J1PA TECHNICAL SERIES Public Activities Circular No. 23 Library Service Circular No. U October 31 , 19^-1 FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Division of Community Service Programs Washington, D. C. A32gg \ A3288 FOREWORD This circular is prepared for the purpose of supplying technical instructions to library—service project supervisors in the organization and operation of a Central Cataloging Service. Nothing in this circular \ is to be construed as modifying in any way administrative procedures of the Work Projects Administration. Howard 0. Hunter Commissioner A3288 Library Service Circular Mo, 4 Table of Contents TABLE OP CONTESTS Section 1, Description and Purpose, Section 2, Personnel, Section 3, Processing Project-owned Books A, Preparation for Distribution B, Distribtition C, Acknowledgement of Responsibility for Books, Section 4, Cataloging Services for CJualifying Co-sponsoring Libraries, Appendix A3288 Library Service Circular Ho. 4 Section 1 Pago 1 Section 1. Description end Purposo. The Central Cataloging Service is operated as a unit of the State—wide library—service project and is located at the site of or in close proximity to the project State headquarters. This service is designed to meet the needs of the library—service project as a whole and to serve qualifying small co—sponsoring libraries by classifying and cataloging books. A fundamental purpose of the Central Cataloging Service is to classify, catalog, and maintain all records of project—owned books. 1/ The second principal purpose of the service is to make available to qualifying small public and school libraries limited cataloging services in establishing basically adequate library card catalogs. The operation of the Central Cataloging Service Unit is governed by the following conditions as stated in Operating Procedure Ho. G-5, section 20, subsection E. 1. In accordance with the general operating policy of the Work Projects Administration, the Central Cataloging Service shall not replace an organized library catalog department of any public or school library, nor shall it render assistance to such a department resulting in the displacement of regularly employed personnel, or in the assumption of duties normally performed by department employees. 2. Each participating public library shall certify that, when its catalog has been brought up to date, it will be currently maintained and supplemented by the local library staff. 3. Participation of public libraries shall be confined to those libraries now participating in project demonstrations of county or regional library service, and to libraries in areas where it is planned and anticipated that such demonstrations may be logically undertaken at a later period. 4. Within the limitations of the project authorization and subject to the foregoing specifications, small school 1/ Library Service Circular Ho. 2, Selection and Administration of Project- owned Books. Eeb. 18, 1941. A3288 Library Service Circular No. 4 Section 1 Pago 1 Soction 1. Description ana Purpose. The Central Cataloging Service is operated as a unit of the State-wide library—service project and is located at the site of or in close proximity to the project State hoadquarters. This service is designed to meet the needs of the library-service project as a whole and to serve qualifying small co—sponsoring libraries by classifying and cataloging books. A fundamental purpose of the Central Cataloging Service is to classify, catalog, and maintain all records of project-owned books. JL/ The second principal purpose of the service is to make available to qualifying small public and school libraries limited cataloging services in establishing basically adequate library card catalogs. The operation of the Central Cataloging Service Unit is governed by the following conditions as stated in Operating Procedure No. G—5, section 20, subsection E. 1. In accordance with the general operating policy of the Work Projects Administration, the Central Cataloging Service shall not replace an organized library catalog department of any public or school library, nor shall it render assistance to such a department resulting in the displacement of regularly employed personnel, or in the assumption of duties normally performed by department employees. 2. Ea.ch participating public library shall certify that, when its catalog has been brought up to date, it will be currently maintained and supplemented by the local library staff. 3. Participation of public libraries shall be confined to those libraries now participating in project demonstrations of county or regional library service, and to libraries in areas where it is planned and anticipated that such demonstrations may be logically undertaken at a later period. 