DOCUMENTS ROOM ^ftstern Urj/ I; MAR 2 1342 SELECTION AND ADMINISTRATION OF PROJECT-OWNED BOOKS €2? AV. P. A. Technical Series Public Activities Circular No. 13 Library Service Circular Number 2 February 18, 1941 FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Division of Community Service Programs Washington, D. C. A2126 Pro je ct-Owned Books Foreword FOREWORD This circular is prepared for the use of Library Service State Supervisors to give them technical instructions in the selection and administrative control of project-owned books. Nothing in this circular is to be construed as affecting or modifying in anyway administrative procedures of the Work Projects Administration, Howard 0, Hunter Acting Commissioner of Work Projects A2126 Froject-owned Books Table of Contents Section 1# Section 2, Section 3. Section 4. Section 5e Section 5. Section 76 Section 8, T^BLE OF CONTENTS Use and Control of Project-Owned 3ooks Selection and Content of Project Collection Classifying and Cataloging Requisitioning 3ooks Recording Tr an sp o r t at i on Replacements Discards A2126 Project-Owned. Books Section 1 service projects may purchase a limited quantity of hooks from Federal funds. These books may be utilized to aid the efforts of the project in creating demand for adequate, permanent locally supported library service through stimulating reading interest, (See Operating Procedure No, 0-5, section 20,) As it is a general policy of project organization that "in a given county or larger area, local project units shall be integrated into an area-wide service," these bocks purchased with Federal funds should be utilized only in compliance with this policy. Under no circumstances should project-owned books be considered merely as supplementary books to be used in connection with existing library service, but should be considered as books to assist libraries with limited collections to extend their service to new areas or groups without library service. Under no circumstances shall project-owned books become identified as a part of any one public or school library collection exclusively. The selection and administration of the resulting collection of books is the exclusive responsibility of the State project supervisor, (See Operating Procedure No, G-5, section 20.) The State project supervisor shall specify and enforce the regulations which govern the use of the project book collection. It is the general policy that books may be loaned in substantial lots to demonstration areas for a period of approximately 1 year. At the end of this period the State projet supervisor shall withdraw all project-owned books from that area of project operation which in the opinion of the supervisor has failed to A2126 Project-Owned Books Section 1 Pago 2 make a substantial cash sponsor's contribution toward the maintenance of the service being demonstrated and/or has failed to satisfy other specified conditions. A2126 Project-Owned Books Section 2 Page 1 Section 2. Salacllon and Content of Project Oollection Books purchased with Federal funds should form a "basic collection which reflects the reading level and interests of the communities to "be served. Extreme care should "be exercised to limit the selection to those titles which will not offend any race, creed, or political group. Initial selection toward the formation of a project collection is governed by the following proportional specifications; children's literature not in excess of 35 percent of the total collection; of the remaining 65 percent of the total collection required in adult titles, fiction shall constitute not more than 40 percent of all adult titles. In the case of existing substantial project book collections, supplemen¬ tary buying is governed by the following proportional specifications toward which the collection shall be adjusted as rapidly as possible; children's literature not in excess of 35 percent of the total collection; of the remain¬ ing 65 percent of the total collection required in adult titles, fiction should eventually constitute not more than 25 percent of all adult titles. The selection of books to be purchased is controlled by the following limitations; 1. All books purchased with Federal funds shall be listed in such accredited guides to book buying as; (a) ALA Booklist (b) ALA Buying List of Books for Small Libraries (c) Children's Catalog (d) Standard Catalog for Senior High School (e) Standard Catalog for Public Libraries (f) Wilson Library Bulletin Project-Ovmed Books Section 2 Page 2 Duplication of titles shall not exceed, five copies per title in the total State project "book collection. ITo hooks designed exclusively for library refer, once use shall be purchased, For example: encyclopedias, yearbooks, Who's Who, dictionaries, etc, A collection of professional literature and training materials may be purchased for State project head-• quarters. provided that applicable materials are not readily available in tne State sponsoring library agency, However, not more than one copy of any one cataloging or book-selecting "aid" shall be purchased with Federal funds, With the exception of cataloging and book-selecting "aids," a collection similar to that purchased for State