THE ADMINISTRATOR SPEAKS An outstanding feature of this pamphlet descriptive of the Lou- donville Reservoir Project, written by a member of the Engineering firm which designed and supervised the work, is, I believe, the em¬ phatically affirmative answer it gives to the often asked question, "Can relief labor be profitably utilized in private employment on any but the lower grades of work ?" Here, on the testimony of a nationally known engineering firm, is evidence that WPA workers can and have done an intricate big job of the highest type of construction work expeditiously and well. The New York State WPA Administration indorses and con¬ fidently offers this proof of WPA efficiency for the consideration of all the public and particularly for employers of labor who so far have failed adequately to avail themselves of the great reservoirs of workers which WPA activities have set up and trained throughout the length and breadth of the land. The New York State WPA Administration is proud of the Loudonville Reservoir Project. It gives to the City of Albany posi¬ tive and permanent assurance of water supply safety and marks an¬ other exceedingly worth while accomplishment in President Roose¬ velt's great humanitarian program. LESTER W. HERZOG, Works Progress Administrator, New York State. AIA/D A PQI/^ Benjamin L. Smith jj ■ til V* ^7 Whitman, Requardt & Smith, Consulting Engineers Wahoo! Victory over mechanical and natural obstacles was registered here when crews working from opposite ends completed this tunnel, approximately forty-five feet under¬ ground, connecting Basin C with the city water system. The construction of Basin C of the Loudonville Reservoir for the City of Albany, by the Works Prog¬ ress Administration, concludes the latest chapter in the colorful history of the Capital City of the Empire State. This most recent chapter opens in 1926, with the inauguration of the Port Development Project and the decision to discontinue, for all time, the use of the Hudson River as a water supply for the city. No longer were "Albany Sore Throat" and the many diseases, which had their origin in Albany's unclean wells and river drinking water of the past century, to be a men¬ ace to the city. Plans were formulated to obtain an adequate, pleasant and safe water supply from an up¬ land source in the Helderbergs. The last chapter closes with the completion of this distribution reservoir basin, which, in itself, holds five days supply of moun¬ tain water and, in augmenting the basins previously constructed, safeguards the new gravity supply against any possible interruption of service. Albany is the most historic community in the country, functioning continuously from the time of its original settlement, by the explorers of the Dutch East India Company. In 1614, six years before the May¬ flower landed at Plymouth, Albany was established as a fur trading center, at the very point where Henry Hudson landed his Half Moon five years previously, in 1609. This English navigator had started in search of a shorter route to the Dutch East Indies, by sailing around the Northern edge of Europe and continuing on Eastward. Encountering the ice packs of the Arctic Ocean, the sailing vessel with its crew of eighteen or twenty Hollanders, headed back down the long stormy coast of Norway, as they had come. Henry Hudson was not the man to go back to his employers with a story of easy defeat. Why not sail West to the Indies, instead of East through the bitter cold of the Arctic Ocean? Arriving near the coast of Maine, Hudson cruised down the American Coast, al¬ ways looking for the channel that was to take him through the small strip of land that he was sure was all that separated him from the Pacific. Sailing as far South as Virginia, he turned about and headed North again. Discovering that the waters of Delaware,Bay were too shallow to take them to the East, they con¬ tinued Northward and dropped anchor off Sandy Hook. Part of the crew went ashore to barter heads and cloth with the Indians and the remainder of the crew de¬ parted in a small boat to explore what is now called the Upper Bay, actually the mouth of the Hudson River. Continuing up the great river, many miles, they encountered shallow water and anchored. Henry Hud¬ son and Mate Juet knew that China did not lie ahead of them. The Half Moon could go no farther. The end of their journey was not to be the Indies, but the site of the future city of Albany—now a seaport, 150 miles from the ocean, where annually, more than 250 ships receive and discharge cargoes. Equally dramatic is the history of the Hudson and the river valley, as told by the scientists. Long before the ancestors of the Indians made their way into America from Asia, the Eastern coast of this continent was elevated several thousand feet higher above the level of the sea. A valley, perhaps a thousand feet deep, extended along the present Hudson to the sea. When the ice sheets of the Great Ice Age melted, the lower valley of the Hudson was choked with gravel, clay and sand, left by the melting glaciers. Thus a natural dam was foymed across the Hudson South of Albany. The dam held back the water of the melting ice and formed a large lake, sometimes called Lake Albany, which flooded the entire present Capital District. The geologist can trace its shore line in the clay, gravel and sand beds, which were left behind. Some of these old deposits are being used today and are commercially valuable. The materials forming the concrete lining of Basin C can be traced to the sand and gravel de¬ posited in the bed of Lake Albany. During the same geological period, the Great Lakes to the North poured their waters through the Mohawk valley, instead of down the St. Lawrence River, which was still buried under the ice. The sand that was de¬ posited in Lake Albany may be seen in the yellow hills, which lie all about the Capital District. The basins of the Loudonville Reservoir are, in fact, a chain of lakes along the shore line of Lake Albany. Comparatively little is known of the source of water supply used by Albany immediately following its settlement. The City was granted a charter by Governor Thomas Dongan on July 22, 1686, at a time when its inhabitants numbered less than two thousand. Sometime later a Dutch visitor suggested in a letter that the water of the community could be made more healthful and palatable by the addition of suitable quantities of rum. For a long time the city probably obtained water from the clean Hudson, from wells and from sparkling streams in the vicinity. The country¬ side being so sparsely settled, all of these sources at that time must have lieen clear and palatable. The first record established on the City's water supply begins in 1802, when the Common Council per¬ mitted the Albany Water Works Company to organ¬ ize. This Company obtained from Patroons Creek and from Maezlandtkill a sufficient quantity of water and distributed it to the citizens by means of wooden pipes and metal conductors, obtainable in those days. Pri¬ vate wells, however, were used for a long time by Al¬ banians, who were quite satisfied with water which one visitor declared to be "scarcely drinkable." In 1811 a distributing reservoir of hewn stone was built at the corner of Eagle and Columbia Streets, the site of the present County Building. The entire system was pur¬ chased by the City in 1851. With the continued growth of the City and the further development on the hills to the West of the original settlement, it soon became necessary to ob¬ tain an additional supply of water and to modify and extend the original water system. In 1872, the Quacken- bush Pumping Station was constructed, taking the water directly from the Hudson River. In the mean¬ time, additional reservoirs were built at sufficient ele¬ vation to supply the higher levels. The river water was untreated and by 1885 the typhoid death rate had become so high that serious consideration was given to the abandonment of this source. After extended investigation a slow sand filter plant was built in 1898 and, with subsequent modifica¬ tions, remained in use until 1932 when the Hudson River supply was discontinued and a new gravity sup¬ ply from the Helderbergs was introduced. The increas¬ ing pollution in the Hudson River, the difficulty of filtering this water, the necessity of utmost vigilance in obtaining continuously, a