1 Victoria.^:—^Sess. 1837. ■y-. AN, to Enable the Great Western Railway Company to extend the Line of such Railway, and for other Purposes relating thereto. [Royal Assent, 3 1837.] an Act was passed in the Fifth and Sixth Years Preamble of the Reign of his late Majesty King William the ""eciting Fourth, intituled, " An Act for making a Railway from Bristol to c. 107. ' join the London and Birmingham Railway, near London, to be called 'The Great Western Railway,', with-Branches therefrom to the Towns of Bradford and Trowbridge, in the County of Wilts," and another Act was passed in the. Sixth Year of theRéign of his said Majesty, intituled, "An Act to alter 6 Will. 4 the Line of the Great Western Railway, and to amend the Act c. 38. relating thereto And whereas it would be attended with great Public advantage if the Line of the said Railway, as authorized to be made by the said recited Ac^s, were extended to or near to the Basin of the Paddington Canal, in the Parish of Paddington, in the County of Middlesex: But the authority of Parliament is necessary for carrying the above object fully into effect : ,11. a May i E 3 Û 'L 0 (S- 75* ( 2 ) May it thereforo please Your MAJESTY, That it may be Enacted ; 000 hg it SHnaCtgD, by The QUEEN's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this Powers of Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, recited Acts THAT all the powers, authorities, provisions, directions, penal- to extend to ties, forfeitures, payments, exemptions, remedies, regulations, this Act. clauses, matters and things contained in the said recited Acts, or either of them, (except such of them or such parts thereof respectively as are by the said last recited Act repealed, altered, or otherwise provided for), shall extend and be construed to extend to this Act and to the several works and things hereby- authorized or required to be made and done, and shall operate and be in force in respect to the objects and purposes of this Act, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes whatso¬ ever, as if the same powers, authorities, provisions, directions, penalties, forfeitures, payments, exemptions, remedies, regula¬ tions, clauses, matters and things were repeated and re-enacted in this Act. Power to And be it further Enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said extend the Company, and they are hereby empowered to extend the line the bSin°of of the said Railway, and to make and maintain such extended the Padding- line of Railway, with proper and convenient wharfs, ware- P^d'^ion' houses, stations, dépôts and approaches thereto, and other works connected therewith in the line or course, and upon, across, under or over the lands delineated on the plan, or described in the book of reference thereto, deposited as hereinafter mentioned with the clerk of the peace for the county of Middlesex, (that is to say), commencing in a certain field in the parish of Acton, and county of Middlesex, and numbered Forty-nine on the plan of the said Railway, as authorized to be made, altered or varied by the said last recited Act, and deposited with the clerk of the peace for the said county of Middlesex, and terminating at or near a certain space, of ground adjoining or near to the basin of the Paddington canal, in the parish of Paddington, in the said county of Middlesex, and passing from through or into the several parishes of Acton, Hammersmith, St. Mary Abbots Kensington, St. Lukes Chelsea, and Paddington, or some of them, in the said county of Middlesex. 11. And C 3 ) And be it Enacted, That for the purposes of the said extended line it shall be lawful for the said Company, and, they are district hereby empowered at their own expense, to alter and divert the Metropolis present course of that portion of the Sixth district of the Metro- polis turnpike roads, situate at or near the Westbourne turnpike turnpike gate, in the manner shown upon the plan deposited with the gate- clerk of the peace for the county of Middlesex, as hereinafter mentioned, and thereupon such part of the present road as may lie between the points of deviation shall become the property of and absolutely vested in the owner of the adjoining land through whose property the diversion shall be made ; and the new road so to be formed as aforesaid shall become and be absolutely vested in the Commissioners of the Metropolis turnpike roads north of the Thames : Provided always, that such alteration or diversion shall be made under the direction and superintendence of the surveyor-general for the time being to the said Commis¬ sioners, in like manner as is provided by the said first mentioned Act with respect to works connected with the said roads. AND whereas a map or plan