THE PROPOSED ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC SHIP RAILWAY. NO. I. ( From " Ikon," London, September 5, 1884.) Connecting the United States and Mexico with South America is a neck of land, not very long, nor in some parts very wide, and through which it has been the desire of civilised nations, for a great many years past, to cut a canal, in order to unite the At¬ lantic and Pacific Oceans. A glance at the map at once points to the desirability of effecting this union, which would straight¬ way afford a short and direct passage from Europe and the United States to the western shores of America, Australasia, and China, and vice versa. The great object is, of course, to obviate the necessity for the transhipment of goods and passengers ; and the schemes which have been brought forward have been mainly for canals. Railways, of course, have been proposed, and a com¬ mencement has been made on the works of the Panama Railway. But the fundamental objection to a railway is that the necessity for transhipment arises, and this is in every way undesirable, or, to put it plainly, objectionable. The projects which have had for their object the cutting of a ship canal through the American isthmus have been numerous. The establishment of inter-oceanic communication by this means has been proposed by various routes trending from north-west to south-east, and including those of Tehuantepec, Honduras, Nicaragua, Chiriqui, Panama, Chepo, and Atrato. The Tehuantepec route, which is the most northern and western, appears to have attracted- the attention of Cortes, soon after the conquest, from the narrowness of the isthmus, and the remarkable depression of the table-land at that point. The idea of opening a canal between the two oceans by this route, which had long been entertained, received a sudden impulse in 1771 from the unexpected discovery in the fort of San Juan de Ülloa, in Vera Cruz harbour, that some cannon cast at Manila had crossed the isthmus by the rivers Chimalapa and Coatza- coalcos. Surveys of this route were subsequently made by Don Augustin Cramer in 1774 ; by Don Tadeo Ortiz and Don Juan de Orbegoso in 1824 J by Señor Moro in 1842 and '43 ; and in 1852 by Mr. J. J. Williams, on the part of the Tehuantepec Railway Company of New Orleans. In the year 1842 General Santa Anna, HE Î3 2 ig?* the then President of Mexico, granted Don José de Garay permis¬ sion to cut a canal across the isthmus of Tehuantepec, and a sur¬ vey was at once commenced under the orders of Garay, and at his expense. According, however, to the report of Mr. Williams, who made his survey in conjunction with Major Barnard, of the United States Topographical Engineers, water does not exist at the requisite level in sufficient quantity to render a canal practica¬ ble. More than a century of wishing, scheming, and surveying have thus failed to bring about the desired end, and in the face of the report just referred to the formation of a canal may be con¬ sidered to be as near or as remote now as when the geological development of the isthmus was completed. But there is one way out of the difficulty which of course ap¬ pears, like many other things, very simple when known. This is to transport ship and cargo bodily overland from one ocean to the other across the Mexican isthmus. The idea is a bold one, but it is nevertheless a feasible one, as will presently be seen. The proposition is due to Mr. James B. Eads. of the United Stages. The idea is not one of yesterday, for it is now more than four years since Mr. Eads first conceived the notion of a ship railway. When the British Association was holding its jubilee meeting at York in 1881, Mr. Eads communicated to Section G an outline of his scheme as stated by us at the time. Since then he has been engaged in having surveys made, perfecting the details of his scheme, and in bringing the matter before the Congress of the United States, in order that his own government might have the opportunity of aiding it in the interest of American commerce. In 1881, Mr. Eads obtained from the Mexican government a con¬ cession, which extends over a period of ninety-nine years from its date. This concession authorises the construction across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec of a ship-railway, an ordinary railway, and a line of telegraph. There are other important provisions, such as exempting ships and merchandise in transit from govern¬ ment duty, granting the concessionaire a million acres of public land, and guaranteeing protection during the construction and subsequent operation of the works. Having obtained the conces¬ sion, Mr. Eads set about having the necessary surveys made, and he at once placed two parties in the field, one under the direction of Mr. Williams (who made several former surveys on the Isthmus), and another party under the direction of Mr. E. L. Corthell, the chief engineer of the West Shore Railroad, in the State of New York. At the same time a third party of engineers under the di¬ rection of Don Francisco De Garay, an able Mexican engineer, with forty assistants and men, was detailed by the Mexican gov¬ ernment to assist Mr. Eads in making his survey. Two lines were run by these parties through the mountain region. The river and its bar were carefully surveyed and sounded by Mr. Corthell from the sea to Minatitlan. The harbours on the Pacific 3 were inspected at the same time by him. These partial surveys established the fact beyond question that it was entirely practica¬ ble to construct the ship-railroad entirely across the isthmus. Surveys under Mr. Martin Van Brocklin, who had four parties in the field, were made a year' later. Connectêd instrumental sur¬ veys from Minatitlan to Bocea Barra and to Salina Cruz have been recently completed under his personal direction. A still better line than that of either Williams or Garay has been found on the isthmus. Having prepared matters sufficiently for the purpose, Mr. Eads submitted the matter to Congress, and the