H^ícavaoua (J^anal (Construction (Company. IReovôanisation HGreement. Dated December 8th, iSgj. JOHN R. BARTIyBTT, Chairman, United Bank Buildingf 2 Wall St. SMITH M. WBED, ^ Plattsbnrgh, N. 1". and 21 Courtland St. HENRY E. HOWEAND, of Anderson & Howland, 3^ Wall St. RICHARD E. EDWARDS, Prest. Bank of State of iVeiv York. JOHN J. EMERY, of Ornery Bros,, Cincinnati and Xew York. WIEHEEMUS MYNDERSE, of Butler, Stillman & Hubbard, 54 Wall St. E. K. SIBEEY, of Marquand A: Parmly, 160 Broadway. Committee. CENTRAE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Ç* Depositary. Ütf^ARY BUREAU OF RAILWAY ECO O ÍIICS, WASHINGTON, O. c. TC^ J^01iJßJ61tXßtlt made this eighth day of December, in the- year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, between such of the stockholders of the Nicaragua Canal Construe- tion Company as shall become parties to this agreement and comply with the terms thereof, parties of the first part, and John R. Bartlett, Smith M. Weed, Henry E. How- land, Richard h. Edwards, John J. Emery, Wilhelmus Mynderse and E. K. Sibley, a Committee, and such other person or persons as may hereafter from time to time be constituted members of said Committee, hereinafter called the Reorganization Committee, or the Committee, parties of the second part : Whereas, the entire capital stock of the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company, to the amount of twelve million dollars, represented by one hundred and twenty thousand shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each, has been issued ; and Whereas, under an order of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York, dated August 30, 1893, in an action brought by a creditor of the Company, the property and assets of the said Nicaragua Canal Construction Company, of every description, were placed in the hands of a Receiver ; and Whereas, the property of said Nicaragua Canal Con¬ struction Company, so placed in the hands of a Receiver, is composed in part of the stock and in part of obligations for bonds of the Maritime Canal Company ; and Whereas, at the time of the appointment of such Receiver, there was existing, and still exists, a contract between the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company and the Maritime 2 Canal Company for the construction of a canal from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean through Nicaragua ; and Whereas, the property of the Company is of a kind not readily negotiable, and is in danger of being sacrificed if sold under order of the Court for the satisfaction of creditors ; and Whereas, it is desirable that a reorganization should be eflfected, by which the property, assets, rights and franchises of the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company may be preserved, and the securities in its treasury increased in value and amount for the benefit of such of its stockholders as may join in such reorganization ; and Whereas, the following plan of reorganization has been proposed : Plan of Reorg^anization. The property, assets, rights and franchises of the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company are to be acquired by purchase by the Reorganization Committee for the benefit of those stock¬ holders uniting for this reorganization. All the said assets when so acquired shall be conveyed by the Committee to a new or reorganized company, and the Committee shall receive in payment therefor the entire capital stock of such new or reorganized company, which capital stock shall consist of 120,0U0 shares of the par value of $100 per share, to be issued to the said Committee or to its order. The stockholders of the Nicaragua Canal Construction Com¬ pany desiring to participate in the reorganization shall deposit with the Central Trust Company of New York their stock cer¬ tificates duly endorsed, in exchange for such Trust Company's certificates of deposit. Stockholders assenting to the plan of reorganization shall receive, for each ten shares of stock deposited, one share of the capital stock of the new or reorganized company, of the par value of $100. Or if at the time of depositing stock with the Central Trust Company, any stockholder shall pay in cash to the said Trust Company for account of the Reorganization Committee $3.50 upon each share so deposited by him, such stockholder shall 3 receive, for each two shares of stock so deposited, one share of the capital stock of the new or reorganized company, of the par value of $100. The certiticates of capital stock of the new or reorganized Company sball be deliverable by the Committee only upon the completion of the reorganization, and shall be represented in the meantime by the certificates of deposit issued on behalf of the Committee by the Central Trust Company. The Committee propose to acquire, for the benefit of the reorganization, any outstanding first mortgage bonds or bond obligations of the Maritime Canal Company, or scrip therefor, not now included in the assets of the Nicaragua Canal Con¬ struction Company, and any outstanding stock of the Maritime Canal Company not now included in such assets ; and also ex¬ isting debts or claims against the Nicaragua Canal Construc¬ tion Company. The Committee propose to acquire such bonds, bond obligations or scrip, and such stock and such debts, or any portion thereof practicable, either by purchase or by adrnittiug the respective owners thereof to tliis reorganiza¬ tion upon terms to be fixed by the Committee, or otherwise in the discretion of the Committee. The cash requirements of the Committee shall be met from the funds paid in by such of the stockholders as elect to pay the foregoing charge of $3.50 per share upon their stock de¬ posited, and from the sale of stock of the new or reorganized company. The amount of stock to be so sold shall not, how¬ ever, exceed, together with that which is required for the re¬ demption of the Central Trust Company's certificates of de¬ posits and the acquisition of bonds, bond obligations or scrip therefor, and of stock of the Maritime Canal Company, and of existing debts of the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company, one-half of tlie capital stock of the new or reorganized company. Such stock shall be offered for sale by subscription to the stockholders parties to this agreement, in such lots and at such prices not less than $10 per share as the Committee mav de¬ termine. All subscriptions must be made on or before the date the Committee may name by advertisement, and in the event that the subscriptions exceed in amount the stock offered for sale, allotment shall be made to subscribers, first, in pro¬ portion to their deymsits, and then, as to any stock remaining unallotted, in proportion to the amounts of their subscriptions, and the subscription price shall be payable upon notice of allotment. Any such stock not allotted upon subscription may be thereafter sold by the Committee and in such manner and at such prices as they shall determine, but at not less than the subscription price. The names of all depositors shall be registered by the Central Trust Company, and the right of subscription shall belong to the registered depositors, or to their respective 4 assigns, within the limit of time and subject to the terms and conditions of payment fixed by the Committee. tïxts ligve^mjcnt witnessjetlx^ that in consideration of one dollar, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the subscribers hereto have agreed with each other and with the said Committee as follows : ^XVSt. That the parties of the first part hereby make, con¬ stitute and appoint Jolin K. Bartlett, Smith M. Weed, Henry E. Howland, Richard L. Edwards, John J. Emery, Wilhelmus Mynderse and E. K. Sibley, parties of the second part, as their attorneys in fact and as their Committee of Reorganization. ^iJCJCrtxxl. That the parties of the first part are the owners, or the duly authorized representatives of the owners, of the shares of stock set opposite their respective names, and deposited hereunder, and that they will forthwith upon notice deposit the same with the Central Trust Company of New York, and will in all cases execute transfers of their said stock and deposit the same wdth the said stock, so that the legal title of the said stock shall become vested in and subject to the control of the said Reorganization Committee ; and all property and rights acquired by the Committee shall vest in the Committee as it mav be constituted from time to time, without the need of formal transfer. ^IXXt^Ä. That the parties of the first part agree to accept in exchange for the stock so deposited by them, respectively, cer¬ tificates of deposit, signed by or on behalf of the Central Trust Company, which certificates shall describe the stock deposited, and shall contain the folloAving substantially : Deposited under an agreement between certain of the stockholders of the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company, parties of the first part, and John R. Bartlett, Smith M. Weed, Henry E. Howland, Richard L. Edw^ards, John J. Emery, Wilhelmus Mynderse and E. K. Sibley, therein called " the Reorganization Committee, parties of the second part, bearing date the eighth day of December, 1893, 5 " The holder hereof assents to, and is bound by, the pro- visions of said agreement by receiving this certificate," The election whether or not to pay $3.50 a share on each share of stock deposited shall be made by the depositor at the time of making his deposit of stock, and cannot be later reconsidered. The certificates of deposit issued to depositors paying $3,50 per share on stock deposited by them shall contain also the following, substantially : $3.50 per share having been paid at the time of deposit upon the stock herein described, the owner and holder " of this certificate is entitled, at the completion of the re- organization, to the advantages and privileges provided in the Plan of Reorganization for the benefit of those de- positors making such payment." The interest represented by said certificates shall be trans¬ ferable by assignment or delivery, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement. The words subscriber, depositor, assenting stockholder or creditor, or other words equivalent thereto, whenever used herein, shall be held to include individuals, trustees, guardians, committees, agents and other persons acting in a representa¬ tive or fiduciary capacity, with control over the shares, securi¬ ties or claims held by them, partnerships, partnership associa¬ tions, joint stock companies and corporations. By the acceptance of the certificates of deposit hereinbefore referred to, the several parties of the first part respectively depositing their shares with the Central Trust Company become parties to this agreement, with the same force and effect as if they had severally affixed their signatures and seals at the foot of this instrument. gxrxtvtlx. After the assent of stockholders to the amount of sixty thousand shares has been given, the Committee shall then be the sole judge when and whether the assent of enough 6 stockholders has been obtained to this agreement to warrant them in carrying ont the same. They shall then have power to declare said agreement operative. The failure of a shareholder to avail himself of the pro¬ visions of this agreement prior to the declaration by the Re¬ organization Committee that it has become operative, shall ex¬ clude him from participation in the reorganization, except that the Committee may, upon such terms and in such manner and within such limits of time as they shall think fit, admit such stockholders to the reorganization. The said Reorganization Committee is empowered : 1. To organize and act by the vote or decision of a ma¬ jority of their number present at any meeting, a majority of the Committee constituting a quorum for the transaction of business. An absent member may vote through a proxy given to another member. 