and section describing the line ¿gp^. and levels of the intended extension of the said Railway, and sited with the proposed diversion of the said road, and the lands in and to through which the same and the works connected therewith remah^n Lis respectively are intended to be carried or made, together with cnstodj. a book of reference thereto containing the names of the owners or reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees and occupiers of such lands, has been deposited in the office of the clerk of the peace for the county of Middlesex ; BE it therefore Enacted, That the said map or plan section and book of reference so deposited, such plan and section being the plan and section approved of by Parliament, shall remain with, and be kept by the said clerk of the peace, and all persons interested in any manner in any such lands shall at all seasonable times have liberty to inspect and to make extracts from or copies of the said map or plan section and hook of reference respectively, paying to the said clerk of the peace the sum of One shilling for every such inspection, and after the rate of Sixpence for every One hundred words copied therefrom ; and the said map or plan section and book of reference, or true copies thereof, or of so much thereof respectively as shall relate to any matter in ques¬ tion, certified by the said clerk of the peace, shall be and are hereby declared to be good evidence in all courts of law and elsewhere. Provided ( 4, ) Errors and Provided always, and be it further Enacted, That it shall be Acro^book Company to make the said extended Railway ofrefercnce the before-mentioncd diversion of the said road, and all not to ob- necessary or convenient Works connected therewith respectively in the line or course, and in or through the lands delineated extension of on tlic Said plan, subject as hereinafter mentioned, although the itailway. gych lands or any of them, or the situation thereof respectively, or the names of the owners lessees or occupiers thereof respec¬ tively may happen to be omitted misstated or erroneously described in the said book of reference or in the Schedule to this Act annexed, if it shall appear to any Two or more Justices of the Peace for the said county of Middlesex (in case of any dispute about the same), and be certihed by writing under their hands tliat such omission misstatement or erroneous description proceeded froai mistake; and every such certificate shall be de¬ posited with and be kept by the clerk of the peace for the said county of Middlesex, and shall be sufíicient for all the purposes of this Act. Power to And be it further Enacted, That the said Company in making the said extended Railway and other Works by this Act autho¬ rized, shall have full power to deviate from the line thereof as delineated on the said map or plan so deposited with the clerk of the peace as hereinbefore is mentioned ; provided that no such deviation shall extend to a greater distance than One hun¬ dred jmrds, or in passing through any town to a greater extent than Ten yards, from the line so delineated on the said plan, nor shall any such deviation extend into the lands of any person whose name is not mentioned in the said book of reference, without the previous consent in writing of the person whose lands shall be affected thereby, unless the name of such person shall have been omitted by mistake or inadvertence, and unless the fact that such omission proceeded from mistake or inadvert¬ ence shall have been certified in manner hereinbefore provided for in cases of unintentional errors in the said book of reference. Limiting de- And be it further Enacted, That in making the said Railway Datum it sliall iiot be lawful for the said Company to deviate from the described on levels of the said Railway as referred to the common Datum Uie section, Lj^e described on the section so approved of by Parliament, and as marked on the same to any extent exceeding in any place Five feet, or in passing through towns Two feet, without the consent of the owners lessees and occupiers of the land in, through or over which such deviation is intended to be made, or in case any street or public carriage road shall be affected by such C ~5 ) sucli ' deviation, then the ' same Aal not he made without thé consent of the trustees or commissioners, or if there be no such trustees, or commissioners, without the consent of Two or more justices of the peace in petty sessions assembled for that pinpose, and acting for the district in which such street or public carriage road may be situate, or without the consent of the commissioners for any pubhc sewers, or of the proprietors of any canal or naviga¬ tion affected by such deviation, and that no