PRODUCTION NOTES Curtain and Light Plot Booth Projections Carpenter Notes Props Costume Plot <4 I CURTAIN AND LIGHT PLOT 1 Lights and curtain House lights out after overture News flashes over loudspeaker Turn red lights on soldiers On four beats of marching music, soldiers start on stage. After four counts from soldiers (8 beats in all), curtains open. Close portals on cue "Farmer save the world" Leave scrim in Clear stage quickly Music for curtain to tie into Scene 2 Open curtain Loudspeaker announcement End of music Open portals SCENE 2 Light up on first platform On cue "I don't see a damn thing", count 1- blackout. Incidental music between scenes. Lights up after music After Scene C close portals—fly scrim Incidental music Loudspeaker announcement Open portals as quickly as four men are set— End of music into Music SCENE 1. Overture SCENE 5 Light up on four men 1- "I can't buy that auto" 1- blackout 2- "I can't take that shipment" 1- blackout 3- "I can't use you any more" 1- blackout 4- "I can't eat" 1-2- blackout finish (No close in) Incidental music Loudspeaker announcement SCENE 4 Milo Reno enters stage right in dark On immediate finish of music Light from balcony spot up on Milo Reno. (Have platform ready stage left for entrance with desk and committeemen) on cue "1776" Send on platform in the dark (stage left) On last cue from Reno "if I tried", count 1-2- blackout. Spot up from left balcony on to stage left Milo Reno walks to platform As he walks voices call "Strike, strike", on Mike, off stage. After Reno signs, 1-2- blackout Upon first note of music,send out consumer truck stage right. Lights and curtain Music SCENE 5 Music 2. SCENE 5 (Cont'd.) Loudspeaker announcement On immediate finish of music, balcony spot right (up) On cue, man hitting his pocket, count 1 - blackout. Music Remove truck immediately Open black travelers to mark! Light up immediately on end of music Loudspeaker announcement (Scene shows flag hanging—backed by closed 2nd black travelers—two chairs, a table, two men) In this scene, actors work in audience On cue from audience, "let's do something", blackout immediately (no counts) Close first travelers Send in truck— stage left (truck has rock on it; also men behind rock) SCENE 7 Music (soft violin) Loudspeaker announcement Bring up auto-truck light effect from stage right. Gradually increase effect as scene progresses. On cue from stage right (off stage) "Push!", blackout Music SCENE 8 Open 1st black travelers At end of rausic, loudspeaker announcement Lights On cue "Sold for 13^", count 1-2- blackout Close 1st travelers Music Have Mike placed in dark on stage Loudspeaker announcement On cue, "Mr. Lem Harris", spot from left balcony up on Lem Harris. (During this scene, let in glass curtain, back of traveler, and also place ramp stage right for next scene) During man's speech, applause is heard at different intervals off stage left over Mike. On cue from speaker, "As well as he can", count 1-2- blackout. Applause carried to next scene. Loudspeaker announcement As applause dies down, voice over Mike, still in darkness reads. Open travelers SCENE 6 Musi c SCENE 10 Music SCENE 10 (Cont'd.) On cue from both families, "Burn it", fire effect goes on. Voice speaks cue "war in history". On cue from the two families, "words! words!" hold position. Close portals Let in scrim Close travelers Music SCENE 11 Open portals Same Mike in previous scene on offstage right is used in this scene. At end of music, loudspeaker announcement Voice offstage speaks over loudspeaker