4. Within the limitations of the project authorization and subject to the foregoing specifications, small school lj Library Service Circular No. 2, Selection and Administration of Project- ownod Books.. Peb. 18, 1941. A3288 Library Service Circular No. 4 Soction 1 Pago 2 libraries may participate, provided tiiat the cataloging service ronderod is necessary to moot required standards for school library service, and provided further that each participating school shall certify and agree to make pro¬ vision for keeping the cataloging up to date according to minimum requirements of standard cataloging procedures, 5, It shall bo the responsibility of the official sponsor of the library—service project to prepare and distribute to eligible libraries an announcement of the Central Cataloging Service giving an explanation of its purpose and instructions concerning participation, l/ 6, Cities to be cataloged shall be limited to those found in the following standard book-selection tools and others approved or compiled by qualified library authorities: American Library Association Catalog American Library Association Buying List of Books for Small Libraries Children's Catalog - H, W, Wilson Co, Standard Catalog for Public Libraries H, W» Wilson Co, Standard Catalog for High School Libraries — H,W, Wilson C0, 7, The official sponsor shall furnish space and equipment for the operation of the unit, such as typewriters, desks, and catalog card cabinets, 8, Sponsors contributions from participating libraries as a minimum shall cover the cost of all materials used. The official sponsor shall accept all responsibility involved in assessing and collecting such contributions, 2/ The result of cataloging service carried on within the preceding limitations is a strengthening and building up of an essential prerequisite to good library service. To give cataloging service without these assurances would encourage continuance of small independent units not economically capable of giving adequate and continuous service to their communities, and would encourage cataloging of materials of doubtful service value. 1/ See Appendix, pages 1-5, 2/ It is estimated that the cost of catalog cards usually necessary for one title will be approximately 3^, using cards of medium-weight stock, 75 percent rag content, A3288 Library Service Circular No, 4 Section 2 Pago 1 Section 2, Porsonnol, The Contral Cataloging Service Unit shall be under the general supervision of the State supervisor of the library—service project. Direct supervision shall be given by a professional library catalogcr assigned as Project Supervisor, X/ Approximately six project wage employees, of whom three should bo qualified and classified as Library Assistants and three as Senior Library Clerks, should be assigned to the unit. No fewer than throe workers should have typing ability, two should be assigned principally to filing and preparation of books for circulation, and one to preliminary revision and correction of catalog cards. All vrorkors should, hoxvever, bo taught the basic principles of all work. If The project supervisor of the Central Cataloging Service shall be a graduate of a school of library science accredited by the American Library Association and shall supply evidence of successful experience in public.library cataloging; extensive and successful experience in public library cataloging may be a sufficient qualification in isolated instancos. A3288 Library Service Circular Ho. 4 Section 3 Page 1 Section 3. Processing Project-owned Books- A. Preparation for Distribution. General principles for the selection and administration of project—owned books have been given elsewhere in this series, l/ It is the purpose here to suggest a more detailed analysis of a procedure which has been found to be practical. 1. When books are received, check volumes and titles against invoice and purcha.se order. 2/ 2. Colle„te all copies. 3/ 3. Prepare,RECEIPT FOR PROPERTY OR SERVICES WPA Form 741, for receipt of books. Reject imperfect copies by the same form. 4. Mark accepted books xiriLth stamp of identification. 4/ 5. Prepare accession record. 6. Enter price and date of purchase in boclcs. 7. Classify book and mako main entry card. This is the function of the supervising cataloger. 8. Prepare added entry cards, shelf—list cards, pocket, book cards, and place enamel identification stripes on spines of books. 5/ 9. Revise cards. Preliminary revision by project wage employee, final revision by the supervising cataloger. 10. File cards in catalog. 11. Revise filing, same procedure as in (9) above. if Library Service Circular Ho. 2, Selection and Administration of Project- . owned Books. Feb. 18, 1941. 2/ U. S. Treasury Form A~7. 3/ When shipments are unusually large, collating may be done after WPA Form 741 has been prepared, since it is important to submit the receiving report immediately upon receipt of the books. The WPA Form 741 inspection report may be submitted at a slightly later period but not to the point where discounts are lost. 4/ Library Service Circular Ho. 2, sec. 5, pages 1 and 2. 