A paper to be presented at a meeting of the International Engineering Congress, 1915, in San Francisco, Cal., Septem¬ ber 20-25, 1915. [Advance Copy. Printed; Not Published. For Release October 1, 1915.] ELECTEIC MOTIVE POWEE IN THE OPEEATION OF EAILEOADS. By E. H, ^ireTIEXRY, :\rem. Am. Sop. C E„ Mom. Can. Soc. (' E. " \ow na\-on. Conn., I'. S. A. 1)E\A-R,()I'M EXT AXI) PHESEXT STATES. General. The evolution of electric ti'action us a|)|)lie(l to the opei'u- tion of staiuluial i-uihvuys has advanmal aloiiE two distinct lines of (le\-elo])nient : In one line there has been a normal develop¬ ment in progressive steps, heyinniny with the earliest success¬ ful commercial aiiplication of the new methotl of motive power to li^ht surface railways in Ri(diniond to a common yoal. Light Surface Eailways. A vei-y rapid develo|)nieid and extension followeil the suc- cesstnl issue of the epochal installation at Richmond. \'a.. by F. •!. Sprayue. whiidi. of the many early experiments, has alone snrxived the test of time. The lenyth of the liyht (dty and snbnrhan routes then in existence was nsnally within the eco¬ nomic I'adins of the earlier power stations, whiidi supplied low tension continuons current dir(>ct to an overhead contact wire. 47 2 but it was soon evident that the valuable possibilities afforded by higher speed and larger ears were severely limited and restricted by the relatively short distances over which the cur¬ rent could be economically transmitted, thus tending to retard further progress. Interurban Railways. These limitations were soon overpassed and the next great step in advance was made possible by Tesla's invention of the polyphase system, in which is retained the economical features of long distance, high-tension transmission, and converts high tension alternating currents into low tension continuous cur¬ rents by transformei's and rotary convei'ters installed in local sub-stations located at intervals along the line of route. The earliest application of this system to interurban traffic was made in 18!)0 by the Twin City Rapid Transit Company be¬ tween St. Paul and .Miniieai)olis. i\lr. E. P Burch in his val¬ uable coin])enractical effect was to force liie conversion to electric traction of a foiii'- Iracked main line section twelve miles in length, including Gi'and Central Terminal in New York City. The magnitude. conq)lexity and Ingli traffic density (d' tilis giand passengei' tei'- ininal made n(>cessar\ tlie solntion of many new and forniid- 7 able problems on a miieli higher plane of operation than liatl been previously attempted, which was sueeessfnlly aceom- ])lished by the Engineers of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad. Only less remarkable, because less novel, is the Pennsyl¬ vania's great passenger Terminal in New York Cit}', which was completed two years later and operated by electric power from the beginning. Other railroad terminals have; been electriiied in this country and abroad, some of which antedate the two most prominent examples already cited. The latest addition to the list is that of the iMt. Royal Tunnel and Terminal of the Canadian Northern at Montreal, Can., now nearing completion. The public interest in this phase of electric traction is very keen and has forced upon the railways the consideration of" similar installations in many of our great cities. Of all such projects, the most important is the proposed electrification of all railroads within the City limits of Chicago, which is now under consideration by a commission especially appointed to study and report upon its feasibilitj' and cost. This great project includes 4501 miles (7242 km.) of single track in two zones, of which 2819 miles (4536 km.) is included within the inner zone or city limits. The great capital expenditures re- ([uired, together with inadecpiate returns upon the invested capital, tend to retard progress on all such projects, and under present conditions of failing income due to the prevailing com¬ mercial depression and to the blighting repression of the Inter¬ state Commerce Commission, no material advance may be ex¬ pected in the near future. Switching Yards. Electric switching was initiated very early and has now reached an advanced stage, best represented in the iMott Haven Yard of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, the Snnnyside Yard of the Pennsylvania and the Oak Point and Harlem River Yards of the New York New Haven and Hart¬ ford Railroad.—all within the City limits of New York. The two largest yards of the New Haven Road include 60 miles (96.5 km.) of trackage, transfer float bridges, freight stations and general facilities of all kinds for handling the immense volume of freight traffic of the New Haven system to and from New York City. 8 Long Distance Trafflc. It is impossible lo preserve absolute eoiitiiinity iti attempt¬ ing to traee the progressive development of eleetrie traction in all of its applications, as such developments must necessarily overlap and merge in ever increasing degree until the entire field of I'ailroad service is covered, including passenger and freight traffic; yard and terminal switching, and the movement Fig. 2. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Harlem River Branch, Oak Point Yard. Switch engine at work. Single-phase. of baggage, mail and express matter in the heaviest class of long distance tninlc line service. Th(> Ijong Island Railroad was the first steam I'oad to etinip its lines for passenger travel on an extensive scab' (lllOÔ). and the S|)okane et Inland Empire, which while not originally a steam road, was the ñi'st to attempt long distance heavy freight traffic in lilOli. ami now operates 211) I'oiite mil(>s (-'UT..") km.) in its electrilied syslem. Eater and moi'e advanced examples of railroad elecl I'ilieat ion in this class in 1 he Enited States are 9 afforded by the New York "Westchester & Boston: Xorfolk & Western; Baltimore & Ohio and Chicago, Milwaukee & Paget Sound. European railways are more difficult to classify as their service is usually of a lighter character and the electrifícation has been more often influenced by terminal and suburban con¬ ditions, or by the existence of high grade tunnel sections of line, but such important examples as the London, Brighton & Fig. 3. Denver & Rio Grande Ry., Salt Lake Division. Mountain operation on 49r grade. Grades reduced to 2% in 1913. South Coast Railway in England; the i\lidi Railway of Eranee ; the Dessau-Bitterfeld and Laubau-Konigszelt electrifications of Germany and the Valtelina Railway of Italy are typical rail¬ ways of the same general class. Of the examples cited, the New York Westchester & Boston of the Xew llaveu system presents the highest tyiie of develop¬ ment in jurssenger service, for which it was lU'imarily designed; this road having been electrically operated from the date of its completion. 10 The installation hy the Butte. Anaeonda & Pacific. Nor¬ folk & lYestern and the Chieayo. .Milwaukee & Puyet Sound afford nioderii and interesting examples of the ajiplication of electric traction to heavy freight traffic; which in all three cases was chiefly intlueneed hy the existence of sections of heavy mountain grades. The Butte. Anaconda & Pacific is an oi'c-carrying road operating between the mines and smeltei's of the Anaconda Mining Company at Butte and Anaconda, and Fig. 4. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Harlem River Branch. Six- track main line tangent construction. lias sections of high grades at both terminals. A heavy coal and ore traffic is conducted in trains of fifty loaded cars of ;î400 tons (ff085 tonnes). The electrification of the entire mile¬ age is nearly conijilete. comprising thirty miles (48.3 km.) of main route or ninety miles (144.9 km.) of total trackage. Elec¬ tric operation has been recently initiated. A later mountain (dectrification. still under construction, is that of the Norfolk & Western between Vivian and Blnefield, 11 West Va., including about thirty route miles (48.3 km.) or seventy-five miles (120.7 km.) of total track. This is a section of high grade over which it is proposed to conduct a heavy coal traffic on 2% maximum grades in trains of 3250 tons (2768 tonnes). The latest and most interesting project is that of the Chi¬ cago Milwaukee & Puget Sound, which has quite recently an¬ nounced its decision to equip for electric operation four engine Fig. 5. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, Harlem River Branch. Freight engine and train—single-phase. Six-track main line tangent construction. districts of its main line from Harlowton. Mont., to Avery. Idaho,—a distance of 440 miles (708 km.) of which the first engine district between Deer Lodge and Three Forks, 113 miles in length (182 km.), will immediately be placed under construction. The total section includes several long mountain inclines on the Belt. Rocky ilouutain aiul Bitter Root moun¬ tain ranges, with maximum grades of 2'/i which it is proposed to operate with trains of 2500 tons (2268.6 tonnes). While the 12 main linn is siniile tracked only and the traffic density is rela¬ tively low. in point of combined train weijiiits and lenytli of route, this eleetritication will mark the point of furthest ad¬ vance in this ])articular held. Heavy Trunk Lines. There is as yet little to be written under this head, but broad foundations have l)een laid and the outlines of the f\dnre su|)(n-striictni-e have already taken shape. The great installa- Fig. 6. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Harlem River Branch. Multi¬ ple unit passenger train, six-track main-line tangent construction. lions of the Pennsylvania anil the Xew "S'ork Central & Hudson River Raili'oad Companies at Xew Yoi'k City have not yet ex¬ tended beyond the terminal and snbni'ban zones for the trans¬ portation of i)assengei's. baggage, mail and expi'ess; noi' does the service include any paid of the enormous volume of freight traffic within these zones, but a large proportion of the expen¬ ditures already incurred will liecome available and applicable to freight traffic with more extended operating limits and when 13 electric operation is made general and liomogeneons. The elec¬ trification of the Pennsylvania lines in and abont Philadelphia, which has been already begnn between Philadelphia and Paoli, 20 miles (32.2 km.) is a long step in this direction, and fore¬ shadows continuons electric operation between New York and lYashington at no distant date. The greatest progress in ex¬ tended homogeneous trunk line operation has ])een attained l)y the Xew York. New Haven & Hartford Railroad, which has completed the e(|uii)ment of its four-and six-track main routes to New Haven. Conn., within the past year and now operates by electricity trains of all classes between Xew York and Xew Haven. 