w • BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL RAILWAY, ELECTRIC AND HEATING COMPANY, BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS. FRANCHISES GRANTS ANO CONTRACTS. APRIL 1st, 1905. STATE OF ILLINOIS to the; BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL HORSE RAILWAY CO- Special Charter—February 19, 1867. « AN ACT—To Incorporate the Bloomington and Normal Horse Rail¬ way Company. Section I. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That John L. Routt, Nor val Dixon, Lyman Ferre, Warren C. Wat- kins, Jesse W. Fell, Owen T. Reeves, W. A. Pennell, C. G. Bradshaw, J. A. Wilson, R. H. Holder, and all such persons that shall become stockholders in the company hereby incor¬ porated, shall be a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of "The Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company," and under that name and style shall be capable of suing and being sued, impleading and being impleaded, defending and being defended- against in law and equity, in all courts and places whatsoever, in like manner and as fully as natural persons. Said corporation may make, have and use a common seal and change, alter, and renew the same at pleasure, and by its corporate name and style shall be ca¬ pable in law of contracting and being contracted with, and shall be and hereby is vested with all the powers, privileges, franchises, and immunities, including the right of acquiring by purchase or otherwise, and holding and conveying all such real estate and personal property as may be needful or convenient to fully carry out and into effect the purposes and objects of this act. The corporation hereby created shall continue for a period of fifty years. Sec. 2. The said corporation is hereby authorized and empowered to construct, maintain, and operate a single or double track railway, for the transportation of persons or property, with all convenient side tracks and turnouts and appendages, in, over, on and along any and all street or USkéfLL- 711 U « wa&mfa»^ 2 streets, highway or highways, bridge or bridges, within the present or future limits of the city of Bloomington, and "towns of Bloomington and Normal; and also in, over, on and along any and all street or streets, highway or highways, bridge or bridges, within the present or future limits of the village of Normal, in the county of McLean, and state of Illinois, in such manner as shall not obstruct the public travel over, on and along said street or streets, highway or high¬ ways, bridge or bridges, and from time to time change, alter, enlarge and extend the location thereof, and to cross the track or tracks of any other-railroad or railroads upon any of its routes; Provided, that said corporation shall, before laying down any track or tracks of said railway or railways in the city of Bloomington, or village of Normal, procure the consent of the City Council of said city of Bloomington, or of the corporate authorities of the village of Normal to the laying down of such track or tracks; Provided, further, that the line of said railway from the city of Bloomington to the village of Normal, shall pass at or near the crossing of the Illinois Central and Chicago and Alton railroads ; and that said company shall complete a single track railway from the court house square, in the city of Bloomington, to the village of Normal, in one year from the time when the City Council of said city of Bloomington shall give their consent to the laying down of such track from the court house square to the northern limits of said city. Upon the organization of said company as hereinafter provided, the said corpora¬ tion shall have the exclusive right for twenty years to con¬ struct, maintain, and operate horse railways in the present and future corporate limits of the village of Normal, and in all that part of the town of Normal, McLean county, not included in the present limits of the city of Bloomington. Se)C. 3. The cars or carriages of said railway company shall not be propelled by other than animal power, without the consent of the common council of the city of Blooming¬ ton, and the corporate authorities of the village of Normal. 8 Sec. 4. The capital stock of said company shall be fifty thousand dollars, and may be increased from time to time at the pleasure of said corporation. It shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and shall be issued and transferred in such manner and upon such conditions as the Board of Directors may direct. Sec. 5. All the corporate powers of said company shall be vested in and exercised by a Board of Directors, and such officers and agents as they shall appoint. The first Board of Directors shall consist of the said John L. Routt, Norval Dixon, Lyman Ferre, Warren C. Watkins, Jesse W. Fell, Owen T. Reeves, W. A. Pennell, C. G. Bradshaw, J. A. Wilson, R. H. Holder, and thereafter of not less than three nor more than six stockholders, who shall be chosen every year by the stockholders, each share of stock having one vote, to be given by the holder thereof, in person or by proxy; such directors to continue in office until their suc¬ cessors are elected and qualified. Sec. 6. The said corporation, by its Board of Directors, to make, ordain, and establish all such by-laws, rules and regulations as said directors shall deem needful and expedi¬ ent to carry into effect the purpose of this act, and for the well ordering, regulation, and management of the affairs and business, and interests of said company: Provided, the same shall not be repugnant to this act, or the laws and constitu¬ tion of this state or the United States. The said directors shall have power to levy and collect such rates of toll for the transportation of persons and property as they may deem best : Provided, that said corporation shall never charge more than ten cents for carrying a passenger over any of the lines of said railway. Sec. 7. The said corporation is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow from time to time such sums of money as in the opinion of its Board of Directors may be deemed necessary to aid in the construction and equipment of said railway or railways, and to pay interest thereon not exceed- 4 in g ten per cent, and to pledge or mortgage the said railway or railways or any part thereof, or any other property be¬ longing to said company, as security for any loan of money or interest thereon, and to issue bonds of said company for such loan on such terms and at such rates as the Board of Directors may determine. Sec. 8. The said company may organize whenever twenty thousand dollars shall have been subscribed to its capital stock, and five per cent thereof paid in. Sec. 9. This act shall be deemed and held to be a public act, and shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 19, 1867. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON TO THE BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL HORSE RAILWAY CO. March 26, 1867. ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming- ton: Section i. That the consent of said City Council is hereby granted to the "Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company" to lay down, maintain and operate a single or double track railway, with all convenient side¬ tracks, turn-outs and appendages in and upon the following streets of said city, to-wit : Main street the entire length. Washington street the entire length. Front street the entire length. Chestnut street the entire length. Prairie street north of Front street. Center street the entire length. And any street north of Chestnut street to the city limits. SEC. 2. The said railway may be constructed on the sur- 5 face of the streets as they now are : Provided, that said rail¬ way company may alter the surface of such streets, where in their opinion necessary, but in any such alteration they shall make the surface of such streets at the point where altered conform more nearly to the established grade of such streets than it now does : Provided, further, that whenever the said City Council shall desire to bring any street upon which said railway tracks may have been laid down or up to the established grade of such street, then the said railway company shall at their own expense bring so much of said street as they shall occupy to said established grade, as rap¬ idly as the city shall bring the rest of such street to grade. The said railway company shall so construct their railway over said streets as not in any manner to interfere with the drainage of said city. Sec. 3. The track of said railway shall be laid in the center of the street wherever said track is laid between Mul¬ berry and Olive streets and between Madison and Prairie streets. In all other places said track may be laid on any portion of the street not less than ten feet from either side on all streets eighty feet wide, and not less than eight feet from either side, on all streets less than eighty feet wide. Said track shall not be elevated above the surface of the street, as the surface now is, or shall be made as hereinbefore provided, and said track shall be laid in such manner as not to obstruct the public travel. Sec. 4. Said railway company shall keep in repair the streets upon which said track is laid, to the distance of three feet and six inches each way from the center of said track, and whenever any street upon which such track shall be laid shall be planked, paved, macadamized or otherwise im¬ proved, said company shall be at all the necessary expense of such planking, paving, macadamizing or otherwise im¬ proving the portion of said street occupied by them for the purpose aforesaid. > sec. 5. Said railway company shall be liable to pay to 6 said,city or to individuals all damages resulting from the carelessness or negligence of any employee of said company, either in the construction, repairing or running of the said road. Sec. 6. Said railroad company shall select any street or streets upon which they desire to build a railway and report the same to the City Council, on or before the first day of January, A. D. 1869, and if the said company shall neglect or fail to construct a railway upon any of the streets so se- lected, for the space of three years from the first of April, 1867, all privileges granted herein so far as they relate to streets upon which they do not, during the three years from and after April 1, 1867, construct a railway, shall be for¬ feited. Sec. 7. This ordinance to be in force from and after its publication. Approved March 26, 1867. I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the city of Bloomington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the ordinance of the said city of Bloomington, ap¬ proved March 26, 1867; that the original is now on file in the office of said clerk ; that I am keeper of the same and that it is recorded in the records of the City Council for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1867. Witness my hand and seal of the city of Bloomington, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. ( Seal. ) By W. F. CrawEord, Ass't. 7 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON To The) BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL HORSE RAILWAY CO. March 24, 1883. ORDINANCE—For Permission to Extend the Bloomington and Nor¬ mal Horse Railway Company. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming- ton: Section i. That the said city council hereby grants to the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, per¬ mission to lay down and operate a single track railway with necessary turnouts in and upon Chestnut street, from Main street in said city, to the east line of the Chicago and Alton railway track: Provided, said track is to be single and in the center of the street, and is to be commenced by actual work on the street by May 1, 1883, and completed on or before September 1, 1883, that only a flat or tram rail is to be used in constructing or maintaining said street railway, and that no steam, or other than horse or mule power, is to be used in operating the cars upon said track. Sec. 2. That said street railway, if constructed, shall be constructed, maintained and operated on the same terms and conditions (except as hereinabove changed and modi¬ fied) subject to the same duties and penalties as it prescribed, imposed and granted to said street railway company in lay¬ ing down, maintaining and operating a street railway track in the city of Bloomington, in an ordinance approved March 26, 1867, except as to such changes as are herein made. SEC. 3. This ordinance to be in force from and after its publication. Approved March 24, 1883. I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the said city of Bloom¬ ington do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the ordinance of the said city of Blooming- 8 ton approved March 24, 1883; that the original is now on file in my office, that I am keeper of the same and that it is recorded in the records of the City Council for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1883. Witness my hand and the seal of the city of Blooming- ton, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. (Seal) C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. By W. F. Crawford, Ass't. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON to MATTHEW T. SCOTT, JAMES B. STEVENSON AND JOHN C. STEVENSON AND ASSIGNS. April 5, 1884. ORDINANCE—For Permission to Build a Horse Railway on East Front street Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming- ton: Section i. That said City Council hereby grants to Matthew T. Scott, James B. Stevenson, John C. Stevenson, and their assigns, permission to lay down and operate a sin¬ gle track railway 011 Front from Main street east to the center of Robinson street, thence south on Robinson street to the center of Grove street, thence east on Grove street to the second switch or turnout of the Illinois Central Railroad, on the line and in the manner and on the conditions fol¬ lowing : The center line of said railway shall be in the middle of said streets ; and the road-bed between the rails shall be paved with block stone or brick on all parts of the line where said streets are now or shall hereafter be paved; the gauge of said railway shall be the standard gauge of four feet 9 eight and one-half inches; the rails of said railway shall be of steel or iron and only flat or tram rails shall be used, the flat surface 011 the upper side of the rails to be not less than three inches in width inside of the gauge. Sec. 2. The said railway may be constructed on the sur¬ face of said streets as they now are: Provided, that said Matthew T. Scott, James B. Stevenson and John C. Steven¬ son, or their assigns, may by procuring the special consent of the Cityv Council therefor, alter the surface of said streets where in their opinion necessary; but in any such alterations shall make the surface of said streets, at the point where altered, conform more nearly to the established grade of said streets than it now does ; and provided farther, that when ever the said City Council shall desire to bring any part of said streets upon which said railway track may have been laid, down or up to the established grade of said streets, then the said Matthew T. Scott, James B. Stevenson and John C. Stevenson, and assigns, shall at their own expense bring so much of said street as they shall occupy to said established grade as rapidly as the city shall bring the rest of said street to grade; and-the said city may at any time change the established grade of said streets, or any part thereof, and the said Matthew T. Scott, James B. Stevenson and John C. Stevenson, and assigns, shall at their own expense make said railway conform to the surface of said streets, as the same may be when brought to such new grade ; and the said Matthew T. Scott, James B. Stevenson and John C. Steven¬ son, and their assigns, shall so construct said railway over said streets as not in any manner to interfere with the drain¬ age of said city; and the said railway track shall not be ele¬ vated above the surface of said streets as the surface now is or shall be made as hereinbefore provided; and said track shall be laid in such a manner'as not to obstruct public travel. Sec. 3. Said Matthew T. Scott, James B. Stevenson and John C. Stevenson, and their assigns, shall keep in re- 10 pair the said streets upon which said track is laid to the dis¬ tance of three feet six inches each way from the center of said track; and whenever any portion of said street shall be planked, paved or macadamized, or otherwise improved, the said Matthew T. Scott, James B. Stevenson and John C. Stevenson, and their assigns, shall be at all necessary ex¬ pense of such planking, paving, macademizing, or otherwise improving that portion of said streets occupied by said rail¬ way. Sec. 4. Said Matthew T. Scott, James B. Stevenson and John C. Stevenson, and their assigns, shall be liable to pay to said city or the individuals all damages, judgments and costs thereon, resulting from the carelessness or negli¬ gence of the said Matthew T. Scott, James B. Stevenson arid John C* Stevenson, or their assigns, or any employe of said Matthew T. Scott, James B. Stevenson, John C. Stevenson, or their assigns, either in the construction, repairing or run¬ ning of said railway; and no steam or other than horse or mule power shall be used in operating the cars upon said railway. Sec. 5. And said Matthew T. Scott, James B. Stevenson John C. Stevenson, and their assigns, shall not demand, charge or receive more than five cents for carrying any pas¬ senger on said railway one continuous trip its entire length, or any part thereof ; and they, or their assigns, shall not de¬ mand, receive or charge more than five cents for carrying any passenger one continuous trip to or from any point in the corporate limits of said city, to or from any other point in said limits 011 said railway or on said railway and other street railway connected therewith. SEC. 6. The building of said railway shall be com¬ menced by actual work on said street railway on or before the first day of May, A. D. 1884, and the entire line shall be completed and open for public travel on or before the first day of October, A. D. 1884; and in case said Matthew T. Scott, James B. Stevenson and John C. Stevenson, or 11 their assigns, shall fail to build and complete said railway in the time above limited, all their rights under this ordinance shall be forfeited. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall be in force only by the filing by said Matthew T. Scott, James B. Stevenson and John C. Stevenson, in the office of the'City Clerk of said city, their acceptance in writing of the terms of this ordi¬ nance, unconditionally, within ten days from the passage of this ordinance. Approved this 5th day of April, 1884. J. W. TROTTER, Mayor. Attest : S. W. Waddle, City Clerk. To the Honorable, The Mayor, and the City Council of the City of Bloomington : Gentlemen :—We hereby accept, unconditionally, the terms of an ordinance passed by the City Council, of the city of Bloomington, Illinois, April 4, 1884, and approved April 5, 1884, granting us the right of way for the construc¬ tion of a street railroad on Front, Robinson and Grove streets in said city. MATTHEW T. SCOTT, JOHN C. STEVENSON, J. B. STEVENSON, Bloomington, 111., April 5, 1884. For value received, we hereby assign to the Bloomington & Normal Horse Railway Co., all the rights, privileges and franchises granted to us by the City Council of the city of Bloomington, Illinois, by ordinance approved April 5, 1884, for the construction of a street railway on Front, Robinson and Grove streets, in said city, provided that the said Bloomington & Normal Horse Railway Company shall faithfully observe and comply with all the requirements and 12 instructions of said ordinance and shall hold us harmless from any of the consequences of failure so to do. Bloomington, 111., April 5, 1884. MATTHEW T. SCOTT, JOHN C. STEVENSON, JAS.'B. STEVENSON, Filed April 5, 1884 SamT W. WaddfE, City Clerk. Filed Jan. 24th, 11 125 A.M. 1885. 132 of Deeds 218. RESOLUTION. by THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BLOOM- INGTON. July 3, 1903. By Aid. FarrEff. Resolved, That the City Attorney be and is hereby in¬ structed to notify the Bloomington and Normal Street Rail¬ way Co. to place the pavement and their tracks along their right of way, on East Front St., in suitable condition so that traffic may be carried on over the same. Adopted. Adopted July 3, 1903. Council proceedings p. 131. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON to the BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL HORSE RAILWAY CO. February 7, 1885. ORDINANCE—For Permission to Build a Horse Railway on Wash¬ ington, Robinson and Front streets. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming- ton: Section i. That said City Council hereby grants to 13 the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, and their assigns, permission to lay down and operate a single track railway, with necessary turnouts, on Washing¬ ton, Robinson ancl Front streets, in said city, from the west line of Towanda avenue west on Washington Street to Rob¬ inson, thence south on Robinson street to connect with the street railway now laid on Front street on the line and in the manner and on the condition following : The center line of said railway shall be in the middle of said streets and the road-bed between the rails shall be paved with block stone or brick on all parts of the line where any of said streets are now or shall hereafter be paved. The rails of said railway shall be of steel or iron, and only flat or tram rails shall be used, the flat surface on the upper side of the rails to be not less than three inches in width, inside the gauge. Snc. 2. The said railway may be constructed on the surface of said streets as it now is : Provided, that said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company or as¬ signs, may, by procuring special permission of the City Council therefor, alter the surface of said streets where in their opinion necessary, but in any such alteration shall make the surface of said streets, at the points where altered, conform more nearly to the established grade of said streets than it now does : and providedfurther, that whenever the said City Council shall desire to bring any part of said streets upon which said railway track may have been laid, down or up to the established grade of said streets then the said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, or assigns, shall at their own expense, bring so much of said streets as they shall occupy to said established grade as rapidly as the said city shall bring the rest of said streets to grade. And the city may, at any time, change the estab¬ lished grade of said streets, or any part thereof, and the said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, or as¬ signs, shall at their own expense, make said railway conform to the surface of said streets, as the same may be when 14 brought to such new grade. And the said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, or assigns, shall so con¬ struct said railway over said streets as not in any manner to interfere with the drainage of said city, and the said railway track shall not be elevated above the surface of said streets as the surface now is or shall be made, as hereinbefore pro¬ vided and said track shall not be laid in such manner as to obstruct public travel. Sec. 3. Said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway \ Company and assigns, shall keep in repair the said streets upon which said railway track is laid, to the distance of three feet and six inches each way from the center of said track, and whenever any portion of said streets shall be planked, paved, macademized or otherwise improved, said Blooming¬ ton and Normal Horse Railway Company and assigns, shall be at all necessary expense of such planking, paving macad¬ amizing or otherwise improving that portion of said streets occupied by said railway. 'Sec. 4. Said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and assigns, shall be liable to pay to said city, or to the individuals, all damages, judgments and costs thereon, resulting from the carelessness or negligence of said Bloom¬ ington and Normal Horse Railway Company, and assigns, or any employee of said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, or assigns, either in the construction, repairing or running of said railway and no steam or other % than horse or mule power, shall be used in operating the cars upon said railway and the said Bloomington and Nor¬ mal Horse Railway Company and assigns, shall not de¬ mand, charge or receive more than five cents for carrying any passenger on said railway its entire length, or any part thereof, and they or their assigns, shall not demand, charge or receive more than five cents for carrying any passenger one continuous trip to or from any point in the corporate limits of said city, or to or from any other point in the said limits, on said railway, or on said rail¬ way and any other street railway connected therewith. 15 Séc. 5. The building of said railway shall be com¬ menced by actual work on or before the first day of May A. D. 1885, and the entire line shall be completed and open for public travel before the first day of October, A. D. 1885 : Provided, that the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company or assigns, shall not leave any of said streets in an unsuitable condition for use or travel for a longer time than is reasonably necessary for building said railway, under a penalty of five dollars for each day of unreasonable delay in putting said street in good condition. - And in case said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, or as¬ signs, shall fail to build and complete said railway in the time above limited, all their rights under this ordinance shall be forfeited. Sfc. 6. This ordinance shall be in force only on the fil¬ ing by said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Com¬ pany in the office of the city clerk of said city, their acceptance in writing of the terms of this ordinance, unconditionally, within ten days from the date of the passage of this ordi¬ nance. Approved February 7, 1885. • I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the said city of Blooming¬ ton, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the ordinance of the said city of Blooming¬ ton approved February 7, 1885 ; that the original is now on file in my office ; that I am keeper of the same and that it is recorded in the records of the City Council for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1885. Witness my hand and seal of the city of Bloomington, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. (Seal) C..C. HASSLER, City Clerk. By W. F. Crawford, Ass't. 16 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON to BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL HORSE RAILWAY CO. March, 1885. ORDINANCE—For Permission to Build a Horse Railway on Wash¬ ington street. m Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming- ton: Section 1. That said City Council hereby grants to the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and their assigns, permission to lay down and operate a single track railway with necessary turnouts on Washington street in said city, on the line and in the manner and on the condi¬ tions following, to-wit: Commencing at the east line of the right of way of the Chicago and Alton Railway Company, thence east to the center line of Main street, connecting with the line of street railway now laid on Main street. The center line of said railway shall be in the middle of said street, and the roadbed between the rails shall be paved with block stone or brick, as the Council may direct, on all points of the line where any of the said street is now, or shall hereafter be paved ; the gauge of said railway shall be the standard gauge of four feet, eight and one-half inches ; the rails of said railway shall be of steel or iron, and only flat or tram rails shall be used, the flat surface on the upper side of the rails to be not less than three inches in width inside of the gauge. Se)C. 2. The said railway may be constructed on the surface of said street as it now is : Providedx that said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company or as¬ signs, may by procuring special permission from the City Council therefor, alter the surface of said street, where in their opinion necessary, but in any such alteration shall make 17 the surface of said street, at the point where altered, con¬ form more nearly to the established grade of said street than it now does : and, provided, further, that whenever the said City Council shall desire to bring any part of said street, upon which said railway track may have been laid, down or up to the established grade of said street, then the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, or as¬ signs, shall at their own expense, bring so much of said street as fhey shall occupy to said established grade; as rapidly as the said city shall bring the rest of said city to grade; and the said city, may, at any time, change the established grade of said street, or any part thereof, and the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, or as¬ signs, shall at their own expense, make said railway con¬ form to the surface of said street as the same may be when brought to such new grade ; and the said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, or assigns, shall so con¬ struct said railway over said street as not in any manner to interfere with the drainage of said city, and the said rail¬ way track shall not be elevated above the surface of said street, as the surface now is or shall be made, as hereinbe¬ fore provided, and said track shall not be laid in such man¬ ner as to obstruct public travel. SEC. 3. Said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and assigns, shall keep in repair the said street upon which said railway track is laid, to the distance of three feet and six inches each way from the center of said track, and whenever any portion of said street shall be planked paved, macadamized or otherwise improved said Blooming¬ ton and Normal Horse Railway Company and assigns, shall be at all necessary expense of such planking, paving, macada¬ mizing or otherwise improving that portion of said street occupied by said railway. Sec. 4. Said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and assigns, shall be liable to pay to said city, or to the individuals, all damages, judgments, and costs thereon, 18 resulting from the carelessness or negligence of said Bloom- ington and Normal Horse Railway Company and assigns, either in the construction, repairing or running of said rail¬ way ; and no steam or other than horse or mule power shall be used in operating the cars upon said railway, and the said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and assigns, shall not demand, charge or receive more than five cents for carrying any passenger on said railway its entire length, or any part thereof, and they or their assigns shall not demand, Qharge or receive more than five cents for car¬ rying any passenger one continuous trip to or from any point in the corporate limits of said city to or from any other point in the said limits, on said railway, or on said railway and any other street railway connected therewith. Skc. 5. The building of the entire line of said railway shall be completed and open for public travel before the first day of October, A. D. 1885 : Provided, that the Bloom¬ ington and Normal Horse Railway Company, or assigns, shall not leave any of said streets in an unsuitable condition for use or travel for a longer time than is reasonably neces¬ sary while building said railway, under a penalty of five dollars for each day of unreasonable delay in putting said street in good condition; and in case the said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company or assigns, shall fail to build and complete said railway in the time above limited, all their rights under this ordinance shall be forfeited. S^c. 6. Permission is hereby given to the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company or assigns, to lise so much of the material now laid in the pavement on said street as it may be necessary to remove in the construction of said railway, in relaying said pavement as hereinbefore provided, for which material so used the said railway company or as¬ signs, shall pay or cause to be paid to the treasurer of said city, on or before the first day of December, A.D. 1885, the sum of five hundred dollars. Séc. 7. This ordinance shall be in force only on the fil- 19 ing by the said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company in the office of the City Clerk of said city, their acceptance in writing of the terms of this ordinance, uncon¬ ditionally, within ten days from the date of the passage of this ordinance. Approved March, 1885. I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the said city of Bloom¬ ington, doN hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the ordinance of the said city of Blooming- ton approved March, 1885; that the original is now on file in the office of said clerk; that I am the keeper of the same and that it is recorded in the records of the City. Council for the fiscal year ending April 30th, 1885. Witness my hand and seal of the city of Bloomington, this 13th day of June, 1901. (Seal) C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. By W. F. Crawford, Ass't. 20 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. GENERAL ORDINANCE—Relative to Horse Railroads. Enacted May i, 1886. Article 2, Chapter 15, entitled "Horse Railroads/' Re¬ vised Ordinances, 1886, City of Bloomington, 393, Section 14: Nothing in this article contained shall be construed to conflict with or repeal any provisions of either of the follow¬ ing named ordinances, to-wit : An ordinance granting right of way to Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, approved March 26, 1867. An ordinance for permission to build a horse railway on Front street, approved March 8, 1884. An ordinance for permission to build a horse railroad on Washington street, approved March 28, 1885. An ordinance for permission to extend the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, approved March 24, 1883. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. To the: BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL HORSE RAILWAY CO. June 4, 1887. ORDINANCE—Providing for the Extension of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Co.'s line on South Main street. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming¬ ton: Section i. That said city hereby grant the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company permission to lay down and operate a single track railway with necessary turnouts from the present terminus of said railway on South Main street, south on said South Main street to the south line of Miller street in said city. The center of said railway shall be in the middle of said street, and the road-bed be- 21 tween the rails shall be paved, when laid, by and at the ex¬ pense of said railway company, with brick and with the same material as it is now provided by ordinance that said street shall be paved. The gauge of said railway shall be the standard gauge of four feet, eight and one-half inches, the rails, of said rail¬ way shall be of steel or iron, and only flat or tram rails shall be used, the flat surface on the upper side of the rails to be not less than three inches in width inside the gauge. And if in the future said street shall be paved with any other mate¬ rial, said road-bed shall be repaved by and at the expense of said railway company, with the same material. Sex. 2. The said railway may be constructed on surface of said street as fast as it is graded and prepared for the pavement about to be laid thereon as provided by ordinance approved March 6, 1886. Said city may at any time change the established grade of said street or any part thereof, and said railway company shall at its own expense make said railway conform to the surface of said street, as the same may be when' brought to such new grades and the said railway company shall so con¬ struct said railway over said street as not in any manner to interfere with the -drainage of said city, and the said railway track shall not be elevated above the surface of said street when paved as above mentioned, or in case the grade thereof shall be changed as hereinbefore provided, and said track shall not tfe laid in such manner as to obstruct public travel. Sex. 3. Said railway company shall at its own expense keep in good repair all that part of' said street lying be¬ tween the rails of its said track. Sex. 4. Said railway company shall be liable to pay to said city or to individuals in any way damaged or injured, all damages, judgments, and costs thereon resulting from the carelessness or negligence of said railway company or of any employee of said railway company, either in the con¬ struction, repairing, or operating of said railway; and no 22 power other than horse or mule power shall be used in oper¬ ating the cars upon said railway, except by the consent of the city council, and the said railway company shall not charge or receive more than five cents (except on Normal cars) for carrying any passenger on its cars, and on the cars run upon any of its divisions or partly upon its cars and those run upon any of its divisions, from any point to any point on the line of the said railway company, or its divi¬ sions within the city limits, when close connections are made. S£C. 5. The building of the entire line of said railway shall be completed and open for public travel as soon as the paving of said street is completed as provided by ordinance, approved March 6, 1886; and in case the said railway com¬ pany shall fail to build and complete said railway in the time above limited, all its rights under this ordinance shall be forfeited. Sex. 6. This ordinance shall be in force only on the filing by the said Bloomington and Normal Horse Rail¬ way Company, in the office of the City Clerk of said city, its acceptance in writing of the terms of this ordinance un¬ conditionally within ten days from the passage thereof. Approved this fourth day of June, 1887. LEWIS B. THOMAS, Mayor. Attest: R. N. Evans, City Clerk. I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the said city of Blooming- ton, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor¬ rect copy of the ordinance of the said city of Bloomington, passed the 3rd day of June, 1887, approved the 3rd day of June, 1887, and published in the Daily Leader, a newspaper published in the city of Bloomington, June 14th, 1887, that the original is now on file in the office of said Clerk, that I am the keeper of the same, and that it is recorded in the records of the City Council of the fiscal year ending April 30, 1888. • 23 Witness my hand and the seal of the city of Blooming- ton, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. (Seal) C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. By W. F. Crawford, Ass't. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. to JOHN J. PATTERSON, W. W. IRVINE AND H. S. McCURDY, AND ASSIGNS, April 21, 1888. ORDINANCE—Providing for the granting of a franchise to John J. Patter-son, W. W. Irvine, and H. S. McCurdy, and their assigns, to lay and operate a street railway track on Wood, East Walnut, North Clinton, and West Market streets. * Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming- ton: « Section i. That said city hereby grants to John J. Patterson, W. W. Irvine, and H. S. McCurdy, and their as¬ signs, permission to lay down and operate a single track rail¬ way, with necessary turnouts and switches from, and con¬ nected with the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company's track on South Main street, thence running west on Wood street, in the center thereof, to the main gate or entrance of Miller's Park in said city : Provided, that the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company shall not abandon the line on South Main street from Wood street to Miller street, but shall continue to run regular cars thereon; also starting from and connected with the Bloom¬ ington and Normal Horse Railway Track on East Front street, at its intersection with Clinton street; thence north on Clinton street, in the center thereof, to Walnut street; thence weston Walnut street to connect with the tracks of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company at Park street. Also commencing at the track of Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company on North Main street, 24 at its intersection with Market street, and connected there¬ with and running thence west in the center of said Market street to the east line of Hinshaw avenue. The gauge of said railway lines on all of said streets, shall be four feet, eight and one-half inches, the rails shall be steel or iron, flat or « tram rails, the tram to be not less than three inches in¬ side the gauge and shall be laid on cross-ties. Said railway tracks shall be laid and constructed so as to conform to the established or existing grade of said streets when the same are laid, and in case the grade of any one or of all of said streets at any.time hereafter shall be changed by said city, then John J. Patterson, W. W. Irvine, and H. S. McCurdy, or their assigns, shall, at their own expense, make said rail¬ way conform to the surface of said streets as the same may be when brought to such new grade or grades, and said railway tracks shall be so laid and constructed over and upon said streets as not in any manner to interfere with the drain¬ age of said city or in any manner to obstruct public travel. The road-bed between the rails of said railway tracks on all of said streets, at and upon the intersections of all streets, shall be planked as soon as laid, and in case said streets upon which said railway tracks are so laid, or either of them, shall be hereafter paved by said city, then said John J. Patterson, W. W. Irvine, and H. S. McCurdy, or their as¬ signs, shall pave between the rails of their said track or tracks on said street or streets with the same material and at the same time and in the same manner that said street or streets shall be paved ; and they shall at all times keep said streets, including the pavement thereon, in good repair at their own expense to the distance of three feet six inches each way from the center line of their said track. Sr)C. 2. Each of said railway lines shall be connected with the track of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Rail¬ way Company, and no person or persons, companies or cor¬ poration, operating any one of said lines of railway shall ever charge or receive more than five cents for carrying any pas- 25 senger on said railway lines from any point in the city, to any other point in the city on the cars run upon any of the said divisions, or partly upon its cars and partly upon the cars run upon any of said divisions, or upon the cars of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company or of any other street railway company which may now or may hereafter be permitted to operate a street railway within the limits of said city when close connections are made. Sec. 3. Said John J. Patterson, W. W. Irvine and H. S. McCurdy, or their assigns, or any other person or persons, company or corporation, which may .hereafter operate any one or all of said street railway lines, shall be liable to pay to said city or to individuals in any way damaged or injured, all damages, judgments, and costs resulting from the care¬ lessness or negligence of any such person or persons, com¬ pany or corporation, or any employe thereof, both in the construction, the repairing, or the operating of said railway lines, and no other than horse or mule power shall be used in operating the cars upon said railway lines. SEC. 4. The building of said lines of railway on said East Walnut, North Clinton and West Market streets shall be completed and open for public travel on or before Octo¬ ber 1, 1888, and on Wood street as soon as the work can be done after the grade for said street is established and the same is brought to such grade by the city; and in case John J. Patterson, W. W. Irvine, and H. S. McCurdy, or their assigns, fail to build and- complete said lines of railway in the time above limited, all its rights under this ordinance shall be forfeited. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be in force after the filing by the said John J. Patterson, W. W. Irvine and H. S. McCurdy, in the office of the City Clerk of said city of Bloomington, their acceptance in writing, unconditionally of the terms thereof, within ten. days after its passage. Approved this 21st day of April, 1888. LEWIS B. THOMAS, Mayor. Attest: R. N. Evans, City Clerk. 26 I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the said city of Blooming- ton, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor¬ rect copy of the ordinance of the said city of Bloomington, passed the 20th day of April, 1888, approved the 23rd day of April, 1888, and published in the Daily Leader, a news¬ paper published in the city of Bloomington, Thursday, April 26, 1888, that the original is now on file in the office of said Clerk, that I am the keeper of the same, and that it is recorded in the records of the City Council for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1888. Witness my hand and the seal of the city of Blooming- ton, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. (Seal) C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. By W. F. Crawford, Ass't. The following communication was presented, and, on motion, received and ordered filed : To the Honorable, the Mayor, and City Council of the City of Bloomington. GENTLEMEN :—We do hereby accept the terms of the or- dinance passed granting to us the franchise to lay and oper¬ ate a street railway track on East Walnut, North Clinton, and West Market streèts, and on Wood street. Bloomington, 111., April 23, 1888. JOHN J. PATTERSON, H. S. McCURDY, W. W. IRVINE. City Council Proceedings, year ending April 30th, 1888, P. 3I7- 27 CITY OP BLOOMINGTON. To The) (ORIGINAL) BLOOMINGTON CITY RAILWAY. June 16, 1888. ORDINANCE—Providing for the granting of a franchise to the Bloomington City Railway and its assigns, to lay and operate a street railway track on South Main street to the city limits. