•AEC-MN-710355-0 24623 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT BY THE U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION DIRECTORATE OF LICENSING MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY DOCKET NO. 50-263 NEPA COLLECTION Transportation Library Northwestern University Library Cranston, IL 60201 Issued: May 1972 1 O - i - 3 5556 031 325418 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This Draft Environmental Statement was prepared by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Directorate of Licensing. 1. This action is administrative. 2. > The proposed action is the conversion of the Provisional Opera- ting License No. DPR-22, dated January 19, 1971, granted to the Northern States Power Company (NSP) for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Docket No. 50-263, to an operating license. The Monticello Plant which is located on the southwest bank of the Mississippi River near Monticello, Minnesota, utilizes a boiling water reactor which generates 545 MW of electricity for distribution to the NSP system. The discharge of waste heat is accomplished through use of once-through-cooling or mechanical draft cooling towers in helper, partial recirculation or closed cycle mode depending on river flow and temperature in order to meet restrictions given in the thermal release permit issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and in the water appro- priation permit issued by the State of Minnesota Department of Conservation. 3. Summary of environmental impact and adverse effects: Reassignment of about 60 acres of agricultural and natural land for the plant facilities; A predicted small increase in fogging effects near the cooling towers and the reactor cooling water outfall; Small increase in chemical wastes released to the Mississippi River; Installation of about 60 miles of transmission lines with associated aesthetic detraction; Discharges of small quantities of radioactive gases (augmented system) and liquids to the environment; Creation of a low probability risk of accidental radiation exposure to nearby residents; - ii - Alteration of the benthic population in 5-15 acres on the plant side of the river and adjacent to the thermal effluent discharge as a result of an elevation in water temperatures in excess of 5°F. Release of heated water will create a zone of open water during winter and will aid in the pre- vention of ice jams and flooding downstream from the plant; Creation of a potential source for cold-shock mortality of fish attracted to the discharge canal in the event that the reactor is shut down during cold weather; and, Possible mortality of up to 15% of passing drift organisms through entrainment into the cooling system followed by chemical, mechanical and thermal shock. 4. Principal alternatives considered were: Purchase of power from other sources ; Use of fossil fuels; and Alternative cooling methods. 5. The following Federal, State and local agencies will be requested to comment on the Draft Detailed Environmental Statement: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation; Council on Environmental Quality; Department of Transportation; Department of Commerce; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; Department of Army, Corps of Engineers; Federal Power Commission; Department of the Interior; Department of Agriculture; Department of Housing and Urban Development; Environmental Protection Agency; Governor of the State of Minnesota; Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Wright County Planning Commission; and Monticello Planning Commission. - iii - 6. On the basis of the analysis and evaluation set forth in this statement, after weighing the environmental, economic, technical and other benefits of the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant against environmental costs and considering available alterna- tives, it is concluded that the action called for is conversion of the provisional operating license to an operating license for the facility subject to the following conditions for protection of the environment: (a) The applicant should operate the plant in such a manner that the maximum temperature of the river, as a result of plant operation, does not exceed 90°F over more than one-half the width of the river at any time in addition to compliance with the State of Minnesota thermal release permit, (b) The applicant should obtain data to assure that corrective actions, if needed, may be taken to reduce the possible loss of biota at the intake structure due to impinge- ment and entrainment, and in the discharge canal due to cold shock in the event of cold weather outages. (c) The applicant should take appropriate actions as nec- essary to assure that the release of radioiodine to the atmosphere meets the requirements of the proposed Appendix I, 10 CFR 50, as formalized. > 7. The date on which this Draft Detailed Environmental Statement was made available to the public, to the Council on Environmental Quality and to the other agencies noted in Item 5 above was May 1972, - iv TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS.... i LIST OF FIGURES... viii LIST OF TABLES..... Х FOREWORD. xii I. INTRODUCTION.... I-1 A. B. Site Selection.... Applications and Approvals. I-1 I-1 II. THE SITE.. II-1 A. B. Location of Plant... Regional Demography and Land Use.. Historic Significance. Environmental Features. II-1 II-1 II-1 II-4 C. • D. ..... 1. 2. 3. 4. Geology ... Hydrology. Meteorology. Other Features. II-4 II-4 II-10 II-11 E. Ecology of Site and Environs. II-11 1. 2. Terrestrial... Aquatic.. II-11 II-14 III. THE PLANT... III-1 A. B. External Appearance. Transmission Lines .. Reactor and Steam-Electric System. Effluent Systems. III-1 III-1 III-4 III-4 C. D. 1. 2. Heat... Radioactive Wastes. III-4 III-10 . a. Gaseous Wastes. b. Liquid Wastes... III-10 III-18 . - V - TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE C. d. Operational Experience.. Solid Wastes.. III-22 III-22 3. Chemical and Sanitary Wastes... III-27 . IV. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF SITE PREPARATIONS AND PLANT CONSTRUCTION.. IV-1 V. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PLANT OPERATION.... V-1 A. B. Land Use... Water Use.... Biological Impact. V-1 V-1 V-14 C. . 1. 2. Terrestrial.. Aquatic....... V-14 V-15 a. b. C. d. Effects of Intake Structure.... Effects of Entrainment. Effects of Discharge Canal.. Effects of Chemical Releases .. Effects of Elevated River Temperature. Biological Monitoring.... V-15 V-16 V-18 V-19 V-19 V-24 e. f. D. Radiological Impact of Routine Operations...... V-24 1. 2. 3. 4. Dose to the Individual... Dose to the Population. Radiation Dose to Species Other Than Man... Environmental Radiation Monitoring Program. V-26 V-29 V-31 V-32 E. Transportation of Nuclear Fuel and Solid Radioactive Waste.. V-35 1. . 2. V-35 V-35 V-36 V-36 . Transport of New Fuel.. Transport of Irradiated Fuel.. Transport of Solid Radioactive Wastes. Principles of Safety in Transport.. Exposures During Normal (No Accident) Conditions... 3. 4. 5. V-37 a. b. New Fuel..... Irradiated Fuel.... Solid Radioactive Wastes. V-37 V-37 V-38 c. - vi - TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE VI. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF POSTULATED ACCIDENTS... VI-1 A. B. Plant Accidents... Transportation Accidents. VI-1 VI-6 1. 2. 3. 4. VI-6 VI-7 VI-8 New Fuel..... Irradiated Fuel..... Solid Radioactive Wastes.... Severity of Postulated Transportation Accidents.... Alternatives to Normal Transportation Procedures... VI-8 5. VI-9 VII. ADVERSE EFFECTS WHICH CANNOT BE AVOIDED.... VII-1 VIII. SHORT-TERM USES AND LONG-TERM PRODUCTIVITY.. ..... VIII-1 IX. IRREVERSIBLE AND IRRETRIEVABLE COMMITMENT OF RESOURCES.... IX-1 X. THE NEED FOR POWER.. X-1 XI. ALTERNATIVES TO PROPOSED ACTION AND COST-BENEFIT ANALYSES OF THEIR ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS.. XI-1 A. Summary of Alternatives... XI-1 . 1. 2. Using an Alternative Fuel Power Source... Heat Dissipation Alternatives.. XI-2 XI-2 a. bo XI-3 XI-3 XI-4 C. d. Dilution.. Cooling Pond.. Spray Pond... All-Weather Mechanical Draft Cooling Towers... Natural Draft Cooling Towers. Dry Cooling Towers.. e. . XI-4 XI-5 XI-5 f. B. Cost-Benefit Summary of the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant.. XI-5 REFERENCES.... XII-1 GLOSSARY.. •. XIII-1 - vii - TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE APPENDIX A - Taxonomic List of Aquatic Organisms in the Mississippi River Near Monticello.... A-1 APPENDIX B Bioaccumulation Factors.. B-1 - viii - LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE II-1 Monticello Nuclear Generating plant and Environs to Approximately 50 Miles .. II-2 II-2 View Looking at the Monticello Site and Immediate Environs... II-3 II-3 Daily Average and Extreme River Flows at the Monticello Site, 1962 through 1967.. II-7 II-4 Daily Average and Extreme Water Temperatures at the Monticello Site, 1962 through 1967....... II-8 II-5 River Flow Duration Data for Mississippi River at the Monticello Site, 1962 through 1967.... II-9 II-6 Pre-Construction View of the Monticello Site...... II-12 III-1 Aerial View of Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant.... III-2 III-2 Monticello Transmission Lines. III-3 III-3 Transmission Line Towers Near Monticello Site.... III-5 III-4 Monticello Plant Plot Plan... III-9 III-5 Monticello Nuclear Generating Ventilation System Plant. III-12 III-6 Monticello Nuclear Generating Radwaste System Plant.... III-21 V-1 Observed Temperature Patterns in the Mississippi River Below the Monticello Site, September 20, 1971.. .... V-3 V-2 Surface Temperature Rise Predictions, August, Average Flow, Helper Tower Operation. V-5 V-3 Surface Temperature Rise Predictions, August, Average Flow, Open Cycle Operation. V-6 - ix - LIST OF FIGURES (cont'd) FIGURE PAGE V-4 Surface Temperature Rise Predictions, January- February, Average Flow, Open Cycle Operation... V-7 V-5 Surface Temperature Rise Predictions, August, Low Flow, Helper Tower Operation... V-8 V-6 Surface Temperature Rise Predictions, August, Low Flow, Open Cycle Operation.. V-9 V-7 Surface Temperature Rise Predictions, January- February, Low Flow, Open Cycle Operation.. y-10 Approximate Service Area of Northern States Power Company.... x-1 X-2 х LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE I-1 Summary of Permits and Approvals. I-2 II-1 Percentage Composition of Invertebrate Populations at all Transect Locations, Mississippi River Near Monticello, Minnesota, 1969 and 1970.... II-16 II-2 Fish Collected by Shoreline Seining Near Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (May-August 1970).... II-18 II-3 Proportion of Rough and Game Fishes Near the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant.. II-19 II-4 Fish Captured by Electrofishing in a Six-Mile Section of River Near Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant........ II-20 II-5 Age Versus Length Relationship of Fish Captured by Electrofishing Near Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant 1968-69... II-21 III-1 Estimated Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous Effluent from Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant........ III-14 III-2 Gaseous Effluents Summary. III-15 III-3 Conditions Used in Determining Releases of Radioactivity in Effluents from Monticello Nuclear Generating Station.. III-16 III-4 Calculated Curie Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous Effluent from Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant--Augmented System. .. III-19 III-5 Calculated Annual Release of Radioactive Material in Liquid Effluents from Monticello Nuclear Plant.... III-23 III-6 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Liquid Releases--1971 III-25 III-7 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Gaseous Releases-- 1971.... III-26 III-8 Amounts of Chlorine Released and Residual Concentrations in Discharge Canal.... III-29 xi LIST OF TABLES (cont'd) TABLE PAGE III-9 Chemical Holdup Pond Releases to Discharge Canal......... III-29 V-1 Downstream Extent of Thermal Plumes from the Monticello Plant... V-12 V-2 Analysis of Mississippi River Water Characteristics Near and at the Monticello Plant, February 28, 1972.... V-13 V-3 Provisional Maximum Temperatures Recommended as Compatible with the Well-Being of Various Fish and Their Associated Biota... V-21 V-4 Monticello Nuclear Plant Aquatic Ecological Studies Program, Sampling and Analysis Summary.... ...... V-25 V-5 Radiation Dose to the Individuals from Effluents Released from the Monticello Plant... V-27 V-6 Cumulative Population, Annual Man-Rem Dose, and Average Doses from the Gaseous Effluent Released from the Monticello Plant..... V-30 V-7 Monticello Nuclear Plant Radiation Monitoring Program, Sampling and Analysis Summary.. V-33 VI-1 Classification of Postulated Accidents and Occurrences... VI-3 VI-2 Summary of Radiological Consequences of Postulated Accidents.. VI-4 X-1 Electrical Statistics, Northern States Power Company..... X-3 XI-1 Differential Cost of Cooling Alternatives.. XI-7 XI-2 Differential Environmental Impact of Cooling Alternatives.. ........ XI-8 xii FOREWORD 1 The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA)? states that it is the continuing responsibility of the Federal Government to use all practicable means, consistent with other essential con- sideration of national policy, to improve and coordinate Federal plans, functions, programs, and resources to the end that the Nation may : Fulfill the responsibilities of each generation as trustee of the environment for succeeding generations. Assure for all Americans safe, healthful, productive, and aesthetically and culturally pleasing surroundings. Attain the widest range of beneficial uses of the environment without degradation, risk to health or safety, or other undesirable and unintended consequences. Preserve important historic, cultural, and natural aspects of our national heritage, and maintain, wherever possible, an environment which supports diversity and variety of individual choice. Achieve a balance between population and resource use which will permit high standards of living and a wide sharing of life's amenities. Enhance the quality of renewable resources and approach the maximum attainable recycling of deplet able resources. Further, with respect to major Federal actions such as nuclear power plant licensing, Section 102 (2) C of the NEPA calls for preparation of a detailed statement on: (i) The environmental impact of the proposed action, (ii) any adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be implemented, (iii) alternatives to the proposed action, xiii (iv) the relationship between local short-term uses of man's environment and the maintenance and enhance- ment of long-term productivity, and (v) any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources which would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented. In order to implement, NEPA, to reflect the guidance of the Council on Environmental Quality . the enactment of the Water Quality Improvement Act of 1970, 3 and the "Calvert Cliffs" decision by the United States Court of Appeals, dated July 23, 1971, the Commission revised Appendix D of its 10 CFR Part 50 regulations, pertaining to reactor construction permits and operating licenses. In the case of operating plants for which an operating license had been granted between the effective date of NEPA (January 1, 1970) and the effective date of regulation changes (September 9, 1971) the revised regulation requires the applicant to submit an environmental report and requires the Director of Regulation or his designee to analyze the report and to prepare a detailed state- ment of environmental considerations. It is within this framework that this Draft Detailed Statement on environmental considerations related to the operation of the plant (Docket No. 50-263) has been prepared by the Directorate of Licensing (the staff) of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC or Commission). The Monticello Plant has been in commercial operation providing a maximum of 545 Mile of power since June 30, 1971. > In August, 1966, the Commission forwarded copies of the appli- cation to construct the Monticello Plant to the Department of Interior and in November, 1968, forwarded copies of the Final Safety Analysis Report also to that department. Comments involving possible radiological and thermal impacts on aquatic biota of the area were received from the Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Interior on February 23, 19678 and April 4, 1969.9 The Geological Survey commented on hv drological aspects of the Monticello Site on December 4, 1969.10 In November 1971, the Northern States Power Company (the applicant) submitted an Environ- mental Reportil in compliance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix D. This Draft Detailed Statement takes all of the foregoing writings into account and also uses information available in the applicant's xiv amendments to the Final Safety Analysis Report, the Commission's Safety Evaluation, 12 the applicant's submission pursuant to Section E.3 of Appendix D to 10 CFR Part 50 ("show cause statement") 13 and the applicants Environmental Report - Supplement 1, dated April 4, 1972.14 The statement also takes into account discussions held with the Northern States Power Company, Mr. George Isaacson, Wright County Planning Administration and Messrs. Robert Davis and Dale Lungwitz of the Monticello Planning Commission during a visit to the site by the Staff on February 24 and 25, 1972. Further, independent calculations and sources of information were utilized as a basis for the Commission's assessment of environmental impacts. The application, the operating license, the report of the Commis- sion's Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS), the Safety Evaluation by the Commission's regulatory staff, the applicant's Environmental Report, supplements to the Environmental Report, and other pertinent documents are being made available for in- spection by members of the public in the Commission's Public Docu- ment Room, 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20545 and in the Environmental Resource Center, Minneapolis Public Library, 1222 S.E. 4th St., Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55414. As a part of its safety evaluation leading to the issuance of con- struction permits and operating licenses, the Commission makes a detailed evaluation of the applicant's plans and facilities for minimizing and controlling the release of radioactive materials under both normal operating and potential accident conditions including the effects of natural phenomenon on the facility, of the adequacy of the applicant's effluent and environmental moni- toring programs, and of the potential radiation exposure that might be received by plant workers and members of the public. Inasmuch as these aspects are considered fully in other documents, only the salient features that bear directly on the anticipated dose to the public are repeated here. The comments that have been received from other Federal and State agencies relative to radio- logical aspects are being taken into account by the Commission Staff in respect to. overall safety evaluations and are not elaborated on here. The applicant must comply with all requirements of Section 21(b) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, under the terms of the license to be issued by the AEC. I-1 I. INTRODUCTION The AEC Division of Reactor Licensing issued a full power operating license to the Northern States Power Company for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Unit No. 1 on January 19, 1971. Plant test- ing was terminated and the plant was considered to be commercially "in service" on June 30, 1971. The plant is located on the west bank of the Mississippi River in Wright County, Minnesota and is about 30 miles northwest of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Monticello Plant was designed for initial operation at a rated net electrical output of 545 MW. A. SITE SELECTION The Northern States Power Company has owned the property on which the Monticello Plant is located since the early 1920's. The Applicant states that the sites on which the A. S. King (574 MW fossil) and the Prairie Island (530 MW 1973 and 530 MW 1974, nuclear) Plants are situated were considered as alternatives for the Monticello Plant. Each of these sites is located near a large supply of water, near highways and railroads and close to Twin-City load centers. Instal- lation and electrical production costs and environmental interactions appear comparable at the three sites. The choice for the Monticello site was based on the need for additional capacity in the Monticello area and the northwestern portion of the Twin-City metropolitan area. As stated by the applicant in a 1966 press release concerning instal- lation of a nuclear unit near Monticello, Minnesota, "This will provide capacity at the location needed at the lowest cost with maximum ser- vice reliability to our system. "l5 B. APPLICATIONS AND APPROVALS In addition to applying to the Atomic Energy Commission for the re- quisite licenses under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Northern States Power Company has applied for other necessary federal, state and local permits and approvals. A summary of these permits and approvals is presented in Table 1-1. 1-2 TABLE 1-1 SUMMARY OF PERMITS AND APPROVALS Permit Description Cognizant Agency Submitted STATUS Approved Pending Revised Construction Permit 07-25-66 06-19-67 Atomic Energy Commission Operating License 11-07-68 Atomic Energy Commission 01-19-71 02-18-71 х Building Permit Authorization to proceed with construction and approval of design Authorization of fuel loading and approval of full power oper- ation with restrictions. Revised to allow full power operation. Authorization for construc- tion of plant at specified location Authorization for construc- tion of offgas modifi- cation buildings Authorization of air navi- gation obstruction, ele- vation, and lighting Informational filing 03-01-67 04-12-67 Wright County, Minnesota Building Permit х Wright County, Minnesota Exhaust Stack Permit Federal Aviation Administration 10-11-67 01-28-69 10-19-69 02-17-69 х 05-02-66 Exhaust Stack Registration Surface Water Appro- priation Permit Minnesota Dept. of Aeronautics Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources 10-03-66 07-11-67 05-20-69 Х Intake & Discharge Structure permit Department of Army Corps of Engineers 09-08-67 03-07-68 12-13-67 04-08-68 х Authorization to appropri- ate Mississippi River water under specified operating conditions. Construction authorization and design approval for river water intake and discharge structures and river bank and river bed modifications Construction authorization and approval of excavation and removal of river bed materials Authorization to drill 7 wells and dewater exca- vations for plant con- struction Intake & Discharge Structure permit Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources 07-11-67 03-07-68 07-28-67 03-19-68 Х 11-18-66 11-23-66 Ground Water Appro- priation permit Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources 1-3 TABLE 1-1 (Continued) SUMMARY OF PERMITS AND APPROVALS Permit Cognizant Agency STATUS Approved Pending Description Submitted Revised 02-04-67 Ground Water Appro- priation Permit Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources 02-09-67 04-02-71 х Authorization to drill and dewater 2 wells for domes - tic use. Revised to approve use of water to seal pumps in plant river intake structure. 03-15-68 03-19-68 Ground Water Appro- priation Permit Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources Authorization to drill and dewater 22 wells for construction of circulating water systems Approval of construction plans and operation of storage tanks 09-23-68 02-08-71 Permit to Store Condensate Water Minnesota Pollu- tion Control Agency Plant Waste Disposal Permit Minnesota Pollu- tion Control Agency 10-04-66 07-11-67 05-20-69 07-01-71 х Discharge Permit Under Refuse Act 07-01-71 Department of Army Corps of Engineers Minnesota Pollu- tion Control Agency Certification of Compliance х Approval of plant liquid and gaseous discharges to the environment subject to specified conditions Approval of all plant discharges to the Mississippi River State of Minnesota acknowledgement of no objection to issuance of discharge permit under Refuse Act Approval of plant sani- tary sewage treatment system. Heating boiler safety check Requirement for noti- fication of possession and utilization of radioactive material 06-17-69 07-29-69 Sanitary Sewage Disposal Permit Minnesota Dept. of Health Reactor Boiler Test- ing & Inspection Registration of Radioactive Material Minnesota Dept. of 08-26-69 Labor & Industry Minnesota Dept of 01-13-70 Health II-1 II. THE SITE A. LOCATION OF PLANT The Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant is situated on about 1,325 acres most of which had been leased by NSP to individuals for farming. The site is located on the Mississippi River about 3 miles northwest of the town of Monticello in Wright County, Minnesota. The site in relation to the surrounding area is shown in Figures II-l and II-2. B. REGIONAL DEMOGRAPHY AND LAND USE The area in which the Monticello Plant is located is principally rural in character and the land is used primarily for farming. The nearest communities are Monticello, about 3 miles southeast of the plant with a population of about 1,600; Becker (population 365) about 4 miles northwest; Big Lake (population of about 1,015) about 5 miles east; Maple Lake (population 1,124) about 10 miles southwest; and Buffalo (population 3,275) about 10 miles south. The closest large cities are St. Cloud (population 39,691) about 20 miles northwest and the Minneapolis-St. Paul area (population 1,813,000) about 30 miles south- east of the plant. The population within a 10 mile radius (300 square miles) of the plant was about 12,300 in 1970. Similarly, within a 50-miles radius of the plant (~7,850 square miles) the population was about 1,956,000 of which about 93% resided in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. The projected population within the 50-mile radius in the year 2000 is approximately 3 million. In Wright County and in Sherburne County, immediately across the Mississippi River to the northeast, about 82% of the land is used for farming. The principal crops in these two counties, which in- clude all land within 10 miles of the site, are soybeans, corn, oats, and hay. It is expected that these two counties will remain largely agricultural and that the population will remain essentially constant. C. HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE There are no known historical features on or near the plant site. The National Registry of Historic Sites has no listed historic land marks within 15 miles of the Monticello Plant. The area has a history of Indian and early French trader activity, however, no evidence of this activity has been found at the site. Similarly, investigations in cooperation with the Minnesota State Archaeologist have not revealed any archaeological values on the site. 11-2 LONG PRAIRIE LITTLE FALLS MORA PINE CITY MILACA SAUK CENTRE *193195IPPI RIVER RUSH CITY FOLEY ST. CLOUD SHER BURNE NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE PRINCETON ST. JOSEPH CAMBRIDGE NORTH BRANCH PAYNESVILLE BIG LAKE ELK RIVER MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT MONTICELLO FOREST LAKE 3 ANOKA BUFFALO LITCHFIELD WHITE BEAR LAKE COKATO NEW BRIGHTON STILLWATER 50 ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS HUTCHINSON WACONIA GLENCO HECTOR BIRD ISLAND HASTINGS FIGURE 11-1. MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT AND ENVIRONS TO APPROXIMATELY 50 MILES 11-3 FIGURE 11-2. VIEW LOOKING AT THE MONTICELLO SITE AND IMMEDIATE ENVIRONS II-4 D. ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES 1. Geology The Monticello site occupies a low bluff which forms the southwest bank of the Mississippi River. Several flat alluvial terraces com- prise the main topographic features on the property. These terraces lie at average elevations of 930 and 918 ft above sea level, and in general slope away from the river at grades of 2 or 3%. The topography at the site is typical of that in the area. The rocks which underlie this region of Minnesota, including the plant site, are very old. Glaciation probably less than 1,000,000 years in age, as well as recent alluvial deposition have mantled the older rocks with a variety of unconsolidated materials in the form of glacial moraines, glacial outwash plains, glacial till and river bed sediments. This cover of young soils rests upon a surface of glacially carved bed- rock consisting of sandstone, shale and granitic rocks. The bedrock surface is irregular and slopes generally to the east or southeast. The nearest known or inferred fault, the Douglas Fault, is 23 miles southeast of the site. There is no indication that faulting has affected the area of the site in the last few million years. Within the last 110 years only two earthquakes were recorded as occurring within 100 miles of the plant. The plant was designed for safe shut- down under a Design Basis Earthquake. 2. Hydrology The plant lies on the outwash plain of the Mississippi River. This plain is bounded by a glacial moraine containing numerous lakes and swampy areas. Drainage from the moraine converges with drainage from the terraces and swales, and flows generally southeast into the river. Mississippi River tributaries close to the plant are Silver Creek, 5 miles NW, and Otter Creek, 3 miles SE. Elk River flows parallel to the Mississippi River along a line 4 miles north of the plant, flowing into the Mississippi 15 miles downstream. The natural surface drainage of the immediate plant area is mainly to the southwest away from the river. Surface runoff will tend to collect in the depression at the south end of the terrace where it is bounded by higher ground. 