V b 1 ^ > ■i , w,. ■ ^ VALUAsriOH CiBcrcJUAB.No. 1. '■ I . INTEB#ATE COMMERCE COMMÍSglOE. i Divisn)» or VAtuAXioir. PEELIMINARY WOBK BY CAEEIEES. At the meeting between the engineers of the commission and the committee of railway eng^nem-s on Pebraa^ 26,1914, there seemed to be some uncertainty in the minds of the railway people as to ^acüy what should be done first in preparing upon their part for the work of valuation. This circular is issued for the purpose of explaining that matter, and has been delayed owing to confermicra with the committee of railway presidents touching methods of cooperation. All carrierB having rea^n to believe that their maps , and profiles already in existence win be recmved linder the order effective Feb¬ ruary 1, 1914, pertaining to. spécifications for maps and 'profiles,' should at once assemble such maps for inspection. It is not necessary in case of systems of considerable extent that all maps and profiles should be brought together, at one point, when this would involve imdue labor upon the part of the carrier, but it is indispensable that they should he put into sudi orderly shape that they can be s^n and readily examined. As soon as the maps and profiles are ready for inspection, the com- missicm should be notified of the-place or places where they are and .should be requited to make thé examdnatidn. ' This will te done as promptly as the work of the commission permits, and when several carriers are* awaiting examination at the same time the commission ■srill first act in ca® of those carriers whose property is to be first valued. Ordinarily the commission will give at least three months' notice cxf it® intotttion to b^in work upon the property of a given carrier, and it win, so fer as may pro^rly be done, consult the reasonable convenience of the carrier in the prosecution of the work. Carriers (fedring to obtain copies of cross section and chaining notes, with which to complete their maps and profiles, thereby avoiding a dupli¬ cation of work, may do so by expressing their willmgness 1» sign the agreement, ciopy of which is printed at the foot of this circular, at the time th^ ^ve written notice that their maps are ready fer examination. As soon as the commission has passed upon the maps and profiles, the «frier should proceed to make the chang® or additions required 49434—34 Wit1»c?2ai'-:^. Îîsxn Crerar ÎAbA.., j interstate commerce commission. in present Jnajis and profiles or to prepare new ones, as the case may he. Carriersjjavinfi no mai)s and profiles, or whose maps and profiles are clearly oí Such a character as to be insufficient for this work, should at oiM;c;.proceed to prej)are those called for by the order of the commissi(«i. Î Iii doing this the requirements of that order must be strictly followed with respect to right of way and station maps. Carriers may, if they elect, j)repare a tentative profile, omitting the vertical j)rojection of the original ground surface, but showing the subgrade and giving information as to structures called for in sub¬ division (b), paragraph 17, of the order of the commission, e.xcept that the location of these structures need not be stated with abso¬ lute accuracy. Illiie prints of this tentative profile shall be furnished the commission and the information obtained by the surveys of the commission may be subsequently utilized by the carrier in completing the profiles as called for by said order. All carriers should at once prepare a list of their lands, showing grantor, grantee, instrument, etc., as called for in the order. If the carrier prefers, it may in the first instance prepare typewritten schedules wJiich may be so arranged upon separate sheets as to be mechanical]}'' transferred to the maps finally. In the end the sched¬ ule of lands must appear upon the map as set forth in the order pertaining to maps and profiles. Roads which have a gross income not exceeding $100,000 annually are excused for the time being from preparing this information. It is possible that the present order may be modified in some respects as to such railroads, and if so, due notice will be given. If no such change has been noted by October 1, 1914, such railroads should prepare to comply Avitli the order of the commission as it now stands. • It should be noted that this circular does not of itself modify the oi'der of January 12, 1914, but simply indicates those modifications which may be made by the commission in due time upon application. C. A. Prouty, Director. . MAY 1,1914. PRELIMINARY WORK BY CARRIERS. 