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming- ton: Se)CTion i. That said city hereby grants to the Bloom¬ ington City Railway and its assigns, permission to lay down and operate a single track railway with necessary turnouts and switches from and connected with, the terminus of the Bloomington and Norma] Horse Railway Company's track on South Main street, in the center thereof, to the city limits. The gauge of said railway line on said street shall be four feet, eight and one-half inches, the rails shall be of steel or iron tram or flat rails, the same as the track now on South Main street, and shall be laid on cross ties. Said railway track shall be laid and constructed so as to conform to the established or existing grade of said street when the same is laid, and in case the grade of said street at t any time hereafter be changed by said city, then said Bloom¬ ington City Railway or its assigns shall, at its own expense, make said railway conform to the surface of said street, as the same may be when brought to such new grade or grades, and said railway track shall be so laid and constructed over and upon said street as not in any way to interfere with the drainage of said city, or in any manner to obstruct publi-c travel. * The road-bed between the rails of said railway track on said street at and upon the intersection of all streets shall be planked as soon as laid, and in case said street on which said railway so laid shall be hereafter paved by said city, then 28 said Bloomington City Railway or its assigns shall pave be¬ tween the rails of its said track or tracks with the same ma¬ terial and at the same time that said street shall be paved; and it shall at all times keep said street, including the pave¬ ment thereon, in good repair at its own expense, between the rails. Sec. 2. Said railway line shall be connected with the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company's track and no person or persons, company, or corporation operating said line of railway shall ever charge Or receive more than five cents for carrying any passenger on said railway line from any point in the city to any other point in the city on the cars run upon said railway line, or partly upon its cars and partly upon the cars run upon the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway, or any other street railway com¬ pany which may now or may hereafter be permitted to oper¬ ate a street railway within the limits of said city, when close connections are made. SEC. 3. Said Bloomington City Railway or its assigns, or any person or persons, company, or corporation which may hereafter operate any one or all of said street railway lines, shall be liable to pay to said city, or to individuals in any way damaged or injured, all damages, judgments, or costs resulting from the carelessness or negligence of any such person or persons, company, or corporation, or any em¬ ployee thereof, both in the construction, the repairing, or the operating of said railway line and no other than horse or mule power shall be used in operating the cars upon said railway line. SEC. 4. The buidling of said line of railway shall be completed and open for public travel on or before October 1, 1888, and in case said railway company or its assigns fail to build and complete said line of railway in the time above limited, all its right under this ordinance shall be forfeited. SEC. 5. This ordinance shall be in force after the filing by the Bloomington City Railway in the office of the City 29 Clerk of said city, its acceptance in writing, unconditionally, of the terms thereof, within ten days after its passage. Approved this 16th day of June, 1888. J. R. MASON, Mayor, Attest: R. N. Evans, City Clerk. I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the said city of Blooming- ton, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor¬ rect copy of the ordinance of the said city of .Bloomington, passed the h 5th day of June, 1888, approved the 16th day of June, 1888, and published in the Daily Leader, a news¬ paper published in the city of Bloomington, Saturday, July 14, 1888, that the original is now on file in the office of said Clerk, that I am the keeper of the same, and that it is recorded in the records of the City Council for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1889. Witness my hand and the seal of the city of Blooming¬ ton, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. (Seal) C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. By W. F. Crawford, Ass't. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. to thf (ORIGINAL) BLOOMINGTON CITY RAILWAY. August 10, 1888. ORDINANCE—Providing for the granting of a franchise to the Bloomington City Railway, and its assigns, to lay and operate a street railway track, commencing and to be connected with the Bloomington and Normal JHorse Railroad at the intersection of West Chestnut street and Center street; thence north on Center street to Seminary avenue ; thence west on Seminary avenue to Morris avenue ; and when Center street is opened for public travel to Division street, from Seminary avenue to Division street. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming¬ ton: Sfction i. That said city hereby grants to the Bloom¬ ington City Railway and its assigns, permission to lay down 30 and operate a single track street railway with necessary turnouts and switches, from and connected with the Bloom- ington and Normal Horse Railway Company's track on West Chestnut street, at the intersection of Center street; thence north on Center street, in the center thereof, to Seminary Avenue, thence west oil Seminary Avenue to the Chicago & Alton Railroad, and when Center street is open for public travel to Division street, then from Seminary Avenue to Division street ; also with the privilege of extending said track at any time hereafter on Seminary avenue to Morris avenue, provided no other per¬ son or persons, company or corporation, is given permission to lay track on said Seminary avenue, between said railroad and said Morris avenue, before such extension is made. The gauge of said railway line on said street shall be four feet eight and one-half inches, the rails shall be steel or iron, flat or tram rails of not less than thirty pounds weight to the yard, and'shall be laid on cross ties. Said railway track shall be laid and constructed so as to conform to the established or existing grade of said street when the same is laid, and in case the grade of said street at any time hereafter be changed, by said city, then said Bloomington City Railway or its assigns shall, at its own expense, make said railway conform to the surface of said street as the same may be when brought to such new grade or grades, and said railway track shall be so laid and con¬ structed over and upon said street as not in any manner to interfere with the drainage of said city or in any manner to obstruct public travel. The road-bed between the rails of said railway track, on said street at and upon the intersections of all streets, shall be planked as soon as laid, and in case said street upon which said railway is so laid shall be hereafter paved by said city, then said Bloomington City Railway, or its assigns, shall pave between the rails of its said track or tracks on said street with the same material and at the same time that 31 said street shall be paved; and it shall at all times keep said street, including the pavement thereon, in good repair, at its own expense, between the rails. Sec. 2. Said railway line shall be connected with the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company's track, and no person or persons, company or corporation operating said line of railway shall ever charge more than five cents for carrying any passenger on said railway line from any point in city to any other point in the city on the cars run upon said railway line, or partly upon its cars and partly upon the cars run upon the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway or of any other street railway company which may now or may hereafter be permitted to operate a street rail¬ way, within the limits of said city when close connections are made. Sec. 3. Saicl Bloomington City Railway or its assigns, or any person, or persons, company or corporation which may hereafter operate any one or all of said street railway lines, shall be liable to pay to said city or to individuals in any way damaged or injured, all damages, judgments or costs resulting from the carelessness or negligence of any such person or persons, company or corporation, or any employee thereof, both in the construction, the repairing, or the operating of said railway line, and no other than horse or mule power shall be used in operating the cars upon said railway line. Sec. 4. The building of said line of railway shall be completed and open for public travel on or before one year from the passage of this ordinance, and in case said railway company or its assigns fail to build and ^complete said line of railway in the time above limited, all its rights under this ordinance shall be forfeited. SEC. 5. This ordinance shall be in force after the filing by the said Bloomington City Railway in the office of the City Clerk of said city, its acceptance, in writing, uncondi- 32 tionally of the terms thereof, within ten days after its pas¬ sage. Approved this ioth day of August/ 1888. J. R. MASON, Mayor. Attest : R. N. Evans, City Clerk. I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the said city of Blooming- ton, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor¬ rect copy of the ordinance of the said city of Bloomington, passed on the ioth day of August, 1888, approved the ioth day of August, 1888, and published in the Daily Leader, a newspaper published in the city of Bloomington, Tuesday, August 21, 1888; that the original is now on file in the office of said Clerk, that I am the keeper of the same, and that it is recorded in the records of the City Council for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1889. Witness my hand and the seal of the city of Blooming- ton, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. (Seal) C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. By W. F. Crawford, Ass't. To the Honorable, the Mayor, and City Council of the City of Bloomington : Gentu£mën :—The Bloomington City Railway hereby accepts, unconditionally, the terms and conditions of an or¬ dinance adopted by your honorable body, granting franchise for laying and operating à street car track on Center street and Seminary Avenue, passed August 10, 1888. JOHN J. PATTERSON, President Bloomington City Raihuay. Bloomington, August 20, 1888. 33 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. to th£ (ORIGINAL) BLOOMINGTON CITY RAILWAY. October 12, 1888. ORDINANCE—Providing for the granting of a franchise to the Bloomington City Railway and its assigns, to lay and operate a street railway track, from, and connected with, the Bloomington and Normal 'Horse Railroad on Washington street, south on Allin street, in the center thereof, to the south line of Moulton street, and from a point south of its terminus on the south line of Moulton street, across or along Wood street into Miller's Park, at a point to be designated by the Park Commissioners and approved by the City Council, and upon such terms as may be fixed by said Commis¬ sioners and approved by said City Council. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming¬ ton: Section i. That said city hereby grants to the Bloom¬ ington City Railway and its assigns permission to lay down and operate a single track street railway, with necessary turnouts and switches, from and connected with, the Bloom¬ ington and Normal Horse Railroad on Washington street, south on Allin street, in the center thereof, to the south line of Moulton street, and from a point south of its terminus on the south line of Moulton street across or along Wood street to Miller's Park, at a point to be designated by the Park Commissioners and approved by the City Council, and upon such terms as may be fixed by said Commissioners and ap¬ proved by said City Council. The gauge of said railway line on said street shall be four feet eight and one-half inches ; the rails shall be steel or iron, flat or tram rails, of not less than thirty po'unds weight to the yard, and shall be laid on cross-ties. Said railway track shall be laid and constructed so as to conform to the established or existing grade of said street when the same is laid, and in case the grade of said street at any time hereafter be changed by said city, then said 34 Bloomington City Railway, or its assigns, shall, at its own expense, make said railway conform to the surface of said street as the same may be when brought to such new grade or grades, and said railway track shall be so laid and con¬ structed over and upon said street as not in any manner to interfere with the drainage of said city, or in any manner to obstruct public travel. The road-bed between the rails of said railway track, on said streets, at and upon the intersection of all streets, shall be planked as soon as laid, and in case said street upon which said railway is so laid shall be hereafter paved bxy said city, then said Bloomington City Railway, or its assigns, shall pave between the rails of said track or tracks on said street, with the same material and at the same time that said street shall be paved, and it shall at all times keep said street including the pavement thereon, in good repair, at its own expense, between the rails. Sdc. 2. Said railway line shall be connected with the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railroad Company's track, and no person or persons, company or corporation operating said line of railway, shall ever charge more than five cents for carrying any passenger on said railway line from any point in the city, on the cars run upon said railway line, or partly upon its cars, run upon the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railroad, or any other street railway company which may now or may hereafter be permitted to operate a street railway within the limits of said city, when close connections are made. SrX. 3. Said Bloomington City Railway, or its assigns, or any person or persons, company or corporation which may hereafter operate any one or all of said street railway lines, shall be liable to pay'to said city, or to individuals in any way damaged or injured, all damages, judgments, or costs resulting from the carelessness or negligence of any such person or persons, company or corporation, or any em¬ ployee thereof, both in the construction, the repairing, or the 35 operating of said railway line, and 110 other than horse or mule power shall be used in operating the cars upon said railway line. Sec. 4. The building of said line of railway shall be completed and open for public travel on or before one year from the passage of this ordinance and in case said railway company^ or its assigns fail to build and complete said line of railway in the time above limited, all its rights under this ordinance shall be forfeited. • f- SEC, 5. This ordinance shall be in force after the filing by the said Bloomington City Railway in the office of the City Clerk of sai.d city, its acceptance in writing, uncondi¬ tionally, of the terms thereof within ten days after its passage. Sec/ 6. That the franchise heretofore granted by said city to John J. Patterson, W. W. Irvine, and H. S. Mc- Curdy, and their assigns, to lay a track on Wood street from Main street to Miller's Park, is hereby, by said Bloomington City Railway, assignee thereof, with the consent of said city, surrendered from the east line of Madison street to said Miller's Park. Approved this 12th day of October 1888. J. R. MASON, Mayor. Attest: R. N. Evans, City Clerk. I, C, C. Hassler, City Clerk of the said city of Blooming¬ ton, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor¬ rect copy of the ordinance of the said city of Bloomington, passed the 12th day of October, 1888, approved the 12th day of October 1888, and published m the Daily Leader, a newspaper published in the city of Bloomington, Wednes¬ day, October 25, 1888, that the original is now on file in the office of said clerk, that I am the keeper of the same, and that it is recorded in the records of the City Council for the fiscal year ending April 30, Î889. 86 Witness my hand and the seal of the city of Blooming- ton, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. (Seal) C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. By W. F. Crawford, Ass't. To the Honorable, the Mayor, and City Council of the City of Bloomington : GenTtFmFn :—The Bloomington City Railway hereby accepts, unconditionally, the terms and conditions of an or¬ dinance adopted by the City Council of said city, and ap¬ proved October 12, 1888, granting said railway the right to lay down and operate a single line of street railway on South Allin street to Miller's Park. JOHN J. PATTERSON, President. r Bloomington, October 18, 1888. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. to thf (ORIGINAL) BLOOMINGTON CITY RAILWAY. AND THE BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL HORSE RAILWAY COMPANY. May 25, 1889. ORDINANCE—Granting permission to the Bloomington City Railway Company and Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Com¬ pany to operate their cars by electricity and to erect and piaintain poles and wires for that purpose. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming¬ ton: Section i. That permission is hereby granted to the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and the Bloofnington City Railway, to run and operate street cars by electric motor power upon the streets of said city, along any one or more, or all the lines of street railway operated by them or either of them; ancf for that purpose to erect, 87 under the supervision of the committee on streets and alleys, upon said streets from their generator or power house, to and along said line or lines of street railway, suitable poles upon both sides of said streets a distance lengthwise of said streets of not less than one hundred and fifteen feet apart; Provided, that whenever it is necessary to avoid erecting such poles in street intersections they may be erected at a less distance apart. Such poles shall be located at such points on said streets as the committee on streets and alleys may designate, and may then bè connected by wires stretched across the streets from pole to pole, and by wires stretched parallel with said street, on one side thereof, from pole to pole. From such cross wires may be suspended other wires, over the center of and parallel with said railway tracks, at a height of not less than eighteen (18) feet from the surface of said railway tracks at all points where the same is practicable, and wherever at such height such wires will not interfere with other wires now on said streets ; and at all points said poles and parallel and cross wires shall be so erected and suspended as not to interfere with the primary purpose and ordinary business of said streets. S£C. 2. The work of erecting such poles, and suspend¬ ing such wires, shall be commenced in good faith in one year from the approval of this ordinance, and thereafter continu¬ ously prosecuted to completion and as soon as complete all cars run thereby, and in default thereof the permit herein granted shall be deemed to be revoked as to all lines of street railway upon which said work has not been com¬ menced. Se;c. 3. The franchise herein provided for is granted subject to the provisions of an ordinance of the city of Bloomington entitled, "An Ordinance for the regulation and control of telephone, telegraph, and electric light companies," approved May 4, 1889, so far as the same are applicable. Approved May 25 1889. J. R. MASON, Mayor. Matt C. Smith, Clerk pro tem. 38 I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the said city of Blooming- ton, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor¬ rect copy of the ordinance of the said city of Bloomington, approved May 25, 1889; that the original is now on file in my office; that I am the keeper of the same and that it is recorded in the records of the City Council for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1900. Witness my hand and the seal of the city of Blooming- ton, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. (Seal) , C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. By W. F. Crawford/ Ass't. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. to the BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL HORSE RAILWAY COMPANY AND THE (ORIGINAL) BLOOMINGTON CITY RAILWAY. November 9, 1889. ORDINANCE—Providing for the amendment of an ordinance for the granting of a franchise to the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and the Bloomington City Railway, to run and operate its street cars by electric motor power, and to erect upon the streets along their lines of street railway the necessary poles and to suspend therefrom the necessary wires to operate said electric motor power. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming¬ ton; Section i. That section one of an ordinance providing for the granting of a franchise to the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and the Bloomington City Railway to run and operate its street cars by electric motor power, and to erect upon the streets along their lines of street railway the necessary poles, and to suspend therefrom the necessary wires to operate said electric motor power be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows : 39 "SEC. i. That permission is hereby granted to Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and the Bloomington City Railway to run and operate street cars by electric motor power upon the streets of said city ; along any one or more, or all the lines of street railway operated by them or either of them ; and for that purpose to erect, under the supervision of the Committee on Streets and Alleys, upon said streets (and upon other streets where necessary to transmit the power from the power house to other circuits) from their generator or power house to and along the lines of said street railway, suitable poles upon both sides of said streets, a distance lengthwise of said streets of not less than eighty feet apart; Provided, that whenever it is necessary to avoid erecting such poles in street intersections they may be erected at a less distance apart. Such poles shall be lo¬ cated at such points on said streets as the Committee on Streets and Alleys may designate, and may then be connected by wires stretched across the streets from pole to pole and by wires stretched parallel with said street on one side the road from pole to pole. From such cross wires may be sus¬ pended other wires over the center of and parallel with said railway tracks at a height of not less than eighteen {18) feet from the surface of said railway tracks at all points where the same is practicable, and wherever at such height such wires will not interfere with other wires now on said streets ; and at all points said poles and parallel and cross wires shall be so erected and suspended as not to interfere with the primary purpose and ordinary business of said streets. Approved this 9th day of November, 1889. J. R. MASON, Mayor. Attest: R. N. Evans, City Clerk. I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the said city of Blooming¬ ton, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor¬ rect copy of the ordinance of the said city of Bloomington, passed the 8th day of November, 1889, approved the 9th 40 day of November, 1889, and published in the Daily Bulle¬ tin, a newspaper published in the city of Bloomington, Monday, November 18, 1889, that the original is now on file in the office of said clerk, that I am the keeper of the same, and that it is recorded in the records of the City Council for the fiscal year, ending April 30, 1890. Witness my hand and the seal of the city of Blooming- ton, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. (Seal) C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. By W. F. Crawford, Ass't. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. to the) (CONSOLIDATED) BLOOMINGTON CITY RAIL¬ WAY AND ASSIGNS. July 10, 1897.- ORDINANCE—For permission to build a Street Railway on Allin street between Moulton and Wood streets. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming- ton: Section i.-That the said City Council hereby grants to the Bloomington City Railway Company and their assigns, permission to lay down and operate a single track railway on Allin street between Moulton and Wood streets, to con¬ nect with the street railway now laid on said Allin street from Washington street to Moulton street on the line, and in the manner and on the conditions following : The center line of said railway shall be the middle of said street and the road-bed for a distance of three (3) feet and six (6) inches on each side of the center line of said railway company's track shall be paved with brick> two (2) courses on all parts of the line where the said street is now or shall hereafter be paved. The rails of said railway shall be of steel, and only T rails of at least forty-five (45) pounds weight to each linear foot shall be used. 41 SEC. 2. Said railway may be constructed on the sur¬ face of said street as it now is : Provided, that the said Bloomington City Railway Company or assigns may by pro¬ curing special permission of the City Council therefor alter the surface of said street when in their opinion necessary, but in any such alteration shall make the surface of said streets, at points where altered, conform more nearly to the established grade of said streets, than it now does ; and pro¬ vided further, that wherever the said City Council shall de¬ sire to bring any part of said street upon which said railway track may have been laid, down or up to the established grade of said street, then the said Bloomington City Rail¬ way Company or its assigns, shall at their own expense bring so much of said street as they shall occupy, to said established grade as rapidly as the said city or its author¬ ized agents shall bring the rest of said street to grade. And the said city, may, at any time change the established grade of said street or any part thereof, and the said Bloomington City Railway Company or assigns shall at their own expense make said railway conform to the surface of said street, that the same may be when brought to said new grade. And the said Bloomington City Railway Company or assigns, shall so construct said railway over said street as not in any manner to interfere with the drainage of said street. And the said railway track shall not be elevated above the surface of said street, as the surface now is or shall be made, as here¬ inabove provided, said tracks shall not be laid in such man¬ ner as to obstruct public travel. SEC. 3. Said Bloomington City Railway Company or assigns, shall keep in repair the said street upon which said railway tracks is laid to a distance of three (3) feet, six (6) inches each way from the center of said track, and whenever any portion of said street shall be planked, paved, macada¬ mized,-or otherwise improved, said Bloomington City Rail¬ way Company and its assigns shall be at all the necessary expense of such planking, paving macadamizing or otherwise improving that portion of said street occupied by said rail¬ way, for a distance of three (3) feet six (6) inches from the center line of their track. Sec. 4. Said Bloomington City Railway Company and assigns shall be liable to pay to the said city, or to the indi¬ viduals, all damages, judgments and costs thereon, resulting from the carelessness or negligence of said Bloomington City Railway Company, or assigns, or of any employee of said company or assigns, either in the construction, repair- ing or running of said railway, and no power other than electricity shall be used in operating the cars upon said rail¬ way, and the said Bloomington City Railway and assigns shall not demand, charge or receive more than five ( 5 ) cents for carrying any passenger on said railways its entire length, or any part thereof, and they or their assigns shall not de¬ mand, charge or receive more than five ( 5 ) cents for carrying passengers one continuous trip to or from any point in the corporate limits of said city or to or from any other point in said limits' on said railway, or on said railway and any other street railway connected therewith. Sec. 5. Said Bloomington City Railway Company shall during every day after the construction and completion of their said railway track on Allin street between Moulton and Wood streets, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10:30 p. m. cause their cars on said Allin street line to make one contin¬ uous trip from the court house square to the terminus of said Allin street railway track, and return every twenty (20) minutes; that said entire railway track of the Bloom¬ ington City Railway Company on Allin street between Washington and Wood streets shall be relaid by said com¬ pany within six (6) months after the dating of the granting of this franchise; that said tracks shall be constructed of heavy T rails of at least forty-five (45) pounds to the lin¬ ear foot; that said rails shall be laid on ties one and one- half (1 y2) feet apart; said entire reconstruction of the said Allin street line to be made satisfactory to the City Council of the said city and subject to their approval. 43 Site. 6. The building of said railway shall be com¬ menced by actual work on or before the 15th day of August, 1897, and completed and open for public travel before the first day of October, 1897, provided that the Bloomington City Railway Compahy or assigns shall not leave any part of said street in an unsuitable condition for public use or travel for a longer time that is reasonably necessary for building said railway, under a penalty of five dollars ($5.00) for each day of unreasonable delay in putting said street in good condition, and in case said Bloomington City Railway Company or assigns shall fail to build or complete said rail¬ way between Moulton and Wood streets in the time above limited and shall fail to rebuild and relay their track on Allin street, between Washington and Moulton streets, within the time specified herein, then said railway company shall lose all their rights under this ordinance, and shall forfeit the same as well as all rights to operate tracks on Allin street, to the city of Bloomington. Sec. 7. This franchise and all rights of said Blooming¬ ton City Railway Company or assigns in and to the use of said Allin street between Moulton and Wood streets for a railway track as provided in this ordinance, shall expire at the same time that the franchise for a construction of a rail¬ way track on Allin street between Washington and Moulton streets expires. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall be in force on the filing by said Bloomington City Railway Company in the office of the City Clerk of said city, their acceptance in writing of the terms of this ordinance unconditionally within ten (10) days from the date of the passage of this ordinance. Approved this M)th day of July, A. D. 1897. C. F. KOCH, Mayor. Attest : R. N. Evans, City Clerk. 44 I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the said city of Blooming- ton, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the ordinance of the said city of Bloomington, passed the 9th day of July, 1897; approved the 10th day of July, 1897; and published in the "Daily Leader," a news¬ paper published in the city of Bloomington, Friday, July 16, that the original is now on file in the office of said clerk, that I am the keeper of the same and that it is recorded in the records of the City Council for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1898. Witness my hand and seal of the city of Bloomington, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. (Seal) By W. F. Crawford, Ass't. City of Bloomington, County of McLean and State of Illinois. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. TO THF (CONSOLIDATED) BLOOMINGTON CITY RAIL¬ WAY AND ASSIGNS. .August 7, 1897. ORDINANCE—Amending an ordinance granting permission to the Bloomington City Railway Company to build a street railway on Allin street between Moulton and Wood streets in the city of Bloomington. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming¬ ton: Section i. That an ordinance passed July 9, 1897, and approved July 10, 1897, granting'permission to the Bloomington City Railway Company to build, a street rail¬ way on Allin street between Moulton and Wood streets be amended so as to read as follows : SFC. 2. That the said City Council hereby grants to the Bloomington City Railway Company and their assigns per- 45 mission to lay clown and operate a single track railway on Allin street between Moulton and Wood streets, to connect with the street railway now laid on said Allin street from Washington street to Moulton street on the line, and in the manner and on the conditions following: The center line of said railway shall be in the middle of said street and the road-bed between the rails of said railway com¬ pany's track shall be paved with brick, two (2) courses on all parts of the line where the said street is now or shall hereafter be paved. The rails of said railway shall be of steel, and only T rails of at least forty-five (45) pounds weight to each linear yard shall be used. Sec. 3. Said railway may be constructed on the surface of said street as it now is, provided, that the said Bloom- ington City Railway Company or assigns may by procuring special permission of the City Council therefor, alter the sur¬ face of said street when in their opinion necessary, but in any such alterations shall make the surface of said streets at points where altered, conform more nearly to the established grade of said streets than it does now, and provided further, that wherever the said City Council shall desire to bring any part of said street upon which said railway track may have been laid, down or up to the established grade of said street, then the said Bloomington City Railway Company or its as¬ signs, shall at their own expense bring so much of said street as they shall occupy to said established grade, as rapidly as the said city or its authorized agents shall bring the rest of said street to grade. And the said city may, at any time, change the established grade of said street, or any part thereof, and the said Bloomington City Railway Company or assigns shall at their own expense make said railway con¬ form to the surface of said street, that the same may be brought to said new grade. And the said Bloomington City Railway Company or assigns shall so construct said railway over said street as not in any manner to interfere with the drainage of said street. And the said railway track shall 46 not be elevated above the surface of said street, as the sur¬ face now is or shall be made, as hereinabove provided. Said tracks shall not be laid in such manner as to obstruct public travel. Sec. 4. Said Bloomington City Railway Company or as¬ signs shall keep in repair the said street upon which said rail¬ way tracks is laid between the rails, and wherever any portion of said street shall be planked, paved, macadamized or otherwise improved, said Bloomington City Railway Company and its assigns shall be at all the necessary expense of such planking, paving, macadamizing, or otherwise im¬ proving that portion of said street occupied by said railway between the rails. Sec. 5. Said Bloomington City Railway Company and assigns shall be liable to pay to the said city, or to the indi¬ viduals, all damages, judgments and costs thereon, resulting from the carelessness or negligence of said Bloomington City Railway Company or assigns, or of any employee of said company or assigns, either in the construction, repairing or running of said railway, and no power other than electric¬ ity shall be .used in operating the cars upon said railway, and the said Bloomington City Railway Company and as¬ signs shall not demand, charge or receive more than five ( 5 ) cents for carrying any passenger on said railway its entire length, or any part thereof, and they or their assigns shall not demand, charge or receive more than five (5) cents for carrying passengers one continuous trip to or from any point in the corporate limits of said city or to or from any other point in said limits, on said railway, or on said railway and any other street railway connected therewith. Sec. 6. Said Bloomington City Railway Company, shall, during every day after said Allin street line is laid its entire length, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. cause their cars on said Allin street line to make one continuous » , trip from the court house square to the terminus of said Allin street railway track and return every twenty (20) 47 minutes; that said entire railway track of the Bloomington City Railway Company on Allin street between Washington and Wood streets shall be relaid by said company within one year after the dating of the granting of this franchise ; said tracks shall be constructed of heavy T rails of at least forty- five (45) pounds to the linear yard; that said rails shall be laid on ties one and one-half (1^2) feet apart, said entire reconstruction of said Allin street line to be made satisfac¬ tory to the City Council of the said City and subject to their approval. Sec. 7. The building of said railway shall be completed and open for public travel before the first day of October, 1897; Provided, that the Bloomington City Railway Com¬ pany or assigns shall not leave any part of said street in an unsuitable condition for public use or travel for a longer time than is reasonably necessary for building said railway, under a penalty of five dollars ($5.00) for each day of un¬ reasonable delay in putting said street in good condition, and in case said Bloomington City Railway Company or as¬ signs shall fail to build or complete said railway between Moulton and Wood streets in the time above limited, and shall fail to rebuild and relay their track on Allin street be¬ tween Washington and Moulton streets within the time spec¬ ified herein, then said railway company shall lose their rights under this ordinance and shall forfeit the same to the city of Bloomington. Sec. 8. This franchise and all rights of said Blooming¬ ton City Railway Company or assigns in and to the use of said Allin street, between Moulton and Wood streets for a railroad track, as provided in this ordinance, shall expire at the same time that the franchise for the construction of a railway track on Allin street between Washington and Moulton street expires. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall be in force on the filing by said Bloomington City Railway company in the office of the City Clerk of said city, their acceptance in writing, of 48 the terms of this ordinance unconditionally, within ten (to) days from the date of the passage of this ordinance. Approved this 7th day of August, A. D. 1897. C. F. KOCH, Mayor. Attest: R. N. Evans, City Clerk. I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the said city of Bloom- ington do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor¬ rect copy of the ordinance of the said city of Bloomington, passed the 6th day of August, 1897; approved the 7th day of August, 1897, and published in the Daily Leader, a newspaper published in the city of Bloomington, Friday, August 13, 1897, that the original is now on file in the office of said Clerk, that I am the keeper of the same and that it is recorded in the records of the City Council for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1898. Witness my hand and seal of the city of Bloomington this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. (Seal) C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. By W. F. Crawford, Ass't. City of Bloomington, county of McLean and state of Illinois. TOWN OF NORMAL to thf BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL HORSE RAILWAY CO. April, 1867. ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the Tozvn Council of the Town of Normal : Sfction i. That the consent of said Town Council is hereby granted to the Bloomington and Normal Horse Rail¬ way Company to lay down, maintain and operate a single or double track railway, with all convenient side-tracks, turn- 49 outs and appendages, in and upon such streets in said town of Normal as said horse railway company may elect for the purposes aforesaid. Sec.. - 2. The said railway may be constructed on the surface of the streets as they now are : Provided, That said railway company may alter the surface of such streets where, in their opinion, it may be necessary; but in any such alterations they shall make the surface of such streets, at the point where altered, conform more nearly to the established grade of such streets than it now does ; Provided. further, That whenever the said Town Council shall desire to bring any street upon which said railway tracks may be laid down, or up to the established grade of such streets, then the said railway company shall, at their own expense, bring so much of said street or streets as they shall occupy to said es¬ tablished grade as rapidly as the said town shall bring the rest of said street or streets to such grade. Sec. 3. Said railway company shall keep in repair the streets upon which said track is laid to the distance of three feet and six inches each way from the center of said track; and whenever any street upon which said track shall be laid shall be planked, paved, macadamized or otherwise improved, said company shall be at all the necessary expense of such planking, paving, macadamizing, or otherwise im¬ proving the portion of said street occupied by them for the purpose aforesaid. Sec. 4. Said railway company shall select the street or streets upon which they desire to build a railway, and report the same to the Town Council on or before the first day of January A.D. 1869; and if the said company shall neglect or fail to construct a railway upon any of the streets so selected for the space of three years from the first of April, 1867, all privileges, hereby granted shall be forfeited. Sec. 5. Whenever said railway company shall select the street or streets upon which they desire to build said railway, and shall report the same to the Town Council as aforesaid, 50 the Town Council shall determine, by resolution or ordinance, whether said railway company shall construct said railway track in the center or on the side of the respective streets in and upon which said company propose to lay said track ; and if said council shall determine that said railway track shall be laid along the side of any such streets, it may and .shall de¬ termine on which side, and at what distance from the side of such street or streets said railway may be constructed. SEC. 6. Said railway company shall so construct said railway track that it shall not be elevated above the surface of the street, as the surface now is or shall be made, as here¬ inbefore provided; and said track shall be so laid in such manner as not to obstruct the public travel. SEC'. 7. Said railway company shall so construct their said railway over and along said streets as not to interfere in any manner with the drainage of said town. Sec. 8. Said railway company shall be liable to pay to said town or to individuals, all damages resulting to it or them from the carelessness or negligence of any employee of said company while engaged in the, service of said company, either in the construction, repairing or running of said road or railway cars. SEC. 9. That permission is hereby granted to said rail¬ way company to propel the cars to be used upon the line or lines of said railway within the corporate limits of the town of Normal by a steam dummy; and it is hereby agreed that this permission shall stand and be in force for five~ years, after which time the said Town Council may terminate the use of said dummy by giving said company two years' notice to discontinue the use of the same. Sec. 10. This ordinance to be in force from and after its publication. L. A. HOVEY, President. S. J. REEDER, Clerk, 51 I, E. A. Vencill, Town Clerk of the said town of Normal, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the ordinance of the said town of Normal, approved April i, 1867, that the original is now on file in the office of the said clerk, that I am the keeper of the same and that it is recorded in the records of the Town Council. Witness my hand and the seal of the town of Normal, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. (Seal). E. A. VENCILL, Town Clerk. TOWN OF NORMAL to the) BLOOMINGTON& NORMAL HORSE RAILWAY CO. October 15, 1873. ORDINANCE—Entitled Extension of Horse Railroad passed Octo¬ ber 15, 1873. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Normal : Section i. That the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railroad Company be permitted to extend their track across Beaufort street in said town, in the direction of the Pass¬ enger Depot and west of the main track of the Illinois Cen¬ tral Railroad, upon condition that the said company shall always keep the said crossing in repair by planking so as to afford no obstruction to the passage of wagons or other ve¬ hicles. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and publication. I, A. F. Dickinson, Clerk of the Town Council of the town of Normal do hereby certify that I did on the 16th day of October, A. D. 1873, publish the above and foregoing ordinance by posting two copies of the same, one at the post- office and the other at the said clerk's office, both of which are public places in said town. 52 In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said corporation this the 16th day of Oc¬ tober, A. D. 1873. A. F. DICKINSON, Clerk. Corporate town of Normal, Illinois. I, E. A. Vencill, Town Clerk of the said town of Normal, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy o'f the ordinance of the said town of Normal passed Oc¬ tober 13, 1873; that the original is now on file in the office of the said Clerk, that I am the keeper of the same and that it is recorded in the records of the Town Council. Witness my hand and the seal of the town of Normal, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. (Seal) E. A. VENCILL, Town Clerk. TOWN OF NORMAL. to the BLOOMINGTON& NORMAL HORSE RAILWAY CO. and the (ORIGINAL) BLOOMINGTON CITY RAILWAY. August 13, 1889. ORDINANCE—Granting the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and the Bloomington City Railway, the right to run and operate their street cars by electric motor power and to erect upon the streets along their lines of street railway the necessary poles and to suspend therefrom the necessary wires to operate said power. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town oî Normal: Section i. That permission is hereby granted to the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and the Bloomington City Railway, or either of them, to run and operate street cars by electric motor power upon the streets of the said town of Normal along the lines of railway oper¬ ated by them or either of them, within the limits of said 53 town ; and for that purpose to erect upon said streets along their line or lines of street railway suitable poles upon both sides of said streets a distance lengthwise of said street of not less than one hundred and fifteen (115) feet apart. Said poles shall be located at such points on said streets as this Council through its committee may designate and may then be connected by wires stretched across the streets from pole to pole and by wires stretched parallel with said street on one side thereof from pole to pole. From such cross wires may be suspended other wires over the center of and parallel with said railway track, at a height of not less than eighteen (18) feet from the surface of said track at all points where the same is practicable .and wherever at such height such wires will not interfere with other wires now on said streets ; and at all points said poles, and parallel and cross wires shall be so erected and suspended as not to interfere with the primary purpose and ordinary business of said streets. Sec. 2. The work of erecting such poles and suspending such wires shall be commenced in good faith within one year from the approval of this ordinance and thereafter continu¬ ously prosecuted to completion and as soon as completed all cars shall be run thereby and in default thereof the permit hereby, granted shall be deemed to be revoked as to all lines of street railway upon which said work has not been commenced. Passed an4 approved by the Town Council of the town of Normal this 13th day of August, 1889. J. CHIPMAN, President. Attest : A. J. Merriman, Clerk. I, A. J. Merriman, Clerk of the town of Normal, do hereby certify that I made publication of the foregoing ordi¬ nance in two numbers of the Normal Advocate. Witness my hand this 17th day of August, A. D. 1889. A. J. MERRIMAN, Clerk. 54 I, E. A. Vencill, Town Clerk of the town of Normal, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the ordinance of town of Normal passed and approved by the Town Council of the town of Normal, August 13, 1889. That the original is now on file in the office of said clerk, and that I am keeper of the same and that it is recorded in the records of the Town Council. Witness my hand and the seal of the town of Normal, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. (Seal) . E. A. VENCILL, Town Clerk. 55 CONSOLIDATION OF THF (ORIGINAL) BLOOMINGTON CITY RAILWAY AND THE BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL HORSE RAILWAY CO. April 7, 1890. % The Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and Bloomington City Railway were consolidated April 7, 1890. The Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Com¬ pany sold its property and franchises to the Bloomington City Railway and accepted in exchange for the same and for the stock of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company held by its stockholders $300,000, of the capital stock of the Bloomington City Railway and consolidated with the Bloomington City Railway under the latter's name. •% On the same date the Bloomington City Railway pur¬ chased the property and franchises of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and consolidated that cor¬ poration with itself under the name of the Bloomington City Railway and exchanged $300,000 of its stock for the stock of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Com¬ pany. See McLean County Deed Records book 158, page 225- 228. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. December 2, 1892. To the Honorable, the Mayorand City Council of the City of Bloomington: Ge}ntIv£m£n :—Your committee, to whom was referred the resolution of Alderman Smith that the Bloomington City 56 Railway be permitted to relay its track with T rails on S. Main street from the Big Four railroad to the city limits, and on Robinson street, from Front street to Washington, and on E. Washington street from the Illinois Central rail¬ road to Towanda avenue, and on Center street from Chest¬ nut street to Seminary avenue, and on Seminary avenue from Center street to the Chicago & Alton railroad, would report that we recommend that permission be granted to lay T rails on said streets as mentioned above, upon condition that said rails shall not be of less than forty pounds weight to the yard, and shall be laid on cross ties, and also upon con¬ dition that said railway shall plank on both the inside and outside of the rails on all unpaved streets, or parts of streets above specified, in the same manner as they have planked on the outside of the rail between Park street and McLean street on the Belt line. Respectfully submitted, ED. HOLLAND, B. F. HOOPES, EDGAR M. HEAFER. A petition was presented and read from citizens and property owners in the vicinity of Robipson street, and east of the Illinois Central railroad, asking that the Bloomington City Railway be permitted to lay a T rail on Robinson street, and on Washington street from the Illinois Central railroad to Towanda avenue. Also, from residents and owners of property along the line of South Main street, asking Council to give the Bloom- * ington City Railway permission to take up the present rails of the track and to lay in their place T rails, from the Big Four railroad tracks south to the city limits. Also, from residents and property owners along the line of Center street and Seminary avenue, for permission to pursue the same course on Center street and Seminary ave¬ nue lines. 57 Aid. Heafer moved to amend the report of the committee by adding the following: "Provided that there be a limita¬ tion of ten years attached to the privilege hereby granted-. Aid. Welch moved, as an amendment to the amendment, that the Bloomington City Railway be permitted to lay T rails on Allin street, in accordance with a petition pre¬ sented to this Council September 16, 1892. Nov. 25, 1892. vl/ ^ >1» ^ * Under the head of unfinished business, the report of the Committee on Railroads, recommending that the Blooming- ton City Railway be given permission to lay T rails on cer¬ tain streets in the city, and amendments thereto, which were presented at last meeting of Council, and laid over for one week (see pages 197-198) was then taken from the table and discussed. Aid. Welch's amendment to the effect that the Bloom¬ ington City Railway be permitted to lay T rails on Allin street, was adopted by the following vote : Ayes :—Hoopes, Maxwell, Welch, Crawford, Heafer, Holland, Smith, Scott—8. Nays Boyce, Stautz, Hutchison, Costello—4. The question being on the amendment of Aid. Heafer, providing for a limitation of ten years to be attached to the privilege granted, Aid. Hutchison moved to amend the amendment by making the limit five years instead of ten. The amendment was rejected by the following vote: Ayes :—Hoopes, Boyce, Stautz, Hutchinson, Costello—5. Nays:—Maxwell, Welch, Crawford, Heafer, Holland, Smith, Scott—7. Aid. Heafer's amendment, providing the ten years' limit, was then adopted by the following vote : Ayes :—Hoopes, Maxwell, Boyce, Welch, Hutchison, Crawford, Heafer, Costello, Holland, Smith, Scott—11. Nays:—Stautz—1. Aid/ Boyce moved as an amendment that the rails to be 58 used under the privilege hereby granted to be sixty pounds to the yard, laid on chairs of sufficient height to permit a pavement to be laid consisting of two courses of brick, laid on cross-ties not less than six by eight inches and set two feet from center to center upon a bed consisting of not less than six inches of cinders or stone, the matter of chairs to apply to all of the streets now paved, or to dirt streets when pavements are built on them. The amendment was carried by ayes and nays as follows : Ayes :•—Hoopes, Maxwell, Boy ce, Welch, Hutchison, Crawford, Heafer, Costello, Holland, Smith, Scott—n. Nays:—Stautz—i. Aid. Boyce moved to further amend the report of the Committee as follows : "That it is hereby stipulated that if the said improvement as above specified be not completed by July i, 1893, that the permission granted to be void A The amendment prevailed. Aid. Heafer then moved to further amend the report of the Committee by adding the following: "That the grant heretofore made by this Council to the Bloomington City Railway, to lay T rails on that portion of their railway sys¬ tem known as the Belt Line, be and is hereby amended so as to limit the time during which the said Bloomington City Railway shall enjoy such privilege on the said Belt Line, be limited to ten years, and that whenever the said Bloom¬ ington City Railway shall accept the present grant they ac¬ cept it together with this amendment, and agree that the life term of the said grant pertaining to the Belt Line shall be ten years from the date of that grant, or from the date of the present grant, at the city's option. The amendment was carried. December 2, 1892. (Council Proceedings 1893, p. 197.) 59 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON COUNCIL: PROCEEDINGS. August 17, 1894. Aid. Stautz, from Committee on Railroads, submitted the following reports which were severally adopted : * * * To the Honorable, the Mayor, and City Council of the City of Bloomington: G^ntu^m^n :—Your committee, to whom was referred the petition of the Bloomington City Railway for permission to lay T rails on its West Washington street line would report that we recommend that said permission be granted on the following çonditions, viz : That said rails shaîï^be. of less than forty-five pounds weight to the yard; that said street railway company shall pave its road-bed for a distance of one foot and six inches on both sides of its track on the outside of the rails and also the space between the rails with good pavement brick of as good quality as those in the West Washington street pave- ' ment ; that they shall use on the inside of the track next to the rails brick made with a corner off for the flange of the wheels to run in; that the track shall be of the same grade that the pavement now is, and said pavement when completed shall come up flush with the tops of the rails ; that the bed for the brick to lay on between the ties shall be tamped until it is. solid before laying the brick, and then a course of brick shall be laid flat between the ties so that the upper surface shall be level with the tops of the ties, and then the whole road-bed shall be covered with a bed of sand to support the top course of brick of sufficient thickness to make the top of the upper course of brick come to a level with the tops of the rails, all of said work to be done under the direction of the City Engineer and subject to his approval. W/A. STAUTZ, JNO. G. WELCH, JAS. COSTELLO, (Council Proceedings year ending April 30, 1895, F- 146.) 60 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF McLEAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS. April Term, 1898.—No. 7310 Chancery. DECREE—Of foreclosure and sale of all the property rights, privi¬ leges and franchises of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Rail¬ way Company, and the (Original) Bloomington City Railway and the (Consolidated) Bloomington City Railway, Cause No. 7310, Chancery, McLean County, Illinois, Circuit Court, in suit of Dun¬ can M. Funk, trustee, vs. The Bloomington City Railway, The Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, et al. Decree rendered April 30, 1898. The Court finds that it has jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties and that on February 19, 1867, the Bloomington and Normal Hcfrse Railway Company was or¬ ganized by a special charter from the legislature of Illinois for the purpose of constructing and operating a street rail¬ road in Bloomington and Normal, 111. That said company, on June 1, 1887, executed its one hundred bonds of one thou¬ sand dollars each, with interest at five per cent per annum as alleged in the bill, and that no part of the principal of said bond's was paid, but that all became due June 1, 1897, and is unpaid, together with the interest thereon. That said bonds were negotiated and sold and are outstanding obliga¬ tions of said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Com¬ pany and the consolidated Bloomington City Railway. That to secure the payment of said bonds and interest the said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Co., on June 1, 1887, executed and delivered its deed of trust to the complainant, Duncan M. Funk, as trustee, conveying in fee simple all of its property, and that said deed was and is a first lien on all of the property of every kind and character of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company. Said property being described in said trust deed as follows : 61 All the lines of railway of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company in Bloomington and Normal, Mc¬ Lean county, Illinois ; the original main line of said railway extending from the track of the I., B. & W. Ry., on South Main street in Bloomington, along Main street, in said city, to Walnut street thence east on Walnut street to Park avenue thence north on Park avenue and other streets to the junc¬ tion of the C. & A. R. R. and the Illinois Central R. R., in the village of Normal; also the line of road extending from said main line on Chestnut street west to the track of the Chicago & Alton R. R. ; also the railway extending from said main line west upon Washington street to the union depot of the C. & A. and I., B. & W. railroads; also the railway extending from said main track east on Front and other streets to Towanda avenue, in the city of Blooming- ton ; meaning to include all lines of road and branches be¬ longing to said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway. Co., with all its tracks, superstructures, rights of way and road-beds and all buildings, stables, structures, rolling stock, all rights and franchises and all property of every descrip¬ tion belonging to the said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Co. whether personal, real, corporeal or incorporeal ; and also all property which said company might thereafter acquire, including all additional lines of road which it might construct or lay after the time of the execution of said trust deed and all additional rolling stock, personal property, and all property of every kind which it might acquire during the continuance of said trust deed. That said trust deed was in default and subject to fore¬ closure at the time of the commencement of the suit. That on August 30, 1887, the said company executed its certain other trust deed, to the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Company to secure said company's two hundred other mortgage bonds of five hundred dollars each; one hundred and forty-six of which remain unpaid and were due July 1, 1897, with five per cent interest from that date. That 62 said last mentioned bonds and trust deed were subject to said first named trust deed to Duncan M. Funk and to the bonds thereby secured. That said trust deed was delivered to said Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Company, and by it filed for record in the recorder's office of McLean county, 111. ; that said trust deed conveyed to the said Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., in fee simple, all of the prop¬ erty, rights, privileges and franchises described in the said first mentioned trust deed. % That on March 31, 1890, the defendant, the Blooming- ton and Normal Horse Railway Company, and the original Bloomington City Railway, were legally consolidated, under the name of the Bloomington City Railway, defendant herein. That by virtue of said consolidation, the Blooming¬ ton City Railway, defendant, became liable for all debts of its constituent companies existing prior to said consolidation ; but that the liens of the said several trust deeds continued only upon the property described in each, with improvements and betterments, and their equitable proportion of all prop¬ erty or improvements, added by said consolidated corpora¬ tion; that the trust deed to Duncan M. Funk and the trust deed to the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Company, both executed by the Bloomington and Normal Horse Rail¬ way Company, remain valid mortgage liens, upon all the property upon which they were severally given. That as a part of the consolidation plan, the consolidated company, the Bloomington City Railway, executed and de¬ livered to the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Company its certain other trust deed, describing and covering the en¬ tire property, tracks, railroads, franchises and all other prop¬ erty of both of said constituent companies, to secure its four hundred bonds for the sum of one thousand dollars each, dated June 1, 1899, as set f°rth and described in the bill and cross-bill herein. That said last mentioned trust deed described the prop¬ erty thereby covered, as follows : 68 All lines of railway in the city of Bloomington, McLean county, 111., with rights of way, franchises &nd tracks, 011 Clinton street from Front to Walnut street, thence west on Walnut street to Park street. The right of way, franchise and track. on Main street from Miller street, connected » * thereon with the terminus of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway track, tHence south to the city limits. The right of way, franchise and track on Center street, there connected with the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company's track on Chestnut street thence north on Center street to Seminary avenue thence north when Center street is opened to the city limits and west on Semi¬ nary avenue, from its intersection with Center street to the C. & A. R. R. « The right of way, franchise and track on Allin street from Washington street there connected with the Blooming¬ ton and Normal Horse Railway Company's line, thence south on Allin street, to the south line of Moulton street, thence south through lots 14, 11 and 10 in the re-survey of Millers subdivision of block 3, north-east quarter of section 8, town 23 north, R. 2 E. 3rd P. M. to the north line of Wood street thence across or along Wood street into Miller Park. Also the road-beds, franchises and tracks of the lines of railway now operated by the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company on Main street from Miller street north to Walnut, thence east on Walnut to Park street, thence north on Park street to the city limits, thence north on its fee simple right of way to the Chicago & Alton Ry. track, thence north-east through grounds leased of the State Board of Education to School street thence north on the same ground, on the west side of School street, to North street, thence east on North street, in Normal, 111., to the east side of the Illinois Central R. R. track. The road-bed franchise and track on Washington street, in Bloomington, from Main street, west to the union depot. 61 The road-bed, franchise and track, on Front street, from Main street east to Robinson street, thence north on Robin¬ son to Washington, thence east on Washington to Towanda avenue. The road-bed, franchise and track on Chestnut street from Main street west to the Chicago & Alton railway. And all rights of way, rights, privileges and franchises and all property of every description now owned by said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, or thereafter owned by the Bloomington City Railway, includ¬ ing all franchises belonging to said Bloomington O'ty Rail¬ way. Said rights, privileges and franchises embracing all property of every description, real, personal, corporeal or incorporeal. That two hundred and twenty-seven of said four hundred bonds secured by said last mentioned trust deed were issued. That the trust deed to Duncan M. Funk is a first lien and the trust deed by the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company to the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Company is a second lien upon all the property owned and acquired by the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company up to the time of its consolidation with the Bloom¬ ington City Railway, and upon its portion of the improve¬ ments and property acquired in the name of the Bloomington City Railway subsequent to said consolidation/March 31, 1890. And that the lien of the trust deed executed by the consolidated corporation is a first lien upon all the property owned by the Bloomington City Railway before said con¬ solidation and upon its proportion of the property acquired in the name of the Bloomington City Railway subsequent to the consolidation/ That the relative value of the property of the Blooming¬ ton and Normal Horse Railway Company on March 31, 1890, was five-sixths of the entire property of the consoli¬ dated company and that its proportion of all property ac¬ quired by the consolidated corporation is five-sixths of all of said property. 65 And that the relative share of the original Bloomington City Railway on said date was one-sixth of the entire prop¬ erty and that its share of property acquired since the consoli¬ dation is one-sixth of the whole of said property so acquired. That by reason of the consolidation of said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and said Blooming¬ ton City Railway, the street railway system covered by said trust deeds should not be sold separately or in parts ; that the interests of all parties and of the public require that said % entire railway system, property and franchises should be sold together as a unit. The court thereupon finds the said sev¬ eral amounts due under the said several trust deeds and or¬ ders payment. In default the court orders that the property, rights, priv¬ ileges and franchises described in the decree be sold at public sale by the master in chancery at 10 :oo o'clock a. m., Tues¬ day, May 31, 1898. That the master in chancery at such sale sell the entire street railway system, property, franchises, privileges, mu¬ nicipal grants of every kind and character described in each and all of said three trust deeds with all additions thereto in any way appertaining to said street railway property, and that said sale be without redemption and free from all en¬ cumbrances or liens. That the master in chancery report said sale and that upon confirmation of said report, the master conveys to the purchaser his or their assigns, or representatives, all the rail¬ way property, rights, privileges and fanchises, decreed to be sold by a good and sufficient deed which said deed shall vest in grantee all right, title, estate, interest, property, and equity of redemption of each and all the parties hereto in the real and personal estate, property, rights, privileges and franchises described in the decree in fee simple, and entitle the grantee to the possession thereof, and bar any claim of the defendant, the Bloomington City Railway or of the con¬ stituent companies forming said Bloomington City Railway. Possession is ordered to be delivered to such grantee. 66 MASTER'S REPORT OF SALE. Approved and ordered filed. That the defendant made default in the payment of the sum required to be paid by the said decree and that he ac¬ cordingly on the 31st day of May, 1898, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., sold all the property of the defendant, the (con¬ solidated) Bloomington City Railway, (describing it) and the entire plant and system of street railroad in Bloomington and Normal described at length in the decree, and including all lines and extensions of lines of tracks of street railroad in Bloomington and Normal, whether constructed by the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, the (original) Bloomington City Railway or the (consolidated ) Bloomington City Railway, including all franchises, rights and privileges of every kind and character ever granted to the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and to the Bloomington City Railway (original and after con¬ solidation), including corporate, municipal and all other franchises and all property and effects, real, personal and mixed of every kind and character, appertaining to or used in connection with said street railroad system, or any part thereof, to A. E. DeMange and John Graham, for the sum of two hundred and two thousand five hundred dol¬ lars ($202,500), whose bid was the highest and best bid re¬ ceived. Motion by the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Com¬ pany to vacate the order of May 31, 1898, confirming the Master's report of sale. 2nd : To set aside the sale made by the master and order a new sale. Same motion by John C. Barron. Motions overruled. Master's report of deed June 16, 1898. Master's report of deed and distribution approved by the Court June 16, 1898, 67 SAIN WELTY, MASTER IN CHANCERY OP McLEAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS, TO A. E. DeMANGE AND JOHN GRAHAM. June io, 1898. DEED. THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That I, the grantor, Sain Welty, of the city of Bloomington, county of McLean and state of Illinois, Master in Chancery for the county of McLean and state of Illinois, in my official capa¬ city as Master in Chancery, under and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of McLean county, Illinois, entered and filed on the 30th day of April, 1898, at the April Term, 1898, of the Circuit Court of said McLean county, Illinois, in cause No. 7310 Chancery, wherein Duncan M. Funk et al were complainants in the original bill .filed against the Bloomington City Railway et al, and wherein the détendant, the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Company of Phila¬ delphia, Pa., trustee named in the second mortgage of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railroad Company, de¬ scribed in the said original bill, filed its cross bill to foreclose the said second mortgage, and wherein the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Company of Philadelphia, Pa. trustee named in the mortgage of the Bloomington City Railway described in the said last mentioned cross bill, filed its cross bill to fore¬ close the said Bloomington City Railway mortgage ; having under the authority conferred upon me by said decree, sold the property, rights and franchises of the said defend¬ ant, the Bloomington City Railway, hereinafter described, on the 31st day of May, 1898, to the highest and best bidder therefor, and having on the said 31st day of May 1898, after the said sale, reported the same to the said Circuit Court of McLean county, Illinois, and the said report of said sale 68 having been approved by the Court, in consideration of the premises, and of the approval of said report of sale, and the payment to me as Master in Chancery as aforesaid the amount bid by the grantees herein, at said sale, for the said property being the sum of two hundred two thousand, five •hundred dollars ($202,500), receipt of which said sum is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to A. E. DeMange, of the city of Bloomington, county ç)f McLean, and state of Illinois, and to John Gra¬ ham, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., all the property mentioned in said decree situated in the county of McLean and state of Illinois, and described as follows to-wit : All the lines of railway of said Bloomington City Rail¬ way, situated in the city of Bloomington, in McLean county, Illinois, comprising the right of way, franchise and track laid on Clinton street, from Front street to Walnut street, thence west on Walnut street to Park street,.in said city; The right of way, franchise and track on South Main street, from Miller street, connecting thereon with the ter¬ minus of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway track, thence south to the limits of said city. The right of way, franchise and track on Center street, there connected with the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company's track at the intersection of Chestnut street, thence north on Center street to Seminary avenue, thence north when Center street is opened to the city limits ; and west on Seminary avenue from its intersection with Center street to the Chicago & Alton railroad. And the right of way, franchise and track on Allin street, from the intersection of Washington street, and there con¬ nected with the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company's line, thence south of Allin street to the north line of Wood street, thence across or along Wood street to Miller's Park. * i Also the franchises and tracks and lines of railway in Main street, from Miller street north to Walnut street, 69 thence east on Walnut street to Park street, thence .north on Park street to the city limits ; thence north on its fee simple right of way to the Chicago & Alton railroad track; thence north-east through grounds leased of the State Board of Education to School street, thence north on the same ground on the west side of School street to North street, thence east on North street in Normal, Illinois, to the Illinois Central % railroad, thence across the Illinois Central right of way to Beaufort street, thence north-easterly on Beaufort street to Linden street. The road-bed, franchise and track, on Washington street in Bloomingon, from Main street west to the Union Depot. The road-bed, franchise and track on Front street, from Main street east to Robinson street, thence north on Robin¬ son street to Washington street, thence east on Washington street to To wan da avenue, thence east and south to the Race Park. And the road-bed, franchise and track on Chestnut street, from Main street west to the Chicago & Alton railroad. With all tracks, superstructures, rights of way, and road¬ beds now in existence; also all buildings, stables and other structures of any kind belonging to said Bloomington City Railway, on the day said decree was entered or on the day said sale was made; with all rolling stock of said railway; with all rights, privileges, and franchises, including all property of every description, owned by said Bloomington City Railway, or Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway on either of said dates, meaning hereby to include all the lines of road and all franchises belonging to said Bloom¬ ington City Railway, together with all its tracks, superstruc¬ tures, rights of way, and road-beds, now in existence; also all buildings, stables, and other structures of every kind be-* longing on the day of said sale or the date said decree was entered to said corporation ; also all rights, privileges and franchises, embracing all property, of every descrip¬ tion owned by said corporation either on the day said 70 decree was entered or on the day of said sale, whether real or personal, corporeal or incorporeal ; also lots one ( i ), two (2),three (3) andfour (4) in block (3) in Orme's Addition to the city of Bloomington, McLean county, Illinois; also lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4) in block one (1) in the University Addition to the city of Bloomington, McLean county, Illinois; also a strip of ground thirty (30) * feet in width constituting a private right of way from the car ban^s of the said Bloomington City Railway from a point near the said car barns, running thence northerly, about one and one-half (11/2) miles to the Chicago & Alton railroad. Also a leasehold right of way through the south¬ east corner of the grounds of the Illinois State Normal Uni¬ versity and along the east side thereof, parallel with School street. ! Also all other real estate owned on the date of said sale, or on the day said decree was entered, by said defendant Bloomington City Railway, or Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, or pertaining to the street railway system of the consolidated corporation, the Bloomington City Railway, of whatever kind, nature or description, whether held in fee simple or by lease or otherwise. Dated this ioth day of June, A. D. 1898. '' SAIN WELTY, Master in Chancery, McLean county, Illinois. (Seal) STATE OF ILLINOIS. ) McLEAN COUNTY \ss' I, John A. Sterling, a Notary Public in and for said county, in the state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Sain Welty, Master in Chancery of McLean county, Illinois, per¬ sonally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed, sealed 71 and delivered the said instrument as his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and official seal this ioth day of June, A. D. 1898. JOHN A. STERLING, Notary Public. • (Seal) Filed June 10, 1898, at 5 130 P. M. and recorded June 10, 1898 in book 198 of Deeds, page 254. BLOOMINGTON CITY RAILWAY To A. E. DeMANGE AND JOHN GRAHAM, June 10, 1898. SURRENDER OF POSSESSION. The Bloomington City Railway, by W. H. Patterson its President, agrees to and does hereby surrender to A. E. De- Mange and John Graham, immediate possession of all its property purchased by them at the Mastery in Chancery sale on May 31, 1898; delivery of such possession is hereby made to John Eddy as the agent of said DeMange and Graham, on this ioth day of June, 1898, at 2 o'clock P.M. The said DeMange and Graham agreeing to give to the Bloomington City Railway the receipts of June 10 and June 11, upon con¬ dition that the same shall be devoted to the payment of all salaries and labor employed by it, the Bloomington City Railway up to and including June 11, 1898. The said Bloomington City Railway also agrees to sur¬ render to said DeMange and Graham all said railway tickets and transfers .in its possession. Dated this ioth day of June, 1898. BLOOMINGTON CITY RAILWAY, By W. H. Patterson, It's President. Witness. 72 A. E. DEMANGE AND WIFE AND JOHN GRAHAM (Bachelor). TO TH£ . BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL RAILWAY. June i8, 1898. DEED. THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That the grantors, A. E. DeMange and Mary L. DeMange, his wife, of Bloomington, McLean county, Illinois, and John Graham, unmarried, of Wilkes-Barre Pa., for the consideration of four hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($450,000) receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, convey and quit-claim to the Bloomington and Normal Railway, a corporation organ¬ ized under the laws of the state of Illinois, all of the follow¬ ing described property, situated in the county of McLean, in the state of Illinois, to-wit : All the lines of street railway laid by the Bloomington City Railway, situated in the city of Bloomington, in Mc¬ Lean county, Illinois, comprising the right of way, franchise and track laid on Clinton street, from Front to Walnut street thence west on Walnut street to Park street.in said city; The right of way, franchise, and track, on South Main street, from Miller street, connected thereon with the ter¬ minus of the track laid by the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, thence south to the limits of said city; The, right of way, franchise and track on Center street, there connected with the track laid by the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company, at the intersection of Chestnut street, thence north on Center street to Seminary avenue, thence north when Center street is„ opened, to the city limits, and west on Seminary avenue from its intersec¬ tion with Center street to the Chicago & Alton railroad. .And the right of way, franchise and track on Allin 73 street, from the intersection of Washington street and there connected with the track laid by the Bloomington and Nor¬ mal Horse Railway Company, thence south on Allin street to the north line of Wood street, thence across or along Wood street into Miller's Park; Also the franchise and tracks and line of railway on Main street from Miller street north to Walnut street, thence east on Walnut street to Park street, thence north on Park street to the city limits ; thence north on the fee simple right of way acquired by the Bloomington* and Normal Horse Railway Company to the Chicago & Alton railroad track, thence north-east through grounds leased of the State Board of Education, to School street, thence north on the same ground on the west side of School street, to North street, thence east on North street in Normal, Illinois to the Illinois Central Railroad; thence across the Illinois Central right of way to Beaufort street, thence northeasterly on Beau¬ fort street to Linden street; The road-bed, franchise and track on Washington street, in Bloomington, from Main street west to the Union Depot; The road-bed, franchise and track on Front street, from Main street east to Robinson street, thence north on Robinson street to Washington street, thence east on Wash¬ ington street to Towanda avenue, thence east and south to the race track ; And the road-bed, franchises and track on Chestnut street from Main street west to the Chicago & Alton railroad. With all tracks, superstructures, rights of way, and road-beds now in existence; also all buildings, stables and other structures of every kind belonging to the Bloomington City Railway on April 30, 1898, and on March 31, 1898; with all rolling stock, of said railway acquired by the grantors at Master in Chancery's sale, May 31, 1898, with v all rights, privileges and franchises, including all property of every description fortnerly owned by said Bloomington City Railway, on either of said dates. Meaning hereby to 74 include all the lines of road and all franchises belonging- to said Bloomington City Railway, together with its tracks, superstructures, rights of way and road-beds now in exist¬ ence ; also all buildings, stables and other structures of every kind belonging on the date of said sale or the date said de¬ cree was entered, to said corporation, the Bloomington City Railway; also all rights privileges and franchises, embracing all property of every description owned by said corporation, the Bloomington City Railway ; either on the day said decree was entered or on the day of said sale, whether real or per¬ sonal, corporeal or incorporeal; also lots one (i), two (2), three(3)and four(4)in block three(3)in Orme's Addition to the .city of Bloomington, McLean county, Illinois ; also lots one (1), two (2), three (3) and four (4) in block one' ( 1 ' in University Addition to the city of Bloomington, McLean county, Illinois; also a strip of ground thirty (30) feet in width, constituting a private right of way from the car barns of the said Bloomington City Railway, from a point near the said car barns, running thence northerly one'and one-half miles to the Chicago & Alton railroad ; also a leasehold right of way through the south-east corner of the grounds of the Illinois State Normal University, and along the east side thereof, parallel with School street ; also all other real estate owned on the date of said sale or on April 30, by the said Bloomington City Railway, or Bloomington & Normal Horse Railway Company, or pertaining to the street railway system of the consolidated corporation, the Bloomington City Rail¬ way, of whatsoever kind, nature or description, whether held in fee simple or by lease or otherwise. Dated this 18th day of June, 1898. A. E. DeMANGE, (Seal) MARY L. DEMANGE, (Seal) JOHN GRAHAM. (Seal) 75 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) > ss McLEAN county f I, Clara I. Root, a Notary Public in and for said county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that A. E. DeMange and Mary L. DeMange, his wife, of Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois, and John Graham, of Wilkes-Rarre, Pennsylvania, personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the forego- ing instruisent, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that they signed, sealed and delivered said instrument as their free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and official seal this 18th day of June, 1898. CLARA I. ROOT, Notary Public. (N. P. Seal) Filed June 28, 1898, at 9145 A.M. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. CONSENT OF THE CITY TO THE USE OF "T" RAILS. August 19, 1898. \ To the Honorable, the Mayor and City Council of the city of Bloomington: Gentlemen :—We are about to take up the old tram rails in our track on West Washington street and relay it with seventy-five pound, seven inch T rails. The height of these new rails insures ample depth between the tops of the rails and the tops of the ties to properly pave between the rails. The weight of these new rails, greater by ten pounds to the yard than any ever before laid in this city, insures durability and perfect service. The first consignment of rails is now here and we only 76 await the arrival of the ties to commence the work and push it to a speedy conclusion with as little inconvenience to the public as possible and subject to such reasonable police regu¬ lations, if any, as you may desire to provide. We respectfully request that you formally approve our action. BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL RAILWAY,. A. E. DeMange, President. August 12, 1898. % (Council Proceedings year ending April 30, 1899, p. 209. ) Aid. O'Neil, from Committee on Railroads submitted the following report, which was approved : - • ' ■ To the Honorable, the Mayor and City Council of the city of Bloomington: Gentlemen :—Your Committee on Railroads, to whom in connection with the City Attorney was referred the com¬ munication of A. E. DeMange, President of the Blooming- ton and Normal Railway concerning the relaying of the street railway track on West Washington street, would most respectfully report that, in connection with the City Attorney we drew up the following written permit, which was sub¬ mitted to the manager of said street railway company, and the work of relaying the said track has proceeded there¬ under which permit was as follows, viz : "Permission is hereby given to the Bloomington and Normal Street Railway Company to relay the street railway track on Washington street from Main street to the Chicago & Alton railway tracks with "Shanghai" T rails, weighing not less than seventy pounds to the linear yard, under the terms and conditions of all city ordinances now in force, and also under the following further conditions which are hereby 1 expressly made conditions precedent to the further continu¬ ance of said work: 77 1. All grades now in force on said street shall remain as they are at the present time, and shall remain unchanged. 2. Said Washington street for a space three feet six inches on each side of the center line of said track shall be paved with the same material as said street is now paved; two courses of brick to be used in said paving. The part so paved shall coincide with the balance of the pavement on said street, and shall present an even surface. The brick must be laid up against said rails on both sides, so that the said track will not interfere with nor be dangerous for use by other vehicles. 3. That the permission herein granted shall under no conditions be accepted by the said railway company, nor the track relaid as petitioned for by said company, unless it is done with the full understanding and agreement that the city of Bloomington, does not, by the granting of this permit, waive any right it may now have to regulate the use of the * said track when laid, or the said company to whom the per¬ mit is given in regard to the same; nor to grant any addi¬ tional rights to said company; nor to extend any franchise, or to recognize any franchise that the Bloomington City Railway Company or the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company may have* had on said Washington street • or any other street in the city; nor to grant any right or franchise to this petitioner in any street or alley or public place in said city, other than what it may by operation of law be entitled to at the present time. 4. That not more than three blocks of said track shall be torn up at any one time, and the cross streets be not block¬ aded longer than absolutely necessary. 5. That the company is to be liable for any accident or injury that may happen by reason of the negligence of the said company with employees in the relaying of said track or its appurtenances, proper guards are.to be used to prevent accidents. 6. That work is to be done as soon as possible. 78 7- That the said company shall also relay the branch of said Washington street line, from the commencement at the intersection of Allin and Washington street to Moulton street as soon as the said track on Washington street is com¬ pleted, under the same terms and conditions. 8. That the continuance of the work of relaying thé track on Washington street, after the receipt of this permit to relay the said track, shall be considered an acceptance of all the terms and conditions annexed thereto.. * 9. That a space 3 feet 6 inches on each side of the center line of «aid street railway track when relaid shall be kept in repair by said company as long as said street railway tracks are maintained thereon or until otherwise provided. 10. The city reserves the right at any time hereafter to change the grade of Washington street and in such cases the said railway company must change the grade of its tracks on said streets. Dated this 15th day of August, 1898. DANIEL M. O'NEIL, E. L. LANG, WAVE MILLER. Committee on Railroads. .We respectfully ask that our action be concurred in by your honorable body. Respectfully submitted, DANIEL M. O'NEIL, F. L. LANG, WAVE MILLER. (Council proceedings year ending April 30, 1899, p. 218.) 