5/ Library Service Circular Ho. 2, seci 5, page. 2 A3288 Library Service Circular Wo, 4 Section 3 Page 2 3. Pistrilr.it 1 nn- A throe—card systom of rocording for distribution of project—owned books has been explained elsowhere in this series, l/ An alternate and less elaborate systom is suggosted horo for use where appropriate, but not for replacing any three-card system already established: 1, One book card only is prepared for each project- ownod book, 2, When books are to be loaned to a project demonstration unit they are taken from shelves, and the book cards are removed. In order to assure an accurate record of every book sent out in each shipment, immediately and prior to typing of the list referred to in item 4 following, the number of book cards removed shall be checked against the number of books by actually re¬ counting both books and cards, 3, Cards are arranged in ordor alphabetically by author, 4, Prom the cards so arranged, a typed list in quadruplicate is prepared, 5, All copies of this list are shipped with the books, Each copy carries instructions for disposition as follows: Copy 1 - Checked by the project service demonstration unit headquarters and returned to Central Cataloging Service headquarters. Copy 2 - Deposited in demonstration unit headquarters filos to bo checked and returned when books are returned. Copy 3 - Piled in office of District Supervisor of Library Project in whoso district books are received. Copy 4.— Deposited with local co-sponsor of the Project service demonstration unit, C, Acknowledgement of Responsibility Por Books. A statement accepting custory of project-owned books and cartifying replacement of lost or irreparably damaged volumes, except those destroyed by an Act of God, e,g,, flood, fire, tornado, or other similar circumstance, with exact duplicates or substitute oditions acceptable to the State supervisor of the library—service project, is included on the first page of all copies of the typed list. All four conies aro .signed bv the co-sponsor upon receipt of books. Some other means of es¬ tablishing co—sponsor custody of project—owned books should be devised if such lists arc not supplied with book shipments, A possible advantage of this method would bo a saving of time and more rapid distribution of books, since the typed iists can all be made in one oporation, and book cards must be made singly, lJ Library Service Circular Ho, 2, Sec^ 5, page 1, A3288 Library Service Circular No. 4 Section 4 Pago 1 Section 4. Cataloging Services for Qualifying Co-snonsoring LibrexiOS. Cataloging service is offered to small school and public libraries subject to the limitations outlined in section 1# Normally, the same workers mentioned in section 2 will type the catalog cards for both project-owned books and sponsor-owned books submitted to the Central Cataloging Service. Before making plans for cataloging the books for qualifying libraries, a survey should be made of tho approximate number of school and public libraries wishing to make use of such Central Cataloging Service, and of the approximate number of titles to bo cataloged for each. With the number, size, and location of those libraries in mind, prepare a schedule of dates for the orderly submission and handling of requests for cataloging. Tho purpose of such a schedule is twofold, (l) to insure an oven flow of requests to tho Cataloging Sorvico Unit, and (2) to onablo the Cataloging Service staff to handle the requests for a week (or other designated period) as an intorfilod unit. This method will provont a largo amount of filing and re¬ filing in the union card filo which consists of extra main-entry cards made for each sioonsor-ownod title as cataloged and which servos as reference for subsequent cataloging. It is suggested that, within each period, requests from either school libraries exclusively or public libraries exclusively be received, since a groator duplication of titles can be anticipated within similar libraries. 1. Accompanied by the certification xl that no work involved vri.ll bo taking tho place of work now performed by regular library omployeos and that future cataloging will bo kept up by the i/ For sample, sec .Appendix, j)ago 4# A3288 Library Service Circular No. 4 Soction 4 Pago 2 loca.1 staff, signed "by tho librarian of tho participating library, 3" x 5" slips l/ indicating tho books to be cataloged arc sont to tho offico of tho Central Cataloging Service. One slipi is made for each titlo_ and edition and each slip shall carry all items of information as follows: (a) Name and location of participating library. (b) Pull name of author or full names of joint authors if given; if author or authors are not indicated give full name of editor, translator, or compiler; if no name is found use phrase "no author indicated." (c) Title in full. (d) Place of publication. (e) Publisher. (f) Date of publication, usually found on title page of book near name of publisher; in absence of this date substitute latest copyright date, usually found on the verso or back side of title page. (g) Number of pages in book taken from the last numbered page of the book contents. 2. Upon receipt of slips by the Central. Cataloging Service, a letter of acknowledgement, giving tentative date of completion of order, is sent to tho participating library. 2/ 3. At the end of the week (or other designated period as planned in schedule) interfile all requests received for that period in file of slips awaiting cataloging. 