73 miles (117.5 km.l. All steam engines will be elimi¬ nated when the full cpiota of electric engines ami cars has been received. The route and track milage of the electric zone operated by the Xew Haven Road within these limits, including joint trackage and controlled lines, is 112 route miles (180 km.) and 633 miles (1019 km.) of single ti'ack of all descrip¬ tions. A comprehensive review of the progress to date and the present status of standard railway electrification is best af¬ forded by the tabulated data recently compiled by i\lr. Kdward P. Burch of iMinneapolis, appended hereto in tabular form, which is believed to affoi'd the latest and most reliable list now available. ADAPTATION TO TRAIA-AC REQriRKMKNTS. - Advantages. The adaptation of electric traction to the requirements of railway service in many eases seems almost perfect, as many of the objections and limitations of the older steam service are avoided and the advantages are so numerous and diversified as to permit only a brief mention of the more salient features. The relief from annoyances and losses due to smoke, cinders, hot gases and the reduction of fire risks is general and of high commercial value. In tunnels and terminals the value of these improved conditions is increased and further augmented by additional gains. L. C, Winship, Electrical Superintendent of the Boston & Haine Railroad Company, in a recent article on the electric 14 ojieration of tlie Hoosac Tunnel. (4% miles. 7.7 km.) notes ben- eñts arising from the electric operation of this tunnel since its completion in 1911 as follows: llaximnm train tonnage rat¬ ings increasetl from 1800 to 8200 tons (1179-2904 tonnes) ; track capacity doubled; overtime wages decreased; better rail adhesion; unobsenrcd signals; no asphyxiation of engine and train crews; i-educed track maintenance; life of rail and fast¬ enings increased from 3Vg to 4 years to 10 to 12 years; drier and cooler air and greater comfort to passengers and employees. The same advantages are gained at electrically operated ])assenger terminals in more or less degree, together with other advantages of great commercial value, more particularly by the better utilization of costly terminal real estate and aug¬ mented capacity permitted by multiple track levels and irn- ])roved conditions of operation. In large terminals and switching yards, electric SM'itching service is peculiarly convenient and ])rofitable. The fuel sav¬ ing is maximum and the engines are much better adapted to the service conditions and reipiirements. J. A. Droege, Gen¬ eral Superintendent of the New Haven Road, advises that the use of such engines permits actual continuous operation, par¬ ticularly in eight-hour yards, and cites a case in which one engine worked continuously for thirty days in switching ser¬ vice without delays for rejiairs or other attention. In passenger service the higher rates of acceleration per¬ mit faster train schedules ; terminal delays and terminal switch¬ ing are reduced; also the train mile cost. Similar gains are made in every branch of service, to which may be added tlie advantage of higher train speeds, greater engine horse power and increased engine mileage,—all of which are features of high commercial value. "Three round trips between New York and Bridgeport. Conn., can be made in the same time with elec- ti'ic freight engines as are reiiuired for two round trips with steam engines"'.—J. A. l)ro(>ge. General Supt.. N. Y. N. II. & 11. R. R. At engine terminals llie necessily for <'oal and water sta¬ tions. ash Jilts and turntahles is eliminated and roundhouse exjienses are much reduced. Mucli less time is lost in shoj)- jiing engines as the rejiairs are less in amount and the necessity 15 for general overhauling- at intervals of 1:1 to 15 months is avoided. The design of eleetrie engines permits ready substitutions of damaged parts with minimum detention in shops. The uni¬ form radial torcpie of motors contrasts most favorably with the uneven "moments" of reciprocating rods. The gain in effect¬ ive "adhesion" is about "lO'/c ("Locomotive Operation", Page 20(i. Henderson). The electric engine must be credited with a fui'ther uniipie and valuable characteristic, in that its horse power increases with lowr temperatures, thus compensating increas(>d friction and radiation losses at such temperatures. Also, higher rates of acceleration permit faster train schedules ; machinery friction is reduced and track capacity is increased ; time and money is saved at engine terminal in "firing up" and drawing fires ; charges for engine fuel and repairs are heavily reduced;—all of which are considerations of great value. Large savings are also possible in charges under head of "Maintenance of Track and Structures", which at least parti¬ ally compensate the additional cost of maintaining the neces¬ sary transmission and distributing systems. The life of rails, ties and bridges and other structures forming part of the track equipment may be considerably in- creasetl. Fire hazards from locomotive sparks and cinders are elim¬ inated : the painting on bridges and buildings needs less fre¬ quent renewals and the recurrent cost of cleaning rock ballast of cinders is avoided. A cheap and convenient source of power is afforded which is almost universally available for all purposes, including train lighting and heating; yard, station and other lighting; energiz¬ ing track circuits and other signaling reipiirements ; operating- pumping stations, drawbridges, transfer bridges, turntables, shop tools and machinery of all kinds. The list of benefits and advantages is a long one and if reduced to ecpiivalent values in dollars and cents would afford substantial credits to railway electrification, but there are also other charges to be made to the debit side of the account, which too often result in an unfavorable balance. 