consideration of the affair was referred to the Committee on Commerce of the United States Senate. After having taken a considerable amount of evidence, and after having very carefully considered the whole question in all its bearings, the committee made, by a unanimous vote, a favourable report to the Senate recommending that the bill should be passed in the interests of the country. The Senate having failed to take any action upon this report, Mr. Eads with¬ drew his proposition to the United States government from the further consideration of Congress, and he is now in England with the object of bringing his project before the public. Mr. Eads having personally communicated to us the details of his project, we have much pleasure in promoting the object he has in view by placing full particulars before our readers. In doing so, we shall deal with the subject in three articles. In the first—the present one—we confine ourselves to historical and general par¬ ticulars, and a description of the route ; in the second, we shall describe in detail the harbours, docks, railway, and the transport¬ ing plant ; whilst in the third, we shall enter into the commercial considerations affecting the question. The ship-railway as now proposed will be about 134 miles in length. Commencing from the Atlantic side, the route will start from the Gulf of Mexico, and the Coatzacoalcos river will be uti¬ lised to Minatitlan, about 25 miles distant from the gulf, in which the tide has a rise and fall of 18 inches only. For the first 35 miles from Minatitlan the route extends over an alluvial plain composed in all its lower portions of a heavy tenacious clay. In the higher portions, and in the small ridges, a clay loam is found with an occasional deposit of sand. Upon this portion of the line there is but little large timber, but the surface generally is covered with luxuriant undergrowth. Leaving this plain the line enters an undulating table-land extending to a point 25 miles from Min¬ atitlan, where it leaves the valley of the river and follows a suc¬ cession of broad valleys between which there are extensive table¬ lands with no high or permanent dividing summits between them. The whole forms an extensive interior basin having a gentle in¬ clination towards the summit, and bordered on its eastern and western sides by irregular mountain ranges, spurs of the main Cordilleras that run through the entire continent, and which make 4 at this point one of the most marked depressions to be found in its whole length. From this basin the line passes through a val¬ ley, formed by a small stream, to the plains of Tarifa, which con¬ stitute the summit of the line, 736 feet above low tide. Crossing these plains the line reaches the pass of Tarifa, the lowest and most accessible of the many passes through this general depres¬ sion in the main mountain chain. From the Tarifa Pass (or the "Portillo," as it is called) the line descends to the Pacific plains, reaching them 118 miles from Minatitlan by a uniform gradient following a succession of valleys through the intervening foot hills. The heaviest excavations will be in cutting through the spurs of the hillsides, or through divisions between adjacent val¬ leys, but no exceptionally heavy work of this kind is required throughout the entire route. Across the Pacific plains the line can be carried in almost any desired direction, the surface being remarkably even and uniform in character. On the Pacific side there is the choice of two harbours—namely, Salina Cruz and Bocca Barra. The latter would appear to have many advantages over Salina Cruz, and there, moreover, the Pacific tide has a rise of only 5 feet. There are no important engineering difficulties in the way of deepening Bocca Barra, which is the outlet of two large lakes, and bringing ships through the lake to its northern side, by which twenty-five miles of railway would be saved over the route to Salina Cruz. It is upon the route to this terminus that the estimates of Mr. Eads have been made. The maximum gradient required to reach the summit from either direction is 1 per cent., or 52.8 feet per mile. On the Atlantic side the line can. be made to require no heavier gradient than 42 feet per mile. The maximum gradient of 1 per cent, is only encountered in two places, one four miles in length on the Atlantic side, and the other descending to the Pacific, the length of the maximum gradi¬ ent on this side being twelve and a half miles. About two-thirds of the entire length of the line the gradient will not exceed 26 feet per mile. Many varieties of valuable timber are found dura¬ ble in character and suitable for either permanent or temporary work in construction throughout the entire route, with the excep¬ tion of about twenty miles at each end of it. There are no marsh lands or questionable grounds encountered on the entire route, and no important or difficult rivers to bridge—in short, the line appears to present no engineering difficulties from a constructive point of view. With regard to the cost of the ship-railway complete, it is stated that, from careful estimates based upon the surveys, the entire project, including harbors, docks, roadway, and general plant and machinery for transporting vessels of 5,000 tons gross weight, will be about £15,000,000. As compared with that of a canal this cost is very moderate, the estimated cost of the Panama canal through a very much narrower point of the isthmus being 5 .