also. On cue (one line only) "Policy it Congress" spot from balcony right up, on man speaking over Mike. Light out on cue "the power to" Projections from booth, (3) 1- Map of U.S.A. Voice offstage, "bushels in 1934", count 1-2 2nd projection - Pigs, Voice offstage, "million in 1935". Count 1-2 3rd projection - Bread. Voice offstage, "74 cents a bushel in 1934". Music SCENE 12 Loudspeaker announcement Blackout Close portals At end of music, lights up Man enters On cue from farmer, "have the money, I'll take it" count 1-2- blackout Music Loudspeaker announcement SCENE 13 Scrim up Open portals 1st Travelers open Incidental music during all this. At end of music on cue, "Triple A Enacted", gong and lights. At end of scenej gong and blackout Close 1st Travelers Send truck from stage right, for counter restaurant scene. SCENE 14 Light up on counter restaurant On cue "prices went up today", count 1-2- blackout Ilusic Lights and curtain Truck immediately off Music Send on truck from stage left,swank restaurant. 4. SCENE 15 Light up on swank restaurant On cue "O.K. both", count 1-2- blackout Incidental music Close portals Let in sky drop SCENE 16 Open portals end of music Loudspeaker announcement Music Two voices offstage, right and left in the dark speak lines with the music On words being spoken faster and faster, cue "Fair and warmer", "Fair and warmer", "Fair and warmer", 1st black travelers open to mark, showing farmer On cue "Dust", count 1-2- blackout Close travelers Special music for church scene Pull away blue-sky Minister gets up on wheat pit platform Let in church-window Open 1st travelers to mark Light up slowly, as travelers open. SCENE 17 Yoice interrupts music. On cue "grant such seasonable weather" start dimming out slowly on minister so that lights are entirely out on "Rejoice in Thy goodness". Announcement over loudspeaker Dim in dying cattle projection, leaving projection in until end of music End of music Close portals Pull away church-window Take out scrim Open portals and 1st Travelers as soon as scrim is out Gong SCENE 18 Incidental music - wheat pit music Loudspeaker announcement Lights up Observe last count ($1,10) Gong and blackout Close portals Let in sky-drop Open 1st travelers to mark End of music SCENE 19 Loudspeaker announcement Lights up On cue "Are you with me, then come on", as 5. SCENE 19 (Cont'd.) Music Lights and curtain They walk off- blackout Incidental music Close portals Let in meat-store drop Open portals End of music Loudspeaker announcement SCENE 20 Lights up On cue "Soak the meat in kerosene", blackout. Close portals Incidental music Truck on stage right for Sherwood scene Open portals End of music Loudspeaker announcement SCENE 21 Lights up On cue "Book her for murder", business of policeman taking child from Mrs. Sherwood. As policeman takes child, lights out. Let in glass curtain somewhere in scene. Count 1-2-3, then overhead pin spot on Mrs. Sherwood, all alone. Start dimming slowly on first "guilty", as that spot is entirely out on the 9th "guilty". Music Loudspeaker announcement Truck off SCENE 22 End of Music Open travelers showing glass curtain. On cue "have been dead a long time" count 1-2- blackout Close travelers Incidental music Loudspeaker a.mouncement Place Mike stage left for speaker End of music SCENE 23 Lights up on Secretary Wallace at loudspeaker On cue "Steal in American History", count 1- blackout Music Loudspeaker announcement Send in truck stage right for Secretary Davis End of music SCENE 24 Lights up. As people hurry across stage, time it for a fraction of a minute, then Music Lights and curtain 6. SCENE 24 (Cont'd.) SCENE 25 Blackout Close portals to 8 ft. mark Music continues through until finale Loudspeaker announcement Farmers line up across stage, in front of portals, with banners. Close portals At cue from farmer "The Farmer has been sold down the river", open portals. Final cue "We need you". Medium fast curtain. 