1 1 1 II-5 Large supplies of ground water are available from the Mississippi River outwash plain alluvium, glacial moraine and from underlying sandstones in the area. The general course of deep ground water flow is to the southeast. The regional gradient broadly parallels the trend of the topography and the surface drainage. The groundwater levels in the vicinity of the plant are relatively flat and slope toward the river during normal river stages. During periods of high river flow, there may be some reversal of ground water flow. These reversals will be of short duration and infiltra- tion of water from the river should be limited in extent. The gradient toward the river will be re-established after the recession of the high water. The Monticello site lies about one-third of the river distance from Elk River, Minnesota to St. Cloud, Minnesota. Stream flow records of the Mississippi were kept at Elk River by the U.S. Geological Survey and at St. Cloud by Northern States Power Company. The gaging station at Elk River was about 2,500 ft downstream from the confluence of the Elk River (the only river of significant size entering the Mississippi River between the cities of Elk River and St. Cloud) and the Mississippi River. The Northern States Power Company gaging station was located at the Whitney Steam Plant which is on the south side of St. Cloud. River flow information based on data from the above gaging station is as follows: Location Elk River St. Cloud b Number of Years of Record 38(a) 40(6) Average Annual Flow, cfs 5,260 4,360 Minimum Recorded Flow, cfs 278 220 Maximum Recorded Flow, cfs 49,200 46,780 (a) (b) Flow rate measurements discontinued in 1957. Flow rate measurements discontinued in 1965. Based on flow data from the above gaging station, the average and minimum river flow for the Mississippi River at the Monticello site is estimated as follows: II-6 - Average Annual Flow - Minimum Flow 4,600 cfs 240 cfs The maximum river flow of 54,000 cfs was based on the flow at St. Cloud and Anoka, Minnesota since it occurred in 1965 after the Station at Elk River was closed. River flow and temperature data were generated for the Monticello Plant site for calendar years 1962 through 1967, and are shown in Figures II-3 and II-4, respectively. Flow duration data for the Mississippi River calculated at the Monticello Plant site are shown in Figure II-5. Based on these data, the flow at Monticello is expected to exceed 1,800 cfs 90% of the time, and 950 cfs 99% of the time. It should be emphasized that these data represent only 6 years of record. The average river velocity at the site varies between 1.5 and 2.5 fps for flows below 10,000 cfs. The river drops about 10 ft from 1 1/2 miles upstream to 1 1/2 miles downstream of the plant. Rapids frequently occur in this stretch of the river, The maximum probable 1 in 1000 year flood would be expected to reach 921 ft MSL (mean sea level) and the maximum flow of record (1965) was estimated to have reached 916 ft MSL. Normal river stage at the plant site is about 905 ft MSL and the plant grade is 930 ft MSL. A study was conducted by the Harza Engineering Company to determine the predicted flood discharge flow and water level at the site re- sulting from the "maximum probable flood" as defined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The "maximum probable flood" was estimated as 364,000 cfs with a corresponding peak stage of elevation 939.2 ft MSL at the Monticello site. The peak level at the site would be reached in about 12 days from the onset of the worst combination of conditions resulting in the "maximum probable flood." Data from this study were used to identify flood protection requirements. The applicant plans to use sand bags and steel plates (stored onsite) at selected doors and openings to temporarily protect vital structures and components in the extremely unlikely event of the occurrence of the "maximum probable flood." The nearest domestic water supply reservoir is the Minneapolis Water Works Reservoir. This reservoir is located in northern Minneapolis and is fed by the Mississippi River from an intake about 37 miles from the plant, St. Paul uses a chain of lakes in their water system. These are located about 40 miles north of St. Paul. The intake which feeds these lakes is about 33 river miles from the plant. 11-7 100,000 50,000 SIX-YEAR MAXIMUM ENVELOPE 20,000 10,000 5,000 CFS པའ་ 2,000 FLOW 1000 SIX-YEAR AVERAGE 500 SIX-YEAR MINIMUM ENVELOPE 200 100 J F F M M А мЈ J J A S 0 N D - FIGURE 11-3. DAILY AVERAGE AND EXTREME RIVER FLOWS AT MONTICELLO SITE-1962 THROUGH 1967 8-11 100 90 SIX-YEAR MAXIMUM ENVELOPE 80 6-YEAR AVERAGE 70 (°F) TEMPERATURE ( 60 50 40 SIX-YEAR MINIMUM ENVELOPE 30 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC FIGURE 11-4. DAILY AVERAGE AND EXTREME WATER TEMPERATURES AT THE MONTICELLO SITE, 1962-67 6-11 28,000 24,000 2000 1500 20,000 1000 FLOW (CFS) 500 16,000 FLOW (CFS) 0 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 12,000 PERCENT OF TIME FLOW HAS BEEN EQUALED OR EXCEEDED 8,000 4,000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT OF TIME FLOW HAS BEEN EQUALED OR EXCEEDED FIGURE 11-5. RIVER FLOW DURATION DATA FOR MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT THE MONTICELLO SITE, 1962-67 II-10 In the event of contamination of the Mississippi River the Minneapolis water supply system would normally be more critical than the St. Paul system because Minneapolis has a lower storage capacity per capita than St. Paul. Under emergency conditions, withdrawal of river water for the Minneapolis system could be suspended for about 48 hr without curtailment of non-essential use. With curtailment of non-essential use, this period could be extended to about 100 hr. The groundwater table under normal conditions is higher than the river; thus ground water and runoff drain to the river. Between the plant site and Minneapolis, the cities of Monticello, Elk River, Anoka, Coon Rapids, and Fridley obtain groundwater from near bedrock for their domestic water supplies. Private wells other than residential wells near the river include Cargill Research Farm, the NSP well at Coon Rapids Dam, the Minnesota Potato Starch Company well at Anoka, and the State Asylum well at Anoka. There are numerous shallow wells supplying residences and farms along the river terrace. The closest public water supply well is the Monticello well obtaining water 237 ft below ground level. 3. Meteorology The climate of the site is that of a marked continental type character- ized by wide variations in temperature, scanty winter precipitation, normally ample summer rainfall, and a general tendency to extremes in all climatic features. Climatologically, January is the coldest month with an average daily maximum, mean, and minimum temperatures of 21, 12, and 3°F, respectively and July is the warmest with corresponding temper- atures of 83, 72 and 61°F. The number of days with maximum temperatures of 90°F and above is estimated to be 12. The number of days with a minimum temperature of 32°F or below and 0°F or below is estimated to be 168 and 40, respectively. The January relative humidities at 7:00 am, 1:00 pm, and 7:00 pm, EST, are estimated to be 76, 68, and 70%, respectively. The corresponding humidities for July are 86, 55, and 55%. > The months of May through September have the greatest amounts of pre- cipitation with an average rainfall during this period of 17-18 in. (70% of the 24-in. annual rainfall). Thunderstorms which have an annual frequency of 36, are the principal source of rain from May through September and produce the heaviest rainfalls. Snowfall in the area has an annual average of 42 in. with occurrences recorded in all but the months of June, July and August. The extremes in annual snow- fall of record are a 6-in. minimum and an 88-in. maximum. Annually, the winds are predominately from the northwest or from the south through southeast. This bimodal distribution is characteristic II-11 of the seasonal wind distributions as well. The average wind speed for Spring is 7 mph and for each of the other seasons approximately 10 mph. The maximum reported windspeed of 92 mph was reported in July of 1951, and was associated with a tornado. Tornadoes and severe storms occur occasionally. Eight tornadoes have been reported in the period 1916–67 in Wright County. With the exception of the main stack all major structures were designed to withstand tornado loadings of a 300 mph tangential wind speed and a 2 psi differential pressure drop. The 328-ft-high stack is located more than 328 ft from the major structure and its failure is not expected to jeapordize safe shutdown of the plant. It is estimated that natural fog restricting visibility to 1/4 mile or less occurs approximately 30 hr/yr. Icing due to freezing rain can occur during the period from October through April with an average occurrence of one to two storms/yr. The mean duration of icing on utility lines is 36 hr. Diffusion climatology comparisons with other locations indicate that the site is typical of the North Central United States with relatively favorable atmospheric dilution conditions prevailing. Frequency of thermal inversion is expected to be 30-40% of the year and the fre- quency of thermal stabilities is 46% stable, 20% neutral, and 34% unstable. Considerations of the temperature, humidity, and diffusion of the region results in ranking the Monticello site as an area of low to moderate fogging potential from cooling tower operations. 16 4. Other Features The Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge is located about 9 miles NE to 12 miles N of the site. Since this refuge is at a considerable distance from the site, not connected with it, and is not in the direction of prevailing winds, no impact from plant operation is expected, Lake Maria State Park is located about 6 miles WSW of the site and the Sand Dunes State Forest and campground are located about 9 miles NE of the site. E. ECOLOGY OF SITE AND ENVIRONS 1. Terrestrial An aerial photograph of the site before construction was started is shown in Figure II-6. 11-12 FIGURE 11-6. PRE-CONSTRUCTION VIEW OF THE MONTICELLO SITE II-13 Vegetation in the Monticello area was originally identified as sup- porting a climax deciduous forest. Farming has resulted in the removal of a large portion of this forest. Remnants of the native climax hardwood forest of maple, basswood, elm, oak, and hackberry are found on the larger islands with some lesser stands in isolated pockets along the river bank. No survey of the terrestrial plants or animals has been made for the Monticello site but limited studies have been done at NSP's Sherburne Power Plant site located approximately 5 miles upriver. 18,19 Historically at the Sherburne site such activities as farming, grazing and logging, have caused considerable change from the native climax vegetation. For the most part areas now actually in use at the Monticello site (e.g., buildings, parking lot, switchyard, towers) occupy land formerly cultivated. The portion of the site on the south side of the Mississippi River is in various stages of recovery from weedy species. In a cooperative program with local school children the applicant has planted approximately 100 acres of mixed lowland and bench land with pines. This attempt to introduce conifers in a climax hardwood area may not be completely successful since the local native understory plants are not suited to a conifer environment and are typically unable to invade and survive. There is no evidence of the existence of rare or endangered species of plants at the Monticello site. The soil in the area is thin and varies from sand to silt loam, with an underlay of glacial till. The water table in lower areas is close to the surface and during river flood these areas are frequently inundated. The pine plantings in such areas show poor survival in the most fre- quently flooded zones. The applicant has indicated his intention to continue leasing portions of the site on the north side of the river for farming. In all, approximately 220 acres of cropland have been withdrawn from agriculture and, of this, nearly 160 acres are being allowed to return to native vegetation or planted with conifers. The mammals of the area include white-tailed deer, red fox, raccoon, red and gray squirrels, short tailed shrews, red backed and meadow voles, various species of mice, pocket gopher, white tailed jack rabbit, beaver and muskrat. Squirrel is the principal animal hunted in the area. A one-day season for hunting deer with a gun and a pro- longed season for bow and arrow hunting suggest a limited deer popula- tion. There is also some hunting of fox and racoon. A chain link fence at the boundary of the exclusion area is a partial barrier to the movement of the larger animals. Nevertheless, deer can cross the fence and all animals have ready access across the river on the ice during winter months and through ungated roadways throughout the year. II-14 As native cover develops a larger animal population is to be ex- pected. Bird hunting is primarily directed at ducks, both by jump shooting and from blinds. This portion of the river is not a preferred hunt- ing area nor is it used to a significant extent as a resting area for migrating water fowl. Ruffed grouse are occasionally hunted but there is little hunting for other birds. There is no evidence of rare or endangered species of mammals or birds at or near the Monticello power generating site. 2. Aquatic The ecosystem in the Mississippi River near the Monticello Plant, according to Hopwood, is very diverse and is capable of alteration with no apparent damage. 10 Pre-operational studies of the river have shown the presence of over 40 species of algae, more than 70 species of invertebrates, and 25 species of fish (see Appendix A). Brooks reports that there are no true plankton present in this part of the riverll and vascular aquatic plants are scarce, found mostly in the backwater areas where current velocities are low. The dominant species of attached algae, based on collections made on artificial substrates in July and August of 1970, include the blue- green algae, Chroococcus minimus, C. minor, Phormidium fareolarum, Ocillatoria geminata; the green algae Stigeoclonium spp., and the diatoms Cocconeis placentula, c. pediculus, Diatoma vulgare, Fragillaria spp. Melosira varians, Navicula tripunctata, N. spp. and Nitzschia spp. Algal productivity, as indicated by pigment measurements (chlorophyll "a") was at a minimum in winter, reached a maximum in September, followed by a marked decrease in early October and a considerable increase in late October and early November. No clear reason for this pattern of periodicity can be Differences in pigment concentration in the attached algae from different locations were noted but these were not con- sistent throughout the season, i.e. stations having comparatively low concentrations during one part of the year would have the highest levels at other times. Chlorophyll "a" pigment concentra- tions ranged from 0.3 to 13.4 ug/cm2. Reported average values for chlorophyll "a" in some other streams in the United States are 1.85 g/cm2 in Valley Creek, Minnesota;23 2.2 ug/cm2 in the Columbia River; 24 and 30 ug/cm² in the Logan River, Utah. 2. 25 The annual range in the Columbia River was 0.36 to 5.4 ug/cm2.24 Based on these values, the pigment concentrations of attached algae in the upper Mississippi River are fairly typical of other temperate zone streams. offered. 22 II-15 Algal biomass determinations made at 14 different locations were relatively constant throughout the summer and fall, with a range of 0.2 to 0.37 mg dry weight/cm2. Biomass values for other U.S. streams range from 0.42 to 2.5 mg/cm2. 23,25 The annual range for the Columbia River was 0.055 to 0.998 mg/cm2. 24 Cell density varied from 1600 to 1,700,000 cells/cm2 in the same period. Studies on the attached algal com- munities show a rather wide natural seasonal and annual variation, which may limit their value in defining post-operational environmental changes. Insects are the dominant group in the benthos of the river near Monticello. The two major habitats are best described in terms of bottom substrate which in turn is a reflection of current velocities. The first type is stable and productive and is composed of sand, gravel and rubble. The major invertebrates in this area are the caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera). The second type has a bottom composed of silt and muck, and is usually repre- sentative of areas of low or rapidly fluctuating current velocity. Dipterans, isopods and beetles (Coleoptera) are dominant in this area. There is a marked difference in the numbers of species found near shore as compared to the off-shore areas. Qualitative shore- line collections produce representatives of 66 genera of invertebrates whereas a qualitative analysis of off-shore river bottom fauna pro- duced representatives of only 25 genera. The seasonal variation in abundance of the major groups obtained in the quantitative study of the river are shown in Table II-1. 20 The caddisflies (Trichoptera) are the most consistently numerous group in the main river. The 1969 average annual biomass for the major benthic organisms was about 2 grams dry weight/m2. Surveys of the upper Mississippi between Minneapolis and Crosby, Minnesota in 1939 showed an average bottom fauna biomass of 9.24 grams dry weight/m2, 26 considerably greater than that reported in the recent studies near Monticello. The presence of fairly abundant populations of caddisflies and mayflies in the benthos of the Mississippi River near Monticello is an indication that the river at this point is relatively un- spoiled compared with downstream areas. The stonefly population in the Monticello area is low in number and diversity, and may be an important index of future environmental stress. The stoneflies make up less than 5% of the bottom invertebrates and one genus, Neoperla, comprises more than 80% of the stonefly population, II-16 TABLE II-1 PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION OF INVERTEBRATE POPULATIONS AT ALL TRANSECT LOCATIONS, MISSISSIPPI RIVER NEAR MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, 1960 and 1970 Trichoptera Ephemeroptera Diptera Others Feb 1969 43.73% 34.53% 8.44% 13.30% May 6.94 0.31 92.68 0.07 June 21.62 9.38 68.48 0.53 July 61.12 11.70 26.50 0.68 Aug 59.28 19.46 19.95 1.31 Sept 75.14 11.23 11.11 2.52 Oct 41.42 6.57 35.05 16.97 Nov 24.75 3.91 49.30 22.05 TOTAL % 41.75 12.14 38.94 7.18 Feb 1970 52.47% 8.89% 37.53% 1.11% May 51.53 1.57 45,71 1.19 June 53.34 11.79 34.23 0.64 July 78.76 8.61 12.12 0.50 Aug 57.13 28.23 13.38 1.26 Sept 63.08 19.68 16.27 0.97 Oct 43.74 8.82 25.93 21.52 Nov 16.70 6.08 63.65 13.57 TOTAL % 52.10 11.71 31.10 5.10 II-17 . In the section of the Mississippi River from one-half mile above the plant to four miles downstream, the bigmouth shiner, sand shiner, spotfin shiner and blunthead minnow were the most abundant species near shore (see Table II-2). The smallmouth bass was the most numerous game fish in this habitat although comprising only 2.5% of the population. Crappie and bullheads were rarely obtained in shoreline collections, which were made with 1/8 in. by 1/4 in. mesh seines. 27 The relative numbers of the several most numerous species often differed markedly in areas close to each other, indicating a species preference of habitat. No information is available on the distribution of these fishes during winter, but they probably seek the deep, slow water areas during the period of ice cover. The structure of the fish populations inhabiting the main river channel was studied by capture with electrofishing gear. A portion of the population was tagged for recapture to permit population estimates and degree of movement in the river.27 Summer (June to September) fish populations in the reach of the river from one mile upstream from the power plant to five miles downstream are made up primarily of rough fish (see Tables II-3 and II-4). The apparent increase in the proportion of game fish to rough fish with time may not be real, but the result of sampling variation. The cyprinids, northern redhorse and carp, are by far the most abundant species found offshore in the river near Monticello. The redhorse is fre- quently the only species found in the shallow riffle areas with gravel and stony bottoms. The dominance of the redhorse is clearly the result of favorable river characteristics; swift current, shallow depth, stone and gravel bottom. 28 Carp were most commonly found in the deep, slowly flowing pools, but were not necessarily confined to these areas. The game fish, walleye, smallmouth bass, crappie, rock bass and northern pike inhabited areas where there is cover in the form of submerged brush, piled stumps and boulders. Because of their more specialized and localized habitat preference, these game fish were probably not sampled by electrofishing in the same proportion as some of the rough fish with less restricted habitats. The population estimates in Table II-4 were adjusted to compensate for this difference. 27 The limited suitable habitat for the game species may be one of the factors limiting their numbers in this area. There is no marked migration of fish in this part of the river. 28 The age versus length of fish collected by electrofishing near Monticello is given in Table II-5. This method of collection tends to be selective for the larger size animals and the data in Table II-18 TABLE II-2 FISH COLLECTED BY SHORELINE SEINING NEAR MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT (MAY-AUGUST 1970) Species Total Catch % of Catch Bigmouth Shiner Notropis dorsalis 1400 29.4 Sand Shiner - N. stramineus 987 20.9 Spotfin Shiner X. spilepterus 793 16.6 Blunthead Minnow - Pimephales notatus 568 11.9 Johnny Darter Etheostoma nigrum 262 5.5. White Sucker Catostomus commersoni 164 3.4 Longnose Dace - Rhinichthys cataractae 156 3.3 Common Shiner Notropis cornutus 155 3.3 Smallmouth Bass - Micropterus dolomieui 117 2.5 Hornyhead Chub Hyb opsis bigutta 95 2.0 Shortnose Dace Rhinichthys atratulus 24 0.5 - Semotilus Northern Creek Chub atromaculatus 19 0.4 Spottail Shiner - Notropis hudsonius 11 0.23 Redhorse Moxos toma spp. 8 0.17 . Crappie Pomoxis sp. 2 <0.1 Bullhead - Ameiurus SPP. 1 <0.1 Golden Shiner Notemigonus crysoleucas 1 <0.1 II-19 TABLE II-3 PROPORTION OF ROUGH AND GAME FISHES NEAR THE MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Year % Rough Fish % Game Fish 7.6 1968 92.4 1969 88.9 11.1 1970 1971 76.0 24.0 II-20 TABLE II-4 FISH CAPTURED BY ELECTROFISHING IN A SIX MILE SECTION OF RIVER NEAR MONTICELLO 'NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT 27 1969 1968-69 Number Captured % of Total Catch Estimated Total Population Species Northern Redhorse Moxostoma macrolipidotum 867 51.2 33,376 Carp Cyprinus carpio 443 26.1 21,666 Silver Redhorse Moxos toma anisurum 112 6.6 3,576 Black Crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus 107 6.3 2,360 White Sucker Catostomus commersoni 68 4.0 2,270 Smallmouth Bass Micropterus dolomieui 46 2.7 1,359 Walleye Stizostedion vitreum 33 1.9 1,609 Bullhead Ameiurus spp. 10 0.5 179 Rock Bass Ambloplites rupestris 7 0.4 608 Burbot Lota lota 1 0.05 143 Northern Pike Esox lucius 1 0.05 161 Perch Perca flavescens 54 -- -- Bowfin Amia calva 18 II-21 TABLE II-5 AGE VERSUS LENGTH RELATIONSHIP OF FISH CAPTURED BY ELECTOFISHING NEAR MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT 1968-1969 Northern Redhorse Age Length (in yr) Number Silver Redhorse Length Number Carp Length Number Walleye Length Number Smallmouth Bass Length Number mm mm mm mm mm 1 18 227.8 O 0 -- 15 158.2 2 228.5 2 100 275.2 3 197.0 3 379.3 6 241.7 11 271.8 3 113 378.0 3 380.7 26 405.5 19 260.7 9 285.9 4 478 429.8 5 464.4 102 448.5 15 304.9 9 327.7 5 513 455.2 33 485.3 157 461.2 11 363.9 12 355.0 6 110 466.9 57 503.0 137 477.6 2 444.5 8 378.6 7 19 477.8 34 498.1 61 491.8 1 403.0 4 372.0 8 6 488.3 15 518.8 18 522.1 1 552.0 2 433.0 9 3 527.3 10 538.6 8 528.8 0 0 10 0 0 1 749.0 O 1 470.0 11 0 - 0 0 1 673.0 0 11-22 II-5 may be biased because of this. The age structure in the rough fishes shows a definite dominance of two or three consecutive year classes. This is not apparent in the game fish, possibly as the re- sult of small sample size and/or croping of the dominant age classes by sport fishing. No diet analyses of the fishes in the river near the plant were made, but the important food items can be inferred from studies of other areas. In Minnesota lakes, large northern pike, walleye and bass had a diet composed principally of fish; black crappie consumed about 40% insects, 21% plant and 6% crustaceans; the diet of the black bull- head was made up of molluscs, crustaceans and plants. 29 Primary foods of the northern and silver redhorse in an Iowa stream were immature chironomids, may flies and caddisflies. 30 The diet of a Minnesota lake population of spottail shiner was mainly small crustaceans, chironomids and algae. 31 Although fishes are selective in their diet, food avail- ability is controlling in diet composition. All the food items, with the possible exception of crustaceans and vascular plants are abundant in the river near the power plant. The reported pre-operational studies did not identify the fish spawning areas in the vicinity of the Monticello plant. The eggs of the major species are demersal or adhesive. The problem of entrainment of fish eggs in the condenser cooling water is therefore not one of major con- sequence. Larval fish, however, are likely to be impinged on the cooling water intake screens or entrained in the cooling water. This potential cause of fish mortality is discussed in Section V-C (Biological Impact). gear. 32 Although sizeable populations of fish are present in the river near the Monticello Plant, no commercial fishing is conducted due to obstructions in the stream that limit the use of commercial fishing The sport fishery for walleyes, northern pike, smallmouth bass and crappie has an estimated annual value of about $345,000 in the 30-mile stretch of river from the plant downstream to Anoka, Minnesota. 32 This fishery is supported entirely by natural production. Fishing and other recreational uses of the river, such as boating and canoeing, are presentlyy limited by the lack of public access to the river. 33 No actual measurement has been made of the amount of canoeing, a growing form of recreation near Monticello, or boat- ing conducted on the river. Based on casual observation, there is an average of about 14 canoe trips weekly in this part of the river during summer. Motor boating in the summer is limited to those who are familiar with the summer low-water channels. III-1 III. THE PLANT A. EXTERNAL APPEARANCE A low altitude aerial photograph taken in 1971 of the Monticello Plant is shown in Figure III-1. Except for modifications to permit increased holdup of gaseous radwaste, construction activities were nearly completed in February 1972. Landscaping, however, had not been accomplished. In areas not actually needed for plant operation the applicant intends the natural return of native vegetation (but not noxious weeds) except in areas planted with conifers. Whether or not the installation is aesthetically appealing or repelling is an individual judgment. Some generalizations can be made, however. The plant itself follows the criteria of form following function and has been crisply executed. The present state of engineering cannot obviate the more intrusive elements such as the tall off-gas stack erected to provide better dilution of radioactive gases. The mechanical draft cooling towers that limit the thermal discharge to the river may not be considered by some as an attractive addition to the landscape. Switch yards have a mixed visual impact. Except for the stack it may be premature to judge the long term aesthetic impact until the bulk of the vegetation has become re-established. B. TRANSMISSION LINES The transmission lines installed as a direct result of construction and operation of the Monticello Plant consist of the Monticello- Coon Creek 345 kV line and the Monticello-Parkers Lake 345 kV line for a total of 60 miles. The route taken by these lines is shown in Figure III-2. Each of the above stations are about 30 miles from the Monticello Plant but are only about 12 miles apart. The reason for the independent lines was, according to the appli- cant, a result of added consideration of greater system reliability. The routings attempted to avoid active farm areas and, where possible, municipalities, county parks, recreational, natural scenic and historic areas. In addition established corridors such as railroad rights-of-way and highways were used when possible. Wood pole construction was used in rural areas and double 111-2 ANI FIGURE III-1. AERIAL VIEW OF MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT 111-3 SHERBURNE CO MONTICELLO ST. CROIX RIVER MISSISSIPPI RIVER COON CREEK MONTICELLO TRANSMISSION LINES A.S. KING RIVERSIDE PARKERS LAKE TERMAE PRE-EXISTING TRANSMISSION LINES MIGHBROOK RED ROCK BLACK DOG TO MILWAUKEE BLUE INVER HILLS MINNESOTA RIVER MISSISSIPP RIVER 10 TO OMAHA TO ST. LOUIS POWER SUPPLY PLANNING SCALE IN MILES FIGURE III-2. MONTICELLO TRANSMISSION LINES III-4 circuit steel towers were utilized near the plant and substations. An example of the latter may be seen in Figure III-3. When the lines were constructed the only trees removed were those necessary to obtain sufficient electrical clearance and allow safe operation of the transmission lines. The 60 miles of transmission line rights-of-way are to be main- tained by selectively hand spraying the tall tree species with Dow Chemical Company's TORDON 155, a spray approved by the USDI Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife for use on their lands. Native grasses short woody species such as sumac will be left undisturbed. Land along transmission rights-of-way may be used for purposes which are compatible with the necessary safety con- siderations such as farming, trails and grazing. C. REACTOR AND STEAM-ELECTRIC SYSTEM The nuclear power unit is a direct-cycle boiling water reactor which will produce steam at about 1000 psig for use in a steam driven turbine-generator. The reactor vessel was designed, fabricated and erected by the Chicago Bridge and Iron Company. The nuclear steam supply system was designed and manufactured by the General Electric Company under a "turn key" contract. General Electric contracted with the Bechtel Corporation for architectural engineering services and construction of Monticello. The design power rating is 1670 MWE with a net electrical power output of 545 MW. D. EFFLUENT SYSTEMS 1. Heat The thermodynamic process by which steam electric generating plants produce electricity, yields large quantities of exhaust steam which must be condensed. The condensation process requires that heat be removed. This process occurs in the main condenser and heat is removed by the circulating water system. The principal thermal effluent consists of condenser cooling water taken from the Mississippi River. The flow of water through the condenser at mean river flow is approximately 645 cfs, or 14% of the average annual river flow. This water passes through the main condenser and the water temperature is raised about 26.8°F 111-5 TY FIGURE III-3. TRANSMISSION LINE TOWERS NEAR MONTICELLO SITE III-6 above the intake temperature at full plant load. The water is then returned via a canal to the river. Cooling towers are provided as a supplemental mechanism for dissipating heat to the atmosphere. These towers are required when river stream flows are insufficient to supply adequate cooling water for the plant because of water appropriation restrictions and, in addition, they are required to limit the temperature rise of the river water that results from the discharge of the heated cooling water. The permit limitations specified by the State of Minnesota regarding the dis- charge of heated water are as follows: "Cooling facilities shall be provided and operated to insure that the heat content of the cooling water after reasonable dilution and mixing in the river does not raise the temperature of the river above limits specified below: Period Maximum Temperature July and August, inclusive 86°F (or 5°F above the ambient temperature June and September, inclusive 80°F of the river, which- ever is greater May and October, inclusive 67°F except that in no case shall the river April and November, inclusive 55°F temperature be raised above 90°F March and December, inclusive 43°F by the discharge of this effluent.) January and February, inclusive 37 °F The design of treatment works for compliance with the stream standards, unless otherwise specified, shall be based on the seven consecutive day low flow of the river which is equal to or exceeded by 90% of such seven-day minimum average flows of record (the lowest seven-day flow with a once-in-ten-year recurrence interval) for the critical month. The extent of the mixing zone to be permitted will be determined by the Agency at a latter date after reviewing the data made available on the characteristics of the river and the effluent and other pertinent considerations. 