sterile water, the high cost of filtration and pumping, the sentimental antip¬ athy of the citizens of Albany in using a water in which, the untreated sewage of cities immediately above had poured, the chemical taste of the water, the inade¬ quacy of pressure in the high level districts of the city, the need of greater storage within the city limits, in which these disadvantages would be absent, are among the reasons why Albany built its new upland supply from the Helderberg Mountains. The new supply impounds the runoff of Hanna- crois and Basic Creeks from about forty-nine square miles of Helderberg Mountain land, situated South¬ west of the City. From the impounding reservoirs of these streams, Albany may draw thirty million gal¬ lons daily at all times. Water flows to the City by gravity through a forty-eight-inch pressure pipe, a total distance of twenty miles, being filtered at a 2 a; u WPA men worked in all kinds of weather and under all sorts of conditions to make their splendid record in completing Basin C. modern rapid sand filtration plant about nine miles outside of the city. The system as originally built in¬ cluded a large distribution reservoir at Loudonville on the North edge of the City where the water is stored for purposes of excessive use, as at times of fire and for the City's needs whenever repairs are required on the transmission pipe. This reservoir was divided into two basins, A and B, providing storage of one hundred million gallons of water. The new llelderberg supply is the initial develop¬ ment of a comprehensive plan of meeting the water needs of Albany for many years to come. It makes future provision for the utilization of the flows of Ten Mile Creek and Catskill Creek to the Southwest. Dams at these streams will be of sufficient elevation to per¬ mit the water to flow to the City by gravity. The addi¬ tional construction can be carried out in stages, so that the first increment of supply results in a yield of 52.5 million gallons per day. The second increment makes it possible to furnish a total of <69 million gallons per day, sufficient to meet the requirements of Albany until the year 2000. The plan provides for additional facilities, such as a second supply conduit from the Alcove Dam to the City, enlargement of the new filtration plant, and ex¬ tension of the Loudonville Reservoir. When Basins A and B of Loudonville Reservoir were constructed the City of Albany acquired the necessary land for con¬ struction of Basin C. Albany has been the center, successively, of the fur trade, the lumber industry and the foundry and stove industry. Following the removal of the lumber and foundry industries to other centers, the growth of the City was retrograde for a time in the latter part of the nineteenth century. Beginning about 1910, the City had a relatively rapid, but normal growth. This growth, however, began to diminish. The increase in population from 1910 to 1915, was 7,726 as compared with a growth of 5,465 in the period from 1915 to 1920, and a growth of 4,476 from 1920 to 1925. The civic movement resulting in the creation of the Port of Albany and the construction of a water sup¬ ply of excellent quality was undoubtedly the factor that provided the impetus for Albany's upward trend. Population increased by 9,438 in the five years from 1925 to 1930. Three years will elapse before another census is taken, but there is reason to believe that Albany will be a city of about 140,000 population even though depression has occupied a great part of the period. 3 PLAN 100 200 300 400 500 «-Top of Barm, Elev. 356.0 p f Inlet Tower BASIN "C" /•Normal Water Level, Elev. 351 Top of Barm, Elev 556.0 Concrete Lminq -36" C.I. Inlet Pipe BASIN "B" r Normal Water Level,Elev. J5I /-Concrete Lining -36" C.I. Outlet & Drain BASIN A /-Normal Water Level , Elev 351 /-Concrete Lining ^—24" C.I Drain Top of Berrn, Elev 356.0- The poor quality of water from the Hudson River was undoubtedly an element contributing to the slug¬ gish growth of Albany. Industries hesitated to estab¬ lish themselves in a community where the water sup¬ ply was of questionable quality. A chemical analysis of the City's water would result in the moving of a plant to another City where industrial wastes, objec¬ tionable color or high chlorine content were not present to cause damage to the finished product. The new water supply, completed in 1932, was an economical investment, effecting savings to the cit¬ izens of Albany in many respects. This supply has re¬ quired no pumping, in contrast to the Hudson River source, from which all of the water used by Albany was lifted into the Prospect and Bleecker Reservoirs at an annual cost of considerably over $100,000. The Helderberg water has required about one-fifth the amount of alum necessary for the Hudson River water, and the use of chlorine has been reduced to one-third the former requirement. The total saving in pumping and chemical costs has been sufficient to contribute in large measure to the fixed charges on the new supply. The water of the Helderberg supply is considerably softer than the water from the Hudson River. This results in a lesser use of soap in laundry and wash¬ ing work. The soap hardness of the tap water since the introduction of the new supply is forty-three parts per million, while for the year 1931-32 the soap hard¬ ness of the water from the Hudson averaged seventy parts per million. Interpreted in items of the com¬ mon soaps in use, it may be computed that to soften 100 gallons of the former Hudson River tap water re¬ quired 1.61 pounds of composite soap, while the new Helderberg Mountain tap water would require 1.08 pounds of this soap to soften the same quantity of water. It is thus evident that a saving of soap to the amount of thirty-three per cent is effected by the use of the new water supply. The introduction of the mountain supply brought about another saving to the citizens of Albany, which was not fully anticipated. For many years, the cit¬ izens were in the habit of purchasing spring water for drinking purposes, in lieu of the unpleasant Hud¬ son River water. The spring water business had grown to considerable proportions. When the new supply was turned on the citizens found the water to be clear, sparkling, pleasant tasting, with a total absence of chemical odor or taste. It is difficult to estimate the total saving, but perhaps $60,000 a year is not far from the amount no longer spent by the citizens of Al¬ bany to purchase water for drinking purposes. Albany was late in experiencing the effect of the depression. Construction of the new water supply con¬ tinued through the year 1932, and from 1930 to 1933 the City added about two miles of streets to the one hundred and fifty-six miles of pavement already ex¬ isting. Up to the present Albany has fully discharged its obligations to those who suffered by reason of economic distress, and at the same time has main¬ tained a sound financial position. In spite of shrink¬ age of property assessments and necessary expendi¬ tures to provide for the unemployed, the City's bud¬ get has been reduced and the tax rate progressively decreased. As late as 1933, the per capita retail sales in Al¬ bany were 51.7 per cent above the average for this section of the country and 134 per cent above the national average. The possibility of dire want and seri¬ ous unemployment affecting the City seemed to be re¬ mote. It was later realized that no community can escape from the effects of depression that is nation¬ wide and it was necessary for Albany to find a means of providing for those who were destitute through no fault of their own. Work was initiated through the Federal Civil Works Administration, the State Temporary Emer¬ gency Relief Administration, and subsequently, the Works Progress Administration. At the same time, public improvements were carried out with Federal aid from the Public Works Administration. In the Fall of 1935, it was foreseen that employ¬ ment or relief must be provided for large numbers of men during the next twelve months. To provide re¬ lief alone would have cost the City of Albany several hundred thonsand dollars with no tangible benefit re¬ sulting from such an expenditure. The new water supply had been recently completed,. affording to the citizens benefits of which they had long been deprived. The water, of undisputed quality, was available in sufficient amount to supply the City's needs for many years in the future. With a single pipe line from the source of supply, and five days' storage of filtered water held in reserve at Loudonville, the former Hudson River supply was being maintained as a reserve to guard against any possible interruption of supply. To increase the storage at Loudonville through the construction of Basin C would provide a sufficient amount of filtered water within the City of Albany to meet the City's demands for a period of ten days in the event of a complete interruption of service from the source of supply, however remote. The supply works at the Hudson River could be dismantled and aban¬ doned. Construction of the new basin could be started immediately, offering the solution of creating the much needed employment on a project of economic and permanent value to the City of Albany. Decision was made to institute this project. 