Renskorf, Lyon & Co, 33 NEW STREET NEW YORK Telephone 2505 Broad Cable Addresa ** RenslFon MEMBERS OF HEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE NEW YORK COFFEE EXCHANGE NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE NEW ORLEANS COTTON EXCHANGE ASSOCIATE MEMBERS OF LIVERPOOL COTTON ASSOCIATION ARGENTINE RAILS STATISTICAL DETAILS METHOD OF TRADING Copyright, 1916 In response to a very general demand we have prepared the following data in regard to certain Argentine Railway companies, endeavoring to cover in this way the sum of the various requests for details demanded by investors, banks, and brokers. CAPITALIZATION, MILEAGE, PRICE RANGE, DIVIDENDS. Buenos Aires West. Ry, ord. stock... £13,747,660 Do. 4% exteh. shares; 1915 3,600,000 Do. 5% pf. non-cum 300,000 Do. 4j4% pf. non-cum 2,522,340 Do. 4% deb. stock 7,872,203 Do. 5% tm. deb. stk. scrip, full paid 1,000,000 Miles Operated, 1,867. Buenos Aires Gt. Souths Ry. ord. stk. £29,090,000 Do. 5% pf. stock, non-cum 8,000,000 Do. 4% deb. stock 15,405,797 Miles Operated, 3,792. Buenos Aires & Pac. Ry., ord. stock.. Do. 5% 1st pf. stock, cum. Do. 5% 2d pf. non-cum Do. 4% 1st deb. stock, perp Do. 4j/^% 2d deb. stock, red Do. 4^% cons. deb. stock Do. 5% (1912) deb. stock Miles Operated, 3,535. Central Argentine Ry. ord. stock. .. . Do. deferred stock Do. 4j4% pf. stock, non-cum Do. 4% deb. stock Do. 3^% central deb. stock Miles Operated, 3,307. £ 10,000,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 2,925,000 2,075,000 7,942,673 4,000,000 £28,186,950 811,800 9,695,718 13,436,764 113,564 1910 High Low Great Southern 125% 116% Central 109% 96% Western 131% 121 Pacific 95% 85% PRICE RANGE. 1911 1912 High Low High Low 125% 117 129% 120% 110% 104% 111% 103 134% 122 135 119% 101 90% 100% 84% 1913 Outbreak Recent High Low of War Quotations 129% 109% 102 90% 112% 100% 92 89% 128% 109% 103% 94 92 7-16 64% 51% 51 DIVIDENDS. 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 Pacific Ord. .. .3%% 2% 3% 0% 0% Western .7% 7 7 5 5 Pac. 2nd Pfd.. .5 5 5 5 £2/16/6 Central Ord... .6 6 6 5 5 Southern 7 7 7 5 4 Central Def. . .6 6 6 5 5 EARNINGS. The past two years in the Argentine have been exceedingly trying, but since the close of the year ending June 30, 1915, all of these roads have shown rapid increases in earnings. The operating ratio on all of them is low, ranging from 58 to 61%. Earnings show increases of $1,930,000 for the Great Southern, $1,520,000 for the B. A. & Pacific, $1,237,500 for the Central Argentine and $805,000 for the B. A. & Western, these figures covering the period since July 1,1915, and the ratio of increase being from 20% to 30% over the similar period for the year preceding. Weekly reports of earnings are available. The various debenture stock issues noted in above tables are equivalent to bonds and interest on same are paid at the various rates given, but stock issues are not secured by mortgages. PAR VALUES. The ordinary shares of these companies have a par value of one hundred pounds, but are transferable in multiples of one pound. It is, therefore necessary, to meet the demand of American investors, to make some price in dollars and cents against the London quotations, which are without meaning on this side, as they are quoted on a percentage basis against 100 pounds of par value. The prevailing rate of exchange must be considered and about a half a dozen different items of expense covered, so that it has been found much simpler to make a flat price in dollars and cents against London Stock Exchange prices, giving the buyer the benefit of the prevailing rate of exchange and doing away with computing commissions, stamps, etc., on each particular trade. INCOME TAX. Dividend declarations have been made as shown by the table above, all subject to British income tax, except in the case of Buenos Ayres & Pacific; when the last dividend was paid in October, 1913, by this road it was "free of income tax." TRANSFERS. Transfers are made by transfer deed. Deeds signed by sellers are forwarded for the signature of the buyer, which must be affixed and properly authenticated. Such transfer deed is then lodged with the secretary of the company and held until the monthly meeting of the board of directors, at which time all transfer deeds are passed upon by the directors, and if everything is in order the secretary is then directed to issue the new shares accordingly. RESALE OF SECURITIES. Under the present restrictions prevailing upon the London Stock Exchange no securities can be sold on the exchange that have not been in the United Kingdom since six months prior to the 30th day of Jtily, 1914. This means that American buyers of these stocks having same transferred to their own names and having same forwarded here cannot resell them in London until the present restrictions are lifted, which is equivalent to saying after the war is over. This contingency can be avoided by having the shares held in the name of a nominee and deposited with some bank or stock exchange house in London. In this way they will still be subject to the order of the owner and dividends will be collected in Great Britain and forwarded to the owner just as in the case of stocks that are carried here by any bank or stock exchange house. Further details gladly given upon application. Prices are made in dollars and cents against daily London cables. RENSKORF, LYON & CO. While the information contained in this letter is not guaranteed, it is carefully compiled and believed to be correct. January, 1916. 3 5556 042 356790