3 Agreement. To prevent the duplication of work and secure correct results in the valuation of the property of the ^ Railroad Company, it is agreed between the Interstate Commerce Commission and said railroad company, as follows : 1. Carbon copies of all field notes of chaining and cross-sectioning field par¬ ties shall be forthwith delivered to the person designated hy said railroad company. ' (It is assumed that carbon copies can be furnished. If after actual trial this is found impracticable, some other method shall be agreed upon under which the carrier may obtain copies of these notes. 2. The person to whom delivery is made shall at once acknowledge receipt of the same in such form as may be agreed upon between the member of the engi¬ neering board having-"charge of the district, or his representative, and the rail¬ road company. 3. The railroad company shall at the earliest practicable moment call atten¬ tion to any and all alleged errors or omissions in said field notes, and shall not later than thirty (80) days from the receipt of such notes, point out definitely in writing all alleged errors and omissions. With respect to all matters except those covered by such written objections, made within the thirty (30) days, such field notes shall be accepted as correct; provided, however, that any plain and palpable substantial error on either side may at any time be corrected. Such correction shall be made by the commission upon notice from the railroad company. No change in or addition to the field notes shall be made by the commission without the consent of the railroad company except upon notice to the railroad, with thirty (30) days within which to file objections. 4. If the carrier claims anything on account of property which should be Included as part of the roadway under survey but which is not open to visual observation and measurement, it shall either definitely indicate in writing to the commission before the survey begins the nature, locality, and extent of such property, or shall definitely point out the same at the time of the survey, when the portion embracing the same is under survey, so that the claim may be noted upon and as a part of said field notes. Any maps or record evidence sub¬ stantiating this claim shall be produced at the time of the survey, or as. soon thereafter as may be reasonably possible. All questions of difference arising under the objections of the railroad com¬ pany to the aforesaid notes, or with respect to property which is not visible, shall be forthwith settled under some arrangement to be agreed upon between the member of the engineering board in charge of that district and the railroad company. Dated at this day of 19— ADDITIONAL COPIES or THIS PUBLICATION MAT BE PROCUEED PEOM THE SUPEEINTENBENT OF DOCUMENTS OOVEENMENT PBINTINO OFnCE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY ViltrATIONlOaDBB INTEEÉ^Á'TE OEDER. At a General Session of the INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, held at its office in Washington, D. C., on the 12th day of May, A. D. 1914. ABANDONED PROPERTY. The subject of physical property abandoned by steam rmlroads prior to June 30, 1914, being under consideration: It is ordeted, That each and every carrier owning or operating a steam railroad, and each and evejy receiving or operatmg trustee of any such carrier, shall, on or b^ore February 1, 1915, file with the Commission, at ils office in Washington, complete and detailed sched¬ ules of all fixed physical property which it has abandoned prior to Jime 30, 1914, together with a complete and detailed statement of its claJms with aspect thereto. Such schedules shall show tibia prop¬ erty classified in accordance with the Interstate Commerce Commis¬ sion's investment accoimts, and shall give the physical units of the property, with the ori^mal cost of same to date of abandonmmit,- also date of abandonment and disposition and present statua of abandoned property. Carriers shidl accompany such schedules with a descriptive list of aU maps, profilos, or other records which refer to the property and which will serve to aid the Commission in idmitify- ing and examining the same, and upon request from the Commission shall file with it such maps, profiles, and other records or copies of the same as may be required. By tibe Commission. [seal.] . Geokqe B. MoGinty, SecTdary. additional copies OF THIS FUBLICATIOir HAT BE PBOCtmED FROM ÏHE STTPEBtETEKDENT OF DOCUMENTS QOVXBNMENT FEUTTINO OFFICE WA8E1B8T0H, D. C. AT 5 CEm?i TEM COFir V 1440 1 i WASHINGTON : OOFEENMENT FBIHTîNO OVBtm ! »U COMMERCE COMMISSION.