79 TOWN OF NORMAL TO THE BLOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY. February n, 1902. ORDINANCE—Granting to the Bloomington and Normal Railway, and to its successors and assigns, the right to locate, construct, maintain and operate a street railway, and to erect and maintain all necessary poles, wires and other necessary appurtenances for the operation of said street railway upon and along First street from and to be connected with the said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way's present line on Franklin avenue in the town of Normal, thence east on First street to Fell avenue ; thence south on Fell avenue to the corporate limits of said Town of Normal. WhEREas, The Bloomington and Normal Railway did, on the 23rd day of January, 1902, publish in the Blooming¬ ton Bulletin, a daily newspaper published in the city of Bloomington, county of McLean and state of Illinois, its notice that it would, on the third day of February, 1902, ap¬ ply to this Council at its regular meeting, for a grant of the right to locate, construct, maintain and operate a street rail¬ way and to erect and maintain necessary poles, wires and other appurtenances upon the same streets; And, whereas, the said Bloomington and Normal Railway presented its written pe¬ tition to this Council for such grant; And, whereas, it ap¬ pears that the owners of the land representing more than one-half of the frontage of so much of said street as is sought to be used for said street railway purposes, have pre¬ sented their written petitions to this Council asking that the said grant be made to the said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way ; And, whereas, it appearing to this Council, from the cer¬ tificate of Braley & O'Donnell, publishers of the said Bloom¬ ington Bulletin, and from the petition of the said Blooming¬ ton and Normal Railway, and from the petitions of the owners of the land representing more than one-half of the frontage on First street, between Franklin avenue and Fell avenue, and on Fell avenue, between First street and the 80 corporate limits of said town of Normal, that the said Bloomington and Normal Railway have, in all respects, complied with the law, Therefore, Be it ordained by.the Town Council of the town of Normal . Section i. That the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, are hereby granted the right to locate, construct, maintain and operate a single track street failway with. necessary turnouts, switches, passing tracks curves and crossovers, and other necessary appurte¬ nances and equipments, for the operation of the said street railway on First street, from and to be connected with the said Bloomington and Normal Railway's present street rail¬ way on Franklin avenue; thence east on First street, in the center thereof, to the intersection of Fell avenue; thence curving from First street south-easterly to the center of Fell avenue; thence south on Fell avenue, in the center thereof, to the corporate limits of said town of- Normal. SEC. 2. The right hereby granted to construct, maintain and operate said street railway, with its necessary appurte¬ nances, shall continue for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of the written acceptance of the provisions of this ordinance. The said aceptance to be filed with the Town Clerk of the town of Normal within five days after the publication of this ordinance; and, if such acceptance is not so filed within said five days, then this ordinance shall be void. SEC. 3. The rights and privileges herein granted shall be subject to all conditions and provisions, so far as applica¬ ble and except as may be herein "otherwise expressly ordained, of an ordinance of the town of Normal approved April 1, 1867, granting to the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company consent to lay down, maintain and operate a single or double track railway, with all convenient side tracks, turnouts and appendages, upon certain streets in the town of Normal, therein sped- 81 fied ; and of an ordinance granting to the Bloom- ington and Normal Horse Railway Company and the Bloomington City Railway the right to run and operate their street cars by electric motor power and to erect upon the streets along their lines of street railway the necessary poles and to suspend therefrom the necessary wires to op¬ erate said power, passed and approved August 13, 1889 ; and of an ordinance of the town of Normal granting to the Bloomington City Railway permission to extend its line of street railway from its-then terminus on the west line of the right of way of the Illinois Central Railroad, on North street, across said right of way of said railroad to Beaufort street, thence east on Beaufort stréet to Linden street, passed and approved October 2, 1893: Provided, however, nothing herein, or in said ordinances contained shall prohibit said Bloomington and Normal Railway from operating its cars on any of the streets of the town of Normal upon which it shall operate its cars, by any improved motive power, other than steam power. sec. 4. The acceptance of this ordinance by the Bloom¬ ington and Normal Railway, shall, in no way, modify, abridge, alter or impair the rights, privileges and franchises held by the Bloomington and Normal Railway as the suc¬ cessor of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Com¬ pany and the Bloomington City Railway as an original cor¬ poration and the Bloomington City Railway as the consoli¬ dated corporation, composed of the Bloomington and Nor¬ mal Horse Railway Company and the Bloomington - City Railway, under previous ordinance grants by this Council to the said Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and the Bloomington City Railway, as an original corpora¬ tion and as the consolidated corporation composed of the constituent corporations, the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and the Bloomington City Rail¬ way. Sec. 5. The gauge of the said railway shall be four (4) 82 feet and eight and one-half (8 y^) inches. The rails of which shall be steel T rails, of not less than forty-five (45) pounds weight to the yard on unpaved streets and not less than sixty (60) pounds to the yard on all streets where the same shall be paved ; and said track shall be so constructed and main¬ tained that the top of the rails shall be at the proper grade of the street upon which it is located, properly crowned ; and the space occupied by said track, between the rails and to the ends of the ties, shall be filled with cinders or gravel or other proper ballasting material, properly crowned; and planked between the rails and to the ends of the ties at all street intersections, unless otherwise directed by the Town Council, so as to obstruct or impede as little as practicable the free or ordinary use of said street for the passage of wagons, carriages and other vehicles along or across said track; and the same shall always be maintained clear of weeds and in sightly condition.- SEC. 6. The cars of said street railway may be operated by electric or other improved motive power, except steam. The poles for the electrical equipment of said street railway shall be not less than 100 feet apart, wherever practicable, and shall be located'under the direction of some officer or person appointed by the Town Council of Normal. All wires for the electrical operation of said street railway shall be maintained at a height of not less than eighteen feet above the surface of the street. SEC. 7. The said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, shall save and keep harmless the town of Normal from all suits, damages, judgments or costs which may be commenced, maintained or recovered against said town of Normal by reason of the rights and privileges herein granted; and said Bloomington and Normal Railway shall pay all damages, if any, to owners of property abutting upon said streets upon or over which said street railway shall be constructed, which they may sustain by. reason of the location or construction of the said street railway; the 83 same to be ascertained and paid in the manner provided hy law. SEC. 8. The construction of said railway, with its elec¬ trical or other appurtenances, shall be completed and ready for the operation of cars over the same on or before the first day of October, 1902 ; Provided, that if the proposed subway under the Chicago & Alton Railroad, near the foot of School street, in the said town of Normal, is constructed in 1902, any delay incident to the use of said subway shall not be counted; and provided the construction of the said street railway is not delayed by inability to obtain the necessary materials for the construction of the same. And if the said street railway is not completed on or before the said first day of October, 1902, then this ordinance shall be void, un¬ less the completion of the same is delayed by one of the herein mentioned causes, or by the order or injunction of any court, in which case, the time for the completion of the same shall be extended for a reasonable time, and the time that any injunction or order of court is in force shall not be counted. After the completion of the said railway, a car or cars shall be operated over the same on said streets, during the same hours that cars are operated over the said Bloom- ington and Normal Railway's other lines in the city of Bloomington and a car shall regularly pass any given point on the street railway herein described at intervals not to exceed twenty minutes in length during such hours. Sec. 9. Every passenger upon the cars of said street railway so to be constructed and operated on said streets shall be entitled upon the payment of one five cent fare, or one regular ticket, to a transfer for a continuous ride to any point on any other line now owned or operated, or hereafter to be owned or operated by the said Bloomington & Normal Railway in the town of Normal and the city of Bloomington and outlying territory, to the same extent and subject only to the same restrictions now or hereafter to be in force on said Bloomington and Normal Railway's lines in the city of 84 Bloominglon : Provided, that entire cars may be let or char¬ tered by said company for special purposes, regardless of the price per caipta of the persons transported in said cars so let or chartered. Sec. io. All cars operated upon the said street railway so to be constructed upon the said streets shall be of the style and class now in use for the carriage of passengers and shall be kept in good condition and repair, properly lighted and properly heated in cold weather, and otherwise main¬ tained in suitable condition for the convenience, comfort and safety of passengers. No car operated on said street rail¬ way shall be used for any purpose other than to transport passengers and their ordinary baggage and package freight. Sec ii. Whenever the town of Normal shall determine to pave or otherwise improve any one or both of said streets along the route of said street railway hereinabove described, or along any part of either one or both of said streets, then the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, shall pave or otherwise improve with the same materials used by the town of Normal, unless other materials are agreed upon, between the rails of its said tracks and for a distance of one foot outside of the rails of its said track, and between its tracks in case of all switches and double tracks, at its own expense, and in the same manner as the balance of the said street shall be paved, and at the same time that such improvement or pavement of the balance of such street or streets shall be constructed. And if said com¬ pany shall fail or refuse so to do, the same may be done by the town of Normal and said company shall be liable to said town for the cost thereof. "'Sec. 12. All provisions and conditions of this ordinance shall be binding upon the successors, assigns, or lessees, if any, of said Bloomington and Normal Railway. Sec. 13. The Bloomington and Normal Railway shall execute to the said town of Normal a good and sufficient bond in the penal sum of five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars, 85 to be approved by the president of the Town Council, con¬ ditioned for the prompt construction and completion of said street railway, as provided by this ordinance. Said, bond shall be filed with the acceptance of this ordinance. Sec. 14. Regular tickets for passage, in Normal or be¬ tween Normal and Bloomington, on all cars which shall be operated over and upon the tracks herein authorized to be constructed, shall be sold at the rate of not less than six (6) tickets for^ twenty-five (25) cents, with a free transfer privi¬ lege over any line operated by said company in Bloomington, as cheaply as upon and over any line of said company in the city of Bloomington, or in Normal. Sec. 15. Said street railway shall be constructed so as not to interfere with either the sewerage or the drainage of said town. Sec. 16. Nothing in this ordinance shall be cpnstrued to prevent the Bloomington and Normal Railway, its assigns, or lessees, from carrying passengers over and upon its Nor- mal-Bloomington line or lines at less than the regular fare charged upon its other lines; nor to establish upon its Nor- mal-Bloomington line or lines a lower rate than the regular fare for the sale of tickets limited to passage only over and upon such Normal-Bloomington line or lines. Sec. 17. The town of Normal hereby reserves the right and privilege, by notice in writing to be served upon the President or Manager of said Bloomington and Normal Railway, on or before the 15th day of April, A. D. 1902, to require that said company shall construct but one track on Fell avenue, between the north line of Sill street and the south corporation line of the town of Normal and that said company shall locate said track so that the center thereof shall be parallel to the center line of said street as nearly as may be, on the east side thereof, and distant therefrom approxi¬ mately eleven feet. And said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, by accepting this ordinance, shall be bound to conform to such notice if served upon it as aforesaid, within the time 86 aforesaid, or forfeit all rights obtaincu unuci fa. â-4-vui*.-cOÙLM OI-ilXL' Tttfrvu-A. /&uAi>— (AJT^jQ tf)y\s-4-4-is^i^7i^Z, ^ TUtz ûaul/ pZrufrL^ ^oTT^U^ <* dnxd «d f /(UcA^t ykiyyviUL^, . U/^-s ê^Tyt»4 ~ âua^iA^y t?^L o/dJ O (Jd> ^^k^tn/VlxC^ £ ly CU^JC ^ fituUé »sOiA* Uidds ^ i/Cx^ dfrsLtls JL*s~Sh^ in, Uv ^sytJ^cxxut^ urry1<- {jfY^ùê /d*-> 2- fa Jfa, CUœffa ko a^A OsU-uf+t*, c£. t%-usj 'iw ■ (yJ)U/[2C&C^s*~. /$~&~^{ ^ y a f7 fa^ZZuAy^ (^_?fid Ô AAz. /j^-j > d'ifa fifr-iyj-+.^-Cc-cc4~^~ J. fi\kr~A., f <* - J^ A-- ' ^ - Ay ^ A zuU éàtiy■ r ? c+iJUtuL*. ^ ^ z. Q* u^tj, ^Uw (4i»L (^t^vC a^iT ^ <^>7( U/zrv7{ tfa (fcyb*jnAAAy~fa^*AZtf~2\js\\(,oQ STATS OF ILLINOIS TOWN OF NORMAL SS McLEAN OOTÏNW I ♦ Clerk of saia Town, DO HEREBY^ CERT IFY that the foregoing is a true copy of tne original acceptance of the ordinance granting to tne BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL RAILWAY, tne right to construct and operate a street rail¬ way on Linaen street, Lincoln street, School street, Willow street, » Normal avenue, Mulberry street and School street south of Mulberry street, approved the 11th day of February, 1902, and filea in the ceptance is now on file in ray office. WITNESS , My hand and the seal of the saia town of Normal,this 27th day of July,1905. office of the Clerk of said t 1902, and that the original of said ac- Clerk of the Town of Normal- 95 copy of the original ordinance passed and approved by the Town Council of said town, at an adjourned regular meet¬ ing of said Town Council, on the nth day of February, 1902, and published in the Normal Advocate, a newspaper published in the said town of Normal, February 15, 1902. Witness my hand and the seal of the said town of Nor¬ mal, this 30th day of April, A. D. 1902., (Seal) E. A. VENCILL, Clerk. To the Honorable-A the President and Town Council of the town of Normal: GenteEmen :—We present with this communication, an ordinance authorizing us to lay down and maintain a double track across Beaufort street at the point described in the ordinance, and to lay down and maintain a single track from our private right of way on First street to connect with our new line to be constructed on First street, under an or¬ dinance passed on the nth clay of February, 1902. If the ordinance presented to your honorable body for passage by the Chicago and Alton Railway Company is passed, then a subway will be constructed at the expense of that company and of this company, and without expense to the town of Normal, ample for the accommodation of public travel in addition to the accommodation of our street railway travel. If, however, this council does not deem it wise to pass an ordinance providing for a public subway, then we earnestly request that you pass the ordinance presented by us for permission to cross Beaufort street at the point indi¬ cated and to connect with our proposed line on First street at the point indicated in the ordinance and shown on the blue print attached to the ordinance presented for passage by the Chicago and Alton Railway Company, as the pro¬ posed subway, south of the culvert ; we will then be in posi¬ tion to negotiate with the Chicago and Alton Railway Com¬ pany for the construction of a private street railway subway for the passage of our cars only. 96 While our employees are continually cautioned relative to the extreme danger of our surface crossing from Frank¬ lin avenue to Beaufort street and while we have never yet had an accident there, no one can tell how soon one may hap¬ pen and cause great destruction to life perhaps among your own families and personal friends. ♦ In view of this great danger, which we desire to entirely eliminate, we ask you to co-operate with us by passing the ordinance authorizing us to cross Beaufort street and to con¬ nect with our track on First street as provided in the ordi¬ nance. We will greatly appreciate it if your honorable body will give the matter your earliest possible consideration to the end that we may know how to construct our new line on First street and Fell avenue. Respectfully submitted, BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC & HEATING CO., By A. E. DeMange, President. TOWN OF NORMAL to the BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC & HEATING COMPANY. July 7, 1902. ORDINANCE—Granting to the Bloomington and Normal Railway, n Electric and Heating Company, the right to locate, construct and operate a double track street railway across Beaufort street and a single track street railway from the center line of First street to the north line of First street. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the tozvn of Normal: Section i. That the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company is hereby granted the right to locate, construct and operate a double track street railway 97 across Beaufort street, in the town of Normal, at a point two hundred and thirty-nine (239) feet west from the west line of School street. The center line of the said double track railway on the south line of Beaufort street to be two hun¬ dred and thirty-nine (239) feet west of the west line of School street and to extend thence in a northeasterly direc¬ tion, across said Beaufort street to the north line of said Beaufort street. SEC. 2. That the said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way Electric and Heating Company is hereby granted the right to locate, construct and operate a single track street railway from the -north line of First street to the center line of said street, there to be connected by a suitable curve or other connection, with a single track street railway to be located and constructed by the said Bloomington and Nor¬ mal Railway, Electric and Heating Company under an ordi¬ nance passed by this Council February 11, 1902. The center line of said single track railway from the north line of First street to the center line thereof, shall be approximately at a point due south of the point where said single track railway crosses the south line of the right of way of the Chicago & Alton Railway. Sec. 3. The said double track railway across Beaufort street and the said single track railway to the center line of First street, shall be constructed on the surface of said streets as they now are, and be properly ballasted with gravel, cin¬ ders or other suitable material, and those parts thereof in the driveway or roadway of said streets shall be kept properly planked between the rails thereof and outside of the rails thereof to the ends of the ties, and at all times kept in good repair and safe condition. Sec. 4. Whenever the town of Normal shall determine to pave or otherwise improve any one or both of said streets, along the route of said street railway herein above described, or along any part of either one or both of said streets, then the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and 98 Heating Company its successors and assigns, shall pave or otherwise improve with the same materials used by the town of Normal, unless other materials are agreed upon, between the rails of its said tracks and for a distance of one foot out¬ side of the rails of its said tracks, and between its tracks in case of all switches and double tracks, at its own expense, and in the same manner as the balance of the said street shall be paved, and àt the same time that such improvement or pavement of the balance of such street or streets shall be constructed. And if said company shall fail or refuse so to do, the same may be done by the town of Normal and said company shall be liable to said town for the cost thereof. Sec. 5. All provisions and conditions of this ordinance shall be binding upon the .successors, assigns or lessees, if any, of said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after its passage, approval and publication. Passed and approved July 7, 1902. O. SEIBERT, President. Attest: E. A. Venciee, Town Clerk.' STATE OF ILLINOIS, Mc LEAN COUNTY. TOWN OF NORMAL. I, E. A. Vencill, clerk of said town, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the -original ordinance passed and approved by the Town Council of said town, at a. regular meeting thereof held on the 7th day of July, A. D. 1902, and published in the Normal Advocate, a weekly news¬ paper of general circulation, published in said town on July 12, 1902. Witness my hand and the seal of the said town of Nor¬ mal, this 14th day of April, A. D. 1904. (Seal.) E. A. VENCILL, Clerk, Corp. Town of Normal. 99 TOWN OF NORMAL to the BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY. July 7, 1902. AN ORDINANCE—Granting to the Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, and to its successors and assigns the right to erect poles and string wires thereon, and maintain the same, over which, or by which, to convey electricity for lighting purposes. WHEREAS, It appears from the petition of the owners of more than one-half (J/2) of the property fronting on that part of Linden street, between Beaufort street and Lincoln street, and upon Lincoln street between Linden street and School street, and upon School street, between Lincoln street and North street, presented to this council with the applica¬ tion of the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, that the said owners of a majority of the property fronting on said parts of said streets have requested this council to grant to the said Bloomington and Normal Railway the right to erect poles and string wires, on said parts of said streets, and to maintain the same, over which, or by which to convey elec¬ tricity for lighting purposes, and WHEREAS, It appears to this Council from said front¬ age petitions that said Bloomington and Normal Railway has, in all particulars complied with the law, and is author¬ ized by its charter powers to do lighting in the town of Nor¬ mal, and that the owners of property fronting'upon the said parts of said streets representing more than one-half (y2) of the frontage of said property upon each of said streets, have petitioned this Council to grant the said right to the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, therefore, Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Normal : Section i. That said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, its successors and assigns, is hereby granted permis¬ sion to erect all necessary poles and to string thereon all necessary wires, and to maintain the same upon and along that part of Linden street between Beaufort and Lincoln streets, and upon Lincoln street, between Linden street and 100 School street, and upon School street, from Lincoln street to North street, over which or by which to convey electricity for lighting purposes. All such poles shall be at least thirty (30) feet in height, and shall be shaved and painted, and all of said poles shall be erected at such points as may be designated by the Town Council of said town of Normal, through its Committee on Streets and Alleys, or through any properly authorized offi¬ cer of said town. And no poles other than the poles used by said Bloomington and Normal Railway, or its successors or assigns, to carry its railway feed span and trolley wires, pur¬ suant to the ordinance approved February 11, 1902, shall be erected upon any of the streets of said town by said Bloom¬ ington and Normal Railway, its successor or assigns, except with the special consent of this Council, or that of a duly authorized officer appointed and authorized by this Council. And in case of danger to life or property on account of said poles and wires, the chief of the fire department of said town, in case of emergency may cut down and remove said wires without claim for damages against said town and the said wires at the option of the said Bloomington and Normal Railway shalf be replaced without expense to said town. Sec. 2. Said town shall, at all times, have the right to run its fire alarm and all other wires belonging to the said town on said poles, free of rent, and said Bloomington and Normal Railway shall in return have the right to, run its wires, for private incandescent lighting, and the furnishing of electric current, upon any poles belonging to said town, provided said wires shall not in any way interfere with the wires of said town or with their efficiency. Sec. 3. Should said town hereafter grant to any person, company or corporation, the right to do electric lighting, by means of poles and wires upon the streets of said town, then said Bloomington and Normal Railway so far as the same may be practicable, without interfering with the efficiency of its own circuits, grants to said persons, company or cor¬ poration, a pole licen'se, for a reasonable compensation, so 101 as to avoid unreasonable and unnecessary erection of poles upon the said streets of said town. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after its passage, approval, and publication. Passed and approved this 7th day of July, A. D. 1902. O. SEIBERT, President. Attest: E. A. Vencill, Clerk. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) ss McLEAN COUNTY, ) TOWN OF NORMAL. I, J. S. Courtright, Clerk of said town, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original ordinance granting the B. & N. Ry., the right to erect poles and string wires thereon to convey electricity for lighting purposes, passed and approved by the Town Council of said town, at a regular meeting thereof held on the seventh day of July, A. D. 1902, and published in the Normal Advocate, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in said town on July 12, 1902. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said town of Nor¬ mal, this eleventh day of April, A. D. 1905. (Seal.) J. S. COURTRIGHT, Clerk. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. to the BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL RAILWAY. May 16, 1902. ORDINANCE. By Alderman Rodgers, the following report : To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Blooming.ton: Gentlemen :—Your committee, to whom was referred the application of the Bloomington and Normal Railway for the right to locate, construct, maintain and operate a street 102 railway upon Catherine street north of Chestnut street and upon the alley running east from the north end of Catherine street to the alley running north next east of Catherine street ; thence north on said alley to the center line of Walnut street and on Walnut street from its west end to the center line of Mason street ; thence north on Mason street to the center line of Seminary avenue; also from the center line of Front street south on Gridley street to the center linç of Clay street; thence east on Clay street to the eastern corporate limits of the city; also on Clinton street from the north line of Uni¬ versity avenue to the south line of Walnut street, beg leave to report that after a careful consideration of the matter, we recommend that the application of the said Bloomington and Normal Railway be granted in accordance with the terms and provisions of an ordinance herewith submitted and made a part of this report. Respectfully submitted, J. F. HULVA, PAUL FINNAN, DANIEL M. O'NEIL, CHAS. L. MILLER, Committee on Railroads. Committee on Streets and Alleys. Received and placed on file. By the clerk, the following certificate of publication and application for grant of franchise, and Ordinance : To the Honorable Mayor and City, Council of the City of Bloomington: GdnTusmEn :—The Bloomington and Normal Railway makes application to your honorable body for a grant of the right to locate, construct, maintain and operate an electric railway on Clinton street, from the north line of University avenue to the south line of Walnut street, there to connect with our present line on Clinton street. The street upon which we desire to locate construct and operate said railway is shown on the plat hereto attached. îoe We herewith present to your honorable body, as a part of this petition, proof of the publication in the Bloomington Daily Bulletin, a newspaper published in the city of Bloom¬ ington, ten days previous to this meeting, of our notice of our intended application for the grant hereinabove men¬ tioned. We also present with this application, the petition of owners of more than one-half of the property fronting on said part of said street, asking your honorable body to grant us the right to construct, maintain and operate said railway, with necessary appurtenances, on said street. Respectfully submitted, BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL RAILWAY, By A. E. DdMange, President. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. I hereby certify that the annexed notice has been pub¬ lished one time in the Bloomington Bulletin, a daily news¬ paper of general circulation published in the city of Bloom¬ ington, county of McLean and state of Illinois, the first publication having been on the 22nd day of April, 1902. Dated at Bloomington 111., this 25th day of April, 1902. Printer's fee, $1.20—received payment. BRALEY & O'DONNELL, Publishers. Notice.—On Friday, May 2, 1902, at the regular hour of meeting of the Bloomington City Council at the City Hall, in the city of Bloomington, the undersigned will present to said City Council its application for consent of said City Council, that the undersigned, its successors or assigns, may construct and operate a railway with electric or other ap¬ proved motive power, upon and along the following street in said city : On Clinton street, from the south line of Walnut street to the north line of University avenue. BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL RAILWAY. 104 AN ORDINANCE—Granting to the Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, and to its successors and assigns, the right to locate, construct, maintain and operate a street railway upon Catherine street, north of Chestnut street, and upon the alley running east from the north end of Catherine street to the alley running north next east of Cath¬ erine street, thence north on said alley to the center of Walnut street, and on Walnut street from its west end to the center line of Mason street, thence north on Mason street to the center line of Seminary avenue ; also from the center line of Front street, south on Gridley street to the center line of Clay street, thence east on Clay street to the eastern corporate limits of the city; also on Clin¬ ton -street, from the north line of University avenue to the south line of Walnut street. WHEREAS, The Bloomington and Normal Railway did, on the 7th day of April, 1902, publish in the Daily Pan- tagraph and the Daily Bulletin newspapers published in the city of Bloomington, county of McLean and state of Illinois, its notice that it would, on the 18th day of April, 1902, ap¬ ply to this Council for a grant of the right to construct, main¬ tain and operate street railways with all necessary electrical appurtenances and equipments upon Catherine street, north of Chestnut street, and upon the alley running east from the north end of Catherine street to the alley line next east of Catherine street, thence north on said last mentioned alley to Walnut street, and on the center line of Walnut street from its west end to the center line of Mason street, thence north on the center line of Mason street to the center line of Sem¬ inary avenue; also from the center line of Front street, at the intersection of Gridley street, there to be connected with the present line on Front street, thence south on Gridley street, on the center line thereof, to the center line of Clay street, thence east on Clay street on the center line thereof, to the eastern corporate limits ; and, WHEREAS, The said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way did, on the 22nd day of April, 1902, publish in the Bloomington Bulletin, a newspaper published in the said city, county and state its notice that on the 2nd day of May, 1902, it would apply to this Council for a grant of the right to construct, maintain and operate a street railway on Clin- 105 ton street, on the center line thereof, from the north line of University avenue to the south line of Walnut street, there to be connected with the railway now on Clinton street, and WHEREAS, The said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way has filed its written application before this Council for said grant, and, WHEREAS, It appears from the petition of the owners of more than one-half (/4) of the property fronting upon that part of Catherine street north of Chestnut street, and upon the alley running east from the north end of Catherine street, and on the alley lying next east of Catherine street, running north to Walnut street, and on Walnut street from its west end to the center line of Mason street, and on Ma¬ son street, from Walnut street to the center line of Seminary avenue; .also on Clinton street, from the north line of Uni¬ versity avenue, to the south line of Walnut street; also on Gridley street from* the center line of Front street to the center line of Clay street and on Clay street to the eastern corporate limits of the city, presented to this Council with the said application of the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, that the said owners of the majority of the prop¬ erty fronting on said parts of said streets and alleys, have requested this Council to grant the said rights to the said Bloomington and Normal Railway and others ; and, WHEREAS, It appears to this Council from said peti¬ tions and from certificates of publication of the said notices that the said Bloomington and Normal Railway has, in all particulars, complied with the law and that the owners of property fronting upon each of said streets and alleys repre¬ senting more than one-half (J4 ) of the frontage of property upon said streets and alleys, have petitioned this council to grant the said rights to the said Bloomington and Normal Railway and others, therefore, Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming¬ ton: Section i. That the Bloomington and Normal Rail- 106 way, its successors and assigns, are hereby granted the right to locate, construct and operate a single track street railway, with all its necessary poles, wires, and other electrical ap¬ purtenances and equipments, together with all necessary switches, passing tracks, turnouts and connections, from the center of Chestnut street, at the intersection of Catherine street, and connected with the West Chestnut street line, « thence curving northwest to the center line of Catherine street, thence north on Catherine street to the north end * \ thereof, thence east on the alley running east from the north end of Catherine street to the alley running north lying next east of Catherine street, thence north on said last mentioned alley to Walnut street, thence east on Walnut street on the center line thereof, to Mason street, thence curving northeast to the center line of Mason street, thence north on the center line of Mason street to Seminary avenue, thence curving northeast to the center line of Seminary avenue; also from the center line of Front street, there to be connected with the railway now on Front street by a suitable connection, thence i curving southeast on Gridley street to the center line thereof, thence south on the center line thereof to Clay street, curv¬ ing thence southeast to the center line of Clay street, thence east on the center line of Clay street to the eastern corporate limits of the city; also on the center line of Clinton street, from the north line of University avenue to the south line of Walnut street, there to be connected with the railway now on Clinton street. Sec. 2. The right to locate, construct, maintain and op¬ erate the said railways upon said streets and alleys men¬ tioned in section one (i) of this ordinance, with all their necessary poles, wires, appurtenances and all necessary elec¬ trical equipments, switches, curves, passing tracks and turn¬ outs shall continue for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of the acceptance of the provisions of this ordinance : Provided, the location of all necessary poles, wires, appur¬ tenances, and all necessary electrical equipments, switches, 107 curves, passing tracks and turnouts shall be under the direc¬ tion of the City Council, or under the direction of a duly au¬ thorized committee of the City Council or under the direc¬ tion of some duly authorized officer of the city of Blooming- ton, appointed by the City Council. Sec. 3. The said street railways may be constructed with "T" rails of not less than forty-five (45) pounds weight to the yard, except that the curves from Chestnut street to Catherine,street may be 60-pound 6-inch "T" rail. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall in no way modify, abridge, alter or impair the rights, privileges and franchises hereto¬ fore granted to the said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, or to its predecessors, the Bloomington and Nor¬ mal Horse Railway Company, or to the Bloomington City Railway as an original corporation, or to the Bloomington City Railway as the consolidated corporation, composed of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Company and the Bloomington City Railway ; neither shall this ordinance in any way increase or extend any of the rights, privileges and franchises heretofore granted to said railway or rail¬ ways, or to either of them, nor the time for which the same were originally granted. Sec. 5. The gauge of said railways shall be four (4) feet, eight and one-half (8J/2) inches. The rails, except as provided in section three (3) of this ordinance, shall be steel "T" rails, of not less than forty-five (45) pounds weight to the yard while said streets and alleys remain unpaved, and not less than sixty (60) pounds weight to the yard on all streets that may hereafter be paved ; and said track shall be so constructed and maintained that the tops of the rails thereof shall be at the proper grade of the street upon which such railway or railways is or are located, and as the grade thereof shall from time to time thereafter be established by the proper authorities of the city of Bloom¬ ington. And the space occupied by said tracks between the rails thereof and to the ends of the ties, shall be filled with 108 cinders, or gravel, or other proper ballasting material, prop¬ erly crowned; and at all unpaved intersections shall be planked between the rails and to the ends of the ties, unless otherwise directed by this Council, so that the said railways shall obstruct or impede as little as is practicable, the free and ordinary use of said streets and alleys for the passage of wagons, carriages and other vehicles on or across said tracks. And the same shall be maintained clear of weeds and in proper condition and repair. The decision of the Committee \ on Streets and Alleys of the City Council, or a majority of such committee, shall be final and conclusive as to the proper condition and repair of such track or tracks, and of such streets and alleys, with reference to and in connection with such track or tracks. Sec. 6. The cars of said street railway may be operated upon said streets and alleys mentioned in section one ( i) of this ordinance, by electric current, or other improved motive power except steam. All wires for the electrical equipment of said railways shall be maintained at a height of not less than eighteen ( 18) feet above the surface of the street. Sec. 7. The Bloomington and Normal Railway, its suc¬ cessors and assigns, shall save and keep harmless the city of Bloomington from all suits, damages, judgments or costs, which may be commenced, maintained, or recovered against the said city by reason of this grant of the rights and privi¬ leges herein specified, and said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, shall pay all damages, if any, to owners of property abutting upon said streets upon or over which said street railway shall be constructed, which they may sustain by reason of the erection, construction, lo¬ cation, maintenance or operation of said street railway, the same to be ascertained and paid in the manner provided by law. s Sec. 8. The construction of said railways, with their electrical and other appurtenances, on Gridley and Clay streets, to the Illinois Central railroad, shall be completed 109 and ready for the operation of cars over the same, as far east as the Illinois Central railroad, on or before the first day of July, 1902. And the remainder of the proposed line on Clay street shall be completed and ready for the operation of cars over the same to the eastern limits of the city of Bloomington on or before November 1, 1903, otherwise this grant, so far as it applies to Gridley and Clay streets, shall become null and void, except in case further time is granted by this Council. All other lines of railway herein provided for shall be completed on or before November 1, 1903, other¬ wise the Bloomington and Normal Railway shall forfeit all rights, privileges, and franchises granted by this ordinance, and said ordinance shall become null and void, and anv / * track, or tracks which may be constructed shall be removed from said street or streets at the expense of the Bloomington and Normal Railway, or by the city of Bloomington, should the Bloomington and Normal Railway fail to remove said track or tracks within thirty (30) days after receiving notice from the city of Bloomington so to do, unless the time, for good cause shown, shall be extended by the City Council of the city of Bloomington. Provided, In case the work of construction of said rail¬ ways, should be delayed by the order or injunction of any court, the time during which said construction is so delayed shall not be counted. And after the construction of said railways, a car or cars shall be operated over the same on all of said streets and alleys during the same hours that cars are operated over the said Bloomington and Normal Railway s other lines, in the city of Bloomington : Provided, that the said Bloomington and Normal Railway shall not be required to operate cars so that the same shall pass any given point over said lines of railway oftener than every twenty (20) minutes during such hours of the day and night as said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns, shall operate other cars upon the other lines of its system. S#c. 9. Every passenger upon the cars of said street 110 railways so to be constructed and operated upon said streets and alleys, shall be entitled upon the payment of one five- cent fare, or one regular ticket, to a transfer for a continu¬ ous ride to any point on any other line of street railway now owned or operated or hereafter to be owned or operated by the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, in the town of Normal, and the city of Bloomington and outlying territory, to the same extent and subject only to the same restrictions * now in force or hereafter in force on said Bloomington and \ • * Normal Railway's other lines in the city of Bloomington, and town of Normal : Provided, that entire cars may be let or chartered, by said company, its successors or assigns, for special parties or special purposes, and at special prices. Sec. io. All cars operated upon the railways so to be constructed upon the said streets and alleys shall be of the same general style and class as those now in use for the car¬ riage of passengers on the various lines of the said Bloom¬ ington and Normal Railway, or its successors or assigns, and shall be kept in good condition and repair, properly lighted, properly heated, and otherwise maintained in suit¬ able condition for the convenience, comfort and safetv of 7 y passengers. No cars operated on said street railways shall be used for any other purpose than to transport passengers and their ordinary baggage and package freight. Sec. i i. Whenever the city of Bloomington shall deter- mine to pave or repave or otherwise improve any one or more of said streets or alleys along the route of said street railways, or along any part of any one or more of said streets, then the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, shall pave, or repave, or otherwise improve, with the same materials specified by the city of Bloomington for the pavement of said streets or alleys or parts thereof; unless other materials are agreed upon, be¬ tween the rails of its said tracks, and for the distance of one foot outside of the rails of its said tracks, and between the Ill tracks wherever switches, turnouts or double tracks are lo¬ cated, at its own expense and in the same manner and at the 0 same time that the balance of the said streets or alleys or parts thereof shall be paved or otherwise improved. And if the said Bloomington and Normal Railway shall fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of this section, the city of Bloomington may do said paving, or improving, and said Bloomington and Normal Railway shall be liable to the said city of Bloomington in an action at law for the cost thereof. SEC. 12. All provisions and conditions of this ordinance shall be binding upon the successors, assigns or lessees, if any of said Bloomington and Normal Railway. Sec. 13. Regular tickets for passage over said lines of railway, good upon all cars except specially chartered cars, shall be sold at the rate of not less than six (6) tickets for twenty-five cents (25c) with a free transfer for a continuous ride on the next connecting car over any other one line oper¬ ated by said Bloomington and Normal Railway in Bloom¬ ington and Normal or outlying territory. Sec. 14. Said street railways shall be constructed, main¬ tained and operated so as not to interfere with, or damage, f either the sewerage or the drainage, or the water systems of said city of Bloomington, and the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, shall pay all damages, if any to the city of Bloomington which may be sustained by said sewerage, drainage or water systems, by reason of the construction, maintenance or operation of said street railways, the same to be ascertained and paid for in the manner provided by law. Sec. 15. Said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, in consideration of the rights, privi¬ leges and franchises hereby granted, shall strictly comply with all the terms of this ordinance, and of all ordinances, rules and regulations now in force in the said city of Bloom¬ ington, or which may hereafter be in force in the said city 112 of Bloomington, touching the use of said street or streets, alley or alleys, in the operation thereon of said railway or railways. S^C. i 6. