9277 Works Progress Adnixnistratiott 17S4 New York Avenue, îî.W, Washington, D. C. A Selected Lirt of References to Recreation Program Material Available from the A:gricultm'al Extension Service of the States O'OMMURITY aRGANIZATION POR LEISURE Note; State Extension publications should be requested from the specified Stale Ag^icult^lral College where they are generally available for free distribution. They are not available for distribution from the national office of Community Organization for Leisure pr from the United States Department of Agriculture in Washington. Prepared in Coopers,tion with the United Sta.te3 Department of Agriciilture June 15, 1936 9277 L. N. Buiicaxi, Director, Extension Service, AlaDsuna Polytechnic Institute, Auhurn, Alaharaa. A .guide for 4-H leaders. Siij^cgeétions for 4-H leaders. 20 p. (Ala. Poly. Inst., Ext. Serv. (1934?) ) Earn heme livin>':;. Unit III Home management for women. Demonstration; Home aná coiamunity recreation. Nell Pickens, June 1933. 8 p. (Ala. Poly. Inst., Ext. Dem. Ser. 11-A) Home management. Demonstration: Home and community recreation. Nell Pickens, -August 1934. 15 p. (Ala. Poly. Inst., Ext. Dem. Ser. 18-D) Arizona P. H. Ross, Director, Extension'Service, College of Agriculture, University of Arizona, Txicson, Arizona. Loan ulay lihrary service, announcement of current nlays, drama, literature. rea,áina's. 1953-1934. Pehruary 1934. 78 p. (Univ. Ariz. Record V. 27, No. 1) Arkansas Dan T. Gray, Director, Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Eayettevillo, Arkansas. June Donahue, Community Activities Specialist Hand r/oven chair seats. Syhil D. Bates, July 1935. 8 p. (Ark. Agr. Col,, Ext. Circ. 547) Home-made rugs. Ida, Penton, Jiune 1930. 12 p. (Ark. Agr- Col., Ext. Circ. 258 rev.) California B. H. Crocheron, Director, Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Ca-lifornia, Berkeley, California. -2- 9277 Child develo-praent aiid -parent education -pi-ogram; the home play yax'd ¿-uid homemade -play equi-oment. Hally Flack, June 1933. 11 p. (Calif. Univ., Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., H. D. 414) Home furnishin¡f; nro.ject; the homemade rug. January 1933. 8 p, (Calif. Univ., Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., H. D. 41.3) Mimeographed Colorado F. A. Anderson, Director, Extension Service, State Agricultural College of Colorado, Fort Collins, Colorado. Good -posture - health " a:ood looks ( 4-H health record book) , Miriam J. Williams, January 1932. 11 p. (Cole. Agr. Col. Ext. Serv. Circ. 72-A) Home -play. 50 answers to the question: "What can we nlay?", Elizabeth C. Forbes. March 1931. 16 p, (Colo. Agr, Col. Ext. Serv. Bui. 296-A) Connecticut Benjamin W. Ellis, Director, Extension Service, Connecticut State College, Storrs, Connecticut. Winifred R. Cheney, Recreation Specialist. Connecticut fax-ra -plays; "And thou," a dairy play in three acts; "The nest egg," a poultry play in one act, Walter Stemmons, February 1934, 28 p. (Conn. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. Bui. 198) 4-H club work; Handicréait plans. 54 p. (Conn. St. Col. Ext.) Mimeographed Home made games (plans and nlaving rules). Jamiary 1935. 24 p. (Conn. St. Col. Ext. Recreation Circ. No. 1) Mimeographed Florida Wilmon Newell, Director, Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Games for 4-H club members. R. W. Blacklock. June 1929. 18 p. (Fla. Univ., Agr. Ext. Circ. 17) Mimeographed Music Kuoreciation for rxiral communities, clubs and homes. Zadie I, Phipps, June 1930. 19 p. (Fla. Univ., Agr. Ext. Serv., Circ. 21) 9277 Illinois H. W. Mumford, Director, Extension Service, College of Agricnlture, University of Illinois, UrUana, Illinois, A list of music selections for nse "by rni-al men's, mixed and ladies' quartets and for small orchestras. Ralph M. Holmes and D. E. Lindstrom, (ill. Agr, Cpl., Ext. Serv. ESECh) Conducting groun discussions. D. E. Lindstrom and A. D. Huston. 7 p. (111. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv.) Mimeographed Dramatics for farm folks, D. E. Lindstrom, Jnne 1931. 18 p. (111. Sta. Circ. 373.) Organizing the xuira3. home-talent tournament. D. È. Lindstrom, Septemher 1931. 16 p. (111. Sta. Circ. 376) Rural discussion team toui'neys. D. E. Lindstrora, Qctoher 1935. 21 p. (ill. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. RSE-22) Mimeographed. Songs - Games; Program outlines, records, hihliogranhy for training schools in recreation. 1933. 21 p. (ill. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. RSE-hj Mimeographed Songs - Gnmes: Program outlines, records, hihliogranhv for training schools in rural recreation, 1934, Dr. Willis A. Parker. 25 p. (111. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. RSH-13, Septemher 1934) Indiana J. H. Skinner, Director, Extension Service, Purdue University, LfiEayette, Indiana. How to make a folding screen. 1934. 2 p. diagr. (Purdue Univ., Dept. of Agr. Ext.) Mimeographed Outline recreation and leisure time antivities for the rural home and community. 17 p. (Ext. Div. Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. Ho. 443) Mimeographed Song of the month urogr?ui; some x-ules for community music leader¬ ship. Albert P. Stewart, 1936. 12 p. (Pui'due Univ. Dept. Agr. Ext. Home Demonstration Dept.) Mimeographed Iowa A. K. Bliss, Director, Extension Service. Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, ilmes, Iowa. Eannio Buchanan, Recreation Specialist -4- 9277 Better meetinp:s; a summary of experiences in developing programs for township and commmity meetings. W. H. Stacy, September 1931. 16 p. (Iowa St, Col. of Agr., Ext. Bui. 178) Block printing. Irma D. Garner, May 1933. 11 p. (Iowa St. Agr. Col. Ext. Serv., Home Furnishing Booklets (revised) ) Community meetings; a discussion of programs for group thinking and group play. ÏÏ. H. Stacy, June 1933. 17 p. (Iowa St. Col. of Agr., Ext. Serv., Ext. Bui. 190) County farm talent festivals including drama tournaments. county festivals and tournaments for drama and farm talents. September 28, 1933. 5 p. (Iowa St. Col. of Agr., Ext. Serv., CD-78) Mimeographed Home-made rugs. Elsie Eichardson, May 1930. 8 p. (lowâ St. Col. of Agr., Ext. Serv. Home Furnishing Booklets, reprint) Iowa farm bureau chorus, plan and songs, the. August 1932. 13 p. (Iowa St. Col. of Agr., Ext, Serv., C-D-49) Mimeographed Iowa music memory selections. Understanding the 1930-31 lov/a music selections. Fannie E. Buchanan. (1930?) 9 p. (Iowa St. Col. of Agr. Ext. Serv.) Mimeographed. Monthly program service for rural township community meetings. (Iowa St. Col., Ext. Serv.) CD-101 - Active games and relays CD-102 - Games for smaller groups CD-109 - Guessing games, conundrnms, paper and pencil games CD-Ill.1-10 - Music for family festivals CD-259.2 - Get acquainted games Musical moments; a 4 year music pro.iect for Iowa x-ural com¬ munities. Fannie E. Buchanan, June 1933. 32 p. (Iowa St. Col. of Agr., Ext. Bui. 191) Patterns in music; a brief study in appreciation for Iowa 4-H Club girls. J\me 1933. 16 p. (Iowa Sta. Col. of Agr., Ext. Bui. 193) Portfolios and lampshades. Elizabeth M. Gibson, June 1934, 15 p. (Iowa Sta. Col. of Agr., Ext. Serv., Home Furnishing Booklets) Eeed Basketry. Mildred L. Wilson, May 1933, 12 p. (Iowa Sta. Col. of Agr., Ext. Serv., Home Furnishing Booklets, rev.) Selected plays. October 1935. 20 p. (Iowa St. Col., Ext. Serv. CD-114) Mimeographed -5- 9277 Tentative list of one act -plays recommended for rural com¬ munity ¿eveloTjiiient -(programs. (In Iowa St. Col. of Agr. Ext. Serv., Monthly Program Service for Hnral Township Gom- mnnity Meetings, Eeh. 1931. p. 3-4) Mimeographed Toys and nlay. Alma H. Jones, Mny 1930. 16 p. (lowa St. Col. of Agr. Ext. Serv., Child Care and Training Booklets, rev.) Twenty non-royalty one act plays, suggestions for 1934 tournaments and festivals. 1934. 4 p. (Iowa St. Col. of Agr., Ext. Serv., CD-16) Mimeographed. Kansas H. J. C. Umherger, Director, Extension Service, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas. Living with -plants. E. A. Clea,vinger, July 1935, 18 p. (Kans. State Col. Ext., M. Circ. 7) Mimeographed. Nature byways. June 1935. 11 p. (Kans. St. Col. Ext., M. Circ.. 6) Mimeographed Kentucky T. p. Cooper, Director, Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. Games for 4-H cluh members. (Ky. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., Junior Cluh Dept.) Multigraphed. Home-made fun for the winter season. 9 p. (Ky. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv.) Multigraphed. Loan service - non-royalty plays. Carl W. Jones, comp. April 1936. 