project headquarters may be purchased for dis¬ trict headquarters. All purchases shall be confined to trade editions and acceptable reprints, excepting only children's liter¬ ature, which may be purchased prebound and reenforced. A "trade edition" is the regular edition of a book printed for end supplied to the book trade, as dis¬ tinguished from a "limited edition" issued in some special form to command interest of collectors, or a "special edition" especially prepared by rebinding, reenforcing, etc., of the "trade editions." Expensive editions, including titles of limited appeal, and juvenile bobks for use as supplementary rem- Ing required by the school curriculum will not be approved for purchase. A2126 Project-Owned Books Sections 3 and 4 Section 3. Classifying and Cataloging. It is recommended that Dewey Decimal Classification "be used exclusively, and that a simplified form of cataloging is sufficient for all project-owned hooks. Section 4. Requisitioning Books. Requisitions for the purchase of hooks for lihrary-service projects shall he prepared and routed in accordance with the instructions contained in volume 2 of the Manual of Rules and Regulations, pages 2.9.015 through 2.9.019, 2.9.042, and 2.9.054. All such requisitions require the approval of the Assistant Commissioner in charge of the Division of Community Service Programs, Washington, D. C., prior to submission to the State Procurement Office for purchase action. It is recommended that the State Procurement Officer he consulted if any questions arise as to the number of items which should he included on one requisition. To assure the receipt of specific illustrated editions of children's hooks, always specifjr the illustrator. Specify hooks in cloth or buckram-covered hoards to avoid the receipt of paper-covered hooks. The State Procurement Officer will, upon request, include in the "invitation to hid" a suggestion that bidders indicate what additional discount thoy will allow on all or none basis. A2146 Project-Owned Books Section 5 Page 1 Section 5. Recording. Complying with the general policy of the project, that of loaning hooks to area-wide demonstrations for a limited time according to the regulations set by the State supervisor, and to supply the information required with book requisitions and by periodical inventorying, the cataloging and recording of the project-owned collection should be centralized in the State project headquarters. The following records should be maintained for these books; Accession book Shelf-list Card catalog Book cards It is recommend.ed that a three-card, record system known as a "finding file" be maintained for each copy of the books sent out from the State pro¬ ject headquarters. This system consists of (l) a master card record, in¬ dicating the distribution of books by District, kept by the State project headquarters; (2) a second card record duplicating the master card record, indicating the distribution of books by service demonstration area within the district, kept by the district project headquarters; and (3) a last card record, also duplicating the master card record, indicating the distribution of books by branches, station, etc., of the service demonstration area, kept by the service demonstration area headquarters library. Three different and easily distinguishable colors a e recommended for the cards of the "finding file." Every book shall be marked with a stamu in three designated places, one of which shall be a page within the contents, identifying the book as the property of the Eederal Government and of the State-wide library -oroject. A2146 Project-Owned. Books Section 5 Page 2 The following stamp legend is suggested: "Property of the Federal Government, State-wide Library Project, V/PA." Bookplates are not suit¬ able means of identification. To assist in prompt identification of project-owned books on the shelves for withdrawal, inventory, etc., it is suggested that a per¬ manent, distinctive marking, such as an enameled stripe, be placed on the back of each volume. There shall be at least one report of inventory each year. A2146 Project-Owned Books Sections 6, 7, and 8 Section 6. Transportation. As a general policy, the sponsor is responsible for the transportation of project-owned books from the State headquarters to the local units and their return. However, every assistance should be given the sponsor by the project supervisors in assisting him to procure transportation. In emergencies the distri¬ bution of relatively large shipments of books may be arranged through the Supply Section and charged to project funds. (See chapter 10, volume 2, of the Manual of Rules and Regulations.) Section 7. Replacements. Lost books or books damaged beyond repair shall be replaced with identical new copies by the borrowing agency. Substitutes may be made only when acceptable to the State supervisor. When lost or damaged books cannot be replaced by the borrowing agency, the loss shall be reported in accordance with the survey procedure set forth in volume 2 of the Manual of Rules and Regulations, pages 2.10.085-2.10.086. Section 8. Discards. Project-owned books worn out in use shall be reported to the proper State office on WPA Form 715.