¿T^i000'000- But the true comparison is that with a canal over the same route, and the surveys and estimates for the ship-rail¬ way in Tehuantepec establish the fact that it can be built to carry vessels of the same tonnage for a vastly less sum of money than would be required for a canal there. As the track will be prac¬ tically straight, equal loads ought to be hauled upon it with less expenditure of power or consumption of coal than on an ordinary railway, and as there would be no handling by manual labor of the cargoes transported, there would be no freight department such as is required on ordinary railways, by which a very large portion of the ratio of working expenses to total receipts would be reduced below that of the most successful railways in opera¬ tion. Tonnage on first-class railways is transported at a profit for one farthing per ton per mile, including the cost of repairs, maintenance of way, motive power and all the expenses incident to the operating of the road. It is believed that the ship-railway transportation will be more economical than this, but at this rate it would only amount to about 2s. iod. per ton for the tonnage from ocean to ocean. It is believed by those who have investi¬ gated the subject that 35 to 40 per cent, of the gross earnings will be sufficient to cover all the operating expenses of the line. And here for the present we must leave the subject, only, how¬ ever, to return to the consideration of its constructive details in our next. NO. 11. (" Ikon," September 19, 1884.) In our previous notice of the Tehuantepec Ship Railway, pro¬ posed by Mr. James B. Eads, across the Mexican isthmus, we considered the question from a general and historical point of view, and described the route of the line. We now come to the details of the mechanical means by which Mr. Eads proposes to carry out a project which is remarkable alike for its boldness and originality. It is also distinguished for its engineering soundness, but these three attributes could hardly fail to be possessed by any enterprise propounded by the man whose works on the Mississippi have earned for him a lasting renown, in that they have raised the port of New Orleans to a position second only to that of New York. And it is in the details of the ship railway itself that Mr. Eads's ingenuity as an engineer is especially manifested. Nothing can exceed the perfectness with which every detail has been worked out and every possible contingency provided against. The proposed works mainly consist of a line of railway with pon¬ toon turntables on the way where it is necessary to divert the traffic ; a dock at each end of the route ; pontoons for raising the ships from water to land, and transferring them from land to water ; and a travelling cradle for transporting ships of various burthens across the country. The general construction and operation of this ingenious plant and machinery can be seen from 6 a large working model which Mr. Eads has had made, and which we recently had the opportunity of inspecting at 127, Long Acre, London. Assuming a ship to have arrived at the port for over¬ land transport, she is elevated from the sea level to that of the railway by means of a submergable pontoon. In practice this pontoon would be about 450 feet long, 15 feet deep, and 75 feet wide. It is arranged to float or sink in a basin, in which its verti¬ cal movement is guided, On each side of the basin there will be twenty or thirty iron rods, arranged vertically, and secured to the bottom of the basin. These rods will be capable of holding the pontoon so as to prevent it rising above the level of the railway when the ship and cradle have been taken from off it. The deck of the pontoon is laid with three pairs of rails, which will corres¬ pond end to end exactly with those on the permanent land line when the pontoon is floated. When in this position a cradle on wheels, and capable of carrying the ship, is run on to the pontoon, which is then submerged by admitting water into it through sluice gates, which are regulated from the top of two quadrang¬ ular water-tight towers attached to the deck of the pontoon, and between which there is sufficient width for the cradle and the ship to pass. When the pontoon has been submerged to a sufficient depth for the bottom of the ship to clear the supports upon which it is intended she shall rest, the vessel is floated in from an adjacent basin, and secured over the top of the carriage or travelling cradle. The pontoon is then pumped out, and its deck rises up to a given height above the water, its further progress being stopped by the heads of the vertical rods before alluded to. The rails on the deck of the pontoon now range precisely with those on the land, and while the pontoon is in this position loco¬ motives are backed up and attached to the travelling cradle, and it is started on its journey across the igthmus. On reaching the end of the line the travelling cradle is run on to another pontoon, which is submerged, and the ship floated off into another basin on its way to its destination. So far it will be seen that the principle of raising and lowering the ship is broadly that adopted in the Victoria Docks, London, and elsewhere. The detail practice, however, differs greatly, as will presently appear, Mr. Eads having introduced many important modifications in order to meet the more complex requirements of the present case. For instance, in order to render the ship railway practicable, it is absolutely necessary that the weight of the vessel to be transported should be evenly distributed over the wheels of the cradle, so as to limit the weight upon each wheel to that ordinarily imposed upon the driving wheels of locomotives of the present day. This is effected by placing in the deck of the pontoon throughout its length and breadth a number of hydraulic rams. One line of these rams extend through the centre of the pontoon longitudinally, and these are designed to support the 7 keel at points 6 feet 9 inches apart throughout its whole length. On each side of this centre line there is arranged another shorter line of hydraulic rams which are intended to support the bottom of the ship. On the outside of these lines are two other still shorter lines for supporting the bottom nearer to the bilges, while two other shorter lines outside these again support the bilges and sides of the vessel. There are, therefore, across the middle port¬ ion of the pontoon no fewer than seven lines of rams, while a little nearer to the bow and stern there are but five lines. Still nearer