THE CORPORATE HISTORY OF THE SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY TOGETHER WITH APPENDIX CONTAINING Map Showing Approximate Dates of Construction, Corporate History Chart and List of Principal Existing Deeds, Documents and Records, with their Custodian. Prepared as of June 30, 1918, in accordance with the requirements of Valuation Order No. 20 of the Interstate Commerce Commission as issued subsequent to General Session held in Washington, D. C., on the 13th day of May, A. D. 1915. COMPILED VALUATION DEPARTMENT SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY NORFOLK, VIRGINIA BURKE & GREGORY, INC. NORFOLK. VA. 1922 VALUATION ORDER No. 20. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION ORDER. At a General Session of the INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, held at its office in Washington, D. C., on the 13th day of May, A. D., 1915. CORPORATE HISTORY. It is ordered, That every common carrier owning or operating a steam railroad, whose property is to ho valued by the Commission under the Valuation Act of March 1, 1913, and every receiver or operating trustee of any such carrier, shall prepare and file in the office of the Commission at Washington, D. C., on or before six months after the service of this order upon it, a statement showing the following facts as to each corpora¬ tion, company, or firm, at any time connected with said railroad: 1. Give name of corporation, company, or firm; date of incorporation, and date of organization. If corporation, state whether incorporated under general law or by special act. If incorporated under general law, state where articles of incorporation were filed. If incorporated by special act, give reference to the act. 2. Describe the railroad, or portion of railroad, constructed by each corporation, company, or firm, and show as to each such railroad, or portion of railroad, as so constructed, the termini, the mileage of main lino, the mileage of any branch, or branches, and the date of construction. 3. State length of time any such railroad, or portion of railroad, was actually operated by any such corpo¬ ration, company, or firm, giving, in each instance, date of beginning and date of conclusion of such operation. 4. If any such corporation has gone out of existence, describe the proceedings by virtue of which the dissolution took place. If any such corporation is still in existence, state where its records are kept and give name and address of person who has custody of them. 5. State fully the chain of title by which the present corporation has acquired the property which it now owns or operates. In this connection, prepare and file with the Commission, as aforesaid, a schedule of all deeds, leases, reorganization proceedings and other instruments bearing upon the corporate history, and assemble and arrange the same for inspection and examination by representatives of the Commission. / The carrier shall file with the Commission copies of the above documents and records or extracts from the same as may be designated by the Director of Valuation within 30 days after notice. G. Prepare and file with the Commission a diagrammatic chart similar to, and containing information like that given on the sample chart hereto attached. By the Commission. GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary. FOREWORD Til h prosont Seaboard Air Line Railway Company is a consolidation, formed in 1915, of the Seaboard Air bine Railway and the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, formerly the Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway. The Seaboard Air Line Railway became existent on April 10th, 1900, through order of the Circuit « hurt of the City of Richmond, under which the name of The Richmond, Petersburg and Carolina Railroad Company was changed to Seaboard Air Line Railway, Subsequent to this change of name and during 1901, the various lines which, since 1893, had been associated together as the "Seaboard Air Line," an operating association of sovcral railways, were merged into the Seaboard Air Line Railway. The property and fran¬ chises of several corporations were acquired by the Seaboard Air Line Railway by direct purchase. The available corporate papers and records of the earlier corporations arc very meager. Extensive re¬ search was necessary in order to collect the information which has been recorded. In this research work files of old newspapers in the State Libraries, Legislative documents, available corporate records and various his¬ torical works were examined in an effort to secure complete and authentic data with regard to dates of con¬ struction and operation of each of the predecessor corporations. Personal memory of citizens of advanced ago furnished clues to valuable data as did "Poor's Manual of Railroads", but confirmation of all such data was sought among public records. Every effort has been made to secure accuracy, and it is believed that, ill spite of the difficulties, the history is correct as to dates and succession. References are made in the margin to the principal supporting data. Copies of the laws of the various Stales are. permanently filed either in the Congressional Library in Washington or in the respective State Libraries, und the Book of Charters to which numerous references occur will be found in the Law Library of the Railway at Norfolk, Va. The Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of I ho Stale of Florida have been printed and copies can be obtained from the Secretary of the Board. Numerous marginal references to these minutes appear for die Florida corporations and these Minutes have materially aided the compilation of accurate data as regards construction of the Florida lines. Owing to the lack of authentic information it has been impossible to report the exact, mileage construct¬ ed and operated by each of the individual corporations. The mileage recorded although not exact is approxi¬ mately correct and it is believed that no considerable discrepancy will be found between the mileage reported tu n in and the m:'«ige developed through actual survey. THE PORTSMOUTH AND ROANOKE RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 1 Place No. 87 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 8th, 1832, incorporated ci/chap'tir The Portsmouth and Roanoke Railroad Company to construct and operate a railroad ^L^ubr^rj^o'c l>aKC from Portsmouth, Va. to the Roanoke River. Construction was required to be commenced within three years and completed within ten years. The town of Portsmouth was authorized to subscribe for fifty thousand dollars, par value, of the capital stock. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 9th, 1833, CarolinaSau-j"'Pace rt2i incorporated The Portsmouth and Roanoke Railroad Company in North Carolina to charters Pace B99k Law construct and operate a railroad from the Virginia State Line to the north side of the Library a. c. Roanoke River near Weldon, N. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed February 26th, 1833, substituted Acts p^'"ja2 Assembly The Portsmouth and Roanoke Railroad Company for The Nansemond and Norfolk !1M8W, p,a?.e,l>8, Ch?ctcr I ». Booh of Charters PaRcs Turnpike Company, incorporated by Special Act passed March 31st, 1831, to con- land 20Law Library a.c. struct and operate a toll road from Hall's Mill, in Norfolk County, to Brewer's Mills, in Nansemond County. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed January 20th, 1834, authorized Acts of virgin^Assembly the Board of Public Works to subscribe and pay for at par on behalf of the State, two- -l!s; Boolf ?■! charters Pace 1 21 Law Libmr-y G. C. fifths of the capital stock of The Portsmouth and Roanoke Railroad Company, and to appoint two directors. The payments for the stock were authorized to be made from the Internal Improvement Funds, and, if they were insufficient, from the sale of five per cent State bonds. . A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 8th, 1834, amended the Actsof ^'"^As^^y portion of Incorporation Act which provided for land condemnation. 27\aw°LibraryaQCrcPaEl: A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified December 31, 1833, hVfCk Nortt', Carolina - . 1833-34 Page 132 Chapter authorized subscription to the amount of $30,000. for capital stock of The Weldon 79. Book of charters Page 120 Law Library G. C. Toll Bridge Company, authorized the laying of track across the bridge and extension of the railroad to the canal basin at Weldon, N. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed December 21st, 1835, authorized Acts of Assembly the Company to increase its capital stock and to borrow not more than 8150,000. ia Book of charters Pace ^ * ' 31 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 19th, 1837, Laws of North Carolina 1 , j ) ) 1836-37 Page 227 Chapter authorized an increase in tarin rates and the establishment of a station between Mar- ,°5K?Jl"r^rs,~aKC garct and Garys. 1 123 Law Library G. C, Acts of Virginia Assembly 1836-37 Page IIS Chapter 120. Book of Charters Page 33 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 14th, 1837, authorized a further subscription and purchase of capital stock by the Board of Public Works on behalf of the State to the amount of 850,000. Six per cent State bonds were authorized to be issued to secure funds for payment. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1836-37 Page 116 Chapter 121. Book of Charters Page 35 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 27th, 1837, authorized the Company to borrow one hundred thousand dollars, to establish a line of steam¬ boats on Chesapeake Bay. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1836-1837 Page 118 Chapter 124. Book of Charters Page 37 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed February 24th, 1837, authorized the Trustees of Portsmouth to subscribe one hundred and fifty thousand dollars addi¬ tional for capital stock of The Portsmouth and Roanoke Railroad Company. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1838 Page 103 Chapter 146. Book of Charters Page 38 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 5th, 1838, provided for the discontinuance of train stops at points other than regular stations and modified the authorized tariff rates. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1838 Page 103 Chapter 147. Book of Charters Page 40 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 31st, 1838, authorized the Board of Public Works to loan, on behalf of the State, to The Portsmouth and Roanoke Railroad Company one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. As security the Railroad Company was required to execute a general mortgage to the Board of Public Works. The authority to borrow one hundred thousand dollars given in the Act of March 27th, 1837, was repealed. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1836-37 Page 101 Chapter 118. The Company was declared to be subject to an Act of March 11th, 1837, entitled "An Act prescribing certain general regulations for the incorporation of railroad com¬ panies" except as to the method of voting and election of President and Directors. Section 20 of this Act provided that in case the Company should, at any time, after completion of the railroad, abandon or cease to operate for three successive years, the charter would become annulled and the title to the railroad be vested in the State as long as operated by the State, and if not so operated, the lands and improvements would revert to the original owners. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1839 Page 71 Chapter 103. Book of Charters Page 43 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 20th, 1839, authorized a further increase of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in the capital stock, two- fifths of which should be purchased at par by the Board of Public Works on behalf of the State. Fiinds for payment by the Board of Public Works were authorized, to be secured from the sale of six per cent Internal Improvement Bonds. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1839 Page 71 Chapter 104. Book of Charters Page 45 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed April 8th, 1839, authorized the release from under the general mortgage to the State of the land and wharf in Ports¬ mouth between Crawford Street and the River, known as Weston's Wharf, and the substitution therefor of a one-half interest in the Weldon Toll Bridge. The Company was authorized to sell the land and wharf to receive funds for payment of its debts to the State. Acts of Virginia Assembly 18.19-40 Page 74 Chapter 86. Book of Charters Page 46 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 17th, 1840, provided that fifty thousand dollars of the additional capital stock authorized by Act of March 20th, 1839, be six per cent preferred stock. The Company was authorized to sell a certain one hundred and sixty acres of land in Northampton County, N. C., and the general mortgage to the State was re¬ leased therefrom. The mortgage to the State on the half interest in the Weldon Toll Bridge was cancelled. 2 A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 17th, 1S40, authorized an increase in tariff rates. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 11th, 1841, merged the franchises and property of The Weldon Toll Bridge Company into The Portsmouth and Roanoke Railroad Company. The Weldon Toll Bridge Company had been incorporated by a Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina in 1831, amended by Special Act in 1835, to construct and operate a wagon toll bridge over the Roanoke River near Weldon, N. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 5th, 1841, authorized the sale to the Petersburg Railroad Company of one-half interest in the line between Garys and Weldon, N. C., and released this one-half interest from under the general mortgage to the State on condition that six thousand, two hundred dollars of the pro¬ ceeds of the sale be paid to the Board of Public Works. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1S39-IS40 Pace 75 Chapter 87. Book of Charters Page 50 Law Library G. C. Laws of North Carolina I8.H-.I2 Pape 100 Chapter M7. IS.t5-.l6 Pace 114 Chap¬ ter 158. 1840-41 Pace «>5 Chapter 54. Book of Charters Page 179 Page IS.t Page 184 Law Library G. C. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1840-41 Page 108 Chapter 98. Book of Charters Page 51 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 25th, 1843, increased the capital stock to $817,850. The additional subscription was authorized to be made by the Board of Public Works on behalf of the State and to be paid by release of all debt to the State with interest to January 1st, 1843. A new mortgage to the Board of Pub¬ lic Works was required to be made, dated March 15th, 1843, as security for three per cent annual dividends guaranteed on all stock issued in exchange for state debts and interest. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1842-43 Page 71 Chapter 103. Book of Charters Pagfc 54 Law Library Q. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 2nd, 1845, fixed the toll charges to be made on vehicles crossing the Weldon Toll Bridge. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 8th, 1845, di¬ rected the Governor to appoint a commissioner, who, with a commissioner, appointed by the State of Virginia, would have authority to sell the property and franchises of The Portsmouth and Roanoke Railroad Company at public auction on behalf of the creditors. The purchasers would be incorporated as a new Company with the same naine and charter rights as the then existing Company in North Carolina. Laws of North Carolina 1844-45 Pag* 119 Chapter 82. Book of Charters Page 130 Law Library G. C. Laws of North Carolina 1844-45 Page 107 Chapter 75. Book of Charters Pago 125 Law Library G. C. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Portsmouth, Va. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced in 1833, and completed, Portsmouth, Va., to Suffolk, Va., 17 miles, July 27, 1834; Suffolk, Va., to Dennis, Va., 16 miles, May 1st, 1835; Dennis, Va., to State Line, Va., 28 miles, Nov. 1st, 1835; State Line, Va., to Garys, N. C., 16 miles, Jan. 1, 1836; Garys, N. C., to Weldon, N. C., 2 miles, Dec.1st, 1836. The road was constructed with longitudinal wooden stringers covered with 2Yi inch by Yi inch strap iron. The gauge was four feet, eight and one-half inches. OPERATION. From the close of construction to January 6th, 1844, the line from Portsmouth, Va., to Weldon, N. C., 79 miles, was operated by the Company under its own manage¬ ment. 3 Nomi2« t v r roud was given to the new Company by the State on October 1st, bS->l. THE SEABOARD AND ROANOKE RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 4 Place No. 73 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed February 27th, 1846, provided Acts of that the purchasers at foreclosure sale of The Portsmouth and Roanoke Railroad Com- Jg^wTmrary'a'c™ P°BC pany should thereupon become a corporation, to be known as The Seaboard and Roan¬ oke Railroad Company with all of the charter rights of the former corporation, subject to the general railroad incorporation Act of March 11th, 1837. On September 4th, 1846, the Board of Public Works of Virginia purchased at pub¬ lic auction under foreclosure of mortgages to the Board of Public Works of Virginia dated May 4th, 1838, and October 14th, that portion of the railroad of The Portsmouth and Roanoke Railroad Company in the State of Virginia and thereby became incor¬ porated on September 4th, 1846, under the Act of February 27th, 1846, as The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, ORGANIZATION, The Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed February 27, 1846, stated that the purchasers of The Por'smouth and Roanoke Railroad Company under the foreclosure sale should become, ipso facto, a corporation called The Seaboard and Roanoke Rail¬ road Company. The principal office of the Company was at Portsmouth, Va. CONSTRUCTION. No lines were constructed by The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company (1846.) OPERATION. At the sale of September 4th, 1846, the Board of Public Works of Virginia became comptroller's Contract . No. 12065. the owner of the railroad property in Virginia of the Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail- road Company. On September 8, 1846, the Board of Public Works leased the railroad to the Trus¬ tees of the Town of Portsmouth for seven months. On May 28t.h, 1847, the Board of Public Works leased the railroad to the Trustees of the Town of Portsmouth for five years. On June 28th, 1847, the Board of Public Works sold the railroad to the Trustees Comptroller's Contract No. 12063. of the Town of Portsmouth. By terms of the Act authorizing this sale, the Trustees were made a body corporate, under the name of "The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company." As security for payment of the purchase price, which was 850,000, the Trustees of the Town of Portsmouth on June 28th, 1847, executed a general mortgage to the Board of Public Works. THE ROANOKE RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 5 Place No. 40 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 15th, 1847, incorporated The Roanoke Railroad Company to construct and operate a railroad from the Virginia State Line near Margarettsville, N. C., to Weldon, N. C., with an extension to the line of The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company at Gaston, N. C. Construction was required to be commenced within two years, and completed within ten years. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not know. The principal office of the Company was at Weldon, N. C. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by The Roanoke Railroad Company. OPERATION. No railway was operated by this Company. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 16th, 1849, and of the Legislature of Virginia passed February 1st, 1848, authorized a consolidation of The Roanoke Railroad Company and The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Com¬ pany, to form The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, a new corporation. NaTj'ooj""'* Co"trl":t On February 22nd, 1849, The Roanoke Railroad Company was consolidated with The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, to form a new company under the name of "The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company." Laws of North Carolina 1846-47 Page 200 Chapter 87. Book of Charters Page 131 Law Library G. C. Laws of North Carolina 1848-1849 Page 160 Chapter 83. Acts of Virginia Assem¬ bly 1847-1848 Page 181 Chapter 146. Book of Charters Page 66 Chapter 182 Low Library G. C. 10 THE SEABOARD AND ROANOKE RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 6 Place No. 41 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 10th, 1847, authorized pigeni'î5Achî!>uï the Board of Public Works, purchaser of the railroad, to lease the road for five years, w5L^Libf™ryaa?rc!>1,Re or sell for not less than 150,000 to the Trustees of the Town of Portsmouth and the Select and Common Councils of the City of Norfolk, jointly or to either singly, the purchasers at such sale to become by virtue thereof a body corporate, under the name of "The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company." On June 28th, 1847, the Board of Public Works of Virginia sold the railroad of The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company to the Trustees of the Town of Portsmouth. By terms of the Act authorizing this sale, the Trustees became on June 28th, 1847, a, body corporate, under the name of "The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company." ORGANIZATION. The Act of the Legislature of Virginia passed March 10th, 1847, stated that the purchasers of the railroad of The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company should become a body corporate under the name of "The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company.'' ;The principal office of the Company was at Portsmouth, Va. CONSTRUCTION. No lines were constructed by The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company (1847.) OPERATION. On July 5th, 1847, the Trustees of the Town of Portsmouth sold the railroad to Contract William Collins for $50,000. On December 5th, 1848, William Collins sold the railroad to The Seaboard and £om,Pi™ller', Contract ..... N°* '2062. Roanoke Railroad Company for 850,000. By Acts of the Virginia Legislature the bond of the Trustees of the Town of Portsmouth to the Board of Public Works was cancelled, and as a result, the bonds of William Collins, and The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company for $50,000 were cancelled. On February 22nd, 1849, The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company consoli¬ dated with The Roanoke Railroad Company (of North Carolina) to form a new com¬ pany, but retained the old name of "The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company." 11 THE SEABOARD AND ROANOKE RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 7 Place No. 14 INCORPORATION. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1847-48. Book of Charters Page 66 Law Library G. C. Laws of North Carolina 1848-49. Book of Charters Page 152 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January lGtli, 1849, and of the Legislature of Virginia, passed February 1st, 184:8, authorized a consolida¬ tion of The Roanoke Railroad Company and The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Com¬ pany, to form The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, a new corporation. On February 22nd, 1849, The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company consoli¬ dated with The Roanoke Railroad Company (of North Carolina) to form a new com¬ pany, retaining the old name of "The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company." Laws of North Carolina 1848-49 Page 163 Chapter 84. Book of Charters Page 156 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 29th, 1849, authorized a connection to be made at Halifax with the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail¬ road, or at Littleton with the road of The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1848-49 Page 103 Chapter 149. Book of Charters Page 71 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 17th, 1849, extended the date of payment for the railroad by the Trustees of the Town of Portsmouth to June 28th, 1851, and provided that, if the railroad be rebuilt and in operation to a connection with the line of The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company within two years, the Trus¬ tees of the Town of Portsmouth be released from further payment and the mortgage securing the payment cancelled. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1850-51 Page 59 Chapter 71. Book of Charters Page 73 Law Library Q. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed January 10th, 1851, authorized the Company to issue seven per cent bonds to the amount of four hundred thousand dol¬ lars secured by a deed of trust to John J. Palmer. Laws of North Carolina 1850-51 Page 282 Chapter 129. Book of Charters Page 157 Law Library Q. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified December 28th, 1850, authorized the Company to issue seven per cent bonds to the amount of four hundred thousand dollars secured by a deed of trust to John J. Palmer. The mortgage on the property of the Weldon Toll Bridge held by the Stato was authorized to be transferred to the Company in exchange for six per cent bonds of like amount; the principal payable in two and four years. Thé Act was effective on passage of a similar Act by the Legislature of Virginia. Laws of North Carolina 1850-51 Page 284 Chapter 130. Book of Charters Pago 159 Law Library Q. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 17th, 1851 repealed the portion of the Act of December 28th, 1850, which required a similar action on the part of the Legislature of Virginia. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1850-51 Page 59 Chapter 72. Book of Charters Page 74 Law Library G. C. Laws of North Carolina 1850-1851 Page 384 Chanter 131. Book of Charters Page 169 Law Library 11. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed January 10th, 1851, extended one year the required date of completed reconstruction and payment of purchase money by the Trustees of the Town of Portsmouth. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 28th, 1851, authorized a change of route between Margaret and Weldon to connect with the line of the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company. The required date of completion of the connection with the line of The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company was extended to January 1st, 1854. 12 A .Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 2Sth, 1S51. authorized a change in passenger tariffs. Vets of Virginia Assembly IS ^0-51 Pace 73 Chapter oi. Book of Charters Pape 71 Law Librnrv Cî. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed February 19th, 1S52, extended to June 28th, 1863, the date of the payments of the purchase price by the Trustees of the Town of Portsmouth. If the railroad were completed and in operation between Portsmouth and the line of The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company by March 17th, 1853, the entire debt of the Trustees and mortgage securing the same would be cancelled. The Company was authorized to own stock in The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company. Acts of Vircinia Vsscmhh 1852 Pape 127 Chapter 158. Book of Charters Pace 75 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed March 19th, 1852, changed the required date of payment of purchase price by the Trustees of the Town of Portsmouth to June 28th, 1S54, and extended the required date of completion of reconstruction to March 17th, 1864, Acts of Vircinia Assembly 1852 Pace 127 Chapter 159. Book of Charters Pace 79 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed January 26th, 1853, recited that The Roanoke Railroad Company had been consolidated with The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company February 22nd, 1849, and provided a new charter and by-laws. This was identical with the Act passed in North Carolina November 29th, 1853. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1852-53 Pace 143 Chapter 173. Book of Charters Pngc 78 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified November 29th, 1853, recited that The Roanoke Railroad Company had been consolidated with The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company February 22nd, 1849, and provided a new charter and by-laws. This was identical with the Act passed in Virginia, January 26th, 1853. Laws of North Carolina 1852-53 Page 544 Chapter 143. Book of Charters Pago 162 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 9th, 1855, authorized the sale of stock by the Company to pay its debts. Laws of North Carolina 1854-55 Page 303 Chapter 237. Book of Charters Pago 175 Law Library G. C. A Speeial Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed January 9th, 1856, authorized the sale of additional capital stock by the Company to pay its debts. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1855-56 Page III Chapter 136. Book of Charters Page 89 Law Library G. C. A Speeial Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 2nd, 1857, extended the date of payment of the principal of six per cent bonds of the Company owned by the State to January 1st, 1862. Public Laws of North Carolina 1856-57 Page 28 Chapter 33. Book of Charters Page 176 Law Li¬ brary G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed February 18th, 1858, authorized the Company to own or operate steam vessels operating from Norfolk and Portsmouth or to own stock in a navigation company operating steam vessels from these ports. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1857-58 Page 124 Chapter 183. Book of Charters Page 90 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, approved January 18th, 1872, author¬ ized the Company, with the consent of the State of North Carolina, to acquire and hold an interest in connecting railroad companies. Laws of Virginia Assembly 1871-72 Page 19 Chapter 26. Book of Charters Page 92 Law Library G. C. A resolution of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 9th, 1883, directed the Attorney General to investigate and report on the right of the Company to own stock of The Carolina Central Railroad Company. Laws of North Carolina 1883 Page 616. Book of Charters Page 177 Law Li¬ brary G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, approved November 29th, 1884, author¬ ized the Company to purchase and hold or guarantee the bonds or stock of any railroad or transportation line in any other State and to operate such lines. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1884 Page lf»5 Chapter 174. Book of Charters Page 93 Law Library G. C. 13 Acts of Virginia Assembly 1885-86 Page 374 Chapter 336. Book of Charters Page 95 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, approved March 1st, 1SSG, authorized the Company to lease connecting lines of railroad and to own or guarantee bonds or stock of any railroad company in Virginia or elsewhere, provided the lines in Virginia were connecting and not parallel. Public Laws of North Carolina 1891 Page 291 Chapter 323. Book of Charters Page 178 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 9th, 1891, levied a tax of twenty cents per share on the capital stock for the year 1802, and each year thereafter. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1891-92 Page 157 Chapter 90. Book of Charters Page 97 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, approved January 26th, 1892, author¬ ized the Company, with the consent of the Council of the City of Portsmouth, to con¬ struct and operate a double track in Crawford Street, Portsmouth, and from the City Limits along Race Street to the present passenger station. ORGANIZATION. The organization of The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company (Va.) was continued. The principal office of the Company was at Portsmouth, Virginia. CONSTRUCTION. Reconstruction was commenced March 1st, 1849, and completed.. Portsmouth, Va., to Suffolk, Va., 17 miles, November 9th, 1850. Suffolk, Va., to Weldon, N. C., 62 miles, November 27th, 1851. The railroad was built with a four foot, eight and one-half inch gauge, and laid with 30 pound rail. A new bridge over the Roanoke River at Weldon was built. The construction in the State of North Carolina was under the charter rights of The Roanoke Railroad Company. Such property in North Carolina as was owned by The Portsmouth and Roanoke Railroad Company had been sold at foreclosure sale and was later bought as real estate by The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company. Construction was commenced February 1st, 1887, and completed October 1st, 1887, from Boykins, Va., to State Line, 2.7 miles. OPERATION. From the close of reconstruction to August 1st, 1893, the line from Portsmouth, Va., to Weldon N. C., 79 miles, and from October 1st, 1887, to August 1st, 1893, the line from Boykins, Va., to State Line, 2.7 miles, were operated by the Company under its own management. From July 1st, 1889, to August 1st 1893, the line of The Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company was operated by The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, and The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, jointly. From October 1st, 1887, the line of the Roanoke and Tar River Railroad Com¬ pany, from State Line to Jeannette, N. C'., and from October 1st, 1S88, the extension to Lewiston, N. C>, were operated by the Company under lease until August 1st, 1893. From August 1st, 1893, to July 1st, 1900, the railroad of The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company was operated as a part of the Seaboard Air Line, which was an asso¬ ciation of: 14 The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company The Carolina Central Rai road Company, Durham and Northern Railway Company, Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company, The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, and l'nes leased by these roads. This was an operating association only. The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company was legally independent. From July 1st, 1000, to January 2nd, 1908, and from November 4th, 1909, to Sep¬ tember 15th, 1011, the railroad of The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company was operated by tiie Seaboard Air Line Railway by virtue of stock ownership. On January 2nd, 1908, the Receivers of the Seaboard Air Line Railway were placed in charge and operated the railroad until November 4th, 1909. On September 15th, 1911, the property and franchises of The Seaboard and Roan- Contr,,ct oko Railroad Company were sold to the Seaboard Air Line Railway. FLORIDA, ATLANTIC AND GULF CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 8 Place No. 104 INCORPORATION. Laws of Florida 1851-Page 37 Chapter 317 No. 6. Book of Charters Page 731 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved January 24th, 1S51, incor¬ porated the Florida, Atlantic and Gulf Central Railroad Company, to construct and operate a railroad from the St. Mary's River or the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico in West Flor'da as located by the State Engineer. Laws of Florida 1853-Page 22 Chapter 481 No. 2. Book of Charters Page 745 Law Library Q. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved January 7th, 1853, authorized construction from some navigab e river in East Florida to a point on the Gulf Coast west of the Apalachicola River. Operation was required to be commenced on each twenty- five mile section as completed. United States Statutes at Large 1841 Chap. 16-Vol. 5 Page 453. Minutes Trustees Improvement Fund Vol. I. The United States Government, by Act approved September 4th, 1841, granted to the Territory of F.orida five hundred thousand acres of public lands to be sold, and the proceeds applied for internal improvement. U. S. Statutes at Large- 1850 Chap. 84-Voi. 9 Page 519. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol. 1. U. S. Statutes at Largc- 1856 Chap. 31- Vol. 11 Page 15. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol. I The United States Government, by Act approved September 28th 1850 granted to the State, the swamp and overflow lands in Florida owned by the Federal Government. The United States Government, by Act approved May 17, 1856, granted to the State every a'ternate odd numbered section of land for six sections in width on each side of the railroads from Jacksonville to Pensacola; from Amelia Island to Tampa Bay, with branch to Cedar Key; and from Pensacola to the Alabama State Line; to be used in aid of the construction of those railroads. Laws of Florida 1855-Chap. 610 (No. 1) Amended 1855 Chapter 734 (No. 135) Amended 1855 Chapter 874 (No. 16) Amended 1859 Chapter 1015 (No. 20) Amended 1861 Chapter 1110 (No. 17) Minutes Trustees Improvement Fund Volume 1. The Internal Improvement Act of Florida, approved January 6th, 1855 (and amend¬ ments), place the public lands granted to the State by the Federal Government under the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund. The railroad companies were granted the alternate—odd numbered sections within six miles of the line of the road. The railroad companies were granted a right of way 200 feet wide. Railroads already chart¬ ered were required to give notice to the Trustees of the Fund of their acceptance of the provisions of the Act, within six months, on penalty of losing their charter rights for unconstructed portions of the line On the completion of the first twenty miles and each additiona' ten miles the railroad companies were permitted to issue first mortgage 7 per cent bonds at the rate of eight thousand dollars per mile, for construction, and two thousand dollars additional per mile for equipment, which would be guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Trustees on beha'f of the State. As a sinking fund each road was required to pay to the Trustees one-half of one per cent semi-annually on out¬ standing bonds. No bonds could be issued for work not completed within eight years of the passage of the Act. For bridges over certain large rivers an additional guaranteed bond issue was authorized. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol. I- Pngc 9. By letter dated May 2nd, 1855, from A. S. Baldwin, President, to the Trustees, the provisions of the Act were accepted by the Florida, Atlantic and Gulf Central Rail¬ road Company. 16 An Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved December 3rd, 1S63. amended the 'iTch" pfcl°r n'li2" Book of Charters Page 758 Law Library O. C. voting rights of stockholders. ORGANIZATION. 'The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Jacksonville, Florida. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced in 1857 and completed: Jacksonville, Fla., to Whitehouse, Fla., 11.5 miles, December 1st., 1858; Whitehouse, Fla. to Baldwin, Fla., 8.5 miles, April 1st, 1859; Baldwin, Fla., to Mattox, Fla., 3.0 miles May 1st, 1859; Mattox, Fla. to Olustee, Fla., 23.0 miles, October 1st, 1859; Olustee, Fla., to Lake City, Fla , 13.3 miles, May 1st, 1860. The line was built with a five foot gauge and laid with 50 and 52 pound iron rail. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Volume I Page 10-1 Pape 12.1 Page 126 Pape 149 Page 178 Page 185 OPERATION From the close of construction to March 4th, 1868, the road was operated by the Company under its own management. From March 4th, 1868, to July 29th, 1868, it was operated by William E. Jackson and associates, purchasers at foreclosure sale. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol. 1- Page 321. For failure to pay the one-half of one per cent semi-annually to the Internal Im¬ provement Sinking Fund, on March 4th, 1868, the railroad property and franchises were sold by the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund to William E. Jackson and associates. Deed was executed and possession given June 29th, 1868. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol. I- Page 323 Page 344 Comptroller's Contract No. 12052. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida approved July 29th, 1868, incorporated the purchasers as the Florida Central Railroad Company. Laws of Florida 1868-Page 145 Chapter 1646 No. 22. Book of Charters Page 759 Law Library G. C. THE RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 9 Place No. 31 INCORPORATION. Laws of North Carolina 1850 Page 250 Chapter 123. Book of Charters Page 255 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 29th, 1851, incorporated The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, a new and distinct corpora¬ tion, as successor to all of the property and franchises of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail¬ road Company. One-half of the capital stock was subscribed by the State and paid for by turning the existing rai'road over to the new corporation. The personal bond given by stockholders in the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company as security for State endorsement of bonds, was cancelled. Reconstruction was required to be commenced within one year and completed within three years. In case of failure of the New Company to organize by October 1st, 1851, operation of the railroad by the State would cease and the property be sold. Laws of North Carolina 1848-49 Page 138 Chapter 82. Book of Charters Page 248 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 27th, 1849, incorporating the North Carolina Railroad Company, had authorized the stockholders, who had signed the personal bond to the State as security for State indorsement of the bonds of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, to be released from the bond and to own a one-half interest in a new railroad company on payment of $500,000 for re¬ building the road, then in the possession of the State by virtue of foreclosure. Accept¬ ance of the Act within two years was required. On failure of the original stockholders to comply o'her parties would be admitted to a one-half interest in the new Company on the same terms. Laws of North Carolina 1852 Pago 527 Chapter 140. Book of Charters Page 265 Low Library Q. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carol'na, ratified December 25th, 1852, re-enacted and amended the incorporation Act of January 29th, 1851. Of seven directors the State was authorized to appoint three. Extensions to connect with the railroad of the North Carolina Railroad Company at Raleigh and with the line of The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company at Wcl- don were authorized. Laws of North Carolina 1854-55 Pago 302 Chapter 234. Book of Charters Page 278 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 20th, 1855, authorized the Company to accept $12,000 of stock of the Roanoke Valley Railroad Company in payment for cross ties sold to that Company. Laws of North Carolina 1860-61 Pago 148 Chapter 135. Book of Charters Page 279 Law Library G. C. Laws of North Carolina 1865 Page 19 Chapter 8. Book of Charters Page 281 Law Library G. C. Laws of North Carolina I860 Page 130 Chapter 57. Book of Charters Page 282 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 23rd, 1801, authorized an increase in the capital stock. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified December 16th, 18®, authorized the operation of a ferry across the Roanoke River at Gaston in place of a bridge which had been destroyed during the Civil War. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 19th, l8(i(i, released the Company from the obligation of reconstructing the bridge acioss the Roan¬ oke River at Gaston, IS An ordinance of the General Convention of North Carolina, ratified June loth, 1866, authorized the exchange at par of railroad stock owned by the State for State bonds issued prior to 1861. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 4th, 1867, recited that under an ordinance of the General Convention of June 15th, 1866, the Public Treasurer had sold to The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company the stock owned by the State, and authorized the stockholders to elect all seven directors. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified December 4th, 1871, amended the method of election of President and Directors. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 11th, 1889, assessed a tax of twenty-five cents per share on the capital stock for the year 1867 and each subsequent year. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 1st, 1897, author¬ ized changes in the alignment, and the charter provisions for condemnation were ex¬ tended to cover lands needed for such changes. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 16th, 1899, authorized its union with other railroad companies not parallel or competing. A Special Act of the Legislature, ratified February 24th, 1899, modified the text of the Act of February 16th, 1899, which authorized the union with other railroad com¬ panies. North Carolina General Convention Ordinance 1866. Laws of North Carolina 1866-67 Pape 183 Chapter 109. Book of Charters Page 288 Law Library G. C. Public Laws of North Carolina 1871-72 Page 2 Chapter 2. Book of Chart¬ ers Page 290 Law Library a. c. Public Laws of North Carolina 1889 Page 179 Chapter 216. Book of Charters Page 292 Law Li¬ brary G. C. Public Laws of North Carolina 1897 Page 292 Chapter 170. Book of Charters Page 294 Law Li¬ brary G. C. Private Laws of North Carolina 1899 Page 118 Chapter 68. Book of Charters Page 298 Law Li¬ brary G. C. Private Laws of North Carolina 1899 Page 216 Chapter 107. Book of Charters Page 302 Law Li¬ brary G. C. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders September 12th, 1851. The principal office of the Company was at Raleigh, N. C. CONSTRUCTION. The reconstruction of the railroad formerly owned by the Raleigh and Gaston Rail¬ road Company was .commenced November 1st, 1851, and completed January 1st, 1853, from llalcigh, N. C., to Gaston, N. C., 84 miles. The line from Gaston, N. C., to Weldon, N. C., 12 miles, was commenced March 1st, 1852; and completed July 1st, 1853. The connection' at Raleigh from Johnston Street to the North Carolina Railroad, 1 mile, was commenced July 1st, 1853, and completed January 1st, 1854. The lines were built with a four foot, eight and one-half inch gauge and laid with 45 pound iron rail. Construction was commenced-March 1st, 1897, and completed January 1st, 1898, from Roanoke Junction, N. C., to Roanoke Rapids, N. C., 2.5 miles A new line from Thclma N. C , north, 2 miles was completed July 1st, 1898, and the loop at Gaston, N. Ç., was abandoned. OPERATION. The rai road formerly owned by the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company was delivered by the State to the Company October 1st, 1851. From October 1st 1851, to August 1st, 1833, the line from Raleigh, N. C , to Gas¬ ton N. C., 84 miles, was operated by the Company under its own management. 19 From July 1st, 1853, to August 1st, 1893, the line from Gaston, N. C., to Welclon, N. C. 12 miles was operated by the Company under its own management. No?1i83i?"Lr's Contract From July 20th, 1885, to August 1st, 1893 the railroad of The Louisburg Railroad Company was operated by •The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company under lease, dated July 17th, 1885 From July 1st, 1889, to August 1st, 1893, the railroad of The Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company was operated by The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Com¬ pany and The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, jointly. From August 1st, 1893, to July 1st 1900, the railroad was operated as a part of the "Seaboard Air Line,'' which was an association of The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, The Carolina Central Railroad Company, The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company, Durham and Northern Railway Company, and lines leased by these railroads. This was an operating association only, and had no corporate existence. The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company was legally independent. From July 1st, 1900, to November 7th 1901, the road was operated by the Seaboard Air Line Railway, by virtue of stock ownership. Comptroller1» Contract On. August 7th, 1901, the property and franchises of The Louisburg Railroad Com¬ pany were sold to The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, comptroller's Contract On November 7th, 1901, The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company was merged into the Seaboard Air Line Railway. FLORIDA RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 10 Place No. 103 INCORPORATION. The Florida Railroad Company was incorporated in Florida by a special Act, ap¬ proved January 8th 18.53, to construct and operate a railroad across the Peninsula of Florida from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, south of the Suwanee River. The United States Government, by Act approved September 4, 1841, granted to the Territory of Florida, five hundred thousand acres of public lands to be sold and the proceeds applied for internal improvements. The United States Government, by Act approved Sept. 28, 1850, granted to the State the swamp and overflow lands in Florida owned by the Federal Government. The United States Government, by Act approved May 17th, 1856, granted to the State every alternate section of odd numbered sections for six sections in width on each side of the railroad from Jacksonville to Pensacola; from Amelia Island to Tampa Bay, with branch to Cedar Key; and from Pensacola to the Alabama State Line; to be used in a'd of the construction of these railroads. The Internal Improvement Act of Florida, approved January Cth, 1855 (and amend¬ ments), placed the public lands granted to the State by the Federal Government under the TTustees of the Internal Improvement Fund. The railroad companies were granted the alternate odd numbered sections with'n six miles of the line of the road. The rail¬ road companies were granted a right of way 200 feet wide. Railroads already chartered were required to give notice to the Trustees of the Fund of their acceptance of the pro¬ visions of the Act, within six months, on penalty of losing their charter rights for unconstructed portions of the line. On the completion of the first twenty miles and each additional ten miles the railroad companies were permitted to issue first mortgage 7 per cent bonds at the rate of eight thousand dollars per mile, for constriction, and two thousand dollars additional per mile for equipment, guaranteed as to principal and in¬ terest by the Trustees on behalf of the State. As a sinking fund each road was required to-pay to' the Trustees one-half of one per cent semi-annually on outstanding bonds. For all bond interest paid by the Trustees the railroad companies were required to de¬ liver to the Trustees'an equal amount of capital stock. No bonds could be issued for work not completed within eight years of the passage of the Act. For bridges over cer¬ tain large rivers an additional guaranteed bond issue was authorized. Exemption from taxation was granted for 35 years. By letter dated March Cth, 1855, from D. L. Yulee. President, to the Trustees, the provisions of the Act were accepted bv the Florida Railroad Company. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida approved December 4th, 1855, authorized construction from Amelia Island to Tampa Bay, with a branch to Cedar Key, under the Internal Improvement Act, and authorized the company to own and operate vessels. By this Act the Directors were authorized to set off any portion of the line to a corpora¬ tion having a distinct organization and different name, which would succeed to all the rights of the Florida Railroad Company, for the portion set off. Laws of Florida 1853-Pape 31 Chap. 482-No. 3. Hook of Charters Pane 701 Law Library General Counsel. U. S. Statutes at Larpc- 1841 Chap. I ft-Vol. 5 PaRC 453. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol. I. U. S. Statutes at LarRc- 1850 Chap. 84- Vol. 0 PaRC 519. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol. I. U. S. Statutes at Larpc- 1856 Chap. 31- Vol. Il Pape 15. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol. I Laws of Florida 1855-Chap. 610 (No. I) Amended 1855 Chapter 734 (No. 125) Amended 1855 Chapter 874 (No. 16). Amended 1859 Chapter 1015 (No. 20) Amended 1861 Chapter 1110 (No. 17) Minutes Trustees Improvement Fund Volume I. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol. I, Page 7. Laws of Florida 1855-PaRe I6-Chap. 729 (No. 120). Book of Charters Pape 711 Law Library G. C. 21 Laws of Florida 1869-Page 29 Chapter 1716 (No. 4). Book of Charters Page 798 Law Library Q. C. An Act, approved June 24th, 1869, which incorporated the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad Company, authorized the issuance' by the Florida Railroad Com¬ pany, or its successor, of 7 per cent bonds amounting to fourteen thousand dollars per mile of completed road between Amelia Island and Tampa Bay, which would be guaran¬ teed as to principal and interest by the Governor on behalf of the State or exchanged for a like amount of State bonds. In case of default, the Governor could sell the railroad property and the purchasers would succeed to all rights and franchises of the Florida' Railroad Company. Laws of Florida 1870-Page III Chap. 1795 (No. 65). Book of Charters Page 713 Law Library Q. C. Minute Book Florida R. R. Co. Page 10-27. Laws of Florida 1873-Page 30Chop. I960-No. 26. Bbok of Charters Page 825 Law Library Q. C. By an Act of the Florida Legislature, approved February 7th, 1870, the Florida Railroad Company was required to commence construction from the then constructed line towards Tampa within twelve months and to construct as far as Ocala within two years. The charter of the Company was extended to cover construction to Charlotte Harbor and authorization was given for a separate issue of capital stock for this portion. The amount of State guaranteed bonds which could be issued was increased to sixteen thousand dollars per mile. The provisions of this act were accepted by letter dated January 4, 1870, from John Hedges, Secretary, to Governor Harrison Reed. An Act, approved February 24th, 1873, repealed the Acts authorizing Statp in¬ dorsement of bonds or issue of State bonds in exchange for railroad bonds. No bonds' of tjie Florida Railroad Company had been issued under the act of June 24th, 1869. Minute Book Florida R. R. Co. ORGANIZATION. The stockholders effected the organization at a meeting held at Jacksonville, Fla., March 6th, 1855. The principal office of the Company was at Fernandina, Fla. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Volume I. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol.-l Page 287 Page 289 Page 292 Pago 326 Minute Book Fia. R. R. Co.-Page 3. Comptroller's Contract No. 12068. =lorlda Laws 1872-Page 89 Chapter 1918 No. 5ft. Book if Charters Page 715 Law library Q. C. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced in 1855, and was completed from: Fernandina to Lofton, 10 miles, August 1, 1856; Lofton to Crawford, 20 miles, November 1, 1856 ; Crawford to Fiftone, 20 miles, August 1, 1857; Fiftone to Reynolds, 24 miles, March 1, 1858; Reynolds to Hampton, 6 miles, January 1, 1859; Hampton to Gainesville, 17.5 miles, February 1, 1859; Gainesville to Venables, 20 miles, June 1, 1859; Venables to Sumner, 30.5 miles, January 1, 1860; Sumner to Cedar Key, 7.5 miles, March 1, 1861. The line, 155.5 miles long, was constructed with a five foot gauge and laid with 58 pound iron rail. OPERATION. The railroad was operated by its own organization from the close of construction until October 6, 1866. For failure to pay since November 5th, 1863, the one-half of one per cent semi-an¬ nually for sinking fund on the State guaranteed bonds, the Trustees of the Improvement Fund took possession October 6th, 1866, and operated the- line until November 3rd, 1866. The property was sold at Public Auction at Gainesville, Fla., on November 1st, 1866, to Isaac K. Roberts for $323,400, and at the request of the purchaser was, by deed dated November 3rd, 1866, conveyed to Edward N. Dickerson and associates. The Florida Railroad Company was reorganized by the purchasers and operated under its own management from November 3rd, 1866, to January 18th, 1872. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved January 18th, 1872, changed the name of the Company to Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Company. 22 PENSACOLÀ AND GEORQ1A RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 11 Place No. IOS INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved January 8, 1853, incorporated the Pensacola and Georgia Railroad Company to construct and operate a railroad from Pensacola to a point on the State Line between Georgia and Florida. Construction was required to be commenced in five years and completed in twenty years. Law» of Florida (HM-Page 44 Chapter 484 No. 8, Book of Charters Pose ?tU Law Library CL C. The United States Government, by Act approved September 4, 1841, granted to the Territory of Florida five hundred thousand acres of public lands to be sold and the proceeds applied for internal improvements. U. S. statutes at Larte- 1841 Chap. 16-Vol, 8 Page 451 Minutes Trustees lm« provement Fund Vol, I. The United States Government, by Act approved September 28th, 1850, granted to the State the swamp and overflow lands in Florida owned by the Federal Government. The United States Government, by Act approved May 17, 1856, granted to the ' State every alternate odd numbered section of land for six sections in width on each side of the railroads from Jacksonville to Pensacola; from Amelia Island to Tampa Bay, with branch to Cedar Key; and from Pensacola to the Alabama State Line; to be used in aid of the construction of these railroads. U. S. Statutes at Large* 1850 Chap. 84-Vol. 9 Page 519 Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol. 1. U. S. Statutes at Largc- 1856 Chap. 31-Vol. II Page 15 Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol. I. The Internal Improvement Act of Florida approved January 6th, 1855 (and amend¬ ments) placed the public lands granted to the State by the Federal Government under the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund. The railroad companies were granted the alternate odd numbered sections within six miles of the line of the road. Tl^p rail¬ road companies were granted a right of way 200 feet wide. Railroads already chartered were required' to give notice to the Trustees of the Fund of their acceptance of the provi¬ sions of the Act, within six months, on penalty of losing their charter rights for uncon- structed portions of the line. The railroad companies, were permitted to issue first mortgage 7 per cent bonds at the rate of eight thousand dollars per mile, for construc¬ tion, and two thousand dollars additional per mile for equipment, guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Trustees on behalf of the State. As a sinking fund ëach road was required to pay to the Trustees one-half of one per cent semi-annually on out¬ standing bonds. No bonds could be issued for work not completed within eight years of the passage of the Act. For bridges over certain large rivers an additional guaranteed bond issue was authorized. Laws of Florida 1855-Chap. 610 (No. 1) Amended 1855 Chapter 734 (No. 125) Amended 1855 Chapter 874 (No. 16). Amended 1859 Chapter 1015 (No. 20) Amended 1861 Chapter 1110 (No. 17) Minutes Trustees Improvement Fund Vol. 1. By letter dated February 12th, 1855 from Benjamin F. Whitner, Secretary, to the Trustees, the provisions of the Act were accepted by the Pensacola and Georgia Rail¬ road Company. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol. I- Page 4. An Act, approved December 15th, 1855, authorized construction to Lake City. The company was authorized to set off any portion of the line to a corporation having distinct organization and different name which would succeed to all the charter rights of the Pensacola and Georgia Railroad Company for the portion so set off. Laws of Florida 1855-Page 15 Chapter 728 No. 119 Book of Charters Page 7<>9 Law Library General Counsel. 23 Laws of Florida .X5S-9- Pagc 120 Chapter 948-Ng. 90 1859-Page 30 Chapter 1021-No. 26. Book of Chart¬ ers Page 772 Law Library General Counsel. An Act, approved January. 15th, 1859, authorized the construction of a branch line from Quincy, Tallahassee or some point on the Tallahassee Railroad to the Gulf of Mexico. By an Act approved December 22nd, 1859, this was re-enacted to cure errors in original enactment. Laws of Florida 1866-Page 45 Chapter 1573 No. 40. Book of Charters Page 776 Law Library General Counsel. An Act, approved December 13th, 1866, authorized the sale of a branch line, between Live Oak and the State Line between Georgia and Florida, to the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Company of Georgia. Cash from the sale was directed to be expended for construction between Quincy and Pensacola. Laws of Florida 1866-Page ■17 Chapter 1574 No. 41. Book of Charters Page 779 Law Library G. C. An Act, approved December 1-1 th, 1866, provided for the detention of goods for non-payment of freight charges. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Tallahassee, Fla. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol. I Pago 64 Pago 69 Pago 86 Page 161 Page 176 Page 184 Page 186 Page 187 Page 199 Page 200 Page 201 Page 229 Pago 239 Page 241 CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced in March, 1856 at Talla'hassee and in May, 1860 at Lake City and completed : Tallahassee to Capitola, 13 miles, November 1st, 1857; Capitola to Brasswells, 12 miles, February 1st, 1858; Brasswells to Drifton, 2.7 miles, January 1st, 1860; Drifton to Monticello, 4.4 miles, January 1st, 1860; Drifton to Greenville, 15 miles, March 1st, 1860; Greenville to Madison, 10 miles, July 1st, 1860; Lake City to Welborn, 10 miles, July 1st, 1860; Welborn to Madison, 43.1 miles, January 1st, 1861; Tallahassee to Norfleet, 7 miles, January 1st, 1861; Norfleet to Midway, 8.5 miles, May 1st, 1862; Midway to Quincy, 8.4 miles, February 1st, 1863. The line was constructed with a five foot gauge and laid with 52 lb. iron rail. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Volume 1 Page 360 Page 370 Page 376 OPERATION. The railroad was operated by the Company Under its own management from the close of construction to April 8th, 1-869 and by F. Dibble and associates from April 8th, 1869 to June 24th, 1869. Comptroller's Contract No. 12053. For failure to pay the one-half of one per cent semi-annually to the sinking fund on the State guaranteed bonds, the property and franchises of the company were sold at public auction by the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund at Tallahassee, Fla., March 20th, 1869, to Franklin Dibble and associates. Deed was executed and pos¬ session given on April 8th, 1869. A portion of the purchase money was not paid and formed a basis for much litigation with successor corporations. Lows of Florida 1869-Page 40 Chapter 1718 No. 6. Book of Charters Page 798 Law Library G. C. By an Act, approved June 24th, 1869, the purchasers of the Pensacola and Georgia Railroad and of the Tallahassee Railroad were incorporated to form the Tallahassee Railroad Company, a new and distinct corporation. 