16 I. IMITAT roXS. Variable Speed. The inability of the electric enyine to flexibly utilize its available horse power by inversely varying speed and tractive effort is a severe haiulicap under some conditions, as later ex¬ plained. Diversity of Type. Another factor which undoubtedly exercises a deterrent effect U|)on the more rapid adoption of electric traction is the number and diversity of the types now under trial, together with the yet unsettled opinions of the specialists in this field. Reference to the previous list will indicate that the progress in Enrope has been principally confined to single-phase and three- ])hase systems, while in England and the United States the struggle for supremacy has been almost wholly between the single-phase and direct current systems. It was both inevitable and desirable that evolution should have simultaneously pro- gressi'd along many different lines, as an exploration of so broad a field was necessarily antecedent to the adoption of a final type Ihi'ough a process of the "survival of the fittest" In late years the convergent tendency of all systems to a com¬ mon type is strongly marked. The eai'li(>r direct-current 600-volt system has progressed in successive steps to IfiOO. fifOO and 300(1 volts, with even highei- stages alreaily foiaeshadowed, but with rising voltage has been forced to abandon the eai'lier thiixl rail conductors in favor of the single-phase high tension overhead distribution system, while on the other hand the single-phase systems show a strong tendencN' toward the a(.lo[)tion of direct current motors. Three-i)hase installations have graduated into the split- ])liase syst(>m of the Norfolk & Western, in which single-phase transmission and distribution are joined with three-phase en¬ gine moloi's. and the latest developimmt of the mercury con- vei'ter in an experimentid engine now under trial bids fair to I'econcile ;ill iliffereiices of opinion by combining the chief mer¬ its of all systems into one. The writer cannot refrain from betraying his inner convictions at this ¡mint by remarking that the single-phase system is the only one which permits the sim¬ ultaneous and independent opei'ation on the same track of 17 siii^le-phasc. three-phase and direct current locomotives, all lakino' toirreiit from the same overhead wire. Restricted Radius of Operation. Electric traction also labors under disabilities of restricted radius of operation, which lindts commercial efficiency. Thi.s is a temporary disadvantage, however, and grows less as the zone limits are enlarged. Also, the greater freedom and flexi¬ bility of operation within the zone limits applies in compensa- Fig. 7. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Electric engine—single phase. Double articulated truck type, 8-motor, 1360 h. p. lion, as electric engines are less dependent upon local engine facilities and can be used with much more advantage on de¬ tached or outlying service; at intermediate yards; on "shuttle" runs and in assistant engine service on relatively short inclines. Complexity of System. Among the penalties to be paid for each step in advance in all lines of development are the ever-growing complexity of systems and the higher degree of organization recpiired for 18 operation. Eleetric traction in its liighest form affords a strik¬ ing example of this tendency, as the transfer of the fire-box and boiler from the locomotives to fixed locations along the line of route leads to the necessity for an intricate and highly developed system of inter-related and inter-dependent power stations, line eqnipment and locomotives requiring more highly specialized and better paid labor for its proper maintenance and operation. Continuity of Service. There is also a greater concentration of risk both in main¬ taining the physical continuity of service and in the relations of railways to organized labor. Regarding these aspects it may be said that train delays and interruptions to service are actu¬ ally less frefpient than before and that while greater depend¬ ence must be jfiaced upon the operating organization, this must be accepted as incidental to progress in all of the applied arts. In the evolution of transiiortation from the two-wheeled cart to the electrically operated trains of the present da,y. each step has been attended by increasing inter-dependence between the parts and corresponding losses of freedom in the elementary TUlitS. Induction and Electrolysis. Induction may seriously impair telegraph and telephone service in adjacent circnits. and is more particularly incident to single-phase operation. Electrolysis may cause great dam¬ age to pipe systems, under-ground cables and all metal struct¬ ures. but its effects are practically confined to direct-current operation. Induction can now be practically eliminated by special devices and methods. It is more difficult to eliminate electrolysis to the same degree, but more or less satisfactory means to this end have been devised. Difficulties of Transition. Among the minor difficulties should be noted those arising in the transition stage in changing from steam to electrit; power, more particularly those incident to train lighting and heating; mixed steam and electric operation; engine transfers; track signals; restricted intei-changeability of engines and cars and other difficulties of adaptation. These difficulties are great¬ est in the earlier stage of 1h(> transition, but rapidly diminish in 19 both absohlte and relative importance as the zone of electric operation is extended. FUTURE