FINANCE OF THE RAILWAYS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. Cnntpileb front (Pomrnmrnt Itetisfo BY JOHN (^RINSTED. j£*cont) 3E&tt(on. W °^s REPRINTED FROM " THE TIMES." LONDON: EFFINGHAM WILSON, 11, ROYAL EXCHANGE. E 3 0 11869. (Price One Shilling.) I In consequence of numerous applications being made for tbe Statistical Tables on Railways which were published in " The Times" of the 25th and 30th of August last., the Compiler is induced to reprint them, with the remarks thereon, in compliance with such demand. 6th September, 1859. THE Jfhraittt of % futtftos in tlje United Jirngknt. REPRINTED PROM "THE TIMES." At the Rochdale Meeting last week, Mr. Bright, in drawing one of his elaborate contrasts between the follies of a Government and the wisdom of the people, selected our Railway system and its develop¬ ments as a signal illustration of his favourite doctrine. The example was rather an awkward one. Certainly, our Railways are the work of the people, commenced in true popular spirit and accom¬ plished in true popular fashion ; but what is the evidence furnished by the results ? Let the elaborate figures which we yesterday pub¬ lished give an answer to the question. There stands the whole story in black and white, and, if it offers one moral more obvious than another, it is that British nature is pretty much the same in all classes of the social body. Railway Companies have done exactly what Governments and Cabinets have done : they have achieved their respective enterprises and secured a practical success, but they have indulged themselves so freely in competition, quarrels, and extravagance of all sorts, that they are now overwhelmed with debt and crippled with their standing obligations. It would be difficult indeed to find a parallel more complete than that which might be produced between a Budget of Mr. Gladstone and the report of a great Railway Company. In each case there would be the leading feature of a permanent debt overpowering all the small economies of the financier, and in each case this incubus might be referred to the follies or passions of times gone by. If nothing beyond the fair expense of a Railway were to be in¬ curred in its construction, there are no two spots in this kingdom between which a line might not be made to pay. This, we take it, is now an established fact. Buy the land at a reasonable price, make a good contract for the execution of the works, set a locomotive running on the rails, and the most stagnant borough or sequestered district will infallibly yield its returns. Traffic is called into being nobody knows whence. It has been " dormant" or " latent/' as the phrase used to run, but at the first shriek of the engine it is 4 invariably brought to life. Even in India the result is the same, and timid Bengalees, who never before went a mile from their abodes, are found to save up their pice for the pure pleasure of being carried out and home again in a Railway train. In this sense there is no "extension" or branch which would not be remunerative. Any Railway whatever not having cost more than the just price of the work will pay fair interest on the outlay. The whole mischief has occurred because the outlay is never thus limited because capital, for which interest has still to be found, has been squandered on things bringing no return, and because the concern has then become oppressed with a load of deadweight and debt. The tables in our impression of yesterday show the whole case at a glance. The "capital " of a Railway Company is not a simple sum constituted by the cost of the line. It is a composite affair, partaking of three separate elements, and requiring three separate columns for its exposition. First comes the sum raised by " ordinary" Shares, that is to say, the original capital of the concern,—the amount for which it was reasonably calculated that the line could be made. But the line was not made, or not worked, for this sum, and more money became needful. These additional funds could only be raised at an additional rate, and accordingly " Preference" or " Guaranteed" Shares were added to the original capital, the dividends upon which have a priority and advantage over the others. Still, however, the cry is for more money, and finally it is borrowed by way of "loans," carrying interest at such a rate as it is found necessary to offer. The result of all this it is very easy to understand. When interest has been paid upon loans or debentures, when preference Shareholders have been satisfied, and the small remnant of profits is at length produced for division among the original contributors, the returns dwindle down to a figure so low, that Consols would often have been a better investmemt. It is not to be supposed that every addition to the original capital represents purely so much money sunk and wasted. In