F®OFOaTH>SrATB m Frsjlsrht £ H " .u |r ft ..8 38;iiJa MW HE The New York Maritime Register. A WEEKLY MARITIME JOURNAL Published every Wednesday Morning, at No. 73 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. SMITHS & YOUNG, Editors. o It contains alphabetically arranged lists, giving the names and latest movements of all American vesssel engaged in foreign trade, and all foreign vessels trading to the United States, Latest Reports of Marine Disasters, Freight Markets, List of Merchan¬ dise shipped to the United States from foreign Ports, Abstract oi Logs of Steamships, Shipbuilding Reports. Editorials and miscel¬ laneous matter pertaining to Maritime affairs. It circulates in all parts of the world. ^ ■a*"** /-r t» > ® 6 w (Eg B -!§ S'S I CD Q P 9>Q.O. M £T O ci P° O CD &g 5- CD o»? glj# ■as? * 50 o & $ a * JiB-f CD to O js, ■ 00 » ^ CD ;d r-co J P go P*p g H-50 o 0 -* 0 2 P 1 g 3 w g «*-d •o» CD 99 flip -I •8§ P.S. Soq o C CD M Sen; o> gLo CD CD CD 00 gg a? o 0 CD H C CD tr" 5-3' o2» Oil per 40 gall. fcOCDCOl-4vPOO>-4CDOi©tOCncD©vP-ClV-4a5©©V-4CKOO©Pi j* ss sc **c sc ^ ^ y ^ ^ ^ ~ (DOOMCOCOP o CO CO co to to to o to \F & Provisions (Tallow and Lard) per'J on of 2240 lbs. Beef per Tierce. OSOlOlCnCt'Oi^lDlt'-lD^lD'COCO COCO-qCOKItOtONltO ©OQOCJtCOV-'I—'CO—-lOtCOOOGC© ^ X ^ IK K K K DC X K SS K K to o o K K : k CO O rfi CO O tf' CO I^CCOl^COO^CCOlliCOOit»COOl(»Cl5& The rate for Butter per ton of 2240lbs. is generally 20 per cent, hit;her than for Provisions. The rate for Cheese per ton of 2240 lbs. is generally 22 per cent, higher than for Provisions. Beef per Barrel. Baron per 2240 lbs. Butter. Clieese. oooooooooooooooo CD © O ® O O O vPhPhPvPvPcococDCDCococotDfcOtorotoiototo Oi^COHOtO-lEOiCObOMCCCCOOl^bOHC CDO»tOCOO\ p\ p\ »\ *\ to <1 Q (V> M O —1 CT< VP to *\ PN 1^1 k ; oi oi m oi OS Hi to o K X K VP VP VP to CO CO CO CO co to to to to to to > co cs vp co i \« c;« \\ 1^\ w\ * Flour per Bag. OI p p CO « j>5 to D5 "h-4 —1 "to j-4 © © © co t-4 "<| 4o *00 "to CD O Cl H OJ to 00 CO CD —1 jO j3i Oi JDl Oi b ct m cs b "co co to CO 05 CD VP ® OI Grain in Bags, per Bushel.* CO to to to OOOCDcDOOOOO-q-^J CJCDOichcjivpvPCO Grain in Bulk, per Bushel. W$ —j —j © cs m o» tp co co to to co-sicodivpcotov-'o 00 «o O C5 9' Measurement Goods per 40 cubic leet. oo co—i —i CO o to o CO VP h-4 © K K K O CD Cl tO V—1 k K K K ; -k O -J VP O CD CD CO £ K £ C5C5C50tCTCnC5tCnvPvPvPvP CO CO CO CO CO co to to to to to O CD Cl CO CD CD VP to , O-JOtMOOCCCJtW gr ^ ic *" x. x ^ ic k ^ i? "a a- ^ ic ic i< v"* m fO ^ ^g- ^5' ■ S.W g CD d *- Pi P i» 00 ^ CD 104, A1 o 10|i 12 2, 123° 134 13,4 14 Tables of Measurement and Weight. ASHES. Pot, in barrels, gross 550 lbs., averaging 7| cubic feet = 2895 lbs. per 40 cubic feet. Pearl, in barrels, gross 515 lbs., averaging 11J cubic feet = 1791 lbs. per 40 cubic feet. ASPHALTUM, in casks, measuring 43| cubic feet, averages 1120 lbs. gross. ALCOHOL. Barrels containing 40 gallons mea- sur 10J cubic feet. BEEF, weighs in tierces 475 lbs. gross, 304 lbs. net, mea¬ sures 2 feet 7 inches x 2 feet x 2 feet = 10J cubic feet. Some tierces weigh 336 lbs. net, 5p0 to 560 lbs. gross. Beef, wreighs in barrels 200 lbs. net, 330 to 350 lbs. gross, measures 2 feet 5 inches x 1 foot 8 