UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION W. G. McADOO, Director General of Railroads CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILROAD CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & GULF R. R. CAR ECONOMY AND INTENSIFIED LOADING HELPS TABLES SHOWING DIMENSIONS, CUBICAL CAPACITIES OF EQUIPMENT, APPROPRI- ^ ATE WEIGHTS TO BE LOADED IN H EQUIPMENT, ETC. I UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION W. G. McADOO, Director Generai of Railroads CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILROAD CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & GULF R. R. CAR ECONOMY AND INTENSIFIED LOADING HELPS TABLES SHOWING DIMENSIONS, CUBICAL CAPACITIES OF EQUIPMENT, APPROPRI¬ ATE WEIGHTS TO BE LOADED IN EQUIPMENT, ETC. UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION W. G. McADOO, Director Genera! of Railroads CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILROAD Chicago, Rock Island & Gulf R. R. Office of Superintendent Transportation. TO ALL COA'CERXED: The tabulations and tables set forth in this book are the results of investigations made over the Chi¬ cago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad during the past year, and to a large extent are the results of personal effort on the part of our local employees, to whom we express our thanks and appreciation for their co-ordinated efforts which liave made this booklet possible, and we hope of assistance to others of our local staffs. In determining the appropriate weight of differ¬ ent commodities in cars and the density per cubic foot we have secured our information from the loading records of shipments at different Rock Island stations, taking the best record established as our basis for computation. Data covering appropriate weights of grains al¬ lows the regulation space between top of load and 1 car for inspection, 18 inches ; on other commodities the weights shown indicate utilization of entire cubical capacity of cars. It should be understood that, regardless of ap¬ propriate weights shown herein, the maximum car¬ rying capacity, 10 per cent above the marked ca¬ pacity, should not be exceeded except cars of 80,000, 100,000, 110,000, and 140,000 pounds nominal capac¬ ity, and it is ordered that, where weights shown herein exceed maximum carrying capacity of car used except cars of 80,'000, 100,000, 110,000 and 140,000 pounds nominal capacity, physical capac¬ ity will govern and shipment not loaded in excess of 10 per cent above marked capacity. Cars of 80,000. 100,000, 110,000, 140,000 nominal capacity may be loaded in accordance with M. C. B. Rule 86, as outlined in Operating Department Circular No. 15 of November 27th, 1917. Space has been provided for further additions to commodity lists, employees establishing further data which will be of assistance in car conserva¬ tion are requested to furnish same to this office in order that it may be conveyed to our different employees interested. The importance of intelligent utilization of our equipment is appreciated, not only by our em¬ ployees, but by the patrons of our line. The re¬ sults of the past year are encouraging and should 2 spur us on to another year of co-ordinated effort to bring about a still higher standard of conserva¬ tion. That your efforts and the co-operation of our patrons have brought about improvements in the utilization of the available equipment is obvious, as will be noticed by a study of the following tab¬ ulation showing the saving in cars during month of April, 1918, as compared with same month in 1917: Cars Saved Net eight per Commodity 1917 1918 Thousand Wheat ..... 