7. BOOTH PROJECTIONS SCENE 2, GRAPH SLIDE #1 11, MAP #2 LOAVES OF BREAD #3 PIGS #4' 17. DYING CATTLE #5 SOUND CUES 8. SCENE 1 - TABLEAU Hike 1 oil 10 during overturei and curtain music. Kill after 2nd announcement. SCENE 2A- DEFLATION Mike 1 on 10 at blackout of Scene 1. Kill after announcement. 2B Nothing 2C Nothing SCENE 3 FARMER, DEALER, MANUFACTURER, WORKER (VICIOUS CIRCLE) Mike 1 on 10 at blackout of .Scene 2C. Cue "I don't see a damn thing", 3rd time. Kill after announcement, SCENE 4 MILO RENO Mike 1 on 10 at blackout of Scene 3. Cue "I can't eat" Kill after announcement. Crowd noise record on turntable, 1 at middle of scene. Cue "I couldn't stop it if I tried" Bring pickup Volume 1 to 15 as Reno crosses. Backoff to 25 when Reno reaches other side. Fade on blackout. SCENE 5 MILK Mike 1 on 10 at blackout of Scene 4. Kill after announcement. SCENE 6 FARMERS ORGANIZE Mike 1 on 10 at blackout of Scene 5. Cue "I'll take it" by woman. Kill after announcement. Crowd noise on turn¬ table one. Start loud and fade to blackout. Cue "Let'df stop talking and do something", SCENE 7 TRUCK SCENE Mike 1 on 10 on blackout of Scene 6. Turntable 2 on truck record on end of music next to last cut. Fade in fast at end of'music. Kill on squeal of brakes. Mike 1 on through scene. Mike 3 up on squeal of brakes. Kill on blackout. SCENE 8 AUCTION On blackout Mike 1 on 10. Cue is crash of truck. Kill after announcement. 9. SCENE 9 LEM HARRIS Mike 1 oil 10 at blackout of Scene 8, Hold through, scene. Bring hike 2 to 20 on intrduction to Lem Harris. Kill hike 2 on blackout. SCENE 10. WHEAT BURNING Mike on 10 at blackout of Scene 9. Cue "As well as he can". Hold Make 1 through scene. SCENE 11. WALLACE Mike 1 on through scene. SCENE 12. SHIRT SCENE Mike 1 on through scene. SCENE 13. FIRST WHEAT PIT Mike 1 on through scene. Rill Mike on blackout. SCENE 14. LUNCH COUNTER Nothing SCENE 15. SWANK RESTAURANT Blue Danube Record starts 15 on HLackout of Scene 14. Cue "Sorry, Pal, prices went up today", decrease to 43 on lights up. Up to 15 on Blackout and fade. Black¬ out cue, "O.K. Both" SCENE 16. SECOND WHEAT PIT n.t end of Scene 15, Mike 1 up to 10. Hold through scene. SCENE 17. DROUGHT Mike 1 at 10 through scene. SCENE 18. CHURCH Mike 1 at 20 fron beginning of scene until music starts at end. Cue "Rejoice in Thy goodness, Amen", Mike up to 10, hold. SCENE 19. SHARECROPPERS Mike 1 at 10. Kill after announcement. SCENE 20. DETROIT MEAT STRIKE Mike 1 on 10 at blackout of scene 19. Cue "But, by God I'm a'goin' to help. Are you with me. Then come onJ" Kill after announcement. Turntable 2 on truck record. Cue, "We won't buy meat. Prices must cone down". Spoken by all women, Use Groove 3 on record. Cut on squeal of brakes. 