increase in the inclina¬ tion or gradients of the said Baffway as denoted by the said section Btinll be made in any place to an Œtent exceeding the rate of Three feet per müe ; and where m any pkce it is intended to carry tiie Railway on an arch or arches as marked on the said plan or section, the same shall be made accordingly, and where a tunnel is marked on the said plan or section as intended to be made at any place, the same shall be made accordingly, unless the owners lessees and occupiers of the land in or through which such tunnel is intended to be made shall consent that the same shaU not be so made ; Pro¬ vided nevertheless, that it shall be lawful for the said Company with such consent as aforesaid and not otherwise, to make a tunnel or an arch or arches as aforesaid not marked on the said plan or section, so that no such tunnel shall be of a greater length than Two hun¬ dred yards, and that no Two tunnels be at a less distance from each other than One hundred yards measured on the line of the Railway: Provided always, that notice of every petty sessions to be holden f<» the purpose of obtaining such consent as aforesaid shall. Fourteen days previous to the holding of such petty sessions, be given in some newspaper circulating in the county, and also be affixed upon the diurch door of the parish in which such deviation or alteration is intended to be made, or if there be no church, some other place to which notices are usually affixed: Provided also, that for tiie pur¬ pose of consenting to any such deviation from the said sections, and to any tunnelling or arching as aforsesaid, the word "owners" shall be deemed and taken to mean such persons as are herein capacitated to agree for the sale of and to convey land for the mnldTig of the said Railway, and the consent of such persons with or without the consent of any other persons interested as owners in the said lands, shall be deemed and taken to be sufficient for such purposes. And be it further Enacted, That it shatt not be lawful to diminisb lestrictioi the radius of any curve fama what it is shown to be on the plan «herEtio™ ,, ^01 eurwt. ^ ' H deposited ( ö ) deposited with the clerk of the peace, unless such radius exceed One mile, nor to diminish it in any such case so that it shall become less than One mile, nor to diminish any greater radius by more than a Quarter of a mile, unless where it exceeds Two miles, or by more than Half a mile, unless where it exceeds Three miles on the said plan. Empowering the trustees of the Pad- dington es¬ tate and the Bishop of London to grant leases to the Com¬ pany. And whereas the said Railway is intended to pass through certain lands in the parish of Paddington belonging so the Lord Bishop of London, and held on lease by Thomas Thistlethwayte and Thomas Somcrs Gocks, as Trustees under several Acts of Parliament, and other assurances relating thereto, for a long term of years, renewable for'ever : And whereas certain portions of such lands will be requmed by the said Company, as well for making their Railway as for their dépôt at the termination of the said Railway, and for approaches thereto, and the erection of warehouses and other buildings thereon : And whereas it is expedient, and the Right Honourable and Right Reverend Charles James the present Lord Bishop of London, and the said Thomas Thistlethwayte and Thomas Somers Cocks are respec¬ tively willing that the said lands should be demised to the said Company for the purposes of the said Railway and Works, Upon leases thereof for ninety-nine years, renewable at the expiration of every fifty years, in manner hereinafter mentioned ; BE it therefore Enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Thomas Thistle¬ thwayte and Thomas Somers Cocks, or the survivor of them, or the executors administrators or assigns of such survivor, and the lessee or lessees for the time being, under or by virtue Of any renewed lease to be from time to time granted by the Lord Bishop of London for the time being, and to and for his or their executors administrators and assigns, with the consent and approbation of the said Lord Bishop for the time being, to demise lease or grant any part of such lands 'required by the said Company, and as the said Lord Bishop and trus¬ tees may think proper to demise, for any term or number of years not exceeding ninety-nine years, and renewable perpetually at the expi¬ ration of every fifty years for a further term of ninety-nine years, so as there be reserved by every such lease or grant respectively the best and most improved yearly rent wliich can be reasonably gotten, and which the said Lord Bishop and trustees may agree to take for the same, one-third part thereof to be reserved and