24 WILMINGTON AND CHARLOTTE RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 12 Place No. 89 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 3rd, 1855, cnrailna VssS-ss"pncc "226. incorporated the Wilmington and Charlotte Railroad Company to construct and operate L^Vibraryra.rc.PllKC 426 a ra'iroad from Wilmington, N. C. to Rutherfordton, N. C. The Public Treasurer was authorized to guarantee on behalf of the State, six per cent bonds to the amount of $200,000, for each completed twenty-five mile section. As security for these bonds the railroad was required to execute a general mortgage deed to the State. The total issue of State guaranteed bonds was limited to $1,600,000. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Wadesboro, N. C. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by'the Wilmington and Charlotte Railroad Company. OPERATION. No railway was operated by this Company. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified November 14th, 1855, £riva'e La"s °fr, North 1 v^aroiina P02c 2*11 changed the name of the Corporation to Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail- cKcVs Pas'c mihuw u' road Company. brar>o. c. WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE AND RUTHERFORD RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 13 Place No. 76 INCORPORATION. Private Law* of North Carolina IK1I4-5I Pane 241 Chapter J10, Book of Charier» Pane 4SI) Law Li¬ brary 0. c. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified November 14th, 1855, incorporated the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company as successor to all of the charter rights of the Wilmington and Charlotte Railroad Company. Private Lawa of North Carolina I8S6-S7 PaKe 47 Chapter 67. Book of Charter» Page 452 Law Li¬ brary O. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 2nd, 1857, authorized that construction proceed simultaneously in two sections; one commencing at the west bank of the northwest branch of the Cape Fear River, and the other com¬ mencing at Charlotte. Construction into Wilmington was authorized, if done within six years. Branches to Fayetteville, Gold Hill and the coal fields in Moore and Montgomery Counties were authorized to be constructed, but funds from the State Guaranteed Bonds could not be applied to these branches. Counties and incorporated cities were authorized to subscribe for capital stock; issuing bonds when necessary to pay for the subscription. Private Laws of North Carolina 1858-1859 Page 214 Chapter 168, Book of Charters Page 459 Law Li¬ brary Q, C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 7, ISfiO, authorized the exchange of six percent State Bonds for railroad bunds of like amount, instead of State Endorsement. The State Bonds were limited to #8,000, per mile of completed line, and were required to be sold at not less than par, Private Laws of North Carolina 1860-61 Page 173 Chapter 142, Book of Charters Pago 463 Law Library Q. C, A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 16th, 1801, authorized a special advance loan by the Publie Treasurer of $600,000, to aid in com¬ pletion of the section east of Charlotte and of $340,000, to aid in the completion of the section west of Charlotte Six percent, 30 year, State Bonds were authorized to be issued to secure funds, and the Company was required to deposit with the Publie Treasur¬ er an equal amount of its first mortgage bonds. Construction of a branch line to Salisbury, N, C, wag authorized, provided no State loans were used in the construction. Public Laws of North Carolina 1865 Page 4 Chap» ter 3. Book of Charters Page 467 Law Library Q, C, A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified December 16th, 1865, authorized the issuance to the Company of six per eant State bonds to the amount of $455,000 in United States currency in plaee of such bonds in Confederate currency as had been issued under the Act of February 10th, 1861. I'rlvolo Lnw» of North Carolina woo I'nuo no Chapter 4L Book of Churtora l'usa 4o0 Law Li¬ brary O. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 9th, 1866, author¬ ized the construction and operation of an extension to Asheviile, N. C, This extension was required to be built without the loan of State fufids or State eredlt, Low» of North Carolina l«(,o-o7 l'ai!» IHI C hunter 10». Book of Charters Paso 471 Low Library O. C, A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified December 20th, 1806, authorized the Company to issue bonds to the amount of $4,000,000 and bearing eight, per cent interest, and to make as security a general mortgage, which, when recorded in New Hanover County, would be a first mortgage and superior to the Hon of the State for previous advances. When the entire issue of $4,000,000 in bunds was sold, the Com- 2G pany was required to repay the debt to the State in State bonds at par. All further exchange of railroad bonds for State bonds or State Endorsement of railroad bonds was prohibited. An extension to the Tennessee State Line was authorized. An ordinance of the Convention of North Carolina, ratified February 5th, 1S68, authorized the President of the Convention, the Governor, or the Public Treasurer, to indorse a guarantee of principal and interest on behalf of the State, on one million dol¬ lars, par value, of the four million dollars of eight per cent bonds, authorized by the Act of December 20th, I860. The amount of bonds authorized to be issued by the Act of December 20th, 1866, was reduced to $2,500,000, and .$500,000, par value, was required to be deposited with the Public Treasurer as security for the State endorsement. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 29th, 1869, increased the capital stock to 17,000,000, and authorized the Public Treasurer to sub¬ scribe on behalf of the State for $4,000,000, par value, of the stock. For the payment of the subscription an issue of 6 per cent State bonds was author¬ ized. Two million dollars of the stock subscription were to be applied for completion of the section east of Charlotte and two million for completion of the section west of Charlotte. Of thirteen directors of the Company, seven were to be appointed by the Governor and six elected by the stockholders. A levy of one-eighth of one per cent on all taxable property in the State was imposed for the payment of principal and interest of the State bonds. The railroad company was required to pay in cash to the State the full accrued interest for the first year on the state bond issue and one-half of the interest for the second year. North Carolina Conven¬ tion Ordianace 1808. Public Laws of North Carolina 1808-60 Pape 67 Chapter 21. Book of Charters Pape <17.1 Law Li¬ brary G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified April 5th, 1869, provid¬ ed that six directors should be elected by the stockholders other than the State. The State could sell its stock, but for each 11,428 shares sold, one Director less could hold office by appointment of the Governor. Public Laws of North Carolina 1868-1869 Pape 252 Chapter 111 Book of Charters Pape 478 Low Li¬ brary G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 8th, 1870, re¬ pealed all appropriations to railroad companies made at the last session of the Legisla¬ ture. Laws of North Carolina 1870. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 12th, 1870, authorized the return to the Company of $500,000 first mortgage bonds deposited in the State Treasury to secure the issue of one million dollars, of State bonds provided for in the Act of the State Convention, ratified February 5th, 1868. The Company was authorized to issue 8 per cent bonds to the amount of $2,500,000. As security, a general mortgage, when recorded in Mecklenburg or New Hanover Coun¬ ties, would be a prior lien over all other mortgages. Public Laws of North Carolina 1869-70 Papc 129 Chapter 81 Book of Charters Pape 480 Law Li¬ brary G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified December 22nd, 1870, declared that under the Act, ratified March 8th, 1870, the Governor ceased to have the right to appoint any Directors. Laws of North Carolina 1870-71 Pape 58 Chapter 23. Book of Charters Pape 482 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 6th, 1871, authorized the exchange of $500,000 State bonds for an equal amount of first mortgage bonds deposited in the State Treasury. Laws of North Carolina 1870-71 Papc 113 Chapter 58. Book of Charters Papc 485 Law Library G. C. A resolution of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified December 3rd, 1870, directed the Attorney General to render to the General Assembly an opinion as to the interest of the State in the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company. Laws of North Carolina 1870-71 Pape 452. Book of Charters Pape 487 Law Li¬ brary G. C. 27 i872-73°Paéc°S2. Booll'of A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 28th, 1873, br«y qs caRe 488 Law L'" directed the Governor to take such steps as necessary to protect the interest of the State in various foreclosure proceedings against the Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruther¬ ford Railroad Company. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization of the Company is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Wilmington, N. C. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced January 1st, 1857, at bfavassa, N. C., and at Char¬ lotte, N. C., and completed April 1st, 1861, from : Navassa, N. C., to Rockingham, N. C., 112 miles; Charlotte, N. C., to Lincolnton, N. C., 31 miles. Construction was commenced January 1st, 1870, and completed December 1st, 1870, from : Rockingham, N. C., to Pee-Dee, N. C., 9 miles. OPERATION. From April 1st, 1861, to February 1st, 1873, the road was operated by the Company, under its own management. hoc-M^eeso'chapte''"!8 A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified June 23rd, 1866, in- £awkubraïyrtascasB 514 corporated The Wilmington Railway Bridge Company to construct and operate a rail¬ road between Navassa, N. C., and Hilton, N. C., over the two branches of the Cape Fear River. The incorporators were The Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company, The Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Company and the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company, the first two roads each owning one quarter of the capital stock, and the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company one half. Construction was commenced about 1867 and completed August 28th, 1869, Hilton, N. C., to Navassa, N. C., about 2.5 miles. Comptroller's Contract An agreement for operation of the property of the Wilmington Railway Bridge Company by the three railroads on a user basis was executed November 8th, 1866. From February 1st, 1873, to April 26th, 1873, the road was operated by Receivers. On April 10th, 1873, the railroad property and franchises of the Wilmington, Char¬ lotte and Rutherford Railroad Company were sold at public auction to Timothy H. Porter under foreclosure of mortgage. Comptroller's Contract A deed was executed and possession given to the purchaser April 26th, 1873. From April 26th, 1873, to May 17th, 1873, the road was operated by Timothy H. Porter, owner. comptjoiicr's contract On May 17th, 1873, Timothy H.Porter and Wife conveyed the railroad to The Carolina Central Railway Company. 28 CHATHAM RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 14 Place No. 64 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 15th, 186b incorporated the Chatham Railroad Company to construct and operate a railroad from Raleigh or any point within twelve miles west of Raleigh, to the coal fields in Chatham County. Counties or Towns were authorized to subscribe to the capital stock and to secure funds for payment of the subscription by bond issues. Private Laws of North Carolina 1860-61 Pace 116 Chapter 120. Book of Charters Page 360 Law Li¬ brary G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 14th, 1855, had previously incorporated the Chatham Railroad Company, but as construction, was required to be commenced by January 1st, 1857, and completed by January 1st, 1867, the charter had lapsed. Private Laws of North Carolina 1854-55 Pace 280 Chapter 230. Book of Charters Page 343 Law Li¬ brary G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 23rd, 1861, authorized a loan by the State to the Company of 1200,000. The Public Treasurer was authorized to sell, at not below par, six per cent twenty year State bonds to the amount of $200,000. The Company was required to deliver to the Public Treasurer railroad bonds of like character and amount secured by a general mortgage on all railroad property and, in addition, to secure and deposit with the Public Treasurer a personal bond of fifty thousand dollars executed by responsible parties. In addition the Company was required to deposit a bond of four hundred thousand dollars as a guarantee of completion of the road within four years. On completion of the road within the required time these two bonds would be returned to the company. Private Laws of North Carolina 1860-61 Page 124 Chapter 131. Book of Charters Pane 364 Law Li¬ brary G. C. An ordinance of the General Convention of North Carolina, ratified January 30th, 1862, repealed the Act of February 23rd, 1861, which authorized a loan by the State of $200,000. Any solvent corporation which subscribed for capital stock of the Chatham Rail¬ road Company could exchange its own six per cent twenty year bonds for State bonds of like character and amount and pay for its subscription with these State bonds. The total amount of bonds to be exchanged was limited to $800,000. The Chatham Rail¬ road Company was required to execute a general mortgage to the State as surety for those State bonds. Convention Ordinance of North Carolina 1863 Page 29 No. 7. Book of Charters Page 372 Law Library G. C. An ordinance of the General Convention of North Carolina, ratified February 10th, 1S62, amended the method of securing subscriptions to the capital stock. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 5th, 1863, authorized the Governor, on completion of the first mile, to subscribe on behalf of the State for ten thousand dollars of capital stock for each mile graded. Funds for pay¬ ment, of the subscription were authorized to be secured by the sale of twenty year State bonds, not to exceed a total of $250,000. Further subscription to capital stock by State bonds exchanged for corporation bonds was prohibited. Ordinances of North Carolina Convention 1863 Page 54 No. 17. Book of Charters Page 376 Law Li¬ brary G. C. Private Laws of North Carolina 1863 February Session Page 27 Chapter 26. Book of Charters Page 367 Law Library G. C. 2!) Carolina^1866-67°PaRe°239! resolution of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 2nd, 1S07, Law*Ubra'r"î7® recited that the City of Raleigh had subscribed for §50,000 capital stock of the Chatham Railroad Company and had delivered to the Public Treasurer forty nine, one thousand dollar, six per cent twenty year bonds and had secured from the State only fifteen, one thousand dollar State bonds; and authorized the Public Treasurer to return to the City of Raleigh thirty four of its one thousand dollar bonds. An ordinance of the General Convention of North Carolina, ratified March 11th, 1868, authorized an exchange of six per cent thirty year State bonds to the amount of 81,200,000 for bonds of the Chatham Railroad Company of like character and amount. The Company was required to execute a first mortgage to the State. Re¬ purchase of Company bonds by substitutes of State bonds at any time was authorized. Authority was given for State subscription to capital stock to the amount of §000,- 000, if done within eight years. An ordinance of the General Convention of North Carolina, ratified March 10th, 1868, transferred to the Company the interest of the State in the Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Works from Gulf Dam on Deep River to Nothing Dam on Cape Fear River. The Company was authorized to sell this interest, should it so desire. Carolina 18^^Page 7 Chap- A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified August 3rd, 1808, pïgc7koLa0w ubrfryaQUcs authorized an extension of the railroad to the South Carolina State Line near Cheraw, S. C. Private Laws of North Carolina 1868 Page IS Chap¬ ter 14. Book of Charters Page 381 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified August 15th, 1808, authorized the Public Treasurer to deliver to the Company $2,000,000 in six per cent thirty year State bonds in exchange for the Company bonds of like character, and amount secured by a general mortgage on all property of the Company. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified December 18th, 1808, authorized a State subscription to six per cent preferred stock of $2,000,000 to be paid in six per cent thirty year State bonds. Surrender by the Company of State bonds previously issued to it was required. Laws of North Carolina 1868-69 Page 454 Chapter 172. Book of Charters Page 383 Law Library G. C. ~ A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified April 10th, 1869, author¬ ized the Company to issue eight per cent bonds to the amount of $2,000,000 secured by a general mortgage. The mortgage securing these bonds would become a first mortgage and the mortgage securing the issue of bonds to the State under the Act of August 15th, 1868, would become a second mortgage. First mortgage bonds to the amount of $144,000 were required to be deposited with the Public Treasurer as secur¬ ity for the interest on the second mortgage bonds held by the State. Any county along the line was authorized to subscribe for capital stock and secure funds for payment of the subscription by the sale of eight per cent county bonds. Coro'ihiaL°mo-7 A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified April 1st, 1871, author- ChnrtcrVpagfi87 LawVe ize(' the Chatham Railroad Company to guarantee the bonds of the Haywood and ("une brary a. c. Creek Railroad Company, or exchange bonds to the amount of $60,000. Subscription to the capital stock of the Haywood and Cane Creek Railroad Company to the amount of $125,000 was authorized. The requirement of a terminus of the Chatham Railroad Company at the Gulf in the Deep River region was repealed. 30 A .Special Act of the Legislature of South Carolina, approved September 21st, of South Coroii»» 1868, incorporated the Chatham Railroad Company in South Carolina with authority to construct and operate a railroad from the North Carolina State Line to Columbia. Construction was required to be commenced within one year and completed within five years. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders April 16th, 1862. The principal office of the Company was at Raleigh, N- C. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced in 1862 and some grading was done. In 1864 the work was abandoned on account of the war. Construction was again commenced March 1st, 1869 and completed January 1st, 1871, from Raleigh, N. C., to North Side Haw River, N. C., 28 miles. Construction south of the Haw River was commenced July 1st, 1871 and com¬ pleted by the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company, successor to the Chatham Railroad Company. OPERATION. From January 1st, 1871, to January 9th, 1872,the line from Raleigh,N.C., to North Side of Haw River, 28 miles, was operated by the Company under its own management. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified December 13th, 1871, caro'i'inaL?8n-72°f Pa«rliî changed the name of the Company to Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Com- charters Pacc'iso LawkLa pany. brar> Q-c- CARTERSVILLE AND VAN WERT RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 15 Place No. 107 INCORPORATION. scrnbiy' of10Georgia*' 1866 The Cartersville and Van Wert Railroad Company was incorporated in Georgia Pa&c 12l> by a Special Act of the Legislature, approved December 13th, 1SG0, to construct and operate a railroad from Van Wert (near Rockmart) to Cartersville, Ga., and to extend indefinitely in either direction. The employment of State convicts, without cost other than for sustenance, was granted. scmbiy' of"QcorgS"' J809 A Special Act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved March 12th, 1869, provided Pases i52 and 2wi. for endorsement of 7 per cent bonds by the Governor on behalf of the State to the amount of $12,500 per mile of completed road By joint resolution of the Legislature, March 12th, 1869, the State endorsement of bonds was limited to that portion of the line between Van Wert and Cartersville. scmbiy' o'f^Qeorgia8' igïô By joint resolution of the Legislature, October 5th, 1870, the restriction of State 50°- Guaranteed Bonds to the portion of the line between Van Wert and Cartersville was rescinded. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Cartersville, Ga. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced January 4th, 1870, and completed September 12th, 1870, from Cartersville to Taylorsville, 14 miles. The line was constructed with a five foot gauge and laid with 54 lb. rail. The contract for construction was made November 4th, 1869, with William W. Lamon, L. S. Baum and S. E. Robbins. On January 25th, 1870, the contract was as¬ signed to Lamon, Conant and Company, by whom the work was done. From Taylorsville to Rockmart the line was graded for a three foot gauge railroad, but no track was laid. OPERATION. From September 12th, 1870, to October 25th, 1870, the railroad was operated by the Company under its own management. Act» of the General As- By a Special Act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved October 25th, 1870, the Pugciio.0 torK'" name of the Company was changed to The Cherokee Railroad Company. 32 FLORIDA CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 16 Place No. 99 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved July 29th, 1868, incorporated the purchasers of the Florida, Atlantic and Gulf Central Railroad Company as the Florida Central Railroad Company with all of the charter rights of the former Company. Laws of Florida 1868-Pnge 145 Chapter 1646 No. 22. Book of Charters Pane 759 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved January 28th, 1870, which amended the charter of the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad Company, authorized the exchange of first mortgage 7 per cent bonds, to the amount of sixteen thousand dollars per mile, for State bonds of like character and amount. Laws of Florida 1870-Page 9 Chapter 1731 No. I Sec¬ tion 4. Book of Charters Page 814 Law Library G. C. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Jacksonville, Florida. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by the Florida Central Railroad Company. OPERATION. The line from Jacksonville, Fla., to Lake City, Fla., 59.3 miles, was operated from RC0pJ'Jfs voium"'xvCPaKo July 29th, 1868, to June 1st, 1870, by the Company under its own management. 240 Law Library a. c. From June 1st, 1870, to October 2nd, 1871, the line was operated by the Jackson¬ ville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad Company. On October 2nd, 1871, the line was leased for a period of two years to Chase, Gor¬ don and Ambler, of Jacksonville, Fla, It was operated by the lessees until March 20th, 1872. An action was commenced in Duval County Circuit Court, by the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund against the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad Company for amount unpaid on the purchase price at the sale of March 20th, 1869, and the Florida Central Railroad Company was made a party, being claimed as a por¬ tion of the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad Company. On March 20th, .1872, J. C. Greeley was appointed Receiver of the entire line from Jacksonville to River Junction. From March 20th,lS72,to May 31st,lS72, the FloridaCentral Railroad was operated by J. C. Greeley, Receiver. On May 31st, 1872, by order of the Circuit Court of Duval County, J. C. Greeley was discharged and J. M. Baker was appointed Receiver. From May 31st, 1872, to March 2ijth, 1875, the line was operated by J. M. Baker, Receiver. On March 26th, 1873, the Receiver was discharged. From May 26th, 1878, to November 18th, 1873, the line was operated 1 >y the company under its own management. 33 Florida Supreme Court Reports Volume XV Page 690 Law Library General Counsel. On November 18th, 1875, a judgment was rendered in the Circuit Court of Duva' Count}' in behalf of the State against the Florida Central Railroad Company for 83(58,000» and Joseph H. Durke.e was appointed Special Master to sell the property. Appeal was taken and in the June term, 1S7G, of the Supreme Court of Florida the judgment was reversed and the-Special Master was directed to return the property to the officers of the railroad company. From November 18th, 1875, to November 1, 1S70, the line was operated by Joseph H. Durkee, Special Master. From November 1, 1876, to May 31st, 1879, the line was operated by the company under its own management. By decree of the U. S. Circuit Court, May 31st, 1879, in the ease of J. Fred Schutte, A. B. Hawkins and S. Conant, Special Masters, took possession. From May 31st, 1879, to January 18th, 18S2, the line was operated by A. B. Hawkins and S. Conant, Special Masters. Comptroller's Contract No. Im<). On January 6th, 1882, the line was sold at public auction to Sir E. J. Reed for $395,000. Deed was executed and possession given to the purchaser January 18th, 1882. From January 18th, 1882, to March 4th, 1882, the line was operated by Sir E. J. Reed. Com pi roitcr's Contract No. I20SH. By deed dated March 4th, 1882, Sir E. J. Reed conveyed the railroad from Jackson¬ ville to Lake City to the Florida Central and Western Railroad Company. TALLAHASSEE RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 17 Place No. 100 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved June 24th, 1SG9, incorporated Laws of Florida isoq-Pokc ■ ° ' i 40 Chapter 1718 No. o. 1 lie purchasfl» of the property of the Pensacola and Georgia Railroad Company and the La°kLibChyrQrscacc 7" Tallahassee Railroad Company as the Tallahassee Railroad Company, a new and dis¬ tinct corporation. The Act provided that the new Company should succeed to all of the charter rights of the two former companies. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Tallahassee, Fla. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by the Tallahassee Railroad Company. (1869.) OPERATION From June 21th, 1SG9, to May 2.5th, 1870, the lines from : Lake City to Quincy, 129,7 miles; Tallahassee to St. A far-kit, 20.5 miles, and from Drifton to Monticello,4.4 miles, were operated by the Company under its own management. On May 2.5th, 1870. the 'property of the Company was sold to and merged into the u. s. Supreme court Re- i i ~\r l 1 1) i i c ports 26 Law Edition No. Jacksonville, l eiisacola and .Mobile Railroad t ompany. .127 Law Library o. c. Comptroller's Contract No. 12070. JACKSONVILLE, PENSACOLA AND MOBILE RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 18 Place No. 94 INCORPORATION. Laws of Florida 1869-Page 29 Chapter 1716 No. 4. Book of Charters Page 798 Law Library Q. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved June 24th, 1869, incorporated the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad Company to construct and operate a railroad from Quincy to the Alabama State Line in the direction of Mobile. A 200 ft. right of way was granted through all State land. Seven per cent first mortgage thirty year bonds, at the rate of fourteen thousand dollars per mile, guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Governor on behalf of the State, and exchange of same for State bonds of like character and amount, were authorized Merger with the Tallahassee Railroad Company was authorized. Construction to River Junction was required to be completed by January 1st, 1870, and the remaining portion within three years. Laws of Florida 18741-Page 9 Chapter 1731 No. 4. Book of Charters Page 814 Law Library CL C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved January 28th, 1S70, required that the line should not be built within fifteen miles of the north line of the State. State guaranteed bonds were authorized to be issued at the rate of sixteen thousand dollars per mile instead of fourteen thousand. The required date of completion to River Junction was extended to July 1st, 1870, and for the remaining portion to 1875. Laws of Florida Extra Ses¬ sion 1870 Page 16 Chapter 1823 No. 9. Book of Chart¬ ers Page 823 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of die Legislature of Florida, approved June 6th, 1870, extended the required date of completion to River Junction to January 1st, 1871, and for the remain¬ ing portion to January 28th, 1875. Laws of Florida 187i-Page 30 Chapter 1960-No. 26. Book of Charters Page 825 Law Library G. C. Laws of Florida 4877-Page 156. Book of Charters Page 826 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved February 24th, 1873, repealed the State endorsement of bonds. A joint resolution of the Legislature of Florida, in 1877, declared all State bonds, issued in exchange for bonds of the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad Com¬ pany void, and prohibited payment of principal or interest. Laws of Florida 1881-Page 122 Chapter 3325 No.. 107. Book of Charters Page 827 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved March 7th, 1881, authorized the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund, in case of foreclosure sale of the Jack¬ sonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad Company, to purchase the road and then sell, lease or operate for the benefit of holders of the first mortgage bonds of the Pensacola and Georgia Railroad Company and the Tallahassee Railroad Company. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the company was at Tallahassee, Florida. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced in April, 1870, and completed March 2011», 1872» from Quiucy, Fla., to River Junction, Fla., 20.1 miles. The road was built with a five foot gauge, and laid with 56 lb. iron rail. 36 OPERATION. On May 2oth, 1870, the property of the Tallahassee Railroad Company was sold to and merged into the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad Company. The line from Tallahassee, Fla. to St. Marks, Fla., 20.5 miles, was operated by the Company under its own management from May 251fh, 1870, to October 2nd, 1871. The lines from : Lake City, Fla. to Quincy, Fla., 129.7 miles:; Drifton, Fla. to Monticello, Fla., 4.4 miles.; were operated by the Company under its own management from May 25th, 1870, to November 1st, 1870. The line of the Florida Central Railroad Company 'from : Jacksonville, Fla. to Lake City, Fla., 59.3 miles:; was operated from June 1st, 1870, to October 2nd, 1871. Comptroller's Contract No. 12070. Rail for'construction of the line wesft of Tallahassee was in the St. Marks Custom House at the commencement of the Civil War. When the Custom House was seized by Confederate Authorities the Pensacola and Georgia Railroad Company received the rail. After the close of the war, action was brought by the Federal Government in the U. 8. Circuit Court against the Pensacola and 'Georgia Railroad Company and judgment secured. The railroad from Lake 'City to Quincy, including the Monti- cello Branch, was sold by the U. S. Marshdl November 1st, 1870, to J. B. Clark. From November 1st, 1870, to May 18th, 1871, the line from Lake City to Quincy and the Monticello Branch were operated by J. B. Clark. Comptroller's Contract No. 12047. On May 18th, 1871, the line from Lake City to Quincy and the Monticello Branch were sold by J. B. Clark to the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad Company. From May 18th, 1871, to October 2nd, 1871, the lines from : Lake City, Fla., to Quincy, Fla., 129.7 miles; Drifton, Fla., to Mortticcllo, Fla., 4.4 miles; were operated by the company'under its own management. Comptroller's Contract No. 12046. On October 2nd, 1871, the lines from : Jacksonville, Fla., to Quincy, Fla., 189 miles; Drifton, Fla., to Monticello, Fla., 4.4 miles; Tallahassee, Fla., to St. Marks, Fla., 20.5 miles; were leased for a term of two years to Chase, Gordon and Ambler, Trustees, for the Florida Construction Company, which company was constructing the line west of Quincy. These lines were operated by the-lessees from October 2nd, 1871, to March 20th, 1872. An action was commenced in Duval County Circuit Court by the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund for the balance due on the purchase price of the Pensa¬ cola and Georgia and the Tallahassee Railroads at the sale of March 20th, 1869. On March 20th, 1872, J. C. Grecly was appointed Receiver. From March 20th, 1872, to May 15th, 1873, the lines west of Lake City, Ida. were operated by J. C. Greeley, Receiver. In an action in the U. R. Circuit Court, judgment for 860,000. was secured by D. P. Holland December 2nd, 1S72, against the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Rail¬ road Company. The railroad was sold to D. P. Holland May 5th, 1873, and deed executed May 11th, 1S73. The lines west, of Lake City were operated by D. P. Holland from May 15th, 1873, to.April 14th, 1874. 37 Florida Supreme Court Reports Volume XV Pages 234, 265, 456, 497. Comptroller's Contract No. 12045. On May 31st, 1872, Francis B. Papy appointed Receiver, in a ,-uit brought in Leon County Circuit Court by the holders of the fir-t mortgage bonds of the Pensaeola and Georgia Railroad Company and of the Tallahassee Railroad Company. F. 15. Papy was an employee of J. C. Greeley and never had actual possession although in charge of the offices at. Tallahassee. He was discharged by Court Order of January 21st, 1873. In July, 1872, other bondholders had brought suit in the U. S Circuit Court and on December 19th, 1872, a decree was secured and the property was advertised for sale by the U. S. Marshall July 7th, 1873, postponed to January 1st, 1S74, and sale enjoined by the U. S. Supreme Court December 27th, 1873. On April 2nd, 1874, the Circuit Court of Duval County directed the removal of D. P. Holland from possession of the lines west of Lake City and the return of the rail¬ road to Receiver J. C. Greeley. From April 14th, 1874, to February 1st, 1875, the lines west of Lake City were operated by J. C. Greeley, Receiver. At the January Term, 1875, of the Florida Supreme Court, J. C. Greeley was dis¬ charged and the lines west of Lake City were returned to D. P. Holland. From February 1st, 1875, to January 1st, 1877, the lines west of Lake City were operated by D. P. Holland. LawkLibfàryr orSc>at:e 834 On December 13th, 187G, the Governor of Florida appointed Dennis Eagan to take possession and sell the railroad property for defaulted interest on bonds held by the State. This order was superceded by an order of the U. S. Circuit Court which, on January 1st, 1877, appointed S. Conant and A. B. Hawkins, Receivers. By decree dated May 31st, 1879, of the U. S. Circuit Court, in the case of J. Fred Schuette, on September 25th, 1879, the line from Lake City to Quincy, with branch to Monticello, and the line from Tallahassee to St. Marks, were sold separately by the re¬ ceivers to Jackson, Simonton and Engler, purchasing trustees. The sale was confirmed by the Court July 8th, 1881, and on that date the purchasers took possession. No,nijo72llcr's C°"trlict By deed dated February 4th, 1882, the property was sold by the Purchasing Trust¬ ees to Sir E. J. Reed. From January 1st, 1877, to July 8th, 1881, the lines west of Lake City were operated by S. Conant and A. B. Hawkins, Receivers. From July 8th, 1881, to March 4th, 1882, the lines west of Lake City were operated by the Purchasing Trustees and Sir E. J. Reed. comptroller's Contract On March 4th, 1882, Sir E. J. Reed conveyed the entire railroad west of Lake City to the Floiida Central and Western Railroad Company. Comptroller's Contract No. 12071. THE CHEROKEE RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 19 Place No. 101 INCORPORATION. By a Special Act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved October 25th, 1870, the £fC Score™1 isro name of the Cartersville and Van Wert Railroad Company was changed to The Cherokee '1aRe 3I°- Railroad Company. By an amendment of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, approved by the ^sb,°f 0tfh0Q<^"(,ci"' Legislature February 25th, 1875, the State guarantee of bonds was declared void. Pace27. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Cartersville, Ga. CONSTRUCTION. The road bed from Rockmart to Prior through Cedartown was graded for a three foot gauge railroad, but no track was laid. OPERATION. The line from : Cartersville to Taylorsvillc, 14 miles; was operated by the Company under its own management from October 25th, 1870, to March 19th, 1872. On March 19th, 1872, in an action brought by Henry Clews & Company in the U. S. Circuit Court, D. W. K. Peacock was appointed Receiver and operated the road until November 1st, 1876, when S. L. Stephens was appointed Receiver in an action in the State Court and took possession. O11 November 16th, 1876,in an action in the U.S. Circuit Court brought by Nelson Tappan, Trustee in bankruptcy of Henry Clews & Company, D. S. Printup was ap¬ pointed Receiver. By decision of the Supreme Court of Georgia in December 1877, S. L. Stephens was removed and D. S. Printup took possession of the property January 1st, 1878. By Court Order January 4th, 1875, D. S. Printup, W. H. Smythe and S. L. Stephens were appointed special commissioners to sell the railroad at public auction. By Court Order October 29th, 1877, William F. Drake was substituted special commissioner in place of W. H. Smythe and S. L. Stephens. On November 5th, 1878, the railroad was sold at public auction to Jesse R. Wikle for 829,500, who failed to make payment and the sale was annulled. On March 4th, 1879, the property and franchises were sold at public auction to the Cherokee Iron Company for 822,500. The sale to the Cherokee Iron Company was confirmed by the Court March 29th, IS 79. Deed was executed and possession given to the Cherokee Iron Company March "^Ôjs""'5 C°"1 rac' 29th, 1879. 39 RALEIGH AND AUGUSTA AIR LINE RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 20 Place No. 33 Public Laws of North Carolina 1871-72 Page II Chapter II. Hook of Charters Page 389 Law Li¬ brary G. C. INCORPORATION. I5y a Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified December 13th, 1871, the name of the Chatham Railroad Company was changed to Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company. An extension towards Augusta, Ga., and construction of branch roads were author¬ ized. Purchase of stock by The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company was authorized. Laws of North Carolina 1885 Page 167 Chapter 114. Hook of Charters Page 392 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 23rd, 1S85, authorized an extension to the South Carolina State Line. The joint use of the line of The Carolina Central Railroad Company between Hamlet and a point in Union or Mecklenburg Count}' was authorized. Public Laws of North Carolina 1891 Page 428 Chapter 355. Book of Charters Page 394 Law Li¬ brary G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 6th, 1891, regulated the speed of trains through Sanford, N. C., and the obstruction of streets in that town by trains. Laws of South Carolina 1877-78 Page 370 No. 350. Book of Charters Page 396 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of South Carolina, approved February 18th, 1878, incorporated the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company in South Carolina, with authority to construct and operate a railroad from the North Carolina State Line to Columbia. Construction was required to be commenced within one year and completed within five years. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Chatham Railroad Company was continued. The prin¬ cipal office of the Company was at Raleigh, N. C. CONSTRUCTION. The construction of the line from : Haw River, N. C., to Sanford, N. C., 14.0 miles; which had been commenced by the Chatham Railroad Company was completed July 1st, 1872. Construction was commenced July 1st, 1872, and completed August 10th, 1877 from : Sanford, N. C. to Hamlet, N. C., 54.6 miles. Construction was commenced January 1st, 1884, and completed July 1st, 1884, from : Hamlet, N. C. (East Junction), to Gibson, N. C., 10 miles. OPERATION. From the close of construction to August 1st, 1893, the line from : Raleigh, N. C., to Hamlet, N C., 96.6 miles; and from July 1st, 1884, to August 1st, 1893, the line from : 40 Hamlet, X. 0., to Gibson, X. C., 10 miles; were operated by the Company under its own management. The line of the I'itNboru Railroad Company from : Monmire, X. C„ to Pittsboro, X. C., 11.2 miles; comptroller-, C°ntract was operated, under lease dated Xovember 23rd, 1886, from January 1st, 1887, to August 1st, 1803. The: line of the Carthage Railroad Company from : Cameron, N. C. to Carthage, N. C., 10 miles; was operated under 99 year lease dated August 23rd, 1888, from October 1st, 1888, to June, 1st, 1890. Prom August 1st, 1893, to July 1st, 1900, the railroad was operated as a part, of the Seaboard Air Line, which was an association of the : Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company, The Carolina Central Railroad Company, The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, Durham and Northern Railway Company, and lines leased by these railroads. This was an operating association only, and had no corporate existence. The Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company was legally independent. The line of the Palmetto Railway Comoany from : Hamlet, N. C., to Cheraw, S. C., 18.3 miles; was leased on December 30th, 1895, to the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company. Comptroller s Contracts 297 3206 On December 9th, 1899, the property and franchises of the Pittsboro Railroad Com- Nomi2oo4ller's Contract pany were sold to the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company. From July 1st, 1900, to November 7th, 1901, the entire line was operated by the Seaboard Air Line Railway by virtue of stock ownership. On November 7th, 1901, the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company comptroller's Contract was merged into the Seaboard Air Line Railway. ATLANTIC, GULF AND WEST INDIA TRANSIT COMPANY Chart No. 21 Place No. 102 Florida Laws 1872-Page 89 Chapter 1918 (No. SO). Book of Charters Page 715 Law Library Ci. C. INCORPORATION. By a Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved January, 1S72, the name of Florida Railroad Company was changed to Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Company. ORGANIZATION. Organization of the Company was effected January 29th, 1872. The principal office of the Company was at Fernandina, Fla. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by this Company. Comptroller's Contract No. 12073. OPERATION. The line from Fernandina, Fla., to Cedar Key, was operated by the Company under its own management from January 18th, 1872, to February 12th, 1881. By indenture, dated April 15th, 187b, authorized November 5th, 1875, the franchise covering the construction of the line from Waldo to Oeala was set off to the Peninsular Railroad Company. Comptroller's Contract No. 12074. By indenture dated January 21st, 1881, authorized November 5th, 1875, the fran¬ chise covering the construction of the line from Ocala to Tampa Bay ami to Char¬ lotte Harbor was set off to The Tropical Florida Railroad Company. Comptroller's Contract No. 12075. For failure to pay interest on the 7 per cent bonds secured by a deed of trust to John A. Steward and Frederick A. Conkling, dated May 26th, 1869, an action was brought in the U. S. Circuit Court by the Trustees of the bond issue. Phillip Walter was appointed Special Master, November 27th, 1880. The property was sold at public auction February 7th, 1881, to Edward N. Dickerson and Charles Willard, and deed executed February 12th, 1881. Comptroller's Contract No. 12041. For failure to pay the one-half of one per cent semi-annually as a sinking fund on the uncancelled guaranteed bonds of the Florida Railroad Company, action was com¬ menced in the U. S. Circuit Court by Aristides Doggett, Receiver of the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund. By decree dated February 23rd, 1881, J. B. C. Drew was appointed Special Master and on April 4th, 1881, sold the property at public auc¬ tion to Edward N. Dickerson and Charles Willard. Deed was executed April 14th, 1881. From February 12th, 1881, to May 10th, 1881, the line was operated by Edward N. Dickerson and Charles Willard, Purchasing Trustees. Comptroller's Con- tracta No. 12042 and No. I204J. By two deeds dated May 10th, 1881, Edward N. Dickerson and Charles Willard conveyed the railroad property and franchises to the Florida Transit Railroad Company. 42 CHEROKEE IRON COMPANY Chart No. 22 Place No. 95 INCORPORATION. The Cherokee Iron Company was incorporated in Georgia by a Special Act of the Legislature, approved February 18th, 1873, to manufacture pig iron. A Special Act of the Legislature, approved March 2nd, 1874, authorized the Com¬ pany to construct, lease or purchase, and operate such railroads as necessary in the handling of its business. A Special Act of the Legislature, approved September 6, 1879, authorized the Com" pany to construct and operate a railroad from Cedartown to the Alabama State Line. A Special Act of the Legislature, approved August 27th, 1879, amended the original charter of the Cartersville and Van Wert Railroad Company, permitting suits to be in¬ stituted and tried at other points in Georgia than Cartersville. ORGANIZAT ON. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at ( ledartown, Ga. CONSTRUCTION. Construction, was commenced in May, 1879, and completed in October, 1879, from Taylorsville to Cedartown, 22 miles. The line was constructed with a three-foot gauge and laid with 30 pound steel rail. The roadbed between Cedartown and Prior as graded by The Cherokee Railroad Company was abandoned. In 1881 the gauge of the line between Cartersville and Taylorsville was changed from five feet to three feet. Construction was commenced in 1881 and completed October 1st, 1882, from Cedar¬ town to Esom, 10 miles. This line was built with a three foot gauge and laid with 40 pound steel rail. OPERATION. By deed from the Special Commissioners dated March 29th, 1879, the property and franchises of The Cherokee Railroad Company and the Cartersville and Van Wert Railroad Company were acquired. From April 15th, 1879, the line from: Cartersville to Taylorsville, 14 miles; from October, 1879, the line from: Taylorsville to Cedartown, 22 miles, and from October 1st, 18S2. the line from: Cedartown to Esom (Ala. State Line), 10 miles, were operated by the Cherokee Iron Company under the name of the Cherokee Iron and Railroad Company until November 13th, 1882. On November 13th, 18S2, the railroad property was leased for 99 years to The East and West Railroad Company of Alabama. On December 1st, 1S82, the railroad property was sold to William C. Browning, Edward F. Browning, J. Hull Browning and A. G. West, subject to the ninety-nine year lease to The East and West Railroad Company of Alabama, dated November 13th, 1882. On May 25th, ISSli, W. C Browning and a sociates sold the railroad property and franchises to The East and West Railroad Company of Alabama. Act» of t lie General As¬ sembly of Georgia 187.1 Page 171. Acts of the General As¬ sembly of Georgia 1871 Chapter 212. Acts of tho General As¬ sembly of Georgia 1879 Page 213. Acts of the General As¬ sembly of Georgia 1879 Page 223. Comptroller's Contract No. 12038. Comptroller's Contract No. 12040. Comptroller's Contract No. 12039. 43 THE CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY Chart No. 23. Place No. 47 INCORPORATION. Laws of North Carolina 1872-73 Page 96 Chapter 75. Book of Charters Page 4M0 Law Library (i. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February, 1873, incorporated The Carolina Central Railway Company to purchase or construct and to operate a railroad from Wilmington, N, C., to the Tennessee or Virginia State Line. The Company was authorized to purchase the property and franchises of the Wil¬ mington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company and to complete the construc¬ tion of that railroad between Wilmington, N. C., and Rutherfordton, N. C. Authority to operate vessels from Wilmington, N. C., was given. Eight per cent bonds at the rate of $20,000 per mile were authorized. Laws of North Carolina 1873-74 Page 2 Chapter 3. Book of Charters Page 502 Law Library Q. C. Laws of North Carolina 1873-74 Page 107 Chapter 82. Book of Charters Page 504 Law Library Q. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 6th, 1874, authorized bonds to be issued at the rate of $25,000 per mile instead of $20,000. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 6th, 1874, authorized meetings of directors and stockholders to be held in New York, N. Y Four directors were required to be residents of North Carolina. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders April 28th, 1873. The principal offices of the Company were at Wilmington, N. C- CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced May 3, 1873, and completed December 15, 1874, from: Wilmington, N. C., to Hilton, N. C., 1.7 miles; Pee Dee, N. C., to Charlotte, N. C., 63 miles; Lincolnton, N. C., to Shelby, N. C., 22.0 miles. OPERATION. comptroHer's Contract On May 17th, 1873, the property and franchises of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company were purchased from Timothy H. Porter and wife. From May 17th, 1873, the lines from: Navassa, N. C., to Pee Dee, N, C., 121 miles; Charlotte, N. C., to Lincolnton, N. C., 31 miles, and from December 15th, 1874, the lines from Wilmington, N. C., to Hilton, N. C., 1.7 miles; Pee Dee,'N. C., to Charlotte, N. C., 63 miles; Lincolnton, N. C., to Shelby, N. C., 22.0 miles, were operated by the Company under its own management until April 1st, 1876. Comptroller's Contract The railroad between Hilton, N. C., and Navassa, N. C., a distance of 2.5 miles, owned by The Wilmington Railway Bridge Company was operated jointly under agree¬ ment made between the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company, 44 The Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company and The Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Company, dated Novefnber 8th, 1866. In an action brought by the bondholders in the Superior Court of New Hanover County on April 1st, 1876, Isaac B. Grainger, Charles H. Roberts and A. V. Stout were appointed Receivers. From April 1st, 1876, to June 25th, 1880, the road was operated by the Receivers. By court order, dated March 15th, 1880, the property and franchises were sold at public auction on May 31st, 1880, by N. A. Stedman, Jr., and Junius Davis, Commis¬ sioners, to Francis 0. French, Arthur B. Graves, David R. Murchison, James S. Whed- bee and Andrew V. Stout, purchasing committee of the bondholders. The sale was confirmed by the Court June 5th, 1880, and deed executed and pos- No™!1™*)!'"5 Contrnct session given June 25th, 1880, to The Carolina Central Railroad Company. PENINSULAR RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 24 Place No. 98 INCORPORATION. Florida R. R. Co. Minute Book Page 65 Treasurer's Vault. Florida Laws 1855 Page 16-Chap. 729 (No.l20>. Book of Charters Page 711 Law Library Q. C. By Deed of Set-Off from the Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Company, dated April 15th, 187G, the Peninsular Railroad Company was incorporated in Florida as successor to the franchise rights of the Florida Railroad Company, covering the line from Waldo, Fla., to Ocala, Fla. Under an Act of the Legislature of Florida, dated December 14th, 1855, the parties to whom a portion of the line was set off became a distinct corporation with full charter rights covering the portion so set off. prov" m cut Vund* Vol'T The deed of set-off was filed with the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund rZ $ May llth, 1876. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office was at Fernandina, Fla. CONSTRUCTION. Minutes Trustees Im¬ provement Fund Vol. 2- Page 502. Construction was commenced in 1879 and completed July 4th, 1880, from Waldo to Ocala, 45 miles, and from Silver Springs Junction to Silver Springs, 2 miles. The road was constructed with a five foot gauge and laid with thirty-five pound iron rail. OPERATION. Under the terms of the deed of set-off the road, on completion, was operated by the Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Company and its successor, the Florida Transit Railroad Company to January 3rd, 1883. cnmpuouci-'s Contract On January 3rd, 1883, the Peninsular Railroad Company was consolidated with the Florida Transit Railroad Company and The Tropical Florida Railroad Company to form the Florida Transit and Peninsular Railroad Company. 46 SANTA FE CANAL COMPANY Chart No. 25 Place No. 53 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida., approved March 7, 1877, incorporated the Santa Fe Canal Company to construct and operate a canal from Waldo, Fla., to the Santa Fe Lake. Construction was required to be commenced within one year and completed within one year from date of commencement. Under the General Incorporation" Act of Florida, Laws of 1874,'letters patent were f çg Mcaciiln's" Diiest issued July 19th, 1879, re-incorporating the Company to construct and operate a canal jssi-chap. 39 Law Library from Waldo, Fla., to the junction of Clay, Bradford, Alachua and Putnam Counties at the southeast end of Lake Santa Fe. ORGANIZATION. Organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders August 15th, 1877, and the reorganization, under the second charter, December 18th, 1879. The principal office of the Company was at Waldo, Fla. CONSTRUCTION. Construction of the canal was commenced December 1st, 1879, and completed March 1, 1881, from Waldo to Lake Alto, 1 mile, and from Lake Alto to Lake Santa Fe, 1 mile. OPERATION. The canal was operated by the Santa Fe Canal Company from the close of con¬ struction to July 1st, 1893. On June 26th, 1S93, C. K. Dutton, owner of the majority of the capital stock and Comptroller's Contract bonds of the Santa Fe Canal Company, sold the stock and bonds to the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company. Foreclosure proceedings were instituted and the property and franchises were sold Con,rac' at public auction to the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company, March 5th, 1894. The sale was confirmed by the Circuit Court of Alachua County, May 10th, 1897, and deed executed June 1st, 1897. Actual transfer of the property to the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company had been effected July 1st, 1893. 47 FERNANDINA AND JACKSONVILLE RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 26 Place No. 92 Law» of Florida 1874-Chap. 1987 1879-Chap. 3166 Mc- Clellan's Digest 1881-Chap. 39. Book of Charters Page 857 Law Library Q. C. INCORPORATION. Under the General Railroad Incorporation Act of Florida, Laws of 1874, letters patent were issued March 16th, 1880, incorporating the Fernandina and Jacksonville Railroad Company to construct and operate a railroad from a point north of Jackson¬ ville on the railroad of the Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Company to Jackson¬ ville, Fla. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known, at Fernandina, Fla. The principal office of the Company was CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced in 1880 and completed April 6th, 1881, from Yulee, Fla., to Jacksonville, Flà., 21.5 miles. The line was constructed with a five foot gauge and laid with 56 pound steel rail. OPERATION. From the close of construction until April 27th, 1881, the railroad was operated by Edward N. Dickerson and Charles D. Willard, Purchasing Trustees of the Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Company. From April 27th, 1881, to March 4th, 1884, the railroad was operated by the Florida Transit Railroad Company and its successors, the Florida Transit and Peninsular Rail¬ road Company under lease. Book of Charters Page 858 Pago 866 Pago 873 Law Library Q. C. Comptroller's Contract No. 12077. By agreements between Florida Transit and Peninsular Railroad Company and Florida Central and Western Railroad Company, dated March 5th, 1884, between Flor¬ ida Transit and Peninsular Railroad Company and Leesburg and Indian River Rail¬ road Company, dated March 5th, 1884, and between Florida Transit and Peninsular Railroad Company and Fernandina and Jacksonville Railroad Company, dated March 4th, 1884, all of which were filed in the office of the Secretary of State of Florida on January 19th, 1885, the Florida Transit and Peninsular Railroad Company, Fernandina and Jacksonville Railroad Company, Florida Central and Western Railroad Company, and the Leesburg and Indian River Railroad Company were consolidated to form the Florida Railway and Navigation Company. 48 THE CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 27 Place No. 19 INCORPORATION. Under an Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 1st, 1873, en¬ titled "An Act to regulate mortgages by corporations and sale under the same," The Carolina Central Railroad Company was incorporated June 25th, 1880, by the execu¬ tion of a deed for the property and franchises of The Carolina Central Railway Com¬ pany to The Carolina Central Railroad Company. Laws of North Carolina 1873. Comptroller's Contract No. 12020. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified January 18th, 1881, confirmed the incorporation and authorized the Company to issue bonds to the amount of $21,000 per mile of road. Laws of North Carolina 1881 Page 55 Chapter 5. Book of Charters Page 505 Law Library Q. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 3rd, 1887, author¬ ized the exchange of capital stock for bonds. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 7th, 1887, authorized the Company to contract with any connecting railroad for the joint use of any portion of its line. Public Laws of North Carolina 1887-Page 360 Chapter 153. Book of Charters Page 507 Law Li¬ brary G. C. Laws of North Carolina 1887 Page 562 Chapter 312. Book of Charters Page 508 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 7th, 1887 ^ysPa°fe ch«î*e™40. Edward N. Dickerson and Charles D. Willard, Purchasing Trustees of the Atlantic, LawkLfbraryrars<^°EC Gulf and West India Transit Company. No new charter was secured as under an Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved June 24th, 1869, the purchasers at foreclosure sale could organize, and become incorporated as successors to the franchises of the Com¬ pany whose property had been sold. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders April 27th, 1881. The principal office of this Company was at Fernandina, Fla. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by the Florida Transit Railroad Company. OPERATION. By two deeds, dated May 10th, 1881, the railroad property, and franchises were n^Tm™""'3 Contract8 acquired from Edward N. Dickerson and Charles D. Willard. No-l2 Re¬ ceiver from August 1st, 1886, to May 1st, 1889. Minutes Purchasing Trustees -Page 89, 131 Treasurer's. Vault Comptroller's Contracts 12025,12026, 12027,12028 and 12060. Comptroller's Contract No. 12022. The property and franchises were sold by court decree at public auction to W. Bay¬ ard Cutting and deeds executed July 12th, 1888. On July 12th, 1888, W. Bayard Cutting sold the property and franchises to Th< Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company. Possession was given May 1st, 1889. Comptroller's Contract No. 12013. The line from Tallahassee to St. Marks was sold by W. Bayard Cutting July 21st, 1888, to The Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company. THE AMERICUS, PRESTON AND LUMPKIN RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 42 Pîace No. 74 INCORPORATION. Under the General Railroad Incorporation Act of Georgia a charter was issued uîw'Liïrarya1 'c* June 17th, 1884, incorporating The Americus, Preston and Lumpkin Railroad Com¬ pany to construct and operate a railroad from Americus, Ga., to Lumpkin, Ga. A Special Act of the legislature of Georgia, approved December 24th, 1886, au- aîôo*,a BookP*of thorized extensions to the Chattahoochee and Ocmulgee Rivers. The Company was charters paw sw law li- also granted the right to buy and sell real estate. A Special Act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved October 27th, 1887, authorized Q££8'a B^kP*of an extension to Darien, Savannah or Sapelo Island, Ga. Authority was granted to own chafers pare rary Q- c. 69 PÏTTSBORO RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 43 Place No. 65 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 4th, 1885, in¬ corporated the Pittsboro Railroad Company to construct and operate a railroad from Pittsboro, N. C., to a point on the line of the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company, or of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway Company, or of the Uni¬ versity Railroad Company. Any township in Chatham County was authorized to subscribe to the capital stock and to secure the funds for payment of the subscription by the sale of six per cent, ten year county bonds. Sale or lease of the property and franchises to any corporation was authorized. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders, May 2nd, 1885. The principal office of the Company was at Pittsboro, N. C. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced November 1.5th, 1885, and completed January 1st, 1887, from Moncure, N. C., to Pittsboro, N. C., 11.2 miles. OPERATION. comptroller's Contract From the close of construction to August 1st, 1893, the road was operated by the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company under a ninety-nine year lease, dated November 23rd, 1886. From August 1st, 1893, to December 9th, 1899, the railroad of the Pittsboro Rail¬ road Company was operated as a part of the Seaboard Air Line, which was an association of: The Carolina Central Railroad Company, The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company, Durham and Northern Railway Company, and lines leased by these railroads. This was an operating association only, and had no corporate existence. The Pittsboro Railroad Company was legally independent, subject to its lease to the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company. £on,.™!!0"cr's Contract On December 9th, 1899, the property and franchises of the Pittsboro Railroad INO. I3UU-I. Company were sold to the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad ( 'ompaiiy. Laws of North Caro ina 1885 Page 382 Chapter 208. Book of Charters Page 410 Law Library Q. C. 70 ROANOKE AND TAR RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 44 Place No. 15 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 5th, 1885, in- ^sPapfe J}?1chap"™'!