to the bow and stern there are but three lines, and, finally the the central line supporting the keel extends forward and aft of these side lines nearly the entire length of the deck. These rams are all connected together by a common system of pipes fitted with valves, by means of which they may be separated into certain groups. When the pontoon is sunk, and the weight of the ship is on all these rams, if the entire system is connected togeth¬ er, it is evident that if there be more pressure on one ram than on another this pressure will be equalized throughout the whole system. Mr. Eads's idea is that the ship will not be curved,in the direction of her length unless the roadway gives way under her. A first- class roadway is therefore indispensable, and this having been provided, no superior longitudinal strength is required in the travelling cradle. But the weight has to be distributed over the six rails which constitute the track, the two outer ones of which are 29 feet apart. To do this it is necessary that the travelling cradle shall be composed of strong traverse girders spaced 6 feet 9 inches apart from centre to centre. If we suppose a 3,000-ton ship upon such a cradle having thirty transverse girders spaced as above under the ship's bottom, the problem will be to cause each one of these girders to carry 100 tons, or, in other words, to transfer the excess of weight concentrated amidships to the ends of the cradle, where the vessel is lean and lacks weight. This problem is ingeniously solved by Mr. Eads in the following man¬ ner. When the travelling cradle is run on to the pontoon each of the central girders comes exactly over seven of the rams, while the end girders have only one ram under them, as the keel only is to be carried by these girders. By making the one ram equal in area to the aggregate area of the seven rams under each central girder, it follows that the single large ram will, with the same water pressure, lift as much as the seven together, and that if they all have a common pressure the one large one will lift no more and no less than the central seven. A few of the girders nearer to the bow and stern have only five rams under them, and these five have an aggregate area only equal to that of one of the large rams. Where the ship becomes narrower there are only three rams under each beam, the aggregate area of the three rams, however, being precisely equal to that of one of the single rams at the bow or stern, where only one support is available—namely, 8 under the keel. Now if all these rams, with their diameters thus relatively adjusted, be forced up with a gentle pressure against the ship while she is still floating, and the water valve admitting the pressure be locked until she is lifted up by the pontoon out of the water, it is evident that her weight will be evenly distributed right away through from stem to stern—that is, every 6 feet 9 inches each ram, and each series of rams, will hold 100 tons weight. - Before quitting this part of the subject we would refer to an in¬ genious device which Mr. Eads has worked out for maintaining the stability, or rather the equilibrium, of the pontoon when it is under water during the process of either being submerged to receive its load or rising to surface with it. This is a hydraulic governor. As the pontoon has no connection with the surface of the water after its deck is submerged, except by the two small quadrangular towers already referred to, and which are placed opposite each other at a point midway the length of the pontoon, it is evident that the least unequal preponderance of weight in the pontoon would cause the heavier end to sink and the lighter one to rise. To equalise the flotation the hydraulic governors now come in. These governors consist of four pairs of hydraulic cylin¬ ders, a pair being placed at each of the four corners of the pontoon, one cylinder of each pair having its bottom end pointing upwards and the other downwards, and each being secured to the sides of the basin in which the pontoon works. The cylinders are fitted with plungers which are connected with the corners of the pontoon near the deck, so that when the pontoon descends one of these plungers displaces a certain quantity of water from its cylin¬ der. At the same time the other plunger is withdrawn from its cylinder, leaving in it a space exactly equal to the water driven out by the first plunger. The water which is displaced out of one of the cylinders at each corner of the pontoon when sinking is driven by the descending plunger into the upper cylinder at the opposite end and opposite side of the pontoon-—that is, at the diagonal corner. If we suppose 100 tons more weight to be upon one end of the pontoon than on the other, this weight would rest upon the two descending plungers at that end, and would, of course, be resisted by the water in their cylinders. In the descent of these plungers this water is driven into the two upper cylinders at the other end of the dock, where it forces the two plungers out of those cylinders downwards on to that end of the pontoon, and thus equalises or balances the extra weight at the other end. The two ends and the two sides of the pontoon are thus compelled to go down or to come up perfectly level.' To prevent any torsion, and to insure the two diagonal corners of the pontoon moving in exact accordance with the other two diagonal corners, an extra pair of these governors would be used in prac¬ tice and would be fixed at one or other end of the pontoon and placed in communication with each other across that end so that 9 they would compel the two corners at that end to go down simul¬ taneously, and through the other system the opposite ends of the pontoon would also be compelled to obey the same motion. When no disturbance of equilibrium occurred in the pontoon rising and falling there would be no pressure in the pipes which connect these hydraulic governors. It frequently happens, however, that a vessel is much larger at one end than at the