2. To add to the number of its members, and to fill any vacancy in the Committee arising either from death, resigna¬ tion, incapacity or refusal to act. In such case the appoint¬ ment shall be made in writing by the remaining members of the Committee, or by a majority of them, and shall be executed and deposited with'the Central Trust Company of New York. 3. To invite, in such manner as said Committee may deem best, the stockholders of the Company to become parties to this agreement. 4. To appoint such sub-committees, counsel, attorneys^ agents or other employees as they shall see fit ; to pay them a reasonable compensation for their services, and to incur such expenses as shall, in their opinion, be necessary in carrying this plan into effect. 5. To do whatever in their opinion may be necessary 7 or proper to secure a sale or conveyance to them of the said property and franchises of the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company, either by means of the existing legal proceedings, or by the institution of new suit or suits or proceedings, or by negotiation or agreement or otherwise, as to them shall seem expedient, and upon any sale or sales, in their discretion to purchase or acquire the property, assets, rights and franchises of the said Nicaragua Canal Construction Company, or any part or parts thereof, and to hold the property so purchased, either in their own name or in the name of persons chosen by them for the purposes of this agreement, and generally to exercise all powers, authority and discretion which the parties of the first part, or any of them, might or could do, singly or collectively, as stockholders. 6. To organize a corporation of the capital stock of twelve millions of dollars, under the laws of the United States of America or of some State of the United States of America, and to sell and convey the said property, assets, rights and fran¬ chises, and all other property which the Committee may ac¬ quire, to such corporation, in full payment of the issue of its entire capital stock of twelve millions of dollars, and to pro¬ cure the issue of such capital stock to the Committee or to its order. 7. To attend any and all stockholders' meetings of the Nica¬ ragua Canal Construction Company and of the new or reorgan¬ ized company, and to vote upon the shares of stock deposited as aforesaid, or upon the shares of stock of the new or reorgan¬ ized company received as aforesaid, on any questions that may come up at such meetings for action, and to examine the books and accounts of the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company, and to take any action which any of the depositing stockholders could take, except that the Committee shall not voluntarily incur for depositing stockholders any individual responsibility for moneys borrowed. 8 8. To do any and all acts and things that they may consider judicious, necessary and proper to carry out any purpose indi¬ cated in the foregoing plan, and to bring about a reorganization of the Company, and to obtain for it necessary capital. And for these purposes the Committee are authorized to make con¬ tracts with syndicates, bankers or other persons to obtain cash for the purchase of any property and assets of the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company hereinbefore referred to, and to obtain or provide cash for any of the requirements of the new or reorganized Company, or any cash which may be required to carry out any purpose of this agreement. 9. To abandon the attempt of reorganization at any time,, if it shall be deemed by them impracticable to accomplish it. That the Reorganization Committee shall use and apply the money received by them, and the property and assets, purchased by them, in the manner following : 1. So much of said money as shall be requisite shall be ap¬ plied to the payment of all proper expenses of every descrip¬ tion incurred in or about the execution of this agreement, in¬ cluding reasonable compensation to the Central Trust Com¬ pany, and to the members of this committee, and to their counsel, and to payment of any other expenses properly incidental to the performance of the agreement. 2. So much of said money as shall be requisite shall be used for the acquisition of the property and assets of the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company, including the assignment of the contract between the Construction Company and the Maritime Canal Company for the construction of the canal. 