74,000 77,000 39 Corn 69,200 75,000 77 Oats 60,400 68,600 119 Rice 47,600 58,800 190 Flour 47,400 70,000 323 Feeds 44,600 57,800 226 C/S Products .... 38,200 47,400 194 Salt 46,600 62,000 248 Fertilizer 46,600 57,800 194 Cooperage 45,800 56,600 192 Cement 64,600 74,400 132 Brick 63,800 71,400 106 Eggs 24,200 27,000 104 Broom Corn 20,000 21,600 74 Lumber 50,800 54,400 66 Coal 82,400 86,200 44 Average 50,400 54,800 80 3 Your interest and the interest of your shippers has been responsible for a saving of 80 cars in every thousand cars loaded ; in other words, every time we moved 1,000 cars of freight we moved 352,000 pounds more freight in these thousand cars than was moved in a like number of cars one year ago. 49 REPORT CAR LOAD SHIPMENTS FORWARDED The tables herein are intended further to be of assistance to Agents and others who are required to compile the weekly report of car load shipments forwarded. L nder column "K" of this report it will be noted information as to utilization of maximum carrying- capacity is required. This can be determined by referring to that table in this book covering utiliza¬ tion. It is necessary that proper data be in the hands of selected officials handling the distribution and utilization of our equipment, showing the use of » cars by our different shippers and at our local sta¬ tions ; therefore it is felt that with the new form 4 49 Report, which will dispense with old Form 61 IMonthly Report of Car Load Shipments Received and Forwarded, Agents can furnish desired infor¬ mation without added clerical effort on their part. It will only be necessary that Agents tabulate daily as issued, billing covering each car load shipments forwarded under Rock Island billing originating at their station, and at end of des¬ ignated periods forward a copy of the report to designated officers. Your co-operation in the handling of this report, the proper use and utilization of equipment, and a continuance of your past interest is solicited, and that we shall have the benefit of 3"our efforts, we feel sure. J. R. PICKERING, Superintendent Transportation. O PER CENT MAXIMUM CARRYING CAPACITY UTILIZED BY DIFFERENT WEIGHTS IN EQUIPMENT OF DIFFERENT CAPACITIES: 60000-80000-100000 Percentage table used to determine the percent of maxi¬ mum carrying capacity of 60000, 80000 and lOOOOO capac¬ ity cars, such maximum carrying capacity being ten percent above the marked capacity of equipment. To arrive at percentage maximum carrying capacity, when net weight and capacity of a given car is known, locate "Capacity" at top of table, proceeding down column under this capacity figure until opposite the v,'eight of con¬ tents of car, where will be found percent of maximum carrying capacity utilized by the net weight e. g., 80000 capacity car contains wheat weight, net 78SOO pounds. Under the Capacity 80000, opposite 78500 is shown , the percent utilized, 87.2 percent. Had the car been of 100000 marked capacity, this weight would utilize but 71.3 percent of maximum carrying capacity. When actual net weight of contents is not shown in left hand column of table use weight figures next highest to actual net weight, e. g., 60000 capacity car contains 58200 pounds, as 58200 is not shown on table use figures 58500, which will indicate, under 