, I think, then, to every comprehen¬ sion, that in so far as the floods of the streams below this dam are now swollen by the outpouring of the waters of Meadow River, they must be made less by the reten¬ tion of the water in this lake. If the lake retains all the waters of the Meadow River in the mountains above, 38 SUPERFICIAL ARK A OF THE those waters certainly cannot go down, while so retained, to increase the floods in the Kanawha. SUPERFICIAL AREA OF THE KANAWHA AND OHIO RIVERS. Before we can proceed to determine the effects which the water of this lake, discharged into the Kanawha and thence into the Ohio in given quantities and times, will produce, we must investigate the characteristics of these rivers in another aspect. In this part of my subject, I propose, in order to render the demonstrations clearer to unprofessional readers, to adopt, in the first instance, a mode of com¬ putation perfectly reliable, yet differing from that which would ordinarily be preferred. I have already shown that the Meadow Reservoir will cover an area of 16.9 square miles. It has also been ascertained, from the detailed surveys of Mr. Byers, that the surface covered by the Kanawha lliver, from a point below Loop Creek Shoals to its mouth, a distance of 871 miles, is, at common low water, 9T87 square miles. It follows, therefore, since the area of the reservoir is nearly If times greater than that of the river to be first supplied, that, by drawing off water enough to reduce the surface of the reservoir one foot, we will supply water enough to the Kanawha to raise its surface throughout the 871 miles of its navigable course an average height of nearly li feet. KANAWHA AND OHIO RIVERS. 39 This computation is not subject to any corrections consequent on the greater elevation of the water at the foot than at the head of the shoals, in consequence, in other words, of its unequal distribution along the river. I use the average height to avoid the necessity of such corrections, and present the case in this simple form to enable the reader more readily to see the probable reasonableness of my plan, and as a pretty close approxi¬ mation, so far as the Kanawha is concerned, to a correct practical solution. In point of fact, if we admit water enough into the Kanawha to raise the pool opposite Charleston, at the head of Elk Shoal, two feet, that same volume will raise it in the pool near the foot of Elk 2j% feet, and in that at the foot of Tyler, 5 miles lower down the river, and thence on to the mouth of Coal River, about 4 feet. This is not the result of speculation, or computation based on theory, but of actual and careful measurements, which I instituted for the purpose of obtaining data for these calculations as soon as I engaged in this investiga¬ tion. (See Note F.) It is not to be supposed that the gradual augmentation of the depth, due to the passage of a given volume of water per unit of time, along the channel, as we descend the river from Charleston to its mouth, is calculated to vitiate our conclusions, and lead to disappointment. On the contrary, it goes simply to show that we have only to supply water enough to produce the depth at which we aim on the most difficult shoals up the river to be assured that, owing to the materially decreasing fall of 40 SUPERFICIAL AREA OF THE its bed, and the slightly increasing breadth of its surface, as we descend, we shall maintain that, and a still greater depth, to its mouth. For the same reason we may be assured that the Avater with which Ave fill up the channel even of the lower portion of the KanaAvha—Avliich still has a greater descent than the Ohio—will be precipitated more rapidly into the Ohio than it could pass, off along the gentler slope of that river, if the area of the section of the Ohio Avere the same as that of the Kanawha; and that, con¬ sequently, the rise in the Ohio would be greater than in any part of the Kanawha. But the Ohio is Avider than the KanaAvha, and it requires, therefore, a greater mass of Avater, mile for mile, to fill its channel than is required for the Kanawha. Waiving, for the present, all the minor considerations Avhich enter this problem, I ask attention at first to the following facts. The average Avidth of the Kanawha, as already stated, is 590 feet, or of a mile. Its length, as far as it is proposed to be improved, is 871 miles. The total area of its surface, Avhen less than 3£ feet above Ioav Avater, is 9 i8g square miles. The average width of the Ohio, obtained by triangu- lation during the moderately low Avater of September, at 21 different and known points, distributed along from Pomeroy to Guyandotte bar, a distance of 56 miles, Avas ascertained to be 965 feet, or -j2t of a mile. (See Note D.) To obtain a superficial area of the Ohio equal to KANAWHA AND OHIO RIVERS. 41 that of the entire Kanawha, or 9^ square miles, we must therefore measure off 910 x V = 53190 miles' or, in round numbers, 54 miles. In other words, a volume of water which will he suffi¬ cient to raise the whole navigable length of the Kanawha any given average amount will suffice to raise the surface of 54 miles of the Ohio, at and near the mouth of the Kanawha, the same amount. Now, what is that quantity, and what relation does it bear to our means of supplying it—the proposed Meadow reservoir I We have seen that our lake will cover a superficial area of ld^ square miles, and will contain water enough to cover that area an average depth of 281-9tf feet. Then, it is perfectly clear that if we reduce the surface of the lake 12 inches, by drawing that amount of water from it, we will raise both the 871 miles of the Kanawha and the 54 miles of the Ohio each an average of ^ = 20 jV inches or II feet. 9.8 10 But the reservoir, it has been shown, will have an average depth of 221 feet of available water; and, con¬ sequently, it would , afford water enough to create 13 such floods every year, and will still retain sufficient to render it navigable and serviceable to the surrounding country as a means of local intercommunication. (See Note G.) I have not chosen to turn aside here to make allow- 6 42 DISCHARGE OF THE KANAWHA. ances for the slight increase of breadth, due to the increase of depth of the two rivers, or to make precise computations of the effect of a given volume of water at the head and foot of every shoal. I pass all that by as secondary to the main point which I wish to establish, viz., that the water drawn with due rapidity from the lake will raise the rivers the amounts indicated. If it be said that drawing the same quantity of water will raise the two rivers different amounts, I take no obser¬ vation of that. Our care will be to provide the means to draw fast enough to raise the surface of the Ohio the height we wish, in order to float our coal-boats down to the market. We know that when the water is thrown into the Kanawha, and passes through the Kanawha that fast, that the depth of the Kanawha will be made still greater than that of the Ohio, and therefore great enough. DISCHARGE OF THE KANAWHA. It is important, for the proper planning of the im¬ provement of this navigation, to know what is the actual amount of water discharged by the Kanawha, both in its low state, and when it is in a navigable con¬ dition. The Kanawha was gauged above Charleston, at my instance, by Mr. Gill, in 1838, when it was supposed to be at its lowest stage; and the results reported to me were between 1300 and 1400 cubic feet per second. Subsequently, however, the water fell that year to a DISCHARGE OF THE KANAIVHA. 43 lower point than it had ever before been seen, and lower than it has ever since been. Mr. Gill, during this extremely low water, repeated his measurements below Buffalo, and reported the result to be a discharge of 1100 cubic feet per second. The accuracy of these measurements has never since been tested, until the present year, when I gauged the river again—the first time below Lykin's Shoal, and the second at Buffalo. The discharge computed from the surface velocities, without reduction, was— Below Lykin's Shoal . . 1231 cubic feet per second. At Buffalo .... 1949 " Between the times of taking these two observations, the river had risen about 5 inches at Buffalo, above what had then been the extreme low water of this year. None of the observations which I herein report are to be regarded as mere computations from the speed of a surface float in the centre of the channel, with a reduc¬ tion made in accordance with De Prony's rule. In taking them, the river was divided, in one case, into four, and in the other into six spaces, by buoys, of which the position was determined by angles from a base line on shore, and the surface velocities were obtained at each buoy by duplicate observations. The ground selected at Buffalo was remarkably favora¬ ble for the purpose. The bottom was very level and smooth, the current exceedingly uniform, and the wea¬ ther, during the observation, perfectly calm. The sur- 44 DISCHARGE OF THE KANAWHA. face, however, had risen about 5 inches above its lowest mark of this year; and was more than that by several inches above its lowest point of 1838. The result computed from the surface velocities, with¬ out reduction, was 1949 cubic feet per second. By reducing the area of the section the amount due to the elevation of the surface above the low water level of this year, and reducing the velocities in the propor¬ tion of the square root of the hydraulic mean depth at the time, to that of the hydraulic mean depth when the water is five inches lower—for which the data were com¬ plete—I obtain for the low water discharge of this year, computed from the surface velocities, still without re¬ duction, 1462 cubic feet per second. My professional readers must make their own reduc¬ tion to obtain the mean velocity, and the actual dis¬ charge. I am not willing myself to apply De Prony's empirical rule, which I am sure would here be in ex¬ cess, and am not prepared to offer one that is certainly better. If we were to take the coefficient for the mean velocity at the middle point of the depth we should obtain— 1462 x av = 1316 cubic feet, for the discharge per second at the low water of this year. My impression is, that this is very near, but most probably rather below the truth. In these practical researches I shall assume for the Discharge at extreme low water 1100 cubic feet per second. Discharge at common low water 1350 cubic feet per second. DISCHARGE OF TIIE KANAWHA. 45 It would scarcely be justifiable, for the economical objects in view, to base our computations on the supply of water which would be needed to make up the defi¬ ciency during the remarkable drought which occurred in 1838, the like of which has never since been seen. It would be more reasonable to arrange our plans with reference to the supply which we shall have in common low water—when it may be fairly assumed, both from the observations of this year and those of 1838, to be about 1350 cubic feet per second. The channels to be cut through the shoals are assumed to be of the form represented in Plate 2, Fig. 2—that is, 80 feet wide at bottom, with sides sloping up three feet for each foot in height. This is the section adopted by your chief engineer for the improvement which he recommends; and I adopt it in my present plan, as the minimum for the shoals below Charleston; but propose to increase the dimensions, wherever the fall and position of the shoal will permit it to be done without reducing the proposed minimum depth of water. It is now necessary to our plan, and further progress, to determine what depth we shall have in these channels, in common low water, for any grade or rate of descent we may think it advisable to adopt. My purpose is not to recommend any violent effort to change the actual adjustment, or, to employ a technical word, the regimen of the river; but to allow it, as much as possible, to preserve its natural characteristics, of deep and level pools separated by occasional chutes of quicker 40 DISCHARGE OF THE KANAWHA. descent, which we know give us a good navigation whenever the channel is furnished with a good supply of water. Hence, I desire no further to alter the slope, or grades of the shoals and pools, than may be effected by a deeper or less deep excavation for the improved chan¬ nels which I propose to form. We will thus, while cor¬ recting the defects of the present channels, at the points where the obstructions are found, leave the good parts of the river in the same good condition in which they were left by Nature. The adjustment of the proportions of these channels through the shoals must, of course, be made with proper care and skill. Let us now see what depth will be obtained in such channels as I propose to provide, when the natural low water dischai'ge of the river is 1350 cubic feet per second, and the inclinations of the channels, such as are given in the table below. These computations are made from the most reliable formulae in use; but it will be understood by the prac¬ tical reader, that in the arrangement of these chutes we are dealing with coarse materials, and that though the computations may be carried out with propriety to the nearest inch, we cannot expect to work to that degree of precision. After computing nicely, we must make libe¬ ral allowances for the imperfections of the formula, and the data, and the stubbornness of the material. To fcLCe- pcu/f, 46. Fig.l. SECTION OF THE VALLEY OF MEADOW RIVER,AT THE DAM Fig. 2. Scale 16 feet to an irtch SECTION OF THE PROPOSED CHANNELS THROEGH THE SHOALS OF KANAWHA RIVER Engraved- at J.M3utLers E stabliexurtertt,8 4 Chestnut St.Plrilad-8- DISCHARGE OF TnE KANAWHA. 