9 p. (Ky. Agr- Col., Ext. Serv. Utopia Cluh No. 57) Mimeographed. Louisiana J. W. Bateman, Director, Extension Service, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Mary Mims, Recreation Specialist. Louisiana hasketry. Gladys Tappan, Eeh. 1930, 28 p. (La. Agr. and Mech. Col., Ext. Circ. 136) -6- 9277 Iviar^Iand T. B. Symons, Director, Extension Service, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. First steps in the group discussion method. Dorotliy Emerson and E. G. Jenkins, 1935. 8 p. (Md. Univ. Agr. Ext. Serv.) Mimeographed. First year music annreciation for homemakers' clubs. Harlan Randall, April 1936. 25 p. (Md. Univ. Agi". Ext. Serv. Bui. 77) 4-H cluh drejnatics. Dorothy Emerson. (19327) 16 p. (Md. Univ. Agr. Ext. Serv.) Mimeographed. Pageants. Dorothy Emerson, (19327) 5 p. (Md. Univ. Agr. Ext. Serv.) Mimeographed. Massachusetts W. A. Munson, Director, Extension Service Massachusetts State College, Amherst, Massachusetts. Ruth Mclntire, Recreation Specialist 4-H music annreelation -program. Marion E. Forhes, Feh. 1936. 6 p. (Mass. St. Col., Ext. Serv.) Mimeographed. Handicraft cluh leader's manual. H. A. Leland, May, 1932. 41 p. (Mass. St. Col., Ext. 4-H Cluh Bui.) Mimeographed. Making snare time count. I. In home and family recreation. Ruth Mclntire, comp. Oct. 1935, 8 p. (Mass. St. Col., Ext. Serv.) Mimeographed. Making snare time count. II. Community Planning for recreation. Ruth Mclntire, comp. Hovemher 1935. 4 p. (Mass. St. Col., Ext. Serv.) Mimeographed. Plans for handicraft nro.iocts. H. A. Leland, 16 p. (Mass. St. Col., Ext. Serv. 4-H Cluh Bui.) Mimeographed. Program -planning. Mary Pozzi, Sept. 1933. 9 p. (Mass. St. Col., Ext. Serv. Outline II) Mimeographed. Michigan R. J. Baldwin, Director, Extension Service Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan 9277 -7- ^âicraft cluTj work. G-, A. Thorpe, August 1932. 93 p. (Mich. St. Col., Ext. Div., Cluh Bul. IIA, rev.) Making rugs. Gertrude Reis, Bec. 1932. 15 p. (Mich. St. Gol., Ext. Bul. 120, reprint) Wood identification for 4~H Clubs, R. E. Kroodsma and others, Bee. 1934, 11 p. (Mich. St. Col., Ext. Biv., Cluh Bui. 26) Minnesota W. G. Goffey, Birector, Extension Service Bepartment of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. Ganing chairs. Mary M. Miller, March 1935. 4 p. (Minn. Univ. Agr. Ext. Biv., Form HM 51) Mississippi J. R, Ricks, Birector, Extension Service Mississippi State College, State College, Mississippi Boys' 4--H conservation cluh. 1935. (Miss. St. Col. Ext. Serv. 4-H Cluh Bept.) Mimeographed. Missoiuri J. W. Burch, Assistant Birector, Extension Service College of Agriculture, University of Missouri, Golumhia, Missouri H. S. Johnson, Rural Organization and Recreation Specialist The 4-H farm forestry cluh. I. Forest appreciation. Peter Fletcher and others, Bee. 1935. 102 p. (Mo. Ágr. Col., Ext. Serv. 4-H Cluh Giro. 45) Recreational activities for 4-H cluhs, Jane Hinote. November 1932. 47 p. (Mo. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., 4-H Cluh Giro. 35 Rev.) Study of grasses, weeds and wild flowers in 4-H cluh camps of Missouri, 1932. 11 p. (Mo. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv.) Mimeographed. -8- 9277 Things to âo with, corn shacks, Osina P. Couch, 1933, 6 p. (Mo. Agr. Col., Ext., Serv.) Nebraska W. H. Brokaw, Director, Extension Service College of Agriculture, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska N. W. Gaines, Recreation Specialist Appreciating grandmothers' handiwork. Grace M. Morton, 1930. 5 p. (Nebr. Agr. Col., Ext. Circ. 5558) Mimeographed Christmas handicraft. 1932. 9 p. (Nebr. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv, LiVing-at-home Sup. 2) Mimeographed Community program: Let's have a picnic I 6 p. (Nebr. Agr. Col. Giro. 501 rev.) Mimeographed Favors. Florence J. Atwood, 1930. 9 p. (Nebr. Agr. Col., Ext. Circ. 998) Mimeographed Fix it club demonstration; problem 1 recreation. 1933. 15 p. (Nebr. Agr. Col., Ext. Circ. 15-01-2) Mimeographed 11705 M, Handmade rugs. Rizpah A. Douglass, Oct. 1934. 16 p. (Nebr, Agr. Col., Ext. Circ. 1176) Handmade rugs and chair seats. Helen Noyes, Jan. 1934, (Nebr, Agr. Col., Ext. Circ, il-02-2, p. 12-20) Happy homes - gilt edge investments. Genevieve Woodman, June 1933. 16 p. (Nebr. Agr. Col., Ext. Circ. 5507) Hooked rug making. Rizpah A. Douglass, 1930. 9 p. (Nebr. Agr. Col., Ext. Circ. 1163) Mimeographed Let's keep our Christmas merry. Leona S. Davis, June 1933. 