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed so as to prevent the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns or lessees, from carrying passengers over and upon its Normal-Bloomington line or lines, or over any city line or lines, at less than regular fare fixed in sec¬ tion thirteen (13) "of this ordinance to be charged upon the lines of railway which it is herein granted the privilege to locate, construct and operate ; and nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the said Bloomington , and Normal Railway, its successors, lessees or assigns, from establishing upon its Normal-Bloomington line or lines, or upon any city line or lines a lower rate than the regular cash fare, or the regular price for the sale of tickets limited to passage over and upon such Bloomington-Normal line or lines or over any city line or lines only, without the right to transfer to other lines. « Skc. 17. Said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, shall carry free of charge all police¬ men of the city of Bloomington when in uniform. Stc. 18. Any person, company or corporation, when authorized by proper ordinance, granted by the City Council of the city of Bloomington, shall have the right to use the tracks, power and appurtenances on all lines of the Bloom¬ ington and Normal Railway, for the passage over the same of inter-urban electric cars, upon payment of reasonable compensation for such use of said tracks, power and appur¬ tenances to the Bloomington and Normal Railway; Pro¬ vided, in case such compensation for such use of said tracks, power and appurtenances cannot be agreed upon between such persons, company or corporation and the said Bloom¬ ington and Normal Railway, the question of such compensa¬ tion shall be submitted to arbitration; one arbitrator to be selected by the said Bloomington and Normal Railway Com- 118 pany ; another arbitrator to be selected by such person, com¬ pany or corporation desiring to use said tracks for the pur¬ pose aforesaid, and the two arbitrators so selected to choose a third arbitrator, and the decision of a majority of such three arbitrators shall determine the compensation to be paid to the said Bloomington and Normal Railway Company for such use of said tracks, power and appurtenances, for the purpose defined in this section ; Provided, nothing in this section shall be so construed so as to require the Blooming- ton and Normal Railway to give the right of a passage over its tracks to any such person, company or corporation, to do a local business within the city of Bloomington or within territory covered by the said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way Company lines or between Normal and Bloomington, except for compensation to be agreed upon between the said Bloomington and Normal Railway Company and such per¬ son, company or corporation, and if such compensation can not be agreed upon between the parties then the same shall be submitted to arbitrators, as hereinabove provided. Sec. 19. It is hereby expressly understood, that the rights, privileges and franchises hereby granted, are to be exercised subject to all the terms and conditions of this or¬ dinance and also subject to all the terms and conditions of Article forty-six (46) of the Revised Ordinances of the city of Bloomington, entitled "Street Railroads,". except in so far as only theN same are hereinafter modified. Sec. 20. Section 1824, Article forty-six (46) of the Revised Ordinances of the city of Bloomington, entitled "Street Railroads," in so far as it requires the execution of a bond to the city of Bloomington by the Bloomington and Normal Railway; Section 1831 of said Article 46 in so far as it pertains to the omission of said bond last above men¬ tioned, and Section 1832 of said Article 46, in so far as it limits the time of the grant herein in the streets and alleys mentioned in section one of this ordinance, shall not apply to and in no way affect the rights and privileges hereby granted in this ordinance. 114 Sec. 2i. Unless this ordinance shall be accepted by an instrument in writing- executed by the said Bloomington and Normal Railway and filed with the City Clerk of the city of Bloomington within thirty (30) days after its passage, the same shall thereafter become null and void. SEC. 22. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and the acceptance of the provi¬ sions thereof by the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, as herein provided. s Passed this 16th day of May, A. D. 1902. Approved this 17th day of May, A. D. 1902. LEWIS B. THOMAS, Mayor. Attest: C. C. HasseEr, City Clerk. Alderman Miller moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance placed upon its passage. (Motion withdrawn until after the reading of the fol¬ lowing report of the Committe on License.) On motion of Alderman Miller the rules were suspended, and the ordinance placed upon its passage and passed by the following aye and nay vote : Ayes: 14. Nays: None. Alderman Miller then renewed his motion that the rules be suspended and the ordinance granting certain rights to the Bloomington and Normal Railway on Clay, Catherine, Mason and Chestnut streets be placed upon its passage. Alderman Rodgers moved to amend to strike out the words Letter Carriers and Firemen. The amendment prevailed by the following aye and nay vote : Ayes : Kerrick, O'Connell, Shorthose, Freese, Bolles, Means, Rodgers, Graham, Smith—9. Nays: Finnan, O'Neil, Holland, Miller—-5. Alderman Finnan offered as an amendment that the fran¬ chises asked for by the Bloomington and Normal Railway 115 Co. be granted only for such time as the latest franchise now in existence èxpires. Amendment withdrawn by Alderman Finnan. Alderman Finnan objected to passage of ordinance, ob¬ jection ruled out of order on account of rules having been suspended. The ordinance was then placed upon its passage and passed by the following aye and nay vote: Ayes ; Kerrick, O'Connell, Shorthose, Freese, Bolles, Means, Rodgers, O'Neil, Holland, Smith, Miller, Hulva —12. Nays : Graham ( i) , Alderman Finnan not voting. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Bloomington: GenteEmEn :—We accept' the provisions of the ordi¬ nance granting to the Bloomington and Normal Railway, and to its successors and assigns, the right to locate, con¬ struct, maintain and operate a street railway upon Catherine street, north of Chestnut street, and upon the alley running east from the north end of Catherine street to the alley run¬ ning north next east of Catherine street ; thence north on said alley to the center line of Walnut street and on Walnut street, from its west end to the center line of Mason street ; thence north on Mason street to the center line of Seminary avenue; also from the center line of Front street south on Gridley street to the center line of Clay street.; thence east on Clay street to the eastern corporate limits of the city; also on Clinton street from the north line of Universitv ave- nue to the south line of Walnut street, passed May 16th and approved May 17, 1902. BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC AND HEATING COMPANY, (Successor to Bloomington and Normal Railway.) By A. E. DeMange, President. 116 •STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) McLEAN COUNTY, [• ss. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON, ) I, C. C. Hassler, clerk of said city, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original acceptance to ordinance by the City Council of said city, at a regular meet¬ ing thereof held on the 6th day of June, A. D. 1902. Witness my hand and the seal of the said city of Bloom- ington, this 10th day of July, A. D. 1902. (Seal.) ' C. C. HASSLER, Clerk. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) 1 > ss CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. j * I, Herbert L. "Denison, City Clerk of the city of Bloom¬ ington, do hereby certify, that the above and foregoing, on pages one (i) to thirteen (13) inclusive, are true and corT # rect copies of the report of the Committee on Railroads, the application of the Bloomington and Normal Railway, the « public notice and the certificate of publication thereof, the ordinance, the vote by which said ordinance was passed, and the acceptance of the provisions of said ordinance by the Bloomington and Normal Railway, the originals of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the city of Bloom¬ ington, and that the said ordinance was duly passed by the City Council of the city of Bloomington on the 16th day of May, 1902, and approved by the Mayor on the 17th day of May, 1902. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal and affixed the seal of the said city of Bloomington on this first day of April, 1904. H. L. DENISON, City Clerk. (Seal.) By C. C. HasseEr, Ass't. By the Clerk :— From Chas. F. Wertz, J. D. Robinson and others, prop¬ erty owners on Gridley street, between Front and Clay 117 streets, and on Clay street, between Gridley street and the Illinois Central Railroad, asking that the time specified in granting of franchise ordinance to the Bloomington & Nor¬ mal Railway to construct street railway on said streets, be extended from July i, 1902, to September 1, 1902. Granted. (Council Proceedings, 1903, p. 72.) Alderman O Neil from joint committee on Railroads and Streets and Alleys, presented the following report : To the Honorable, the Mayor, and the City Council of the City of Bloomington: Gentlemen :—Your joint committee to whom was re¬ ferred the ordinance amending Section 8 of an ordinance passed May 16, 1902, and approved May 17, 1902, granting ' to the Bloomington and Normal Railway, and to its suc¬ cessors and assigns, the right to locate, construct, maintain and operate, a street railway, upon certain streets therein named, beg leave to report that we have given the matter our careful consideration and recommend the passage qf said amendment. Respectfully submitted, DANIEL M. O'NEIL, J. F. HULVA, Committee on Railways. J. W. RODGERS, CHAS. L. MILLER, Committee on Streets and Alleys. The report was adopted. By the Clerk, the following ordinance, presented June 6, and laid over for one week : To the Honorable, the Mayor, and the City Council of the City of Bloomington: GenTl£m£n :—We are advised that your honorable body, at your regular meeting, held May 30, 1902, granted the petition of owners of property fronting on Gridley street, 118 between Front street and Clay street, and on Clay street, be¬ tween Gridley street and the Illinois Central Railroad, ask¬ ing that the Bloomington and Normal Railway be granted until September I, 1902, to complete the construction of the proposed street railway on Gridley street, between Front street and Clay street, and on Clay street, between Gridley street and the Illinois Central Railroad. Pursuant to that action by your honorable body, we herewith present for passage an amendment to section eight (8) of the ordinance granting to the Bloomington and Nor- ' mal railway the right to locate, construct, and operate a street railway on said streets, so that the same shall provide for the extension granted hereinabove referred to. Respectfully submited, BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC AND HEATING CO. (Successor to Bloomington and Normal Railway.) By A. E. DeMange, President. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. to the BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY. June 14, 1902. ORDINANCE—Amending Section 8 of an ordinance passed May 16, 1902, and approved May 17, 1902, granting to the Bloomington and Normal Railway, and to its successors and assigns, the right to lo¬ cate, construct, maintain and operate a street railway upon Cather¬ ine street, north of Chestnut street, and upon the alley running east from the north end of Catherine street to the alley running north next east of Catherine street, thence north on said alley to the cen¬ ter line of Walnut street, and on Walnut street from its west ejpd to the center line of Mason street; thence north on Mason street to the center line of Seminary avenue ; also from the center line of Front street south on Gridley street to the center line of Clay street; thence east on Clay street to the eastern corporate limits of the city ; also on Clinton street from the north line of University avenue to the south line of Walnut street. WHEREAS, Owners of the property fronting on Grid- ley street, between Front street and Clay street, and on Clay 119 street, between Gridley street and the Illinois Central Rail¬ road, who petitioned this council to enact an ordinance per¬ mitting the Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, to locate, construct, and operate a street railway on Gridley street, between Front street and Clay street, and on Clay street, between Gridley street and the Illinois Cen¬ tral Railroad, upon condition that the said street railway be completed by July i, 1902, did, on the 30th day of May, 1902, at the regular meeting of this Council held on that date petition this Council to extend the time for the comple - tion of said railway from July 1 to September 1, 1902, and WHEREAS, It appears to this Council from said peti¬ tion that the successor of the Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way intends, in good faith, to construct said street railway; therefore, Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming¬ ton: Section i*. That section eight (8) of the said ordinance passed May 16, 1902, and approved May 17, 1902, granting to the Bloomington and Normal Railway, and to its succes¬ sors and assigns the right, to locate, .construct, maintain and operate a street railway upon Catherine street, north of Chestnut street, and upon the alley running east from the north end of Catherine street to the alley running north next east of Catherine street; thence north on said alley to the center line of Walnut street; and on Walnut street from its west end to the center line of Mason street ; thence north on Mason street to the center line of Seminary avenue; also from the center line of Front street on Gridley street to the center line of Clay street ; thence east on Clay street to the eastern corporate limits of the city; also on Clinton street from the north line of University avenue to the south line of Walnut street, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows : SEC. 8. The construction of said railways, with their electrical and other appurtenances, on Gridley and Clay f 120 streets, to the Illinois Central Railroad, shall be completed and ready for the operation of cars over the same, as far east as the Illinois Central Railroad, on or before the first day of September, 1902. And the remainder of the proposed line on Clay street shall be completed and ready for the operation of cars over the same to the eastern limits of the city of Bloomington on or before November 1, 1903, otherwise this grant, so far as it applies to Gridley and Clay streets., shall become null and void, except in case further time is granted \ • by this Council. All other lines of railway herein provided for shall be completed on or before November 1, 1903, other¬ wise the Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns, shall forfeit all the rights, privileges and franchises granted by this ordinance, and said ordinance shall become null and void, and any track or tracks which may be con¬ structed shall be removed from said street or streets at the expense of the Bloomington and Normal Railway, or by the city of Bloomington should the Bloomington" and Normal Railway fail to remove said track or tracks within thirty (30) days after receiving notice from the city of Blooming¬ ton so to do, unless the time, for good cause shown, shall be extended by the City Council of the city of Bloomington ; Provided, In case the work of construction of said railways should be delayed by the order and injunction of any court, the time during which said construction is so delayed shall not be counted. And after the construction of said rail¬ ways, a car or cars shall be operated over the same on all of said streets and alleys during the same hours that cars are operated over the said Bloomington and Normal Railway's other lines, in the city of Bloomington ; Provided, that the said Bloomington and Normal Railway shall not be required to operate cars so that the same shall pass any given point over said lines of railway oftener than every twenty (20) minutes during such hours of the day and night as said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns, shall operate other cars upon the other lines of its system. 121 Passed this 13th day of June, 1902. Approved this 14th day of June, 1902. LEWIS B. THOMAS, Mayor. Attest : C. C. HasstEr, City Clerk. (Council Proceedings of 1903, p. 113.) BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF McLEAN CO., ILL. * WITH THE) BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY. June 16, 1899. CONTRACT. Upon Supervisors Record J in the custody of the County Clerk of said McLean county, Illinois, upon page 430, under date of Friday, June 16, 1899, the following is recorded: "A contract of the Bloomington and Normal Railway was read. Mr. Griesheim moved that said contract be placed upon record, which was carried; and the same is in words and figures as follows, to-wit : WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of the county of McLean and state of Illinois, on the 9th day of March, 1899, granted to the Bloomington and Normal Railway the right to extend its tracks, poles and wires upon the highway known as the Clinton road from the city limits of the city of Bloomington south to a point on said Clinton road thir¬ teen hundred (1300) feet south of said city limits and to operate its cars with electric current by means of said poles and wires upon the said tracks, and, WHEREAS, The said Board of Supervisors directed its Judiciary Committee and the State's Attorney of McLean county to execute a contract with said Bloomington and Normal Railway pursuant to the said grant hereinbefore, mentioned, therefore 122 THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH, That said Bloomington and Normal Railway in pursuance of the said grant is hereby given permission to extend its tracks with necessary turnouts and its poles and wires upon the said highway known as the Clinton road from the city limits of the city of Bloomington southward to a point not to exceed thirteen hundred ( 1300) feet south of said city limits, thence to curve westward to the west line of the said highway. The said Bloomington and Normal Railway by the exe¬ cution of this contract agrees to exercise all reasonable care and caution to avoid colliding with vehicles, horses or trav- « elers and to avoid frightening horses traveling or being upon said highway. The Bloomington and Normal Railway further agrees that in laying its tracks upon the said highway in pursuance of said grant it will conform to the surface or present grade of the said highway and will at all times keep the said high¬ way between the rails of its said track, leveled and surfaced as near as may be in conformity with the adjacent parts of said highway outside of the rails of the said track and should said highway adjacent to said track be hereafter paved by voluntary subscription, special assessment or otherwise, it, the said railway will at the same time, with the same mate¬ rial and as near as is practicable in the same manner pave that part of the said highway lying between the rails of its said track thereafter keep the same in good repair. If the said railway is not constructed and cars not in operation thereon by the first day of September, 1900, this contract shall be void. In witness whereof, the said State's Attorney has at¬ tested his approval thereof and the said judiciary Commit¬ tee has hereunto subscribed their names and the said Bloom¬ ington and Normal Railway has caused its corporate name 123 to be subscribed by its president and attested by its secretary and has further caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed. WOLF GRIESHEIM, N. E. FRANKLIN, L. F. CAMPBELL, WM. FOREMAN, C. R. EWING, Judiciary Committee. ROBERT L. FLEMING, State's Attorney, McLean County, Illinois. BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, (Seal.) By A. E. DeMange, President. Attest: Wieeis E. Gray, Secretary. STATE OF ILLINOIS, \ McLEAN COUNTY. J SS' I, Richard L. Carlock, Clerk of the County Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the record of the grant over the first 1300 feet on the Clinton road in Bloomington township to the Bloomington and Normal Railway as the same appears upon the record in my said office. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said court, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. R. L. CARLOCK, Clerk. (Seal.) By P. A. Guthrie, Deputy. 124 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF McLEAN CO., ILL. with the: BLuumiNGTON and normal railway. CONTRACT. June 13, 1900. NOTICE. The Bloomington and Normal Railway, will present to the Board of Supervisors of McLean county, Illinois, at their usual place of meeting in the court house in the city of Bloomington, 111., on the nth day of June, 1900, at 2 o'clock p. m., a petition for a grant of the right to lay, oper¬ ate and maintain an electric railway on the highway known as the "Clinton road/' from a point thirteen hundred ( 1300) feet south of the city limits of the city of Bloomington to the south line of the first highway running west from said Clinton road south of said first mentioned point; also for the right to lay, maintain and operate an electric railway across said highway running west from said Clinton road at a point within twenty-five feet from the west line of said Clinton road; also for the right to lay, maintain and oper¬ ate an electric railway across said Clinton road at a point opposite the gate to Houghton's Lake park ; all for a period of twenty (20) years. Also for a grant of the right to maintain its electric rail¬ way tracks and necessary poles and wires on the highway which is a continuation of East Washington street to the end of said highway and from that point south on the high¬ way to a point three hundred and sixty (360) feet south of the south line of the highway which is a continuation of the street known as "Grove street" in the city of Bloomington, Illinois, to the gate of the fair grounds or racing park, and to operate its cars thereon for a period of twenty (20) years. BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY CO., By A. E. DsMange;, President. 125 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. Printer's fees, $2.00. I hereby certify, that the advertisement hereto annexed was published in the Bloomington Pantagraph, (a daily) newspaper published in the city of Bloomington, Illinois, for one day, the publication being on the 30th day of May, 1900. W. O. DAVIS, Publisher. McMurry. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of McLean and State of Illinois: G^nTIv^mkn :—We, the Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, respectfully petition your honorable body to grant us for a period of twenty years, the right of way for our track, poles and wires and for the operation of^ our cars on the highway known as the Clinton road, being a continuation of the street known as Main street, in Bloomington, Illinois, from the terminus of our present grant, said terminus being at a point thirteen hundred feet (1300 ft.) south of the city limits of the city of Bloomington to a point seven hundred and thirty (730) feet south thereof. Also for the right for a period of twenty years to lay and maintain an electric railway and operate cars thereon across said Clinton road at a point opposite the gate or en¬ trance to the tract now known as Houghton's Lake Park. And we present herewith the petition of the property owners owning a majority of the land abutting upon said seven hundred and thirty (730) feet of highway. The total frontage on both sides of said seven hundred and thirty feet of highway being fourteen hundred and ten (1410) feet and the property owners signing the said petition owning a frontage on said seven hundred and thirty feet of highway of seven hundred and thirty (730) feet. For the information of your honorable body, we desire to state that Meyer & Wochner, owning six hundred and forty (640) feet of land abutting on the west side of said 126 seven hundred and thirty feet of highway, offer to permit us to build our proposed railway over said six hundred and forty feet of land but decline to sign a written grant for such right of way. We are not willing to construct permanent im¬ provements upon a mere license, therefore we are compelled « to ask your honorable body to extend our grant on said high¬ way seven hundred and thirty (730) feet south of its pres¬ ent terminus; at the end of which extension we can enter the land of Stephen Houghton, who has given us a perma- \ nent grant over his land to the gate of his park. We present herewith a contract or grant for the right of way on said seven hundred and thirty (730) feet of high¬ way similar to the one approved by your honorable body at your June term, 1899, for the first thirteen hundred (1300) feet of our proposed railway on said highway. We also respectfully petition your honorable body to grant us the right for a period of twenty (20) years to main¬ tain our track, poles and wires and to operate our cars on the highway which is a continuation of Washington street from the city limits to the end of said highway, thence south on that part of the same highway called Vale street to a point three hundred fortyeight (348) feet south of the south line of the highway which is a continuation of the street in the city of Bloomington known as Grove street, to the gate of the Racing Park or Fair Grounds; and we present here¬ with the petition of the property owners owning a majority of the land abutting upon said highway extending east from said Washington street to the gate of said Fair Grounds. The total frontage on both sides of said highway extending east from said Washington street east of the said city limits to the gate of said Fair Ground is forty-one hundred ninety- eight (4198) feet and the property owners signing said peti¬ tion own a frontage on said highway extending east from Washington street, of twenty-six hundred eighteen (2618) feet. For the information of your honorable body we desire to state that by request of the abutting property owners for 127 more than ten years, this company and its predecessor has maintained poles, wires and track on said last mentioned highway, for the purpose of carrying people to and from the Fair Grounds. We do not find that our predecessor had from your honorable body any formal grant of the right of way on said highway. It is our desire to make betterments and improvements in our poles, wires and track on said highway and to give the people living in that locality better and as soon as practicable, continuous service, but before doing so, we desire to have our right to occupy said highway settled by your honorable body. We present herewith a contract or grant for the right of way on said highway similar to the one approved by your honorable body at your June ferm, 1899, f°r the right way on the first thirteen hundred feet of the highway known as the Clinton road. To this petition and the petitions of the property owners herein mentioned, is attached this company's public notice that it would apply to your honorable body for the grants hereinabove mentioned on the nth day of June, 1900, to¬ gether with the certificate of the publisher of the Panta- graph, a daily newspaper, that the said notice has been pub¬ lished more than ten days before the said nth day of June, 1900, in the daily Pantagraph, a newspaper published in the city of Bloomington. Respectfully submitted, BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, By A. E. DeMange, President. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of McLean and State of Illinois: Gentlemen ;—We desire to accompany our petition for a grant of a right of way on the Clinton road and on the high¬ way extending east and south from Washington street in the city of Bloomington presented to your honorable body on the nth instant, with an offer to pay all damages, if any, which may be sustained by the property owners on the line of said 128 proposed railways 011 account of the building thereof and we request that if our petition is granted that this offer be made a condition of the grant. Respectfully submitted, BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, By A. E. DeMange, President. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of McLean and State of Illinois: Gentlemen :—The undersigned owners of property fronting on the line of the highway being a continuation of Washington street from the city limits^ east to the point where said highway turns south, and from said points south to the gate of the Fair Grounds or Racing Park, respectfully petition your honorable body to grant to the Bloomington and Normal Railway and its assigns the right to maintain a single track and wires on said highway from said city limits to the end of said continuation of Washington street, thence south on said highway from that point known as Vale street to a point four hundred (400) feet south of the south line of the highway which is a continuation of Grove street in the city of Bloomington to the gate of said Fair Grounds or Racing Park; and the right to propel and operate its cars over said track on said highway for a period of twenty (20) years : NAMES. DESCRIPTION OP PROPERTY. FEET OF FRONTAGE. L. M. Graham, part of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Fell's out lots in the s. e. ^ sec- 3? twp. 23, r. 2 e 800 L. B. Merwin 100 W. H. Kreitzer, south side Washington street. . ...... .625 W. H. Kreitzer, west side Vale street 265 C. F. Coolidge, north side Washington street 100 L. O. Eddy, north side Washington street too Lyle W. Funk, north side Washington street. . . 100 C. C. Noggle, east side Vale street 600 Bloomington Racing Ass'n., east side of that part of the highway called, Vale street, by A. E. DeMange, Pres. 60 129 To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of McLean and State of Illinois: GenteEmEn :—The undersigned owners of property fronting on the line of the highway known as the "Clinton road," the same being the continuation of the street in the city of Bloomington known as "Main street" commencing at a point thirteen hundred ( 1300) feet south of the city lim¬ its of said city of Bloomington and terminating at a point forty-three hundred (4300) feet south of said starting point, respectfully petition your honorable body to grant to the Bloomington and Normal Railway and its assigns the right to construct and maintain electric railway tracks, switches and turn-outs on said highway from said point thirteen hundred (1300) feet south of said city limits to a point seven hundred and thirty (730) feet south of said starting point and the right to erect and maintain the neces¬ sary poles and wires on said highway with which to propel and operate its cars along and over said tracks, and that Said right be granted for the period of twenty (20) years : NAMES. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. FEET OF FRONTAGE. His Stephen X. Houghton 660 Mark Witness—J. Schausten. Frank Pietsch 640 Christian Markgraf . . . . . . . 650 Chas. Joho .500 THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF McLEAN CO. June Term, 1900. Your Committee on Judiciary respectfully report that: WHEREAS, The Bloomington and Normal Railway has petitioned this Board for the right to erect necessary poles and wires and to lay and maintain its tracks upon the highway known as the Clinton road from the point of the terminus of its present grant, being a point thirteen hundred 130 (1300) feet south of the city limits, to a point seven hun¬ dred and thirty (730) feet south of said terminus; and for the right to lay and maintain its electric railway across said highway at a point opposite the present gate or entrance to the tract known as Houghton's Lake Park; all for a period of twenty (20) years, and WHEREAS, It appears from the petition of property owners filed with said petition of the Bloomington and Nor¬ mal Railway, that property owners owning land amounting to a majority of the frontage upon said seven hundred and thirty (730) feet of highway have petitioned this Board to grant said right to the said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, and WHEREAS, The said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way has petitioned this Board for the right to maintain its poles and wires and its track on the highway continuing east from Washington street in the city of Bloomington to the point where it turns south, thence south on said highway thereafter called Vale street, to the entrance of the Racing Park or Fair Grounds, a point three hundred forty-eight (348) feet south of the south line of the highway which is a continuation of Grove street in the city of Bloomington, and WHEREAS, It appears from the petition of property owners owning land * abutting on the line of said highway extending east from Washington street and on that part of said highway called Vale street that owners of property hav¬ ing a majority of the frontage on both of said highways have petitioned this Board to grant the petition of the said Bloom¬ ington and Normal Railway; and it appearing from the cer¬ tificate of publication attached to and filed with the petition of the said Bloomington and Normal Railway that public notice of the filing of said petition was published in the daily Pantagraph, a newspaper published in the city of Blooming¬ ton on the 30th day of May, 1900, as required by statute, now therefore, be it Resolved, That said Bloomington and Normal Railway 181 is hereby granted permission to erect the necessary poles and wires and to construct its tracks and to maintain the same and to operate its cars on the highway known as the Clinton road from the terminus of said Bloomington and Normal Railway's present grant—said terminus being a point in said highway thirteen hundred (1300) feet south of the city lim¬ its of the city of Bloomington—thence south on said high¬ way a distance of seven hundred thirty (730) feet, being to the south line of the first highway running west from said Clinton road. And to lay and maintain its electric railway across said highway known as the Clinton road at a point opposite the gate or entrance to the tract of land known as Houghton's Lake Park; all for a period of twenty (20) years; Provided, that the said Bloomington and 'Normal Railway shall run its cars on said above mentioned track at least once in each twenty-four hours during the continuance of said franchise, and that a failure to so run and operate cars at least once in each twenty-four hours at any time dur¬ ing said twenty (20) years shall revoke this franchise; be it further, Resolvedy That said Bloomington and Normal Railway is hereby granted permission to maintain its poles, wires and track and to operate its .cars thereon upon the highway ex¬ tending east from Washington street in the city of Bloom¬ ington to the point where it turns south, thence south on said highway thereafter called Vale street, to the entrance of the Racing Park or Fair Ground, being a point three hundred forty-eight (348) feet south of the south line of the high¬ way which is a continuation of Grove street in the city of Bloomington; all for a period of twenty (20) years, upon condition that said Bloomingon and Normal Railway shall pay all damages if any which may be sustained by property owners on the lines of said proposed railway on account of the construction thereof ; Provided, that the said Blooming¬ ton and Normal Railway shall run its cars on not less than 1300 feet of said above mentioned track on South Main' 132 street south of the city limits at least once in each twenty- four (24) hours during the continuance of said franchise, and that a failure to so run and operate cars at least once in each twenty-four (24) hours at any time during said twenty (20) years shall revoke this franchise. The said Bloomington and Normal Railway by the ac¬ ceptance of this grant agrees to exercise all reasonable care and caution to avoid collision with vehicles, horses or trav- 7 \ elers and to avoid frightening horses being driven or being ■s upon said highways. The said Bloomington and Normal Railway by the ac¬ ceptance of this grant further agree that in laying or main¬ taining its track upon the said highways in pursuance of this grant, it will conform to the surface or present grade of said highways and will at all times keep the said highways be¬ tween the rails of said track leveled and surfaced as near as may be in conformity with the adjacent part of said high¬ ways outside of the rails of its said track; and should said highways or any one of them or any part of any one of them adjacent to said track be hereafter paved by voluntary sub¬ scription, special assessment or otherwise, • it, the said rail¬ way, at the same time that said paving is done, will pave that part of said highway or highways lying between the rails of its track with the same materials and as near as is practicable in the same manner and will thereafter keep the same in good repair. And that upon a failure to so keep and maintain its track as hereinabove provided for the space of ten days at any time during the continuance of this fran¬ chise, that the said franchise shall be hereby revoked, and the said Bloomington and Normal Railway shall lose all rights and interest in said franchise and shall immediately on notice remove its track from said highways, and that in case they do not remove said tracks within ten (10) days after the expiration of said notice, that the road commis¬ sioners of said town shall have a right to remove said tracks. If the said track herein provided for is not laid on said 133 highway known as the Clinton road and cars are not in op¬ eration thereon by the first day of October, 1900, this grant shall be void. In witness whereof, the State's Attorney of McLean county has .attested his approval hereof and the judiciary .committee of the said Board of Supervisors have hereunto subscribed their names and the Bloomington and Normal Railway has caused its corporate name to be subscribed by its president and attested by its secretary and has further caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed in attestation of its acceptance of this grant. BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, By A. E. DeMangE, President. Attest: Willis E. Gray, Secretary. Approved: Robert L. Fleming, State's Attorney. WM. FORMAN, L. F. CAMPBELL, N. E. FRANKLIN, WOLF GRIESHEIM, C. R. EWINS, Committee on Judiciary. Upon Supervisors Record "J" June 1900 meeting, p. 558, under date of Wednesday, June 13, 1900, is recorded the following: "The Judiciary Committee presented the following re¬ port : "The Board of Supervisors of McLean county, June Term, 1900. (See Report above, pp. 121-133, inclusive.) On same date, same book, p. 561, is recorded the follow¬ ing : "Mr. Griesheim made a statement in regard to the fran¬ chise granted to the B. & N. Ry. "Mr. Ledgerwood moved that the Judiciary Committee cut out the clause on p. 2 beginning with the word 4Pro- 184 vided' and ending with the word 'Franchise' as objected to 1 by the B. & N. Ry., which was carried and the report of the committee as amended was adopted." (See clause above in italics^ p. 131.) And on p. 564, same book, under date of Thursday, June 14, 1900, is recorded : * "Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call, by the clerk. Present—same as yesterday, except Mr. Franklin. "The minutes of yesterday s proceedings were read and \ approved." STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) > ss McLEAN COUNTY, ) ' I, Richard L. Carlock, Clerk of the County Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the record pertaining to the grant to the Bloomington and Normal Railway on the Clinton road and on the highway extending east from Washington street in Bloomington, McLean county, 111., as the same appears upon the record in my said office. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said court, this 13th day of June, A. D. 1901. R. L. CARLOCK, Clerk. (Seal.) By P. A. Guthrie^ Deputy. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF McLEAN CO., ILL., with the; BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC & HEATING COMPANY. CONTRACT. March 12, 1903. To the Honorable/ the Board of Supervisors, of McLean County, Illinois; Gentlemen :—-The City Council of the city of Bloom¬ ington has granted to this company the right to locate and 135 construct a street railway from Front street, in the city of Bloomington, there to be connected with the present Front street line of electric railway, south on Gridley street to Clay street, thence east on Clay street to the eastern corporate limits of the city of Bloomington. Our present East Front street line turns north on Robin¬ son street, in the city of Bloomington and runs thence east on Washington street, to the corporate limits of the city of Bloomington, thence east under a grant from your honorable body to the highway known as Vale street, thence south on that highway to a point three hundred and forty-eight (348) feet south of the highway known as Grove street. An extension of the Vale street line, south to the high¬ way known as Clay street, thence west on Clay street to the corporate limits of the city of Bloomington, there to be connected with the line above mentioned, which we will con¬ struct during the summer of 1903, under our grant from the city of Bloomington, will enable us to run cars around' the loop thus formed, and thereby give greater facilities and accommodations to the public. We therefore respectfully petition your honorable body to grant us the right to locate, construct, maintain and oper¬ ate a single track electric railway, with all necessary passing tracks, sidings, turnouts, switches, curves, poles, wires and other convenient appurtenances, on the highway which is a continuation of Clay street, east of the Bloomington City limits, in the center thereof, from the eastern limits of the city of Bloomington, therè to be connected with our line of 4 electric railway to be constructed on Clay street, within the city limits, thence east on said Clay street in the center thereof, to the west line of the highway known as Vale street, thence curving northeasterly to the center of said Vale, street, thence north in the center thereof, on Vale street, to a point three hundred and forty-eight "(348) feet south of the south line of the highway known as Grove street, there 136 to be connected with our present line of electric railway now in operation on said Vale street. We hereby offer to .pay all damages to owners of prop¬ erty abutting upon said highways which they may sustain by reason of the location or construction of the said street railway, the same to be ascertained and paid in the manner provided by law for the exercise of the right of eminent domain. We present herewith a certificate of publication, signed by Braley & O'Donnell, publishers of the Bloomington Bul- letin5 to the effect that our public notice of this application was published in the Daily Bulletin, a newspaper published in McLean county, Illinois, on the 26th day of February, I9°3> which is; the ten days' notice of this application re¬ quired by law. Respectfully submitted, BLOOMINGTON & NORMAL RAILWAY, ELECT. & HTG. CO. By A. E. DkMang£, President. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. I hereby certify, that the annexed notice has been pub¬ lished one. time in the Bloomington Bulletin, a daily news¬ paper of general circulation, published in the city of Bloom¬ ington, county of McLean and state of Illinois, the first publication having been on the 26th day of February, 1903, and the last publication on the 26th day of February, 1903. Dated at Bloomington, Illinois, this 28th day of Feb¬ ruary, 1903. Printer's Fee $5.40. BRALEY & O'DONNELL, Received Payment, . Publisher, E. NOTICE. The Bloomingotn and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company will apply to the Board of Supervisors of McLean county, Illinois, at its regular meeting to be held 137 on the 9th day of March, 1903, at its regular place of meet¬ ing at Turner Hall Court House, at the hour of two o'clock p.m., in the city of Bloomington, McLean county, Illinois, for a grant of the right to locate, construct, maintain and operate a single track street railway, with all necessary pass¬ ing tracks, sidings, turn-outs, switches, curves and other con¬ venient appurtenances, and to locate, erect and maintain the necessary poles and wires for the operation of the cars of said railway upon the highway, which is< a continuation of Clay street, east of the eastern corporate line of the city of Bloomington, thence to be connected with the street railway to be constructed by this company on Clay street within the corporate limits of the city of Bloomington, thence east on said highway in the center thereof to the west line of the highway known as Vale street, thence curving northeasterly to the center line of Vale street, thence north on said Vale street in the center thereof to a point three hundred and forty-eight (348) feet south of the south line of the highway known as Grove street, there to be connected with the street railway now maintained and operated by this company on Vale street. BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC AND HEATING COMPANY, February 26, 1903. By A. E. DLMange, President. Upon Supervisors' Record "K,"' in the custody of 'the County Clerk of said McLean county, Illinois, upon page 443 under date of the 12th day of March, 1903, the follow¬ ing is recorded : The Judiciary Committee presented the following report : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McLean county: Gentg£m£n :—Your Committee on Jpdiciary, to whom was referred the petition of the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Co., would respectfully re¬ port that the request be granted, under the following condi¬ tions : 138 By the Board of Supervisors of the county of McLean and state of Illinois to the Bloomington and Normal Rail- wjay, Electric and Heating Company, of the right to locate, construct, maintain and operate a street railway, and to erect and maintain all necessary poles, wires and other necessary appurtenances, for the operation thereof, upon and along the highway known as Clay street, from the eastern corporate line of the city of Bloomington, to the west line of the highway known as Vale streeet, thence curving northeasterly to the center line of the highway knozvn as Vale street, thence north on said Vale street to a point three hundred and forty-eight (348) feet south of the south line of Grove street, in the town¬ ship of Bloomington, county of McLean and state of Illinois. WHEREAS, The said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, Electric and Heating Company did, on the 26th day of Februaryj 1903, publish in the Bloomington Bulletin, a daily newspaper, published in the city of Bloomington, county of McLean and state of Illinois, its notice that it would on the 9th day of March, 1903, at two o'clock p.m., apply to the Board of Supervisors of the county of McLean and state of Illinois at its regular meeting at Turner Hall Court House at said hour and day, for a grant of the right to locate, construct, maintain and operate à street railway on the highway known as Clay street, in the center thereof, from the eastern corporate line of the city of Bloomington, to the west line of the highway known as Vale street, thence northeasterly to the center line of Vale street, thence north on said highway known as Vale street, in the center thereof, to a point three hundred and forty eight (348) feet south of the south line of the highway known as Grove street, in the Township of Bloomington, county of McLean and state of Illinois ; the said railway ta be connected at the eastern corporate line of the city of Bloomington with a street rail¬ way to be constructed by the said company on Clay street, in 189 the city of Bloomington, and to be connected on said Vale street at the point three hundred and forty-eight (348) feet south of the south line of said Grove street with the street railway now on said Vale street, and for a grant of the right to locate, erect and maintain the necessary poles, wires and other appurtenances upon the said streets ; and WHEREAS, The said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, Electric and Heating Company, has presented its writ¬ ten petition to this Board for such grant; and it appearing to this Board from the certificate of Braley & O'Donnell, pub¬ lishers of the said Bloomington Bulletin, that the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company has published its notice of the said application in all respects as required by law, now, therefore, be it Resolved, by the Board of Supervisors of the county of McLean and state of Illinois, that the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, and its successors and assigns, are hereby granted the right to lo¬ cate. construct, maintain and operate a single track street railway, with all necessary and convenient turnouts, passing tracks, switches, curves, cross-overs and other convenient appurtenances and to erect and maintain all necessary poles, wires and appurtenances, for the operation of the said street railway upon the highway known as Clay street, in the township of Bloomington, county of McLean and state of Illinois, from the eastern corporate line of the city of Bloom¬ ington, there to be connected with a street railway and' its appurtenances to be constructed by the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company on Clay street, in the city of Bloomington to the said eastern corporate line of the city of Bloomington, thence east upon and along said highway known as Clay street, and which u a continuation of the street known as Clay street in thé city of Bloomington, to the west line of the highway known as Vale street, thence curving northeasterly to the center line of the said highway known as Vale street, thence north on the 140 center line of the said highway known as Vale «street, to a point three hundred and forty-eight (348) feet south of the south line of the highway known as Grove street, in the township of Bloomington, county of McLean and state of Illinois, there to be connected with a street railway now laid and in operation on said Vale street, north of the said last mentioned point : Provided, this grant is upon the express condition that the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company shall pay all damages, if any which may be sustained by property owners on the line of said proposed railway on account of the construction thereof, as required by law. The said railway, passing tracks, turnouts and switches shall be located in the center of said highways and the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this grant, agree that they will lay and maintain their said proposed railway track, passing tracks, turnouts and switches, upon the present surface or grade of said highways and will at all times keep that portion of the said highways between the rails of their said tracks leveled and surfaced as near as may be in conformity with the adjacent parts of said highways outside of the rails of their said tracks. And should said highways, or any one of them, or any part of any one of them, adjacent to any one of said tracks,be hereafter paved, by voluntary subscription, special assess¬ ment, or otherwise, the said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, Electric and Heating Company, its successors and as¬ signs, agree that they will, at the same time that the said paving is done, pave or improve that part of said highway or highways lying between the rails of their tracks thereon, with the same materials, as near as may be, and as near as is practicable in the same manner, that the adjacent part or parts of said highway are so paved ; and will thereafter keep the same in good repair; and that upon a failure to so keep and maintain its tracks as hereinabove provided, for the space 141 of ten days at any time during the continuance of this grant, the Commissioners of Highways for the said township may place the said track or tracks in proper condition, and repair, at the expense of the said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, Electric and Heating Company, or its successors or as¬ signs, and shall have the right to recover the amount of such expense from it, the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, or from its succes¬ sors or assigns, as the case may be, in any court of competent jurisdiction: Resolved further, That this grant is for the period of twenty (20) years from the date of the adoption of this resolution, and by thé acceptance of the same, the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company agrees to operate a car or cars over the said pro¬ posed line of railway at least once each thirty minutes during the hours when it shall operate cars on its regular schedule within the city limits of the city of Bloomington. And the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Elec¬ tric and Heating Company, by the acceptance of this grant, agrees to exercise all reasonable care and caution to avoid collision with vehicles, horses or travelers, and to avoid frightening horses being driven or being upon said highways. If the said track, passing tracks, turnouts, switches and other necessary and convenient appurtenances herein pro¬ vided for are not laid on said highways, and the cars are not in operation thereon by the first day of November, 1903, this grant shall be void. In witness whereof, the State's Attorney of McLean county, has attested his approval of this grant, and the Judi¬ ciary Committee of the said Board of Supervisors have here¬ unto subscribed their names, and the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company has caused its corporate name to be subscribed by its President, and attested by its Secretary, and has further caused its 142 corporate seal to be hereto affixed in attestation of its accep¬ tance of this grant. BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC AND HEATING COMPANY, By A. E. DeMange, President. (Corporate Seal) Attest : J. F. Evans, Secretary. Approved: Robert L.FeEming, State's Attorney. Woge* Griesh eim, James Vance, S. B. Mason, Wm. F. Forman, L. B. Strayer. Committee on Judiciary. Which was adopted. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) McLEAN COUNTY }SS' I, R. L. Carlock, County Clerk and Clerk of the County Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application, the certificate of publication and the notice of the B. & N. Ry., E. & H. Co. on file in this office and of the report of the Judiciary Com¬ mittee thereon, and the record of the adoption of said report, as the same appears upon the files and records in my said office. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court, this 29th day of March, A. D., 1904. (Seal) R. L. CARLOCK, Clerk. 143 STEPHEN HOUGHTON To The: BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY. RIGHT OF WAY. GRANT. June 4, 1900. The grantor, Stephen Houghton, for and in considera¬ tion of the sum of one dollar ($1.00) to him paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Authorizes the Bloomington and Normal Railway to en¬ ter upon and construct and maintain an electric railway, with necessary poles, wires, switches and turn-outs, upon the following described tract of real estate, to-wit : Commencing at a point on the west line of the highway known as the Clinton road and the south line of the highway running west from said Clinton road at a point on the north line of section sixteen (16), township twenty-three (23) north, range two (2) east of the third principal meridian, in McLean county, Illinois ; thence west on the said section line thirty (30) feet; thence south six hundred seventy (670) feet more or less ; thence east to the west line of the highway known as the Clinton road ; thence north to the place of be¬ ginning. Also : Commencing at the north-west corner of the tract of land known as Houghton's Lake Park located in the north-west quarter of said section sixteen (16) ; thence south along the east line of the said highway known as the Clinton road twenty-five (25) feet; thence east to the ravine; thence north to the north line of said tract of land known as Hough¬ ton's Lake Park ; thence west to the place of beginning.* Together with sufficient additional ground at the east end of said last described strip to enable said Bloomington and Normal Railway to switch or turn its cars for the proper accommodation of its patrons at said Park. 144 The said Bloomington and Normal Railway to have and to hold said described strips of ground so long as it shall maintain thereon an electric railway. Provided this grant is made by the said Stephen Hough¬ ton for the purpose of enabling the said Bloomington and Normal Railway to construct, maintain and operate on said described strips of ground an electric railway between the city of Bloomington, Illinois, and the said Houghton's Lake Park and for no other purpose; and provided, If said Bloomington and Normal Railway shall abandon said right of way and cease to maintain said electric railway for said purpose then this grant shall at once become void and the grantor may enter and take possession of said strips of ground the same as if this grant had never been made. The sai,d Stephen Houghton agrees at his own expense to move his fence upon the west and south lines of said first described strip of ground and to furnish one te„am and one man free of charge to assist in doing the necessary grading on said strip of ground until the same is completed; said fences to be removed upon five (5) days notice from the said Bloomington and Normal Railway. The said Stephen Houghton further agrees upon five (5) days notice from said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way to move his gate now leading into his said Park, so that said Bloomington and Normal Railway may enter upon said last described strip without delay. The said Bloomington and Normal Railway so long as it shall occupy said last mentioned strip of ground for the purpose aforesaid shall provide a suitable cattle guard at the point of entry upon said strip of ground. In witness whereof the said Stephen Houghton has hereto set his hand and seal this 4th day of June, 1900. his STEPHEN X HOUGHTON,. mark Witness: Lola A. FieXdlr. (Seal) 145 STATE OF ILUNOIS [ McLEAN COUNTY j SS' I, Clara I. Root, a Notary Public in and for the said county in the state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Stephen Houghton, personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, ap¬ peared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered said instrument as his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth, including the release and waiver of the right of homestead. Given under my hand and notarial seal this 4th day of June, 1 goo. (Seal) CLARA I. ROOT, Notary Public. Filed January 7, 1902; recorded in Book 218 of Miscel¬ laneous Deeds, page 168. ALICE L. HAZLE AND HUSBAND TO THE BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC AND HEATING COMPANY. RIGHT OF WAY. June 4, 1900. GRANT. Alice L. Iiazle and H. P. Hazle, her husband, of the city of Bloomington, county of McLean and state of Illi¬ nois, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar ($1.00), in hand paid, the receipt whereof is acknowledged, hereby grant, to the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, the right to maintain and operate its electric railway, with all necessary appurtenances and appendages, as the same is now constructed, over and across the tract of land lying next south of the following described tract of land, to-wit: 146 Commencing at a point on the west line of the highway known as the Clinton road and the south line of the highway running west from said Clinton road, at a point on the north line of section sixteen (16), township twenty-three (23) north, range two (2) east of the third principal merid¬ ian, in McLean county, Illinois ; thence west on the said sec¬ tion line thirty (30) feet; thence south six hundred seventy (670) feet more or less; thence east to the west line of the highway known as the Clinton road; thence north to the place of beginning, in the county of McLean and state of Illinois. The said grant to continue to the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, its suc¬ cessors and assigns, so long as said electric railway shall be maintained and operated over the said last described tract of land and into the premises known as "Houghton's Lake Park"; and so long as the grantee herein allows said Alice L. Hazle, her heirs and grantees, to maintain and use the private driveway crossing over the track as provided for in an agreement of even date herewith, and so long as the B. & N. Ry., E. & H. Co. shall in no way, by change of grade or otherwise render the said driveway crossing impracticable for the grantors' use. In witness whereof, the grantors have hereto set their hands and seals on this 22nd day of March, 1904. ALICE L. HAZLE, (Seal) H. P. HAZLE. (Seal) (Recorded in book 231 of Deeds, p. 247, McLean county Records. ) 147 ANDREW LINDBLAD AND WIFE TO THE BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY PRIVATE WAY TO SUBWAY. January 13, 1902. GRANT. The grantors, Andrew Lindblad and Sophia C. Lindblad, his wife, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar ($1.00) to them paid by the Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, authorize the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, to enter upon, construct, and maintain, a single or double track railway, with necessary poles, wires, switches and turnouts, and other appurtenances, upon the following described tract of real estate, to wit: A strip of ground thirty (30) feet in width, lying paral¬ lel with the right of way of the Chicago & Alton Railroad, off of the entire north side of that part of lot ten (10), block three (3), Fell's Park Place Addition to Normal, owned by said Lindblad and described as follows, to wit : Commencing two hundred and fifty-five (255) feet west of the south-east corner of said lot ten ( 10) ; thence north one hundred fifty (150) feet; thence west to the right of way of the Chicago & Alton Railroad ; thence southwesterly along said right of way to First street; thence east to the .place of beginning. And if the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns, shall hereafter desire to construct a further extension of its electric railway south from said strip of ground to First street and thence east on First street, then, it, the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, is hereby granted the right to enter upon a strip of ground thirty (30) feet in width off the entire east side of said part of said lot ten,(10) and to con- 148 struct and maintain and operate thereon a single or double track railway, with all its necessary appurtenances. The said Bloomington and Normal Railway to have and to hold said described thirty (30) foot strips of ground so long as it, or its successors or assigns, shall maintain and operate thereon a street railway. Provided, this grant is made by the said Lindblad for the purpose of enabling the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns, to construct, maintain and operate on said described strip of ground a street railway, from its Franklin avenue line, along First street and over said strip of ground, and over a strip of ground north-east of said first mentioned strip and thence under the tracks of the Chicago and Alton Rail¬ road and connecting said Bloomington and Normal Railway Company's system in the city of Bloomington and town of Normal and with an extension to the said Bloomington and Normal Railway's line in Normal, from Beaufort street, its present terminus, north to Lincoln street, in said town of Normal; thence west as far as School street, or farther, at the option of the said Bloomington and Normal Railway; thence south to connect with said Bloomington and Normal Railway's lines at any point which said railway may elect. If the said subway underneath the tracks of the said Chicago and Alton Railway is not constructed by or for the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or as¬ signs, and the said extension of its line in Normal is not made to said Lincoln street and west as far as School street ; thence south to be connected with its system at a point to be determined by it, then this grant to be void ; otherwise to be in full force: Provided, if said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns, shall abandon said right of way and cease to maintain and operate a street railway on said 'thirty foot strips of ground herein granted, then this grant shall at once become void and the grantor may enter and take possession of said strips of ground the same as if this grant had never been made. 149 The said1 Lindblad agrees to remove any buildings, fences, or other obstructions on. said strips of ground after ten ( 10) days written notice from the said Bloomington and Normal Railway. In witness whereof, The said Andrew Lindblad and Sophia C. Lindblad, his wife, have hereto set their hands and seals, this 13th day of January, 1902. ANDREW LINDBLAD, , (Seal) SOPHIA C. LINDBLAD. (Seal) STATE OF ILLINOIS MCLEAN COUNTY 0 I, O. R. Trowbridge, a Notary Public in and for the said county and state, do hereby certify that Andrew Lind¬ blad and Sophia C. Lindblad, his wife, personally known to me to be the same persons whose names ar subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that they signed, sealed and delivered said instrument as their free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal this 13th day of January, 1902. * (Seal) O. R. TROWBRIDGE, Notary Public. Filed for record May 26, 1902, and recorded in Book 222 of Deeds, page 238. JOHN P. WALKER AND WIFE AND SAMUEL R: WHITE TO the) BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY. GRANT.—Private way from Empire to Division street, and on Divi¬ sion, from Clinton to Fell Avenue. February 1, 1902. The Grantors, John P. Walker and Mary Lillian Wal- ker? his wife, and Samuel R. White, all of Bloomington, Illi- 150 nois, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to them paid by the Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant to the Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and as¬ signs, for the purposes hereinafter set forth, the right to lo¬ cate, construct and operate a single or double track street railway, upon the following described strips of land, to-wit : A strip of land twenty-five (25) feet in width off of the entire north end of lot two (2), sub-division of the south¬ east quarter of sec. thirty-three (33), town twenty-four (24) north, range two (2) east of the third principal meridian, in Normal, McLean county, Illinois, from Fell avenue as far as and to a point in the center of the one hundred (100) foot street now laid out and partially opened by the said John P. Walker and wife and Samuel R. White, for a con¬ tinuation of Clinton street, in the city of Bloomington, and which said street will be Clinton street, in the city of Bloom¬ ington, when the plat of the same is accepted by the corpo¬ rate authorities of the city of Bloomington; which said described strip of ground will constitute the north twenty- five (25) feet of the south half of Division street, between Bloomington and Normal, when said Division street is opened and the plat thereof accepted by the corporate au¬ thorities of the said city of Bloomington and town of Nor¬ mal. And the said John P. Walker and wife and the said Sam¬ uel R. White further grant to the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, upon which to locate, construct and operate a single or double track street railway, a strip of ground twenty-five (25) feet in width from said last mentioned point south to the north line of Empire street, in the city of Bloomington. Until the said Division street is opened and the plat thereof accepted by the corporate authorities of the city of Bloomington and the town of Normal, the said Blooming¬ ton and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns, shall lo- 151 cate, construct, and operate only a single track railway on said strip of ground off of the north end of said lot two (2) ; and when said Division street is opened its full width to the public, both in Normal and Bloomiligton, and before or af¬ ter the plat thereof is accepted by the corporate authorities of said city and of said town, the said Bloomington and Nor¬ mal Railway, its successors or assigns, if it or they so elect, may construct a double track railway. In which case, said double track railway shall be constructed so that the center lines of the two tracks shall be eleven (11) feet apart. If, however, the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns, does not desire to construct a double track upon said strip of ground at the time said street is so opened, then it shall move its said single track so that the center line thereof shall be the center line of said Division street, when the same is so opened to public travel and is ac¬ cepted by the cprporate authorities of the said city and down. If, however, it does elect to construct a double track railway when said street is so opened to public travel, the center of the space occupied by the said double track, or two tracks, shall be the center line of said Division street when so opened to public travel. The said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its succes¬ sors or assigns, may locate and construct, at its option, a single or double track street railway upon and along said second described strip of land ; and, in case it locates, con¬ structs and operates a single track railway, then the center lilie of said single track shall be on the center line of said Clinton street when so opened to public travel and accepted by the corporate authorities of the city of Bloomington. And, if the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns, elects to construct a double track street railway thereon, the center line of the space occupied by said two tracks shall be the center line of the said Clinton street, when so opened to public travel and accepted by the corporate au¬ thorities of the city of Bloomington. 152 Unless the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns, commences the construction of said single or double track railway along and over said strips of ground, or either of them, by the first day of August, 1902, and has a car or cars in operation over the same by October I, 1902, this grant shall be void and of no effect. Neither of said strips of ground shall, at any time, be used by the Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns, for any other purpose than to locate, construct and operate upon the same a single or double track street railway, to be operated by electric, or other improved motive power, except steam. In case said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its suc¬ cessors and assigns, complies with the terms of this grant and locates, constructs, and operates a single or double track railway over said strips of ground, or either of them, and, thereafter, abandons the operation of a street railway thereon, then the said strips of land, in,case they have not become public streets, shall revert to the grantors herein, as their interests may appear. Said Bloomington and Normal Railway, or its successors or assigns, may, at its option, construct only a single track railway on said strip of ground in the center of said Clinton street, and may, thereafter, at its option, at any time before or after said street is completely opened to public travel and accepted by the city of Bloomington, change the same to a double track street railway, under the provisions and condi¬ tions of this grant; and in case said Bloomington and Nor¬ mal Railway, its successors or assigns, elects to, at first, construct but a single track railway upon said strip of ground in the center of said Clinton street, it shall so locate and construct the same upon said twenty-five foot strip of ground that there shall be room upon said strip of ground for the location and construction of another track and so that said two tracks, when constructed, shall be in the center of said Clinton street. 153 In case the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns, elects to construct only a single track railway on said strip of ground on Clinton street, it agrees that it will not locate, construct or operate a passing track on «said strip of ground in Clinton street, between Empire street and the south line of Emerson street, when Emerson street is extended east through said lot two (2). The grant of said two strips of ground to the said Bloom¬ ington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, for the uses and purposes hereinabove set forth, is subject to the right of the said John P. Walker and the said Samuel R. White to open said Division street and said Clinton street to public travel and to plat the same as an addition to the city of Bloomington, and to have the same accepted by the corporate authorities of the city of Bloomington, subject, however, to the right of the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, to construct maintain and operate a single or double track street railway over said strips of ground, whether the same remain private ground or are dedicated to the public, as parts of said streets. Said street railway shall always be operated over said strips of ground subject to all reasonable police regulations of the city of Bloomington and town of Normal. The said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its succes¬ sors and assigns, to have and to hold the said strips of ground, hereinabove described, for the uses and purposes herein set forth, so long as it, or its successors or assigns, shall maintain and operate thereon a street railway. The cars of said street railway shall stop for the purpose of receiving and discharging passengers at points corre¬ sponding with the intersections of cross streets in the city of Bloomington if the said cross streets were extended through said lot two. The said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its succes¬ sors and assigns, shall have the right, under this grant, to contract with other street railway companies, local or interur- 154 ban, for the running of the cars of such other company or companies over the said street railway tracks so to be lo¬ cated, constructed and operated upon said described strips of ground, provided no freight cars, other than such cars as are known as package freight, or express cars, shall be run over said strips of- ground. The said Samuel R. White, upon his part, in considera¬ tion of the location and construction, and thereafter of the operation of said street railway upon said strips of land, or either of them, agrees to fill and grade a space upon and along said strips of ground so that the same shall be at the proper grade of said Clinton and Division streets, when opened to public travel, so that a single track railway may be constructed upon said strip of ground which will be in Division street and so that the single or double track rail¬ way, as the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its suc¬ cessors or assigns, may elect, may be constructed upon said strip of ground in Clinton street; and the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns, shall give the said Samuel R. White, sixty (60) days previous notice in writing of when it desires to commence the construction of said railway and whether it desires -him to do the grad¬ ing for a double track railway or a single track railway on said strip of ground in Clinton street. And the said Samuel R. White, as a further considera¬ tion far the location, construction and operation of a street railway over and. along said strips of ground agrees to con¬ struct a suitable and substantial bridge over the stream known as Sugar Creçk flowing through said lot two (2). And the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its suc¬ cessors or assigns, agrees to give the said Samuel R. White sixty (60) days previous notice in writing whether it de¬ sires a bridge constructed suitable for a double or a single track railway, and said grading shall be done and said bridge constructed by the said Samuel R. White, accord- ingly ; and the said grading and the construction of the said 155 bridge shall be completed on or before the expiration of the said sixty days' notice and in time to enable the said Bloom¬ ington and Normal Railway to locate and construct said street railway within the time provided for in this grant. In case said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its suc¬ cessors or assigns, elects to construct a double track railway on said strip of ground on Clinton street, the said bridge so to be constructed by the said Samuel R. White shall not be less than forty-eight (48) feet in width and suitable for the passage of the cars of the said railway and for the ordinary street travel and for pedestrians. And in case the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors or assigns elects to construct a single track railway on said strip of ground, then the said bridge so to be constructed by the said Samuel R. White, shall be constructed by him not less than thirty-six (36) feet in width, suitable for the passage of the cars of the said railway and for the ordinary street travel and for pedestrians. The plans and specifications for the said bridge, before the contract is let or the construction commenced, to be subject to the approval of the said Bloom¬ ington and Normal Railway, or its duly authorized engineer. In case the said Bloomington and Normal Railway con¬ structs but one track on said strips of ground, it shall keep a space three (3) feet, six (6) inches each way from the center line of said track, clear of weeds and in a clean and sightly condition; and when said Division street and Clinton street are opened to public travel and platted and accepted by the corporate authorities of the city of Bloomington, the said Bloomington and Normal Railway shall fill in the space be¬ tween the rails of its said track with a suitable ballasting material, so that the same shall, at all times, present a sightly appearance and be in harmony with the improvements upon said streets ; and in case the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, at any time thereafter, constructs a second track upon one or both of said strips of ground, the said second track shall be kept and maintained in the same condition 156 and also the space between the two tracks. And if, there- I after, a space in the center of said Clinton street is enclosed within stone curbing, so that there shall be a boulevard or drive upon çach side thereof and the space within said curb¬ ing is filled and leveled and graded by the said John P. Walker and Samuel R. White or either of them, then the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, its successors and assigns, agree to keep the entire space within said curbing clear of weeds, clean and in grass, except between the rails of the tracks and a space of one foot outside the rails of each track, and agrees to keep the same mowed and in sightly condition, provided the said space within the said curbing does not exceed twenty-six (26) feet in width. In witness whereof, the said John P. Walker, and Mary Lillian Walker, his wife, and the said Samuel R. White, have hereto set their hands and seals, this first day of Feb¬ ruary, 1902. JOHN P. WALKER, (Seal.) MARY LILLIAN WALKER, (Seal.) SAMUEL R. WHITE. * (Seal.) STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) McLEAN COUNTY, f SS" I, Lola A. Fielder, a Notary Public in and for the said county and state, do hereby certify that John P. Walker and Mary Lillian Walker, his wife, and Samuel R. White, per¬ sonally known to me to be the same persons whose names ^are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that they signed, sealed and delivered said instrument as their free and vol¬ untary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal this first day of February, 1902. LOLA A. FIELDER, (Seal.) Notary Public. (Recorded in Book 218, Miscellaneous Deeds, page 210, McLean Co. Records.) 157 CHICAGO AND ALTON RAILWAY COMPANY. To THE BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY. GRANT.—Private way from Catherine to Walnut street. April 19, 1902. This agreement, executed this 19th day of April, 1902, between the Chicago and Alton Railway Company, grantor and the Bloomington and Normal Railway, grantee, corpora¬ tions organized under the laws of Illinois, witnesseth : That for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar ($1) in hand paid by the grantee to the grantor, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said grantor, gives to the grantee the right to enter upon and locate and con¬ struct a street railway, to be operated by electric or other im¬ proved power, except steam, over and across the premises of the grantor in the city of Bloomington, McLean county, Illinois, as follows, to-wit: From a point due north of the east line of Catherine street, on the north line of the alley extending east and west, north of the north end of Catherine street, thence north-east, across the said premises of the grantor, lying north of said alley, to a point due west of the south line of Walnut street, on the west line of the alley running north and south next east of said premises. : Pro¬ vided, This grant is upon the express condition that the said grantor may, at any time that it desires to use the said prem¬ ises for its own purposes or for any other cause, give to the grantee notice in writing to remove said street railway from said premises within ninety (90) days after the service of said written notice upon it, the said grantee, and the said grantee agrees to remove its said railway and surrender pos¬ session of the said premises to the grantor within said ninety (90) days notice, whenever the same shall be given, as herein provided : and provided further, the said grantee agrees at all times while it maintains and operates said rail- 158 way across saicl premises, to save and keep harmless the said grantor from any and all claims for damages to persons or to the property of persons, companies or corporations, and from all costs or attorneys' fees occasioned by any accident in the operation of said railway across said premises. Executed in duplicate the day and year first above writ¬ ten. CHICAGO AND ALTON RAILWAY COMPANY, By S. M. feston. BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, By A. E. DeMange. CHICAGO AND ALTON RAILWAY COMPANY. with BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC AND HEATING COMPANY. CONTRACT.—For construction of subway and right of way from Franklin avenue to Beaufort street. August i, 1902. The Chicago and Alton Railway Company, hereinafter called the first company, its successors and assigns, and the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, hereinafter called the second company, its suc¬ cessors and assigns, agree as follows : 1. It is deemed for the mutual advantage of both of said companies that the surface crossing of the second company over the tracks of the first company, from Franklin avenue, in the town of Normal, to Beaufort street, in the town of Normal, be discontinued and abandoned; to that end, the first company grants to the second company the right to construct its Franklin avenue line of railway from its, the said second company's private right of way on the west side of Franklin avenue, in a northeasterly direction upon the southeasterly margin of the first company's right of way, 159 abutting upon the north end of Franklin avenue and the west end of First street, in Normal, Illinois, and across the said first Company's right of way, curving from the second Company's private right of way, (shown in yellow on blue print 5435 attached hereto) at a point approximately two hundred and fifty feet from the point where the north line of First street intersects the southeasterly line of the right of way of the said first company, and thence across the said first company's right of way through the subway to be con¬ structed as hereinafter described to the south line of Beaufort street, in the town of Normal, McLean county, Illinois. 2. The said first company also grants to the second com¬ pany the right to construct its Fell avenue line across the first company's right'of way at a point approximately two hundred and seventy feet east of the point where the north line of First street intersects the southeasterly line of the first company's right of way, through the subway herein¬ after described. 3. The first company also grants to the second company the right to erect and.maintain necessary poles atfd wires upon its, the said first company's right of way, for the proper operation of the said lines of railway ; the same to be erected so as not in any manner to interfere with the operation of the first company's trains or its telegraph or téléphoné service. Said wires shall be carried through the subway hereinafter described. 4. The first company also grants to the second company the exclusive- right to maintain said lines of railway and said poles and wires and to operate its cars over said lines of railway, upon and across the first company's said right of way through the subway hereinafter described and upon the southeasterly margin of the said first com¬ pany's right of way, as herinabove set forth, so long as the second company, its successors or assigns, shall operate a street railway or an interurban railway between the 160 town of Normal and the city of Bloomington, and in the vicinity thereof. 5. In consideration of the above grant from the first company to the second company, the second company agrees to vacate and abandon the use of its surface crossing from its private right of way on the west side of Franklin avenue to Beaufort street in the town of Normal, and to remove its wires from over said surface crossing. 6. The first company, in consideration of the vacation and abandonment of the second company's said surface cross¬ ing, agrees to construct and maintain, so long as the second company or its successors or assigns shall maintain and oper¬ ate a street railway across the first company's right of way, a concrete abutment and steel girder bridge or subway, under its tracks, at the point over which the second company is * herein granted the right to construct, maintain and operate its Franklin avenue and its Fell avenue lines of railway. The construction of said subway or bridge to be commenced on or before the 25th day of September, 1902, and the opening un¬ derneath the same graded in readiness for the construction of the second company's two lines of railway across said right of way, on or before the first day of November, 1902. 7. The opening in the clear between the supports of the steel girders of said bridge or subway, on the floor of said subway, shall be twenty-seven (27.) feet. The headway, or distance from the bottom of the steel girders to the top of the second company's rails of its said two tracks, shall be fourteen feet in the clear, and adequate provision shall be made for the thorough drainage thereof, and said subway or bridge shall be constructed in all particulars in accordance with the drawings for the same prepared by the Engineering Department of the first company, marked respectively 5435 and 5436, blue prints of which so marked, are attached to each copy of this duplicate contract and made a part thereof. 161 The said subway shall be so constructed that the second company's forty-two foot cars now in use, and so that cars sixty feet in length, may enter said subway on the Franklin avenue line, going north, with a clearance of three (3) feet between said car and the wing of the abutment of said sub¬ way or bridge. The first company may deem it expedient to construct a subway at said point sufficient in width to accommodate street travel, with a view to hereafter throwing the same open to the public, as a public subway, in which event, the said sub¬ way is to be so constructed that the public street or roadway part of said subway shall be separated from the part thereof provided for the second company. 8. The second company, in consideration of the grant of the said right of way for its said two lines of railway over the right of way of the first company, and in consideration of the construction of the said subway or bridge by the said first company, agrees to pay the first company, as its share of the cost of construction of that part of the said subway or bridge constructed for its, the said second company's use, the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000) ; which said sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000) it agrees to pay to the first company within thirty (30) days after the said subway is completed as to the needs of the second company, and the second company's two lines of railway are constructed through the same and across the first company's right of way and connected with the second company's railway north of *Beaufort street, and after the first company has removed the second company's crossing frogs now in use for its said surface crossing and delivered the same on the ground to the second company, the same being the second company's property. All the covenants and provisions of this contract shall 162 be binding upon each of the parties arid upon their succes¬ sors, grantees or assigns. Executed in duplicate this ist day of August, 1902. CHICAGO AND ALTON RAILWAY COMPANY, By S. M. Fegton, President. BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC. AND HTG. COMPANY. By A. E .DeMange, President. LEWIS SAILOR TO THE BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC AND HEATING COMPANY. September g, 1902. GRANT.—Private way to subway. The grantor, Lewis Sailor, of the town of Normal, county of McLean and state of Illinois, for atld in consid¬ eration of tile sum of one dollar ($1) to him paid by the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grants to the said Bloomingtoii and Normal Railway, Elec¬ tric and Heating Company, its successors and assigns, the right of way across and over his strip of ground lying west of the stone culvert of the Chicago and Alton Railway and between the right of way of the Chicago & Alton Railway Company and the ground on the south side owned by An¬ drew Lindblad. The said right of way hereby given by the* grantor to the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Elec¬ tric and Heating Company lying directly north of the thirty foot strip granted by said Andrew Lindblad to said Bloom¬ ington and Normal Railway for a right of way for its Fell avenue tracks across and over the said land of said Andrew Lindblad, to the subway to be constructed by the said Bloom¬ ington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company 163 and the said Chicago and Alton Railway Company, beneath the tracks of the latter company, which said strip of ground so granted by the grantor herein to the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company for said right of way is more particularly described as follows, to- wit : Commencing at a point approximately two hundred forty-four and seventy-five hundredths (244.75) feet east of the point where the north line of First street intersects the south line of the right of way of the Chicago and Alton Rail¬ way Company, in Normal, McLean county, Illinois, thence east along the southeasterly line of the right of way of the Chicago and Alton Railway Company forty-five (45) feet, thence southeasterly at right angles with the right of way of the Chicago and Alton Railway Company thirty-three (33) feet, thence northwesterly in a straight line to the place of beginning. The said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, as a condition of this grant, agrees to construct and maintain a suitable fence between the said right of way herein granted and the land of the grantor ad¬ joining it on the east. The said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company to have and to hold the said de¬ scribed tract of real estate hereby granted for its said right of way, with the right to construct, maintain and operate a single or double track street or interurban railway upon and over the same, so long as it, or its successors or assigns, shall maintain and operate thereon a street railway or an inter¬ urban railway between the town of Normal and city of Bloomington, or in the vicinty thereof. If the said subway underneath the tracks of the said Chi¬ cago and Alton Railway is not constructed by or for the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, or for its successors or assigns, and the Fell ave¬ nue and Franklin avenue tracks of said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company are not 164 extended across the land of the said Andrew Lindblad and through the right of way of the said Chicago and Alton Railway Company, underneath its tracks, then this grant shall be void and of no effect, and the grantor may enter and take possession of said strip of land the same as if this grant had never been made. In witness whereof, the said Lewis Sailor has hereunto set his hand and seal this ninth day of September, 1902. LEWIS SAILOR. (Seal.) STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) >- ss MCLEAN COUNTY. \ ' I, A. E. DeMange, a Notary Public in and for the said county, in the state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Lewis Sailor, personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered said instrument as his free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes' therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal, this 9th day of September, 1902. ( Seal. ) A. E. DEMANGE, Notary Public. Filed for record September 9, 1902, and recorded in Book 218 of Deeds, p. 495. ANDREW LINDBLAD TO THE) BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC AND HEATING COMPANY. October 23, 1903. GRANT.