5 E levatioo 35&) Elevation 355 '■ Possible Future Reservoir Level /, Elevation 551 CROSS SECTION OE 5 AS IN *C" WALL The melting glaciers of the Great Ice Age had formed deep deposits of sand and gravel along the Northern edge of Albany. Where the reservoir basins are now built, at the highest elevation within the City limits, the glaciers had created a natural depres¬ sion about sixty-five feet deep. This soil is so permeable in character that before the construction of the basins the rainfall and drainage within this area rapidly per¬ colated into the ground. This depression took the form of three connected hollows. The two hollows at the South end of the property were developed as Basins A and B—Basin A to a capacity of seventy-five million gallons and Basin B to a capacity of twenty-five million gallons. The forty- eight-inch supply conduit from the Alcove Reservoir terminated at these two Basins with the customary valve controls located in a gate house between the basins. The hollow to the North of Basin B was of sufficient size to construct a third Basin (C), of ap¬ proximately the same size as the first two. This de¬ velopment would require the extension of the supply conduit to the new basin, the necessary grading, the placing of a concrete lining, and other appurtenant work, such as valve controls, drain and culvert con¬ struction and improvement of the grounds. The Loudonville Reservoir is a project of the type requiring careful and experienced design, close super¬ vision of construction and skilled workmanship. Un¬ like the building of a road or a bridge structure, the construction of the new basin, because of its size and unusual subsurface conditions, demanded the utmost care in all phases of the work. Basin C covers an area of fifteen and one-quarter acres. Because of the per¬ vious type of soil, it was necessary to construct a lin¬ ing over the entire basin area which would be abso¬ lutely water-tight to make possible the storage of ninety-three million gallons of water. The thirty-foot depth of water required that the concrete slabs be of sufficient strength and quality to prevent yielding or cracking under the superim¬ posed weight of this depth of water. In an area of such extent, measuring more than one thousand feet from rim to rim of the basin, changes of temperature are an impor¬ tant factor to be given con¬ sideration. A concrete lin¬ ing on an area of this size will expand or contract as much as eight inches within the extreme seasonal range of temperatures, unless prop¬ er provision is made for the effect of these temperature changes. To acomplish this it was necessary to build a lining of the articulated type. In doing so special consideration was given to the design and construc¬ tion of the joints so as to permit the units of the lining to expand or contract and at the same time store this large volume of water without leakage or waste. The construction of Basins A and B of the Loudon¬ ville Reservoir as part of the new water supply im¬ provement was performed under contract and was started in May, 1930. The combined basins were ap¬ proximately of the same size as Basin C, and the amount of work involved quite similar. On this con¬ tract only a portion of the reservoir lining was com¬ pleted during the first construction season and it was necessary to shut down during the Winter months, and complete the work the following year. The con¬ crete in the lining of the original basins was placed at an average rate of 129 cubic yards per day. It was necessary to exceed this rate of progress in building Basin C, to prevent the occurrence of a similar con¬ dition. In considering the development of Basin C. the City of Albany retained the firm of Whitman, Requardt & Smith, engineers, of Baltimore. Md., and Albany. This firm had previously served as designing and supervis¬ ing engineers for the Albany Board of Water Supply on the construction of the new gravity supply, and was familiar with the problem of providing distribu¬ tion reservoir storage at Loudonville. The engineers were commissioned to prepare estimates of quantities and cost, assist in drafting the project application, prepare designs and detailed drawings, and supervise construction of the basin. The City of Albany de¬ sired assurance from the engineers and the WPA. that the construction of the new basin would be so far advanced at the end of 1936 that it could be filled with water so as to protect the construction during the following Winter months. For a project cost- 6 ing approximately one and a quarter million dollars, the performance of this amount of work during the construction season of 1936 wouldl require greater progress than was attained in the building of the orig¬ inal basins. Furthermore, it would be necessary to coordinate all of the construction of various parts of the work so that a delay on any portion would not af¬ fect the project as a whole. Grading and lining of the basin constituted the principal work to be performed. The construction of the lining involved the placing of approximately 19,000 cubic yards of concrete. In addition to the lining of the basin, it was necessary to build a gate house with the necessary pipe connections and to drive a tunnel 423 feet long with a lining of 600 cubic yards of con¬ crete. The pipe line, installation included the exten¬ sion of the forty-eight-inch supply main for a distance of about 800 feet, the building of a twenty-four-inch cast iron drain line 2,400 feet long and installation of a thirty-six-inch supply main to the basin, approx¬ imately 1,600 feet in length. Other appurtenant work in this project included macadam roadways, concrete drains and culverts, drainage ditches and the erection of a fence around the additional area occupied by the new basin. The Engineers of the City made a careful analysis of the progress records in the construction of the orig¬ inal reservoir basins, noting the sequence in which the work was performed and the factors which tended to delay the completion. At conferences with the Works Progress Administration, these performance records were applied to the work involved in the construction of the new basin and a program for scheduling the various operations was pre¬ pared1. This involved the de¬ termination of the amount of construction equipment required, the availability of the necessary labor, both skilled andi unskilled, the division of work between government and sponsor, and the establishment of the ne¬ cessary performance on the main items of work. The en¬ gineers reported to the City that it would be possible to construct the basin within the required time. The work involved in the construction of Basin C was well adapted to starting in the Fall and continuing through the Winter. When decision was made to pro- „ 4"Slope peed with this project there were no detailed draw¬ ings and it was necessary to start work as soon as possible. With the advantage of the experience gained in the construction of the original basins the engineers of the City of Albany and the associates of the Works Progress Administration were able to pre¬ pare the necessary estimates of labor, materials and equipment to accompany the project application just a few days after decision was reached to proceed with the work. Application having been submitted on November 22, 1935, work at the reservoir site was started imme¬ diately and several hundred men were engaged on the clearing of the ground. At