47 TABLE OP DEPTHS CORRESPONDING WITH GIVEN GRADES IN CHAN¬ NELS OF THE FORM REPRESENTED IN THE ANNEXED EN¬ GRAVING; THE DISCHARGE BEING 1350 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND. Grade, 3 feet per mile . . . Depth, 3 feet 8 inches ; Grade, 4 feet per mile . . . Depth, 3 feet 4 inches; Grade, 5 feet per mile . . . Depth, 3 feet 1 inch ; Grade, 6 feet per mile . . . Depth, 2 feet 11 inches; Grade, 8 feet per mile . . . Depth, 2 feet 1 inches. In channels of the dimensions here proposed, having a grade of 8 feet per mile, the mean velocity of the cur¬ rent will be but 5 i feet per second, or less than 4 miles an hour. We will observe, by the above table, that the common low water discharge of the river will afford a depth of three feet in the channels proposed, whenever the grade of the channel is not more than 5 feet per mile. But I propose to secure for those navigating the Kanawha, a permanent and reliable depth of 4 feet, at all times and seasons, in all these channels. It is neces¬ sary, therefore, as the next fact, to ascertain what addi¬ tional supply of water is needed—or, how much we must add to the natural common low water supply, which has been ascertained to be about 1350 cubic feet per second —to bring up the depths in such channels from three feet to four feet. The discharge of water through such a channel as is proposed, and as is represented in Fig. 2, with a slope 48 DISCHARGE OF THE KANAWHA. of 5 feet per mile, and a depth of 4 feet, will be, accord¬ ing to the most reliable formula we have, 2013 cubic feet per second. If we deduct from this quantity, representing the discharge through the channel when supplied with 4 feet, the actual discharge at low water, 1350 cubic feet per second, we shall obtain 663 cubic feet per second, for the volume of water which must be supplied by the reservoir, in each second of time, to maintain the depth in such a channel at 4 feet, with the fall of 5 feet per mile assumed, during common low water. If 6 feet per mile had been assumed for the grade, or slope of the channel, the deficiency to be supplied from the reservoir, in order to bring the depth up from 2 feet 11 inches, which it would then have in common low water, to 4 feet, would be 858 cubic feet per second. There are no shoals below Charleston on which it Avill be at all difficult to obtain channels with inclina¬ tions of less than 5 feet per mile; and but four above Charleston, and below Loop Creek, which will constrain us to increase the grade of the bottom, and diminish the width of the channel, as a means of compensating for the increased expenditure of water. Waiving just here the consideration of the circum¬ stances attending these four exceptions, I think I am justified in assuming 700 cubic feet per second as a full DISCHARGE OF THE KANAWHA. 49 estimate of the additional volume of water which must be supplied to the river in each second, to maintain the depth at four feet in all the other channels on that portion of the river which it is proposed now to im¬ prove. There are 86,400 seconds in 24 hours; therefore, the consumption of water being taken at 700 cubic feet per second, we must supply from the reservoir 86,400 x 700 = 60,480,000 cubic feet every day, during the continuance of common low water, in order to maintain a navigable depth of 4 feet in all these channels. Let us next compare this demand with the capacity of the Meadow Reservoir, from which it is to be supplied. The surface of that reservoir, I have already shown, covers an area of 471,145,000 square feet. If we divide this quantity, representing the number of cubic feet contained in one foot of the depth of the reservoir, by the above daily demand, we shall have 471,145,000 60,480,000 = Vf days; or, we may draw from this reservoir water enough to raise the depth in our channels from what it will be in common low water, to four feet, during a period of 718g- days and nights before we shall reduce the depth of the lake 12 inches. If we assume that 60 days is the average duration of 50 DISCHARGE OF THE KANAWHA. common low water, and that we reduce our reservoir 12 inches every 7-^ days, we may conclude that we must exhaust our lake to the depth of about eight feet to main¬ tain our channel depth at 4 feet throughout the period of ordinary low water. But the available depth of the reservoir—that depth which may be annually exhausted—it has been shown is 221 feet. Hence, we may supply the channel of the Kanawha from this single reservoir, with water enough to produce a permanent navigation of 4 feet, and still retain a depth of 14i feet, or nearly two-thirds of the Avhole available contents of the lake within the reservoir applicable to other purposes. (See Note G.) Before advancing further, I wish to allude to the pos¬ sibility of errors in these computations, arising either from defects of the hydraulic formula on which engi¬ neers rely for determining the flow of water, or irregu¬ larities in the slope of the channel, or in the estimated amount of the low water discharge. At all points there are chances of some errors, and we must make allow¬ ances somewhere to meet them. If we assume that these errors might reach an aggre¬ gate of 15 per cent., it will compel us to add 100 cubic feet per second to the mass of water which Ave must supply, and thus bring up the daily draught from the reservoir, needed to maintain the navigation in the channels at 4 feet, to 86,400 x 800 = 69,120,000 cubic feet DISCHARGE OF THE KANAWHA. 51 per diem; and for the assumed period of 60 days of common low water, 4,147,200,000 cubic feet; amounting to about 40 per cent, of the available con¬ tents of the reservoir. Deducting this increased allowance for securing a permanent navigation of 4 feet, from the total supply which the reservoir will furnish, there will still remain 6,575,000,000 cubic feet applicable to the production of floods or other valuable uses. There are several modes in which this remainder, amounting to more than three-fifths of the available supply to be furnished by the Meadow Lake, might be applied. The reservoir, for instance, might be drawn upon constantly, as long as the depth in the channel- ways is under some assumed limit, as, possibly, 5 feet; so that boats of any draft less than 5 feet might ascend and descend the river at all times. Or, it might be drawn off so as to produce occasional floods of greater height and more limited duration. These are questions which will receive their practical solution after the com¬ pletion of the reservoir; and that solution will doubtless be made with a view to afford the greatest accommoda¬ tion to the largest interests then on the river. My present opinion is, that it will be found most ex¬ pedient, while the supply continues to be limited to that which will be afforded by the single reservoir so far sur¬ veyed and investigated in detail, to discharge the volume which we shall have to spare, after securing the per- 52 DISCHARGE OF THE KANAWHA. mancnt depth of 4 feet, in occasional floods, of sufficient height for the descent of the loaded coal boats, and of sufficient duration to create a wave that will extend far enough along the Ohio River to enable the coal boats that take it, to continue on it at least to Cincinnati. The number and extent of such floods, which may be drawn from this single reservoir, will be considered as we advance further. The discharge of the Kanawha, in a second of time, estimated from the surface velocities, without reduction, obtained when the water stood at several different stages, is given below. These measurements, it is proper to say, were made with very great care. Buoys were established across the channel so as to divide the river into ten and sometimes into twelve sections. Soundings were taken with a graduated rod at each buoy, and at the same point three good and reliable observations on the velocity were made. These three velocities were averaged; then the mean surflice velocity between each two adjacent buoys was multiplied into the area of the section included between these two buoys. The sum of these products, without abatement for friction, is given below. Many more observations than are here recorded were taken, some untoward impediment having occurred in all the others to destroy confidence in the results. The most fruitful source of error in these investigations is the wind. It is very unusual to be able to go a con¬ siderable distance, to the site prepared for the observa- DISCHARGE OF THE K A N AIV H A 53 • tions, and then have two or three hours of perfect calm for their completion. Although the velocities may be, as they ought to be, from 1 to 3 feet per second, a very slight disturbance of the atmosphere affects the result, and can be determined instantly in the time made by the float. Of the four observations recorded below, No. 1 was made at Buffalo, and the three others a short distance below Elk Shoal. The first and second were made when all the circum¬ stances were favorable. The last two were both slightly affected by the wind, which arose before the completion of the observations. The second is the most important of the four, and is strictly reliable. The third is a very close approximation. The fourth is the least to be depended on ; several of the floats, at the close of the measurement, having been opposed by a slight head wind, which somewhat re¬ duced the computed quantity. DISCHARGE PER SECOND OF TIIE KANAWHA RIVER, COM¬ PUTED FROM THE SURFACE VELOCITIES, WITHOUT RE¬ DUCTION. Cubic Feet. No. 1. At Buffalo, wlieu the surface was about 5 inches above common low water 1,949 No. 2. At Elk. Head of shoal, 2.01 feet above low water; foot of shoal, 2.42 feet above low water . . 9,500 No. 3. At Elk. Head of shoal, 3.07 feet above low water; foot of shoal, 3.74 feet above low water . . 16,640 No. 4. At Elk. Head of shoal, 3.81 feet above low water; foot of shoal, 4.76 feet above low water . . 21,200 54 DISCHARGE OF THE KANAWHA. From these quantities, which are derived from the surface velocities, we are to deduce the actual discharge; and for this purpose I shall assume again the coefficient t97, as the one which, if not the most accurate, is at least most likely to protect us against the error of under¬ estimating the quantities of water to be dealt with.* DISCHARGES PER SECOND REDUCED FOR FRICTION. Cubic Feet- No. 1. Reduced to the actual discharge at common low water 1,350 No. 2. At Elk. Rise at head of shoal, 2.07 above low water; at foot of shoal, 2.42 above low water . . 8,550 No. 3. At Elk. Rise at head of shoal, 3.07 above low water; at foot of shoal, 3.74 above low water . . 14,970 No. 4. At Elk. Rise at head of shoal, 3.81 above low water; at foot of shoal, 4.76 above low water . . 19,080 I think it would scarcely he safe in any practical application, to assume for this last result less than 21,000 cubic feet per second. Now, we have seen that, in order to obtain a depth of 6 feet in the channels, we must first raise the depth to 3 feet, by concentrating the natural low water flow of * R was my intention to have instituted some observations for the express purpose of approximating more closely than I think is prac¬ ticable from any of the general and received formula}, to the mean velocity in the particular case before me. But my time was too limited to permit the attempt. DISCHARGE OF THE KANAWHA. 55 the river in the excavated chutes—which, as has been shown, will consume per second . 1350 cubic feet. Then, we must bring up the perma¬ nent depth in these chutes to 4 feet, which will require an additional sup¬ ply of 700 cubic feet per second—but which, to guard against errors, I have estimated at .... 800 " " There will then be required, to pro¬ duce a depth of 4 feet, for permanent navigation, per second . . . 