10. SCENE 21. SHERWOOD CASE Hike 1 on 10 at blackout of Scene 20. Kill after announcement. Kike 1 on 10 on cue "Book the woman for murder". Kill after announcement. SCENE 22. SUTRaiE COURT SCENE Mike 1 on 10 on blackout of Scene 21. Cue, "Guilty, Guilty....etc." Hold Mike 1 through scene. SCENE 23. SECOND WALLACE SCENE Mike 1 on 10. Bring Hike 2 up to 20 during announce¬ ment. Hold Mike 2 through scene. Kill Mike one after announcement. Kill Hike 2 on blackout. SCENE 24. DAVIS SCENE Mike 1 on 10 on blackout of Scene 23. Cue, "The greatest legalized steal in American History". Kill Hike 1 after announcement. SCENE 25. FINALE Bring Mike 1 to 10 on blackout of Scene 25. Cue, "expenditure of money for anything", hold Mike through scene and after curtain for news flashes. NOTES FOR HEAD CARPENTER SCENE X. OPENING TABLEAU Blacks Scrim 1-6' High platform 2-4' " " 2-2' " " 2 Desks 4 Chairs 2 Ramps SCENE 2. DEFLATION #2 Blacks #1 Scrim-projection 1-6' High platform 2-4' " " 2-2' " « 2 Desks 4 Chairs SCENE 3. FARMER TO WORKER In one black SCENE 4. FARMERS1 HOLIDAY Milo Reno Desk and two chairs on left truck SCENE 5. MILK PRICES Small table and milk can and bottles on right truck SCENE 6. SIOUX CITY #2 Blacks American flag Speakers' table - 2 chairs SCENE 7. MILK STRIKE Sign-post and rock on left truck SCENE 8. AUCTION Full stage to cyclorama 2 - Barn set pieces 1 - Foliage set piece 1 - Ground row box platforms SCENE 9. LEM HARRIS Spot in one, on Harris SCENE 10. FARMERS' AND WORKERS' FAMILIES Muslin glass curtain Ramp Box platform SCENE 11. TRIPLE A, ENACTED #1 Scrim Projection of U.S. map Pigs Bread SCENE 12. SKIRT SCENE Spots on three people SCENE 13. WHEAT PIT #3 Blacks 2 ramps 3-4' Platform 2 phone booths- elevated Blackboard SCENE 14. COUNTER RESTAURANT Counter on right truck SCENE 15. SWANKY RESTAURANT Left truck Set piece Table and 2 chairs SCENE 16. DROUGHT #1 Scrim Small sky SCENE 17. CHURCH Church window #2 Blacks SCENE 18. WHEAT PIT NO. 2 Repeat SCENE 19. SHARECROPPERS Small sky SCENE 20. DETROIT STRIKE §2 Blacks Meat store - hanging 2 Picket signs SCENE 21. MRS. SHERWOOD Desks on right truck SCENE 22. SUPREME COURT "AAA" KILLED Muslin glass curtain Projection - constitution Platform elevation SCENE 23. THE BIG STEAL Spot on Wallace in one SCENE 24. DAVIS Desk and two chairs on left truck SCENE 25. FULL STAGE TO CYCLORAliA First half in front of portal curtain second half, full stage to cycloraraa. #2 Scrim Ramp Platform Wing Blackboard 9 Signs Steps 14. SCENE 1. SCENE 3. SCENE 4. SCENE 5. SCENE 6. SCENE 7. SCENE 8. SCENE 9. PROPS Twelve rifles SCENE S» Center platform 1 desk, Trench telephone, pen, ink, paper* basket, 1 office chair, low platform, 1 desk, upright phone, wire basket, paper, ink, 2 office chairs In 1 Set Left side Convention table, 2 chairs underneath flag. Set Rifeht side Farm implements, barrel Left truck 1 desk, telephone, calendar, basket, etc. 1 office chair AFTER SCENE SET ROCK & POST Right truck 1 desk, 1 chair, large milk can, small milk can, empty milk bottle, milk bottl THE BOTH FIVE SCENES ARE SET BEFORE CURTAIN RISES Convention-table, green table-cloth, gavel, pitcher, glass, paper, two chairs. AFTER STRIKE PUT GAVEL ON BARREL FOR AUCTION SCENE Stage right Crash, wood crash, iron crash, glass crash, 2 empty pails Left truck Rock and post AFTER CRASH SET SMALL COUNTER TV/0 YELLOW BOWLS 1 LADEL Stage left AFTER STRIKE SEP RESTAURANT TABLE FARM SALE - Farm implements, barrel, gavel, ledger. In one SCENE 10. In two SCEI3E 11. In one SCENE 12. In one Shirt and box SCENE 13. Wheat pit 6 telephones, razors, gong off stage SCENE 14. Left truck Restaurant table, 2 silver chairs, plate, rolls, ash tray, silverware, vase, rose SCENE 15. Right truck Small restaurant counter, large yellow bowl, small yellow bowl, ladle SCENE 16. In one Set church pulpit SCENE 17. Church pulpit SCENE 18. Wheat pit Set right truck, high police desk, small desk, 1 chair, ledger, upright telephone SCENE 19. Soap box In 2. Ready with the market bags SCENE 20. Market 12 market bags AFTER SCENE SET LEFT TRUCK DESK, CHaIR In 2, Package of meat & 2 posters SCENE 21. Police scene High desk, small desk, chair, telephone, ledger SCENE 22. Scrim SCENE 23. In one; ready with posters SCENE 24. Left truck Desk, chair, electric push buttons SCENE 25 Portal Full stage. ALL POSTERS 16. COSTUME PLOT SCENE 1. 