other, and while she might be loaded on an even keel when afloat, the weight would be very different when she was raised out of the water. In lifting such a ship the pressure gauges upon the hydraulic governor would at once indicate the excess of weight which one end or the other of the cradle would have to sustain. If this were found to be a matter of any moment, the dock would be lowered and the ship moved forward or aft as the case might require, so as to dis¬ tribute the gross load more evenly over the cradle, the centre of which coincides with the centre of the pontoon. If the weights of the ship were evenly distributed forward and aft of her mid¬ ships they would inevitably be distributed equally over the cradle, but if she were larger at one end than the other it would be necessary to adjust her so as to prevent any undue preponder¬ ance of weight at either end of the cradle. Having reached the point at which the weight of the ship is evenly borne by the pontoon, we have next to consider how this weight is to be transferred from the pontoon to the cradle before the latter is run on to the railway, and thus to obviate the neces¬ sity of carrying the hydraulic rams across the country under the vessel. This is effected by another simple but ingenious arrange¬ ment. The heads of the rams do not come in direct contact either with the girders or the ship, but over every ram is a vertical screw jack, which passes up through the girder, and when pressure is applied by the ram, the head of the jack is pushed up against the bottom of the ship. Each of the largest-sized cradles will, there¬ fore, be supplied with a number of screw jacks equal to the whole number of rams in the pontoon, the smaller cradles having a lesser number ; and when any cradle is run on to the pontoon, it is stopped and secured by a very simple locking arrangement, so that each one of the screws comes directly over a ram. The screw jack resembles an prchestral music stand, having a flat head, formed of steel plate, and which in practice would be about 3 feet square. This head-plate is secured on the top of the screw by means of a toggle joint, which enables the plate to adjust itself to any angle presented by the ship's side. In order to prevent damage to the ship from abrasion, the top of the plate is cushioned with rubber, so that it perfectly adjusts itself to the curvature and surface in¬ equalities of the vessel. The stem of each of these screw jacks is provided with an adjusting nut, which is run up against the upper end of the screw near the plate, and when the rams are down, these nuts stop the descent of the jack by their contact with the 10 top side of the girder on which they will rest. When the ship is floated in over the cradle, the heads of the screw jacks, with the nut beneath each, are all down resting on the platform of the cradle, with their stems hanging below in the ^ater directly over the rams. A small amount of water pressure put upon the rams raises these screw jacks with their head-plates pressed up against the bottom of the ship and throughout the entire length of her keel. This having been done, the valve admitting water to the rams is closed, so that the water cannot escape, and the pontoon is then pumped dry and the ship raised out of the water, supported on the screw jacks, which in their turn are supported by the hy¬ draulic system in the deck of the pontoon. In this position the nuts will be found to be at varying heights above the tops of the girders. The nuts are, therefore, screwed down with their under sides resting on the girders, which in effect constitute the platform of the cradle. The valves of the rams are now opened, and the pressure being relieved the rams retire downwards, and the weight of the ship is evenly and without alteration transferred on to the platform of the cradle. It will thus be seen that the adjustment of the cradle to the ship is absolutely perfect, and that the weight of the vessel is thus properly and evenly distributed, so that she cannot possibly take harm when she ceases to be waterborne, or in other words when she is carried by the cradle. This latter has a broad base, and is mounted on about 360 wheels, each wheel being flanged on both sides. Each of the platform girders is supported by twelve strong spiral springs resting on the bearings of twelve of these wheels, and as each girder carries but 100 tons of the dead load, each spring transfers to a wheel 8yí tons. Each spring requires 20 tons to close it, and has a range of 5 inches. When the rams are withdrawn the weight of the platform rests on these springs, and, of course, partially closes them, leaving still 2% inches or 3 inches of play in each spring to allow the wheels to pass over any in¬ equality of the rails which may happen to exist. The wheels are hung independently—that is, each is separate from its fellows, having its axle protruding on each side sufficiently far to furnish a proper bearing. The breakage of any one wheel, therefore, would not affect any other wheel ; and if even a dozen were to break, the great number that would be left would possess such an enormous surplus of strength, compared with the broken ones, that derailment may be considered as practically impossible. The chances of derailment are still further reduced by the circumstance that the railway will have no curves, and the speed will be limited to ten miles an hour. Mr. Eads considers that besides the equal distribution of the load over the wheels, the avoidance of all curves in the road is absolutely necessary to render ship railway transportation practicable. By this means the-wheels can be placed much closer together, besides rendering unnecessary the 11 use of bogie trucks or other complications. It is not, however, to be supposed that because the curves are avoided the route follows one straight undeviating course from shore to shore. On the con¬ trary, there are several deviations from a direct line, and the way in which these deviations are provided for