MORTGAGE DEED — F KO M — Hie Baltimore anil Ohio Railroad Co. — TO — JOHN W. GARRETT, JOHNS HOPKINS and JAMES TINKER, Trustees. Dated March 1st, 187Q. ID \JJL T) lr)der)fui?e, Made the first day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy between the Bal¬ timore and Ohio Railroad Company, party of the first part, and John W. Garrett and Johns Hopkins, of Bal¬ timore, and James Tinker, of New York, parties of the second part. Whereas, By the original act of the Legislature of the State of Maryland, incorporating the said the Bal¬ timore and Ohio Railroad Company, passed at the December session of the year eighteen hundred and twenty-six, being chapter one hundred and twenty- three of the laws of that session, the said Company was vested with all the rights and powers necessary to the construction and repair of a Railroad from the City of Baltimore to some suitable point on the Ohio River, with as many sets of tracks as the President and Direc¬ tors of said Company might deem necessary, and to make and construct all works whatsoever which might be necessary and expedient in order to the proper com¬ pletion of said Road, and likewise to make, or cause to be made, lateral Railroads in any direction whatso¬ ever, in connection with the said Railroad from the City of Baltimore to the Ohio River, and by the said act it is provided that the President and Directors of said Company, or a majority of them, shall have power to borrow money for the objects of the said act, to issue Certificates or other evidence of such loans, and to 2 pledge the property of the Company for the payment of the same and its interest. And Whereas, By another and supp]ementary act of the Legislature of said State of Maryland, passed March sixth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, being chapter three hundred and thirteen of, the laws of the session of eighteen hundred and forty-five, it is provi¬ ded that in exercising the above in part recited author¬ ity to borrow money, the said President and Directors, or a majority of them, shall be and are thereby author¬ ized to make and execute Bonds or Certificates of in¬ debtedness under the seal of said Company, for such sum or sums, and payable at such time or times, and to sell and dispose of the same on such terms as to the said President and Directors may seem proper. And Whereas, By act of the Legislature of the State of Maryland, passed March fifteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, being chapter two hundred and nine of the laws of the session of eighteen hun¬ dred and twenty-seven, it was declared that the said Company should be and was authorized to extend its said Railroad within the limits of the City of Baltimore. And Whereas, Subsequently to the incorporation of the said the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, the said Company was, by legislative acts of the State of Virginia, as such State then existed before the set¬ ting off of West Virginia, duly authorized to construct and complete its said Railroad through so much of the territory of said State as was crossed by the line of said Road, so as to extend its said Railroad to the City of Wheeling, on the Ohio River. s And Whereas, In pursuance of authorizations to that effect, duly granted b.y the States of Maryland and Virginia respectively, the said Company has construct¬ ed, and now has in use and operation, a Railroad ex¬ tending from a point within the City of Baltimore to a point within the City of Wheeling, in the now State of West Virginia, with the appurtenances and equipment thereof. And Whereas, In order to perfect, improve and complete its said line of Railroad between Baltimore and Wheeling, with the appurtenances and equipment thereof, and to provide the necessary means for the due working and operation of the same, and for the other objects and purposes of its charter, or act of incorpora¬ tion, the said Company has need to borrow or obtain on loan the sum of money proposed to be obtained by the issue, sale and disposition of its Bonds, for eight hun¬ dred thousand pounds sterling hereinafter mentioned. And Whereas, The President and Directors of the said Company, at a meeting duly held on the ninth day of February last, at the office of the said Company, adopted by a majority of the votes of the said Presi¬ dent and Directors, and with the unanimous concur¬ rence of all of them who were present at said meeting, certain resolutions in the words following, viz : Resolved, That in order to obtain upon loan the amount of money required by this Company for the per¬ fection, completion and improvement of its line of Rail¬ road between Baltimore and Wheeling, with the ap¬ purtenances and equipment thereof, and for the other objects and purposes of its incorporation, this Com- 4 pany do issue its sterling Bonds to the amount of eight hundred thousand pounds, sterling money of Great Britain, in sums of two hundred pounds sterling each, dated March first, eighteen hundred and seventy, and payable twenty-five years after date thereof, at the office of Baring Brothers & Co., in the City of Lon¬ don, with interest thereon in the meantime, at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of March and September, at said office of Baring Brothers & Co., upon presentation and sur¬ render of the coupons for such interest, which shall be annexed to such Bonds, and that the Railroad of this Company from Baltimore to Wheeling, shall be and is pledged for the payment of the principal and interest of the said Bonds so to be issued. Resolved, That in order to provide a Sinking Fund for the redemption of the said Bonds for eight hundred thou¬ sand pounds, there shall be appropriated and furnished by this Company, and by it remitted to Baring Brothers & Co., at London, so as to be received by said Baring Brothers & Co. on or before the first day of March, in each and every year, (the first of which remittances shall be made so as to be received in London by the first day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-one), the sum of two per cent. On the whole amount of said Bonds ; that is to say, the sum of sixteen thousand pounds sterling ; provided, however, that if at the time of such remit¬ tance the whole amount of said Bonds shall not have been sold, the said Company shall be bound so to remit at that time for the Sinking Fund only two per cent, upon the amount of such of the Bonds as shall have been sold, but when any such unsold Bonds shall be s subsequently sold, such withheld amount thereon shall be made up by the Company, by including in its next periodical remittance for the Sinking Fund, such arrears at the rate of two per cent, per annum, upon the amount of such Bonds so subsequently sold. Which «several sums, from time to time remitted to Baring Brothers & Co. for the Sinking Fund, together with the interest from time to time accruing upon the Bonds belonging to, or other investments of, said Sinking Fund shall, in the month of March in each year, be applied by Baring Brothers & Co. to purchasing from the holders thereof, at the current market rate or the lowest prices at which the same can be obtained, provided always that the same shall not be purchased at a higher rate than par, such amount of the said Bonds of this issue as such money shall be adequate for ; and all Bonds so purchased shall be immediately so stamped, or otherwise marked, as to show the same to belong, irrevocably to the said Sinking Fund, and to be incap¬ able of being thereafter re-issued, sold, or in anywise transferred or negotiated, and shall be forwarded to the Treasurer of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, in Baltimore, but the interest on the amount thereof shall nevertheless continue to be paid by the Company to Baring Brothers & Co. as Trustees of the Sinking Fund, to be applied by them as above provided, nor shall the absorption of said Bonds into the Sinking Fund diminish or impair the obligation of the Company to continue the payment of the full annual sum of sixteen thousand pounds above pro¬ vided for, until all of the said Bonds shall have been redeemed and discharged. Provided, however, that if at any time a sufficient amount of the said Bonds 6 cannot be purchased within the above prescribed limits of price, and there shall consequently be moneys of the said Sinking Fund lying unemployed, Baring Brothers & Co. shall, if so directed by the said Com¬ pany, Invest, and from time to time re-invest such unemployed moneys in United States Stocks, or in such other securities as the said Company shall, with the approval of Baring Brothers &