2150 " " The channels would not then be entirely full. But I think it safer to make no allowance for any saving of water in raising the surface an additional 2 feet, conse¬ quent on closing the outlets through which it is now wasted over the bars, and confining it within the single new channel; but to assume that after the water is con¬ centrated in the enlarged and improved chutes, it will require as much additional supply to raise the surface an additional 2 feet, as it does in the present state of the river. This will somewhat exaggerate the volume of water needed, but the error will be on the safer side. From the total present discharge of the Kanawha, when there is a rise of 2T^ feet above low water, at the head of Elk, with the outlets through the shoal all open, . . . 8,550 cubic feet per second, Deduct the amount estimated to be re¬ quired to produce a depth of 4 feet, . 2,150 " " " And there will remain to be supplied, 6,400 cubic feet per second, to give us an additional rise of 2T(jo feet, or a total navigable depth of 6 feet. 50 FLOODING TIIE OHIO. By the same process we will find that to give a navigation of 7 feet in the channels—or to produce a rise of 3T£7 feet at the head of Elk Shoals, after a new channel has been excavated and filled to the depth of 4 feet, will require a further supply of water, equal to about 13,000 cubic feet per second. The application of these facts to the filling up of the Kanawha, and flooding the Ohio will be reserved for a future page. FLOODING THE OHIO. I have shown from actual measurements that it will require as much water to cover 54 miles in length of the Ohio, when at common low water, a given average depth, as it will require to raise the whole navigable length of the Kanawha, 874 miles, an equal average amount. Let us assume now that it is desirable to fill up the Ohio, or create a wave along its course, 4 feet high and 54 miles long—so as to give a depth of 6 feet for navi¬ gation. How much water will the production of this wave require, and how much will our Meadow Reservoir be reduced by furnishing that supply 1 The width of the Ohio, in the space under discussion, is 965 feet; but for the purposes of the present compu¬ tation, I will assume that it is 1000 feet. A flood 54 miles long, 1000 feet wide, and 4 feet deep, will require 54 x 5280 x 4 x 1000 = 1,140,480,000 cubic feet of water. FLOODING THE OHIO. 57 If we divide this, the quantity required to produce the wave, by the area of our artificial lake, expressed in square feet, Ave shall obtain 1,140,480,000 _ 0 4 , 471,145,200 10 for the depth that the lake must be drawn doAvn to pro¬ duce such a flood, four feet deep, in the Ohio. We arrive then at these results:— Cubic feet. The Meadow Reservoir will contain, of available water, the entire average annual drainage . . 10,122,032,000 To keep up the depth in the channels of the Kanawha at 4 feet, during 60 days of low water, will con¬ sume of this quantity 4,141,200,000 There will remain, therefore, available for the produc¬ tion of floods ....... 6,514,832,000 To create a flood in the Ohio 54 miles long, and four feet above common low water, will require . . 1,140,480,000 Consequently, the contents of this one reservoir will be equal to the production of six such floods, after furnishing the supply needed to maintain the depth in the channels constantly at 4 feet during 60 days of low water. My impression is that a much shorter wave than is assumed in this computation will suffice fully to main¬ tain the depth which it has on entering the Ohio all the way to Cincinnati. But we shall be able to accomplish something more than this. The 800 cubic feet per second, or 48,000 cubic feet per minute, ivhich has been allotved to make 8 58 FLOODING THE OHIO. up the deficiency during GO days of low water, in the new channels of the Kanawha, will flow through the Kana¬ wha into the Ohio, and produce a permanent and mate¬ rial improvement of the navigation in that river. I have not the means of stating positively how much the depth in the channels of the Ohio will be increased by that contribution. My direct investigations of this summer did not extend so far; but I am, nevertheless, able to conclude, from observations made at a former period, and recorded in my work on the Ohio and Mis¬ sissippi, that we shall err very little in assuming five inches for the probable increase of the permanent navi¬ gable depth of the Ohio, below the mouth of the Kanawha, consequent upon the discharge of 800 cubic feet per second into the channel, during the period of common low water. I cannot swell this report, already much longer than I wished to make it, by dwelling upon the value of these facts. I submit them for the serious consideration- of that portion of the public that is interested in the development of the rich mineral wealth of the Kanawha. I am quite sure, notwithstanding the universal scepti¬ cism with which I am compelled to cope in this matter, that I may regard the subjects for thought here pro¬ mulgated as practical seed, tardily sown, yet destined to bear most valuable practical fruit. I am obliged still, before dismissing this branch of my subject, to allude to another material point on which I am not able to give absolute and reliable information. It is important to know precisely how fast the water FLOODING THE OHIO. 59 must be drawn from the reservoir in order to swell the Ohio 4 feet, or any other given amount, at and below the mouth of the Kanawha. I had no opportunity, when in the western part of the State during the season of low water, to make the observations needed to settle this point with satisfactory precision. But my investi¬ gations on the upper part of the river render it probable that the discharge from the lake would be under 13,000 cubic feet per second to insure a rise of 4 feet on the Ohio below Point Pleasant, or a total depth on the bars there of about 6 feet, and on the worst bars of the Kanawha, below Elk Shoal, of about 7 feet. Some of my observations of this year on the Kanawha, where the depths, slopes, and volume discharged were measured, lead also indirectly to the conclusion, when applied to the Ohio, that a supply of just about 13,000 cubic feet per second would produce a rise of 4 feet in that river, and give a total depth of 6 feet there, with about 7 feet on the worst bars of the lower Kanawha. These, however, are conclusions indirectly obtained; while the fact to which they apply is of too much im¬ portance to be allowed to rest on anything less reliable than direct and careful observations. In the mean time, I shall take care so to adjust the openings in the dam for the delivery of the water as to enable me to let off 20,000 cubic feet per second when the reservoir is full, and 10,000 cubic feet per second after its surface has been reduced to its lowest level. We are now in a position to determine approximately how long it will require to draw water from the dam at GO FLOODING THE OHIO. the rate assumed in order to produce a flood 54 miles long and 4 feet deep in the Ohio River. We have seen that such a flood in the Ohio will con¬ tain 1,140,480,000 cubic feet of water. Dividing this by the approximate discharge, or 13,000 cubic feet per second, we obtain 1,140,480,000 __ yy 729 seconds 13,000 or a mere fraction over 24 hours. We have then these results: That, to produce a wave 54 miles long and 6 feet deep on the bars of the Ohio, at low water, we must draw fast enough from the lake to produce a depth of 7 feet on Elk Shoal, and at least 7 feet on all the shoals below Elk. That draught must continue for a period of 24 hours. It must reduce the depth of the lake 2I4S- feet; and it must consume more than the one-tenth part of the available contents of the lake—showing that we may produce from this one reser¬ voir nearly 10 such floods per annum. (See page 81.) The size of the openings, or wicket-area of the dam, necessary to produce these results will be discussed under another division of this report. I will merely say here, on that subject, that these openings may be made as large and as numerous as we wish, and that we can exercise complete control over the discharge. So that, if it be alleged that, in consequence of the somewhat greater rise of water which we shall produce at the foot than at the head of the shoals, we shall not realize our expectations on the Ohio, it will be perceived that Ave FLOODING THE OHIO. 61 can compensate for any such slight difference by the greater or less rapidity of the draught at the dam. There is another matter, however, that must not be overlooked in this connection. We must take care that the channel of the small stream below the dam will be competent to carry off the torrent we will pour into it, in flooding the Ohio. In the case before us, however, there will be no difficulty of this sort. The channel of Meadow River is a veritable chasm, containing only here and there a small strip of land that can ever be rendered valuable for cultivation. It requires considerable physical endurance and good muscle to examine it. There are three small mills upon it, at the points where some very inaccessible paths approach the stream. These are of little value, and must be purchased or adapted to the altered condition of the river. I will still submit one other pertinent illustration of the practicability of flooding the Ohio—that proposition which has been considered so doubtful and so chimerical. To raise a portion of the river one mile long, one foot, or to bring the depth of that mile up, from two feet to three feet, will require an average supply of water equal to 5,280 x 965 = 5,095,200 cubic feet. But, as we know, the Meadow reservoir will contain and furnish annually an available supply of 10,722,032,640 cubic feet. Now, by dividing this volume, representing the available contents of the reservoir, by the number of cubic feet 62 TRIBUTARIES OF THE KANAWIIA. required to fill one mile in length of the Ohio, one foot deep, we obtain 10,722,032,640 _ 2,104 miles: 5,095,200 Or, this single reservoir will contain available water enough to enable us to fill up one foot deep more than three such rivers as the Ohio, from the mouth of the Kanawha to the Mississippi, every year. Now, I trust that those, my kind but incredulous friends, whose over caution closes their minds against all useful, practical truth, and who can believe nothing to be possible until they see it accomplished, will go over these figures and facts carefully, again, and deter¬ mine from them whether they can still resist the difficult, but inevitable conclusion, that this plan of improving the navigation of the Ohio River is really practicable. TRIBUTARIES OF THE KANAWHA. I cannot extend this Report by discussing the cha¬ racteristics of the tributaries of the Kanawha, intimately as that subject is connected with the question of im¬ proving the river itself. It must suffice to say now, that the Kanawha has six great tributaries, each of which would be recognized in any part of Europe as an important river, and worthy of the most careful study. They will all doubtless soon be so regarded here. One of these, the Gauley, is not susceptible of any material improvement by means of reservoirs. Two others, the TRIBUTARIES OF THE KANAWIIA. 63 Greenbrier and New River—the latter, especially above the mouth of Greenbrier—may be improved in places, and for considerable distances, as this system is gradu¬ ally extended, on the plan which I propose for the Kanawha itself, by the water which will pass through their channels to feed the Kanawha and the Ohio. The three other tributaries—Elk River, Coal River, and the Pocotalico—are all important streams, draining regions charged with valuable coal mines, or covered with excellent timber; and may be greatly benefited by the construction of reservoirs on their smaller affluents, which will first feed their own channels, and float down the products of their own valleys, and thus serve to sustain the navigable depth in the Kanawha, and next in the Ohio, and finally contribute, each in its degree, to the protection of the coasts of the Mississippi. The intelligent and philosophical reader will not fail to perceive, without detailed and labored explanations, how beautifully this rational system adapts itself every¬ where to the wants of the country and its commerce; how it imitates a bountiful Nature, supplying a smaller navigation to the smaller streams, where the necessities of the population and the trade are comparatively limited; how it expands as it progresses from tributary to tributary, concentrating the waters of numerous smaller channels in the great commercial highways, where more water is needed to swell the larger streams, that bear the burden of the heavier traffic—supplying all and relieving all, and each almost commensuratcly with its wants. 