1134 The mechanical draft cooling tower system is not designed for operation during the severe Minnesota winters. Reduction in III-7 plant operation load may be required to meet thermal discharge limitations in the winter when cooling towers are not in operation. Although it would not be necessary to operate the cooling towers in order to meet the permit temperature limits during much of the year, NSP has made a commitment to the MPCA to operate the cooling towers to the maximum extent practical.11 The circulating water and cooling tower systems have been designed to provide a high degree of operating flexibility. The various modes of operation are as follows: - Open cycle - The open cycle operation does not utilize the cooling tower system. Water is withdrawn from the river, passed through the main condenser system and returned to the river via the discharge canal. In this mode, the river receives all heat that is rejected to the circulating water in the main condenser. The water withdrawn from the river is returned essentially undiminished in quantity. . Helper cycle - In this mode, all or a portion of the circulating water is diverted to the cooling tower system after passing through the main condenser. Heat is removed from the portion of circulating water diverted through the cooling tower. All of the water withdrawn is returned to the river with the exception of the evaporative losses that occur in cooling tower operation. . Recirculation cycle - In this mode, it is necessary to withdraw from the river only a portion of the total circulating water flow. The balance of the circulating water flow is provided by an inventory of water maintained and recirculated through the system. The water withdrawn, less the cooling tower evaporative losses is returned to the river. Closed cycle - In this mode of operation, the maximum quantity of water is recirculated through the system. Some withdrawals from the river are still required to replace that lost by evaporation and that required by blowdown. The blowdown water is returned to the river. The intake structure for plant cooling water is located near the turbine building and is at the end of a short canal which extends III-8 approximately 150 ft in from the bank of the Mississippi River, as shown in Figure III-4. The bottom of the river was dredged out for a distance of about 170 ft to establish an elevation of 898 ft MSL at the canal bottom. The canal is about 62 ft wide at the intake structure. River water passes into the canal, through trash racks to retain large pieces of debris and then through two traveling screens constructed of 7/64 in. wire mesh with openings about 3/8 in. square. The water then enters a service water pump bay and passes by two parallel motor-operated sluice gates before reaching the circulatory water pumps. A center dividing wall permits dewatering of either pump bay. In the wall is a gate that is normally closed but which can be opened manually during normal operation if a traveling screen is in need of main- tenance and out of service. Water for cooling station equipment, closed-cycle make up water, screen wash, and fire protection are taken from the service pump bay. The flow velocity in the canal is about 0.5 fps whereas just ahead 14 of the traveling screens it is less than 1 fps. The ice thickness on the Mississippi River was measured at three locations near the intake structure in February 1968 and found to be 27 to 28 in. Even if the thickness of the ice reached 40 in. as sometimes occurs on lakes in the region, there would be at least 2.5 ft of open water below the ice (which would amount to roughly 1000 cfs) and that is adequate to supply the cooling water required. In order to prevent the intake structures from becoming clogged with ice in winter some of the heated water from the condensers can be routed to the intake structure apron. Steam is also available at the intake structure to perform the same function. In the open-cycle mode of cooling, the water passes from the intake structures through the condensers to the discharge structure (see Figure III-4) through two motor operated sluice gates and is released to the river through the 1000-ft canal. In the closed cycle mode the cooling water is pumped to the top of the cooling towers from the discharge structure. The cooled effluent returns by gravity to the intake structure from the cooling tower basins. Blowdown overflows the side weirs of the basins and is piped to the discharge canal. The outfall structure for this effluent is located just downstream from the discharge structure on the near bank of the discharge canal (Figure III-4). 111-9 MISSISSIPPI RIVER CHEMICAL HOLDUP POND INTAKE STRUCTURE DISCHARGE STRUCTURE DIESEL EMER. GEN. BUILDING TURBINE BUILDING TRANSFORMER AREA CONDENSATE STORAGE TANKS DISCHARGE_CANAL -OVERFLOW DISCHARGE 8 REAC- STOR BLDG 8 RADWASTE BLDG. SECURITY FENCE COOLING TOWER E-100 B COOLING TOWER E-100 A OFF-GAS STACK RAILROAD SPUR FIGURE 1/1-4. MONTICELLO PLANT PLOT PLAN III-10 Each cooling tower is a 9-cell, induced (mechanical) draft, cross flow tower constructed of redwood with one 26-ft diameter fan per cell. Each tower is 270 ft long by 59 ft wide by 61 ft high. Together they have a flow capacity of 645 cfs and a heat transfer of 3.9 x 100 Btu/hr with a wet bulb temperature of 73°F for an entering water temperature of 116.9°F and a leaving temperature of 90°F. Evaporative loss of water amounts to about 18 cfs. Figure III-l shows an aerial view of the cooling towers. The average river temperature for July, August and September has been calculated to be 71°F. Therefore, average summer effluent discharge temperatures are expected to be about 97.8°F under open cycle operation and about 80 to 85°F for helper cycle operation. The effects of discharge of the heated condenser cooling water will be discussed in Section V-C-2. 2. Radioactive Wastes During the operation of the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, radioactive material will be produced by fission and by neutron activation reactions in metals and other materials in the reactor system. Small amounts of gaseous and liquid radioactive wastes will enter the wastes streams, which are monitored and processed within the plant to minimize the amount of radioactive nuclides that will ultimately be released to the atmosphere and to the Mississippi River. The radioactivity that may be released during operation of the plant will be in accordance with the Commission's regulations, as set forth in 10 CFR Part 20 and 10 CFR Part 50. The waste handling and treatment systems installed at the plant are discussed in the Final Safety Analysis Report of October 17, 1968, and in the applicant's Environmental Report dated November 5, 1971. The waste treatment systems described in these reports and in the following paragraphs are designed to collect and process the gaseous, liquid and solid waste which may contain radioactive materials. a. Gaseous Wastes During power operation of the plant, radioactive materials that may be released to the atmosphere in gaseous effluents include fission-product noble gases (krypton and xenon) and halogens (mostly iodine); activated argon, oxygen and nitrogen; tritium contained in water vapor; and particulate material including both fission products and activated corrosion products. Fission products III-11 are released to the primary coolant and carried to the turbine by the steam. The major source of gaseous radioactive waste during normal plant operation will be the offgas from the main steam condenser air ejectors. In the present system, offgases from the main condenser consist of approximately 200 cfm of hydrogen and oxygen from de- composition of water and 20 cfm of air from inleakage plus trace concentrations of radioactive xenon and krypton. The noncondensible gases are delayed for a minimum of thirty minutes in a holdup pipe to allow for the decay of short-lived fission product noble gases and activation gases, filtered through high efficiency particulate filters, and released to the atmosphere through the main stack with dilution air. The radioactive materials released through this system represent greater than 90% of the activity available from gaseous effluents. In our evaluation we assumed that 90% of the radio- iodine which may be present in the offgas from the air ejectors will be removed in the steam jet condenser. Other sources of gaseous waste include the main steam turbine gland seal system; offgases from the mechanical vacuum pump used during startup; ventilation air released from the radwaste, reactor and turbine building exhaust systems; and purging of the drywell and suppression chamber. The systems for the processing of radioactive gaseous waste and ventilation paths are shown schematically in Figure III-5. The turbine gland seal system which provides a seal on the turbine packing gland is being operated with primary steam and therefore expected to be a contributing source of airborne activity. The steam air exhaust from this system passes through a gland seal con- denser where the steam is condensed and non-condensibles exhausted to the gland seal holdup line. Radioactive gases released by way of this system are delayed for about 2 minutes to allow decay of the major activation gases (N-16 and 0-19) and released without additional treatment through the 328 ft stack. The mechanical vacuum pump, used during startup, exhausts air and radioactive gases from the main steam condenser. Offgases from this system are dis- charged to the gland seal holdup line before being released to the main stack. In our evaluation we assumed that the mechanical vacuum pump will be operated approximately 10 hours per year with stimated release of 1040 curies of noble gases. The isotopic mixture will vary depending on the decay time in the condenser. The turbine building, reactor building and radwas te building ventilation systems are once-through ventilation with air passing 111-12 328 11 CATALYTIC RECOMBINERS (2) 00 00 A C FUTURE NONCONDENSABLE GAS FROM MAIN CONDENSER 2-STAGE AIR EJECTOR CONDENSERS (2) A c 2 COMPRESSORS | PRESENT OFF-GAS 30 MINUTE DELAY PIPE (IN FUTURE WILL BE 2 HOURS DELAY) WASTE GAS DECAY TANKS 1250 ft EACH STARTUP MECHANICAL VACUUM PUMP FUTURE PRIMARY STEAM FROM TURBINE SEALS 1.75 min. HOL DUP PIPE 350 cm CONDENSER WASTE GAS SYSTEM 0-100, 000 cm HPCI GLAND SEAL 2poo ctm UPPER AREA AIR EJECTOR ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM 6,300 cm LOWER AREA 63,800 cfm TURBINE BUILDING OFF GAS STACK 4,000 cf AIR -- AIR 120 11- STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM REFUELING FLOOR 18,500 cm P 43,500 cm ס SAMPLING STATION 2,000 em TORUS AND DRYWELL REACTOR BUILDING VENT REACTOR BUILDING 2,750 cm ROOF RAD. WASTE BUILDING GOVENT - PIA 2,750 cm 94,000 cfm 94,000 cm POTENTIAL CONTAMINATION RECOMBINER BUILDING (FUTURE) POTENTIAL CONTAMINATION 94.000 cm MAIN EXHAUST PLENUM P. PREFILTER A-HIGH-EFFICIENCY PARTICULATE FILTER C-CHARCOAL ADSORBER NORMAL OPERATION ---- ABNORMAL OPERATION VENTILATION SYSTEM -- FUTURE AIR DAMPER MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT FIGURE III-5. III-13 from relatively clean areas to those with higher radioactivity potential. Normally the ventilation air in the reactor building is discharged to the building vent without treatment; however, in the event of abnormal air activity levels, this air will be routed through the standby gas treatment system (HEPA and charcoal adsorbers in series) prior to being released through the main stack. Potentially contaminated areas of the radwaste building are exhausted through prefilters and HEPA filters and released through the plant vent. Release of radioactivity from the upper area of the turbine building through a roof mounted exhaust fan is not anticipated. The purpose of this system is to maintain desired ambient conditions above the operating floor utilizing once-through ventilation. The ventilation air from equipment areas and lower levels of the turbine building is exhausted to the main plenum and released through the plant vent without treatment. The primary containment (drywell) is normally a sealed volume. How- ever, during periods of refueling or maintenance it may be neces- sary to purge the drywell and suppression chamber and, when this occurs, the potential exists for the release of airborne radio- activity to the environment. The system is arranged such that the purge exhaust can be directed to the standby gas treatment system in the event of abnormal air activity levels. Releases through this system are not expected to be a contributing source of radioactivity. Estimated annual releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluent from the plant during normal operation, including expected operational occurrences, are shown in Table III-1. Estimated releases from primary and secondary sources are summarized in Table III-2. The estimated releases were based on a minimum hold- up time of 30 minutes for gaseous effluent released from the main condenser air ejectors. Conditions and principal assumptions con- sidered in our evaluation of the waste treatment systems are given in Table III-3. During the first year of operation of the plant (March 1971), re- leases of radioactivity have been lower than expected. From the values shown in Table III-1, a release rate of 44,000 uCi/sec is expected; however, the level of release during the startup and shakedown period at full power operation has been approximately 10,000 Ci/sec as shown in Table III-7. III-14 TABLE III-1 CALCULATED RELEASES OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS IN GASEOUS EFFLUENT FROM MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CURIES PER YEAR Main Condenser Air Ejector 30 Min. Holdup Gland Seal 2 min. Holdup Reactor Turbine Building Building Nuclide Total Kr-83m 15 42 35,600 35,500 65,000 Kr-85m 25 70 65,170 Kr-85 0.1 0.4 364 365 Kr-87 75 207 Kr-88 81 226 160,500 201,300 1,150 160,800 201,600 1,950 Kr-89 280 517 Xe-13lm 0.1 0.3 320 320 Xe-133m 1.6 4.5 Xe-133 44 125 Xe-135m 129 333 Xe-135 127 357 4,430 4,440 124,600 124,800 96,800 97,300 344,200 344,700 5,900 7,340 336, 300 337,800 1,376,000 1,382,000 Xe-137 484 953 Xe-138 406 1055 Total 1670 3890 I-131 0.009 0.57 0.16 8.0 8.7 I-133 0.03 2.8 0.8 39. 42.6 III-15 TABLE III-2 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS SUMMARY Ci/yr Present System Noble Gas I-131 Main Condenser Air Ejector 1.38 x 106 8.0 Turbine Building 1.67 x 103 5.7 x 10-1 Reactor Building 9 x 10-3 Mechanical Vacuum Pump Gland Seal 1.04 x 103 3.89 x 10 103 1.38 x 106 1.6 x 10 10-1 8.77 Ci/yr Augmented System Noble Gas I-131 Main Condenser Air Ejector 7 * 10-3 1.06 x 105 1.67 x 103 Turbine Building 5.7 x 10-1 Reactor Building 9 * 103 Mechanical Vacuum Pump 1.04 x 103 3.89 x 10 103 Gland Seal 1.6 x 10-1 1.12 x 105 7.5 x 10 10-1 III-16 TABLE III-3 CONDITIONS USED IN DETERMINING RELEASES OF RADIOACTIVITY IN EFFLUENTS FROM MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Thermal Power Total Steam Flow Plant Factor Cleanup Demineralizer Flow Failed Fuel 1670 Megawatts 6,770,000 lb/hr 0.8 80,000 lb/hr equivalent to 100,000 Ci/sec with 30 min. holdup 480 lb/hr liquid 2,400 lb/hr steam 20 cfm - air 0.1% of steam flow Leaks Reactor Bldg. Turbine Bldg. Condenser Air Inleakage Turbine Gland Seal Steam Partition coefficients (Iodine) Steam/Liquid in reactor Reactor Bldg. liquid leak Turbine Bldg. seam leak Gland Seal Air Ejector Holdup Times Gland Seal Gas Air Ejector Gas Modified System Clean Waste System liquids Dirty Waste System liquids Chemical Waste System - liquids 0.012 0.001 1.0 0.1 0.005 2 minutes 30 minutes 50 hours 1 day 1 day 1 day 21,000 god 8, 200 gpd 500 gpd 10 Flow Rate Clean Waste System Dirty Waste System Chemical Waste Decontamination Factors Powder filter/demineralizers (except Y, Mo and 3H) Mixed bed demineralizer except: Cs and Rb Y, Mo and 3H Removal factors to account for plateout Mo and TC - 99m Y 100 10 1 100 10 Dilution Flow 280,000 gpm III-17 TABLE III-3 (cont'd) Number and Capacity of Collector Tanks No. Name Capacity (gals.) 1 Waste Surge Tank 35,000 2 Waste Sample Tanks 10,000 each 1 Condensate Backwash Receiving Tank 8,500 1 Waste Collector Tank 10,000 2 Condensate Phase Separator Tanks 12,000 each 2 Condensate Storage Tank 220,000 each 1 Waste Sludge Tank 7,500 2 Clean-up Phase Separator Tanks 3,000 each N Laundry Drain Tanks 1,000 each 1 Floor Drain Collector Tank 10,000 1 Floor Drain Sample Tank 10,000 1 Chemical Waste Tank 4,000 III-18 To reduce the quantities of radioactive gaseous .effluents released to the atmosphere, Northern States Power Company has undertaken a plant modification to install additional holdup equipment. In the modification, expected to be completed by December 1972 (see Figure III-5); offgases from the main condenser will be processed through a catalytic recombiner where the hydrogen and oxygen will be reacted to form water, thereby reducing by tenfold the volume of gases which must be treated. The water will be removed by the offgas condenser and moisture separator and discharged to the liquid waste system for further treatment. The noncondensible gases will be delayed for a minimum of five hours in the present holdup pipe, filtered through charcoal adsorbers and HEPA filters, com- pressed to 300 psig and stored in one of five (1250 ft3) holdup tanks. Prior to discharge through the main stack, the offgases will again be filtered through charcoal adsorbers and HEPA filters. The system will provide at least 50 hours additional decay time. In our evaluation we assumed that nearly all of the radioiodine which may be present in the offgas from the main condenser will be re- moved in either the recombiner condenser or by the double treatment through the charcoal adsorbers. The calculated annual releases of gaseous waste after the modification has been completed are shown in Table III-4. Based on our evaluation, the calculated annual release rate of 44,000 uCi/sec of noble gases from the 30-minute holdup pipe will be reduced to about 3,600 uCi/sec after the modification which consists of a 50-hour holdup. The iodine and particulate releases have been calculated at about 0.75 curie per year as I-131. b. Liquid Wastes Radioactive and potentially radioactive liquid wastes are collected, monitored, processed, stored and prepared for disposal by the rad- waste treatment system. These wastes are classified, collected and treated as high purity, low purity, chemical, laundry and sludge or concentrated wastes. The system is designed to handle these wastes separately or on a combined basis. Cross connections between the subsystems provide flexibility for processing by alternate methods. High purity wastes (low-conductivity) consist of liquids collected by equipment drains from the drywell and the reactor turbine and radwaste buildings and the decantate from the centrifugation of backwashed resins and sludges. Low-purity wastes (high conductivity) are collected by floor drains from the drywell and the reactor tur- bine and radwaste buildings. Miscellaneous chemical wastes are collected from the laboratory and from the laundry and decontam- ination areas. III-19 TABLE III-4 CALCULATED CURIE RELEASES OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS IN GASEOUS EFFLUENT FROM MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT AUGMENTED SYSTEM* (Ci/yr) Main Condenser Gland Seal Air Ejector Reactor Turbine 2 Min. 50 Hr. Nuclide Building Building Holdup Holdup Total Kr-83m 15 42 57 Kr-85m 25 70 27 120 Kr-85 0.1 0.4 364 365 Kr-87 75 207 282 Kr-88 81 226 0.9 308 Kr-89 280 517 798 Xe-131m 0.1 0.3 280 280 Xe-133m 1.6 4.5 2,360 2,366 95,170 Xe-133 44 125 95,000 Xe-135m 129 333 460 Xe-135 127 357 8,300 8,790 1,440 Xe-137 484 953 Xe-138 405 1,005 1,460 111,900 Total 1,670 3,890 106,340 I-131 0.009 0.57 0.16 .007 0.75 I-133 0.03 2.8 0.8 .007 3.64 *To be installed by the end of calendar year 1972. III-20 The applicant plans to recycle water as a fundamental plant process. Both the condensate powdex filter and the reactor water powdex filter are designed to assure requisite purity and activity levels to permit recycling of most of the water processed by the liquid radwaste system. In addition, nearly all of the high purity and low purity, along with some portions of the miscellaneous chemical wastes and laundry rinses, are combined, processed and reused in the reactor. The sources of liquid waste and the systems for pro- cessing these wastes are shown in Figure III-6. To carry out this program of combined treatment, the liquids in the waste collector tank and floor drain collector tank are blended and continuously recirculated through a powdex filter and sent back to the waste collector tank with occasional input from the chemical waste collector tank. These latter wastes are normally mixed with cement to aid in solidification of sludges as solid wastes. The combined wastes are recycled through the filter system until the collector tank is filled, at which time the waste is processed through a fresh powdex filter and mixed-bed demineralizer and collected in one of two waste sample tanks. The design of the system is such that one of the fuel-pool storage filter- demineralizers can be used as a backup for the radwaste filter- demineralizers. After the batch has been sampled and analyzed, the wastes are normally returned to the condensate storage tanks for reuse in the reactor. A recycle line is provided to return off-standard water either to the waste collector or the waste surge tanks for reprocessing. Presently, all liquid wastes generated during normal operation are being returned to the plant for reuse. In our evaluation, considering expected operational occurrences and equipment availability, we assumed that 10 percent of the water processed through the mixed-bed demineralizer will be released from the plant each year. . Liquid waste from the plant can only be released by one pathway, i.e., from the floor drain sample tanks in the radwaste treatment system. If after sampling and analysis the radioactivity is below a prescribed level, it will be discharged and monitored. Should the liquid waste require further processing, it will be routed back to the waste collector tank. Chemical was tes, including laundry rinses, are collected in the chemical waste tank where they are sampled and analyzed. If found suitable for combining with the lower conductivity wastes, they are sent to the floor drain collector tank for further processing. The chemical wastes and filtered laundry wastes, which would require too much processing to render the water suitable for eventual reuse III-21 FILTER DE MINERALIZER CONDENSATE DE MINERALIZER CONDENSER CONDENSATE STORAGE TANKS 220,000 gol (2) CLEAN WASTE CONDENSATE AND CLEANUP SLUDGE DECANTATE COOLING TOWER FUEL POOL FILTER EQUIPMENT DRAINS FROM DRYWELL REACTOR BUILDING RADWASTE BUILDING TURBINE BUILDING RHR SYSTEM FILTER DIRTY WASTE RHR SYSTEM FLOOR DRAINS FROM DRYWELL SUMP REACTOR BUILDING RADWASTE BUILDING TURBINE BUILDING FLOOR DRAIN COLLECTOR TANK 10,000 gol FILTER FLOOR DRAIN SAMPLE TANK 10,000 gol LABORATORY DRAINS DECONTAMINATION SOLUTIONS FROM SHOP & RADWASTE BUILDING CHEMICAL WASTE TANK 4,000 gol LAUNDRY DRAIN TANK 1,000 gol FILTER CONVEYOR FLOOR DRAIN FILTER SLUDGE FROM RADWASTE FILTERS AND FUEL POOL FILTERS] WASTE SLUDGE TANK CENTRIFUGES CONDENSATE FILTER DE MINERALIZER BACK WASH (2) 10 pm } CONDENSATE PHASE SEPARATOR 13,000 gol WASTE DE MINERALIZER RESIN } SPENT RESIN STORAGE 1,000 gol HOPPERS 40113 (2) CLEAN-UP FILTER DE MINERALIZER BACK WASH } CLEAN-UP PHASE SEPARATOR 55 GALLON DRUMS OFF - SITE DISPOSAL STEAM TURBINE REACTOR WASTE COLLECTOR TANK 10,000 go! WASTE DE MINERALIZER WASTE SAMPLE TANKS 10,000 gol CENTRIFUGE EFFLUENT TANK 280,000 gpm INTAKE STRUCTURE DISCHARGE STRUCTURE MISSISSIP SPP RIVER FIGURE 111-6. MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT RADWASTE SYSTEM III-22 as coolant, are used as a wetting agent for the cement in the solid waste packaging system. For purposes of this analysis, it was assumed that 10 percent of the chemical and laundry wastes are released after filtration through a precoated filter unit to the discharge canal. Phase separator tanks receive sludges and spent resins from the reactor cleanup system and the condensate demineralizer system. The backwash liquid decantate is returned to the waste collector tank and recovered for reuse. The waste filter sludge, the fuel pool filter/demineralizer sludge, and the floor drain filter sludge are collected in the waste sludge tank and eventually dewatered and solidified with cement in 55-gallon drums. Based on our evaluation of the liquid waste treatment, it appears that the system as installed is capable of reducing the amount of radioactivity in liquid effluents during normal operation to well within the limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20. This is particularly true if the treatment system is operated as it presently is, through combining of waste streams coupled with continuous recirculation through filters and polishing with a mixed-bed demineralizer. Based on the first year of operation, releases have been a fraction of those values shown in Table III-5. However, to compensate for process equipment malfunction and downtime and expected operational occur- rences, the values have been normalized to 5 curies. The calculated releases of tritium shown in Table III-5 are based on operating experience. C. Operational Experience During the course of operating the Monticello reactor under normal conditions and at an annual average full load factor of 80%, the amount of radioactivity released to the environment is anticipated to be greater than that shown for the first year of operation. applicant expects the total annual release of radioactive materials in liquid effluents will be about 3 curies including tritium and that the annual average gaseous radioactivity release rate with the existing 30-minute offgas holdup system will be about 25,000 uCi/sec. The actual releases of radioactivity for the first year of operation (approximately 49% plant capacity factor) are shown in Tables III-6 and III-7. d. Solid Wastes Solid wastes are generated from the operation and maintenance of waste process systems, reactor systems, and plant support systems. The solid waste processing and handling operations are carried out remotely in ventilated areas. III-23 TABLE III-5 CALCULATED ANNUAL RELEASE OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL IN LIQUID EFFLUENTS FROM MONTICELLO NUCLEAR PLANT (100% Power) Nuclides Ci/yr Nuclides Ci/yr Rb-86 0.00040 Rh-103m 0.0017 Sr-89 0.26 Rh-105 0.0018 Sr-90 0.015 Rh-106 0.00050 Sr-91 0.17 Sn-125 0.000016 Y-90 0.053 Sb-125 0.0000077 Y-91m 0.12 Sb-127 0.00013 Y-91 0.18 Te-125m 0.000071 Y-93 0.22 Te-127m 0.00046 Zr-95 0.0028 Te-127 0.0013 Zr-97 0.0019 Te-129m 0.0045 Nb-95 0.0025 Te-129 0.0029 Nb-97m 0.0019 Te-131m 0.0059 Nb-97 0.0019 Te-131 0.0010 Mo-99 0.47 Te-132 0.060 Tc-99 0.44 I-130 0.0021 Ru-103 0.0017 I-131 0.36 Ru-106 0.00050 I-132 0.060 III-24 TABLE III-5 (cont'd) Nuclides Ci/yr Nuclides Ci/yr I-133 0.74 Pm-149 0.00093 I-135 0.10 Sm-153 0.00042 Cs-134 0.20 Na-24 0.012 Cs-136 0.076 P-32 0.000076 Cs-137 0.19 Cr-51 0.017 Ba-137m 0.18 Mn-54 0.0031 Ba-140 0.43 Fe-55 0.075 La-140 0.23 Fe-59 0.024 Ce-141 0.0093 Co-58 0.17 Ce-143 0.0075 Co-60 0.017 Ce-144 0.0017 Cu-64 0.019 Pr-143 0.0029 Zn-65 0.00077 Pr-144 0.0017 Zn-69m 0.00016 Nd-147 0.00095 W-187 0.019 Pm-147 0.00023 TOTAL 5 Ci H-3 20 Ci III-25 TABLE III-6 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT LIQUID RELEASES 1971 Ci/Month Gross Activity Ci/Month Tritium 1971 January 3 x 10-7 Vol. of Liquid (Liters) 2 x 10 105 9.2 x 10 105 x 1 x 10-3 February 1.4 x 10 6 x 10-> 10-3 March April 4 x 10-6 1 x 10-5 4 x 10-4 6 x 10-4 7 x 10-3 4 x 10-4 4 x 10-3 x 10-4 7.8 x 104 4.9 x 104 104 May 8 8.6 x 10 June 6 x 10-3 1.4 х 105 July 9 x 10-3 9 7.9 x 10 104 104 August 1.5 x 10 10-4 -4 4 x 10 1.9 x 10 September 6 x 10-3 1 x 10-5 2.5 x 10-1 3.2 x 10-4 October x November 2 x 10 10-4 3.2 x 10-1 1.4 x 105 1.6 x 104 105 8.8 x 104 1.2 x 106 2 x 10 -3 December 8 x 10-5 1 x 10 TOTAL 0.014 0.6 III-26 TABLE III-7 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT GASEOUS RELEASES 1971 Ci/Month Noble Gases Ci/Month Iodine 1971 Ci/sec. January February March 12 0.000006 150 April 58 0.000026 900 May 710 0.00032 1,875 June 550 0.00025 900 July 1,283 0.0017 11, 250 August 16,700 0.0017 14 , 250 September 21,100 0.015 15,000 October 26,300 0.0082 14,250 November 9,140 0.0046 11,500 December 0.00044 11 76,000 TOTAL 0.032 III-27 Filter sludges from the reactor clean-up, fuel pool, condensate- filter/demineralizers, radwaste filters and spent resins from the mixed-bed demineralizer make up the largest volume of solid waste. The sludges and resins are dewatered by centrifugation after storage in phase separator tanks. The dewatered material is mixed with cement, and placed in a 55-gallon drum. The drum is sealed remotely, decontaminated, and placed in an appropriately shielded area. Bulk wastes from the reactor system, such as control rod blades, fuel channels, and in-core-ion chambers are stored in the spent- fuel storage pool before being removed from the plant in approved shipping containers. Compactible dry wastes are collected in drums at the source locations, transferred to the radwaste building, and compressed by a hydraulic press-baling machine. Certain chemical wastes that are not suitable for reuse are mixed with cement during drumming operations or are placed directly in 55-gallon drums previously filled with an absorbent and removed from the plant as solid waste. Based on present operating conditions, it is estimated that approximately 33,000 ft3 of solid waste per year containing 53 curies will be shipped offsite for disposal. In addition, approximately 80 barrels of compacted wastes will be shipped offsite annually. All solid waste will be packaged and shipped in accordance with AEC and DOT Regulations. 