16 p, (Nebr. Agr. Col., Ext. Circ. 5506) Mothers' day program. 1931. 12 p. (Nebr. Agr., Col., Ext. Circ. 548) Mimeographed Picnic program. 1933. 8 p. (Nebr. Agr. Col., Ext. Circ, 553) Mimeographed Program for rural meetings. Nebraska series. Arranged by community organization specialist, 1931. 13 p. (Nebr, Agr, Col., Ext. Circ. 525) Mimeographed 9277 -9- Recreation in the home and community. Eizpah A. Douglas and Genevieve A. Woodrnan. 1933. 22 p. (Ne"br. Agr. Col,, Ext, Circ. 5598) Mimeographed Recreation suggestions. IT. W. Gaines, 1932. 7 p. (ïïehr, Agr, Col. Ext. Giro. 551) Mimeographed Rural program with Christmas suggestions. 1930. 11 p. (iTebr, Agr, Col., Ext. Circ. 547) Mimeographed Songs and games for May. 1930. 2 p. (Uehr. Agr. Col,, Ext, Circ. 32) Mimeographed Suggested plays, stunts, dialogs.1930, 6 p. (Eehr, Agr. Col,, Ext. Circ, 545)Mimeographed Suggested table games. 1930. 16 p, (Nebr. Agr. Col,, Ext. Circ. 546) Mimeographed. ThanksgiviUfg community program. (1935?) 10 p. (Nebr, Agr, Col,, Ext. Circ, 544) Mimeographed Toys you can make. Angeline C. Anderson, July 1934. 15 p. (Nebr, Agr. Col., Ext. Circ. 5519) New Hampshire J, C. Kendall, Director, Extension Service University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire John P. Neville, Recreation Specialist Active games. Bp. (N. H. Univ. Agr., Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 1-A) Marble tournaments. 5 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 2) Tennis — construction of courts. 2 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv, No, ¿Y" Tennis scoring and rules. 1 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr, Ext. Ree, Bul. Serv. No. 3-A) Nature games. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv, No. 4) Construction of ice skating rinks. 3 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr, Ext. Ree, Bul. Serv. No. 5) How to have fun in winter. 3 p. (N, E. Univ., Agr- Ext. Ree, Bill, Serv. No. 6) -10- 9277 First •puppet work. 4 p. (W, H. Univ., Agv. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. lío. 7) Outdoor fireplaces. 2 p. (U. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 11) Outdoor cooking - from "Day Hikes". 15 p. (U. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 12) Beeorating the Ghristmas tree. 1 p. (N, H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 17) Christmas tree -projects and favors. 2 p. (N. H. Univ., A^r, Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 18) Eehruary -parties - Lincoln's and Valentine. 2 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 19) 4-H cluh winter programs - eluh meeting gemes. 3 p. (N. E. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 20-1) 4-H cluh winter urograms - home ganes. 3 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 20-11) 4-H eluh winter programs - music. 5 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. Nq. 20-IÍI) 4-H eluh winter -programs - folk dancing. 11 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 20-IY) 4-H eluh winter progrsms - tramping and trailing. 3 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 20-7) Winter sports and earnivai.s. 17 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 21) Family fun. 5 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No, 22) Progressive parties. 11 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 23) Home demonstration progr.ams - music. 5 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv, No. 24-11) Games taught at institutes, fall 1934 - Names on card, etc. 3 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No, 25) Activities for a Valentine party. 2 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 25) Suggestions for a recreation program - mixers, etc. 5 p. (N. E. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 30) -11- 9277 4-H dula summer -progjrajns. 1935. 7 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Sxt. Rsc. Bui. Serv. No. 31) 4-H clu"b summsr -prograras - group games. 6 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr, Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. Ño. 31-1) 4~H cluTa summer programs - individual or couple games. 4 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. Ño. SI-Il) 4-H clu"b Slimmer urograms - music. 4 p. (N, H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 31-1II) 4-H cluB summer urograms - water activities. 