the same time detailed sur¬ veys were begun and by December 6, 1935, a grading plan was prepared for the west half of the Basin area. Drawings were completed in rapid succession in advance of their need for construction purposes. These included the development of grading for the entire project, plans of pipe line connections and location of structures requiring excavation. By this procedure it was possible to start the strip¬ ping of the basin area on December 2, after the clear¬ ing was completed, and to begin the work of general excavation the early part of February. Meantime, as the designs progressed, and while the contract draw¬ ings were in preparation, lists of the necessary ma¬ terials were prepared and requisitions were issued with the result that these materials were available at the site of the work in time for their use in the con¬ struction. The last of the contract drawings, eleven in number, were completed by April 6, 1936. "°-l2"c. toe. ■/a" Steel Tunnel Liner Plates Cross Section Op Tunnel Basin "C" loudonville Reservoir The success of the Loudonville Reservoir Project was due, in large measure, to the cooperation between the engineers, as agents for the City of Albany, and the officials of the WPA. Responsibility for the cor¬ rect design and for the proper execution of the work was definitely placed on the engineers. The organiza¬ tion of the WPA, with its resources for furnishing labor and supplying its share of materials was ready at all times to meet the needs of the project. The City of Albany had made proper authorizations for meet¬ ing its obligations as to the furnishing of materials and equipment. Problems as they arose on construction were freely discussed by the construction supervisor and the engineers. As an example, it was observed in the early part of January that the excavation work was not progress¬ ing satisfactorily because of an insufficient number of trucks. This matter was brought to the attention of the WPA and was corrected immediately with the number of trucks increased from sixteen to thirty- three, and when necessary, to a greater number. Later, when construction work was increased in scope, the operation of the project on the basis of a single shift, working 128 hours per month, interfered with the efficient performance of the work. Under the existing arrangement there were several days on which no work was scheduled. A continuation on this basis threatened seriously to delay the completion of the project. The labor forces were then operated on a two- shift basis, after which the work was performed con¬ tinuously except for the usual loss of time due to rainy weather. The excavation for the tunnel was started April 21 with a single shift, working five days per week. After operating in this manner for a short period the results indicated that the completion of the tunnel would seriously affect the work on the reservoir basin. The forces were then placed on a two-shift basis so that the work could be performed continuously for twelve hours each day, resulting in the completion of the Some of the vast detail in construction of Basin C. Copper materials placed over points in advance of gunite and — tunnel in a remarkably short time and making it pos¬ sible to construct the gate house at the time originally planned. The Loudonville Reservoir Project is a type well suited to the use of labor. The extensiveness of the area and the variety of the work have made it pos¬ sible to use labor in large numbers. The clearing of the grounds, the stripping excavation and the trench excavation were performed entirely by hand labor. The general excavation was done by hand, the material being hauled by trucks owned and furnished by the City of Albany. A portion of this excavation which required deep cut was removed by steam shovel since hand removal would have delayed the progress of the work. The jointing of the cast iron pipe lines and the excavation for the tunnel employed considerable labor, supplemented with the use of the necessary equipment. The concrete used for the lining of the basin was mixed at a central mixing plant of the Ready Mix Corporation under close inspection and test. It was deemed inadvisable to mix the concrete by hand. The quality of workmanship necessary for the water tight¬ ness of the basin required the concrete to be of uni¬ form consistency and of correct proportion. This would have been difficult to accomplish by hand mixture. Furthermore, the placing of concrete to an amount equivalent to a two-lane concrete road ten miles long necessitated reliable and uninterrupted production. The Ready Mix Corporation owned sufficient mixing and transportation equipment to meet the needs of the project. The placing and finishing of the concrete, however, were performed by hand labor. The availibility of skilled labor from the relief rolls >vas limited. Certain phases of the project required trained workmen and this type of work was carried out by the City of Albany as a sponsor contribution. Special equipment and experienced supervision were necessary in the construction of the tunnel. This tun¬ nel. of the horseshoe type and 423 feet long, is eleven feet wide and nine feet, six inches high, outside dimen¬ sions. The excavation was performed with relief labor under tho direction of the Superintendent of the Cogito Construction Company of Washington, D. C., Joint materials in place before placing of gunite and — experienced tunnel contractors. This Company also sup¬ plied the necessary construction equipment, including industrial track, dump cars, tunnel jacks, etc. The excavation was made with the use of steel liner plates one-quarter inch thick, which were furnished by the City of Albany. The concrete lining of the tunnel was also placed by relief labor tinder the direction of this superintendent. A tunnel of the same cross section and 467 feet in length was constructed as part of the original develop¬ ment at the Loudonville Reservoir. This tunnel was built under contract in 1932 and similar methods of excavation were used. The excavation work was started on March 22, 1932. and completed June 7. represent¬ ing a total elapsed time of seventy-seven days. The excavation of the new tunnel for Basin C was started April 21. 1936, and the tunnel was holed through on June 24. Even taking into account the small differ¬ ence of length between the two tunnels, the record of performance on the new tunnel, in an elapsed time of sixty-four days, was eight percent better than on the former tunnel. The concrete lining of Basin C included special con¬ struction along all joints. The details of this design Placing of copper strips along joint of reservoir lining. will be discussed further. This lining was composed of concrete slab units, twenty-two feet, six inches wide and fifty feet long. A space three-quarters of an inch wide was maintained between each unit, thus forming a joint that would permit expansion and contraction. Under the center of the joint was placed a concrete sill, six inches thick and sixteen inches wide, which served the purpose of supporting the edge of the slab and preventing uneven settlement. The remainder of the joint construction, which was complicated and re¬ quired skilled workmanship, was carried out under a contract by the City of Albany with the Cement Gun Company. The work under this contract included the installa¬ tion of copper joint strips over the center of all joints and the placing of reinforced gunite two inches thick to a width of twenty-eight inches on each side of the joint. The area of gunite placed was approximately 210.900 square feet. The copper joint materials and welded mesh reinforcement were furnished by the Fed¬ eral Government. The installation of these materials and the placing of the gunite were performed by the contractor. The completion of the joints and the plac¬ ing of the gunite were the last operations in lining the Basin. The concrete joint sills and slab units -were con¬ structed by WPA forces. It was necessary that this construction be advanced to a point where sufficient areas would be available for the gunite contractor to carry out his work on an economical basis. It was also important that a proper amount of equipment be furnished to complete the work on time. The speci¬ fications required the contractor to furnish gasoline driven compressors with a total piston displacement of not less than 1,760 cubic feet and not less than five cement guns. Bids for this work were opened on July 6. 