many cases, indeed in almost all, it became absolutely necessary to increase the capital stock of the Company for the purpose of developing the resources of the line. Additional Shares produced so many additional miles of Railway, so that the capital and the mileage increased toge¬ ther, and the balance between outgoings and incomings would, as far as this practice was concerned, have been kept straight. But the tact is, that these "developments" were almost always matters of contest and scramble. It was only after furious competition or ruinous lawsuits that a new line was leased, or an extension secured, or a branch established. Every Company considered that a particular district was its own legitimate property, and that its duty was 5 not only to perserve this patrimony at all costs, but to extend it, if possible, at the expense of a neighbour. Nothing can exceed the desperation with which these battles were fought. No wars of Kings or Cabinets can surpass them for folly or extravagance. It was pre¬ cisely the history of State quarrels enacted over again, with the same shortsighted greed, the same destructive ambition, and the same affectation of justice, patriotism, or duty. Railway Companies conquered some district or branch exactly as Sovereigns used to con¬ quer a province, an island, or a colony—that is to say, at a cost which the object would not repay in centuries to come. Except for this inveterate mania, there would be nothing in the mere "increase of capital account'"' to call for the denunciation of Shareholders. A tradesman does not think that he is doing any the worse because year after year he puts AT,000 more into his business. On the contrary, if the business is a good one, he knows that the returns will bear a proportion to the capital invested, and he sees no harm in even borrowing money to expand so sure a source of profit. He wishes his " capital account" could be doubled or trebled, well knowing that three sovereigns will return three times as much as one. Why, then, are Shareholders so universally seen to complain of these additions ? Simply because they do not represent merely so much more money invested legitimately in the concern. They represent also " legal expenses," " Parliamentary expenses/"' and expenses of fifty kinds which are utterly unremunerative, till at length only a fraction of the sum added remains to produce its fair commercial return. Year after year the poor " original Share¬ holders " are compelled to witness the introduction of new contri¬ butors, claiming not only an equality but a priority of rights at the distribution of the dividend, this dividend all the while presenting no increase proportioned to the increase of the divisors. No wonder they complain and murmur, for this, indeed, is not their only loss. With the depreciation of yearly prospects goes also the depreciation of the property itself, which cannot be sold except at a ruinous sacri¬ fice, so that the victims have no option but to remain as they are. In estimating the responsibility for all this miscarriage, it is curious enough to observe that the popular complaint against Govern¬ ment is not that it did anything, but that it did nothing. The people say they ought not to have been left to themselves, but that Government ought to have interfered with the strong arm and stopped them from cutting each other s throats, as they were sure to do if uncontrolled. All that Sir Robert Peel did was to proclaim free trade in Railways ; to say that any promoters of any undertaking might, if they could, make out their case and get their Bill. It is to this system of open enterprise that the mischief has been traced ; but, however that may be, it is of no use arguing the point now. 6 At present the only wise course is to make the best of things, and fortunately traffic is so abundant and the trade so good, that there is still a fair margin left for profit if the Companies will but forego their old propensities to quarrel and squander. Even " capital accounts " may be beneficially increased, if the increase goes to re¬ munerative work only ; and if Shareholders can but prevail upon themselves and their Directors to make a clear, fair, and open state¬ ment of accounts, whether they are good or bad, we shall soon see Railway property fetching, not, indeed, such a price as it might once have commanded, but still a price more nearly commensurate with its unquestionable value.—From " The Times." The elaborate Annual Report on the Railways of the United Kingdom, presented by Captain Douglas Galton to the Board of Trade, furnishes all the leading financial and working details of each Company, together with the aggregate totals of the complete system. These statistics may be condensed and arranged in three series, as follows:— I. The total Capital authorized to be raised by each Company respectively in England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. The proportion of this Capital actually raised,— 1. By Ordinary Shares. 