inches x 1 foot 8 inches = 6J cubic feet. BACON, in boxes 475 lbs. net (net weight always marked on boxes), average of 25 per cent for salt and boxes is generally added. As the tare varies from 16 to 35 per cent, it is advisable to take the gross weight of from 5 to 10 boxes of every lot after de¬ ducting the net weight, the average percentage will . then be obtained. tm BARLEY, 48 lbs. per bushel (pays 17 per cent, more than Wheat per ton). BEANS, in barrels containing 3J bushels, weigh 242 lbs. gross. Beans, (Sicilian excepted) pay the same freight as Wheat per ton. BUTTEK, in firkins averaging 125 lbs. gross, 1 foot 8 inches x 1 foot 4 inches x 1 foot 4 inches = 3 cubic feet. Butter, in firkins averaging 124 lbs. gross, 1 foot 8 inches x 1 foot 6 inches x 1 foot 6 inches = 3^- cubic feet. Butter, in tubs, averaging 55 to GO lbs. gross — 2T1¥ cubic feet. BAGS. For grain, the bags are cut to hold three bushels, and the hire is paid for without regard to the quantity that the bag may contain. CAKE (oil), in bales: 2 feet 5 inches x 1 foot 6 inches x 1 foot 2 inches = 4^ cubic feet, weighing 241 lbs. 1 foot 11 inches x 1 foot 10 inches x 1 foot = 2^-J cubic feet, weighing 170 lbs. 2 feet 3 inches x 1 foot 9 inches x 1 foot 2 inches = 4T|- cubic feet, weighing 231 lbs. Oil in bbls., Colgate's 218 lbs., Bower's 220| lbs., Judd's 231 lbs. CURRANTS, 2 feet 6 inches x 1 foot 5 inches x 1 foot 5 inches = 5 cubic feet. CHEESE, in boxes 40 to 45 lbs. = per cubic foot according to size. CLOVERSEED, 64 lbs. per bushel. Tierces 16^ cubic feet. Bags weigh 233 lbs. gross. 9 CEDAR WOOD (Florida) 2240 lbs. = 80 cubic feet. COCOA, bags or casks 2240 lbs. = 40 cubic feet. COTTON. Bales, compressed in Taylor's press in New York, 465 lbs. = 20 to 21 -cubic feet. Cotton, a d. per lb. = 23 s. 4 d. for 2240 lbs. " = 29 s. 2 d. yV " = 35 s. " " = 49s. 10 d. i " = 4(3s. 8 d. " = 52 s. 6d. " iV « = 58 s. 4 d. | " = 70 s. T\ « = 81 s. 8 d. i « = 93 s. 4 d. " I « = 116 s. 8 d. CASTOR OIL, in boxes weighing 179 lbs., measuring 1 foot 10 inches x 1 foot 10 inches x 1 joot = 4t^ cubic feet. COAL. A keel usually turns out 21 tons 4 cwt. at Newcastle, eight wagons of 53 cwt., each is called a keel. Lehigh.. egg size measures 34^ cubic feet to 2000 lbs. Schuylkill " 35 " " " Red Ash. " 36 " " COFFEE. Coffee bags are cut to measure un¬ filled 3 feet x 2 feet to hold 2J bushels, weighing about 160 lbs., average weight 2048 lbs. per 40 cubic feet. Relative weight of corn to coffee 7 to 6. DEALS. St. Petersburg standard 1980 feet = 165 cubic feet. American ships carry on an average 1 standard as being equal to 27 to 30 bbls., or, say: 4 to 41 standards for every loX tons Register. Lath-wood fathoms 1| cars = 144 cubic feet, one fathom of 4 feet equal to a load of timber. FLAXSEED, 364 lbs. net = 414 lbs. gross == 14^- feet. FISH, Cod in cases weighing 700 lbs. = 19 cubic feet equal to 1480 lbs. per 40 cubic feet. — 10 FLOUR. 