/r r i * 1" uoJW* - HARRY L. HOPKINS ADMINISTRATOR ~ r Vr '1 c. - WORKS-PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION WALKER-JOHNSON BUILDING 1734 NEW YORK AVENUE NW. WASHINGTON. D. C. 10994 Februnry 12, 1°37 Information Service Letter No. 3t TO: All State Works Progress Administrators Attention: Information Service Directors SUBJECT: Construction of WPA Project Signs Since the standard WPA project signs made of paner are subject to damage and must be replace! freouentiy, the crinting of these signs has been discontinued. Hereafter, WPA uroject signs aha.ll be nad° of durable rnat-rial, such as wood or sheet ste°l, so that they will last throughout the life of the project and be moved from one project to another. The new signs shall be constructed by the State Works Progress Administration as required. These signs shall be identical with the previously prescribed signs as to size, color, and design. The method of construction and the material to be used in the construction of signs are ootionsl with the State Adminis¬ trator. For your guidance in the construction of WPA project signs the following are enclosed: 1. A color card giving color designations in War De¬ partment specifications. In the painting of WPA signs the red used is always to be identical with the "red (flag color) No. 15" in this color card, and the "blue (flag color) No. 21" in this color card. 2. Reproduction of a drawing showing a suggested sign with two additional panels, one above and one below. If this design for the entire marker is adopted, the upper panel should always contain the words "Community Improvement" and one or two words on the lower half of the panel telling the type of project marked. The lower panel should include the project number and the name of the sponsor. 3. A reproduction of a photograph of another type of sign. In this case the phrase describing the type of project and the name of the sponsor are ma.de e pert of the main sign. 10994 -2- The project number, the name of the sponsor, and. a brief project description shall be shown on all WPA project signs erected. Projects of the National Youth Administration may¬ be marked in the same manner, except that the letters "NYA" should be substituted for "1PA" on the bottom panel of the sign. The State Works Progress Administrator and the State Director of the National Youth Administration should cooperate in carry¬ ing out this program. David K. Niles Assistant Administrator Note: Since the supply of color cards was limited, these have been sent only to State Works Progress Administrators. Storm DmuiConstruction USA WORK PROGRAM Y-49 NATIONAL YOUTH ADMINISTRATION 1734 NEW YORK AVENUE NW. WASHINGTON, I>, C. 11142 March 2, 1937 "TO ALL STATE DIRECTORS: SUBJECT: Construction of NYA Project Signs Attached to this letter is a copy of WPA Information Service Letter No. 33' dated. Eehruary 12, 1.937, relative to the construction of WPA project signs. The last paragraph of Information Service Letter No. 33 indicates the modifications that will "be made in the WPA signs to make them applicable to NYA work projects. The remaining stock of the printed. NYA project signs is being mailed to the State "Youth Directors. lubrey Williams Executive Director