4. Book slips are chocked against union list of books previously cataloged. 5. Those slips for which no catalog card is found in the union list of books previously cataloged are routed to a cataloger for classification and cataloging; the remainder of the slips are matched with and clipped to the cards found in the union list of books previously cataloged, and assigned to a typist for producing final catalog card entries for the request in hand. 6. Preliminary unit card is made by cataloger, with tracings for subject headings and analytics indicated. The request slip is clipped to this unit card. l/ Nor sample, see Appendix, page 5, 2/ Nor sample, see Appendix, page 6. A3288 Library Service Circular No. 4 Section 4 Page 3 7. The typist makes all cards indicated and in addition an extra main entry card with tracings on the hack of the card. In addition, place on this card the symbol for the name of the library for which the cards are being made. This extra main entry card is placed in a union file for use when this same title may appear in another cataloging request. 8. Responsible worker makes preliminary revision of the contents of cards. 9. Cataloger makes final revision of card content, and as necessary refers cards for re-typing. 10. Union file cards separated from catalog cards of participating libraries and returned to union file. 11. Cards are sorted into packs by name of each participating library. 12. Catalog cards for each participating library filed in catalog order, shelf-list cards filed in shelf—list order, 13. Cataloger revises filing order of these catalog and shelf-list cards. 14. Cataloged and rejected slips and catalog cards made are mailed to participating library. 15. Letter, typed in quadruplicate, is mailed to participating library containing the following informations l/ (a) Number titles cataloged, number rejected. (b) Number of cards made. (c) Explanation of arrangement of cards. (d) Cost of materials. (e) Directions for sending payment to sponsor. 16. Carbons of letter are routed as follows: (a) District library project supervisor in whose district participating library is located. (b) Official sponsor, for his record in collecting cost of materials. 2/ ll For sample, see Appendix, page 7. 2/ For sample of billing letter, see .Appendix, page 8. A3288 Library Service Circular Ho, 4 Section 4 Page 4 (c) Piles of Central Cataloging Service Unit, As has been indicated in the above outline*. an extra main entry card is made for each titlo received for cataloging. The purpose of making this card is readily apparent. It prevents duplication of offort on the part of the cataloger who has previously cataloged' a given book. The appropriate card can simply be withdrawn from the union file and given directly to the typist for duplication in connection with tho request at hand. Once a substantial union file of cards has beon accumulated, cataloging of all except new titles should be a speedy and relatively automatic process, A chock should be made by some member of the super¬ visory staff of the State-wide library—sorvice project to determine whether or not catalog cards have been correctly filed or installed in the catalog of tho participating library. Such a check will make sure that directions have been sufficiently specific and that the catalog is started according to acceptable cataloging standards. Library Service Circular No. Appendix Pago 1 SAMPLE Letter sent "by the official sponsor to libraries proposing Central Cataloging Service. (•place) (date) (Local Library) (Place) (Lear Librarian : The enclosed material mil explain to you an added service to small school and public libraries now being initiated through the cooperation of ( official sponsor) and the State library-service project of the Work Projects Administration. Should you desire to participate in this service, will you please notify this office within 10 days of the receipt of this letter, giving the approximate number of titles you will want to have cataloged. Very truly yours, (Official sponsor) A3288 Library Service Circular No. 4 Appendix Page 2 SAMPLE Description of Central Cataloging Service to accompany letter sent by the official sponsor to librarians proposing the service. CENTRAL CATALOGING SERVICE WHAT IT IS - A complete cataloging service made possible by the joint efforts of the (State Sponsor) and the (State) library-service project of the Work Projects Administration. WHAT IT OPEERS - The service of a trained cataloger and a full set of catalog cards ready for filing. SPONSOR CONTRIBUTION - Sponsors' contributions from participating libraries are to be deposited with the official sponsor upon receipt of the completed cata¬ log cards. Such contributions must be sufficient to cover the cost of all materials used, as well as other contributions obtainable. LIBRARIES WHICH MAY PARTICIPATE - (l) Any small public library not having a catalog department nor a sufficient staff to permit complete cataloging of accumulated books, which is now affiliated with a county