2 s. per barrel =101 barrels to the ton 21 s. 2 s. 3 d. " 2 s. 4§ d. cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc 23 s. 7 d. 24 s. 11 d. 26 s. 3 d. 27 s. 7 d. 28 s. 10Jd. 30 s. 2 d. 31 s. 6 d. 34 s. 1 d. 35 s. 5 d. 36 s. 9 d. 38 s. 39 s. 4 d. 40 s. 8 d 42 s. 44 s. 7 d. 45 s. 10 d. 47 s. 3 d. measures 6^ cubic feet. Southern measures 6-^- cubic feet. Island River 2 feet 3 inches x 1 foot 7 inches x 1 foot 7 inches = 5^- cubic feet. —Standard weight is about 216 to 218 lbs. gross, but rarely holds out in shipment, and in London and Liverpool rarely exceeds 211 to 212 lbs. per barrel. GOATSKINS, Calcutta, 880 lbs. net weight to 40 cubic feet. GRAINS, Paradise 2240 lbs. to 80 cubic feet. GUNNY BAGS, 900 to 915 lbs. per 40 cubic feet. GINGER, 1120 lbs. per 40 cubic feet. GUM COPAL, 3 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 1 inch x 1 feet 6 inches = 10 cubic feet = 330 to 340 lbs. GUANO, 15| bags per ton weight of 2240 lbs. 2 s. 6 d. 2 s. 7£ d. 2 s. 9 d. 2 s. 101 d. " 3 s. 3 s. 3 d. 3 s. 4J d. 3 s. 6 d. 3 d. 7J d. 3 s. 9 d. 3 s. 10| d. " 4 s. 4 s. 3 d. 4 s. 4i d. 4 s. 6 d. Genessee C C CC CC cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc GRAIN, standard weight. Wheat ... 60 lbs. per bushel 37| bushels = 2240 lbs. HOPS, as usually shipped, average 185 lbs. to 210 lbs. per bale, varying materially in measurement, viz 4 feet 6 inches x 1 foot 7 inches x 2 feet 7 inches = 18 cubic feet, 210 lbs. per bale. 2 feet 6 inches x 4 feet 3 inches x 1 foot 4 inches = 14.2 cubic feet, 185 lbs. per bale. 2 feet 9 inches x 4 feet 9 inches x 1 feet 6 inches = 19.7 cubic feet, 188 lbs. per bale. HEMP, Manila bales, averaging 280 lbs. gross, measuring 3 feet 5 inches x 1 foot 9 inches x 1 foot 6 inches = 9 cubic feet. Sisal bales, averaging 375 lbs gross, measure 14 cubic feet. Tampico bales, averaging 360 to 365 lbs. gross, measure 12 cubic feet. HIDES, Calcutta, 1350 lbs. == 40 cubic feet.— Green, 2240 lbs. = 47 cubic feet.—(dried) three- eighths more than the freight, of (clean) Hemp per ton gross.—(Wet or salted) two-thirds the freight of clean Hemp per ton gross. * HANDSPIKES, 6 feet long weigh 13 lbs., }c per foot equal to 42 s. 6 d. per ton. HAMS, average 390 lbs., measure 2 feet 7J inches x 2 feet 2 inches = 10 cubic feet 6 inches. Corn .... 56 Rye ... .56 Barley ... 48 Oats 32 Buckwh't. 45 Clover...63 Beans . ...63| Linseed.. 50 40 70 49|| " 35|J " 35« " 44f " — 12 — In Hhds. 1280 lbs. = 3 feet 9 inches x 3 feet 7 inches x 3 feet 7 inches = 48^- cubic feet. HAY, Amboy, Bales 350 lbs. .per 40 cubic feet. INDIGO, Calcutta, 1200 lbs. = 40 cubic feet. JUTE, Calcutta, 1265 lbs. per ton of 40 cubic feet. LAUD, 38 to 40 lbs. per foot. Tierces 2 feet 8 inches x 1 feet 11 inches x 1 foot 11 inches = 9|J- cubic feet, weighing- 387 lbs. gross. Tierces 2 feet 10| inches x 2 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 2 inches = 11^ cubic feet, weighing 468 lbs. gross. Barrels 2 feet 6 inches x 1 foot 8 inches x 1 foot 8 inches = 7 cubic feet, weighing 265 lbs. gross. Firkins 1 foot 5 inches x 1 foot 5 inches x 2 feet = 4 cubic feet, weighing 110 lbs. gross. Racks 2 feet 4 inches x 2 feet x 2 feet x 1 foot 2 inches = 5.5 cubic feet gross, weighing 152 lbs. (4 in a rack). Tubs measuring 2^ cubic feet, each weighing 53 lbs. net, 56 to 58 lbs. gross. LOGWOODS, Campeachy and Laguna = 2240 lbs. per 60 cubic feet. Jamaica 2240 lbs. per 80 cubic feet. LINSEED, 50 lbs. per bushel, Calcutta measure¬ ment is 40 cubic feet for 1600 lbs. LACDYE, 1734 lbs gross per Calcutta ton measurement. MAHOGANY, average weight from 47 lbs. to 60 lbs. per cubic foot. 1880 lbs. to 2720 lbs. equal to 40 cubic feet. MEASURES. Prussian Lasts each 4000 lbs. = 2 tons. Norwegian Lasts each 6000 lbs. = 3 tons. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. — 13 — Bushel = 2150^j- cubic inches. Petersburg standard'= 1980 feet-= 165 cubic feet. Ton wheat in bulk = 46| cubic feet. do. in bags = 53 cubic feet. 100 Quarters are equal to 211^2ir8^tons. 1 Load of Timber and Deals = 50 cubic feet. 1 Ton Measurement = 40 cubic feet. 1 Ton Register = 100 cubic feet. MOWERS, about 34 to a carload*, weight being about 10 tons per car, mowing machines measure 26 cubic feet 10 inches OARS measuring 12 feet, 14 feet, 15 feet, 16 feet, 17 feet, 18 feet, weigh as follows: 10 lbs., 14 lbs, 16 lbs., 17 J lbs., 20J lbs., 23 lbs. average about 1493 ft. which equals 2240 lbs. Piled up they average to 16 feet long, 7 feet high, 14 feet wide—say 150 oars 12 feet long 10 lbs. each = 1800 feet. 200 oars 14 feet long 14 lbs. each — 2800 feet. 300 oars 15 feet long 16 lbs. each = 4500 feet. 600 oars 16 feet long 17| lbs. each = 9600 feet. 400 oars 17 feet long 20J lbs. each = 6800 feet. 350 oars 18 feet long 23 lbs. each = 6300 feet. ORGANS, vary in size and description, but weigh on an average 1100 lbs. per 40 cubic feet. OILS. Petroleum in barrels measure' 2 feet x 2 feet x 2 feet 9 inches = 11 cubic feet containing between 48 and 52 gallons gross. Oil weighs 6 J lbs. per gallon; barrel itself weighs about 60 lbs. * Railway Freight Car. Palm, in barrels and casks weigh 1671 lbs. gross = 40 cubic feet measurement. Whale, in casks, (varying in dimension and shape) 1 gallon gross == about 10 lbs. and 200 gallons displace about 40 cubic feet measurement. Lubricating 48 to 50 gallons gross in a barrel, weighs 6 J lbs. per gallon, barrel itself weighs about 60 lbs., gross weight barrel of oil 400 lbs., net weight 340 lbs. Cases, equal 2 cubic feet 2 inches, contain 10 gallons, 78 to 82 lbs. gross per case. Cake (oil), see cake. PITCH and TAR, 100 barrels equal to 07 quarters wheat, Imperial measure. PORK, barrels 320 to 330 lbs. gross, 2 feet 5J inches x 1 foot 10 inches = 8 cubic feet. 3 inches. Tierces 80 pieces ironhooped, 515 lbs. gross, average 318 lbs. net, measure 12 cubic feet. Tierces India 53 pieces. PEPPER, 3| bushel bags 318 lbs. net, weigh 125 to 130 lbs., 35 lbs. per bushel. PORT WINE. Pipes...... 135 to 140 gallons = 42^- feet. Hhds. 74 gallons = 19^ feet. Casks 35 gallons = 8^ feet. PALM. Leaf bales weigh 1751bs.= 12 cubic feet. PAILS, see Woodenware. ROSIN. Barrels measure 2 feet 7 inches x 1 foot 9 inches x 1 foot 9 inches = 8 cubic feet. 2 feet 9 inches x 1 foot 8 inches x 1 foot 8 inches = 7 cubic feet 7 inches. 2 feet 7^ inches x 2 feet x 2 feet = 10 cubic feet 6 inches. — 15 — 3 barrels = 26 feet 1 inch.