3. Chemical and Sanitary Wastes A chemically resistant drain system collects and transports chemical was tes to a retention basin for treatment and subsequent discharge into the Mississippi River. The retention basin is made up of two 20,000-gal compartments. The retention basin is covered and is located between the cooling water intake and discharge structure as shown in Figure III-4. The compartments are used separately,. one for standby operation and the other to permit settling-out of particulate matter. Primary sources for these was tes are a "solids-contact-unit" and regeneration was tes from the makeup demineralization system. The "solids-contact-unit" is a predemineralization process used to remove particulate matter from river water used as make-up in the steam system. This unit is followed by two mixed-bed demineralizers for treatment of about 50 gpm of river water. III-28 Chemical wastes from the floor and sink drains from the non- radioactive laboratory join the floor drain from the acid and caustic storage tank area and are directed to the retention basin. The regeneration wastes from the two mixed demineralizers, contain- ing about 6,400 lb/yr of sulfuric acid and about 5,500 lb/yr of 100% sodium hydroxide as well as approximately 220,000 gal/yr of backwash, dilution and rinse water, are also delivered to the retention basin. Chlorine is the only chemical used to treat the circulating water system. Based upon a flow rate of 280,000 gpm, the estimated amounts of chlorine released from the system and approximate residual concentrations for the several modes of circulating water system operation are listed in Table III-8. The significant chemical agents present in the chemical holdup pond are listed in Table III-9. The residual concentrations in the discharge canal are based upon an assumed flow of 280,000 gpm during the month for dilution and release of about 80,000 gal/ month from the pond. Blowdown from the plant heating boiler flows to the retention basin and contains some trisodium phosphate and caustic. Blow- down from the "solids-contact-unit," a cold lime softening process, is also transported by the chemically resistant drain system to the retention basin. This blowdown contains about 2,750 lb/yr of lime sludge. Sand filters in the makeup demineral- ization system are backwashed with about 117,000 gal/yr of water and this flow, containing some solids, is also directed to the retention basin. The lime sludge from the solids contact unit blowdown causes the pH of the water to be high. However, the demineralizer regeneration wastes tend to lower the pH value. The clarified effluent from the compartment in use flows to a monitoring com- partment where the pH is measured and corrected, if necessary, by the addition of sulfuric acid. All sanitary wastes are collected and transported to the treatment facility by the sanitary sewer system. A septic tank soil absorp- tion system is utilized for treatment and disposal of sewage. The design capacity of the septic tank accommodates a maximum popula- tion of 260 people, assuming 30 gal of sewage/person/day. The tile drain field consists of 10 trenches, 2 ft wide, each with 80 ft of 4-in. tile pipe, and conforms to Minnesota State Board of Health regulations. Based on design calculations, soil test borings, and percolation tests, the sanitary sewage system effluent will have no adverse effect upon the groundwater in the plant site area. III-29 TABLE III-8 AMOUNTS OF CHLORINE RELEASED AND RESIDUAL CONCENTRATIONS IN DISCHARGE CANAL Pounds of Chlorine Added/day Residual Chlorine Concentration ppm Short Duration Average Peak Mode of Operation Open Cycle 100 0.03 0.30 Helper Cycle 125-150 0.045 0.45 Recirculation within the range of the above values closed Cycle No provision is made for sustained closed cycle operation. Chlorination in that mode is expected to be within the range noted for open or helper cycle modes. TABLE III-9 CHEMICAL HOLDUP POND RELEASES TO DISCHARGE CANAL Pond Concentration (ppm) Amount Released to Discharge Canal (1b/month) Discharge Canal Concentration Chemical (ppm) Sulfate 275 183 0.0018 Sodium 250 167 0.0017 Phosphate -6 <0,5 0.3 <3.0 x 10- IV-1 IV. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF SITE PREPARATIONS AND PLANT CONSTRUCTION Initial site grading and excavation for the construction of the Monticello plant began in September 1966. Construction started on June 19, 1967, and was completed during the fall of 1970. Following a period of testing full commercial operation began on June 30, 1971. With the Monticello Plant completed and in opera- tion, environmental impacts associated with construction have already been incurred. Construction of the plant resulted in permanent conversion of about 50 acres of farmland to plant usage. In addition, about 10 acres have been used for construction of an access road and railroad and as a landfill site for disposal of excavated mate- rial. A total of 220 acres of land in the immediate vicinity of the site has been removed from agricultural use and about 160 acres are being allowed to return to its natural state. Conifer trees have been planted on about 100 acres of this land, and a portion is reserved for warm water fish growth studies by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. The only construction area previously having anything approaching native cover was a short section of tree covered river bank which was leveled to provide sites for water intake facilities, the chemical waste pond and cooling towers. Excavated material was used to raise and level the site. The small amount of such clearing and leveling associated with construction of the site does not appear to have had a significant impact on the native terrestrial flora or fauna of the site as a whole. The shoreline at the plant site appears undistrubed by the con- struction, except for the openings required for the recirculating system intake and discharge. Stabilization at locations of potential erosion appear to have been obtained primarily by sloping. Concrete wing walls were installed at the intake house to prevent bank collapse. The construction impact on the aquatic environment was restricted primarily to that associated with the construction of the cooling water intake structure and effluent canal. A plastic coating was placed on the outside face of the earthen cofferdam around the intake structure to prevent excessive erosion and mud from entering the river. IV-2 Liquid construction wastes were treated as necessary to meet State limits for such discharges into the Mississippi River. The bottom of the river was dredged out for about 170 ft from the bank to establish an elevation of 898 ft MSL at the canal bottom. About one-third of an acre was disturbed in that operation. Construc- tion of the effluent canal resulted in disturbance of a similar area of river bottom. It is unlikely that the benthos of these two areas survived the construction activities. The increased silt loads during construction of the canals, particularly along the south bank, were likely to have adversely affected the bottom organisms for a few hundred feet downstream. No measure of this impact is available and, in view of its temporary nature, it is not considered to be significant. > The average work force during construction was about 750, over 2 1/2 yr with the peak force at about 1000. The majority of the construction workers were permanent residents of the surrounding area and did not need special housing. V-1 V. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PLANT OPERATION A. LAND USE Prior to construction of the Monticello Plant most of the site was leased by NSP to several individuals for farming. Some of the site located in Sherburne County has been leased again for farming. About 60 acres of the site in Wright County was used for construc- tion of the generating plant. This amounts to about 5% of the total site that was converted to this use. The total 220 acres reduction in agricultural land is not considered to be significant in view of the thousands of acres of similar land used for farming in this region. Thompson Island (extreme left-center near bend in river - Figure 6) ) is established as a recreation area for NSP personnel and is fre- quently used as a stopping point by occupants of canoes passing along the river during the sunmer season. Lands in Sherburne County continue to be used for agriculture, grazing, etc., in the same general ways as before the Monticello plant was established. A small area (7.2 acres) on the southeast corner in Wright County was given to and is being used by Wright County for a park, primarily for picnicing. B. WATER USE At full power and with once-through cooling the Monticello Plant will withdraw water from the Mississippi River at the rate of about 645 cfs. This water will be heated by 26.8°F and returned to the river. The addition of this amount of heat will result in the evaporation of about 5,000 acre-ft/yr more than would otherwise occur in this reach of the Mississippi River. It is expected, however, that in order to meet permit limitations on river tempera- ture that the mechanical draft cooling towers will be operative through most of the warmer months either in the helper mode or recirculation mode. Assuming the more likely mode of operation as helper tower operation during the period April through October and the once-through mode the rest of the year, the consumptive use of water would amount to about 9,000 acre-ft/yr. If the closed-cycle mode could be used through out the year about 54 cfs would be withdrawn from the river and 36 cfs would be returned to the river with a net consumption of 18 cfs or about 13,000 acre-ft/yr. V-2 The average annual flow of the Mississippi River at the Monticello site is estimated to be about 4,600 cfs or 3.3 million acre-ft/yr. On an overall basis the consumptive use of water (less than 0.3%) ( by the Monticello Plant is not significant in relation to that available. However, to limit withdrawals by the Monticello site during periods of low flow, the State of Minnesota, Department of Conservation permits withdrawal of 645 cfs only when the river flow exceeds 860 cfs and other requirements of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) are met. When flows are less that 860 cfs and more than 240 cfs the plant may draw a maximum of 75% of the flow at the intake. Such withdrawals are inadequate to maintain once-through cooling at full load. For flows below 240 cfs the Commission of the Department of Conservation will pre- scribe special conditions for operation in order to provide for other water users including fish and other aquatic organisms. As stated earlier, the increase in temperature of the condenser cooling water is about 26.8°F. Whether this water, according to the permit issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, may be returned directly to the river or whether it must be partially cooled before return or not returned at all depends on the ambient river temperature. The overall criteria is that as a result of the effluent discharge and after reasonable dilution and mixing the river temperature must not be raised above specified limits (see Section II-D-2). Thermal surveys have been conducted to study the effect of heated water discharge on the Mississippi River. These studies will continue until the mixing zone is delineated under various climatic and hydrologic operating conditions. One such survey is illustrated in Figure V-l for the following specific condi- tions as they existed on September 20, 1971: Average Intake Temperature 60.8°F Average Condenser Discharge Temperature 84.1°F Average Dry Bulb Temperature 68.0°F Average Wet Bulb Temperature 59.0°F Average Canal Discharge Temperature 74.2°F Average Plant Load 508.6 MW Discharge Flow to River 633 cfs Average Percent Cloud Cover 48% Average Wind Velocity 6.5 mph Average Wind Direction SSW River Flow 1215 cfs Tower Operation: Plant on Partial Helper Cycle V-3 64° 650 66° 67° MILE 3 66° 620 630 64° MILE 2 MISSISSIPPI RIVER MILE 1 LEGEND 5° OR MORE ABOVE AMBIENT 100 OR MORE ABOVE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE IN OF DISCHARGE CANAL 71° 67 75° MILE O 61° 0 1000 2000 MECHANICAL DRAFT COOLING TOWERS FEET MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT FIGURE V-1. OBSERVED TEMPERATURE PATTERNS IN THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER BELOW THE MONTICELLO SITE, SEPTEMBER 20, 1971 V-4 Since it may be some time before measured temperature increases will be available for all combinations of river flows and cooling modes of interest the Staff has calculated these temperature increases for representative conditions. Ten thermal surveys from June 22 to November 9, 1971 and 6-year temperature and flow records generated for the Monticello site have been used in this analysis to obtain temperature increase predictions for routine plant operation under open cycle and helper modes for low and average flow conditions during summer, and open cycle mode for low and average flow conditions during winter. Average and low flow cases have been represented using the 6-year water flow record generated for the Monticello site. These predictions are shown in Figures V-2 through V-7. Predicted river temperatures can be obtained by adding the tempera- ture rise above ambient in Figures V–2 through V-7 to the 6-year average temperatures, 6-year maximum temperature envelope, or 6-year minimum temperature envelope that are shown in Figure II-4. The temperature rise in the discharge canal for all cases was calculated from plant operating data and from meteorology, tempera- ture and river flow data generated by the applicant for 1962 through 1967. For August conditions the temperature rise in the discharge canal for open cycle operation was 26.8°F, and for helper cycle operation the average rise was calculated to be 7.6°F. . Figures V-2 and V-3 are based on summer average conditions helper tower operation, and under open cycle, respectively during August. Average 6-year flow for these cases was 4000 cfs. Figure V-4 is based on the average winter conditions during January and February. The six-year average river flow for January and February is about 2500 cfs. The temperature distributions shown in Figures V-5 and V-6 represent the summer extreme conditions under helper tower operation and open cycle, respectively. This extreme occurs in August when 6-year low flows are about 1200 cfs. Figure V-7 is based on the extreme conditions that could occur in January or February during 6-year low river flow of about 1500 cfs. During August low flow conditions and helper tower operations, the 5° temperature rise extends less than 1000 ft downstream of the discharge. During these same flow conditions without the use of cooling towers, the 5°F temperature rise occupies the whole chan- nel at the Monticello Bridge. V-5 1° MILE 3 1° MILE 2 MISSISSIPPI RIVER 20 MILE 1 3° SURFACE TEMPERATURE RISE ABOVE AMBIENT (°F) 50 AUGUST CONDITIONS AVERAGE FLOW (4000 CFS) HELPER TOWER OPERATION MILE O DISCHARGE CANAL MECHANICAL DRAFT COOLING TOWERS 0 1000 2000 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT FEET FIGURE V-2. SURFACE TEMPERATURE RISE PREDICTIONS, AUGUST AVERAGE FLOW, HELPER TOWER OPERATION V-6 2° 1° MILE 3 1° 2° MILE 2 MISSISSIPPI RIVER 8° MILE 1 SURFACE TEMPERATURE RISE ABOVE AMBIENT (°F) 4° 4° 6° 15° AUGUST CONDITIONS 24° AVERAGE FLOW (4000 CFS) MILE O OPEN CYCLE OPERATION DISCHARGE CANAL MECHANICAL DRAFT COOLING TOWERS 0 1000 2000 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT FEET FIGURE V-3 SURFACE TEMPERATURE RISE PREDICTIONS, AUGUST, AVERAGE FLOW, OPEN CYCLE OPERATION 1 V-7 8° 60 4° MILE 3 4° MILE 2 MISSISSIPPI RIVER . 8° MILE 1 SURFACE TEMPERATURE RISE ABOVE AMBIENT (°F) 15° JANUARY-FEBRUARY CONDIT AVERAGE FLOW (2500 CFS) MILEO OPEN CYCLE OPERATION DISCHARGE CANAL MECHANICAL DRAFT COOLING TOWERS 0 1000 2000 FEET MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT FIGURE V-4. SURFACE TEMPERATURE RISE PREDICTIONS, JANUARY-FEBRUARY AVERAGE FLOW, OPEN CYCLE OPERATION 24° V-8 30 2° MILE 3 30 2° MILE 2 MISSISSIPPI RIVER MILE 1 SURFACE TEMPERATURE RISE ABOVE AMBIENT (°F) 50 AUGUST CONDITIONS 7° LOW FLOW (1200 CFS) MILE O HELPER TOWER OPERATION -DISCHARGE CANAL MECHANICAL DRAFT COOLING TOWERS 0 1000 2000 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT FEET FIGURE V-5. SURFACE TEMPERATURE RISE PREDICTIONS, AUGUST, LOW FLOW, HELPER TOWER OPERATION V-9 MILE 3 10° 89 6° MILE 2 MISSISSIPPI RIVER SURFACE TEMPERATURE RISE ABOVE AMBIENT (°F) AUGUST CONDITIONS DISCHARGE CANAL LOW FLOW (1200 CFS) 8° 15° MILE 1 MILE O OPEN CYCLE OPERATION MECHANICAL DRAFT COOLING TOWERS 0 1000 2000 FEET MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT FIGURE V-6. SURFACE TEMPERATURE RISE PREDICTIONS, AUGUST, LOW FLOW, OPEN CYCLE OPERATION 24° V-10 MILE 3 oo MILE 2 MISSISSIPPI RIVER 10° SURFACE TEMPERATURE RISE ABOVE AMBIENT (°F) 8° 10° 6° 15° MILE 1 20° 24. JANUARY -FEBRUARY CONDITIONS LOW FLOW (1500 CFS) MILE O OPEN CYCLE OPERATION DISCHARGE CANAL MECHANICAL DRAFT COOLING TOWERS 0 1000 2000 FEET MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT FIGURE V-7. SURFACE TEMPERATURE RISE PREDICTIONS, JANUARY-FEBRUARY LOW FLOW, OPEN CYCLE OPERATION V-11 Similarly, during August average flow conditions with helper tower operation, the 5° temperature rise extends downstream only about 600 ft. During these same flow conditions without the use of cooling towers the 5° temperature rise again extends downs tream as far as the Monticello Bridge, Additional calculations have been made to determine the downstream distance affected by temperature rises greater than 5°F and 0.1°F. These results are summarized in Table V-l. In that table and for helper tower operation, the temperature has been calculated for expected August conditions and would not be representative for other months, The wet bulb temperatures are generally higher at other times of year causing lessened evaporation in the cooling towers and consequent higher temperature rises in the discharge canal. The August conditions were chosen as the most critical because ambient river temperatures are high and river flows are low at this time. . . The discharge of chemicals from the plant is not expected to alter the quality of the Mississippi River water significantly. The physical characteristics of the Mississippi River upstream and downstream of the plant as measured on February 28, 1972 are presented in Table V-2. Furthermore, the following table shows the limits specified in the MPCA permit compared with actual values of release as reported to the MPCA for the first six months of operation. Parameter MPCA Permit Actual Release PH Turbidity Value 5 Day BOD Total Suspended Solids 6.5 8,5 25 JTU 25 mg/1 30 mg/1 7.7 5.7 0.8 6.0 Release of heated water to the river during winter months in open cycle operation of the plant will reduce scouring effects along the river from ice. Down stream flooding resulting from ice jams may also be relieved somewhat by the production of open water channels by the heated water. V-12 TABLE V-1 DOWNSTREAM EXTENT OF THERMAL PLUMES FROM THE MONTICELLO PLANT OPEN CYCLE OPERATION Flow (cfs) Temperature Rise (°F) 5.0 0.1 1200 5.3 mi. 16 mi. 1500 5.7 mi. 20 mi. 2500 6.0 mi. 29 mi. 4000 3.7 mi. 41 mi. HELPER TOWER OPERATION (EXPECTED AUGUST CONDITIONS) Temperature Rise (°F) 5.0 0.1 Flow (cfs) 1200 950 ft 13 mi. 1500 840 ft 15 mi. 2500 680 ft 22 mi. 4000 600 ft 29 mi. V-13 TABLE V-2 ANALYSIS OF MISSISSIPPI RIVER WATER CHARACTERISTICS NEAR AND AT THE MONTICELLO PLANT FEBRUARY 28, 1972 Plant Upstream Downstream Discharge 3 ppm P Alkalinity M Alkalinity Ammonia Nitrogen Organic Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen Nitrite Nitrogen Chloride ppm Sulfate 4 Color Units Turbidity - JTU Total Hardness ppm Caco ppm Caco Å ppm N ppm N ppm N ppm SO 0 170 0.05 0.933 0.28 0.001 1.4 7.8 35 3.9 177 122 7.5 288 12 276 0 169 0.02 0.61 0.37 0.003 0.9 6.6 35 2.0 178 114 7.9 272 3 269 0 165 0.02 0.65 0.37 0.002 1.0 7.3 35 2.5 178 122 7.8 247 5 242 - - ppm Caco Calcium Hardness - ppm Cado, - - 3 pH Total Solids - ppm Non-Filterable Solids - ppm Dissolved Solids ppm Fixed Non-Filterable Solids ppm Volatile Solids ppm Total Soluble Phosphorus m 8 4 2 1 3 2 ppm P mg/m 3 Total Chlorophyll Conductivity - mmhos (25°C) Temp. °C D.0, mg/1 BOD mg/1 0.035 5.7 364 0.2 8.4 0.9 0.026 1.5 357 8.3 8.6 1.0 0.024 1.6 364 15.5 8.2 0.9 . Cooling towers not operating V-14 C. BIOLOGICAL IMPACT 1. Terrestrial Major alterations in land use at the Monticello site, other than in the immediate operating areas, will be favorable to the native terrestrial biota. Approximately 220 acres of land were withdrawn from agriculture with only about 60 of that being used for site development. Of the remainder, 100 acres in Wright County has already been planted with pine trees. While the conifers are not dominant in this particular region and their presence is not conducive to re-establishing the native "Big Woods" biota, they will provide cover for some of the birds and animals and thus be more of an asset to native life than if the fields were continued in agriculture. A portion of one old field east of the reactor area is tentatively held for studies of warm water effects on aquatic organisms. It is anticipated, however, that adjacent land and other areas removed from grazing and agriculture will be reinvaded rapidly by the native deciduous forest species (e.g., oak, maple, basswood, elm, ash and cottonwood). The weedy stage in this succession is already well advanced, These old fields provide good opportunities for ecological studies of plant succes - sion and changes in population levels of animal species. The warm water from the plant will help maintain some open water in what has been otherwise iced over river. This open water may be attractive to waterfowl and lead to changes in hunting practices downstream from the plant. Fog resulting from cooling tower operations will amount to 3 hr/yr at a maximum distance of 2 miles to the north or 4 miles to the southeast. The total time for all fogging is estimated at 45 hr/yr. nis is expected to cause no biological impact. Since the chemical was te ponds are covered, they are not expected to affect birds nor is the diluted discharge in the outlet canal expected to be of any consequences to animal life, Plant operation involves human activity which may force wildlife away from the more heavily used areas. Since visitors to the plant site are not encouraged this type of disturbance to native biota is minimized and the beneficial effects of increasing native cover will, with time, probably more than offset the detrimental effects of human activity. Surrounding areas contain numerous small parks, campgrounds, the Sand Dune State Forest, and the large Sherburne Wildlife Refuge to the North. There is no evidence that the presence of the V-15 Monticello Plant or its operation will have any adverse effects on any of these. Boating, primarily canoeing, is unimpeded in the stretch of the river by the plant. 2. Aquatic The principal effects that the operation of the Monticello Plant may have or may have had on aquatic environment are believed to be confined to the following: The attraction of fish to the intake canal and their impingement on the condenser cooling water intake screens The entrainment of aquatic organisms in the condenser cooling water and their exposure to thermal mechanical and chemical stress The effect on aquatic organisms attracted to the discharge canal The effect on aquatic organisms from release of chemicals to the river The impact on the Mississippi River biota in areas of elevated river temperature which result from discharge of condenser cooling water or blowdown. An analysis of these potential effects by the Staff is as follows: a. Effects of Intake Structure The intake canal may be an attractive habitat to fish preferring lower current velocities and water depth than that of the main river. Some of the game fish seem to seek sheltered microhabitats in the river. 27 An additional attractant during winter may be provided by an area of warm water in the intake canal resulting from recirculation of warm condenser effluent water or addition of steam to the intake canal to prevent or reduce ice formation. Schools of crappie have been observed in the intake canal in summer, and several hundred of this species were killed by impingement on the intake screens immediately following the startup of the plant after a period of inoperation. No quantitative mea- surement of fish mortality at the intake screens has been made V-16 during operation. According to Northern States Power Company personnel, fish loss by impingement on the intake screens has been infrequently observed. The material that collects on the screens is washed off by water jets and returned directly to the river. It is possible that some fish that are uninjured after removal from the screens may survive. The Staff finds that the assessment of possible fish loss is inconclusive and warrants further quantification to assure that no corrective measures are necessary. The ability of fish to maintain their position in water currents varies with size, species, and temperature. Juvenile striped bass (Roccus saxatilis) and chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawy tscha) approximately 1 to 1-1/2 in. long can maintain their position in currents of 1 fps velocity. Smallmouth bass fry (Micropterus dolomieui) 20 to 25 mm long have a dis- placement speed ranging from 0.16 to 1.02 fps at acclimation temperatures of 41°F (5°C) and 86°F (30°C) respectively. 37 The displacement swimming speed of these fish is directly proportional to temperature in the 41-86°F range; swimming ability is reduced to 0.82 fps at 95°F (35°C). Dace (Leuciscus leuciscus) 3.6 cm in length have burst swimming speeds of about 2.3 fps but can not maintain this speed for any length of time. For some freshwater fishes the maximum swimming speed that can be attained for brief periods is about ten times their length 38 per second. River temperatures prevailing during the early summer, the period when small fish are present in the river, are 68°F (20°C) or greater. At this temperature the maximum displacement speed for juvenile smallmouth bass would be about 0.7 fps. It therefore seems likely that some impingement or entrainment of small fish entering the intake canal will occur. b Effects of Entrainment Aquatic organisms entrained in the condenser cooling water are subjected to a sudden temperature rise of 26.8°F during full plant load and once-through or cooling tower helper modes of operation. Additionally, chlorine is added to the cooling water near the intake. This chemical is used to control fouling in the condenser cooling tubes and in the cooling towers. It is added for 40 min/ day in pulses of 20 minutes duration or less. The concentration in the cooling water is 1 ppm and 5 ppm for once-through and cooling tower helper modes of operation, respectively. (The average residual chlorine concentration at the outfall of the discharge canal will be less than 0.05 ppm.) V-17 Water flow rate through the condenser tubes is limited to 7 fps. Transit time for water passage from the condenser inlet to the discharge canal inlet is about 1.6 min for once-through cooling, and approximately 4.6 min for the once-through plus cooling tower helper mode. Estimated transit time through the discharge canal to the river is about 13 min. The maximum total time before dilution of the cooling water by mixing with the river is on the order of 18 minutes. Since true plankton is very sparse in the 21 Mississippi River near the Monticello Plant, the principal life forms that are expected to be entrained are algae, originating from the benthos; drift organisms, mainly composed of mayfly and caddisfly larvae; and small fish. The eggs of the fish indigenous to the Monticello area are demersal and often adhesive, and usually would not be present in suspension in the water. 