6COOO capacity, 88.6 percent of maximum carrying capacity utilized. All cars should be loaded to their MAXIMUM CARRY¬ ING CAPACITY, ten percent above their marked capac¬ ity, when density of commodity will permit, or to weight permitted in M. C. B. Rule 86 as per Circular No. IS. 6 PERCENTAGE OF MAXIMUM CARRYING CAPAC¬ ITY UTILIZED BY DIFFERENT WEIGHTS IN CARS. When Net Weight In Cars o f Following Caj Is 60000 80000 100000 Shown As Below Percent Maximum Utiliz 10000 15,2 11.4 9.1 10500 16.0 11.9 9.5 11000 16.5 12.5 10.0 IISOO 17.4 13.1 10.5 12000 18.2 13.6 10.9 12500 19.0 14.2 11.5 13000 19.7 14.8 11.8 13SC0 20.4 15.4 12.5 14000 21.2 15.9 12.7 14500 21.9 16.5 13.2 15000 22.7 17.1 13.6 15500 23.5 17.7 14.1 16000 24.2 18.3 14.5 16500 25.0 18.7 15.0 17000 25,8 19.3 15.5 17500 26.5 19.9 16.0 18000 27.3 20.4 16.3 18500 28.0 21.0 16.9 19000 28.8 21.6 17.3 19500 29.5 22.1 17.8 20000 30.3 22.8 18.1 20500 31.0 23.3 18.7 21000 31.8 23.9 19.1 21500 32.6 24.4 19.6 22000 33 3 25.0 20.0 22500 34.1 25.6 20.5 23000 34.9 26.1 20.9 23500 35.6 26,7 21.4 24000 36.4 27.3 21.8 24500 37.1 27.8 22.3 25000 37.9 28.4 22.7 7 When Net Weight Is In Cars of Following Cap'y 60000 80000 100000 Shown As Below Percent Maximum Utilized 25500 38.6 29.0 23.2 26000 39.4 29.5 23.6 26500 40.2 30.1 24.1 27000 40.9 30.7 24.5 27500 41.7 31.2 25.0 28000 42.4 31.8 25.4 28500 43.2 32.4 25.9 29000 43.9 32.9 26.3 2950O 44.7 33.5 26.8 30000 45.8 34.1 27.2 3O50O 46.2 34.6 27.7 31000 46.9 35.2 28.1 3150O 47.7 35.7 28.6 32000 48.5 35.3 29.0 32500 49 2 36.6 29.5 33000 50.0 37.5 29.9 33500 50.8 38.1 30.4 34000 51.6 38.6 30.8 34500 52.4 39.2 31.3 35000 53.2 39.8 31.7 35500 54.0 40.3 32.2 36000 54 8 40.9 32.6 36500 55.6 41.4 33.1 37000 56.1 42.0 33.5 37500 56.8 42.6 34.0 3SOOO 57.6 43.2 34.6 38500 58.3 43.9 35.0 39000 59.1 44.3 35.5 39500 59 8 44.9 36.0 40000 60.6 45.5 36.5 40500 61.3 46.0 37.0 41000 62.1 46 6 37.3 41500 62.9 47.2 37.7 42000 63.6 47.7 38.2 4-1500 64.4 48.3 38.6 430C0 65.2 48.8 39.1 8 When Net Weight Is Shown As Below 435CO 44000 44500 45000 4S5GO 46000 46500 47000 47500 48000 48500 49000 49500 500C0 50500 51000 51500 52000 52500 53000 53500 54000 54500 55000 555O0 56000 56500 57000 57500 580CO 58500 59000 59=00 60000 60500 61000 In Cars of Following Cap'y 60000 80000 100000 Percent Maximum Utilized 67.4 49.6 39.5 66.6 50.0 40.0 67.4 50.6 40.4 68.2 51.1 40.9 69.0 51.7 41.3 69.7 52.2 41.8 70.5 52.8 42.2 71.2 53.3 42.7 71.9 53:9 43.1 72.7 54.4 43.6 73.5 55.0 44.0 74.2 55.5 44.5 75.0 56.1 44.9 75.7 56.0 45.4 76.5 57.2 45.8 77.3 57.9 46.3 78.0 58.5 46.7 78.8 59.1 47.2 79.6 59.6 47.6 80.3 60.2 48.1 81.1 60.8 48.5 81.8 61.3 49.0 82.6 61.9 49.4 83.3 62.5 50.0 84.1 63.1 50.4 84.8 63.6 50.9 85.6 64.2 51.3 86 3 64.8 51.8 87.1 65.3 52.2 88.0 65 9 52.7 88.6 66.5 53.1 89.4 67,0 53.6 90.2 67.6 54.1 90.9 68.2 54.5 91.6 68.7 55.0 92.4 69.3 55.4 9 When Net Weight Is As Shown Below 61500 62000 62500 63000 63500 64000 64500 65000 65500 66000 66500 67000 67500 68000 68500 69000 69500 70000 70500 71000 ^ 71500 72000 72500 73000 73500 . 