™ corporated the Roanoke and Tar River Railroad Company to construct and operate a Li'braryrta!sc!aKe railroad from the Virginia State Line in Hertford or Northampton County to Kings¬ ton, N. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 25th, 1871, had incorporated The Roanoke and Tar River Railroad Company with the authority to construct and operate a similar line. The incorporators mentioned in this Act ap¬ parently never organized. Laws of North Carolina 1870-71 Page 156 Chapter 95. Book of Charters Page 187 Law Library Q. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 28th, 1887, authorized subscription to the capital stock of the Company by counties, townships and municipalities to be paid in seven per cent forty year bonds of the county, township lor municipality. Laws of North Carolina 1887 Page 215 Chapter 117. Book of Charters Page 193 Law Library Q. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 2nd, 1887, amended the law authorizing the bond issue by counties and townships for stock sub¬ scription. Laws of North Carolina S887 Page 371 Chapter 163. Book of Charters Page 198 Law Library G. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 2nd, 1887, authorized stockholders and directors meetings to be held at Portsmouth, Va. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 7th, 1887, au¬ thorized Murfreesboro Township and the Town of Murfreesboro to issue six per cent bonds to pay for subscription to the capital stock. Laws of North Carolina 1887 Page 359, Chapter 151. Book of Charters Page 197 Law Library G. C. Laws of North Carolina 1887 Page 528-Chap. 286. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 7th, 1887, amen¬ ded the law authorizing bond issues by townships for stock subscription. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders, June 15th, 1886. The principal office of the Company was at Margarettsville, N. C., until March 2, 1887, and thereafter at Portsmouth, Va. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced February 1st, 1887, and completed: State Line to Jeanotte, N. C., 30.0 miles, October 1st, 1887; Jeanette, N. C., to Lewiston, N. C., 2.3 miles, October 1st, 1888. Laws of North Carolina 5887 Page 599 Chapter 339. Book of Charters Page 199 Law Library G. C. OPERATION. From the close of construction to August lsrt 1893, the railroad was operated by The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company under lease dated April 20th, 1887. 71 From August 1st, 1893, to July 1st, 1900, the railroad was operated as a part of the Seaboard Air Line, which was an association of The Carolina Central Railroad Company, The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company, Durham and Northern Railway Company, and lines leased by these railroads. This was an operating association only and had no corporate existence. The Roanoke and Tar River Railroad Company was legally independent, subject to its lease to The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company. From July 1st, 1900, to September 15th, 1911, the road was operated by the Sea¬ board Air Line Railway, by virtue of ownership of stock of The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad" Company, the lessee of the Roanoke and Tar River Railroad Company. NÔ!"i2oo°."er'* Contract On September 15th, 1911, the franchise and property were sold to the Seaboard Air Line Railway. COLUMBUS AND FLORIDA RAILWAY COMPANY Chart No. 45 Place No. 88 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved Oetober 13th, 1885, incorp- p^%6?No.ej75>* B a* c'*' 617 L,w Ll" 73 CHESTER, GREENWOOD AND ABBEVILLE RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 46 Place No. 86 INCORPORATION. ism Pa?' iwfîi1 «"S A Special Act of the Legislature of South Carolina, approved December 22nd, 1885, ubraryrtQrscP,ie "8 Uw incorporated the Chester, Greenwood and Abbeville Railroad Company to construct and operate a railroad from the Savannah River through Greenwood to the North Caro¬ lina State Line. Municipalities and counties were authorized to issue bonds to obtain money to subscribe for capital stock. Construction was required to be commenced within three years. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Greenwood, S. C. CONSTRUCTION. No lines were constructed by the Chester, Greenwood and Abbeville Railroad Com¬ pany. OPERATION. No lines were operated by this Company. Mwi of south Carolina A Special Act of the Legislature of South Carolina, approved December 24th, 188G, if^Chartc" Pai^sisTaw changed the name of the Company to Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company. Library Q. C. 74 JACKSONVILLE BELT RAILROAD COMPAN\ Chart No. 47 Place No. 80 INCORPORATION. Under Uif General Incorporation Act of Florida, Laws of 1874, letters patent were h^'\<,/Asr,ul'11!%ci«r'' 1 1087; 1879-Lhap. 316ft. (We - issued .July 151,li, 188(3, incorporating the .Jacksonville Belt. Railroad Company to con- ciciian's nicest issncimp. _ 1 1 39 Law Library O. L. struct, and operate a railroad around Jacksonville, Fia., connecting the line of the Fcr- nandina and .Jacksonville Railroad Company with that of the Florida Central and Western Railroad Company. ORGANIZATION. j The. date of organization is not known. Tlie principal office of the Company was at Jacksonville, Florida. CONSTRUCTION. Construction of the railroad, 3.33 miles long, was commenced June 1st, 1886, and completed August 1st, 1886. The work was done under the supervision of the Receiver of the Florida Railway and Navigation Company. OPERATION. From the close of construction to May 1st, 1889, the line was operated by the Re¬ ceiver of the Florida Railway and Navigation Company. On July 12th, 1888, the property was sold to W. Bayard Cutting by Jos. H. Durkee, n^uou""'5 Con,rnctJ Special Master. On the same day the property was conveyed by W. Bayard Cutting No-,2021- to The Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company. Possession was given May 1st, 1889, to The Florida Central and Peninsular Rail¬ road Company. 75 THE ORLANDO AND WINTER PARK RAILWAY COMPANY Chart No. 48 Place No. 81 INCORPORATION. Laws of Florida 1874-Chap. 1987 McClcllan's Digest 1881-Chap. 39. Book of Charters Page 898 Law Li¬ brary Q.C. Book of Charters Page 900 Law Library Q. C. Under the General Railroad Incorporation Act of Florida, Laws of 1874, letters patent were issued November 20th, 1886, incorporating The Orlando and Winter Park Railway Company to construct and operate a railroad from Orlando to Winter Park, Fla. On May 30th, 1887, the charter was amended to cover construction to the Atlantic Ocean. ORGANIZATION. A meeting of the incorporators was held August 17th, 1886, at which Articles of Law Library. Association were drawn and Directors named. The principal office of the Company was at Orlando, Fla. Book of Charters Page t CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced in 1886, and completed February 1st, 1889, from Orlando, Fla., to Winter Park, Fla., 6 miles. OPERATION. The railroad was operated under its own management from February 1st, 1889, to June 1st, 1891. From October 1st, 1890, to June 1st, 1891, the line of The Osceola and Lake Jesup Railway Company from Winter Park, Fla., to Oviedo, Fla., 10 miles, was operated under lease. Cimptroiier's Contr«ct By deed dated May 29th, 1891, the property and franchises of The Orlando and No. 12084. Winter Park Railway Company were sold to the East Florida and Atlantic Railroad Company. 76 GEORGIA, CAROLINA AND NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY (GA.) Chart No. 49 Place No. 56 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved December 7th, 1886, incorp- {oli"No!VaBook dfciiart- oratcd the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company to construct and operate QScPase 547 L*w Llbrary a railroad from the South Carolina State Line in Elbert County through Athens to At¬ lanta. Consolidation with connecting railroads, either within or outside of the State, was authorized. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders December 9th, 1886. The principal office of the Company was at Atlanta, Ga. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company (Ga.) OPERATION. No lines of railway were operated bv this corporation. On February 6th, 1887, the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company Contra't (Ga.) was consolidated with the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company (S. C.),and the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company (N. C.) to form The Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company. i i GEORGIA, CAROLINA AND NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY (S. C.) Chart No. 50 Place No. 57 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of South Carolina, approved December 24th, lSSli, changed the name of the Chester, Greenwood and Abbeville Railroad Company to Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company. The new Company retained all of the charter rights of the original Company, and, in addition, was authorized to con¬ solidate with other railroads, either within or outside of the State. Construction was required to be commenced within two years. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Greenwood, S. C. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company (S. C.) OPERATION. No lines of railway were operated by this Corporation, comptroller's Contract Qn February 6th, 1887, the Georgia, Carolina and Nothern Railway Company (S. C.) was consolidated with the Georgia, Carolina and Northern RailwayCompany (Ga.) and the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company (N. C.) to formThe Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company. 78 Laws of S. C. 1886 Page 692 Page 364. Book of Charters Page 528 Law Library G. C. COLUMBUS SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY Chart No. 51 Place No. 75 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved December 27th, 1886, changed the name of the Columbus and Florida Railway Company to "Columbus Southern Rail¬ way Company." The right to operate steamboats on the Chattahoochee, Flint and Apalaehicola Rivers was granted. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Columbus, Georgia. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced in 1886, and completed April 12th, 1890, from Co¬ lumbus, Ga., to Albany, Ga., 88 miles. ; The road was built by the Chattahoochee Brick Company of Columbus, Ga. OPERATION. From April 12th, 1890, to July 1st, 1891, the railroad was operated under lease by the Georgia, Midland and Gulf Railroad Company. From July 1st, 1891, to August 1st, 1895, the railroad was operated by the Company under its own management. On August 1st, 1895, in an action brought by the bondholders in the U. S. Circuit Court, Thomas E. Blanchard was appointed Receiver and operated the railroad until December 12th, 1896. On December 9th, 1896, the property and franchises were sold at public sale by ComptroHcr's Contract J. W. English, Special Master, to E. R. Williams and J. R. Anderson. Deed was exe¬ cuted December 9th, 1896, and possession given December 12th, 1896. On December 12th, 1896, E. R. Williams and J. R. Anderson sold the property and comptroller's Contract No. 12033. franchises to the Columbus and Southern Railroad Company. Laws of Gcorpia IR86 Papc 194 No. 113, 1884-85 Page 206 No. 197. Book of Char¬ ters Pape 627 and 635 Law Library Q. C. 7'.) GEORGIA, CAROLINA AND NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY (N. C. Chart No. 52 Place No. 58 INCORPORATION. Laws of North Carolina 1887 Page 51 No. 4. Book of Charters Page 559 Law Library Q. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, approved January 18th, 1887, incorporated the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company to construct and operate a railroad from the South Carolina State Line, in Anson or Union County, to the line of The Carolina Central Railroad Company. Municipalities and counties were authorized to issue bonds to secure funds for subscription to the capital stock. Con¬ solidation with connecting railroads, either within or outside the State, was authorized. Construction was required to be commenced within two yeaj's. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization of the Company is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Monroe, N. C. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company (N. C.) OPERATION. No lines of railway were operated by this Corporation. No"iM8s"°rs Cq,Uract On February 6th, 1887, the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company (N. C.) was consolidated with the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company (S. C.) and the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company (Ga.) to form The Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company. 80 DURHAM AND NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY Chart No. 53 Place No. 16 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 2nd, 1887, {^"paee «J chapte™uii! incorporated the Durham and Northern Railway Company to construct and operate L^kubraryrtQreaaBe a railroad from Durham, N. C., to a point in Wake, Franklin or Vance County, to extend to Tidewater or the Roanoke River, and to construct branch roads not exceeding twenty- five miles in length. The Company was authorized to lease or sell its road to, or consolidate with, any other railroad company. Counties, townships and municipalities were authorized to subscribe in six per cent, forty year county or municipal bonds to the capital stock. Construction was required to be commenced within two years. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 7th, 1887, amended the portion of the law authorizing townships to subscribe to capital stock. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 7th, 1887, di¬ rected the manner in which tax assessments for interest on the railroad subscription of bonds of counties and municipalities should be applied. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders, August 29th, 1887. The principal office of the Company was at Durham, N. C., until October 19th, 1887, at which time it was changed to Raleigh, N. C. Laws of North Carolina 1887 Page 599 Chapter 339. Book of Charters Page 199 Law Library Q. C. Laws of North Carolina 1887 Page 503 Chapter 259. Book of Charters Page 342 Law Library Q. C. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced November 1st, 1887, and completed April 1st, 1889, from Henderson, N. C., to Durham, N. C., 41.4 miles. OPERATION. From April 1st, 1889, to August 1st, 1893, the property was operated by the Com¬ pany under its own management. From Auguét 1st, 1893, to Jiily 1st, 1900, the railroad was operated as a part of the Seaboard Air Line, which was an association of : The Carolina Central Railroad Company, The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company, Durham and Northern Railway Company, and lines leased by these railroads. This was an operating association only, and had no corporate existence. The Dur¬ ham and Northern Railway Company remained legally independent. From July 1st, 1900, to September 13th, 1901, the railroad was operated by the Seaboard Air Line Railway by virtue qf stock ownership. On September 13th, 1901, the property and franchises were sold to the Seaboard ^ompuonc-'s Contract Air Line Railway. SI THE GEORGIA, CAROLINA AND NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY Chart No. 54 Place No. 26 INCORPORATION. Nomi2085."er8 Contract On February 6th, 1887, the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company (S. C.), the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company (Ga.) and the Georgia Carolina and Northern Railway Company (N. C.) were consolidated to form The Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company. This new Company succeeded to all of the charter rights of the former companies. NoWsi°!SBooko7charter8 A Special Act of the Legislature of South Carolina, approved December 24th, 1890, Pa8e S4i Law Library a. c. authorized the Town Council of Abbeville to contribute five thousand dollars to secure the location of shops at that point. noTm"' BMk'of3Cha£r!e?3 A Special Act of the Legislature of South Carolina, approved December 17th, 1892, Page 543 Law Library a. c. authorized the Town Council of Abbeville to contribute seventeen thousand dollars in¬ stead of five thousand dollars to secure the location or shops at that point. Seven per cent bonds were authorized to be issued by the Town to secure the funds for the con¬ tribution. NoW?49f SBodkof'chartera A Special Act of the Legislature of South Carolina, approved February 27th, 1899, Page 225 Law Library q.c. authorized merger and consolidation with The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company. ORGANIZATION. R^Hway Company The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders, Treasurer's Vault. April 17th, 1887. The principal office of the Company was at Athens, Ga., until No¬ vember 8th, 1892, when it was changed to Atlanta, Ga. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced May 1st, 1887, and completed: Monroe, N. C., to Waxhaw, N. C., 12 miles, April 1, 1888; Waxhaw, N. C., to State Line, 2 miles, October 1, 1888; State Line to Chester, S. C., 31 miles, October 1, 1888; Chester, S. C., to Carlisle, S. C., 17 miles, June 1, 1890; Carlisle, S. C., to State Line, 89 miles, June 1, 1891; State Line to Athens, Ga., 48 miles, June 1, 1891; Athens, Ga., to Lawrenceville, Ga., 39 miles, November 1, 1891; Lawrenceville, Ga., to Atlanta, Ga., 28 miles, April 24, 1892. The railroad ended in Atlanta, near Inman Park or Hulsey. OPERATION. The line from Monroe, N. C., to Chester, S. C., 45 miles, was operated from Oc¬ tober 1st, 1888, to July 1st, 1889, by the Company under its own management. On July 1st, 1889, the entire railroad was leased in perpetuity to The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company and The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company. 82 From July 1st, 1889, the line from Monroe, N. C., to Chester, S. C., 45 miles, and from April 24th, 1892, the line from Chester, S. C., to Atlanta, Ga., 221 miles, were operated by the lessees to August 1st, 1893. From August 1st, 1893, to July 1st, 1900, The Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company was operated as a part of the Seaboard Air Line, which was an associa¬ tion of: The Carolina Central Railroad Company, The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company, Durham and Northern Railway Company, and lines leased by these railroads. This was an operating association only, and had no corporate existence. The Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company was legally independent, subject to its lease to The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company and The Seaboard and Roan¬ oke Railroad Company. From July 1st, 1900, to November 7th, 1901, the lines were operated by the Sea¬ board Air Line Railway by virtue of its ownership of the stock of the lessees of The Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company. On November 7th, 1901, -The Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company comptroller'» contract was merged into the Seaboard Air Line Railway. THE GEORGETOWN AND WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 55 Place No. 36 INCORPORATION. cïiapUM^Pagè fLaw'u? Under the General Incorporation Law of South Carolina, a charter was issued brary Q.c. June 2nd, 1887, incorporating The Georgetown and Western Railroad Company as successor to the franchises of the Georgetown & Lane's Railroad Company. A Special Act of the Legislature of South Carolina, approved February 17 th, 1908, authorized the construction and operation of a railroad from Andrews, S. C., to the Pee Dee River. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Georgetown, S. C. CONSTRUCTION. In 1888 the gauge of the line between Lanes and Georgetown was changed from five feet to standard. During the period, 1901-1911, various logging spurs aggregating 65 miles were con¬ structed to keep pace with the milling operations of the Atlantic Coast Lumber Corp¬ oration. By decree dated November 15th, 1911, the Receiver was authorized to reconstruct the logging branch which extended Northwardly 28 miles from Andrews, and to extend same to the Pee Dee River. Reconstruction of this line and extension of same was begun and completed during 1911, Andrews, S. C., to Pee Dee River, S. C., 32.6 miles. OPERATION. crptr.uer-s Contract on June 9th, 1887, the property and franchises of the Georgetown and Lane's Railroad Company were purchased from C. 0. Witte. From June 9th, 1887, to December 15th, 1902, the railroad from Georgetown, S. C., to Lanes, S. C., 36 miles, was operated by the Company under its own management. In an action brought by the Meyer Rubber Company in the U. S. Circuit Court, F. S. Farr was appointed Receiver December 9th, 1902. The Receiver took possession December 15th, 1902, and operated the railroad until February 28th, 1905. On February 28th, 1905, F. S. Farr died and P. A. Willcox was appointed Receiver, and operated the railroad until April 15th, 1912. On April 15th, 1912, the property was returned to the Company. From April 15th, 1912, to May 1st, 1915, the railroad was operated by the Company under its own management. From December 1st, 1911, to May 1st, 1915^ the Pee Dee Bridge and the railroad from the Pee Dee River to Andrews, S. C., were operated jointly with the North and South Carolina Railway Company and its successor, the Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway. Nomi2006ller's Contract On May 1st, 1915, the railroad property and franchises of the lines from Lanes to Georgetown, and from Andrews to the Pee Dee River, were sold to the Carolina, At¬ lantic & Western Railway. S4 THE FLORIDA CENTRAL AND PENINSULAR RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 57 Place No. 50 INCORPORATION. Under the General Railroad Incorporation Act of Florida, Laws of 1874, and amend¬ ments, letters patent were issued November 17th, 1888, incorporating The Florida Cen¬ tral and Peninsular Railroad Company to operate the railroads formerly owned by the Florida Railway and Navigation Company. On December 13th, 1892, letters patent were issued by the Secretary of State of Florida, authorizing construction and operation of a railroad from Yulee, Florida, to the Georgia State Line, near St. Mary's, Georgia. Laws of Florida 1874-Chap. 1987; 1879-Chap. 3166. Mc- Clellan's Digest 1881 Chapter 39. Book of Charters Page 879 Law Li¬ brary Q. C. Book of Charters Page 889 Law Library Q. C. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Jacksonville, Fla. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced in 1889, and completed May 1st, 1890, from Plant City, Fla., to Tampa, Fla., 22.6 miles: Construction was commenced in 1891 and completed Archer, Fla., to Early Bird, Fla., 29 miles, December 1, 1891; Turkey Creek, Fla., to Durant, Fla., 4.33 miles, May 1st, 1892. OPERATION. By deed, dated July 12, 1888, W. Bayard Cutting sold to The Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company all of the railroads formerly owned by the Florida Rail¬ way and Navigation Company. Possession was given May 1st, 1889. On April 15th, 1891, the property and franchises of the Tavares, Orlando and At¬ lantic Railroad Company, which extended from Tavares to Orlando, Fla., 32 miles, were purchased at foreclosure sale. On January 1st, 1892, the railroad of the East Florida and Atlantic Railroad Com¬ pany from Orlando to Oviedo, 16 miles, was leased. The railroad of The Fernandina and Amelia Beach Railway from Fernandina to Amelia Beach, 2 miles, was operated under the terms of the lease to the Florida Rail¬ way and Navigation Company, dated September 9th, 1885. From May 1st, 1889, the lines from: Jacksonville to River Junction, 209.1 miles; Drifton to Monticello, 4.4 miles; Tallahassee to St. Marks, 20.5'miles; Fernandina to Cedar Key, 155.5 miles; Waldo to Plant City, 132.5 miles; Wildwood to Tavares, 21.0 miles; Silver Springs Junction to Silver Springs, 2.0 miles; Sumterville Junction to Sumterville, 2.0 miles; Yulee to Jacksonville, 21.5 miles; Comptroller's Contract No. 12022. Comptroller's Contract No. 12008. 85 F. & J. Junct. to Myrtle Ave., Jacksonville, Fla., 3.33 miles; Fernandina to Amelia Beach, 2 miles, were operated by the Company under its own management. The following lines were operated by the Company Under its own management from date of completion, acquisition or lease until January 20th, 1893: Plant City, Fla., to Tampa, Fla., 22.6 miles. (Completed May 1st, 1890). Tavares, Fla., to Orlando, Fla., 32.0 miles. (Acquired April 15th, 1891). Archer, Fla., to Early Bird, Fla., 29.0 miles. (Completed December 1st, 1891). Orlando, Fla., to Oviedo, Fla., 16.0 miles. (Leased January 1st, 1892). Turkey Creek, Fla., to Durant, Fla., 4.33 miles. (Completed May 1st, 1892). A steamboat line between Fernandina, Fla., and Brunswick, Ga., was operated from May 1st, 1889, to December 1st, 1892. By articles of agreement, executed December 6th, 1892, re-executed January 16th, 1893, and filed in Georgia, January 18th, 1893, and in Florida, January 20th, 1893, Florida Northern Railroad Company was merged into The Florida Central and Penin¬ sular Railroad Company, and name of the latter was changed to Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company. THE SAVANNAH, AMERICUS AND MONTGOMERY RAILWAY Chart No. 58 Place No. 43 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved December 26th, 1888, changed j^0wsN°o aeorgi» the name of The Americus. Preston and Lumpkin Railroad Company to "The Savan- ££irters Page ws u# li- nah, Americus and Montgomery Railway." Authority for incorporation in Alabama was granted. A Special Act of the Legislature of Alabama, approved December 11th, 1889, in- PaKcSiu^ob2?îa corporated The Savannah, Americus and Montgomery Railway in Alabama to con- charters Page cio Law li- struct and operate a railroad from the Georgia State Line to Montgomery. A Special Act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved November 13th, 1889, au- Laws^of Georgia ^kPaJjf thorized the construction and operation of a telegraph line. charters Page w Law li- A Special Act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved December 16th, 1890, au- p**s2°3 No°r?7a B„ok®of tliorizcd an increase of capital stock to $5,000,000. charters page m law lu ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Americus, Georgia. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced January 1st, 1889, and completed from: Abbeville, Ga., to Lyons, Ga., 65 miles, June 1, 1890; Louvale, Ga., to State Line, 13 miles, March 1, 1891; State Line to Hurtsboro, Ala., 25 miles, March 1, 1891; Hurtsboro, Ala., to Montgomery, Ala., 56.5 miles, December 1, 1891. These extensions were built with standard gauge. On January 1st, 1891, the gauge of the line between Abbeville and Louvale was changed from three feet to standard. At the time of the change of gauge several revisions were made in the alignment between Americus and Louvale and the shops were moved from the West to the East side of Americus. OPERATION. From December 26th, 1888, the line from Abbeville, Ga., to Louvale, Ga., 104 miles, and from the close of construction the lines from Abbeville, Ga., to Lyons, Ga., 65 miles, and Louvale, Ga., to Montgomery, Ala., 94.5 miles, were operated by the Com¬ pany under its own management until November 30th, 1892. From June 1891, the railroad of the Albany, Florida and Northern Railway Company extending from Albany, Ga., .to Cordele, 35 miles, was operated until November 30th, 1892. Formal lease was executed February 23rd, 1892. The Company guaranteed the bonds of the Montgomery Terminal Company and used the freight tracks of the Terminal Company under lease executed about March 1st, 1892. Entrance into Montgomery Passenger Station was over the tracks of the Mont¬ gomery and Eufaula Railway (C. of Ga. Ry.) and the Louisville and -Nashville Rail¬ road Company. 87 A Steamboat line from Abbeville to Brunswick and Savannah was operated from 1889 to 1891. This was abandoned on completion of the railroad to Lyons. In an action brought by the bondholders in Sumter County, Georgia, Superior Court, S. H. Hawkins and T. Edward Hambleton were appointed Receivers on Novem¬ ber 30th, 1892. From November 30th, 1892, to August 14th, 1895, the railroad was operated by the Receivers. On May 17th, 1895, the property and franchises were sold at public auction to John W. Middendorf, Richard B. Sperry, John L. Williams, John Skelton Williams, John M. Nelson, Ernest Stump and J. W. Deming. Deed from the Receivers was executed July 20th, 1895; from the Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company, July 22nd, 1895; from the Trustees of the bond issue of The Americus, Preston and Lumpkin Railroad Company, July 24th, 1895, and from The Savannah, Americus and Montgomery Rail¬ way, August 1895. No!"ijwo!16'8 Contract On July 27th, 1895, the property and franchises were conveyed by the purchasers to the Georgia and Alabama Railway. Possession was given to the new Company August 14th, 1895. THE OSCEOLA AND LAKE JESUP RAILWAY COMPANY Chart No. 59 Place No. 82 INCORPORATION. Under the General Railroad Incorporation Act of Florida, Laws of 1874, and amend- i^Ts0M^aifi«n's^"Dig"st mcnts, letters patent were issued January 23rd, 1889, incorporating The Osceola and c^àrtèrsPPagJe '805 Law ûî Lake Jesup Railway Company to construct and operate a railroad from a point on The brar> Oenerai Counsel. Orlando and Winter Park Railway to Lake Jesup, Fla. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Orlando, Florida. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced in 1889, and completed October, Î890, from Winter Park to Oviedo, Fla., 10 miles. On completion the road was leased for ten years to The Orlando and Winter Park Railway Company and was operated by this Company from October 1st, 1890, to June 1st, 1891. On May 9th, 1891, the property and franchises of The Osceola and Lake Jesup Comptroller's Contract Railway Company were sold to the East Florida and Atlantic Railroad Company. 89 THE ABBEVILLE AND WAYCROSS RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 60 Place No. 42 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved November 12th, 1889, in¬ corporated The Abbeville and Waycross Railroad Company to construct and operate a railroad from Abbeville, Georgia, to Waycross, Georgia. Construction of the first ten miles was required to be completed within five years. A Special Act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved December 26th, 1890, au¬ thorized construction and operation between Macon, Fort Valley, or Perry, Ga., and the Florida State Line in Echols County. A Special Act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved September 19th, 1891, au¬ thorized construction and operation to Brunswick, Georgia. i ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Abbeville, Georgia. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced at Abbeville, Ga., in February, 1890, and com¬ pleted from: Abbeville to Bowen's Mill, 13 miles, September 1, 1890; Bowen's Mill to Lulaville, 5.0 miles, July 1, 1891. These lines were built by The Abbeville Investment and Construction Company. Construction was commenced January 1st, 1896, and completed March 1st, 1896, from Lulaville to Fitzgerald, 4.5 miles. This extension was built by the Georgia and Alabama Railway. OPERATION. From the close of construction to June 2nd, 1892, the line from Abbeville to Lula¬ ville, 18.0 miles, was operated by the Company under its own management. In an action in Wilcox County Superior Court, S. P. Lasseter was appointed Re¬ ceiver on June 2nd, 1892, and operated the railroad until his resignation on January 10th, 1895, when R. V. Bowen was substituted. The railroad was operated by R. V. Bowen, Receiver, from January 10th, 1895, to August 15th, 1896. On August 15th, 1896, the Receiver was discharged and the property returned to the Company August 18th, 1896. Comptroller's Contract On August 18th, 1896, the property and franchises were sold to the Georgia and No. 13037. ° ° Alabama Railway. Laws of Georgia 1889 Page 375 No. 677. Book of Charters Page 613 Law Li¬ brary Q. C. Laws of Georgia 1890-1891 Vol. 1-Page 280 No. 151. Book of Charters Page 620 Law Library G. C. Laws of Georgia 1890-91 Vol. 1-Page 372 No. 479. Book of Charters Page 622 Law Library G. C. 90 CHESTERFIELD AND KERSHAW RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 61 Place No. 21 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of South Carolina, approved December 24th, 1889, niTm ^ook'Tciwtcrs incorporated the Chesterfield and Kershaw Railroad Company to construct and operate Page 4io Law Library a. c. a railroad from Chc'raiv: S. C., to Camden, S. C. Municipalities or counties were au¬ thorized to subscrib'd Ï6V capital stock, issuing six per cent bonds to secure the funds for subscription. Authority was given for merger and consolidation with any connecting railroad company either within or outside of the State of South Carolina. A Special Act of the Legislature of South Carolina, approved December 24th, 1892, Laws of s. c. ism. modified, the method of subscription to capital stock on the part of the municipalities and codntféh and authorized construction of a branch to Sumter, S. C. An amendment to the charter was issued by the Secretary of State of South Caro lina, November 25th, 1899, authorizing an increase in the capital stock to $1,000,000. A Special Act of the Legislature of South Carolina, approved February 27th, 1899, Laws of s. c. isw Pace 231 ,, . , , r „ No. 149. Book of Charters authorized merger and consolidation of the Company. Page 42s Law Library a. c. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders June 23rd, 1891. The principal office of the Company was at Cheraw, S. C. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced September 1st, 1899, and completed May 10th, 1900, from Cheraw, S. C., to Camden, S. C., 55 miles. The construction was done under contract, dated September 26th, 1899, with The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Coifipany. OPERATION. From May 10th, to July 1st, 1900, the railroad was operated as a part of the "Sea¬ board Air Line," which was an association of: The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, The Carolina Central Railroad Company, The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company, Durham and Northern Railway Company, and lines leased by these railroads. From July 1st, 1900, to November 7th, 1901, the railroad was operated by the Sea¬ board Air Line Railway, a corporation, by virtue of stock ownership of The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, which company controlled the Chesterfield and Kershaw Railroad Company. On November 7th, 1901, the Chesterfield and Kershaw Railroad Company was Comptroller's Contract No. 790. merged into the Seaboard Air Line Railway. 91 OXFORD AND COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 62 Place No. 17 INCORPORATION. imTcSIpuÎUsiSe™""* A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified March 5th, 1891, in¬ corporated the Oxford and Coast Line Railroad Company to construct and operate a railroad from Oxford to Wilson, Spring Hope, Raleigh, Roxboro, Reidsville or Greens¬ boro and to extend to the line of The Wilmington and Weldon Railroad or The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company. Authority was given to unite with any other railroad company. Counties, townships and muncipalities were authorized to issue bonds to secure funds in aid of construction. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders March 12th, 1891. The principal office of the Company was at Oxford, N. C. CONSTRUCTION. iNo"J?itr°"er's Contract Construction was commenced in 1901 and completed March 20th, 1902, from Dick- erson, N. C., to Oxford, N. C., 4.5 miles. The construction was done under the direction of the Seaboard Air Line Railway. OPERATION.. From the close of construction to June 28th, 1906, the line was operated by the Seaboard Air Line Railway by virtue of stock ownership. Compooner's Contract on June 28th, 1906, the franchises and property were sold to the Seaboard Air Line Railway. 92 EAST FLORIDA AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 63 Place No. 52 INCORPORATION. Under the General Railroad Incorporation Act of Florida, Laws of 1874, and amend- ^8™s°M^acMan"4 DlRcst ments, letters patent were issued April 9th, 1891, incorporating the East Florida and c^lirtereWe'w»Law' lu Atlantic Railroad Company to own and operate the railroad from Orlando, Fla., to brarr Q- c- Oviedo, Fla., and to construct and operate a railroad from Oviedo, Fla., to New Smyrna, Fla. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Orlando, Fla. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by the East Florida and Atlantic Railroad Company. OPERATION. The property and franchise of The Osceola and Lake Jesup Railway Company were ^mpo«|"cr's contract purchased by the East Florida and Atlantic Railroad Company on May 9th, 1891. The property and franchises of The Orlando and Winter Park Railway Company Comptroller's Contract were purchased by the East Florida and Atlantic Railroad Company on May 29th, 1891. From June 1st, 1891, to January 1st, 1892, the line from Orlando to Oviedo, 16 miles, was operated by the Company under its own management. From January 1st, 1892, to January 17th, 1894, the road was leased to and operated by The Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company and its successor, the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company. Suifs were brought by the holders of bonds of The Orlando and Winter Park Rail¬ way Company and The Osceola and Lake Jesup Railway Company in Orange County Circuit Court. J. M. Cheney was appointed Special Master on November 2nd, 1893 and sold the property and franchises at Public Auction December 4th. 1893, to the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company. The sale was confirmed by the Court, December 30th, 1803. and the deeds executed comptroller's con- ^ tracts and possession given January 17th, 1894. 93 THE FLORIDA, GEORGIA AND WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY Chart No. 64 Place No. 77 INCORPORATION. Chaptcr°'oo8^lorlda '8" A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved May 7, 1891, incorporated The Florida, Georgia and Western Railway Company to construct and operate a rail¬ road from Gainesville to Tallahassee with branches to Tampa, to the Georgia State Line and to the St. Johns River. The act provided a grant of the alternate sections of State owned land within six miles of the center line and in addition ten thousand acres of State-owned land for each mile constructed. Construction was under supervision of the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund and was required to be commenced within ten days, twenty miles completed within one year and the entire main line within three years. 2i7WNo0fi«!°rlda 18,3 Paee A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved May 20th, 1893, extended the required date of completion of the line to May 7th, 1896. No lands were ever granted to The Florida, Georgia and Western Railway Com pany by the State of Florida. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Tallahassee, Fla. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced and completed in 1891 from Tallahassee, Fla., to a point 6 miles Southeasterly therefrom. OPERATION. The railroad from Tallahassee to a point 6 miles Southeastwardly therefrom was operated by the Company under its own management from the close of construction to May 6th, 1895. No",i2Ôso"crs Contract On May 7th, 1895, the property and franchises were sold at sheriff's sale to J. M. Mayo. No'TaJus""'" Contract On June 8th, 1895, the property and franchises were sold by J. M. Mayo to the Tallahassee Southeastern Railway Company. 94 THE TREDEGAR MINERAL RAILWAY Chart No. 65 Place No. 85 INCORPORATION. Under the Alabama Railroad Incorporation Act, Code of 1886, a charter was issued pagiw'^aw Library a'c' August 14th, 1891, incorporating The Tredegar Mineral Railway to construct and oper¬ ate a railroad from Jacksohville, Ala., to Burke's Iron Mine in Calhoun County. A Special Act of the Legislature of'Alabama, approved February 21st, 1893, de- Laws of Alabama ism. clared The Tredegar Mineral Railway to be a corporation having the right to construct and operate a railroad from Jacksonville, Ala., to the Chattanooga Southern Railroad. A Special Act of the Legislature of Alabama, approved February 15th, 1897, au- laws of Alabama ism. thorized the Company to be leased, sold to or consolidated with any connecting railroad. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders August 8th, 1891. The principal office of the Company was at Jacksonville, Ala. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced in 1892 and completed April 1st, 1893, from Jackson¬ ville, Ala., to Tredegar, Ala., 2.5 miles. An extension one mile long in Jacksonville, Ala., was built in 1896. OPERATION. From the close of construction to August 23rd, 1900, the road was operated under lease by The East and West Railroad Company of Alabama and its successor, the East and West Railroad Company. By deed dated August 23rd, 1900, the property was sold to the East and West Rail- Comptroller's Contract roatl Company. 'Jo THE RICHMOND, PETERSBURG AND CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 66 Place No 30 INCORPORATION. Acts of Virginia Assembly 1899-1900 Chapter 19. Book of Charters Page 325 Law Library CL C. A Special Act of the Legislature of Virginia, approved January 12th, 1900, declared that the purchasers of the property and franchises of the Virginia and Carolina Railroad Company, on May 7th, 1892, were on that date incorporated as The Richmond, Peters¬ burg and Carolina Railroad Company, successor to all of the franchises of the former Virginia and Carolina Railroad Company. Acquisition of other railroads was authorized. ' With consent of the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond, a change of name could be made from Petersburg, Va., to DeWitt, Va., 20 miles. Construction of the lines from Acca, Va., to Petersburg, Va., 27 miles; DeWitt, Va., to State Line, 47.5 miles, and State Line to Norlina, N. C., 7.5 miles, was commenced but not completed. OPERATION. On June 10th, 1897, a contract was made by the City of Petersburg with DeWitt Smith for the construction of the railroad from Petersburg, Va., to Ridgeway, N. C. On August 12th, 1897, this contract was assumed by the Company. On June 10th, 1897, the City of Petersburg conveyed to DeWitt Smith the entire capital stock, property' and franchises of The Richmond, Petersburg and Carolina Railroad Company. This deed was executed in accordance with terms of contract of June 10th, 1897, and in consideration of the fulfilment of the provisions of the contract. On September lltli, 1897, a contract was made with The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company for lease of the line on completion. On January 2nd, 1899, a contract was made with the Colonial Construction Com¬ pany for the building of the railroad. 96 On January 2nd, 1809, a contract was made with The Seaboard and Roanoke Rail¬ road Company and The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company for lease of the line 011 completion. The lease to The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company of September lltli. 1897, was cancelled. On January 4th, 1900, the contract with the Colonial Construction Company was '.ransferred to the Carolina Construction Company and the lease to The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company and The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, dated January 2nd, 1899, was cancelled. From November 9th, 1898, to April 10th, 1900, the railroad between Petersburg, Va., and DeWitt, Va., was operated by the Company under its own management. On April 10th, 1900, the name of the Company was changed by order of the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond to Seaboard Air Line Railway. SEABOARD AIR LINE BELT RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 67 Place No. 27 Georgia Code 1882 Sec. 1689- Page 373. Book of Chart¬ ers Page 575 Law Library G. C. Comptroller's Con¬ tract No. 1794. INCORPORATION. Under the General Incorporation Act of Georgia a charter was issued July 22nd, 1892, incorporating the Seaboard Air Line Belt Railroad Company to construct and operate a railroad from North Decatur, Ga., to Howells, Ga. ORGANIZATION. The organization was effected at a meeting of the stockholders July 28th, 1892. The principal office of the Company was at Atlanta, Ga. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced August 1st, 1892, and completed November 23rd 1892, from Belt Junction, Ga., to Howells, Ga., a distance of 8.1 miles. OPERATION. No™»™""'* Contract From November 23rd, 1892, to August 1st, 1893, the line was operated under a 30 year lease dated March 28th, 1893 to The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company and The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, lessees of The Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company. From August 1st, 1893, to July 1st, 1900, the Seaboard Air Line Belt Railroad Com¬ pany was operated as a part of the Seaboard Air Line, which was an association of The Carolina Central Railroad Company, The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company, Durham and Northern Railway Company, and lines leased by these railroads. This was an operating association only, and had no corporate existence. The Seaboard Air Line Belt Railroad Company was legally independent, subject to its lease to The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company and The Seaboard and Roanoke Rail¬ road Company. From July 1st, 1900, to November 7th, 1901, the railroad was operated by the Sea¬ board Air Line Railway by virtue of its ownership of the stock of the lessees of the Sea¬ board Air Line Belt Railroad Company. By an agreement with the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway, lessee of the Western and Atlantic Railroad, dated October 1st, 1892, trackage rights between Howells, Ga. and Atlanta, Ga., and use of the Atlanta Union Passenger Station were secured. Comptroller's Contract On November 7th, 1901, the Seaboard Air Line Belt Railroad Company was merged into the Seaboard Air Line Railway. Comptrollers Contract No. 1193. 98 FLORIDA NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 68 Place No. 51 INCORPORATION. Under the Georgia Code of 1882, a charter was issued by the Secretary of State of Georgia, November 22nd, 1892, incorporating the Florida Northern Railroad Company to construct and operate a railroad from Savannah, Ga., to the Florida State Line. An amendment to the General Railroad Incorporation Act of Georgia, approved p,f£ersn7CoBÔÔk ofciiart- December 17th, 1892, authorized consolidation or merger with other railroads either in erpage ,3, or out of the State of Georgia, the successor company being vested with all of the rights LawTibrory'a c of the original company. To secure the benefits of this amendment a petition was filed by the Florida Northern Railroad Company January 9th, 1893, and an amendment to the charter was issued by the Secretary of State of Georgia, January 13th, 1893. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization of the Company is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Savannah, Ga. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by the Florida Northern Railroad Company. OPERATION. No lines were operated by this Company. By articles of agreement, executed December 6th, 1892, re-executed January 16th, charJ|" 1893, and filed in Georgia, January 18th, 1893, and in Florida, January 20th, 1893, Flor- La'w'ubrary'a c ida Northern Railroad Company was merged into The Florida Central and Peninsular Comptroller's Contract Railroad Company and name of the latter was changed to Florida Central and Penin¬ sular Railroad Company. 99 FLORIDA CENTRAL AND PENINSULAR RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 69 Place No. 22 INCORPORATION. Florida Revised Statutes 1892 Page 696 Law Library Q. C. Georgia Code 1895 Sec. 2159 Page 117. Book of Charters Page 943 Law Li¬ brary G. C. Laws of Florida 1897-Page 165 Chap. 4618-No. 104. Book of Charters Page 893 Law Library G. C. Under the General Incorporation Act of Florida, Revised Statutes of 1892, and the General Railroad Incorporation Act of Georgia, approved December 17th, 1892, the Florida Northern Railroad Company was by agreement filed in Georgia, on January 18th, 1893, and in Florida on January 20th, 1893, merged into The Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company, the name of the latter being changed to Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved June 4th, 1897, confirmed the right of eminent domain of the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company with regard to the extension from Plant City, Fla., to Tampa, Fla. ORGANIZATION. The organization of The Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company was continued. The principal office of the Company was at Jacksonville, Fla. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced January 20th, 1893, and completed January 1st, 1894, from Yulee, Fla., to Georgia State Line, 11.5 miles, and from Georgia State Line to Savannah, Ga., 105.0 miles. Construction was commenced December, 1893, and completed January 1st, 1894, from Oviedo to Lake Charm, 1 mile. Construction was commenced January 1st, 1894, and completely December 1st, 1894, from Summerfield to Lake Weir, 7.5 miles. Comptroller's Contract No. 1204t. Comptroller's Contract No. 12010. Comptroller's Contract No. 12007. Coin pi roller's Contract No. 22. OPERATION. The property and franchises of the Santa Fe Canal Company were purchased at foreclosure sale on June 1st, 1897. The property and franchises of the East Florida and Atlantic Railroad Company were purchased at foreclosure sale on January 17th, 1894. This railroad had been operated under lease to predecessor company. The property and franchises of The Fernandina and Amelia Beach Railway Com¬ pany were purchased January 31st, 1894. This railroad had been operated under lease to predecessor company. On July 2Vth, 1892, the railway of The South Bound Railroad Company, extending from Savannah, Ga., to Cayce, S. C., 135.5 miles, was leased for ninety-nine years, from October 1st, 1893. By agreement, dated August 16th, 1894, the use, jointly with other roads, of the facilities of the Jacksonville (Florida) Terminal Company was secured. From January 20th, 1893, the lines from Jacksonville to River Junction, 209.1 miles; 100 Drifton to Monticello, 4.4 miles; Tallahassee to St. Marks, 20.5 miles; Fernandina to Cedar Key, 155.5 miles; Waldo to Tampa, 155.1 milgs; Wildwood to Tavares, 21.0 iPiles; Silver Springs Junction to Silver Springs, 2.0 miles; Sumterville Junction to Sumterville, 2.0 miles; Yulee to Jacksonville, 21.5 miles; F. & J. Junction to Myrtle Ave. (Jacksonville, Fla.), 3.33 miles; Tavares to Orlando, 32.0 miles; Orlando to Oviedo, 16 miles; Archer to Early Bird, 29 miles; Turkey Creek to Durant, 4.33 miles; Fernandina to Amelia Beach, 2 miles, wore operated by the Company under its own management to July 1st, 1900. The following lines were operated by the Company under its own management from the date of completibn or as noted until July 1st, 1900. Sante Fe Canal, Waldo, Fla., to Melrose, Fla., 9 miles (actual length of Canal 2 miles. Operation from July 1st, 1893.) Yulee, Fla., to Savannah, Ga., 116.5 miles. (Completed January 1st, 1894.) Oviedo, Fla., to Lake Charm, Fla., 1.0 mile. (Completed January 1st, 1894.) Summerfield, Fla., to Lake Weir, Fla., 7.5 miles. (Completed December 1st, 1894.) From July 1st, 1900, to August 15th, 1903, all of the lines of the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company were operated by the Seaboard Air Line Railway by virtue of stock ownership. By agreement dated June 27th,' 1903, and filed in the office of Secretary of State of Contract Florida on August 15th, 1903, the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company was merged into the Seaboard Air Line Railway. ATLANTIC, SUWANNEE RIVER AND GULF RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 70 Place No. 59 INCORPORATION. Under the General Incorporation Act of Florida, Revised Statutes of 1892, letters patent were issued March 31st, 1893, incorporating the Atlantic, Suwannee River and Gulf Railroad Company to construct and operate a railroad from Starke, Fla., to the Suwannee River, between Clay Landing and Fort White, Fla. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at La Crosse, Fla. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by the Atlantic, Suwannee River and Gulf Railroad Company. OPERATION. No lines were operated by this company. jj*wChaFIo«m no Piwe A Special Act of Legislature of Florida, approved May 24th, 1893, incorporated the L*wVibraryrarcP,g# Atlantic, Suwannee River and Gulf Railway Company and merged therein all the fran¬ chises of the Atlantic, Suwannee River and Gulf Railroad Company. Florida Revised Statutes 1892 Pate 696 Law Library Q. C. 102 ATLANTIC, SUWANNEE RIVER AND GULF RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 71 Place No. 29 INCORPORATION. A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved May 24th, 1893, incorporated hTcîîap'"«m 'n" Ptsf the Atlantic, Suwannee River and Gulf Railway Company to construct and operate a LawkLibraryrtorS(Ta8e railroad from Starke, Fla., to the Suwannee River between Clay Landing and Fort White, Fla., and merged into the new corporation all of the franchises of the Atlantic, Suwannee River and Gulf Railroad Company. The act provided that for each mile of the completed line the State would grant ten thousand acres of swamp and overflow lands. Sections 9, 10 and 18 of the Act, which provided for the grant of land, were declared ^anavs,j2^Uantic Lbr' Co" unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Florida and no swamp and overflow lands were ever deeded to this railway. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the incorporators July 5th, 1893. The principal office of the Company was at Jacksonville, Fla. CONSTRUCTION. Under the General Railroad Incorporation Act of Florida, Laws of 1874, and amend" ments, letters patent were issued July 23rd, 1891, incorporating the Starke and Sampson City Railroad Company. A right of way was secured and about $4,000 expended in 1892 in grading between Starke and Sampson City, Fla. The right of way was held in the name of John L. Gaskins, Trustee. For lack of funds the Company forfeited its franchises, and on November 23rd, 1892, the Trustee conveyed the right of way to the Ambler Lumber Company. On July 11th, 1893, the Ambler Lumber Company sold to the Atlantic, Suwannee River and Gulf Railway Company the right of way and grading formerly owned by the Starke and Sampson City Railroad Company. Construction was commenced in July, 1893, and completed: Minutes Trustees im- Starkc, Fla., to Sampson City, Fla., 5 miles, August 1, 1893; andVoîume s"d Vol"me 4 Sampson City, Fla., to La Crosse, Fla., 15 miles, March 1, 1894; LaCrosse, Fla., to Alachua, Fla., 7 miles, July 1, 1896; Alachua, Fla., to Buda, Fla., 9 miles, July 1st, 1897. These lines were built under contract by the Atlantic Lumber Company, successor to the Ambler Lumber Company. Construction was commenced July 1st. 1900, and completed: Buda, Fla., to AYilliford, Fla., 11 miles, October 1st, 1901; Williford, Fla., to AYannoe, Fla.., 10 miles, April 1st, 1902. These lines were built under contract dated September 14th, 1899, between the Atlantic Lumber Company and the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company. 103 OPERATION. The line from Starke to Burnett's Lake, 25 miles, was operated from the close of construction to July 1st, 1900, by the Company under its own management. The line from Burnett's Lake to Buda, 11 miles, was operated from the close of construction to July 1, 1900, by the Atlantic Lumber Company, successor to the Ambler Lumber Company. From July 1st, 1900, the line from Starke to Buda, 36 miles, and from the close of construction the line from Buda to Wannee, 21 miles, were operated by the Seaboard Air Line Railway until January 2nd, 1908, by virtue of stock ownership. On January 2nd, 1908, the Receivers of the Seaboard Air Line Railway were ap¬ pointed Receivers of the Atlantic, Suwannee River and Gulf Railway Company and oper¬ ated the railroad until November 4th, 1909. Nomijowllor* Contract On September 30th, 1909, the property and franchises were sold to the Seaboard Air Line, Railway. This purchase was confirmed by court order of October 18th, 1909, and possession was taken November 4th, 1909. EAST AND WEST RAILROAD COMPANY Chart No. 72 Place No. 55 INCORPORATION. Under the Alabama Railroad Incorporation Act, Code of 1886, a certificate of in¬ corporation was issued by the Secretary of State January 11th, 1894, incorporating the East and West Railroad Company to operate the property formerly owned by The East and West Railroad Company of Alabama, and to succeed to all of the franchise rights of the latter Company. Under the Georgia General Railroad Incorporation Act of 1892 a charter was issued January 15th, 1896, incorporating the East and West Railroad Company in Georgia as successor to the franchises and rights of predecessor corporations. On March 6th, 1903, a certificate was issued by the Secretary of State of Georgia authorizing the construction of an extension from Rockmart to Marietta. ORGANIZATION. : The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders January 8th, 1894. The principal office of the Company was at Piedmont, Alabama. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced in 1902, and completed December 5th, 1904, by the Atlanta and Birmingham Air Line Railway from Coal City, Ala., to Birmingham, Ala., 39 miles, and from Rockmart, Ga., to a point near Floyd, Ga., 30 miles. At the same time the line from Rockmart, Ga., to Coal City, Ala., 87.5 miles, was reconstructed 6.5 miles of the original alignment being abandoned. Civil Code of Ala. 1886 Porc 384 Law Library G. C. Georgia Code 1892 Law Li¬ brary G. C. OPERATION. From May 8th, 1894, to May 20th, 1903, the line from Cartersville, Ga., to Pell City, Ala., 119 miles, was operated by the Company under its own management. From May 8th, 1894, to August 23rd, 1900, the line owned by the Tredegar Mineral Railway from Tredegar to Jacksonville, Ala., 4 miles, was operated under lease. On August 23rd, 1900, the property and franchises of The Tredegar Mineral Railway were purchased by the East and West Railroad Company and this line was operated as a branch line to May 20th, 1903. On April 23rd, 1902, the entire capital stock of the East and West Railroad Com¬ pany was bought by a syndicate for the benefit of the Seaboard Air Line Railway. By an agreement, dated March 23rd, 1903, the Louisville and Nashville Railroad ( bmpany was granted trackage rights between Wellington, Ala., and Cartersville, Ga. On April 281 h, 1903, the property and franchises of the Birmingham and Atlanta Air Line Railway were purchased by the East and West Railroad Company. On May 201 h, 1903, the East and West Railroad Company was consolidated with the Chatlahnnrhee Terminal Railway to form the Atlanta and Birmingham Air Line Railway. Comptroller's Contract No. 12047. Comptroller's Contract No. II57. Comptroller's Contract No. 12090. Comptroller's Contract No. 12091. 105 TALLAHASSEE SOUTHEASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY Chart No. 73 Place No. 48 INCORPORATION. hrW44077FNodai56,5ChaP' ^ Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved May 30th, 1895, incorporated the Tallahassee Southeastern Railway Company to construct and operate a railroad from Gainesville, Fla., to Tallahassee, Fla., with a branch to Tampa and to the Georgia State Line. The Act specified a grant of certain lands in alternate sections lying within six miles on each side of the railroad and in addition ten thousand acres of state-owned land per mile of road constructed, provided certain conditions as to construction and comple¬ tion were fulfilled. Construction was under the direction of the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund and subject to the Internal Improvement Act of January 6th, 1855. Twenty miles were required to be constructed within one year and the line to Gaines¬ ville, Fla., within four years. The provisions of the Act approved May 7th, 1891, which incorporated The Florida, Georgia and Western Railway Company were trans¬ ferred to the Tallahassee Southeastern Railway Company. Lawsof Florida j897 Chap- A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved May 31st, 1897, extended the required date of completion of the first twenty miles to May 31st, 1899, and of the line to Gainesville, Fla., to May 31st, 1901. Laws of Florida moi chap- A Special Act of the Legislature of Florida, approved May 28th, 1901, extended the tor 5023 No. i39. required date of completion to the Suwannee River to January 1st, 1903, and to Gaines¬ ville, Fla., to May 28th, 1903. The line from Tallahassee, Fla., to Perry, Fla., was required to be completed No¬ vember 30th, 1901. In case of failure to complete the line to Perry by November 30th, 1901, and to the Suwannee River by January 1st, 1903, the rights in certain of the land grant lands would be forfeited. No lands were ever deeded to this Company by the State of Florida. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Tallahassee, Fla. CONSTRUCTION. Minutes Trustees im- Construction was commenced July 1st, 1897, and completed February 1st, 1899, p™»ement Fund Volume 4 from a point six miles Southeasterly from Tallahassee to Wacissa, Fla., 14 miles. The roadbed was graded from Wacissa across the Aucilla River, a distance of 12.5 miles. OPERATION. On June 8th, 1895, James M. Mayo sold the property and franchise of The Florida, No?'i2048."er's Contract Georgia and Western Railway Company, including the railway which extended from Tallahassee Southeastwardly, to the Tallahassee Southeastern Railway Company. From June 8th, 1895, to March 19th, 1897, the railroad extending from Tallahassee, Fla., Southeastwardly, 6 miles, was operated by the Company under its own manage¬ ment. On March 19th, 1897, the Tallahassee Southeastern Railway Company sold to Comptroller's Contract R L. Bennett, the railroad extending eastwardly about six and one half miles from its No. 120M. junction with the, "St Marks Railroad." 1C 6 Construction of extension to Wacissa was completed during control of the railway ^"nois!'"8 Contract by R. L. Bennett and on March 18th, 1899, the railroad from Tallahassee to Wacissa was sold to the Florida Construction Company. On December 11th, 1901, the Florida Construction Company sold the railroad to no^mÎô""'8 Contracl the Tallahassee Southeastern Railway Company. From March 19th, 1897, to March 18th, 1899, the railroad was operated by R. L. Bennett; from March 18th, 1899, to December 11th, 1901, by the Florida Construction Company; and from December 11th, 1901, to April 18th, 1906, by the Tallahassee Southeastern Railway Company. On April 18th, 1906, the Tallahassee Southeastern Railway Company sold the SôTos?""8 Contract property and franchises to the Tallahassee Perry and Southeastern Railway Company. GEORGIA AND ALABAMA RAILWAY (ALA.) Chart No. 74 Place No. 45 INCORPORATION. w4V''sc°cdc"s<)' Book^of Under the General Incorporation Act of Alabama, Code of 1886, a charter was is- £r«ry as caRe "'7 Law L'" sued July 20th, 1895, incorporating the Georgia and Alabama Railway as successor to the charter rights in Alabama of The Savannah, Americus and Montgomery Railway. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders at Americus, Ga., June 27th, 1895. The principal office of the Company was at Mont¬ gomery, Ala. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by the Georgia and Alabama Railway (Ala.) OPERATION. No lines were operated by this Company, comptroller'» Contract On July 27th, 1895, the Georgia and Alabama Railway (Ala.) was consolidated with the Georgia and Alabama Railway (Ga.) to form the Georgia and Alabama Railway, a new consolidated corporation of Georgia and Alabama. 108 GEORGIA AND ALABAMA RAILWAY (GA.) Chart No. 75 Place No. 44 INCORPORATION. Under the General Railroad Incorporation Act of Georgia, a charter was issued n0otTo* ciLocrTâc '" CATAWBA VALLEY RAILWAY Chart No. 91 Place No. 25 INCORPORATION. Under the General Railroad Incorporation Act of South Carolina, a charter was issued May 9th, 1906, incorporating the Catawba Valley Railway to construct and op¬ erate a railroad from Lugoff, through Fort Lawn to the North Carolina State Line. Authority was given to purchase the line of the Southern Power Company between Fort Lawn and Chester. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Chester, S. C. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced in 1906 and completed October 1st, 1907, Spence, Si C., to Fort Lawn, S. C., 11.5 miles. The line from Fort Lawn to Great Falls, 10 miles, constructed between September 1st, 1905, and June 1st, 1906, by the Southern Power Company, was purchased June 1st, 1906. OPERATION. From the close of construction to January 2nd, 1908, the line was operated by the Seaboard Air Line Railway by virtue of stock ownership. On January 2nd, 1908, the Receivers of the Seaboard Air Line Railway were placed in charge and operated the line until November 4th, 1909. Non,i2ioo"ers Contract On September 27th, 1909, the property and franchises of the Catawba Valley Kail- Nomjw™ACrs Co,ltract way were sold to the Seaboard Air Line Railway. Possession was given November 4th, 1909. Civil Code of South Caro¬ lina 1902 Volume I Page 374 Law Library Q. C. Comptroller's Contracts No. 2835-B. No. 2906. 126 NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY COMPANY IS. C.) Chart No. 93 Place No. 70 INCORPORATION. Under the General Railroad Incorporation Act of South Carolina, Code of 1902, vou!mcCiachaptcr°?8 l'« a charter was issued November 28th, 1908, incorporating the North and South Carolina Library u.c. Railway Company to construct and operate a railroad from the North Carolina State Line near Gibson, N. C., to Dillon, S. C. An amendment to the charter, issued February 3rd, 1910, authorized an extension of. the railroad to Mullins, S. C., and an increase in the capital stock. An amendment to the charter, issued August 18th, 1911, authorized an extension of the railroad fçom Mullins, S. C., to the Pee Dee River. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The original office of the Company was at MeColl, S. C. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced December 1st, 1908, and completed February 8th, 1909, from Gibson, N. C., to Dillon, S. C., 28.7 miles. Of this construction, 1.5 miles was in North Carolina. Construction was commenced March 1st, 1910, and completed September 1st, 1910, from Dillon, S. C., to Mullins, S. C., 16.9 miles. OPERATION. From the close of construction to September 30th, 1911, the railroad was operated by the Company under its own management. The line of the Seaboard Air Line Railway from Hamlet Junction, N. C., to Gibson, £om,U,r,ollP,sContracts J ' ' No. 4273, No. 4274 and No. N. C., 10 miles, was operated from February 8th, 1909, under agreement, dated Febru- 5023- arv 2nd, 1909, and leased November 2nd, 1908, for fifteen years. Trackage rights be¬ tween Hamlet Junction and Hamlet, 0.56 miles, and Terminal facilities at Hamlet were secured from the Seaboard Air Line Railway. On February 9th, 1910, the lease and trackage rights were transferred to the North and South Carolina Railway Company (N. (1) By agreement, dated September 12th. 1911. effective September 15th. 1911. in comptroller's controci North Carolina, and September 30th, 1911, in South Carolina, the North and South Carolina Railway Company (S. ('.) w:n consolidated with the North and South Caro¬ lina Railway (N. C.i to form the North and South Carolina Railway Corn pa n\. NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY COMPANY (N. C.) Chart No. 97 Place No. 69 INCORPORATION. Lo!TchapUrrt6Î Law°'i?i- Under the General Incorporation Act of North Carolina, Revision of 1905, a charter braryQ.c. was issue£}; February 4th, 1910, incorporating the North and South Carolina Railway Company to construct or acquire and operate a railroad from Hamlet, N. C., to a point on the South Carolina State Line near Gibson, N. C. A Special Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 3rd, 1911, authorized a consolidation with the North and South Carolina Railway Company (S. C.) ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Hamlet, N. C. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by the North and South Carolina Railway Com- .pany (N. C.) OPERATION. facts No "«J] Con~ On February 9th, 1910, the lease of the line of the Seaboard Air Line Railway be- No- 50W- tween Hamlet Junction, N. C., and "Gibson, N. C., and trackage between Hamlet Junc¬ tion, N. C., and Hamlet, N. C., were purchased from the North and South Carolina Railway Company (S. C.) This line was operated by the North and South Carolina Railway Company (S. C.) until September 30th, 1911, by virtue of its ownership of the stock of the North Carolina corporation. eomptroiicr's Contract By agreement, dated September 12th, 1911, effective September 15th, 1911, in North Carolina and September 30th, 1911, in South Carolina, the North and South Carolina Railway Company (N. C.) was consolidated with the North and South Caro¬ lina Railway Company (S. C.) to form the North and South Carolina Railway Company. 128 SOUTH CAROLINA WESTERN RAILWAY Chart No. 98 Place No. 6S INCORPORATION. Under the; General Railroad Incorporation Act of South Carolina, Code of 1902, south CnroMna Code 1002 a charter was issued March 29th, 1910, incorporating the South Carolina Western Rail- 48 Law Library a.c. way to construct and operate a railroad from McBee, S. C., through Hartsville, S. C., and Darlington, S. C., to Florence, S. C. An amendment to the charter was issued November 10th, 1910. This amendment made no change other than amplification of the original charter. An amendment to the charter was issued October 12th, 1911, authorizing construc¬ tion and operation of branch railroads to Timmonsville, S. C., and Sumter, S. C. An amendment to the charter was issued January 30t,h, 1912, authorizing an increase in the capital stock. ORGANIZATION. The organization was effected at a meeting of the stockholders February 1st, 1910. The principal office of the Company was at Hartsville, S. C. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced April 1st, 1910, and completed March 1st, 1911, from McBee, S. C., to Florence, S. C., 35.2 miles. Construction was commenced January 1st, 1912, and completed August 1st, 1912, from Hartsville, S. C., to Sumter, S. C., 38.3 miles, and from Lydia, S. C., to Timmons¬ ville, S. C., 16.8 miles. OPERATION. From the close of construction to April 6th. 1914, the lines were operated by the Company under its own management. On April 6th, 1914, under agreement dated April 3rd, 1914, the South Carolina Comptroller's Contract Western Railway, the South Carolina Western Extension Railway and the Charleston °" Northern Railway were merged into the North and South Carolina Railway Company, and the name of the latter changed to Carolina, Atlantic A Western Railway. 12'J PEE DEE BRIDGE COMPANY Chart No. 99 Place No. 37 INCORPORATION. Article 4achi"pter°48 Law Under the General Incorporation Act of South Carolina, Code of 1902, a charter Library Q.c. was iSSUed August 26th, 1911, incorporating the Pee Dee Bridge Company to construct and operate a railroad bridge over the Pee Dee River near Poston, S. C. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders August 26th, 1911. The principal office of the Company was at Florence, S. C. CONSTRUCTION. No"M880"er's Contract Construction of the Pee Dee River Bridge and 1.08 miles of track was commenced in 1911 and completed December, 1911, OPERATION. From December 1st, 1911, to September 22nd, 1915, the property of the Company was operated by the North and South Carolina Railway Company and The Georgetown and Western Railway Company (and their successor corporations) under lease dated Novepiber 8th, 1911. Comptroller's Contract On September 22nd, 1915, the property and franchises were sold to the Carolina, No'l205'" Atlantic & Western Railway. Cc-mptroHor's Contract On October 20th, 1916, the Pee Dee Bridge Company was dissolved and the charter cancelled, J30 NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY COMPANY Chart No. 100 Place No. 38 INCORPORATION. Under the General Laws of South Carolina, Code of 1902, and a Special Act of the vo"m«A'^Arlkic 5"chapier Legislature of North Carolina, ratified February 3rd, 1911, the North and South Caro- 48 Law Library u.c. liua Railway Company was formed in North Carolina September 15th, 1911, and in South Carolina, September 30th, 1911, by the consolidation of the North and South Carolina Railway Company (N. C.) and the North and South Carolina Railway Com¬ pany (S. C.) A Special Act of the Legislature of South Carolina, approved February 23rd, 1914, authorized merger or consolidation with the Charleston Northern Railway. ORGANIZATION. By the terms of the consolidation agreement the officers and directors of the North and South Carolina Railway (S. C.) were continued as the officers and directors of the Consolidated Company. The principal office of the Company was at Hamlet, N. C. CONSTRUCTION. Construction was commenced on October 1st, 1911, and completed December 1st, 1911, from Muffins, S. C., to Pee Dee River, 22 miles. OPERATION. From September 30th, 1911, to April 6th, 1914, the lines from Hamlet, N. C., to Muffins, S. C., 55.7 miles, and from the close of construction the line from Mullins, S. C., to Pee Dee River, S. C., 22 miles, were operated by the Company under its own manage¬ ment. From December 1st, 1911, to April 6th, 1914, the Pee Dee Bridge and track of The Georgetown and Western Railroad Company to Andrews, S. C., were operated jointly with The Georgetown and Western Railroad Company under lease dated November 8th, 1911. On April 6th, 1914, under agreement dated April 3rd, 1914, the Charleston Northern Railway, the South Carolina Western Railway, and the South Carolina Western Exten¬ sion Railway were merged into the North and South Carolina Railway Company, and the name of the latter changed to Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway. Comptrollers Contract No. J2099. 131 SOUTH CAROLINA WESTERN EXTENSION RAILWAY Chart No. 101 Place No. 71 INCORPORATION. VoVume^Artick fchapte? Under the General Railroad Incorporation Act of South Carolina, Code of 1912, a 47 Law Library q.c. charter was issued August 23rcl, 1913, incorporating the South Carolina Western Ex¬ tension Railway to construct and operate a railroad from Florence, S. C., to Poston, S. C' ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Florence, S. C. CONSTRUCTION. Construction of the railroad from Florence, S. C., to Poston, S. C., was commenced in 1913 and completed in 1914 by the Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway. OPERATION. No railways were operated by this corporation. Non,|2099llcrs Contract On April 6th, 1914, under agreement dated April 3rd, 1914, the South Carolina Western Extension Railway, the South Carolina Western Railway and the Charleston Northern Railway were merged into the North and South Carolina Railway Company, and the name of the latter was changed to Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway. 132 CHARLESTON NORTHERN RAILWAY Chail No. 102 Place No. 72 INCORPORATION. Under the General Railroad Incorporation Act of South Carolina, Code of 1912, vôlumc^Articie fchapter a charter was issued December 9th, 1913, incorporating the Charleston Northern Rail- 47- way to construct and operate a railroad from Charleston, S. C., to Andrews, S. C. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Darlington, S. C. CONSTRUCTION. Construction of the railroad between Andrews, S. C., and Charleston, S. C., was commenced in 1913, and completed January 1st, 1915, by the Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway. OPERATION. No railways were operated by this corporation. On April (ith, 1914, under agreement dated April 3rd, 1914, the Charleston Northern £°m,^"er's Contr«ct Railway, the South Carolina Western Railway and the South Carolina Western Exten- ion Railway were merged into the North and South Carolina Railway Company, and (he name of the latter was changed to Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway. 133 CAROLINA, ATLANTIC AND WESTERN RAILWAY Chart No. 103 Place No. 13 Laws of North Carolina 1905 Chapter 61 Law Li¬ brary Q. C. Special Acts of South Caro¬ lina 1914. Comptroller's Contract No. 12006. Comptroller's Contract No. 12005. Comptroller's Contract No. 8375. Comptroller's Contract No. 9264. INCORPORATION. On April 6th, 1914, under agreement dated April 3rd, 1914, the Charleston North¬ ern Railway, the South Carolina Western Railway, and the South Carolina Western Extension Railway were merged into the North and South Carolina Railway Company, and the name of the latter changed to Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway. The merger and change of name were effected in North Carolina April 4th, 1914, under the General Railroad Laws of North Carolina, Revision of 1905, and in South Carolina April 6th, 1914, under Special Act of the South Carolina Legislature, approved Febru¬ ary 23rd, 1914. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders April 6th, 1914. CONSTRUCTION. Construction of the line from Florence, S. C., to Poston, S. C., 31.7 miles, com¬ menced by the South Carolina Western Extension Railway in 1913, was completed June 1st, 1914. Construction of the line from Andrews, S. C., to Charleston, S. C., 57.4 miles commenced by the Charleston Northern Railway, was completed January 1st, 1915. Construction of the line from Charleston, S. C., to Savannah, Ga., was commenced in 1915, but not completed. OPERATION. On May 1st, 1915, the property and franchises of The Georgetown and Western Railroad Company from Pee Dee River, S. C., to Andrews, S. C., 33.7 miles, and from Lanes, S. C., to Georgetown, S. C., 36 miles, were purchased by the Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway. By deed dated March 6th, 1914, but subsequently delivered, the railroad of the Seaboard Air Line Railway extending from Hamlet Junction, N. C., to Gibson, N. C., 10 miles, was purchased by the Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway. From April 6th, 1914, or from the date of completion or acquisition the lines from, Hamlet, N. C., to Andrews, S. C., 110 miles; Hartsville, S. C., to Sumter, S. C., 39 miles; Lydia, S. C., to Timmonsville, S. C., 17 miles; McBee, S. C., to Florence, S. C., 35.2 miles; Florence, S. C., to Poston, S. C., 31.7 miles (Completed June 1st, 1914); Andrews, S. C., to Charleston, S. C., 57.4 miles (Completed January 1st, 1915); Georgetown, S. C., to Lanes, S. C., 36 miles (Acquired May 1st, 1915), were operated by the Company under its own management until November 8th, 1915. On September 22nd, 1915, the franchises of the Charleston Southern Railway were merged into the Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway. On September 22nd, 1915,'the property and franchises of the Pee Dee Bridge Com¬ pany were purchased by the Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway. On November 8th, 1915, the name of the Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway was changed to Seaboard Air Line Railway Company. 134 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN RAILWAY Chart No. 104 Place No. 39 INCORPORATION. Under the General Incorporation Act of South Carolina, Code of 1912, the Charles- vÔ"umc^aArticiLichartcr ton Southern Railway was incorporated September 17th, 1915, to construct'and operate «LawLibrary o.c. a railroad from Charleston, S. C., to the Georgia State Line near Savannah, Ga. ORGANIZATION. The date of organization of the Company is not known. The principal office of the Company was at Darlington, S. C. CONSTRUCTION. No new lines were constructed by the Charleston Southern Railway. OPERATION. No lines were operated by this Company. On September 22nd, 1915, the Charleston Southern Railway was merged into the Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway. Comptroller's Contract No. 8375. 135 SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway Chart No. 105 Place No. 6 INCORPORATION. The name of the Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway was changed to Seaboard Air Line Railway Company by certificate of amendment to its charter, filed in th<* office of the Secretary of State of North Carolina, November 8th, 1915, and by certificate of amendment to its charter, issued by the Secretary of State of South Carolina, Novem¬ ber 8th, 1915. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway was continued. The principal office of the Company was at Hamlet, N. C. CONSTRUCTION. Comptroller's Contract Construction of the line from Charleston,-S. C. to Savannah, Ga., commenced by the Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway, was continued but not completed. OPERATION. By agreement, dated October 11th, 1915, filed with the Secretary of the Common¬ wealth of Virginia, and the Secretary of State of North Carolina, November 15th, 1915, with the Secretary of State of South Carolina, November 16th, 1915, and with the Secre¬ tary of State of each of the States of Georgia, Florida, and Alabama, November 17th, 1915, Seaboard Air Line Railway Company (under the name of Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway) and Seaboard Air Line Railway were consolidated, forming Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, a new and distinct corporation. South Carolina Code 1912 Volume 1 Article 3 Chapter 47. Laws of North Carolina 1905 Chapter 61 Law Li¬ brary Ci.C. 136 SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY Chart No. 106 Place No. 1 INCORPORATION. Seaboard Air Line Railway Company was formed by merger and consolidation of Seaboard Air Line Railway and Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway (name changed to Seaboard Air Line Railway Company) under agreement of consolidation dated Oc¬ tober 11th, 1915, filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Secretary of State of North Carolina, November 15th, 1915, with the Secretary of State of South Carolina, November 16th, 1915, and with the Secretary of State of each of the States of Georgia, Florida and Alabama, November 17th, 1915. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the Company was effected at a meeting of the stockholders, November 22nd, 1915. The principal office of the Company is at Petersburg, Va. • CONSTRUCTION. Construction of the railroad from Charleston, S. C., to Savannah, Ga., 89.6 miles, commenced by the Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway, was completed December 31st, 1917. Construction began February 14th, 1916, and was completed October 15th, 1916, Baynard, Fla., to Walinwa, Fla., 10 miles. Extensive grade and alignment revisions were made between Raleigh and Hamlet, N. C., and between Hamlet, N. C., and Gibson, N. C., during 1916 and 1917. OPERATION. From November 16th, 1915, to January 1st, 1918, the entire system of Seaboard Air Line Railway and Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway (name changed to Seaboard Air Line Railway Company) was operated by the Company under its own management. From October 15th, 1916, to January 1st, 1918, the line from Baynard, Fla., to Walinwa, Fla., 10 miles, was operated by the Company under its own management. From the close of construction to January 1st, 1918, the railroad of the Kissimmee River Railway, extending from Walinwa, Fla., to Nalaca, Fla., 7.25 miles, was operated by the Company by virtue of stock ownership. On November 16th, 1915, the Company commenced operation of the railroad of the Charlotte, Monroe and Columbia Railroad Company by virtue of stock ownership. Pursuant to contract, dated June 24th, 1916, between Seaboard Air Line Railway Com¬ pany and Port Inglis Terminal Company, pending the approval and confirmation of the title and other matters, as provided in that contract, as a matter of convenience and with a view to the purchase of the properties and franchises of the Standard and Hern¬ ando Railroad Company by Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, or its nominee, the officials of the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company took charge of the operation of the Standard and Hernando Railroad Company on July 13th, 1916, and continued such operation under the franchise of the Standard and Hernando Railroad Company until the advent of Federal control, the title having been finally rejected on May 3rd, 1918, after the beginning of Federal control. By proclamation of the President of the United States, dated December 26th, 1917, the Federal Government took possession and assumed control of the Railroad of this Company from and after twelve o'clock December 28th, 1917 (effective for purposes of accounting from midnight, December 31st, 1917b On June 30th, 1918, date of valua¬ tion, the railroad of this Company was in possession of the Federal Government, 137 REMARKS. A summarization of the mileages shown in this Corporate History as constructed by the predecessor corporations of the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company will not equal the main line mileage shown in the carrier's annual accounting returns to the Commission as owned by this company on June 30th, 191S, its valuation date, nor will it equal the owned main line mileage found by the Commission's field parties on valua¬ tion date as this appears in the Engineering Report of the carrier. The principal reason for these differences is that no information as to construction or mileage of certain tracks not classified as main line at date of construction, but which were classi¬ fied as main line on valuation date, is included in this Corporate History. A list of such tracks follows:— Year Miles Valuation Description Constructed By Con¬ of Section structed Track 7-S. C. Hartsville Depot Spur S. C. W. Ry. 1910 0.57 7-S. C. Florence Depot Spur S. C. W. Ry. 1911 0.92 4-FLA. Quincy Owl Mine Spur S. A. L. Ry. 1902 1.91 U-FLA. Long Lumber Company Spur S. A. L. Ry. 1903 0.55 8-GA. Atlanta Water Works Spur A. & B. A. L. Ry. 1903 0.28 10-GA. Grady Mine Spurs A. & B. A. L. Ry. 1905 0.69 10-GA. Lacey-Buek Mine Spur A. & B. A. L. Ry. 1905 1.07 5-ALA. Vulcan Coal Mine Spur E. & W. R. R. Co. 1903 0.25 2-FLA. Wilson & Toomer Spur S. A. L. Ry. 1905 1.40 2-N. C. Patterson Mill Spur S. A. L. Ry. 1909 0.93 17-FLA. Holder Mine Spur S. A. L. Ry. 1910 4.16 1-FLA. Carpenter-O'Brien Spur S. A. L. Ry. 1914 2.02 17-FLA. Acme Spur S. A. L. Ry. 1914 4.85 22-FLA. Conner & Shallenberger Spur S. A. L. Ry. 1914 0.98 Total Constructed by Predecessor Corporations 20.58 3-S. C. Republic Mill Spur S. A. L. Ry. Co. 1916 0.73 6-S. C. Old Town Spur S. A. L. Ry. Co. 1918 2.91 6-S. C. Johns Island Spur S. A. L. Ry. Co. 1918 0.70 6-S. C. Yonges Island Spur S. A. L. Ry. Co, 1918 2.66 6-S. C. Fenwick Island Spur S. A. L. Ry. Co. 1918 7.91 6-S. C. Chisholm Island Spur S. A. L. Ry. Co. 1918 3.96 Total Constructed by Seaboard Air Line Railway Company 18.87 Grand Total 39.45 APPENDIX CONTAINING List of Principal Corporate Records. List of Corporate Deeds and Documents. Map Showing Approximate Dates of Construction. Corporate History Chart. LIST OF PRINCIPAL EXISTING CORPORATE RECORDS OF THE SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY AND ITS PREDECESSOR CORPORATIONS NAME OF CORPORATE COMPANY NAME OF RECORD Number of Volumes CUSTODIAN Atlanta and Birmingham Air Line Railway Atlanta and Birmingham Air Line Railway Atlanta and Birmingham Air Line Railway Atlantic, Suwanee River and Gulf Railroad Company.. Atlantic, Suwanee River and Gulf Railroad Company.. Atlantic, Suwanee River and Gulf Railroad Company.. Atlantic, Suwanee River and Gulf Railroad Company. . Abbeville and Waycross Railroad Company (The) Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Company Birmingham and Atlanta Air Line Railway Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway Charleston Northern llailway Charleston Northern Railway Charleston Southern Railway Charleston Southern Railway Chatham Railroad Company Chatham Railroad Company Carolina Central Railroad Company (The) Carolina Central Railroad Company (The) Carolina Central Railroad Company (The) Carolina Central Railroad Company (The) Carolina Central Railroad Company (The) Chesterlield and Kershaw Railroad Company Chesterfield and Kershaw Railroad Company Catawba Valley Railway Catawba Valley Railway Catawba Valley Railway.. Chattahoochee Terminal Railway Durham and Northern Railway Company Durham and Northern Railway Company East and West Railroad Company Florida West Shore Railway Florida West Shore Railway Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company Florida Central and Peninsular Rnitroad Company Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company Directors Minutes Stockholders Minutes Stock Certificate Book Directors Minutes Stockholders Minutes Stock Certificate Book Stock Ledger Minute Book Stockholders Minutes Stock Certificate Book Directors Minutes Executive Committee Minutes Stockholders Minutes Stock Certificate Book Directors and Stockholders Minutes Stock Certificate Book Directors and Stockholders Minutes Stock Certificate Book Minute Book Stock Subscription Register Stockholders Annual Reports Directors Minutes Stockholders Minutes Stock Ledgers Receivers Minutes Minute Books Stock Ledger Directors and Stockholders Minutes Stock Certificate Book Stock Ledger Stock Certificate Book Minute Book Stock Ledger Directors and Stockholders Minutes Minute Book Stock Ledgers Stockholders Annual Reports Directors Minutes Stockholders Minutes 1st Pfd. Stock Ledger. 2nd Pfd. Stock Ledger ." Preferred Stock Ledger Common Stock Ledger 13 2 2 3 1 2 2 12 3 Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, Yew York Secretary, New York Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. See Florida Railroad Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Secretary, New York Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Comptroller Portsmouth, Va. Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York LIST OF PRINCIPAL EXISTING CORPORATE RECORDS—Continued. NAME OF CORPORATE COMPANY NAME OF RECORD Number of Volumes CUSTODIAN Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company Florida t'entrai and Peninsular Railroad Company l'lorida Central and Peninsular Railroad Company Fernaridina and Amelia Beach Railway Company (The) Florida Northern Railroad Company ' l'lorida Railway and Navigation Company Florida Railway and Navigation Company l'lorida Railway and Navigation Company 11 orida Jlailway and Navigation Company J'lorida Railroad Company Georgia and Alabama Railway (ieorgia and Alabama Railway < Inoif i,- find Alabama Railway Ceoigia and Alabama Railway < Ieorgia and Alabama. Railway (ieorgia and Alabama Railway (ieorgia and Alabama Railway (ieorgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company (ieoigia C folb •. and Northern Railway Company Fouisburg Kail road Company (The) Foganville and Fawrone.eville Railroad of Georgia (The).... J.oganville and Lawrenceville Railroad of Georgia (The).... North and South Carolina Railway Company North and South Carolina Railway Company North and South Carolina Railway Company North and South Carolina Railway Company North and South Carolina Railway Company Ninth and South Carolina Railway Company 1'ittshojo Railroad Company l'huit City, Arcadia and Gulf Railway Plant. City, Arcadia and Gulf Railway l'ce Dee Bridge Company Pee Dee Bridge Company Palmetto Railroad Company 1'almetto Railroad Company Palmetto Railway Company (The) Palmetto Railway Company (The) Roanoke and Tar River Railroad Company Roanoke and Tar River Railroad Company Roanoke and Tar River Railroad Company • Richmond, Petersburg and Carolina Railroad Company (The) Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company 1st and 2nd Preferred Transfer Ledger Common Transfer Ledger 1st Preferred Stock Certificate Book 2nd Preferred Stock Certificate Book Preferred Stock Certificate Book Common Stock Certificate Book Minute Book Minute Book Stockholders Annual Reports Directors Minutes Purchasing Com. Minutes Executive Com. Minutes Stockholders Minutes Stockholders Annual Reports Ga. Corp. Directors and Stockholders Minutes Alabama Directors Minutes Consol. Corp. Directors and Stockholders Minutes Consol. Corp. Executive Com. Minutes Consol. Corp. Preferred Stock Certificate Book... Consol. Corp. Common Stock Certificate Book. .. Stockholders Minutes Stock Ledger Stock Certificate Stockholders Minutes Stock Ledgers N. C. Corp. Directors and Stockholders Minutes.. N. C. Corporation Stock Certificate Books S. C. Corp. Directors and Stockholders Minutes.. S. C. Corporation Stock Certificate Book Consol! Corp. Directors and Stockholders Minutes Consol. Corporation Stock Certificate Book Minute Book and Stock Ledger Directors and Stockholders Minutes Slock Certificate Book Directors and Stockholders Minutes Stock Certificate Book Minute Book Stock Certificate Book Minute Book Stock Ledger Stockholders Minutes Stock Ledger Stock Subscription Minute Book Stockholders Annual Reports Minute Books Stock Ledger Stoek Ledger Stockholders Annual Reports Minute Books Stock Ledger Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Y a. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Vs. Assistant Secretary, Portsmout h, Va. Assistant Secretary. Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary. New York Secretary, New York Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Vo. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, l'a. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant .Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. LIST OF PRINCIPAL EXISTING CORPORATE RECORDS—Continued. NAME OF CORPORATE COMPANY NAME OF RECORD Number of Volumes CUSTODIAN Seaboard Air Line Railway Company Seaboard Air Line Railway Company Seaboard Air Line Railway Company Seaboard Air Line Railway Company Seaboard Air Line Railway Company Seaboard Air Line Railway Company Seaboard Air Line Railway Company Seaboard Air Line Railway Company. Seaboard Air Line Railway Seaboard Air Line Railway Seaboard Air Line Railway Seaboard Air Line Railway Seaboard Air Line Railway Seaboard Air Line Railway Seaboard Air Line Railway Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company (The) Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company (The) Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company (The) Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company (The) Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company (The) Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company (The) Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company (The) Seaboard Air Line Belt Railroad Company Seaboard Air Line Belt Railroad Company Seaboard Air Line Belt Railroad Company Seaboard Air Line Belt Railroad Company South Carolina Western Railway South Carolina Western Railway . .... South Carolina Western Railway South Carolina Western Railway South Carolina Western Extension Railway............... South Carolina Western Extension Railway South Bound Railroad Company (The) Santa Fe Canal Company Tallahassee, Perry and Southeastern Railway Tallahassee, Perry and Southeastern Railway Tallahassee Southeastern Railway Company Tallahassee Southeastern Railway Company Tallahassee Southeastern Railway Company United States and West Indies Railroad and Steamship Com¬ pany United States and West Indies Railroad and Steamship Com pany Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad Company... Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad Company... Contracts Stockholders Annual Report Directors Minutes , Executive Committee Minutes Stockholders Committee Minutes 4-2 Per Cent Preferred Stock Ledgers. Preferred Stock Ledgers, 6 Per Cent.. Common Stock Ledger Contracts Stockholders Annual Reports.. Directors Minutes Executive Committee Minutes. Stockholders Minutes., Preferred Stock Ledger Common Stock Ledgers. Stockholders Annual Reports Stockholders Annual Reports Stockholders Annual Reports Stockholders Annual Reports Directors Minutes Stockholders Minutes Stock Ledgers Contract Record Directors Minutes Stock Ledgers Minute Book Directors Minutes Stockholders Minutes Executive Committee Minutes Stock Certificate Book. Directors and Stockholders Minutes, Stock Certificate Book Minute Book Minute Book Minute Book Stock Ledger Directors and Stockholders Minutes. Stock Certificate Book Stock Ledger Minute Book. 16 4 3 & Stock Certificate Book. Stock Subscription Stock Register 2 12 6 4 3 3 10 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Comptroller, Portsmouth, Ya. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Guaranty Trust Company, N. Y., and Continental Trust Co., Baltimore, Md. Guaranty Trust Company, N. Y., anil Continental Trust Co., Baltimore, Mil. Guaranty Trust Company, N. Y., and Continental Trust Co., Baltimore, Md. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Continental Trust Co. Baltimore, Md., and Guaranty Trust Co., New York. Guaranty Trust Co., New York, and Con¬ tinental Trust Co., Baltimore, Md. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Assistant Secrelarv, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Secretary, New York Secretary, New York Secretary, New York See Florida West Shore Railway Assistant Secretary, Portsmouth, Va. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. Comptroller, Portsmouth, Va. LIST OF CORPORATE DEEDS AND DOCUMENTS COVERING TRANSFER OF PROPERTY AND FRANCHISES OF PREDECESSOR CORPORATIONS OF THE SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY. S Corporate Name of Carrier Whose Property Changed Hands Page Reference V. 0. 20 Inst. Date From TO Remarks Custodian No. 1 Portsmouth & Roanoke R. R. Co. 12 Deed 12-1-1843 I Etheldred Peebles, Sheriff Francis E. Rives . Conveys the property of the P. & R.~R. R Co. south of Marg- arettsville, N. C Conipt. No. 12004 2 Portsmouth & Roanoke R. R. Co. 12 Deed 9-4-1846 Board of Public Works of Va. by Agent.. .. Board of Public Works of Va Conveys the property of the P. & R. It. R. Co. in the State of Virginia Compt. No. 12005 3 Tallahassee R. R. Co 16 Deed 4-8-1869 Trustees Internal Imp. Fund of Fla Franklin Dibble and Associates Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the Tallahassee R. R. Co Compt. No. 12054 4 5 Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Co 21 Deed 12-29-1845 Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Co State of North Caro¬ lina Conveys the R. & G. R. R. Co. Compt. No. 12000 Seaboard & Roanoke R. R. Co.. . 22 Deed 6-28-1847 Board of Public Works of Virginia Trustees of the Town of Portsmouth Conveys the property of the S. & R. R. R. Co. in State of Virginia Compt. No. 12003 0 Seaboard & Roanoke R. R. Co. . 24 Deed 7-5-1S47 Trustees of the Town of Portsmouth William Collins Conveys the S. & R. R. R. Co. in State of Virginia Compt. No. 12001 7 8 9 Roanoke Railroad Co 23 Agreement 2-22-1849 The Roanoke R. R. Co. The Seaboard and Roanoke R. R. Co... Consolidation Agreement Compt. No / 12007 Seaboard & Roanoke R. R. Co... 24 Deed 12-5-1848 William Collins The Seaboard and Roanoke R. R. Co... Conveys the S. & R. R. Co. in State of Virginia Compt. No. 12002 Seaboard & Roanoke R. R. Co... 31 Deed 9-15-1911 The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Co Seaboard Air Line Railway Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the Seaboard and Roanoke R. R. Co Compt. No. 12017 10 11 Fla., Atl. & Gulf Cent. R. R. Co. 35 Deed 6-29-1868 Trustees Internal Imp. Fund of Fla W. E. Jackson and As¬ sociates Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the F. A. & G. C. R. R. Co Compt. No. 12052 The Louisburg Railroad Co 102 Deed 8-7-1901 The Louisburg R. R. Co The Raleigh and Gas¬ ton R. R. Co Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of The Louisburg R. R. Co Conipt. No. 12003 12 Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Co 41 Merger 11-7-1901 The Raleigh and Gas¬ ton Railroad Co Seaboard Air Line Railway Agreement of Merger and con¬ solidation Compt. No. 790 13 Florida Railroad Co 45 Deed 11-3-1866 Trustees Internal Imp. Fund of Fla Edward N. Dickerson and Associates Convevs property of Florida R. R. Co Compt. No. 12008 14 Pensacola & Georgia R. R. Co. . 50 Deed 4-8-1S69 Trustees Internal Imp. Fluid of Fla Franklin Dibble and Associates Conveys property and fran¬ chises of the P. & G. R. R. Co Compt. No. 12053 LIST OF CORPORATE DEEDS AND DOCUMENTS COVERING TRANSFER OF PROPERTY AND FRANCHISES OF PREDECESSOR CORPORATIONS OF THE SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY. Item Corporate Name of Carrier Whose Property Changed Hands Page Reference V. 0. 20 Inst. Date From To Remarks Custodian No. 15 10 Wil Char. & Rutherford R. R. Co 57 Agreement 11- 8-1866 Wilmington Ry. Bridge Co Wil., Char. & Ruther¬ ford R. R. Co., et al. Compt. No. 1404 Wil., Char. & Rutherford R. R. Co 57 Deed 4-26-1873 Edwin E. Burrus, et al. Timothy H. Porter.... Conveys property and fran¬ chises of the W. C. & R. R. R. Co Compt. No. 12018 17 Wil., Char. & Rutherford R. R. Co 58 Deed 5-17-1873 Timothy H. Porter, et The Carolina Central Ry Co Conveys W. C. & R. R. R. Co. Compt. No. 12019 18 Florida Central R. R. Co 69 Deed 1-18-1882 A. B. Hawkins, S. Co- nant, Special Master. Sir Edward James Reid Conveys Florida Cent. R. R. Co Compt. No. 12069 11) Florida Central R. R. Co 69 Deed 3-4-1882 Sir Edward James Reid Florida Central and Western R. R. Co.. Conveys property of the F. C. R. R. Co Compt. No. 12058 20 Tallahassee R. R. Co 70 Deed 5-25-1870 Tallahassee Railroad Co Jacksonville, Pensaco- la & Mobile R. R. Co. Conveys property of the Talla¬ hassee Railroad Company. . Compt. No. 12070 21 Jack., Pen. & Mobile R. R. Co. . 74 Deed 11-1-1870 George E. Wentworth, U. S. Marshal John B. Clark Conveys railroad of the J. P. & M. R. R. Co. between Lake City, Fla., and Quincy, Fla. . Compt. No. 12047 22 Jack., Pen. & Mobile R. R. Co.. . 74 Deed 5-18-1871 John B. Clark Jack., Pen. & Mobile R. R. Co Conveys railroad between Lake City, Fla., and Quincy, Fla. . Compt. No. 12046 23 Jack., Pen. & Mobile R. R. Co... 75 Deed 5-11-1873 Sherman Conant, U. S. Marshal Daniel P. Holland Conveys property of the J. P. & M. R. R. Co Compt. No. 12045 24' Jack., Pen. & Mobile R. R. Co.. 76 Deed 7-8-1881 S. Conant and A. B. Hawkins, Receivers Jackson, Simonton and Engler, Purchasing Trustees Conveys J. P. & M. R. R. Co.. Compt. No. 12071 25 Jack., Pen. & Mobile R. R. Co.. 76 Deed 2-4-1882 Jackson, Simonton and Engler, Purchasing Trustees Sir Edward James Reid Conveys property of J." P. & M. R. R. Co Compt. No. 12072 26 27 Cherokee Railroad Co 79 Deed 3-29-1879 William Drake, et al, Special Commission¬ er Cherokee Iron Com¬ pany Conveys property and fran chises of The Cherokee R. R. Co Compt. No. 12038 Pittsboro Railroad Co 131 Deed 12-9-1899 The Pittsboro Rail¬ road Company Raleigh & Augusta Air Line R. R. Co Conveys property and fran¬ chises of the Pittsboro Rail¬ road Co Compt. No. 12004 2S Raleigh A- Augusta Air Line R. R. 82 Merger 11-7-1901 Raleigh and Augusta Air Line R. R. Co.. Seaboard Air Line Railway Agreement of Merger and Con¬ solidation Compt. No. 790 29 30 Atlantic, Gulf and West Indi Transit Company ■ S3 Deed 4-15-1876 Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Co Peninsular Railroad Co Conveys Franchise for railway from Waldo, Fla., to Ocala, Compt. No. 12073 Fla Atlantic, Gulf and West Indit Transit Company 84 Deed 1-21-1881 Atlantic,Gulf and West India Transit Co The Tropical Florida Railroad Company.. Conveys franchise for railway from Ocala, Fla., to Tampa, Compt. No. 12074 31 Atlantic, Gulf and West India ' 84 1 Deed 2-12-1881 Phillip Walter, Special E. N. Diekerson and Conveys property of the A. G. & W. I. T. Co Compt. No. 12075 32 - Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Company 84 Deed 4-14-1881 J. B. C. Drew, Special E. N. Diekerson and Charles Willard, Trustees Conveys property of the A. ft. & W. I. T. Co Compt. No. 12011 33 Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Co 84 Deed 5-10-1881 E. N. Diekerson and Charles Willard, Trustees Florida Transit R. R. Co Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the A. G. & W. I. T. Co Compt. No. 12042 34 Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Co 84 Deed 5-10-1881 E. N. Diekerson and Charles Willard, Trustees Florida Transit R. R. Co Quit claims the property and franchises of the railroad. ... Compt. No. 12043 oo Cherokee Iron Company 86 Deed 12-1-1882 Cherokee Iron Com¬ pany William C. Browning, et al Conveys the property of the Cherokee Iron Co Compt. No. 12040 36 Cherokee Iron Company 87 Deed 5-25-1886 W. C. Browning et al.. The East and West Railroad Co. of Ala.. Conveys property and fran¬ chises of the railroad of the Cherokee Iron Company Compt. No. 12039 37 38 The Carolina Central Railway Co 90 ; .r~JP Deed 6-25-1880 N. A. Stedman Jr. and Junius Da vis, Com¬ missioners Francis O. French and others purchasing committee for the bondholders Conveys property and fran¬ chises of The Carolina Cen¬ tral Ry. Co Compt. No. 12020 Peninsular Railroad Company. .. 92 Agreement 1-3-1883 Peninsular Railroad Co Florida Transit and Pen. R. R. Co Consolidation Agreement Compt. No. 12076 39 94 Agreement 6-26-1893 C. K. Dutton Florida Central and Peninsular R. R. Co. Conveys certain bonds of the Santa Fe Canal Co Compt. No. 10 40 Santa Fe Canal Company 94 Deed 6-1-1897 Charles L. Filds, Spe¬ cial Master Florida Central and Peninsular R. R. Co. Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the Santa Fe Canal Co Compt. No. 12044 11 Fcrnandina and JacksonvilleR.R. 95 Agreement 3-4-1884 Fernandina and Jack¬ sonville R. R. Co.... Florida Railway and Navigation Co Consolidation Agreement Compt. No. 12077 42 The Carolina Central R. R. Co.. 9S Merger 11-7-1901 The Carolina Centra! Railroad Company.. Seaboard Air Line Railway Agreement of Merger and Con¬ solidation Compt. No. 790 43 The Tropical Florida R. R. Co... 100 Agreement 1-3-1883 The Tropical Florida Railroad Company.. Florida Transit and Peninsular R. R. Co. Consolidation Agreement Compt. No. 12076 44 45 Florida Transit R. R. Co 104 Agreement 1-3-1S83 Florida Transit R. R. Co Florida Transit and Peninsular R. R. Co. Consolidation Agreement Compt. No. 12076 L*esburg and Indian River R. R. Co 105 Agreement 3-5-1SS4 Leesburg and Indian River Railroad Co... Florida Railway and Navigation Co Consolidation Agreement Cornpt. No. 12078 LIST OF CORPORATE DEEDS AND DOCUMENTS COVERING TRANSFER OF PROPERTY AND FRANCHISES OF PREDECESSOR CORPORATIONS OF THE SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY. ! Item Corporate Name of Carrier Whose Property Changed Hands Page Reference V. 0. 20 Inst. Date From TO Remarks Custodian No. 46 Tavares, Orlando and Atlantic R. 107 Deed 4-15-1891 Phillip Walter, Special The Fla. Cen. and PenJconveys the property and fruit-; R R. Co 1 closes of the T. O. A- A. R. R. Co Conipt. No. 12008 47 Georgetown and Lane's R. R. Co.. 109 Deed 5-27-1887 Eugene F . Verdery Rec C. O. Witte Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the GA- L RR Co. . Coinpl. No. 12079 48 Georgetown and Lane's R. R. Co. 109 Deed 6-9-1887 C. O. Witte The Georgetown and Western R. R. Co.. . Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the Cut L RR Co. Conipt. No. 120.80 49 The South Bound R. R. Co 112 Merger 11-7-1901 The South Bound R. R. Co Seaboard Air Line Railway Agreement of Merger and Con¬ solidation Conipt. No. 790 50 51 Florida Central and Western R. R. Co 114 Deed 6-24-1885 Joseph H. Durkee, U. Edward Lewis Conveys the railway from Tal¬ lahassee, Fla. to iSt. Marks, Fla Compl. No. 12049 Florida Railway and Navigation Co 126 Deed 10-6-1886 Edward Lewis W. Bayard Cutting... Conveys the railroad from Tal¬ lahassee, Fla. to St.. Marks, Fla Compt. No. 12012 52 The Florida Railway and Naviga¬ tion Company 127 Deed 7-21-1888 W. Bayard Cutting.... The Florida Central and Peninsular R. R. Co Conveys the railroad from Tal¬ lahassee, Fla., to St. Marks, Fla Conipt. No. 12013 53 54 55 Florida Central and Western R. R Co 114 Agreement 3-5-1884 Florida Central & Western R. R. Co... Florida Railway and Consolidation Agreement. . .. Compt . No. 12081 Compl . No. 12055 [The East and West Railroad Co. 117 Deed 7-7-1893 F. S. Ferguson, Special Eugene Kelly Conveys property and fran¬ chises of the E. & W. Ji. R Co. of Ala The East and West Railroad Co. 117 Deed 5-8-1894 Eugene Kelly East & West Railroad Co Conveys properly and fran¬ chises of the E. it W. It. R. Co. of Ala Coinpl. No. 12056 "" 56 Virginia and Carolina R. R. Co. . 120 Deed 5-7-1892 Virginia and Carolina Railroad Company.. City of Petersburg, in¬ corporated, as The Rich., Petersburg & Carolina R. R. Co... Conveys properly and fran¬ chises of the V. & C. R. R. Co Coinpl. No. 12082 57 Palmetto Railroad Company. . . . 122 Deed 11-16-1895 W. W. Henry and J. B. Winston, Trustees and Special Commis¬ sioners The Palmetto Railway'Convcvs the properly of the Companv Palmetto Railroad Co. j Compt. No. 12083 58 iFlorida Transit and Peninsular j R. R. Co 123 Agreement 3-5-1SS4 Florida Transit and Peninsular R. R. Co. Florida Railway and Consolidation Agreement ; Coinpl. No. 12077 Xav. Co | Conipt. No. 12078 1 Compl. No. 12081 59 The Fernnmliita and Amelia Beach Rv. Co 124 * Deed 1-31-1894 The Fernandina and Amelia Beach Rv. Co Florida Central and Peninsular R. R. Co. Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the F. & A. B. Ry. Co Compt. No. 12007 GO Jacksonville Belt Railroad Co. . 137 Deed 7-12-1888 Joseph H. Durkee, Spe¬ cial Master W. Bayard Cutting. Agent Conveys the property and frail- chisesof the Jacksonville Belt Railroad Co Compt, No. 12027 G1 Jacksonville Belt Railroad Co... 137 Deed 7-12-1888 W. Bayard Cutting The Florida Central and Peninsular R. R. Co Conveys the property of the Jacksonville Belt Railroad. . Compt. No. 12021 G2 Peninsular Railroad Company. . 127 Deed 7-12-1888 Joseph H. Durkee, Spe¬ cial Master W. Bayard Cutting, Agent Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the Penn. R. R. Co. and also FRA N Co's Interest in same Compt. No. 12026 63 Florida Railway and Navigation 127 Deed 7-12-1888 Joseph H. Durkee, Spe- W. Bayard Cutting, Agent Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the F. R. A N. Co., F. T. R. R. Co. and L. & I. R. R. R. Co. andT. F. R. R. Co. Compt. No. 12060 64 Florida Transit Railroad Co 127 Deed 7-12-18S8 Joseph H. Durkee, Spe¬ cial Master W. Bayard Cutting, Agent Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the F. T. R. R. Co., also includes F. R. & N. Co.'s interest in same Compt. No. 12025 65 Fornandina and Jacksonville R. R. Co 127 Deed 7-12-1888 Joseph H. Durkee, Spe- W. Bayard Cutting, Agent Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the F. A J. R. R. Co. and also F. R. & N. Co.'s in¬ terest in same Compt. No. 12027 00 Florida Central and Western It. R. Co . . 127 Deed 7-12-1888 Joseph H. Durkee, Spe- W. Bayard Cutting Agent Conveys the propertyand fran¬ chises of the FCA W RR Co. and also FR& N Co's interest in same Compt. No. 12028 07 os The Florida Railway and Naviga¬ tion Co 127 Deed 7-12-1888 W. Bayard Cutting... . The Florida Central and Peninsular R. R. Co Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the Fla. Ry. and Nav. Co. including extension constructed by Receiver, also railroads formerly of Penin¬ sular RR Co., Fla. Cent, and West RR Co., Fla. Transit R R Co., Fdna. and Jacksonville RR Co. and Jacksonville Belt Line Railroad Co Compt. No. 12022 Roanoke ami Tar RiverR. R. Co. 134 Deed 9-15-1911 The Roanoke and Tar River Railroad Co... Seaboard Air Line Railway Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the RA T R RR Co Compt. No. 12001 CO 70 The Osceola and Luke Jesup Rv. 157 Deed 5-9-1891 The Osceola and Lake Jesup Ry. Co East Florida and At¬ lantic Railroad Co. . Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the OA Lj Ry. Co. . Compt. No. 12011 The Orlando and Winter Park Rv. Co 13S Deed 5—29—1S91 The Orlando and Win¬ ter Park Rv. Co. . . East Florida and At¬ lantic Railroad Co. Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the OA \VP Ry. Co. Compt. No. 12031 71 East Florida and Atlantic It. It. Co 104 Deed 1-17-1S94 J. M. Cheney, Special Master Florida Central and Pen. R. R.. Co Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the OA TP Rv. Crinapt. No. 12000 LIST OF CORPORATE DEEDS AND DOCUMENTS COVERING TRANSFER OF PROPERTY AND FRANCHISES OF PREDECESSOR CORPORATIONS OF THE SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COUP-NY. Item Corporate Name of Carrier Whose Property Changed Hands Page Reference V. O. 20 Inst. Date From .To Remarks Custodian No. 72 East Florida and Atlantic R. R. Co 164 Deed 1-17-1894 J. M. Cheney, Special Florida Central and Pen RR Co Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the O it LJ Ky. Co Cpmpt, No. 12010 72 Georgia, Carolina and Northern 14 v. Co. . X. (.'.) 143 Agreement 2- 6-1887 Georgia, Carolina and Northern Ry. Co. (N. C) Georgia, Carolina and Northern Ry. Co.... Compt. No. I20S.Ï 74 7;> Georgia, Carolina and Northern It y. Co. (S. C.) 140 Agreement 2- 6-1887 Georgia, Carolina and Northern Rv. Co. (S. C.) Georgia, Carolina and Northern Ry. Co.... Consolidation Agreement , Compt.No. 1208 5 Georgia. Carolina and Northern It y. Co. (Ga.) 139 Agreement 2- 6-1887 Georgia, Carolina and Northern Ry. Co. (Ga.) ' Georgia, Carolina and Northern Ry. Co.... Consolidation Agreement.... Conipt. No. 120.85 7 r. 77 The Georgia Carolina, and North¬ ern Ry, Co 14S Merger 11- 7-1901 Georgia, Carolina and Northern Rv. Co Seaboard Air Line Railway Argeement of Merger and Con¬ solidation. . Compt.. No. 790 Columbia Soul hern Railway Co.. 142 Deed 12- 9-1896 J. W. English, Special Master E. R. Williams and J. R. Anderson Conveys the propertv and fran¬ chises of the C.S.Rv. Co Compt. No. 12032 78 Columbus Southern Railway Co.. 142 Deed 12-12-1896 E. R. Williams and J. R. Anderson Columbus and South¬ ern R. R Co Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the C.S.Ity Co. . Compt. No. 12033 7U ( 'olumbus and Southern It. R Co 195 Deed 12-19-1896 Columbus and South¬ ern R. R. Co Georgia and Alabama Rv Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the C& S Pit Co..., Compt. No. 12031 50 51 82 S3 I turluun and Northern Ry. Co.. . 145 Deed 9-13-1901 Durham and Northern Ry. Co Seaboard Air Line Railway Convdys the property and fran¬ chises of the D S. A. & M. Ry Compt. No. 12030 The Savannah. Amcrieus and 156 Deed ! 7-24-1S95 I Moses Spear and oth- John W. Middendorf Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the S. A. & M. Ry. Compt. No. 12031 | 86 |The Savannah. A me rim is and 156 Montgomery Railway 87 IThc Savannah. Americus and j .Montgomery Railway The Abtieviilc and Waycross Rail road Co 156 8'J ('liestcrficld and Kershaw R. R. ! Co 159 161 Deed (August, 1S95 Deed Deed Merger 7-27-1895 8-18-1896 11-7-1901 The Savannah, Ameri¬ cus and Montgomery Ry ~ John W. Middendorf, et al The Abbeville andWay- eross Railroad Co... Chesterfield and Ker¬ shaw R. R. Co John \Y. Middendorf and others Georgia and Alabama Ry Georgia and Alabama Ry Seaboard Air Line Railway Seaboard Air Line Railway J. M. Mayo Tallahassee Southeast¬ ern Railway Co. . East and West R. R. Co DeWitt Smith Seaboard Air Line Belt R R. Co Seaboard Air Line Railway Florida Cen. and Pen. R. R. Co Seaboard Air Line Railway Seaboard Air Line Railway Birmingham and At¬ lanta Air Line Ry. East and West R. R. Co Conveys the property and fran-j chises of the S. A. & M. Ry. | Compt. Xo. 12029 Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the S. A. & M. Ry.. Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the A. & M . R. R- Co Agreement of Merger and Con¬ solidation Compt. Xo. 12030 Compt. Xo. 12037 Compt. Xo. 790 90 lOxfonl and Coast Line R. R. Co. 162 Deed 6-28-1906 Oxford and Coast Line Railroad Co Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the O. & C. L. R. R Co Compt. Xo. 12002 91 The Florida, Georgia and Western liv. Co 166 Deed 5-7-1895 John A. Pearce, Sheriff Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the F. G. & W. Ry. Co 92 93 94 The Florida, Georgia and Western Ry. Co 16ff Deed 6-8-1895 J. M. Mayo Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the F. G. & W. Ry. Co Compt. No. 12050 Compt. No. 120-18 The Tredegar Mineral Railway. The Richmond, Petersburg and Carolina R. R. Co 168 170 Deed 8-23-1900 The Tredegar Mineral Ry Conveys the property of The Tredegar Mineral Railway. Compt. No. 12057 Deed 6-10-1897 City of Petersburg Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of The R. P. & C. R. R. Co Compt. No. 12088 Seaboard Air Line Bolt Railroad Co 173 Agreement 10-1-1892 Nashville, Chattanoo¬ ga and St. Louis Ry Trackage rights between How- ells, Ga., and Atlanta, Ga., and use of the Atlanta Union Station. Compt. No. 1193 96 97 Seaboard Air Line Belt Railroad Co.. 173 Merger 11-7-1901 Seaboard Air Line Belt R. R. Co Agreement of Merger and Con- solidation Florida Central and Peninsular R. It Co 98 Florida Central and Peninsular H. it. Co 177 178 Agreement 8-16-1894 Jacksonville Terminal Co Agreement. relative to joint Terminal Facilities Jackson¬ ville, Fla Compt. No. 790 Compt. No. 23 Merger 6-27-1903 Florida Central and Peninsular R. R. Co. Agreement of Merger and Con¬ solidation Compt. No. 2111 99 ; vHantic, Suwanee River and Gulf ! 11 v. Co 182 Deed 9-30-1909 Atlantic, Suwanee Riv¬ er and Gulf Ry. Co Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of theA. S. R. & G. Ry. Co :. Compt. No. 12089 100 1 Birmingham and Atlanta Air Line I liv 206 Agreement 2-12-1903 Kansas City, Memphis and Birmingham R. R. Co Conveys trackage rights Bir¬ mingham, Ala., to Bessemer, Ala Compt. No. 1004 101 I Birmingham and Atlanta Air Line iHy 206 Deed 4-28-1903 Birmingham and At¬ lanta Air Line Rv.. Conveys the contracts, proper¬ ty and franchises of the B. Seaboard Air Line Railway 203 Agreement 5-1-1902 Savannah LTnion Sta¬ tion Companv Seaboard Air Line Railway Agreement relative to joint use of Passenger Terminals in Savannah, Ga Compt. No. 819 116 Columbus Railroad Company.,.. 202 Agreement 10-31-1901 Columbus Railroad Co. Seaboard Air Line Railway Lease of freight tracks of the Columbus Railroad Co. in Columbus, Ga Compt. No. 40S 117 McRae Terminal Railway 205 Agreement 12-31-1909 McRae Terminal Rail¬ way Seaboard Air Line Railway Agreement covering lease of Mc¬ Rae Terminal Railway Compt. No. 5021 lis Chattahoochee Terminal Railway 207 Agreement 4-22-1903 Chattahoochee Termi¬ nal Railway' Atlanta and Birming¬ ham .\ir Line Ry.. . . Consolidation Agreement Compt. No. 12091 119 Florida West Shore Railway 209 Deed 9-30-1909 Florida West Shore Ry Seaboard Air Line Railway Conveys property and fran¬ chises of the FWS Ry Compt. No. 12091 120 121 Atlanta and Birmingham Railway 211 Deed 9-30-1909 Atlanta and Birming¬ ham Air Line Ry...'. Seaboard Air Line Railway Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the A&BAL Ry .... Compt. No. 12095 Plant City, Arcadia and GulJMty. 213 Deed 9-28-1909 Plant City, Arcadia and Gulf Rv Seaboard Air Line Railway Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the PCA&G Ry. . . . Compt. No. 12006 122 Tallahassee, Perry and South- 215 Deed 9-29-1909 Tallahassee, Perry and Seaboard Air Line Conveys the property and fran- Q Compt. No. 12007 120 124 125 Calawba Valley Railway 217 Deed 9-27-1909 Catawba Valley Rail¬ way Seaboard Air Line Railway Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the Catawba Valley Ry '■ Compt. No. 2S35-.V Compt. No. 12100 North and South Carolina Rv- Co (N.C 221 Agreement 9-12-1911 North and South Caro¬ lina Ry. Co. (N.C).. North and South Caro¬ lina Ry. Co Compt. No. 12098 North aiid-jSouth Carolina Ry.Co. (SC.) 219 Agreement 9-12-1911 North and South Caro¬ lina Ry. Co. (S. C). . North and South Caro- Compt. No. 12008 120 127 Sont h Carolina Western Railway . 223 Merger 4-3-1914 South Carolina West¬ ern Ry North and South Caro¬ lina Ry. Co Agreement of Merger and Con¬ solidation Compt. No. 12099 Sont h Carolina Western Ext. Ry. 227 Merger 4-3-1914 South Carolina West¬ ern Extension Ry.... North and South Caro¬ lina Ry. Co Agreement of Merger and Con¬ solidation Compt,. No. 12099 12N 12!) 100 101 132 Charleston Northern Railway. 22S Merger 4-3-1914 Charleston Northern Railway North and South Caro¬ lina Railway Co . Agreement of Merger and Con¬ solidation Compt.. No. 12099 1 'arutins. Atlantic A Western Ry. 230 Deed 3-6-1914 Seaboard Air Line Railway Carolina, Atlantic A Western Railway.... Conveys railroad from Hamlet Jet., N. C., to Gibson, N. C.. Compt. No. 12005 Pee Dee Bridge Company 224 Deed 9-22-1915 Pee Dee Bridge Com¬ pany Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway... . Conveys the property and fran¬ chises of the Pee Dee Bridge Co Compt. No. 1205!) Carolina, Atlantic A* Western Ry. 230 Merger 9-22-1915 Charleston Southern Railway Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway.... Agreement of Merger and Cun- . solidation Compt,. No. 8375 Carolina, Atlantic A" Western Ry. 232 Agreement 10-11-1915 Carolina, Atlantic & Western Railway... . Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co Agreement, of Merger and Con¬ solidation Compt. No. 8296 133 Seaboard Air Line Railway. . . - 205 Agreement 10-11-1915 Seaboard Air Line Ry. Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co Agreement of Merger and Con¬ solidation Coinpt. No. 8296 LIST OF CORPORATE DEEDS AND DOCUMENTS COVERING TRANSFER OF PROPERTY AND FRANCHISES OF PREDECESSOR CORPORATIONS OF THE SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY. i ! Corporate Name of Carrier £ Whose Property Changed ® I Hands H 1 Page Reference V. O. 20 Inst. Date From To Remarks Custodian No. 134 Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. . 234 Agreement 6-1-1917 Jacksonville Terminal Co Seaboard Air Line Rv. Co Agreement providing for use of passenger terminal, Jackson¬ ville, Fla Compt. No. 9622 135 Atlanta and Birmingham Air Line Ry 211 Deed 11—4—1909 Receivers Atlanta and Birmingham Air Line Ry.. • Seaboard Air Line Ry. Convevs rights of Receivers in A. & B. A. L. Rv Compt. No. 12101 130 Seaboard Air Line Railway 203 Deed 11-4-1909 Receivers Seaboard Air Line Railway Seaboard Air Line Ry. Conveys rights of Receivers in Seaboard Air Line Railway. Compt. No. 12002 137 Carthage Railroad Company. . .. 82 Agreement 8-23-1S88 Carthage Railroad Co. Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company 99 year lease of property of Carthage Railroad Company. Compt. No. 297 INDEX Corporate Abbreviation CORPORATION NAME Chart Number Place Number Page Number Valuation Section Reference Map Index Reference A(S:WI{IiCo.. . APAI.RRfV. A&BAT.Rv.. . AG&vVITCc.. . ASR&GRRCo. ASK&GKyf'o.. B&AALRy cf'u OA&WRv.. .. cr-RKc,,.. CCRUV, ... C&VWUKCo CRRf'o . .. CVliy CoftL ! Ga 3*la. 41b. 6-N.C. 1443a. vac. p^.c.iac. 18-Fla. 20.pi*. 3941a. 8-N.C. 18N.C.HLC 4-8.C. 11-FIa. 4Jt8Ca M-N.C. 2Mb. 4A4-V*. 9AI1-N.C. 1-2A7-X.C. I-2A7-N.C. lA3-Va.l-X.C. 2-X.C. 3-N.C. P19 QM to "SC" to PU Bee GCAXRy Cm "NC" See OCANRy.Ca. "NC 8ee GCAXRy Co. 'V 38 P34 X30 H14 UU to T14 "NC See above TMtoUia V8 810 "NC See PhlRRCa. T14 N37 to N39 F24 to L2S C7 "C 33 Z3toX4 U7 to T10 V0toX4 V0 to X4 XI to W4 "XC See SARRRCo. (18») 1Ï "XC in Rap Index Refcrmcc Column indieates Xo Construct km. ROUS: W in Rap ladrx Reference Column indieates Grading Only Completed. Yahtatina Bert km Reference does not la all eaaea cover all section» constructed or operated. IN DEX—Continued. Corporate Abbreviation CORPORATION NAME Chart Number Place Number Page Number Valuation Section I Reference Map Index Reference SFCCo SA&MRv. . SALBeltRRCo. SALRy SALRyCo. .. SALRvCo. . . S&R RRCo ( 1S10),.. S&I1 RRCo (1S47)... S&R RRCo SBRRCo SCW liRv SCWRv! TPASERv... TRRCo. ! . .. TRRCo TSKRvCo .. TTCo. , , . TOAAURCo. TMHv TEUKCo ... US&WlRR&SSCo. VAC RRCo. WC'&RRRCo. W&CRRCo.. . Santa Fe Canal Company, Savannah, Americus and Montgomery Railway (The) Seaboard Air Line Belt Railroad Company, Seaboard Air Line Railway Seaboard Air Line Railway Company (Present Corporation) Seaboard Air Line Railway Company (C.A.A W.Railway).., Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company (The) 1846 Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company (The) 1847 Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company (The) 1849 South Bound Railroad Company (The) South Carolina Western Extension Railway, South Carolina Western Railway, Tallahassee, Perry and Southeastern Railway Tallahassee Railroad Company (1869) Tallahassee Railroad Company (1834) Tallahassee Southeastern Railway Company, Tampa Terminal Company, Tavares, Orlando and Atlantic Railroad Company, Tredegar Mineral Railway (The) Tropical Florida Railroad Company (The) United States and West Indies Railroad and Steamship Com pany Virginia and Carolina Railroad Company, Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company.. Wilmington and Charlotte Railroad Company, 25 53 47 11-Fla. X 27 58 43 87 13-Ga.6-Ala. K19 to M19:B1S to F19 67 27 98 5&7-Ga. F14 83 7 116 Various L2S : M 30 : X36: "O"33: W2. 106 1 137 Various Q1S and P33 105 6 136 6-S.C. Q1S 4 73 9 5&5-Va. "NC" See S&R RRCo. 6 41 11 4&5-Va. "XC" See S&R RRCo. 7 14 12 5-Va.2-N.C. Z3 to XI 34 23 57 1-S.C.l-Ga. R12 to P19 101 71 132 7-S.C. T13 9S 6S 129 7-8-9-S.C. S12 90 20 125 7-Fla. H25 17 100 35 4-5-6-Fla. G 25 2 106 5 6-Fla. G25 73 48 106 7-Fla. H25 94 9 119 13-Fla. M33 32 78 55 20-Fla. "O"30 to P30 65 85 95 4-AIa. C14 28 97 51 11-Fla. N30 82 66 115 24-Fla. N34 37 60 62 3-Va. "GO" See RP&CRRCo. 13 76 26 15-16-17-N.C. W12 to S10: P9 12 89 25 "NC" See WC&RRRCo. "NC" in Map Index Reference Column indicates No Construction. NOTES: "GO" in Map Index Reference Column indicates Grading Only Completed. Valuation Section Reference does not in all cases cover all sections constructed or operated. I 2 .3 4 5 G 1 ô 3 10 I I 12 13 14 15 IG n ABC. DBPGMJKLMr I 1 ; 1 ~i— 1 ? I 1 1 r ~ / y y h- r o) iU <3 y c3 , ,, d <3 ^ V d .d ^ o z ^ °0 o , O y /• ALA 6AMA ^a-a*v C 5Q.YC0- Mb-SO. 1/3 z " J3rcc ^ ' vtj L l NCOLNTONi ■ M^C bS.2XLCJ^ f' \85^-6l (V ' m A.C,l_OTTC: POQTSMOUTH > -'7 — K bit. AT CO > PREDtCPSSOR CORPORATIONS WITH APPROXI MATE: DATES OP CONSTRUCTION, gN OPQ.R5TUVWXYZ ? sslsitij*3!! -#«i=gaJIP sm »ys « 5 8 Sg:#»t|g8 sgg ««gteg 5^Çg8!Sf5Ç -3?» 4(8 S£8 a Hi t*» Is <11,1 jjj**3$89 î « 832 *« 3 S 8 8 f! Rites 83 5ill