^\0 ^ ^^ A BIBLIOGRAPHY OP LISTS OF FREE ^SST INEXPENSIVE AIDS FOR TEACHERS OF ADULTS ¥. P. A. Technical Series Community Servros Circular Number 3 Education Program No. 1 c i y A June 5, 1940 JEDERAL WORKS AGENCY JiORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Division"of Professional and Service Projects Washington, D. C. AND -^Vvv^stern U, All 59 A1139 i'OHlfiWOHD This Circular provides a bibliography of lists of free and inexpensive aids for teachers of adults. This material is intended for the use of supervisors in their training of teachers of WPA Adult Education classes. It con¬ sists of a compilation of sources of materials which supervisors and teachers will find useful in locating suitable materials which may be obtained with little or no expenditure of funds. Commissioner of Work Projects All 39 CONTENTS Page Intro Auction 1-2 Audio-Visual Aids 2-4 Cultural and Academic 4 Family Life Education 4—5 Foundation Fields 5 General (Lists rhich cover a variety of topics) 6-7 Guidance 8 Health 8 Putlie Affairs 8-9 Safety 9 Vocational 9-10 Periodicals and Indexes 10-14 All 39 - 1 - INTRODUCTION The use of pamphlet and other ephemeral literature as teaching ma¬ terial is increasing. We see a growing amount displayed in "bookstores which formerly refused to stock it and in libraries which formerly classified it unwillingly. The valuo to teachers of this kind of mate¬ rial in enriching their instruction is now recognized. The lists of sources of such material prepared for teachers and librarians, and in¬ cluded in this bulletin, will substantiate the above statement. In the selection of material of this type it is important to keep in mind the possible bias of the issuing organization. That produced by commercial concerns is, of course, prepared to sell their own prod¬ ucts. Similarly, various organizations are promoting their own point of view. It is the teacher's job to seo that all sides of the question are presented when such material is used in the classroom. The following publications offer excellent suggestions for the selection and use of supplementary teaching materials of various kinds, and for distinguishing between propaganda and educational material. Adult Education Bulletin, April, 1938. pp. 3-7. "The Use of Instruc¬ tional Material," by Thomas Pansier. Federal Security Administration, U.- S. Office of Education, Washington, D. C. School Use of Visual Aids. 68p. 1933. Superintendent of Docu¬ ments, 10^ Journal of Adult Education, January 1939. pp. 26-31. "Material Consi¬ derations," by Jacques Ozannc. National Sgucation Association, Department of Supervisors and. Directors of Instruction Eighth. Yearbook, Materials of Instruction. 242p. 1935. Institute for Propaganda Analysis, Inc., 132 Morningside Drive, New York* Propaganda Analysis: A Bulletin to Help the Intelligent Citizen Detect and Analyze Propaganda. $2y00 a year. Monthly. . Propaganda: How to Recognize It and Deal with It. 83p. 1938. 60tfs ' — A1139 School and Society, February 10, 1940. pp. 164-170. The Significance of the Increasing Use of Pamphlets as Teaching Material, by Harriet h. Siioen, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, A Pamphlet about Pamphlets. 104p, 1939. 75c£ Advice on the use, selection, and housing of pamphlets and suggestions for keeping the file alive, AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS American Council on Education, Motion Picture Project, 744 Jackson Place, Washington, B. C. Motion Picture Films and Equipment for Use in Schools. 4-p. Mimco. Free. A list of sources of films and equipment, together with cost estimates. Association of School Film Libraries, 9 Rockefeller Plaza, Hew York City, Information Service. Well written and complete descriptions and evalu¬ ations of current educational films, issued, as completed, in loose loaf form, with binder. Subscription to this information service which also includes a periodical news letter containing lists of new film releases and other current information on the use of films costs $5.00 a. year. Some libraries, schools, and other organizations subscribe to this service. The Cordon Company, 225 Lafayette Street, How York, 1937. $3.50. Visualizing the Curriculum. Charles F. Hoban, Charles F. Hoban, Jr., and Samuel 3. Zisman. Contains sources. Educational Screen, 64 East Lake Street, Chicago. 1000 and One—The Bluebook of Hon-Theatrical Films. 75j (25j to subscribers of Educa¬ tional Scroon Magazine.) Available- in many libraries. The most complete low-priced catalog of educational films. Lists over 5000 films under 147 subject groups, with an index of titles, and. a list of film distri¬ butors, Each film title is briefly described with information concerning length, width, silent or sound, and distributors from which the film may¬ be obtained. Catalogs may be obtained free from the numerous distributors listed in the Bluebook. Films should be ordered from those. , Audio-Visual Handbook, by E. C. Drrt. $1.50. Fr-qu out Ia¬ rovised. Includes articles on all types of visual aids and their uses, and sources of information on materials and equipment. Federal Security Administration, U. S. Office of Education, Washington, P. 0. School Use of Visual Aids. 68p. 1938. Superintendent of Docu¬ ments. 