64 DAM AND ORIFICES OF DISCIIAROE. THE DAM AND THE ORIFICES OF DISCHARGE. The dam will either be a stone wall or a mound of earth, depending on the character of the foundation, which is believed, though not positively ascertained, to be a sandstone rock. Large detached masses of sand¬ stone cover the slopes of the mountain and the bed of the river, which cannot be satisfactorily examined with¬ out their removal. There can scarcely be a doubt, however, that the bottom of the channel, immediately under these loose masses, is solid rock, in place. The height of the dam will be 68 feet above the sur¬ face of Meadow River at low water. Its length, at base, will be the width of Meadow River, which at this point is reduced to 140 feet between the tops of its banks. At the proposed surface of the lake, the length of the dam will be 875 feet. If the dam is formed of earth, its width at the level of the surface of the water will be 100 feet; and at the foundation over 300 feet. Fifty feet of the width of the mound, at top, will be reserved for mill seats, leaving space for a landing and road way, 34 feet wide, between the edge of the lake and the front of the mills. If formed of earth, the top of the bank will be raised about 5 feet above the bottom of the waste. The mills on this dam will be supplied from the lake by pipes passing through the mound, below the lowest level to which the water will be reduced. The loss of DAM AND ORIFICES OF DISCHARGE. 65 water which will be caused by its application for milling purposes, will be too small to be worthy of any con¬ sideration here. When there is a small surplus, as there may sometimes be, unless the dam is raised somewhat higher, it will be just as well to allow the water to be used in driving machinery as to run to waste; and when there is a deficiency, and water must be furnished to the rivers below, for the benefit of their navigation, it is just as well to let it do service on its passage, as to flow away idly into the streams to be supplied. If the dam should be formed of earth, I propose to place the wicket openings, through which the water will be discharged, in a heavy stone wall, crossing a canal to be cut through the rock at the end of the dam. This channel will be 125 feet wide, and excavated to a depth of 45 feet from the water surface when the lake is full. To draw off the water entirely, in dry weather, when desirable, a pipe -36 inches in diameter will be placed under the mound on the bed of the river. The sectional area of each discharging orifice will be assumed, in the computations which follow, at 30 square feet. The centre of the orifice will be 40 feet below the surface of the lake when the reservoir is full. The velocity of the water discharged through the wickets, at the commencement of the draught, or when the lake is full, will be 32 feet per second. Each wicket will, therefore, be capable of discharging 960 cubic feet per second. I propose to provide the dam with twenty-one such ()6 DAM AND ORIFICES OF DISCHARGE. openings, through which, when the lake is full, over 20,000 cubic feet per second can be drawn — nearly enough to produce a flood of 4 feet above the permanent depth of 4 feet, and consequently to create a minimum total depth, from Witcher's Shoal down to the Ohio River, of about 8 feet. This effect can be produced by the discharge from this single dam, until the surface of Meadow Lake is considerably reduced. When the lake has been drawn down 30 feet, its lowest level, the discharge per second through each wicket will be but 475 cubic feet; and the aggregate discharge, through the twenty-one openings, and the bottom main, will be 10,000 cubic feet per second. Even in this case, when the lake is drawn down to the lowest level to which it is intended to be reduced, the discharging apertures will be sufficient to produce floods of more than 6 feet—approximating very closely indeed to 6i feet deep—in the channels of the Kanawha. The area of the lake has been ascertained to be 471,145,000 square feet. The discharge of all the wickets, when the lake is full, being taken at 20,000 cubic feet per second, it will require, with the orifices all opened, 23,500 seconds, or about six and a half hours, to reduce the depth of the lake one foot. But, it has been seen that a reduction of the depth of the lake one foot, will increase the average depth of the Kanawha River, from the proposed head of navigation to the Ohio, II feet. We will be able, therefore, by the arrangement proposed, to pour into that river water enough in 6i hours from this single lake, to raise its DAM AND ORIFICES OF DISCHARGE. 67 whole surface an average of 21 inches. But the water cannot pass through the Kanawha as rapidly as this computation assumes; and it will, consequently, be piled up, if I may so describe it, in a higher and shorter wave—which will increase in altitude, and diminish in length, as it descends the river, in consequence of the lessening fall of the channel in passing from its head to its mouth. But, I am not yet quite prepared to decide whether it would be best, in this position, to construct a mound of earth, or a dam of solid masonry. That question should be reserved until the site is cleared of all super¬ incumbent material, and the character of the foundation clearly ascertained. This question is not merely one of economy, but of safety. A mound of the most ample dimensions will be much cheaper than a wall; but it can only be safely adopted where a perfectly reliable connection can be formed with the natural bottom. In estimating the cost of the dam, it will be most prudent to assume that it will be formed of massive masonry, of plain but substantial work, and of ample thickness. AVhere such extensive openings are needed, a stone dam possesses some very great advantages; and, if the foundation should prove to be all I expect to find it, there are few places where stone could be more ad¬ vantageously applied to such a structure than just here. Sandstone of excellent quality, and exceedingly conve¬ nient to the work, can be found scattered about in large rectangular masses and in place, above and below the site of the dam. 68 DAM AND ORIFICES OF DISCHARGE. My impression is that for plain, substantial masonry, such as will be needed here, without ornament or cut¬ ting, excepting for the coping and the embrasures for the gates, but laid throughout in hydraulic cement, a cubic yard would be a sufficient price. I shall put it, however, in my estimate, at $5 a cubic yard. In regard to the proper dimensions of such walls there are greater differences of opinion among engineers than I think there ought to be; and the practice of this country, as far as it has come under my observation, is to make retaining walls, both to support wetted earth and water, too slender. In estimating the cubical con¬ tents of the dam, I have assumed that its average thick¬ ness will be everywhere a little over half its height from the natural surface of the soil, and at 110 point less than 10 feet. In round numbers, the contents of this wall will be 35,000 cubic yards of masonry. I estimate the cost of the dam, built of heavy stone, of this average thickness, and distributed to the best advantage, for stability, as below. Should the Company obtain an appropriation from Congress, sufficient to justify them in undertaking to improve the Ohio River to the extent which I hope to be able to show that it will be safe for them to engage to do, I would think it expedient to add a few feet to the height of this dam, for the purpose of improving the permanent navigation of the lake, and still more com¬ pletely controlling all the drainage. DAM AND ORIFICES OF DISCHARGE. (59 ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF THE DAM, IF RAISED 68 FEET ABOVE LOW WATER IN MEADOW RIVER. Preparation of the foundations—assumed to be the removal of 2500 cubic yards of loose rock, at $0.40 . . . $1,000 35,000 cubic yards of plain masonry, laid in hydraulic cement, at $5.00 ........ 175,000 21 wickets, at $500 each 10,500 800 lineal feet of cut coping, 7 feet wide, at $5.00 . . 4,000 Probable cost of the dam . .... $190,500 Add for contingencies 25,000 Total estimated cost $215,500 The damages which will be occasioned by this work are difficult to estimate. From the best information which I was able to obtain, and the authority for which I propose to submit to the Board in a separate commu¬ nication, the average value of the uncultivated and un¬ tamed meadows, may be set down at $5 an acre, and that of the cultivated portions, with one or two excep¬ tions, where the soil is capable of easy drainage, and the improvements are better, at about $17 an acre. I shall estimate both these items, however, somewhat higher; adding something for the increased value which this property will acquire, in consideration of its adaptation to the purpose in view. In the following estimate of the surface which will be inundated, it is to be understood, that I have so far only computed the aggregafe quantity. The number of acres of cultivated land is yet conjectural. 70 LOSS OF WATER PASSING FROM THE ESTIMATE OF DAMAGES. 8500 acres, uncultivated, at $1.00 $59,500 1800 " cultivated, at $20.00 ..... 36,000 500 " " at $50.00 25,000 Cost of new turnpike, &c., ...... 5,000 Cost of altering three small mills on Meadow River below the dam 3,000 $128,500 Add for contingencies, 20 per cent 25,100 Total estimated damages $154,200 Estimated cost of the dam 215,500 Estimated cost of Meadow Lake $369,700 111 the foregoing estimate, the prices allowed for the damages is to be regarded rather as an estimate of the amount the Company may be required to pay, than of the intrinsic value of the property to be inundated. I have not myself been able to make an estimate in detail of the cost of preparing the channels of the Kanawha for the reception of the water which will be discharged into it from Meadow Lake. On this head I must be guided by the former estimates of your engi¬ neers, made with a view to other plans; and shall assume for that item the sum of $125,000 ; making the total cost of the present improvement, as proposed by me, $495,000; or, in round numbers, $500,000. LOSS OF WATER PASSING FROM THE LAKE TO AND ALONG THE OHIO. I have already, in stating the average widths of the Kanawha and Ohio, within the limits proposed to be LAKE TO AND ALONG THE OHIO. 71 improved, shown that the surface of both rivers would be increased an exceedingly small amount, by any mode¬ rate increase of the depth. With here and there an exception, for a very limited distance, even at low water, the river now spreads from shore to shore, leaving very few bars or shoals exposed between the proper borders of the streams. These rivers both flow almost every¬ where between high and steep banks, where a rise of two or three feet above low water would only increase the width from 12 to 20 feet—or from 2 to 3 per cent. It follows, therefore, that there will be no appreciable loss of water in passing through the channels, attribu¬ table to the evaporation; for that evaporation takes place now, and is compensated for now, as it always has been, and will be hereafter, by the springs and streams which have their ultimate discharge in the river. We have, therefore, no allowance or provision to make in our estimates, for any increase of evaporation, beyond the two or three per cent, due to the increased breadth of the surface—a quantity entirely too small to be made a matter of estimation in this report. I con¬ clude, therefore, that it is proper to assume that the artificial supply of water which will enter the Kanawha at the Great Falls, will pass along its entire length, and be delivered practically undiminished, into the Ohio at Point Pleasant, and will continue on down the Ohio, equally without sensible reduction from this cause. The same considerations apply with no less force, to the exposure of the water during the eight or ten hours that it will be confined to the narrow channels of Meadow 72 LOSS FROM EVAPORATION IN THE RESERVOIR. River and the Gauley, in its descent to the Kanawha. The tributaries and springs of these rivers now supply their own evaporation. The increased volume poured into them from the reservoir, will neither spread over a surface materially wider, nor will the extraordinary ac¬ clivity of the channels permit even that slightly increased surface to be long exposed to the sun. The water will be hurried forward, along these streams, rapidly towards the Kanawha, which will receive it all essentially with¬ out reduction ; it will pass through the Kanawha still undiminished, and enter the Ohio in a volume almost ecpial to that which was emitted from the lake. It is not to be expected, however, that a mere artifi¬ cial wave or swell, of limited length, will preserve its height, although its aggregate volume will be scarcely at all diminished. The tendency of this wave will be, where the descent of the stream is uniform, to spread out, and become elongated—and care must therefore be taken, in such cases, to give it sufficient height and volume at the start, to insure the desired depth at least to the great markets—Cincinnati and Louisville. LOSS FROM EVAPORATION IN THE RESERVOIR. The loss which will take place from the surface of the reservoir itself, is a subject of far more importance and deserving of real attention. The surface of the Meadow Lake, as already stated, covers 16.9 square miles, equal to the area of about 93 miles of the Ohio River itself. From this surface an evaporation takes place, HEALTH, AS AFFECTED BY RESERVOIR. 