94°F. 39 Planktonic algae passing through power plant condenser cooling systems show little damage if temperatures do not exceed 93 to A 20% reduction in photosynthesis has been observed in entrained phytoplankton exposed to a AT of 10°F and a maximum temperature of 85°F.40 In one study a temperature increase of 13°F in a power plant cooling system produced no harmful effects to entrained crustaceans and diptera larvae. 41 The upper tolerance limits for caddisflies are 95°F with greatest diversity at 82 to 84.2°F. 42,52 The upper limits for the majority of genera of chironomids are 86 to 91.4°F.42 These are values for prolonged exposure, much longer than those in the Monticello cooling system. It is concluded that the Monticello Plant may produce some thermal stress on entrained algae and invertebrates, but that mortality from high temperatures will be low. The expected summer maximum in the cooling system will be about 98°F and will last for about 3 min. As the water passes through the cooling towers the temperature will fall to 80 to 85°F (10 to 15°F above river ambient) in a period of about 1.5 min. The ability of small fish to withstand passage through power plant cooling systems, including the sudden temperature rise, is not well established but it probably varies widely with life stage and species. Entrainment studies using the fathead minnow are planned for the Monticello Plant. Sudden temperature increases of 14.4°F with maximum temperatures of 86°F were not lethal to coarse fish at exposure times of 100 min, but trout were killed by this treatment. 43 Between 65 to 83% of the fish were killed during studies made at a nuclear power plant in which larval fish V-18 were entrained in the condenser cooling water system with a ST of 22.5°F and a flow-through time of 93 seconds. At maximum tempera- tures of 95°F (35°C) no fish survived passage through the condensers, and 100% mortality resulted from a 50-min exposure to temperatures above 86°F (30°C). The fish in this study were 2 to 15 mm in length and included carp, spottail shiner, and johnny darter. The conditions under which these observations were made are similar in some respects to those at the Monticello Plant, and suggest that the survival of entrained larval fish at Monticello will be low. The addition of chlorine to the cooling water can be expected to produce additional stress and mortality of entrained organisms. The lethal threshold of chlorine for fish is well below 1 ppm. The threshold for rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) is 0.2 ppm and for tench (Tinca tinca) 0.4 ppm. 46 The interaction of chlorine and high temperature, or the effect of intermittent brief exposure have not been measured, but evidence of longer exposure of fish to chlorine indicates that the level of use at Monticello (Table III-8) would not be detrimental to other than entrained aquatic life since the maximum level discharged to the canal is less than 0.5 ppm with an average concentration through the canal of less than 0.05 ppm. C. Effects of Discharge Canal Preliminary evidence at the Monticello Plant shows that fish are attracted to the discharge canal during the colder periods of the year. An environmental study of the thermal effluents of the fossil fueled thermal plant on the St. Croix River, Minnesota shows that the fish population increased 500% in the effluent discharge canal after the resumption of plant operation following an extended plant outage. 4 0 The attractiveness of heated waters, particularly in the winter in the temperate zone, has been observed in both freshwater and marine environments.43,47–49 It has been suggested that zones of above normal temperature may adversely affect aquatic organisms through change in maturation time, disease resistance, behavior, metabolic rate, and resistance 50 to low temperatures. Abrupt, 18-27°F (10-15°C) temperature decreases have proven fatal to fish. Recently, large numbers of juvenile menhaden living in the thermal discharge of the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant in New Jersey were killed, supposedly from cold shock.51 A drop of 11°F in the natural water temperatures during the 24 hours preceding plant shutdown increased the magnitude of the temperature change. The V-19 discharge canal at the Monticello Plant has the potential for fish kills during wintertime plant shutdown. Further, it may not pro- vide an adequate food base for fish trapped there in winter under "summer" temperatures and the accompanying higher metabolic rates. The staff finds that the applicant should make further studies of this possible impact to establish a basis for possible corrective action if the numbers of fish which might be expected to be affected are significant. d. Effects of Chemical Releases Plant chemical wastes are produced from the annual use of 6850 lb of sulfuric acid, 5500 lb of sodium hydroxide, 2750 lb of lime sludge and 335,000 gal of water used for dilution, backwash and rinse water. Before discharge to the river, these wastes are collected in a two-compartment retention basin, where the particulates are allowed to settle and the pH is adjusted to 6.5-8.5 range. Periodically the settled materials are removed and disposed of as solid radwaste. The concentration of this material after dilution in the discharge canal will be less than 5 ppb (sulfate 1.8 ppb, sodium 1.7 ppb, and phosphate 0.003 ppb) and will have no measurable impact on the biota in the discharge canal or river. e. Effects of Elevated River Temperatures Beginning in early June and continuing through early September the temperature of the Mississippi River can be expected to exceed 70°F and may reach 83°F. River flow can be expected to average 4000 cfs or above but occasionally may be on the order of 1000 cfs. Expected increases in river temperatures resulting from thermal discharges from the Monticello Plant were presented in Figures 15 through 20 for average and low river flow condi- tions and for different modes of cooling tower operation. The area within which river temperatures may exceed 10°F above ambient was calculated to be about 2 1/2 acres for a day in late June (June 22, 1971 data; river temperature 76°F, river flow 4200 cfs) using the cooling towers in the helper mode. Similarly. the area within which the temperatures may exceed 81°F (5°F AT) was calculated to be about 4 acres. On a day in mid-August (August 13, 1971 data, river temperature 74°F, river flow 1140 cfs) the area within which temperatures may exceed 84°F (10°F AT) was calculated to be about 1 1/2 acres V-20 where as the area within which temperatures may exceed 79°F (5°F AT) was calculated to be about 14 acres. In either case, although the length of the plume varied, the water, heated an additional 5°F or more, occupied less than 50% of the width of the river. In terms of biological response to elevated temperatures it was noted in Section V-2-b that natural caddisfly populations are found over an upper temperature range of 54 to 95 °F but show the greatest diversity at 84.2°F.42,52 Laboratory studies on a number of species of stonefly, caddisfly and mayfly larvae, acclimated to 50°F exhibit 96-hr median tolerance limits ranging from 70 to 87°F. 53 At temperatures of about 85 °F may flies were least tolerant to thermal stress, followed in order by caddisflies and stone- flies. 54 The 22 hr thermal median tolerance limit (TLM) for 7 species of chironomids ranged from 82 to 102°F.55 In addition to possible lethal effects, the increased temperature may tend to deplete the insect larvae population by increasing the rate of In one study of the benthic invertebrate fauna of a temperate stream thermal additions of 20 to 25°F produced a marked reduction in the number of taxa and the number of individuals.57 The upper thermal tolerance for most of the bottom organisms was 90 to 95°F. Within the zones of temperature exceeding 90°F adverse effects on some of the sessile benthic organisms would be expected. Since the zones so effected are expected to be small in comparison with the area for benthic production in this stretch of the river even the total loss of organisms from these zones is not considered to be of major consequence. drift. 56 . The species composition of the algal populations in the area near the plant discharge will probably change in favor of the generally more thermally tolerant blue-green forms (Cyanophyta). Indica- tions of stimulated algal growth have been observed in the dis- charge canal since the start of power plant operation. In areas of the river outside the 5 °F isotherm changes in the sessile algae due to thermal effects may be difficult to identify because of the effects of other widely varying environmental factors, such as ambient temperature, light, turbidity and river flow. Many of the species of fish in the river are classed as warm-water fish, with relatively high thermal tolerance. The recommended provisional temperature limits for some of these fishes have been suggested by the Federal Water Quality Administration (now the Environmental Protection Agency (see Table V-3). The preferred V-21 TABLE V-3 PROVISIONAL MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES RECOMMENDED AS COMPATIBLE WITH THE WELL-BEING OF VARIOUS FISH AND THEIR ASSOCIATED BIOTA58 Temperature (°F) Parameter Species 93 Growth catfish, gar 90 Growth bluegill, crappie 84 Growth pike, perch, walleye, smallmouth bass 80 Spawning Egg Development catfish 65 Egg Development perch, smallmouth bass 48 Spawning Egg Development walleye, northern pike V-22 temperatures of some of these species are as follows: Smallmouth bass, 82°F; bluegill, 90°F, and carp, 90°F. 59 These fall within the temperature range expected in the Mississippi River outside the limited zone near the point of plant discharge. The ability of fish to perceive minute differences in temperature, and to generally avoid high temperatures 42 supports the conclusion that thermally produced fish mortality in the vicinity of the Monticello Plant is unlikely. However, because the mixing zone (to which the permissible temper- atures in the river are related) has not been set, the maximum river temperature which may result from plant operation is, in effect, un controlled. In order to assure free passage of fish past the plant and to restrict the area within which significant adverse effects on biota may occur under extreme summer conditions, the staff recommends that NSP be required to operate the plant such that the temperature of the river due to plant operation does not exceed 90°F over one-half the river width at anytime. The heated discharge may affect fish spawning in the section of river immediately downstream. Since the extent and areas of spawning have not been identified in the area near the plant, no qualitative estimates of effect can be made. However, most of the fish in the Monticello area are spring or early summer spawn and for some of these, particularly the bass and crappie, slightly warmer temperatures during the spawning and early life stages may be beneficial. No extensive movement or migration of the fishes near Monticello have been observed. 27 In studies on the movement of walleye in the upper Mississippi River, 85% of the population did not move more than 50 miles from the original point of capture, and over 50% did not move more than 5 miles. 60 Regardless, less than 50% of the river width is expected to be heated to more than 5°F above ambient and there appears to be no reason for concern that the plant effluents will have an adverse effect on the movements of fish population. The influence of the plant dis charges on the river biota has 11 been reported for the first six months of operation. Although the results of these studies will need verification and extension, they do indicate the following changes resulting from early plant operation: V-23 (1) The bulk of the aquatic population in the zone of elevated temperature was not significantly influenced by the heated discharge. There were significant increases in numbers of Stenonema may flies and two previously unencountered groups, Alloperla stoneflies and Tipulidae (craneflies), appeared within 1/4 mile downstream from the plant discharge. This may indicate possible trends in the adaptation of benthic fauna to thermal incursion. > (2) If the thermal discharge produces a mixed water temperature increase of 5°F the imposed seasonal effect would be to advance the rising vernal temperatures by about two weeks and to retard the autumnal heat loss by two weeks, having the total effect of extending the "growing" season by about one month. . (3) No differences in algae biomass in the main river were attributable to plant operation. Attached algae growth was stimulated in the discharge canal. In summary the thermal discharge from the Monticello Plant is expected to produce the following changes in the biota of the river: a) Within the area (approximately 14 acres) immediately down- stream from the discharge canal, where maximum temperatures in excess of 90°F are expected to occur, in summer there will be a change in the structure of the benthic community. Blue-green algae will be favored over the sessile diatoms and filamentous green algae, and the normal insect popu- lations will be reduced by intolerably high temperatures and increased rate of drift. Species diversity will be reduced, but populations of thermophylic forms such as certain species of may flies, stoneflies and craneflies will increase. b) Outside the 90°F zone the effects of the plant discharge will be difficult to me as ure. No restriction in fish migration or reduction in spawning area is expected but some extension in the normal growing season may occur. V-24 f. Biological Monitoring Pre-operational baseline studies of the Mississippi River near the Monticello Plant were initiated in May 1968 and approximately 900 man-days were devoted to this phase of the program. > Operational studies were begun in February 1971 to coincide with plant operation testing. The applicant intends to "continue these studies for several years, or until a stable pattern of biological impact has developed." These studies are under the direction of Dr. Alfred J. Hopwood, St. Cloud College, St. Cloud, Minnesota; and Dr. Alan Brook, University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. An outline of the aquatic ecological studies program is given in Table V-4. Special onsite fish entrainment studies, beginning in 1972, will be conducted by Dr. Keith M. Knutson of St. Cloud College. A land use agreement was made in February, 1970, between the Northern States Power Company and the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration (now the Environmental Protection Agency) for the use of part of the Monticello Plant grounds for the purpose of conducting temperature studies on fish and other aquatic organisms. The EPA will test the effects of condenser cooling water on river organisms in experimental ponds that they will establish near the cooling towers. Start of construction of this research facility is planned for 1972. D. RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT OF ROUTINE OPERATIONS During routine operation of the plant, small quantities of radioactive materials will be released to the environment. An AEC compliance inspection program is conducted to audit plant performance, to deter- mine that radioactivity releases are within limits prescribed by Federal Regulations. The staff has made estimates of the annual rates of release of radionuclides from the Monticello Plant based upon actual operating experience gained since the plant began commercial operation in June 1971 and from the release rates associated with other operating reactors. These release rates, which take into account the augmented gaseous rad waste system, were shown in Tables III-4 and III-5 for gaseous and liquid releases, respectively. Evaluation of the radiological impact based upon radiation doses received by residents in the environs is more meaningful than a consideration of only the rates of release or concentrations of the radionuclides. Therefore, the staff has calculated the probable radiation doses to residents that result from the releases listed in Tables III-4 and III-5 using conservative assumptions to esti- mate bioaccumulation factors in food chains, and use factors for people. The bioaccumulation factors used are listed in Appendix B. V-25 TABLE V-4 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR PLANT AQUATIC ECOLOGICAL STUDIES PROGRAM SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS SUMMARY Type of Sample Type of Analysis Sampling Method and Site Sampling Frequency 30 days* Taxonomic Organism counts and average weights Water temperature, depth, and Macroinverte- brates flow rate Concrete block substrates on river bottom at 22 stations upstream and downstream from the plant discharge. Surber net sampling is also employed at 80 stations along four transects. • 14 days* Attached Algae Taxonomic (Periphyton) Attached biomass, weight, and cell counts, chlorophy11 'a' and phaeophytin 'a' Microscope slide substrates sus- pended in river current at 14 stations. 1 1 Fish Weekly* Taxonomic Population estimates Length, weight, age General condition Migratory and local distribu- tion patterns Electrofishing, seining, and fishing tagging in five sectors of the river upstream and downstream from the plant discharge . Quarterly Rooted Aquatic Taxonomic At sampling sites for other types of Plants and Visual estimation of distribu- samples and in shallow areas along Bottom Sedi- tion, abundance, and seasonal the riverbank. ments variations of plants Visual classification of bottom sediments. River Water 2 weeks Water samples taken at four stations Palmer recording thermometers at nine Chemical Physical temperature, tur- bidity, suspended solids, flow rate, temperature Continuous *Sampling frequencies apply to periods when the river is navigable; i.e., free of floating ice, unstable surface ice, or dangerous currents by flood level flows. V-26 1. Dose to the Individual The persons most likely to receive the highest radiation dose are those who reside closest to the site, go fishing, boating, or swim- ming in the Mississippi River downstream of the plant, and drink milk produced at farms near the plant site. It was assumed that these individuals consumed 7.3 kg of fish and 7.3 kg of molluscs* per year 24 hr after they have been caught from waters containing plant effluent water at about a 3 to 1 dilution. The annual total- body dose from consumption of these foods would be about 0.2 mrem/yr. Doses to the other body organs would be somewhat less as shown in Table V-5. The individual who spends 500 hr/yr fishing from the river shore- line harvesting his 7.3 kg of fish and 7.3 kg of molluscs would also receive an external exposure to the total body of about 0.3 mrem/yr, principally from cesium deposited in the silt along the shoreline. Those individuals who spend 100 hr/yr swimming in the parks which are within the plant boundary and downstream of the outfall would receive a dose to the total body of about 3 x 10-4 mrem/yr. Canoers who use the section of the Mississippi River just downstream of the plant for a total of 100 hr/yr would receive a total body dose of about 1 x 10-4 mrem/yr. o The Twin-Cities resident consuming 2 liters/day of water drawn from the Mississippi River below the plant would receive an esti- mated total-body dose of 0.1 mrem/yr.** The total dose received from all pathways associated with the liquid effluent of the plant (summarized in Table V-5) was estimated to be 0.5 mrem/yr to the total body. sec The maximum exposure rate at the fenced boundary of the plant resulting from submersion in the gaseous effluent released from the plant occurs in the SSE direction. At this location the annual average atmospheric dilution factor was calculated to be 4.7 x 10-6 • m-3 for ground level releases (i.e., from the turbine building , and gland seal) and 1.3 x 10-7 sec . m -3 for stack releases (i.e., from the main condenser). Assuming continuous occupancy the total- body dose at this location would be 1.0 mrem/yr. The dose to the skin would be somewhat higher (2.2 mrem/yr) because of the additional contribution from the beta radiation. m *Fresh water molluscs are not now ab undant near the plant due to a parasitic infection. Their use as a food item is illustrative but unlikely. **Uniform mixing was assumed as was a dilution factor of 0.14; (645 cfs plant flow ; (4600 cfs river flow). V-27 TABLE V-5 RADIATION DOSES TO INDIVIDUALS FROM EFFLUENTS RELEASED FROM THE MONTICELLO PLANT DURING LONG TERM OPERATION WITH THE AUGMENTED GASEOUS RADWASTE SYSTEM (mrem/yr) Annual Exposure Total- Body GI Tract Pathway Skin Thyroid Bone Fish 7.3 kg 0.11 0.062 0.018 0.092 7.3 kg - 0.12 0.041 0.22 0.11 Molluscs Fishing Fishing and Picnicking 500 hr 0.34 0.29 (a) (0.29) (0.29) (0.29) -4 3x10-4 Swimming 100 hr 4x10 (3x1024) (1x1024) (3x10-4) (1x1004) (3x10-4) (1x10-4) -4 -4 Canoeing 100 hr 2x10 1x10 Air Submersion 8766 hr 1. 32 0.65 (0.65) (0.65 (0.65) Inhalation 3 7300 m 0.51 Milk (Adult) 152 liters 8.04 Total 1.6 1.1 1.0 9.7 0.008 (b) Water (Adult) 730 liters - 0.007 0.021 0.12 0.008 Milk (Infant) 152 liters 67 (a) Indicates dose from external source. (b) The doses from drinking water were included as a separate entry because the individual resident near the plant will not be consuming water drawn from the river. V-28 The maximum exposure rate at an occupied location occurs at the nearest farmhouse located 0.8 mile SSE of the plant, where the atmospheric dilution factor (x/Q) was 2.3 x 10-6 sec ) • m-3 for ground level releases and 1.0 x 10-7 sec/m3 for stack releases. Assuming continuous occupancy, the dose to the total-body at this location would be 0.65 mrem/yr. The dose to the skin would be somewhat higher (1.3 mrem/yr) because of the additional contribution from the beta radiation of the radionuclides released. The annual average air concentrations of 1311 and 1331 at this farm were estimated to be 4.2 x 10-2 and 2.5 x 10-3 pCi/m m3 respectively. Doses to the thyroids of adults and children from inhalation of the 1311 and 1331 in the air at this farm would be 0.50 and 0.60 mrem/yr, respectively. The maximum concentration of 1311 in milk would also occur at this nearby farm. The dose to the thyroid of an infant consuming milk produced on this farm was estimated to be 67 mrem/yr (assuming that the cow grazed on fresh pasture for 5 months/yr). The dose to the thyroid of an adult consuming the same milk was estimated to be 8 mrem/yr. Until the augmented gaseous waste holdup system is operational the dose to the infant's thyroid could be expected to be 140 mrem/yr. However, based on experience during the first six months of operation this dose is estimated to be about 8 mrem for the first year of operation. The reason that the expected annual thyroid dose is not markedly reduced following installation of the augmented radwaste system is because a significant fraction of the iodines are released to the atmosphere via the turbine building vent rather than through the augmented system. However, the applicant must assure that effluents will meet the requirements of proposed Appendix I, 10 CFR 50, as formalized. The combined annual dose to hypothetical individuals who would receive the most exposure from the several different pathways is about 1.2 mrem to the total body, almost entirely from air- submersion. V-29 2. Dose to the Population The integrated total-body dose to the population living within 50 miles of the plant from submersion in radioactive gaseous effluents was estimated to be about 2.4 man-rem/yr with the aug- mented system in operation. The cumulative dose and average dose versus distance from the plant are summarized in Table V-6. Until the augmented gaseous was te hold up system is operational the expected integrated total-body dose is calculated to be 93 man- rem/yr, Based on experience during the first six months of oper- ation the integrated total-body dose is estimated to be 11 man-rem/yr. Four pathways were considered when calculating the exposure to the population from the liquid effluents released from the plant consumption of drinking water and fish from the river, and swimming and shoreline fishing below the plant. To estimate dos es received from drinking water it was assumed that 85% of the 2 million residents within 50 miles of the plant derived their drinking water from the Mississippi River near the Twin Cities, Travel time for water from the plant discharge canal to the Minneapolis water customer was taken to be on the order of 48 hr. Although the travel time to a Saint Paul water customer is on the order of weeks, this longer decay time was not taken into account in the interest of simplifying the calculation, Ass uming a per capita consumption of 1,2 liters/day of drinking water by the population of the Twin-Cites, the integrated total- body dose was calculated to be about 6 man-rem/yr. Very little swimming but some canoeing is done in the river below the plant, For purposes of dose calculation, it was assumed that the average person spent 5 hr/yr swimming plus 10 hrs/yr canoeing downstream of the Monticello Nuclear Plant. It was also assumed that the average resident spent an additional 5 hr/yr on the river shore below the plant engaged in such activities as fishing. On this basis, the integrated total-body dose to the 2 x 106 persons within 50 miles of the plant was estimated to be about 2.7 man-rem/yr. V-30 TABLE V-6 CUMULATIVE POPULATION, ANNUAL MAN-REM DOSE, AND AVERAGE DOSES FROM THE GASEOUS EFFLUENT RELEASED FROM THE MONTICELLO PLANT Radius Cumulative (miles) Population (1970) Cumulative Dose (man-rem/yr) Average Dose (mrem/yr) 1 8 0.004 0.5 2 149 0.026 0.2 3 732 0.074 0.1 4 3,003 0.19 0.06 5 5,129 0.25 0.05 10 12,344 0.32 0.03 20 54, 356 0.43 0.008 30 271,182 0.74 0.003 40 1,105,890 1.7 0.002 50 1,956,232 2.4 0.001 V-31 Consumption of fish caught in the river water below the plant con- tributes only slightly to the total population dose. The average per capita consumption of fish in this area has been estimated to be 1.1 kg/yr.61 If 10% of this average consumption comes from the stretch of the river below the plant (a conservative assumption), the population dose from fish consumption would be 1.6 man-rem/yr. Thus, the total integrated population dose received by the approxi- mately 2 million people who live within a 50-mile radius of the plant from the 4 pathways associated with the liquid effluents was calculated to be il man-rem/yr. For comparison, the dose rate received from natural background radiation is slightly over 0.1 rem/yr which results in a total population dose to the residents within 50 miles of the plant of 200,000 man-rem/yr. 3. Radiation Dose to Species Other Than Man Radiation dose rates to organisms such as algae entrained in the Monticello condenser cooling water were estimated, for the radio- nuclide concentrations anticipated during long term operation, to be on the order of 10-5 mrem/hr. These dose rates would decrease rapidly as the effluent moves downstream. Organisms likely to receive the highest radiation dose from the plant are aquatic species living in the effluent plume such as fish and fresh water molluscs. A clam living in the bottom silt would receive an estimated total dose of about 20 mrem/yr. About one-half of this dose comes from radionuclides accumulated within its flesh. The dose to a fish living in the undiluted effluent water would be somewhat less than that received by the clam. Annual doses on the order of those predicted for aquatic organisms near the Monticello outfall (20 mrem/yr) are several orders of magnitude below the chronic dose levels that might be suspected of producing demonstrable radiation damage to aquatic populations. 62 The irradiation of salmon eggs and larvae at a rate of 500 mrem/day did not affect the number of adult fish returning from the ocean or their ability to spawn. Chironomid larvae (bloodworms) living in bottom sediments near the Oak Ridge plant that have received irradi- ation at the rate of about 230-240 rem/yr for more than 130 genera- tions have a greater-than-normal number of chromosome aberrations V-32 64 but their abundance has not diminished. The numbers of salmon spawning in the vicinity of the Hanford reactors on the Columbia River have not been adversely affected by dose rates in the range of 100 to 200 mrem/wk. 65 Inasmuch as the planned release of radionuclides from the Monti- cello Plant will be several orders of magnitude less than has occurred in the past at several major nuclear facilities 66 where studies have detected no adverse effects on the aquatic population, and because the estimated dose rates to aquatic organisms will be several orders of magnitude less than those expected to cause radi- ation damage, the populations of aquatic organisms near the Monticello outfall are not expected to be adversely affected by the low concentrations of radionuclides added by the plant. 