—The gross weight of the rosin varies from 250 to 500 lbs. per barrel. RATTANS in bundles, 5 feet x 7 feet x 9 feet = 5 cubic feet, weight 59 lbs. RHUBARB, 133 lbs. net, 2 feet 5 inches x 1 foot 10 inches x 1 foot 5 inches = 6 cubic feet. RICE, 40 casks weight = 2854 lbs. gross, meas- sure 75 cubic feet, averaging 713| lbs. per cask = 18^- cubic feet. RUM, barrel of 40 gallons, measure 10^ cubic feet. SUGAR, St. Jago. Hhds. 1248 lbs. gross mea¬ sure 26^ cubic feet. New Orleans, Hhds, measure 30T^- cubic feet. Cuba boxes 450 lbs., measure Vl cubip feet. STONE, Free Stone- 154 lbs. per cubic foot. Marble, 168 lbs. per cubic foot. •SKINS, Nutria in bales, 30 lbs. per cubic foot. SALT, Mais 21 bushels, Lait 68 bushels. Ammo¬ niac Salts, in bags and different kinds of barrels, measures 38 to 50 cubic feet per ton weight. SAPANWOOD, 2240 lbs. = 100 cubic feet. SPIRITS, Turpentine in barrels. 41 \ gallons gross, measure 2 feet 8 inches x 2 feet x 2 feet = lOj^- cubic feet, weight 7| lbs. per gallon. Barrels 75 to 100 lbs., 41 gallons per barrel = 375 lbs. gross. SPERMACITI in boxes, 56 lbs. 1 foot 4 inches x 1 inch x 1 foot = 1^ cubic feet. 42 lbs. each foot, 1680 lbs. to 40 cubic feet. SCHOOL-SLATES. Cases measure about 4 cubic feet each and weigh on the average 1300 lbs. per 40 cubic feet. — 16 — SLATE, roofing slate; 1 ton of 2240 lbs. displaces the room of 20 cubic feet. SHOEPEGS, 4£ bushels in a barrel, measure about 7 cubic feet and weigh 120 to 125 lbs. per barrel. STARCH. Boxes measure 16 cubic inches, weigh 48 to 50 lbs. gross; taken as small stowage. STAVES. Pipes. Extra heavy weigh 7 to 8 tons per gross mille of 1200 each. Heavy, weigh 6 to 7 tons per gross mille of 1200 each. Light, weigh 5 to 6 tons per gross mille of 1200 each. Measure 54 inches in length for each stave. Hogshead. Extra heavy, weigh 5 to 6 tons per gross mille of 1200 each. Heavy, weigh 4 to 5 tons per gross mille of 1200 each. Light, weigh 3| to 4 tons per gross mille of 1200 each. Each stave measures 42 inches in length. Barrel. Extra heavy, weigh 4 to 5 tons per gross mille of 1200 each. Heavy, weigh 3 to 4 tons per gross mille of 1200 each. Light, weigh 2 to 3 tons per gross mille of 1200 each. Each stave measures 32 inches in length. The above weights and measurements are those of staves exported from New York and known to the trade as Western staves.— This distinction is necessary,as staves shipped from South Atlantic Ports and New Orleans differ from those mentioned above in many ways% While the — IT — staves exported from New York are manufactured of a light quality of wood, being carefully selected and divided into two classes, viz. staves and culls, and finished evenly, those from other ports are of a much heavier oak, but roughly hewn, not always of the same dimensions and not selected. It is conse¬ quently, almost impossible to give correct figures and only estimated weight must serve the purpose. New Orleans Staves average 80 per cent to 100 per cent, more in weight than New York Staves, the wood heavier,, size larger, back broader; measure about: Pipes 60 inches, Hogsheads 48 inches, Barrels 36 inches. South Atlantic Port Staves, average 50 per cent more in weight than New York Staves, the dimen¬ sions varying and the oak being much heavier. (Culls. This means those staves which have de¬ fects however slight, and which consequently form a class by themselves.) TOBACCO. Hhds. Kentucky averaging 1500 lbs. = 80 cubic feet, Maryland averaging 925 lbs. = 40 cubic feet, Virginia averaging 1200 lbs. about 60 cubic feet, Stems in .various Hhds. 1020 lbs. measure cubic feet. Boxes, manufactured 145 lbs. net 2 feet 3 inches x 1 inch 2 inches x 1 foot 6 inches = 2J feet, 121 lbs. net, 143 gross = 2| feet. Kegs 250 to 265 lbs. measure 2 feet 1 inch x 1 foot 6 inches x 1 foot 6 inches = 4J cubic feet, \ Tierce 457 lbs. == cubic feet. Leafs in boxes, 395 lbs. gross 3 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 8 inches = 26£ cubic feet. — 18 TALLOW. Illids. 