forms another interest¬ ing element of the project. In order to avoid having curves, and at the same time the necessity of making enormous excavations to preserve the straight direction of the road, Mr. Eads introduces floating turntables wherever it is necessary to change the direc¬ tion of the route. This ingenious device not only serves this pur¬ pose, but it constitutes a shunting place, where ship carriages coming from opposite directions may conveniently and rapidly pass each other. This floating turntable consists of a large rectan¬ gular pontoon, which in practice would be about 450 feet long by 70 feet wide and 12 feet deep. This pontoon is placed in a seg¬ mental basin, in which it is secured by a central pivoted joint. The segments of the basin are made sufficiently large for the pontoon to rotate around several degrees of a circle, according to the amount of deviation the direction of the road may require to avoid heavy cuttings. The central joint on which the pontoon is secured is hollow, and through it the water in Jhe pontoon is extracted by means of a large pump. Sluice gates in the side of the pontoon allow the water in the basin to flow into the pontoon when it is necessary to destroy its buoyancy, in which condition it rests upon segmental bearers on the bottom of the basin. The top of the pontoon is laid with rails, which coincide with those on the main line, and it thus constitutes a swing bridge, and at the same time forms a part of the permanent way. When the travelling cradle with the ship on it has been run on to the pon¬ toon the water is pumped out of it through the central joint, and and is discharged into the basin until the pontoon is on the eve of floating. The pontoon is divided up into compartments by bulk¬ heads, so that the water can be drawn from either end or either side as may be necessary to ensure its being emptied evenly. In this condition it is easily moved around like an ordinary railway turntable, but it is not necessary that it shall rise from its bearing in order that it may be revolved. By means of a small engine placed on each end of the pontoon to wind a cable made fast to the sides of the basin, the pontoon with its freight is turned round until its rails coincide with those on one of a series of radial sidings which corresponds with the altered direction of the route. When turned to the desired position, the sluice gates in the pon¬ toon are raised and the water flows back from the basin into the compartments, thus preventing the pontoon rising when the load is taken off its deck. Where streams exist on the line or route pumping engines will not be necessary to operate the floating turntables, as the water of such streams would be stored in the reservoirs and used for this operation when needed. The water 12 taken out of the pontoon would be run to waste through the cen¬ tral joint into a sluice. Such are the arrangements of Mr. Eads's proposed ship railway, which evince the most careful attention to details, and demonstrate that he has provided against every con¬ tingency, and has practically ensured the safe transport of ship and cargo overland. We have yet to show the feasibility and the practicability of the project from an engineering point of view, and to enter into the commercial considerations affecting the question, which matters we reserve for a third and concluding article. NO. III. ( " Iron," October 'Sd, 1884.) The questions pertaining to the route, the works, and the plant and machinery of the proposed ship railway across the Mexican isthmus having been dealt with in our two previous articles, we now come to those considerations which bear upon the feasibility and the practicability of the project, and likewise to those of a commercial character. But before touching upon these points we have a few further observations to make upon some of the con¬ structive details. It will be remembered that the weight of the ship will be distributed evenly over the transporting cradle by means of screw jacks operated in the first instance by the hy¬ draulic rams of the pontoon. In addition to what we have already stated, we may here observe in this connection that the wheels and axles of the travelling cradle will be tested to carry 20 tons each, and the rails will be of ample section and strength—about 120 lb. to the yard—to prevent injury from the weight of the passing load, even though thrice that weight were brought on them. But the method of distributing the weight equally through¬ out the length of the cradle is believed to be so perfect that in ordinary practice and rapid handling of ships the wheels at one end of the car would rarely carry more than half a ton in excess of those at the other end. The hydraulic governors would enable the superintendent to know exactly how much more weight there was at one end of the cradle than at the other. Mr. Eads proposes to vary the sizes of the traveling cradles in order to suit the different sized vessels. The largest cradles would be designed to carry a ship weighing 5,000 tons. As it is intended to construct the line for profit, the works would not be of sufficient¬ ly large proportions either in the docks, cradles, or railway, to carry the Great Eastern, although, if in the future the transport of such large vessels should be required and promise to be profit¬ able, it would be practicable to carry them by increasing the width of the road bed, the size of the cradles, and the flotation power of the pontoons and turntables. Ships of 5,000 tons gross weight will include 90 per cent, of the present tonnage of the world, and the ship railway will be constructed to accommodate. 