or regional demonstra¬ tion or which is located in an area where such service is planned and which expects to participate in this service. (2) Any small school library which has been unable to catalog its books through lack of staff. LIMITATIONS - (l) The participating library is to certify that, once its catalog has been brought up to date, new books purchased will be cataloged the local library staff. (2) Only titles included in the following standardized lists or lists approved or compiled by qualified library authorities may bo sent for cataloging: American Library Association Catalog American Library Association Buying List of Books for Small Libraries Children's Catalog - H. W. Wilson Co. A3288 Library Service Circular Ho. 4 Appendix Page 3 Standard Catalog for High School Libraries - H. W. Wilson Co. Standard Catalog for Public Libraries - H. W. Wilson Co. FORM in MICH REQUESTS ARE TO BE SENT - List each title and edition on a separate 3x5 inch slip giving name and location of library, author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of publication and copyright date, number of pages, and accession number if book has been accessioned. (See attached sample of slip.) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OE REQUEST - On receipt of requests in the office of the Central Cataloging Service Unit, a letter will be sent to the requesting library acknowledging the request and, when possible, giving the approximate date of completion. A3288 Library Service Circular No, 4 Appondix Page 4 SAMPLE Certification by participating library (school) The (public) library requests the services of the Central Cataloging Service of State The Library certifies that when the catalog has been brought up-to-date, additional books acquired will be cataloged by the local staff according to accepted library (planning to participate) standards. The Library is now(participating ) (county ) in(regional) library service. Librarian A3288 Library Service Circular No. 4 Appendix Page 5 SAMPLE Slip prepared "by requesting library. Public Library, Town Pair, Ethel 11 Country-wide library service: a compilation of articles on service organized by counties and other large units, Chicago, Illinois, American Library Association 1934 208 pages Accession 2567 A3288 Library Service Circular No. 4 Appendix Page 6 SAMPLE Sample letter acknowledging receipt of request slips by Central Cataloging Service Headquarters address Dato Miss . , Librarian Public Library » City State Dear Miss : Tour packet of requests for cataloging by the Central Cataloging Service was received today. The cataloging of these titlos will bo completed by approximately t 1941. When they havo been completed, they will bo shipped to you with instructions for incorporation in your catalog. Very truly yours, State Supervisor Library Project A3288 Library Servico Circular No, 4 Appondix Page 7 SAMPLE Transmittal letter accompanying completed catalog cards. FEDERAL NCLJf AGENCY WORK PROJECTS AD.'UNISTRATION (Address) (Date) (Library) (Place) Dear We are mailing under separate cover 186 shelf-list cards, 868 catalog cords, and the slips which you sent to he cataloged on (date) 0 As stated in the bulletin which you received from the (Official sponsor) , we catalog only hooks found in certain approved lists and standard catalogs. The slips have been separated into two groups - those cataloged and those not cataloged. Shelf-list cards arc filed separately and are arranged by the order in which the books appear on the shelves - adult non- fiction first, adult fiction, juvenile nonfiction, juvenile fiction, and easy. Catalog cards are arranged alphabetically by the first lino on the card. No symbol has been used for adult fiction. If a book was suitable for seventh grade or below, it was classified as "juvenile" (j); and if the book was suitable for third grade or below, it was classified "easy" (E). The subject headings used in cataloging your books conform to those listed in the Children^ and High School Standard Catalogs. Will you please acknowledge receipt of those cards immediately? Yours very truly, State Supervisor Library Project A3288 LIBRARY SERVICE CIRCULAR Ho. 4 Appendix Page 8 SAMPLE Letter sent by the official sponsor requesting sponsor contribution from participating library. (Official sponsor) (Place) (Date) (Library) (Place) Wc have boon informed by the Central Cataloging Service Unit of the library-service projoct of the Work Projects Administration that catalog cards asked for in your request of (date) have been mailed to your library. In accordance vrith the descriptive circular for the Central Cataloging Service, each participating library makes its individual sponsor1s contribution toward defraying the costs of this service. In order to facilitate operation of the unit the official sponsor keeps the Central Cataloging Servico Unit supplied with material at all times, and local contributions arc sont to the official sponsor. Your contri¬ bution toward materials used for catalog cards just received amounts to (amount) . Very truly yours, (Officio,! sponsor)