73 nearly equal to that on the 93 miles of the river, while the lake, unlike the river, will have few or no tributa¬ ries during the summer drought, to supply the loss. We must, therefore, be prepared to store up in our reservoir, water enough to supply both the evaporation from its surface and the volume needed for the support of the navigation. I will not burthen this Report with statistics or esti¬ mates of the actual evaporation from the surface of a river or lake in this climate; but I will dispose of that question by making an allowance to meet this loss quite as great as it can be fairly assumed to require. My assumption is, that the total rain fall on the lake will he sufficient to compensate for the total evaporation from its surface. I shall, therefore, in estimating the available drainage, first deduct the area of the lake from the total area which feeds the lake, and then estimate only the quantity of water which will be drained from the residue of the ground, as the true available supply. HEALTH, AS AFFECTED BY THE RESERVOIRS. I will briefly allude to the subject of Health, which it is sometimes suggested might be impaired by the forma¬ tion of the projected reservoirs. It might be sufficient to say, that experience has fully demonstrated that this is an imaginary objection. There are a great many reservoirs to be found not only in this country, but in all parts of Europe, made either for the purpose of feeding canals, or for supplying cities or 10 74 HEALTH, AS AFFECTED BY RESERVOIR. manufacturing establishments. Some of these reservoirs have been tested, even in warm climates, for more than a century, and in one instance at least, in Southern France, for nearly two centuries, and they have never been found obnoxious to this objection. It must be understood that the lakes which I propose are not shallow collections of stagnant water; but masses of pure, fresh water, to be annually supplied and annu¬ ally changed. Many of them, like Meadow Lake, will be placed, high up in the mountains, where they will occupy glades now subject to frequent overflows, which, after barely covering a dense vegetation, subside and. leave the moistened grass and weeds exposed, to the sun. The lakes which I propose will substitute a permanent mass of deep water for these occasional inundations. It must be understood, also, that in these lakes, as I wish to form them, the whole of the water is not in¬ tended to be drawn off, so as extensively to expose the soil in the bottom; and that it is proposed to reduce the depth gradually, so that the shores will dry up as the water recedes, just as now occurs everywhere along the banks of rivers. The lake which is specially discussed, in this Report, is intended, never to be drawn down, after the work is completed and the timber removed, more than 30 feet— which is less than half its extreme depth. About two- thirds of the bottom will thus be left permanently covered, and the greater part of the remaining third will be only occasionally laid bare, during a few weeks at the close of the season. HEALTH, AS AFFECTED BY RESERVOIR. 7") On account of the great extent of surface covered, the descent of the water consequent on the draught for the use of the navigation, will in the early part of the summer be very slow. At the close of the season the area laid bare will be greater, but the period during which it will be exposed will be very brief. The dense growth of timber and underbrush which now covers a great portion of the meadows, will be much in the way of the steamboats which will be used on the lake, and care must therefore be taken gradually to re¬ move it. The plan which appears to me to be the easiest, Avill be to cut down the most valuable trees and secure the logs, to be sawed up on the completion of the dam, when they can be floated to the mills which it is proposed to establish there. The small undergrowth will be killed by the water very soon after the meadows are submerged, and the remaining larger trees, I pre¬ sume, will perish in the course of the first season. The first year or two after the completion of the dam the water should be entirely drawn out, the bottom allowed to drain off and dry up in the autumn, when a large part of the timber remaining in the lake can be cut down and burned. But, while on the subject of health, as connected with this plan, it will be worth while, perhaps, to glance at that important question Avith reference to the population along the Ohio River. The water of the Ohio, in the dry summers, is now for many weeks stagnant in the pools. Along its course of a thousand miles, many cities and large manufacturing 76 HEALTH, AS AFFECTED BY RESERVOIR. towns have grown up, and are rapidly increasing in po¬ pulation, and, consequently, pouring an increased volume of filth into the stagnant river. There is no other place into which it can be conducted. The river itself is the common receptacle of all the contents of the sewers and gutters, and other disgusting products of all the cities on its banks. It is from the river, thus polluted, that the people of the Ohio Valley now derive their supply of water for domestic uses. It is scarcely to be doubted that the day is not distant, when these great and increasing cities will be driven to the necessity of purifying this tainted water, for the preservation of the health of their citizens. Even in London, where no such summer heats prevail as in the valley of the Ohio, the impure condition of the Thames has finally become a most serious evil. The present remedy, on the Ohio, is the natural floods which, during a large part of the year, cleanse the river and bear off its impurities to the sea. The future remedy, for the increasing evil, must be those artificial floods which I now advocate for other more immediate purposes. You may not receive the support due to this con¬ sideration, at the outset; yet, I am well convinced that in a little while, all the great cities on the Ohio will be ready to contribute to the production of summer floods, which, while improving the navigation for the benefit of commerce, will cleanse the rivers and purify the water they consume. IMPROVEMENT OF OHIO AND KANAWHA. 77 IMPROVEMENT OF THE OHIO AND KANAWHA TOGETHER. There is an important phase of the subject under dis¬ cussion which has not yet been considered, hut which cannot be overlooked in a comprehensive examination of this problem. So far, I have discussed the question of improving the navigation of the Kanawha as one wholly independent of the improvement of the upper Ohio, which I have so long and so unsuccessfully labored to effect, by the same means. But these two enterprises are so closely identified and connected together that they must necessarily be examined simultaneously. If the upper Ohio should be improved in the mode that I for¬ merly recommended for that river, and now advise to be adopted for the Kanawha, it will greatly lessen the amount of water which must be supplied by the artificial lakes that will feed the Kanawha, in order to bring up the navigation of the lower Ohio to a good boating stage. There are great interests on the Monongahela and along the Ohio, from its head to the mouth of the Kanawha, similar in character and fully equal in value to those on the Kanawha. The Ohio is everywhere almost as easy, and in some places and in some respects much easier, to improve than the Kanawha. The chan¬ nels of the Ohio are already well prepared by nature, and scarcely any excavation will be needed to fit them for the reception of the water to be supplied. It must be obvious, therefore, that so soon as you will have 78 IMPROVEMENT OF OHIO AND KANAWHA. demonstrated the success of the plan which I recom¬ mend to you, by sending the Kanawha coal to market while the coal from the Ohio Itiver above is excluded by the low water, those unreasonable doubts and un¬ founded prejudices against this system which have been cultivated on the upper Ohio with so much mistaken zeal, will pass away, and the same efficient system will be soon after adopted there. You cannot, therefore, hope, and would not wish, to enjoy these advantages alone. The same system which I here propose for the Kanawha must be promptly applied to the upper tribu¬ taries of the Ohio; and the coal of the Monongahela will be floated down that river, at first on occasional waves, and ultimately on continuous floods, artificially produced. The effect of the extension of this system of improve¬ ment to the upper Ohio will be of the utmost import¬ ance to all who are interested in the trade of the Kanawha; for it will enable them to confine their labors exclusively to the improvement of the navigation of their own stream. If a flood descends the Ohio of sufficient volume to float the coal barges from the mines along the Mononga¬ hela as far as the mouth of the Kanawha, it is very clear that it will need but a small additional contribution of water from the Kanawha to enable the same barges which will have descended 264 miles, from Pittsburg to Point Pleasant, where the slope of the river is greater, to continue on 200 miles further, from Point Pleasant to Cincinnati, where its inclination is much less. IMPROVEMENT OF OIIIO AND KANAWHA. 79 Without wearying you with the demonstration, allow me to say that a flood of sufficient volume to lift a boat loaded with coal over the shoals of the Kanawha into the Ohio, will suffice, when added to the wave that has brought similar boats from the mouth of the Mononga- hela to the mouth of the Kanawha, to float them on top of their united swells down the Ohio to Cincinnati. Now, further, the fact appears to me to be perfectly obvious, from what has preceded, that if we supply water enough to the Kanawha to raise its surface from 4 feet to 6 feet from the foot of Loop Creek Shoal to the foot of Tyler, a distance of 37 miles, that volume of water will serve to carry the boats which descend from above to the mouth of the river. We know that a rise of any given height at the head of any considerable shoal above Tyler, will produce a rise of greater height at every point below Tyler, and that the wave 37 miles in length, transferred to the lower part of the river, will, by reason of the diminished fall and consequent velocity below, be concentrated within a shorter distance, and hence create a higher swell. This was to be expected from the inclinations and the Avidths of the river, and this is found from measurements to be true, in fact. Of the 52i miles between the foot of Tyler Shoal and the Ohio River, the lower 20 miles has very little fall, and will be raised still higher than the section imme¬ diately above it, from Tyler to Buffalo. I make, then, this point: That your improvement of the Kanawha by artificial lakes must be followed imme¬ diately by a similar improvement of the upper Ohio, 80 IMPROVEMENT OP OHIO AND KANAWHA. which will relieve you altogether of the necessity of expending your supply of water in producing floods on the lower Ohio. These floods will be sent from the Monongahela and the Alleghany, and will only need to he replenished and augmented, as they lengthen out, by the contributions which will be furnished to them from the Kanawha. Your care will then be confined to sup¬ plying the Kanawha alone. To supply the flood which I deem abundantly suffi¬ cient for the Kanawha, you need only to fill the 37 miles of the river, from below Loop Creek Shoal to the foot of Tyler, two feet deep, after the permanent depth in the channels has been increased, as proposed, to 4 feet. To gain this additional two feet will require the ex¬ penditure of water enough to raise the surface of the river an average of very nearly 2h feet. (See Note F.) The width of the Kanawha will still be taken at 590 feet, though it is, in fact, above Charleston, somewhat less. The area of the surface of the 37 miles which I propose to fill to an average depth of 2\ feet, from Loop Creek Shoal to the foot of Tyler Shoal, will then be 37 miles X = 4 square miles. 5280 100 H But the Meadow Lake, as we have seen, contains a surface of 16.9 square miles. It follows, then, that if we wish to raise the river an average height of one foot, along a distance of 37 miles, we must reduce the reservoir IMPROVEMENT OF OHIO AND KANAWHA. 