4. Environmental Radiation Monitoring Program The objective of the Monticello Radiological Monitoring Program is to measure the radiological effects of plant operations on the environment. This objective is being accomplished through moni- toring of air, water, soil, and other food chain components and comparing these analyses with the baseline monitoring data col- lected during the pre-operational phase which began in June 1968. The operational phase of the monitoring program began in December 1970. External exposure to gaseous radioactive wastes and ingestion of radioactive contaminated food and water are the primary exposure pathways to man. Thus, the environmental surveillance program emphasizes sampling and analysis of environmental elements which include these pathways. The sample types, locations, frequencies, and analyses are summarized in Table V-7. Sampling is conducted by Northern States Power personnel in cooperation with the Minnesota Department of Health. The Minnesota Department of Health assists in sample collection, and provides laboratory determinations and consultation in selection of sampling techniques. An Annual Report on the Environmental Monitoring and Ecological Studies Program is issued by Northern States Power which describes the program and evaluates the results. The staff has concluded that the monitoring program around the Monticello Plant is adequate to detect and measure quantitatively significant radiation levels which might be present in the environs of the plant. V-33 TABLE V-7 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR PLANT RADIATION MONITORING PROGRAM SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS SUMMARY Type of Sample Type of Analysis Collection Frequency Collection Site River Water GB, GS, Weekly 137Cs 90 Sr (Q) Зн (М), Upstream 600 ft from intake canal. Downstream 600 ft from discharge canal. St. Paul raw water intake. Lake Water GB, , GS, 137Cs 5 local lakes 1 control lake Monthly Зн, GOSI Well Water GA, GB, GS, 137Cs Quarterly Зн, 90 Sr 6 sites within 5 miles of plant site including the Monticello Well. GB, GS Зн Precipitation Monthly 1311, GS GOST Meteorological Station Plant Site. State Health Dept. Bldg. in Minneapolis. GB, GS Lake and River Bottom Sediment. 5 local lakes, 1 control lake. Semi-annually 90 Sr 1370s Plankton, Algae and Fallout or Insects 5 local lakes, 1 control lake, Quarterly GB, GS 905r, 137CS gosr Aquatic Vegetation GB, GS, 90sr, 137Cs 5 local lakes, 1 control lake. Quarterly Clams GB, GS, 90 SI, 137Cs Upstream and downstream of plant. Quarterly (when available) Quarterly Fish GB, GS, 90SI, 137Cs Upstream and downstream of plant. V-34 TABLE V-7 (contd.) Type of Sample Type of Analysis Collection Frequency Collection Site Milk GS, 1311, 90sr, 137Cs Two farms/region, four regions. Monthly Topsoil GB, GS, 90gr , 137CS Semi-annually From 3 fields downwind of plant site, also 3 fields irrigated with river water downstream of plant. Vegetation , , GB, GS, 1311 From 3 fields downwind of the plant site. Semi-annually Agricultural GB, GS, 1311, 90Sr, 137 From 3 fields irrigated by river water downstream from the plant. Annually (at harvest) Cs . Air Samples (filters) GB, GS (M) 1311 I Weekly Meteorological Station (Plant Site), Clear Lake, Orrock, Becker Otsego, Maple Lake, Hasty, St. Michael Air Samples (film badge) Beta Gamma Dosage Every 4 weeks Same locations as filters plus 6 on-site stations Air Samples (TLD) Gamma Dosage Every 4 weeks Same location as filters plus 6 on-site stations. CODING SYSTEM: GA GB GS (M) (Q) gross alpha gross beta gamma scan monthly quarterly - V-35 E. TRANSPORTATION OF NUCLEAR FUEL AND SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE The nuclear fuel for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant reactor is slightly enriched uranium in the form of sintered uranium oxide pellets encapsulated in zircaloy fuel rods. Each year in normal operation, about 120 fuel elements are replaced. The applicant has indicated that cold fuel for the reactor will be transported by truck from Wilmington, North Carolina, to the plant site, a shipping distance of about 1400 miles. The applicant has indicated the irradiated fuel will be transported by truck or rail and solid wastes by truck. The irradiated fuel will be shipped to Morris, Illinois, a distance of about 500 miles and the wastes will be shipped to Sheffield, Illinois, a distance of about 500 miles. 1. Transport of New Fuel The applicant has indicated that new fuel will be shipped in AEC-DOT approved containers which hold two fuel elements per container. About 4 truckloads of 16 containers each will be required each year. 2. Transport of Irradiated Fuel Fuel elements removed from the reactor will be unchanged in appear- ance and will contain some of the original U-235 (which is recoverable). As a result of the irradiation and fissioning of the uranium, the fuel element will contain large amounts of fission products and some plutonium. As the radioactivity decays, it produces radiation and "decay heat." The amount of radioactivity remaining in the fuel varies according to the length of time after discharge from the reactor. After discharge from a reactor, the fuel elements are placed under water in a storage pool for radioactive decay and cooling prior to being loaded into a cask for transport. The applicant states that the irradiated fuel elements will be shipped after approximately 4 months cooling period in approved casks designed for transport by truck or rail. The cask for trucks will weigh perhaps 30 tons and for rail perhaps 100 tons. To trans- port the irradiated fuel, the applicant estimates approximately 20 truckload shipments or about 6 rail carload shipments per year. An equal number of shipments will be required to return the empty casks. V-36 3. Transport of Solid Radioactive Wastes Spent resins, waste evaporator bottoms and some process liquids will be dewatered and concentrated and, with other solid wastes, loaded into containers for shipment and disposal. The applicant estimates about 33,000 ft3 containing 53 Ci of radioactivity plus approximately 80 drums of compacted wastes to be shipped each year. The staff estimates 40 truckloads of wastes each year. 4. Principles of Safety in Transport The transportation of radioactive material is regulated by the Department of Transportation and the Atomic Energy Commission. The regulations provide protection of the public and transport workers from radiation. This protection is achieved by a combination of standards and requirements applicable to packaging, limitations on the contents of packages and radiation levels from packages, and procedures to limit the exposure of persons under normal and accident conditions. Primary reliance for safety in transport of radioactive material is placed on the packaging. The packaging must meet regulatory standards (10 CFR Part 71; 49 CFR Parts 173 and 178) established according to the type and form of material for containment, shielding, nuclear criticality safety, and heat dissipation. The standards pro- vide that the packaging shall prevent the loss or dispersal of the radioactive contents, retain shielding efficiency, assure nuclear criticality safety, and provide adequate heat dissipation under normal conditions of transport and under specified accident damage test conditions. The contents of packages not designed to withstand accidents are limited, thereby limiting the risk from releases which could occur in an accident. The contents of the package also must be limited so that the standards for external radiation levels, temperature, pressure, and containment are met. Procedures applicable to the shipment of packages of radioactive material require that the package be labelled with a unique radio- active materials label. In transport the carrier is required to exercise control over radioactive material packages including loading and storage in areas separated from persons and limitations on aggregations of packages to limit the exposure of persons under normal conditions. The procedures carriers must follow in case of accident include segregation of damaged and leaking packages from people and notification of the shipper and the Department of Transportation. Radiological assistance teams are available through an inter-Governmental program to provide equipment and trained personnel, if necessary, in such emergencies. V-37 Within the regulatory standards, radioactive materials are required to be safely transported in routine commerce using conventional transportation equipment with no special restrictions on speed of vehicle, routing, or ambient transport conditions. According to the Department of Transportation (DOT), the record of safety in the transportation of radioactive materials exceeds that for any other type of hazardous commodity. DOT estimates approximately 800,000 packages of radioactive materials are currently being shipped in the United States each year. Thus far, based on the best avail- able information, there have been no known deaths or serious injuries to the public or to transport workers due to radiation from a radio- active material shipment. Safety in transportation is provided by the package design and limitations on the contents and external radiation levels and does not depend on controls over routing. Although the regulations require all carriers of hazardous materials to avoid congested areas (49 CFR § 397.1(d)) wherever practical to do so, in general, carriers choose the most direct and fastest route. Routing restric- tions which require use of secondary highways or other than the most direct route may increase the overall environmental impact of trans- portation as a result of increased accident frequency or severity. Any attempt to specify routing would involve continued analysis of routes in view of the changing local conditions as well as changing of sources of material and delivery points. 5. Exposures During Normal (No Accident) Conditions a. New Fuel Since the nuclear radiations and heat emitted by new fuel are small, there will be essentially no effect on the environment during transport under normal conditions. Exposure of individual transport workers is estimated to be less than 1 millirem (mrem) per shipment. For the 4 shipments, with two drivers for each vehicle, the total dose would be about 0.01 man-rem per year. The radiation level associated with each truckload of new fuel will be less than 0.1 mrem/hr at 6 feet from the truck. A member of the general public who spends 3 minutes at an average distance of 3 feet from the truck might receive a dose of about 0.005 mrem per shipment. The dose to other persons along the shipping route would be extremely small. b. Irradiated Fuel . Based on actual radiation levels associated with shipments of irradiated fuel elements, the staff estimates the radiation level at 3 feet from the truck or rail car will be about 25 mrem/hr. V-38 Two truck drivers during the trip will probably spend no more than 15 hours in the cab and about 1 hour outside the truck at an average distance of 3 feet from the cargo compartment. Under those condi- tions, each truck driver could receive about 30 mrem from an irradiated fuel shipment. Actual experience indicates that average exposures are much less than 30 mrem/trip; in most cases, less than 10 mrem/trip. The same driver is unlikely to be used for more than 30 shipments per year, in which case he would receive about 300 mrem in a year based on 10 mrem/trip. The cumulative annual dose to all drivers would be about 0.4 man-rem. > Train brakemen might spend a few minutes in the vicinity of the car at an average distance of 3 feet, for an average exposure of about 0.5 millirem per shipment. With 10 different brakemen involved along the route, the cumulative dose for 6 shipments during the year is estimated to be about 0.03 man-rem. A member of the general public who spends 3 minutes at an average distance of 3 feet from the truck or rail car, might receive a dose of as much as 1.3 mrem. If 10 persons were so exposed per shipment, the annual cumulative dose for the 20 shipments by rail would be about 0.3 man-rem and for the 6 shipments by rail would be about 0.08 man-rem. Approximately 150,000 persons who reside along the route over which the irradiated fuel is transported might receive an annual cumulative dose of about 0.03 man-rem if they transported by truck and 0.009 if transported by rail. The regulatory radiation level limit of 10 mrem/hr at a distance of 6 feet from the vehicle was used to calculate the integrated dose to persons in an area between 100 feet and 1/2 mile on both sides of the shipping route. It was assumed that the shipment would travel 200 miles per day and the population density would average 330 persons per square mile along the route. The amount of heat released to the air from each cask will be about 30,000 Btu/hr for truck casks and 250,000 Btu/hr for rail casks. For comparison, 35,000 Btu/hr is about equal to the heat released from an air conditioner in an average sized home. Although the temperature of the air which contacts the loaded cask may be increased a few degrees, because the amount of heat is small and is being released over the entire transportation route, no appreciable thermal effects on the environment will result. c. Solid Radioactive Wastes The Staff estimates that about 40 truckloads of solid radioactive wastes will be shipped to Sheffield, Illinois for disposal. Under normal conditions, the individual truck driver might receive as much V-39 as 15 mrem per shipment. If the same driver were to drive 25 truckloads in a year, he could receive an estimated dose of about 400 mrem during the year. The cumulative dose to all drivers for the year, assuming 2 drivers per vehicle, might be about 1.2 man-rem. A member of the general public who spends 3 minutes at an average distance of 3 feet from the truck might receive a dose of as much as 1.3 mrem. If 10 persons were so exposed per shipment, the cumulative annual dose would be about 0.5 man-rem. Approximately 150,000 persons who reside along the 500-mile route over which the solid radioactive waste is transported might receive a cumulative annual dose of about 0.06 man-rem. These doses were calculated for persons per square mile, 10 mrem/hr at 6 feet from the vehicle, and the shipment traveling 200 miles per day. 1 VI-1 VI. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF POSTULATED ACCIDENTS A. PLANT ACCIDENTS Protection against the occurrence of postulated design basis accidents in the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant is provided through the defense in depth concept of design, manufacture, operation, and test- ing, and the continued quality assurance program used to establish the necessary high degree of assurance for the integrity of the reactor primary system. These aspects were considered in the Commission's Safety Evaluation for the Monticello facility, dated March 18, 1970. Off-design conditions that may occur are limited by protection systems which place and hold the power plant in a safe condition. Notwith- standing this, the conservative postulate is made that serious acci- dents might occur, even though unlikely; and engineered safety features are installed to mitigate the consequences of these postulated events. The probability of occurrence of accidents and the spectrum of their consequences to be considered from an environmental effects stand- point have been analyzed using estimates of probabilities and realistic fission product release and transport assumptions. For site evaluation in the Commission's safety review, extremely conservative assumptions were used for the purpose of evaluating the adequacy of engineered safety features and for comparing calculated doses resulting from a hypothetical release of fission products from the fuel against the 10 CFR Part 100 siting guidelines. The computed doses that would be received by the population and environment from actual accidents would be significantly less than those presented in the Safety Evaluation. The Commission issued guidance to applicants on September 1, 1971, requiring the consideration of a spectrum of accidents with assump- tions as realistic as the state of knowledge permits. The applicant's response was contained in "Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Environ- mental Report," dated November 5, 1971. The applicant's report has been evaluated, using the standard acci- dent assumptions and guidance issued by the Commission as a proposed amendment to Appendix D of 10 CFR Part 50 on December 1, 1971 (Federal Register, Vol. 36, No. 231). Nine classes of postulated accidents and occurrences ranging in severity from trivial to very VI-2 serious have been identified by the Commission. In general, accidents in the high potential consequence end of the spectrum have a very low occurrence rate, and those on the low potential consequence end are characterized by a higher occurrence rate. The applicant's examples for each class of accident are shown in Table VI-1 and are reasonably homogeneous in terms of probability within each class. Certain assump- tions made by the applicant such as the assumption of an iodine parti- tion factor in the suppression pool during a loss-of-coolant accident and the efficiency assigned to the charcoal adsorbers in the standby gas treatment system, in the staff view, are optimistic; but the use of alternative assumptions does not significantly affect the overall environmental risk. Commission estimates of the dose which might be received by an indi- vidual standing at the site boundary in the downwind direction, using the assumptions in the proposed Annex to Appendix D, are presented in Table VI-2. Estimates of the integrated exposure in man-rem that might be delivered to the population within 50 miles of the site are also presented in Table VI-2. These man-rem estimates were based on the projected population around the site for the year 2000. To rigorously establish a realistic annual risk, the calculated doses in Table VI-2 would have to be multiplied by estimated probabilities. The events in classes 1 and 2 represent occurrences which are antici- pated during plant operation and their consequences, which are very small, are considered within the framework of routine effluents from the plant. Except for a limited amount of fuel failures the events in Classes 3 through 5 are not anticipated during plant operation but events of this type could occur sometime during the "40 year" plant lifetime. Accidents in classes 6 and 7 and small accidents in class 8 are of similar or lower probability than accidents in Classes 3 through 5 but are still possible. The probability of occurrence of large Class 8 accidents is very small. Therefore, when the consequences indicated in Table VI-2 are weighted by probabilities, the environ- mental risk is very low. The postulated occurrences in Class 9 involve sequences of successive failures more severe than those required to be considered for the design basis of protection systems and engineered safety features. Their consequences could be severe. However, the probability of their occurrence is so small that their environmental risk is extremely low. Defense in depth (multiple physical barriers), quality assurance for design, manufacture, and operation, continued surveillance and testing, and conservative design are all applied to provide and maintain the required high degree of assurance that potential accidents in this class are, and will remain, sufficiently small in probability that the environmental risk is extremely low. VI-2 serious have been identified by the Commission. In general, accidents in the high potential consequence end of the spectrum have a very low occurrence rate, and those on the low potential consequence end are characterized by a higher occurrence rate. The applicant's examples for each class of accident are shown in Table VI-l and are reasonably homogeneous in terms of probability within each class. Certain assump- tions made by the applicant such as the assumption of an iodine parti- tion factor in the suppression pool during a loss-of-coolant accident and the efficiency assigned to the charcoal adsorbers in the standby gas treatment system, in the staff view, are optimistic; but the use of alternative assumptions does not significantly affect the overall environmental risk. Commission estimates of the dose which might be received by an indi- vidual standing at the site boundary in the downwind direction, using the assumptions in the proposed Annex to Appendix D, are presented in Table VI-2. Estimates of the integrated exposure in man-rem that might be delivered to the population within 50 miles of the site are also presented in Table VI-2. These man-rem estimates were based on the projected population around the site for the year 2000. To rigorously establish a realistic annual risk, the calculated doses in Table VI-2 would have to be multiplied by estimated probabilities. The events in Classes 1 and 2 represent occurrences which are antici- pated during plant operation and their consequences, which are very small, are considered within the framework of routine effluents from the plant. Except for a limited amount of fuel failures the events in Classes 3 through 5 are not anticipated during plant operation but events of this type could occur sometime during the "40 year" plant lifetime. Accidents in Classes 6 and 7 and small accidents in class 8 are of similar or lower probability than accidents in Classes 3 through 5 but are still possible. The probability of occurrence of large Class 8 accidents is very small. Therefore, when the consequences indicated in Table VI-2 are weighted by probabilities, the environ- mental risk is very low. The postulated occurrences in Class 9 involve sequences of successive failures more severe than those required to be considered for the design basis of protection systems and engineered safety features. Their consequences could be severe. However, the probability of their occurrence is so small that their environmental risk is extremely low. Defense in depth (multiple physical barriers), quality assurance for design, manufacture, and operation, continued surveillance and testing, and conservative design are all applied to provide and maintain the required high degree of assurance that potential accidents in this class are, and will remain, sufficiently small in probability that the environmental risk is extremely low. VI-3 TABLE VI-1 CLASSIFICATION OF POSTULATED ACCIDENTS AND OCCURRENCES Class AEC Description Applicant's Examples 1 Trivial Incidents Not considered 2 Miscellaneous small releases Reactor coolant leaks (below or just above allowable tech spec limits) outside PC or RB 3 Radwaste System Failures Single equipment failure Single operator error 4 Events that release radio- activity into the primary system (BWR) Fuel failures during normal oper- ation. Transients within expected range of protective equipment and normal parameter operation. 5 Events that release radio- activity into primary and secondary systems (PWR) Primary coolant loop to auxiliary cooling system secondary side of heat exchanger leak. (No events identified) 6 Refueling accidents inside containment Dropping of fuel assembly on reactor core spent fuel rack or against pool boundary. Dropping of spent fuel shipping cask in pool or outside pool. 7 Accidents to spent fuel outside containment Transportation incident involving spent and new fuel. Shipment equipment on site but outside PC or RB B. 8 Accident initiation events considered in design basis evaluation in the safety analysis report Reactivity transient Loss of reactor coolant inside or outside primary containment 9 Not considered Hypothetical sequences of failures more severe than Class 8 VI-4 TABLE VI-2 SUMMARY OF RADIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF POSTULATED ACCIDENTS Estimated Dose Estimated Fraction to Population of 10 CFR Part 20 in 50 Mile at Site Boundary] Radius, man-rem Class Event 1.0 Trivial incidents 2/ 2/ 2.0 Small releases outside containment 27 2/ 3.0 Radwas te system failures 3.1 Equipment leakage or malfunction 0.19 7.6 3.2 Release of waste gas storage tank contents 0.75 30 3.3 Release of liquid waste storage tank contents <0.001 <0.1 4.0 Fission products to primary system (BWR) 4.1 Fuel cladding defects 2/ 2/ 4.2 Off-design transients that induce fuel failures above those expected 0.008 0.78 5.0 Fission products to primary and secondary systems (PWR) N.A. N.A. 6.0 Refueling accidents 6.1 Fuel assembly drop into core <0.001 0.1 6.2 Heavy object drop onto fuel in core 0.002 0.84 1 | 7.0 Spent fuel handling accident 7.1 Fuel assembly drop in fuel storage pool <0.001 0.18 7.2 Heavy object drop onto fuel rack <0.001 0.34 7.3 Fuel cask drop 0.28 11 VI-5 TABLE VI-2 (contd.) Estimated Dose Estimated Fraction to Population of 10 CFR Part 20 in 50 Mile at Site Boundaryl Radius, man-rem - Class Event 8.0 Accident initiation events considered in design basis evaluation in the Safety Analysis Report 8.1 Loss-of-coolant accidents inside containment Small break <0.001 <0.1 Large break 0.001 7.5 8.1(a) Break in instrument line inside reactor building <0.001 <0.1 8.2(a) Rod ejection accident (PWR) N.A. N.A. 8.2(b) Rod drop accident (BWR) 0.009 0.93 8.3(a) - Steamline break (PWR - outside containment) N.A. N.A. 8.3(b) Steamline breaks (BWR) Small break 0.006 0.26 Large break 0.033 1.3 1/ 2/ Represents the calculated whole body dose as a fraction of 500 mrem (or the equivalent dose to an organ). These releases will be comparable to the design objective indicated in the proposed Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 for routine effluents (i.e., 5 mrem/yr to an individual from all sources). VI-6 The information given in Table VI-2 indicates that the realistically estimated radiological consequences of the postulated accidents would be the exposure of an individual assumed to be standing at the site boundary to concentrations of radioactive materials which were within the Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPC) listed in Table II of 10 CFR Part 20. The table also shows that the estimated integrated exposure of the population within 50 miles of the plant from each postulated accident would be orders of magnitude smaller than that from naturally occurring radioactivity which is approximately 300,000 man-rem year based on a natural background radiation level of 0.1 rem/year. When considered with the probability of occurrence, the annual potential radiation exposure of the population from all the postulated accidents is an even smaller fraction of the exposure from natural background radiation and, in fact, is well within naturally occurring variations in the natural background. It is concluded from the results of the realistic analysis that the environmental risks due to postulated radiological accidents at the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant are exceedingly small and need not be considered further. B. TRANSPORTATION ACCIDENTS Based on recent accident statistics,* a shipment of fuel or was te may be expected to be involved in an accident about once in a total of 750,000 shipment-miles. The staff has estimated that only about 1 in 10 of those accidents which involve Type A packages or 1 in 100 of those involving Type B packages might result in any leakage of radioactive material. In case of an accident, procedures which carriers are required (49 CFR $ $ 171.15, 174.566, 177.861) to fol- low will reduce the consequences of an accident in many cases. The procedures include segregation of damaged and leaking packages from people, and notification of the shipper and the Department of Trans- portation. Radiological assistance teams are available through an inter-Governmental program to provide equipped and trained personnel. These teams, dispatched in response to calls for emergency assistance, can mitigate the consequences of an accident. 1. New Fuel Under accident conditions other than accidental criticality, the pelletized form of the nuclear fuel, its encapsulation, and the low specific activity of the fuel, limit the radiological impact on the environment to negligible levels. * Federal Highway Administration, "1969 Accidents of Large Motor Carriers of Property," December 1970; Federal Railroad Administra- tion Accident Bulletin No. 138, "Summary and Analysis of Accidents on Railroads in the U. S.," 1969; U. S. Coast Guard, "Statistical Summary of Casualties to Commercial Vessels," December 1970. VI-7 The packaging is designed to prevent criticality under normal and severe accident conditions. To release a number of fuel assemblies under conditions that could lead to accidental criticality would require severe damage or destruction of more than one package, which is unlikely to happen in other than an extremely severe accident. The probability that an accident could occur under conditions that could result in accidental criticality is extremely remote. If criticality were to occur in transport, persons within a radius of about 100 feet from the accident might receive a serious exposure but beyond that distance, no detectable radiation effects would be likely. Persons within a few feet of the accident could receive fatal or near-fatal exposures unless shielded by intervening material. Although there would be no nuclear explosion, heat generated in the reaction would probably separate the fuel elements so that the reaction would stop. The reaction would not be expected to continue for more than a few seconds and normally would not recur. Residual radiation levels due to induced radioactivity in the fuel elements might reach a few roentgens per hour at 3 feet. There would be very little dispersion of radioactive material. 2. Irradiated Fuel Effects on the environment from accidental releases of radioactive materials during shipment of irradiated fuel have been estimated for the situation where contaminated coolant is released and the situation where gases and coolant are released. (a) Leakage of contaminated coolant resulting from improper closing of the cask is possible as a result of human error, even though the shipper is required to follow specific procedures which include tests and examination of the closed container prior to each shipment. Such an accident is unlikely during the 40-year life of the plant. Leakage of liquid at a rate of 0.001 cc per second or about 80 drops/hour is about the smallest amount of leakage that can be detected by visual observation of a large container. If undetected leakage of contaminated liquid coolant were to occur, the amount would be so small that the individual exposure would not exceed a few mrem and only a very few people would receive such exposures. (b) Release of gases and coolant is an extremely remote possibility. In the improbable event that a cask is involved in an extremely severe accident such that the cask containment is breached and the cladding of the fuel assemblies penetrated, some of the coolant and some of the noble gases might be released from the cask. VI-8 In such an accident, the amount of radioactive material released would be limited to the available fraction of the noble gases in the void spaces in the fuel pins and some fraction of the low level contamination in the coolant. Persons would not be expected to remain near the accident due to the severe conditions which would be involved, including a major fire. If releases occurred, they would be expected to take place in a short period of time. Only a limited area would be affected. Persons in the downwind region and within 100 feet or so of the accident might receive doses as high as a few hundred millirem. Under average weather conditions, a few hundred square feet might be contaminated to the extent that it would require decontamination (that is, Range I contamination levels) according to the standards* of the Environmental Protection Agency. 