—Private way to subway. ■ v Andrew Lindblad, of the town of Normal, McLean county, 111., the grantor herein, owner of the triangular tract « of ground bounded by First street, the thirty-foot right of 165 way granted to the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Elec¬ tric and Heating Company, by the grantor herein, from Franklin avenue to the proposed subway under the Chicago and Alton Railway, and by the thirty-foot right of way granted by the same grantor to the same company, from First street to the said subway, in the town of Normal, Mc¬ Lean county, 111., for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable considera¬ tion, hereby grants to the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, the right to enter upon said tract of ground bounded as aforesaid, and to con¬ struct and maintain its Franklin avenue electric line of rail¬ way, with all necessary poles, wires and other appurte¬ nances, thereon, as hereinafter set forth. The said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company may enter upon said tract of ground and construct thereon its said railway and appurtenances, at a point eighty (80) feet northeast of the point where the north line of said tract of ground intersects the north line of First street, and thirty (30) feet southeast of the south line of the Chicago and Alton railroad right of way, and on the south line of the thirty-foot right of way heretofore granted by the grantor herein to the Bloomington and Nor¬ mal Railway; thence curving with said line of railway, poles, wires and necessary appurtenances, southeasterly to a point one hundred and fifty (150) feet ^northeast of the point where the north line of First street intersects the north line of said triangular tract of ground, and twenty (20) feet south of the south line of the said thirty-foot right of way of the Bloomington and Normal Railway, and fifty (50) feet south of the south line of the Chicago & Alton right of way, thence curving with said line of railway, poles, wires and other appurtenances, northeasterly to the south line of said thirty-foot right of way of the Bloomington and Nor¬ mal Railway, at a point approximately two hundred (200) feet northeast of the point where the north line of First street intersects the north line of said triangular tract of 166 ground. The point of leaving the said tract of ground with the said line of railway being intended to be at a point oppo¬ site the south opening of the said proposed subway, so as to effect an easy entrance into said subway with the cars upon said line of railway. The ground included in the said grant for the said pro¬ posed curved line of the said Franklin avenue electric rail¬ way, is shown by the white curved band through the red on the blue print No. 5435 A hereto attached and made a part of this grant. The said grantor giving and granting to the said gran¬ tee the right to maintain the said line of railway with the said poles, wires and all other necessary appurtenances, upon the said tract of ground, as hereinabove set forth, so long as the grantee herein shall continue to operate an electric railway through the said subway and between the town of Normal and the city of Bloomington. In witness whereof, the grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal on this 23rd day of October, 1903. ANDREW UNDBLAD. ( Seal. ) STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) McLEAN COUNTY, t sS' I, Lottie B. Rankin, a notary public in and for the said county, in the state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Andrew Lindblad, personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, ap¬ peared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered said instrument as his free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth, including the release and waiver of the right of home¬ stead. Given under my hand and notarial seal this 23rd day of October, A. D. 1903. (Seal.) LOTTIE B. RANKIN, Notary Public. Filed for record December 21, 1903, and recorded in Book 231 of Deeds, page 131. 167 BOARD OF EDUCATION, STATE OF ILLINOIS, TO THE BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC AND HEATING COMPANY. October 15, 1903. GRANT.—Right of way through Illinois State Normal University grounds. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Board of Education of the State of Illinois, here¬ inafter called the grantor, ior and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, to it in hand paid, and convenient electric railway service for the students attending the Illinois State Normal University, and other valuable consideration, grants to the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, its suc¬ cessors and assigns, hereinafter called the grantee, the right to take up and remove its ties, rails, poles, wires and iron fence, now constituting its railway over its present right of way through the southeast corner of the grounds of the Illi¬ nois State Normal University, from Beaufort street to School street and to re-enter the said grounds from Beau- fort street, at a point northeast of the subway now being constructed under the tracks of the Chicago & Alton Rail¬ way and approximately one hundred ( 100) feet east of the present point of entrance into said university grounds on Beaufort street and to emerge from said grounds on School street at or near the present point of emerging therefrom on School street. The grantor further grants to the grantee herein, the right to occupy a strip of ground through the said southeast corner of said university grounds between the points here¬ inabove mentioned, thirty (30) feet in width, and to lay and operate a double track electric railway thereon, and to erect and maintain the necessary poles and wires for the operation of the said railway thereon, and to operate the said railway over said right of way by electric or other power, except 168 steam, for the now unexpired period of the present lease; Provided, This grant is upon the express condition that the grantee shall restore the strip of ground now occupied by it for its right of way through said grounds to a level with the surface of the adjacent portions of said grounds and* grade the same to a smooth, even surface and at the proper time, sow the same with timothy and blue grass seed, so as to make a good sod similar to the land adjacent, and to build a fence similar to the one now there so 'as to fill the end gaps and make the fence continuous and uniform; And Provided Further, that the said grantee shall fence its said new right of way hereby granted to it with the same iron fence which it removes from its present right of way and keep the same in good repair until the expiration of this grant. At the expiration of this agreement, or if it shall sooner cease to use said right of way for the operation of its said railway, then when it so ceases to operate its said railway, the granfee, by the acceptance of this grant, agrees to remove its fencing ties and rails, poles and wires, from said strip of ground and restore the same to a level with the adjacent portions of said ground, ând at its expense to replace the end fences, so as to be uniform with the rest of the fence, and sow the same with timothy and blue grass seed, so as to make a good sod, unless this grant, upon its expiration, is extended for a further term of years ; and in case of such extension then upon the final termination of the occupancy by the grantee of said strip of land. In witness whereof, the grantor has caused this instru¬ ment to be duly executed by its chairman and its secretary, and has caused its corporate seal to be attached hereto, on this 15th day of October, 1903. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE STATE OF ILLI¬ NOIS, By E. A. GASTMAN, Its President, (Seal.) (Seal.) AeEred Bayeiss, Secretary. (Recorded in book 231 of Deeds, p. 256, McLean Co. Records.) 169 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON to FT. WAYNE JENNEY ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. POLE AND WIRE FRANCHISE. October 20, 1888. ORDINANCE.—Providing for the granting of a franchise to the Fort Wayne "Jenney" Electric Light Company to erect electric light poles and stretch wires thereon upon the streets and alleys of the city of Bloomington, for the purpose of lighting said streets and the public and private buildings of said city. « Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming- ton: Section 1. That said city hereby grants to the Fort Wayne "Jenney" Electric Light Company and assigns per¬ mission to erect all necessary buildings and place therein all necessary machinery upon ground to be designated by said city, and to erect upon the streets of said city all necessary iron and wooden electric light poles, and to stretch thereon all necessary wires for the lighting of said streets and of the public and private buildings of the city of Bloomington. All such poles in the business part of said city or as many as the City Council shall order, shall be of iron, and all other poles so erected shall be at least thirty feet high, and shall be shaved, painted and stepped, and all said poles shall be erected at such points as may be designated by the City Council of said city, through its Committee on Police and Light; and in case of danger to life or property from them, whenever in the judgment of the Chief of the Fire Department, or of the Mayor, any of such poles or the wires thereon interfere with the operations of the Fire Department, such poles may be cut down and removed and shall be replaced by said Elec¬ tric Light Company at its own expense, and the said city shall not be liable to said Electric Light Company for any damage which may result from the cutting down and re¬ moval of such poles and wires. 4 170 S^c. 2. Said city shall at all times have the right to run its fire alarm and all other wires belonging to the city upon said poles free of rent and should said city become the owner of said buildings, machinery and such poles and wires so erected by said Electric Light Company for the lighting of the streets of said city under the provisions of the con- * tract executed by and between said City and said Electric Light Company, then said Electric Light Company may with the consent of the Council have the right to run its wires for private incandescent and commercial lighting upon said poles so belonging to the city for a reasonable rental to be fixed by the City Council of said city ; Provided, that said wires shall not in any way interfere with the wires of the city or with their efficiency. Sec. 3. Should said city hereafter grant to any person, company or corporation the right to do electric lighting within its limits, either upon its streets, its business houses, residences or otherwise then said Fort Wayne "Jenney" Electric Light Company shall so far as the same may be practicable grant to said person, company or corporation a pole license for a reasonable compensation so as to. avoid the unnecessary erection of poles and other apparatus upon the streets of said city. Approved this 20th day of October, 1888. J. R. MASON, Mayor. Attest : R. N. Evans, City Clerk. I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the said city of Bloom- ington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the ordinance of the said city of Blooming- ton, passed the 19th day of October, 1888, approved the 20th day of October, 1888, and published in the Daily Leader, a newspaper published in the city of Bloomington, Tuesday, October 30, 1888, that the original is now on file in the office of said Clerk, that I am the keeper of the same, and that it is recorded in the records of the City Council for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1889. Witness my hand and the seal of the city of Blooming- ton, this 18th day of August, A. D. 1900. (Seal.) C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. \ FT. WAYNE JENNEY ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. TO THE BLOOMÏNGTON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY January, 1889. ASSIGNMENT OF FRANCHISE GRANT. WHEREAS, During the year 1889, this company, the Fort Wayne "Jenney" Electric Light Company of Fort Wayne, Indiana, was the legal holder of the capital stock of the Bloonlington Electric Light Company, of Bloomington, Illinois, and WHEREAS, By contract with the city of Bloomington, Illinois the said Fort Wayne "Jtnney" Electric Light Com¬ pany was entitled to have passed for its benefit and for the benefit of its successors and assigns an ordiance of the said city of Bloomington granting to it the said Fort Wayne "Jenney" Electric Light Company, its successors and as¬ signs, the right to erect poles and run wires upon the streets of the said city of Bloomington for the furnishing of electric light and power within its limits for commercial pur¬ poses, subject to any existing rights, if any, of other com¬ panies and subject to the right of said city to use all such poles for its electric light or fire alarm wires free of charge and with the right of the said Fort Wayne "Jenney" Elec¬ tric Light Company, in case the plant to be constructed by it, the said Fort Wayne 'Jenney'> Electric Light Company pur¬ suant to, said contract became the property of the said city of Bloomington, to use all poles belonging to the said city 172 of Bloomington upon which to run its commercial wires for a reasonable rental, to be agreed upon between said city and said company, and WHEREAS, The said City Council of the city of Bloomington did after the execution and delivery of the said contract and on the 20th day of October, 1888, p^ss an ordi¬ nance granting to it, the said Fort Wayne "Jenney" Electric Light Company, the rights provided for in said contract, and WHEREAS, The said Fort Wayne "Jenney" Electric Light Company afterwards on or about the month of Janu¬ ary, 1889, f°r a valuable consideration assigned by an instru¬ ment of writing, all its rights hereinabove enumerated under said contract and under said ordinance approved October 20, 1888, to the Bloomington Electric Light Company; which said assignment was left with the records and papers of the said Bloomington Electric Light CoiUpany, and WHEREAS, The said Bloomingotn Electric Light Com¬ pany has exercised all the rights and privileges under said contract herein above set' forth and under said ordinance since the said assignment, and WHEREAS, It is reported to this company, the Fort Wayne "Jenney" Electric Light Company that all of the records of the said Bloomington Electric Light Company were destroyed by fire in the city of Bloomington on June 19, 1900, and it is now desired to restore and confirm such assignment, therefore, The said Fort Wayne "Jenney" Electric Light Company of Fort Wayne, Indiana, for and in consideration of the premises, and the further consideration of one dollar ($1.00) to it in hand paid, does hereby assign to the said Bloomington Electric Light Company all its rights and privileges under said contract hereinabove specifically mentioned and all its grants, rights, privileges, permits and license under said or¬ dinance of the city of Bloomington approved October 20, 1888, to erect poles and run wires upon the streets of the 178 said city of Bloomington for the furnishing of electric light and power within the limits of the said city of Bloomington for commercial purposes, subject however to any existing rights, if any, of other companies and subject to the right of said city to use all such poles for its electric light or fire alarm wires free of charge . In witness-whereof the said Fort Wayne "Jenney" Elec¬ tric Light Company has caused this instrument to be signed with its corporate name by its vice president and attested by its assistant secretary and has caused its corporate seal to be attached thereto, this 27th day of Sept. A. D. 1900. FORT WAYNE "JENNEY" ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, (Seal) By Perry A. Randall, Vice President. Attest: H. J. Miller, Ass't Secretary. - (Seal) CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. FOR THE REGULATION OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND OTHER COMPANIES. May 4, 1889. Repealed November 15, 1890. ORDINANCE.—-For the regulation and control of telephone, telegraph and electric light companies. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Bloom¬ ington: Section i. That no telephone, telegraph, electric light or other poles shall be erected in the streets of said city ex¬ cept under the direction and supervision of the Committee on Streets and Alleys ; and no poles shall be erected within a radius of one mile of the court house in said citv, save such poles as are of sufficient size and strength to support all wires that it may be found necessary to place upon them, with safety to the public. Said poles shall be kept painted, 174 stepped and provided with rings for hitching horses, and whenever, in the judgment of the City Council, the removal, or change of location of such pole or poles and wires or the apparatus, or the raising or lowering of the height of such wires at any point or along any street, is necessary by reason of any proposed local improvement at such point, or upon such street, or for the convenience of the general public or otherwise, then such pole, poles, wires, or other apparatus shall be so removed within thirty days after notice of such desired change, provided the owner of such pole, poles, wire or other apparatus, shall have at least fifteen days notice of such desired change or removal, with an opportunity to be heard thereon; and, in case of danger to life or property from fire, whenever, in the judgment of the Chief of the Fire Department, the Mayor, or the Chairman of the Com¬ mittee on Fire Depatment, any of such poles or the wires thereon interfere with the operations of the Fire Depart¬ ment, such poles may be cut down and removed, and shall be replaced by the Telephone or other company to whom they belong, under the direction of the Committee on Streets and Alleys without expense to the city, and the city shall not be liable to said telephone or other company for any damage which may result from the cutting and removal of such poles and wires. Sec. 2. The city shall at all times have the right to string its fire and police alarm and electric light wires on such poles under the supervision of such telephone or" other company, free of rental, provided such wires are so strung as not to interfere with the proper workings of the telephone or other wires thereon. And for a reasonable consideration all tele¬ phone, or telegraph, or electric light companies or corpora¬ tions, doing business within the limits of said city under this ordinance, shall grant to other companies or corporations hereafter receiving permission to erect poles, wires, and other telephone, telegraph, or electric light or other electrical apparatus upon the streets and alleys of said city, a pole 175 license or permit, for reasonable compensation, to run their wires upon said poles, as far as the same is practicable, so as to avoid, as far as possible, the unnecesary erection of poles, wires, and other apparatus upon such streets and alleys. 4. - ^ Sec 3. No such poles or other apparatus shall be erected so as to interfere with any sewer, gutter, or other local im¬ provement; and in case of the improvement in any way of any street or alley upon which poles or other apparatus are located, then the owner of such poles or other apparatus shall make, at its own expense, all changes necessary to conform to such improvement, and whenever a system of under¬ ground conduits for the operation of telephone, or telegraph, or electric light wires shall become practicable for cities of this size, then, upon six months' notice to any person, per¬ sons, company or corporation owning any such poles, wires, or other apparatus upon said streets and alleys, the said poles shall be removed from the streets and the wires placed un¬ derground. All rights and privileges under this ordinance shall terminate in not to exceed twenty years from the date of its approval. SEC. 4. That any telephone company doing business within the limits of said city under the provisions of this ordinance, shall furnish the city seven telephones free of charge, to be located within said limits where the council may direct; and whenever, in the judgment of the Council, the business of the city requires an additional telephone or telephones, ' such telephone or telephones shall be furnished to the city at a reduction of 25 per cent from the regular exchange rate for business offices; and for each telephone so furnished said city a regular exchange contract shall be signed with rebate of rental endorsed thereon,J as herein provided. Sec 5. This ordinance shall not be in force as to any telephone, telegraph, or electric light company unless such company shall file with the City Clerk an acceptance of its 176 provisions, with a stipulation that it desires to do business in -said city thereunder, and until the City Council in pur¬ suance of such stipulation, shall have granted to such person, company or corporation its permit to do such business. Sec. 6. Permission is hereby granted to the Central Union Telephone Company, and to the Fort Wayne "Jen- ney" Electric Light Company to erect poles and do business i * under this ordinance, provided they shall first file the stipula¬ tion herein provided for. Sec. 7. Whoever shall willfully, maliciously, or negli¬ gently cut down, break, injure, or destroy any telegraph, telephone, or electric light pole, telephone, telegraph, electric light, fire or police alarm wire, or shall deface, injure, or destroy any box or other apparatus connected therewith within said city, or shall paint, post, place, print, or nail any handbill, sign, poster, advertisement, or notice of any kind on any telephone, telegraph, electric light, or police, or fire alarm pole within said city, shall, upon convicition, be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 8. That Art. II, Chap. 30, entitled "Provisions Re¬ lating to Electric Light/' and Art. I, Chapter 30, entitled "Telegraphs and Telephones" be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved this 4th day of May, 1889. J. R. MASON, Mayor. Attest : p.. N. Evans, City Clerk. 177 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON to thk BLOOMINGTON ELECTRIC LIGHT' COMPANY August 4, 1900. ORDINANCE.—For the extension of the rights and privileges of the Bloomington Electric Light Company under the ordinance entitled an ordinance for the regulation and control of telephone, telegraph and electric light companies, approved May 4, 1889, and accepted by said Bloomington Electric Light Company November 8, 1889. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Bloom¬ ington : Section i. That the permission, right and privilege of the Bloomington Electric Light Company, its successors and assigns, to erect poles and string wires thereon upon the streets and alleys of the city of Bloomington and to maintain the same, provided for and granted to telephone, telegraph and electric light companies by an ordinance of the city of Bloomington approved May 4, 1889, accepted in writing by the said Bloomington Electric Light Company on the 8th ( day of November, 1899, be and the said permission, right and privilege are hereby extended in favor of said Bloom¬ ington Electric Light Company for a period of twenty-six (26) years from May 4, 1909, and until the 4th day of May, 1935. Slc. 2. That this extension to the Bloomington Electric Light Company, of the said permission, right and privilege provided for in said ordinance of May 4, 1899, and the said acceptance thereof by the said Bloomington Electric Light Company is granted subject to the provisions contained in sections four, five, siix, seven, eight, nine, ten, and eleven and fifteen of an ordinance of the city of Bloomington for the regulation and control of the telephone, telegraph, elec¬ tric light, electric power and other electrical companies, ap¬ proved November 15, 1890. 178 Sec. 3. In consideration of the granting of the exten¬ sion herein provided for of the rights and privileges de¬ fined in said ordinance approved May 4, 1889, the said Bloomington Electric Light Company, agrees to furnish, when requested, to the said city of Bloomington, at any and all of its city buildings or offices, all needed electric light or power, or'both, at a rate per year of fifty (50) per cent less than the lowest rate at which such electric light or power is furnished to any of its patrons, after all discounts are figured, provided that such reduced cost of light and power shall not estop the city of Bloomington from collecting an annual tax upon poles and wires in said city when such tax becomes uniform upon the poles and wires of all companies doing business in said city and when such a tax can legally be levied. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall not be in force until the said Bloomington Electric Light Company, its successors *tnd assigns, shall file with the City Clerk of said city an ac¬ ceptance of its provisions with a stipulation that it desires to continue in business in the city of Bloomington under the provisions of this ordinance and the provisions of the ordi¬ nance approved May 4, 1889, and sections four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and fifteen of the said ordi¬ nance approved November 15, 1890, for the period herein provided for. Approved this 4th day of August, 1900. LEWIS B. THOMAS, Mayor. Attest: C. C. HasseER, City Clerk. To the Honorable, the Mayor and City Council of the city of Blooomington: GenTeEmEn :—This company, for itself, its successors and assigns, accepts the provisions of the ordinance entitled an "Ordinance for the Extension of the Rights and Privi¬ leges of the Bloomington Electric Light Company under the 179 ordinance entitled an Ordinance for the Regulation and Control of Telephone, Telegraph* and Electric Light Com¬ panies, approved May 4, 1889, and accepted by said Bloom- ington Electric Light Company, November 8, 1889, ' passed August 3, 1900, and approved August 4, 1900. And this company stipulates that it desires to continue in business in the city of Bloomingotn under the provisions of the said ordinance passed August 3, 1900, and approved August 4, 1900, for the period of time therein named, and under the provisions of the said ordinance approved May 4, 1889, and the provisions of sections four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and fifteen of the ordinance for the regulation and control of telephone, telegraph, electric light, electric power and other electric companies, approved November 15, 1890. • BLOOMINQTON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, By A. E. DeMange, President. August 8, 1900. Received and placed on file and ordered printed in the records. (Council Proceedings year ending April 30, 1901, pp. 178, 188.) CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. FOR THE REGULATION OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND OTHER COMPANIES. SECTIONS 4, s, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, & 15. Enacted November 15, 1890. ORDINANCE.—For the regulation and control of telephone, telegraph, electric light, electric power and other electric companies. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming- ton: Sec. 4. For the purpose of reducing the. number of poles and other electrical apparatus upon the streets and al- 180 leys of the city it shall be the duty: First, of all telegraph, telephone, fire alarm and all other companies whose systems of electrical apparatus are not dangerous to the telegraph and telephone and fire alarm systems to use as far as possible one and the same set of poles in the business portion of the city and so far as practicable one and the same set of poles in all other parts of the city. Second. Of all electric light andl power companies to use as far as possible one and the same set of poles in the business portion of the city and so far as practicable one and the same set of poles in all other parts of the city. Third. Of the Bloomington and Normal Railway and the Bloomington City Railway Company, so far as possible in the business portion of the city and in all other parts of the city where practicable, to use on one side of the street for their suspension wires the same set of poles used by the telegraph, telephone and fire alarm companies and on the other side of the street for the other end of their suspension wires and also for their feed wires the same poles used by the electric light companies. Stc. 5. The poles used by the telegraph, telephone, fire alarm and other companies mentioned in number one of section four above shall be set with the exception hereafter named in section number ten of this ordinance on the west side of Main street from the C. C. C. & St. L. Railroad to Chestnut street, on the south side of Chestnut street from Main street to the Chicago & Alton Railroad, and with the exception hereafter named in section number ten of this ordinance, on the east side of Center street from North street to Olive street and with the exception hereafter named in section number ten of this ordinance, on the south side of Jefferson street, from Madison street to Main street and on the south side of Front street from Madison street to Prairie street and on the south side of Washington street from Mad¬ ison street to East street ; and the poles used by the electric light and power companies shall be set upon the other or op- 181 posite side of the said streets with the exceptions hereinafter named in section ten of this ordinance. In all other parts of the city the poles used by the telegraph, telephone, fire alarm and other companies mentioned in number one of sec¬ tion four above shall be set upon one side of the street and so far as practicable the poles used by the electric light and electric power companies shall be set upon the other or oppo¬ site side of the said streets. S^c. 6. All wires crossing the police and fire alarm wires shall be placed at least three feet above or below the said police and fire alarm wires. Sex. 7. It shall be the duty of the said companies at all times to keep their plants in good repair and to use all rea¬ sonable precautions and devices to protect each other and the public, from danger to life or property. All poles not in use shall be removed from the streets and alleys. Sex. 8. In case a disagreement should arise between any of the said companies as to whose poles should be used for leaders or principal poles ; or as to a reasonable pole license ; or as to which side of the street shall be occupied by the respective companies or as to safety devices, guard wires, etc., to protect each other and the public, or as to any other matter pertaining to the joint use of the poles herein¬ before prescribed, the same shall be submitted to the Com¬ mittees on Police and Light, and Streets and Alleys of the City Council in connection with the Mayor of the city of Bloomington, and the decision of the.said committees and Mayor shall be binding and conclusive. Sex. 9. The city shall at all times have the right to string its fire and police alarm wires upon the poles used by the said telegraph and telephone companies under the super¬ vision of the said companies, free of rental, provided such wires are so strung and maintained as not to interfere with the proper workings of the said telegraph, telephone or other wires thereon. Sex. 10. No poles shall be set on the west side of Main, 182 the north side of Washington, the east side of Center and the south side of Jefferson streets adjacent to the court house square—provided that this section in no wise affects the rights that the Bloomington and Normal Railway Company and the Bloomington City Railway Company have to erect and maintain necessary poles upon the said portions of Main and Washington streets for the operation of their cars by electric motor power. Sec. ii. The city shall at all times have the right to string its electric light wires upon the poles used by the electric light and electric power companies under the super¬ vision of the said companies, free of rental, provided such wires are so strung as not to interfere with the proper work¬ ings of the said electric light or other wires thereon. Sec. 15. The rights granted in this ordinance shall be taken and used subject to all such regulations and ordinances of a police nature as said City Council may at any time see fit and be authorized to adopt. I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the city of Bloomington and keeper of the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said city, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the title, enacting clause and of Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 15 of an ordinance approved November 15, A. D. 1890. That the original of said ordinance is now on file in my office and is recorded in the records of the City Council of the said city of Blooming¬ ton for the fiscal year ended April 30 1891. Witness my hand and the seal of the city of Blooming¬ ton this 9th day of May, 1901. (Seal) C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. 183 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON to BLOOMINGTON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY AND ASSIGNS. AUTHORIZING CHANGE OF LOCATION OF POLES AND WIRES. August 30, 1901. ORDINANCE.—Authorizing the Bloomington Electric Light Company and assigns to remove its poles and wires from Grove, Front, Washington, Jefferson, Monroe, Market, Mulberry, Madison, Cen¬ ter, Main and East streets, in the district bounded by Locust street on the north, Olive street on the south, West street on the west, and East street on the east, and to erect and maintain other poles on a part of Grove street, a part of Main street and a part of East street; and to erect and maintain brackets and poles in the alleys of said district; and to suspend its wires and apparatus therefrom, pursuant to an ordinance passed March 15, 1901. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming- ton: Section 1. That the Bloomington Electric Light Com¬ pany and assigns be and it is hereby given permission to re¬ move its poles and its electric light and power wires from Grove, Front, Washington, Jefferson, Monroe, Market, Mulberry, Madison, Center, Main and East streets, in the district in said city bounded by Locust street on the north, Olive street on the south, West street on the west and East street on the east. Sec. 2. The work of removing the said poles and wires by the said Bloomington Electric Light Company shall be completed by October 1, 1901, and shall be done with great- care so as to avoid injury to persons or property and with¬ out unnecessary interruption of its service to the citizens of said city, and the said Bloomington Electric Light Com¬ pany shall be liable for any and all damages to persons or property which it may cause by said work, and by the ac¬ ceptance of this ordinance it agrees to save and keep said 184 city harmless from any and all claims for damages, if any, which may grow out of said work of removing said poles and wires. Sec. 3. That the said Bloomington Electric Light Com¬ pany and assigns in the reconstruction of its circuits may maintain, and erect and maintain, the following poles : 1. In the exercise of its rights and privileges heretofore granted, it may maintain its present trunk line of eight (8) poles on Olive street, between West and Main streets, three (3) blocks, to support its eight (8) wires and two (2) wires for the Bloomington and Normal Railway. 2. It may erect and maintain four (4) poles on Main street between Olive and Grove streets, one ( 1 ) block, for the support of its eight (8) wires and two (2) wires for the Bloomington and Normal Railway. 3. It may erect and maintain three (3) poles on Grove street between Main and East streets one ( 1 ) block, to carry its six (6) wires, two (2) wires for the Union Gas and Electric Company and two (2) wires for the Bloomington and Normal Railway. 4. It may erect and maintain on Grove street between Main street and the alley between Center and Madison, one and one-half (1 y2) blocks, two (2) poles to carry its four (4) wires. 5. It may erect and maintain nine (9) poles on East street between Grove street and the alley in the block be¬ tween Washington and Jefferson streets, a distance of two and one-half (2y2) blocks, to carry its four (4) wires, two (2) wires for the Union Gas and Electric Company and two (2) wires for the Bloomington and Normal Railway as far as Front street. 6. It may erect and maintain in the alleys between Lo¬ cust street on the north, Olive street on the south, West street on the west and East street on the east, special made brackets attached to the buildings with the consent and per¬ mission of the owners of said buildings first had and ob- 185 tained ; and wherever necessary it may erect suitable poles in 4 said alleys close to the buildings or lot lines abutting thereon, and may suspend on said brackets and poles and maintain thereon the necessary wires, transformers and other neces¬ sary apparatus with which to serve its patrons within said district, provided all service wires from the feed wires maim tained on the said poles and brackets, wherever practicable, shall be run down said poles or on said buildings in properly insulated pipes attached to said buildings or said poles so that said alleys shall remain open and unobstructed by said wires. 7. It may suspend and maintain at an elevation to be approved by the City Electrician, two (2) wires across Mad¬ ison street at each of the following points : From the alley between Front and Grove streets, from the alley between Front and Washington streets, from the alley between Wash¬ ington and Jefferson streets, from the alley between Jeffer¬ son and Monroe streets and across Center street from the alley between. Grove and Front streets, from the alley be¬ tween Front and Washington streets, and from the alley between Jefferson and Monroe streets. If said nine (9) poles to be maintained on East street are placed on the west side thereof, then it may suspend and maintain across East street at an elevation to be approved by the City Electrician, wires across East street at the following points : At the alley between Grove and Front streets, at the alley between Front and Washington streets, at the alley between Wash¬ ington and Jefferson streets. S^c. 4. The said Bloomington Electric Light Company and assigns hereby agrees that on or before September 2, 1902, it will remove the poles and wires described in Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Section 3, and place said wires under¬ ground ; and if said wires are placed in conduits constructed by said Bloomington Electric Light Company, the said com¬ pany shall furnish said city of Bloomington the necessary ducts in said conduits for the wires of said city. 186 Sec. 5. The said poles hereby permitted to be erected and maintained on said streets shall be shaved, painted and stepped and at all times kept in good repair, and the said city of Bloomington shall have the right to use the said poles free of charge for its electric light wires, the suspen¬ sion of its lamps and for its fire alarm wires. Sec. 6. The said poles hereby permitted to be erected in the alleys within the said district shall be of a height to suit the condition and surroundings and shall be shaved, painted and kept in good repair and the city shall at all times have the right free of charge to use said poles for its electric light and fire alarm wires. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall not be in force unless within fifteen days after its passage and approval it is ac¬ cepted in writing by a communication addressed to the Mayor and City Council of the said city, filed by the said Bloomington Electric Light Company or its assigns with the City Clerk of said city. Sec. 8. The rights and privileges granted and the po¬ lice regulations imposed by this ordinance are supplemen¬ tary to and in addition to the existing rights and privileges of the Bloomington Electric Light Company and to the po¬ lice regulations heretofore imposed upon the said Bloom¬ ington Electric Light Company by the City Council of said city. Passed August 30, 1901. Approved this 31st day of August, 1901. L. B. THOMAS, Mayor. Attest : C. C. HasseER, City Clerk To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Bloomington: GenTeEmEn :—We accept the provisions of the ordi¬ nance passed August 30 and approved August 31, 1901, amendatory of and supplementary to the rights and privi¬ leges heretofore granted to this company and its assignor, 187 and supplementary to and amendatory of the police regula¬ tions heretofore imposed upon this company and other companies maintaining poles and wires upon the streets of the city of Bloomington, by the ordinance passed March 15, 1901, and we agree to comply with the provisions of said ordinance passed August 30 and approved August 31, 1901. as rapidly as the dangerous and complicated nature of the work will permit. BLOOMINGTON ELECTRIC LIGHT CO., By A. E. DsMANGEb President. Received and placed on file. (Council Proceedings, April 30, 1902, pp. 290 and 310.) TOWN OF NORMAL to the: NORMAL ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COM¬ PANY AND ASSIGNS. July 21, 1902. ORDINANCE. — Granting to the Normal Electric Light and Power Company and to its successors and assigns the right to erect poles and string wires thereon, and to maintain the same over which or by which to convey electricity for lighting and for power purposes. WHEREAS., It appears from the petition of the owners of more than one-half (y2) of the property fronting on tl^e streets and parts of streets hereinafter mentioned in the town of Normal, that the said owners of a majority of the property fronting on said parts of said streets requested this council to grant to the said Normal Electric Light and Power Company the right to erect poles and string wires on said streets, and to maintain the same, over which, or tp which to convey electricity for lighting and power purposes WHEREAS, It appears to this council from said front¬ age petition that the said Normal Electric Light and Power Company, has in all particulars, complied with the law and 188 is authorized by its charter powers to do lighting and furnish power in the town of Normal, by means of electricity, and that the owners of property fronting upon the said streets of said town, representing more than one-half (J4) of the frontage of said property upon each of said streets have pe¬ titioned this council to grant the said right to the said Nor¬ mal Electric Light and Power Company, therefore, Be it ordained by. the Town Council of the Town of Normal in McLean County, Illinois: Section i. That the Normal Electric Light and Power Company, of Normal, Illinois, its successors and assigns, (hereinafter called Grantee,) is hereby granted a franchise subject only to the conditions herein contained and to any ordinance or ordinances now in force or which may here¬ after be in force in said town touching the use of said street or streets, alley or alleys, in the operation thereon of said Electric Light and Power Company, to erect, maintain, and operate an electric light and power plant within the present and future corporate limits of the town of Normal, State of Illinois, and to use the following named streets, alleys and public grounds of said town for the erection of poles, wires and other appliances, to-wit : Beech street, entire length to Ash. Walnut street, length. Oak street, length. Linden street, entire length. Fell avenue, entire length. Broadway street, entire length. School street, Lincoln to Beaufort. University street, Willow to Division. Main street, Summit avenue to Division. Normal avenue, Summit avenue to Mulberry. Kingsley street, Sudduth road to Hovey avenue. Pine street, Linden to Beech. Sycamore street, Fell avenue to Beech. Poplar street, Fell avenue to Beech. 