OOCUMtlNTS ROOM 1 r c ? 1>\C>«W ij LjsO "3- * ^ J V/o^W* . Qe). nr»i ni v Aro.l i 3,10 \£ fl / ^ (£>\^ ^ The Director of District 3 of the Wokks Progress Ad¬ ministration and the staff of the Women's and Profes¬ sional Division cordially invite you to a private ex¬ hibit portraying the work done by the projects of this division, to be held May fifth and sixth, Nineteen hundred and thirty eight, from 11:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M., on the second floor in the west wing of the Merchan¬ dise Mart. / FOR THE COMMON DEFENSE AND GENERAL WELFARE A crisis in the history of our country made it mandatory for our government to assume responsibilities that private agencies could no long¬ er shoulder. Our frontier has heretofore been the natural cure for depressions because the unemployed and the venturesome could go to the frontier and there, by building bridges and cities, escape the effects of the depression. This time we could not run away, and our great task is to learn how to re¬ adjust our relationships and live together in peace and harmony even during a depression. There are only two basic ways in which unemployment relief can be given — doles or jobs. Give a man a dole and you save his body and destroy his spirit. Give a man a job and pay him an assured wage, and you save both the body and the spirit. That is the theory on which the Works Progress Administration is based. It is a recognition that the un¬ employed are not a class apart, who are to be pitied and done for with the least possible cost, but are human beings, average run of citizens just like the rest of us, and with the same hopes, aspirations and appetites. The Women's and Professional Division was called into being in or¬ der to provide employment for a wider range of the occupational skills available among professional, technical and clerical groups. WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION ILLINOIS LEGAL SPONSORS — FEDERAL — Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau - Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, National Re-employment Service — STATE — Illinois Industrial Home for the Blind - Institute for Juvenile Research - Illinois Tax Commission - Illinois State Planning Commission - Illinois State Employment Service - Illinois Research and Educational Hospital - Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary - Chicago State Hospital—COUNTY - Cook County Probate Court - Cook County Circuit Court - Cook County Treasurer's & Collector's Office - Cook County Recorder's Office - Cook County Assessor's Office - Cook County Coroner's Office - Cook County Superior Court - State's Attorney's Office - School of Nursing - Cook County Hospital - Juvenile Detention Home—CITY—Board of Education - Chicago Park District - Department of Public Works - Municipal Reference Library - Chicago Relief Administration Department of Smoke Abatement and Inspection - Corporation Counsel - City Clerk's Office - Fire Department - Public Library - Chicago Recreation Commission - Police Department Sanitary District - Comptroller's Office - Board of Health - Chicago Housing Authority - Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium Department of Streets and Electricity - Bureau of Building Maintenance and Repairs - Bureau of Maps - Bureau of Rivers and Harbors - Bureau of Parks, Recreation and Aviation - Public Vehicle License Commission - Art Institute of Chicago - Field Museum of Natural History — COOPERATING SPONSORS— Private Schools - Universities - Churches - Youth Organizations - Industrial, Social and Civic Centers-Hotels and Clubs - Social Agencies - Civic, Social and Cultural Organizations - Business and Service Associations - Hospitals and Clinics - Veterans' Organizations. Works Progress Administration v ILLINOIS Charles E. Miner, State Administrator Mary Gillette Moon, State Director of Women's & Professional Projects DISTRICT 3 - CHICAGO H. K. Seltzer, Director V A. Anderson, Asst. Director WOMEN'S & PROFESSIONAL DIVISION Wilda A. Sawyer, Supervisor Amelia H. Baker. Asst. Supervisor. Operations S. A McKay, Asst. Supervisor. Planning