9 3. Solid Radioactive Wastes It is unlikely that a shipment of solid radioactive was te will be involved in a severe accident during the 40 -year life of the plant. If a shipment of low-level waste (in drums) becomes involved in a severe accident, some release of waste might occur but the specific activity of the waste will be so low that the exposure of personnel would not be expected to be significant. Other solid radioactive wastes will be shipped in Type B packages. The probability of release from a Type B package, in even a very severe accident, is sufficiently small that, considering the solid form of the waste and the remote probability that a shipment of such waste would be involved in a severe accident, the likelihood of significant exposure would be extremely small. In either case, spread of the contamination beyond the immediate area is unlikely and, although local clean-up might be required, no signifi cant exposure to the general public would be expected to result. 4. Severity of Postulated Transportation Accidents The events postulated in this analysis are unlikely but possible. More severe accidents than those analyzed can be postulated and their consequences could be severe. Quality assurance for design, manufac- ture, and use of the packages, continued surveillance and testing of packages and transport conditions, and conservative design of * Federal Radiation Council Report No. 7, "Background Material for the Development of Radiation Protection Standards; Protective Action Guides for Strontium 89, Strontium 90, and Cesium 137," May 1965. VI-9 packages ensure that the probability of accidents of this latter potential is sufficiently small that the environmental risk is extremely low. For those reasons, more severe accidents have not been included in the analysis. 5. Alternatives to Normal Transportation Procedures Alternatives, such as special routing of shipments, providing escorts in separate vehicles, adding shielding to the containers, and constructing a fuel recovery and fabrication plant on the site rather than shipping fuel to and from the station, have been examined by the Staff for the general case, The impact on the environment of transportation under normal or postulated accident conditions is not considered to be sufficient to justify the additional effort required to implement any of the alternatives. VII-1 VII. ADYER SE EFFECTS WHICH CANNOT BE AVOIDED It is expected that the operation of the Monticello Plant will cause some loss of small fish through impingement on the condenser cooling water intake screens, and through entrainment in the con- denser cooling system, The potential exists for large fish loss in winter in the cooling water discharge canal if the plant is shut down at this time of year. Data presently are not available for quantitative estimates of these impacts. However, based on a comparison of plant use of river water at the average river flow, the entrainment losses may approach 15% of the available drift organisms and very small fish passing down river. A change in the aquatic population structure in the area (possibly 5-15 acres) of the river immediately downstream from the cooling water discharge canal can also be expected. Some of the present benthic organisms will be replaced by more heat tolerant forms and the overall result may be an increase rather than a loss of total productivity. Significant changes in the river biota are not expected outside this zone. The operation of the plant results in a small increase in radio- activity (for a few individuals this could conceivably be as much as 25 mrem/yr to the total body until the new gaseous waste system is operating after which this dose may be as much as 1 mrem/yr), and will create a very low probability risk of accidental radiation exposure. The operation of the plant also results in the produc- tion of radioactive was tes which must be processed and stored, VII-1 VII. ADVER SE EFFECTS WHICH CANNOT BE AVOIDED It is expected that the operation of the Monticello Plant will cause some loss of small fish through impingement on the condenser cooling water intake screens, and through entrainment in the con- denser cooling system. The potential exis ts for large fish loss in winter in the cooling water discharge canal if the plant is shut down at this time of year. Data presently are not available for quantitative estimates of these impacts. However, based on a comparison of plant use of river water at the average river flow, the entrainment losses may approach 15% of the available drift organisms and very small fish passing down river. A change in the aquatic population structure in the area (possibly 5-15 acres) of the river immediately downstream from the cooling water discharge canal can also be expected. Some of the present benthic organisms will be replaced by more heat tolerant forms and the overall result may be an increase rather than a loss of total productivity. Significant changes in the river biota are not expected outside this zone. The operation of the plant results in a small increase in radio- activity (for a few individuals this could conceivably be as much as 25 mrem/yr to the total body until the new gaseous was te system is operating after which this dose may be as much as 1 mrem/yr), and will create a very low probability risk of accidental radiation exposure. The operation of the plant also results in the produc- tion of radioactive was tes which must be processed and stored, VIII-1 VIII. SHORT-TERM USES AND LONG-TERM PRODUCTIVITY The land now occupied by the Monticello Plant has been owned by the Northern States Power Company for nearly 50 years. The con- struction of the plant has converted about 5% of the land held by the company from leased farming and natural vegetation to the production of electrical energy. This reduction is insignificant in comparison to the amount of farm land and natural areas presently existing in the vicinity of the plant. Except for the presence of the physical structures, it is unlikely that future use of the site for other purposes after decommissioning will have been obviated as a result of construction and operation of the Monticello Plant. IX-1 IX. IRREVERSIBLE AND IRRETRIEVABLE COMMITMENT OF RESOURCES > At the end of the expected life of the reactor, it will be decommis- sioned. There is available experience on procedures for dismantling a reactor facility and methods for negating any potential adverse effects on the surrounding environment. 67, 68 After decommission- ing of the reactor, the major portion of the site could be reclaimed for other purposes if desirable. If it is decided that the area occupied by the reactor facility should be placed on permanent restrictive access, that area would be irretrievably lost. Since the structural components of the reactor facilities will have become highly radioactive through activation and contamination, they will not be salvageable. The storage of these components as well as other radioactive wastes (including those produced and accumulated during operation of the plant) will require permanent commitment of some land. During the production of power by the nuclear plant, some of the fuel is irretrievably consumed. About 20 metric tons of uranium fuel will be consumed over the 40 year life of the plant. However, in this process, another useful resource, plutonium, will be produced. The recovered plutonium can then be recycled as fuel. X-1 X. THE NEED FOR POWER X-1.69 The Northern States Power Company (NSP) provides electric power to a 40,000-square-mile service area in the four states of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin as indicated in Figure The major load center of the service area is the Twin Cities metropolitan area (Minneapolis-St. Paul) which provides about 60% of the utility's electric revenues. In total NSP serves about 3 million persons in 630 communities. NSP generated electricity is provided by 77 generating units with a total capacity of 3436 MW (summer rating). The primary genera- ting stations are the 455 MW Black Dog, 466 MW High Bridge, 574 MW King, and 426 MW Riverside fossil plants; and the 545 MW Monticello Nuclear Plant, all located in the Twin City region. All other plants have ratings of less than 100 MW. A summary of electrical statistics for the Northern States Power Company is presented in Table X-1. O During the ten year period from 1962 to 1971, the system electricity deliveries grew from 8.3 x 106 Mw-hr to 1.7 x 107 MW-hr. This is a 100% growth for the period, or stated in terms of an average annual growth rate, it is an increase of 8.0%/yr. A recent acceleration in demand has increased the average annual growth rate to 9% during the last 5 years. Although the annual electrical peak load growth of the NSP system has varied widely during the last 5 years, ranging from 5 to 17%, NSP forecasts a continuation of the recent 9% average annual increase until 1973. Thereafter a reduction is expected in growth rate of 1/4%/yr to reflect the anticipated ultimate saturation of air conditioning use. This forecast appears reasonable because the general growth of electricity consumption in most regions of the United States has followed historical trends. Extensive departures from the historical trend usually occur only for abnormal conditions such as severe depressions in the case of small regions, or additions or deletions of large blocks of power related to startup or shutdown of large industrial customers. No basis presently exists for fore- casting such ab normal load changes in the Northern States Power Company service area. Large commercial and industrial customers are the principal users of NSP electricity, accounting for 46% of total system sales. Residen- tial sales account for 36%. Purchases by small commercial and industrial customers and others such as municipal services account for the remaining 18% of sales. In terms of numbers of customers about 89.5% are residential, 9.4% are small commercial and industrial, 0.4% are large commercial and industrial and 0.7% municipal services. X-2 MINN. GRAND FORKS MINOT MINNEAPOLIS- ST. PAUL N. DAK. FARGO SIOUX FALLS WIS. S. DAK. FIGURE X-1. APPROXIMATE SERVICE AREA OF NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY X-3 TABLE X-1 ELECTRICAL STATISTICS NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Calendar Year Generating (a) Capability (MW) Maximum Demand (MW) Percent Reserve With Without Monticello Monticello Total Energy Output (MW-hr x 103) History 13 10 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1830 1925 2021 2261 2419 2598 2950 3227 3496 3814 1624 1746 1824 1975 2177 2311 2697 2873 3109 3278 Bwuuuu9uuo 14 11 12 8,314 9,017 9,576 10,140 11,154 11,994 13,413 14,637 15,916 16,697 - 12 12 16 Forecast 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 4119 4346 4888 5033 5613 3678 3982 4330 4698 5086 12 9 13 7 10 -2 -4 1 -4 0 18,700 20,560 22,443 24,498 26,736 (a) At time when peak load occurred, Includes net purch as es. X-4 Peak load conditions in the NSP system occur during the summer season and have increased from 1624 MW in 1962 to 3278 MW in 1971, an increase of 102% for the period, or an average annual increase of 8.1%. NSP's forecast of the system load growth rate is in accord with the Federal Power Commission's (FPC) forecast of regional load growth. 70 The FPC load growth forecast for Power Service Area (PSA) 16, which includes most of Minnesota and western Wisconsin, shows an annual average increase in peak load of 8% from 1970 to 1980. The NSP system provides most of the elctricity consumed in PSA 16. Because of prior service NSP is obligated to provide electric power to all applicants and in order to meet the predicted demand, NSP plans to make several additions to its generating capability. In 1972 gas turbine units will add 313 MW of peaking power to the system. In 1973 the 530 MW Prairie Island No. 1 Nuclear Plant and an addi- tional 62 MW of gas turbines will be added. Subsequent additions will be the 530 MW Prairie Island No. 2 Nulcear Plant and 187 MW of gas turbines in 1974, a 680 MW fossil plant in 1976, and a 680 MW fossil plant in 1977. During this same period ten small fossil plants with а summer capability of 116 MW will be retired. Thus, it is expected that 2866 MW of additional generating capability will be added to the system during 1972 to 1977. NSP is a member of Mid-Continent Area Reliability Coordinating Agreement (MARCA) which coordinates planning among 25 member utilities in the north central U.S.A. NSP as a member of the MARCA system bases its reserve requirements on a statistical analysis of equipment failure rates and a reliability index of one day interrup- tion in 10 yr throughout the MARCA system. Because MARCA has about a 6% peak load diversity within its system, the current minimum desirable reserve requirements is 12%. Without the internal diversity the reserve requirements would be about 18 to 20% which is typical of most utilities. Recent studies have shown that the NSP reserve requirements should be increased to about 15% by 1974 because of anticipated increased maintenance problems and the larger sized units presently being added. NSP is the largest member of the MARCA system and currently has about 60% of the dependable generating capability and peak load for that system. Loss of the Monticello generating capacity during the 1972 summer peak load period probably would reduce the reserve margin for the entire MARCA system to only 4%, an undesirably low X-5 value. NSP currently is purchasing all available electricity from the MARCA system. The Federal Power Commission confirmed that the power generated by the Monticello Plant is needed by stating that "The shutdown of the Monticello Plant would result in a deficiency of generating capacity to meet the projected system loads to the extent that it appears load reduction measures might be necessary 1171 during peak load periods. XI-1 XI. ALTERNATIVES TO PROPOSED ACTION AND COST-BENEFIT ANALYSES OF THEIR ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS The proposed action in this case is the continued operation of the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant. The environmental impact associated with construction, operation to date and future routine operation have been discussed in previous sections. . A. SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVES The alternatives of not providing the power or importing power from other utilities are not considered viable alternatives. As explained in Section X, not providing the power would reduce the system reserve capacity to less than the anticipated load require- ment during the 1972 peak period and would also reduce the generating reserve of the entire Mid-Continent Area Reliability Coordinating Agreement (MARCA) to only 4%. Purchase of sufficient power is not possible because NSP already has purchased all avail- able surplus power in the MARCA pool and is currently trying to purchase 200 MW from outside the pool. In situations where a major unacceptable environmental impact can be identified with the proposed operation of a facility, abandon- ment of the project may be considered. No such impact has been identified with operation of the Monticello Plant and abandonment is rejected from further consideration. Other alternatives which may be considered with respect to the refer- ence case in terms of environmental impact are: Alternative fuel Diluting the cooling water effluent with additional river water Employing a closed cycle cooling system using: . cooling pond spray pond all weather mechanical draft cooling tower natural draft cooling tower dry cooling towers XI-2 1. 1. Using an Alternative Fuel Major changes in equipment would be required to convert a nuclear plant to a coal-burning plant, which would involve substantial new engineering and construction costs in addition to the loss of capital expenditures for features that are nuclear oriented. The principal environmental advantage cited for coal (and other fossil fuels) over current nuclear fuels is the higher efficiency for converting thermal energy into electricity. For a plant the size of Monticello, this higher efficiency would result in rejec- ting about 630 MW of heat to the Mississippi River, rather than about 1100 M in the case of nuclear fuel. If the present turbine and condenser cooling water system were to be used, a reduction of about 40% in total heat discharged in the cooling water effluent could be expected. However, little change in the temperature increases near the effluent outfall would be expected. There are certain distinct disadvantages to the use of coal such as fuel transportation, handling and storage. A coal-fired unit having the production capacity of the Monticello Plant would emit on the order of 48 metric tons of SO 2, 28 metric tons of NO and х 4 metric tons of particulates as gas eous products each day. The operating cost of such a coal-fired plant would be about $159 million (present worth) more than the nuclear plant over the life of the plant. Conversion of a nuclear fueled facility, such as at the Monticello Plant to a coal-burning facility is not a practical alternative due to the high cost of conversion as well as increased operating cost of fuel. 2. Heat Dissipation Alternatives The present installation which employs a mechanical draft cooling tower system capable of (a) off-line, (b) helper, (c) partial recirculating and (d) closed cycle modes of operation is expected to be capable of meeting approved water quality standards under most conditions of river flow and temperature. Conditions under which it may not be adequate could occur during winter months with a combination of low flow and freezing temperatures. Restrictions on water withdrawals may be imposed in the event of low river flows in winter which may preclude withdrawal of 645 cfs for once-through XI-3 cooling The cooling towers are inoperable for temperatures at or below freezing. Under those circumstances the plant may be required to operate at reduced power, Alternatives to the present system include: (1) Dilution of condenser cooling water (2) Cooling pond (3) Spray pond (4) All weather mechanical draft cooling towers (5) Natural draft cooling towers (6) Dry cooling towers a. Dilution Dilution is one method of reducing the temperature rise in the outfall canal. Temperature reduction would be proportional to the amo unt of dilution (sed. For example, use of two-fold dilution (introducing a flow of river water equal to the plant flow into the discharge canal) would reduce the temperatures in the canal by a factor of about 2. The total heat load discharged would be un changed but the temperature of the effluent would be lower. At distances beyond a couple of miles down stream it is unlikely that the river temperature profiles would be significantly different from the refer- ence case. Dilution does not constitute an improvement over the presently installed method because whatever improvement could be realized can be matched with one of the modes of operation of the present system. Further, at the time when the present system may not be adequate, the conditions postulated preclude use of dilution due to the low flows in the river. b: Cooling Pond A cooling pond would dissipate all but a few percent of the heat produced and would be usable regardless of freezing weather. Low river flows would not be a problem to pond function. It is estimated that a cooling pond adequate for the Monticello site would occupy about 1000 acres . A pond of this size would evaporate on the order of 11 cfs or about 8,000 acre-ft of water per year and would require blowdown flows of that same magnitude. Concentrations of dissolved solids in the water discharged to the river would be greater at the point of discharge because of water evaporation. XI-4 Additional land would have to be acquired for a pond since the present site is split roughly in two by the Mississippi River and the portion containing the plant does not have adequate land for that size of a pond, In addition, if the pond were to be adjacent to the plant, the 4-lane highway (I-94) and a railroad would have to be relocated, During periods of temperature inversion, the pond could be expected to generate surface fogging and because of the relative ly low sur- face temperature the fog would cling to the low-land areas rather than rising as in the case of cooling towers , C. Spray Pond The use of a spray pond in closed cycle would also preclude all but a few percent of the heat produced from entering the river, The total consumptive use of water would be on the order of 13,000 acre- ft/yr. The pond would occupy on the order of 50 acres and employ about 150 spray modules. One such configuration could consist of modules composed of four spray units each driven by a 75hp pump with the whole structure mounted on floats. Each pump would draw 10,000 gpm of warm water from just below the surface of the pond and discharge it in four coarse sprays to a height of 20 ft in the air. Because of the increased surface contact with air as compared to the cooling pond, the spray pond would probably produce more low-lying surface fog and rime in cold weather, In extreme weather the fog could be a problem to traffic on the nearby highways. on components of the substation may also be a problem. About 8 MW of electricity would be required to operate the pumps. d. All-Weather Mechanical Draft Cooling Towers According to the applicant, the present mechanical draft cooling towers can be modified to allow wintertime closed-cycle operations, This modification would entail work on the fans, the electrical system and installation of a chemical treatment system. The chemical treatment system is necessary to prevent fouling of the closed-cycle system. The mechanical draft cooling towers were not designed and built as all weather towers based on the judgment that the need was highly unlikely because of a combination of very low flow and freezing temperatures. The principal deterrent from using cooling towers is the added problem of fog production. Under full load the fog at a given point (the maximum; 2 miles to the north and 4 miles to the southeast) would amount to about 24 hr/yr as compared with 3 hr/yr if the towers are operated only from April through October. Total expected fog for year around cooling tower XI-5 use was estimated to be 243 hr compared with 45 hr for use from April through October, Fog could be a serious problem since a freeway (I-94), a railroad and Highway 152 pass within less than a mile of the plant, e. Natural Draft Cooling Towers Natural draft cooling towers would also permit closed-cycle opera- tion and result in only a small percentage of the heat from the condenser cooling water from reaching the river, Again, except in the event of an unusually severe winter, and possible reduction in ground level fog, this method of heat dissipation would not offer any improvement over the presently used mechanical draft cooling towers. Natural draft towers would also evaporate about 13,000 acre-ft/yr. Natural draft cooling towers would be very obvious at the Monticello site. Because there is little natural relief near the site, 400 to 500-ft towers would not blend into the landscape nor is there any way to camouflage them, f, Dry Cooling Towers While dry cooling towers or heat exchangers may be possible they are not considered a reasonable alternate due to the high cost and a lack of experience in operation of such towers of the size required for Monticello, In each of the foregoing closed-cycle modes of operation additional chemicals would have to be added to the water to control fouling. The amounts that would be necessary were not estimated by the appli- cant, Operation of either mechanical or natural draft cooling towers or ponds in closed-cycle would result in the loss of warm water released to the river in winter which would allow heavier ice to form on the river with subsequent increased scouring of river banks with destruction of vegetation and homes of beaver, mus krat, shrews, etc. occupying the bank areas. Diminution of ice scouring and ice dams as made possible by the present once-through winter cooling could also reduce damage to bridges and minimize flooding of downstream lands during spring breakup. B. COST-BENEFIT SUMMARY OF THE MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT In comparing the economic characteristics of alternatives, it is recognized that each alternative may have its own time varying capital expenditure requirements and its own pattern of annual costs. These differences in expenditure patterns have been factored into the analysis through the process of "present value" - a widely accepted me thod of expressing future expenditures and returns in XI-6 terms of current dollars. As presented in Table XI-1, each of the alternative cooling schemes requires, capital expenditures above those required under the proposed design, When expressed in terms of current dollars, the differential capital costs associated with the alternative range from $0.2 million for all weather mechanical draft cooling towers to $13,3 million for the natural draft cooling towers, Capitalized additional operating costs for the alternatives range from $-0.8 to +1.6 million, Assuming that the loss of plant generating capacity associated with the delay period while the alternative cooling systems are being installed can be made up by generating the electricity in coal fired power plants at fuel costs of 3,2 mills/kw-hr, the capitalized replacement power cost for the delay period ranges from $5 to $12.8 million. It was assumed that during the delay periods the plant can be operated during the summer months while using the existing cooling towers. The economic and environmental differential costs for the major alternatives that are considered as viable for the Monticello Plant are summarized in Table XI-2. About $111 million has been spent in construction of the plant, The total expenditure for installing the planned improved radwaste system is estimated to be about $3 million, Based on an average capacity factor of 80 percent over the expected remaining reactor life of 29 years and current dollar values, levelized annual fuel costs are estimated to be $6.1 million/yr; and annual operation, maintenance, and insurance costs are estimated at $2.8 million per year. Capitalization of these annual costs over a 29-year period at 8,75% amounts to a present value of 93 million. Thus, the total present cost of all expenditures needed to operate the current plant for 29 years is estimated to be $96 million. > . The comparison of alternative actions to the reference design is made in terms of differential economic and environmental benefits versus differential environmental and economic costs. For example an alternative action which entails some increased expenses but results in significant environmental savings might well be deemed preferable to the reference design. In evaluating impacts from alternatives, it must be realized that unless rather extensive research has been done on the alternative, the assessment of both costs and benefits of the alternative may have a greater degree of un certainty than a well-researched reference design. L-IX TABLE XI-1 (a) DIFFERENTIAL COST OF COOLING ALTERNATIVES Values in Millions of Dollars (present dollar value) Future Capital Costs Capitalized Annual Cost Operation Replacement Fuel and Maint. Power Total Future Cost-Capital and Annual Costs Present Installation - Reference Case 3 63.6 29.2 0 95.8 Open-Cycle Cooling Alternative Dilution +1.1 -4.4 -0.8 +9.2 +5.1 Closed-Cycle Cooling Alternative Cooling Pond 8.5 -8,4 -0.4 +12.8 +12.5 Spray Pond +11.4 -8.4 +1.6 +12.8 +17.4 All Weather Mechanical Draft Towers + 0,2 -2.5 +0.8 + 5.0 + 3.5 Natural Draft Towers 13.3 -8.4 +0,8 +12.8 +18.5 (a) +$ expenditure additive to reference case value -$ saving substractive from reference case value Land Use (Acres) Total Future Cost in Millions of Present $ Consumptive Use-Evaporation Acre-ft/yr Reduction in Farm Land Total Site Water Quality 220 220 > TABLE XI-2 (a) DIFFERENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF COOLING ALTERNATIVES Water Use 95.8 9,000 Present Installation Reference Case 1. Concentrations of re- leased chemicals below toxic levels for humans aquatic biota 2. Standards met Open Cycle Cooling Alternative +5.1 -4,500 Dilution No Change No Change 2-fold reduction in chemical concentration near outfall 8-IX Closed Cycle Cooling Alternatives +1200 +1200 Cooling Pond +12.5 -1,000 + No river icing reduction * 5016) Spray Pond +17.4 +4,000 + Same as above No Change All Weather Mechanical Draft Towers + 3.5 +4,000 + Same as above + anti-fouling agents + water treatment chemicals and flocculent No Change No Change <5(b) +18.5 + +4,000 No Change Natural Draft Towers + Same as above for Mechanical Towers (a) + values tend to be in favorable (costs) values tend to be favorable (benefits) reduction in natural lands (b) TABLE XI-2 (cont'd) DIFFERENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF WOLING ALTERNATIVES (a) Total Future Cost in Millions of Present $ Biological Impact Meteorological Impact Aesthetic Impact Present Installation Reference Case 95.8 Localized vapor plume at cooling water outfall during cold weather buildings 60' high and 300' long do not blend into landscape No significant impact: Temperature >5°F in about 5-15 acres @ average sum- mer conditions Fish may avoid: Max. pessimistic estimate of drift organism mortality 15% . S Open Cycle Cooling Alternative 6-IX Dilution +5.1 -possible reduction in vapor plume No change o -reduction of plume temperature maxima to 25°F +twice as much entrain- ment of drift organisms Closed Cycle Cooling Alternatives Cooling Pond +12.5 -70% heat kept from river +total mortality of drift organisms in make up water. Nnegligible impact on aquatic biota from heat in blowdown water +increased vapor plume at low level +low fog & rime during cold weather +cooling pond larger than present site (control dikes pre- clude natural look) Spray Pond +17.4 Same as above Same as above Sprays usually attractive (150 sprays may not be) (a) + values tend to be unfavorable (costs) values tend to be favorable (benefits) XI-10 TABLE XI-2 (cont'd) (a) DIFFERENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF COOLING ALTERNATIVES Total Future Cost in Millions of Present $ Biological Impact Meteorological Impact Aesthetic Impact No change +increased vapor plume at intermediate level +local fog during cold weather +3.5 Same as above 1 Weather Mechanical Draft Towers +18.5 Same as above atural Draft Towers +increased vapor plume at high level +local fog during cold weather +size is intrusive on the view for many individuals at great distances a) + values tend to be unfavorable (costs) values tend to be favorable (benefits) XI-11 As stated earlier, the Monticello mechanical draft cooling tower system has been designed and constructed to permit off-line, helper, partial recirculation and closed-cycle full recirculation of condenser cooling water. During warm weather none of the alternative cooling schemes are superior to a mode presently avail- able. In the event of an unusual combination of low flow and freezing temperatures the present system may not be operable under permit stipulations. Since that time of year is not the peak load period, and since the likelihood of such occurence is small, the applicant may choose to reduce power in order to meet permit re- quirements. Environmental Costs Major none identified Intermediate none identified Minor Mortality of an unknown fraction (but certainly less than 15%) of available drift organisms passing through the intake water pumps during summer months. Insignificant O Removal of 220 acres farm land from production. O Use of about 60 acres for industrial use. O Incremental increases in the chemical burden of the Mississippi River, O Long-term incremental dose of about 14 man-rem/yr to the population within a 50 mile-radius of the plant. (About 20 man-rem/yr to the projected population in year 2000.) O Calculated long-term incremental dose of 67 mr em/yr to the thyroid of a hypothetical 2-year old child consuming locally produced cow's milk. The applicant must assure that effluent releases are within the requirement of the proposed Appendix I, 10 CFR 50, as formalized. XI-12 O Creation during summer months of a zone in the river some 5-15 acres in area depending on ambient temperature and river flow but occupying less than 1/2 the width of the river where the increase in the temperature above ambient is expected to exceed 5°F. Fish may find this water un acceptable and avoid it. o Creation of a localized vapor plume in the vicinity of the cooling water outfall during winter months and an additional 45 hours of annual fogging from the cooling tower operation from April through October which, for three hours, will extend two to four miles. Benefits Major o The supply of about 1,1 x 1011 kw-hr of electrical energy to the public over a period of 30 years. Financial support of nearby communities through annual tax payments of about $2,300,000/yr. Intermediate O Stable employment for 75 individuals on plant. O Improved system reliability. Minor o Reduction of icing and resultant flooding potential of the river due to discharge of heated water. The Staff concludes that in balance the benefits to be from operation of the Monticello Plant out weighs the minor to insignificant adverse effect identified as un avoidable as a result of routine operation of the plant. XII-1 REFERENCES 1. "National Environmental Policy Act of 1969," Public Law 91-190 91st Congress, s. 1075, January 1, 1970. 