made payable to the said Lord Bishop and his successors, and the other two-third 11. parts < ^ ) parts thereof to thé said Thomas Thistlethwayte and Thomas Somers Cocks, their executors administrators andassigns, or to the lessee or lessees for the time being under any renewed lease or leases to be ^antedby the said Lord Bishop or his successors, sudi rent or rents to be made payable quarterly, free from all deductions whatsoever, wiäiout any fine premium or foregifl, or anything in the nature of a fine being taken, (except as is hereinafter provided) for making such lease i and in all leases So to be granted or rmiewed to the said Company as aforesaid, there shall be reserved the like power of dis¬ tress as landlords under common leases have for the recovery of rent in arrear, although such rents may not be wholly or in any respect incident to the reversion of the premises demised, and also a power for miabling the said Lord Bishop and his lessees for the time being as aforesaid, in case of nonpayment of the rent to be paid and in such leases to be reservedandmade payable, by the space of Twenty- one days next after any portion thereof shall become due, to seize and distrain all and every or any of the engines, carriages, machinery, goods, wares, merchandize, chattels and effects whatsoever belonging to the said Company, wheresoever the same can or may be found, and whether on the said demised premises or not, and to sell and dispose thereof as in other cases of distress for rent reserved between landlord and tenant, and also a power to enter on all and every or any of the toll-houses belonging to the said Company, and to receive and "take all and every the tolls rents and duties payable to the said'Company by virtue of any Act or Acts of Parliament made 'or to be made, or which shaU be reserved on any lease or agree¬ ment to he granted or entmcd into by the said Company, and use and exercise all powOT and remedies of the said Company for "obtaining the said tolls rents and duties, until by the means afore¬ said or otherwise all arrears of the said rent so to he reserved and made payable to the said Lord Bishop and his lessees as aforesaid, 'together with the costs, charges and cxpences attending all and "every such distress and sale and entry and perception of the tolls rents and duties aforesaid shall be fully paid and satisfied, and 'wMih powers of distress, sale, entry and perception of tolls rents and duties shall have pîîorîty over, and be paramount to, any other charge or interest whatev® on the said premisBS, or on the engines, carriages, machinery, goods and wares, merchandize, chattds, effects, toU-houses, toll-rents and duties of and belonging to the said ^Company ; and all covenänts provisoes and agreements m the said leases { 8 ) leases to be contained shall be binding as well-upon the said Com¬ pany and their successors and assigns, as upon the said Bishop and his successors and other parties to the said lease, their respective executors administrators and assigns ; and the said Com¬ pany are hereby authorized and required to accept such leases, instead of purchasing the said lands under the powers contained in the said recited Act, and to enter into such covenants provisoes and agreements under their corporate seal, and to pay and apply the money authorized to he raised by the said first recited Act, and other the funds of the said Company, in pursuance of such lease, and of the covenants and agreements to be therein contained. Premiums to AND whereas certain portions of the lands belonging to the be paid for Lord Bishop of London and to the said Thomas Thistle- leases to be ^ applied in thwayte and Thomas Somers Cocks as trustees thereof, now hirumbrarces charged with certain mortgages, amounting in the whole on the estate, to the suiu of Twenty-three thousand pounds, and the said Lord Bishop of London and the said trustees are or may be under liabilities and engagements in respect of the said property in a further sum not exceeding Seven thousand pounds ; And whereas the lands belonging to the said Lord Bishop and trustees, and required for the purposes of the said Railway, will exceed in value the sum of Thirty thousand pounds ; BE it therefore Enacted, That notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, it shall he lawful for the said Company to pay, and for the said Lord Bishop and the said trustees to accept and receive, [ and the said Company are hereby required to pay, the said sum of Twenty-three thousand pounds, and any other sum, not exceeding the said sum of Seven thousand pounds, which the said Lord Bishop and trustees may require, as and by way of premium or part conside¬ ration for the lease or leases to be granted of the