12 Soldiers in uniform - khaki 12 Farmers, some wearing overalls 3 Speakers, business suits 1 Speaker, woman, street dress, small hat. SCENE 2. Exporter and Jobber - both business suits City banker - dark business bow-tie suit Country banker - wears light business suit, light necktie Country banker - business suit Fanner - soft felt hat, old suit, contrasting jacket. SCENE 3. Farmer - overalls, soft felt hat, old jacket Dealer - regular business suit Manufacturer - regular business suit Worker - old and worn business suit, cap SCENE 4. Milo Reno - plain business suit, dark tie b. Reno - as before Commission merchants - all wear business suits SCENE 5. Middleman - dark business suit Farmer - overalls Consumer - (female) dark suit or coat, bright scarf or hat for color. SCENE 6. Farmers - suits SCENE 7. Milk strike - no costume problem SCENE 8, Auction - farmers wearing overalls, old suits, collar- less or open neck shirts - soft hats. Women wear house dresses, some with old hats. SCENE 9. Lem Harris - business suit SCENE 10. Farmer's family - Fanner, overalls, open neck shirt Wife - cotton house dress, and apron Daughter - cotton dress and apron First son - overalls Second son - shirt sleeves and trousers City worker's family - city worker - old suit, cap. Wife - shabby, dark dress Daughter - sweater and skirt,worn ; looking. First son - worn suit - turtle-neck sweater if possible. Second son - worn, dairk suit, soiled looking shirt. SCENE 11. Secretary Wallace - dark, business suit and tie SCENE 12. Farm Bureau representative - dark, business suit Farmer - overalls and jacket Shirt salesman - dark suit - well groomed. SCENE 13. Wheat pit - 6 customer's men, linen jackets Other members of this scene wear dark, business suits. 17. SCENE 14. Counterman - white apron Custoxaer - very poorly dressed. SCENE 15. Man in evening dress Woman in evening dress Waiter, evening dress. SCENE 16. Farmer in suit, contrasting jacket. SCENE 17. Minister in dark, business suit. SOME 18. Wheat pit as before, SCENE 19. Farmer - old trousers, open neck shirt, soft hat 5 sharecroppers - 3 wear overalls, one is coatless and hatless, 2 wear old hats. 2 wear old suits, collarless shirts and contrasting jackets. SCENE 20. Leader - woman wearing dark coat, bright scarf and dark hat. Women of nob - dark street clothes. A few bright colored suits or dresses should mingle with the mob to lend color. Men wear dark suits, hats. SCENE 21. Police Lieutenant costume Policeman - uniform Mrs. Sherwood - shabby coat SCENE 22. Nine Justices - judge's robes Hastings and Browder, business suits without' hats A1 Smith - business suit, brown derby, cigar Thomas Jefferson - period costume, knee-breeches, shirt with ruff, no hat, wig. Four men - 2 business suits 2 overalls. One woman, street clothes. SCENE 23. Wallace - as before SCENE 24. Davis - business suit, no hat Two reporters - business suits with hats Other males - hatless, business suits Women, business clothes, hatless. SCENE 25 Finale. - Farm unions, members of this scene wear old suits, some wear hats. Rest of cast as before. "" .. ' ' ' •• ' ■ ' " ' . . ' ' (IT •t ( u