74000 74500 75000 75500 76000 76500 77000 77500 In Cars of Following Cap'y 60000 80000 lOOOOO Percent Maximum Utilized 93.2 69.9 55.9 93.9 70.4 56.3 94.7 71.0 56.8 95.5 71.6 57.2 96.2 72.2 57.7 96.9 72.7 58.2 97.7 73.3 58.6 98.5 73.8 59.1 99.2 74.4 59.5 100.0 75.0 60.0 75.5 60.5 76.1 60.9 76.7 61.3 77.2 61.8 77.8 62.3 78.4 62.7 78.9 63.2 79.5 63.6 80.1 64.1 80.7 64.5 81.2 65.0 81.8 65.4 82.4 65.9 82.9 66.4 83.5 66.8 84.1 67.3 84.6 67.7 85.2 68.2 85.8 68.6 86.3 69.1 87.0 69.5 87.5 70.0 88.1 70.4 10 When Net Weight Is As Shown Below 78000 78500 79000 79500 80000 80500 81000 81500 82C00 82500 83000 8350O 84000 84500 85000 85500 86000 86500 87000 87500 8SOCO 88500 89000 •89500 90000 90500 91000 91500 92000 92500 In Cars of Following Cap'y 60000 80000 100000 Percent Maximum Utilized 88.6 70.9 87.2 71.3 89.8 71.8 90.3 72.3 90.9 72.7 91.5 73.2 92.0 73.6 92.6 74.1 93.2 74.5 93.7 75.0 94 4 75.4 94.8 75.9 95.6 76.3 95.9 76.8 96.6 77.2 97.1 77.7 97.7 78.2 98.3 78.6 98.8 79.1 99.4 79.5 100 00 80.0 80.4 80.9 81,3 81.8 82.3 82.7 83.2 83.6 84.1 11 When Net Weight Is As Shown Below 93000 93S00 94000 94500 9SOOO 95500 96000 96500 97000 97500 98000 98500 99000 99500 lOOOOO 100500 lOlOOO 101500 102000 102500 103000 103500 104000 104500 105000 105500 106000 106500 I07000 107500 108000 108500 109000 109500 llOOOO In Cars of Following Cap'y 60000 80000 lOOOOO Percent Maximum Utilized 84.5 85.0 85.5 85.9 86.4 86.8 87.3 87.7 88.2 88.6 89.1 89.5 90.0 90.5 90.9 91.4 91.8 92.,3 92.7 93.2 93.6 94.1 94.5 95.0 95.4 95.9 96.3 96.8 97.3 97.7 98.3 98.6 99.1 99.5 100.0 12 M. C. B. RULE 86. Maximum Weight of Car and Lading Permissible on Standard M.C.B. Axles. OPERATING DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR NO. 15. November 27, 1917. To All Concerned: This will cancel Circular No, 13, dated September 13th, with respect to permitting the loading or acceptance from connecting lines, freight cars of 80.000 capacity and over when loaded to 20 per cent above such capacities. Note to M.C.B, rule 86, covered by M.C.B. Association Circular No. 10, dated August 8. 1917. which reads as follows, will govern: "Cars of 80,000 lbs. capacity and over, equipped with M.C.B. Standard axles, may be loaded to maximum shown in column 'A', which is the total weight of car and lading for the respective capacities gi\en. To conform with Circular No. 21, dated July 24th, 1917, of the Special Committee on National Defense, this addition to our rule, 86. as cited above, becomes effective on this date." Column "A" referred to provides for 80,000 capacity cars a total weight of 132.000 pounds, for 100,000 capac¬ ity cars a total weight of 161,000 pounds, and for 140,000 capacity cars a total weight of 210,000 pounds. 13 EXTRACTS FROM M.C.B. LOADING RULES GOV¬ ERNING THE MAXIMUM WEIGHT PERMIS¬ SIBLE IN CARS OF DIFFERENT CAPACITY. General Instructions. When maximum weights of lading are not specified, the following will be allowed; On cars of less than 80,000 lbs. capacity the usual ex¬ cess of 10 per cent above marked capacity. On cars of 80,000 lbs. capacity and over the maximum carrying capacity of axles, as follows: Marked Capacity Total weight of of Car. Car and Lading. Load Weight. 80.000 132,000 132.000 less light weight of car. 100,000 161,000 161,000 less light weight of car. 140,000 210,000 210,000 less light weight of car. NOTE—Cars of odd capacity over 80,000 lbs. must be classed according to axles under cars: M.C.B. Standard S x 9 in 80,000 lbs. capacity M.C.B. Standard Sf^xlO in 100,000 lbs. capacity M.C.B. Standard 6 xll in 140,000 lbs. capacity 14 CUBICAL CAPACITIES—Box and Furniture. —Dimensions Length Width Height Cubic Feet 33'6" 8'3' 6'11" 2000 34'2" 8'3" 7'2" 2050 347" 8'3" 7'3" 2100 33'10" 8'4" 7'5" 2150 33'5" 8'2.5" 7'n" 2200 36'3" 8'5" 7'3" 2250 35'l.S" 8'6" 7'7" 2350 36'0" 8'4" 8'0" 2400 36'0" 8'6" 8'0" 2450 ' 36'1" 8'6" 8'0" 2500 38'0" 8'3" 8'0" 2550 38'0" 8'7" 