said lands as here¬ inbefore mentioned : Provided always, that the said sum of Twenty- three thousand pounds, and so much of the said sum of Seven thousand pounds as shall be paid to the said Lord Bishop or to the said trustees by way of premium or part consideration as aforesaid, . shall be applied only , in discharge or reduction of the said .mort¬ gages or other liabilities affecting the said lands as aforesaid. ere«''buiid- And be it further Enacted, That the said Company shall and they ings of the hereby required to erect and build upon the lands to be leased value of ^ £.10,000. fo ( 9 ) to tàem in mianer hereinbefore mentioned, or upon such part Äereof as may be agreed on between them and the said Bishop and trustees respectiTely, buñdinga of the -ralue at least of Ten ' thousand pounds, and for ever afterwards during the subsistence of any lease of such lands or any renewal thereof to maintain such buddings, so Üiat &e value thereof shall at idl times amount to the sum of Ten thousand pounds, as and by way of additional security for the rent to be reserved in such leases as aforesaid. And be it Enacted, That the said Company shall and they Company to are hereby required, within Ten months after any such lease o\w shall be granted as hereinbefore authorized, to build and complete mid for ever after maintain fit for use a carriage bridge, of brick and cemin stone or iron, over the Grand Junction Canal at the present foot I'oads in the , ' , parish of bridge over the same, near to the intended depot of the said Rail- I'addington. way, or as near thereto as may be, Forty feet wide in the clear, with an approach thereto from the Harrow Roads Forty-five feet wide, and in a line with the centre of the said present foot bridge, and also to make and complete a road from the said bridge to Spring-street, in the said parish of Paddington, Forty feet wide, and from Spring-street to "the Black Lion Lane, in the said parish. Sixty feet wide, including footpaths, such road and footpaths to he in lieu of the Bishop's footpath, (which shall thereupon revert to the owners of the lands on either side thereof,) and to be properly formed, con¬ structed, made and drained, with all fit and necessary materials in all respects, and to the satisfaction of the surveyor for the time being appointed by the vestiy of the said parish of Paddington, mid of the surveyor for Ihe time being of the said Bishop and trustees : Brovided always, that the said roads when constructed as aforesaid shall he considered ás parish roads of the said parish of Padding¬ ton, and shall as such be under the control and management of and shall be r^aired by the commissioners or tmstees for tiie time being having the control and management of tfie highways within tiie said parish ; provided also, that the hri%e so to he erected as aforesaid shaU he constructed to the reasonable satisfaction of the engineer for the time being of the said Canal Company, any dispute respecting tiie same to he settled by reference to two in- dififeent engineers, to be mutually chosen, or titieir umpire, in the usual way. 11. c Be ( 10 ) Bridge to be constructed over the Rail¬ way near Black láoi. Lane. Be it also further Enacted, That the said Company shall con¬ struct and keep in repair the bridge over the Railway at the inter¬ section of Black Lion Lane, of a width not less than Forty feet, and that they shall ease off the approach to it by increasing gradually the width of the road north of the gate leading into the present residence of John Cockerell, Esquire ; and that they shall also form and make all sewers that may he necessary to carry off any flow of water arising from any alteration in the level of the said road. Providing for injury to roads in Pad- dington during the construction of Railway. And be it further Enacted, That the said Company shall and they are hereby required, in case the vestry of the said parish of Paddington shall incur any extra expence in the repairs of the roads under their superintendence and control by reason of and during the construction of the works of the said Railway, to make full com¬ pensation to the said vestry in respect of any extra expence which may be so incurred by them, the amount of such extra expence, in case of dispute about the same, to be settled and determined by two indifferent persons, to be named by the said Company and the said vestry respectively, or by their umpire, in case they cannot agree respecting the same. And be it further Enacted, That no foundry nor any other works, nor any trade or business whatsoever (except smiths' shops or ordi¬ nary shops connected with the works of the Company, and for their use), which may be a nuisance to the said Lord Bishop and