2. By Preference and Guaranteed Shares. 3. By Loans. The total Capital actually raised by each Company, the total for each division of the kingdom, and the aggregate for the entire kingdom. II. The Annual Preferential Charges on each line for interest on Preferential and Guaranteed Shares and Loans, and the totals of the whole. III. The gross traffic receipts. The wrorking expenses. The total of working expenses and Preference Charges. The net income available for dividend, 7 From these it appears that the total Capital authorized for Rail¬ way purposes amounted at the end of last year to <£346,408,287, for lines open. The amount actually raised for open lines was £308,824,851, of which 53J percent, was in Ordinary Shares, 21J per cent, in Preference and Guaranteed Shares, and 25J per cent, in Loans. The total sum of money authorized to be raised for the construction of Railways, open and remaining to be opened, on the 31st of December last, was £392,682,755, of which £325,375,507 had been raised,—viz., £181,837,781. by Ordinary Share Capital, £61,854,547 by Preference Shares, and the remainder, £81,683,179, by Loans, leaving £67,307,248 to be raised. FIRST SERIES. Table showing the several Railways Open in the United Kingdom, the Capital Authorized to be Raised, and the Capital actually Raised in Ordinary Shares, Prefer¬ ence and Guaranteed Shares (including Ordinary Shares Guaranteed by other Companies), and Loans, for the Year ending 31st of December, 1858 :— Name of Railway Company. Total Capital Authorized. Total Capital Raised December 31, 1858, from Returns furnished to Parliament. Ordinary Shares. Pref. & Gua. Shares. Loans. Total. England & Wales. £ £ £ £ £ Abingdon 20,000 14,375 # • » 5,000 19,375 Bideford Extension . 65,000 53,618 • • • 10,000 63,618 Birknh., Lancshre., & Cheshire Junction. 3,150,000 1,942,075 1,325 511,362 2,454,762 Blyth & Tyne 466,500 192,000 65,630 60,466 318,096 Bridport 86,600 64,114 21,600 85,714 Bristol and Exeter... 4,435,999 2,092,460 963,665 1,050,130 4,106,255 Carlisle & Silloth Bay 100,000 75,000 • . . 25,000 100,000 Chester & Holyhead . 4,499,332 2,100,000 1,049,075 1,093,567 4,242,642 Cockermth. & Work¬ ington 143,332 75,220 24,999 35,381 135,600 Coleford., Monmth., Usk, & Pontypool . 210,000 98,585 . . • 50,000 148,585 Drsly .& Midland June 16,000 11,677 • • • 3,850 15,527 East Anglian 1,600,000 1,033,606 239,371 278,465 1,551,442 Eastern Counties 14,100,949 6,233,054 4,163,321 3,100,049 13,496,424 Eastern Union Sec. 3,978,969 1,336,328 739,276 730,204 2,805,808 Norfolk Section ... 2,678,880 996,690 1,144,070 83,615 2,224,405 East Lancashire 4,237,833 2,357,586 753,448 1,004,298 4,115,332 Eurness 610,000 268,740 169,940 137,452 576,132 8 Name of Railway Company. Total Capital Authorized. Fleetwood, Preston,& W. P. Junction ... GreatNorthern ... Great Western Hull and Holderness Lancashire & York... Lancaster & Carlisle. Leominster& Kington Llanelly London & Blackwall. Lon. and North-West. Lon.and South-West. London Brighton, and South Coast Lymington .. Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln Maryport and Carlisle Midland Monmouth ... Newcastle - on - Tyne and Carlisle Newport, Abergaven ny and Hereford .. N. & S. West June... North Devon North-Eastern North London North Stafford North-Western North Yorkshire and Cleveland .. Oxford, Worcester, & Wolverhampton ... Port Carlisle, Dock and Railway Rhymney St. Helen's Canal and Railway Shrewsbury & Ileref. Shropshire Union ... South Devon South Eastern South Staffordshire... South Wales... South Yorkshire Total Capital Raised December 31, 1858, from Returns furnished to Parliament. Ordinary Shares. 320,000 15,609,412 28,744,283 153,000 16,384,841 3,567,630 106,000 408,000 2,032,000 43,793,873 11,845,326 8,953,500 33,000 10,454,198 557,951 21,982,408 1,100,000 2,000,000 1,510,333 105,600 828,500 25,839,45? 1,299,666 5,820,000 1,759,300 343,000 4,474,999 35,000 400,000 1,278,900 900,000 1,072,500 2,445,216 13,831,675 1,427,000 4,906,600 1,373,625 Pref. & Gua. Shares. 189,647 5,557,364 8,884,941 106,800 10,071,292 2,380,819 57,955 237,041 I,398,69 24.334,036 7,447857 4,747,063 21,761 4,089,013 167,175 10,013,867 360,000 1,141,006 547,260 79,443 328,030 II.624,846 975,000 2,826,372 784,136 132,043 4,951,110 11,545,404 1,707,842 28,540 61,319 3,849,389 227,167 1,474,281 2,107,390 252,627 6,326,366 463,144 150,000 361,989 # • • 38,512 3,411,603 • • • • • • 126,285 Loans. 1,442,346 1,347,964 1,336,044 35,000 • • • 189,215 19,873 82,755 316,800 624,945 319,685 373,840 50,000 150,000 212,841 ... • • • 1,469,425 234,121 449,801 7,914,980 2,537,190 2,804,446 968,217 ... 