1,936. The contractor kept pace with the construc¬ tion of the lining and completed his contract a short time after the last unit of the concrete lining was placed. 9 THE MAYOR SPEAKS I have had the pleasure on many occasions of expressing my official appre¬ ciation to WPA for its cooperation in providing employment on projects which have been, and will be, of definite and permanent value to the City of Albany. In the references which I have so far made, I have many times pointed to the construction of the Rleecker Stadium from a long disused city reservoir, transforming it into a model recreation center; the remodeling of many of the old fire houses of the city, making them modern in construction, and providing additional space and facilities, as well as the addition to the Albany Center Market, as among the projects which will serve and benefit Albany for many years to come. I desire now to call attention to one of the most important and noteworthy contributions in the whole Albany program of the Works Progress Adminis¬ tration, both from the standpoint of employment provided, and in the character of the project undertaken. That contribution is the construction of what is termed Basin C in the Albany Water Works System, located on Loudon Heights. I had the honor of turning the first shovel full of earth as this project was undertaken, and following that within a remarkably short time, the final honor of opening the valve which turned the water into the completed project. Basin C, which has a capacity of ninety-three million gallons of water, equalling the combined capacities of Basins A and B, which were completed some years ago, was rapidly and skillfully constructed. The work was so well performed that the loss of water, after it had been impounded long enough to make possible a thorough test, was limited to the loss occasioned by evaporation. In other words, there was little, if any, leakage, which is unusual in a stor¬ age reservoir of this tremendous size. The completion of this undertaking rounds out the Albany Water Supply with a sufficient emergency standby, and should effect a very considerable annual saving to the city as well as favorably affect local fire insurance rates. The character of projects approved by WPA, and the efficiency of the work performed are fully revealed by the results obtained on this important project. JOHN BOYD THACHER, Mayor of Albany. to Tt was very necessary to secure good workman¬ ship in the building of the concrete sills and slab units. The engineers prepared exacting specifications for the operations to be followed. The sills must be built to proper grade and trowled to a smooth finish. The sub-grade had to be trimmed to an accurate plane and required preparation before placing the concrete slab. Various requirements were enforced in the building of the slabs, including the placing and tamp¬ ing of the concrete, the setting of reinforcing mats, the screeding and floating of the surface of the con¬ crete, and the formation of the depressions to receive the gunite. Enforcing these precautions was most es¬ sential to secure a water-tight basin. The joint con¬ struction alone was nine miles in length. Any de¬ fective work for a short distance of perhaps ten to fifteen feet would destroy the usefulness of the basin. Similarly, a single, poorly constructed slab from a total of 665 units would result in a loss of water that could not be permitted. In starting the construction of the joint sills on May 12, a crew of workmen were used that had been trained previously for this type of work. After suffi¬ cient number of joint sills were constructed, it was pos¬ sible to pour the first concrete slab on .Tune 4. This concrete was placed by workmen who had been engaged on the building of the joint sills. Additional groups of men were instructed in the placing of concrete and within a short time the lining operations were proceed¬ ing at a rapid rate. On June 26, 336 cubic yards of concrete were placed within the normal working hours. This amount was in¬ creased to 380 cubic yards on June 30, but the record day was July 10, when 531 cubic yards of concrete were placed in eight hours. The last unit of the con¬ crete lining was built on November 14. Ninety-eight working days had elapsed since starting the lining on June 4. The rate of placing of concrete by the forces of the WPA was thirty-three per cent greater than the corresponding rate on the construction of Basins A and B. F rom this depression emerged Basin C, one of the outstand¬ ing WPA projects in New York State. The picture shows the basin after the roughest pre¬ liminary work had been finished 7; J ^ 53S*-*.:r V Work in full swing at Basin C with scores of men working, trucks plying back and forth carrying materials and the Basin floor assuming shape. This photo gives a graphic idea of the magnitude of the job during the first stages of actual construction Inspecting the work at Loudonville the day the first concrete was poured into the forms for the floor was a notable group consisting of, left to right: Mayor John Boyd Thacher, 2nd, of Albany; Benjamin L. Smith, of the firm of Whitman, Requardt & Smith, engineers in charge; Mayor Rollin B. Marvin of Syracuse; Lester W. Herzog, upstate administrator of the Works Progress Administration; William P. Lynch, director of District 7 (Onondaga County) Works Progress Administration, and William B. Daley, director of District 2, Works Progress Administration 'Mastic Filler Ixpansion bolts -A4oz copper Cross, , concrete ^Mastic- Painted on Copper ci tv of- al6awy , n-v. DEPAETMENT OF WAT EE AND WATEE SUPPLY FRANK J. CASS1DV- COMMISSIONtH. DASIN 'C' OF LOUDONVILLE RE5EJZV01E ISOMETBIC VIEW OP EXPANSION JOINT IN BE5EBV01B LINING Whitman, Qequardt tf Smith Engineers February , 1337. 14oz Copper Strip ;oncrete otic- Point Concrete Joint Cope Oak-um 59"* Welded Mesh Eeinfbrcamant- to* 6" -Joint Mastic -Building Paper Basin 'C iV Elevation Ground Shaker Road 6" Concrete Lining Tunnel Entrance STRUCTURE 46 CI Sup?lu I. I I Ift c°"au,t' vXC1 Inlet l Outlet LONGlTUD INAL SECTION Or GATE-HOUSE, TUNNEL AND TUNNEL CNTRANCC STRUCTURE Basin 'C* Loudonville Reservoir 6'Wire Fence The gunite work was carried on simultaneously with the building of the concrete slabs, and necessarily followed after the work done by the WPA forces. At the completion of the lining, a small amount of gunite work remained to be done. This was completed in time to admit water into Basin C on November 25. Because of the large amount of water required to fill the basin, it was desirable to admit it at intervals, during which time the basin was inspected and observations were made as to the water-tightness of the construction. The basin was completely filled on December 21, and will store water throughout the Winter months as a protection for the concrete lining. Basin C is now structurally complete with ninety- three million gallons of additional water in storage at Loudonville. The work remaining is sufficient to provide employment to several hundred men during the Winter and early Spring. They will be engaged on installing underground concrete culverts and form¬ ing drainage ditches which will be useful in prevent¬ ing surface water from overflowing the walls of the basin and causing contamination of the drinking water. A brick super-structure will be built on the concrete gate house, which has been carried up to a level several feet above the water line. A concrete arch bridge will span the space from the basin wall to the gate house. During less favorable weather, the work will be confined to the trimming and grading of the reservoir grounds. With the coming of warmer weather, the grounds will be improved by seeding and sodding and the necessary planting. The existing road will be ex¬ tended to the new basin and the Shaker Road, along the City's property, will be improved. Finally, the closing gap in the new fence will be filled in, the con¬ struction forces will be withdrawn and the Depart¬ ment of Water and Water Supply of the City of Al¬ bany will assume control of the new basin. The drama that has been enacted at Loudonville is little known, even to the residents of Albany. Here is the achievement: About twelve months ago, many hundred men in Albany were