2. Council on Environmental Quality, Federal Register, Vol. 36, no. 79, April 23, 1971, Part II. 3. . "Water Quality Improvement Act of 1970," Public Law 91-224 91st Congress, H.R. 4148, April 3, 1970. 4. U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, opinions, numbers 24,839 and 24,871, (Calvert Cliffs Decision) July 23, 1971. 5. US AEC Revision of Appendix D of its Regulation in 10 CFR Part 50, Federal Register, vol. 36, no. 175, September 9, 1971. 6. US AEC Revision of Appendix D of its Regulation in 10 CFR Part 50, Federal Register, vol. 36, no. 190, September 30, 1971. 7. Northern States Power Company, "Final Safety Analysis Report and Amendments thereto, Monticello Nuclear Generating Station," Docket No. 50-263. 8. Letter, Commissioner, Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of Interior to Director of Regulations, USAEC, February 23, 1967. 9. Appendix D. to Reference 12. 10. Appendix c. to Reference 12. 11. Northern States Power Company, "Monticello Nuclear Generating Station Environmental Report, Docket No. 50-263, November 1971. 12. Director of Reactor Licensing US AEC, "Safety Evaluation by the Division of Reactor Licensing U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in the matter of Northern States Power Company, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 1, Docket No. 50-263," March 18, 1970. 13. Northern States Power Company letter to Director of Regulation, US AEC, "Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant E-5979, Operating License DPR-22," October 15, 1971. Docket No. 50-263. XII-2 14, Northern States Power Company, "Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Environmental Report, Supplement 1, Docket No. 50-263, April 4, 1972, 15. News Release from Northern States Power Company, 1966. 16. EG&G (1970), "Potential Environmental Modifications Produced by Large Evaporative Cooling Towers," EG&G, Inc. 17. Daub enneire, Ecological Monographs 6, no. 2, 233-268 (1931). 18. D. F. Grether, "Population Type, Distribution and Density of the Flora on the Sherburne County Generating Plant Site," October-December 1971. 19. C. Burton "Evaluation of the Terrestrial Animal Communities on the Sherburne County Generating Plant, Beolser, Minnesota, 17 20. Hopwood, A. J., "Monticello Ecological Studies Program A Progress Report Covering 1970." In NSP Environmental Monitoring and Ecological Studies Program 1970 Annual Report, Northern States Power Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota, p. 128, 1971. 21. Brook, A. J., "Attached Algae Studies on the Mississippi River at Monticello - Interim Report 1971." In Northern States Power Company Environmental Report, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Northern States Power Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota, p. + figs., 1971. 22, Brook, A. J., "Attached Algae Studies of the Mississippi River at Monticello, Minnesota, In NSP Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Report 1969. Northern States Power Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota, p. 11 + Figs., 1970. . 11 23, Waters, T, F., "Notes on the Chlorophyll Method for Estimating the Photosynthetic Capacity of Stream Periphyton, Limnol, Oceanogr., 6(4): 486-488, 1961. 24. Cushing, C, E., "Periphyton Productivity and Radionuclide Accumulation in the Columbia River, U.S.A., Hydrobiologia, 29:125-139, 1967. 25. McConnel, W. J. and Sigler, W. F., "Chlorophyll and Productivity in a Mountain River," Limnol, Oceanogr., 4:335-351, 1959. • XII-3 Wisc. 26. Fry, D, G., ed., "Limnology in North America," Uniy. Press, Madison, Milwaukee, London, P 312, 1966, 27, Hopwood, A. J., wmonticello Ecological Monitoring Program, A Progress Report Covering 1969." In NSP Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Report 1969, Northern States Power Co., Minne- apolis, Minnesota, p. 116, 1970. 28. Hopwood, A. J., "Monticello Ecological Monitoring Program, A Progress Report Covering 1968." In NSP Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Report 1968, Northern States Power Co., Minne- apolis, Minnesota, p. 28, 1969. > 29. Seaburg, K. G., and Moyle, J. G., "Feeding Habits, Digestive Rates and Growth of Some Minnesota Warmwater Fishes," Trans . Am. Fish, Soc., vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 269-285, 1964. 30. Meyer, W. H., "Life History of Three Species of Redhorse (Moxos toma) in the Des Moines River, Iowa," Trans . Am. Fish. Soc., vol. 91, no. 4, pp. 412-419. . 31. Smith, L. L. Jr., and Kramer, R. H., "The Spottail Shiner of Lower Red Lake, Minnesota, Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 35-45, 1964. 32. Letter from: Swenson, Hjalmar 0., Division of Fish and Game, State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Centennial Office Building, St. Paul, Minnesota, to: Marzolf, G. R., Black and Veatch, Consulting Engineers, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway, Kansas City, Missouri, January 31, 1972. 33. Letter from: Hella, U. W., Division of Parks and Recreation, State of Minnesota, to: Marzolf, G. Richard, Black and Veatch, Consulting Engineers, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway, P.0. Box 8405, Kansas City Missouri, February 2, 1972. 34. Waste Disposal Permit no. 5633, State of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, May 20, 1969. 35. Northern States Power Company, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 1, Gaseous Radwas te System Modification Report, March 1971, US AEC Docket No. 50-263. XII-4 36. Kerr, J. E., ''Studies on the Fish Preservation at the Contra Costa Steam Plant of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, State of California, Department of Fish and Game, Fish Bull., no. 92, p. 66, 1953. 11 37. Larimore, R. W., and Duever, M. J., "Effects of Temperature Acclimation on the Swimming Ability of Smallmouth Bass Fry, Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 175-184, 1968. 38. Gray, J., "How Fishes Swim, "How Fishes Swim," Sci. Am., vol. 197, pp. 48–54, 1957. 39. Patrick, R., "Some Effects of Temperature on Freshwater Algae, In Biological Aspects of Temperature on Freshwater Algae, Krenkel, P.A. and Parker, F.A., editors, Vanderbilt University Press, pp. 161-185, 1969. 40. "Environmental Monitoring and Ecological Studies Program 1970 Annual Report for the Allen S. King Generating Plan, Oak Park Heights, Minnesota," Northern States Power Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1971, > 41. Markowski, S., "The Cooling Water of Power Stations : A New Factor in the Environment of Marine and Freshwater Invertebrates,' J. Anim. Ecol., vol. 28, pp. 243-258, 1959. > 9 42. Mihursky, J. A., and Kennedy, V. S., "Water Temperature Criteria to Protect Aquatic Life." In A Symposium on Water Quality Criteria to Protect Aquatic Life, Am, Fish. Soc., Spec. Publication No. 4, pp. 20-32, 1967. > 43. Alabaster, J. S., "Effects of Heated Discharges on Freshwater , Fish in Britain." In Biological Aspects of Thermal Pollution, Krenkel, P. A., and Parker, F. L., editors, Vanderbilt Univer- sity Press, pp. 354-374, 1969. 44. Marcy, B. C. Jr., "Survival of Young Fish in the Discharge Canal of a Nuclear Power Plant," J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can., vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 1057-1060, 1971. . > 45. Doudoroff, P., and Katz, M., "Critical Review of the Literature on Toxicity of Industrial Wastes to Fish, I, Alkalis, Acids and Inorganic Gases," Sewage Industr. Wastes, vol. 22 pp. 1432-1458, 1950. XII-5 46. Jones, E., "Fish and River Pollution," Butterworth, London, p. 203, 1964. 47. Elser, H. J., "Effect of a Warmed-Water Discharge on Angling in the Potomac River, Maryland, 1961-1962," Prog. Fish Cult., vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 79-86, 1965. 48. Van Vliet, R., "Effect of Heated Condenser Discharge Water upon Aquatic Life," Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Paper No. 57-PWR-4, p. 10, 1957. 49. USAEC, "Thermal Effects and U. S. Nuclear Power Stations, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division Reactor Develop. Technol., Washington, D.C., WASH-1169, p. 40, 1971. 50. de Sylva, D. P., "Theoretical Considerations of the Effects of Heated Effluents on Marine Fishes," In Biological Aspects of Thermal Pollution, Krenkel, P. A., and Parker, F. L. editors, Vanderbilt University Press, pp. 229-293, 1969. 51. "Sport Fishing Bulletin, " Sport Fishing Institute, Washington, D. C., no. 232, March 1972. 52. Roback, S. S., "Environmental Requirements of Trichoptera," In Biological Problems in Water Pollution, Third Seminar, August 13-17, 1962, U.S. Dept. HEW, Public Health Service, Cincinnati, Ohio, p. 118-126, 1965. 53. Nebeker, A. W., and Lemke, A. E., "Preliminary Studies on the Tolerance of Aquatic Insects to Heated Waters," J. Kansas Ent. Soc., 41(3): 413-418, 1968. 54. Wurtz, C. B., "The Effects of Heated Water on Freshwater Benthos. In Biological Aspects of Thermal Pollution, Krenkel, P. A., and Parker, F. L., editors, Vanderbilt University Press, p. 199-213, 1969. 55. Walsh, B. M., "The Oxygen Requirements and Thermal Resistance of Chironomid Larvae from Flowing and Still Waters," J. Exp. Biol., 25:35 (Quoted from Wurtz, ref. 54), 1948. 56. Wojtalik, T. A., and Waters, T. F., "Some Effects of Heated Water on the Draft of Two Species of Stream Invertebrates," Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 99(4): 782-788, 1970. XII-6 57. Coutant, C. C., "The Effect of a Heater Water Effluent Upon the Macroinvertebrate Riffle Fauna of the Delaware River," Proc. Penn. Acad. Sci., 36: 58-71, 1962. 58. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, "Water Quality Criteria," National Technical Advisory Rpt. to Sec. Int., FWP CA, P. 33, April 1968. > 59. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, "Industrial Waste Guide on Thermal Pollution," FWQA, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Corvallis, OR., p. 112, 1968. 9 60. Schoumacker, R., "Movements of Walleye and Sauger in the Upper Mississippi River," Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 94(3): 270- 271, 1965. 61. Miller, M. M., and Nash, D. A., Regional and Other Related Aspects of Shellfish Consumption -- Some Preliminary Findings from the 1968 Consumer Panel Survey, Circular 361, National Marine Fisheries Service, U. S. Department, Seattle, WA, 1971. 62. "Radioactivity in the Marine Environment," prepared by the Panel on Radioactivity in the Marine Environment. Committee on Oceanography, National Research Council, U. S. National Academy of Sciences, 1971. 63. Ibid., Templeton, W. L., Nakatani, R. E., and Held, E. E., Chapter 9, "Radiation Effects," citing Donaldson and Bonham, p. 225, 1964, 1966. 64. Ibid., citing Blaylock, p. 235, 1966. 65. Watson, D. G., and Templeton, W. L., "Thermal Luminescent Dosimetry of Aquatic Organisms," Third National Symposium on Radioactivity, Oak Ridge, TN, 1971. 66. Ibid., Ref. 62, Seymour, A. H., Chapter 1, Introduction. 67. Eisenbud, M., "Review of USA Power Reactor Operating Experience," Presented as SN-146/15. at the IAEA Symposium on Environmental Aspects of Nuclear Power Stations, New York, August 10-14, 1970. 68. "Draft Environmental Statement, Elk River Reactor Dismantling," USAEC, December, 1971. 69. Annual Report, Norther States Power Company, 1970. XII-7 70. The National Power Survey, Federal Power Commission, 1970. 71. Letter, T. A. Phillips, Chief, Bureau of Power Federal Power Commission to R. S. Boyd, Division of Reactor Licensing USAEC, January 25, 1972. XIII-1 GLOSSARY In discussing the environmental effects of construction and operation of nuclear power plants some words and phrases may be used, the meaning of which may not be clear. Such terms that appear in this Detailed Environmental Statement are defined in the following glossary. A list of abbreviations and conversion factors is also included. Aerobic living or active only in the presence of oxygen. algae any plant of the algae group comprising practically all seaweeds and allied fresh- water or non aquatic forms, Sizes range from unicells (mi croscopic) to seaweeds (up to a few hundred feet in length) . alluvium > sand, gravel, soil or similar material deposited by running water artificial substrate a device suspended or placed on the bottom in an aquatic habitat to provide a base for actachment for aquatic plants and animals and to promote subsequent collection (devices range from micros cope slides to concrete blocks) benthic referring to bottom dwelling aquatic organisms biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) the quantity of oxygen used by microorganisms in stabilizing the organic matter in a body of water (by aerobic chemical reactions) biomass the amount of living matter in the form of one or more kinds of organisms present in a particular habitat. Usually expressed as weight of organisms per unit area of habitat (if in suspension; per unit volume) biota the flora and fauna of a region blow down release of a portion of the cooling system contents to prevent excessive buildup of solids as a result of evaporation of water XIII-2 chlorine demand chlorine demand of water is the difference between the amount of chlorine applied to a treated supply and the amount of free, com- bined, or total available chlorine remaining at the end of the contact period chlorophyll "a" pigment one of a family of pigments produced by living plants which results when photosynthe- sis takes place. Used as a measure of productivity climax deciduous forest the culminating state of development of the deciduous forest having passed through a natural succession of transitory states design basis earthquake maximum anticipated earthquake normalized to 0.12 g horizontal ground acceleration demersal bottom dwelling, denotes sinking to the bottom dose a general form denoting the quantity of radiation or energy absorbed. In this report it is used synonomo usly with dose equivalent dos e equivalent a quantity which expresses all radiations on a common scale for calculating the effective absorbed dose. The unit of dos e equivalent is the "rem." ecosystem an interdependent community of organisms considered together with the nonliving fac- tors of its environment as a unit electrofishing collection of fish by attracting and immobilizing with an electric current entrainment the process of carrying along or over epicenter the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake genera a taxonomic category comprising a group of structually related species XIII-3 man-rem a meas ure of the total absorbed dose received by a large number of persons. The absorbed dose in man-rem is the product of the number of persons in the group times the average dos e absorbed in rem by each member of the group moraine an accumulation of earth and stones carried and finally deposited by a glacier noble gases a relatively inert gas (here usually xenon and krypton) old field land used for agriculture which has been allowed to revert to the native state phaeophytin "a" one of a family of pigments produced by living plants which results when photosynthe- sis takes place. Used as a measure of productivity phytoplankton plankton consisting of plant life plankters planktonic organisms plankton the passively floating or weakly swimming animal and plant life of a body of water consisting chiefly of minute plants and animals present value the present value of future expenditure is the amount that must be invested at the present time to cover the cost of the expenditure when it occurs rem the dos age of any ionizing radiation that will cause the same amount of biological injury to human tissue as one roentgen of x-ray or gamma dose, (The dose from naturally occurring radioactive materials is usually taken as 0.1 rem) residual chlorine chlorine (in several forms) that is available to react after the chlorine demand is satis- fied (free chlorine is the chlorine gas com- ponent of residual chlorine) XIII-4 roentgen a unit of radiation exposure (r) expressed in terms of the ionization produced in air by x-ray or gamma radiation rough fish a fish that is neither a sport fish nor an important food fish seine a large net having one edge provided with sinkers and the other with floats that hangs vertically in the water and enclos es fish when its ends are brought together or drawn ashore sessile pe rmanently attached and not free to move about taxonomic relating to the systematic distinquishing, ordering and naming of type groups within a subject field thermal inversion a reversal of normal atmospheric temperature gradient; increase of temperature of air with increasing altitude thermal stability describes temperature gradients which govern the bouyancy and mixing properties of the atmosphere thermophylic relating to an organism growing at high temperature (as various bacteria that thrive at 122-131 °F) turn key contract a contract whereby the contractor constructs and makes the generating plant operational then "turns over the key" of the operating plant to the owners understory a foliage layer lying beneath and shaded by the main canopy of a forest vascular plant a higher plant form having a specialized conducting system (in contrast to algae) zooplankton plankton consisting of animal life XIII-5 Abbreviations and conversion factors acre-ft volume equal to product of surface area in acres and depth in feet. [1 acre-ft = 326,000 gallons 43,560 cubic ft] - British thermal unit (Btu) amount of heat that raises one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. [1,000,000 Btu = 293 thermal kilowatt-hr = 293 kWt-hr] - cfs 3 cubic feet per second or cu ft/sec or ft/sec [1 cfs = 449 gallons per minute = 724 acre-ft/yr] = cubic ft unit of volume (1 cu ft = 7.48 gallons) fps feet per second; ft/sec [1 fps = 30.48 cm/sec) gpd gallons per day [1,000 gpd = 0.694 gpm] = gpm 3 gallons per minute [1,000 gpm = 2.22 cfs] megawatt (MW) 1,000 kilowatts; 1 MWt = 3,413,000 Btu/hr = 948 Btu/sec [MWe = megawatts of electrical power; MWt - megawatts of thermal power] - mph miles per hour [1 mph 1.467 fps] ppm parts per million (usually by weight, e.g. milligrams per kilogram or grams per metric ton) A-1 APPENDIX A TAXONOMIC LIST OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS IN THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER NEAR NONTICELLO ALGAE Blue-Green Algae Chroococcus minimus C. minor C. minutus C. palidus C. sp. Homeothrix varians Leptochaetae rivularium Merismopedia tenuissima Microcystis parasitica Ocillatoria geminata 0. pseudogeminata 0. sp. Phormidium favoelarum P. tenue Rabdoderma sigmoidea Rhaphidiopsis curvata Xenococcus minimus Green Algae Nephrocytium limneticum Pediastrum boryanum Protococcus sp. Stigeoclonium farctum Tetraedon caudatum Diatoms Achnanthes exiqua A. minutissima Cocconeis pediculus C. placentula Cymbella prostrata C. ventricosa C. spp. Epithemia sorex Gomphonema sp. A-2 Melosira distans M. varians Navicula capitata N. lanceolata N. radiosa N. rhyrcocephla N. salinarum N. tripunctata N. SPP: Nitzschia fasciculata V. sp. Pinnularia major INVERTEBRATES - Class Gastropoda - Snails Order Basommatophora Family Physidae Physa sp. Lymnaea sp. Family Planoribdae Gyraulus sp. Class Crustacea Order Isopoda Family Asellidae Asellus intermedius A. militaris Order Amphipoda Family Gammaridae Gammarus sp. Family Talitridae Hyalella azteca Order Decapoda Family Astacidae Astacus trowbridgi Class Insecta Order Ephemeroptera - Mayflies Family Baetidae Baetis sp. Isony chia sp. Ameletus sp. Caenis sp. Centroptilum sp. Family Heptageniidae Iron sp Stenonema sp. Heptagenia sp. A-3 Family Trichorythridae Trichorythodes sp. Family Caenidae Brachycercus sp. Family Ephemeridae Ephoron sp. Hexagenia sp. Order Trichoptera Caddisflies Family Philopotamidae Chimarra sp. Family Hydropsychidae Hydopsyche_sp. Cheumatopsyche sp. Macronemum sp. Family Psychomyidae Psychomyia sp. Order Plecoptera - Stoneflies Family Perlodidae Isoperla sp. Family Chloroperlidae Allopera sp. Family Perlidae Neoperla sp. Paragnetina sp. Perlesta sp. Phas ganophora sp. Acroneuria sp. Order Diptera - Two-winged flies Family Tendipedidae Calospectra sp. Tendipes sp. Glyptotendipes sp. Family Simuliidae Simulium venustum Family - Tipulidae Order Hemiptera Family Gerridae Gerris sp. Microvelia sp. Trepobates sp. Rheumatobates sp. Platygerris sp. Family Veliidae Rhagovelia sp. Family Mesoveliidae Mesovelia sp. A-4 Melosira distans M. varians Navicula capitata N. lanceolata N. radiosa N. rhyrcocephla N. salinarum N. tripunctata N. SPP. Nitzschia fasciculata N. sp. Pinnularia major INVERTEBRATES Class Gastropoda Snails Order Basommatophora Family Physidae Pnysa sp. Lymaea sp. Family Planoribdae Gyraulus sp. Class Crustacea Order Isopoda Family Asellidae Asellus intermedius A. militaris Order Amphipoda Family Gammaridae Gammarus sp. Family Talitridae Hyalella azteca Order Decapoda Family Astacidae Astacus trowbridgi Class Insecta - Order Ephemeroptera May flies Family Baetidae Baetis sp. Isony chia sp. Ameletus sp. Caenis sp. Centroptilum sp. A-5 Family Heptageniidae Iron Sp: Stenonema sp. Heptagenia sp. Family Trichorythridae Trichorythodes sp. Family Caenidae Brachycercus sp. Family Ephemeridae Ephoron sp. Hexagenia sp. - Order Trichoptera Caddisflies Family Philopotamidae Chimarra sp. Family Hydropsychidae Hydopsyche sp. Cheumatopsyche sp. Macronemum sp. Family Psychomyidae Psychomyia sp. Order Plecoptera - Stoneflies Family Perlodidae Isoperla sp. Family Chloroperlidae Allopera sp. Family Perlidae Neoperla sp. Paragnetina sp. Perlesta sp. Phasganophora sp. Acroneuria sp. Order Diptera - Two-winged flies Family Tendipedidae Calospectra sp. Tendipes sp. Glyptotendipes sp. Family Simuliidae Simulium venustum Family - Tipulidae Order Hemiptera Family Gerridae Gerris sp. A-6 O Microvelia sp. Trepobates sp. Rheumatobates sp. Platygerris sp. Family Veliidae Rhagovelia sp. Family Mesoveliidae Mesovelia sp. Family Nepidae Ranatra sp. Family Notonectidae Notonecta sp. Family Belos tomatidae Lethocerus americanus Family Corixidae Trichocorixa sp. Neocorixa sp. Family Pleidae Plea Striola Order Odonata Dragonflies, Damselflies Family Calopterygidae Calopteryx sp. Family Coenagrionidae Anomalagrion hastatum Enallagma sp. Family Gomphidae Gomphus sp. . Order Coleoptera Beetles Family Haliplidae Halipus sp. Peltodytes sp. Family Dytiscidae Hydrovatus sp. Bidessus sp. Desmopachria sp. Hygrotus sp. Coptotomus sp. Acilius sp. Laccophilus sp. Family Hydophilidae Enochrus sp. Laccobius hamiltoni Tropisternus sp. Berosus sp. Paracymus sp. Hydrochus sp. A-7 Family Grinidae Dineutus sp. Gyrinus sp. Family Chrysomilidae Donacia sp. Family Elmidae Narpus sp. Stenelmis sp. Family Curculionidae Family Haliplidae Halipus sp. FISHES Family Amiidae Bowfin - Amia calva Family Esocidae Northern pike Esox lucius Family Cyprinidae Carp - Cyprinus carpio Brassy minnow Hybognathus hankinsoni Hornyhead chub - Hyb opsis biguttata Golden shiner - Notemigonus crysoleucas Common shiner Notropis cornutus Bigmouth shiner - N. dorsalis Spotfin shiner - N. spilopterus Sand shiner N. stramineus Spottail shiner - N. hudsonius Bluntnose minnow Pime phales notatus Fathead minnow P. promelas Shortnose dace Rhinichthys atratulus Longnose dace R. cataractae Creek chub - Semotilus atromaculatus Family Catostomidae White sucker Catostomus commersoni Northern redhorse Moxostoma macrolipidotum Silver redhorse M. anisurum Family lctaluridae Bullhead - Ictalurus spp. Family Gadidae Burbot Lota lota Family Centrarchidae Rock bass - Amb loplites rupestris - - - A-8 - Smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieui Black crappie - Pomoxis nigromaculatus Family Percidae Johnny darter - Etheostoma nigrum Yellow perch Perca flavescens Walleye Stizostedion vitreum vitreum B-1 APPENDIX B BIOACCUMULATION FACTORS (pCi/kg per pCi/liter) Isotope Fish Crustacea Molluscs Algae 3H 3. 1 1 1 1 24. Na 100 100 100 150 328 10,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 51 1 10 10 20 Cr 40,000 59ge 1,000 5,000 5,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50 200 200 50 200 200 10,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 1,000 5,000 200 54, Mn 55 Fe 59 Fe 58 Co 60 Co 64 Cu 65 Zn 69m Zn 69 Zn 86 Rb 89 Sr 90 200 150 5,000 150 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 150 5,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 1 20 20 500 gost 1 20 20 500 Sr gigt 1 20 20 500 91 Sr . 90, 100 1,000 10,000 10,000 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 91 mY 91. 1,000 100 1,000 1,000 93, . 100 1,000 10,000 10,000 1,000 95 Zr 10 100 100 B-2 Isotope Fish Crustacea Molluscs 10 100 100 Algae 1,000 1,000 100 100 97. Zr 95 Nb 97. Nb 99 Мо 30,000 30,000 100 100 1,000 100 100 100 100 99m Tc 1 25 25 100 5 100 100 un 5 100 100 103+d Ru 106+d Ru 105. Rh 106. Rh 125 Sn 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 100 100 100 100 100 100 1,000 670 670 33 125 40 0 Sb 127 Sb 10,000 10,000 40 0 125m Te 10,000 127mpe 127. 129m Te 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Te Те 129 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Te 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 1,000 1,000 10,000 10,000 131mte 1,000 10,000 131 Te 132, 1,000 10,000 Te 1301 1 25 25 100 I 131 I 1 25 25 100 1321 1 25 25 100 I 1331 1 25 25 100 1351 1 25 25 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 200 134 Cs 136 Cs 1,000 1,000 1,000 200 B-3 Isotope Fish Crustacea Molluscs Algae 1,000 1,000 1,000 200 137 Cs 140 Ba 10 200 200 500 140, 50 500 500 50 500 500 La 141 Се 143 Се 144+d Ce 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50 500 500 50 500 500 143p7 50 500 500 Pr 50 500 500 100 144.: Pr 147 Nd 147 Pm 149 Pm 153 Sm 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 100 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 100 100 1,000 187 W 1 30 30 30 |