10^ An interpretative report of a survey made in 1936 of the use of visual aids in school systems. Contains suggestions on the use of various typos of visual aids and gives many sources of additional information and lists of sources of visual aids themselves. All 35 - 3 - International Ladies' Garment Workers1 Union, Educational Department, 3 West 16th Street, New York. The Eye Route, by Mark Starr. 1938. 15^. A pamphlet on the use of visual aids in workers' education, but useful for other phases of adult education. Gives information about pictorial books, pamphlets and magazines, posters, maps, charts, exhibits, film strips, projectors, screens and movies, distributors from which they may be obtained, and bibliographical references for further information. National Education Association. Department of Supervisors an.d Directors of Educatlon, Eighth Yearbook. 1955. Materials of In struction. Lists motion pictures and other visual aids. Refers to other lists of sources. Contains suggestions for using the environment as a source of supplemen¬ tary teaching aids,' Excellent reference book. National Education Association, 1301 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D. C. Visual Aids in Safety Education. 32p. 1940. 25<# National Elementary Principal. 13:470-3 and 460-69, June 1934. "Sources of Picture Materials" and "Governmental Agencies Supplying Visual Aids". National Peace Conference, 8 West 40th Street, New York. Literature Re¬ view, December 1938. 15#. "Where to Find It." List of sources of pamph¬ lets, posters, and films on international, relations. Reading and School Libraries. 1:29-30, March 1935. "Travel Posters and Pamphlets." A list of sources. State Teachers College Library, Montclair, New Jersey. Visual Aids That Are Free or Inexpensive. Compiled by Lili Heimors, July 1539. 15^ Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Maps. Free. A list of maps for sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U. S. Film Service, Washington, D. C. Director;/ of U. S. Government Films, Mimeo. Free. Films listed by agencies. Contains directions for securing films and description of each. (Most government films are free except for transportation costs.) Sources of government film strips and lantern slides also listed. . Bibliography of Catalogs and Sources of Films. 6p. Mimeo. March 1940. Free. Arranged under two headings: General and Schools; Museums, State Departments, etc. U. S. Office, of Education, Federal Security Administration, Washington, D, C. State Library Agencies as Sources of Pictorial Matorial for Social Studies• Leaflet No, 34. 5,4. H. W. Wilson Company, Chicago. Educational Film Catalog. 4.00 a year. Quarterly supplements,-with a cuinulative supplement in October, and occasion¬ al complete revisions keep the information up to date. Films re listed alpha¬ betically by titles and classified in a decimal classification, giving length, All 39 A. «s width, rental, price, date, producer, a fairly complete description, grad- ings as to teaching level to which it is adaptable, whether there is a teacher's guide, and other information. Films listed are selected on the advice of educators and others interested in this service. Also contains a directory of producers and list of distributors by states. Available in many libraries. State departments and institutions of higher learning are often willing to lend visual aid materials'. CUITIIHAL Aim ACADEMIC Many of the lists in the General section contain sources of materiel- suitable for use in the various areas of this section. Federal Security Agency, U. S. Office of Education, Washington, D. C. Government Publications of Use to Teachers of Geography and Science• 16 p. 1938. Superintendent of Documents. 10#. National'Education Association, Department of Supervisors and Directors of Instruction, Eighth Yearbook, 1935, Materials of Instruction. Contains references to lists of sources of supplementcry teaching ma¬ terials in art, music, history, English, mathematics, science, and other subject matter fields. • National Elementary School Principal, thirteenth Yearbook, June 1954. pp. 470-473. "Sources of Picture Materials." K. W. Wilson. Standard Catalog for High School Libraries. 1932. "Sources of Pictures for Fine Arts." FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION American Home Economics Association, 620 Mills Building, Wasliington, D, C. Annotated List of Pamphlets on Famil?/' Budgets, Relief Standards, and Nu¬ trition. 1939. 20# . An Annotated List of Simplified Material in Parent Educa* tion. 23p. Mineo. 1938. 25#. Lists materials on child guidance; the family; the community and the school; health, play education; sex education. • Illustrative Material Ava.il.able for Teachers of Textiles and clothing. Mimec. 