81 = t2A- of a foot, 16.9 100 or a fraction under 3 inches. To raise the surface of 37 miles in length of the Kanawha an average of 2i feet, we must, therefore, reduce the surface of the reservoir—neglecting the small fraction—71 inches. The average available depth of the reservoir, found by dividing the area of its surface in feet, into its avail¬ able contents in feet, has been shown to be 22! feet. But, we have just seen that every time we produce a flood six feet deep in the channels of the Kanawha, extending 37 miles along the river, we reduce the reservoir 7i inches. Consequently, to exhaust the 22! feet of available depth of the reservoir, will allow the production of 22/15x12 86 floods, 7.5 of the length and height proposed. We find, therefore, that this single lake will supply water enough to send coal boats, drawing ocer five feet, through the Kanawha into the Ohio River, thirty-six times a year. By a similar computation, if we first reserve water enough to maintain a permanent depth of four feet in the channels, we shall still be able, with what will yet remain, to produce twenty-two such floods every year. I wish to make this point distinct. Therefore, clear¬ ing the subject of all computations, I will say, that the single lake which I have surveyed, and of which survey I 82 IMPROVEMENT OF OHIO AND KANAWIIA. herewith submit the results, will furnish water enough to produce a permanent depth of four feet in all the channels of the Kanawha, and in addition, twenty-two floods every year, during common low water, of sufficient height to enable coal boats, drawing five feet, to pass down the Kanawha to the Ohio, in channels of which the minimum depth, from a point seventeen miles above Charleston to the mouth of the river, will be six feet. If, then, following your example, the interests on the upper Ohio should also construct reservoirs by means of which to send their coal on artificial floods as far as the mouth of the Kanawha, the interests on the Kanawha will be able, from this lake alone, after providing for permanently maintaining their own navigable depth of four feet, to replenish those floods, even if they come twenty-two times in a season, so as to sustain both the Ohio and the Kanawha boats on their voyage down the river to the markets below. I would earnestly urge, therefore, a concert of action between the common interests on the Kanawha and those on the upper Ohio and Monongahela, in seeking Congressional aid to enable them to carry on works, having this common object to reach. Their interests point to the same policy. Their action and efforts should be simultaneous. I hope presently to show that their interest extends, and that their influence ought also to extend, to the mouth of the Mississippi. There is one other point worthy of notice in this con¬ nection. IMPROVEMENT OF OHIO AND KANAWHA. 83 My proposition and wish have always been, since my mind was first directed to the improvement of the western rivers by the construction of artificial lakes, to supply water enough to the upper Ohio to maintain its depth constantly at five feet, in the beginning of the enterprise, and, as the system is extended, constantly at a higher stage. In my work on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, I have shown, from my measurements of the discharge of the Ohio over the Wheeling bar, that to raise the water there from its ordinary summer level to five feet, would require a daily supply to be added to the natural flow of about 700,000,000 cubic feet. The lake which I have this year selected and sur¬ veyed, will contain, as we have seen, 10,722,000,000 cubic feet of available water—and the streams which discharge their drainage into it wTill furnish an average annual supply sufficient to fill the reservoir. We may conclude, therefoi'e, that this artificial lake would alone suffice to maintain the navigation of the upper Ohio at the height of five feet, for a period of 10^722,000,000 700,000,000 ' It follows, then, that if four such sites as that which has heen examined on Meadow River, can he selected on the upper Ohio, they will alone he adequate to maintain the navigation there, at five feet, for a period of about sixty consecutive days of low water. Now, the cost of the Meadow reservoir has been esti- 84 NATIONALITY OF THIS W ORK. mated in this lleport at $370,000, and I have given a cross section of the site of the dam, and all the material necessary to enable any other engineer to make his own estimate, from the actual facts. Four such reservoirs, including the damages and pay¬ ment for all the property inundated, would cost $1,480,000. I do not submit this as a reliable estimate of the cost of maintaining a permanent navigation of five feet on the upper Ohio; but I offer it as the best estimate that can be made by the application of analogous facts. It has not yet been ascertained that equally good sites for artificial lakes can be selected on the tributaries of the Monongahela and Alleghany. All that the public can be certain of, on that head is, that they have never yet been sought. I can but express my individual opinion, founded upon my personal observation; which is, that they can, and will be shown to exist there, whenever the investigation is made by an engineer competent to select the sites and willing to find them. NATIONALITY OF THIS WORK. But there are other very great interests besides those of the Kanawha and the Ohio concerned in the present prosecution of this work. Indeed the interests are so vast, and so widely extended, that those of the Kanawha alone dwindle almost into insignificance in comparison with them. From the site of every dam we build, on the remotest tributary, to the mouth of the Mississippi, NATIONALITY OF THIS WORK. 85 the entire region has a direct stake in the work, of a commercial, a sanitary or a political character. Even the floods which we shall be able to pour out of this reservoir on Meadow River, will be sufficient in volume to produce a sensible effect on the height of the water in the Mississippi itself. Let us look at the subject, irrelevant though it may at first appear, in this relation. The average width of the Mississippi, between banks, obtained from numerous measurements made by myself or under my direction, has been shown to be, from St. Louis to its mouth, at high water, 3,236 feet.* The volume of water contained in one mile of length of that river, one foot in depth from the surface, when the channel is just bank full, is, therefore, 5280 x 3236 = 17,086,080 cubic feet. But the Meadow River Reservoir will hold 10,722,000,000 cubic feet of available water—sufficient to raise the Mississippi when in nearly full flood, if spread uniformly over its surface, one foot, for a space of 10,722,000,000 ift , 17,086,080 = 628 m ' In other words, if the Bayous were all closed, and the levees firm, and the water all confined, as assumed, to the space between the banks of the river, the available volume contained within this single reservoir would be equal * See Ellet on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, for the dimensions, discharge and other characteristics of these rivers. 86 NATIONALITY OF THIS WORK. to a stratum one foot deep extending 628 miles along the Mississippi. Now, there must be many who will not fail to per¬ ceive, that if, by letting water from a reservoir into this great river, its floods may be made to rise higher, by the inverse operation—withholding the waters of many tributary streams in reservoirs, at the time of impending overflow, and reserving it there for the benefit of navi¬ gation, and allowing the reservoirs to fill up when the Mississippi is rising, and to be exhausted in the summer and autumn, when the Mississippi, like its tributaries, is always low—the floods of that great river, produced by the out-pouring of numerous smaller streams, may be abated, and by the progressive extension of this system, ultimately controlled. This being, as I state, true for the Mississippi, it must hold, a fortiori, good, also, for every smaller stream, through the channel of which the water will flow on its Avay from the reservoir to the common recipient, the Mississippi. The proper discussion of this subject, of controlling the Mississippi, even briefly, would be foreign from my present purpose and duties. But it is important, if the company, complying with my recommendations, should decide to make a proposition to Congress to improve the Ohio, that the large interests requiring the protection of the Mississippi from overflow, should have confidence that this system of reservoirs, when widely extended, will serve to keep back in the mountains, the topmost stratum of the floods—that upper two feet which pro- NATIONALITY OF THIS WOI1K. 87 duces the destruction of their levees—and thus protect the coast. I have discussed this question fully in my work on the Mississippi and Ohio Itivers. I wish to allude here only to two errors, which have found extensive circula¬ tion and are supposed to militate against my views. It is gravely contended by many, that the widest pro¬ longation of the levees along the banks of the upper Mississippi and its tributaries, can do no harm and will add nothing to the height of the floods—because, it is alleged, these levees concentrate the water of overflow within the channel of the river, and thus confer on it the power to excavate a deeper channel to accommodate its increased volume. But this, I apprehend, is errone¬ ous. The increased power of the river to excavate a deeper channel for itself, is, if true, a speculative power, the value of which we have no means to estimate. It is an assumed power—admitting its existence—which is derived solely from the increased velocity of the current. This increased velocity of the current, which is real and can be approximately computed, is itself derived from the increased height of the surface. But this increased height it is which overflows the levees. Hence, for the hope, based upon this speculation, that by concentrating the waters of overflow within a nar¬ rower breadth, the Mississippi will be made, first to rise higher; then, as a consequence, to run faster; and then to scour its channel deeper, and so gradually let itself down into its deeper bed, thus produced; planters are advised to sacrifice their present estates and submit to 88 NATIONALITY OF THIS WORK. their present inundation, that future generations may reap a sufficient reward in the shape of a conjecturally deepened channel, and the speculative relief which will then be obtained. If the fact is once understood, that the water which is compressed between the levees must first rise higher to get vent, and so submerge the levees before it can be made to flow faster, and thus gain the power to scour deeper, the States of the lower Mississippi will be better disposed to unite Avith those above in a plan calculated to hold the destructive portion of the surplus waters back—to substitute new lakes in the mountains to per¬ form the natural functions of the lakes Avhich are now drained or to be drained, in the swamps. I cannot pursue this subject here. But I am com¬ pelled to conclude, that the system Avhich I recommend to you possesses all the elements which can be needed to clothe it with the characteristics of nationality. If once properly appreciated, the voice and the vote of the North and the South can be concentrated on a measure that will simultaneously protect the commerce of the North against droughts, and the estates of the South against inundations; and, when united, as they will be, Avhere is the power to resist their decision \ From the healthful mountains of Virginia and Penn¬ sylvania, to the fertile coasts of Louisiana, this water, to be held back while the floods are passing off below, and then emitted from numerous artificial lakes into streams of which the navigation is failing, will do good service all the Avay. It Avill convey health to the adja- NATIONALITY OF TIIIS WORK. SI) cent banks as it flows on, displacing the stagnant water from the pools. It will impart a sensible coolness to the air near the channels through which it passes. It will supply the cities on the banks of the river with the purest water, which has been cooled in lakes level with the tops of the Alleghany Mountains. It will sup¬ port the navigation in the summer and prevent inunda¬ tions in the winter throughout and along this vast reach of natural canals. This is the tendency and this the progressive effect of the system which I propose. I trust that such a proposition will be deemed worthy of careful consideration and encouragement by the pre¬ sent statesmen of the country ; and that, when it shall have so far made its way into your own confidence as to induce your Company to make the application for Con¬ gressional aid, to illustrate its efficiency by a single example, it may not be laid aside as chimerical, by those able representatives, whose support and confidence you will then need, as I now need yours. This branch of my subject, I well know, involves grave questions far beyond the recognized range of an engineer's duties and studies. I will venture, however, to make here one suggestion, without intending to infringe ever so little on the pro¬ blem involving the constitutional power of the Federal Government to engage in a