in need. WPA launched a project, demanding the utmost in engineering skill and accepting no substitute for a high standard of workmanship. To reach the goal the accomplishment must exceed the progress in building the original res¬ ervoir. The coming of Winter served as a stop-watch to render an accounting, for there could be no com¬ promise on the completion of the lining or the water- tightness of the structure. The project was started at the end of November, 1935. Preparatory work of clearing, stripping and general grading was advanced during the extreme cold of the next few months. Pipe lines were installed and tunnel constructed at times when the men could not work to advantage in the open. With the advent of Spring efforts were concentrated on lining the huge howl. Fifty per cent of the entire project was per¬ formed during the months of May, June, July and August. The concrete lining was built at a rate of progress thirty-three per cent greater than was ac¬ complished in the construction of the former basins. Exactly twelve months after the first survey stake was driven, water was turned into Basin C. Within four weeks, a lake covering 665,000 square feet filled the hollow to a depth of thirty-one feet, where once the water disappeared like magic after each successive rain. The covering of the hollow was a difficult and stu¬ pendous undertaking. It was necessary for this enor¬ mous area of concrete lining to hold ninety-three mil¬ lion gallons of water without the assistance of the underlying soil, which offered no resistance to the escape of any water that might find its way through a joint or a construction defect. The extent of the cover¬ ing may be compared to a circular wall, forty feet in height and three miles in circumference. That the pur¬ pose has been accomplished is demonstrated by the re¬ sults for a period of six weeks after the basin was filled, during which time the drop in water surface has averaged only three-eighths of an inch in twenty- four hours. Albany has added incalculably to its resources by providing this addition to its excellent water supply. The security of the supply was strengthened. Destitute men were taken from the humiliating futility of relief and were permitted to take a part in this contribution to the City's future welfare. Of secondary importance is the cost to the City of Albany, which was no greater than would have been the burden of providing home relief. The engineering features of the Loudonville Res¬ ervoir are unusual and should be of general interest. The reservoir basins are located at the northerly lim¬ its of the City, at an elevation sufficient to provide adequate pressures for the high service district. The supply conduit from the filtration plant enters the City from the south, completely crosses the City, ap¬ proximately through its center, and terminates at the Loudonville Reservoir. There is an important advantage in supplying water to the distribution system of the City at one side, when an equalizing reservoir is located on the opposite side. With this arrangement, the principal distribution mains are connected directly to the supply conduit and the filtration plant can operate at a uniform rate throughout the twenty-four hours. During the day time when the consumption is at peak all the water from the filtration plant can be taken into the City mains and the excess supplied from the distribution reservoir. At night, when the demand is at a min¬ imum, only a portion of the supply enters the distri¬ bution system and the balance is discharged into the Loudonville Reservoir, serving to replenish the water withdrawn during the daytime. 17 At time of excessive draught, water will flow into the principal feeders of the distribution grid from two directions. The velocity in the supply conduit under these conditions will he less than if the same amount of water entered from one direction only. Since the friction loss varies as the square of the velocity, the location and arrangement of the Loudonville Reservoir reduces the fluctuations in pressures throughout the City to a minimum. Expressed differently, the method of supply from two directions approximately doubles the capacity of the principal supply mains in the dis¬ tribution system. The piping at Loudonville is so arranged that it is possibleto o[>erate the three basins either jointly or sep¬ arately. Each basin can be disconnected from the sys¬ tem when necessary. Drains are installed to permit the emptying of any single basin. For the construc¬ tion of Basin C. the fortv-eight-inch supply conduit, after crossing the Shaker Road and continuing north¬ ward within the reservoir property, terminated oppo¬ site the dividing dike between Basins A and B. At this point a thirty-six-inch branch pipe line was in¬ stalled in a tunnel connecting with the gate house for these two basins. This branch serves as an outlet for Basin B and as an inlet for Basins A and B. Water enters Basin B at the gatehouse and is withdrawn from the basin at the opposite end, thus providing cir¬ culation. This is accomplished by placing a check valve on the outlet pipe, which prevents the incoming water from flowing through this pipe. Where the supply conduit crosses the Shaker Road a second branch pipe line, also thirty-six inches in dia¬ meter. extends from the conduit to the south end of Basin A. A check valve on this line controls the di¬ rection of flow and forces the water to enter Basin A at the gate house and to leave the basin at the oppo¬ site end through this line. With this arrangement water enters the basins only at a time when the pres¬ sure in the supply conduit is greater than the level of the water in the basins. Conversely, the basins sup¬ ply water to the City whenever there is a reduction of pressure in the conduit. At. the time of the original construction at Loudon¬ ville a twenty-four-inch cast iron drain was installed for emptying the two basins and conveying the sur¬ face drainage from the area tributary to these basins. This drain, about 4,000 feet in length, is connected to the Patroon Creek sewer, near the west-bound tracks of the New York Cen¬ tral Railroad. In adding the third basin Panoramic view of Basin C, built by WPA labor as part of Albany's mountain water supply sys¬ tem. Picture shows huge basin, as construction was nearing comple¬ tion and project about finished to the system, it was necessary to maintain the same flexibility of operation. To accomplish this, the forty-eight-inch supply conduit was extended to the north for a distance of about 700 feet, where provision was made for the connection of a second forty-eight- inch conduit in this sub-struc- ture are pipe eon- nections and valves that control the water entering Basin C at the inlet tower and permit the water to he withdrawn from the basin, either at the lowest level or at a point fifteen feet below the water surface. Under normal operation the higher outlet will be used, the lower serving as a drain. A check valve of the non-slam, tilting-disc type prevents the incoming water from entering the basin at the gatehouse, and forces the water to travel through the pipe line to the inlet tower. This line con¬ tains a valve of the cone plug type located within the gatehouse sub structure. A similar valve is installed on the drain connection. The upper outlet at the gate¬ house is controlled by a sluice gate mounted on the outside of the wall. The sluice gate and cone plug valves are equipped with extension stems connected to operating stands which are mounted on the floor of the gatehouse. The superstructure of the gatehouse is of selected common brick of the Colonial type ornamented with Imperial Danbv Marble trim from Vermont quarries. The roof is of slate with copper cornice and flashing. Within this building is a hand-operated traveling crane of five tons capacity. Several large openings are provided in the floor to permit the removal of heavy castings with the use of the crane. Subway grating is installed in these openings and this grating is covered with ornamental steel plates. The gatehouse of Basin C is at the East end of the tunnel, the substructure extending from the floor of I he tunnel to a level five and one-half feet above the water line of the basin. A concrete arch bridge spans from the gatehouse to the side of the basin. Within the future. Duplication of the present supply conduit is in¬ cluded in the plan for the second stage of development of the Hannacrois-Catskill supply. At the end of the forty-eight-inch main, a thirty-six-inch branch line extends to the new gate-house of Basin C. This line is installed in a tunnel which is of the same size as the tunnel connecting with Basins A and B. A thirty-six-inch inlet pipe extends from the gatehouse completely across the new basin to an inlet tower at the far end of the basin. This pipe line is supported on concrete pedestals placed directly on the lining. 