314,015 2,452,974 809,077 1,227,698 642,647 64,760 343,625 Total. £ 39,000 3,653,625 7,850,253 32,992 3,798,722 340,216 26,000 65,970 338,850 11,041,803 2,980,681 2,098,785 7,000 2,370,000 117,443 4,380,577 266,325 476,389 377,000 20,816 130,800 6,245,299 324,666 1,298,379 245,722 23,150 £ 228,647 14,162,099 28,280,598 139,792 15,577,856 2,749,575 83,955 364,330 1,737,547 39,225,228 10,655,705 8,320,129 28,761 8,566,403 537,245 20,720,810 1,089,469 1,767,395 1,286,249 100,259 497,342 21,281,748 1,299,666 4,124,751 1,156,143 155,193 4,126,354 35,000 291,843 1,261,430 573.840 912.841 2,153,347 13,256,616 1,282,232 4,489,749 1,051,032 9 Total Capital Raised December 31, 1858, from Total Capital Authorized. Returns furnished to Parliament. Name of Railway Company. Ordinary Shares. Pref. & Gua. Shares. Loans. Total. £ £ £ £ £ Stockton &Darlington 3,560,452 760,135 1,471,045 697,342 2,928,522 TaffVale 1,820,600 678,478 365,000 251,085 1,294,563 Ulverstone and Lan. 493,333 259,800 • ■ • 97,298 357,098 Vale of Neath 953,333 671,303 • • • 238,300 909,603 Warrington &Stockpt. 300,000 172,093 3,687 63,739 239,519 Wells and Fakenham 93.000 69,916 • • • 17,250 87,166 West Cornwall 665,000 353,825 • • • 164,290 518,115 West Hartlepool, Har. and Railway 2,686,080 815,853 763,422 650,000 2,229,275 Whitehaven&Furness Junction 489,859 227,206 73,904 124,933 426,043 Whitehaven, Cleator, and Egremont 99,600 75,000 • • • 23,300 98,300 Whitehaven Junction 279,000 100,000 55,185 47,400 202,585 289,536,444 138,315,486 54,852,261 66,153,938 259,321,685 Scotland. Ayr and May bole ... 43,000 28,500 • • • 10,000 38,500 Banff, Macduff, and Turriff Junction ... 160,000 84,935 • • • 40,000 124,935 Caledonian ... 9,036,612 3,289,426 3,104,522 2,399,431 8,793,379 Caledonian and Dum¬ barton Junction ... 866,600 226,407 • • • • • • 226,407 Crieff Junction 57,000 29,927 • • • 12,000 41,927 Deeside 248,250 111,834 • • * 35,400 147,234 Dundee & Arbroath 355,600 199,865 65,342 71,225 336,432 Dundee & Perth and Aberdeen Railway Junction ... 1,006,599 299,507 373,842 239,560 912,909 East of Fife 42,600 20,749 »«• 10,660 31,409 Edinburgh Glasgow 4,773,075 2,403,375 883,827 1,374,049 4,661,251 Scottish Central 1,782,560 1,045,000 293,399 445,555 1,783,954 Forth and Clyde Junction ... 228,000 106,373 49,060 57,000 212,433 4,717,203 Glasgow and S. West. 4,868,916 2,878,999 686,430 1,151,774 Glasgow, Dumbarton, - and Helensburgh... 300,000 1,432,740 123,322 80,000 51,900 255,222 G. North, of Scotland 291,242 300,768 299,998 892,008 Inverness and Nairn and Inverness and Aberdeen Junction 573,236 358,640 23,975 140,232 522,847 Monkland ... 1,176,666 390,731 170,000 167,710 728,441 Morayshire 72,933 24,132 5,000 9,850 38,982 North British 4,759,826 2,551,343 997,410 1,130,259 4,679,012 a 3 10 Name of Railway Company. Total Capital Authorized. Total Capital Raised December 31 1858, from Returns furnished to Parliament. Ordinary Shares. Pref. & Gua. Shares. Loans. Total. Peebles PerthjAlmondValley, and Methven St. Andrew's Scottish North East . Ireland. Bagenalstown & Wex Ballymena, Bally- nioney, Coleraine, and Portrush June. Belfast and Ballym. Belf. & County Down Cork and Bandon ... Cork, Black., & Pass. Dublin & Belf. June. Dublin and Drogheda Dublin & Kingstown Dublin and Wicklow Dundalk & Enniskil. Great S.and West. Lim. & Castle Connell London and Coleraine Londonderry and En- niskillen ... Midland Gt. Western Newry and Armagh . Newry, Warrenpoint, and Rostrevor Portadown, Dung., and Omagh June... Ulster Waterfd. & Kilkenny Waterfd. & Limerick Waterford & Tramore Total for the United Kingdom ... , £ 129,000 33,000 28,000 3,104,006 £ 68,616 16,389 21,000 1,663,273 £ 23,112 • • • • • • 600,912 £ 31,891 7,650 5,300 759,087 £ 123,619 24,039 26,300 3,023,272 35,078,219 16,233,585 7,657,599 8,450,531 32,341,715 360,000 260,000 778,333 681,666 398,000 226,663 1,266,666 1,270,666 670,000 933,332 762,300 5,453,630 82,333 746,666 605,000 3,476,266 335,660 159,933 339,360 1,000,000 599,000 1,310,800 77,350 67,962 200,000 610,000 257,740 175,091 118,700 878,872 526,572 350,000 417,230 171,420 3,453,405 19,172 176,050 129,200 1,352,642 55,660 100,000 82,282 721,623 250,000 638.963 47,920 35,535 76,752 225.145 ✓ 174,910 207,890 1,122,251 145,303 324,596 24,439 12,766 196,885 337,164 7,820 60,000 168,333 161,623 79,540 39,309 195 830 267,342 70,000 229,251 135,600 477,863 165,763 149,691 460,383 15,798 47.259 218,218 141,547 340,141 16,000 67,962 260,000 778,333 454,898 331,383 158,009 1,074,702 1,019,059 420,000 851,391 514,910 5,053,519 19,172 487,116 603,487 1,813,025 80,099 128,564 129,541 939,841 588,432 1,316,268 71,740 21,793,624 10,830,504 2,891,456 3,439,491 17,161,451 316,408,287 165,379,575 65,401,316 78,043,960 308,824,851 11 SECOND SERIES. Table showing the Preferential Charges, being Interest on Preference and Guaranteed Shares, and on Loans :— Preferential Charges on the 31st of December, 1858, from Returns furnished to Parliament. Name of Railway Company. Interest on Pref. and Gua. Shares. Interest on Loans. Total. England and Wales. £ £ £ Abingdon • • . 