25# A1139 - 5 - Bulletin cf Family Research and Education. (See Periodicals and Indexes#) family Life Education Service. (See Periodicals and Indexes.) Practical Home Economics. September 1939. pp. 250-262. "Annual List of Educational Materials."" Lists materials from manufacturers and trade asso¬ ciations useful tp home economics teachers. (See Periodicals and Indexes also.) Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Poods and Cooking, Children's Bureau, and other publications relating to children. ("See General section.) What's New in Home Economics. (See Periodicals and Indexes.) Wilson Library Bulletin. October 1939. p. 139. "Pree and Inexpensive Cookbooks." POUKDATION PIPLDS American Library Association, 520 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Books for Adult Beginners. 64 p. 1939. 65lorations. National parks explorations, etc. 33. Animal Industry, domestic animals, poultry and dairy industries. 41. Plants. Culture of fruits, vegetables, cereals, grasses, grain. 50. American History and Biography. The Revolution, Civil War, World War. 51. Health. Disease, drugs, sanitation, water pollution. 53. Maps. Government maps, and directions for obtaining them. 62. Commerce and. Manufacturns. Foreign trade, patents, trusts, public utilities. 65. Foreign Relations. Foreign debt, naval disarmament, treaties, Mexican affairs. 66. Immigration. Aliens, citizenship, naturalization, races. 68. Farm Management. Agricultural statistics, farm accounts, farm relief, marketing, and farm homes. 71. Chi1dren1s Bureau. and other publications relating to children. 72. Publications of interest to suburbanites and home builders. 73. Handy Books. Books for ready reference covering many topics. Lists of Publications. Each Government Department issues its own list of publications which may be secured on request. University of Oregon, Curriculum Laboratory, Eugene, Oregon. Free and Inexpen¬ sive Materials. Curriculum Bulletin Do. 4, October 15, 1939. 20p. 2Oaf. An annotated bibliography of bibliographies of sources of pamphlets and other teaching aids obtainable free or at small cost. Wilson bulletin. 13:492-3, March 193S. Ton Cents and Up; Inexpensive Books for School Libraries. • 12:39506, February 1938. Sources of Free and Inexpensive Material. Work Projects Administration, Union Terminal Warehouse Building, Lincoln, Neb¬ raska. Sources of Free and Hear-Free Materials. 59p. k'imeo. 1P3S. This bulletin may be reproduced by other state WPA education programs, giving credit to the WPA Adult Education Project, Teachers College, University of Nebraska, or may bo secured tnrougli the Nebraska Work Projects Administration on a replace¬ ment-of-materials basis. A1139 -8- CUIBAHCE Federal Security Administration, U. S.- Office of Education, Washington, D. C. Quidr-nce Bibliography: Occupations. Reissued 1940. Free. A brief list of references annotated and indexed. Mostly hooks. See periodicals and Indexes also. HEALTH American national Red Cross, Washington, B. C. A Bibliography of Sup¬ plementary Material for Classes In Hone Hygiene and Care of the Sick. 23 p. 1936. 10^. Rational Education Association. Department of Elementary School Prin¬ cipals Bulletin 10:695-701; July 1931. "Free and Inexpensive Health Publications." Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Health (See General section.) Worl: Projects Administration, Education and Training Section, Washington, D« C. Pamphlets on Communicable Diseases. 8p. Mi iceo. Free. (Prepared by U. S. Public Health Service.) PUBLIC AFFAIRS American Labor Education Service, 437 West 59th Street, Hew York. Annotated List of Pamphlet Material for Workers' Classes. 45o. Mimoo. 1933. 20^. Inexpensive materials on the labor movement, labor economics, English and parliamentary law, labor plays, and methods and materials. Federal Security Agency, U. S. Office of Education, Washington, D. C. Public Affairs Pamphlets. An index to inexpensive pamphlets on social, economic, political, and international affairs. 85p. 1937. Superin¬ tendent of Documents, 10^. • Public Affairs Pamphlets. Supplement Wo. 1. 6?p. 1933. Superintendent of Documents, 10p. Annotated, arranged by issuing or¬ ganisations as well as being indexed according to title, author, and subject. Harper Brothers. Hew York. Bibliography on Consumer Education. 286p. 1939. $4.00. Each chapter contains a list of pamphlets and monographs. Also lists commercial sources of materials. All 39 - 9 - The Liberal Survey, 4309 Third Street, N.W., Washington, E. C. A Directory for Liberals. 64p. 193S. 75^'. A list of organizations having an active interest in social, economic, political, and inter¬ national problems, giving their organizational setup, purposes, and point of view, activities, and publications (periodicals ana pampnleus)• National Education Association, 1201 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D. 0. Research 3x11ctin, vol. 17. No. 4, September 1939 and supplement, February 1940. 