8'3.S" 2600 • 38'6" 8'6" 8'6" 2650 38'7" 8'8" 8'0" 2700 39'6" 8'6" 8'1" 2750 40'6" S'6.5" 8'0" 2800 40'0" 8'9" S'2" 2850 1^ 40'2" 8'6" 8'3" 2900 40'0" 8'9.5" 8'4.2" 2950 40'0" 8'6 5" 8'8" 3000 40'0.S" 8'6" 9'0" 3050 44'4" 8'9" 8'2" 3150 40'S7" 8'6.2" 9'3" 3200 40'3" S'6.7" S'il.5" 3250 40'3" 8'8.7" 8'7" 3350 40'0" 8'6" lO'O" 3400 40'6" 8'6" ICQ" 3450 4S'0" 8'9" 9'0" 3550 40'0" 9'0" lO'O" 3600 45'0" 8'9" 9'47" 3700 50'0" 8'8.6" 9'3" 4037 SO'O" 9'0" lO'O" 4500 15 APPROXIMATE NET WEIGHTS POSSIBLE IN CARS OF DIFFERENT CUBICAL CAPACITIES. The following tabulations show the weight of different classes of freight per cubic foot, the weight of such com¬ modities, which should be loaded in the standard cars of different lengths, based on the cubical capacity of car and weight per cubic foot of car space. Standard cars listed are classified as follows, inside di¬ mensions : A number of cars of same class and length are of dif¬ ferent dimensions, to determine weight which should be loaded in any car, not listed herein, ascertain the cubical capacity, as shown in OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT REG¬ ISTER. or as stencilled on side of car or by multiplying the INSIDE dimensions, as stencilled on side of car, mul¬ tiply the cubical capacity of car by the weight per cubic foot of the commodity in question, the result will be the acceptable weight in car, e. g., R I 61999 has a cubical capacity of 4037 cubic feet. Binder twine, weight 16.0 pounds per cubic foot should be loaded to 64S92 pounds in order to use the maximum utility of this car. When the car in question is one with a cubical capacity of 2023, 2448, 2720 or 3600 cubic feet, acceptable net weight on commodities listed may be determined by referring to tabulation under proper cubical capacity, opposite com¬ modity in question. Where "capacity" is indicated, maximum carrying capac¬ ity is meant to apply and where car in question is not listed use weight shown opposite car nearest size of car in question. Refrigerator Box, 36 Ft... Box, 40 Ft. , ,33T5/," 8'25^' 36'0" 8'6" 40'0" 8'6" 40'0" 9'0" 8'0" lO'O" 7'S/. S'O" Furniture 40 Ft 16 APPROXIMATE NET WEIGHTS POSSIBLE IN CARS OF DIFFERENT CUBICAL CAPACITIES. In Cars Weight With Cubical Capacity Per Refr. Box Furn. Commodity Cu. Ft. 2023 2448 2720 3600 - Apples (Barrels) 16.0 32668 39168 43520 57600 -Apples (Bulk) 20.0 40460 48960 54400 72000 -Alfalfa Feeds 20.0 40460 48960 54400 72000 Agrl. Implts 18.0 44060 48960 64800 ■ Bottles 12.0 29376 32640 392CO -Banana Crates (NST).. 4.0 9792 10880 14400 -Banana Crates (KD)... 24.0 58752 65280 86400 Box Shooks 27.0 66096 73440 Cap'y -Bags (Paper) 17.0 41616 46340 61200 -Board (Chip) 23.0 56304 62560 82800 -Board (Straw) 23.0 56304 62.560 82800 -Board (Pulp) 27.0 66096 73440 Cap'v 'Binder Twine 16.0 39168 43520 57600 'Baskets (Nstd) 4.0 9792 10880 14400 -Bear Grass 10.0 24480 27200 36000 -Building Tile 52.0 Maximum Capacity -Broom Corn 8.0 19"-S4 21760 28800 ■Barley 32.0 78336 87040 Cap'y -Buckwheat 34.0 83232 Cap'y Cap'y 7344Ö Cap'y -Bran (Wheat) 27.0 66096 •Bran (Corn) 24.0 58752 65280 86400 " Beans 48.0 17 Maximum Capacity Weight When Loaded in Per Refr. Box Furn. Commodity Cu. Ft. 2023 2448 2720 3600 Feet Cubical Capacity •Butter 15.0 30345 36720 40800 54000 — Bauxite Ore 50.0 Maximum Capacity -Cotton (Comp.) 20.0 40400 48460 54400 72000 •Cotton (Flat) 10.0 20230 24480 27200 36000 -Cotton Seed 26.0 52598 63648 70720 Cap'y - C/S Shavings 16.0 32368 39168 43520 57600 ■C/S Hulls '... 