250 250 Bideford Extension ... • • • 500 500 Birkenhead, Lancashire, and Ches. Junction. 53 23,874 23,927 Blyth and Tyne 5,780 3,002 8,782 Bridport 1,025 1,025 Bristol and Exeter ... 38,913 47,069 85,982 Carlisle and Silloth Bay • • • 1,402 1,402 Chester and Holyhead 54,103 53,810 107,913 Cockermouth and Workington 1,222 1,474 2,696 Coleford, Monmouth, Usk, and Pontypool... 2,850 2,850 Dursley and Midland Junction • • • 192 192 East Anglian... 13,680 13,727 27,387 Eastern Counties 219,356 143,156 362,512 Eastern Union section 30,843 35,299 66,142 Norfolk section 53,254 3,839 57,093 East Lancashire 39,185 43,469 82,654 Furness 8,360 6,720 15,080 Fleetwood, Preston, & West Riding Junctn. ... 1,950 1,950 Great Northern 243,205 155,008 398,213 Great Western 515,692 363,991 879,683 Hull and Holderness ... 1,545 1,545 Lancashire and Yorkshire ... 96,843 167,500 264,343 Lancaster and Carlisle 1,712 15,033 16,745 Leominster and Kington ... 1,300 1,300 Llanelly 3,176 3,060 6,236 London and Blackwall • * • 15,200 15,200 London and North-Western... 161,205 499,486 660,691 London and South-Western ... 14,782 127,121 141,903 London, Brighton, and South Coast 76,447 86,988 163,435 Lymington 338 338 Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln 112,283 109,681 221,964 Mary port and Carlisle 11,435 4,947 16,382 Midland 307,179 194,044 501,223 Monmouthshire 23,157 12,385 35,542 Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Carlisle ... 8,062 20,579 28,641 Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford 20,326 18,189 38,515 North and South-Western Junction.. . . . 977 977 North Devon... 2,311 6,112 8,423 North-Eastern 162,407 279,131 441,538 North London 14,874 14,874 North Staffordshire ... ... 56,924 56 924 North-Western 6,314 11,647 17,961 North Yorkshire and Cleveland • • • 1,107 1,107 Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton ... 58,959 63,282 122,241 12 Name of Railway Company. Port Carlisle Dock and Railway Rhymney St. Helen's Canal and Railway Shrewsbury and Hereford .. South Devon ... South Eastern South Staffordshire ... South Wales... ... ■ .. South Yorkshire Stockton and Darlington TatfVale Ulverstone and Lancaster Vale of Neath Warrington and Stockport .. Wells and Fakenham West Cornwall West Hartlepool Harbour and Railway Whitehaven and Furness Junction ... Whitehaven, Cleator, and Egremont Whitehaven Junction Scotland. Ayr and Maybole Banff, Macduff, and Turriff Junction Caledonian ... Crieff Junction Deeside Dundee and Arbroath Dundee and Perth East of Fife ... Edinburgh and Glasgow Scottish Central Forth and Clyde Junction . Glasgow and South-Western Glasgow, Dumbarton, and Helensburgh Great North of Scotland Inverness and Nairn, and Inverness and Aberdeen Junction Monkland Morayshire ... North British Peebles Perth, Almond Valley, and Methven St. Andrew's ... Scottisli North-Eastern Preferential Charges on the 31st of December, 1858, from Returns furnished to Parliament. Interest on Pref. and Gua. Shares. £ 1,750 993 32,347 2,250 10,397 130,893 35,443 2,590 82,965 20,154 184 31,690 4,064 2,973 2,648,917 150,218 3,267 14,309 40.316 12,439 2,453 34.317 15,004 1,198 8,675 250 49,870 1,155 34,086 367,557 Interest on Loans. 4,004 13,627 7,440 21,148 124,372 14,638 53,680 15.851 32,216 10,669 4,897 10,410 3,084 797 8,014 30,822 3,311 1,018 2,004 2,976,059 465 1,985 105,195 600 1,480 2,898 11,330 514 59,914 18,716 2,67*2 47,389 1,649 13,233 2,537 7,474 492 49,468 1,512 382 212 32,328 362,445 Total. £ 1,750 4,997 45,974 9,690 31,545 255,265 14,638 89,123 18,441 115,181 30,823 4,897 10,410 3,268 797 8,014 62,512 7,375 1,018 4,977 5,624,976 465 1,985 255,413 600 1,480 6,165 25,639 514 100,230 31,155 5,125 81,706 1,649 28,237 3,735 16,149 742 99,338 2,667 382 212 66,414 730,002 13 Name of Railway Company. Preferential Charges on the 31st of December, 1858, from Returns furnished to Parliament. Interest on Pref. and Gua. Shares. Interest on Loans. Total. Ireland. Ballymena, Ballymoney, Coleraine, and Port- rush Junction Belfast and Ballymena Belfast and County Down Cork and Bandon Cork, Blackrock, and Passage Dublin and Belfast Junction Dublin and Drogheda Dublin and Kingstown Dublin and Wicklow Dundalk and Enniskillen Great Southern and Western Londonderry and Coleraine ... Londonderry and Enniskillen Midland Great Western Newry, Warrenpoint, and Rostrevor Portadown, Dungannon, & Omagh Junction. Ulster... Waterford and Kilkenny Waterford and Limerick Waterford and Tram ore Total for the United Kingdom £ 1,776 3,825 10,813 • • • 10,494 10,394 44,297 7,265 16,547 765 11*812 17,758 391 £ 3,000 7,598 7.805 3,991 1.806 9,622 12,231 