13 those as the maximum sized vessels. The single track (of three pairs of rails) is considered to be capable, with only the five turn¬ tables that are necessary to change the direction of the road in difficult parts of the line, to permit of ten or twelve ships start¬ ing from each end of the line to pass each other -daily, and to accomplish the trip in from fifteen to eighteen hours without any difficulty. If these vessels average 1,500 tons each day they would amount to at least one quarter more than the Suez Canal is accommodating to-day. Moreover, there is nothing to prevent a double track being laid should the traffic justify it, and this without interruption to the regular business of the line. The question of endangering the structural integrity of a ship loaded with cargo by taking her out of the water and placing her on intermediate supports is one which has frequently been raised only to be summarily disposed of by those who give the matter a moment's thought. As, however, there is still a popular notion that a loaded vessel under such conditions is subject to injurious strains, it may be as well if we point out how utterly impossible this is by reason of the construction of the vessel itself. No greater fallacy than this was ever conceived, for there is no form of structure which is known to be subject to more unequal, irregu¬ lar, and ever-varying strains than a ship at sea, and these very points are carefully provided against in her design and construc¬ tion. A properly designed and constructed ship resembles a girder, and is so built that no matter how she maybe tossed about on the waves, the strains, conflicting and almost puzzling as they are, are distributed equally through her framing and plating or planking. If there was any fear of her cargo bursting her sides, as some have held there is, it would have burst them on her first loading, as although water is incompressible in confinement, it is exceedingly yielding when unconfined. Hence, the risk of dam¬ age to vessels by straining during transport overland, may at once be set aside as puerile, especially in the face of the ingenious ar¬ rangements designed by Mr. Eads for equalising their support. Moreover, the raising of ships, with their cargoes, from a lower to a higher level, by means of hydraulic lifts, has been successfully accomplished for long past. The Victoria Docks, in London, and those at Malta and Bombay, have been opera.ted for years without an accident. Again, it is a matter of common occurrence to keep loaded vessels for days, and even weeks, upon dry docks for re¬ pairs, and then return them to the water without the slightest strain or injury. Small steamers, moreover, are now being trans¬ ported by rail from one lake to another in Prussia, with as much safety on the rail as in the water. More than forty years ago the boats on the Pennsylvania Canal were drawn upon a railway, up some of the steeper inclines of the route over the Alleghany Mountains, without injury, and, going back to history, we find that the Greeks transported their war ships across the Isthmus of 14 Corinth 400 years before the Christian era. It is now proposed to transport larger vessels, and the whole question is simply one of the distribution of weight over an extended area of ground by the use of a number of rails and many wheels, together with the em¬ ployment of sufficient motive power in the way of locomotives. With regard to the practicability of the scheme as a whole, there is the undoubted evidence of some of the ablest engineers and ship constructors in this country and America in its favor. During the time the Committee on Commerce of the United States Senate was investigating the merits of the scheme, they took, among other evidence, that of Sir E. J. Reed, K.C.B., M.P., who testified in detail and at considerable length to the practicability of Mr. Eads's project. Besides Sir Edward Reed, Mr. Nathaniel Barnaby, C.B., Mr. William John, formerly of Lloyd's, but now of the Barrow Shipbuilding Company, Mr. John Fowler, C.E., Mr. G. F. Lyster, C.E., and Mr. Leader Williams, C.E., transmitted similar opinions to the committee, which finally reported that the testimony they had obtained conclusively demonstrated the fact that such a railway was entirely practicable, and that loaded ves¬ sels could be transported over it with absolute safety and economy. Professor Elgar, Mr. B. Baker, C.E., and Mr. Martell, of Lloyd's, have, moreover, added their testimony in its favour. In fact, it is obvious that any question of safety in transport can only be raised by those who are either unacquainted with, or unmindful of, the strains that ships undergo at sea. We have seen that Mr. Eads has a valuable concession ; that Tehuantepec possesses peculiar advantages over any other route, and that a ship railway across the Mexican isthmus is quite prac¬ ticable. It now only remains for us to consider whether, if the railway were made, it would prove a financial success, or, in other words, whether there would be sufficient business to make it pay. To answer these questions we must refer to some official docu¬ ments, issued by the United States government. In 1879 Mr. Nimmo, chief of the Bureau of Statistics, made an official report, in which, among other things, he submitted the following table, which is based upon statistics of the latest year for which the re¬ quisite data can be obtained".— Number of Vessels and Amount of Tonnage which might have passed throvgh the proposed Panama Canal if it had been constructed. Number of Tons. Vessels. 1. Average number of vessels and amount of tonnage entered at and cleared from either side of the Isthmus of Panama, annually, in trade with all nations .... .... 338 533,000 2. Vessels entered at and cleared from Pacific ports of the United States in trade around Cape Horn, with the Atlantic ports of the United States, during the year ended June 30, 1879 75 120,662 3. Vessels entered at and cleared, from Atlantic ports of the United States in trade with foreign countries west of Cape Horn, during the year ended June 30,1819 .... 273 247,567 15 4. Vessels entered at and cleared from Pacific ports of the United States in trade with foreign countries east of Cape Horn, during the year ended June 30, 1879 .... .. 