254. "Organizations Interested in International Rela¬ tions." Annotated list of sources of information, maps, charts, and other materials. Public Affairs Information Service. (See Periodicals and Indexes.) Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature. (See Periodicals and Indexes.) United States Department of Agriculture, Consumers' Counsel, AAA, Washington, D. C. Materials for Consumer Education. 21p, 1939. Free. A selected bibliography. Includes sources of information on new publi¬ cations concerning consumer education and consumer activities. Includes sources of visual materials. . Consumer Services of Government •Agencies. Rev. 1937. Free. Supply limited. Lists government publications. SAFETY National Educed ion Association, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D, C. Research Bulletin vol. XVI, No. 5. November 1938, "Safety Education thru Schools." 294p. 254. Pages 257-94 arc devoted to safety education aids and where they may be obtained. Includes pamphlets, films, slides, film strips. Excellent annotated list. . Visual Aids in Safety Education. 32p. 1940. 25^» A revision and enlargement of the safety films and slides reviewed in the above bulletin. VOCATIONAL Federal Security Agency, U. S. Office of Education, Washington, D. C. A List of Rooks. Pamphlets, and Publications on Marketing, Retailing. Salesmanship, and Merchandising. 77p. 1933. Mimeo. Free. Arranged by subject matter- Some topic headings are: Advertising and Display; Consumer Buying; Marketing; Methods of Teaching; Personnel Work and Training Programs; Prices, Profits, Expenses, and Margins; Salesmanship; Clothing; Cosmetics and Toiletries; a number of other commodities; a list of trade associations and journals." A1139 - 10 - . Preliminary Pibliocraphy of Current Periodicals, Quarterlies, Yearbooks, end Bulletins in .Business Education wl th Aano bat ions. Ex- cerpts. Reviews, and Index. 53p. 1939. Free Industrial, Arts and Vocational Eduoation, September 1939. pj;. 272-33. "Teaching Materials for Industrial Education", compiled by Chris H. G-roneman, East Texas State Teachers College, Commerce, Texas. Material is organised under the following divisions: Auto-wfechrnics, Crafts, Drawing, Electrical, Industrial, Motalwork, Woodworking, Wood-Pinishing. A very extensive listing of sources and materials. National Federation of Business ana Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. 1819 Broadway, ^ew York. A Vocational Bibliography. 7p. 1939. 10'/-. A orief list of book, magazine, and pamphlet sources on vocations; indexes, directories of training schools; books on self-analysis for the job seeker. Vocational Education Digest. (See Periodicals and Indexes.) E. 17. Wilson Company, New York. Occupations and Vocational Guidance; ■A. source of pamphlet material. 1954. $1.35. Arranged by publisher with sxibject matter index. PERIODICALS ATP INDEXES (Containing- Sources of Free ana Inexpensive Teaching Materials) Adult Education Bulletin. A quarterly published by National Education Association, 1201 Sixteenth Street, Wasnington, D. C. $1.00 a year. "Books and Teaching Materials." Includes free end inexpensive publica¬ tions. Materials produced in state adult education program receive mention hero. Adult Study Guide. Service Bureau for Adult Education, New York Uni¬ versity, 20 Washington Square North, New York City. $1.00 a year. 8 issues. Selected, annotated list of pamphlets in various interest fields of adult education. Level indicated. American Journal of Public Health. "Public Health Education." Lists reprints of articles, visual aids, pamphlets. American Library Association Bulletin. "Cleaning House." Pamphlets, exhibits, audio-visual aids, etc. American School Board Journal. "New Docks." Inexpensive material included. ,41139 - 11 - >ULmgrican Vocational Education Journal and News Bulletin. "Boole Reviews." Includes pamphlets and other teaching aids. The Bibliographic Index. A quarterly index, with annual cumulative volume, inclining all bibliographical lists published daring the year, including separate volumes, pamphlets, or short lists of a dozen or so references in current periodicals. The Booklist. "Free aiid Inexpensive Materials" and "Public Documents". Published semi-monthly by American Library Association, Chicago. Avail¬ able in many libraries. Building America Sor-ios. The Society for Curriculum Study. 