v jy - •V . r-i "\ "tVrii - msi J % n < r 5 ■•■ Mgs ^LjS .•^ v?r f %, % - 1 / , v. v * r'v. •I ^v>"''™ U .S.^JJederal Works Agency ,^Works Progress Administration ^^ational Research Project Unemployment In Philadelphia, May 1937 I ' i 10*4 1930 36f665 69j884 100.0 55,788 79.8 3,648 5.2 10,448 15.0 1931 36,410 67,150 100.0 40,766 60.7 9,243 13.8 17,141 25.5 1932 35,471 66,854 100.0 24,782 37.1 13,887 20.8 28,185 42.1 1933 35,820 66,454 100.0 22,630 34.1 13,256 19.9 30,568 46.0 1934 40,931 78,121 100.0 38,420 49.2 11,437 14.6 28,264 36.2 1935 43,997 78,524 100.0 41,489 52.8 11,125 14.2 25,910 33.0 1936 44,817 79,822 100.0 48,669 61.0 7,086 8.9 24,067 30.1 1937 45,928 79,610 100.0 56,150 70.5 4,007 5.1 19,453 24.4 ^Figures for part-time employment not available. These data are based on a study of approximately nine per¬ cent of Philadelphia's employable population. The survey has cov¬ ered the same selected blocks of ten School Districts in Philadelphia each year, although facilities for enumeration have varied from year to year. The findings for this sample appear to be representative of the city as a whole when tested for reliability. In all years of the survey, employable persons were defined as those 16 years of age and over working or seeking work. Full-time employment was defined in terms of the practice of the industry prior to 1935; in later surveys work of less than 30 hours per week was considered part-time employ¬ ment, Persons engaged in work-relief employment were counted as un¬ employed for the purposes of this census in all years.