2,800 10,586 5.798 23,328 9,560 7,126 21,867 805 2,628 9,749 6,392 16,176 684 £ 3,000 7,598 9,581 7,816 1,866 9.622 23,044 2,800 21,080 16,192 67,625 16,825 23,673 21,867 1,570 2.623 9,749 18,204 33,934 1,075 136,137 163,612 299,749 x 3,152,611 3,502,116 6,654,727 THIRD SERIES. Table showing the Receipts from Traffic, the Working Expenses, the Total of Working and Preference Charges, and the Amount of Surplus Income, or Deficiency :— Name of Railway Company. Receipts from Traffic during the year 1858, as furnished by the Railway Companies to the Board of Trade. Working Expenses dur¬ ing the year, from the half-yearly statements of the Companies. Total of Working and Preference Charges. Amount of Surplus Income available for Dividend. England and Wales. £ £ £ £ Abingdon ... 2,122 No account — — Bideford Extension 3,123 No account — — Birk.,Lan.,& Ches. Junction 120,087 74,150 98,077 22,010 Blyth and Tyne ... 68,118 42,370 51,152 16,966 Bridport ... 4,871 3,385 4,410 461 Bristol and Exeter 338,037 156,018 242,000 96,037 14 Name of Railway Company. Carlisle and Silloth Bay ... Chester and Holyhead Cockermouth&Workington Coleford, Monmouth, Usk, and Pontypool ... Dursley and Midland June. East Anglian Eastern Counties ... Eastern Union section Norfolk section East Lancashire ... Furness Fleetwood, Preston, and West Biding Junction ... Great Northern ... Great Western Hull and IJolderness Lancashire and Yorkshire . Lancaster and Carlisle ^Leominster and Kington . Llanelly London and Blackwall London and North-Western London and South-Western London, Brighton, & South Coast Lymington... Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln ... Mary port and Carlisle Midland Monmouthshire . . Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Carlisle ... ... • Newport. Abergavenny,and Hereford .. North & S.-West. Junction +North Devon North-Eastern North London Receipts from Traffic during the Year 1858, 4 as furnished by the Railway Companies to the Board of Trade. Working Expenses dur¬ ing the Year, from the half-yearly State¬ ments of the Com¬ panies. Total of Working and Preference Charges. Amount of Surplus In¬ come available for Dividend. £ £ £ £ 5,609 3,068 4,470 1,139 218,240 136,406 244,319 3,921 11,437 5,829 8,525 2,912 5,723 No account — 1,036 j Deficit 1,000 888 ( £80 50,112 ( Deficit 48,426 22,725 ( £1,686 929,560 434,990 797,502 132,058 185,912 91,543 157,685 28,227 185,912 91,543 148,636 37,276 329,791 145,054 227,708 102,083 53,817 ) 26,637 41,717 12,120 ( Deficit [ 4,091 2,363 4,313 \ £222 1,293,189 672.310 1,070,523 222,666 1.786.462 797,056 1,676.739 109,723 11.946 6.425 7,970 3.976 1,229,490 546,658 811,001 418,489 341.770 124,249 140,994 200,776 8,380 No account — •— 23,910 17,449 23,685 255 77,007 35,028 50,228 26,770 3,280,483 1,753,419 2,414,110 866,373 847,198 388,000 529,903 317,295 772,490 350,760 517,195 255,295 662 No account — — 518,301 258,862 480,826 37,475 50,443 25,500 41,882 8.561 1,755,939 751,524 1,252,747 503,192 116,520 64,346 99,988 16,632 163,513 67,436 96,077 64,436 ( Deficit 65,552 32,354 70,869 ( £'5,317 7,361 2,741 3,718 3,643 24,128 No account — — 1,772,288 759,569 1,201,107 571,181 115,719 66,491 81,365 64,354 * Liuo worked by Mr, Brassoy. t Liuo leased by Mr. Brassoy; working expenses not published. 15 O * 0 o oo en . I di w sis *T3 s • C3 TO a V? y i-i . 2 ® a « rri g a a a « a ^ a S e3 > a •9- S1! O o O o CO o3 ra c3 o fc- ro a a? a 81 M J .2 § ^ rH M i" d 03 O .3 O SH o o a ^ 9 o t» £ EH £ £ £ £ North Staffordshire 235,532 129,592 186,518 49,014 North-Western 50,818 26,229 44,190 6,628 North Yorks. and Cleveland 3,883 3,012 4,119 I Deficit ( .£236 Oxford, W orcester & W ol ver. 209,629 89,070 211,311 j Deficit \ <£1,782 i ^ Port Carlisle Dock and Rail. 6,881 3,335 5,085 | Deficit / < <£1,796 Rhymney .. 18,479 No account — * St. Helen's Canal and Rail. 72,626 33,713 79,687 ( Deficit ( <£7,061 + Shrewsbury and Hereford 80,743 No account — Shropshire Union ... 47,552 32,625 32,625 14,927 South Devon 135,543 71,788 103,333 32,210 South-Eastern 1,106,874 489,988 745,253 261,621 + South Staffordshire 98,858 No account — South Wales 342,185 91,172 221,567 310,690 31,495 South Yorkshire ... 45,640 64,081 27,091 Stockton and Darlington ... 360,480 189,166 304,347 56,133 TafFVale 204,045 114,183 145,006 59,039 Ulverstone and Lancaster . 19,929 13,125 18,022 1,907 Yale of Neath 79,287 43,960 54,374 24,913 Warrington and Stockport 12,300 No account — — Wells and Fakenham 3,296 No account — — West Cornwall 32,315 21,364 29,378 2,937 W. Hartlepool Har. & Rail. 137,285 — Whitehaven &Furness June. 26,076 12,415 21,790 4,286 Whitehaven, Cleator, and Egremont 14,582 7,511 8,529 6,053 Whitehaven Junction 24,546 13,821 18,798 5,748 20,253,543 9,519,250 15,039,775 4,712,133 Scotland. Ayr and Maybole ... 2,509 No account — Banff, Macduff, and Turriff Junction... 