425 Nest 123d Street, New York City. Each issue contains references, many of which arc inexpensive. The Bulletin of the Department of Secondary-School Principals of the National Education Association. "Book-Notes—Pamphlets." Bulletin of Family Research and Education. The National Council of Parent Education, Inc., Yassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York. $1.00 a year (six issues). "An information service for professional workers and students, in all fields, whose work is research, teaching or coun¬ seling in family problems." Contains notes on materials in the field. Catholic School Journal. "Practical Aids for the Teacher" and "New Books of Value to Teachers." The Clearing House. "Book Reviews" and "School News Digest." Currici&um Journal. "New Publications—Bulletins and Pamphlets." Educational Method. Department of Superintendents and Directors of Instruction, National Education Association. "Reader's Guide": book3, pamphlets, and ether teaching materials. Education Digest. "The Educational Digest Ratings of Instructional Materials." "Educational News." Education Inc^ex. An index to educational pamphlets and journals indexed under subject-matter heads. Available in college, university, and most city libraries. Educator's Index. A card index revised quarterly. Lists free and in¬ expensive materials. Elementary School Jo\Lrnal. "Current Publications Received" ana "Educa- ticnal News and Editorial Comment." The English Journal. "News and Notes" and "Books." A1139 -13- Family Life Education Service. American Home Economics Association, 620 Mills Building, Washington, L. C. $1.00 a year (five or more re¬ leases). Includes annotations on recent books, bulletins, magazine articles, reports of research studies, reading lists, news, sources of available teaching helps including graphic materials. Kygcia. "Teaching Health" and "Books on Health." Industrial Arts Education Magazine. "Teaching Methods and Materials— Publications." Books, pamphlets. Industrial Arts Index. A guide to books, pamphlets, periodical litera¬ ture, in this field. Journal of Adult Education. The American Association for Adult Educa¬ tion, 60 East 42d Street, Hew York. 75{J e copy or membership and journal $3.00 a year (four issues). "About Books" Journal of Business Education. "On the Bookshelf." Journal of Educational Research. "Research Abstracts and Bibliographies." Annotated list of free and inexpensive materials included. The Journal of Geography. "Geographicol Fublicatione." Journal of Home Economics. "Mi3cellany." Journal of Hegro Education. "Current Literature on Negro Education." Free and inexpensive materials as well as books. Library Journal. "Printed Material Available." Lists free and inexpen¬ sive materials. The Mathematics Teacher. "News Notes." Mathematics, science, and social sciences. Monthly Catalog Phited States Public Documents (with prices). Superin¬ tendent of documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, I). C. Free, A complete list of publications of government agencies, both printed by the Government Printing Office and processed by individual agencies. Monthly Check—List of State Publications. Arranged by states. Superin¬ tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. $1.50 a year, Music Educator s' Joumal. "Books and Music Reviews," National Elementary School Principal. "Your -bookshelf." The Nation's Schools. "The Bookshelf." - 1,5 - Occupational Index, Inc. Montnly. A continuous "bibliography of current publications dealing with occupational information. Occupations, tne Vocational Guidance Magazine. "Publications Received," penbody Journal of Education. "Peabody Bimonthly Book Notes." Lists free and inexpensive material also. Practical Home Economics. "Book Reviews and Recent Publications." Sep¬ tember issue each year contains a classified and annotated list of sup¬ plementary teaching materials. Classified under following headings: Foods arid Beverages; Clothing and Textiles; Home Furnishings Equipment; Mi s cellane ous. Public Affairs Information Service. References to articles in periodicals, books, pamphlets, and numerous other sources. Emphasis on material of a practical nature on contemporary topics. Availaole for the most part only in large and wealthy libraries. Public Health Nursing. "Book Notes—Recent Publications and Current Periodicals." Readerls Guide to Periodical Literature. A comprehensive reference to articles in current periodicals, listed under subject, title, and author. Available in most libraries. Safety Education. "The Book Corner." School Life. "Educator's Bulletin Board" and "New Oovernmont Aids for Teachers". Federal Security Agency, U. S. Office of Education. $1,00 a year. School Management, "Check List of Teaching Aids." _School Review. "Educational News and Editorial Comment" and "Current Publications Received". The School Studies. "Current Publications Received" and ".Hook Reviews and Boole Notes." Social Education. "Notes and News" and "Book Review," Survey Graphic. List of free and inexpensive materials. Hot every issue. Vertical, File Service Catalog. Indexes free and inexpensive pamphlet and mimeographed material. A1139 - 14 - Vocational Guidance Digest. An annotated list of material in current periodicals and pamphlets, Yfeekly hist of Selected Government Pablications, Annotated and arranged "by subject matter. Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, Free-. The Wilson Bulletin. Lists inexpensive materials.