455 551,929 5. Vessels entered at and cleared from ports of the several countries of Europe in trade around Cape Horn, with foreign countries other than the United States, during the latest vear for which the data can be stated with respect to each country .... — 1,644 1,462,897 6. Vessels entered at and cleared from ports of British Columbia in trade with countries of Europe during the year ended June 30, 1879 .... ... ... .... 33 22,331 Total 2,818 2,938,386 Since the date when the above table was made (1879), owing to the enormously increased grain production of the Pacific coast re¬ gion, the tonnage has become very much greater. Mr. Nimmo placed the total grain for shipment, in his estimate, at 550,000 tons, whereas, according to official figures furnished by the de¬ partment of agriculture of the United States, it appears that the total wheat crop of California in the year 1879 amounted to 29,- 017,707 bushels, while in 1882 the crop amounted to 36,046,600 bushels. These figures show an increase in the crop in three years of 7,028,893 bushels, or about 8 per cent, per annum. The total wheat produced in 1882 by California, Oregon, and Washing¬ ton territory was 50,525,900 bushels. A deduction of 30 per cent, from this amount for bread and seed, viz. 15,157,770 bushels, leaves the aggregate surplus crop of 35,368,130 bushels for 1882 according to the Bureau of Agriculture. Assuming that the ship railway, if carried out, will be completed in 1888, and that the in¬ crease of the production of wheat observes the same ratio, there will then be 1,416,304 tons of wheat alone for export from these three American states. Deducting the 550,000 tons included in Mr. Nimmo's report from his total estimate of 2,938,386 tons, and adding to the remain¬ der the above amount of wheat based on the Bureau of Agricul¬ ture, we have 2,388,386 + 1,416,304 = 3,804,690 tons. This, how¬ ever, only includes the estimate of Mr. Nimmo for the tonnage of 1879 from all other sources, namely, 2,388,386 tons. It is reason¬ able to believe that this tonnage has increased at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, and that in 1888 it will, at that ratio, amount to 3,463,159. This, added to the wheat export of the three' United States Pacific States, will give a grand total of 4,879,463 tons. This is probably under the actual amount of tonnage that would await the opening of the ship railway in 1888, for the wheat shipments from British Columbia have kept pace with the increase in California, Oregon, and Washington territory ; while the export of fish is assuming very large proportions, 25,000 tons of canned salmon having been shipped in one season recently from Portland alone. The shipments of lumber from Puget's Sound and the Pacific States would doubtless be enormous when those countries are brought 8,250 miles nearer by sea to the great marts of the Atlantic than they now are. We may, therefore, reasonably as- 16 sume that the tonnage which would cross the ship railway in 1888 would not be less than 5,000,000 tons. These 5,000,000 tons could well afford, to pay 16s. per ton, which would give £4,000,000 as gross receipts. It is estimated that less than 50 per cent, of this would pay all working expenses, thus leaving £2,000,000 as net profit, or 5 per cent, on ¿£40,000,000, whilst £"15,000,000 is stated to be an extremely liberal estimate for the cost of the whole line. In fact, it is believed that, with economy, £12,000,000 would cover the cost of construction. Turning from commercial considerations and looking at the Atlantic and Pacific Ship Railway from a broad and general point of view, we can but regard the project as one which is fraught with very great results. This will be readily seen when we con¬ sider that the American isthmus separates about 100,000,000 of the most enterprising, industrious and enlightened people on the earth, inhabiting the North Atlantic coasts of Europe and Amer¬ ica, from 600,000,000 souls who inhabit the Orient and islands of the Pacific. It is true that the sailing distances which separate England from India, China, and other Oriental nations have been greatly lessened by the Suez Canal, but these distances are almost insignificant when compared with those which the ship railway would annihilate. For instance, the greatest saving effected by the Suez Canal between London and Calcutta is about 4,500 statute miles ; whereas the sailing distance by the ship railway from Lon¬ don to every port on the Pacific coast of North America would be lessened by nearly twice this vast distance, or about 8,250 miles. The Suez Canal brought London and Canton about 3,500 miles nearer together by sea. The ship railway would save more than three times this distance between the great American metropolis and every port in British Columbia. The American isthmus and the cordilleras of North America constitute a narrow but almost impassable barrier to the interchange of the manufactures and pro¬ ductions of forty millions of people in the Mississippi Valley and Atlantic States, not only with those of ten millions of their coun¬ trymen to the west of them, but with the products of nearly a hundred million others on the islands and coasts of the Pacific, who are seemingly their nearest neighbours. The ship railway would give to these descendants of the British Isles a sea route: between their Atlantic and Pacific ports scarcely a thousand miles longer than the railway between New York and San Francisco, and it would give to the vast valley of the Mississippi a gateway equivalent to the discharge of its mighty river directly into the Pacific. A work designed to effect such enormous benefits to the commerce of the world should commend itself with especial force to this country, which to-day is carrying more than 70 per cent, of that commerce. We cannot but wish this unique project every success, and would in conclusion quote a couplet from Wordsworth's " Highland Broach," which, taken alone and read by the light of Mr. Eads' scheme, reads like prophecy :— " Lo ! ships, from seas by nature barred, Mount along ways by man prepared."