6,480 No account — Caledonian... 703,016 305,758 560,071 142,945 Caledonian and Dumbarton¬ shire Junction ... 13,135 7,259 7,259 5,876 Crieff Junction 5,074 2,996 3,596 1,478 * Railway traffic only. f Line leased to Mr. Brassey. \ Line leased to Mr. Macclean. 16 Name of Railway Company Deeside Dundee and Arbroath Dundee and Perth and Aber¬ deen Railway Junction.. East of Fife Edinburgh and Glasgow ... Scottish Central ... Forth and Clyde Junction . Glasgow & South-Western Glasgow, Dumbarton, and Helensburgh Great North of Scotland . Inverness and Nairn, and Inverness and Aberdeen Junction Monkland ... Morayshire North British Peebles Perth, Almond Valley, and Metliven St. Andrew's Scottish North-Eastern ... Ireland. Ballymena, Ballymoney, Coleraine, and Portrush Junction Belfast and Ballymena ... Belfast and County Down Cork and Bandon ... Cork, Blackrock, & Passage Dublin & Belfast Junction Dublin and I )roglieda Dublin and Kingstown ... Dublin and Wicklow Dundalk and Enniskillen... Great Southern & Western Receipts from Traffic dur¬ ing the year 1858, as furnished by the Railway Companies to the Board of Trade. Working Expenses during the year, from the half- yearly Statements of the Companies. Total of Working and Pre¬ ference Charges. Amount of Surplus In¬ come available for Di¬ vidend. £ 14,182 30,860 £ 6,420 16,183 £ 7,000 22,348 £ 6,282 8,518 54,133 2,460 286,599 150,585 15,991 371,384 26,533 1,878 121,322 73,363 10,250 160,964 52,172 2,392 221,552 104,518 15,375 242,670 1,961 68 65,047 46,067 616 128,714 14,693 72,248 No account 28,381 56,618 15,630 24,080 74,706 3,497 288,343 10,421 | 1,392 3,402 194,486 13,660 27,200 1,899 117.479 6,016 1,574 2,225 98,390 17,395 43,349 2,641 216,817 8,683 1,956 2,437 164.804 6,665 31,357 855 71,526 1,738 ( Deficit ( £'564 965 29,682 2,343,682 1,029,750 1,753,653 565,426 15.295 59,945 17,722 15,294 12,678 64.296 84,607 58,683 32,435 27,639 368,572 No account 27,215 9,710 6,924 5,699 12,495 37,418 20,277 17,299 15,752 143,610 34,813 19,291 14,740 7,565 32,117 60,462 23,077 38,379 31,944 211,235 25,132 ( Deficit \ <£4,579 554 5,113 32,179 24,145 35,606 ( Deficit ( <£5,944 ( Deficit \ <£4 305 157,337 17 Name of Railway Company. Limerick & Castle Connell Londonderry and Coleraine Londonderry & Enniskillen Midland Great Western ... Newry and Armagh Newry, Warrenpoint, and Rostrevor Ulster Waterford and Kilkenny... Waterford and Limerick... Waterford and Tram ore ... Total for United Kingdom Receipts from Traffic dur¬ ing the year 1858, as furnished by the Railway Companies to the Board of Trade. tcj, ffl Working Expenses durii the year, from the hal yearly Statements of tl Companies. £ £ 422 No account 16,607 No account 38,451 20,292 186,459 56,752 2,462 | 3,746 77,927 2,152 2,613 30,589 17,485 No account 66,640 31,137 4,934 2,676 1,172,299 442,610 1 23,769,524 10,991,610 * %' .3 ho •a a o £4 4J PI S3 O ■rH £ Deficit <£5,514 107,840 310 Deficit £437 37,580 1,569 1,183 407,769 5,685,328 Table showing the Proportion per Cent, which the Surplus Income bears to the Ordinary Share Capital; the Pro¬ portion per Cent, which the Net Receipts bear to total Capital ; and the Proportion per Cent, of the Working Expenditure to the Receipts from Traffic :— Name of Railway Company, and Proportion which the Receipts from Traffic, less the Working Expenses during the Year, and the Preference and Guaranteed Charges and Interest on Loans on the 31st of December, 1858, bear to the Ordinary Share Capital raised on the above date. Proportion which the Receipts, less Working Expenses, during the Year bear to total Capital raised Decem¬ ber 31, 1858. Proportion of the Work¬ ing Expenditure to the Receipts from Traffic. England and Wales. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Birkenhead, Lancasli. and Ches. June. . 113 1 87 62 Blyth and Tyne 8-83 806 62 Bridport 072 1 73 69 Bristol and Exeter 4-59 4*43 46 Carlisle and Silloth Bay ... I 52 254 54 Chester and Holyhead ... 0*18 263 55 18 Name of Railway Company, and Proportion which the Receipts from Traffic, less the Working Expenses during the Year, and the Preference and Guaranteed Charges and Interest on Loans on the 31st of December, 1858, bear to the Ordinary Share Capital raised on the above date. Proportion which the Receipts, less Working Expenses, during the Year, bear to total Capital raised Decem¬ ber 31, 1858. Proportion of the Work¬ ing Expenditure to the Receipts from Traffic. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Cockermouth and Workington 3-87 4-12 51 East Anglian 1*65 • * Eastern Counties 211 366 \ Eastern Union Section 211 336 ( 50 Norfolk Section ... 3-74 4*24 ) East Lancashire ... 4*37 4*48 43 Furness 4*53 4*72 49 Fleet., Pres., and West Riding Junction • • r 0'75 57 Great Northern 400 4-38 52 Great Western I 23 3'49 53 Hull and Ilolderness 372 395 54 Lancashire and Yorkshire 4*15 4 38 43 Lancaster and Carlisle ... 