P0SSIB1I.jITIES AND TEXDENCIES. The trend of future development in so new an art is diffi¬ cult to forecast as it has as yet barely made a beginning in the vast field which it is destined to occupy. The problems incident to the movement of enormous volumes of long distance freight traffic have but recently begun to receive serious consideration, and in the next decade it is probable that the greatest develop¬ ment of electric traction will occur in this branch of railway service. Speed-Torque Control. A better utilization of the possibilities of the electric loco¬ motive is probable, which in one important particular compares very unfavorably with the steam engine of the same horse power capacity, as it cannot effectively utilize its rated capacity throughout the same wide range of variable speed and tractive effort, which has the effect of greatly limiting its field of use- fidness. This disability is only partially mitigated by various methods of extending the operating range by the use of various systems of potential and field speed control or of pole-changing devices to obtain the desired effect. The radical difference in the speed-torque characteristics of steam and electric engines will be readily understood by referring to the accompanying- charts (Nos. 1 and 2) which indicate the necessity for closely designing electric engines for the service to which they will be assigned, as they cannot be operated above the critical speeds corresponding to their horse power ratings without serious reductions of horse power capacity; nor can their effective ad¬ hesion be continuously utilized at lower speeds without exceed¬ ing safe temperature limits, or, as an alternative, of accepting severe penalties at the other end of the scale. Of the different types of motors most available for railroad service, the single- phase motor most nearly attains variable speed with equal horse power. A fuller discussion of the characteristics of single-phase, three-phase and continuous current motors is outside of the proper scope of this paper, as it is only sought to show the rela- 70 0,0 c 0 1 (L 'Si 20 5000 10OÛ0 15ÛOO zoooo 25000 30000 35000 AOOOO fLECTFflC MOTlVC POWCf^ Tractive effortin lbs. inthcoklfwriuf^f^,l./ta^ E H V4c HKNKI Comparative Speed-Torque Characteristics Clectric anpSteam Locomotives ChaRT No.l. (continuous ratings ) A ELECTRIC LOCOMOTiVC. 1 i)07. PA'j2.E NG E R TyRE, t>i NC," L E PH A£.C , 2 S Cyc L E-o SERIES COMPCT^- 5ATEP MOTORS 4-, \ OLT3 J1 OOO, VVHCEL PLAN2-a-2, r\J.Y. M.MR-H.R.R. B DiTro BUT vviTM 2 MOTORS. C ELECTRIC LOCOMOT I VE J9J J, F fî r 1 H r rv PE , Si NÍ^LE RHASC , 25 C YC LES, S£ R' ES COM¬ PENSATED NÎOTDRS Ö, V c^LTS IJ 000, Hf E;l PI_AN 2-8-2. N.Y'. NI. H-a H. R.F?. "d ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE l3l3, PAS^FNGFR" TYPE, Pi KECT CURRENT, SERIES MO¬ TORS 4-, VOLTS 240O, WHEEL PLAIN O - Ô - O , 13 U f T t", A NM CON DA , Ö PACIFIC R.R E ATLANTIC TVPE STEAM uOCOMOTlVE 19)0, CVLINDEPb 205 * ?ó', BOILER PRESSURE ZûO*?), NO SUPCRHEAT, I-IEATiNÛ SUREACC 2320 SO FT, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAP "F' MOPERN ATLANTIC TYPE STEAM L O C O M OT i VE, C YL I N PC R S 22" f-ZO,', BOILER PRESSURE 205LeS., SUPERHEAT, EauiVAUCNT MEATlNû SURFACE 3G90 Sd FT.,BALDWi N LOCOMOTIVE WORKS 'G" ELECTRIC LOCOMOT H/E- J3l3. PASSCNCCR TYPE, SINGLE PHASE. 10 CYCLES, bCRlEta COMPENSATEP MOTORS2, YOLTS 15000, WHEEL PLAN 2-10-2, LOETSCHaERG, MO UNTA! N RAILWAY, SWIT2ERLAHP. K 5AME AS D BuTGEAKCO FOR FREIGHT WOFK I" MOPERN ATLANTIC TYPC ST£AM LOCO MOT I VC, C YLINDE RS 22'x?ö; Bdiler pressure 2oolbs., Superheat, cquivaieht H FATING Surface 2400 Sa FT,Baldwin locomotive. WORKS. (c 0 1 u a. \j j s z (l (0 Comparative Speed-Torque Characteristics Electric and Steam Locomotives Chart of equal continuous horse power . a modern atlantic type! stcam locomotive, cv l i n o t k s 22 «• e superheat, tauivalent jhfatlng suppace ^630 sa ft 0alpw1n locomotive works- bj typical electric locomotive , p) reict current, se rif:h> B'> motors 4-, volts 2aoo, whee l pl an o - 8 - o, b"j relative gear ratios b = l, b'-£, note th e low continuous tractive power whengearcp for high speepibj; and the loss i n horse power capacit> at h i gh speed when gearetp fur low speed ib7 I J I 5000 iOOOO 15000 20000 25000 30000 55000 Tractive: epfort in lps. •400Ü0 i lcltpic motivl power in the oferfîatlon or ftailrcmds. k.h m-hesry'. No.E. lo 22 tion of the principal characteristics of electric engines to the practical operating reipiirements. Axle Loads. A further and most promising opportunity is presented for reducing and limiting the present great expenditures incurred for ^Maintenance of Equipment and Maintenance of Way and Structures. The necessity for maintaining the rigid wheel base within reasonable limits, while meeting the demand for in¬ creased tractive power, has resulted in the imposition of con¬ centrated loads on driving axles, which in modern engines may reach 65000 lbs. (29490 kg.) or more. The strength of rails and track has not kept pace with the increasing wheel loads, which if not unsafe are certainly very costly in construction standards and track maintenance. The rule of the Baldwin Locomotive Works for safe working limits prescribes weights of 2240 lbs. (1016 kg.) on driving wheels for each 10 lbs. (4.5 kg.) of weight per lineal yard of rail section, or for maximum axle loads of 65000 lbs. (29490 kg.) as above, 145 lbs. (65.8 kg.) rail sections are required. Bail sections in excess of 100 lbs. (45.4 kg.) are not in common use and for such sections