1 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 31-IV) 4-H cIuTd summer urograms - tramping and trailing. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 31-7) 4-H cluB summer programs - day camping, 2 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv, No. 31-71) Nature — nature corner - aquarium, terrariuro, "bird houses. 4 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext, Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 32) May áav festivity. 2 p. (N. K. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 33) State lighting for the home talent ulay. 2 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 34) Minstrel shows. 3 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul, Serv. No. 35) Three new and different parties - Alice in Wonderland party, etc. 5 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr, Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. No. 36) Games and stunts for "boys, 3 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr, Ext, Ree, Bul. Serv, No. 37) Automobile recreation. 3 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext, Ree, Bul, Serv, No, 38) Games, stunts and tricks for the "banquet table. 3 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul, Serv. No. 40) Program of games, folk dances and songs for girls groups or clubs, 6 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul, Serv, No, 4l) Mental recreation, 9 p. (N.H. Univ., Agr, Ext. Ree, Bul, Serv. No, 42) Improving the old swimming hole. 2 p. (N, H. Univ., Agr. Ext, Ree. Bul. Serv. No, 43) -12- 9277 Home construction of tobog^gan and skiis. 3 p. (H. H. Univ., Agr, Ext. Eec. Bui, Serv. Ho. 44) Handicraft and art suggestions. 14 p. (lî. H. Univ. Agr. Ext. Hec. Bui. Serv. Ho. 45) TaBle games using cardBoard and matches. 4 p. (N. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. Ho. 46) Puzzle craft. 3 p. (H. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. Ho. 46-A) Games for Hallowe'en f"xc.. 2 p. (H. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bill. Serv. Ho. 47) Home construction of sno^iy-shoes. 2 p. (H. H. Univ., Agr. Ext, Eec. Bui. Serv. Hq. 48) Construction of camp furniture. 3 p. (H. H. Univ., Agr. Ext, Ree. Bul. Serv. Ho. 50) A progressive Christmas uarty. 4 p. (H. E. Univ., Agr. Ext. Ree. Bul. Serv. Ho. 5l) Christmas handicraft. 2 p. (H. H. Univ., Agr. Ext, Ree. Bul, Serv. Hq. 52) Christmas games. 2 p. (H. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Eec. Bui, Serv, Ho. 53) Hature games for hikes and out-of-doors. 2 p. (H. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Rec. Bui. Serv. Hq. 54) Pantomimes. 1 p. (H. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Rec. Bui. Serv. Ho. 56) Home construction of a folding ping pong table. 4 p. (H. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Eec, Bui. Serv. Ho. 57) Construction of a mountain trail shelter. 2 p. (H. H. Univ., Agr. Ext. Rec. Bui. Serv, Ho, 58) Home construction of bird feed boxes. 2 p. (H. H. Univ,, Agr. Ext, Rec. Bui. Serv. Ho, 59) Special instruction for leaf collection division of the forestry pro.lect 4-H leaf collection. Kenneth Barraclough, April 1934. (H. H. Univ., Ext. Serv., Junior Forestry Circ. 3) Mimeographed. Special instruction for twig collection division of the forestry pro.lect 4-H twig collection. Feh. 1934 , 3 p. (H. H. Univ., Ext. Serv., Junior Forestry Circ. 2) Mimeographed -13- 9277 Special instruction for wood collection division of the forestry pró.iect 4-H wood collection. Ish. 1934. 5 p. H. Univ., Ext. Serv., Junior Forestry Girc. l) Mimeographed Uew Jersey H. J, Baker, Director, Extension Service, New Jersey State College of Agriculture, New Brunswick, New Jersey Backyard plav. Edith D. Dixon, Nqv. 1931 14 p. (N. J. St. Agr. Col., Ext. Bui. 91) Children's friendship. May 1935. (N. J. St. Agr. Col,, Ext. Bui. 157) Selecting toys wisely. Edith D. Dixon and others, May 1935. 12 p. (N. J. St. Agr. Col., Ext. Bui. 159) New York L, R. Simons, Director, Extension Service, New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, New York Mary Eva Duthie, Recreation Specialist Conservation. Jan. 1936. 32 p. (Cornell Rural School Leaflet, Vol. 29 No. 3) Earth forms. E. L. Palmer, Jan. 1931. 36 p. (Cornell Rural School Leaflet V. 24, No. 3) Elements of dehating. G. E. Peahody, Dec, 1932. 