1240 lbs. gross, measure 3 feet 7 inches x 3 feet x 3 feet = 32^ cubic feet or 40 lbs. per 1 cubic foot; in barrels 2 feet 7 inches x 1 foot 9 inches x 1 foot 9 inches= 74 cubic feet, weigh 293 lbs. WOOL, round uncompressed: 336 lbs. per 40 cubic feet.—Beyrout 700 lbs. average 26J cubic feet. WOOD. Elm weighs 37 lbs. per cubic foot. c< << (/ 34 60 28 47 83 60 641 40 50-53 50-53 2240 lbs. White pine. Ash Cedar An Jogs.. Maple •' Live oak " Forest •' Boxwood " Sweet Grum " Black walnut in logs " Tonala Mahogany " Logwood: Camp and Laguna . 50 cubic feet Honduras 52 Jamaica 80 Limawood 85 Japan 90 Tabasco 36 (180 tons weight occupies less then 11200 feet measurement in store; equivalent to 62 cubic feet per ton weight of 2240 lbs.) WOODENWARE. Clothes pins in common sized boxes measure 1J cubic foot each, weigh 22 lbs. per cubic foot. Pails, various styles, measuring 5 feet x 1 foot x 1 foot = 5 cubic feet. a it a a tt — 19 - 5 feet x 1 foot 2 inches x 1 foot 2 inches = 6 cubic feet 10 inches. 4 feet 3 inches x 1 foot 1 inch x 1 foot 1 inch = 5 cubic feet per dozen. Usual size weighs 32 lbs. per dozen. Buckets in nests: 1 foot 4 inches x 1 feet 4 inches x 1 foot 2 inches = 2^ cubic feet- Ice coolers in nests. 1 foot 5 inches x 1 foot 5 inches x 10 inches = 1 cubic foot 8 inches. Washboards, in bundles containing a dozen: 16 inches x 14 inches x 24 inches = 3 cubic feet 1 inch. Boiling pins in boxes 20 inches x 9 inches x 23 inches = 2 cubic feet 5 inches. Lemon squeezers: 2 feet x 1 foot x 1 foot = 2 cubic feet. Tubs: measure singly 25 inches x 15 inches x 25 inches = 5 cubic feet 5 inches. In nests: 5 feet 6 inches x 1 foot 11 inches x 1 foot 11 inches = 18 cubic feet 6 inches. I embracing the principal Bankers, Merchants, Shipowners, Steamship Lines, Underwriters, etc. Chartered by Special Act of the State Legislature. ROOMS KNOWN AS THE NEW YORK MARITIME EXCHANGE, Nos. 66 & 63 Beaver and 113 Ic 115 Fearl Streets. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. $100 Initiation Fee, and $30 Annual Dues. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, Marine, Commercial and General, prominently displayed in advance of publication, for the use of subscribers, daily from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. EXCHANGE HOURS, 11 A. M. and 3 P. M. Average daily attendance, 3,000. READING ROOM, containing local, domestic and foreign news¬ papers, periodicals, directories, prices current, maps, charts and works of reference. PROPRIETORS OF THE NEW YORK MARINE TELEGRAPH LINES. v Notifications, by day or night, in time to meet expected friends on arrival at the wharf. OFFICERS. PRESIDENT, C. Fred'k Elwell, of Messrs. J. W. Elwell & Co. VICE PRESIDENT, Chas. R. Flint, of Messrs. W. R. Grace & Co. TREASURER, Albert H. Brown, of Messrs.Vernon H.Brown & Co. SECRETARY, Francis W. Houghton. SUPERINTENDENT, J. C. SMITH.