the rule allows but 44800 lbs. (20325 kg.) per axle. While the recent development of engines of the "Mallet" tj'pe permits lighter axle loads for equal tractive power, it is not likely that such engines will long hold the field against their electric competitor, with their disa¬ bilities of great weight, high machinery friction and costly repairs. There is also a pronounced tendency in electric engine design to eliminate all reciprocating parts, including connecting rods, pins, jack shafts and counterweights in order to reduce wheel loads, machinery friction and maintenance charges. Multiple Unit Control. It is also probable that some form of multiple unit control will be developed for the oj)eration of freight trains which will relieve and distribute the present excessive strains on draft rigging, track and bridges, which will reipiire the equipment of freight trains with a system of control circuits. The neces¬ sity for such e(|uipment seems close at hand, in connection with similar re<|uirements for electric-pneumatic brake control and the growing need for better means of communication through¬ out the great length of modern freight trains. 23 Ideal Characteristics. If we may venture to peer into the future sufheiently far to predict the development of an effective method of variable speed-toiajue control and of high speed motors of lighter weight and greater horse power, the general specifications of the ideal electric freight engine assume form and promise results of the greatest commercial importance and value. The value of the great reduction in train mileage and in maintenance of track and erpiipment which may be secured by the use of engines of the following specifications will be appreciated by all practical railway men : V.-iviable speed-torqiio control. Electric braking and power recuperation. Rigid wheel base, not exceeding S' 0" (2.d4 m.) Reciprocating jïarts None Xundier of axles Draft rigging limits Weight on driving wheels, ]ier axle 4(1,(100 llis. (1.8,144 kg.) Tractive power, 27% adhesion, per a.vle 10,800 lbs. (4,899 kg.) Horse power, continnous, i)cr axle 720-864 (730-876 ehev) Vlaxiinum speed, full traction rating, miles jier hr. .2.1-30 llurso power, weight on drivers, per ton 36-43 (40.1-48.2 chev) Horse power, total engine weight, per ton 30-36 (32.5-40.1 chev) In the writer's ()]nnion there are no inherent diffictilties which would make these seemingly high s{)eeifications nnat- tainable, nor has he any good reason to doulit that such ([uali- ties will soon be fortheoming should the commercial demand for them become insistent. ECOXOMtC COXDITIOXS OF APREICATIOX. Yield on Investment. The first condition of economical electrification is of course tlie recpiirement tliat adeipiate returns shall be earned upon invested capital. In the case of new railways it must be as¬ sumed that the yield will be sufficient to justify the necessai'y ex|ienditnre for construction upon the most economical basis, and if electrical operation is contemplated it will only be neces¬ sary to insure that the additional savings or earnings from oper¬ ation will be at least sufficient to afford a satisfactory return upon the additional cost of electric motive power. A greater 24 yield will be retinired to justify the conversion from steam to electric power on railways already ñtted for steam operation, as in such ease the »ain must be sufficient to pa>' interest upon both the old and the new investments. In all cases the scale of oiieration must be sufficient to utilize to best advantage the large investment in power stations, lines, eiinipment and roll¬ ing stock, and to secure the largest possible divisor for addi¬ tional fixed charges. ''Railroads must have ten trains each way per day or haul 1.000.000 ton miles, total, per 100 mile (161 km.) division before electrification is practicable"—E. P. Burch. Another writer. 11. AY Leonard, fixes the minimum reiiuirement at 250 h.p. per mile of track, but there are so many motlifying factors entering into the problem that no general rules can be safely accepted and the ecpiated values of all fac¬ tors must he worked out and established for each particular case. The most favorable conditions for electrification may be broadly classified under two general heads, viz: "Conditions Affecting Earnings" and ''Conditions Affecting Expenses" COXDtTlOXS AFFKCTIXG KARXIXCy. Train Frequency and Speed. Quite contrai-y to the genei'ally accepted belief, the effect u|)ou earnings is usually of much greater importance and value than that upon o])erating expenses, as both gross and I'ailway nel earnings may be much more affected by changed conditions of siU'vice than by mere reductions in operating ex])ense. Light trains can be run more ciieaply. which not only increases net I'evenues per ti'ain mile but permits greatei" freípiency of ser¬ vice. which in turn j'eacts to increase both the volume of traffic and gross earnings. Heavy trains can be run faster, thus gain¬ ing the benefit of the higher rates for such service without uiululy sacrificing ti'ain tonnage and train earnings. Acceleration. Higher rates of acceleration permit faster schedules in local and suburban service, which together with the greater safety and comfort afforiled. ami the relief from annoyances and damages incident to smoke, cinders and gases and obscura¬ tion of signals, also tend to increase the volume of traffic and the amount of gross earnings. 