189 Willow street, Main to Beech. Locust street, University to Beech. Mulberry street, Main to Walnut. Ash street, School to Beech. North street, I. C. R. R. to School. Beaufort street, Main to Linden. Fourth street, Oak to Broadway. Third street, Fell avenue to Oak. First street, Linden to Franklin avenue. Hester avenue, First street to Hovey avenue. Sill street, Linden to Main. Sudduth road, University street to Adelaide. Mason street, Broadway to School. Hovey avenue, Fell avenue to Adelaide. Pear street, Franklin avenue to Main. Peach street, Franklin avenue to Main. Harris street, Franklin avenue to Main. Maple street, Pine to Ash. Cherry street, Fell avenue to C. & A. R. R. Kern street, C. & A. R. R. to Adelaide. Koch avenue, Main to Kern. Adelaide street, Hovey avenue to Division. Hale street, Kingsley to Adelaide. Dale street, Kingsley to Adelaide. Osage street, Kingsley to Adelaide. Franklin avenue, C. & A. R. R. to Division. Lincoln street, School to Linden. Provided that no buildings are to be erected within or upon any of the streets, alleys or public grounds of said town. Sec. 2. The setting of said poles and stringing of said wires shall at all times during the life of this franchise, be under the control of the Town Council of the town of Nor-% mal, through its Committee on Streets and Alleys or some person duly authorized by them, and no poles shall be set, and no wires strung except under the direction of the Street 190 and Alley Committee, of said town of Normal, or some per¬ son duly authorized by them. Said Committee on Streets and Alleys shall have power to order the removal of any poles or wires, now set or strung or that may.be hereafter set or strung when they deem it to be in the interest of said town to have the same done, and if the said grantee shall refuse or neglect to remove the same, the said Street and Alley Committee may have the same done, and the said grantee, by its acceptance of this ordi¬ nance, agrees to pay for the expense of removing the same, provided the said grantee shall not be deprived of its right to set poles or string wires upon any streets or alleys herein mentioned under the direction of the Committee on Streets and Alleys. SEC. 3. The said grantee is authorized and empowered to trim trees so as to prevent the limbs coming in contact with the wires, under the supervision of the Street and Alley Committee, provided the said grantee first obtains permis¬ sion so to do from said Street and Alley Committee and provided further they shall immediately remove and burn all brush caused by trimming the trees as aforesaid, and if said grantee neglects or refuses so to do, then the Street and Alley Committee, is authorized to remove and burn the same, and said grantee by its acceptance of this franchise agrees to pay to said town all expenses of removing and burning the same. The said town shall have the privilege of using the poles erected by said grantee, for the purpose of maintaining an electric fire alarm and patrol system so long as the said fire alarm and patrol system does not inter¬ fere with the efficiency of the electric light and power plant. Sec. 4. The said town shall pass such other ordinances as said town shall deem necessary for the due and complete legal protection of the said grantee in the enjoyment of all rights and privileges conveyed to it by this ordinance and attach to said ordinances penalties of fine or imprisonment or fine or imprisonment for interference with or injury or damage to electrical property of said grantee. 191 Sec. 5. The said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall pay all damages, court costs and expenses, which may be recovered against said town by reason of the construction, maintaining or operating of said electric lighting system in said town and to hold said town harmless and indemnified therefrom ; includng all reasonable attorney's fees and said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall pay all costs and damages which may result to individuals from accident, carelessness, negligence or misconduct of the said grantee, its successors or assigns, or its or their officers, agents or employees in the construction, maintaining or operating of said electric light system in said town. Sec. 6. By the acceptance of this franchise the said grantee, its successors and assigns, agrees to furnish power for lighting purposes free of charge, to said town of Nor¬ mal, for lighting the Normal Town Hall, the Normal pump¬ ing station, and the Normal fire station and such other pub¬ lic buildings as may be hereafter erected by.said town dur¬ ing the life of this franchise. Sec. 7. In case of fire or immediate necessity, the chief of the fire department or the town marshal of said town, when in his or their judgment the life or lives or property of individuals or the town may be endangered, may cut said wires ,or cut down said poles, and the said grantee, agrees to replace the same without claim of damage or compensa¬ tion from said town and grantee not to be responsible for damages to life or property by cutting down poles or wires. Sec. 8. All poles erected in pursuance of this franchise, shall be at least twenty-five feet in height, and shall be shaved and painted and in case the grantee erects or main¬ tains lights for the lighting of the streets of said town, said lights shall be at least sixteen (16) feet from the ground. All wires to be so placed as not to interfere with public travel and no wire to be attached to any tree, fence or build- ing. Sec. 9. It is further provided that for commercial light- 192 in g for incandescent lights, the said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall not charge consumers to exceed ninety go) cents per month for lights of sixteen (16) candle power, or $1.70 per month for lights of thirty-two (32) candle power, or for meter one cent ( 1 ct. ) per hour for lights of sixteen (16) candle power. Sec. 10. This ordinance, and all its provisions shall be binding upon said grantee its successors and assigns and lessees and in case of the failure to fulfill any or either of the conditions, or provisions of this ordinance, the town council may forfeit this, franchise and all rights granted hereunder. Sec. i 1. Said Company shall within ten (10) days from the passage hereof file with the clerk of said town, its writ¬ ten acceptance of this franchise. SEC. 12. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its acceptance, passage, approval and publi¬ cation. Passed and approved this 21st day of July, 1902. O. SEIBERT, President. Attest: E. A. Venciee, Clerk. I, E. A. Vencill, Clerk of said town and keeper of the records thereof, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original ordinance passed and approved by the Town Council of said town at a meeting of said Town Council on the 21st day of July, 1902, and published in the Normal Advocate, a newspaper published in the said town of Normal. Witness my hand and the seal of the said town of Nor¬ mal, this 4th day of April, A. D. 1904. STATE OF ILLINOIS, McLEAN COUNTY. TOWN OF NORMAL. (Seal.) E. A. VENCILL, Clerk. 193 TOWN OF NORMAL TO the: NORMAL ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO. AUTHORIZING SALE. November 14, 1903. ORDINANCE.—Authorizing the Normal Electric Light and Power Company to sell, assign and transfer its street grant or franchise from the town of Normal, authorizing it, the said Normal Electric Light and Power Company, its successors and assigns, to erect poles and string wires thereon, and to maintain the same over which or by which to convey electricity for lighting and for power pur¬ poses, in the town of Normal, passed and approved July 21, 1902, and consenting that the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Elec¬ tric and Heating Company may accept an assignment and transfer of said street grant or franchise with the full approval of the Town Council of the town of Normal, and may exercise all of the rights under said street grant or franchise, as the assignee thereof, as fully as the said Normal Electric Light and Power Company might or could heretofore do, since the enactment of the said grant. WHEREAS, The power plant and machinery of the Normal Electric Light and Power Company were destroyed by the explosion of its boiler on the 3rd day of May, 1903, and WHEREAS, The town of Normal has been without street lights since the date of the said explosion and the citi¬ zens and residents of Normal have been without light and power for private uses except for the light and power fur¬ nished by the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, and WHEREAS, The said Normal Electric Light and Power Company is desirous of disposing of its street grant or franchise from the town of Normal, and of the good will of its corporate business, and of its real estate and tangible property to the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, and WHEREAS, The said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, Electric and Heating Company has submitted to the 194 town of Normal a proposition which this Council has ac¬ cepted, and WHEREAS, The said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, Electric and Heating Company is desirous of furnish¬ ing light and power for the private use of the citizens and residents of the town of Normal, therefore, Be it ordained by the Town Council of the tozvn of Normal: Section i. That the consent of the town of Normal is » hereby given that the said Normal Electric Light and Power Company may assign and transfer to the Bloomington and Normal Railway Electric and Heating Company, its succes¬ sors and assigns, all thé rights and privileges granted to it, the Normal Electric Light and Power Company, to erect poles and string wires, and to maintain the same, over which or by which to convey electricity for light and power pur¬ poses, upon all of the streets of the town of Normal men¬ tioned and specified in the ordinance of the town of Normal granting said rights and privileges, passed and approved July 21, 1902. Sec. 2. That the said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, Electric and Heating Company its successors and as¬ signs, as the assignee of the said Normal Electric Light and Power Company, is hereby expressly granted all of the said rights and privileges, including the right and privilege to furnish light by contract with the Town Council of the town of Normal for the streets thereof, and to furnish light and power to any or all of the citizens or residents of Nor¬ mal, upon the streets specified in the said ordinance passed and approved July 21, 1902; Provided, By the acceptance of the provisions of this ordinance, the said Bloomington and Normal Rail way ? Electric and Heating. Company agrees that for electric current furnished by it to provide light in Normal for business purposes it will not charge a rate in excess of ten cents per kilowatt. Passed and approved this 4th day of November, A. D. 1903. O. SEIBERT, President. (Seal.) E. A. VENCiivLr Clerk. 195 STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) McLEAN COUNTY, I ss. TOWN OF NORMAL. ) I, E. A. Vencill, clerk of said town, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original ordinance passed and approved by the Town Council of said town, at a called meeting thereof held on the 4th day of November, A. D. 1903, and published in the Normal Advocate, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in said town on s November 6, 1903. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said town of Nor¬ mal, this 9th day of November, A. D. 1903. E. A. VENCILL, Clerk, (Seal.) Corporate Town of Normal. sale by the normal electric light and POWER COMPANY TO TH£ BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC AND HEATING COMPANY AND ASSIGNS. November 9, 1903. DEED. The Normal Electric Light and Power Company, by its President and Secretary, pursuant to and under the au¬ thority of a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Normal Electric Light and Power Company, on the 9th day of November, 1903, hereby sells, assigns, trans¬ fers and delivers and by this instrument has sold, assigned, transferred and delivered to the Bloomington and Normal Railway Electric and Heating Company, and to its succes¬ sors and assigns, for and in consideration of the stim of sixty-two hundred ninety-five dollars and forty-three cents ($6295.43), this day paid by the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company to the said 196 Normal Electric Light and Power Company, all the follow¬ ing described property and chattels, to-wit : First : The ordinance grant or street franchise from the town of Normal, McLean county, Illinois, passed and ap¬ proved July 21, 1902, under which it, the said Normal Elec¬ tric Light and Power Company has erected poles and wires upon the streets of the said town of Normal and under which said ordinance grant it has heretofore furnished light for the streets of the said town and for the use of its citizens and inhabitants. Second : All the poles, wires, insulators, brackets, pins, cross arms, ropes, hoods, arc lamps, transformers, switches, fuse boxes, sockets, cords, braces, circuit breakers, mast 'arms, meters and all other property, chattels and appurte¬ nances, both those now erected and suspended upon the streets of Normal and adjacent thereto, the location of which is shown in a general way on the map marked "Exhibit A" and attached hereto, and those in store or stock and hereto¬ fore used or unused. Also all incandescent lamps, inside wiring and all other tangible property and chattels of any and every description whatsoever, now-belonging to the said Normal Electric Light and Power Company. A part of which said chattels and property are listed in the report of C. F. Snyder to A. E. DeMange, President of the said Blooinington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, under date of June 26, 1903, hereto attached, marked "Exhibit B," and for reference and convenience, made a part of this conveyance. Third : All boilers, engines, dynamos, generators, heater, line shaft, instruments, apparatus and all other ma¬ chinery of whatsoever kind or description, whether damaged by fire or undamaged belonging to the said Normal Electric Light and Power Company at the time of the execution of this instrument. Fourth: All of the real estate of whatsoever kind or description owned by the said Normal Electric Light and 197 Power Company at the date of the destruction of its plant by an explosion, and all of the real estate owned by the said Company on the date of the execution of this Instrument, separate conveyances of the said real estate by warrantee deed to be made to it, the Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, Electric and Heating Company, or to a trustee for its benefit, by the Normal Electric Light and Power Company, as it, the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating- Company may direct. In witness whereof, the Normal Electric Light and Power Company pursuant to the said resolution adopted by its said Board of Directors, has caused its corporate name to be signed and its corporate seal to be attached hereto, and has caused the same to be attested by its secretary on this 9th day of November 1903. THE NORMAL ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO. (Seal.) • By David FelmleX President. Attest : W. H. OdELL, Secretary. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON to A. E. DeMANGE AND ASSIGNS. GRANTING THE RIGHT TO LAY A SYSTEM OF HEATING PIPES IN THE STREETS, ALLEYS, ETC. April 21, 1900 ORDINANCE.—Granting to A. E. DeMange and to his assigns, the right to lay and maintain a system of pipes, boxing and necessary fittings and connections under the alleys, streets and public places in the city of Bloomington, through which to conduct hot water for the heating, of residences, public buildings and business houses in the city of Bloomington. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming¬ ton: Section i. That A. E. DeMange, or his assigns, be and they are hereby authorized and permitted to excavate necessary trenches and to lay therein and maintain' for thirty 198 years from and after November i, 1901, the necessary pipes and all necessary boxing, fittings, and connections, with all necessary and requisite boxing and insulation and other ap¬ purtenances under the alleys, streets and public places in the city of Bloomington, Illinois. Said pipes to be used for the purpose of conducting and distributing hot water for the distribution of heat to public buildings, business houses, residences, and all other struc¬ tures, where heat may be required. Stc. 2. That the permit and right granted in and by section 1 of this ordinance is granted upon the express con¬ dition that the said A. E. DeMange, or his assigns, shall protect the city of Bloomington from any and all damages, if any, which may be suffered by any person or persons ; or which may be caused to the property or rights of any per¬ son or persons, if any, on account of such excavations and the laying of such pipes and boxing in the streets, alleys and public places of said city. ; Said pipes, boxing, and all necessary appurtenances where practicable, shall be laid in the alleys only ; and where alleys are not available, they shall be laid in the space be¬ tween the outer edge of the sidewalk and the curb line of the street, and where it is not practicable to lay them in the alleys or in the street between the sidewalk and curb linè, they may be laid in the streets on lines to be designated by the City Council of the city of Bloomington, and in such cases where the streets are paved, excavations shall be made and said pipes, boxing, or any part thereof, and all fittings, connections and appurtenances shall be laid and the excava¬ tions filled and pavements replaced in accordance with the re¬ quirements of the ordinances of said city applicable thereto and in accordance with the provisions of any contract or bond then in force between said city and the contractor by whom the street was paved. And in all cases in whatever part of the alleys, streets or public places such excavations shall be made, the surface 199 thereof shall be restored to the same condition as before said excavation by said DeMange or his assigns. And the said A. E. DeMange, or his assigns, shall make said necessary excavations and lay said pipes and boxing and appurtenances without damage to such gas, water, sewer, or other pipes as may at the time said excavations are made, be in the alleys, streets and public places in the city of Bloom¬ ington and shall protect said city from any'claim for dam¬ ages that may arise therefrom. And the said A. E. DeMange, or assigns, shall so lay said pipes, boxing, fittings and connections as not to inter¬ fere with any main or branch of the sewerage system of said city, now or hereafter to be laid, and subject to the right of said city to change the grade of the surface of said alleys, streets and public places whenever the City Council of said city shall so ordain. And the said DeMange and his assigns by the accept¬ ance of the provisions of this ordinance agree that during all the time that they or either of them shall maintain and operate said system of pipes, and boxing, or any part thereof, they will protect the city of Bloomington from all damages which may happen to persons or property on account of the maintenance of such pipes, and boxing, or any part thereof or on account of the distribution of hot water through said pipes. Sec. 3. Should it become necessary for the proper dis¬ tribution of heat to excavate and lay pipes and boxing in any of the streets or alleys or other public place, now covered with brick or other paving, the said DeMange and his as¬ signs do hereby agree that all the provisions and conditions of the ordinances of the city of Bloomington applicable to such excavations shall first be complied with before such ex-. cavations are made and that such excavations and the relay¬ ing of the pavement in the places where such excavations shall be made, shall be done in accordance with all the pro¬ visions of the ordinances of the city of Bloomington appli¬ cable thereto. 200 Sec. 4. That the said A. E. DeMange or his assigns shall have a plant for the distribution of said hot water fully - installed and equipped and ready to furnish hot water for heating, and shall have at least one mile of pipes laid for the distribution of heat by hot water on or before November i, 1901 ; and in default thereof this ordinance shall be void. And thereafter if so installed said heating plant shall fur¬ nish heat to all consumers desiring the same contiguous to its mains and laterals during all the hours, day and night, during the seasons of the respective years when heat is re¬ quired. And if required said DeMange or his assigns shall from and after November 1, 1902, furnish hot water for the heating of the City Hall building when the same shall have t * been properly equipped therefor, free of charge to the city of Bloomington. Sec. 5. That said A. E. DeMange or his assigns shall file with the City Clerk of the city of Bloomington an instru¬ ment in writing, within twenty days from the passage of this ordinance accepting all the terms, conditions and provi¬ sions of this ordinance, whereupon it shall at once take effect, and in default thereof the same shall be void ; and said ac¬ ceptance shall be presented by the City Clerk to the City Council and become a part of the record of its proceeding. Approved this 21st day of April, 1900. LEWIS B. THOMAS, Mayor. Attest : C. C. HasslEr, City Clerk. On page 652 of the City Council Proceedings of the city of Bloomington, being a record of the proceedings of a regu¬ lar meeting of the City Council of said city held May 4, 1900, appears the following : To the Honorable, the Mayor, and the City Council of the City of Bloomington: Gentlemen For myself and my assigns, I accept all the terms, conditions and provisions of the ordinance grant; ing to me and my assigns the right to lay and maintain a 201 system of pipes, boxings, necessary fittings and connections under the alleys, streets and public places in the city of Bloomington, through which to conduct hot water for the heating of residences, public buildings and business* houses in the city of Bloomington, passed April 20, 1900, and ap¬ proved April 21, 1900, and published in the City Council Proceedings of April 27, 1900, page 643. Bloomington, 111., May 4, 1900. ' A. E. DDMANGE. Received and accepted and ordered recorded. STATE OF ILLINOIS, CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. I, C. C. Hassler, City Clerk of the city of Bloomington and keeper of the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said city and of the official papers pertaining to the business of said city, do hereby certify that the forego¬ ing, pages one to four inclusive, is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of the city of Bloom¬ ington April 20,1900, and approved April 21,1900, and pub¬ lished in the City Council Proceedings of said city of April 27, 1900, page 643. And that page five is a true and correct copy of the acceptance of said ordinance filed with me and presented by me to the City Council of the city of Bloom¬ ington at a regular meeting held May 4, 1900, and that said acceptance was ordered by said City Council received and ac¬ cepted and ordered recorded as appears from the printed proceedings of said meeting of said City Council on page 652 thereof. Given under my hand and the seal of said city this. day of October, 1900. (Seal.) C. C. HASSLER, City Clerk. 202 A. E. DEMANGE TO THE CITY DISTRICT HEATING COMPANY. September 15, 1900. ASSIGNMENT. ORDINANCE.—Granting right to lay heating( pipes, etc. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, A. E. DeMange, of the city of Bloomington, county of McLean and state of Illinois, for and in consideration of the sum of Nineteen Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($19,800) to me in hand paid, have assigned and do hereby assign to the City District Pleating Company, all my right, title and interest in and to the rights, franchise and privileges to me granted by the city of Bloomington in an ordinance passed by the City Council of the said city at a regular meeting of that body held April 20, 1900, and approved by the Mayor of said city April 21, 1900, and published in the City Council Pro¬ ceedings of said city April 27, 1900, on page 643 ; which said ordinance granted to me and to my assigns the right, au¬ thority and privilege to lay and maintain in the streets and alleys of the city of Bloomington for a period of thirty years from November 1, 1901, a system of pipes, boxing, and necessary fittings and connections under the alleys, streets and public places in the said city of Bloomington ; and which said ordinance was accepted by me in a written communica¬ tion addressed to the Mayor and City Council of the city of Bloomington, May 4, 1901, and which said acceptance was received, accepted and ordered recorded. Also all my right, title and interest in a certain contract with*the Bloomington Electric Light Co., bearing date Aug¬ ust 10, 1901, leasing to me and to my assigns for a period of thirty years from November 1, 1900, the necessary space in its power house, boiler room, and upon other parts of its 203 power house premises for all necessary piping, condensers and apparatus for the installing of a district hot water or steam heating plant for the city of Bloomington, together with its, the said Bloomington Electric Light Company's entire output of exhaust steam to be used for district steam heating or for the heating of hot water for distritc hot water heating in the city of Bloomington. Granting unto my said assignee, The City District Heating Co., all my rights, priv¬ ileges, and all my interest under the said ordinance and the said contract. Given under my hand and seal this 15th day of Septem¬ ber, 1900. (Seal.) A. E. DeMANGE. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON TO BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC AND HEATING COMPANY. AMENDING SEC. 4 OF AN ORDINANCE OF APRIL 21, 1900. October 25, 1902. 1 ORDINANCE.—Amending Section 4 of an ordinance granting to A. E. DeMange and to his assigns the right to lay and maintain a system of pipes, boxing and necessary fittings and connections under the alleys, streets and public places in the city of Bloomington through which to conduct hot water for the heating of residences, public buildings and business houses in the city of Bloomington, approved April 21, 1900. WHEREAS, By Section 4 of an ordinance of the city of Bloomington, A. E. DeMange, or his assigns, as a condi¬ tion of the ordinance grant by the city of Bloomington, ap¬ proved April 21, 1900, was obligated if required, from and after November 1, 1902, to furnish hot water for the heating of the City Hall building, when the same should be properly equipped therefor, free of charge, to the city of Blooming¬ ton ; and 204 WHEREAS, The said ordinance, approved April 21, 1900, was by the said A. E. DeMange duly accepted for himself and his assigns, by an instrument in writing pre¬ sented to this Council on the 4th day of May, 1900; and WHEREAS, The said A. E. DeMange, on the 15th day of September 1900, assigned the said ordinance and all its franchises, rights and privileges therein to him granted, to The City District Heating Company, a corporation organ¬ ized under the laws of the State of Illinois ; and WHEREAS, The Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company is the lawful successor of the said City District Heating Company, and the assignee and grantee of all its rights, privileges and franchises ; and WHEREAS, It has become expedient for the said city of Bloomington to require the said Bloomington and Nor¬ mal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, as the succes¬ sor of fhe said A. E. DeMange and of the said City District Heating Company, to heat the building known as the Cen¬ tral Fire Station, erected during the year 1902, at Nos. 220, 222 and 224 East Front street, in the city of Bloomington, and to release the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, as the successor to and as¬ signee of the grant, rights, privileges and franchises herein¬ before mentioned, from the obligation to heat the City Hall building of the said city of Bloomington, as required by said Section 4, of said ordinance approved April 21, 1900; there¬ fore, Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Blooming¬ ton, as follozvs: That Section 4 of an ordinance granting to A. E. De- Mange and to his assigns the right to lay and maintain a system of pipes, boxing and necessary fittings and connec¬ tions under the alleys, streets and public places in the city of Bloomington, through which to conduct hot water for the heating of residences/public buildings and business houses, 205 in the city of Bloomington approved April 21, 1900, be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows : SEC. 4. That the said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, Electric and Heating Company, successor to and as¬ signee of the grant, rights, privileges and franchises men¬ tioned and described in this ordinance, and its successors and assigns, shall have a plant for the distribution of said hot water, fully installed and equipped, ready to furnish hot water for heating, and shall have at least one ( 1 ) mile of pipes laid for the distribution of heat by hot water on or be¬ fore November 1, 1901, and in default thereof, this ordi¬ nance shall be void, and thereafter said heating plant shall furnish heat to all consumers desiring the same contiguous to its mains and laterals, during all the hours, day and night, during the seasons of the respective years when heat is re¬ quired, and if required said Bloomington and Normal Rail¬ way, Electric and Heating Company, or its successors and assigns, shall furnish hot water circulation free of charge, so long as it, its successors and assigns shall operate its plant and distribute heat in the city of Bloomington, for the heat¬ ing of the central fire station, located at Nos. 220, 222 and 224 East Front street, in the city of Bloomington, Illinois, from and after the six (6) inch mains and air line pipe here¬ inafter mentioned shall have been extended for that purpose and from and after the said city of Bloomington has equip¬ ped the said building known as the central fire station with the necessary piping and necessary radiation as hereinafter in this section specified. The said hot water circulation to be ample for the thorough heating of said house during all heating seasons and in the coldest weather except when said company may be prevented from furnishing the same by a strike or strikes, fire, lightning, storm or accident. The said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, by its acceptance of the provisions of this amendment, agrees to extend its six inch mains and air line pipe from their present terminus in the alley between 206 Washington, Main, Front and East streets, eastwardly through the alley extending due east therefrom, to the east¬ ern terminus of said alley, and then through private ground to a point twenty feet east of the west line of Prairie street, the said extension to be completed on or before the ist day of December, 1902, provided said extension shall be made upon the following express conditions. 1. The city of Bloomington shall pay the entire cost of the extension of said six inch mains and air line pipe, with % necessary valves, expansion joints and other fittings, from their present terminus in said alley to any point in the rear of said fire station which may be designated by the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company ; the contract for the extension of said mains, with the said necessary appurtenances, to be let by the said com¬ pany to the lowest responsible bidder, and the said city to pay the contract price agreed upon by such bidder and the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company and within the time agreed upon in said contract ; Provided, the said city of Bloomington shall, after said bids have been received and opened, have the privilege, if it so desires, of doing the work and furnishing the material neces¬ sary in constructing said extension as above provided. 2. The said city of Bloomington to procure for the said Bloomintgon and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, a right of way for its said six-inch mains and air line pipe to the said point to be designated by the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, in the rear of said fire station as aforesaid, thence due east to a point twenty feet east of the west line of Prairie street, with the right of access thereto for repairs, connec¬ tions and other necessary purposes, or in default thereof, to grant to the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Elec¬ tric and Heating Company, the right to extend its six-inch mains and air line pipe from the said point in the rear of the said fire station, across said city's property, due south, to a 207 point nineteen feet south of the north line of Front street, with the same right of access for the said mentioned pur¬ poses. The said city of Bloomington shall, at its own expense, equip its said fire station with the quantity or number of square feet of water radiation, valves and necessary fittings, to be specified by the said company, and distribute the same in the various parts of the said fire station, in accordance with specifications to be furnished to it, the said city, by the said company, and shall connect the same with the necessary supply and return piping, in accordance with specifications to be furnished by the said company and shall pay the cost of the necessary connections between the said mains and air line pipe and the said piping and radiation in the said Cen¬ tral Station House, and shall install in' said engine house a Powers thermostat regulator, property connected, in accord¬ ance with specifications to be furnished by the said company. 4. The said city of Bloomington shall have no property right or interest whatsoever in the said six-inch mains and air line pipe so extended for the purpose in this section set out, except the right to have its said Central Fire Station House heated by hot water circulation to be taken from and returned to the said mains, but the same shall be the exclu¬ sive private property of the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, subject, however, to all of the provisions and conditions of the said ordinance grant approved April 21, 1900. The. acceptance of the provisions of this amended Sec¬ tion 4 of the said ordinance, approved April 21, 1900, shall constitute a contract between the said city of Bloomington and the said Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, for the object and purpose set forth in this section. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Passed this 24th day of October, 1902. Approved this 25th day of October, 1902. LEWIS B. THOMAS, Mayor. Attest : C. C. Hassler, City Clerk. 208 On motion of Alderman Finnan, the rules were sus¬ pended and the ordinance placed upon its passage and passed by the following aye and nay vote : Ayes—ii. Nays—None. (Alderman Kerrick being absent from the room.) To the Honorable, the Mayor, and the City Council of the City of Bloomington: We accept the provisions of the ordinance passed Octo¬ ber 24, 1902, and approved October 25, 1902, amending Section 4 of the ordinance approved April 21, 1900, grant- \ ing the right to lay and maintain a system of pipes, fittings, etc., under the alleys, streets and public places through which to conduct hot water for the heating of residences, public buildings and business houses in the city of Bloomington. We are having plans and specifications prepared for the extension of the six-inch mains therein mentioned and will proceed with the matter as rapidly as circumstances will permit. Respectfully submitted, BLOOMINGTON AND NORMAL RAILWAY, ELEC¬ TRIC AND HEATING CO., By A. E. D^Mange^ President. Received and placed on file. October 31, 1902. STATE OF ILLINOIS, CITY OF BLOOMINGTON. I, Herbert L.. Denison, City Clerk of the city of Bloom¬ ington, do hereby certify, that the above and foregoing, on pages one (1) to five (5) inclusive, are true and correct copies of the ordinance of the city of Bloomington? the vote by which said ordinance was passed and the acceptance of * the provisions of said ordinance by the Bloomington and Normal Railway, Electric and Heating Company, the orig¬ inals of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk of 209 the city of Bloomington, and that the said ordinance was duly passed by the City Council of the city of Bloomington on the 24th day of October, 1902, and approved by the 'Mayor on the 25th day of October, 1902. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal and affixed the seal of the said city of Bloomington on this first day of April, 1904. (Seal.) H. L. DENISON, City Clerk. (Seal.) By C. C. Hassuer, Ass't. I N D EX BlyOOMlNGTON. Acceptances. Page, of ordinance consenting to railway on Front and other streets . n of East Walnut, North Clinton, West Market and Wood streets ordinance 26 of Center street and Seminary avenue ordinance.... 32 of Allin street ordinance 36 of ordinance consenting to railway on Catherine, Walnut, Mason, Gridley, Clay and Clinton streets. .115 of ordinance for the extention of the rights and privi¬ leges of the B. E. L. Co 178 of ordinance to B. E. L. Co., authorizing change of location of poles and wires. . . 186 of ordinance granting the right to lay a system of heating pipes, etc 200 of ordinance to B. & N. Ry., E. & H. Co., to heat the Central Fire Station 208 Assignments. of franchise grant, Ft. Wayne "Jenney" Electric Eight Co. to B. E. L. Co 171 of ordinance consenting to a railway On Front and other streets by M. T. Scott, J. C. Stevenson and J. B. Stevenson to B. & N. H. Ry. Co 11 of ordinance grant of the right to lay heating pipes, etc., by A. E DeMange to the City District Heat¬ ing Co 202 Board of Supervisors. proceedings relative to street railway on South Main. 121 proceedings relative to street railway on South Main, East Washington and Vale streets 124 proceedings relative to street railway on Vale and Clay streets 135 II PAGE Charter, (special) B. & N. H. Ry. Co i Contract, C. & A. Ry. Co. with B. & N. Ry.., E. & H. Co., for construction of subway 158 Council Proceedings. relative to location of street railway on Catherine, Walnut, Mason, Gridley, Clay and Clinton streets. 101 relative to T rails on West Washington street. . . . 59, 75 relative to T rails on South Main, Robinson, Front, East Washington, Center, Chestnut and Seminary avenue 55 Consolidation, B. C. Ry. and B. & N. H. Ry. ........ 55 Decree, case of D. M. Funk, trustee, vs. B. C. Ry. et al. 60 Deeds. master in chancery of McLean county to A. E. De- Mange and John Graham 67 A. E. DeMânge and wife and John Graham to B. & N. Ry V 72 Grants. Board of Supervisors to B. & N. Ry., right to lay and maintain tracks on first 1300 feet south of city limits on South Main street 122 Board of Supervisors to B. & N. Ry., right to lay and maintain tracks from terminus 1300 feet south of city limits on South Main street to a point 730 south on said street ; also from the terminus of the railway on East Washington east to Vale street, thence south to the Racing Park 129 Board of Supervisors to B. & N. Ry., E: & H. Co., of the right to locate and maintain a railway on Clay street, from eastern corporate line of Bloomington to Vale street and on Vale street 138 Stephen Houghton to B. & N. Ry 143 Alice L. Flazle and husband to B. & N. Ry., E. & H. Co . . 145 Andrew Lindblad and wife to B. & N. Ry.. 147 Andrew Lindblad to B. & N. Ry., E; & H. Co 164 Ill PAGE John P. Walker and wife and S. R. White to B. & N. Ry 149 C. & A. Ry. to B. & N. Ry 157 Lewis Sailor to B. & N. Ry., E. & H. Co 162 .Board of Education of the State of Illinois to B. & N. Ry., E. & H. Co 167 Master's report of sale in case of D. M. Funk, trustee, vs. B. C. Ry. et al 66 Notice by City of Bloomington relative to Front street pavement 12 Ordinances. general, relative to "Horse Railroads" » 20 general, consenting to railway on Main and other streets 4 on Chestnut street 7 on Front and other streets 8 on Washington, Robinson and Front streets , 12 on West Washington street 16 on South Main to Miller street. 20 on Wood, East Walnut, North Clinton and West « Market streets 23 on South Main to the city limits 27 on Center street and Seminary avenue 29 on Allin street 33 on Allin, between Moulton and Wood streets. . . . ^. . 40 amending an ordinance for a railway on Allin street, between Moulton. and Wood streets . 44 on Catherine, Walnut, Mason, Gridley, Clay and Clinton streets 104 amending an ordinance consenting to a street railway on Catherine, Walnut, Mason, Gridley, Clay and Clinton streets 118 to B. C. Ry. and B. & N. H. Ry. Co., permitting the use of electricity 36 amending the ordinance permitting the use of electric¬ ity for the operation of cars 38 IV Ordinances—Continued. page for the regulation of electric light and other compa¬ nies (May 4, 1889) 173 for the regulation of electric light and other compam ies, repealing ordinance of May 4, 1889.. . 179 to Ft. Wayne "Jenney" Electric Light Co 169 for the extension of rights and privileges of the B. E. L. Co 177 to B E. L. Co., authorizing change of location of poles and wires. 183 to A. E. DeMange and assigns, granting the right to lay a system of heating pipes, etc 197 to B. & N. Ry., E. & H. Co., relative to heating Cen¬ tral Fire Station 203 Petitions. of property owners for a railway on East Washing¬ ton and Vale streets 128 # on South Main street . . . . . 129 Surrender of possession, B. C. Ry. to A. E. DeMange and John Graham 71 NORMAL. Deed, Normal Elec. Lt. & Pwr. Co. to B. & N. Ry., E. & H Co. . 195 Communication to town council by B. & N. Ry., E. & H. Co., relative to subway 95 Ordinances. general, consenting to the laying down, maintaining and operation of a railway 48 across Beaufort street to the passenger depot 51 on First street and Fell avenue 79 on Linden, Lincoln, School, Willow, Normal ave. and Mulberrv streets 86 •/ across Beaufort street and to the center line of First street . . ; . 96 V Ordinances—Continued. page granting permission to use electricity for the opera¬ tion of cars 52 granting permission to the B. & N. Ry., to erect poles, etc., to convey electricity for lighting purposes. ... 99 to Normal Elec. Lt. & Pwr. Co. to erect poles and string wires for lighting and power purposes 187 to Normal Elec. Lt. & Pwr. Co., authorizing sale. . . . 193 AN ORDINANCE. Granting to the Bloomington City Railway and its assigns, per¬ mission to lay and operate a street railv/ay track and to set poles and suspend wires therefrom from the present terminus of its track and circuit on North street, west of the Illinois Central Railroad, thence east across said railroad to Beaufort street. Thence east on Beaufort street in the center thereof to Linden street. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Normal. Section 1. That permission is hereby granted to the Bloomington City Railway to lay and operate a street railway track with neces¬ sary turnouts and switches from and connected with the present terminus of its track on North street, west of the the Illinois Central Railroad in the Town of Normal thence east on North street to Beaufort , thence east on Beaufort street in the cen- » ter thereof to the intersection of Linden street. Section 2. The gauge of said railway shall be four feet, eight and one-half inches. The rails shall be steel or iron tram rails on Beaufort street and T rails on North street - of not less than twenty-five pounds weight to the yard - and shall be laid on cross ties or stringers. Section 3. Said railway shall be laid so as to conform to the exist- ir^ level of said streets and in case the level or grade of said streets or any of them are at any time hereafter changed, by the proper municipal authority, said railway shall be made to conform to such new grade or level at said railway's expense Section 4. Said railway shall be so laid upon said streets as not in any manner to interfere with the drainage thereof or in any manner to unnecessarily obstruct public travel. Section 5. In case said street or any of them are hereafter paved 1. by the proper municipal authority, then said Bloomington City Railway or its assigns shall pave for 3 feet 6 inches from the center of rails of said track or tracks on said street or streets so paved, with the same material. The same manner and at the same time. That said street shall be paved and it shall at all times keep said street, for 3 feet 6 inches from the center of the track on each side in good repair. Said railway mty be oper¬ ated either by electric or animal power. 8ection 6. Said railway is herety granted permission to erect the necessary poles not less than^ 100 feet apart and to string thereon its feed and cross wires to enable it to use electric motor power for the propelling of its cars. Section 7. Said railway track to be laid and ready for the running of cars by December 1st, 1892. Section 8. This ordinance shall be in force from and after the filing by the Bloomington City Railway In the office of the clerk of the said town of Normal its unconditional acceptance in writing of the terms thereof within ten d^ys after its passage, approval and publication. Section 9. Provided - the Bloomington City Railway put in a switch or turnout, the said railway shall keep the space between the two tracks in good repair and that the Bloomington City Railway shall plank between the rails and track of said turnouts. Passed September 23rd, 1892, and approved September 24th, 1892. George Champion, Attest: A. J. Merriman, Clerk. President. 2. ST AT 3 Of ILLINOIS : McLfAN COONTY : SS. TOWN Of NORMAL : I, S. A. Vencill, Clerk of said town, do hereby oertify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original ordinance, extension Bloomington City Railway, passed by the Tovn Council of said town, at an adjourned regular meeting thereof held on the 23rd day of September, A.D. 1892. WITN3SS, ty hand and the seal of the said Town of Normal, this 6th day of feby. A.D. 1902. 3. A. Vencill, Clerk, (SiSAL) Corp. Town of Normal. 3. Office of the Bloomington & Normal H.Railway Go. March 27, 1867. Resolved "by the Board of Directors of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Co. that this Comparer hereby accepts of the provisions of the Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Bloomington, 111. An Ordinance authorizing the locating and con¬ struction of said Railway, Approved March 26" 1867. N. Dixon J. A. Willson L. Ferre W. C. Watkins, Directors. (Internal Revenue ) (Stamp) Bloomington & Normal H. Railway Co. Bloomington, May 18, 1867. At a Special Meeting of the Directors of said Railway Com¬ pany on motion the following Resolution was adopted. Resolved that we accept An Ordinance passed "by the City Council of the City of Bloomington Approved May 15, 1867, granting privilege to said Company to run a Dummy or Tank engine in said City North of the township line dividing towns twenty-three (23) and twenty four (34) North of range two east of the 3rd P.M. I certify the above to be a true copy from the minutes of said meeting. (Corporate seal) J. A. Willson, Sec'y. AN QRDINANC3 For the Amendment of Section 4 of the ordinance, Approved Jiine 4th,1887, for the extension of the Bloomlngton and Normal Horse Railway Companies Line on South Main Street. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of B1oomington: Section 1. That Section 4 of the Ordinance approved June 4th,1887, providing for the extension of the Bloomington and Normal Horse Railway Companies Line on South Main Street be and the same is here¬ by amended by striking out the words, "except on Normal cars" in the seventh line of said section. Approved this 20th d$y of June A.D. 1887. Lewis B. Thomas, Mayor. Attest î R. N. 3vans, City Clerk. Passed June 10,1887. Approved June 20, 1887. Published Tuesday June 21,1887. Council. 3 5556 038 802153 This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the Northwestern University Library. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper) Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Acme Bookbinding Charlestown, Massachusetts 2012