%â 'fi u BY-LAWS 1 M M OF THE y P Board of Commissioners w y of the Port of New Orleans n 1 N s í'E ?Fí f#?v m tf M i Ê'S W i n M u m M K y ADOPTED AT REGULAR SESSION rt K ill fi November 22. 1921. i i-M BY-láv^í:; OF THE Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans ADOPTED AT REGULAR SESSION NoTember 22» 1921» FRANKLIN PRESS 620 PO% DRAS STREE'T NEW ORLEANS. LA. BY-LAWS ARTICLE 1. Meetings. The regular monthly meetings of the Board will take place on the second and fourth Thursday of the months of Septem¬ ber, October, November, December, January, February, March and April, and on the sec¬ ond Thursday of the months of May, June, July and August. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President in his discretion, or he shall call them upon the written request of three members. Three members of the Board shall consti¬ tute a quorum for the transaction of all busi¬ ness. At special meetings only such matters shall be considered as may be included in the call. At the second regular meeting in October of each year the Board shall elect a Presi¬ dent, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer from among their own number, whose term of office shall be for one year. The Board may also elect such assistants as it may require, and shall elect a General Manager, whose duties are herefater defined. 3 ARTICLE 2. Duties of the President. The powers and duties of the President shall be as follows : 1. He shall preside at all meeting's of the Board and shall have the right to vote on all questions. He shall see that laws of the State pertaining to the activities of the Board and the ordinances of the Board are faithfully executed. 2. He shall call meetings of the Board in his discretion, and at all times upon the written request of three members. 3. He shall be ex-officio a full member of all committees, except those relating to the auditing of accounts. ARTICLE 3. Vice-President. In case of the absence or disability of the President, his duties shall be performed by the Vice-President, who shall act in his place and stead. ARTICLE 4. Finance Committee. A committee of four Commissioners, three of whom will constitute a quorum, shall be appointed by the President, and be denomi¬ nated the Finance Committee, whose term of office shall expire with that of the President 4 by whom they are appointed, and a similar committee shall ever after be chosen in like manner at the second meeting in October. The said committee shall have power, with the approval of the Board, to borrow money, and to loan, invest, or otherwise dispose of the money, funds, stocks and other assets of the Board, in any way they may deem con¬ ducive to the best interests of the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Or¬ leans. This committee shall hold a regular meet¬ ing once every month, and other meetings as frequently as may be deemed expedient, and shall report to the Board. ARTICLE 5. Secretary. In the absence of the President and Vice- President, the Secretary shall act as Presi¬ dent and discharge the duties of that office. The Secretary shall, in his official capacity, sign such documents relating to the business of the Board as he may be directed by the Board. ARTICLE 6. The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall, in his official capac¬ ity, sign such documents relating to the business of the Board as he may be directed by the Board, and discharge the duties usual to said office. 5 ARTICLE 7. General Manager. 1st. The General Manager shall be the Board's executive official. He shall be in charge of the Board's properties and shall be responsible for their efficient and economical administration. He shall hire and discharge employees with such limitations as may be placed from time to time by the Board. (He shall make contracts and purchases with such limitations as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board.) He shall carry out all approved policies and projects of the Board. 2nd. He shall make and sign all contracts which shall have been authorized by the Board, and shall grant with such authoriza¬ tion, release, judicial or otherwise, of all debts or claims. 3rd. He shall adjust and pay all claims against the Board in full or by compromise, subject, in the exercise of his authority, to the advice and control of the Finance Com¬ mittee of said Board. 4th. He shall open all bids as may be au¬ thorized by the Board and, with the approval of said Board, adjudicate all contracts for work or for material ordered by said Board. ARTICLE 8. Duties of Assistant Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Assistant Sec¬ retary to keep the minutes, and render such 6 other service as the nature of the office may require; and perform such other duties as may be delegated by the Board. ARTICLE 9. Duties of Assistant Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer shall have charge of and keep account of the funds and prop¬ erty of the Board, and shall deposit the cash, bills receivable and all other securities in such banks or places of deposit as the Board may designate. ARTICLE 10. Disbursement of Funds. 1st. All checks, notes, warrants, and other evidences of indebtedness upon behalf of the Board shall be signed either by the President or Vice-President, together with any member of the Board, or may be signed by the General Manager and the Assisitant Treasurer. In the absence of either the General Manager or the Assistant Treasurer, the signature of one of them shall be recog¬ nized, provided the checks, etc., are counter¬ signed by the President or any other member of the Board. 2nd. The Board may, by resolution, au¬ thorize other employees of the Board to sign and countersign checks in special cases. ARTICLE 11. Legal Department. The Board shall elect an attorney, who shall look after the legal business of the 7 Board, and at his request the Board may em¬ ploy such law clerks or assistants as it may deem proper from time to time. The Board may also appoint a Special Counsel, who shall perform such legal duties as may be required. ARTICLE 12. These By-Laws may be altered or amended at any regular meeting of the Board, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, notice of this intention having been given in writing at a previous regular meeting of the Board ; provided each member composing the Board shall have been duly notified in writing of such design. ARTICLE 13. Order of Business. 1. Call to order and calling of the roll. 2. Reading of the minutes. 3. Reading of communications. 4. Report of President. 5. Report of Finance Committee. 6. Report of Special Committees. 7. Report of General Manager. 8. Report of Engineers. 9. Report of Assistant Secretary. 10. Report of Assistant Treasurer. 11. Report of Legal Department. 12. Unfinished Business. 13. New Business. 14. Adjournment. Adopted at regular session, Nov. 22, 1921. 8