15.0 30345 36720 40800 54000 C/S Cake 30.0 60690 73440 81600 Cap'y C/S Meal 32.0 64736 78336 87040 Cap'y C/S Oil 46.0 Maximum Capacity -Coke 26.0 52598 63648 70720 Cap'y ■ Cord Wood 35.0 85680 Max. Cap'y -Crates (Vegt.).. 18.0 36414 44060 48960 64800 Cabbage (Ctd.) 20.0 40460 48960 54400 72000 - Crackers 10.0 20230 24480 27200 36000 -Charcoal 17.0 41616 46240 61200 -Canned Goods 40.0 Maximum Capacity -Coal 38.0 Maximum Capacity -Corn (Shelled) 37.0 ütaximum Capacity - Corn (Ear) 25.0 61200 68000 Cap'y Corn Feed 26.0 52598 63648 70720 Cap'y Corn Bran 24.0 48552 58752 65280 8640Ö — Corn Meal 37.0 Maximum Capacity Corn Flour 37 0 Maximum Capacity "Castor Beans 40.0 Maximum Capacity ■ Clover Seed 48.0 Maximum Capacity -Cantaloupes 19.0 34391 18 Weight When Loaded in Per Refr. Box Furn. Commodity Cu. Ft. 2023 2448 2720 3500 Feet Cubical Capacity Dried Grain 19,0 34391 46512 51680 68400 Eggs 13.0 Egg Case Firs 14.0 Flooring 27.0 Fertz (Sacked) 40.0 Fertz (Sheep) 19.0 Fruit Jars 16.0 Furniture (New) 6.0 Flax 37 0 Flour 32.0 Feeds (Corn) 26.0 Feeds (Mill) 27.0 Feeds (Alfalfa) 20.0 Feeds (Sugar) 25.0 Feeds (Midlgs.) 32.0 Feeds (Shorts) 2" 0 Feeds (Grits) 25.0 26299 31824 35360 46800 28322 34272 38080 50400 6609O 72440 Cap'y Dlaximum Capacity 46512 51680 68400 39168 43520 57600 14688 16320 19600 Maximum Capacity Maximum Capacity 52598 63648 68000 Cap'y 54621 66096 72440 Cap'y 40460 48960 54400 72000 50575 61200 68000 Cap'y 64736 78356 Max. Cap'y 50575 61200 68000 Cap'y 50575 61200 68000 Cap'y Glass JWindow) 18.0 Gritts (Corn) 25.0 Grease (Axle) 25.0 Gravel 50.0 19 36414 44060 48960 64800 50575 6120O 68000 Cap'y 61200 68000 Cap'y Maximum Capacity Weight When Loaded in Per Refr. Box Furn. Commodity Cu. Ft. 2023 2448 2720 3600 Feet Cubical Capacity GRAIN—Corn 37.0 Maximum Capacity -Ear Corn.. 25.0 50S7S 61200 68000 Cap'y Barley 32.0 64736 78336 Cap'y Cap'y Oats 27.0 54621 66096 72440 Cap'y Flax 37.0 Maximum Capacity Rye 37.0 Maximum Capacity Milo-Maize 40.0 Maximum Capacity Wheat 40.0 Maximum Capacity Buckwheat 34.0 Cap'y 83232 Cap'y Cap'y Screenings 26.0 52598 63648 70720 Cap'y Headings 30.0 60690 73440 8160Ó Cap'y "Handles 30.0 60690 73440 81600 Cap'y -Hoops 14.0 28322 34272 38080 S0400 Hay (Prairie) 10.0 20230 24480 27200 36000 Hay (Alfalfa) 15.0 30345 36720 40800 54000 Hides (Green) 43.0 Maximum Capacity Sheep Pelts 10 0 24480 27200 36000 Hair 10.0 24480 27200 36000 20 Weight When Loaded in Per Refr. Box Furn. Commodity Cu. Ft. 2023 2448 2720 3600 Feet Cubical Capacity Iron, Scrap 30.0 73440 81600 Cap'y Jars (Fruit) 16.0 32368 39168 43520 57600 Lath 20.0 40460 48960 54400 72000 LUMBERS— -Pine (Dressed) 23.0 56304 57120 82800 -Oak (Rough) 35.0 85680 Cap'y Cap'y ■Gum (Rough) 28.0- 68544 76180 Cap'y -Lemons 17.0 34391 -Linseed Oil 25.0 61200 68000 Cap'y Lin. Oil Meal 32.0 64736 78336 87040 Cap'y Leather 30.0 60690 73440 81600 Cap'y Mine Props 40.0 Maximum Capacity Mattresses 5.0 12440 13600 18000 Malt 29.0 58667 70892 79780 Cap'y Milo Maize 40 0 Maximum Capacity Mill Feeds 27.0 54621 66096 72440 Cap'y Molasses Feed 25.0 50575 61200 68000 Cap'y 21 Weight When Loaded in Per Refr. Box Furn. Commodity Cu. Ft. 2023 2448 2720 3600 Feet Cubical Capacity -Middlings 32.0 64736 783S6 Cap'y Cap'y Onions 22.0 48466 53856 59840 79200 -Oranges 17.0 34390 ■Oats (Bulk) 27.0 54621 66096 72440 Cap'y Oats (Sacked) 25.0 50575 61200 68000 Cap'y Oil Meal (CS) 32.0 64736 78336 87040 Cap'y Oil Meal (Lin.) .32.0 