25 Competitive Conditions. Unfavorable competitive conditions may be equalized or reversed and valuable advertising secured which will corres¬ pondingly affect gross and net revenues. Multiple Track Levels, etc. The adoption of multiple track levels and the commercial utilization of aerial rights over the track levels in the larger passenger terminals will make the large investment at such terminals more efficient and under favorable conditions the income from commercial uses may be sufficient to defray the greater part of the fixed charges on costly real estate and buildings. Real Estate and Land Values. A change from steam to electrical operation will also re¬ sult in a great advance in the value of real estate along the line of route, which luifortunately is not shared by the stock¬ holders contributing the capital for the improvement, and which suggests the thought that some portion of the burden of expense could be e([uital)ly assessed upon the property own¬ ers most benefitted thereby. * " it would not be wise to enact legislation which would compel one class of the public to pay for an improvement which would accrue largely to an¬ other class"—Report of Joint Board on IMetropolitan Improve¬ ments to the iMassachusctts Legislature. IMarch. 1911. Track Capacity. A further and most favorable condition for electrification is afforded when the limit of track capacity is reached with steam operation. The value of the additional track capacity gained by faster schedules or by the consolidation of trains is always large and often exceeds the total cost of electrification. Legislation. It should be noted that the necessity for electrification is freciuently occasioned by compulsory legislation or by the physical disabilities of steam operation in tunnels and termin¬ als, quite regardless of the economical aspects. CONDITIONS! AFFECTING EXI'FX.SES. Economic Comparisons. All physical and financial comparisons of steam and elec¬ tric operation should be primarily based upon trains of equal 26 mimber. aiul weii>iit moving' tlirouiih the same distance ill equal times, further subject to only such modifications as may result from inherent distinctions and différences not sharotl in common. The general failure to observe this rule commonly results in faulty and misleading conclusions in which "electrification" is usually credited with savings due to heavier engines or to better methotls of operation, which may be e(|ually scHuired with either steam or electric traction. The reduction of ojuu-ating expenses will be greatest under conditions of high traffic density, high train .frecpiency and uniform distribution of traffic over time and distance, which will afford large divisors for all overhead expenses; improve the efficiency of laboi' and more effectively utilize the capacity of power stations and special equipment. Train Mileage. A larg(> volume of freight traffic affoi'ds opportunities for utilizing the inhei-ent i)Ossil)ilities of electric traction to best advantage, more particularly in conjunction with concentrated power re((uirements. as the saving in train miles and operating expenses effected by consolidating the ti'affic into fewer and heavier ti'ains may readily be larger tluin that derived from any otlnu- source. Train tonnage ladings are more frequently determiner! by tiie reipiirements of the time schedules than by the resistance of the ruling grades and within tractive limits such ratings may be increased in almost direct proportion with the engine horse ])Ower. Also, tonnage ratings based upon full traction or adhesion ratings may be readily increased by the use of two or more engine units operat(Ml by a single crew. In either case a large saving in train miles and operating- expenses should result. Assistant Engine Service. The higher percentage of availabl(> adhesion afforded by the uniform rotary toripie of the (deelric engine is not yet as fully utilized as it should be. for reasons pi-eviously explained, but (>ven with the present limitations the exist(Uice of mountain grades and long inclines recpiiring the use of heavy road en¬ gines and assistant engines is a favoralile condition for elec¬ trification. Tiie extra weight of steam engine and tender which is saved may b(> added to the train i-ating in tlie form 27 of commercial tonnage. Fast time schedules increase engine mileage and efficiency and also reduce overtime wages. The fuel lost by incomplete cylinder expansion and by higher ma¬ chinery friction is saved. Track maintenance is much reduced and the cost of maintaining secondary engine terminals is avoided. Electric braking and, in less degree, power recupera¬ tion are included among the attractive possibilities of electric operation on mountain grades. Terminals, Yards and Tunnels. The advantages of electric traction in the application to large terminal and switching yards or to long tunnels have been previously noted, hut in the case of large switching yards it may he further remarked that the cost of engine fuel will generally not exceed 25% of that required in steam operation and that the better control and greater tractive power of such engines will reduce the cost of power requirements, which to¬ gether with the longer hours of service will, in the writer's opinion, economically justify the electrification of isolated yards of large capacity. Length of Division. For the most economical results it is necessary that the zone of electric operation he extended to cover the full length of the engine stage or district and that operation within the zone be made homogeneous by the inclusion of all passenger, freight and switching service. Engine Fuel and Repairs. Engine fuel and engine repairs