21 A tunnel entrance structure is at the opposite end of the tunnel. The top of this structure is composed of pre cast concrete slabs, which can be removed when it is necessary to lower a pipe section into the tunnel. At this same location there is a connection from the thirty-six-incli branch line to the twenty-four-inch drain. By closing a valve on the thirtv-six-inch line and opening a valve on the connection, Basin C can be completely emptied. The tunnel from the Shaker Road to the new gate¬ house is of the horseshoe type. It is eight feet, eight inches wide, at the springing line and seven feet, two inches high at the center. The lining is of reinforced concrete with a thickness of fourteen inches at the side walls and arch and a thickness of eighteen inches at the floor. The tunnel was constructed with the use of steel liner plates one-quarter inch thick. The ex¬ cavation was entirely completed before the construc¬ tion of the lining was started. As indicated on the cross section, a construction joint was provided at the floor level, making it pos¬ sible to build the floor as the first operation. The side walls were poured up to a construction joint at the springing line to facilitate spading of the concrete up to this level. Forms were then erected for the arch, leaving an opening in the timber lagging near the key. The concrete was placed in the two sides of the arch through this opening. The lagging was placed in the key and the concrete was packed in the remain¬ ing space behind the forms. When the former tunnel was constructed at Loudon- ville most of the excavation was in sand and gravel and. at intervals, pockets of large boulders were en¬ countered. On removing these boulders and setting the liner plates it was impossible to hold back the superimposed earth and small cave-ins occurred. Sim¬ ilar conditions were encountered in building the new tunnel for Basin C. Cave-ins were of no consequence except in the vicinity of the new basin. To remedy this condition, two-inch grout pipes Were placed in the lin¬ ing of the tunnel for a distance of 100 feet from the gatehouse. After the tunnel was completed, grout was forced behind the lining through these pipes, thus preventing possible future settlement, with resulting damage to the lining. The thirty-six-inch pipe line to Basin C was placed to one side of the tunnel and was supported on con¬ crete pedestals with the bottom of the pipe eighteen inches above the floor. The tunnel is of sufficient width to provide ample space between the side wall of the tunnel and the pipe for pouring and repairing the joints. The clearance on the opposite side of the tun¬ nel will permit the transporting or removal of a pipe section in case of repair to the line. The west end of the tunnel is connected to the twentv-four-inch drain! and in the event of failure of a pipe section the escap¬ ing water can be drained from the tunnel and gate¬ house substructure through this connection. In the design of the lining for a reservoir to meet conditions such as exist at Loudonville, consideration must be given to several factors that are of great im¬ portance. The control and operation of the reservoir with the arrangement of the gatehouse and pipe lines affect the general plan. Fluctuations of water surface and possible change of water level determine the type of construction around the margin. The density and permeability of the supporting soil have a direct bear¬ ing on the details of joint construction. Basin A is elongated in shape, converging to a point at the south end, which is 1,2.10 feet from the dividing dike separating the two original basins. The distance across Basin A at its widest point is about 500 feet. Originally this hollow was extremely irregular. After grading the slopes and removing the earth to depths as great as six or seven feet it was not possible to main¬ tain a regular alignment on the periphery of the basin or a uniform inclination for the side slopes. Basin B is of more regular outline with a width of 400 feet and a length of 600 feet. In constructing the lining of this basin a constant side slope of one on two and one-half was established and the bottom was built to an even grade. The original basins were constructed with a lining of concrete eight inches thick sub-divided into slab units by joints to provide for expansion and contrac¬ tion of the lining. The entire area of concrete was covered with a layer of gunite one and one-half inches thick. The joint construction of the concrete lining extended through the gunite covering with the use of copper expansion strips along these joints. Observations of these basins since they were placed in service were of value in formulating the design of the lining for Basin C. It was noted that changes in temperature and exposure to extreme weather con¬ ditions had less effect on Basin B than on Basin A. This is altributed to the more regular shape and con¬ tour of the former basin. These results indicated the advantage of eliminating re-entrant angles in the out¬ line of a reservoir and reducing to a minimum the construction of intersecting surfaces which are con¬ vex upward. Such surfaces on expansion develop forces which tend to lift the lining. The first principle to be established in the design of Basin C was the grading of the area. The topo¬ graphical survey indicated that it would be possible to develop a basin of very regular outline, approx¬ imating the shape of an egg, with a length of 1,150 feet and a width of 800 feet. The most favorable shape of a basin from the structural standpoint to allow ex¬ pansion and contraction is that of a saucer. In de¬ veloping the grading plan this principle was followed and although the total excavation was only 74,000 cubic 22 yards the final outline contained no re-entrant angles. Uniform side slopes were established around the en¬ tire perimeter. The distance from top of slope to bot¬ tom was maintained at eighty-two feet, six inches. Adjacent to Basin B the slope was controlled by the outline of the dike at the north boundary of this basin. A slope of one on three was used since it was inadvisable to place an embankment on the existing dike because of possible future settlement. For the remaining perimeter of the basin the slope was estab¬ lished at one on five and one-half with short sections on each side to provide a transition from a steep slope to the flatter one. The topography of the ground also determines the method of bringing the water into and out of the basin. The low point of the hollow was near Basin B and the gatehouse was located at this end of the new basin. The floor was graded to drain to the gatehouse, and a piping arrangement was adopted which admits the water at a point farthest from Basin B and with¬ draws the water at the gatehouse. In flic design of a reservoir lining, where the effi¬ ciency of the joint construction is of major importance, it is necessary to reduce the length of joints to a min¬ imum. This can be accomplished by using a uniform pattern of slab arrangement and making use of slab units of standard size, as far as possible. Several studies were made and the plan adopted proved to be the most efficient. Under this plan the standard slab is twenty-two feet, six inches wide and fifty feet long. In the bottom of the basin the pattern is arranged with short side of the slab parallel to the longest tangent of the basin periphery. The outline of Basin C is composed of six tangents connected by curves at the points of intersection. Along the tangent length otf the side slopes the strip consists of standard slab units at the bottom fifty feet in length and shorter units at the top of the slope. At each curve the slopes are constructed of slabs twenty-two feet, six inches wide with the longer dimension parallel to and concentric with the boun¬ dary wall