trus¬ tees for the time being, or the tenants or occupiers of the said Paddington estate, shall at any time hereafter he suffered upon any part of the premises by this Act authorized to be demised by the said Lord Bishop and the trustees of the said Paddington estate. Regulating And be it further Enacted, That the Company shall be permitted gbeTto"be authorized to erect one or two, but not more than two stationary erected in the steam-engincs on the said land hereby authorized to be demised P^ddingíon. ^y the said Lord Bishop and trustees to the said Company, not exceeding together twenty-five horse power, and that no other steam-engine shall be erected or used on the property now belong¬ ing to John Cockerell, esquire, west and south of the Harrow Road, nor on the Paddington estate east of the property of John Cocke¬ rell, esquire, (locomotive engines for the Railway excepted) ; and 11. the Fur prevent¬ ing foundry or objection¬ able trades upon the Paddington estate. ( 11 ) the steam-engines which shall be erected in any part of the parish of Paddington shall be made to consume their own smoke, and if any steam-engine shall be found not to consume its own smoke, such engine shall he deemed a common nuisance, and the Com¬ pany may be indicted in respect thereof according to the laws in regard to common nuisances, and the same shall be liable to be abated as such ; and the chimney-shafts of the steam-engines in the said parish shall be made of such heights, not exceeding One hun¬ dred feet respectively, as shall be approved of by the architect of the said Lord Bishop and trustees for the time being, and the same shall be of such ornamental elevation respectively as shall be approved of by the said architect. And be it further Enacted, That the said Company shall and Company to they are hereby required, at their own expence, to supply such maintain ad- additional police under the direction of the Commissioners of u'ceTn Pad- Police, or pay for such additional number of policemen as the dmgton, if .1^ /'T /-I ^ . , necessary, said Company may find necessary for the safety convenience and protection of the public, by reason of the construction of the Works within the said parish of Paddington, until the opening of the said Railway for the conveyance of passengers thereon. AND whereas certain lands now held by the Company of Pro- Empowering prietors of the Grand Junction Canal as lessees or otherwise jun^on"'^ will be required for the pui-poses of the said Railway and depots: Canal Com- And whereas it is expedient that the said Company of Proprietors vey property of the Grand Junction Canal should be enabled to convey or 'o the Great Western assign their interest in the same lands to the said Great Western Railway Railway Company, and that the same last-mentioned Company Company, should be enabled to accept such conveyance or assignment ; BE it therefore Enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Company of Proprietors of the said Grand Junction Canal to sell and dispose of or to assign their interest in the said lands, or any part thereof, to the said Great Western Railway Company, upon such terms as may be mutually agreed on between the said two com¬ panies respectively; and it shall be lawful for the said Great Western Railway Company and they are hereby authorized and enabled to purchase and acquire the interest of the said Grand Junction Canal Company, or any portion of their interest in the said lands. Provided ( 12- ) Savingrîglus Provided always, and be it further Enacted, That nothing in this of the Grand ^ct contained shall affect or be construed to affect the said Grand pany! ' Junction Cknal Company, their rights, interests, waters or works, further or otherwise than is provided for by the said recited Act or by this Act. Saving the rights of the Birmingham, Bristol and Thames Junction Railway Company. Authorizing lord of the manor and copyholders of Fulhatn to accept lands in exchange fur those Te Thomas France 0CCÜPIKR. John Whippey. James Massey. In hand. Thomas Ireland. Ditto. Lord Hill. Ditto. Ditto. James Darke. John Cockerell. Edward Mintoji, Ditto. John Hall. - - Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Myers. Edward Minton - Element Keene and J. Morris. - Einhard Mid¬ dleion and Tbos". Hobsun. H. Miles. Geo. Stapleton^ In hand. Thomas France. Geo. Sinpleton. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. AN ACT To enable the Great Western Railway Com¬ pany to extend the Line of such Railway^ and for other Purposes relating thereto. [royai. assekt, 3 Jul^ 1837.] 1 Victoria. S ess. 1837. Swain, Stevens Co. London,! ^ . OsOvrnes <§• IFui-d, Bristol, j^ohcttors. -Burke Venables, 44. Parliament-street, Parliameniary Agents.