are the two largest specific items of expense in the operating accounts of steam railways, and apart from the value of train mileage which may be saved under some conditions or the effect upon gross and net earn¬ ings by changed conditions of operation, the possible reduc¬ tions in these two items will in most cases determine the com¬ mercial feasibility of electric operation. A crude "rule of thumb" sometimes used by the writer for cpiick approxima¬ tions, assumes that the fixed charges of an electric installation should not exceed one half of the cost of engine fuel and engine repairs, plus 10%. It is obvious that economic estimates will be correspondingly affected by the costs of fuel and that local conditions of cheap coal or oil fuel are unfavorable to electri- fication. Sucli conclusions may he modified or I'eversed. how¬ ever, hy availai)le sources of cheap liydro-eleeti'ic power or hv unfavorahle water conditions, including' scanty or expensive sources of sui)i)ly or hy scaling and foaming hoiler waters, so fre(|uently encountered on western roads. In general, the cost <»f steam genei'ated electric i)0wei- with coal at >1^1.00 to .iil.ôO pel- ton eom|)ares more favorably with hydro-electric power than is appreciatetl. more particularly when chea|)er or uncom¬ mercial grades of coal can he hurned under the hollers at the powei' station. The commercial efficiency of the coal used at ])OAver stations as .com])ared with the coal consumed in steam engin(>s is relatively very high, (dthough hnrdened with large transmission and convei'sion losses. The ratios vary in differ¬ ent classes and conditions of service, hut as ascertained hy ex- ])erience on the .\ew Haven lîoad the ratio in passengei- siU'vice is approximately 1 to '2: in freight service 1 to l" h and in switching ser\'ice 1 to fi. Relative and ahsolute (uiantities of coal consumed in dif- fei'ent classes of electric service in i)0unds per IhOO ton miles. (14()0 ton-k-m.) were as follows: Similar comparisons of the cost of engine I'cpairs in the same service are not satisfactory on account of ahnormal local conditions, hut in genei'al it may he safely assumed that under noi'inal conditions the cost of I'cpairs per engine mile will not vary hetween one third and one half of the cost in similar steam service. The saving is of course still greater with had water conditions. The application of these large ratios to the great cost of fuel and engine repiiirs may he expected to atford large operating ei'edits a|)plying on new fixed charges incuri'ed. 'file effect of the many minor faetoi's previously noted upon the cost of operation, while im|)ortant. form so small a factor in the final result that a further anal\-sis need not he attempted. .tunc. I!I14- P.'isscngcr. c.\]H'css rUis. tl.'i.t ( 4.S.2 Itg.) lil.'i.i) f SS.9 " ) Icciil ... Oct. Nirv.. 1914 ¡•"'reiglit. fast '' slow 7L'.S ( ,4,3.0 kg.) 7S.() ( 3:7.() " ) I SO. I ( S4.4 " ) (l.lO.t " ) llten-Mariazell, ' * 6,000 63 68 14 Total 1253 2216 338 or or or 1204 2420 432 * Spokane & Tnland Empire lias ill all 21(5 route iiiiles and 204 track miles. Direct-Current System. Baltimore «Je Oliio, Maryland GOO 4 10 14 Xcw York Centra], New Mork OGO 50 250 63 New York (Ventral, Detroit 600 0 20 10 Pennsylvania— Long Tsland E. R., Long Island 000 100 250 2 "Manhattan Terminal, Mow York 600 24 100 35 West Jersey & Sea >Shoro, New Jersey 000 75 150 0 Pieihnt)nt tV: Northern, Carolinas 1,500 140 160 12 Canadian Northern, Canada 2,400 18 20 7 Miehigan & Chicago, Mieliigan 2,400 92 100 0 Toledo & Western, Oliio 000 59 89 5 Illinois Traction, Illinois 000 200 450 22 Waterloo. Cedar Falls & Northern, Iowa 1,200 50 100 6 Fort Dodge, Des IMoines & So., " 1,200 120 145 or 126 9 Butte, Anaconda & Pacific, Montana 2,400 30 90 17 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, i C 3,000 113 108 16 Direct-Current System.—Continuel I. Xaiiic of Railway Oeueral Trolley Reute T rack Location N'oltage Miles M iles Loconioti British ('o]iinil)ia Kleetric. British ( 'olumhia . . .. l.-hio 2-1 50 7 Oregon Kleetric, Washington Liioo 154 ISO 10 or United Railways, Oregon l.dOO 2 S 55 1 Portland. Eugene S: Eastern, 1,500 05 or 122 100 or 5 10 5 or Oakland. Antioidi óc Eastern. Oalifornia 1,200 100 100 4 or Southern Ihicifii— Oakland Division. L'd)o si or 50 121 1 Pacific Electric. 1.500 57 114 14 North Eastern— Newcast le-Tyneinouth, England ()00 57 Si' 6 Da rlington-Newjiort. " 1,200 IS 44 or 50 10 Eancasiiire A ^'orkshire— JRiry-Holcotnlie Brook. ;> 50(1 ■1 4 Bury-Maiudiester. tioo 10 20 .Metropolitan, London (100 20 or 55 50 or 70 20 ijondon & So. Western, England 000 25 75 0 London No. Western. Í1 000 14 70 0 Stockholm-Sa It/.oeliailen. Swe(|eii 1 ,"00 5 0 0 .NFoselhutte. France 2,000 i) 10 5 Sr. (teorges-La Mure. L'OlO 20 21 4 Paris Orleans, 000 1 + 40 11 Western, ' ^ 000 5(1 150 0 .^^idi. near \'illa framdie. " S50 55 50 0 Bernia Railway. S\vi1 zerla ml 750 0 Lugano. Tessorete. Pontet I'cso. 1 .000 5 0 0 Milan-Porto Ceresio, Italy 660 Budapest Suburban, Hungary : . . . . 1,000 Poprad-Csorbasee, " 1,650 Melbourne Suburban, Australia 1,200 Total Three-Phase System. Italian State— Valtellina, Italy .3,300 Milan-Leceo, 3,300 Giovi-Genoa, " 3.300 Savona-Ceva, " 3.300 Mt. Cenis, " 3,300 Burgdorf-Thun, Switzerland 750 Swiss Federal, " 3,300 Great Northern, Washington 6,000 Total Grand total 48 81 5 123 or 55 130 or 123 12 21 21 0 150 323 0 326 or 329 2171 3953 or or 2234 4184 67 72 14 32 60 16 13 46 65 30 33 5 11 12 5 26 28 3 or 23 26 4 4 6 4 196 283 116 or 206 3,620 or 3,704 6452 or 6893 780 or 877