of the basin. Huge tank trucks such as these ran in a steady stream from the concrete mixing plant to the reservoir. Photo shows one truck emptying its load into one of the forms. The type of lining adopted for Basin C is a com¬ bination of reinforced concrete and gunite to an over¬ all thickness of eight inches, combining the advantages of each of these materials as gained in the construc¬ tion of the original basins. The reinforcement of the lining is a welded steel mesh, weighing approximately 1.70 pounds per square foot, and composed of cold drawn steel wires of 4/0 size, spaced six inches on cen¬ ters. The reinforcement is approximately twenty-five hundredths per cent of the area of the concrete. The joint between the slab units is formed by first const ruct- ing a concrete sill six inches thick and sixteen inches wide with the top surface even with the sub-grade of the lining. The sill is covered with a layer of build¬ ing paper and the slab units are poured three-fourths of an inch apart. This joint space is centered on the concrete sill. The sill prevents unequal settlement of adjoining slabs and the use of building paper facili¬ tates movement of the concrete slabs under changes of temperature. Along all joints the top surface of the concrete is depressed to a depth of two inches and for a width of twenty-eight inches on each side of the joint. Within this area the concrete is six inches thick, while the remainder of the slab is eight inches thick. The joint space is filled with an asphaltic mastic to a depth of two inches and the top of this space is caulked with five strands of tarred rope oakum The purpose of the joint mastic is to assist in sealing the joint, while the tarred rope oakum was placed to exclude dirt and other foreign materials from the joint during con¬ struction. Directly above the center of the joint is a copper strip crimped to form an inverted U of three-quar¬ ter inch width and one and one-half inch height. The side flanges of the strip are five inches in width with the outer edge turned up vertically to a height of one inch. The strip is made from a sheet of four- teen-ounce copper fifteen and one-half inches wide. Before placing the copper a thin layer of asphaltic mastic is applied to the surface of the concrete and to the under side of the copper strip. After the strip is in place it is held firmly to the concrete surface with one-quarter-inch by five-inch-180 degree bend hook expansion bolts spaced twenty-four inches apart. A thin layer of asphaltic mastic is then applied to the top surface of the copper. The copper strips were fur¬ nished in lengths of approximately twelve feet and were placed with a lap of four inches on adjoining strips. To seal the lap the under-side of the inverted U was partially filled with mastic. At joint intersections special tees and crosses were formed by brazing together two or more sheets of copper. Adjoining copper strips were lapped in the same manner as along longitudinalqoints. The copper tees and crosses were also attached to the concrete with the use of hook bolts. With the copper materials in position a layer of galvanized welded steel mesh reinforcement twenty- four inches wide was placed in the depressed area on each side of the joint. This reinforcement was wired to the edge of the copper strip and, in addition, was at¬ tached to a row of one-quarter-inoh by four-inch-90 degree bend hook expansion bolts spaced four feet apart so as to place the reinforcement one inch above the surface of the concrete. The depression was then filled with a two-inch thickness of gunite composed of one bag of Portland cement and three cubic feet of Cow Bay sand. In applying the gunite a metal tem¬ plate was placed on the top of the ridge of the copper strip to form a notched groove. This groove was later filled with expansion joint filler of low melting point.- The joint as described possesses many features necessary for water-tight construction on soil of per¬ vious character. In this joint several lines of defense were set up for preventing the escape of water. The joint filler not only accomplished the purpose of af¬ fording protection to the resilient portion of the copper strip but also served as a seal for the top of the joint. The copper strip is the feature that insures the water- tightness. It is held to the concrete slab by the ex¬ pansion bolts along the outer edge of the strip and by the sheet of gunite, which is firmly attached to the concrete with wire mesh and additional bolts. Under the copper is a layer of oakum which when moist ex¬ pands and serves as a water-stop. The next defense is the mastic in the bottom of the joint and, finally, the layer of building paper fills the space between the under-side of the slab and the surface of the joint sill. This type of joint construction was employed over the entire area. At the margin of the basin, a wall was constructed to the outline as shown in one of the illustrations. The lower portion of the wall was built to a forty-five degree slope with the present water sur¬ face at the bottom of the slope. With this out¬ line it is possible at any time in the future to raise the water surface of the basin two feet without caus¬ ing possible damage to the wall from ice action. Joints were provided between adjoining wall sections and the space filled with cork. The reservoir has been filled with water for a period of several weeks and the observations have demonstrated the effectiveness of the joint construc¬ tion. The reservoir will remain filled during the Win¬ ter and will be emptied in the Spring for purpose of cleaning. The lining stands ready to perform its func¬ tion of storing ninety-three million gallons of water within the glacial hollow, during these variable weath¬ er conditions of heat and cold. 24 EZRA B. WHITMAN GUSTAV J REQUARDT BENJAMIN L.SM1TM WhIXMAK R£QUARDT AND SJA\Tf\ ~ Engineers - TBLB PrtON E VERNON 340? VERNON 2404 WEST BIDDLE STREET AT CHARLES BALTI,MO RE, /vE\RYL/\ND 75 75 State Street, Albany, Hew York, February 4, 1937, Mr. Lester W. Herzog, State Administrator, Works Progress Administration, Old Post Office Bldg., Albany, New York. Dear Mr. Herzog: As engineers for the City of Albany, we have been closely connected with the construction of the City's new distribution reservoir by the Works Progress Administration. We know of the necessity of finding employment for large numbers of men in the Pall of 1935, and the dispatch with which the work was started, after decision was made to inaugurate this project. We have shared the responsibility and concern of the City and the Government, in the completion of this large undertaking within a year, realizing that failure to do so would be harmful and costly. Basin C of the Loudonville Beservoir increases the storage of filtered water within the City of Albany to one hundred and ninety-three million gallons. This extension of the gravity water supply of the City, which within recent years, enabled Albany to discontinue for all time, the use of the unpalatable water of the Hudson River, represents a step in the progressive development of the new Hannacrois-Catskill supply. The design and construction of Basin C was not a simple problem. It involved the placing of approximately twenty thousand cubic yards of concrete in the lining of a glacial hollow, covering more than fifteen acres. It was necessary for the lining to be water-tight, since the sandy soil was of no value in retaining the water. This type of construction required the best grade of workmanship, and it was necessary at all times, to maintain such a standard. Basin C is of similar construction to the original basins, which were previously built, tinder contract, as part of the new supply. The concrete lining of the new basin was started June 5, and completed on November 14, 1936, representing a performance of thirty-three percent greater than on the original basins. Water was admitted into Basin C exactly one year after the starting of surveys on November 25, 1935, and the basin was completely filled on December 21, 1936. The new reservoir is an asset to the City of Albany, and contributes to the security and dependability of the new gravity supply. The excellent performance in the construction of the project is a creditable accomplishment by the Works Progess Administration and the City of Albany. Very truly yours, BLS:LJF