general system of internal improvements. All now concur in the opinion that, lawful or unlawful, the assumption and exercise of such a general power would at least be inexpedient. Waiving, therefore, I say, that question, I submit for the consider- 12 00 NATIONALITY OF THIS WORK. ation of the Company, and of statesmen of the most conservative instincts, whether, in view of the almost boundless value of the system of improvement which I have projected, and, I think, demonstrated to be practi¬ cable, it is not worthy of a fair trial for the purpose of ascertaining, in a form which will satisfy the country, whether it possesses the intrinsic merits claimed for it by its originator, or not. It is scarcely reasonable that a Company, having only limited local objects of its own to promote, should be left to assume all this expense and struggle with this load, alone and unaided; when it is apparent, that, if successful, their expenditures and efforts will add hun¬ dreds of times more to the general good of the country, than they will promote their own immediate, local and peculiar advantage. I would suggest, therefore, most respectfully, that the Company would be justifiable in tendering a proposition to Congress, in which they may offer to construct one or more reservoirs on the tributaries of the Great Kanawha, of sufficient aggregate capacity to produce a given per¬ manent depth in the Ohio River, from the mouth of the Kanawha to Cincinnati, for a stipulated sum to be paid to them only after they shall have accomplished their undertaking, in compliance with such rules and tests as Congress may prescribe. In this form, no political or constitutional principle, I presume, can be violated. No abuse can spring out of it; no general precedent can be made of it. Congress will be petitioned to pay a certain moderate sum, in the DIFFICULTIES OF TIIIS WORK. 91 event that you establish at your own cost and risk, the success of a great and inestimably valuable system of improvement, by which all the navigable rivers of the country may he protected against injurious droughts, and the lands along their courses against injurious floods. My impression is that such a proposition, in this form, will command a very general support. The practicability of the system which I propose being thus once experi¬ mentally proven, its cost will be found to be not too great for the separate States, and in some instances private companies to encounter, and its indefinite exten¬ sion, without the further intervention of the Federal Government, will probably thus be secured. A similar appropriation for the Upper Ohio, subject to equivalent restrictions, would relieve the proposition of the objection that it partakes in any degree of a local character. The water sent down from the Monongahela would improve the navigation of the Ohio below the mouth of the Kanawha; and the contribution from the Kanawha would serve to replenish the wave sent down from the Monongahela. COMPARATIVE DIFFICULTIES OF THIS WORK. One of the many obstacles which I have been obliged to surmount in my efforts to introduce this system of improving rivers by means of reservoirs, is the vague impression which the public mind has received of the immensity of the work required for its accomplishment. For the purpose of removing this impression, I will com- 92 DIFFICULTIES OF THIS WORK. pare the undertaking which I here propose with -some others, of a different class, which are more familiar to the mind, and which have been or will be accom¬ plished. It may serve a useful purpose, too, in passing, to remind the reader that the only work required to form an artificial lake, in a properly selected site, is a single wall or mound across the outlet of some stream of sufficient magnitude to furnish the water needed to fill it. That is all. The remainder of the work is done by Nature. Let us now compare the volume of water contained in the Kanawha lliver with that which was pumped out of Haarlem Lake by three steam engines, each of 400 horses power, and then driven through a canal 40 miles long, excavated for the purpose, to the sea. I have already shown, that in order to raise the Kanawha River, from below Loop Creek Shoal to the Ohio, 871 miles, an average height of one foot, will require that we pour into it 272,895,480 cubic feet of water. Now, the three engines used in the drainage of Haar¬ lem Lake lifted about 832,000,000 cubic metres, or 29,360,000,000 cubic feet of water, in 19{ months — or at the rate of 1,560,000,000 cubic feet per month— nearly enough to fill the Kanawha River as far as it is proposed to make it navigable, one foot deep six times DIFFICULTIES OF THIS WORK. 93 in a month during the whole period the engines were at work. But we have here, to fill the Kanawha, no water to pump up. We have only a few gates conveniently arranged in a stone wall, to open, and the water will run out itself and fill up the river for us. There can assuredly be no serious difficulty in doing that. Again: The only work or structure required to con¬ vert the meadows of Meadow River into a sufficient lake to furnish the water needed to uphold the naviga¬ tion of the Kanawha, in the manner and to the extent proposed, is a dam 68 feet high, and which, if made of earth, and 100 feet wide at the surface of the water, and 300 feet wide at the bottom, will contain less than 290,000 cubic yards. Now, this is but about one-half the quantity of material required to form a single bank which it is proposed to raise across one of the gorges, and that by no means the largest, on the line of the Covington and Ohio Railroad. It is, indeed, not much more than one-third the quan¬ tity that will be required to cross a single ravine, yet to be filled, on the line of the Virginia Central Road. I might multiply illustrations. But it seems to me that I have demonstrated the practicability of this mode of improving the western rivers as far as it is possible to do so, without actually forming a lake and showing its power by the effects. That must be our future aim. The results of my labors under your authority are now before you, and the control of this great question, 94 DIFFICULTIES OF TIIIS WOIIK. as far as it affects the interests of your Company, passes out of my hands into your own. I am only too sensible of the imperfections and inade¬ quacy of my Report. The truth is, the proposition is so grand in its fea¬ tures and consequences; it affects so many, so great and such diverse interests; it involves so many scientific and practical considerations, that it cannot possibly be dealt with briefly and fully at the same time. I have been forced, therefore, to neglect many things well worthy, each, of separate and serious discussion. I have scarcely alluded to the five great navigable tributaries of the Kanawha, each of which is susceptible of material, and some of them, probably, of great im¬ provement, by this system, and which must ultimately and incidentally be improved by it. I have passed by, altogether, the greater tributaries of the Ohio, which, like the Kanawha, will be improved by the same process, and, in being so improved, will benefit both the Ohio and the Kanawha. I have not ventured to discuss at all the many details of construction for the dam, and the opening of the channels of the Kanawha. I have not alluded to the local uses that can be made of the great lake which I propose to construct on Meadow River, or the means of connecting it with the Covington and Ohio Railroad; and thus furnishing an outlet to market for the wide extent of mountainous country which may trade towards it, and over its surface. I have not been able to discuss the effect which given quantities of water would produce on difficulties of this work. 95 the depth or velocity in the channels through the worst shoals of the Kanawha. Neither have I ventured to consider at all the precise proposition which I think the Company might prudently make to Congress for the im¬ provement of the Ohio River. I had not the time to devote to these subjects if I had been willing to swell a Report, already too long, by dis¬ cussing them. Enough, however, I trust has been done, and fairly presented, to enable your Company to decide whether the Kanawha shall be improved in the mode which I recommend, in connection with the Ohio, or whether it shall be considered as an independent navigation, and suffered to stand alone: and, finally, whether this great system of river improvement shall be initiated in Vir¬ ginia, or left for some other community to begin. Washington, D. C., October 20, 1858. NOTE S. 13 NOTES. NOTE A. Mr. Fisk, in his Report of 1854, has presented the information con¬ tained in the detailed report of Mr. Gill to myself, in 1838, in a very convenient shape, by dividing the river into three sections, as follows:— The upper section; extending from"! the foot of "the falls" to the foot j of "Loup Creek Shoal" J Distance. ■ Fall. 22iVo Average fall per mile. a r> 2 41 off The middle section; extending"! thence to the foot of "Witcher's > Creek Shoal" J oo 3- 36 19 2 AIffff The lower section; extending") thence to the mouth of the river j 10 iff 49,7ff8ff 0 7 1 UTffff Totals O^Tff lOljffff The names of the several shoals or ripples; the distance of the head of each from the mouth of the river; the distance across, and fall at each; and also the length and fall of each of the pools between the shoals or ripples, on each of the " three sections," are as follows:— on the upper section. Distance, fall, and Distance, fall, and depth along depth along the the ripples and shoals, viz: o j* P — u d 2 ® river pools, viz: ft ° Dist. Fall. Depth. Distance. Fall. Depth. Miles. Miles. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Foot of the Great Falls . 94.20 ... ... Thence along the river . 0.83 'o.10 To head of Long Shoal . 9 3.37 4,224 10.28 3 to 4 Thence along the river . ... I.32 0.6 • to 6 To head of Rock Ripple 91.25 *264 O.62 2J Thence along the river . ... 0.25 0> 2£ to 6 ... To head of Loup Creek Shoal 90.®6 ... 8,712 10.'2 1 to 5 2.40 I.'2 ...( 13,200 21.02 2.50 21.02 ...{ =2.50 miles. 4.90 22.14 100 NOTES. ON TIIE MIDDLE SECTION. O Distance, fall, and Distance, fall, and depth along o V depth along tho the ripples and shoals, viz: « S o river pool s, viz: p- Dist. Fall. Depth. Distance. Fall. Depth. Mile-. Miles. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Foot of Loup Creek Shoal 89.30 Thence along the river . 1.9° O.50 3 to 11 To head of Island Ripple 87.40 2,640 i'.'7 3 to 5 Thence along the river . i.'45 J.29 7 to 15 To head of Lyken's Shoal 85.46 ... 2,376 6.02 2 to 3 Thence along the river . ... 0.3° 0.'9 8 ... To head of Staton's Run Shoal 84.™ 264 0." 3 Thence along the river . o.80 o.09 8 To head of Harvey's Shoal S3.83 ... 1,320 3.76 2J to 31 Thence along the river . 0.'° 0.'29 8 to 10 ... To head of Hunter's Shoal 83. 1,056 ) 1 54 2 to 3 Thence along the river . 0.75 0.5' 21 to 3 and 5 ; - ... To head of Windsor's Shoal 82.15 ... 1,320 o.78 1^ to Thence along the river . ... 2.60 1.08 8 to 15 ... To head of Paint Creek Shoal 79.30 ... ... 1,320 5.33 2 to 3 Thence along the river . 3.™ .85 6 to 16 To head of Bonsman's Island Ripple . 75.35 2,112 0.86 2\ to 5 Thence along the river . 0.90 o.03 9 to 15 ... To head of Cabin Creek Shoal 74.06 2,376 5.15 2 to 3 Thence along the river . ... 2.70 l.os 5 to 10 To head of Witcher's Creek Shoal 70.90 ... 2,112 4." 3 to 4 15.60 5.92 16,896 30.0S 3.20 30.08 X =3.20 miles. 18.80 36. ON THE LOWER SECTION. o ^ Distance, fall, and Distance, fall, and depth along © ° depth along the the ripples and shoals, viz: o St river pools, viz: ao ° k g S'C Dist. Fall. Depth. Distance. Fall. Depth. Miles. Miles. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet Feet. Foot of Witcher's Creek Shoal 70.60 ... ... Thence along the river . 2.40 I.03 3 to 6 ... To head of Catfish Shoal 68.10 528 i.19 3 Thence along the river . 10.80 0.5' 5 to 16 To head of Elk Shoal . 57."20 1,848 2.SI 2 to 4 Thence along the river . i.62 0.29 4 to 10 To head of Two Mile Shoal 55.33 ... 1,452 2.84 3 to 6 Thence along the river . 0.42 o.09 5 to 8 NOTES. ON TIIE LOWER SECTION — continued. 101 ° instance, fall, and Distance, fall, and depth along O ° depth along the the ripples and shoals, viz : • Cfl 0 if river pools, viz: .2 !■- Dist. Fall. Depth. Distance. Fall. Depth. Miles. Miles. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. To head of Island Shoal 54." 1,980 2.22 3 to 4 Thence along the river . ... o.73 0.17 5 to 8 To head of Tyler's Shoal 53.53 ... 4,356 4.22 2 to 3 Thence along the river . i.£° I.31 3 to 5 To head of Ripple . . 50.*° ... 264 o.'59 H Thence along the river . 2.65 I.5' 3 to 5 ... ... To head of Peeled Maple Shoal 48.10 792 0.67 3 Thence along the river . 5.61 i'.'16 3 to 5 ... To head of Johnson's Shoal 42.33 5,544 5.09 3 to 7 Thence along the river . 