20 p. (Cornell Ext. Bui. 249) Fall insects. E. L. Palmer, Nqv. 1931. 43 p. (Cornell Rural School Leaflet V. 25, No. 2) Fields in fall. E. L. Palmer, No v. 1933. 32 p. (Cornell Rural School Leaflet V. 27, No. 2) The flovrers of woody plants. Eva S. Gordon and Paul Kellogg, March 1930. 48 p. (Cornell Rural School Leaflet, V. 23, No, 4) The fruits of woody plants, Eva L. Gordon, Nov. 1934. 32 p. (Cornell Rural School Leaflet, V. 28, No. 2) Garden flowers, L. P. Hadsall, March 1932, 60 p. (Cornell Rural School 'Leaflet, V. 25, No. 4) Homemade play materialg. Marie B. Fowler, June 1933, 16 p, (Cornell Ext, Bui. 260) -14- 9277 How flora and fauna care for their yoimg. E. L. Palmer, March 1931, 36 p. (Cornell Rural School Leaflet V. 24, No. 4) In the vifoods in winter, E-. L. Palmer, Jan. 1932. 48 p. (Coi-nell Rural School Leaflet V- 25, No. 3) The marsh in spring, E. L. Palmer, March 1933. 32 p. (Cornell Rural School Leaflet 7. 26, No. 4) Program of son^s, games, and folk dances for 4-H cluhs, Mary E. Duthie, Nov. 1935. 32 p. (Cornell Jtinior Ext. Bui. 55) The sky at night, E. L. Palmer, Jan. 1930. 48 p. (Cornell Rural School Leaflet 7. 23, No. 3) Songs, chosen "by A. D. Zanzig, June 1934. 19 p. (Cornell Ext. Bui. 298) Suggestions to leaders of ri.iral civic study groups, R. A. Poison, 7 p. (N. Y. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv- No. 784, Ithaca) Mimeographed North Carolina I. 0. Schauh, Director, Extension Service, North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering, State College Station, Raleigh, N. C. Program and materials for leaders in home, community and cluh Recreation. L. B. Harrill. 47 p. (N. C. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. Bui.) Ohio H. C. Ramsower, Director, Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Ohio State University, Columhus, Ohio R. B. Tom, Recreation Specialist Let's play. A manual of games for Ohio 4-H cluhs, R. B. Tom, June 1932. 48 p. (Ohio Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. 4-H Circ. 80) Nature I, Our.outdoor neighbors, H. W. Harshfield, Jan. 1935. 20 p. (Ohio Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. 4-H Circ. 77, rev.) Program helps, (Monthly Bulletin Service) (Ohio Agr. Col., Ext. Serv.) Mimeographed Weaving seats and panels in furniture, Doris M. Ufer, August 1934. 16 p. (Ohio Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. Bui. 153) When 4-H cluh members entertain, Hulda Horst, April, 1931. 23 p. (Ohio Agr. Col., Ext. 4-H Circ. 70) -15- 9277 Oklab.oma E. E. Scholl, Acting Director, Extension Service, Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, Stillwater, Oklahoma Hug making. Madonna Fitzgerald, 1935. 8 p. (Okla. Agr. and Mech. Col., Ext. Se'rv. Circ. 297 (reprint) Gen. Ser. 230) Oregon W. A. Schoenfeld, Director, Extension Service, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon Gertrude Skew Sanford, Recreation Specialist Recreation bulletins, I-XVII, Gertrude Skow Sanford, 1934—36. (Ore. Agr. Col., Ext. H. E. Series) Mimeographed. Bulletins prepared hy the Extension Specialist in Community Social Or¬ ganization on various recreation topics including games, songs, picnics, dramatics, special celebrations. South Dakota A. M. Eberle, Director, Extension Service, South Dakota State College of Agricultural and Mechanic Arts, Brookings, S. D. Leonora Gitchell, Recreation Specialist Enjoyable jobs for leisure hours, Mary A. Covert, Dec. 1933, 11 p. (S. Dak. State Col. of Agr., Ext. Circ. 340) Games for comimxnity meetings. (1934?) 31 p. (S. Dal:. State Col., Spec. Ext, Circ. 38) Mimeographed Happy hours with homemade games, H. M. Jones, March 1932. 16 p. (S. Dak. State Col., Ext. Circ. 22) Mimeographed) Home entertainment and hospitality, Mary A. Covert, October 1934. 54 p. (S, Dak. State Col., Ext. Circ. 345) Mimeographed Homemade conveniences. Mary A. Covert, Jan. 1934. 8 p. (S. Dak. State Col. of Agr., Ext. Circ. 342) Popular parties. A manoal of party suggestions for 4-H clubs and other groups. May 1934. 26 p. (S. Dak. State Col. of Agr., Spec. Ext. Circ. 35) Mimeographed Let's sing, Carl Christensen, 11 p. (S. Dak. State Col. of Agr., Ext. Serv. 1930) Mimeographed -16- 9277 Music achievement for iTural cluls. Songs that live. Nov. 1935. 12 p. (S. Dak. State Col. of Agr., Ext. Giro. 351) Music appreciation programs for rural cluls, H. L. Kohier and S. Z. Wilder, Oct. 1931. 