8*43 7*91 36 Llanelly ... ... ... ... ... 010 1*77 73 London and Blackwall ... 1 91 2*47 44 London and North-Western 3.55 389 54 London and South-Western 4*26 431 46 London, Brighton, and South Coast 5-37 5-06. 46 Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln 0 91 303 52 Maryport and Carlisle 512 464 50 Midland ... 5*02 5*33 42 Monmouthshire ... 4*62 478 55 Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Carlisle 5*91 5 44 40 Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford ... • » • 2*58 49 North and South-Western Junction ... 4*59 4*80 38 North-Eastern 491 476 42 North London 660 6" 10 45 North Staffordshire 1*74 2*56 55 North Yorkshire and Cleveland... • • • 056 77 North-Western ... 0*84 212 ... Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton , , , 2 92 45 Tort Carlisle Dock and Railway • • • 10 13 47 St. Helen's Canal and Railway... • • • 3 08 46 Shropshire Union 1*63 1*63 69 South Devon 2-19 295 53 South-East ern 330 3*89 49 South Wales 1-28 2-67 66 South Yorkshire ... 421 4*33 50 Stockton and Darlington 7*38 5*85 52 TaffVale 870 694 56 Ulvcrstone and Lancaster 0-73 1*90 51 Yale of Neath 3*71 3'88 55 West Cornwall ... 0'83 211 65 19 Name of Railway Company, and Proportion which the Receipts ■ from Traffic, less the Working Expenses during the Year, and the Preference and Guaranteed Charges and Interest on Loans on the 31st of December, 1858, bear to the Ordinary Share Capital raised on the above date. « Whitehaven andFurness Junction Whitehaven, Cleator, and Egremont ... Whiteheaven Junction ... Average for England and Wales ... Scotland. Caledonian Caledonian and Dumbarton Junction ... Crieff Junction ... Deeside Dundee and Arbroath ... Dundee and Perth East of Fife Edinburgh and Glasgow... Scottish Central ... Forth and Clyde Junction Glasgow and South-Western Great North of Scotland... Inverness and Nairn and Inverness and Aberdeen Junction Monkland ... Morayshire North British Peebles ... St. Andrew's Scottish North-Eastern ... Average for Scotland Ireland. Belfast and Ballymena ... Belfast and County Down Cork and Bandon Cork, Blackrock, and Passage Dublin and Belfast Junction Dublin and Drogheda Dublin and Kingstown ... Dublin and Wicklow Dundalk and Enniskillen Per Cent. 1-88 807 574 3*41 4*34 2-59 4-93 562 4*26 065 032 279 4-40 0*57 447 5-40 1*86 802 3'54 2-80 253 459 1*78 3'34 4-12 0*31 4-37 366 4-58 1017 ° ® «.9 ©P ^ co 9 « * 8 ^ U .S3 00 «, c3 »© « co cu Sh OO J-H ° 52 ■—< •a ca a . ca *=>" S 'H CO O o g. 03 ft ^ a <» a® * « 03 g Per Cent. 3-20 719 5-29 403 4*53 2*59 4-95 526 4-36 302 1-85 354 4*38 2*70 4*46 4'91 1*99 6*52 409 365 356 4*47 3*17 3'95 4-20 1*76 252 441 3*89 4-61 914 1-75 230 44 45 55 44 44 35 45 39 53 56 20 Name of Railway Company, and Proportion which the Receipts from Traffic, less the Working Expenses during the Year, and the Preference and Guaranteed Charges and Interest on Loans on the 31st of December, 1858, bear to the Ordinary Share Capital raised on the above date. Proportion which the Receipts, less Working Expenses, during the Year, bear to total Capital raised Decem¬ ber 31, 1858. Proportion of the Work¬ ing Expenditure to the Receipts from Traffic. Great Southern and Western Londonderry and Enniskillen ... Midland Great Western... Newry and Armagh Newry, Warrenpoint,and Rostrevor ... Ulster Waterford and Limerick Waterford and Tramore... Average for Ireland Per Cent. 455 7*97 5'21 0-24 2*46 Per Cent. 445 301 716 038 0*88 503 2*57 315 Per Cent. 39 52 31 87 48 39 47 54 409 4*22 40 The per-centage proportion which the Preference and Loan Capitals have borne to the Ordinary Share Capital, and the per¬ centage which the net Receipts bear to the money invested, as com¬ pared with the average rate of Dividend on the Ordinary Share Capital, are shown by the subjoined Table:— Year. -3c Ordinary Capital. Preference Capital and Loan. X Proportion of Gross Receipts, less Working Expenses, to total amount of Capital and Loan. Average Inter¬ est on Prefer¬ ence Capital and Loan. Average rate of Dividend on the Ordinary Share Capital. Preference. Loan. 1858. Per Cent. 5355 Per Cent. 2118 Per Cent. 25-27 > Per Cent. 375 Per Cent. 4-63 Per Cent. 3 06 46-45 It will thus be seen that the Preferential and Loan Capital in¬ vested in Railways is nearly 46£ per cent, of the whole Capital, and that the interest which has to be paid upon the Preferential and Loan Capital averages £k. 125. Id. per cent. (4-63). The net receipts on Railways give an average interest on the whole Capital invested of 3| per cent., but the Preferential and Loan Charges reduce the interest on the Ordinary Capital to a fraction above 3 per cent. (3'06).—From " The Times " Money-Market and City Intelligence. Printed by Effingham Wilson, 11, Royal Exchange. E. C.