64736 78336 87040 Cap'y Oat Hulls 24.0 48550 58752 65280 86400 -Oat Meal (Pkg.) 20.0 40460 48960 54400 72000 Oat Meal (Bag) 3Û.0 60690 73440 81600 Cap'y 'Paving Blocks 30.0 73440 81600 Cap'y Props, Mine 40.0 Maximum Capacity ' Paper Bags 17.0 41616 46340 61200 -Paper, Scrap 17.0 41616 46340 61200 -Peanuts 18.0 36414 44060 48960 64800 Pulp Board 27.0 54621 66096 72440 Cap'y Pottery, Nstd 16.0 32368 39168 43520 57600 ■ Poultry, Dsdd 14.0 28322 22 Weight When Loaded in Per Refr. Box Furn. Commodity Cu. Ft. 2023 2448 2720 3600 Feet Cubical Capacity •P. H. Products 20.0 44060 ■Potatoes, Bulk 18.0 36414 44060 48960 64800 Potatoes (Brld.) 15.0 30345 36720 40800 54000 Rye 37.0 Maximum Capacity Radiators 15.0 30345 36720 40800 54000 Spokes 30.0 60690 73440 81600 Cap'y •Shingles 24.0 48550 58752 65280 86400 Shooks, Box 27.0 54621 66096 72440 Cap'y •Staves, Loose 30.0 60690 73440 81600 Cap'y Staves, Bndld 24.0 48550 58752 65280 86400 Screens (Win.) 19.0 34391 46512 51680 68400 •Stoves 14.0 34272 38080 50400 Straw Board 23.0 47529 56304 57120 82800 Sugar 45.0 Maximum Capacity Salt 45.0 Maximum Capacity' Screenings 26.0 52598 63648 70720 Cap'y Shorts 25.0 50575 61200 68000 Cap'y Starch 28.0 56644 68644 76160 Cap'y Seeds, Grass 36.0 Maximum Capacity Soda Ash 42.0 Maximum Capacity Sash and Doors 10.0 20230 24480 27200 36000 Shells, Mussel 42.0 Maximum Capacity Sand 80.0 Maximum Capacity 23 Weight When Loaded in Per Refr. Box F'urn. Commodity Cu. Ft. 2023 2448 2720 3600 Feet Cubical Capacity Scrap Iron 30 0 73340 81600 Cap'y Tile, Drain 20.0 48960 S4400 72000 ■Tile, Bldg 52.0 Maximum Capacity Tomatoes 10.0 20230 Vegt. Crates 18.0 36414 44060 48960 6480O Vitrified Brk 50.0 Maximum Capacity Veneer 8.0 16184 19580 21760 28800 -Wood, Cord 35.0 85680 Cap'y Cap'y Wheat 40.0 Maximum Capacity Wool 12.0 29376 32643 43200 Window Glass 20.0 40460 48980 54400 72000 ^ 24 CHART SHOWING APPROPRIATE WEIGHTS. To determine appropriate weight in cars of known cubical capacity, when density of commodity is known: Locate cubical capacity in T.EFT HAND margin of chart and density figures at TOP of chart, in intersection opposite cubical capacity fi.gures and under the density figures will be found first three numerals of appropriate weight. Add to these figures TWO CIPHERS, which will give weight in pounds. When actual cubical capacity of car is not shown in margin use even figures nearest actual cubical capacity. EXAMPLE. Paper bags with a density of 17.0 pounds per cubic foot loaded in car of 2700 cubic feet capacity, what is the ap¬ propriate weight to be loaded in car to use full cubical capacity? Under test figures 17 at top of chart opposite 2700 in margin is shown 459. to which is added two ciphers, show¬ ing appropriate weight in this car with this commodity to be 459C0 pounds. POUNDS—DENSITY PER CUBIC FOOT Cu. Ft. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2000 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 ,340 360 380 2100 210 231 252 273 294 315 336 ^357 378 399 2200 220 242 264 286 308 330 352 374 396 418 2300 230 253 276 299 322 345 368 391 414 437 2400 240 264 288 312 336 360 384 408 432 456 2500 250 275 300 325 3.50 375 400 425 450 475 2600 260 286 312 338 364 .390 416 442 468 494 2700 270 297 324 351 378 405 4.32 459 486 513 2800 280 308 336 364 392 420 448 476 504 532 2900 290 319 348 ,377 406 4.35 464 493 522 551 3000 300 3.30 360 390 420 450 480 510 540 570 3100 310 341 372 403 4.34 465 496 527 558 589 3200 320 352 384 416 448 480 512 544 576 608 3300 3.30 363 396 429 462 495 528 561 594 627 25 POUNDS—DENSITY PER CUBIC FOOT Cu. Ft. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3400 340 374 408 442 476 510 544 578 612 350O 350 385 420 455 490 525 560 595 630 3600 360 396 432 468 504 540 576 612 648 3700 370 407 444 481 518 555 592 629 666 3800 380 418 456 494 532 570 608 646 684 3900 390 429 468 507 546 585 624 663 702 4CC0 400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720 41C0 410 451 492 533 574 615 659 697 738 4200 420 462 504 546 588 630 672 714 756 4300 430 473 516 559 602 645 688 731 774 4400 440 484 528 572 616 660 704 748 792 4500 450 495 540 585 630 675 720 765 810 Cu. Ft. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2000 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 2100 420 441 462 483 504 525 546 567 588 2200 440 462 484 506 528 550 566 594 616 2300 460 483 506 529 552 575 592 621 646 2400 480 504 528 553 576 600 618 648 674 2500 500 525 550 576 600 625 644 675 702 2600 520 546 572 599 624 650 670 702 730 2700 540 567 594 622 648 675 696 729 758 2800 560 588 616 645 672 700 792 756 786 2900 580 609 638 668 696 725 748 783 814 3COO 600 630 660 690 720 750 774 810 842 3100 620 651 682 713 744 775 800 837 870 3200 640 672 704 736 768 80O 826 864 898 3300 660 693 726 759 792 825 852 891 926 3400 680 714 748 782 816 850 878 918 954 3.=;''0 700 735 770 805 840 875 904 945 982 3600 720 756 792 828 864 900 930 972 3700 740 777 814 851 888 9-'5 956 999 3800 760 798 836 874 912 950 982 3900 780 819 858 897 935 975 4000 800 840 880 920 9.59 4100 820 861 902 943 983 4200 840 882 924 966 J,^00 860 903 946 989 4400 880 924 968 4500 900 945 990 19 646 665 684 703 722 741 760 779 798 817 836 855 29 580 609 638 667 696 725 754 783 812 841 870 899 928 957 986 POUNDS—DENSITY PER CUBIC FOOT. Cu. Ft. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 2COO 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 780 2100 630 651 672 693 714 735 756 777 798 819 2200 660 682 704 726 748 770 792 814 836 858 23C0 690 713 736 759 782 805 828 851 874 897 2400 720 744 768 792 816 840 864 888 912 936 2500 750 775 80O 825 850 875 900 925 950 975 2600 780 806 832 858 884 910 936 962 988 2700 810 837 864 891 918 945 972 999 2800 840 868 896 924 952 980 2900 870 899 928 957 986 3000 9C0 930 960 990 3100 930 961 992 320O 960 992 3300 990 3400 1020 3500 1050 Cu. Ft. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 2600 1014 2700 1026 1053 2800 1008 1036 1064 1092 2900 1015 1044 1073 1102 1131 3000 1020 1050 1080 1110 1140 1170 3100 1023 1054 1086 1116 1147 1178 1209 3200 1024 1056 1088 1120 1152 1184 1216 3300 1022 1056 1089 1122 1155 1188 1220 3400 1053 1088 1122 1156 1190 1224 3500 1084 1120 1155 1190 1225 27 POUNDS—DENSITY PER CUBIC FOOT. Cu. Ft. 40 41 42 2000 800 820 840 2100 840 861 882 2200 880 902 924 2300 920 943 966 2400 960 984 10O8 2500 1000 1025 1050 2600 1040 1066 1092 2700 1080 1107 1134 2800 1120 1148 1176 2900 1160 1189 1218 3000 1200 1230 7u. Ft. 48 49 50 2000 960 980 IGOO 2100 1008 1029 1050 220O 1056 1078 1100 2300 1104 1127 1150 2400 1152 1176 1200 2500 1200 44 45 46 47 880 90O 920 940 924 945 966 987 968 990 1020 1034 1012 1035 1058 1081 1056 1080 1104 1128 1100 1125 1150 1175 1144 1170 1192 1222 1188 1215 52 S3 54 55 1040 1060 1080 1100 1092 1113 1134 1155 1144 1166 1188 1210 1196 1219 43 860 903 946 989 1032 1075 1118 1161 1204 51 1020 1071 1122 1173 23 ♦ <-^'i-'h( ' :■: ■ ':^ ■"^i.