16 p. (s. Dak. State Col., Agr. Ext. Ser\'-., Spec. Circ. 308) Music appreciation programs for rural cluhs, second year, H. L. Kohler a.nd Susan Z. Wilder, Oct. 1932. 16 p. (S. Dak. State Col. of Agr., Ext. Circ. 324) Music appreciation programs for rural cluhs, third year, H. L. Kohler and Susan Z. Wilder, Oct. 1933. 13 p. (S. Dak. State Col. of Agr., Ext. Circ. 337) Sural prograrg service, published monthly. (S. Dak. State Col. Ext. ) Stunts for community meetings, (1934?) 26 p. (S. Dak. State Col. of Agr., Spec. Ext. Circ. 40) Mimeographed Texas H. H. Williamson, Director, Extension Service, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, College Station, Texas 4-H cluh games, November 1930. 4 p. (Texas Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. Circ. C-68 reprint) From rags to rugs, Bernice Claytor, 1935. 16 p. (Texas Agr. and Mech. Col., Ext. Serv., B-77, rev.) Vermont J. E. Carrigan, Director, Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont Book or magasine covers. Sept. 1930. 1 p. diagr. (Vt. Agr. Col Ext. Serv., Briefist 293) Mimeographed Color and design in rugs, Mrs. C. B. Brooks, Feb. 1934. 4 p. (vt. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., Briefist 561) Mimeographed Covered book ends, 1932. 2 p. (Vt. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., Brieflet 345) Mimeographed Designs for tooling leather and block printing, Sept. 1932. 2 (Vt. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., ~Brieflet 346) Mimeographed -17- 9277 S-üggestlons for homemade ànas gifts - 1934, Sept. 1934, 5 p. (Vt. Agr. Col,, Ext. Serv., Brieflet 393) .Mimeographed Suggestions for homemade Xmas gifts. 1935. Sept. 1935. 15 p. (vt. Agr. Col,, Ext. Serv., Brieflet 415) Mimeographed Tinting paner. Sept. 1930, 2 p. (Vt. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., Brieflet 292) Mimeographed Tooling of leather. 1932, 1 p. (Vt. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., Brieflet 344) Mimeographed Whisk Brushes. 1932. (Vt. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., Brieflet (347Î)) Mimeographed Virginia J. R. Hutcheson, Director, Extension Service, Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute, Blackshurg, Virginia Bibliography on play and games particularly for use of teachers in public rural schools, W. D. Altman, Feb. 1934. 9 p. (Va. Polytechnic Institute, Dept. of Agricultural Educ., Blacksburg, Va, Dept. Mimeo. Uo. 27) Suggested games and play for groups and individual pupils in rural schools. W. D. Altman, Feb. 1934. 21 p. (Va. Polytechnic Institute, Dept. of Agricultural Educ., Blacksburg, Va., Dept. Mimeo. Bo. 28) Virginia 4-H club songs. 8 p. (Va. Agr. Col., Ext. Div. 1931) Washington P. E. Balmer, Director, Extension Service, State College of Washington, Pullman, Washington Chair caning. Feb. 1936 (Wash. State Col., Ext. Bui. 213) St-unts and games, F. W. Zink (1932?) 11 p. (Wash. State Col. Ext.) Mimeographed West Virginia F. D. -Fromme, Director, Extension Service, College of Agriculture, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va. Betty Eckhardt, Recreation Specialist, Oglebay Park, Wheeling, W. Va. -18- 9277 Adult education: guide to a study of nature. Maurice Brooks (Biology Dept.) 13 p. (W. Va. Agr. C^l., Ext. Div. (w.d.)) Mimeographed Adult education: guide to a study of recreation, David D. Hicks, 12 p. (W. 7a. Agr. Col., Ext. Div. (iÑÍ.D.)) Artistic home crafts. Gertrude Humphreys, 1935. 6 p. (W. Va. Agr. Col, Ext. Div. Good Living Ser. Lesson Ho. 6, Adventures in Better Living) Batik, 1935. 3 p. (W. Va. Agr. Col., Ext. Div.) Mimeographed Bringing joy to the countryside throxigh the Central West Virginia recreation and art league, A. H. Hapking, April 1933. 16 p. (W. Va. Agr. Col., Ext. Div., Circ. 298, rev.) Come, let us plav to/;ether (1933^ 6 p. (W. Va. Agr. Col., Good Living Ser., Lesson Ho. 8) Education through organized community activities, A. H. Rapking, Dec. 1935. 4 p. (W. Va. Agr. Col., Ext. Div., Circ. 307, 2nd ed.) 4-H club wox'k - second year - Handicraft project circular, 41 p. (W. Va. Agr. Col., Ext. 4-H clubs) Mimeographed Home craifts that add charm and cash, 1933, 6 p. (W. Va. Agr- Col., Ext. Div., Good Living Ser., Lesson Ho. 6) Just for fun. Gladys M. Scranage, 1934. 6 p. (W. Va. Agr. Col., Ext. Div. Good Living Ser. II, Lesson Ho. 8, Further Adventures in Good Living) Hature poetry, A. B. Brooks. 