2.25 0.61 3| to 8 ... ... ... To head of Taeket's Shoal 39.03 2,904 2.20 to 3 Thence along the river . b!35 o.91 3 to 16 To head of Red House Shoal 32.13 ... 1,848 3.08 2 to 3 Thence along the river . ... 1,66 o.58 3 to 6 To head of Ripple . . 30.13 1,584 0.54 2^ to 4 Thence along the river . l.M o.'47 3 to 9 ... ... To head of Hurricane Ripple 28.53 ... 792 o.60 3 to 3^ Thence along the river . i'.'15 0.89 3 to 9 To head of Ripple . . 27.23 2,112 O.59 2£ to 3 Thence along the river . O.80 o.27 3 to 4 ... To head of Ripple . . 26.'03 528 o.'09 2| Thence along the river . 2.93 o.31 3 to 7 To head of Knob Shoal . 22.98 ... ... 2,904 2.31 2j to 3 Thence along the river . 1.20 0." 3 to 8 To head of Buffalo Shoal 21> 528 i> Thence along the river . 2.00 i .3o 2 to 5 To head of Ripple 19." ... 528 o> 2 to 2j Thence along the river . O.'20 0.w 3 to 5 ... To head of Ripple . . 18.83 528 o.35 21 Thence along the river . o.43 o.19 21 to 6 To head of Ripple 18.23 264 o.35 21 Thence along the river . o.'37 0." 3 to 4 To head of Ripple 17.'86 396 b.41 3 Thence along the river . 2.45 o.'68 3 to 10 ... To head of Arbuckle's Shoal 15.31 ... 3,168 i.97 2 to 4 Thence along the river . 3.25 O.59 4 to 10 To head of 13 Mile Shoal ll.« 1,056 r.'22 2 to 4 Thence along the river . 0.70 o.'02 3 to 13 To head of Ripple . . 10.59 *528 b.16 21 to 3 2 Thence along the river . O.50 0.l2,2i to 5 Thence along the river to the Ohio River . . . 9." 0.85 3 to 19 63.60 14.07 J 36,432 35.71 6.90 35.71 i =6.90 miles. 70.50 49.78 102 NOTES. NOTE 13. The following passage is taken from Col. Cotton's account of the public works of India:— Col. Cotton states that he has heard it said that the plan of making occasional floods in rivers, by drawing water from lakes, as is now done in Minnesota and Maine, has been long practised in Russia; but he gives no particulars. I need not quote his kind remarks on my own labors. He enters, however, at great length into the discussion of plans for the supply of the Godavery, the Jumna, and even the Ganges, and gives estimates to demonstrate that water enough may be collected on the tributaries of those streams to supply their navigation, for much smaller sums than would suffice in this country—the value of labor in India being very much less than it is in any part of the United States. The government, I am informed by Lieut. Haig, an intelligent and capable engineer of the Indian topographical corps, is now engaged in the investigation of this great problem by actual surveys, which, so far as they have progressed, have sustained the views promulgated in 1854 by Col. Cotton. I copy the following curious passage from Col. Cotton's work—which I consider an interesting illustration of the perversity with which the public mind sometimes rejects practical truths, while it seizes with avidity the most absurd propositions. "This mode of improving the navigation of Indian rivers has been singularly lost sight of; and what makes it still more remarkable, is, that the abstraction of water from navigated rivers for purposes of irrigation, to the endangering of the navigation, has to a certain extent aroused attention." .... "A few years ago an experiment was made in the Jumna, to try what effect the abstraction of the water had upon that river. By merely closing the canals that lead from it, for four days in the dry season, the water in the river was raised lj feet, and would probably have risen more had the canals been kept closed for a longer time." .... "The quantity turned into it (the Jumna, by closing the canals) was about half a million cubic yards per hour, showing that 12,000,000 cubic yards a day, would in a low state of the NOTES. 103 river have afforded an additional depth of 1| feet." .... "This addi¬ tional depth would make the difference between a stream scarcely navi¬ gable, and one quite available even for steamers." NOTE C. The results of my survey of the railroad line along Meadow and Gauley Rivers in 1838, were not included in my Report of that year. My Report, as published, was barely completed in time to be submitted to the Board of Directors a few days before the meeting of the stock¬ holders in December, while the surveys of the Gauley and Meadow River line were still in progress. The Report of the Assistant Engi¬ neer, Mr. Waller, if ever made, I understand is not now to be found in the office of the Company. I have, however, recently met with a letter from Mr. Waller to Mr. Wm. Carnifex, written immediately after the completion of his line to the mouth of Gauley, and containing a statement of " The distances and fall from different points on Meadow and Gauley Rivers," and dated January 10, 1839, as follows :— Milos. Feet fall. From summit of Meadow Mountain to Big Clear Creek oo 171 From Big Clear Creek (mouth of) to Mill Creek . n 1 From Mill Creek to Laurel Creek .... if 2 From Laurel Creek to Big Sewell Creek 3 11 From Big Sewell Creek to Meadow Creek . 9 7 A 19 From Meadow Creek to Cook's Mill .... 11 413 From Cook's Mill to Bracken's Creek .... n 67 From Bracken's Creek to Angling's Creek . H 72 From Angling's Creek to Arrowwood Creek 4f 201 From Arrowwood Creek to Headrick's Run 1 2 50 From Headrick's Run to mouth of Meadow River H 378 From mouth of Meadow River to Peter's Creek (on Gauley River) "A 398 From Peter's Creek to Elk Creek .... GO 187 From Elk Creek to mouth of Gauley River . 9* 36 104 NOTES. The above is a copy of Mr. Waller's list of heights and distances. By this statement, which I am sure may be relied on as correct, the mouth of Big Clear Creek—which is, in fact, the real prolongation of Meadow River—is above the mouth of Gauley . . . 1835 feet. Add, for the depth of the lake at the mouth of Big Clear Creek ......... 54 " Add, elevation of low water at the mouth of Gauley, above tide 659 " Surface of the reservoir above tide ..... 2548 " Summit of the Alleghany Mountain between Crow's and the White Sulphur Springs ...... 2325 " Elevation of the proposed lake above the summit of the Alleghany Mountain, is 223 " Again : The level of the lake is, above tide . . . 2548 feet. New River at the mouth of the Greenbrier River is, above tide 1341 " Elevation of the lake above the mouth of Greenbrier . 1144 feet. At one point, near the head of Lick Creek, a tributary of New River, where the prolongation of the spur of Big Sewell runs out, before it rises again to form Keeney's Knob, the ascent from the lake to the summit of the narrow ridge which separates it from the waters of New River, is quite small. It would not be very difficult at this point to drain a portion of the lake into New River, and if the height of the dam was moderately increased, to establish there an immense and valuable water power, and feed the Kanawha from the lake through the gorge of New River. The reservoir might also be drained, if desirable, by a tunnel of moderate cost, on the opposite side of the lake, into the waters of Muddy Creek, a tributary of the Greenbrier. The following facts may be of some interest:— Mouth of Big Clear Creek at low water, is . . . above tide Little Clear Creek, opposite Mr. Macfarland's house, is " The meadows, opposite Mr. Cralle's house, is . " The surface of the James and Kanawha Turnpike " The meadows, opposite Mr. Cabell's . . " Feet. . 2494 . 2512 . 2509 . 2512 . 2524 NOTES. 105 NOTE D. The following table contains the widths of the Ohio River, measured at common low water, in September, 1858 :— Depth of water on Letart Shoal, said to be 21 inches: on Eight- mile Shoal, 24 inches. surface widths. Feot. Pomeroy Landing, above Mr. Horton's dwelling . . . 637 West Columbia, quarter mile above ..... 132 Eigiit-Mile, half mile below ...... 851 Point Pleasant, at Ferry Landing 989 Galliopolis, at Ferry Landing 1017 Carrion Ripple, above Clipper Mill ..... 680 Raccoon Island, above head of . . . . .1132 Riggs' Woodyard 930 IIanly's Landing 773 Wright's Landing 1003 Straight Ripple, foot of 896 Swann Creek 1102 Jenkins' House, opposite, on gravel beach . . . .941 Green bottom Ripple 1089 Millersport . 965 Haskellsville 1061 Ansell's Farm 1035 Jillett's Landing 1020 Dog-ham Bar, below 953 Paddy's Creek, about one mile above Guyandotte . . 1246 Guyandotte Bar, below mouth of Guyandotte River . . 1205 Average width of the Ohio, by 21 observations . . . 965 From numerous observations, it appears that the surface width of the Ohio, above given, would be increased from eight to ten feet on each shore, by the addition of two feet to the height of the water. 14 106 NOTES. NOTE E. Extracts from a paper by Mr. Elwood Morris, Civil Engineer, treating of the available drainage from a given area. "The growth of the large towns of Great Britain, and the inadequacy of the old methods of water supply in many of them, have led to the most minute and accurate examinations of the quantity and ratio of annual rain-fall available in reservoirs, from the drainage of gathering grounds of known area; and these examinations have resulted in de¬ monstrating that a very large proportion of the annual rain-fall—far exceeding one-half in many instances—is collectable in reservoirs even from flat and cultivated sites. ■ • " This great fact, that more than half the annual downfall of rain is always collectable from ordinarily impervious gathering grounds, has been proven not only by elaborate surveys, but by the actual construc¬ tion and successful working for years of many important gravitation water works in Great Britain, with the results of which every civil engineer is, or ought to be, acquainted. " In every instance of European experience in the drainage to reser¬ voirs situated in the coal measures—as will be all that may be placed on the heads of the Ohio River—the available annual rain-fall has exceeded one-half of its vertical depth by the gauge, and has never been less than two feet. " The two reservoirs supplying the summit level of the Peak Forest Canal, in Derbyshire, contain 101,701,210 cubic feet, and drain 11 square miles of gathering ground; they use only the flood waters, the ordinary flow passing regularly to the mills below. One of them, erected more than half a century since, has never failed to fill from the surplus of floods alone. In dry years the annual rain-fall is 33 inches, and it is found that they always collect 24 inches vertical from the whole surface of their gathering grounds, or seventy-two per cent. " The Corporation of Manchester has constructed several reservoirs containing COO millions of cubic feet of water, and draining an area of 2!) square miles. They have bound themselves to furnish the mill NOTES. 107 owners below, an annual quantity equal to 31 vertical inches of the rain-fall upon the gathering ground—besides supplying the wants of the City of Manchester* "At the Paisley Water Works, experience has shown, that from 54 inches of annual rain-fall, 36 inches accumulates in the reservoir, or sixty-six per cent. "At Greenock, Shaw's Water Works, from an annual rain-fall of 65 inches, 42 inches vertical, or sixty-four per cent., is found to be avail¬ able in the reservoirs. " Another point of consequence has been determined in recent reser¬ voir experience, in Scotland, viz., that no aquatic plants grow where the water is over 12 feet deep, f "In deep reservoirs, therefore, there can be no decaying vegetable matter to affect the public health." TABLE OF RAIN-FALL ANNUALLY COLLECTABLE FROM GATHERING GROUNDS. No. NAME OF DRAINAGE AREA. 3 a '3 •» — le . Head of ripple (above low water) 3.73 feet. Foot, not obtained. (Shallows, essentially drowned out.) Peeled Madle Riddle . Head of ripple (above low water) 3.93 feet. Foot " " 4.13 " The backwater from the Ohio prevented the extension of these observations to the shoals below. Observations on the rise of the water at the head and foot of the shoals continued. June 11, 1858. Elk Siioal Head of shoal (above low water) 2.30 feet. Foot of (2000 feet below) " 2.72 " Young Two Mile Shoal Head of shoal (above low water) 2.11 feet. (Intermediate points not obtained.) Old Two Mile Siioal . (200 feet above foot of) " 2.45 feet. Tyler Shoal .... Head of shoal (above low water) 2.79 feet. Foot " " 4.64 " New Comer's Riddle . Head of ripple (above low water) 4.27 feet. Foot " " 4 47 " We perceive, here, that when there is a rise of 2.30 feet at the head of Elk, not only the "shallows" but also the ripples between Tyler and Johnson are nearly drowned out. Peeled Madle Riddle . Head of ripple (above low water) 4.50 feet. Foot " " 4.87 " June 12, 1858. Over night the river fell TV, 1858. Volumes in. cubic feet S ¥ Mt'.'UL Velocities Voloniies in It per see; Kiin of float f>() feet 3r \ SSH3 00 "£ P- "C ^ c * 1 II x 2 13 | -I i I ■•so § -■3 1 c Width of svniiuo UI7.H ft. Mean surface velocityprscc: 2.62 Average depth (>.72 ft. Total Area of Section Mean velocity pi- see: ..2.10 Inclination of the rivers Biirtare io?i4 Discharge pr: rhem.l30H. 1H2.000. eft Engraved at JM.Hutier's Establishment.84 Ciiestmit St Pliilad"?