3. All funds or securities remaining in the hands of said Committee, however acquired, shall, after payment of the charges and expenses aforesaid, and after making the distri- butions and sales and purchases and adjustments contem¬ plated or authorized in the plan or in this agreement, be delivered to a Trustee or Trustees, to be designated by the Committee, for the sole use and benefit of the new or reor¬ ganized company; or the same may be delivered to the treasury of the new or reorganized company ; or part may be delivered to a Trustee or Trustees, and the remainder to the treasury of the new or reorganized company, if it is thought bv the Committee to be more advisable to do so. Whether delivered to a Trustee or Trustees, or to the treasury of the new or reorganized company, or to both, the transfer and delivery of the stock of the Maritime Canal Company shall be subject to the condition (to be embodied in the instrument of trans¬ fer by appropriate provisions) that an amount of such stock equal in par value to the par value of the outstanding capital stock of the new or reorganized Company shall at all times be held in the treasury of the new or reorganized Company, or for the benefit of such treasury, until the liquidation of the new or reorganized Company, or until the Directors of the new or reorganized Company shall by a vote of three-fourths of their entire number annul the condition. That an account shall be kept by the Committee of all receipts and disbursements by them made, and they shall file their accounts with the Board of Directors of the new re¬ organized corporation, and the same shall be final, binding and conclusive upon all parties hereto. That the amount to be paid at the sale of the property and assets of the Nicaragua Canal Construction Com¬ pany shall be in the discretion of the Committee. That it is expressly understood that the Committee assume no responsibility for the execution of the above plan or any part thereof ; the members, however, undertake in good faith to endeavor to execute the same. They shall not be 10 personally liable in any case for the acts of each other, nor for their own except in case of willful malfeasance or gross negli¬ gence, nor shall they be personally liable for the acts of their agents or employees. Any member of the Committee may at any time resign, by giving notice in writing to the Committee, and the Committee may settle any transaction with such mem¬ ber, or with the personal representatives of any deceased mem¬ ber, and give a full release and discharge. It is agreed that the present or future members of the Committee may be or become pecuniarily interested in any of the pro]3erty or matters which are the subject of this agreement; and that they mav become members of any syndicate formed for the sale or purchase of stock, or for the prosecution of work in the construction of the canal, or for the financial assistance of the enterprise. SmtlX. That in case it shall be found practicable to effect a reorganization of the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company without a sale of its property, assets and franchises, the Com¬ mittee are authorized in their discretion to effect such reorgan¬ ization. ^IjCWJCiXth. That the Committee are vested with full power and authority to do any and all acts and things necessary and proper in their judgment to be done, in order to carry out the said plan of reorganization, or to carry out any purpose indi¬ cated therein, including the power from time to time to make such changes in the plan of reorganization as they may con¬ sider necessary or expedient. But no alteration or modification shall be made by the Committee involving the acceptance by depositing stockholders of any less amount of new stock than is contemplated in the said plan, unless notice of such alteration or modification shall be given by advertisement of not less than twice a week for two successive weeks in two newspapers published in the city of New York, and in one newspaper published in the city of San Francisco : any depositing stock- 11 holder who shall not consent to such alteration or modification shall file notice of dissent with the said Central Trust Com¬ pany within the said two weeks, and if more than one-quarter of the registered shares object to the proposed alteration or modification, it shall not go into effect ; otherwise, it shall be effective and binding upon all. That in the event of this agreement not be¬ coming operative, or of its being abandoned, or of its not being consummated by the purchase of the property by the Re¬ organization Committee and the organization of a new Company or through the rehabilitation of the now-existing Company, then the Committee shall return to the several depositors, upon surrender of their certificates of deposit, the stock deposited and the moneys paid by them respectively, upon payment, however, of a due proportion of all advances made by the Committee, and all expenses and liabilities by them incurred, including their own reasonable compensation. That the original agreement shall be filed with the Central Trust Company of New York. Copies shall be printed and may be signed by the parties subscribing thereto, either singly or by as many as may be convenient upon each paper, and all of said papers so signed shall be taken and deemed as constituting one original paper. ^jcrutitjectxtlx. Any notice required to be given by the Com¬ mittee to assenting or depositing stockholders may be given by publication of the same twice a week for two weeks in two daily newspapers in the City of New York, and in one newspaper in the city of San Francisco, and such notice shall be sufficient. That this agreement shall bind the said Re¬ organization Committee and their successors in office appointed in accordance herewith, and shall bind the assenting stock¬ holders, their, and each of their heirs, executors, administra¬ tors, assigns and successors. 12 %\t WitXlJ^SS the said parties have hereunto signed their names, or put their corporate seals, and the parties of the first part have written opposite to their respective names or seals the amount of the stock deposited or to be deposited by them respectively. Signatures."^ Address. No. of Shares. * N. B.—The option of paying $3.50 a share is to be exercised at the time of depositing shares with the Central Trust Company.