25 p. (Wheeling, W. Va. , Oglebay Park Hature Pub. 10) Mimeographed Hature songs. 4 p. (Wheeling, W. Va. Oglebay Park Hature Pub.) Mimeographed The nature trail. 1931. 37 p. (Wheeling, W. Va., Oglebay Park Pub. 4) Mimeographed Hesting houses and feeders for song birds, A. B. Brooks, 1931. 8 p. (Wheeling, W. Va., Oglebay Park Hature Pub. 3) Mimeographed Some nature teaching devices, Jessie Stewart, (1931?) 12 p. (Wheeling, W. Va., Oglebay Park Hature Pub. 2) Mimeographed Suggestions for the nature comer of your school room, (1931?) 8 p. (Wheeling, W. Va., Oglebay Park Hature Pub. l) Mimeographed -19- 9277 Wisconsin K. L. Hatch, Associate Director, Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin A. E. Wileaen, Recreation Specialist A recreation program for the rural areas of Wisconsin, A. F. Wileden. Aiogust 1935. 7 p. (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Radio Circ.) Mimeographed 5^. Dramatics for amateur groups, A. F. Wileden and others. May 1933 48 p. (Wis. Agr. Col.', Ext. Serv., Circ. 257) 5^. Folk dances and clogs (including imasic), Katherine L. Cronin and Leila Sinaike, March 1934. 39 p. (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv.) Mimeographed Five years of public discussion in rural Wisconsin, A. F. Wileden, July 1935. 5 p. (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., Sten. Circ. 163) . Hohhies for the home. Susan B. Davie s, Jan. 1931. 12 p. (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext., Serv., Radio Circ.) Mimeographed How to conduct group discussion, A. F. Wileden and H. L. Ewbahk, Aug. 1935. 64 p. (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. Circ. 276) 5(#. How to conduct public discussion, A. F. Wileden and H. L. Ewbank, Feb. 1935. 16 p. (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., Sten. Circ. 140, rev.) List of long plays for rural communities, (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Se rv.) Mime ographe d Musical mixers and group dances, Katherine L. Cronin, 18 p (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Div. B. of D. A. 12634 VH) Mimeographed - 14008 EP Native shrubs common to Wisconsin, ÏÏ. A. Norris, January 1934. 17 p. (Wis. Agr. Col,, Ext. Sten. Circ. 138 (reprint)) Mimeographed Recreation for the farm home. Amy A. Gessner and V. V. Varney. Sept. Í935. 27 p. (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. Sten. Circ. 167) Mimeographed 5(i. Short plays for rural communities, 35 p. (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. Rev. Oct. 1935) Mimeographed Simple equipment games, Joseph P. Wergin. 11 p. (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv.) Mimeographed Songs and rhythms for the child in the home, Grace I. Bennett, Dec. 1931. 32 p. (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. Circ. 250) 5^. Selected short plays for rural groups. Amy A. Gessner and Mrs. C. I. Corp. Dec. 1932. 18 p. (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., Radio Circ.) Mimeographed 5^. -20- 9277 Special community activities. A. F. Wileden and Assy A. Gessner, Dec. 1933. 24 p. {Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., Sten. Circ. 135) Mimeographed 5^ (Drama, tournament, pageant, public discussion, music festival, fair, picnic and play day) The social hour at the community meeting. A. F. Wileden and A. L. Masley, Sept. 1932. 22 p. (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., Sten. Circ. 122) Mimeographed Sjí Suggestions on make-up. (V7is. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv.) Mimeographed Sug'gested progi-ain for a banquet. (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv.) Mim.eo graphed Suggested proisram for a progressive game party. 5 p. (Wis. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. ) Mimeographed Wyoming A. E. Bowman, Director, Extension Service College of Agriculture, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming Homemade recreation for Wyoming families. Games for 4-H clubs and how to conduct them. June 1934. 30 p. (Wyo". Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. Circ. 54) Hecrecotion for Wyoming 4-H clixbs. B. M. Marston, March 1933. 80 p. (Wyo. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv. Circ. 47) Simple hospitality. Evangeline Jennings, Feb. 1935„ 26 p. (Wyo. Agr. Col., Ext. Serv., Circ. 59)